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=== Hobbsee waves
Hobbseehey Jucato!03:21
Jucatohi Hobbsee!03:21
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manchickenRiddell: You about?03:48
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Hobbseeheya manchicken04:10
manchickenI **REALLY** want to work on adept here, but I can't get it to build.04:11
manchickenAnd it's a clean checkout from bzr.04:11
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ubotubzr is Bazaar-NG, a decentralized revision control system designed to be easy for developers and end users alike. Decentralized revision control systems give people the ability to work over the internet using the bazaar development model.04:12
manchickenRiddell told me to work on it out of bzr.04:12
Hobbseeright, yep04:13
manchickenARGH!  Where's Riddell? ^_^04:27
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Hobbseemanchicken: it's the weekend for most people.  and he's probably sleep04:29
manchickenHobbsee: Can you try to build this from bzr and see if it fails to build for you, too?04:33
manchickenThe bzr branch is http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jr/adept/ubuntu/04:34
manchickenOh, my buddy Josh may be interested in helping us out here sometime soon.04:35
Hobbseewoot :)04:35
manchickenHis name is Josh McAdams.04:35
=== oslo [n=Lancelot@alf94-5-82-225-102-119.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
manchickenHe's been pretty involved with Perl lately.04:36
oslooups sorry04:36
manchickenHe got a White Camel award from the Perl Mongers.04:36
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Hobbseenice :)04:41
Hobbseeheya oslo04:42
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nixternallovely flooding tonight05:38
=== Jucato waves to nixternal
=== nixternal waves back
=== nixternal is annoyed at idiots on malone and will insure now that his sh!t won't get uploaded or fixed
Jucatonixternal: is herd 2 a bit behind schedule? or I'm just not taking timezones into consideration?05:39
=== nixternal rm -rf multiverse
nixternalJucato: herd 2 has been out all day, at least here it has05:39
Jucatoheh :P05:39
Jucatosorry, my bad... (I was almost asleep all day)05:39
manchicken*weep* Riddell, where are you?05:50
Jucatonixternal: seen this? http://www.vandenoever.info/misc/keyes/05:50
nixternalJucato: i posted it :)05:51
=== Jucato checks
nixternalearlier that is05:51
nixternalnot on kde-look, but in here05:51
Jucatothis is what I get for being asleep when most of you guys are awake :P05:51
nixternali need to goto sleep, i have to get up early and do the loco thing05:52
HobbseeJucato: of course, yes05:52
Jucatoooh. sweet dreams nixternal!05:53
JucatoHobbsee: yes to which of my statements? :P05:53
Hobbsee[15:51]  <Jucato> this is what I get for being asleep when most of you guys are awake :P05:53
Jucatoaaah hehehe05:53
JucatoI wonder how you keep up :)05:53
Hobbseei keep Hobbsee|NotHere in here.05:54
Jucatoheh :)05:54
Hobbseeand i dont, really05:54
Hobbseewell, i do somehow05:54
Jucatonight nixternal!05:59
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canllaithHeya - I'm trying to install guidance, and it's complaining that it can't import a module named 'notify' when I run guidance-power-manager.py after installing it. Can anyone help with this?06:32
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LureRiddell, sebas: around11:31
LureRiddell: system settings accept any password as valid for admin mode :-(11:33
mhbLure: Not here, though.11:40
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Luremhb: interesting - you have up-to-date feisty?11:45
Hobbseehey Lure11:45
Luremhb: did not notice this before, but I did today on clean Herd2 install11:45
mhbLure: well, probably a few days old or so11:45
mhbLure: I'll upgrade11:46
Luremhb: and I recall seing this once in edgy (or dapper?) times11:46
LureHobbsee: hi - packing for LCA? ;-)11:46
HobbseeLure: nope, i'm not going :(11:47
HobbseeLure: besides, i live in sydney11:47
=== Hobbsee just got home from work
LureHobbsee: that is not good11:47
LureHobbsee: I would love to see it - it looks like great event11:47
Luremhb: font issue - default install is not that bad11:48
Luremhb: switch to Sans Serif and it should be fine11:48
mhbLure: I know - somebody noted that before11:49
mhbLure: so the default install fonts are OK11:49
Luremhb: yes11:49
LureI will update the bug11:49
mhbLure: have you ran Adept yet?11:50
