juano__ | adaptr: yes it does, i even have the audio cd player plugin installed | 12:01 |
=== MindUser51391 [n=toto_213@ivr94-3-82-226-13-121.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
juano__ | adaptr: and its enabled | 12:01 |
adaptr | !ask | leobloo1 | 12:01 |
ubotu | leobloo1: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 12:01 |
swarog | crimsun: reboot, brb | 12:01 |
Enverex | Does Ubuntu have "Gnome-Light" available? (i.e. Gnome without the bloat) | 12:01 |
=== dembol [n=dembol@duu40.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MKR | xfce? :P | 12:01 |
lovloss | what if you politely ask for the permission to ask if you can ask a question? | 12:01 |
Pommie | Shaezsche : Then "chmod u+x" the two files. | 12:01 |
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leobloo1 | I want to unistall some softwares that I don't need and are rather heavy for my pc (like evolution, ekiga or some players since I mostly use vlc) if I do it via terminal will I completely remove them? and how can I remove some like the games but no all of them? Like the games, i want to erase all the games but I like one and they seem to be bound together | 12:02 |
MKR | Pommie: That part of chmod is still confusing to me - that sets execute for the user, right? | 12:02 |
=== knoppix [n=knoppix@2.Red-81-39-118.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lovloss | Hmm... anyone here good at web design? | 12:02 |
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Pommie | MKR: Yes. Exactly. | 12:03 |
MKR | Yay, my memory works | 12:03 |
MKR | Thanks | 12:03 |
lovloss | leobloo1: it will tell you what its going to remove if you do apt-get remove | 12:03 |
grndslm | guys...i'm down to my last obvious problem, hda intel sound on edgy...seems like there's an issue with 1.0.11, and I'd like to upgrade to 1.0.13 or newer...what would be the easiest method?? | 12:03 |
=== bruenig [n=a@ppp-70-242-223-113.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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lovloss | leobloo1: Usually it takes out the program in its entirety. may leave dependencies. if any dependencies arent needed afterward, it will let you autocleanup | 12:03 |
leobloo1 | I've checked with the synaptic and i have to remove everything manually | 12:04 |
GaiaX11 | How do I rename an icon from hda1 which apear in my desktop area? | 12:04 |
jorvis_ | anyone know where the linux-dri-modules-common package is? | 12:04 |
lovloss | dont use synaptic unless you know what your doing | 12:04 |
=== blueprints88888 [n=blueprin@ppp-69-238-212-118.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
leobloo1 | how was the command for the autocleanup? sudo autoclean? | 12:04 |
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AmaroqWolf | .sh files are a red hat installation type file right? How do I convert those to .deb? | 12:04 |
MKR | .rpm is redhat | 12:04 |
lovloss | it tells you when there's something that needs cleaning | 12:04 |
=== Bogus8 [n=Bogus@ip68-229-141-246.lf.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
leobloo1 | so synaptic is more dangeoruns than the terminal? | 12:04 |
MKR | .sh is a shalle script | 12:04 |
AmaroqWolf | Oh | 12:04 |
MKR | *shell | 12:05 |
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AmaroqWolf | If I have a .sh that's meant to install something into redhat, do I have to do anything to it or can I run it in ubuntu? | 12:05 |
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Pommie | AmaroqWolf : RPM files are RedHat Package Manager (RPM) files. | 12:05 |
lovloss | Synaptic presents you with every single thing you have. If you know whats using what its fine.... but for erasing stuff, leave it to the terminal. Debian was made to do it itself | 12:05 |
=== xipietotec [n=jackfros@cpe-67-49-247-144.dc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MKR | AmaroqWolf, it depends on what it is | 12:05 |
Bogus8 | does the live cd have NTFS support on it? | 12:05 |
swarog | crimsun: correct version loaded, still no sound | 12:05 |
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blueprints88888 | AmaroqWolf i think .sh are shell files | 12:05 |
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MKR | We would need to know what he script is :P | 12:05 |
blueprints88888 | bash i mean | 12:05 |
Bogus8 | !ntfs | 12:06 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions. For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 12:06 |
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AmaroqWolf | I'm trying to install a printer driver. | 12:06 |
grndslm | guys...i'm down to my last obvious problem, hda intel sound on edgy...seems like there's an issue with 1.0.11, and I'd like to upgrade to 1.0.13 or newer...what would be the easiest method?? | 12:06 |
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=== EnsignRedshirt is scratching his head over lovloss's Synaptic comments. | ||
GaiaX11 | How do I rename an icon from hda1 which apear in my desktop area? And the name is a little square symbol with two line. The first is 00 and the second 02. Very strange | 12:06 |
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AmaroqWolf | z600CUPS-1.0.1.gz.sh | 12:06 |
leobloo1 | how can I clean everything via terminal then? I had read somewhere that the autocleanup was useful to clean the system (like for example crap cleaner for windows) | 12:06 |
=== boo1234567890 [n=Boo@66-52-217-195.sttl.mdsg-pacwest.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pommie | !cups | AmaroqWolf | 12:06 |
ubotu | AmaroqWolf: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows | 12:06 |
ricardo | hi ,how can see the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8V_V8WNFYEE?? | 12:06 |
fiveiron | uh... is it a good thing if i run "aptitude -f install" and it looks like its going to remove pretty much every package on my system? | 12:06 |
MKR | sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree | 12:06 |
Stormx2 | ricardo: Install flash | 12:06 |
lovloss | *dislikes using synaptic* | 12:06 |
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adaptr | AmaroqWolf: the most important issue is whether it will work with your kernel version and/or printing system | 12:06 |
ricardo | fash? | 12:07 |
AmaroqWolf | Ah | 12:07 |
Pommie | !apt-get | lovloss | 12:07 |
ubotu | lovloss: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) | 12:07 |
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ricardo | the sinaptic? | 12:07 |
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MKR | youtube uses flash | 12:07 |
fiveiron | why would aptitude downgrade my xserver-xorg? | 12:07 |
OrangeOrange | whwere is gconf key | 12:07 |
OrangeOrange | ? | 12:07 |
lovloss | I like apt-get | 12:07 |
=== ReG_ [n=regis@ver73-1-82-239-37-44.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ricardo | ahhh okey thanx | 12:07 |
=== EnsignRedshirt uses Synaptic regularly. Search, install, delete... all with a few clicks. Wonderful. | ||
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phr34ck | Hey, each time I log-in I have to do these steps in order to get connected: sudo ifconfig eth0 down, sudo ifconfig eth0 hw ether "macaddress", sudo ifconfig eth0 up. then sudo network-admin and I choose eth0 as my default gateway ..... Is there a way to automate this at boot-up or at login ? | 12:07 |
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=== wayne_ [n=wayne@60-242-43-67.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
grndslm | I like aptitude better | 12:07 |
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swarog | crimsun: any ideas? | 12:07 |
Pommie | Aptitude is nice for when you're ssh'd to a box | 12:07 |
lovloss | aptitude. I havent lost crap with aptitude like i did with synaptic. Too much controll. | 12:07 |
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wayne_ | My wlan works under i386 edgy eft kernel, but not under generic kernel. Any ideas? | 12:08 |
=== corevette [n=corevett@adsl-75-35-211-120.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crimsun | swarog: pastebin amixer, please | 12:08 |
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Bogus8 | Am i correct in assuming that the live cd have NTFS support on it? | 12:08 |
Pommie | wayne_ : Submit it as a bug to the ubuntu developers? | 12:08 |
leobloo1 | yep actually using the terminal it's far easier than synaptic and much faster than add/remove =o) I was (am?) just scared of using it sometimes | 12:08 |
corevette | can someone help me out installing my ATI video card? i need human help...not ubotu help | 12:08 |
EnsignRedshirt | lovloss: I don't know how you could "lose crap" with Synaptic. It shows you everything it is going to do. Anyway, I'll stop now :) | 12:09 |
MKR | Bogus8, it should, but I doubt it has write support | 12:09 |
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lovloss | Trust your terminal. :3 love the terminal | 12:09 |
Bogus8 | MKR: not looking to write just recover | 12:09 |
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grndslm | guys...i'm down to my last obvious problem, hda intel sound on edgy...seems like there's an issue with 1.0.11, and I'd like to upgrade to 1.0.13 or newer...what would be the easiest method?? | 12:09 |
Stormx2 | Bogus8: Read only, but yeah | 12:09 |
wayne_ | could I use a ndiswrapper to get it working under generic? | 12:09 |
MKR | Then it should work | 12:09 |
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lovloss | EnsignRedshirt: Its just that its quite a lot of data staring at me. And i manage to delete the wrong things. | 12:09 |
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Pommie | Bogus8 : Write support with ntfs is really ... erm... well, it's not perfect. :) | 12:09 |
boo1234567890 | so many poeple.. I dl the ubuntudesktop iso, and burned it and checked the number, and it runs on this machine, but then errors on my other machine, where should I go for help? | 12:09 |
erisco | does anyone know of a database of english words and their definitions? | 12:09 |
Bogus8 | Pommie: Stormx2: MKR: fdisk doesn't see the drive but gnome partition editor does any clue? | 12:09 |
corevette | bool1234567890 you know your old when you call your computer a 'machine' | 12:10 |
Bogus8 | I'm not looking to write to NTFS... the drive is failing and I want to try and recover some files | 12:10 |
pinchmesh | bah, areca 1210 doesn't work as well as the builtin sata controllers on gigabyte mobo's with ubuntu daily builds.. it's slow | 12:10 |
swarog | crimsun: http://pastebin.com/860074 | 12:10 |
phr34ck | corevette, sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx fglrx-control | 12:10 |
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boo1234567890 | I are old | 12:10 |
Stormx2 | Bogus8: The drive or the partition? You need to feed fdisk a drive reference like /dev/hda or /dev/hdb | 12:10 |
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Pommie | erisco : This is a ubuntu support channel, not english language. | 12:10 |
Bogus8 | Stormx2: yeah, I've tried that and also `fdisk -l` and it doesn't see it | 12:10 |
=== holzmodem [n=holzmode@dslb-084-062-254-191.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MKR | You can use df to see the names of your file systems | 12:10 |
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EnsignRedshirt | lovloss: To each his/her own. And, it is certainly easier to say "apt-get install package" in IRC than "Click on .., then click on ..., then click OK, etc" | 12:11 |
pinchmesh | <- think it's a problem in ubuntu or kernel 2.6.20 | 12:11 |
Stormx2 | boo1234567890: What is your native language? | 12:11 |
lovloss | ^_^ | 12:11 |
=== killown [n=killown@201-43-45-233.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
boo1234567890 | english | 12:11 |
corevette | phr34ck...when i do a fglrxinfo in the terminal...i get this 3dmesa stuff | 12:11 |
Stormx2 | Oh, okay | 12:11 |
OrangeOrange | how do i load a program where its not in my menus ? | 12:11 |
Stormx2 | What errors are you receiving? | 12:11 |
crimsun | swarog: mute 'IEC958' | 12:11 |
=== I-kido [n=Reco@103-034-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bogus8 | MKR: isn't that only for mounted systems? | 12:11 |
Pommie | Bogus8 : I'd try the 'v'erify command to verify your fdisk partition | 12:11 |
phr34ck | corevette, use: sudo aticonfig --initial | 12:11 |
phr34ck | then restart your computer | 12:11 |
MKR | If it's there and detected by the liveced, it should be mounted | 12:12 |
grndslm | guys...i'm down to my last obvious problem, hda intel sound on edgy...seems like there's an issue with 1.0.11, and I'd like to upgrade to 1.0.13 or newer...what would be the easiest method?? | 12:12 |
boo1234567890 | it fills the screen with a bunch of the same line, then reboots | 12:12 |
EnsignRedshirt | OrangeOrange: Do you know the name of the exectubale program. | 12:12 |
OrangeOrange | hmm | 12:12 |
=== ActivE [n=tom@81-179-248-77.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pinchmesh | how do you determine whats available from apt-get ?? | 12:12 |
EnsignRedshirt | *executable | 12:12 |
swarog | crimsun: did it, no sound | 12:12 |
Stormx2 | OrangeOrange: Running its executable. What have you installed? | 12:12 |
moverman | Does anyone have a good resource for getting the java plugin to work with Firefox? | 12:12 |
corevette | phr34ck: Nothing to do, terminating. | 12:12 |
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Flannel | pinchmesh: apt-cache search [stuff] , or packags.ubuntu.com | 12:12 |
Stormx2 | boo1234567890: Please give the line | 12:12 |
=== tobyr [n=tobyr@82-42-159-229.cable.ubr10.live.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tobyr | Hey guys | 12:12 |
OrangeOrange | hold on | 12:12 |
pinchmesh | ah, ok | 12:12 |
Flannel | pinchmesh: er, packages.ubuntu.com, or use some GUI thing like aptitude, synaptic, adept, etc | 12:12 |
tobyr | Does it matter whether I use XFCE or Gnome? | 12:12 |
crimsun | swarog: was your model detected correctly? | 12:12 |
boo1234567890 | it'll take a sec, I gotta boot up the other machine | 12:12 |
OrangeOrange | Configuration Editor | 12:12 |
tobyr | Because I think I prefer XFCE | 12:12 |
crimsun | swarog: pastebin your ``lspci -nv'' | 12:12 |
OrangeOrange | its already installed | 12:13 |
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EnsignRedshirt | pinchmesh: Run Synaptic :) | 12:13 |
Stormx2 | tobyr: XFCE is more lightweight, GNOME is more used / has more features. Take your pick. | 12:13 |
phr34ck | Hey, each time I log-in I have to do these steps in order to get connected: sudo ifconfig eth0 down, sudo ifconfig eth0 hw ether "macaddress", sudo ifconfig eth0 up. then sudo network-admin and I choose eth0 as my default gateway ..... Is there a way to automate this at boot-up or at login ? | 12:13 |
Bogus8 | Pommie: what verify command... I just searched the man file and there is no "verify" on fdisk? | 12:13 |
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Stormx2 | phr34ck: Maybe post a thread on ubuntuforums.org? | 12:13 |
tobyr | Well I can't configure themes that much on GNOME, and I can't set advanced options for the screensavers in GNOME either | 12:13 |
ActivE | Does ubuntu support raid arrays? | 12:13 |
swarog | crimsun: how can i see what version alsa detected? | 12:13 |
leobloo1 | I'd also like to know that about gnome and xfce, I have some games for kde but I?m using gnome, are they compatible? | 12:13 |
Flannel | ActivE: yep | 12:13 |
phr34ck | Stormx2, I was seeking something fast ;p | 12:13 |
Stormx2 | OrangeOrange: I think the command is gnome-gconf-editor or gconf-editor | 12:13 |
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AmaroqWolf | hmm | 12:13 |
Pommie | Bogus8 : When you fire up fdisk on the drive, one of the menu of choices is 'v' to verify | 12:13 |
OrangeOrange | EnsignRedshirt: Configuration editor | 12:13 |
MKR | leobloo1, as long as the kde libraries are installed it'll work | 12:14 |
OrangeOrange | o ok | 12:14 |
EnsignRedshirt | leobloo1: Yes. When you insall them, apt will also install the libraries that they need. | 12:14 |
MKR | The biggest difference is what they use to manage windows | 12:14 |
OrangeOrange | thanks | 12:14 |
Pommie | Bogus8 : Note, I'm talking about the LINUX fdisk. :) | 12:14 |
swarog | crimsun: http://pastebin.com/860079 | 12:14 |
Stormx2 | phr34ck: If you find the command to do the equivilent of the network-admin thing, then stick it all in a script and load it on startup (System > Preferences > Sessions) | 12:14 |
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Bogus8 | Pommie: I can't even open it in fdisk "unable to open" yet gnome part. editor sees it?? | 12:14 |
ActivE | I have a reb64 raid controller with a 3 disk raid 3 array. Im pretty sure it is found on /dev/hde. However when i try to mount /dev/hde1 it says it is not a directory? | 12:14 |
ActivE | revo64* | 12:14 |
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Bogus8 | Pommie: I don't need to acess a linux partition | 12:15 |
boo1234567890 | unknown interrupt or fault at eip (then 3 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx numbers) | 12:15 |
MKR | Is it seeing an actual filesystem, or "free space"? | 12:15 |
Pommie | Bogus8 : You're doing something like "fdisk /dev/hdb" (no partition number)? | 12:15 |
leobloo1 | so even if i install a game that is for kde it automatically download everything to run under gnome too? | 12:15 |
theflyingfool | does anyone know why evolution would timeout, when trying to connect to download my email | 12:15 |
tobyr | Hmmm XCFE looks nice and it runs fast too | 12:15 |
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tobyr | I just don't want to be screwing myself by running it | 12:15 |
Bogus8 | Pommie: correct... I'm very familiar with fdisk when it sees the drive ;) | 12:15 |
ziggityzag | i need a link to a page that will give me a basic explanation of the folders in "file system" (a description of what is in each one) | 12:15 |
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Stormx2 | tobyr: Remember, if you don't like what you pick, you can easily install GNOME or XFCE. | 12:15 |
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Alarm | hello when i try to start something as su get following; alarm@rockpc:/$ sudo updatedb | 12:16 |
Alarm | sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Jan 16 17:02:11 2007 | 12:16 |
Alarm | why is that | 12:16 |
corevette | when i do the command "fglrxinfo" for my ATI card, i get this Mesa stuff. any help? | 12:16 |
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hjmills | can i hard link folders so the contents of one appears inside the other? | 12:16 |
Pommie | Bogus8 : Hrm... :) Well, if fdisk isn't showing it, what do you see in your "dmesg" output that relates to the drives? | 12:16 |
tobyr | I'm running Ubuntu and I got xfce-desktop (Something like that) through aptitude | 12:16 |
Stormx2 | hjmills: Yep. man ln | 12:16 |
hjmills | Stormx2, and hard linking directories is totally safe | 12:16 |
=== riddlebox [n=james@75-132-205-166.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | Alarm: you chagned your clock recently (back in time), probably because of ntp. sudo -k will fix it | 12:16 |
Stormx2 | hjmills: Yep. | 12:16 |
AmaroqWolf | I'm trying to follow these directions to install a driver for my lexmark z611 printer, but one of the steps doesn't work. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters/LexmarkZ605 When I try the tail part, I get bash: install.tar.gz: Permission denied | 12:17 |
Bogus8 | Pommie: dmesg sees the drive and sees it properly (20gigs blah blah blah) | 12:17 |
hjmills | Stormx2, thanks :) | 12:17 |
Pici | alarm, is your system time set to Jan 16th? | 12:17 |
Stormx2 | hjmills: Although I use soft links... But I never really understood the differences. | 12:17 |
Flannel | Alarm: just, on it's own, 'sudo -k', then do your command again. (-k resets the timestamp) if that doesn't work, try -K instead | 12:17 |
EnsignRedshirt | leobloo1: Yes. I use gnome, and I regulary use KDE apps (e.g. k3b, kile) | 12:17 |
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swarog | crimsun: 00:1b.0 | 12:17 |
Stormx2 | AmaroqWolf: Hmm. Did you download it as root? | 12:17 |
EnsignRedshirt | *regularly | 12:17 |
leobloo1 | tobyr but the gnome stays installed doesn't it? so you don't really gain a lot in speed... | 12:17 |
AmaroqWolf | I had to download it as root, with sudo | 12:18 |
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leobloo1 | thanks ensign | 12:18 |
Pommie | Bogus8 : Offhand, you got me. If dmesg shows it, and fdisk won't let you access it (what's the actual error?)... | 12:18 |
AmaroqWolf | and unzip with sudo as well. | 12:18 |
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Stormx2 | AmaroqWolf: Why? let me take a look at the page, one sec. | 12:18 |
Alarm | i still get the same message | 12:18 |
tobyr | It does stay installed | 12:18 |
gimmulf | What kind of user do you guys recommend me to create on my server running dapper, at the moment i just have a root user. Dont know what group and stuff i shall add this new user to | 12:18 |
tobyr | You just choose it at login | 12:18 |
Flannel | gimmulf: er... root user? or just default user? | 12:18 |
Bogus8 | Pommie: when I do what, try to fdisk to it? it says unable to open | 12:18 |
corevette | what should be the output of this: >sudo modprobe fglrx | 12:18 |
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I-04 | has anyone else encountered this: when single-click on an OGG file in nautilus, nautilus behaves weirdly. the file "jumps" to the end of the directory. | 12:18 |
gimmulf | Flannel: i just have a root user, need to add anotherone | 12:19 |
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Alarm | so sudo -k didnt change anything | 12:19 |
AmaroqWolf | It says .sh is broken on newer systems. And I'm running dapper drake. | 12:19 |
Pommie | Bogus8 : obvious question... you're running fdisk as superuser, right? ;) | 12:19 |
hjmills | corevette, nothing if it works | 12:19 |
Stormx2 | AmaroqWolf: Wait, what command are you running? | 12:19 |
leobloo1 | when you isnter the passord you can also install what interface (sorry I dunno the English word for it) to choose from those installed? | 12:19 |
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Flannel | gimmulf: how on earth did you wind up with only root? | 12:19 |
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Bogus8 | Pommie: correct | 12:19 |
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gimmulf | Flannel: i bought a vps server | 12:19 |
corevette | hjmills...mine says Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/volatile/fglrx.ko': No such file or directory | 12:19 |
AmaroqWolf | I'm trying tha tail one. | 12:19 |
ziggityzag | i need a link to a page that will give me a basic explanation of the folders in "file system" (a description of what is in each one) | 12:19 |
hjmills | corevette, oh did you use sudo? | 12:19 |
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corevette | yes | 12:19 |
AmaroqWolf | Stormx2, I tried the tail command on that page. | 12:19 |
Alarm | would a restart fix the problem / | 12:20 |
Alarm | / | 12:20 |
Stormx2 | AmaroqWolf: Did you download the package as root? untar as root? | 12:20 |
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Flannel | gimmulf: well, the default ubuntu user (the one created with the install) is a member of their own group, and these: adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev lpadmin scanner admin | 12:20 |
Pommie | Bogus8 : Sorry mang. I got nothin'. | 12:20 |
Alarm | cause sudo -k or -K doesnt | 12:20 |
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Flannel | Alarm: really? How far back did your ntp set the time? | 12:20 |
pseudomorph | Just wondering if anyone can help me, whenever I use vi to edit a text file I can navigate around in command mode but as soon as I enter insert mode I cannot use the arrows, I end up with A's B's and C's instead. | 12:20 |
gimmulf | Flannel: whats that group called? | 12:20 |
boo1234567890 | so, do I need to go to www.ubuntu.com/support? | 12:20 |
OrangeOrange | where is the dir $datadir/ | 12:20 |
Flannel | gimmulf: which group? | 12:20 |
Bogus8 | Pommie: no prob... I'll keep looking | 12:20 |
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crimsun | swarog: sec, busy atm | 12:21 |
Alarm | well it shows 16th january 1:21 , local athens time as much i see | 12:21 |
AmaroqWolf | I believe so, Stormx2. I had to use sudo to download and unzip the tar | 12:21 |
Stormx2 | AmaroqWolf: Why? | 12:21 |
Pommie | pseudomorph : What are you using as a terminal into Linux? | 12:21 |
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gimmulf | Flannel: what does the command look like for creating a normal server user which need access to setup apache for example | 12:21 |
boo1234567890 | stormx2, you see that the error is | 12:21 |
ActivE | Does anyone know if the xfx revo 64 is compatable with ubuntu? | 12:21 |
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boo1234567890 | unknown interrupt or fault at eip (then 3 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx numbers) | 12:21 |
Alarm | on the calender it was showing 17th before, so i wanted to change it through the europe server. and after that i was getting that message. do i need to wait 1 day to run sudo again ?? :) eheh | 12:22 |
gimmulf | gimmulf: i know that i need to use useradd but om not sure on the groups | 12:22 |
Stormx2 | boo1234567890: Bleh, no idea. Boot up the disk and go to "Check CD for defects" | 12:22 |
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corevette | how do i: # | 12:22 |
corevette | Disable fglrx in /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common | 12:22 |
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pseudomorph | Pommie I'm using Gnome terminal 2.16 | 12:22 |
boo1234567890 | same error | 12:22 |
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leobloo1 | a question, I have an old laptop with no ethernet card so no internet, I want to make it run as smooth as possible, what should I install? DSL; Fluxubuntu (rather buggy) Ubuntu with xfce and few softwares or xfce? Or something else (Im waiting for ubuntulite but it can't be downloaded yet | 12:22 |
AmaroqWolf | Stormx2, because I was following a different set of directions and downloaded it into the /usr/local/src directory and I can't write to it or anything without root. | 12:22 |
EnsignRedshirt | I-04: I can recreate that. It looks like when you single-click, Nautilus check something, and the file type changes from "Ogg Multimedia" to "Off Vorbis audio". If you have Nautilus set to sort by "Type", the file moves in the list. | 12:22 |
Flannel | Alarm: hardware time should always be set to GMT, by the way. Um, a restart will fix it. | 12:22 |
Stormx2 | AmaroqWolf: In the manual, it says to download it off their site and run tar and tail as a user... with no sudo | 12:22 |
AmaroqWolf | oh | 12:22 |
Alarm | ok | 12:22 |
EnsignRedshirt | *Ogg, not Off, of course. | 12:23 |
Stormx2 | AmaroqWolf: This guide, right? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters/LexmarkZ605 | 12:23 |
boo1234567890 | ran the memory test and it tries to tell me that I have a bad byte, but I've checked with windows routines, and they say my memory is fine | 12:23 |
Pommie | pseudomorph : You could be using a minimal version of vi, which (if I recall) doesn't have the full features of vi (and some of the keymapping). | 12:23 |
leobloo1 | I forgot the specs PII 400 Mhz 128 Ram | 12:23 |
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Flannel | gimmulf: the users own group, and these: adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev lpadmin scanner admin are the default groups. | 12:23 |
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AmaroqWolf | Stormx2, I was using a different guide on the forums for installing lexmark printers. | 12:23 |
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Flannel | gimmulf: that's default group for the user created during install | 12:24 |
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gimmulf | Flannel: ahh so i dont need to specify any group when i create a normal user? | 12:24 |
gimmulf | just useradd user and then set a password? | 12:24 |
leobloo1 | no one can help me? | 12:24 |
Flannel | gimmulf: er... yes, you need to specify all of those. Except, probably not their own group, I believe that gets setup automatically | 12:24 |
gnoodles | Hi everyone... I'm trying to get Ubuntu 6.1 installed, but it keeps crashing as soon as X launches. It sometimes makes it as far as the desktop showing up, but usually crashes shortly after the tan screen shows up. I've tried using text install, from the alternate CD which worked fine, but then the insatlled version crashes on startup. Kubuntu has the same problem. Any thoughts? | 12:24 |
Pommie | pseudomorph : Install the full vim... apt-get install vim-full | 12:24 |
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EnsignRedshirt | I-04: If the files are sorted by Name, it won't jump when you single-click a file. | 12:24 |
pseudomorph | Pommie it apprears that you might be correct a vi --version shows that I'm using a "small version" cheers mate | 12:25 |
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Pommie | pseudomorph : np | 12:25 |
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stefg | gnoodles: obviuosly the hardware detection fails to get your video card right, was is it | 12:26 |
Pommie | gnoodles : Do you manage to hear the startup sound? | 12:26 |
gnoodles | nvidia 6600gt | 12:27 |
stefg | *what | 12:27 |
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gnoodles | If it gets to the desktop, I hear the startup sound, but most of the time it crashes earlier. | 12:27 |
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mena | How Can i share a folder on a network | 12:27 |
stefg | !nvidia | gnoodles | 12:27 |
ubotu | gnoodles: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 12:27 |
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Pommie | mena: windows or unix network? | 12:28 |
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gimmulf | Flannel: like: useradd gimmulf -g adm,dialout,cdrom,floppy,audio,dip,video,plugdev,lpadmin,scanner,admin for example? guess i can remove cdrom,floppy,audio and video since it a vps with ssh access only | 12:28 |
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mena | Pommie, i would shre it to people who had Windows xp so i think windowos | 12:28 |
Pommie | !samba |mena | 12:28 |
ubotu | mena: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 12:28 |
stefg | fixres | gnoodles , this might also apoly | 12:28 |
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mena | Pommie, okay i will see | 12:29 |
stefg | !fixres | gnoodles , this might also apoly | 12:29 |
ubotu | gnoodles , this might also apoly: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 12:29 |
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AmaroqWolf | Stormx2, a friend of mine had me use the following command: sh z600cups-1.0-1.gz.sh -target temp_lex | 12:29 |
svfusion | am trying to get my ATi X1600 512MB AGP to work with Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy. I install the drivers and my screen starts messing up | 12:29 |
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Pommie | !ati |svfusion | 12:30 |
ubotu | svfusion: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 12:30 |
stefg | !ati | 12:30 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 12:30 |
AmaroqWolf | Stormx2, that seems to have worked. It created a directory with that stuff in it, though it did gave me an error. | 12:30 |
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svfusion | this si what I have done http://img156.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotdg4.png | 12:30 |
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Flannel | gimmulf: you want -G I believe and you probably also want -m | 12:30 |
svfusion | I have installed the drivers | 12:30 |
svfusion | when I install the drivers my screen does this http://img156.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotdg4.png | 12:30 |
Stormx2 | AmaroqWolf: I have no idea really o.O | 12:30 |
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Pommie | omg, I'm going to make !ati a one-key macro any second now. :-P | 12:30 |
AmaroqWolf | Stormx2, I didn't know there was an sh command. | 12:30 |
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reiki | help with windows networking please. I can connect to a machine on my home network if it has a static IP, but if I leave the windows machine on dhcp I can not connect to its windows shares. Do I have to put all of my machines on static IP? | 12:31 |
stefg | svfusion: this seems like a driver bug | 12:31 |
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mena | Pommie, okay then what if i share a folder and theu cant see it what would hapened | 12:31 |
svfusion | any ideas? | 12:31 |
pianoboy3333 | Can anyone help me.... I have a cord running from my headphone jack in my radio, to my mic jack in my computer, now how do I hear it? | 12:31 |
mena | Pommie, they cant see it | 12:31 |
crimsun | swarog: which model did you load it with? | 12:31 |
stefg | svfusion: so see what other driver options you have | 12:31 |
Stormx2 | AmaroqWolf: Just means shell. | 12:31 |
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svfusion | isn't there 2 differnt drivers like FGLRX and a binary | 12:31 |
gimmulf | Flannel: ahh oki , like: useradd gimmulf -g adm,dialout,cdrom,floppy,audio,dip,video,plugdev,lpadmin,scanner,admin -G -m ? | 12:31 |
Pommie | mena: Shared a folder on where, the Linux machine or the Windows machine, that you're not seeing? | 12:31 |
AmaroqWolf | oh, okay. | 12:31 |
mena | Pommie, windos machine | 12:32 |
gimmulf | Flannel: just want it to get correct :) | 12:32 |
svfusion | is there a differnce in fglrx and binary? | 12:32 |
Pommie | mena: So the Linux machine can't see the Windows share? | 12:32 |
Pommie | mena: Make sure that both the Linux and Windows machines are in the same workgroup, firstly | 12:33 |
mena | Pommie, sorry my english is bad .....i mean that i am the linux and the one who i share the folder to him is windows machine and he cant see it | 12:33 |
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svfusion | fglrx and binary ATi drivers, are they differnt? | 12:34 |
eviltux | :) | 12:34 |
JosefK | they're the same | 12:34 |
Flannel | gimmulf: no, you use -G to specify extra groups, -g specifies your initial group. And, hmm, you might need a -D to start it all off. Read the man page ;) your interpretation is as good as mine | 12:34 |
gnoodles | That how-to tells me how to install the drivers from a wroking syustem... Is there a way to install them from the install CD? If not, how do I install them from the command prompt? | 12:34 |
stefg | svfusion: yes | 12:34 |
svfusion | both drivers do the same thing, werid thing is that people have success with the exact same card | 12:34 |
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mena | Pommie, did you understand me ...sorry for that | 12:35 |
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stefg | gnoodles: don't know ati, see Howto, (or anyone else knows it) | 12:35 |
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Pommie | mena: Yes, sorry, just checking something. One moment. | 12:35 |
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pianoboy3333 | Can anyone help me.... I have a cord running from my headphone jack in my radio, to my mic jack in my computer, now how do I hear it? | 12:35 |
gnoodles | Sorry, two people asking similar questions... I'm using nvidia | 12:35 |
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svfusion | do you know how I can fix this? | 12:36 |
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bulmer | 7bitch | 12:36 |
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gimmulf | Flannel: ok :), useradd username -g gimmulf -G group1,group2 -m -D ? :D | 12:36 |
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bulmer | i said bitch | 12:37 |
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JosefK | gnoodles: you could chroot to /target after an install then use aptitude to install it | 12:37 |
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whileimhere | Hi is there a way to "name" a sd card so that when its put into the cad reader it comes up on the desktop correctly? | 12:37 |
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dogfood2006 | I need to learn how torrents work once an for all, any websites people recommend? | 12:37 |
svfusion | is it possbile that this is a ubuntu problem and just try another flavor of linux? | 12:37 |
stefg | gnoodles: oh... the line is `sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r` nvidia-glx && sudo nvidia-glx-config enable' then restart X by 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart' | 12:37 |
bulmer | fuck you ugly bitch | 12:37 |
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Flannel | !ops | 12:37 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso | 12:37 |
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Flannel | whileimhere: you can set a disklabel on the SDcard, but as to whether it'll be called that on the desktop, I don't know | 12:37 |
=== EnsignRedshirt was seven years old once, too. | ||
JosefK | durham university :/ | 12:38 |
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whileimhere | Flannel how doyou do that? | 12:38 |
Pommie | mena: You're going to have to create an account in samba for him to get access to the shares on your machine. | 12:38 |
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Pommie | mena: You can do this with the 'smbpasswd' command. | 12:38 |
Flannel | whileimhere: Um, You... I'm not entirely sure. Its just a disk property. | 12:38 |
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whileimhere | okay I will google it | 12:38 |
whileimhere | thanks | 12:39 |
Anthon1 | does anyone know if 6.10 supports 1280 x 800 screen resolutiion? | 12:39 |
Pommie | mena: after you've added them, they should be able to browse to "\\yourMachineName" (whatever your Linux machine is called) and it'll ask for a password. | 12:39 |
Flannel | Anthon1: it does | 12:39 |
Pommie | mena: If all goes well, they should see the shares there. | 12:40 |
idefix | you people chat here day and night, don't you? | 12:40 |
Flannel | idefix: no, this is a support channel. chatting goes on in #ubuntu-offtopic | 12:40 |
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fleischwurst | im just here to masurbate | 12:41 |
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stefg | idefix, only day... but since it's an international channel there's always day in some timezone :-) | 12:41 |
svfusion | anyone running Ubuntu with ATi Radeon X1600 | 12:41 |
bcardarella | Where is Ubuntu's MAKE program? | 12:41 |
svfusion | you have to download the GCC | 12:41 |
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bcardarella | I ran locate make but can't find it... | 12:41 |
Anthon1 | I booted from the live cd, and the only resolutions were 1024 x 768 and 800x600, will 1280 x 800 be avaliable when I install it? | 12:41 |
EnsignRedshirt | bcardarella: Install the build-essential package | 12:41 |
Pommie | bcardarella : apt-get install make | 12:41 |
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Pici | arg, too slow | 12:41 |
stefg | !fixres | Anthon1 | 12:41 |
ubotu | Anthon1: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 12:41 |
svfusion | :( | 12:41 |
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svfusion | I quess I need to get a new Nvidia card | 12:42 |
EnsignRedshirt | bcardarella: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 12:42 |
checkmate | Anthon1: i run 1280x1024 on my box | 12:42 |
Anthon1 | ok, thanks | 12:42 |
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checkmate | with an old geforce3 | 12:42 |
bcardarella | EnsignRedShirt: cool, thanks | 12:42 |
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stefg | svfusion: wouldn't hurt | 12:42 |
tobyr | Hey I'm running XCFE and the volumes really quiet | 12:42 |
tobyr | How do I bring the master volume up? | 12:42 |
mikeconcepts2 | is there a fix for the small issue where when going to Network Servers, the Windows shares take several attempts to become available? | 12:42 |
AmaroqWolf | If I'm converting a .rpm into a .deb and it gives me an error and tells me I should use --scripts to include conversion of scripts, should I do that? | 12:42 |
mikeconcepts2 | This is with 6.10 | 12:43 |
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=== Alarm [n=rock@ppp90-231.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
recon | Does anybody know how to set a command to execute foo minutes in the future? (In this case, foo=34 & command=killall et.x84) | 12:43 |
stefg | mikeconcepts2: have a look at fusesmb | 12:43 |
Alarm | than you people. the problem with sudo and time is fixed. btw why does that happen ? | 12:43 |
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bruenig | recon, one way is with crontab | 12:43 |
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Seveas | recon, look at the manpag for at | 12:43 |
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mikeconcepts2 | stef, thanks, will look in the forums for that | 12:44 |
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mikeconcepts2 | stefg, sorry | 12:44 |
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om- | Can someone help me? Yesterday I shared a folder on a windows box over a home network and could access it fine on ubuntu... this morning I restarted the machines and it no longer will access, any ideas? | 12:44 |
Beverage | hey guys im trying to get NX to work, but when i check the status it tells me the connection was refused by | 12:44 |
autark | sleep nnn && kill ... | 12:44 |
Pommie | recon: try the 'at' command. As in "at +10 minutes command" | 12:44 |
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recon | thanks seveas, pommie, bruenig | 12:44 |
reiki | help with windows networking please. I can connect to a machine on my home network if it has a static IP, but if I leave the windows machine on dhcp I can not connect to its windows shares. Do I have to put all of my machines on static IP? | 12:44 |
jdier | searched google and could not find... what is the command for moving a directory and all contents? | 12:44 |
bruenig | jdier, just mv | 12:44 |
stefg | mikeconcepts2: this was no complaint, but to try fusesmb instead of smbfs, or whatever you use | 12:44 |
Pommie | reiki : Not necessarily, but must likely. | 12:45 |
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Pommie | reiki : s/must/most/ | 12:45 |
reiki | Pommie: a bit inconvenient :) | 12:45 |
jdier | bruenig - thank you. Sometimes I make things more complicated than I need to. | 12:45 |
harry | is it possible to get the output of all commands to be run through cowsay by default? | 12:45 |
stefg | !fusesmb | 12:46 |
ubotu | fusesmb: filesystem client based on the SMB file transfer protocol. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.5-1 (edgy), package size 26 kB, installed size 140 kB | 12:46 |
svfusion | Anyone have succes with 6.10 and x1600 | 12:46 |
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Pommie | reiki: There's ways around it, of course. ;) I have a router that runs a dns service on it for all my local machines. When it grants dhcp leases, it knows what ip it gave out, so my other machines know what the ip is when they query the router's dns for the name. | 12:47 |
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reiki | Pommie- my router and DSL modem are one unit. I can't see anywhere in the router where it stores the machine name associated with an IP | 12:47 |
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AdamWeishaupt| | hello can any one help me with xorg config ? | 12:48 |
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autark | When I boot into Ubuntu, I have to run /etc/init.d/networking restart manually to get the network to work. I didn't have to do this before I added some wireless info the eth1. Anyone know where I can start looking to fix this? | 12:48 |
Alarm | whats the apt gui application to update the allready installed packages ? | 12:48 |
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pianoboy3333 | crimsun: how do I find out what process/program is using /dev/audio? | 12:48 |
darkempress | what driver does the intel chipset use? | 12:48 |
crimsun | pianoboy3333: lsof /dev/audio | 12:48 |
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EnsignRedshirt | Alarm: Synaptic | 12:48 |
bobby | has anyone had any success getting tv-out working with an ATI card? | 12:48 |
ttmrichter | pianoboy3333: lsof | grep -i audio | 12:48 |
Alarm | i did choose from the apt_manager the upgradable packages, but i am not sure if i am on the right way or i will install also packages that i dont need | 12:48 |
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om- | Help with home network share please... I enabled sharing on a folder on windows machine yesterday and could access it fine from ubuntu. Now today after restarting the folder no longer shows up, any ideas? | 12:49 |
facugaich | Alarm: System -> Administration -> Updates Manager | 12:49 |
DelLo2 | can somone help me with gnome mixer? can't ear my microphone | 12:49 |
x34460 | please help! just installed ubuntu 6.10 and have mysql set for localhost connections only as this will not be a server. when i use phpmyadmin, i get #2002 - The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server's socket is not correctly configured). i tried to login as root - "blank" and then just the username - "blank", username - password" and other combos but i cant seem to communicate with mysql. none of the commands i found onl | 12:49 |
x34460 | ine seem to do anything either. any ideas please? | 12:49 |
Pommie | reiki : yeah, there's no easy solution. You could run a dns service on your Linux machine, but then that's a whole other mess. | 12:49 |
darkempress | what kernel module do you use for the intel video chipset? | 12:49 |
Alarm | sorry for being rude. but i am under kubuntu . thought the command on the shell would be the same | 12:49 |
=== Coole^ [n=justin@71-212-86-127.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
EnsignRedshirt | Alarm: What facugaich said--that's simpler than Synaptic for basic upgrades. | 12:50 |
PriceChild | dark_light, you just need the module i810 in your xorg.conf ? | 12:50 |
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Alarm | alarm@rockpc:~$ Synaptic | 12:50 |
Alarm | bash: Synaptic: command not found | 12:50 |
facugaich | EnsignRedshirt: He's got KDE | 12:50 |
crimsun | Alarm: case-sensitive. | 12:50 |
PriceChild | Alarm, its case sensitive | 12:50 |
AdamWeishaupt| | Can nobody help me with xorg.conf problem | 12:50 |
bruenig | Alarm, gksudo synaptic | 12:50 |
darkempress | PriceChild: you mean me? | 12:50 |
PriceChild | darkempress, yeah sorry | 12:51 |
darkempress | PriceChild: i don't think that's the right one, unless it covers all intel chipsets... | 12:51 |
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DelLo2 | can somone help me with gnome mixer? can't record my microphone | 12:51 |
Pommie | Alarm : LOWERCASE | 12:51 |
Alarm | well nothing at all. the same | 12:51 |
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Alarm | i tried lowercase | 12:51 |
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Pommie | ;) | 12:52 |
Alarm | alarm@rockpc:~$ sudo synaptic | 12:52 |
Alarm | sudo: synaptic: command not found | 12:52 |
Flannel | Alarm: are you on KDE or Gnome? or none? | 12:52 |
Alarm | kde. | 12:52 |
Pommie | Ah | 12:52 |
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bruenig | Alarm, kdesu adept | 12:52 |
Flannel | Alarm: you want adept | 12:52 |
EnsignRedshirt | facugaich, Alarm: Sorry, I'm not familiar with KDE, but I think there is a KDE equivalent for Synaptic. | 12:52 |
Alarm | thats why i apologised for being in the wrong channel | 12:52 |
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zYe | i am trying to install a splash screen, but the file is a .svgz how do i do it? | 12:52 |
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Pommie | synaptic is ubuntu's native one. adept is for kde. | 12:52 |
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unop | !adept > facugaich | 12:53 |
fleischwurst | good night everyone | 12:53 |
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Alarm | ok , thanks , found it | 12:53 |
kingace | what's a good Keynote-like application for ubuntu? like presentations but meant for video | 12:53 |
Pici | !usplash | zYe | 12:53 |
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ubotu | zYe: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork | 12:53 |
facugaich | unop, lol you want to say that to Alarm not to me | 12:53 |
om- | Help with home network share please... I enabled sharing on a folder on windows machine yesterday and could access it fine from ubuntu. Now today after restarting the folder no longer shows up, any ideas? | 12:53 |
Flannel | kingace: keynote... makes video screencasts? or what? | 12:53 |
EnsignRedshirt | Does KDE/Kubuntu have an equivalent for the Update Manager? | 12:53 |
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unop | facugaich, my bad :p excuse me :) | 12:53 |
TheDebugger | EnsignRedshirt: adept_manager | 12:53 |
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facugaich | <EnsignRedshirt> Kupdate Kanager :P | 12:54 |
Alarm | i am running adept_manager allready | 12:54 |
Pommie | om- : Make sure that your samba service is running, first off. | 12:54 |
TheDebugger | EnsignRedshirt: adept_updater too | 12:54 |
EnsignRedshirt | TheDebugger: Thanks. | 12:54 |
pianoboy3333 | crimsun: the audio coming out of my left speaker is crackling, anything I can do to fix this? I've got a sigmatel on board audio chip, which is using the hda-intel module | 12:54 |
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DelLo2 | can somone help me with gnome mixer? can't record my microphone | 12:54 |
Alarm | there was something like adept_notifier , i am not sure. that was informing me for updates that are available for the packages that i have installed. | 12:54 |
kingace | Flannel: keynote is like a Powerpoint or Impress type program but more meant to be a video file | 12:54 |
om- | Pommie: probably horribly newb question but how do i check? | 12:54 |
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kingace | Flannel: so more rich animations and transitions | 12:55 |
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unop | Alarm, update-notifier does that i think | 12:55 |
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theflyingfool | does anyone know if there is a way to check if ipv6 needs to be disabled | 12:55 |
Alarm | no. found it. adept_notifier was the correct one | 12:55 |
Pommie | om- : second, if you go into the System > Administration > Shared Folders menus, check that the share is still listed there. | 12:55 |
Alarm | thank you a lot. and sorry for being annoying instead of join kubuntu | 12:55 |
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nentis | greetings ubuntu folk. | 12:55 |
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x34460 | mysql question please? | 12:56 |
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x34460 | i have one, dont want one. ;-) | 12:56 |
x34460 | can someone help? | 12:56 |
theflyingfool | why would my evolution time out everytime i try and download my email from gmail | 12:56 |
om- | Pommie: It's not there... I'm trying to share a folder from a windows machine on home network | 12:56 |
nentis | Wondering if an Apple x86 xServe would be considered a stable and production ready hardware platform for Ubuntu 6.06? | 12:56 |
DelLo2 | can somone help me with gnome mixer? can't record my microphone | 12:56 |
EnsignRedshirt | x34460: Are you sure you are in the right channel? | 12:56 |
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wastrel | hi | 12:56 |
om- | Pommie: Yesterday I accessed it fine using Places>Network Servers | 12:57 |
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h3xis | nentis, what would be the point? | 12:57 |
Alarm | what i find strange it tells me to upgrate for example klipper application although klipper isnt installed on my system | 12:57 |
=== Enverex [i=nobody@host-84-9-189-109.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
x34460 | EnsignRedshirt, this is ubuntu help and its an unbuntu problem. | 12:57 |
h3xis | nentis, if youre just going to wipe osx from it then get a virgin server | 12:57 |
Alarm | wrong... it was : ) | 12:57 |
bruenig | Alarm, klipper is installed by default, unless you uninstalled it, it is still there | 12:57 |
nentis | h3xis, financing and delivery availability | 12:57 |
EnsignRedshirt | x34460: OK, no problem. | 12:57 |
x34460 | just cant figure what the problem might be. :-( | 12:57 |
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Enverex | I'm trying to use 2 screens with TwinView, problem is they seem to be the wrong way around, the main one is the secondary and the secondary is the main one. Any ideas? | 12:57 |
EnsignRedshirt | x34460: Just ask... | 12:58 |
h3xis | nentis, which one are you looking at? | 12:58 |
nentis | IBM is taking their sweet time, and Sun is pricey. | 12:58 |
x34460 | #2002 - The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server's socket is not correctly configured) | 12:58 |
unop | theflyingfool, grep -i "net-pf-10" /etc/modprobe.d/aliases -- if you get something like "alias net-pf-10 ipv6 " it means IPv6 is enabled (which is the default for an out-of-the-box install) | 12:58 |
Flannel | !ask | x34460 | 12:58 |
ubotu | x34460: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 12:58 |
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h3xis | nentis, have you looked at dell? | 12:58 |
Flannel | Enverex: there's configuration stuff in your xorg for their spatial layout | 12:58 |
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bobby | has anyone had any success getting tv-out working with an ATI card? | 12:58 |
Enverex | Flannel, I tried "LeftOf" and "RightOf" but no change | 12:58 |
nentis | I have quality issues with Dell. Probably anecdotal, but there you go. | 12:58 |
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x34460 | i did everything in the online guide and read theu other peoples probs but cant get around this. | 12:58 |
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h3xis | nentis, are you just asking about xserve in general? | 12:59 |
h3xis | nentis, or do you have a specific model in mind? | 12:59 |
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nentis | looking now. | 12:59 |
fluxd | Hi my windows is on a different partiton can someone tell me how to add that to grub file to boot into | 12:59 |
nentis | it would be whatever is currently offered at the apple store. | 12:59 |
h3xis | nentis, RAID or not? | 12:59 |
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prestocaso | anyone else have any luck with a gateway laptop as far as audio | 01:00 |
nentis | software RAID5. | 01:00 |
x34460 | just installed ubuntu 6.10 and have mysql set for localhost connections only as this will not be a server. when i use phpmyadmin, i get #2002 - The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server's socket is not correctly configured). i tried to login as root - "blank" and then just the username - "blank", username - password" and other combos but i cant seem to communicate with mysql. none of the commands i found online seem to d | 01:00 |
x34460 | o anything either. | 01:00 |
facugaich | x34460, How did you configure phpmyadmin? | 01:00 |
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fryfrog | is there an rc.local type file in ubuntu, that i can throw some commands in to run at boot? | 01:00 |
x34460 | when i open it, i cant login | 01:00 |
fryfrog | oh, rc.local :p | 01:00 |
x34460 | phpmyadmin | 01:00 |
mark_o | I am on knoppix right now. Grub tells me my boot partition is (hd0,5). The menu.lst in the /boot/grub directory of my ubuntu partition is wrong, it says (hd1,5). Unfortunately it's also read-only so reinstalling Grub in the MBR will just put the wrong menu in there. How do I put a custom menu in there? | 01:00 |
Flannel | fluxd: which partition is windows on? and can you pastebin your menu.lst? | 01:00 |
=== JosefK [n=brett@82-42-147-9.cable.ubr01.sprt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stefg | !boot | fryfrog | 01:00 |
ubotu | fryfrog: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto | 01:00 |
=== familyfriendly [n=matthew_@125-236-131-250.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fluxd | flannel ok | 01:00 |
gma | fryfrog: cat /etc/rc.local | 01:00 |
h3xis | nentis, how much are you willing to spend | 01:00 |
kingace | what's the easiest 2d animation available for ubuntu? | 01:00 |
gma | fryfrog: was it too hard to type ls? ;) | 01:01 |
bobby | has anyone had any success getting tv-out working with an ATI card? I keep getting the message "no screens found" in the error log file | 01:01 |
facugaich | x34460, Run 'mysql' in terminal... if it can connect it means phpmyadmin is misconfigured. | 01:01 |
nentis | "two 64-bit Dual-Core Intel Xeon "Woodcrest"", according to their website. | 01:01 |
Flannel | mark_o: edit the menu.lst | 01:01 |
gma | fryfrog: sorry, just saw your second comment | 01:01 |
pianoboy3333 | crimsun: can you help me with that? | 01:01 |
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nentis | 4-6k | 01:01 |
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x34460 | facugaich, i will do that right now. | 01:01 |
om- | It looks like my samba service isn't running... how do I start it? | 01:01 |
Alarm | what i cant understand is that atept_notifier tells me to upgrade software with the same version. for example: avahi-deamon 0.6.13 to upgrade to to 0.6.13 . canditate version 0.6.13 , installed version: 0.6.13 . that should happen right ? | 01:01 |
fluxd | flannel can you tell me why when I am clicking on filesystem my home folder opens up 3 times? | 01:01 |
facugaich | Alarm: Maybe it's a <really> minor update | 01:02 |
familyfriendly | hello, my system crashes to gdm, Gnome failsafe works, but when i try to run glxgears it crashes to gdm as well, so me thinks video card drivers are to blame. I am using latest 'nvidia' drivers. best bet is to reinstall them? | 01:02 |
fryfrog | My problem stems from the fact that the "sky2" driver for my network card seems to not work very well, but the propriatary driver "sk98lin" works great | 01:02 |
Flannel | fluxd: no idea | 01:02 |
lynucs | mark_o, edit the lines pressing "e" while you're in grub | 01:02 |
Alarm | well if its an update should the version change ? all the packages that i see have the same canditate and installed version | 01:02 |
Enverex | Flannel, ... any other ideas? | 01:02 |
theflyingfool | does anyone know if gmail servers just had a glitch | 01:02 |
familyfriendly | oh btw using feisty | 01:02 |
Flannel | Enverex: nope | 01:02 |
crimsun | pianoboy3333: that's pretty vague. Only the left? | 01:02 |
mark_o | ok I'll try that out | 01:02 |
aib | how can I tell what packages depend on a package already installed? | 01:02 |
mark_o | thanks lynucs | 01:03 |
Flannel | familyfriendly: #ubuntu+1 for feisty support | 01:03 |
fryfrog | I put "blacklist sky2" in the /etc/modules.d/blacklist but it still gets loaded | 01:03 |
nentis | looks like my ideal config is coming out to $7200 | 01:03 |
lynucs | mark_o, but in the next reboot changes will be lost | 01:03 |
Juice^ | theflyingfool: gmail seemed slow a few hours ago | 01:03 |
h3xis | nentis, what kind of server is it? | 01:03 |
unop | aib, apt-cache show packagename | 01:03 |
Flannel | aib: why do you need to know? | 01:03 |
theflyingfool | thanks juice^ | 01:03 |
=== gnoodles [n=gnoodles@67-40-216-47.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
unop | aib, err sorry -- apt-cache rdepensd packagename | 01:03 |
x34460 | facugaich, i tried to run from term and it says command not found. but i am sure i installed everything according to the guide, tho. | 01:03 |
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aib | i'm creating some custom debug .debs and I need to temporarily uninstall Coin3D | 01:03 |
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EnsignRedshirt | Alarm: Is the program "clipping" the package names, so you can't see the full names? | 01:03 |
aib | just want to know what i'm breaking | 01:03 |
unop | s/rdepensd/rdepends/ | 01:04 |
aib | unop, thanks | 01:04 |
nentis | h3xis, this is a spec'd xServe. I'm just curious if it is even possible to run 6.06 on an x86 xServe. | 01:04 |
chivosolar | so I have this external usb drive that has been set to 2 - 120 gig partitions but is unformatted. I want to format from ubuntu so that the drives can also be ready by windoz OS. how can I do that ? | 01:04 |
Alarm | no, it shows the full names | 01:04 |
=== bobbyshafter [n=bobbysha@ool-44c78a1f.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pianoboy3333 | crimsun: yes... it's quite weird, I had this issue before, and then no audio, since the native alsa drivers in ubuntu did not support the hda modules, you told me, so I compiled 0.1.13 like you said, and I have the crackling issue again, and my volume is always muted when I boot up my computer' | 01:04 |
facugaich | x34460, What version of ubuntu and mysql do you have? | 01:04 |
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Alarm | not a big deal . i will make the updates. software surely knows more than me at that point :) | 01:04 |
x34460 | facugaich, if i try to reinstall, it says i have the version is already installed. | 01:04 |
h3xis | nentis, i'm sure it is, but i just don't see the point of wiping osx | 01:04 |
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Enverex | I'm trying to use 2 screens with TwinView, problem is they seem to be the wrong way around, the main one is the secondary and the secondary is the main one. Any ideas? | 01:04 |
marshall | hey guys | 01:04 |
marshall | does anybody know how to view all packages on a repo with apt? | 01:05 |
=== hairulfr [n=rune@3505ds1-ryv.0.fullrate.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aib | enverex, that's in your xorg.conf | 01:05 |
crimsun | pianoboy3333: then use 1.0.14rc1 | 01:05 |
x34460 | facugaich, 6.10 edgy and 4 for mysql to match the php version, according to the instructions in the guide. | 01:05 |
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Flannel | marshall: er... why do you want to do that? | 01:05 |
aib | enverex, read the nvidia README file for the xorg.conf options | 01:05 |
unop | marshall, yea, why do something like that? | 01:05 |
=== arrenlex [n=em@S01060040052da362.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nentis | h3xis, because OSX is not a supported OS for our production environment, it is not free(cost), and it is not truely free(freedom) | 01:05 |
pianoboy3333 | crimsun: ummm... ok | 01:05 |
om- | Can someone help me please? After restarting, my windows shared folder is no longer accessable... I'm sharing it over a network | 01:05 |
pianoboy3333 | crimsun: how stable is it? | 01:05 |
om- | Er home network | 01:05 |
nentis | just curious about the hardware. | 01:05 |
gnoodles | Ok, I tried 'apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r` nvidia-glx-config enable' but I got an error 'package nvidia-glx-enable not found'. I didn't use sudo, since I was trying to do this from the recover screen. | 01:05 |
=== Bluedog [n=neil@0-1-6c-ee-7b-85.hb.esol.dur.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
marshall | Flannel, i added a repo that has deluge and deluge related packages, i want to see from the command line what other packages it has | 01:06 |
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Enverex | aib, Which README? heh. I've tried every option I could find on different guides :/ | 01:06 |
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lynucs | om-, you shared it via smb under ubuntu? | 01:06 |
gaiman | hi. im gay. | 01:06 |
marshall | lol gaiman | 01:06 |
=== Dalebuntu [n=dale@12-218-82-251.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pianoboy3333 | marshall: well.. the cheating way is w3m <repositoryurl> | 01:06 |
Flannel | marshall: apt-cache dump will do it. | 01:06 |
facugaich | x34460, Why aren't you using PHP/Mysql 5? | 01:07 |
h3xis | nentis, in that case, then don't get an xserve because youre wasting your money. youre going to be buying a license for something youre not even going to use. i'd say to go with IBM as slow as they are | 01:07 |
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aib | Enverex, use man xorg.conf | 01:07 |
om- | No, shared it on windows... but I could access it fine on ubuntu using samba before restarting, now its mysteriously gone | 01:07 |
corevette | can anyone help me really quick with my ATI card? | 01:07 |
arrenlex | !ask | corevette | 01:07 |
aib | Enverex then type `/RightOf' and push enter | 01:07 |
ubotu | corevette: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 01:07 |
marshall | pianoboy3333, ok, thanks. i guess apt doesnt have any command for viewing all the packages in a specific repo? | 01:07 |
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pianoboy3333 | marshall: Flannel gave you an alternate option | 01:07 |
corevette | here's my problem with my ati card: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2018416#post2018416 | 01:07 |
lynucs | om- did you try to mount it properly? | 01:07 |
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Flannel | gnoodles: the enable command is a command, not a package | 01:07 |
nentis | ok. I guess OSX costs are build into the product, and can't be decoupled. I already have some nice specs on an x-series IBM and a Sun x4100.. so I'll be patient. | 01:08 |
Flannel | gnoodles: that is, nvidia-glx-config enable. | 01:08 |
arrenlex | corevette: Please pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 01:08 |
marshall | Flannel, ok. but wont apt-cache dump show me every package in all my repos? | 01:08 |
h3xis | nentis, SPARC <3 | 01:08 |
Flannel | marshall: correct | 01:08 |
=== timo901 [n=thami@cpc3-stkn1-0-0-cust479.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
x34460 | facugaich, i know version 4 worked with no problems before, with the stuff i used it for. is there a way to uninstall version 4 and go to 5, or update? | 01:08 |
EnsignRedshirt | marshall: An "ugly" way is to use a web browser: go to the archive, and look for the packages files (something like packages.gz) | 01:08 |
Dalebuntu | I want to edit the menu.lst file for Grub, but when I save it I guess I don't have rights. I'm newer to Linux, so how do I save the edited file? | 01:08 |
Enverex | aib, I've already set up the "RightOf" things, as I said it doesn't change anything | 01:08 |
gaiman | i like sucking guys' cock | 01:08 |
pianoboy3333 | I have a question... do you need the WHOLE source directory to `make remove` or `make uninstall` something? | 01:08 |
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marshall | EnsignRedshirt, ok, what do i do with that packages.gz? | 01:08 |
nentis | h3xis, if vmware-server ran under ubuntu/sparc, I would be all over the multi-core T1. :) | 01:08 |
arrenlex | corevette: also the output of "lspci | grep -i display" | 01:08 |
bcardarella | What's the best way to find and install perl modules in Ubuntu? | 01:08 |
=== jeremynr [n=jeremy@cpe-72-183-242-130.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
om- | lynucs: Yesterday I was mounting and unmounting it... Now I don't know how to access it because it doesn't show up on System>Network Servers | 01:09 |
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arrenlex | !ops | (17:08:47) gaiman: i like sucking guys' cock | 01:09 |
ubotu | (17:08:47) gaiman: i like sucking guys' cock: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso | 01:09 |
Flannel | marshall: read it. it | 01:09 |
gnoodles | Ah, got it apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r` [return] nvidia-glx-config enable [return] , right? | 01:09 |
unop | marshall, zcat it .. pipe to grep | 01:09 |
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aib | Enverex, you must be doing it wrong. I use those options all the time. Try this Google search: inurl:xorg filetype:conf RightOf | 01:09 |
Egonis | How do I change the colour depth from GNOME? | 01:09 |
Flannel | marshall: it's a gz (which most browsers will automatically unzip and display) and it contains all the packages | 01:09 |
marshall | ok | 01:09 |
=== Borzen_ [n=Borzen@c-68-46-201-174.hsd1.ks.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
marshall | thanks guys | 01:09 |
EnsignRedshirt | marshall: It is a compressed text file; you can read it. (I did say it was an "ugly" way...) | 01:09 |
Seveas | arrenlex, nice way of caling !ops | 01:09 |
=== AfterBurner [i=UPP@c934278f.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pianoboy3333 | crimsun: ok, I downloaded and untarred alsa-driver-1.0.14rc1, what should I run? | 01:09 |
corevette | arrenlex, my xorg.conf: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1763/ | 01:09 |
lynucs | om- then try to mount it via terminal :) | 01:09 |
=== cj_ [n=cj@nc-71-55-71-142.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
h3xis | nentis, i'm not too familiar with ubuntu running as a server OS but do you have to pay for support? | 01:10 |
facugaich | x34460, Yeah, if you used a package manager you can uninstall mysql-server-4.1 and install mysql-server-5.0 But I don't guarantee that will solve your problem, I was just wondering | 01:10 |
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cj_ | hi, if i want to install bare bones gnom, what should i apt-get? | 01:10 |
cj_ | *gnome | 01:10 |
Flannel | h3xis: you can pay for commercial support, you don't have to. no | 01:10 |
Borzen_ | hay i am useing a Logitech G5 and G15 but they do not work when Ubuntu boots | 01:10 |
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om- | lynucs: I did, using smbmount and smbumount | 01:10 |
marshall | EnsignRedshirt, thanks, this will do nicely | 01:10 |
ciscosurfer | hola people! | 01:10 |
corevette | arrenlex the output of lspci display stuff: 02:00.1 Display controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV515 [Radeon X1300] (Secondary) | 01:10 |
timo901 | is every onse bery working ok after an update i cant get to the "settings manager" | 01:10 |
lynucs | no not smbmount | 01:10 |
om- | lynucs: The address I used yesterday to smbmount no longer works | 01:10 |
Flannel | timo901: #ubuntu-xgl for beryl support | 01:10 |
nentis | h3xis, what kind of support? Updates and such? no. Problems with configuration and management? Yes, but you can get that from a multitude of Ubuntu partners and consulting firms.. like mine. :) http://www.opensourcery.com/ | 01:10 |
arrenlex | corevette: How about /var/log/xorg.0.log, please? | 01:11 |
facugaich | x34460, I have mysql 5 so maybe the 'mysql' command ain't avaliable in mysql4, try 'mysql-client' | 01:11 |
lynucs | ok, do you know the ip of the other pc | 01:11 |
Enverex | aib, I'm not seeing anything new | 01:11 |
cj_ | apt-get install gnome doesnt work :( | 01:11 |
fluxd | flannel http://pastebin.com/860113 and http://img471.imageshack.us/img471/1821/screenshothh8.png | 01:11 |
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=== HighLife [n=dcesiel@d14-69-192-137.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lynucs | om-, ok, do you know the ip of the other pc | 01:11 |
timo901 | Flannel:thx | 01:11 |
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h3xis | nentis, yeah i meant problems and config | 01:11 |
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knoppix | heelo | 01:11 |
om- | lynucs: Would it be the same as this one? They're all on a home network | 01:11 |
HighLife | Is there a media player that will play and manage both video and music? | 01:11 |
aib | Enverex, I doubt anyone will be able to help you then. The Google search returns thousands of example uses | 01:11 |
Borzen_ | Hay my keybord and mouse wont work in ubuntu help | 01:11 |
aib | *hundreds | 01:11 |
=== dan__ [n=dan@c-76-19-117-47.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
corevette | theres nothing in there arrenlex | 01:11 |
snooplsm | sudo apt-get install j<tab> doesn't display anything, What file contains the information for the package servers? | 01:11 |
nentis | h3xis, but you also have the community, such as this fine IRC channel and forums. Not garunteed solutions though to production issues. | 01:11 |
lynucs | om- no it wouldn't if you have a router | 01:11 |
Enverex | aib, Actually they seem to be very similar but showing me random configs doesn't help much | 01:12 |
Flannel | fluxd: and, what am I looking at? you ahd issues with windows? or what? | 01:12 |
h3xis | nentis, just curious, why not redhat, novell, or oracle? | 01:12 |
cj_ | hi, if i want to install bare bones gnome, what should i apt-get? | 01:12 |
dan__ | hello, how do i start sshd and where does kubuntu mount USB disks | 01:12 |
juano__ | corevette: you can try !ati | 01:12 |
lynucs | om- do you have a router | 01:12 |
fluxd | flannel menu.lst and gparted pic | 01:12 |
Dalebuntu | How do I save my edits to the menu.lst file for Grub? Help! | 01:12 |
fluxd | windows is hda5 | 01:12 |
juano__ | !ati | corevette | 01:12 |
ubotu | corevette: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 01:12 |
arrenlex | corevette: Sorry, my bad. That's /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 01:12 |
Borzen_ | My keybord and mouse wont work in ubuntu | 01:12 |
corevette | thank you juano__ i've been there | 01:12 |
nentis | h3xis, because you won't get support for Ubuntu from any of those vendors. RedHat support RHEL.. Novell SLES, and Oracle RHEL. | 01:12 |
om- | lynucs: Yes | 01:12 |
juano__ | corevette: ok :) | 01:13 |
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rnd_null | --> Can anyone lend a hand? I'm having trouble with pmount. I can't get it to mount SD cards any other way than RO. I'm on my last nerve...computer is gonna die....help... <-- | 01:13 |
fluxd | flannel I want to ad that to grub file to boot from | 01:13 |
HighLife | Is there a media player that will play and manage both video and music? | 01:13 |
h3xis | nentis, i mean the distribution :P | 01:13 |
unop | Dalebuntu, if you can't save changes, you probably didnt invoke the editor as superuser -- gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 01:13 |
lynucs | fine, then type in windows cmd "ipconfig /all" | 01:13 |
EnsignRedshirt | dan__: install the package openssh-server | 01:13 |
fluxd | highlife songird? | 01:13 |
juano__ | !grub | 01:13 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 01:13 |
Flannel | fluxd: that... shouldn't display as unknown. And, windows shouldve been seen by grub in the first place. odd. | 01:13 |
Borzen_ | I need help in ubuntu with my keybord and mouse Help PLZ | 01:13 |
corevette | arrenlex: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1764/ | 01:13 |
HighLife | fluxd that is only for music | 01:13 |
nentis | h3xis, :) I'll leave the distro wars for another time. Gotta get back to work. | 01:13 |
gimmulf | Is the adm group same as admin? | 01:14 |
lynucs | om- thats where you will see your ip | 01:14 |
fluxd | flannel I know but I think windows was installed on a an extended hd somehow | 01:14 |
=== okapi [n=okapi@ool-4354c3cf.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
h3xis | nentis, no no i'm just curious. no wars or anything | 01:14 |
unop | gimmulf, errm no | 01:14 |
lynucs | om- probably like | 01:14 |
Dalebuntu | I'll try that and see if I can 'get ur done' Thanks, unop! | 01:14 |
Borzen_ | Anybody Know why my keybord and mouse wont work in ubuntu | 01:14 |
om- | lynucs: Ok found the ip | 01:14 |
h3xis | nentis, ive never known anyone to run ubuntu as a server OS | 01:14 |
gimmulf | unop: just got a vps with dapper and ssh access, trying to add a user but have no admin or wheel group | 01:14 |
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Flannel | h3xis, nentis, I do. right now, even. | 01:14 |
arrenlex | corevette: Dapper or edgy? | 01:14 |
HighLife | Well is there anyone who knows of a program that will organize video files? | 01:14 |
rnd_null | Borzen, how are you typing? | 01:14 |
h3xis | Flannel, cool. | 01:14 |
Borzen_ | With my keybord and mouse in XP | 01:15 |
rnd_null | borzen, o | 01:15 |
nentis | h3xis, mainly we use Ubuntu beacause of the product quality, which is high, and have version for both desktops and servers.. not to mention the 64-bit varients. | 01:15 |
Borzen_ | They dont work onaly one ubuntu boots | 01:15 |
Borzen_ | once | 01:15 |
=== Nidoh [n=odin@host-84-9-138-74.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
h3xis | nentis, alright. i see | 01:15 |
=== lotacus [n=mike@CPE001346b79da1-CM0011ae911e6c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rnd_null | borzen, what kind of keyboard / mouse do you have? | 01:15 |
fluxd | flannel u know how I can add windows to grub list? | 01:15 |
=== Pie-rate [n=jschall@cust-69-19-214-183.static.o1.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
unop | gimmulf, vps? whats that? .. and if you are trying to create a user, why can't you use sudo? | 01:15 |
pianoboy3333 | crimsun: what flags should I give configure, and how else should I build it | 01:15 |
nentis | h3xis, I also believe in Canonical's business ethics more than I do Novell or Oracle... especially given Novell's recent MS agreement. | 01:15 |
Borzen_ | Logitech G15 and G5, keybord and mouse | 01:15 |
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rnd_null | borzen, wired or wireless? | 01:16 |
Pie-rate | there's a dpkg-reconfigure command that reconfigures the kernel, right? what is it? | 01:16 |
lynucs | om- then type in linux terminal "smbclient -N -L <yourIPofWindowsPC> without <> | 01:16 |
Flannel | fluxd: yeah. but, I'm not sure it'll boot. but we can see. | 01:16 |
Borzen_ | Wired | 01:16 |
lotacus | anyone know of a game comparable in game-play and graphics to that of chromium BSU? | 01:16 |
nentis | with Ubuntu, I will also have access to all the source, much like Debian, which it is based on. | 01:16 |
crimsun | pianoboy3333: I've been over this a half-dozen times, and I'm very busy atm. | 01:16 |
=== Roget [n=Roget@236.Red-80-59-233.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
x34460 | got disconnected. | 01:16 |
pianoboy3333 | ok... | 01:16 |
rnd_null | borzen, are they "regular" or "special" | 01:16 |
nentis | I've been using Debian since 1997 | 01:16 |
juano__ | fluxd: gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 01:16 |
nentis | Ubuntu provides the much needed marketing material, and support infrastructure to get Debian into the enterprise. | 01:16 |
h3xis | nentis, i run debian as my primary desktop, but slackware on my servers | 01:16 |
Borzen_ | Well they worked the last time i used ubuntu but they are "spical" but they need soft ware to use those spical stuff | 01:17 |
arrenlex | corevette: Dapper or edgy? | 01:17 |
fluxd | juano__ I know that I am trying to add windows to boot list | 01:17 |
lynucs | om-, like "smbclient -N -L" | 01:17 |
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nentis | h3xis, and that's fine too. GNU/Linux is all about choice. Unified desktop/server environments allows us better quality control. | 01:17 |
nentis | though I admit we have sarge and etch in the mix. | 01:17 |
om- | lynucs: yeah it gave me a long readout of domain name, operating system etc | 01:17 |
rnd_null | borzen, did you update anything the last time you used it? | 01:17 |
corevette | arrenlex edgy | 01:17 |
Flannel | fluxd: I'm adding what... I think may work for you. http://pastebin.com/860125 the stuff is at the bottom (where you need to put it, after the end of the automagical kernel stuff) | 01:17 |
Dalebuntu | unop, that worked for my menu.lst file. Thanx, again! | 01:17 |
lynucs | om-, nice | 01:17 |
juano__ | fluxd: if your win partition is /dev/hda1 for example , you would have to add title windows | root (hd0,0) | chainloader +1 /// each | is a separate line | 01:17 |
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nentis | Slackware will at least get you some l33t creds. <g> I think I ran slackware back in.. oh 1995 | 01:18 |
Borzen_ | No i am still useing the live CD i need a new HDD for ubuntu to install | 01:18 |
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om- | lynucs: this doesn't look good: session request to failed (Called name not present) | 01:18 |
om- | session request to 192 failed (Called name not present) | 01:18 |
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juano__ | fluxd: that would be at the end of the file | 01:18 |
facugaich | x3460, did you read what I said about trying 'mysql-client'? | 01:18 |
h3xis | nentis, it's really only because i have cheap ass HP servers that have faulty hardware and so debian's power management daemon hangs causing the the cpu to jump 100% | 01:18 |
unop | Dalebuntu, no problem .. remember that you need to 'sudo' things that affect the system as a whole | 01:18 |
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rnd_null | borzen, try them with knoppix and dsl, as they are both debian based, it might be the kernel ver | 01:18 |
gimmulf | unop: ive added the user to sudo, but when i run sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list with my user nothing happens. have to be root to read that file it seems like | 01:18 |
facugaich | x34460 | 01:18 |
esaym | who do I get sshd to restart? or atleast re-read the config files | 01:18 |
dilucidate | I'm having a problem with my card reader under Edgy. The reader worked fine in Dapper but no longer works with Edgy. The card reader is a Linkskey... Anyone have any ideas? | 01:18 |
lynucs | om- , that is bad... you sure the connection of both pcs is okay | 01:18 |
Flannel | gimmulf: no, sudo does that for you. you need to be a member of the admin group | 01:19 |
=== Pie-rate [n=jschall@cust-69-19-214-183.static.o1.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
nentis | h3xis, kill the power management dameon, and `chmod -x /etc/init.d/<x>` to keep it from coming back. Don't need hibernate capabilities on a server. :) | 01:19 |
om- | lynucs: They both connect to the internet fine | 01:19 |
gimmulf | Flannel: but i have no admin group | 01:19 |
rnd_null | borzen, what ver of the ubuntu live cd are you using? | 01:19 |
x34460 | facugaich, yes? | 01:19 |
lynucs | try ping that ip | 01:19 |
Borzen_ | ok but i think the probalm was with my Mo bo cuz when i use XP it was Fing messed up | 01:19 |
lynucs | om- type ping | 01:19 |
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Borzen_ | But i fix that | 01:19 |
facugaich | x34460, did you try 'mysql-client'? | 01:19 |
om- | lynucs: I just wonder what changed when I restarted them, because yesterday I could access it fine | 01:19 |
Flannel | esaym: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh reload | 01:20 |
corevette | arrenlex.....have any idea why? | 01:20 |
lynucs | om- type ping i mean | 01:20 |
Flannel | gimmulf: er... what? | 01:20 |
corevette | i have to leave in a few seocnds arrenlex | 01:20 |
unop | gimmulf, you can do two things -- add a user to the /etc/sudoers file (man sudoers) .. or create and add a user group (like 'admin') to the /etc/sudoers file so that all you have to do the next time you create a user is add him to that group | 01:20 |
snooplsm | how do I run synaptec package manager? | 01:20 |
om- | lynucs: It's pinging it fine | 01:20 |
esaym | ok thanks you! | 01:20 |
arrenlex | corevette: The problems start at line 777. I'm googling for your error thinking what you could try. | 01:20 |
corevette | snooplsm system>admin>synaptic | 01:20 |
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Flannel | gimmulf: are you sure you're running ubuntu? and it was completely installed? (groups and stuff are created at the end, it's not uncommon for botched installs to look normal, but not really be complete) | 01:20 |
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juano__ | fluxd: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1765/ try that | 01:20 |
lynucs | om- then try following: create a mount directory | 01:21 |
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x34460 | facugaich, i went back and looked in synaptic and according to it, mysql-client is not installed. thats probably the issue so i am installing that right now. | 01:21 |
facugaich | x34460, ok | 01:21 |
rnd_null | PMOUNT <---- I need help with it, it's mounting all my SD cards RO and I can't change it | 01:21 |
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gimmulf | Flannel: hmm well i think sio, how do i find out? | 01:21 |
arrenlex | corevette: I'm thinking maybe the driver isn't able to use the internal GART, so using the kernel's might solve your problem, and I'm trying to find out how to do that. Then again, it might not. | 01:21 |
unop | x34460, just a question -- do you have the php-mysql module installed? | 01:21 |
Alarm | how can i see number of open connections on linux ? | 01:21 |
om- | lynucs: like /mnt/smb? | 01:21 |
=== darkempress [n=beth@dynamic-acs-24-239-249-234.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | gimmulf: lsb_release -a will tell you what its running | 01:21 |
unop | Alarm, network connections? | 01:21 |
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=== rat_poison [n=rat-pois@ppp61-239.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
darkempress | !flash | 01:22 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 01:22 |
lynucs | sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=<user>,password=<password> //<yourIP>/<sharedfolder> <mountdir> | 01:22 |
facugaich | x34460, ok... but that package is a dependancy of mysql-server-4.1 so It should be installed | 01:22 |
=== jonlovesubu [n=jonp@cpe-70-118-140-40.hot.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
x34460 | facugaich, php is installed becasue i did a post-install test and it worked. | 01:22 |
corevette | arrenlex...if you find a possible solution...can you leave me a reply on ubuntu forums? or is that too much to ask | 01:22 |
Pie-rate | the ubuntu loading screen is totally screwed up, its like it doesn't have the right mode for the monitor or something. | 01:22 |
gimmulf | Flannel: yup, Description: Ubuntu 6.06 LTS dapper | 01:22 |
Alarm | well yes. mostly internet connections that are open. for example connections to other peers. http sites , ftp sites | 01:22 |
lynucs | -om, yes like /mnt/something | 01:22 |
arrenlex | corevette: Are you leaving? | 01:22 |
jonlovesubu | Hi i have a quick question | 01:22 |
rat_poison | hello, I'm having problems with my update manager. It said that some updates where available | 01:22 |
dilucidate | I'm having a problem with my card reader under Edgy. The reader worked fine in Dapper but no longer works with Edgy. The card reader is a Linkskey... Anyone have any ideas? | 01:22 |
rat_poison | but then | 01:22 |
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lynucs | om- but dont write the < and > | 01:22 |
jonlovesubu | I'm using Ubutu Edgy Eft and all of my sounds are too fast | 01:22 |
Alarm | not something like netstat does to show one by one at a time, i am most interested to see how many connections are open | 01:22 |
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corevette | arrenlex yes...i have to go | 01:23 |
rat_poison | hello, I'm having problems with my update manager. It said that some updates where available but then, it didn't manage to download a certain package (tzdata) | 01:23 |
okapi | how can I close xconsole? | 01:23 |
juano__ | Alarm: netstat -a | 01:23 |
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lynucs | om- username and pw is of course for windows PC | 01:23 |
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x34460 | facugaich, now that i installed the sql-client, when i goto terminal window and enter "mysql", i get this: ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) | 01:23 |
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=== Enverex [i=nobody@host-84-9-189-109.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jonlovesubu | Anyone? | 01:23 |
rat_poison | tzdata 404 ? | 01:23 |
arrenlex | corevette: Try this xorg.conf instead: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1766/ <-- it's a slightly altered version of your own. Back up your old one. | 01:23 |
=== zYe [n=zye@adsl-074-236-230-248.sip.sdf.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Alarm | juano__, that doesnt help me find the number of the open connections | 01:24 |
DARKGuy | hey, anybody knows how to activate the mouse in links2 when using svgalib? :/ | 01:24 |
Enverex | How do you get Gnome to start with a clean session when you log in? i.e. NOT open 5 million programs? | 01:24 |
arrenlex | corevette: use the "download as text" link at the top. | 01:24 |
Alarm | if u are in the mood counting like 200connections in that way be my guest :) | 01:24 |
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zYe | does anyone here use tilda? | 01:24 |
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maddash | !anyone | zye | 01:24 |
ubotu | zye: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 01:24 |
=== TheVault [n=chatzill@cpe-24-209-11-142.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jonlovesubu | help some please my sounds are way to fast | 01:24 |
Endymion016 | Hi. I'm using ubuntu edgy eft on my laptop, and I'd like to know how to get it to detect and connect to any wireless connections there may be around. :) | 01:24 |
EnsignRedshirt | Alarm: netstat --tcp | wc -l | 01:24 |
facugaich | x34460, check /etc/mysql/my.cnf | 01:24 |
x34460 | facugaich, should i just uninstall everything to do with php and mysql and reinstall version 5? if so, is there a safe way to do this? | 01:24 |
rat_poison | Help! tzdata missing from server (error 404) | 01:25 |
TheVault | Hello everyone | 01:25 |
x34460 | facugaich, what do i look for in that config file? | 01:25 |
unop | x34460, without the php-mysql module, php cannot talk to mysql -- verify that the php5-mysql (or php4-mysql likewise) module is installed | 01:25 |
Alarm | EnsignRedshirt, doesnt show me any output dude | 01:25 |
arrenlex | corevette: For next time, I'd as you to please ask here if you know you have time to go through some log files and try things out, otherwise it's hard to help people. | 01:25 |
bradley | what would be the best way to reintall the core of ubuntu without losing my home folder? | 01:25 |
=== philluk86 [n=phill@cpc2-bagu2-0-0-cust226.bagu.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DARKGuy | Anybody knows how to activate the mouse in links2 when using svgalib? :/ | 01:25 |
jonlovesubu | Anyone please my sounds are way to fast even in system sounds, Using Edgy Eft | 01:25 |
EnsignRedshirt | Alarm: It should print a single number. | 01:25 |
juano__ | Alarm: try networking tools | 01:25 |
x34460 | facugaich, i will look in synaptic for that module. | 01:25 |
Alarm | didnt print anything at all | 01:25 |
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facugaich | x34460, socket = * | 01:25 |
Alarm | any suguestions ? | 01:26 |
unop | bradley, unless you format your home drive's partition -- the home drive stays completely intact | 01:26 |
EnsignRedshirt | Alarm: What does 'netstat --tcp' show | 01:26 |
om- | lynucs: didn't work | 01:26 |
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facugaich | x34460, look for the line "socket = ..." in my.cnf | 01:26 |
corevette | well i have to go arrenlex | 01:26 |
lynucs | what error? | 01:26 |
Alarm | alarm@rockpc:~$ netstat --tcp | 01:26 |
Endymion016 | Hi. I'm using ubuntu edgy eft on my laptop, and I'd like to know how to get it to detect and connect to any wireless connections there may be around. :) | 01:26 |
Alarm | Active Internet connections (w/o servers) | 01:26 |
Alarm | Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State | 01:26 |
Alarm | tcp 0 0 SYN_RECV | 01:26 |
zYe | Can anyone tell me what this means after i close the menu i pull up from tilda -C " Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_main_quit: assertion `main_loops != NULL' failed | 01:26 |
zYe | Key Incorrect -- Read the README or tilda.sf.net for info, rerun as 'tilda -C' to set keybinding | 01:26 |
zYe | : Success | 01:26 |
zYe | Segmentation fault (core dumped)" | 01:26 |
corevette | i did the xorg thing and if you need to contact: corevette at gmail.com | 01:26 |
Alarm | and the list goes on... | 01:26 |
arrenlex | corevette: Did you get that link? Do you want me to post it somewhere? | 01:26 |
lynucs | om - what error | 01:26 |
arrenlex | ...ne'ermind, I guess. | 01:27 |
om- | lynucs: Usage of mount command | 01:27 |
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lynucs | om- then syntax is wrong | 01:27 |
EnsignRedshirt | Then netstat --tcp | wc -l (that last character is a lower case L) should just count the lines of output | 01:27 |
rat_poison | Is there a problem with the tzdata package? | 01:27 |
unop | zYe, looks like a bug in the program -- fill out a bug report | 01:27 |
jonlovesubu | Hello anybody? i asked my question couple of times now | 01:27 |
x34460 | facugaich, checking now | 01:27 |
om- | lynucs: ahhh got it, had an extra - in there | 01:27 |
om- | lynucs: looks like it's mounted now, all the files are in /mnt/smb | 01:28 |
jonlovesubu | HELLO!!! | 01:28 |
bradley | unop, so at some point in the installation, from the live-cd it asks if i want to format my home folder and i say no? | 01:28 |
Mez | no need to shout jonlovesubu | 01:28 |
lynucs | om- do you want it to be mounted everytime you're booting? | 01:28 |
juano__ | !flash9 | 01:28 |
ubotu | flash9 is available from dapper-backports and edgy-backports now, see !backports | 01:28 |
jonlovesubu | I have asked like 10 times | 01:28 |
juano__ | !backports | 01:28 |
ubotu | If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports | 01:28 |
Alarm | EnsignRedshirt, thats the command i wrote before | 01:28 |
Endymion016 | Hi. I'm using ubuntu edgy eft on my laptop, and I'd like to know how to get it to detect and connect to any wireless connections there may be around. :) | 01:29 |
EnsignRedshirt | Alarm: Hold on... how about 'netstat -s --tcp', or something similar--check out the -s option (do 'man netstat') | 01:29 |
om- | lynucs: Is it less secure that way? I want to use this as a backup for my Dad's data | 01:29 |
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facugaich | x34460, Sorry pal I g2g. I | 01:29 |
om- | lynucs: Going to use cron and backup his work folder to a zip file | 01:29 |
lynucs | om- what is less secure? the way we mounted it? | 01:29 |
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fluxd | juano__,flannel be right back after booting to windows | 01:29 |
x34460 | facugaich, ok. thanks. | 01:29 |
om- | lynucs: If I left it mounted permanently | 01:29 |
unop | bradley, well, not the home folder but the partition on which your home folder exists | 01:29 |
jonlovesubu | Please Somebody help i want to listen to some music but all of the sounds are way to fast | 01:30 |
unop | bradley, which usually is /home | 01:30 |
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om- | lynucs: Rather than mounting it only for the backup and then unmounting | 01:30 |
Alarm | EnsignRedshirt, thats something closer to what i want. it just shows mostly reset connections but not current open connections | 01:30 |
lynucs | when you reboot the folder won't be mounted anymore | 01:30 |
theflyingfool | does anyone know of a good virtual server that takes like zero resources other then the guest OS's resources | 01:30 |
Alarm | oh hold on | 01:30 |
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Alarm | 473 active connections openings | 01:30 |
lynucs | pm- oh that is what you mean | 01:30 |
Alarm | cant be... | 01:30 |
unop | bradley, and yea, if you dont format the partition , all the data stays intact on it | 01:30 |
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lynucs | om- well you have to decide.. depends on who is wlaking through your room :P | 01:30 |
Alarm | my router has a maximum limit of 300cons. how can i have 450+ ? :) | 01:30 |
bradley | unop, i think that the drive is hda1 (or something). i will double check with gparted. | 01:31 |
arrenlex | bradley: FYI if you just messed up a config somewhere, it's quite easy to simply reinstall all currently installed packages in place. | 01:31 |
unop | Alarm, what are you running there? a mini-ISP or somink? | 01:31 |
DARKGuy | Again, sorry... anybody knows how to activate the mouse in links2 when using svgalib? :( | 01:31 |
om- | lynucs: Just the family.. I'm only worried about attacks from the internet | 01:31 |
Alarm | simple ssh and ftp server nothing more | 01:31 |
unop | bradley, errm, you should make sure now using the /etc/fstab file | 01:31 |
EnsignRedshirt | Alarm: I don't know what all the numbers mean, but mine says "2734 active connections openings" (strange syntax). Further down it says "7 connections established" | 01:32 |
Endymion016 | Hi. I'm using ubuntu edgy eft on my laptop, and I'd like to know how to get it to detect and connect to any wireless connections there may be around. :) | 01:32 |
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lynucs | om- well, depends on how sensible the data is.. it is not more offended then your whole data on your linux pc | 01:32 |
Alarm | 473 active connections openings 612 passive connection openings. the numbers are just too high for my router. | 01:32 |
jonlovesubu | Fine dont help this is the worst distro IRC i have ever been in | 01:32 |
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arrenlex | !wireless | Endymion016 | 01:32 |
ubotu | Endymion016: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 01:32 |
=== dcordes [n=dcordes@dslb-084-062-023-027.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | !repeat | jonlovesubu | 01:32 |
ubotu | jonlovesubu: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 01:32 |
lotacus | is ntfs3g a reliable driver? | 01:32 |
jonlovesubu | Ok | 01:32 |
Davitrola | hi. does anyone know how to downgrade my installation to edgy's default repositories? | 01:32 |
arrenlex | jonlovesubu: Then you've never been to any other distro's IRC. Ever. | 01:32 |
unop | Alarm, I should think that if you had anymore than 100+ simultaneous connections inward, your connection will be so bogged down it'd be impossible to use anything | 01:32 |
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Flannel | Davitrola: where is it currently? | 01:33 |
jonlovesubu | All of my sounds in Edgy Eft are to fast | 01:33 |
lynucs | om- just do like you think is right :) | 01:33 |
Alarm | EnsignRedshirt, i dont think that u got only 7 connections dude. the number is too low. just a simple webbrowser opens more than4-8 connections | 01:33 |
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arrenlex | Davitrola: Put this in /etc/apt/preferences: | 01:33 |
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Endymion016 | !wireless | 01:33 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 01:33 |
arrenlex | Package: * | 01:33 |
arrenlex | Pin: release a=edgy | 01:33 |
arrenlex | Pin-Priority: 1001 | 01:33 |
=== johny5 [n=johny5@adsl-75-23-133-55.dsl.mtry01.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jonlovesubu | All of my sounds in Edgy Eft are to fast | 01:33 |
dcordes | my kaffeine doesn't start anymore since i installed scim :-( any ideas? | 01:33 |
Pie-rate | are the nvidia drivers loaded before the bootsplash comes up? | 01:33 |
om- | lynucs: Well thank you so much for your help... At least I can get it mounted now | 01:33 |
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arrenlex | Davitrola: Then just run apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade. | 01:33 |
arrenlex | Davitrola: (this requires that you have edgy's repositories enabled in /etc/apt/sources.list) | 01:34 |
jonlovesubu | All of my sounds in Edgy Eft are to fast | 01:34 |
lynucs | om- np, had even fun at it :) | 01:34 |
chaelot|home | i am sorry for asking really newbie questions here, but i managed to remove my systray monitor (what programs are running but minimized to the systray) and i cannot figure out how to get it back - can anyone help me out? | 01:34 |
=== gdub [n=gdub@S010600121716f3cb.no.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bradley | unop, i opened the file but i don't understand the info, couldn't i use gparted? | 01:34 |
Davitrola | flannel: i wanna restore the original repositories, undoing whatever my extra repositories did | 01:34 |
jonlovesubu | All of my sounds in Edgy Eft are to fast | 01:34 |
justinmaccarthy_ | Ubuntu 6.10 lockupd - what do you do?? | 01:34 |
justinmaccarthy_ | Ok, I'm a relative newbie to Gnome. I'm using Ubuntu and suddenly I can't type in my browser. I shut it down, and try to restart it, but the when I click the Icon, I just get the spinning mouse icon, which stops without opening the application. I try to open the System log from the Menu, I just get the spinning mouse icon, and then nothing. I try to shut down the using the Icon. Nothing. Ctrl-alt-backspace. Nothing. Ctrl-alt-delete. Nothing. | 01:34 |
justinmaccarthy_ | The menus respond so the machine is not completly locked up | 01:34 |
justinmaccarthy_ | So what should I do? How can I diagnose the issues? | 01:34 |
arrenlex | Davitrola: Oh. What I suggested won't remove packages from other repositories, only downgrade all packages which it can downgrade to edgy. | 01:34 |
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lynucs | jonlovesubu, maybe a slower cpu might help?? just kidding | 01:35 |
johny5 | can anyone help me with receiving a skypecast? | 01:35 |
arrenlex | justinmaccarthy_: Try starting it from a terminal and tell us if it gives an error. | 01:35 |
jonlovesubu | lynucs: lol | 01:35 |
lynucs | jonlovesubu, how is about other sounds | 01:35 |
jonlovesubu | All of the sounds | 01:35 |
Davitrola | arrenlex: i think that's what i need, really :) | 01:35 |
darkempress | !flash | 01:35 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 01:35 |
EnsignRedshirt | jonlovesubu: We heard you the first (and second, and third) time. Didn't someone above mention patience? Also, if no one present has any suggestions, you can try the ubuntu forums. | 01:35 |
jonlovesubu | MP3s | 01:35 |
Davitrola | arrenlex: thanx | 01:35 |
jonlovesubu | system sound | 01:35 |
justinmaccarthy_ | arrenlex: I can't start terminal | 01:35 |
unop | bradley, i'm not too good with gparted .. but what i am getting at is .. that you should know _for sure_ which partition houses your homedir .. and it's relatively easy to figure that out from /etc/fstab | 01:35 |
jonlovesubu | everything | 01:35 |
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lynucs | jonlovesubu, using alsa? any changes before that happened? | 01:36 |
unop | bradley, that's if you dedicated a seperate partition for /home | 01:36 |
Enverex | How do you get Gnome to start with a clean session when you log in? i.e. NOT open 5 million programs? | 01:36 |
Flannel | jonlovesubu: try updating to most recent everything, kernel, etc. it seems to have fixed the problem for some other people | 01:36 |
jonlovesubu | No its done that since the begining i just installed ubuntu not to long ago like 2 hrs ago | 01:36 |
zYe | can anyone explain this to me? "`cd' to the directory containing the package's source code and type | 01:36 |
zYe | `./configure' to configure the package for your system. If you're | 01:36 |
zYe | using `csh' on an old version of System V, you might need to type | 01:36 |
zYe | `sh ./configure' instead to prevent `csh' from trying to execute | 01:36 |
zYe | `configure' itself." | 01:36 |
Davitrola | arrenlex: so i should create the preferences file? and then erase it afterwards? | 01:36 |
chaelot|home | i'll try again in a different fashion - i accidentally hit "Remove from panel" on my systray monitor, how can i restore it to show running applications again ? | 01:36 |
arrenlex | Davitrola: Yes, create it. /etc/apt/preferences | 01:36 |
unop | !paste > zYe | 01:37 |
Flannel | chaelot|home: right click the panel, "add to panel" then add it | 01:37 |
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jonlovesubu | Ok i will do the updates | 01:37 |
arrenlex | Davitrola: If you erase it upwards, it will try to upgrade them all as much as possible again on the next upgrade. If you want to erase it and keep edgy, I suggest you remove the extra repositories. | 01:37 |
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lynucs | Enverex, somewhere in "session" ii think is soemthink like "save session" or familar | 01:37 |
fluxd | flannel I got an error 12 | 01:37 |
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lynucs | Enverex, just uncheck | 01:37 |
chaelot|home | Flannel: what is it called in the "Add to panel" menu ? there is no item there called "Systray" or alike | 01:37 |
EnsignRedshirt | zYe: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware | 01:37 |
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Flannel | chaelot|home: I'm not entirely sure. I don't use gnome. | 01:38 |
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zYe | thx | 01:38 |
unop | zYe, it's just a warning to make sure that csh doesn't execute the file instead of bash (which happens if csh is your default shell) .. on debian/ubuntu you should use bash instead (as the default shell can be dash) -- so use bash ./configure | 01:38 |
justinmaccarthy_ | arrenlex: any other idea? | 01:38 |
arrenlex | justinmaccarthy_: I don't use gnome, sorry. | 01:38 |
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chaelot|home | Flannel: ah, ok - thank you anyway - it's quite annoying to have Amarok running minimized to systray without being able to restore it etc :( | 01:38 |
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Flannel | chaelot|home: well, try different things. I'm sure there's a solution | 01:39 |
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chaelot|home | should be, and i'm sure it's simple, just me being an idiot i guess :) | 01:39 |
Davitrola | arrenlex: it says the preferences file lacks a "header package" when i try dist-upgrade | 01:39 |
Flannel | fluxd: thats a bad partition error (as in, it doesn't exist). What's odd in your case is gparted looked like it thought hda5 was inside hda1, which.. .well, is confusing at best. You should try tweaking the partition ((e) to edit a grub item from the grub menu) | 01:39 |
Popo1 | hey? anyone know if is there IceWM on Spanish? or that Windows Manager is only avalible on english? | 01:39 |
gnome_noob | can anyone help solve why my Gnome only sometimes loads on my laptop? | 01:40 |
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mvfeinstein | Can anyone here help me with a samba configuration, I am trying to set up a share that is only accessible by one user but every time I try to connect to it from my apple laptop i get an error. I know the server is fine because I have a open share that I can connect to with no problems | 01:40 |
bradley | unop, i haven't created a partition for home, should i do that? i pasted the fstab, here it is: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1768/ | 01:40 |
arrenlex | Davitrola: Did you paste all three lines? | 01:40 |
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gnome_noob | can someonep lease save me from having to re-install winblows? | 01:41 |
arrenlex | !ask | gnome_noob | 01:41 |
ubotu | gnome_noob: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 01:41 |
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unop | bradley, it seems like you only have one single partition (apart from swap) .. so whatever you do, don't format anything | 01:41 |
dan__ | woot, i submitted the top story on digg.com right now | 01:42 |
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Davitrola | arrenlex: ok, i just had to remove the space before each line | 01:42 |
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chaelot|home | if anyone is running gnome here and knows how to restore a deleted systray icon from a panel, please let me know how :) | 01:42 |
gnome_noob | strange problem sometimes when I start my computer when it starts and goes into Gnome, it just gets stuck | 01:42 |
unop | bradley, and no, you dont have to have a seperate partition for /home .. although it helps in situations like this when you can keep your private data safe and wipe out other partitions | 01:42 |
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gma | gnome_noob: what's on screen when it's stuck. try and be more descriptive... | 01:43 |
gnome_noob | sometimes some of panels load (but they don't work) sometimes nothing but the background loads | 01:43 |
hendrickvp | I'm having a lot of problems gettting the php5-imagick package...any ideas/ | 01:43 |
bradley | unop, from my gparted it seems as though i should split up the hda1 into two parts then i will move my home folder over to it. the other partitions (which i thought might be system stuff is actually linux-swap | 01:43 |
gma | gnome_noob: how long have you left it alone for before concluding it's stopped? (in minutes) | 01:43 |
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gnome_noob | the strange part...it's totally intermittent | 01:44 |
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lotacus | is it notification area? | 01:44 |
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gma | is it cheese? | 01:44 |
gnome_noob | usually I leave it for a couple of minutes | 01:44 |
comradevik | how do i add another hard drive to the system | 01:44 |
gma | gnome_noob: my dad's gnome used to hang during login for several minutes | 01:44 |
gma | gma: was never sure what was causing it | 01:45 |
bradley | unop, i guess the task now it to open up enough space to move my home folder over. Should i split the drive in half, how much does the OS need? | 01:45 |
Flannel | hendrickvp: I believe there's only php4 IM in the repositories | 01:45 |
Davitrola | arrenlex: i'm having trouble updating a wpasupplicant package. it gives me a post-removal script error 10. do you know what it means? | 01:45 |
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lotacus | yea your "systray" is called notification panel | 01:45 |
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gnome_noob | is there anything i can do about it? | 01:45 |
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unop | bradley, yea, if you can successfully use gparted -- do just that -- but try and make a backup of your homedir first | 01:45 |
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Evil[BOT] | DCC SEND lkajsdflasidfjlasidjflasdifjejejeiidjakjdflakjsdfliajefei | 01:45 |
gma | gnome_noob: have you modified your panels or your session settings at all? | 01:45 |
chaelot|home | lotacus: thank you very very much :) much appreciated :) | 01:45 |
hendrickvp | Flannel: would you know why it can not find php4-imagick either | 01:45 |
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lotacus | your welcome | 01:45 |
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gnome_noob | i thought i might have done something so I just reinstalled Ubuntu, but the first time loading it up after the updates it did the same thing | 01:46 |
Flannel | hendrickvp: it's in universe, so unless you have universe enabled | 01:46 |
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arrenlex | Davitrola: Yes and no. Yes: it means that the wpasupplicant package included a script which was supposed to run on package removal, but that script has an error and cannot be run, so apt is refusing to remove the package. No: I don't know what's wrong with wpasupplicant or why it's broken. | 01:46 |
gnome_noob | it tries to load and then hangs | 01:46 |
bradley | unop, could i just copy my home to a usb drive then copy it back? | 01:46 |
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gma | gnome_noob: oh dear | 01:46 |
unop | bradley, i've known for a complete ubuntu install to run under 4gigs -- but thats being over-conservative -- 20gigs sounds good -- but again, it's the size of your homedir that matters because thats where the disk usage is likely to be high | 01:46 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b ttmrichter!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by tonyyarusso | ||
gma | gnome_noob: that's very weird | 01:46 |
hendrickvp | Flannel: I'm a newb, how would I know? | 01:46 |
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unop | bradley, sure, if all your stuff can fit on a pendrive -- | 01:47 |
theflyingfool | i cant log in, after i enter my login info, it doesnt bring up that thing in the middle showing it loading things like nautilis | 01:47 |
gnome_noob | you're telling me.I've tried posting to ubuntuforums.org and had no respsonse | 01:47 |
Flannel | hendrickvp: if you haven't added any repositories (modified your /etc/apt/sources.list) then you havent. | 01:47 |
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Flannel | !universe | hendrickvp | 01:47 |
ubotu | hendrickvp: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 01:47 |
xipietotec | where do I unpack skins for mplayer to? | 01:47 |
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theflyingfool | then after about 20 secons a little white box pops up in the uper left corner of the screen | 01:47 |
gma | gnome_noob: sorry, don't know | 01:47 |
mvfeinstein | I am trying to set up a samba share using my built in account but when I try to log into my share I get an error that the user name or password is wrong can anyone here help me fix this | 01:47 |
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hendrickvp | k tnx | 01:48 |
