
Admiral_Chicagoyea that's me hogging the wiki12:11
somerville32Burgundavia, Did anyone ever tell you I finished that script?12:12
nixternaljenda: pong12:17
jendanixternal: unping ;)12:18
nixternaljenda: unpong :)12:18
somerville32Admiral_Chicago, I see what screws it up12:18
jendanixternal: unless you want to read what I have so far of the diy material guidelines12:18
jendain which case, ping ;)12:18
nixternali will check it in 2 minutes :)12:18
jendakk 12:18
Admiral_Chicagowhat is it?12:18
somerville32egroupware lists a ton of binaries but only lists one under descriptions12:19
somerville32This unexpected.12:19
somerville32However, I have a work around.12:19
somerville32Another nasty hack :)12:19
=== Admiral_Chicago [n=eddie@adsl-68-255-104-111.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
Admiral_Chicagomy computer went nuts. somerville32 make the changes and document it12:24
Admiral_Chicagothen I'll write up a change log12:24
=== somerville32 runs the script.
somerville32btw, this is the hackery:                 if [email[index + indexAddition + 1] ] [0] [0]  is not " ":12:31
somerville32                    bre12:31
tsmithethat is terrible hackery!!!!12:32
tsmitheindexAddition :P12:32
=== Mez [i=rg@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
Mezsee - I am here!"12:38
=== Mez [i=rg@ubuntu/member/mez] has left #ubuntu-marketing []
=== tsmithe peeks in... i'm doing essay - i promise :P
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=== Admiral_Chicago [n=ubuntu@adsl-69-209-57-147.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
Admiral_Chicagoto anyone working on UWN. My computer is crashing at an alarming speed, I'm sorry I can't help you all01:56
=== meatballhat [n=dbuch@70-39-156-18.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== somerville32 [n=somervil@ubuntu/member/somerville32] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
Admiral_Chicagosomerville32: computer is crashing real hard core02:02
Admiral_Chicagoso i can't help with UWN02:02
Admiral_Chicagoi think I need a new motherboard, the issue is booting my computer's HDD. I've had this problem before so I'm on a LiveCD now02:07
meatballhatAdmiral_Chicago: I just had a HDD start squeakin' like a mouse last week ... reeeeeal disconcerting :-D ....   LiveCD's are a lifesaver, to be sure02:09
Admiral_Chicagomeatballhat: yea i used a liveCD for a good two weeks when I didn't have any working computers02:12
meatballhatAdmiral_Chicago: Two Weeks??!?  ....  you're a sight braver (and more patient) than I ....  B-)02:12
Admiral_Chicagowell then again, it was the porblem with the faulty HDD drive02:13
Admiral_Chicagoluckily I get to get back to my [semi] stable Feisty system02:14
somerville32Feisty isn't acting nice for me02:14
somerville32If the network gets disconnect, it'll Kernel panic on me02:15
Admiral_Chicagoit did that to me as well02:15
somerville32Admiral_Chicago, Really??? :)02:17
=== somerville32 pulls out the bug report for you to confirm.
Admiral_Chicagosomerville32: irssi on a tty. can you email it to me? freddymartinez9@gmail.com02:21
somerville32If you're on a ttty, just copy and paste into a file in another tty02:22
Admiral_Chicagobtw, who was working on the DIY marketing?02:22
meatballhatAdmiral_Chicago: that'd be myself, beuno, and jenda02:22
Admiral_Chicagowell i'll just grab the number and search for it.02:22
Admiral_Chicagomeatballhat: i would add example or "Good" logos and "bad" logos02:23
meatballhatgood idea:  it's kinda what jenda started to put into writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam/DIYWebsite/Guidelines02:23
meatballhatwe're really trying to reign in the "splitting" factor and show folks that one can be wonderfully creative while still retaining the brand in its full glory02:24
Admiral_Chicagothat's what I'm looking at now02:25
meatballhatthe point is simple:  [COF]  ubuntu   <--- this needs to become a *much* more common sight in the mainstream02:25
meatballhatAdmiral_Chicago: if you're willing, I'd love it if you'd add your thoughts to the wiki page :)02:25