mhbLure: because the font problem seems to persist in it, no idea why...11:50
Luremhb: no problem here - not sure if I do not notice it anymore ;-)11:56
Luremhb: sans serif looks a bit larger than dejavu at 8pt11:57
mhbLure: thanks for the information11:57
mhbLure: maybe the update will solve that11:58
Luremhb: you may not want to update just now - python is being changed from 2.4 -> 2.5 as default11:58
Luremhb: it will probably remove some packages that you do not want yet (kde-guidance)11:59
mhbLure: I'm keeping the current python packages11:59
Hobbseeyou have to dist upgrade to get that, though11:59
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mhbLure: systemsettings work fine after upgrading12:24
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Luremhb: I do not know what is wrong with mine then... :-(12:30
mhbLure: you installed from the Herd CD 2, right?12:32
Luremhb: yes... Maybe it is the fact that my user has 9 characters (may be stripped down to 8?)12:32
Luremhb: I have used shorted admin usernames before...12:32
mhbLure: that would be an error nonetheless, wouldn't it?12:35
Luremhb: sure, just trying to figure out what could caused it...12:36
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RiddellLure: it's the 15 minute timeout from sudo01:29
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Riddellhola chica01:39
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HobbseeRiddell: manchicken|away was most desperate before you before01:43
Riddellfor what?01:43
Hobbseebuilding adept from bzr - he's having trouble01:43
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LureRiddell: yes, it is probably that - just confused that it asked for password but then accepted wrong one01:48
LureRiddell: do we need python 2.4 for guidance - I have seen that we explicitly use python2.4 with some script in debian/rules01:51
=== Hobbsee idly wonders if it's considered rude in other countries to be on a cell phone when you expect service from someone...
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RiddellLure: I doubt it, except that I don't know if pykde works with python 2.5 yet02:19
LureRiddell: ok, would be nice to get rid of 2.402:19
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Riddellone for imbrandon?02:34
Riddellone for anyone http://blog.melhase.net/articles/2006/12/31/kberylsettings-beryl-settings-for-kde02:35
Riddellah, abattoir02:35
abattoirhi Riddell :)02:35
abattoirhow are you?02:35
Riddellabattoir: are you planning on doing the oem-installer qt 4 port?02:35
abattoirRiddell: yes, i'm halfway through02:36
abattoiractually more than that02:36
Riddellooh, excellent02:36
HobbseeRiddell: mmm...neat02:36
abattoirRiddell: just having troubles w/ the model-view framework02:36
abattoirhi Hobbsee02:36
Riddellwhy do you need to use that abattoir?02:36
RiddellHobbsee: is that you volunteering to package?02:36
Hobbseehey abattoir!02:36
HobbseeRiddell: not at this time of night :P02:36
HobbseeRiddell: besides, it's beyrl02:36
abattoirRiddell: it represents the data as a model, and uses views(listview) for eg. to dispaly it, the qt tutorials encourage using it, Kamion already uses it in the gtk ui02:37
abattoirRiddell: should i get a UI review of it?02:38
Riddellabattoir: sure, put up some screenshots and we can try and get seele to look at it02:46
Riddellabattoir: I don't remember it uses a listview for anything, I thought it just used drop down combo-boxes02:47
abattoirRiddell: doesn't that look archaic and non user friendly?02:47
abattoirRiddell: i thought i could make it a 'full screen app' and then make it a bit like ubiquity02:48
Riddellabattoir: sounds good02:50
abattoirRiddell: once i finish it, i'll post shots on the wiki, then if it's not liked, or modifications are necessary, i'll change it accordingly. fine?02:51
Riddellthe gtk side will use model view because that's the only way gtk can work, with qt 4 you can also use the qlistwidget if that's easier02:53
Riddellit's more restrictive only allowing 1 column, but that's probably all that's needed02:53
=== Hobbsee giggles quietly in the cornert
Hobbseei should definetly find something to fix...or sleep02:54
abattoirRiddell: aah ok... i'll see if i can get it to work, else i'll use qlistwidget. thanks.02:56
LureRiddell: do you know anything about qt4 and glib loop - this could be a way to go for our powermanager polling issue02:57
LureRiddell: if PyQt4 allows hooking into glib loop02:57
=== claydoh [n=claydoh@66-252-53-171.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
