
katabaticsomebody PLEASE help.........12:14
MrLinuxyes Yuma12:14
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intelikeyheh frojnd modprobe -l i2c12:15
intelikeytry that one.12:15
MrLinuxI have some background broceses runing now is a problem ?12:15
animimotusI have search in manual and program preferences12:15
intelikeyheh frojnd modprobe -l i2c-*   even12:15
YumaMrLinux: You should have the Add programs open.12:15
YumaMrLinux: The "Add/Remove Programs" program.12:15
YumaMrLinux: Close it, because it locks the apt-get (the "original" installer).12:16
frojndFATAL: Can't have multiple wildcard12:16
intelikeyfrojnd i normally just turn on bash_completion and do a modprobe i2c[tab_key] 12:16
MrLinuxNeed to get 206kB of archives.12:16
MrLinuxAfter unpacking 586kB of additional disk space will be used.12:16
MrLinuxDo you want to continue [Y/n] ?12:16
MrLinuxYes ?12:16
NeonLightningwhat is the command line to mount a drive so my user can get at it12:16
NeonLightningand write to it12:16
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YumaMrLinux: Yes!12:17
frojndintelikey: huh?12:17
intelikeyNeonLightning mount.12:17
YumaMrLinux: You want that, don't you?12:17
MrLinuxyes ofecorse :D12:17
NeonLightningwell mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 doesn't let my user write to it12:17
YumaMrLinux: Then *Go*!12:17
MrLinux* Restarting OpenBSD Secure Shell server...                             [ ok ] 12:17
MrLinuxSetting up ssh (4.2p1-7ubuntu3) ...12:17
MrLinuxnow what ?12:18
intelikeyNeonLightning then set the permissions12:18
=== Yuma is plenty of energy although his computer is weird.
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NeonLightningcan i do that from konquer12:18
frojndintelikey: i succed:12:18
YumaMrLinux: Then you have the ssh port open.12:18
katabaticSOMEBODY please help me figure out why it's not connecting to the router with DHCP automatically on boot, on wired network. I can tell it to connect manually, and it connects, but not automatically at boot! I installed some packages, and it stopped working, can't figure out what.12:18
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MrLinuxis open now ?12:18
YumaMrLinux: Well, it's not open, it's listening for a ssh connection.12:18
MrLinuxtnx man :P12:18
YumaMrLinux: No problem.12:18
Yumakatabatic: Is the router configured to be a Dhcp server?12:19
intelikeyNeonLightning you first of all didn't specify what the fs was.   meaning that we would have to assume linux ext3   that being the default   (however it's probably ntfs which you should have specified)12:19
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frojndintelikey: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1237/12:19
NeonLightningwell one drive is a ext3 and ones a fat3212:20
NeonLightningbut i'm only concerned with getting one right now12:20
Vluid /WHOIS12:20
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intelikeyfrojnd yep   so insert the one that you need.    and don't ask me what you need.  i've never seen your computer nor a hardware list for it.12:21
frojndinsert in what12:21
intelikeyNeonLightning if the one you mounted is ext3   then sudo chmod 777 /it's/mount/point12:21
fabrizioscusate ,c' qualche italiano??12:22
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!12:22
fabriziograzie, ho linux solo da 30 minuti circa e st cercando di scoprire i vari programmi...!!12:22
intelikeyNeonLightning if you want the vfat writable  try   sudo mount -o remount,umask=000 /it's/mount/point12:22
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intelikeyNeonLightning the reason they are different is M$ file systems have no permissions bit  so a vertual permissions bit is set for the entire fs.12:23
NeonLightningyea i knew that but didn't know what remount does12:24
intelikeyNeonLightning it "remounts" it.12:24
YumaWell, someone knows any case of having a Vim, Kate, Quanta, Konqueror, Firefox to see some file different of the `cat file`?12:24
intelikeyNeonLightning man mount12:24
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intelikeyfrojnd insert into the kernel    that's what modprobe does.   it insert a module into the running kernel12:25
NeonLightning/dev/hda1 on /mnt/hda1 type vfat (rw,umask=000) and its still not letting me write to it i tried setting the umask to 500 and still not luck12:25
intelikeyhmm   /dev/hda1 on /mnt/hda1 type vfat (rw,umask=000)        and echo test > /mnt/hda1/testfile ; cat /mnt/hda1/testfile12:27
=== Yuma is dumb... so dumb.
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frojndintelikey: I added one modue into runnig kernel, hod do I use now sensors12:27
NeonLightningthat worked12:27
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intelikeyNeonLightning then you have read write access12:28
intelikeyif your file browser cant write close it and try again12:28
NeonLightningso its just konquerer not listening12:28
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intelikeyNeonLightning yeah probably read the perms one time and has it's mind made up that it can't write there.   there is probably a way to refresh that but a close reopen should suffice12:29
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NeonLightningdidn't suffice and i noticed that i was going through media not mnt and when i try going through mnt it isn't even letting me do anything other then copy and create a cd out of the folder12:30
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intelikeyfrojnd did you install the kde front end also ?12:31
intelikeyfrojnd ksensors ?12:31
NeonLightningdamn nautilus is so much better but i can't find my normal ubuntu cd's12:31
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intelikeyNeonLightning is that a live CD you are running ?12:32
NeonLightningi kinda broke my /boot partition on my fc4 install and don't have anywhere to backup my user folder so i can reinstall12:32
NeonLightningbecause i just wanbna wipe out that drive but i got stuff i gotta backup off there worth about 40gig12:33
intelikeyNeonLightning ok.   well you could rebuild the boot partition and make it bootable again.... err scratch that.   you don't like the command line....12:34
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NeonLightningi'm find with command line just don't know how to rebuild it12:35
intelikey!away | zeekstarr12:35
ubotuzeekstarr: Please don't use public away messages or change your nick to 'someone|away'.  We know you're away when you don't respond to messages. Also see !guidelines12:35
NeonLightningeveryone just keeps telling methey don't have a clue how to fix it eather12:35
fabrizioc' qualche italiano??12:35
NeonLightningthe boot partition got formated when i let ym friend use my computer12:35
NeonLightningwell not formated deleted12:35
intelikeyNeonLightning install testdisk  and run it.12:36
NeonLightningi don't have that drive in the computer right now12:36
NeonLightningi needed room for my other cdrom so i could still write a cd off the live12:36
intelikeyif the damage is only to the partition table that should recover it.12:36
intelikeyi see12:37
NeonLightningno they were screwing around in qtparted and removed the partition12:37
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juanitoim spanhis12:37
intelikeyyes but if they havent over writen it it should be recoverable12:37
juanitoalguien habla espaol?12:37
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.12:37
NeonLightninghrm well i might do that later then(don't got time tonight)12:38
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intelikeyand even if it's not you can still copy a kernel and initrd into /boot on the main install partition and reinstall your boot loader and it should boot.12:39
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NeonLightningwell i think i have the parition backed up but i don't know how to set it as /boot again12:40
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intelikeyjust copy it's content to the mountpoint    easiest way12:40
tempyhi all, on kubuntu 6.10, what repostory is 'qemu' in? i have main restricted universe mulitverse enabled but install qemu failes12:41
NeonLightningwell if i can get my g/f to be find about me and my son chilling at my dad's a bit longer i may do this tonight12:41
ubotuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo12:41
intelikey!info qemu12:41
ubotuqemu: fast processor emulator. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.2-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 3630 kB, installed size 9860 kB (Only available for amd64 i386 powerpc alpha sparc arm s390)12:41
tempymultiverse* failed*12:41
intelikeyit's in universe             ^12:41
tempyk, weird12:42
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intelikeyshe will to be find about it some12:42
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lenscapehow do I get kubuntu to leave my search path alone in /etc/resolv.conf ?12:44
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tempyis it advisable to have main restricted universe multiverse set in the security.archives?12:44
intelikeylenscape find the script that's changing it and nuke that puppy12:44
sleepy495what's the konsole command to see if you have rendering on?12:44
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intelikeyor rewrite it that it.12:44
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BluesKajfor  ATI it's fglrxinfo12:45
intelikeysleepy495 glx something ???12:45
intelikeyi'be never played with it12:45
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intelikeyBluesKaj probably  fglrxinfo  that i was thinking about12:46
Yumalenscape: Do you configure the network with dhcp?12:47
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lenscapeYuma: yes12:47
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intelikeywell i've shut every one up i think i'll go now.12:48
Yumalenscape: There you have the problem.12:48
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lenscapeYuma: in SuSE it is easy to tell dhcpd to leave the search alone12:48
Yumalenscape: dhclient overwrite the information of /etc/resolv.conf with the dhcp server information.12:48
Yumalenscape: I think it's in /etc/conf.d/dhcp12:48
Yumalenscape: Wait, I'll search.12:48
lenscapeYuma: but I can't find the option in kubuntu12:48
intelikeylenscape you set the file imutable  :)12:49
lenscapeintelikey: then I don't get the other info12:49
Yumalenscape: /etc/dhcp3/dhclient12:49
lenscapewhat's annoying is that I've told my dhcp server to announce two search parameters but kubuntu is ignoring the second12:49
Yumalenscape: You should do a `info dhclient.conf` to know what to change.12:49
Yumalenscape: I can't remember right now.12:50
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Yumalenscape: Sorry, the file is: /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf12:50
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lenscapeno info on dhclient.conf. Got a man page, though12:51
=== intelikey likes man better than info anyway
der0bHey folks, is there a way to have Knetworkmanager take my wpa password from kwallet?12:51
lenscapeintelikey: quite. Info is a pain12:51
lenscapeinfo is almost impossible to navigate in a console. Konqueror makes it usable12:52
Yumalenscape, intelikey: Is there any way to make man use less instead of more?12:52
intelikey!wifi | der0b12:52
ubotuder0b: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:52
lenscapeYuma: use Konqueror12:52
der0bmuch thanks12:52
intelikeythat's the best i can do on that der0b not sure it will help12:52
Yumalenscape: Konqueror? man;/dhclient.conf?12:53
lenscapeYuma: #whatever12:53
der0bI'm thinking I can, doesn't hurt to read a bit :)12:53
lenscapeYuma: man:/whatever works too12:53
lenscapealso, use12:53
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lenscape## for info12:53
intelikeythat's it.12:54
YumaHey wait.12:54
intelikeyi knew there was a shorter short cut12:54
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Yumalenscape, intelikey: The "info problem" isn't of info, but of Konqueror.12:54
intelikey## and #  and isn't there something like ! also  or is it |12:54
YumaIf you open a terminal and do a `info dhclient.conf` you find the information.12:54
lenscapethat's just info reading man pages12:55
intelikeyYuma not the top node of the info tree ?12:55
intelikeyinfo is never blank12:55
lenscapeYuma: that's not a real info page12:55
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intelikeynot from the command line it isnt12:56
YumaHmmm, then how are the info pages?12:56
lenscapeanyway, thanks for the pointer. I'll have a play tomorrow.12:56
YumaBecause I thought info do read the man pages.12:56
intelikeyinfo nothing@all   and you get a page12:56
YumaOh, but info dhclient.conf do the trick.12:57
intelikeythere are info pages too12:57
YumaNot the node tree, but the man page for dhclient.conf.12:57
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YumaIf you can't read in Konqueror it's not an info fault, but a konqueror one.12:57
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YumaIn the small computers that doesn't have X and Kde I like to use info because it uses less instead of more to cat the information.12:58
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lenscapeYuma: you're missing the point. Info will always give you an answer even if it is rubbish. Konqueror is more specific12:58
YumaAnd you can go forward and backward in the information page.12:58
intelikeyto list the info pages installed  ls /usr/share/info12:58
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Yumaintelikey: Oh, I see the difference.12:59
kubunteroI have to find the capital citied of two countis in north america not including USA12:59
Yumainfo bzip2 is completely different from man bzip212:59
intelikeywhat konq does is searches /usr/share/info/   and if there isn't anything there then no info   and for man /usr/share/man/#/  and if no page then no man01:00
Yumalenscape: But using Konqueror to read the man pages is not always possible.01:00
lenscapeYuma: that's because a lot of Gnu software has a brief man page and detail info page01:00
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lenscapeYuma: sure. Use man when Konqueror isn't appropriate01:01
lenscapeanyway, I'm off. Bye.01:01
Vilhelm1plz help me, when I run Konqueror, the window is totally empty of icons -> I opened kdesktop in XFCE environment and made some setup but I don't know exactly when something went wrong01:01
Yumalenscape: Hehe, ok. We'll talk about this later.01:01
Yumalenscape: You're retreating... :)01:01
Vilhelm1when I open Konqueror in terminal, I get messages that read konqueror: WARNING: Pixmap not found for mimetype inode/directory01:02
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intelikeyVilhelm1 sounds like a theeme thang.01:02
Vilhelm1intelikey: maybe, so what should I do?01:03
intelikeyignore it ?01:03
intelikeyfix it ?01:03
intelikeychange the theme ?01:03
intelikeyreport it as a bug to the theme maker ?01:03
kubunteroI have to find the capital citied of two countis in north america not including USA. What kind of Homework is that?01:04
intelikeyjump up and down while screeming "i want it to work !"   then hold your breath until you turn blue ?01:04
intelikeykubuntero that's nice.   but don't ask us to do your home work for you please.01:05
intelikeytry google.com01:05
kubunteroI;m not I did it already01:05
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MidMarkhi, I've a problem on my notebook, it say: unable to find swap-space signature01:06
intelikeyanswer is geography for 20001:06
MidMarkand swap isn't enabled01:06
MidMarkwhat can I do?01:06
kubunteroI said Puerto rico :-)01:06
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Vilhelm1intelikey: I use XFCE and I have no full control of KDE01:07
Vilhelm1maybe something's missing?01:07
ubotukgeography: Geography learning tool for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 341 kB, installed size 776 kB01:07
kubunterointelikey: Thats the answer ;)01:08
Vilhelm1and do you think I'd better run kcontrol with sudo?01:08
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YumaI'm off to sleep.01:09
YumaSee you other day.01:09
intelikeyMidMark iirc there is an init script that will automatically mount swap partitions even when they are not in fstab   something like mountvirtfs    is this error message a big problem ?01:09
intelikeyVilhelm1 it probably expects kdesu01:09
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CSonicGoI sure hope the fiesty release gets wireless networking and video support right this time.01:10
intelikeyVilhelm1 i'm not a gui ex-spert (that would be a drip, right)   so maybe someone else can help you with that.01:11
NeonLightningintelikey: if i stick the harddrive back in could you guide me through this01:11
MidMarkintelikey: the problem I haven't swap so when my ram is finished?01:11
dopehey have any of you guys see this: http://www.ex-parrot.com/~pete/upside-down-ternet.html01:11
dopehow do i get that to work?01:11
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intelikeyNeonLightning in about 30 minutes i have to make rounds.01:11
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NeonLightningwill it take longer then that to fix that boot partition you think01:12
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NeonLightningmay take me around 10min to figure out how to get my drives in order again01:12
NeonLightningpoor ribbon and bay placement in this computer01:13
intelikeyMidMark so  sudo dd if=/dev/zero of /.swapfile bs=1048576 count=400 && sudo mkswap /.swapfile && swapon /.swapfile01:13
intelikeyback in a bit.01:13
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MidMarkintelikey: yes I have done mkswap and now it backs thanx, try to reboot and see if it still works01:16
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MidMarkI have seen that suspend can cause the uuid of swap to change :-/01:17
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MidMarkafter reboot swap is off again :(01:18
MidMarkany idea?01:18
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Vilhelm1intelikey: when i type kdesu kcontrol, I get message "Session management error: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed01:19
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MrLinuxis some one on-line ?01:28
MrLinuxI have a question01:29
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MrLinuxis some on here who can help me ?01:30
LynoureMrLinux: hard to tell, without you asking01:30
MrLinuxHow do I disable the Firewall ?01:30
LynoureThere is no firewall by default01:30
MrLinuxare you sure ?01:31
MidMarkok have to change also fstab and fix hibernation01:31
LynoureSo unless you installed one, there is none. Pretty sure.01:31
LynoureMrLinux: but if unsure, do  sudo iptables -L01:31
LynoureMrLinux: and put it in pastebin01:31
jordo23are there 64 bit java packages for kubuntu?01:32
MrLinuxubuntu@ubuntu:/sbin$ sudo iptables -L01:32
MrLinuxChain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)01:32
MrLinuxtarget     prot opt source               destination01:32
MrLinuxChain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)01:32
MrLinuxtarget     prot opt source               destination01:33
MrLinuxChain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)01:33
MrLinuxtarget     prot opt source               destination01:33
bomberis this the new pastebin?01:34
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MrLinuxthe firewall is ON ?01:36
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ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository01:38
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sun-java5 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:38
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sun-java - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:38
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ubotusun-java5-jre: Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.0-08-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 7279 kB, installed size 16132 kB01:38
MaxDamage``hello guys :p01:38
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Lynoure!pastebin | MrLinux01:39
ubotuMrLinux: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:39
sleepy495what's the command to remove a .deb package? is it dpkg -i?01:40
LynoureMrLinux: anyway, no firewall...01:40
Lynouresleepy495: there are many, apt-get remove   is one01:41
Lynouresleepy495: or dpkg --purge01:41
sleepy495thanks, one more question, what's apt-get clean do?01:41
Lynouresleepy495: latter removes configuration files too, so be careful with it.01:41
Lynouresleepy495: it removes the local cache of .deb files, that is, not installations, just the files that were installed from01:42
MaxDamage``hey guys, im having trouble with direct rendering01:42
MaxDamage``im using 6.10 edgy01:43
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MaxDamage``a friend gave me some things to add to xorg.conf but i keep messing it up01:43
MaxDamage``can anyone help?01:43
Lynouresleepy495: Not the command to do right after you have installed the new version of something risky :)01:43
Lynouresleepy495: other than that it is very safe thing to do to free up some disk space.01:44
LynoureMaxDamage``: depends on what you are adding, and how it messes up01:44
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MaxDamage``let's go private01:45
MaxDamage``lemme just register :/01:45
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LynoureMaxDamage``: I would not recommend it, unless you do not want anyone else to help01:45
MaxDamage``well it's a lot of things to add01:45
LynoureMaxDamage``: it's almost 03:00 here, I might fall asleep any moment :)01:45
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sleepy495do I just type apt-get clean and the package itself or just apt-get clean?01:46
MaxDamage``same time here ;)01:46
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Lynouresleepy495: just apt-get clean, usually, though hmm, see man apt-get to see if clean can take parametres?01:46
Lynouresleepy495: no, it even cannot take any parametres.01:47
LynoureMaxDamage``: the channel is quiet enough, ask here, use pastebin and you'll be well and dandy :)01:48
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MaxDamage``oh, yeah i forgot about pastebin :D01:49
MaxDamage``just a second01:49
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MaxDamage``okay there01:51
MaxDamage``that's what he said i should put in my xorg.conf01:51
MaxDamage``i put it... and it crapped01:52
MaxDamage``had to run a live cd to learn konsole cmd's01:52
bkymy USB mouse is being a pain, it works some of the time... it seems like every other boot it doesn't work, it's not even listed in /dev/input, and i can't figure out why01:56
LynoureMaxDamage``: did you keep a copy of the old one, at least?01:56
MaxDamage``i wouldnt be here if i hadn't01:56
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LynoureThe pastebin is taking a bit now, it seems01:56
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LynoureMaxDamage``: did you get a syntax error on the configuration or just something else?01:58
Minatakubky: Have you tried un/replugging it in while running?01:58
MinatakuIt could be marginal HW, like it's not properly recieving/processing the wakeup call01:58
bkyyes, when it works i can unplug it and plug it in as much as I want and it still works. when it doesn't work, unpluging it does nothing01:59
MaxDamage``i didnt get anything01:59
MaxDamage``just didnt wanna start01:59
bkyin fact, it doesn't even light up after i unplug it when it's not working01:59
Minatakubky: So if it doesn't work at boot, it won't work at all that whole uptime session?01:59
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LynoureMaxDamage``: you are missing various EndSection  things at least, I think02:00
bkyand the mouse is fine- it works fine when it works and was running perfectly on windows a month ago and fedora a day ago02:00
MinatakuEven after "reseating" it a couple times?02:00
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MaxDamage``well im kinda new at this stuff02:00
MaxDamage``i see some things down there02:00
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MaxDamage``but i dont know if i should change them02:00
bkyi can unplug it and plug it in (I tired different ports) and it will not work if it didn't work on boot02:00
MaxDamage``altho i can fix a broken config now02:00
hansowhen I run apt-get there is a message about packages not used anymore and that I can remove them using "apt-get autoremove". is that a smart thing to do or?02:00
LynoureMaxDamage``: you can prolly see them when comparing to the original   or you could also look at  man xorg.conf02:01
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bkyand normally it will power on reguardless (i have borken the mouse drivers a few times on fedora), but it will not even power02:01
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thevKDE is randomly restarting on me.  I don't get an error.  Just X restarting  Can anyone help me trace the problem?02:01
LynoureMaxDamage``: there might be other things wrong too, but I'm too sleepy to see them.02:01
thevit's highly disconcerting02:01
Minatakuthev: There's ALWAYS an error02:01
MrLinuxIf I don't istall the Kubuntu02:01
phobiacArk won't install .deb files. I get the error, "the utility ar is not in your PATH."02:01
phobiacAny ideas?02:01
thevI mean it doesn't post an error like when a program crashes02:01
Minatakubky: Check dmesg for info?02:01
Minatakuthev: It'll be in a log file02:02
MaxDamage``Lynoure: yeah, i guess so.. got msn/icq/skype so we can talk later when ur okay? :P02:02
MrLinuxnow I run it02:02
MrLinuxon I boot02:02
MrLinuxMy oter system is afected ?02:02
thevMinataku - how do I find the log file it would be in?02:02
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MrLinuxMy oter operating sistem will be afected ?02:02
MinatakuI think /var/log/Xorg.0.log02:02
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LynoureMaxDamage``: sorry, I do pro bono support only here, other things I charge for.02:02
MinatakuFailing that, /var/log/kdm.log (if KDM has such, I use xdm)02:02
MaxDamage``im not asking for support02:03
MaxDamage``nothing's broken02:03
MaxDamage``just a little help02:03
bkywill dmesg show things from the last boot? (the mouse is working right now)02:03
LynoureMaxDamage``: If you want small talk or chitchat, I'm pretty much always on #ubuntu-offtopic02:03
Minatakubky: Hm02:03
MinatakuOne moment please02:03
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MaxDamage``i see02:04
MaxDamage``well okay then02:04
intelikeybky no it wont02:04
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Minatakubky: Do you have a /var/log/messages ?02:04
MaxDamage``i think i'll ask my question later again02:04
Minatakuintelikey is right, it won't, I was just looking for the alternative02:04
MaxDamage``and now i think i'll get some sleep02:04
thevhmmm there is an error initializing GLX02:04
intelikeyMaxDamage`` ask it now  i might be able to answer it02:04
bkyyes I will look in there02:04
MaxDamage``well i did02:05
MaxDamage``i think..02:05
MaxDamage``oh wait02:05
MaxDamage``it fucked and didnt send it02:05
intelikeylanguage .02:05
MaxDamage``intel, i got a problem with direct rendering02:05
MaxDamage``sorry.. :p02:05
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:05
Minatakuthev: Now you're on the track to finding out what's wrong :D02:05
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bkyi don't see any usb/mouse related errors in messages. 1 sec i'll upload it to my server...02:06
intelikeywho had that boot partition problem ?02:06
bkyerrr actaully I can't. lol02:06
thevmaybe I'll just try reinstalling NVidia driver02:07
MinatakuHm... that's a perplexing problem, though one that seems somewhat familiar02:07
Minatakuthev: That could fix it02:07
thevok, we'll see.  Thanks for the help Minataku!02:07
Minatakubky: The mouse you said works on the same computer?02:07
Minatakuthev: No problem ^^02:07
intelikeyMaxDamage`` in the channel please.   but do 3d is kinda out of the console realm02:07
MaxDamage``okay okay..02:08
bkyyes, the mouse works for sure02:08
MaxDamage``i got a problem with 3d rendering and a friend told me i gotta add some things to xorg.conf02:08
intelikeybky what is your issue ?02:09
MaxDamage``there they are02:09
MaxDamage``but i keep messing it up02:09
bkymy usb mouse isn't detected sometimes, it doesn't even show up in dev, but normally a reboot fixes it.02:10
intelikeyMaxDamage`` no  "endsection"   line on that device02:10
bkyunpluging doesn't help02:10
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intelikeyMaxDamage`` can't start a new section without closing the first.02:10
intelikeyor actually i'm not sure you can't inbed them but i wouldn't02:11
MaxDamage``why not?02:11
LynoureMaxDamage``: Your friend could not help you further? Depending on what you want to do, "ati" driver might work as well as "radeon". Does 9200 do AGPMode 4? If I recall, at least 9000 did not yet.02:12
intelikeyeven if that was the intent.  you are still one    endsection   short of syntax02:12
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LynoureMaxDamage``: but, yeah, if you are missing EndSections, fixing anything else will not help you.02:12
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MaxDamage``Lynoure: he went offline .. :/02:13
jason10whats goin on02:13
MaxDamage``probably an internet connection problem02:13
MaxDamage``well what should i do02:13
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LynoureMaxDamage``: You could pastebin your whole xorg.conf02:13
MaxDamage``put these things in the end of the file02:13
jason10anybody here use kxdocker?02:14
intelikeyand also the  load *   lines need in a section too i think    section "modules"    iirc02:14
MaxDamage``here it is02:16
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intelikeybky i don't seem to find anything on that.   i would assume it's an init script problem because udev only makes device nodes for the things that it's told to make.02:16
intelikeybky possably something finishing a little too quickly or starting at the wrong time.02:17
bkyhmm, ok, well, I will look at the logs more. I can check if changing runlevels fixes it or not02:18
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LynoureMaxDamage``: you seem to have multiples of some sections...02:18
LynoureMaxDamage``: like "device"02:18
MaxDamage``yeah, that's what i noticed02:18
MaxDamage``is it bad?02:18
intelikeymaybe changing /etc/rcS.d/??makedev  to a different number   ?02:18
intelikeybky ^02:18
LynoureMaxDamage``: I'm not sure whether it just overrides or messes it all up :)02:19
MaxDamage``i thought so too...02:19
LynoureMaxDamage``: with same bus id, I'd bet on the latter02:19
MaxDamage``bet on the latter?02:19
LynoureMaxDamage``: that it messes up :)02:20
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MaxDamage``aha :p02:21
LynoureBut I'm too sleepy to dig into that02:21
intelikeygot a call gota run.02:21
MaxDamage``well under each device section it's a different device02:21
MaxDamage``so i dont see what's wrong02:21
Lynoureif it is, then ok.02:22
MaxDamage``well okay, i gotta run too..02:22
MaxDamage``getting really late02:22
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MaxDamage``and i gotta meet my gf at 1102:22
MaxDamage``bye :)02:23
LynoureBut they have a same bus id, which is a bit weird...02:23
Lynoureoh well.02:23
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MaxDamage``probably.. i'll check that too :)02:24
MaxDamage``bye :)02:24
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jairoalguien me puede ayudar?02:35
jaironecesito ayuda urgente por favor...02:35
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.02:35
=== BluesKaj [n=kaj@bas1-sudbury98-1128711702.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu
jairogracias amigo02:36
bonbonthejonhi all02:37
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jaironadie responde en el canal kubuntu-es02:37
Daisuke_Idohe has a point.02:38
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jairoalguien me puede ayudar?02:38
bonbonthejonjairo: if you can speak english we can help you02:38
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BluesKajguess not02:40
jairobonbonthejon: i dont enter with the root02:40
bonbonthejonjairo: are you trying to use the root password?02:41
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jairoduring the instalation the program dont give me the option02:42
bonbonthejonjairo: you do not need one for many things02:42
bonbonthejonjairo: kubuntu uses sudo, which uses your user's password02:43
jairohow can mount the windows partition?02:43
bonbonthejonjairo: you can set it with 'sudo passwd root' if you till need it02:43
jairoi try it, but dont work02:43
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bonbonthejonjairo: sudo will ask for your password, then passwd will ask for a root password02:44
jairoy enter the password and confirm ot, but when the program ask me the password for the root, and i enter this password, dont work02:45
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bonbonthejonjairo: you are setting the root password02:45
bonbonthejonjairo: then you can do 'su' to become root, if you need that02:45
jairoyes, i setting the root password02:45
jairohow i make thos?02:45
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Jucato!sudo | jairo02:45
ubotujairo: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.02:45
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jairoy read that02:46
bonbonthejonjairo: read that, if you still have problems, ask again02:46
jairoone question please02:47
jairohow i can mount hte windows partition?02:47
ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents02:47
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions. For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse02:47
CSonicGohahahaha what02:47
bonbonthejonjairo: ^^^^02:47
bonbonthejonCSonicGo: never seen that?02:48
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jairowhat is the command?02:48
bonbonthejon!ntfs | jairo02:49
ubotujairo: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions. For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse02:49
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CSonicGono heh that's rich02:49
Lam_what the heck is happening to my system? my secondary drive was corrupted, and when i managed to reactive the drive with fsck -f -c to reallocate the bad sectors to retreive the data, the data was trasnferring to my main drive when that drive started saying it has bad sectors when i scanned it no less than a week ago and it was perfectly fine02:50
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beg1689is kubuntu the same as ubuntu just with a different default desktop?02:55
BluesKajkde desktop in kubuntu02:56
beg1689but nothing else is different?02:56
beg1689like the kenel?02:56
BluesKajnot that i'm aware of02:56
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beg1689i took the linux distro test and it said i should use kubuntu02:57
beg1689currently im using fedora core 602:57
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BluesKajlinux distro test?02:57
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beg1689should have said "a" not "the"02:58
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beg1689asks you some questions and recommends a distro,  seems cool, fedora core is the only one ive tried so far02:58
beg1689but it didnt show up in my results (because i said i liked KDE and fedora is gnome-based)02:59
beg1689and about 64 bit support... should i just install the x86 version?03:00
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beg1689i always seemed to have strange problems running 64 bit, and as far as i know i dont really need to03:00
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bonbonthejonyay the test said I should use kubuntu03:01
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nidkeaCan someone explain to me what's wrong with my ktorrent? My mates running it and getting AWESOME down speed. I'm running it and getting crap. And my ports are even forwarded.03:02
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beg1689ok i guess my last quesation before i toss fc6 out the door and put ubuntu in is, it is debian based, does that mean it supprots .deb packages and such?03:02
BluesKajdpkg -i is the cmd :)03:03
manchickenI learned something new that I hadn't known before.03:04
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Daisuke_Idobeg1689: install kubuntu and never look back03:04
manchicken`dpkg-query -S /usr/bin/perl` will tell you what deb package /usr/bin/perl belongs to.03:04
bonbonthejonBluesKaj: you should use apt-get first03:04
BluesKajapt-get on a deb pkg ?03:05
muesli_what packages do i need to make kaffeine able to play dvds?03:05
manchickenbeg1689: What's holding you back?03:05
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bonbonthejonBluesKaj: no, you should see if the package is in the repositories, before you install a deb03:05
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages03:05
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manchickenlupine_85: Damn, you beat me.03:05
mueslilupine_85: thnx03:05
Daisuke_IdoBluesKaj: apt-get to install one of the several thousand already in the repository.03:06
BluesKaj Daisuke_Ido, bonbonthejon, he asked me about deb pkg support03:06
bonbonthejonBluesKaj: yeah03:07
beg1689ok now im just waiting for the .iso to download03:07
Daisuke_Idoi see now03:07
BluesKajnot the repos debs03:07
Trigger242Can someone explain to me what's wrong with my ktorrent? My mates running it and getting AWESOME down speed. I'm running it and getting crap. And my ports are even forwarded.03:07
Daisuke_Idoi'm answering an answer then :\03:07
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bonbonthejonTrigger242: torrents depend on your connection speed and the seeders03:08
beg1689does the CD version include the liveCD?03:08
beg1689or is that just on dvd03:08
bonbonthejonbeg1689: if you download the standard cd, it is a livecd03:08
beg1689can you still install from it?03:09
bonbonthejonbeg1689: yup03:09
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bonbonthejonbeg1689: I sometimes have trouble with the livecd, I prefer the alternative install cd, it is text based installer03:09
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Daisuke_Idoquite a nice installer actually, compared to what it did have (debian's installer, more or less)03:09
bonbonthejonDaisuke_Ido: are you the same way, prefer the alt. install?03:10
Daisuke_Idoand in those two statements it was just shown that the whole thing is a matter of preference :)03:10
Daisuke_Idoi actually like the graphical installer, never had any problem with it03:10
bonbonthejonDaisuke_Ido: well, sometimes there are technical reasons the live cd wont work03:10
beg1689what bootloader does kubuntu use, ive only used grub03:10
Daisuke_Idoand for an end-user targeted distro, an easy graphical installer is a plus03:10
Daisuke_Idoit uses grub03:10
BluesKajgrub it is03:10
bonbonthejonbeg1689: grub usually03:11
Daisuke_Idobonbonthejon: this is true03:11
beg1689im just hoping i still know what im doing when i switch, having only ever used fedora core 4,5,603:11
bonbonthejonbeg1689: have you used kde before?03:11
bonbonthejonbeg1689: cool, I used fedora up to core 3, when I found ubuntu03:12
BluesKajTrigger242, have you done all the configuring , including router detection ?03:12
beg1689this my sound like a stupid question, but the i386 version still supports dual-core, right?03:13
beg1689my fedora kernel says i68603:13
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BluesKajTrigger242, some torrent sources are slow , no matter what one does03:13
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BluesKajbeg1689, i ran the 64bit dapper version , but i switched to the x86 due to hardware recognition probs03:17
BluesKajbut, maybe your experience will be more positive03:18
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Daisuke_Idoi do believe the i385 edition supports dual processors03:19
Daisuke_Idoat least, they both show up here.03:19
manchickenI have full DVD functionality.03:19
MinatakuMost generic kernels are SMP enabled03:19
beg1689well ill be using wine, too and it doesnt like 64 bit03:20
wallace__i have a question concerning the render call.  i'm learning to use backgroundrb.03:20
MinatakuSince an SMP kernel will run on a UP system just fine03:20
aibhow can I tell what package provides a particular file/03:20
manchickenEven Dreamworks movies and Kill Bill work.03:20
wallace__oops, wrong channel.03:20
BluesKaji'm running x86 on an AMD64 pc03:20
beg1689you might not want to download them through that, but thats how i find which package i need sometimes03:20
beg1689oh wait, thats rpms03:21
Daisuke_Idohey ed03:21
aibfrom the command line.03:21
Daisuke_IdoBluesKaj: same here, an x203:21
beg1689dont listen to the newbie ;)03:21
aibyeah, "search" is a pretty obvious answer that doesn't really tell me anything03:21
MinatakuHi, Daisuke_Ido03:22
juanosomeone knows how to fix IP-restrict-NAT for webcam in amsn? i'm having this issue since im behind a router, thanks03:24
BluesKajaib i jus type the name in konq addressbar and you'll get "hits"03:24
aibsomeone who knows how to use the command line, please!03:25
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BluesKajwhereis "filename" in the CLI03:25
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mike__hi all i am looking for some help with wmv streams in web pages in fire fox03:26
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madmikeyup I'm goin nutz03:27
BluesKajmike , make sure you have mplayer plugin installed03:27
mike__well i thought i did03:28
mike__it list installed but i keep getting errors on mov streams and wmv streams03:28
BluesKajmplayer plugin in FF plays the windows media streams03:28
mike__let me check03:28
mike__:) thanks for the help03:28
BluesKajcheck FF by typing about:plugins in the addresbar03:29
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BluesKajagente2012, do you know  agent007 ? :)03:31
mike__it shows that totem is handeling them03:31
BluesKajare you using gnome ?03:32
mike__the wmv stream03:32
mike__nope kde03:33
BluesKajwhat (k)ubuntu desktop are you using kde or gnome ?03:33
BluesKajdapper or edgy03:33
BluesKajFF2 then right ?03:34
agente2012BluesKaj:  I agente007 in secret xD03:34
BluesKajmy suggestion is , dump totem and install (K)mplayer , mike03:35
mike__did not see ff2 in the repositories i am using03:35
BluesKajfirefox 2.0 is the default in edgy03:36
bonbonthejonwhat ftp client do people use?03:36
mike__removed totem and it is working but very choppy03:36
mike__oh yes ff2 sorry03:36
agente2012is easy ;)03:37
BluesKajthere's amplayer plugin for FF203:37
agente2012sudo apt-get install mplayer03:37
mike__that is what i am using and is choppy03:38
dopeoh wait wrong channel03:39
dopei can't launch some applications with katapult like gvim/vim for example03:39
dopeor checkgmail03:39
mike__ok totem is gone03:40
mike__and mplayer is skinda working03:40
mike__very choppy on wmv03:40
BluesKajmike , try this , it worked for me : http://mplayerplug-in.sourceforge.net/03:40
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bonbonthejonin konqueror's remote:/, is it possible to delete a connection03:52
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mike__ok thanks for the help i will work on it more later03:55
BluesKajreboot FF and it should be there03:56
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beg1689ok i had problems03:58
pwn4tt4ckwhat is the open source version of limewire?03:58
beg1689using the i386 kubuntu cd03:58
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beg1689it started up and gave me a menu, i chose the install or start kubuntu option03:59
ironfroggyany idea why amarok suddenly has an empty collection?03:59
ironfroggybut all my files are still there03:59
beg1689after a bit, it comes up with an error, something about soft bug on CP#003:59
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pwn4tt4ckopen source version of limewire is called what, anyone know?04:00
manchickenpwn4tt4ck: Why use LimeWire?  There's ktorrent.04:00
BluesKajpwn4tt4ck, frostwire04:00
pwn4tt4ckthank you, and I guess I could use the torrent04:00
manchickenpwn4tt4ck: And those programs are "Free Software," not "open source."04:00
BluesKajif you 'need' it04:00
BluesKajamule is better imo04:01
=== manchicken loves cover art too much to share use shared music for everything.
