
maxamillionPriceChild: where should i make an announcement about the new xubuntu-users mailing list on the forums? ... as in "what catagory would be appropriate for such a post?"12:34
PriceChildyou could make it in the cafe and I could sticky it there maybe...12:34
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+o Seveas] by ChanServ
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-bbbb *!*@wsip-70-164-161-209.lv.lv.cox.net *!*@ %*!*@71-89-13-214.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com %*!*@unaffiliated/refus3d] by Seveas
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-b %bigfuzzyjesus!*@*] by Seveas
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maxamillionPriceChild: awesome ... lemme post and then link you12:35
PriceChildthere's lots less stickies there so there's space for it now :)12:35
maxamillionokies :)12:35
maxamillionPriceChild: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2013597#post201359712:40
PriceChildstickied :)12:42
maxamillionw00t! :) thankies12:42
maxamillionPriceChild: we just got it all setup last week and we got all the kinks worked out so i wanted to make a post in hopes to raise awareness12:42
maxamillionPriceChild: i think our biggest downfall is lack of publicity because most ubuntu devs only ever reference ubuntu/kubuntu/edubuntu ... same with osnews.com, slashdot, distrowatch ... we are just kinda left out :(12:43
PriceChildmaxamillion, put it on planet yet?12:43
maxamillionPriceChild: planet? ... debian-planet?12:44
PriceChildplanet ubuntu12:45
maxamilliondidn't know there was such a thing ...12:46
=== maxamillion googles
PriceChildmaxamillion, planet.ubuntu.com ?12:46
maxamillionhttp://planet.ubuntulinux.org/ ;)12:46
PriceChildah you're not an ubuntu member...12:47
maxamillioni have been asked to join, but i won't sign the code of conduct12:47
PriceChildhow have you never heard of planet ubuntu though? :)12:48
PriceChildmaxamillion, pm?12:48
maxamillionPriceChild: sure12:48
Seveasmaxamillion, why not sign12:48
maxamillionSeveas: personal reservation against the requirement to sign something to be part of an open source community12:49
maxamillionSeveas: i will probably break down eventually, but for the time being i just have a personal issue with signing something to say i will be polite, why can't i just be polite because i am a polite person?12:54
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tonyyarusso... Some people confuse me.  Just b/c the bot had the answer and I didn't, you get mad at me?  /me shakes head01:51
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maxamilliontonyyarusso: noobs ... all noobs :P01:52
maxamillionwho wants free solaris10 cds???? http://www2.sun.de/dc/forms/reg_us_2211_391.jsp01:56
tonyyarussoFree stuff?  Oh boy!01:57
maxamillioni know! ... i don't even know if i will ever run it, but its free so i can't say no01:59
tonyyarussopretty much02:01
maxamillioni would probably do the same with Vista ... "here's free Vista, you want it?" ... "wait free? ... sure, it can sit on my bookshelf next to my other software"02:04
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tonyyarussoI'd only do that for the resale value.02:05
tonyyarussoSolaris I'd at least contemplate having around, but I wouldn't want Vista disgracing the space I inhabit.02:05
maxamillionlol, fair enough02:05
Hobbseewhere's the documentation on how to make a derivative?02:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about derivatives - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:19
tonyyarussohmm, good question02:19
tonyyarussoAsk ompaul?02:19
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tonyyarussoMadpilot: Isn't Dues the same one as earlier?02:39
Madpilottonyyarusso, think so. Thick person from last night?02:39
tonyyarussoMadpilot: I belive that's correct.02:39
tonyyarussoWell that's a yes.02:44
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linux_kidSomeone may want to watch #ubuntu-offtopic, its getting a little "too" off topic...03:33
tonyyarussouh oh03:35
tonyyarussolinux_kid: Help steer?03:37
linux_kidill try03:38
somerville32tonyyarusso, Why don't you go and help ban :P03:38
somerville32If it is the same abusers, then I would have no trouble supporting a decision to give a few "time outs" :)03:39
