
fignewXera: wait a few hours and it'll work :P12:15
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=== Admiral_Chicago thinks i should eat breakfast soon. it's 16.15
xertrai've checked though i could be wrong. Beleive me i'm not a master at source so i always try to take to easy way out.12:15
Xerafignew, lol..12:15
Xerahe's not exactly the most patient person in the world12:16
Xeraany other way to fix this?12:16
soulriderxertra: there are deb packages here http://cvs.cinelerra.org/getting_cinelerra.php no need toc ompile :)12:16
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Admiral_Chicagoxertra: have you tried apt-cache search file12:16
Admiral_Chicagooh it should be in feisty iirc12:16
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Xerais there anyway to upgrade from 6.06 to 6.10 without reinstalling?12:17
rich__that's my problem, how do I get the key?12:17
soulriderxertra: they got repos there, so just add them and then sudo aptitude update12:17
BluesKajxera, via the net12:17
xertraok thanks12:17
ubotuUbuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Edgy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseNotes12:18
fignewXera: sudo -k12:18
fignewshould clear the timestamp12:18
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soulriderrich__: what guide are you reading ?12:18
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oem_ANYONE know why I can't re-size windows in wine (running PokerStars)?12:20
Xerafignew, ty, works12:21
Xeranow for my own problem12:21
XeraKonversation crashes when sending a message to a channel12:21
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soulridercheck the bug reports12:21
=== denise [n=denise@bas14-toronto12-1167995266.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu
soulrideror try reinstalling it, although i doubt it will help12:22
soulriderhold on12:22
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=== genii [n=chatzill@H232.C72.B0.tor.eicat.ca] has joined #kubuntu
Alarmafter removing for example the mythtv package, some libraries stay still installed that were installed during the mythtv installation. whats the safest way to remove every library and every file that has to do with mythtv ? (mythtv was an example, with every application actually)12:22
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Admiral_ChicagoAlarm: sudo aptitude remove mythtv12:23
fignewXera: try closing konversation12:23
BluesKajhey genii & denisel, my fellow canucks to the rescue ! :)12:23
fignewthen running12:23
soulriderXera: http://bugs.kde.org/12:23
geniiBluesKaj Hiya12:23
Xerafignew, it is closed12:23
Alarmaptutute thats a command i see for the first time :)12:23
fignewmv ~/.kde/share/config/konversationrc ~/.kde/share/config/konversationrc~12:23
oem_ANYONE running PokerStarts in wine?12:23
soulriderAlarm: aptitude is like apt-get12:23
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Admiral_Chicagoaptitude works with dependecies a bit better though12:23
fignewand reopen12:23
soulrideroem_: try searching on http://winehq.com12:23
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soulridermaybe its a known bug and they have a fix for that program12:24
geniicould always try ==purge switch if you feel brave :)12:24
soulrideryes Admiral_Chicago thats why i allways use aptitude :P12:24
geniibleh --purge swith rather12:24
Xeragenii, um?12:24
Xerayou mean12:24
Admiral_Chicagosoulrider that's where I learned it from :)12:24
Xerasudo aptitude purge PACKAGE12:24
Xeranot --purge?12:24
fignew--purge...? what does that have to do with braveness?12:25
Admiral_Chicagopurge deletes all the configuration files12:25
fignewdpkg --purge packagename12:25
soulriderXera: if what fignew said fails, try doing "sudo aptitude purge konversation" and then "sudo aptitude install konversation"12:25
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oem_It's running fine soulrider... but I can't rezise windows12:25
BluesKajprolly cuz it's a java prog12:25
geniiWell in apt-get syntax I think it's like apt-get remove --purge <name>12:25
soulrideroem_: ANY apps on wine or just that one ?12:25
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segfaulthow can i embed a konsole in konqueror?12:25
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masewhy is it every time i drag a window or scroll its all "laggy" ? my refresh rate is at 85hz when i went to monitor settings..12:26
soulrideroem_: it might be a bug in wine, are you running the latest version ?12:26
oem_yes... but I just finally got it going. I'm totally new12:26
BluesKajwhynot just place it the panel, segfault12:26
soulriderXera: its aptitude purge, thats right12:26
Admiral_Chicagosegfault: i think there is a command.12:26
=== jamie is now known as Xeras`evil`twin
Admiral_Chicagohold on a sec12:27
geniifignew Sometimes --purge also wipes dependencies out which seem to have nothing to do with the package you are removing12:27
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MinatakuHeya, genii12:27
segfaultAdmiral_Chicago:  ty12:27
Xeras`evil`twinok it's working12:27
MinatakuDid you wrench that IPX out of evil hands for me yet?12:27
segfaultBluesKaj: dunno, i like kate behavior12:27
Admiral_Chicagof7 does what segfault ?12:27
geniiMinataku :) Hi12:27
Xeras`evil`twinw00t no more x-crap12:27
soulrideroem_: open a conosle and type "wine --version" and tell me what you get12:27
fignewmase: what vid card?12:27
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segfaultAdmiral_Chicago: nope :(12:27
masefignew, nvidia 610012:27
BluesKajkate ?12:27
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geniiMinataku BTW Shipping should happen Wed or Thurs, I'll just pay then let u know what it is12:27
oem_Wine 0.9.512:28
fignewdo you have the non-OSS nVidia drivers?12:28
Admiral_Chicagohmmm there is a command, I don't know it though. look at the Konqueror doc. I'm a FX person12:28
geniiMinataku LOL as for the IPX, nah no luck there12:28
masefignew,  i dont know, i picked nvidia 6 series in system12:28
soulrideroem_: you sure that isnt an unstable version12:28
=== Janitux [n=janitux@73-62-112.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #kubuntu
soulriderAdmiral_Chicago: FX?12:28
segfaultthanks btw Admiral_Chicago12:28
Minatakugenii: Aw, you didn't even try, did you :(12:28
oem_NO... I don't even know how to tell :(12:29
soulridermase: i got a geForce 6600 on my computer and it works like charm12:29
Janituxsegfault: !12:29
segfaultJanitux: !12:29
fignewmase: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx; sudo nvidia-glx enable12:29
maseits all laggy..12:29
soulrideroem_: hold on a sec12:29
fignew assuming12:29
fignewyou agree to nVidia's licence!12:29
geniiMinataku Well, yeah but not like to the point of threatening to remove body parts etc12:29
Minatakugenii: lol12:29
Admiral_Chicagosoulrider: firefox, offical shorthand is fx12:29
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maselet me see if that works12:30
Minatakugenii: Any other junk laying around that you can toss in the box?12:30
soulriderAdmiral_Chicago: you use it to browse files? =/12:30
geniifx as short form seems...wrong... I always liked ff12:30
Admiral_Chicagoyou can. file://12:30
soulrideri didnt know what12:30
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masefignew, nvidia-glx command not found12:30
geniiMinataku We are having a massive cleanup Tues so if there is, I'll put it all in the same box12:31
Minatakugenii: Awesome12:31
=== ubuntu is now known as satellite
fignewmase: sorry12:31
soulrideri think i prefer konqueror... :P12:31
MinatakuAnything cool, interesting, obscure or useless12:31
MinatakuToss it in12:31
fignewthe command is nvidia-glx-config12:31
geniiSure thing12:31
fignewkonqueror > *12:31
Minatakugenii: Any possible previews or teasers on what there might be? :D12:31
maserror: unable to load nvidia kernel driver! Be sure to have installed12:31
masethe nvidia driver for your running kernel.12:31
MinatakuPS: I love laptops and handhelds and ceramic chips12:31
fignewmase 1 sec12:32
bobleny Hey, I installed dolphin and made it my default file manager, but in order to see my trash bin or use the "Actions" action menue, I have to set konqore back to being my default file manager. How do I fix it so I don't have this problem?12:32
geniiMinataku No idea right now but likely useless things like old scsi cards or DAT tapes or something12:32
soulrideroem_: http://winehq.com/site/download-deb add that repo and allways use the wine version that there is there12:32
Minatakugenii: Kickass12:33
MinatakuAny SCSI cables?12:33
MinatakuI'll probably need some12:33
oem_Thnx... I'll try it now12:33
MinatakuHard drives, too XD12:33
GekkobuntuHello, this is only a test. can you hear me ???12:33
MinatakuGekkobuntu: Nope, not a word.12:33
fignewmase: sudo apt-get install nvidia-kernel-common linux-restricted-modules-common12:33
MinatakuGekkobuntu: I can't even hear the three question marks12:33
geniiMinataku Yeah all internal 68 type mostly. Embedded terminators on the ends. Also some Sun external cables if you need those. They have the 3 rows of spins so won't fit much else12:34
Minatakugenii: Sorry, I'm getting even more excited now XD12:34
Minatakugenii: Coo12:34
boblenyGentoo Rules!12:34
Gekkobuntulol is this only a english forum ??12:34
masefignew, nvidia-kernel-common is already the newest version.12:34
maselinux-restricted-modules-common is already the newest versio12:34
ubotuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)12:35
Minataku"Other packaging systems" ?12:35
Gekkobuntugentoo the distri for professionals12:35
geniiGekkountu Primarily english, yes. For other languages ou can search for a channel like:  !la     where la = countrycode12:35
boblenyYeah, I know12:36
fignewmase: do you have a custom kernel?12:36
boblenyBut it is so nice!12:36
TheDebuggerGentoo is for people who has too much time to waster12:36
masefignew, no sir, regular kubuntu 6.10 one12:36
Gekkobuntugenii thank you perhaps i will "verbessern" my english ;-)12:36
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geniigentoo = awesomley customised installation which squeezes every last bit from what setup you have but a pain to install first time12:36
segfaultAdmiral_Chicago: with F812:37
segfaultby the way thanks for your help :)12:37
fignewmase: what does: lsmod | grep "nv"      say?12:37
segfaulthttp://img187.imageshack.us/img187/3148/python1fu5.jpg <- :)12:37
masesata_nv                11268  512:37
maselibata                 74892  1 sata_nv12:37
Admiral_Chicagosegfault: thanks, Kate is F7. I though it would be the same12:38
geniitelephone AFK a while12:38
fignewmase: how about lspci | grep "nvidia"12:38
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MinatakuTelephone... I should listen to my intercept recordings archive...12:38
MinatakuWhich also reminds me to check if TIAR is back up yet12:39
maselet me try to restart x server12:39
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MinatakuYay! It's back up!12:39
fignewcould get messed up if the config is incorrect12:39
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masei switched from nv to nvidia12:39
maseon system12:39
masemaybe it'll work12:39
geniiBack :)  Minataku You ever try to run asterisk under ubuntu?12:40
fignew1 more step12:40
Minatakugenii: I've never used Ubuntu period12:40
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fignewmodprobe nvidia12:40
MinatakuWhen I started with Linux Ubuntu didn't exist, nor would it have been as extensible as I'd have wanted anyway12:40
fignewwith sudo12:40
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segfaultmedio pwn12:41
segfaulten irc.cl12:41
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fignewnow kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:41
geniiMinataku Well at any rate we are trying to unify our servers to debian but the standard asterisk distro ios seems to run on a redhat enterprise server clone called Centos12:41
fignewand make sure it says nvidia and not nv12:41
fignewunder driver12:41
ubotuasterisk: Open Source Private Branch Exchange (PBX). In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (edgy), package size 137 kB, installed size 400 kB12:42
Janituxsegfault: pwn tu xD12:42
maseit says nvidia12:42
geniisoulride Thx12:42
tony__are there anyway i can configure thunderbird to read HOtmail accounts???12:42
Minatakugenii: I know there's at least an Asterisk LiveCD12:42
fignewand if it doesn't work12:42
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MinatakuAs for Asterisk itself I'm pretty sure it runs on anything12:42
fignewmake sure the module is loaded (modprobe)12:42
BluesKajjust use yer browser  tony12:42
geniiMinataku I think the distro we were running was asterisk@home  or something similar12:42
fignewlet's add it to autoload12:42
MinatakuThough Debian I know is really hacky and lame (and insanely outdated when stable)12:42
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tony__but i want to use thunderbird :((((12:43
masehow ?12:43
fignewsudo kate /etc/modules12:43
fignewadd nvidia to the end12:43
MinatakuI've never seen a small software package with so many patches applied via the distro provider12:43
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fignewI'm pretty sure it loads automatically, but it's one less thing to worry about12:43
slmadhjflsadhkjfiF i DELETED A FILE12:43
slmadhjflsadhkjfcan i retreive it?!?!12:43
maseill brb12:44
slmadhjflsadhkjfplease please please say yes12:44
Minatakuslmadhjflsadhkjf: Maybe12:44
fignewdepends on the filesystem12:44
fignewand how badly you want it12:44
slmadhjflsadhkjfi just now deleted a crap load of documents that i really need for work12:44
slmadhjflsadhkjfi mean like 30 documents.12:44
fignewand how long its been/what you've done since then12:44
MinatakuAnd how many times you're willing to... nevermind... family friendly channel12:44
Minatakuj/k XD12:44
Minataku(Sorry X3 )12:44
slmadhjflsadhkjfit just happened now12:44
BluesKajtony__, just tell thunderbird your hotmail address in account settings12:45
slmadhjflsadhkjfi deleted a whole folder with them inside12:45
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fignewslmadhjflsadhkjf: shutdown the computer12:45
fignewso it doesn't get written over12:45
fignewand use another computer12:45
slmadhjflsadhkjfthese are really important documents.12:46
fignewto download a livecd12:46
tony__BluesKaj, do i have to use POP3 , SMTP or are there other protocol that i have to specifiy ??? this option from hotmail is not free , but12:46
slmadhjflsadhkjfi have a live cd.12:46
fignewthat can recover files12:46
fignewa special livecd12:46
slmadhjflsadhkjfand i have no other computers.12:46
tony__BluesKaj, on window i have a tool that retrives all my hotmail mails ..12:46
slmadhjflsadhkjffignew where can i get this live cd?12:46
geniiif you deleted them from the K desktop they may still be in the trash container12:46
slmadhjflsadhkjfthis is not some childish thing.. this is extremely important.12:47
BluesKajsorry i dunno tony__12:47
tony__is cool12:47
slmadhjflsadhkjfthey are NOT in the trash container cuz like an idiot i emptied my trash.12:47
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fignewnot sure what the name is of the livecd12:48
rich__what's wrong with my xconf that I can't get AIGLX running? xconf is here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1370/12:48
masefignew, it worked perfect bro12:48
slmadhjflsadhkjfCan someone please help me recover 30 files in 1 folder, these are people's accounts12:48
slmadhjflsadhkjf #ubuntu12:48
masefignew,  it was ugly at start, but i fixed the resolution and all , now its all pretty12:48
fignewgood ;)12:49
fignewyou know what you're doing12:49
slmadhjflsadhkjfCan someone please help me recover 30 files in 1 folder, these are people's accounts12:49
geniislmadhjflsadhkjf: If you find no other way there is a link from this page with some manual instructions https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ticket/306312:50
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fignewrich__: follow some of the guides on ubuntuforums12:52
fignewpretty straightfoward stuff12:52
shadowhywindi was wondering how does one open a root console from the console ?12:52
fignewshadowhywind: sudo bash12:52
shadowhywindwhat do you know that works, thanks fignew12:53
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=== fignew has to leave :(
fignewgot errands to run :/12:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about r-linux - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:55
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zerffrench chanel ?12:57
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LeeJunFanne1 know how I can get konqueror to play embedded videos with something other than kaffeine or kmplayer? I've removed the kmplayer plugin, and have the vlc-plugin installed and konq see's it but still tries to use kmplayer.12:58
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zerfok English. I have a question : when I write in the console "  su   "  I have a problem for write the password -> I cannot write ! I can just enter et than it's a error ...12:59
Minataku!fr | zerf12:59
ubotuzerf: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.12:59
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zerfoups thanks ^01:00
zerfbye ++01:00
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manfredHab ein Problem mit dem kubuntu! Wer kann mir helfen?01:01
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ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de01:02
soulrideri hope that was de =/01:02
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ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy01:03
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tony__can i creat mysql database using openoffice.org database ????01:06
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peanutbtony_, you have to have a mysql server01:06
tony__I do01:06
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peanutbtony_, i usually use phpmyadmin01:07
peanutbits a web interface01:07
tony__but i need something more visual01:07
peanutbtony_, then id try mysql-admin01:07
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tony__i seen some php script that do have mysql script that executes and creates the database . how that is done ???01:08
h3sp4wn the /topic should be changed to Feisty Herd 2 Released01:08
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TheDebuggerfesty 2 is out?01:09
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tony__how can i search for more IRC channels : :| im lost :|01:11
gnomefreakh3sp4wn: the topic in #ubuntu+1 should be the only topic with it in it01:12
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h3sp4wnthis one currently has  Feisty Herd 1 Released01:12
gnomefreakshouldnt have feisty at all in it01:12
gnomefreaknot this early in devel01:12
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Flosoftok ... i'm really stuck now01:13
h3sp4wngnomefreak: change it then I guess (I cannot)01:13
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FlosoftI got this Core2Duo Laptop ... Radeon Xpress 200M01:13
Flosoftthe native res is 1280x80001:13
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Flosoftit displays with alot of errors01:13
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Flosoftany idea on how to fix this?01:14
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FlosoftI ran dkpg-reconfigure xserver-xorg without any luck01:14
h3sp4wnFlosoft: do you use fglrx ?01:14
Flosoftthe resolution isn't even showed in the end01:14
Flosofth3sp4wn: yes01:14
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:gnomefreak] : Kubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuEdgyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ | Large pastes go here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage"
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o gnomefreak] by ChanServ
h3sp4wnFlosoft: what version ?01:14
h3sp4wn!info fglrx-driver01:14
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ubotuPackage fglrx-driver does not exist in any distro I know01:14
h3sp4wn!info xserver-xorg-driver-fglrx01:15
ubotuPackage xserver-xorg-driver-fglrx does not exist in any distro I know01:15
FlosoftI installed xorg-driver-fglrx01:15
h3sp4wnthere was alot of fixes for your card in 8.32.501:16
gnomefreakon edgy you need video01:16
gnomefreaknot driver01:16
gnomefreakdriver == dapper and before01:16
Flosofthow do I get them?01:16
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gnomefreakxserver-xorg-video-all will do it01:17
gnomefreakinstall that package01:17
h3sp4wnI would in this case go for newer ones from ati.com01:17
gnomefreakor replace all with the driver01:17
FlosoftVersion 7.1.0-8.28.8+201:17
Flosoftcan I use the ati driver?01:17
h3sp4wnthe Xpress-200m has a wierd memory setup01:17
Flosoftinstead of fglrx?01:17
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FlosoftI just need a driver that works01:18
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h3sp4wnno 3d at all with ati driver because of aboe01:18
soulriderdoes anyone know if theres a Dr. Mario clone for linux? i have searched but found nothing01:18
Flosoftno need for 3d01:18
h3sp4wnYou would probably still need a modeline01:18
Flosoftok ... I set some graphic stuff in KDE01:19
Flosofthow do I remove that?01:19
h3sp4wndoes the mode appear if you run xrandr01:20
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h3sp4wnNo idea about kde01:20
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Flosofth3sp4wn: no it doesn't show the mode in xrandr01:23
h3sp4wnbut it lists other unsuitable modes ?01:23
Flosoftwell it now started with 1280x76801:24
Flosoftbut I need 1280x80001:24
Flosoftotherwise the screen interpolates01:24
h3sp4wnModeline "1280x800@60" 83.91 1280 1312 1624 1656 800 816 824 84101:24
h3sp4wnedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf - add that to Section "Screen"01:25
h3sp4wnand at the bottom add "1280x800@60" beside all the other modes (first)01:25
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Flosoftcan I delete the secion monitor?01:25
sleepy332what's the command to see what version of nvidia driver i'm running?01:25
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h3sp4wnFlosoft: No don't touch anything other than what I said01:26
h3sp4wnsleepy332:  cat /proc/driver/nvidia/version01:26
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Flosofth3sp4wn: should I add -hsync +vsync at the end of the line?01:30
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cameronghey does kubuntu use the xserver system?01:32
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soulriderit uses xorg01:34
h3sp4wnFlosoft: You don't need to01:34
camerongmabye u can help me01:34
soulridercamerong: why ?01:34
camerongi cant use xserver on my graphics card... so i need a linux distro that doesnt use it01:34
Eruantalonwhat card is it?01:35
soulriderwell, if you wanna run KDE or GNOME or like... anything youll need it01:35
soulrideri think01:35
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Flosoftok ... this xorg.conf seems to be completely f'cked up01:35
FlosoftI'll paste it01:35
Flosoftone sec01:36
camerongi once booted damn small linux from a usb and my comp. didnt screw up like it did becuase of xserver with ubuntu01:36
camerongdo u know what damn smalll linux uses?01:36
h3sp4wnXfree86 I think01:36
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camerongthat is like an alternative to xorg?01:36
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soulridercamerong: what card do you have ?01:37
h3sp4wncamerong: Yep01:37
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h3sp4wnLast time I checked it used an old version of Xfree86 (to keep size down)01:38
camerongi have a radeon ati x30001:38
Flosofth3sp4wn: my xorg.conf: http://paste.florianjensen.com/?2301:38
camerongbut point is to get the package to use xorg with it i need to download it with internet on ubuntu, and i cant get internet on my ubuntu until ive downloaded a package to use my wireless card, so i need internet to get internet.. which makes it impossible to fix my problem01:39
Flosoftit has 2 times monitor and screen01:39
Flosoftcould you paste me a xorg.conf which should work?01:39
camerongare u talking to me flosoft?01:40
h3sp4wnFlosoft: move the old xorg.conf somewhere01:40
FlosoftI did01:40
Flosofth3sp4wn: I got a backup at xorg.conf.old01:40
h3sp4wnand then run ati-config --initial (so it forces it to make a new one)01:40
camerongdid u guys read my last 2 messages?01:40
Flosofth3sp4wn: I need a package for that01:41
Flosoftwhich one is it?01:41
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h3sp4wnI thought it was part of fglrx01:41
Flosoftfglrx-control maybe?01:41
camerongcan u guys read this?01:42
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h3sp4wnFlosoft: Possibly01:42
N6REJI just installed edgy server and its installing the updates REALLY slow.01:42
Flosoftnope ... doesn't seem to work01:42
h3sp4wnmaybe its aticonfig01:42
N6REJI didn't realise it installed edgy until after it booted, I don't know what to do now.01:43
FlosoftWarning: Could not find configuration file01:43
FlosoftPlease copy configuration file template to /etc/X1101:43
mineurupdates are slow here too01:44
h3sp4wnFlosoft: that was with aticonfig --initial ?01:45
N6REJany advice?  I'm on a dsl connection and its been all day just to install 60mb.  32kb/s is all I'm getting01:45
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h3sp4wnfeisty herd2 was released could be why servers are slow01:46
N6REJI'm using the "us.archive.ubuntu.com" connection01:46
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mineurok? that's really slow :d01:46
h3sp4wnN6REJ: try dropping the us.01:46
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N6REJh3, ok, I'll try that.01:46
mineuri'm on be01:47
h3sp4wnFlosoft: sudo aticonfig --force --initial01:47
otaku-sanhow would I get a shell script I have and link it to konqueror to make it call itself Finder01:48
FlosoftPaerse error on line 131 of section Screen in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:48
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Flosoft83.91 is not a valid keyword in this section01:48
h3sp4wnFlosoft: You cannot have deleted the existing one01:49
FlosoftI deleted it01:49
Flosoftnow it says no config file found01:49
Flosoftshould I create a blank one?01:49
mineurwhat are you trying to do?01:50
N6REJturning the cd back on too01:50
h3sp4wnFlosoft: --force --initial should force one to be created01:50
mineuryou're trying to update your system... I know that :d01:51
N6REJmineur its a clean install  and I'm trying to install the build-essentials and such so I an install quasar01:52
N6REJmuch much better now... 205kbs01:52
N6REJI was beginning to think I had been throttled01:53
mineurI just switched from windows on my laptop... thought I'd give it a try, see if my laptop runs linux nicely yet :)01:53
Flosofth3sp4wn: ok ... now it created this: http://paste.florianjensen.com/?2401:53
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N6REJdepends on the distro and the hardware but most laptops are well supported these days01:53
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mineurseems like it :)01:54
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Flosoftno resolutions there :S01:54
specialbuddyhow to I install nvidia drivers01:54
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N6REJdepends.... you can get'm from Nvidia or thorough kde01:55
h3sp4wnFlosoft: add the modeline to Section screen01:55
specialbuddydo you know how to get KDM to work?01:55
h3sp4wnModes           "1280x1024@60"01:56
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N6REJwhats kdm?01:56
specialbuddyit's the login screen01:56
mineurkde display manager :)01:56
h3sp4wnFlosoft: put the Modes but under the Depth 2401:56
Flosoftok ... my screen section01:57
FlosoftSection "Screen"01:57
Flosoft        Identifier "aticonfig-Screen[0] "01:57
N6REJstart - > settings01:57
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Flosoft        Device     "aticonfig-Device[0] "01:57
mineurlike gdm, but then with a k :p01:57
Flosoft        Monitor    "aticonfig-Monitor[0] "01:57
Flosoft        DefaultDepth     2401:57
Flosoft        SubSection "Display"01:57
Flosoft                Viewport   0 001:57
Flosoft                Depth     2401:57
Flosoft        Modes      "1280x1024@60"01:57
Flosoft        EndSubSection01:57
h3sp4wndon't paste here01:57
mineurto install your driver for nvidia: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_install_Graphics_Driver_.28NVIDIA.2901:57
mineurfollow the wiki dude :)01:57
N6REJthanks mineur, been out of the loop for a while here01:58
h3sp4wnFlosoft: You didn't add the modeline I gave you it before01:58
N6REJbreezy was brand new last I played01:58
mineurnp :)01:58
Flosoftthat one01:58
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h3sp4wnFlosoft: It shouldn't be 1280x1024 it should be what I put before and what you told me)01:58
mineurI'm a first time ubuntu user, before I was a debian fan :)01:59
N6REJubuntu/kubuntu et al is a really nice distro02:00
h3sp4wndebian has a one line command for nvidia02:00
mineurI don't know, I don't have a nvidia card :d02:00
N6REJif It was server only AND in the public realm I'd probably still choose Engarde, but those would be the two I'd pick02:00
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mineurwell at first sight it sure looks great :)02:01
N6REJh3sp4wn: depends on the nv card.  Some you have to turn things off and others on... unless thats changed too.02:01
h3sp4wnN6REJ: Only if its connected in a wierd configuration02:01
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mineurdefine weird.... :d02:02
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Flosofthmm somehow it already works without the other stuff02:02
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makuseruis there anyway to change The TCP/IP parameters in kubuntu?02:02
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odysseusneed some noob help02:03
odysseusfor kubuntu 6.102:03
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mineurwhat a nice intro :p02:03
N6REJmakuseru: tons, in the gui go to start -> system settings -> network02:03
h3sp4wnFlosoft: What do you mean ?02:03
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Mr_L0rDwhat's differnce between kbuntu and ubuntu ?02:03
odysseusi did that.02:03
N6REJh3sp4wn: ah02:03
Flosofth3sp4wn: it works without "1280x800@60" 83.91 1280 1312 1624 1656 800 816 824 841 ... the res and the hrtz are enough02:03
odysseusi cant connect to internet02:03
specialbuddywhat's the best way to get the nvidia drivers to work02:04
Flosoftwith the numbers it doesn't work02:04
mineurkubuntu = ubuntu with kde02:04
Mr_L0rDso i have kubuntu !! lol02:04
Flosoftis it normal that the lettertype is extremely small?02:04
N6REJand there's xubuntu which is ubuntu redesigned for kids AND with LTSP pre-built in02:04
specialbuddywhat's the best way to get the nvidia drivers to work02:04
odysseuskubutnu recognizes my wifi but it does not connect to it nor the ethernet :(02:04
h3sp4wnFlosoft: but you added the Modes "1280x800@60"?02:04
h3sp4wnN6REJ: Thats edubuntu02:05
Flosoftbut without all the numbers behind it02:05
mineurspecialbuddy... follow the wiki: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_install_Graphics_Driver_.28NVIDIA.2902:05
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N6REJh3sp4wn: yep thats the one ty.02:05
Flosoftbut the texts are extremely small02:05
h3sp4wnN6REJ: xubuntu is just less bloated than kubuntu and ubuntu02:05
N6REJI forgot the command for finding the version.02:05
Mr_L0rDnormaly kubuntu recognize either ethenet or wifi02:05
Mr_L0rDu have to configure something at the prefernec02:05
N6REJx is the one with the really light window manager.... yeah, I was mistaken... I knew what I meant.02:06
odysseuswhat ? i tried both auto or manual02:06
odysseuseveryone tells me it connects with automatic02:06
ubotuxubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels02:06
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Mr_L0rDhave u activate it on the network parameters02:07
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odysseuswhat do u mean mr_lord?02:07
N6REJedgy is which 6.1?02:08
Mr_L0rDi have just configured kubuntu with my wifi adapter02:08
N6REJk needed to make sure.02:08
Mr_L0rDi didn't do something special02:08
odysseusi tried to enter manually my dns,gateway, my windows ip etc.02:08
Mr_L0rDnormally it detects it automatically02:08
Mr_L0rDu do not have to do it02:08
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odysseusit sees my wifi connection but it does not want to connect02:09
odysseusi tried almost everything - for a noob02:09
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Mr_L0rDit will ask u only the essid and the wep on the properties u have to enter them02:10
Mr_L0rDmay sure u enterd the good wep02:10
odysseusi also tried ethernet with no luck02:10
Mr_L0rDif not u can not connect02:10
Mr_L0rDdo u have a router02:10
odysseusi disabled security key from my modem02:10
odysseusits open access02:10
Mr_L0rDureboo ur router02:10
Mr_L0rDreboot ur router02:11
Mr_L0rDmay be a pb with dhcp02:11
odysseusi did that (turn off turn on)02:11
Mr_L0rDwitch modem u have ?02:11
odysseusmaybe kubuntu has a bug or smthing02:11
odysseusspeedtouch 58502:11
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Mr_L0rDu can connect with windows02:12
odysseusyes , with both ether and wifi02:12
Mr_L0rDby ethernet02:12
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Mr_L0rDwhat do u see on the network parameters ?02:13
odysseuswell, i enter administrator mode02:13
Mr_L0rDnormally u ll have three type of connections02:13
odysseusand has some tabs02:13
odysseusi have both ether and wifi enabled02:13
Mr_L0rDu ll have 4 tabs02:13
odysseusyea i think so02:14
odysseusi have kubuntu 6,1002:14
Mr_L0rDme too and it works fine02:14
Mr_L0rDdid u entered the good ssid for wifi02:14
odysseusit workes automatically?02:14
Mr_L0rDno,, it's the name of ur wifi network02:15
Mr_L0rDit's writed on ur modem02:15
odysseusoh yes02:15
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odysseusit detects my modem02:15
odysseusand i press connect02:15
odysseus"connection failed"02:15
Mr_L0rDwhere do u press connect02:16
odysseuson the wifi assistant02:16
odysseussomewhere in the k menu02:16
mineuryay finally the updates are downloaded02:16
Mr_L0rDhmm...! i just entered the name of my network wifi and i automatically connect to it02:17
Mr_L0rDi didn't have to pres connect02:17
odysseusi enter the name and connection failed02:17
odysseusi m writing from windows now02:17
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Mr_L0rDi guess !  verify if u entered the good name02:18
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Mr_L0rDif not reboot ur kubuntu then try02:18
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odysseusyes i m sure cause i ve done it 20 times both capital and small letters02:18
odysseusbut even ethernet does not work02:19
Mr_L0rDso, may be u need some daemon or pakage on ur ubuntu02:19
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Mr_L0rDnormally an ethernet connection is automatically detected02:19
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mineuris your ethernet card recognized?02:19
odysseusbut why everyone else connects right away?02:20
odysseuswhere do i check that mineur?02:20
pip`mine connected by default02:20
Mr_L0rDsystem. administration02:20
odysseuson the network setting it says ether enabled02:20
N6REJanyone here ever installed quasar?02:20
odysseusok let me reboot on linux and try. brb02:21
mineurwhat's that?02:21
N6REJnice linux accounting program02:21
Mr_L0rDanyone here installed bolzplatz2006 ????02:21
mineurI'm a poor student... don't need accounting... there's no money :p02:22
xertraok so for like 2 or three hours i've been trying to instal cinerella and it's seeming to be in possible. I've tried everything like from RPM and DEB and source. I can't install  it. By the way i'm running Kubuntu 6.10 64bit02:22
N6REJxerta is it a 32bit or 64bit app?02:22
xertrai've tried both02:22
Mr_L0rDbolzplatz2006= a wonderful 3D soccer game02:22
Mr_L0rDany one installed it ?02:22
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N6REJxerta if its a 32bit app it may not run, or you may need to run it through linux32 first02:23
mineurnope... but I'll give it a try once I get my system configured like I want it :)02:23
xertrawell it has some 64bit builds but those won't work either02:24
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Mr_L0rDi can't lunch it02:24
Mr_L0rDoups, and now i have to sleep !!02:24
Mr_L0rDgood night everyone02:24
xertrawell they might be able to run but i can't install the list of dependicies it needs02:24
Flosoftany idea why knetworkmanager isn't working with WiFi ?02:25
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N6REJwhat nic?02:26
h3sp4wnFlosoft: Because it sucks - /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/README.Modes.gz02:26
N6REJxerta, then you'll likely have to fall back to 32 bit.02:27
mineurI'm gonna try to get beryl working here02:27
xertrameaning a whole different 32bit OS?02:27
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ubotuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box02:27
=== mineur likes eye-candy :d
N6REJxerta, unless you REALLY have a need for 64bit, I would stick with the 32bit distro.02:27
N6REJlee interesting concept02:28
N6REJneat idea02:28
LeeJunFan32 bit runs almost everything faster than 64 anyway.02:28
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LeeJunFanI used to run 64 but with the headaches and no gain in performance it wasn't worth it.02:28
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N6REJwhich is dumb but02:28
xertrawhy? i figured i'd be able to use more of my processor02:28
N6REJonly if the app is designed for it.02:29
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BluesKajLeeJunFan, agreed ...I switched from the 64bit to the x86 due hardware recognition probs02:29
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h3sp4wntwice the registers should provide an improvement02:29
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N6REJmine was software, like firefox02:29
N6REJFF in a 64bit envirorment is tough02:30
h3sp4wnI use e17 and the assembler parts are provided in both x64 and i386 parts so I would say it runs better than on i38602:30
N6REJh3sp4wn: you would think so.02:30