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ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire04:02
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BluesKajtake that back, manchicken :)04:02
corrupted_i have a really noobish question about how to install a .bin file _-_04:02
beg1689ok a quick google tells me its because my wireless was turned off on my laptop, time to try again04:02
corrupted_anyone help me?04:03
manchickenBluesKaj: Anything under the GPL is Free Software as defined by their license agreement.04:03
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manchickenAnd FrostWire requires non-free Java.  I would agree with the amule preference though.04:03
manchickenBut only with tor.04:03
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corruptedcan anyone here me >.<04:04
manchickenWith what?04:04
manchickenA .bin file doesn't mean anything.04:04
manchickenWhat .bin file is it?04:04
manchickenIs it a text file or a binary file?04:04
corruptedi have no clue04:04
manchickenWhat's digichat?04:04
corruptedim new to this stuff04:04
corruptedit is called install_Digichat.bin04:05
manchickencorrupted: do you get carbage when you type `head -n FOO.bin`?04:05
manchickenWhat is the purpose of digichat?04:05
corruptedits a host file04:05
corrupteda chat04:05
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:05
manchickenWhat do you plan on doing with it?04:05
manchickenhosting what?04:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about binary - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:06
Croupierhey guys04:06
corruptedoh crap this is not ubuntu irc this is kubuntu >.<04:06
corruptedwrong irc04:06
forgeisn't digichat a java applett?04:06
Croupieri am trying to run wine to install something but its saying something about the $display not configured correctly04:06
manchickencorrupted: Why not use IRC to host a chat instead of this non-free program?04:06
BluesKajjust goto #ubuntu04:06
Croupieri cannot find anything on the wine page04:06
ubotufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing04:07
corruptedfor one i payed for this (non free program) and two i think its better personally04:07
Croupierand something about the x xserver running04:07
manchickencorrupted: Less freedom is never better.04:07
corruptedmanchicken your confusing04:08
junocdxanyone help me get my webcam working04:08
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manchickencorrupted: Demanding freedom isn't confusing... giving up your freedom for the sake of shallow functionality on the other hand... that's confusing.04:08
lupine_85but having the freedom to choose less freedom is also important :p04:09
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=== lupine_85 pats kqemu
manchickenThere's no such thing as choosing less freedom.04:09
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lupine_85course there is04:10
junocdxWhat about your freedom slowely being taken away from you?04:10
BluesKajShallow functionalty ...fancy for almost useless , or lessthan useful ?04:10
lupine_85I can choose a Free nv driver, or I can choose a non-free nvidia driver04:10
lupine_85spot the choice04:10
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lupine_85(of course, I choose nouveau when it's ready for public use)04:10
manchickenlupine_85: Nope.  Because the reason why there aren't any good Free 3d drivers for nvidia is because nvidia has removed all choices which also provide freedom.04:10
lupine_85not the case04:11
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manchickenlupine_85: Sure it is.04:11
manchickenlupine_85: You didn't choose less freedom.04:11
manchickenlupine_85: You were forced into it.04:11
lupine_85free drivers are being developed right now04:11
lupine_85no, I wasn't04:11
lupine_85I can use nv if I want to04:11
manchickenlupine_85: Yup.  You know why they're collecting so much money for that driver project?04:11
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lupine_85mm, to buy 8800s04:11
manchickenTo build a legal warchest.04:11
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lupine_85I think you'll find what they're doing is perfectly legal04:12
manchickennVidia will sue with everything they have upon the first release of anything resembling a 3d driver that they didn't get paid royalties for.04:12
lupine_85it wouldn't get to the courtroom even if /I/ was representing them04:12
lupine_85clean-room implementation isn't something that can be sued for04:12
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manchickenUnless they have an incredibly ambiguous software patent.04:13
BluesKajMS predatory tactics ...works for billl gates :(04:13
MinatakuBill Gates has no power in Microsoft anymore04:13
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BluesKajwhaynot nvidia04:13
MinatakuKnow your enemy04:13
lupine_85seriously. what law does clean-room software implemention break?04:13
junocdxCan anyone help me get my webcam working?04:13
MinatakuIt's not Bill Gates.04:13
MinatakuIt's Steve Ballmer.04:13
manchickenlupine_85: Patents.04:13
lupine_85software patents don't exist here :p04:14
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BluesKajwho cares , he still symbolizes the marketing techniques04:14
manchickenlupine_85: They're not worried about building a legal warchest where patents aren't a problem.04:14
manchickenThey're worried about it where they DO have patent laws.04:14
Kr4t05Minataku: I never thought that Bill Gates was responsible for many of the things that Microsoft did in later years. Over-zealous subordinates.04:14
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lupine_85and besides which, clean-room implementation probably bypasses that as well04:14
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MinatakuBill Gates says DRM is stupid and shouldn't be used by corporations/should be bypassed by users04:15
manchickenIf they have a patent where "allowing 3d acceleration on an nvidia graphics card" is the synopsis of the patent, then ANY implementation doing so would be a violation of that patent.04:15
katabaticanybody knowledgeable who can help me with my connection problem?04:15
MinatakuGates isn't behind any of Microsoft's evil04:15
manchickenMinataku: No he didn't.04:15
lupine_85do they?04:15
MinatakuIt's all Steve Ballmer04:15
manchickenMinataku: You have no idea what you're talking about.04:15
lupine_85is that even patentable?04:15
MinatakuA similar evil is Steve Jobs04:16
manchickenlupine_85: In the US, unfortunately, yes.04:16
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!04:16
lupine_85USA got owned by the corporations04:16
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Minatakumanchicken: Perhaps YOU need to do some research as well before you tell someone they're completely wrong04:16
junocdxCan anyone help me get my webcam working?04:16
manchickenlupine_85: It's just the flawwed notion that you should get to control anybody who shares the same idea as you.04:16
Kr4t05lupine_85: Which is why this man is moving to Tokyo at the first sign of trouble on the horizon...04:17
lupine_85and here was me thinking patents were for specific things and inventions, rather than general methods04:17
manchickenMinataku: I have.  I also saw Gates on CNet telling them that Zune's chief features include those that allow media companies to control their "intellectual property."04:17
Kr4t05lupine_85: Not to the damn greedy scum known to most of the world as Americans...04:17
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manchickenlupine_85: They're supposed to be.  That's why FSF is fighting them so hard.04:17
lupine_85well, we're ok then04:18
Daisuke_IdoKr4t05: this isn't the place for attacking people based on where they live.04:18
junocdxYou can't stereotype all Americans from what you hear about the corporate jackasses in the country.04:18
manchickenI'm running a DVD player right now that is illegal in the US, even though the only DVDs I watch are ones I bought retail.  I had to install it from a repo abroad.04:18
MinatakuThank you, junocdx and Daisuke_Ido04:18
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lupine_85meh. isn't everything that bush doesn't specifically allow illegal these days?04:19
lupine_85I've not been keeping track04:19
MinatakuI for one am an American who also fights strongly against corporate nazism04:19
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manchickenlupine_85: Naw.  It's not that bad ^_^04:19
manchickenMinataku: Then quit spreading misinformation on one of the enemies of freedom.04:19
junocdxThere seems to be nothing us americans can do about our country for another two years. =\04:19
MinatakuBah, Gates has no power anymore anyway04:20
Kr4t05Daisuke_Ido: I live in the US, I have the right to attack my own country. :)04:20
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MinatakuHe's a marketer now, that's it04:20
manchickenEither way, DVDs working is good.04:20
Kr4t05Gotta love the first amendment. :)04:20
manchickenHmm... I wonder if ripping DVDs would work...04:20
Kr4t05When I say "attack" I don't mean it that way...04:20
MinatakuThe man doesn't even want to make money anymore, for fqck's sake he gives it away like it was garbage04:20
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lupine_85psssssssst! wanna buy a nuke?04:20
lupine_85oops, I just broke the patriot act04:20
lupine_85like I care :p04:21
=== Kr4t05 goes to answer the door and is tackled by 35 armed troops.
Daisuke_IdoKr4t05: oh, you have the right, but this isn't the place04:21
Kr4t05Daisuke_Ido: Point taken. :)04:21
junocdxI have to agree... this is the place to help people like me fix their webcam.  =D04:21
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Daisuke_Idoi attack the current administration on a regular basis :D04:21
manchickenjunocdx: I've never been able to get a webcam to work.04:22
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MinatakuWell, my apologies if I've upset or offended anyone and also for going off topic04:22
manchickenAnybody know of a tor client for KDE?04:23
Kr4t05manchicken: Ktorrent?04:23
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manchickenNaw, tor is different from torrent.04:23
Kr4t05manchicken: Oh, wait...04:23
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Kr4t05manchicken: I thought you were abbreviating...04:24
manchickenah ^_^04:24
Kr4t05manchicken: TorPark? It's Firefox with Tor installed...04:24
Kr4t05Or somethign...04:24
Kr4t05It might have a Linux version.04:24
manchickenYou mean a version that'll work in a GNU OS?04:25
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Kr4t05manchicken: Yeah...04:26
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Daisuke_Ido"It's GNU/Linux!" - R. Stallman04:26
Daisuke_Idocarry on04:26
lupine_85I thought he prefered GNU+Linux now?04:26
Kr4t05I've been using Kubuntu and FOSS for over a year, not and I still refer to it as "Linux."04:26
BluesKajhmmm, xmms player in streamtuner is non responsive , won't close ..what's the fill cmd ?04:26
lupine_85I like "GNU/GNU+Linux (but a lot of it isn't)"04:26
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Kr4t05BluesKaj: killall -9 xmms?04:27
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lupine_85e.g. we don't call it GNU+Xorg+BSD+Linux because that'd be silly04:27
Kr4t05lupine_85: We can't help that... The world is dominated by money...04:27
BluesKajKr4t05, yup that worked , thx04:27
Kr4t05You can hold good intentions in one hand, and a $20 in the other, you see what people go for first.04:28
=== Minataku sits idlly, watching his IBM PS/2 note N51 slc ask him to insert a diskette
manchickenNo, it's GNU using a Linux kernel.04:28
manchickenGNU also works with a Darwin kernel.04:28
lupine_85manchicken: it's also Xorg using a Linux kernel. and many other things using a linux kernel04:28
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manchickenxorg will work with more than just a linux kernel.04:28
lupine_85so what % of GNU programs must be installed for it to be a GNU/ system?04:28
CroupierMake sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly.04:29
manchickenlupine_85: ls, ar, tar, cp, mv, rm, top, ps....04:29
Kr4t05Whatever it is, it works without question and is completely free, which is more than can be said for Windows.04:29
Croupierthats what i get when i try to intall steam with wine04:29
Croupierany ideas guys04:29
lupine_85manchicken: I know what the GNU commands are :)04:29
manchickenKr4t05: Cost isn't a problem.  It's freedom.04:29
lupine_85the question still stands04:29
Croupierbeen trying winehq but it doesnt really say much04:29
manchickenlupine_85: The C library that linux builds with is GNU, too.04:29
lupine_85how does one /define/ a GNU system?04:29
MinatakuStallman just wants his outfit to get it's bit of well-deserved credit, I can't say I blame him04:30
lupine_85so if it uses glibc it's a gnu system?04:30
Kr4t05manchicken: Call me narrow-minded, but I don't see it as a major problem, right now.04:30
manchickenlupine_85: A GNU operating system is a GNU operating system.04:30
lupine_85...you're sidestepping :p04:30
lupine_85you don't have a definition04:30
manchickenKr4t05: I suppose nobody can FORCE you to value your freedom ^_^04:30
Kr4t05Too many people seem to have a vendeta against big business. Freedom is there, you have the freedom, but, much as what has been proven time and again, when humans are given freedom, they merely ask for more.04:31
manchickenlupine_85: If most of the system can keep running and running well with everything but GNU and and the compatible kernel of your choice on it, then it's a GNU operating system.04:31
lupine_85remove X04:32
lupine_85is it running - and running well - by your definition?04:32
manchickenKr4t05: I have no problem with corporations.  I only have a problem with the notion that it's okay to restrict freedom for the sake of profit.04:32
manchickenlupine_85: Yes.04:32
MinatakuToo many big businesses have a vendetta against their customers04:32
manchickenlupine_85: I use GNU without X on a rather regular basis.04:32
Kr4t05Minataku: That's reality.04:32
lupine_85cool. but by my definition, it isn't, because I do a fair bit of graphics manipulation04:32
MinatakuWhom most of them are assumed to be liars and theives out to do nothing more than steal everything they "deserve" to be paid for04:33
lupine_85so it's not a very good definition, because it's subjective04:33
manchickenlupine_85: Graphics manipulation is the function of a graphics program, not an operating system.04:33
lupine_85the function of an operating system is to enable programs04:33
manchickenAnd X is a program.04:33
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lupine_85so is ar04:33
Kr4t05Too many people are living in the fantasy that businesses exist to please customers. Maybe in the 1920's, but now? Those businesses exist simply for the purpose of lining the pockets of their benefactors.04:33
manchickenIt's a server program, that client programs connect to.04:33
lupine_85everything userspace is a program04:34
Kr4t05It's human nature. There's only one thing that can change that.04:34
manchickenlupine_85: ar is an archive program that builds static libraries, and is necessary for building programs from source into usable libraries and binary executables.04:34
lupine_85you still don't have an objective definition04:34
lupine_85I know what it is04:34
manchickenlupine_85: Evidently not.04:34
lupine_85dpkg also uses it04:34
MinatakuKr4t05: Exactly, so can you blame the customers (or as the corporations see them, dirty theives) for having a vendetta against the corporations?04:34
manchickenlupine_85: X is not necessary for the operation of the computer.04:35
lupine_85neither is ar04:35
lupine_85not strictly :p04:35
manchickenlupine_85: Build tools are necessary for an operating system.04:35
manchickenlupine_85: No build tools, no operating system.04:35
MinatakuI sent a letter to one of my representatives via the EFF04:35
manchickenlupine_85: X is optional.  A build system is not.04:35
MinatakuI got back a letter basically telling me that I was against these things because I was nothing more than a lousy theif who wanted to steal everything04:36
Kr4t05Minataku: No. I spread the blame evenly. The customers are guilty of expecting more than reasonable in the eyes of companies that they no full well couldn't care less, and at the same time, I blame those very companies for not caring more about the customers themselves.04:36
MinatakuThelma Drake told me, in so many words, to "fuck off"04:36
manchickenMinataku: Scan it and post it.  I'll send that off to FSF and they'll lamb-baste the sender.04:36
manchickenMinataku: If you can do that, it would be quite valuable.04:36
Minatakumanchicken: I may have destroyed it in rage04:36
MinatakuIf I can find it I will04:37
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MinatakuOtherwise I'll just send the bitch another one, she got reelected somehow anyway04:37
manchickenMinataku: If it ever existed, that'd be a great letter to get posted.04:37
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Minatakumanchicken: Note it didn't say any of that, but the gist of the letter just from the tiny bit of it I read was what I got04:38
manchickenGotta figure out how to get tor working...04:38
Linux_Galoremanchicken: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1082504:39
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MinatakuMaybe Jim Webb won't be corrupted by entertainment dollar$ and will actually fight for his constituents04:40
Kr4t05The thing I don't like about the free software movement, is the concept of a 'pure system', that is, an entire OS built without a single line of propreitary code. It doesn't exist, or at least not in the sense of being of any use to the 'typical user'. The companies aren't open about there products, simply because Microsoft, Sony, HP and Apple all say "Don't!"04:40
MinatakuInstead of elegantly insulting them in very disguised words04:40
tony__hello., I need to install mysql 5, do i need to install the server version or Clien version ????04:41
MinatakuLike Thelma Drake04:41
Kr4t05And, politicians are arrogant. Plain and simple. Unless you have something of value to offer them, they couldn't give a baboon's backside.04:41
manchickentony__: That depends.  Do you need to run the database server, or do you need a client that you can use to connect to an existing server?04:41
MinatakuBut, sorry again for going off topic and for anything else anyone may not have liked04:41
manchickentony__: If you want to run your own database server, you need both.04:41
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manchickenYeah, it might be time to respect the topic now...  heh04:42
tony__I need to install few php mysql scripts .that need mysql database04:42
tony__so i assume it would be the server one for this reason04:42
manchickentony__: So you need to create a mysql database server then, right?04:42
manchickentony__: Then you'll need both clients and server.04:42
tony__why i need the client04:43
manchickentony__: Client lets you interact with the server.04:43
manchickentony__: So you can manage your data.04:43
tony__i only need the server to run the script04:43
manchickenThough I suppose you could use the command-line.04:43
spitwisephpmyadmin is great04:43
tony__is the client is GUI ?04:43
spitwisetony__: ^04:43
manchickentony__: Some are.04:43
manchickenWeb app clients are security risks.04:44
ubotuphpmyadmin: set of PHP-scripts to administrate MySQL over the WWW. In component universe, is extra. Version 4:2.8.2-0.2 (edgy), package size 3522 kB, installed size 13752 kB04:44
spitwiseyou can use your browser04:44
tony__yes, i worked with phpmyadmin before04:44
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manchickentony__: Don't forget to install the php-mysql feller.04:44
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Linux_Galoremore on using tor with ubuntu + settings up the firefox plugins -> http://techflock.blogspot.com/2006/11/surf-web-anonymously.html04:44
tony__is php5 in repo already ?04:44
spitwisethink so04:45
manchickenWho uses firefox?04:45
spitwisei do04:45
tony__i do04:45
tony__on both window and linux04:46
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junocdxOpera > Firefox04:46
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tony__had no major issur with FF on window . :) .. nor linux04:47
tony__specially the sites that i visit ..04:47
manchickenjunocdx: Opera is a terrible browser.04:48
e1hello, i tried to use thunderbird awhile ago, and now some emails i had before in my regular email account is only viewable in thunderbird, how do i fix this so i can see my mail in my regular account04:48
hawk_hello everyone, well i was thinking is there any other kind of desktops that you can install like for instance like fluxbox and others04:48
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junocdxmanchicken: and why is that?  I've been using it for 6 years and absolutely love it.04:48
manchicken3 reasons04:49
tony__can thunderbird be configured to check Hotmail accounts ????04:49
manchicken1) It's spyware, 2) it's non-free, 3) it's not standards compliant.04:49
junocdxmanchicken:  have you ever used it?04:50
tony__i think almost all programs out there are kinda spyware :) ..04:51
manchickenjunocdx: Yup.  I stopped once I discovered that it was transmitting back to its "owner" every site I visited.04:51
hawk_so can i install fluxbox on this os.. and if so how do i do that04:51
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katabaticSOMEBODY HELP PLEASE! my problem is that, at boot, it won't automatically get an IP address from the router via DHCP. I have to disable/enable the card in network settings, or type some command to enable it, then it connects. I perhaps did something that caused this, but I can't figure it out!! it worked perfectly before.04:51
manchickentony__: Only on non-free operating systems is spyware that common.04:51
junocdxmanchicken: if you didnt look at child porn that wouldnt be a problem ;)04:51
manchickenkatabatic: What type of card?04:52
tony__thats true manchicken04:52
e1 hello, i tried to use thunderbird awhile ago, and now some emails i had before in my regular email account is only viewable in thunderbird, how do i fix this so i can see my mail in my regular account04:52
manchickenjunocdx: Excuse me?04:52
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lupine_85CP? dcc2mekplzthx04:52
junocdxmanchicken: was a joke.04:52
tony__on window .. almost all programs that i have , connect to internet to transfer some info . no matter what program i use04:52
manchickenjunocdx: Do you have a problem son?  Please be respectful.04:52
lascargood evening all04:52
lupine_85omg that's not CP04:53
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katabaticmanchicken, wired04:53
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manchickenjunocdx: Spyware is never okay.  That joke was highly inappropriate.04:53
tony__e1 i think what happens is that thunderbird downloads the email and removes them from server04:53
manchickenkatabatic: What card specifically?04:53
lascardoes anyone know of a good note-taking app?  And please don't say knotes...04:53
tony__e1  I belive you have the option to leave a copy on server04:53
e1tony__ o crap04:54
katabaticit shouldn't matter. worked fine before, but I installed/uninstalled packages and maybe changed some settings, then it stopped working04:54
e1tony__ what if my thunderbird was than uninstalled04:54
tony__almost all email clients do that e104:54
katabaticand I don't know what04:54
lupine_85e1: do you have an IMAP mailbox anywhere?04:54
lupine_85you can copy your emails to that and they'll stay there04:54
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junocdxmanchicken: sorry? =\04:54
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lupine_85(it's what I do :) )04:54
e1lupine_85 what's an IMAP mailbox, i prolly don't have04:55
manchickenjunocdx: It's cool. ^_^04:55
tony__e1 I am not sure , but all email program put the email in a database , sometimes databases are not removed when you uninstall04:55
lupine_85maildir is hardly a database ;)04:55
e1tony__ what if i then totally uninstalled kubuntu and reinstalled kubuntu =)04:55
tony__but again , i am not sure if thunderbird dose that04:55
lupine_85(mbox could be a type of flat file, I guess, but not maildir)04:55
tony__e1 good luck with getting your data in that case04:55
LameBMXkay .. i tried to update to a newer version of gaim .. which required gtk upgrade ... and yea .. like everything is broken now ... no icons n stuff any clues anyone .. also gettin gtk failed to open display errors for beryl04:56
lupine_85e1: your provider will be able to tell you if you're using IMAP or POP304:56
e1tony__ darn it, so i can't get it back anymore04:56
manchickenLameBMX: Why not use kopete?04:56
e1lupine_85 o i guess it's pop304:56
e1lupine_85 cuz i remember last time it checked automatically and it was pop304:56
lascargaim has a better feel04:56
e1sigh..that sucks so bad =(04:56
LameBMXnever played with kopete manchicken04:56
manchickenI disagree, but I suppose that's subjective.04:56
manchickenLameBMX: You should check it out.  It's quite nice.04:57
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lascarplus it's scalable04:57
LameBMXi was tryint o get the amarok status message thing working04:57
katabaticmanchicken, any idea04:57
tony__e1 even if you leave a copy on your server, you ISP will remove them when your inbox gets full .. so best thing is to backup important emails04:57
LameBMXhence the gaim upgrade04:57
manchickenlascar: How scalable does an IM client have to be?04:57
lupine_85nah, the best thing to do is to run your own mail server04:57
=== lupine_85 has a 20GB inbox =)
lascarmanchicken: if i wanna add nifty functions and change its appearance, then I should be able to.04:57
e1tony__ but i was well within the 200 mb, tsk so sad04:57
manchickenkatabatic: It may be a hardware issue.  It could be a driver issue.  It could be a networking issue.  Driver or hardware may be the most likely if it's a fresh install.04:57
e1tony__ how do i make sure i leave copy on server right now this time04:58
manchickenlascar: You can do that with kopete.04:58
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junocdxanyone recommend a good budget chipset for a non-poweruser?04:58
manchickenlascar: kopete has a fully functional plugin library.04:58
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tony__e1 hold on let me check my thunderbird04:58
LameBMXmanchicken, how the hey do i hide contacts that arent online04:58
manchickenlascar: I think you can also use Ruby Qt/KDE to use it.04:58
lascarmanchicken: how "fully functional" are we talking?04:58
e1tony__ k thx04:58
lascari haven't touched it since breezy, methinks04:58
manchickenLameBMX: Click the icon with a bunch of people on it in the toolbar.04:58
katabaticmanchicken, read what I said04:58
katabaticit shouldn't matter. worked fine before, but I installed/uninstalled packages and maybe changed some settings, then it stopped working04:59
manchickenlascar: The UI uses the library.04:59
LameBMXmanchicken, how do i hide offline users04:59
lupine_85now here's a question. I have a logical volume that I'm using for qemu, and it is being treated as a full physical hard drive by the guest OS, i.e. it has an MBR and a partition table04:59
manchickenLameBMX: I just said.04:59
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions. For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse04:59
LameBMXahh found it .. no it was under settings04:59
tony__go to Edit >>Account Settings.04:59
ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)04:59
lupine_85is there any way I can specify to mount said partition, even though I don't have a device file for it?04:59
e1tony__ k04:59
manchickenkatabatic: I'm saying it DOES matter.04:59
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tony__e1 click on server settings05:00
manchickenLameBMX: kopete is really easy to use.05:00
e1tony__ k05:00
manchickenlascar: The UI actually uses the library directly for everything IIRC.05:00
manchickenlascar: The plugin UI is the same library.05:01
LameBMXmanchicken, i dont really care about its full ease ... and its already on my nerves wanting that dang wallet to run05:01
tony__e1 check the checkbox : Leave messages on server . and set the time period for it05:01
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manchickenLameBMX: All KDE stuff uses wallet.  Wallet is a great thing.05:01
e1tony__ cool05:01
manchickenLameBMX: Keeps your private information private.05:01
LameBMXmanchicken, no memory is a good thing05:01
manchickenLameBMX: Wallet isn't a problem with memory.05:01
LameBMXmanchicken, how is it private when it is stored?05:01
tony__e1 hope that helps05:01
manchickenLameBMX: It's encrypted.05:02
e1tony__ what if i want it kept on server forever, well not forever, but just leave it on server and don't do anything to it05:02
LameBMXand encryption gets broke05:02
hawk_all of the packeges that i try to install dont work05:02
katabaticmanchicken, why would it?05:02
e1tony__ do i just check until i delete or remove them from inbox?05:02
tony__e1  yes05:02
manchickenkatabatic: Because there may be a problem with the driver for that particular device.05:02
e1tony__ k thx alot =)05:02
tony__e1 no problmes :)05:03
manchickenLameBMX: "KWallet saves this sensitive data for you in a strongly encrypted file, accessible by all applications, and protected with a master password that you define."05:03
manchickenLameBMX: That's from the KWallet documentation.05:03
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spookcomixI've got a question about the way Kubuntu "auto mounts" CDs, and labels them with the CD name.  I like the auto-mounting, but not the labeling.  I'd rather that all CDs mount to /media/cdrom0.  Possible?05:04
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LameBMXmanchicken, i can read a manpage too .. i would rather use my physical memory to remember passwords05:04
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hawk_how do i add other desktop to the grafical login?05:05
manchickenLameBMX: That wasn't in the manpage.  That was in the KDE documentation for kwallet.05:05
LameBMXphysical memory as in my brain ... its a bit harder to crack05:05
manchickenLameBMX: IIRC, kopete allows you to not use kwallet.05:05
LameBMXwell im giving it a try ... but its already gotten on my badside05:07
manchickenspookcomix: I believe you can fix that in the /etc/fstab.05:08
manchickenhawk_: I'm sorry, I'm not entirely sure what you mean.05:08
LameBMXbut that still dont save the real issue lol05:09
LameBMXanyone know any way to rebuild the k menu thingy ... i got lots o broken apps on it lol05:09
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spookcomixWell, I looked there.  There was (at one point in my experimenting), a line for a /dev/sd0 (I believe) that should mount to /media/cdrom, but when I would try to do that myself, I'd get a message about that device not even existing.05:09
manchickenLameBMX: kwallet is just a normal part of KDE.05:10
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freshburnYIPEE! this first time i got my desktop and/or laptop to connect to anything internet05:10
manchickenfreshburn: Congratz.05:10
junocdxdo I run a .bin in konsole?05:10
lupine_85chmod +x file.bin; ./file.bin05:11
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manchickenspookcomix: I'm not sure what device would be /dev/sd0...05:11
freshburnbut konq. and mozilla wont load any sites and the adept update manager fails on d/l attemps for updates05:11
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LameBMXmanchicken, and if i want to choose not to use it ...05:11
spookcomixOh, and also, one CD that I entered (trying to get Broodwars to work) no longer gets mounted, no matter what.  One time when it was mounted, I tried editing the icon that showed up on the desktop and tried to modify it to mount to /media/cdrom0.  After that, it won't show up, no matter what.  Other CDs auto-mount and show up fine.05:11
manchickenfreshburn: Paste your /etc/apt/sources.list05:11
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freshburnkonversation had to retry connect 3 times before it worked05:11
ubotupaste is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste)05:11
manchickenspookcomix: It may not be a recognized filesystem.05:12
LameBMXGtk-WARNING **: Error loading icon: Unable to load image-loading module: /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/libpixbufloader-png.so: /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/libpixbufloader-png.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory05:12
hawk_anyone know how to add a desktop to the kde login screen05:12
manchickenLameBMX: So install those libraries.05:12
Dr_willishawk_,  theres a series of .desktop files that define those05:12
manchickenhawk_: You mean how to add more different choices?05:12
Dr_willis  /usr/share/xsessions/kde.desktop05:12
hawk_like fluxbox05:12
LameBMXhawk_, what are you trying to add ... /usr/share/xsessions is where they are located .. and you can use one of the existing .desktop for a template05:12
freshburnno pastebin so far only konversation will work05:13
Dr_willismake one for whatever desktop ya want05:13
manchickenhawk_: `sudo apt-get install fluxbox`05:13
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freshburnbut i have a wierd setup05:13
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=== xcon found Lame!!