mhbwhen I insert a CD it displays an "Testing files:" audiocd:/?device=/dev/hdc pop-up which closes itself in a few seconds03:04
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mhbhoweever, this pop-up does not contain any significant information for the user03:05
mhbI think such a common task should not bother the user (because pop-ups are the most bothering method of displaying information)03:06
imbrandonRiddell, eh?03:07
imbrandonohh the beryl thing03:07
Hobbseehey imbrandon!03:07
imbrandonheya Hobbsee!!!!!!!03:07
imbrandonoh wow Riddell that thing looks nice03:08
Hobbseeimbrandon: :)03:08
Hobbseeimbrandon: 2 things to ask about....have they been done yet?  :P03:09
imbrandonthe konversation i'm having a bit of issues with, but i think i have those worked out now03:09
imbrandonwhat was the 2nd ?03:09
Hobbseewoot :)03:09
imbrandonoh yea, thats still not complete yet, probably wont be untill the end of the weekend03:09
imbrandoni only have one of the needed 4 ip's03:10
imbrandonbasicly is what i'm waiting on03:10
Hobbseeimbrandon: konvi is of more interest - i'm bored and kicking people from -offtopic again :P03:10
imbrandonheh ok03:10
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freeflyingimbrandon: hi03:23
imbrandonheya freeflying03:23
freeflyingimbrandon: r u busy now?03:24
imbrandoni little but i can do something if you need it03:24
imbrandonwasup ?03:24
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imbrandonthanks for the offer though freeflying03:26
imbrandonerr wrong window, but yea03:26
freeflyingimbrandon: :)03:26
imbrandonmmmm more mt dew :)03:27
Hobbseeimbrandon: stay away from that mt dew!03:27
Hobbseeit's bad for you :P03:27
imbrandonHobbsee, http://www.richardrosenman.com/project/movies/?mov=h640&cid=7803:28
RiddellLure: what about glib loop?  qt 4 has built in support for dbus03:29
=== Hobbsee raises an eyebrow at imbrandon
LureRiddell: but not PyQt - they dropped QDBus03:29
LureRiddell: in favor of python-dbus03:29
LureRiddell: which is glib only :-(03:29
Hobbseeimbrandon: which bit am i supposed to look at?03:30
Hobbseeimbrandon: apparently it's quicktime03:30
imbrandonits a quicktime mov03:30
LureRiddell: otherwise I do not see major problem in porting powermanager from pyqt3/pykde to -> pyqt403:30
imbrandonHobbsee, sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer03:30
Hobbseeimbrandon: ...so how do i view it?03:30
LureRiddell: but if I do not see benefit (polling vs. events), I will not spend my time on it03:30
=== Hobbsee wonders if that will work with the mozilla binary of firefox...
=== apokryphos [n=francis@87-194-86-227.bethere.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu-devel
imbrandonwhy wouldent it03:32
Hobbseeimbrandon: neat.  sleep now, i'll look tomorrow03:32
Hobbseemigth have hardcoded the path03:32
RiddellLure: this thread suggests it works03:32
imbrandonno its the $plugins dir03:32
Hobbseeooh, neat03:33
RiddellLure: maybe we need to update something in dbus python blindings03:33
LureRiddell: interesting - will look into this and report back03:33
freeflyingRiddell: today's upgrade reve kde-guidance03:34
Hobbseeimbrandon: heh03:34
Riddellfreeflying: reve?03:36
Hobbseemaybe reverts03:36
freeflyingRiddell: remove03:39
Hobbsee|NotHere[01:39]  <Hobbsee> freeflying: python transition - it's due to launchpad-integration03:40
freeflyingHobbsee|NotHere: thanks03:41
Riddellfreeflying: it'll be something to do with the python 2.5 transition03:41
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Riddellpython-kde3 seems to have built but isn't in the archive03:46
Riddelland kdebindings is horribly broken03:47
freeflyingnext week, I will run kubuntu on a mipsel machine :)03:49
Riddellfreeflying: but we're not ported to mipsel?03:50
freeflyingRiddell: I will port it for myself  :)03:51
Riddellbrave man03:51
freeflyingRiddell: have u ever heard of Godson, a mipsel arch cpu made in China03:53
ParkotronWho packages K3B for Kubuntu?03:56
freeflyingParkotron: what's up03:57
ParkotronThe short answer is my K3B claims not to support Flac.03:58
mhbParkotron: ripping or burning?03:58
ParkotronI've noticed some other distros seem to have seperate packages to add support for each file format.03:58
mhbParkotron: you have FLAC support installed, I presume03:59
ParkotronI have flac, flac123, libflac++, libflac7 and liboggflac3.04:00
ParkotronAm I missing anything?04:00