h3sp4wnfor imlib2 and evas at least02:30
xertrawell i do know that cinerella is a 64bit and 32bit app it evens says like the best system to run it on was a 64bit.....of course it also suggested to get the most have 2 processors and 4gig ram02:30
Daisuke_Idohmm...  i'm trying to figure out why dvds look, err, wrong.  animation has lots of traces and jerky movement...02:31
h3sp4wn4gb ram is definately better on 64 bit02:31
xertraand I have FF with Flash running on my 64bit02:31
h3sp4wnI am not bothered for flash02:31
BluesKajcinelerra is tough to learn for relative noobs like me ...very steep learning curve Kino and tovid work well enuff IMO02:32
Rob-Westsup nixternal02:32
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mineurbrb restarting X02:32
xertraanything sorta close in capabilities like nero vision02:32
BluesKajwho "needs" 4G ram ?02:32
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h3sp4wnBluesKaj: If you are dealing with video it would be sensible02:33
BluesKajxerta yes ..otperforms nero vision in the command line mode02:33
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xertrawhat out preforms it?02:33
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BluesKajthe tovid GUI is iffy tho ...still being upgraded02:34
h3sp4wnBluesKaj: There are plenty of scientific / commercial things that need that quantity of ram02:34
h3sp4wnif not more02:34
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BluesKajcommercial apps ...this is for civi street , who cars about commercial :)02:35
N6REJgraphics especially...more highspeed ram the better to a point02:35
dartdogwhat is the irc for kubuntu in spanish?02:35
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.02:35
LeeJunFan4gig of ram, I'd copy /usr/bin and /usr/lib to ramdisk :)02:35
Daisuke_Idocould a seemingly reduced framerate in dvd playback be tied into my monitor refresh rate?02:35
xertrai'll try it. I don't really need anything to great i just like putting movies together sometimes. thats the only thing i really do find easier on windows. linux is the best for it's video making.02:35
N6REJooooo, that could be nice.02:35
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N6REJhow about copying dvd's?02:36
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BluesKajK9 copy02:36
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N6REJI've got 3 I need to copy for a friend that shows how to use some tools.02:36
LeeJunFanyeah, k9copy is nice. Although sony (including columbia pics) dvd's copy protection is too much.02:37
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BluesKajreally LeeJunFan, never came across that prob02:37
N6REJyeah, sony is bad about that, luckily these are craft dvd's so don't have that I don't think02:37
mineurand beryl works lol02:37
mineurok I'm starting to like ubuntu :p02:38
BluesKajwell you can always use dvd shrink to strip the copy protection02:38
LeeJunFanBluesKaj: not those, you need anydvd on windows for the sony crap. DVDShrink won't even do them.02:38
xertracan i use tovid with my 64bit OS?02:38
BluesKajberyl ...eye candy02:38
revolution27anyone want to help me install beryl?02:38
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl02:39
BluesKajhmm, avoid sony at costs :) ...altho I have a sony camera :)02:39
mineuryou bet... I like eye-candy!02:39
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N6REJno place for beryl on a server :P02:40
h3sp4wnNo place for beryl anywhere02:40
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h3sp4wnuse compiz if you have to02:40
LeeJunFanbah, beryl is sweet.02:40
mineurlol, I'd be worried if you'd be installing beryl on a server :p02:40
mineurhey comeon beryl is niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiceeeeeeeeeee :)02:40
LeeJunFanno place for a GUI on a server at all. :)02:40
BluesKajbah humbug ...02:40
mineurnever tried compiz tho02:41
h3sp4wnmuch more stable better code quality02:41
N6REJLeeJunFan: well, there are times when its "convienient to have the gui".  but only temporarily02:41
nenei have a problem with kubuntu and my audio card02:41
N6REJwelcome to linux :D02:41
LeeJunFanN6REJ: heh, when you have to configure cups :)02:41
h3sp4wnuse lpd02:41
N6REJLeeJunFan: yep!02:41
h3sp4wnforget cups02:42
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N6REJor trying to dl a file from a shtml page :(02:42
mineurcan't links2 handle that?02:42
N6REJthere's a 2 now>?02:42
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h3sp4wn!info links202:42
ubotulinks2: Web browser running in both graphics and text mode. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1pre23-1 (edgy), package size 2009 kB, installed size 3224 kB02:42
mineurconsole browsing :d love it02:43
LeeJunFannormally though on servers I'll just install the xlibs and use ssh X forwarding to run the app on my workstation's display.02:43
N6REJoh sweeT!!!02:43
BluesKajh3sp4wn, i got cups to work , finally ...it took some fooling around tho :)02:43
h3sp4wnIf you are careful about what printer to buy then you can just use lpd02:43
revolution27on the beryl wiki for installing beryl with nVidea it says install the nVidia beta drivers...but i already have nVidea drivers. Are these different? I'm confused.02:43
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N6REJdepends on the date, nvidia is constantly releasing new drivers02:44
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h3sp4wn9746 is in debian experimental backport them from there02:44
revolution27so i should go through the install process for those drivers?02:45
h3sp4wndon't use nvidia.com installer02:45
BluesKajis there a way to make sure my CPU is using all of it's capabilities...seems to be using only half it's speed ?02:45
soulriderholy crap, i just went to my console (ctrl+alt+f1) and did "sudo links2 -g" and now its all screwed up. I see weird characters everywhere02:46
N6REJmy wife will be happy, I'm installed KDE for the gui, and its putting mahjong on there :(02:46
h3sp4wnsoulrider: why you run a browser as root ?02:46
soulriderh3sp4wn: if i did it without sudo it gave me some framebuffer error02:46
=== N6REJ ducks for cover
LeeJunFanugh, you should never run a browser as root, that's windows problem with all the spyware virus crap.02:46
h3sp4wnsoulrider: maybe you want vesa-tng02:47
soulriderLeeJunFan: i didnt even open a site02:47
soulridermy screen got screwed up as soon as i opened it02:47
h3sp4wnnvidia binary only drivers ?02:47
soulriderand i wasnt planning on surfing either02:47
soulriderh3sp4wn: yes, i got only my nvidia drivers02:47
LeeJunFanI accidentally used one of those ssh forwarded browsers thinking it was one on my local system, and visited some site with a javascript exploit that changed the password for root on a server. That was years ago, but the danger is there.02:48
h3sp4wnit works perfectly with acceleration on ati r200 (you don't need X its nice to use) nvidia forces you to run X though really02:48
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N6REJsoulrider: what they're trying to say, is basically you don't perform surgery if you just want to look.  Use root only when NEEDED not just for anything02:48
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soulriderN6REJ: i know when to use root or not02:48
soulrideri just wanted to see hwo links2 worked, thats all02:48
=== N6REJ shuts mouth
h3sp4wnX has no place on most servers anyway02:49
soulrideri thought graphics on a console would be kinds cool :P02:49
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vulcanius__it's wasteful02:49
xeraquick question before i go, is it possible to make konversation execute multiple commands on connect?02:49
h3sp4wnThey are not unless you have a hardware accelerated framebuffer (r200, mga)02:49
vulcanius__my server is running at like 20mb RAM usage now02:50
vulcanius__it's beautiful02:50
=== Hawai`i peeks in
LeeJunFanuptime on my mailserver:  20:51:00 up 270 days, 22:09 :)02:51
N6REJthere's this one linux distro that runs on like 8mb of ram and from a single floppy.  and its GORGEOUS.. tiny linux or something like that.02:51
h3sp4wn2 different things - xorg should not be on a server (even the libs)02:51
N6REJLeeJunFan: nice.02:51
vulcanius__you mean damn small linux?02:51
h3sp4wnlinks2 -g is good with an accelerated framebuffer (on a desktop instead of X)02:51
N6REJvulcanius__: thats it02:51
xeraN6REJ: DSL02:51
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N6REJamazing distro02:52
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h3sp4wnucrux is a good distro02:52
vulcanius__hrm... i really need to tune apache2 now02:52
h3sp4wnvery very fast02:52
vulcanius__it's hogging ram02:52
N6REJnever tried that one.02:52
LeeJunFanI made an access point on a WRAP board, put ubuntu (trimmed down to about 60M size) on a compact flash card for it.02:52
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xeraN6REJ: only problem with DSL is it's very buggy..02:52
mineurnever even heard of it02:52
vulcanius__h3sp4wn: got a link for that?02:52
xeraapt doesn't work in it(the enable thing won't work) :S02:53
vulcanius__LeeJunFan: who did you get the board from?02:53
LeeJunFanvulcanius__: wisp-router.net02:53
h3sp4wnvulcanius__: search ucrux (its crux linux but built against uclibc so its small)02:53
N6REJxera: ah, I know I tried it for a while on one machine that I couldn't get anything else to run on.02:53
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vulcanius__LeeJunFan: awesome site, thank for that man.02:53
h3sp4wnvulcanius__: ryns good on a laptop take out the harddrive and run from a compact flash card02:54
vulcanius__well i was looking at creating a new embedded device02:54
vulcanius__i actually like simplymepis02:55
vulcanius__with matchbox02:55
N6REJwhat ever happened to that company that had an entire pc on a hardrive02:55
N6REJfor like $700?02:55
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vulcanius__probably died like the rest of them02:56
vulcanius__i've been trying to get ahold of the folks at WinSystems02:56
N6REJit was an awesome concept02:56
vulcanius__but i swear to god they must not ever check their email02:56
N6REJlike a pc in a kbd, still around but expensive02:57
vulcanius__N6REJ: there was something like that on digg today02:57
vulcanius__hold on02:57
N6REJI almost forgot about digg, digg is cool02:57
=== lupine_85 can fit almost all of a PC in a flat 40g box
N6REJI need to make an "envirormentally safe" pc.  where dust and vapors can't hurt anything02:58
mineurdoes aterm stil exist?02:58
lupine_85N6REJ: you'll have a hard time02:58
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lupine_85oh, wait02:58
=== lupine_85 re-reads
lupine_85you'll be wanting solid-state everything, then :)02:59
lupine_85what sort of specs are you after?02:59
N6REJlupine_85: I want it for my workshop... very high dust02:59
N6REJI am a woodworker... http://www.treeturner.com02:59
lupine_85mm, I was thinking environmentally safe as in green ;)02:59
xeraencase it in cling film :D02:59
lupine_85considered a soekris/wrap board?02:59
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N6REJxera: its gotta breath to stay cool, course at -10 like tonight it is freezing in the shop.. only about 40 WITH the heater on.03:00
vulcanius__N6REJ: hey, we have something in common, i work in a paper mill, heh03:00
N6REJlupine_85: nope, never heard of it before.03:00
N6REJvulcanius__: talk about stink! lol been to one of those before.03:00
vulcanius__it's funny03:00
vulcanius__the steam we use just floats outside03:01
xerawrap it in cling film, then ice, then cling film again03:01
h3sp4wnlupine_85: they are very very slow03:01
vulcanius__so the concrete walkways and road are actually covered in paper03:01
xeraproblem solved!03:01
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N6REJhahahhaha gives new meaning to "liquid" cooled03:01
BluesKajwhat's command to see the cpu usage ?03:01
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N6REJblues ps03:01
xeraBluesKaj: ksysguard xD03:01
vulcanius__go with a board using AMD Geode if you want to be "green"03:02
N6REJthing that bothers me the most is the monitor... not sure how to handle that one.03:02
vulcanius__last i checked they are like 0.9W power usage03:02
h3sp4wnxscale performs better03:02
N6REJreally? hmmmmmm... maybe good for my rv03:02
vulcanius__N6REJ: OLED03:03
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vulcanius__, oled03:03
mineurhmmm the servers for updating are really slow :(03:03
vulcanius__not old, oled, heh03:03
h3sp4wnx86 sucks for embedded03:03
vulcanius__have you never heard of OLED screens before?03:03
N6REJMinuer your about an hour late, I already said that LOL03:03
Alarmhen doing apt-get update , i get that message: W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://security.ubuntu.com edgy-security/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_edgy-security_main_binary-i386_Packages) how can this be fixed ?03:04
vulcanius__here is the device..... http://www.linuxdevices.com/news/NS4105652894.html03:04
xeraAlarm: remove the duplicate entry03:04
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BluesKajno , i want to know what the CPU speed is ...mine's supposed to be 2GHZ , but I saw something that said it was using only 1GHZ03:04
vulcanius__BluesKaj: what type of processor is it?03:04
LeeJunFanBluesKaj: cat /proc/cpuinfo03:05
BluesKajAMD 64 Venice 3200+03:05
mineuralarm: edit /etc/apt/sources.list and remove the duplicate lines03:05
LeeJunFanBluesKaj: it's probably operating at a lower speed to save power, they only step up when you actually put the cpu under load.03:05
LeeJunFanBluesKaj: not to mention it helps keep it cool and last longer.03:05
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Alarmmineur,  thank you a lot for the tip dude. i know the file. just didnt notice i have it twice. how can i be sure i have added most of good repos ?03:06
BluesKajok , thx LeeJunFan03:06
vulcanius__Alarm... there is actually a sources.list you can get out there that is huge03:06
N6REJeasy, but I forget the rest of it.03:06
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu03:06
vulcanius__anyone know what the sources.list i'm thinking of is?03:06
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic03:06
N6REJty lee03:07
Alarmsomehow i cant find a double entry...03:07
LeeJunFandon't add non-ubuntu repositories unless you absolutely have too, it may sound like a good idea to add them all in, but you end up with dependancy conflicts.03:07
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N6REJis apt-clean the command to clean the cache?03:07
LeeJunFanN6REJ: apt-get clean03:08
N6REJdo that alarm, then try update03:08
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Alarmi pasted me sources list here: http://mishu.eu.org/paste/view.php?id=299803:08
Alarmcould someone help figure out where is the duplicate line ?03:08
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vulcanius__Alarm: take a look at the error you received03:10
N6REJ25 & 26 ?03:10
Alarm25 26 i thought that the source is something different from the normal deb03:10
mineurline 4503:11
mineurand 4103:11
N6REJyep, in security03:11
mineur45 is main restricted universe multiverse03:11
mineurwhile 41 already is already restricted03:11
vulcanius__oh come on, your supposed to let him deduce it03:11
N6REJ41-44 are not needed imho03:11
xeraalrighty then, sleep time.. 2am is late enough03:12
Alarmso i remove 4503:12
Alarmthank you03:12
Alarmand 4103:12
N6REJread it carefully, its your security section03:12
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=== N6REJ no more hints
mineurI'd say remove 41, cause 45 includes 41... :)03:12
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mineurwhen you have duplicate entries... it might not be good to remove both :p03:12
vulcanius__i use deb and deb-src for.....03:13
Alarmokie, thanks03:13
Alarmthought that those 2 things are different03:13
N6REJAlarm: do make a backup please03:13
vulcanius__http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security main restricted03:13
vulcanius__and http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security universe03:14
vulcanius__on my production server03:14
vulcanius__heh. i wonder.... is it possible to use Xen to make virtual private servers.... on top of virtual private servers?03:16
Alarmshould i remove also the deb-src  entry ?03:17
vulcanius__deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy-security main restricted universe multiverse03:17
vulcanius__deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy-security main restricted universe multiverse03:17
vulcanius__just those two03:17
vulcanius__keep those03:17
vulcanius__and remove the rest03:17
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Alarmok done. thank you a lot03:18
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mineurI just use the standard sources and added the Beryl repository, that's it...03:20
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N6REJneed a brain break, I'll likely be back later03:21
mineuranyone knows of a program like serious samurize for linux?03:21
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specialbuddyis there a good site for explaining xgl and kubuntu03:29
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BluesKajspecialbuddy, http://www.linuxjournal.com/node/100008103:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about audio - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:31
RopechoborraSomeone knows how can i get the dapper bootsplash? I want to see the proceses loading03:31
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JucatoRopechoborra: in your menu.lst, remove the "quiet" option in the kernel line03:32
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Jucatothe one that looks like "kernel /vmlinuz-blahblahblah ro quiet splash"03:32
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BluesKajspecialbuddy, sorry for the mistake ...thought that was for edgy03:32
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specialbuddyyeah I have edgy03:33
RopechoborraJucato a mean, dapper has a graphic bootsplash but also shows the proceses, in edgy just the logo03:33
charlie5hi folks ... is there a prob with audio atm ? after an updating kubuntu two days ago, amarok and audacity no longer have audio ... although audio with kaffeine and normal desktop sounds are ok ...03:33
specialbuddyand a new computer03:33
Ropechoborrai want that graphical bootsplash03:33
specialbuddyso I want to see how it works with the new hardware03:33
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JucatoRopechoborra: that's what I'm telling you...03:33
RopechoborraThanks! =)03:33
JucatoRopechoborra: I didn't tell you to remove the "splash" option. only the "quiet" option03:33
RopechoborraOk thank you03:34
specialbuddyis there a place to change how fast the cpu runs?03:35
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BluesKajspecialbuddy, well unless you have an ATI card , this might work for you; http://digg.com/linux_unix/XGL_on_Edgy_in_9_steps03:36
specialbuddyI HAVE NVIDIA03:36
BluesKajthen yer in business03:36
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manchickenspecialbuddy: I'm sorry to hear that.03:37
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specialbuddywhy are you sorry to hear that?03:38
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BluesKajanyway it's sacktime for me ...have an early getup at 4AM ...nite all03:38
mamanjoin #kubuntu-id03:39
ropeJucato: I got "defoptions=splash" but it is with one #. Should i remove it? (i restarted and it is still the same)03:40
Jucatorope: um... no03:41
Jucatothe "kernel /vmlinuz......" line I'm referring to is way down03:41
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Jucatoin the GRUB entry for Ubuntu kernel and stuff03:41
ropeIts kind of weird.. i've modifyed also the ttys (ereased some) but there is no change dont know why03:42
=== manchicken is tired of all of this beryl crap...
ropeOk i'll see03:42
specialbuddyhow can I tell if my cpu is running at full speed03:43
manchickenIt's time for people to stop relying on crappy 3d rendering and start caring about style again.03:43
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ropeJucato: Guess i found it ! :) I'll try now ... thanks!03:44
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noxwayxhomehello, everyone03:45
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CagarroI have a modem-router and  I'd like to know if there is a way to program it with different vpi amd vci , for example. Tnks03:46
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vulcanius__oh my god04:00
vulcanius__i just dropped the kids off on the floor04:00
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soulridervulcanius__: how old are then ?04:06
vulcanius__too old and not old enough04:07
soulriderbut how can you... drop htem... ? =/04:07
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specialbuddywhat's the best app for getting wifi to work04:08
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bronze_0_1Interesting, I just used Adept to add some packages and the "programming" menu choice, and everything that a choice under it, disappeared........ NOT good.  Anyone know how I can undo that?04:10
specialbuddywhat's the best app for getting wifi to work04:10
specialbuddywhat's the best app for getting wifi to work04:10
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vulcanius__specialbuddy: the one thats soo good you only have to ask once and not get ignored by everyone because you spammed your question04:11
bronze_0_1whats the best app to make people wait a few minues for an answer when no one is helping them?04:11
CagarroNetwork configurations (vpi vci , etc...) . Waht program should I use to get this kind of data ? tanks04:11
bronze_0_1vulcanius__: :-)04:12
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CagarroI would send them some cookies to entretain until they get the answer :)04:15
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CagarroBut , please, dont send me cookies because I dont like them :) I prefer to wait for my answer eating some popcorns04:17
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Cagarrosorry for the engrish04:18
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manchickenCookies rock.04:19
manchickenPopcorn is good, too.04:19
manchickenPopcorn cookies?04:19
bronze_0_1"rock hard" specially if i make them.04:19
freshburnhi all04:20
freshburn2 quick questions04:20
=== inteliwasp is anoyed that his laptop usb port don't work anymore
freshburnand i think they are prob newb questions, is there a directory that i would find the majority of logs i would be looking for04:21
freshburnand why the heck do i get a file named .directory on my desktop every time i boot04:21
vulcanius__because you have your system set to show hidden files04:22
vulcanius__any file with a period in front is "hidden"04:22
freshburnwhat is that file ah thats good info right there04:22
vulcanius__are you using Gnome? Kde?04:22
freshburnkubuntu edgy04:22
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vulcanius__i'm not sure what the file is04:23
vulcanius__but to stop it from appearing04:23
vulcanius__click the Kde "start" menu and select System Settings04:23
vulcanius__a new window will open and there you will select "Desktop"04:23
vulcanius__there will be three tabs, General, File Icons, Device Icons04:24
vulcanius__select the File Icons tab and uncheck "Show hidden files" if it is checked.04:24
freshburnhm i may have tried to delete it a couple times including empty trash and it always reappears so it must not be important04:24
inteliwaspcan someone help me figure out what is wring with my usb ports?04:25
vulcanius__then click Apply at the bottom right and exit to your desktop04:25
freshburndoes ne1 have a hp pavilion 4930 laptop04:25
freshburn' knows its a one in a million chance04:26
the-ermI'm trying to set up postfix so the outgoing bandwidth is much less than what it currently is.  Anyone know how to set that up?  Or where to set put a cbq.init file?04:26
vulcanius__inteliwasp: what does "lsmod | grep usb" return?04:26
inteliwaspvulcanius__:  "usbcore               130304  3 driverloader,ohci_hcd"04:26
vulcanius__inteliwasp: what type of device are you using USB for?04:27
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inteliwaspvulcanius__:  ipod as a HD04:28
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vulcanius__inteliwasp: what exactly is the problem?04:28
inteliwaspvulcanius__:  when i plug in my ipod, nothing picks it up, even in dmesg. but in knoppix i get a message in dmesg that there is no available power for the device. it is the only thing on there04:30
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vulcanius__inteliwasp: do you have hotplug installed?04:30
inteliwaspvulcanius__:  it does not show up in adept04:31
inteliwaspvulcanius__:  and this ipod has worked on the laptop before04:31
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vulcanius__have you enabled the universe and multiverse repos?04:31
inteliwaspvulcanius__:  yes04:32
vulcanius__do an apt-get update and apt-cache search hotplug04:33
vulcanius__actually forget that04:33
vulcanius__do "tail -f /var/log/messages" and plug in your ipod. see what it says04:34
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inteliwaspvulcanius__:  nada, i'm gonna try to force diskmode04:35
vulcanius__did you just upgrade or something?04:36
inteliwaspvulcanius__:  no joy on that too04:36
vulcanius__do you have USB kernel support? heh04:36
inteliwaspi have been keeping up with pakages04:36
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inteliwasp1 sec04:36
inteliwaspvulcanius__:  usbmgr is not installed...04:37
inteliwaspok now i'm pissed... i switched ports (i have 2) and all of the sudden it works...04:40
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vulcanius__bad port then, heh04:41
inteliwaspmore like erratic for both04:41
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inteliwaspnow to put fresh music on04:41
freshbrnti was reading a faq on ubuntuguide.org and a popup asking me if i wanted to open a torrents.piratesbay.com torrent or save as popd up04:42
freshbrntsecurity hole? i didnt click nething04:42
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draikWhere can I get help with Ubuntu 6.10 server?04:44
draikHey Jucato, stdin  I GOT SOUND!!!04:44
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inteliwaspis it posible to have 2 x session running on one box? i want to use the local machine and a remote desktop04:46
revolution27hey guys, i installed beryl (works lovely) but now my nvidia driver doesn't seem to be working (beryl is fast but games run super slow)04:46
revolution27any ideas?04:46
TheDebuggerrevolution27: Turn beryl off when playing games?04:47
revolution27errr... i don't think hat's the prob... i think it broke my graphics card driver04:47
manchickeninteliwasp: Yes.  In your K menu, Switch User->Start New Session04:48
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draikWas I just disconnected?04:49
draikktorrent can wait04:50
revolution27would re-installing my drivers break beryl?04:50
inteliwaspmanchicken:  how can i get a remote session going as a new local session?04:50
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl04:50
revolution27i would have done that if i wanted too04:51
draikI'm not sure what's going on, but my office smells like cinnamon-flavored pesticides04:51
ubotuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments. The default install includes a server kernel and no GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current stable version is 6.06 LTS. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/04:52
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jerry_Click here: http://cgi.metrocall.com/cgi-bin/default.cgi?TO=6192560249&Message=%2D+000000001&ReplyTo=&TID=04:52
manchickeninteliwasp: Dunno.  I'm sure that info is somewhere on google though.04:55
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revolution27anyone here can answer an nvidia driver question?05:08
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freshbrntif you are driving and watching nvideo you might crash you car? j/k05:11
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Cagarrorevolution27, you're lucky. Mine is Ati and, from what I know, I will never see my ati radeon 9550 using it's full potencial in linux systems. ( sorry my english)05:15
revolution27yes but it's no sence having a nice graphics card if the drivers don't work :(05:16
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:17
ZachPruckowskiwhen does Herd2 come out?05:19
ZachPruckowskiwithin the next few days?05:19
ZachPruckowskiit's like supposed to be right behind the main ubuntu release, right?05:19
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JucatoHerd 2 is an snapshot alpha release for Feisty Fawn.05:20
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revolution27when i try to install nvidia-glx adapt says the commit would break packages05:20
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CagarroLinux has been used mainly for servers. I guess that's why it lacks on good drivers. But things are changing and comunitys, like ubuntu, are working a lot to make linux a good client as well. Well, Servers serve who or what ? the final user. The one who uses a computer for concrete results. Office, net, gaming.. whatever05:20
JucatoCagarro: actually the problem is mostly with the hardware manufacturers rather than on the Linux end.but anyway...05:21
Jucatorevolution27: try installing it in the command line, you'll get more descriptive error messages05:21
ZachPruckowskiI know what it is, I'm wondering when it's out :)05:21
Dr_willislinux is not lacking good drivers... :)   its the copanies that fail to release information that results in people having to reverse engineer things that makes bad driver05:21
JucatoZachPruckowski: supposed to be this week (or yesterday...)05:21
JucatoZachPruckowski: but don't count on it being even 75% stable05:22
ZachPruckowskionly the 2.6.19 kernel supports my DVD drive, so I'm tempted to update anyways05:22
JucatoZachPruckowski: hm... it's not yet the time to update...05:22
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CagarroYaa... i see :( it's all in the name of profit05:22
Jucatounless you're willing to test/run alpha releases05:22
ZachPruckowskiI mean, I have to use Herd2 if I want to run it natively05:23
ZachPruckowskiI'v got it in a VM now05:23
revolution27an@evan-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx05:23
revolution27E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)05:23
revolution27E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?05:23
JucatoZachPruckowski: why not compile your kernel? I'm sure there are guides out there...05:23
Jucatorevolution27: make sure Adept is closed05:23
revolution27oh lol05:23
Jucatorevolution27: you can only run one process of apt-get at a time05:23
ubotupaste is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste)05:24
ZachPruckowskiyeah, that's another option05:24
auleis there a way to tell if my computers audio supports recording from a microphone ?05:24
revolution27oh i think i got the problem05:24
revolution27i need nvidia-kernel-1.0.974605:25
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revolution27no that's not it.. i have the kernel05:26
Jucatorevolution27: use pastebin, and show the error messages you get05:26
revolution27that's what i'm doing05:27
calvarezhow do I add a user to a group?05:28
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Jucatorevolution27: you already have that package installed?05:31
Jucatocalvarez: there's a Users & Groups module in System Settings... forgot where it is05:31
Jucatorevolution27: no. the nvidia-kernel-1.0.974605:31
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K`zancw=Z] QiMDPXNDQBM#PjK1SfN~05:32
K`zancw=Z] O[ShN,PfMhQJE005:32
K`zancw=Z] JxSIN-Q#MjPfK2PzNq05:32
K`zancw=Z] GfP~M|SxNPS3N\05:32
K`zancw=Z] H0PnMmP4Ej05:32
JucatoK`zan: stop that please05:32
K`zanOOOPs sorry WW, apologies!05:32
=== K`zan <BLUSH>
revolution27all this happened after i installed beryl05:33
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Jucatono wonder...05:33
revolution27it messed up my nvidia driver05:33
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Jucatothe official ubuntu nvidia-kernel-xxxx don't have that 1.0.9746 version05:34
Jucatoif you have removed beryl, remove the repository for it also05:34
revolution27i haven't removed beryl05:34
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Jucatohm... ok...05:35
revolution27so should i try another version of the driver?05:35
Jucatohm... strange... you should be able to install the nvidia-glx from beryl's repos05:36
Jucatotry asking in #ubuntu-xgl, since the repositories for Beryl are not officially supported (yet)05:36
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Dr_willisThe idea of Ubuntu Lite is to bring the power of Ubuntu across to the users of Legacy systems.05:55
Dr_willisyet another varient! yea....05:55
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PhlostenDr_willis: never enough variants05:56
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Dr_willisI will admit i got 'mint linux' on my laptop...05:57
Dr_willisbut i rarely use it. :)05:57
Dr_willisits ubuntu+codec/other things...05:57
Phlostenyer, i gave mint a miss05:58
Dr_willisi just tossed it on the laptop.. and let it stay..  it plays my videos. and i installed the other stuff i needed..05:58
Dr_willisgotta love playing with new disrtos.05:58
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Dr_willistoo many are to focused on eyecandy/xgl/whatever these days.. that stuff dont play well on my x200 based laptop05:59
PhlostenDr_willis: indeed, I visit distrowatch.ciom regularly05:59
Dr_willisPhlosten,  i got them in my bookmark bar so i see daily updates. :P05:59
PhlostenDr_willis: what sort of systems are you running?05:59
Dr_willisgotta love live-bookmarks05:59
Dr_willisgot a Turion Based Laptop, AMD64 based main machine, and a MythTV box with a amd antlon 2.3 ghz.06:00
=== JonTec__ [i=user@dialup-] has joined #kubuntu
Dr_willisgot a older box in the back room stripped down.. :) and an imac in the closet..06:00
Phlostenmy main machine is an Athlon 2000+, i give Beryl etc a wide berth06:00
Jucatohm... what's the difference between putting env vars in .bashrc and .bash_profile?06:01
JonTec__why can I not change my essid with iwconfig? I used to work fine, now it doesn't. It returns no output, so I guess it tried?06:01
Dr_willis.bash_profile is ONLY read by 'login shells" i belive06:01
Dr_willisor so i recall from the 'using bash guide/books'06:01
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Jucatohm.... that tells me a lot... (not!) :P06:01
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Dr_willissome terminal programs default to being a login shell. but try out  with 'xterm'  vs 'xterm -ls'06:02
Dr_willisinitial shell is the login shell normally. stuff that dont need to get ran at every new term..  goes in .bash_profile06:02
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Dr_willistoss in some 'echo this is .bash_profile' in there and see when it gets ran. :)06:03
Jucatostuff that need to be run at every new term, goes into .bashrc?06:03
esaymis there a ntp client that comes with kubuntu?06:03
esaymfor automatic time updates...06:03
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Dr_willisJucato,  yea.. often its not even that big a deal these days.. normally one may even call the other..  .bash_profile may source the .bashrc, and the /etc/profile also.06:03
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JucatoDr_willis: my problem is, I added a new path in .bash_profile. new konsole sessions can't seem to read it unless I do source .bash_profile... means I probably need to logout06:04
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Dr_willisthats because they are not 'login shells' However if you set the path in the .bash_profile and lot totally out back in. they 'should' inherate it from the original shell. (i think)06:05
K-RyanHey guys, I'm trying to compile something and have no idea how to, can I link you guys to what I'm trying to compile and someone can tell me what to do?06:05
JucatoDr_willis: ok... I think I'm beginning to understand it a bit...06:05
K-RyanI'm a Linux noob so anything would be appreciated06:06
Dr_williskonsole -ls06:06
Dr_willisruns it as a login shell06:06
Dr_willisor so the man page says :)06:06
Jucatoyeah, but now it duplicates some of the entries.. anyway, I'm going to logout and back in06:06
Dr_willislogin shells save you from having to rerun/redo a lot of scripts when its not needed.06:06
ubotuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html06:07
Dr_willisK-Ryan,  we can try. :)06:07
K-RyanIf you would be so kind06:07
Dr_willisK-Ryan,  for a start you proberly need to install the 'build-essential' package06:07
K-RyanDon't know, but here's the link http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=15112606:07
K-RyanIt says I have to "type make defend" then "type make"06:08
K-RyanI assume that's in the terminal or something06:08
Dr_willisyes those are terminal commands.06:08
K-RyanI opened the src folder in the terminal, typed make defend, and nothing happened06:08
K-Ryaninvalid command06:09
Dr_willisis the main command that compiles stuff in a detailed maner..06:09
Dr_willisK-Ryan,  for a start you proberly need to install the 'build-essential' package06:09
K-RyanOkay, website or in the giant list of apps?06:09
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Dr_willis!info build-essential06:09
ubotubuild-essential: informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.3 (edgy), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB06:09
Dr_willisuse 'sudo apt-get install build-essential'06:09
K-RyanYes yes, where can I get it?06:09
K-Ryanin the terminal?06:09
Dr_williswith the package manager :)06:09
Dr_willisor use adept if you perfer. search, click, install.06:10
K-RyanBtw, is there a shortcut for the terminal?06:10
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K-RyanPerhaps turning my Windows key to a "Linux key"?06:10
JucatoDr_willis: thanks06:10
Jucatoyou can make one if you want06:10
Jucatoright-click on the entry for Konsole in the K Menu -> Edit this Item06:10
Jucatoat the bottom, there's a setting for keyboard shortcuts06:11
Dr_willisi always drag the konsole icon to the panel.. so i always got one handy06:11
=== Dr_willis dosent have a windows key.