hawk_it says that it is a break in the packege05:13
Dr_willisfluxbox installed one on this system. or just copy kde.desktop to whatever.. and edit the file05:13
xconhi lame05:13
freshburnmy xp machine dialsup then internet connection shared to linksys router then to my kubuntu machines05:13
manchickenfreshburn: paste your apt sources.list so that I can see them.  I can't help you troubleshoot your problem if I can't see what your sources are.05:13
manchickenxcon: lame is nice.  xine is nice, too.  I got DVDs playing on my machine today.05:14
lascarxine = very nice05:14
manchickenlibdvdcss2 is nice, too ^_^05:14
xconyea, xine and lame are great... but i was looking for LameBMX here05:14
xconi like kaffeine for ins xine goodness05:15
xconanyway whats up man? tried to call05:15
lascarblech!  I had all sorts of library issues with kaffeine eons ago05:15
manchickenhawk_: Works?05:15
hawk_stiil working05:15
LameBMXwhaddup xcon05:16
manchickenfreshburn: WE CANNOT help you with an adept or apt issue if you do not post your /etc/apt/sources.list file.05:16
xconi used ssh tunnel and VNC to see what chan u were in ^_^05:16
LameBMXeh im in a few05:16
LameBMXsee how like every icon is broken05:16
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xconah, no... didn't want to be called a voyeur05:17
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xconok im lookin05:17
freshburni cant post to pastebin and i cant private message you without registering w/ freenode because i have no html i can post it to the chan but then ppl will be very angry with me lol05:18
LameBMXxcon stop movin my curser05:18
xconok... but thats kde, so why icons a problem?05:18
stdinfreshburn: what can't you post it to pastebin?05:19
Dr_willisfreshburn,  why not register with freenode? - /msg nickserv help05:19
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LameBMXi dk ... i compiled newest stable gaim .. had to compile gtk and its deps to do it ... and after that the amarok plugin for game worked but beryl and about everything else died (gtk based ..)05:19
manchickenfreshburn: Why can't you post it to pastebin?05:20
freshburndr willis my html (firefox and konquerer) wont load any sites05:20
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Dr_willissounds like you got some other issues to fix.05:20
manchickenfreshburn: Try using konqueror.05:20
freshburnand i thought to register with freenode it was a web site but if its just nickserv i can do it05:20
phobiacI can't install .deb files on my home server. It's running ubuntu, and I've tried ark and file-roller (both defaulted to opening it). Ark tells me I'm missing something called ar, but I can't find a package with that name.05:21
LameBMXxcon, see the beryl error now .. used to have gtk errors ... they are off the clipboard thanx to a reboot to try and get aiglx workin05:21
manchickenfreshburn: That's to cripple bots.05:21
freshburnits wierd that this works and i can access my shares from the xp computer running the internet connection05:21
Dr_willisphobiac,  thats because you normally use 'sudo dpkg -i whatever.deb' - its BEST to use the package managers, or sudo apt-get install packagename05:21
hawk_Hmmm.... i cant get fluxbox to install at all05:22
Dr_willisfreshburn,  accessing windows shares have nothing to do with resolving web site addresses. :)05:22
LameBMXphobiac, apt-cache search partofname05:22
manchickenhawk_: What's the problem?05:22
LameBMXphobiac,  helps find package names to install with apt-get install05:22
phobiacDr_willis: This package isn't in a repository, and I haven't tried a command line install yet. I'll try that.05:22
Dr_willisfreshburn,  however i am wiondering how irc worked for you05:22
Dr_willisphobiac,  whats the program?05:22
freshburndr willis but it proves  concept of connection with that pc over my network, ive spent the last 2 days just getting xp and kubuntu to use my linksys router in harmony05:22
manchickenfreshburn: Do you have a firewall that is blocking port 80?05:23
xconno, im not lookin at your screen ATM05:23
Dr_willisphobiac,  webmin is loved/hated. :) its proberly best to isntall that with the webmin source.05:23
manchickenfreshburn: That doesn't sound like that much of a feat.05:23
stdinphobiac: are you on ubuntu or kubuntu ?05:23
freshburnnope i disabled both of them just to get this straightened out05:23
phobiacHmm, it appears I'm missing some dependencies. That's probably the issue.05:23
hawk_i am geting this problem :::: Your libstdc++ doesn't have the sstream or strstream classes05:24
phobiacstdin: I run kubuntu, but this server I'm using ubuntu on. I'm too limited in my knowledge to handle full command line, I need the gui for this server.05:24
manchickenhawk_: try `apt-get build-dep fluxbox`05:24
manchickenThen try installing it again.05:25
juanoanyone configured Kontact with gmail right?05:25
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juanocant seem to send messages05:25
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stdinphobiac: I know there is a way to install a deb packare in GUI on ubuntu, but I don't remember it right now, but you can install it with a simple command: sudo dpkg -i package.deb05:26
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Dr_willisphobiac,  sudo dpkg -i  whatever.deb is too hard eh >:)05:26
doodleswhen i use suspend or hibernate i always have to enter my password after restoring the system... is there a way to change that?05:26
juanoplus mail isnt fetching05:27
manchickenjuano: Does gmail provide you with an smtp server?05:27
juanomanchicken: smpt.gmail.com05:27
phobiacNo, sudo dpkg -i is working. I'm just having some issues with the package that are about to be worked out. I was just wondering why gui install wasn't working, I've done it before. Of course this is a fresh install so maybe I didn't do something right.05:27
juanomanchicken: port 46505:27
phobiacOh well05:27
manchickendoodles: Yes.  Look in the power management screens.05:27
juanomanchicken: pop.gmail.com port 99505:27
xconLame,thats not what you meant right?05:27
juanomanchicken: thats for fetchin05:28
manchickenjuano: SMTP is for sending.05:28
xconcuz you're in kde... never saw beryl05:28
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LameBMXewwww i hate icons on the desktop .. watch ..05:28
hawk_ok when i did "apt-get build-dep fluxbox" it gave me a long list of err's05:28
juanomanchicken: yes, i know.. i did everything i was supposed to05:28
LameBMXall the x's ... where the xchat icon on the taskbar ... lol ... hover the space between icons05:28
xconok watchin05:28
stdinhawk_: post them on pastebin05:28
hawk_how do i do that05:29
LameBMXplus the beryl error makes no sense05:29
doodleswhere can I find power management?05:29
stdin!pastebin | hawk_05:29
ubotuhawk_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:29
manchickenjuano: Try telnetting to their SMTP server and see if it will accept the connection.05:29
freshburnany websites i.e. www.google.com return a can not connect error05:29
manchickenfreshburn: Can you ping google.com?05:30
=== fowlduck [n=nate@24-183-45-79.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
Dr_willisphobiac,  the dpkg -i method will not install other packages that  are needed/dependencies05:30
freshburnnot even a 404 or nothing, just one text line saying, cannot connect to http://blah.blah.blah05:30
juanomanchicken: k , sec05:30
xconlol im watch9in you try to type05:30
hawk_here u go http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1260/05:30
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Dr_willisfreshburn, as a test does
Dr_willisfreshburn,  work or not?05:30
manchickenhawk_: Try running it with sudo.05:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dns - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:31
hawk_that is what i got when i ran it in sudo05:31
stdinhawk_: have you got adept open?05:31
manchickenhawk_: `sudo apt-get...`05:31
xconoh, crap... try --replace?05:31
phobiacDr_willis: I just downloaded the dependent packages by hand.05:31
manchickenhawk_: Close adept.05:31
hawk_its working now05:31
Dr_willisphobiac,  ya could dpkg -i *.deb05:31
manchickenhawk_: Adept has the dpkg database locked.05:31
hawk_oh thats why05:32
freshburnthat my friend worked so then i have my dns not correct05:32
juanomanchicken: yeah i can telnet,05:32
juano(to) smtp.gmail.com 46505:32
juanoConnected to gmail-smtp.l.google.com.05:32
hawk_noooo, more err's05:32
juanosorry for paste guys05:32
LameBMXxcon, typin is fine .. no auto repeat for backspace though lol ...05:32
manchickenjuano: Then you've probably got an authentication problem.05:32
stdinhawk_: you aren't the only one to have forgotten to close adept :P05:32
xconlame, ok i see... it's emerald i thought but i forget exactly how... brb05:32
manchickenjuano: Double-check gmail's documentation on how to authenticate.05:32
juanomanchicken: ok05:32
hawk_ok i got it to run but it is now giving me more problems05:32
manchickenPaste 'em ^_^05:33
hawk_thank you for you help05:33
phobiacDr_willis: The problem is that the .deb depends on a few perl packages. It's not to hard to go through by hand and install them all.05:33
stdinno problem hawk_ :)05:33
Dr_willisphobiac,  yep. webmin has a lot of parts. :)05:33
phobiacI'm considering just compiling this from the source.05:33
freshburnok i think i got it thanks guys05:34
hawk_well here is some of the new err's http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1261/05:34
stdinphobiac: the command 'sudo apt-get -f install' (no package) usually goes and gets dependencies for you05:34
xconLame, sorry botu that... re-ran kwin for ya05:34
phobiacstdin: Will that work for a local package?05:35
LameBMXxcon its all good .. life happens ... but yea .. im a bit lost at the moment lol05:35
Dr_willisphobiac,  the 'source' for webmin is perl code i belive.. it just isntalls to the right place.05:35
xcondamn. it was supposed to work, even w/o manager05:35
manchickenhawk_: Try `sudo apt-get update`05:35
stdinphobiac: yeah, it's really only useful for local packages05:35
hawk_trying it05:36
LameBMXxcon, since when does things ever work that easy on this computer05:36
juanomanchicken: nope, cant seem to send05:36
xconor else i should have gone on to run emerald too05:36
LameBMXxcon, you really askin for too much with that05:36
juanomanchicken: it stays in outbox05:36
phobiacDr_willis: Yeah, I realized there's no source when I checked the site again. And thanks stdin I'll try that.05:36
manchickenjuano: Do the tests work?05:36
LameBMXbery dont need need emerald .. just wont be able to grab windows n junk05:36
juanomanchicken: tests?05:36
xconlame... lemme try that again, this time with the power on05:36
Dr_willisphobiac,  last i installed it from the 'source' it wasent that hard.05:36
hawk_now by doing it this way it will add it the kde login right?05:37
manchickenjuano: Try to test for what encryption protocols are supported.05:37
Dr_willisphobiac,  i do seem to recall installing some extra packages beforhand to get it to work with the https: stuff05:37
lascardoes anyone know of a good note-taking application?05:37
xconwait whos typin here05:37
Dr_willislascar,  several blogg-notepad-posteit type programs out. 'zim' is one. (gtk based i think)05:38
lascartried it and hated it05:38
Dr_willislascar,  tomboy (i think also)05:38
lascarand good evening Dr_willis05:38
manchickenhawk_: What now?05:38
Dr_willislascar,  too bad! thats my 'final answer' :) heh heh05:38
Dr_willisi perfered how zim worked to the other i tried.05:38
Dr_willisdepends on the features ya need i guess. :)05:39
lascarjust note-taking for classes05:39
seven11where would i find the autoupdate file for download the new updates05:39
=== Dr_willis hands lascar a pad of paper.
lascarDr_willis: full of jokes today, aren't you?05:39
hawk_well using apt-get fluxbox add it to the kde login screen under diffrenet desktops05:40
Dr_willislook at the battery life. :)05:40
Dr_willislascar,  so you want more of a 'outliner' not a 'poste-it-note' thang.05:40
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manchickenhawk_: I believe it will.05:40
lascarDr_willis: outliner, me and post-its don't get along either05:40
Dr_willisoutlines... *shudder*  Class *shudder x2*05:40
hawk_thank you so much for all your help people05:40
lascarindeed, 'tis a necessary evil for now05:41
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Dr_willislascar,  cant recall using anything that let ya auto-generate outlines.. in... ages....05:41
manchickenhawk_: Not a problem man. ^_^05:41
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manchickenhawk_: This is Free software.  We help our neighbor ^_^05:41
=== Dr_willis bets emacs has some feature like it.. :) but emacs has everything.
phobiacAha, got webmin working. Thank you stdin and Dr_willis.05:41
Dr_willis!find outline05:41
ubotuFound: libroxen-outline, vim-vimoutliner05:42
manchickenDr_willis: what about emacs?05:42
manchickenMaking outlines?05:42
Dr_willis!info vim-vimoutliner05:42
ubotuvim-vimoutliner: script for building an outline editor on top of Vim. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.4-3 (edgy), package size 87 kB, installed size 436 kB05:42
stdinphobiac: you're welcome :)05:42
intelikey"a necessary evil"   isn't that another word for  "who cares about good and evil"    ?05:42
manchickenM-x outline-mode in emacs.05:42
hawk_well i hope to get as good as you guys so i can help other people05:42
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Dr_willismanchicken,  :) i knew emacs could do it.. heh05:42
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=== jonah_ is now known as jonah8204
manchickenDr_willis: Emacs is delicious.05:42
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Dr_willisi tend to just do quick and dirty edits.. :) so i use vim mainly05:43
angelhola alguien habla espaol???05:43
manchicken!es @ angel05:43
stdin!es | angel05:43
Dr_willisactually i sort of like fte also.05:43
ubotues: An extensible shell based on `rc'. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.90beta1-10.1 (edgy), package size 99 kB, installed size 248 kB05:43
ubotuangel: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.05:43
angelok, gracias05:43
manchickenOoh, pipe.05:43
manchickende nada05:43
ubotulibroxen-outline: Outline mode module for the Roxen Challenger web server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0-12 (edgy), package size 5 kB, installed size 52 kB05:43
jonah8204so i accidently erased all the files in my etc directory, used a copy of an etc directory from another computer running kubuntu, everything works fine except aptitude/apt/adept all seem to beleive i have no packages installed. anyway to fix this?05:44
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lascarso...there's no KDE note-taking app?05:45
manchickenlascar: There are several.05:45
Dr_willislascar,  try the various text editors05:45
manchickenlascar: knotes05:45
stdinjonah8204: I think apt/dpkg keep lists of packages in /var/lib not /etc05:45
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=== lascar shudders at knotes
intelikey!info knotes05:45
ubotuknotes: KDE sticky notes. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 241 kB, installed size 836 kB05:45
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Dr_willisnote-taking is not the same as 'outline generation'05:45
manchickenlascar: kfocus is nice for task management.05:45
Dr_willisemacs and vim also have outline modes/features05:46
manchickenEmacs is a delicious text editor ^_^05:46
juanomanchicken: nope, cant send.. weird05:47
intelikeyvim is a powerful text editor05:47
manchickenjuano: I think you've got an authentication error.05:47
stdinjuano: google smtp is "smtp.gmail.com" port "587" you need to use your "username@gmail.com" as username for it and you need to set it to use TLS to connect (that's what works for me)05:47
hybridvim > vile > emacs05:47
juanostdin: ok ill try again05:47
manchickenThe editor of the beast: vi vi vi05:48
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jonah8204stdin: thanks, i see there are a bunch of files *-old, i guess it made backups and started a new "database"05:48
intelikeymanchicken the permission of the beast rw-rw-rw-05:48
manchickenintelikey: Very true.05:49
manchickenNumbers are fun ^_^05:49
juanostdin: nope doesnt seem to work, maybe cause im routed or somethin?05:49
stdinjuano: maybe, I found some settings from google you can try, as a final test: http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=1328705:51
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juano_could it be firewall or something?05:52
juano_though through thunderbird i can send mail ok05:53
stdinlooked at http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=13287 ?05:53
manchickenintelikey: The hex of the beast 29A.05:53
hawk_hello, i am back... well i have installed fluxbox but how do i add it to the login screen for kde05:53
manchickenjuano_: If it was a network issue like that, you wouldn't have been able to telnet.05:53
lascarand tomboy it is.  Thanks Dr_phil!05:54
lascarI mean Dr_Willis ;)05:54
juano_but its weird, it sais no new messages on this server and i just sent one, when i enter through http i can see it right there in my inbox05:54
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juano_ive already enabled POP3 through gmail05:54
manchickenintelikey: That'd be 101001101005:54
intelikeyno i was using the perms idea still05:54
manchickenI suppose ^_^05:55
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intelikeyas it were 110 110 11005:55
stdinhawk_: what's in /usr/share/xsessions/ ?05:55
hawk_ok lets go and see05:55
manchickenhawk_: Find the fluxbox.desktop05:56
hawk_and that is it05:56
manchickenhawk_: And copy it to /usr/share/xsessions05:56
stdinif you installed the package "fluxbox" it should be in there already05:57
hawk_well i guess i am just unlucky05:57
manchickenhawk_: Copy the kde.desktop to fluxbox.desktop, and then edit it to point to fluxbox.05:57
manchickenhawk_: When I apt-get install'ed fluxbox, it put the fluxbox.desktop in there, too.05:58
manchickenI'm gonna hit the roost here in about 2 minutes.05:58
hawk_no there is no fluxbox in there05:58
manchickenIt's 22:58.  Eesh.05:58
manchickenhawk_: Making your own won't hurt.05:59
stdinhawk_: it should look like this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1264/05:59
jonah8204even though the dpkg info is in /var/lib/dpkg, i haven't had anyluck with any of the files helping my system recongnize which packages are installed, anything i can do to "scan" my systems installed packages and make a new db?05:59
manchickenjonah8204: What is the problem you're having specifically?06:00
marcoHello, I'm using ubuntu but I'd like to try Debian. I know that Ubuntu is debian related but... Curiosity :) Will I see lot of changes or... it's going to be pretty much the same? Finally, what about automatic updates and synaptic ? Will I see it in Debian? Tanks06:00
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manchickenmarco: I would think it pretty simple.  I'm not sure what they use over there.06:01
phobiacIt is package based though, as far as I know.06:01
Dr_willismarco,  id stick with ubuntu. :)06:01
manchickenmarco: You may just be able to modify your /etc/apt/sources.list and apt-get update && apt-get upgrade to switch.06:01
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Dr_willismarco,  thers a lot of little differances and bits of 'polish' with ubuntu/kubuntu - that make debian seem a bit rough in places.06:02
marcoWhat do you do to update your system?06:02
manchickenphobiac: Debian?  Yeah, of course it's package-based.06:02
stdinmarco: If you're going to try debian, then a fresh install is recommended, but mostly it's the same, but be warned you may have to install gnome or kde ofter, as I don't think they are installed by default06:02
Dr_willismarco,  ubuntu/kubuntu  have their own update repositories. works the same as debian does06:02
hawk_it want let me copy back into the session flolder06:02
intelikeymarco debian stable or development ?06:02
manchickenphobiac: That's like saying oil is carbon-based.06:02
stdinhawk_: sudo cp06:03
jonah8204manchicken: apt/dpkg/aptitude don't recongnize that i have packages installed on my system (this after an (accidental) erasing of my etc directory)06:03
manchickenhawk_: Use sudo.06:03
manchickenjonah8204: Ahh...  I'm not sure how to come back from that.06:03
manchickenjonah8204: Be more careful with sudo ^_^06:03
Minatakujonah8204: That's... that's pretty bad06:04
marcoWell, there's one fta with 31r406:04
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manchickenOkay, it's time to hit the roost.06:04
manchickenLater folks.06:04
jonah8204:) it really is, i guess i have to reinstall :(06:04
MinatakuThat's like accidentally destroying all the concrete in your house's foundation06:04
lupine_85jonah8204: maybe an apt-get install --reinstall kubuntu-desktop will do you06:05
lupine_85if you're lucky :)06:05
lupine_85reinstall will be less hassle, most likely06:05
intelikeyjonah8204 may i ask how you "an (accidental) erasing of my etc"  ?06:06
intelikeywhat did you do ?06:06
phobiacJonah: Going on what lupine said, you might be able to make a sources.list in /etc/apt/06:07
jonah8204intelikey i messed up with wildcards i needed to get ride of certain files. rm *something. and it erased everything except the dirs, not the result i was excpecting06:07
Jucato(sudo rm -rf /etc......)06:07
phobiacAnd then do apt-get instal kubuntu-desktop? Possibly?06:07
ironfroggyanyone experience odd problems with amarok suddenly thinking the collection is empty?06:07
intelikeyJucato yeah....06:07
jonah8204apt-get install kubuntu-desktop seems like a good suggestion, i'm gonna try it06:07
ironfroggyyet i get no database connection errors and the files in the collection are all present.06:07
phobiacjohnah: You'll need a sources.list though.06:08
phobiacI would assume.06:08
juano_manchicken: lol this is drivin me nuts06:08
jonah8204i've got one, i'm using the /etc dir from another pc06:08
intelikeyi accadentillu did  sudo rm -fr /etc     and typed in my passwd   and waited while it removed my files... accidentally.06:08
Jucatomaybe something that uses --get-selections and --set-selections06:08
phobiacAh okay.06:08
juano_manchicken: i tried that conf, doesnt work06:08
jonah8204intelikey: lol06:09
juano_manchicken: and through thunderbird seems i can only send mail06:09
juano_manchicken: i try sending to myself an email06:09
juano_manchicken: and then fetching it, doesnt seem to work06:09
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marcoDebian comes in 2 DVDs . I's lot of software, no ? :)06:12
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intelikeymarco the two dvd set is all the repo on disk so you don't install from the network you install from the disks      (not the initial install only)06:13
marcois 31r4 the latest release?06:14
intelikeymarco there is #debian you know.06:15
marcooh. I'm sorry. Since ubuntu is debian related... dint mean06:16
ubotuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship06:16
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K`zanWhat does it take to get a super user konqueror file manager - I can su it, but I can't do anything :-(.06:18
intelikeykdesu konqueror06:18
K`zanthanks! intelikey06:18
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phobiacsudo konqueror has always worked for me too.06:19
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intelikeyphobiac mmm hmm  but "works for me"   is not a recomendation06:20
bkyi have 2 issues, one I asked about before, but the new one trubles me...06:20
intelikey!works for me06:20
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.06:20
K`zankdesu konqueror --profile filemanagement06:20
K`zankdesu: Unknown option '--profile'.06:20
K`zanwich works fine without the kdesu...06:20
bkymy video card is acting odd, I think it's the drivers. when I use the open drivers, it seems fine06:20
stdinsudo can mess up some config files, kdesu wont06:20
bkywhen I open and close windows (and do other things, like just mosing over the header buttons) my video card makes this buzzing sound06:21
K`zanYep, well this is the only real problem I have run into with ubuntu yet :-), it is a gross PITA, but I can log out and back in and do what I need to do :-(.06:21
JucatoK`zan: kdesu 'konqueror --profile filemangement'06:21
bkyit's not the card for sure (as I said, only the proprititary drivers do it)06:22
intelikeyK`zan the options --profile filemanagement  are good for what ?    is it like you can't browse without  --profile filemanagement  ???06:22
K`zanJucato: Damn, I should have caught that :-), thanks!06:22
bkyand it worked with no noise on suse/fedora/xp06:22
K`zanNope, malformed URL :-(.06:22
stdinK`zan:  kdesu -c 'konqueror --profile filemanagement'06:23
JucatoK`zan: try double quotes06:23
intelikeykdesu konqueror06:23
stdin^^ works best06:23
K`zandouble quote gets same resulyt.06:23
intelikeyso simple to just do it.06:23
Jucatothat never happened to me...06:24
draikHello all06:24
=== Jucato waves at draik
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K`zanSigh, trying to edit my root .bashrc and it will not allow me to do it...06:24
=== draik moves from the planes that Jucato is waving down...
draikjust kidding06:24
Jucatoheh :)06:25
=== draik waves back at Jucato... I hope he sees me waving from about 14hours in the past
K`zansign, that doesn't work either.06:25
intelikeyK`zan why in the world are you wanting to run konq to edit a file.06:25
K`zanoh well06:25
K`zanintelikey: To see if I can if I need to...  Handy when you admin a lot.06:25
intelikeyK`zan  sudo nano /root/.bashrc06:26
K`zanMight as well just run as root, but I hate to do that.06:26
K`zannano, nahhh06:26
K`zandoesn't work, going to have to fake out X to begin with...06:26
intelikeyok i've heard enough whining tho.06:26
K`zanSame here :)06:27
K`zanCan't be done, enough said.06:27
draikHey Jucato & intelikey do you know of a channel where I can get help with remoting into my friend's computer?06:27
Jucatodraik: nope.. sorry... :(06:27
intelikeydraik ssh ?06:27
draikI know it can be done. I just want to be able to do it so that I can help from home06:27
draikintelikey: This is the error message I get...        [Notice]  -ChanServ- You do not have channel operator access to [#ssh] 06:28
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ramanujcan anybody tell me how to start a service on boot06:28
ramanujin ubuntu06:28
intelikeydraik ssh no not channel.   are you trying to use ssh ?06:28
ramanujas i am have to start my wlan everytime i start my computer06:28
draikintelikey: ssh over VNC06:29
ubotuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX06:29
intelikeyramanuj init scripts06:29
stdindraik: you get your friend to install ssh, then get them to set up a user account for you06:29
draikbackwards... VNC over ssh06:29
draikstdin: They have ssh installed06:29
ramanuji know in RPM based distributions but here in ubuntu i m new06:29
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ramanujwhere these init scripts are in ubuntu06:29
ubotuTo make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory.06:29
intelikeydraik the vnc part i have no exp with but ssh in and make sure that you can connect06:30
stdindraik: then you just need an account and pass to login with06:30
draik!autostart > ramanuj06:30
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draikstdin: I have his UN/PW already06:30
draikintelikey: the issue is with our routers... Can't connect to him06:30
stdindraik: then just: ssh username@host06:30
draikstdin: he's behind a router at his home06:31
stdindraik: ahh, then he nees to forward port 22 to his internal IP06:31
stdinport 22 = ssh06:31
intelikeydraik the router will have to open/forward port 22  or you will have to set his box's ssh to listen on an open port.06:31
draikstdin: FWD port 22 to his IP and then do it from home?06:32
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intelikeyssh defaults to 22 but could be anything06:32
stdindraik: yeah, if he forwards port 22 (default for ssh) on the router to his internal IP then you'll be able to connect from the net06:32
draikstdin: Very good. I will try that tomorrow. I just saw what time it is. I'm sure he's not awake. What about doing it via GUI?06:33
intelikeycorrect.    and or  edit /etc/ssh/sshd.conf and have ssh listen on a port that the router has open and ssh username@ip:port#06:33
stdindraik: he'll have to do it on the router, there is normally a web interface to it, normally on (or similar)06:34
draikstdin: I mean about going into his computer via some GUI so that I can see his desktop06:35
stdindraik: freenx is one way, or VNCoverSSH is another06:36
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draikI have FreeNX, but I have issues with running the app06:37
draikVNCoverSSH didn't work for us06:37
draikwe kept trying06:37
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stdinhe'll need a good upstream bandwidth to forward X over SSH06:37
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draikI am also unable to scp from desktop to laptop and laptop to desktop here at home06:38
intelikeysshd running06:39
stdinon both ?06:39
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LameBMXxcon, you still alive out there lol06:41
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draikshould be intelikey stdin06:43
stdindraik: do you have a firewall on either the desktop or laptop?06:43
stdindraik: and both are linux?06:44
draikBoth are Kubuntu06:44
draikDapper on laptop06:44
draikEdgy on desktop06:44
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stdindraik: if you run "ps ax|grep sshd" on both do you see something like "5070 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd" ?06:45
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draikstdin: yes06:46
xconlame: yea, plyin with fire06:46
stdindraik: and have you changed to config on either (/etc/ssh/sshd_config) ?06:46
draikstdin: nope06:47
stdindraik: do you get any error messages ?06:47
draikI think that I might have the scp done with incorrect parameters06:48
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xconlame: too many screen ses floatin around, had to back away...06:48
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stdindraik: you use it like "scp filename user@host:port:/path/to/save/to/filename"06:49
stdindraik: as an example "scp myfile user@laptop:/home/user/myfile"06:49
LameBMXxcon, yea i understand ....06:50
LameBMXis vnc working xcon06:50
xconlame: i get one second before vnc frezes06:50
draikstdin: that didn't work06:51
stdindraik: did you get any errors?06:51
draikno such file or directory06:51
LameBMXxcon, well what you want to know ... icons are still brok06:51
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xconlets see another round of "how to get gaim to work... " did you compile your own gtk and then gaim in /usr/local?06:52
stdindraik: that was just an example, you change it to your use the file you want to send06:52
draikI am on my desktop... so I typed           scp filename laptop@lap.top.ip.addy:/my/desktop/location06:52
LameBMXxcon, no i used --prefix=/usr06:53
draikGOT IT06:54
draikit's supposed to be my desktop's info, not my laptop's info06:54
draikit's supposed to be typed...06:54
draikscp filename desktop@desk.top.ip.addy:/my/desktop/location06:54
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stdindraik: yeah, takes a bit of working out the right syntax at first06:56
draikThank you stdin06:56
draikThank you intelikey for your help as well06:56
draikNow I can go to sleep06:56
draikI was about to crash like windows06:56
Jucatogood night draik! sorry I couldn't help...06:57
stdinnight draik :)06:57
draikIt's ok Jucato. You helped by not lying... you didn't try to bs me one route or another06:57
draikNIGHT EVERYONE... Time for some fresh eyes06:58
Jucatoone router or another :)06:58
intelikeyjust a note but relative addressing works too.     scp filename desktop@desk.top.ip.addy:~/desktop/filename06:58
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intelikey~  and  $HOME   and ./06:59
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stdin$HOME wont work if you have different usernames on the boxes, as bash will read the variable from the local box07:00
stdinhmm, looks like '~' wont either07:01
intelikeystdin \$HOME     :)07:01
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stdinintelikey: that should work, I'm gonna try it and see :P07:02
intelikeyi tried it but only locally07:02
intelikeyboth ~ and \~   work locally07:03
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stdinintelikey: what dose 'echo ~' show tho?07:03
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intelikeyshows my home dir07:04
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stdinintelikey: so user1 trying  'scp file user2@local:~/Desktop' will copy to /home/user1/Desktop07:05
intelikeywill copy to /home/user2/Desktop07:05
intelikeyi just tried it...07:05
stdinintelikey: just tried, you're right :P07:06
intelikeyboth ~ and \~ work locally.   i don't know about over a network07:06
stdinintelikey: shouldn't matter07:06
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ForgeAusdoes Xnest work in kubuntu?07:09
ForgeAusI had it going in Zenwalk fine07:10
ForgeAuskubuntu says theres a server active on display 007:10
ForgeAusI don't want to quit the one I'm in I just want to nest a new one07:10
stdinForgeAus:  try "xnest -- :1" ?07:10
ForgeAusnope just gave me help info.. so I guess that was bad parameter?07:11
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ForgeAusahhh without the -- it kinda works tho07:12
ForgeAusjust doesn't load the *DM to log into it lol07:12
stdinForgeAus: it won't. KDM can only be started once07:13
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stdinintelikey: that will save me some typing from now on :P07:13
intelikeystdin yeah.07:14
ForgeAushmmm well I doubt it was kdm Zenwalk used XFCE or something...07:14
ForgeAusbut it did Xnest another loginscreen... KDM can't do that?07:15
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stdinForgeAus: don't think so, KDM can only be started once, and it's still running even when you login07:16
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ForgeAusbut you can't nest logins?07:17
ForgeAusie be logged in as anothe user while your logged in?07:17
boblenyHey, How do I copy and past in the terminal as root?07:17
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boblenyLike, I need to copy a file from one place to another.07:17
stdinbobleny: cp file /place/to/copy/file07:18
boblenyOk thank you07:18
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boblenyDoes the terminal have a problem with spaces or something in paths?07:26
Jucato normally, you can't type file/directory names with spaces directly. you either enclose the whole name in " " or use \ before the spaces, or use Tab completion07:27
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Jucatoif the filename is "My File Name", you can either type is as "My File Name", My\ File\ Name, or just, type in My, then press Tab07:27
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K`zanhow to install a .deb ubuntu package file I downloaded ? apt-get install ./package.deb ?07:30
boblenyThank you!07:30
JucatoK`zan: right-click on it -> Kubuntu Package Menu -> Install Package07:30
JucatoK`zan: or "sudo dpkg -i <filename.deb>"07:30
K`zanJucato: Thanks, hadn't seen the package menu thing, looking.07:31
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=== Rob-West is bored so /me will annoy everyone BOOGA BOOGA BOOGA
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stdinssh is fun :P07:36
Rob-Westi know07:37
hyper_chhi, what's the keystroke combination to log me out of the xsession?07:37
stdinhyper_ch: you mean kill the X server ?07:38
stdinor in KDE ?07:38
hyper_chstdin: in kde.... it's not responding properly anymore07:38
hyper_chhow can I restart the xsession?07:38
=== Rob-West was just kidding
hyper_chstdin: or log me out totally from my system07:38
hyper_chstdin: (not wanting to reboot)07:39
hyper_chstdin: I have a terminal open07:39
stdinAlt-Ctrl-Delete, or Alt-Ctrl-Shift-Delete, or if all else fails Ctrl-Alt--Backspace07:39
hyper_chstdin: thx07:39
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hyper_chstdin: ctrl-alt-backspace worked perfectly07:47
=== Rob-West will BE RIGHT BACK
stdinthe first 2 are KDE specific, ctrl-alt-backspace just kills the X server :)07:48
hyper_chstdin: thx for the info :)07:50
stdinno problem :)07:51
intelikeyctrl+alt+del is not kde specific   x can catch that too  and use it for reboot.    it's not default in *buntu tho07:51
intelikeyand in console it's reboot07:51
intelikeyby default07:52
stdinhe didn't want to reboot tho07:53
intelikeystdin the list of information you gathered looks for all the world like you might intend to try to hack this box at some later date ....07:53
Jucatostdin: please do so :)07:53
=== intelikey figures stdin will share it with jucato now...
