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coz_ | after noon to all artists here | 11:16 |
coz_ | "artists" | 11:16 |
coz_ | :) | 11:16 |
coz_ | does anyoneknow the moderators for art.ubuntu.com? | 11:16 |
kwwii | coz: nope | 11:17 |
coz_ | kwwii, well that is a good answer :) | 11:17 |
coz_ | thanks | 11:17 |
kwwii | coz: I have heard your complaint before, if I find one I'll tell them | 11:17 |
kwwii | you have every right to that reqeust | 11:17 |
kwwii | request | 11:17 |
coz_ | kwwii, well i appreciate that but it is most approprately my responsibility but thanks | 11:17 |
kwwii | it is a simple matter of finding the right person at the right time | 11:18 |
kwwii | have you tried sending an email to anyone? | 11:18 |
coz_ | kwwii, I know you wold think they would spend as much time here s they do censoring things | 11:18 |
kwwii | lol | 11:18 |
kwwii | yeah | 11:18 |
kwwii | I think that there is still quite a bit of confusion in the art community at this time | 11:19 |
coz_ | kwwii, no I think the slowness of their vission overlaps into reding emal as well | 11:19 |
coz_ | kwwii, well sure there is, shttleworth is still thinking unclearly | 11:19 |
kwwii | yeah, it appears so | 11:19 |
kwwii | perhaps things will change soon | 11:19 |
coz_ | kwwii, most definatley especiall with theimplimentation of sensroship by prgrammers for art what is that ? | 11:20 |
coz_ | censorship | 11:20 |
coz_ | kwwii, the only option shuttlewroth has is to make the ucuntu art team an offical team without question including the members and also that ONLY ubuntu art eam members will be responsible for monitoring the galleries on the forum | 11:21 |
coz_ | but that is unlike ly to happen | 11:21 |
kwwii | well, I would disagree that art is the same as development but then again, I am a proffesional artist :-) | 11:22 |
coz_ | kwwii, well of course it is different .. artist have a more complex mind than a programmer | 11:22 |
kwwii | actually, the whole process of working is different | 11:22 |
coz_ | kwwii, youcan tech an artist to prgramm very well in about a year but several lfetimes to teach a programmer art | 11:22 |
kwwii | and without a rigid structure I do not think that we can achieve our goals | 11:23 |
kwwii | exactly, artist is something someone is born with | 11:23 |
coz_ | kwwii, with shuttleworth making final art decisions the art team is essetntiall a placibo | 11:23 |
kwwii | oh, I think he will take a step back from that approach | 11:23 |
coz_ | kwwii, dowbtful well ia mdoubtful | 11:24 |
coz_ | anyway | 11:24 |
kwwii | as he does not even have the time to deal with this stuff as much as he has in the past | 11:24 |
kwwii | yeah | 11:24 |
kwwii | who knows in the end | 11:24 |
coz_ | kwwii, then ony one solution make the team official | 11:24 |
kwwii | we will have to wait and see what happens | 11:24 |
coz_ | well I am not hopeful | 11:24 |
kwwii | I am sure that one way or another things will move forward | 11:25 |
coz_ | talking to the moderators all thiat Idid I ws not able to make them see their mistakes it ws like talking to an tech peson on the phone from verizon or cmcast. they have set list of do's and dont's they conformto not to resove anything just to clam the situation | 11:26 |
coz_ | calm | 11:26 |
kwwii | often in the case of artwork it is hard to judge someones experience level wthout working with them for a longer time | 11:26 |
coz_ | kwwii, well as a aprofessianl artist you can tell by theri work no? | 11:26 |
kwwii | if you see a portfolio, yeah | 11:27 |
kwwii | but who does that in linux? | 11:27 |
kwwii | often it is one or two things | 11:27 |
kwwii | and everyone thinks that they can do artwork | 11:27 |
kwwii | and everyone and their brother has an opinion on it | 11:27 |
coz_ | kwwii, yes I know in my case however Ihave hd over a hundred peices at times on the forums | 11:28 |
