
Kr4t05Well, might be 7.1212:15
forceflow_so feisty is soon to come :D12:15
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forceflow_im sooooo ready12:17
MaxDamage``oh, i'd also like to ask - when i log out sometimes the system hangs... just shows the mouse cursor with a black screen on 1280x102412:17
MaxDamage``any clues? :/12:18
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LynoureWhich source package should I report a Konqueror bug on in Launchpad? Or if I used reportbug, will it know I'm the same person as the Launchpad user if the email addy matches?12:20
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forceflow_so yeah, ill be out there, covering the st. louis side:P ill be at the best buy off hanely if anyone knows where that is, anyone who wants to come is welcome12:20
|Daisuke_Ido|been reading up on the list goals for feisty...  there's some *really* nice stuff going12:21
forceflow_january 30th12:21
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LynoureMaxDamage``: That has happened on and off on Dapper at least on some laptop hardware...Maybe desktop too. Seems mostly fixed but causes could vary.12:21
MaxDamage``*reads again.. carefully*12:21
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MaxDamage``well okay12:22
MaxDamage``i just have to live with it then :p12:22
forceflow_hey, does anyone know if they finally removed that damn bcm43xx wireless driver that they claimed was reverse engineered but didnt actually work?12:22
geniiFeisty out of herd 1 yet?12:22
forceflow_that was the only pain in my ass when i installed linux:P12:22
|Daisuke_Ido|MaxDamage``: or upgrade to Edgy, i suppose12:22
|Daisuke_Ido|that's not always an option, though12:22
MaxDamage``im using edgy :p12:23
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dwidmanneh? herd 2 has been out for days12:23
|Daisuke_Ido|well then, i suppose upgrading to edgy isn't an option, then, is it?12:23
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MaxDamage``guess so :p12:24
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MaxDamage``so you guys are lucky and have your own computers right?12:25
forceflow_guess no one knows about that problem? it is a real pain for anyone switching on a dell laptop12:25
|Daisuke_Ido|computers, yes >_>12:25
MaxDamage``well i don't have my own room.. and im sharing my computer with my mother and my brother ...12:25
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|Daisuke_Ido|ouch.  i've been there, and yes, it definitely makes adopting linux a pain, especially when the other users are die-hard windows users.12:26
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MaxDamage``die hard windows users?12:27
MaxDamage``someone sends a message to my mom in ICQ and she keeps shouting she's got a virus12:27
MaxDamage``.. :D12:27
cyber-hazardthat's awesome12:27
=== |Daisuke_Ido| blinks
cyber-hazardmy dad is like that12:28
|Daisuke_Ido|oh man12:28
|Daisuke_Ido|i don't know whether to laugh or cry12:28
MaxDamage``yeah, me too...12:28
cyber-hazardwhen we first got the internet in the house Napster was big, and one day (we had a memory leak) windows pops up an illegal operation message12:28
MaxDamage``im trying to teach her12:28
BluesKajprolly not so much die-hard as not willing or able to even try linux :>)12:28
MaxDamage``not too much though...12:28
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cyber-hazardhe started freaking out that the cops were gonna come12:28
MaxDamage``cuz i can't control her then12:28
cyber-hazardand damn me for downloading music :P12:28
cyber-hazardi was crying I was laughing so hard12:28
MaxDamage``ur dad rules!12:28
forceflow_i got yelled at when windows update downloaded internet explorer 7...lol apparently she thought i changed it12:29
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems and http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin12:29
ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents12:29
|Daisuke_Ido|i feel lucky.  my mom knows her way around a computer, and my dad has been working with them for most of my life12:29
cyber-hazardor your nearest mental health institute! that's awesome!12:30
|Daisuke_Ido|of course, mom's usual computer activities include netflix.com, dvdshrink, and nero >_>12:30
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BluesKajI'm a grandfather , and Linux is much more interesting and verstaile than windows...altho i still have my windows partition , 'just in case" :)12:30
cyber-hazard|Daisuke_Ido|: your mom rocks! :P12:30
|Daisuke_Ido|that's what i thought12:31
MaxDamage``i wish my mom would get around a pc...12:31
|Daisuke_Ido|i made the mistake of asking when she planned to watch all of these movies12:31
MaxDamage``and not just keep shouting that there is no internet when she gets a 404...12:31
|Daisuke_Ido|i never did get an answer12:31
sleepy495where is alsamixer located?12:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alsamixer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:31
cyber-hazardhmmm, guess i'm not leet with the bot yet :(12:32
MaxDamage``noone is12:32
cyber-hazardi got all excited cause i thought it was my turn to activate the bot :(12:32
MaxDamage``well except the botmaster12:32
cyber-hazardonly to be rejected12:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alsa-mixer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about also - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:32
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems and http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin12:32
BluesKajunder multimedia id you have it installed, sleepy49512:32
MaxDamage``no prob :p12:33
dwidmannsleepy495, probably /usr/bin/alsamixer, you may have to install it first if you haven't already12:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about OSX - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about macintosh - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:33
MaxDamage``how the fuck do you spell that?!12:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apple - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mac - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about water-melon - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:33
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about IMAC - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:34
cyber-hazardwhatis maxdamage\`\`\'s\ face12:34
cyber-hazardmaxdamage``'s face: nothing appropriate.12:34
dwidmannif you click that link you get everytime you guess incorrectly, you can get the full list12:34
cyber-hazardi <3 my bash prompt :)12:34
dwidmannor you could experiment in a pm12:34
BluesKajI have a friend who's running kubuntu partition on his Imac12:34
MaxDamage``maybe... ?12:35
MaxDamage``imac's rock :p12:35
BluesKajForgotten what he used to mount it12:35
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MaxDamage``btw, it's very interesting how the iMac's parts fit into the small space of the monitor... :/12:37
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WiglyWormCould someone help me out here? I'm running into an error: "error while loading shared libraries: ./libSDL-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory".. where can I find that file?12:38
WiglyWormIt doesn't appear to be on the program's CD, nor on my live CD.12:38
MaxDamage``well obviously you dont have the libSDL12:38
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MaxDamage``i don't remember how to fix it :/12:39
WiglyWormIt would certainly appear that way. :)12:39
dwidmann!info libsdl1.2debian-all12:39
MaxDamage``im kinda sick right now12:39
ubotulibsdl1.2debian-all: Simple DirectMedia Layer (with all available options). In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.10-3ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 205 kB, installed size 504 kB12:39
MaxDamage``now that you know that12:39
cyber-hazardhmmm, quick, someone quit so I know if this worked :P12:39
MaxDamage``go to adept and download it12:39
dwidmanncyber-hazard: quit what?12:40
WiglyWormOh... I can get it off adept?12:40
WiglyWormI figured that was too easy.12:40
cyber-hazarddwidmann: the channel12:40
MaxDamage``well everything is easy12:40
MaxDamage``if you know how to do it12:40
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dwidmannis that question still in question, or am I too late to run away?12:40
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WiglyWormMmm hmmm, and I'm a complete linux newbie ATM, so everything is hard. Very very hard. Or at least forgien.12:40
MaxDamage``so am I12:41
MaxDamage``but... im getting around :)12:41
WiglyWormSo I should just search for "libSDL-1.2.so.0" in adept?12:41
MaxDamage``libsdl only12:41
dwidmanninstall the libsdl1.2debian-all package12:41
MaxDamage``if should find some things12:41
dwidmannit should be all you need12:42
WiglyWormAh.. indeed it has.12:42
BluesKajhmm, the desktop pages minimize to the tray when the cursor is moved to the edges of the screen ...some may like it , but I find it annoying. How do i fix this?12:42
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dwidmannif you're using 64-bit you'd also need ia32-libs-sdl12:43
MaxDamage``BluesKaj: i think it's more comfortable that way12:43
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MaxDamage``like you got a 4 times bigger screen12:43
MaxDamage``if you accidently hit the edge - hit the other one to get back12:44
MaxDamage``alltho it doesnt work with me o.012:44
ubotukatapult is the new application launcher for KDE, to be used with applications, bookmarks, and Amarok playlists. Once you have installed, hit Alt+f2 -> katapult, then hit Alt+Space, and type what you want.12:44
MaxDamage``just for me12:44
WiglyWormDwidmann, were you talking to me?12:44
BluesKajI to want to get rid of the effect , MaxDamage``12:45
dwidmannWiglyWorm: at which point?12:45
dwidmannhmm, oh, yes, I think I was12:45
MaxDamage``the 64 bits12:45
WiglyWorm"if you're using 64-bit you'd also need ia32-libs-sdl"12:45
WiglyWormAlright... I've installed both of those packages, theoretically i'm good to go?12:46
MaxDamage``yes. :P12:46
dwidmannone way to find out12:46
WiglyWormhuh... same error.12:47
MaxDamage``come back after that so we can know if you're okay12:47
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WiglyWormyeah i was about to ask12:47
WiglyWormI thought this was better than windows. ~_^12:47
dwidmannI doubt that will help anything, bu t you're welcome to try it12:47
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MaxDamage``yeah, but still some things need the system to start over12:47
WiglyWormWell, let's see what happens.12:48
MaxDamage``maybe restart x would do the same12:48
|Daisuke_Ido|it can be better than windows, but if you're expecing a windows clone that's easier, you're going to be disappointed.12:48