=== Dr_willis has a 8lb OLD ibm CLICKY keyboard
K-RyanI run Windows as a main, so of course my keyboard has it06:11
K-RyanIt was a computer package blah blah blah06:11
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Dr_willisi got a closet of keyboards. :)06:11
Delphinuswho would I talk to re. fixing a spelling mistake on one of the ubuntu howto's please?06:11
Dr_willisfound this IBM one at a rummage sale for $306:12
K-RyanIf it works, it's worth it right?06:12
lovlossHow come this creates a bug? :   #include <qapplication.h>06:12
Jucatowhere does it create a bug?06:13
bonbonthejonanyone have experience with raids06:13
K-Ryanin the adept installer "build-essential" gives no results06:13
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Dr_willisK-Ryan,  try the shell then. its in 'main' so it should be availiable06:15
K-Ryan<-- Linux noob06:16
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Jucatocommand line06:16
Dr_willisyes where you TYPE commands06:16
Dr_willisthe terminal program = konsole normally. it runs a 'shell' normally 'bash'06:16
Jucatoshell == command line interpreter program06:16
Jucatoactually, Konsole is a terminal "emulator"... but yeah you could call it a terminal too :P06:17
K-Ryancan i use the kubuntu terminal, that's what I'm asking06:17
Dr_willisor a "console emulator"06:17
Dr_willisK-Ryan,  thats the 'konsole'  program.. yes...06:18
K-RyanThank you for the clear up06:18
Dr_willistheres proberly 12+ dirrerent 'terminal emulators' ya could use. :)06:18
Dr_willisthe joys of linux heh heh06:18
Dr_willisxterm and rxvt are the 'old-skool' classic terminal emulators.06:18
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K-RyanE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailible)06:18
Jucatomake sure Adept is close06:19
K-RyanRight... Let's try again06:19
K-RyanWorking =)06:19
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K-RyanNow since I'm working off a Live CD and an external HDD, can I transport the build-essential to my external and it will still work?06:20
Dr_willisdare i even ask what program you are trying to install?06:20
Dr_willisK-Ryan,  ya really should of mentioned that earlier.......06:20
Dr_willisheh heh06:20
K-RyanIt's supposed to be some kind of "program DNA, then have yours compete with another"06:20
K-RyanI linked it06:20
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Dr_willisyou wont be abel to install build-essential and stuff while using the live cd.06:21
Dr_willisat least i dont think so.06:21
Jucatoyou can06:21
K-RyanWell the shell is showing positive results so far06:21
Jucato but it will be gone when you reboot06:21
K-RyanThat's why I asked can I put it on my external and use it from there06:21
Dr_willisif his ram holds up.. :)06:21
K-RyanI'm reluctant to format my 160gb hard drive until it is completely backed up06:22
K-RyanThen I'm going to format and install either Ubuntu or Kubuntu06:22
K-RyanI think I'm liking Kubuntu more though, what do you guys think?06:22
Dr_willisI normally install Kubuntu, then install Ubuntu-desktop so i have both :)06:22
Dr_willisand perhaps xubuntu-desktop06:22
K-RyanWhy all 3?06:22
Dr_willisalso.. and then a dozen+ other window managers06:23
Dr_willisI use different apps from different ones06:23
Dr_willisi ONLY got 1.25 TB of drive space...06:23
K-RyanLend me some =(06:23
K-RyanI hate it when people have that much space, not the person but out of jealousy06:23
K-RyanMy friend has like, 2TB06:23
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Dr_willisI dont even have a drive thats smaller then 160 i think...06:23
=== phobiac hides his 80gb drive
Dr_willisi do have 7 Hd's in this box. :)06:24
phobiacNothing to see here, move along.06:24
K-RyanMy 60GB crashed so I'm running Windows off an 8gb hdd06:24
MinatakuI have little space... many computers, though <.<06:24
K-Ryanand have all my actual stuff on my 16006:24
Dr_williswhats scary - ya could almost replace all of them with 1 of the newer 1TB drives comming out..06:24
MinatakuI need to count again but I'm around 11, I think06:24
K-RyanHowever my 2TB friend bought me my 250gb external because he knows I have computer trouble06:25
K-RyanI had so much trouble trying to figure out my HD was failing when it was06:25
K-RyanI ended up reinstalling Windows 9623487256 times06:25
K-RyanI'm kidding =P06:25
K-RyanSo anyway, this build essential thing said "Setting up build-essential (11.1) ...06:26
K-RyanIn the shell, and nothing afterward06:26
ZachPruckowskiok, I broke something06:26
ZachPruckowskiI tried to edit xorg.conf to add resolutions06:26
ZachPruckowskibut it somehow set it higher than my monitor supports06:27
Daisuke_IdoK-Ryan: then it worked.06:27
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K-RyanAlright, now to try compiling...06:27
ZachPruckowskiI tried using dpkg-reconfigure06:27
makuseruhow can i add somthing to start on startup in kubuntu06:27
canllaithHiya, I'm trying to set up guidance on dapper and I'm getting 'ImportError: No module named notify06:27
canllaithwhen I try to run the powermanager.06:27
Jucato!xconfig | ZachPruckowski06:27
ubotuZachPruckowski: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg". To configure only the driver and resolution, type: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh".06:27
canllaithDoes anyone know what package I'd need to install for that ?06:27
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ZachPruckowskii tried those both06:28
bonbonthejonanyone know of a console based partition manager/viewer06:28
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canllaithcfdisk is a bit nicer than fdisk for that bonbonthejon06:28
Jucatobonbonthejon: parted?06:28
K-RyanYeah well the compiling didn't work06:29
K-RyanBecause the "hi hello" thing isn't working now06:29
bonbonthejonanyone know anything about raids and mdadm06:29
K-RyanSomeone want to guide me through this and tell me what I did wrong?06:29
makuseruhow can i add somthing to start on startup in kubuntu06:29
Jucatocanllaith: knotify? O.o06:30
Dr_willismakuseru,  depends on what it is.. :)06:30
fxrwhere would i get the gpg signature for: deb http://media.blutkind.org/xgl edgy main06:30
canllaithJucato: python module I would have thought06:30
Jucatocanllaith: aah.. hm...06:30
Dr_willisK-Ryan, you really want to run seed7? heh heh... why... :)06:30
canllaithmakuseru: Stick a symlink, .desktop file or shell script in ~/.kde/Autostart06:30
K-RyanBecause I want to run this DNA thingy06:30
canllaithmake sure it's executable :)06:30
K-RyanIt's included if I'm not mistaken06:30
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=== Jucato tries to point canllaith to #kubuntu-devel ... but might be a #kubuntu question...
K-RyanHere I'll show you exactly what this is supposed to be06:30
Dr_willisK-Ryan,  i cant get it to compile.06:31
makuseruhow can i stop somthing from starting on startup06:31
Dr_willisscr_inf.c:52:18: error: term.h: No such file or directory06:31
K-RyanI didn't get that06:31
K-Ryanhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dnafight is what this is supposed to be06:31
makuseruhow can i stop somthing from starting on startup?06:32
Dr_willis!info ncurses06:33
ubotuPackage ncurses does not exist in any distro I know06:33
K-RyanWell I give up on this DNAfight thing, can anyone reccomend something to do?06:33
K-RyanI'm bored and want to get away from Windows for a little while06:33
phobiacK-Ryan: World domination is always fun06:33
makuseruK-Ryan: Beryl06:33
K-RyanCare to clarify?06:34
Dr_willisK-Ryan,  thers dozens of 'programing' fighting games out06:34
phobiacOn the world domination?06:34
Dr_willisvarious bot-fighting games.06:34
K-RyanI'm not looking for a programing game, just something to pass time with06:34
Dr_willisi cant get seed7 to even compule.06:34
K-RyanThat makes me feel better =)06:34
Dr_willisK-Ryan,  whats what that dnafight is.. from what i can tell06:34
phobiacWell it's simple really. A little oppresive government here, a little propoganda there.06:34
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K-RyanI know it is, I'll take anything right now06:34
K-RyanAlmost anything06:34
K-Ryanphobiac you were serious?06:35
makuserugo get beryl running then play around with it06:35
manchickenK-Ryan: You could always help out with testing the Kubuntu development version.06:35
manchickenK-Ryan: That'd be nice.06:35
=== hubcio [n=hubcio@bas3-london14-1096778409.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu
K-RyanRight now I'm just trying to enjoy Kubuntu06:35
phobiacK-Ryan: I'm always serious.06:35
Dr_willisgo read some linux guides/docs :)06:35
hubciohi folks...06:35
fxrwhere would i get the gpg signature for: deb http://media.blutkind.org/xgl edgy main06:35
K-RyanNot fun =/06:35
hubcioI hope someone can help me out..\06:35
hawk_is there anyway to remote connected to a ntfs harddrive and copy files to linux or to kubuntu06:35
manchickenphobiac: If by "serious" you mean "not serious" then I agree completely.06:35
K-Ryanmakuseru what is this Beryl you speak of?06:35
ZachPruckowskiI'm getting a lot of errors while running "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and "-phigh" won't even run06:36
Dr_willisK-Ryan,  you got your video card drivers working yet? if so theres dozens of 3d games ya can play.. Or just install frozenbubble06:36
phobiachawk_: The harddrive on a windows machine?06:36
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Dr_willis!info frozenbubble06:36
K-Ryanhawk_, ntfs is read only from Linux06:36
ubotuPackage frozenbubble does not exist in any distro I know06:36
manchickenhawk_: Have you tried smb?06:36
Dr_willis!info frozen-bubble06:36
ubotufrozen-bubble: Pop out the bubbles !. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.0.0-6ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 72 kB, installed size 356 kB06:36
hubcioI'm new to ubuntu.. and when I try to run a prog it tels me I don't have permission to run it.. how do I set root permissions for my login?06:36
phobiacOoo, frozen bubble is good for passing the time.06:36
Dr_willishubcio,  thats what the sudo command is for06:36
makuseruK-Ryan: have you no seen videos of the cube desktop?06:36
K-RyanDunno if my drivers are installed or what06:36
Dr_willishubcio,  sudo whateverpgorram06:36
K-Ryancube desktop?06:36
hawk_hubcio: yous sudo06:36
hawk_hubcio: use sudo06:37
ZachPruckowskiis there some place I can copy a version of the conf file from?06:37
hubcioI know.. but if I want to make an icon on the desktop with a file that needs root. can I do it?06:37
manchickenAll that xgl stuff is just so much rediculous eye-candy.06:37
phobiacK-Ryan: Check for xgl/beryl videos online.06:37
Jucatomanchicken: :P06:37
manchicken(pretty pictures)--06:37
K-RyanCan't link me?06:37
manchicken(real functionality)++06:37
n8k99K-Ryan, its preeeeeetty06:37
hawk_no i have not tride smb i do not know what that is06:37
Dr_willisZachPruckowski,  huh... -phigh wont even run? you are not trying to run '-phih' as a command are ya?06:38
ZachPruckowskiyarg.  Every time I try to change resolution, X crashes and I get logged out06:38
ZachPruckowskiit's likely because I'm in a VM06:38
phobiachubcio: hubcio: Fo to the properties of the shortcut you want to give sudo to06:38
Dr_willisZachPruckowski,  what vm? vmware?06:38
phobiacThen head to application06:38
ZachPruckowskiparalells for Mac06:38
phobiacAnd add kdesu at the begining of the command box06:38
K-RyanWhat's beryl going to do to my desktop?06:39
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phobiacK-Ryan: Make it use up processor power and look cool.06:39
hawk_manchicken what if i set up a ftp server and just make that my shared ftp folder06:39
n8k99K-Ryan make it pretty, wobbly and spinning06:39
phobiacReally no other purpose.06:39
K-RyanOkay, teach me how to get it06:40
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl06:40
K-RyanGet it as in install06:40
phobiacK-Ryan: Your video card working?06:40
K-RyanDon't know06:40
manchickenhawk_: That'd work.  Samba/smb is the native win drive sharing protocol though.06:41
phobiacWhat is it? ATI, Nvdia?06:41
K-RyanI mean, if by work you mean "see your desktop" yes06:41
K-RyanATI Radeon 980006:41
manchickenhawk_: Chances are setting up an FTP server is overengineering your problem.06:41
phobiacOkay first you need fglrx, hold on a second let me google the guide I used.06:41
manchickenK-Ryan: ATI drivers are unstable and unsupported.06:41
K-RyanOh that's not fair06:41
phobiacmanchicken: I've set up beryl with an ATI06:41
phobiacWorks fine too06:42
K-RyanI sure hope so...06:42
hawk_manchicken: if i use samba then i can dowload all of my files to the linux system right? or is it still read olny06:42
hubciophobiac : I want to run geargui from icon.. so from teminal I do sudo geargui.. for icon I went to properties and under command I did kdesu /usr/geargui/bin/geargui but still permission denied..06:42
manchickenphobiac: Just because it works sometimes doesn't make it not unstable and certainly doesn't make it supported ^_^06:43
Dr_willisha ha.. got seed7 to compile... :)06:43
phobiacK-Ryan: You're running edgy?06:43
phobiacmanchicken: Touche06:43
K-RyanUmm, what's edgy?06:43
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manchickenhawk_: Depending on permissions, Samba/smb is read-write.06:43
phobiacWhat kubuntu are you running?06:43
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flaccidis Jucato here06:43
manchickens/is/can be/06:43
phobiacVersion wise06:43
K-Ryan6.6 the long term support one06:43
K-Ryanerr, 6.0606:43
Jucatoflaccid: pong?06:43
n8k99That's Dapper06:44
phobiachubcio: I dunno how to help you further. Sorry. Maybe you're typing the pass wrong?06:44
flaccidjucy man i'm going to freebsd br006:44
phobiacK-Ryan: Alright gimmie a second06:44
hawk_manchicken: do i have to set it up on windows two or just on linux06:44
Jucatoflaccid: :O06:44
K-RyanOkey dokey, no rush or anything06:44
K-RyanHowever, is this going to be worth it?06:45
ZachPruckowskiis there a "revert to default" command for my xorg.conf?06:45
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K-RyanConsidering it probably won't work once I restart06:45
manchickenhawk_: Well the windows box would be the gate-keeper on that one.  You'd be using a windows smb share in konqueror (the SMB client).06:45
phobiacSorry K-Ryan, Beryl isn't supported on dapper.06:45
K-RyanWhat's dapper?06:45
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Jucatoflaccid: well, all I can say to you is have fun. you'll be missed :(06:45
Jucato!dapper | K-Ryan06:45
ubotuK-Ryan: dapper is the 4th release of Ubuntu.  Version 6.06 LTS, codename "Dapper Drake".06:45
manchickenK-Ryan: Dapper is the version name for the version number 6.0606:45
phobiacI'm too used to using the wacky names they give the releases.06:45
K-RyanHrmm, alright then, any more suggestions?06:45
K-RyanTime wasters, anyone?06:46
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K-RyanFun time wasters mind you06:46
flaccidJucato: i'll be here still.  kubuntu still on desktop at work.06:46
phobiacK-Ryan: Like galaga?06:46
hubciophobiac : it actually says "kdesu" no such file or directory... is there a different command?06:46
flaccidi figured the killer app is kde and the problem is the operating system06:46
n8k99K-Ryan frozen bubble06:46
hawk_manchicken: of how do i set all of this up... or is there some site you can send me to that can tell me i know you time is needed by others06:46
phobiachubcio: Try kdesu 'the directory here'06:47
K-Ryanwhat's frozen bubble?06:47
manchickenhawk_: I don't know windows... intentionally.06:47
phobiacYou need those ' around the directory.06:47
n8k99a nice time waster06:47
K-RyanA description would be nice, is it at least easy to install?06:47
phobiacK-Ryan: If you like galaga try XGalaga06:47
hubciohubcio@ubuntu-desktop:~$ kdesu06:47
hubciobash: kdesu: command not found06:47
Jucato!frozen-bubble | K-Ryan06:47
ubotufrozen-bubble: Pop out the bubbles !. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.0.0-6ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 72 kB, installed size 356 kB06:47
hawk_manchicken: ok, then i will look it up... thank you for pointing me in the right direction06:47
Jucatohubcio: are you on kubuntu or ubuntu?06:47
phobiacK-Ryan: Frozen bubble is pretty easy to install if you use the package manager06:47
manchickenhawk_: Not a problem man.06:47
hubciothis is what i get from terminal so it doesn't see teh cmd even06:47
phobiacAha, that's the problem.06:48
phobiacgksudo is ubuntu06:48
Jucatohubcio: use gksudo06:48
manchickenhawk_: You can also try plugging in your favorite mass storage device (e.g. mp3 player, flash drive stick) and transferring it that way.06:48
phobiacUse gksudo instead of kdesu06:48
phobiacNo, my fault for assuming you were running kubuntu06:48
manchickenkdesu is nice.06:48
Dr_willisphobiac,  heh - yea.. this is just #kubuntu :)06:48
manchickenOr you could just use sudo ^_^06:49
hubcioyea, yea.. sorry.. my mistake..06:49
hubciophobiac.. that works.. thanks dude..06:49
K-Ryanwhich download should i download?06:49
Jucatomanchicken: not if you're launching GUI apps :)06:49
phobiacDr_willis: A lot of people running ubuntu pop into hear with konversation though, I've noticed.06:49
K-Ryanthe sourcecode .zip or the jar file06:49
hubciois tehre a way to eliminate the password box?06:49
hubcioI'd like to run as root all teh time.. is that possible?06:49
manchickenJucato: That's what tilda is for.  `sudo guiapp &`06:49
phobiachubcio: The whole point of the password is to give the program root powers06:50
manchickenTilda is the coolest thing ever.06:50
n8k99K-Ryan use adept to install, its so much easier06:50
manchickenIt should be standard build.06:50
K-RyanIt's listed under games I'm guessing06:50
Jucatomanchicken: does it resolve the problem with using sudo for GUI apps?06:50
phobiacK-Ryan: You're on kubuntu right? Or ubuntu?06:50
manchickenJucato: What do you mean?  Which problem in particular/06:50
ZachPruckowskianyone have any ideas for me?06:50
hubcioso tehre is no way to by-pass al l that and just give root t all the progs taht wil be run?06:50
manchickenJucato: You mean the xhost issue?06:50
K-RyanKubuntu, otherwise I shouldn't be in this channel =P06:50
Jucato!kdesu | manchicken06:51
ubotumanchicken: In KDE, use kdesu to run graphical applications with root priveleges when you have to. Do *not* do sudo {GUIAPP}; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo06:51
manchickenHow hard is it to stick xhost + into your .xinitrc?06:51
phobiacThen use adept06:51
phobiacJust filter out everything that isn't a game and look through what's left.06:51
Dr_willismanchicken,  echo 'xhost + ' >> .xinitrc06:51
Jucatomanchicken: only if you know how, and if it's recommended06:51
K-RyanWhat am I supposed to do in adept to download it?06:51
K-RyanI do see it listed06:51
n8k99K-Ryan there is a search field in Adept that you can use to find specific packages or general fields of packages06:51
Dr_willismanchicken,  but that wont gain ya much i think the normal kdm login itnroes that file.06:51
manchickenJucato: kdesu is the supported way to do things.  I will agree.06:51
K-RyanYes I put in "frozen" but to no avail06:51
manchickenBut I still like just doing it the old fashioned way sometimes ^_^06:52
phobiacK-Ryan: Right click on the package and choose install06:52
K-RyanCan't find the package06:52
n8k99give it a second to sort out everything that doesn't have frozen in it06:52
hawk_manchicken: well i will just set up an ftp on the windows system. it will not take to long with it being windows server 200306:52
Jucatomanchicken: but let's keep that to ourselves or in -devel, shall we? :D06:53
manchickenhawk_: That's cool.  Get away from that proprietary software man.  It'll kill ya ^_^06:53
phobiacK-Ryan: Are all your repositories enabled?06:53
manchickenJucato: You and your "responsible support" and your "logic." ^_^06:53
K-Ryan<-- Linux noob06:53
K-RyanNo idea what you mean06:53
hawk_manchicken: that is what i am trying to do man06:53
Jucatomanchicken: lol06:53
manchickenK-Ryan: You know how to use a computer?06:53
manchickenK-Ryan: Then you know how to use kubuntu ^_^06:53
Jucatomanchicken: and by the time you become the main man for Adept, you'll also be forced to have "responsible support" and "logic" :P06:53
K-RyanI know Windows06:53
manchickenMy wife uses Kubuntu GNU.  Works fine.06:53
manchickenK-Ryan: It's all the same these days.06:53
phobiacK-Ryan: Alright, well adept manages packages. Packages are the individual programs. Your list of repositories, or repos, is where adept knows to get the packages from.06:53
manchickenK-Ryan: Trust me.  The programs are different, and the way you obtain software is different, but once you get past that, it's all the same.06:54
K-RyanYes, except I'm "not" past that06:54
manchickenK-Ryan: If my wife can use GNU, so can you.06:54
K-RyanAnd I'm working on it06:54
Dr_williseverything is the same... except whats different...06:54
manchickenK-Ryan: And that's what we're here for ^_^06:54
K-RyanThen what's with the mockery of your wife using it and not me?06:54
manchickenDr_willis: SILENCE!  I'll have no logic here while I'm about.06:54
K-RyanPlease, I only wish to be helped06:54
phobiacK-Ryan: Okay, you want to enable the repo's?06:55
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manchickenK-Ryan: I just said that anybody can use it ^_^06:55
Dr_williseven MY wife can use it...06:55
K-RyanAnd I'm sure anyone can, but it takes time to get used to06:55
manchickenK-Ryan: Are you having any particular problem?06:55
Dr_willis'walk befor you run'06:55
K-RyanI'm bored06:55
manchickenK-Ryan: Sure.06:55
K-RyanAnd want to now run Frozen Bubble06:55
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Dr_willisdont dive into the deep end untill you got your feet weet.06:55
manchickenK-Ryan: Have you checked out kde-look.org yet?06:55
Dr_willisactually isent frozen-bubble on the live cd allready?06:56
K-RyanAnd that would be?06:56
phobiacIf you enable your repo's you'll be able to get a lot of games.06:56
manchickenK-Ryan: Changing your themes is quite interesting.06:56
makuseruis there any way to cut an image in half in Gimp?06:56
Dr_willismakuseru,  scale/resize/crop06:56
K-RyanHow do I enable the repos?06:56
manchickenK-Ryan: kde-look.org is a site where we aggregate a bunch of themes, icon sets, color themes, wallpapers, window decorations, etc.06:56
manchickenK-Ryan: In KDE you can completely change how your desktop looks.06:56
phobiacK-Ryan: Easiest way involves the command line, open up a terminal.06:56
K-RyanI don't want to make my Kubuntu look pretty, I like how it looks06:56
K-RyanFor now anyway06:56
manchickenK-Ryan: They have screenshots for those who lack inspiration, too.06:56
makuseruDr_willis: im trying to cut a dual moniter wallpaper in half and save both halvs to use in bery06:57
ubotu[Ubuntu]  Install gnome-themes (gnome) or go to menu, system settings, appearance. [KDE]  For a good KDE guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu.06:57
makuseruhow could i/>06:57
K-RyanTerminal open06:57
manchickenK-Ryan: What *do* you want to do? ^_^06:57
K-RyanPlay Frozen Bubble06:57
phobiacOkay, now type sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list06:57
manchickenBeryl is nice.  I only wish it worked with free software.06:57
Jucatodownload "frozen-bubble" from the repositories (use Adept or apt-get)06:57
phobiacWait, kdesu, not sudo06:57
K-RyanBecause I haven't been able to do anything, so I'm dead set on making this work06:57
phobiacThen hit enter and type in your password.06:57
manchickenErr, I suppose that's not fair to Beryl.06:57
makuserumanchicken: Beryl is free06:57
manchickenIt's not Beryl's fault.06:57
Dr_willismakuseru,  cant just tell it to stretch the wallpaper eh? i dong use beryl..06:57
JucatoK-Ryan: you're on a live cd, a lot of stuff won't work as well without some modifications06:57
manchickenIt's ATI and nvidia's.  But that's a very long discussion that we've had many times.06:58
manchickenK-Ryan: Have you checked out lincity?  That's a fun game.  I dig it.06:58
hawk_manchicken: i think i figured out a way to do it make a smb share here and then connect from windows then take the files to this system06:58
Jucatoyes, discussions that deserve to be in #kubuntu-offtopic06:58
phobiacK-Ryan: When kate pops up with the sources.list just tell me.06:58
phobiacIt'll look a little like notepad.06:58
makuseruberyl isnt nvidia or ati06:58
K-RyanYeah, a lot of lines saying restricted06:58
K-Ryanat the end anyway06:58
manchickenJucato: Naw, I'm tired of crediting fascists by discussing the problems they've caused for a little while.  I'd much rather answer some good questions ^_^06:59
phobiacOkay, see all the lines that say deb at the begining and have a # in front?06:59
Jucatomanchicken: I think K-Ryan is on a live cd, which means he needs to really add some repositories (like universe)06:59
K-RyanYeah, 2 lines06:59
phobiacGet rid of the # in front on them all. Only the deb.06:59
phobiacThere should be more in the file.06:59
manchickenDid he install?06:59
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K-RyanI can't install yet06:59
manchickenWhy not?06:59
Jucatothere's your answer :)06:59
K-RyanI don't want to format my hd yet06:59
K-RyanI have precious data06:59
K-RyanNot really precious... But I don't feel like redownloading all my stuff07:00
manchickenData which you backup frequently though, right? ;)07:00
manchickenWhat stuff?07:00
phobiacK-Ryan: After you've uncommented those lines just save the file and close kate. Then start adept again and look for the games. It should work.07:00
manchickenLike music and such?07:00
K-RyanMusic, games07:00
K-Ryanabout 80gb worth07:00
manchickenCool.  Sharing is good ^_^07:00
K-Ryantransfering to my external little by little07:00
K-Ryanjust left is my music07:00
charlie5hi all ... does anyone use audacity, and has seen an error on startup like this ... "there was an error initializing the audio i/o layer" ?07:01
n8k99charlie5 yeah ive seen it07:01
phobiacK-Ryan: You don't have to format over it unless you want kubuntu on a drive all to itself.07:01
K-RyanI can't repartition the drive either07:01
K-RyanGives some kind of error07:01
charlie5n8k99: any idea how to fix it ?07:01
n8k99charlie5 do you have sound notifications turned on?07:01
phobiacOh, that's an issue.07:01
manchickenkatapult is getting easier and easier to remember to use.07:01
manchickenIt's nice.07:01
charlie5n8k99: thanks, i'll just check07:01
manchickenI've never really used katapult too much before.07:01
Jucatomanchicken: you should have been there to try to explain to seele how to use it07:01
phobiacmanchicken: I discovered katapult a week ago and love it.07:02
n8k99charlie5 you know like when a window closes or opens there is a sound07:02
Jucatotry explaining how to use katapult, in documentation/user guide style... :P07:02
phobiacI try to avoid using the mouse as much as I can.07:02
n8k99or when you send a message over IRC?07:02
phobiacalt+space then type the name of the program you want, and hit enter07:02
phobiacUsually you only need the first few letters.07:02
phobiacIt works for files too I believe07:03
manchickenJucato: It's one of those things that you never really learn until you sit down and look for new things.07:03
K-RyanI'm not sure the repo thing is working07:03
phobiacK-Ryan: Having any more luck with adept and finding the games?07:03
manchickenJucato: If you have any more neat things that you think I might not know about, let me know ^_^07:03
K-RyanStill no Frozen Bubble in adept07:03
Jucatomanchicken: which isn't a good usability thing, which is what seele is concerned about :)07:03
manchickenJucato: It's not like I'm going to be able to get any hacking done or anything.07:03
phobiacThere were only two lines there commented out?07:03
Jucatomanchicken: adept still giving you headaches?07:03
charlie5n8k99: :) ... then yes, i have them turned on07:04
K-RyanLet me pop it back up to give you a rough idea what it looked liek07:04
manchickenJucato: When isn't it?07:04
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phobiacK-Ryan: Copy into pastebin07:04
Jucatomanchicken: in its creator's midn :P07:04
K-Ryanpastebin, link me07:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastbin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:04
manchickenJucato: You know what though?  Neat little features like that are good.  They may not enhance usability, but I really don't think they hurt it either.07:04
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:04
charlie5n8k99: do i need to switch them off to prevent some sort of conflict ?07:04
n8k99charlie5: the sound notifications interfere with Audcatiy's control over arts07:05
=== nik is now known as freshburn
Jucatomanchicken: seele was actually more concerned about the lack of clear instructions on how to use it, and enough visual feedback. she has nothing against the features07:05
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manchickenJucato: Ah.  That makes sense.07:05
K-Ryanphobiac, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1404/07:05
charlie5n8k99: ah thank you, that explains it ... i turn them off in 'system settings/notifications' i guess07:05
n8k99charlie5: I have just acknowledged them and then waited a moment07:05
Jucatoanyway, gotta go now...07:05
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phobiacK-Ryan: That's the whole file?07:06
phobiacHmm, alright give me a second.07:06
n8k99charlie5: if you set sound system to surrender control at the earliest then you can keep them on07:06
K-RyanCan you send me the right copy over pastebin, then I'll copy it in and hopefully it will work?07:06
n8k99charlie5: but I do turn them off when recording over microphone ;-)07:07
freshburnin which directory could i find packages/updates downloaded by adept (kubntu edgy) so i can make a localhost repo for my 3 pcs?07:07
manchickenWOW!  I just found a REALLY bad usability issue with k9copy07:07
phobiacWhat in the hell?07:07
phobiacI can't open kate with the command line.07:07
Jucato(manchicken: did you know that Adept is full of those kinds of issues? :P )07:07
charlie5n8k99: recording from a mike is what i'm trying to do ... thanks very much for the help :)07:07
phobiacI can't open Kate at all.07:08
manchickenJucato: If I could get t to build from bzr, I'd be hacking it right now ^_^07:08
Jucatoanyway gotta go.. need to get some work to do...07:08
=== charlie5 has been trying for hours ...
phobiacHas anyone ever seen this before?07:08
phobiacXlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server07:08
phobiacXlib: Maximum number of clients reached07:08
phobiackdesu: cannot connect to X server :007:08
Jucatomanchicken: in the mean time, why not try working on it not from bzr, so that by the time you could get it working from bzr, you could just add the changes? (if that's how it works...)07:08
n8k99charlie5:do you have a usb mic?07:08
phobiacK-Ryan: If I can fix this I'll send you my sources.list to use.07:08
K-RyanLet me disconnect, maybe that will help07:08
freshburnphobiac try "kdesu kate"07:08
phobiacfreshburn: That's what returns that error07:09
KDEKecitanyone succeed using Kubuntu clone from image?07:09
manchickenJucato: What I'm going to be doing will require a bit of trial-and-error.07:09
K-RyanThere, try now07:09
freshburni think07:09
freshburndut dont do what i do im newb07:09
Jucatophobiac: are you logged in as root?07:09
phobiacJucato: No07:09
charlie5n8k99: not yet ... i wish i did ... i bought a cheap ($10) mike today and am trying it through the soundcard, just to get an idea of things07:09
Jucatophobiac: in Konsole?07:09
freshburndut=but, evidently i havent been typalseing long either07:09
phobiacNo, I was doing a kdesu on a fresh console.07:09
Jucatohm.. strange...07:09
n8k99charlie5:ok then your input should be default07:09
Jucatobah.. need to go07:09
phobiacUsing katapult to open it I get the error that kdeinit can't open it.07:10
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freshburnis there a directory tha contains the d/ls of adept?07:10
phobiacSomething tells me this leads to me rebooting to fix the problem.07:10
=== manchicken hugs xkill....
intelikeyfreshburn /var/cache/apt/archives/07:11
ZachPruckowskicrap, now I'm at a BASH prompt07:11
ZachPruckowskihow do I reload the GUI?07:11
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manchickenZachPruckowski: What problem are you having?07:11
phobiacAnyone know how I can fix this without trying to reboot? :/07:11
KDEKecithallo everyone, can anybody telme where to find how to clone kubuntu to many PC07:11
intelikeyZachPruckowski startx07:11
manchickenJucato: You use any DVD rip proggies?07:11
n8k99phobiac what is it?07:11
intelikeyZachPruckowski or sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart07:12
phobiacXlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server07:12
phobiacXlib: Maximum number of clients reached07:12
phobiackdesu: cannot connect to X server :007:12
phobiacThat ^07:12
phobiacWhen I kdesu kate07:12
freshburnintelikey ty veru much07:12
ZachPruckowskihow long should it be black after I type startx?07:12
manchickenphobiac: Find out some clients you have open, and kill them07:12
intelikeyZachPruckowski 5 seconds07:12
phobiacmanchicken: How would I go about doing that?07:13
n8k99phobiac cntrl+esc07:13
intelikeyfreshburn yw07:13
ZachPruckowskimaybe halt the VM?07:13
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phobiacctrl+escape does nothing07:14
freshburncya all, i promise to come back tomorrow with more questions i could easily google fo rthe answer but then i would have NO contact with any humans in my life :)07:14
charlie5n8k99: can i turn off all notifications in a single fo, or do i have to go through each of them idividually ?07:14
manchickenphobiac: Do a `ps aux | less`, find users other than you who have X applications open.07:14
ZachPruckowski"screens ound, but none have a usable configuration07:14
charlie5<fo => go>07:14
manchickenphobiac: Then `kill -9 PID`07:14
ZachPruckowskihow do I fix that?07:14
=== intelikey weeps for freshburn
n8k99charlie5: you should be able to turn them all off in System Settings > Notifications07:15
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intelikeyfreshburn if that's true, put a brick through the monitor and trash the box; then go outside and live.07:15
phobiacmanchicken: The ps aux thing just printed a bunch of text I don't understand.07:15
Dr_willistake up golf07:15
charlie5n8k99: good lord, i'm going blind ... i saw the one turn turn them all on, and didn;t see the 'turn off' just below ... :/ ... thanks07:16
ZachPruckowskitried the "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart", now I'm back to a black window07:16
freshburnmy wife would kill me if i broke hergnome games machine, god forbid she play the modded xbox instead07:16
manchickenphobiac: K Menu->System->KSysGuard07:16
manchickenphobiac: Then look at the process table.07:16
phobiacmanchicken: Can't open anything07:17
Dr_willisplay games with the wife...07:17
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=== intelikey considers the fact that freshburn's wife must not be human.....
freshburnl8tr all07:17
=== n8k99 slaps forehead
phobiacI'll just restart, I think this has happened before.07:17
ZachPruckowskiyarrgh!!! this is evil07:17
Dr_willisintelikey,  or a VERY VERY patient woman..07:17
phobiacBe back in a minute or two.07:17
ZachPruckowskisomeone help07:17
manchickenI play games with my wiffy all the time ^_^07:17
ZachPruckowskiI need to get xorg.conf working from a BASH prompt now07:17
Dr_willisreconfiguing X can be a pain.07:18
ZachPruckowski"no screens found"07:18
intelikey<freshburn> cya all, i promise to come back tomorrow...would have NO contact with any humans in my life    ^^07:18
Dr_willisI often cheat and use a existing xorg.conf from a live cd that works.07:18
ZachPruckowskiok, how do I do that?07:18
charlie5n8k99: ugh ... same error ... i'll try a quick reboot and see if that helps07:18
Dr_willisintelikey,  she has a restraining order? :)07:18
manchickenw00t!  Ripping DVDs works.07:18
Dr_willisZachPruckowski,  get live cd... boot it.. copy xorg.conf over07:18
Dr_willisa kubuntu live cd would be best.07:19
manchickenNow I can watch my DVDs without having to carry them on me.07:19
ZachPruckowskibut I have no window manager here to copy it over to07:19
manchickenI like that.07:19
ZachPruckowskiif it's in the "drive07:19
ZachPruckowski"drive" now, can I do that from the BASH prompt?07:19
Dr_willisZachPruckowski,  BOOT the live cd... copy the working xorg.conf it generates over to the installed system07:19
n8k99charlie5: what is your sound settings for auto-suspend\?07:19
Dr_willisthe live cd's make xorg.conf files on the fly as it were..07:19
Dr_willisthey are good example/starting points.07:20
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K-RyanSorry, Computer froze...07:20
K-RyanWas trying to unzip something or "untar" it I guess07:20
K-RyanAnd open adept all off the cd07:20
=== intelikey sujests looking in /etc/X11/ for a backup xorg.conf and restoring it.
