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jenda | Where is our next UWN? | 02:26 |
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jenda | theCore: hey | 03:35 |
jenda | was there a quiz on friday | 03:35 |
jenda | ? | 03:35 |
theCore | jenda: I don't think so | 03:38 |
jenda | oh well, good, then :) | 03:38 |
juliux | jenda, ping | 03:52 |
jenda | juliux: pong | 03:52 |
juliux | jenda, i have a question about the stickers | 03:53 |
juliux | do you have the ok for the stickers from jane? | 03:53 |
jenda | I believe so | 03:53 |
jenda | Actually, no. | 03:53 |
jenda | The logo is unchanged, so there is no need for it. | 03:53 |
juliux | better you ask her | 03:53 |
juliux | the trademarks kubuntu, ubuntu etc are registerd in germany | 03:53 |
jenda | Actually, it's Marilize that does this stuff, and I've spoken to her about the stuff. | 03:54 |
jenda | heh, too much stuff in that sentence :) | 03:54 |
juliux | so you have an ok from canonical;) | 03:55 |
jenda | I'll scour my inbox and PM you the particulars, if you wish. | 03:55 |
jenda | pep | 03:55 |
jenda | *yep | 03:55 |
juliux | if you say yes everything is fine for me;) | 03:55 |
jenda | ah, found it. | 03:57 |
jenda | There's just one remark - it has to state that it's a trademark. | 03:57 |
juliux | good | 03:57 |
jenda | I suppose it's worth asking them about that, in case of stickers, because they are tiny. | 03:57 |
juliux | another ting is that the kubuntu logo on the picture is outdated | 03:58 |
jenda | juliux: I'll be making these all over again, so if you could link me to an up-to-date svg logo, that would be great. | 04:00 |
juliux | jenda, i think it is all in the wiki;) | 04:00 |
jenda | okeydokey, I'll try to find time for that this week. | 04:01 |
juliux | or ask the kubuntu people | 04:01 |
jenda | juliux: you sure you aren't interested in Xubuntu stickers, btw? :) | 04:02 |
juliux | jenda, perhaps 100-200 | 04:02 |
jenda | Would give me a good enough excuse to print some, you know :) | 04:02 |
jenda | ah, cool. | 04:02 |
jenda | that's probably good enough. | 04:02 |
juliux | jenda, if i have a final price i can say you a number;) | 04:02 |
juliux | tea time | 04:02 |
jenda | ok | 04:03 |
jenda | I'm still waiting for the printer. | 04:03 |
jenda | BTW, once I have a final number, I can give an exact price ;) | 04:04 |
jenda | But that doesn't really matter - the printer gives one estimate price, and then the final one is never higher, and usually just a bit lower. | 04:04 |
jenda | !ubuntulog | juliux | 04:36 |
ubotu | juliux: ubuntulog is a logging bot run on various Ubuntu channels. You can read the logs at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ | 04:36 |
juliux | jenda, thxs | 04:37 |
juliux | ;) | 04:37 |
jenda | 04:37 | |
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beuno | hellos | 08:04 |
beuno | hey jenda, I'd like some xubuntu stickers too | 08:05 |
beuno | many ppl in my LoCo are looking for them | 08:06 |
tsmithe | jenda is working | 08:08 |
tsmithe | dunno when he'll be back | 08:09 |
tsmithe | soon probably, knowing him | 08:09 |
beuno | aaah, ok ok, thanks tsmithe | 08:12 |
tsmithe | :) | 08:12 |
jenda | tsmithe: correct :) | 08:19 |
tsmithe | awh | 08:19 |
tsmithe | :) | 08:19 |
jenda | I just came, though, I really turned it off :) | 08:19 |
=== tsmithe oh sure | ||