tonyyarussosomerville32: b/c they're teetering on that edge where it can still get back to productive.03:39
tonyyarussoI do a bit of each03:39
tonyyarussodepends on the day03:40
somerville32tonyyarusso, But at some point we have to say "enough is enough", right?03:40
tonyyarussosomerville32: Absolutely.03:40
tonyyarussoWe'll see what happens03:40
tonyyarussosomerville32: The reason being, if we can steer and succeed, we can influence the overall topic nature of the channel, and hopefully have an effect that lasts in the long run.  If we ban, we make some people angry, abruptly change things so it's less stable, and it lasts 24 hours perhaps (initially).  So, in offtopic I like to try something a little different from support channels - personal experiment I guess you could say.03:45
somerville32And thats fine03:46
tonyyarussoI probably do need to be stricter though, given recent feedback.03:46
somerville32tonyyarusso, Didn't you agree to recap the CC meeting?03:52
tonyyarussosomerville32: Yes, yes I did.03:52
tonyyarussoWill tonight, howzat?03:52
somerville32Yes, tonight would be fine03:53
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somerville32tonyyarusso, You are free to do that now. I'm done editing.04:37
tonyyarussosomerville32: ok04:38
somerville32I'd like for you to do it before I go to bed04:38
somerville32so if it isn't ready by then, I'm just going to do it myself04:38
somerville32Thanks for helping out04:38
tonyyarussoAh, I see.  When do you go to bed?04:39
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tonyyarussosomerville32: So the writeup you're referring to is just the Jan 9 part of wuc/CCAgenda, right?04:50
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Madpilottonyyarusso, kick for gunslinger? I think he's abused ops before...06:36
tonyyarussoMadpilot: I don't remember.06:36
DBOlets see what happens06:36
tonyyarussoI think we need some channel education regardless though - this is getting insane.06:36
=== maxamillion [n=max@r74-192-178-37.htvlcmta01.hnvitx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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tonyyarussoI think the next one might be getting a kick regardless (not necessarily a ban)06:38
Madpilotyeah. we've had more abuse of ops in the last two days than I've seen in ages...06:39
maxamillionanyone in here ever had any experience with someone with the nick of "knight"?06:58
maxamillionhe is in xubuntu-devel asking about ubuntu bounty projects and what skills would be required to accomplish them ... just seems a little strange for him to have found his way to #xubuntu-devel ....06:59
tonyyarussomaxamillion: Not bad ones, no.07:00
tonyyarussomaxamillion: hostmask?07:00
tonyyarussomaxamillion: I can confirm that he uses XFCE (at least partially)07:01
maxamilliontonyyarusso: i dunno ... he isn't disturbing anything, just wanted to double check and make sure he hadn't disturbed anyone anywhere else07:01
maxamillionhe seems fine, just the way he came into the chan seemed strange07:02
maxamillioni was just being paranoid07:02
tonyyarussomaxamillion: That's fine - as long as paranoia means asking :)  I doubt he'll be able to do much, but it's cool that he wants to.07:02
mneptokmaxamillion: if i close at least 3 confirmed XFCE bugs will you buy me Fashion Show Barbie?07:23
maxamillionlol ... uhmmm, no ... i'm broke07:24
maxamillioni gotta sell my iBookG4 just to buy text books for the semester07:24
=== mneptok sticks with GNOME
mneptokthis is cool, though. now when people ask me why i choose GNOME i can say, "well, i'd try XFCE, but no Fashion Show Barbie'" and just sorta trail off. my mystique of inscrutability deepens ...07:26
Madpilotevidently mneptok defines 'inscrutability' as 'being strange as heck'...07:27
nixternalDCC attacks07:28
maxamillionMadpilot: so wait ... you won't close the bugs because i won't get you a barbie and that's why you won't use xfce?07:28
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Madpilotmaxamillion, not me, I think you meant mneptok ;)07:28
maxamillionerrr, yeah ... sorry07:31
maxamillionmneptok: so wait ... you won't close the bugs because i won't get you a barbie and that's why you won't use xfce?07:31
mneptokmaxamillion: dude, that is *such* a valid reason compared to the majority of users' reasons for DM choice. ;)07:37