dwidmannOnly if they involve kernel modules  ... AFAIK12:48
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dwidmannor of course, the kernel itself12:48
WiglyWormNo, I'm certainly not expecting that.12:48
|Daisuke_Ido|i find it far superior to windows, purely because i can make it do what i need, when i need it12:48
rEvolution27hey guys, I have an amarok problem... When I try to play a file it doesn't do anything, it just rushes through the entire playlist and says playlist done12:48
dwidmannrEvolution27: which type of file?12:48
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MaxDamage``rEvolution27: lol i just imagined that12:48
ubotuamarok-engines: output engines for the amaroK audio player. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:1.4.3-0ubuntu10 (edgy), package size 0 kB, installed size 20 kB12:49
MaxDamage``rEvolution27: download the amarok packages for the mp3 support12:49
dwidmann!mp3 | rEvolution2712:49
uboturEvolution27: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:49
crazy_busHow come the flashgot command Alt+click doesn't work in firefox in kubuntu?12:49
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rEvolution27yeh i tryied to install the mp3 stuff but it didn't do anything12:49
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dwidmannhave you restarted amarok since rEvolution2712:50
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forceflow_rEvolution27: tried automatix2 and all that jazz?12:50
dwidmannThat's odd then12:50
dwidmanneww indeed.12:50
MaxDamage``dwidmann: it asked me 3 times to install the packs12:50
forceflow_hey, it's just so easy:P12:50
Daisuke_Idoautomatix = evil12:50
forceflow_hey, dont attack me12:50
rEvolution27i tried easy ubuntu12:50
MaxDamage``yeah automatix = evil12:50
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Daisuke_Idoi'm not attacking you12:50
MaxDamage``i cant install it12:50
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MaxDamage``requires 9 more packages12:50
forceflow_i just know it makes it easier for a lot of people12:51
Daisuke_Idoboth are evil.  anything they install can be installed pretty easily anyway12:51
=== Daisuke_Ido shrugs
forceflow_i installed all mine from command line:P12:51
dwidmannso, rEvolution27, you've installed the "libxine-extracodecs" package?12:51
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rEvolution27umm i think something may be wrong with my adept too... all my repos say dapper12:51
Daisuke_Idoi just don't like the idea of a script that may do things i don't specifically want12:51
rEvolution27adept can't find the extracodecs package12:51
forceflow_yea, i understand that perfectly12:51
dwidmannrEvolution27: well then I'm pretty sure it probably isn't installed then12:52
dwidmannrEvolution27: are you running dapper or edgy?12:52
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Daisuke_Idohave you enabled universe in the repositories?12:52
BluesKajyeah, learning to install different pkges from the cmnd line is much safer12:52
dwidmannDaisuke_Ido: he'12:52
dwidmannd need multiverse, actually12:52
rEvolution27well it's supposed to be edgy but al my repos say dapper12:52
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rEvolution27what's the multiverse repo?12:53
Daisuke_Idoi move that my last remark be edited, -uni +multi12:53
rEvolution27how do i add it? I couldn't find it in adept12:53
forceflow_some people just dont feel comfortable at command line is the only problem - hence, you get automatix212:53
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:53
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu12:53
dwidmannrEvolution27: try typing this in a terminal: sudo sed s/dapper/edgy/ /etc/apt/sources.list12:53
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rEvolution27that will update my apt sources?12:54
VigoI never ran Kubuntu, so I cannot answer that12:55
dwidmannthat will change all instances of dapper to edgy rEvolution27, what I said will anyway12:55
dwidmannhmm, might not save the changes, hmm12:55
rEvolution27oh :) no so good at command line yet ;)12:55
VigoInUbuntu I use the Synaptic Package Manager, I guess it is the same12:55
Daisuke_Idoi use synaptic in kubuntu as well.12:55
dwidmannI've been experimenting with sed lately, looks like that won't save it, hmm12:55
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MaxDamage``default is adept12:55
MaxDamage``i think.. :/12:55
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Daisuke_Idopurely because i like its interface better.12:56
rEvolution27oh i'm confused12:56
WiglyWormReboots also do nothing. T_T12:56
VigoIn the package mager doohiky you can set it to search for Multiverse, Univeres, and whatever12:56
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rEvolution27dwidmann the code worked12:57
VigoIts like a GUI interface, but as we all know, In the beginning was the command line12:57
dwidmanndid it save the changes too, hmmmmm12:57
rEvolution27i can now install libxine-extracodecs12:58
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rEvolution27yeh it saved the changes12:58
dwidmannneato, it doesn't seem to for me :\12:58
rEvolution27where can i learn useful commands like that?12:58
WiglyWormSo any ideas on where to go with this error? "12:58
WiglyWorm/libSDL-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory12:58
VigoKubuntu has Feisty ready for download?12:59
BluesKajdwidmann, I'll ask again since you might know... the desktop pages minimize to the tray when the cursor is moved to the edges of the screen ...some may like it , but I find it annoying. How do i fix this?12:59
dwidmannrEvolution27: the man pages work well, the sed command is the stream editor ... pain in the butt to learn how to use it, but it's powerful12:59
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rEvolution27K guys amarok now has mp3 support ;)12:59
dwidmannBlueskaj, hmm, I've never had it do that o.O how did you turn that on, sounds potentially useful (and annoying)01:00
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rEvolution27strange cuz the last time I installed kubuntu and i tryied to play an mp3 amarok asked me if I want it to automatically download the mp3 codec01:00
BluesKajyeah , it could be useful dwidmann , but the prob is i don't know what i did to cause the effect :)01:01
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MinatakuAw.... genii isn't here01:01
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rEvolution27how do i find out what version of kubuntu I have?01:02
dwidmannlsb-release -a will tell01:02
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jonahi'm trying to get darkice working but i don't know what my alsa device is (hw:0,0?) how do i figure it out?01:03
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BluesKajdwidmann, alt+F3 /configure windows/ animate windows and restore ;; turn it off ...01:05
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rEvolution27dwidmann no lsb modules are available01:05
BluesKajnope that's wrong too01:05
dwidmannBluesKaj, I think I found something  ... wait, it looks like you've found something too01:05
dwidmannrEvolution27: lsb_release -a01:05
BluesKajok what did you find , dwidmann ?01:06
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dwidmannBluesKaj, something that could provide similar effect is the Active desktop borders in the desktop -> window behavior -> advanced01:06
rEvolution27hmm it says i have 6.06 dapper but i was pretty sure i intalled edgy... how do i upgrade?01:06
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BluesKajyes, dwidmann , found it as well , thx for the help :)01:07
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MaxDamage``<offtopic> omg, im blind...01:09
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dwidmannmaxdamage, need contacts/glasses?01:10
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dwidmannrEvolution27: to upgrade, change all instances of dapper to edgy in your /etc/apt/sources.list, then "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade"01:11
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K-Ryandwidmann, think it's worth it?01:12
K-Ryanor do you think Dapper is more stable right now?01:12
dwidmannI think both are pretty stable, so might as well go with the one that's more up-to-date :)01:12
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sampanmight be less chance of things going awry (assuming one JUST installed dapper) to do a clean install of edgy01:13
K-Ryanwell ive got a bunch, okay a couple dapper programs01:13
K-Ryanwould they still work on edgy?01:13
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dwidmannK-Ryan, if anything, there are more programs in the edgy repos than dappers, if I remember right, it's close at any rate01:14
K-Ryanno, would dapper programs work in edgy?01:14
sampank-ryan  an upgrade from dapper will pull in the packages automatically (if they're available) ... if you did a clean install, you'd have to re-get them via apt/adept01:14
K-Ryansampan for the record im not doing a clean install =P01:15
K-Ryananyway, dapper programs dont work with edgy?01:15
K-Ryanunless it has an edgy update?01:15
sampanyou can't transfer the packages ... but an upgrade would include the edgy packages (assuming they've been compiled for edgy, which they most likely would be) and so the "programs" would work just fine01:16
K-Ryanwhat do you mean i cant transfer the packages? if i install edgy they're wiped?01:17
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sampanif you did a CLEAN install (which you've said you aren't), you'd have to install them again (via apt/adept), but an UPGRADE from dapper to edgy will automatically download and install the upgraded packages in the upgrade process.01:18
K-RyanHow long would edgy take?01:18
mineurfor a clean install?01:19
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dwidmanndepends on your download speed, K-Ryan01:19
dwidmannFigure on a 500+mb download01:19
K-Ryantake me an hour maybe01:20
rEvolution27what are the major differences?01:20
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rEvolution27between dappper and edgy01:20
addykCan't belive I managed to enter with xchat :) Hello #kubuntu01:20
MaxDamage``uh, guys, how can i stream media on the net?01:20
MaxDamage``like an internet radio01:20
K-RyanI think there are programs for it01:20
MaxDamage``i used to play a song for my friends when i had winamp and shoutcast01:21
K-RyanOr at least there are things on the net for it01:21
addykstdin: Hello! :) What's your sleeping hours man :) You're sti01:21
dwidmannbiggest difference is that things are more up to date.01:21
addykalmost always online :)01:21
mineurisn't there a shoutcast plugin for xmms??01:21
dwidmannaddyk, you seem confused, stdin most obviously doesn't sleep o.o01:22