tsmithe | hmm | 08:20 |
tsmithe | didn't mean a /me there | 08:20 |
jenda | hehe :) | 08:21 |
beuno | hey jenda ;D | 08:23 |
jenda | beuno: check, I'll let you know once available :) | 08:25 |
beuno | ok ok, np | 08:26 |
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tonyyarusso | Our gobby-for-dapper backport vanished. See http://pkern.debian.net/ | 09:02 |
beuno | tonyyarusso, yes, quite a while ago | 09:03 |
tonyyarusso | beuno: Did another one surface somewhere? | 09:03 |
beuno | not that I know of, I do know someone googled for it and found it | 09:04 |
beuno | maybe we can setup another mirror | 09:04 |
tonyyarusso | That would be good | 09:04 |
juliux | tonyyarusso, did you know how much traffic is there per month? | 09:05 |
beuno | tonyyarusso: http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/g/gobby/gobby_0.4.1-1_i386.deb | 09:06 |
tonyyarusso | juliux: Not a clue. | 09:06 |
juliux | tonyyarusso, ok | 09:06 |
=== juliux has only 35GB/month for free | ||
beuno | tonyyarusso: maybe we can add that same link | 09:06 |
tonyyarusso | beuno: Is that backported or for etch? | 09:07 |
beuno | I'm not sure, it's just a randome google search | 09:07 |
beuno | I've got around 5k of bandwidth per month | 09:07 |
beuno | so I can mirror it | 09:07 |
beuno | tonyyarusso: someone with dapper should try and install it | 09:08 |
tonyyarusso | beuno: That can be arranged. | 09:09 |
beuno | *that's 5k gb | 09:10 |
juliux | beuno, nice | 09:11 |
beuno | my company does hosting, so we have a couple of dedicated servers | 09:12 |
tonyyarusso | beuno: "It opened the installer but got an error: Dependency is not satisfiable libatk 1.0-0" | 09:16 |
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beuno | not good | 09:19 |
beuno | maybe somene here still has it | 09:19 |
tonyyarusso | beuno: sparklehistory has Dapper to test, but not the old package. | 09:20 |
beuno | ok, well, we'll have to keep digging | 09:22 |
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poningru | er hold on guys | 09:31 |
poningru | http://darcs.0x539.de/trac/obby/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/wiki/LatestGobbyOnUbuntuBreezy | 09:33 |
beuno | that's for breezy, does it work on dapper? | 09:34 |
beuno | tonyyarusso: can you get that tested? | 09:38 |
tonyyarusso | beuno, poningru: That looks like still 0.3? | 09:39 |
tonyyarusso | Breezy had 0.2 | 09:39 |
tonyyarusso | we need .4 | 09:39 |
poningru | ah hmm | 09:40 |
poningru | backporting .4 to dapper | 09:40 |
=== bapoumba [n=bapoumba@ACaen-257-1-47-53.w86-220.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
bapoumba | Hello :) | 09:45 |
beuno | hey bapoumba | 09:47 |
jenda | oi | 09:52 |
bapoumba | hello beuno and jenda :) | 09:52 |
jenda | How's life in France? | 09:53 |
jenda | err... a va? ;) | 09:53 |
bapoumba | a va ;) | 09:53 |
bapoumba | sunny Sunday ;) | 09:54 |
jenda | hmm... | 09:54 |
bapoumba | what's about you ? | 09:54 |
jenda | it's dark out right now... but that reminds me I didn't look out the window all day ;) | 09:54 |
bapoumba | ^^ | 09:54 |
jenda | me? not good. | 09:55 |
bapoumba | it's dark here too | 09:55 |
tsmithe | and here! | 09:55 |
jenda | Studying for tomorrows exam. | 09:55 |
jenda | Still. | 09:55 |
bapoumba | ho ... Good luck ;) | 09:55 |
=== tsmithe is pretending to study for wednesday's | ||