Dr_willisgood answer07:21
intelikeydpkg-recon... makes backup xorg.confs07:21
=== n8k99 likes to sudo dpkg--reconfigure
ZachPruckowskiI've tried that many, many times07:22
intelikeyyeah some people get their jollies in the strangest ways n8k9907:22
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K-RyanWhat was the command to open the universe repository?07:22
n8k99did I actually tye that?07:23
charlie5n8k99: :D ... worked after the reboot ... cheers !07:23
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n8k99charlie5 fantastic!07:23
K-RyanAnyone? Kdesu Kate something07:23
K-RyanEnabling the universe repository?07:23
n8k99K-Ryan kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list07:24
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n8k99charlie5 I'd be intertested in hearing your results07:25
K-RyanNot sure if I can enable that off the live cd07:25
phobiacK-Ryan: Okay, give me a minute and I'll give you my sources.list07:25
intelikeyK-Ryan command ????     sed 's/main .*/main restricted universe multiverse/g' /etc/apt/sources.list | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list       ?07:25
=== intelikey doubts that K-Ryan actually wanted a command....
K-RyanSorry intelikey I have no idea what you just said.07:26
n8k99/giggles off the chair07:26
charlie5n8k99: no worries ... i'll keep you informed :) ... i think i just recorded a little voice via the mike, but its inaudible (a very small squiggle in the graph) ... think i need to play with mixer settings some07:26
ZachPruckowskiok, I did cp xorg.conf.1 xorg.conf07:26
ZachPruckowskilet's see if it works07:27
intelikeywho's hearing little voices ???   what ?07:27
intelikeyoh never mind.07:27
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n8k99charlie5: you can enhance thatwith theeffects- amplify07:27
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n8k99/megiggling wokethebaby07:28
K-Ryancharlie, record it under a different frequency from something else07:28
phobiacOh wait07:28
K-Ryanoverlay the two, and you've got yourself a secret message =P07:28
phobiacK-Ryan: I can't give you my sources.list, I'm running edgy.07:29
K-RyanIt's alright07:29
phobiacAlthough if I just change it..wait I might be able to.07:29
manchickenphobiac: Why can't you give sources.list?07:29
K-RyanDon't worry about it07:29
phobiacHe's on dapper07:29
intelikeyK-Ryan what flavour sources.list you want ?07:29
phobiacI can just change the edgy to dapper though in the file right?07:29
K-RyanI was looking for something to pass time with07:29
K-RyanPreferably something fun07:29
manchickenYou can.07:30
K-RyanAt the moment I'm stuck with ohing and ahing over my desktop07:30
phobiacIntelikey: He just needs the basic sources.list for dapper, so he can get some games and stuff.07:30
n8k99phobiac yes, kate lets you substitue07:30
intelikeykapper ok.07:30
manchickenK-Ryan: Why don't you back your stuff up and go on a super-cool installing spree? ^_^07:30
phobiacn8K99: My question was more on if that would work for the sources.list07:30
K-RyanI'm too lazy to setup my 10gb music back up riht now07:30
K-RyanPerhaps tomorrow07:30
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ZachPruckowskiI restarted but put in the live DVD07:31
ZachPruckowskiit appears to have started up normally07:31
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n8k99yes it would phobiac07:31
hawk_manchicken: hey man i got it to work with samba07:31
manchickenK-Ryan: It'd be fun ^_^07:31
ZachPruckowskihow do I know if all is good or not?07:31
K-RyanFor tomorrow, not at 1:30 in the morning07:31
manchickenhawk_: Cool!  So now you're going to come join us freedom-loving hippies? ^_^07:31
hawk_manchicken: all i needed to do was mount it07:31
intelikeyK-Ryan check your other tabs.07:32
hawk_manchicken: Yes yes.07:32
K-RyanMy other tabs?07:32
manchickenhawk_: Who knew freedom could be so delicious? ;)07:32
phobiacK-ryan: This *should* work07:33
phobiacProbably better to use intelikey's07:33
intelikeythere you go.07:34
ZachPruckowskiyay!  I think it's fixed!07:34
hawk_manchicken: well as long as i am doing apps and stuff linux can match or even out do windows but whhen it comes to games i have to go to windows07:34
K-Ryanintelikey is it working?07:34
K-RyanI accepted but I don't think it's working07:34
manchickenhawk_: I bought an appliance machine (Wii) for that.07:34
intelikey#1   SEND   K-Ryan      -=*=-.  100.0%     00:000.02446 sources.list07:34
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hawk_lol, so your the persion that go my wii07:35
K-RyanIt just says "receiving"07:35
crazy_busI've got 60mp3s which I wan't to burn on a CD to be able to play on a mp3 cd player.  Does anyone know of a bulk renaming tool to rename them to play in the order I want?07:35
hawk_manchicken: so your the one that go my WIii07:35
manchickenhawk_: What?07:35
K-Ryanim going to try phobiac's07:35
phobiacCrazy_bus: Why not just burn them in the order you want?07:36
intelikeyK-Ryan router on your end   or connected through a firewall ?       looks like something on your end blocking you.07:36
hawk_manchicken: you cant find Wii's anywhere in the USA07:36
K-RyanProbably my router07:36
crazy_busI going to burn a data CD with mp3s on it.  Can you specify the order on a data cd?07:36
manchickenhawk_: I got mine a while back.  Three days before it released.07:36
K-Ryannow to see if it worked07:36
manchickenhawk_: It's nice.07:37
hawk_manchicken: what how did you do that07:37
K-RyanYeah umm, phobiac that ruined my adept07:37
intelikeyoh well.   we tried.    {-:- DCC Auto-closing idle dcc SEND to K-Ryan} ...07:37
ZachPruckowskik, going to bed now07:37
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manchickenhawk_: Gotta know where to shop m8.07:37
ZachPruckowskithanks guys07:37
K-RyanNot a big deal considering it's only a temporary thing07:37
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K-RyanSo where could I get that XGalaga, I mean I can't screw that up can I?07:38
ZachPruckowskiwhat's temporary about it?07:38
ZachPruckowskiit works without the LiveCD in now07:38
K-RyanNo, my Adept won't work since I modified something07:38
hawk_manchicken: do you have bluetooth on your computer or laptop07:38
ZachPruckowskiyikes, that's worse than what I had07:38
K-RyanOnce I reboot it's fixed though07:38
intelikeybad data in /etc/apt/sources.list will break apt  but doesn't cause any serious dammage;  unless you install packages from somewhere that are not compatable with your version of ubuntu07:39
K-Ryanintelikey it's not a big deal07:39
manchickenhawk_: Naw.  If I did I'd be researching how to turn my wiimote into a pointer device right now ^_^07:39
intelikeythat is to say you can always fix the file and apt is fixed.07:39
K-Ryanyes yes of course07:39
charlie5n8k99: turns out i wasn't recording after all (just a little noise from the s/card i guess ... i had to switch the input source to 'mike' :)07:39
hawk_manchicken: lol that is what i was going to tell you07:39
K-Ryanbut im not concerned over it07:39
=== phobiac [n=admin@cpe-24-161-81-95.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
n8k99charlie:a ha!07:40
K-Ryanphobiac, where was that XGalaga thing?07:40
charlie5n8k99: now, its recording ok, but i need to play with levels and such a bit i think07:40
phobiacWell, this isn't fun. First I can't open programs then I lost the use of my keyboard.07:40
phobiacK-Ryan: If the repo's updated you should be able to find it.07:40
charlie5n8k99: btw, can you recommend a good usb mike ?07:40
K-RyanAdept doesn't work now07:40
phobiacUnless it's edgy and up only.07:40
K-RyanSo it isn't really updated per se07:40
hawk_manchicken: do you know of anygood stradigy games for linux07:41
phobiacK-Ryan: In the command line do sudo apt-get update07:41
K-RyanE: Type 'universe' is not known on line 35 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list07:41
n8k99charlie5 my wife got me the logitech usb mike - its nice07:41
manchickenhawk_: Have you ever been to happypenguin?07:41
phobiacGo into the file and just remove the word universe on line 35.07:42
charlie5n8k99: thanks, i'll check them out07:42
manchickenJust make sure you install all from-source packages in /usr/local^_^07:42
K-RyanWhere's the file =/07:42
n8k99charlie5: I think it was like 30 $US07:42
phobiacdo kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list07:42
hawk_manchicken: no i dont think i have07:42
K-Ryanthat will still work?07:42
K-RyanYeah, that was a dumb question..07:42
intelikeyK-Ryan i'll pastebin what you couldn't accept over dcc07:42
manchickenhawk_: Happypenguin.org is a great place to learn about games.07:42
K-RyanThanks intelikey07:43
phobiacThe file doesn't move around as it pleases :P07:43
=== charlie5 suffers from "oh, no !! ... i don't really sound like *that*, do I" syndrome ... :D
intelikey http://pastebin.ca/31498207:43
K-RyanThis channel is so much better than the Ubuntu channel I checked when installing Ubuntu on my friend's computer07:43
K-RyanHelp wise07:43
hawk_manchicken: how do i unmount things the unmount command is coming up invalid07:43
=== n8k99 laughs and points at charlie5
manchickenno n07:43
K-RyanAdept is broken again07:44
intelikeyif you use that be sure you copy and paste the content   not save as text   cause the pastebin site will add M$ markup to it     (wrong line ends)07:44
manchickenK-Ryan: How so?07:44
phobiacK-Ryan: Use the pastebin intelikey just put up07:44
K-RyanI did07:44
K-RyanLet me try again07:44
phobiacMake sure to uncomment those lines though.07:45
ZachPruckowskig'nite guys07:45
ZachPruckowskigood luck with adept07:45
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hawk_manchicken: have you seen the artical about the hacker/moders how got linux to work on the WII07:45
phobiacThere's four at the end commented out.07:45
intelikeyphobiac uncomment which ?07:45
K-Ryanthey seem to all be uncommented07:45
intelikeyyes.  those are optional  not  nesseccary07:45
K-Ryanbut above most of the deb lines is a `07:46
K-Ryanwhere there would just be a blank line07:46
phobiacI figured they might contain these games we're looking for, so why not uncomment them.07:46
phobiacK-Ryan: I think Kate makes those sometimes, I've seen it before. I don't remember why.07:46
intelikeyK-Ryan try the raw page.  http://pastebin.ca/raw/31498207:47
K-RyanGah, still not working07:47
charlie5n8k99: :) ... its working great now ... theres a bit of background noise (a steady hiss) from the s/card maybe ... but it isn;t picking up outside traffic, which is great07:47
phobiacDid you do a sudo apt-get update?07:47
manchickenhawk_: Naw.  I think it's great that they got linux kernels working on it, but I think a slimmer kernel would be more appropriate for that application.07:47
K-RyanThat will probably do it intelikey07:47
n8k99charlie5: you may be getting fan noise as well07:47
intelikeydon't forget to update the database when you change the sources.list07:48
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=== n8k99 has to put pillows over the boxes
hawk_manchicken: true, well thank you for all your help... see you around07:48
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charlie5n8k99: i'm hoping there are tools that help get rid of the hiss ... (this is new territory for charlie ;)07:48
K-RyanStill broken07:48
intelikeydon't forget to update the database when you change the sources.list07:48
n8k99charlie5: Effects > Noise Reduction07:48
charlie5n8k99: a usb mike shouldn;t pick up fan noise ... is that right ?07:48
n8k99charlie5: just don't go crazy or you'll sound like a piece of tinfoil07:49
K-Ryani ran the sudo apt-get update thing07:49
K-RyanE: Type 'restricted' is not known on line 15 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list07:49
phobiacThe sudo apt-get update07:49
n8k99yes it will, a mic is a mike no matter where you plug it in07:49
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charlie5n8k99: lol ... i already sound like a piece of tinfoil ;)07:49
charlie5n8k99: ah, i see ... i was only guessing about the fan noise07:50
intelikeyline 15 ?    in  a 12  line file ?07:50
K-RyanChecking the file...07:50
Cagarrolindvd comes with mandriva, is it possible to get it from ubuntu reps ?07:50
n8k99charlie5:microphones generally are much more sensitie than the human ear, or at least than the distracted brain thinks the ear is07:51
K-RyanYeah, still that restricted error07:51
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jambo76huomenta kaikille07:53
n8k99time to rest, good night all07:53
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intelikeyyou are not saving the file correctly or something.   line 15   if you copied and pasted that raw text would be commented out    15:#deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-backports   also  dpkg should only be counting lines with text.....  i think.07:54
K-Ryandont know, i'll count them07:54
K-Ryanyeah I only have 12 deb lines07:54
K-Ryanwell 11 deb lines, the top one is a # /etc/apt/sources.list07:55
intelikey12 ?    should be 607:55
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K-Ryan6 are enabled or uncommented07:55
K-RyanWhatever it's called07:55
K-RyanWhen I select the bottom line though07:55
K-RyanKate labels it as 1907:56
intelikeyooops i was wrong about that numbering sceema  dpkg does count blank lines...07:56
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K-RyanOh, I see a problem07:56
K-RyanI fixed my adept07:56
K-RyanStill no Frozen Bubble in the Adept though >.>07:57
=== intelikey does an /exec -o cat /etc/apt/sources.list for the world...
intelikeydeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main universe multiverse07:58
intelikeydeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-updates main universe multiverse07:58
intelikeydeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security main universe multiverse07:58
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intelikeythat's the full content of mine...07:58
K-Ryanoh i know what i didnt do07:58
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phobiacI'm off for the night. Goodnight guys, and any gals.07:59
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K-Ryanintelikey, I updated the database but still not frozen bubble07:59
K-Ryanshould I uncomment the other lines?07:59
intelikey!info frozen-bubble dapper07:59
=== seven11_ Gets intelikey info frozen-bubble dapper <%)
ubotufrozen-bubble: Pop out the bubbles !. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.0.0-6ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 72 kB, installed size 356 kB07:59
K-RyanI uncommented some lines, trying again08:00
=== seven11_ Gets cpk1 repository <%)
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu08:01
K-RyanYeah this just isn't cooperating for me08:01
K-Ryan*with me08:01
cpk1read the repository link then08:01
K-RyanI'm okay for now08:02
=== intelikey goes to read the repos link...
K-RyanI'll figure something out for time wasting08:03
cpk1K-Ryan: what is your problem exactly?08:04
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K-RyanThere is no exact problem08:05
K-RyanI'm looking to waste a few minutes before going to bed08:05
K-RyanBy waste I mean play a game, not what I'm doing now08:05
K-RyanSo I'm going back to trying to download Cube 208:06
cpk1if its in universe all you need to do is enable universe08:06
K-RyanAnd it isn't08:07
intelikey<K-Ryan> And it isn't   <<<>>><ubotu> frozen-bubble: Pop out the bubbles !. In component universe, is extra.08:07
K-RyanI'm giving up on that08:07
K-RyanUntil I install Kubuntu anyway08:08
K-RyanJust going to try installing this08:08
K-RyanIf it works I'll play for a few min and see how it compares to the Windows version08:08
K-RyanOtherwise I'm off to bed08:08
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cpk1what are you on right now K-Ryan?08:09
cpk1are you on the live cd?08:10
intelikeyi'm reposting the start of this for the sake of... well anyway!  <K-Ryan> What was the command to open the universe repository?  <intelikey> K-Ryan command ????     sed 's/main .*/main restricted universe multiverse/g' /etc/apt/sources.list | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list08:12
cpk1can you install stuff when you are running off the livecd?08:13
cpk1i've never tried/needed/wanted to08:13
intelikeyyou can over load the ram that way tho08:14
cpk1k thats what i thought08:14
stdinintelikey: I'm making an interactive script to make it easier for, lets say "less advanced" users, to enable *verse. what you think ? http://www.pastebin.ca/31423608:14
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intelikeystdin hehhe i think the line i posted ^  but i'll look at yours.08:15
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cpk1stdin: have you looked at the repo link from ubotu though? the gui is very straight forward and easy =\08:15
stdinintelikey: like I said "interactive" :)08:15
stdincpk1: the script just asks a few yes/no questions08:15
stdinant it's only 1st draft, I could make it GUI too08:16
cpk1i'm not saying that yours not being a gui is bad, but one would think the current method doesnt really need improvement =P08:17
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stdincpk1: I have had, on more than 1 occasion, sent people to the link to enable a repo, and have them come back to say "I don't understand", not that the guide isn't easy, just that some people want a "quick fix" for it08:19
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intelikeystdin first rattel out of the box  EOF echo -n "Enter your county code to use for and apt mirror. eg: gb or fr : "  EOF  they are going to say   huh ?  </mouth expressions>08:19
stdinintelikey: if they don't it defaults to the main one, but like I said, it's a 1st draft :)08:20
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binksstdin i think anything that makes lie easier is a great idea go for it08:22
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stdinI've tested the script a bit over the last day or so, and it works quite well, it also makes a backup of the sources.list so all changes are reversable08:23
stdinit also asks "do you want to continue" just to be sure :)08:23
binkswhat you writitng it in08:24
stdinbinks: bash :)08:24
binksi just got up can you tell08:24
stdinbinks: I just woke up too (well about an hour ago)08:24
binksand the gui part08:24
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stdinbinks: there is a nice little app called "kdialog" that can do it quite well08:25
lascarwho has knowledge of getting ntfs-3g to work?08:25
stdinlascar: there is a guide on the help pages08:25
lascari know08:26
lascari've checked it08:26
=== stdin was just checking :)
=== lascar nods
binksi used zenity on the tovidwiz thats nice an easy too08:27
=== Rob-West is away Sleeping: Gone away for now.
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binksim learning pyqt at themoment so i can really go to town on a new tovid gui08:27
stdinbinks: when I put the GUI bit in, it will check which you have zenity or kdialog and use one08:27
=== Rob-West is going to bed bbl
J-_Has anyone had kububtu run a lot smoother than Gnome?08:28
intelikeystdin yes   i might sujest parsing the existing sources.list for that info  for Q in <full list of.. au us gb uk nl jp...> ;do grep -m1 'archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu' | grep "/$Q." && NL=$Q ;done     for example   and of course that would need a dubble check that NL didn't endup the full list.    but you can do that anyway you like.      other than that   the removed comments in the end result is the only thing that catches my 08:29
J-_Let me reword that, has anyone had kububtu run a lot smoother than Ubuntu on their computer? heh08:30
intelikeyyou could change my sujestion and make it only read the file one time    that would shorten the process time and disk activity.08:30
stdinintelikey: well I can always add the comments, and I was thinking of the vast way to check the the local code was valid, but all input is welcome :)08:30
stdin*best not vast :P08:30
ucpalxkubuntu seems to run smoother08:30
jambo76have anyone installed webmin on kubuntu?08:31
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binksim still new to nix programming so big learning curve :)08:31
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J-_Yeah, I just installed kubuntu through the repos, and me likey. I might uninstall Ubuntu, and reinstall from repos and see if it runs smoother than kubuntu because in reality shouldn't gnome run smoother than kubuntu? Kubuntu is a lot heavier of a windows manager, no?08:32
intelikeystdin yeah i thought of the LANG setting but that really has nothing to do with region  but rather education/background    so the origenal sources.list is the place to parse out that info    also one could parse it  and then just ask do you wish to continue using the $NL mirror ?08:32
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stdinintelikey: yeah, that sounds good08:33
monsterb_stdin, What project are you working on? I missed that part. :)08:34
intelikeythen if they say no you can sub let an option to set a mirror.     also a list to choose from is normally the best idea08:34
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J-_is Logo a good language to learn? What is it used for, any up-to-date programming/integration?08:35
stdinmonsterb_: just a shell script to enable universe/multiverse automatically, take a look http://www.pastebin.ca/31423608:35
stdinintelikey: yeah, but do you happen to know where a full list of local mirrors is?08:35
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madmikewow I'm drunk go meeee08:36
tulgaI want add user only 1 line (without password prompt). is it possible?08:36
jambo76i got it to work'08:36
monsterb_stdin, ok thx08:37
stdintulga: I don't understand, can you explain?08:38
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tulgastdin: I can run shell script like newusers.sh name password...08:38
intelikeystdin parse with this.    NL=`grep -m1 -oe /[a-z] [a-z] . /etc/apt/sources.list | cut -c2-3`08:38
tulgahowto write shell script like that?08:39
intelikeystdin actually    NL=`grep -m1 -oe /[a-z] [a-z] . /etc/apt/sources.list | cut -c2-4`08:39
tulgamy application cannot give password to system when system asking password08:39
tulgaapplication can run one line command08:39
tulgastdin: do you understand me?08:40
intelikeythen test for the third char to be .08:40
intelikeyif it is it's a good mirror if not   no.08:40
stdinintelikey: with that command on my sources.list I get "gb. <newline> ubu"08:42
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intelikeyhmmm let me check...08:43
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tulgastdin: about my problem?08:44
stdintulga: not sure if you can do that, as you'd need to use "adduser" to add a user, and it calls other apps to encrypt the password, and the script would have to be run as root anyway08:44
stdintulga: tho you can make a user without a password, then add one later08:44
tulgastdin: I have root access08:45
tulgaI need only pipe command to add user08:46
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tulgaI can run command only. I cannot give password to server when server prompting password08:47
tulgaI want add user with password without any prompt08:47
stdintulga: but you still can't pass the password to adduser in a script, it needs to be interactive, or set to no password08:47
tulgaI'm adding user from perl08:47
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tulgathen perl don't know now asking password or not08:48
tulgait is my big problem08:48
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Cagarrowhat is katapult ?08:48
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hearts - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:58
J-_holy netsplit batman.08:59
intelikeystdin there is no way to make grep work with .  so i had to do some fancy foot work there.09:00
intelikeyNL=`grep -m1 -oe 'http://[a-z] [a-z] .' /etc/apt/sources.list | cut -c8-10 | tr '.' '+' | grep -e '+' | tr '+' '.'`09:00
intelikeyi know it's long but it works.09:00
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the-ermI goofed up, and uninstalled kcontrol's service manager.  Anyone know what package I need to install to get it to work again?09:03
brett__what is the best way to make a image a smaller size?09:03
intelikeybzip2 ?09:04
the-ermI think convert will do it brett__ ... imagemagik09:04
brett__i dont want to zip it09:05
brett__just shrink it for myspace09:05
lascarhence convert09:05
the-ermYou mean HxW09:05
brett__thanks the-erm09:05
brett__hxw or pixels per inch09:05
the-ermConvert should even do % iirc09:05
brett__cool i am about to install it09:06
the-ermI've always used php's gd library to do resize images, but that's mostly because I do it on a web page :)09:06
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brett__the-erm: i dont see Convert in adept09:08
stdinintelikey: Just figuring out a way to add that without rewriting too much :P09:08
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makuseruhow can i read/copy an encrypted dvd?09:11
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages09:11
stdinmakuseru: you need the "libdvdcss" package09:11
intelikeystdin   line; SOURCES=sources.list  ;NL=`grep -m1 -oe 'http://[a-z] [a-z] .' /etc/apt/sources.list | cut -c8-10 | tr '.' '+' | grep -e '+' | tr '+' '.'`      and change  echo -n "Enter your county code...    to do you wish to change $NL  if no LN=$NL     :)09:12
stdinintelikey: that's what I was actually doing :P09:12
intelikeysee how you are.09:13
makuserustdin, thats just for playing movies, im trying to rip some games onto my comp, how can i decrypt them in kubuntu?09:13
intelikeyrip  decript     ?09:13
stdinmakuseru: they use different encryption methods, you could use dd I guess09:14
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intelikeymakuseru get all your warez at
makuseruwhats thatt09:14
stdinmakuseru: it's a console command, read "man dd" in konsole09:15
intelikeydd if=/dev/stdin of=/dev/stderr09:15
stdinI can't be copied :P09:15
makuseruand intelikey: i dont wanna get um from myself09:16
lascargod I'd do anything to get ntfs and kubuntu to cooperate...09:16
stdincould work like: dd if=/dev/hdc of=~/mygame.iso09:16
intelikeymakuseru do you want to get ubuntu suied out of existance ?     is that the plan ?09:17
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intelikeywarez is a good way to do it.09:17
makuseruim trying to play a game, i own, on my own computer09:17
intelikeyumm hmmm09:17
makuserui am, im to lazy so share anything on the internet09:18
intelikey!ntfs | lascar09:18
ubotulascar: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions. For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse09:18
intelikey!ntfs-3g | lascar09:18
ubotulascar: ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)09:18
intelikey!fuse | lascar09:19
ubotulascar: Though it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse09:19
binksis 3g or fuse better i use 3g  but just thought id ask09:20
intelikeymakuseru and you have to rip it why exactly     oh and about decripting it, why do that if you own that copy ?09:20
makuserubecause im trying to get a gamecube emulator to work09:20
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makuseruand i need a game to try and get the thing to work09:21
intelikey3g seem more tolerable binks09:21
binksthere is a gamecube emu09:21
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lascarintelikey: i've been trying to get 3g to work, but no cigar09:21
binks3g is easy to set up09:21
intelikeylascar fstab09:21
lascarif it were, binks09:21
lascari wouldn't be here09:21
lascarpastebin, intel?09:21
binksbut after you install you have to reboot09:21
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:22
monsterb_makuseru, gamecube has DVDs ?09:22
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makuserumini dvd's09:22
binksin #qt there is a bot that when someone uses pastbin.qt  it notifies in the chan i think thats cool09:23
lascarintelikey: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1410/09:23
intelikeylast i tried to paste there that was still broken  may need to use  pastebin.ca  or  paste.rafb.org09:23
lascarintelikey: the umask is for across-the-board write access09:23
monsterb_makuseru, oh - i was thinking of N64.09:24
lascarand the drive is external09:24
lascareven still09:24
lascarwith line 12 removed, intelikey,09:24
lascari've got everything but write-access09:24
intelikeylascar  sed 's/umask=0/fmask=111,dmask=000/' /ect/fstab09:25
lascarintelikey: "sed?"09:25
intelikeyyeah when you get finished teaching me about fstab and mount options look it up09:25
stdinsed - stream editor for filtering and transforming text09:25
lascarintelikey: ?09:26
binkshttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1411/ ,  << thats my fstab lascar09:26
lascarrelax, man09:26
intelikeyjust about too.  going to bed in 3.22 minutes09:27
lascarbinks: you use 3g?09:27
binksalthou its not setup correct how did that happen but i have no need to write09:28
binkshow did i do that09:28
lascarintelikey: thanx09:29
intelikeyok i'm left.09:29
intelikeylascar np09:29
intelikeyi'm went.09:30
binkshttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1412/ << info on 3g howto09:30
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lascarintelikey = knowledgeable09:32
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leiarI've just installed java 1.5.1 by downloading from sun, running fakeroot make-jpkg and finally installed it with dpkg -i. But it seems that I should have removed existing java version 1.4.2 before I installed 1.5. How can I remove the existing Java?09:38
stdinhow did you install 1.4.2 ?09:39
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leiarIt came with the distribution09:40
monsterb_leiar, what distro?09:40
leiarmy dist is kubuntu dapper 6.009:40
stdinyou should just be able to update the alternatives of java to point to he right version09:40
stdinsudo update-alternatives --config java09:41
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stdinthere is an ubuntu package for java 1.5 too09:41
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leiarstdin: thank's a lot :-)09:42
stdinno problem :)09:43
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leiarstdin: ubuntu package?09:46
leiarI've tried sudo apt-get install java09:46
stdinyeah, it's in the multiverse repository09:46
stdinit's sun-java5-jre09:46
ubotusun-java5-jre: Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.0-08-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 7279 kB, installed size 16132 kB09:46
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stdinthere's more than just -jre too09:46
monsterb_stdin, jre for amd64?09:47
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leiarI haven't got used to use the ubuntu's package manager, I use apt-get.09:47
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leiarMy main goal is to be able to watch net-tv, but it seems my mplayer plug-in won't work properly09:49
stdinmonsterb_: the sun java package should run on amd64 too09:49
stdinhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java << guide for getting java09:50
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monsterb_stdin, ok thx09:51
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leiarHow do I install mplayer and mplayerplug-in the propper way. I use firefox 1.509:52
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stdinleiar: the mplayer plugin is in the package "mozilla-mplayer"09:54
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posingaspopularhomw do you switch between keyboard inputs? on the keyboard?09:56
leiarstdin: I've done that. But it lokks like the mplayerplug-in goes into a loop while trying to play net-tv. Does this have anything with permissions to do?09:56
stdinleiar: got a URL so I can look?09:57
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magnus_NEWBIE question: I run kubuntru and it works great. I will now install it on my secound PC what is the correct way to get all the goodies? 1. Install "standard" kubuntu 2. Install EasyUbuntu  Question Anything more to get ha good base level?10:00
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stdindon't, I repeat, DON'T, use easyubuntu or automatix, they can leave your system in an unusable state if you try and upgrade to a newer version of kubuntu10:02
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Hawai`iwhat would you suggest other than the automatix?10:04
Hawai`i<--newb also10:04
stdininstall things the proper way, EasyUbuntu/Automatix are nither recommended or supported10:04
leiarI'd really like to get net-TV working. I've installed mplayer and the plugin. When opening a TV-programme in the browser, mplayer starts loading, and it ends up in a loop. Anybody experienced anything similar?10:04
stdinthe ubuntu help pages tell you haw to get everything you want/need10:05
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stdinmagnus_ , Hawai`i : read this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats10:05
Hawai`inod nod.. i Have gone over that.. just one friend was telling me about the automatix... and well.. not knowing ne better.. I did it.. seems everything is working okies10:06
Hawai`ibut I can see where you come from bout upgraded version of Kub10:07
stdinHawai`i: you system may work fine now, but you may have some issues upgrading10:07
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe10:07
Hawai`inod nod10:08
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[StingRay] Hi, stdin :)10:10
stdinhey [StingRay]  :)10:10
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stdin[StingRay] : do you know much about bash scripting?10:12
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[StingRay] stdin, not much, my best script is an kubuntu FreeNX terminal server install , but it nothing special10:13
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[StingRay] stdin, I will be glad to be of service ;)10:14
[StingRay] there is a good #bash cahnnel, stdin. The guys are real pro scripters.10:15
stdin[StingRay] : was just asking because I want some input on a script I'm putting together http://www.pastebin.ca/31503910:15
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stdin[StingRay] : I'm pretty good at bash, just want some fresh eyes :)10:15
boss_78join #supertux10:16
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[StingRay] stdin, You definitely have to ask someone from #bash ;). I have not used awk and tr.10:20
stdin[StingRay] : the script works fine, just wanted to know how it could be better, it's only a 2nd draft :)10:20
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[StingRay] stdin, are you familiar with the extensions of X?10:22
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stdin[StingRay] : a couple, but I'm no expert10:22
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[StingRay] stdin, vnc is playing bad trick on me and wine.10:23
magnus_newbie how to get a list of channels available...10:23
stdin[StingRay] : what errors ?10:23
[StingRay] stdin, the reason is that tightvnc uses Xvnc and Xvnc is loading only 7 extensions out of 27...10:23
[StingRay] "x11drv_main.c: X11DRV_CritSection"10:23
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stdinmagnus_: you in konversation ?10:23
[StingRay] randomly, stdin this is the problem...10:23
FlosoftI have got a problem connecting to my wireless10:24
Flosoftsomeone else has already posted a good description on the ubuntuforums .... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28474510:24
[StingRay] stdin, this is the complete error: err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x7f114300 "x11drv_main.c: X11DRV_CritSection"10:24
leiarhow do I leave the channel. I thought it was /bye10:24
stdinleiar: /part10:24
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stdin[StingRay] : WAY to complex for my tiny brain there10:25
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[StingRay] stdin, ;) the "good" news is that noone responded on winehq too10:26
stdin[StingRay] : maybe #xorg ?10:27
[StingRay] stdin, I have to switch back to FreeNX and the nightmare of session resuming.10:27
stdin[StingRay] : I'm sure you can disable it if you don't want it, server side10:27
[StingRay] stdin, Xvnc is causing the problems...Xorg is already 7.0 and Xvnc is using extensions from 3.3 afaik10:28
stdinmagnus_: are you using konversation, and want a channel list?10:28
stdin[StingRay] : then use a more up-to-date vnc server, i guess10:29
[StingRay] stdin, I am testing currently vnc4server. which is using more extensions, but its compression is very bandwith hungry.10:29
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stdin[StingRay] : that's the only problem with vnc, you need the bandwidth, that's why I used NX a while ago, it had much better compression10:31
[StingRay] I will try to reduce it as much as possible, but tightvnc is could hardly reach 10 kB. vnc4server hardly goes below 20 kB10:31
stdin[StingRay] : is that with 1024x768 ?10:31
stdinor 800.600 ?10:32
[StingRay] I know stdin, but FreeNX is problematic as it comes to session resuming.10:32
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[StingRay] yes, stdin 1024x768, though 800x600 will do the work too.10:32
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stdin800x600 should reduce the banwidth you need, at least a bit10:33
[StingRay] stdin, I am running an wine application which is connected to a firebird database. If the session fails and cannote be resumed you have an opened handle to the firebird, which is risky...10:33
stdinhmm, yeah10:33
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paranoid__hi, anyone knows a way to assign a samba share to a fix directory ?10:39
stdinparanoid__: you mean mount a samba share?10:39
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stdinparanoid__: yeah, all you need to do is install "smbfs", then you can mount it10:40
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paranoid__stdin: thx, will try10:41
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ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv410:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ipv6-off - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:42
stdinparanoid__: you can mount it like "mount -t cifs //Server.IP.Address/ShareName /place/to/mount/to -o user=username,password=password10:42
stdinparanoid__: or there is also a GUI called "smb4k"10:43
lostbyteIs ipv6 enabled by default on Edgy ?10:45