mneptok"you won't buy me a Barbie" > "i like the icons"07:37
maxamillionmneptok: agreed07:38
maxamillioni still think you should atleast try xfce and then decide for yourself07:38
maxamillioni'm gonna go ... bbl07:38
mneptokmaxamillion: i have. and i recommond it on older hardware.07:38
mneptok*recommend (late)07:39
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Hobbseerob: ping07:59
Hobbsee[17:58]  <HedzUp> Have a fun day @ http://www.ComedySearchEngine.com :) on entry07:59
Hobbsee[17:59]  [Notice]  -HedzUp- http://look-for.us/Hobbsee.htm07:59
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Hobbsee[18:00]  <Enigma-T[Away] > http://www.videoturk.tr.gs Free Porno Videos08:00
Hobbseefor your klining pleasure08:00
Hobbsee[18:00]  [Notice]  -HedzUp- Make free cartoons & silly ecards on http://www.ComicStripGenerator.com ;)08:00
Hobbseeargh.  can we ignore notices?08:01
thoreauputicHobbsee: I banned Hedzup from #ubuntu but he's still on the network apparently08:06
Hobbseethoreauputic: yes.  and spamming repeatedly08:06
thoreauputiche was doing spam-on-join in msg ( that's all I've seen so far )08:07
thoreauputicrob: ping? Should Hedzup be off the network? He's repeatedly spamming08:09
Hobbseethoreauputic: [18:02]  [Whois]  rob has been idle for 1 day, 2 hours, 52 minutes, and 6 seconds.08:09
thoreauputicI didn't notice his idle time08:09
Hobbseethere's no staffers on at all08:10
mneptokeducate me. why does "/mode #channel +b nick!ident@host.mask" not work for me in #ubuntu?08:11
Hawkwindnumist seems to be the least active of all staff members08:11
Hobbseemneptok: why not just use /b 08:12
Hobbseein fact, irssi has settings for what you want to ban - on nic, or domain, or what08:12
mneptokHobbsee: engraved neural pathways08:12
Hobbseemneptok: heh.08:12
Hobbseeshould just be nick*@*!*08:13
mneptok15 years of IRC does that to ya :)08:13
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+b mneptok!*@*] by Hobbsee
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=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-b *!*@modemcable178.77-70-69.static.videotron.ca] by Hobbsee
Hobbseedoes that help with syntax?08:13
Hobbseeand it's easy enough to relearn08:13
Hobbseehey Seveas!08:13
=== Hobbsee hugs Seveas
mneptokHobbsee: it's not the syntax08:14
mneptok /mode #ubuntu +b *!*@  <-- did nothing08:15
Hobbseewere you op'd to begin with?08:15
=== Hobbsee tries
HawkwindLeave out the #ubuntu part maybe ?08:15
mneptokdidn't work, either08:16
HawkwindSilly irssi client08:16
Hobbseewell, it's taking modes at all08:16
Hobbseemneptok: just use /ban *!*@..08:16
mneptokdear Freenode plz dun break teh RFC kthxbye08:16
jenda...there's always staffers online...08:16
Hobbseejenda: can you kline though?08:17
Hobbseejenda: and yes.  they just arent paying attention08:17
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mneptok /ban *!*@ in #ubuntu just did absolutely nothing. :/08:18
jendanope, but I'm sure there's someone around who can... well, if not, that'd be a first :)08:18
thoreauputicheh just killed the wrong gdm ( forgot about  my chroot )08:18
thoreauputic* splat *08:19
jendaalright, they're all pung, the first one that comes online will get rid of them.08:19
Seveasmneptok, then maybe it's banned already08:19
Hobbseemneptok: you needed the * afterwards08:19
HobbseeSeveas: no, he's missing a * in the host08:19
Hobbseejenda: hrm, OK08:20
mneptokHobbsee: why do i need a wildcard? i want to ban *only* that IP ...08:20
jendaI don't think you do.08:20
Hobbseejenda: i could only put that ban in if i added the wildcard08:21
ubotuIn #ubuntu, marither said: ubotu, which among those is easy to install without configuring to the terminal?08:21
Hobbseebut that's weird...08:21
Hobbseemneptok: well, IP's are only 4 blocks of digits, right?08:21
mneptokja ...08:22
=== jenda is the only staff online... and also the only staff who can't k-line... funky :)
Hobbseemneptok: so, with a wildcard at the end, you clearly wont be banning any other IP's08:24
mneptokHobbsee: yes i will08:25
mneptok*!*@ bans that IP08:26
Hobbsee*!*@* also bans that IP08:26
Hobbseeoh wait08:26
mneptokand anything ending with 7308:26
=== Hobbsee suggetss that it's an anonymous proxy, so all of the IP's associated with that are bad anyway.
