
bradley_the kernel is now:  2.6.17-10-generic #212:26
crimsunyou had edgy-proposed active?12:27
crimsunand it [sound]  "went all wonky"?12:27
mr_i'm usually writing latex, not on lyx, so I don't know exactly. But there must be some menu to change the head of the document and the documentclass and so on12:27
crimsunplease provide more details12:27
mr_i'm usually writing latex, not on lyx, so I don't know exactly. But there must be some menu to change the head of the document and the documentclass and so on12:27
bradley_crimsun, yes... i had edgy-proposed active, and the music will often sound much like a cassette walkman with dying batteries.12:28
crimsunbradley_: I need more details12:29
bradley_but sometimes it will play fine.12:29
crimsunnamely, which driver, which model audio hardware, which players are affected with what type music files, etc.12:29
Jester45i should of bought a nvidia12:30
bradley_none of the media apps seem to work exaile, mplayer vlc, most of my music is in mp3 format12:30
bradley_audio hardware:  0 [I82801CAICH3   ] : ICH - Intel 82801CA-ICH3   Intel 82801CA-ICH3 with YMF753 at 0x1000, irq 1012:31
bradley_and how do i find which driver?12:31
mr_anyone could help me installing my pcmcia lan card?! It worked on damn small linux, but not under xubuntu?!12:32
mr_anyone could help me installing my pcmcia lan card?! It worked on damn small linux, but not under xubuntu?! It's an TDK LAN + GMS card12:32
cellofellowmr_: let's start with lspcmcia in a terminal12:34
mr_@cellofellow: okay let me check that...12:35
bradley_crimsun, does any of that data help at all?12:36
crimsunbradley_: I'll read scrollback shortly; I'm very busy atm.12:38
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mr_@cellofellow: new problem here: started the laptop and there is no menu "button" under xfce!!12:38
cellofellowmr_: sometimes random applets disapear from my panels too. Just add it again by right clicking the panel and clicking Add Item, scroll to the bottom, and add the xfce menu12:39
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mr_@cellofellow: thanks, that helped. but why does the menu disappear? strange...12:41
bradley_crimsun, i don't know if this is useful but it could be similar to what has happened to me http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=13043029 unfortunately i don't fully understand it :-)12:43
mr_@cellofellow: lspcmcia: socket 0: Brifge [yenta cardbus] 12:43
mr_socket 0 Device 0 [no driver] 12:43
vidd_laptopcellofellow, how do i mount a linux partition?12:43
mr_socket 1 Brifge [yenta-cardbus] 12:44
mr_sorry: Brifge = Bridge (damn keyboard)12:46
vidd_laptopanyone Know how to mount a linux partition?12:50
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vidd_laptoplet me ask again....12:53
vidd_laptophow do you mount a drive12:53
vidd_laptopif anyone answered, i missed it12:53
mr_@vidd_laptop: mount -t [filesystem]  [device] 12:54
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bradley_crimsun, i have to reboot i'll be back soon12:55
vidd_laptopmake tha a partition12:55
mr_e.g. mount -t ext2 /dev/hda212:55
vidd_laptopas root?12:55
mr_oh, sorry, yeah: sudo mount -t ext2 /dev/hda[x] 12:57
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mr_anyone could help me installing my pcmcia lan card?! It worked on damn small linux, but not under xubuntu?! It's an TDK LAN + GMS card12:59
mr_lspcmcia: socket 0: Bridge [yenta cardbus] 01:00
mr_socket 1 Bridge [yenta-cardbus] 01:00
mr_socket 1 Bridge [yenta-cardbus] 01:00
mr_socket 0 Device 0 [no driver] 01:00
cellofellowNo driver.01:00
cellofellowyenta. search for that.01:01
mr_but there are two different slots that are represented by the sockets?01:02
mr_do I have to change something in etc/pcmcia/config ?01:04
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bradley_crimsun, okay i have returned.  i tried to change the kernel back but i don't think it worked. or at the very least my sound is still messed up.01:20
crimsunbradley_: pastebin your ``amixer''01:22
bradley_crimsun, here it is: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1484/01:28
crimsunbradley_: laptop?01:32
crimsunbradley_: amixer set 'Master Mono' unmute && amixer set 'IEC958' mute && amixer set 'External Amplifier' mute01:33
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T`2what do you guys use to to setup a network printer ?01:40
T`2i want to setupa  hp laserjet network printer in xubuntu... but haven't found any gui which works01:40
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echosystmim assuming youre sharing it to a windows computer?01:41
vidd_laptopT`2, application>settings>printing01:42
echosystmyou need samba and cuspd01:42
T`2vidd_laptop, i tried it, but after the last setup, it says cups error01:42
echosystmcupsd i mean01:42
T`2no its not windows.. its a standalone printer01:42
T`2i have cupsd started01:43
echosystmits a stand alone network printer?01:43
echosystmyoure confusing me man01:43
vidd_laptopstand alone?01:43
T`2Do i need to do New Calss or New printer?01:43
echosystmhang on T`201:43
=== Pirate-King [n=tjdel01@daphmb01dc1-215-11.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #xubuntu
vidd_laptopis the printer attached to a machine?01:43
T`2no.. its just attached to an ethernet cable01:44
T`2its a printer at work.. one of those bgi ones01:44
vidd_laptopdoes the printer have a static ip address?01:44
T`2i'm selecing Appsocket/HP JetDirect in connection type01:44
vidd_laptopand setting up the printing does not see it?01:45
T`2what connection type do you guys suggest i use?01:45
T`2it doesn't allo wme to set it up01:45
T`2gives me an error at the very end01:45
T`2lemme try again01:45
vidd_laptopdo you SEE it?01:46
Pirate-Kingive  installed  xubuntu on a old p200 with 128 megs of ram and the video card is a diamond matrox melinum I reboot after install and the x server craps out I even set the resolution to the lowest01:46
vidd_laptopif your system cant see it on the network, you will not be able to set it up01:46
vidd_laptopwhat is the printer's ip address?01:46
T`2vidd_laptop, what do you mean "see" it?01:46
T`2i can ping it ofcourse01:46
cellofellowPirate-King: what's the video card chipset. I have a Diamond Viper but it's really an nvidia TNT201:47
Pirate-Kingok what can I do to get it to work?01:47
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cellofellowPirate-King: find out what the chipset is, then try a driver to match.01:48
vidd_laptopT`2, choose other under device and put the ip address in the url01:48
T`2which connection type?01:49
Pirate-Kingyeah but how do I install that driver..?  cause it craps out01:49
cellofellowT`2: ipp or smb01:49
cellofellowPirate-King: use teh cli tools, apt etc.01:49
T`2ok lemme try other..01:49
vidd_laptopits not connected to a machine01:49
T`2so in Device URI.. just the ip?01:50
Pirate-KingI can't even log in01:50
cellofellowoften they can still use IPP when they are that style.01:50
Pirate-KingI don't even get a prompt01:50
cellofellowPirate-King: type Alt+F1 and say hello to no X.01:50
vidd_laptophe said it didnt work b401:50
T`2vidd_laptop, it says can't find /usr/share/foomatic/db/source/PPD/HP/mono_laser/HP_LaserJet_4250.ppd.gz:01:51
T`2in console errors01:51
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cellofellowa big printer like that should be postscript, IE practically driverless. If it isn't, then you've got a very windoze-centric office.01:52
maxamillionwhat kind of printer?01:52
T`2ok so i set it as postscript instead of the printer model01:53
cellofellowah! Now I can't find a Windows XP driver for the iREZ. Maybe using a Nogatech driver will work, but Windows cares more about brands than chipsets I think.01:54
T`2maxamillion, HP LaserJet 425001:55
T`2the path its looking for is wrong... the file is actually in usr/share/ppd/postscript/linuxprinting.org/HP/HP_LaserJet_4250.ppd.gz01:55
T`2seems like a buy in that program01:55
T`2no test page printing.. :/01:56
T`2lpq shows the job as is01:56
chris3Hello folks,  I'm trying to set up a new printer; and can't get past the cups password request, where do I go frm here?  I have entered the user/su passwoed correctly, several times.01:57
somerville32chris3: Dapper or Feisty?01:57
maxamillionsomerville32: he coulda been running edgy ;)01:58
cellofellowT`2: if it's looking for a file where it isn't, then use a symlink.01:58
cellofellowCody has probably not used Edgy since Feisty apt downloads first came available.01:58
somerville32Not true ;] 01:59
T`2cellofellow, hmm.. but the printing doesn't happen.. i doubt its sending the request to the printer..01:59
somerville32I stayed on Edgy for a while since I didn't upgrade until well after01:59
somerville32chris3: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/printer-configuration.html01:59
cellofellow:( I can't find a Nogatech x10 driver for Windows XP either. Why is this such an unsupported bit of hardware?02:01
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chris3Been there done that, somerville32, It doesn not mention anything about refusing to accept a password in the cups administration "tool'02:03
somerville32chris3: Did you add yourself to the group as directed?02:03
cellofellowoh, the web-based one?02:03
chris3in the web based cup admin...no02:04
T`2i dont know why, but i see nothing happening when i print test pages02:08
T`2lpq -l shows the printer is ready02:08
T`2but the jobs stay there for ever...02:08
T`2do i need to change any settings in cupsd?02:08
somerville32Upgrade to Edgy, lol02:09
somerville32Printer support == much better in Edgy02:09
T`2i'm on edgy!02:09
somerville32oh, lol02:09
somerville32You must not have configured the printer correctly02:10
T`2somerville32, what can i do to check if i did or not?02:11
somerville32By trying and printing a page ;] 02:11
somerville32I'm sorry02:11
somerville32I'm not being much help, am I? :(02:11
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bradley_crimsun, sorry my partners parents are here and i had to go help them with something.02:21
bradley_i'll try that now.02:22
maxamillionpraise the penguin!!! i got my wifi working!02:24
bradley_crimsun, well the first song seems to have worked. hopefully, with fingers crossed, it will continue working.  what is the effect of those changes you suggested (aside from fixing the problem)?02:27
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crimsunbradley_: IEC958 must be muted for analog sound to be audible02:28
crimsunbradley_: additionally, on some chipsets, External Amplifier must be, too02:28
bradley_crimsun, well, sorry to say, it is still happening.  the music slowed down again. it was so close.  it also has been crackling pretty loud.02:30
crimsunbradley_: you may have a codec (hardware) bug02:31
bradley_crimsun, is there anything i can do about it?02:31
crimsunbradley_: if it's hardware-based, sometimes02:32
crimsunbradley_: are you running the latest stable bios for your mainboard?02:32
bradley_crimsun, yes.  toshiba hasn't upgraded the bios for my computer in years.02:33
crimsunbradley_: any messages from dmesg regarding audio?02:33
maxamillioni LOVE how fast xubuntu installs02:35
crimsunit's so slow here02:36
Commander-Crowemaxamillion I wasn't able to get it to install on me comp :/02:36