=== rjian [n=chatzill@] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
Admiral_Chicagowell I have it in my inbox, I'll star it and look at in when I can use a computer.02:26
Admiral_ChicagoI agree, I'll add a feedback section to the wiki02:27
meatballhatAdmiral_Chicago: Thanks much!02:27
tonyyarussomeatballhat: [COF] ?02:29
meatballhattonyyarusso: Circel Of Friends  :)02:29
meatballhatoops ... *Circle02:29
=== tonyyarusso reminds himself that UWN is supposed to be concise
somerville32The lock of Freddy Martinez timed out 126 minute(s) ago, and you were granted the lock for this page. Other users will be warned until 2007-01-15 21:44:49 that you are editing this page. Use the Preview button to extend the locking period.02:35
somerville32I'm uploading the Feisty Changes02:35
somerville32I hope you don't have anything unsaved Freddy boy02:35
somerville32I'm going to delay the release of UWN 28 until Wednesday night (please add all new articles to UWN 29)02:39
Admiral_Chicagono, nothing important Cody02:39
somerville32The only changes that may be made to UWN 28 are feisty changes, tonyyarusso's section, and corrections.02:40
somerville32Anything else must be approved by myself02:40
somerville32If in doubt, put it in UWN 2902:40
Admiral_Chicagoalright, sounds good. let me know when you're done with Feisty changes02:41
somerville32They are copied and pasted in02:41
somerville32People can start working on them ASAP02:41
somerville32Jenda: You can update the trivia section02:41
=== tonyyarusso is well on the way
Admiral_Chicagoworking on the wiki?02:44
Admiral_ChicagoI'll take the top 5, edit in gedit02:44
tonyyarussoAdmiral_Chicago: No, I'm in gedit.02:48
tonyyarussowiki should be free once somerville32's done02:48
Admiral_Chicagotonyyaruss, somerville32: okay I won't use the wiki, mostly because I don't know if I'll be on for long02:49
somerville32We could transfer to gobby02:49
somerville32but I gotta go super soon02:50
somerville32Snow storm and things need shovelling 02:50
somerville32Done with wiki02:51
=== somerville32 it is saving.
Admiral_Chicagoshould we just move to gobby? I think that would be far easier to use02:53
Admiral_Chicagono problems of a wiki lock / my computer blowing up02:54
somerville32Sure :)02:54
somerville32Document created on Gobby server02:55
somerville32tonyyarusso, Please copy it over.02:56
tonyyarussosomerville32: what is the server these days?02:56
somerville32ubuntu.juliux.de 652302:56
=== Admiral_Chicago [n=ubuntu@adsl-69-209-57-147.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
Admiral_Chicagoare we on gobby? info anyone03:05
somerville32ubuntu.juliux.de 652303:05
rjiansomerville32: can i join also? ehehhe03:15
somerville32Everyone is welcome to come help with Feisty Changes :)03:15
=== rjian [n=chatzill@] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== Admiral_Chicago [n=eddie@adsl-68-255-98-110.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
Admiral_Chicagoback, should have no problems now. somerville32 ping. login info for gobby?03:59
tonyyarussoAdmiral_Chicago: ubuntu.julius.de 652304:00
rjianis everyone on the bat cave?04:01
somerville32Now login and get to work04:01
Admiral_Chicagookay thanks, I need to fix my sources first04:01
rjianok 04:01
Admiral_Chicago somerville32 are you sure it's not juliux04:10
=== rexbron [n=rexbron@complex1-372-008.resnet.yorku.ca] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
Admiral_Chicagoyes it is04:10
=== tonyy [n=anthony@ubuntu/member/tonyyarusso] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
tonyyarussosomerville32: Oh, btw - remembering your memo.  Sorry 'bout that, but the box just crashed and burned on me something awful.  I did my best, but it had to come down.04:11
somerville32:] 04:16
=== rexbron [n=rexbron@complex1-372-008.resnet.yorku.ca] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== rjian im late on the bat cave.. im still downloading gtkmm Runtime for windows to run Gobby..