stdinintelikey: just keep that firewall up :P07:54
intelikeyyeah fire wall   :)07:54
intelikeyyou know iptables wasn't running.07:54
intelikeyerr had no rules set07:54
stdinyeah, it's always running07:55
hyper_choh, new xserver-xorg-core... I guess I have to kill xserver again in a minute07:55
stdinjust needs rules :P07:55
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stdinjust restrict what address sshd listens on07:56
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intelikeystdin it doesn't run by default.   i start sshd manually07:57
intelikeyand i guess i'm throught with it for now.07:57
stdinthat's the way I run it to, I always have to start it if I know I'm going to use it07:58
intelikeybut i don't see an easy way for the avarage script kiddy to crack a box with nosuid and no root login.     i'm not saying it can't be done but i don't see how...07:59
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Linux_Galoreintelikey: weak passwords07:59
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intelikeyLinux_Galore no password08:00
makuseruwhere is the sources.list?08:00
Linux_Galoreintelikey: I noticed ubuntu doesnt lock the machine on distionary hacks08:00
unix_infidelyou can do that manually.08:00
stdinmakuseru: /etc/apt/sources.list08:00
intelikeyLinux_Galore you do understand what "nosuid" means don't you ?08:01
makuseruthats what i thought i typed in08:01
Linux_Galoreyeah but ubuntu should have it set that if the user tries more than 20 times in a session to login it locks the account for 30 min08:01
Linux_Galoreintelikey: yes08:02
intelikeybut they can try for ever on a locked account  and root is locked.08:02
Linux_Galoreintelikey: there are a few kernel patches to lock root08:02
unix_infidelugh, i dont the he gets it :)08:03
Linux_Galoreintelikey: ie you can have a root account but its really seriously monitored08:03
Linux_Galoreyeah, no root acount blah blah08:03
Linux_Galorebut its not any good to remote admin08:03
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intelikeycorrect remote admin is impossable on this thing.08:04
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intelikeycan't be done.08:04
Linux_Galoreintelikey: I prefere and IDS patch on the kernel08:04
=== intelikey wasn't trying to sell his idea actually
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Linux_Galoreintelikey: its not new, but if the machine is critical its not a good idea08:05
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intelikeyoh yeah that too.   the fact that there is nothing on the box that i would hide from the world at large   helps too.08:07
intelikeythere isn't even anything on this box i'd want to hide from M$  lol08:07
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Linux_Galore w08:10
Linux_Galore   w08:10
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Linux_Galore     w08:10
Linux_Galore                   w08:11
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Linux_Galore                         BOOM08:11
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Jucatobtw Linux_Galore, you could also tell the guys in #konversation that in irssi, netsplit parts and joins are handled by batches, not 1 line per nick08:12
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Linux_GaloreJucato: why tell me, Ive already had a rant08:12
Linux_GaloreJucato: even left a message on the forum08:13
JucatoLinux_Galore: since you're interested about it, thought you might want that bit of info08:13
Linux_GaloreJucato: yeah, they are working on changing konversation08:13
Jucatook, nvm. next time, I just won't say anything08:13
Linux_GaloreJucato: thats on the list08:13
=== Jucato shuts up
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Linux_GaloreJucato: yeah, but Im not a dev on that one so I cant do much08:14
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Linux_GaloreJucato: apparently right now the way konversation is setup it cant filter the netsplit stuff08:14
=== Linux_Galore pokes Jucato
intelikeyhmmm when Jucato shuts up   he really shuts up....08:16
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intelikeyinteresting bash -li doesn't add anything to   w  or  who08:20
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stdinintelikey: I found out that too08:20
xenophile7x7its about damned time...08:20
intelikeystdin yeah i was still tracking all you did08:21
intelikeystdin like i said it gave me a chance to brush up.08:21
stdinI also niticed your nice perm for /08:21
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intelikeyyeah i saw where you checked a lot of perms08:22
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stdinhehe :)08:22
intelikeyand saved the /etc/shadow file08:22
intelikey>:] 08:22
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stdinI looked at the perms for /etc/shaddow, didn't save it, can't anyway08:23
stdinlooked at /etc/passwd tho :)08:23
intelikeyyou did cat /etc/shadow   don't tell me you can copy and paste that data  then use john on it...08:24
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intelikeyi was born at night but not last night.08:24
stdinintelikey: try "cat /etc/shadow" as non root, it shouldn't let you08:24
matthewhey how do i access and control my cpu fan? something similar to speedfan on windows?08:25
intelikeystdin it does.08:25
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stdinintelikey: well lucky for you. that outta my konsole history now :P08:26
intelikeystdin i may have the perms messed on my box...   does it work on yours ?08:26
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stdinintelikey: I get "cat: /etc/shadow: Permission denied"08:26
intelikeystdin yeah and Console-Log-Daemon08:27
intelikeyk i'll adjust mine08:27
stdinintelikey: I wasn't smart enough to log it :P08:27
intelikeydoesn't matter there's no login unless i set a passwd for that purpose.  all accounts are locked.08:28
stdinon my system /etc/shaddow is 540 root:shaddow08:28
stdinopps, 640 :P08:28
intelikeyyeah i fixed mine.   and actually 64008:29
stdini noticed my little typo there08:29
intelikeyit wasn't the perm it was the group    was set to users08:29
stdinahh, not good :P08:30
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intelikeyi know08:30
stdinintelikey: noticed I used a command like "find . -type f -perm /o=w" ?08:32
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stdinlets me find any file that is writable to everyone (others)08:32
intelikeybut wasn't sure why08:32
stdinworld writable08:33
intelikeyyes but in the users home dir  ?08:33
stdinintelikey: i ran it from /etc :P08:33
intelikeyoh yeah you did cd eariler   heh08:34
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intelikeyi also noticed you grabbed the ip info   even though you had the ip... and i figured you were looking for local networking08:36
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stdinI was just curious, see if you had a LAN08:37
intelikeyhey i offered for you to "look around"   and expected no less08:38
intelikeydid you ever find the master user name ?08:39
stdinif it was in /etc/passwd, then yes I did08:39
intelikeyi noticed you looked in every thing in /home   but you didn't look in my home dir08:40
intelikeyso i guess you didn't notice.08:40
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stdin /home had only 3 dirs in it, that I could see08:40
intelikeybut my home is not in /home08:40
stdinI looked in /etc/passwd after looking in /home , so I'm sure I saw it08:41
stdinbut I wasn't being malicious, so didn't dig to deep :)08:42
stdinI always set my $HOME to 700, when there is a users group08:42
stdin750 if using private groups08:43
intelikeytty2 [greg@~]  ls -dl ..08:43
intelikeydr-xr-x--x 14 greg root 4096 Jan  8 11:20 ..08:43
intelikeyworld executable but not readable08:44
stdinls -ld .08:44
stdindrwx------ 71 myuser myuser 4096 2007-01-12 07:3108:44
intelikeynow i can have subdirs that are world readable that they can access and not see what's in ~08:44
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stdinI don't need users to go in my ~ anyway, I have a /share dir08:46
intelikeyyeah.  my share dir is in my home so it works.  it's all good.08:47
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stdinheh, look at those perms: drwxrwsrwt 4 root users 4096 2006-12-29 17:58 /share08:47
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tn-I was wondering if someone among you had encountered problems with the hda-intel sound driver ?08:58
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stdinguess not08:59
tn-I found a web page aoubt this driver, but nothing could help08:59
stdinwhat sound card/chip is it?08:59
tn-00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation HD Audio Controller (rev 02)09:00
tn-        Subsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company Unknown device 280809:00
tn-thomas@dev07:~$ LC_ALL="C" aplay -l09:00
tn-**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****09:00
tn-card 0: Intel [HDA Intel] , device 0: ALC260 Analog [ALC260 Analog] 09:00
tn-  Subdevices: 0/109:00
tn-  Subdevice #0: subdevice #009:00
tn-the driver seem to recognize the chip correctly09:01
tn-but I get no sound09:01
tn-The 1st times I booted the machine I could have some sound09:01
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems and http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin09:01
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tn-but little by little the volume got lower and lower09:02
tn-and now I have nothing09:02
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stdinhow old is it?09:02
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tn-brand new !09:03
tn-I got it last friday09:03
tn-it's an HP with a core 2 duo09:03
tn-(not a laptop)09:03
stdinmaybe a silly question, but have you made sure sound isn't muted ?09:03
tn-yes :)09:04
stdinhave you checked with "alsamixer" too ?09:05
stdin(in konsole)09:05
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tn-I tried also tu use alsactl but no success09:06
chuenstdn: Hi - are you still at work?09:07
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stdinchuen: no, got home about 3am :P09:07
chuenSlacking off eh? ;-)09:08
stdintn-: can you play sounds with aplay ? (you need a .wav file)09:08
tn-I tried, but no09:08
tn-aplay seems to be playing, but there is still no sound09:08
intelikeyaplay ?    is that default install ?09:08
chuenThe upgrade seems OK . I've got one 'funny' story about my printer though and one question about the soumixr.09:08
stdinintelikey: yeah, it's from alsa09:08
intelikeyi've never seen it09:09
tn-I alse tried to disable artsd in case it was locking the mixer and /dev/audio without success09:09
intelikeyin alsa-utils  i guess09:09
chuenstdin: I've set up a User for my son, but when he logs in, the soundmixer doesn't function.09:10
chuenstdin: Is that because it is not set up p 'universally' across users.09:10
stdinchuen, and to tn- too I guess: are your users in the "audio" group?09:11
tn-yes I am :)09:12
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=== jordo23 is currently having a birthday...
jordo23Today is my birthday!09:14
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jordo23Go jordo....it's your birthday...09:14
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tn-stdin: what's interesting is that sound used to work, but volume got lower and lower with each reboot09:15
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chuenstdin: Sorry, was  was reading email. 'Audio Group'?09:16
StingRayHi, stdin :)09:17
stdinchuen: they need to be in a group called "audio"09:18
stdinhey StingRay  :)09:18
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K|NgGh0sTcan anyone gimme some hints into getting ipw2200 to work?09:18
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chuenstdin: Um, how do I do that (or can I rtfm!)?09:19
tn-command: groups09:19
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tn-in a konsole09:19
stdintn-: have you looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems ?09:19
stdinchuen: how did you create the user ?09:19
stdintn-: hmm, I don't know what's happened, you had sound, but it got quieter every boot?09:20
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tn-and now nothing09:20
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tn-I also tried to set "option snd-hda-intel model=hp" in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base09:21
tn-but without success either09:21
intelikeyedit /etc/group    add your user/s to   audio:x:29:     audio:x:29:yourname,otherusers,moreusers09:22
stdinand the modules is loaded?09:22
=== stdin is stuck then
tn-thomas@dev07:~$ lsmod | grep snd09:22
tn-snd_hda_intel          20116  609:22
tn-snd_hda_codec         164608  1 snd_hda_intel09:22
tn-snd_pcm_oss            47360  009:22
tn-snd_mixer_oss          19584  1 snd_pcm_oss09:22
tn-snd_pcm                84612  4 snd_hda_intel,snd_hda_codec,snd_pcm_oss09:22
tn-snd_timer              25348  3 snd_pcm09:22
tn-snd                    58372  15 snd_hda_intel,snd_hda_codec,snd_pcm_oss,snd_mixer_oss,snd_pcm,snd_timer09:22
tn-soundcore              11232  1 snd09:22
tn-snd_page_alloc         11400  2 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm09:22
chuenstdin: That's a good point :) Seriously though, I've been doing so much, I'll have to think about that and trace my steps ...09:22
tn-mybe the chips is burnt ?09:22
stdinit dose look more like a hardware failure09:23
matthewwhat should i use to read .iso images? is there programs to mount virtual drives?09:23
stdintn-: maybe ask in #ubuntu09:24
stdinmatthew: mount09:24
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type "sudo mount -o loop my.iso <mountpoint>" There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before burning. Burning .iso files: see !burn09:24
tn-thanks stdin09:24
Rob-Westcan someone help me stream audio from a computer on my network to another PC09:24
stdintn-: no problem, let me know how it tunes out09:24
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stdinchuen: there is a GUI to create/edit users in SystemSettings09:25
ubotuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows09:25
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chuenstdin: system settings -> user management. (I think)09:25
stdinchuen: yep09:25
Rob-Westcan someone help me stream audio from a computer in my network09:26
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vgeHi, im trying to install phppgadmin from repos, but the version there only works with php4 or em i wrong?09:26
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OO7TDDi have an hp dv200t and cannot get my headphone jack to output anything or even mute the speakers when i plug headphones in. any idea's? ive tried several things found on the forums for similar soundcards. non did anything.09:27
chuenstdin: So what do I need to add to his settings there?09:27
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OO7TDDcurrently im trying to compile the latest alsa drivers but getting an "dereferencing pointer to incomplete type" error.09:28
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stdinchuen: 1st go in to administrator mode, then click the user, then click modify, then where it says "Secondary Groups", click Select, then look for "audio" in "Avaliable Groups"09:30
Toranaga-Sanvge: I think that your wrong. It says in the requirements php4-cgi OR php5-cgi09:31
K|NgGh0sTI'm having issues installing ipw2200 can anyone help me09:31
OO7TDDwhat problems?09:31
K|NgGh0sTBugs out \/home/kingghost/Desktop/ipw2200-1.2.1/ipw2200-1.2.1/ipw2200.c:11894: error: struct ieee80211_device has no member named is_qos_active09:33
chuenstdin: Great, thanks!09:33
OO7TDDout of curiosity, running feisty?09:34
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Jazongood morning everyone09:34
chuenstdin: After the upgrade I tried to print something and nothing happened, I checked the driver and nothing had been altered (I didn't think it would). Then I noticed a small pool of ink under the printer :) It's finally packed up!09:34
Jazonis it normal for memory not to empty?  All I have open right now is Kate, and I am using gobs of ram. :-(09:35
chuenJazon: Morning.09:35
JazonMem:       1286720    1045652     241068          0     141256     43022809:35
JazonSwap:      3686908     375416    331149209:35
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Jazonhow do i view memory usage?09:36
stdinJazon: it's normal, most seems to be used for cache09:36
stdin!memory | Jazon09:37
Jazon-/+ buffers/cache:     474168     81255209:37
ubotuJazon: A quick FAQ on Memory Management: http://gentoo-wiki.com/FAQ_Linux_Memory_Management09:37
Jazonahhh ok09:37
stdinchuen: sometimes it helps to delete the printer, then re-add it, don't ask why, but it worked for me once :P09:37
Jazonstdin: but it is using a gig of ram.  not disk... ???09:38
stdinJazon: read the link, the disk cache is in RAM09:38
intelikeyis that 1.2g ram  and 3.6g swap ?09:39
Jazonoh, i didnt understand that.  intelikey that is correct09:39
StingRayJazon, top09:39
Jazonwhats wrong with that?09:39
chuenstdin: I'll remeber that :) However, I binned the printer, it was on its last legs anyway. Bidding for an Eposen on eBay now :)09:40
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JazonI occasionaly have to load huge rasters into QGis and GRASS (GIS sw) but not often oneough to warrant shelling out another 80 for anoter gig of ram)09:40
stdinchuen: have a look on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters for known supported printers, just in case :P09:40
intelikey-/+ buffers/cache:      17944     23727609:41
intelikeySwap:            0          0          009:41
Jazonhmmm.  how do i tell if high mem support is enabled?09:41
intelikeyit is09:41
stdinJazon: it is in the default ubuntu kernels09:42
Jazon2.6.17-10-386 is my kernel09:42
Jazonoh.  ok, good09:42
chuenstdin: Thx. I looked at linuxprinting.org but the Ubuntu-specific list is likely to be 'safer' :)09:43
Jazonwho is talking about epson?09:43
Jazonsorry...  I have been using them... missed that earlier... what was the topic?09:43
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stdinJazon: chuen is going to get an epson to replace his old printer09:44
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JazonQ: my laptop seems to run much hotter (or at least the fan runs more often) since going to edgy. could this have to do with disk swap mgt?09:45
chuenJazon: That's as interesting as it get's here ;-)09:45
ursawhat do I need to install to get Amarok to play FLAC files?09:45
Jazonepson rocks.  I have a R230 with continuous inking system.  its *great*09:45
chuenstdin. If I look at the various versions (on the compatibiltiy list) is it safe to say that what has worked in a previous version will work in this most recent version?09:46
chuenJason: Just checking options on eBay right now.09:46
stdinchuen: yeah09:47
chuenstdin: Cool! Quite a few available then.09:47
Jazonchuen: where are you at?09:47
chuenbrb, need coffee :)09:47
ursaWell, it looks like I installed the right stuff to get XMMS to play FLAC files, if it didn't before I added that last package09:48
ursaBut no joy with Amarok09:48
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Jazonoff to work.  later guys.  :)09:51
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fadeyHi, everyone. I'm wondering why partition naming changed to UUIDs in Edgy. Could anyone explain or give a link to read about it.09:53
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stdin!UUID | fadey09:53
crazy_busI really like the Battle for Wesnoth but I'm looking for a RTS to play.  Something like Warcraft2 or the older Command and conquers.  I've tried Globulation 2 but I would prefer something with more control.  Can anyone recommend a game to me?09:53
ubotufadey: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in the terminal: "blkid" (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)09:53
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ursaWhat package do I need to add for Amarok to be able to play FLAC files?09:54
Healotcrazy_bus: something like warcraft?09:54
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Healotand free?09:54
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stdincrazy_bus: this is a support channel, you'll get a better answer in #ubuntu-offtopic09:55
Healot!find flac09:55
ubotuFound: flac, libflac++-dev, libflac++5c2, libflac-dev, libflac-doc (and 12 others)09:55
ursabetter question then, how do I do it using Adept?  I had it working the last time I installed Kubuntu09:56
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jordo23Why is it that everytime I use ark to unzip an archive I get errors......the uncompressed files seem to be alright.....but there is always error warnings....10:00
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munky08has anybody tried easyubuntu?10:01
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stdineasyubuntu is not recommended10:01
ursaOkay, then how do I play FLAC file in Amarok?10:02
Healothaven't tried easy-ubuntu yet10:02
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Healotinstall "flac", ursa10:02
munky08i installed it a while ago and i didnt work10:02
stdinursa: it may be a bug in your version of amarok, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21068310:03
ursawhich one?  I used Adept to install Flac support for XMMS which seems to play them just fine if it didn't do so before that10:03
stdinjordo23: what's the error you get ?10:03
Healot!info flac10:03
ubotuflac: Free Lossless Audio Codec - command line tools. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1.2-5ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 133 kB, installed size 340 kB10:03
ursaAh, so I may get FLAC support back in a future version of Amarok?10:04
Healotthe librart is "libflac++5c2"10:04
Healotif the xine-lib is compiled with FLAC, yes10:04
jordo23stdin: Not sure what to call it.....just the box listing all the files and the glass breaking sound goes off.....does not happen in file roller....10:04
stdinursa: yeah, other players should still be able to play flac files in the meantime10:05
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stdinjordo23: so ark shows no errors to you?10:06
ursaMay just have to wait then.10:06
jordo23stdin: yeah....gimme on sec and I will test...10:07
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munky08do i have edgy or dapper? i installed ubuntu 6.06 then used synaptics to get kubuntu desktop?10:09
munky08yesterday i did that10:09
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stdinmunky08: if you installed 6.06 you have dapper10:10
munky08how can update to edgy10:10
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stdin!upgrade | munky0810:10
ubotumunky08: See http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)10:10
munky08without downloading iso10:10
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intelikeymunky08 why upgrade to edgy ?10:11
jordo23stdin: Also.....superkaramba shows one copy of aero running.....but it is nowhere to be found on my desktop.....when I load it it blinks in the middle of the screen, but then nothing....any ideas?10:11
stdinmunky08: you can use the command "lsb_release -c" to check what you have10:11
intelikeyor -a10:11
stdin-c just shoes the name tho10:12
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intelikeydoesn't do anything here.10:12
stdinshows this for me "Codename:       feisty"10:12
intelikeybash: lsb_release: command not found10:12
munky08Codename : dapper10:13
stdinjordo23: I don't use superkaramba or aero, so I don't know, you can try killing it and starting it again maybe10:13
intelikeyyeah i'm running 6.6 too10:13
jordo23stdin: tried five times :)10:13
stdin6.6? what release it that?10:13
munky08is it better to have edgy10:14
intelikeystdin dapper10:14
intelikeyyou know that.10:14
stdinjordo23: how about logging out and back in ?10:14
stdinintelikey: no, dapper is 6.06 not 6.610:14
ubuntuAnyone know how to troubleshoot boot failures?10:15
intelikeyyear=6 month=6    same as   year=6 month=06   or    year=06 month=06     so yes they are the same thing10:15
jordo23stdin: Will try...10:15
munky08anybody knows how to enable root?10:15
stdin!sudo | munky0810:16
ubotumunky08: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.10:16
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intelikeymunky08 yes.    sudo passwd10:16
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intelikeybut do read the link  ^10:16
munky08i mean to log in as root10:16
VSpikeI'm really not liking akregator... anyone have any recommendations for a good feed reader for KDE?10:16
stdinstill don't get why you *need* to log in as root10:16
munky08to have a home  folder for root10:16
|Osirisdoes anyone recognise the error: Target filesystem doesnt have /sbin/init10:17
|Osiris/bin/sh: cant access tty10:17
intelikeymunky08 yes.      and if all you want is a root shell    sudo -i10:17
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munky08i just want to be the superuser10:18
nidalhi all , could someone please tell me how do I add my proxy settings to adept ?10:18
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intelikeymunky08 yes if you want is a root shell    sudo -i10:18
stdinVSpike: search for "aggregator" in adept10:18
stdinnidal: set it up in System Settings -> Network -> Proxy and adept will use it10:19
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nidalstdin, infact its setup already , but seems to be not taking it10:21
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nidallet me check again ; thanx anyway10:21
stdinthere is no way, that I know of, to set a proxy in Adept directly10:22
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kubuntuCan anyone help me? Kubuntu fails on boot, and i don't know how to get around it.10:23
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stdinwhat happens, do you get any errors?10:23
intelikey"Kubuntu fails on boot" of course10:23
kubuntuIt halts the system on boot failure.10:24
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stdinso you see nothing at all?10:24
kubuntuOn start up, it takes a while, then some text come up, something about Intel, then something about my MAC address, then it says it failed to boot.10:25
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stdinso it dose start booting then10:25
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paoloHi. How can I if is there an active process called "myprocess"?10:26
kubuntuAfter i installed it, i restarted, then nothing but a blank screen shows up, and then a little blinking underscore shows up. Then after a while, it starts doing something (the thing mentioned above)..10:26
paoloHi. How can I know if is there an active process called "myprocess"?10:26
paolo(command line)10:26
stdinpaolo: ps aux|grep myprocess10:26
paolostdin: thnks10:27
intelikeypaolo pidof myprocess10:30
stdinkubuntu: try reinstalling grub maybe https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows10:30
kubuntuK, i'll try it.10:30
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paolointelikey: thnks, your solution do works better10:30
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intelikeykubuntu pidof will return blank if the process does not exist and exit code is 1+   if the process exists the process id is printed and the exit code is 010:30
stdinman pidof for more :)10:30
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intelikeyyeah that.10:30
paolointelikey: another little question. which is the correct syntax for: if pid myprocess exists then execute anotherprocess?10:31
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stdinpaolo: pid myprocess && anotherprocess10:31
intelikeypidof myprocess && anotherprocess10:31
ninoumm help on win32 codecs please.10:31
stdinintelikey: beat ya :P10:31
intelikeystdin pid is only a command on my system10:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about win32 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:32
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:32
stdinintelikey: damn, 2 letters out10:32
paolointelikey: thnks it works10:32
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:32
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paolointelikey: and what about: if pid myprocess DOESN't exist then execute anotherprocess?10:33
intelikeyi actually have a command   pid   script that does ps -A x   and gives a total number of the running proccesses10:33
paolostdin: thnks:)10:33
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stdinpaolo: pidof myprocess || anotherprocess10:35
paolostdin: thnks again10:35
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intelikeypidof myprocess && anotherprocess || anotherprocess10:35
intelikeystdin you missed again.10:35
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stdinintelikey: that would run 'anotherprocess' either way :P10:35
intelikeyi didn't distiguish but yes  and that was the question       i think10:35
VSpikeJust formatting a partition, and was wondering - I can remember before ext3 when reiserfs was the thing to have... are there any reasons to use xfs or jfs or reiser over ext3 now?10:35
jordo23stdin: Sorry for the delay on that.....when I unzip a .tar.gz archive it always opens a window in the center of the screen stating the extraction operation failed, then in the same window lists the files in a box with a slider to view them....kind of general..10:35
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intelikeypidof /bin/sh && echo yes || echo no10:35
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stdinintelikey: than wouldn't 'pidof myporcess ; anotherprocess' be better?10:36
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astanhm. after i upgraded some packages yesterday the auto-brightness thingie (light sensor) started working, so the TFT on my laptop changes its brightness every now and then.. anyone know how i can turn it off? (at least when the AC is plugged in).10:36
intelikeystdin not if the two other processes were different10:36
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paolosee ya later10:37
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intelikeypaolo there is a really good place for bash scripting help.   #bash   but expect them to answer very short answers10:38
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binkscan i just say watchin you two argue is teaching me so much stuff about linux its great thanks10:38
stdinjordo23: strange, I haven't seen that before10:38
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astanit's really annoying because i'm sitting in a pretty dark room, and every time i lean a bit forward i cover up the light sensor a bit and the brightness increases.10:38
intelikeybinks no.10:38
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intelikeybinks never say that.10:38
jordo23stdin: Yeah....doesnt happen with file roller......just ark10:38
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stdinjordo23: I would say to ask in #kde , but you already did :P10:39
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jakykong_hi! does anyone know any reasons why "dd if=/dev/cdrom of=~/cdimg" might create a read error while kaffiene can play this CD just fine?10:40
binksastan some electrical tape over the sensor is a cheap workaround10:40
astanbinks: heh. but that would make it believe it was completely dark, and set it to the lowest brightness ;)10:40
astani want the highest brightness when AC is plugged in.10:41
intelikeyfor Q in $(pidof /bin/sh) ;kill -9 $Q ;done   <<<< long hand for    killall -9 /bin/sh10:41
astanmount a damn flashlight on the thing? ;)10:41
jordo23stdin: yep....can't really complain about the error....it still seems to extract the files correctly....just kind of annoying....10:41
binkslol yeah10:41
jordo23stdin: You know the default system error glass break sound?10:41
stdinjordo23: yeah10:41
astanif i could just set it10:41
astans sensitivity.10:41
jordo23stdin: Sometimes I will be sleeping.....often after watching a movie....that noise will scare the shit out of me...10:42
astanthat would be good too, so that it's not as sensitive to small light changes.10:42
pixelpunkBrowsing through a LiveCD, where would i find the files from a previous installation?10:42
intelikeyjakykong permissions/ownership10:42
stdinjordo23: haha, you can change it to something less scary10:42
jordo23stdin: like if my broadband goes offline and liquid weather malf's.....the sound plays....10:42
jordo23stdin: usually when I am sleeping too....10:42
stdinjordo23: or just mute the sound when you're away from the computer10:43
stdinpixelpunk: on the partition you installed to10:43
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jordo23stdin: lol....I know what to do to stop it....just kind of funny....I have sprung to my feet before...10:45
jordo23stdin: I have good speakers :)10:45
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astanbinks: aah. dead easy. just adjusting the brightness with Fn+F4/F5 put the auto-sensing out of play.10:45
astanit would be nice if it adapted to AC plug in/out though.10:46
binksastan where did you find that info10:46
stdinjordo23: I normally use headphones anyway, so I don't hear anything in another room10:46
astanbinks: hm. nowhere. i just pushed it.. Fn+F4/F5 is brightness adjustment on my laptop..10:46
astanand the auto-sensing stopped..10:47
intelikeyjordo23 you can have the screensaver run a script    make the script turn error sounds off.10:47
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binksstrange but glad it worked for you10:47
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binkshas anyone a good link to a tutorial on how create a pyqt frontend for a c/l app10:48
binksi just installed pyqt4 and designer and want to play10:48
astandon't think there's a tutorial for such a specific thing..10:48
astanthere's a pyqt book in the works though ;)10:49
binksor a getting to no desiner10:49
binksyeh says fall 200710:49
astanTT has pretty good documentation on designer i think..10:49
astani mean the official docs are kind of tutorialish.10:50
binksill take a look once i get the feel for wjhats goin on ill be ok10:50
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jordo23intelikey: once again....I know how to get rid of the sound......It's just a funny story...  :)10:51
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intelikeyjordo23 just shooting ideas for automated fixes10:52
binkshttp://www.cs.usfca.edu/~afedosov/qttut/  ,,that should do10:52
jordo23intelikey: No problem.....10:53
jordo23intelikey: Thanks though...10:53
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nagyvhello! it is great that edgy has recognized the quick-buttons on my laptop, but how can I reconfigure them? (especially, because it did not recognized all of them)10:54
Hobbseenagyv: are you trying through amarok?10:55
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stdinnagyv: I have the perfect thing for that, let me just find the name10:56
nagyvHobbsee: I even do not have to open amarok. I have play, stop, forward, backward buttons. If amarok is running I can start playing it even if the amarok window is minimized to the system tray.10:56
nagyvHobbsee: the problem is that I have other buttons (browser, volume, etc) which do not work10:57
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stdinnagyv: KeyTouch could be just what you want10:57
nagyvstdin: this is what ubuntu uses or is it something else?10:57
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Hobbseenagyv: just go into amarok, settings...10:57
Hobbseeglobal shortcuts10:58
Hobbseethen set them in there10:58
stdinnagyv: you can install it in Adept10:58
ubotuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts (Gnome) or "Input Actions" in KControl (KDE). If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try keytouch - http://keytouch.sourceforge.net10:58
stdin!info keytouch10:58
ubotukeytouch: A program to configure the extra function keys of the keyboard. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.1-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 412 kB, installed size 1824 kB10:58
jordo23stdin: I finally got my 64 bit flash working with Konq yesterday.....took six hours...10:58
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stdinjordo23: what did you have to do? (just in case anyone else asks me how to do it)10:59
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ubotukeytouch-editor: keyTouch editor 2. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.1.0-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 64 kB, installed size 132 kB10:59
jordo23stdin: chroot it and a whole bunch of troubleshooting......un_Operateur from # ubuntu helped me through it....took a LONG time...11:00
stdinintelikey: I had to use that, my keyboard model wasn't on its list11:00
jordo23stdin: Still buggy too.....but for the most part flash 9 works....11:00
nagyvIn amarok I have a global shortcut button like XF86AudioPause11:00
nagyvI would like to get a list of all the XF86 buttons recognized on my laptop11:00
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stdinjordo23: ahh, chroot, not the easyest thing in the world :P11:02
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intelikeychroot is not hard11:02
nagyvthese were recognized without any actions on my side (except installing edgy in playe of dapper)11:02
stdinintelikey: didn't say it was hard11:02
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stdinintelikey: just not the easyest thing in the world11:02
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=== intelikey ponders what would qualify as "the easyest thing in the world"
nagyvand it seems that I can not add such a global shortcut, just delete them11:02
K9Id like to connect to internet using a graphical interface instead having to type pon dsl-provider or poff. Could someone help me?11:02
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intelikeykppp do that ?11:04
nagyv\me is sure that installing edgy on an ASUS A2500D is one of the easiest things. It takes only 28 minutes, and works pretty well.11:04
binksanyone no where i create a new slot in pyqt4 designer11:04
K9ummm... I have a dsl connection11:04
chuenstdin: Can you remind me of how to add a debian package in dept manager?11:04
K9Are you you shure kppp handles dsl conections ? intelikey11:05
stdinchuen: what do you mean? add another repository?11:05
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intelikeyk8 no i was asking11:05
K9no, because it asks for a dial number11:06
chuenstdin: Yes.11:06
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K9My connection only asks for user and password11:06
chuenstdin: linmtp has a 'bug free' version which I need to upgrade to which is not upgradable directly but is availbale from debian.11:06
chuenstdin: libmtp11:06
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intelikeyk8 ^11:06
K9tnks intelikey :)11:07
goodthingthe new macbooks with core 2 duo cpu's, do they11:07
stdinchuen: as i recall, View -> Manage Repositories, then in there, type it in the "New Repository" line, and click add11:07
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goodthingthe new macbooks with core 2 duo cpu's, do they need to get installed with the powerpc iso too?11:08
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stefan_got a question: where can i find update-sources like w32codecs and so on?11:08
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:08
chuenstdin: Just ytype the name of the .deb file?11:08
stdinchuen: no, I asked if you wanted to add a repository11:09
stdinchuen: if it's just a deb file, you don't use adept :P11:09
chuenstdin: Oh, that' not a repository, is it! :) Sorry.11:09
ubotudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click on them (Ubuntu) or right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install (Kubuntu)11:09
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stdinthere you go chuen  ^^^11:10
chuenstdin: *blushes* thx!11:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about exactimage - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:10
stdinno problem :)11:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about uselessbot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:10
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about me - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:12
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binksanyone no where i create a new slot in pyqt4 designer11:13
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intelikeyfraudian ?11:14
stdincould be11:14
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stdingoodthing: try asking in #ubuntu-ppc ?11:18
sYnieis there still no possibility to get wlan cards with a hermes2 chipset work?11:19
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stdinnever heard of a hermes2 chipset, have you looked on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs ?11:21
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sYniei did11:22
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goodthingstdin: good idea, thanks :)11:26
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jpiccolohow do i install a deb file11:34
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stdin!deb | jpiccolo11:35
ubotujpiccolo: deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click on them (Ubuntu) or right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install (Kubuntu)11:35
jpiccolowhen i do that a window just flashes11:41
jpiccolodoesnt do anything11:41
cox377is there a way to so remote profiling from a server linux to linux in the same way as on windows?11:41
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stdinjpiccolo: open Konsole (Kmenu -> System -> Konsole), then use "sudo dpkg -i /path/to/filename.deb" (where /path/to/filename.deb is the location and name of the deb file)11:41
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jpiccolook thank stdin11:41
stdinno problem :)11:41
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chuenstdin: Can you teel me what the '%' indicates here: %./hotplug.sh  ? Thx11:48
stdinchuen: where's that from?11:48
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chuenstdin: libmtp (Been reading INSTALL)11:48
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stdinchuen: it probably means the shell prompt11:51
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chuenstdin: Thanks.11:53
aakarshare ther any bots in this room11:53
stdinchuen: no problem, the person who wrote the INSTALL file was probably using csh :P11:54
chuenstdin: csh?11:56
stdinheh, thought you'd ask11:56
ubotucsh: Shell with C-like syntax, standard login shell on BSD systems. In component universe, is optional. Version 20060413-1 (edgy), package size 235 kB, installed size 384 kB11:56
stdinit's like bach (in that it's a shell)11:56
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chuenstdin: Thanks for enlightening me :)11:59
chuenstdin: Would you mind having a quick look here :http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1288/12:00
chuenstdin: I don't have the 'hotplug present in /etc/12:00
chuenstdin (this is from the libmtp INSTALL)12:01
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stdinchuen: so you don't have "/etc/hotplug/" ?12:01
chuenstdin: Not sure where to locate it - or even if it has installed.12:01
chuenstdin: No12:02
chuenstddin: sorry, yes.12:02
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stdinchuen: I wouldn't worry about it, ubuntu has hotplug anyway12:02
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chuenstdn: I meant here: init.d/hotplug I don't have the script there.12:03
chuenstdin is hotplug activated by default then?12:03
stdinchuen: yeah, it'd on by default, I think it's built in to the kernel now12:04
stdinor in udev, or both :P I need to read up on it, but it's enabled by default anyway12:05
chuenstdin: Ah, OK. I'll have to do some more investigating (or give up and trade my son's Creatve Zen for an iPod) :)12:05
stdinI hear Creative Zen don't have great support for linux12:06
stdinnot that iPod do either, but there is better support for iPod12:06
apokryphosiPod themselves don't give any support for Linux12:07
apokryphosit's just that it's more popular, and hence more efforts have been thrown into getting it to work12:08
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stdinyeah, I meant there is better linux support for iPod12:08
stdinnot other way round12:08
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graniti Hi. I use a program which listens to different keyboard shortcuts. I have to make that this program doesn't listen to "Ctrl-Alt-Esc". is it possibile?12:17
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stdinwell, it would be helpful if you told us what the program is ?12:20
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vyomanno IPod linux support from Apple - it is a shame if not a crime that Apple makes use of so much FOSS and returns so lttle12:32
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=== vyoman no quick time movies
stdinApple = the forbidden fruit, so don't use it12:33
intelikeyno it's not.      don't use mac but apple !=12:34
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stdinjust ignore me anyway, I have an iPod12:35
stdintho I use rockbox on it12:35
stdinI removed the apple firmware12:35
stdinplus rockbox lets me play frozen bubble on my iPod :D12:36
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=== intelikey expects people to have "whoami" command but wonders if anyone else has "whatami" command ???