maxamillioncrimsun: amd64 with lots of ram ... roughly 8 minutes off the desktop image02:37
Commander-Crowemaxamillion My Sempron 64 1300+ with 1024MB of ram installed in 6 mins02:38
maxamillionCommander-Crowe: well ... maybe mine was faster than 8 .. i was just guestimating02:39
maxamillionCommander-Crowe: next time i run an installation on my machine i will time it02:39
crimsunit normally takes about 30 minutes to install on a 486 with 32 MB02:39
bradley_crimsun, i didn't see anything, but i didn't recognize very much. i copied it to the pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1496/02:40
bradley_would running a music player from the terminal provide any useful information.02:40
cellofellowaplay might02:41
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bradley_one of the last things that happened was an update of my kernel.  i tried to reinstall it but if the file is cached do i need to clear it out before it will revert to the previous one. i have already removed the repository that caused my kernel to upgrade prematurely.02:50
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ScislaChow does one set up a usb printer in xubuntu?02:57
cellofellowdepends on the usb printer, but you should just run system-config-printer and figure it out.02:58
cellofellowbe able to figure it out.02:58
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Jester45aa man i want to be able to fold my windows so bad03:05
cellofellowwhat's up?03:05
Jester45i want to have a composite manger that ican use to fold my windows over03:06
Jester45bend them twist them make them cry :)03:06
cellofellowoh, windows, not Windows.03:06
cellofellowonly Beryl and maybe Compiz, on top of XGL both, can do that.03:07
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Jester45windows not mswindows03:07
Jester45well i want it03:07
Jester45im so tried on flat window03:07
cellofellowwell, install it.03:07
cellofellowwhat video card? driver?03:08
Jester45RADEON 9200 Series DDR Generic03:08
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems03:09
Jester45would have then newer verson of fglrx help with preformance03:09
cellofellowread the wiki. It has nice instructions for installing xserver-xgl and a compositing window manager.03:09
Jester45yes i dont understand it03:09
cellofellowthat has more effects than xfwm4's transparency03:10
Jester45it confuses me lots03:10
cellofellowI found it easy, until the part where beryl wouldn't start. XGL worked though.03:10
Jester45would running xgl make things look better or run faster?03:11
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Jester45cellofellow: could you help me i will try step by step untill i get stuck then i need your help03:12
cellofellowwhen I had XGL without beryl running, XGL made everything, everything, render with OpenGL on my GPU. That's ok if you have a fast GPU, but my TNT2 offloaded a lot to the CPU and made things slower. THe apps seemed ok, but the display was a little jerky. You've a better GPU than me though.03:13
cellofellowJester45: I've never actually gone beyond installing XGL and Beryl. Getting Beryl was difficult, but COmpiz should be easier.03:13
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Jester45well i will try03:23
Jester45what one do you think i should install beryl or compiz03:25
Jester45http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/c/cb/Compiz_quinn_09-14-2006.png/180px-Compiz_quinn_09-14-2006.png is the think i want to do03:26
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Jester45aa forget it03:38
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cellofellowyeah! only two more hours till the feisty iso is done downloading.03:48
Jester45!info adesklets03:55
ubotuadesklets: interactive Imlib2 console for the X Window System. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.0-2 (edgy), package size 197 kB, installed size 544 kB03:55
magic_ninjai installed the new beta driver from nvidia via an apt source and when i restart x with the nvidia driver enabled the x server gets an error, i think it may be something to do with "wacom"03:56
PuMpErNiCkLeGo through xorg.conf and remove any reference do wacom devices.03:57
cellofellowthen comment out the wacom device sections in xorg.conf. they caused me trouble with other things.03:57
cellofellowwacom makes tablet pads and pens.03:57
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magic_ninjaPuMpErNiCkLe: s/do/to? and do you think thats what is stopping it?04:01
cellofellows/do/to == spelling_error(do = to)04:02
magic_ninjanot a chat room decoder lol04:03
magic_ninjaalthough i do have these comprehensive C programing books, but i didn't have the net when i tried to use them to lacked access to the tools i needed04:03
magic_ninjaand they are for windows programing04:03
cellofellowone sec...04:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wacom - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:04
magic_ninjaok, so wacom is for tablets right?04:05
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magic_ninjaalright wish me luck im going to try to get these drivers working04:06
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rubix_hey guys...the error i got when updated the graphics card was "no screens found" but i have it on another terminal if someone wants more info04:15
rubix_"data incomlete in */*/xorg.conf"04:15
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magic_ninjaKDSETMODE, VT_GETMODE, VT_GETSTATE all failed04:17
cellofellowmagic_ninja: there's soemthing wrong with the screens section of xorg.conf04:23
cellofellowmagic_ninja: maybe if you do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, and then re-comment the wacom device sections, it may work.04:23
cellofellowis there a way to make an Alternate CD out of a DVD.04:29
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magic_ninjafor some reason the repos aren't finding nvidia-kernel for the regular edgy drivers...05:11
magic_ninjawhat repo is it on05:11
cellofellowrestricted I think05:11
cellofellow!info nvidia-kernel05:12
ubotuPackage nvidia-kernel does not exist in any distro I know05:12
cellofellowgot that wrong05:12
cellofellowinfo nvidia-kernel-1.0.877605:12
magic_ninjaits like nvidia-kernel- or whatever05:12
cellofellow!info nvidia-kernel-1.0.877605:13
ubotuPackage nvidia-kernel-1.0.8776 does not exist in any distro I know05:13
cellofellowit's there. It's just a virtual package provided by the restricted-modules05:13
cellofellowso, restricted05:13
magic_ninjatime to get dirty05:13
magic_ninjai have found nvidia-kernel-common05:16
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Pirate-King anybody know how to get isa sound cards ro work?05:50
Pirate-King anybody know how to get isa sound cards to work?05:50
ron_oPirate-King -  you have to find the driver for your sound card and then install it.05:53
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ron_ohow old is your computer?05:54
Pirate-Kingathlon 500 era05:54
ron_ohow old? I'm not familiar with athlon's.05:55
Pirate-King5-6 years ago05:56
ron_onot that it matters. You need to look inside your case and find your sound card. Let me see some comamnds you might try.05:56
ron_olspci      dmesg05:56
ron_othose might tell you something or maybe not.05:56
Pirate-Kingdoesn't find it doing either05:56
ron_otry in root.05:57
ron_oI had to look inside my case and then search for it on the internet. It was a long process. :-/05:58
Pirate-KingI looked in my case it is a sound blaster05:58
ron_oyou need more info than that.06:00
Pirate-Kingdoing a dmesg it finds it06:00
ron_othere are a lot of sound blaster cards, I do believe. It's strange that you might have a problem with sound blaster. It's so popular.06:00
Pirate-Kingbecause it is isa06:01
Jester45if i have a shell script and i have it owned by root should all the commands inside be sudoed?06:01
ron_orun aslaconf06:01
ron_oalsaconf .. sorry.06:02
Pirate-Kingcommand not found06:02
ron_oin root06:03
ron_osorry.. damn... I thought I was zenwalk. :-/06:03
ron_owhy xubuntu doesn't have alsaconf I don't know.06:03
ron_oI had problems too with an isa using *buntu.06:04
ron_owhat I did eventually was run Knoppix which uses an alsaconf app and then I copied the config files to another distro.06:05
ron_osorry, it's been a long time since I solved it. I can't help much more than that.06:05
Pirate-Kingok np06:06
Pirate-Kingwhat is a graphical explorer?06:07
ron_omaybe a file manager with gui. ??06:08
ron_oI don't know why the ubuntu repository doesn't have alsaconfig app. Look for it. But if they had it they would be using it.06:11
Pirate-KingI think I might have it06:12
ron_oknoppix uses it.06:12
ron_oand its debian based.06:12
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Pirate-Kingwhat is the best player and program for playing mp3's and loading an Ipod?06:33
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PuMpErNiCkLePirate-King: Depends on what kind of interface you're looking for in a media player.  As for the iPod, 'gtkpod' works well.06:50
jifengcaowhich bittorrent client use do not require qt ,gnome ?07:01
jifengcaodoes it get dht support?07:02
PuMpErNiCkLeNot last time I checked.07:04
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noalternativeI am having problems with mplayer in dapper.  I won't start.08:36
Commander-Croweyou try using terminal to start it?08:38
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noalternativeok here is my output from terminal08:54
noalternativeoldoldcomputer@ubuntu:~/Shared$ mplayer Peter\ Wolf\ -\ Come\ As\ you\ Are.wma08:55
noalternativeMPlayer 2:0.99+1.0pre7try2+cvs20060117-0ubuntu8 (C) 2000-2006 MPlayer Team08:55
noalternativeCPU: Advanced Micro Devices K6-2 (Family: 5, Stepping: 12)08:55
noalternativeCPUflags:  MMX: 1 MMX2: 0 3DNow: 1 3DNow2: 0 SSE: 0 SSE2: 008:55
noalternativeCompiled with runtime CPU detection.08:55
noalternative91 audio & 204 video codecs08:55
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jifengcaotry gmplayer09:02
noalternativefrom the command line?09:03
jifengcaoany error message?09:03
noalternativeskin no found09:04
jifengcaoso install skin please09:04
noalternativeis there a codec I need to install to play wma?09:05
jifengcaowait a min,let me try09:06
jifengcaoyes , mplayer can player wma09:07
jifengcaoyou need the essential code09:08
noalternativeok I tried to install mplayer skins and it says they are already installed09:12
jifengcaoI downloaded skin and codes myself ,put them in the place where README file says09:14
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maxamillionhorray for wifi ...09:29
noalternativeI upgraded from xubuntu breezy to xubuntu dapper.  Does anyone know where I can get ahold of the brown human walpaper to go along with the default theme?09:34
maxamillionnoalternative: uhmmm... not off hand, lemme check09:35
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maxamillionnoalternative: apparently you can just install them via apt-get, aptitude, or synaptic ... http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=wallpaper&searchon=names&subword=1&version=edgy&release=all09:38
maxamillionnoalternative: no problem :)09:40
hyper_chhiho, anyone can help me with OOo calc?09:45
