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dsasRiddell: Could you tell me how many people are subscribed to the ubuntu-uk list? We're trying to think of ways to increase the number of active particpants, so the number may be useful...or let me know of another list admin I can bug :)12:44
Riddelldsas: 34112:48
dsasRiddell: Wow. Didn't realise it was that high. Thanks a lot! :)12:48
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bobesponjahey all01:30
bobesponjaI just did an update on edgy, and now my ipod is only mounted as read-only01:31
bobesponjanot even as root01:31
bobesponjaand I'm not the only one01:31
dsasbobesponja: Has there been a bug report filed?01:34
bobesponjadsas: no idea01:35
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dsasbobesponja: Any idea what packages have been updated? Was it an update released today? do you have the edgy-proposed repository enabled?01:40
bobesponjadsas: I have a clean install, didn't add any other repository01:40
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somerville32Hobbsee, ping01:41
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Hobbseesomerville32: pong02:02
Hobbseesomerville32: contentless ping warning02:02
somerville32Hobbsee, Can you take a look at this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/7884102:03
UbugtuMalone bug 78841 in Ubuntu "System crashes if disconnected from network" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  02:03
somerville32And do you know anyone who is good with IPT crack? :)02:03
Hobbseesomerville32: right.  looked.  and?02:04
Hobbseesomerville32: could be a kernel thing - that's where i'd guess02:05
somerville32Try - I'm rather disturbed by it. :(02:06
=== somerville32 can't type today.
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TuxCrafterHi guy's10:59
TuxCrafterI have been testing feisty10:59
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TuxCrafterand I have some small comments: first good job it installed ok under vmware and did beheave as aspected (unlike the 3 other distro's i have tested this week (zenwalk, dreamlinux, debian stable, debian unstable)11:00
TuxCrafterissue 1: The menu element create folder has a to big icon image11:02
TuxCrafternot the one predicted by the gnome standard11:02
TuxCrafteri believe that was 16x1611:02
MithrandirTuxCrafter: please file bugs in the bug tracker.11:02
TuxCrafterI dont now if it is a bug11:03
Mithrandirthen ask about it in the question tracker?11:03
TuxCrafterIt could be a new usability feature 11:03
TuxCrafterI have one more thing :-D11:03
TreenaksTuxCrafter: just file it as a bug. if it's not a bug, it'll get closed...11:04
TuxCrafterIf there is a new feature introduced like the new GNOME Control Center. Don't remove the old way of the settings menu11:05
TuxCrafterjust some small comments, keep up the good work! 11:06
mdkethat's the best change so far this release, the old menu was hideous11:07
TuxCrafterYou can have it both 11:09
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TuxCrafterand just call it Control Center instead of GNOME Control Center11:10
mdkeI filed a bug about that yesterday11:11
mdkefeel free to confirm it11:11
mdkebut no, you can't have both, it would be too confusing11:11
mdkebug 7916411:12
UbugtuMalone bug 79164 in control-center "More user-friendly menu entry" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7916411:12
TuxCrafterIf you want to change the screen resolution for example, now you have to press a lot more mouse clicks to get there11:13
TuxCrafterI don't say it is bad hell no11:13
TuxCrafterbut you could just put the old menu beneath it11:14
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mdkethere is probably a gconf key or something to use the old style. both at once would be really confusing, imo. And having a coherent preferences dialogue is one of the biggest steps ahead Gnome has made in this release cycle, I think11:15
TuxCrafterOk, i can see the points11:18
TuxCrafterI will comfirm the name bug11:18
Amaranththere is no gconf key11:23
Amaranththe settings.menu file isn't even shipped by gnome-menus anymore11:23
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mdkeAmaranth: do you know if the category list is ours, or upstreams? It would be nice to get rid of the "Other" category11:24
AmaranthTuxCrafter: can you explain "<TuxCrafter> issue 1: The menu element create folder has a to big icon image"?11:24
Amaranthmdke: it's based on the categories set in the .desktop files11:24
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TuxCrafterThe Main menu editor should indeed be under Look and Feels11:25
Amaranthmdke: alacarte, for example, has DesktopSettings in it's categories in gnome svn so it doesn't go into "Other" anymore11:25
mdkewhere does it go?11:25