gnome_noob | is there a good alternative to gnome? | 01:48 |
arrenlex | gnome_noob: kde | 01:48 |
lotacus | guys | 01:48 |
frederific | mvfeinstein: I think you need to add a samba password to your user account. Run "smbpasswd" in a terminal | 01:48 |
xipietotec | gnome_noob: kde, xcfe, e17, fvwm, fluxbox, umm.... | 01:48 |
lotacus | how ya'll doin | 01:48 |
autark | When I boot into Ubuntu, I have to run /etc/init.d/networking restart manually to get the network to work. I didn't have to do this before I added some wireless info the eth1. Anyone know where I can start looking to fix this? | 01:48 |
bradley | unop, if i reserved 10 gigs for the os it would be somewhere between conservative and superfluous? (and therefore probably okay) | 01:48 |
unop | mvfeinstein, have you mapped system users to samba users? | 01:48 |
juano | gnome_noob: KDE | 01:48 |
gnome_noob | for a first time Linux user what should i be running | 01:48 |
mvfeinstein | unop how do I do that? | 01:49 |
black_13 | i have followed the instructions to install the ati drivers for ubuntu how do i test that i have actually improved performace | 01:49 |
Flannel | gnome_noob: theyre both fine | 01:49 |
mark_o | Question: I have a HD with /home in its own partition. I've just installed a new HD and would like to put a new copy of ubuntu on that. Can I copy over /home onto the new HD? How about just the /mark directory (my user directory)? | 01:49 |
arrenlex | gnome_noob: Gnome and KDE are comparable. Both are stable, easy, comprehensive, and pretty good for new users. | 01:49 |
xipietotec | gnome_noob: I reccomend gnome actually for first time users, but some strange people like KDE too | 01:49 |
frederific | gnome_noob: up to you. Some prefer GNOME, some KDE | 01:49 |
bradley | unop, will i have to reinstall nvidia and restricted formats? | 01:49 |
juano | gnome_noob: it doesnt really matter, gnome or KDE it just changes your desktop media and look | 01:49 |
=== arrenlex smacks xipietotec. KDE is life. | ||
xipietotec | =P | 01:49 |
unop | bradley, it depends on how much software you are likely to install -- or sometimes in the case of content server (mail, news, web) the /var dir can grow to be massive | 01:49 |
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lotacus | ?? I dont know which it was, either the live CD or my first installation, however, Ubuntu had automounted my NTFS partitions which were listed in the filebrowser (but not mounted on the desktop), I don't think it has done this upon a reinstallation. How can I verify this? | 01:50 |
Flannel | mark_o: you don't even need to copy your /home directory. You can use both harddrives, with /home being on one, and th rest of the os on the other | 01:50 |
unop | mvfeinstein, please check the sama-howto on samba.org | 01:50 |
=== xipietotec there's nothing wrong with kde that can't be fixed by installing gnome and vice versa | ||
drekon | black_13: glxgears -printfps | 01:50 |
mark_o | I'd like to get rid of the original HD | 01:50 |
gnome_noob | well gnome is doing strange things on my laptop so I guess i should try KDE. whats the best way to switch from gnome to kde? | 01:50 |
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juano | gnome_noob: there is also Xfce, which is for more slower systems, it has less media and stuff | 01:50 |
unop | bradley, well, if all you are doing is resizing partitions, you shouldnt need to install/reinstall anything | 01:50 |
theflyingfool | i have a wierd problem and im not sure what it is, or how to fix it... i cant log in but my login screen is still graphical | 01:50 |
xipietotec | gnome_noob: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop | 01:50 |
mark_o | and use Edgy on the new HD, while Dapper was on the old one | 01:50 |
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unop | bradley, were you aiming for a fresh install? is an upgrade out of the question? | 01:51 |
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Flannel | mark_o: er.. you don't need to get rid of the old one. but eyah, if you're just swpaping HDs, you can just copy your home dirs | 01:51 |
arrenlex | black_13: What's the output of "glxinfo | grep render"? | 01:51 |
juano | gnome_noob: yes, do what xipietotec suggests, you can also do sudo apt-get install kde afterwards for more apps and stuff | 01:51 |
mark_o | so just cp | 01:51 |
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zYe | can anyone explain ./configure --prefix=/usr to me? the "--prefix=/usr" part of the command doesnt make sense to me | 01:51 |
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black_13 | not so good | 01:51 |
bradley | unop, i think i will reinstall instead of upgrading feisty is supposed to be pretty unstable still isn't it? | 01:52 |
Flannel | mark_o: it'd probably be easier to tar/gz it up (see !backup) then copy it and extract it | 01:52 |
gnome_noob | so for give my complete noobness but I can load my current system (gnome freaks) ctrl+alt+f1 to console and "sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop"? | 01:52 |
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unop | juano, the kubuntu-desktop metapackage should bring in KDE and everything else tied with it | 01:52 |
mark_o | !backup | 01:52 |
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ubotu | There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 01:52 |
arrenlex | zYe: It means: yo, program! I want you to install everything in /usr, so your libs will be in /usr/lib, executables in /usr/bin/, etc. | 01:52 |
black_13 | 191 frames in 5.0 seconds = 38.163 FPS | 01:52 |
=== xipietotec thinks they should change the command for installing kde to "sudo aptitude install kitchen-sink | ||
mark_o | ok thanks! | 01:52 |
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mark_o | !cloning | 01:52 |
ubotu | To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type "dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages", move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type "sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade" | 01:52 |
arrenlex | zYe: By default, programs installed from source use the /usr/local prefix -> /usr/local/lib/, /usr/local/bin/, etc. | 01:52 |
keith | how close is fiesty from being ready? | 01:52 |
juano | unop: nope, your wrong, KDE doesnt come in kubuntu-desktop, it doesnt install with it, you need to add it separately through synaptic | 01:52 |
unop | bradley, well, i had feisty running for a couple of months -- it's stable enough for the brave users | 01:52 |
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tonyyarusso | keith: Many months. | 01:53 |
b3 | hi.when i try to play a video dvd iso with gxine it says:The xine engine failed to start.No demuxer found - stream format not recognised. | 01:53 |
tonyyarusso | !feisty | keith | 01:53 |
ubotu | keith: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+1 | 01:53 |
xipietotec | keith: it's released on my birthday in April! :D | 01:53 |
juano | unop: i did it here and after installing kde i got lots of more apps | 01:53 |
zYe | arrenlex how does it know which program it is installing? | 01:53 |
juano | unop: and stuff | 01:53 |
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arrenlex | zYe: What do you mean? | 01:53 |
bradley | unop, hmm, well maybe i will, but i should still partition first i think. | 01:53 |
arrenlex | black_13: What's the output of "glxinfo | grep render"? | 01:53 |
b3 | how do i make gxine play the iso? | 01:53 |
unop | juano, but kubuntu's DE is KDE .. so, errm, i dunno what that's all about | 01:53 |
keith | is beryl going to be integrated in fiesty? | 01:53 |
bradley | unop, do you use a lap-top? | 01:53 |
tonyyarusso | keith: maybe | 01:53 |
juano | unop: kubuntu doesnt bring all KDE apps | 01:54 |
juano | unop: i did it myself, it doesnt | 01:54 |
tonyyarusso | keith: Further questions could be directed to #ubuntu+1 | 01:54 |
unop | bradley, I use a laptop yes but not ubuntu tho | 01:54 |
juano | unop: you have to install KDE package from synaptic for all the KDE apps | 01:54 |
keith | i was just curious | 01:54 |
b3 | well? | 01:54 |
zYe | the ./command function doesnt have any information about what program it is looking for the command file | 01:54 |
juano | unop: unless you want like 20 % of the apps | 01:54 |
unop | juano, well well, i'll take your word on that, i have no first hand experience with kubuntu and very little with KDE itself | 01:54 |
keith | i'm in no real hurry now that i have edgy tamed | 01:55 |
AngryElf | what kind of widget solution is out there for ubuntu? | 01:55 |
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b3 | hello.please reply to me. | 01:55 |
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zYe | wouldnt you have to state the directory the command file is in that your trying to configure | 01:55 |
gnome_noob | is it possible to install KDE from the console? | 01:55 |
arrenlex | zYe: The configure script? The configure script exists to set up your source for compilation. It's tailored to the program it sets up. | 01:55 |
juano | unop: :P if you didnt install KDE open up synaptic and search KDE youll see its uninstalled | 01:55 |
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arrenlex | gnome_noob: Sure. apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 01:55 |
AngryElf | b3 mount the iso, the do xine /path/to/mount point | 01:55 |
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sidny4 | anyone know how to get arm-linux-gcc? I keep getting the error command not found. | 01:56 |
juano | gnome_noob: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop , then sudo apt-get install kde | 01:56 |
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unop | juano, errm ,.. obviously :) | 01:56 |
b3 | how do i mount the iso? | 01:56 |
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AngryElf | google mount | 01:56 |
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gnome_noob | i'll try it thanks! | 01:56 |
zYe | yes but ./configure script is made to set up any program i download that has a configure script in it right? | 01:56 |
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black_13 | arrenlex http://rafb.net/p/H3gIJg63.html | 01:56 |
arrenlex | b3: mount -o loop <file.iso> <mountpoint> | 01:56 |
theflyingfool | gnome_noob sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop && sudo apt-get install kde | 01:56 |
bradley | unop, kubuntu, xubuntu, other? | 01:56 |
juano | unop: well so ? you said installing kubuntu installs kde, so you were wrong i guess | 01:56 |
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juano | unop: :P | 01:57 |
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arrenlex | black_13: yes your drivers are working, yes it is accelerated, yes it is probably as good as it's going to get. | 01:57 |
zYe | like how does the configure script know where to look? | 01:57 |
arrenlex | zYe: Look for what? | 01:57 |
sidny4 | anyone know how to get arm-linux-gcc? I keep getting the error command not found. | 01:57 |
unop | bradley, i have ubuntu (well, it was xubuntu but now has gnome running but fluxbox as the WM) on a workstation -- my laptop runs debian | 01:58 |
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b3 | what's the mountpoint supposed to be? | 01:58 |
Flannel | sidny4: er... Where are you using that? | 01:58 |
zYe | well in my tilda directory i have a configure file | 01:58 |
zYe | now the ./configure is a terminal command right? | 01:58 |
unop | juano, errm, do you like beating a man down even after he admits defeat or can you not read? :) i said i took your word | 01:58 |
arrenlex | zYe: It's a script. | 01:59 |
zYe | ok | 01:59 |
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unop | zYe, errm .. ./configure is an executable script | 01:59 |
black_13 | arrenlex what do the ati drivers buy me? | 01:59 |
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b3 | hello.whats the mountpint supposed to be? | 01:59 |
bradley | unop, i am a bit concerned about running feisty on my computer, it something goes terrible wrong then i am screwed. i don't have a ton of technical knowledge. | 01:59 |
semi-fly | booda | 01:59 |
juano | unop: lol, no :P, but you seemed so secure when you said : juano, but kubuntu's DE is KDE .. so, errm, i dunno what that's all about | 01:59 |
sidny4 | I'm working on installing linux on my PDA, and everything works so far but when I try to make the kernel for it I get arm-linux-gcc, command not found | 01:59 |
TheDebugger | bradley: Why would you run feisty? | 01:59 |
Flannel | juano, unop, kubuntu-desktop does install KDE. However, it's not stock KDE (just like ubuntu isn't default gnome). Most people don't want | 01:59 |
arrenlex | black_13: Depends on your card. Usually, 3D acceleration.. The free drivers don't. | 01:59 |
Flannel | juano, unop, most people don't want "kde", they want kubuntu. | 02:00 |
bradley | unop, but at the same time i am curious | 02:00 |
unop | Flannel, thank you very much | 02:00 |
zYe | ok, but how does this exec script know where to look for the configure file in my tilda directory | 02:00 |
bradley | TheDebugger, it is still alpha (i think) | 02:00 |
unop | juano, well, i suppose i am secure about that after all :) | 02:00 |
zYe | isnt there a configure file in every package you download? | 02:00 |
gimmulf | I ran: sudo apt-get install ruby1.8 But when i type "ruby" in terminal it says command not found? | 02:00 |
Flannel | zYe: your tilda directory is your home directory, just so you know. (/home/username/) ;) | 02:00 |
arrenlex | zYe: You don't understand the syntax. ./ means "in the current folder", and configure is the name of the executable in the current folder. | 02:00 |
Davitrola | arrenlex: last question before i reinstall edgy: my synaptic is giving me a "internal error opening cache", and it doesn't show any files. do you know what it means? i've tried removing any extra repositories, but it doesn't help. | 02:00 |
black_13 | ati radeon | 02:00 |
juano | unop: lol ? READ: kubuntu-desktop does install KDE. However, it's not stock KDE | 02:01 |
zYe | -_- | 02:01 |
arrenlex | zYe: Try cding to /usr/bin and running ./gedit | 02:01 |
black_13 | 250 something | 02:01 |
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juano | unop: "However, it's not stock KDE" | 02:01 |
arrenlex | zYe: Now try running ./gedit from your home folder. | 02:01 |
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zYe | so all i have to do is say /tilda/configure? | 02:01 |
b3 | hi.what's the mountpoint for the iso supposed to be? | 02:01 |
arrenlex | zYe: There is a gedit file which you can execute in the /usr/bin folder. Not in your home folder. | 02:01 |
juano | unop: it doesnt install 100 % KDE and everything | 02:01 |
unop | bradley, errm, no feisty isnt all that unstable .. it's quite stable compared to other pre-release distros like fedora or mandrake | 02:01 |
b3 | answer me. | 02:01 |
arrenlex | zYe: *facepalm* | 02:01 |
b3 | please answer me. | 02:01 |
black_13 | arrenlex would this improve sdl's performace? | 02:01 |
theflyingfool_ | my Gnome Settings daemon wont load, how do i fix it | 02:02 |
arrenlex | b3: mountpoint is any existing folder where you want to mount the iso. | 02:02 |
juano | unop: if you want full KDE you need to install it from synaptic | 02:02 |
arrenlex | black_13: I assume you're already using fglrx? | 02:02 |
b3 | hi.whats the mountpoint of the iso supposed to be? | 02:02 |
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bradley | unop, yeah okay, you have won me over. | 02:02 |
arrenlex | b3: mountpoint is any existing folder where you want to mount the iso. | 02:02 |
zYe | --_- | 02:02 |
zYe | i hate being such a newb | 02:02 |
Flannel | juano, stop bickering. | 02:02 |
black_13 | !ati | 02:02 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 02:02 |
Flannel | zYe: we were all new to this at one point ;) | 02:02 |
arrenlex | zYe: ./ means "current folder" just like /usr means "in the /usr folder". Understand? | 02:02 |
bradley | unop, but i will set up the separate home partition first. | 02:02 |
zYe | yea i do now | 02:02 |
juano | hard people now a days | 02:03 |
b3 | can it be anywhere or does it have to be in /media? | 02:03 |
black_13 | arrenlex how would i check if im using said? | 02:03 |
zYe | i wish they just had a huge list of every single meaning of all the commands for a terminal | 02:03 |
unop | juano, kubuntu-desktop installs kde (which was what i said originally) .. stock KDE or not, i really dont care :) | 02:03 |
zYe | that would really help me like no other | 02:03 |
juano | unop: who are you trying to impress? | 02:03 |
black_13 | arrenlex all i did was follow the howto for installing the ati drivers from ubunt (not ati) | 02:03 |
theflyingfool_ | my settings daemon wont start when i log in | 02:03 |
unop | bradley, yep, that's a priority thingy | 02:03 |
b3 | please answer me | 02:04 |
arrenlex | black_13: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep -v "#" | grep fglrx | wc -l | 02:04 |
arrenlex | black_13: 0 = no, 1 = yes | 02:04 |
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Flannel | gimmulf: ruby1.8 is just the libraries, you still need whatever bindings you want. There's a list of common other packages here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/interpreters/ruby1.8 | 02:04 |
arrenlex | black_13: Yeah, that howto tells you how to install the fglrx driver. The ubuntu driver is just ati's driver put into a convenient package. | 02:04 |
black_13 | arrenlex "1" | 02:04 |
Flannel | b3: what iso? | 02:04 |
juano | unop: well i meant KDE stock and everything... so thats it, everyone is right on what they mean | 02:05 |
arrenlex | black_13: Then that framerate is probably as good as you're going to get. | 02:05 |
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unop | juano, just be happy dude :) | 02:05 |
bobby | has anyone had any success getting tv-out working with an ATI card? I keep getting the message "no screens found" in the error log file | 02:05 |
juano | unop: you too ;) | 02:05 |
b3 | ok.thank you ill try it.bye | 02:05 |
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theflyingfool_ | whats the site to post things that are to long to put in here? | 02:05 |
arrenlex | !pastebin | 02:05 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 02:06 |
black_13 | arrenlex i am not doing 3d graphics but instead 2d slot machine | 02:06 |
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zYe | this is what it says to do, : 1) ./configure --prefix=/usr 2) make 3) make install | 02:06 |
arrenlex | black_13: Then you don't even care about the 3D framerate. | 02:06 |
zYe | ok i got the configure thing down | 02:06 |
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[set] | is there a game dep repository for ubuntu? | 02:06 |
dcordes | Can i see my kaffeine dvb-t over lan stream? | 02:07 |
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Flannel | [set] : there are games in the repositories, yes. | 02:07 |
user666 | hey what's the deal with 'recommended updates'? are they safe and are they enabled by default? | 02:07 |
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[set] | Flannel: how do i browse through them | 02:07 |
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Flannel | [set] : synaptic can sort by category. Or: http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/games/ | 02:08 |
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theflyingfool_ | my settings daemon wont load at login what do i do | 02:08 |
black_13 | arrenlex right now im having to run some glut programs to demonstrat frame rate and runge kutte integration | 02:08 |
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vook | how would I go about booting the Edgy cd-rom live disc into the old curses style debian installer interface? | 02:09 |
arrenlex | !alternate | vook | 02:09 |
ubotu | vook: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD. | 02:09 |
Flannel | vook: download the alternate ISO | 02:09 |
blanky | anyone here ever use dhl delivery service lol | 02:09 |
Clark3934 | I'm thinking about installing Ubuntu as my primary operating system, but I have some questions. If Ubuntu is on my main computer in the network will it be able to let other windows machiens connect through a wireless router and act as a print server to other windows machiens? | 02:10 |
blanky | i just got a quick question | 02:10 |
blanky | anyone? | 02:10 |
vook | woohoo - thanks :) | 02:10 |
blanky | ? | 02:10 |
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gma | Clark3934: yes to everything | 02:10 |
Flannel | blanky: er, about ubuntu? or DHL? if it's the latter, you should ask in #ubuntu-offtopic | 02:10 |
ardchoille42 | theflyingfool_, Are you running the gnome desktop? | 02:10 |
user666 | sry blanky i always use fedex | 02:10 |
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theflyingfool_ | ardchoille42: yes | 02:10 |
blanky | haha | 02:10 |
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Clark3934 | @gma: is it difficult? | 02:11 |
Clark3934 | good documentation? | 02:11 |
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gma | Clark3934: not really hard, but I suppose these things are all relative to your experience | 02:11 |
gma | Clark3934: do you know if your printer is supported? | 02:12 |
ardchoille42 | theflyingfool_, Care to pastebin the output of: ps aux | grep gnome-settings-daemon | 02:12 |
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theflyingfool_ | ardchoille42: what is the pastebin url | 02:12 |
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arrenlex | !paste | 02:12 |
ubotu | paste is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste) | 02:12 |
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ardchoille42 | arrenlex, thanks :) | 02:12 |
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jin_ | !torrent | 02:13 |
ubotu | Torrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt) - Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html | 02:13 |
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Evan-navE | Hello, I upgraded from dapper drake to the newest version and my wifi doesn't work. I'm also linux illiterate! | 02:13 |
Evan-navE | I have already tried readding the drivers to the windows wireless drivers section, and still no luck | 02:14 |
theflyingfool_ | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1770/ | 02:14 |
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Clark3934 | @gma. Where is the printer support list? | 02:15 |
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gma | linuxprinting.org | 02:15 |
black_13 | what package do i need to install got get all c++ devel tools | 02:15 |
jin_ | is gedit slow? it takes more than 10 second to load | 02:15 |
Evan-navE | I could care less about pasting at the moment | 02:15 |
arrenlex | black_13: build-essential | 02:15 |
black_13 | thanks i always forget that | 02:15 |
ardchoille42 | theflyingfool_, Does this command output anything: which gnome-settings-daemon | 02:15 |
gma | jin_: takes about 5-6 secs on my 1GHz laptop | 02:15 |
theflyingfool_ | ardchoille42: /usr/bin/gnome-settings-daemon is all it outputs | 02:15 |
ardchoille42 | theflyingfool_, That's good | 02:15 |
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Evan-navE | my wlan0 thing isn't even showing up under networking, either | 02:16 |
Evan-navE | :\ | 02:16 |
ardchoille42 | theflyingfool_, And have you recently installed new themes or changed to a new theme? | 02:16 |
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b3 | hi.the command doesn't work | 02:16 |
theflyingfool_ | ardchoille42: i havnt changed themes since install, except on the login page and that works fine | 02:16 |
arrenlex | b3: Use one that does. | 02:16 |
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b3 | please give me the correct command | 02:17 |
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ardchoille42 | theflyingfool_, Open a terminal and run: gnome-settings-daemon & | 02:17 |
Evan-navE | ffs...k | 02:17 |
arrenlex | b3: That would require knowing what you were expecting it to do. | 02:17 |
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a514 | Hi at the cd 6.06 boot: live-expert is not found? | 02:17 |
theflyingfool_ | ardchoille42: it seems to have brought back my standard theme, | 02:17 |
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b3 | im talking about the command for mounting iso | 02:17 |
bradley | unop, should i upgrade to feisty or should i install it from a cd? | 02:17 |
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theflyingfool_ | ardchoille42: will i have to do this after every login now or should it just work again | 02:18 |
arrenlex | b3: What command did you use and what error did it produce? | 02:18 |
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b3 | the one someone gave me doesnt work | 02:18 |
arrenlex | b3: What command did you use and what error did it produce? | 02:18 |
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ardchoille42 | theflyingfool_, Ok, I was trying all the common things, it seems that your daemon isn't being executed on login, which you already knew. The problem now is to find out why. | 02:18 |
wks12 | hi | 02:18 |
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b3 | dt | 02:18 |
arrenlex | !hi | 02:18 |
Evan-navE | i'll just switch to fedora, i've heard the community there is much more helpful | 02:18 |
ubotu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 02:18 |
theflyingfool_ | ardchoille42: any ideas? | 02:18 |
a514 | ubotu how do i boot expert | 02:18 |
arrenlex | !ubotu | a514 | 02:19 |
lotacus | the cronsvc brltty is brail ? | 02:19 |
ubotu | a514: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 02:19 |
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b3 | wait im going somewhere | 02:19 |
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bluefox83 | ok, how do i share my music folder with another ubuntu system on my network? | 02:19 |
vignesh | Hi | 02:19 |
Jester45 | anyone here want to help me with xgl im in #ubuntu-xgl but nobody is there | 02:19 |
ardchoille42 | theflyingfool_, Until you find out why, you can always add that daemon to the session so it gets run on login. You can add the daemon to the sessions in System -> Preferences -> Sessions and go to the Startup Programs tab. | 02:19 |
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lotacus | system>administration>shared folders | 02:19 |
Alarm | how can i put a proccess in the backround ? what i wanna do is when connecting on my server via ssh, to be able to use wget and when i close the ssh application the download to continue | 02:19 |
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theflyingfool_ | ardchoille42: do i just add that command i just ran? | 02:20 |
oFF-beAt | still dun work | 02:20 |
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soundray | Alarm: use GNU screen for that | 02:20 |
TheDebugger | Jester45: What is the problem? Do you use Dapper or Edgy? | 02:20 |
lotacus | bluefox83: system>administration>shared folders | 02:20 |
oFF-beAt | export JAVA_HOME=/home/offbeat/java_home/jdk1.5.0_09/bin | 02:20 |
Alarm | -b ? | 02:20 |
slop | how do i use the mozilla-mplayer plugin instead of the totem plugin in firefox? | 02:20 |
vignesh | anyone tried ubuntu on an old pc ? | 02:20 |
Alarm | soundray, what do u mean with gnu screen ? | 02:20 |
ardchoille42 | theflyingfool_, I'm afraid I don't know much about the startup scripts for gnome. Yes, add this to the sessions: gnome-settings-daemon (don't add the "&") | 02:20 |
soundray | Alarm: you probably have it installed. Try 'man screen' | 02:20 |
theflyingfool_ | ardchoille42: thanks much | 02:20 |
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arrenlex | Alarm: ctrl+z backgrounds an already running process and the "fg" command brings it back up. Putting a & at the end of the command returns control to the terminal when that command is run. Which are you looking for. | 02:20 |
bluefox83 | lotacus, the only option it gives me is through smb windows network..i no longer have a windows network..is there another way to do it? | 02:21 |
a514 | Hi How do i use Dapper CD to boot:live-expert when it's not found? | 02:21 |
cj_ | hi, if i want to install bare bones gnome, what should i apt-get Im using KDE atm | 02:21 |
Alarm | okie thank you | 02:21 |
cj_ | hi, if i want to install bare bones gnome, what should i apt-get Im using KDE atm | 02:21 |
Jester45 | TheDebugger: im on xubuntu edgy the error is exec: 5: xfce-session not foundbut i just got some info from #xubuntu that it might be xfce4 so i will be back after a 2nd try | 02:21 |
ardchoille42 | theflyingfool_, You're welcome, you still need to find out *why* it isn't running on login, though | 02:21 |
Smirnov | My login isn't working.... I get an error and I get booted to the main screen | 02:22 |
theflyingfool_ | ardchoille42: a quick fix is all i need to get me though the week though | 02:22 |
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Smirnov | it worked before, but i just ran the automatic updater and it stopped working after i rebooted | 02:22 |
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soundray | Smirnov: is your disk full? | 02:22 |
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Smirnov | nope | 02:22 |
NickCz | can someone help me with azureus crashing at startup? | 02:23 |
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bradley | is it better to upgrade from edgy to feisty or use an iso cd? | 02:23 |
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wks12 | hi | 02:23 |
soundray | !feisty | 02:23 |
ubotu | The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+1 | 02:23 |
wks12 | hey | 02:23 |
unop | bradley, an upgrade is possible -- takes a little time tho -- it depends on how quick you want fesity running -- the down side to a fresh install is you have to go back to configuring and setting up your system the way you want it all over again | 02:23 |
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oFF-beAt | /home/offbeat/java_home/jdk1.5.0_09/bin this java path.. i need to set the enviroment variables pls help | 02:24 |
soundray | Smirnov: log in on the text console and look for error messages in $HOME/.xsession-errors | 02:24 |
grandy | hello... I am wondering if there is any way to see the package update history for a package... maybe on the web or even on my local machine... ? | 02:24 |
bradley | unop, so i could try the upgrade and for some reason if it doesn't work then i could use the cd? | 02:24 |
james | hi there - can anyone recommend a good duplicate file finding app for ubuntu? it needs to be fast (i'll be running it on a terabyte array) | 02:24 |
=== JunkNode [n=chrisd@c-71-193-83-93.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jin_ | omg, I love my Ubuntu desktop. it's so clean and works perfect | 02:24 |
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jin_ | http://img246.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotvk0.png | 02:24 |
james | ideally something that's in the repos... | 02:24 |
soundray | grandy: it's the changelog in /usr/share/doc/packagename/ | 02:24 |
DARKGuy | Hey, anybody knows if there is a way to see what are the current kernel commandline parameters passed on boot in a LiveCD? | 02:24 |
a514 | ubotu gyachi | 02:25 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gyachi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:25 |
Smirnov | soundray: nothing really | 02:25 |
a514 | ubotu yahoo | 02:25 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about yahoo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:25 |
Smirnov | soundray: Registering your session with wtmp... running :usr/bin./sessreg ...... Beginning session setup | 02:25 |
Alarm | arrenlex, thanks for the tip of the backround proccess . doesnt work with wget. it stops the download. theres a -b argument. thank you again | 02:25 |
Smirnov | soundray: just 3 lines, no "fatal errors" or anything | 02:25 |
unop | bradley, i dont see any reason why the upgrade would fail -- it went quite smoothly when i did it -- a few packages might need reinstalling or tweaking, but nothing major to worry about | 02:25 |
arrenlex | Alarm: Yes, that's what ctrl+z does. Suspends the process and returns control to the terminal. | 02:25 |
=== ctothej [n=offero@ool-44c05172.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bradley | unop, great. | 02:26 |
Alarm | thought it puts it on the backround and still runs | 02:26 |
=== bds [n=bds@ip70-160-28-85.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | Smirnov: maybe create a new user ('sudo adduser test'), then try and log in as that. | 02:26 |
james | so no suggestions for duplicate file finding apps? seems like something people would probably want to do once in a while... | 02:27 |
=== riddlebox [n=james@75-132-205-166.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
arrenlex | Alarm: No; sorry I didn't make that clear. | 02:27 |
grandy | soundray: thanks!! | 02:27 |
=== theflyingfool [n=nicholas@71-37-170-23.bois.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
arrenlex | james: fdupes | 02:27 |
soundray | grandy: yw | 02:27 |
arrenlex | !info fdupes | 02:27 |
unop | bradley, don't worry about anything .. just go for it, whats the worst that can happen (now that you have your homedir backed up, you have done that right?) , you'll learn a few things on the way too :) | 02:27 |
ubotu | fdupes: Identifies duplicate files within given directories. In component main, is optional. Version 1.40-4 (edgy), package size 13 kB, installed size 80 kB | 02:27 |
Smirnov | soundray: shit.. that works... | 02:27 |
tonyyarusso | !ohmy | 02:27 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 02:27 |
black_13 | what package provides libXMu? | 02:27 |
james | arrenlex: i'll give that a go, thanks | 02:27 |
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Alarm | its ok | 02:27 |
bds | How do I change the default run level so GDM does not load, I don't have a /etc/inittab, do I chmod /etc/init.d/gdm to make it not executable? | 02:27 |
james | !info fdupes | 02:27 |
theflyingfool | ardchoille42: do you have any ideas on how i can track down why it isnt starting | 02:27 |
arrenlex | james: I just did that. =P | 02:28 |
james | i guess that isn't a trigger... | 02:28 |
arrenlex | james: It is. Ubotu just did that like three seconds ago so he won't do it again. | 02:28 |
bds | I would like the default run level to be without X, similar to Slackware | 02:28 |
=== Pirate-King [n=tjdel01@daphmb01dc1-218-50.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
unop | bds, use the update-rc.d command to disable GDM altogether | 02:28 |
ardchoille42 | theflyingfool, the system starts gnome and its deps in some script, need to find that script and check it out. That's where I'd start | 02:28 |
Smirnov | soundray: excellent. i had a file ~/.xsession and it didnt like that | 02:28 |
Pirate-King | going to install dual boot | 02:28 |
Pirate-King | need a good how too | 02:28 |
bds | unop: Danke | 02:28 |
Smirnov | does anyone here know how I would make synergyc startup automatically before i login? | 02:29 |
theflyingfool | the /etc folder? | 02:29 |
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soundray | Smirnov: look in System-Preferences-Sessions | 02:29 |
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=== Pie-rate [n=jschall@cust-69-19-214-183.static.o1.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | Smirnov: ... Startup Programs | 02:29 |
oFF-beAt | need to set enviroment variable in ubuntu for JDK | 02:29 |
Pie-rate | how can i disable the bootsplash? | 02:30 |
Smirnov | soundray: how do i get to there without a moues, tab isnt switching focus | 02:30 |
oFF-beAt | /home/offbeat/java_home/jdk1.5.0_09/bin is the path | 02:30 |
theflyingfool | ardchoille42: which folder would you start looking in | 02:30 |
h3xis | Pie-rate, sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst. look for your kernel line and remove the word "splash" | 02:30 |
soundray | Smirnov: one sec... | 02:30 |
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Pie-rate | h3xis: not that one, the ubuntu loading screen | 02:30 |
vignesh | I have an old Hp Brio 400 .. with 160mb of Ram and 400Mhz processor | 02:31 |
ardchoille42 | theflyingfool, I'm looking around now, gimme a sec.. | 02:31 |
soundray | Smirnov: Alt-F2, enter 'gnome-session-properties' | 02:31 |
h3xis | Pie-rate, the ubuntu loading screen? | 02:31 |
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vignesh | All the live cd`s work fine.. But I am not able to install ubuntu | 02:31 |
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soundray | h3xis: the next kernel upgrade will recreate the splash option. | 02:31 |
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fghj | hwo do I install mplayer? | 02:31 |
Pie-rate | h3xis: yeah, its screwed up, looks weird. i'd like it to work but i'm cool with disabling it too | 02:31 |
h3xis | soundray, so? it doesnt take long to just remove it again | 02:32 |
vignesh | In all versions and forks of ubuntu the base system itslelf doesnt get installed and configured.. | 02:32 |
soundray | h3xis: the clean way is to remove it from the '#kopt= | 02:32 |
h3xis | :P | 02:32 |
soundray | h3xis: the clean way is to remove it from the '#kopt=' line and rerun update-grub | 02:32 |
arrenlex | !mplayer | fghj | 02:32 |
grandy | hello, how would i back a package down to the previous version if an update doesn't work properly on my system? | 02:32 |
ubotu | fghj: mplayer is a media player. Enable multiverse repo and type sudo apt-get install mplayer for more info please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer To compile it from source see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer/Compile | 02:32 |
ubotu | fghj: For Codecs try !codecs Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MplayerInstallHowto for installation tips. | 02:32 |
h3xis | Pie-rate, fix sound? | 02:33 |
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Pie-rate | h3xis: yeah, with a new ubuntu install | 02:33 |
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arrenlex | grandy: Do you know the previous version? | 02:33 |
h3xis | Pie-rate, okay | 02:33 |
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vignesh | anyone knows what the problme is ? Will ubuntu work on my pc ? | 02:33 |
soundray | grandy: find the old version in /var/cache/apt/archives and install it with 'dpkg -i --force-downgrade packagename_version.deb' | 02:33 |
=== NeoGeo64 [n=tony@adsl-154-94-111.aby.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
grandy | soundray: ahh... thanks! | 02:33 |
Pie-rate | h3xis: now my loading screen is screwed up... | 02:34 |
soundray | grandy: better to try and fix the current one, though | 02:34 |
NeoGeo64 | Is there any way to trim down things that run on startup with ubuntu that i dont need | 02:34 |
NeoGeo64 | like unnesseccary services | 02:34 |
=== sparklehistory [n=sparkleh@71-34-61-201.mpls.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | !info bum | NeoGeo64 | 02:34 |
ubotu | bum: graphical runlevel editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.7-1 (edgy), package size 80 kB, installed size 524 kB | 02:34 |
h3xis | Pie-rate, i still dont know what you mean by loading screen. i havent ran ubuntu in forever and the only loading screen i know is the screen where it uncompresses the kernel and shows the progress bar with the ubuntu logo | 02:34 |
grandy | soundray: it's a production web server and php isn't serializing data properly, i just want to see if downgrading works... i really don't know what else to try, it's very odd | 02:34 |
=== mnoir [n=bos@nwlnnhbas01-pool0-a41.nwlnnh.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
b3 | hi the command that doesn't work is a command to mount isos | 02:34 |
Pie-rate | h3xis: the progress bar with the ubuntu logo. | 02:34 |
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h3xis | Pie-rate, yeah, remove "splash" from the kernel line or do as soundray said | 02:35 |
juanzhewudi | hi,all, i need your help. on my dapper, when i shuttdown the computer, it stops in the "Deactivating swap... nted read-only".swapoff -a and swapon -a works fine. help me if you know something about this problem,thx | 02:35 |
soundray | b3: what command are you trying? What result are you getting? | 02:36 |
b3 | the command is:mount -o loop <file.iso> <mountpoint> | 02:36 |
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soundray | b3: try 'sudo mount -o loop file.iso /mnt' | 02:37 |
soundray | b3: substitute file.iso with the actual path and filename of the iso. | 02:37 |
b3 | ok | 02:38 |
=== BlueLagun1 [n=BlueLagu@c-71-204-118-195.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
b3 | .ill try | 02:38 |
ant_ | i cant seem to find the debian menu in synaptic... can anyone help? | 02:38 |
theflyingfool | ardchoille42: did you find anything? | 02:39 |
Smirnov | soundray: thanks let me try now :) | 02:39 |
Smirnov | soundray: didnt know about the ALT+F# , very useful!! | 02:39 |
ardchoille42 | theflyingfool, No, I don't think I will because I don't remember which file it's in. | 02:39 |
soundray | !info menu | ant_ | 02:39 |
ubotu | menu: generates programs menu for all menu-aware applications. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.29 (edgy), package size 379 kB, installed size 1580 kB | 02:39 |
arrenlex | Smirnov: Indeed. You can even start multiple x servers that way, at need. | 02:40 |
b3 | when i do it it says:Usage: mount -V : print version | 02:40 |
b3 | mount -h : print this help | 02:40 |
b3 | mount : list mounted filesystems | 02:40 |
b3 | mount -l : idem, including volume labels | 02:40 |
b3 | So far the informational part. Next the mounting. | 02:40 |
b3 | The command is `mount [-t fstype] something somewhere'. | 02:40 |
b3 | Details found in /etc/fstab may be omitted. | 02:40 |
b3 | mount -a [-t|-O] ... : mount all stuff from /etc/fstab | 02:40 |
ant_ | ubotu: i have that installed, but want the 'debian' menu options | 02:40 |
b3 | mount device : mount device at the known place | 02:40 |
arrenlex | b3: Please copy and paste the exact command you're using. | 02:40 |
b3 | mount directory : mount known device here | 02:40 |
b3 | mount -t type dev dir : ordinary mount command | 02:40 |
arrenlex | !paste | b3 | 02:40 |
ubotu | b3: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 02:40 |
soundray | arrenlex: I think he means the gnome shortcut for Run Application | 02:40 |
b3 | Note that one does not really mount a device, one mounts | 02:40 |
b3 | a filesystem (of the given type) found on the device. | 02:40 |
b3 | One can also mount an already visible directory tree elsewhere: | 02:40 |
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b3 | mount --bind olddir newdir | 02:40 |
b3 | or move a subtree: | 02:40 |
b3 | mount --move olddir newdir | 02:40 |
b3 | A device can be given by name, say /dev/hda1 or /dev/cdrom, | 02:40 |
zoidberg | hey guys | 02:40 |
b3 | or by label, using -L label or by uuid, using -U uuid . | 02:40 |
b3 | Other options: [-nfFrsvw] [-o options] [-p passwdfd] . | 02:40 |
zoidberg | i ahev a problem | 02:40 |
b3 | For many more details, say man 8 mount . | 02:41 |
Pie-rate | !ops | 02:41 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso | 02:41 |
ardchoille42 | b3, please use the pastebin | 02:41 |
=== user_ [n=user@c-68-83-121-113.hsd1.de.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zoidberg | i just installed edgy a total clean installation formatted my harddrive and everything | 02:41 |
Alarm | does anyone know if torrentflux needs apache to be installed ? | 02:41 |
tonyyarusso | !paste | b3 | 02:41 |
ubotu | b3: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 02:41 |
zoidberg | i did it yesterday | 02:41 |
zoidberg | everything was fine but now apt-get install is not working right | 02:41 |
zoidberg | ? | 02:41 |
zoidberg | it says Segmentations faultsts | 02:41 |
arrenlex | b3: There are approximately 889 people here who don't really care about your error, and about 890 who've seen it before and know exactly what it says. | 02:41 |
b3 | whats the pastebin? | 02:41 |
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mnoir | !pastebin | b3 | 02:42 |
ubotu | b3: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 02:42 |
Pie-rate | b3: don't flood the channel. use the pastebin | 02:42 |
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Pirate-King | I need a good how to setup the partitioner for a dual boot with xp | 02:42 |
unop | zoidberg, try an apt-get update first | 02:42 |
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zoidberg | unop, didnt help | 02:42 |
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zoidberg | i'm still getting that probelm | 02:42 |
soundray | !dualboot | Pirate-King | 02:42 |
ubotu | Pirate-King: Dual boot instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh) | 02:42 |
wks12 | pm me plzzzzzzzzzz | 02:42 |
zoidberg | i did some apt installs last nite....everything was fine? | 02:43 |
NickGarvey | !pm | wks12 | 02:43 |
ubotu | wks12: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first. | 02:43 |
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Pie-rate | My boot splash is all distorted. | 02:43 |
Pirate-King | thank you | 02:43 |
zoidberg | can anyone help me? | 02:43 |
unop | zoidberg, yea, i've noticed the problem happen to me after the routine update checks in the mornings but only if i have quite a few entries in /etc/apt/sources.list .. usually i run an aptitude update and everything's fine afterwards | 02:44 |
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b3 | why isnt the command working? | 02:44 |
b3 | how do i mount an iso? | 02:45 |
unop | zoidberg, try aptitude update instead of apt-get update | 02:45 |
soundray | b3: you are leaving something out, probably a space. | 02:45 |
b3 | please answer | 02:45 |
Pie-rate | My boot splash is all distorted, can anyone take a look at my xorg.conf and tell me why that might be? | 02:45 |
=== tomasso [n=tomasso@210-208-126-200.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | Pie-rate: Xorg doesn't create your boot splash. | 02:45 |
zoidberg | when i do aptidtude update it says segmentation faults.....when i do apt-get update i get a whole unch f updates i think and at the end it says segmentation faults | 02:46 |
Pie-rate | soundray: on my previous install of ubuntu the splash worked, now it doesn't. it has to be a config issue. | 02:46 |
=== Enverex [i=nobody@host-84-9-189-109.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pie-rate | are nvidia drivers loaded before the splash comes up? | 02:46 |
unop | zoidberg, can you !pastebin your sources.list please | 02:46 |
magez | !lmms | 02:46 |
ubotu | lmms: Linux Multimedia Studio. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.1-1.1 (edgy), package size 1543 kB, installed size 3784 kB | 02:46 |
h3xis | Pie-rate, no | 02:46 |
w3ccv | b3, mount -o loop file.iso | 02:46 |
soundray | Pie-rate: no | 02:46 |
tomasso | Hi I downloaded skype static for linux, im on a 64 bit ubuntu 6.10 box, to run it I do ./skype in the skype directory and it says the file does not exist, but IT IS THERE | 02:46 |
ctothej | amarok just flipped out on me | 02:46 |
w3ccv | b3, mount -o loop file.iso /mnt | 02:46 |
NeoGeo64 | help.. how can i get archive manager to read 7zip files | 02:46 |
h3xis | Pie-rate, by distorted do you mean it's kind of "rainbow-ish" | 02:46 |
tomasso | [tab] autocomplete does work | 02:47 |
ctothej | got about 70 dialog boxes that says "could not launch kmail" | 02:47 |
Enverex | I'm going to go insane if someone can't help me with this MultiMonitor issue. Basically I have 2 screens but it doesn't seem to matter which way round they are configured in XOrg.conf or which way around they are plugged in, the monitor that is supposed to be secondary ALWAYS seems to be used as the primary :( | 02:47 |
unop | tomasso, it probably isnt executable or isnt an executable | 02:47 |
b3 | ok.ill try it and see what happens | 02:47 |
b3 | ok | 02:47 |
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tomasso | unop: it is executable | 02:47 |
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unop | tomasso, what does file ./skype tell you? | 02:48 |
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tomasso | unop: also tried using linux32 skype and it still says: No such file or directory | 02:48 |
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soundray | Enverex: I don't think you can influence this. | 02:48 |
tomasso | bash: ./skype: No such file or directory | 02:48 |
Smirnov | soundray: thanks a lot man, i got it all working now :) | 02:48 |
cld2 | where is the /etc/inittab equivalent in ubunut? thanks. | 02:48 |
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comwizz2 | #mepis | 02:49 |
blueprints88888 | Help, how do i install """""libncurses""""""????????? | 02:49 |
unop | tomasso, file ./skype - file as in the command | 02:49 |
soundray | Smirnov: well done | 02:49 |
=== firestarter12121 [n=richbass@dhcp-47-184.wlan.american.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
h3xis | blueprints88888, sudo apt-get install libncurses5 | 02:49 |
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semi-fly | suto apt-get install libncurses% | 02:49 |
blueprints88888 | ok will try that | 02:49 |
blueprints88888 | i havent had much luck with apt-get seems that alot of the things i want to download aren in the respitories | 02:49 |
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arrenlex | blueprints88888: apt-get install libncurses5 | 02:49 |
tomasso | ./skype: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.2.0, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.2.0, stripped | 02:49 |
arrenlex | blueprints88888: Why the million quotes? | 02:49 |
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semi-fly | Or, 'sudo apt-get install """""libncurses""""""????????? | 02:49 |
blueprints88888 | no sorry | 02:50 |
blueprints88888 | just so it would be noticed | 02:50 |
=== TruthElixirX [n=ubuntu@h1.77.141.67.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
arrenlex | blueprints88888: We're usually pretty good about reading things on here, despite the large person count. | 02:50 |
unop | tomasso, errm, did you say you were on 64 bit ubuntu there? thats a 32 bit executable you are trying to execute | 02:50 |
hooloo | The transparency doesn't seem to work in Gnome-Terminal. | 02:50 |
w3ccv | tomasso, is it exectuable - is the execute bit set | 02:50 |
TruthElixirX | Anyone in here a real expert at Grub? I got major boot problems that no one has been able to solve thus far | 02:51 |
blueprints88888 | ok thanks,yes you guys are pretty good | 02:51 |
blueprints88888 | E: Couldn't find package libncurses% | 02:51 |
ardchoille42 | blueprints88888, Perhaps you need to enable more repos? Universe? Multiverse? | 02:51 |
cld2 | how can I have no /etc/inittab ? | 02:51 |
blueprints88888 | thtas my output | 02:51 |
hooloo | The hardware acceleration *is* enabled. | 02:51 |
zoidberg | unop, | 02:51 |
zoidberg | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1774/ | 02:51 |
tomasso | unop: yeah, I tried using linux32 skype and it still says No such file or directory | 02:51 |
Pie-rate | h3xis: by distorted i mean its like wrapped around, i'd take a picture but i dont have a camera. it looks like the screen doesn't support the resolution or something. it worked on a previous install of ubuntu with the same setup | 02:51 |
blueprints88888 | how do i do that? | 02:51 |
tomasso | w3ccv: its executable | 02:51 |
blueprints88888 | how owuld i enalbe them all | 02:51 |
unop | cld2, ubuntu uses !upstart instead of the old sysv-style init, thats why | 02:51 |
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ardchoille42 | !repositories | blueprints88888 | 02:51 |
ubotu | blueprints88888: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 02:51 |
h3xis | blueprints88888, i told you, sudo apt-get install libncurses5 | 02:51 |
tomasso | file ./skype returns ./skype: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux... | 02:52 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: problems? | 02:52 |
=== pickett_ [n=pickett@ppp207-144.lns1.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cld2 | unop: thanks. | 02:52 |
lotacus | ?? about vconsoles, how many are loaded at default, and how many are really needed and are thoes virtual consoles the "workspaces" ? | 02:52 |
TruthElixirX | My computer won't boot. GRUB won't right to the HDD right. Something about MBR being there still or something | 02:52 |
soundray | blueprints88888: you've mistyped. The name is libncurses5 | 02:52 |
unop | tomasso, well, according to file, ./skype is a 32 bit executable .. wonder if that's why you get that | 02:52 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: After installing Ubuntu, I restart (remove CD) and it says "Please isnert boot media ands hit enter or restart" | 02:52 |
blueprints88888 | libncurses5 is already the newest version. does that mean i alreayd have it | 02:52 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: what are you in now? Can you boot from the liveCD? Describe your disc layout to me. | 02:52 |
h3xis | blueprints88888, yes | 02:52 |
ardchoille42 | blueprints88888, yes | 02:52 |
cld2 | unop: how would I add something to upstart? | 02:52 |
tomasso | unop: but also tried running it using the linux32 emulator | 02:53 |
w3ccv | tomasso, that means it is an exectutable file, but what does 'ls -l skype' say | 02:53 |
blueprints88888 | hm, howcome when i try to ./configure my program, it doesnt find it | 02:53 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: i'm typing from the Live CD. As for disc layout, I'm not sure what you mean. | 02:53 |
arrenlex | blueprints88888: if you're trying to compile something, you need libncurses5-dev | 02:53 |
soundray | tomasso, unop: I suspect the skype executable is referencing a library that you haven't got installed. | 02:53 |
blueprints88888 | oh, how do i get that | 02:53 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l" please | 02:53 |
tomasso | -rwxr-xr-x 1 tomasso tomasso 15232104 2006-09-29 11:08 skype | 02:53 |
unop | cld2, errm, i really have no idea -- i'm an sys-v init fan and stick by it | 02:53 |
soundray | blueprints88888: if you're compiling, you need libncurses5-dev | 02:53 |
TruthElixirX | !pastebin | 02:53 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 02:53 |
tomasso | soundray: I downloaded the skypes's static version | 02:53 |
cld2 | unop: so did you remove upstart and replace it with sv5 init? | 02:53 |
unop | tomasso, i think you had better run skype from within a 32bit chroot -- see !chroot | 02:53 |
ardchoille42 | blueprints88888, the ./configure command is telling Ubuntu to "find the configure script within the sources and execute it", maybe that configure script is looking in the wrong place for it | 02:54 |
zoidberg | unop, are u there | 02:54 |
soundray | unop: that's overkill. linux32 skype within amd64 works fine here. | 02:54 |
blueprints88888 | i c | 02:54 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: doing so now | 02:54 |
maxxism | I have an IRC question. why does my title bar say #ubuntu-unregged ?? my nick is regiestered with freenode. do I have to register for #ubuntu? | 02:54 |
w3ccv | tomasso, hmmmm then bash should find it and exectue it. | 02:54 |
blueprints88888 | well im installing that -dev rightnow | 02:54 |
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tomasso | unop: hmmh how do i chroot as a 32 bit system? | 02:54 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1775/ | 02:54 |
blueprints88888 | brb 1 minute | 02:54 |
Xappe | I have a problem with ipager in openbox...I set it to autostart in an autostart script i've made...but it's only visible on one virtual desktop :/ suggestions? | 02:54 |
ardchoille42 | blueprints88888, Which app are you compiling? and have you read the README and INSTALL files? | 02:54 |
unop | cld2, well, i installed dapper which was still using init -- and continued upgrading on from there -- so it didnt have a chance to replace init | 02:55 |
unop | zoidberg, yep, i'm here | 02:55 |
w3ccv | tomasso, I d/l skype from skype.com and run without a problem - a couple months ago so I don't remembe what I did. good 'download n play' | 02:55 |
lotacus | I wanna chroot cedega | 02:55 |
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arrenlex | TruthElixirX: I can't imagine what problems you could possibly have with that. You're not even dual-booting. | 02:55 |
tomasso | w3ccv: you ran it normally ? | 02:55 |
blueprints88888 | kismet | 02:55 |
unop | soundray, errm, see !worksforme -- 32bit programs should be run within a chroot - otherwise you should expect to have problems | 02:55 |
blueprints88888 | and ya i have | 02:55 |
blueprints88888 | well not thouroly | 02:55 |
unop | !chroot > tomasso | 02:56 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: I know. Its a brand new HDD. The old HDD failed, so I bogut a new one. Couldn't fin my recovery disks for Windows, so I decided to try Ubuntu | 02:56 |
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ardchoille42 | blueprints88888, kismet is in the repos | 02:56 |
__mikem | Don't you just hate people with very long nick names | 02:56 |
w3ccv | tomasso, with NO problems! both on Edgy and on Fedora | 02:56 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: Very well. Let's try reinstalling it. How linux literate are you? Can I tell you to mount your root filesystem to a folder or do you need commands? | 02:56 |
blueprints88888 | really? | 02:56 |
arrenlex | __mikem: No, because I use tab completion. | 02:56 |
ardchoille42 | blueprints88888, kismet is in the universe repo. Enable universe and do: sudo ap-get kismet | 02:56 |
unop | __mikem, i hate it even more when people have a double-underscore before their nicks :) | 02:56 |
blueprints88888 | for apt-get | 02:57 |
tomasso | w3ccv: both 64 bit? | 02:57 |
blueprints88888 | how owuld i enable that? | 02:57 |
__mikem | unop, I am a reserved identifier | 02:57 |
=== arrenlex heartily agrees with unop because that totally screws up his tabcomplete. | ||
Brady_M | anyone know a good guide to help enable my nvidia's svideo output in xorg? I could use some help | 02:57 |
ardchoille42 | !repositories | blueprints88888 You need to read | 02:57 |
soundray | unop: there are (were?) a number of programs in the amd64 distribution that relied on libraries installed in /usr/lib32. No chroot necessary. | 02:57 |
ubotu | blueprints88888 You need to read: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 02:57 |
w3ccv | tomasso, no on 32bit | 02:57 |
=== Youn1x [i=gagag@host-216-78-66-67.jan.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lotacus | !worksforme | 02:57 |
ubotu | Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. | 02:57 |
Youn1x | anyone wanna help me do a dual boot? :D | 02:57 |
ardchoille42 | blueprints88888, you in gnome or KDE? | 02:57 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: I need commands, and while you're giving them to me, if ti isn't to big of a hassle, could you tell me what they mean so I know what we're doing and can become more literate? | 02:57 |
tomasso | ooh im on an 64 | 02:58 |
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blueprints88888 | um.. i think kde? | 02:58 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: Okay. "sudo mkdir /target". Obvious? | 02:58 |
ardchoille42 | blueprints88888, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 02:58 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: makes a directory called target? | 02:58 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: That's right, from the filesystem root. | 02:58 |
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TruthElixirX | arrenlex: awesome. Done | 02:59 |
illwolfz | whats the lastest version? | 02:59 |
illwolfz | of ubuntu | 02:59 |
lotacus | LmAo | 02:59 |
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w3ccv | tomasso, bash should still find it, I think then you'd get an error from skype not bash but then I'm not a 64bit user | 02:59 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: "sudo mount /dev/hda1 /target". Obvious? | 02:59 |
ardchoille42 | illwolfz, 6.10 Edgy Eft | 02:59 |
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soundray | !edgy | illwolfz | 02:59 |
ubotu | illwolfz: Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Edgy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseNotes | 02:59 |
unop | soundray, well, i just prefer to run 32bit programs in a chroot, that way they are guaranteed a full 32 bit environment -- there's less chance of quirky behaviour happening | 02:59 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: what is mounting? I know thats what that command does | 02:59 |
illwolfz | 2007-01-15: Development Release: Ubuntu 7.04 Alpha 2 | 02:59 |
blueprints88888 | i think gnome | 02:59 |
illwolfz | should i get that one ? | 02:59 |
blueprints88888 | becuase i have dapper drake | 02:59 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: Do you know how the Linux filesystem works? | 02:59 |
ardchoille42 | blueprints88888, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu | 02:59 |
soundray | illwolfz: no | 03:00 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: not really, command entered though | 03:00 |
illwolfz | soundray why not ? | 03:00 |
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blueprints88888 | thanks yall | 03:00 |
soundray | !feisty | illwolfz | 03:00 |
ubotu | illwolfz: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+1 | 03:00 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: On Windows, every physical device is a "drive" like C:, D:, etc. | 03:00 |
illwolfz | k | 03:00 |
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=== Mokshu [n=mokshu@dhcp182-52.residence.USherbrooke.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dan__ | i installed openssh-server now how do i start sshd? | 03:00 |
blueprints88888 | brb im trying to do this and make diner ;) | 03:00 |
Mokshu | Hi | 03:00 |
weiyan | i have a question about the IRC ,,i use Xchat ,how to turn off the message ...sb in /sb out ? been annoyed | 03:00 |
illwolfz | soundray so i download "Ubuntu 6.10, the newest Ubuntu release" then upgrade it ? | 03:00 |
Mokshu | I'm looking for a PowerPoint viewer for Ubuntu, in order to avoid using OpenOffice every time I need to look at a couple of slides. Any idea ? | 03:01 |
magic_ninja | hey does anyone here play diablo II? | 03:01 |
soundray | illwolfz: feel free to try 7.04, if you want to be on the bleeding edge. But do expect difficulties. | 03:01 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: yes, so is mounting sort of like recognizing the physical hard ware? | 03:01 |
semi-fly | Unix utilizes a seamless file system, in which everything is basically treated as an individual "file", rather then as a separate device or drive.. | 03:01 |
=== dafan [n=andre@ip70-178-134-38.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: On Linux, there are no drives. There is only one filesystem that is shaped like a tree: it begins with / ("root") and then it "branches" out into directories (/etc, /tmp, /usr...) and those branch out (/usr/bin, /etc/apt, etc) | 03:01 |
=== lord_nelson [n=lord_nel@ppp-69-219-146-207.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
weiyan | i have a question about the IRC ,,i use Xchat ,how to turn off the message ...sb in /sb out ? been annoyed | 03:01 |
=== bcardarella [i=bcardare@c-24-34-200-250.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: The way Linux handles devices is that it pretends they are a folder in that tree. Imagine instead of having to go to D: to see your CDrom in windows, you had to go to c:\cdrom | 03:02 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: It's like that. | 03:02 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: ah. I understand now. So you sort of say "this is here under the hierarchy". | 03:02 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: Yeah, understood. Thanks | 03:02 |
illwolfz | k | 03:02 |
Mokshu | No idea? :( | 03:02 |
illwolfz | soundray can u give me dircet link to the one u reacommand ? | 03:02 |
ardchoille42 | arrenlex, I have used Linux for a while and that is the best analogy I've seen yet. | 03:02 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: Yeah. I just had you tell your computer to treat /dev/hda1 (first partition on the first drive) as the contents of the folder /target, which you recently made. | 03:02 |
magic_ninja | hey does anyone here play diablo II? | 03:03 |
arrenlex | ardchoille42: Thank you. :) | 03:03 |
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illwolfz | *recommend | 03:03 |
w3ccv | weiyan, try editing your Settings->Advanced->TextEvents - look for the joined and parted lines | 03:03 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: Okay, now run "sudo chroot /target" | 03:03 |
soundray | illwolfz: if I have to... | 03:03 |
illwolfz | go for it. | 03:03 |
bcardarella | How do I search APT for a packager? | 03:03 |
Brady_M | weiyan: http://www.ircbeginner.com/ircinfo/ircc-commands.html | 03:03 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: chroot: cannot change root directory to /targe: No such file or directory | 03:03 |
illwolfz | bcardarella apt-cache search | 03:03 |
ardchoille42 | bcardarella, apt-cache search appname | 03:03 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: What this does is it tells your filesystem to pretend the filesystem root, "/", is not the real root, but rather /target. So like telling your computer to pretend your d: drive is your c: drive. | 03:03 |
illwolfz | bcardarella apt-cache search "file" | 03:03 |
haxality | hello, how would I go about properly compiling and building a deb package from source, so as not to mess up the package management system? | 03:03 |
=== tim167 [n=tim@d51538B02.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: target, not targe. xD | 03:03 |
soundray | illwolfz: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/GetUbuntu/download#currentrelease | 03:03 |
illwolfz | ty | 03:03 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: oops. Its similiar to mod_rewrite, I think | 03:04 |
zoidberg | can someone PLEASE help me....i have an aptitude probelm | 03:04 |
zoidberg | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1774/ | 03:04 |
=== Enverex [i=nobody@host-84-9-189-109.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tim167 | what's the ubuntu off-topic channel ? | 03:04 |
arrenlex | tim167: #ubuntu-offtopic | 03:04 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: Typo fixed, worked. | 03:04 |
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illwolfz | soundray which one ? | 03:04 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: Okay. You understand what's been done so far? | 03:04 |
ardchoille42 | zoidberg, What's the problem? | 03:04 |
illwolfz | soundray Other installation options including 64 bit CD ? | 03:04 |
illwolfz | im using desktop pc. | 03:04 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: Yes, fairly well I think | 03:04 |
soundray | illwolfz: I can't answer that, not knowing your machine. | 03:05 |
zoidberg | ardchoille42, read the pastebin http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1774/ | 03:05 |
=== JBLoudG20 [n=jay@d184h150.resnet.uconn.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: Okay, can I ask you to run the command "cat /boot/grub/menu.lst" and pastebin what you get? I want to make sure your grub is configured correctly. | 03:05 |
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soundray | illwolfz: chances are that you need i386 (32bit) | 03:05 |
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dan__ | ok where does ubuntu mount usb drives? | 03:05 |
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illwolfz | soundray just a pc umm intel etc etc. | 03:05 |
zoidberg | ardchoille42, when i run aptitude i get some segmentation error | 03:05 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: cat just means "read out" in this case. It's short for concatenate (put together) because it's used to join together multiple files usually. | 03:05 |
w3ccv | dan__, look in /media/ | 03:05 |
Brady_M | I need some help with my nvidia. I got the drivers working: but after running the changes, now my svideo input isn't enabled on boot. how to I add to xorg the changes to enable it. Running 6.10 on gnome | 03:05 |
soundray | illwolfz: i386 then | 03:05 |
ardchoille42 | zoidberg, I read it, it's just a sources.list file, what is the problem you're having? | 03:06 |
illwolfz | yea PC (Intel x86) desktop CD yEAH? | 03:06 |
TheDebugger | dan__: in /media | 03:06 |
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illwolfz | k. | 03:06 |
zoidberg | ardchoille42, when i run aptitude i get some segmentation error | 03:06 |
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dan__ | awesome, thanks | 03:06 |
ardchoille42 | zoidberg, Can you pastebin the error output? It'll help | 03:06 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: okay. Pasting now... takes a while to load pages on the Live CD | 03:06 |
illwolfz | soundray ubuntu-6.10-alternate-i386.iso 25-Oct-2006 23:56 697M :D yes? | 03:06 |
Brady_M | Also running the legacy drivers | 03:06 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1776/ | 03:06 |
soundray | illwolfz: no | 03:06 |
K | if I 'rmmod' a module, will it come back up on reboot if it dies? | 03:06 |
soundray | illwolfz: use the desktop one | 03:06 |
illwolfz | ehh | 03:06 |
Elo | I've plugged in my USB drive and I'm not sure how to get to the contents within. I'm using fluxbox, where does it usually go to? | 03:06 |
illwolfz | ubuntu-6.10-desktop-i386.iso 26-Oct-2006 00:10 698M | 03:07 |
illwolfz | =] ] ] | 03:07 |
illwolfz | yes soundrAy? | 03:07 |
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soundray | illwolfz: yes, for crying out loud | 03:07 |
w3ccv | Elo, try looking in /media/ | 03:07 |
soundray | illwolfz: sry for getting impatient | 03:07 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: Looks good. Okay, now run "grub-install /dev/hda" | 03:07 |
illwolfz | soundray: lmao no need to cry thanx ! | 03:07 |
Elo | not there | 03:07 |
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w3ccv | Elo, 'df' should tell you if it's mounted | 03:08 |
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TruthElixirX | arrenlex: /dev/hda: Not found or not a block device. (checked for typos this time to, didn't see any) | 03:08 |
Elo | says /proc/bus/usb/ | 03:08 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: Try "mount /proc" | 03:09 |
w3ccv | Elo, sounds like nothing the drive isn't mounted at all | 03:09 |
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TruthElixirX | arrenlex: done | 03:09 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: Okay, now grub-install /dev/hda | 03:09 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: same | 03:09 |
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Elo | w3ccv, odd, plugging it in doesn't just mount it? | 03:09 |
soundray | Elo: in fluxbox it won't | 03:10 |
Elo | soundray, ahhh | 03:10 |
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Elo | how can I get it to mount? | 03:10 |
Enverex | I'm trying to set up TwinView and I'm about to go insane. I have it working with both my monitors but the Gnome taskbars and everything else are on the wrong screen, GDM also appears on the wrong screen when it starts, any ideas what I need to change to make the main screen the "master"? | 03:10 |
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soundray | Elo: with a command like 'sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt' | 03:10 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: That's very odd. What happens if you run "fdisk -l" now? | 03:10 |
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Elo | soundray, how do I know which it is in /dev/? | 03:11 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: absolutely nothing happens. | 03:11 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: That doesn't sound good. | 03:11 |
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soundray | Elo: try 'sudo fdisk -l', it should give you an overview of all your partitions on all drives. | 03:11 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: What does "mount" output? | 03:11 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: Its even worse when its your only computer. :p | 03:11 |
Elo | ah yes | 03:11 |
Elo | thanks soundray | 03:11 |
TruthElixirX | should I paste bin the out put of "mount"? | 03:12 |
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arrenlex | TruthElixirX: Yes. | 03:12 |
Brady_M | !nvidia | 03:12 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 03:12 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1777/ | 03:12 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: BTW, the "whoami" command says root, right? | 03:12 |
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mevets | hey | 03:13 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: yes | 03:13 |
mevets | anyone ever used apache on ubuntu? | 03:13 |
=== Enverex curls up and cries | ||
mevets | i dont know where the /www folder is | 03:13 |
ardchoille42 | mevets, I have, used to run PmWiki with it. | 03:13 |
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soundray | Enverex: there, there | 03:13 |
ardchoille42 | mevets, It won't be created until you install and run apache2 | 03:14 |
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mevets | oh | 03:14 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: What about "file /dev/hda"? | 03:14 |
soundray | Enverex: why do you have to swap your pri and sec monitors? | 03:14 |
Gagounay | someone speak french ? | 03:14 |
ardchoille42 | mevets, It should be /var/www | 03:14 |
mevets | ill see if i have that | 03:14 |
arrenlex | !fr | Gagounay | 03:14 |
ubotu | Gagounay: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 03:14 |
Gagounay | thank you | 03:14 |
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TruthElixirX | arrenlex: /dev/hda: ERROR: cannot open `/dev/hda' (No such file or directory) | 03:14 |
Enverex | soundray, Because the gnome panels, GDM and everything else that should appear on the main one appears on the secondary one instead | 03:14 |
mevets | oh thanks guys | 03:14 |
mevets | apache gd rocks! | 03:14 |
soundray | Enverex: is this with Twinview? | 03:15 |
Enverex | soundray, yes | 03:15 |
ardchoille42 | mevets, Indeed :) | 03:15 |
soundray | Enverex: is the resolution lower on the main one? | 03:15 |
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Enverex | soundray, The main one is a higher res | 03:16 |
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NeoGeo64 | Help, how do I get GNOME archive manager to read 7zip files? | 03:16 |
cardboard_box | hello, is someone able to help me set up my lexmark z55 printer in ubuntu? | 03:16 |
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soundray | Enverex: have you checked the Twinview section in the readme? | 03:16 |
Enverex | soundray, yes | 03:17 |
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deadEMO | let's raise some hell | 03:17 |
PartyGuy | let's raise some hell | 03:17 |
lolEMO | let's raise some hell | 03:17 |
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=== lolEMO dances around and sends exploit codes | ||
=== PartyGuy dances around and sends exploit codes | ||
=== Nigra [n=arqk@cpe-024-088-122-243.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nigra | let's raise some hell | 03:17 |
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TruthElixirX | arrenlex: still there? | 03:17 |
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SilentDis | hello :) | 03:17 |
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h3xis | for god's sake. that's not even the right exploit string | 03:17 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: Yes. A moment, I'm thinking. | 03:17 |
h3xis | damn | 03:17 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: no problem, just making sure | 03:18 |
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VoX | h3xis: startkeyblogger? | 03:18 |
Enverex | h3xis, Still worked apparently | 03:18 |
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h3xis | Enverex, yeah but it's just not as cool as the original | 03:18 |
Enverex | What routers are suseptable to that exploit? Seems to be quite a few | 03:18 |
h3xis | VoX, what? | 03:18 |
arrenlex | Could someone with a /dev/hda confirm that "file /dev/hda" gives them 8/0 modes? | 03:18 |
h3xis | certain linksys ones | 03:18 |
h3xis | and netgear | 03:18 |
h3xis | that's all | 03:18 |
h3xis | nothing a firmware update wont fix | 03:18 |
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VoX | h3xis: if you type 'startkeyblogger' without the 'b', anyone running NIS gets dumped | 03:19 |
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h3xis | VoX, ah never heard of tha tone | 03:19 |
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juanzhewudi | hi,all, i need your help. on my ubuntu dapper, when i shuttdown the computer, it stops in the "Deactivating swap... nted read-only".swapoff -a and swapon -a works fine. help me if you know something about this problem,thx | 03:19 |
SilentDis | speaking of routers... has anyone out there seen a more 'modern' device with an optional serial port for a dialup modem out there? I'm using an aged Speedstream 2623, and I live in the boonies (dialup is all that's available, unfortunatly) | 03:19 |
weiyan | haha ,,just right clik the tabname ,then turn off the join/part ,,, :) thanx w3ccv | 03:20 |
arrenlex | Could someone with a /dev/hda please run "file /dev/hda" and paste the string? It's not hard. :) | 03:20 |
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soundray | Enverex: the ConnectedMonitor option does nothing for you? | 03:20 |
Enverex | soundray, I don't remember that one | 03:20 |
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xtknight | is there a channel for ffmpeg/mplayer? | 03:20 |
soundray | arrenlex: /dev/hda: block special (3/0) | 03:20 |
Pici | arrenlex, /dev/hda: block special (3/0) | 03:20 |
xtknight | well never mind | 03:20 |
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arrenlex | Thank you, guys. | 03:21 |
__mikem | Looks liek today is going to be one of those days | 03:21 |
phiqtion | guys, how can i record screen scapture my screen? | 03:21 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: Okay, try this, then: mknod /dev/hda b 3 0 | 03:21 |
soundray | Enverex: line 2086 | 03:21 |
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w3ccv | weiyan, Didn't see that, I edited the Text Events and shortened my messages ot + name and - name forget the rest | 03:21 |
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TruthElixirX | arrenlex: Done | 03:21 |
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ardchoille42 | phiqtion, there's an app called istanbul that will do that and I think it's in the repos. | 03:21 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: Now what does "file /dev/hda" say? | 03:21 |
phiqtion | ardchoille42: thx bro | 03:22 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: /dev/hda: block special (3/0) | 03:22 |
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arrenlex | TruthElixirX: What about "ls -l /dev/hda"? | 03:22 |
ardchoille42 | phiqtion, Yeep, it's inthe repos | 03:22 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: brw-r--r-- 1 root root 3, 0 2007-01-15 20:21 /dev/hda | 03:22 |
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arrenlex | TruthElixirX: I'm not sure how needed this is, but run "chmod 660 /dev/hda" and then "chown root:disk /dev/hda" | 03:23 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: Then paste ls -l /dev/hda again | 03:23 |
alexcamilo | Hello, Is there a way to reinstall grub after an xp install whiped out the mbr? i XP came into town and now grub is sleeping with Phishie emails. | 03:23 |
arrenlex | !grub | alexcamilo | 03:24 |
ubotu | alexcamilo: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 03:24 |
Enverex | soundray, erm, what file am I looking in again? It's really late and I've been at this for hours | 03:24 |
alexcamilo | thankyou | 03:24 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: brw-rw---- 1 root disk 3, 0 2007-01-15 20:21 /dev/hda | 03:24 |
soundray | Enverex: /usr/share/doc/nvidia-glx/examples/README.txt.gz | 03:24 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: Okay. Now cross your fingers and run grub-install /dev/hda | 03:24 |
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TruthElixirX | arrenlex: one or both hands | 03:25 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: *sigh* /dev/hda1: Not found or not a block device. | 03:25 |
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Enverex | soundray, doesn't exist :/ | 03:25 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: I guess it was both. | 03:25 |
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arrenlex | TruthElixirX: This is very odd. I've never seen this before. o_O Did you do anything weird to this system? | 03:25 |
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Enverex | soundray, the glx folder doesn't even exist | 03:26 |
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soundray | Enverex: what do you get from "grep nv /etc/X11/xorg.conf"? | 03:26 |
__mikem | h3xis, they did the exploit in a ping. One of the packets contained the invalid commands | 03:26 |
Mokshu | Any idea on a PowerPoint viewer for linux to avoid using OpenOffice ? | 03:26 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: Can you pastebin the entire output of "ls /dev"? | 03:26 |
K | if I 'rmmod' a module, will it come back up on reboot if it dies? | 03:26 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: Nope. But it is a HP PAvilion, and when I search "HP PAvilion" on ubuntu forums all I got back were threads about boot problems, with not real solutions.. | 03:26 |
Enverex | soundray, I'm not a noob and I'm not using the "nv" driver | 03:26 |
h3xis | __mikem, isnt it usually accompanied by three 0s? | 03:26 |
ardchoille42 | I have a nvidia GeForce 6200 vid card with 128Mb memory and the nvidia drivers installed and working. Would this be enough to run compiz/beryl or would it lag real bad? | 03:26 |
__mikem | not that I know of | 03:26 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: Like if I tell it to "restart" instead of shut down? No. I have to manually turn it back on | 03:26 |
soundray | Mokshu: I looked for something like that ages ago, but there isn't. | 03:26 |
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Mokshu | soundray: ok thank you | 03:27 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: Really. Curiouser and curiouser. | 03:27 |
Enverex | soundray, I'm using the Official 9746 drivers | 03:27 |
Pici | ardchoille42, it should be good but you'd have better luck looking in #ubuntu-xgl | 03:27 |
soundray | Mokshu: you could try the freeware MS viewer with wine | 03:27 |
xtknight | TruthElixirX: acpi problem maybe? | 03:27 |
TruthElixirX | xtknight: acpi? | 03:27 |
ardchoille42 | Pici, Good idea. | 03:27 |
Mokshu | Oh, I didn't think about it | 03:27 |
xtknight | TruthElixirX: i know my mom's hp pavilion didnt even have acpi and it caused a problem during xp install... | 03:27 |
xtknight | TruthElixirX: acpi=power config interface | 03:27 |
soundray | Enverex: yes, but you don't seem to have the nvidia-glx package installed. | 03:28 |
xtknight | !acpi | TruthElixirX | 03:28 |
ubotu | acpi: displays information on ACPI devices. In component main, is optional. Version 0.09-1 (edgy), package size 10 kB, installed size 72 kB (Only available for i386 ia64 amd64) | 03:28 |
xtknight | wasn't what i was expecting...acpi=advanced configuration and power interface afaik | 03:28 |
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Enverex | soundray, I had to install the drivers manually from the nVidia website, so it must have put the docs somewhere else... | 03:28 |
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TruthElixirX | xtknight: so what should I do to figure that out? | 03:28 |
naut | How can I force ubuntu to completely reinstall a package including all config files? | 03:28 |
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naut | i.e. do a 'from scratch' thing | 03:29 |
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gnoodles | Hello again everyone... Still trying to get my ubuntu installed. I've installed a command line system, and run 'sudo apt-get install linux-resticted-modules-`uname -r`'. It works fine. I then try to run 'sudo nvidia-glx-config enable', but I get command not found. | 03:29 |
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Enverex | soundray, Ubuntu only provides the broken 87XX series drivers so they were no use. Anyway, to reassure you, glxinfo is happy, shows the official driver loaded with Direct Rendering. | 03:29 |
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arrenlex | TruthElixirX: Can you pastebin the entire output of "ls /dev"? | 03:29 |
SilentDis | !envy | gnoodles | 03:29 |
ubotu | gnoodles: envy is a Python script that eases installation of the official Nvidia drivers. Please see http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html . Developers may be interested in https://launchpad.net/products/envy | 03:29 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: sure thing | 03:30 |
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Goat_Spirit | DCC SEND ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890!@#$%^&*() | 03:30 |
skelter | anyone around who can help me get a USB audio interface working with edgy? I have an Edirol UA-20 | 03:30 |
TheHoly08 | Could someone help me install Ubuntu to double boot with XP please? | 03:30 |
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soundray | Enverex: I guess once you'll find the README, you'll be all right. | 03:30 |
tonyyarusso | Were you just _waiting_ for me to deop? lol | 03:30 |
xtknight | TruthElixirX: ummmm...no idea honestly | 03:30 |
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atlantis | is there something specific that i need to install that will automount usb devices (cell phones). im trying to get my phone to work with a windows vmware image, but ubuntu doesnt seem to mount the phone anywhere. this worked correctly in fedora, any ideas? | 03:30 |
blanky | hahaha tonyyarusso | 03:30 |
ctothej | skelter, i had a hell of a time getting mine to work, still learning and configuring | 03:30 |
soundray | !dualboot | TheHoly08 | 03:30 |
ubotu | TheHoly08: Dual boot instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh) | 03:30 |
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TruthElixirX | arrenlex: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1778/ | 03:31 |
skelter | ctothej: but you had some success at least? | 03:31 |
SilentDis | tonyyarusso, trolls never learn. though they are rather entertaining for the rest of us ;) | 03:31 |
TruthElixirX | xtknight: okay, no worries | 03:31 |
weiyan | gnoodles, i have installed my nvidia driver seccessfully last night ,without apt -get dis-upgrade ,:) | 03:31 |
soundray | naut: 'sudo apt-get --purge remove packagename ; apt-get install packagename' | 03:31 |
hahafaha | Can anyone help me install Ubuntu 5.10 onto a computer with a 3com etherlink III nic? | 03:31 |
ctothej | skelter: yeah, i can play music from some players (like vlc) to the usb digital out. | 03:31 |
naut | soundray, thanks | 03:31 |
hahafaha | The installer does not recognize the card, even though 3c509 is loaded | 03:31 |
ctothej | skelter: what kind of usb device do you have? | 03:31 |
skelter | ctothej: how about in | 03:31 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ | ||
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: wtf. You don't have any drives. At all. | 03:31 |
soundray | naut: sorry, add a sudo to the second apt-get as well | 03:31 |
llama32 | the time command's operation is contradictory to it's man-page. it doesn't want to take any arguments other than command to execute - "time --verbose ./test" gives "bash: --verbose: command not found"... what is going on? | 03:31 |
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skelter | ctothej: Edirol UA-20 | 03:31 |
TheHoly08 | soundray: I've got the ISO burned and when i boot it, the install load window turns wierd colors and after that it turns to a black window | 03:31 |
K | if I 'rmmod' a module, will it come back up on reboot if it dies? | 03:31 |
om- | Is SUN-RPC portmap a dangerous thing to be catching in firestarter? | 03:31 |
blueprints88888 | ok, so i had apt-get install kismet and the other needed files, where does it store it and how do i start it up? | 03:32 |
hahafaha | dhclient eth0 is failing | 03:32 |
soundray | llama32: there is a bash-builtin time, and /usr/bin/time | 03:32 |
ctothej | skelter: I havent tried input yet, just havent needed it yet actually | 03:32 |
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skelter | but you have an edirol UA-20? | 03:32 |
soundray | TheHoly08: same here, I think it's a bug | 03:32 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: ...Could it be something else, in addition to my hard drive, went out? Like... something in the mobo? | 03:32 |
skelter | ctothej, can you point me to where you got started? | 03:32 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: Well, this isn't grub stuff anymore. Something is seriously wrong with your system. I've never seen this before. | 03:32 |
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ctothej | skelter: no creative usb | 03:32 |
TheHoly08 | soundray: so should i try using the previous version? | 03:33 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: I don't know, sorry. I'm no hardware guy. | 03:33 |
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inva|id | I see a bunch of threads on ubuntuforums.. is there a place for kiba-dock development or discussion? | 03:33 |
llama32 | soundray: ahhhh, the real [/usr/bin] one works fine, thanks | 03:33 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: What amazes me is that your liveCD apparently sees everything fine. | 03:33 |
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n0cturnal_ | if I 'rmmod' a module, will it come back up on reboot if it dies? | 03:33 |
w3ccv | llama32, not all implimentations of any command are the same. try 'time -h' or 'time --help' and see what your version says | 03:33 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: Is the ubuntu installed on your system the same as the liveCD you are running? | 03:33 |
ctothej | skelter: seems somewhat similar though, the edirol does audio out right? | 03:33 |
skelter | yes | 03:33 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: Yes | 03:33 |
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arrenlex | w3ccv: I can confirm that what he described exists. | 03:33 |
hahafaha | n0cturnal_ : I think so | 03:33 |
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soundray | TheHoly08: either that, or disable splash (it's a kernel option), or do what I do (live with it). | 03:34 |
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TheHoly08 | soundray: can i disable splash on the boot window? | 03:34 |
soundray | n0cturnal_: 'rmmod' only has an effect in the current session | 03:34 |
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n0cturnal_ | cheers | 03:34 |
ctothej | skelter: unfortunately, I dont see edirol on the alsa compatibility list | 03:34 |
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turbolover | hey i was wondering why ubuntu is so slow on my machine | 03:34 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: I don't know, man. Sorry. Something tells me that simply recreating device nodes won't be sufficient in your case. = / | 03:34 |
ctothej | skelter: www.alsa-project.org | 03:34 |
turbolover | especially firefox | 03:34 |
w3ccv | llama32, arrenlex and the same here on FC4 --verbose does not work | 03:35 |
skelter | ctothej, yes, from what i've turned up in google no one has had easy success | 03:35 |
NeoGeo64 | After I install the NVIDIA driver I also got a new kernel, and now I have two kernels installed and bootable. How do I completely remove the old one from the system and from the bootup menu? | 03:35 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: We could try... you can't exactly screw your system up very much more, I think. | 03:35 |
SilentDis | turbolover, what kind of machine are you running? what are it's specs? | 03:35 |
soundray | TheHoly08: yes, remove 'splash' from the kernel command line (use 'e' to edit, then 'b' to boot when done) | 03:35 |
hahafaha | turbolover : what sort of machine is this? | 03:35 |
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turbolover | 2.8ghz celeron 1gb ram 128mb radeon 9200 | 03:35 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: Exactly. :p | 03:35 |
turbolover | 80gb ide | 03:35 |
hahafaha | turbolover : what version of Ubuntu? | 03:35 |
turbolover | dapper drake | 03:35 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: Did you back up any important data, at least? | 03:35 |
TheHoly08 | soundray: i will ty that, thank you | 03:35 |
hahafaha | turbolover : is it slow even on login? | 03:35 |
blueprints88888 | anyone familiar with Kismet? | 03:35 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: No improtant data. When my old hard drive crashed everything was lost. This is a new HDD, nothing on it. So, no, no worries about losing data | 03:36 |
Pici | blueprints88888, a little bit | 03:36 |
turbolover | slow all around, launching filebrowser navigating menus firefox gnutella | 03:36 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: Ouch. | 03:36 |
w3ccv | llama32, arrenlex I guess the man page is wrong! | 03:36 |
hahafaha | turbolover : what processes are you running? What do you have on startup? | 03:36 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: Alright... type "exit" to get out of the chroot. | 03:36 |
soundray | blueprints88888: generically, you can get a file list with 'dpkg -L kismet' and there should be docs in /usr/share/doc/kismet/ | 03:36 |
blueprints88888 | Pici: how did you install it,and how did ou get it to work? | 03:36 |
w3ccv | llama32, arrenlex don't always believe the man pages - believe the app instead | 03:36 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: done | 03:36 |
SilentDis | turbolover, is this a new install, or are you running off the liveCD still? | 03:36 |
turbolover | wait... ksoftirqd is kde isnt it? | 03:37 |
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turbolover | kthread | 03:37 |
turbolover | khelper | 03:37 |
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blueprints88888 | i know ive been reading them | 03:37 |
turbolover | its a new install | 03:37 |
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blueprints88888 | i used apt-get to install | 03:37 |
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arrenlex | TruthElixirX: Then run the command "for a in $(ls /dev/hd*) ; do file $a ; done" and give me the output | 03:37 |
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nRkiSt | /msg NickServ HELP REGISTER | 03:37 |
hahafaha | turbolover : wait, are you running KDE or GNOME? | 03:37 |
Pici | blueprints88888, I'm pretty sure I just did apt-get install kismet , i think it has to be run as sudo | 03:37 |
ctothej | does evolution mail have an adaptive spam filter like Thunderbird? | 03:37 |
turbolover | gnome | 03:37 |
ctothej | or something comparable? | 03:37 |
blueprints88888 | oh | 03:37 |
turbolover | are those kde processes? | 03:37 |
hahafaha | nRkiSt : you do that to the freenode server, not on #ubuntu | 03:37 |
Pici | blueprints88888, you'll need to edit the config in /etc/kismet though, for your specific wireless card | 03:37 |
soundray | turbolover: don't worry, those k's are for kernel, not KDE | 03:37 |
hahafaha | turbolover : what is kthread and khelper? | 03:37 |
blueprints88888 | FATAL: Could not find user 'your_user_here' for dropping priviledges. Make sure you have a valid user set for 'suiduser' in your config file. See the 'Installation & Security' and 'Configuration' sections of the README file for more information | 03:37 |
turbolover | whew | 03:38 |
turbolover | i dont know | 03:38 |
blueprints88888 | oh | 03:38 |
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turbolover | a bunch of getty | 03:38 |
blueprints88888 | do i put eth1 or the actual card | 03:38 |
hahafaha | turbolover : Did you turn them on yourself, or are they just there? | 03:38 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1779/ | 03:38 |
turbolover | they are just there | 03:38 |
llama32 | w3ccv, arrenlex: it is just a matter of bash's builtin vs. the /usr/bin/time described in the manpage | 03:38 |
TakeOut{u} | i thought any program that puts a network interface into promiscuos mode needed su access | 03:38 |
soundray | turbolover, hahafaha: they are standard kernel processes. Don't touch! | 03:38 |
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arrenlex | TruthElixirX: Alrighty... "sudo chroot /target" again | 03:38 |
Pici | check the readme, you'll need to specify a specific module and your card, and a name | 03:38 |
blueprints88888 | for the suiduser, do i put my log in name? | 03:38 |
turbolover | any way to determine which processes are eatign up my resources? | 03:38 |
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arrenlex | TruthElixirX: What does "ls /dev/hda | wc -l" say? | 03:38 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: k | 03:39 |
hahafaha | turbolover : hmm... I don't know... try looking at the system monitor to see if either RAM or processor is filled | 03:39 |
hahafaha | soundray : thanks | 03:39 |
arrenlex | turbolover: top | 03:39 |
gnoodles[1] | Thanks for the tip ubotu... My network sin't working either (the ubuntu installer doesn't seem to like wifi security) so I'm not sure that envy will work for me, but I'll see if I can figure a way to make that work. Any other thoughts? | 03:39 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: simply responds with "l" | 03:39 |
arrenlex | !ubotu | gnoodles | 03:39 |
ubotu | gnoodles: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 03:39 |
SilentDis | turbolover, on a default install, you should be able to go System > Administration > System Monitor | 03:39 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: That's a 1 (one) and that's good. | 03:39 |
Pici | blueprints88888, yes | 03:39 |
llama32 | w3ccv: also, time -h or time --help does the same thing... as well as --version/-V... it must be a very simple implementation... at least a "sorry, try /usr/bin for more options" message would be helpful :) | 03:39 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: Fine, run these commands: | 03:39 |
blueprints88888 | ok i will do that | 03:39 |
Crescendo_ | Why is nvidia-glx being remove with my update? | 03:39 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: mknod /dev/hda1 b 3 1 | 03:40 |
Crescendo_ | Why is sound bad quality when PCM volume is all the way up? I have to turn it most of the way down to get good loud sound from my speakers. | 03:40 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: mknod /dev/hda2 b 3 2 | 03:40 |
turbolover | hmm well its fine right now it comes and goes | 03:40 |
Pici | you need to setup the source line too, for example mine is source=ipw3945,eth1,eth1 , but thats just for my configuration | 03:40 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: mknod /dev/hda5 b 3 5 | 03:40 |
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turbolover | what is nautilus? | 03:40 |
cjavier | blueprints88888: for kismet you should at least change this in /etc/kismet/kismet.conf | 03:40 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: done | 03:40 |
cjavier | source=madwifi_g,ath0,Atheros | 03:40 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: mknod /dev/hdc b 22 0 | 03:40 |
w3ccv | llama32, on, sorry I hadn't checked which I was running. as I said it depends on what implimentation you use. | 03:40 |
lotacus | turbolover yoru file browser | 03:40 |
soundray | !nautilus | turbolover | 03:40 |
ubotu | nautilus: file manager and graphical shell for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 2.16.1-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 586 kB, installed size 1424 kB | 03:40 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: mknod /dev/hdd b 22 64 | 03:40 |
weiyan | gnoodles, i have installed my nvidia driver seccessfully last night ,without apt -get dis-upgrade ,:) | 03:40 |
blueprints88888 | ok thanks, i will do that now | 03:40 |
SilentDis | turbolover, i had slowdown problems when I was running with an ATI card myself under dapper. problem was I didn't have the right drivers set. In the end, I ended upgrading to an Nvidia card, personally, never actually 'solved' the original issue, personally *shrug* | 03:40 |
blueprints88888 | alot of support here:) | 03:41 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: (by the way, no idea what /dev/hdd is. Do you?) | 03:41 |
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TruthElixirX | arrenlex: done. And no. Sorry.=/ | 03:41 |
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humblerodent | I just installed Beryl and am trying to find a good GTK2 theme to go with some Beryl themes I've picked out. Something seems to be wrong with my themer though (even if I disable Beryl completely, so that's not what's causing it). When I apply GTK2 themes I've downloaded from the internet, most of the controls look very plain and old-fashioned, and not at all how they look in the screenshots for the theme. Can anyone help me? Thanks in a | 03:41 |
lotacus | hdd is your fourth hard drive I reckon seeing as hda is your first | 03:41 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: That's okay, I don't think it matters much anyway. Oh, run "mount /proc" again just in case. | 03:41 |
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TruthElixirX | arrenlex: mount: proc already mounted | 03:42 |
turbolover | silentdis: well, from the get go my livecd didnt launch into X, i had to edit the xorg file and specify the pci address of my card since it wanted to use onboard video and typed in ati in the driver field | 03:42 |
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ctothej | how do i configure vmware player to look at my second network card instead of the first one? | 03:42 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: Okay, good. | 03:42 |
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arrenlex | TruthElixirX: run: "for a in $(ls /dev/hd*) ; do chmod 660 $a ; chown root:disk $a ; done " | 03:42 |
blueprints88888 | hmm, i set the suiduser and i still get the error | 03:42 |
SilentDis | turbolover, might behoove you to check it at least... | 03:42 |
blueprints88888 | FATAL: Could not find user 'your_user_here' for dropping priviledges. Make sure you have a valid user set for 'suiduser' in your config file. See the 'Installation & Security' and 'Configuration' sections of the README file for more information | 03:42 |
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SilentDis | !ati | turbolover | 03:42 |
ubotu | turbolover: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 03:42 |
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arrenlex | blueprints88888: And the name "your_user_here" doesn't make you suspicious? | 03:43 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: done | 03:43 |
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lotacus | lol | 03:43 |
cac | hello room | 03:43 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: Okay, now pastebin the output of ls -l /dev/hd* | 03:43 |
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cac | hi folks | 03:43 |
blueprints88888 | nm, i just checked it again,and before the suiduser, it had a #,so i jsut removed that and will try again | 03:43 |
SilentDis | cac, welcome to thunderdome, B**** *giggle* | 03:44 |
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humblerodent | I just installed Beryl and am trying to find a good GTK2 theme to go with some Beryl themes I've picked out. Something seems to be wrong with my themer though (even if I disable Beryl completely, so that's not what's causing it). When I apply GTK2 themes I've downloaded from the internet, most of the controls look very plain and old-fashioned, and not at all how they look in the screenshots for the theme. Can anyone help me? Thanks in a | 03:44 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1780/ | 03:44 |
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Hobbsee | humblerodent: try #beryl | 03:44 |
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humblerodent | all right, but I really don't think Beryl is the problem, because my GTK2 themes don't apply properly, even if I shut down Beryl completely. | 03:45 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: Oh, you know what, hdd might be a floppy. | 03:45 |
cac | thank you silentdis | 03:45 |
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pianoboy3333 | I can't drag around items on my nautilus desktop, can anyone help me? | 03:45 |
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SilentDis | cac, lol nt :) (waiting... is a great movie) :) | 03:45 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: Whatever, it doesn't matter. Now try "grub-install /dev/hda" | 03:45 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: I do have a floppy drive. Nothing in it though. | 03:45 |
ex-parrot | anyone here running Xen 3.0.4 on Dapper? | 03:45 |
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erg | allo all | 03:45 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: sort of a large out put then. Pastebinning now | 03:46 |
ex-parrot | hi er | 03:46 |
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ex-parrot | erg | 03:46 |
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arrenlex | TruthElixirX: This might shock and\or surprise you, but your system didn't pick up your floppy either. | 03:46 |
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TruthElixirX | arrenlex: not a suprise at all | 03:46 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1781/ | 03:47 |
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jmg | hi all | 03:47 |
fluxd | Hi I just removed ubuntu and grub for a reinstall then I tired to reinstall the MS mbr using xp cd everything ent fine but I cant get into windows I am getting this error from knoppix livecd fluxd | 03:47 |
blueprints88888 | hmm i duno, i cant find the sting anywere now... "your_user_here" | 03:47 |
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jmg | can someone tell me where i can find the manifesto for pythonising everything please | 03:47 |
fluxd | sorry error was I could not determine the filesystem type, and none was specified | 03:47 |
erg | is there any particular reason for there to be a lot of people in #ubuntu-xgl but no one says anything? | 03:47 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: That's what you expect to see when you install grub. It means no errors occurred. | 03:47 |
turbolover | i tried using alien to convert limewire to a deb and it did it but when i install limewire it shows up in menu but does not actually run | 03:47 |
jmg | is it in a policy document | 03:47 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: wonderful. So..? | 03:47 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: That doesn't mean anything for you, though. Try rebooting again, I suppose... maybe it'll magically work. | 03:47 |
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TruthElixirX | arrenlex: So there isn't anyway to try it? make sure it worked? | 03:48 |
lotacus | anyone know of any nice space shooters similar to chromium? | 03:48 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: As I say, reboot your computer and see if grub loads and is usable now. | 03:48 |
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JohnnyX_ | does anyone know why xchat's server list is deleted everytime i close it and how to fix it? | 03:48 |
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TruthElixirX | arrenlex: okay. Wish me luck. brb | 03:48 |
fluxd | Hi I just removed ubuntu and grub for a reinstall then I tired to reinstall the MS mbr using xp cd everything ent fine but I cant get into windows I am getting this error from knoppix livecd could not determine the filesystem type, and none was specified | 03:48 |
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soundray | turbolover: limewire relies on /bin/sh linking to /bin/bash. Could it be that? | 03:48 |
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wastrel | hi | 03:49 |
wastrel | limewire eh | 03:49 |
arrenlex | Hallo wastrel. | 03:49 |
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erg | hi wastrel | 03:49 |
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soundray | turbolover: if the link points to /bin/dash instead, fix it with 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash' | 03:49 |
arrenlex | Hey wastrel: what happens if you mount a system from your liveCD and there are no /dev/hd* devices? | 03:49 |
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turbolover | its link to bash | 03:49 |
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turbolover | oh i see | 03:50 |
soundray | turbolover: ah, too bad, thought I could help | 03:50 |
JohnnyX_ | im having an audio problem, my mixer settings are at full volume but i can barely hear it | 03:50 |
turbolover | it thinks i dont have jre even though i installed 1.6 | 03:50 |
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wastrel | arrenlex: you're on a machine with no ide drives? /dev/sd* exist? | 03:50 |
turbolover | err 1.5 | 03:50 |
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ForzaPalermo | hey everone... i cant uninstall wpasupplicant....not through adept or konsole | 03:50 |
user01 | why am i unable to view pdfs on my ssh server with evince or xpdf? | 03:50 |
arrenlex | wastrel: I'm not that bad. =P And it's not me, it's someone whose HD died so they got a new one, except they can't install ubuntu on it because grub doesn't work because of error 21. | 03:50 |
soundray | user01: any errors? | 03:51 |
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user01 | soundray error 1 | 03:51 |
arrenlex | wastrel: He was in a liveCD so I asked him to mount his partition to /target, and he had no /dev/hd* devices. He had an IDE drive. | 03:51 |
wastrel | grub on the livecd? | 03:51 |
tom47 | JohnnyX covered all the obvious stuff like plugs and volume controls? | 03:51 |
arrenlex | wastrel: The ubuntu install ran to completion, I take it. | 03:51 |
soundray | user01: can you run other X programs? | 03:51 |
wastrel | arrenlex: you can't mount a drive with no filesystem - may have to partition & format it first. | 03:52 |
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cormallen | How does one put a list of their installed packages into a file so they can be installed on another installation? | 03:52 |
user01 | soundray: Failed to load document (error 1) | 03:52 |
wastrel | ah installed already onto the drive? | 03:52 |
wastrel | i dunno :] | 03:52 |
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erg | anyone willing to field a question about beryl since I cant get a response out of the #ubuntu-xgl chan? | 03:52 |
wastrel | grub does need to be re-run after messing with drives | 03:52 |
walla | i was wondering if anyone could help with a beryl issue, when i maximize a window it only fills 50% of the screen | 03:53 |
tom47 | erg ask and see | 03:53 |
arrenlex | wastrel: No, no. Like this: livecd: ls /dev/hd* : /dev/hda, hda1, hda2, hda3.... mkdir target && mount /dev/hda1 /target && ls /dev/hd* : nothing | 03:53 |
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soundray | user01: does this happen with any pdf? Do they load if you copy them to another machine? | 03:53 |
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arrenlex | wastrel: Even though he had a working filesystem, with folder structure and a working shell and commands, etc. | 03:53 |
wastrel | arrenlex: so you are looking for /dev/hd* under the mounted filesystem? | 03:53 |
arrenlex | wastrel: Yes. | 03:53 |
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jbinder | hi | 03:54 |
wastrel | arrenlex: devfs is a virtual filesystem - won't exist on the mounted drive | 03:54 |
user01 | soundray: like onto this machine? | 03:54 |
soundray | user01: yes, why not | 03:54 |
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erg | ok here goes, I cannot load themes into my emerald theme manager it fails to call up tar, I followed the steps I found in the wiki but to no avail I still lack some of the python bindings. any ideas? | 03:54 |
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arrenlex | wastrel: I know for certain I've run "grub-install /dev/sda" from inside a mounted partition before, and I'm dead certain that fdisk -l has worked from inside a mounted partition before. | 03:54 |
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wastrel | arrenlex: chroot? | 03:55 |
tom47 | erg copy the question, clean it up, shorten and focus it, and repeate every now and then | 03:55 |
wastrel | i dunno chief :] | 03:55 |
arrenlex | wastrel: chroot. | 03:55 |
erg | ok tom will do, thanks | 03:55 |
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user01 | soundray: it works if i copy t from my server onto my desktop | 03:55 |
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user01 | soundray: doesnt work if i try to just open it | 03:56 |
soundray | user01: when you run 'evince' (no parameters) on the remote, will it open? | 03:56 |