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ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu01:22
K-Ryanwhat is the path to sources.list i always foget01:22
addykdwidmann: Wow... Is there people that CAN do that? :)01:22
sampank-ryan  /etc/apt/sources.list01:22
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K-Ryansampan thx01:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about oddcast - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:23
dwidmannWhich leads me to believe that stdin in might be a mechnical being, fueled by strong coffee o.O01:23
mineurMaxDamage``: look on www.oddsock.org/tools/oddcastv3_jack/01:23
Daisuke_Idome prays for the day he can play You Don't Know Jack in linux01:23
MaxDamage``thanks :)01:23
Daisuke_Idoyeah, pretend i put a / before that, k?01:24
addykdwidmann: it was you that said the new name for TuxRacer, no?01:25
addykEm... :|01:25
addykWhat was it again?01:25
dwidmannerm, I don't think it was me01:25
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addykHmm, darn... :|01:25
dwidmannUnless I've been typing in my sleep again01:25
addykYou can ... DO... that??? (o.O)01:26
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dwidmannOne can only suspect o.O01:26
addykOh my... :| I wonder if I did that too O_O01:26
addykYet, more... WHAT did I write if I did... @.@01:27
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BluesKaj\O_O /01:27
K-Ryanuhh, I changed everything in my repos to edgy and updated01:27
K-Ryanclicked the "fetch updates" im supposed to do something else right/01:27
addykAnyway... it's late at night for me... 02:28. Good night #kubuntu :)01:28
K-Ryanor did i just install edgy? o.O01:28
mineuraddyk: PlanetPenguin Racer :)01:28
K-Ryang'night addyk01:28
addykThanx !!!! :D01:28
dwidmannaddyk, there's just no telling!01:29
dwidmann'night addyk01:29
mineurnp :)01:29
K-Ryandwidmann i dont think i did this rigth01:29
mineurbut their site seems down :)01:29
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K-Ryani changed everything in my repos from dapper to edgy01:29
dwidmannK-Ryan, what did you do?01:29
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K-Ryanfetched updates on those01:29
K-Ryannow im upgrading my programs for edgy01:29
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K-Ryani think01:29
K-Ryani clicked full upgrade and applied01:30
ubotuSee http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)01:30
dwidmannYou may want to click on "full upgrade" Ryan01:30
K-RyanI did01:30
dwidmannand it did what/01:30
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ubotuotrs: Open Ticket Request System. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.3.3p01-2 (edgy), package size 913 kB, installed size 6032 kB01:30
K-RyanIt went through the edgy repos and now its installing01:30
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K-Ryanbut it says down at the bottom01:30
K-Ryan"download 29M, installtion: 10M"01:30
K-Ryanthis cant be edgy01:31
K-Ryancan it?01:31
dwidmanninteresting, sounds kinda small01:31
K-Ryanmind you im just upgrading01:31
dwidmannwhat does "lsb_release -sc" say?01:31
mineur!upgrade > K-Ryan01:31
geniiAnyone know if otrs or rt for 6.06 server? Can't seem to find it on apt-cache search there01:31
K-Ryanmineur, I've got it, dwidmann is helping me anyway01:31
K-Ryantype in the terminal dwidmann?01:31
K-Ryani havent logged out and in or rebooted01:32
dwidmannWell, that's right, hmm, I wonder why it's only downloading 229mb ...01:32
rEvolution27after I read many distaster stories of upgrading to edgy and some articles which say that dapper is more stable, i might stick with it01:32
dopeso how does everyone feel about municipal wifi?01:32
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ubotuIf adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a'01:33
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BluesKajedgy works fine for me01:33
mineuredgy works fine,stable,nice and sweet here :)01:33
dwidmannI did a clean install with edgy after hearing disaster stories  ... though I could have fixed it had I done the upgrade. I just didn't feel like waiting days for it to download.01:33
mineurI did a fresh install tho :)01:33
sampanrevolution27  i read some of those upgrade stories too, which is why i just did a clean install.  worked flawlessly and got rid of a lot of unused packages01:33
rEvolution27if i do a clean install how do i save all the settings and programs i have? Or do i have to just re-do everything?01:34
dwidmannK-Ryan, did adept crash on you?01:34
K-RyanNo, just wrote it down for later =P01:35
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sampanrevolution27  you'll have to redo everything, but if you JUST installed dapper a day or two ago, that shouldn't be too hard01:35
rEvolution27I my install cd was edgy in the fist place and ended up with dapper lol01:35
malik_can any one help me with my stupid firefox?.........it cant remember how to open wma files from a http site?01:35
dwidmannWell, it's actually easy to save your list of packages and add them back after a clean install, I have a cronjob set to back up my list once a week01:36
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rEvolution27I might just wait for feisty on the other hand01:37
dwidmannThat'll be a long wait01:37
dwidmannGranted, I'm waiting for it too :D01:37
rEvolution27What I really want is kde 401:37
K-RyanWhacha mean by the waiting?01:38
K-RyanFeisty is going to be on CD?01:38
dwidmannrEvolution27: that'll be an even longer wait01:38
malik_can any one help me with my stupid firefox?.........it cant remember how to open wma files from a http site?.........any help wud be great i wanna learn how to play a wma file in firefox from a http site i can download n play it by i wanna stream and play it with kaffiene01:38
=== dwidmann uses Opera
=== K-Ryan uses Konqueror, go figure.
=== mineur has been an opera fan since opera 5.1 :)
rEvolution27I saw a guide on that but I just can't remember where :(01:39
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endo602how do i format an ntfs01:40
K-Ryandwidmann, the upgrade wiki reccomends doing this in a console session, is it that important?01:40
dwidmannK-Ryan: Ummm, I doubt it's all that important, I usually do it with my gui up ...01:41
dwidmanndoes it say why?01:41
K-Ryan"I recommend doing this from a console session."01:41
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endo602How do i format an ntfs to ext3?01:41
mineurdelete the partition and make a new one with qtparted01:42
dwidmannk-ryan, I usually bing up konsole in my gui session and do it from there ...01:42
rEvolution27endo602 i'm no expert but i use qtparted01:42
K-Ryandwidmann thanks, i'll try it out from there01:42
dwidmannendo602, you won't be able to convert, you'll need to back it up, delete the ntfs partition,a nd then create the new partition using parted, qtparted, or something else if you don't like those.01:43
endo602do i have to mount it then01:44
dwidmannk-ryan, I've not trusted gui package managers since I saw how crashy they could be with ubuntu 4.10 (warty). It segfaulted every few minutes, I was so annoyed.01:44
rEvolution27This sounds impossible but can you move the physical location of a partition on a disk?01:44
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K-RyanI'm not using a package manager, I am using the Konsole01:44
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K-RyanJust didn't know if I could leave my background running01:44
dwidmannK-Ryan, dpkg/apt is a package manger, you're just not using a graphical frontend :)01:45
mineurrEvolution27: yes, but it's not without a risk :)01:46
K-Ryandwidmann the installs keep having unmet dependencies01:46
K-Ryandid i do something wrong?01:46
dwidmannK-Ryan, hopefully not01:46
K-Ryanwait a second, i skipped apt-get -u dist-upgrade01:46
K-Ryansilly me =)01:46
malik_can any one help with firefox and wma media issue?01:46
dwidmannwhat does your /etc/apt/sources.list look like?01:46
dwidmannthat would help01:46
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K-Ryani still cant get something01:47
dwidmannmalik_ I googled and I think I may have found something for ya01:47
K-RyanThe following packages have unmet dependencies:01:47
K-Ryan  kubuntu-desktop: Depends: x-window-system-core01:47
dwidmannK-Ryan: try sudo apt-get upgrade instead, perhaps01:48
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dwidmannmalik_: http://willcode4beer.blogspot.com/2006/06/linux-firefox-and-kaffeine.html01:48
malik_that wud be great coz i cudnt find any thing01:48
wolfwalkerSo, there really is a dsl channel01:49
wolfwalkerImagine that01:49
rEvolution27what's wrong with dsl?01:49
wolfwalkerOkay, I've just about given up on installing ANY program remotely01:49
wolfwalkerRemotely = downloading the programs from my Windows computer and porting them up to my Linux computer with my flash drive01:50
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Soccrmastr"The animals will hear!" bellowed the ear licking penguin as the awesomely endowed midget sucked her oozing charlies and plugged his purple middle leg into her festering cunt.01:50
Soccrmastroops... wrong window01:50
mineurK-Ryan: did you do sudo update-manager -c -d ? that's the way to upgrade01:50
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:50
wolfwalkerThe dependencies had dependencies, which had dependencies, which had dependencies, which had dependencies, which had dependencies...........01:50
mineurwolfwalker: sounds like RPM :p01:50
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wolfwalkerNo, just Audacity, the best music editor I've ever found01:51
dwidmanno.O wrong window indeed Soccrmastr01:51
dwidmannwolfwalker, that's how things go01:51
K-Ryani just read what Soccrmastr posted and laughed so hard01:51
wolfwalkerI guess I'll just have to drag the computer and all associated stuff down here and get Adept to do it for me01:51
mineurthat's indeed the easiest way01:52
K-Ryanlook at my paste, did i do something wrong?01:52
wolfwalkerEasy is a highly relative concept01:52
=== dwidmann clicks
rEvolution27is there an update-manager for kubuntu?01:53
wolfwalkerrEvolution27: Yes01:53
wolfwalkerI think..........01:53
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mineuryes there is01:53
mineurto upgrade to edgy from dapper: sudo update-manager -c -d01:54
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Bizzehi just installed kubuntu01:54
rEvolution27ok thanks that's what i wanted01:54
K-Ryanmineur, what's the catch?01:54
mineurjust to get the latest version of packages use adept or synaptic01:54
soulriderBizzeh: great!01:54
Bizzehi managed to get my wireless installed01:54
K-Ryanthe wiki gives me a big list of things to do01:54
dwidmannK-Ryan, try sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop x-window-system-core01:54
Bizzehi cant get my wireless to work right01:54