stdinlostbyte: it's on my default in all versions10:45
stdin*on by10:45
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lostbytestdin, ok..10:49
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exsdoes anyone know of a free dns?.. my own ISP dns is slow and poor, so I used openDNS and that's also annoying with its built in search engine. Is there any other free dns's?10:53
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usemodyhello peeps10:55
usemodycan any once help me pls10:55
exsstdin:  that's an odd number, usually it's like 158 etc10:56
stdinexs: try it, it works here :)10:56
usemodyhave 2 questions ------10:56
stdinusemody: don't know until you ask10:56
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usemodyRichte rageircd ein (2.0.1-5) ...10:58
usemodyAdding system user10:58
usemodyadduser: Warnung: Das von Ihnen angebene Homeverzeichnis existiert bereits.10:58
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usemodyGestatte Verwendung eines zweifelhaften Benutzernamens.10:58
usemodyEs gibt bereits einen Systembenutzer mit Namen Debian-rageircd. Beende...10:58
usemodyERR: Not starting Rage IRC Daemon: Conffile /etc/rageircd/rageircd.conf missing10:58
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de10:58
usemodyinvoke-rc.d: initscript rageircd, action "start" failed.10:58
usemodydpkg: Fehler beim Bearbeiten von rageircd (--configure):10:58
usemody Unterprozess post-installation script gab den Fehlerwert 1 zurck10:58
usemodywhat can i do10:58
usemodybut need i can translate10:58
usemodyorgin from germany but speak good ur lang u see10:59
stdinyou'll get a better answer from a german speaker than me10:59
stdinso what does it say then?10:59
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mineurubuntu's update servers are so slow?11:02
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stdindepends what servers you are using11:02
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usemodyit says that adduser give msg 4 exist home directory11:03
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stdinmineur: be.archive.ubuntu.com is actually mirror003.isp.belgacom.be11:03
usemodyand thats it cant be finished bekause nvoke-rc.d: initscript rageircd, action "start" failed.11:03
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mineurBelgacom has faster servers then this :p11:04
mineurwhere is a mirror list?11:04
usemodyso the subprocess given error msg 1 back11:04
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stdinmineur: don't know, try asking in the main ubuntu channel #ubuntu11:05
michituxusemody: you could try LANG=C your command to get english messages :)11:05
stdinusemody: what are you trying to install/update?11:05
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usemody4 yet need to complete remove this package rageircd11:07
usemodybut by normal way over apt-get and dpkg it couldnt happend because pre install script does break with error msg 111:08
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eMaX_hi all11:28
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eMaX_I just wanted to install an update for wpasupplicant through the update manager. I tells me "old post-removal script was terminated with error status 10" and then fails to install the new package. Is anyone having a similar problem?11:28
stdintry it in konsole, you may get a better error message "sudo apt-get upgrade"11:29
paranoid__anyone knows why i can't see anything in / with konqueror and ls -al takes VERY long to show the content11:29
eMaX_same error11:30
stdin!hidden | paranoid__11:30
ubotuparanoid__: Kubuntu Edgy has implemented a new feature that hides most of the filesystem. For more information: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuHiddenFiles11:30
eMaX_he says preparing for replacement of wpasupplicant 0.5.5-3vlubuntu411:30
stdineMaX_: use pastebin11:30
eMaX_then the error state 1011:30
stdinto show the whole content11:30
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stdineMaX_: can you do "LANG=C sudo apt-get upgrade"11:34
=== mineur brb
paranoid__stdin ... doesn't help ... i guess it has something to do with /media ... don't know what this is ... but it has no size, nod owner, no date, no perm ....11:35
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stdinparanoid__: can you post the output of "ls -Al /" to pastebin please ?11:36
paranoid__mmh, the line with media says : ?----? ? ? ?        ? media11:37
stdinparanoid__: you can try removing the media dir, and re creating it11:38
paranoid__tried it but doesn't work ... can cd into --- but doing ls there results in I/O Error11:39
stdineMaX_: that package isn't from ubuntu, so I don't know what's wrong with it11:39
eMaX_why isn't that from ubuntu ?11:39
stdinparanoid__: so you can't do "sudo rm /media" ?11:39
paranoid__no :(11:40
stdinparanoid__: dose it give an error?11:40
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stdineMaX_: it seems to be from the 3v1n0 repository, check your sources.list for non official repositories11:41
paranoid__nevermind, did a reboot and looks good now ... don't know what happened there11:41
medykWitam wszystkich serdecznie11:41
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl11:42
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stdinparanoid__: it's normally due to some filesystem error, if it happens again, run "sudo shutdown -r -F" to force a check of the disk11:43
eMaX_how can I force a removal? apt-get remove wpasupplicant doesn't work either11:44
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fdovingeMaX_: what holds it back?11:44
stdineMaX_: do you need the package ?11:44
eMaX_how can I force a removal? apt-get remove wpasupplicant doesn't work either11:44
eMaX_well apparently not11:44
eMaX_deinstalling also deinstalled knetworkmanager network-manager network-manager-gnome ubuntu-minimal  according to the command line output but then failed uninstalling wpasupplicant11:46
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stdineMaX_: hmm, ubuntu-minimal seems to depend on the package11:46
eMaX_I mean if I could somehow force him to forget about the package I could probably reinstall11:46
a9913how do make amarok play mp3s?11:46
a9913it seems to be skipping them all11:46
stdin!mp3 | a991311:46
ubotua9913: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:46
a9913ahh.... thanks11:47
paranoid__stdin: k, thx ... btw, isn't mplayer in apt-get ??11:47
eMaX_that's why I was asking for a "forced" removal11:47
stdinparanoid__: it's in multiverse11:47
eMaX_but I don't see anything like --force in man apt-get11:47
stdineMaX_: why do you have the non official repository in your sources.list ?11:48
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paranoid__stdin: what's multiverse ... sorry, i'm new to ubuntu ... installed it yesterday11:48
stdin!multiverse | paranoid__11:49
ubotuparanoid__: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu11:49
stdinparanoid__: that will tell you how to enable it11:49
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paranoid__k, thx ;)11:50
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eMaX_stdin anyway. do you know of a method to force removal of a package?11:52
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stdineMaX_: yes, but it would be easier just to remove the other repository from the sources11:52
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FlosoftI have got a problem with my wifi card11:53
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stdineMaX_: "sudo dpkg --force-all --remove wpasupplicant"11:53
stdinFlosoft: have you looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs ?11:54
Flosoftstdin: the problem is ... I know how to generally setup the wifi card11:55
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Flosoftstdin: but I got a laptop here ... Core2Duo with an Atheros Onboard Wifi Chip11:55
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FlosoftI had no problems setting up my IPW2200BG11:56
Flosoftbut this one ... simply doesn11:56
Flosoftt workk11:56
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eMaX_no. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1422/11:56
FlosoftI tried WEP and WPA11:56
Flosofteh ... WPA211:56
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stdineMaX_: what's that supposed to be ?11:57
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Flosoftstdin: someone else has posted the same problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28474511:57
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franxhi folks11:57
franxsorry to bother everyone, but i have a vnc question11:58
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franxi have read the howto set up vnc with resumable sessions post11:58
franxand i am actually on vnc here11:58
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franxbut when in this vnc session, i try to run firefox11:58
franxXlib:  extension "XInputExtension" missing on display "raptor.yi.org:1.0"11:59
stdinFlosoft: I'm not a wifi expert, as I don't use it, but you can post a support request on https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/ they normally get answers more then on the forum11:59
eMaX_in fact 10 wpasupplicant/accepted-repo-change doesn't exist11:59
franxbut konversation works11:59
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franxas does konquerer11:59
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eMaX_stdin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1423/12:00
franxwho has the wifi q?12:01
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franxim on wifi with wpa12:01
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franxsonicGB: welcome from .au12:02
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franxim in wa12:02
stdinfranx: Flosoft has the wifi question12:02
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geoffber, thanks.12:02
franxFlosoft: whats your wifi q12:02
franxgeoffb: sorry, just couldnt help noticing the isp12:03
geoffbsorry, I guess I'm just not used to people being nice to me on ubuntu related channels12:04
ScarFreewillmy isp blocks out p2p/torrent can i still use it?12:04
Flosoftfran: what is wifi q?12:04
Flosoftfranx: what is wifi q?12:05
franxwireless question12:05
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stdinScarFreewill: if you change to a non default port and use encryption (available in ktorrent)12:05
ScarFreewilli set my port to 5641312:06
eMaX_ok fixed it12:06
eMaX_I just edited the apt-get.postrm file by hand and commented out the failing line; then I uninstalled and reinstalled. the line was12:06
eMaX_a dbreset.12:07
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Flosoftfranx: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ticket/316212:08
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franxFlosoft: yeah, sorry. i dont know how to answer that12:08
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franxFlosoft: but i can set up one which is based on the ra chipset12:09
Flosoftfranx: if you want I can open an ssh screen session12:09
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eMaX_ok tnx12:11
Flosoftfranx: It is an Atheros onboard chip afaik12:11
Flosoftfranx: 02:07.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. AR5005G 802.11abg NIC (rev 01)12:12
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ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:13
franxFlosoft: thanks but i dont think im smart enough12:14
eMaX_LANG=C Mahlzeit12:15
Flosoftfranx: damn ... I think it is something stupid I have missed out or so ... as in theory it should work12:15
Flosoftfranx: and the security isn12:15
Flosoft't the problem12:15
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FlosoftI have WEP and WPA212:16
MetProphetMit welchem Programm kann ich mir unter Kubuntu DVD`s angucken?12:16
FlosoftMetProphet: Kaffeine12:16
MetProphet<-- neuling12:17
FlosoftMetProphet: du brauchst aber libdvdcss oder so ... guck mal auf google .. es sind libxine-extracodecs usw ...12:17
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mineurif you want to play DVD's and other restricted formats: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats follow these steps12:18
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mineurMetProphet: Ogle, Kaffeine, Codeine, they all can play dvd's when libdvdcss is installed12:20
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franxMetProphet: id say get automatix2 but that gets people mad so i wont =P12:23
stdinno, don't say it :)12:24
Xerawhat's wrong with automatix? xD12:24
franxbut id love to be told why im getting this XInputExtension error12:24
stdinI think the bot sums it up well12:24
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe12:24
Xerai've used it since i installed ubuntu and it works fine12:25
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.12:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about anything - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:25
Xerapoint proven.12:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mineur - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about XInputExtension - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:25
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...12:25
=== mineur ducks
Xerawhat is this bot coded in?12:26
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:26
MetProphetWhat is automatix?12:26
XeraMetProphet: http://getautomatix.com12:26
Xeraall the info you need12:26
LynoureXera: I guess that first url might answer your question about ubotu.12:27
stdinexcept the part saying "this will fsck your system"12:27
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mineurwhat are nowadays good irc clients, few years ago I was an xchat fan, but I guess other players are on the market?12:28
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XeraKonversation > all12:28
XeraXChat is annoying12:28
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mineurlol hey I used to like it... but it's been years :)12:29
mineuryeha ok I'm using Konversation now12:29
mineurI should have had guessed... Kubuntu :p12:30
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MetProphet<-- -12:32
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bartisthello !!12:40
bartisti've lost my "File, Edit, View ..." bar in konqueror12:40
bartistand i cant manage to put it back12:40
bartistany ideA?12:40
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stdinbartist: try pressing "Ctrl-M"12:40
stdinhi YumeNoEien12:41
bartistdone, thanx stdin!12:41
stdinbartist: no problem :)12:41
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YumeNoEieni have a problem again, im still trying to get my laptop on the internet. And someone mentioned that it could be a common problem that firefox would fix12:42
YumeNoEieni looked up how to install FF on linux12:42
YumeNoEienbut it only tells me to unpack12:42
YumeNoEienthe tar file12:42
stdinYumeNoEien: you use Adept to install it12:43
mineuris there a system wide setting for browser preference??12:43
mineurI want to use opera in stead of conquerer12:43
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Lynouremineur: What's stopping you?12:44
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stdinmineur: for KDE: Kmenu -> System Settings -> Default Applications12:44
mineursome applications opening konquerre when I click a link :)12:44
LynoureEven though there is a security bug in Opera still unfixed :(12:44
bartisti have another problem12:45
stdinmineur: system wide: sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser12:45
bartistmy sound is messed up12:45
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems and http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin12:45
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mineurkde is system-wide enough for me :)12:46
mineurthanx :)12:46
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LynoureYumeNoEien: But if your laptop cannot connect to the internet at all (I assume then you are not on irc from it), FF is not going to fix that as it is just a web browser.12:47
=== mineur needs food, see you all
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bartistso, my sound is messed up, and i've read from there: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20544912:48
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bartistthat this: sudo apt-get --purge remove linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils12:49
bartistfollowed by that: sudo apt-get install linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils12:49
bartistshould fix it12:49
YumeNoEien@lynource argh thats not what i wanted to hear :P12:49
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bartistand it did12:49
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bartistuntil sound server crashed12:49
YumeNoEien@lynource heres the advice i got, its not just changing the browser12:50
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LynoureYumeNoEien: But, if you describe the problem, maybe a real solution can be found.12:50
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YumeNoEienWell i want to ceonnect my laptop to the internet using an ethernet card. The modem company says its OS independant and should work12:51
YumeNoEienon linux aswell12:51
LynoureYumeNoEien: It seems the answer you got is not directly related to your question. :)12:51
YumeNoEienbut i dont know how to configure it into getting online12:51
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YumeNoEienargh -.-12:51
LynoureYumeNoEien: You used it with MS windows before?12:51
YumeNoEienin fact its pretty much windows orientated12:52
YumeNoEienbut i kicked windows out and put kubuntu on it12:52
stdinYumeNoEien: you just need to set it to use DHCP in the nsetowk settings, in System Settings, ignore that "handy" guy12:52
YumeNoEiengetting to it right now12:53
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YumeNoEienokay the network interface is on Aotomatic - DHCP12:54
YumeNoEieninterface is enable12:55
YumeNoEiendo i do anything with the other tabs in network settings?12:55
stdinYumeNoEien: no, you should now have internet12:55
LynoureI usually do things on command line... Cannot even remember what tabs there is :)12:56
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YumeNoEienreloading network, might take a few secs12:56
YumeNoEieni tried google and i got 'Unknown host www.google.com'12:58
LynoureYumeNoEien: Did you use "Optain network settings automatically" in Windows? If not, it might be your modem is not configured to do dhcp12:58
YumeNoEiengood question,..12:59
YumeNoEieni configured it from my desktop, so i can still check how its configured12:59
LynoureGood :)12:59
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cyrille_I have a question of noob01:03
YumeNoEienjoin the club01:03
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Lynourecyrille_: ask away?01:03
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ChristophHi guys, I got one question: Does anyone of you know where I can get an interactive C Compiler for Kubuntu??01:04
stdinKDevelop maybe01:05
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ubotukdevelop: An IDE for Unix/X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.3.4-1ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 7894 kB, installed size 24892 kB01:05
adaptrChristoph: do you mean a development environment ? an "interactive C compiler" sounds like a training tool.. not sure such a thing exists01:05
boss78I have a graphic boards wich doesn't want to function at 100 per cent01:06
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Christophadaptr: Yes it's basically an IDE for programming LEGO robots01:06
ChristophKDevelop dosn't give me anything01:06
Christophno project templates01:06
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adaptrChristoph: C is a compiled language.. an interactive compiler doesn't make much sense01:07
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stdinadaptr: I think he means an IDE for C/C++01:07
adaptrstdin: doesn't sound like it, see above01:07
stdinboss78: any other information you want to give ?01:08
Christophno an IDE/Compiler for Interactive C. Interactive C is somewhat like C01:08
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ubotusip: Python/C++ bindings generator. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.10.2-1.1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 74 kB, installed size 208 kB01:08
ScarFreewilldoes kde have a sip app?01:08
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dennis_Is anybody who speaks german here ?01:09
YumeNoEienLynoure i tried to see if the setting is set to "Optain network settings automatically" in windows, but couldnt find it01:09
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stdinChristoph: you mean like http://www.botball.org/educational-resources/ic.php ?01:09
stdin!de | dennis_01:09
ubotudennis_: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de01:09
YumeNoEienassuming im not anble to find it, and that im not able to set it to manual01:09
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YumeNoEieni think it safe to assume its done automatically :o01:10
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de01:10
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stdinScarFreewill: you mean VoIP ?01:10
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ScarFreewillstdin: yes01:10
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ScarFreewillstdin: well can some one phone me from talkanot01:11
Christophstdin: precisly01:11
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LynoureYumeNoEien: That setting is under Networks>settings>tcp/ip and something, but if you can access the modem configuration, it is just called dhcp somewhere there.01:11
ScarFreewilldoes kopete support it?01:12
ubotukphone: Voice over IP (VoIP) phone application. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:4.2-6 (edgy), package size 406 kB, installed size 1260 kB01:12
YumeNoEienfound it01:12
YumeNoEienit is set on DHCP Server01:13
YumeNoEieninstead of Auto DHCP01:13
stdinScarFreewill: yeah, there are a few different choices, kphone seems good01:13
YumeNoEienso i set it to Auto DHCP right?01:13
ScarFreewillstdin: thx01:13
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ScarFreewillstdin: do you know of any good j2me apps that works with google services?01:15
LynoureYumeNoEien: Sound probable, yes, I cannot be 100% sure without checking what they mean by Auto01:15
stdinScarFreewill: not off the top of my head, you can always google for it01:16
YumeNoEienil go for trial and error01:16
YumeNoEiengonna try it right now01:16
YumeNoEienno need01:16
YumeNoEiento reboot linux right?01:16
ScarFreewillstdin: i look all over sf.net and google and jabber.org/clients01:16
LynoureYumeNoEien: no, but you might want to do  sudo dhclient01:16
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ScarFreewillstdin: best one i found was talkonaut but its not opensouced01:17
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LynoureYumeNoEien: the result of that will tell a lot of interesting things in any case01:17
yelonekhi, I mounted iso image to /media01:17
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YumeNoEiencool, ill put it in the terminal right now01:17
yelonekhow do i unmount this thing ?01:17
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stdinScarFreewill: I know kopete works with googles IM, don't know about google VoIP, tho I think google use SIP??01:17
yeloneki tried sudo umount /media01:17
yelonekbut it says 'device is busy'01:17
stdinyelonek: where exactly did you mount it to?01:18
yelonekexactly to /media01:18
stdinyelonek: type "mount" to check01:18
stdinyelonek: you should have used a sub directory, but ok01:18
yelonek.iso on /media type iso9660 (rw,loop=/dev/loop0)01:18
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yelonekstdin: now i know ;)01:19
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stdinyelonek: have you got any apps open that could be using it, eg Konqueror ?01:19
yelonekthere was Konq, but i closed it01:19
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yelonekand tried again01:19
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swamitry umount -a and then mount -a01:20
LynoureYumeNoEien: I would normally ask you to cut and paste it to pastebin if it does not work, but without network that's a bit too much work for you01:20
yelonekswami: what does it mean ?01:20
stdinyelonek: dose "lsof|grep /media" show anything ?01:20
stdinyelonek: swamis suggestion won't help you01:21
ScarFreewillstdin: http://www.gtalk2voip.com/01:21
YumeNoEienaww man Lynource01:21
YumeNoEienits no problem01:21
swamithat he unmount everything but the /boot and then mounts everything that is in fstab01:22
LynoureI use "lsof|grep /media" startlingly often with my usb disk. :)01:22
YumeNoEienbut im not the quickest typer :P01:22
swami"he = OS"01:22
yelonekstdin: it shows 5 entries01:22
stdinswami: he's mounted a iso, it's not in fstab01:22
LynoureYumeNoEien: but giving some idea of what it said could help, no need to type it all01:22
galathalionanyone using last.fm?01:22
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Lynouregalathalion: yes01:22
yelonekbut first it showed:01:22
yeloneklsof: WARNING: can't stat() iso9660 file system /media/cdrom001:22
yelonek      Output information may be incomplete.01:22
YumeNoEienListening on LPF/eth0/00:0fb0:90:el:b701:22
Lynouregalathalion: Amarok supports it nicely01:23
stdinyelonek: what are the names in the far left ?01:23
YumeNoEiensending on the same place its listening01:23
yelonekKonqueror, bash, lsof, grep, lsof01:23
LynoureYumeNoEien: it's asking on IPv6 instead of IPv401:23
galathalionLynoure: what am i supposed to do? Ive downloaded it.. now what?01:23
yelonekbut no Konqueror is working01:23
YumeNoEienDHCPDiscover to on port 67 several times01:23
YumeNoEienit should be on IPv4?01:24
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stdinyelonek: you see the number to the right of konqueror?01:24
Lynoureoh, sorry, I misread01:24
bartisthello again01:24
bartistthanx for the advises01:24
bartisteverything is working!01:24
LynoureYumeNoEien: no, seems fine. But if it is not getting an answer, something is not right...01:24
yelonekstdin: it's PID i guess ?01:24
YumeNoEienand there were no DHCPOFFERS received01:24
bartisti'm downloading stuff with amule, but I dont know where the files are downloaded01:25
YumeNoEienalso no working leases in persistent database01:25
stdinyelonek: yes, so we're going to kill that process with "kill PID" (where PID is the number)01:25
yelonekstdin: kill it with KDE process manager ?01:25
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bartistand I also would amule to understand that my default player is kaffein01:25
stdinbartist: that should be in the amule settings somewhere01:26
bartistI know stdin, but i dont know where01:27
LynoureYumeNoEien: Does you modem keep a log of dhcp requests?01:27
yelonekstdin: thank you, I made it01:27
YumeNoEieni think i saw something like that01:27
stdinyelonek: did it unmount now?01:27
YumeNoEienill look it up01:27
stdinbartist: I don't use amule, so I don't know :)01:27
yelonekstdin: yes01:27
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stdinyango: great, it's normally konqueror that's the problem in that circumstance :)01:28
LynoureYumeNoEien: I have a splitting headache and the pharmacy will close soon, so I'll have to go in about 10min :(01:28
YumeNoEienits okay01:29
YumeNoEiengo get well :)01:29
YumeNoEienthe laptop has no real priority or rush01:29
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XeraAlarm: probably best to ask in here xD01:29
Alarmeehehe ok ;001:30
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LynoureYumeNoEien: one thing you could do if the dhcp is giving you trouble is to check what the ip of the modem is, and set the laptop to have static ip in the same subnet for a bit. But as a long term solution it won't do for a laptop.01:31
malik_how do i configure firefox to play multimedia streams from internet?......i have kaffienbe and kmplayer with xine engine01:32
YumeNoEienLynoure: thanks, Il get to that later on. I have to go meet a friend right now01:33
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YumeNoEienmy problem may not be solved (yet) but thanks a lot for your help!01:33
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malik_how do i configure firefox to play multimedia streams from internet?......i have kaffienbe and kmplayer with xine engine01:36
malik_can any one help please01:36
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malik_how do i configure firefox to play multimedia streams from internet?......i have kaffienbe and kmplayer with xine engine...........can any one help plz?01:48
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Xeramalik_: install mplayer with the firefox plugin01:49
Xeraall can be found in the repos01:49
waylandbillmalik_: there's a plugin that uses mplayer01:50
waylandbillwhat Xera said.. :-)01:50
ubotukphone: Voice over IP (VoIP) phone application. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:4.2-6 (edgy), package size 406 kB, installed size 1260 kB01:50
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Xeramozilla-mplayer mplayer01:50
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n0nen0ne@powerplant:~$ cedega01:55
n0ne(Point2Play_gui.py:18709): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.01:55
n0ne        Using the fallback 'C' locale.01:55
n0neTraceback (most recent call last):01:55
n0ne  File "/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega/Point2Play_gui.py", line 44, in ?01:56
n0ne    locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')01:56
n0ne  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/locale.py", line 381, in setlocale01:56
n0ne    return _setlocale(category, locale)01:56
n0nelocale.Error: unsupported locale setting01:56
n0neany ideas ? sorry for flood01:56
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kowamoin moin02:07
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wersdaluvIDENTIFY allanc02:13
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needKubuntuhelp There02:31
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needKubuntuhelp Okay, anyone want to help a complete newb?02:31
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mineurwhat's the prob? :)02:31
Toxhi, is there any way to view/preview folder content at the side panel in  konqueror not opening it ?02:32
needKubuntuhelp I know about the program repositories and all........ but my Kubuntu-running computer is not connected to the internet. How do I find, download and install these programs?02:32
needKubuntuhelp I told you I was a newb..........02:33
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Toxok i found it "tree view" tnx anyway if somebody will answer :)02:33
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needKubuntuhelp lol @ Tox02:34
mineurhang on needKubuntuhelp :)02:34
mineurneedKubuntuhelp: you can download the *.deb packages02:35
mineurand install them manually02:35
needKubuntuhelp Manually........ as in more complicated than double-clicking on the installer file and it installs itself?02:36
mineurno :)02:36
needKubuntuhelp Oh good02:36
mineurin konquerer... right click on it, install package :)02:36
Toxhow do u think he do it if he dont have internet :)02:36
mineurnot sure what the program is called to install packages manually02:36
mineurinstalled from the cd? :)02:36
needKubuntuhelp So where are these repositories?02:36
needKubuntuhelp Yeah, Kubuntu installed from cd02:37
ubuntuhey i need some help with my partitions... i have 2 partitions for kubuntu but cant "create" them with qtparted. they have unknown type02:37
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needKubuntuhelp ubuntu, last time I had that, I had to reformat the whole drive a couple of times, shut down, reboot, THEN it would let me do what I wanted.02:37
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needKubuntuhelp But somebody else here probably knows a better way :P02:38
needKubuntuhelp QTParted just will NOT do what I want sometimes. Don't know why.02:38
ubuntuhm i wonder if i killed my windows partition with that02:38
karmikazecan you concatinate two partitions without losing data? or would you lose the data on both partitions02:38
Toxtry some programs ( like partition magic or acronis) boot disks02:38
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mineurneedKubuntuhelp: I'm not sure about a web frontend to browse and search the repository02:39
ubuntui using kubuntu live cd at the moment, but guess i cant install it by using this partitions can i?02:39
needKubuntuhelp Anyway, where are these repositories of programs when you're on an M$ computer?02:39
needKubuntuhelp Rats02:39
needKubuntuhelp ubuntu, you can manually install if you set the partitions up beforehand02:40
mineurhere you can browse.... :)02:40
needKubuntuhelp Okay, that is going in my browser favorites list02:40
ubuntuneedKubuntuhelp: yes but i cant set the partitions ;)02:41
mineurbut mind you... when you download packages you'll need to check the dependencies... it'll be a huge pain02:41
needKubuntuhelp But ubuntu, if Kubuntu is the only OS you want on your computer, you might as well just let it rewrite the hard drive and set up its own partitions02:41
TheoryDoes anyone know a way of stopping Network manager from deciding to create default routes if the dhcp server doesn't specify a gateway02:42
Toxwhat if he want have both os ?02:42
needKubuntuhelp Now if you're setting up a dual-boot system, you'll want to set the partitions manually, then install Kubuntu manually02:42
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ubuntuneedKubuntuhelp: hm no my other 3 partitions need to stay on the hdd02:42
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needKubuntuhelp Then subdivide the partition you want Kubuntu in and install it to said partition manually02:43
needKubuntuhelp QTParted does that02:43
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mineurneedKubuntuhelp: can't you temporarely hook your pc up to the net to install/upgrad epackages?02:43
mineurbecause to download and install manually... it'll be a huge pain.02:44
needKubuntuhelp Probably need logic partitions instead of real partitions if you're on an Intel processor though......... :/02:44
ubuntuneedKubuntuhelp: qtparted doesnt give me any opportunities to do that02:44
needKubuntuhelp mineur, what did you mean dependencies?02:44
Toxis there any professional program for manipulations with hdd in linus like acronis i win i.e ?02:44
needKubuntuhelp Yes QTParted does02:44
mineursome packages depend on others... so if you want to install A it may require BCDEF02:44
needKubuntuhelp Ahhh02:44
mineurso if you dson't have them installed..........02:44
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mineuryou'll need to download them too02:45
needKubuntuhelp And if you just link to the repositories straight, it'll do that automatically02:45
needKubuntuhelp ?02:45
mineuryes with adept or synaptec, great front ends02:45
mineurthey'll just download all the required things02:45
needKubuntuhelp So my IP is Centurytel, and I have their Netopia modem. Can I just take it out of the back of this Windows XP computer, plug it into my Kubuntu computer and take off?02:46
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mineurdepends on your provider... is your mac-address registered to them?02:47
mineurmight be wise to release your ip first in windows...02:47
waylandbill_needKubuntuhelp: shared libraries mostly are dependencies.02:47
needKubuntuhelp mineur: Don't know02:47
mineurprobably it isn't then :)02:47
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ubuntuneedKubuntuhelp: puuh guess ill boot windows and try with pmagic02:47
needKubuntuhelp BTW: with so many people here, tabbed nick autocomplete is more of a pain than it's worth02:48
needKubuntuhelp Just a comment02:48
mineurso then, yes release your ip in windows switch cable, and then someone here might tell you the graphical frontend to get your internet going :d02:48
waylandbill_mineur: the computer you plug into is going to ask for dhcp request anyway, so releasing first shouldn't be needed.02:48
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mineurwith my isp I have to.... if I don't release my isp won't give me a new ip-address02:48
mineurbut I wouldn't be surprised if it just works without releasing :)02:49
waylandbill_mineur: that's a limitation in their bind daemon then.02:49
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mineuryep... I didn't say it as a good thing... it sucks :d02:49
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mineurI guess he's gonna try it :)02:50
waylandbill_guess so.02:50
mineurI'm going to try to get sun java running here02:51
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CagarroI want to install compix but I dont know how?02:57
mineurthere are enough wiki's on the net for that :)02:57
Cagarroyaaa... but when I request compiz-kde , the program says it does not exist02:58
CagarroBackports are activated02:58
Jucato!compiz | Cagarro02:59
ubotuCagarro: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems02:59
mineurdid you do an apt-get update ?02:59
Cagarrotnks jucato. I always forget ubotu02:59
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riofdhi, is there any software hlt-based cpu cooler for linux? i have about 10-15 degrees lesser temperature on cpu in XP with software cooler than in linux (edgy)03:02
kleesdoing a make xconfig gives me a qconf: cannot connect to X server :0.003:02
kleesis anyone familiar with this error?03:03
binksafternoon all anything cool happend today03:03
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binksis there a cmd for renameing a file thats locked by root03:06
mineurcan't you unlock it first?03:07
mineurwhich file?03:07
binksno the file is messed up03:07
Jucatosudo mv <oldname> <newname>03:07
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kleesdoing a make xconfig gives me a qconf: cannot connect to X server :0.003:07
kleesis anyone familiar with this error?03:07
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binksi have 3 in /home that if i try delete say file dont exist03:07
binksthe name contains odd charachters03:08
mineurok I switched from windows to kubuntu on my laptop yesterday, after being pretty familiar with debian on my server.... I think I'm in love :)03:08
binkswow bad english03:08
binkswith me mineur thanks03:08