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user01 | soundray: im running evince on my local laptop . . . | 03:57 |
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erg | my beryl svn install lacks berylsettings.pyx anyone know how to fix this? | 03:57 |
lovloss | evening ubuntuverse | 03:57 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: no dice | 03:58 |
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arrenlex | TruthElixirX: What happen? | 03:58 |
samalex | okay, i'm at a loss here... I'm unable to get ubuntu 6.10 to show any resolution greater then 800x600... I've fed my monitors settings into xorg.conf, but the monitor just goes blank when x starts (amber light) like resolution is too high/low. in days past there was Xconfigurator to help configure X.. is there anything like this now? | 03:58 |
soundray | user01: oh, so you are running evince locally, but want to view a document that's on the server? | 03:58 |
JohnnyX_ | does anyone know why my speakers sound really low even though i have all the mixer volume settings at full blast? | 03:58 |
arrenlex | wastrel: This is what was inside his /dev: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1778/ | 03:58 |
user01 | soundray: yep | 03:58 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: Same thing as before. "Please isnert boot media and press a key or restart." Back on live CD | 03:58 |
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arrenlex | wastrel: It's neither nothing nor everything. Wtf? | 03:58 |
sgorilla80 | what is a way to free up memory? | 03:58 |
erg | my beryl svn install lacks berylsettings.pyx anyone know how to fix this? | 03:59 |
lovloss | sgorilla80: close stuff | 03:59 |
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soundray | user01: try 'ssh -X server evince' (fill in the real name of your server machine) | 03:59 |
erg | sgorilla80: kill the beagle search deamon if you have it, also close/stop unneeded services | 03:59 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: *strawgrasp* does the bios recognise this new disk? | 03:59 |
lovloss | and renice :) | 03:59 |
jde1953 | hello all; is there a way to use partman-auto to retain existing partitions (for dual boot)? | 04:00 |
sgorilla80 | ok | 04:00 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: Yes. I checked that before ever install linux | 04:00 |
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wastrel | arrenlex: hda | 04:00 |
TheHoly08 | soundray: check your PM please | 04:00 |
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soundray | TheHoly08: ask the channel. I have to leave soon. | 04:01 |
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fluxd | !grub | 04:01 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 04:01 |
TheHoly08 | k | 04:01 |
soundray | !usplash | TheHoly08 | 04:01 |
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ubotu | TheHoly08: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork | 04:01 |
soundray | !splash | TheHoly08 | 04:01 |
ubotu | TheHoly08: To change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash-image using !gconf-editor | 04:01 |
user01 | soundray: evince: command not found | 04:01 |
erg | my beryl svn install lacks berylsettings.pyx anyone know how to fix this? | 04:02 |
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soundray | TheHoly08: sry, was worth trying | 04:02 |
arrenlex | wastrel: I had him create hda with mknod | 04:02 |
TheHoly08 | yeah | 04:02 |
jde1953 | also: has anyone experience using the Kickstart for Ubuntu? | 04:02 |
arrenlex | wastrel: I just booted an edgy liveCD on my old IDE computer and confirmed that they all appear from inside a chroot. | 04:02 |
TheHoly08 | I'm running Athlon64 and I have that ISO, the main boot menu is fine, but when i do start/install ubuntu. It turns greyscale and blacks out. If splash is doing that, can you give me details on how to disable | 04:02 |
wastrel | yeah | 04:02 |
Pici | erg, I have the same issue, I'm guessing (really havent looked hard at the issue) that the next svn update will fix it | 04:02 |
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wastrel | i dunno what his problem is. | 04:03 |
soundray | user01: I think you are making a conceptual mistake. | 04:03 |
erg | pici - I checked the forums and I did not see that. thank you | 04:03 |
mabus | well | 04:03 |
user01 | soundray: i typed in ssh -X 192.xxx.xx.xxx evince | 04:03 |
soundray | user01: if you run evince on your laptop, it will only be able to load pdfs from filesystems that are mounted, ie. not through ssh. | 04:03 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: Quiters never win, and winners never quit; but those that never win and never quit suck. Perhaps we should give up. :-p | 04:03 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: Sorry... it seems your computer is very, very sick. = / | 04:04 |
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TheHoly08 | I'm running Athlon64 and I have that ISO, the main boot menu is fine, but when i do start/install ubuntu. It turns greyscale and blacks out. Can anyone help? | 04:04 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: Yeah. Install windows or something on it, I guess. | 04:04 |
soundray | user01: if you want to view a pdf that is stored on the server, you have to either share the filesystem on the server and mount it from your laptop... | 04:04 |
user01 | soundray: cant i mount ssh? | 04:04 |
soundray | user01: or you have to install evince on the server and make it display through ssh -X | 04:05 |
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erg | I also have a gcc error that is confusing when I ./configure I am told that the C compiler cannot create executables. what gives? | 04:05 |
TruthElixirX | arrenlex: Yeah, my recovery disks will be here on Wednesday or tomorrow. I suppose I'll use windows only instead of dual booting. Thanks a ton for the effort though. I really appreciate it. | 04:05 |
arrenlex | erg: Install build-essential | 04:05 |
erg | k thank you arren | 04:05 |
soundray | user01: you can use sshfs to mount a remote directory, but that's advanced stuff... | 04:05 |
arrenlex | TruthElixirX: No problem... sorry it turned out this way. | 04:05 |
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TruthElixirX | arrenlex: no worries. | 04:05 |
soundray | !sshfs | user01 | 04:06 |
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ubotu | sshfs: filesystem client based on SSH File Transfer Protocol. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6-1 (edgy), package size 29 kB, installed size 116 kB | 04:06 |
TruthElixirX | Well, I suppose I'll be going. Thanks. | 04:06 |
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soundray | erg: you probably need to install build-essential | 04:06 |
midna | can I get help installing ubuntu here? | 04:06 |
Rookie-1 | !ask | 04:06 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 04:06 |
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midna | lol ok | 04:06 |
midna | well whenever i go to install. the xserver crashes | 04:07 |
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sukrit | hi i installed ubuntu edgy 2 days back, but i didn't format my home folder. i dono why my default account was going on crashing | 04:07 |
OmgWtfIDiedLol | UBUNTU? MORE LIKE NUBUNTU!! LOL | 04:07 |
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midna | i'm using a amd64 install disk | 04:07 |
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midna | and i'm using an 8800 gtx | 04:07 |
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erg | soundray: thank you, arren said the same thing, I am now waiting on apt-get | 04:07 |
sukrit | so i created another account, backed up the default accounts files to another drive and then deleted the /home/default_user/ | 04:07 |
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sukrit | then i deleted the default user using users-admin | 04:08 |
sukrit | now when i recreate the default user, it doesnt let work | 04:08 |
sukrit | any idea why? | 04:08 |
gnoodles | ok... trying to get ubuntu installed... crashing... nvidia card... 'sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-mods...' worked, but 'sudo nvidia-glx-config enable' returns 'file not found'. Envy sounds great, but the ubuntu installer (text mode at least) doesn't seem to handle wireless well so networking's not working. Is there a way to force the installer to install the nvidia mods at install time? Any other thoughts? | 04:08 |
soundray | user01: are you getting it sorted out? Gotta go soon | 04:09 |
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user01 | soundray: sort of is that like doing sudo smbmount? | 04:09 |
samalex | is there any command or program that'll rerun whateverUbuntu runs during a clean install to detect the monitor settings? | 04:09 |
checkmate | is there a small program i can run to see what my ethernet traffic is? | 04:09 |
soundray | user01: yes, it's similar. A bit easier, actually, if you've worked with ssh. | 04:10 |
midna | samalex: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 04:10 |
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iain | How can I enable X11 forwarding for a single user? | 04:10 |
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soundray | !etherape | checkmate, perhaps... | 04:10 |
ubotu | etherape: graphical network monitor modeled after etherman. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.6-3build1 (edgy), package size 370 kB, installed size 928 kB | 04:10 |
user01 | soundray: is there a umount command for sshfs? | 04:11 |
bulmer | checkmate: umm i believe iptables have the options to list the statistics of ethernet traffic that you get..am not sure which options though | 04:11 |
ablyss | samalex, firestarter or snort. the former is simple and straight forward, the latter may take some reading | 04:11 |
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soundray | user01: not a special one, just use umount | 04:11 |
arrenlex | Am I the only one who reads that as "ethe-rape"? | 04:11 |
corevette | arrenlex are you here? you were with me before | 04:11 |
soundray | arrenlex: no | 04:11 |
iain | arrenlex: What's ethe? | 04:11 |
midna | i read it as "ether rape" | 04:11 |
ablyss | arrenlex, you probably a majority :) | 04:11 |
samalex | ablyss: firestarter or snort to change monitor display? n/m, your note I guess was meant for checkmate. | 04:11 |
jde1953 | \ | 04:11 |
corevette | remember me arrenlex: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2018552#post2018552 | 04:12 |
soundray | arrenlex: I have to remind myself that it's a clone of ether-man | 04:12 |
user01 | soundray: smb uses smbumount i think... | 04:12 |
arrenlex | I also don't handle fsck very well. | 04:12 |
jde1953 | oops, sorry; that was my cat on the keyboard. | 04:12 |
soundray | user01: sshfs uses umount | 04:12 |
ablyss | yes samalex, was meant for checkmate | 04:12 |
arrenlex | I remember you, corevette, my memory's not that bad. | 04:12 |
hou5ton | anyone know what application for linux I can use to convert .avi video files to different formats, etc. ... for optimization on YouTube, etc.?? | 04:12 |
arrenlex | I even remember you from the previous time you were here, though I don't remember what I helped you with. | 04:12 |
user01 | soundray: i havent honestly figured out all the key business yet with ssh | 04:12 |
corevette | haha okay...what did you want me to do next arrenlex...repasting your xorg file didn't work | 04:12 |
arrenlex | !mencoder | hou5ton | 04:12 |
ubotu | mencoder: MPlayer's Movie Encoder. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 2:0.99+1.0pre8-0ubuntu8 (edgy), package size 3171 kB, installed size 7956 kB | 04:12 |
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soundray | user01: I can tell ;) | 04:13 |
hou5ton | arrenlex: thanks | 04:13 |
samalex | does ubuntu do alot of atypical things from other distros? Like no /etc/inittab for example? | 04:13 |
arrenlex | corevette: Could you please paste a new /var/log/Xorg.0.log with the altered file? | 04:13 |
user01 | soundray: which is sort of the whole point behind ssh i guess | 04:13 |
tristan_ | what package do I need for mpeg2enc & mp2enc ? | 04:13 |
soundray | user01: oh, you mean the business with keys, like id_dsa... there's a good page about that | 04:13 |
soundray | user01: http://pkeck.myweb.uga.edu/ssh/ | 04:13 |
ablyss | samalex, for one it uses "dash" as default system shell, aside from user shell which is still bash. | 04:14 |
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user01 | soundray: right like what to do with them...cause there are rsa keys and dsa keys etc | 04:14 |
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gnoodles | Any suggestions at all? | 04:14 |
midna | ugh the nvidia site is messed up | 04:14 |
cjavier | tristan_: you can go to http://packages.ubuntu.com and search | 04:14 |
tristan_ | cjavier, thanks :) | 04:14 |
soundray | user01: that page is a good starting point | 04:14 |
corevette | arrenlex: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1783/ | 04:15 |
user01 | soundray: ok thanks | 04:15 |
soundray | user01: hth | 04:15 |
=== mram [n=mram@66-215-202-232.dhcp.rvsd.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
turbolover | yay i got limewire working | 04:15 |
soundray | user01: bye | 04:15 |
turbolover | limeiwre didnt know where to look for my jre for some reason, apparently different distros disagree as to where jre should be stuck? | 04:15 |
midna | odd request.. can someone post a direct link to the 64bit 8800 nvidia drivers.. the nvidia page does not want to work right for me | 04:15 |
mram | turbolover: i heard the frostwire is better since it contains no ad | 04:15 |
TheDebugger | limewire is crap... | 04:15 |
wastrel | yay | 04:15 |
TheDebugger | Frostwire for the win! | 04:15 |
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wastrel | turbolover: write a howto :] | 04:15 |
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turbolover | never heard of frostwire, does it use same network? | 04:15 |
erg | well thank you all, now I just need to figure out how to make baked alaska and I'm all set | 04:16 |
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keith_ | frostwire | 04:16 |
TheDebugger | turbolover: You'll see no difference.. except the color | 04:16 |
mitchbones | soulseek :) | 04:16 |
keith_ | amule is great but eats bandwidth | 04:16 |
TheDebugger | Blue instead of green | 04:16 |
turbolover | ooh ooh where is frostwire | 04:16 |
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mram | turbolover: yeah frostwire works on gunetalla network same a limewire | 04:16 |
lskd-255 | nvidia has a 64 bit chip out on a card? | 04:16 |
TheDebugger | turbolover: Look on google and download the ubuntu .deb package | 04:16 |
erg | night all | 04:16 |
samalex | midna: I ran the configure program you suggested to reset monitor settings, but it's not autodetecting anything but asking me for all settings. I want to see if it'll auto detect as it does during installation. | 04:17 |
turbolover | why arent all libs in a standard place and why are important things like java installed in different places depedning on distro, shouldnt that be one of those standardized things? | 04:17 |
samalex | I had a very generic monitor connected during installation, but the Viewsonic one I have now should be autodetected. | 04:17 |
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turbolover | gtk guntella was hella slow for me | 04:17 |
turbolover | man, has anyone been screwed by tigerdirect and onrebate.com? | 04:17 |
bruenig | hella | 04:17 |
bruenig | does hella necessitate !language | 04:17 |
midna | ah.. i'm not really sure than.. sorry mate | 04:17 |
bruenig | I am conflicted | 04:17 |
keith_ | frostwire.com download tarball | 04:17 |
midna | try askin again to see if anyone else will respond | 04:17 |
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samalex | midna: thanks though.. learned something from it anyway :) | 04:18 |
midna | :) | 04:18 |
lskd-255 | http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-9746/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-9746-pkg1.run | 04:18 |
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mram | turbolover: my co-worker hates tigerdirect because they screwed him over more than two times by not giving him the rebate | 04:18 |
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walla | i was wondering if anyone could help with a beryl issue, when i maximize a window it only fills 50% of the screen | 04:18 |
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midna | lskd-255: thanx | 04:18 |
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keith_ | tigerdirect s_cks | 04:18 |
wastrel | which 50% | 04:18 |
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keith_ | newegg rules | 04:18 |
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turbolover | mram, perhaps all us disgrunteld customers should gather at a website and start a class action lawsuit | 04:19 |
Smirnov | can i have 2 users logged in, one per monitor? | 04:19 |
samalex | well i found a workaround for my monitir issue. I booted from CD and resolution is fine. I'll copy that xorg.conf to HD and hopefully the installed version will run with that. | 04:19 |
turbolover | mram: yeah they told me i would ge tmy rebat eon dec 9th | 04:19 |
walla | sometimes left sometimes right | 04:19 |
skoger | i need install xfce in ubuntu server 6.06 | 04:19 |
arrenlex | corevette: I really don't know, sorry... it's related to lines 779-785, but I don't know what to do about it. = / You could try going into /etc/X11/xorg.conf and changing Option "UseInternalAGPGART" to "on" ... but I don't think that will help and I don't know how to help you further. = / | 04:19 |
arrenlex | Sorry. | 04:19 |
skoger | ?? | 04:19 |
walla | don't programs go different sides | 04:19 |
=== syko21 [n=oaifh@ool-45729245.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
walla | different programs* | 04:19 |
midna | lskd-255: i really need the 64 bit version though since i'm running 64bit edgy :-( | 04:20 |
=== ImBrian [n=ImBrian@cpe-76-167-153-247.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
keith_ | never count on a rebate from tiger turbo | 04:20 |
syko21 | i just installed the nvidia drivers on edgy fresh install and when i restarted my wireless card disappeared, Intel pro 3945ABG. How do I reinstall it? (32bit version) | 04:20 |
turbolover | keith_: the only way they get away with it is user laziness | 04:21 |
keith_ | yes | 04:21 |
midna | i found it thank you | 04:21 |
ImBrian | syko21, did you remove the restricted kernel modules? | 04:21 |
mram | turbolover: well if it makes you feel any better I haven't received my best buy rebate yet and that was sent out the week after thanksgiving. | 04:21 |
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keith_ | newegg has always been awesome | 04:21 |
syko21 | no | 04:21 |
turbolover | mram: well it doesnt make it better but its comforting to know that it just isnt my shoddy luck | 04:21 |
samalex | i agree with keith_, you can't go wrong with newegg... | 04:21 |
lskd-255 | ok | 04:22 |
awenasidilisome | http://www.i-am-bored.com/bored_link.cfm?link_id=18812 | 04:22 |
keith_ | newegg probably has the best service in the tech parts industry | 04:22 |
keith_ | and prices | 04:22 |
turbolover | anyone here from kentucky? | 04:22 |
user01 | how do i get koules to work? :( | 04:22 |
keith_ | where in corntucky turbo? | 04:23 |
Crescendo_ | Why is nvidia-glx being remove with my update? | 04:23 |
turbolover | hahaha | 04:23 |
Crescendo_ | Why is sound bad quality when PCM volume is all the way up? I have to turn it most of the way down to get good loud sound from my speakers. | 04:23 |
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keith_ | used to be in lville | 04:23 |
samalex | hmm. well I copied the xorg.conf from what the bootable CD created to the HD, and the login screen was the proper resolution. Upon logging in screen goes blank. | 04:23 |
awenasidilisome | any one from south caroline? | 04:23 |
samalex | dangit. | 04:23 |
turbolover | keith not corntucky, we dont grow corn here we grow tobacco and fat rednecks | 04:23 |
lskd-255 | here ya go.......... http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/1.0-9746/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-1.0-9746-pkg2.run | 04:23 |
corevette | arrenlex..so what do you recommend i do | 04:23 |
awenasidilisome | carolina* | 04:23 |
turbolover | lexington | 04:23 |
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keith_ | don't forget burbon turbo | 04:23 |
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arrenlex | corevette: setting agpgart to on didn't work? | 04:23 |
samalex | lskd-255: who you pointing the link at? | 04:23 |
arrenlex | corevette: Where did you get your ati drivers? | 04:23 |
keith_ | n carolina here | 04:23 |
lskd-255 | midna, look any better? | 04:24 |
qmf | my dri is showing up as MESA but i have a radeon.. how do i go about correcting this? | 04:24 |
turbolover | hmm | 04:24 |
lskd-255 | "x86_64" | 04:24 |
=== V|3Lgus-Kut [n=winbond@c-71-226-215-224.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
arrenlex | qmf: A radeon what? | 04:24 |
midna | :-) | 04:24 |
midna | much | 04:24 |
syko21 | i did nvidia-xconfig could that have stopped the device from loading? | 04:24 |
awenasidilisome | keith_ what part of NC | 04:24 |
turbolover | he isnt vmware free for non commercial use? | 04:24 |
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keith_ | southport | 04:24 |
qmf | arrenlex: mobility x300 | 04:24 |
keith_ | south of wilmington | 04:24 |
midna | lskd-255: thanx a bunch | 04:24 |
arrenlex | !ati | qmf | 04:24 |
ubotu | qmf: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 04:24 |
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lskd-255 | np | 04:24 |
=== turbolover hates ky, makes shreveport louisiana look like happy fun land | ||
qmf | i have the drivers installed.. it's just not taking over the dri | 04:24 |
sukrit | hi, i have deleted the default user on ubuntu and now i am unable to create it again | 04:25 |
turbolover | !vmware | 04:25 |
ubotu | vmware is VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"). Instructions for VMWare Server can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware | 04:25 |
sukrit | can anyone help me please? | 04:25 |
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corevette | arrenlex..nope | 04:25 |
awenasidilisome | btw anyone know of any computer get togethers similar to the 2600 clubs that i've read about | 04:25 |
arrenlex | qmf: You have fglrx installed? | 04:25 |
arrenlex | corevette: Where did you get your ati drivers? | 04:25 |
qmf | no | 04:25 |
corevette | arrenlex i followed steps here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI | 04:25 |
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qmf | fglrx seems slow | 04:25 |
arrenlex | corevette: Yes, I know. For most people, that is sufficient. | 04:25 |
semi-fly | sukrit, how did you delete the default user? | 04:25 |
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keith_ | been using aiglx for beryl reasons | 04:26 |
sukrit | well heres what happened semi-fly | 04:26 |
corevette | arrenlex: http://ati.amd.com/support/driver.html | 04:26 |
gnoodles | Ok... Don't mean to start a flame war, but can someone recommend a distro that works more gracefully with the nvidia drivers? It's been a couple of years, but I'm reasonably linux savvy. I just really need to get a system up this evening. | 04:26 |
=== turbolover wonders how well solaris 10 will run inside of vmware | ||
arrenlex | corevette: Why was the ubuntu driver insufficient? | 04:26 |
sukrit | i upgraded from drapper w/o deleting the home folder. my default user was going on crashing | 04:26 |
corevette | arrenlex: ? | 04:27 |
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arrenlex | corevette: Why not use the driver from the ubuntu repos? Why download from ati.com? | 04:27 |
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corevette | which driver is from the repos arrenlex | 04:27 |
sukrit | so i created another user, logged into him, backed up the default user's home foler to another drive and then tried to log into the default user thinking that the folder shud get created | 04:27 |
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arrenlex | corevette: 8.28.8 | 04:28 |
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corevette | what is the driver called arrenlex | 04:28 |
arrenlex | fglrx | 04:28 |
sukrit | but it complained saying that 'can't find the folder', so i su'ed and ran users-admin from where i tried to create the user again, but failed | 04:28 |
arrenlex | corevette: You mean the package? It's part of restricted-modules | 04:28 |
semi-fly | sukrit, So, you do have the original users home directory | 04:28 |
sukrit | i hav it on another drive | 04:28 |
=== LinuxGaspesie [n=ubuntu@ts1-79.f1135.ts.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
awenasidilisome | anyone know of any good diagnostic programs that i can use to see how well my pc is running? | 04:29 |
hou5ton | arrenlex: hey ... according to Synaptic, mencoder is installed, but I don't find it. I can open MPlayer-Video, but it won't seem to open an .avi file. ... although MoviePlayer does. | 04:29 |
semi-fly | Ok - and you are unable to login as the new user? | 04:29 |
arrenlex | core https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI <-- scroll down to Install from Ubuntu repositories (easier) | 04:29 |
arrenlex | corevette ^ | 04:29 |
craigbass1976 | awenasidilisome, like top? | 04:29 |
arrenlex | corevette: 3/4 of the way down | 04:29 |
sukrit | no, the new users are working fine | 04:29 |
corevette | ok | 04:29 |
midna | i'm having problems installing amd64edgy with my nvidia 8800, the xserver keeps crashing.. anyone have any ideas? | 04:29 |
sukrit | i want to be able to log in as the original user | 04:29 |
arrenlex | hou5ton: mencoder is a command-line app. | 04:29 |
awenasidilisome | craigbass similar to top but more in depth | 04:29 |
=== Dark [n=dark@ppp-70-251-230-48.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
skoger | i install xfce4 + xserver-xorg + xdm what more ? i need install xfce4 in ubuntu-server 6.06 | 04:30 |
semi-fly | Did you actually remove the user, or simply delete the users folder? | 04:30 |
=== johan__ [n=johan@bas1-montreal19-1088784152.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
om- | Is there anything wrong with this crontab entry? 30 * * * * sh /usr/bin/backup | 04:30 |
craigbass1976 | awenasidilisome, what do you need to see? | 04:30 |
sukrit | when i create the user and try to log in, it fails saying that incorrect username/passwd | 04:30 |
=== corevette [n=corevett@adsl-75-35-211-120.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnoodles | Anyone? I'm VERY fed up with windows, so I need a new dektop system, but since I can't even get Ubuntu to launch... | 04:30 |
corevette | arrenlex...ok i just got it...i forgot a whole two steps on the page | 04:30 |
awenasidilisome | stuff that i'm unable to see do to the fact that the command prompt or terminal aren't working properly | 04:30 |
sukrit | i first deleted the user's folder n then deleted the user | 04:30 |
om- | I have a shell script named backup in /usr/bin/ I can't get it to run in crontab | 04:30 |
corevette | arrenlex thanks for all the help | 04:30 |
corevette | arrenlex it works fine | 04:30 |
hou5ton | arrenlex: well ... that should make things interesting | 04:30 |
awenasidilisome | i have a computer i'm working on that wont open the command prompt for me | 04:30 |
walla | does anyone know how i could set beryl so that it thinks i have one monitor | 04:30 |
arrenlex | corevette: xD That might be a problem | 04:31 |
=== ubuntu [n=admin1@197.Red-80-59-135.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntu | hey | 04:31 |
ubuntu | dsads | 04:31 |
samalex | Ubuntu is two seconds short of making me download Slackware. If there's no way to auto detect a monitor after installation... that's nuts | 04:31 |
ubuntu | i want help | 04:31 |
semi-fly | Well, if you deleted the user, just logon as the new user and re-create the account. | 04:31 |
arrenlex | samalex: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg might do it | 04:31 |
sukrit | now wen i create the user, and fail to login, and come back to see the users under user-admin, the created user doesnt show up | 04:31 |
jorvis_ | searching for 'dvd' doesn't bring up an article on the ubuntu wiki describing how to play dvds? | 04:31 |
tom47 | !ask > ubuntu | 04:31 |
samalex | arrenlex: that asks for every setting manually.. no auto detection. | 04:31 |
craigbass1976 | awenasidilisome, how did that happen? Is it normal behavior? | 04:31 |
lskd-255 | walla, those in #Beryl might | 04:31 |
=== byronknoll [n=byron@sr-108.srmh01.resnet.ubc.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wastrel | how do you autodetect the monitor on slackware? | 04:32 |
awenasidilisome | i dont know | 04:32 |
ubuntu | i just install apache 2 and i have server error 500 | 04:32 |
sukrit | semi-fly, i did that, but it doesn't work | 04:32 |
arrenlex | samalex: Have you run it? In my experience it autodetects most settings. | 04:32 |
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walla | thanks didn't know about that | 04:32 |
midna | just use the settings it has listed.. there is an autodetect near the end for the mintor | 04:32 |
midna | *monitor | 04:32 |
semi-fly | Hmmm, are you sure that you actually deleted the account data? what happens when you do 'ls /home' | 04:32 |
samalex | arrenlex: I did... but I'll run it again just incase I missed something. It started asking what chipset was in my video card, which I dont know. | 04:32 |
awenasidilisome | craigbass1976 its a normal XP install but it doesn't work completely and if you try to enter the command prompt it doesn't open it | 04:32 |
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=== Dark [n=dark@ppp-70-251-230-48.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
midna | samalex: just let it set the default options.. they will work fine | 04:32 |
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ubuntu | ode=CANT_CONNECT_LOOPBACK] Cannot connect due to potential loopback problems | 04:33 |
samalex | midna: i'll try it. thanks | 04:33 |
awenasidilisome | craigbass1976 it also hates dial-up | 04:33 |
midna | samalex: when it gets to monitor, choose medium and select your resolution | 04:33 |
om- | I have a shell script named backup in /usr/bin/ I can't get it to run in crontab, is something wrong with this crontab? 30 * * * * sh /usr/bin/backup | 04:33 |
ubuntu | can someone tell something . | 04:33 |
craigbass1976 | awenasidilisome, So, the box you want to monitor is a windows box? | 04:33 |
awenasidilisome | yeah | 04:33 |
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midna | i can't even install ubuntu =( | 04:34 |
craigbass1976 | awenasidilisome, dude, I got no clue then. I thought you were after a linux solution. | 04:34 |
awenasidilisome | i tried cmd and command and both didn't open the command prompt so i have to find some other way around that | 04:34 |
ubuntu | midna install xubuntu | 04:34 |
awenasidilisome | i need linux too | 04:34 |
midna | i can't install any *ubuntu | 04:34 |
=== brianski [n=ski@pool-71-178-56-21.washdc.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
litheum | woo, that upgrade to dapper went well! hah. http://endtable.net/paste/7c65deb1.html | 04:34 |
sukrit | when i do ls /home. it doesn't show that user's folder | 04:34 |
ubuntu | midna install xubuntu | 04:34 |
awenasidilisome | but i'm going after my main problem before i get my other one finished | 04:34 |
ubuntu | Hey help i have error in apache ode=CANT_CONNECT_LOOPBACK] Cannot connect due to potential loopback problems | 04:34 |
midna | it doesn't work either.... | 04:34 |
=== metres [n=metres@bas7-montreal02-1177734711.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntu | midna what is the problem | 04:34 |
brianski | anyone know how to disable the console beep from gnome-terminal? | 04:34 |
midna | the xserver crashes during install | 04:35 |
brianski | or rather, how to use a proper sound event instead of the system beep noise? | 04:35 |
=== kazuka [n=email@ppp-71-136-59-235.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
awenasidilisome | brainski yeah turn off the volume ^_^ | 04:35 |
ubuntu | midna what is your ram | 04:35 |
midna | 2gig ddr 400 | 04:35 |
metres | Hi all, is it a bug if blkid and vol_id doesnt return the same value for the same partition ? | 04:35 |
byronknoll | midna: have you tried using an ubuntu live cd? | 04:35 |
ubuntu | and your monitor | 04:35 |
faeryNatsuki | hello | 04:35 |
johan__ | i got a system error "E:The package foo needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it" | 04:35 |
brianski | awenasidilisome, actually that doesn't work. it's using the bios beep interface, not the sound card, to make the sound | 04:35 |
midna | yes that is what i'm trying | 04:35 |
johan__ | how do i get rid of the error | 04:35 |
craigbass1976 | awenasidilisome, so you're trying to open up a useful command line in Windows, and you want a useful tool to moitor system performance on it? Does either even exist? | 04:35 |
samalex | i just ran it, but the defaults didn't seem to pickup my videocard, which the old xorg.conf had. rebooting now | 04:36 |
=== La_PaRCa [n=La_PaRCa@cable201-233-126-229.epm.net.co] has joined #ubuntu | ||
litheum | brianski: Edit->Profile->Edit->Terminal bell? | 04:36 |
kazuka | hey what could be the cause of ubuntu crashing my system down. I have an old system and an unstable system can someone help pls | 04:36 |
faeryNatsuki | i'm looking for a suggestion, i need something good as dreamweaver, but for ubuntu... and different than NVU | 04:36 |
sukrit | semi-fly, any idea what is going wrong? when i create a user with another name, it seems to work, | 04:36 |
awenasidilisome | craigbass1976 dunno thats why i asked i can't find anything about it on google | 04:36 |
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl719.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntu | i install apache and have problem code=CANT_CONNECT_LOOPBACK] Cannot connect due to potential loopback problems | 04:36 |
midna | faeryNatsuki: your out of luck... nothing quite like dreamweaver. you may try googling for running dreamweaver in wine or cedega | 04:36 |
midna | on linux | 04:36 |
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midna | but for native.... i can't find anything quite like it | 04:37 |
awenasidilisome | brainski unplug the speaker cable from the mother board | 04:37 |
craigbass1976 | awenasidilisome, you're pretty much out of luck I think. DOS blows and I don't think there's any "top-like" program for it. | 04:37 |
ubuntu | Bluefish editor is web editor | 04:37 |
turbolover | faery: do you still have your copy of windows? you could install windows onto vmware and run dreamweaver from within it, or run it in wine | 04:37 |
awenasidilisome | hmm | 04:37 |
=== guiller [n=god@201-42-160-177.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
turbolover | hey has anyone had funky font problems with wine? | 04:37 |
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faeryNatsuki | then it seems there's not a good alternative... | 04:37 |
ubuntu | yes i too have problem with wine | 04:37 |
kazuka | hey what could be the cause of ubuntu crashing my system down. I have an old system and an unstable system can someone help pls | 04:37 |
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midna | al;ksdjfklas;djf | 04:37 |
midna | ubuntu is making me mad | 04:37 |
samalex | well that got me back into x, but it'[s stuck on 800x600 tops, which is what it had after installation. | 04:37 |
ubuntu | midna install Fedora | 04:37 |
arrenlex | turbolover: yes. apt-get install fontforge and then recompile | 04:37 |
litheum | kazuka: how do you know it's ubuntu's fault? | 04:37 |
kazuka | when ubuntu crashes is there a crash reporter? | 04:37 |
semi-fly | sukrit, I'd check the '/etc/passwd' file and see if your account is really deleted... | 04:37 |
midna | one moment samalex... | 04:37 |
TheHoly08 | does anyone have trouble with the amd64.iso? | 04:38 |
midna | ah.. what ubuntu do you have? edyg or dapper/ | 04:38 |
sukrit | OK, let me do taht | 04:38 |
litheum | TheHoly08: "trouble"? | 04:38 |
awenasidilisome | craigbass1976 i wonder of theres a program that runs a terminal like interface and | 04:38 |
kazuka | litheum: cause i cant move mouse or click on any of the desktop when ubuntu crashes. | 04:38 |
user01 | how do i get vlc to play shn audio? | 04:38 |
midna | samalex: do you have edgy or dapper? | 04:38 |
semi-fly | Additionally, check the '/home' directory - the users data might still be sitting there... | 04:38 |
will_ | does anyone know how to restore something accidentally removed in synaptic ? | 04:38 |
kazuka | is there a crash reporter for ubuntu | 04:38 |
=== lkdjsaidhesiasha [n=winbond@c-71-226-215-224.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
faeryNatsuki | we have dreamweaver in wine in this computer, but we want something lite to use for litle tasks, and use dreamweaver only for big things... any idea? and NVU doesn't work because NVU modifies the code without notification, and that damages php and some css styles... | 04:38 |
ubuntu | hey someone who know apache | 04:38 |
midna | will_ : reinstall it in synaptic? | 04:38 |
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johan__ | how do i know which version of ubuntu i'm running | 04:38 |
samalex | midna: i think edgy, it's 6.10 on PC | 04:38 |
ubuntu | i have code=CANT_CONNECT_LOOPBACK] Cannot connect due to potential loopback problems | 04:39 |
semi-fly | just do, 'cat /etc/passwd | grep username' | 04:39 |
litheum | johan__: cat /etc/issue | 04:39 |
midna | ya edgy.. | 04:39 |
=== kaso [n=kaso@resnet01.nat.lancs.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
craigbass1976 | awenasidilisome, are you looking to monitor your hardware? Could you boot the windows box to a linux livecd and run top, or do you need to know what windows itself is up to? | 04:39 |
metres | johan__ : uname -rm | 04:39 |
TheHoly08 | litheum: when i choose to start/install ubuntu from boot, the splash turns greyscale and freezes ata black screen | 04:39 |
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will_ | it's mythtv that would be a pretty big job | 04:39 |
sukrit | semi-fly, ther is no entry with that user in /etc/passwd | 04:39 |
J-_ | anyone know of a tkinter channel? | 04:39 |
awenasidilisome | craigbass need to know what windows is doing | 04:39 |
=== psanders [n=psanders@tdev224-111.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu | ||
johan__ | thanks | 04:39 |
semi-fly | what about the '/home' directory? | 04:40 |
ubuntu | Hey | 04:40 |
ubuntu | someone here | 04:40 |
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ubuntu | code=CANT_CONNECT_LOOPBACK] Cannot connect due to potential loopback problems | 04:40 |
awenasidilisome | craigbass1976 the task manager kinda helped but i need either a cross platform or preferablely something that i can just run from a thumb drive | 04:40 |
verve | hey guys, do you know if the SoundBlaster Audigy SE works in Ubuntu? | 04:40 |
verve | i remember i bought it once, but it wasn't supported in BSD | 04:40 |
verve | so i had to bring it back | 04:40 |
ubuntu | where are the peoples from yestarday that has help me | 04:40 |
sukrit | see the user i want to create is 'arpan' | 04:40 |
verve | it's the 24 bit one | 04:40 |
will_ | I just want to know if I can restore mythtv without having to reinstall it | 04:40 |
sukrit | and there is no folder called arpan under /home/ | 04:41 |
Flannel | ubuntu: We get a good deal of people every day with the "ubuntu" nickname. | 04:41 |
=== goggles [n=goggles@82-69-49-119.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
craigbass1976 | awenasidilisome, not that I know of. Maybe after MS buys Novell, windows will become useful. | 04:41 |
ubuntu | hey Flannel | 04:41 |
samalex | i had saved the settings from an older xorg.conf with my video card settings when autodetected during install. put that in the new xorg.conf and rebooted... waiting | 04:41 |
ubuntu | you yestarday help me | 04:41 |
ubuntu | i was ubuntu1\ | 04:41 |
user01 | Flannel: not many with the edubuntu name? | 04:41 |
awenasidilisome | craigbass1976 lol maybe but i seriously doubt it | 04:41 |
ubuntu | Flannel man | 04:41 |
craigbass1976 | I once ran into a Flanneluntu... | 04:41 |
TheHoly08 | litheum: when i choose to start/install ubuntu from boot, the splash turns greyscale and freezes ata black screen | 04:42 |
ubuntu | Flannel man do you know something or this code=CANT_CONNECT_LOOPBACK] Cannot connect due to potential loopback problems | 04:42 |
=== shishir [n=shishir@c-71-224-255-74.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
craigbass1976 | or was it Flannelbuntu... | 04:42 |
semi-fly | sukrit, try to add the user from the command prompt with the 'adduser' command | 04:42 |
cjavier | will_: most of the time reinstalling doesn't mean reconfiguring, so, just try to reinstall, your mythtv-box should be already configured | 04:42 |
=== mnk0 [n=mnk0@node-7522.tor.pppoe.execulink.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
litheum | TheHoly08: yeah i saw that the first time you said it, i have no idea what to do about this problem | 04:42 |
craigbass1976 | awenasidilisome, try sourceforge and see if there's anything for windows. | 04:42 |
brianski | litheum, yeah that turns it off but i want to just use the sound card. | 04:42 |
ubuntu | hey i will not change the nick | 04:43 |
will_ | I'll give it a go I thought there might of been an undo option in synaptic | 04:43 |
sukrit | semi-fly, is there a way for me to reinstall the machine w/o having to reinstall all the applications again? | 04:43 |
ubuntu | FLannel are you online | 04:43 |
samalex | woot, i got it working finally. had to mix some of the old xorg.conf and new... i'm now at 1280x1024. | 04:43 |
awenasidilisome | craigbass1976 never used sourceforge so i dont know if its a site or actually what it is | 04:43 |
midna | yay!! | 04:43 |
midna | gj samalex | 04:43 |
turbolover | will_ just get teh package again | 04:43 |
cjavier | will_: if you aply your changes, no it doesn't has it | 04:43 |
midna | if only i could install =( | 04:43 |
litheum | brianski: what?/ | 04:43 |
craigbass1976 | awenasidilisome, sourceforge.net and freshmeat.net are both sites full of Open Source software. | 04:43 |
awenasidilisome | oh cool | 04:44 |
semi-fly | sukrit, I only install fresh, although I don't think you need to perform a clean install here.. | 04:44 |
awenasidilisome | guess i have to boot my windows pc | 04:44 |
mnk0 | hey anyone know about dual monitors with ATI card? | 04:44 |
user01 | this is interesting: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2728972720932273543&q=ubuntu | 04:44 |
midna | how do i resume setup after xserver crashes when installing ubuntu | 04:44 |
=== wishmastertap [n=wishmast@201-42-184-1.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sukrit | then how do i get round this problem? | 04:44 |
ubuntu | Flannelk | 04:44 |
ubuntu | Flannel | 04:44 |
midna | how do i resume setup after xserver crashes when installing ubuntu | 04:44 |
=== Wrentype [n=KlingonE@54-4.202-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
will_ | ok thanks for the help it looks like I'll have to start again it might be ok seeing my mythconverg DB is still intact | 04:45 |
=== wishmastertap [n=wishmast@201-42-184-1.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sukrit | since i am the sole user of this comp, and i have backed up my home folder, i wouldnt mind formatting the home partition | 04:45 |
ubuntu | hey tonyrysso are you here | 04:45 |
=== ihatemilk [n=brent@listless.dsl.visi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kaso | Hi, the update monitor thing keeps bugging me to update Wine, but however, to get World of warcraft working i had to do some source patching so i shouldnt update i guess? How do i stop it bugging me. | 04:45 |
sukrit | and then starting afresh | 04:45 |
ubuntu | tonyyarusso hey | 04:45 |
duelboot | midna, don't know, but you may wish to try the alternate iso...it works great...uses text mode to install | 04:45 |
ubuntu | don't sleep | 04:45 |
semi-fly | Or, you could simply copy your data to a new user :) | 04:45 |
=== HearWa [n=Dustin@CPE000c76cb3e96-CM0016b5339ad0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
semi-fly | Or, blow the install away and start fresh..... | 04:46 |
wishmastertap | hi | 04:46 |
wishmastertap | hi | 04:46 |
midna | i really don't want to download a new install cd... took forever the first time | 04:46 |
sukrit | i think i wil do a reinstall | 04:46 |
midna | thats the only thing | 04:46 |
sukrit | the onlything is that i wil hav to do it at night since i dont have an unlimited conection in the day time | 04:46 |
duelboot | midna, don't know...it's always just worked for me | 04:46 |
sukrit | at night its free | 04:46 |
midna | :( | 04:47 |
ubuntu | heyyyyy | 04:47 |
ubuntu | anyione here | 04:47 |
duelboot | have you tried installing a second time? | 04:47 |
ubuntu | Flannel | 04:47 |
duelboot | !ask | 04:47 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 04:47 |
midna | i've rebooted many times duel | 04:47 |
ubuntu | tonyyarusso | 04:47 |
=== coolguy [n=coolguy@h160.116.39.162.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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duelboot | so it installed all the way, but just won't launch xserver, midna? | 04:47 |
ubuntu | bad support | 04:47 |
ubuntu | today | 04:47 |
midna | no the installer won't install | 04:47 |
midna | it won't run | 04:47 |
ubuntu | nobody know nothing | 04:47 |
=== Shadow_mil [n=Shaddy@SilentFlame/Member/pdpc.active.Shadow-mil] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntu | code=CANT_CONNECT_LOOPBACK] Cannot connect due to potential loopback problems | 04:48 |
=== EnsignRedshirt [n=wweckess@cpe-24-59-254-40.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
midna | k ubuntu.. insulting anyone won't get u answers. | 04:48 |
midna | in fact it may get you ignored | 04:48 |
sukrit | anyway thanks semi-fly for your time | 04:48 |
semi-fly | np ;) | 04:48 |
duelboot | midna, when I ran into that problem, it's cause I had an older machine...is yours older? | 04:48 |
wastrel | !patience | 04:48 |
ubotu | The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 04:48 |
midna | no, its too new i think | 04:48 |
midna | i have an amd64 and nvidia 8800gtx | 04:48 |
turbolover | midna: loved you in twlight princess | 04:49 |
ubuntu | midna are you drunk | 04:49 |
midna | and i think it doesn't know the 8800gtx | 04:49 |
ubuntu | i don't insult | 04:49 |
midna | not tonight. | 04:49 |
ubuntu | you insult | 04:49 |
ubuntu | here the support is bad | 04:49 |
duelboot | ahhh, 64 bit...can't help, but I know 64 bit has led to some problems for some | 04:49 |
=== Sirp [n=david@pool-71-252-155-26.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
midna | darn.. | 04:49 |
wastrel | !patience | ubuntu | 04:49 |
ubotu | ubuntu: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 04:49 |
ubuntu | nobody tell for th problem loopback | 04:49 |
turbolover | cant beat free support, depends on when you ask for help | 04:49 |
facugaich | where's the trash folder? | 04:49 |
wastrel | ubuntu: what is in your /etc/hosts | 04:49 |
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midna | ok well i'll keep at it duelboot thanx for the ideas :) | 04:49 |
ubuntu | !patience |wastrel | 04:49 |
ubotu | wastrel: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 04:49 |
turbolover | sometimes people are busy and are tied up in other things sometimes not | 04:49 |
=== Erb [n=steven@c210-49-113-138.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntu | wastrel in private | 04:50 |
=== sonium__ [n=sonium@F9188.f.strato-dslnet.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wastrel | !trashicon | facugaich | 04:50 |
ubotu | facugaich: Want to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (Gnome) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE) | 04:50 |
wastrel | no private | 04:50 |
ubuntu | ok man | 04:50 |
duelboot | ubuntu, go to http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=code%3DCANT_CONNECT_LOOPBACK%5D+Cannot+connect+due+to+potential+loopback+problems%0D%0A&btnG=Google+Search | 04:50 |
ubuntu | how to copy what i heve in host | 04:50 |
ubuntu | have | 04:50 |
wastrel | pastebin | 04:50 |
ubuntu | ok | 04:51 |
ubuntu | moment | 04:51 |
facugaich | wastrel: I don't get it, how does that answer my question? | 04:51 |
=== superlou [n=superlou@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
duelboot | midna, you can install the 32 bit version on the 64 bit...if you want to deal with another download | 04:51 |
zero_chaos_ | is anyone running ppc versioin ubuntu? | 04:51 |
Flannel | !anyone | zero_chaos_ | 04:52 |
ubotu | zero_chaos_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 04:52 |
midna | duelboot: is there a way to convert the 32bit install to 64? | 04:52 |
=== corevette [n=corevett@adsl-75-35-211-120.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wastrel | facugaich: there's no trash icon on the gnome desktop in ubuntu by default. you can add one. | 04:52 |
corevette | how do you install compiz | 04:52 |
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Flannel | midna: nope. that requires a reinstall | 04:52 |
midna | because i have a 32 bit install disc i used on my laptop | 04:52 |
midna | ugh. | 04:52 |
duelboot | they're different ISOs unfortunately | 04:52 |
wastrel | facugaich: if you're looking for it on the filesystem it's ~/.Trash | 04:52 |
EnsignRedshirt | Flannel: That wasn't exactly an "Can anyone help me?" question... :) | 04:52 |
ubuntu | localhost | 04:52 |
ubuntu | root1-desktop.pichaga.com | 04:52 |
ubuntu | # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts | 04:52 |
ubuntu | ::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback | 04:52 |
ubuntu | fe00::0 ip6-localnet | 04:52 |
ubuntu | ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix | 04:52 |
D7kb | whats a good use for a p2-333 with 96mb ram? heh | 04:52 |
ubuntu | ff02::1 ip6-allnodes | 04:52 |
facugaich | wastrel: yeah, that's what I wanted thanks | 04:52 |
duelboot | midna, you can just use that one | 04:52 |
ubuntu | ff02::2 ip6-allrouters | 04:52 |
Flannel | !pastebin | ubuntu | 04:52 |
ubuntu | ff02::3 ip6-allhosts | 04:52 |
zero_chaos_ | Which java works well in PPC? | 04:52 |
ubotu | ubuntu: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 04:52 |
=== Daemonic [i=Daemonic@ip68-97-32-143.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hou5ton | arrenlex: hmmm ... are there any other options beside command line. :-) | 04:52 |
zero_chaos_ | I've tried blackdown java 1.3.1...but didn't work well | 04:53 |
ubuntu | Flannel i don't know how work pastebin | 04:53 |
corevette | how do you install beryl | 04:53 |
EnsignRedshirt | Here's another reasonable "anyone" questions... | 04:53 |
midna | duelboot, i would really like to fully utilize my 64 bit though :( it looks like I may not be able to | 04:53 |
duelboot | D7kb, ldap server, squid proxy, etc | 04:53 |
EnsignRedshirt | Can anyone recommend a graphics card? | 04:53 |
Daemonic | When I boot the 6.10 live cd it works fine until I get to the desktop where it freezes are random times. Is this a common problem? I've run memtest and had it check the CD for errors.. none were found. I'm pulling my hair out here. =\ | 04:53 |
midna | corevette: there is a walkthrough on the ubuntu forums for beryl | 04:53 |
Flannel | corevette: #ubuntu-xgl has all your beryl/xgl stuff. Check the topic | 04:53 |
ubuntu | wastrel didi you see the host that i send you | 04:53 |
EnsignRedshirt | I have a nvidia geforce 5600 with a fan that is acting up... I think its days are numbered... | 04:54 |
=== Versed` [n=Versed@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wastrel | ubuntu: yes your loopback points to root1-desktop.pichaga.com | 04:54 |
zero_chaos_ | is there any other compiled java package for ppc other than blackdown java 1.3.1? | 04:54 |
ubuntu | and is that basd | 04:54 |
ubuntu | i mena bad | 04:54 |
corevette | whats the difference between beryl and AIGLX | 04:54 |
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Flannel | zero_chaos_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java#head-81c3789bc76872336f69a7af90d1759ef38eeb64 | 04:54 |
ubuntu | i mean bad | 04:54 |
ubuntu | wastreal man don't flood now the domain. | 04:55 |
=== dtvarnum [n=dtvarnum@cpe-75-84-115-6.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntu | wastreal and what is the problem | 04:55 |
zero_chaos_ | thanks | 04:55 |
Daemonic | Anyone else heard of hardware problems with 6.10? Athlon 64, 512 ram, ATI X700pro, with just about everything else disabled that isn't needed. It boots and I can open a terminal and stuff but it will hardlock at random times. | 04:55 |
=== rowanjl [n=rowan@d220-238-189-124.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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rowanjl | Hey | 04:55 |
midna | corevette: beryl and aiglx are different in that aiglx runs beryl... sortof, its complicated | 04:55 |
dtvarnum | Hello all.. | 04:55 |
midna | hi | 04:56 |
midna | ok well i tried the 32bit and it doesn't work either, crashes | 04:56 |
wastrel | ubuntu: i dunno, where are you seeing the error | 04:56 |
TheHoly08 | Daemonic: I have that basic issue but mine locks just before the start/install | 04:56 |
=== Hankers [n=hank@bas1-kingston08-1167889144.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntu | what dunno mean | 04:56 |
wastrel | dunno = don't know | 04:57 |
EnsignRedshirt | Considering all the ATI questions here, should I stick with nvidia for my next graphics card? | 04:57 |
wastrel | slang | 04:57 |
rowanjl | A few days ago I was playing a DVD in Xine, I skipped forwards a bit, and suddenly the sound completely cut out. I've tried several things since, but no matter what I do I can't play any sounds. My soundcard is fine, it does work in Windows. What can I do? | 04:57 |
ubuntu | i open konquer and then write there http://localhost | 04:57 |
=== isonab [n=a@blk-215-68-228.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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isonab | hey ppl | 04:57 |
ubuntu | then i see the error 500 server error | 04:57 |
Daemonic | well damn. I've searched google.. I | 04:57 |
duelboot | EnsignRedshirt, I have both and they both work with Ubuntu...don't know exact models though | 04:57 |
wastrel | EnsignRedshirt: that seems to be the general consensus | 04:57 |
Daemonic | I'm out of ideas | 04:57 |
awenasidilisome | i hate windows | 04:57 |
=== Taim [n=taim@27.nwkn2.xdsl.nauticom.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Daemonic | me too | 04:57 |
isonab | i hate windows also | 04:58 |
craigbass1976 | awenasidilisome, hehe | 04:58 |
Daemonic | I want ubuntu but it hardlocks at random times. | 04:58 |
awenasidilisome | if i didn't have to do technical support on it i would get rid of it | 04:58 |
Taim | I messed around with my ATI configuration for X and now the screen looks...weird. | 04:58 |
ubuntu | WIndows is good | 04:58 |
Taim | Any help would be appreciated. | 04:58 |
Flannel | ubuntu: 500 error is a sign that your server is having problems, not your routing. check apahce, or whatever you're using | 04:58 |
wastrel | Daemonic: you did a memtest, your proc isn't overheating? | 04:58 |
TheHoly08 | Daemonic: my guess is that its an issue with the amd64 iso. | 04:58 |
ubuntu | no man | 04:58 |
ubuntu | i try form Internet explorer and the server work | 04:58 |
awenasidilisome | ubuntu windows sucks my anal seepage | 04:58 |
Daemonic | wastrel, yes I did the memtest. it's fine.. overheating? it's like 60degrees in this room.. processor is like 80 degrees max. =\ | 04:59 |
ubuntu | wastel form internet explorer it work. | 04:59 |
awenasidilisome | actually i would have to have anal seepage for that to be completely true | 04:59 |
TheHoly08 | are you sure you dont | 04:59 |
ubuntu | WIndows may suck but for novate it is not | 04:59 |
=== j0sh0 [n=josh@CPE-58-168-142-5.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rowanjl | ubuntu, an error in the 500 range means it is an internal server error of some description, check the servers error logs | 04:59 |
isonab | im gonna try the ubuntu live cd 3.5 gb to see how she works n stuff it says it uses gnome... can i still install ne package i want normaly just as using KDE. or does it have to be a gnome package | 04:59 |
=== lufis [n=sam@adsl-70-232-56-55.dsl.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
midna | I HATE INSTALL UBUNTU :( | 04:59 |
blanky | ubuntu hablas espanol? | 05:00 |
=== zYe [n=zye@adsl-074-236-230-248.sip.sdf.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lufis | What's the difference between the ubuntu cd and dvd? | 05:00 |
ubuntu | rowanjil man how to see the error | 05:00 |
duelboot | isonab, you can install K apps as well | 05:00 |
blanky | lufis: dvd == more stuff | 05:00 |
ubuntu | wastel thanks man | 05:00 |
dtvarnum | I used the liveCD last night and it worked fine.. | 05:00 |
zYe | how do i install a .jar file? | 05:00 |
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dtvarnum | Dell lattitude 500 | 05:00 |
blanky | zYe: you dont | 05:00 |
midna | google.. | 05:00 |
blanky | !java | zYe | 05:00 |
ubotu | zYe: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository | 05:00 |
duelboot | isonab, I have Ubuntu and am using amaroK, Kopete, etc.... | 05:00 |
isonab | sweet thats cool cause i like the look of gnome better | 05:00 |
lufis | blanky:is there more stuff installed by default, or is it just available on the disc? | 05:00 |
j0sh0 | please help me ppl!! I can ping web pages but can't access them thru a web browser! what do i do to disable ipv6?? | 05:00 |
zYe | thx blanky | 05:00 |
isonab | thanks | 05:00 |
blanky | lufis: I believe, if it's the latter then it's both | 05:00 |
=== dakaru [n=dakaru@geek-221.209-193-67-128.qwest.dsl.vcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rowanjl | ubuntu, you don't know how to check the servers error logs!? | 05:00 |
craigbass1976 | Anyone know off the top of teir head where one might use Ubuntu and XMMS to listen to avante garde jazz on the net? | 05:00 |
Flannel | !ipv6 | j0sh0 | 05:01 |
lufis | blanky: ok, thanks | 05:01 |
ubotu | j0sh0: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4 | 05:01 |
blanky | lufis: either way, more things haha, sorry I'm not really sure | 05:01 |
=== cas3 [n=cas3@adsl-072-148-034-250.sip.tys.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntu | rowanji man for that i ask you | 05:01 |
lufis | blanky: no prob :) | 05:01 |
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ubuntu | rowanji can we speak in private | 05:01 |
cas3 | !fiesty | 05:01 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about fiesty - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:01 |
blanky | !feisty | cas3 | 05:01 |
ubotu | cas3: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+1 | 05:01 |
=== alex1 [n=asdadada@modemcable199.199-82-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rowanjl | ubuntu, no, because I doubt I could help | 05:01 |
j0sh0 | thanks flannel but i cant access web pages! | 05:01 |
alex1 | thank you! i don't have to use ubuntu anymore | 05:01 |
=== klos__ [i=hans@e180246112.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Popo1 [n=popoi@130-60-112.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
alex1 | i'm back on windows, playing my games. | 05:01 |
ubuntu | alex1 that is good | 05:01 |
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ubuntu | rowanji man why | 05:02 |
delapan | hi | 05:02 |
blanky | alex1: haha | 05:02 |
awenasidilisome | alex1 i could wack you for that comment | 05:02 |
alex1 | and my photoshop... | 05:02 |
=== PMantis [n=pmantis@cpe-69-207-130-14.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blanky | nothing wrong with that :) | 05:02 |
isonab | ive been using knopixx for the last little bit to get used to linux. gonna put it on my laptop just dont know what distrib i should use. herd gentoo was the most compatable a while ago is that true? or is it like ford and chev | 05:02 |
alex1 | i liked ubuntu.. but if you're a gamer/photoshoper it's impossible | 05:02 |
awenasidilisome | games are for lazy fools that dont want to learn | 05:02 |
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=== yakkers [n=Michael@lothlorien.STUDENT.CWRU.Edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntu | i too like Games | 05:02 |
cas3 | hi, I'm trying to go from dapper to feisty and I keep getting an error saying "E: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on python2.5-minimal" anyone know about this? | 05:02 |
ubuntu | I have Just Cause | 05:02 |
isonab | i would like to install cedega to play windows games also | 05:02 |
alex1 | awenasidilisome, i used ubuntu for 5 months | 05:02 |
ubuntu | Heroes 5 | 05:02 |
duelboot | all, I did exactly what ubotu stated to disable IPv6, but I still have it setup after multiple reboots...any help? I'm running edgy | 05:02 |
alex1 | i got tired of dualbooting | 05:02 |
rowanjl | alex1: I'm a web designer and developer who uses Ubuntu. | 05:02 |
awenasidilisome | i've used ubuntu for like a year | 05:02 |
wastrel | cas3: ask on the feisty channel :] | 05:02 |
blanky | isonab: gentoo's pretty complicated, aside from the fact that this is #ubuntu and you might think I'm biased (Well, I am), I extremely suggest you try ubuntu | 05:02 |
awenasidilisome | well i should say linux | 05:03 |
awenasidilisome | cuz i've been using different versions | 05:03 |
alex1 | rowanjl, i'm a web developer too. i found that i was less productive | 05:03 |
cas3 | #feisty? | 05:03 |
blanky | alex1: I dual boot, haha, I'm on windows right now | 05:03 |
=== PMantis is a consultant, and prefers Ubuntu | ||
tonyyarusso | cas3: #ubuntu+1 | 05:03 |
Popo1 | go feisty go! | 05:03 |
blanky | alex1: http://www.winehq.org | 05:03 |
cas3 | k thanks | 05:03 |
blanky | alex1: http://www.transgaming.com | 05:03 |
ubuntu | rowanjl man i like WIndows becouse it work for games | 05:03 |
awenasidilisome | i'm a mac user so ha | 05:03 |
rowanjl | alex1: I can use Photoshop if I must, but most of my work is done in a vector program, Inkscape. | 05:03 |
PMantis | Anyone use Request Tracker on Ubuntu? | 05:03 |
Popo1 | then use a play2 | 05:03 |
ubuntu | mac don't tell men | 05:03 |
=== duelboot wonders just what a consultant does........... | ||
wastrel | i like inkscape | 05:03 |
blanky | vector > raster | 05:03 |
isonab | no thats cool man i understand i to would rather try ubuntu first for no real aparent reason. name not a factor | 05:04 |
Popo1 | play2 is better than windows on games | 05:04 |
ubuntu | and how is in Mac | 05:04 |
j0sh0 | please could someone tell me how to disable IPv6 without pointing me to a web page??? | 05:04 |
rowanjl | alex1: and when I code I use geany! | 05:04 |
=== Caplain [n=matt@adsl-75-45-237-220.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
isonab | just got a good feeling i guess | 05:04 |
ubuntu | pla2 what mena | 05:04 |
isonab | might be more determened to get it to work | 05:04 |
ubuntu | play2 what mena | 05:04 |
jorvis_ | j0sh0: you have to be willing to read | 05:04 |
ubuntu | mean | 05:04 |
Popo1 | playstation2 | 05:04 |
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delapan | hi | 05:04 |
blanky | isonab: haha yeah the name's weird | 05:04 |
=== pianoboy3333 [n=alex@ool-43567d61.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== bendotc [n=benc@dsl092-172-239.wdc2.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
midna | ANGER | 05:04 |
ubuntu | bad there is Ps3 | 05:04 |
PMantis | duelboot, Consultant... just my summary or IT maintainer, wiring guy, programmer, phone system installer, etc. | 05:04 |
delapan | pls help | 05:04 |
Popo1 | on firefox .. about: config | 05:04 |
ubuntu | are you going to buy it | 05:04 |
blanky | midna: what happened | 05:04 |
tim167 | i need help with fluxbox: how do i start a program and/or create a menu for that ? | 05:04 |
blanky | Popo1: * about:config | 05:04 |
pianoboy3333 | it seems that when I rotate something with the rotate tool in gimp 2.3.12, it gets scaled/shrunk by one pixel, anyone know if there is a way to avoid this? | 05:04 |
duelboot | I did exactly what ubotu stated to disable IPv6, but I still have it setup after multiple reboots...any help? I'm running edgy | 05:04 |
=== darkmatter [n=darkmatt@206-163-248-24.yktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
j0sh0 | jorvis: I can't access web pages, I've already stated that ffs | 05:04 |
=== Taim [n=taim@27.nwkn2.xdsl.nauticom.net] has left #Ubuntu [] | ||
duelboot | PMantis, was just kidding | 05:04 |
delapan | i need to chat in dalnet | 05:04 |
rowanjl | so does anyone have any tips for debuging a sound problem? | 05:04 |
delapan | how? | 05:04 |
blanky | pianoboy3333: /server GIMPNet, /join #gimp | 05:05 |
isonab | thanks guys and gals | 05:05 |
midna | i still can't install ubuntu for the life of me | 05:05 |
blanky | isonab: no problem | 05:05 |
Popo1 | start firefox.. on the place you put URL wirte about:config | 05:05 |
jorvis_ | j0sh0: sorry, assumed you were using another box | 05:05 |
pianoboy3333 | blanky: those are idlers | 05:05 |
=== jplien [n=jplien@pool-71-111-200-197.rlghnc.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blanky | midna: what happens | 05:05 |
=== h3xis [n=h3xis@AFC-11-186.rh.ncsu.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
midna | i've tried 32bit and 64 bit and i'm hating my 8800gts | 05:05 |
blanky | pianoboy3333: actually I've asked there and they're really nice | 05:05 |
PMantis | duelboot, so you do, or don't know what a consultant is? ;-) | 05:05 |
Popo1 | you'll see many options.. the ipv6 is there | 05:05 |
=== jplien [n=jplien@pool-71-111-200-197.rlghnc.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] | ||
midna | well whenever the livecd loads it fails and says no devices detected | 05:05 |
blanky | pianoboy3333: Sorry don't know how to answer your question | 05:05 |
midna | for my display | 05:05 |
duelboot | PMantis, exactly :) | 05:05 |
blanky | hey pianoboy3333 I vaguely remember you | 05:05 |
blanky | back in like the 5.* version days | 05:05 |
pianoboy3333 | blanky: ? | 05:05 |
wastrel | pianoboy3333: irc.gimp.org #gimp mebby | 05:05 |
blanky | nevermind | 05:06 |
rowanjl | perhaps there is a way of re-configuring my soundcard from scratch? | 05:06 |
blanky | wastrel: that's what I said haha | 05:06 |
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j0sh0 | popol:thankyou! | 05:06 |
duelboot | PMantis, don't hate me for this, but was reminded of a joke when you said it, it goes like this | 05:06 |
blanky | rowanjl: ask in #ubuntu+1, whatever you do pretend you have feisty fawn, that's where the smart people go but they wont help you unless you're 'using that version' | 05:06 |
craigbass1976 | oh no... | 05:06 |
PMantis | duelboot, Joking aside, "consultant" can sometimes mean a person that sucks money from a company by slowing down progress with buocracies (sp?) | 05:06 |
blanky | :P | 05:06 |
duelboot | PMantis, those who can, do...those who can't teach (consult) | 05:06 |
Riyonu1 | Is it just me or does Ubuntu have issues with wireless? I can never get DHCP working, takes a good 30min for google to load, but in windows its blazing fast | 05:06 |
PMantis | Heh | 05:06 |
duelboot | PMantis, exactly what I was getting at | 05:06 |
rowanjl | blanky: oh, cool :P | 05:06 |
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Smirnov | is ubuntu 6.06 hopelessly obsolete? should I be using 7.04? | 05:07 |
duelboot | PMantis, but at least you get paid well to do it | 05:07 |
Flannel | !sound | rowanjl | 05:07 |
ubotu | rowanjl: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin | 05:07 |
PMantis | duelboot, Wow, not only was I unsure of the spelling... I typo'd that too! | 05:07 |
blanky | Smirnov: 7.04 isn't even out yet, stable I mean, you can use it though | 05:07 |
duelboot | I did exactly what ubotu stated to disable IPv6, but I still have it setup after multiple reboots...any help? I'm running edgy | 05:07 |
EnsignRedshirt | Smirnov: Ha! I just upgraded to 6.06 yesterday! | 05:07 |
blanky | Smirnov: plus, 6.06 is LTS | 05:07 |
Smirnov | LTS? | 05:07 |
rowanjl | Flannel: all of the above have failed. | 05:07 |
blanky | Smirnov: 'long term support', so no it depends on what you mean by obsolete | 05:07 |
Smirnov | oh ok good! | 05:08 |
blanky | :) | 05:08 |
Smirnov | ill stay with that for now | 05:08 |
blanky | Smirnov: and you could always upgrade easily anyways | 05:08 |
Smirnov | i heard 6.10 had some issues and i definitely dont want to go to 7.04 if its not stable | 05:08 |
Popo1 | use Edgy Eft is better than Dapper Drake | 05:08 |
yakkers | so, i'm trying to install from a livecd. i get the bootloading menu just fine, but when i attempt to actually do anything (such as install ubuntu), I get this: "loading isolinux: Disk error 80. AX = 4200, Drive 9F" Anyone know what this even means? | 05:08 |
PMantis | duelboot, Well, pay is catching up... was layed-off in December of '04... just now getting my own thing to the point of sufficiently supporting my family. | 05:08 |
Popo1 | 7.04 will be stable on april | 05:08 |
Hobbsee | blanky: that's rubbish. | 05:08 |
Flannel | yakkers: try checking the disk, from that menu. | 05:08 |
blanky | yakkers: can you check integrity of the disk? | 05:08 |
PMantis | duelboot, But that's not why I can to #ubuntu. :) | 05:08 |
yakkers | nope. same error. | 05:08 |
blanky | Hobbsee: sorry what'd I say | 05:08 |
Flannel | yakkers: try from a different CDrom drive, if you have one. | 05:08 |
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PMantis | s/I can to/I came to/ | 05:09 |
corevette | arrenlex, are you still here | 05:09 |
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samalex | anyone know of a simple way to install fluxbox? I just installed KDE rather flawlessly, so just curious if fluxbox has an equally simple way | 05:09 |
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duelboot | Ok PMantis let's test your consulting by having you answer my issue | 05:09 |
Flannel | samalex: fluxbox is in the repositories, yes. | 05:09 |
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yakkers | i'll see what i can come up with for different drives. I tried two separate discs with the same result | 05:09 |
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Hobbsee | [15:06] <blanky> rowanjl: ask in #ubuntu+1, whatever you do pretend you have feisty fawn, that's where the smart people go but they wont help you unless you're 'using that version' | 05:09 |
yakkers | thanks for the suggestion | 05:09 |
blanky | Hobbsee: it was a joke :P | 05:09 |
Popo1 | i want to install ubuntu with minimal options.. lightweight desktop, form command line.. but i want to know what's better: openbox, icewm or fluxbox? | 05:09 |
Flannel | yakkers: make sure you check the md5, and burn a cd at 4x (if you haven't, it might very well be bad burns) | 05:10 |
blanky | Popo1: try them | 05:10 |
bearwash | hmm.. what is needed for Totem to play DVD?? surprised that it dont work when vlc does? | 05:10 |
Hobbsee | blanky: maybe to you. however lots of other people are going to believe it, and try to get help there | 05:10 |
blanky | Hobbsee: oh, sorry :( | 05:10 |
corevette | does anyone know how to disable fglrx in /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common | 05:10 |
bendotc | So, I just installed 6.10 using the x86-64 or AMD64 (forget what it's called around here) architecture, and I seem to be missing the 32bit versions of some libraries. How do I install 32 bit versions of libraries to /usr/lib32/ ? | 05:10 |
Hobbsee | blanky: actually - you get more help here - in +1, they basically tell you not to run feisty if you cant solve basic problems, and send you back to #ubuntu. | 05:10 |
wastrel | !blacklist | 05:10 |
ubotu | To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add "blacklist modulename" to the end of that list | 05:10 |
Flannel | !chroot | bendotc | 05:10 |
ubotu | bendotc: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box | 05:10 |
duelboot | HHHEEELLLPPP...I did exactly what ubotu stated to disable IPv6, but I still have it setup after multiple reboots...any help? I'm running edgy | 05:10 |
Popo1 | thx ^^-- it seems to be that icewm have a nice interface and setup.. een that i'll try them all | 05:10 |
blanky | Hobbsee: guess it was different when dapper was +1 :( | 05:11 |
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bendotc | Popo1: I'm a big fan of fluxbox, but as someone else said, give 'em a dry. | 05:11 |
Hobbsee | blanky: which is entirely logical, of course. new people and people who dont know what they're doing should go back to a stable release. | 05:11 |
bendotc | Thanks, Flannel. :) | 05:11 |
rowanjl | Hobbsee, Flannel, blanky: I've got a meeting in 20 minutes, I'll ask in there then, however I'd better be off. Thanks | 05:11 |
Hobbsee | blanky: well, more people were there. but that was later in the development cycle anyway | 05:11 |
blanky | rowanjl: don't, I was just playing | 05:11 |
Hobbsee | rowanjl: ask here, you wont get an answer there, most likely | 05:11 |
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rowanjl | Ok :) | 05:11 |
Redth | got a weird one.. i just installed ubuntu over vista, but vista's boot loader remains in the mbr.. i tried reinstalling grub from live cd, but it didn't do anything | 05:11 |
blanky | rowanjl: re-ask your question please, maybe someone else will know | 05:11 |
rowanjl | I should download Feisty :P | 05:12 |
Popo1 | how do i quote on IRC? :-$ | 05:12 |
blanky | rowanjl: *Sigh* | 05:12 |
ubuntu | rowanjl | 05:12 |
corevette | does anyone know how to disable fglrx in /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common | 05:12 |
blanky | Popo1: quote? | 05:12 |
ubuntu | i donwload it yestarday | 05:12 |
Hobbsee | rowanjl: sure, but you'll have to fix any bugs you get in it yourself | 05:12 |
ubuntu | it work good all i more different | 05:12 |
Popo1 | yeah... that's the thing blanky | 05:12 |
wastrel | corevette: you want to prevent fglrx from running? you can blacklist the module | 05:12 |
ubuntu | But there you are not root | 05:12 |
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blanky | Popo1: oh, type part of the name then press TAB | 05:12 |
snooplsm | are there any unix commands to extract an iso? | 05:12 |
ubuntu | for beta version man. | 05:12 |
corevette | how wastrel | 05:13 |
rowanjl | Hobbsee: I could manage that, back in 50... | 05:13 |
wastrel | !blacklist | corevette | 05:13 |
ubotu | corevette: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add "blacklist modulename" to the end of that list | 05:13 |
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Popo1 | blanky: aaah ok thx!! | 05:13 |
blanky | no problem | 05:13 |
Hobbsee | heh | 05:13 |
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duelboot | snooplsm, just what do you mean? | 05:13 |
blanky | snooplsm: you can mount it if you want | 05:13 |
=== Hobbsee wishes people *wouldnt* use feisty, then ask how to resolve dependancy problems. | ||
ubuntu | HObbsee hey man | 05:13 |
ubuntu | you yestarday bann me | 05:13 |
Hobbsee | heya | 05:13 |
Hobbsee | to here, yes. you werent running +1 | 05:13 |
blanky | LOL | 05:13 |
corevette | wastrel so i'd do "blacklist fglrx" | 05:13 |
corevette | ? | 05:13 |
wastrel | yes | 05:14 |
Hobbsee | ubuntu: ban != ban forward. | 05:14 |
ubuntu | HObbsee how is working UBuntu 7 | 05:14 |
blanky | corevette: I'm sorry but are youreading an old version of the driver installation guide? or are you installng ati's drivers (from their site) | 05:14 |
duelboot | HHHEEELLLPPP...I did exactly what ubotu stated to disable IPv6, but I still have it setup after multiple reboots...any help? I'm running edgy | 05:14 |
corevette | ati blanky | 05:14 |
Hobbsee | ubuntu: most packages appear to install now. i even got printing to work yesterday, after some fighting | 05:14 |
blanky | corevette: because there's an easier way to install | 05:14 |
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wastrel | !ipv6 | 05:14 |
ubotu | To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4 | 05:14 |
corevette | how blanky | 05:14 |
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blanky | wastrel: he says he did that | 05:14 |
blanky | corevette: hold up | 05:14 |
awenasidilisome | the great thing and only good thing about windows is the fact that i can install a keylogger on it | 05:14 |
blanky | !ati | corevette | 05:14 |
ubotu | corevette: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 05:14 |
awenasidilisome | thats about the only use i have for it | 05:14 |
duelboot | wastrel, ready my post all the way...I DID that | 05:14 |
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ubuntu | HObbsee i see that was ban forward | 05:15 |
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corevette | i know blanky...i habve to blaclist | 05:15 |
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blanky | awenasidilisome: how come you go on and on about this? Who cares (No offense), take it to #ubuntu-offtopic | 05:15 |
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blanky | corevette: that's not waht I Did | 05:15 |
corevette | blanky "Disable fglrx in /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common" | 05:15 |
snooplsm | blanky: how can i mount it | 05:15 |
duelboot | wastrel???????? | 05:15 |
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blanky | corevette: hold on, you're installing it the ati site way | 05:15 |
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nestor | ohhh | 05:16 |
corevette | yes blanky | 05:16 |
wastrel | i wanted to read the link | 05:16 |
blanky | corevette: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#head-02330ccb580b6a9411d32bf617cc5a82116ba6b9 | 05:16 |
zYe | I have a java editor that i downloaded, and it is in a .jar package what do i do | 05:16 |
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blanky | corevette: does that work? it should read 'install from ubuntu repositories' | 05:16 |
snooplsm | zYe: jedit? | 05:16 |
blanky | snooplsm: google "mount iso image linux" | 05:16 |
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awenasidilisome | blanky i'm just a windows hater so every time i find something wrong with it i must voice it | 05:16 |
zYe | snoop? i am not sure what you mean | 05:17 |
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awenasidilisome | sorry about it though i'll shut up | 05:17 |
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Flannel | zYe: java packages run through java. `java -jar [file] ` | 05:17 |
Riyonu1 | Is it just me or does Ubuntu have issues with wireless? I can never get DHCP working, takes a good 30min for google to load, but in windows its blazing fast | 05:17 |
blanky | No problem man | 05:17 |
bcardarella | Is there a way to see what versions of packages are available through apt-cache search ? | 05:17 |
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blanky | can somone help Riyonu1? | 05:17 |
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Flannel | !iso | blanky, snooplsm | 05:17 |
ubotu | blanky, snooplsm: To mount an ISO disc image, type "sudo mount -o loop my.iso <mountpoint>" There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before burning. Burning .iso files: see !burn | 05:17 |
blanky | snooplsm: read that | 05:17 |
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Popo1 | the more i learn linux the more i love my pc | 05:18 |
Flannel | bcardarella: apt-cache show [package] | 05:18 |
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midna | !nvidia | 05:18 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 05:18 |
blanky | Popo1: haha | 05:18 |
Hobbsee | Riyonu1: depends which wireless card and chipset | 05:18 |
joshy | Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill the idle task!????? | 05:18 |
midna | !alternate | 05:18 |
ubotu | The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD. | 05:18 |
Hobbsee | !wireless > Riyonu1 | 05:18 |
joshy | What make i wrong | 05:18 |
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snooplsm | well thanks for the help | 05:18 |
snooplsm | zYe: | 05:18 |
snooplsm | zYe: java -jar JARFILE.jar | 05:18 |
wes_1977 | !wireless | 05:18 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 05:18 |
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snooplsm | zYe: If it doens't work you have to specify the "main" file | 05:19 |
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duelboot | HHHEEELLLPPP...I did exactly what ubotu stated to disable IPv6, but I still have it setup after multiple reboots...any help? I'm running edgy | 05:19 |
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zYe | ok | 05:19 |
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Naik0 | !ati | 05:20 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 05:20 |
wastrel | duelboot: blacklist the module :] | 05:20 |
Flannel | duelboot: verify that you've commented out that line please. (if you want, pastebin that file) | 05:20 |
duelboot | wastrel, I'd laugh, but I'm too busy crying | 05:20 |
zYe | snoop how do i know what the main file is | 05:21 |
zYe | lol | 05:21 |
duelboot | Flannel, I did comment it out | 05:21 |
wastrel | what's so funny? the page doesn't say to blacklist the module. | 05:21 |
Flannel | duelboot: pastebin the aliases file please | 05:21 |
snooplsm | zYe: read the documentation | 05:21 |
wastrel | what line? | 05:21 |
Riyonu1 | Hobbsee: its this one http://www.linuxquestions.org/hcl/showproduct.php?product=2186&cat=133 | 05:21 |
Popo1 | i have a problem with php, everytime firefox try open a PHP page, it sends me a download dialog... i can't post in forums or use a php based web mail... :( | 05:22 |
duelboot | Okay Flannel, hold one | 05:22 |
Popo1 | do i have to isntall apache or something? | 05:22 |
zYe | snoop does this make any sense? "Exception in thread "main" java.awt.AWTError: Cannot load AWT toolkit: gnu.java.awt.peer.gtk.GtkToolkit" | 05:22 |
duelboot | !pastebin | 05:22 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 05:22 |
Flannel | Popo1: er, this is on your local server? or other peoples? | 05:22 |
Popo1 | Flannel: others people | 05:22 |
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wastrel | ah it does say to for dapper | 05:23 |
Flannel | Popo1: you can't do anything about that. That's an issue with their webserver. | 05:23 |
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Hobbsee | Riyonu1: OK, i'd suggest using the second post from that, compile that driver | 05:23 |
Hobbsee | Riyonu1: pity you didnt get a revision E of that card. works out of the box. | 05:23 |
Popo1 | Flannel: what a shame.. it will be a fix on that on the future? | 05:23 |
ubuntu | FLannel i have 500 server error | 05:23 |
Flannel | Popo1: you sould contact them. It's not anything wrong with your computer. | 05:24 |
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blanky | ubuntu: apache? lighttpd? | 05:24 |
Riyonu1 | Hobbsee, alright, how do I do that :p | 05:24 |
ubuntu | apache | 05:24 |
ubuntu | blanky apache | 05:24 |
blanky | ubuntu: I heard, sorry man I don't know | 05:24 |
Popo1 | Flannel: aah ok I see, i have problems with FTP too, the same.. I can't upload! even using terminal FTP (old school xD) | 05:24 |
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duelboot | oops wastrel, I owe you an apology, I misread your comment....Flannel, I did not add it to my blacklist...it's in my bad_list file | 05:24 |
ubuntu | blanky ufff man don't worry.Thanks for the ask. | 05:25 |
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Flannel | duelboot: are you on dapper? or somethig else? | 05:25 |
ubuntu | !gosa | 05:25 |
ubotu | gosa: Web Based LDAP Administration Program. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.2-1 (edgy), package size 2779 kB, installed size 14892 kB | 05:25 |
duelboot | edgy Flannel | 05:25 |
Hobbsee | Riyonu1: download http://downloads.sourceforge.net/rtl8180-sa2400/rtl8180-0.21.tar.gz?modtime=1113519789&big_mirror=0 and follow !compile, i expect | 05:25 |
Hobbsee | !compile | Riyonu1 | 05:25 |
ubotu | Riyonu1: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 05:25 |
ubuntu | !php4-mhz | 05:25 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about php4-mhz - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:25 |
Flannel | duelboot: I believe you need to follow the dpaper instructions, the top ones are for breezy, I think | 05:25 |
Hobbsee | Riyonu1: ndiswrapper is more painful. | 05:25 |
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ubuntu | !php4-mhash | 05:26 |
AchedDamiman | hola | 05:26 |
ubotu | php4-mhash: MHASH module for php4. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.4.2-1.1 (edgy), package size 8 kB, installed size 68 kB | 05:26 |
Riyonu1 | But that whole disconnection thing on the 2nd post applys to me also :p | 05:26 |
duelboot | Flannel, I'll pastebin my alias file... | 05:26 |
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wastrel | let us edit the wikipage | 05:26 |
ubuntu | !clamav | 05:26 |
ubotu | clamav: antivirus scanner for Unix. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.88.4-1ubuntu2.1 (edgy), package size 65 kB, installed size 208 kB | 05:26 |
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ubuntu | hey on Clamav have version 0.88.7 | 05:26 |
beoba | running gtk-theme-switch2 does nothing to switch themes. sure, the themes show up in the list, but they dont SWITCH. oh, also, it writes this into .gtkrc.tmp-0, and understandably throws an error when it tries to use it: 'include "(null)"' | 05:26 |
ubuntu | why the bots say that is 4 | 05:26 |
Riyonu1 | So I install this thing, and it makes my card work? | 05:27 |
duelboot | Flannel, wastrel see here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1786/ | 05:27 |
Riyonu1 | Hobbsee: does it require in dependencys? | 05:27 |
Hobbsee | Riyonu1: probably. you'll find otu in ./configure | 05:27 |
duelboot | I also created a /etc/modprobe.d/bad_list and put "alias net-pf-10 off" in it | 05:27 |
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duelboot | Flannel, wastrel ^^^ | 05:28 |
unperson | I have mp3s that I've ripped, bought from emusic, etc. over the years with really patchy ID3 tags. I'd like to fix them up. Can anyone point me to some easy software for managing my ID3 tags? For example, I'd like to be able to set the artist field to a certain value for all files in a directory. | 05:28 |
Flannel | wastrel, duelboot, infact I know it's not for edgy. Since the page hasn't been edited since last september. | 05:28 |
Riyonu1 | Hobbsee: can you do it? Remmber internet doesnt work when Im in ubuntu | 05:28 |
=== pastit0 [n=petroleo@host160.201-252-94.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
duelboot | Flannel, so I have it in my blacklist and a bad_list file...just what should I do | 05:28 |
blanky | unperson: you might be better off finding a command line application that does that, and then write a bash script | 05:28 |
blanky | unperson: which isn't hard, honestly | 05:28 |
=== wes_ [n=wes@h130.204.140.67.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== mistermike [n=mm@adsl-68-79-89-233.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntu | hey i just now install PHPmyadmin | 05:29 |
ubuntu | and it work | 05:29 |
blanky | unperson: maybe finding an application would be, try sudo apt-cache search id3 | 05:29 |
Hobbsee | Riyonu1: no, i'm on the wrong release. if you dont have an internet connection at all, i'd use ndiswrapper for it, as was mentioned in the other posts on that thread | 05:29 |
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drekon | unperson: exfalso | 05:29 |
ubuntu | but the php don't work | 05:29 |
Riyonu1 | Hobbsee: I do, just takes forever to load anything | 05:29 |
Riyonu1 | and it only works on a certain release? | 05:29 |
wastrel | reboot :] | 05:30 |
pastit0 | aosjkdn aisjd as | 05:30 |
pastit0 | it's french | 05:30 |
duelboot | Flannel, any idea? | 05:30 |
pastit0 | goodyby | 05:30 |
=== pppoe_dude [n=pppoe_du@unaffiliated/blimpdude] has joined #ubuntu | ||
unperson | blanky, Yeah, I certainly can write scripts, etc, but it'd be nice to have an application that'll both let me visualize things and do some simple operations, like the one I mentioned. | 05:30 |
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blanky | unperson: oh, sorry. No, I don't know of any, but there probably is, have you searched synaptic? That certainly knows more than I Do :P | 05:31 |
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unperson | blanky, I know I've seen such things in the past. But I think the problem is that there are a million apps that change ID3 tags, but I don't happen to know which are good. | 05:31 |
Riyonu1 | Hobbsee: what release will it work on? | 05:31 |
Hobbsee | Riyonu1: all of them... | 05:31 |
=== corevette [n=corevett@adsl-75-35-211-120.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
unperson | blanky, np, I always appreciate it when someone tries to help. :-) | 05:32 |
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ocker_nerd | unperson: easyTag is worth a look | 05:32 |
=== mitchbones [n=mitch@24-182-213-135.dhcp.sprn.tx.charter.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
Flannel | duelboot: do the dapper stuff. And remove all the extra stuff you added as well | 05:32 |
Popo1 | ocker_nerd: EASY TAG RLZ!!! | 05:32 |
=== toulouse [n=evan@adsl-75-50-215-53.dsl.hstntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
duelboot | what dapper stuff? | 05:32 |
duelboot | I'll remove the extra, Flannel, but what dapper stuff? | 05:32 |
Flannel | duelboot: at the bottom of that page -- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4 | 05:32 |
Riyonu1 | thanks | 05:32 |
=== mynameisdeleted [n=stv@c-71-62-73-64.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
unperson | drekon, ocker_nerd: Thanks for the suggestions. | 05:33 |
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wastrel | dapper stuff is the blacklist | 05:33 |
wastrel | the module is blacklisted, is it running? lsmod | grep ipv6 | 05:34 |
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=== leexgx [n=user@cpc2-warr4-0-0-cust928.bagu.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | quiet... | 05:36 |
duelboot | Flannel, I'm rebooting...will let you know shortly | 05:36 |
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mynameisdeleted | it is | 05:36 |
=== MikesHardLinux [n=rjguerre@cpe-76-184-51-208.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blanky | !dev | 05:37 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dev - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:37 |
blanky | hey guys what's the ubuntu development channel | 05:37 |
=== corevette [n=corevett@adsl-75-35-211-120.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Pirate-king [n=Pirate-k@daphmb01dc1-218-50.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blanky | corevette: what happened | 05:37 |
Hobbsee | blanky: #ubuntu-devel. it's not for support. | 05:37 |
=== beuno [n=martin@200-122-64-25.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
corevette | do you need xgl in order to run beryl? | 05:37 |
Popo1 | blanky: #ubuntu+1 | 05:37 |
Pirate-king | hello | 05:37 |
blanky | Hobbsee: I know, haha | 05:37 |
toulouse | corevette: check w/ #beryl people | 05:38 |
blanky | Hobbsee: fine, if I do sudo apt-get source blah, where does the source download to?! | 05:38 |
Pirate-king | how do I check my wireless card to see if it works | 05:38 |
Flannel | corevette: no, they're different (but similar) things. #ubuntu-xgl | 05:38 |
Hobbsee | blanky: /var/cache/apt/archives | 05:38 |
blanky | Hobbsee: thanks man | 05:38 |
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Hobbsee | blanky: oh wait, source. | 05:38 |
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blanky | yea? | 05:38 |
Hobbsee | blanky: that was the binaries. source downloads to the current directory. | 05:38 |
blanky | oh really, sweeet, thanks man | 05:39 |
Hobbsee | :) | 05:39 |
=== Optikal__ [n=Optikal@pool-70-18-241-77.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | !seen __mikem | 05:39 |
ProperNoun | Um, #ubuntu, it might help if you ask me about _someone_... | 05:39 |
ubotu | __mikem is on IRC right now! | 05:39 |
Optikal__ | Anybody know how to fix eclipse using AMD64 and edgy? | 05:39 |
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Optikal__ | I heard there was a fix in proposed, but I don't see it | 05:39 |
__mikem | holly crap, what do you want | 05:40 |
=== binskipy2u [n=binskipy@user-0c6t4jk.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
duelboot | Flannel, thanks it worked...finally | 05:40 |
mark__o | Question: When using GParted, is it normal for some space to be used after partitioning? I've got 6 GiB used in a 400 GiB partition. What is all that space used for? | 05:40 |
=== person [n=bruenig@ppp-70-242-223-113.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wastrel | i need a new hard drive | 05:41 |
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corevette | when i try to activate beryl in the beryl manager it switches back...why? | 05:41 |
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bruenig | !language | __mikem | 05:42 |
ubotu | __mikem: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 05:42 |
__mikem | great, now I have a stalker | 05:42 |
DtTvB | Hello, how to start a computer with a console? | 05:42 |
=== No1Viking [n=micke@h-83-140-104-74.ip.rixbredband.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
corevette | flannel...do you use beryl? | 05:42 |
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bruenig | hardly a stalker | 05:43 |
__mikem | bruenig, may I ask WHAT THE (BLANK) YOU WERE DOING IN #POLITICS | 05:43 |
bruenig | !caps | __mikem | 05:43 |
ubotu | __mikem: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 05:43 |
toulouse | mark__o:now im not sure on why, but i seem to have some used space in each of my partitions, and most of them are brand new! i dont know if it's supposed to be that way or why | 05:43 |
bruenig | !offtopic | __mikem | 05:43 |
ubotu | __mikem: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 05:43 |
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duelboot | help, when I establish an SSH connection with "-D 2000", firefox doesn't work properly (but Thunderbird does)...firefox goes out and seems to fetch the page, but it's blank (always) | 05:43 |
__mikem | Ahh, I hate you | 05:43 |
toulouse | !love | __mikem | 05:44 |
ubotu | __mikem: Love is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come. | 05:44 |
duelboot | yes I set up the proxy as "localhost" over port 2000 | 05:44 |
mister_roboto | does anyone know what causes beryl to sometimes start without window borders? restarting X *usually* fixes it | 05:44 |
=== steelb [n=steelb@c-67-187-206-90.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
toulouse | mister_roboto: i dont know, but i sometimes* have the same problem, but i just type : beryl-xgl to fix it | 05:45 |
duelboot | domoeragotto (sp?) mister_roboto ...lol | 05:45 |
DtTvB | How can I start Ubuntu without GDM? | 05:45 |
wastrel | arigato | 05:45 |
mister_roboto | duelboot: domo! <bow> | 05:45 |
wastrel | DtTvB: sudo update-alternatives -f gdm remove | 05:45 |
wastrel | er. no | 05:46 |
wastrel | sorry. | 05:46 |
wastrel | sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove | 05:46 |
DtTvB | Still I be able to use GDM again? | 05:46 |
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wastrel | type gdm to start it, or sudo update-rc.d gdm defaults to set it back up to start on boot | 05:46 |
leexgx | i am gettings this error on update ?? >>> i get this when i try and update ?? W: GPG error: edgy-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key | 05:46 |
wastrel | er, iguess it would be sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start | 05:46 |
leexgx | Cheaking for updates | 05:46 |
wastrel | to start it manually | 05:47 |
DtTvB | OK. | 05:47 |
=== dfgas [n=dfgas@adsl-75-44-39-27.dsl.milwwi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chris_ | can i strech icons in kde?, like i can in gnome :D | 05:47 |
Hobbsee | bruenig: stop having a go at __mikem please | 05:47 |
toulouse | leexgx: that doesnt look too good when it says security problem eh? i dont know how to fix it | 05:47 |
=== bruenig stops | ||
theflyingfool | does anyone know why my gnome-settings daemon doesnt load at login | 05:47 |
duelboot | help, when I establish an SSH connection with "-D 2000", firefox doesn't work properly (but Thunderbird does)...firefox goes out and seems to fetch the page, but it's blank (always) | 05:47 |
Hobbsee | bruenig: thanks | 05:48 |
DtTvB | Another question, how do I undo update-rc.d -f gdm remove? | 05:48 |
=== riotkittie [n=zabeth@cpe-72-228-42-90.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
leexgx | toulouse: all i did was start the ubunto back up in me vmware box and now it says that | 05:48 |
leexgx | ubuntu | 05:48 |
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toulouse | dude, i have no idea | 05:49 |
Ghozt | I figured the IRC would be the best place to ask this =] ... has anyone successfully installed XChat 2.8 yet? | 05:49 |
toulouse | im a nUb | 05:49 |
toulouse | lol | 05:49 |
toulouse | why you need xchat 2.8? | 05:50 |
Popo1 | toulouse: me too.. a n00b | 05:50 |
wastrel | DtTvB: update-rc.d gdm defaults | 05:50 |
DtTvB | OK. | 05:50 |
Ghozt | Because I'm on 2.6 and want to upgrade.. | 05:50 |
DtTvB | Thank you, | 05:50 |
=== toulouse is supposed to be doing homework | ||
=== duelboot should be sleeping | ||
toulouse | im on whatever came w/ edgy lolz | 05:50 |
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duelboot | toulouse, 2.6.6 | 05:51 |
toulouse | cool | 05:51 |
leexgx | toulouse: in any case not preventing any updates from been installed | 05:51 |
toulouse | hey guys, there are alot of xmms skins, any of them for ubuntu? | 05:52 |
toulouse | all of them are like super - over the top- | 05:52 |
toulouse | !xmms | 05:52 |
ubotu | Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 05:52 |
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riotkittie | toulouse: i imagine you can find some on gnome-look.org | 05:53 |
duelboot | toulouse, try the amaroK skin ... hehe | 05:53 |
toulouse | ok , thanks | 05:53 |
toulouse | not you duelboot | 05:53 |
toulouse | lol | 05:53 |
=== boss [n=boss@cpe-72-130-215-125.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
boss | Server List | 05:53 |
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boss | 3eduunbuntu | 05:53 |
DtTvB | How do I exit X on the tty7 and go to the terminal? | 05:54 |
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boss | #eduunbuntu | 05:54 |
boss | #edubuntu | 05:54 |
craigbass1976 | boss, type /join #edubuntu | 05:54 |
toulouse | DtTvB: do you mean press ctrl+alt+F1 | 05:54 |
duelboot | ctrl alt F1 DtTvB | 05:54 |
toulouse | or F2 | 05:54 |
=== hyphenated [n=cgilmour@222-152-213-197.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
toulouse | or F3 | 05:54 |
duelboot | toulouse, you beat me to it | 05:54 |
boss | join #edubuntu | 05:54 |
toulouse | or F4 | 05:54 |
duelboot | F1 - F6 | 05:54 |
toulouse | or F5 | 05:54 |
toulouse | or F6 | 05:54 |
DtTvB | Yes, I know that, but I want to kill X. | 05:54 |
toulouse | F7 is for X | 05:54 |
weiyan | no , he means shut the gdm | 05:55 |
=== dangan_ is now known as dangan | ||
toulouse | oh i have no idea | 05:55 |
riotkittie | DtTvB: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop ? | 05:55 |
DtTvB | Cool. Thank you. | 05:55 |
=== leexgx [n=user@cpc2-warr4-0-0-cust928.bagu.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
duelboot | help, when I establish an SSH connection with "-D 2000", firefox doesn't work properly (but Thunderbird does)...firefox goes out and seems to fetch the page, but it's blank (always) | 05:55 |
Ghozt | brb | 05:55 |
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riotkittie | then again, maybe... brb | 05:56 |
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=== wylde [n=kevin@74-38-16-249.dsl1.pco.ca.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wastrel | sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop | 05:56 |
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=== rexbron [n=rexbron@complex1-372-008.resnet.yorku.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_goofy_ | whats the best gui based partitioning program | 05:56 |
=== linda [n=linda@mtsatmH092.snowcrest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
toulouse | _goofy_: gparted | 05:57 |
wastrel | so to recap. sudo invoke-rc.d gdm [start|stop] ; sudo update-rc.d [-f] gdm [defaults|remove] | 05:57 |
=== wylde is hot | ||
=== Gumby [n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== sloucher [n=tom@64-121-33-16.c3-0.sfpo-ubr1.sfrn-sfpo.ca.static.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== toulouse is cold | ||
wastrel | that syntax is wrong but meh | 05:57 |
=== redDEAD [n=redDEAD@ppp-68-251-41-124.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
theflyingfool | does anyone know how to track down why my gnome-settings daemon doesnt start | 05:57 |
riotkittie | invoke-rc.d <takes notes> | 05:57 |
bendotc | So, I'm still trying to get a handle on this 64 bit version of Ubuntu. I've used debootstrap to set up a 32 bit environment i can chroot to... So, what's the point of the lib64 and lib32 directories if I have to just use this chrooted environment for everything 32 bit? | 05:58 |
toulouse | is the 64bit ubuntu amazingly faster? | 05:58 |
bendotc | I'm just trying to make sure I'm using this properly. | 05:58 |
toulouse | is it worth spending the big bucks on? | 05:58 |
toulouse | (64bit processor) | 05:59 |
theflyingfool | tourlouse 64bit processors are cheep now | 05:59 |
toulouse | oh | 05:59 |
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=== carkeys [n=Administ@dcn236-242.dcn.davis.ca.us] has joined #ubuntu | ||
toulouse | im using box that was given to me | 05:59 |
toulouse | pent4 w/ ht | 05:59 |
theflyingfool | toulouse: i got mine like 3 yeasrs ago for under 200$ | 05:59 |
bendotc | toulouse: It's hard for me to do a side-by-side, but I doubt it's that much faster unless you're using lots of double-precision floats. | 05:59 |
=== tim167 [n=tim@d51538B02.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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toulouse | is it hard to upgrade processors? | 06:00 |
riotkittie | oooh question question. why invoke-rc.d over my method? <prepares to take more notes> | 06:00 |
theflyingfool | toulouse: yeah, you usually need to update mobos at the same time | 06:00 |
tim167 | what program do you recommend for drawing electrical circuits ? | 06:00 |
wastrel | what method is that riotkittie | 06:00 |
=== linda [n=linda@mtsatmH092.snowcrest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wastrel | ah yes. /etc/init.d/gdm [start|stop] well | 06:01 |
riotkittie | wastrel: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 06:01 |
toulouse | theflyingfool: well, i wont have $$$ for a while, im earning for a car (just 16 yrs. here) | 06:01 |
tonyyarusso | riotkittie: To be pedantic. I'm not sure it matters much, but that's the "proper" way. | 06:01 |
riotkittie | ahh i am slow | 06:01 |
=== darkempress [n=beth@dynamic-acs-24-239-249-234.zoominternet.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
carkeys | hey. quick question: how does beryl/axgl work with KDE ? | 06:01 |
theflyingfool | toulouse: i turn 18 on saturday | 06:01 |
toulouse | happy b/day | 06:01 |
tonyyarusso | carkeys: if it does with Gnome, yes | 06:01 |
theflyingfool | toulouse: thnkx | 06:01 |
riotkittie | tonyyarusso: ah. <takes more notes> | 06:01 |
mister_roboto | carkeys: works fine | 06:01 |
theflyingfool | does anyone know how to diagnose why my gnome-settings daemon doesnt start at login | 06:01 |
carkeys | tonyarysso: thats waht i was thinking, but i thought id ask | 06:01 |
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=== toulouse needs some carkeys | ||
theflyingfool | carkeys are overrated, that car helps 2 | 06:02 |
carkeys | hahaah | 06:02 |
=== carkeys feels insecure about his nick | ||
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=== kazuka [n=email@ppp-71-136-59-235.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
toulouse | carkeys are security features, i'd feel secure about your nick | 06:03 |
carkeys | hahah | 06:03 |
Popo1 | xD | 06:03 |
kazuka | can video signals crash a computer? | 06:03 |
=== jair [n=jair@adsl-67-36-222-70.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl719.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
toulouse | kazuka: aliens can too | 06:03 |
toulouse | kazuka: i duno | 06:03 |
theflyingfool | does anyone know how to diagnose why my gnome-settings daemon doesnt start at login? | 06:03 |
kazuka | i just bought a new monitor and my system has been crashing lately | 06:03 |
kazuka | toulouse | 06:03 |
toulouse | kazuka: certain pictures crash the webkit based webrowsers | 06:04 |
toulouse | on macs | 06:04 |
toulouse | kazuka: i have no idea man | 06:04 |
Popo1 | it's secure to install beryl from Ubuntu Beryl Repository? (http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/) | 06:04 |
kazuka | yeah like safari | 06:04 |
toulouse | yep | 06:04 |
mister_roboto | theflyingfool: i'd suggest the usual first step of checking the logs (/var/log/messages) | 06:04 |
=== Youn1x [i=Younix@host-209-215-59-77.jan.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
toulouse | and the mail program | 06:04 |
duelboot | for what it's worth, Beryl ROCKS!!! | 06:04 |
Youn1x | When I run the Live CD (Ubuntu 5.10/), everything works. The window manager and stuff is fine. However, it let's me select my video vard from a list beforehand. When I install Ubuntu, it doesn't allow me to do that so the window manager won't load. How do I tell it what card to use? | 06:05 |
toulouse | beryl be the pimp s#!7 | 06:05 |
kazuka | how can I tell which crash my system under UBUNTU???????? | 06:05 |
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carkeys | is x86 or x64 perfered for xgl/beryl ?? | 06:05 |
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kazuka | oops sorry ??????? | 06:05 |
Popo1 | duelboot: then, do i install it form that repo? | 06:05 |
theflyingfool | mister_roboto: im not finding anything in there | 06:05 |
duelboot | I use a different repo | 06:05 |
h3xis | Youn1x, run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 06:05 |
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duelboot | but the ubuntu repo should be secure Popo1 | 06:06 |
Popo1 | duelboot: wich repo? | 06:06 |
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Youn1x | h3xis, you need a password for that, right? | 06:06 |
duelboot | hold one Popo1 | 06:06 |
=== Pelo made a live cd for his neigbour earlier, the damn thing booted to 1280 resolution and connected to the internet with no human intervention, lucky dog | ||
h3xis | Youn1x, possibly. | 06:06 |
toulouse | Popo1: join #beryl | 06:06 |
Popo1 | duelboot: ok, thx i'll try it | 06:06 |
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Popo1 | toulouse: ok.. 8-) | 06:06 |
=== Pyromancer [n=pyromanc@dsl092-069-150.bos1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
toulouse | im not mad at you for asking, im just saying, they can help you more | 06:06 |
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corevette | how do you tell what the super key is on beryl? | 06:06 |
carkeys | last question: is x86 or x64 perfered for xgl/beryl ?? | 06:07 |
threeonefour | anyone what does apm.ko do | 06:07 |
Youn1x | h3xis, is there a default? | 06:07 |
jair | hey guys I am trying to configure for first time my x11vnc ? but I am not sure about the configuration of the password and how to connect for first time using the password I created | 06:07 |
h3xis | Youn1x, default video card? | 06:07 |
toulouse | carkeys: #beryl ppl might help | 06:07 |
theflyingfool | carkeys: x86 is prefered for almost everything | 06:07 |
Youn1x | h3xis, default root password | 06:07 |
duelboot | Popo1, I use the repository at tuxfamily.org | 06:07 |
h3xis | Youn1x, root is locked | 06:07 |
carkeys | theflyingfool: thas waht i hear, jsut thought id confirm | 06:07 |
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Youn1x | ? | 06:07 |
mister_roboto | theflyingfool: do you have an Sxx script for it in /etc/rc2? | 06:07 |
Shadow_mil | I am going to go to bed, night all | 06:07 |
Youn1x | 'su' | 06:07 |
Youn1x | there's a password you need for 'su' | 06:07 |
h3xis | Youn1x, after running sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg it'll ask you for a password | 06:07 |
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h3xis | it's your password | 06:08 |
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Youn1x | ... | 06:08 |
Youn1x | but i never set a password | 06:08 |
h3xis | Youn1x, like i said, root is locked, you cannot use it | 06:08 |
h3xis | Youn1x, there isnt one | 06:08 |
Youn1x | .... | 06:08 |
Youn1x | i don't understand | 06:08 |
h3xis | why? | 06:08 |
theflyingfool | mister_roboto: is rc2.d close enough? | 06:08 |
Youn1x | sudo will ask me for a goddamn password | 06:08 |
h3xis | Youn1x, yes, and it is YOUR password | 06:08 |
tonyyarusso | !root | Youn1x | 06:08 |
Youn1x | the regular user's pass? | 06:08 |
duelboot | Youn1x, it's YOUR password | 06:08 |
ubotu | Youn1x: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 06:08 |
EnsignRedshirt | Twinview experts: would this be a good card to get if I plan to use twinview with two DVI monitors: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814150210 | 06:08 |
h3xis | Youn1x, yes | 06:08 |
Youn1x | okay | 06:08 |
Youn1x | sorry. :( | 06:09 |
mister_roboto | theflyingfool: lol yep, that's what i meant | 06:09 |
Youn1x | oh | 06:09 |
threeonefour | what does apm.ko control | 06:09 |
theflyingfool | mister_roboto: i dont htink i see one how do i make it anew | 06:09 |
Youn1x | i need to find a list of packages that come installed/or can-be-installed .. | 06:09 |
verve | hey guys.. any good sites for like 'suites' for Gnome? like a complete set: gtk, metacity, wallpaper, etc | 06:09 |
Youn1x | h3xis: do you know if php, mysql, and apache come with it? | 06:09 |
Youn1x | 5.10 | 06:09 |
steelb | why can't i do my ascii in ubuntu :(? | 06:09 |
h3xis | Youn1x, i do not think they do | 06:09 |
Youn1x | FUCK | 06:09 |
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wastrel | !lamp | Youn1x | 06:09 |
Youn1x | i hate things. | 06:09 |
ubotu | Youn1x: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 06:09 |
duelboot | !language | 06:10 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 06:10 |
Youn1x | oh | 06:10 |
Youn1x | okay. | 06:10 |
zoidberg | hey guys i really need some help | 06:10 |
Youn1x | it'd take me twenty hours to download that | 06:10 |
duelboot | !ask | 06:10 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 06:10 |
pyrohotdog | Hey everyone. What's the best way to burn VCDs from .bin & .cue files? | 06:10 |
toulouse | pyrohotdog: a cd burner | 06:10 |
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mister_roboto | theflyingfool: i don't run gnome so i'm just assuming it would get started with an init script. for making one from scratch, you can copy an existing one to a new number and modify to start the right program (later numbers start later in the init process). and don't forget the corresponding Kxx (kill) script in rc1.d | 06:11 |
Popo1 | toulouse: -.- | 06:11 |
SilentDis | 'lo :) | 06:11 |
zoidberg | i just installed edgy yesterday a toltally clean install...evething was fine yesterday...today i was on the temrinal trying to download something with aptitude and all of a sudden i keep getting these error message saying segmentation fault | 06:11 |
zoidberg | any help please? | 06:11 |
Professor` | where do i get Irc for Ubuntu ? | 06:11 |
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Youn1x | terminal - irssi | 06:11 |
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toulouse | Professor': you have it already, it's called X-caht | 06:11 |
SilentDis | !xchat | Professor` | 06:11 |
ubotu | xchat: IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6.6-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 275 kB, installed size 760 kB | 06:11 |
duelboot | Professor`, sudo apt-get install xchat | 06:11 |
toulouse | *chat | 06:11 |
pyrohotdog | Oh snap! How could I have overlooked that! A CD burner...! | 06:11 |
theflyingfool | mister_roboto: its stuff like this that makes me wish i didnt destroy my windows cd | 06:12 |
SilentDis | zoidberg, I get that same issue from time to time, a quick reboot usually solves it though. it's rare *shrug* | 06:12 |
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zoidberg | i actually already did a quick reboot....i'll try it again | 06:12 |
mister_roboto | theflyingfool: i don't understand. what made it stop starting? doesn't that start with the gnome desktop automatically? did it ever work? | 06:12 |
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drekon | verve: deviantART has a couple GNOME suites | 06:13 |
mister_roboto | theflyingfool: again... i don't run gnome here so a little cluelessa bout it | 06:13 |
theflyingfool | mister_roboto: it worked until i did a asys update | 06:13 |