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mhbParkotron: k3b supports flac for me, both ripping and burning (at least it allows flac files to be inserted in the audio file)04:01
imbrandontry libxine-extracodecs04:01
imbrandonsometimes flac wont work without it because the way xine is splitup04:01
ParkotronHmm. That's exactly what it won't do for me. "Unable to handle the following files due to an unsupported format: something.flac"04:02
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ParkotronFlac works perfectly for me everywhere but K3B.04:03
ParkotronI have libxine-extracodecs, but K3B doesn't rely on Xine does it?04:04
ParkotronAnyway, if Flac is working for others, than it must just be a problem with my system. I guess I'll fool around with it some more. Thanks, all.04:06
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ParkotronBelieve it or not, uninstalling K3B and reinstalling the exact same version fixed it for me! Bizarre.04:09
nixternalParkotron: thats because K3b needed to refresh the plugins directory garbage04:13
nixternali had issue before as well, and went into setup and did a silly refresh, restarted it, and it worked04:13
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manchickenMornin' all you happy people.04:32
manchickenLaunchpad is the place to file just general bugs with proggies, right?04:34
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manchickenParkotron: You know, you can also just reinstall it^_^04:37
manchickenParkotron: Adept has this happy-fun option where you can "reinstall" without uninstalling.  Since there's no dirty windows registry, there's no real reason to uninstall for that purpose.04:37
manchickenAt least not one that I can think of.04:38
=== manchicken posts another k9copy bug...
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manchickenDAMNIT!  One of my bugs is a duplicate.04:40
manchickenOh well.04:43
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jdongmanchicken: I don't blame you; LP search is definitely no google.04:47
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manchickenOnce you get DVD stuff working, Kaffeine is actually quite a good media player.04:51
manchickenRiddell: You about?04:59
Riddellhi manchicken05:00
manchickenHiya ^_^05:01
manchickenI still can't build adept straight from bzr in my chroot, and I have no idea why not.  I've done build-deps, made that Makefile.common, and still dh_install -padept-manager errors out every single time.05:02
Riddellwhat's the error?05:02
manchickenLet me reproduce it for you rq....05:03
jdongwell, Kaffeine is yet another Xine player; it'll be good for everything except corrupt or incomplete files05:03
jdongwhere nothing beats the mplayer or VLC engine05:03
manchickencp: cannot stat `./debian/tmp/usr/bin/adept_manager': No such file or directory05:04
manchickendh_install: command returned error code 25605:04
manchickenRiddell: There ya go05:04
manchickenI even solicited the help of MOTU, and they didn't have any idea either.05:05
manchickenpersia over in #ubuntu-motu was able to build it just fine from bzr.05:06
manchickenSo I suspect I'm missing something in my chroot.05:06
=== Riddell checks it out
Riddellyou on feisty?05:07
Riddellyour chroot that is05:07
Riddellmanchicken: and you're using debuild to build it?05:11
Riddellable to put the build log on a web server somewhere?05:11
=== allee [n=ach@dialin-145-254-252-012.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
manchickenIs there already a log you're interested in?05:12
manchickenOr do you just want stdin/stdout?05:12
Riddellyour one05:12
Riddellthe log is in ../*build05:12
manchickenerr, stdout/err05:12
Riddellfrom where you build it05:13
manchickenI'm in adept05:13
=== manchicken finds
Riddelldirectory above05:14
manchickenI'm already in the toplevel directory for the adept bzr checkout.05:14
Riddellso go up a directory05:14
Riddellthat's the one05:15
Riddellmanchicken: you have unsermake installed, remove it05:17
Riddellrun make -f admin/Makefile.common again05:17
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manchickenw00t!  Compiling05:22
manchickenOoh, kompose is neat.05:28
Jucatowoot for kompose :)05:29
manchickenkommando is neat, too.05:31
JucatoI haven't tried that one... is that the radial menu thingy?05:31
manchickenKatapult is much better for that purpose IMO.05:31
Jucatoooh nice... maybe I should try...05:31
Jucatoit's fancy though :)05:31
Jucatoand maybe a bit nicer than kickoff...05:31
manchickenYeah, tres fancy... but not very practical.05:32
=== Jucato checks...