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mineurbinks: try adding the -f switch03:09
binksi have to admit i dont get into the i hate windows thing but kubuntu is by far the best desktop i have03:09
mineurmv -f old new (and try tab completion on the old filename)03:09
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binksit doenst recognise ven the first letter / symbol03:11
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mineurwhat weird filename is it???03:13
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binksa dir from my /home http://www.pastebin.co.uk/861603:14
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ScarFreewillstdin: ping03:15
mineurand what does mv \:* foo03:16
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mineurmake that sudo mv \:* foo03:16
ScarFreewillum can anyone tell me if there is a free sip server that i can connect to?03:16
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binks1 down 2 to go03:17
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Khayaalcan somebody help me how to install a dial up modem in kubuntu?03:18
binksmineur thanks and sorry for some of the content in my /home i have a younger brother who uses my pc every now and then03:18
mineurthe EPEL thingie now?03:18
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mineurlol.... don't let someone else mess in your folder..... give him a separate acount :)03:19
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binksi dont no even where the files came from pos when i read the drive from windows03:19
josh_hello all03:19
josh_i hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhave a problem with                                                   kubuntu and vmware03:19
binkshi josh_03:19
Khayaalcan anybody help me how to install a dial up modem in kubuntu?03:19
mineurtry: sudo mv ?PEL* foo03:20
Khayaali am not able to connect through it03:20
josh_iiiiiiii cant get the vmware tools iiiiiiiiiiiiinstalled and it is killing my typpppppppppppppppppppping and mouse and stuff03:20
josh_aas you can see by    the mmmmmmuliple repeated keys03:20
binksmv: cannot stat `?PEL*': No such file or directory03:20
mineurif you can't get it installed........ how can it screw up things then josh_?03:21
binkscan i try sudo mv *PEL*foo03:21
mineurthen try: sudo mv *PEL* foo03:21
josh_bbbbbbbecause until it gets installed it doesn't recognize thing properly03:21
ParkotronKhayaal: I'm not sure if I can't help or not, but I'll try.03:21
josh_llllike keystrokes and ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssscreen size03:21
mineurno other files are recognised with the *PEL* pattern, so it should be ok :)03:22
ParkotronKhayaal: Is the modem detected as an interface?03:22
binks2 down minuer you the man/gal03:22
mineurman :)03:22
kleeshow can i tell what plugins i have installed in Firefox???03:22
mineurwith your plugin manager I guess. I don't use ff03:23
Parkotronklees: about:plugins in the address bar.03:23
mineurbut I guess when it has plugins... it has a manager for them :)03:23
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kleesmineur: i dont know how to use the plugin manager03:23
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Parkotronklees: Or did you mean extentions?03:23
josh_iiiiiiiiiii have tried googling for my problem and have       founnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd various sites explaining hhhow to do it but nonne of them work03:23
kleesParkotron: no plugins.  i need to know what version is the flash plugin installed03:24
Parkotronjosh_: Try #vmware. You'll probably have better luck there.03:24
josh_and the extra keystrokes is really      buggingg me as i hate tttttttttttttttttyposssssssssssssssssssss03:24
josh_ook thank you03:24
Khayaaland what about me? how to connect to net in kubuntu? :)03:24
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Parkotronklees: Then about:plugins should tell you.03:25
mineurwhen I was playing with dial ups... I was still using winblows.... :) so sorry can't help you out :)03:25
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binkskhayaal how do you connect cable dsl how03:25
kleesParkotron: thx that worked03:25
mineurI think he just said dial up...03:26
Khayaalwell, i am using windows03:26
Khayaaland i dont have cable03:26
ParkotronKhayaal: Sorry, I don't think I can help you. I've never dealt with modems in Linux.03:26
Khayaalin my area in pakistan03:26
Khayaalits ok03:26
mineurand why do you come to a linux channel to get your modem working in windows? :)03:26
Khayaalfrom windows i can connect to net03:26
binkshe has to connect using windows he wants kubuntu03:27
Khayaalwhen kubuntu is not even recognizing whether i have modem or not03:27
binksis it a pci modem03:27
Khayaalyeah, i want to connect through kubuntu03:27
mineurwell have you checked the KPPP tool yet?03:27
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Khayaalit is zoltrix conaxant modem03:28
binksdapper or edgy Khayaal03:28
binksit will be recognised03:28
Khayaalmy display, sound, printer etc. all are recgonzied by kubuntu03:28
binkstrust me03:28
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Khayaalhow to?03:28
steveireI thought konqueror was usable as a ftp client. Doesn't seem to be really.03:28
mineurI would guess: open kppp tool, there's an option to add a modem... but as I said before.. never tried to configure a dial up modem in linux03:29
binksctrl f and seach dial03:29
steveireI logged in to a ftp site, and it reports no files or folders.03:29
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mineurmaybe it's an empty ftp site? :)03:29
binksin the ubuntu guide that is03:29
Khayaaland where i can find kppp tool? :)03:29
ParkotronKhayaal: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=190728 might help?03:29
binkssudo apt-get install kppp03:29
mineurin your kde menu under internet... but check the link binks just gave03:29
binksKhayaal you on the machine atm or is it another machine03:30
Khayaali have different partition for windows and kubuntu03:31
Khayaali am using windows xp right now03:31
h3sp4wnYou cannot expect someone to install things with apt-get with no working internet connection03:31
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mineurhehe h3sp4wn03:31
binksjust got the last file mineur mint thanks alot ::):)03:31
mineurnp :)03:32
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mineurkppp is installed by default03:32
binksheh me daft h3sp4wn think b4 you type binks03:32
h3sp4wnKhayaal: http://linmodems.org/ have a look on that site see if your modem is supported03:32
mineurfinally someone with modem knowledge here :d03:33
archangel_I have a M$ multimedia keyboard. Can I use the multi media buttons with kubuntu?03:33
binksthat zotrix modem is one of the most popular ever made its a usrobotics clone03:33
Khayaalthanks god03:34
Khayaalbut still I have to use dialups, what a pity :)03:34
binksno god is the barman in my local ;)03:34
mineurarchangel_: http://keytouch.sourceforge.net/ might be something for you?03:35
archangel_sweet thanx03:36
mineuralso check this forumpost: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19393603:36
mineurI wonder why I'm doing all the googling for others :p03:36
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h3sp4wnhttp:// - that scanmodem tool should help you easily find out what chipset etc you have03:37
mineurjeuj een landgenoot :p03:37
h3sp4wnbest to learn linux with no internet connection anyway (maybe no X either)03:38
h3sp4wnas long as you have some doc's03:38
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mineurthat's true... but on your own in console... takes some time and a lot of effort03:38
binksh3sp4wn why do we need to learn with no x  we aint all got that time you can learn in x i think no x would put 99.9% of people off03:39
binksif you want to work in nix maybe but for the average desktop user03:40
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mineurthat's also true... but the more you know from stuff under the hood, the better you can resolve problems :)03:42
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mineurit never harms reading a config file, being able to work with apt-get and stuff like that... cause once your nice desktop crashes... you're left alone in a dark console :)03:43
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y3it221_klcehow to upgrade Ubuntu Dapper to Kubuntu Edgy??03:43
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h3sp4wny3it221_klce: only supported way is by update-manager03:43
mineury3it221_klce: first backup your system, then run: sudo update-manager -c -d03:43
h3sp4wnchanging sources.list and dist-upgrade you will have some stuff to fix manually03:44
ubotuSee http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)03:44
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mineuranyone knows of an alternative for Karamba or superkaramba? cause it keeps crashing here :(03:45
h3sp4wnbinks: Unless you use cli you don't get the advantages of using ths os (may as well use a mac or windows)03:45
binksis it the widget or superkaramba thats crashing03:45
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ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands03:45
mineurah :)03:46
ParkotronDoes anyone know how to enable FLAC support in K3B? Some other distros have a specific package for it, Kubuntu doesn't seem to.03:46
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mineurdon't know... I guess the widget... but I want that widget :p03:46
binksi use cli alot but didnt when i first started nix if i had to then i dont think i would of stuck it out its only with time and confidence that i use a terminal more03:47
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:47
mineurcli is nice, but honestly nowadays I don't really like messing with config files, I want a nice front end :)03:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about c - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:48
binksis there no debug in superkaramba to find out whats crashing it03:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about clibs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:48
binksim just learning how to program PyQt so i can make a nice gui for tovid my fav nix app03:49
binksi can use tovid cli but im lazy and dont like all the typing all the time03:49
binkstovid is a dvd creation app03:49
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binkswell set of srcipts allows multiple menus and etc03:50
mineurwhat is a good program to rip dvd's ?03:50
binksmotion menus you no fancy dvds03:50
mineurone with a front end? :p03:51
binksits in the repos03:51
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cloakableDVD::Rip seems quite friendly too03:51
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CagarroIs it possible to have compiz installed in KDE?  All the documentation I see is related to gnome... Does anyone has Compiz installed ?03:52
mineurI use beryl... but if beryl can do it in kde... I guess compiz too03:52
Toxwhere i can find network indicator to place on systray ?03:52
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binksi like xgl and beryl in kde03:52
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Cagarrocould you point me the documentation with instructions on how to install beryl?03:53
archangel_how do I install a deb fil?03:54
binksbiab need to clean bathroom03:54
astronautedoes anyone know if Audigy 2 have Hardware multiplexing, to use teamspeak + game ??03:54
archangel_I went to install/uninstall programs, but I dont see the option03:54
Cagarrook binks :) tanks03:54
JucatoCagarro: the topic in the #ubuntu-xgl channel has lots of docs03:55
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astronauteplease guys anyone can answer this please ? ^^03:56
ali_salve a tutti03:56
archangel_mineur: that was exactly what I wanted, thanx03:56
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Toxi need network indicator on my systray, where i could find it03:56
ali_qualcuno sa dirmi coem cambio grafica a kde 6.10 ho visto delle belli vesti grafiche ma come si montano?03:57
mineurnp :)03:58
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Jucato!it | ali_03:58
ubotuali_: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!03:58
ali_ah sorry03:59
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mineurMy italian isn't that good :p04:02
mineurI only know bad words :p04:03
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fulat2khi folks, any idea how i can fix a broken suspend feature in edgy?04:03
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Tidois there any way to run a local LAMP server just for development that is lighter than normal?04:04
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pip`problem: my screen display is way to big for my monitor, how do i decrease my display size ??04:11
pip`to fit the monitor04:11
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pip`i tried settings-display and typed in my admin pw etc, but none of the buttons would work04:12
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pip`the screen-size slide wont move04:14
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Buffera todos04:17
Dr_willisNachos Grande!04:17
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ubuntuigaz cdrl megy (mg) a kubuntu04:20
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ubuntus amikor az ablakot elhzom vhova akkor04:20
ubuntuhullmzik a kp04:21
ubuntuugyanez ubuntunl04:21
ubotu   #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke04:21
Dr_willisor what language is that... :P04:21
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.04:21
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ubotuHa magyarul beszelsz kerlek probald a #ubuntu-hu04:21
Dr_willisSorry i only speek english.04:22
pip`help help04:22
stdin_hmm, there seem to be two of me...04:22
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Dr_willisstdin_,  ive been cloneing in my spare time again.04:23
Dr_willispip`,  and the issue is?04:23
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pip`my desktop runs off my monitor on all sides :((04:23
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pip`already tried adjusting both monitor & kubuntu display settings04:23
stdinthat's better, I am one ahain :)04:23
chuenAfternoon all.04:24
Dr_willispip`,  does the screen actually scroll? or is just a little too big?04:24
pip`the display was ok yesterday04:24
chuenI'm trying to set up amule04:24
pip`the screen is way to big04:24
chuenCan someone tell me how I go about opening a couple of ports?04:24
Dr_willispip`,  are you saying its real low 'resolution' ?04:24
kleeshow do i disable shadows from the desktop font (kubuntu)??04:24
Parkotronpip`: Try running krandrtray and use the applet that shows up un the systray.04:24
stdinchuen: on a router ?04:24
pip`and my lcd monitor doesnt seem to have x-y size controls04:25
pip`Parko, ok04:25
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chuenstdin: Hi. I have opened them on the router (forwarding). But when I look at firestarter amule is trying port 8004:25
Dr_willisa lcd monitor you normally want to run at its native resolution04:25
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pip`well, the resolution seems to have changed from high to a mere 640 etc04:25
amigraveTrying to install kubuntu 6.10 with the i386 cd installer on my Dell Latitude X1, after X has been started, I get this error from KDM : "Authenticating Ubuntu...   A critical error occured"  does this sound familiar to ne1?04:26
Xeradoes kubuntu come with gtkhtml2?04:26
pip`my screen resolution is usually set to native 128004:26
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stdinchuen: what port should it run in04:26
pip`but it seems to have changed to 640 since yesterday04:27
Bufferamigrave ... your latitude is Duo?04:27
amigraveBuffer: Duo ?04:27
amigraveBuffer: what do you mean with Duo ?04:28
Buffertwo processor04:28
chuenstdin: 4662 (tcp) 4672 (udp)04:28
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chuenstdin: But AFAIK they can be pretty much any number.04:29
waylandbillamigrave: did you do a media check?04:30
pip`yesterday i tried installing a drive image program but it ended up conflicting ...  dont know if it has anything to do with my latest display problems04:30
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stdinchuen: amule seems to be using those ports when I install it04:32
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amigravewaylandbill: is "media check" an option of the boot cd that I missed ?04:33
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stdinchuen: http://img120.imageshack.us/my.php?image=shot9ih9.jpg04:34
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kerstenjmd da der gerade zeit hat mir bei nem prob zu helfen? is sicher schneller erledigt04:36
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de04:36
kerstenthx :)04:36
waylandbillamigrave: i don't know that it's a boot option, but you could md5sum the iso04:36
waylandbillamigrave: or the cd itself.04:37
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stdinwaylandbill, amigrave: on the cd it's called "Chack the CD for defects"04:37
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amigravewaylandbill: ok media check you meant the cd-rom (I thought it was an option to check hardawre compatibity) yes I compared the md5 before burnung04:39
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pip`yesterday i installed a bunch of different themes... could this have caused my latest screen oversize problem i wonder ?04:39
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stdinboubt it04:40
xeroxerHi all. New kubuntu user at the keyboard04:40
stdinhello xeroxer :)04:40
xeroxerWhat IRC client should I use? :)04:41
jabevery time i reboot i have to manually enter "iwconfig wlan0 essid lan0 essid [myWiFiNetwork] ; dhclient wlan0" to get wireless working...04:41
chuenstdin: Sorry, had to leave PC - will check that jpg04:41
ondebarnethallo when i followed the kubuntu dektop installation guide for installing my ati gfx card it went horribly wrong. now it boot up in text mode and refuse to start x, (i am noob here). i tried startx and i tried something to reset the x config but it didnt work. how can i reset the x system to what it was before. like after install???04:41
stdinxeroxer: what are you using now?04:41
mineurxeroxer: Konversation04:41
ondebarneti am on other computer04:41
stdinxeroxer: konversation is an exelent IRC client imo04:42
xeroxeroki. great.04:42
ondebarnetok but all i want some windows syatem running instea d of text04:42
mineurit does what a client has to do... nothing less, nothing more :)04:42
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ondebarnetis startx not the command to start the graphical system?04:43
stdinondebarnet: from the console use "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and choose the "ati" driver for the card04:43
xeroxergood. just so used to windows and now I am trying kubuntu on my laptop04:43
ondebarnetok thx i try04:43
ubotuTo reconfigure your X server, open a console and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg". To configure only the driver and resolution, type: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh".04:43
jabevery time i reboot i have to manually enter "iwconfig wlan0 essid lan0 essid [myWiFiNetwork] ; dhclient wlan0" to get wireless up. anyone know how to make this happen automatically?04:44
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Lynourejab: knetworkmanager did not work for you somehow? But you can make a startup script with that command, or something.04:45
Dr_willis- /etc/rc.local perhaps04:45
h3sp4wnjab: man 7 wireless04:45
stdinjab: you can add that command to run when the network starts, in /etc/network/interfaces04:45
h3sp4wnjab: (tells you how to put it in the correct format for /etc/network/interfaces04:46
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h3sp4wnso you can avoid the hack like nature of using pre-up04:46
jabLynoure: i didn't see a way to specify that i want to automatically join a particular network with knetworkmanager04:46
BluesKajHowdy All  ;)04:46
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Lynourejab: oh, mine join automatically the one I have joined before, but maybe I'm lucky. And the other networks here have keys I do not know, so maybe it'd be different if some of them were open.04:47
chuenstdin: Is that a screenshot you took of ports?04:48
stdinchuen: yep04:48
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stdinjab: you need to change your /etc/network interfaces to have something like this in it http://pastebin.ca/315391http://pastebin.ca/31539104:49
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ondebarnetstdin you are my hero it works!04:49
stdinondebarnet: :)04:49
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bsmhey, anyone using vmware server with ubuntu 6.10? when I try to launch the gui nothing happens, vmware process is at 100%04:49
chuenstdin: OK I'll try thise, what command did you use to get that?04:49
mineurmore chance in #vmware bsm04:49
jabstdin: thanks so much, will try] 04:49
chuenDo you use firestarter?04:49
bsmmineur: tried it =)04:49
jabstdin: should i take out the existing line "auto wlan0"?04:50
mineurin that case... never used vmware :)04:50
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stdinjab: no leave that part in, all you need to add is the "pre-up" line04:50
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jabstdin: great, thanks. will reboot and see what happens04:51
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stdinjab: you don't need to reboot :P04:51
stdinjab: just run "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart"04:51
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jabstdin: oh ok, great04:52
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Dr_willisusing vmware server here just fine. There was a issue with the early releases of Edgy-eft that had some issues with vmware-server.04:52
wavelerits my first time to use linux(kubuntu) what will i use to download mp3?04:52
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Dr_willisbsm,  so i would say - update your system to the latest bits.. and try again.04:53
ubotuConventional P2P clients: Limewire/GTK-Gnutella/Frostwire (Gnutella Network).  -  BitTorrent: see !torrent  -  Direct connect: try valknut.  -  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information.04:53
pip`omg! i think i just found out what was causing my oversized screen display problem...  yesterday i change my default browser to Epiphany !  but WHY should this cause such a problem ??04:53
wavelerok tnx04:53
Dr_willispip`,  it shouldent.04:53
waveleri'll try it04:53
ondebarnetanyone has winuae working w wine?04:53
Dr_willisondebarnet,  cant say that ive tried that.. there are linux native ports of the Amiga Emulator UAE04:54
chuenstdin: mmm, still not showing up on firestarter. (5115)04:54
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BluedogI want to make transparency in terminal show the windows below, not my desktop04:54
Bluedoganyone know how?04:55
ondebarnetyeah but winuae is better04:55
stdinchuen: firestarter only shows active connections, not listening ports04:55
Dr_willisBluedog,  thats what xgl/aiglx is all about..04:55
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Dr_willisBluedog,  and other eye candy04:55
JucatoBluedog: not possible without compositing (beryl/compiz or kompmgr)04:55
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chuenstdin: Oh!04:55
Dr_willisyea beryl :) im still not sure how all that interrelates04:55
pip`when i changed back to Konqueror browser default, i rebooted & it gave me an 'out of frequency' screen error, but this time the settings-display menu allowed me to change settings back to high resolution etc04:55
Bluedogso I need to install beryl?04:55
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl04:55
Dr_willisberyl is not a simple 'install'04:56
chuenstdin: How can I detect those?04:56
Bluedogah just seen that..04:56
mineurDr_willis: sure it is... I set it up in 5 minuts, following the wiki04:56
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Bluedogwhat exactly IS it, does it replace the gnome window manager?04:56
Dr_willismineur,  last i tried it - it was a disaster. :) but that was about 2 mo. ago.04:56
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mineurhehe, what graphical card?04:56
Dr_willisNvidia 680004:56
mineurI have a crapy intel one on my laptop... and beryl runs surprisingly smooth on it04:57
Dr_willisthe beryl/other stuff is advancing so fast however.. its amazing.04:57
manchickenBluedog: No, it just overheats your video card and steals your memory.  But it is quite neat to see ^_^04:57
Dr_willismineur,  my x200 card in my laptop cant handle it.04:57
stdinchuen: I use this command in konsole "sudo netstat -lnp" (-l = listening ports, -n use numbers for IPs and ports, -p show the process name listening on the port)04:57
mineurit is just more eye candy for your kde... :)04:57
chuenstdin: Thanks. I'll try it now ..04:57
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manchickenmineur: I'd rather people focus on real neat-looking design instead of all this 3d jiggly nonsense.04:58
mineuror whatever window manager you use :)04:58
stdinchuen: you may want to add "|less" to the end, so it don't all scroll by :)04:58
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mineurI agree it's useless but I like it anyway lol04:59
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h3sp4wnIt doesn't work with e1705:04
waveleris limewire compatible with linux?05:05
cbeckgo to the wesite05:05
wavelercan you give me the link?05:05
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cbeckand you can download a linux version05:05
cbecksure hold on05:05
pip`anyone here ever use moblock ?05:05
wavelerits my first time to use linux05:05
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pip`does moblock work with kubuntu i wonder?05:06
Daisuke_Idofrostwire, probably05:07
waveleri still find it diffucult to use this system05:07
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Daisuke_Idoof course, the only reason anyone (i know) uses limewire is "adult material" and/or music.  and there are better solutions for both out there.05:08
Xerai use it for music05:08
wavelerme too05:08
Daisuke_Idocheck nicotine05:08
Daisuke_Idoor rather nicotine-plus05:09
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=== Daisuke_Ido wonders if BNR is still being developed
Xerabnr? bonor?05:09
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chuenstdn: Sorry, could you send me that net activity command again pls? I thought I'd saved log to file but hadn't :(05:10
stdinchuen: yeah, I use it like: sudo netstat -lnp | less05:11
chuenstdin: thx.05:11
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wavelercbeck how will i install it now?05:16
JP_P_homeI have a problem to install a network printer05:17
waveleri finished downloading it05:17
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ninnghizidhaquestion: How can i stick the multifunction-sidebar to the right side?05:17
JP_P_homeit is a xerox phaser 611005:17
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wavelerhow can i install limewire? i finished downloading it05:17
stdinninnghizidha: drag it maybe05:17
chuenstdin: Mm, what's weird (to me!) is it looks like amule is choosing arbitrary ports each time, rather than the ones I have aloocated in its preferences (and 'mirrored' on my router)05:17
higi_hello. I wanted to change my IP address and went to Control Panel- Network Preferences. Then I clicked in "administrator mode in order to gain root access", and the border of the window goes red and nothing happens. Can anyone help?05:17
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ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire05:19
ubotulimewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.05:19
=== pointwood [n=pointwoo@88-212-110-10.vl20-arh.dhcp.clearwire.dk] has joined #kubuntu
waveleri'll try it05:19
stdinchuen: it always uses the same ports here05:19
stdinJP_P_home: what's the problem ?05:19
JP_P_homei go to the printer manager to add a printer05:20
JP_P_homei choose tcp05:20
JP_P_homethen i analyze the network to find the printer05:20
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JP_P_homeit found which is correct05:21
JP_P_homebut after there is no driver for this xerox in the listing05:21
higi_does anyone know05:21
JP_P_homeso i install what's was in the cdrom and i can found 2 files which correspond with the same name05:21
JP_P_homebut after i try to print and nothing append05:22
Xerahigi_: you should get a little box popup to enter the password, do so05:22
Xerathen the area with the red border becomes activ05:22
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository05:22
chuenstdin. V. strang :)05:23
higi_Xera im not getting any popup05:23
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chuenstdin: strange even :)05:23
Xerahigi_: well, it will look like the one when you run adept or some other root program05:23
higi_yes i imagine05:23
higi_but it is not appearing05:23
stdinchuen: make sure you're looking at the ports, not the PIDs05:23
chuenstdin: I'll take another loo. thx.05:24
Xerahigi_: hmm05:24
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higi_Xera:  is there any way to do it through Konsole?05:24
Xerasudo systemsettings -caption "%c" %i %m05:24
Xerai guess05:24
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stdinJP_P_home: xerox seem to have a driver for linux http://www.support.xerox.com/go/getfile.asp?Xlang=en_US&XCntry=USA&objid=58350&EULA=0&prodID=6110&Family=Phaser&ripId=&langs=English%20(US)&plats=Linux&Xtype=download&uType=05:25
higi_Xera that doesnt seem to work05:25
higi_i have root access now05:25
chuenstdin: Can you remember whether you set the udp to be the same as tcp (looks like you did). BTW, I was looking at PID's :)05:26
higi_why doesnt it work normally?05:26
mineurany idea where I have to look to fix my screensaver? somehow some elements are coming through a gl screensaver, and when I pick a non gl screensaver it stops moving...05:26
stdinI'm only going to say this once....05:26
stdinDON'T use sudo for GUI apps05:26
stdinuse kdesu05:26
JP_P_homestdin> i donwload it hopping it will work better than the one on their cd05:26
stdinchuen: I just left everything to the defaults :)05:26
chuenstdin: Do you use a router?05:27
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stdinchuen: this PC is the router for my network, so kinda yes, kinda no :P05:27
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chuenstdin: OK :)05:27
stdinchuen: but the modem is connected directly, so, for what you're asking, no05:28
Xerascrew j0005:28
Xeragksudo won't install here, so i have to05:28
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chuenstdb: OK, I have a linksys router too ...05:28
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chuenstdin: Back to the drawing board I guess ..05:29
stdinchuen: as long as you set it to forward the ports, it shouldn't matter05:29
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chuenstdin: That's what I figured (worked in Windoze with emule). OK, I'll have another look / think.05:30
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JP_P_homestdin> i think i understand this is for 6110 i have 6110n (with network support) may driver must be different if you plug a printer in usb or on your lan ?05:32
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stdinJP_P_home: I don't have that printer, I just searched for the driver05:33
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JP_P_homestdin> yes i understood05:33
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stdinJP_P_home: the only 2 I found are these http://tinyurl.com/y4j54j05:34
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balinthi i have a problem appeared and its very annoying!! the music playback started to scratch, its like when your speakers are above the max05:36
balintbut the sound is good in win05:36
sinbad33sounds like clipping05:36
kosmoi have a problem to05:36
BluesKajyup, overloading the spkr inputs05:37
balintok and where can i change that?05:37
sinbad33often due to too high input level05:37
balinti didnt change anything, it strate to sctacth itself05:37
kosmoin my boot manger i have 2 systems and when i click on my linux its say connot mount this system how i can change the mount point for the boot manger its grub05:38
stdinkosmo: grub settings are in /boot/grub/menu.lst05:39
balintmixer didnt resolve my problem, it scratches... :(05:39
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balintit scratches at the low sounds, (bass for example), but at any volume...05:40
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balinttried amarok and xmms-too05:41
chuenstdin: Apart from different port numbers, I compared my netstats to yours and they're the same (tcp is listening).05:41
chuenstdin: Can I upload a quck paste  for you to glance at?05:42
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dyegovHi, I would like someone to helo me with my resolution problem. I want to have my monitor on 1024x786 but the option is not there. I have done it before changing the Horizontal and Vert something in the xorg.conf file, but I do not remember . . .05:42
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stdinchuen: sure05:42
LjLUbotu, tell dyegov about fixres | dyegov, see the private message from Ubotu05:42
stdin!xconfig | dyegov05:43
ubotudyegov: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg". To configure only the driver and resolution, type: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh".05:43
BluesKajbalint, which volume control are you adjusting , the mixer  or the speaker system05:43
kosmohi somone can tell me how to install windwos fonts in kubuntu05:43
Dr_willis!find mstcore05:43
balintBluesKaj: the mixer ofcourse05:43
LjL!fonts | kosmo05:43
ubotuPackage/file mstcore does not exist in edgy05:43
ubotukosmo: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer05:43
Dr_willis!find fonts05:43
ubotuFound: gsfonts, gsfonts-x11, latex-xft-fonts, ttf-arphic-bkai00mp, ttf-arphic-bsmi00lp (and 123 others)05:43
Dr_willismsttcorefonts  - is the pacakge to install05:43
dyegovThat is exactly what I was looking for, thanks a lot05:44
wavelerhow can i set up 5.1 configuration in kubuntu?05:44
BluesKajturn doen the mixer to about 60% then crank your spkrs up with it's volume cntrl05:44
dyegovCan someone tell me if EasyUbuntu works on Kububtu and how do I install it?05:44
chuenstdin: It's OK, it's working (I think ) ...hang on ...05:44
Dr_williswaveler,  i just use the alsamixer or other mixer to mirror the front to rear speakers.05:44
Dr_willisdyegov,   best to avoide easyubuntu and DEfiniatly avoide automatix05:44
wavelerhow can i access alsamixer?05:45
balintBluesKaj: now i turned on the EQ in amarok and now the scratch is very-very little, it almost cannot be heared... but I'm maximalist in sounds, and I can still discover a little scratch :(05:45
stdindyegov: don't use it, it can damage your system and is not reccommended or supported05:45
dyegovWhy? I need to plat mp3s, dvds etc05:45
chuenstdin: Yes! It's connected to a server OK .... not sure about KAD yet though.05:45
LjLUbotu, tell dyegov about codecs | dyegov, see the private message from Ubotu05:45
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Dr_willisdyegov,  you can easially install that stuff without a script that may do all sorts of OTHER things.05:45
LjLdyegov: i'm not sure what makes you think you need easyubuntu or automatix for that05:45
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages05:45
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:45
BluesKajscratch is distortion...'05:45
dyegovI have tried it before and It won't play what I want05:46
dyegovand I do not want to modify a lot of files05:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about neogui - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:46
stdinwaveler: just type "alsamixer" in to konsole05:46
Dr_willisset up the right repos... install the stuff with the package manager... thats not modifying a lot of files... using easyubuntu/automatix WILL modify a lot of files.05:46
dyegovand what does it do to my comp gthat could be that badP?05:47
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ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe05:47
chuenstdin: D'you kow how I get Kad going (or do you have a URL you can point me to)?05:47
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:47
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ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.05:48
dyegovOk, thanks, bye05:48
Dr_willisI tend to just set up the severas repositories.. and apt-get install the stuff05:48
JP_P_homestdin> if i try the software that is given by xerox to add my printer to cups it says "add-printer failed : client-error-not-authorized05:49
stdinJP_P_home: try in administrator mode05:49
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer05:49
JP_P_homestdin> it was in root05:49
balintBluesKaj: hmm... with amaroks EQ its okay now i think... but only xmms and amarok is for music? isnt something audiophile for linux? :)05:50
stdinchuen: I've got no idea, I haven't actually used it before, just installed amule to look at  it05:50
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chuenstdin: OK, I'll find some forums..05:50
chuenstdin: Time for a beer and dinner anyhow ;)05:50
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stdinchuen: it's always time for a beer :)05:50
snowrichardgot one Heinekin in the fridge05:51
chuenstdin: LOL. I think you've probably earned cratefulls , judging on the help you give here :)05:51
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chuenstdin: thx & ttyl05:51
=== stdin has a crate of Guinness with his name on it :D
stdinchuen: see ya later :)05:51
chuenstdin: Used to drink pints of that stuff, haven't had one for years ... love it though.05:52
stdincan't beet guinness :P05:52
BluesKajbalint, what kind of sound card  /05:53
JP_P_homestdin> in normal use mode there is no option to add a printer05:53
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stdinJP_P_home: there is when I open System Settings as a normal user05:54
balintBluesKaj: motherboard card (nforce4).  (But soon im planning to buy an Audigy 2)05:54
=== sinbad33 buys stdin an extra case o guiness for all his wonderful help...