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rockwellwhat do i do if i get a pxe-e53 error on boot up?12:37
stdinintelikey: in bash?12:37
stdinyeah, I have it12:38
intelikeyit's a script12:38
intelikeyyou do ?12:38
intelikeywhat does it do ?12:38
stdinintelikey: on my system it's an ELF, it just tells you your username12:38
intelikeystdin that's whoami.....12:39
intelikeyreread ^12:39
intelikeyrockwell does that hang the system or does it continue to boot ?12:39
stdinahh, whatami :P12:40
=== intelikey does /exec -o whatami for stdin :)
intelikeycommand=BitchX pid=161112:40
rockwellThe system halts.12:40
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intelikeyrockwell what did it say just before that error ?12:41
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intelikeyi'm trying to place where that would be happening12:41
rockwellSomething about Intel pxe-2.0 (build 083)12:41
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intelikeyrockwell idk...12:42
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dromerhow can I open a new ftp-account for a friend?12:47
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Wombatundergrounis anyone on?01:25
stdinum, yeah01:26
WombatundergrounI need some help with navigating to folders from the console. can you help me please?01:26
stdinuse the 'cd' command01:26
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stdineg: "cd Desktop" or "cd /home/user"01:27
Wombatundergrounhow it it used? "cd home/folder"?01:27
Wombatundergrounok, I think I tried that I'll go and try again.01:27
stdincd /place/you/want/to/go01:27
stdinuse "ls" to see what's in the directory01:27
=== Skal [n=skal@ADijon-258-1-123-50.w90-26.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
Wombatundergrounahh, I think I missed the first / :D01:28
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Wombatundergrounl for Larry?01:28
stdinls = list, cd = change directory :)01:29
intelikeyrm = remove01:29
stdincp = copy01:29
intelikeyrm = remove  (delete in M$)01:29
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stdinmv = move01:30
intelikeydf = disk free01:30
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intelikeydu = disk usage01:30
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stdinuse "man command" to get the manual (where "command" is the command you want info on)01:31
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intelikeyman man01:32
stdinheh, yeah that too01:32
intelikeyinfo info01:32
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intelikeyhelp help01:32
stdinfor some light reading try "man bash" :)01:33
intelikeylight reading   :)01:33
stdinonly ~5000 lines01:33
=== intelikey closes man bash just cause stdin mentioned it.
intelikeyless = opposite of more     :)01:34
stdinI've read the whole of man bash once, I was trying to find how to do something (can't remember what now), and I didn't know how to search then :P01:34
=== Xera is now known as xera`brb
Wombatundergrounthanks, it did what it was supposed to but not what i wanted :D01:35
intelikeycat - concatenate files and print on the standard output01:35
stdintac = cat, but reverses it :)01:35
intelikeytic tac toe01:35
intelikeystdin should have did   man less   first :)01:36
=== xera`brb is now known as Xera
stdinyep, but that was back in the day :)01:36
stdinback in the way back when01:37
intelikeymy daughter coined that word at age 1   yestergo = some time before now.01:37
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=== stdin adds "yestergo" to his vocabulary
intelikey1.5 maybe more like it.01:38
intelikeyyeah it's been part of my vocab for 17 years now.01:39
stdinfunny, spellcheck doesn't complain that yestergo isn't a word :P01:39
intelikeybut it is    that what i just said.01:40
=== Linux_Galore is now known as Linux_galore_
stdinif spellscheck says it's a word, then it's a word01:40
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intelikeyreminds me,  someone told me yestergo that uncompressed wasn't a word.    someone in here.   heh :)01:41
intelikeycollage kids    lol01:41
stdinspellcheck likes it :)01:42
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stdin"undecompressed", however, isn't a word01:42
intelikeyit is too01:43
intelikeyit's not a number01:43
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intelikeyit has a meaning01:43
intelikeywe pronounce it.  and understand what it means01:43
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stdinok, it's not a recognised word, where "recognised" means it's in my spellcheck dictionary :P01:44
stdinhow about unundecompressed, is that a word ?01:45
stdinor "deundecompressed" ?01:45
intelikeythe fact that there is not a dictionary listing for every word that begins with un- doesn't mean much   look up un in the dictionary and you'll quickly see why.  the dictionary would be almost twice as big if there was.01:45
intelikeyvery good Jucato01:46
intelikeyand i am unjucato01:46
=== rag [n=rag@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyit's like mal- or mis-  one of the two can be added to almost any verb  and some non-verbs01:49
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stdinwell that's supercalifragalisticexpialidotious01:50
intelikeyand any state or action   can also be  un- state or actioned.01:50
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intelikeyonly if you're mary poppins  :)01:50
stdinhow do you know I'm now? :P01:51
intelikeyare you now.   or unnow ?>01:51
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stdinever been to Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu ?01:52
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stdin(it's a hill in New Zealand)01:53
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=== marco_ is now known as Cagarro
stdinanyway, that's a but too -offtopic :P01:54
sYnieas an foreigner, it's funny to see you guys philosophyze about the existence of words ... ;D01:54
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CagarroI just downloaded new KDM themes but I dont know where to find them in order to apply them. Someone help me ? Thanks01:55
stdinno, we know words exist :P01:55
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Jucato!changethemes | Cagarro01:55
ubotuCagarro: [Ubuntu]  Install gnome-themes (gnome) or go to menu, system settings, appearance. [KDE]  For a good KDE guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu.01:55
JucatoCagarro: look towards the section about KDM Themes01:56
sYnielol :P01:56
Cagarrotank you01:56
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Jucatonow whether words have any metaphysical existence, that's the philosophical question :P01:58
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intelikeyis a word a thing ?01:59
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stdinor is a word just an idea ?02:00
JucatosYnie: see what you've done? you shouldn't have used the 'p' word :P02:00
intelikeyphilosophical   fee-los-o'-fical02:00
sYniei would jump in ... but my english is just as bad to understand the half of what you are talking about ;D02:01
vgepeoples heads are exploding, please talk about preg_expressions or other simple things02:01
=== Jucato thinks up of a good Linux question...
intelikeyfor Q in `set | cut -d = -f1` ;do echo "$Q is set to ${!Q}" ;done02:02
=== ziza [n=aziz@chello084112072063.6.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeythere   have so bash  ^02:02
intelikeyfor Q in `set | cut -d = -f1` ;do echo -e "$Q/t=/t${!Q}" ;done   <<<< pretter output.02:03
=== maddy [n=maddy@AMontpellier-252-1-83-2.w86-197.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyfor Q in `set | cut -d = -f1` ;do echo -e "$Q\t=\t${!Q}" ;done   <<<< pretter output.02:04
CagarroI wonder if there is a  way to change the graphical login ( i cant finf any option in KDM)KDM02:05
=== stefano [n=stefano@adsl-ull-174-186.41-151.net24.it] has joined #kubuntu
=== intelikey blushes wrong / it's \ heh
JucatoCagarro: did you look in the guide I pointed you to?02:05
stdinintelikey: was going to see if you were going to notice that02:05
=== usuario [n=usuario@201-34-39-172.gnace300.ipd.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #kubuntu
Cagarronothing related with it02:05
JucatoCagarro: there's a section there about KDM Themes02:06
intelikeyCagarro options are in set in /etc/kde*/kdm/*.conf02:06
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Cagarrowell, there is kdm but it doesnt explain how to change the visual02:06
intelikeyoh stdin you didn't catch that....02:06
Cagarrothe moldure02:06
Jucatoit tells you to install the kdmtheme package, so that you will have a GUI way to add/remove/change KDM themes02:07
stdinintelikey: I was playing with bash, my attention was somewhere else :P02:07
stdinCagarro: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu#head-4b3b5593ae454ea8991ad90ceb81f453a0e6ab8202:07
Jucatoit also tells you that if you install the kdmtheme package, you'll only be able to reach it through KControl02:07
Jucatoit also tells you that you need to be in Administrator mode to do these things02:07
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stdinmy kcontrol is broken :(02:08
Jucatoit also tells you that as long as a KDM Theme is enabled, the appearance options in the Login Manager settings will not take effect02:08
Cagarro:) tanks jucato02:08
=== Jucato should know what the guide says, because he made it
Cagarrobut... where is Kcontrol?02:09
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stdinhmm, my kinfocenter is broken too :'(02:09
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JucatoCagarro: the guide also tells you how to find it...02:09
Jucatostdin: define "broken"?02:10
Cagarrook. I'm kinda laisy today :-) tanks again02:10
Jucatoapparently... :/02:10
stdinJucato: broken, as in shows nothing when I open them. (well kcontrol only shows "peripherals")02:11
intelikeybroken is the state of being 'unfixed'02:11
=== Jucato made the guide so there will be less Q&A about themes... apparently, it doesn't work under some temperaments...
stdinJucato: btw, I'm running feisty, so that could be part of it :P02:11
Jucatooh :)02:11
Jucatofeisty == random breakage... you should know that by now :P02:11
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Jucatowhen things go wrong on dev releases, #ubuntu+1 and #kubuntu-devel are the places to be02:12
stdinIt's never worked in feisty tho02:12
stdinJucato: I'm not too bothered by it, was just mentioning it02:12
CagarroI really wish I could have all the artworks of kubuntu 6.06. It has a very nice visual. Much more appealing then the one from 6.1002:12
intelikeyfeisty = unconstant unfixedness02:12
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stdinfeisty = dynamic unworkingness02:13
=== Xera is now known as xera`afk
JucatoCagarro: you could. there's a way, but involves a bit more work than you're probably prepared to do02:14
intelikeydynamic ~= unlinear   ?02:14
stdinnonstaticly broken02:14
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Cagarroya... I need a little bit more expreience. But I know what you mean. getting access to the directories, replacing one for the other ...02:15
intelikeywell i'm going to unconnect now.   i'll be back in the unpassed unpresent.02:15
stdinsee you unsoon02:15
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Cagarrocould you prepare me a script ? eh eh :) It would be really easier02:17
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stdinthat reminds me, I need to finish a script I'm working on :)02:19
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Cagarro<and I need to learn how to make a script. Is it bach , isnt it?02:20
stdinCagarro: bash is one of the types of shell script, and probably the most common, but there are others02:21
CagarroI just want a way integrate several tasks in just one module02:22
=== yamal [n=yamal@echelon.no-such-agency.net.ru] has joined #kubuntu
stdinall a bash script is (in basic terms) is a list of commands to run, one after the other02:23
Cagarrolike in batch, ms-dos02:23
stdinshell scripts are the same as batch scripts, except you don't run them in DOS :P02:24
CagarroI understand. It's another set of commands02:24
stdinCagarro: good guide to bash scripts: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/02:24
Cagarrotanks stdin02:25
stdinit may be a bit advanced, but it's very useful as a reference too02:25
CagarroNothing like pratice and will, of course :) tanks again02:25
stdinjust experiment with them, as long as you don't run them as root (sudo), you can't to much damage to the system02:26
=== Zamber [n=Zamber@efp213.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu
Cagarroall right02:26
JucatoCagarro: about getting Dapper artwork into Edgy. go to packages.ubuntu.com, download the package named "kubuntu-default-settings" (for Dapper), open it up in Ark, extract the data.tar.gz. open it up, then search for the artworks there02:26
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Cagarrouao.. :) tanks very much jucato for your patience and atention02:27
sYniestdin, nice link. a few days ago, i searched for a bulked tutorial, like this.02:27
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Jucatotldp.org has a lot of good stuff, some for beginners02:28
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stdinsYnie: I've been using it as a reference for a while, like if I forget how to do something, I have several parts bookmarked :P02:28
sYniei'll notice it. thanks.02:28
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Cagarrostdin, this is what I call a complete guide !02:30
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stdinyeah, it starts quite basic, and gets quite advanced, you'll pick up a lot of tricks from there02:31
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Jucato!changethemes | lotusleaf02:38
ubotulotusleaf: [Ubuntu]  Install gnome-themes (gnome) or go to menu, system settings, appearance. [KDE]  For a good KDE guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu.02:38
CagarroJucato, there are soo many things in there. Whato to choose and where copy?02:39
JucatoCagarro: depends on what you want... I don't have access to X/KDE right now, I can only make certain assumptions...02:39
CagarroI really apreciate your help. I'll explore from here. tanls again02:40
JucatoCagarro: but once you have decompressed the data.tar.gz package from kubuntu-default-settings, look for the kubuntu-default-settins folder in there, that should have most of the artwork, usually inside a directory called share/02:40
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katabaticanybody very knowledgeable willing to help me? nobody can figure out my problem02:54
mariois there an italian kubuntu channel?02:55
stdin!it | mario02:55
ubotumario: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!02:55
=== amir__ [n=amir@falun-on.139.cust.blixtvik.net] has joined #kubuntu
sivajistdbin:how can i convert .tar.gz souce code file to executable program02:56
stdinkatabatic: we don't know what the problem is, you need to tell us before we can help02:56
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stdinsivaji: you need to compile it02:56
=== marco_ is now known as Cagarro
stdinsivaji: stdin, not stdbin :P02:57
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katabaticcan you private message me02:57
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stdinkatabatic: if you have a support request, you should ask in here02:57
stdinsivaji: have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware02:57
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CagarroI found kdm theme manager but, after i put my password and click the button it says loading ad infinitum02:58
katabaticthe problem is the computer won't get an IP address from th router at boot via DHCP, I have to run a command like dhclient eth0 or something manually02:58
stdin!language | Tontonq02:58
ubotuTontonq: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:58
Tontonqjust a joke :p02:58
Tontonqwe love kubuntu :D02:58
katabaticwell I feel thatway, Tontonq :(02:59
katabaticas I just installed this02:59
katabaticand already have a stupid, stupid, ass problem02:59
stdinkatabatic: have you set the interface to use DHCP ?02:59
katabaticthat nobody can help02:59
stdinkatabatic: in System Settings?02:59
katabaticit worked before on fresh install, then I broke it somehow02:59
stdinkatabatic: but "dhclient eth0" works ?03:00
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katabaticI think so03:00
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katabaticor by going to the network settings, deactivating and activating eth0 works too03:01
AndyBekatabatic:  look into the system settings. The networkcard under VMware was disabled after installation, works on live cd.03:01
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AndyBekatabatic: and don't forget to aktive for each boot! that was my problem why i configurue always the networkcard to dhcp.03:03
stdinkatabatic: a couple questions, what type of network is it? (wired or wireless) and, is it vmware, or installed on a real pc?03:03
Cagarroi dont undrstand... How to have complete privileges without having to type everytime the password. just this session ...03:03
katabaticworked fine on fresh install03:03
stdinCagarro: use "sudo -i" to get a root shell03:03
katabaticthen I broke it somehow03:04
AndyBekatabatic: It was like that. katabatic 6.10 ?03:04
Cagarrowill it work in graphical apps?03:04
stdinkatabatic: can you post /etc/network/interfaces to pastebin03:04
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:04
stdinCagarro: no, you want konqueror as root?03:04
Cagarroyes. just this time03:04
stdinCagarro:  press Alt-F2, then enter: kdesu konqueror03:05
stdinno problem, just be careful :)03:05
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karmikazeanyone here familiar with the kde login problem where it asks you to check if dcopserver is running??03:06
karmikazei am unable to login to eithe rkde or gnome03:06
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apokryphosdid you launch applications with sudo?03:07
apokryphosyou can muck up your dcop sockets if you do so; quite dangerous.03:07
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karmikazei remember someone from suse telling me to wipe out the .ICEauthority files or something like that03:08
stdinkatabatic: how many interfaces do you have?03:08
karmikazei dont have sudo access on this machine03:08
katabatic2, I need eth003:08
apokryphoskarmikaze: well, not if you mucked up your dcop sockets03:08
karmikazebut im sure its something in my local account that is stopping me from logging in cos other users can ge tin03:08
apokryphosthough that was me ;-)03:08
AndyBekatabatic:  eth0 in the last line move up where it belongs.03:08
apokryphosubotu: kdesu | karmikaze03:08
ubotukarmikaze: In KDE, use kdesu to run graphical applications with root priveleges when you have to. Do *not* do sudo {GUIAPP}; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo03:08
stdinkatabatic: did you remove the "#" symbols from the file, you should have some in there ?03:09
karmikazei didnt use sudo for anything03:09
apokryphosit sounds like you did03:09
karmikazei dont run anything on this machine its university lab machine03:09
karmikazei only browse online an duse irc03:09
karmikazeoh well i'll talk to suse people again they fixed it before03:09
apokryphoscan you pastebin the full dcop output error?03:09
apokryphoskarmikaze: the suse people was... me03:09
apokryphosIIRC, anyhow03:10
karmikazecould not read network connection list from some file, check if dcopserver is running03:10
katabaticnone there03:10
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katabaticstdin I'll be back03:10
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mariohow can i add ubuntu-it in my channel list?03:11
karmikazeprompting me to look at some .DCOPxxxxxxx file in my home dir, but its not there03:11
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Jucatomario: autojoin channel list? press F2 -> Edit, then at the bottom there's a place for adding channels03:11
apokryphoskarmikaze: rm -rf ~/.DCOP*03:12
CagarroI'm happier now. Things are just working the way I want :)03:12
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karmikazei havent got any .DCOP* files :/03:12
apokryphoskarmikaze: rm your ~/.*authority03:12
marioand then?what is the channel name?03:12
stdinmario: also make sure the channel starts with a "#" or it won't work: eg "#kubuntu-it"03:13
apokryphosmario: channel name is #ubuntu-it03:13
Jucato!it | mario03:13
ubotumario: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!03:13
karmikazeive got two lots of abm2      2705     1  0 14:04 ?        00:00:00 dcopserver --nosid03:13
karmikazeabm2      2713     1  0 14:04 ?        00:00:00 dcopserver --nosid --suicide03:13
karmikazeis that going to be problematic?03:14
olimpicoI bought a TP-Link Wireless card, i read in internet it was automatically recognized by Ubuntu, but I had ubuntu already installed, How do i make KUbuntu to recognize my new Wireless card??? When I type lspci, it's there, but how do I configure it?03:14
karmikazeive removed all the auth files03:14
apokryphoskarmikaze: issue sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop03:14
apokryphoskarmikaze: then start it again03:14
karmikazethink i'll have to reboot i dont have sudo access on this machine03:14
mariobut when i add they ask me the password03:15
AndyBekarmikaze: that's nice03:15
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AndyBekatabatic:  and now?03:15
stdinmario: leave the password part blank03:15
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olimpicoPlease someone help me, just give me a hint!03:15
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AndyBeit did't work ?03:16
katabaticI changed the interfaces according to somebody, still nothing03:16
apokryphosubotu: wireless03:16
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:16
katabaticso it's not the interfaces file03:16
katabaticbut running the command dhclient eth0 makes it work until I reboot again. maybe some service isn't running??03:17
karmikazenope  same error03:18
karmikazeand when i try starting gnome, it wont get past trying to load metacity03:18
stdinkatabatic: you have 2 interfaces, eth0 and eth1 ?03:18
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stdinkatabatic ?03:20
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katabaticI tried running ifup -a  or something according to somebody03:22
katabatichttp://www.pastebin.ca/314157 I get this03:22
katabaticI'm trying to get eth0 working03:22
katabaticit's not in there even03:22
katabaticin that message03:23
katabaticis that good or bad03:23
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stdinkatabatic: you need to change the /etc/network/interfaces file to this http://www.pastebin.ca/31415803:24
stdinkatabatic: you can edit it by pressing Alt-F2 and in there typeing: kdesu kate /etc/network/interfaces03:25
katabaticok I got a different result after doing ifdown03:25
scravok to ask newbie questions here? or where should i go? :D03:26
scravanyone experience a problem with sound on alaptop?03:26
stdinscrav: this channel is for ALL questions, newbie or not :P03:26
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scravstdin:  nice :D03:27
Jucato(all *kubuntu* support questions) :P03:27
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AndyBe_katabatic: you got it i was short out?03:27
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stdinkatabatic: then it's working now, you got an IP address03:28
stdinscrav: back at you :P03:28
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AndyBe_katabatic:  system configuraiton in kde , you know that writes a clean new file.03:29
scravi got a packar bell laptop. Realtek soundcard , no sound from speakers just very low sound from headphones03:30
stdinscrav: have you made sure the volume is turned up?03:30
stdinand in "alsamixer" too ?03:31
scravya, this is like a bug or something ive read about it03:31
scravi did as the guides told me, install alsa package03:31
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katabaticno it's not working03:35
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katabaticAndyBe_ what system configuration in KDE?03:35
DaSkreechWhat is kopete parsing at startup?03:36
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AndyBe_hm... "Systemeinstellungen" in german.03:36
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mildner_hallo jemand online03:38
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AndyBe_mildner_: make a joke.03:38
gianlux89csby exam cisco You have the ansewer03:38
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ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!03:38
mildner_ich versuch mir die bersetzung in kopete einzuarbeiten, jemand ahnung?03:39
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de03:39
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DaSkreechhi nikkiana03:42
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chuenHi . I upgraded to Edgy yesterday and I've since discovered that Skype is no longer working fully (only one-way audio). What might have changed with the upgrade? Mixer?03:43
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XVampireXchuen: Only the other party can hear you or only you can hear them?03:49
chuenXVampireX: I used the 'Sype Test Call, recorded my message, but could not hear it played back to me.03:51
chuenOne thing I've noticed since the upgrade is that my mic is unmuted on my headset plu03:51
chuenthe sound balance (L/R) had altered.03:52
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XVampireXgo to mixer and make sure all settings are correct03:52
chuenThat's why I asked about the Mixer.03:52
XVampireXYou heard the woman tell you everything you need, right?03:52
chuenOK, I'm acyually winging it a bi there :) There are so many more options thatn in Widoxze .... :)03:52
XVampireXMake sure you have capture on capture03:53
XVampireXAnd you can at least hear yourself locally03:53
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chuenXVampireX: It was on (slected) but the fader was down for some reason.03:54
ubotucedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega03:54
XVampireXcapture doesn't matter if it's max or min, it should just have capture on, it's the capture device setting :)03:54
chuenOh, OK.03:54
chuenLet me test it again.03:54
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XVampireXjust make sure you hear yourself locally first, if you can, it's good if not, it's a problem with your microphone being unplugged or something like that :P03:55
XVampireXMe, I need help with that: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2002754#post200275403:55
chuenXVamireX: Do I need to reboot?03:55
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chuenOK. As I said, I can hear myself (through headset).03:56
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chuenSo the mic must be plugged in :)03:56
XVampireXMake sure mic settings has capture on too, so it can use the capture device03:56
n0neis there anyone using cedega?03:57
XVampireXn0ne: their channel #cedega03:57
n0neoh thx alot03:57
chuenXVampireX: Voila! Thanks alot :)03:57
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rejiscan you help my friend connect to the net?03:58
XVampireXchuen: no problem03:58
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chuenOK. ttyl.03:58
rysiek|plhi guys03:58
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XVampireXbye chuen03:59
n0nevampire, none asnwering on theyr channel, maybe u can help me?03:59
rysiek|planybody tried enabling 3d on a mobility radeon x700 on edgy? I am having some problems (namely, after generating a package from the ati installer and changing the driver in xorg.conf to fglrx - and rbooting - I get that DRI failed to initialise)04:00
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stdinrysiek|pl: why didn't you use the package from ubuntu?04:00
rysiek|plstdin: well... hmmm... I think I have tried it and got the same error, but I'll try it again, just in case04:01
stdinXVampireX: found this which may help you http://aznv.tv/wiki/index.php?Linux%2FFreeBSD%20How-to04:02
XVampireXstdin: I did it and it doesn't work04:02
stdinhmm, so you have the w32codecs ?04:03
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XVampireXI even got the most recent one04:03
XVampireXright from mplayer website and installed it in /usr/lib/codecs04:04
stdinXVampireX: can you give me a direct link to one that you're trying to play, so I can experiment a bit?04:04
XVampireXI tried it with all of them04:04
XVampireXThey use the same thing04:04
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stdina direct link?04:05
XVampireXYou don't like registering?04:05
XVampireXDon't think it will let you04:05
stdinugg, fine I'll register to yet another site :P04:05
XVampireXIt's not a bad site04:06
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XVampireXI watched quite a few movies there once upon a time, they were pretty good04:06
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fxr_how do i find out what linux kernel version i am running?04:07
stdinfxr_: uname -r04:07
XVampireXn0ne: Patience is a virtue, don't use cedega though04:07
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XVampireXI think wine is good enough for what I need and most of the time it does the job better than cedega04:08
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Yaccinhow can i get all the keys of my keyboard working?04:08
XVampireXYaccin: Multimedia?04:08
Yaccinand G1-G1804:09
XVampireXIt was on digg a while ago, how to get all multimedia keyboards working04:09
Yaccini also need the G-keys for beryl :P04:09
Yaccinmultimedia keys on the keyboards-laptop work04:10
Yaccinbut not the ones on my logitech G1104:10
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marioqualcuno parla in itiano?04:11
marioin italiano?04:11
apokryphosubotu: it04:11
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!04:11