maxamillionhyper_ch: what about it?09:46
hyper_chmaxamillion: which is the formula to do the following09:47
hyper_chin sheet 1 I have in a column a number of values09:47
hyper_chand in sheet 2 I have a lot more of those values and according data...09:47
maxamillionhyper_ch: ohhhh, yeah... no clue ... thought it was a technical problem09:48
hyper_chhow can I have the according data of the keys in sheet 1 displayed next to the keys?09:48
hyper_chmaxamillion: ^^09:48
maxamillionhyper_ch: someone in #ubuntu might be able to help, or possibly ##linux09:48
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FifaFrazerHey, I've a problem with lyx.. It looks like it doesnt support UTF-8.. The   and  in the menu-bar looks wrong.. How can i solve that?11:55
FifaFrazerAnd how do I enumerate pictures and equations in lyx for cross-referencing?  So every pic in my document has "Figure 1", "Figure 2" and so on below it ?11:57
PuMpErNiCkLeFrom their mailing list, it looks like several locale bugs were fixed for version 1.5.12:04
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RememberPOLgpocentek: Make sure the next release version's html welcome page has the right number. (6.10 says 6.06)12:25
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flupk1hello, I'd like to control my desktop from an other computer but I can-t find how to do whith xfce12:26
flupk1I know how to do with gnome but with w12:27
DarthLappyflupk1: x11vnc should be useful.12:27
flupk1DarthLappy : I have vnc on my other computer but how alow it to enter on the xfce computer ?12:28
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DarthLappyIs vnc installed on the Ubuntu computer?12:29
flupk1DarthLappy : yes12:30
DarthLappyWhich one?12:30
flupk1vnc, on the gnome one12:30
DarthLappyShouldn't you just be able to run it then...?12:30
flupk1when i run vnc, the other computer doesn-t answer12:31
PuMpErNiCkLeYou need a vnc server installed on the computer you're trying to connect to.12:31
flupk1I instaled krdc, I'm going to test again...12:32
DarthLappyWhy krdc if you're in Xubuntu?12:32
DarthLappyErr, s/ubuntu/FCE/12:32
flupk1DarthLappy : wich one would be better ?12:33
DarthLappyWell personally I use x11vnc. But I just think it a bit weird to use a KDE tool when it's not necessary...12:34
flupk1ok, and is x11vnc the tool who allow the other computer to entry on your xfce computer ?12:35
flupk1ah, ok, thank's I'm going to try12:36
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FifaFrazerHow do you take a screenshot in xubuntu?03:18
FifaFrazerIt seems that the print screen button does nothing03:18
semi-flythere is a screen capture utility located in the menu.03:19
HeathenDanenable the snapshot applet in the panel03:19
grazieFifaFrazer: alternatively "The Gimp > File > Acquire Screenshost" may suite better03:29
=== kalikiana7 [n=kalikian@xdsl-87-78-118-118.netcologne.de] has joined #xubuntu
kalikiana7Actually I recommend Gimp for screenshots as well :)03:37
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kalikiana7Is there some Inkscape user here?03:38
FifaFrazerGimp worked out fine03:46
FifaFrazerNow i have a long exact expression in xmaxima.. How do I convert it to a simple number?03:47
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larson9999i'm installing some games for my son and notice there are some games that don't start in full screen and don't have an option i can find to switch to fullscreen.  is there a way to switch these to fullscreen?04:05
kalikiana7larson9999: that depends on the game. of course you can try to edit option files by hand if there is one, e.g. beginning with a dot in your home directory04:07
larson9999kalikiana7, thanks.  found a few sites that pointed me in that direction.04:10
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amorphous_hi all.. anyone know if theres a gui to view/delete print jobs? I been looking for a while now & the only thing i've found is pt - but it doesn't show my print jobs :(04:32
amorphous_is there  any other options? or is it possible to get pt to see them? lpq shows me the queue ok.04:32
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amorphous_anyone...? no one knows anything about pt?04:59
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vidd_laptop!seen cellofellow05:00
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vidd_laptop!seen cellofellow05:01
ubotuI last saw cellofellow (n=josh@ 9h 17m 59s ago, quiting: "leaving"05:01
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vidd_laptop*wave* MattJ05:04
vidd_laptopMattJ, you still playing around with that image?05:05
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vidd_laptopor are you done playing with blender for now?05:05
vidd_laptop*wave kalikiana05:05
=== kalikiana waves at vidd
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amorphous_hey hey - people!05:06
kalikianahey,amorphous :)05:07
=== vidd_laptop wants ppl to ask for help
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:07
amorphous_in X - where do I find the panel settings? is there a file I can change the permissions on to make it so the user cannot tamper with the panel at the top of the desktop?05:07
amorphous_hey kalikiana05:07
kalikianathere is kiosk mode05:08
=== imon9 [n=edric@ppp85-140-250-128.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #xubuntu
imon9hello there05:08
vidd_laptopamorphous_, the panel settings are not controled by x....05:08
imon9i needed some help here05:08
vidd_laptopask away imon905:09
amorphous_vidd_laptop, ?no? what controls them? is it in thunar?05:09
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vidd_laptoppanels are controled by the window manager (i think)05:10
imon9i am a newbies who uses linux for 1 week+ now, but most things is becoming clear and i know how to compile program and install many to try them out, the thing is yesterday i do the same routine of install/deleting installation (sometime manually) so now the  "add/remove program" is not able to start05:10
imon9i went out to /ust/bin/ to look for the execution file but dont know which one is it05:10
kalikianaamorphous: is that what you mean? http://www-test.xfce.org/documentation/4.2/manuals/xfce4-panel#panel-kiosk05:10
kalikianaimon9: look in /usr/share/applications for desktop file and open it in a text editor05:11
amorphous_vidd_laptop, do you know which files Do control panel settings?05:11
vidd_laptopamorphous_, kalikiana posted a link05:12
imon9okay, now i found it, thanks for that05:12
amorphous_Ahh.. sorry - missed that - i seem to have a _ on the end of my name :/...05:13
amorphous_thanks kalikiana05:13
kalikianaalways pleased to help05:13
imon9now next qeustion, about the "xfce menu" , i know we can make up our own list , but it will be a bit time consuming now, so i want to edit the existing one, but clicking edit mene only show me the group name of each catogories, i cant remove or see its actual listing05:14
amorphous_Ahh... perfect!!!! thanks kalikiana - sorry for delay - didn't catch your posts05:14
imon9the problem is, some program i install cant be detected by add/remove OR synaptic coz i manually compile them, so i remove them manually, and the shortcut stay in the menu list05:14
vidd_laptopimon9, what you see in the menu list is the "smart menu"05:14
imon9so how to edit it?05:15
vidd_laptopyou dont....you need to add to it05:15
kalikianaimon9: how about just editing the desktop files in /usr/share/applications?05:15
imon9u mean i can delete those safely, rite?05:15
kalikianaof course :)05:16
imon9it is a bit buggy from the menu though, how come my add/remove and a few more application no longer able to be lauch from there05:16
kalikianaby the way, checkinstall is a tool to create debian packages for custom compiled apps05:16
imon9can i fix it?05:16
imon9yah, i have checkinstall05:16
kalikianaimon9: what exactly is the problem/ error?05:17
vidd_laptopkalikiana, that will allow custom apps to show in menu?05:17
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imon9the program is, now i choose say "add/remove program" from "xfce menu" but nothing come up, but it can be lauch from /usr/share/applications of course05:18
kalikianavidd, checkinstall will only provide a way to remove custom installs like any existing package05:18
imon9but i want to fix the menu05:18
imon9btw, i dont understand how to uninstall with checkinstall05:18
kalikianajust search for the installed package in synaptic, aptitude or apt05:18
imon9i entered dpkg -r (pkg name.deb) but it say error05:18
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kalikianayou do ./configure && make && sudo checkinstall05:19
kalikianathe last one is important05:19
imon9yah..i did that05:19
imon9it create a deb installer for me05:19
imon9but after that, how do i UNINSTALL the program?05:19
kalikianaeventually after installing the resulting deb you can do e.g. 'apt-get remove NAME'05:20
kalikianaor use synaptic or aptitude05:20
imon9i think i only have synaptic05:20
imon9i dont think synaptic list all my programs though05:20
imon9are u telling me that checkinstall register the program to synaptic, does it? if so, that would be nice05:21
imon9kalikiana, u still there?05:22
kalikianaimon9: still here :)05:23
kalikianain synaptic, it's in the category 'local' (or similar)05:23
kalikianayou can even search for it05:23
imon9so it will definately be there if i compile and install with checkinstall, is it?05:24
imon9well, before checkinstall, i install LIVES video editor , but cant uninstall it coz synaptic dint detect it05:24
imon9so now that i know checkinstall will register to synaptic, that is much better05:25
kalikianayep, that's what it's for :)05:25
kalikianai gotta go for now05:25
imon9thanks then05:25
imon9actually i got one more Q05:25
imon9but maybe someone else able to answer me05:25
imon9thanks...thanks a lot05:26
kalikianasee you :)05:26
vidd_laptopask away05:26
vidd_laptopill have an answer for ya05:26
vidd_laptop(it might even be right)05:27
imon9good, i am running xubuntu, but install some aps with kde based05:27
imon9the problem is . SCIM cant type unicode stuff in the aps05:27
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imon9after since i been avoiding kde aps05:27
imon9like i want to type chinese in kopete, but cant05:27
imon9SCIM is the input method05:28
vidd_laptopdo you have the lang support apps for KDE installed?05:28
imon9how do i do that in xubuntu05:28
vidd_laptopthe same way you would in KDE05:29
imon9anyway, i can read chinese which is on the list05:29
=== vidd_laptop never liked KDE so im not very familiar with them
imon9i use KDE once, but the thing is, i cant seems to find how to set stuff for KDE in xubuntu05:29
imon9btw, the fonts of kde aps in xubuntu are smaller too, and the color is abit off too05:30
vidd_laptoplet me check synaptic....05:30
imon9i want to configure those all, but no configuration program i think05:30
vidd_laptopwhat is your desktop?05:30
vidd_laptopis it xfce or kde?05:31
imon9it is xfce now05:32
imon9but some aps is kde based, like amarok, kmess, kopete, konsole05:32
imon9i remove console mainly coz the font is like nightmare05:32
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imon9now on my list is exclusively gnome based aps, except for amarok05:33