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balintBluesKaj: Audigy has more (and more clear) BASS :D05:55
JP_P_homestdin> in the kde pannel but  not in the pannel given with the dirvers05:55
stdinsinbad33: wooh :D05:55
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sinbad33woot wooT05:56
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binksanyone no of a good app for printing onto cds ie labeling05:56
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BluesKajwhat spkr system are you using ... I presume you are using an outboard HiFi amplifier with HiFi speakers05:56
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h3sp4wnbalint: audigy's suck for listening to music05:57
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BluesKajbalint, and mp3 doesn't qualify as Hi Fi...maybe Wav, FLAC or other lossless codecs but not MP305:58
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h3sp4wnbalint: if you have a 44100 file or cd then it is resampled (badly) in hardware to 48000 so it sounds crap05:58
h3sp4wnIf everything was 48000 files it could sound ok05:59
=== Dr_willis doubts if he could tell the differance
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snowrichardI used to work on an aircraft carrier I know I can't05:59
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Dr_willisFactory worker here... i do wear my earplugs every day06:00
h3sp4wnYou really can tell the difference on decent speakers06:00
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Dr_williswill my Kenny. G. sound that much better! :)06:01
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=== Dr_willis hears the sound of silence.
kosmowhere the sources file in ubuntu06:02
h3sp4wnkosmo: /etc/apt06:02
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balintSo than what soundcard are you reccomending for listening to music? i dont have much money, thats why I only got a Creative speaker system (and it sounds very good!)06:03
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balint(if I had money, than I would have X-Fi maybe...)06:04
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snowrichardhate these clouds my sirius keeps cutting out06:04
snowrichardas in rain06:05
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Tm_Tbalint: Anything that works, plastic speakers won't be any better no matter what soundcard you have.06:05
BluesKajmp3 by satellite ... whynot get it free from streamtuner ?06:05
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Tm_Tbalint: And as long as it's ok to you, no need to care about hifi.06:06
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stonedragon12 (@)06:07
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balintTm_T: so you say, that with a new soundcard, the sound would be the same as now?06:08
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BluesKajI listen to strems on my Home Theater system which uses a Harman Kardon Receiever and paradigm 5.1 speaker system (not ultra HiFi) but acceptably good sound and MP3 sounds only ok even at 320kbps06:09
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BluesKajdaughter has some mp3 disks that I tried out06:09
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AzzcoI've got a display problem. I'm trying to configure xorg.conf but I have no idea what it is about.06:10
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Dr_willisx-fi isent supported under linux yet is it?06:10
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ubuntu__hi, im using the live cd to install kubuntu. i selected to create the partition table myself and im now wondering if my windows partition will be still there after i select the swap and linux partition i ve created before?06:11
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Tidofor some reason, my synaptics touchpad has stopped working06:12
Tidomy xorg.conf has it enabled06:12
sinbad33what the heck is 'focus stealing prevention' mean ?06:12
Tidoand has SHMconfig "on"06:12
Tidobut any changes brings an error message that SHMconfig isn't available06:12
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animimotusI have a friend who have only Windows (sure, could he stay a friend with such OS :p) so he don't know pgp and decrypt a file. I ask if I can use somethings like a zip with a simply password ? I haven't found the option in ark06:13
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LjLanimimotus: i don't know if you can do it with ark, but you certainly can do it with the plain 'zip' command06:14
animimotusoh, a man zip of course :)06:15
Tm_Tbalint: Well, I doubt, small plastic speakers will sound like small plastic speakers. ;)06:15
Tm_Tbalint: I bought new soundcard myself, well, didn't improve sound much but atleast I got 24bit HW. :(06:17
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=== Tm_T has ye old amp & speakers
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Tm_Tbalint: But this is offtopic so I quit now.06:18
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sinbad33does anyone know how i can save the view-detail setting in Konqueror file mgr ??06:20
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balintTm_T: ok. well i think, than untill i wont have enough money, i remain at MB soundcard...:(06:21
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sinbad33i hate having to repeatedly set my darn 'view' to 'detailed' each time i want to look at my directories etc06:21
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AzzcoOkay I've got some massiv display problems here... the backup of xorh.conf didn't help at all06:22
AzzcoCan somsone help me reconfigure?06:22
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AzzcoOkay no help I'll look at more of the backups then...06:24
stdinAzzco: Settings -> Save View Profile "Kubuntu File Manager"06:24
Azzcostdin: in where?06:24
ranjanany one join my room06:25
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stdinAzzco: in konqueror, after you change the view mode06:25
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Azzcostdin: I'm talking about display, I'm on 640x320 atm I thnk06:26
stdinahh, sorry :P, hold on a sec Azzco06:26
sinbad33stdin, is it even possible to save my Konqueror file mgr view-detailed setting ?06:27
AzzcoOh okay :)06:27
stdinsinbad33:  Settings -> Save View Profile "Kubuntu File Manager"06:27
sinbad33ahh ok i try that06:27
=== Azzco restarts X server
=== stdin gets too confused to easily :P
sinbad33thx stdin06:28
sinbad33least u dont got dislecsia (like me)06:29
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stdinno, I just don't pay enough attention to what I'm doing :)06:30
=== sinbad33 guzzles an icy cold Presidente beer..
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=== sinbad33 pops open a 2nd ..
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balintHi again. how can i change the size of the icons on the wholw tray?06:43
stdinwholw tray?06:43
balintwhole :)06:43
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balintcause i only could change the size, by changing the size of the entire tray...06:44
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balintBut now the tasks are shown only in one line, but i would need two lines for the tasks, but than the icons are bigger too :(06:44
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stdinbalint: hmm, don't know :P they should know in #kde tho06:46
Jucatowhat's the problem?06:46
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tejedorhey you06:46
balintJucato. do you know how to change th icon size on the tray, without making smaller the enitre tray? (panel..)06:46
Jucatobalint: um... the icons on the system tray? no. their size is set, afaik...06:47
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tejedori got a problem with installing my nvidia graphic card06:47
balinttejedor: and whats the problem exactly?06:49
tejedori tried what the wiki says sudo nvidia-glx-config enable ... but it's not working, it says it doesn't know the command06:49
balinttejedor: cause the config is in the glx packet now..06:49
spitwiseoh man kosmo i can see that font in konsole. kewl.06:49
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tejedoruh huh ...06:50
balinttejedor: after sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx, just change in xorg.conf under device, the driver from nv to nvidia06:50
Jucatoactually, it's safer to "sudo nvidia-xconfig" than to manually edit xorg.conf in this case06:50
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balintJucato: sudo nvidia-xconfig brings up a grapich interface?06:51
Jucatoit just automatically changes your xorg.conf06:51
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Jucatoto default nvidia settings06:51
tejedormhh it seems to be working :)06:52
sinbad33darn it my screen resolution keeps RESETting  what the heck06:52
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stdinsinbad33: have you changed the settings in xorg.conf ?06:53
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h3sp4wnstdin: make sure you have Load "glx" - don't have Load "dri" - set Driver "nvidia"06:54
sinbad33stdin, not that i know of06:54
stdinh3sp4wn: why are you telling me that?06:54
h3sp4wnstdin: why not ?06:55
h3sp4wn(bad tab completion)06:55
balintand now if we are at display problems, I have one too: my monitor doesnt support 85Hz in 1280. i changed res to 1024, but I cant set the refresh to 85Hz...06:55
stdinh3sp4wn: heh :)06:55
stdinsinbad33: have you use the command to reconfigure the xserver ?06:55
tejedoruhm and how do I make the whole thing working after all ? it still says graphics-card N/A ... but the driver's nvidia now06:55
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balintits funny cause, when i put my res to 1024, than the 85Hz option was enabled.. :D06:55
archangel_hey, Keytouch rocks!!06:56
balinttejedor: did you restart X?06:56
stdinarchangel_: yep, it does :)06:56
archangel_it lets you program your own buttons on your keyboard06:56
tejedorX ? the window manager you mean ?06:56
balintwhats keytouch?06:56
balinttejedor: X is the graphic interface06:56
ubotuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts (Gnome) or "Input Actions" in KControl (KDE). If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try keytouch - http://keytouch.sourceforge.net06:56
stdin!info keytouch06:57
ubotukeytouch: A program to configure the extra function keys of the keyboard. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.1-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 412 kB, installed size 1824 kB06:57
tejedorhow do i restart it ?06:57
sinbad33server? i dont think so... unless the disk image server program i tried unsuccessfully to install yestrdy is involved06:57
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balintoh this keytouch is what i need man!!!!!!!! im gone to download!! :D06:57
balinttejedor: ctrl-alt-backspace06:57
sinbad33should i try to edit xconf file then or ?06:57
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balinttejedor: after that you wil have to login again..06:58
stdinsinbad33: no, don't edit it by hand, unless you are a rocket scientist :P06:58
balinttejedor: so save any work you are working on06:58
h3sp4wnDoes it need your keyboard to have a seperate driver for the multimedia keys06:58
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stdinsinbad33: use this command in konsole "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh06:58
balintanyone knows something about this reoslution problem?06:58
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h3sp4wn(there is one for my keyboard using simple hid)06:58
stdinsinbad33: opps. that's "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh"06:58
stdinsinbad33: no '' sign :P06:59
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tejedori did it but still n/a06:59
ubotuguarddog: firewall configuration utility for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.0-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 476 kB, installed size 1424 kB06:59
balintstdin: -phigh is supposed to be after reconfigure no?06:59
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stdinbalint: it actually doesn't matter :)06:59
balintstdin: ok :D06:59
ScarFreewillcan some one tell me where guarddog's logs are stored?07:00
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balintstdin: any resolution solution? :D07:00
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stdinbalint: refresh rates ?07:00
Aethgreetings all07:00
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sinbad33ahh ok07:01
h3sp4wnScarFreewill: iptables logs to /var/log/kern.log unless its using ULOG in which case I don't know07:01
Aethdoes anyone know how to change the volume step on the keyboard shortcut volume controls in KDE 3.5? (kubuntu)07:01
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Aethin other words... when I press my volume up button on my keyboard... I'd like to change the amount it changes by07:01
specialbuddy1how do I get xgl or beryl installed on kubuntu?07:01
ScarFreewillh3sp4wn: it looks like its there thx07:02
balintstdin: yepp07:02
stdin!beryl | specialbuddy107:02
ubotuspecialbuddy1: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl07:02
DrNickRivierai'm currently running dapper and want to upgrade to edgy, should i reinstall the system, or does upgrading it using apt-get as described on the website work reliably?07:02
balintstdin: cant select 85Hz in 102407:02
balintstdin: shoul i edit xorg.conf again? :)07:02
stdinbalint: I'm thinking you need some modlines, you need to reconfigure the server again07:02
DrNickRivieraam a bit worried about doing it, as i upgraded a fedora system once and broke it, after which i was told i should never try to run the upgrade, but always reinstall07:03
ScarFreewillanotherquestion... how can i phone my self from kphone to gmail2voip?07:03
stdinbalint: on the section about your monitor, I think you need to choose "medium", then choose the resolution and refresh rate it uses07:03
sinbad33stdin, debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/cer process07:03
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sinbad33thats wat i get07:04
stdinsinbad33: did you type it right ?07:04
sinbad33i pasted it07:04
sinbad33the last line u told me07:04
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esaymhow the heck do I make torrents with ktorrent?07:04
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stdinsinbad33: hmm, never seen that before07:05
sinbad33oops. looks like the line i pasted might have truncated07:05
esaymor just making a torrent in general07:05
sinbad33guess i'll type it in by hand07:05
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tejedorhmm my graphics card is still not working07:06
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paulcarpenteris there some way that I can chose not to see the Grub thingumy unless I chose to?07:07
sinbad33stdin, i get the same message07:07
paulcarpenterlike, by hitting a button during boot07:07
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Jucatopaulcarpenter: look for the "hidden" option in /boot/grub/menu.lst07:07
=== sinbad33 wonders wtheck cud be 'locking' it
Jucatouncomment it. you won't see the menu unless you press Esc07:07
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=== Jucato goes to be
=== Jucato goes to bed
stdinsinbad33: hmm, try again: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh07:08
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balintstdin: nowhere to select medium, but i found out that i can select the monitor type ... now i found my monitor, i hope it will work07:08
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stdinbalint: hope so too :)07:09
=== [BTF] Chm0d [n=rich@pool-71-101-108-49.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
jimmieis it possible to chance an icon of a link on my desktop ?07:09
sinbad33same output :(07:09
sinbad33maybe i got a virus?07:09
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stdinjimmie: yeah, just right click it, click properties, then click on the icon in the properties window to change it07:10
stdinsinbad33: no, you don't have a virus :P07:10
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stdinsinbad33: you're on linux, remember07:10
jimmieeasy... thanks a lot07:10
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matthewok, I'm ssh'ing into my headless server right now...I was wondering how many times I may login as the same user?07:11
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ScarFreewillhow can I phone to a gmail user ? should i look like this sil:user@gmail.com?07:11
matthewin the same session...different tabs, you see07:11
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stdinmatthew: afaik, as many times as you want07:11
matthewI'm surprised that doesn't cause some kind of problem...hmmm...great, thanks a lot, stdin07:12
balintstdin: selecting the correct monitor resolved it!! yipppy :D07:12
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stdinbalint: great :)07:12
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n0nei have a problem with sound, it's just not working, i'm using RealPlayer and it says that audio device is maybe used by another program07:13
JOSFHello, I am seeking for a powerful media-player, but not Kaffeine, Amarok or Juk.07:13
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ScarFreewillif I phone form kphone tells me "Call Failed: Forbidden (Outbound Proxy Policy)"07:14
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AethI'm running KDE 3.5 on Kubuntu 6.10. Can someone tell me how to alter the amount the volume slider changes when I press my keyboard volume controls... I'd like to reduce this amount so that the volume changes by less when I press the buttons. any pointers?07:14
matthew!xmms | JOSF07:14
ubotuJOSF: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs07:14
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matthewI prefer XMMS07:14
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matthewlight and fast...plays all kinds of formats07:15
JOSFmatthew: Thank you.07:15
wavelercan someone help me install ALSA?07:15
blekoscan anyone pls tell me how i can change the login screen07:15
WulongWhat is kubuntu's default x.org driver when installing it with ATi cards?07:15
JOSFI like Amarok, but I hate the way of its media-library07:15
adaptrblekos: go to system -> admin -> login07:15
JOSFI mean, when I double-click an item in the media-lib it gets added to the playlist instead bheing played07:15
JOSFAnd I never use any Playlists07:15
stdinsinbad33: is the message "debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process" ?07:16
blekosthnx, kde is very powerful, but too many features for a newbie... gnome is more knitty07:17
blekosbut i stick to KDE07:17
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sinbad33stdin, yes07:19
waveleranyone how to install alsa07:19
ScarFreewillhow can you not have it...?07:19
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waveleri mean alsamixer07:20
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alsamixer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:20
waveleri want to have a 5.1 setup07:20
stdinsinbad33: what dose "fuser -v /var/cahce/debconf/config.dat" show ?07:20
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_tsdgeos apt-file search alsamixer07:21
_tsdgeosalsa-utils: usr/bin/alsamixer07:21
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stdinalsamixer should be installed alredy07:21
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wavelerwait i'm new in this system07:21
felipe__Is there something like seahorse for KDE?07:22
ubotuseahorse: A Gnome front end for GnuPG. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.5-1ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 1560 kB, installed size 5528 kB07:22
ubotukgpg: GnuPG frontend for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 445 kB, installed size 1404 kB07:22
sinbad33stdin, Cannot stat /var/cahce/debconf/config.dat: No such file or directory07:22
matthewfelipe, you can install seahorse in kubuntu07:22
ScarFreewillwaveler: are you runing edgy?07:22
matthewyou just need all the libs07:22
juano__can anyone hel pme with kmail? i dont know why when i try to send mail it does absolutely nothing07:22
AethI'm running KDE 3.5 on Kubuntu 6.10. Can someone tell me how to alter the amount the volume slider changes when I press my keyboard volume controls... I'd like to reduce this amount so that the volume changes by less when I press the buttons. any pointers?07:22
ScarFreewillwaveler: i've got alsamixer on default...07:23
waveler6.10 kubuntu07:23
felipe__matthew: I know but I'll rather install a KDE program07:23
stdinsinbad33: small type there "fuser -v /var/cache/debconf/config.dat"07:23
matthewI don't know then...sorry07:23
waveler6.10 is edgy right?07:23
matthewfelipe, what does seahorse do?07:23
matthewwaveler, yep07:23
stdinfelipe__: kgpg is what you want07:24
juano__can anyone hel pme with kmail? i dont know why when i try to send mail it does absolutely nothing07:24
ScarFreewillwaveler: press Alt+F2 then type "konsole" then type alsa mixer07:24
wavelerhow come i can't access alsamixer?07:24
ScarFreewillwaveler: *then type alsamixer07:24
matthewbye y'all07:24
JOSFWhen I installed Kubuntu Kaffeine was set to the XINE component. I installed the MPlayer KPart, which automatically added it to Kaffeine as an option. Then I chose that one from the menu. Now I do not get back the Xine one in the Kaffeine menu. I mean, it is not there anymore. Any ideas ?07:24
hyper_chhiho, when I do a ls -al, what does a "S" mean?   -r-Sr--r-- 1 root root 19374 2007-01-13 19:20 /usr/lib/libvmdsp.so07:24
waveleri have it already in my screen07:25
sinbad33stdin, ok now i just get the $ prompt07:25
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wavelerwhat shouldi  do next?07:25
ScarFreewillwaveler: whats it?07:25
stdinhyper_ch: set GID, look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_permissions07:25
hyper_chstdin: thx07:26
juano__yes... got it working at last07:26
ScarFreewillwaveler: "i have it already in my screen"07:26
stdinsinbad33: what about "lsof /var/cache/debconf/config.dat" ?07:26
waveleri also have it now in the screen07:26
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ScarFreewillwaveler: "i have it already in my screen" what is it?07:27
wavelerhow will i configure it to 5.1?07:27
=== ScarFreewill is trying to find out how..
Lynourewaveler: What is the "it" in that question?07:28
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wavelerhow can i make this to 6 channel?07:29
wavelerin the display it says xxxxxxx-ICH407:30
wavelerin the display it says xxxxxxx-ICH4 (alsamixer)07:30
LynoureSo the 5.1 was speakers, not a version number :)07:31
=== ScarFreewill thought that too for a while :P
wavelerthe version no. is 1,0,1107:32
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ScarFreewillwaveler: y don't u use kmix?07:34
waveleri can only here sounds from the front speakers07:34
sinbad33stdin, same output, $07:34
ScarFreewillwaveler: or a other app one of us know how to use...07:35
stdinsinbad33: hmm, it should work then, give it another go07:35
sinbad33it only gives me the $ prompt07:35
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sinbad33one line down, ofcourse07:35
ScarFreewillwaveler: like for eg. go to kmix and to the switch tab set your channels...07:36
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waveleri really find it difficult to configure this system07:36
stdinsinbad33: no, I meant the dpkg... command07:36
=== sinbad33 wants to be a rocket scientist
waveleri change it already to 6 channels07:36
sinbad33ahh k07:36
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wavelerbut still i can't here sounds from the rear speakers07:36
LynoureI have used alsamixer plenty of times but never 5.1 speakers (never found a place to put the one at the back)07:36
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sinbad33stdin, same as before, it asks for my pw, then outputs: "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process07:37
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stdinsinbad33: try "sudo lsof|grep /var/cache/debconf/config.dat" this time07:38
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wavelerScarFreewill so it means i can't use 5.1 speakers with this system?07:38
sinbad33stdin, dpkg-reco 4427       root    4rW     REG        3,2   37070     263245 /var/cache/debconf/config.dat07:38
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ScarFreewillwaveler: i'm not sure :P07:39
stdinsinbad33: ok, now we're getting somewhere :)07:39
Lynourewaveler: there is a related bug with totem, at least: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/totem/+bug/6425607:39
sinbad33haha ok good :))07:39
stdinsinbad33: do: sudo kill -9 442707:39
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sinbad33now it gives me the $ prompt07:40
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firecrotchOkay, so I'm having some SSH trouble07:40
stdinsinbad33: now do the dpkg-reconfigure command again07:40
wavelerLynoure tnx for that info07:40
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wavelerso its bugged07:41
stdinwhat type of trouble firecrotch ?07:41
zveri dan my problem07:41
firecrotchWhen I try to use SSH to connect to my website's server, I get a huge error, saying that the remote host's identification has changed07:41
felipe__Adept Udater wants to remove the nvidia-glx package....anyone know why?07:41
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sinbad33stdin, ok now it gives me the Configuring xserver-xorg menu07:41
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firecrotch"Add correct host key in /home/nick/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message.07:42
firecrotchOffending key in /home/nick/.ssh/known_hosts:3"07:42
jimmieIs the lame mp3 codec already included in the KAudioCreator, or do I have to download and install it ?!07:42
stdinfirecrotch: just remove the 3rd lime in /home/nick/.ssh/known_hosts07:42
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firecrotchstdin: thanks07:42
sinbad33For the X Window System graphical user           07:42
sinbad33  interface to operate correctly, it is necessary  07:42
sinbad33  to select a video card driver for the X server.07:42
Dr_Willis_Laptopfirecrotch,  you could remove that  key in that file - its warning you that somthing may be cracked/hacked/changed07:42
Dr_Willis_Laptopfirecrotch,  i get that if i reinstall/change the ssh keys on my servers07:43
stdinsinbad33: yes?07:43
Lynourewaveler: not necessarily, the bug is not confirmed and the reporter did get sound from all speakers from mplayer07:43
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firecrotchDr_Willis_Laptop: thanks, I wasn't sure what it meant, the huge warning said that someone may be trying a man-in-the-middle attack07:44
sinbad33ok im using onboard video chip on a gigabyte mobo07:44
Dr_Willis_Laptopfirecrotch,  yep its a warning.07:44
sinbad33stdin, how do i find out which video chip im using?07:44
stdinsinbad33: it should already have the default highlighted07:44
Dr_Willis_Laptopif you are on a local lan.. not really an issue.. if you were connecting to the  Mainframe at work... welll...07:45
Lynourewaveler: this is a bit complicated and I have not tried it, but it could help you: http://www.cse.ohio-state.edu/~bondhugu/alsamch.shtml07:45
firecrotchDr_Willis_Laptop: I'm trying to connect to my dedicated web server07:45
waveleri'll try it,thanks07:46
firecrotchNow I get " The authenticity of host 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx. (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)' can't be established."07:46
firecrotchIs that normal?07:46
Dr_Willis_Laptopfirecrotch,  if you just insatlled it.. the ssh keys may of changed and its rembering the old key/ip/info so its flagging a warning07:46
Dr_Willis_Laptopssh tries to be very paranoid about this stuff. :)07:46
stdinfirecrotch: yes, because you removed it from the file, after you connect it won't be shown again07:46
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firecrotchWell well well, apparently the password has been changed too.   Probably the techs at the hosting company screwed something up07:47
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sinbad33stdin, ok, it asked me now for the resolution, i picked 1280x07:47
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stdinsinbad33: yeah, just check all the ones you want to be able to use07:48
Lynourefirecrotch: or, alternatively, some wrong computer is pretending to be that one )07:48
sebbaris there some linux program that lets you pick the color of a picture and gives back the normalized rgb values?07:49
sinbad33xserver-xorg postinst warning: not updating /etc/X11/X; file has been customized07:49
AethI'm running KDE 3.5 on Kubuntu 6.10. Can someone tell me how to alter the amount the volume slider changes when I press my keyboard volume controls... I'd like to reduce this amount so that the volume changes by less when I press the buttons. any pointers?07:49
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sinbad33stdin, xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2007011314464207:49
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Lynourefirecrotch: You could call the techs and ask, to be on the safe side.07:49
sinbad33stdin, so now i guess i should reboot ?07:49
stdinsinbad33: that's ok, no, just restart X, no need to reboot07:50
sinbad33restart x?07:50
WulongHow can I restore xorg.conf from when I installed Kubuntu? I want exactly those settings.07:50
kosmocan someone tell me what the skim program doing07:50
stdinsinbad33: Logout, then choose "Restart the X server" from the menu on the Login screen07:50
LeeJunFanWulong: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:50
sinbad33stdin, ahh ok thx07:51
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stdinWulong: use sudo before it07:51
LeeJunFanWulong: probably sudo dpkg-reconfigure -p critical xserver-xorg is better07:51
stdinsinbad33: no problem :)07:51
mundiskohi all07:51
LeeJunFanWulong: -p critical will ask you less questions (possibly none)07:51
WulongThat is not the problem, because I don't know which driver. vesa/ati laggs when scrolling.07:51
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Wulongfglrx don't seem to work.07:51
mundiskodoes anyone know how to configure s-video on intel i910 card ?07:52
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mundiskoon kubuntu07:52
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ZaggynlHi, anyone knows how I make a playable DVD out of a VIDEO_TS folder (with vobs) in k3b?07:53
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Dr_Willis_Laptopive just copied the folder to a dvd and its played (i think)07:54
Zaggynlah sweet07:54
stdinZaggynl: in k3b just choose "File -> New Project -> New Video DVD preject"07:54
Zaggynlyah, superb07:54
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Dr_Willis_Laptopthat all that seems tohappen with nero also. it generates a folder with the files.. then ya copy that folder to a dvd.07:54
Dr_Willis_Laptopi dont mess with dvds much however07:54
Zaggynlbtw, how do I add the hdparm option from http://k3b.plainblack.com/faq to autostart in ubuntu dapper?07:55
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:55
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stdinZaggynl: add them to /etc/hdparm.conf07:55
sinbad33stdin, had to reboot but it worked, atleast i hope it sticks :))07:55
Zaggynlah okay07:55
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sinbad33thx again stdin..  u = da M a N07:56
kosmohow i add option07:56
kosmoto k3b07:56
kosmoto burning mp3 files07:56
stdinsinbad33: heh, no problem :)07:56
Shaezschefor some reason myl aptop boots much faster when i am running on battery mode. also, cpu clocking doesnt work properly if im plugged in. any ideas?07:56
lotusleafDo I need to install ntp-server in order to have ntpd running? It would only be for keeping one system up to date. (I don't want to use ntpdate) The Ubuntu Wiki says all you need to install is ntp-simple but that's not true, ntpd doesn't run (but it exists) and the .conf file mentioned doesn't exist.07:56
Dr_Willis_Laptopthe KUBUNTU faq mentions what packages are needed to get k3b to burn mp3s to audio cd format07:56
=== sinbad33 happy camper
stdinkosmo: you need "libxine-extracodecs" from multiverse07:58
jimmiecan anyone tell me... where do i get the lame codec for my KAudioCreator ? Any Idea?07:58
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Dr_Willis_Laptop!info lame07:58
ubotulame: LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.96.1-2 (edgy), package size 260 kB, installed size 696 kB07:58
stdinkosmo: look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/MP307:58
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Aethanyone know which file you edit to configure kmilo?07:58
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kosmoi see07:58
Dr_Willis_Laptoplame is a encoder prrogram. not a 'codec'07:58
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jimmieand which codec does this enc use?  ;-) isn't it called lame as well ?07:59
jimmieanyway thanks a lot07:59
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Zaggynlk3b isn't reaching 16x speed08:04
Zaggynlstuck at ~4x08:04
ZaggynlBenQ 165008:04
Zaggynlhttp://www.pastebin.ca/315615 <= hdparm output08:04
ZaggynlCan someone help me with this?08:05
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ZaggynlCan anyone help me with low DVD burning speeds in k3b?08:13
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h3sp4wnk3b is just a gui it doesn't actually burn the cd's08:16
h3sp4wnthat is done by the cli programs08:16
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Zaggynlh3sp4wn, yes yes, thanks for the exactness08:23
ZaggynlI'm playing luser okay ;)08:23
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spitwisehmm kgpg won't even launch for me08:24
fxr_hi what log would info about mount drives be wrote to?08:24
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blekoshow can i restart kde from command line (like killall gnome-panel)08:26
_tsdgeosyou can kill kicker08:27
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_tsdgeosbut that's not restarting kde08:27
fdovingyou can restart kicker with dcop too.08:27
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fdoving.. i belive that would be similar to killall gnome-panel.08:27
blekosand it is killall kicker08:27
higi_where is the control center?08:27
h3sp4wnYou can do loads of stuff with dcop however the only stuff I know is what zsh tab completes08:27
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fdovinghigi_: kmenu -> run command -> 'kcontrol' -> run.08:28
higi_yes i know, but isnt it somewhere in the menu?08:28
fdovinghigi_: no, it's replaced by system settings, in the menu.08:28
h3sp4wndcop --user samw amarok player nowPlaying (I know that as well)08:28
higi_ah ok08:28
fdovingkdcop is nice.08:28
toxygenedoes anyone know how to change the master wallet password?08:28
fdovingif you want an overview.08:28
ZaggynlI'm playing luser okay ;)08:29
ZaggynlCan anyone help me with low DVD burning speeds in k3b?08:29
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Dr_Willisits possible its your hard drive thats not keeping up.08:29
SSJ_GZZaggynl:Is DMA enabled on your DVD drive and hard drive?08:29
Zaggynllemme get you a hdparm pastebin08:30
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spitwisedammit no kgpg for powerpc08:30
SSJ_GZZaggynl:Hmmmm ... looks OK to me.  Dunno then; sorry :/08:31
Zaggynlokay, cheers08:31
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fdoving!exploit > artbird30908:31
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fdoving!exploit > artbird30908:31
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fdovingartbird309: please reade the private message ubotu sendt you.08:32
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spitwiseanother option for kmail besides kgpg?08:35
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h3sp4wnSeems strange that so many people don't bother upgrading router firmware so the exploit still exists08:38
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=== cloakable nods
fdovingh3sp4wn: i belive it's like that for anything that needs user interaction. there must be an annoying popup telling users to upgrade at once, or similar. :)08:40
cloakableHow about the +++ATH0 modem exploit? :P08:40
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h3sp4wnfdoving: surely being disconnected all the time would annoy you or ?08:45
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MaxDamage``hey all08:45
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manesqhi ;)08:45
MaxDamage``i was wondering if anyone knows a good guitar tuner?08:45
manesqfor a real guitar or pc? :D08:46
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MaxDamage``real guitar...08:46
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MaxDamage``i mean08:47
MaxDamage``for tuning the guitar08:47
MaxDamage``that can run with kubntu08:47
manesqhehe ah I see08:47
manesqsorry I am a kubuntu newbie. 2nd time I am here on kubuntu. must check many things by myself though08:47
manesqsorry :/08:47
ljubomirwhich program can record input from tv card while showing it? Mencoder records nicely, but I see no video wile recording :((. Any ideas?08:48
ljubomirbesides mythtv?08:48
manesqmaybe LinVDR?08:49
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ljubomir"We're here at digital TV, you can't use any analog TV cards."08:50
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ljubomirbesides, it seems its a whole distribution08:51
Xerahow do i check what version of GTK i have?08:51
ljubomircat /dev/video > file.mpg works too, but still no video while recording08:51
manesqah ok sorry ljubomir08:51
ubotuGTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of Gnome and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI08:52
Xerahow do i check the version? :(08:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gtkversion - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:52
manesqsorry I am a newbie ^^08:52
stdinXera: ask on #ubuntu08:52
Xerastdin: k08:52
ljubomirMaxDamage: try gtkguitune08:53
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dopehey can i add the medibuntu repo on kubuntu without any issues?08:53
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borisyeltsinHi, wpasupplicant won't update and won't uninstall, even a dpkg --force-all --remove wpasupplicant gives errors. How do I delete it?09:02
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binksif something is install in /usr/bin/tovid and /usr/bin/local/tovid is it safe to remove one by sudo rm -r /usr/bin/local/tovid09:09
binkswell its usr/local/bin/tovid but you no what i mean09:10
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binks!dpkg | borisyeltsin09:11
ubotuborisyeltsin: dpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.09:11
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binkstry sudo apt-get remove -f wpasupplicant09:12
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borisyeltsinbinks: yah, I tried that already;) I figured it out though. the post removal script was lame so I commented it out and put in exit. No more problems.09:13
borisyeltsinThanks for the attempted help though binks.09:14
binksstory of my life atempted help09:15
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borisyeltsinbinks: if it makes you feel better I was trying to figure it out to do something completely useless. I needed to be able to install packages again so I could install flash player and watch a girl play wii sports in a bikini;)09:15
Dr_Willisborisyeltsin,  got a url? >!!!?!?!?09:16
borisyeltsinsure. one sec.09:16
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borisyeltsinlol;) I wonder what czessi is doing?09:17
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binksnot useless at all nice vid09:17
ZachPruckowskihey, if it's hot girl, that's a good reason09:18
=== Dr_Willis bookmarks the page for 'research' later
Tm_Tborisyeltsin: I wonder how that's has anything to do in this channel?09:18
binksgreat reason now the site will go down with #ubuntu trafic09:18
borisyeltsinTm_T: you're right it doesn't, I was just trying to make binks feel better because I solved the problem myself just as he was trying to help me. Then someone else here asked for the url. My bad basically;)09:19
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binksno Tm_T lighten up09:20
Tm_Tbinks: ?09:20
borisyeltsinanyhoo, I'm heading out. cheerio09:20
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phillijwi just installed kubuntu but my wireless wont work. I have a broadcom 43xx and the driver is messing up I think09:30
daingHey, have any problems regarding NTFS resizing in the installer been reported?09:30
dopemy linux keeps restarting09:31
dopeit seems like the xserver just randomly restarts09:31
dopecause it'll be sitting at the desktop then bam i'm at the login screen09:32
MaxDamage``daing: nope... no problems09:32
daingMaxDamage``: just asking as a precaution. Dont want the family's windows system to die on me while I install kubuntu :P09:33
phillijwdope, is it actually restarting or just logging you out?09:33
daingMaxDamage``: And i wasnt sure, because NTFS support in linux has been dodgy in the past09:33
crazyrobotback it up?09:33
dopelogs me out09:33
dopelike i said it looks like xserver is being restarted09:33
phillijwthat is actually one of the power save settings or something09:33
phillijwmaybe that is it09:33
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MaxDamage``daing: nope, everything will work out fine if you dont make false movements09:33
dopeare you sure?09:33
phillijwno im not sure09:33
phillijwthats why I said maybe09:34
dopewhere is this option09:34
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daingMaxDamage``: what would be an example of false movements?09:35
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phillijwprobably in system settings somewhere09:35