verve | does it? cool | 06:13 |
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=== verve looks | ||
mister_roboto | theflyingfool: how did you update? | 06:13 |
threeonefour | does anyone know what apm.ko does | 06:13 |
theflyingfool | sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade | 06:13 |
=== toulouse is hoping for ice, so he doesnt have school tomorrow | ||
mister_roboto | threeonefour: sounds like a power management loadable module | 06:14 |
pyrohotdog | But really....what software/tools should I use/do I need to burn VCDs? I've got the CD burner covered. | 06:14 |
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Youn1x | !packages | 06:14 |
Youn1x | ?? | 06:14 |
Pelo | toulouse, where are you at ? | 06:14 |
ubotu | You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways! | 06:14 |
Youn1x | !synaptic mysql | 06:14 |
ubotu | synaptic: Graphical package manager. In component main, is optional. Version 0.57.11ubuntu12 (edgy), package size 1032 kB, installed size 5420 kB | 06:14 |
Youn1x | =/ | 06:14 |
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theflyingfool | mister_roboto: are you using KDE? | 06:15 |
Pelo | Youn1x, only one at a time | 06:15 |
mister_roboto | theflyingfool: yes | 06:15 |
Youn1x | i need to find a list of programs that come with 5.10! | 06:15 |
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Youn1x | Pelo: what? | 06:15 |
Pelo | Youn1x, try the release notes on the site | 06:15 |
theflyingfool | everyone, would it be easier to do a reinstall, or try to fix my problem with gnome-settings daemon not working | 06:15 |
Youn1x | errrrrr | 06:16 |
Youn1x | i can't find them for that version | 06:16 |
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Youn1x | nevermind | 06:16 |
=== Youn1x punches self | ||
hou5ton | anyone know if wine is running MS Office 2003 these days? | 06:16 |
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zoidberg | guys i'm back after a reboot and my APTITUDE SEGMENTATION FAULT ERROR PERSISTS? | 06:17 |
zoidberg | please help me? | 06:17 |
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SilentDis | zoidberg, hmm... maybe some weird data in packages.list? | 06:17 |
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mister_roboto | theflyingfool: outta curiosity, i googled "gnome-settings daemon not starting" and got a bunch of hits | 06:17 |
mister_roboto | theflyingfool: you might try looking around in there first | 06:17 |
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zoidberg | SilentDis, is there anything i can do to fix it? | 06:18 |
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theflyingfool | mister_roboto: this is the first problem i had that i forgout about google | 06:18 |
Berkut | hello | 06:18 |
Atom- | !iptables | 06:18 |
ubotu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 06:18 |
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Berkut | - ? | 06:19 |
SilentDis | zoidberg, yes, there should be backups of it. let me find the exact file name, it's been a while since i had to do anything with it. one moment | 06:19 |
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SilentDis | Berkut, launguage? | 06:19 |
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Berkut | Rus | 06:20 |
SilentDis | !ru | Berkut | 06:20 |
ubotu | Berkut: #ubuntu-ru / Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke | 06:20 |
zoidberg | SilentDis, the weird thing is that it was working perfectly yesterday when i freshly swtiched form dapper and did a fresh clean install of edgy formatted the hard drive and everything | 06:20 |
Berkut | ne ponjal | 06:21 |
mrbrocoli | im trying to install ubuntu dapper on an athlon xp with nvidia video, but whenever the live cd finished booting the screen blacks out (enters some video mode not supported by monitor). how do i get it to boot into some safe mode? | 06:21 |
SilentDis | zoidberg, yeah. some weird corruption somewhere. as I said, it's happened to me as well, just not in a while. still looking :) | 06:21 |
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Optikal__ | mrbrocoli: Is it a widescreen lcd monitor by chance? | 06:21 |
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threeonefour | where is the system boot logs | 06:22 |
BIG_GIRL | anyone seen the ubuntu installer spin while playing with the dvd in the partitioning phase? | 06:22 |
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mrbrocoli | Optikal__: no, lame old crt | 06:22 |
thufir007 | looking at <http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-117041.html>. I'd like to use a USB skype phone. anyone have one which works for them? | 06:22 |
mrbrocoli | ive also tried edgy, but that balks even earlier (kernel panic on boot) | 06:23 |
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threeonefour | where is the system boot logs where would i find them | 06:24 |
Pelo | /boot ? | 06:24 |
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tonyyarusso | threeonefour: /var/log/syslog maybe | 06:26 |
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mister_roboto | theflyingfool: what about this DBUS suggestion? http://gnomesupport.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=11768&start=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=&sid=3fc24e51646af29010caceac01e2a32f | 06:26 |
SilentDis | threeonefour, /var/log has most of them in that directory | 06:26 |
threeonefour | k thx | 06:26 |
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johan__ | ~$ sudo apt-get remove conexant | 06:28 |
johan__ | Reading package lists... Done | 06:28 |
johan__ | Building dependency tree | 06:28 |
johan__ | Reading state information... Done | 06:28 |
johan__ | E: The package conexant needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it. | 06:28 |
johan__ | i dont know how to solve this problem | 06:28 |
=== RyanTMulligan [n=rmulliga@74-134-230-178.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_goofy_ | whats a good gui LVM | 06:28 |
johan__ | sorry about multiple lines | 06:28 |
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johan__ | how can i reinstall or uninstall that application | 06:30 |
Rizo | Hello all, anyone willing to answer a few x1400 questions? | 06:30 |
Music_Shuffle | !anyone | Rizo | 06:30 |
ubotu | Rizo: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 06:30 |
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RyanTMulligan | Has anyone here installed Pound on Ubuntu? | 06:31 |
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tonyyarusso | doh | 06:31 |
johan__ | i get confused with the prepackaged stuff .deb how do i get rid of errors | 06:31 |
Rizo | good point, I was wondering if anyone got aiglx to work with a mobile x1400 yet | 06:31 |
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_goofy_ | dows ubuntu's lvm have a gui' | 06:33 |
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user666 | hey guys.... i used "update-rc.d start iptables 37 S ." to make an iptables script start each time... but now i want to move to firestarter.... how can i remove the rc.d entry? | 06:35 |
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s34n | when I ssh into a box, my DISPLAY variable isn't getting set. | 06:36 |
bkudria | can someone help me troubleshoot why my laptop microphone isn't working? i can't actually seem to get any output from it... | 06:36 |
bkudria | s34n: try -X or -Y ? | 06:36 |
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Rizo | Ill try another day, night all | 06:37 |
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zoidberg | SilentDis, are u there? | 06:37 |
SilentDis | zoidberg, i'm very sorry, i'm just far too tired to find it, and I'm not thinking clearly. i am dead certain I've run into that, and i keep thinking it has something to do with a 'packages.list' file or some such, but I'm just not finding it. i'm sorry :( | 06:38 |
s34n | bkudria: thx | 06:38 |
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bkudria | s34n: np | 06:38 |
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SilentDis | i'm gonna head to bed. i'm absolutely no use to anyone in my current state. i'm sorry :( | 06:39 |
ImOnAcid | just fucking kill yourself | 06:40 |
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jair | anyone here know how to use x11vnc I am trying to start it and wanted to create a password to secure it but I can not understand how | 06:40 |
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Naik0 | how can i only move the content of a map to another map? | 06:43 |
Naik0 | i dont want to move the map, just the content | 06:43 |
zoidberg | can anyone help me fix this APTITUDE SEGMENTATION FAULT ERROR PLEASE!!! | 06:44 |
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h3xis | zoidberg, probably not :P | 06:44 |
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mortici | anyone know why the video is all blue when i play quicktime files in firefox, i have sound but the video is all blue | 06:50 |
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jpjacobs | mortici, rigthclick and take a different displaydriver | 06:51 |
jpjacobs | i mean in the config dialog | 06:51 |
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KNY | what package do I need to install to get GLIBC >= 2.4? | 06:51 |
mortici | jpjacobs, on the video? | 06:51 |
jpjacobs | jup | 06:52 |
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jpjacobs | mortici, if that is with mozilla-mplayer... with totem i don't know | 06:52 |
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bkudria | can someone help me troubleshoot why my laptop microphone isn't working? i can't actually seem to get any output from it... | 06:53 |
mortici | jpjacobs, thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much :) | 06:53 |
mortici | i would have never figured that one out | 06:53 |
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jpjacobs | np | 06:54 |
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PhibreOptix | !GNU | PhibreOptix | 06:55 |
ubotu | PhibreOptix: G(NU's) N(ot) U(nix). A project that aimed to develop a complete operating system of Free Software, which Ubuntu is based on. See http://gnu.org | 06:55 |
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BIG_GIRL | what's the difference between Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu and Edbuntu? | 06:58 |
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PMantis | BIG_GIRL, Mostly the interface... | 06:59 |
BIG_GIRL | can you give me the technical rundown? new to ubuntu not linux/unix | 06:59 |
BIG_GIRL | I assume one's kde | 06:59 |
PMantis | BIG_GIRL, Ubuntu is Gnone, Kubuntu is KDE, Xubuntu is xfce, Edubuntu if Gnome with educational software, and server configs. | 06:59 |
BIG_GIRL | so, not enlightenment then | 06:59 |
PMantis | None that I know | 07:00 |
BIG_GIRL | thanks | 07:00 |
PMantis | NP! | 07:00 |
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PMantis | BIG_GIRL, Most of that info is also at www.ubuntu.com | 07:00 |
Mba7eth | hi all , can i install quicktime on ubuntu ? | 07:00 |
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PMantis | Mba7eth, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats#head-51da8d49e45bfd7f114894931f0c16faaac6aea5 | 07:01 |
FaithX_ | my Thinkpad goes into low power mode and won't come out. | 07:01 |
mneptok | Mba7eth: no. Apple does not provide official QT releases fol Linux. use VLC or mPlayer. | 07:01 |
mneptok | *for | 07:02 |
mneptok | oy PMantis | 07:02 |
PMantis | mneptok, long link | 07:02 |
lresende | i have a question about installing partition... i have one hd with 1 primar partition (C), 1 extended partition that has (D) and free space... can i Install ubuntu on the free space on the extended partition without loosing contents from my C and D drives ? | 07:02 |
Mba7eth | ok thanx all :) | 07:02 |
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Mba7eth | see ya | 07:02 |
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litheum | woo, that upgrade to dapper went well! hah. http://endtable.net/paste/7c65deb1.html | 07:03 |
mneptok | PMantis: "oy" as in "hi!" and not disdain :) | 07:03 |
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PMantis | mneptok, Oh, ok. :) | 07:03 |
PMantis | mneptok, HI there. :) | 07:03 |
s34n | Is RUby available from a standard ubuntu repo? | 07:04 |
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PMantis | Who maintains Request Tracker on Ubuntu ? It's on 3.4.4... must be a reason that a 1.5 y/o package is in Dapper... anything later unstable? | 07:05 |
DtTvB | How do I remove all files and folders in a specified directory with a terminal? | 07:05 |
arquebus | rm filename | 07:05 |
s34n | DtTvB: rm -rf path/to/dir | 07:05 |
DtTvB | OK. | 07:05 |
EnsignRedshirt | s34n: Yes | 07:05 |
HentaiSushi | the complicating names | 07:05 |
HentaiSushi | T_T | 07:05 |
PMantis | DtTvB, Uhm... with an 'rm' command... -rf is *DANGEROUS* though. | 07:05 |
PhibreOptix | !python | PhibreOptix | 07:06 |
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ubotu | python: An interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is important. Version 2.4.3-11ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 37 kB, installed size 208 kB | 07:06 |
s34n | EnsignRedshirt: please teach me | 07:06 |
DtTvB | I know. | 07:06 |
DtTvB | -f force. | 07:06 |
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EnsignRedshirt | s34n: Ruby is available. | 07:06 |
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PMantis | DtTvB, Be absolutely sure what the command will remove.. the -rf will be done in an instant with no reversal. | 07:06 |
s34n | DtTvB: -r recursive | 07:06 |
DtTvB | OK. Thanks you the warning. ;) | 07:07 |
s34n | DtTvB: I second PMantis | 07:07 |
HentaiSushi | ill third it to feel important | 07:07 |
s34n | it's an important caution | 07:07 |
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s34n | EnsignRedshirt: where? | 07:07 |
PMantis | s34n, Once for fun, I tried the command with only a '/' as a paremeter (yes the rm -rf command) | 07:08 |
lresende | i have a question about installing partition... i have one hd with 1 primar partition (C), 1 extended partition that has (D) and free space... can i Install ubuntu on the free space on the extended partition without loosing contents from my C and D drives ? | 07:08 |
PMantis | s34n, I was gonna wipe everything anyhow, and just *had* to do it once. :) | 07:08 |
s34n | PMantis: didn't work, did it? | 07:08 |
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PMantis | s34n, as root? Sure did! | 07:09 |
EnsignRedshirt | s34n: Run synaptic, click on "Search", enter ruby, scroll down to the package called "ruby", right-click and select "Mark for installation", then click on the "Apply" button | 07:09 |
PMantis | s34n, It left the system in a very awkward state... couldn't get any further commands to work.. Hmmmm. | 07:09 |
EnsignRedshirt | s34n: Or, in a terminal: sudo apt-get install ruby | 07:09 |
PMantis | Anyways, Request Tracker on Ubuntu? Anyone? Going once.... :-) | 07:10 |
s34n | EnsignRedshirt: grr. this stupid Add/Remove Programs App... | 07:10 |
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HentaiSushi | ? | 07:10 |
verve | that sucks, i wish i could run XglSnow without beryl | 07:10 |
verve | regular xsnow is yucky :( | 07:10 |
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HentaiSushi | i wish i knew what eitehr of those terms mean | 07:10 |
user666 | guys i've got a big firestarter problem... can anyone help me out? | 07:11 |
verve | stop playing with matches | 07:11 |
=== verve guffaws | ||
verve | sorry, i'm lame | 07:11 |
verve | :P | 07:11 |
PMantis | ok guys, it's late (EST)... cya... | 07:11 |
HentaiSushi | lmao | 07:11 |
EnsignRedshirt | user666: Just ask your question. | 07:11 |
EnsignRedshirt | !anyone | 07:11 |
ubotu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 07:11 |
user666 | oh sure thing | 07:11 |
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user666 | firestarter is not loading the iptables rules until i start the program itself | 07:12 |
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user666 | so if i have just rebooted, the iptables rules are set to accept anything.... does anyone know how to fix this? | 07:12 |
KNY | what package do I need to install to get GLIBC >= 2.4? | 07:12 |
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s34n | user666: System -> Administration -> Services | 07:13 |
jpjacobs | KNY: prolly build-essential will do (assuming you are building stuff) | 07:13 |
metres | Hi all, do different result from vol_id and blkid for the same partition is a bug or there is a way to correct this ? | 07:13 |
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s34n | user666: set firestart to auto-start | 07:14 |
riyonuk | When I added this to my sources.list and downloaded, it said it wasnt authencated http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=308286&highlight=audacious | 07:14 |
riyonuk | why? | 07:14 |
KNY | jpjacobs, unrar (from rarlabs.com) needs it... version `GLIBC_2.4' not found (required by unrar) | 07:14 |
s34n | user666: (then Save) | 07:14 |
user666 | s34n, there is no firestarter entry in the list | 07:14 |
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jpjacobs | KNY, tried looking in synaptic, it ahs a handy search function ;) | 07:14 |
singamayya | how do i make a tar.gz into a deb file? | 07:14 |
KNY | jpjacobs, I have | 07:15 |
KNY | and jpjacobs this is a server, SSH access only | 07:15 |
s34n | user666: then your package isn't init.d friendly | 07:15 |
KNY | I installed g++ which got libc6-dev and libc-dev | 07:15 |
KNY | but it's still erroring | 07:15 |
s34n | user666: build your own init.d script or find one, or bag firestarter | 07:15 |
jpjacobs | libc!=glibc | 07:15 |
singamayya | i know alien makes rpm -> deb. but what makes tar.gz -> deb ? | 07:15 |
ertanerbek | hi , need coneaxant windmodem free driver, | 07:16 |
s34n | user666: are your firewall rules that complicated? | 07:16 |
jpjacobs | i'd try looking for it with sudo apt-cache search glibc|grep glibc | 07:16 |
user666 | not really that complicated | 07:16 |
metres | singamayya : its the packaging process.. little complex you may like only to install your .tar.gz... | 07:16 |
jpjacobs | add a -i to that grep | 07:16 |
KNY | jpjacobs, looking on packages.ubuntu.ocm now | 07:16 |
KNY | com* | 07:16 |
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user666 | s34n, how about update-rc.d start firestarter 37 S . would that work? | 07:16 |
compsman | i need flash 8 opr 9 for ubuntu | 07:16 |
singamayya | metres: the problem with tar.gz is that doing 'make install' puts files everywhere in /usr .. it is not simple to uninstall | 07:17 |
ertanerbek | hi , need coneaxant windmodem free driver, | 07:17 |
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ertanerbek | help me pleas | 07:17 |
metres | singamayya : make uninstall | 07:17 |
singamayya | metres: aha! thanks | 07:17 |
EnsignRedshirt | singamayya, metres: You can usually avoid installing to /usr by using something like: ./configure --prefix=/opt/packagename | 07:18 |
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jpjacobs | singamayya, there is checkinstall :) | 07:18 |
compsman | i need flash 8 opr 9 for ubuntu | 07:18 |
singamayya | what is checkinstall? | 07:18 |
singamayya | looking | 07:18 |
KNY | jpjacobs, I've got everything that comes up on packages.ubuntu.com's search for "glibc" installed, still errors :-/ | 07:18 |
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jpjacobs | KNY can't you do with the ubuntu unrar version? that has all deps for sure | 07:18 |
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singamayya | jpjacobs: oh cool! this is perfect. yay | 07:18 |
Zambezi | Linux stops booting after kernel is uncompressed. I tried with two harddrives, but the same error occur. But just to try I installed Windows and that works. I used Dapper server and it never fails. | 07:19 |
KNY | jpjacobs, another app is using it and I believe it's hardcoded for unrar | 07:19 |
KNY | eh, I'll poke around the source and see if it is | 07:19 |
KNY | thanks | 07:19 |
metres | Zambezi : which error ? | 07:20 |
metres | Zambezi : be sure that your /boot/grub/menu.lst is correct... | 07:21 |
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jb0nd38372 | Could someone when they have time help me with a compile error I'm getting trying to compile KVM? | 07:22 |
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Zambezi | metres, It just stops directly after boot. | 07:24 |
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EnsignRedshirt | jb0nd38372: Slim chance, but describe the error and see what happens... | 07:24 |
Zambezi | metres, And I will never use Windows again, so Windows is not an option. So I don't know how to solve it. | 07:24 |
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jb0nd38372 | EnsignRedshirt, Heres the paste bin... it's probally something simple... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1789/ | 07:25 |
metres | Zambezi : paste bin me your /boot/grub/menu.lst and tell me on which partition is your ubuntu... | 07:25 |
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jb0nd38372 | EnsignRedshirt, I was following the howto here: http://popey.com/Compiling_kvm_Under_Ubuntu_Edgy_i386 | 07:26 |
zammit | hello, i've been trying to get dvd playback on ubuntu edgy eft 6.10 for the past few hours - i'm coming here as a last resort. could somone offer a hand? | 07:26 |
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Hobbsee | !dvd | zammit | 07:27 |
ubotu | zammit: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages | 07:27 |
mneptok | Zambezi: your drive controller is ... ? | 07:28 |
zammit | hobbsee, I'll look again, but i've already installed libdvdread3 and libdvdcss2 about 3 times already | 07:28 |
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EnsignRedshirt | jb0nd38372: I can only observe the obvious: something is missing in /lib/modules/2.6.17... | 07:28 |
ALL4N | hey, I'm having problems with samba network shares.. I wanted to change the password for my samba user but could not find option with smbpasswd, so I deleted and re-added the user.. now I always get access denied when trying to connect.. any suggestions? | 07:28 |
EnsignRedshirt | jb0nd38372: Take a look in /lib/modules. | 07:29 |
jb0nd38372 | EnsignRedshirt, I wish I knew what.. I followed that too the tee... kernel headers, build essentials everything, yet nothing :) | 07:29 |
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jb0nd38372 | EnsignRedshirt, ok i'm here, rather there | 07:29 |
Hobbsee | zammit: hrm. | 07:29 |
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zammit | hobbsee, i rean the "sudo /usr/share..." line and now it just downgraded my libdvdcss2 package to version 1.2.5-1 (from 1.2.9-0.0) | 07:30 |
EnsignRedshirt | jb0nd38372: Which version of Ubuntu are you using? | 07:30 |
Hobbsee | zammit: weird... | 07:31 |
jb0nd38372 | EnsignRedshirt, Using 6.10 Edgy eft | 07:31 |
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jb0nd38372 | EnsignRedshirt, I have 3 folders in /lib/modules, named 2.4.27-2-386 2.6.17-10-386 2.6.17-10-generic | 07:32 |
zammit | hobbsee, and my "gxine" package is already the newest version - i've no clue what to do | 07:32 |
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jb0nd38372 | EnsignRedshirt, I assume linux kernel headers? | 07:32 |
Zambezi | metres, I can't even boot the computer. It freezes after "upcompressing the kenrnel" just when grub loads the kernel. | 07:32 |
Zambezi | mneptok, ATA. | 07:32 |
ALL4N | oh, hmm.. not sure why, but suddenly my samba shares work.. I wonder if it was problems with windows trying to remember my old password. | 07:32 |
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EnsignRedshirt | jb0nd38372: It looks that way. Presumably the -generic files come from the package linux-headers-generic (note my amazing powers of deduction) | 07:33 |
mneptok | Zambezi: and who makes the controller? is it internal to the bridge chipset? | 07:33 |
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metres | Zambezi : you can edit the grub parameter before choosing which kernel to boot... | 07:34 |
Zambezi | mneptok, You lost me. I'm not sure I understand. | 07:34 |
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HentaiSushi | if only i knew what grub and kernal was | 07:34 |
HentaiSushi | :/ | 07:34 |
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zammit | hobbsee, (or anyone) is there a bug/workaround in ubuntu 6.10 i'm not familiar with in regards to dvd playback? | 07:34 |
jpjacobs | !grub | 07:34 |
jb0nd38372 | EnsignRedshirt, I dont know I guess when it's trying to make it's not finding something i'm kinda lost | 07:34 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 07:34 |
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Zambezi | metres, But why would it causing me trouble? It worked fine before the break of power... | 07:34 |
jb0nd38372 | EnsignRedshirt, but thanks for trying to help anyway... I dunno, maybe it's a botched intall or something I'm still new to linux | 07:34 |
EnsignRedshirt | jb0nd38372: Apparently the make file expects to find a subdirectory called "build" in the 2.6.17-10-386 directory. | 07:35 |
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jb0nd38372 | EnsignRedshirt, yeah and theres not one there, and of course I dont know why.. just cause you go by the book doesn't always mean it will work I dont guess | 07:36 |
mneptok | Zambezi: when did it stop working? i thought you said after an upgrade to edgy. | 07:36 |
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jb0nd38372 | Anyone else care to try and tackle this build problem I'm having? or possibly shed some insight? | 07:36 |
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bkudria | can someone walk me through getting my microphone working? i don't get anything from it currently.... | 07:37 |
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Zambezi | mneptok, It worked really fine, but after a break of power everything stopped working. I reinstalled this and it works fine. | 07:37 |
Tenebrys | Hey. I'm having some issues. | 07:38 |
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zammit | tenebrys, join the club, what are your issues? | 07:38 |
Tenebrys | You know how there was a new Linux kernel out sometime in the last month or so? | 07:38 |
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n2diy | jb0nd38372: with linux, by the time you right the book, it is already out of date. | 07:38 |
Tenebrys | Amidst a few hundred megs of updates that I wasn't at my computer to download until yesterday? | 07:38 |
midna | where can i find the netboot files for the amd64 edgy release | 07:39 |
zammit | no but go on | 07:39 |
Tenebrys | Well, it goes like this. | 07:39 |
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Tenebrys | I was trying to reboot to the WinXP partition of my comp just now. | 07:39 |
jb0nd38372 | n2diy, I hear that.. I wish I had the technical skill to figure this out.. but i'm stumpped at the moment.. it's nothing critical Just something I wanted to accomplish | 07:39 |
Tenebrys | When I tried (hadn't restarted since downloading the updates) grub had locked me out. | 07:39 |
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n2diy | jb0nd38372: I just jumped in, and caught your reference to docs, but I missed what your issue is. | 07:40 |
thinkmonkeys | does anybody else get a weird flash when they launch apps from the panel bar?/quit | 07:40 |
jb0nd38372 | I'm trying to complie KVM, the newest from sourceforge... I went by this howto, thats supposedly for edgy -- http://popey.com/Compiling_kvm_Under_Ubuntu_Edgy_i386 | 07:41 |
jb0nd38372 | oops | 07:41 |
Tenebrys | So, yeah. | 07:41 |
Tenebrys | Recent updates to Linux has apparently cause my grub to reconfigure itself and remove WinXP from the list of available partitions. | 07:41 |
jb0nd38372 | n2diy, anyway,, I went to that how to... followed step by step.. and up until make, everything matched, then this happened -- http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1789/ | 07:41 |
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Tenebrys | Needless to say, I'm a bit pissed. | 07:42 |
Tenebrys | Considering that, as much as I like Linux, there's stuff that I prefer to have Windows do for me. | 07:42 |
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n2diy | jb0nd38372: Ok, I don't like living on the edgy, so I'm still using Dapper, but let me go look at your paste now. | 07:43 |
EnsignRedshirt | Ciao, y'all. Good luck, jb0nd38372. | 07:43 |
bkudria | can someone walk me through getting my microphone working? i don't get anything from it currently.... | 07:43 |
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jb0nd38372 | ty ensign | 07:43 |
jpjacobs | Tenebrys, don't put stuff between the "## don't put your own stuff below this line " thing in menu.lst | 07:43 |
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oidia | anybody know where the "dri" kernel module is located? | 07:43 |
Tenebrys | I didn't even edit the file. | 07:44 |
Tenebrys | I had forgotten that it ever existed. | 07:44 |
jpjacobs | i gues it's easy enough to find on the wiki (and if you really really don't find anything, try the installation docs on www.gentoo.org , the configuring the bootloader part) | 07:44 |
n2diy | ! kvm | 07:44 |
singamayya | yeehaw. checkinstall rocks! | 07:44 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kvm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:44 |
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Tenebrys | I had updated the kernel, rebooted my computer to try to get to WinXP, and it was gone. | 07:44 |
n2diy | jb0nd38372: what is kvm? looks like your trying to compile it? | 07:45 |
Tenebrys | GParted shows it as still existing. | 07:45 |
=== jshadias [n=jshadias@tx-65-40-96-253.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jpjacobs | Tenebrys, it's just a missing line in the config, something with chaniloader etc... google for it | 07:45 |
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Tenebrys | Hey. | 07:45 |
Tenebrys | I configged grub awhile ago. | 07:46 |
jb0nd38372 | n2diy, KVM is just a port of qemu, virtulazation software to let me run a couple windows programs.. well run windows xp in linux, like vmware except supposedly only faster | 07:46 |
Tenebrys | I remember very little about it, except that I had to burn a CD-R and boot into it. | 07:46 |
Tenebrys | Am I going to have to do that again? | 07:46 |
jpjacobs | Tenebrys, no, just google-up the line you need (try grub windows chainloader) and add it to /boot/grub/menu.lst. then do update-grub and reboot. | 07:47 |
jb0nd38372 | n2diy, I have used vmware in the past.. compiled it, if you call running the installer script compiling.. anyway it worked albeit slow, I was hoping kvm might allow my xp session a little better hardware support, like xen offers | 07:47 |
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midna | i hate whoever packaged the amd64 release of edgy without the farking netboot files so that I now have to go search about for a sneaky way to acquire them without having to download the whole effing server iso | 07:48 |
midna | i hate that person | 07:48 |
=== Vich|Away [n=DrVich@ppp14-234.lns2.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
midna | they should be shot on sight | 07:48 |
jshadias | how can i fix a "no more free serial devices" in usb-serial? | 07:48 |
jb0nd38372 | n2diy, I think somehow, I do not have a needed lib, or header installed, but have no idea where to start to figure it out | 07:48 |
midna | shot in the knee. than i will puch their tiny weiner | 07:48 |
chavo | midna ask for a refund | 07:49 |
chavo | oh that's right | 07:49 |
n2diy | jb0nd38372: ok, it looks like the problem is in lines 33-35, | 07:49 |
midna | its free | 07:49 |
midna | ya ya | 07:49 |
Tenebrys | Hmm... alright... | 07:49 |
chavo | they do it out of the kindness of their spleen | 07:49 |
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midna | but someone "decided" to leave it out | 07:49 |
midna | because the server version is supposed to be more minimalistic | 07:49 |
midna | so that means it was a concious decision to take it away | 07:50 |
chavo | well | 07:50 |
jb0nd38372 | n2diy, /lib/modules/2.6.17-10-386 is there.. but there is no build folder in that tree at all | 07:50 |
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n2diy | jb0nd38372: do you have "build-essnitals" installed? | 07:50 |
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zammit | my super troopers dvd refuses to playback - well even mount, does anyone have any suggestions? | 07:51 |
jb0nd38372 | n2diy, I thought I did, I sudo apt-get , let me check package manager and see if it shows them installed | 07:51 |
joe74 | Is there a way to mount only a NTFS folder with write permission, not the whole drive, just a specific folder? | 07:51 |
midna | muahahahahhah | 07:51 |
Flannel | !ntfs | joe74 | 07:51 |
ubotu | joe74: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions. For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 07:51 |
midna | I am smarter than the computer!!! | 07:51 |
midna | w00t | 07:51 |
n2diy | corretcion, jb0nd38372: do you have "build-essentials" installed? | 07:51 |
_deb_ | !ntfs-3g | 07:51 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy) | 07:51 |
bradley | what is the best (most reliable) way to upgrade to feisty? | 07:51 |
midna | dont? | 07:51 |
midna | its not stable? | 07:51 |
=== jb0nd38372 [n=jb0nd383@adsl-068-209-226-231.sip.mem.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chavo | feisty is very unstable right now if you're crazy try the herd2 cd | 07:52 |
jb0nd38372 | n2diy, yes, package manager says its installed... sorry about that, too many open windows at the moment lol | 07:52 |
smith88 | are there any plans to integrate ntfs-3g into ubuntu in the future, by default that is? | 07:52 |
chavo | but that's if your off your rocker | 07:52 |
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midna | yay for http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/main/installer-amd64/20060711ubuntu18/images/netboot/ | 07:53 |
midna | i <3 whoever put that there | 07:53 |
=== midna hugs and gives love to that person | ||
bradley | what is the most reliable way to upgrade to feisty? (i just asked a minute ago but was disconnected and missed any replies) | 07:54 |
jb0nd38372 | n2diy, I think I may have found a solution... brb, | 07:54 |
chavo | now you gotta take back that shot to his face :) | 07:54 |
Flannel | !upgrade | bradley | 07:54 |
ubotu | bradley: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 07:54 |
midna | no no no.. it had to be a different person chavo :) | 07:54 |
Flannel | !feisty | bradley | 07:54 |
ubotu | bradley: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+1 | 07:54 |
chavo | bradley, feisty is pretty rocky right now | 07:54 |
=== Tenri1 [n=Tenric@cpe-70-112-71-82.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tenri1 | !fonts | 07:55 |
ubotu | Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer | 07:55 |
midna | chavo: it had to be a different person | 07:55 |
chavo | if you're absolutely mad for it stick with the herd2 release | 07:55 |
midna | chavo: no one person could be that horrible and amazing | 07:55 |
chavo | yeah I guess since you shot the other guy | 07:55 |
bradley | chable, that's funny someone earlier told me it was ready to rock and i should upgrade! | 07:55 |
spike723 | I'm running 6.10 how can I upgrade to the development version? I need to change what in /etc/apt/sources.list? | 07:55 |
Flannel | bradley: it's not, and you probably shouldnt. It's still alpha. | 07:55 |
bradley | i will probably wait for the beta. | 07:56 |
Flannel | spike723: see the topic in #ubuntu+1 | 07:56 |
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chavo | bradley, it's gotten a little messed up the past couple of days | 07:56 |
jb0nd38372 | Nope no go :( | 07:56 |
bradley | chavo, what happened? | 07:56 |
chavo | I'm not running it, just going by the horror stories in the forums | 07:56 |
midna | why do you want feisty anyway | 07:56 |
chavo | python got updated and broke a lot of stuff | 07:57 |
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bradley | midna the whole thing is a pretty long story... but i would prefer not to if i don't have to. | 07:57 |
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n2diy | jb0nd38372: ok, it seems your problem is related to something from line 30 or below. Confirm the directories exsiste, permissions, etc... | 07:57 |
Jordan_U | How do I mount a UFS partition in Ubuntu? | 07:57 |
jb0nd38372 | ok checking now | 07:57 |
midna | k k | 07:57 |
=== synth7 [n=j@cpe-075-176-031-121.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bkudria | can someone walk me through getting my microphone working? i don't get anything from it currently.... | 07:58 |
Tenri1 | !LaTex | 07:58 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about LaTex - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:58 |
bradley | midna, i meant i would rather not upgrade... but the story isn't that interesting either :-) | 07:58 |
midna | lol oh | 07:59 |
Flannel | Tenri1: what you looking for? | 07:59 |
Tenri1 | what LaTeX is | 07:59 |
Tenri1 | Flannel | 07:59 |
midna | don't do sudo mv of a directory | 07:59 |
midna | it mucks it all up | 07:59 |
midna | ugh. | 07:59 |
Jordan_U | Tenri1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LaTeX | 07:59 |
Tenebrys | Hey. | 08:00 |
Tenebrys | I'm suspicious about something... | 08:00 |
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bradley | thanks all for the advice... sometimes i think i like breaking my computer just so i can fix it but feisty can wait. | 08:00 |
Tenri1 | Flannel: Thanks. I'm having problems with some internet font | 08:00 |
zammit | bkudria, have you checked your volume settings? | 08:00 |
Tenebrys | I know it's a really stupid question, but how do I make sure of the version number of my kernel? | 08:00 |
jpjacobs | uname -a | 08:00 |
bradley | maybe i'll break something else in my like instead! (for a change) | 08:00 |
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bkudria | zammit: yes...they are all as they should be | 08:01 |
midna | is it possible to do an "ln -s http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/main/installer-amd64/20060711ubuntu18/images/netboot /var/lib/tftpboot" ? | 08:01 |
Tenebrys | Ah, thankiesh! | 08:01 |
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Tenebrys | Just wanted to make sure everything was a-ok in my boot.lst file. | 08:01 |
midna | so basically symbolicaly link to a mirror for a directory? | 08:01 |
Flannel | Tenri1: you'd probably be better off turning to google for that... um, here's some stuff: http://www.andy-roberts.net/misc/latex/latexvsword.html | 08:01 |
Tenri1 | Flannel: Thanks | 08:02 |
jpjacobs | Tenebrys, in ubuntu it's called menu.lst | 08:02 |
jengc0il | hello | 08:02 |
Tenri1 | Flannel: Oh, LaTex is an editor? | 08:02 |
Tenebrys | Oh yeah. | 08:02 |
Tenebrys | Typo'd. I'm tired. | 08:02 |
Tenri1 | Flannel: see, I didn't even know what it was. | 08:02 |
zammit | bkudria, do you have onboard audio? | 08:02 |
n2diy | can you create a directory with touch? | 08:02 |
Tenebrys | Thanks for the help, everyone... I can't test it right now, but it's good to know that you people are always here. | 08:02 |
Tenebrys | See ya soon!~ | 08:03 |
Tenri1 | Flannel: Thought it was along the lines of Qt, and X | 08:03 |
bkudria | zammit: onboard? i guess, i have a laptop. my chipset is hda_intel | 08:03 |
n2diy | ! touch | 08:03 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about touch - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:03 |
Tenri1 | !touch | 08:04 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about touch - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:04 |
Tenri1 | eh' | 08:04 |
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Flannel | Tenri1: no, it's hand coding vs WYSIWYG, only for text documents | 08:05 |
Tenri1 | Does anyone know about getting a weird Eastern font in place of a normal English font on certain web pages? | 08:05 |
Tenri1 | Flannel: OK. | 08:05 |
Flannel | Tenri1: LaTeX is a markup language | 08:05 |
midna | the answer to my above question is no. | 08:05 |
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Flannel | Tenri1: you have a particular page as an example? | 08:05 |
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Tenri1 | Flannel: www.martianfederation.com. The second line immediately under the banner. | 08:06 |
zammit | bkudria, i'm not too sure, i did a bit of googling, tried that yet ? =\ | 08:06 |
Tenri1 | Flannel: Among many others | 08:06 |
phrizer | How can i change the default application to use for a file? | 08:06 |
J-_ | !wck | 08:06 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about wck - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:06 |
bkudria | zammit: yep, quite a bit :) | 08:06 |
J-_ | is there a wck module I can download in the repos for python, or is it already installed? | 08:07 |
Schalken | phrizer: right click > properties > open with (tab) | 08:07 |
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Flannel | Tenri1: er, right click near it, this frame > view source. Does the text in qustion appear in ... english stuff, in the source? | 08:07 |
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zammit | bkudria, looks like alsa driver might be what you're looking for (but you prolly already know this lol) - have you verified the package is installed? | 08:08 |
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phrizer | Schalken, that lets me choose an application to open with. But it doesnt set the default double click action. | 08:08 |
Tenri1 | Flannel: yes. | 08:08 |
bkudria | zammit: alsa? yes, i have sound output working | 08:08 |
x_or | I am trying to forward a port to another machine using netcat, proxying the request. Anyone know how I can do this? Or, good documentation? | 08:08 |
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Flannel | Tenri1: what text is it? just so we know we're talking abou tthe same ones | 08:08 |
zammit | bkudria, oh right, duh =( well i'm no good at this stuff! best of luck! | 08:09 |
n2diy | ! netcat | 08:09 |
=== Pie-rate [n=jschall@cust-69-19-214-183.static.o1.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | netcat: TCP/IP swiss army knife. In component main, is important. Version 1.10-32 (edgy), package size 64 kB, installed size 228 kB | 08:09 |
bkudria | zammit: ok, thanks for the help | 08:09 |
Schalken | phrizer: yes, the application that has its option box selected is the double-click-open app | 08:09 |
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n2diy | ! netcat | x_or: | 08:09 |
ubotu | netcat: TCP/IP swiss army knife. In component main, is important. Version 1.10-32 (edgy), package size 64 kB, installed size 228 kB | 08:09 |
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Tenri1 | Flannel: 'The Federation of Martian and Asteroidal Republics (FMAR)' | 08:09 |
Pie-rate | Internal error | 08:09 |
Pie-rate | failed to initialize HAL! | 08:09 |
Pie-rate | How can I fix this? Its a pain in the ass not having HAL. | 08:09 |
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x_or | n2diy: I know what netcat is, but I am unsure how to use it for proxying... | 08:10 |
Tenri1 | netcat is great | 08:10 |
phrizer | Schalken, oh sorry, i was looking elsewhere, thanks | 08:10 |
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n2diy | x_or, roger, I don't know either. i was just testing the bot. | 08:11 |
x_or | n2diy: OK. Cool. | 08:11 |
Flannel | Tenri1: hmm. Well, I have no idea what might be causing it. Sorry. | 08:11 |
Tenri1 | OK, thanks. | 08:12 |
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niru | I want to have an installation manual on desktop as soon as I install my os.for example ubuntu | 08:12 |
niru | so where I need to place this doc to get it on desktop after installaton of os | 08:13 |
Flannel | niru: you want an installation manual, for after installation? | 08:13 |
niru | I am building installable cd | 08:13 |
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niru | Flannel:I mean an user manual | 08:13 |
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niru | such that as soon as an user installes the os he should get the doc on his desktop | 08:14 |
mneptok | uhhh ... | 08:15 |
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Pie-rate | Internal error failed to initialize HAL! | 08:16 |
Pie-rate | Please help! | 08:16 |
n2diy | niru: so you want the first thing a user sees, is a howto/tutorial? | 08:16 |
mneptok | you want Ubuntu, by default, to show a document explaining how to install which is displayed *immediately after installation*? | 08:16 |
niru | n2diy:yes | 08:16 |
niru | n2diy:what I need to do for that | 08:16 |
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hgist | good morning | 08:17 |
n2diy | niru: I'm not sure, I'm on the same path, google on "kiosk" and you mind find what you are looking for? | 08:17 |
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niru | what is kiosk n2diy | 08:18 |
n2diy | niru: a machine that is open to the public, that says "what do you want to do?" | 08:19 |
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Flannel | niru: there's documentation already on the desktop. In ... one of the menus | 08:19 |
fawaz | hi everyone ,, how can i add mplayer plugins to firefox ??? i have tried many many thinks so far but none worked ( all of them were old) any one have installed the plugins recently ?? please help ??? And i don't want to use vlc :) | 08:19 |
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fawaz | anyone anyhelp :))) | 08:21 |
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zammit | fawaz: mozilla-mplayer ? | 08:23 |
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MacSonne | Hejsa | 08:24 |
n2diy | what happens when you type "cal" in a terminal? | 08:24 |
zammit | n2diy displays a calendar? | 08:25 |
n2diy | zammit: Yep! | 08:25 |
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zammit | n2diy: what do i win? (hopefully help on my dvd playback problem) | 08:25 |
n2diy | zammit: nada | 08:26 |
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zammit | n2diy: shucks. | 08:26 |
J-_ | !icons | 08:26 |
ubotu | Want to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (Gnome) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE) | 08:26 |
n2diy | zammit: you can play with it. What day of the week was 12/20/1956? | 08:27 |
=== curs0r [n=curs0r@ip68-228-44-151.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zammit | n2diy: thursday | 08:28 |
n2diy | zammit: Yep! | 08:29 |
=== Android [n=Android_@81-178-71-6.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zammit | c'mon gimmie a hard one. | 08:29 |
fawaz | zammit : thanx for ur help :) | 08:29 |
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n2diy | zammit: what was the phase of the moon an that day? | 08:30 |
Flannel | not to ruin your fun, but that sort of thing belongs in #ubuntu-offtopic | 08:30 |
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cryosphere | hello | 08:31 |
cryosphere | anyone here? | 08:31 |
mneptok | nope | 08:31 |
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cryosphere | right | 08:31 |
n2diy | nope | 08:31 |
cryosphere | well | 08:31 |
zammit | flannel: i'm just passing time until someone wants to help me =( | 08:31 |
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cryosphere | I'm thinking of switching over ubuntu | 08:31 |
cryosphere | put in the cd | 08:31 |
cryosphere | but | 08:31 |
cryosphere | can't connect to the internet | 08:31 |
mneptok | !enter | cryosphere | 08:32 |
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ubotu | cryosphere: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 08:32 |
cryosphere | read the forums | 08:32 |
Flannel | zammit: you can always be in two channels at he same time ;) | 08:32 |
threeonefour | zammit, whats ur problem | 08:32 |
zammit | flannel: good point | 08:32 |
cryosphere | can't connect to the internet | 08:32 |
Moose | If I wanted to run an application on Ubuntu, what platform should I download the applicastion for if Ubuntu is not one of them? | 08:32 |
zammit | threeonefour, ubuntu won't mount a dvd movie, but will mount dvd+/-r | 08:32 |
=== Tmi [n=tommi@kr-lun-9-144-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Moose | Just Linux i386? | 08:32 |
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mneptok | cryosphere: wired? wireless? WEP? WPA? 6.10? i386? what? | 08:33 |
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cryosphere | well eventually either or, for now just wired | 08:33 |
mneptok | Moose: what app? | 08:33 |
threeonefour | zammit, thats interesting considering that dvd movies are dvd + | 08:33 |
Moose | mneptok: Ventrilo ( Server ) | 08:33 |
cryosphere | i'm not ready to deal with ndiswrapper issues yet | 08:33 |
zammit | threeonefour: i've installed libdvdread3 and libdvdcss2 (if i remember the packages correctly) | 08:34 |
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threeonefour | zammit, it just won't mount the drive | 08:34 |
=== Pie-rate [n=jschall@cust-69-19-214-183.static.o1.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tenebrys | Hey. | 08:35 |
mneptok | Moose: the Linux i386 tar.gz | 08:35 |
Tenebrys | I'm having, well, issues again. | 08:35 |
zammit | threeonefour, it won't mount the drive when the dvd (super troopers) is in there, but when i place in some of my dvd backups and such, i have no problems | 08:35 |
Tenebrys | Still locked out of my WinXP partition. | 08:35 |
mneptok | Tenebrys: your machine is telling you to *just stop using Windows* | 08:36 |
Pie-rate | i've been having a lot of trouble with ubuntu with the same version and the same hardware as last time. what could cause this? for example: HAL is failing to initialize, usplash is really, really distorted. | 08:36 |
heatxsink | hello all when I try to install sun-java5-bin i get this 'sun-dlj-v1-1 license could not be presented' message | 08:36 |
heatxsink | any ideas? | 08:36 |
threeonefour | zammit, what version of ubuntu | 08:36 |
Moose | mneptok: Any ideas? | 08:36 |
Moose | mneptok: Sorry, just saw your previous message. | 08:37 |
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zammit | threeonefour 6.10 (edgy eft) | 08:37 |
Moose | mneptok: Thanks a lot :) | 08:37 |
mneptok | n | 08:37 |
Tenebrys | Sorry, but my sense of humor is a bit off right now. | 08:37 |
mneptok | np | 08:37 |
threeonefour | zammit, brb let me load it | 08:37 |
Tenebrys | The WinXP partition has much of my data on it. | 08:37 |
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zammit | 314, thanks =) | 08:37 |
heatxsink | zammit: you upgrade from dapper? | 08:37 |
Tenebrys | Additionally, I have a number of hardware devices that are only compatible with WinXP. | 08:37 |
=== mzuverink [n=mzuverin@adsl-76-212-80-215.dsl.klmzmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mneptok | Tenebrys: there are like 70,000 howtos for Ubuntu and NTFS | 08:37 |
zammit | heatxsink, yea, did a clean install tho | 08:37 |
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graniti | Hi. is there a way to have a black full-screen for N seconds? thnks... | 08:38 |
heatxsink | doh | 08:38 |
cryosphere | so any ideas? | 08:38 |
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mneptok | cryosphere: wired? wireless? WEP? WPA? 6.10? i386? what? | 08:38 |
singamayya | graniti: press control+alt+f1 and you get nearly a blank screen. | 08:39 |
cryosphere | wired, | 08:39 |
backtick | hi all, how can i find which "displays" the x server is running on? | 08:39 |
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mneptok | cryosphere: "my wired network doesn't work" is not enough info. | 08:39 |
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mneptok | cryosphere: WEP? WPA? 6.10? i386? what? | 08:39 |
heatxsink | When I try to install sun-java5-bin i get this 'sun-dlj-v1-1 license could not be presented' message <---- anyone ever have this problem? | 08:39 |
cryosphere | ok, wired, DHCP, DSL model, emachine M5312 laptop | 08:39 |
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cryosphere | *model --> modem | 08:39 |
graniti | singamayya: i have to do it through a script | 08:39 |
mneptok | cryosphere: NIC? chipset? ifconfig output? steps you have tried? | 08:40 |
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cryosphere | ifconfig does show eth0 | 08:40 |
threeonefour | zammit, my super troopers works fine on both ubuntu and on edubuntu i tryed with regular disks and my home movies recorded on dvds eg vob files | 08:40 |
zammit | heatxsink, i haven't had the problem, but have you tried installing before and declined the license? | 08:40 |
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heatxsink | zammit: no | 08:40 |
zammit | threeonfour, then what the heck is wrong with me? lol this makes no sense. =( | 08:40 |
heatxsink | zammit: it's never been installed | 08:40 |
threeonefour | zammit, it works fine for me | 08:41 |
heatxsink | zammit: i've also had the same exact problem with vmware-player | 08:41 |
heatxsink | zammit: it won't install without the license | 08:41 |
heatxsink | or it won't install without me accepting the license | 08:41 |
bradley_ | this is weird, my sound for my video isn't working but it works fine with music. it effects all my players (mplayer, vlc, totem) | 08:41 |
bradley_ | any ideas what i should do to fix this? | 08:42 |
threeonefour | zammit, what regian are you don't ask about me selling i cant speel | 08:42 |
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Moose | How do I execute an application? | 08:42 |
Pie-rate | i've been having a lot of trouble with ubuntu with the same version and the same hardware as last time. what could cause this? for example: HAL is failing to initialize, usplash is really, really distorted, ut2004 isn't installing correctly. | 08:42 |
cryosphere | iwconfig shows both my wireless card and ethernet card, broadcom 440x integrated controller | 08:42 |
=== cristina [n=cristina@233.Red-217-126-122.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zammit | threeonefour, hmm maybe i need to set my region? i haven't done that yet - never had to tho? | 08:42 |
Flannel | Moose: type it's name (well, the command for it's name, usually they're the same) | 08:42 |
singamayya | graniti: ok. try apmd or xrandr | 08:42 |
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Moose | Flannel: Well it says it's an unknown command. | 08:42 |
bradley_ | i fixed it! | 08:42 |
Flannel | Moose: what are you trying to run? | 08:43 |
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Moose | Flannel: Ventrilo ( server ) | 08:43 |
Moose | it's a file, no extension | 08:43 |
bradley_ | for some reason i can't have rhythmbox open (but not playing) while trying to watch video. | 08:43 |
Flannel | Moose: er, that's not in a repository, is it. | 08:43 |
threeonefour | zammit, you can try it but just don't change it too mayn times no more then 4 times if you do the last regin u had it set to is permenant until u get a new drive | 08:44 |
graniti | singamayya: it doesn't work | 08:44 |
=== Mikch [n=michael@m41.net195-132-219.noos.fr] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Moose | Flannel: New to Linux and Ubuntu, wouldn't know. | 08:44 |
iyank4 | hi all, How to make my own distro based on ubuntu..? | 08:44 |
zammit | heatxsink, no idea on your java problem | 08:44 |
heatxsink | zammit: i think it might be an APT thing altogether | 08:44 |
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Flannel | Moose: how did you get Ventrilo? | 08:45 |
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J-_ | If an icon is in a directory which requires root priviledges, will the icon still display in a widget i've made? | 08:45 |
threeonefour | heatxsink, what verision do u need jre jdk | 08:45 |
chavo | J yes | 08:45 |
Moose | Flannel: Downloaded it from their site, the Linux i386 version, extracted it on my windows based system and used SCP to transfer it to my linux box | 08:45 |
threeonefour | heatxsink, or just for firefox | 08:45 |
heatxsink | got it | 08:45 |
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chavo | as long as user have read permissions | 08:46 |
heatxsink | I just had to reconfigure deb-conf | 08:46 |
heatxsink | duh | 08:46 |
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zammit | threeonfour: if i set a region, i can't go back to region free, eh? | 08:46 |
niru | Flannel,n2diy:can I do this way | 08:46 |
=== ZeiP [i=zeip@dsl-hpo-fe95de00-111.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Flannel | Moose: ah, you'll have to follow their instructions, Actually. There's some instructions on installing ventrilo in the forums (ubutuforums.org) | 08:46 |
ZeiP | Is Aiccu available for Ubuntu through apt-get? | 08:47 |
niru | Flannel,n2diy:I can create a deb package for that manual and try creating the cd | 08:47 |
cryosphere | i follewed the instructions to establish/activate an internet connection | 08:47 |
Moose | Flannel: Thanks! | 08:47 |
niru | Flannel,n2diy:But where I need to say that it should come on desktop | 08:47 |
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niru | I think I need to write a script in that | 08:47 |
cryosphere | this didn't work, then I treid doing what I normally do, that is just "sudo pump -i eth0" | 08:47 |
cryosphere | this commant was not availiable | 08:48 |
Flannel | niru: can't you just put a link on the desktop or something? | 08:48 |
n2diy | niru: Flannel yes, but I don't knwo haw to do it. | 08:48 |
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Flannel | niru: but yeah, you could run the help command on X startup, although I imagine that'd get real annoying after a while | 08:48 |
cryosphere | http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_activate.2Fdeactivate_network_connections is what I did to try to active my connection | 08:49 |
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iyank4 | hi all, How to make my own distro based on ubuntu..? | 08:49 |
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Tenebrys | Hey. I'm still having trouble. | 08:49 |
niru | Flannel:how to put a link | 08:50 |
=== Crema10 [n=evans@pool-68-237-127-139.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Crema10 | wow, Automatix is GOD | 08:50 |
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noodles12 | Is there an easy way to relocate my home directory to a different partition? ( on the same disk?) | 08:50 |
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Crema10 | thank you sir, whoever you are that created it | 08:50 |
Flannel | Crema10: no it's not. Please do not recommend it here. | 08:50 |
Uno-di-Genova | Hi everybody! | 08:50 |
Crema10 | oh sorry | 08:50 |
Crema10 | Flannel: how come> | 08:50 |
cryosphere | noodles: did you already install? | 08:50 |
Flannel | !automatix | Crema10 | 08:50 |
ubotu | Crema10: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 08:50 |
Tenebrys | FAQs have drawn blanks, update-grub is incredulous, and I have no leads except some unmarked boot CD I made months ago. | 08:50 |
Crema10 | if you dont mind me asking | 08:50 |
Crema10 | ahhh ok | 08:50 |
Crema10 | i see i see | 08:51 |
noodles12 | cryosphere: i already installed and recently resized my ntfs partition to add an ext3 partition i want to make into my /home dir. | 08:51 |
Tenebrys | The issue is that after updating a bunch of Linux software, on next reboot WinXP was gone from my list of available boots in Grub. | 08:51 |
cryosphere | ok | 08:51 |
Flannel | Tenebrys: what software did you install? | 08:51 |
Tenebrys | Huge, huge list. Months worth, 250 megs worth. | 08:51 |
Uno-di-Genova | Anyone can help me with a LAN + Wireless LAN problem ? | 08:51 |
Tenebrys | Just the automatic-update thing. | 08:51 |
Tenebrys | I hadn't been here for a month. | 08:51 |
cryosphere | noodles: I assume you have another directory for / | 08:51 |
noodles12 | cryosphere: i know this is easy in windows and also just as easy in dreamlinux, i was wondering if there was a way in ubuntu? ( without fstab magic) | 08:51 |
Flannel | Tenebrys: but, just ubuntu packages? | 08:51 |
cryosphere | Tenebry: me too | 08:52 |
Tenebrys | Updates to them, yes. | 08:52 |
rgie | how to see list of unmounted drives? | 08:52 |
cryosphere | noodles: I would basically just edit fstab | 08:52 |
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noodles12 | cryosphere: currently i installed everything in linux to one parition. so / and /home are int eh same partition. I want ot move move /home to sda7 | 08:52 |
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Flannel | Tenebrys: odd, that shouldn't have touched Grub at all. Anyway, edit your menu.lst, and put this at the bottom (after the comment about the end of automagical kernels) | 08:52 |
cryosphere | noddles: not sure how to do it any other way | 08:52 |
rgie | how can i see lists of unmounted hardrives? | 08:52 |
noodles12 | cryosphere: how would i change it in fstab? or can u point me in the right direction? | 08:53 |
ZeiP | Is every package in Launchpad somehow installable through apt-get? | 08:53 |
=== Zdra [n=zdra@66.170-247-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cryosphere | noodles: you need to 1. create a separate partion with fstab, or qtpartted or whatever | 08:53 |
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n2diy | rgie: lshw | 08:53 |
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noodles12 | cryosphere: partition is created and mounted | 08:53 |
cryosphere | partiotion for /home | 08:53 |
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cryosphere | in addition to / | 08:53 |
Uno-di-Genova | Is there an application to show the list of the Wireless AP present in the area? | 08:54 |
Flannel | Tenebrys: just the first thing, add to your menu.lst (you may need to change the partition number) http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=434986 | 08:54 |
Mba7eth | guys how can i control services provided by daemon processes ??? in other words how can i kill them so that the don't start along the boot phase ????? | 08:54 |
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noodles12 | cryosphere: / and /home are currently on one partition. the other one i just moutned to /mnt/extra_part for now | 08:54 |
cryosphere | noodles: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/01/29/move-home-to-its-own-partition/ | 08:55 |
rgie | n2diy, how bout hard drives? | 08:55 |
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rgie | n2diy, i only using live cd and i want to mount my hardrive | 08:56 |
n2diy | rgie: lshw doesn't list your hard drives? | 08:56 |
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noodles12 | cryosphere: thanks. i was having probelsm findign it in ubuntuforums. your kung-fu is great =) | 08:56 |
Tenebrys | Flannel: Looking through that... | 08:56 |
incorrect | will there be an upgrade path to the next LTS release? | 08:56 |
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cryosphere | noodles: there are basically two step - 1. make a new partion for /home in addition to plain old / 2. modify /etc/fstab | 08:56 |
rgie | n2diy, it does but i mean, what directory i can find it | 08:56 |
zammit | threeonefour, looks like my region code is set to 1 - north america, so that's okay. | 08:57 |
=== aeromix [n=aeromix@budec.koleje.cuni.cz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Flannel | Tenebrys: no need to look, just that first four lines, rootnoverify to chainloader +1, I just found the first page that had that in it. I have no idea what's in the rest of that page ;) | 08:57 |
zammit | in the time it is taking to get this figured out, would a clean install do the trick? =*(** | 08:57 |
Flannel | Tenebrys: er, title to chainloader | 08:57 |
incorrect | if i want to keep my servers up to date should i move to edgy? | 08:57 |
threeonefour | zammit, i thinks its the dvd it's self | 08:57 |
aeromix | hi.. I want to match all files not *.htm but ls -A | grep "^.htm$" doesn't work.. what's wrong in it? | 08:57 |
Flannel | incorrect: what do you mean up to date? | 08:58 |
threeonefour | i' gone | 08:58 |
zammit | aeromix you're using ^ | 08:58 |
incorrect | well i like LTS as it keeps my machine stable | 08:58 |
cryosphere | so anyone know why when I boot ubuntu off this freshly burned cd I cannot connect to the internet (wired, DSL modem, emachine M5312, DHCP, Broadcom 440x 10/100 ) | 08:58 |
Tenebrys | I see. | 08:58 |
Tenebrys | I'll give this one last shot... | 08:58 |
zammit | aeromix, you just want .htm$ | 08:58 |
n2diy | rgie: look in /mnt | 08:58 |
incorrect | however i am wondering if there is any upgrade path should i want to | 08:58 |
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aeromix | zammit: I though ^ is not operator? | 08:58 |
Tenebrys | See ya then. If I'm not back, it's worked... but thanks so much. | 08:58 |
=== hookysun [n=hookysun@ip68-0-127-34.tu.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
incorrect | or do i take it straight to edgy? | 08:58 |
=== Uno-di-Genova is now known as NeedWiFiHelp | ||
Flannel | aeromix: no, it's a beginning of line anchor | 08:58 |
=== stazich [n=root@74-135-49-96.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aeromix | zammit: I want to match all NON htm files.. | 08:59 |
zammit | aeromix, well for grep it might be i dunno, but in terms of regular expressions it means the front of the string | 08:59 |
Flannel | incorrect: edgy is immediately after dapper, so... yes, that would be your upgrade path. | 08:59 |
stazich | hi, can anyone help me unzip a .RAR file please? it is password protected | 08:59 |
incorrect | but that isn't an LTS release? | 08:59 |
Flannel | incorrect: but, what progrmas do you want new versions of? | 08:59 |
Flannel | incorrect: correct | 08:59 |
aeromix | zammit: ok. how can I do match a no string? | 08:59 |
incorrect | bacula and icecc | 08:59 |
zammit | aeromix, oh try !.html?$ which should match everything EXCEPT .html or .htm files | 08:59 |
incorrect | Flannel: one day i will want ot upgrade to the next LTS release | 08:59 |
NeedWiFiHelp | Where can I find an Ubuntu guide to WiFi for dummyes? | 09:00 |
Flannel | incorrect: right, and there will be a Dapper to [whatever] upgrade path. | 09:00 |
aeromix | zammit: tnx | 09:00 |
Flannel | !wifi | NeedWiFiHelp | 09:00 |
ubotu | NeedWiFiHelp: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 09:00 |
zammit | aeromix, np, i hope i'm right =P | 09:00 |
incorrect | Flannel: thinking you muchly, | 09:00 |
incorrect | thats exactly what i wanted to know | 09:00 |
NeedWiFiHelp | Thankyou Flannel! | 09:00 |
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aeromix | zammit: bash: !.html?$: event not found | 09:02 |
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alesdoc | #join #ubuntu-it | 09:02 |
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mzuverink | Can anyone point me to a how to to set up an email system, vith squirrel mail utilizing a dyndns redirect? Any help would be appreciated. | 09:03 |
zammit | threeonefour: well %$## office space works - i'm sad, super troopers doesn't - what sense does that make? | 09:03 |
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NineTeen67Comet | Hello all .. I recently purchased a cell phone and a 1gig memory card so I could listen to music on it. The issue is it plays .kmf files not mp3 or wav .. does anyone know of a soundconverter that will handle the conversion to kmf? | 09:03 |
=== rpedro [n=rpedro@87-196-41-44.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | aeromix: you want a negative lookahead, do you want just non htm files? (and you do want html files?) | 09:03 |
=== Tenri1 [n=Tenric@cpe-70-112-71-82.austin.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Moose | mmmm Linux is nice :P | 09:04 |
aeromix | Flannel: there are no html files, I just want non htm files | 09:04 |
zammit | aeromix try using the -P or umm -E option for grep with the expression i just had you use | 09:04 |
mzuverink | Seveas, on your repo you have a meta package which failes to install due to two dependencies,l if it possible you would pastebin your repo list? | 09:04 |
=== damlivecd [n=ubuntu@ip68-97-79-199.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
damlivecd | anyone know what i need to apt-get to install basic compiling utilities? | 09:05 |
=== dfadfa [n=dfadfa@235.f.011.mel.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chavo | damlivecd, buildessential | 09:05 |
aeromix | zammit: it is deffinitively not the good way... | 09:05 |
mzuverink | damlivecd, apt-get install build-essential | 09:05 |
chavo | oops with a hyphen sorry build-essential | 09:05 |
damlivecd | yea i got it | 09:06 |
damlivecd | thanks | 09:06 |
zammit | aeromix, lol how so? | 09:06 |
aeromix | zammit: lol just try it yourself | 09:06 |
cryosphere | this is really depressing, I want to leave kanotix, because so much is wrong with my setup right now, so I download the most popular (so the most supported ?) debian based distro and I can't even connect to the internet | 09:06 |
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Schalken | cryosphere: what method of connecting to the internet are you using? | 09:06 |
Flannel | aeromix: \.(?!htm).*$ is you regexp | 09:06 |
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cryosphere | (wired, DSL modem, emachine M5312, DHCP, Broadcom 440x 10/100 ) | 09:07 |
aeromix | Flannel: ?! means negation? | 09:07 |
zammit | aeromix, the -P option is not supported, well shucks. | 09:07 |
Schalken | cryosphere: over ethernet? | 09:07 |
cryosphere | yes | 09:07 |
Flannel | aeromix: (?!<stuff>) is a negative lookahead for stuff | 09:07 |
Schalken | cryosphere: should have connected automatically | 09:08 |
cryosphere | thats right, should have | 09:08 |
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aeromix | Flannel: bash: !htm: event not found | 09:08 |
cryosphere | http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_activate.2Fdeactivate_network_connections | 09:08 |
Flannel | aeromix: you're not escaping correctly | 09:08 |
aeromix | Flannel: are you sure? ;) | 09:08 |
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Flannel | aeromix: escaping your regexp that is. | 09:08 |
cryosphere | I tried the steps described in the link, and reburned the cd | 09:08 |
Schalken | cryosphere: what does "sudo ifup eth0" say? | 09:08 |
cryosphere | well, I can't do that now, since I'm in window but I can reboot and try | 09:09 |
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cryosphere | *windows | 09:09 |
cryosphere | let me know everything I should try, so if I'm still not connected I can come back with more information | 09:09 |
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mzuverink | Im looking for a good source list, is anyone willing to share? Ive got the automatixs list, but I am lookking for some more games. | 09:10 |
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aeromix | Flannel: I don't know how to escape it.. | 09:10 |
mzuverink | Or a link to a good source list | 09:10 |
Flannel | aeromix: you need to make sure you're using PCRE (-P) | 09:10 |
DavidHKMrPowers | please help how to reactivate te GRUB thing in ubuntu? | 09:11 |
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swarog | hey, i have none working 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02) on 6.10 | 09:11 |
swarog | installed manualy 1.0.14rc1 alsa-driver and still no sound | 09:11 |
Schalken | cryosphere: boot into ubuntu and deacticate all interfaces with "sudo ifdown -a" and then reactivate with "sudo ifup -a" (replace the | 09:11 |
Schalken | "-a"s with eth0 for just the first ethernet interface) it will tell you what is happening as it sends DHCP discovers | 09:11 |
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cryosphere | so "sudo ifup -a eth0" | 09:12 |
DtTvB | Are there any way to enable the mouse in the console mode? | 09:12 |
swarog | any ideas what it could be? amixer shows master is not muted | 09:12 |
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cryosphere | swarog: battle veles to the death | 09:12 |
raden_macho | hey | 09:12 |
swarog | cryosphere: veles? | 09:12 |
Schalken | cryosphere: -a means all, so for just eth0 do "sudo ifup eth0" | 09:12 |
DavidHKMrPowers | please help!! I have installed ubunto R10 but later I installed BootMagic. but when I tried to boot the ubunto drive , it hangs with a dark screen | 09:12 |
zammit | aeromix: egrep "\ | 09:13 |
Schalken | DavidHKMrPowers: is bootmagic a bootloader? | 09:13 |
cryosphere | ok I'll try that | 09:13 |
cryosphere | thanks | 09:13 |
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zammit | oops! aeromix: egrep "\!.html?$" path/to/dir should do the trick | 09:13 |
emss | DtTvB: you can install gpm | 09:13 |
jsizzle | greets, anyone know how to reset the share ratio in azureus? | 09:13 |
swarog | i need help with intel 82801G rev 02, no sound | 09:13 |
DavidHKMrPowers | Schalken : yes, it let me choose the drives to be in active | 09:14 |
noodles12 | can i access the file browser as a super user? ( i cannot drag stuff to the file system) i would have to go to sudo cp to get it to work but was wondering of a way to be root with the window open | 09:14 |
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Schalken | jsizzle: ask in #azureus | 09:14 |
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vignesh | Hi | 09:14 |
DtTvB | What is GPM? | 09:14 |
emss | DtTvB: type: aptitude show gpm | 09:14 |
Schalken | DavidHKMrPowers: and is definately supports linux? | 09:14 |
DavidHKMrPowers | Can't ubuntu be booted up if the drive in the active one? | 09:14 |
DavidHKMrPowers | Schalken : i think not.. | 09:14 |
DtTvB | State: not a real package. | 09:15 |
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vignesh | When I run skype I get the following error... Segmentation fault | 09:15 |
Schalken | DavidHKMrPowers: it depends which drive ubuntu installed its bootloader onto. set that drive as the first one. | 09:15 |
linuxboy | when I go to "Users and Groups" it says "The configuration could not be loaded You are not allowed to access the system configuration.". It used to work. any ideas? | 09:15 |
vignesh | Any idea why that occurs ? | 09:15 |
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emss | DtTvB: haha really? | 09:15 |
Flannel | vignesh: where did you get skype? | 09:15 |
DtTvB | Yes. | 09:15 |
vignesh | From skype.com | 09:15 |
DtTvB | No candidate version found for GPM. | 09:16 |
emss | DtTvB: it must be in the extra repositories because it shows up here though I have more repos | 09:16 |
DtTvB | I mean gpm. | 09:16 |
Schalken | linuxboy: try "sudo users-admin" | 09:16 |
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DtTvB | OK. | 09:16 |
linuxboy | Schalken: that works | 09:16 |
DtTvB | I will try it from X. | 09:16 |
emss | no | 09:16 |
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DavidHKMrPowers | Schalken : can ubuntu be booted up if I use gpart to make it active? | 09:16 |
Flannel | !skype | vignesh, there's a deb of skype | 09:16 |
ubotu | vignesh, there's a deb of skype: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto | 09:16 |
Schalken | DavidHKMrPowers: you mean gparted? | 09:16 |
vignesh | I use 5.10 | 09:16 |
Flannel | vignesh: that's fine | 09:17 |
vignesh | Ok..ty | 09:17 |
emss | DtTvB: I'm using Ubuntu 6.10 and have the universe and multiverse repositories enabled | 09:17 |
DtTvB | Found only libgomg1, and found to be installed. | 09:17 |
linuxboy | Schalken: any ideas how i can fix the icon? | 09:17 |
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DtTvB | OK. | 09:17 |
Schalken | linuxboy: confirm that the icon points to "users-admin" | 09:17 |
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DavidHKMrPowers | Schalken : yes, the one used in installation process | 09:18 |
linuxboy | Schalken: it does | 09:18 |
Schalken | linuxboy: (without sudo) and confirm in a terminal the "users-admin" works by itself | 09:18 |
linuxboy | Schalken: it doesn't | 09:18 |
linuxboy | Schalken: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=286260 | 09:18 |
Schalken | DavidHKMrPowers: i honestly dont know what you mean by "active" | 09:18 |
vignesh | Flannel, The page says there are open alternatives like Ekiga etc.. can i use that too ? | 09:19 |
vignesh | Can a person using skype on a windows machine call me when I am using Ekiga ? | 09:19 |
Flannel | vignesh: um, I don't believe so. | 09:20 |
Flannel | vignesh: skype uses it's own proprietary protocol | 09:20 |
DavidHKMrPowers | Schalken : I meant active as the boot drive | 09:20 |
Schalken | Flannel: :O it does? i never knew. bastards. | 09:20 |
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vignesh | Oh..ok | 09:20 |
vignesh | SInce my cousins use skype on windows..anyway.. but Ekiga to Ekiga is free right? | 09:21 |
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swarog | http://www.nomorepasting.com/paste.php?pasteID=73201 | 09:21 |
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Flannel | vignesh: Ekiga to even Netmeeting (which is on windows) is fine. | 09:21 |
Schalken | DavidHKMrPowers: as i said, it depends on which drive ubuntu put grub. | 09:21 |
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Flannel | vignesh: Ekiga implements both H.323 and SIP protocols, which there are plenty of clients for | 09:22 |
vignesh | Ah.. the default one in windows.. ok | 09:22 |
vignesh | I have never used net meeting though ... | 09:22 |
vignesh | anyway... Thanks | 09:22 |
Flannel | vignesh: of those two, netmeeting does h.323 I believe, but. But yeah, netmeeting can talk (and video) to Ekiga no problem, since they both use the same protocol | 09:22 |
DavidHKMrPowers | Schalken : ok... is it possible to reinstall grub with a boot CD ? | 09:23 |
Flannel | vignesh: but, skype is possible to install on ubuntu anyway, as that pag talks about | 09:23 |
Flannel | !grub | DavidHKMrPowers, first link | 09:23 |
ubotu | DavidHKMrPowers, first link: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 09:23 |
vignesh | I have a webcam.. don`t know if it will work with ubuntu ? | 09:23 |
Schalken | DavidHKMrPowers: check the wiki on "restoregrubafterwindowsinstallation" or something like that | 09:23 |
vignesh | I think its a usb one.. | 09:24 |
Schalken | vignesh: about %40 chance | 09:24 |
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vignesh | Flannel, It comes with windows software.. but I don`t use windows so..I never tried it with Linux though | 09:24 |
bronek | Elo... | 09:24 |
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vignesh | Schalken, any app i need to install? | 09:25 |
Schalken | vignesh: i never investigated | 09:25 |
Flannel | vignesh: Linux actually does pretty well with most cameras. google for `Linux [your webcam] `, that's usually the best metho | 09:25 |
vignesh | If i want to take a photo using my webcam how do i do it? | 09:25 |
DavidHKMrPowers | Schalken, Flannel : thanks! | 09:25 |
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vignesh | Mine is a touchmate | 09:27 |
vignesh | TM-CAM300ML | 09:27 |
vignesh | The light got one when i connected it now | 09:28 |
Schalken | vignesh: that probably just means its got power from usb | 09:28 |
vignesh | any module i can look for in lsmod ? | 09:29 |
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Crema10 | Schalken: Schalke fan? | 09:29 |
AnAnt | is it possible to mount a directory from an ftp server ? | 09:30 |
Schalken | Crema10: come again? | 09:30 |
Crema10 | oh sorry, i thought you liked a certain soccer team | 09:30 |
Schalken | AnAnt: not in fstab, not with mount, but in Places -> Connect to Server... | 09:30 |
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AnAnt | Schalken: well, I cannot access it using command line, right ? | 09:31 |
Schalken | AnAnt: you can, but I don't know how | 09:31 |
Schalken | AnAnt: i recall someone doing it... | 09:31 |
_Undertitan | hi everyone. hate to barge in. i can't figure out how to find to identify my kernel version, from a livecd. can anyone here help me? | 09:31 |
vignesh | uname -r | 09:32 |
vignesh | _Undertitan, type that command | 09:32 |
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_Undertitan | i'm trying to find the version from my hda1, not the current one. | 09:32 |
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Schalken | _Undertitan: you cant boot into it? | 09:33 |
_Undertitan | nope. | 09:33 |
cryosphere | ok | 09:33 |
vignesh | Even if u chroot u will only see the livecd kernel version | 09:34 |
cryosphere | not sure what happened but I'm connected now, I noticed this with kanotix as well, sometime I just can't connect and I have to reboot | 09:34 |
_Undertitan | i installed another distro, that uses lilo, and need to figure out which kernel so i can set up the lilo.conf | 09:34 |
vignesh | what version of ubuntu are u using ? | 09:34 |
Schalken | cryosphere: i get that as well, but my modem has gone funny :S | 09:34 |
_Undertitan | is there any way at all to view the files? | 09:34 |
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_Undertitan | i tried to reinstall grub from a livecd, but the lilo is on the mbr | 09:35 |
Schalken | _Undertitan: you can mount the partition. eg, if its /dev/hda1, you can make a directory "sudo mkdir /media/ubuntu" and do "mount /dev/hda1 /media/ubuntu" | 09:35 |
_Undertitan | k. hang on and let me try. i was trying earlier.... | 09:36 |
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dromer | !vnc | 09:36 |
ubotu | VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX | 09:36 |
dromer | !FreeNX | 09:36 |
ubotu | FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX | 09:36 |
cryosphere | now I'm trying to install, and the hard drive installation gui is telling me that "no root file system" | 09:36 |
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_Undertitan | okay. i did that. now what do i do? | 09:37 |
cryosphere | in reality I have selected a partition for "/" | 09:37 |
_Undertitan | i mean, after i mount it, what next? | 09:37 |
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Schalken | _Undertitan: well now you can go into /media/ubuntu and all the files are there | 09:38 |
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_Undertitan | oh. okay. i see them now. | 09:38 |
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_Undertitan | thanks schalken and vignesh. | 09:39 |
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_Undertitan | now what? i see the files, but how do i tell what the kernel version is there? | 09:40 |
AnAnt | I mounted an FTP server using Places->Connect to server, how can I access this directory using command line ? | 09:40 |
Schalken | _Undertitan: lol i dont know, you asked how to see the files ;) | 09:40 |
_Undertitan | oh. lol. i appreciate you helping me with that. | 09:40 |
Schalken | _Undertitan: there might be a hint in its grub menu (/boot/grub/menu.lst) | 09:41 |
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Schalken | _Undertitan: (which from the livecd would be /media/ubuntu/boot/grub/menu.lst) | 09:41 |
_Undertitan | found it: vmlinuz-2.6.15-25-386 | 09:42 |
_Undertitan | it's in the boot folder | 09:42 |
Schalken | something like that, yeah :P | 09:42 |
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Jordan_U | I want to make my hfsplus partition ( sda2 ) to mount automatically what is wrong with this line I tried in my fstab ( it didn't work ) : | 09:42 |
Jordan_U | /dev/sda2/media/machdhfsplususer,auto,file_umask=0111,dir_umask=0000 | 09:42 |
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cryosphere | what is this "alternate install disc " | 09:43 |
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Jordan_U | !alternate | cryosphere | 09:43 |
ubotu | cryosphere: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD. | 09:43 |
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Flannel | AnAnt: it puts an icon on your desktop, right? Does that exist in the filesystem? ~/Desktop/whatever? | 09:44 |
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AnAnt | Flannel: nope, doesn't exist in ~/Desktop/ | 09:44 |
cryosphere | hmm yea, the "live" cd has a bug what won't let me keep existing partition, apparently I'm not the only one | 09:44 |
cryosphere | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=284970&highlight=no+root+file+system+error | 09:44 |
Flannel | cryosphere: the alternate CD is what I use. It's tried and tested. | 09:45 |
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cryosphere | ok thanks | 09:45 |
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Feral_Kid | Could someone tell me how to re-make my ssh keys for my server? | 09:46 |
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Flannel | AnAnt: hmm, apparently it doesn't get mounted on the filesystem anywhere. It just works through nautilus | 09:46 |
AnAnt | Feral_Kid: ssh-keygen ? | 09:46 |
AnAnt | ic | 09:46 |
Jordan_U | How can I make my HFS+ ( mac ) partition mount automatically? ( I have read and tried to follow the ubotu link already ) | 09:47 |
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Schalken | Jordan_U: ohhh so THATs the filesystems macs use. cheers! | 09:49 |
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Feldegast | is this the right place to ask about bugs with 7.04? | 09:50 |
Flannel | Feldegast: nope, that'd be #ubuntu+1 | 09:50 |
Feldegast | ty :) | 09:50 |
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raden_macho | hay2 | 09:53 |
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Jordan_U | Do you need to use a UUID in the fstab or is /dev/sda2 good enough? | 09:55 |
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frogzoo | Jordan_U: either/or - device names are less hassle tbh | 09:56 |
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Jordan_U | frogzoo: Do you have any ideas why my fstab line doesn't work then? | 09:57 |
frogzoo | Jordan_U: cos the syntax is wrong ;0 | 09:57 |
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frogzoo | Jordan_U: this is a sata/scsi disk? | 09:58 |
Jordan_U | frogzoo: I don't know, it's sda2, I have successfully mounted it with the mount command | 09:59 |
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frogzoo | Jordan_U: grep sda2 /etc/fstab | 09:59 |
Jordan_U | /dev/sda2/media/machdhfsplususer,auto,file_umask=0111,dir_umask=0000 | 10:00 |
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Jordan_U | ( that was added by me ) | 10:00 |
mzuverink | I just installed beryl, and I have no buttons on the top to minimize, close or resize windows, what do I need to do to get those to appear? | 10:00 |
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vignesh | Flannel, hey.. Its not the problem with skype | 10:00 |
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vignesh | Even Flock , RealPlayer give the same error.. Segementation fault | 10:01 |
Schalken | mzuverink: try #ubuntu-xgl | 10:01 |
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mzuverink | thanks | 10:01 |
frogzoo | Jordan_U: firstly, this is hfs & not hfs+ yes? | 10:01 |
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jumbers_ | Does anybody know where I can find drivers for an Epson Stylus CX5000? | 10:02 |
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vignesh | These 3 apps use the same library libstdc++ 5 that I installed.... could it be that the library is corrupt or that I need more ram? | 10:02 |
Jordan_U | frogzoo: No, it is HFS+ ( "hfsplus" when using the mount command ) | 10:02 |
vignesh | what do u think Schalken ? | 10:02 |
Schalken | vignesh: come again? | 10:03 |
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vignesh | Flock , Skype and Real Player need the libstdc++ 5 library installed | 10:04 |
jumbers_ | Nobody? | 10:04 |
frogzoo | Jordan_U:something like "/dev/sda2 /media/machd hfsplus rw,user,noauto,exec 0 0" | 10:04 |
vignesh | All the three of them give me the Segmentation fault error | 10:04 |
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vignesh | Do i get that error because i need more ram ? | 10:05 |
frogzoo | vignesh: highly unlikely | 10:05 |
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vignesh | RealPlayer always works... i just got the error once.. | 10:05 |
frogzoo | vignesh: how much ram you got installed? | 10:05 |
Schalken | jumbers_: search interweb | 10:06 |
vignesh | Flock opened just once and skype never started at all | 10:06 |
vignesh | I have 160Mb of Ram installed | 10:06 |
Jordan_U | jumbers_: You might try the drivers for the CX5001 ( which are available in CUPS ) | 10:06 |
vignesh | on a HP Brio 400Mhz pc | 10:06 |
jumbers_ | Schalken: Don't you think I have been? | 10:06 |
jumbers_ | Jordan_U: The CX5100? Would those work? | 10:06 |
Schalken | jumbers_: well good ;) | 10:06 |
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Jordan_U | jumbers_: It is possible, sometimes similar models will work with the same drivers | 10:07 |
jumbers_ | Schalken: Not really considering nothing is getting me any results. | 10:07 |
vignesh | I once didn`t find a printer driver and it worked with generic or raw driver... try that | 10:07 |
vignesh | frogzoo, any idea ? | 10:08 |
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frogzoo | vignesh: I doubt you'll even get a desktop with 160Meg | 10:08 |
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vignesh | I do.. | 10:08 |
vignesh | Its not that slow too.. I am running a gnome desktop with xchat and RealPlayer running now ! | 10:09 |
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Jordan_U | frogzoo: 160 meg is perfectly acceptable with XFCE | 10:09 |
vignesh | I`m thinking of installing xfce | 10:09 |
frogzoo | Jordan_U: ha ha - anyway, did you part'n mount? | 10:09 |
vignesh | It maybe faster than gnome | 10:09 |
vignesh | Gnome uses the ram and swap.. unlike kde right ? | 10:10 |
jumbers_ | Ok, I found something saying to use the CX4800 drivers but that still doesn't help me. There are 3 different CX4800 drivers | 10:10 |
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Jordan_U | frogzoo: Should sudo mount -a mount it if it worked? | 10:11 |
vignesh | jumbers_, did u look in the ubuntu forums ? | 10:11 |
frogzoo | Jordan_U: if the mount point exists, yes | 10:12 |
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vignesh | Flock runs now.... | 10:12 |
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jumbers_ | vignesh: That just says to use the CX4800 drivers. Doesn't say which one. | 10:12 |
Jordan_U | frogzoo: It does, and using the line you gave me it still doesn't mount | 10:12 |
vignesh | don`t why it didn`t run a minute ago . | 10:12 |
vignesh | Ah.. | 10:12 |
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vignesh | try one by one.. there are only 3.. so u won`t waste much time | 10:13 |
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frogzoo | Jordan_U: /var/log/messages should have logged a whinge | 10:14 |
Jordan_U | vignesh: One interesting thing I tried a few days ago, you can actually use fluxbox instead of metacity in Gnome, may help, may not, I didn't do any benchmarks | 10:14 |
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vignesh | who do i do that ? | 10:14 |
vignesh | I like window maker too.. | 10:14 |
vignesh | But i still need to use nautilus for file management | 10:14 |
cypher1 | is anyone is using a package called serverwatch ? | 10:14 |
Jordan_U | vignesh: That is the beuty of it, it still will use nautilus and gnome panels etc | 10:15 |
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vignesh | Jordan_U, How do i use fluxbox instead of metacity ? | 10:15 |
vignesh | Do i have to edit .xinitrc ? | 10:16 |
Jordan_U | vignesh: install windowmaker then get a window manager switcher ( I use beryl-manager but there are others ) and just switch to windowmaker | 10:16 |
jpiccolo | What is the location of the directory of C header files that match my running kernel? | 10:16 |
vignesh | how do i get the panel in wm by running the gnome-panel command ? | 10:17 |
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mneptok | jpiccolo: /usr/src/linux-headers-$KERNEL_RELEASE | 10:18 |
frogzoo | jpiccolo: dpkg -L kernel-headers | 10:18 |
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Jordan_U | vignesh: Since you are still using gnome ( gnome is a DE not a window manager ) you will still have the gnome panels no matter what WM you use | 10:18 |
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Jordan_U | frogzoo: I don't see anything worth mentioning in /var/log/messages | 10:19 |
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jpiccolo | mneptok: its asking for a linux sub directory | 10:20 |
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frogzoo | Jordan_U: ls -ld /media/machd | 10:20 |
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vignesh | Jordan_U, sorry.. I don`t get u still ... I understand what u are saying.. I can`t use Beryl.. Mine is a low end system | 10:20 |
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vignesh | Ya..I know gnome is a desktop env and not a wm.. it uses metacity as its wm | 10:21 |
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jpiccolo | The path "/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.20-5-generic" is an existing directory, | 10:21 |
jpiccolo | but it does not contain a "linux" subdirectory as expected. | 10:21 |
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frogzoo | jpiccolo: apt-get install kernel-headers | 10:21 |
incorrect | why can't you have xfs for / ? | 10:22 |
Jordan_U | vignesh: I wan't talking about using beryl, it's just that beryl comes with a WM switcher which is what I use and I can't think of any other switchers off the top of my head, but I know they exist. | 10:22 |
vignesh | Ah... ok | 10:22 |
vignesh | I`ll just google for that | 10:22 |
Jordan_U | frogzoo: drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2007-01-14 04:06 /media/machd | 10:22 |
vignesh | Though gnome works fine.. just that i can only run a few applications | 10:22 |
vignesh | not many as i used to on my other amd machine | 10:23 |
vignesh | Ty Jordan_U | 10:23 |
jpiccolo | frogzoo: Package kernel-headers is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 10:23 |
frogzoo | Jordan_U:something like "/dev/sda2 /media/machd hfsplus rw,user,exec 0 0" | 10:23 |
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frogzoo | Jordan_U: the noauto will have prevented mount -a | 10:23 |
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Jordan_U | frogzoo: HFS+ can't be mounted rw yet ( not stable ) | 10:24 |
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Jordan_U | frogzoo: should I change rw to ro ? | 10:25 |
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Feral_Kid | No, what I am looking for the keys that are installed when openssh-server is first installed... When I try to ssh on my server with putty, I get a strange key... The every 10 minutes or so, I get a prompting to accept, accept one time only, or cancel... I though that by using ssh-keygen on the root account it would change things, but it hasn't... Of course, this could just be a putty issue (that is putty under linux).... | 10:26 |
frogzoo | Jordan_U: sounds reasonable | 10:26 |
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jpiccolo | vmware server is making me vm-mad | 10:29 |
Jordan_U | frogzoo: I figured it out, it doesn't like me mounting to /media/foo for some reason, I made a /machd and it now works, thanks :) | 10:30 |
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frogzoo | Jordan_U: cool | 10:30 |
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jpiccolo | anyone have vmware server running | 10:31 |
mneptok | jpiccolo: we have it running in the office here | 10:31 |
jpiccolo | mneptok: did you set it up? | 10:32 |
jpiccolo | or know how to | 10:32 |
jpiccolo | or know what the heck this means: | 10:32 |
jpiccolo | What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running | 10:32 |
jpiccolo | kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.20-5-generic/include | 10:32 |
jpiccolo | The directory of kernel headers (version @@VMWARE@@ UTS_RELEASE) does not match | 10:32 |
jpiccolo | your running kernel (version 2.6.20-5-generic). Even if the module were to | 10:32 |
jpiccolo | compile successfully, it would not load into the running kernel. | 10:32 |
jpiccolo | it does match! | 10:33 |
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selinuxium | jpiccolo: i have vm ware running, is you get a kernel update vmware stops working and the install needs to be re run | 10:36 |
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jpiccolo | i am running the install now | 10:36 |
jpiccolo | and thats what i am getting | 10:36 |
Jambon | would anyone have a recommendation for whether to install automatix or easyubuntu? | 10:37 |
Flannel | !automatix | Jambon | 10:37 |
ubotu | Jambon: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 10:37 |
jpiccolo | i made sure i updated before i tried to install | 10:37 |
selinuxium | jpiccolo: Is that path were your header files located? | 10:37 |
selinuxium | jpiccolo: is this your first install | 10:38 |
Zambezi | What is the command to the safest way to distupgrade? | 10:38 |
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jpiccolo | selinuxium: yes | 10:38 |
Rogue | #cursolinux | 10:38 |
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jpiccolo | selinuxium: it said it was looking for a sub-directory of linux, and version.h so i did a search and got that path | 10:39 |
selinuxium | do an ls /usr/src/linux-headers* in a terminal and see if the header files are where it is looing. | 10:39 |
sub | 29266 root 25 0 50940 19m 10m R 86.4 1.9 77:48.57 software-proper | 10:39 |
selinuxium | s/looing/looking | 10:39 |
sub | That's a little long, don't you think? | 10:39 |
jpiccolo | selinuxium: well i am in that directory | 10:40 |
selinuxium | can you see the headers files? | 10:40 |
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jpiccolo | selinuxium: .h no | 10:40 |
Rookie-1 | !"distupgrade | 10:40 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about distupgrade - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:40 |
Rookie-1 | !upgrade | 10:41 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 10:41 |
haakuturi | hi all | 10:41 |
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jpiccolo | selinuxium: in /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.20-5-generic/include/linux i see them | 10:41 |
Schalken | !vmware | 10:41 |
ubotu | vmware is VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"). Instructions for VMWare Server can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware | 10:41 |
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frogzoo | what's the service that manages usb these days? used to be hotplug | 10:49 |
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haakuturi | anyone here using fluxbox? | 10:49 |
haakuturi | managing usb in what way? | 10:49 |
haakuturi | automatically mounting when something's plugged in? | 10:50 |
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frogzoo | haakuturi: yes, that | 10:50 |
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Feral_Kid | ubotu: !WorksForMe | 10:50 |
ubotu | Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. | 10:50 |
haakuturi | isn't that HAL? | 10:50 |
haakuturi | if that's really really wrong, don't hurt me, I'm still relatively new to linux :) | 10:51 |
jpiccolo | how can i install a lower version kernel | 10:51 |
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NeedWiFiHelp | Hi, who knows the meaning of "SIOCSIFFLAGS: Permission denied" when I try a "ifconfig eth1 up" to use my WiFi PCI NIC? | 10:51 |
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frogzoo | haakuturi: ok, but how to restart hal? there's no /etc/init.d/hal | 10:52 |
haakuturi | ahh | 10:52 |
haakuturi | wouldn't have a clue sorry :( | 10:52 |
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frogzoo | NeedWiFiHelp: try sudo | 10:52 |
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MoonDuck | OT: Can anyone please recommend a fully supported 802.11g USB dongle? I need one that is really stable. I don't care how expensive the dongle is.. | 10:53 |
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NeedWiFiHelp | frogzoo, I'll try | 10:53 |
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gandalfcome | I have trouble with my fglrx driver. At login it is dual screen (big desktop) but when I login I get clone. please help | 10:54 |
haakuturi | frogzoo have you install BUM? That might help you find the name you're looking for....? :) | 10:54 |
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NeedWiFiHelp | frogzoo: now I'm root (sudo su) and the message is : "SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory" | 10:55 |
niru | I am trying to compile libtnsa | 10:56 |
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niru | I am trying to compile libtnsa-1-2 | 10:56 |
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niru | I am trying to compile libtasn-1-2 | 10:56 |
niru | but facing error | 10:56 |
niru | ERROR: recursion limit of 1024 exceeded, use -L<N> to change it | 10:57 |
niru | can anybody help me out | 10:57 |
Jordan_U | NeedWiFiHelp: For future reference, sudo -S does the same as sudo su | 10:57 |
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NeedWiFiHelp | thanx Jordan | 10:57 |
apokryphos | Jordan_U: lowercase s | 10:57 |
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Jordan_U | Yeah, typo there :) NeedWiFiHelp ^^ | 10:58 |
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jpiccolo | i am running feisty how can i go back to edgy | 10:58 |
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niru | Jordan_U:do you know the solution | 10:58 |
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Jordan_U | jpiccolo: Short answer, you can't. | 10:58 |
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ZeiP | I upgraded from Dapper to Edgy, but now I'm getting an error when booting: udev[2755] : nss_ldap: failed to bind to LDAP server ldap://localhost: Can't contact LDAP server | 10:58 |
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Rienzilla | Hi | 10:58 |
ZeiP | What's wrong? | 10:58 |
Jordan_U | niru: Depends on the problem ;) whats wrong? | 10:59 |
niru | Jordan_U:while compiling package libtasn1-2 | 10:59 |
niru | I am getting error as | 10:59 |
Jordan_U | ZeiP: How did you upgrade, using gksu " update-manager -c" ? | 11:00 |
ZeiP | Jordan_U, no, apt-get dist-upgrade | 11:00 |
niru | Jordan_U:http://pastebin.ca/318264 | 11:00 |
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Jordan_U | ZeiP: Ok, you need to do more than just change your sources.list and dist upgrade, you are going to have to chroot into the system to complete the upgrade | 11:01 |
Madeye | guys, if I did by mistake 'chmod -R 777 / ', whats the fix ? | 11:02 |
ZeiP | Jordan_U, ouch. So I need to use a boot disk? | 11:02 |
Jordan_U | ZeiP: Yes. | 11:02 |
ZeiP | Jordan_U, okay. | 11:02 |
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mneptok | Madeye: that ... is really ungood. | 11:03 |
mneptok | Madeye: i would just reinstall | 11:03 |
verve | hahaha | 11:03 |
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Arafangion | Why might I not have sound in some apps if I first run other apps? | 11:03 |
verve | nice! | 11:03 |
mneptok | Arafangion: welcome to ALSA | 11:04 |
verve | were you logged in as root or in the midst of a sudo session, Madeye? | 11:04 |
niru | Jordan_U:did you get that | 11:04 |
Madeye | mneptok, this is Hypothetical situation, I'm just interested in doing it on a test box; | 11:04 |
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verve | yeah, don't do it | 11:04 |
Jordan_U | ZeiP: Then if you know how to chroot, chroot in and follow all the steps here in the section "Upgrading using apt-get -- NOT RECOMMENDED" https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades | 11:04 |
verve | heh | 11:04 |
mneptok | Madeye: reinstall is the path of least resistance. | 11:04 |
Jordan_U | niru: Yes. | 11:05 |
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ZeiP | Jordan_U, okay, thanks. | 11:05 |
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ubuntu | hi | 11:06 |
NeedWiFiHelp | googleing around I found iwconfig and iwlist... is a problem that my system name my wify card eth1 instead of wlan0? | 11:06 |
niru | Jordan_U:what could be the reason | 11:07 |
Jordan_U | ZeiP: If you don't want to be asked as many questions ( there will be a lot of them ) when you run "dpkg-reconfigure -a" run "dpkg-reconfigure -a -phigh" instead ( asks only high priority questions ) | 11:07 |
Jordan_U | niru: I don't know, sorry :( | 11:07 |
niru | any body here | 11:07 |
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niru | ok Jordan_U | 11:08 |
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ArtVandalae | Hi guys, I can't seem to change the permissions or ownership of the files on my mounted FAT32 drive, even when root. | 11:09 |
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Lynoure | niru: Did you try using -L with a larger value? | 11:09 |
slackthumbz | ArtVandalae: fat32 does not understand the concept of permissions | 11:09 |
Jordan_U | niru: Why are you compiling libtasn1-2 from source anyways? | 11:09 |
slackthumbz | ArtVandalae: it's a very primitive filesystem | 11:09 |
niru | for bluetooth | 11:09 |
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Jordan_U | niru: libtasn1-2 is available in the repos though | 11:10 |
niru | Lynoure:dpkg-buildpackages -rfakeroot -us -uc -sa -L you mean | 11:10 |
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Lynoure | niru: with a larger value, you need to give L an value larger than the default limit | 11:10 |
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niru | Lynoure:where I need to give that | 11:11 |
Jordan_U | niru: libtasn1-2 is available in the repos though, why do you need to compile from source? | 11:11 |
Lynoure | niru: I'm not sure, prolly in the compiler. Or was that a question | 11:11 |
niru | Jordan_U:Trying my hand | 11:12 |
FaithX_ | Edgy has all the Xen .debs available but the howtos on the wiki don't explain using them, rather the explain installing from a tarball | 11:12 |
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slackthumbz | apt-get install xen | 11:13 |
pianoboy3333 | Is there a way to reduce the brightness of my monitor in ubuntu? | 11:13 |
slackthumbz | I would imagine | 11:13 |
Jordan_U | niru: Ahh, OK. sudo apt-get build-dep <package name> is a nice command but only works for packages that have a version in the repositories, so it would work in this case | 11:13 |
slackthumbz | pianoboy3333: is your TFT or CRT? | 11:13 |
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FaithX_ | Sorry, I just found it in the wiki | 11:14 |
slackthumbz | o.O | 11:14 |
pianoboy3333 | slackthumbz: it's a 19" lcd | 11:14 |
Jordan_U | pianoboy3333: Yes, you *should* be able to just use your media keys | 11:14 |
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niru | Jordan_U:that command is only for solving the dependencies I think | 11:14 |
pianoboy3333 | Jordan_U: my media keys? WTF | 11:14 |
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Jordan_U | niru: Yes, and not having the correct build dependencies is the most common problem when compiling :) | 11:15 |
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niru | Jordan_U:But I did that | 11:15 |
slackthumbz | pianoboy3333: does it not have any adjustment keys on the monitor, most will have them in the lower right hand corner | 11:15 |
slackthumbz | ? | 11:15 |
niru | And I am in the next stage | 11:15 |
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pianoboy3333 | slackthumbz: it does, but for some reason they do not work anymore | 11:15 |
niru | ie dpkg-buildpackages -rfkeroot -us -uc -sa,Jordan_U | 11:15 |
slackthumbz | curious | 11:16 |
gabrieldain | Hi, I got myself into a very stupid problem. I messes up CUPS' configuration, an now it won't run, and I can't reinstall (missing, obsolete or only available from another source). Is there a way to go back to the default setting without going through the wizard (because it won't even start up). | 11:16 |
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gabrieldain | I'm running kubuntu, so I'll try there | 11:17 |
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cake | morning | 11:17 |
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Jordan_U | niru: sudo apt-get source --build libtasn1-2 if you are using the source package from the repositories. | 11:17 |
cake | anyone running HVM linux VMs on ubuntu edgy with xen here? | 11:18 |
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cake | having some problems with the mouse jumping around the screen when connected with vnc | 11:18 |
cake | found a few places telling me to install the summagraphics driver instead but doesnt seem like its helping much | 11:18 |
cake | :s | 11:18 |
Welsh_Dwarf | Hi, does anyone have any experience setting up a signed apt repository? Because I can't seem to get the Release file to validate (gpg --verify works though, and I did apt-key add the result of gpg --export on my server system) | 11:19 |
gandalfcome | I have trouble with my fglrx driver. At login it is dual screen (big desktop) but when I login I get clone. please help | 11:19 |
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pianoboy3333 | slackthumbz: I'd think there'd be some way in ubuntu to ajust the brightness, luckily, I can just do that with beryl and make all the windows dimmer | 11:21 |
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Lynoure | pianoboy3333: If the display is under warranty, now might be a good time to use it. | 11:22 |
alesdoc | Hi. I've problem with an internet adsl connection. I acquire the ip but i can't surf. It loses at least 15% of the packages, but only my laptop has this problem. Ideas? | 11:23 |
p_masho | The text and icon of the title bar on every window is in the centre.. how do I make it appear on the left.. Have looked everywhere for this setting and cant find it in Ubuntu? | 11:23 |
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pianoboy3333 | Lynoure: no... I think that it has something to do with the way the montitor works... or just the fact that it's made by dell | 11:23 |
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wil2 | Hi. | 11:24 |
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wil2 | I am trying to install Eclipse and Java on Edgy Eft. | 11:24 |
wil2 | I installed Java and Eclipse from Add/Remove applications menu. | 11:24 |
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wil2 | But I get the following error: | 11:25 |
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Lynoure | pianoboy3333: Dell usually has pretty good product support, I think, so calling them and asking why the buttons no longer work might make sense, but if they have worked before and no longer, really sounds like a hardware problem, not a feature | 11:25 |
wil2 | deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main restricted universe multiverse | 11:25 |
wil2 | Ooops. | 11:25 |
p_masho | wil2: been down this road and found it easier to install easyeclipse | 11:25 |
wil2 | Wrong paste. | 11:25 |
wil2 | java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: memmove | 11:25 |
wil2 | at org.eclipse.swt.internal.gtk.OS.memmove(Native Method) | 11:25 |
wil2 | This. | 11:25 |
Welsh_Dwarf | alesdoc: what's your config? pppoe? or are you using a dsl/router combo? | 11:25 |
pianoboy3333 | Lynoure: hardware problems could be nifty features :) | 11:25 |
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wil2 | It seems like it binds to wrong libc or can't find it or something. | 11:25 |
wil2 | Any ideas? | 11:25 |
wil2 | p_masho: What's that? | 11:26 |
Lynoure | pianoboy3333: heh | 11:26 |
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p_masho | wil2: http://www.easyeclipse.org/site/home/ | 11:26 |
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livingdaylight | what does "cannot stat" mean? | 11:32 |
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livingdaylight | i'm trying to move a folder from one place to another | 11:32 |
BIG_GIRL | stat is a system call used to get information on a file | 11:33 |
mzuverink | when I attemp to log into a gnome session it says that an instance of gnome-panel is running and will now exit. I am left with no panel. How do I fix this. Thanks in advance. | 11:33 |
livingdaylight | i'm doing sudo mv usr/local/bin/gnugo /usr/games/gnugo | 11:33 |
livingdaylight | but its not liking it ? | 11:33 |
livingdaylight | 0 | 11:33 |
livingdaylight | says there is no such file or directory yet i see it don't i ? | 11:34 |
mneptok | livingdaylight: leading / on the first path | 11:34 |
frogzoo | livingdaylight: ls -ld /usr/games/ | 11:34 |
reus | how i softmount a cue in ubuntu ? | 11:34 |
mzuverink | anyone? | 11:34 |
tarun | just do pkill gnome-panel | 11:34 |
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livingdaylight | mneptok, i don't understand? | 11:35 |
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livingdaylight | mneptok, leading? | 11:35 |
reus | anybody howto mount a iso cue in ubuntu ? | 11:35 |
mneptok | livingdaylight: mv /usr/local/bin/gnugo /usr/games | 11:35 |
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mneptok | livingdaylight: but ... i would not do such a thing | 11:35 |
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livingdaylight | mneptok, aha...missed / in front of usr | 11:36 |