Bizzehi cant set my WPA-PSK key01:55
Bizzehit only lets me set WEP01:55
soulriderBizzeh: i dont think i can help you since i dont have a wireless network, byt probably someone here does01:55
Soccrmastrgeez just use WEP then lol01:55
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:55
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soulridertry that link01:55
K-Ryandwidmann same problem but this time x-window-system-core is missing xorg01:55
mineuras far as I know, there is no catch... but I never did it myself01:55
dwidmannthen add xorg to the list ... eventually you'll run into whatever the problem was, or it will go away silently01:56
K-Ryani added that01:56
K-Ryanand now i got a nice chunk of dependencies01:56
flipjarghi all, anyone know why my Firefox is crashing when i visit sites that use flash? i just installed the flash player through FireFox. i don't have anything else installed. Everything else is default besides that.01:56
dwidmannadd them to the list too ...01:56
K-Ryanbut its a lot!01:56
rEvolution27mineur: sudo: update-manager: command not found01:56
flipjarg... i'm running 6.10 Edgy Eft.01:56
K-Ryanand some say "but it is not going to be installed"01:57
K-Ryanor "But it is not installable"01:57
Bizzehi try what it says01:57
K-Ryanis Kubuntu mocking me?01:57
forceflow_yes, of course01:57
dwidmannK-Ryan: well, dependency resolution is a pain in the butt, but just keep adding them to the list of packages to install your command ... you'll find the real problem _eventually_01:58
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dwidmannIt's also a possibility that there is a problem with the mirror, which mirror are you using?01:58
wolfwalkerdwidmann, I thought Adept got all the dependencies for you01:58
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wolfwalkerThat's what I was told anyway01:58
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dwidmannwolfwalker, the upgrade process in ubuntu doesn't seem to be even 1/10th as smooth as in debian ...01:59
malik_can any one tell me how to make firefox remember settings for playing wma files off the net?01:59
rEvolution27man I had dependency issues with nvidia drivers and berly once. I had to do a clean install01:59
endo602only formating 5 g02:00
K-RyanI added all the dependency issues and now i get this02:00
mineurK-Ryan: have you seend this too: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades ?02:00
mineurhere they say it's not recommended to upgrade with apt-get02:00
K-Ryan"Package libgl1-mesa-glx is not availible, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only availible from another source. E: Package libgl1-mesa-glx has no installation candidate02:01
dwidmannHere's a kicker for yah mineur02:01
dwidmann!info update-manager02:01
ubotuupdate-manager: GNOME application that manages apt updates. In component main, is optional. Version 0.45 (edgy), package size 775 kB, installed size 3652 kB02:01
rEvolution27mineur i can't use update-manger  it says command not found02:01
K-RyanWell mineur your other nice little ! says "use apt-get"02:02
mineurand because we use kde we're not allowed to use gnome apps? :)02:02
K-RyanSo you're not being helpful02:02
dwidmannIt kind of helps if they're there/installed/etc02:02
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dwidmannand to download all of its dependencies would likely be time consuming02:02
rEvolution27so i can just use adept to get update-manager02:03
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K-Ryanmineur that last link isnt even for kubuntu02:04
mineuroh come on.... how many times... kubuntu is not a different distro then ubuntu!!!02:04
K-RyanNo but the install is different02:05
mineurit's the SAME, yes the same, even using the same repository...02:05
dwidmannNo, but it does come with different packages installed, so instructions may vary.02:05
K-RyanAnd I want Kubuntu, not Ubuntu02:05
jamrsoh god you may get some enjoyment out of this02:05
dwidmannjamrs: I better :D02:06
endo602what is the command to copy to directory02:06
=== wolfwalker sits back and watches the fun
jamrsscroll down to matt's 3rd response02:06
dwidmannendo602: cp02:06
jamrswhen he tries to use my instructions02:06
endo602to copy directory?02:06
endo602or files02:06
dwidmanncp -R02:06
dwidmannjamr: is the object of entertainment matt00926's avatar?02:07
Soccrmastrjamrs: HAHAH02:07
mineurthe second link... it even gives you the instructions for kubuntu... when using the not recommended way... I'm still not convinced why you're trying to do it with apt-get... but it's your system, your choice :)02:07
ubotulibgl1-mesa-glx: A free implementation of the OpenGL API -- GLX runtime. In component main, is optional. Version 6.5.1~20060817-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 164 kB, installed size 524 kB02:07
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K-RyanCould that be giving me trouble because of my fglfx thing?02:08
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rEvolution27hey k-ryan: try this, get update-manage from adept and then in terminal type sudo update-manager -c -d02:08
endo602what id the command to copy all files and files in subdir02:09
rEvolution27k i'm gonna update now c ya later.02:10
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dwidmannendo602, you could do cp -R source_directory/* destination_directory02:10
endo602how do i purge a command in console02:11
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dwidmannpurge a command?02:11
endo602stop a cpying02:11
mineurctrl + c :)02:11
dwidmannctrl +c02:11
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K-Ryandwidmann i tried that sudo update-manager -c -d02:12
dwidmannI've never tried it, what'd it do?02:12
K-Ryanabsolutely nothing except give me some more read outs02:13
dwidmannread outs?02:13
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:13
K-Ryanstuff in the terminal =P02:13
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K-Ryani mean, im looking at it, but nothing jumps out at me02:14
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K-Ryanapt API not stable yet?02:14
K-Ryanoops i included it twice...02:14
dwidmannapt api not stable yet? I remember hearing that about the python-apt bindings02:14
rEvolution27i got the last error too02:14
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dwidmannI've no idea what the trouble is, something seems to be missing is all I can tell, either that or you've found a bug02:15
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K-Ryanhow about the very last line02:16
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K-Ryan"can't find DistUpgradeViewGtk02:16
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dwidmannthat's the line I'm talking about02:16
rEvolution27that's the error i go02:16
dwidmannthe X related lines don't matter02:16
rEvolution27i got02:16
K-Ryanrevolution27 you havent fixed it either did you?02:17
rEvolution27  sudo sed -e 's/\sdapper/ edgy/g' -i /etc/apt/sources.list02:17
rEvolution27  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:17
rEvolution27that'll do it all02:17
bky_can anyone give me advice on my error I stated in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2014485#post2014485 ? I posted it a few days ago and no reply...02:17
tobiAnother funny newbie question: I want to copy a folder into another, but I am not the owner of both. how can I handle this prob?02:18
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rEvolution27go root?02:19
bky_sudo cp [old file]  [new file] 02:19
K-Ryanokay something is happening02:19
mineursudo cp -R source destination02:19
K-Ryanbig downloads02:19
bky_sudo chown [your name]  [newfile] 02:19
rEvolution27you did what i told you?02:19
tobii try02:20
dwidmannsed is awesome :)02:20
rEvolution27yeh that's the way to go02:20
K-RyanI'm only at 12% and I have a very fast internet02:20
malik_Jucato: u there mate?.....sorry to trouble u02:20
K-RyanSo I assume this is what I needed to do02:20
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K-RyanSo once it's done I should reboot right?02:20
rEvolution27ofcourse i found this in the link mineur posted that you were critisizing02:20
dwidmannthat's not far off what I said to do02:21
K-RyanI thought that would leave with me ubuntu02:21
dwidmannI only recently learned how to use sed properly ...02:21
K-Ryanand i hope it doesnt02:21
rEvolution27no it won't02:21
dwidmannfrom the vim help files no less02:21
K-Ryandwidmann if it makes you feel better, i dont know what it does either =)02:21
dwidmannvim is awesome too02:21
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K-Ryanwoohoo, 24% already02:21
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rEvolution27I think the only difference between kubunut and ubuntu is the k desktop environment02:22
dwidmannK-Ryan: that said command was nothing but a little bit of search and replace action02:22
dwidmannvim is a text editor02:22
K-RyanrEvolution27 I like the K desktop environment02:22
K-Ryana lot02:22
dwidmannno, wait, I take that back, vim is THE text editor :D02:22
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rEvolution27yes and you won't loose kde02:23
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rEvolution27ok guys i'lll leave this update over night02:23
rEvolution27c ya02:23
K-RyanSo are there any noticable differences in edgy?02:23
K-Ryanwait revolution2702:23
K-RyanHow far are you?02:23
K-Ryanin the update02:23
dwidmannapt-cache show ubuntu-desktop, apt-cache show kubuntu-desktop ... that'll show you the differences, in full02:23
K-RyanI'm already 34% =)02:23
dwidmannOne thing you'll notice is that konsole and kate start a lot faster :)02:24
sampanedgy boots faster for me too02:24
K-RyanHow much faster can they start?02:24
K-Ryanfaster booting is nice02:24
K-RyanAlthough Dapper boots nicely for me too02:24
sampanalthough, i never booted that often (last time before edgy install was 145 days prior)02:24
K-Ryanperhaps a little slower than Xp02:24
dwidmannkonsole and kate start quite fast ... I think those optimizations found their way into the 3.5.5 release of kde02:25
K-RyanBut I don't care, this is better02:25
K-RyanAlmost half way there, 41%02:25
dwidmanneven if xp boots faster, just think back on how long it is until it's actually at a usable state ... all of those anti-malware programs having to load up ;)02:25
K-RyanYeah that's what I was thinking02:25
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K-RyanIt's not really looking back, I'm an avid gamer02:26
K-RyanAlthough since I got Kubuntu working I haven't booted in XP once...02:26
dwidmannso how large of a download do you have on your hands K-Ryan?02:26
K-Ryan15 minutes02:26
=== dwidmann does most of his gaming on his ps2
K-Ryandownloading half a meg per second02:26
K-Ryannot bad considering my bro is surfing the web and playing games =)02:27