mneptokwich in this case is safe. if the IP ends in 1 or2 ....08:27
Hobbseeargh.  hrm08:28
ubotuIn #ubuntu, nrdb said: ubotu: what is different between a 'server kernel' and any other.08:34
HawkwindServer kernel is used for......a server :-)08:35
mneptokHawkwind: BLASPHEMER!08:40
mneptokoh ... excuse me.08:40
HawkwindHeh.  I know, hard to believe a server kernel would be used for a server.  Some amazing things happen in this world 08:40
mneptokdoes your blasphemy know no bounds, sir?08:41
thoreauputicso a vanilla kernel is for boxen that don't like chocolate ?08:42
=== thoreauputic looks innocent
Hawkwindthoreauputic: Heh08:43
jendahaha :) good one.08:47
jendaWooohoo... finally found a staffer... the only other staffer that can't k-line either. This seriously sucks :/08:49
mneptokimpotence. it's not just for breakfast any more.08:52
Amaranthmneptok: do you have a script that randomly spits out things from a zippy like database?08:53
=== Hawkwind Looks around for random-useless-junk.sh
Amaranthoh, that's Rupert08:55
mneptokAmaranth: yes. it's part of my firmware.08:56
jendamneptok: I envy you :)08:58
mneptokwalking on tiptoe waiting for the next step. the wages of death, what a life for a swivelhead.08:59
MadpilotHobbsee, you beat me to the kb by about 1 second ;)09:36
thoreauputiccharming fellow...09:37
HobbseeMadpilot: :)09:37
thoreauputicnice guest .... ;p09:37
jenda/cs d09:38
Hobbseejenda: /cs d?09:38
HawkwindChanServ demote :-)09:39
HawkwindOr maybe jenda wanted ChanServ to delegate something09:40
jendaor drool on someone ;)09:40
=== Hawkwind Goes back to playing secondlife
jendaHobbsee: it was just a note to deop yo' self in #ubuntu, unless that's intentional09:40
Hobbseejenda: ah.  was half intentional, for mroe spammers09:41
HawkwindHmmm, where has nalioth been recently09:41
jendaHawkwind: he's moving.09:49
HawkwindI wonder if he's moving closer or further to/from me09:50
mneptokor in with you.09:53
HawkwindLOL, doubt that09:53
HawkwindIn would be outside on the patio unfortunately for him09:54
mneptokdude, check the crawlspace. seriously.09:54
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jendaAFAIK, it's just down the street09:54
Hawkwindjenda: Ah ok, thanks for the info09:54
jendawhat's crawlspace? :)09:57
mneptokjenda: it refers to the area of a house that has no basement that is between the floor and the earth.09:59
jendaaha :)10:00
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einPauleHello, I got the #ubuntu-read-topic redirection allthough I have changed the server to chat.freenode.net/8001 and have updated my routers firmware11:08
einPauleI had had this checked in this channel some time ago as well...11:08
jendaeinPaule: they'll answer, don't worry... in a while...11:09
jenda(I can't help)11:09
Hobbsee[21:09]  [BanList:#ubuntu]  einPaule!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic set by tonyyarusso on 01/14/2007 02:04:00 PM11:10
Hobbseeyeah, OK11:10
einPauleIs this redirection applied if I have several dis- and reconnects or 11:10
einPauleis this checked specifically?11:10
HobbseeeinPaule: can you join now?11:10
HobbseeeinPaule: we just pick people off as the exploits are done11:11
einPauleI can join11:11
Hobbseecool :)11:11
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MadpilotHobbsee, you're lucky that nalioth isn't around - his auto-kill script would have zapped you for that D C C test here...12:21
GazzaKoww, can it kill people?  (/me cut and pastes)12:22
Madpilotbeen there, done that, got people wondering why I was being k-lined... ;)12:22
GazzaKso all I need to do is copy that and paste it :-)12:23
Hobbseeyes....i know.12:49
Hobbseei've been klined for that...12:49
HobbseeGazzaK: yes12:49
Hobbseegot auto-unklined for it though12:49
=== Hobbsee checked carefully for nalioth and johndarkhorse before running it
GazzaKso how can just pasting a random text post make a client quit?12:50
Hobbseebug in teh router12:57
