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somerville32 | mdke: Typo in http://fridge.ubuntu.com/files/herd2release.txt | 07:22 |
somerville32 | mdke: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/feisty/herd-2/ (Edubuntu) -> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/feisty/herd-2/ (Xubuntu) | 07:22 |
crimsun | nice! They always did want to run Xfce anyhoo | 07:23 |
somerville32 | hehe | 07:25 |
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mdke | dammit, can't login to Gnome | 10:35 |
mdke | somerville32: it's a conspiracy by nixternal | 10:40 |
somerville32 | mdke: hehe | 10:40 |
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mdke | somerville32: I can't find that typo. Maybe someone fixed it (but I can't find a record of someone fixing it either) | 11:15 |
somerville32 | Look harder :P | 11:16 |
somerville32 | http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/feisty/herd-2/ (Ubuntu) | 11:16 |
somerville32 | http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/feisty/herd-2/ (Kubuntu) | 11:16 |
somerville32 | http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/releases/feisty/herd-2/ (Edubuntu) | 11:16 |
somerville32 | http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/feisty/herd-2/ (Edubuntu) | 11:16 |
somerville32 | in http://fridge.ubuntu.com/files/herd2release.txt | 11:16 |
mdke | oh yeah | 11:16 |
mdke | it's a typo in the release announcement itself | 11:17 |
mdke | ok, fixed, good spot | 11:19 |
somerville32 | page not found | 11:20 |
mdke | try again | 11:21 |
mdke | works for me | 11:22 |
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mdke | somerville32: is there a brown theme for xubuntu? | 11:24 |
somerville32 | mdke: You can use gnome themes in Xubuntu, I believe | 11:24 |
somerville32 | http://fridge.ubuntu.com/files/herd2release.txt <-- no workie | 11:25 |
mdke | somerville32: it works here | 11:25 |
mdke | somerville32: and yay, brown | 11:25 |
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mdke | hi there jsgotangco | 11:29 |
jsgotangco | hi! | 11:30 |
jsgotangco | hows it going mdke? | 11:30 |
mdke | jsgotangco: well, you? | 11:30 |
jsgotangco | not bad preparing for a trip | 11:31 |
crimsun | it's an mdke bug flewd! | 11:32 |
mdke | crimsun: I filed 2 bugs! is that a flewd? | 11:33 |
crimsun | nope, I just wanted to use "flewd" | 11:33 |
mdke | fair enough | 11:34 |
=== mdke goes off to find a dictionary | ||
jsgotangco | its a word??? | 11:35 |
crimsun | it's some strange enunciation of "flood", and I've never actually heard anyone enunciate it that way | 11:36 |
crimsun | OTOH, people seem to use it on irc a lot | 11:36 |
jsgotangco | must be fancied like pwned of sorts | 11:37 |
crimsun | seems so | 11:37 |
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mdke | morning mpt | 11:52 |
mpt | morning morning morning | 11:52 |
mdke | hmm. somerville32, where's the file manager? I need to view my home directory? | 11:53 |
mpt | mdke, just mailed you | 11:54 |
mdke | \o/ | 11:54 |
mpt | (belatedly) | 11:55 |
mdke | you rock | 11:55 |
mdke | that's really helpful, thx | 11:55 |
mdke | can't believe that to view my home directory in xubuntu I had to create a new folder on the desktop and open it. | 11:56 |
mpt | no Places menu? | 11:59 |
mdke | no, there is only an Applications menu | 11:59 |
=== mdke flews crimsun | ||
mpt | flews? | 12:22 |
mpt | flays? | 12:22 |
mdke | mpt: http://pastebin.ca/315116 | 12:23 |
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mpt | oh. | 01:02 |
mpt | So I was the post-punchline. | 01:02 |
=== mdke hugs mpt | ||
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somerville32 | Thunar. Fix Commited :P | 03:01 |
mdke | somerville32: I'm quite comfy with xubuntu here. Not bad at all | 03:01 |
=== somerville32 nods :) | ||
mdke | creating panel launchers is a total PITA, but still | 03:01 |
mdke | the occasional thing lags behind Gnome, especially things like that and selecting icons, backgrounds etc. But it's good! | 03:02 |
somerville32 | Did you try the built-in compositor yet? | 03:02 |
mdke | no? | 03:02 |
mdke | i'll try ot | 03:03 |