dwidmannI'm jealous :(02:27
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j__I need to occupy myself for the next 6hrs, ideas? sleeping is not an option02:28
K-Ryanj__ goto your terminal02:28
K-Ryansudo apt-get install barrage02:28
K-Ryansudo apt-get install craft02:28
K-Ryangames =P02:28
dwidmannj__, install crack-attack and frozen-bubble, or maybe kmahjongg02:29
j__barrage is a Rampart copy, right?02:29
K-RyanDon't know what Rampart is02:29
j__craft is what?02:29
K-Ryankmahjongg is good02:29
K-RyanCraft is kind of an RTS02:29
j__castles, cannons, shooting02:29
rmarianskicraft - Warcraft 2-like multi-player real-time strategy game02:29
ubotucraft: Warcraft 2-like multi-player real-time strategy game. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5-12ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1008 kB, installed size 14752 kB02:29
K-Ryan2/3 of the way done!02:30
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dwidmannI want that internet connection ...02:31
ubotubarrage: Rather violent action game. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-1 (edgy), package size 399 kB, installed size 1956 kB02:32
K-Ryanbarrage is fun, you're a cannon and have to bombard things passing by02:32
malik_how do i remove firefox and completely remove all of its settings from system?02:32
K-Ryan3/4 done02:32
soulridermalik_: sudo aptitude purge firefox02:32
dwidmannyum? NOoooooo, ubotu has defected to SuSE T_T02:32
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K-Ryan4/5 done02:33
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soulriderK-Ryan: we got it :P02:34
K-RyanYou are all going to watch it with me =)02:34
soulrideruntil an opt gets pissed off and kicks you :P02:35
K-RyanWhy would they kick me? Nobody is talking02:35
K-RyanAnd I'm enjoying this02:35
dwidmannand I'm crying out of jealousy :( I'm stuck with a lousy satellite connection02:35
soulriderdwidmann: speed ?02:36
K-RyanI love watching the terminal02:36
K-Ryanit's like the matrix, but you can actually read everything02:36
soulriderlol, i like the console02:36
dwidmannspeed tops around 80kbs, wouldn't be too bad if there weren't an ugly FAP to ruin it ...02:36
soulridermakes me feel geeky :P02:37
soulriderdwidmann: thats faster than mine :P02:37
K-Ryan80kb/s? it still gets stuff done02:37
soulriderand whats a FAP ?02:37
soulriderK-Ryan: wtf? 80 is great!02:37
K-RyanSo is my 670kb/s atm02:37
dwidmannFair Access Policy, they cut the connection for about 8-12 hours after I have downloaded around 130mb02:37
soulriderwtf? really? why ?02:38
dwidmannmy momma always said that satellite internet providers are the devil?02:38
K-Ryan576MB in 18m52s (509kb/s)02:38
dwidmannin other words, I say it's because they're jerks.02:39
K-RyanSounds like they want more money for less work02:39
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macronyxhi..someone unsing krusader? I can't find the way how to save ftp session?02:40
dwidmannhere's another way to put it, they "sell more bandwidth than they actually have on the assumption that people won't use it, and when the people do use it then they get pissy and complain"02:40
soulrideris there another ISP around there ?02:40
K-Ryanuhh, I'm getting a lot of warning things while upgrading02:40
macronyxCtrl+N New Network Connection but no way how to save those dates?02:41
K-Ryantheres a lot going on and it looks ok02:41
dwidmannwarnings like?02:41
K-Ryanmoves too fast02:41
dwidmannsoulrider, I wish02:41
K-Ryanwhy do you think he has satellite?02:41
dwidmannWell, I could get dialup ... that's my only other option02:41
K-Ryanperl: warning: Setting locale failed.02:41
soulriderthat REALLY sucks02:41
K-Ryanperl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:02:41
K-Ryan        LANGUAGE = "en",02:42
K-Ryan        LC_ALL = (unset),02:42
soulriderevery time they stop your connection after the 130mb you should call them and go berserk02:42
K-Ryan        LANG = "en_US.UTF-8"02:42
K-Ryan    are supported and installed on your system.02:42
K-Ryanperl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").02:42
K-Ryanperl: warning: Setting locale failed.02:42
K-Ryanperl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:02:42
dwidmannignore the locale warnings for now k-ryan02:42
K-Ryan        LANGUAGE = "en",02:42
K-Ryan        LC_ALL = (unset),02:42
K-Ryan        LANG = "en_US.UTF-8"02:42
K-Ryan    are supported and installed on your system.02:42
K-Ryanperl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").02:42
K-RyanSorry for the spammage02:42
K-RyanMeant to paste in pastebin >.>02:42
K-RyanOkay, it just kind of made me go "Oh what the hell is going on now?"02:42
K-RyanIs there any purpose to that lol?02:43
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dwidmannself satisfaction?02:43
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K-RyanDoes he become "ubotu(fat)" if we give him too many?02:43
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dwidmannK-Ryan, after that upgrade is finished, for matters of safety, run "sudo apt-get install && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" just to make sure it got everything.02:45
K-Ryancan i type it like that?02:45
dwidmannor you could copy and paste, without the quotes, if you so desired02:45
K-Ryanso thats kind of like "install this, then install this"02:45
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K-Ryanwell "do this, then that"02:45
dwidmannsure, why not02:46
K-RyanThen just give it a quick reboot?02:46
dwidmannit should already be "all there", it's just a very, very good idea to do this after the upgrade though, to ensure it didn't miss anything, because if it had, you could be left with something like say ... an unbootable system?02:46
dwidmannWell, yeah, then just give it a reboot02:47
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K-Ryani just read a "Unpacking popularity contest"02:49
K-Ryanin the terminal02:49
K-RyanWhat is that? o.O02:49
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dwidmannpopularity contest ... I forget what that package does02:49
dwidmann!info popularity-contest02:49
ubotupopularity-contest: Vote for your favourite packages automatically. In component main, is standard. Version 1.33ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 48 kB, installed size 212 kB02:49
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vista - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about windowsvista - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about drm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:53
ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents02:53
K-Ryannearest mental health institute, heheh02:53
lupine_85bad ubotu02:53
Daisuke_Idowell.  tagtool has effectively mangled a ton of id3 tags.02:54
Daisuke_Idothat's lovely02:54
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dwidmannDaisuke_Ido, I bet02:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about evil - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:54
ubotutux is the Linux Mascot - http://www.isc.tamu.edu/~lewing/linux/02:54
Daisuke_Idothat's one thing i still go to wine for02:55
dwidmannSorry, I don't know anything about evil either, please try searching www.microsoft.com ...02:55
Daisuke_Idoultra tag editor02:55
dwidmannHmm, I always found amarok to be sufficient for tagging ..02:55
Daisuke_Idomass tagging albums from freedb?02:56
dwidmannHmm, I haven't done any mass tagging in a while, I used to have something that did that though  ...02:56
dwidmannI've got everything tagged though, so I guess I forgot what it was ... most of my stuff I rip myself anyway.02:56
Daisuke_Idoif i'm just editing files here and there, i use amarok02:56
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Daisuke_Idomy big problem with tags is my sansa e26002:57
dwidmannWhat's that?02:57
Daisuke_Idoit doesn't like id3v1 tags, and doesn't like id3v2.4 either02:57
Daisuke_Idomp3 player02:57
Daisuke_Ido4gb flash-based, nano-like form factor02:57
K-Ryanmy video camera doubles as an mp3 player =)02:58
K-Ryan2gb sd card02:58
=== dwidmann is an antiquated cd user
K-Ryanheadphones or the one speaker on it02:59
K-Ryanplus it takes digital stills02:59
K-Ryanup to 8mega pixels02:59
K-Ryanthe video isnt bad either ,640x48003:00
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K-Ryanand it's Kubuntu friendly03:00
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dwidmannDaisuke_Ido: hmm, I just did a quick apt-cache search and I wonder if "easytag" would do it for you03:00
Daisuke_Idoi think i've tried almost all of them :(03:01
K-Ryansetup seems to have stalled at "setting up libxmlsec1-nss (1.2.9-3ubuntu2)  . . .03:01
dwidmannwhat sort of tags does your player like Daisuke_Ido03:02
dwidmannif it won't take id3v1/203:02
Daisuke_Idoid3v2 through id3v2.303:02
Daisuke_Idoit just doesn't like 2.4, which is what easytag writes03:02
dwidmannpicky isn't it03:02
Daisuke_Idoi'm hoping that the next firmware update will fix that03:02
Daisuke_Idoit is03:02
Daisuke_Idonot to mention the headache trying to get playlists on the damn thing03:03
ubotulibxmlsec1-nss: Nss engine for the XML security library. In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.9-3ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 74 kB, installed size 252 kB03:03
K-Ryanuhh, any idea why upgrading to edgy has stalled?03:04
firecrotc1K-Ryan: where has it stalled?03:05
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K-Ryan"Setting up libxmlsec1-nss (1.2.9- 3ubuntu2)  . . ."03:05
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ironcan any one help me find streamturner?03:06
firecrotc1K-Ryan: are you upgrading using apt-get dist-upgrade, or did you just change your sources.list to edgy?03:07
K-Ryancould it be because i have konversation open?03:07
K-Ryanfirecrotc1 I had to use some sed command03:07
firecrotc1wait what? Why?03:07
dwidmannsudo sed -e s/dapper/edgy/ -i /etc/apt/sources.list <--- this one03:08
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firecrotc1Okay, I see.  If I recall correctly, there are a LOT of problems with upgrading by just editing your sources.list file (which is what you did)03:09
firecrotc1You should use sudo apt-get dist-upgrade03:09
K-RyanUhh, I used these03:09
K-Ryan sudo sed -e 's/\sdapper/ edgy/g' -i /etc/apt/sources.list03:09
K-Ryan[20:17]  <rEvolution27>   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade03:09
dwidmannk-ryan, you say it just stalled, right, if it stalled that's a problem betwen you and the server you're downloading from03:10
K-Ryanim not downloading03:10
firecrotc1dwidmann: except he said that it stalled while configuring one of the packages03:10
K-Ryanit says "Setting up libxmlsec1-nss (1.2.9- 3ubuntu2)  . . ."03:10
dwidmannsome of them just take a long while to configure ...03:10