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GazzaKHobbsee, so it does :-)01:23
HobbseeGazzaK: ...where'd you try that?01:23
GazzaKnot in any #ubuntu* channels, thats for sure01:23
GazzaKI ain't silly, a bit thick, maybe, but not silly01:24
GazzaKt'was velly funni01:24
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=== milambert [n=milamber@107.117-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu-ops
ubotumplayer is a media player. Enable multiverse repo and type sudo apt-get install mplayer for more info please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer  To compile it from source see:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer/Compile03:24
ubotuFor Codecs try !codecs Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MplayerInstallHowto for installation tips.03:24
apokryphostwo posts. New feature?03:24
jendaI think it's been there for some time now.03:25
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apokryphosah, interesting. Works with mplayer-also03:26
apokryphosubotu: mplayer-also03:26
ubotumplayer-also is For Codecs try !codecs Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MplayerInstallHowto for installation tips.03:26
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=== GazzaK hides
GazzaKyou've registered that nick?03:28
PriceChildrun GazzaK .... while you still can!03:31
=== LongPointyStick attacks GazzaK
GazzaKI'm Ill :-(03:31
=== GazzaK hobbles away at a mile per hour
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ubotuIn ubotu, stefg said: !askhelp is In order to get a helpful response and help other people to help you, read the tips at http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html03:40
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jendahey PriceChild :)03:57
PriceChildhey jenda 03:57
=== jenda has quit ("An hour more to go till exam")
PriceChildlol no you haven't you liar :P03:58
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ubotuIn #kubuntu, elias_ said: ubotu: do you know, is there any way to run aiglx beryl effects without compositing on?05:29
mneptok /msg elias_ LongPointyStick knows all about compositing managers. msg her frequently, as she forgets current questions.05:54
PriceChildmneptok, Hobbsee's "should" asleep right now... anything I could help with?05:57
=== hybrid [n=x@easyubuntu/supporter/hybrid] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v hybrid] by ChanServ
effie_jayxwe need help in a ubuntu channel06:42
PriceChildeffie_jayx, what's up?06:42
effie_jayxa guy won't stop messing with a bot06:42
effie_jayxand it's causing flood06:42
effie_jayxnone of the ops seem to be around06:43
=== apokryphos [n=francis@87-194-86-227.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v apokryphos] by ChanServ
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=== agente2012 [n=agente20@] has joined #ubuntu-ops
PriceChildHow do I deop someone using chanserv?07:01
PriceChild/msg ChanServ o #channel <<name>>07:02
PriceChildops them but how do i deop?07:02
Jucato /msg ChanServ o #channel -name07:04
PriceChildgreat thanks :)07:05
=== PriceChild was trying -o
=== agente2012 [n=agente20@] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Konversation]
effie_jayxPriceChild,  thanks... lesson learned...07:09
PriceChildeffie_jayx, lesson? ;)07:09
PriceChildwho gave him access?07:10
effie_jayxdon't know .. I just help guys there...07:11
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PriceChildthat bot had level 30 access....07:11
=== Burgundavia_ [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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PriceChildwooo #ubuntu-lat problems sorted :D07:46
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PriceChildubuntuforums.org met 2 MILLION posts over the weekend!08:03
=== mc44 goes to grep #ubuntu logs to see how many lines of irc it had, just to one up PriceChild
PriceChildwhoops wrong chanel...08:04