Amaranthi think Look & Feel11:26
=== mdke nods approvingly
mdkewe need to do something like that for all of the "Other" chaps11:26
Amaranthyeah, DesktopSettings makes the icon go in Look & Feel11:27
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Amaranthand the categories are defined upstream11:27
mdkeok. Does that mean it's a bit late to do anything about them?11:28
Amaranthoh, settings.menu is shipped in gnome-menus, dang11:28
=== Amaranth got confused about that when vuntz explained it
Amaranthoh, settings.menu just has the control center in it now11:28
Amaranthmdke: you can define the categories by modifying /etc/xdg/menus/preferences.menu11:29
mdkeI'll suggest that mpt has a hack at those categories, maybe he can come up with something11:29
Amaranthi think just getting Other items sorted properly will fix it all11:30
TuxCrafterquestion: does ubuntu have a new policy about the kernel versions used? It now says 2.6.20-5-generic11:30
mdkeyes, and maybe "System" :)11:30
Amaranthalthough things like Network Tools should be in Network and Internet11:30
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TuxCrafterUbuntu made a big jump then form kernel11:31
TuxCrafteris this correct?11:31
AmaranthTuxCrafter: I don't understand what you're saying11:31
TuxCrafteruname -r11:32
Amaranthwhat about it?11:32
mdkejump? we've got the latest one11:32
TuxCrafternice, in the past ubuntu never used the latest one but always a few steps behind. therefor the question about the new kernel policy ?11:33
AmaranthTuxCrafter: In the past whatever kernel was the latest when development started was used11:33
mdkewe stop updating programs at a certain point in the release cycle, any later releases don't get updated11:34
TuxCrafterweird I believe the version of edgy was tree version behind11:34
TuxCrafterbut I like it!11:34
Amaranthedgy was 2 versions behind11:35
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Amaranthedgy has 2.6.17, 2.6.19 came out right around when edgy was released11:35
TuxCrafterwith this kernel It will at-leased boot. I have a via epia en12000 and the edgy kernel does not work11:35
Seveasand feisty will have .20 because of paravirt-ops and other nicenesses11:36
Amaranthkvm + paravirt would be nice11:36
Amaranthbut that's 2.6.21 stuff11:36
stdinkvm is in 2.6.2011:42
MithrandirAmaranth: BenC is talking about backporting some of the 2.6.21 bits.11:43
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Amaranthstdin: this stuff still exists in patch form11:44
TuxCraftermy system froze11:44
TuxCrafterdid i miss some response?11:44
Amaranthstdin: it's an addon to kvm to do paravirtualization (sort of like Xen) using some of the Intel VT extensions to do the work11:45
stdinahh, nice :)11:46
AmaranthI/O is like 5000% faster than regular virtualization with kvm11:46
stdinI'm having a small problem with 2.6.20, well, not so much a problem, as an annoyance 11:47
stdinmy /dev/hda is now /dev/sda 11:47
Mithrandirthat's intentional11:47
TuxCrafterguestion: how do i debug total system freezes11:47
TuxCraftercan I see any logs?11:47
mdkeyay, ubuntu-desktop is working again11:47
Amaranthmdke: that was a quick transition11:48
TuxCrafteror is there a tool that i can test irq test with11:48
stdinMithrandir: can you tell my why, or point me to a link explaining? :)11:48
Mithrandirstdin: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/libata-for-all-ata-disks11:49
stdinthanks :)11:49
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TuxCrafterwere should I post a bug for feisty11:51
TuxCrafterhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu ?11:51
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dokoMithrandir: ctypes should not be built for 2.5, it's included in the standard library11:52
Mithrandirdoko: bah, ok, sorry.  Something or another here depended on it and it wasn't upgraded properly.11:58
dokoMithrandir: I'll look at it tomorrow11:58
Mithrandirdoko: and your xen upload seems to have exposed some bug in soyuz; it has never had builds scheduled.11:58
Mithrandirdoko: please file a removal request too.11:58
dokoMithrandir:  for xen-3.0?11:58
UbugtuMalone bug 79200 in Ubuntu "new folder menu icon item is too big not following the gnome specs" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  11:59
TuxCrafterthis ok\?11:59
TuxCrafterUbugtu: you are fast :-D12:00
Mithrandirdoko: yeah12:00
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TuxCrafterI have to go now, thanks for the help and the info bye12:19
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fabbioneMithrandir, cjwatson: you want to look at #79107 and #79109. I still need to confirm them tho01:02
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megatillhab keinen zugriff die festplatte bzw. kann sie nicht aktivieren udn kein ubuntu installieren, kann mir jemand sagen was ich machen kann?02:03