thevarghh! Apt is broken.  It keeps trying to upgrad wpasupplicant but it always fails, and I can't remove the package either.  Now I get a failure anytime I try to install a different package as well03:10
dwidmannI doubt they'd take more than 5 minutes though03:10
thevany ideas?03:10
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dwidmannthev: apt-get -f install, then try to remove it again03:11
irondoes any one know where i can find streamturner?03:11
K-Ryanits been at least 5 minutes03:11
K-Ryanalmost 1003:11
K-Ryandont i feel stupid03:12
thevdwidmann - tried that.  No dice.03:12
dwidmann!info streamtuner | iron03:12
ubotustreamtuner: A GUI audio stream directory browser. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.99.99-9ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 606 kB, installed size 2160 kB03:12
K-Ryanfor some reason the scroll bar was way up high03:12
thevit returns the same error as the upgrade03:12
firecrotc1Hahahahaha, I've done that before, K-Ryan03:12
thevsomething about the script returning error exit status 1003:12
dwidmannI'm guilty as well k-ryan03:12
K-RyanOkay now I've got something else03:12
K-RyanConfiguration file `/etc/qt3/qt_plugins_3.3rc'03:12
K-Ryan ==> File on system created by you or by a script.03:13
dwidmannthev: hmm, how about dpkg --purge packagename03:13
K-Ryan ==> File also in package provided by package maintainer.03:13
K-Ryan   What would you like to do about it ?  Your options are:03:13
K-Ryan    Y or I  : install the package maintainer's version03:13
K-Ryan    N or O  : keep your currently-installed version03:13
K-Ryan      D     : show the differences between the versions03:13
K-Ryan      Z     : background this process to examine the situation03:13
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:13
K-RyanI know lupine03:13
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dwidmannthat's your choice k-ryan, debhelper is throwing choices at you, asking if you want to upgrade certain files, because you might have configured them03:13
K-Ryani dont know what the file is though03:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about qt_plugins_3.3rc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:14
dwidmannthen say yes,03:14
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thevPackage is in a very bad inconsisten state - you should reinstall it before attempting a removal03:14
thevI think it's just toying with me at this point03:14
dwidmannthev: "apt-get --reinstall install packagename" then?03:14
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thevsame error03:15
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thevscript returned error exit status 1003:15
dwidmannhmm, thev, I have an idea, if you're running edgy03:16
lupine_85ah, it's a script problem?03:16
thevyeah, edgy03:16
thevI want nor need this package03:16
lupine_85cat the script, find the error, fix the problem03:16
dwidmannthev: sudo ln -sf /bin/bash /bin/sh03:16
thevthat's the real kicker here03:16
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ironi did not get any thing03:16
lupine_85oh, and report a bug. why not?03:16
dwidmann!universe | iron03:17
ubotuiron: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu03:17
thevdwinmann - what does that do?03:17
thevI typed it but nothing appeared to happen :)03:17
dwidmannswitches your default shell to bash ... some people have difficulty realizing that their scripts need to be posix compliant ...03:17
zblachi'm having an interesting problem with the power manager. whenever i finally load K, it detects my laptop switch as pressed, and blanks the screen03:17
thevI dunno what posix is :)03:17
zblachhow do I force a recheck?03:17
zblachor better, fix this problem elegantly?03:18
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lupine_85standards++ :)03:19
thevlupine_85 - you make the solution sound so simple.  I'm still trying to decipher what script I need to cat03:20
lupine_85mm, it's not simple generally03:20
lupine_85dwidmann's solution - if it works - is better03:21
lupine_85the error should have the path & name of the script in it somewhere, though03:21
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thevoh, wait - last line "/usr/bin/dpkg" returned an error03:21
lupine_85no, that's not it :)03:22
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lupine_85don't cat that03:22
bonbonthejonanyone know of a way to split up a pdf in kubuntu03:22
K-RyanWow, regenerating font caches take forever!03:22
dannybuntuhello - firefox in kubuntu giving me bus error - what does that mean?03:22
thevsubprocess new post-removal script returned error exit status 1003:23
K-RyanEdgy installation done03:23
K-Ryandwidmann what was I supposed to type after it finished?03:23
dannybuntucan anyone tell me why firefox is giving me bus error?03:23
lupine_85hmm. pdfjam has some of the functionality03:24
K-Ryansorry dannybuntu, I'm not sure what that is03:24
K-RyanI use Konqueror03:24
dannybuntudoes konqi have google browser sync?03:24
lupine_85thev: it'll be in /var somewhere, it'll have the package name and 'postinst' in the path/filename also03:24
dannybuntuit does?03:25
K-RyanIf you mean the little google search box, yes03:25
dannybuntuno - the one that synchronizes your bookmarks with other pcs03:25
lupine_85bonbonthejon: pdftk03:25
thevhrmmm... ok03:25
K-RyanHrmm, don't know03:25
lupine_85"  - Burst a PDF document into single pages"03:25
bonbonthejonlupine_85: thanks, i just found it03:25
K-Ryandwidmann, install finished what was I supposed to type after?03:25
lupine_85apt-cache++, etc03:26
dwidmannk-ryan, I think I said "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"03:26
K-Ryanyeah, thats it03:26
K-Ryani dont know what it's doing now, but it's doing something03:27
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thevresult! I found the file.03:28
thevIt jsut has the repository it used listed?03:29
dwidmannanother week or two until we have kde 3.5.6 :)03:29
dwidmannk-ryan: that should be it ... should03:29
K-Ryanmore selecting and unpacking03:30
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thevlupine_85 - any hints on what I should be doing next?03:30
K-Ryannow some setting up03:31
K-Ryanokay, time to test out edgy03:32
K-Ryanrestarting now03:32
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lupine_85thev: the dirty solution is to make line 2 == exit 003:33
endo602how do i install an nvidia geforce 6600 gt card?  with driver?03:33
lupine_85but see what it's doing and try to work out why it's failing03:34
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K-Ryani got REALLY worried there...03:36
K-Ryangot some error about ntfs-fs 1.2 and i need 3.003:36
K-Ryanbut i seem to be working03:36
dwidmannso things are going alright now k-ryan?03:37
K-Ryanseems like it03:37
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K-Ryanexcept i have 32 updated packages availible03:37
dwidmannWell, then, congratulation :)03:37
K-Ryanand i already updated them twice o.O03:37
dwidmannupdate them?03:37
dwidmannk-ryan, yes, upgrading in ubuntu can be a PITA03:38
K-Ryanso its like upgrading from 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 to 503:38
K-Ryancant just go from 1 to 5?03:38
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K-Ryanor are they installed, and just being a PITA?03:39
K-Ryanoh now i know why03:39
K-Ryani have to go through every one and click "request upgrade"!03:39
endo602can someone help me install nvidia drivers for gforce 660gt?03:40
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:40
=== wolfwalker [n=sIRC@75-120-205-79.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #kubuntu
wolfwalkerOkay, I am now officially ticked03:40
K-RyanWhat's up?03:40
wolfwalkerI'm currently on my Windows computer03:41
wolfwalkerI tried to access internet through my Kubuntu computer03:41
wolfwalkerWanted to download some programs, Adept is a marvel03:41
wolfwalkerBut it can't recognize the internet connection, apparently03:41
wolfwalkerAnd my internet provider doesn't support Linux03:41
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K-RyanHow would they know you are running Linux? o.O03:42
K-RyanInternet is internet right?03:42
wolfwalkerI told them03:42
wolfwalkerApparently not03:42
K-RyanWell why the hell not? Did they give an explanation?03:42
wolfwalkerNope. Just said they don't have any tech support for Linux03:42
thevluppnie_85 - the dirty solution didn't seem to work03:42
jimmy_Is there a maximum File size on a FAT filesystem? I am trying to copy a 5.1GB file, and it always errors at 4GB03:43
K-Ryanwolfwalker did you change anything recently?03:43
wolfwalkerI recall something about FAT having a 4 gig limit03:43
firecrotc1That would be the limit, jimmy_03:43
wolfwalkerOr was that something else...........03:43
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K-Ryan5.1GB file? What is so big?03:43
elyonHey guys, I can't remember... what's the name of the alternative to Cedega?03:43
K-RyanOr is it a .tar.gz?03:44
wolfwalkerAnd what in the world kind of file is 5.1 gig?03:44
firecrotc1DVD ISO?03:44
jimmy_it is an ISO03:44
dwidmannjimmy: yes, for fat32, the max filesize is something like 4 gig, maybe less03:44
K-RyanOf? =)03:44
wolfwalkerA whopping big iso03:44
firecrotc1Knoppix DVD, of course!03:44
wolfwalkerTry reformatting as ext303:44
jimmy_usually they are around 7 or 803:44
dwidmann5.1gig would fit on a dual layer disk ...03:44
jimmy_i am trying to transfer to an external HD, but i need it readable by windows as well03:45
jimmy_right, but my Dual Laer drive is somewhere else03:45
dwidmannjimmy_: what about that one extension 2 driver for windows?03:45
K-RyanCan you compress it and split it?03:45
dwidmann*extended 203:45
jimmy_tried compressing it, but it won't do it03:45
K-RyanCan't compress and split into pieces?03:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ext2fs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:46
jimmy_I need the HD to be read by all windows boxes03:46
firecrotc1Hrm, I think NTFS has support for files that large03:46
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wolfwalkerSo how do I get online with my Kubuntu computer?03:47
jimmy_but Linux does not have reliable support for NTFS right?03:47
wolfwalkerNo, at this time Linux can read from but not write to NTFS03:47
K-Ryansupport? yes. reliable? no03:47
dwidmannjimmy_, I think zip can split files03:47
K-Ryan.zip can't03:47
K-Ryan.rar can03:47
firecrotc1I've never had a problem writing to NTFS partitions03:47
dwidmannYes, .zip can03:47
dwidmannI'm looking at it right now, the man p[age doesn't lie :)03:47
dwidmannzipsplit, hmm, what else could it do?03:48
jimmy_alright, what is the command for .rar or .zip to compress with seperate files03:48
K-RyanHmm, well I know Winzip didn't do it03:49
K-RyanAnd neither did Winrar03:49
=== K-Ryan shrugs.
