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N6REJany special settings recommended for a celeron 500 with 384mb ram?04:55
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[miles] morning09:21
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[miles] guys, anyone know what the Cyrus-SASL daemon package is called in Ubuntu Server 6.06LTS please?11:27
fabbioneapt-cache search cyrus11:30
[miles] thanks11:31
[miles] ivoks, cheers, installed now11:31
[miles] ;)11:31
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[miles] Sys::Hostname::Long04:14
[miles] anyone know wtf package has that please?04:14
[miles] ah got it04:19
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Travela_I just created an iptable entry via webmin the the nat masquareding "PREROUTING". Some how by adding a rule I've managed to mangle the eth connection and I can't connnect back to webmin ... Is there any easy way to remove the iptable entry I just inserted?10:09
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