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XVampireXYaccin: I'll get you the link soon, searching for it now04:12
sivajiwhat this command will do "sudo auto-apt update"04:12
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rysiek|plstdin: m'kay, removed the ati-generated packages, aptitude installed fglrx-driver from the repos - same thing04:13
XVampireXsivaji: it updates the repository list in /etc/apt/sources.list04:14
XVampireXso whatever repositories you have there will get updated, basically, checks for newer versions of software04:14
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YaccinXVampireX: thx ^^04:15
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waylandbillI used a deb-src to build gtkpod with mp4v2 support. Now adept says that gtkpod is upgradable. How do I get it to not say that until a new version really is available?04:16
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kjdisWhile compiling something, "error: `gettid' has not been declared", I believe this a simple issue with kernel headers?  Anyone?04:16
XVampireXYaccin: But I may not find it :-/04:16
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stdinXVampireX: hmm, seems something has changed server side, all I get with the .nsv file is some HTML code04:16
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XVampireXstdin: What do you mean?04:17
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XVampireXWhat must have changed there? :P04:17
stdinXVampireX: you know in the m3u file there is a link, that you need to open in mplayer ?04:17
XVampireXYaccin: http://www.elsbrock.com/cherry04:17
stdinXVampireX: all I get when I download that link is HTML code (web code)04:18
waylandbillkjdis: is the source file the error was in including <sys/types.h> and/or <linux/unistd.h> ?04:18
XVampireXstdin: Yes, that's why I opened it up as -playlist04:18
XVampireXI tried it by copy pasting the link, same thing, but then again, it's obvious04:19
XVampireXstdin: They don't allow downloading04:19
stdinXVampireX: they must now need you to use a cookie to get the stream04:19
XVampireXIt's an error code in their website04:19
XVampireXI tried quite a few things04:19
YaccinXVampireX: i dont have a cherry keyboard, i have a logitech G11 :P04:19
stdinXVampireX: doubt its an "error", more they have made it more "secure"04:19
kjdiswaylandbill: yes, #include <linux/unistd.h>04:19
XVampireXYaccin: What's your point? You do the same for your keyboard.04:19
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XVampireXstdin: I can understand that but they claim that it works in Linux and some actually somehow got it working, no idea how... I'm talking about VLC, too.04:20
kjdiswaylandbill: nd #include <unistd.h> too04:20
YaccinXVampireX: but it should work without doing that!04:20
Yaccinit worked with the same keyboard on my desktop04:20
XVampireXYaccin: Blame it on logitech04:20
XVampireXOn your desktop = windows?04:21
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Yaccinon my desktop pc with kubuntu04:21
XVampireXSo what?04:21
Yaccinnow im on my laptop04:21
XVampireXWith kubuntu?04:21
XVampireXAnd exactly same keyboard?04:21
XVampireXSounds like it doesn't detect your keyboard right04:21
Yaccinmy desktop pc is broken04:21
stdinXVampireX: have you read the comments page for the instructions ?04:21
Yaccinso i plugged the keyboard and monitor etc into the laptop04:22
XVampireXstdin: I think so, yeah04:22
kjdiswaylandbill: also, gettid is used in 2 ways in the source, _syscall0(pid_t, gettid) and  return gettid();04:22
XVampireXYaccin: Maybe it detects the laptop builtin, instead.04:23
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stdinXVampireX: post number 7 shows it not working, they are on dapper04:23
YaccinXVampireX: but it worked on an earlier installation on the same laptop :P04:23
XVampireXstdin: They are talking about earlier versions of mplayer, too04:24
Yaccinhmm it works now o.O04:24
Yaccinbuuut the G-keys arent04:24
waylandbillkjdis: I'm pretty sure the _syscall0 assigns an address for the gettid() call. I'm not sure why it's not finding it for you though.04:24
Yaccinand the software there would probably not work04:24
Yaccinbut the are currently working as F1-F12 keys...04:24
paolohi. how can I automatically start process1 when process2 is killed by an event?04:24
XVampireXstdin: I already had mplayer using faad2 codec to start with, and then again, that's related to audio04:25
kjdiswaylandbill: yeah I don't get why this isn't working either, I built my own kernel, which I have done on other boxes with this same source and never had a problem04:25
fxr_is this the latest NDISWRAPPER supported adaptors list : http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/List#K ??04:25
stdinXVampireX: all the site seems to be sending now is the text/html file. no video04:25
kjdiswaylandbill: but maybe in this case I broke something, I did have to manually copy 2 files into /usr/include to get it this far04:25
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XVampireXstdin: Yeah, security measure for sure04:26
XVampireXGotta figure out what to do with it then04:26
stdincomplain to the site04:26
XVampireXhmm, going to wear new coat, getting pretty cold here :P04:26
XVampireXI did, and they don't care about us, they also use a very non portable codec, too.04:26
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paolo i mean: i have process2 which is killed by pressing "Esc" key. I want that process1 starts automatically when this occours...04:26
XVampireXIt's more of those lock-in procedurs that people do04:27
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stdinpaolo: what exit number is genorated on the exit ?04:27
XVampireXYaccin: It may work, that doesn't matter, the problem there is that it doesn't detect your keyboard right, maybe conflicts with built in keyboard.04:27
paolostdin: how can i see it?04:28
YaccinXVampireX: now everything works, but only the G1-G18 keys arent04:28
Dasnipa`paolo, yes you would have to do with by knowing the exit number and writing a program using fork() and then based on the exit number you can launch another app04:28
XVampireXYaccin: I understand that, what's hard to understand?04:28
paoloDasnipa`: i wouldn't write a program... i would like to do it with a script04:29
waylandbillkjdis: rather than using CFLAGS to find those files?04:29
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stdinpaolo: start the process from konsole, and exit it with escape, then type "echo $?" that should show the exit number, make sure it's the 1st command you do after it exits04:29
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XVampireXYour desktop pc doesn't have a built in so it detects your keyboard type just fine, get it?04:30
Dasnipa`paolo, i dont know that its easy to do with a script. it is easy to do with a program04:30
YaccinXVampireX: also the G1-G18 keys "work" but they are configued as F1 - F12 keys, so when i try that on the website i will probably get the same codes as i would get for the F1 - F12 keys---04:30
XVampireXYou should report it as bug to Xorg04:30
paolook wait a sect stdin04:30
XVampireXYaccin: What did I just say?04:30
frojnddoes edgy cd have option to manage partition! I don't wanna isntall linux, just to manage on the boot partition??04:30
frojndor any other program that manage partitions and has options to be booted?04:31
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XVampireXfrojnd: No, you are left out in the cold without any way to install anything04:31
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stdinfrojnd: yeah, it's qtparted i think, it's in the Kmenu04:31
paolostdin: it gives me '0'04:31
fxr_if a network adapter is supported in earlier revisions of the linux kernel &  ndiswrapper, does it follow that it will also be supported in later versions ?04:31
XVampireXfrojnd: I'm just kidding, you have all the options to configure your partitions04:31
kjdiswaylandbill: well I don't know much about compiling really, so I didn;t even think of using CFLAGS, but in any case for any other compiles I'd rather have the right files in /usr/include anyway04:31
XVampireXthe installer is also using qtparted04:31
stdinpaolo: then it exited with success, so you can just do "command2 && command1"04:32
Dasnipa`paolo, exit code 0 means success thats not very useful to you because youll get the same exit for normal exit and 'esc'04:32
kjdiswaylandbill: I think my problem is probably easily fixed, I just have no idea why gettid doesn't work04:32
frojndXVampireX: I don't wanna manage partitions on my linux mascine. I have problems with windows and I wanna manage partitions on boot so how can I get this prog?04:32
paolostdin: I see but04:32
fdovingfxr_: no, it's not decided that it will be supported forever. the 2.4.x series support old stuff the 2.6.x series does no longer include support for.04:32
waylandbillkjdis: that's true, but you'll have issues at link time in that case I'd figure.04:32
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paolostdin: how can i start AUTOMATICALLY process204:32
paolowhen process1 has exit code=0 ?04:32
kjdiswaylandbill: I was thinking maybe I should copy unistd.sh from  my new kernel into /usr/include/... as well04:33
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stdinpaolo: that command will do it (the && means "if the process exits with 0 then start process 2)04:33
waylandbillkjdis: probably a good idea since it may have changed... (or a symbolic link there)04:34
stdinpaolo: you just need the "&&" between the commands04:34
fxr_ok thanks again, guys... : )04:34
paolostdin: but which is the first command.... echo?04:34
kjdiswaylandbill: yeah well a diff shows a huge section of code missing from one04:34
MalfermitaKodoAnyone has the IP of a public nameserver?04:35
stdinpaolo: that just shows _you_ the exit code04:35
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MalfermitaKodomy boyfriend's ISP is fscking up04:35
paolostdin: I don't understand your tip04:35
paoloif process1 exits with "esc" key04:35
MalfermitaKodofdoving: joke?04:35
paolohow can i start process2 automatically?04:36
fdovingMalfermitaKodo: try.04:36
paolowhich is the command which listens when process1 exits?04:36
MalfermitaKodoI am in the middle of a Gentoo installation04:36
XVampireXfrojnd: It's in kmenu04:36
kjdiswaylandbill: I've done this many times, on Deb, Gentoo, and even Kubuntu like this but older version, I really have no idea why this happenned, is there something I should run to make all my headers get updated from the new kernel?04:36
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stdinpaolo: by running "process1 && process2" that will run process2 IF process1 exits with exit code 004:37
Dasnipa`paolo, you want process 2 to start only one 'esc' or any clean exit?04:37
kjdiswaylandbill: I created the header pkg when I compiled the kernel, thinking that installed them , but looks like all that does is put them into /usr/src/blahblah04:37
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paoloDasnipa`: yes04:38
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frojndXVampireX: in k meno yb wich section? and how do I burn it?04:38
Dasnipa`paolo, that wasnt a yes/no question. only on 'esc' being pressed. or any successful exit04:38
paoloDasnipa`: sorry. only on esc pressed04:39
waylandbillkjdis: I would think that the configure script would know to look for them there, but may be looking at the /usr/src/linux symbolic link.04:39
Dasnipa`see this is why stdin's method doesnt work04:39
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kjdiswaylandbill: well I tried the copy, still doesn't compile :)04:39
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XVampireXfrojnd: You don't burn it, it's there, you need linux for it04:40
waylandbillkjdis: what is it you're trying to compile, not that it necessarily matters?04:40
frojndXVampireX: u don't understand me :)04:40
frojndXVampireX: I wanna program to be booted...04:40
kjdiswaylandbill: I am trying to compile VDR, from working source I use for a few boxes04:40
microbalrogHey people.04:41
frojndcouse I wanna insatll windows and something is wrong that disk cannot be  booted; I have to cehck if it's ACTIVE..04:41
microbalrogDoes anybody know IP's for public nameservers? Please?04:41
Dasnipa`paolo, the best bet here would probably be to modify the source of process1 and add an escape code for the event of esc being pressed. but im not sure that theres a way to say 'start process 2 is process1 exits with code x' which is why i suggested a wrapper program using fork and exec04:41
kjdiswaylandbill: this same source also was running on an older Kubuntu box until a few weeks ago when hardware problem made me do this fresh install with 6.1004:41
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=== microbalrog begs and such
MalfermitaKodohey microbalrog!04:41
paoloDasnipa`: i can't do it but04:41
paoloDasnipa`: i guess that the simpler way is doing a small posix program which polls the status of the process named process104:42
XVampireXstdin: What's the output that you get from mplayer?04:42
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waylandbillkjdis: it's gotta be that it's not finding the right header I'd think. you could preprocess the source file to see what it's pulling in04:42
Dasnipa`paolo, that is possible but im still not sure how you are to determine the exit method since esc returns 0 which is 'normal' exit04:42
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MalfermitaKodoand can someone help microbalrog to setup his net okayly?04:42
sivajiif i try to compile a program  MinGwStudio window get closed ple tell me what to do?04:42
kjdiswaylandbill: How do I preprocess the file?04:43
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kjdiswaylandbill: use gcc with some option?04:43
paoloDasnipa`: i poll process1 every 0.1 seconds and if it is not longer active, i start process204:43
MalfermitaKodoI'll send chocolate!04:43
stdinXVampireX: http://www.pastebin.ca/31423304:43
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MalfermitaKodoI would help but forgot to emerge a browser04:44
trappistI always forget to emerge things on ubuntu04:44
trappistsince, you know...04:44
XVampireXWe get different outputs04:45
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MalfermitaKodotrappist: I am on Gentoo, microbalrog is on Kubuntu04:45
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MalfermitaKodoI'm just here to help wim with the techbabble04:45
trappistMalfermitaKodo: ok that makes sense :)04:45
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waylandbillkjdis: that I'll have to look up04:45
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kjdiswaylandbill: thanks for all the help, I am looking into it as well04:46
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MalfermitaKodotrappist: his connection is fscked up, he can only connect to sites via the IP04:46
XVampireXHow do you figure it's trying to send you an html page?04:46
drusilahey ppl04:46
drusilawhats up?04:47
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waylandbillkjdis: -save-temps will store the foo.i file in the current directory. you'll want to do single file mode04:47
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sivajiif i try to compile a program  MinGwStudio window get closed ple tell me what to do?04:47
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kjdiswaylandbill: this might be difficult, I don't know much about this stuff04:48
sivajiis there any ide similar to ms visual studio in kde04:49
silence_hi all / hola04:49
waylandbillkjdis: oh. right. it may not help if you can't read it. :-/04:49
waylandbillsivaji: kdevelop304:49
trappistsivaji: kdevelop04:49
trappistwhat waylandbill said04:50
sivajican i compile visual c++04:50
trappistsivaji: you can compile c++ - visual c++ is an ide, not a language04:50
kjdiswaylandbill: well I was thinking more aslong tyhe lines of how to even do it, considering I am just running the Makefile04:51
silence_alguien que hable espaol x aqui?04:51
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.04:52
waylandbillsivaji: you could cross-compile, but that's pretty advanced.04:52
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sivajicross compile means04:53
kjdiswaylandbill: what about the other unistd.h?  one is just <unistd.h> and one is <linux/unistd.h>04:53
waylandbillkjdis: you could do g++ -c -save-temp foo.cpp, but I just did it and it doesn't tell full path. but you could compare the output to compare to.04:53
trappistsivaji: compile in one environment for another environment04:53
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kjdiswaylandbill: I'll try that anyway04:54
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waylandbillsivaji: but the gcc cross compiler is mingw, not msvc. you couldn't use mfc or anything like that.04:54
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waylandbillsivaji: but you could use qt (for open source) or wx04:55
sivajii cant get u04:55
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about speedfan - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:56
matthewhi, how do i configure cpu fan setting in kubuntu?04:56
waylandbillsivaji; you just trying to learn c/c++ or something?04:56
paoloDasnipa`: ok, let's start posix coding:)04:56
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waylandbillanyone know a package for converting vids to mp4 (for ipod)04:57
ubotumencoder: MPlayer's Movie Encoder. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 2:0.99+1.0pre8-0ubuntu8 (edgy), package size 3171 kB, installed size 7956 kB04:58
binkshtere is a gui posted on the forums for mp4 ipod creation04:58
trappistmencoder is multiverse?!04:59
waylandbilli don't need a gui per se. just a method. :-D04:59
binksok but if you read the scrip for the gui itll anwere the howto05:00
stdintrappist: why wouldn't it be?05:00
binksmy english is soooo bad05:00
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trappiststdin: because it's open source?05:00
binksspecially seeing as im english05:00
stdintrappist: universe = community supported, multiverse is for non GPL things05:01
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binksyou mean you want to create  pay videos05:01
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trappiststdin: mplayer/mencoder is gpl05:02
stdintrappist: I know, that's why it's in universe, not multiverse05:02
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waylandbillbinks: yes. I want to convert vids to ipod format05:03
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trappiststdin: the bot just said it's in multiverse05:03
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stdintrappist: hmm, yeah. just noticed actually :P05:04
trappist09:59 <trappist> mencoder is multiverse?!05:04
binksso why not use the gui in the forums waylandbill05:04
waylandbillbinks: I'm still looking for it05:05
binksor i think avidemux will prob do it too05:05
binksok just a sec05:05
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ubotucvs is the Concurrent Versions System, the dominant open-source network-transparent version control system; it helps to manage releases and to control concurrent editing of source files among multiple authors. See: https://www.cvshome.org/05:06
binkswaylandbill : http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=15846105:08
binkswaylandbill : http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=114946&highlight=ipod+mp4+gui05:08
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sleepy943Any good kubuntu learning guides out there that I can print out?05:16
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Jucatosleepy943: http://help.ubuntu.com05:17
Jucatotheres a PDF version of the Kubuntu Desktop Guide05:17
stdintrappist: I've asked about, and think I have an answer :P05:18
trappiststdin: something to do with linking against w32codecs?05:18
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stdintrappist: no, it only suggests that05:18
paolowell, another question i have to control if two process are active (i can use pidof). if they aren't active I have to control the same thing after 3 seconds. if they aren't active yet I have to launch another process05:19
stdintrappist: but it depends on "libmp4v2-0" and maybe some others05:19
Jucatoit must depend on some other thing thats in multiverse05:19
trappistI mean in the code, not the package05:19
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stdintrappist: that are in universe05:19
trappiststdin: you mean multiverse05:19
stdintrappist: the code is all GPL, it just depends on some things in multiverse05:19
trappistright.  that makes sense.05:20
stdinyeah, I mean multiverse, not universe :P05:20
Jucatoif an app is dependent on even a single multiverse package, its put into multiverse, regardless of license05:20
Jucatoafaik (from previous discussions about Screenkast)05:20
stdintrappist: interesting thing, is that debian has mplayer (not mencoder) in it's main repo now05:21
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=== stdin thinks he just started an argument on #ubuntu-devel now :P
trappiststdin: probably compiled without support for several formats05:22
_eMaX_is there an rdp _server_ for linux?05:23
stdinhttp://lists.debian.org/debian-legal/2005/02/msg00175.html << link explaining why it's in debian05:23
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stdin_eMaX_: RDP is a MS protocol, VNC is the equivalent05:25
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kjdiswaylandbill: looks like gettid usage has changed, so I need to update to newer VDR05:27
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waylandbillkjdis: oh.. it was a problem in the source code.05:27
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kjdiswaylandbill: I believe so05:29
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ohyesyoucan11I'm having problems with this error message: kate: cannot connect to X server :0.005:32
cloakableohyesyoucan11: Are you running kate as root?05:32
stdinrunning a GUI app as root?05:32
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stdinohyesyoucan11: use kdesu not sudo05:33
ohyesyoucan11oh ok, thnks, :)05:33
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ohyesyoucan11stdin and cloakable, it still wont connect to the Xserver, do I need to install something?05:34
stdinohyesyoucan11: how are you running it? from the run dialogue ?05:35
ohyesyoucan11well, from terminal, I'm just trying "sudo su > kate sources.list" (in the propeer directory)05:36
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stdinohyesyoucan11: that's not the right way05:37
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ohyesyoucan11should I restart and not be super user?05:37
stdinohyesyoucan11: what are you trying to do?05:37
ohyesyoucan11alter my sources.list file05:38
naeekdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list05:38
stdinohyesyoucan11: kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list05:38
ohyesyoucan11ok cool, I'll try it. thanks05:38
ohyesyoucan11again lol05:38
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naeeor as a normal user do xhost local:localhost05:38
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naeethat will allow root to use display :005:39
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stdinnaee: that syntax doesn't look right05:39
=== naee wonders how that can be turned on permanently
naeeits correct stdin05:39
microbalrogOkay, I need more nameservers05:39
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stdinnaee: 'xhost +local:' or 'xhost +inet:localhost' localhost is a host05:40
ohyesyoucan11thanks guys, it worked.05:40
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eeanm~host google.com05:41
insanityexec of host led to exception: #<Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - host>05:41
eeanmstdin: ...I just did it, it worked05:41
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stdinread man xhost05:41
eeanm$ xhost local:localhost05:41
eeanmnon-network local connections being added to access control list05:41
stdineeanm: do it without the localhost and see05:42
eeanmdoes your way work accross sessions?05:42
sinbad33hey guys wats the best drive-image program to use for Edgy ??05:42
stdineeanm: yeah, 'local:' takes no parameter05:42
fdovingsinbad33: for backup or disaster recovery i recommend mondo rescue. or partimage.05:42
eeanmI get the exact same message stdin05:43
eeanmbut I'll see if it works next time I open X05:43
sinbad33fdoving, ok , do i get those using adept ?05:43
stdineeanm: that's because with 'local:' it ignores everything after it05:43
eeanmsinbad33: dd ;)05:43
fdovingsinbad33: yes. i belive so.05:43
stdindd is the best :)05:43
fdovingand dd is not recommended as it includes non-used space in the image-size.05:43
sinbad33oh good thx05:43
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BluesKajHowdy all :)05:44
daftmansup blue05:44
eeanmdd does a bit-by-bit copy of a partition05:44
sinbad33ok i'll check those out05:44
=== sinbad33 looks for dd on adept
BluesKajjust logging on , to learn some more stuff ,daftman05:45
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alexandreposwhat a better sip phone for kde ???05:45
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sinbad33i dont see 'dd' on adept :(05:46
eeanmanyone know how to mount a "Linux plaintext" partition?05:46
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bronze_0_1a what?05:46
stdineeanm:  if you want to make it permanent use something like this in your ~/.bashrc http://pastebin.ca/31429105:47
eeanmsinbad33: its a tiny utility, its probably bundled with something else05:47
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bronze_0_1eeanm: what partition type does fdisk report for the partition?05:47
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stdinsinbad33: it's already installed05:47
eeanmbronze_0_1: well cfdisk reports Linux plaintext05:47
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=== sinbad33 looks for dd under utilities
bronze_0_1wow - never heard of a linux plaintext "partition"05:47
eeanmits the "instant on" dvd player that came with my laptop, its Linux. I was wanting to see if I could use it under my normal linux.05:48
fdovingstdin: i'd recommend using ~/.xsession for xhost, instead of bashrc.05:48
eeanmwell yea me neither until I got this laptop bronze_0_1:)05:48
fdovingstdin: or make a  ~/.kde/Autostart/xhost.sh05:48
sinbad33stdin, ok but its not visible under any of my utilities or programs, that i can see05:49
stdinfdoving: it checks for a display, but yeah, you're right05:49
eeanmsinbad33: why do you want dd?05:49
fdovingsinbad33: you don't want dd. you want mondo rescue or partimage.05:49
stdinsinbad33: it's a console command05:49
sinbad33ok console05:49
bronze_0_1eeanm: see the last email on this page (at the bottom), search for plaintext : http://www.gatago.net/linux/kernel/15453382.html05:50
sinbad33eeanm, i just want to make my own custom kubuntu OS drive image05:50
eeanmbronze_0_1: thanks, will do05:51
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sinbad33how do i start dd in the konsole? just type -> run dd ?05:52
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eeanmbronze_0_1: sounds like it might be some sort of custom thing then05:52
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eeanmI suppose Toshiba must make the source code available somewhere05:52
bronze_0_1or they are using the pathc described on that page.05:53
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stdinsinbad33: if you haven't used the console much, don't bother with dd (if you want to find out more about it use "man dd" in konsole)05:53
fdovingsinbad33: you don't want dd. but if you really must use it. read some docs, for example: http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Dd05:53
bronze_0_1*patch (apparently my keybaord has a lisp)05:53
sinbad33stdin, ok05:53
eeanmwell its a gpl requirement, they have to make the source available05:53
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eeanmeven if the gpl stuff they use is already available elsewhere05:53
sinbad33ok i will read up on those05:53
bronze_0_1eeanm: are you sure toshiba makes the dvd player? They may only be branding it.05:54
eeanmwell sure05:54
eeanmsomeone made it :)05:54
fdovingeeanm: they don't have to publish it, they only need to provide it on request. or something like that.05:54
bronze_0_1I just bought a 10"lcd screendvd player for the car, comes w/2 wireless head sets.. $10005:54
bronze_0_1prices are dropping like stock prices during the dot bomb05:55
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eeanmwireless head sets are expensive themselves o.o05:56
bronze_0_1yeah, I was surprised05:58
bronze_0_1I'm also skeptical.  Gonna test it right away05:58
paolohow can i assign to a variable the output of a command?05:58
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stdinpaolo: what do you mean?05:59
fdovingpaolo: variable=echo 'hello';echo $variable05:59
fdovingpaolo: variable=`echo 'hello'`;echo $variable06:00
fdovingwith those dotts.06:00
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Dr_willisbackticks.. :) better to use the $(echo hello) contruction isent it?06:00
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paolofdoving: let's try06:00
sinbad33hey guys how do i make epiphany my default browser instead of Konq06:00
stdinvariable=$(echo 'hello');echo $variable(06:00
stdinwithout he trailing (06:01
fdovingDr_willis: yeah, it's cleaner.06:01
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Dr_willisit skips over the 'where is the `    key at... discussion that seems to follow also...  :)06:01
stdinsinbad33: in System Settings -> Default Applications06:02
fdoving.. and it improves readability.06:02
sinbad33stdin, oh wow ok thx06:02
stdinand makes scripts easier to read06:02
stdinsometimes you miss the ` especially when there are " and ' around06:03
sinbad33i think im falling in luv w Kubuntu  :))06:03
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stdinand Kubuntu loves you too :)06:04
=== sinbad33 names first child Kubuntu..