jimmy_I know .rar does on windows, at least it did a year ago03:49
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K-RyanYeah, .rar does03:49
dwidmannI've done it with winrar before also, years ago03:49
K-RyanYou can try Winrar03:49
jimmy_can tar break up files03:49
wolfwalkerSo am I doomed to be spending hours installing dependencies for my music programs?03:49
firecrotc1I'm having trouble finding a program that will work with my iPod video that will actually let me transfer videos03:49
wolfwalkerIs there no hope for my Kubuntu computer to get on the 'net?03:49
ubotublast: Vent your frustration with programs by blowing holes in them. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1-13.1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 7 kB, installed size 76 kB03:50
ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod03:50
K-RyanHey guys, this game "blast" won't show up in my games thing03:50
Daisuke_Idomeh :\03:50
elyonwolfwalker: Uhm... you're already online... how do you think you'd be talking to us?03:50
K-RyanOr anywhere else, no why?03:50
K-Ryanelyon, he's on Windows03:50
elyonwolfwalker: Or are you not on that machine? lol03:50
Daisuke_Idoall i want is to get sanse playlister working under wine03:50
wolfwalkerI'm online on my M$ computer03:50
elyonK-Ryan: Caught that right after I said it lol03:50
K-RyanRighto =P03:51
Daisuke_Idobut no, it's having issues registering .ocx libraries03:51
K-RyanWOW, I said "no why"03:51
=== K-Ryan smacks himself.
=== DaSkreech [n=skreech@port0002-abm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #kubuntu
K-Ryan*****Know why?*****03:51
Daisuke_Idono, why?03:51
dwidmannzip filename.iso && zipsplit -n filesizeinbytes filename.iso.zip03:51
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=== lovloss [n=lovloss@c-68-52-15-235.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
jimmy_tar also seems to have a multivolume option, would that work better?03:52
sampanwolfwalker  your isp has no way of knowing what OS is connecting to their internet connection.  you CAN get on the net with your Kubuntu, but it all depends on how you connect to your ISP (pppoe? dialup? through a router?)03:52
dwidmanndaisuke_ido, worst case scenario you could use vmware, if you have a windoze license laying around not being used03:53
sampanwireless?  etc., etc.03:53
wolfwalkerUm.......... just a DSL modem03:53
jimmy_problem with that command, dwidman, is that for some reason, zip can't compress it in the first place as a whole03:53
Daisuke_Idowhich i actually do03:53
wolfwalkerWith ethernet cable from the modem to the computer03:53
firecrotc1sampan, actually an ISP probably can determine what OS you're using03:53
K-RyanWhy does everyone say "Windoze" or some other strange spelling of it?03:53
wolfwalkerWindoze is a Linux distro03:54
DaSkreechK-Ryan: It's a term of derision03:54
dwidmannout of hate and loathing of microshaft?03:54
wolfwalkerIt is meant to imitate as closely as possible Windows03:54
DaSkreechlike Micro$oft03:54
sampanfirecrotc1  :X  would be pretty intrusive if they did ... in any case, i suspect he just needs to run pppoeconf to set up kubuntu to connect through his dsl modem03:54
K-RyanThose, what dwidmann and DaSkreech said03:54
wolfwalkerrun what?03:54
K-RyanI don't get it03:54
DaSkreechK-Ryan: I could get philosphical but basically we mock it as much as possible03:55
dwidmannyes, what DaSkreech said03:55
wolfwalkerAt least DaSkreech is honest03:55
wolfwalkerAnd realistic03:55
DaSkreechvery Primary school playground type behaviour03:55
K-Ryanmisspelling it is mockery?03:55
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wolfwalkerYea, verily03:55
sampanwolfwalker  open up a terminal (konsole) and run pppoeconf (might have to do it with sudo -- can't remember, been a while since i did it) ... it's a text config utility that should let you set up your kubuntu to connect via pppoe (you'll need to know your login/pw for your isp)03:55
DaSkreechK-Ryan: Ever went to  a primary/prep school?03:55
K-RyanSounds more like trying not to infringe some kind of copyright03:55
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ubotugtkpod: manage songs and playlists on an Apple iPod. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.99.4-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 481 kB, installed size 1992 kB03:56
wolfwalkerTwo points for K-Ryan03:56
DaSkreechK-Ryan: Ever seen some child no one liked and they took his name and twisted some slight way just so they could mock him/her03:56
dwidmannmicro$oft came into use because microsoft cares for little else than their own wallet. microshaft came about when they gave ibm the shaft way back when03:56
DaSkreechThat's us except we are between 25-90 years old03:56
wolfwalkerActually, I see nothing wrong with Windows. It's a good os as far as it goes03:56
wolfwalkerIt just doesn't go far enough in security03:56
K-RyanYes, but I mean03:56
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firecrotc1Will gtkpod mess up the stuff that is already on my iPod?03:56
K-RyanOh well...03:57
wolfwalkerfirecrotc1, if you use your iPod as your primary music storage device, you're screwed anyway03:57
wolfwalkerIt will eventually go down03:57
dwidmannwolfwalker, in its (poor) attempt to be user friendly, windows kills any attempts that it makes at actually being secure :\03:57
jimmy_In tar, does the multi-volume option mean it breaks up the compressed file into pieces?03:57
DaSkreechGiving something a proper name gives it respect. We don't respect Windoze for hte most part03:57
firecrotc1Well, right now, I do have most of my music just on my iPod... I need to find a way to get it off my ipod onto my external hard drive :)03:58
wolfwalker|firecrotc1:| I keep my music collection as FLAC files (lossless) on my computer, with DVD backups.03:58
dwidmannDaSkreech was a bit off though, I'm only 20 ;)03:58
=== K-Ryan is installing toys...