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mneptok | livingdaylight: right. "the leading /" | 11:36 |
livingdaylight | mneptok, what do you mean you wouldn't do such a thing? | 11:36 |
mneptok | livingdaylight: i would not move a binary into /usr/games | 11:36 |
frogzoo | reus: an iso or a cue? they're different | 11:37 |
simmerz | I'm running an ubuntu laptop as a music server, but i just vnc into it to change music etc. however, after a while, it just switches the monitor off, and it won't come up in vnc either - when i lift the lid, vnc springs back to life! any idea how to stop that? | 11:37 |
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livingdaylight | mneptok, oh, i see | 11:37 |
livingdaylight | but that is where qGo (the Go client) expects to find it? | 11:37 |
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mneptok | livingdaylight: how did you install gnugo? | 11:37 |
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mzuverink | killing the panel did not work | 11:37 |
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reus | frogzoo: cue | 11:38 |
reus | with bin | 11:38 |
livingdaylight | mneptok, i don't remember. It was yesterday. With difficulty as i recall | 11:38 |
mneptok | livingdaylight: it's in the repos | 11:38 |
frogzoo | reus: only way I know is to compile cdemu | 11:38 |
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livingdaylight | mneptok, gnugo? didn't see it | 11:39 |
Li`lEndian | What application would be ideal to handle mail on the intranet? | 11:39 |
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doctormo | hello all | 11:39 |
reus | nvm i managed with mplayer | 11:39 |
mneptok | Package: gnugo | 11:39 |
mneptok | State: installed | 11:39 |
mneptok | Automatically installed: no | 11:39 |
mneptok | Version: 3.7.9-1 | 11:39 |
mneptok | Priority: optional | 11:39 |
mneptok | Section: universe/games | 11:39 |
doctormo | I have a set of usb headphones, which work quite well with ubuntu, the problem is that I can't get Amarok to play it's music through them. what settings do I need to change? | 11:40 |
livingdaylight | mneptok, geezus, thx buddy. And there i was trying to install 3.6 from sourcode or something | 11:40 |
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tarun | hey anyone been able to use landell on 6.10 edgy ? | 11:41 |
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tarun | and I would also like to ask how to get skype working if I m behind a proxy server ? | 11:41 |
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mneptok | livingdaylight: personally i like the Java IGS client ;) | 11:42 |
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VSpike | tarun: Skype can work through a proxy if you configure it to | 11:42 |
LeeHam | get guys | 11:42 |
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LeeHam | hey* | 11:42 |
tarun | no it doesnt have any tab for proxy settings | 11:42 |
VSpike | tarun: at least, the windows one can | 11:42 |
VSpike | Ah.. hm | 11:42 |
tarun | yes it does | 11:42 |
livingdaylight | mneptok, i tried installing the igs 1.4 but the deb package just hangs | 11:42 |
tarun | I havent tried to cpy the file from windows version on linux | 11:43 |
livingdaylight | mneptok, so i installed qGo and wanted gnugo as an engine to play a computer | 11:43 |
tarun | but does that works ? | 11:43 |
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mneptok | livingdaylight: all you need is Sun's JRE and the gGo app | 11:43 |
mzuverink | no one knows how to fix gnome panels? | 11:43 |
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livingdaylight | mneptok, for what? | 11:44 |
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doctormo | I'd go with sip rather than skype, own your soul so to speak | 11:44 |
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mneptok | livingdaylight: PM? | 11:44 |
livingdaylight | mneptok, coz i also want to play computer | 11:44 |
LeeHam | i just installed 6.06 and my network stoped working but it works fine on the live disc does anybody know whats up? | 11:44 |
livingdaylight | sure | 11:44 |
alesdoc | Welsh_Dwarf: sorry i've problem with the connection and i have became now your message...i connect my laptop through dhcp | 11:45 |
tarun | LeeHam, type ifconfig n see if the settings r correct | 11:45 |
LeeHam | alright ill boot back into ubuntu and try tarun | 11:45 |
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LeeHam | thanks :) | 11:46 |
Welsh_Dwarf | alesdoc: do you have other machines on your network? and if so can you ping them? is your connection wired or wifi? | 11:46 |
alesdoc | Welsh_Dwarf: i connect also my laptop with two other adsl connection through dhcp and it works with these two very well | 11:46 |
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VSpike | I notice that when my machine is idle, the CPU usually is stuck at 100%. Culprits seem to be beagled, apt-index-watcher, X, or a screen saver. Is this normal? | 11:47 |
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weiyan | anybody help me !!! , configure say lack of gtk2.0+...how can i do , i mean use apt-get ....which package ? | 11:48 |
apokryphos | weiyan: take a look at the FAQ (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions) as linked to in the channel /topic | 11:49 |
mzuverink | So I still get the error when gnome starts stating that it det4ects another gnome panel running and it will now exit That leaves me with no panels. Please, how do I fix this? | 11:49 |
apokryphos | weiyan: specifically, see the faq entry on compiling | 11:49 |
tarun | mzuverink, : open a terminal n type "pkill gnome-panel" | 11:49 |
mzuverink | That did not work | 11:50 |
tarun | it works | 11:50 |
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weiyan | okay ....go | 11:50 |
tarun | type ps -A n see if theres an instance of gnome-panel running | 11:50 |
mzuverink | that command does not work | 11:50 |
tarun | n then pkill that process | 11:51 |
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mzuverink | no gnome panels running | 11:51 |
josh_ | !easysources | 11:51 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 11:51 |
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tarun | then how is it detecting that theres a panel already running | 11:51 |
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mzuverink | tarun, youve got me, but I have no panels.... | 11:52 |
tarun | can you paste the output of ps -A | 11:52 |
mzuverink | yes, where? | 11:52 |
tarun | mzuverink, but the error you are getting is that theres a panel already running right ? | 11:53 |
slackthumbz | mzuverink: paste here http://rafb.net/paste/ | 11:53 |
mzuverink | ok, hold on | 11:53 |
tarun | okie let me see | 11:53 |
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mzuverink | http://rafb.net/p/FnFfcO39.html | 11:54 |
mzuverink | theres the url | 11:54 |
mzuverink | 11053 pid | 11:55 |
tarun | mzuverink, theres an instance of panel runjng | 11:55 |
tarun | yes | 11:55 |
tarun | 11053 | 11:55 |
VSpike | ah well I think I'll remove beagle anyway. I've never used it - it's not real use for me | 11:55 |
mzuverink | try it again, so easy to miss that stuff sometimes | 11:55 |
tarun | mzuverink, kill that process | 11:55 |
VSpike | mzuverink: you could use "ps -A | grep -i panel" or something. I have to - I usually miss things in the process list | 11:56 |
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Svish | !v4l | 11:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about v4l - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:57 |
Svish | !video4linux | 11:58 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about video4linux - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:58 |
Svish | hm.. | 11:58 |
Svish | anyone else know anything about v4l? | 11:58 |
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Vluid | hello, does anyone know how to chnge the query language in kdict to german. | 12:04 |
r000t | could someone recommend a autoupdate tool-- im setting up a ubuntu-server, and im not gonna be supervising it .. so i would like some kind of automatic update tool running in cron or something.. or should i just do it manually | 12:05 |
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VSpike | r000t: I think running "apt-get update" from a cron would do it | 12:07 |
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mzuverink | Thanks for the help on that gnome panel issue | 12:07 |
pty | r000t: theres a guide how to do it here: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2006/10/page/2/ | 12:08 |
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Nikolas | apt-get update doesn't upgrade the packages... Only fetches listings for sources.list | 12:08 |
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VSpike | Oops.. Yeah | 12:08 |
_james | is there any other mp3 wmv player other than vlc? | 12:09 |
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Nikolas | _james, yes, amaroK, xmms, bmpx etc | 12:09 |
Xappe | _james: gxine, xine-ui, mplayer... | 12:09 |
Vluid | r000t: VSpike: it doesnt make any sense to cron apt-get upgrade. it is interactive. sometimes it asks you about to update configfiles etc. and saying yes to all is dumb. | 12:09 |
Nikolas | No, wait, amaroK doesn't play wmv on default iirc | 12:09 |
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Nikolas | You shouldn't upgrade/update your programs/system if it works fine | 12:10 |
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truthseek | hi@ll | 12:10 |
Nikolas | Only upgrade if you really need some new features | 12:10 |
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VSpike | Sometimes you don't know you need a feature until you have it :) | 12:11 |
Nikolas | Hehe | 12:11 |
pty | if its a server you wont be monitoring though it may be worth it for the security fixes. It really depends what the box is doign | 12:11 |
pty | *doing | 12:11 |
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VSpike | Would there be a way to do an apt-get update && apt-get upgrade such that it only got security fixes? They should be able to be applied unattended | 12:12 |
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r000t | im mainly after the securityfixes actually | 12:13 |
r000t | nothing else | 12:13 |
Vluid | VSpike: not that i know. but you can update once a month. it takes only 15min.. | 12:13 |
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_james | can gxine play wmv file and mpg? | 12:13 |
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Nikolas | _james, most likely | 12:13 |
Nikolas | I haven't used gxine much though | 12:14 |
_james | what you mean? | 12:14 |
_james | what is better gxine or xine-ui | 12:14 |
VSpike | Vluid: I'm an update junkie on the desktop ... I hit that updater button as soon as it pops up :) I was just wondering about r000t's question. | 12:14 |
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nanok | ola wenas | 12:16 |
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nanok | alguien ke me ayude porfavor? | 12:16 |
r000t | critical security updates for a server just sitting there and ticking .. is a tricky one.. i wont be monitoring it .. but it would be nice to ensure that no critical securityproblems are left be | 12:16 |
nanok | tengo un problema con un serve de apache | 12:16 |
Nikolas | nanok, english please :) | 12:16 |
VSpike | !es | nanok | 12:16 |
ubotu | nanok: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda. | 12:16 |
nanok | i have a problem with install apache | 12:16 |
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nanok | ok | 12:17 |
_james | what is better gxine or xine-ui? | 12:17 |
nanok | bye bye | 12:17 |
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Nikolas | _james, dunno, try them both | 12:17 |
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MarcN | _james: I like gxine. FWIW | 12:18 |
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LeeHam | hello :) | 12:23 |
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deg0nz | .ficken? | 12:24 |
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SamArthurAllen | hey all | 12:24 |
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gandalfcome | I have trouble with my fglrx card: I want bigdesktop: it works at login but changes to clone when gnome loads. please help | 12:27 |
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PhibreOptix | !ndiswrapper | PhibreOptix | 12:31 |
ubotu | PhibreOptix: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 12:31 |
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LeeHam | hey can anyone help me. i just installed 6.06 and the network worked all fine untill i installed to my harddrive and now it doesn't work at all got any idea? | 12:32 |
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Azul | installed another hard drive? | 12:33 |
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LeeHam | no i installed from the live cd to the hard drive | 12:33 |
LeeHam | its the first time i installed ubuntu | 12:33 |
LeeHam | im on my laptop right now and ubuntu is on my desktop right now next to me | 12:33 |
Azul | you might need to modify your configurations | 12:33 |
VSpike | LeeHam: Do you know what chipset your adapter uses? | 12:34 |
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mneptok | LeeHam: paste the results of ifconfig ta pastebin? | 12:34 |
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mneptok | s/ta/to\ a/ | 12:34 |
_james | darn i can't play wmv file on gxine | 12:35 |
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Azul | _james, you might only need to download the wmv codecs | 12:35 |
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_james | Azul: how? | 12:35 |
LeeHam | mneptok what am i looking for its hard to copy and paste cause its on a differnt pc | 12:35 |
LeeHam | it says lo link encap:local loopback | 12:36 |
LeeHam | and eth1 link encap: ethernet hwaddr | 12:36 |
LeeHam | then a mac address | 12:36 |
mneptok | _james: the W in WM* stands for "We control your use of your media, punk." ;) | 12:36 |
Antony | hiya, my azureus says firewalled at the bottom of the screen, but ports are forwarded so i dont know whats wrong, ive gone through thestuff in the wiki! Please help | 12:36 |
_james | it says error loading library: wmvdmod.dll ... what is that? | 12:36 |
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mneptok | LeeHam: sudo ifdown eth0 | 12:36 |
mneptok | LeeHam: sudo ifup eth0 | 12:37 |
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mneptok | wha'ppens? | 12:37 |
Antony | its dead slow | 12:37 |
SamArthurAllen | James: VLC Media player can play all MS formats, although I've had trouble playing WMV9. It keeps dropping keyframes and looks spooky :D | 12:37 |
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Antony | my torrents are downloading at 5KBps | 12:37 |
Azul | _james, System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager > Search > wmv | 12:37 |
mneptok | Antony: what ports did you forward, and to what IP? | 12:37 |
_james | i already have vlc and still it can't play the file | 12:37 |
Antony | hang on, ill look now | 12:37 |
VSpike | Hmph that's about the best I ever seem to get :/ | 12:37 |
LeeHam | mneptok: i typed sudo ifdown eth0 and then it asked for a pass and then it says ifdown: interface eth0 not configured | 12:38 |
mneptok | LeeHam: sudo ifup eth0 | 12:38 |
steel_lady | my system is crushing without a reason! I had 2 firefox windows open and amule. I was on yahoo page loging to my mail and by pressing sigh in window both firefox and amule crushed | 12:38 |
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Antony | i allowed port 64321 in firewall and router | 12:38 |
steel_lady | and it was not the first time it happened | 12:38 |
LeeHam | mneptok: it said ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0 | 12:38 |
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SamArthurAllen | Mongrels, I've noticed that later MS formats keep !@#$in' up. | 12:39 |
mneptok | Antony: you want 6881 for Azureus unless you changed Azureus' port usage | 12:39 |
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Antony | i have changed it | 12:39 |
Azul | _james, don't only look for the program, look for codecs | 12:39 |
PhibreOptix | Anybody know why my dapper keeps freezing when I leave it idle? | 12:39 |
Antony | apperently 6881 was blocked or something | 12:39 |
Antony | so i changed it to 64321 | 12:40 |
mneptok | Antony: are you allowing both TCP and UDP through 64321? | 12:40 |
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Antony | yes i am | 12:40 |
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conner | hi all, I have a question about video | 12:40 |
LeeHam | mneptok sudo ifup doesnt work :S | 12:40 |
mneptok | LeeHam: who makes your NIC? | 12:40 |
Antony | through both firewall and router | 12:40 |
_james | Azul: i already installed the codecs from ubuntu restricted formats | 12:40 |
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_james | some of my wmv file play but this one won't | 12:40 |
LeeHam | mneptok: i dont know how can i check | 12:40 |
mneptok | Antony: what firewall? | 12:41 |
Antony | windows firewall | 12:41 |
conner | which media player is best in your opinion? also what's the deal with the totem player that comes with ubuntu | 12:41 |
mneptok | LeeHam: who made the card? the PC? | 12:41 |
SamArthurAllen | James: What version WMV is it? | 12:41 |
Antony | will Windows Defender block it? | 12:41 |
conner | it can't seem to play anything | 12:41 |
_james | SamArthurAllen: dunno, where can i find the version? | 12:41 |
mneptok | Antony: i know nothing of Windows and its brain-dead software. | 12:42 |
PhibreOptix | conner: in my opinion VLC is the best for playing videos | 12:42 |
Antony | ok, defender wont block it, just checked | 12:42 |
LeeHam | mneptokn its an asus on my mobo that im using | 12:42 |
=== mneptok has not used Windows in almost a decade | ||
Antony | so what do i o now? | 12:42 |
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mneptok | LeeHam: glue chipset? | 12:42 |
PhibreOptix | Antony: It's gotta be allowed through the router, and make sure that the program is using a constant port, not a random one | 12:42 |
LeeHam | how do i check :S | 12:43 |
conner | so, should I not bother trying to get the totem player to work | 12:43 |
Antony | constant port, like what? | 12:43 |
SamArthurAllen | I use VLC and Mplayer | 12:43 |
Azul | _james, if it doesn't play, get another avi version or convert it to another video format with windows | 12:43 |
mneptok | LeeHam: the Asus site? the manual? | 12:43 |
conner | I already installed mplayer and got it playing most formats, sort of | 12:43 |
Azul | _james, i avoid such videos as much as i can | 12:43 |
livingdaylight | mneptok, just rebbooted, but still no launcher in applicaion/games menu | 12:43 |
LeeHam | mneptok: its an a8n-sli mobo | 12:43 |
Azul | MPlayer RULES | 12:43 |
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LeeHam | ill check | 12:43 |
PhibreOptix | Antony: As in one that doesn't change when the program starts, alot of bittorrent software does that, so set it to some port like 6545, the forward that through your router and reboot it | 12:43 |
livingdaylight | mneptok, Applications menu edit? | 12:43 |
mneptok | LeeHam: "I'm having a prblem with my car." "What kind of car?" "How do I check?" ;) | 12:44 |
SamArthurAllen | Dude, the 3D desktop rules! :D | 12:44 |
|_SpY_| | anybody knows how i upload a direcotry with console ftp? | 12:44 |
Antony | are you sure that would be any different to 64321? | 12:44 |
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mneptok | livingdaylight: yup | 12:44 |
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PhibreOptix | Antony: So the port isn't changing? If it isn't, what software are you using? | 12:44 |
LeeHam | mneptok: lol leave me alone :P | 12:44 |
trygve-u | Hi, I | 12:44 |
Antony | azureus | 12:44 |
SamArthurAllen | James: Are you able to open files in hex mode? As in for peeking around any headers in the file... | 12:44 |
mneptok | LeeHam: i am NOT being your personal Google search. :) | 12:44 |
conner | haha go ogle | 12:45 |
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Azul | SamArthurAllen, i'd prefer a CLI over a 3D desktop | 12:45 |
LeeHam | mneptok: im checking now :) | 12:45 |
_james | what's wrong with my xchat client i can't receive private msg.. but i can see there msg on the channel as notice | 12:45 |
mneptok | and to prove it, i'm going to smoke ;) | 12:45 |
PhibreOptix | Antony: *Shudders* anyway, most bittorrent software works on a sharing basis, so if your blocking all uploads from it, then your download rate will be hampered | 12:45 |
Antony | the port has never changed as far as i know | 12:45 |
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erUSUL | !register | _james | 12:45 |
ubotu | _james: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 12:45 |
vignesh | Hi all | 12:45 |
Azul | _james, i think you have to register first | 12:45 |
Antony | im not blocking uploads | 12:45 |
mneptok | Antony: try BitTornado and see wha'ppens | 12:45 |
Antony | ok, does everyone agree? | 12:46 |
PhibreOptix | Antony: Then switch to BitLord if your using windows, I used that when I was on windows and it almost always went full speed | 12:46 |
livingdaylight | mneptok, /usr/local/share/gGo/bin/gGo\.exe ?? | 12:46 |
mneptok | Antony: sudo aptitude install bittornado-gui | 12:46 |
_james | no not here.. i mean on the other network like dalnet or undernet | 12:46 |
trygve-u | Hi, I'm doing a dual boot with windows and ubuntu. I need a common partition for documents and more. And I found a ext2 driver for windows, IFS driver. Do any of you have experience with this one? | 12:46 |
PhibreOptix | BitTornado or BitLord | 12:46 |
|_SpY_| | anybody knows how i upload a direcotry with console ftp? | 12:46 |
mneptok | livingdaylight: /usr/local/share/gGo/bin/ggo | 12:46 |
vignesh | trygve-u, why not just create an fat32 partition and share it? | 12:46 |
mneptok | trygve-u: http://fs-driver.org | 12:47 |
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PhibreOptix | trygve-u: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009 | 12:47 |
conner | I used fat32. | 12:47 |
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Azul | trygve-u, i tried.. it works pretty well | 12:47 |
livingdaylight | mneptok, thx. will look in usr/share/pixmaps to see if there is an icon for gGo now too | 12:47 |
conner | the only problem is it doesn't support files bigger than 4gb :( | 12:47 |
Azul | trygve-u, but i won't generally trust windows to handle my linux files and paritions | 12:47 |
LeeHam | mneptok: its a Marvell 88E8001 :) | 12:47 |
vignesh | Ah..is that driver open ? | 12:47 |
Antony | so i should try BitTornado and BitLord? Azureus does work, its just dead slow... | 12:47 |
mneptok | livingdaylight: i can get you one in ~1.5 hours when i get home | 12:47 |
trygve-u | vignesh: I don't like fat, I'd like to have the possibilities with big files and rights | 12:47 |
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PhibreOptix | Antony: Yes | 12:48 |
Azul | trygve-u, you can make an ntfs partition, and use ntfs-3g to have read/write access | 12:48 |
Azul | from linux | 12:48 |
Antony | ok | 12:48 |
vignesh | trygve-u, Ah..ok | 12:48 |
mneptok | LeeHam: got another NIC on that mobo? | 12:48 |
livingdaylight | mneptok, woa, you diamond geezer | 12:48 |
PhibreOptix | trygve-u: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009 | 12:48 |
livingdaylight | mneptok, shall i pm you my email? | 12:48 |
mneptok | livingdaylight: or hang here | 12:48 |
=== peace-keeper [n=peace-ke@lev92-3-82-232-52-121.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
livingdaylight | mneptok, ok | 12:48 |
trygve-u | Azul: Would you rather use the "experimental" ntfs drivers for linux than the ifs ext2 driver for windows? | 12:48 |
=== Bantroth [n=Bantroth@adsl-70-137-152-219.dsl.snfc21.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LeeHam | mneptok: negative 2 of the same ports :) | 12:48 |
Azul | trygve-u, yup | 12:49 |
Antony | ok, just installing it now | 12:49 |
Azul | the ntfs-3g has proven to be stable enough | 12:49 |
PhibreOptix | Yep, it's never messed with my files | 12:49 |
_james | how can i install java plugins on firefox browser and video plugins? | 12:49 |
J-_ | fs-driver is pretty good. | 12:49 |
Azul | i don't know why it's still experimental | 12:49 |
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=== coulix [n=coulix@124-168-220-97.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cstrippie | I've used the ifs driver in winxp for some time now | 12:50 |
mneptok | livingdaylight: oo! i found it here amongst my work cr4p! | 12:50 |
livingdaylight | mneptok, kewl | 12:50 |
LeeHam | mneptok: negative 2 of the same ports :) could there be a marvell driver or something i can use | 12:50 |
=== imperix [n=desperat@ip43108.stuwe.fh-schmalkalden.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
livingdaylight | mneptok, now we know what you really do at work :D | 12:50 |
_james | how can i install java plugins on firefox browser and video plugins? | 12:50 |
mneptok | livingdaylight: check e-mail | 12:50 |
Antony | Hey, what happens if i get two clients to both download my torrent simoultaneously? | 12:50 |
coulix | hello guys, when i was using beryl i could set up my thumb mouse button8 and 9 to do the cube rotation its was nice and neat. Now with standalone compiz it does not work anymore even if button8 and 9 appears with "xev", any idea why ? | 12:51 |
livingdaylight | mneptok, got it - thx :) | 12:51 |
|_SpY_| | anybody knows how i upload a direcotry with console ftp? | 12:51 |
_james | !howto | 12:51 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about howto - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:51 |
trygve-u | Azul: It is a question I get different answers to, among other this ubuntu thread recomends the fs-driver. http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009 | 12:51 |
PecisDarbs | how to add scanner to hplip service? | 12:51 |
mneptok | LeeHam: not sure, but the Marvell drver might be in -restricted-modules | 12:51 |
PhibreOptix | Antony: Then they will probably just go slower | 12:51 |
=== kikokos [n=jer@xdsl-19888.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LeeHam | mneptok: whats that mean :P | 12:51 |
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trygve-u | Have anybody here experienced problems with the fs-driver or the ntfs-3g? | 12:52 |
_james | !howto | 12:52 |
_james | how can i install java plugins on firefox browser and video plugins? | 12:52 |
mneptok | LeeHam: linux-restricted-modules package | 12:52 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about howto - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:52 |
mneptok | !java | _james | 12:52 |
ubotu | _james: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository | 12:53 |
=== zerod` [n=dem@69-0-50-83.adsl.snet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Azul | trygve-u, i told you my opinion, it's your decision in the end | 12:53 |
PhibreOptix | !Tux Racer | 12:53 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about Tux Racer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:53 |
Antony | its not very nice! - and its written in Python! | 12:53 |
PecisDarbs | !hplip | 12:53 |
ubotu | hplip: HP Linux Printing and Imaging System (HPLIP). In component main, is optional. Version 1.6.9-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 534 kB, installed size 2544 kB | 12:53 |
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PhibreOptix | What isn't nice? | 12:54 |
PhibreOptix | And don't diss Python, or I'll open up a can of whoop ass on you xD | 12:54 |
=== XiXaQ_ [n=joerlend@237-191.dsl.freewave.no] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
cstrippie | Puppy linux inside windows 2000 inside Ubuntu....god it's so wrong.... | 12:54 |
trygve-u | Azul: Yes it's my decision, and I like to get as many opinions from others as possible to form my own opinion. So, why don't you like the fs-driver. Is it based on a general skeptisism towards windows? | 12:55 |
mneptok | cstrippie: throw Haiku into the mix for real horror. | 12:55 |
Antony | where can i get bitlord? | 12:55 |
cstrippie | Haiku - this is more fun I'm not having? w00t | 12:56 |
Azul | trygve-u, i never tried it so i don't know | 12:56 |
trygve-u | Antony: google | 12:56 |
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mneptok | Antony: BitLord? isn't that Windows only? | 12:56 |
blackJack | I want to install Post-It program.... | 12:56 |
Antony | im in windows | 12:56 |
NeedWiFiHelp | !help | 12:56 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 12:56 |
Antony | Here in UK we are Windows mad! | 12:57 |
trygve-u | Antony: OS Support: Windows 98/Me/2000/XP for bitlord, | 12:57 |
PhibreOptix | Antony: Google.com Search for BitLord download | 12:57 |
Antony | im XP pro | 12:57 |
Flannel | Antony: please take you windows questions elsewhere then, thanks. | 12:57 |
trygve-u | Antony: http://www.soft32.com/download_123574.html | 12:57 |
Antony | :-( sorry | 12:57 |
Azul | why not use azureus | 12:57 |
=== nUllSkillZ [n=oliver@p54B2EE62.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Antony | thanks | 12:57 |
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mneptok | that will be the end of Windows support in #ubuntu | 12:57 |
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Antony | eh? | 12:57 |
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trygve-u | Antony: but try Torrent if your looking for a windows client | 12:58 |
Antony | why does it matter what os we use? - this forum isnt about os, its about torrent clients! | 12:58 |
trygve-u | mneptok: ok | 12:58 |
Antony | thanks | 12:58 |
mneptok | that WILL BE THE END of Windows support in #ubuntu | 12:58 |
|_SpY_| | anybody knows how i transfer a folder to ftp ... using console ftp? | 12:58 |
cstrippie | Antony - huh? | 12:58 |
mneptok | thanks | 12:58 |
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Antony | why dont youlike windows? | 12:58 |
VSpike | ktorrent works for me | 12:58 |
=== cstrippie keeps looking at the channel title "yup, still says Ubuntu" | ||
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=== heatxsink [n=heatxsin@cpe-76-172-71-149.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
VSpike | azureus sadly doens't | 12:59 |
Azul | Antony, we don't like windows, just windows support in an ubuntu channel | 12:59 |
doctormo | Antony: nothing against windows(tm), everything against Microsoft Corp | 12:59 |
Azul | there is ##windows | 12:59 |
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=== stefg smmells a <)))))< ,,, troll alert | ||
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trygve-u | hehe, funny stuff | 12:59 |
=== mx-zoom [n=zupaer-t@bl6-37-134.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Azul | trygve-u, what is? | 01:00 |
blackJack | zentoo is the best linux | 01:00 |
doctormo | how #ubuntu couldn't be about a specific os is beond me to be honest | 01:00 |
Antony | oh,ok | 01:00 |
cstrippie | Ok, Innotek's virtualbox is pretty damn fast in ubuntu | 01:00 |
trygve-u | Azul: The NO WINDOWS here reaction, it was really fast | 01:00 |
Antony | iyes it was | 01:00 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o mneptok] by ChanServ | ||
cstrippie | lady00 | 01:00 |
Antony | whats ubuntu? | 01:00 |
VSpike | I dunno, maybe it's about "Humanity towards others" | 01:01 |
Flannel | !ubuntu | Antony | 01:01 |
ubotu | Antony: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome | 01:01 |
PhibreOptix | Antony: A linux distribution | 01:01 |
trygve-u | This is really stupid of me, but isn't my questions about fs-driver windows support? | 01:01 |
PhibreOptix | trygve-u: fs-driver is just plain lame xD, use ntfs-3g | 01:01 |
=== Antony was kicked off #ubuntu by mneptok (trolling sucks. try not doing it.) | ||
cstrippie | <Antony> whats ubuntu? <=- now I smell troll as well. | 01:01 |
SamArthurAllen | '< - - - - # - - - | 01:01 |
Flannel | trygve-u: windows/linux interoperability falls under the umbrella of ubuntu support | 01:01 |
mneptok | "how do i get mirc to auto-rejoin?" | 01:01 |
trygve-u | Flannel: good. I guess it in the grey-zone | 01:02 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o mneptok] by mneptok | ||
trygve-u | PhibreOptix: Isn't it better to use a filesystem developed for linux when you're using linux? | 01:03 |
stefg | trygve-u: discussing the posibiliets of a /shared/ filesystem between ubuntu and another OS is at least 50% legitimate... 'how do i restrt mirc' is not | 01:03 |
=== sirk- [n=sirk@dslb-084-056-098-144.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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trygve-u | PhibreOptix: is it just lame, or have you experiences with it not working, or working badly? | 01:04 |
linux1 | hiya ppl i hav qdvdauthor crash on me and leave a 22gb file in /tmp i tryed deleteing it but i just vanished and im still 22gb missing (freespace) any idea whats up | 01:04 |
=== Antony [n=siranton@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Antony | i can program java and asp.net, but i wouldnt be much help to you! | 01:04 |
PhibreOptix | trygve-u: fs-driver is for accesing linux drives from within windows, ntfs-3g is for mounting ntfs partitions from within linux | 01:04 |
Antony | i wasnt trolling either! | 01:04 |
PhibreOptix | trygve-u: And using it from within linux is just much better | 01:04 |
stefg | linux1: empty the trash | 01:04 |
Antony | i justwanted to know what it was! | 01:04 |
cstrippie | Oh Antony - thou glutton for punishment delivered from on high.... | 01:04 |
Antony | ha ha | 01:05 |
=== iceman [n=blah@d58-105-99-66.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PhibreOptix | Antony: google.com define:Ubuntu | 01:05 |
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=== timbobsteve [n=david@203-206-100-144.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PhibreOptix | Isn't that hard really now is it? | 01:05 |
Flannel | now now, don't feed the trolls. | 01:05 |
LeeHam | mneptok: how can i get these restriced modelues to work :( | 01:05 |
MBR- | help me real quick i'm in dual boot... my MBR broke when i reinstall my windows | 01:05 |
Antony | i know now, thanks! | 01:05 |
linux1 | hehe it not in there thats the problem | 01:05 |
=== TheInfinity [n=TheInfin@p508F2742.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
iceman | hi, how can i get into runlevel3 while using the live cd??? | 01:05 |
Flannel | MBR-: er, your MBR broke? or your grub broke? | 01:05 |
stefg | !grub | MMBR | 01:05 |
ubotu | MMBR: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 01:05 |
stefg | !grub | MBR | 01:05 |
MBR- | grub sorry | 01:05 |
ubotu | MBR: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 01:05 |
apokryphos | MBR-: this is all in the FAQ | 01:05 |
Flannel | MBR-: right, first link there. | 01:05 |
Antony | so much for "humanity to others" if you cant even ask what it is without causing an offense! | 01:05 |
Antony | man | 01:06 |
apokryphos | Antony: what's the problem? | 01:06 |
Flannel | !ubuntu | Antony | 01:06 |
ubotu | Antony: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome | 01:06 |
iceman | how can i get into runlevel3 while using the live cd??? | 01:06 |
Antony | i got kicked for asking, "whats ubuntu"? | 01:06 |
timbobsteve | hey all, when I add "deb http://ubuntu,beryl-project.org edgy main" to my sources.list it errors when I update apt... is there any problem with the beryl-project repo? | 01:06 |
Antony | i know! | 01:06 |
DrGroove | iceman: ctrl-alt F1 (to F6) | 01:06 |
Flannel | timbobsteve: #ubuntu-xgl for beryl support, thanks. | 01:06 |
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stefg | Antony... don't even try... IRC has logs, you see... | 01:06 |
cstrippie | Antony - do you go into alt.sex.anal and ask what that is too? | 01:06 |
timbobsteve | Flannel: Thanks ;) | 01:07 |
=== cstrippie is just wondering | ||
PhibreOptix | timbobsteve: I think there is, since it breaks for me to | 01:07 |
Flannel | timbobsteve: and actually, you probably want a . not a , between ubuntu and beryl-project.org | 01:07 |
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SamArthurAllen | lmfao | 01:07 |
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VSpike | Antony: the ops are only human too. Show some humanity by considering the general level of trolling, stupidity and ingratitude they deal with on a daily basis in trying to help others, and you may forgive them for being short with you. | 01:07 |
timbobsteve | Flannel: it was just an error when I retyped ;) | 01:07 |
Antony | WHAT? "mneptok has kicked you from the chat room (Reason: trolling sucks. try not doing it." I dint do anything wrong so IRC are welcome! | 01:07 |
=== timbobsteve [n=david@203-206-100-144.dyn.iinet.net.au] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Flannel | Antony: if you have a problem with the ops, #ubuntu-ops is the place to ask about it. Not here. thanks. | 01:08 |
Antony | i didnt troll!!!!! | 01:08 |
iceman | ok i do ctrl-alt-f3 then im trying to install nvidia driver it says appear to have xserver running i kill the process and that restart gnome? | 01:08 |
cstrippie | GREAT, CRY SOMEWHERE ELSE! | 01:08 |
=== Yvonne [n=01101110@pdpc/supporter/active/Yvonne] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== pexi [n=pexi@97.pool85-57-18.dynamic.orange.es] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Antony | no, i dont have a problem, i just dont know why i was kicked for asking "whats ubantu"!!! | 01:08 |
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PhibreOptix | Antony: Because your in a freaking ubuntu IRC channel | 01:09 |
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Antony | ok | 01:09 |
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LeeHam | mneptok: how can i get these restriced modelues to work :( | 01:09 |
trygve-u | Antony: Good, I hope you're okay with it now. I | 01:09 |
=== Ash-Fox [i=UNKNOWN@fgd182.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Antony | yes i am, was a bit harsh though!! | 01:10 |
stefg | Antony: You weren't kicked for asking: 'What's ubuntu', but *ignoring* the answers ... deliberate ignorance isn't ubuntu, too | 01:10 |
iceman | ok i do ctrl-alt-f3 then im trying to install nvidia driver it says appear to have xserver running i kill the process and that restart gnome? | 01:10 |
iceman | <cstrippie> GREAT, CRY SOMEWHERE ELSE! | 01:10 |
Antony | i didnt ignore answers! | 01:10 |
apokryphos | Antony: stop | 01:10 |
=== FaYaBonD [n=trinity@] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
apokryphos | this is a support channel | 01:10 |
iceman | my bad copied to much | 01:10 |
apokryphos | if you have a problem with an Ops' decision, then go to #ubuntu-ops | 01:10 |
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erUSUL | iceman: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 01:10 |
Antony | ok, well thanks for your help, ill try bitLord | 01:11 |
Antony | good luck with Ubantu! | 01:11 |
=== jouke [n=jouke@astaat.tnw.utwente.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
iceman | erUSUL: no luck it still says its running | 01:11 |
jouke | hey, I've mounted my /home directory from a nfs deamon, and configured pam to make a homedir if it doesn't exist. But atm it gives a permission denied error, any idea where to look at? | 01:11 |
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blackJack | anyone Help...How can I write NTFS partition? | 01:12 |
MBR- | okay i installed it already... gonna reboot. :) | 01:12 |
erUSUL | iceman: i have done it many times and it works (it is the only way to do it) | 01:12 |
=== I-kido [n=Reco@158-157-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
erUSUL | !ntfs | blackJack | 01:12 |
ubotu | blackJack: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions. For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 01:12 |
iceman | it doesnt seem to in ps it shows /usr/X11R6/bin ...... /var/lib/gdm | 01:12 |
blackJack | ok..Thanks | 01:13 |
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iceman | gdm doesnt seem to stop | 01:13 |
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I-kido | iceman sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop doesn't work? | 01:14 |
iceman | it says stopping but the process remains running | 01:14 |
=== TeTeT [n=spindler@modemcable178.77-70-69.static.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
I-kido | hmm strange | 01:15 |
iceman | ur telling me. if i kill it then it just puts me bak into init 5 | 01:15 |
I-kido | maybe u could try safemode rebooting | 01:15 |
=== zoli2k [n=kuscsik@ufv063-33.science.upjs.sk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
I-kido | and fix things first | 01:16 |
iceman | can u do that using the live cd? | 01:16 |
I-kido | euhhmm | 01:16 |
I-kido | not tried yet :P | 01:16 |
iceman | hehe | 01:16 |
=== I-kido 's room is a mess, can't find live-cd | ||
iceman | yea | 01:17 |
I-kido | :) | 01:17 |
iceman | any idea's? | 01:17 |
LeeHam | mneptok u there | 01:17 |
mzuverink | can someone recommend a good app like gkrellm that looks good in beryl, gkrellms gets an ugly outline and gdesklets leaves a notification window open for every gdesklet you run? | 01:17 |
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I-kido | i could try some thinhs and come back | 01:17 |
zoli2k | Anybody knows, how to compile more C sources for one Compile order in Anjuta? If I use F9 shortcut it only compiles the main source. | 01:17 |
altf2o | a default install of Ubuntu has all needed libraries for developing C correct? | 01:17 |
iceman | how long u think you'll be its 11:20pm here need go bed soon lol | 01:18 |
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I-kido | i'll rty on my gf's pc | 01:18 |
=== david_ [n=david@ANantes-251-1-155-182.w86-203.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
iceman | not that i wouldnt love the help but i only had 4 hours sleep last nite | 01:18 |
iceman | kool | 01:18 |
I-kido | she'll kill me if she finds out | 01:18 |
stefg | altf2o: you'd need to add all the *-dev packages | 01:18 |
=== EDVINAS_ [i=usr29113@c1.edrana.lt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
iceman | lol it will be our secret | 01:18 |
mzuverink | recommended sys monitors anyone? | 01:18 |
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I-kido | :P | 01:19 |
I-kido | k loading | 01:19 |
iceman | kool | 01:19 |
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cstrippie | iceman 4:19am here - I really gotta quit this. | 01:19 |
MBR- | didn't work | 01:19 |
altf2o | hmm, so it doesn't usually come w/ 'stdio.h\string.h' and the like, for compiling standard C programs? | 01:19 |
iceman | woah nice. | 01:19 |
MBR- | where was that link again? | 01:19 |
stefg | !build | altf2o | 01:19 |
ubotu | altf2o: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 01:19 |
MBR- | grub | 01:20 |
=== ouato [n=ouato@jau31-1-82-228-82-58.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MBR- | !mbr | 01:20 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 01:20 |
I-kido | iceman what was it u wnat to do with live cd? | 01:20 |
blackJack | !ntfs | 01:21 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions. For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 01:21 |
iceman | basicaly install nvidia drivers and test beryl on my machine before installing ubuntu | 01:21 |
stefg | !ntfs-3g | blackJack | 01:21 |
ubotu | blackJack: ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy) | 01:21 |
I-kido | iceman u could install nvidia-glx | 01:21 |
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ouato | hi v'ry body... Need some help about Xserver and Beryl on a Dell laptop | 01:21 |
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I-kido | that shuold work | 01:21 |
I-kido | should | 01:21 |
stefg | !beryl | ouato | 01:21 |
ubotu | ouato: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl | 01:21 |
cstrippie | I reloaded beryl earlier, but beryl-settings wont start | 01:22 |
ouato | !beryl | 01:22 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl | 01:22 |
cstrippie | :( | 01:22 |
pluma | What's the name of the command-line tool to dump hex/ascii views of files again? I just can't remember... | 01:22 |
iceman | think i tried that following a post in forum, but it didnt work so im trying this way now | 01:22 |
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crayzee | When I boot my computer, lirc does not work. I have to do rmmod lirc_serial; modprobe lirc_serial type=4 and it works fine then. | 01:22 |
ouato | thks i'll take a loog ^^ | 01:22 |
ouato | look | 01:22 |
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crayzee | However, the type=4 option is definitely passed to lirc on boot. | 01:22 |
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crayzee | I have looked in /sys/modules/lirc_serial/parameters/type before reloading it | 01:23 |
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crayzee | Does anyone know why this might be? | 01:23 |
stefg | crayzee: might be a timing problem | 01:23 |
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savvas | is it possible to use xchat with screen ? | 01:23 |
crayzee | stefg: could you elaborate? | 01:23 |
I-kido | i'm trying some things... brb | 01:23 |
LeeHamz | does anybody know how to get a marvell nic chipset to work with ubuntu 6.06? | 01:24 |
iceman | kool | 01:24 |
pluma | ... Oh, right. hexdump. | 01:24 |
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MBR- | try to reboot again :) | 01:24 |
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Alarm | the acrobat reader packages , is acrobat , or acroread ? | 01:25 |
stefg | crayzee: during boot, a lot of things happen, some in parallel. Possible scenario is that your serial ports aren't readily setup when the lirc daemon initializes, so it fails. If you do it later by hand, that situation i different | 01:25 |
savvas | apt-cache search acro | 01:25 |
crayzee | stefg: I see. | 01:25 |
savvas | hm.. | 01:25 |
savvas | !acrobat | 01:25 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about acrobat - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:25 |
crayzee | stefg: can you think of a possible workaround? Would making my own init.d script help do you think? | 01:26 |
cstrippie | Adobe Acrobat: sudo apt-get install acroread | 01:26 |
stefg | crayzee: you could test it by adding your own lirc init in rc.local... possibly with a some 'sleep' before, to not rush things too fast | 01:27 |
crayzee | rc.local you say. Thanks :) | 01:27 |
stefg | !boot | 01:28 |
ubotu | Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto | 01:28 |
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jouke | I can make a dir on a nfs mount but can't change the owner of the dir. (maybe something to do with different root users on the server and client?) | 01:28 |
savvas | !adobe | 01:28 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about adobe - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:28 |
savvas | bleh :p | 01:28 |
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crayzee | Ahh, it was worth coming in here just to learn that! Thanks stefg! | 01:28 |
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blackJack | What is the best desktop note(postit)? | 01:28 |
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ouato | sorry I'm back... about beryl and my problems to install it under edgy on a Dell laptop | 01:29 |
savvas | blackJack: i guess tomboy is the ubuntu fave right now | 01:29 |
cstrippie | blackjack - I second Tomboy | 01:29 |
ouato | didn't really find what I wanted on the forum of beryl u gave me... (search function seems... disabled and hard to find something) | 01:29 |
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savvas | !beryl | 01:30 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl | 01:30 |
ouato | that's what i was talking about ^^ | 01:30 |
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jengc0il | !help | 01:30 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 01:30 |
savvas | ouato: there's an irc channel there too :p | 01:30 |
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ouato | Ooo yes mdr ^^ just seen it mdr ^^ thks ^^ | 01:30 |
blackJack | who is ubotu? | 01:31 |
ouato | a bot ^^ | 01:31 |
savvas | hehe | 01:31 |
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trygve-u | !xinerama | 01:33 |
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ubotu | xinerama is using multiple monitors as one big monitor. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo | 01:33 |
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VSpike | I didn't like Tomboy. I find basKet much better, but I run KDE. | 01:33 |
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floating | Hi. I have a problem with a slow system. I have no idea why my system is slower than normal at the moment. Looking at process manager doesn't really help, I cannot spot anything particular that is eating up the CPU. Which are most commong problems, or any other common check up methods ? | 01:35 |
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=== iceman brb | ||
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MBR- | no luck reinstalling grub :( | 01:37 |
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MBR- | maybe is it because i tried to reinstall the ubuntu? | 01:37 |
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MBR- | i just follow the other link | 01:38 |
niru | hello floating and MBR | 01:38 |
niru | hello floating and MBR- | 01:38 |
MBR- | hi | 01:38 |
stefg | MBR-: you are aware what an MBR is, where it is, and why it's imprtant? | 01:38 |
MBR- | !grub | 01:38 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 01:38 |
MBR- | i know... but not much | 01:39 |
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stefg | MBR-: so you're not going to re install ubuntu, but we are only dealing with the first 16 sectors of your hd | 01:40 |
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niru | I am facing error while compiling an ubuntu package | 01:42 |
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peace-keeper | i am facing errors in ubunt all the time :) | 01:42 |
PhibreOptix | Does anybody know why, if I have XMMS open, I can't preview music files in Frostwire? | 01:42 |
stefg | !dmix | PhibreOptix | 01:42 |
ubotu | PhibreOptix: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin | 01:42 |
MBR- | stefg i tried to boot the live cd and install the grub, until it didnt ask me to install grub, then show something installation error | 01:43 |
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stefg | MBR-: boot the live CD and connect from the Live environment to here... three simple commands, i'll walk you through it | 01:44 |
MrKeuner | hi, using nm-applet can i forbid to connect to some WAPs? | 01:44 |
asdfjkahsdfjkha | Recently I have had alot of problems with ubuntu server edition 6.06, so I want to try another server text based OS. The problem is I really only know how to use the ubuntu distro. What would be a good substitute for ubuntu server? | 01:44 |
MBR- | and i tried to follow this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows | 01:44 |
MBR- | i'm in liveCD now | 01:44 |
asdfjkahsdfjkha | Btw shouldent you install windows before ubuntu? | 01:44 |
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stefg | MBR-: ok, so get a terminal and enter 'sudo grub' | 01:45 |
MBR- | ok | 01:45 |
stefg | MBR-: the prompt cahnged to grub> , didn't it? | 01:45 |
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MBR- | eventhough i did that ealier :) ... lets do it again | 01:45 |
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MBR- | still probing | 01:46 |
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MBR- | now is in there "grub" | 01:46 |
stefg | MBR-: have you any kind of Bios 'Vrus'-protection enabled which might spoil your attempt to write to the MBR? | 01:46 |
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MBR- | i dont think i have it | 01:47 |
stefg | MBR-: ok the type 'find /boot/grub/stage1' | 01:47 |
MBR- | i reinstall windows thats why i dont think it has | 01:48 |
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MBR- | ok .. i found the boot and dev# | 01:48 |
stefg | show me | 01:48 |
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MBR- | grub> find /boot/grub/stage1 | 01:48 |
MBR- | (hd1,5) | 01:48 |
floating | How do you guys check how your system is doing if it feels slow or something ? | 01:49 |
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PhibreOptix | !Benchmark | 01:49 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about Benchmark - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:49 |
stefg | MBR-: errm... so ubuntu is on the second of two disks, isn't it? | 01:49 |
MBR- | yes it is | 01:49 |
stefg | MBR-: ok, i know your catch | 01:49 |
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I-kido | iceman... | 01:50 |
will61 | Not sure floating if you mean your system I usually do that from within windows with a program called sissoft | 01:50 |
iceman | hey | 01:50 |
stefg | you have of course install grub to disk *1* because the MBR of disk 2 is never looked at by the BIOS at bott | 01:50 |
iceman | soz went to have a shower | 01:50 |
MBR- | its been only 1 week this ubuntu on my PC | 01:50 |
iceman | any luck? | 01:50 |
I-kido | iceman i installed nvidia but without restart it doesnt work | 01:50 |
ouato | !beryl | 01:50 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl | 01:50 |
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stefg | MBR-: type 'root (hd0)' | 01:51 |
iceman | thats ok, i only need it to work to do a test with beryl | 01:51 |
MBR- | stefg what do you mean by that... i'm a little bit slow | 01:51 |
MBR- | ok | 01:51 |
stefg | MBR-: you reinstalled grub... but to the wrong disk | 01:51 |
MBR- | grub> root (hd0) | 01:52 |
MBR- | Filesystem type unknown, using whole disk | 01:52 |
I-kido | iceman, didn't u install ubuntu on harddrive? | 01:52 |
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iceman | not yet | 01:52 |
santo | ciao a tutti | 01:52 |
overture | i'm trying to install ubuntu *from* a flash drive (optical drive is broken) does anyone know where I can find an image for a usb drive, or a guide on doing this? (all my searches end up giving stuff on install to the flash drive)\ | 01:52 |
iceman | i wana test it before i blow away my current os | 01:52 |
stefg | MBR-: sorry.. 'root (hd1,5) | 01:52 |
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I-kido | ubuntu rocks | 01:52 |
iceman | lol yea ubuntu does, im talkin beryl | 01:53 |
MBR- | grub> root (hd1,5) | 01:53 |
MBR- | Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83 | 01:53 |
I-kido | iceman beryl svn is good | 01:53 |
iceman | kk | 01:53 |
MBR- | i did that earlier :) | 01:53 |
stefg | MBR-: good! now 'setup (hd0)' | 01:53 |
iceman | so how did you get driver installed? | 01:53 |
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MBR- | ok | 01:53 |
stefg | that's it | 01:53 |
I-kido | iceman i juts got nvidia-glx | 01:53 |
stefg | reboot, should work now | 01:53 |
MBR- | ok... gonna restart | 01:54 |
MBR- | brb | 01:54 |
iceman | by doing this? http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Edgy_with_nVidia#Installing_the_nVIDIA_Beta_Driver | 01:54 |
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I-kido | iceman , i allowed root to login from gdm, and did logout and log back in as root | 01:54 |
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I-kido | iceman: but nvidia didn't startup without reboot | 01:54 |
iceman | hmm | 01:55 |
I-kido | iceman: u know u loose all settings after reboot | 01:55 |
iceman | that wiki page doesnt mention a reboot | 01:55 |
I-kido | hmm | 01:55 |
I-kido | maybe i missed something | 01:55 |
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=== I-kido needs lots of coffee as brain fuel | ||
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I-kido | I-kido what brain? | 01:57 |
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I-kido | I-kido shut up | 01:57 |
stefg | !install | overture | 01:57 |
ubotu | overture: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues | 01:57 |
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OrTigaS | stefg thaks! | 01:57 |
iceman | lol | 01:57 |
OrTigaS | thanks* | 01:58 |
OrTigaS | MBR- <--- | 01:58 |
overture | thanks | 01:58 |
OrTigaS | so many question i have :).... | 01:58 |
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I-kido | iceman, running beryl from live cd would be laggy anyway | 01:58 |
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tacam-r2 | Hello, how can i compile multiple sources from Anjuta IDE? | 01:58 |
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OrTigaS | why when i always reboot/restart it shows "Video Mode Not Supported" | 01:59 |
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OrTigaS | and then it continues | 01:59 |
iceman | yea i know lol, i was still hoping to test but meh if i cant do it i guess i'll have to install | 01:59 |
I-kido | iceman join #beryl , maybe someone smarter than me can help u | 01:59 |
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Math^ | lol, the bot | 02:00 |
Math^ | oops, nvm | 02:01 |
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I-kido | lol | 02:01 |
markus_ | hi... why can't I see more than the home and media folder in kde konqueror when I select the tab "rootfolder"? The same think, when I save a file in firefox or want to search for a program to open with... I am not able to enter the folder /usr/bin for example | 02:01 |
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stefg | !permissions | markus_ | 02:02 |
ubotu | markus_: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux | 02:02 |
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iceman | hmm kk, thanks for the help dude | 02:02 |
I-kido | np iceman :0 | 02:02 |
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OrTigaS | any answer to my q? | 02:03 |
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stefg | !fixres | OrTigaS | 02:03 |
ubotu | OrTigaS: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 02:03 |
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I-kido | OrTigaS try to lower ur screen resolution | 02:03 |
markus_ | stefg: thanks, I know how to set permissions, etc. but the permissions seem to be okay. i looks to me, like (k)ubuntu does restrict access to the folders /home and /media | 02:04 |
=== I-kido is not so fast as stefg, (like always) | ||
stefg | markus_: you might have better luck in #kubuntu, since it seems a konqui related prob | 02:05 |
nwonknu- | hey | 02:05 |
cokeslut | Hi | 02:05 |
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markus_ | stefg: even though it's the same problem with firefox? | 02:05 |
markus_ | it doesn't even use QT | 02:05 |
stefg | markus_: hmm... no.. you are right | 02:05 |
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OrTigaS | but its good to be my resolution in this | 02:06 |
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OrTigaS | 1280x1024 | 02:06 |
OrTigaS | or do i need to install driver( vc = ATI) | 02:07 |
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markus_ | stefg: fyi: Kubuntu Edgy has implemented a new feature that hides most of the filesystem. For more information: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuHiddenFiles | 02:08 |
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Serap1 | hi | 02:08 |
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I-kido | hi Serap1 | 02:08 |
stefg | markus_: interesting to know.. i ship edgy, so running dapper i wasn't aware of that | 02:08 |
Serap1 | ki l-kido ^^ | 02:09 |
I-kido | :) | 02:09 |
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stefg | *skip egdy | 02:09 |
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Serap1 | hm I got some question, does anyone know , why ypu cant run scratchbox as root? | 02:09 |
Serap1 | *you | 02:09 |
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markus_ | ah, okay :) | 02:10 |
I-kido | hmm | 02:10 |
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trygve-u | I could need a calendar app wich communicates with google calendar and my cellphone. any ideas? | 02:10 |
niooi | hello | 02:10 |
Serap1 | trygve what cellphone do you have? | 02:10 |
trygve-u | k750i | 02:10 |
ZeiP | trygve-u, I don't think any calendar app can add or edit events in Google Calendar (however many can show them). | 02:10 |
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trygve-u | I mostly need to show google calendar events | 02:11 |
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soundray | Is there a bash function that looks up a character for an ASCII code? I.e. function(65) returns the letter A? | 02:11 |
niooi | as anybody successfully installed Ubuntu (from 6.04 to 7.14) using a TV? I am setting vga mode, safe graphic mode, etc but I still get a blank screen when Ubuntu tries to launch X. | 02:11 |
axa-axa | Hi. I already have some entries in my ~/.gtkrc-2.0 which for example specify toolbar icon size " gtk-small-toolbar=14,14:", so I'm interested, can I somehow make menuitem spacing (space between items) smaller? | 02:11 |
Serap1 | Have anyone here some experience with flashing the nokia 770? | 02:12 |
lmg | hello there! question please: are the amd64 images suitable for intel core2dual processors? | 02:12 |
soundray | lmg: should be, yes | 02:12 |
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trygve-u | ZeiP: Which applications do you recomend, don't need to edit google events | 02:13 |
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lmg | soundray: excellent, thought so but wasn't sure what EM64T meant. thank you! | 02:13 |
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stefg | soundray: http://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/arithexp.html of any help for you? | 02:13 |
yanger | http://pastebin.ca/318345 <- sda1 is jfs... please review... | 02:14 |
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soundray | stefg: thanks, checking... | 02:14 |
axa-axa | Hi. I already have some entries in my ~/.gtkrc-2.0 which for example specify toolbar icon size " gtk-small-toolbar=14,14:", so I'm interested, can I somehow make menuitem spacing (space between items) smaller? | 02:14 |
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MrKeuner | hi, using nm-applet can i forbid to connect to some WAPs? | 02:16 |
soundray | stefg: no, I need to convert a number into a character according to an ASCII/ISO/UTF table | 02:16 |
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stefg | soundray: ah, i see. sort of manual scancode input/conversion | 02:17 |
Serap1 | Has anyone here some experiences with maemo? maybe?^^ | 02:17 |
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weiyan | soundray , just use echo -e ? | 02:17 |
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noir_ | !nvidia | 02:18 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 02:18 |
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cberl2 | Hi folks. Can anyone point me in the right direction here? I'm trying to figure out why I could use my wireless card as an AP in 5.10 but I can't in 6.06 or 6.10. Any takers? | 02:19 |
sybec | Why would anyone have that new "Windows based Ubuntu" thing | 02:19 |
Alarm | when opening the proccess table i dont see any process listed and all i can see is at the bottom: 88888Processes, Memory: 8888888 , kb used: 888888 Swap: 888888 . also trying to run ps -x doesnt show any resutls at all. it doesnt respont actually . i had a problem with kdetv application and after closing the application that appeared . | 02:19 |
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cberl2 | sybec: What's "Windows based Ubuntu"? | 02:19 |
mneptok | sybec: there *is* an M in S&M | 02:19 |
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rohan | in ubuntu, for a vfat filesystem, i wrote "umask=000" in the fstab entry for it, yet as a user i am unable to delete any files. what may be the cause ? the fact that ubuntu uses UUID ? | 02:20 |
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ian_ | i installed winxp on another partition on a drive with ubuntu on it and it overwrote GRUB with its own boot loader | 02:20 |
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ian_ | if i booted off a livecd what would be the syntax of grub-install to reinstall GRUB? | 02:20 |
stefg | !grub | ian_ | 02:21 |
ubotu | ian_: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 02:21 |
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jshadias | the windows based installer thing is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=338279 i guess | 02:21 |
soundray | weiyan: that takes octal values only... | 02:21 |
mneptok | ian_: isn't it great how MS asks you before erasing data on your drive? | 02:21 |
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ian_ | mneptok its wonderful | 02:22 |
stefg | mneptok: that does not only apply to MBR, but to user data, too :-) | 02:22 |
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soundray | rohan: have you remounted since you made that change? | 02:23 |
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rohan | soundray: yes, i rebooted | 02:23 |
rohan | (overkill ;) ) | 02:23 |
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_ikonia | interesting, very quiet in here | 02:24 |
IdleOne | waiting for you to get here | 02:25 |
_ikonia | I doubt that | 02:25 |
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rohan | should the change the uuid back to the device names ? | 02:25 |
IdleOne | good morning _ikonia | 02:25 |
rohan | would that help / | 02:25 |
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stefg | _ikonia: no, today is lost-grub-day :-) | 02:25 |
_ikonia | IdleOne good moring | 02:25 |
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_ikonia | stefg almost as bad, not quiet | 02:26 |
_ikonia | quite | 02:26 |
Serap1 | how do I install a new file system on the nokia770, with maemo?thats an install question too :) | 02:26 |
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cberl2 | Ya know, that Windows-based Ubuntu installer actually will work -- have a couple of uses for it right now -- a reluctant tech and a teacher that will probably need to dual-boot. | 02:26 |
IdleOne | when is i cant hear/play any sounds/mp3 day? | 02:26 |
jhaig | How does it work? Is it like cygwin? | 02:27 |
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Serap1 | jhaig do you mean maemo? | 02:27 |
stefg | cberl2: http://wiki.gp2x.org/wiki/AndLinux | 02:27 |
cberl2 | jhaig: It looks like a "real" ubuntu install, just using the ntloader to get it going. | 02:27 |
OrTigaS | how can i change this so that i can read/write ====> /dev/hda1 /media/hda1 ntfs defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0 1 | 02:28 |
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cberl2 | stefg: Wait -- are you pointing out that it runs both Windows and Linux at the same time? | 02:28 |
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Serap1 | thanks stefg :D | 02:29 |
yanger | OrTigaS, add rw to the defaults | 02:29 |
stefg | !ntfs-3g | OrTigaS | 02:29 |
ubotu | OrTigaS: ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy) | 02:29 |
cberl2 | coLinux, I see. Very interesting! | 02:29 |
stefg | cberl2: that's the point | 02:29 |
trygve-u | !fs-driver | 02:29 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about fs-driver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:29 |
cberl2 | Any idea how that might work with wireless? | 02:30 |
jhaig | Serap1: No, I meant like cygwin. I was asking about the 'Windows based Linux' thing. | 02:30 |
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ian_ | _ikonia: i lost mah grub to evil windows | 02:30 |
stefg | cberl2: that's your win's prob... hardware is still in the win-domain | 02:30 |
ian_ | reading some docs then im going to try a recovery | 02:30 |
Serap1 | ah ok | 02:30 |
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rohan | bloody hell ! what IS the problem with file system mounting in ubuntu ! why am i unable to delete files even after mounting the vfat partition as umask=000 ? | 02:30 |
cberl2 | stefg: Okay, this may just work then.... | 02:30 |
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jes-o-mat | hi | 02:31 |
jes-o-mat | is there any kernel-related channel for ubuntu? | 02:32 |
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mhterres | hey everybody | 02:32 |
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mhterres | how can I change my locales in Ubuntu | 02:32 |
jes-o-mat | mhterres: maybe dpkg-reconfigure locales | 02:32 |
mhterres | I need to change from pt_BR.UTF-8 to pt_BR | 02:32 |
mhterres | jes-o-mat: not working | 02:33 |
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mhterres | I found some threads in Ubuntuforums about this | 02:33 |
mhterres | but nobody can found a solution | 02:33 |
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mhterres | I miss dpkg-reconfigure locales and dpkg-reconfigure localeconf :-( | 02:33 |
mhterres | any ideas ? | 02:33 |
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stefg | mhterres: ask your fellow brasilians in #ubuntu-pt, #ubuntu-br ? | 02:34 |
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stefg | !pt | 02:34 |
ubotu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada. | 02:34 |
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mhterres | stefg: I'm trying too. :-) | 02:34 |
mhterres | obotu: I need a generic ubuntu help, I think that this problem occurs in any language | 02:35 |
mhterres | it's not a specific issue | 02:35 |
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shredder | sudo apt-get install localeconf | 02:36 |
shredder | sudo dpkg-reconfigure localeconf | 02:36 |
mhterres | shredder, it's installed and not working | 02:36 |
MrKeuner | hi, using nm-applet can i forbid to connect to some WAPs? | 02:36 |
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shredder | for me it shows the usual screen where I can select my locale (sv_UTF8) | 02:37 |
shredder | it does not show that for you? | 02:37 |
mhterres | shredder, I can select the pt_BR but after all the locales don't change at all | 02:37 |
stefg | mhterres: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/reference/ch-tune.en.html#s-l10n | 02:38 |
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mhterres | stefg, it was not changed in Ubuntu ? | 02:38 |
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guigouz | anyone seem this (with gcj): strace output open("/usr/lib/libgcj.so.70", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory), but /usr/lib/libgcj.so.7 exists. Any idea ? | 02:38 |
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stefg | mhterres: ubuntu is based on debian, so this is generic info applying to both | 02:39 |
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mhterres | I know, but I think it was modified | 02:39 |
mhterres | I'll take a look, thanks | 02:39 |
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cberl2 | Can anyone point me to good documentation for wlanconfig on Ubuntu? Like maybe where I should get it? | 02:40 |
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shredder | mhterres: I see what you mean. I can select but nothing seems to change... | 02:41 |
stefg | !wifi | cberl2 | 02:41 |
Hawkins | Can someone help me with my network problem. Works fine otherwise but connecting takes about 30-50s | 02:41 |
ubotu | cberl2: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 02:41 |
rohan | /dev/hda7 /media/hda7 vfat user,umask=0000,fmask=0000,dmask=0000 0 0 -----> how do i edit this fstab line, so that normal users can delete files too, in that vfat fs ? | 02:41 |
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mhterres | shredder, Yes | 02:41 |
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stefg | !ipv6 | Hawkins | 02:42 |
ubotu | Hawkins: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4 | 02:42 |
frogzoo | Hawkins: sounds like a dns problem | 02:42 |
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tfny1 | Hi i'm using the ralink 2570 driver to get my onboard wlan devicerunning (other driver dont work). But every time when i plug in a usb device my connection is dropped, what can I do ? | 02:42 |
frogzoo | rohan: option "users" | 02:43 |
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rohan | frogzoo: just add one more option, users ? | 02:43 |
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cberl2 | thanks folks. I'll buzz off and read for a while now.... :) | 02:44 |
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frogzoo | rohan: s/user/users | 02:44 |
stefg | rohan, put this iin your mount options: defaults,utf8,umask=007,gid=46 .. reboot for the cahnges to be effective | 02:45 |
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anders__ | Hey :) | 02:46 |
rohan | stefg: that was the original line, which did not work | 02:46 |
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trygve-u | !xinerama | 02:46 |
ubotu | xinerama is using multiple monitors as one big monitor. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo | 02:46 |
anders__ | Hi everybody :) | 02:46 |
HentaiSushi | i dont like xinerama | 02:46 |
stefg | rohan: then you are not a member of group plugdev | 02:46 |
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rohan | frogzoo: did not work | 02:46 |
rohan | stefg: i am | 02:46 |
stefg | ok, then i don't know .. | 02:46 |
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HentaiSushi | ??? | 02:47 |
HentaiSushi | poo | 02:47 |
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stefg | rohan: ckecked your dmesg lataly for file system panics? | 02:47 |
trygve-u | HentaiSushi: what would you recomend for me with a laptop, ati card and different resolutions? | 02:47 |
icheyne | does anyone here use a Radeon 9250 or other 92** card? | 02:48 |
shredder | mhterres: well it changes in /etc/environment at least so it does nothing. Do you have to reboot for /etc/environment to be re-read or what? | 02:48 |
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rohan | stefg: no such panics or errors | 02:48 |
anders__ | I have a problem -- When I update Ubuntu, it works fine, until I restart it.. then it fails with root errors and I have to reinstall ubuntu to get back in. :( | 02:48 |
HentaiSushi | hmm lets see | 02:48 |
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Data_ | #unixtech | 02:48 |
mhterres | I'll try to reboot | 02:48 |
mhterres | maybe... | 02:48 |
tfny1 | Hi i'm using the ralink 2570 driver to get my onboard wlan devicerunning (other driver dont work). But every time when i plug in a usb device my connection is dropped, what can I do ? | 02:48 |
HentaiSushi | im not sure. i merely stated i didnt like xinerama because you have to scroll on your moniter to see everything | 02:48 |
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HentaiSushi | if thats why you asked | 02:49 |
anders__ | I have a problem -- When I update Ubuntu, it works fine, until I restart it.. then it fails with root errors and I have to reinstall ubuntu to get back in. :( | 02:49 |
icheyne | !repeat | anders__ | 02:49 |
ubotu | anders__: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 02:49 |
anders__ | Ok. | 02:50 |
cowbud | did you write down those errors? | 02:50 |
icheyne | :) | 02:50 |
anders__ | !patience | anders_ | 02:50 |
ubotu | anders_: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 02:50 |
anders__ | no, but I can crash my system and | 02:50 |
stefg | tfny1: you are suffering from device name shifting... inserting a USB makes hal mess up the correct device order IIRC. | 02:50 |
rohan | and it works in other distros too ! just ubuntu is acting strange :-/ | 02:50 |
anders__ | and write them down | 02:50 |
anders__ | if you want... | 02:50 |
HentaiSushi | lol | 02:50 |
cowbud | well that would be a start | 02:50 |
HentaiSushi | what a brave lad | 02:50 |
anders__ | It said something about, | 02:50 |
tfny1 | stefg, but what can I do to solve the problem ? | 02:50 |
tfny1 | rt2500 driver is not working | 02:50 |
anders__ | errors in root something | 02:50 |
tfny1 | only the usb driver | 02:50 |
anders__ | then it tries to repair them | 02:50 |
cowbud | hrmm that doesn't help much | 02:50 |
cowbud | hrmm | 02:51 |
HentaiSushi | lol | 02:51 |
cowbud | how old is your hardware? | 02:51 |
anders__ | and fdisk exits with die | 02:51 |
rohan | frogzoo: did not help | 02:51 |
=== Hawkins [n=oh5mnh@dsl-lprbrasgw1-fe91fa00-198.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anders__ | Mine is pretty new. | 02:51 |
IdleOne | HentaiSushi: :) anders is willing to take a bullet for the cure hehe | 02:51 |
cowbud | anders__: do you reformat when you reinstall? | 02:51 |
HentaiSushi | lawl | 02:51 |
anders__ | cowbud: yes | 02:51 |
cowbud | anders__: do you reformat with the check for bad blocks option | 02:51 |
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cowbud | ? | 02:51 |
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anders__ | cowbud: no | 02:51 |
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=== HentaiSushi hands anders__ a sword | ||
HentaiSushi | go get dem errors | 02:51 |
cowbud | anders__: I suggest you run that on your root partition now you can do it without having to reboot | 02:51 |
=== _ikonia returns | ||
cowbud | anders__: sudo mount -o remount,ro / | 02:51 |
anders__ | Ok | 02:51 |
anders__ | cowbud: Ok, I'll do that | 02:52 |
cowbud | anders__: sudo fsck.ext3 -c -f / | 02:52 |
frogzoo | anders__: have you considered your disk may be faulty? | 02:52 |
Bnirkow | hello | 02:52 |
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HentaiSushi | wow i dont have any idea what those random letters mean | 02:52 |
cowbud | I am not sure if fsck will resolve the / though soy ou might need the actual hd | 02:52 |
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anders__ | frogzoo: I don't think so, since it works if i don't install the updates | 02:52 |
anders__ | frogzoo: and windows works fine. | 02:52 |
Bnirkow | how to update ubundu "breezy" do "dapper"?? | 02:52 |
frogzoo | anders__: this a pc? | 02:52 |
Bnirkow | ubuntu* | 02:52 |
cowbud | Bnirkow: google | 02:52 |
anders__ | frogzoo: yes | 02:52 |
deepsa | how can i take timely photos from my webcam | 02:52 |
_ikonia | deepsa you need a web cam application | 02:53 |
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frogzoo | anders__: wierd as | 02:53 |
HentaiSushi | lol | 02:53 |
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cokeslut | Hi | 02:53 |
OrTigaS | !ntfs-3g | 02:53 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy) | 02:53 |
deepsa | _ikonia, okay dude | 02:53 |
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anders__ | frogzoo: Does it matter if I use ext2 or ext3 ? | 02:53 |
=== Feld [n=feldegas@cor11-ppp5668.hay.dsl.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hawkins | stefg, that IPv6 link did help a bit with FireFox (15s connect time vs. 35s before) but didn't help for example using system update | 02:53 |
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HentaiSushi | do people come in often with foreign languages? | 02:53 |
frogzoo | anders__: not for this - root runs fine as either | 02:54 |
anders__ | frogzoo: Ok | 02:54 |
_ikonia | HentaiSushi yes, but they are redirected through to the correct language channel | 02:54 |
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HentaiSushi | ok | 02:54 |
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cowbud | time to make breakFAST | 02:54 |
cowbud | rAr | 02:54 |
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frogzoo | vbb: does it crash during the update? | 02:54 |
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VBB | frogzoo: no, it crashes when I restart after updating. | 02:54 |
stefg | Hawkins: your ISP's DNS servers might be a bit slow today... look up another DNS server and try that | 02:54 |
kejpo1973 | gh | 02:55 |
HentaiSushi | there are so many people in this channel takes forever to tab their name :O! | 02:55 |
rohan | can someone please help me solve this mounting problem ? | 02:55 |
frogzoo | VBB: but the update completes completely | 02:55 |
icheyne | Hawkins, try opendns | 02:55 |
VBB | frogzoo: yes. | 02:55 |
_ikonia | rohan what problem | 02:55 |
cokeslut | dunno | 02:55 |
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lucio | I tried to install 606lts using as root a lvm partition on a softwware raid, but lilo failed | 02:55 |
frogzoo | VBB: then why is it running fsck if the file system is clean, hmmm? | 02:55 |
lucio | there is some way to recover my installation using some rescue option? | 02:55 |
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HentaiSushi | man you guys really know your terms.... *is lost* | 02:55 |
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rohan | _ikonia: i am unable to delete files from the mounted vfat partition as normal user | 02:56 |
Hawkins | stefg, don't think it's DNS related problem because my other PC isn't slow at all and different days do not matter either | 02:56 |
frogzoo | !docs | HentaiSushi | 02:56 |
ubotu | HentaiSushi: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com | 02:56 |
_ikonia | lucio just mount the the logical volume of the live cd | 02:56 |
VBB | frogzoo: It dosn't ... It only runs it after I restart - after installing updates | 02:56 |
=== dope [n=dope@70-20.202-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HentaiSushi | :O! | 02:56 |
dope | how do i access and edit the user list from the console? | 02:56 |
_ikonia | rohan is it mounted read-write ? whats the error message | 02:56 |
stefg | Hawkins: ok, one point to rule out then | 02:56 |
lucio | root on lvm over software raid is an impossible task on ubuntu ? | 02:56 |
_ikonia | dope what user list ? | 02:56 |
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frogzoo | VBB: fsck shouldn't run if the file system was cleanly unmounted | 02:56 |
_ikonia | lucio nope - its fine | 02:56 |
dope | like user login stuff | 02:56 |
rohan | permisison denied, _ikonia | 02:56 |
dope | usernames and passwords | 02:56 |
_ikonia | rohan have you checked the permissions ? | 02:56 |
VBB | frogzoo: Thats funny... | 02:56 |
VBB | frogzoo: I remember it spitting out something like unclean unmount or something | 02:57 |
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ragnar_123 | hey guys! | 02:57 |
frogzoo | VBB: the file system keeps a check, and only fsck's a clean file system every 30 boots or whatever | 02:57 |
rohan | yes | 02:57 |
bulmer | dope: su vi /etc/passwd | 02:57 |
_ikonia | frogzoo or 128 days | 02:57 |
_ikonia | dope do you mean in gdm ? | 02:57 |
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VBB | frogzoo: Well how do I make it able to update ? you got any ideas ? | 02:57 |
ragnar_123 | if I started the X using startx from cli (tty1), how do I kill it again? | 02:57 |
rohan | i mean, deleting works generally, but does not work only in a particular directory | 02:57 |
dope | no, in console | 02:58 |
andrer | just a quick question... anyone know which version will be the next LTS version of ubuntu? and when it is going to be released? | 02:58 |
bulmer | dope: sudo vi /etc/passwd i mistyped earlier | 02:58 |
frogzoo | VBB: yeh, if the root file system is unclean, it's likely because the pc crashed during the update, leaving the root file system unclean, and this is a nasty thing to happen | 02:58 |
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_ikonia | rohan I didn't ask that - I asked "have you checked the permissons" | 02:58 |
dope | kk thx | 02:58 |
soundray | andrer: I don't think that's decided yet | 02:58 |
stefg | Hawkins: and be aware that ubuntus quickly rising popularity causes some mirrors to be slow at times... the infrastructure can't keep up with the speed of usernumber increase | 02:58 |
_ikonia | andrer its 3 years away - who knows | 02:58 |
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mzuverink | Hello all. I have a huge dependency problem. I get the message that E:/var/chache/apt/archives/lib.libevas0_09.9.9.033-0cvs20061011_i386.deb is trying to overwrite '/urs/lib/libevas.so.1.0.0', which is also in package libevas1. Nothing I can come up with will fix this and synaptic and apt-get -f variation all fail to fix it. Any ideas? | 02:58 |
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andrer | _ikonia 3 years? so we are stuck with 6.06 as lts up to that point? :( | 02:58 |
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_ikonia | andrer yup | 02:58 |
soundray | andrer: no | 02:58 |
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rohan | _ikonia: yes. i have mounted it as "umask=000" in fstab | 02:58 |
soundray | _ikonia: no | 02:59 |
_ikonia | thats what "Long Term Support" | 02:59 |
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frogzoo | stefg: they need to get apt working with bit torrent sharpish | 02:59 |
_ikonia | rohan thats not what I asked - have you checked the file system permissions | 02:59 |
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_ikonia | soundray how can they change the base of 6.0.6 then ? | 02:59 |
soundray | _ikonia: the fact that dapper is LTS doesn't mean there can't be another LTS release during dapper's support period. | 02:59 |
andrer | _ikonia: in 3 years LTS the LTS will be close to becoming unsupported | 02:59 |
frogzoo | rohan: for fat, it's 4 digits "umask=0000" | 02:59 |
rohan | _ikonia: here .. | 02:59 |
rohan | -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8845 2007-01-07 14:59 AlbumArt_{941A1664-5CB7-4D1E-80C5-63F9A728FC6A}_Large.jpg* | 02:59 |
Hawkins | stefg: Ah, yeah, but the problem does appear downloading from local http servers which are working at maximum speed on my other PC | 02:59 |
rohan | that is the file i want to delete | 02:59 |
VBB | frogzoo: I see... | 02:59 |
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_ikonia | soundray the policy on the ubuntu website says to the next lts release would be 3 years away | 02:59 |
VBB | frogzoo: Can it be anything about the updater ? | 03:00 |
andrer | _ikonia: can you tell me where that policy is? | 03:00 |
_ikonia | andrer not of my head - I don't have web access in the office | 03:00 |
_ikonia | rohan should delete - try deleting it as root | 03:00 |
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=== Cyber is now known as Cyber001 | ||
frogzoo | VBB: you're not running out of disk during the update? | 03:01 |
OrTigaS | ja@ja-:~$ sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g | 03:01 |
OrTigaS | Reading package lists... Done | 03:01 |
OrTigaS | Building dependency tree... Done | 03:01 |
OrTigaS | E: Couldn't find package ntfs-3g | 03:01 |
_ikonia | OrTigaS wrong package name | 03:01 |
OrTigaS | why like that? | 03:01 |
_ikonia | OrTigaS or wrong repo enabled | 03:01 |
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OrTigaS | which one? | 03:01 |
_ikonia | OrTigaS wrong package name OR wrong repo | 03:01 |
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VBB | frogzoo: I had like 6 GB left... so no. | 03:02 |
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_ikonia | OrTigaS search for it in your current repo's see if it exists and what the correct package name is | 03:02 |
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lucio | _ikonia: gotta use the livecd, ok. I installed using the ubuntu server cd btw | 03:02 |
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_ikonia | lucio that should be fine | 03:03 |
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stefg | OrTigaS: i pays to *read* and *follow* all steps of a Howto... either you haven't added the sweetsite repo or forgot to apt-get update after you changed sources.list | 03:03 |
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OrTigaS | i'll try to look again | 03:04 |
frogzoo | VBB: how are you doing this update? | 03:04 |
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VBB | frogzoo: system --> administration --> opdate handling | 03:05 |
VBB | update* | 03:05 |
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hjmills | what are the rules when reorganising the ubuntu wiki (in brief) | 03:06 |
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Hawkins | stefg: I'm sorry I accidentally turned FF IPv6 option back on as I had week ago turned it off. Network seems to be working as fast as it can on this mighty old Pentium :D Big thanks | 03:09 |
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=== Ron` [n=Ron`_@62-31-243-120.cable.ubr08.gill.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Naik0 | hey can i get a good howto ati guide? | 03:09 |
stefg | np... sometimes it needs a mirrot to recognize our own stupidity... know this | 03:09 |
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frogzoo | VBB: you could try doing it from the command line to see where/if it's failing 'sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade' | 03:10 |
Naik0 | !ati driver | 03:10 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ati driver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:10 |
Naik0 | !at | 03:10 |
ubotu | at: Delayed job execution and batch processing. In component main, is standard. Version 3.1.10ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 41 kB, installed size 208 kB | 03:10 |
VBB | Ok | 03:10 |
Naik0 | !ati | 03:10 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 03:10 |
hjmills | !ati | 03:10 |
hjmills | u beat me | 03:10 |
VBB | I'm not afraid of breaking this system, since it's new installed. :P | 03:10 |
IdleOne | need help getting inetrnet working on other box. just installed 6.06 LTS. went great justcant seem to get online now. any suggestions | 03:10 |
VBB | didn't configure crap yet | 03:10 |
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rohan | well .. it worked. that folder had wrong permissions .. strange, i thought fat32 had no permissions | 03:10 |
hjmills | !language | 03:10 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 03:10 |
gandalfcome | I have trouble with my fglrx card: I want bigdesktop: it works at login but changes to clone when gnome loads. please help | 03:11 |
frogzoo | VBB: obviously, if you can't update straight after an install, it's a fairly serious problem | 03:11 |
VBB | frogzoo: I know.. | 03:11 |
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VBB | frogzoo: It's updating right now. | 03:11 |
VBB | frogzoo: | 03:11 |
VBB | frogzoo: Via console.. | 03:11 |
=== JAGFin1 [n=Josh@host81-157-72-209.range81-157.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
VBB | frogzoo: or terminal, if you wish. | 03:11 |
stefg | hjmills: might it be you're looking for !locales ? | 03:11 |
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stefg | !locales | 03:12 |
ubotu | To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf | 03:12 |
VBB | frogzoo: I'll tell you if it spits out any errors | 03:12 |
frogzoo | VBB: sure | 03:12 |
JAGFin1 | Aloha | 03:12 |
hjmills | stefg: thanks but i was actually just warning VBB | 03:12 |
VBB | frogzoo: This is funny... It's downloading linux-generic-image | 03:12 |
=== atlas95 [n=atlas@AVelizy-153-1-67-117.w86-205.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
VBB | frogzoo: I'm pretty sure mine is setup with 386-stuff ? | 03:12 |
VBB | frogzoo: Using the alternative CD | 03:13 |
VBB | !version | 03:13 |
ubotu | To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type 'lsb_release -a' in the Terminal. | 03:13 |
JAGFin1 | Hey, new Ubuntu user here (Edgy Eft), I have a query, could anyone help? | 03:13 |
VBB | not really the command I'm looking for... | 03:13 |
stefg | !ask | 03:13 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 03:13 |
IdleOne | !ask | JAGFin1 | 03:13 |
ubotu | JAGFin1: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 03:13 |
frogzoo | VBB: edgy has just one image - generic | 03:13 |
piao | if any body use ipod shuffle | 03:13 |
VBB | frogzoo: Ok :) | 03:13 |
ZeiP | I updated from Dapper to Edgy. I'm trying to run apt-get install edubuntu-desktop. Otherwise works fine, but it jams on at least three places -- Creating/updating hplip user account is the first one. What's the problem? | 03:13 |
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JAGFin1 | I have a D-Link DWL-122 Wireless USB connector, and need the compliler code for the codec | 03:14 |
piao | how long to charge battery? | 03:14 |
JAGFin1 | only, i cant find one | 03:14 |
gili | question about skype!! i got the audio issues solved...but,now i am getting ocassional freeze-ups when skype is trying to do something....: the entire system locks up for close to a minute....anyone expeirience this. | 03:14 |
stefg | !build | JAGFin1 | 03:14 |
ubotu | JAGFin1: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 03:14 |
atlas95 | hello | 03:14 |
trygve-u | I'm about to start modding my xorg.conf to make xinerama work with dual monitors. Should I start from scratch and delete the whole file and write it from the output of lspci and the guides online. Or should I keep as much as possible from the old setup? | 03:14 |
VBB | piao: I've got an ipod nano,and I get 14 hours of sound from 4 hours of recharging... | 03:14 |
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atlas95 | I want compil on plugin for nautilus | 03:14 |
hjmills | trygve-u: Back it all up!!! | 03:15 |
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atlas95 | but I don't know what are the parameters I must set: | 03:15 |
trygve-u | hjmills: done. | 03:15 |
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atlas95 | ./configure --prefix=NAUTILUS_SENDTO_PREFIX --with-gajim=GAJIM_PREFIX | 03:15 |
atlas95 | what is NAUTILUS_SENDTO_PREFIX? | 03:15 |
atlas95 | and GAJIM_PREFIX? | 03:15 |
atlas95 | please | 03:15 |
IdleOne | need help getting inetrnet working on other box. just installed 6.06 LTS. went great justcant seem to get online now. any suggestions? | 03:15 |
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JAGFin1 | Aye, I have looked, quite exetensively, also by seeking help from a friend (Linux privvy) via MSN, but no luck so far | 03:15 |
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atlas95 | is it the link where are the bin file? | 03:15 |
rohan | how do i enable autohinting in ubuntu ? | 03:15 |
JAGFin1 | at the moment, i have to use Windows to use the USB connector, to find the compiler | 03:16 |
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stefg | !wifi | JAGFin1 | 03:16 |
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ubotu | JAGFin1: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 03:16 |
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JAGFin1 | much appreciated | 03:16 |
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gili | so does anyone have experience with skype lockups///!!? | 03:16 |
=== munkie is now known as TheMunk | ||
=== TylerDurden [n=nmariz@195-23-169-44.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
VSpike | gili: Yes | 03:17 |
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VSpike | gili: but solutions? no | 03:17 |
gili | VSpike: i was wondering what is going on.... | 03:17 |
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TheMunk | :) | 03:17 |
=== Xanthomryr [n=User@xdsl-213-196-208-88.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TheMunk | yay I'm registered. :P | 03:17 |
gili | VSpike: is it the same issues i have | 03:17 |
=== Corrius [n=alvaro@247.pool85-49-139.dynamic.orange.es] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gili | i am getting ocassional freeze-ups when skype is trying to do something....: the entire system locks up for close to a minute....anyone expeirience this. | 03:18 |
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VSpike | Do you find when Skype tries to access the sound hardware after a period of inactivity, it locks the machine at a deep level for between 30 seconds and 5 minutes | 03:18 |
gili | yes that is it | 03:18 |
VSpike | I've found mention of it online, but no answers yet :/ | 03:18 |
gili | so it is STILL an ALSA issue | 03:18 |
gili | ? | 03:18 |
=== rexbron [n=rexbron@complex1-372-008.resnet.yorku.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
VSpike | It seems to be a kernel issue of some kind | 03:19 |
=== Corrius [n=alvaro@247.pool85-49-139.dynamic.orange.es] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gili | right | 03:19 |
trygve-u | Okay, I'm giving this a shot. But if i f* it up, is there a irc client I can reach from console? | 03:19 |
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VSpike | gili: http://www.google.com/search?client=opera&rls=en&q=skype+kernel+freeze+sound+idle | 03:19 |
gili | VSpike: thanks | 03:20 |
stickto | test | 03:20 |
TheMunk | !xserv-xorg | vbb | 03:20 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xserv-xorg - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:20 |
TheMunk | gah. :P | 03:20 |
VSpike | gili: first result seems to be relevant | 03:20 |
stickto | so many people | 03:20 |
TheMunk | TIME | 03:20 |
TheMunk | Stickto: Alot of people. :P | 03:20 |
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gili | yes i am reading.... | 03:21 |
gili | seems to be an issue of multiple configd soundcards | 03:21 |
gili | its funny....it was running smooth as butter for the last 3 months | 03:21 |
VSpike | gili: I dunno, I had the problem with a single soundcard | 03:21 |
=== No1Viking [n=micke@h-83-140-104-74.ip.rixbredband.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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gili | it just started | 03:21 |
gili | yes i have a single soundcard as well | 03:22 |
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VSpike | gili: I now have two soundcards and can't make Skype use the right one, so I gave up on it and have an XP laptop next to me just for Skype. I'm lucky, it's a work laptop :/ It's not a solution in most cases | 03:22 |
gili | VSpike: sometime my sound dies completely....in the past i just did alsa-utils restart.....now this does not seem to work | 03:22 |
=== Vluid [n=Vluid@dslb-084-063-091-249.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
steel_lady | ubuntu blocks and crushes often. when I have the frozen system, which is equivalent to ctrl+alt+del to remove proceses and let the system breathe? | 03:23 |
VSpike | gili: I tried running Skype on XP on VMWare but the sound is not good enough | 03:23 |
VSpike | steel_lady: try ctrl-alt-F1 | 03:23 |
=== elsouillo_ [n=jmercier@pays-st-marcellin.rain.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gili | right | 03:23 |
frogzoo | steel_lady: what vid card? | 03:23 |
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elsouillo_ | hello! | 03:23 |
hgist | is someone free for Q about setting virtual users for vsFTPd under Ubuntu ? | 03:24 |
VSpike | steel_lady: ctrl-alt-backspace will restart the X server | 03:24 |
frogzoo | hgist: just ask | 03:24 |
VSpike | steel_lady: I have the same problem. ATI card. | 03:24 |
elsouillo_ | how can i spicify to edgy version to display the running services at startup? | 03:24 |
=== anders__ [n=anders@0x573a0c93.ngnqu1.broadband.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anders__ | Hey | 03:24 |
anders__ | It worked with the console update method... | 03:24 |
hgist | I'm getting login failed after all the settings for vsfFTPD | 03:24 |
elsouillo_ | because since my update i have just a logo | 03:24 |
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anders__ | is there a way to make a shortcut to do some commands on terminal ? | 03:24 |
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VSpike | steel_lady: Luckily my work laptop comes to the rescue again. I have cygwin running ssh to my Ubuntu box, running htop all the time. that way when the display dies I can sort it out, usually by killing the screensaver | 03:25 |
hgist | I would like to set virtual users, but keep getting login falied | 03:25 |
frogzoo | anders__: best is to create an alias in ~/.bash_aliases | 03:25 |
hjmills | what is the cli email sending program (not a client - just to send a single email) | 03:25 |
anders__ | ok | 03:25 |
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anders__ | how do i do that? : | 03:25 |
anders__ | :P | 03:25 |
=== Malachi [n=Malachi@rrcs-24-173-46-12.sw.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anders__ | frogzoo: How do I do that ? | 03:25 |
frogzoo | anders__: look in the file & copy | 03:25 |
frogzoo | anders__: glad the update worked, btw | 03:25 |
hgist | frogzoo, could you give me a hint about the problem? | 03:26 |
anders__ | frogzoo: Thanks :) | 03:26 |
gili | ok another quick question......what is the best DVD 2 XVid software.... | 03:26 |
anders__ | frogzoo: file & copy ? | 03:26 |
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icheyne | gili, check out www.linuxeq.com | 03:26 |
frogzoo | anders__: look in the file, & copy the scheme, it's straightforward | 03:26 |
icheyne | they have some options there | 03:26 |
anders__ | ...sorry but i don't get what you're saying... | 03:26 |
Malachi | A friend of mine won't use Gaim because of the AOL (ew) video chat. Are there any alternatives to Gaim? I really don't want to have him install AIM with wine. | 03:27 |
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hgist | frogzoo: I suspect that the PAM auth not working well | 03:27 |
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frogzoo | hgist: I don't use it | 03:27 |
anders__ | frogzoo: What are you talking about. | 03:27 |
VSpike | icheyne: good link | 03:28 |
icheyne | Malachi, jabber clients can do it | 03:28 |
TommBJ | Hi. Is there an application that monitors microphone and speaker activity and show it on some sort of GUI in the ubuntu/kubuntu repositories? | 03:28 |
hgist | frogzoo: ahh | 03:28 |
anders__ | !bash | 03:28 |
ubotu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands | 03:28 |
frogzoo | anders__: there is a file called ~/.bash_aliases - if you create another alias in there, you can use that as a shortcut after you next login | 03:28 |
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anders__ | ok | 03:28 |
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steel_lady | who told me to do ctrl alt F1? | 03:29 |
frogzoo | TommBJ: I'm sure there's dozens, try "apt-cache search sound | grep monitor" | 03:29 |
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VSpike | steel_lady: I | 03:29 |
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anders__ | Frenchfrog: I can't find a file called .bash_aliases in root :S | 03:30 |
steel_lady | ok, so it gives the comand prompt on the screen. what to do then? | 03:30 |
hgist | anyone configure and run vsFTPd under Ubuntu 6.06 ? | 03:30 |
IdleOne | can someone help me getting internet working on other box? eth0 is active but doesnt seem to be working | 03:30 |
=== ian_ [n=ian@ip68-7-33-124.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Malachi | icheyne: What do you mean? | 03:31 |
ian_ | hihi. i got my GRUB back :D | 03:31 |
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icheyne | jabber is an im protocol like aim or icq | 03:31 |
Rienzilla | crap | 03:31 |
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Rienzilla | pulled the wrong plug | 03:31 |
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icheyne | but it incorporates transports which let you connect to other im services | 03:31 |
ian_ | now im wondering what the CLI way of connecting to a wireless network would be | 03:31 |
VSpike | steel_lady: can you login? | 03:31 |
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Malachi | icheyne: Can it do video in gaim? | 03:32 |
icheyne | no | 03:32 |
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icheyne | !jabber | Malachi | 03:32 |
ubotu | Malachi: jabber is a free and open source instant messaging protocol, like MSN and AIM. Supporting clients on Linux: Kopete (KDE), Gaim (GNOME). For more info see http://www.jabber.org | 03:32 |
icheyne | also try http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jabber | 03:32 |
slestak | are the us ubuntu repositories down? | 03:32 |
tfny1 | When I try to run frostwire I get the error taht no JRE is found, but sun-java5-jre is installed, what wrong ? | 03:32 |
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Malachi | icheyne: Thanks. | 03:33 |
icheyne | Malachi, np | 03:33 |
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steel_lady | yes I can login I only want to know what to do for the next time | 03:34 |
icheyne | Malachi, isn't there a linux client for AIM anyway? | 03:34 |
steel_lady | so when I get that screen, what to do? | 03:34 |
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gili | what is a good virtual drive for ISO mounting? | 03:34 |
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mooey | !iso > giesen | 03:34 |
icheyne | Malachi, there is a client. I'm not sure how it works though | 03:34 |
mooey | erk | 03:34 |
mooey | !iso | gili | 03:34 |
ubotu | gili: To mount an ISO disc image, type "sudo mount -o loop my.iso <mountpoint>" There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before burning. Burning .iso files: see !burn | 03:34 |
slestak | gili: you can mount an iso with a loopback file system | 03:35 |
icheyne | Malachi, it's an old version AIM 1.5.286 | 03:35 |
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=== Cescooo [n=dededede@85-18-14-36.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gili | right right i have done this before and forgot | 03:35 |
Cescooo | hello | 03:35 |
Malachi | icheyne: Yeah, I saw that; doesn't look to appealing. | 03:35 |
tfny1 | !frostwire | 03:35 |
ubotu | frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire. For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire | 03:35 |
Cescooo | help me!!! query me!!! i'm italian!! | 03:35 |
Cescooo | help me!!! query me!!! i'm italian!! | 03:36 |
Malachi | icheyne: I knew that Jabber was a protocol, I thought you meant they had their own client. | 03:36 |
jrib | !it | Cescooo | 03:36 |
ubotu | Cescooo: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 03:36 |
=== joh [n=joh@3.80-202-221.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Malachi | icheyne: He wants to use the AIM protocol. With video chat. [He won't bend.] | 03:36 |
anders__ | A program is complaining about a missing gtk libary... | 03:36 |
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anders__ | how do I fix that | 03:36 |
kraut | moin | 03:36 |
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jrib | anders__: what program | 03:37 |
slestak | ive been having real troubles +1 week using us ubuntu archives. name resolution failures, failed downloads, gzip errors. on one laptop i changed to the ca repository and all is well. is the us mirror overused? or misconfigured? | 03:37 |
incorrect | is feisty going to be a LTS release? | 03:37 |
anders__ | jrib: An installer for darwinia... if you need the .sh file, I'll send it to you. | 03:37 |
icheyne | ok | 03:37 |
jrib | incorrect: no, not planned to be | 03:37 |
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jrib | anders__: what is the error? (pastebin) | 03:37 |
incorrect | how do you know when an LTS is coming? | 03:37 |
anders__ | Ok | 03:38 |
anders__ | I'll do that | 03:38 |
anders__ | !pastebin | anders__ | 03:38 |
ubotu | anders__: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:38 |
=== kevinm [n=kevinm@68-35-178-69.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kevinm | I installed the legacy drivers installed on edgy but I cant seem to get any 3d acceleration working? | 03:40 |
jrib | incorrect: I think it's just when a release seems like it should be LTS | 03:40 |
incorrect | jrib: oh ok | 03:40 |
=== booster [n=nemo@acwj184.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tfny1 | LTS? | 03:40 |
incorrect | i wonder if i should move my servers to edgy | 03:40 |
anders__ | jrib: /home/anders/.setup5880: error while loading shared libaries: libgtk-1.2.so.0: | 03:40 |
anders__ | jrib: no need to pastebin. :P | 03:40 |
incorrect | LTS = long term support | 03:40 |
tfny1 | ok | 03:40 |
kevinm | can someone help? | 03:40 |
jrib | anders__: is libgtk1.2 installed? | 03:41 |
anders__ | jrib: Don't know. | 03:41 |
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incorrect | basically i need to backport subversion, bacula and icecc | 03:41 |
incorrect | to stay on LTS | 03:41 |
=== Rprp [n=Rprp@cc763024-a.groni1.gr.home.nl] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
steel_lady | look at my display: http://img362.imageshack.us/img362/197/screenshot1pc0.png | 03:42 |
=== guibis [n=guibis@bzd213.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hawkins | Is it possible to use Ubuntu remotely so that PC which I want to remotely connect stays available for normal usage ? | 03:42 |
incorrect | steel_lady: nice fonts | 03:43 |
steel_lady | it is not funny, I have to look the whole day into that page! | 03:43 |
=== isildur [n=isildur@p5082C4AE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anders__ | Anyone: how do I install libgtk-1.2 | 03:43 |
QwertyM | steel_lady: System > Prefrences > Font and try subpixel shading | 03:43 |
incorrect | ok i think this is easy to fix | 03:43 |
bulmer | Hawkins yes, use something like TightVNC | 03:44 |
steel_lady | ok, you will see how it looks like when I do that | 03:44 |
=== mzuverink [n=mzuverin@adsl-76-212-80-215.dsl.klmzmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anders__ | !repeat | 03:44 |
ubotu | Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 03:44 |
jrib | anders__: do you know about synaptic and apt-get? | 03:44 |
incorrect | steel_lady: what is in your xorg.conf? | 03:45 |
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anders__ | jrib: I know more of apt-get than synaptic :P | 03:45 |
=== funsunseeker [n=oem@S01060050048871d6.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
frogzoo | steel_lady: firefox -> edit -> preferences -> content -> default font | 03:45 |
=== DavidHKMrPowers [n=chatzill@058177170095.ctinets.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jrib | anders__: just use apt-get, libgtk-1.2 is the package name | 03:45 |
anders__ | ok | 03:45 |
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steel_lady | now I would gave to reset to get it applied to that page but it gives me colorful letters from black ones | 03:45 |
QwertyM | ? | 03:45 |
incorrect | steel_lady: the answers lay in xorg.conf | 03:45 |
berent | i dont see open office suddenly in my system | 03:45 |
=== Murchadh [n=Murchadh@wangate.ata.ip.airwire.ie] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anders__ | !pastebin | 03:45 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:45 |
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=== skal [n=skal@ADijon-258-1-117-77.w90-13.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
berent | whats the command on prompt for openoffice | 03:46 |
kevinm | I installed the legacy drivers installed on edgy but I cant seem to get any 3d acceleration working? | 03:46 |
anders__ | Wired. | 03:46 |
anders__ | jrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1807/ | 03:46 |
mzuverink | installing xfce 4.4 from the graphical install states that I need dbh-1.0, however the deb package for that is llibdbh1.0-dev, however once installing it I find no dbh anywhere, am i missing something? | 03:46 |
kevinm | do I need the linux restricted packages? | 03:46 |
jrib | anders__: is another APT process open? upgrade-manager, synaptic, etc? | 03:46 |
steel_lady | I already tried to install a bunch of things like that and nothing worked | 03:47 |
anders__ | DOn't think so.. let me check my other desktop :P | 03:47 |
=== jannu1 [n=jannu1@a80-186-235-15.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anders__ | hmm | 03:47 |
anders__ | nope | 03:47 |
Hawkins | bulmer: I checked this guide http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Edgy/RemoteAccess#How_to_connect_into_remote_Ubuntu_desktop_via_Windows_machine but if I understood correctly nobody can use that PC at the same time I'm remotely connected ? | 03:47 |
steel_lady | I have a lot of packages and I did all they said to improve the display | 03:47 |
anders__ | Ok | 03:47 |
=== arieler150 [n=ariel@bzq-219-46-202.isdn.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anders__ | I closed some other stuff | 03:47 |
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anders__ | jrib: Now it works. I closed some stuff. Tho, now it tells me that it is unable to find the package libgtk-1.2 | 03:48 |
steel_lady | I believe the problem is in comunication with my hardvare. I have laptop panoramic lcd and on windows the display is ugly untill I install one driver, than it is perfect | 03:48 |
jrib | !info libgtk-1.2 | anders__ | 03:48 |
ubotu | Package libgtk-1.2 does not exist in any distro I know | 03:48 |
mrbrocoli | is there a easy way to redetect/reconfigure all hardware (eg: video, sound)? | 03:48 |
anders__ | D: | 03:48 |
jrib | anders__: oh, drop the - | 03:48 |
bulmer | Hawkins: you're confusing windows and Linux, the windows with the rdp, allows only one session, linux allows for multiple sessions | 03:48 |
anders__ | k | 03:48 |
berent | whats the command on prompt for openoffice | 03:48 |
berent | whats the command on prompt for openoffice | 03:48 |
anders__ | Works. | 03:48 |
anders__ | :D | 03:48 |
=== dcordes [n=dcordes@dslb-084-062-041-153.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jrib | berent: oo<TAB> | 03:48 |
anders__ | jrib: Thank you so much! | 03:49 |
jrib | berent: might need to hit <TAB> twice | 03:49 |
berent | jrib its making noise | 03:49 |
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anders__ | hmm | 03:49 |