coz_ | long enough for anyone to understand what I ws doing | 11:28 |
kwwii | to be honest, I hate forums to begin with :p | 11:28 |
kwwii | it is too disperse | 11:28 |
kwwii | I do not have time to go through forums | 11:28 |
coz_ | kwwii, I saw this as an opportunity to teach | 11:28 |
coz_ | few of the works I see on the forums are done by an individiual posting them | 11:28 |
kwwii | I think that due to the confusion we all simply have to have patience and see how things work out | 11:29 |
coz_ | kwwii, well I suppose if I were hoping to get my conincal email address as so many of these kids seem to be working towards i suppose I would agree with you, but I posted my work to hlep and to contribute not t show ofof | 11:30 |
coz_ | not to show off | 11:30 |
coz_ | well i will try back later to see if anyone is a moderator for that art.ubuntu.com | 11:31 |
kwwii | well, you have to understand that things have been very confusing in the last year or so | 11:31 |
coz_ | thanks for talking kwwii :) | 11:31 |
kwwii | I am not saying that is is right taht way | 11:31 |
kwwii | yeah, see you | 11:31 |
kwwii | do not give up hope | 11:31 |
kwwii | ;-) | 11:31 |
coz_ | kwwii, well I am not real up to date on the politics of the the forums ro concincal or ubuntu for that mater | 11:31 |
kwwii | niether am I :p | 11:31 |
coz_ | and I think involving programmers in art is always a road to failure | 11:32 |
coz_ | couples with a conservative unintelligent view of appropirateness is even more diastrous | 11:32 |
coz_ | no kwwii I believe and would fight for the idea that ONLY the art team and its members would be the ONLY people to approve and finalize anything from icons to wallpare for ubuntu | 11:33 |
coz_ | no programmer finalizations at all | 11:33 |
coz_ | that is the appropriate and intelligent role for us | 11:34 |
kwwii | hehe | 11:34 |
kwwii | well, if you ask me that would have led to bad artwork last time | 11:34 |
kwwii | but then again, I do kubuntu art anyway | 11:34 |
kwwii | their was no real consensus | 11:34 |
coz_ | kwwii, it did led to bad artwork lst time when shttleworth deicded | 11:34 |
kwwii | and I admit that mark did not make things better | 11:35 |
coz_ | kwwii, I know he didin't | 11:35 |
kwwii | but I think he will stay away from things this time | 11:35 |
kwwii | I think he would rather give others that job, than loose more face | 11:35 |
coz_ | kwwii, not enough staying away only one option disband the art team or officialize it | 11:35 |
coz_ | that s ctually 2 options :) | 11:36 |
kwwii | hrm, not so sure about that | 11:36 |
kwwii | until the art team proves themselves | 11:36 |
coz_ | kwwii, why is that? | 11:36 |
kwwii | I was also not so happy with the consitency of the artwork | 11:36 |
coz_ | kwwii, well what I meatn was that it be officialized as are the develeopmet teams | 11:36 |
coz_ | same level | 11:36 |
kwwii | and I can see why mark said what he did, although it could have been done better and in a more constructive way | 11:37 |
kwwii | allowing thing to move forward instead of backward | 11:37 |
kwwii | but then again, he is not an artist | 11:37 |
coz_ | kwwii, again I am not aware of the averall picture s to what he did and did not do < i only see the outcome and the consequences so far | 11:37 |
kwwii | my guess is that he has little or no time to really get into this and learn something new | 11:37 |
kwwii | yeah, I agree that so far things are simply bad | 11:38 |
coz_ | kwwii, he doesn't have enough life time to learn art | 11:38 |
coz_ | anyway have to get back to contributing what support I can in the mean time so thanks again guy! :) | 11:38 |
kwwii | of course not | 11:38 |
kwwii | yeah, have fun | 11:38 |
coz_ | talk again I hope | 11:39 |
kwwii | see you around | 11:39 |
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BHSPitLappy | yawn | 11:54 |
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