jenda | And constantly looking for something else to do. | 09:55 |
jenda | :) | 09:55 |
bapoumba | I wont say the m.. word in here, but thinking about it for you ;) | 09:55 |
tsmithe | m word? | 09:55 |
=== jenda thinks | ||
bapoumba | tsmithe, in french | 09:56 |
tsmithe | ahh | 09:56 |
=== jenda thinks in french, then ;) | ||
bapoumba | to say good luck, there is a bad word | 09:56 |
jenda | ah :) | 09:56 |
jenda | of course. | 09:56 |
bapoumba | ^^ | 09:56 |
=== jenda consults the M! book when in need. | ||
bapoumba | You'll be okay jenda :) | 09:57 |
jenda | I'll do my best ;) | 09:58 |
jenda | Well, having no other choice after devoting all of this years time to anything but school :) | 09:58 |
bapoumba | I used to know that ;) | 09:58 |
=== tsmithe MUST do his english essay | ||
tsmithe | and his maths revision | 09:59 |
tsmithe | and write to his german exchange partner | 09:59 |
=== bapoumba MUST go thru 100+ essays to grades them :/ | ||
tsmithe | that's easy | 09:59 |
tsmithe | get a random number generator | 10:00 |
jenda | bapoumba: French teacher? :) | 10:00 |
bapoumba | I've got a good ol' way to grade | 10:00 |
bapoumba | (biology) | 10:00 |
tsmithe | depending on the number, stick an A/B/C on it | 10:00 |
jenda | oooh :) | 10:00 |
jenda | nice | 10:00 |
=== tsmithe likes biology | ||
bapoumba | tsmithe, go up a staircase, send all the essay to a nice fly | 10:01 |
jenda | Was my fave subject before I chose... law over medicine :) | 10:01 |
bapoumba | top ones get top grades, bottom ones bad grades | 10:01 |
bapoumba | easy ^^ | 10:01 |
tsmithe | :P | 10:01 |
tsmithe | fun too! | 10:01 |
jenda | bapoumba: you should also check for nice hand-drawn pictures in them, if any. | 10:01 |
jenda | those should be moved up two stairs, IMO ;) | 10:02 |
bapoumba | jenda, too much work /o\ | 10:02 |
tsmithe | jenda, who'd do medicine? /me would look into genetics, or neuroscience if he decides on biology at uni... or is medicine required for both? | 10:02 |
bapoumba | I'd have to think | 10:02 |
tsmithe | :P | 10:02 |
tsmithe | do you know how to do the other thing i was going to ask but forgot? | 10:03 |
tsmithe | hmm/ | 10:03 |
bapoumba | well depends on how the wind is blowing | 10:03 |
=== tsmithe tries to remember | ||
tsmithe | ah! | 10:03 |
tsmithe | i remember now | 10:03 |
jenda | tsmithe: well, it's prolly a diff system ;) We just go to med school, and specialise on genetics or neuro later. | 10:04 |
tsmithe | ah k | 10:04 |
tsmithe | do you know how some people got on the world challenge trip at school ( http://tibsplace.co.uk/venezuela ) ? | 10:04 |
jenda | tsmithe: funny how us computer geeks like the same sub-subjects in bio ;) | 10:04 |
tsmithe | :) | 10:04 |
jenda | tsmithe: you're asking for something bad to happen to you ;) | 10:04 |
tsmithe | no i'm not | 10:04 |
tsmithe | i want you to guess the answer | 10:04 |
tsmithe | and i posted the link in case bapoumba didn't know what world challenge was | 10:05 |
jenda | tsmithe: _I_ am the certified spammer around here.... | 10:05 |
jenda | hehe | 10:05 |
jenda | tsmithe: you mean you got the money needed? | 10:05 |
bapoumba | tsmithe, looking at your link | 10:05 |
tsmithe | no | 10:05 |
jenda | aha | 10:05 |
tsmithe | jenda, how they got on to the trip | 10:05 |
jenda | bapoumba: caution, he'll start asking for money in a while ;) | 10:05 |