=== lotusleaf [n=lotuslea@kernel-panic/member/carne.asada.burrito] has joined #kubuntu-devel
manchickenkfocus is very useful.05:33
manchickenI've been using it to help me remember what I want to do with adept.05:34
Jucatohaven't heard of that one yet...05:34
=== Jucato Googles
lotusleafmanchicken: 1. install Synaptic 2. profit05:34
lotusleafmanchicken: I must be in the minority, I've always used Synaptic in KDE, never Adept.05:35
manchickenlotusleaf: Sorry man, I'm an adept user ^_^05:35
manchickenlotusleaf: For me, it's been `use Perl && profit();` ^_^05:35
Jucatolotusleaf: don't stop the man from developing Adept :P05:35
manchickenlotusleaf: I'm hacking on aept though.05:36
lotusleafmanchicken: oh, then ignore me. =)05:36
manchickenIf i could type, I might be productiv.05:36
lotusleafJucato: wouldn't want to do that. =)05:36
manchickenI know I hit that E key that time.05:36
Jucatomaybe you need kfocus to remind you to hit E :)05:37
manchickenRiddell: debsign fails, but only after it's created all of the .debs.05:37
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Riddellthat's good, that means it's done05:39
manchickenI need to get this image into the build, too.05:40
manchickenBut I'll worry about that later.05:41
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Riddellhello neversfelde05:50
=== MidMark [n=marco@host-84-220-99-150.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu-devel
manchickenI wish debuild had a way to not clean-build each time.06:04
manchickenIt takes forever to clean-build when all you want to do is trial-and-error.06:04
=== Jucato will have to read the packaging guide one of these days and learn how to package...
=== neversfelde [n=neversfe@nrbg-4db44140.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== MidMark I also want to know how to package
=== UbuntuSt1ts [n=StatsBot@bl5-80-186.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #kubuntu-devel
manchickenArgh... forgot that I'll have to shift all the columns over to the right...06:14
manchickenIt's named constant time.06:14
manchickenIt still bothers me that this thing's using the STL when it's got a perfectly good Qt lib....06:16
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=== Tm_T [i=tm_travo@xob.kapsi.fi] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tm_THi kids.06:31
apokryphoshey Tm_T; long time 8)06:35
=== Lure is having fun: python-dbus 0.80rc3, needs PyQt snapshot, needs SIP 4.5.1, needs...
Tm_Tapokryphos: Yup yup.06:38
apokryphoshow've you been?06:38
Tm_TWell, mostly. :p06:38
apokryphosgood to hear06:38
Tm_TYeah, I'm still a mess, but improving slowly.06:39
Tm_TAnd you?06:39
apokryphosI see. Well good luck guy :)06:39
apokryphosI'm ok; University starting properly on Monday again06:39
apokryphosthis holiday has been a complete lounge-about06:39
Tm_TI might try to get into univ myself.06:40
Tm_TIf those social workers let me. =)06:40
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apokryphosTm_T: what you thinking of studying?06:57
Tm_TThat would be computer science.06:58
Tm_TOr something else, who knows.06:58
Tm_TI'm currently assistant in local school, you know, lots of kids screaming etc. :)06:58
apokryphosprimary or secondary?06:59
Tm_THm, secondary is older ones?06:59
=== Tm_T forgot how those goes out there
apokryphosyeah; high school, basically07:00
Tm_TWell, I'm assistant in primary then, ages 6 to 11 or so.07:00
apokryphosMy oldest sister works in primary, and my other sister in Secondary, though it's a private-only-girls school07:01
apokryphosI always imagine secondary state school year 9s or so being the very worst :P07:01
apokryphosmainly because I remember myself at the age :O07:01
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LureRiddell: it works!07:28
LureRiddell: we need to update: SIP 4.5.2, python-dbus 0.80rc3 and PyQt4 snapshot from January07:29
LureRiddell: doko already said that he would be fine to review python-dbus07:29