somerville32 | cool | 03:03 |
mdke | by the way, separate settings dialogues for "Window Manager" and "Window Manager Tweaks"?? | 03:03 |
somerville32 | hehe | 03:03 |
somerville32 | Silly xfce4 developers | 03:03 |
mdke | ooh, that's cool | 03:04 |
somerville32 | me has to go. Have fun :) | 03:04 |
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nixternal | somerville32: fixed the typo in the herd2release.txt file that mysteriously disappeared | 03:16 |
nixternal | oi jsgotangco | 03:16 |
jsgotangco | nixternal: hey there dude | 03:16 |
mdke | nixternal: ?? I already fixed it | 03:17 |
mdke | what happened? | 03:17 |
nixternal | mdke: dunno | 03:17 |
nixternal | someone came into the fridge saying the link was broke | 03:17 |
mdke | nixternal: weird. It was working fine for me | 03:17 |
nixternal | so i copied the release and created the text file again, and reuploaded it with somerville32's fix | 03:17 |
nixternal | no telling, it is working now, but in and hour or so who knows :) | 03:18 |
mdke | hmm | 03:19 |
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=== somerville32 always said it was broke. :P | ||
mdke | strange that it worked for me, even though I refreshed | 03:24 |
mdke | maybe my isp was caching it or something | 03:24 |
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mdke | heya Burgundavia | 09:04 |
Burgundavia | hey mdke | 09:04 |
Burgundavia | life is crazy | 09:04 |
mdke | Burgundavia: hmm? | 09:04 |
Burgundavia | work is busy. I am a few days at the main office in Calgary | 09:05 |
mdke | you're going back and forth? | 09:05 |
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Burgundavia | no, not really | 09:09 |
Burgundavia | just here for a few days | 09:09 |
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mdke | popey: I've prepared a short fridge article about the screencasts, lemme know if I can put it up for review/publishing | 11:01 |
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popey | yeah, where would you put it? | 11:07 |
popey | email? | 11:07 |
mdke | popey: ah, yes I can email it to you if you want | 11:07 |
popey | or somewhere else? don't mind | 11:07 |
mdke | I was thinking more "is everything ready for us to start trying to attract members?" | 11:08 |
popey | the how-to still has gaps | 11:09 |
mdke | think we should wait, or fill it in as we go along? | 11:09 |
mdke | (emailed) | 11:09 |
popey | go | 11:09 |
popey | it's already appeared on the ubuntu planet as you know | 11:09 |
mdke | yup | 11:10 |
popey | announcement looks good | 11:11 |
mdke | okay | 11:11 |
popey | wanna make my name a link to my lp page or wiki page? | 11:11 |
mdke | whichever your prefer | 11:12 |
popey | so people know how to get hold of me | 11:12 |
mdke | ok, lp | 11:12 |
popey | lp | 11:12 |
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mdke | popey: ok, done | 11:18 |
popey | what happens now? it goes for approval? | 11:20 |
mdke | yeah | 11:20 |
mdke | some refrigerator such as nixternal will look at it | 11:22 |
popey | hehe | 11:23 |
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mdke | heya linuxphotogeek | 11:24 |
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popey | mdke: how would you think we should best articulate what we actually want out of the people who are going to flood to our project ? :) | 11:56 |
popey | I have some wishlist items I would like | 11:56 |
mdke | popey: it should be clear from the wiki page, ideally | 11:57 |
popey | ok, should we have a help required section or something? | 11:57 |
popey | what should we call it? | 11:57 |
mdke | what sort of things are you thinking of? | 11:58 |
popey | well, I would like someone to remake the titles pages | 11:59 |
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popey | and someone to think of a better way to do some of the bits I am writing up on the how-to page | 11:59 |
popey | to streamline it | 11:59 |
mdke | ok, HelpRequired or something, I guess | 11:59 |
popey | ahh, a separate page? | 12:00 |
popey | yeah, good idea | 12:00 |
mdke | or a section, don't mind | 12:00 |
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