=== choko [n=choko@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anders__ | Whats the diffrence of a binary path and a symbolic link into the path ? | 03:49 |
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BillClintonCorde | Does somebody here run a linux kernel on his pda? | 03:49 |
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berent | jrib i remember removing from accessories once | 03:49 |
BillClintonCorde | i'm seeking to buy a pda but i want one that supports linux | 03:50 |
jrib | anders__: the first is the path to the real binary, the second would be a symbolic link to the binary | 03:50 |
berent | jrib but never uninstalled it | 03:50 |
anders__ | k | 03:50 |
anders__ | jrib: whats best ? | 03:50 |
berent | where do i find it now jrib | 03:50 |
anders__ | jrib: I'm trying to install a game :P | 03:50 |
hjmills | what is the cli email sending program (not a client - just to send a single email) | 03:50 |
jrib | berent: oowriter should open up writer | 03:50 |
jrib | anders__: doesn't really matter | 03:50 |
anders__ | jrib: ok | 03:50 |
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anders__ | jrib: Oh yay! it's installing :D | 03:51 |
berent | jrib: not there | 03:51 |
anders__ | jrib: What kind of rights should I give a game ? | 03:51 |
anders__ | jrib: Read and write on everything ? | 03:51 |
berent | jrib: if i use apt-get install oowriter it says not found | 03:51 |
Hawkins | bulmer: In that guide it's said that someone must accept remote connection on remote machine, I thought that it's not creating another login for person connecting but uses excisting one | 03:52 |
jrib | berent: openoffice.org is the package name | 03:52 |
frogzoo | hjmills: apt-cache search mail |grep sending | 03:52 |
hjmills | frogzoo: clever! tnx | 03:53 |
jrib | anders__: I would just leave the rights it installs with | 03:53 |
anders__ | ok | 03:53 |
=== facugaich [n=facugaic@host72.201-252-160.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anders__ | jrib:_ How do I enable 3d-graphics acceeleration in X ? | 03:53 |
PriceChild | anders__, what game is it? | 03:53 |
anders__ | PriceChild: Darwinia | 03:53 |
PriceChild | !3d | anders__ | 03:53 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about 3d - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:53 |
PriceChild | argh | 03:53 |
=== jin [n=jin@s5591bc47.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jrib | !nvidia | anders__ | 03:54 |
ubotu | anders__: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 03:54 |
PriceChild | thankyou jrib :) | 03:54 |
anders__ | jrib: oh noes D: | 03:54 |
swarog | how can you figure out which ones are officials in this channel? | 03:54 |
jin | !hdtv | 03:54 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about hdtv - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:54 |
berent | jrib how to add openoffice into my gui | 03:54 |
anders__ | jrib: Last time I did that, I screwed up ubuntu BIG TIME. | 03:54 |
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jin | how do you play dv-dvd on ubuntu? | 03:54 |
PriceChild | swarog, /ns access #ubuntu list | 03:54 |
PriceChild | swarog, I could help you if you have questions? | 03:54 |
swarog | PriceChild: ns? | 03:54 |
=== bisho [n=bisho@135.Red-213-97-198.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PriceChild | swarog, short for /msg nickserv | 03:54 |
jrib | berent: it should be added when you install that package. But if you use gnome you might want to install openoffice.org-gnome too | 03:55 |
PriceChild | swarog, I could probably answer your question, I op a few #ubuntu* channels, just nto this one yet | 03:55 |
swarog | PriceChild: well, that was the question :) | 03:55 |
=== visik7 [n=visi@host174-136-dynamic.58-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
swarog | PriceChild: on the side my sound is not working on intel 82801G rev 02 | 03:55 |
swarog | PriceChild: even after alsa-drivers update to 1.0.14rc1 | 03:56 |
bisho | Anybody is having problems with the nividia drivers after last update (on edgy)? | 03:56 |
frogzoo | jin: gxine or vlc usually | 03:56 |
anders__ | swarog: You can ask anyone in here about stuff like that :) | 03:56 |
PriceChild | swarog, ah ok :) Oh and in case of emergency... trolls... spammers etc. write simply !ops and they flood in to sort things out :) Don't "test" it though! | 03:56 |
=== IndyGunFreak [n=IndyGunF@user-0cdv00n.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anders__ | o | 03:56 |
PriceChild | swarog, I don't have experience in that sorry | 03:56 |
anders__ | Pricechild: why not? :P | 03:56 |
PriceChild | anders__, because we get annoyed :) | 03:56 |
=== IndyGunFreak [n=IndyGunF@user-0cdv00n.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PriceChild | anders__, its for emergencies only | 03:57 |
bisho | It says: (EE) Failed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0) | 03:57 |
bisho | (EE) No drivers available. | 03:57 |
anders__ | Pricechild: I know, it was a joke :P | 03:57 |
=== mneptok [n=mneptok@modemcable178.77-70-69.static.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
berent | jrib : which is fastest for ppt files on linux | 03:57 |
=== PriceChild larts anders__ | ||
=== Vord [n=vord@adsl-234-102-141.lft.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Vord | join #linux | 03:57 |
=== _atomic [n=AbxiQBmA@nts-198.179-167-216.nts-online.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PriceChild | bisho, please reinstall your nvidia drivers | 03:57 |
Vord | Damnit >_< | 03:57 |
=== anders__ slaps PriceChild | ||
anders__ | :P | 03:57 |
jrib | berent: I only know of openoffice.org's Impress. I don't use ppt files much | 03:57 |
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anders__ | PriceChild: You got any idea why Ubuntu screws up when I install nvidia drivers ? | 03:57 |
PriceChild | bisho, we have seen reports of it ont he forums from a very small minority of people... you just need to reinstall nvidia | 03:57 |
swarog | PriceChild: /ns access #ubuntu list <- looks like wrong syntax | 03:57 |
anders__ | !nvidia | 03:57 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 03:57 |
PriceChild | anders__, how are you trying? | 03:57 |
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=== Metal_Militia [n=ioppo@host-84-222-32-112.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
david_ | !motd | 03:58 |
anders__ | PriceChild: What do you mean ? | 03:58 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about motd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:58 |
bisho | PriceChild: nvidia-glx? | 03:58 |
swarog | !intel | 03:58 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about intel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:58 |
PriceChild | swarog, ah sorry... simple mistake.... /cs instead of /ns | 03:58 |
anders__ | PriceChild: also I'm unable to figure out if I should use the legacy driver for a Nvidia 7800 GS Ultra... | 03:59 |
swarog | omg, 28, not much | 03:59 |
PriceChild | bisho, please follow the guide again, unisntalling and reinstalling your nvidia-glx package | 03:59 |
=== r0bby_ [n=wakawaka@guifications/user/r0bby] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PriceChild | anders__, stop being sarcastic :) | 03:59 |
swarog | crass_: hi | 03:59 |
swarog | pfeh, mistake | 03:59 |
anders__ | PriceChild: Fine :P | 03:59 |
=== skal [n=skal@ADijon-258-1-117-77.w90-13.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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swarog | crimsun: hi | 03:59 |
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=== humbolto [n=elias@213-147-185-150.ADSL.ycn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
humbolto | I am trying to compile my own dapper kernel, but running into difficulties. | 04:00 |
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peace-keeper | then dont do it :) | 04:01 |
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humbolto | I have installed the sources package as well as the kernel-package | 04:01 |
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humbolto | but when I do make menuconfig, I get a huge load of errors | 04:01 |
PriceChild | humbolto, before we continue... could you first explain why you want to compile your own kernel? | 04:01 |
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humbolto | I want the kernel compiled specifically for my transmeta cruseo | 04:02 |
PriceChild | humbolto, personally I see no decent benefits... there are no "real" performance increases. | 04:02 |
anders__ | uhuh.. does this mean that I'm unable to install it ? | 04:02 |
anders__ | (Note: you have to select the restricted modules first because the nvidia-glx package automatically installs the i386 one - and if you have a generic kernel image, the X will not work.) | 04:02 |
=== brovold [n=brovold@ti112210a080-10922.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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hjmills | how can I get the "mail" command - its not in the repos | 04:02 |
humbolto | Another question is there a way to highlight responses to my nick in ircii? | 04:03 |
ubuntu | hi | 04:03 |
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=== Bnirkow [n=batman@ip-98-245.ib.tcz.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bisho | PriceChild, same problem... I have reinstalled nividia-glx, the restricted drivers, and even rebooted | 04:03 |
snail | hjmills: there are several mail commands in the repos, whcih one do you want? | 04:03 |
Bnirkow | hello | 04:03 |
snail | ubuntu: hi to you to | 04:03 |
PriceChild | humbolto, that should be default no? what client are you on? | 04:03 |
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PriceChild | bisho, hmmm | 04:03 |
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=== Zotty [n=zotty@c83-252-15-21.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bisho | # lsmod | grep nvidia | 04:04 |
bisho | nvidia 4554836 0 | 04:04 |
bisho | i2c_core 23424 2 i2c_ec,nvidia | 04:04 |
bisho | agpgart 34888 2 nvidia,intel_agp | 04:04 |
hjmills | snail: I found a guide on the net for using the mail program to send a mail to somebody | 04:04 |
PriceChild | !paste | bisho | 04:04 |
ubotu | bisho: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 04:04 |
snail | hjmills: postfix and sendmail are both popular | 04:04 |
bisho | It's loaded... but still the Xorg ... | 04:04 |
bisho | sorry | 04:04 |
=== regeya_ [n=shane@adsl-sp3-cdale176.micgi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PriceChild | bisho, no problem... I'm thinking... | 04:04 |
hjmills | snail: I thought they are smtp servers - not mail sending programs | 04:04 |
anders__ | PriceChild: Is there anything I need to uninstall to use the nvidia drivers | 04:04 |
humbolto | The reason for my desire to have a crusoe kernel is, that I am experiencing system chrashes and I want to eliminate any possible reason. | 04:05 |
PriceChild | anders__, just read the guide on the wiki | 04:05 |
anders__ | ok | 04:05 |
PriceChild | anders__, that "should" take care of things... I'm not really meant to give you 3rd party guides :P | 04:05 |
humbolto | But actually I think X is the problem. | 04:05 |
anders__ | PriceChild: Why not? :P | 04:05 |
humbolto | How can I find out, what killed my system? | 04:06 |
snail | hjmills: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?word=mail&searchmode=searchfiles&case=insensitive&version=edgy&arch=i386 | 04:06 |
frogzoo | humbolto: check /var/log/messages.3.gz | 04:06 |
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frogzoo | humbolto: check /var/log/messages | 04:06 |
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frogzoo | not .3.gz | 04:06 |
hjmills | snail - oh wow - thanks | 04:06 |
snail | packages mailx and mailutils | 04:06 |
hjmills | snail: thats handy | 04:06 |
Bnirkow | i`m on breezy, and i want to upgrade to dapper my ubuntu | 04:07 |
=== booster [n=nemo@acwj184.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
booster | #ubuntu.pl | 04:07 |
Bnirkow | and.. i have problems with it | 04:07 |
booster | ohh, lol | 04:07 |
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snail | Bnirkow: start by backing everything up | 04:07 |
humbolto | Do I need to do anything else after untaring my kernel sources before I can exec make menuconfig? | 04:07 |
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Bnirkow | i have clean instalation of this ubuntu | 04:08 |
PriceChild | !upgrade | Bnirkow | 04:08 |
ubotu | Bnirkow: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 04:08 |
=== [gijoework] [n=[gijoewo@cacher6.ericsson.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
facugaich | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=338073 <- Help anyone? | 04:08 |
Bnirkow | everything i want is on other partitions | 04:08 |
hjmills | Bnirkow: upgrades almost always give problems - I prefer to upgrade (as you did) try and fix the mess, fail, get annoyed and then fresh install | 04:08 |
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=== mennende1 [n=raimondo@81-174-6-22.f5.ngi.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hjmills | Bnirkow: and i never learn my lesson as fixing the mess teaches me stuff | 04:09 |
Bnirkow | heh, this is fresh install | 04:09 |
anders__ | k going to reload X... | 04:09 |
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=== melter [n=Melter@dyn248.iacc-tm4.ndsu.NoDak.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
humbolto | The other reason why I want to compile a kernel is, that I want to put my system under full load without X running and see if it crashes. | 04:09 |
hjmills | Bnirkow: if its all on other partitions then cant you mount them where you want em? | 04:10 |
roho | humbolto: read the readme in the kernel source a few times | 04:10 |
=== humboldt [n=elias@213-147-185-150.ADSL.ycn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
humbolto | Or does anyone know another console program which will put my system under an equivalent amount of stress? | 04:10 |
=== RevThwack [n=thwack@custproxy.moonstar.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bnirkow | hjmills: i can do that | 04:10 |
=== JensBru [n=JensBru@88-111-132-29.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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mennende1 | Hi, where and how can I send a bug of evolution of xubuntu edgy | 04:11 |
mennende1 | ? | 04:11 |
humbolto | roho: I have compiled a million kernels, but a while ago. I just need a refresh. | 04:11 |
PriceChild | !bug | mennende1 | 04:11 |
ubotu | mennende1: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots | 04:11 |
mennende1 | thank you | 04:12 |
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pinchmesh | . | 04:12 |
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[gijoework] | . | | 04:14 |
bisho | PriceChild, I think it could be a problem with paths and where the xorg tries to load the nvidia_drv... See strace at: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1809/ | 04:14 |
=== AaSFi [n=AaSFi@70.pool85-49-74.dynamic.orange.es] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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=== vbb [n=Anders@0x573a0c93.ngnqu1.broadband.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vbb | Hi | 04:15 |
=== vbb is now known as anders__ | ||
anders__ | Hey! | 04:16 |
anders__ | I'm on my windows | 04:16 |
anders__ | now | 04:16 |
anders__ | using the multiboot thingy.. | 04:16 |
anders__ | Anyways | 04:16 |
anders__ | PrinceChild: Hey | 04:16 |
anders__ | PrinceChild: It fucked up X | 04:16 |
PriceChild | !language | anders | 04:17 |
ubotu | anders: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 04:17 |
anders__ | nono | 04:17 |
PriceChild | !enter | anders__ | 04:17 |
ubotu | anders__: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 04:17 |
=== urbano [n=urbano@dhcp-238-3.deec.uc.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anders__ | not as an insult | 04:17 |
PriceChild | anders__, what's wrong with it? | 04:17 |
urbano | hi, how can I change the locale of my ubuntu system system wide? | 04:17 |
=== esaym [n=user@cpe-72-183-201-32.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
urbano | to say iso8859-1 | 04:17 |
humbolto | y | 04:17 |
anders__ | yesyes... Anyways.. it screwed up X - The debug log said it is unable to install nvidia and it failed with a LINUX BSOD | 04:17 |
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erUSUL | urbano: why would you want to do that? for me is a regresion | 04:17 |
=== Tmi [n=tommi@kr-lun-9-144-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Bhaal [i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal] has left #ubuntu ["Coming] | ||
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=== selahone [n=chatzill@ip68-12-150-99.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
urbano | erUSUL, you are right but I need to access a database using ISO8859 with mysqlcc | 04:18 |
urbano | and its the only way | 04:18 |
michaelpo | i'm installing ubuntu | 04:18 |
urbano | if you know another, please state | 04:18 |
michaelpo | 106.0 | 04:18 |
najjstroem0050 | Hello, what codec do i need to get things like ventrilo to work. | 04:18 |
PriceChild | bisho, I'm sorry but that means nothing to me :) | 04:18 |
michaelpo | i'm installing ubuntu 6.10 | 04:18 |
PriceChild | najjstroem0050, ventrilo? | 04:18 |
najjstroem0050 | yes | 04:19 |
najjstroem0050 | its a voice program | 04:19 |
najjstroem0050 | voice chat | 04:19 |
najjstroem0050 | like teamspeak! | 04:19 |
PriceChild | najjstroem0050, it "should" come with its own stuff in one package | 04:19 |
najjstroem0050 | no | 04:19 |
najjstroem0050 | it dont :p | 04:19 |
PriceChild | !mp3 | najjstroem0050, you may find this useful though: | 04:19 |
ubotu | najjstroem0050, you may find this useful though:: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 04:19 |
anders__ | !enter | najjstroem0050 | 04:19 |
ubotu | najjstroem0050: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 04:19 |
anders__ | :P | 04:19 |
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najjstroem0050 | :( | 04:20 |
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najjstroem0050 | !enter anders__ | 04:20 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about enter anders__ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:20 |
najjstroem0050 | :() | 04:20 |
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PriceChild | !botabuse | najjstroem0050 anders__ | 04:20 |
ubotu | najjstroem0050 anders__: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 04:20 |
josh_ | what is the command to mount a samba share? mount -t smbfs \\e \media\data | 04:20 |
josh_ | ? | 04:20 |
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anders__ | PrinceChild: You got any idea of whats messing up the X server ? | 04:20 |
najjstroem0050 | anders__ probaly your xorg.conf | 04:21 |
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najjstroem0050 | :P | 04:21 |
erUSUL | urbano: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales' y 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure localeconf' <-- | 04:21 |
PriceChild | anders__, was it nvidia drivers? oh and I have no n | 04:21 |
anders__ | PriceChild: yes it was | 04:21 |
urbano | erUSUL, it doesnt work | 04:21 |
Juice^ | is there any easy command way to update amsn to latest version? | 04:21 |
urbano | already tried that | 04:21 |
PriceChild | !xconfig | anders__ | 04:21 |
ubotu | anders__: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg". To configure only the driver and resolution, type: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh". | 04:21 |
najjstroem0050 | anders__ maybe i changed from nv to nvidia in xorg.conf? | 04:21 |
anders__ | Najjstroem0050: How can I restore that? | 04:21 |
anders__ | Ok | 04:21 |
PriceChild | Juice^, yes, build it yourself... any reason why you want to? | 04:21 |
anders__ | Is there any way to do that from a basic console or something | 04:21 |
najjstroem0050 | just go and log in to console mode typ sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 04:21 |
anders__ | well | 04:22 |
anders__ | I can't even boot up | 04:22 |
najjstroem0050 | recovery mode? | 04:22 |
anders__ | thanks to the buggy nvidia driver | 04:22 |
anders__ | Ok | 04:22 |
PriceChild | anders__, ctrl+alt+f1 | 04:22 |
PriceChild | anders__, no no no... | 04:22 |
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anders__ | ok | 04:22 |
PriceChild | anders__, ctrl+alt+f1 and then type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh | 04:22 |
anders__ | Ok | 04:22 |
Juice^ | PriceChild: there seem to be a newer version on amsn's website, compared to the one in synaptic | 04:22 |
anders__ | I'll use recovery mode | 04:22 |
najjstroem0050 | that works to | 04:22 |
anders__ | because... | 04:22 |
anders__ | OK | 04:23 |
PriceChild | anders__, you will then need to sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart | 04:23 |
anders__ | I'll do that... | 04:23 |
erUSUL | urbano: have you tried? (you have to edit your .bashrc and/or .bash_profile) to define a new LANG variable (en_GB.iso.... or whatever instead en_GB.utf-8) | 04:23 |
anders__ | erm :S | 04:23 |
phud | yo | 04:23 |
anders__ | Well | 04:23 |
cokeslut | yo | 04:23 |
anders__ | right now I've got two problems combined | 04:23 |
anders__ | an error in fdisk thingy | 04:23 |
anders__ | and the x server | 04:23 |
anders__ | remember the thing about fdisk died with exit state 3 ? | 04:23 |
urbano | i tried... bashrc? and that works for the gnome apps also? | 04:23 |
bisho | # ls -la /usr/bin/X | 04:23 |
bisho | -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 91 2006-09-29 16:08 /usr/bin/X | 04:23 |
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bisho | It hasn't the sticky bit... | 04:24 |
najjstroem0050 | PriceChild, exuse me but i could use some help if you are free, when u run windows application steam trough wine, its all screwd up, only 2 colors and i can't s | 04:24 |
najjstroem0050 | e any text | 04:24 |
bisho | It may be that... | 04:24 |
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erUSUL | urbano: afaik yes | 04:24 |
najjstroem0050 | Can it be the drivers? | 04:24 |
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urbano | erUSUL, ok... thanks | 04:24 |
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PriceChild | najjstroem0050, have you checked winehq.org 's app database to see if your app is suported and any work arounds it requires? | 04:25 |
urbano | erUSUL, gonna test | 04:25 |
erUSUL | urbano: no problem... good luck | 04:25 |
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najjstroem0050 | PriceCHild, i know many linux users use steam | 04:25 |
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PriceChild | najjstroem0050, please do as i asked :) | 04:25 |
najjstroem0050 | sec | 04:26 |
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Gosha | wee, i managed to change too much in my xorg.conf .. | 04:26 |
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lmcornejo | olaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | 04:26 |
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najjstroem0050 | Steam All Versions | 04:26 |
najjstroem0050 | yes, pricechild it should work | 04:26 |
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newbies | hello | 04:27 |
najjstroem0050 | i dont think its wine that causing the problem, it must be something else | 04:27 |
PriceChild | najjstroem0050, have you checked the appdb for similar bugs? | 04:27 |
PriceChild | hi newbies | 04:27 |
Zaggynl | najjstroem0050, have you tried #winehq on Freenode? | 04:27 |
callas | sup? | 04:27 |
lmcornejo | q son ingleses | 04:27 |
nwonknu- | yo | 04:27 |
newbies | my edgy version installed php 5.1.6 while my production server using drapper with php 5.1.2 | 04:27 |
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livingdaylight | mneptok, ping | 04:27 |
newbies | how to force my edgy to install php 5.1.2 ? | 04:27 |
najjstroem0050 | Zaggnyl i'll try | 04:27 |
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Bnirkow | when i want to update my ubuntu, my apt-get are crashing, who can help? | 04:27 |
fdkumro | Does anyone know of any console irc clients with color? I am currently using epic4 and the white text/black background is rough | 04:27 |
Gosha | somewhere it said that if i deleted all the "wacom" lines in /etc/X11/xorg.conf photoshop would start fine with wine ... but when i did it and restarted X it wouldn't start again and tell me the file is coruppt ... where can i find a xorg.conf that would work anyway, or something? | 04:28 |
callas | ok | 04:28 |
=== rag [n=rag@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nwonknu- | ?? | 04:28 |
cokeslut | good | 04:28 |
najjstroem0050 | PriceChild, they toold all steam games and steam would work perfect trough wine | 04:28 |
anders__ | !xorg | Gosha | 04:28 |
ubotu | Gosha: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 04:28 |
newbies | anyone please? | 04:28 |
newbies | php 5.1.6 is a buggy | 04:28 |
PriceChild | najjstroem0050, ha you'll be lucky | 04:28 |
PriceChild | najjstroem0050, "perfect" defiantely isn't the word | 04:28 |
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anders__ | Ok, booting back into linux in recovery mode to try and fix this... | 04:28 |
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najjstroem0050 | PriceChild any idea how i can try my graphic card? | 04:29 |
newbies | how to downgrade the php installation (apt-get install php5-cli) which got version php 5.1.6 down to php 5.1.2 ? | 04:29 |
PriceChild | najjstroem0050, I would talk to #winehq | 04:29 |
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najjstroem0050 | Pricechild, i think its my drivers becouse when i drag a windows, its takes time before it moves | 04:29 |
PriceChild | newbies, you can't afaik... why would you want to do that? | 04:29 |
PriceChild | najjstroem0050, have you isntalled 3d drivers? | 04:30 |
najjstroem0050 | yes i followed this guide | 04:30 |
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najjstroem0050 | i got yesterday in here | 04:30 |
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najjstroem0050 | on ubuntus page, but still its wierd | 04:30 |
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najjstroem0050 | I don't know how to test them! | 04:30 |
Gosha | i should've made a backup first ... gah .. does it have like .. a backup by default? | 04:30 |
PriceChild | najjstroem0050, I suggest you go to | 04:31 |
PriceChild | #winehq | 04:31 |
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najjstroem0050 | Not before i have tested my graphic card | 04:31 |
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Gosha | Yay!!!! | 04:31 |
Gosha | omegadh! | 04:31 |
Gosha | it's there! | 04:31 |
newbies | help please :( | 04:31 |
newbies | how to downgrade the php installation (apt-get install php5-cli) which got version php 5.1.6 down to php 5.1.2 ? | 04:31 |
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cowbud | ("") = "("BitchX: The IRC Client with hair in its chest")" | 04:32 |
Synthetic420 | hey, anyone know how to deal with the AirPort Extreme issue? | 04:32 |
newbies | my php cli application cant work under php 5.1.6 | 04:32 |
erUSUL | newbies: you can not :( | 04:32 |
fly_80 | hello, I installed ubuntu 6.10. I have a USB network interface (linksys). I installed ndiswrapper and andiswrapper utils | 04:32 |
Gosha | so . okay .. since i'm totally newbie at linux .. i have this file ( xorg.conf~ ) that is there . it still has all the wacom lines i just deleted .. how do i replace it without loosing it or something? | 04:32 |
Synthetic420 | i have ppc | 04:32 |
Gosha | the original | 04:32 |
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fly_80 | ndiswrapper -l shows "hardware present, driver present" | 04:32 |
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PriceChild | Gosha, sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf~ | 04:33 |
fly_80 | the driver is wusb54g | 04:33 |
atorres | lokiyadevera@hotmail.com | 04:33 |
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PriceChild | Gosha, the file with a ~ after is a temp file | 04:33 |
michaelpo | i've installed ubuntu 6.10 | 04:33 |
michaelpo | nono... 6.06 | 04:33 |
Gosha | .........But . it does have all the lines!! | 04:33 |
michaelpo | lts | 04:33 |
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michaelpo | how do i make firefox autostart? | 04:33 |
Gosha | i want to use it .. gah | 04:34 |
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TiBeT | why autostart? | 04:34 |
fly_80 | the problem is that ifconfig doesn't show the interface, iwconfig shows eth2 as wireless interface, but it is not configured | 04:34 |
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Synthetic420 | ATTNENTION Can anybody help me out with my PPC AirPort Extreme issue? I installed the firmware and SoftMac. I have Ubuntu 6.10 | 04:34 |
fly_80 | i tried to use System/Admin/Networking | 04:34 |
plastictortoise | QUIT | 04:34 |
michaelpo | i've installed ubuntu 6.06 ... how do i make firefox autostart after ubuntu bootup? | 04:34 |
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Gosha | hmm, just writing over the other one seemed to go fine | 04:36 |
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Synthetic420 | anyone? | 04:36 |
Synthetic420 | i've been dealing with this issue for about 5 days now | 04:36 |
Synthetic420 | easy 45 hours worth of struggle | 04:36 |
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Synthetic420 | ... | 04:37 |
gandalfcome | I have trouble with my fglrx card: I want bigdesktop: it works at login but changes to clone when gnome loads. please help | 04:38 |
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just-this-time | connected second netcard because first netcard wont give me ipv4 only ipv6 how to debug? | 04:38 |
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gili | i need help using Acidrip | 04:39 |
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e\ectro_ | is there a serious bug with getting nvidia driver to work with the amd64 version of edgy? | 04:39 |
e\ectro_ | it works, it doesnt work. not consistent | 04:39 |
gili | i have a full dvd riped to harddrive as ISO and mounted | 04:40 |
gili | i want to RIP that mounte drive to an Xvid avi....i cant get acidrip to see the files on it....what am i missing | 04:40 |
PriceChild | e\ectro_, more details please | 04:40 |
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najjstroem0050 | Pricechild | 04:40 |
e\ectro_ | PriceChild: kernel: [ 4851.394415] Disabling IRQ #169 | 04:40 |
najjstroem0050 | Dosnt this look like drivers fault? | 04:40 |
najjstroem0050 | http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/350/skrmdumpmf5.png | 04:40 |
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e\ectro_ | PriceChild: "The NVIDIA kernel module does not appear to be receiving interrupts generated by the NVIDIA graphics device PCI:1:0:0. Please see Chapter 5: Common Problems in the README for additional information. Failed to initialize the NVIDIA graphics device! *** Aborting ***' | 04:41 |
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PriceChild | e\ectro_, I haven't a clue personally... best I leave this one to someone else sorry | 04:42 |
PriceChild | najjstroem0050, not at all IMO | 04:42 |
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najjstroem0050 | What is it then? | 04:42 |
gili | help with ACIDRIP | 04:42 |
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gili | cant pick up mounted DVD iso | 04:43 |
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PriceChild | najjstroem0050, I say wine | 04:43 |
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e\ectro_ | PriceChild: wish it would just get resolved | 04:43 |
PriceChild | e\ectro_, Sorry i can't help | 04:43 |
Juice^ | Does my ubuntu have a default root/su password set? | 04:44 |
PriceChild | e\ectro_, maybe try #nvidia ? | 04:44 |
frogzoo | !root | Juice^ | 04:44 |
ubotu | Juice^: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 04:44 |
newbies | how to downgrade the php installation (apt-get install php5-cli) which got version php 5.1.6 down to php 5.1.2 ? <-- help please | 04:44 |
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PriceChild | newbies, a couple of us have already explained you can't do this as far as we know | 04:45 |
newbies | ouch | 04:45 |
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newbies | so install from tar ball? | 04:45 |
just-this-time | hi guys gamers q . for kids mainly. is arcade MAME available thru apt-get repos ? | 04:45 |
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PriceChild | !mame | just-this-time | 04:45 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mame - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:45 |
newbies | PriceChild: does it mean i have to reinstall all from tarbal? | 04:45 |
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PriceChild | newbies, I don't advise it... will be painful | 04:45 |
Juice^ | typing just su in command asks for a pass, isnt that the same as the one your current logged on user has? | 04:45 |
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PriceChild | Juice^, please read what we've told you.... | 04:46 |
bisho | PriceChild, The problem was I was using xserver-xorg-core version | 04:46 |
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PriceChild | !sudo | Juice^ | 04:46 |
unop | Juice^, su asks for root's password not the user's | 04:46 |
ubotu | Juice^: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 04:46 |
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Juice^ | okok.. | 04:46 |
Juice^ | thanks | 04:46 |
PriceChild | bisho, oh and you need a new version? | 04:46 |
bisho | Downgrading to 1.1.1-0ubuntu12.1 solved the problem | 04:46 |
PriceChild | bisho, ah cool :) | 04:46 |
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gilb3rto_mor3no | i hope anyone of you cn help me... i have the broadcom 1490 mini wireless card in my dell inspiron 6400... but i couldnt make it work properly... anyone of you have this problem? or anyone has solved it?..... thanks | 04:46 |
bisho | just FYI, in case someone has the same problem... | 04:47 |
PriceChild | bisho, you might have needed to recompile nvidia to get it working... | 04:47 |
PriceChild | gilb3rto_mor3no, have you followed a howto? | 04:47 |
bisho | the error msg is a bit tricky | 04:47 |
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PriceChild | bisho, with new xserver-xorg comes new headers which needs new recompilation of nvidia | 04:47 |
voraistos | Hello guys... I found out something very strange... When i install mldonkey-server , it has libjpeg as a dependency, and when i "build-dep" it, it needs libGTK2 !!!!!! for a CLI app, that feels quite strange .... | 04:47 |
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jontec | anyone know about mod_proxy? there's no package for it in the repo... | 04:48 |
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bulmer | jontec: perhaps its a separate download from apache? | 04:48 |
unop | jontec, it's included by default on apache2 -- you just need to enable it (IIRC) .. use a2enmod | 04:48 |
erUSUL | voraistos: it is for the mlgui front end | 04:48 |
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voraistos | erUSUL: i am not instaling it, only mldonkey-server | 04:49 |
bisho | It's on ubuntu edgy updates... | 04:49 |
gilb3rto_mor3no | PriceChild: ive followed around 20 howtos.... now i can scan and see wireless nets but i cant connect to them | 04:49 |
bisho | so more problem will have the problem | 04:49 |
erUSUL | voraistos: but if you plan to build it do not bother mlgui does not build in ubuntu due to lack of svg support in labgtk | 04:49 |
voraistos | erUSUL: its a server, i dont even have X on it | 04:49 |
bisho | (And in my laptop I dont want compilation packages, I'm very space limited, so I will keep the old version for now... | 04:50 |
bisho | thanks a lot for the help, PriceChild | 04:50 |
erUSUL | voraistos: i know but the source code comes with the mlgui code too | 04:50 |
ZeiP | I'm having slight problems upgrading my Ubuntu system. | 04:51 |
michaelpo | ubuntu is doing a system updates now... 88 packages to update... can i shutdown while it is running? it will pickup where it left off? or i have to start download from the begining again? | 04:51 |
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ZeiP | I upgraded manually (apt-get dist-upgrade), and that worked out fine. However, apt-get install edubuntu-desktop gives a bunch of errors for different programs, and therefore is unable to finish. | 04:51 |
bisho | michaelpo, it it's installing, wait | 04:51 |
ZeiP | Is there any hope or do I need to reinstall? | 04:52 |
unop | michaelpo, not a good idea .. but should an update be interrupted, it picks up from where it was stopped | 04:52 |
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bisho | if it's downloading, you could stop it and the downloaded packaes will not be lost | 04:52 |
PriceChild | bisho, yeah we had several people affected a while ago... too many to call it a co-incidence, too little for it to be anything major | 04:52 |
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PriceChild | michaelpo, has it downloaded all the packages and moved onto setting up etc.? | 04:52 |
jontec | unop: gracias. :D | 04:52 |
bisho | PriceChild, maybe only a few people is using edgy-updates | 04:53 |
unop | jontec, did a2enmod work? | 04:53 |
voraistos | erUSUL: i am running feisty on that beacause the package on edgy and dapper wouldnt work, even with the patches. The package on feisty is compltly shit, so i decided to compile it from their sources, bt i checked what i needed with build-dep for the ubuntu package of mldonkey-server. However isnt it very strange the sources of mlgui come with the mlserv package ?!!!! :O | 04:53 |
jontec | unop: yup, I think. | 04:53 |
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michaelpo | PriceChild: it is still downloading... | 04:53 |
unop | jontec, cool :) | 04:53 |
fenrir | anyone have any ideas how i can set this up? | 04:54 |
unop | ZeiP, it may help if you pasted the errors to a pastebin for us to examine | 04:54 |
fenrir | www.claw.com.au | 04:54 |
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PriceChild | michaelpo, then you can ctrl+c to stop it... still not reccomended to cancel though if you're not sure | 04:54 |
voraistos | erUSUL: looks like noone looks after this package... they could have backported it for dapper, since it is LTS | 04:54 |
erUSUL | voraistos: well, i compile the lasts version from here http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=156414 and i disable the gui and all nets except donkey. | 04:54 |
need_DiVX_help | divx! | 04:54 |
PriceChild | voraistos, which package? | 04:54 |
PriceChild | !mp3 | need_DiVX_help | 04:55 |
ubotu | need_DiVX_help: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 04:55 |
need_DiVX_help | !divx | 04:55 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 04:55 |
voraistos | PriceChild: mldonkey-server | 04:55 |
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bradbev | hi all, I'm running Edgy and having problems installing Mantis on Apache1. Instead of showing me the php page, FF wants to download it. Any thoughts? | 04:55 |
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fenrir | got exactly the same problem | 04:55 |
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fenrir | like apache is not running php serverside | 04:55 |
erUSUL | voraistos: i do not know what comes in the deb-src's | 04:56 |
bradbev | fenrir, did you get it working in the end? | 04:56 |
najjstroem0050 | PriceChild, sorry for didint listen to you | 04:56 |
=== MasterShrek [n=MasterSh@143-178-29-134.stc2.tec.mn.us] has joined #ubuntu | ||
najjstroem0050 | it was wine that should have a font | 04:56 |
PriceChild | najjstroem0050, :) | 04:56 |
najjstroem0050 | x10 to you :D | 04:56 |
fenrir | nah :/ trying to run torrentflux | 04:56 |
unop | voraistos, can you not build-dep, build and then remove the unneeded packages? looks like a badly written/structured package | 04:56 |
PriceChild | bradbev, you have installed the php modules right/ | 04:56 |
voraistos | erUSUL: i am doing just like you now... I would just expect more from the debs, thats all | 04:56 |
bradbev | PriceChild, nope, but I am doing that now :) How come that's not a Mantis dep? | 04:57 |
voraistos | unop: i wont even use the ubuntu package. | 04:57 |
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unop | voraistos, so you using the upstream source tarball? | 04:57 |
PriceChild | bradbev, http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/web/libapache-mod-php4 | 04:57 |
PriceChild | bradbev, file it as a bug I suppose :) | 04:57 |
bradbev | sudo apt-get install libapache-mod-php4 libapache-mod-suphp did not fix it | 04:57 |
bradbev | :) | 04:57 |
PriceChild | bradbev, restart apache | 04:58 |
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voraistos | unop: it honestly is too bad, broke my system and all... i had to use a debian pckage to repair all that crap, and then upgrade to fesitydue to incompatibilities with lder packages... so yeah now i am doing that from upstream, i was just pointing out the low qualityness of the ubuntu package... | 04:58 |
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bisho | bradbev, suphp works with php/php-cgi | 04:59 |
bisho | not with mod-php | 04:59 |
PriceChild | voraistos, don't be surprised at breakage if you use other distributions packages and use our development distro | 04:59 |
just-this-time | anybody here familiar with xmame kxmame arcade emuylators ? | 04:59 |
PriceChild | voraistos, I'm calling user error on that one | 04:59 |
just-this-time | *emulators | 04:59 |
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erUSUL | voraistos: well to be fair feisty is not even beta yet | 05:00 |
mnoir | voraistos: so i hope you have volunteered to help improve that package, in the spirit of giving back to a hard-working community | 05:00 |
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PriceChild | just-this-time, you could always ask this guy... http://www.sourceguru.net/archives/53 | 05:00 |
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najjstroem0050 | I think my drivers is screw up, my computer laggs when running steam, when i drag windows its taking a long time( have a long respons ) | 05:00 |
PriceChild | just-this-time, saw that on planet.ubuntu.com earlier | 05:00 |
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just-this-time | ty PriceChild very helpful | 05:01 |
ademan | how can i remove nvidia_legacy.ko for good? | 05:01 |
ademan | !nvidia_legacy.ko | 05:01 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about nvidia_legacy.ko - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:01 |
ademan | dang | 05:01 |
najjstroem0050 | !Nvidia | 05:01 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 05:01 |
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voraistos | PriceChild: nope. the ubuntu package broke it, i used community patches wich did even worse, so in order to repair it, as i am not a guru either, i installed proper debian package, and entirely came back to ubuntu (alpha, but ubuntu) | 05:01 |
lgc | Hello all. How is it that I get "W: can't read the package list ..." by doing "apt-cache search"? | 05:01 |
livingdaylight | mneptok, ping | 05:02 |
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PriceChild | voraistos, again... using another distribution's packages in ubuntu is asking for breakage.... and so is using the development version of a distribution | 05:02 |
ademan | najjstroem0050: yeah, unfortunately though, there's a problem because ubuntu is loading nvidia_legacy.ko at boot time rather than the nvidia.ko, resulting in a kernel object/Xorg module version mismatch | 05:02 |
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PriceChild | voraistos, if a package broke things for you.. then unisntall it... | 05:02 |
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najjstroem0050 | ademan what can i do? | 05:02 |
davmor2 | metal-militia are you using sudo? | 05:02 |
livingdaylight | can someone tell me where i can find this: ~/.local/share/applications/gGo.desktop | 05:02 |
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PriceChild | ademan, I know how to blacklist the legacy one... | 05:02 |
najjstroem0050 | please tell me | 05:03 |
voraistos | PriceChild: you dont know what a broken system looks like.... Of course i could not uninstall it ! | 05:03 |
najjstroem0050 | i got a new card 7600GT | 05:03 |
PriceChild | voraistos, if you couldn't uninstall it hten you can't install install others | 05:03 |
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voraistos | PriceChild: i ended up compiling dpkg myself to make that possible | 05:03 |
najjstroem0050 | Priceshild i need to blacklist the legacy | 05:03 |
ademan | najjstroem0050: well maybe it will work without it | 05:04 |
unop | voraistos, was it the feisty package that did the damage? | 05:04 |
PriceChild | voraistos, well then you did something very silly first | 05:04 |
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PriceChild | voraistos, there is no reason why you would have to do that normally | 05:04 |
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voraistos | unop: no, the feisty package did not do anything at al to be honest. thing the edgy package was the worst | 05:04 |
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PriceChild | voraistos, what package was it again? | 05:05 |
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IdleOne | hexidigital: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1813/ | 05:05 |
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voraistos | PriceChild that was mldnkey-server . there ws a problem on the init.d script and used what people call "a patch" to "solve" the problem | 05:06 |
PriceChild | voraistos, have you reported a bug at all? | 05:06 |
=== kauef [n=kauef@201-74-177-195-mc.cpe.vivax.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
voraistos | PriceChild: there was a bug reported, and "solved" (but really not) | 05:06 |
iKs | Hello | 05:06 |
iKs | Can someone tell me if Exaile is on the Edgy repos ? | 05:07 |
PriceChild | !exaile | iKs | 05:07 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about exaile - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:07 |
=== mick666 [n=andrea@host35-20-dynamic.20-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ademan | so how would i blacklist the legacy kernel object? | 05:07 |
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PriceChild | !exaile feisty | iKs | 05:07 |
mick666 | hello | 05:07 |
ubotu | exaile: flexible audio player, similar to Amarok, but written in GTK+. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.7+debian-1ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 293 kB, installed size 1404 kB | 05:07 |
PriceChild | iKs, it will be in feisty | 05:07 |
iKs | !exaile edgy | iks | 05:07 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about exaile edgy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:07 |
iKs | Thanks for the answer ;) | 05:08 |
voraistos | PriceChild: actually there seems to be several bugs, coming from upstream, the Debian packagers adn the Ubuntu ones. Plus the bad patches = broken system. ill take a look into all that | 05:08 |
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iKs | I know I'm using Feisty ^^ | 05:08 |
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iKs | but it wasnt there before | 05:08 |
iKs | or at least i thought so | 05:08 |
iKs | i wanted to make sure ;) | 05:08 |
iketurner | hello all | 05:08 |
PriceChild | iKs, well then you should know how to search for package ;) | 05:08 |
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iKs | I do ^^ | 05:08 |
PriceChild | iKs, be careful on feisty.... and support for that is in #ubuntu+1 | 05:08 |
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voraistos | iKs: they have an ubuntu package on their website if i remember | 05:09 |
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iKs | I know but I wanted to know if Exiale was on the Edgy repos ;) | 05:09 |
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voraistos | iKs: its not | 05:09 |
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iKs | Yep I figured that out | 05:09 |
iKs | thanks a lot voraistos | 05:09 |
iKs | and PriceChild | 05:09 |
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iketurner | is this mic on | 05:09 |
PriceChild | hi ikedaman | 05:09 |
PriceChild | argh | 05:09 |
michaelpo | PriceChild: update is 6kB/s.. is there anyway to make it run faster? i'm in malaysia... | 05:09 |
PriceChild | hi iketurner | 05:09 |
mick666 | excuse me.. when festy fawn will be become "stable version"? | 05:09 |
=== Volstrup [n=volstrup@0x5552fb8d.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PriceChild | michaelpo, try a different mirror | 05:10 |
iKs | April 2007 | 05:10 |
PriceChild | mick666, april | 05:10 |
iKs | (mick) | 05:10 |
imhotepp | Hi can someone please help me set up weather reposts in evolution? | 05:10 |
PriceChild | mick666, 7.04 = 2007 4th month | 05:10 |
michaelpo | how do i try a different mirror for the software updates? | 05:10 |
PriceChild | mick666, 6.10 = 2006 10th month | 05:10 |
mick666 | thanx | 05:10 |
voraistos | was just typing that PriceChild :P | 05:10 |
PriceChild | michaelpo, system > admin > software sources | 05:10 |
michaelpo | PriceChild: i think it is using the malaysia mirror... the screen show http://my.archive.... | 05:12 |
PriceChild | michaelpo, yeah | 05:12 |
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PriceChild | michaelpo, try changing i to the main mirror maybe | 05:12 |
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Vord | join #linux | 05:13 |
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Vord | >_< that's twice | 05:13 |
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najjstroem0050 | how do i uninstall ubuntu,i will reinstall it and do right | 05:13 |
ademan | najjstroem0050: what do you mean? What's wrong with your current install? | 05:14 |
najjstroem0050 | its screwd up | 05:14 |
najjstroem0050 | i want to start over again | 05:14 |
najjstroem0050 | and i got live cd | 05:14 |
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mnoir | najjstroem0050: if you need to reinstall totally, the procedure will allow you ti eliminate the old one | 05:14 |
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najjstroem0050 | am going to remove linux 100% | 05:14 |
najjstroem0050 | and then install it again | 05:15 |
ademan | to do it though, simply reboot from your liveCD and hit manually edit partition table, select your ubuntu partition (should be ext3) and choose to delete it, then create another ext3 partition in it's place, and it should install there | 05:15 |
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mick666 | you can reinstall ubuntu with live or alternate cd/dvd and select FORMAT the partitions | 05:15 |
=== mnoir knows that sometimes it just takes a shorter time to do it over :) | ||
najjstroem0050 | oki | 05:15 |
gharz | guys, when i checked my email... i viewed a file (didn't save it)... was it saved in a temp folder? which folder? | 05:15 |
ademan | how can i blacklist a kernel object? | 05:15 |
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najjstroem0050 | but i heard that livecd is just for testers | 05:15 |
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voraistos | ? | 05:15 |
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najjstroem0050 | ok, maybe it was bullshit | 05:15 |
PriceChild | najjstroem0050, the desktop cd is for installing too | 05:15 |
ademan | gharz: probably in your home directory, under .YourEmailProgram | 05:15 |
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PriceChild | ademan, the old nvidia legacy? | 05:16 |
mnoir | najjstroem0050: testers = ppl who just want to see, in this case | 05:16 |
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mick666 | yes is for installing too | 05:16 |
ademan | najjstroem0050: the liveCD was intended to let you test ubuntu yes, but it will also allow you to install | 05:16 |
najjstroem0050 | mnoir i dont want to see, i want to use | 05:16 |
mnoir | najjstroem0050: it is still the right way to start the install :) | 05:16 |
ademan | PriceChild: yep, for whatever reason it installed along side my real nvidia.ko (i'm using a binary blob though, that's probably why) | 05:16 |
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Crema10 | sup | 05:16 |
Tominator | hi, wie kann man einem user die bash sperren? | 05:17 |
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=== voraistos did not understand that by "tester" he was meaning "Windows users", nothing to do with the testing team :P | ||
mnoir | !de | Tominator | 05:17 |
MeisterZopf | anyone knows a solution to the skype freeze problem on ubuntu? | 05:17 |
ubotu | Tominator: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 05:17 |
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Bnirkow | i have problem with update of distro => mozilla-thunderbird-locale-pl, terminal says that package are existing in other | 05:17 |
davmor2 | gharz depends if it was opened by something by default it is normally in /tmp but if you specifically downloaded it then it is on you desktop or whichever folder you designated for downloads | 05:17 |
Tominator | sorry, clicked onto the wrong one | 05:17 |
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mnoir | Tominator: np :) | 05:17 |
Gosha | how would i boot win3.1 with qemu? .. i mean .. it's all those diskettes .. would it work if i put the content of the diskettes in one image and them booted from that one? | 05:18 |
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Tominator | how can I tell my server, that a certain user should not be able to use the terminal? | 05:18 |
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youssef | Hello | 05:18 |
MeisterZopf | Tominator: remove the /bin/bash entry in /etc/passwd file | 05:18 |
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Gosha | !qemu | 05:18 |
ubotu | qemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo | 05:18 |
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youssef | "apt-get install realplayer" is broken | 05:18 |
najjstroem0050 | so i boot from CD from bios | 05:18 |
davmor2 | Gosha: qemu should just boot it as though it were a real machine | 05:18 |
najjstroem0050 | type reinstall or what? | 05:18 |
mnoir | Tominator: may be difficult to answer - exactly what do you mean? | 05:18 |
PriceChild | youssef, could you pastebin the error please? | 05:19 |
MeisterZopf | Tominator, actually, chanche it to /bin/false | 05:19 |
MeisterZopf | change | 05:19 |
Gosha | oh? | 05:19 |
Gosha | then how do i mount diskette images? | 05:19 |
Gosha | (.ima) | 05:19 |
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kane77 | hi | 05:20 |
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kane77 | is gizmo free? (opensource) | 05:20 |
shriphani | guys will sudo iwlist scanning list all available networks ? | 05:20 |
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Bnirkow | i have problem with update of distro => mozilla-thunderbird-locale-pl, terminal says that package are existing in other, what i should to do | 05:20 |
shriphani | i.e. iwlist (interface) scanning | 05:21 |
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Tomasso | hello, i get Fix broken packages error with synaptic, they are 3 packages I try to reinstall them but it doesnt allow me to do anything | 05:21 |
Tomasso | how do i fix this | 05:21 |
Dynalon | shriphani: no, but iwlist (interface) scan will propably do | 05:21 |
Tomasso | i installed ubuntu yesterday, didnt do any dirty thing.. | 05:21 |
mnoir | shriphani: in a terminal, type 'man iwlist' to read the doc | 05:21 |
youssef | PriceChild: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1815/ | 05:21 |
kane77 | Tomasso, have you tried sudo apt-get install -f | 05:21 |
shriphani | so i should use scan instead of scanning eh | 05:21 |
Tomasso | -f ? | 05:21 |
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Tomasso | no le me try | 05:22 |
kane77 | Tomasso, a parameter for fix | 05:22 |
h3xis | shriphani, it's sudo iwlist <interface> scan | 05:22 |
PriceChild | Tomasso, have you enabled universe and multiverse? | 05:22 |
davmor2 | gosha: you should be able to use your floppy drive | 05:22 |
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Tomasso | PriceChild: what is universe? | 05:22 |
shriphani | erm in my second post i corrected myself | 05:22 |
mnoir | !universe | Tomasso | 05:23 |
ubotu | Tomasso: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 05:23 |
Tomasso | kane77: it returns memorymaps, and some dirty stuff, doesnt seem to correct it | 05:23 |
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youssef | the package seems to depend on xlibs that seems to not exist any more | 05:23 |
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Tomasso | I tried easyUbuntu but does the same thing | 05:23 |
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kane77 | Tomasso, easy ubuntu isn't all that great... it forcefully installs things so it can get you in trouble... | 05:24 |
just-this-time | BTW Tomasso always a goos idea to backup sources.list | 05:24 |
=== leandro [n=leandro@31.32-67-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Skyrail | I know this is a really 'noobish' question but how do I put an * on the resolutions I want whe I'm reconfiguring xserver-xorg? | 05:24 |
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Tomasso | there should be a solution other than reinstall all again | 05:24 |
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Skyrail | *when | 05:24 |
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Tomasso | installed it yesterday | 05:24 |
HymnToLife | Skyrail, spacre bar | 05:24 |
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HymnToLife | space* | 05:24 |
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zzz_ | Skyrail: try space | 05:24 |
Skyrail | HymnToLife: thanks :D finally fixing my login screen :) | 05:25 |
Skyrail | ok brb | 05:25 |
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SecrethX | How can I activate Direct Rendering at my computer? | 05:25 |
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PriceChild | !nvidia | SecrethX | 05:26 |
ubotu | SecrethX: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 05:26 |
apokryphos | SecrethX: take a look at the FAQ (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions) as linked to in the channel /topic | 05:26 |
SecrethX | thanks | 05:26 |
apokryphos | SecrethX: you should always read a channel's topic before asking questions. | 05:26 |
nwonknu- | hi | 05:26 |
cokeslut | Hello | 05:26 |
callas | sup | 05:26 |
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michaelpo | after ubuntu download the updates... does the files get deleted after installation? | 05:26 |
SecrethX | will do, sorry | 05:26 |
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najjstroem0050 | It didint let me uninstall it | 05:26 |
najjstroem0050 | there is no such open at live CD | 05:26 |
najjstroem0050 | Install or Start ubuntu | 05:27 |
unop | michaelpo, not usually -- they are stored in /var/cache/apt/archives | 05:27 |
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PriceChild | najjstroem0050, its on the desktop | 05:27 |
najjstroem0050 | the install file on the desktop? | 05:27 |
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PriceChild | michaelpo, "sudo apt-get clean" to remove them | 05:27 |
PriceChild | yes najjstroem0050 | 05:27 |
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Skyrail | Thanks all is fixed :) | 05:27 |
najjstroem0050 | i used it, but i didnt tell me anything about it until i was going to choose login name | 05:27 |
najjstroem0050 | do i have to go further? | 05:27 |
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PriceChild | najjstroem0050, if you want to reinstall then yes | 05:28 |
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=== najjstroem0050 smack hes neck, its hurt. Yes it does | ||
najjstroem0050 | i'll be back | 05:28 |
idefix | where can I set permission to the parallel port device file "/dv/lp0"? | 05:28 |
nwonknu- | ? | 05:28 |
fly_80 | hello, I installed ubuntu 6.10. I have a USB network interface (linksys). I installed ndiswrapper and andiswrapper utils | 05:28 |
cokeslut | investigating | 05:28 |
callas | don't know | 05:28 |
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fly_80 | the problem is that ifconfig doesn't show the interface, iwconfig shows eth2 as wireless interface, but i cannot configure it | 05:28 |
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HymnToLife | fly_80, ifconfig shows only active interfaces, ifconfig -a will show all of them | 05:29 |
bradbev | arg! Mantis sucks to install. Does anybody have any ubuntu/mantis install tips? | 05:29 |
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fly_80 | HymnToLife: ah alright, but that doesn't resolve the main problem | 05:30 |
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Epo2 | server irc.quakenet.org | 05:30 |
fly_80 | i tried to use network-admin | 05:30 |
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fly_80 | but it does not work | 05:30 |
SecrethX | How can I fix this?: sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Jan 16 18:03:36 2007 | 05:30 |
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qwer | jest jaki polak | 05:31 |
idefix | how can I set permissions for /dev/-files? | 05:31 |
qwer | ????????????????? | 05:31 |
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HymnToLife | fly_80, I personnally always configure my network from CLI | 05:31 |
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mnoir | !po | qwer | 05:31 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about po - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:31 |
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atlantia | anyoone know why this cron entry didn't work last night? | 05:31 |
atlantia | 05 1 * * * 1-5 root /usr/bin/rsync -avzr -e ssh root@ /home/ > /dev/null | 05:31 |
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Tomasso | i cant fix it :( | 05:31 |
HymnToLife | idefix, like any other file, with chown/chmod | 05:31 |
jrib | !pl | qwer | 05:31 |
fly_80 | CLI? | 05:31 |
ubotu | qwer: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 05:31 |
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idefix | of cououourse!! | 05:31 |
qwer | ok dziki | 05:31 |
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Dynalon | SecrethX: just wait 30 mins :) | 05:31 |
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SecrethX | Dynalon, lol ok ;P | 05:31 |
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HymnToLife | fly_80, Commald-Line Interface | 05:31 |
Dynalon | SecrethX: touch is what your looking for | 05:32 |
HymnToLife | command* | 05:32 |
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mnoir | SecrethX: type sudo -K - - see if that fixes it | 05:32 |
SecrethX | mnoir, no | 05:32 |
SecrethX | Dynalon, ill try that | 05:32 |
seang81 | Hi, can somebody refresh my memory, I want to chroot into an ubuntu installation to run through apt-get installs | 05:32 |
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vignesh | Hi all | 05:33 |
seang81 | I have mounted /proc and /sys then chrooted but I get the impression I've forgotten something | 05:33 |
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unop | seanb, errm, dont forget /dev -- and also to mount all the partitions you need in the chroot with mount --bind | 05:34 |
Skyrail | Anyone know how to change the resolution on the Live CD? There's only 640x480 in the preferences meaning that I can't view the full 'install' screen :| | 05:34 |
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bronze_0_1 | Skyrail: there are usually command line options that you can use at boot time to do that | 05:34 |
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seang81 | urop, I thought that but it was already full ? | 05:34 |
atlantia | 05 1 * * * 1-5 root /usr/bin/rsync -avzr -e ssh root@ /home/ > /dev/null | 05:34 |
Skyrail | bronze_0_1: erm ok, I'll restart and look into it | 05:35 |
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atlantia | why would that not have run last night or shown up in /var/log/cron? | 05:35 |
fly_80 | HymnToLife: I try for example sudo iwconfig eth2 essid "myessid" | 05:35 |
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atlantia | i wanted 1:05 m-f | 05:35 |
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HymnToLife | fly_80, yep | 05:35 |
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atlantia | do i need to encapsulate any part of that command in quotes? | 05:35 |
bronze_0_1 | Skyrail: my knoppis experiences had help info displayed on F2 thru F7 | 05:35 |
fly_80 | but after that iwconfig eth2 shows ESSID="" | 05:35 |
bronze_0_1 | *knoppix | 05:35 |
SecrethX | mnoir yours worked after two times of trying, thanks! | 05:35 |
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atlantia | anyone? | 05:36 |
unop | atlantia, well, for one you've redirected output to /dev/null so you wont have got any notifications in logfiles/mail (we told you that last night) | 05:36 |
mnoir | atlantia: i think you should look at the manpage (man 5 crontab) and carefully match your line to the example. it looks wrong to me. | 05:36 |
atlantia | unop, oh | 05:36 |
Skyrail | bronze_0_1: you see I wanted to change the xserver-xorg file but it's locked by another process. | 05:36 |
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bronze_0_1 | no idea | 05:36 |
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mnoir | SecrethX: i winder wht it took 2x - did 30 min run out by coincidence?? | 05:36 |
atlantia | unop, ok... unop the file i set up for testing didn't propagate .. | 05:37 |
atlantia | mnoir, ok will do, have that up now | 05:37 |
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vignesh | I am installing xfce using apt-get install xubuntu-desktop on an old HP Brio 400 | 05:37 |
fly_80 | HymnToLife: so where is the mistake? | 05:37 |
unop | atlantia, try a dummy run -- create root@ and /test/ and run it say every minute | 05:37 |
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mnoir | atlantia: one clue - aren't there only 5 fields for time to run? | 05:37 |
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vignesh | I can`t run gnome as its a bit slow.. can i remove the gnome desktop ? | 05:37 |
SecrethX | mnoir, no, but I dont know why it did take two times too :S I did sudo -K, then tried a sudo command and that didnt work, then again sudo -K and it worked.. | 05:37 |
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vignesh | So i can get more space on my partiton | 05:38 |
K1GPL | i have come in here pissing and moaning for a week about being logged off after periods of inactivity, and having to reboot. i thiink i have finally found the culprit. a rogue screen saver with some sort of ndiswrapper screwup as well. | 05:38 |
atlantia | mnoir, yeah just noticed the 1-5 has an extra asterisk before it | 05:38 |
atlantia | doh! | 05:38 |
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mnoir | SecrethX: well, ya can brrod over it or just move on :) | 05:38 |
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mnoir | brrod=brood :) | 05:38 |
SecrethX | haha :P | 05:38 |
HymnToLife | fly_80, no idea, working perfectly here | 05:38 |
K1GPL | anyone else been bit by this evil screen saver thingie> | 05:38 |
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HymnToLife | maybe a wrong driver ? | 05:38 |
vignesh | will apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop work ? | 05:38 |
fly_80 | HymnToLife: ndiswrapper said: hardware present, driver present | 05:39 |
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fly_80 | ndiswrapper -l | 05:39 |
fly_80 | the driver is wusb54g | 05:39 |
HymnToLife | fly_80, did you depmod && modprobe ? | 05:39 |
fly_80 | yes | 05:39 |
n2diy | K1GPL: no qsl. | 05:39 |
mnoir | vignesh: it will remove a meta package. what effect do you want? | 05:39 |
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vignesh | to remove gnome so i can get more disc space | 05:39 |
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HymnToLife | fly_80, is your AP using WEP ? | 05:40 |
vignesh | anyway i can`t use it.. its a bit slow | 05:40 |
anders__ | Hi everyone :) | 05:40 |
anders__ | How do I unpack a .rar | 05:40 |
fly_80 | HymnToLife: yes | 05:40 |
K1GPL | n2diy: what modes do you do? | 05:40 |
anders__ | on Ubuntu | 05:40 |
IdleOne | need help getting internet access on otherbox http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1813/ | 05:40 |
anders__ | !rar | 05:40 |
ubotu | rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 05:40 |
vignesh | get the unrar package | 05:40 |
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anders__ | Oh. | 05:40 |
anders__ | nvm | 05:40 |
n2diy | K1GPL: ssb, aprs, fm. | 05:40 |
HymnToLife | fly_80, then try configuroing the WEP key and the ESSID at the same time sudo iwconfig eth2 essid YOUR_ESSID key YOUR_KEY | 05:40 |
HymnToLife | configuring* | 05:41 |
fly_80 | i tried also to iwconfig eth2 ap "myaAPaddress" | 05:41 |
unop | vignesh, sure you can remove it -- and use something lighter instead - but you probably do need the gnome/gtk libs for other apps thats need it | 05:41 |
mnoir | vignesh: completely? i do not think removing the meta-package will have the desired package | 05:41 |
K1GPL | n2diy: cool, i am becoming addicted to psk, all cw prior to addiction. fldigi is great software. | 05:41 |
mnoir | effect i mean | 05:41 |
vignesh | Ah..ok.. xfce may need gtk .. ok | 05:41 |
fly_80 | HymnToLife: is it important to use " "? | 05:41 |
fly_80 | like ESSID "myessid" | 05:41 |
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vignesh | what about openoffice.. I want to remove that | 05:41 |
n2diy | K1GPL: rr, with the new rules, I'm going to start working on my cw again. | 05:41 |
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vignesh | I don`t use it either | 05:42 |
HymnToLife | vignesh, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce | 05:42 |
K1GPL | great | 05:42 |
vignesh | ok.. Thanks HymnToLife | 05:42 |
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HymnToLife | fly_80, doesn't seem to matter | 05:42 |
iketurner | fly_80 no you dont need the quotes | 05:42 |
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n2diy | K1GPL: sorry I can't help with the wrapper problem, maybe you want to file a bug report on it? | 05:42 |
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idefix | HymnToLife I chmodded lp0 to 711 that means it's executable, yet linux still whines about permission being denied | 05:42 |
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osum | hu | 05:43 |
osum | hi | 05:43 |
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HymnToLife | idefix, I think it would rather need to be read/writable | 05:43 |
unop | idefix, you probably want 755 | 05:43 |
idefix | HymnToLife you don't have to mount a printer I have heard so why isn't it working? | 05:43 |
osum | does anybody can tell me a good, dark theme vor ubuntu edgy/gnome | 05:43 |
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osum | for ubuntu | 05:43 |
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jamesbrose | How can I add a normal user to proftpd in xampp? | 05:44 |
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idefix | writable so chmod 777? if the last digit is a 7 any user should be able to execute... | 05:44 |
unop | jamesbrose, errm, man adduser should do it -- but you should check out the proftpd documentation | 05:44 |
HymnToLife | idefix, change group to you and whmod to 775 | 05:44 |
fly_80 | HymnToLife: iketurner : i typed sudo iwconfig eth2 essid myessid key xxxx-xxxx-xx | 05:44 |
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HymnToLife | chmod | 05:45 |
HymnToLife | * | 05:45 |
fly_80 | the output was:Error for wireless request "Set Encode" (8B2A) | 05:45 |
fly_80 | Set Failed on device eth2; unknown error 524 | 05:45 |
GreyGhost-Ubuntu | http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/multiverse/source/Sources.gz: Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1) is that normal? | 05:45 |
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osum | can anybody tell me a good dark gnome theme ? | 05:46 |
Dynalon | fly_80: type: i typed sudo iwconfig eth2 essid myessid key s:"xxxx-xxxx-xx" | 05:46 |
HymnToLife | GreyGhost-Ubuntu, obviously not, have you tried running apt-get update again ? | 05:46 |
gkahla | i think i set my keyboard incorrectly during install - I start loosing apostrophes like: it my fault... <-- how do I set my lang to en/US and my keyboard to match? | 05:46 |
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GreyGhost-Ubuntu | HymnToLife ,yep ... | 05:46 |
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fly_80 | Dynalon: same error | 05:46 |
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fly_80 | the key should be hexadecimal | 05:47 |
GreyGhost-Ubuntu | HymnToLife ,though i'll try once again ... | 05:47 |
Dynalon | fly_80: oh then your typo was right | 05:47 |
HymnToLife | GreyGhost-Ubuntu, then, try running it with an empty sources.list, then copy the old one pack and run it again | 05:47 |
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HymnToLife | back* | 05:47 |
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GreyGhost-Ubuntu | HymnToLife ok ... i'll try that now | 05:48 |
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oyvindaa | Hi. I've got an Acer Aspire 3002LM laptop with a Slimtype DVDRW SOSW-833S (dual layer) drive. Lately it has been unable to read CDs, but it's reading DVDs just fine. Anyone been experiencing the same problem? | 05:48 |
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icheyne | does anyone here have a Radeon 9200 or 9250 card running the open-source driver? How well do they run? | 05:48 |
oyvindaa | I tried cleaning it, but since it reads DVDs I later thought that wasn't the problem.. | 05:48 |
drekon | osum: mire - http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=51023 | 05:49 |
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incorrect | backporting is about as much fun as pulling teeth | 05:49 |
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fly_80 | what should I try? | 05:49 |
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Gosha | !vmware | 05:49 |
ubotu | vmware is VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"). Instructions for VMWare Server can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware | 05:49 |
HymnToLife | incorrect, much less useful though :p | 05:49 |
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illwolf | ok.. | 05:50 |
illwolf | i just installed ubuntu | 05:50 |
illwolf | when i type "su" | 05:50 |
incorrect | HymnToLife: indeed, backporting subversion 1.4.2 from fiesty is a $%^^%&% | 05:50 |
illwolf | whats the password ? | 05:50 |
HymnToLife | !sudo | illwolf | 05:50 |
ubotu | illwolf: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 05:50 |
incorrect | i gave up with prevu and i am doing it by hand | 05:50 |
illwolf | yeh i know that? | 05:50 |
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lmosher | When I suspend to ram in edgy and then resume I get a blank screen. It seems to go down and come up, but that's not working. Suspend to disk works OK except it takes just as long as booting normally, so I prefer to ram. | 05:50 |
illwolf | but why cant i login as root | 05:50 |
need_DiVX_help | !divx | 05:50 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 05:50 |
jrib | illwolf: read the page from ubotu | 05:50 |
HymnToLife | read the link, it will tell you why you can't su | 05:51 |
jmartini | illwolf: so `sudo su` then | 05:51 |
illwolf | instead of using sudo ? | 05:51 |
GreyGhost-Ubuntu | hmm.... Ubuntu repos have Vmware player? which version? i maanually installed it sometme ago ... | 05:51 |
illwolf | YEAH | 05:51 |
illwolf | but | 05:51 |
illwolf | whats the root password? | 05:51 |
jrib | illwolf: read the page from ubotu! | 05:51 |
matthew_ | What is the best program in linux to convert an AVI file and copy it to DVD for use in DVD players? | 05:51 |
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illwolf | k | 05:51 |
HymnToLife | it will also tell you what to do if you want to | 05:51 |
seang81 | illwolf, you can set a password using 'sudo passwd' | 05:51 |
LycanNYC-work | !nvidia | 05:51 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 05:51 |
illwolf | k | 05:51 |
jmartini | illwolf: read the page | 05:51 |
illwolf | ok | 05:51 |
illwolf | relax ffs. | 05:51 |
HymnToLife | !fishing | LycanNYC-work | 05:51 |
ubotu | LycanNYC-work: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 05:51 |
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incorrect | its strange why people wait for a whole new revision to release new versions of apps | 05:52 |
LycanNYC-work | ty | 05:52 |
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andcor | Hey all | 05:52 |
GreyGhost-Ubuntu | HymnToLife ,thanks ... that worked :) ... now the only error i get is that it wasn;'t able to verify the Wine repo GPG ... but i suppose that doesn't mater... | 05:52 |
incorrect | surely it would be easier to have a base system with a number of base glibc libs etc | 05:52 |
Hisakasex | hello ... I can't install php5-mcrypt from ubuntu sources.list | 05:52 |
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PriceChild | incorrect, it means we regain stability | 05:53 |
incorrect | and then upgrade the apps separately | 05:53 |
lmosher | matthew_, I've used tovid and ffmpeg. Both work OK. You need to use ffmpeg to convert to .mpg files, then another program (I use makemenu) to make them dvd menu, then another program to set up the files (dvdauthor works fine) | 05:53 |
knight | if i install firefox 2.0 will the earlier version be updated? | 05:53 |
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HymnToLife | GreyGhost-Ubuntu, check the repo's homepage, it should tell you how to add the key | 05:53 |
andcor | my sound suddenly gone in ubuntu yesterday, anybody care to help me ? | 05:53 |
incorrect | surely its easier to test apps then base c libs? | 05:53 |
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oyvindaa | dmesg | tail gives me the following regarding my DVD burner: | 05:53 |
GreyGhost-Ubuntu | HymnToLife ,ok thanks again ... | 05:53 |
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HymnToLife | knight, in Dapper, no, but you can very well install the build from Mozilla.com in addition to the default one | 05:53 |
oyvindaa | [17179726.204000] Warning: /proc/ide/hd?/settings interface is obsolete, and will be removed soon! | 05:53 |
oyvindaa | [17179762.028000] cdrom: This disc doesn't have any tracks I recognize! | 05:53 |
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Hisakasex | where can I get php5-mcrypt for ubuntu??? | 05:54 |
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HymnToLife | !info php5-mcrypt | 05:54 |
ubotu | php5-mcrypt: MCrypt module for php5. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.1.2-1 (edgy), package size 17 kB, installed size 108 kB | 05:54 |
matthew_ | lmosher: thanks | 05:54 |
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HymnToLife | !universe | Hisakasex | 05:54 |
ubotu | Hisakasex: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 05:54 |
najjstroem0050 | Now i got my new ubuntu, so what is the first command a new ubuntu user shall type in terminal? | 05:55 |
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HymnToLife | najjstroem0050, sudo apt-get install frozen-bubble | 05:55 |
najjstroem0050 | lol | 05:55 |
najjstroem0050 | no thx | 05:55 |
andcor | yes, I think that to | 05:55 |
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mnoir | najjstroem0050: type hello | 05:55 |
najjstroem0050 | i dont need the game | 05:55 |
najjstroem0050 | serrisoly, what update commands shall i run? | 05:55 |
HymnToLife | depends what you want to do... | 05:55 |
andcor | just my words | 05:56 |
mnoir | najjstroem0050: the last step should have gotten all the uptodate pkgs | 05:56 |
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najjstroem0050 | apt-get upgrade/update? | 05:56 |
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mnoir | najjstroem0050: and there should be an automatic warning when updates are available | 05:56 |
andcor | sudo apt-get dist-upgrad | 05:56 |
andcor | sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 05:56 |
najjstroem0050 | yes am on it | 05:56 |
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andcor | someone knows something 'bout ALSA | 05:57 |
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PriceChild | andcor, ask the question :) | 05:57 |
najjstroem0050 | Then, if someone could be nice and spend some time with me so i can install my nvidia drivers, its a HUGE problem for me | 05:57 |
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andcor | my ubuntu laptop just stopped playing yesterday, but it works in windows | 05:58 |
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PriceChild | najjstroem0050, what card? | 05:58 |
andcor | nvidia isn't that big a problem | 05:58 |
najjstroem0050 | PriceChild 7600GT | 05:58 |
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andcor | the ubuntu repos have some ok drivers | 05:58 |
HymnToLife | najjstroem0050, have you read !nvidia ? | 05:59 |
PriceChild | !nvidia | najjstroem0050 | 05:59 |
ubotu | najjstroem0050: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 05:59 |
najjstroem0050 | yes, i have followed it | 05:59 |
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PriceChild | :( | 05:59 |
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PriceChild | najjstroem0050, what went wrong? | 05:59 |
najjstroem0050 | dont know | 05:59 |
najjstroem0050 | but i'll try again | 05:59 |
andcor | ok | 05:59 |
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andcor | tell us how far you come until you get some problems | 06:00 |
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curs0r | anyone in here use cedega with oldblivion? | 06:00 |
Lice | I've just burned ubuntu to a cd and tryin to boot but the loading screen takes like forever and after its done i get a blinking _ like a empty console..anyone know what could be wrong? | 06:00 |
GreyGhost-Ubuntu | HymnToLife , i have one last doubt ... http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2012183 correct? | 06:00 |
curs0r | hi PriceChild | 06:00 |
Zaggynl | heh http://www.linux-watch.com/files/misc/ubuntu-billboard.jpg | 06:00 |
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andcor | what computer do you own lice ? | 06:00 |
PriceChild | hi curs0r ? | 06:00 |
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HymnToLife | GreyGhost-Ubuntu, yep | 06:00 |
GreyGhost-Ubuntu | HymnToLife ,those guys seem to have antother gpg file under dists/edgy/ too | 06:01 |
delire | some software i've written is #1 on digg.com today, in the Technology section. many Ubuntu users have tried the software as a result, one of which has written to me with a bug on Edgy. is there someone here running Edgy willing to install the software and test it for me so i can see if it's reproduceable? | 06:01 |
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Hisakasex | when I do apt-get install php5-mcrypt, I get php5-mcrypt has no installation candidate | 06:01 |
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PriceChild | !php5-mcrypt | 06:01 |
jrib | Hisakasex: have you enabled the universe repository? | 06:01 |
ubotu | php5-mcrypt: MCrypt module for php5. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.1.2-1 (edgy), package size 17 kB, installed size 108 kB | 06:01 |
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PriceChild | Hisakasex, yeah its in universe.... | 06:01 |
HymnToLife | !universe | Hisakasex | 06:01 |
ubotu | Hisakasex: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 06:01 |
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GreyGhost-Ubuntu | HymnToLife ,ok .... i'll do it the way its given there... thnaks a lot man ...!!! | 06:01 |
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incorrect | how can i force an install with dpkg? | 06:02 |
Hisakasex | i'm going to check it ... | 06:02 |
andcor | dpkg -i -f i thing | 06:02 |
andcor | think | 06:02 |
delire | incorrect: see the --force flags | 06:02 |
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jmartini | incorrect: man dpkg | 06:02 |
compengi | do POSIX programs work on ubuntu? | 06:02 |
Lice | buffer I/O error on device hdc, Logical block 73787 <-- now i got this error | 06:02 |
PriceChild | incorrect, why are you forcing? | 06:02 |
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Minuo | Where is it appropriate to put a command that you want to run on startup? | 06:02 |
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oyvindaa | Hi. I've got an Acer Aspire 3002LM laptop with a Slimtype DVDRW SOSW-833S (dual layer) drive. Lately it has been unable to read CDs, but it's reading DVDs just fine. Anyone been experiencing the same problem? | 06:03 |
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PriceChild | Minuo, system>prefs>sessions | 06:03 |
incorrect | PriceChild: cause i am bored of backporting other packages | 06:03 |
PriceChild | Minuo, on the startup tab | 06:03 |
Minuo | PriceChild: Ubuntu server, no X | 06:03 |
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PriceChild | incorrect, you shouldn't need to force it though... | 06:03 |
andcor | /etc/init.d | 06:03 |
PriceChild | Minuo, sorry | 06:03 |
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PriceChild | incorrect, you're just asking for troubls | 06:03 |
incorrect | PriceChild: no im not | 06:03 |
h3xis | compengi, what? linux is posix (mostly anyway) | 06:03 |
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andcor | minou, put it in /etc/init.d/rc.d | 06:04 |
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ircusr | hi | 06:04 |
ircusr | i have a problem | 06:04 |
incorrect | i can rm -rfv / from where i am working and not care | 06:04 |
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PriceChild | ircusr, hey, ask away | 06:04 |
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incorrect | the joys of debootstrap && chroot | 06:04 |
ircusr | i need to enable 3d hardware accel in ubuntu running as guest on windows xp as host with vmware | 06:04 |
ircusr | thanks pricechild | 06:04 |
PriceChild | incorrect, please don't post things like that in here | 06:04 |
PriceChild | ircusr, 3d support inside vmware is unsupported and very dodgy... doesn't usually work | 06:04 |
Minuo | andcor: I have no rc.d, but I have an rc.local and a rc and a rcS | 06:05 |
ircusr | damn | 06:05 |
andcor | Minou, just a moment, have to check what it's called | 06:05 |
ircusr | but i read on a posting on the ubuntu forums that there was a method for enabling it | 06:05 |
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Minuo | andcor: Ok, thanks | 06:05 |
compengi | h3xis, i see :) | 06:05 |
najjstroem0050 | damn i unstalled my winxp :P | 06:05 |
PriceChild | ircusr, then follow the post... :) I still don't reccomend it nor is it supported | 06:05 |
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PriceChild | ircusr, i reccomend dual booting for that | 06:06 |
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ircusr | I did, | 06:06 |
idefix | I did: sudo chmod 777 lp0 | 06:06 |
najjstroem0050 | !Nvidia | 06:06 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 06:06 |
ircusr | it didnt work | 06:06 |
idefix | yet nothing works! | 06:06 |
PriceChild | ircusr, I'm not surprised :) | 06:06 |
ircusr | !3d hardware | 06:06 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about 3d hardware - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:06 |
andcor | Minou, i think its rc.local | 06:06 |
ircusr | !vmwre | 06:06 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about vmwre - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:06 |
andcor | try that | 06:06 |
ircusr | !vmware | 06:06 |
ubotu | vmware is VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"). Instructions for VMWare Server can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware | 06:06 |
PriceChild | idefix, not sure what you're trying to do, but were you in the right directory? | 06:06 |
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idefix | crw-rw-rwx 1 root lp 6, 0 2007-01-16 19:03 lp0 | 06:06 |
borie | hi | 06:06 |
borie | hello under dapper with a pcmcia wifi card ASUS WL-107G (it is a chipset RT2500); on my hostpoint I have 3 WPA modes : 1) TKIP; 2) AES/CCMP & 3) TKIP+AES; FINALLY I succeeded to connect me on TKIP while following this french tutorial: http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/materiel/wifi/rt2500dapper; on the other hand impossible to connect in TKIP+AES & it is the mode which is advised.ideas? (I am already too glad to be connected in WPA (: ) | 06:06 |
ircusr | i dont want to dual boot | 06:07 |
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ircusr | too much of a hassle | 06:07 |
PriceChild | !no vmware is <reply> VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"). Instructions for VMWare Server can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware | 06:07 |
ubotu | I'll remember that, PriceChild | 06:07 |
andcor | minou http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/09/07/adding-a-startup-script-to-be-run-at-bootup/ | 06:07 |
najjstroem0050 | i can't se the Software Preferences dialog in synapic | 06:07 |
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idefix | PriceChild? | 06:07 |
idefix | I'm trying to use my printer | 06:07 |
h3xis | borie, don't bother with tkip+aes. youre fine as is - stick with tkip | 06:07 |
idefix | I get unable to open parallel port divice file "dev/lp0" | 06:07 |
Minuo | andcor: Thanks | 06:07 |
idefix | Permission denied | 06:07 |
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PriceChild | idefix, well that command you posted will do the command on the file/folder in whatever did you're currently in (probably your home) | 06:08 |
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najjstroem0050 | i can't se the Software Preferences dialog in synapic, where is it ? | 06:08 |
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slyboots | hey | 06:08 |
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ircusr | hi | 06:08 |
idefix | PriceChild no I'm in /dev | 06:08 |
hexdream | hi. does anybody know how to create a repository on a HDD from the existing DVD repositories? | 06:08 |
ircusr | so, no 3d hardware accel in vmware? :( | 06:08 |
mnoir | najjstroem0050: what do you want to set? | 06:08 |
incorrect | sweet thanks for the help that worked great | 06:08 |
najjstroem0050 | i follow this guide for nvidia | 06:08 |
najjstroem0050 | !Nvidia | 06:08 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 06:08 |
borie | h3xis> does aes provide a better security ?? | 06:08 |
h3xis | borg, aes is for wpa2 | 06:09 |
Smellz | hello someone plz help, I need to know how to change keyboard layout in Ubuntu... I am using the command line install so I don't have gnome | 06:09 |
=== slyboots is trying to figure something out, Does Ubuntu have Stable/Unstable/Testing system like Debian? | ||
h3xis | er | 06:09 |
andcor | hey, how do i get my soundcard to work again, i stopped working yesterday, but works in windows | 06:09 |
h3xis | borie, aes is for wpa2 | 06:09 |
idefix | I'm sad | 06:09 |
mnoir | slyboots: no - not exactly | 06:09 |
andcor | alsamixer says all sliders are at top | 06:09 |
nwertzberger | i have a problem with removing the package apache2-common in apt-get, apache2-common is apparently broken, apt-get said this was most likely an error and that i should report it. I've tried to fix the broken package i synaptic, but synaptic is not aware of any broken packages. How can i uninstall apache2-common? | 06:09 |
ircusr | well?? | 06:09 |
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idefix | can you log in as root? | 06:10 |
slyboots | Hmm... okay | 06:10 |
nwertzberger | yeah | 06:10 |
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PriceChild | idefix, best to use sudo instead of a root terminal | 06:10 |
idefix | is it because the file's owned by root that I cannot execute it? | 06:10 |
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idefix | the group is lp, that's my group | 06:10 |
PriceChild | idefix, I'm not sure why you need to do this anyway? | 06:10 |
Delux_247 | PriceChild: idefix, best to use sudo instead of a root terminal <--- why is that? | 06:10 |
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idefix | I want to print | 06:10 |
mnoir | slyboots: ubuntu has released and future as well as a peculiar animal called LTS, long term support | 06:11 |
idefix | the printer's on the lp0 port | 06:11 |
incorrect | ok balls that installation up :) i should have forced the installation of a different package | 06:11 |
timo901 | dose any one have a ADM 64 3200 | 06:11 |
andcor | idefix, what are the group permissions ? | 06:11 |
idefix | when I print I get Paused: Unable to open parallel port device file "/dev/lp0": Permission denied | 06:11 |
slyboots | Ah okay, I see | 06:11 |
borie | h3xis> :p so it s seems to be better than with only tkip | 06:11 |
PriceChild | Delux_247, because you're less likely to do damage... sudo means only one command gets root access and you dont' forget | 06:11 |
unop | nwertzberger, probably a command like this -- sudo dpkg -r --purge apache2-common | 06:11 |
incorrect | when backporting don't backport the dev libs | 06:11 |
incorrect | doh | 06:11 |
idefix | crwxrwxrwx 1 root lp 6, 0 2007-01-16 19:03 lp0 | 06:11 |
PriceChild | idefix, what have you done so far? | 06:11 |
h3xis | borie, tkip+aes is used for compatibility reasons. if it's used aes will be used on clients capable of running aes and tkip is used if the client is not capable of running aes. in this case, you have wpa and know that it is supported, so use tkip. | 06:11 |
Delux_247 | PriceChild: hmm | 06:11 |
idefix | I just installed the printer | 06:11 |
nwertzberger | thanks, unop, i'll give that a try | 06:11 |
idefix | do I need to alter things in cupsd.conf? | 06:11 |
borie | h3xis> :p & XP manage with the same card ton connect to tkip+aes .... | 06:11 |
h3xis | borie, tkip is based on cypher 4, which is used in WEP but is far more secure | 06:11 |
PriceChild | idefix, all i had to do was connect my lpt1 cable and select hte printer in system>admin>printing | 06:11 |
PriceChild | idefix, select the correct driver and everything worked | 06:12 |
PriceChild | idefix, you "shouldn't" need to change ANYTHING mroe | 06:12 |
mnoir | slyboots: and somthing called backports, to make up for impatience and LTS | 06:12 |
najjstroem0050 | If you are running Hoary Hedgehog or Breezy Badger | 06:12 |
Morrissey | hi, anyone know how I can get full 800dpi for an MX Revolution? | 06:12 |
h3xis | borie, if you use aes on wpa it won't work | 06:12 |
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najjstroem0050 | What does it mean? | 06:12 |
mnoir | slyboots: backports is not a release phase | 06:12 |
slyboots | Okay, I understand now | 06:12 |
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h3xis | borie, do you have wpa2? | 06:12 |
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PriceChild | najjstroem0050, ? | 06:12 |
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najjstroem0050 | If you are running Hoary Hedgehog or Breezy Badger, then install nvidia-settings and nvidia-xconfig. DO NOT install either package in Ubuntu 6.06 LTS because it will remove nvidia-glx. These programs are now provided in nvidia-glx. | 06:12 |
najjstroem0050 | What does he mean? | 06:12 |
mnoir | najjstroem0050: they are the cute animals associated with old releases | 06:13 |
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idefix | PriceChild, I just get: Paused: Unable to open parallel port device file "/dev/lp0": Permission denied | 06:13 |
PriceChild | najjstroem0050, what version are you using? | 06:13 |
[1] ircusr | so, i can only expect software rendering in vmware? | 06:13 |
najjstroem0050 | 6.10 | 06:13 |
timo901 | I have a problem with a hissing CPU when i use it intensively | 06:13 |
PriceChild | idefix, I haven't a clue sorry | 06:13 |
PriceChild | [1] ircusr, yes | 06:13 |
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PriceChild | timo901, sure your fans are working properly? | 06:13 |
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najjstroem0050 | PriceChild: 6.10 ubuntu | 06:13 |
idefix | PriceChild, everything in the dev dir is mounted to something in the media dir, but there's no printer file in that dir... why is that?! | 06:13 |
jmartini | timo901: is the magic smoke leaking? | 06:13 |
mnoir | timo901: actual noise? - hardware issue??? | 06:14 |
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borie | h3xis> what im telling is my reuter give me 3 mode; on XP i can connect with mode 3: WPA(tkip+aes) & on dapper on the same PC i can only connect to mode 1: WPA(tkip) | 06:14 |
PriceChild | najjstroem0050, jsut install nvidia-glx | 06:14 |
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najjstroem0050 | oki | 06:14 |
=== Grumbles [n=Grumbles@adsl-70-131-33-222.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
timo901 | mnoir:yess its the CPU | 06:14 |
PriceChild | idefix, I'm confused... not everything is mounted | 06:14 |
Grumbles | hi can someone please tell me how to change my keyboard layout | 06:14 |
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[1] ircusr | ok, well, at least can i get faster software rendering if i add more RAM to the pc , or a faster GFX card? | 06:14 |
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borie | the mode im telling u are the one on my reuter | 06:15 |
PriceChild | Grumbles, gnome? | 06:15 |
najjstroem0050 | Error: unable to load nvidia kernel driver! Be sure to have installed | 06:15 |
najjstroem0050 | the nvidia driver for your running kernel. | 06:15 |
Grumbles | pricechild, negative | 06:15 |
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Grumbles | fluxbox | 06:15 |
PriceChild | Grumbles, not sure sorry | 06:15 |
timo901 | CPU frequency | 06:15 |
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Grumbles | :'( | 06:15 |
[1] ircusr | pricechild? | 06:15 |
mnoir | timo901: seriously, i bet there is a serious problem - cpus can burn up pretty quickly | 06:15 |
PriceChild | [1] ircusr, I reccomend you dual boot for any accelereation | 06:15 |
oyvindaa | How can I "RMA" my dvd burner? It seems the cd laser part of it has "died".. | 06:15 |
[1] ircusr | i cant | 06:15 |
[1] ircusr | i dont have partitioning software | 06:15 |
PriceChild | [1] ircusr, the isntall process can do that for you | 06:15 |
oyvindaa | Since it can't read CDs, but reads DVDs just fine.. | 06:15 |
TtyS2 | hi | 06:15 |
h3xis | borie, right. because on xp it's using tkip+aes because it's used for greater compatibility and isnt sure if your card supports aes or tkip so it uses that. on ubuntu it knows youre using wpa and knows you support tkip so it uses that | 06:15 |
PriceChild | !dualboot | [1] ircusr | 06:15 |
ubotu | [1] ircusr: Dual boot instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh) | 06:15 |
IceTox | Anyone here known with programs for streaming radio? | 06:16 |
hexdream | Hiall. Does anybody know how the correct way to convert DVD repositories into a single repository on the HDD? | 06:16 |
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PriceChild | Ice_Wewe, hey there yeah | 06:16 |
PriceChild | argh | 06:16 |
PriceChild | IceTox, hey yeah | 06:16 |
najjstroem0050 | PriceChild when i type, sudo nvidia-glx-config enable it gives me a error | 06:16 |
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PriceChild | najjstroem0050, sudo nvidia-xconfig | 06:16 |
[1] ircusr | ok | 06:16 |
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[1] ircusr | iI have an external usb hard drive | 06:16 |
IceTox | PriceChild: you know of any good programs for streaming radio with? Like with mic use included and things? :-) | 06:16 |
LycanNYC-work | !aiglx | 06:16 |
ubotu | AIGLX (Accelerated Indirect GLX) is an open source project founded by the X.Org Foundation and the Fedora Core Linux community to allow accelerated indirect GLX rendering capabilities to X.org and DRI drivers. This allows remote X clients to get fully hardware accelerated rendering over the GLX protocol. Head to #ubuntu-xgl for support. | 06:16 |
h3xis | IceTox, audacious, vlc, mplayer, etc will stream | 06:17 |
[1] ircusr | could i install ubuntu on that? | 06:17 |
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LycanNYC-work | !beryl | 06:17 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl | 06:17 |
PriceChild | IceTox, not sure about the mic bit of it sorry | 06:17 |
timo901 | mnoir:really its not the when i go to system>applications>services and deselect the CPU Frequency manager the noise intensifies. | 06:17 |
h3xis | IceTox, i think what you want is icecast | 06:17 |
[1] ircusr | could i install ubuntu on that? | 06:17 |
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PriceChild | [1] ircusr, its possible... if your mobo supports booting from usb | 06:18 |
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PriceChild | [1] ircusr, not reccomended though | 06:18 |
[1] ircusr | why not? | 06:18 |
GionnyBoss | hi all | 06:18 |
[1] ircusr | hi | 06:18 |
borie | h3xis> so i manage to say my kuuntu to use that u mean; it wasn't easy :) | 06:18 |
borie | *kubunt | 06:18 |
IceTox | h3xis: isn't icecast just a server? I already have shoutcast for my server, what I need now is a djing programming... There are so many for windows, but I cannot find any "good" for linux.. I'd like to have a simple two-tracks program with mic enabled. | 06:18 |
h3xis | borg, yes | 06:18 |
h3xis | borie, yes | 06:18 |
PriceChild | [1] ircusr, because its hard and dodgy | 06:18 |
h3xis | sorry borg, tab completion is a bitch sometimes | 06:18 |
[1] ircusr | but for me it s the only option | 06:18 |
Morrissey | hi, anyone know how I can get full 800dpi for an MX Revolution? The Logitech MX Revolution mouse? :) | 06:19 |
idefix | this chatbox is like an infite source of wisdom, right? | 06:19 |
PriceChild | ehhe got you again h3xis | 06:19 |
[1] ircusr | i wont dual boot from my main hard drive | 06:19 |
h3xis | haha | 06:19 |
borg | h3xis: grrrrr rrrrr :) | 06:19 |
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GionnyBoss | Java Sun Plugin for Firefox doesn't work correctly... It looks like it's installed (in about:plugins), but it doesn't work when I go to a webpage that needs it... can anybody help, please? | 06:19 |
PriceChild | idefix, hopefully | 06:19 |
PriceChild | !java | GionnyBoss | 06:19 |
ubotu | GionnyBoss: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository | 06:19 |
nwertzberger | unop, it didn't work, but it gave me a clue as to where to go, it told me of another package that depended on it, and when i uninstalled mailman, it let me get rid of apache2-common, thanks! | 06:19 |
PriceChild | GionnyBoss, make sure to select your default java at the bottom | 06:19 |
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illwolf | whats the command line to mount hda1 ? | 06:19 |
Hisakasex | I have the universe respository enabled and updated but I'm still getting the Error php5-mcrypt has no installation candidates | 06:20 |
PriceChild | illwolf, where do you want to mount it? | 06:20 |
h3xis | IceTox, im not too familiar with icecast and im not even sure if shoutcast dnas works with linux...a little gray in that area | 06:20 |
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mnoir | timo901: i have not fiddled with that but seriously, cpus are not supposed to make funny noises. we'd hate to lose you.... | 06:20 |
illwolf | media | 06:20 |
illwolf | so i can axx my files on xp | 06:20 |
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PriceChild | illwolf, sudo mkdir /media/hda1 | 06:20 |
illwolf | ty | 06:20 |
PriceChild | illwolf, sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/hda1 | 06:20 |
PriceChild | illwolf, do them in the right order :) | 06:20 |
GionnyBoss | PriceChild, I have followed the procedure in the Ubuntu help, creating a Java Package (I need JDK for development) and then installing the created package.... Now my developing tools works good, but plugin for firefox don't | 06:20 |
idefix | there is something maddening to my printer!! | 06:21 |
PriceChild | GionnyBoss, have you isntalled the firefox plugin from the repos? | 06:21 |
lmosher | I need help getting suspend to ram. It suspends OK but resumes to a blank screen. Any ideas where to start? | 06:21 |
illwolf | cheers | 06:21 |
GionnyBoss | PriceChild, no, but it looks like it's already installed with the package that I have created... I don't wanna do a mess! | 06:21 |
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Hisakasex | the repo I'm using is deb http://archive.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu breezy universe | 06:21 |
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PriceChild | GionnyBoss, you need a separate package :) | 06:22 |
najjstroem0050 | It told be that i should see a nvidia splash screen, i didnt see it | 06:22 |
PriceChild | GionnyBoss, one second :) | 06:22 |
PriceChild | najjstroem0050, my pc's too quick to see it | 06:22 |
GionnyBoss | PriceChild, ok no probl | 06:22 |
Hisakasex | is there another repo where I can get php5-mcrypt??? | 06:22 |
najjstroem0050 | i got a intel core 2 dup | 06:22 |
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Morrissey | PriceChild, hi again :) You might not know anything about getting full 800dpi for the Logitech MX Revolution mouse? | 06:22 |
najjstroem0050 | but PriceChild, how can i test it :O | 06:22 |
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cotui_ | ola | 06:23 |
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PriceChild | !sun-java5-plugin | GionnyBoss | 06:23 |
ubotu | sun-java5-plugin: The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 5.0. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.0-08-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1 kB, installed size 64 kB | 06:23 |
GionnyBoss | PriceChild, the problem is that if I want to install the plugin, I should install JRE for dependencies, too... and I will then have 2 different java sun virtual machine... what a mess | 06:23 |
PriceChild | Morrissey, no sorry | 06:24 |
lmosher | how do I list active modules in my kernel? | 06:24 |
h3xis | lmosher, lsmod | 06:24 |
PriceChild | lmosher, lsmod | 06:24 |
PriceChild | najjstroem0050, "glxinfo" if you see direct rendering yes then its installed | 06:24 |
mark__o | Hi all, I need to move a home directory on one HD over to a home directory on another HD, overwriting it. Possible? I'm on the Ubuntu Live CD. | 06:24 |
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najjstroem0050 | PriceChild: direct rendering: Yes | 06:24 |
PriceChild | najjstroem0050, then its working | 06:25 |
PriceChild | brb guys | 06:25 |
GionnyBoss | PriceChild, is there a way to install a sort of "fake package" that lets Synaptic know that I have a java sun vm installed? | 06:25 |
najjstroem0050 | hope so :() | 06:25 |
cotui_ | alguien me puede decir como instalar el xgl | 06:25 |
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Dodek | hello | 06:26 |
PriceChild | GionnyBoss, try installing it | 06:26 |
g333k_work | Hi, how can I extract files from a img file? | 06:26 |
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michaelpo | i want to download wine, skype... but the download rate very slow.... 3kB/s only... i'm using add/remove application... is there other way to pause/resume the download? | 06:26 |
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Hisakasex | where can I get php5-mcrypt ??? .. I've already tried in deb http://archive.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu breezy | 06:26 |
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GionnyBoss | the problem is that I had problem with the sources when I installed the sun-JDK from the repo... and so I created manually a package with the java-package utility... but I can try it again | 06:26 |
PriceChild | GionnyBoss, it should point to the correct one you selected with update-alternatives | 06:26 |
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Hisakasex | universe | 06:26 |
PriceChild | br really | 06:26 |
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Xochipilli | buenos dias dessde mex | 06:26 |
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illwolf | how do i open folder hda1 ? | 06:27 |
Xochipilli | tengo una duda | 06:27 |
illwolf | like i mounted it to media/hda1 | 06:27 |
mzanfardino | I've recently discovered that I can exit my desktop with ctrl-alt-f1. How do I return to my desktop from the terminal screen? xterm 5 reports no display driver and startx reports desktop already running... | 06:27 |
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illwolf | its there but it wont let me open the folder. | 06:27 |
GionnyBoss | PriceChild, yeah I know that... thanks for your help PriceChild, I had just now an idea to resolve my problem and I will try it... If I can't, I will ask you later, if there's no problem for you... thanks for your patience and time :) | 06:27 |
jrib | mzanfardino: alt-f7 | 06:27 |
mnoir | Hisakasex: since it is not in the repositories, you will probably hv to build it yourself | 06:27 |
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Hisakasex | how ??? | 06:28 |
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mzanfardino | jrib: brilliant! Thank you! | 06:28 |
josh_ | whats up people | 06:28 |
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illwolf | You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "hda1". | 06:28 |
josh_ | how do i mount a damba share? | 06:28 |
facugaich | illwolf: try gksudo nautilus /media/hda1 | 06:28 |
Xochipilli | hello guys | 06:28 |
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josh_ | i tried : mount -t smbfs \\ip\share \mount\point | 06:28 |
Xochipilli | i need your help | 06:28 |
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josh_ | but that didn't work | 06:28 |
cotui_ | alguien abla espapl | 06:28 |
illwolf | cheers | 06:28 |
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Xochipilli | yo | 06:28 |
cotui_ | espaol | 06:28 |
mnoir | !build | Hisakasex read this | 06:28 |
ubotu | Hisakasex read this: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 06:28 |
Xochipilli | jajaja | 06:28 |
facugaich | !es | cotui_ | 06:28 |
ubotu | cotui_: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda. | 06:28 |
josh_ | what do you need Xochipilli | 06:29 |
Hisakasex | thanxs | 06:29 |
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Xochipilli | i need translation gnome panel | 06:29 |
mnoir | Hisakasex: come back with questions! | 06:29 |
steel_lady | hi! I recently transferred to work on linux and I have some problems about simple things in openoffice that I sis in excel before. please can someone help? | 06:29 |
Hisakasex | merci | 06:29 |
apokryphos | !helpme | 06:30 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 06:30 |
Xochipilli | i want the panel gnome in spanish | 06:30 |
mnoir | steel_lady: for help converting - the openoffice website is a good start | 06:30 |
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josh_ | i dont know how to do that Xochipilli | 06:30 |
steel_lady | not converting | 06:30 |
=== bina [n=bina@exten-halls-242.soton.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mnoir | steel_lady: i mean convderting fingers and brain as well as files :) | 06:30 |
=== altereg0` [n=petros@ubuntu/member/thoreauputic] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tonyyarusso | Xochipilli: System > Preferences > Language I think | 06:30 |
=== cotui_ [n=ubuntu_1@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
steel_lady | I only need to know how to put various number data in the same cell one below the other | 06:30 |
=== tibore [n=tibore@dsl5401C4DA.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Xochipilli | no its not works | 06:31 |
Xochipilli | i tried | 06:31 |
tibore | hi | 06:31 |
=== cassidy [n=cassidy@host-213-189-171-21.brutele.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
najjstroem0050 | How can i see disc space? | 06:31 |
apokryphos | najjstroem0050: df -h | 06:31 |
Xochipilli | any other idea? | 06:32 |
najjstroem0050 | /dev/sda1 224G 2.1G 211G | 06:32 |
najjstroem0050 | o_O | 06:32 |
steel_lady | in excel when I add like one tab space between data it puts it automatically below the first one. here it continues to write in line over the rest of the text | 06:32 |
Xochipilli | an i want the GDM in spanish too | 06:32 |
najjstroem0050 | I need help, i cant get sound in my headphones | 06:32 |
=== oslo [n=Lancelot@alf94-5-82-225-102-119.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Daishi [n=daishi@ool-4570aea6.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
facugaich | Xochipilli: gnome-language-selector | 06:33 |
=== niktaris [n=niktaris@ppp176-231.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
michaelpo | i want to download wine, skype... but the download rate very slow.... 3kB/s only... i'm using add/remove application... is there other way to pause/resume the download? | 06:34 |
Xochipilli | what facugaich? | 06:34 |
najjstroem0050 | michaelpo, am updating 200 b/s | 06:34 |