LureRiddell: I have tested simple device add/remove, now will add more stuff for battery specific stuff07:30
LureRiddell: if this goes well, I will write an e-mail to you and sebas with plan for KDE3 -> Qt4 port of current powermanager widgets07:30
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kwwiisooo...who can tell me the things I should look out for on the herd1 CD?07:55
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mhbkwwii: herd1 or herd2 ?08:01
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Lurekwwii: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyFawn/Herd2/Kubuntu08:27
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kwwiiLure: thanks08:33
kwwiimhb: didn't know herd2 was out :p08:33
Lurekwwii: it is only a day or two...08:34
kwwiiand well announced at that :p08:34
mhbwe should announce it at kubuntu.org08:35
kwwiiwell, it would have saved me an hour downloading herd1 ;-)08:36
mhbRiddell: ^^08:36
fdovingkwwii: you can rsync it.. i guess.08:36
kwwiiyeah...but I am not in a hurry to screw up my mac laptop anyway08:37
kwwiiI installed kubuntu on the laptop I bought for my wife and I was so jealous that the wlan worked out of the box08:38
fdovinghehe :)08:39
Lurekwwii: btw, just sent you an e-mail about missing icon for powermanager08:49
kwwiiLure: great, I'll take care of that08:49
Lurekwwii: thanks08:52
kwwiiLure: answered09:24
kwwiiLure: thanks for noticing that09:24
kwwiiwhere is the frenchy when I need him09:25
kwwiitypical french guy09:25
Lurekwwii: thanks09:25
kwwiiprobably out eating baguette09:25
Lurekwwii: lol09:25
kwwiiI should be nicer, he invited me to his wedding09:26
kwwiiand I *never* pass up a free meal ;-)09:26
Tm_Tkwwii: And it shows?09:26
=== Tm_T hides
kwwiiTm_T: definitely09:26
kwwiiactually, I am slowly getting back to my weight pre-marriage-and-child09:27
Tm_TI would like to get ~10 kg more.09:29
kwwiiyou can have 20 from me09:30
kwwiiat one time I was almost in the hospital because I did not weigh enough09:30
kwwiiwhen I was cooking for a living and had enough stress to create stomach problems09:31
Tm_Tkwwii: What's your weight index?09:31
Tm_TCan't remember correct term.09:31
kwwiiTm_T: no idea, I resist weighing myself09:31
Tm_TI have under 18 always, lowest have been under 1609:32
Tm_Tand 20-25 is "normal" =)09:32
kwwiimy doctor prescribed me pills to make me hungry once09:33
kwwiibut that was like 10 years ago09:33
kwwiitrust me, in the meantime I am way too fat09:33
Tm_TI eat, actually I eat sometimes more than enough, but just no fat in body. :(09:33
kwwiihaving a kid will do that to you09:33
kwwiiI have a very slow metabolism...actually I eat very little09:33
kwwiibut if I sit in front of a computer all the time the fat just creaps up on me09:34
Tm_TAnd day or two without proper eating and I lose weight and go weak, err, weaker. :p09:34
kwwiiI should go swimming more often09:34
=== Tm_T would like to eat evey 3 hours, big meals thank you
Tm_TAnd that just to keep weight in 52 kg =)09:35
kwwiihehe, then we are opposites09:36
Tm_TOnly way to get more weight is to build muscles, but d'oh, even those don't come easy.09:36
Tm_THrr, back hurts, first pill in month going in. ->09:37
kwwiihehe, my mind hurts...drinking gin tonic this week09:39
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kwwiiI assume that everyone would like to see an evolution of the edgy theme for feisty?09:40
mhbkwwii: yes!09:41
kwwiithen we can move from the purple slowly back to a nice blue ;-)09:42
mhbkwwii: so you have been appointed as the Kubuntu Artist in charge?09:42
mhbkwwii: purple wasn't so bad09:42
kwwiimhb: well, it looks like it will be a bit different this time09:42
kwwiinot sure if there is going to be the "AIC" position as it was in edgy09:42
kwwiiI'll be able to talk more about that later though, at the moment I haven't signed a contract, so I would hate to say things that are not true09:45
mhbkwwii: okay ... back to the original topic. Do you have some screenshots?09:46