ivoksyou can try in english on #ubuntu02:09
bhaleor #ubuntu-de02:09
ivoksor german in #ubuntu-de02:09
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Enola_Gayhi all02:29
Enola_GayThe kernel frequency governors have a huge bug in all kernel versions. They only put frequency to maximum on user cpu usage not on system. If you transfer something to usb you have 100% cpu usage but the cpu has still the lowest frequency. Could please someone fix this. I don't understand why now other one has made a bug report or has fixed it.#02:34
mdkeEnola_Gay: please make a bug report yourself if someone hasn't already02:34
Enola_Gaymdke: Ok, but I think it will be ignored.02:35
TreenaksEnola_Gay: what makes you think that?02:35
mdkeEnola_Gay: you're more likely to be ignored posting off topic here on a Sunday02:38
Enola_GayTreenaks: Experience ;)02:39
mdkefor bugs, you must use the bug tracker02:39
Enola_Gaymdke: Bugs of Ubuntu are offtopic?02:39
TreenaksEnola_Gay: no. but reporting bugs is02:39
Enola_GayOk, it seems to be a general kernel bug.02:39
Ng_Enola_Gay: in that case registering it upstream may be an idea too02:40
Enola_GayI am going to report it.02:40
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Enola_GayI think there have to be a reason for it because it happens since I am useing cpu scaling on linux.02:40
Enola_GayI just wanted to know the reason :)02:41
TreenaksEnola_Gay: file the bug already02:41
Enola_GayTreenaks: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-meta/+bug/7923202:48
UbugtuMalone bug 79232 in linux-meta "kernel does not scale cpu on system usage (only on user)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  02:48
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dokoMithrandir: please requeue libhdate, opencv, hocr (should build with the updated swig)03:33
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Megatillgerman channel? ubuntu-de?03:36
Mithrandirdoko: given-back03:37
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=== Treenaks pokes some bugs
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enricoapparently yesterday's edgy update broke nautilus and logging in just have a bug reporting tool opening and getting stuck on 'collecting info from the system'04:09
enricohowever the computer is some tousands km away from me and I can't ssh into it, so I can't give more insight04:10
mdkeenrico: you should contact the technical board and sfllaw about something like that04:13
bhaleyou shouldnt contact the technical board with conjecture about a bug and no details04:14
bhaleif you can gather some and get a detailed bug report filed, it is worth poking sfllaw 04:14
mdkewell, sounded like a serious regression to me, obviously if it's "conjecture", then no04:16
Luredoko: pykdeextensions as in archive does not buld anymore - I would like to get it and python-kde3 in resonable state so that we can fix kde-guidance for python 2.504:16
dokoLure: sure, fix it ;)04:17
Luredoko: not sure if in my power ;-) first time hacking there... ;-)04:17
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sfllawenrico: Ping?04:25
sfllawenrico: Was this from edgy-updates or edgy-proposed?04:25
sfllawenrico: Also, when was the lsat time you did an update?04:26
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enricosfllaw: update yesterday, only from edgy updates05:27
enricosfllaw: but that is my conjecture: ignore me if you don't see screams from other people as well05:28
enricosfllaw: I'll have no access to that machine for another 12 days anyway05:28
BenCMithrandir, Aramanth: I have a kvm + paravirt host/guest running on a Core2Duo right now05:31
BenCI think kvm+paravirt will be in stock kernels on the next upload05:31
AmaranthBenC: ooh05:31
AmaranthBenC: have my babies05:32
BenCstock-ubuntu I mean05:32
AmaranthBenC: sound a lot louder now? :)05:32
BenCIf Xen's domU code (xen core + paravirt) wasn't so damn huge, I'd include that too05:32
BenCbut it's like 480k patch05:32
BenCAmaranth: sound is great right now05:32
BenCOnly problem with kvm right now is that it doesn't support real-mode 32-bit05:33
BenCso booting the livecd is broken because the bootsplash is real-mode 32-bit05:33
Amaranthyeah, can't boot ubuntu isos on it05:33
BenCyou have to boot the alternate CD05:34
BenCalternate and server works05:34
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Amaranthalternative bombed on me too last time i tried05:34
Amaranthi ended up installing etch to test it out05:34
BenChmm, maybe it's because I used dapper alternate...I thought that edgy would be the same05:34
Amaranthi used dapper too05:34
=== Zdra [n=zdra@72.104-65-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu-devel