imon9i am looking for a faster alternative for amarok now too05:33
=== TheSheep had to install half of the kde just to be able to enable antialiasing :/
imon9KDE is crazy stuff....05:34
arleHello. I can boot the live 5.04 Ubuntu but not the 6.10 Xubuntu :-\05:34
imon9aMSN which is based on some tfe also look bad on xubuntu05:35
vidd_laptopimon9,  did you ever install language-pack-kde-zh?05:35
vidd_laptopthat is the chinese language pack for kde aps05:35
imon9will it help?05:35
vidd_laptopit should05:35
vidd_laptopit will let all your kde aps use chinese05:35
arleMy PC is a 700Mhz AMD with 524 mb RAM and a GeForce4 MX 440 compatible with 64 Mb graphics card05:36
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vidd_laptoparle, ok05:36
imon9i am not saying i want the whole aps became chinese interface, i just want to type in chinese for some "searc" area and to msg other in IM05:36
imon9i hope u are right...i will go synaptic to install that05:37
vidd_laptopimon9, you STILL need it for kopete to read chinese05:37
imon9thank for that05:37
imon9what about setting for appearence of those kde aps?05:37
vidd_laptopworks for one, works for all05:37
imon9what do i need?05:37
vidd_laptopthat i cant help with.....05:37
arlevidd_laptop: The Xubuntu 6.10 cd boots great but even in the low graphic mode I get a 'zipFS' related error05:37
arleor something like that... :-(05:38
vidd_laptoplive or alt cd?05:38
arlevidd_laptop:  Don't think it's alternate05:38
arleIt's the default xubuntu download link....05:38
TheSheeparle: have you checked the cd for defects?05:39
TheSheeparle: there is an option at the boot menu05:39
arleTheSheep: Thanks, but the SO boots smoothly on another PC05:39
arlewith even less RAM and a worse graphic adapter05:40
TheSheeparle: different cd drives can have different sensiility to defects05:40
vidd_laptopsounds like you have an older cdrom in this machine then the other05:40
arleTheSheep: Do you think do I even need to check it?05:40
arlevidd_laptop: You are right!05:40
arleIn fact, in the 2nd PC I have to boot from a CD-RW drive which doesn't works really good05:41
TheSheeparle: I check md5 after downloading the iso and then do the cd check after burning -- always, it saves me a lot of time05:41
vidd_laptoparle, swap the cdrom drives between the machines and it will run fine05:41
vidd_laptopor reburn it at the lowest speed you can05:41
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vidd_laptopbut if you are looking to install anyway, i recomend that you use the alt cd....always05:41
arleOK. I have a DVD reader on the 2nd PC, so I'm going to switch the IDE controllers in order to allow booting from the newer DVD reader05:42
arlevidd_laptop: Why alt CD...?05:42
vidd_laptopcuzz the live cd is fine for running a live cd system, the alt-cd lets you acually install from jump street05:43
vidd_laptopwithout waiting for the system to boot05:43
arlevidd_laptop: like the good old days? ;-)05:43
vidd_laptopbut that is my opinion05:43
arleActually I want a bootCD 'cause I've lost my root partition and don't want to format the whole disk but reinstall and be able to use old /home /var et cetera...05:44
=== vidd_laptop will never use the live cd install
vidd_laptopyou can do that from the alt cd05:45
arlevidd_laptop: how do you post in italics???05:45
arlevidd_laptop: Thanks, I'll get the alt cd then05:45
=== TheSheep bangs his head against the table
vidd_laptoppost in italics?05:46
=== Qew [n=qew@82-69-126-225.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #xubuntu
TheSheepvidd_laptop: he means actions05:46
=== vidd_laptop types /me
=== arle too
vidd_laptopcool or what?05:47
arlebye-bye enjoy the weekend!05:47
arlereally c00 :-)05:47
arlethanks both of you05:47
imon9vidd_laptop, i just want to know , how do i log in as root?05:47
arleimon9: you have to set a root password05:48
vidd_laptopimon9, if you REALLY want to know, pm me05:48
imon9it seems ubuntu OR maybe only xubuntu dint have that previlage05:48
imon9i sis set the password already05:48
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TheSheepimon9: use sudo instead05:48
TheSheepimon9: if you precede a command with 'sudo', it will be executed with root priviledges05:48
imon9i us su all the time in terminal, but i want to delete and manipulate file in thunar05:48
TheSheepsudo Thunar05:49
vidd_laptopthen type sudo thunar05:49
TheSheepvidd_laptop: capital T05:49
imon9it is permenantly set so?05:49
vidd_laptoplower case works too05:49
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vidd_laptoptill you close it05:49
imon9sudo Thunar in terminal will leave the terminal holding there until thunar exit05:50
imon9i am thinking of setting thunar to permenantly able to manipulate file05:50
imon9it is almost nightmare to use terminal to delete some file05:51
vidd_laptoplet me get your IP addy so i can show your the errors of your ways05:51
imon9i practically type out every file name /or folder befoere this05:51
vidd_laptop=] 05:51
vidd_laptopthen create launcher, name it "root-kit-enabler"05:52
vidd_laptopand set the launcher to run gksudo Thunar05:53
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TheSheepimon9: just install windows right away :)05:55
imon9vidd_laptop, i just found out that i HAVE language-pack-kde-Zh05:55
imon9but still i am not able to enter chinese text in kde05:56
vidd_laptopthen i dont know why kopete is being stupid for you05:56
=== vidd_laptop dont use kde apps
imon9hehe..never mind :p05:56
vidd_laptopyou may want to ask #kde05:56
vidd_laptopor #kubuntu05:57
imon9i want to do root kit enable ru said05:57
vidd_laptopimon9, do you know what a root-kit is?05:57
imon9wait, i dun like to make just one launche for thunr with that :(05:57
imon9eg "file system" or "home" icon on destop05:58
imon9can i make them gksudo Thunar too?05:58
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vidd_laptopas i said, if you want me to help you make your system so windows-like that any body can jack your system, PM me, i will not give instructions in open chat05:59
TheSheepimon9: yes, or you can just add them to the bookmarks05:59
imon9i am sorry, i dint realise u were telling me that just now06:00
imon9the thing about make my system windows-like is somewhat true, i dont a point when there is already a security login06:01
imon9sorry, i dun mean to start a fight, but i would like to do my daily work on my system with the previlage of root coz i do a lot of testing for many program for now06:01
vidd_laptopimon9, that is all the more reason to NOT run as root06:02
=== vidd_laptop does know how to enable root login
imon9maybe i am a noob, but i dint get ur point here, can u explain?06:03
vidd_laptopyou are running experimental programs06:03
imon9well, i think xubuntu is like a new toy for me :D06:04
imon9if i screw up, i probably just reinstall the whole thing06:04
vidd_laptopthese programs may try to change system files in a way that will take out your system, hijack it, or other bad stuff06:04
imon9i am quite happy with xubuntu now, many posibilities, i dual boot my machine but thinking to permenantly stick with xubuntu06:04
vidd_laptopwith only user access, the damage is limited, as root, your toast06:05
imon9now u make a lot of sense06:05
imon9wait, not really06:05
imon9all my personal files is in "user" mode anyway06:05
downeri thought he was making sense the entire time.06:05
imon9so if there is a psyware, worm, virus try to steal, that is the only thing i dont want them to steal06:06
vidd_laptoproot mode has access to your ENTIRE system, including users06:06
imon9well, u got some point there, i wont deny06:06
imon9especially important if u need to maintain system in company environment06:07
imon9system down = majore loss06:07
imon9but for a home user like me, i think personal information is more inportant06:07
vidd_laptoptell you what, ill help you set up your system, and then later ill jack your system and turn it into a porn server06:07
imon9but i dont see windows or linux doing any protection on it06:08
=== cellofellow [n=ubuntu@] has joined #xubuntu
vidd_laptopand deny you access to everything06:08
cellofellowhi there06:08
vidd_laptop*wave* cellofellow06:08
=== MattJ [n=matthew@88-111-219-229.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #xubuntu
vidd_laptopwb MattJ06:08
imon9hahah... my solution will be boot into my other OS, backup all my files, re-install xubuntu, then everything is gone06:09
vidd_laptopwanna bet?06:09
imon9of course, it make a lot of work, so u are right06:09
vidd_laptopyour other boot is windows06:09
imon9i wont mess with u, really06:09
vidd_laptopthat gives root access by default06:09
MattJHi vidd_laptop :)06:09
MattJExams exam exams06:09
vidd_laptopALSO owned06:09
imon9but i dint mount my XP partition06:10
vidd_laptopMattJ, still playing with blender?06:10
imon9anway, i think it is possible06:10
vidd_laptopthats ok imon9 i'd do it myself06:10
cellofellowI'm on Ubuntu Edgy LiveDVD on my dad's Lappy, and want the wireless to work. I haven't ever gotten wireless to work on this lappy on Ubuntu livecd, but Kubuntu Dapper LiveCD does work. (It's wirelessassistent.) How do I get wireless working in an easy, GUI fashion?06:10
imon9since u can mount it from it06:10
imon9hehehe..yah, i just realise :p06:10
imon9so the main idea is to get it, then everything else is fun06:11
imon9pretty impressive thinking, maybe i ought to try it too :D06:11
imon9i mean i can write lots of script too06:12
vidd_laptopthe only way to stop me is to power down, disconnect from the internet and do a complete format of ALL your drives06:12
MattJvidd_laptop: Not for a bit06:12
imon9i dun think disconnect from internet work once all script is running06:12
MattJvidd_laptop: I have some exams still to go, and then... freedom :)06:12
imon9if i am planning a hijack, i would go in, put script, let it run06:12
vidd_laptopneed to be disconnected to prevent scripts from getting re-install protocols06:13
imon9then even if u disconnect internet, u are dead..hahahah06:13
imon9i mean something like a batch run would be nice06:13
imon9i would love to clean someone harddrive if the really mess with me06:13
vidd_laptopMattJ, when you get your degree?06:13
imon9get the IP, sneak in, put in the script, run it..hohohhooh....u got me excited suddenly06:14
vidd_laptopimon9, i ALREADY have your IP06:14
imon9damned, i am wicked minded06:14
imon9is okay, u can have my IP06:15
=== vidd_laptop is security minded
imon9but please dont hijack my comp06:15
MattJvidd_laptop: Some time in the distant future :)06:15
vidd_laptopif i was going to do that, i would have already do it06:15
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cellofellowyippee. I like how the Ubuntu LiveCD's can have software installed for the live session from the repos. I tried that with Knoppix once. No dice.06:17
vidd_laptopimon9, i will not hijack anyone's computer....just needed to do an extended example to show you why running as root is NEVER a good idea06:17
imon9okay ;) got u06:18
imon9btw, got some other question06:18
imon9what is this NONE folder keep appearing06:18
vidd_laptopask away06:18
cellofellowI've let him use my printer, and he let me SSH into his system once.06:18
cellofellowvidd, that is.06:18
vidd_laptopimon9, ive never seen it on my system....06:19