=== narvik86 [n=narvik86@aaws11.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mark__o | how do you change files on a mounted HD while on a live cd? | 06:34 |
=== capgadget [n=elifino@adsl-68-95-255-118.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
niktaris | hello, why can't I browse my windows network? do I need to do/install someting? | 06:34 |
najjstroem0050 | I need help, i cant get sound in my headphones | 06:34 |
tonyyarusso | !samba | niktaris | 06:35 |
ubotu | niktaris: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 06:35 |
=== einPaule [n=siggy@dslb-084-060-000-165.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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facugaich | Xochipilli: try "gksudo gnome-language-selector" in terminal (It's in System->Administration too) | 06:35 |
=== mauro [n=mauro@83-103-90-56.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
niktaris | tonyyarusso, thanks. same goes for just browsing ? | 06:36 |
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facugaich | Xochipilli: You can also ask for help in spanish in #ubuntu-es | 06:36 |
Xochipilli | i tried it | 06:36 |
tonyyarusso | niktaris: I think so | 06:36 |
Xochipilli | ok thanks | 06:36 |
michaelpo | is there a software like getright in windows... it split a file into smaller files to download simultaneously .... ? | 06:36 |
idefix | what if a problem can't be solved? are you supposed to cry in the corner of your room then? | 06:36 |
=== borie [n=borie@alf94-5-82-225-102-119.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jrib | idefix: all problems have a solution | 06:37 |
=== Yoric [n=yoric@lau18-1-82-246-197-195.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
idefix | jrib I chmod, chgrp and chown the lp0 file and stil lI get Paused: Unable to open parallel port device file "/dev/lp0": Permission denied | 06:37 |
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jrib | idefix: are you part of the "lp" group? | 06:38 |
idefix | yes | 06:38 |
michaelpo | does ubuntu have a software like getright for windows... it split a file into smaller files to download simultaneously .... ? this would speed up the download? | 06:38 |
=== Eystein [n=thomas@ram94-2-81-56-27-16.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jrib | idefix: what command? | 06:38 |
tonyyarusso | michaelpo: wget does that I think | 06:38 |
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idefix | jrib sudo chown vincent lp0 | 06:38 |
idefix | sudo chmod 777 lp0 | 06:38 |
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mauro | scuse me... can someone help me? | 06:39 |
jrib | idefix: no, which one says permission denied | 06:39 |
idefix | sudo chgrp lp lp0 | 06:39 |
idefix | oh | 06:39 |
najjstroem0050 | I need help, i cant get sound in my headphones | 06:39 |
idefix | when I want to print a test page in the Deskjet-710C properties | 06:39 |
jcanfield | Trouble installing mod mono....libapache2-mod-mono: Depends: mono-apache-server (< 1.1.14) but is to be installed. Seems odd to me? Where can I get the old packages to downgrade? | 06:39 |
=== catisonh [n=catisonh@ppp-70-226-166-2.dsl.mdsnwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
illwolf | root@ottoman:/home/azrail/iroffer1.3.b11/iroffer1.3.b11/iroffer1.3.b11# ./Configure | 06:39 |
mnoir | !ask | mauro | 06:39 |
=== harry [n=harry@88-109-135-218.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | mauro: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 06:39 |
illwolf | bash: ./Configure: Permission denied | 06:39 |
illwolf | and im ROOT ? | 06:39 |
illwolf | wHY? | 06:39 |
idefix | !sak | 06:39 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sak - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:39 |
idefix | !ask | 06:39 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 06:39 |
catisonh | anyone else experiencing issues with gmail? | 06:39 |
idefix | jrib? | 06:40 |
illwolf | ? | 06:40 |
apokryphos | !caps | illwolf | 06:40 |
ubotu | illwolf: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 06:40 |
pip` | excuse me, are there any advantages of Ubuntu over kubuntu please ?? | 06:40 |
illwolf | i wasnt shouting | 06:40 |
=== Dynalon [n=doe@e180106032.adsl.alicedsl.de] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
=== Rodrigo` [n=id@pc-194-42-47-190.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
apokryphos | illwolf: 'configure' is apparently not executable | 06:40 |
harry | illwolf, you mean ./configure (no capital C)? | 06:40 |
=== Drel3 [n=Drel3@32-34.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
idefix | jrib you're my last hope! | 06:40 |
mark__o | catisonh: I had gmail problems when sound was turned on. Turn off sound in gmail settings. | 06:40 |
=== Rodrigo` [n=id@pc-194-42-47-190.cm.vtr.net] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] | ||
=== pip` *huggies* illwolf a bit | ||
apokryphos | illwolf: you used caps -> shouting. | 06:40 |
jrib | idefix: searching, I've never used the parallel port on linux | 06:40 |
illwolf | no | 06:40 |
idefix | usbs, did you use them? | 06:40 |
illwolf | no i wasnt even speaking | 06:40 |
mnoir | pip`: the difference is gnome versus ked | 06:40 |
jrib | !iroffer | illwolf | 06:41 |
ubotu | iroffer: IRC file distribution bot. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.4.b03-1 (edgy), package size 113 kB, installed size 304 kB | 06:41 |
jrib | illwolf: enable universe and install from there | 06:41 |
pip` | ok so is there any advantage of gnome over kde ? | 06:41 |
mnoir | pip`: ked = kde sorry | 06:41 |
jrib | !universe | illwolf | 06:41 |
ubotu | illwolf: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 06:41 |
illwolf | root@ottoman:/home/azrail/iroffer1.3.b11/iroffer1.3.b11/iroffer1.3.b11# ls | 06:41 |
Lice | !girls | 06:41 |
illwolf | azrail.cron Configure | 06:41 |
=== Gun_Smoke [n=daryl@c-69-137-14-243.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about girls - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:41 |
apokryphos | illwolf: please don't be silly. We consider caps as the equivalent of shouting, and we request that you do not do it. Simple principle. | 06:41 |
illwolf | see.. | 06:41 |
mnoir | pip`: that is n opinion question | 06:41 |
idefix | sorry | 06:41 |
illwolf | Configure | 06:41 |
apokryphos | !botabuse | Lice | 06:41 |
ubotu | Lice: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 06:41 |
pip` | mnoir, ok so whats yer opin? | 06:41 |
illwolf | i dont want to do remote install | 06:41 |
illwolf | i want to modd it so i did that | 06:41 |
Lice | sorry | 06:41 |
illwolf | why wont "Configure" run | 06:41 |
apokryphos | because it's not executable | 06:42 |
niktaris | Is there a gui for changing the workgroup of samba ? | 06:42 |
compengi | h3xis, have you heard of dante-client | 06:42 |
apokryphos | as I already said | 06:42 |
=== nahkiss [i=nahkiss@dsl-hkigw7-fed8dc00-135.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
harry | niktaris, why cant you do it thru a text editor? | 06:42 |
mnoir | pip`: my opinion i to not engage in opinion discussion in a very busy support channel :) | 06:42 |
=== ikonia_ [n=mattd@alesi.projecthugo.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tonyyarusso | niktaris: swat maybe? | 06:42 |
pip` | ok thx | 06:42 |
catisonh | mark__o, I can't even login to gmail | 06:42 |
idefix | jrib | 06:42 |
harry | niktaris, just run sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf | 06:43 |
=== Alexiel [n=Alexiel@82-39-206-76.cable.ubr04.newy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jrib | idefix: what are the current permissions? | 06:43 |
illwolf | i want to modd it so i did that | 06:43 |
illwolf | why wont "Configure" run | 06:43 |
idefix | crwxrwxrwx 1 vincent lp 6, 0 2007-01-16 19:03 lp0 | 06:43 |
jrib | !enter | illwolf | 06:43 |
ubotu | illwolf: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 06:43 |
mark__o | sorry don't know why | 06:43 |
apokryphos | !repeat | illwolf | 06:43 |
ubotu | illwolf: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 06:43 |
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illwolf | lol wow | 06:44 |
=== ubuntu__ [n=ubuntu@host77.190-30-82.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
illwolf | how depressing. | 06:44 |
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ubuntu__ | hola!! | 06:44 |
idefix | c stands for character device | 06:44 |
=== Alexiel [n=Alexiel@82-39-206-76.cable.ubr04.newy.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu ["User] | ||
ubuntu__ | hola??? | 06:44 |
apokryphos | ubotu: spanish | 06:44 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda. | 06:44 |
mark__o | !clone | 06:44 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about clone - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:44 |
mark__o | !cloning | 06:45 |
ubotu | To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type "dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages", move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type "sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade" | 06:45 |
=== fghj [n=tkxue@agp.Stanford.EDU] has joined #ubuntu | ||
idefix | gdlh | 06:45 |
ubuntu__ | ? | 06:45 |
=== bottazzo__ [n=bottazzo@201-1-176-55.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mark__o | !backup | 06:45 |
ubotu | There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 06:45 |
idefix | jrib are you still searching on lp0? | 06:45 |
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ubuntu__ | holas... | 06:46 |
=== narcis [n=narcis@d58-105-101-85.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== meister_ [n=meister@pD9E58A68.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mnoir | !es | ubuntu__ | 06:46 |
ubotu | ubuntu__: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda. | 06:46 |
jrib | idefix: yes, here is a similar bug report, but not really useful: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/26166 | 06:46 |
niktaris | harry, tonyyarusso. I know fedora has such a tool and was wondering if ubuntu had one too | 06:47 |
=== Stolencheese [n=chatzill@cpc3-bedn1-0-0-cust292.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== johnn [n=j@e179024104.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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tonyyarusso | niktaris: Is fedora's tool swat or something different? | 06:47 |
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ubuntu__ | hola! | 06:48 |
josh_ | how do i mount a samba share? | 06:48 |
harry | niktaris, in gnome you can change it through System>Administration>Shared Folders and its on the General Properties tab | 06:48 |
niktaris | tonyyarusso, something diferent | 06:48 |
mnoir | !samba | josh_ have you looked here | 06:48 |
michaelpo | hi.. i just installed something... either wine or skype... how do i find out? | 06:48 |
ubotu | josh_ have you looked here: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 06:48 |
=== holyduck [n=holyduck@ti541210a080-0228.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
idefix | jrib I need to chown cupsys and cupsd.conf? | 06:49 |
tonyyarusso | niktaris: Not sure. You'd have to find out that name and see if it's in the repos. | 06:49 |
=== unimatrix9 [n=leslie@a62-251-25-103.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
michaelpo | hi.. i just installed something... either wine or skype... how do i find out? where do i find the installed files? | 06:49 |
harry | what does OEM actually stand for? | 06:49 |
mnoir | harry: Original Equipment Mfg | 06:49 |
delire | harry: overseas equipment manufacturer | 06:49 |
josh_ | lol delire | 06:49 |
delire | hehe | 06:49 |
=== delire jokes | ||
=== Alakazamz0r is now known as Alakazamz0r_Lunc | ||
josh_ | you joke?! | 06:50 |
josh_ | never | 06:50 |
holyduck | hm iv bin having this wierd apt bug thingy, | 06:50 |
josh_ | i dont believe it | 06:50 |
holyduck | i added the reps needed to install realplayer | 06:50 |
delire | implausible! | 06:50 |
holyduck | sudo apt-get install realplay | 06:50 |
holyduck | just gives me not found | 06:50 |
=== yukoba_ [n=yukoba@j069015.ppp.asahi-net.or.jp] has joined #ubuntu | ||
josh_ | do a sudo apt-get update | 06:50 |
holyduck | did | 06:51 |
holyduck | like 50 times | 06:51 |
mnoir | holyduck: 1 did you update. 2. use synaptic | 06:51 |
holyduck | no errors | 06:51 |
michaelpo | i just installed something... either wine or skype... how do i find out? where do i find the installed files? i cant find it in the applications menu | 06:51 |
josh_ | and you added the keys? | 06:51 |
holyduck | yep | 06:51 |
g333k_work | hi, I want my system messages to be in another language, what environment variable do I have to edit? | 06:51 |
holyduck | i added the keys | 06:51 |
g333k_work | o what file? | 06:51 |
harry | delire, mnoir, thanks | 06:51 |
holyduck | and updated again | 06:51 |
holyduck | still nothing | 06:51 |
=== gnogno [n=benj@sto93-1-89-82-220-189.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
harry | !locales | g333k_work, | 06:51 |
ubotu | g333k_work,: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf | 06:51 |
josh_ | then you might be using wrong name | 06:51 |
jrib | idefix: I don't think so. try restarting cupsys | 06:51 |
josh_ | hold ill tell you | 06:51 |
holyduck | well i added the rep when i installed | 06:51 |
idefix | how do you do that? jrib? | 06:51 |
holyduck | like a month ago | 06:51 |
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=== janbatisuto [n=janbatis@ARouen-252-1-100-92.w86-205.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holyduck | iv had plenty of reboots since then | 06:52 |
jrib | idefix: sudo invoke-dc.d cupsys restart | 06:52 |
jrib | idefix: sudo invoke-rc.d cupsys restart | 06:52 |
=== tarvid [n=tarvid@dpc6935139037.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
delire | josh_: yesterday someone with the nick "bipolar" logged into #debian. i asked him how he was and he answered "yeah, ok". it appeared i was the only one who found this funny. | 06:52 |
idefix | sudo: invoke-dc.d: command not found | 06:52 |
idefix | * Restarting Common Unix Printing System: cupsd [ ok ] | 06:52 |
=== hq4ever [n=hq4ever@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
michaelpo | i just installed wine... where do i find the installed files? i cant find it in the applications menu.. | 06:52 |
holyduck | wine is a console tool | 06:52 |
josh_ | lol delire | 06:52 |
josh_ | i would have laughed | 06:53 |
josh_ | :P | 06:53 |
tarvid | i am getting this message on reboot after install - unknown interrupt or fault at EIP 00000060 c0100231 00000230 | 06:53 |
=== DeeTahPanLtah [n=root@emf110.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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michaelpo | how do i run wine? | 06:53 |
=== Alakazamz0r_Lunc is now known as Alakazamz0r | ||
DeeTahPanLtah | /usr/lib/dpkg/methods/apt/update: line 42: 10096 Segmentation fault $APTGET $OPTS "$APT_OPT0" "$APT_OPT1" update | 06:53 |
holyduck | wine and a .exe file | 06:53 |
=== mick666 [n=andrea@host35-20-dynamic.20-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DeeTahPanLtah | what's wrong here? | 06:53 |
delire | josh_: it might reflect the general level of humour in #debian | 06:53 |
holyduck | as in wine foo.exe | 06:53 |
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=== Gun_Smoke [n=daryl@c-69-137-14-243.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tarvid | i've tried noapic nolapic acpi=off to no affect | 06:53 |
josh_ | holyduck: i dont have realplayer in my repos | 06:53 |
idefix | jrib what does the command do? | 06:53 |
jrib | idefix: restarts cupsys | 06:53 |
idefix | what's cupsys? | 06:53 |
johnn | i'm looking for a good wlan card 54mbit/wpa2 that is supported by ubuntu (without ndiswrapper) .. i suppose the atheros cards should be fine but it's really hard to find one (without risk of getting a newer model where they changed the chipset).. are there any other recommendations or sites with reviews (like signal strength) without evaluating hundereds of cards? | 06:53 |
tarvid | box is an m10000 mobo (VIA CPU and chipset) ran dapper fine | 06:53 |
idefix | what the hell is a jigawatt? | 06:54 |
holyduck | well i tryed like 5 ways no | 06:54 |
josh_ | apt-get install wine | 06:54 |
josh_ | that will get you wine | 06:54 |
holyduck | all wich a) use the reps | 06:54 |
=== LjL [n=ljl@81-208-36-87.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== ProN00b [n=dot@pD9E3A0FD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
michaelpo | i am trying to run portableapps.exe in "mobile hd"? | 06:54 |
=== gnogno [n=benj@sto93-1-89-82-220-189.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holyduck | or b) use the real installer | 06:54 |
holyduck | both wich wont work | 06:54 |
josh_ | you might just need to dl the package from realplayer.com | 06:54 |
tonyyarusso | josh_: I have an Intel Wireless/PRO 2915 a/b/g in my laptop and it's been supported out of the box since Hoary. | 06:54 |
holyduck | tryed that one too | 06:54 |
harry | tarvid, eurgh - i saw lots of that when installing ubuntu on a pc which it refused to boot any linux live cd on - i ended up putting windows on there | 06:54 |
jrib | idefix: Common UNIX Printing System | 06:54 |
tonyyarusso | josh_: Sorry. | 06:54 |
josh_ | tonyyarusso: ok...? | 06:54 |
tonyyarusso | johnn: ^^ that was for you rather. | 06:54 |
josh_ | ahh | 06:54 |
josh_ | lol | 06:54 |
=== jessid [n=jessid@cable200-116-218-236.epm.net.co] has joined #ubuntu | ||
josh_ | holy then you didn't add all the repos if you dont have wine | 06:55 |
jrib | idefix: this one seems more helpful: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=39354 | 06:55 |
holyduck | i do have wine | 06:55 |
holyduck | ;P | 06:55 |
josh_ | holyduck: do "sudo apt-cache search wine" | 06:55 |
holyduck | im not the one with wine | 06:55 |
jrib | idefix: does it still not work after restarting cupsys? | 06:55 |
holyduck | :P | 06:55 |
=== Xochipilli [n=Xochipil@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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josh_ | oh | 06:55 |
holyduck | well im gonna try the realplayer install again | 06:55 |
holyduck | brb | 06:55 |
=== josh_ is really confused | ||
tarvid | harry, may do something like give it away. it did fine with dapper | 06:55 |
Xochipilli | hello | 06:55 |
idefix | jrib I still use breezy badger... is that a problem maybe? | 06:55 |
=== najjstroem0050 [n=najjstro@] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
michaelpo | i have portableapps in my external usb hd | 06:55 |
jessid | hello... | 06:56 |
najjstroem0050 | I need help, i can't get sound to my headphones! | 06:56 |
Xochipilli | hi | 06:56 |
=== _raphael_ [n=Khamael@73.80-202-81.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
michaelpo | i have portableapps in my external usb hd ... how do i wine it? | 06:56 |
holyduck | and "This APT has Super Cow Powers" FTW | 06:56 |
tarvid | screwed up the BIOS sufficiently trying to silence interrupts that I will have to open the case and find the BIOS reset | 06:56 |
johnn | tonyyarusso aren't the intel cards minipci / centrino based? or are there usb/pci/pcmcia models too? | 06:56 |
idefix | jrib are you rofl-ing? | 06:56 |
harry | tarvid, what is it? u cld put dapper on it again surely? | 06:56 |
jrib | idefix: seems to be, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=505513&postcount=7 from that thread | 06:56 |
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michaelpo | i have startportableapps.exe in my external usb hd ... how do i wine it? | 06:57 |
tonyyarusso | johnn: It's probably minipci, but there may be others as well. Worth looking. | 06:57 |
AnAnt | is it possible to mount a directory from an FTP server ? | 06:57 |
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harry | michaelpo, what app do u want? | 06:58 |
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idefix | so I need to get dapper drake | 06:58 |
tonyyarusso | AnAnt: yes. Places > Connect to server | 06:58 |
michaelpo | i've used add/remove to install wine... | 06:58 |
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harry | AnAnt, you could use sshfs if it allows ssh access | 06:58 |
idefix | jrib do I? | 06:58 |
michaelpo | i want to access my portableapps.exe in my external hd named "mobile hd" | 06:58 |
jrib | idefix: well there is a workaround there. But I would upgrade to dapper anyway if I were you | 06:58 |
harry | michaelpo, what portable app do you want to use? | 06:59 |
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idefix | so untill then no printing! ? :( | 06:59 |
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michaelpo | thunderbird | 06:59 |
jrib | idefix: there is a workaround in that link I gave you | 06:59 |
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michaelpo | harry: thunderbird | 06:59 |
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holyduck | well | 06:59 |
michaelpo | harry: thunderbird for windows... my pc at work is using windows.... | 07:00 |
harry | michaelpo, thunderbird is installable so cant you link to the configs on the portable disk? | 07:00 |
holyduck | thunderbird runs on linux | 07:00 |
tarvid | harry, i could actually need a sandbox for jasper intelligence | 07:00 |
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delire | anyone here tried the "Packet Garden" 3D network visualisation application? | 07:00 |
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johnn | tonyyarusso the problem is that brand means nothing in wlan business... its only about the chipset (and the right model revision to get the chipset you want).. | 07:01 |
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harry | michaelpo, in windows u wld run it from the portable apps thing by double clicking | 07:01 |
illwolf | You do not have the permissions necessary to save the file. Please, check that you typed the location correctly and try again. | 07:01 |
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illwolf | ubuntu is pretty stupid | 07:01 |
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illwolf | wont let even save a file in my own home dir | 07:01 |
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tonyyarusso | johnn: Yeah | 07:01 |
johnn | grml aren't there any usable AND available cards out there ... :~( | 07:01 |
AnAnt | harry: thanks | 07:01 |
michaelpo | harry, holyduck: i just installed ubuntu.. my work pc is windows... i have thunderbird for windows installed in my external hd... so when i'm at work i use windows.. when i'm home... i use ubuntu wine.... | 07:01 |
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harry | michaelpo, in linux just install thunderbird locally and link the local configs to the portable configs or write a script to sync them when u plug in the hdd | 07:01 |
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AnAnt | harry: which package does sshfs come with ? | 07:02 |
najjstroem0050 | I need help, i can't get any sound in my headphones! | 07:02 |
harry | michaelpo, just "sudo apt-get install thunderbird" its in the repos | 07:02 |
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michaelpo | i dont know what a script it or how to write it... | 07:02 |
AnAnt | najjstroem0050: try alsamixer | 07:02 |
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AnAnt | harry: oh, found it | 07:02 |
tarvid | harry, did an edgy install on a new asus nvidia 6150 board yesterday and it works flawlessly, did use 32 bit instead of 64 | 07:02 |
najjstroem0050 | AnAnt i have tryed that | 07:02 |
harry | michaelpo, no need to emulate it - there is a linux version of thunderbird | 07:02 |
holyduck | i think he needs the configs | 07:03 |
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holyduck | not sure | 07:03 |
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mah_ | slt a tous | 07:03 |
michaelpo | all my emails are in the ext hdd.... | 07:03 |
AnAnt | najjstroem0050: increased the volumes of the headphones ? | 07:03 |
harry | holyduck, then link the local configs to the portable hdd with ln -s | 07:03 |
illwolf | how do i uninstall ubuntu???????????????/ | 07:03 |
johnn | are the Rt61 wlan driver stable? and support wpa2? | 07:03 |
mah_ | quelqu'un peu me dire comment optinir vmwar tools? | 07:03 |
AnAnt | najjstroem0050: made sure they are not muted ? | 07:03 |
PriceChild | !fr | mah_ | 07:03 |
ubotu | mah_: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 07:03 |
holyduck | well its not a problem for me | 07:03 |
mah_ | c payant? | 07:03 |
michaelpo | is it not possible to use wine to emulate thunderbird in my ext hdd? | 07:03 |
harry | AnAnt, http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/10/28/how-to-mount-a-remote-ssh-filesystem-using-sshfs/ | 07:03 |
najjstroem0050 | AnAnt already checed that | 07:03 |
cyzie | any good recomendation of english dictionary in repos ? | 07:03 |
holyduck | its a problem for michael poo | 07:03 |
illwolf | how do i uninstall ubuntu? | 07:04 |
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mnoir | illwolf: just install your next attempt - it should allow you to wipe out ubuntu | 07:04 |
fistfullofroses | why do you want to uninstall ubuntu? | 07:04 |
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illwolf | k cheers bop | 07:04 |
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idefix | a chmod 646 ought to make any file editable and savable, no? | 07:04 |
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koert | guys does anyone here use audacity? | 07:04 |
harry | michaelpo, holyduck, as i said - link the configs so your pc sees the ones on the usb disk when its plugged in | 07:04 |
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fistfullofroses | question : does anyone here know of a 64bit browser that has flash support? | 07:05 |
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CPF_ | Hi guys | 07:05 |
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holyduck | i dont think anyone hass | 07:05 |
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holyduck | but there is a script | 07:05 |
holyduck | to make a 32 bit firefox | 07:05 |
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holyduck | with flash | 07:05 |
CPF_ | Question about xfce --> How in hells name do I change that little mousething during inlog (before the splash) into something I want | 07:05 |
holyduck | on 64 bit | 07:05 |
AnAnt | harry: thanks | 07:05 |
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LjL | !enter | holyduck | 07:05 |
ubotu | holyduck: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 07:05 |
holyduck | yeh im bad at that | 07:06 |
Random_Transit | hey, can anyone point me to a good tutorial for setting up WebDAV on ubuntu? | 07:06 |
fistfullofroses | thanx holyduck | 07:06 |
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michaelpo | harry, holyduck, i have 3 email account mailboxes... i have 5 folders... how do i link ubuntu thunderbird to windows thunderbird? | 07:06 |
mazcot | evening.. hypothetical situation *cough* if i was stupid enough to delete the deleted items folder from the panel, how would i go about getting it back? :P | 07:06 |
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mAIJK | Hello. Im trying to get my Skyr@cer Wireless USB Stick to work in linux, I have read http://linux-lc100020.sourceforge.net/ and linux find my USB LAN but cannot use it "Check your firmware" Ive downloaded the drivers (but I think they already exist in my distrubution) and triede to make them.. anyone know how to get a USB WLAN with ZyDAS zd1201 chip to work? | 07:06 |
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fistfullofroses | i googled that, and found it. | 07:06 |
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shwag | how do I change the permissions that my log files are created with ? | 07:06 |
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fistfullofroses | you are teh awesome | 07:06 |
mnoir | CPF_: in heavens name, go immediately to #xubuntu where they might be able to answer that quickly! | 07:06 |
holyduck | google is a nice fish | 07:06 |
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CPF_ | mnoir: thnx :$ | 07:06 |
najjstroem0050 | I need help, i can't get any sound in my headphones! | 07:06 |
mnoir | CPF_: try not to swear there.... | 07:07 |
najjstroem0050 | I need help, i can't get any sound in my headphones, i have tryed alsa mixer and try to change card in sound option! | 07:07 |
michaelpo | harry, holyduck, i have 3 email account mailboxes... i have 5 folders... how do i link ubuntu thunderbird to windows thunderbird? would wine emulation be easier? | 07:07 |
unvs_ | !webdav | 07:07 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about webdav - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:07 |
holyduck | hm, not sure actualy ;P | 07:07 |
CPF_ | mnoir: Well, sorry, it's not meant to be swearing, it's just an expression here somewhat... | 07:08 |
michaelpo | how do i use wine to run any apps on my ext hdd? | 07:08 |
jandante | hi, i have accidentely emptied the folder /usr/lib/bonobo/servers | 07:08 |
shwag | I can do a chmod +r /var/log/* , but then when new log files are rotated in, they dont have the +r. | 07:08 |
jandante | and now I can't login anymore to gnome | 07:08 |
jandante | does anyone knows the solution to this | 07:08 |
CPF_ | Not much reply @#xubuntu though :s | 07:08 |
Random_Transit | has anyone here ever tried setting up webdav on ubuntu? | 07:08 |
mazcot | hypothetical situation *cough* if i was stupid enough to delete the deleted items folder from the panel, how would i go about getting it back? :P | 07:08 |
knight | what should i do to change /usr to aother partition | 07:08 |
knight | ? | 07:08 |
PriceChild | mazcot, unless you turn off now and use data recovery software... still little chance of getting it back | 07:09 |
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holyduck | hm, make a new partion, copy the files over, delete the old and change it in fstab? | 07:09 |
michaelpo | harry, holyduck; how do i use wine to run any apps on my ext hdd? | 07:09 |
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PriceChild | !wine | michaelpo | 07:09 |
ubotu | michaelpo: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 07:09 |
mazcot | .trash is still there. i just removed the shortcut from my panel | 07:10 |
holyduck | ;p | 07:10 |
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unvs_ | i'd like to setup an IMAP server on my local server, which connects to 3 different POP3/IMAP servers on the internet, downloads new mail and stick them in correct folders. what software do i need for this? | 07:11 |
harry | unvs_, sounds like a mail client to me | 07:11 |
Rondom | unvs_: cyrrus or dovecot and getmail or fetchmail and procmail | 07:11 |
knight | how can i move /usr to another ext3 partition? | 07:12 |
unvs_ | harry: I've written a web interface to work with IMAP servers, so I'll have to pull the mail into an IMAPd | 07:12 |
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harry | ah ok | 07:12 |
unvs_ | Rondom: Which one do you recommend? :) | 07:12 |
michaelpo | hi... how do i cd into my ext hdd? | 07:12 |
harry | unvs_, i think there is a guide to setting up a mail server on http://help.ubuntu.com in the server guide | 07:12 |
Rondom | I'm not sure if dovecot has support for subdirs yet | 07:12 |
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Juice^ | using latest ubuntu and got a nvidia gfx card, is it just to install xserver-xgl from synaptics and reboot? | 07:13 |
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Rondom | I recommend getmail, but you need the newest version that is not in the repos, because the one in the repos has a bug (which has been reported by me some time ago) | 07:13 |
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harry | !info getmail | 07:14 |
ubotu | Package getmail does not exist in any distro I know | 07:14 |
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Pelo | anyone areound competent enough to help me mount a cheapass webcam manualy ? | 07:14 |
mnoir | harry - you mean fetchmail? | 07:14 |
unvs_ | Rondom: so getmail pulls in from both POP3/IMAP accounts? | 07:14 |
harry | mnoir, well Rondom was talking about getmail and how the version in the repos has a bug so the maintainer should be told | 07:15 |
Rondom | yes | 07:15 |
Rondom | harry: the bug is reported | 07:15 |
mnoir | harry: oh - I see - sorry | 07:15 |
harry | Rondom, to the person maintaining the ubuntu package? | 07:15 |
unvs_ | thank you so much Rondom/harry | 07:16 |
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knight | is there matlab in linux to download? | 07:16 |
harry | unvs_, thank Rondom - he is the one with the knowledge :) | 07:16 |
jrib | knight: matlab isn't free, but matlab does work on linux | 07:16 |
oyvindaa | My slimtype DVDRW SOSW-833S doesn't read CDs anymore. DVDs are being read just fine. How can this be fixed? | 07:16 |
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michaelpo | how do i cd into my ext hdd? cd\media\mobile hdd doesnot work | 07:16 |
Rondom | harry: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/getmail4/+bug/57807 | 07:17 |
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knight | jrib: where can i get it? | 07:17 |
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snooplsm | I have a few versions of java installed, how do I set which one I want? | 07:17 |
jrib | knight: I think the regular matlab cd's contain both windows and linux version - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MATLAB | 07:17 |
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knight | jrib: ok ill check | 07:17 |
harry | Rondom, oh ok - coo, | 07:18 |
oyvindaa | snooplsm: sudo update-alternatives --config java | 07:18 |
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snooplsm | thanks | 07:18 |
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Sp4rKy | hi | 07:19 |
Lunar_Lamp | I have an edgy server install, but when I try to start apache2 I get error messages. I've edited a lot of the config files etc, and want to restart again. Do I just need to "sudo apt-get --purge apache2"? Or are there other thigns I need to remove before isntalling them? | 07:19 |
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Sp4rKy | i'm looing for a good howto about create usplash for edgy, any link ? | 07:19 |
jrib | !usplash | Sp4rKy | 07:19 |
ubotu | Sp4rKy: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork | 07:19 |
=== ReG_ [n=regis@ver73-1-82-239-37-44.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jrib | Lunar_Lamp: apache2 depends on other packages. I think those packages are the ones that actually own the config files | 07:20 |
michaelpo | how do i cd into my ext hdd? cd\media\mobilehd does not work | 07:20 |
=== Patou [n=BSmaxScr@ALyon-152-1-105-91.w86-202.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
harry | alright, who pinched my win xp discs? | 07:20 |
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Lunar_Lamp | jrib, right, I thought it might be something like that. Do you know where I can get a list of all the config files needed and copies of all the defaults? | 07:21 |
lmosher | Can someone help me debug my suspend to ram? Anyone have any good resources I can try? | 07:21 |
Sp4rKy | jrib: thx | 07:21 |
harry | its very thoughtful of you but i need them to fix a friends pc | 07:21 |
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diederick | hi all! | 07:22 |
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Lice | Can i burn ubuntu to a dvd then boot from that? | 07:22 |
jrib | Lunar_Lamp: no, not unless you look at each package's dependency. apache2.conf is from apache2-common. dpkg -S foo tells you what owns foo | 07:22 |
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diederick | Does someone knows a 'security' scanner? | 07:22 |
Pelo | I know we are not suppose to do this but this is just too on the nose http://www.gnome-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=50839&file1=50839-1.jpg&file2=&file3=&name=Linux-Vista | 07:22 |
=== V0iD-PRE [n=Canablis@ACBDCD93.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
harry | diederick, nmap | 07:22 |
V0iD-PRE | sup | 07:22 |
diederick | thanx | 07:22 |
Lunar_Lamp | jrib, thankyou! I didn't know about that command :-) | 07:22 |
snooplsm | this update-alternatives --config=java? | 07:22 |
snooplsm | how can I add my own entries into this? | 07:23 |
N1k_85 | hi all, what was the diference in amd64 and the 386 version again ? I installed the amd64 so will I be lacking many features ? | 07:23 |
=== Beuteltier [n=anselm_t@mnch-4db00940.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jrib | Lunar_Lamp: if you plan on using it a lot, consider isntalling dlocate and using that instead | 07:23 |
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jrib | N1k_85: you won't have stuff like flash and w32codecs | 07:23 |
jrib | N1k_85: well, you can, but it will be harder | 07:23 |
michaelpo | cd /media/MOBILE HD | 07:24 |
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michaelpo | bash: cd: /media/MOBILE: No such file or directory | 07:24 |
N1k_85 | besides that most software will be available ? | 07:24 |
V0iD-PRE | Hello, can someone provide me with the link for ubuntu | 07:24 |
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jrib | michaelpo: what are you trying to do? | 07:24 |
jrib | !ubuntu | V0iD-PRE | 07:24 |
ubotu | V0iD-PRE: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome | 07:24 |
Favio | Hola!! | 07:24 |
=== V0iD-PRE is now known as aNdReW^^^^ | ||
aNdReW^^^^ | Jjrib I Have that one but i dont want the desktop install one | 07:25 |
Favio | ????? | 07:25 |
jrib | aNdReW^^^^: what do you want then? | 07:25 |
N1k_85 | jrib thanks, I'll go check the FAQ's | 07:26 |
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jmartini | !es | Favio | 07:26 |
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ubotu | Favio: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda. | 07:26 |
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aNdReW^^^^ | something that wont lagg me wen i install | 07:26 |
aNdReW^^^^ | like a cmd line install | 07:26 |
jrib | !alternate | aNdReW^^^^ | 07:26 |
ubotu | aNdReW^^^^: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD. | 07:26 |
harry | aNdReW^^^^, try the alternate install cd | 07:26 |
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jrib | aNdReW^^^^: it's on the ubuntu.com download apge as well | 07:26 |
lmosher | Can someone help me debug my suspend to ram? Anyone have any good resources I can try? | 07:26 |
aNdReW^^^^ | i want the The Alternate CD :P | 07:27 |
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aNdReW^^^^ | wheres The Alternate CD? | 07:27 |
avayl | in Feisty will Beryl be included by default? | 07:28 |
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avayl | and will it be updatable? | 07:28 |
XiXaQ_ | aNdReW^^^^, on the download site? | 07:28 |
aNdReW^^^^ | yea where tho it dont say | 07:28 |
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michaelpo | it works!!! thanks... cd /media/cd MOBILE\ HD/ then wine startportableapps.exe | 07:28 |
XiXaQ_ | avayl, I asked today. It is not included as of yet. | 07:28 |
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XiXaQ_ | avayl, if it is included, then I'm guessing it will be. | 07:29 |
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hairulfr | Hi all, good bye all. Need sleep, | 07:29 |
harry | hairulfr, night | 07:29 |
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najjstroem^_- | I cant get sound in my headphones | 07:29 |
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XiXaQ_ | aNdReW^^^^, are you sure about that? | 07:30 |
zaphy | hello, does anyone know whether the Ubuntu-Live CD contains Amarok or where I can see the content of that CD without downloading it? | 07:30 |
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aNdReW^^^^ | yes | 07:30 |
nawras__ | hi all | 07:30 |
avayl | XiXaQ_, it seems that it will be included... at least it should be https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/feisty | 07:30 |
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idefix | jrib? | 07:30 |
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idefix | you're online! | 07:31 |
avayl | XiXaQ_, it's the third one down on that list | 07:31 |
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mnoir | avayl: feisty is discussed in #ubuntu+1 | 07:31 |
nawras__ | Iam trieng to install Intel extreme graphics driver on ubuntu and i need help please | 07:31 |
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XiXaQ_ | aNdReW^^^^, if you open http://www.ubuntu.com, click Download, select a region, click a mirror. Doesn't it say Other installation options including 64 bit CD images, server installation CDs and alternative installation methods for OEM computers and computers with less than 192MB RAM ? | 07:31 |
=== Crescendo [n=martinda@adsl-072-151-080-148.sip.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TheInfinity | zaphy: kubuntu has amarok | 07:31 |
idefix | jrib, what was the second forumlink? | 07:31 |
avayl | mnoir, ok thanks | 07:31 |
sherz_ | hi I have a problem with the update-manager it dosnt show up in the taskbar | 07:31 |
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Moll | hello every body | 07:31 |
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sherz_ | but I cant find the point to change the setting for it | 07:31 |
XiXaQ_ | avayl, yes I know, but as I told you, I asked earlier today, and it was included as of yet. | 07:32 |
zaphy | TheInfinity: thanks | 07:32 |
idefix | nah jah goed, ik ben al een ouwe lul | 07:32 |
jrib | idefix: it was to the second last post in the forum thread | 07:32 |
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jrib | idefix: seems to be, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=505513&postcount=7 from that thread | 07:32 |
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aNdReW^^^^ | jrib: which one shall i use then, http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/releases.ubuntu.com/edgy/ | 07:33 |
idefix | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=39354 ? | 07:33 |
nawras__ | anyone please ? | 07:33 |
roho | i had shorewall and webmin running and firewall running fine. after an apt-get session though, webmin is gone and i can't get it from the repositories anymore | 07:33 |
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mnoir | roho: it has been dropped | 07:33 |
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roho | well that doesn't help me | 07:33 |
jrib | aNdReW^^^^: choose the one you want, there is alternate for amd64 and for i386 | 07:34 |
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jrib | and powerpc apparently too | 07:34 |
roho | i guess i actually have to learn iptables now | 07:34 |
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aNdReW^^^^ | dunno what one i need :P | 07:34 |
verve | http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/45160980/?&q=ubuntu+crop+circle&qh=boost%3Apopular+age_sigma%3A24h+age_scale%3A5 | 07:34 |
verve | heh | 07:34 |
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verve | roho, iptables is easy.. i haven't messed with it in years, but.. easy | 07:34 |
verve | pf from BSD is cool, too | 07:34 |
h3xis | roho, so build webmin from source? | 07:34 |
nawras__ | Iam trieng to install Intel extreme graphics driver on ubuntu and i need help please .. | 07:34 |
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roho | i'll just go learn how to do a firewall | 07:34 |
mnoir | roho: or you can install firestarter | 07:35 |
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idefix | jrib it's a loooong one man | 07:35 |
idefix | it'll take me forever to fix it | 07:35 |
roho | yeah, i don't want to do that. when i uninstalled firestarter, everytime i go up to the dock for something, i get an error about how firestarter doesn't exist. | 07:35 |
mnoir | roho: seriously, for a real firewall, if you have an old pc lying around and a couple of NICs, try IPCop | 07:36 |
roho | well i don't :) | 07:36 |
roho | that would be nice though | 07:36 |
mnoir | roho: sorry | 07:36 |
roho | i'm sorry too! | 07:36 |
=== brussel [n=brussel@cpe-75-80-175-84.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
roho | i'd love to build a firewall | 07:37 |
jrib | idefix: then just upgrade :) | 07:37 |
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sherz_ | ok I found it I havent had install the update notifier | 07:38 |
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SpittingSnake | hi there | 07:38 |
SpittingSnake | can someone help me in something .. i searched over the internet like crazy and i cant find any solutions :\ | 07:38 |
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harry | !ask | SpittingSnake | 07:39 |
ubotu | SpittingSnake: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 07:39 |
alexis__ | how do I send email messages from terminal? | 07:39 |
najjstroem^_- | When am trying to install steam with wine, its work great but when am opening it it says, Steam- Fatal error: Could not load 'bin/vgui2.dll" | 07:39 |
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h3xis | alexis__, using a terminal app? | 07:39 |
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alexis__ | h3xis: yes | 07:40 |
mnoir | alexis__: in the terminal, type mna mail | 07:40 |
alexis__ | ok | 07:40 |
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mnoir | alexis__: i mean man mail sorry | 07:40 |
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alexis__ | command not found | 07:40 |
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SpittingSnake | when i install de ubuntu server version, it completes with no error, but when ubuntu start for the first time it reboot! | 07:41 |
mnoir | alexis__: there are other mail clients for terminal use - all trees if i recall: elm, pine, maple | 07:41 |
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hexdream | how do I convert an Ubuntu reporitory from DVD to flat storage on my file syetm (say /media/repo)?Essentially I want to share my DVD repository between multiple servers. | 07:41 |
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Akuma_ | i can't seem to play wmv files, the image is missing in both Movie Player and gxine - what am i missing? | 07:41 |
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PriceChild | !mp3 | Akuma_ | 07:41 |
ubotu | Akuma_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 07:41 |
jrib | Akuma_: have you installed w32codecs? | 07:41 |
mnoir | hexdream: research a local apt server - it is the cleanest way to do iy | 07:42 |
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mnoir | iy=it sorry | 07:42 |
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hexdream | Akuma, if you have the codecs loaded, try using a player like xine or vlc. they seem to work prety well. | 07:42 |
Akuma_ | jrib: i'm pretty sure i have | 07:42 |
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alexis__ | mnoir: I have already tried some clients. For example I tried sendEmail, but althoug it said mail sent succesfully, it didn't work... | 07:42 |
jrib | Akuma_: can you check? | 07:42 |
fredrin | How do I change the default umask for devices that gets mounted automagicaly via USB? | 07:42 |
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fredrin | like an Ipod | 07:42 |
SpittingSnake | when i install de ubuntu server version, it completes with no error, but when ubuntu start for the first time it reboot! how can i solve this ? :\ | 07:43 |
hexdream | mnoir, thankl you. would I be able to take my existing DVD repo's and "convert" them? | 07:43 |
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mnoir | alexis__: different problem - sounds like your local mta is not set up right maybe - what are you using? | 07:43 |
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Joanie | can anyone help me with an issue building gnome-panel from source? | 07:43 |
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ircusr | whats your problem, joanie? | 07:43 |
PriceChild | Joanie, why do you want to do that? | 07:43 |
Joanie | price: to install a patch | 07:44 |
PriceChild | Joanie, and what errors are you experiencing? | 07:44 |
mnoir | hexdream: i am not sure. most folks do a kinda initial setup and d/l when doing this. | 07:44 |
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Joanie | long story :-) | 07:44 |
PriceChild | Joanie, could you pastebin the error maybe? | 07:44 |
ircusr | hehehehehe | 07:44 |
SpittingSnake | err.. can someone help me ? | 07:44 |
SpittingSnake | when i install de ubuntu server version, it completes with no error, but when ubuntu start for the first time it reboot! how can i solve this ? :\ | 07:44 |
Joanie | the short version is that there is an accessibility issue | 07:44 |
alexis__ | mnoir: I'm just a beginner so I probably don't even understand your question correctly. I'm using http://caspian.dotconf.net/menu/Software/SendEmail/ this client. | 07:44 |
Akuma_ | jrib: apt-get doesnt seem to recognize w32codecs - does it have another name? | 07:44 |
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Joanie | we want to apply a patch to see if it fixes things | 07:44 |
jrib | Akuma_: no, but it isn't in the ubuntu repositories | 07:44 |
PriceChild | !w32codecs | Akuma_ | 07:44 |
ubotu | Akuma_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 07:44 |
PriceChild | argh | 07:44 |
Peeter | can someone plz tell me how can i add my ntfs partition. i'm new in linux | 07:44 |
PriceChild | Akuma_, you have to download manually.... | 07:44 |
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Joanie | but when I grabbed and built gnome-panel, a new issue appeared | 07:44 |
PriceChild | !seveas | Akuma_ | 07:44 |
ubotu | Akuma_: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages | 07:44 |
jrib | Akuma_: see ubotu's link to restricted formats page | 07:45 |
PriceChild | Akuma_, get it from there :) | 07:45 |
hexdream | mnoir, I tried using apt-mirro, but I cant seem to get it to see my DVD: Proceed indexes: [Psh: cannot open file:/media/cdrom0//dists/edgy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz: No such file | 07:45 |
diederick | Is there a way to check if someone else has 'hacked' my machine? | 07:45 |
Joanie | and it doesn't have the same "ubuntu" look and feel | 07:45 |
BlAdErUnNeR | aha | 07:45 |
jrib | Akuma_: or seveas' repo as PriceChild said. Both ways will work | 07:45 |
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SpittingSnake | when i install de ubuntu server version, it completes with no error, but when ubuntu start for the first time it reboot! how can i solve this ? :\ | 07:45 |
Joanie | so I'm thinking there's more to just apt-getting the source and building it | 07:45 |
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Akuma_ | jrib: PriceChild: thanks | 07:45 |
lmosher | Can someone help me debug my suspend to ram? Anyone have any good resources I can try? | 07:45 |
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SpittingSnake | when i install de ubuntu server version, it completes with no error, but when ubuntu start for the first time it reboot! how can i solve this ? :\ | 07:46 |
Joanie | price there's no error per se | 07:46 |
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mnoir | hexdream: dunno - i have not set one up in a long time - sorry | 07:47 |
SpittingSnake | cant no one help me?! lol | 07:47 |
Tomasso | can anyone help with this? this is very weird, saw on the internet some people having this problem, but none of them was helpful solving it: http://pastebin.ca/318748 | 07:47 |
PriceChild | !no w32codecs is <reply> Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages including w32codecs | info at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages | See !codecs for more information | 07:47 |
ubotu | I'll remember that, PriceChild | 07:47 |
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fredrin | How do I change the default umask for devices that gets mounted automagicaly via USB? | 07:47 |
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mnoir | alexis__: 3rd pty, not in repositories so i do not know it | 07:47 |
hexdream | mnoir, thanks anyway. | 07:48 |
alexis__ | mnoir: ok | 07:48 |
PriceChild | frederific, http://www.debuntu.org/comment/reply/145 might be of some use... I'm not sure | 07:48 |
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namelesss | j'ai un probleme avec network manager | 07:48 |
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PriceChild | !fr | Nameeater | 07:48 |
ubotu | Nameeater: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 07:48 |
jrib | Tomasso: your'e missing edgy-updates main from your /etc/apt/sources.list | 07:48 |
namelesss | lorsque je lui demande de me connecter au reseau | 07:48 |
namelesss | il cherche en vain | 07:48 |
SpittingSnake | ARGHHHHHH | 07:48 |
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SpittingSnake | pelase help me ! | 07:48 |
jrib | !fr | namelesss | 07:48 |
ubotu | namelesss: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 07:48 |
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jrib | !helpme | SpittingSnake | 07:49 |
namelesss | sorry | 07:49 |
ubotu | SpittingSnake: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 07:49 |
SpittingSnake | but i asked the question! | 07:49 |
PriceChild | pas de probleme namelesss | 07:49 |
SpittingSnake | when i install de ubuntu server version, it completes with no error, but when ubuntu start for the first time it reboot! how can i solve this ? :\ | 07:49 |
hexdream | Does anybody know how to "mirror" the DVD repo's so that I can use them on a shared filesystem (instead of pushing and pulling disks all the time?) | 07:49 |
Tomasso | jrib: how do i add them? | 07:49 |
Tomasso | let me google it | 07:49 |
jrib | Tomasso: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list | 07:49 |
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jrib | !repos | Tomasso | 07:49 |
ubotu | Tomasso: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 07:49 |
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jrib | Tomasso: that's the general info on repositories, but i am not 100% sure it mentions edgy-updates | 07:49 |
mzanfardino | I've recently added two repositories for wine and now when I run apt-get update I get the following error: http://rafb.net/p/ZH0TLd33.html | 07:49 |
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SpittingSnake | jrib : when i install de ubuntu server version, it completes with no error, but when ubuntu start for the first time it reboot! how can i solve this ? :\ | 07:50 |
Tomasso | jrib: Ok | 07:50 |
Joanie | would there be a more appropriate room to ask about building gnome-panel? | 07:50 |
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PriceChild | SpittingSnake, do you get any errors etc.? | 07:50 |
SpittingSnake | nope | 07:50 |
SpittingSnake | it just restart | 07:50 |
mzanfardino | my sources.list looks like this: http://rafb.net/p/tIO3Wl40.html | 07:50 |
PriceChild | Joanie, sorry i wasn't reading earlier... so you're getting the ubuntu source and patching that? | 07:50 |
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Joanie | yes price | 07:50 |
Bnirkow | i have updated distro from dapper to edgy, and when i choose newest kernel in grub, i see dark screen, what is wrong? | 07:50 |
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jrib | Joanie: how are you building it | 07:51 |
PriceChild | Joanie, try simply building the source without these "patches" to check that its the patch that's messing things up | 07:51 |
Joanie | jrib apt-get source gnome-panel | 07:51 |
hexdream | Spittingsnake, try booting into recovery mode and checking your log files. they should give you a clue on where to look for the problem. | 07:51 |
alexis__ | mnoir: 8358 ? Ss 0:00 sendmail: MTA: accepting connections | 07:51 |
alexis__ | 9857 ? S 0:00 \_ sendmail: MTA: ./l0GH1X7T009496 gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com.: user open | 07:51 |
Tomasso | jrib: this is my sources.list http://pastebin.ca/318751 | 07:51 |
Joanie | price that's what I'm doing | 07:51 |
Joanie | haven't gotten to the patch bit yet :-) | 07:51 |
cberl2 | Got a quick question here, folks: is there some kind of problem with the Dapper respository? A fellow techie here just did a vanilla install of Dapper (6.06) and it doesn't seem to have access to some fairly common things (like make, build-essential, etc.) | 07:51 |
jrib | Joanie: after that, do you build the package or just use the Makefile | 07:51 |
PriceChild | Joanie, lol | 07:51 |
SpittingSnake | PriceChild : when i see "starting up.." the comptuter restart imediatly. | 07:51 |
alexis__ | mnoir: ps axf prints that | 07:51 |
mzanfardino | how do I resolve this error: Reading package lists... Done | 07:52 |
PriceChild | Joanie, try using the -b option to build immediately and see what happens then | 07:52 |
Joanie | then I ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr; make; sudo make install ed | 07:52 |
mzanfardino | W: GPG error: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com edgy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 58403026387EE263 | 07:52 |
mzanfardino | W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems | 07:52 |
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Joanie | thanks price | 07:52 |
PriceChild | mzanfardino, add the repo from the source | 07:52 |
SpittingSnake | hexdream : in recovery mode it does the same.... it restart when i start | 07:52 |
Joanie | it DOES build, mind you | 07:52 |
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Joanie | but it builds differently | 07:52 |
mzanfardino | PriceChild: sorry, still kind of new to this. I've added this to sources.list: | 07:52 |
mnoir | alexis__: looks ok - does the command 'mail somebody@somewhere.something' work? | 07:52 |
Joanie | and introduces a difference that is not good | 07:52 |
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mzanfardino | ## WineHQ repository for wine binaries | 07:52 |
jrib | Joanie: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html | 07:52 |
mzanfardino | deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt edgy main | 07:53 |
mzanfardino | deb-src http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt edgy main | 07:53 |
PriceChild | mzanfardino, wherever you added the _Unsupported_ 3rd party repo should have given you a "key" | 07:53 |
mnoir | alexis__: you will need to man mail to learn how to complete the mail item | 07:53 |
Joanie | but since it's theoretically the same package.... | 07:53 |
PriceChild | !paste | mzanfardino | 07:53 |
ubotu | mzanfardino: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 07:53 |
Joanie | thanks jrib | 07:53 |
hexdream | spittingsnake, do a memory test. there may be some physical problem. memtest should be available from the boot menu/install disk. | 07:53 |
knight | im not able to take the window managers like metacity spiftacity fvwm95 | 07:53 |
Bnirkow | how update dapper to edgy without crash?? | 07:53 |
BlAdErUnNeR | hm | 07:53 |
Tomasso | mzanfardino: should i add those two sources? | 07:53 |
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SpittingSnake | hexdream : i did that and its ok :\ | 07:53 |
alexis__ | it just says 'bash: mail: command not found' | 07:53 |
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mnoir | alexis__: hmm, sec | 07:54 |
mzanfardino | PriceChild: the winehq website only made reference to these two repositories... nothing about a key... | 07:54 |
PriceChild | !upgrade | Bnirkow | 07:54 |
ubotu | Bnirkow: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 07:54 |
mzanfardino | Tomasso: only if you are trying to build wine from source... and I'm not having much success. | 07:54 |
PriceChild | mzanfardino, ask in #winehq for the key | 07:54 |
jrib | Tomasso: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xchat-gnome on pastebin | 07:54 |
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=== Joanie laughs | ||
anders__ | Hello! | 07:54 |
PriceChild | Joanie, ? | 07:54 |
Joanie | so I wasn't supposed to manually build it | 07:54 |
PriceChild | hi anders__ | 07:54 |
Tomasso | jrib: Ok | 07:54 |
hexdream | spittingsnake, I think it may be a hardware or driver problem. how much ram are you using, what PC specs? | 07:54 |
Joanie | i didn't make a package | 07:54 |
Joanie | i used make | 07:54 |
Joanie | and make install | 07:55 |
alexis__ | mnoir: sendmail command exists | 07:55 |
Joanie | after .autogenning it | 07:55 |
knight | are the window managers like metacity spiftacity fvwm95 really working? | 07:55 |
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cberl2 | Does Dapper no longer have access to make and build-essentials? | 07:55 |
anders__ | PriceChild: when it was installed X killed itself with an error, wich forced me to do a hard reboot, wich gave errors on the root, wich then again lead me to formatting. :P | 07:55 |
mnoir | alexis__: seems to be optional. you might want to install from repositories and try it since it is a standard unix thing and therefore is a good basic function test | 07:55 |
jrib | cberl2: it does | 07:55 |
anders__ | PriceChild: The nvidia driver.. | 07:55 |
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Bnirkow | PrinceChild: problem for me is to run this, i have upgraded to edgy, but after i select in grub newest kernel, i see only black screen | 07:55 |
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mnoir | alexis__: we also expect it to work.... :) | 07:55 |
SpittingSnake | hexdream : it is a AMDK6-2 300MHz 196RAM 8giga HDD and a realtek network card nothing more | 07:55 |
admin__ | Sorry to but in, but i have a wifi problem | 07:56 |
Joanie | okay I'm going to give this a go. Thanks guys!!!!! Have a great day! | 07:56 |
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tarun | Bnirkow, probably the disk partitons are not getting mounted well | 07:56 |
alexis__ | mnoir: I searched in synaptic but didn't find mail | 07:56 |
SpittingSnake | hexdream : i can install windows xp on the machine lo | 07:56 |
mnoir | alexis__: i do not know the one you are trying to use but i am trying to eliminate other things | 07:56 |
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Tomasso | jrib: here it is http://pastebin.ca/318758 | 07:56 |
mnoir | !info mail | 07:56 |
SpittingSnake | hexdream : the graphics are a voodoo banshee 16 mb | 07:56 |
ubotu | Package mail does not exist in any distro I know | 07:56 |
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knight | are there anyone worked with window managers like metacity spiftacity fvwm95 etc. | 07:56 |
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mnoir | alexis__: !!! - sec | 07:56 |
hexdream | spittingsnake, strange you having those problems. does normal ubuntu load ok, or is it just server that fails? | 07:56 |
Bnirkow | tarun: before upgrade.. in dapper.. works fine | 07:57 |
tarun | Bnirkow, try to boot using a live cd n see your /etc/fstab entries | 07:57 |
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Bnirkow | heh | 07:57 |
admin__ | I'm using a D-Link DWL-650, and it shows up under the cardctl | 07:57 |
Bnirkow | live cd | 07:57 |
chalkie1983 | hi guys hows you doin? im abit stuck. im trying to setup a user account for my friend to have a shell account..can ubuntu do this and if so how do i do it? | 07:57 |
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Bnirkow | livecd are stopping on bootsplash | 07:57 |
tarun | Bnirkow, I know that but edgy edit fstab strangly which causes problem | 07:57 |
SpittingSnake | hexdream : i didnt tryed with normal .. but i think it would be no problem .. the server version has less graphics i think | 07:57 |
mnoir | alexis__: ahh - the pkg is mailx which contains mail | 07:57 |
cberl2 | jrib: apt-get can't seem to find it -- fresh dapper install but it says the package may be "obsolete or no longer available" | 07:58 |
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jrib | Tomasso: sudo dpkg --configure -a what does this do | 07:58 |
Bnirkow | livecd - ubuntu 6.10 | 07:58 |
alexis__ | mnoir: ok, I will install that now | 07:58 |
jrib | cberl2: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list | 07:58 |
der0b | chalkie1983: have you created a user account for him/her? | 07:58 |
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cberl2 | jrib: one sec... | 07:58 |
tarun | Bnirkow, use knopixx or wait for a few minutes | 07:58 |
Tomasso | jrib: its in the pastebin | 07:58 |
chalkie1983 | .:der0b:. yeah | 07:58 |
Tomasso | line 35 | 07:58 |
Bnirkow | tarun: ok, i try | 07:58 |
der0b | chalkie1983: ok, have you installed openssh-server? | 07:58 |
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mnoir | alexis__: cant hurt to try it. many commandline junkies love pine, btw | 07:58 |
chalkie1983 | nope not yet | 07:59 |
hexdream | spittingsnake, try a different graphics card. Also tail your log files for error messages. it may list the last thing loaded before thecrash. | 07:59 |
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jrib | Tomasso: oh I see, let me parse :) | 07:59 |
tarun | Bnirkow, use any live cd n just see ur fstab entries probably it will solve ur problem | 07:59 |
admin__ | Does anyone know how to install a D-Link DWL-650 | 07:59 |
Tomasso | jrib: Oks :D | 07:59 |
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admin__ | Wifi card | 07:59 |
Bnirkow | tarun: be back, soon | 07:59 |
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mnoir | alexis__: but that seems absent from the repositories too | 07:59 |
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cberl2 | http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/1839/ | 08:00 |
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der0b | chalkie1983: that's pretty much what's next, you need to install that, open it up to the internet (port forward on your router/firewall) and give him the address. he'll need some sort of ssh client (putty on windows, ssh on linux) to connect | 08:00 |
SpittingSnake | hexdream : ok, but it dont appear any log, when it says "starting up.." the machine reboots | 08:00 |
jrib | Tomasso: what happens when you try to reinstall openoffice.org-common | 08:00 |
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chalkie1983 | ahh okies | 08:00 |
cberl2 | jrib: first thing that worries me is the "commented out by installer" stuff | 08:00 |
_3lj | hi all, quick question, is there any reason why my internet connect seems to be downlading something at about 5-10kb a second, even though i havent nothing running (before i started irssi), has there been some auto update thing released today? | 08:00 |
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hexdream | what architechture did you install with? try the standard x86 if you uses something else. | 08:01 |
jrib | cberl2: yeah, you probably just need to uncomment those (you seem to be missing main) and apt-get update | 08:01 |
der0b | chalkie1983: I would change the port from 22 to something else (cuts down on port scans) and consider only allowing public key authentication (for security). If you stick with standard password auth, make sure all accounts on the system have STRONG passphrases | 08:01 |
Tomasso | jrib: never tried, but never touched it, you think its causing conflicts? | 08:01 |
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cberl2 | jrib: are you suggesting those lines are actually wrapped... Hmmm... lemme check that... | 08:02 |
jrib | cberl2: erm hold on, I just saw your link. Just make yourself a new one: | 08:02 |
_3lj | or is there any way of finding out what is eating my internet connection? | 08:02 |
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jrib | !easysource | cberl2 | 08:02 |
ubotu | cberl2: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 08:02 |
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jrib | Tomasso: yes | 08:02 |
der0b | jrib: has sourceomatic been updated to work with edgy yet? | 08:02 |
alexis__ | mnoir: thanks for your help. I will try to solve the problem now by myself when i have mail installed. | 08:02 |
Gizmo_the_Great1 | In Windows, you can click the 'View Available Wireless Networks' by right clicking on the wireless connection. What's the equivalent command in Ubuntu for me to run when my wireless connection drops? | 08:02 |
jrib | der0b: yes | 08:02 |
der0b | nice! | 08:02 |
stefg | der0b, don't ask, try! | 08:03 |
chalkie1983 | .:der0b:. coolios thanks for the recomendation | 08:03 |
jrib | cberl2: yeah, make sure you pick dapper since it defaults to edgy | 08:03 |
_3lj | Gizmo_the_Great1: iwlist scan ? (try that?) | 08:03 |
divineomega | Gizmo_the_Great1: I'd recommend you install a program such as Network Manager or Wifi Radar? | 08:03 |
mnoir | alexis__: come back with questions - setting up local mail can be a bit complex | 08:03 |
=== [DEMON] 13ullet [n=OGs_13ul@cpe-65-31-13-250.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cberl2 | jrib: still not updating itself properly. | 08:03 |
[DEMON] 13ullet | anyone have a minute to help a total linux noob download and install xfree86? | 08:04 |
Tomasso | jrib: it works ! Thank you :D | 08:04 |
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jrib | cberl2: show me your new one | 08:04 |
Tomasso | i still dont understand why it had conflicts.. but its ok | 08:04 |
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[DEMON] 13ullet | anyone have a minute to help a total linux noob download and install xfree86? | 08:05 |
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Delux_247 | [DEMON] 13ullet: xorg | 08:05 |
Bnirkow | tarun: where i can find normal fstab?? | 08:05 |
jrib | [DEMON] 13ullet: why not use xorg? | 08:05 |
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scifi | i know theres a simple way of removing the counter from the grub menu at startup by editing a line in a file. can someone remind me which file it is ? | 08:06 |
tarun | /etc/fstab | 08:06 |
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mnoir | scifi: | 08:06 |
Bnirkow | tarun: fstab of knoppix? | 08:06 |
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mnoir | scifi: probably /boot/grub/menu.lst | 08:06 |
jrib | scifi: /boot/grub/menu.lst | 08:06 |
scifi | mnoir/jrib: thx guys, thats the one i think | 08:07 |
diederick | does someone knows a good graphical port scanner? | 08:07 |
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stefg | [DEMON] 13ullet: 'total linux noob' and 'install XFree86' don't go into one line, oh no | 08:07 |
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der0b | diederick: nmap has a front end.. lemme find the package name. one mo | 08:08 |
tarun | no no | 08:08 |
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jrib | diederick: nmapfe ? | 08:08 |
diederick | nice! | 08:08 |
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tarun | Bnirkow, u have to mount the root partition of edgy n then edit that file | 08:08 |
Bnirkow | tarun: how to edit fstab by using knoppix witch RW mode | 08:08 |
der0b | diederick: nmapfe | 08:08 |
diederick | thanx! | 08:08 |
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tarun | Bnirkow, there a link on gentoo guide i will give u that | 08:09 |
tarun | Bnirkow, just a moment | 08:09 |
Bnirkow | tarun: ok i wait | 08:09 |
cberl2 | jrib: Thanks! That finally worked! VERY strange that it wasn't working -- sources look very similar, aside from the comments that it put in during install. Oh well, at least it's working now. | 08:09 |
[DEMON] 13ullet | stefg : so you can help me then? | 08:09 |
stefg | [DEMON] 13ullet: 'total linux noob' and 'install XFree86' don't go into one line, oh no | 08:09 |
jrib | cberl2: if you look closely, the first one doesn't have dapper main anywhere, just stuff liek dapper-updates main | 08:10 |
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tarun | Bnirkow, create a folder in the /mnt dir | 08:10 |
midna | test | 08:10 |
midna | aha! | 08:10 |
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cberl2 | jrib: Okay, I see. I'm going cross-eyed here trying to find what the other tech did.... :) But I see what you mean now, thanks! | 08:10 |
Bnirkow | tarun: dirs are existing | 08:11 |
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scifi | mnoir/jrib: so if i change timeout line to 0, would that remove the countdown ? | 08:11 |
Electro | how do I reconfigure x.org | 08:11 |
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mnoir | scifi: yes - are you sure you want that? | 08:11 |
tarun | mount /dev/hda(whatever partition number) /mnt/dir | 08:11 |
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Shootdown | hi | 08:11 |
tarun | chroot /mnt//dir /bin/bash | 08:11 |
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IdleOne | how do I check what version of python I have? | 08:12 |
Shootdown | how i can disable to load some modules during linux booting ? | 08:12 |
tarun | Bnirkow, this will take u to the environment of edgy | 08:12 |
Bnirkow | tarun: i don`t have permission on knoppix | 08:12 |
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maddash | IdleOne: man python | 08:12 |
tarun | Bnirkow, where u can edit the /etc/fstab | 08:12 |
tarun | su -i | 08:12 |
tarun | sudo -i | 08:12 |
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leandro | oioi | 08:12 |
Electro | how do I reconfigure x.org | 08:12 |
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Bnirkow | :) | 08:13 |
leandro | hello | 08:13 |
[DEMON] 13ullet | what I need to do is install these drivers on ubuntu for my radeon all in wonder 32mb pci so I can have tv in. From what I read I need to install xfree86 in order to run the gato driver. So can I use xorg instead of xfree86? I am totally clueless and could use some help | 08:13 |
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ltito | iai man | 08:13 |
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stefg | !ati | [DEMON] 13ullet | 08:14 |
ubotu | [DEMON] 13ullet: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 08:14 |
=== jacek [n=jacek@mikolajczyka.ds.po.opole.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Arawn [n=Arawn@fon69-1-82-232-146-37.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Electro | how do I reconfigure x.org | 08:14 |
tarun | Bnirkow, http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/handbook/handbook-x86.xml?part=1&chap=6 look at this guide | 08:14 |
[DEMON] 13ullet | ubotu: ok ty i will check it out | 08:14 |
stefg | !fixres | Electro | 08:14 |
ubotu | Electro: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 08:14 |
Bnirkow | tarun: ok | 08:14 |
Electro | thx | 08:14 |
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Bnirkow | tarun: i have something like this: # /dev/hda8 -- converted during upgrade to edgy | 08:16 |
Bnirkow | UUID=3d9a9787-43af-4566-8733-7c7e1b70dc44 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1 | 08:16 |
scifi | mnoir: basically i want to be able to choose manually which O/S to boot into without it automatically choosing one, which is how i had it with Dapper | 08:16 |
tarun | yep thats wat I was taling abt | 08:16 |
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tarun | okie I will post my /etc/fstab ....have a look n edit according | 08:17 |
Bnirkow | ok | 08:17 |
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hexdream | how do I take multiple DVD repositories and put them all in a single subdirectory (so that I can easily share with multiple machines)? | 08:17 |
=== Lannix [n=jon@cpc1-leic7-0-0-cust892.lei3.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mnoir | scifi: if you set timeout to 0 you get no choice at all except in presetting in the menu.lst file itself. i am not following you yet... | 08:17 |
tarun | Bnirkow, proc /proc proc defaults 0 0 ----> this line is essential | 08:17 |
fbc | Is there anythign that will show you discovered blue tooth devices???? | 08:17 |
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tarun | Bnirkow, /dev/hda10 / ext3 defaults 1 1 ---> this is root | 08:18 |
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mnoir | scifi: waitasec | 08:18 |
scifi | mnoir: when the grub menu loads i want there to be no timer | 08:18 |
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tarun | Bnirkow, /dev/hda8 /home ext3 defaults 1 2 --->home | 08:18 |
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ltito | oi | 08:19 |
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tarun | Bnirkow, remove that uid stuff n edit it properly n reboot ...u will be done | 08:19 |
dudu | oi vei | 08:19 |
ltito | oi dudu] | 08:19 |
Bnirkow | tarun: ok i try | 08:20 |
=== lucas_ [n=lucas@d83-190-58-35.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mnoir | scifi: oh - I see - i think that is done by -1 but i am looking - anybody else?? | 08:20 |
tarun | Bnirkow, or google a bit to know abt fstab | 08:20 |
=== KenSentMe [n=KenSentM@a82-92-80-8.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ltito | ou dudu | 08:20 |
dudu | blz vei | 08:20 |
ltito | oi dudu | 08:20 |
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lanny | oi | 08:21 |
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dudu | diga lane | 08:21 |
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woodwizzle | #join #rezlooks | 08:22 |
woodwizzle | oops =) | 08:22 |
scifi | anyone know how to edit the menu.1st file so that when the grub menu loads there is no counter ? | 08:22 |
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gbw_ | hello, i have just bought a brand new 80 gb unformated hdd, i have plugged it into my usb device, i want to clone my old 40 gb hdd to the new one, how can i do it? | 08:22 |
maddash | gbw_: stop double posting. dd. | 08:22 |
=== Metal_Militia [n=ioppo@host-84-222-33-247.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
enyc | scifi: I see. no automatic timeout... | 08:23 |
facugaich | scifi: set timeout to 0 | 08:23 |
gbw_ | maddash, if i have windows partition on the old hdd, can i copy this partition also? | 08:23 |
facugaich | scifi: wait, you mean it doesn't autmatically boot the default partition? or so it doesn't boot any partition? | 08:23 |
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scifi | facugaich: so that it doesnt automatically boot into any partition | 08:24 |
scifi | facugaich: so i can choose which i want to boot into | 08:24 |
Bnirkow | tarun: ... one simple question... how to save changes in nano?? :) | 08:24 |
maddash | gbw_: yes. provided you know the /dev/*** name of that partition. | 08:25 |
Skerpioen | ctrl+o | 08:25 |
facugaich | scifi: I think you have to comment the default line | 08:25 |
enyc | scifi: the 'timeout' entry needs changing | 08:25 |
=== Caleb [n=caleb@176.red-82-158-245.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mnoir | scifi: according to my google research, no timeout specification is the right way to require a manual choice | 08:25 |
enyc | scifi: eithor a commnt or set oto 0 is needed i think | 08:25 |
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mnoir | scifi: tias i guess | 08:25 |
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scifi | heh, ok i'll try commenting out the timeout line first | 08:26 |
ltito | is my fist time that i use this | 08:26 |
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ltito | please help me | 08:26 |
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rze | elo :) | 08:26 |
ltito | i m brasilian | 08:27 |
rze | i'm polish | 08:27 |
=== Rakasiwi is now known as FreeMascots | ||
rze | it's my first time with ubuntu linux :D | 08:27 |
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ltito | and i dont speak english well | 08:27 |
rze | hehe | 08:27 |
rze | don't worry ;) | 08:27 |
ltito | hehehehe | 08:27 |
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ltito | ok | 08:28 |
jrib | !br | 08:28 |
ubotu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada. | 08:28 |
rze | I too :P | 08:28 |
jrib | !pl | 08:28 |
ubotu | Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 08:28 |
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rze | !pl | 08:28 |
FreeMascots | cc please | 08:28 |
Lynx- | Where does Gnome store links to programs that it loads on start? | 08:28 |
FreeMascots | !cc | 08:28 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about cc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:28 |
leandro | hmm.. I cant seem to get 5.1 sound out of my boxes (5.1 boxes - 5.1 card), only two of them seem to work.. any suggestions? | 08:28 |
rze | by all ;) | 08:28 |
jrib | Lynx-: ~/.config/autostart/ but you can use system > preferences > sessions | 08:28 |
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Lynx- | I have no panels now, that's why I'm asking | 08:29 |
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Lynx- | :) | 08:29 |
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FreeMascots | are you don't have cc ??? | 08:29 |
stefg | !build FreeMascots | 08:29 |
stefg | !build | FreeMascots | 08:29 |
ubotu | FreeMascots: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 08:29 |
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ltito | erro 16 what is this? | 08:30 |
krzych | hello | 08:30 |
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case_ | hello, i'm looking for the chan dedicated to the sparc64 flavour of Ubuntu... | 08:30 |
krzych | haw are you today? | 08:30 |
stefg | !irc | 08:30 |
krzych | are you allright? | 08:30 |
phiqtion | how can i re-enable the menubar on x-chat? thx | 08:30 |
ubotu | irc is Internet Relay Chat - Ubuntu IRC clients: xchat (http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/XChatHowto), gaim (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Konversation (http://konversation.berlios.de/docs/) - Also see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat and !guidelines | 08:30 |
scifi | will reboot and see how it goes guys | 08:31 |
krzych | helllo | 08:31 |
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krzych | can someone tell something to me? | 08:31 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+rR] by BearPerson | ||
jrib | krzych: hi | 08:31 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o apokryphos] by ChanServ | ||
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-R] by apokryphos | ||
jrib | case_: there probably isn't one for just sparc64, you can ask here for all architectures | 08:32 |
=== BearPerson [i=karsten@freenode/staff/sourcemage.wizard.BearPerson] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ltito | can help you | 08:32 |
phiqtion | how can i re-enable the menubar on x-chat? thx | 08:32 |
ltito | ? | 08:32 |
case_ | ok thanks | 08:32 |
krzych | Jrib haw are you today? | 08:32 |
ltito | i fine | 08:32 |
White_Lightning | hey real quick is there a command in terminal for battery life? | 08:32 |
ltito | and you | 08:32 |
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jrib | krzych: you can use #ubuntu-offtopic to just chat. #ubuntu is just for support | 08:32 |
krzych | for what? | 08:33 |
krzych | jrib for what? | 08:33 |
jrib | krzych: support for ubuntu | 08:33 |
ltito | ok | 08:33 |
krzych | Jrib: but what mean support? | 08:33 |
=== speyer [n=thug@host-84-9-15-252.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
case_ | i've a old install of dapper (beta) on my sparc, and it seems that the repositories aren't there anymore. maybe because the support for sparc is now official, the repositories have been moved elsewhere, so i'm looking for a fresh source.list for my sparc... | 08:34 |
=== Lice [i=Lice@c-4fdc70d5.012-14-67626710.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
speyer | hi all | 08:34 |
jrib | krzych: support means help | 08:34 |
Lice | is there a guide on how to install ubuntu from the disk? | 08:34 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-R] by apokryphos | ||
White_Lightning | Lice: should be pretty straight forward, are you having trouble? | 08:34 |
speyer | is there anything else i need to add in this line to make fstab auto mount this hdd at boot and give user write permission ? /dev/hdh1 /media/Hard2 ext3 user,auto,rw 0 0 | 08:35 |
krzych | jrib: so we must help. But for who? | 08:35 |
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Lice | havnt tested and do not know how to do | 08:35 |
capt-rogers | I am running an anonymous simple survey about Linux in the workplace. Participate if you like. http://vger1.dyndns.org/ucc/survey.php?sid=28 | 08:35 |
case_ | (humf... just found the source.list generator... may help...) | 08:35 |
krzych | elo melo | 08:35 |
LoginError | i have beryl running on ubuntu, and if i have beryl window manager running when i suspend it causes problems, is there a script file a can modify to make it switch to Metacity before suspending/hybernating? | 08:35 |
krzych | I'am help | 08:35 |
=== Gwaihir [n=Gwaihir@ppp-112-90.25-151.libero.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stefg | !berryl | LoginError | 08:36 |
krzych | for ubuntu but how? | 08:36 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about berryl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:36 |
Tomasso | grgrrg I tried to reinstall openoffice using synaptic but i get E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages. (openoffice was marked in red as corrupted) | 08:36 |
White_Lightning | Lice: boot up with the cd in (bios configured to boot the cd) and you should start right in to the install | 08:36 |
stefg | !beryl | LoginError | 08:36 |
ubotu | LoginError: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl | 08:36 |
White_Lightning | Lice: it | 08:36 |
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White_Lightning | Lice: is pretty much like windows xp | 08:36 |
White_Lightning | Lice: asks you simple questions and such | 08:36 |
krzych | hehe... | 08:36 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-r] by apokryphos | ||
krzych | czy mozecie mi to wytlumaczyc? | 08:36 |
krzych | o co tu chodzi? | 08:36 |
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apokryphos | krzych: English only in here | 08:37 |
stefg | !pl | 08:37 |
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ubotu | Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 08:37 |
krzych | hehe... | 08:37 |
krzych | ok | 08:37 |
speyer | can anyone please help me adding a line to fstab for a hdd to be auto mounted at boot and give user write permission ? | 08:37 |
Lice | White_Lightning well i've tried to burn it to CD but havnt succeded due to bad program that ruins my cd's while burning..so i wanna install in from the harddisk | 08:37 |
krzych | apokryphos who are you? | 08:37 |
FreeMascots | have downloader website from php | 08:37 |
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Lice | White_Lightning and i do not know how to install linux or xp from the harddisk | 08:37 |
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FreeMascots | have software downloader website from php | 08:37 |
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case_ | works fine, thanks :) | 08:38 |
krzych | a znacie hinski? | 08:38 |
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White_Lightning | Lice: ah I see what you're talking about. Are you running windows right now? | 08:38 |
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Lice | yes | 08:38 |
krzych | co wy tu robicie? | 08:38 |
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apokryphos | krzych: stop | 08:38 |
FreeMascots | stop all | 08:38 |
krzych | what i'am doing? | 08:38 |
FreeMascots | please | 08:38 |
buu | Hrm. I'm following the "BinaryDriveHowto" on ye old FAQ, and it says "The model of the card is in the 9xxx series, 9500 or higher", then says "does not support cards earlier than the 8500". I have the 9200, is this driver likely to work? | 08:38 |
apokryphos | krzych: this is an English-only channel. There are other channels for different languages. | 08:38 |
krzych | okey | 08:38 |
=== Bnirkow [n=knoppix@ip-98-245.ib.tcz.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bnirkow | tarun | 08:38 |
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krzych | who you arE? | 08:39 |
White_Lightning | Lice: linux will reformat the hard drive (at least part of it, whatever) to install, so you can't install without booting the CD, windows won't allow it | 08:39 |
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scifi | just thought id let u guys know. to remove the counter from grub menu, commenting out the timeout line worked perfectly :) | 08:39 |
speyer | what the best gif jpg image viewer ? | 08:39 |
Bnirkow | tarun: i have edited this file and... i se black screen | 08:39 |
mnoir | scifi: | 08:39 |
Lice | :/ | 08:39 |
krzych | apokryphos who you are? | 08:39 |
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mnoir | scifi: you are all we talked about while you were gone :) | 08:39 |
Tomasso | going to uninstall ubuntuu too buggy :( | 08:39 |
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krzych | can you say what they talking about? | 08:39 |
apokryphos | krzych: /whois apokryphos | 08:39 |
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White_Lightning | Lice: you can get a free ubuntu disk mailed to you (postal mail) | 08:39 |
krzych | yes | 08:39 |
harry | speyer, matter of opinion - try feh or one of the image magik tools or eye of gnome | 08:40 |
White_Lightning | Lice: again, from the ubuntu website | 08:40 |
scifi | mnoir: hehe, all good things i hope ^^ | 08:40 |
Lice | okey i'll do that then | 08:40 |
White_Lightning | Lice: cool | 08:40 |
krzych | hehe... | 08:40 |
speyer | harry thanks | 08:40 |
mnoir | scifi: :} | 08:40 |
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Lice | White_Lightning thanks | 08:40 |
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White_Lightning | anytime | 08:41 |
krzych | what if i will not stop talking in polish language? | 08:41 |
krzych | hehe... | 08:41 |
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krzych | co jesT? | 08:41 |
stefg | krzych: you'll get kick-banned | 08:42 |
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Bnirkow | anynody can show me how looks correct line in /etc/fstab , this line witch system | 08:42 |
hjmills | speyer, thanks - ddnt notice i had forgotten to change my nick | 08:42 |
Bnirkow | with* | 08:42 |
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speyer | hjmills :) | 08:42 |
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speyer | hjmills i cannot find package eye for gnome what the package full name ? | 08:43 |
fbc | Is there anythign that will show you discovered blue tooth devices???? | 08:43 |
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fbc | Sorry, Is there anything in ubuntu that will show you discovered blue tooth devices???? | 08:43 |
bruenig | !bluetooth | 08:43 |
ubotu | For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup | 08:43 |
bruenig | !repeat | 08:43 |
ubotu | Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 08:43 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-bbb *!*@88-111-144-153.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com *!*@c953a677.virtua.com.br *!*@pool-71-169-65-59.cmdnnj.east.verizon.net] by apokryphos | ||
hjmills | speyer, its installed in ubuntu by default unless you go for a minimal install - the command to run it is "eog" | 08:43 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o apokryphos] by apokryphos | ||
speyer | hjmills ok so " eog " its all i wanted thanks | 08:44 |
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hjmills | speyer, yeah :) | 08:44 |
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darrell | looking for help | 08:45 |
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idefix | I got my printer working thanks to the brilliant people in ubuntu-nl! | 08:46 |
idefix | the dutchmen are indeed brilliant | 08:46 |
darrell | need help with screen resolution | 08:46 |
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apokryphos | darrell: take a look at the FAQ (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions) as linked to in the channel /topic | 08:46 |
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stefg | !fixres | darell | 08:47 |
ubotu | darell: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 08:47 |
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xsane | hey, I have some problem | 08:47 |
xsane | with loading up my OS | 08:47 |
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xsane | .. GRUB- problem | 08:47 |
darrell | I have found nothing useful that works on Ubutu forums | 08:47 |
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stefg | !grub | xsane | 08:47 |
ubotu | xsane: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 08:47 |
xsane | I mean, error I get, it won't load any OS, coz of the grub | 08:47 |
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darrell | brb | 08:48 |
[DEMON] 13ullet | how can i shut ubuntu down with keyboard | 08:48 |
maddash | [DEMON] 13ullet: sudo halt | 08:48 |
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maddash | [DEMON] 13ullet: `man shutdown` | 08:49 |
Lunar_Lamp | [DEMON] 13ullet, alt+f2; sudo halt; password | 08:49 |
bruenig | [DEMON] 13ullet, sudo shutdown -h now | 08:49 |
hjmills | [DEMON] 13ullet, Alt+F2 to get to a run box, then gksudo halt | 08:49 |
darrell | okay | 08:49 |
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=== stefg fifty way to leave your lover | ||
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hjmills | is it possible to give a priority to certain apps so less important apps cant grab focus from them (so update manager can get out of my face and let me work) | 08:50 |
noober | what are files that begin with ~ in ubuntu? Are they some kind of backup copies? | 08:50 |
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mnoir | noober: yes - usually the result of an edit session | 08:50 |
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Daishi | is 4gb of hd space enough to upgrade from current etchy to feisty fawn herd 2? | 08:50 |
hjmills | Daishi, try it and see how much space it says it needs then cancel? | 08:50 |
noober | mnoir: ok | 08:50 |
darrell | I have a Latitude LS pIII500 with a neomagic magicgraph 256av nm2200 can only use 800x600 | 08:50 |
mnoir | !feisty | Daishi | 08:51 |
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ubotu | Daishi: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+1 | 08:51 |
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Daishi | ohh it would have warned me? | 08:51 |
btx94 | Hi, I am looking help on a localization question. | 08:51 |
xerophyte | when i copy code from another console window to the vim .. vim indent the code tab on each line .. how can i presave the format when i copy from one console window from another in vim ?? | 08:51 |
darrell | I would like touse 1024x768 | 08:51 |
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noober | mnoir: but if you delete the original file, will the ~ file stay? | 08:51 |
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mnoir | noober: i dunno - probably - tias | 08:51 |
Peeter | I instaled Nvidia driver. but i got error about kernel version. what i need to do | 08:51 |
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noober | mnoir: thanks for the help | 08:52 |
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Peeter | -> No precompiled kernel interface was found to match your kernel; would you li | 08:52 |
Peeter | ke the installer to attempt to download a kernel interface for your kernel f | 08:52 |
Peeter | rom the NVIDIA ftp site (ftp://download.nvidia.com)? (Answer: Yes) | 08:52 |
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darrell | any help | 08:52 |
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buu | Peeter: Try answering 'no' | 08:53 |
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Peeter | ok i try | 08:53 |
stefg | !nvidia | Peeter | 08:53 |
ubotu | Peeter: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 08:53 |
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mzanfardino | noob question: I'm trying to use /usr/local/src to store and build programs. However, when I attempt to unzip to that directory I do not have rights. can I change the rights/ownership of /usr/local/src to permit my user account to write there, or should I use sudo for my ./configure and the like? | 08:54 |
SecrethX | hmm.. I cant seem to get 5.1 sound out of my boxes (5.1 boxes - 5.1 card), only two of them seem to work.. any suggestions? | 08:54 |
ardchoille42 | !sudo | mzanfardino | 08:54 |
ubotu | mzanfardino: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 08:54 |
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btx94 | Currently Mac user considering Ubuntu. Want to know if changing interface language in Ubuntu is as easy as on Mac OS X? Specifically, I need a German interface. | 08:54 |
iketurner | Mzanfardino are you doing this under sudo | 08:54 |
mzanfardino | I'm trying to avoid having to use sudo to build programs | 08:55 |
mzanfardino | I guess the question is: does it mater? | 08:55 |
iketurner | not possible | 08:55 |
stefg | btx94: no problem | 08:55 |
mzanfardino | if I build from source as sudo, will all users have access to executing the new program without needing to be su? | 08:55 |
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Anthon1 | When I install, if I manually create the partitions for linux, what do I name them? | 08:56 |
iketurner | if you change permissions on that directory you are opening yourself up for bad things to come | 08:56 |
mzanfardino | remember: noob question. | 08:56 |
stefg | !checkinstall | mzanfardino | 08:56 |
ubotu | mzanfardino: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running! | 08:56 |
btx94 | stefg: can it be installed without knowing any english? | 08:56 |
iketurner | should | 08:56 |
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mzanfardino | iketurner: ok, thanks | 08:56 |
stefg | btx94: check #ubuntu-de da kann man auch aucf deutsch | 08:56 |
mzanfardino | stefg: thanks | 08:56 |
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btx94 | stefg: thx | 08:56 |
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hume | anyone knows why my network passkey is NOT stored in the kwallet? It asks for it every time... | 08:57 |
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iketurner | !wpa | 08:57 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 08:57 |
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iketurner | hume for wifi | 08:58 |
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Anthon1 | When I create partitions for installing, do I name the swap partitiion "swap" and the root partition "root?" Or does it matter? | 08:59 |
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hjmills | Anthon1, i dont name mine i dont think | 09:00 |
Bnirkow | this is possible to get actual grub menu.lst ??? edit it and write on old | 09:00 |
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Anthon1 | will the installer recognize which one is supposed to be the swap, and which one is supposed to be root? | 09:00 |
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stefg | !install | Anthon1 | 09:01 |
ubotu | Anthon1: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues | 09:01 |
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svg | hi all; got a performance related question | 09:02 |
hjmills | !ask | 09:02 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 09:02 |
kinections | i did a change of hostname using the hostname command... but now i can't sudo, is there a way to fix this? | 09:03 |
svg | i'm not asking, i'm saying hi :) | 09:03 |
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svg | since a week or 2 I'm experiencing occasionaly a high load on a edgy desktop, during which the system is very unresponsive | 09:03 |
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hjmills | svg, well thats allowed then :D - Hi | 09:03 |
hjmills | !hi | 09:03 |
ubotu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 09:03 |
svg | during this, memory usage and proc usage is nothing to zero | 09:03 |
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svg | disk access is nothing also | 09:03 |
stefg | kinections: see /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname if the hostname is tehe same | 09:03 |
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svg | I was wondering how to troubleshoot such a situation | 09:04 |
hjmills | kinections, try logging in on recovery mode - grabbing root access and adding yourself to the admin group and checking /etc/sudoers to make sure admin group has sudo access | 09:04 |
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svg | In the mean time I noticed it must be something related to evolution; problem stops wheb killin evo | 09:04 |
hjmills | svg, run top and see what is too high? | 09:04 |
hjmills | svg, or change email client | 09:04 |
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kinections | stefg: alright, thanks.. luckily i had changed my root password so i could su | 09:05 |
Bnirkow | how to rebuild grub from knoppix ?? | 09:05 |
kinections | otherwise, i'd have to do that trick hjmills stuff | 09:05 |
=== cberl2 [n=berloc@mars.dsbn.edu.on.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | !grub | Bnirkow, first link, liveCD/DesktopCD instructions | 09:06 |
ubotu | Bnirkow, first link, liveCD/DesktopCD instructions: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 09:06 |
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cberl2 | Hey folks, anyone know how to hid a task from appearing in the tasklist? | 09:06 |
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finn | !aiglx | 09:06 |
ubotu | AIGLX (Accelerated Indirect GLX) is an open source project founded by the X.Org Foundation and the Fedora Core Linux community to allow accelerated indirect GLX rendering capabilities to X.org and DRI drivers. This allows remote X clients to get fully hardware accelerated rendering over the GLX protocol. Head to #ubuntu-xgl for support. | 09:06 |
haxality | I'm having a really strange problem. When I click the 'quit' icon in GNOME, gnome-panel locks up and it doesn't bring up the quit options screen | 09:06 |
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svg | hjmills: like I said, memory, disk access, network access nor processor time are peaking, actually their doing nothing special - top doesn't reveal anything | 09:07 |
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Pechorin | how do I add new locales that can be generated with locale-gen? | 09:07 |
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haxality | seriously, this is incredibly annoying. | 09:08 |
noodles12 | it seems my audio output with amarok at everything max is softer than with gxine totem | 09:08 |
Mr_Congeniality | (CPU): Intel Pentium III | 09:08 |
Mr_Congeniality | (CPU Speed): 1.83 GHz | 09:08 |
Mr_Congeniality | (CPU Architecture): x86 | 09:08 |
Mr_Congeniality | (CPU Count): 2 | 09:08 |
Mr_Congeniality | (CPU Load): 100% | 09:08 |
Mr_Congeniality | (CPU Cache, L1): 0 KB | 09:08 |
Mr_Congeniality | (CPU Cache, L2): 0 KB | 09:08 |
Mr_Congeniality | (CPU Cache, L3): 0 KB | 09:08 |
haxality | stop spamming. | 09:08 |
SecrethX | hmm, someone know how to mount a philips HDD6320? (Its a MP3 player, 30gig etc) | 09:08 |
haxality | !pastebin | 09:08 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 09:08 |
stefg | !pasre | 09:08 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pasre - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:08 |
stefg | !paste | 09:08 |
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Anthon1 | When partitioning a disk for dual boot, how do I indicate which partition is the "swap" partition? | 09:09 |
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cac | hi folks | 09:09 |
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stefg | Anthon1: the installer will know | 09:10 |
cberl2 | Anthon1: make sure windows is installed first -- that'll make life easier for you. | 09:10 |
adub | does anyone in here ever use aircrack?? | 09:10 |
Anthon1 | I need to make two paritions though, correct? one for root and one for swap? | 09:10 |
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cac | Is the feisty beta version 2 of ubuntu stable? | 09:11 |
cberl2 | Anthon1: Generally, yes. | 09:11 |
stefg | Anthon1: minimum... might be wise to have /home seoerate, too | 09:11 |
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CyberCod | Anthon1, after you designate partition sizes and types, it'll come up to a screen where you can designate whcich partitions are which, and whether to format them or not, | 09:11 |
cac | or it has some bugs yet | 09:11 |
Anthon1 | ok, thank you | 09:11 |
CyberCod | Anthon1, swap partition basically does the job of the pagefile in windoze | 09:11 |
darrell | join/ #Terminal | 09:11 |
stefg | cacGeisty is in development, and doesn't work at all now | 09:12 |
Flannel | cac: it's alpha, not bea | 09:12 |
cac | I see | 09:12 |
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stefg | cac: Feisty is in development, and doesn't work at all now | 09:12 |
Anthon1 | What size should I make the swap partition? | 09:12 |
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Flannel | Anthon1: how much RAM do you have? | 09:12 |
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cac | so you do not recommend to install it, do you? | 09:12 |
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stefg | !feisty | 09:12 |
Anthon1 | Flannel: 1GB | 09:12 |
ubotu | The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+1 | 09:12 |
Flannel | cac: unless you know what youre doing | 09:12 |
Flannel | Anthon1: use a 1GB swap | 09:12 |
stefg | cac: don#t use it | 09:13 |
Anthon1 | ok, thank you | 09:13 |
cberl2 | cac: I'd install it on a system you don't rely on, and by all means file lots of bug reports! | 09:13 |
arathonnova | Hi...I've recently started using Amarok, but it refuses to edit any tags which belong to .m4a (iTunes unprotected) files.... | 09:13 |
cac | thanks for your advice | 09:13 |
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alecjw | arathonnova: do you have hte appropriate plugins to play them? | 09:13 |
arathonnova | yeah, they play just fine | 09:13 |
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CyberCod | I was looking at foresight linux... talk about unsupported! | 09:14 |
cac | so I will keep my ubuntu 6.10 | 09:14 |
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utopio | hi all! | 09:14 |
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arathonnova | it just pops up and says "Sorry, the tag for ______ cannot be changed" | 09:14 |
matt4magic | Flanel: Rule of thumb is 2x RAM? | 09:14 |
cac | and besides I could install beryl finnally | 09:14 |
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darrell | screen resolution help | 09:14 |
alecjw | arathonnova: do you have read/write access to the files? | 09:14 |
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stefg | !sense | cac | 09:15 |
ubotu | cac: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. | 09:15 |
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arathonnova | good question -> I'll have to check =P | 09:15 |
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utopio | i feel stupid, it should be easy, but i have just canged the network card of a ubunto 6.01 (a realtek 8139c, quite common chipset) and it is not detected.... (ive tryed the live cd and knoppix and they detect if fine...) | 09:15 |
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utopio | any idea? | 09:15 |
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cac | is there someone who has pentium d with ubuntu? | 09:16 |
stefg | !discover | 09:16 |
ubotu | discover: hardware identification system. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.0-1 (edgy), package size 295 kB, installed size 716 kB | 09:16 |
I-kido | utopio pppoeconf | 09:16 |
jpjacobs | utopio, try modprobe rtl8139? | 09:16 |
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utopio | i tryed to insert the module with no success... the device is still not found... | 09:17 |
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ravehanker | What can i use to convert latex to plain text? | 09:17 |
darrell | is there a channel for video problems | 09:17 |
utopio | perpahps my machine is dying(hardware failure)? | 09:17 |
chalkie_ | im trying to give my friend shell access to my box how do i do it?? | 09:17 |
SecrethX | hmm, someone know how to mount a philips HDD6320? (Its a MP3 player, 30gig etc) | 09:17 |
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andcor | latex to plain text | 09:17 |
agnostic | someone can help with "Grub error 22"? | 09:17 |
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ravehanker | andcor:- yes | 09:17 |
andcor | why would you do that | 09:17 |
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ravehanker | andcor:- One of the companies i'm applying to is asking for a plain text resume | 09:18 |
andcor | can't you make it unto pdf or dvi ? | 09:18 |
stefg | chalkie_ : install openssh-server on your box, and read man ssh | 09:18 |
Jenetik | Does anyone know what the purpose of Evolution's "junk" feature is? | 09:18 |
matt4magic | I guess you can simply strip off all commands. | 09:18 |
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Flannel | ravehanker: oh, you don't necessarily need it automated. make a PDF, then copy/paste the text in the PDF | 09:18 |
andcor | then make pdf and extract the information needed ? | 09:18 |
Jenetik | it obviously doesn't filter spam | 09:18 |
chalkie_ | where do i find openssh? | 09:18 |
Jenetik | openssh.org | 09:18 |
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Flannel | chalkie_: it's in the repositories, in main, | 09:19 |
stefg | Jenetik: install spam-assasin or bogo-filter | 09:19 |
andcor | apt-get install ssh | 09:19 |
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ravehanker | Flannel:- I had something called hevea the nicely generated plain text from latex with all the works, but it's throwing up an error that i can't seem to understand | 09:19 |
stefg | !openssh-server | 09:19 |
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ubotu | openssh-server: Secure shell server, an rshd replacement. In component main, is optional. Version 1:4.3p2-5ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 212 kB, installed size 552 kB | 09:19 |
ravehanker | andcor:- ^^ | 09:19 |
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vbb | Hi | 09:19 |
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arathonnova | well...I have to admit - I can't tell whether I have write access or not, though I'm guessing maybe I don't - the files are rwxrwx- - - | 09:19 |
ravehanker | Flannel:- andcor ./Resume.tex:1: Error while reading LaTeX: | 09:20 |
andcor | ravehanker (i'm not used to irc) what does that mean ? | 09:20 |
ravehanker | No base style | 09:20 |
ravehanker | This is what i get | 09:20 |
Jenetik | stefg: will it work within evolution easy? got a HOWTO? | 09:20 |
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andcor | aah | 09:20 |
ravehanker | andcor:- The means read above :) | 09:20 |
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stefg | Jenetik, google is your friend, i don't use evo | 09:20 |
Flannel | andcor: "sudo apt-get install openssh-server" will install a server | 09:20 |
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vbb | !ssh | 09:20 |
ubotu | SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ | 09:20 |
vbb | :P | 09:20 |
Jenetik | Whats google? | 09:20 |
vbb | ... | 09:20 |
utopio | perphaps booting fromt he live cd, chroot to my root fs, and dist-upgrade? | 09:20 |
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vbb | !google | jenetik | 09:20 |
andcor | a .tex file is plain text, can't you just open it and extract the text needed ? | 09:20 |
ubotu | jenetik: Google is a very popular search engine: http://www.google.com - Google also has a Linux-specific search engine: http://google.com/linux | 09:20 |
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Jenetik | Really... | 09:21 |
chalkie_ | people keep saying thinsg to me that are apt-get what does that mean? | 09:21 |
Jenetik | never heard of such a thing | 09:21 |
Jenetik | fucking moron help channel | 09:21 |
andcor | i know, but apt-get install ssh installs ssh client and server at once | 09:21 |
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vbb | Jenetik: Stop being sarchastic :P | 09:21 |
illusin1 | How do I get a multimedia-ready kernel for my system? Google isn't helping. | 09:21 |
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ravehanker | andcor:- The formatting is gone then. There is no use in having latex then :) | 09:21 |
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jpjacobs | illusin1, the kernel has not much to do with multimedia | 09:21 |
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stefg | !apt | chalkie | 09:22 |
ubotu | chalkie: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) | 09:22 |
ravehanker | andcor:- try using hevea and you will know why i'm adament about generating it :) | 09:22 |
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andcor | hevea ? | 09:22 |
ravehanker | andcor:- yes | 09:22 |
=== DBO looks at LjL | ||
andcor | which is what exactly ? | 09:22 |
illusin1 | jpjacobs: to quote the rosegarden manual: "It is theoretically possible to run JACK and Rosegarden with an ordinary kernel, but I have never obtained acceptable results, even on machine with fairly high specs. CPU power and abundant RAM are insufficient to guarantee reliable performance, and you will, unfortunately, need to run a specialized kernel." | 09:22 |
=== riotkittie [n=zabeth@cpe-72-228-42-90.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
erUSUL | illusin1: there is no such thing like "multimedia-ready" kernel | 09:22 |