somerville32I'm going to go to bed04:24
rjianwats the new server for gobby?04:56
tonyyarussorjian: ubuntu.juliux.de04:58
rjianthnx tonyyarusso 04:58
rjiantonyyarusso:  the pass?04:59
tonyyarussorjian: ufl@ftw04:59
rjianaw.. hehe ok04:59
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== Burgundavia_ [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== beuno [n=martin@200-122-64-25.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
beunoanyone around?05:40
tonyyarussobeuno: barely05:40
tonyyarussoli'l ol' me, and sometimes rjian05:40
beunowhere should I edit UWN 28?05:41
beunowiki or gobby?05:41
tonyyarussobeuno: Gobby05:41
beunoi juliux server?05:44
beunook ok, got the pass from the wiki05:45
beunohmmm, feisty packages...05:46
=== beuno cries
=== rexbron [n=rexbron@complex1-372-008.resnet.yorku.ca] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== rexbron [n=rexbron@complex1-372-008.resnet.yorku.ca] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
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=== tonyyarusso breathes sigh of relief
tonyyarussoI think I'm done07:37
=== juliux [n=juliux@] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
jendajuliux: pong08:36
juliuxhi jenda 08:37
jendagood morning08:37
juliuxjenda, we will take 100% also kubuntu stickers08:37
juliuxhh yes good morning, or bad morning08:37
=== juliux has his englisch talk today
jendaooh :(08:38
jendaok, great stuff, juliux08:38
jendaI hope I'll have the price soon08:38
juliuxi have to talk about web2.008:39
juliuxan away08:44
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== mindspin [n=mindspin@p54B26F37.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
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WaterSevenUbNOTICE: UWN 28 release has been postponed to December 17th, 2006 to facilitate the completion of this issue ?11:53
WaterSevenUbWelcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 28 for the week December 8th - 14th, 2007. ?11:53
=== mindspin_ [n=mindspin@p54B27EE3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
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juliuxhi all01:43
lotusleafjuliux: hello01:52
=== willvdl [n=will@] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== MenZa [n=menza@last.fm/subscriber/pdpc.student.MenZa] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
willvdlFollowing on from BECTA reports: http://www.egovmonitor.com/node/904502:25
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tonyyarussoBurgundavia: I got my bit done for UWN - feel free to take a look/edit.  Off to class now though.07:33
=== Burgundavia_ [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== somerville32 [n=somervil@ubuntu/member/somerville32] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== KenSentMe [n=KenSentM@a82-92-80-8.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
tonyyarussosomerville32: ping09:19
somerville32tonyyarusso, pong-a-dee-pong09:19
tonyyarussosomerville32: See my bit yet?09:19
tonyyarussosomerville32: Seems pitti is online to - should I ask him if he'd like to look it over?09:20
=== somerville32 nods.
somerville32But pitti doesn't approve MIRs, I don't think09:21
tonyyarussosomerville32: He reads all of them at least I'm told, since he covers security?09:22
=== xipietotec [n=jackfros@cpe-67-49-247-144.dc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
somerville32Oh, that might be true09:23
Burgundaviasomerville32: pitti has approved most of them09:23
tonyyarussoI'll see if he has a minute.09:23
somerville32tonyyarusso, I'm sure he'd be happy to help you out09:23
somerville32Burgundavia, What  do you think about rethinking the ubuntu marketing team membership model?09:32
somerville32It seems like a lot of people join09:32
somerville32but do a lot of of people actually *do* anything?09:32
BurgundaviaI don't see any danger is people joining without doing anything, really09:35
jendasomerville32: well, I did something along your line of thought previously, but it was cancelled as soon as I took vacation ;) It doesn't seem to be too popular.09:36
Burgundaviathing is, nuking people off the team who are doing nothing is far worse, as it leads to people squawking and thus us getting no work, ever, from them09:36
=== somerville32 nods.
somerville32We don't need to retroactively apply the policy09:37
somerville32But we could setup an expiry date09:37
Burgundaviawe tried that09:37
Burgundaviait didn't work09:37
Burgundavialook in the marketing team list archives09:37
Burgundaviait is an interesting idea, but ultimately one which fails on the shoals of humanity09:38
Burgundaviaclearly we need more robots in the marketing team09:38
jendaBurgundavia: I don't want to stir the issue, but how didn't the expiry date work?09:40
jendaWe have expiry on ubuntu membership, you know...09:40
Burgundaviayes, but that is clear09:42
Burgundaviabasically, they set it up09:42
Burgundaviaand then when peoepl started expiring, they thought it was because we didn't want them anymore09:42
Burgundaviaand a few emailed the list to tell us of that09:42
jendaaha, that's true.09:43
Burgundaviaagain, check the archive09:43
jendaI remember it.09:43
=== jenda wants juliux
=== jenda has a final price for his stickers :)
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