BenCI've downloaded the Intel VT docs, and got some tips from kvm-devel, so I'm going to work on real-mode 32-bit in my spare (HAHAHA) time05:35
kylemyou're nuts, chief :)05:35
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BenCkylem: I've never been accused of sanity :)05:37
kylemBenC, have you been able to test it with svm?05:37
BenCHmm...I wonder if my AMD64 chips has that05:37
BenCdo you remember the svm cpu flag?05:38
BenCis it svd?05:38
AmaranthBenC: i think it has to be am205:38
Amaranthor whatever that new socket is05:38
zulBenC: im officially the sane one now05:38
BenCzul: You work on xen, you lost all claims to sanity a long time ago05:39
Amaranthdoesn't xen actually sit under the host linux?05:39
kylemBenC, i think it's "svm" :P05:39
kylem                /* AMD-defined (#2) */05:39
kylem                "lahf_lm", "cmp_legacy", "svm", NULL, "cr8legacy", NULL, NULL, NULL,05:39
BenCNope, my amd64 is crap :)05:41
kylemsame here.05:41
kylemi need to upgrade my windows box soon anyway.05:41
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BenCOdd thing is, I had to upgrade my BIOS on the Supermicro Xeon box so kvm-intel would work05:42
BenCthe BIOS reported the VT was enabled, but it didn't really set the enable bit05:42
BenCthose whacky BIOS writers05:43
BenCI know they did it just for me, because I'd get the joke05:43
maswanBenC: over the last 3 clusters we've bought, all have had that behaviour wrt ECC05:44
BenCmaswan: I my need a reminder to context that correctly :)05:45
maswanBenC: reporting it to be enabled when you switch it on, but in reality it is still turned off05:45
BenCah, ok05:45
BenCwow, I need more coffee05:46
BenCI just used "apt-get install acpi_cpufreq" when I mean "modprobe acpi_cpufreq"05:46
BenCapt was terribly uncooperative with that request05:47
BenCDWIM damnit!05:47
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MithrandirBenC: just make a "do" package. :-P05:47
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BenCI'll be like the guy on wedding crashers05:48
BenC"do it!"05:48
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bhaledoes kvm do something useful w/o xen or vmware on top?05:51
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BenCbhale: kvm is meant to be an alternative to xen/vmware06:04
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bhaleBenC: oh, i must have it mixed up with the shared paravirt code06:16
BenCbhale: Yeah, paravirt is just an API, but so far vmware, kvm and xen offer paravirt ops for linux guests06:17
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giskardkvm needs new processor with VT supports06:42
giskardxen can work with VT but it's not necessary. (vmware afaik doesn't support VT)06:43
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ivoksgiskard: kvm can work without VT too07:03
ivoksslow, true, but it can07:04
Treenakswhy did I parse that as 'without a vt'07:05
ivoksTreenaks: ?07:06
Treenaksivoks: virtual terminal.. Alt+F1 etc.07:06
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ivoksi don't understand why people claim that xen works without VT, and KVM doesn't07:07
ivokstruth is oposite07:07
ivokskvm can run unmodified OS without VT enabled processor (very slow, but it can)07:07
ivokswhile Xen can't run unmodified OS without VT processor07:07
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bluefoxicyatheros :(07:09
bluefoxicyif I load any atheros drivers at all, my system decides it's time to shit itself.07:09
bluefoxicyoopses everywhere, X stops working, etc.07:09
bluefoxicyin 2.6.20-[45] -{generic,lowlatency}07:09
bluefoxicyCan I submit just one giant bug report with all the oopses gathered, or do I have to figure out which are which and split them up?07:10
ivoksi think this is a known issue07:11
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bluefoxicysomeone needs to teach gnome's syslog viewer to group lines like oopses and bug()s so I can just say "give me XXX" and cherry-pick (make all our lives easier)  :D07:12
ivokswe use vi07:15
ivoks:] 07:15
bluefoxicyivoks:  is there actually a way to switch which sound card is being used for playback :|07:16
ivoksi don't think there is a gui for that :/07:17
bluefoxicycan I spend a hint coin and get a command :|  I'm considering offing my SB Audigy for on-board realtek sound but right now I'm thinking the onboard sounds like trash :|07:18
ivoksi think that should be done in /etc/asoundrc07:20
ivoksbut i never even think about that (i have only one card - onboard)07:20
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simirais it any more official information about the distro sprint coming up?07:27
giskardivoks, because of Intel-based hosts (requires VT capable processors)07:29
giskardtaken from kvm.sf.net07:29
ivokswell, yes, for faster work you need kvm kernel module which requiers VT enabled proc07:32