tsmithe | (it was a competition) | 10:06 |
jenda | ...just before I start trying to sell some Ubuntu stickers ;) | 10:06 |
tsmithe | :) | 10:06 |
jenda | tsmithe: no, no idea. | 10:06 |
tsmithe | ah ok | 10:06 |
tsmithe | well | 10:06 |
bapoumba | jenda, I see Cody got caught ;) | 10:06 |
tsmithe | huh? | 10:06 |
tsmithe | some people, well, they included... guess what? pictures! | 10:06 |
jenda | mhm | 10:06 |
tsmithe | in their essay | 10:07 |
tsmithe | on why they should get in | 10:07 |
tsmithe | one guy did it as two monkeys talking to each other! | 10:07 |
tsmithe | so pictures are useful | 10:07 |
beuno | and speaking of ubuntu stickers... | 10:08 |
beuno | jenda, I got a lot of users here requesting xubuntu stickers | 10:08 |
tsmithe | beuno, you're gonna donate? thanks! | 10:08 |
beuno | I always missread "donate" as "donut" for some reason | 10:09 |
tsmithe | :D | 10:09 |
beuno | just in case, | 10:09 |
=== beuno is not fat | ||
tsmithe | and you're not allowed to weedle out of my question | 10:09 |
tsmithe | ! | 10:09 |
beuno | and now that I think of it, there are no donuts in Argentina... | 10:09 |
beuno | ;D | 10:09 |
tsmithe | which i must ask, cos jenda made me | 10:10 |
jenda | beuno: hmm, there will be some, I'm sure ;) | 10:10 |
beuno | what are you raising money for? | 10:10 |
jenda | tsmithe: aha :) | 10:10 |
tsmithe | beuno, http://tibsplace.co.uk/venezuela | 10:10 |
beuno | jenda, great, add me to the list and I might buy them and distribute them here | 10:10 |
tsmithe | aha indeed! | 10:10 |
jenda | beuno: how many might you be interested in? I'm guessing the price at $0.20-$0.30 apiece. | 10:11 |
beuno | jenda, I'll get a pol setup, but I don't think much more then 50-100 | 10:12 |
jenda | that's good enough | 10:13 |
jenda | actually, very good ;) | 10:13 |
beuno | pol == poll | 10:13 |
jenda | kk | 10:13 |
beuno | tsmithe, what's the pound/dollar exchange rate? | 10:14 |
tsmithe | 0.57 ? | 10:14 |
tsmithe | $/ | 10:14 |
tsmithe | no | 10:14 |
tsmithe | other way round | 10:14 |
tsmithe | :P | 10:14 |
beuno | and why does the text say 3500, and the fund raiser 4000? | 10:14 |
tsmithe | huh? | 10:15 |
tsmithe | hmm | 10:15 |
tsmithe | weird | 10:15 |
=== tsmithe looks at the code | ||
beuno | "This is all great, but to get there and to do this, each of us has to raise the necessary 3500." | 10:15 |
beuno | "Target:4000 | 10:15 |
beuno | Raised:65" | 10:15 |
tsmithe | fixed? | 10:15 |
beuno | so, 10 dollars would be... 5 ? | 10:15 |
tsmithe | yeah about | 10:15 |
beuno | and 10 dollars is 30 pesos to me, which would be like eating twice and McDonalds, and not very much money for you | 10:16 |
beuno | but what the hell, at least that'll round the number up | 10:17 |
=== tsmithe dislikes high interest rates and valuable currency | ||
jenda | it's not the valuable currency that's the problem - it's the strong economy, tsmithe ;) | 10:17 |
jenda | You wouldn't be any better off in Japan, wanting a few hundred Yen. | 10:17 |
tsmithe | jenda, yeah i know | 10:18 |
tsmithe | :) | 10:18 |
jenda | :) | 10:18 |
tsmithe | but a strong economy == good | 10:18 |
tsmithe | so i didn't want to badmouth that | 10:18 |
jenda | indeed :) | 10:18 |
jenda | I actually like small currencies - when you have a large one, all you end up with is that you have to split it up to bits :) | 10:19 |