PriceChildthat was meant for #ubuntuforums....08:04
PriceChildsorry :)08:04
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Burgundavia] by ChanServ
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apokryphoshm, I hadn't seen that method of dcc send before09:05
nixternali love dcc attacks09:06
nixternalthey are so much fun09:06
apokryphoswe need to ban the exploit victims09:06
apokryphosmust set up an alias09:06
nixternalno what we need to do is set freenode to use port 8001 with our default irc clients09:07
nixternallast night i had like 20 different people dcc me at once09:08
nixternalwell im sure they were bots09:08
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Burgundavia] by ChanServ
=== einPaule [n=siggy@dslb-084-060-063-232.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
einPauleapokryphos, I don't get it, I'm having this every other day (being banned from #ubuntu09:38
apokryphoseinPaule: read the topic of #ubuntu-read-topic09:39
einPaulecould you please check again and maybe tell me how you think my router has a problem09:39
apokryphosthat you have been forwarded to09:39
einPauleYes, I have09:39
apokryphosread the topic there to find out how to fix things09:39
apokryphosok, so have you reconnected on IRC using port 8001?09:39
einPauleand at least twice i have had this checked after updating both the server adress and port and my router firmware09:39
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einPauleand everytime I came here, somebody wrote:09:40
apokryphosevidently not fixed there09:40
=== einPaule [n=siggy@dslb-084-060-063-232.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
apokryphoseinPaule: evidently not fixed, as you can see :)09:40
einPauleand the last few times i did not get thrown out09:40
xtknightneed a test i guess09:40
apokryphoseinPaule: connect to freenode using port 800109:40
xtknightim using port 8001 now09:40
einPauleI am09:41
einPauleoh 09:41
apokryphosxtknight: join #xtknight for a test please09:41
apokryphosxtknight: ok, you're good to go09:41
xtknightapokryphos: thanks09:41
=== xtknight [n=xtknight@c-68-43-122-102.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Leaving"]
einPauleok ako09:42
einPauleok apokryphos 09:42
einPauleI know what happened... 09:42
einPauleYes, good to go, won't happen again 09:42
apokryphoseinPaule: join #einPaule for a test09:42
einPauleI should reconnect first I think09:42
einPauleI'll be there on reconnect09:43
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=== veediot [n=veediot_@rrcs-65-31-78-90.central.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
apokryphosveediot: speak in here09:45
apokryphosok, join #veediot for a test09:46
apokryphosok, you're good to go09:46
veediotgreat, thanks.09:46
apokryphosthank you =)09:46
veediotnot a problem, sir.09:46
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=== etank [n=elake@74-140-129-0.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
PriceChildcould we have a factoid like.... support-#ubuntuforums is #ubuntu is the official support channel. We won't turn you away and will help as best we can but please be aware that this channel is mainly for idle chatter.10:08
Seveas!support-#ubuntuforums is #ubuntu is the official support channel. We won't turn you away and will help as best we can but please be aware that this channel is mainly for idle chatter.10:18
ubotuI'll remember that, Seveas10:18
Seveas!no support-#ubuntuforums is <reply> #ubuntu is the official support channel. We won't turn you away and will help as best we can but please be aware that this channel is mainly for idle chatter.10:18
ubotuI'll remember that, Seveas10:18
Seveas%addeditor PriceChild 10:18
Seveaseasier :)10:18
PriceChildthanks Seveas :)10:18
SeveasPriceChild, you'llned to register with the bot10:18
PriceChildSeveas, ^10:20
Seveas%addeditor PriceChild 10:20
=== PriceChild highfives Seveas
jendaPriceChild: congrats - Seveas would never add me because he know I'd instantly add bad things about him ;)10:22