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stdinno, Kubuntu is a good name for a dog tho :P06:05
=== stdin yells "Here Kubuntu, good boy"
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paolofdoving: it doesnt work for this: pidtotal=`echo pidof kate`06:06
Dasnipa`stdin, i havent met many dogs that 'encompass the act of sharing'06:06
stdinpaolo: remove the "echo" part06:07
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stdinpaolo: pidtotal=$(pidof kate)06:07
stdinpaolo: also, if you expect the output to have spaces in it, use: pidtotal="$(pidof kate)"06:09
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sinbad33arf ARF!06:10
eeanmbronze_0_1: I did a strings on th mystery partition, one thing it returned was "GCC: (GNU) 3.4.5 20050809 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 3.4.4-6ubuntu8.1)"06:10
=== sinbad33 wags tail
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sinbad33the only reason i dont like Konqueror browser is cuz i cant change my background color :(06:11
bronze_0_1eeanm: see anyu string that might be the name of a filesystem type?06:11
sinbad33white browser backgrounds hurts my eyes06:11
eeanmbronze_0_1: yea, looks like it might be reiserfs06:11
eeanmbronze_0_1: but it has a bunch of stuff in front of it06:11
eeanmso it can't mount06:11
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eeanmthis is my guess after reading that email you gave me06:12
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eeanmlike it has grub in it too06:12
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bronze_0_1it may be multiple "sub-partitions"06:12
Tm_Teeanm: Oink.06:12
Tm_TWe need amarok here too.06:13
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eeanmno we don't :)06:13
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Lynourewant and need are indeed two different things :)06:14
Xbehaveerm is anybody about knowledgable about beryl compliz?06:14
bronze_0_1I want any mp3 player.06:14
eeanmbronze_0_1: tm_t is referring to the megahal bot in #amarok :)06:15
stdinXbehave: beryl and compiz are 2 different projects06:15
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Xbehavebut how are they different in terms of end user options06:16
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eeanmberyl has more stuff06:16
stdinXbehave: beryl has more "bling"06:16
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eeanmberyl is a fork of compiz06:16
stdinand beryl is more kde friendly, I have found06:17
Xbehaveare there any advantages to using compliz instead of beryl?06:17
eeanmthe point of it all is bling06:17
eeanmso use beryl ;)06:17
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ohyesyoucan11does anyone use kdirstat?06:20
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stdinI _have_ used it06:20
ohyesyoucan11is it ok auto clean /  ??06:20
ohyesyoucan11I read something about only using kdirstat in your home folder :-/06:21
stdinI wouldn't mess with /06:21
stdinbut you don't have permissions to touch / anyway06:22
ohyesyoucan11yeah, I DO NOT Want this to crash.  thanks, I'll just do my home folder.06:22
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Vegeta^When I plugged an USB memory key in my computer, it could be automatically detected and could be accessed as normal user, but now it needs a root user to mount and acces it and be able to copy/write to it. How can I change it back to the way it was before?06:27
=== waylandbill thinks beryl is a fork of /dev/null... nothing but trouble for now
stdinVegeta^: 1. what version of Kubuntu are you on? 2. how are you mounting it?06:29
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Vegeta^stdin: Mouting it from terminal "sudo mount.."06:30
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stdinVegeta^: mount with pmount, you don't need sudo then, and you will have write access as normal user06:31
ubotupmount: mount removable devices as normal user. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.13-1build1 (edgy), package size 39 kB, installed size 588 kB06:31
stdinyou have it installed already06:31
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Vegeta^stdin: doesn't it mount on auto?06:33
stdinVegeta^: what version are you using?06:33
Vegeta^stdin: DOn't remember where do I look it up?06:34
stdinVegeta^: lsb_release -c06:35
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Vegeta^stdin: That gave me "Codename dapper"..06:37
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stdinVegeta^: It may be a bug, you don't see any dialogue asking what you want to do when you plug it in?06:40
Vegeta^stdin: no not anymore06:40
stdinVegeta^: probably a bug then06:41
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stdinVegeta^: just use pmount for now, you can run it from the "Run Command" dialogue, you don't need to open a terminal06:42
bronze_0_1what package do I install to add pdf support to Kubuntu, please?06:42
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stdin!find pdf06:43
ubotuFound: gs-esp, gs-gpl, kghostview, kpdf, poppler-utils (and 51 others)06:43
bronze_0_1stdin: thank wasn't aware of that commnd06:43
stdinkpdf looks good :)06:43
Vegeta^stdin: This is what is writting in fstab: /dev/sda1       /media/usbdisk  auto    noauto,owner        0   0 <-06:43
bronze_0_1stdin does apt-get do a find function like lthat?06:43
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stdinbronze_0_1: not apt-get, apt-cache. "apt-cache search something"06:44
stdinVegeta^: you don't put removable devices in fstab, but maybe as a workaround, but change "owner" to "user" or "users" or you'll still have to be root06:45
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Vegeta^stdin: It's funny but I tried changing that to user before, but it didn't work, but now I try it, it works.. :S Maybe because it's after a reboot. Wired.06:46
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soulriderdoes anyone know if theres a deb p[ackage for gimpshop ?06:48
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ubotugimpshop is a hack that makes The Gimp look and feel more like Photoshop.  A .deb for Ubuntu is available via http://plasticbugs.com/?page_id=29406:48
stdinheh :)06:48
soulriderheh, thanks06:49
stdinthank the bot :P06:49
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stdingood bot06:49
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|Osirisis here anyone using Kubuntu with more than one panel?06:56
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stdinwell, I have the taskbar separate from the main panel (taskbar it at the top of the screen) if that counts06:57
|Osirisstdin, I want the same thing but...06:58
|OsirisI used gentoo before06:58
|Osirisan there is a difference in the possibilities with Kubuntu06:58
|OsirisI want a small taskbar (100% width) on top06:59
|Osirisand a icon bar (80%) at the bottom06:59
waylandbillsounds like how xfce looks06:59
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|Osiristhe problem is that I can't adjust the settings for the top panel06:59
|Osirisin Gentoo there is an option in the panel settings where you can pick your panel06:59
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aseigo|Osiris: same on kubuntu, as that's a kde feature ... though i have noticed that sometimes directly after adding a panel for whatever reason the dcop signal doesn't get propagated properly on some systems..07:00
aseigo|Osiris: and so you have to close/open the config dialog ... and perhaps sometimes even do a `dcop kicker kicker restart`07:01
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|OsirisI try07:01
|OsirisI added a "big" panel to the top now07:01
|Osirisand reboot07:01
|Osiristo be sure07:02
soulriderstdin: you use gimpshop ?07:02
soulriderdont reboot07:02
stdinsoulrider: no07:02
soulriderjust restart x07:02
soulrideri installed it, but my gimp interface is the same, only thing that changed was the splash =/07:02
|Osirisreboot is already done ;)07:03
|Osirisyou are right07:03
|Osirisit works07:03
|Osiristhanks a lot!07:03
lenscapehas anyone got bluetooth working on kubuntu?07:04
lenscapeit recognises the bluetooth adapter. KbluetoothD runs but it never sees any other devices07:05
|Osirislenscape, I have07:05
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lenscape|Osiris: great. What's the secret?07:05
|OsirisNo clue I installed it yesterday plugged in the dongle and it works07:06
lenscapeIt simply works on SuSE but hopeless on kubuntu07:06
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|Osirisdoes anyone know where I can set the color of the text for  items in the taskbar?07:07
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lenscape|Osiris: that's probably in a theme somewhere07:08
|Osirisfound it but does not solve my problem07:09
|Osirisnever mind ;)07:09
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ohyesyoucan11I want to type a list of all my passwords (that's just how I do it)... I cant let anyone watch while I type it though... I figure disabling my internet connection completely and under Kate check the "dont back up' box... any feedback?07:09
lenscapeohyesyoucan11: write them in a book07:09
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ohyesyoucan11yeah. lol, maybe I'm just a little slow, but I type so much faster than I can write. :-/07:10
stdinohyesyoucan11: when you're done, change the permissions on the file to "user = read + write" and rest to forbidden07:11
=== brigitte [n=brigitte@h081217022125.dyn.cm.kabsi.at] has joined #kubuntu
ohyesyoucan11stdin, that would do the trick?07:11
sebbarhey guys, I've got one of these ac97 sound cards and when I want to set the "master channel" I've to set the headphone channel instead. Any idea on how to fix this?07:11
luxioi upgraded my system to kubuntu 6.10, but audio stop works... a litle bit of amarok dbg msg:X Error: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) 807:12
stdinohyesyoucan11: that would stop anyone but you from even reading the file07:12
luxiowhat i need tune?07:12
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems and http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin07:13
=== carole [n=carole@c-66-177-134-144.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
ohyesyoucan11stdin, you have gift for fixing problems without a bunch of techno babble, you should write "Kubuntu for dummies" !!! :)07:14
stdinohyesyoucan11: nah, I would have no life (not that I do now anyway) :P07:14
ohyesyoucan11It's pry already written... the other day I saw Wicca for dummies... they have like EVERYTHING.07:15
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ohyesyoucan11I want wine for dummies.07:15
stdinheh, good luck07:16
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ohyesyoucan11actually, before that I'd like psychic for dummies... they are both at my local bookstore!07:16
=== stdin needs/wants to learn python
ohyesyoucan11hacking Linux for dummies... I swear I saw something like that.07:17
stdin"hacking linux" that's vague07:17
ohyesyoucan11oh there is DEFINETLY python for dummies or something close, search Amazon, they have all of them.07:17
stdinI know there is, I just haven't got it :P07:18
ohyesyoucan11stdin... yeah I wonder what it's like... I doubt it shows you how to break the law, Idon't like to break the law either, with cyber-law though it's too complicated to undersant for the police or poloticians.07:19
ohyesyoucan11*hacking linux for dummies I mean07:19
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Tm_TI hack daily.07:20
soulrideri dont think the "* for dummies" books are any good, at least not the ones that i have read07:20
stdinohyesyoucan11: you need to look up the definition of hacking vs cracking07:20
=== Tm_T loves hacking
ohyesyoucan11I think it should be called "hacking Windows with Linux" lol, I know the difference.07:20
stdincracking windows is as easy as cracking an egg07:21
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Tm_Tstdin: And messy too?07:21
soulriderstdin: youre wrong07:21
soulriderits easier\07:21
ohyesyoucan11technically it would prolly be called "cracking Windows with Linux" they pry don't make it that specifics, hacking is fun.07:21
stdinit's only messy for the windows user :P07:21
vgeactually cracking an egg is not that easy ^^07:21
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stdinvge: I can do it one handed :P07:22
stdin*to both an egg and windows07:22
vgecan get messy as with every cracking ;)07:22
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OuT|aWi need help07:23
OuT|aWany ops available07:24
soulriderOuT|aW: im not an op, but what do you need ?07:24
soulriderif its **REALLY** important you can do !ops and theyll come07:25
stdinthe ops are all hiding :P07:25
OuT|aWwell i heard abt the kubunto OS but i need help in installing them07:25
soulriderwe can help you07:25
soulriderno need toc all the ops07:25
soulriderwhere are you stuck ?07:25
stdinyou don't need ops, that what we're here for :)07:25
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OuT|aWwell i m totaly new to that OS07:25
soulriderahh :)07:26
soulrideri was like that too :P07:26
soulriderits easier than it seems07:26
OuT|aWi just want to get out of xp07:26
OuT|aWtoo much laggs07:26
soulridervery wise07:26
stdingood thing you can run Kubuntu without installing it too :)07:26
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OuT|aWhuh....<stdin> good thing you can run Kubuntu without installing it too :)07:26
soulriderOuT|aW: did you download the CD and burn it ?07:26
OuT|aWi dnt get wat u meant07:26
stdinOuT|aW: you can07:26
OuT|aWnot yet07:27
OuT|aWi tried but cant seem to download07:27
soulriderOuT|aW: if you insert the CD you can run kubuntu without installing it, but the changes wont be permanent, and since youre using a CD it will be kinda slow07:27
stdinOuT|aW: Kubuntu comes on a "Live CD", so you can run the OS from the CD without installing :)07:27
soulriderOuT|aW: let me give youa  link07:27
ubotuKubuntu can be downloaded in various formats from here: http://kubuntu.org/download.php07:27
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OuT|aWi tried07:28
OuT|aWwat u mean by various formats07:28
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OuT|aWwhich is better07:28
fabrizio_C' qualcuno italiano..??07:28
OuT|aWedgy or drake07:28
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stdinOuT|aW: normal PC, Mac (and some others), you want the x86 version07:28
stdin!it | fabrizio_07:28
ubotufabrizio_: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!07:28
fabrizio_c' qualche italiano???07:29
|Osirisstdin, do you know how I can get my dekstop icons like home and trash?07:29
OuT|aWwell m using a P4 1.4ghz07:29
ohyesyoucan11lol, you can apply hacking to lots of things... for example I take some legal herbs that give you a mild high... and I blend them in water and burn off most of the water (leaving oil)... then I put the herbs in vodka and shake it up and mix it and let it settle, then I strain the vodka, (you don't want chunks in there BELIEVE me (feels sick thinking about it... the final and ingenious step is to realize that Oil litterally07:29
ohyesyoucan11disolves into alcohol... (it doesn't come to the surface like water... when the vodka has been infused with the herbs (dissolved oils)... then you just keep pouring it through a britta about ten times or more (a very important thing to realize is that you can buy the extra large bottles of NASTY vodka for like 7.99, after it goes through the britta ten times or more, it's so much cleaner... anyways, I was looking at a web page07:29
ohyesyoucan11and they refered to it as a hack... I can kinda see why.07:29
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stdin|Osiris: jusr make them as shortcuts to locations (trash url is "trash:/"07:29
stdinohyesyoucan11: pastebin for god sake :P07:30
OuT|aWwhich is better huh edgy or dapper drake07:30
LameBMXohyesyoucan11, try 90% isopropyl alcohol in a pressure cooker ... then boild the alcohol off07:30
LameBMXohyesyoucan11, and enjoy what remains07:30
OuT|aWstdin which is better huh edgy or dapper drake07:30
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soulriderOuT|aW: edgy is newer07:31
soulrideri have to go now07:31
soulriderill be back later07:31
stdinOuT|aW: well edgy is the latest, but dapper has longer term support07:31
soulriderbye ^__^07:31
stdinbye soulrider :)07:31
ohyesyoucan11LameBXM... you mean rubbing alcohol?07:31
|Osirisstdin, home is home:/07:31
OuT|aWok stdin07:32
OuT|aWstdin i need 1 more favour07:32
stdin|Osiris: heh, I just use the System menu :)07:32
OuT|aWbyesoulrider :)07:32
stdinOuT|aW: yep ?07:32
LameBMXohyesyoucan11, yeppers .. gotta find the high percentage though ... oh and dont try it at home ... highly combustable material .. under pressue ...07:32
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ohyesyoucan11weird, I thought alcohol had boiling point much lighter than alcohol... I'm interested in what you are saying tho.07:33
Goliath23are there known bugs with usb mass storage handling in kubuntu 6.10?07:34
stdinhello Goliath2307:34
OuT|aWstdin see ur pvt msg07:34
stdinGoliath23: not automounting ?07:34
Goliath23no, it's automounting07:34
stdinyeah, I think that's a known bug07:34
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Goliath23I connect my phone via usb which then acts and is detected as usb mass storage and I can access the sd card in it.07:35
stdinyou can mount it with "pmount /dev/sda1" for axample07:35
Goliath23no, its detected and mounts!07:35
Goliath23problem is, that secure remove doesn't work properly. normally my phone detects that its unmounted. sometimes it does that in kde as well. but not always07:36
ohyesyoucan11LameBXM could you open a private chat with me?07:36
Goliath23and then, another problem is: if I delete files, instead of deleting them, kde creates a .trash folder and moves the files there. If I then want to copy other files to the card it states that the card is full.07:36
Goliath23it obviously doesn't delete the trash folder07:37
stdinGoliath23: hmm, simple fix is to use "sudo eject /dev/sda" for example07:37
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Goliath23even if I do it manually it still states that there is no space07:37
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Goliath23I mean if I manually delete the trash folder07:37
ubotutibbar: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository07:37
Goliath23it seems that operations are delayed a bit too much07:37
boggystudiosI can't get  the kubuntu 6.06 or 6.10 i386 cds or the 6.06 64bit cd to boot in my laptop07:37
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Goliath23stdin: are there already bug reports for this? or shall I report it? i can't imagine that I'm the only one..07:39
stdinboggystudios: what do you mean? do you see any errors? does it skip the CD and boot the hard drive ?07:39
stdinGoliath23: report it anyway, if someone else has reported it, they'll let you know07:40
ohyesyoucan11I dunno... beleive it or not, isolating pure ether form wine for example is a stiffer offense than pot!07:40
stdinGoliath23: you can put in a support request too https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/07:40
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Goliath23stdin: I try to do a search on launchpad07:40
Goliath23stdin: but I think it's more an upstream bug to kde, no?07:40
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stdinGoliath23: still report it on launchpad07:41
stdinI g2g for a while, my dinner is ready :) back in a bit07:41
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boggystudiosstdin: no it just freezes07:43
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boggystudiosstdin: I have the AMD Turionx2 processor in it so I don't know if that has anything to do with it or not07:43
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boggystudiosstdin: on the 6.06 i386 cd it froze trying to load cups07:46
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boggystudiosstdin: on the 6.10 i386 cd it froze on a blank screen07:46
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boggystudiosstdin: on the 6.06 64bit cd it froze detecting hardware07:47
ohyesyoucan11bottom line tho... is run the cheapest vodka you can find through a nice britta pitcher OVER 10 times, it takes a minute... and you have this stuff that is still vodka, but in my opinion, I would choose it over grey goose any day... so there is your uncventional hack for the day... don't boil alcohol, it's very dangerous, this is about filtration,... not distillation.07:47
juano__anyone know why i cant send mail with kmail using gmail, i can fetch mail fine07:47
Search4Lancere'er since reconfiguring Xorg, my middle mouse button doesn't work - any help?07:48
juano__server smtp.gmail.com port 465 method plain and TLS07:48
juano__Search4Lancer: what mouse you got?07:48
juano__Search4Lancer: USB?07:48
juano__Search4Lancer: maybe you got wrong protocol07:49
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juano__protocol should be IMPS/2 in xorg.conf07:49
=== Search4Lancer forgets where xorg.conf is located :-D
juano__Search4Lancer: /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:50
Search4Lancerof course07:50
juano__Search4Lancer: search for the mouse section and in protocol try changing it to IMPS/2, thats a capital i at first07:50
Search4Lancerright now it's ExplorerPS/207:51
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juano__Search4Lancer: thats your prob07:51
juano__Search4Lancer: change that to IMPS/207:51
OuT|aWanyone can tell me how to hipe my ip plz07:51
juano__OuT|aW: hipe??07:51
Search4Lancerhide, methinks07:51
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OuT|aWwell i mean Using bnc07:51
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c123wow, another weird name lol07:52
juano__Search4Lancer: you would have to reset X for effects of course07:52
LameBMXSearch4Lancer, try unplugging your modem07:52
LameBMXerrr OuT|aW unplug your modem ...07:52
Search4LancerLameBMX: you're talking to the wrong person07:52
Search4Lancerjuano__: yes, I know, saving things up first07:53
LameBMXyea well i blame it all on qwerty Search4Lancer07:53
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juano__Search4Lancer: yes, try that and see if it works07:54
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OuT|aWcan anyone help me plz07:58
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Search4Lancerstill no middle clicky07:59
juano__Search4Lancer: no luck>?07:59
OuT|aWjuano__ can u help me plz08:00
juano__OuT|aW: yeah whats up?08:00
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OuT|aWhow do i hide my ip add ???08:01
OuT|aWcan u plz tell me08:01
astanhm. where can i find out how to bridge two network interfaces in kubuntu?08:01
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juano__OuT|aW: hide? internal IP?08:03
barjoh10hey juano08:03
=== astan bbl.
Search4LancerOuT|aW: have you considered trying Tor?08:05
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juano__OuT|aW: have you tried configuring mouse via X?08:07
juano__Search4Lancer: i meant, OuT|aW sorry08:07
juano__barjoh10: hi08:07
Search4Lancerjuano__: that's what got me into this whole mess, reconfiguring X to fix my resolution08:08
Search4LancerI'd rather not go through that again08:08
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juano__Search4Lancer: resolution? where you configured it for mouse to break?08:08
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OuT|aW<Search4Lancer> OuT|aW: have you considered trying Tor? ?????08:09
Search4Lancerhuh? I was having problems with my resolution, was told to reconfig X, which is what I did, and it fixed it, but in the process, it boned my mouse08:09
OuT|aWwat u mean by that08:09
Search4Lanceras in exactly that08:09
Search4Lancerinstall Tor08:09
OuT|aWwhere to install thatfrom08:09
Search4Lancerfrom whatever package manager you use08:10
TheGateKeeperSearch4Lancer, you probable need to take a backup of /etc/X11/xorg.conf then manually edit it08:10
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OuT|aWwat is Tor actually : Search4Lancer08:10
Search4LancerTheGateKeeper: fine and swell, but I don't know what to add/edit in it to fix it08:10
juano__Search4Lancer: your mouse section should look like this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1327/08:10
juano__Search4Lancer: check to see if you got Buttons "3"08:10
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Search4LancerOuT|aW: educate yourself: http://tor.eff.org/08:11
TheGateKeeperSearch4Lancer, there you go ^^^^08:11
Search4Lancerhuh, didn't even have a buttons option in there... odd08:12
=== Search4Lancer refries X
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Search4Lancerworks now, thanks08:15
juano__Search4Lancer: :) great08:15
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juano__anyone know why i cant use kmail to send mail? i configured it with gmail, fetching works fine08:16
HymnToLifejuano__, did you configure the SMTP too ?08:17
juano__HymnToLife: yes, smtp.gmail.com port 465 TLS and PLAIN08:18
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juano__HymnToLife: its weird cause when i do write message then i put send, it just stays in outbox there and it wont pop up some windows like saying connecting... or sending...08:19
HawkwindPort 465 ??08:19
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cloakableHi, my system keeps freezing, but I get nothing in /var/log/messages. Can anyone help?08:19
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juano__HymnToLife: ive tried port 587 also rightclickin outbox and put "send messages in queue" no luck08:19
equinoxalgien habla espa;ol08:20
juano__Hawkwind: ive tried 587 too no luck08:20
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HymnToLifejuano__, why not just use your ISP's SMTP ?08:20
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kolii have a problem08:22
kolithe resolution of my screen changed08:23
nightwatchhi there, I m using kopete as msn agent , but there's no sound ... I use amarok with no problems, than I think the problem should be in kopete, any advice to fix it?08:23
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koliand i cannot set it again to 1024*80008:23
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koliit is a toshiba satellite a75 with 15.4 widescreen08:23
juano__HymnToLife: dont see the need, works fine through thunderbird08:23
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juano__HymnToLife: just curious why it wont with kmail08:24
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barjoh10hello juano I didnt mean to interupt08:28
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Wikipedia-Gast60koli sucks08:29
kolistill got that problem with the screen resolution08:29
kolicannot adjust it08:29
Wikipedia-Gast60koli sucks08:29
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koliplease someone help me08:29
Wikipedia-Gast60koli sucks08:29
koliwhat;s wrong08:29
Wikipedia-Gast60you suck08:30
|Osirisstdin, this what my desktop looks now: http://bqlabs.nl/drop/screen.png08:30
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juano__barjoh10: hello08:30
Wikipedia-Gast60because you're gay08:30
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juano__watch it Wikipedia-Gast6008:30
kolican you help me with the sceen?08:30
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juano__koli: hi there08:31
kolican someone help meeee08:31
juano__koli: what seems to be the problem?08:31
kolii just installed kubuntu08:31
koliand when i updated the system the resolution came to 64008:32
kolinow i cannot change it back08:32
kolithere is only the 102408:32
OuT|aWok i hv dwnloaded the kubuntu now wat do i do huh08:32
kolii have a toshiba satellite a75 with 15.4 widescreen08:32
escant32hello j08:33
juano__koli: have you tried editing your /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?08:33
escant32you see Carly lately08:34
escant32I like her alot08:34
juano__koli: edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and go to display section, you may want to add the resolution you want AND THAT monitor supports08:34
juano__koli: you want 1024x768?08:35
escant32but as a friend to the very end08:35
kolino i want 1280x80008:35
juano__koli: does your monitor support that?08:35
barjoh10i just hope so huh08:35
juano__koli: ok08:35
juano__koli: just a sec08:35
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escant32 mi dulce nina nana nana08:37
barjoh10stop kiding08:37
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juano__koli: try this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1328/08:38
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koliok i will thnx08:38
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koliok i will restart the x server now juano_ and let's see08:41
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juano__koli: any luck?08:41
koliyep thnx a lot :D08:42
juano__koli: good :)08:42
kolithere was a line there with some xxx and i deleted it08:42
juano__koli: ok, and you added resolution too?08:42
kolino it was there alredy08:42
juano__koli: ahh ok08:43
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kolithanks man08:43
kolisee ya08:43
juano__koli: no prob08:43
juano__koli: bye08:43
koli:D bye08:43
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OuT|aWok anyone knows abt icmp bomber08:44
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OuT|aWor should i say Ddosing08:44
Xbehaveive edited my kmenu, but id quite like to put the system setup shortcut thingy back in there is there anyway to do this?08:44
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OuT|aWslow-motion : hallo08:46
slow-motionhi OuT|aW08:46
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binksanyone no how i can get rid of 3 files in my home folder that when i right click delete complain file dont exist08:47
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fxrhow do i add a printer in kubuntu08:48
trappistbinks: try from the console - rm filename08:48
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binkscannot remove `267357s340202203026037270310t311nnn336': No such file or directory08:49
binksi dont no where the file came from08:49
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vgefxr: have you tried plugging it in?08:49
nightwatchkopete can do voice chat?08:49
binksfxr system settings08:50
fxryeah m just finding it now thanks binks..08:50
binkskmenu ststem settings08:50
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binkstrappist it errors the same08:50
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trappistbinks: I hate when that happens.  are you sure you typed it right, or did you use tab-completion?08:51
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trappistbinks: also, I see a bogus character in the filename08:52
Xeradamn this is so annoying, kubuntu keeps mounting my psp as read-only, any way to fix this?08:52
binksi just did dir the copied08:52
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trappistbinks: try rm 2673*08:53
binkshighlight then ctr c then ctr v08:53
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Xerabinks, ctrl c in a terminal doesn't work08:53
Xerahighlight it and right click->copy08:53
binksrm: cannot remove `2673*': No such file or directory08:53
Xerato paste is shift + insert08:53
trappistin X, generally hilight=copy and middle-click=paste08:53
trappistbinks: I've run into that before.  I usually end up fixing, it, but it's been so long I can't remember how.  it's because of the bogus character in the filename.08:54
Xeradamn this is so annoying, kubuntu keeps mounting my psp as read-only, any way to fix this? <<?? i need this fast, my uncle brought his laptop round so i could burn windows but he's leaving soon. HELP =(08:54
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binksits because psp is ntfs isnt it08:54
Xerauh no idea08:54
Xerahow do i check?08:54
trappistif the psp is ntfs you're out of luck08:55
Xera(it mounted fine a few days ago)08:55
trappistXera: run 'mount'08:55
trappistoh then it's not ntfs08:55
binkscant you mount it like your windows dive08:55
trappistyou could try sudo mount --remount -o rw /path/to/mount/point08:55
trappistor is it, sudo mount -o remount,rw /path/to/mount/point08:56
Xeramount: unrecognised option `--remount'08:56
trappistXera: yeah, try the second one :)08:56
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Xerajamie@jamie:/media/sdb1$ mkdir test08:56
Xeramkdir: cannot create directory `test': Permission denied08:56
Xera=o works as root08:57
juano__what you need to mount?08:57
Xeraa psp08:57
Xerawhen kubuntu mounts it, it mounts it as ro.. but it's fixed now, i guess08:57
Xeraroot@jamie:/media/sdb1# konqueror .08:58
XeraXlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server08:58
XeraXlib: Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key08:58
Xerakonqueror: cannot connect to X server :0.008:58
juano__Xera: with rw it should work in your fstab line08:59
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tsdgeosXera: running konqueror as root is not a good idea08:59
juano__Xera: its good to run sudo mount -a after changing your fstab08:59
Xerajuano__, i didn't add it to fstab08:59
Xerai mean, when i plug it in to the usb port it detects it and mounts it08:59
juano__Xera: ok08:59
Bizzyhey, someone gave me a link on "how to set up the perfect (k)ubuntu" yesterday, was about installing apache php and mysql right on a kubuntu server, does anyone have a link like that?08:59
OuT|aWanyone into hacking plz pm me thanks09:00
Xeraroot@jamie:/media/sdb1# rmdir backup09:00
Xerarmdir: backup: Read-only file system09:00
Xeragod :(09:00
juano__Xera: is it mounted on vfat or ntfs?09:00
Xerai have no idea09:00
juano__Xera:  cat /etc/mtab09:00
juano__Xera: ro , or rw?09:01
bronze_0_1 http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_ubuntu_6.0609:01
bronze_0_1Bizzy:   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^09:01
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Bizzythat was it09:01
Bizzyforgot to bookmark it09:01
bronze_0_1grep -i perfect Freenode-#kubuntu.log09:02
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XeraOuT|aW, you realise hacking is not where you break into someone elses computer.. that's cracking09:02
Bizzygoing kubuntu server on the new server at work09:02
Bizzywe only ever set up fedora servers before09:02
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bronze_0_1Bizzy: Good Luck09:02
XeraBizzy, you could just follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP09:02
Bizzybut i have moral objections to fedora now, they piss me off09:02
bronze_0_1Bizzy: There's always Centos09:03
Xeraapache2 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server php509:03
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BizzyXera: i need to be able to set up everything you would need on a shared web host server09:03
matthewok, here we go! I'm trying to use kppd to access a serial modem (Phoebe V1456VOE) and use that to access the internet. My problem is that after I make/configure an account in kppd, I'm not able to put in a username nor a password...any ideas?09:03
XeraBizzy, oh ok09:03
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Xerajuano__, any ideas?09:04
Bizzyour 4th and 5th shared www servers arive on monday, im setting them both up09:04
juano__Xera: user,noauto 0 0  --> add these options to your psp fstab line and then sudo mount -a09:04
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Xeraffs does anything work in root?!09:04
Xeraroot@jamie:/media/sdb1/backup# kate /etc/fstab09:04
XeraXlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server09:04
XeraXlib: Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key09:04
Xerakate: cannot connect to X server :0.09:04
juano__Xera: or mtab line09:04
matthew!pastebin | Xera09:04
ubotuXera: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:04
bronze_0_1Bizzy: On the other hand learning K/Ubuntu is a goos thing too :)09:05
Xeramatthew, a pastebin for a few lines? noty ;p09:05
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bronze_0_1Xera: Freenode policy seems to be don't paste in the channels09:05
juano__Xera: i think you got something wrong if you cant kate /etc/fstab09:06
Xerafreenodes' policy is stupid anyway09:06
balintHello! wich is the "best" email program for kubuntu? i mean wich one has the most available settings... for example spam filter, custom filter rules... (like in outlook)09:06
Xerajuano__, it works in sudo but not in root ;/09:06
bronze_0_1Xera: use "xhosts +"  to allow root access to the X-Display when logged in a non-root user09:06
matthewXera, sorry...my bad....09:06
Bizzybronze_0_1: well, i use kubuntu on my personal home server, but i didnt really pay attention to any security setup, since its local network only09:06
juano__Xera: use gksudo kate /etc/fstab09:06
bronze_0_1Bizzy: Ja, I'm dorta doing that to.09:07
Xerai don't have gksudo lol09:07
Tm_Tbalint: Kmail, use it alone or as part of Kontact09:07
Xerabronze_0_1, wha?09:07
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juano__!gksudo | Xera09:07
ubotuXera: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use gksudo, as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using "sudo <GUI-application>"09:07
balintTm_T: and what about mozilla thunderbird?09:07
fxrhow necessary is it to run a firewall with ubuntu.. how important is it?09:07
XeraPackage gksudo is not available, but is referred to by another package. his may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or s only available from another source : Package gksudo has no installation candidate. nice xD09:08
matthewoh, whoops, I"m not using kppd, I'm using kppp09:08
bronze_0_1Xera if you are not logged in as root, but attempt to use a subshell/command with root privs, it will not be able to access the X-Display unless you first issue the "xhosts +" command09:08
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Xerabronze_0_1, xhosts command not found09:08
Xeramore stuff to install?09:08
bronze_0_1Xera: Boy, you got nothin'...09:08
bronze_0_1Does "ls" workj? :-)09:08
Xerayes.. xD09:08
juano__bronze_0_1: lol, install more packages Xera09:09
XeraIonly have 8 gb for linux, since windows takes the other 7009:09
XeraI only*09:09
=== Xera slaps winblows
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Tm_Tbalint: I find Kmail better in my use, try them both and use what you like.09:09
Bizzyboth kubuntu and windows have 250gb each on this pc09:09
Bizzysata2 drives too09:10
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blekoshi,  how can i add a network icon on the taskbar?09:10
XeraBizzy, well lucky you09:10
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Bizzyjust got a new job, so decided to bump total hdd storage to 800gb09:10
Xera*jaw drops*09:10
Xeraumount: /media/sdb1: device is busy ........................................09:11
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Xeranothing is accessing it..09:11
Xeraoh and btw we have a problem juano__, the psp's /dev thingy changes every time i plug it in09:12
Bizzyreplacing my 120 and my 160 with 320s soon, should bump me to 1.14tb09:12
=== Xera slaps Bizzy
Xeraok you may stop bragging now09:12
Tumppi-`forwarding fxr:s question, I'd also like to know if it's important to use firewall while using kubuntu09:12
juano__Xera: mmm..., you should have it in fstab09:13
juano__anyone know why kmail cant send mail?? its not ISP cause thunderbird works fine: smtp.gmail.com port 465 (tried 587) PLAIN TLS09:13
Xeralast time it was sdb1, now it's sdc109:13
Tidodoes linux have a different mentality towards RAM usage?09:13
XVampireXstdin: Did you get to play with aznv a bit more?09:13
Tidobecause when I'm doing my normal thing with stuff open, I use up pretty much all of my RAM09:14
XVampireXTido: Sure :P09:14
Tidobut linux seems to still run fine regardless09:14
fxrfrom: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=333419&highlight=need+firewall09:14
fxrdefault Ubuntu install (this is not true of all Linux distros) doesn't need an active firewall because it has no listening services that an intruder could try and connect to.09:14
XVampireXIt uses the ram that you're not using as cache09:14
Xerabecause windows is rubbish with ram09:14
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XVampireXCheck this out09:14
Tidooh, so that figure of ram usage isn't actually what's going on09:14
XVampireXMem:    255796k total,   251952k used,     3844k free,     9860k buffers09:15
matthewnever mind, I figured it out...for those interested, I didn't specify which modem to use...bleagh09:15
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XVampireXTido: Exactly09:15
Tidois there a way to figure what linux is actually using?09:15
Xerai had windows xp running in vmware with photoshop cs2, and a load of linux apps running. no lagg09:15
juano__Tido: you can manually configure SWAP partition (virtual memory) it gives a separate partition for it which makes it more efficient09:15
XVampireXTido: Yeah, in kubuntu you can use sysguard09:16
Tidoyeah I have a seperate partition for swap09:16
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Xerajuano__, got it mounted, still no write access09:16
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XVampireXor you can use htop (sudo apt-get install htop)09:16
XVampireXwhich is a really nice task manager for the console09:16
juano__Xera: try chmod +w /pspmountdir09:17
juano__Xera: try sudo chmod +w /pspmountdir09:17
Tidoalso, is it common on linux to run so many processes?09:17
Tidocurrently I'm running 10009:17
Tumppi-`fxr: Thats nice to know, and I would assume it goes for kubuntu as well. I've had firestarter until now and I had no idea it was just GUI for the built-in "firewall" :)09:17
Tidoif I saw that on a windows machine I'd freak09:17
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XVampireXTido: They are background tasks that idle until they are needed, you shouldn't worry about them09:17
Tidoalso is there a way to disable bluetooth? this laptop doesn't have any bt adapters09:18
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Xerajamie@jamie:/media$ sudo chmod +w /media/sdc1 chmod: changing permissions of `/media/sdc1: Read-only file system09:18
juano__anyone know why kmail cant send mail?? its not ISP cause thunderbird works fine: smtp.gmail.com port 465 (tried 587) PLAIN TLS09:18
Tidoand I don't see the sense in running these processes for it09:18
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XVampireXTido: I didn't have bluetooth turned on here when I installed it so I don't know09:18
XVampireXTido: They are kernel processes09:18
Xeragay thing about kubuntu(and other distros?) is you can't uninstall the software that comes on it09:19
XVampireXThey don't take any meaningful system resources09:19