tsmithe | i prefer | 10:19 |
tsmithe | that | 10:19 |
beuno | done, I always get sucked in by these things | 10:19 |
jenda | The Czech crows has 100 halers, but we already cancelled 1, 2 and 5 haler pieces a long time ago, and 10 and 20 h pieces a few years ago... | 10:19 |
beuno | my paypal account is 90% donations | 10:19 |
tsmithe | jenda, its neater | 10:19 |
jenda | tsmithe: which? | 10:20 |
beuno | I ended up givint $10 to the free nvidia drivers project, and I don't even own an nvidia card... | 10:20 |
jenda | anyway - now we're in the unpleasant situation of still needing 50 h pieces, but nothing else than that :) | 10:20 |
=== jenda donated $3 to stealthisfilm and some $11 to wikipedia. | ||
tsmithe | but none to me? | 10:21 |
jenda | yep :) | 10:21 |
tsmithe | jenda, with fractions | 10:21 |
tsmithe | bah | 10:21 |
=== jenda is evil | ||
tsmithe | yup | 10:21 |
tsmithe | give people who you don't know money, but none to me... i see | 10:21 |
beuno | lol | 10:21 |
beuno | it's there | 10:21 |
jenda | tsmithe: you don't qualify as a beneficial organisation :) | 10:21 |
beuno | 5 pounds | 10:21 |
jenda | well, sort of, I guess... | 10:22 |
beuno | oh | 10:22 |
tsmithe | i do! | 10:22 |
jenda | hehe | 10:22 |
tsmithe | thanks muchly beuno! | 10:22 |
=== tsmithe hugs beuno | ||
tsmithe | do you want an @tibsplace.co.uk address? | 10:23 |
beuno | lol, the akward hug was enough | 10:23 |
tsmithe | ok | 10:23 |
beuno | unless you want to redirect it to argentina@gmail.com | 10:23 |
beuno | and I can use that one to show off | 10:23 |
tsmithe | i can do that | 10:23 |
tsmithe | i was only offering a redirect anyway ;) | 10:24 |
beuno | hehehe | 10:24 |
tsmithe | somerville32, ping: do you want one? | 10:24 |
tsmithe | so beuno, is that you want one? | 10:24 |
beuno | yeah, why not | 10:24 |
tsmithe | name? | 10:25 |
beuno | martin.albisetti@tibsplace.co.uk? | 10:25 |
beuno | nah | 10:25 |
beuno | too long | 10:25 |
tsmithe | argentina? beuno? | 10:25 |
beuno | beuno | 10:25 |
beuno | beuno@ | 10:25 |
tsmithe | ok | 10:26 |
tsmithe | done | 10:27 |
tsmithe | "Your settings are being processed and will be available in approximately 5 minutes." | 10:27 |
somerville32 | I donated $10 to tsmithe's fund | 10:28 |
somerville32 | lol | 10:28 |
jenda | somerville32: we saw :) | 10:29 |
somerville32 | You did? lol | 10:29 |
jenda | bapoumba> jenda, I see Cody got caught ;) | 10:29 |
somerville32 | lol | 10:30 |
tsmithe | somerville32, do you want an @tibsplace.co.uk address? | 10:30 |
beuno | ;) | 10:30 |
somerville32 | tsmithe, I don't really need one | 10:30 |
somerville32 | However, I hope to see lots of photos tsmithe | 10:30 |
somerville32 | And if I don't, I want a refund :P | 10:30 |
tsmithe | of course you do | 10:30 |
bapoumba | ^^ | 10:31 |
bapoumba | I got caught :D | 10:31 |
tsmithe | huh? | 10:32 |
somerville32 | Welp, I need to take my dog for a walk | 10:32 |
=== tsmithe just got muted on #ubuntuforums for advertising the fund | ||
bapoumba | have a good walk then | 10:32 |
tsmithe | beuno, do you have a site you want me to link to from http://tibsplace.co.uk/blog/index.php/sponsors ? | 10:34 |
beuno | uhm... http://www.uluga.com.ar/ | 10:35 |
beuno | (Argentina LoCo) | 10:35 |
tsmithe | okey | 10:35 |
tsmithe | done! | 10:37 |
tsmithe | thanks beuno | 10:37 |
beuno | np | 10:37 |