dopelike it just chills there then the screen goes black and the nvidia logo comes up and back to the login screen09:35
dopeit's not a full restart09:35
phillijwok thats probably different09:35
phillijwya that sounds like X crashing ors omething09:35
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dopeis there a log i can look at?09:35
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MaxDamage``daing: deleting your partiton09:36
Dr_Willismay want to try a simple .xinitrc file and 'startx' command - (stop kdm from the console)09:36
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MaxDamage``or resizing it so there isnt any free space09:36
daingMaxDamage``: yeah, I wouldnt do that. Okay, thanks09:36
phillijwdope, look at the x11 log maybe09:36
Dr_Willisdope,  go to the console and try 'sudo /etc/init.d.kdm stop'  then try 'startx'09:36
dopewhere's the log at. i'm in the X11 folder09:37
Dr_Willisdope,  it sounds like your window manager may be crashing/exiting.09:37
Dr_Willisdope,  /var/log/SOMTHING normally09:37
dopeah ok09:37
daingMaxDamage``: Well, I just partitioned, and everything seems fine, but you never know until you boot up windows...09:37
dopedamn there's a lot in here09:38
phillijwdmesg might be good to look at maybe09:38
MorboI set KDE to display mounted discs.  Instead of displaying the disc's title (it did under Gnome), it displays cdrom#09:39
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MorboI asked in KDE, and they suggested that something might be wrong with dbus or hal.09:40
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MorboHas anybody experienced this problem/know of a solution?09:40
animimotussomeone has test webbasket ? http://basket.kde.org/webasket/09:40
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dopei'm thinkin maybe it's messing up when the screensaver starts up09:42
MaxDamage``daing: well boot it =)09:42
daingMaxDamage``: Might aswell install Kubuntu before I boot windows.09:42
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daingMaxDamage``: And my machine is being kind of slow, so it hasnt finished yet09:43
MaxDamage``daing: lol, and what are you using now?09:43
stefano7I can switch off Kubuntu from the shell ($ shutdown...), but if I try in KDE, system hangs. Any hint?09:43
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daingMaxDamage``: My gentoo box09:43
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MaxDamage``daing: alright :p09:43
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dopeis there a way to reinstall the xserver?09:44
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crazyrobotapt-get remove kdm && apt-get install kdm?09:47
h3sp4wndope: apt-get install --reinstall -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confmiss -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confnew xserver-xorg-core09:47
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h3sp4wnPresuming xserver-org-core is considered the xserver09:48
dopei'm gonna try reinstalling my display driver09:48
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h3sp4wndid you install a version from outside the repositories ?09:49
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crazyrobotdoes anybody have any idea when KDE4 is comming out?09:49
h3sp4wndefinately after April09:50
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h3sp4wndope: If you use nvidia.com's installer or ati's whenever you get a kernel or x update you may have to reinstall it09:51
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dopei hit ctrl alt F1 and nothing happens09:52
dopehow do i get to that console09:53
phillijwanyone have any experience with bcm43xx wifi cards? do you have to use ndiswrapper?09:53
dopephillijw: i used ndiswrapper09:53
dopeand network-manager09:53
dopeyou know how to get to the console?09:53
dopelike just a command line09:54
phillijwnot sure what you mean09:54
Dr_Williswith a C not a K :)09:54
dopeno kdm09:54
ZachPruckowskidid you install off a live CD?09:54
phillijwoh, ya09:54
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coreymon77my first question is are you sure that your card requires ndiswrapper09:54
coreymon77because if it doesnt09:54
h3sp4wnphillijw: You don't have to use ndiswrapper09:54
dopethat restarts the xserver09:54
phillijwcorey, no thats why I'm asking09:54
Dr_Willisalt-ctrl-f1 through f6 gets to the 6 consoles..09:54
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:54
Dr_WillisX normally runs on the 7th one,09:54
phillijwwillis, ah, thats what I meant. im a dork09:54
phillijwhere's the thing. I THINK the bcm43xx driver is already installed09:55
phillijwbut i'm not sure09:55
h3sp4wnphillijw: There is some firmware you need09:55
coreymon77phillijw: so, you are asking if it does?09:55
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h3sp4wnphillijw: those doc's tell you where to get it09:55
h3sp4wn(on the bcm43xx part)09:55
phillijwok.. it hink ive tried the non-ndis method before and it didnt work. but thast when I was having HD failures so.. that could've been it09:55
h3sp4wnThere is one card it cannot work for 4318 I think09:56
dopethis isn't working :|09:56
dopei can't get to just the console09:56
dopeno kdm09:56
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phillijwBCM4309 rev02 is what i have09:57
fxr_where do i set my color depth??09:57
h3sp4wnphillijw: if you want to use ndiswrapper you need to do the blacklist09:57
h3sp4wnfxr_: xorg.conf09:57
phillijwi dont want to unless I have to09:57
coreymon77guys, is it possible to download/install frostwire through apt?09:58
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire09:58
h3sp4wnfxr_: Section "Screen" -> DefaultDepth    2409:58
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Dr_Willis!find frostwire09:58
ubotuPackage/file frostwire does not exist in edgy09:58
coreymon77Dr_Willis: it says to use the .deb09:58
fxr_thats it, thanks h3sp4wn r09:58
Dr_Williscoreymon77,  not sure how i installed it in the past. download the deb then. :)09:58
=== phillijw scratches head... i dont remember if i'm on dapper or not
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dopeso when i press ctrl alt F1 or F2 whatever all i get is a black screen09:58
coreymon77so, its not on apt?09:58
phillijwdope, right, a console09:59
dopeany help is appreciated09:59
Dr_Willisits 'not in the repositories'09:59
dopewell there's no cursor09:59
dopelike on my other comp when i do that09:59
Dr_Willisat elast not in the official ones09:59
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phillijwdope, maybe you have resolution problems and you cant see it?09:59
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dopei don't think so09:59
dopeshouldn't matter09:59
dopei should see something09:59
phillijwtry typing in a command10:00
dopei just did10:00
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phillijwone that will list a lot of stuff10:00
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dopeit should ask for my login10:01
jaguarhola buenas tardes10:01
Alarm-hello. i did manage to run apache2 (somehow apache package it self wasnt working, but since i installed apache2 the service seems to run). i can see the small test page that i created localy by http://localhost , but not from a remote computer although i did add a port forwarting on port 80 on my router (port forwarding is not the problem, as i created an ftp and ssh succesfully) so i guess its something on the apache more likely10:01
Toxwhat other commands konqueror can open apart settings:/ ?10:01
jaguaralguien que me pueda ayudar con kubuntu 6.10?10:01
jaguarsoy de Mxico10:01
Morbo!es | jaguar10:01
ubotujaguar: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.10:01
Morbode nada10:02
coreymon77Dr_Willis: if there is a .deb for it, why is it not on the repos, its a pretty popular program after all10:02
fdovingTox: apt:/ sftp:/ fish:/ help:/ man:/ zip:/ tar:/ and so on.10:02
Dr_Williscoreymon77,  i would guess no maintainer wants to mess with it.10:02
Dr_Williscoreymon77,  and there may be some licensing issues.10:02
Dr_Willisit may be in the severas or other repos.10:02
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fdovingTox: you can find a list, with some descriptions at kmenu -> system -> kinfocenter -> protocols.10:03
daingHey guys, wheres the grub.conf or menu.list in kubuntu?10:03
Dr_Willis- /boot/grub10:03
daingThats what I thought... mm10:03
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daingBut it doesnt seem to be there10:04
sukhanyone know the command for the kde control center?10:04
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phillijwthis wiki has nothing about my wireless card :\10:04
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crazyrobotTox: actually a very cool feature in Konqueror is to put a audiocd in and type audiocd:/ for a nice ripping menu.10:04
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daingTheres nodirectories inside /boot... only the kernels and some configuration files... Yet the installer said grub was installed10:05
Toxok i mess with kmenu :) where is it :)10:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about phpgtk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:05
coreymon77Dr_Willis: what do you mean, licensing issues, its open source10:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about php-gtk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:06
Dr_Willisdaing,  you used the default setup?10:06
Dr_Williscoreymon77,  go ASK THEM then...10:06
daingDr_Willis: yes10:06
Phre1hey all.. so I got my wifi working.... the issue is that everytime I boot up I must manually open wlanassistant, enter root password, hit refresh twice till my SSID shows up and then connect.... is there an easier way?10:06
sukhIm trying to disable the bouncing mouse icon10:06
daingDr_Willis: one big partition for everything, that shouldnt cause a problem10:06
Toxyes konqueror is the best browser i seen in linux10:06
Dr_Willisdaing,  yea thats normal.. how are you looking at /boot ?10:06
daingDr_Willis: and grub IS installed10:06
daingDr_Willis: ls /boot10:07
XeraTox: file browser yes, internet browser definetly not10:07
ZachPruckowskikonqueror is sweet10:07
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Dr_Willisdaing, hmm... odd....10:07
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daingDr_Willis: indeed10:07
ZachPruckowskiwhat's wrong with Konq as a web browser?10:07
XeraZachPruckowski: it's basic10:07
Xeracompared to firefox10:07
ZachPruckowskiI use it in my VM, and I use Safari in real life10:07
Toxyes , i'm talkin about file browser10:07
Xeraor even opera10:08
daingDr_Willis: Oh, im running 6.10, BTW.10:08
daingDr_Willis: in case it matters10:08
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Toxi browser for me is opera - n1, next firefox10:08
Dr_Willisdaing,  not as far as ive seen.10:08
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ZachPruckowskiI guess I don't notice because the Linux VM is single-purpose10:08
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Dr_Willisdaing,  try sudo ls /boot10:08
Xeraanyone in here got php-gtk working?10:08
sukhanyone know how to disable the bouncing mouse icon?10:08
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Xerasukh: um, in theme settings10:08
Xerai think10:08
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daingohh, wait... hold on10:09
Xerakcontrol > themes10:09
sukhits not there10:09
Dr_Willismouse feedback/launch feedback is the bouncing mouse isent it.10:09
Toxcan't find kmenu :) where is it :)10:09
XeraTox: o.o?!?!10:09
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Xeraclick the kde icon on your task bar10:09
Xeranormally on the left10:09
Tox!paste <fdoving> Tox: you can find a list, with some descriptions at kmenu -> system -> kinfocenter -> protocols.10:10
daingDr_Willis: nevermind, i was outside my environment, like an idiot10:10
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phillijwhow do I know if i'm on edgy, dapper or breezy10:13
phillijwjust look at my sources?10:13
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h3sp4wnphillijw: cat /etc/lsb-release10:14
phillijw6.06 dapper10:14
h3sp4wnphillijw: aptitude show libc6 | awk '/Version/ {printf "%s\n", $2}'10:14
phillijwwhen I installed kubuntu i didnt have an internet connection... now my sources.list is commented out10:14
phillijwcan I make it auto generate a new one?10:15
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phillijwhello hak point five fan10:15
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Hak5fanI just wanted to say that I'm very happy with kubuntu10:16
h3sp4wnfor i in dapper{,-updates,-security}; do echo "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu $i main restricted multiverse universe"; done10:16
Hak5fanIt's great10:16
Phre1ya I love it myself10:16
Phre1just got back into the linux scene10:16
h3sp4wnphillijw: that will give you the 3 lines you need10:16
Phre1installed it on my MSI MegaBook S27010:16
Phre1works awesome10:16
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Phre1now if I can only upgrade  video drivers without killing my install :)10:17
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Hak5fanI havn't finetuned it yet though10:17
phillijwlol. I cant belive you just wrote a shellscript to do hat10:17
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h3sp4wnphillijw: so it can fit on one line10:18
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phillijwdo you suggest I stay on dapper or is that insecure?10:19
Hak5fanI'm new to linux, but I know the essensial things10:19
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h3sp4wnphillijw: dapper is supported with security updates before edgy10:20
phillijwi always forget this stuff10:20
h3sp4wnIts the long term support version10:20
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h3sp4wnIf you are not bothered for the new features in edgy then stay with dapper10:21
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Hak5fanI'm going to try to install my video drivers now, brb everybody10:21
h3sp4wnphillijw: as long as you have updates and security in sources.list and update periodically you will be fine10:21
phillijwsure thig10:21
jakub_does anybody know how to set up (k)ubuntu for Eduroam, wireless european university network?10:22
Xerawould anyone mind pointing me in the right direction of php-config?10:24
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Xeraand if you're wondering what i mean, i'm trying to install php-gtk, and when i run configure i get "Please use the --with-php-config option to specify the location of php-config for the required version."10:24
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phillijwhow do I make it so my clock is not in military time10:24
phillijwthats annoying as hell10:24
Xeraright click > date and time format10:25
phillijwi did that... do I need to restart x?10:25
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tobias_hey you guys10:25
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Xeraphillijw: no you shouldn't have to10:25
Dr_Willisset the time format. then either log out/back in... or theres some other command taht can do it.10:26
Dr_Willisand yes - its annoying.10:26
tobias_i have a problem with my nvidia graphics card10:26
XeraDr_Willis: lolz, how is it annoying?10:26
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tobias_i installed the driver and so on but it just won't find the card10:26
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Xeraoh and something for the lazy people who can't read a 24h clock, right click > type > fuzzy10:26
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Xerashows it as "Twenty five past nine"10:26
Dr_WillisXera,  if i set the clock format to 12 hr.. i shouldent have to do anything to make it actually do it. :) i know the whole 'running apps wont see the changes.. but its annoying'10:27
Dr_Willisof course i dont see why it defaults to 24hr format in the first place.10:27
hak5fanHi again... I just installed my video drivers and evrything still works woho10:27
Xerawell, why does gnome have a refresh function but kde doesn't? >:(10:27
Dr_Williswhat does it refersh>10:28
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Dr_WillisGnome = feet = stinky?10:28
Xerathe "kicker"10:28
Xeraor w/e10:28
Dr_Willisthe panels?10:28
Xerawell, it reloads the menu and stuff10:28
Xeraicons, menus, taskbar10:28
uiophello does anyone know how to configure an usb wifi dongle hercules under kubuntu?10:29
Xerabut in kde when an app adds itself to the menu, u have to restart X10:29
MorboYou do?  /me hadn't noticedthat10:29
Xerai do10:29
MinatakuMorbo... what's that from?10:29
phillijwthat, 24h clock and having to restart X for menus are the most annoying things10:29
MinatakuDamn my memory >.<10:29
MorboFuturama, Minataku10:29
MinatakuTHAT'S IT10:29
MinatakuSorry X310:29
Xeraphillijw: if you can't read a 24h clock go back to school10:30
MinatakuIt wasn't a memory error, it was a terrible brainfart XD10:30
phillijwI can, but I shouldnt have to10:30
Xerawell most of the world uses 24h clocks10:30
Minatakuphillijw is right10:30
MinatakuI hate 24h clocks10:30
phillijwi think i'm bright enough to know that its either night or day10:30
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tobias_mhh can't anyone help me with my graphic-card ?10:30
phillijwi can differentiate between 2am and 2pm10:30
MorboI set as many things as possible to 24h if only to annoy everyody else10:30
hak5fanwhy... I see no reason to hate them10:30
MinatakuI was raised using 12h, I don't think in 24h10:31
Tm_Tphillijw: Well, let's meet you at 6.10:31
daingIs there a trick to have font aliasing in kubuntu>10:31
MinatakuKind of like how I was raised using English and therefore don't think in Spanish10:31
phillijwTm_T: then it turns into a limit problem. it is approaching dark10:31
MorboExcept numbers are numbers :p10:31
phillijwor approaching light10:31
Hirvinenphillijw: I think I'm bright enough to only need one reference point instead of midnight *and* noon.10:31
MinatakuSame difference, really, Spanish or a 24h clock, I have to translate to process10:31
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=== Tm_T thinks time in many ways, also finnish and english
phillijwmaybe kubuntu should default its money units in Yen10:32
mundiskohi, does anyone know good recovery program for damaged dvds and cds on kubuntu ??10:32
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Minatakuphillijw: What's up, I just came in?10:32
Dr_Willishow damaged?10:32
phillijwi dont konw10:33
guest_how are you ??10:33
phillijwi'm just whining about the difficulty of chainging from 24h to 12h clock10:33
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MinatakuThat should be easy10:33
mundiskoi can watch ca. 35 % of movie and then it stops10:33
phillijwSHOULD BE = key word10:33
w0jtashi! why kde don't add new styles to kcontrol ??10:33
tobias_does anyone know how i make my fucking graphic card working ?10:33
MinatakuI do it every time I boot up Knoppix10:33
guest_what are you doing ??10:33
mundiskodvd is scratched10:33
Minataku!language | tobias_10:33
ubotutobias_: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:33
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Morbo!nvidia | tobias_10:34
ubotutobias_: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:34
MinatakuI understand that computer issues can be frustrating but you have to keep your cool10:34
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phillijwanyone use cpu throttling?10:34
coreymon77does anyone here know of a frostwire irc channel, the chat function doesnt work10:34
Dr_Willistry #frostwire ?10:34
revolution27i'm having nVidia problems too10:34
MorboI use the automatic non-userspace flavor, phillijw10:34
uiophello , does someone speaking french here?10:35
Minataku!fr | uiop10:35
ubotuuiop: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.10:35
Morbo!fr | uiop10:35
phillijwMorbo: oh, mind giving me a very breif explanation of what that means?10:35
uiopthanks a lot10:35
revolution27after I installed beryl, my nvidia drivers stopped working10:35
phillijwbasically I just want to know how I should have mine set for a laptop that generally is plugged in10:35
Minatakuphillijw: You mean "off"? ;e10:36
Morbophillijw- I'd keep it at the default10:36
MorboThat will keep it cooler too, remember10:36
phillijwok, well, i just had it unplugged for a while and it died really fast10:36
phillijweh whatever. im not too worried. now how do I fix this clock?10:37
juano__where can i change keyboard language ?10:37
MorboI'm not expert.  I just left it as it is10:37
MorboSystem Settings -> Keyboard and Mouse, juano__10:38
Minatakuphillijw: There should be an option via KDE to change it10:38
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Morboer, regional and language, i mean10:38
MorboSelect keyboard layout from there10:38
phillijwthere is.. and I changed it... and it still shows up as military time10:38
phillijwi guess i'll try logging out10:38
juano__Morbo: no language option there10:38
crazyrobotyou have to restart the x server for the time to change.10:39
Morbojuano__- Did you see my correction?10:39
MinatakuI haven't used KDE in ages by now >.<10:39
juano__oh.. Morbo10:39
juano__Morbo: let me check now10:39
MorboSorry about that :)10:39
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MinatakuSorry if I'm being a bit disagreeable, I had a heck of a time setting something up a bit earlier10:40
MorboWhat was that?10:40
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slougihi everyone. are there any alsa gurus around?10:40
MinatakuMorbo: Well, first, a 19" Sun monitor is _really heavy_10:40
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MinatakuSecond, swapping two drives to find it doesn't work and you have to undo it all would piss off anyone10:41
MorboI assume you meant some nasty driver install10:41
phillijwhw problems are way more frustrating10:41
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MinatakuI'm actually a Gentoo user, everything goes really nice and easy for me10:41
juano__Morbo: thanks, gotta install language first though10:41
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w0jtashi! why kde don't add new styles to kcontrol ??10:42
MorboI've been having problems with DVD/CD icons on the desktop.  Instead of displaying the disc's title, it shows "cdrom#"10:42
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MorboI asked in KDE, and they suggested it was a problem with dbus or hal, but it works fine under Gnome10:43
Dr_WillisMorbo,  look in media:/  and see if they show up there by name10:43
MorboDr_Willis- Same problem thrre10:43
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Dr_Willisi cant even rember the last time i watched a real dvd. ;)10:43
juano__Morbo: have you tried mounting with another name?10:43
Dr_Willisif you just ut the dvd in the drive.. do you really need its name on the desktop :)10:43
juano__Dr_Willis: :)10:44
Morbopfft.  I like things looking pretty :p10:44
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Morbojuano__- As in?10:44
masehow do i install sshd on kubuntu10:44
Dr_Willis!info ssh10:44
ubotussh: Secure shell client and server (transitional package). In component main, is optional. Version 1:4.3p2-5ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1 kB, installed size 32 kB10:44
juano__Morbo: like trying sudo mkdir /media/mycdname10:44
Dr_Willissudo apt-get install ssh10:44
juano__Morbo: and then mounting it there10:45
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mase!info sshd10:46
ubotuPackage sshd does not exist in any distro I know10:46
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masehow do i get ssh up and running10:46
maseafter installed10:46
Dr_Willisit should be running once it isnalls10:46
juano__mase: type ssh?10:46
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MorboI'll try that, juano__10:46
Dr_Willisssh 101 - day 1, class 110:46
masessh gives me a bunch of options10:47
juano__Morbo: yea.. it could do the trick... though probably it would be good to add the whole mount line to your fstab, except thatll work for one cd i guess, your gonna have the same name for all the rest10:47
juano__Morbo: thats not what you want i think :P10:48
masehow do i know its working?10:48
Dr_Willisssh localhost10:48
juano__mase: its installed if you ssh and it gives options10:48
Dr_Willisit MAY be worth wile to read a ssh tutorial or 210:48
juano__mase: man ssh10:48
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maseso people can only connect to me with putty10:49
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masenot telnet right10:49
tobias_i installed my video-card driver but it still won#t display my video card10:50
phillijwso i download the bwxx-fwcutter and in the readme it gives me like 50 links for the drivers I need to use to create the firmware. but it doesnt tell me which one I need to download10:50
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sirprofhi leute10:51
juano__Morbo: still now change in keyboard10:51
juano__Morbo: no*10:51
MorboDr_Willis- Correction: it does work fine under media:/10:51
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MorboI misplaced the / :p10:51
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Dr_WillisMorbo,  heh heh10:52
YumeNoEienhello everyone10:52
tobias_mhh i need to go bye bye10:52
Dr_Willistheres a bit of a history about media:/ and /media10:52
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Dr_Willissome apps dont like media:/10:52
KyralAnd while media:/ is a KIOSlave10:52
Kyral/media is part of the FHS10:53
Dr_Willisis there a porn:// ?10:54
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=== phillijw bangs head
phillijwstupid firmware10:56
phillijwmy card shows up as a 4306 now...10:56
juano__how do i change keyboard language?10:56
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sinbad33is there a porn:// ?   HAHAHA10:58
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sinbad33anyone know how to change the bootsplash screen ??10:59
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sinbad33the very first splash during bootup10:59
sinbad33cant stand blue :( reminds me too much of MS11:00
phillijwthis damn broadcom driver wont work properly11:01
phillijwndiswrapper would be so much easier at this point11:01
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obeho 1 problema....kubuntu nn mi vede il mio ipod nano...sapete come aiutarmi??11:02
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!11:03
sleepy495can I load a kubuntu kde theme and use emerald theme at the same time?11:03
Tm_TI keep wondering why italians expect rest of the world understand them.11:03
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joshyhas anyone experiences with XEN11:05
juano__how do i change keyboard language?11:05
phillijwjuano__: someone already told you11:05
juano__phillijw: well its not working11:07
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obexcuse me...my kubuntu can't display my ipod nano...can you help me??11:11
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w0jtashi! why kde don't add new styles to kcontrol ??11:14
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jimmieobe: same format of the database ?11:14
Xeraconfigure: error: PHP-GTK 2.x requires GLib 2.6.0 or higher11:15
obei dont know..11:15
Xeragod, i just installed that11:15
Xerawhere is glib2.6.0 installed by default?11:15
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=== Xera does the same as sinbad33
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jimmieobe: try to find out, cause sometimes KDE may have problems with NTSF or other file formats ...11:20
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=== sinbad33 hops up n down n babbles like a blithering idiot...
revolution27Ok i'll try one more time... When I installed beryl my nvidia graphics drives stopped working. I know this because games run very slow. When i try to install nvidia-glx, i get this http://pastebin.com/85861011:20
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jimmietry to save your iPOD harddisc in a UNIX harddisc-format , after that restore it with your itunes, otherwise if you're using the ipod only with your running unix system format is to your unix format11:22
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jimmiethe problem is, that you may can't connect to any windows platform anymore...11:22
jimmiethats the prob11:23
joshyrevolution27: I've also had problems with beryl & nvidia11:23
revolution27did you fix them?11:23
obeno...i have a shared hd with win xp...kde don't have problems to ride and execute files in the ntfs partition..11:24
joshyrevolution27: Yes: look @ http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Beryl?highlight=%28beryl%2911:24
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revolution27thanks i'll check it out11:24
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jimmiethan you may try out...11:25
jimmiesafe your stuff, till it gets lost11:25
malik_how do i make firefox to open all pop ups and links which open new windows, in new tabs instead of new windows?11:26
jimmielook @ properties11:26
phillijwwhy isnt ndiswrapper int he repos :(11:26
sinbad33anyone know if there are any problems associated with simultaneous connection of a kubuntu box & an xp box thru the same switch ?11:27
phillijwmalik_: that is a firefox setting...11:27
LeeJunFansinbad33: unless they both have the same IP and or MAC addy - no.11:27
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revolution27umm joshy is there an english version of that page?11:28
sinbad33different mac addys, not sure about ips11:28
malik_where can i find it in settings coz my setting is set to tabs but still some links when i click on them they open new windows instead of tabs11:29
sinbad33does my xp box compromise my kub box securitywise in any way?11:30
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sinbad33good thx11:30
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LeeJunFansinbad33: only if your XP box has some type of unathenticated link to the kubuntu box, if you are sharing your kubuntu disks to XP, or you have an ssh key on XP to allow no password logins to kubuntu.11:31
sinbad33anyone know if its possible to change my konq browser font color? already played around with font type/size etc, but cudnt find font color11:32
XeraMY GOD gtk stuff is so f*cked up11:32
Xera*** Glib 2.9.1 or better is required. The latest version of11:32
Xera*** Glib is always available from ftp://ftp.gtk.org/.11:32
joshyrevolution27: sry but I don't find an en version11:32
Toxhi is there any tool to install source automatically or directly from gzip ?11:32
Xerainstalling "pango"11:32
Toxi mean with GUI11:32
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joshyrevolution27: maybe this site helps: http://wiki.beryl-project.org/index.php/Install/Ubuntu/Edgy/AiGLX11:32
sinbad33Lee, not that i know of, im hoping xp doesnt quietly try to setup its own default link to my kub box11:33
sinbad33ms being so darn sneaky n all11:33
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sinbad33does kubuntu have a device manager?11:34
h3sp4wnNot really11:35
KyralDevice Manager?11:35
h3sp4wnits a spec for feisty though11:36
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Xerawould someone guide me through installing gtk/glib/pango?11:36
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sinbad33a menu which tells u if all your devices are working right11:37
Kyral...its kinda obvious when they ain't...11:37
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Kr4t05Hrm... is there any good FOSS voice recognition software?11:38
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sinbad33are there any good music light organ plugins for kubuntu?11:39
h3sp4wnYou want something to play a midi file ? and sound like an organ ?11:40
joshysinbad33: *lol* xD11:42
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h3sp4wnsinbad33: I don't know what you are adking11:44
MPatnoob question. Please help if you can.11:44
MPatHow can I add app to start in startup with out login?11:44
ubotuWords like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.11:44
h3sp4wnMPat: depends what the app is11:45
MPatforexample gqcam?11:45
h3sp4wnwhat is that11:46
MPatsimple webcam prog based on gtk11:46
h3sp4wnCan it run just in the cli then ?11:46
h3sp4wnYou want it to start before you login11:47
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ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands11:47
h3sp4wnto which question11:47
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MPatif I want to start from terminal (remote) it tryes X11forwarding11:48
MPath3sp4wn You want it to start before you login11:48
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linux-macim firt times on linux any one here for help?11:49
h3sp4wnI only have command line apps that run at bootup11:49
MPatok, I think I try to work it out other way. Thx11:49
linux-maccan i ask u h3 for help or mpat?11:49
linux-macid like to know if i nead any antivirus or antispy just to be sure whit kubuntu?11:50
linux-macdo u know mpat?11:50
MPatsome but I dont use atleast11:50
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linux-macwitch is the best antivirus for linux?11:51
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killownhow I do to view apps install?11:51
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h3sp4wnMPat: Its easy enough for it to be run once you login11:52
linux-macbtw im just asking if u advise me just to keep the antiroot kit adept gives u or put some antivirus and antispy on kubuntu to?11:52
linux-mach3 tell me yours to11:52
Kr4t05killown: Adpet11:53
Kr4t05killown: Adept*11:53
linux-macthey told me linux btw is safe 99% from spyware and virus11:53
linux-macso what do u advise me ?11:54
h3sp4wnlinux-mac: no need for one if you keep security updates applied11:54
Kr4t05linux-mac: This is true, for the most part. Just be sensible as to what you do.11:54
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linux-macok thank u11:54
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MPatlinux-mac With Automatix2 you can install ClamAV and Guarddog, never used11:54
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linux-macanother thing they sended me home the live cd of kubuntu 6.06 lts is the last version stable to install or i must use this one still?11:55
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barsanuphe_i have a grep related question11:56
linux-macand id like to know to if kubuntu does everything or i nead to download last version11:56
barsanuphe_im trying to filter some lines, then filter out some of the selected lines11:56
barsanuphe_is there any way to do this with just one comman?11:56
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MPatlinux-mac 6.10 latest stable you can dl it from kubuntu.org11:57
barsanuphe_linux-mac>you could install this version and then upgrade, but it would be easier to just dl the latest version11:57
linux-macok so ill make the iso dvd and then install last kubuntu back11:58
barsanuphe_so is there anyone who can help me with my problem?11:58
=== hermanni [n=hermanni@bb-81-175-195-175.dsl.phnet.fi] has joined #kubuntu
Linux_Galoreo 0 (isn't 7.04 the latest)11:58
linux-macthey told me firefox has a bug that gives out passwords now same as ie 7 is that true couse i don't see opera in adept11:58
barsanuphe_galore > not the latest stable11:59
Linux_Galorebarsanuphe_: yeah just saw that11:59
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todd_need some help making sure my mozilla has java enabled, anyone?12:00
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linux-macbeware everyone i heard that firefox has a password bug as ie 7 so what we must do use opera?12:00
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leiarare there anyone who can tell me the righ way to get web-tv work? I've installed mozilla-mplayer and w32codecs, but I can still not watch web-TV. Mplayer starts loading and looks like it goes into a loop.12:00
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leiarI run kubuntu dapper 6.0, firefox 1.512:01
intelikeyhave oddity.   unused console enter a command then switch to another console and openvt -fc <the tty number of the one you entered "the command" in>   and "the command" will be ran in that console....    it's like the kernel holds that input until there is some place to send it.12:01
leiarMpat: I want to watch TV on my laptop :-)12:01
dawnhello, I have a question. What is the easier way to import Outlook express emails into Thunderbird? Has anyone had any expeirence with this?12:01
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MPatstream from webpage?12:01
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leiarMpat, yes, I guess..12:02
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todd_dawn, I did this from Outlook12:02
dawnso have it12:02
MPatyou have address'?12:02
dawnbut I am going from windows to ubuntu12:02
linux-macso im lost here is it true of this bug of mozilla firefox and ie 7 that gives out your passwords?12:02
todd_me too12:02
dawnok, so what did you do?12:03
dawnI backed up my OE folder onto a USB drive12:03
MPatlinux-mac, not  heard atleast12:03
dawnand tried to import directly from that12:03
todd_I had XP on one partition and kubuntu on another12:03
linux-macu advise me it's better to use epifany pat?12:03
dawnbut Thunderbird never gave me an option12:03
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malik_how do i setup kontact to access yahoo mail?12:04
linux-macim looking to use opera or epifany just trying to understand witch one is better then firefox12:04
todd_dawn, then while in XP, I started up T-bird and it took all the Outllok automatically12:04
willI just bought a new videocard12:04
willbut kubuntu is still using my onboard sis12:04
willwhat do I do ?12:04
linux-macwill i got nvidia 7900 gs is that ok for kubuntu drivers?12:04
dawnthat should'nt be no different then what I did12:05
todd_once I had T-bird in XP, make a back up12:05
leiarMpat: It worked now. Don't know why. Been working with this some time this morning. But now it works just like that. Strange..12:05
dawnonly difference yours was on a partition12:05
dawnand mine is on a USB key12:05
willI got a radeon 925012:05
todd_then reboot into Kubuntu, load T-bird from the backup12:05
malik_opera is definitely better than any other if u r using windows but firefox2 now have all the opera features plus opera doesnt handle multimedia all that well in linux..........u shud use FF2 in linux12:05
Toxhow to make kubuntu understand and found more than 3 mouse buttons ?12:05
willIm guessing I need to go into the bios and disable my sis12:05
linux-macok then the password bug of firefox and ie 7 must be for windows12:05
Toxi have a4tech x-71812:06
willMaybe I will do that12:06
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linux-macany one knows who to make the icon show on desk once u installed a program from adept or web?12:06
aseigolinux-mac: drag it from the k menu12:06
aseigolinux-mac: or you can right click on the desktop, add new -> etc ... bug DnD is the easiest =)12:06
malik_how do i setup kontact to access yahoo mail?12:06
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todd_I had trouble with Kontact, now use T-bird12:07
linux-macthe problem is the program installed don't show if i don't reboot even on k menu12:07
dawnThx todd, I will keep that as an option12:07
leiarmalik: what do you mean?12:07
dawnevolution and t-bird are the best12:07
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dawnI just have of yet to connect evolution to exchange12:07
todd_dawn, there ia also a program for converting12:08
dawnwhile it is resident on a XP machine12:08
dawnmozbackup is one I have used before12:08
linux-macok the problem here i install stuff whit adept or web but nead a reboot of pc to make em show on desk and menu12:08
dawnthunderstor is another, but alas those are windoze options12:08
todd_lemme look, be right back12:08
linux-macis there a thing u must do in terminal to make em show whit out rebooting?12:08
dawnrunning evolution on windows seems kinda buggy12:09
malik_leiar: i want to use jontact to access my yahoo mail.......how do i do that?12:09
linux-macany one knows how to make installed programs show on k menu' and desktop whit out the nead of pc restart?12:10
leiarmalik: in t-bird?12:10
tsdgeoslinux-mac: run kbuildsycoca12:10
linux-macok ill try in terminal12:10
hermannican i play bf2 using linux12:10
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leiarmalik: haven't heard about jontact....12:11
dawnno but I heard one can play doom312:11
malik_leiar: i am using Kontact(mail client in edgy kubuntu 6.10with kde 3.5.5 ) to access gmail and it works like charm how do i make it to access yahoo mail too?12:11
linux-macit says no database avaible tsdgeos12:12
tsdgeoslinux-mac: that's normal12:12
malik_its called Kmail too12:12
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linux-macyes but still what i installed dosen't show anywhere why is that only if i reboot does12:12
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willHey! It worked12:12
leiarmalik:just put in mail.yahoo.com as your mail server, I think..12:12
linux-macon other distros like suse shows as u install very strange12:13
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fdovinglinux-mac: it's not given that it will show. you can install the package 'menu' if you want more apps in your menu.12:13
todd_dawn, there seems to be some good stuff when I googled for linux outlook to thunderbird backup, but since I haven't used that software, I'll just keep my advice to my experience; sorry12:13
fdovinglinux-mac: that will make a Debian submenu in your kmenu, with more apps than the ones showing in the kmenu.12:13
todd_I need help with mozilla and java, anyone?12:14
willBut kubuntu is still running a little laggy12:14
willFirefox man12:14
linux-macwell makes no sense u nead to reboot every time u install a program to make it show on k menu and desk no distro i ever seen does that12:14
willWhy is it so choppy12:14

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