imon9well, i can tell u some files it has in it06:19
vidd_laptopthat is ok06:19
imon9it says /var/fontconfig06:20
imon9inside is a lot of font06:20
imon9i install fontconfig recently06:20
imon9cant remember why i did it, or wat it does06:20
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vidd_laptopno idea06:21
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imon9nvm, another qestion06:22
imon9usually i type in my user password for synaptic, but today it start asking my "root" password, is it normal?06:22
MattJI would love a way to see what commands people execute in ssh sessions06:23
vidd_laptophow do you launch synaptic?06:23
imon9from the xfce menu06:23
vidd_laptopimon9, no, that is NOT normal06:24
imon9btw, can u just double check for me if fontconfig and fontconfig-config is needed for normal working of xubuntu (i mean just cross-check from your synaptic that is) coz i want to unintall them now06:25
vidd_laptopthis is the kind of weird stuff that happens when you run "su" in terminal rather then sudo06:26
vidd_laptopthen uninstall them06:26
vidd_laptopif something you need to run requires it, you will be told before you uninstall06:26
=== vidd_laptop has them both
imon9holy mother, when i mark fontconfig for uninstallation, it list the whole computer aps connected to it06:27
vidd_laptopyeah...it does06:27
imon9argh, maybe i just make for reinstall06:27
imon9maybe the newer version is buggy06:27
vidd_laptopnewer version of what?06:28
imon9newer version of fontconfig... 25. from their website06:28
vidd_laptopi wait till things make it into the repos06:29
imon9i added the thunar in root mode, it ask me password before proceed which is good06:29
vidd_laptopim off for lunch06:30
imon9just wondering, if i am already in thunar in some folder, and suddenly i need to delete something with root permission, can i like make thunar log-in or something?06:30
imon9okay...thanks a lot ;) for your patients especially06:30
imon9ok thanks, see u06:30
=== Jester45 [n=Jester45@dsl-192-52.jax.centurytel.net] has joined #xubuntu
fontpdwhat command am i supposed to run after changing my apt/sources.list06:34
gpocenteksudo apt-get update06:35
Jester45aa dang06:35
Jester45you beat me i typed it into a terminal06:35
Jester45anyone here ever play xmoto06:37
Jester45its so hard06:37
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=== b_52GM [n=skimo@adsl196-137-34-217-196.adsl196-10.iam.net.ma] has joined #xubuntu
fontpdi'm getting this error when i try to do anything after change my sources list. I know it's a good list, i copied it from a known working machien.06:45
fontpdE: Type 'deb' is not known in on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list06:45
totalwormagefontpd: well06:48
totalwormagethere _is_ an error in it06:48
vidd_laptopfontpd, pastebin your sources.list06:48
vidd_laptop!pastebin | fontpd06:49
ubotufontpd: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:49
fontpdWell i'm not sure how there'd be an error. the md5sums match and everything.06:49
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fontpdand in the interest of full disclosure, it's a debian box. But I figure i'd ask here since i'm already here...06:50
SchijnnAre there any 3rd-party repos with more recent versions of packages than the official ones?06:50
vidd_laptopfontpd, did you pastebin your sources.list file?06:51
fontpdi had ot edit it since there's l/p information in it06:53
fontpdbut here it is  - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1581/06:53
vidd_laptopl/p information?06:53
fontpdserver login/password06:54
vidd_laptopyou host your own deb archives?06:54
fontpdit's told to fetch the repos from localhost, which redirects the request through a tunnel to my repo.06:54
fontpdthere's alot of points of failuter in that setup, so i'm wondering if the apt-get error message is inaccurate or what.06:56
fontpdfail like my spelling at this hour.06:57
vidd_laptophave you been able to ping ip address?06:58
fontpdping what?06:58
vidd_laptopthe url of the repos06:58
fontpdso the error message is misleading?06:59
=== rag [n=rag@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #xubuntu
vidd_laptopdunno...can you ping it?06:59
vidd_laptopfound the error?07:01
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=== vidd_laptop is not familiar with this kind of setup
vidd_laptopwhen you set it up, did you copy-paste it or type-by-hand?07:07
fontpdWell the error was implying that there was something wrong with my apt-sources file07:07
fontpdit looks like there's a problem with the tunnel07:07
fontpdi hate stunnel07:07
vidd_laptopwhy not use the regular repos?07:07
fontpdwell i'm assuming that stunnel is the problem. But I'm done with this for the morning.07:07
fontpdoh I would if I could.07:08
vidd_laptopthis  system does not have internet access?07:08
fontpdor if apt-get supported https...07:08
=== kilonux [n=chatzill@] has joined #xubuntu
fontpdit's an appliance, it has very few things that it's allowed to do.07:09
kilonuxhello anybody here got a minute for a newbie?07:09
vidd_laptopkilonux, we ALWAYS have time for new users07:09
kilonuxi tell you my sit07:10
vidd_laptopfontpd, i dont know what to tell ya07:10
kilonuxxubuntu live cd install failed several times07:11
kilonuxi 've now burned the alternate07:11
vidd_laptopsystem stats?07:11
fontpdit's okay, i've got it from here on out.07:12
vidd_laptopgl fontpd07:12
vidd_laptopkilonux, what issue you having with the alt?07:13
kilonuxasus L8400 10Go win XP 256 M ram.. My disk has already a redhat part. What do i do with it before installing xubuntu?07:14
=== Pirate-King [n=tjdel01@daphmb01dc1-215-11.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #xubuntu
Pirate-Kinghow do  you speed up a pc with xubuntu on it07:15
=== totalwor1age [n=worm@225-131.surfsnel.dsl.internl.net] has joined #xubuntu
vidd_laptopkilonux, do you have enough room on your hard drive to make room for the install? are you replacing redhat with ubuntu?07:18
=== xjonex [n=jone@dsl-roigw1-fe8ede00-5.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #xubuntu
kilonux2,7 Giga RH is leaving07:19
vidd_laptopthen you need to do nothing in preperation.....07:19
vidd_laptopduring the install, you will want to reformat the redhat partitions07:20
=== totalwor1age is now known as totalwormage
vidd_laptopi assume that redhat made a / and a /home partition for you?07:20
kilonuxand also other empty spaces?07:20
vidd_laptopwhat partitions did RH make for you?07:21
vidd_laptopthere should already be a swap file, and two ext3 partions....right?07:22
=== Commander-Crowe [n=thomas@unaffiliated/Commander-Crowe] has joined #xubuntu
kilonuxfor the moment there are hda6 (100 M)07:22
vidd_laptop*wave* Commander-Crowe07:23
kilonuxhda7 2,16 ext also07:23
vidd_laptopkilonux, 6 partitions?07:23
Commander-Crowejust droppin in to see who needs help07:23
vidd_laptopCommander-Crowe, got a degree in phycho-therapy?07:24
kilonuxand hda8 swap 509 M07:24
Commander-Crowevidd_laptop no and i don't plan to07:24
vidd_laptopCommander-Crowe, then you cant help ME!07:24
kilonuxand some small empty space07:24
vidd_laptop509 meg swap!!!!07:25
vidd_laptopOMG what a wast07:25
kilonuxit not me who did that!!!07:25
vidd_laptophow much ram did you say?07:25
Commander-Crowehow much ram does he have?07:25
vidd_laptopwell...that sound ok then07:26
Commander-Croweyou should've done about 78607:26
vidd_laptoptake all the ext file type partitions07:26
kilonuxi'm installing this to learn about it for my new laptop to be Gates-free07:27
vidd_laptopand delete them, as well as the swap07:27
kilonuxwith windows disk manager?07:27
vidd_laptopwith the xubuntu install disk07:27
kilonuxalready done concerning hd607:28
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vidd_laptopare you talking on the machine you are going to install this on?07:29
kilonuxis  there a clear tuto for this somwhere07:29
vidd_laptopthere is no need for a tuto...it is self explanitory07:29
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kilonuxbut I am ....07:30
vidd_laptopduring the partitioning section of the install, you want to delete all non-windows partitions07:30
vidd_laptopthen you want to let the partitioner set up the free space as follows:07:31
vidd_laptopswap=ram times two07:31
vidd_laptop / partition = 1/3 of available free space (must be over 4 Gig [?] )07:32
vidd_laptop /home the remaining free space07:32
kilonuxbut they say it can go with 1,5 Giga07:32
vidd_laptopyou can let the partitioner auto configure the free space for you07:33
=== mr_ [n=mr@p508D981C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #xubuntu
kilonuxDoes it find all the free spaces by itself?07:33
mr_Hi! I've got some trouble getting my PCMCIA card to work on an IBM Thinkpad 600X. Can anyone help me, please?07:34
vidd_laptopno, you have to delete the ext partitions and swap and all the free space should show up as one large section07:34
vidd_laptopyou highlight it, and choose "configure free space"07:35
vidd_laptopit will not make a seperate / and /home partition for you, but it will set up the swap for you07:35
mr_Hi! I've got some trouble getting my PCMCIA card to work on an IBM Thinkpad 600X. Can anyone help me, please?07:36
vidd_laptopyou will end up with your windows partition, one ext3 partition, and one swap partition07:36
kilonuxI put in the cd and follow your instr?07:37
mr_Hi! I've got some trouble getting my PCMCIA card (LAN, not W-LAN) to work on an IBM Thinkpad 600X. Can anyone help me, please?07:37
vidd_laptopyep, BTW, windows propable confiscated that free space you made by deleting partions in windows disk manager07:38
vidd_laptopmr_, what do you get when you type lspcmcia07:38
vidd_laptopkilonux, i TOLD you not to do it in windows07:39
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:39
mr_vidd_laptop: I get Socket 0 Brifge: [yenta_cardbus]  Socket 1 Bridge [yenta_cardbus]  Socket 1 Devide 0 [no driver] 07:40
vidd_laptopkilonux, if it did just come back...we'll still help you07:40
vidd_laptopmr_, was the lan card in when you installed?07:41
kilonuxsorry for talking badly,07:41
mr_yepp, the card was in.07:41
mr_in damn small linux it worked out of the box. and both are debian-related, so it should work under xubuntu as well07:42
vidd_laptop/etc/init.d/pcmcia start07:43
kilonuxthanks for help.  I'll see what there is make my son eat and come back tomorrow...?   BYE!07:44
vidd_laptopok...i may not be here, but ppl will gladly help07:44
vidd_laptopmr_, is it working now?07:45
mr_@vidd_laptop: okay, i'm in /etc/init.d What do I have to change?07:45
vidd_laptopi didnt tell you to change anything07:45
vidd_laptoprun the command07:45
vidd_laptop/etc/init.d/pcmcia start07:45
mr_"command unknown"07:45
mr_or rather: "No such filke or directory"07:46
vidd_laptopthere is no pcmcia in your /etc/init.d?07:47
mr_nope, just pcmciautils07:47
vidd_laptop/etc/init.d/pcmciautils start07:48
mr_"PCMCIA bridge driver already present in kernel"07:49
=== cellofellow [n=josh@] has joined #xubuntu
vidd_laptophave you checked to see if you have an eth0?07:49
vidd_laptopwb cellofellow07:50
mr_yeah, no eth0 or other networks...at least in the gui07:50
cellofellowls -l /dev/eth*07:50
=== vidd_laptop has neevr worked with pcmcia cards.....