tsmithe | so jenda, you gonna donate for an email address? | 10:37 |
jenda | tsmithe: nope... | 10:37 |
=== jenda runs | ||
tsmithe | awh | 10:38 |
beuno | somerville32, what's up with UWN 28? | 10:53 |
somerville32 | beuno: The same thing thats up with every UWN | 10:53 |
somerville32 | :) | 10:53 |
beuno | it's suppose to be out tomorrow, right? | 10:53 |
somerville32 | Yup | 10:54 |
somerville32 | Would you like me to dump the Feisty Changes now | 10:54 |
somerville32 | +? | 10:54 |
jenda | somerville32: there was no quiz this week, could you please just mention that, and leave the 'next week' and 'week after next week' sections in tact? | 10:54 |
jenda | I can't really do it now. | 10:54 |
beuno | I've goto get the DIY website working, but once I'm done with that, I'd be glad to help | 10:54 |
somerville32 | Ok | 10:54 |
jenda | beuno++ | 10:54 |
beuno | I've bene trying to add small bits to it | 10:54 |
jenda | ;) | 10:54 |
somerville32 | I'm going to walk my talk and then do some real life stuff | 10:54 |
somerville32 | tsmithe: Can you get started? Thanks. | 10:55 |
beuno | somerville32, sure go ahead dump feisty changes | 10:55 |
=== tsmithe is away doing english essay | ||
tsmithe | when it's done - i'll give feisty changes a look-see | 10:58 |
bapoumba | somerville32, tsmithe : feisty changes are quite difficult to translate ^^ | 10:59 |
bapoumba | is this possible to make it in a list or something ? | 10:59 |
beuno | ok, one sections to go | 11:01 |
beuno | and then the backend | 11:01 |
beuno | and then I'll probably need jenda | 11:01 |
jenda | somebody needs jenda? | 11:02 |
jenda | beuno: when/what for? | 11:02 |
beuno | "will need" | 11:02 |
beuno | after I get the last section and the backend programed | 11:02 |
beuno | I'll need you to load some real content and see if it's what was expected | 11:03 |
beuno | and, the "design it!" section is... blank | 11:03 |
beuno | http://diy.devubuntu.com/make.php is already working from the DB | 11:04 |
jenda | indeed. | 11:04 |
jenda | I'll have time for that in about 22 hours. | 11:05 |
jenda | Is that OK? | 11:05 |
beuno | and all I have left to program is http://diy.devubuntu.com/get.php | 11:05 |
beuno | well, I didn't set the deadline, so it's not my call | 11:05 |
beuno | ;) | 11:05 |
jenda | hehe | 11:05 |
jenda | rigth. | 11:05 |
beuno | ok, last section down | 11:43 |
beuno | backend left | 11:43 |
jenda | study down, sleep left. | 11:44 |
jenda | more study tomorrow, exam later. | 11:44 |
beuno | aahw, you got the best part left | 11:44 |
jenda | The only good thing is that it's at 6 PM | 11:44 |
jenda | hehe :) | 11:44 |
jenda | for today, yes. | 11:44 |
beuno | it's 7:45pm here | 11:44 |
jenda | quarter to midnight here | 11:45 |
bapoumba | same here ;) | 11:46 |
jenda | of course :) | 11:46 |
jenda | funny how europe sticks to the same timezone. | 11:46 |
jenda | convenient, too. | 11:46 |
beuno | yes, very much | 11:46 |
bapoumba | yep | 11:47 |
=== tsmithe is an hour before... | ||
tsmithe | *earlier | 11:47 |
tsmithe | not before! it's still the same time since the beginning of the universe... | 11:48 |
somerville32 | Stop chatting and work on UWN 28 :P | 11:50 |
beuno | lol | 11:51 |
=== Admiral_Chicago [n=eddie@adsl-68-255-104-111.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing |
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