ivoksbut you can use qemu aka kvm userland tool wihtout kvm module07:32
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delireis the fastest means to get my software into the Ubuntu repos to first begin maintaining it for Debian Unstable?07:46
bhalethat is probably slower, but ideal.07:46
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delirebhale: right07:50
delirebhale: there are perhaps three packages i'm considering maintaining.07:51
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lakinI'm looking into this bug, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usplash-theme-ubuntu/+bug/67545 ,  but I could benefit from knowing which package is responsible for telling usplash the desired resolution? (I think this is stored in /etc/usplash.conf)08:48
UbugtuMalone bug 67545 in usplash "usplash appears black and white (grayscale) on amd64" [Low,Confirmed]  08:48
Mithrandirlakin: don't bother, it's mostly fixed and has a very non-obvious solution.08:51
lakinMithrandir: ok ... are there packages I can test for it, or is it not yet fixed?08:51
lakinerrr. not fully finished.08:51
Mithrandirlakin: grab usplash bzr, make it use libx86 instead of the embedded one and make amd64 as well as i386 use svgalib.08:52
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lakinMithrandir: thanks08:53
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Luredoko: python-kde3 needs another small patch to get built with python 2.5: bug 7919108:55
UbugtuMalone bug 79191 in python-kde3 "no python2.5 modules" [Undecided,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7919108:55
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bluefoxicyDoes it count as "a bug that causes data loss" if, say, accidentally double-clicking Deskbar or trying to click the arrow (history of commands) to close the command history list activates the "Shutdown the system" event from the recent actions list, causing everything to hard-close instantly?10:56
bluefoxicywithout asking?10:56
bluefoxicy(firefox even came back up and said it crashed when I rebooted)10:56
Seveasbluefoxicy, no, it counts as user silliness ;)10:57
bluefoxicyhey I didn't expect it to happen :(10:57
bluefoxicyalthough I think it's significant that shutdown seems to hard-kill (SIGKILL) everything under Gnome (you get an INSTANT log-out, without a confirmation dialog)10:58
Seveashopefully upstarts shutdown will grow ways of preventing that, just like gnome-power-manager can be inhibited from hibernating or responding to powerbutton presses10:58
bluefoxicycan't someone just fix deskbar's list of system actions :/10:59
bluefoxicyit's a GNOME applet, it should know how to properly ask GNOME to quit rather than telling init to reboot and letting /etc/init.d/gdm stop do it; at the very least it should also have an option to confirm any system actions like "logoff" or "reboot"  x_o11:00
=== bluefoxicy is going to file a bug on SOMETHING here.. he just isn't sure what
bhaleim not seeing how you even manageed this debacle11:02
Treenaksdeskbar, for being silly about Gnome actions11:02
bhaleexecute 'shutdown' doesnt work as a user11:02
delirebluefoxicy: yes i think that is a design bug.11:03
Nafallobhale: deskbar-applet has "system actions". among them shutdown.11:03
bluefoxicybhale:  in deskbar, set its options to include "computer actions" and "history"; then type "shutdown" and pick "Shutdown the machine" (this will kill everything immediately)11:03
bhalewell then its not enabled by default11:04
bluefoxicybhale:  later, click the drop-down arrow (top option is now "Shutdown the machine"), then try to click it again and it'll... instantly kill your entire gnome session, run the shutdown sequence, and turn the machine off.11:04
bhaleits not11:04
bhalewhy dont you turn it off11:04
bluefoxicyyeah, I did now.  (the entry is still in the history menu)11:04
delireoh, so it's not enabled by default?11:05
bhaleno, its not11:05
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=== delire coughs
bhaleand neither is deskbar11:05
=== bluefoxicy disables alt+q too
bluefoxicybhale: it's not enabled by default; it's still part of Main and it still acts immature.11:07
bhaleyou clicked "shutdown"11:07
=== bhale sighs, goes elsewhere
bluefoxicyby accident :(11:08
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bluefoxicythere, I've filed TWO bugs.11:34
=== mdke pats bluefoxicy
Keybukmmm, bugs11:35
=== bluefoxicy patted
=== bluefoxicy goes through Malone and begins assigning all bugs to Keybuk :D
bluefoxicySince you like them so much :D11:36
Keybukbluefoxicy: I'll just delegate them to my staff <g>11:37
bluefoxicyyou have a staff?11:37
bluefoxicyI'm jealous.  I just got a TSR job.11:37
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