somerville32tonyyarusso, +110:12
tonyyarussoI'll get to those changes after our game of teg.10:13
tonyyarussosomerville32: How's the rest doing?10:13
somerville32the rest?10:14
somerville32the rest!10:14
somerville32Feisty changes needs doing10:14
=== MenZa tiltes head
MenZajenda: I want him too10:14
MenZaI need to know how long it'll take for the second batch to be ready10:15
jendaMenZa: batch of?10:15
jendathe ones with pockets?10:15
jendaLogo on pocket, or facing pocket?10:15
tonyyarussoI want one of the hoodies from cafe..whatever10:16
MenZaAnd they suck in quality10:16
MenZajenda: logo on pocket10:16
tonyyarussoMenZa: Really?  The pics look good on the site, but I'd never asked anyone.10:16
MenZatonyyarusso: quality-wise10:17
MenZaAnd the "pics" are rendered10:17
tonyyarussoMenZa: Shoot.10:17
=== tonyyarusso is deflate
MenZaIt fades quickly10:17
tonyyarussoThen maybe I'll need one of these ones.10:17
jendai believe...10:18
MenZaLinux alice.nipl.net #1 SMP Fri Sep 29 18:18:01 PDT 2006 i68610:18
MenZaYou can install packages using "inst", and add a new user with "newuser".10:18
MenZaLast login: Tue Jan 16 07:02:37 2007 from 0x50a116ef.kd4nxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk10:18
jendaI had the /cs m MenZa ready :)10:19
jendathought you accidentaly pasted a flood.10:19
MenZanah, that's all I had10:19
MenZatonyyarusso: it's blue though10:19
jendaI'ts blue... and gorgeous.10:19
jendaTough quality, embroidered logo... just great stuff.10:19
MenZaI look horribly skinny in that pic10:19
MenZait is10:20
MenZaI'd like a black one next10:20
jendaMenZa: you looked horribly skinny in RL as well ;)10:20
tonyyarussoWhat would shipping be to CA or US?10:20
MenZajenda: this is worse :o10:20
MenZatonyyarusso: not much10:20
MenZaFrom Germany... appx. $810:20
MenZaI /think/10:20
jendaabout that, yep10:20
MenZajenda: liking yours?10:21
jendaMenZa: I liked it so much I bought a second one ;)10:21
MenZaI should too10:21
MenZaBut I really want one with a pocket 10:21
MenZaatm I'm sticking pens at the buttons10:21
=== BHSPitLappy [n=steve-o@adsl-65-65-221-216.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
jendaAh, you're the pen-in-pocket geek ;)10:22
jendaMenZa: I've long since stopped using pens :)10:22
=== tonyyarusso is too
somerville32[17:21]  <LaserJock> we need something better than UWN <-- Pfft.10:22
MenZaWon't leave home without one.10:22
=== MenZa goes to check if his Ubuntu shirt is clean
tonyyarussoI put pens in the buttons too10:22
tonyyarussosomerville32: ask for suggestions?10:23
jendasomerville32: point me at him! where is he... I... will... kill...10:23
jendasomerville32: no seriously, what does he have to say?10:23
MenZait's not :(10:23
BHSPitLappyMenZa, I have a pocket protector over here, if you need one.10:23
MenZaPocket protector, eh?10:23
tonyyarussoOh please be kidding10:23
BHSPitLappymy physics teacher gave one to all of us just before the holiday break10:24
BHSPitLappyas gifts10:24
BHSPitLappyfunny guy10:24
MenZaI don't even know what a pocket protector is10:25
BHSPitLappysounds about high time you learn!10:25
MenZaI want one with a tux on it10:25
somerville32jenda: Can you update the trivia stuff in Gobby now?10:26
BHSPitLappyMenZa, yeah. That'd be -real- cool.10:26
somerville32tonyyarusso, After I'm done with this MOTU meeting and dinner then we'll finish Feisty changes.10:26
jendasomerville32: barely, but I can try :)10:26
somerville32Feel free to get started w/o me ;] 10:26
MenZaBHSPitLappy: :D10:26
jendasomerville32: ubuntu.juliux.de?10:26
BHSPitLappyor a pocket protector with the entire source to the linux kernel printed on it.10:26
BHSPitLappyeven cooler.10:27
=== somerville32 nods.
MenZahttp://homepage.powerup.com.au/~squadron/pocketp.gif <- BHSPitLappy10:27
somerville32Burgundavia, jenda: Would it also be possible for you to forward me new member join notifications for ubuntu-marketing so I can bug them to help out with UWN?10:27
Burgundaviahmm, why don't we make you an admin?10:28
Burgundaviajenda: any concerns?10:28
jendaBurgundavia: not at all10:29
Burgundaviaok, will do10:29
somerville32Sounds good.10:29
=== jenda wonders about John Lambrechts ;)
=== WaterSevenUb [n=WaterSev@azevedo.astro.up.pt] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
Burgundaviahe hasn't been active in a long while10:30
Burgundaviawant to email him and ask him if he sitll wants to be interested?10:30
Burgundaviasomerville32: done10:31
jendaBurgundavia: I actually talked to him about four months ago, and he didn't seem to be too interested.10:31
somerville32Burgundavia, Thanks10:31
jendaerr... not four... must've been more like 7 ;)10:32
BHSPitLappyhey, who's using GNOME here?10:33
BHSPitLappytry out this bug10:33
BHSPitLappytake an application launcher on your gnome panel... click on it, and drag it onto itself... two times in a row.10:33
BHSPitLappywhen I say click on it, I don't mean to open it.10:33
=== sid__ is now known as sid
BHSPitLappyoh, NOW the channel dies.10:35
jendaBHSPitLappy: yep :)10:40
jendawe're all gone.10:40
jendaBut the bug ain't.10:40
BHSPitLappyno, it isn't10:40
=== xipietotec [n=jackfros@cpe-67-49-247-144.dc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== MenZa prods BHSPitLappy
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