=== cellofellow neither
mr_@ cellofellow: thanks! Unfortunately it gave me an "No such file or directory"07:51
vidd_laptopacually, i have....on my sister's comp.....but it autodetectd07:51
cellofellowno ethernet. :(07:52
mr_it has been autodetected on damn small linux, so i'm a little perplexed, too07:52
vidd_laptopya sure its in all the way?07:52
cellofellowwhat kernel did that version of DSL have?07:53
mr_it's all way in. DSL has an old 2.2 kernel, i think...07:53
mr_or maybe 2.4, not 2.607:53
cellofellowMy version of DSL I have, 2.3, has a 2.4 kernel07:53
=== cius [n=cius@c-68-52-104-93.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #xubuntu
vidd_laptopmaybe his card is not compatible with the 2.6 kernel?07:54
cellofellowI know DSL has 2.4, and DSL-Not has 2.6.07:54
cellofellowperhaps. Or maybe there's some module we're missing.07:54
=== vidd_laptop will be back...need to pollute my lungs some
cellofellowdang. apt is downloading at 1/2KBps. That's about a 60th of normal.07:55
mr_workes with some tweaks on suse 10.0 a few moths ago. suse 10.0 is endowed with a 2.6 kernel07:55
cellofellowhave you googled to find out what driver/module that card needs?07:56
ubotuGoogle is a very popular search engine: http://www.google.com  -  Google also has a Linux-specific search engine: http://google.com/linux07:56
=== Kennell [n=Kennell@p54ACE611.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #xubuntu
mr_yeah, i think i have it somewhere. but i don't have a clue how to change the driver/module on debian/xubuntu07:57
cellofellowmodprobe I think.07:58
cellofellowBut if the module is loaded, it should detect, udev create a dev file, and you be on your way.07:58
mr_is there a chance that a wrong module has been detected?07:59
cellofellowwhat did lspcmcia say again?07:59
mr_vidd_laptop: I get Socket 0 Brifge: [yenta_cardbus]  Socket 1 Bridge [yenta_cardbus]  Socket 1 Devide 0 [no driver] 08:00
mr_sorry, old message, I mean "@cellofellow"08:00
cellofellowcardbus. it seams like that means the PCMCIA slot is the one with driver issues, not the card.08:01
cellofellowwhatabout lspci?08:01
mr_Hm, the cardbus bridge is detected: "TexasInstzruments PCI1450".08:02
mr_and it workes on dsl.08:03
cellofellowhmm. can you do dmesg | grep pcmcia ?08:03
mr_dmesg: "registering new device pcmcia 1.0"08:05
cellofellowthat's it?08:05
mr_yepp. strange...08:05
cellofellowdmesg | grep pc08:05
cellofellowwiden the search08:05
mr_hm: "PCMCIA card inserted into slot 1"08:06
cellofellowDapper, right?08:06
mr_nope, 06.10, edgy08:07
cellofellowoh, so this doesn't apply 100% directly then. http://lists.infradead.org/pipermail/linux-pcmcia/2006-June/003641.html08:07
mr_thanks, i'll take a quick look08:08
cellofellowtry this: find /lib/modules -name yenta -print && lsmod | grep yenta08:10
cellofellowif the second returns nothing, try sudo modprobe yenta-something.08:11
cellofellowthen put in the card08:12
cellofellowand lspcmcia08:12
=== DeCaelo [n=DeCaelo@CPE00500471c243-CM0011ae8dd0a0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #xubuntu
mr_first one returns with: yenta_socket 28812 4 rsrc_nonstatic 15360 1 yenta_socket pcmcia_core 43924 pcmcia, yenta_socket, rsrc_nonstatic08:14
cellofellowbut lsmod no dice? so the module isn't loaded.08:14
cellofellowtry loading it with modprobe08:14
cellofellowmodprobe yenta-socket I think08:14
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mr_okay, did the modprobe. seems to be loaded08:15
cellofellowlsmod to be sure08:15
mr_yepp: yenta_socket 28812 408:16
cellofellowafter you insert the card, try ls -l /dev/eth* again.08:16
=== Kreator [n=Kreator@a84-230-240-212.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #xubuntu
mr_still no directory found08:17
mr_same as above. ifconfig doesn't come up with eth0 either08:19
=== duglas [n=douglas@cpe-24-58-207-250.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu
cellofellowwell, I guess that module didn't help.08:19
cellofellowI have no more ideas.08:19
cellofellowyou could try a channel with some kernel gurus.08:19
=== cellofellow has only, for drivers, attempted to build and install usbvision, and did install kqemu.
mr_i tried lspcmcia -vv and it came up with: "state: on", "Product name: TDK Digital LAN+GSM". Everything seems fine...08:21
cellofellowoh, and nvidia-glx-legacy from repositories.08:21
=== dellfan [n=jasper@85-14-72-13.akk.net.pl] has joined #xubuntu
vidd_laptopmr_, what DID ifconfig come up with?08:21
cellofellowwb vidd08:21
mr_no eth0, just l008:21
vidd_laptopmr_, try a reboot08:22
cellofellowmr_: and as soon as the system's back up, modprobe again.08:25
mr_@vidd_laptop: same thing. do you know how i can log the messages when inserting the card? To see if there are some error messages?08:25
vidd_laptopmr_, that im not sure about08:25
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mr_thanks anyway...i think, I'll google the rest of the day...lol08:27
cellofellowmr_: dmesg is for that I think08:27
mr_i think var log messages something,08:28
cellofellowyeah, /var/log/something08:29
Pirate-Kinghow do you install drivers for diamond stealth 64 video card?08:34
Pirate-Kinghow do you stop processes to speed up a pc?08:40
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vidd_laptop*wave* maxamillion09:03
maxamillionhi hi09:03
=== ape1 [n=steven@cpc1-rdng9-0-0-cust839.winn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #xubuntu
ape1how can i install "checkinstall" on xubuntu09:13
ape1im trying to install fluxbox09:13
PuMpErNiCkLesudo apt-get install checkinstall09:14
PuMpErNiCkLeFluxbox is available as a prebuilt package, though.09:15
ape1Reading package lists... Done09:15
ape1Building dependency tree09:15
ape1Reading state information... Done09:15
ape1E: Couldn't find package checkinstall09:15
ape1it is?09:15
maxamillionape1: sudo aptitude install fluxbox09:15
ubotufluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox09:15
ape1aw damn i mistyped my name09:15
ape1maxamillion: its apex btw ;P09:15
PuMpErNiCkLe!info checkinstall09:15
maxamillioni will remember :)09:15
ubotucheckinstall: installation tracker. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.0-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 88 kB, installed size 392 kB09:15
ape1Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "fluxbox"09:16
=== ape1 is now known as Ape1
PuMpErNiCkLe!info fluxbox09:16
ubotufluxbox: Highly configurable and low resource X11 Window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 899 kB, installed size 2888 kB09:16
maxamillionape1: ahhhh ok, you don't have the universe repository enabled09:16
maxamillionApe1: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list09:17
maxamillionApe1: uncomment (remove the # infront of) the line that says "universe" at the end of it09:17
Ape1# deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy-security universe09:17
Ape1that one?09:18
maxamillionApe1: well ... that one too, there should be another one a few lines above it09:18
Ape1theres 6 in all09:19
Ape1that sound about right/09:19
maxamillionyeah ... you should uncomment one that will look something like "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy universe" and then the security one that you already listed09:19
Ape1saved and quit09:20
Ape1repeat the aptitude09:20
maxamillionApe1: sudo aptitude update09:21
maxamillionApe1: then .. sudo aptitude install fluxbox09:21
maxamillionApe1: once its done installing you can just log out and select fluxbox from the "session" button at the gdm login screen09:22
Ape1all a learning experience isnt it? :P09:22
maxamillionApe1: yup :)09:23
maxamillionApe1: also ... you will sometimes see people say "sudo apt-get install <whatever>" and others say "sudo aptitude install <whatever>" .... apt-get is a very capable package manager, but i prefer aptitude because it does a little more checking09:24
Ape1hopefully i will be back in a sec09:25
Ape1thanks max09:25
=== Spasticteapot [n=spastict@ppp-70-226-162-184.dsl.mdsnwi.ameritech.net] has joined #xubuntu
maxamillionhi hi09:26
SpasticteapotAnyone know how to configure wifi in Xubuntu without another program?09:26
SpasticteapotI don't have any other internet access on the machine, and want to download GT2K and other useful things.09:27
=== ape1 [n=steven@cpc1-rdng9-0-0-cust839.winn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #xubuntu
ape1yep that seemed to have worked09:27
maxamillionape1: awesome09:27
ape1one more question09:28
maxamillionape1: you might need to do "sudo aptitude install menu" to get the fluxbox menu populated09:28
SpasticteapotAlternately, does anyone know where I can get GT2K in a .deb format?09:28
maxamillionape1: shoot09:28
ape1how can i see the screen resolution im running09:28
ape1i think this laptop supports 1280x102409:28
ape1but i dont think its running it09:28
maxamillionSpasticteapot: in the terminal do "man iwconfig" <--that will give info on configuring wifi09:29
maxamillionSpasticteapot: why would you need to download gtk2? ... xfce (the desktop environment used in xubuntu) is written in gtk209:29
maxamillionape1: ooooo, i don't know for sure how to see that in fluxbox09:30
maxamillionape1: there is a gui tool in the settings manager of xfce that tells you though09:30
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SpasticteapotOne of the GT2K libraries for a wifi manager is missing, at least.09:31
SpasticteapotHow do I get my wireless card to connect to any wireless network in range?09:31
PuMpErNiCkLe'xrandr' will show you your current screen res.09:31
maxamillionSpasticteapot: do "ifconfig" and tell me what the wireless interface is called (eth1, wlan0, etc.)09:32
maxamillionPuMpErNiCkLe: interesting ... good to know :)09:32
ape1im at 1024x76809:33
maxamillionok ... "sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid any"09:33
maxamillionSpasticteapot: ^^^09:33
ape1is there any way to bump it up?09:33
maxamillionSpasticteapot: and to see what wireless networks are in range do "sudo iwlist wlan0 scan"09:33
maxamillionape1: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:33
ape1the only res' on the manager are up to 800x60009:33
SpasticteapotTried it - Error: unrecognised wireless request "any".09:34
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maxamillionape1: in there, towards the bottom there will be a list of resolutions, put 1280x1024 next to 1024x768 on each line it is listed, save and restart X ... or the whole machine, which ever you prefer09:34
=== Maximilian1st hi all
SpasticteapotNeat trick!09:35
SpasticteapotI never knew about that one.09:35
maxamillionSpasticteapot: uhmmm... not to sure why it would say that ... its even a listed example command from the man page09:36
SpasticteapotMust have made a mistake.09:36
maxamillionpossible .. just copy and paste the command i wrote (without the quotes)09:37
ape1can i restart x within bash?09:37
maxamillionape1: close all programs, save all documents, etc. and then do ctrl+alt+backspace ... that key combo will restart X09:37
=== Maximilian1st Is also sleepy.