XVampireXYou can09:19
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Xerae.g you can't remove amaroK or konversation09:19
XVampireXYou can09:19
Xerait says it will remove a load of other programs with it09:19
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XVampireXThey are dependencies, you can remove them via dpkg, not apt-get09:20
HymnToLifeXera, get Debian :)09:20
XVampireXdo sudo dpkg -r packagename09:20
XVampireXI don't know why you'd want to uninstall them though09:20
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kowamoin moin09:20
fxryeah, Tumppi, seems we have one less thing to worry about ; )09:21
blekosanybody knows how i can change the KDM theme?09:22
=== Xera cries
Xerai shall give up in a minute xD09:22
Tidoalso, I think the term 'linux is really stable' can be misleading.  Yeah 'linux' is, but not all of these programs are :x09:22
XVampireXSynaptic and Adept are frontends to apt, not dpkg, and apt is a frontend to dpkg, they saw a need to handle dependencies09:22
Xerai need my 1gb mem stick to transfer the .iso to my uncles lapyop :<09:22
XVampireXTido: Don't use cutting edge software if you are looking for stable09:22
blekosihave kde but use synaptic, is that a problem??09:23
Xerablekos, nop09:23
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XVampireXI wish they would actually use synaptic instead of adept, adept is silly09:23
XVampireXIt's no more helpful than just doing everything manually09:23
Xeraadept is so slow09:23
Xeraahhhhhhhh i neeeeeeed windows(yes i know i said it :'()!! no CS without it :(09:24
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Tumppi-`fxr, actually it seems that doing nothing is not enough, "The default Ubuntu install leaves iptables in its default state of allowing averything. You need to take positive action in order to have the firewall block anything"09:25
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Tumppi-`pretty confusing topic, since this guy says we need to do something and the other guy says we don't :P09:26
Xerawhy on earth do you want a firewall for linux? ;)09:27
XVampireXXera: CS = Counter Strike? If so, I see alot of people playing CS via wine just fine09:27
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XeraXVampireX, Radeon 9250 doesn't have any half decent drivers for linux09:27
Tumppi-`well I have no idea how the system works, although not as vulnerable as windows, can someone just start doing stuff with my computer without my permission? =)09:27
Xeraso i have 1fps in ogl09:27
Bizzybecause contrary to popular belief, linux is very hackable, people just dont do it, becuase there is no criminal proffit09:27
XeraBizzy, lies09:28
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Bizzyits actualy, in theory, more vulnerable than windows09:28
Tumppi-`but what if they don't even have the root password?09:28
KyralBizzy: The open source nature also prevents it09:28
Xerano damn viruses, root protection(virusses can't get the root password)09:28
Tumppi-`how could they do something09:28
Bizzythe open source nature just covers over bugs faster09:28
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Tumppi-`is keylogging possible without root password in the first place?09:28
Bizzy(notice i said covers over, not closes)09:28
xenophile7x7linux is hacked alot09:28
XeraBizzy, no?..09:28
KyralTumppi-`: JDong once told me a story involving Mitnick where Mitnick used GCC to gain root09:29
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xenophile7x7but its holes are fixed quicker09:29
xenophile7x7and there are alot mroe windows machines than linux machines09:29
BizzyXera: in open source, the entry point is usualy closed, the bug its self still remains09:29
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Bizzy<xenophile7x7> but its holes are fixed quicker09:29
Bizzy<xenophile7x7> and there are alot mroe windows machines than linux machines09:29
Bizzysomeone actualy gets it09:29
Bizzysomeone has more than a single brain cel09:29
Xerawell, you think every 1000 or so people that look at the source and just close the entry point?09:29
Xerai doubt it09:29
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xenophile7x7lol, im still learnin linux, but i do understand the security world09:30
Xera- and09:30
XVampireXXera: True that09:30
Tumppi-`well what is a new user to do to stop people getting onto my comp?09:30
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XVampireXIn the future bugs will be non existant, I hope09:30
BizzyXera: firefox have fixed about 10% of the bugs they claim to have fixed, the rest have just had the point of entry closed09:30
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XVampireXIf the theory that more users = more bug reports + more developers = more fixes/faster/better09:31
xenophile7x7tummpi: dont connect it to the internet :P09:31
Xerahmm, think if i put my mem stick duo pro into my phone it'll let me write?09:31
Tumppi-`haha, thats just bad :P09:31
Tumppi-`I need internet09:31
Xerabecause my phone uses mem stick duo pro, and i can write to that09:31
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fxrso is this quote tru or not? "Unless you install a listening service sudh as an SSH server or web server, your machine will not accept incoming connections so cannot be got at. As soon as you install a service that listens for incoming connections, you need to review your firewall needs."09:32
BizzyXVampireX: also, in theory, more users == more hardware combo's and more software combos, and windows is payware, so they have corporate responsibility.. i work for a big company, and i know security better than most OSS people who think they know security, you cant just patch something and say "there it is" you need to make sure your not breaking other stuff by fixing this problem09:33
Tumppi-`well my firestarter keeps saying its blocking something, so I quess not everythings coming through?09:33
xenophile7x7tummpi, generally speaking, use common sense (stay off the porn sites, avoid the #warez rooms, etc) and you should be pretty safe. youcould also use a router with a builtin firewall09:33
xenophile7x7strong passwords, good infosec, all that crap09:33
=== graf2ix [n=graf2ix@ANantes-257-1-144-212.w90-32.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
xenophile7x7and start learnign your OS so you can identify security issues and correct them09:34
Xeraaww no porn? :'(09:34
XVampireXBizzy: What's your point? Haven't got any problems  here with security ;)09:34
xenophile7x7lol, just no porn sites. theres a diff ;)09:34
XeraXVampireX, only security issue i have is my php coding  ;p09:34
fdovingfxr: basically, yes.09:34
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XVampireXBizzy: Responsibility shmansibility, all microsoft got is money, they got no guts, all they do is illegal09:35
Tumppi-`I Am using common sense (at least somewhat :P), got a firewalled router (But don't really count on it on this matter)09:35
Xeramicrosoft is a monopoly09:36
fxrwhat way do my p2p programs work then? do there automatically open ports in the built in firewall during their install?09:36
Xerathey control the market09:36
Tumppi-`but learning os takes time09:36
xenophile7x7actually, even the microsoft EULA is technically illegal09:36
fxr*there = they09:36
Tumppi-`a lot of time09:36
XVampireXAnd don't get me started on 100 thousands of viruses and worms and what not09:36
Tidoif I owned a business, had a monopoly, and could control the market, I would :p09:36
Xerait's illegal09:36
XVampireXVery much so09:36
Xerams has been sued quite a few times for it09:36
Tidoagain, so?09:36
Xerayou want to lose all your cash?09:36
XVampireXBy the way09:37
Tidohas m$?09:37
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!09:37
fdovingfxr: the clue is, there is no firewall, when you start a p2p program, you open listening ports.09:37
XeraTido, yes.. now we should move from this chan09:37
xenophile7x7tumppi: then your pretty ok, for the most part. now i suggest just readin up on whichever linux your using, and learnin it as best you can09:37
XVampireXMostly people here are trying to fix things they need problems with right now we're discussing politics09:37
Xerabefore ubotu gets angry >:(09:37
Tidoyeah np09:37
Bizzy<xenophile7x7> actually, even the microsoft EULA is technically illegal << and the GPL isnt a free licence, which it is legaly listed as09:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about anything - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:37
Bizzywhich makes the GPL illegal09:37
todd_Wondering if anyone can help me with an authentication problem?09:38
xenophile7x7bizzy:hmmm...wasnt aware of that09:38
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XVampireXAnd just so you know #ubuntu-offtopic seems to be a bit more active than #kubuntu-offtopic :)09:38
Bizzysame thing goes for both, nobody really knows or cares about it09:38
fdovingtodd_: what's the problem?09:38
blekosi think few comps were not installad in kde (i isntalled it from gnome), if i use the KDE pkg from synaptics is that ok?09:38
todd_I need to log into the USPTO website09:38
todd_I used to use firefox on XP09:38
Tumppi-`so the safest way would be closing all the ports you don't need, and open only the ones using? or at least one part of the safe routine?09:38
todd_I have authentication codes from the Patent Office09:38
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Xeraroot@jamie:/media/sdc1# ls Windows XP to Media Center Edition 2005 Converter.iso09:38
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Xerai copy one file and all the others dissapear?09:39
xenophile7x7tumppi: also if you have any special needs for security, like you have important info at home (youdont work for the VA do you? :P ) then you could pick upsome security books, like the Hacking Exposed series, to learn more abotu how youc an be hacked/compromised, and ways to prevent it09:39
todd_And want to use Linux and Kubuntu: I like it so far09:39
=== see-g [n=see-g@dialin-78147.ewetel.net] has joined #kubuntu
Xeraoh shi- what size is the windows iso normally09:39
Xerai think i downloaded some other rubbish :X09:39
fdovingtodd_: konqueror doesn't handle the site? you can install firefox on kubuntu too.09:39
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fdovingXera: OFFTOPIC!09:40
todd_I installed firefox but it doesn't work09:40
todd_I mean firefox works09:40
fdovingtodd_: it doesn't start?09:40
todd_but I cannot login09:40
Xerafdoving, :(09:40
Tumppi-`xenophile, all I'm afraid of losing, is mainly my passwords for websites and such. And of course, man has to care about his privacy :P09:40
todd_I have this *.epf code09:40
fdovingtodd_: you can give opera a try.09:40
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todd_and when I paste it into the login box, it hangs09:41
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xenophile7x7lol of course ;)09:41
XVampireXtodd_: What do you need exactly?09:41
fdoving!opera | todd_09:41
ubotutodd_: opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser09:41
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xenophile7x7basics, like a good firewall, should be fine. just shut down everythign thats not needed09:41
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xenophile7x7use strong passwords09:41
xenophile7x7all that jazz09:41
Tumppi-`And if I block the ports not used, no-one can get to my computer, right? =P09:41
todd_I am not sure, but I think I need to install JRE into firefox but am having trouble finding it in Adept or Synaptic09:42
Tidotodd_: try automatix09:42
fdovingtodd_: ah, you might need java.09:42
fdoving!java | todd_09:42
ubotutodd_: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository09:42
fdovingTido: we don't recommend automatix.09:42
fdoving!automatix | tido09:42
ubotutido: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe09:42
Tidonvm todd, automatix sucks09:42
todd_thanks for the help!  p.s. this was my first IRC and you folks are great.09:43
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xenophile7x7tumppi: not necessarily. they just cant get into it as easily. it limits whaty they can do. IE if you dont run an ftp, and close the ftp port, they have a much slimmer chance of using ftp or ftp exploits to access yoru box09:43
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xenophile7x7tumppi, it doesnt 100% guarantee your security. it just helps enormously09:44
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phobiacWhen I have kopete and ktorrent running at the same time, my internet often kicks out and I have to disable and re-enable my connection. It's a 100 mbit wired connection too, it should be able to handle this. Anyone have any ideas for what I can do?09:45
harrisis there a gui program that will allow me to edit my usplash file?09:45
fdoving!usplash | harris09:46
ubotuharris: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork09:46
Tumppi-`alright, I think I'm safe for now then =) It's good to know, that you really can't be too cautious, even when usin linux =)09:46
Tumppi-`Enormous thanks for the helps and all  =)09:46
harristhanks a lot fdoving i will try that out now!!!!09:47
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fdovingyou're welcome harris. :)09:49
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MacNorthXPbinks! you hider09:49
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harrisfdoving: the command that you gave me updates the usplash file?09:50
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fdovingharris: I suggest reading the howto.09:51
fdovingharris: the one at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto09:51
Xeraf*ck it i'll wait for dell to send me the damn cds :(09:51
fdoving!languauge | xera09:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about languauge - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:51
fdoving!language | xera09:51
ubotuxera: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:51
esaymanyone have any idea about how I can get real time server uptime stats listed on my webpage?09:51
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gdiebelXera: why do you need dell cds?09:52
harrisi've actually come across it on the net previous to comming in here. but it doesn't have a lot of information in regards to edgy09:52
harrisfrom what i gather i construct a theme and use the command you gave me to use the theme i made to replace the existing usplash?09:53
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fdovingharris: correct, you need to update the init-ramfs with your new usplash theme,09:53
Tidoesaym: http://www.rohitab.com/discuss/lofiversion/index.php/t14144.html09:53
esaymthank you09:54
harrisok, is there a gui program that will add me in constructing the new theme?09:54
esaymI also just found this: http://www.wwwsearchsolutions.com/server_info.php09:54
harrisor can i just use any .png picture09:55
esaymnot sure if I can work it into a web page though09:55
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fdovingharris: i belive you can make your own pictures, probably need to convert them somehow, doesn't the howto say anything about that?`(i'm not into graphics and desgin at all).09:55
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MaxDamage`hey all09:56
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harrisnot in regards to edgy... but I assume then that it would be the same as the way you would do it with dapper.09:57
fdovingharris: this might help too: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Change_Usplash09:57
fdovingharris: .. looks like it's mentioning breezy.. might be outdated too.09:57
MaxDamage``okay dudes, i got a problem - i can't enable direct rendering on ati radeon 9200 SE09:57
harrisone last question (sorry to bug you) in the command you gave me: "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" what part of it do i replace my file with?09:58
harrisor in other words to i enter my filename into09:59
fdovingharris: no idea, this might help a little too: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=27531710:00
fxrMaxDamage theres plenty of info in the ubuntu forums.. on that.. i had same problem...10:00
fxrhow far along are you..?10:00
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harriscool thanks a lot for all your help fdoving I really appreciate it!!!!!10:00
harrismuch respect!10:00
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MaxDamage``okay i'll search the forums then =)10:01
fdovingyou're welcome harris.10:01
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MaxDamage``uh, can anyone give me a link to the forums?10:03
MaxDamage``i can't seem to find them10:03
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phobiacMax: The ubuntu forums?10:04
phobiacGoogle is your friend man :P10:04
MaxDamage``thanks :)10:04
MaxDamage``i know10:04
MaxDamage``just went there and you gave a link10:05
phobiacOh lol10:05
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MaxDamage``hi barjoh10 :)10:09
barjoh10hi maxdamage10:09
MaxDamage``how's it goin :R10:10
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MaxDamage``:P **10:10
househi everybody.. can somebody tell me how to downgrade xorg in edgy to 6.9? is it possible at all?10:10
MaxDamage``i cant type today... :D10:10
barjoh10well fine:)10:10
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MaxDamage``glad to hear :p10:10
Anakinhello I changed my root password and now when I try to run adept manager it says incorrect password even if I type the old password !10:10
barjoh10why u cant type10:11
MaxDamage``Anakin, change it again :p10:11
MaxDamage``barjoh10: im just kinda nerveous :D10:11
phobiacAnakin, do you know what you changed it to?10:11
barjoh10oh now its anakin10:11
Anakinphobiac: I do10:11
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phobiacAnd you've tried using that new pass? Maybe you're typing it wrong?10:12
Anakindo I have to restart KDE ??10:12
barjoh10y r u nervous10:12
Anakinno chance to type it wrong10:12
MaxDamage``i have no idea10:12
phobiacThat could be possible.10:12
MaxDamage``too much coffee i guess :/10:12
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Anakinahh...it works...I've changed it again10:13
barjoh10what r u doing right now10:13
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housesomebody pls help a noob (me)10:13
barjoh10hey max damage10:14
phobiachouse, what do you need?10:14
barjoh10iam talking to u10:15
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notechhouse: why would you want to downgrade xorg?10:15
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housei have a problem with trident video driver in current xorg - tv out is broken in this driver.. the only driver that has a working tv-out is a patched via driver by blackfive, but this driver is for ild xfree86 and it crashes in new modular xorg, even after recompiling.. i need a way to use an old driver in xorg10:17
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houseafaik, the latest xorg that used monolithyc drivers was 6.910:17
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Tm_Tfdoving: What's that % there? Can't remember seen that thing berofe.10:18
fdovingTm_T: it's mute.10:18
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Tm_Tfdoving: Isn't ban itself muting?10:19
fdovinglike.. 'ban to +m only'10:19
fdovingit allows him to be in the channel, just not say anything.10:19
Tm_TJust like regular ban IIRC.10:20
Tm_TKick is separate.10:20
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Tm_THmm, but maybe it's different here in Freenode.10:20
fdovingwith this ban, he can rejoin.10:20
Tm_TAh, ok.10:20
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MaxDamage``alright then, that was useful to know :p10:20
fdovingfreenode is different.. lots of special stuff. not like the good old ircu2.x :)10:20
MaxDamage``good to tease little noobies :D10:20
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MaxDamage``no, dont ban meh.. :p10:20
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Tm_Tfdoving: Yup, I'm too used to IRCnet...10:21
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firecrotchIs there a way to see what version of *buntu is installed, from the command line?10:21
barjoh10fdoving f&^(&^ u & ur ban10:21
blekoshello, in system  asettings->disk & file systems  when i click admin mode, it doesnt ask me 4 psswd10:21
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blekosso i cant do any changes10:21
fdovingfirecrotch: 'lsb_release -a'10:21
phobiacOkay. I'm having some problems with my internet connection. Having kopete and ktorrent running at the same time quickly knocks it out.10:21
firecrotchfdoving: thanks10:21
barjoh10***ban fdoving10:22
Tm_Tbarjoh10: What's your problem?10:22
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fdovingbarjoh10: flooding the channel with random crap is not nice. please don't.10:22
phobiacAnyone have any idea for what I can do? The upload/download rate for ktorrent rarely gets about 10 kp/s10:22
barjoh10wat u mean10:22
M_Fatihi want to hide sidebars in quanta.. i can't find where i do that.. i want to hide these : http://imaj.at/5923 how can i do that?10:22
firecrotchfdoving: what about seeing if it's the server version or the normal install?10:22
tony__how can i stop and restart apache2 ??? thanks10:22
barjoh10hey but u dont pay any mind10:23
firecrotchtony__: sudo apache2ctl stop10:23
fdovingfirecrotch: don't belive there is a command for that.. you can check what kernel you're using. 'uname -a'10:23
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Tm_Tbarjoh10: Six times repeating same line is usually considered as not too wise doing.10:23
barjoh10hello zamber10:23
barjoh10Ibeg pardon10:23
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Tm_TNp, just learn your mistakes. :)10:23
fdovingtony__: as firecrotch says.. or 'sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart' (stop, start and more works too).10:24
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tony__thanks guys10:24
fabrizioragazzi.. ciao!!10:24
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Zamberhey barjoh1010:24
barjoh10will u forgive me10:24
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!10:24
MaxDamage``oh i got another question10:24
firecrotchfdoving: Does the server version use a different kernel?10:24
MaxDamage``where can I check my lan card connection?10:24
MaxDamage``10/100 mbps?10:24
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barjoh10hey zamberwere are u from10:24
fdovingfirecrotch: yes, i belive it does.10:24
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Tm_Tbarjoh10: Sure, remember that we're not mean, just try to keep huge masses in nice and tidy chat.10:25
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fdovingbarjoh10: for random chatter please use #kubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-offtopic, this is a support channel, and we try to keep it on that topic.10:25
barjoh10alright thanks10:25
firecrotchfdoving: okay, it looks like I may have to slap my hosting company with a trout10:25
barjoh10thank fdoving i was waiting for that topic10:26
Tm_Tfirecrotch: Don't or you have greenpeace after you, use baseball bat.10:26
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MaxDamage``so anyone know how to check my connection speed to the network?10:27
MaxDamage``10 or 100 mbps?10:27
MaxDamage``i forgot the command... :/10:27
fdovingMaxDamage``: mii-diag or mii-tool10:28
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MaxDamage``eth0: negotiated 100baseTx-FD, link ok10:29
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MaxDamage``everything's okay then :)10:29
maseeeehow do i get my WPA connection working on wirelses lan on kubuntu?10:29
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fdovingmaseeee: i recommend installing kwlan from the universe repository.10:30
fdoving!wpa | maseeee10:30
ubotumaseeee: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:30
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maseeeei cant get to the internet on kubuntu10:30
maseeeeso how am i suppose to get them10:30
morghanphoenixhow do you locate a specific package name, say the ssh server that I need to let my wife's windows computer connect to mine using winscp?10:31
phobiacmaseeee: No way for you to get a wired connection for long enough to get the package?10:31
maseeeephobiac: well i need something to get it working with WPA, if i need to download that to fix my WPA, how am i going to do that ? o_O10:32
maseeeeoh i have something called wpa_supllicant installed10:32
maseeeemaybe that'll help.10:32
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fdovingmaseeee: that'll do. see the wpasupplicant section at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo10:33
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maseeeeok thanks man10:33
maseeeeill try it out10:33
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:34
MaxDamage``thanks :p10:34
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tony__sorry for asking this stupid question . but how can i modify PHP config file ????10:35
MaxDamage``open with kate10:35
MaxDamage``and do as you please :p10:35
maseeeeopen it with PICO10:35
todd_Can anyone suggest a starting point so I can set up my laptop and desktop to perform like GoToMyPC?10:36
tony__thanks , but where is php config located ??10:36
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fdovingtony__: web php or php-cli?10:36
tony__installed php5. and script that i running needs the php curl to be On.10:37
fdovingtony__: /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini10:37
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todd_Is anyone familiar with SSH and how to set it up?10:40
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MaxDamage``im installing the binary drivers now...10:41
MaxDamage``im a little scared though10:41
MaxDamage``when i did that on 5.1010:41
MaxDamage``X didnt wanna start10:41
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fxrare you using the 8.28.x ati drivers MaxDamage?10:42
kolihi all10:42
kolihow can i change my login theme10:42
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MaxDamage``well yeah10:43
MaxDamage``they came with the kubuntu installation10:43
MaxDamage``is there any problem? :/10:44
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fxrno their fine.. work here..  anyhoo : )10:46
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kolican anyone help me10:46
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BlackCan anyone please explain to me why my PC restarts half of the time when I try to start Ubuntu or Kubuntu is this a known issue)10:49
BlackCan anyone please explain to me why my PC restarts half of the time when I try to start Ubuntu or Kubuntu is this a known issue?*10:50
fxrkoli i think ur looking for Kpersonalizer10:50
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koliok  fxr10:50
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koliand then what fxr???10:51
MaxDamage``fxr, im installing the drivers...10:51
BlackIm sure my problem can be fixed in the bios somewhere but I do not no which setting to change10:51
MaxDamage``and im kinda scared it wont run after that10:51
MaxDamage``what should I do if X doesnt start? :(10:51
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MaxDamage``Black, I don't think it's a known issue10:52
fxrkoli if you restart kde, u should get a personalize wizard...10:53
hattalook through your logs and try to find out what it's doing when it reboots10:53
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hattamore information = more help10:53
fxrMaxDamage you should be ok with the drivers.. u can restart in recovery mode...10:54
BlackYes ill do that10:54
fxrhave you edited you xorg.cong yet...?10:54
fxrthats where my problems started..10:54
MaxDamage``yes i did10:54
MaxDamage``now im installing the debian packages10:55
BlackI*m about to install it even happens with the live cd10:55
MaxDamage``and i think it's done10:55
Blackso  im sure it|s a bios problem10:55
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BlackI\ll just try to run the installation10:56
MaxDamage``describe exactly10:56
MaxDamage``what you are doing10:56
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MaxDamage``btw, fxr, what should i do when i go to recovery mode?10:57
MaxDamage``restore the xorg.conf?10:57
Blacki\ve allready installed ubuntu once, but I thought it was kind of strange that I kept getting the errors so I\m about to reinstall10:58
MaxDamage``reinstall at will )10:58
MaxDamage``fxr, another question:10:58
MaxDamage``now see Modifying xorg.conf. Skip the "lrm-manager" and "depmod" commands.10:58
MaxDamage``how can I do that?10:58
fxraye.. MaxDamage.. that bailed me out a few times..10:58
MaxDamage``just put a # infront of them?10:58
MaxDamage``yeah saved my skin 10 times now :D10:59
Blackbut It\t happens with the live cd too so It\s something in the bios10:59
MaxDamage``i don't believe the problem is that deep, Black10:59
fxrwhat how to u using.. and m not expert here.. m just going through my experiences of installing said driver..10:59
MaxDamage``maybe faulty hardware10:59
BlackI\ll do a reinstall10:59
BlackIt doesn\t happen when I try to boot win11:00
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BluesKajBlack, do you have your BIOS boot sequence set to cdrom for the live cd to boot first ?11:00
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MaxDamage``fxr, it doesnt find the lines in xorg.conf11:01
fxrlet me see, what how to you using fella...?11:02
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MaxDamage``oh cancel that11:02
MaxDamage``i got it :)11:02
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ubotuKubuntu Edgy has implemented a new feature that hides most of the filesystem. For more information: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuHiddenFiles11:03
MaxDamage``aticonfig: Writing to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' failed. Bad file descriptor.11:03
MaxDamage``what the hell?11:04
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MaxDamage``fxr, im rebooting11:07
MaxDamage``i just hope my system doesnt s#@t up11:07
fxrgood luck fella11:07
MaxDamage``thanks :)11:07
MaxDamage``my heartbeat increased :D11:07
MaxDamage``rebooting :)11:07
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MaxDamage``i did it!11:11
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maseeeedoes kubuntu come with madwifi?11:12
MaxDamage``i didn't f#@k up the system11:12
MaxDamage``this calls for a celebration11:12
=== MaxDamage`` opens a 2 liter bottle of cheap Bulgarian beer.
BluesKaj^5 s11:12
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MaxDamage``fxr: thanks dude! :)11:13
BluesKajwhoa bulgarian beer ...sounds poisonous :)11:13
MaxDamage``it is :D11:13
MaxDamage``where are you from?11:13
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MaxDamage``and how do you know of bulgarian beer? :p11:13
fxrhahah happy days sorted then.. my from derry in northern ireland..11:14
BluesKajI don't ...it just sounds that way :)11:14
fxrbulgar beer?11:14
MaxDamage``oh :P11:14
MaxDamage``well this 2 liter bottle costs me .. about 1 eur11:14
BluesKajare u in bulgaria , MaxDamage ?11:14
MaxDamage``yes! :p11:14
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu11:15
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MaxDamage``direct rendering: Yes11:16
MaxDamage``YES, God d$@n it !11:16
Alarmhow can i enable v4l . i need it for my winfast tv tuner. also how can i see my kernel version ?11:16
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MaxDamage``i cna play UT 2004 now :p11:16
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MaxDamage``595 frames in 5.0 seconds = 119.000 FPS11:17
MaxDamage``is that bad?11:17
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miguelcrhola !!!11:19
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miguelcrIDENTIFY miguel11:19
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miguelcralguien habla espaol11:19
DrNickRivieraam using dapper and have the problem that by default it selects vesa as the graphics card and when i select the one that i actually use which it recognizes correctly (matrox g450) i get a message that it can't be safely tested11:19
DrNickRivierawhy do i get that message?11:20
fxrMaxDamage i dont know, the info from glxgears is suppose to be pretty useless, but there is tweak info on them forums, to help 3d performance11:20
DrNickRivieraam a bit worried that if i just change it i might stop the output from working entirely11:20
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fxrAlarm uname -r11:21
MaxDamage``nah im happy with the current performance11:21
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MaxDamage``unreal tournament was lagging at 400x30011:22
MaxDamage``at low graphics11:22
MaxDamage``now i cant get it to lag on high graphics!11:22
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=== MaxDamage`` is very happy! :p
flaviohow do i install kdenetworkmanager11:22
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:23
Alarmhow can i enable v4l  ? in other distros i could find that under device drivers --> multimedia devices --> enable video for linux . how can this be done in kubuntu ?11:23
fxrsudo apt-get install knetworkmanager11:24
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MaxDamage``uh, vegastrike c#@$ped me up... lol11:25
m4ngosit says..11:25
m4ngosnothing found11:25
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MaxDamage``great help dude, thanks :)11:26
fxryou might have enable one of the repositories... m4ngos11:26
m4ngoshow do i do that11:27
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MaxDamage``fxr, it doesnt recodnise my opengl :/11:31
MaxDamage``GL_VENDOR     : (null)11:31
MaxDamage``and all the others11:31
fxrm4ngos its on here: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy11:31
MaxDamage``what was that 3d tester again?11:31
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BluesKajati card MaxDamage``?11:33
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stefanhey, hoffe mir kann mal kurz jemand helfen, ich will openoffice installieren, wie gehtn des wenn ich mehrere deb-dateien hab?11:33
MaxDamage``damn it :(11:33
MaxDamage``when i type glxgears11:33
MaxDamage``just a black screen comes up11:33
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:33
MaxDamage``nothing too11:34
BluesKajwhat's your graphics card ?11:34
MaxDamage``ATi Radeon 9200 SE11:34
MaxDamage``i played Uneral Tournament a second ago11:34
MaxDamage``i just had to re-login11:34
MaxDamage``and everything went down in flames11:34
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Alarmwhat error could this be on my dmesg : [17222343.892000]  loop0: rw=0, want=1808, limit=1204 [17222343.892000]  attempt to access beyond end of device11:35
fxryour using the fglrx driver?11:35
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MaxDamage``in the control panel11:35
BluesKajMaxDamage``, check this site : http://www.marteydodoo.com/2006/08/29/installing-binary-ati-drivers-on-ubuntu-edgy/11:35
fxrwhats that fglrxinfo give..?11:36
=== TheGateKeeper [n=m@82-36-113-171.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
MaxDamage``lemme pastebin it11:36
boblenyHey, I installed dolphin and made it my default file manager, but in order to see my trash bin or use the "Actions" action menue, I have to set konqore back to being my default file manager. How do I fix it so I don't have this problem?11:37
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MaxDamage``BluesKaj: that's what im using i think11:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastbin:lemme - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:37
rich__I just did a fresh install of edgy, my kernel is 2.6.17-10-generic, do i need to upgrade it?11:38
fxrBluesKay did you an who wrote that howto ever write the xgl part.. ??11:38
MaxDamage``fxr, sorry for the delay, pastebin is kinda slow :p11:38
MaxDamage``many ppl are using it11:38
BluesKajMaxDamage``, i used those instructions and it installed DIR on my system11:38
MaxDamage``well i dont know about taht11:39
MaxDamage``but the driver i just installed worked perfect11:39
MaxDamage``i logged out for a sec11:39
=== christiane [n=christia@dslb-088-073-218-012.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
MaxDamage``and it burned down11:39
MaxDamage``it says in the ATI Control Panel11:39
MaxDamage``OpenGL Vendor, Version and Renderer - (null)11:39
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MaxDamage``what now? :/11:40
MaxDamage``fxr, http://pastebin.com/85801111:40
MaxDamage``here's the glxinfo11:40
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Flosoft2I have got a problem11:41
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MaxDamage``who doesnt..11:41
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Flosoft2I am trying to install Kubuntu 6.10 on my new Core2Duo notebook11:41
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Flosoft2so I downloaded the imag11:41
Flosoft2but there seems to be a problem with acpi11:41
MaxDamage``wait, adept updated something11:42
Flosoft2with 6.06 it says Loading ACPI modules ... and is stuck there11:42
Blackagain, installation went well11:42
Blackand it works11:42
excitatoryrich__: nope, as of edgy the generic kernel will detect if you need smp support or not.. so no kernel changes like in the past.. and your package manager of choice will keep it updated the same way the rest of the software on your system is kept up to date.11:42
MaxDamage``i'll reboot to see what's going on11:42
MaxDamage``fxr, you read the document :p11:42
Flosoft2how can I disable ACPI?11:44
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MaxDamage``it fixed?!?! o.011:45
MaxDamage``omfg.. linux rocks :D11:45
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=== MaxDamage`` is happy again :p
TheGateKeeperMaxDamage``, did you change your kernel?11:46
Flosoft2any idea?11:46
MaxDamage``adept updated it11:46
=== MaxDamage`` luvs adept :p
MaxDamage``<666 lol11:46
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fxrmax does fglrxinfo see you ATI now?11:51
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Admiral_Chicagowhat is the name of the OS equivelant of LimeWire11:51
Admiral_Chicagohmm, i don't want to use automatix and break the system...11:53
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BluesKajAdmiral_Chicago, tell me ..why are you talking to yourself ?  :)11:55
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ScarFreewillis there a way to limet my network card?11:55
Admiral_ChicagoBluesKaj: because I'm lonely...not really. Turns out Frostwire comes in a .deb which is good.11:55
boblenyWhat is .deb?11:56
ubotudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click on them (Ubuntu) or right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install (Kubuntu)11:56
Admiral_Chicagoor sudo dpkg -i foo.deb11:56
BluesKajFrostwire sucks ...the output doesn't pay any attn to the search input text ...one liable get anything in thelist , most of it not remotely connected to the search input11:57
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BluesKajanyway amule is much better11:58
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Admiral_Chicagoyea but so does nicotine. at least FW works11:58
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malik_how do i setup kontact to operate my gmail account?12:01
Admiral_Chicagoanyone know how to make irssi *not* show joins and quits from a certain channel?12:03
sleepy343when I typed a wget key why does my konsole hang? doesn't return me to my prompt12:04
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Admiral_Chicagosleepy343: what command are you using12:06
BackPackermalik_: Set it to use the host pop.gmail.com and put 995 in the Port box. On the Extras tab, select 'Use SSL for secure mail download'...12:06
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BackPackermalik_: For sending, use smtp.gmail.com on port 587, and on the Security tab select 'TLS'12:07
sleepy343wget http://ubuntuy.beryl-project.org/root@lupine.me.uk.gpg -0- | sudo apt-key add -12:07
Admiral_ChicagoBackPacker: does that work for TB too?12:07
Admiral_Chicagosleepy343: hmm, maybe the #beryl channel can help trouble shoot12:07
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Admiral_Chicagoare you getting that instruction from the beryl wiki?12:08
BackPackermalik_: Those are the settings for the Gmail servers. They should work on any mail client that can use SSL and TLS12:08
malik_BackPacker: can i use these settings for yahoo too?12:08
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malik_aaaaaah okie12:08
BackPackermalik_: I sincerely doubt it. Why would yahoo use Gmail's servers?  :-)12:08
malik_BackPacker: thanx alot mate12:08
Xerahoi again xD12:08
Xeramy friend is getting this error when running anything with sudo12:09
Xera<K-Zodron> jens@jens-desktop:~$ sudo passwd12:09
Xera<K-Zodron> sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Jan 13 22:54:08 200712:09
BackPackermalik_: There are programs you can install that can grab mail from Yahoo, but I don't know what they're called. Try entering 'Yahoo' into the Search box at http://freshmeat.net and/or Google12:09
fignewit's only the 12th12:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about timestamp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:10
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.12:10
=== brandon_ [n=brandon@dynamic-acs-24-239-225-182.zoominternet.net] has joined #kubuntu
fignewwhat does the date command say?12:10
Xerala 13.1.2007 01:10:05 +020012:11
malik_yahoo and msn mail i can chk with kopete but only gmail wa a bit of pain12:11
malik_but thanx alot guyz12:12
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about exit - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:12
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about anything - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:13
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soulriderhi everyone :)12:13
Xerafignew, any ideas?12:13
=== excitatory [n=excitato@CPE-70-94-39-29.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubot-u-dumb-bot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:13
xertraok guys i need some help installing something from source if someone could give me some help. I get an error when i go to make and i don't know what to do.12:14
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soulriderxertra: did you do ./configure first ?12:14
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soulriderand what is it that youre trying to compile ?12:14
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soulrideryoure sure there isnt a deb ?12:15

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