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages10:22
PriceChildhmm..... :P10:22
jendaPriceChild: there is a !Seveas10:23
PriceChildjenda, I know... was just contemplating the possibilities :P10:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jenda - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:24
jenda!Seveas favorite pony10:24
SeveasPriceChild, all actions are logged ;)10:24
jenda<ubotu> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:24
PriceChildSeveas, was there ever any doubt in that? ;)10:24
=== PriceChild 's seen the factoid database... and the - before commands :P
=== tonyyarusso [n=anthony@ubuntu/member/tonyyarusso] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== etank [n=elake@74-140-129-0.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
etankHi, I got banned from the #ubuntu channel because of something with my router. Can I be allowed back in now? Please.10:46
ubotuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, Crazytales2 said: !modeabuse is The ops are having fun at the expense of the lowly channel members.10:49
tonyyarussoClearly the others are having too much fun...lol10:50
tonyyarussoetank: You followed the instructions?10:50
etankI set the connection to go through 800110:53
etankmy router didnt have a firmware update that i am aware of'10:53
tonyyarussoetank: /j #tonyyarusso10:54
ubotuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, Crazytales2 said: !aol-#ubuntu-offtopic is AOL sucks; use a real ISP.10:56
tonyyarussoetank: You should be able to join #ubuntu now10:57
etanktonyyarusso, thanks man10:57
etankim in10:57
=== etank [n=elake@74-140-129-0.dhcp.insightbb.com] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Ex-Chat"]
tonyyarussoThat...was creative almost.11:15
mc44I was very confused :)11:15
PriceChildhaha.... loving the choice of nickname11:15
tonyyarussoI looked, and looked, and looked...and then went waitaminutehere, and /whois'd :P11:16
=== aninhumer [n=aninhume@client-86-30-43-156.leed.adsl.ntlworld.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
aninhumerI have changed my port, as instructed, can I be let back on #ubuntu?11:25
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=== Kalrog [n=nathan@adsl-67-67-221-158.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
KalrogHowdy!  Apparently have a router bug and just switched the server / port information.11:27
aninhumerI have changed my port, can I be allowed on #ubuntu please11:28
KalrogSame request as aninhumer here.11:28
tonyyarussoaninhumer, Kalrog: please join #tonyyarusso11:28
KalrogDone, Tony.11:29
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tonyyarussoKalrog: all set11:31
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jendaSeveas: https://launchpad.net/~christer.edwards12:23
jendaCan i cloak?12:23
Mezjenda - he's a member :P so I thought it was for any emmber ?12:23
jendaMez: correct, but Seveas is the group contact, and as freenode staff, i have to ask the group contact :)12:24
=== MHobbit [n=MHobbit@phpbb/modifications/MHobbit] has joined #ubuntu-ops
Mezjenda: ah fair enough12:24
jendaAnd, for practical reasons, Seveas keeps a list of them.12:24
=== Mez didnt realise there was even more freenode staff in here now
jendaWay too many, I'd say :)12:25
Mezjenda: new staffee or new ubuntu user ?12:25
MHobbitHi. I upgraded my router's firmware and am connected to Freenode via port 8001, not 6667. Can I be free to join #ubuntu?12:25
jendaMez: well, my cloak should tell ya ;)12:25
jendaMez: new staff, of course.12:25
MezMHobbit - wow thats a long ban list12:26
=== Mez tries to find you
SeveasMez, that's why chanserv.py isso usful12:27
tonyyarussoMez: By nick.12:27
MezSeveas - now on linux atm :(12:27
=== jenda prods Seveas
Seveaschanserv.py works on windows as well12:27
Meznot in mirc12:27
MezMHobbit - unbanned12:27

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