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kwwiimhb: nope, haven't started at all yet09:51
kwwiibut I was starting to think about it09:51
kwwiithe week after next we are meeting in oslo, I am sure I'll know more after that09:52
mhbkwwii: it's just paid employees there?09:53
mhbkwwii: or how does those sprints work?09:53
kwwiimhb: yepp, pretty sure that is the case09:53
mhbkwwii: ah09:53
kwwiithe one in the middle of the cycle is internal09:54
kwwiiand the one after is for everyone09:54
kwwiithis one really has more to do with coding and coordination thereof than anything else09:54
kwwiibut I have been invited to the last two meeting like this as well09:54
kwwiiit is a cheap way to see the world :p09:55
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crimsunlucky you, at least you're able to attend :)10:00
Lureany kubuntu motu around to review and upload new upstream release of soundkonverter?10:13
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claydohBug #7843710:49
UbugtuMalone bug 78437 in ubiquity "installer crashes in feisty" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7843710:49
claydohnot the usual bug, a screen corruption after step 4 in the installer10:49
claydohbut I did find a workaround10:49
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kwwiione thing that we should consider changing art-wise in feisty is the amarok highligh glassy-bubble thing11:15
kwwiisince it does not fit to the rest of the theme11:15
mhbkwwii: you mean the OSD?11:15
kwwiimhb: nope, I mean the selected bubble in the main window11:16
mhbkwwii: ah11:16
mhbthe selected track11:16
kwwiihehe, well the feisty install is over before it began11:24
kwwiithe partioner does not even start in ppc11:25
kwwiieither that or it takes a few hours11:25
kwwiioh well, I should have known better11:27
kwwiianyone here installed on ppc?11:29
=== Lathiat [n=lathiat@ubuntu/member/pdpc.basic.lathiat] has joined #kubuntu-devel
kwwiiok, I am going to trust this thing and simply install11:35
kwwiihehe, famous last words11:36
kwwiiwhat does the little l11:38
kwwiipenguins mean in qparted?11:38
kwwiiis that the partitions it will install on?11:38
kwwiiI simply have no idea where this things wants to install11:38
Zerlinnakwwii: good luck ;)11:39
ryanakcakwwii: the penguins mean ext3 partitions... windows logo means ntfs... iirc11:40
kwwiihi Zerlinna11:43
kwwiidude, this installer is crazy11:43
kwwiiit works11:43
kwwiibut it makes no sense and scared me11:43
kwwiiand I am not a newbie11:43
kwwiijust the partioner stuff11:43
Zerlinnakwwii: which installer? on feisty?11:44
kwwiimakes little sense11:44
kwwiiZerlinna: yepp11:44
Zerlinnakwwii: anyway I prefer the alternate installer.. it's much quicker and imho easier..11:44
Zerlinnabecause of the partitioning part11:44
=== mhb preferred the ubiquity one ... checks qtparted
kwwiiZerlinna: yeah, until now that is what I have used too11:45
mhbhmm, qtparted resizes itself to be 4 screens wide here11:46
mhbthat's also quite unusable11:47
Zerlinnakwwii: but graphical partitioners look always like that I think.. even in fedora :D11:47
kwwiinot in suse11:51
kwwiiheck in suse, you cannot partition on ppc, only select the partitions :p11:51
kwwiibut I must say that the ppc support is better on suse11:51
kwwiimainly due to the olafs11:52
kwwiithree guys named olaf that sit in one room and all work on ppc11:52
Zerlinnakwwii: you're joking11:52
kwwiithey had a sign on their door "we are the olaf, resistance is futile"11:52
kwwiino, honestly, I am not11:52
ZerlinnaYou will be assimilated ? :)11:53
kwwiistar trek11:53
kwwiiouch, shit...I forgot to plug in the network cable11:53
kwwiiok, /me goes offline now11:54
kwwiisee you all later11:54
Zerlinnasee ya11:54
kwwiior it will not configure my network11:54
kwwiianother *brilliant* idea11:54
kwwiiif you do not have network when you install, you must not have any network at all11:54
kwwiiand want to do it per hand11:54
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