LjL | Ubotu, tell chalkie_ about software | chalkie_, see the private message from Ubotu | 09:23 |
stefg | bored ops? | 09:23 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL | ||
adub | does anyone here use aircrack | 09:23 |
ravehanker | andcor:- Since you're new to irc, i'll give you another tip. when there's high traffic in a channel, it's usually helpful to append the name of the person you're talking to on the format. Good IRC clients will highligh it. | 09:23 |
LjL | DBO: didn't exactly know how to deal with spaces | 09:23 |
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ravehanker | andcor:- That's a latex to HTML generator, but also converts to plain text | 09:23 |
Sp4rKy | please, if i want to forward internet connection on a computer (with iptables -t nat -o eth1 -j MASQUERADE), does my subnetwork must be in the same /24 than eth1 ? | 09:23 |
ravehanker | andcor:- It's somehow not workign nwo | 09:23 |
ravehanker | *now | 09:23 |
Flannel | ravehanker: so, your original question shouldve been, "how do I fix hevea?" not "what else can you suggest that I'm not willing to do", eh? So, is that the only error you get? | 09:23 |
andcor | ravehanker: ok | 09:23 |
daleg | hi all, is there any command-line torrent client supporting data encryptio? | 09:23 |
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ravehanker | Flannel:- yep | 09:24 |
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stefg | daleg, not in the ubuntu repos | 09:24 |
marshall | hey guys | 09:24 |
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marshall | whats the command to un-tar an archive? | 09:24 |
LjL | marshall: tar xf filename | 09:24 |
jpjacobs | illusin1, dunno, but when was that written? | 09:24 |
LjL | marshall: and man tar, and tar --help | 09:24 |
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marshall | thanks | 09:24 |
LjL | Ubotu, tell marshall about tar | marshall, see the private message from Ubotu | 09:24 |
daleg | stefg, and outside? | 09:24 |
stefg | marshall: man tar, or /j #homework | 09:24 |
riotkittie | argh. my inability to clone my display makes me a sad panda. :| | 09:24 |
Flannel | ravehanker: are you using non-english text? | 09:25 |
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ravehanker | Flannel:- No, It's plain english | 09:25 |
Ice_Wewe | can someone help me? I'm trying to configure the CPU clock program (I forget what it's called, but it runs in userspace mode) to set the right voltages? | 09:25 |
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Ice_Wewe | Right now it's at the right voltage for 1Ghz (2Ghz default), but it cranks the voltage too high when it puts the CPU to full clock | 09:25 |
ravehanker | Flannel:- and i've been using the same stylesheet for quite sometime now | 09:25 |
stefg | daleg: I had to finally settle on Torrent with win :-( | 09:25 |
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marshall | stefg, what is #homework? | 09:26 |
stefg | daleg: I had to finally settle on Torrent with *wine* :-( | 09:26 |
Flannel | ravehanker: what errors does it give you exactly? since, that can't be it. | 09:26 |
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iketurner | exit | 09:26 |
ravehanker | Flannel:- ./Resume.tex:1: Warning: Cannot open file: res.hva | 09:26 |
ravehanker | ./Resume.tex:1: Error while reading LaTeX: | 09:26 |
ravehanker | No base style | 09:26 |
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rdz | !autostart | 09:26 |
ubotu | To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup | 09:26 |
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stefg | marshall: that means... please don't bother the channel with questions taht indicate taht you are just to lazy to read the documentation | 09:27 |
Flannel | ravehanker: perfect. http://pauillac.inria.fr/~maranget/hevea/newdoc/manual004.html see 2.2 | 09:27 |
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ravehanker | Flannel:- Thanks :) | 09:27 |
daleg | stefg, argh; I'm using ktorrent, but with only 128 Mb ram I'd like to reduce its usage (my pc works as a small server and a client) | 09:27 |
rdz | ubotu, i love you | 09:27 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about i love you - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:27 |
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rdz | (i know that you don't have feelings.... but anyway) | 09:27 |
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humboldt | I want to compile my custom kernel, but I am missing the debian dirs in /usr/src | 09:27 |
Ice_Wewe | is there anyway I can configure powernowd (which I think is controlling the CPU throttle) to set the voltage at 2Ghz to be lower | 09:27 |
stefg | daleg... known problem... no really good solution in sight... google for ctorrent, if it improved a bit | 09:27 |
=== m12 [n=matthew@adsl-18-108-237.sdf.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
humboldt | I am trying to follow this howto https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild | 09:28 |
m12 | can anyone recommend a good app for making a recording of your desktop? | 09:28 |
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finn | !nvidia | 09:28 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 09:28 |
daleg | stefg, thank u | 09:28 |
marshall | stefg, im sorry, i know all 1035 of you are very busy | 09:28 |
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Flannel | m12: wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreencastTeam/RecordingScreencasts | 09:28 |
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daleg | and power to PIII :D | 09:28 |
Ice_Wewe | marshall: I'm not, what's your problem? | 09:29 |
riotkittie | his problem is a refusal to type man tar and read :P | 09:29 |
Ice_Wewe | humboldt: install the linux kernel source | 09:29 |
Ice_Wewe | riotkittie: ah, well, can't help him with that | 09:29 |
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marshall | Ice_Wewe, nothing, i asked what the command to untar files was. thanks though :) | 09:30 |
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stefg | marshall: this was not meant angy (as your sarcasm inidicates), but according to the fact that spoon-feeding won't help you in getting more knowledge and become a better ubuntu-ist | 09:30 |
Ice_Wewe | riotkittie: and my problem is that I've read the man page on powernow and I still don't know how to configure it properly | 09:30 |
utopio | (suicide move) upgrading from dapper to edgy to see if my network card problems go away... | 09:30 |
humboldt | Ice_Wewe: That's what I did. | 09:30 |
riotkittie | tar xvf tar.tar | 09:30 |
Ice_Wewe | marshall: tar -xf (for tar files) tar -zxf (for gzip files) tar -jxf (for bzip2 files) | 09:30 |
Ice_Wewe | you can add v if you'd like it to be verbose | 09:30 |
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Ice_Wewe | humboldt: you have to uncompress it | 09:31 |
marshall | thanks Ice_Wewe | 09:31 |
Ice_Wewe | humboldt: the package includes a tarball of the source | 09:31 |
humboldt | Ice_Wewe: the howto above states "The stock Ubuntu configs are located in debian/config/ARCH/ " | 09:31 |
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humboldt | Ice_Wewe: yes | 09:31 |
Ice_Wewe | marshall: if you don't want to learn how to use tar, why not use Archive Manager? | 09:31 |
humboldt | Ice_Wewe: I got that far | 09:31 |
riotkittie | heh | 09:31 |
Ice_Wewe | humboldt: then cd into that dir, and then to debian | 09:31 |
marshall | Ice_Wewe, lol i want to learn how to use tar | 09:31 |
humboldt | Ice_Wewe: I have compiled kernels before | 09:31 |
saispo | Is gnome-pty-helper necessary for terminal ? | 09:31 |
SecrethX | brb reboot | 09:31 |
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Ice_Wewe | marshall: then read the man page | 09:32 |
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Ice_Wewe | humboldt: ok, so what do you need help with? | 09:32 |
Ice_Wewe | someone here configured powernow before? | 09:32 |
riotkittie | seriously. manpages are your best friend. | 09:32 |
=== Delux_247 [i=drjekyl@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0xC266F52A] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mads- | where can I locate the folder with screensavers? I want to add some... | 09:32 |
riotkittie | theyre fairly easy to follow, and chock full of informations and essential vitamins and minerals | 09:33 |
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Ice_Wewe | someone here configured powernow before? | 09:33 |
stefg | riotkittie: this is worth a quote , lol | 09:33 |
Ice_Wewe | mads-: /usr/lib/xscreensaver/ go there | 09:34 |
humboldt | Ice_Wewe: the howto states you can build kernels like this: "AUTOBUILD=1 fakeroot debian/rules binary-debs flavours=k7" and that the configs for the archs are in the dir mentioned above. but they are not. | 09:34 |
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mads- | Ice_Wewe: Thanks | 09:34 |
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Ice_Wewe | humboldt: sorry, I haven't been 'haxx0r' enough to configure a kernel from that file, I always use 'make config' or 'make xconfig' | 09:34 |
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Flannel | humboldt: out of curiosity, why are you building a kernel? | 09:34 |
mads- | Ice_Wewe: Needed to know if they were normal executable files, so I could add my own OpenGL thingies in there =) | 09:35 |
riotkittie | i havent compiled a kernel since 2004 :o | 09:35 |
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humboldt | Flannel: crusoe | 09:35 |
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DanielV | How to install java run time 6 on Edgy? | 09:35 |
humboldt | Need the last bit of performance | 09:35 |
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riotkittie | !java | 09:36 |
ubotu | To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository | 09:36 |
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alvaro | hi ppl, which is the latest version of Ubuntu? | 09:36 |
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humboldt | alvaro: edgy | 09:36 |
LjL | Ubotu, tell alvaro about edgy | alvaro, see the private message from Ubotu | 09:36 |
Ice_Wewe | mads-: ok | 09:36 |
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humboldt | alvaro: feisty is in dev | 09:36 |
alvaro | humboldt, ah ok | 09:37 |
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alvaro | i have a strange graphic problem | 09:37 |
kazuka | !usplash | 09:37 |
ubotu | To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork | 09:37 |
hairulfr | I live with a moron. Stupid /&#. I just found two of my Cd's in a drawer, while I was looking for a schematic I did of something I was transferring to CAD, but hello! Two Cd's out of the covers, completely scratched and with broken covers. What a #/#(/(##!#=(#. | 09:37 |
alvaro | i see images in frames when i scroll down/up the screen | 09:37 |
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riotkittie | i wish i could make up my mind about partitiooooooons | 09:37 |
vbb | !rofl | 09:38 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about rofl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:38 |
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vbb | :P | 09:38 |
Gunirus_ | !lol | 09:38 |
vbb | !bot | 09:38 |
kazuka | !stupid | vbb | 09:38 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lol - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:38 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 09:38 |
vbb | Fine... | 09:38 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about stupid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:38 |
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kazuka | hi vbb | 09:38 |
vbb | Hi. | 09:38 |
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chalkie_ | ive got ssh installed | 09:39 |
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gjc | so, has anyone else got lots of problems due to ubuntu changing to python2.5? | 09:39 |
fgeller | hi, i'm running edgy and am trying to run vmware server. vmware-config runs "successfully" but everytime i try to execute "vmware" i get a message to run vmware-config again to properly configure the installation. does anyone know how to find out what part of the configuation goes wrong as the config script doesn't tell me? | 09:39 |
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andcor | sure you run the config as sudo ? | 09:40 |
fgeller | yes | 09:40 |
andcor | just i thought? | 09:40 |
vbb | !bzr | vbb | 09:40 |
ubotu | vbb: bzr is Bazaar-NG, a decentralized revision control system designed to be easy for developers and end users alike. Decentralized revision control systems give people the ability to work over the internet using the bazaar development model. | 09:40 |
vbb | o | 09:40 |
vbb | !bzr-clients | vbb | 09:40 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about bzr-clients - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:40 |
andcor | I don't know anything bout wmware | 09:40 |
vbb | gah | 09:40 |
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vbb | !vmware | andcor | 09:41 |
ubotu | andcor: VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"). Instructions for VMWare Server can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware | 09:41 |
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andcor | he he, thanks | 09:41 |
vbb | :) | 09:41 |
chalkie_ | ive installed ssh what do i do now to allow my mate to access my box as a shell? | 09:41 |
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T2 | hey anyone know how to copy a dvd-9 onto a normal dvd? | 09:41 |
alvaro | im on edgy, i have a nvidia video card, when i scroll down/up the screen i get the images in frames, its so unconfortable, any ideas= | 09:41 |
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vbb | !ssh | 09:41 |
ubotu | SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ | 09:41 |
stefg | chalkie- , forward port 22 on your router? | 09:41 |
Flannel | chalkie_: set up a user account for him | 09:41 |
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chalkie_ | stefg i have already | 09:42 |
andcor | you have to make sure you firewall or router has port 22 forwarded to your computer to be able to make an remote ssh to it | 09:42 |
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vbb | !forward | 09:42 |
alvaro | chalkie_, did u already install openssh-server? | 09:42 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about forward - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:42 |
vbb | :P | 09:42 |
diederick | someone here who knows a good trafffic monitor | 09:43 |
chalkie_ | alvarto i just installed it using apt-get install ssh | 09:43 |
=== vleon [n=vleon@bzq-88-153-5-68.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vleon | can someone help me connect a router and actually use it in ubuntu? | 09:43 |
vbb | chalkie_: Then it's installed.. good. And you did forward port 22.. then you should be good to go ? | 09:43 |
stefg | chalkie_ sudo apt-get instal openssh-server would have been right | 09:43 |
vbb | vleon: sure. | 09:43 |
Flannel | chalkie_: once you've made a user for him he can login, no problem. | 09:43 |
fgeller | guess i'll try #vmware :) | 09:43 |
vbb | vleon: What router do you have ? what fabricator ? | 09:43 |
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T2 | anyone know how to copy a dvd-9 onto a normal dvd? | 09:44 |
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alvaro | chalkie_, so your mate just only must have installed openssh-client and then run ssh user@IP -p port (generally 22) | 09:44 |
vleon | vbb ok so i have my ppoe modem/router given to me by my internet provider, and a wlan router that i bought | 09:44 |
vbb | vleon: what is it called ? | 09:44 |
vbb | vleon: The wlan router ? | 09:44 |
arathonnova | hey - does anyone know why Amarok won't edit my .m4a tags? | 09:44 |
vleon | linksys WRT54G | 09:44 |
vbb | vleon: If thats the one you want to connect to. | 09:44 |
vbb | vleon: Ahh love that router! I got it myself. :) | 09:44 |
vleon | great!! | 09:45 |
vbb | vleon: Did you read the manual? :P | 09:45 |
vleon | what revision do you have? mine is 5 | 09:45 |
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vbb | vleon: UM, I have something close to that, It's a WRT54GL | 09:45 |
vleon | well no i didnt since its for windows | 09:45 |
vleon | should i read it? | 09:45 |
vbb | vleon: But it's really close. | 09:45 |
alvaro | im on edgy, i have a nvidia video card, when i scroll down/up the screen i get the images in frames, very unconfortable, any ideas? | 09:45 |
vbb | vleon: well yes, it tells you how to connect, and the default username/password :P | 09:45 |
vleon | ohhh | 09:45 |
vleon | ok :) | 09:46 |
vbb | ;P | 09:46 |
vbb | Don't worry | 09:46 |
vbb | no one ever reads the manual first. :P | 09:46 |
vbb | !manual | 09:46 |
vbb | humm | 09:46 |
vbb | !manual | 09:46 |
vbb | !manual | vbb | 09:46 |
vbb | The bot is offline ? | 09:46 |
apokryphos | Yes, the bot is lagging. Please wait. | 09:46 |
vleon | ok sec | 09:46 |
T2 | vbb: ubuntus dead! | 09:46 |
=== kz`gangien [n=gangien@c-24-16-39-9.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
T2 | *ubotu | 09:46 |
vbb | T2: D: THATS BAD! | 09:46 |
T2 | lol i no | 09:47 |
vbb | whos hosting the bot? | 09:47 |
vbb | :P | 09:47 |
=== Maverynthia [n=KlingonE@54-4.202-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
T2 | must have a virus, hahaha | 09:47 |
vbb | not neccesarily... | 09:47 |
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vbb | The guy that hosts it might just be lookin' at porn... | 09:47 |
vbb | :P | 09:47 |
T2 | ok joke lol | 09:47 |
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T2 | lol :D | 09:47 |
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T2 | probly th case | 09:47 |
Anthon1 | I tried resizing my widows parition to make room for ubuntu with GParted, but it said that the NTFS partition was not able to be resized, does anyone know why this might be? | 09:47 |
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stefg | T2: yes, the terrible many-stupid-questions worm, i suppose | 09:47 |
_bt | Anthon1, check it for errors | 09:47 |
T2 | stefg: :D | 09:48 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about manual - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:48 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about manual - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:48 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about manual - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:48 |
vbb | !lagg | 09:48 |
T2 | oo hes back | 09:48 |
vbb | !lag | 09:48 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lagg - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:48 |
vbb | oooh | 09:48 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lag - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:48 |
vbb | back IN THA HAUZ | 09:48 |
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T2 | !were have you been? | 09:48 |
apokryphos | !botabuse | 09:48 |
ubotu | Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 09:48 |
=== vbb [n=Anders@0x573a0c93.ngnqu1.broadband.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
madcheeze | Anthon1: i wouldnt do that with gparted. I would either get a second hard drive, or copy all your stuff and reformat with windows, and then install ubuntu on a second partition | 09:48 |
vbb | O_o | 09:48 |
vbb | why was I kicked? D: | 09:48 |
apokryphos | !botabuse | vbb | 09:48 |
ubotu | vbb: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 09:48 |
vbb | Oh. | 09:49 |
T2 | ha look wat it sed to me! " Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)" | 09:49 |
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bruenig | bots are funny hahahahaha, look at me I used the bot hahahahaha | 09:49 |
madcheeze | T2: look what you said... sed? | 09:49 |
madcheeze | hahahahaha | 09:49 |
T2 | madcheeze: shhhh lol | 09:49 |
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Anthon1 | I should be able to resize it though, shouldn't I? | 09:49 |
madcheeze | Anthon1: you can, but i dont recommend it | 09:50 |
Anthon1 | I'm trying to parition the disk to dual-boot | 09:50 |
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madcheeze | Anthon1: it could tear up your ntfs... | 09:50 |
Anthon1 | *sigh*, alright, thanks anyway | 09:50 |
riotkittie | you can do it but if youre going to go that route be aware of the risks | 09:50 |
HymnToLife | Anthon1, the risk is very small though | 09:50 |
stefg | Anthon1: relax, breathe, think of what your therapist said about paranoia and trust the installer :-) | 09:51 |
madcheeze | Anthon1: you can do it... dont get me wrong, but i think its a bad idea... | 09:51 |
Anthon1 | haha | 09:51 |
HymnToLife | backup valuable data before just in case and you should be fine | 09:51 |
bruenig | it is not a big deal, very small risk | 09:51 |
mads- | what do I need to play stream with protocol fd:// ? | 09:51 |
axa-axa | Hi. I've installed kubuntu-desktop on my Ubuntu system but then I wated to contiune using Gnome so I've added gdm as default, but now no display manager starts and I have to manually type `sudo gdm` from terminal to start it. `ls -l /etc/rc5.d/|grep -i gdm` displays: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 2007-01-16 01:29 S13gdm -> ../init.d/gdm | 09:51 |
madcheeze | HymnToLife: if he does that he may as well burn the time and set it up correctly... | 09:51 |
Anthon1 | well, when I tried to resize, I got an error message saying that it wasn't able to resize the partition | 09:51 |
madcheeze | Anthon1: did you backup your ntfs first? | 09:52 |
bruenig | Anthon1, did you degrag | 09:52 |
bruenig | defrag* | 09:52 |
=== Kearin [n=Kearin@64-40-47-134.nocharge.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jowi | axa-axa, by default rc2.d is what boots unless you've changed the init to another runlevel | 09:52 |
madcheeze | Anthon1: if i were going to do it, i would defrag, backup, image the drive on a dvd, then try it | 09:52 |
Anthon1 | ah, no, that's probably the problem | 09:52 |
Anthon1 | ok, thanks | 09:52 |
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axa-axa | Jowi: rc2.d is default? Ok, I'll see that then... | 09:53 |
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madcheeze | hope i didnt make him feel bad, it just seemed as if he was going to tear up his data... | 09:53 |
axa-axa | Jowi: The output of `ls -l /etc/rc5.d/|grep -i gdm` is the same: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 2007-01-16 01:29 S13gdm -> ../init.d/gdm | 09:53 |
Jowi | axa-axa, it is possilbe to set up two identical boot entries in grub appart that you add 5 to one of the other entries | 09:53 |
trygve-u | Hi, I can't shutdown my pc with ubuntu.. ehm dunno whats wrong | 09:54 |
axa-axa | Jowi: but it doesnt start | 09:54 |
bruenig | trygve-u, sudo shutdown -h now | 09:54 |
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Jowi | axa-axa, for example, in rc2.d you have S13gdm and in rc5.d you have S13kdm | 09:54 |
trygve-u | bruenig: Okay, I'll try that | 09:54 |
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Jowi | axa-axa, one runlevel starts gdm and the other kdm. | 09:55 |
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themoebius | hey if I want to ssh into my remote server and start my backup script, how can i do it so the backup screen keeps running even if the ssh session is disconnected? | 09:55 |
axa-axa | Jowi: No, in both rc2.d and rc5.d it is: S13gdm. And btw, kdm doesnt start also. | 09:55 |
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stefg | !screen | themoebius | 09:56 |
ubotu | themoebius: screen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen | 09:56 |
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SecrethX | My external HDD isnt showing up when I plug it in.. someone know why? :s | 09:56 |
Jowi | axa-axa, then you have another problem. the rc2/5.d is not where the problem lies but probably in /var/log/gdm/\:0.log | 09:56 |
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Jowi | axa-axa, check the logs for errors | 09:57 |
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Bagoor | What is Wheel Login Detail ?! | 09:57 |
tonyyarusso | SecrethX: Can you mount it manually or is it not recognized at all? | 09:57 |
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Exclamation | what is the python dir in edgy? | 09:57 |
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SecrethX | tonyyarusso, can you tell me how to mount it? (or is there a weblink for it?) | 09:57 |
axa-axa | Jowi: But gdm starts with no errors when I start it manually with `sudo gdm` !? | 09:58 |
tonyyarusso | SecrethX: 'man mount' has all of the details. It is most likely /dev/sda1, or maybe sdb1 (unless it's partitioned) | 09:58 |
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SecrethX | its partitioned | 09:58 |
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SecrethX | (and NTFS) | 09:58 |
tonyyarusso | SecrethX: ick | 09:58 |
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Jowi | axa-axa, /etc/init.d/gdm should be "-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root" | 09:58 |
tonyyarusso | SecrethX: Then just replace that with whatever the numbering should be | 09:58 |
stefg | !ntfs-3g | SecrethX | 09:59 |
ubotu | SecrethX: ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy) | 09:59 |
SecrethX | tonyyarusso, cant help it :P and the weird thing is it was showing up yesterday.. :s | 09:59 |
axa-axa | Jowi: it is like that. | 09:59 |
Jowi | axa-axa, you're sure S13gdm is a symlink TO init.d/gdm? | 09:59 |
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axa-axa | Jowi: Yes. | 10:00 |
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Jowi | axa-axa, what is your current runlevel? "runlevel" in a terminal | 10:00 |
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faLUCE | Hi. is there anyone who use rox filer? I have troubles when trying to delete folders containing files: it doesn't allow the operation.... | 10:00 |
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axa-axa | Jowi: N 2 | 10:00 |
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elyon | I've asked this in #kubuntu, but haven't gotten a response. In KDE, what is the app called that allows me to change my startup programs (in gnome it's called Sessions)? | 10:01 |
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riotkittie | Kessions, perhaps <ducks> | 10:01 |
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axa-axa | Jowi: also with `sudo update-alternatives --config x-session-manager` I've selected "gnome-session" | 10:02 |
SecrethX | stefg im afraid thats not what I ment.. I first need to mount them.. | 10:02 |
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Jowi | axa-axa, can you put /etc/inittab in the pastebin please | 10:02 |
riotkittie | mount -t ntfs /dev/dev /mount/point | 10:02 |
riotkittie | where /dev/dev is the device, and /mount/point is, well, the mount point | 10:02 |
segfault_ | elyon, iirc kde doesnt have such an app, it will auto start somethign that was started in ur last session, or u can add an executable file in ~/.kde/Autostart | 10:03 |
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axa-axa | Jowi: I do not have /etc/inittab !? | 10:03 |
SecrethX | riotkittie, mount keeps saying its not in /etc/fstab | 10:03 |
bruenig | yeah just put scripts in ~/.kde/Autostart to do your stuff | 10:03 |
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riotkittie | SecrethX: are you following through with the mount point? | 10:03 |
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Jowi | axa-axa, aha. there we go :) | 10:04 |
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axa-axa | Jowi: I recall that it exists in Slackware distro but I didnt know it should exist in Ubuntu also :) | 10:04 |
SecrethX | riotkittie, no, lol sorry, but then it says that the devices does not excist ;O | 10:04 |
axa-axa | Jowi: What should I do now? | 10:04 |
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Jowi | axa-axa, I give you my inittab. hang on | 10:05 |
riotkittie | SecrethX: which device are you pointing it to, exactly ? | 10:05 |
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axa-axa | Jowi: thanks | 10:05 |
johan__ | hillo | 10:05 |
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johan__ | are there any non-GPL application bundled within ubuntu? | 10:05 |
johan__ | if yes which one | 10:06 |
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Jowi | axa-axa, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1868/ (copy it from the textbox below so you don't get the linenumbers) | 10:06 |
lupine_85 | johan__: the X server? | 10:06 |
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johan__ | what license? | 10:06 |
lupine_85 | plenty of non-GPL stuff in Ubuntu | 10:06 |
lupine_85 | MIT :p | 10:06 |
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SecrethX | riotkittie, well, to be honest, I dont know where I am pointing from :/ my external HDD wont show up :S | 10:06 |
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axa-axa | Jowi: What permission should it have? | 10:06 |
lupine_85 | Everything in main is Free according to the dfsg | 10:06 |
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johan__ | can you name two with license name | 10:06 |
lupine_85 | ? | 10:06 |
Jowi | axa-axa, -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2008 2006-05-23 12:39 /etc/inittab | 10:07 |
lupine_85 | I don't get you | 10:07 |
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Jowi | axa-axa, well, you don't need the date/time as I have of course ;) | 10:07 |
alvaro | im on edgy, i have a nvidia video card, when i scroll down/up the screen i get the images in frames, very unconfortable, any ideas? | 10:07 |
johan__ | i just need two example for an article i'm writing | 10:07 |
speyer | how do i make nautilus burn faster ? when i used to burn same dvd`s in windows it was a lot faster | 10:07 |
axa-axa | Jowi: :)) | 10:07 |
johan__ | k3b is decent burner | 10:07 |
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segfault_ | johan__, since ur writing the article maybe u should do the research | 10:08 |
rze | How can I install the nvidia drivers for GeForce2 MX 400 ??? | 10:08 |
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stefg | !nvidia | rze | 10:08 |
ubotu | rze: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 10:08 |
johan__ | i'll do that segfault thanks | 10:08 |
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linux1 | noticed that there is a fuzziness on my monitor screen running the gui with nvidia 3d drivers that wasnt there with 6.06, anybody know about this | 10:08 |
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lupine_85 | what, two examples of non-GPL software? | 10:08 |
axa-axa | Jowi: One last question. Do I need to alter it in some way because I have kubuntu also? | 10:08 |
lupine_85 | and by non-GPL do you mean non-Free? | 10:08 |
axa-axa | Jowi: although I use Gnome now and gdm | 10:08 |
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johan__ | not non free BSD-style or any | 10:08 |
Jowi | axa-axa, no. the rc2.d will take care of that | 10:09 |
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axa-axa | Jowi: Thanks a lot. Best regards :) | 10:09 |
riotkittie | SecrethX: i, myself, am not familiar with mounting of usb drives, so im not sure what needs to be behind /dev :\ | 10:09 |
Jowi | np axa-axa | 10:09 |
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stefg | !pmount | 10:09 |
ubotu | pmount: mount removable devices as normal user. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.13-1build1 (edgy), package size 39 kB, installed size 588 kB | 10:09 |
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SecrethX | riotkittie, same as I am, the weird stuff is it showed up yesterday :/ | 10:09 |
stefg | !hal | 10:09 |
ubotu | hal: Hardware Abstraction Layer. In component main, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 347 kB, installed size 1112 kB | 10:09 |
lupine_85 | johan__: then there's an abundance. but it smells like homework to me. | 10:10 |
johan__ | i wish | 10:10 |
linux1 | any issues with nvidia 3d and ubuntu 6.10 , like bad refresh rates ? | 10:10 |
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johan__ | do people really have homework on ubuntu | 10:10 |
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johan__ | i think MIT gives OS classes in economic department | 10:11 |
stefg | johan__: yuo... and it'll not stop after college :-) | 10:11 |
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riotkittie | johan__: yes, apparently. i know i've seen kids post on the forums asking for help on assignments | 10:11 |
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riotkittie | all "i have to do a project for school on why ubuntu is better than <ms os> ..." then ask a bunch of questions | 10:12 |
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SecrethX | is there any 'danger' with multios? | 10:12 |
johan__ | it is a great thing that kids do assignments on linux or FOSS in general | 10:12 |
riotkittie | which a bunch of schmucks then come along to answer | 10:12 |
cas3 | !wpa | 10:12 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 10:12 |
bruenig | !offtopic | 10:12 |
lupine_85 | SecrethX: yes. Microsoft will eat your babies :( | 10:12 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 10:12 |
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SecrethX | lupine_85, good thing I dont have babies eh ;P | 10:12 |
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lupine_85 | it will also sacrifice your media to the DRM God :( | 10:12 |
lupine_85 | but apart from that, just always install ubuntu second | 10:13 |
rze | why my nickname has only 3 esses? | 10:13 |
SecrethX | so I started off wrong? | 10:13 |
johan__ | it is tricky to scientifically prove that ubuntu is 'better' than MS | 10:13 |
lupine_85 | and be prepared to fix GRUB if you ever install windows again | 10:13 |
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lupine_85 | SecrethX: it's easy enough to fix | 10:13 |
johan__ | we have to define 'better' | 10:13 |
lupine_85 | !grub | 10:13 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 10:13 |
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TheStonepedo | what is the correct xorg driver for a really old nvidia card? riva128 chipset | 10:13 |
lupine_85 | johan__: it's better in some ways, worse in others :p | 10:13 |
bruenig | !offtopic | johan__ | 10:13 |
ubotu | johan__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 10:13 |
stefg | !nvidia-glx-legacy | 10:13 |
ubotu | nvidia-glx-legacy: NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'legacy' driver. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.0.7184+ (edgy), package size 2998 kB, installed size 9832 kB | 10:13 |
rze | TheStonepedo | 10:13 |
johan__ | sorry bout that | 10:14 |
stefg | !nvidia-glx-legacy | TheStonepedo | 10:14 |
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hairulfr | lupine_85: Mandrake has a nice grup re-installer tool, it's pretty good if you're not super good at GRUB installing, it's worth downloading a mandriva iso just for the resuce-functions on it | 10:14 |
stefg | !nvidia-glx-legacy | TheStonepedo | 10:14 |
ubotu | nvidia-glx-legacy: NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'legacy' driver. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.0.7184+ (edgy), package size 2998 kB, installed size 9832 kB | 10:14 |
[GnB] jabberwocky | help! i can't eject my cd drive. | 10:14 |
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hairulfr | Mandriva/mandrake-- | 10:14 |
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lupine_85 | [GnB] jabberwocky: unmount it first | 10:14 |
hairulfr | Yeah, I would too | 10:14 |
[GnB] jabberwocky | done | 10:14 |
lupine_85 | chroots are fine too | 10:14 |
bruenig | [GnB] jabberwocky, eject /dev/whatever | 10:14 |
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johan__ | use a needle as last resort to eject | 10:15 |
Jowi | [GnB] jabberwocky, "cd /" and "sudo eject cdrom" | 10:15 |
[GnB] jabberwocky | cda i assume? | 10:15 |
lupine_85 | don't do drugs, kids | 10:15 |
SecrethX | lupine_85, are you prepared to help me when I install ms? :P | 10:15 |
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johan__ | if /dev/device eject dont work | 10:15 |
bruenig | no sudo | 10:15 |
andcor | \quit | 10:15 |
lupine_85 | erm, ##windows is good for windows install help | 10:15 |
lupine_85 | just follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto afterwards | 10:15 |
SecrethX | lol no i mean after I installed it | 10:15 |
[GnB] jabberwocky | ah, sweeeet, thanks guys! i thought i'd never see the burning crusade | 10:15 |
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SecrethX | oh ok | 10:15 |
SecrethX | ;OP | 10:15 |
SecrethX | stupid keyboard... | 10:15 |
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TheStonepedo | rze: sup, son? do you know my driver? | 10:17 |
TheStonepedo | stefg: ah, thanks | 10:17 |
TheStonepedo | you're a trooper | 10:17 |
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rze | TheStonepdedo, sorry but no... my error :P | 10:18 |
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egyn | Hello, I'm quite new with ubuntu (and linux in general) and would like to use one of my computers as a backup server | 10:20 |
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asdf_ | I have a camera which outputs to svideo | 10:21 |
asdf_ | how do I capture from this camera? | 10:21 |
hjmills | egyn, can i recommend rsyn - i have lots of guides if you need them | 10:21 |
egyn | i've mainly looked into backuppc right now | 10:21 |
Flannel | !backup | egyn | 10:21 |
ubotu | egyn: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 10:21 |
asdf_ | I have a sony webcam, it's connector is not usb; but svideo; how do I capture from this? | 10:22 |
Rodya | can someone give me any tips for figuring out why my desktop is freezing sporadically? i'm at my wits end | 10:22 |
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hjmills | !repeat | 10:22 |
ubotu | Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 10:22 |
matt4magic | asdf_: you need some kind of videocard | 10:22 |
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tim167 | why are pictures turned into all-black rectangles when I want to print them from Abiword ? | 10:22 |
matt4magic | or a tv-card of some sorts | 10:22 |
egyn | Flannel: thanks, I will look into those | 10:22 |
stefg | Rodya: bad ram, overclocked system? | 10:22 |
asdf_ | matt4magic: I have that already; I can plug it in; | 10:22 |
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asdf_ | I just don't know what software I need | 10:22 |
matt4magic | oh, sorry | 10:22 |
=== TiGGY hates macs now | ||
Rodya | stefg, i don't think it is the hardware because it hasn't had any problems at all until recently | 10:23 |
=== RedKrieg [n=RedKrieg@ip68-10-83-27.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
egyn | hjmills: I need something which is easy to configure and maintain, i think that backuppc looked neat at the first glance | 10:23 |
kaph | wich package installs the openssl library headers? | 10:23 |
tim167 | !patience | tim167 | 10:23 |
ubotu | tim167: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 10:23 |
asdf_ | what software doI need to capture from a webcam that connects to my laptop bia svideo? | 10:23 |
hjmills | TiGGY, why do you hate macs? | 10:23 |
matt4magic | I happen to know that Mandriva have great support for this. However, this is an Ubuntu forum. | 10:23 |
hjmills | egyn, i am using rsyn with a cron job to do incremental backups daily | 10:23 |
TiGGY | hjmills, its not macs in general its specifically older ones that like to screw up my hdd's/ | 10:23 |
hjmills | matt4magic, any idea what they use? | 10:23 |
=== DreamThief is now known as DreamThief|off | ||
=== DreamThief|off is now known as _DreamThief | ||
tat | how can i unpack/modify the scripts in the initrd.img? | 10:24 |
matt4magic | Its embedded in the install. | 10:24 |
ikonia | there used to be a bug when using xgl that removed the reboot/shutdown buttons from the "power" button menu in the top right hand side of the screen. I've never installed xgl on this laptop yet the reboot and shutdown buttons have dissapeared from the menu | 10:24 |
matt4magic | No idea of the name. | 10:24 |
egyn | hjmills: maybe you could give me some info about that solution, | 10:24 |
matt4magic | Maybe search Mandriva+tv_capture | 10:24 |
johan__ | what is xorg license? | 10:24 |
ikonia | johan__: gnu | 10:24 |
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egyn | hjmills: i would like to be able to backup several pc's on this ubuntu server as well | 10:24 |
Paradoxx | !parallels | 10:24 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about parallels - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:24 |
johan__ | thanks | 10:24 |
=== mpan [n=mpan@a88-112-13-229.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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lookal47 | Bonjour | 10:25 |
hjmills | egyn, should be fine - i run the job from my server and rsyn over ssh over the network | 10:25 |
hjmills | egyn, i use wake-on-lan to turn the other pcs on as well | 10:25 |
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=== pradalover [n=pradalov@cpe-67-11-204-48.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
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egyn | hjmills: that sounds very interesting to me | 10:26 |
hjmills | egyn, want linkage? | 10:26 |
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egyn | hjmills: yes | 10:26 |
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egyn | hjmills: can i easily see if my win-network-card supports wake-on-lan? | 10:26 |
hjmills | egyn, http://everythinglinux.org/rsync/ | 10:27 |
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=== TurtleBoots [n=ciaran@host86-145-42-126.range86-145.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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pradalover | I need some help with installing the upgrade for Ubuntu. I am currently using 6.06 and I want to upgrade to 6.10 | 10:27 |
sioux | hi :-) | 10:27 |
zriah | Anyone know what version of php5 is in ubuntu 6.10? | 10:27 |
=== harmental [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-152-1-48-2.w82-122.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TurtleBoots | Does anyone know if its possthe mplayer able to update the mplayer application? | 10:27 |
stefg | !upgrade | pradalover | 10:28 |
bruenig | !info php | 10:28 |
zriah | pradalover: don't do it if it's a production server, stick with 6.06 | 10:28 |
ubotu | pradalover: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 10:28 |
ubotu | Package php does not exist in any distro I know | 10:28 |
sioux | who use skypecast on ubuntu? | 10:28 |
TurtleBoots | !mplayer ipdate | 10:28 |
hjmills | egyn, i just tried mine and it worked - you could see if it supports wakeonlan by lookin up the spec (mine was onboard and fine) | 10:28 |
ubotu | mplayer: The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 2:0.99+1.0pre8-0ubuntu8 (edgy), package size 3461 kB, installed size 8624 kB | 10:28 |
hjmills | !info php5 | 10:28 |
ubotu | php5: server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (meta-package). In component main, is optional. Version 5.1.6-1ubuntu2.1 (edgy), package size 1 kB, installed size 20 kB | 10:28 |
zriah | !info php5 | 10:28 |
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bruenig | !info php5 | 10:28 |
hjmills | lol | 10:28 |
TurtleBoots | does anyone know how to update the mplayer application? | 10:28 |
sioux | !info skypecast | 10:28 |
ubotu | Package skypecast does not exist in any distro I know | 10:28 |
=== stefg agrres tho that 6.10 isn#t worth the upgrade | ||
hjmills | egyn, http://www.mikerubel.org/computers/rsync_snapshots/ | 10:28 |
=== asdf_ [n=tkxue@agp.Stanford.EDU] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hjmills | egyn, i mounted over the network using sshfs but i think there are other ways | 10:29 |
zriah | !info php5 | 10:29 |
ubotu | php5: server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (meta-package). In component main, is optional. Version 5.1.6-1ubuntu2.1 (edgy), package size 1 kB, installed size 20 kB | 10:29 |
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hjmills | egyn, links for that - http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/10/28/how-to-mount-a-remote-ssh-filesystem-using-sshfs/ | 10:29 |
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sioux | !info skype | 10:29 |
ubotu | Package skype does not exist in any distro I know | 10:29 |
hjmills | egyn, http://www.debianadmin.com/ssh-your-debian-servers-without-password.html | 10:29 |
sioux | :-( | 10:29 |
erUSUL | ikonia: johan__ not so... is MIT X License | 10:29 |
bruenig | sioux, skype is not in the repos, get it from the skype site, extract it and run | 10:29 |
stefg | !skype | 10:30 |
ubotu | To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto | 10:30 |
johan__ | thanks erUSUL | 10:30 |
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TurtleBoots | !update mplayer | 10:30 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about update mplayer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:30 |
vleon | ok i did manage to connect the router | 10:30 |
TurtleBoots | !mplayer update | 10:30 |
ubotu | mplayer: The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 2:0.99+1.0pre8-0ubuntu8 (edgy), package size 3461 kB, installed size 8624 kB | 10:30 |
vleon | and even connect to the internet | 10:30 |
johan__ | so when using Ubuntu i am agreing to all those licenses | 10:30 |
egyn | hjmills: I belive those guids will help me alot | 10:30 |
bruenig | !fishing | 10:30 |
ubotu | Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 10:30 |
sioux | bruenig: and skypecast?? | 10:30 |
vleon | nut it always disconects | 10:30 |
=== christiane [n=christia@dslb-088-073-180-175.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
vleon | and stayes down | 10:30 |
zriah | Ugh.. I need php 5.1.6 from edgy... but want to continue running dapper... | 10:30 |
bruenig | sioux, I assume the same | 10:30 |
egyn | hjmills: I'll read them and see what i can come up wi | 10:30 |
hjmills | egyn, i was using them last night and they worked great for my basic needs | 10:31 |
TurtleBoots | !mplayer updates | 10:31 |
zriah | (sigh) | 10:31 |
ubotu | mplayer: The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 2:0.99+1.0pre8-0ubuntu8 (edgy), package size 3461 kB, installed size 8624 kB | 10:31 |
=== funkyHat [n=matt@cpc5-nthc3-0-0-cust747.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sioux | bruenig: no only for win | 10:31 |
sioux | seems | 10:31 |
egyn | hjmills: thanks very much | 10:31 |
TurtleBoots | !updates for mplayer | 10:31 |
=== Darow [n=pau@249.Red-88-26-17.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | sioux ok then no | 10:31 |
stefg | !backports | zriah | 10:31 |
ubotu | zriah: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports | 10:31 |
=== mralphabet [n=user_nam@71-89-33-80.dhcp.stpt.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | !botabuse | TurtleBoots | 10:31 |
ubotu | TurtleBoots: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 10:31 |
yosi | does anyone know if there's there any way to remove bug-buddy w/o removing ubuntu-desktop? | 10:31 |
=== sven_ [n=sven@p508D6503.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
funkyHat | Is there a problem with the gb.archive.ubuntu.com server? apt is telling me it's got a bad signature | 10:32 |
TurtleBoots | !blow it out your arse | bruenig | 10:32 |
=== NeoGeo64 [n=tony@adsl-154-94-111.aby.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eodchop | Anyone had any luck with liquid weather? I am unable to compile it or get it installed. | 10:32 |
sioux | bruenig: well tha's not make me happy | 10:32 |
funkyHat | yosi, don't worry about removing ubuntu-desktop, it doesn't have any files | 10:32 |
stefg | yosi: there isnt but ubuntu-desktop is a meta-package anyway, which is safe to remove | 10:32 |
NeoGeo64 | Help, how come GNOME runs like shit on my machine compared to Windows XP? | 10:32 |
bruenig | TurtleBoots, just msg him so we don't have to read what you should be putting in google | 10:32 |
pradalover | my speakers are not working in Ubuntu either | 10:32 |
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bruenig | zriah, http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/php5/php-pear_5.1.6-1ubuntu2_all.deb | 10:33 |
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zriah | Hey thanks, bruenig! :) | 10:33 |
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bruenig | zriah, here is the page with all of the php5 stuff, not sure what you want exactly http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/php5/ | 10:33 |
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NeoGeo64 | Can someone help me? | 10:34 |
hjmills | yosi, i would recommend installing ubuntu-minimal if you remove ubuntu-desktop so upgrades have a better chance of success | 10:34 |
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PriceChild | !ops!ask | NeoGeo64 | 10:34 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ops!ask - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:34 |
NeoGeo64 | I want to know why gnome runs like shit on my computer | 10:34 |
PriceChild | argh | 10:34 |
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hjmills | !language | NeoGeo64 | 10:34 |
ubotu | NeoGeo64: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 10:34 |
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tonyyarusso | PriceChild: what was that? | 10:34 |
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=== metusine [n=dgs@203-109-237-155.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NeoGeo64 | ITs all slow | 10:34 |
hjmills | tonyyarusso, it was an "argh" | 10:34 |
bruenig | PriceChild had ops ready for something | 10:35 |
PriceChild | tonyyarusso, i had ops ready typed out for something... | 10:35 |
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PriceChild | tonyyarusso, then forgot about it | 10:35 |
zriah | bruenig: What's the most stable, latest release from those versions? I only need 5.1.6 or newer... | 10:35 |
NeoGeo64 | I am just gonna delete LUNIX and go back to XP | 10:35 |
tonyyarusso | PriceChild: heh, okay | 10:35 |
PriceChild | tonyyarusso, I thought you only got called on the "Help"? ;) | 10:35 |
covOPprometheus | I have ubuntu efty with a ATI x1600, installed with fxglr and the ati driver package, properly recognizing the card. beryl works fine but direct rendering isn't enabled. is there a way enabling DRI without throwing out this configuration? | 10:35 |
zriah | NeoGeo64: Vista is out, I think it's like $350. | 10:35 |
metusine | is there a limit to how large a file you can burn to a cd? I'm trying to burn a 4.5 gig partition image and it doesn't want to work. ... | 10:35 |
Jowi | NeoGeo64, if you want help, ask for it. otherwise go to #ubuntu-offtopic | 10:35 |
bruenig | zriah, I don't now exactly, this looks like the one you are looking for, http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/php5/php5_5.1.6-1ubuntu2.1_all.deb | 10:36 |
stefg | !xgl | covOPprometheus | 10:36 |
NeoGeo64 | i need help making gnome run better | 10:36 |
ubotu | covOPprometheus: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 10:36 |
Agrajag | metusine: yeah, a CD is 700 MB. | 10:36 |
NeoGeo64 | its all slow | 10:36 |
bruenig | !xubuntu | 10:37 |
ubotu | xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels | 10:38 |
Jowi | NeoGeo64, what kind of hardware do you have? | 10:38 |
metusine | whoops | 10:38 |
Agrajag | so, a 4.5 gig partition is not going to even come close | 10:38 |
=== timo [n=thami@cpc3-stkn1-0-0-cust479.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
metusine | i meant dvd | 10:38 |
metusine | :p | 10:38 |
NeoGeo64 | i have 133MHz pentium and 24mb sdram | 10:38 |
NeoGeo64 | it should run FAST | 10:38 |
stefg | troll alert ! | 10:38 |
bruenig | yeah | 10:38 |
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Agrajag | metusine: oh, well that's of course limited too, to around 4.5 gigs, a bit less actually | 10:38 |
zriah | I think my ipod has faster specs ... | 10:38 |
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yosi | bug-buddy is causing problems for me, but it looks like I can't get rid of it without removing ubuntu-desktop. Is there a way to disable it or remove it? | 10:38 |
Agrajag | You're probably just over the limit | 10:38 |
=== Vaelrith [n=nick@dsl-5-163.r1.ncbrvr.InfoAve.Net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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bruenig | yosi, just remove ubuntu-desktop, it is a meta package, unimportant | 10:38 |
laura_m | does anyone know how i can restore the deleted files icon to my desktop? | 10:38 |
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Jowi | NeoGeo64, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems | 10:38 |
metusine | Agrajag: yeah, that's what I'm guessing. the disks say 4.7, so thought I'd split them at 4.5 . . . may just go back and do it in 2 gig chunks or something | 10:38 |
yosi | but doesn't ubuntu-desktop have stuff I need (like bluez-utils)? | 10:38 |
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Vaelrith | i am new to ubuntu, and im trying to mount the NTFS hard drive that windows is on so i can view the files of it when i go to the folder it says i don't have permission to view the files, but i did chmod it to 777 | 10:38 |
yosi | or will that stuff stay around? | 10:38 |
bruenig | yosi, no it only calls on all of those things, when you uninstall ubuntu-desktop, it doesn't uninstall any of that stuff it called on | 10:38 |
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yosi | great. Thanks! | 10:39 |
Alan-D | NeoGeo64: If you took the time to read up on ubuntu, you'll see that it works better with more memory | 10:39 |
=== HymnToLife [n=fkraiem@ABordeaux-256-1-121-73.w90-16.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
N1k_85 | I tried installing nvidia drivers and there was an error then I rebooted and everything seems to work now but I have no idea wether the drivers were installed or not, how can I see if the are working ? please help. | 10:39 |
zriah | What's the next LTS release of Ubuntu? | 10:39 |
erUSUL | laura_m: you mean the trash icon? | 10:39 |
erUSUL | !icons | 10:39 |
ubotu | Want to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (Gnome) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE) | 10:39 |
PriceChild | zriah, not decided yet | 10:39 |
erUSUL | !icons | laura_m | 10:39 |
ubotu | laura_m: Want to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (Gnome) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE) | 10:39 |
bruenig | zriah, well if dapper is 3 years support, then 2009? | 10:39 |
ikonia | erUSUL: your correct, sorry | 10:39 |
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zriah | Ahh... ;) | 10:39 |
laura_m | yes erUSUL i accidentally deleted it | 10:39 |
PriceChild | bruenig, not decided yet... could be any time | 10:39 |
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Alan-D | ubotu: ubuntu system requirements | 10:39 |
PriceChild | bruenig, could be feisty but I doubt it ;) | 10:40 |
bruenig | well less than or equal to 2009 | 10:40 |
PriceChild | !bot | Alan-D | 10:40 |
ubotu | Alan-D: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 10:40 |
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zriah | Man, I don't want to mangle our 6.06 LTS servers just to get php 5.1.2 to 5.1.6 because of ONE TINY bug... I think I might write a workaround in PHP instead... ;) | 10:40 |
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=== stefg wonders how a nick with *64 corresponds to a p13324 MB systems. Best way to deal with trolls is ignorance | ||
sioux | skypesetup with wine :-( | 10:40 |
=== atamyrat Atamyrat | ||
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=== SoundSquare [n=SoundSqu@APlessis-Bouchard-153-1-18-168.w83-200.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Vaelrith | hello, i am new to ubuntu, and im trying to mount the NTFS hard drive that windows is on so i can view the files of it when i go to the folder it says i don't have permission to view the files, but i did chmod it to 777 | 10:41 |
sioux | fixme:font:GetCharacterPlacementW classes not implemented | 10:41 |
apokryphos | Vaelrith: take a look at the FAQ (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions) as linked to in the channel /topic | 10:41 |
laura_m | hmm im using gnome and i tried that already | 10:41 |
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Vaelrith | ok, thanks laura_m | 10:41 |
=== simeta [n=hrvoje@83-131-196-149.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SoundSquare | hi there, is there any way to install GCC 3.4 on Ubuntu PPc ??? | 10:41 |
stefg | !ntfs-3g | Vaelrith | 10:41 |
ubotu | Vaelrith: ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy) | 10:41 |
sioux | wine client error:1b: write: error address | 10:41 |
erUSUL | ikonia: no need to apologize it was just a clarification ;) | 10:41 |
NeoGeo64 | why doesnt gnome run well on my hardware | 10:41 |
NeoGeo64 | i thought linux could run on old hardware fine | 10:41 |
tonyyarusso | NeoGeo64: specs? | 10:41 |
TurtleBoots | has anyone every had problems when watching movies using mplayer - i.e. where the lip sync seems to be out a few seconds? | 10:41 |
NeoGeo64 | i have 133MHz pentium and 24mb sdram | 10:42 |
bruenig | he is a troll | 10:42 |
PriceChild | steelb, Vaelrith no... that software is for writing... not just reading and is unstable | 10:42 |
erUSUL | laura_m: have you done what ubotu said ? i recall that it involves the gconf-editor... | 10:42 |
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simeta | please someone tell me how to load titles in mplayer | 10:42 |
=== naut [n=naut@222-154-235-137.adsl.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
johan__ | use fluxbox and the like for old hardware NeoGeo64 | 10:42 |
NeoGeo64 | im not a troll | 10:42 |
naut | is there are a tool that can tell you how much memoery your processes are using, and deal intelligently with kernel caching? | 10:42 |
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Vaelrith | PriceChild: what do you mean? | 10:42 |
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tonyyarusso | NeoGeo64: Gnome would be pretty heavy for that. Linux itself can, but you'd need something way more minimal graphically. | 10:42 |
johan__ | tops | 10:43 |
yosi | neogeo64: thats probably too low-spec for gnome. try xubuntu | 10:43 |
stefg | NeoGeo64: go, get a life, /PART UBUNTU, /j ##windoes | 10:43 |
NeoGeo64 | whatever | 10:43 |
Jowi | NeoGeo64, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems <-- this is for you (install a different window manager) | 10:43 |
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TurtleBoots | anyone know if lip sync can be edited using mplayer ??? | 10:43 |
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bruenig | xubuntu won't run on that | 10:43 |
PriceChild | Vaelrith, I mean ntfs-3g is not needed to read ntfs | 10:43 |
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FunnyLookinHat | naut, System - Administration - System Monitor ?? | 10:43 |
SoundSquare | hi there, is there any way to install GCC 3.4 on Ubuntu PPC ? | 10:43 |
laura_m | erUSL yes i have already tried that | 10:43 |
kaffien | anyone know why /sbin/hwclock would segfault? | 10:43 |
naut | FunnyLookinHat, I need command line | 10:43 |
mitzo | hello, what is the command I need to type in order to launch text install of ubuntu? | 10:43 |
bruenig | 24 mb or ram, you will be hard pressed to get any graphical thing going on that | 10:43 |
johan__ | i use fluxbox on P1 NeoGeo64 and it works fine | 10:43 |
Vaelrith | PriceChild: so how can I view my files from the windows partition while on ubuntu? | 10:43 |
bruenig | of* | 10:43 |
naut | FunnyLookinHat, I only have ssh access | 10:44 |
PriceChild | !ntfs | Vaelrith | 10:44 |
ubotu | Vaelrith: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions. For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 10:44 |
naut | sorry should have said | 10:44 |
Jowi | NeoGeo64, IceWM, Oroborus, Fluxbox, Openbox3. take a pick. Gnome is out of the question for such a machine | 10:44 |
ardchoille42 | naut, gnome-system-monitor | 10:44 |
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mitzo | ? | 10:44 |
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johan__ | reinstaling might be good but not necessary if you have hd space | 10:44 |
naut | ardchoille42, isgnome-system-monitor command line? | 10:44 |
TheGateKeeper | mitzo, apt-get install <package> ?? | 10:44 |
Vaelrith | PriceChild: ok, thanks, i was just now looking at that already :) | 10:44 |
FunnyLookinHat | naut, yo ucould do SSH - X if you are on a linux box running X... then go gnome-system-monitor | 10:44 |
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ardchoille42 | naut, you on ssh? or ssh -X ? | 10:44 |
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naut | ardchoille42, ssh only | 10:45 |
SoundSquare | ok is there a chan dedicated to Ubuntu PPC ? i'll never get an answer here | 10:45 |
naut | remote box is not running X, it's a server | 10:45 |
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ardchoille42 | naut, then you probably want the command: top | 10:45 |
bruenig | SoundSquare, no there isn't | 10:45 |
cappiz | I got a thinkpad t60... one problem i have is that the battery doesnt charge more than 68% .... it just hangs when it reaches 68%... anyone knows of a solution? | 10:45 |
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=== Administrator___ is now known as EQTitan | ||
Annirak | I'm trying to use my Creative Webcam Live! Motion on kubuntu. I've modprobed videodev and spca5xx. /dev/video0 was not created when I modprobed spca5xx, so I added it with "mknod /dev/video0 c 81 0 && ln -s /dev/video0 /dev/video". When I try to use motion to connect to the cam, I get "Failed to open video device /dev/video0: No such device" I don't know where to go from here. | 10:45 |
FunnyLookinHat | cappiz, that's a hardware problem | 10:45 |
simeta | can someone please answer few n00b questions via PM | 10:45 |
naut | ardchoille42, top nearly always reports all memory being used, because of the way kernel caches pages | 10:45 |
bruenig | SoundSquare, sudo apt-get install gcc-3.4 doesn't work? | 10:45 |
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PriceChild | simeta, in channel please | 10:46 |
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ardchoille42 | naut, Oh, didn't know that | 10:46 |
lister | hello | 10:46 |
SoundSquare | bruenig: nope, not on PPC | 10:46 |
FunnyLookinHat | cappiz, battery charging is handled by code in the BIOS... Gnome may not be reflecting the correct status of your battery, but that'd be pretty rare | 10:46 |
cappiz | FunnyLookinHat, no... i just bougth it... and it works in linux | 10:46 |
tonyyarusso | cappiz: You could check out the CD for resetting batteries - it's on the Lenovo site | 10:46 |
PriceChild | SoundSquare, yeah just an apt-get.... http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/devel/gcc-3.4 | 10:46 |
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PriceChild | SoundSquare, Its in the repos | 10:46 |
lister | i gots me a ubuntu problem | 10:46 |
bruenig | !info gcc-3.4 | 10:46 |
ubotu | gcc-3.4: The GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 3.4.6-3ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 481 kB, installed size 4524 kB | 10:46 |
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simeta | pricechild: how to setup subtitles in mplayer | 10:46 |
SoundSquare | PriceChild: for PPC are you sure ? | 10:46 |
PriceChild | SoundSquare, http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/devel/gcc-3.4 read it :) | 10:46 |
kane77 | hi how do I enable printer sharing? | 10:46 |
PriceChild | simeta, I don't know personally sorry | 10:46 |
cappiz | i heard of a file that allows you to define when it should charge and not... have anyone heard of it? | 10:46 |
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PriceChild | kane77, to windows or unix? | 10:47 |
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stefg | !print | kane77 | 10:47 |
ubotu | kane77: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows | 10:47 |
=== MindFreek [n=sk0t@cpe-24-93-197-141.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cappiz | the battery is 2 weeks old. and works perfectly under windows. | 10:47 |
bruenig | SoundSquare, it should be in your repos, do you have main hashed out for some reason? | 10:47 |
NeoGeo64 | how do i get gnome archive manager to read 7zip files | 10:47 |
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MindFreek | I was wondering if someone could help me setup my network printer, I am totally new to Ubuntu | 10:47 |
EQTitan | I have a quick question, I saw the windows installer on Digg last night so I ran it and setup the username and password, but I let it install while i slept and when i woke up this morning i completely forgot the password i used. How can i retrieve this or set it to a default or clear it | 10:47 |
tonyyarusso | NeoGeo64: Install 7zip maybe? | 10:47 |
PriceChild | !print | MindFreek | 10:47 |
ubotu | MindFreek: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows | 10:47 |
SoundSquare | bruenig: nope, i don't understand why, i'll double check it | 10:47 |
MindFreek | thanks | 10:47 |
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stefg | !print | MindFreek | 10:47 |
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kane77 | PriceChild, between two ubuntu boxes (one si ubuntu dapper one xubuntu edgy) | 10:47 |
ardchoille42 | simeta, In mplayer, open the menu and go to DVD -> Subtitle Languages | 10:48 |
drekon | NeoGeo64: install p7zip | 10:48 |
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bruenig | SoundSquare, well if all else fails, http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gcc-3.4/gcc-3.4_3.4.6-3ubuntu1_powerpc.deb | 10:48 |
PriceChild | kane77, see the message from ubotu please | 10:48 |
kane77 | PriceChild, ok... | 10:48 |
tonyyarusso | drekon: ah, that's it | 10:48 |
=== sleepy745 [n=richard@ool-457abb67.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TuxCrafter | hello people, Question: Do I need the /ect/init.d/evms service (apt-cache show evms) to be able to have a stable system\? | 10:48 |
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simeta | ardcholle42: divx movie? | 10:49 |
lister | im getting a x server failure on the live cd i know whats causing it but i need to know how to fix it | 10:49 |
stefg | TuxCrafter: not really.... see !boot | 10:49 |
Lynoure | EQTitan: Windows installer? This is Ubuntu support. | 10:49 |
TuxCrafter | stefg: see boot? | 10:49 |
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bruenig | !alternate | 10:49 |
ubotu | The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD. | 10:49 |
stefg | !boot | TuxCrafter | 10:49 |
ubotu | TuxCrafter: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto | 10:49 |
tonyyarusso | Lynoure: For install Ubuntu from within booted Windows. | 10:49 |
ardchoille42 | simeta, I'm not sure about divx, never used divx | 10:49 |
EQTitan | thank you tony | 10:50 |
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simeta | thanks annyway | 10:50 |
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Lynoure | tonyyarusso: oh, you are helping him already. | 10:50 |
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EQTitan | No, he was explaining it to you =) | 10:50 |
tonyyarusso | EQTitan: You should be able to boot in "recovery mode" and run 'password yourusername' to set it | 10:50 |
callas | hello | 10:51 |
nwonknu- | Hi | 10:51 |
SoundSquare | bruenig: thanks a lot ! | 10:51 |
cokeslut | sup? | 10:51 |
tonyyarusso | Lynoure: Nope - I just read Digg ;) | 10:51 |
TuxCrafter | stefg: what does !boot mean? I am familiar with all the tools I use update-rc.d btw | 10:51 |
cokeslut | you tell me ;) | 10:51 |
simeta | anyone knows slower paced help ubuntu channel? | 10:51 |
callas | ok | 10:51 |
nwonknu- | interest | 10:51 |
ardchoille42 | simeta, You might try http://ubuntuforums.org | 10:51 |
bruenig | simeta, xubuntu is really slow paced | 10:51 |
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tonyyarusso | simeta: One's for your country (ie, #ubuntu-uk) are good. Also, if you find someone to work one-on-one with you, you can take it to #ubuntu-classroom. | 10:51 |
lister | my ubuntu experience hasnt been to good so far lol | 10:52 |
ardchoille42 | tonyyarusso, classroom? Good to know. | 10:52 |
=== Vaelrith [n=nick@dsl-5-163.r1.ncbrvr.InfoAve.Net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
simeta | thanks guys | 10:52 |
stefg | TuxCrafter: keywords prefixed with ! make the bot spit out a factoid with a (hopefully) helpful link to further docu... try yourself, type '!boot' | 10:52 |
tonyyarusso | ardchoille42: We have tutorials there from time to time as well | 10:52 |
ardchoille42 | tonyyarusso, I"ll have to keep an eye on that channel | 10:52 |
=== Gosha [n=goshaza@c-b779e253.442-1-64736c20.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shogun_ | the only *real* poblem ive had is with restricted codecs | 10:53 |
TuxCrafter | @xubuntu:~$ !boot | 10:53 |
TuxCrafter | bash: !boot: event not found | 10:53 |
Vaelrith | PriceChild: i still don't have access to the folder after doing the page you gave me... | 10:53 |
TuxCrafter | !boot | 10:53 |
ubotu | Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto | 10:53 |
PriceChild | Vaelrith, could you please pastebin your /etc/fstab | 10:53 |
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TuxCrafter | :-D | 10:53 |
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Vaelrith | PriceChild: this is my first time on linux, so i don't know what that is | 10:53 |
mitzo | hello does a text installer exist in ubuntu livecd? what is the command? | 10:53 |
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EQTitan | Can Ubuntu allow me to play World of warcraft? (shot in the dark i know) | 10:54 |
rogue780 | how do I set my computer up for a static ip address? | 10:54 |
tonyyarusso | mitzo: No, you'd need the !alternate | 10:54 |
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mitzo | so i type !alternate at boot? | 10:54 |
PriceChild | !paste | Vaelrith | 10:54 |
ubotu | Vaelrith: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 10:54 |
shogun_ | did you try wine? | 10:54 |
lister | i hope theres a some way of manualy loading ubuntu off the disc so i choose the right video driver | 10:54 |
PriceChild | EQTitan, try #winehq | 10:54 |
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=== Gosha|Away is now known as Gosha | ||
Jowi | !wow | 10:55 |
ubotu | Information about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org | 10:55 |
=== Zibby_ [n=zibby@3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097.org] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lister | ubuntu screws it up | 10:55 |
mitzo | tonyyarusso I have to type alternate at boot? | 10:55 |
Vaelrith | PriceChild: thanks | 10:55 |
cappiz | i wonder | 10:55 |
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PriceChild | EQTitan, see what Jowi just got from the bot isntead actually | 10:56 |
tonyyarusso | !alternate | mitzo | 10:56 |
ubotu | mitzo: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD. | 10:56 |
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Vaelrith | PriceChild: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1871/ | 10:57 |
mitzo | ubotu so with le livecd i'm screwed if gnome doesn't work correctly?.. i have no more cd-rs.. | 10:57 |
stefg | !ubotu | 10:57 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 10:57 |
=== vector [n=vector@88-149-181-165.f5.ngi.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rogue780 | how do I set my computer up for a static ip address? | 10:57 |
Jowi | EQTitan, specifically this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft | 10:57 |
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erUSUL | rogue780: System>Admin>Network | 10:57 |
julian | im thinking about running a xen windows, will it recognized my original hardware like ati x1300 or vitualize it | 10:57 |
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lister | can i have some help please | 10:58 |
stefg | !ask | 10:59 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 10:59 |
PriceChild | Vaelrith, try the new line 12: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1872/ | 10:59 |
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Alan-D | ubotu: system requirements | 10:59 |
PriceChild | Vaelrith, after you save don't forget to sudo mount -a | 10:59 |
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lister | im getting a x server failure on the live cd i know whats causing it but i need to know how to fix it | 10:59 |
TuxCrafter | !top | tuxcrafter | 10:59 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about top - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:59 |
Vaelrith | PriceChild, what does that do? | 10:59 |
Vaelrith | (sudo mount -a)? | 10:59 |
lister | its the raedon card driver not selecting the right card | 10:59 |
goggis | yeah | 10:59 |
goggis | sure | 11:00 |
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TuxCrafter | !evms | 11:00 |
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ubotu | evms: Enterprise Volume Management System (core). In component main, is optional. Version 2.5.5-15 (edgy), package size 84 kB, installed size 304 kB | 11:00 |
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stefg | !botabuse | tuxcrafter, for further training please: | 11:00 |
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ubotu | tuxcrafter, for further training please:: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 11:00 |
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Marupa | what's the best 'dj' application for Ubuntu? | 11:00 |
Marupa | I'll try out as many as people throw out to me. | 11:01 |
TuxCrafter | stefg: do you now if evms is a critical service | 11:01 |
PriceChild | Vaelrith, that re-reads /etc/fstab and mounts everything again as it says there | 11:01 |
stefg | TuxCrafter: no it's not | 11:01 |
Vaelrith | PriceChild: my fstab is read-only, so i can't save it | 11:01 |
compengi | does this program work on ubuntu http://packages.debian.org/stable/net/dante-client ? | 11:01 |
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Vaelrith | nevermind | 11:01 |
TuxCrafter | stefg: ok I will remove it :-D thanks | 11:01 |
PriceChild | Vaelrith, use sudo | 11:01 |
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Vaelrith | PriceChild: its still not working | 11:02 |
PriceChild | Vaelrith, ? | 11:02 |
sleepy745 | My motherboard is AGP, would my computer get a speed boost | 11:02 |
sleepy745 | replacing the motherboard to PCI and adding nvidia card that's | 11:02 |
sleepy745 | pci? | 11:02 |
PriceChild | Vaelrith, so you've saved the file? and sudo mount -a ? | 11:03 |
PriceChild | Vaelrith, any errors? | 11:03 |
toliman | sleepy745: : no | 11:03 |
lister | you mean pciE | 11:03 |
w0lfis | Hello guys.. im having sum major problems with ubuntu 6.10... when i try to boot the CD it hangs on Booting kernel.. i tried to disable APIC in bios and start with the noapic and pci=biosirq option.. but nothing helps :/ | 11:03 |
stefg | !nvidia | sleepy745 | 11:03 |
ubotu | sleepy745: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 11:03 |
TuxCrafter | wOlfis: do you have a via system | 11:03 |
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Vaelrith | PriceChild: yes, saved, and did "sudo mount -a" and i still can't access the folder where i mounted the hard drive | 11:03 |
stefg | !enter < sleepy745 | 11:03 |
Gosha | how can i emulate mounting an empty floppy? | 11:03 |
wilee85 | I'm trying to mount an NFS share: sudo mount mythbox:/shares/media /homes/shawn/media and I'm getting a permission denied error, any ideas? | 11:03 |
stefg | !enter | sleepy745 | 11:03 |
ubotu | sleepy745: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 11:03 |
wilee85 | in my /etc/exports file I have /shares/media * (rw,sync) | 11:03 |
wilee85 | on the server | 11:03 |
Gosha | !floppy | 11:03 |
ubotu | To mount floppy disks, see here : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MakeFloppyDriveAvailableToEveryone | 11:03 |
w0lfis | TuxCrafter: no... im using a AMD x2 4900+ with 4gb DDR433 and a Nforce 4-SLI mobo | 11:04 |
sleepy745 | which is faster, pci or agp? | 11:04 |
ikonia | agp | 11:04 |
w0lfis | sleepy745: agp | 11:04 |
PriceChild | Vaelrith, sudo mkdir /media/hda1 | 11:04 |
PriceChild | Vaelrith, then sudo mount -a | 11:04 |
stefg | sleepy745: ouch! | 11:04 |
lister | pciE is the new port | 11:04 |
toliman | sleepy745: : AGP and PCI-E, theres little difference in the 2D performance. for 3D, AGP can be faster, it doesnt have the same bandwidth either. PCIE behaves better though with modern systems and can address more memory, etc. | 11:04 |
wilee85 | and in my /etc/hosts file I have mythbox which is the right ip address | 11:04 |
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TuxCrafter | w0lfis: Do you have a VIA system | 11:05 |
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Vaelrith | PriceChild: still not working | 11:05 |
w0lfis | TuxCrafter | 11:05 |
w0lfis | Nforce 4-SLI mobo | 11:05 |
w0lfis | No VIA | 11:05 |
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Vaelrith | PriceChild: when i try to go to the folder it says i don't have access to view the files | 11:05 |
wilee85 | I'm trying to mount an NFS share: sudo mount mythbox:/shares/media /homes/shawn/media and I'm getting a permission denied error, any ideas? | 11:05 |
wilee85 | in my /etc/exports file I have /shares/media * (rw,sync) | 11:06 |
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TuxCrafter | w0lfis: Oke cant help you then | 11:06 |
PriceChild | Vaelrith, pastebin sudo fdisk -l | 11:06 |
wilee85 | and in my /etc/hosts file I have mythbox which is the right ip address | 11:06 |
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toliman | so ... for whatever reasons, pci-e x16 is better in the long run. even though AGP 8x is faster in the short-term, it won't handle the kinds of things it will be used for like DX10 stuff, opengl 2, shaders, physics, high-level math operations, etc. | 11:06 |
PriceChild | Vaelrith, try a sudo chmod 777 /media/hda1 | 11:06 |
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TuxCrafter | bye guys | 11:06 |
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sleepy745 | My motherboard is Intel D875PB2, is that an agp or pci? | 11:07 |
Vaelrith | PriceChild: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1873/ | 11:07 |
sleepy745 | and whats the highest video card that it would support? | 11:07 |
Marupa | Any suggestions for a good DJ application for linux? I'll try whatever, as long as it works halfway decently. | 11:07 |
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erUSUL | toliman: agp is faster?? i would like to know where did you get that info... | 11:07 |
PriceChild | Vaelrith, try that second command | 11:07 |
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cappiz | anyone knows which file i need to modified to change when the battery is suposued to charge? | 11:07 |
Vaelrith | PriceChild, ok looked over that... | 11:08 |
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Marupa | I had thought AGP and PCI-e were the same speed, just PCI-e had more pipes. | 11:08 |
sleepy745 | erUDUL, yeah i''m getting different answers on alot of channels :( some say agp, some say pci | 11:08 |
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dawnfading | anyone gotten the intel x3000 videocard to work with acceleration in xorgs? I got it to work using a generic vesa config but not something anyone wants.. | 11:08 |
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PriceChild | Vaelrith, have you tried the previous command? | 11:08 |
Vaelrith | PriceChild: same thing | 11:08 |
thomacski | HI | 11:08 |
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PriceChild | Vaelrith, the chmod ? | 11:09 |
zoidberg | hey guys can anyone help me with an APTITUDE SEMGENTATION FAULT error? | 11:09 |
Vaelrith | PriceChild: yes, i've tried chmodding 777 numerous times | 11:09 |
thomacski | I would have a problem i was wondering if i could get some help here | 11:09 |
PriceChild | Vaelrith, with sudo? | 11:09 |
Vaelrith | yes | 11:09 |
erUSUL | Marupa: i do not use it myself but it is the only one i know of http://mixxx.sourceforge.net/ | 11:09 |
PriceChild | Vaelrith, sudo mount -a again | 11:09 |
lister | i would just go for PCI EXPRESS | 11:09 |
Marupa | Thank you, erUSUL. | 11:09 |
Gosha | how do i mount a floppy i just inserted? | 11:09 |
thomacski | Could you guys help me? | 11:10 |
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stefg | zoidberg: that's serious... did you mess with your libc ? | 11:10 |
zoidberg | no actualli didnt | 11:10 |
Vaelrith | PriceChild: nick@Nick-Linux:~$ sudo mount -a | 11:10 |
Vaelrith | nick@Nick-Linux:~$ | 11:10 |
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Vaelrith | PriceChild: nothing happens... | 11:10 |
Marupa | Don't ask to ask, thomacski. Just ask. | 11:10 |
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PriceChild | Vaelrith, and you still can't see files in /media/hda1 ? | 11:10 |
zoidberg | two days ago i did a clean installation of edgy foramteed the hardrive and everything and evething was fine taht day apt was qorking fine | 11:10 |
Vaelrith | PriceChild: nope :( | 11:10 |
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PriceChild | Vaelrith, I haven't a clue :( | 11:10 |
Lunar_Lamp | <Vaelrith> PriceChild: nothing happens... <== In linux, often success of a command gives no output; you only get an output when something has gone wrong. | 11:11 |
zoidberg | then yesterday i keep getting this segmentation fault error in aptittude | 11:11 |
Gosha | ah, nvm | 11:11 |
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zoidberg | stefg, is there anyways to fix the problem | 11:11 |
thomacski | I am only able to install my ubuntu to my external hard drive but when i start the computer i can`t boot the ubuntu from there but windows starts up instead | 11:11 |
PriceChild | Lunar_Lamp, I know... but he still can't see files in the dir | 11:11 |
Vaelrith | Lunar_Lamp: ok, thanks | 11:11 |
thomacski | from the main hard drive | 11:11 |
stefg | zoidberg: check dmesg for file system panics | 11:11 |
thomacski | of course | 11:11 |
Marupa | is the external drive bootable? Is it set bootable in the Bios? | 11:11 |
zoidberg | stefg, what is dmesg? | 11:11 |
Vaelrith | PriceChild: I just looked at my fstab again and it says it was unable to save it because it is read-only, that is probably the problem... How can i get to save it? | 11:11 |
thomacski | It does not show it in the bios | 11:12 |
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PriceChild | Vaelrith, you said you saved it!!! :( | 11:12 |
Marupa | do you have 'boot on USB devices' or somesuch? | 11:12 |
thomacski | only the main hard drive | 11:12 |
thomacski | no | 11:12 |
PriceChild | Vaelrith, gksudo gedit /etc/fstab | 11:12 |
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thomacski | i have a sony laptop | 11:12 |
PriceChild | Vaelrith, save the change then sudo mount -a | 11:12 |
Vaelrith | PriceChild: lol, sorry, overlooked it | 11:12 |
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PriceChild | Vaelrith, pretty important ;) | 11:12 |
Marupa | I don't think you can then, thomacski. | 11:12 |
thomacski | and i can`t delete windows from the main had | 11:12 |
stefg | zoidberg: type 'dmesg | grep panic' to a terminal and see if there are any results | 11:12 |
julian | anybody know about xen | 11:12 |
thomacski | HD | 11:12 |
LinTux | I have just installed Sendmail via terminal exactly as I did on my other machine, but Evolutions will not send mail via it, any ideas? | 11:12 |
Marupa | if your bios can't see a USB drive to boot on it, you can't boot on that drive. | 11:13 |
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zoidberg | stefg, i typed that and i get nothing it just returns me to the terminal line again | 11:13 |
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shlunk | hi all | 11:13 |
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shlunk | i'm having trouble booting from the edgy cd.. | 11:13 |
thomacski | What can i do then?The partition manager that is on the cd is not letting me to make another partition on the main hard drive | 11:13 |
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stefg | zoidberg... ok, that was just a quick check if your filesystem is ok | 11:14 |
shlunk | it says "no screen found" | 11:14 |
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Marupa | Why can't you remove windows? | 11:14 |
zoidberg | stefg, ok...now what? | 11:14 |
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thomacski | I have no idea it is just not letting me | 11:14 |
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thomacski | it is very strange | 11:14 |
thomacski | can`t format can`t partition cannot do anything | 11:15 |
thomacski | with the main HD | 11:15 |
stefg | zoidberg: segfaulting apt is a pita... spend 3 hours on dignosis or 20 minutes on reinstall... | 11:15 |
thomacski | I do not want to use windows anymore | 11:15 |
thomacski | I Love LINUX | 11:15 |
thomacski | it is looking a lot better then win | 11:15 |
Marupa | I'm sure an ubuntu boot disk would take care of the partitioning. | 11:15 |
Delux_247 | winblows | 11:15 |
thomacski | and it just feels better | 11:15 |
thomacski | :) | 11:16 |
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Vaelrith | PriceChild: still not working... | 11:16 |
shlunk | can anyone help me? | 11:16 |
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Skyrail | Anyone here know about getting the GD for PHP? | 11:16 |
Marupa | what is your question, shlunk? | 11:16 |
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shlunk | thanks - i can't get the edgy cd to load properly | 11:16 |
PriceChild | Vaelrith, and you've DEFINATELY saved your new fstab? | 11:16 |
shlunk | it says "no screen found" | 11:17 |
shlunk | i have a radeon x300 | 11:17 |
Marupa | DVI or VGA? | 11:17 |
shlunk | dvi | 11:17 |
lister | band on i have the same problem | 11:17 |
lister | i have a radeon x700 | 11:17 |
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Vaelrith | PriceChild: yes, when i do gksudo gedit /etc/fstab it pops up, i editted it with the new one you pastebinned, then i saved it, then did sudo mount -a, then i went to the folder /media/hda1 and it still says i don't have permission to view the files | 11:18 |
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lister | its the driver trying to load the mach64 device instead of the raedon one | 11:18 |
lister | i just need to find out how to fix it | 11:18 |
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shlunk | hmm - but how can you fix it on the cd? | 11:19 |
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shlunk | surely all the configs are all burnt onto it | 11:19 |
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PriceChild | Vaelrith, sudo umount /dev/hda1 && sudo chmod 777 /media/hda1 && sudo mount -a | 11:19 |
zoidberg | stefg, you're suggesting that i should reinstall reformat everything all over again? | 11:19 |
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Marupa | I'm sure there's a menu where you can specify. | 11:19 |
lister | im thinking i might be able to modify the image file | 11:19 |
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lister | then burn a new disc | 11:19 |
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Marupa | In fact, I know there's a menu. You can give it command line options. | 11:20 |
sleepy745 | Here are my system specs: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1875/ | 11:20 |
shlunk | cool! | 11:20 |
stefg | zoidberg: radical, maybe unnecessary.... but quicker than diagnosing a segfaulting apt | 11:20 |
sleepy745 | what hardware can I upgrade from that? | 11:20 |
sleepy745 | or replaced | 11:20 |
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Vaelrith | PriceChild: mount: /dev/hda1 already mounted or /media/hda1 busy | 11:20 |
Vaelrith | mount: according to mtab, /dev/hda1 is mounted on /media/NTFS | 11:20 |
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PriceChild | Vaelrith, pastebin your /etc/fstab again and close all nautilus windows | 11:21 |
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Vaelrith | PriceChild: what is a nautilus window? | 11:21 |
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PriceChild | Vaelrith, the file viewer things :) | 11:22 |
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Vaelrith | lol, ok | 11:22 |
ardchoille42 | PriceChild, You remember that nautilus runs a process in the bg to manage the desktop, right? | 11:22 |
shlunk | marupa - where is the menu? | 11:22 |
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dxdemetriou | anybody knows why the autorun for dvd works only for +, and for - I must mount it manually? I work on Edgy. | 11:22 |
Marupa | in the first few seconds of boot time. There's a menu that pops up and gives you options. | 11:22 |
Vaelrith | PriceChild: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1876/ | 11:23 |
PriceChild | ardchoille42, yeah... "nautilus windows" | 11:23 |
lister | (II) ATI: Candidate "Device" section "ATI Technologies, Inc. Radeon X700 Pro (RV410)". | 11:23 |
lister | (WW) ATI: PCI Mach64 in slot 1:0:0 could not be detected! | 11:23 |
lister | (WW) ATI: PCI Mach64 in slot 1:0:1 could not be detected! | 11:23 |
lister | (EE) No devices detected. | 11:23 |
ardchoille42 | PriceChild, Well, he won't be able to close that one without "killall nautilus" and even then it respawns | 11:23 |
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PriceChild | Vaelrith, now "sudo umount /dev/hda1 && sudo mount -a" | 11:23 |
PriceChild | ardchoille42, that's not a window... | 11:23 |
ardchoille42 | PriceChild, True | 11:24 |
Vaelrith | PriceChild: after that? | 11:24 |
PriceChild | Vaelrith, then try and see if you can get in again | 11:24 |
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Vaelrith | PriceChild: THANKS!!! | 11:24 |
=== PriceChild hugs Vaelrith | ||
PriceChild | We got there in the end :) | 11:25 |
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Vaelrith | PriceChild: it works now, very very very much thanks! your amazing | 11:25 |
PriceChild | Vaelrith, that should work when you reboot as well :) | 11:25 |
NeoGeo64 | How do I get Ubuntu 6.10 to see my TI84+ USB connection so I can use TiLP? | 11:25 |
Gosha | !img | 11:25 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about img - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:25 |
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lister | well i think the ubuntu cd is a frisbi now lol | 11:25 |
Gosha | :( | 11:25 |
lister | ;p | 11:25 |
Vaelrith | PriceChild: Awesome! Thanks man, I'll probably be back soon with more problems ;) | 11:25 |
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shlunk | yep, mine too - my second ubuntu frisbee tonight. | 11:26 |
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zoidberg | stefg, can i just i replace my aptitiude file and sources list with an older viersion or something? | 11:26 |
PriceChild | Vaelrith, I'll run away very quickly ;) | 11:26 |
cmt^^ | !apache | 11:27 |
ubotu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 11:27 |
Vaelrith | PriceChild: lol, well ill just stick around until your back, anyway, im heading out of this channel for now, thanks again! | 11:27 |
lister | they should a have warning saying "may not work with an ATI card" | 11:27 |
stefg | zoidberg: your apt is segfaulting.... if you manage to do that, fine!. But i think you're paralyzed | 11:27 |
tonyyarusso | NeoGeo64: tilp - TI calculator <-> PC communication program for X, tidev-modules-source - Sources for drivers for Texas Instruments calculators link cables | 11:27 |
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PriceChild | cya Vaelrith | 11:28 |
Vaelrith | peace! | 11:28 |
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=== Tom__ is now known as Tommeh | ||
shlunk | can anyone explain to me how to edit the startup options on the edgy cd to bypass the normal graphic driver setup stuff? | 11:28 |
NeoGeo64 | ok i installed those divers | 11:28 |
NeoGeo64 | still wont work | 11:29 |
PriceChild | shlunk, how do you mean? | 11:29 |
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tonyyarusso | NeoGeo64: then check the forums | 11:29 |
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shlunk | well, the edgy cd isn't loading for me, it says "no screen found" | 11:29 |
lister | the ati drivers on the livecd select the wrong card to load | 11:29 |
shlunk | i have a radeon x300 | 11:29 |
shlunk | that's right | 11:29 |
PriceChild | shlunk, have you tried the low graphics mode? | 11:29 |
shlunk | yep, same problem | 11:29 |
PriceChild | shlunk, try an alternate cd | 11:29 |
lister | we need to bypass the driver somehow | 11:30 |
tantris | Hi! I put a file in /etc/cron.daily and made it executable but it seems to be never run? (ubuntu 6.10) | 11:30 |
katabatic | anybody got an idea why on my wired connection it won't get an IP automatically at boot, when I have network-manager installed? if I remove network-manager, it works fine | 11:30 |
shlunk | which alternative cd should i download? | 11:30 |
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BHSPitLappy | hey all | 11:30 |
BHSPitLappy | having a dire time | 11:30 |
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indigo2001 | Hey all. Has anyone here used MLDonkey and experienced the effects described in Bug #35914 (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mldonkey/+bug/35914) and does anyone know of a real workaround to the bad init script? | 11:31 |
BHSPitLappy | after I log into ubuntu, I hear the Login sound, but there's no GNOME. Just a tan-colored screen, left over from gdm, and a cursor. | 11:31 |
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=== Tommeh felt like asking something simple, but feels it might get lost :p | ||
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mnoir | then Tommeh will never know... | 11:32 |
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Tommeh | Heh | 11:32 |
BHSPitLappy | wait | 11:32 |
BHSPitLappy | never mind! | 11:32 |
BHSPitLappy | question withdrawn | 11:32 |
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mnoir | BHSPitLappy: so what was it? | 11:32 |
BHSPitLappy | no clue | 11:32 |
Tommeh | Well, I'm wondering if I'm missing anything by not having an Edgy DVD? All I can find are CD .iso files. | 11:32 |
mnoir | BHSPitLappy: just slow?? | 11:32 |
BHSPitLappy | mnoir, apparently ubuntu needed a reboot to sort itself out | 11:32 |
BHSPitLappy | nah | 11:33 |
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PriceChild | Tommeh, if you have the internet then no :) | 11:33 |
BHSPitLappy | Tommeh, no. | 11:33 |
PriceChild | Tommeh, it just holds a few more packages | 11:33 |
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Tommeh | Ahh, ok. | 11:33 |
BHSPitLappy | Tommeh, the idea is, you get what you need through apt. | 11:33 |
lister | hey shluck is this the problem you have https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2005-April/033154.html | 11:33 |
Tommeh | Yeah, 10Mbit cable should be fine with apt. | 11:33 |
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Tommeh | It's like Slack in that respect :) | 11:33 |
BHSPitLappy | but in NO others. | 11:33 |
BHSPitLappy | ;) | 11:33 |
Tommeh | Quite :p | 11:34 |
=== mnoir thinks more respect is due the poineers.... | ||
mnoir | pioneers too :) | 11:34 |
Tommeh | I'm going to attempt dual booting with XP for the first time (I've only ever used *nix on 'other' machines before) .. | 11:34 |
=== jujubinha [n=juliana@201-93-244-7.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tommeh | .. am I better having grub installed in the MBR or the Linux partition? | 11:35 |
shlunk | lister: yep, that's my problem | 11:35 |
Tommeh | I'm thinking with the latter, the XP MBR might interfere? | 11:35 |
lupine_85 | Tommeh: MBR | 11:35 |
lupine_85 | grub in mbr can boot windows for you | 11:35 |
mnoir | Tommeh: most like it better in the MBR | 11:35 |
Tommeh | I figured that was the case :0 | 11:35 |
Tommeh | * :) | 11:35 |
stefg | !MBR | Tommeh | 11:35 |
ubotu | Tommeh: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 11:35 |
mnoir | Tommeh: which is already installed? | 11:35 |
lister | the master boot record is the only place grub can do its job | 11:35 |
nwonknu- | hey | 11:36 |
=== Bloodflow [n=pirch@10001307851.0000049061.acesso.oni.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tommeh | I've just been reading a few tutorials on the subject and some suggested that grub could go into the / partition. | 11:36 |
Tommeh | With the boot flag set to that partition. | 11:36 |
Tommeh | But, yeah; I'm glad you've all said MBR :D | 11:36 |
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mnoir | Tommeh: that will work but it is less common, thus less ppl will be able to answer questions - they might get lost | 11:36 |
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Tommeh | Ok, mnoir .. That would make sense :D | 11:37 |
stefg | Tommeh: apart from 'the only limit is your imagination' the problemis your BIOS, which willonly read the first block from the first HD when booting... :-) | 11:37 |
lister | ive duel booted before but i used acronis boot selector rather than grub or lilo | 11:37 |
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tantris | anyone here who added a job to /etc/cron.daily? | 11:38 |
thread | anyone have any idea why my usb mouse will simply not work on boot until I unplug it and plug it back in? | 11:38 |
Tommeh | lister: Any perks to that BL? | 11:38 |
thread | (this may only happen some of the time) | 11:38 |
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lister | its more graphical | 11:38 |
lister | you can format drives from it | 11:38 |
=== TheDebugger [n=unknown@bas1-montreal02-1096727318.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bloodflow | I've installed Ubuntu Edgy. Unfortunately my modem is not very well supported in linux and I can't get it to work with the 2.6.17 kernel that comes with Edgy. How can I downgrade it to a 2.6.12 kernel (for which I can find a working module for my modem)? | 11:38 |
Tommeh | stefg: That had crossed my mind, hence my presence. I was worried that I'd be shouted at, tbh ;) | 11:38 |
Tommeh | Not knowing *everything* about BIOSs and booting. | 11:39 |
Bloodflow | Keep in mind that there's no internet because the ADSL USB modem doesn't work. | 11:39 |
Tommeh | But yeah, you lot are far more help than #slashdot :p | 11:39 |
stefg | Tommeh: this is #ubuntu , not ##debian or #*bsd... :-) | 11:39 |
lister | the boot sector isnt that scary really | 11:39 |
cokeslut | Hello | 11:39 |
erUSUL | tantris: adding a script to /etc/cron.daily/ ?? | 11:39 |
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Bloodflow | Any suggestions? | 11:40 |
Bloodflow | :\ | 11:40 |
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indigo2001 | Anyone here have experience with the MLDonkey package in 6.10 universe? | 11:40 |
erUSUL | !kernel | Bloodflow | 11:40 |
ubotu | Bloodflow: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel. You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild | 11:40 |
aaddgg | do I need a separate card to capture s-video? | 11:40 |
erUSUL | Bloodflow: where is the driver for your modem? | 11:40 |
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cokeslut | investigating | 11:40 |
mnoir | Bloodflow: i am betting you will need to build it yourself | 11:40 |
Kyral | Compiling Kernels is fun.... | 11:40 |
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Bloodflow | Why would I? | 11:41 |
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Bloodflow | I just need to downgrade it | 11:41 |
Kyral | Always fun to see what fun new stuff they are putting in there | 11:41 |
tantris | erUSUL: yes it seems to never run, I added echo "test" > file and called on the command line it works but it is never called automatically? | 11:41 |
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Bloodflow | I have a working module for 2.6.12 | 11:41 |
Kyral | (Like LED controls in the | 11:41 |
alvaro | anyone know how can i install flash on my ubuntu-edgy? | 11:41 |
shlunk | lister: think i've found something - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyKnownIssues/59618 | 11:41 |
chronographer | Hi all, anyone know a good howto for ipod shuffle in ubuntu? | 11:41 |
Bloodflow | I tried downloading the packages and installing them with dpkg but it doesn't work very well | 11:41 |
erUSUL | Bloodflow: where did you get the module? a web page? what model of modem it is? | 11:41 |
jmblack | Ive been having a rough time finding documentation on how to enable serving php pages with apache under ubuntu (yes I have php installed). Can I get a pointer to the appropriate docs? | 11:42 |
erUSUL | !lamp | 11:42 |
ubotu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 11:42 |
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Bloodflow | bewan-0.9.3-2 (someone patched it to compile but it gives out some errors and dies) | 11:42 |
jmblack | erUSUL: thanks | 11:42 |
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katabatic | anybody got an idea why on my wired connection it won't get an IP automatically at boot, when I have network-manager installed? if I remove network-manager, it works fine | 11:43 |
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emokid | katabatic, no idea - have you tried overriding with a static ip? | 11:43 |
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Bloodflow | using dpkg to install a 2.6.12 kernel doesnt work. I tried. It will install and configure grub, but it wont recognize my keyboard. | 11:43 |
katabatic | no, and don't want to | 11:43 |
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emokid | Bloodflow, err.... any reason you need an old kernel? | 11:44 |
mnoir | katabatic: but when it was installed, did you mark the interface for dhcp? | 11:44 |
Bloodflow | so that I can have a working ADSL modem. | 11:44 |
=== Mazin [n=Mazin@adsl-64-109-48-62.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bloodflow | Cant get a working module for 2.6.17 | 11:45 |
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Mazin | Where are logs when Xorg crashes? | 11:45 |
Bloodflow | Ive looked. | 11:45 |
mnoir | Mazin: /var/log/xorg? | 11:45 |
emokid | Bloodflow, is it a USB ADSL modem? | 11:45 |
=== blueprints88888 [n=blueprin@ppp-69-238-212-118.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bloodflow | Yah | 11:45 |
Mazin | mnoir: does it keeps logs if it suddenly crashes? | 11:45 |
blueprints88888 | hello | 11:45 |
emokid | Bloodflow, you don't have an ethernet card? | 11:45 |
blueprints88888 | is ther anyone in here familiar with Aircrack?? | 11:45 |
tantris | erUSUL: any ideas about cron? | 11:46 |
Mazin | blueprints88888: I am, why? | 11:46 |
Bloodflow | There is one. But what does that have to do with it? | 11:46 |
lister | aircrack is cool but naughty all at the same time | 11:46 |
emokid | um.... USB ADSL = suck? | 11:46 |
blueprints88888 | hello Mazin,well i have a few questions | 11:46 |
emokid | one sec, restarting xchat | 11:46 |
Bloodflow | Yah, I know. | 11:46 |
mnoir | Mazin: (logging 101) if it knows it is going down, it can log itself. otherwise no. sudden to you may not be sudden to it :) | 11:46 |
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Mazin | mnoir: because beryl consistently crashes it, and it is quite sudden :) | 11:46 |
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blueprints88888 | Mazin: for capturing beacon packets, how long does it typically take to capture 500k? and is there a way to speed it up because it took me like 16 hours to get 50k | 11:47 |
PriceChild | blueprints88888, best if it is having some activity from another machine.. | 11:47 |
Mazin | blueprints88888: it depends on how much data is being transmitted... aircrack works well with hundreds of megs of captured data. what program do you use to capture? | 11:48 |
mnoir | katabatic: did you see my question? | 11:48 |
blueprints88888 | Mazin: im using airodump | 11:48 |
erUSUL | tantris: do not know whay it is not run... :( | 11:48 |
blueprints88888 | PriceChild: do you mean use another comp? | 11:48 |
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indigo2001 | If no one has experience in mldonkey, how would I inform someone that the mldonkey-server package in 6.06 universe is very broken? | 11:48 |
mnoir | Mazin: well first step would be to see iffit logged :) | 11:48 |
stefg | !bugs | indigo2001 | 11:49 |
ubotu | indigo2001: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots | 11:49 |
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erUSUL | Bloodflow: http://www.bewan.com/bewan/users/downloads/index.php you can dl the last driver i have check the readme and it seems to support up to 2.6.15 | 11:49 |
Mazin | blueprints88888: it's highly dependent on how much data is being transferred in the target network. It might take forever to get a useful about of data | 11:49 |
PriceChild | bluefox83, if the AP in question is being used by an authenticated machine it is quicker | 11:49 |
Bloodflow | erUSUL: yah, I know. But it doesnt work for 2.6.17 | 11:49 |
=== Zealot87 [n=rufamily@71-13-149-16.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mazin | mnoir: well, I looked at /etc/var/Xorg.0.log, and it ends with some unrelated stuff about keyboard layouts | 11:50 |
Bloodflow | That one won't even compile. | 11:50 |
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Mazin | mnoir: unless I'm looking in the wrong place it didn't get anything | 11:50 |
Bloodflow | :\ | 11:50 |
Zealot87 | my audio stopped working for some odd reason | 11:50 |
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erUSUL | Bloodflow: you will have to compile youre own kernel i'm afraid | 11:50 |
kcinna | hey all | 11:50 |
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Zealot87 | i was in the middle of a game, and it got all fuzzy and then jammed the computer, and now the audio doesnt work... | 11:50 |
Bloodflow | really?! | 11:50 |
Bloodflow | Aa... crap. | 11:50 |
stefg | indigo2001: but mldonkey is universe IMHO, so the bug-report will be ignored anyway | 11:50 |
Bloodflow | Thanks for the help anyways | 11:50 |
Bloodflow | *sigh* | 11:51 |
blueprints88888 | Mazin: oh ok i see, it was just i think i saw in the tutorial to have atleast 15 minutes of battery life on your laptop to capture the packets,it jsut made it seem like it would only take like 30 minutes or so | 11:51 |
kcinna | i'm suck here in the terminal after trying to reinstall the nvidia drivers.. whats a quick way to get x running again? | 11:51 |
mnoir | Mazin: if it has timestamps from just before the crash, it probably is right - may not be able to log itself... :( | 11:51 |
=== Ash-Fox [i=UNKNOWN@fgd182.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
LinTux | I have install Sendmail but I cannot get Evolution to send through it, any ideas? | 11:51 |
stefg | !mldonkey | 11:51 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mldonkey - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:51 |
stefg | !ml-donkey | 11:51 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ml-donkey - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:51 |
=== Mazin [n=Mazin@adsl-64-109-48-62.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mazin | mnoir: yep, X crashed again | 11:51 |
finalbeta_ | After sharing music in Rhythmbox. In the options. How do I play if from my laptop (other PC inside the network)? | 11:51 |
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blueprints88888 | Mazin: also airodump takes my internet down, i try ifdown and ifup, but that doesnt resolve the problem,it did the first time i did that,but everytime after that now i get no network back | 11:51 |
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indigo2001 | stefg: Yes, mldonkey is in universe... this could be annoying... | 11:51 |
mnoir | Mazin: have you tried #ubuntu-xgl ? | 11:51 |
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stefg | indigo2001: so no use in filing a report... just accept that the package is junk and move along | 11:52 |
Mazin | mnoir: but I'm not using xgl... and I'm 92% sure it's an X related issue | 11:52 |
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Zealot87 | it says that my sound resources are busy... | 11:52 |
mnoir | Mazin: oh - I see - sorry | 11:52 |
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emokid | anyone here have problems with f-spot segfaulting? | 11:53 |
=== Apollo [n=jw@c-67-176-187-206.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
indigo2001 | stefg: It's just upsetting because when installed the package breaks apt pretty good. Guess I'll have to write my own init... | 11:54 |
Pommie | Wow. It's kinda quiet. I don't trust it. | 11:54 |
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mnoir | Pommie: shal we try flooding? | 11:54 |
erUSUL | Bloodflow: here (i do not speak french) http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/materiel/modem_adsl_bewan#compatibilite_edgy | 11:54 |
Pommie | uhm... no. | 11:54 |
=== mnoir knows how to increase trust :) | ||
Pommie | heh | 11:55 |
Eroick | I am trying to get ndiswrapper to work but it gives an error when I try and modprobe it. It says that loadndisdriver failed, initilization failed and that ndiswrapper is in invalid arguement. Fresh cmdline install, 6.10edgy. | 11:55 |
finalbeta_ | After sharing music in Rhythmbox, in the options. How do I play if from my laptop (other PC inside the network)? | 11:55 |
Vigo | I amnot certain the Download ISO of Ubuntu 6.10 is the same as the MD5 Checksum that I downloaded and installed in October are the same, can I repair,re-install with the 6.10 that I have that I think works? | 11:55 |
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Pommie | You're as bad as my girlfriend when I bitch that there's not enough work to do. "You'll be complaining soon enough when there's too much!" | 11:55 |
emokid | Vigo, explain your problem? you can certainly re-install | 11:56 |
radioaktivstorm | hi.. how do i set up FTP for my machine for access via a windows box? | 11:56 |
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Pommie | !vsftpd | radioaktivstorm | 11:57 |
ubotu | vsftpd: The Very Secure FTP Daemon. In component main, is extra. Version 2.0.4-0ubuntu5 (edgy), package size 109 kB, installed size 408 kB | 11:57 |
mnoir | radioaktivstorm: if it must be ftp, install one of the ftp servers. there are better ways to xfer files though - scp for one | 11:57 |
emokid | Vigo, oh wait - you're not sure if your md5 is the same? go to your CD's root and run "md5sum -c md5sums.txt" | 11:57 |
pillowmintz | i have a broadcom wireless card with this laptop and have tried several different tutorials on the forums and in the wikis ... is there anyone who could possibly give me some step by step help? would be much appreciated ... | 11:57 |
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emokid | pillowmintz, what model exactly? | 11:58 |
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mseney | radioaktivstorm, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91887 | 11:58 |
radioaktivstorm | mnoir, how woudl i set up secure copy to work on my machine? | 11:58 |
pillowmintz | Broadcom BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02) | 11:58 |
mseney | radioaktivstorm, then use filezilla on windows | 11:58 |
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emokid | pillowmintz, I'm looking it up - in the meantime, have you tried ndiswrapper? | 11:59 |
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namelesss | does it exist a command to print on screen the processus who are using my sound card ? | 11:59 |
mnoir | radioaktivstorm: install sshd, get it running (you can test it locally) then get the putty package (small) or the cygwin environment(big) for the win machine | 11:59 |
mnoir | radioaktivstorm: what is your actual goal? | 11:59 |
mseney | radioaktivstorm, if you do chose so to use vsftp i would keep an eye on your /var/log/vsftp log files | 12:00 |
Pommie | mnoir : Is the windows machine on the same network as the Linux box? | 12:00 |
Vigo_ | namless: use the pastebin? | 12:00 |
Lunar_Lamp | <pillowmintz> Broadcom BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02) <== you need to look at using the specific bcm4318 tutorials. You will need to use ndiswrapper. | 12:00 |
=== GionnyBoss [n=gionny@host19-142.pool8250.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pillowmintz | emokid, yes i have. im not too tech saavy with linux ... although im trying. i have done a few tutorials that included ndiswrapper ... but none of them seemed to work. | 12:00 |
mnoir | radioaktivstorm: i am not sure my advice is perfect unless i know the goal | 12:00 |
emokid | pillowmintz, you an edgy user? have you tried http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=285809? | 12:00 |
Lunar_Lamp | pillowmintz, do you use an acer 50XX series laptop? | 12:00 |
callas | hi | 12:00 |
=== FaithX_ [n=faithful@ns.linuxterminal.com] has joined #ubuntu |
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