ape1ok, lets give it a shot09:38
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maxamillion.... well technically it will kill X and the init level will restart it09:38
maxamillionbut ... he doesn't really _need_ that information09:38
SpasticteapotWell, I've entered it - it seems to work.09:39
=== ape1 [n=steven@cpc1-rdng9-0-0-cust839.winn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #xubuntu
Spasticteapotsudo iwconfig wlan0 essid any09:39
SpasticteapotIt did'nt ask for my password, though.09:39
SpasticteapotAnd I'm still not apparently connected to anything.09:39
SpasticteapotAnyone here?09:40
ape1thats weird09:40
ape1i dont think that worked09:40
maxamillionSpasticteapot: if its encrypted you have to know the essid ... so do ... "sudo iwlist wlan0 scan" pick the one you want and do "sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "whateverYouPicked" key "passwordHere"09:40
maxamillionape1: ermmm... :(09:40
SpasticteapotIt's unlocked09:41
SpasticteapotSo can I enter it minus the "key" part?09:41
SpasticteapotWhat's the "copy" key combination for BASH?09:42
maxamillionSpasticteapot: then do "sudo dhclient wlan0" to get a dhcp assigned ip address09:42
ape1its not a major problem, its just the text renders weird09:42
ape1not as clear as id hoped09:42
maxamillionape1: yeah ... i know what you mean ...09:42
maxamillionape1: i had some resolution problems before09:42
maxamillioni gotta run, i'm at work and someone broke a machine on the seconds floor ... bbl09:43
vidd_laptopprobably a windows machine09:43
SpasticteapotMaxamillion, I know your pain.09:43
Spasticteapotdhclient says "no working leases in persistent database"09:44
vidd_laptopyour dhcp is full?09:44
SpasticteapotBut my Windows (yes, I know, yuck - I need to learn Linux before I install it!) laptop can connect just fine.09:44
vidd_laptoptry setting a static ip09:45
SpasticteapotI don't know - it's not my router.09:45
SpasticteapotKeyword being "not mine".09:45
SpasticteapotWe've got permission from the owner ...who, of course, has no idea how it works.09:45
vidd_laptopSpasticteapot, that is OK....i sponged off the neighbor's internet for a while09:45
SpasticteapotHeh - we actually have permission for sponge.09:45
SpasticteapotPermission for sponge! Wow, my grammar sucks.09:46
vidd_laptopi dont know how to set it in CLI....09:46
vidd_laptoprun sudo network-admin09:46
Spasticteapotconnection-manager should fix this, I think.09:47
SpasticteapotHowever, it says "Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libwxgtk2.6-0"09:47
vidd_laptopdo you know the ip of the router?09:47
SpasticteapotI've got my Linux lappy and a flashdrive.09:47
Spasticteapotnot really.09:48
SpasticteapotI just know the SSID.09:48
vidd_laptopdo you have a windows machine on it as well?09:48
vidd_laptopor you dual booting?09:48
Spasticteapotjust Xubuntu.09:50
vidd_laptopyou said your windows machine connected just fine09:50
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SpasticteapotYah, I know.09:50
vidd_laptopwb (again) cellofel1ow09:50
vidd_laptopis that machine nearby or is it a dual boot on the one your working on now09:51
SpasticteapotMy windows laptop is sitting next to it.09:52
SpasticteapotWait a sec - I'm trying to install the missing library for Wifi-manager.09:52
vidd_laptopwin xp?09:52
vidd_laptopis the windows laptop win xp or something else?09:53
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SpasticteapotYah - XP pro.09:55
SpasticteapotI'm hoping to install Xubuntu as soon as I figure out how to make it work properly.09:55
vidd_laptopgo to start>run09:55
vidd_laptoptype cmd in the box09:55
SpasticteapotSo, I'm at the command prompt - now what?09:56
SpasticteapotT3h brilliance!09:56
SpasticteapotAlready done - I make money fixing Windows PCs.09:56
SpasticteapotI'm no expert, but then again, most of what I do is spyware removal.09:56
SpasticteapotI have the DNS suffix, IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway.09:57
SpasticteapotWhere do I feed this stuff in Linux?09:57
vidd_laptopsudo network-admin09:57
SpasticteapotI should mention that you're currently helping a group of students who buildrobots, and have aabsolutely no money.09:58
SpasticteapotSo, yeah...thanks.09:58
vidd_laptopdo you have it up now?09:59
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SpasticteapotI just get the "network settings" GUI thingamajig.09:59
Spasticteapot...with a properties tag.09:59
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vidd_laptophighlight etho09:59
vidd_laptopclick properties09:59
SpasticteapotThis is wlan0.09:59
vidd_laptopthen properties09:59
SpasticteapotWhat should I enter for the IP address?10:00
vidd_laptopwhat is the default gateway?10:00
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SpasticteapotOkay, problem.10:00
vidd_laptopwhat problem?10:01
SpasticteapotDoes'nt the router use DHCP?10:01
SpasticteapotAh, forget it - I'll assume you know more than I do.10:01
Spasticteapot(You do.)10:01
vidd_laptopyeah...but the DHCP buffer is full10:01
SpasticteapotIn laymans terms ... what does setting my IP address do?10:02
vidd_laptopit ignores the dhcp server of the router and tells the router "This is me"10:02
SpasticteapotThe problem is that the router seems to be ignoring it.10:02
SpasticteapotNo connection at all.10:03
vidd_laptophave all the settings set?10:03
SpasticteapotWait, made a typo.10:03
Spasticteapot192.168.1.04 instead of
SpasticteapotBut it won't work.10:03
vidd_laptopmake sure you have the check in the box that saus "enable this connection"10:03
vidd_laptoptry 21410:04
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SpasticteapotWill do.10:04
vidd_laptopwhat is the ip of the windows machine?10:04
SpasticteapotWait a second - I bet that the router isn't locked.10:05
vidd_laptopwow...there are ALOT of machines connected to that router10:05
SpasticteapotI figure nobody will notice if I "fix" some settings....10:05
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SpasticteapotWow, that was easy.10:05
vidd_laptopdefault passord is usually "admin"10:05
vidd_laptopwhat did you do?10:06
SpasticteapotBlast it, it's a 2wire.10:06
SpasticteapotThey have a default password written on the bottom.10:06
Commander-Crowehow would I completly erase my HDD including the MBR?10:06
SpasticteapotSo, no worky.10:06
SpasticteapotCommander-Crowe, there are several pieces of software that do that.10:07
SpasticteapotDarik's Boot and Nuke is supposed to be good.10:07
vidd_laptopCommander-Crowe, got to the HDD maker's web site and get the floppy to do a low-lvl format10:07
SpasticteapotBoot and Nuke is much more throughough - it sets all the data to 1 and then 0, I believe.10:08
SpasticteapotCompletely GONE.10:08
SpasticteapotNow Vidd_laptop is free to get back to helping my sorry ass.10:08
vidd_laptopSpasticteapot, did you set the ip to
vidd_laptopnetwork name correctly entered?10:09
vidd_laptoppassord type set to plain?10:09
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vidd_laptopnetwork password field COMPLETELY blank (not spaces)10:09
DeCaeloOMG, does anyone know how to get Xfce's session to stop saving? I keep unchecking the stupid option and it keeps saving my session nonetheless.10:10
=== vidd_laptop [n=vidd@216-107-0-201-dhcp.nni.com] has joined #xubuntu
DeCaeloMy panel crashed while I was logging out, and now my Xfce loads every time without a panel. I alt+f2 to get one running, but then when I try to quit, it tells me xfce4-session isn't running, so it can't quit.. and then when I run xfce4-session through alt-f2, it loads a session but takes about 10 minutes, and after that 10 mins, I still get the same problem.. (no panel, no session)10:11
vidd_laptopi dont know why i keep dropping10:11
SpasticteapotMe either.10:12
SpasticteapotEr...it still won't work.10:12
SpasticteapotFlipping annoying.10:12
vidd_laptopSpasticteapot, try a reboot10:12
SpasticteapotI have.10:12
SpasticteapotI'm going to try manually entering info in iwconfig.10:12
vidd_laptopi know it sounds windows-ish10:12
vidd_laptopno...now that we entered the static ip10:13
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SpasticteapotStill won't bloody work.10:14
Spasticteapotiwconfig says ESSID: Off/any.10:14
vidd_laptopwhat did you use to configure the wlan card?10:15
SpasticteapotIt worked on my other machine, same wifi card, except in Mepis.10:16
vidd_laptopmodprobe ndiswrapper10:16
SpasticteapotNothing seems to happen.10:16
vidd_laptopnow load network-admin10:16
vidd_laptopremove the check from "enable this connection" and replace it10:17
vidd_laptopthen hit close10:17
SpasticteapotAnd then?10:18
vidd_laptopit "should" try to connect10:18
vidd_laptopwhat version you running?6.10, or 6.06?10:18
=== bruenig [n=a@ppp-70-242-223-113.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #xubuntu
bruenigwhere is the menu stuff at, I thought it was in /usr/share/applications/ but when I edit those files, nothing happens in the menus10:19
vidd_laptopwhat type of wifi card you got running?10:20
vidd_laptoplspci | grep Network10:20
SpasticteapotHow do I make a divider thingy?10:20
vidd_laptopsee the backslash?10:21
Spasticteapotmy card's a WUSB11 vr.10:21
SpasticteapotWUSB11 V4.10:21
vidd_laptopor just copy/paste the command10:21
SpasticteapotRalink chipset, I think.10:21
vidd_laptopthen lsusb | Network10:22
DeCaeloAnyone know specifically why Xfce wouldn't see the session manager, whereas I can clearly see it in top10:22
SpasticteapotNetwork: Command not found.10:22
vidd_laptopthen just lsusb10:23
SpasticteapotAlready done.10:23
Spasticteapot(Yay! I figured it out!)10:23
vidd_laptopwhat do you see?10:23
SpasticteapotBus 001 Device 002: ID 13b1:000b Linksys WUSB11 v4.0 802.11b Adapter10:23
SpasticteapotWell, at least I'm getting typing practice.10:24
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SpasticteapotIf the next words you say is "that won't work", I'm going to scream.10:24
vidd_laptopit *WILL* work.....10:24
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SchijnnAre there any 3rd-party repos with more recent versions of packages than the official ones?10:28
=== Spastic_Teapot [n=spastict@ppp-70-226-162-184.dsl.mdsnwi.ameritech.net] has joined #xubuntu
Spastic_TeapotI be back!10:28
Spastic_TeapotThe microwave knocks out the wifi...10:28
Spastic_TeapotIs vidd_laptop here!10:29
Spastic_TeapotLead me on, tech-god!10:29
Spastic_TeapotSeriously, though, what's wrong with my wifi adapter?10:29
vidd_laptoptech god my [explicative deleted] 10:30
vidd_laptopi threw mine out the window10:30
vidd_laptopand bought me an ethernet bridge10:30
Gunslinger|Deagscan someone help me with my ubuntu boot problem i have to have this fixed for school tomm it just wont boot anymore and it tends to hang the most on loading hardware drivers this is a 1ghz 255 ram laptop and im not sure what to do if it doesnt hang there it hangs while checking root file systems10:31
vidd_laptopthis is a very difficult device...and finiky10:31
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Spastic_TeapotTell me something I don't know.10:33
Spastic_TeapotIt is, however, what I have.10:33
vidd_laptopsudo ndiswrapper -l10:33
vidd_laptopwhat ya get?10:33
Spastic_TeapotDriver installed, hardware present.10:33
vidd_laptopwhat happens when you scan?10:34
Spastic_TeapotI get wireless networks with iwlist.10:35
Spastic_TeapotI've also got a "Gigafast" 802.11g usb wifi device.10:35
Spastic_TeapotLSusb with it plugged in says "ZyDAS".10:35
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vidd_laptopand is the desided network listed?10:37
Spastic_TeapotThe ZyDAS adapter would be preferable, though.10:37
vidd_laptopwhat does it say?10:37
Spastic_Teapot2WIRE950, rate, mode, blah blah blah.10:37
vidd_laptopcat /etc/iftab10:38
Spastic_TeapotIt lits ETH0 only.10:39
=== Decaelo_ [n=decaelo@CPE00500471c243-CM0011ae8dd0a0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #xubuntu
vidd_laptopyou follow this document to install?10:40
Spastic_TeapotNo, but I do know that it's compatible.10:40
vidd_laptopopen that page....10:41
Spastic_TeapotI think the driver is now part of the kernel.10:41
somerville32Decaelo_, ping10:41
vidd_laptopand scroll to step 610:41
vidd_laptopSpastic_Teapot, you there?10:42
Spastic_TeapotYep...reading tutorial.10:43
Spastic_TeapotMuch thanks.10:43
vidd_laptopare you at step 6?10:43
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vidd_laptopthe big box look like what you got?10:45
=== Decaelo_ is now known as DeCaelo
vidd_laptopSpastic_Teapot, if you are using xubuntu, replace "gedit" with "mousepad" or "nano"10:46
Spastic_TeapotNow I'm all confused.10:47
Spastic_TeapotDo I just type this in?10:48
Spastic_Teapotuser@ubuntu:~/wusb11/WUSB11v4_08272004/Drivers$ sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces10:48
Spastic_TeapotExcept, of course, ben@four instead of user@ubuntu10:48
Spastic_TeapotFour is the name of the PC, Ben is the generic user name.10:48
vidd_laptopyou type in sudo mousepad /etc/network/interfaces10:49
vidd_laptopthe ......$ is already there10:49
Spastic_TeapotOWhat's that buisness with ~/wusib11/WUSB11...10:49
vidd_laptopand you need to replace gedit (not installed on your system) with mousepad10:50
vidd_laptopthe code you see is just copy/pasted from someone's terminal window10:50
=== Decaelo [n=decaelo@CPE00500471c243-CM0011ae8dd0a0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #xubuntu
Spastic_TeapotI have no wireless key.10:51
vidd_laptopthen skip that line10:51
Spastic_TeapotShould leave Wireless-Key1 blank, or just eliminate that line?10:52
Spastic_TeapotOh, okay.10:52
vidd_laptopif it dont work, we can come back and enter it with just blank10:52
vidd_laptopi need to go smoke...be back in like 5 minutes10:52
Spastic_Teapot  No problem.10:53
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Spastic_TeapotBother it all...now the network config menu's gone10:59
Spastic_TeapotWell, this is getting annoying.11:00
Spastic_TeapotWhy the frell won't my wifi card work?11:00
vidd_laptopim back11:01
vidd_laptopsudo ifup wlan011:01
Spastic_TeapotInterface WLAN0 already configured.11:02
Spastic_TeapotBut it still won't work.11:02
Spastic_Teapot!#@$@$! it all!11:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about it all! - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:02
Spastic_TeapotStupid crappy wireless card.11:03
Spastic_TeapotI wish the "people in charge" had gotten off their asses and given us a proper internet connection.11:03
Spastic_TeapotIn the mean time, I'm stuck mucking about with wifi adapters.11:03
Spastic_TeapotESSID off/any.11:03
Spastic_TeapotYeah, that's my thoughts as well.11:04
PobegaWhat have you done so far?11:04
Spastic_TeapotTried to set up a tempermental wifi adapter in Xubuntu.11:04
Spastic_TeapotIt's a WUSB11v4 under NDISwrapper.11:04
PobegaAnd how far have you gotten?11:04
Spastic_TeapotRegardless of what I do, it won't bloody connect to the unlocked network!11:05
vidd_laptopdo the steps in step 8 and reboot11:05
Spastic_TeapotI installed the driver; I've tried mucking about with /etc/network/interfaces, I've tried everything.11:05
PobegaYou still need an ESSID though.11:05
Spastic_TeapotWWell, I'm trying to reinstall.11:06
Spastic_TeapotYah, I've entered it.11:06
PobegaDid you try gnome-network-manager?11:06
Spastic_TeapotXFCE means no Gnome.11:06
PobegaI'm using Xubuntu and gnome-network-manager11:06
Spastic_TeapotNetwork-manager requires a few packages I don't have, apparently.11:06
PobegaAre you sure? I got mine no problems.11:06
PobegaFirst thing I downloaded on my fresh install of Xubuntu11:06
Spastic_TeapotA GT2k library is missing, which in turn needs another library, which in turn needs another....11:07
Spastic_TeapotHmm...I'm just using GT2k Network-Manager.11:07
vidd_laptopPobega, he has no internet connection11:07
Spastic_TeapotNot Gnome-Network-Manager.11:07
PobegaOh, none at all?11:07
Spastic_TeapotYah...I'm stuck with moving .deb's with a flash drive.11:07
PobegaAh crap.11:07
Spastic_TeapotRebooting Xubuntu...11:07
=== Jester45 [n=Jester45@dsl-192-52.jax.centurytel.net] has joined #xubuntu
Spastic_TeapotStill won't work. I have to go now...11:08
vidd_laptopmodprope ndiswrapper11:08
Spastic_TeapotStupid deadlines.11:08
PobegaDo you have any way to bring files from an internet connected computer to your current computer though?11:08
vidd_laptopflash drive11:09
PobegaAlso, you need the ESSID, don't you?11:09
PobegaThat's the network's ID11:09
PobegaIf you want it, http://pobega.ath.cx:1020/network-manager-gnome_0.6.3-2ubuntu6_i386.deb11:09
PobegaI don't think it depends on much, unless you've tried.11:09
vidd_laptop*wave* Jester4511:10
PobegaOh wow, it does.11:10
vidd_laptoponly like have the gnome universe11:10
vidd_laptop=] 11:11
vidd_laptop15 minutes to go....11:11
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=== age6racer [n=age6race@81-179-211-191.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #xubuntu
age6racerhi guys... I have a couple of launchers that start apps under wine. but these apps need to be run with sudo. How do I do the command for this?11:57
PuMpErNiCkLeUse 'gksudo' and it will give you a popup requesting the password.11:58
age6racergreat thanks11:59
Jester45or make a script owned by root that is pionted to from launcher12:00
somerville32Jester45: That wouldn't work12:03
age6racerthe gksudo thing did give me the popup, but the application doesnt run afterwards??12:03
somerville32age6racer: What is the command you are executing?12:04
=== dredhammer [n=dredhamm@pool-71-247-15-204.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #xubuntu
age6racergksudo wine c://path_to_application.exe12:04
somerville32Terminal -x sudo wine C://path_to_application.com12:06
age6raceryes that worked. But I'd rather not have the terminal running like that.12:08
age6racerif possible.12:08
Jester45try my way12:08
somerville32Jester45: That won't work12:09
Jester45why not12:09
somerville32Just because the file is owned by root, doesn't mean it is executed as root12:09
Jester45well my sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade works fine12:09
somerville32Thats because you're using sudo12:10
age6racerjester45 can you give me thhe script you used pls? I don't really know how to do them.12:10
vidd_laptopis it possible to just have the launcher as sudo wine C://app.exe?12:10
somerville32just have gksudo wine C://app.exe12:10
Jester45what a bout on the launcher propies pressing run in terminal?12:10
age6racerwill that open a terminal?12:11
Jester45he said that doesnt work the popup appers but after entering pass the app doesnt start12:11
somerville32"gksudo wine C://app.exe" <-- will not12:11
somerville32Doesn't mean it is wrong12:11
vidd_laptopage6racer, what app you running in wine that you need god rights for?12:12
age6racerPhotoshop and Illustrator. Don't ask why.. I have no idea.12:13
age6racerdoesnt need it on my ubuntu desktop. But on my xubuntu laptop install it does12:13
age6racersudo I mean... not the adobe products12:14
vidd_laptopthen your wine must be set up wrong (i would think)12:14
vidd_laptopdid you just copy/past the files from one machine to the othere?12:15
vidd_laptopif you did, then you would just need to chown them12:17
vidd_laptopor am i mistaken?12:17
age6racerNo I installed wine from synaptic12:18
somerville32That isn't what he is asking12:19
vidd_laptopright...but the apps your trying to run....did you install them via wine12:19
age6racerIn order to install them I had to run wine as sudo or it didnt have permission to write to the directories12:20
vidd_laptopTHAT is the cause12:20
vidd_laptopyou (should) be able to chown the entire directory and be able to run as user12:20
age6racerI don't mind running wine with sudo. I just don't want a command line open when I do. That must be possible somehow12:20
=== maxamillion [n=adam@ngl-1-14.shsu.edu] has joined #xubuntu
vidd_laptopor set the read/write/xecutee to all for the entire directory12:22
Jester45age6racer: you could be opening your system to window's viruses12:22
age6racerby running wine you mean?12:22
Jester45age6racer: if you give the wine apps sudo power12:22
age6raceroh i see12:22
=== priit__ [n=Priit@] has joined #xubuntu
age6raceryeah. I only run those two apps. I tink it'll be okay. I don't have an urge to use internet explorer or Outlook! haha12:23
Jester45no wine is fine when hte programs can only change the user stuff but when they get access to the whole system and if your using things other than games and standalone programs then you might be fine but you could still get sthings12:23
maxamillionage6racer: wine is an attempt to be a complete windows emulation, so if a virus affects windows, it will in theory affect wine in the same way... now as long as your wine execution has limited privilages then (again, in theory) the worse that could happen is you need to remove wine and your emulated C: drive directory, but if you give it sudo privilages it could potentially frag the entire system12:24
Jester45age6racer: yes i figured you didnt want to use IE or somthing useless like that12:24
Jester45maxamillion: its not emulation12:24
age6racerJester45: I wasn't being sarcastic. Just a little joke.12:24
vidd_laptopIE is VERY useful.....makes ppl appeaciate firefox12:25
somerville32age6racer, Doesn't matter. There are known exploits for both of those programs.12:25
PuMpErNiCkLeIn theory, that's an issue.  In practice, there are only a handful of viruses compatible with wine.12:25
PuMpErNiCkLe(Yes, there were a series of tests done on that.)12:25

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