wolfwalkerfirecrotc1, you're sunk. iJunk.......... er.......... iTunes and iPod encrypt the music when you transfer them. If your iPod ever goes down, your music is gone with the wind.03:59
firecrotc1wolfwalker: I'd do the DVD backup option, but I don't have a DVD burner03:59
DaSkreechdwidmann: Oh you are fully allowed to be an ass then03:59
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dwidmannyou'd better believe it03:59
K-RyanDoes 15 almost 16 count for anything?04:00
wolfwalkerSo, go to System, Konsole Terminal Program, and run pppoeconf?04:00
firecrotc1So about getting the music off of my iPod... I know there are ways, but all I've seen are Winblows programs04:00
K-RyanDare I ask why Edgy comes with a "Tea Time" package...04:00
wolfwalkerOh there are ways of breaking the encryption04:00
wolfwalkerBut none legal04:00
dwidmannk-ryan: edgy doesn't, kdetoys does.04:00
firecrotc1wolfwalker, I don't think they're encrypted, per-se04:01
sampanwolfwalker  that's what i used to do (with dapper) to get my kubuntu online (now my router handles the login)04:01
wolfwalkerEasiest way is to play it and record off the soundcard with Audacity or another music program04:01
wolfwalkerOh, they're NOT encrypted?04:01
DaSkreechK-Ryan: What tea time?04:01
wolfwalkerHow in the world did you get iJunk to play them without encrypting them?04:01
K-RyanI just installed a bunch of toys, and none of them show...04:01
ubotukteatime: KDE utility for making a fine cup of tea. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 85 kB, installed size 388 kB04:01
dwidmannDaSkreech: the teatime program in the kdetoys package04:01
K-RyanThat DaSkreech04:02
firecrotc1wolfwalker, I think you're confusing "encryption" with something else... maybe encoding?04:02
DaSkreechK-Ryan: doesn't come with it. You installed toys04:02
wolfwalkerNope. But if your iPod did not encrypt the files, that's great!04:02
K-RyanYes I realize that04:02
wolfwalkerThe acid test will be............. will the files play in your average music player program? Or will they only play in iJunk?04:03
DaSkreechK-Ryan: sorry :-)04:03
dwidmannbreaking encryption, if it's a good algorithm, would prove to be most difficult to break. The easiest way to break said encryption would be to break somebodies nose and get the password :O04:03
K-RyanIt's okay =P04:03
firecrotc1They play in any media player, wolfwalker.04:03
K-Ryanwait wait wait, wolfwalker04:03
wolfwalkerThen they're not encrypted04:03
firecrotc1It's just that they are stored with weird file names04:04
K-RyanThe itunes thing for Linux is called ijunk?04:04
wolfwalkerNo, I just don't have much respect for iTunes04:04
wolfwalkerOr iPod04:04
firecrotc1K-Ryan, he used iJunk to mean that iTunes is junk04:04
firecrotc1which it is04:04
wolfwalkerI'd recommend a Creative player04:04
=== phobiac hides his iPod
K-RyanOh, I thought that was like a Linux program thing...04:04
wolfwalkerOr a Toshiba Gigabeat, although they encrypt files too04:04
phobiacIt's running rockbox though, does that redeem me?04:05
sampanyeah i hate iTunes -- like the iPod itself, but iTunes is just a PITA ... almost enough to make me install rockbox04:05
firecrotc1I figure the best thing to do would be to first somehow get all of my music off of my iPod and onto my external HDD04:05
DaSkreechK-Ryan: You could make one04:05
wolfwalkerMinus three points for having an iJunk, plus five for having the native intelligence to use something besides iTunes.04:05
wolfwalkerSo, yeah04:05
wolfwalkerYou come out with a +204:06
K-RyanI don't think so04:06
lovlossI have just discovered the glorry of Koffice04:06
lovlossi prefer it to openoffice :D04:06
wolfwalkerNo, phobiac04:06
jimmy_amarok has pretty decent ipod support.04:06
firecrotc1I'm generally too lazy/don't care enough about my music collection to actually get it done04:06
sampanwolfwalker  the ipod was a gift -- can't deduct any points ... can ADD points for being smart enough to ACCEPT a gift ;P04:06
wolfwalkerNot you sampan04:06
phobiacMy ipod was a gift too :(04:06
sampanphobiac  how do you like rockbox?04:06
phobiacIt's awesome04:07
wolfwalkerAnd if the ipod was a gift, that negates the minus 304:07
DaSkreechlovloss: wonderful :)04:07
sampanhow was the install?04:07
phobiacThe install was pretty easy for me04:07
=== DaSkreech notices no O-T notices :0
lovlossDoes anyone here know anything about CMS's and web templates? #html is full of l33ts if anyone04:07
firecrotc1Does rockbox kill the music that you have on the iPod already?04:07
wolfwalkerSo +8 for phobiac for getting it as a gift AND being intelligent enough to use rockbox04:07
jimmy_sure, lovloss04:07
sampanlol wolfwalker04:07
phobiacAlthough I did it on a windows computer...which I'm assuming is going to deduct some points.04:07
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phobiacfirecrotch: No04:08
wolfwalkerANyway, while I'm on this Windows XP computer and HAVE internet and can be here..............04:08
=== Daisuke_Ido prays that rockbox will be finished for the sansa someday
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wolfwalkerWhat all do I need to know about running pppoeconf?04:08
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lovlossjimmy_: Because i want to be able to change a template and automatically update all the sites using it. That way i can change parts of the page seperately04:08
firecrotc1phobiac, is it a video iPod that you put it on?04:08
phobiacfirecrotc: Nano04:08
sampanwolfwalker pppoeconf was pretty self-explanatory when i used it -- you'll just need to know your actual login name and password for the login with your ISP04:08
phobiacThe older nano's04:09
shinigamihi i just installed dapper 6.06.. amarok doesn't play my mp3 even after apt-get libxine-extracodecs .. anyone can help?04:09
firecrotc1Close enough to the video :)04:09
wolfwalkerNo, phobiac, no points deducted for using a Windows computer. We all have to use one sometimes.04:09
jimmy_lovloss: well, are you using any sort of software, such as Dreamweaver? Or have spport for anything such as PHP?04:09
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wolfwalkershinigami, convert to ogg04:09
firecrotc1wolfwalker: so true.  I hate the fact that I have to use Windows for one of my classes04:09
wolfwalkerIt's better anyway04:09
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:09
DaSkreechshinigami: What are you using to play it?04:09
wolfwalkerOr musepack, it's peerless for lossy compression at 128kbps or above04:09
lovlossjimmy_: Well, right now im using the program NVU. Im in linux, so i dont really have dreamweaver. But i do have Aptana and Quanta plus... i just dislike them04:10
lovlossjimmy_: NVU is almost a text editor. very minor gui assistance04:10
DaSkreechlovloss: NVU is soooo not CMS04:10
wolfwalkerogg vorbis04:10
jimmy_lovloss; hmm, I think NVU has support for templates04:10
firecrotc1Speaking of which... does anyone know of a linux IDE for VB.NET?04:10
wolfwalkerLike mp3, only free and better04:10
DaSkreechshinigami: What are you using to play it?04:10
lovlossNVU does support templates04:10
shinigamican i apt-get it? i'm using amarok04:10
Croupierhey guys i was looking for a rar password recovery for dapper but im not very experienced04:10
lovloss*BUT* when you change the template, the other pages dont change04:10
DaSkreechlovloss: It's unmainteined and deprecated so.....04:10
Croupiercan you suggest any sites apart from google04:10
Croupiertried that already04:11
wolfwalkershinigami, do you know anything about converting audio formats?04:11
DaSkreechwolfwalker: Please stop :)04:11
DaSkreechshinigami: talk to me. What are you using to play it?04:11
wolfwalkerDaSkreech, he's using Amarok he says04:11
lovlossWell, what should i do? I need to set up this page so that it will have a static menu using templates. i have the template made.04:11
shinigamino not interested i just want to play mp3s using amarok04:11
wolfwalkerHe said that first thing04:11
jimmy_Have you looked into a database driven site? using PHP or *gasp* ASP.net?04:11
lovlossno content yet.04:11
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DaSkreechshinigami: What have you tried so far?04:11
DaSkreechOr Plone?04:11
lovlossSee ive never used php... im really new04:11
Croupieri found crark but its not really working , anything of the kind ? anywhere i need to look at thank you04:12
phobiacshinigami: Did you install the files for mp3 support?04:12
DaSkreechlovloss: What are you trying to accomplish04:12
shinigamijust amarok? the default player?04:12
dwidmannquanta+ is really quite nice ... integrated khtml kpart for previews :)04:12
jimmy_I used to use Dreamweaver all the time, and wine supports dreamweaver...04:12
lovlossDaSkreech: Menu on the left side, content to its right, banner across the top. A page for a band.04:12
shinigamii apt-get install libxine-extracodecs already04:12
jimmy_The template features are excellent04:12
DaSkreechshinigami: Did you add the multiverse?04:12
wolfwalkeramarok runs off the library encoder files. If you don't have mp3 in the main library files, even amarok won't do it.04:12
ericj2190does anyone know why i get "permission denied" when i try to access any samba shared file with spaces in the filename?04:12
lovlossi dont use microsoft stuff if i can help it04:12
DaSkreechlovloss: We like you :)04:13
DaSkreechlovloss: Do you do Web page stuff>04:13
DaSkreechshinigami: Ah you didn't add multivers?04:13
jimmy_Dreamweaver is not Microsoft, its adobe04:13
lovlossDaSkreech: I made this.  http://www.vasilisagames.com04:13
shinigamiyes i didn't..because i didn't know what's that..haha04:13
lovlossAdobe, from what i understand, is under MS04:13
DaSkreechshinigami: How did you apt-get install libxine-extracodecs ?04:13
=== wolfwalker fades back into the shadows. If he is successful, he will next be asking annoying newbie questions from his Kubuntu computer.
DaSkreechshinigami: Ok Want help with that ?04:14
shinigamioh u mean souces.list ?04:14
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DaSkreechshinigami: yes04:14
jimmy_nope, they origianally were a MAC only company actually04:14
lovlossreally... perhaps i heard from the  wrong source then04:14
shinigamiyea i did add the multiverses i guess04:14
DaSkreechlovloss: Ha ha :) That's really biased :-)04:14
DaSkreechshinigami: can You do something for me?04:14
DaSkreechshinigami: do you know pastebin?04:15
lovlossIm a biased person. Anyway i prefer to use open source regardless04:15
DaSkreech!paste | shinigami04:15
ubotushinigami: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:15
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DaSkreechlovloss: No problems. Just you come off as hostile on the front page of the site :)04:15
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:15
lovlossohh you mean my site04:15
jimmy_Nvu does have template support04:15
DaSkreechshinigami: Go to that site and paste the contents of your sources.list04:16
DaSkreechshinigami: if you need help just say my name04:16
php-freakhey guys04:16
DaSkreech!tab |shin04:16
ubotushin: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.04:16
lovlosshaha i meant to be hostile... to MS04:16
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dwidmannjimmy_: what doesn't ... well, unless we're counting vim and kate ;)04:16
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php-freakmy website look find in every other browser accept for konquer why is this?04:16
DaSkreech!tab | shinigami04:16
ubotushinigami: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.04:16
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DaSkreechphp-freak: Might want to ask in #kde04:16
lovlossNow hold on, NVU has templates, BUT, you cant update the pages when you change templates in it04:16
ericj2190hola jontec04:17
lovlossDid someone say quanta+ can?04:17
WiglyWormHey, quick questoin... fact checking, really...04:17
dwidmannphp-freak, perhaps a small design flaw, either that or a small browser flaw.04:17
jimmy_ah ok, i have never used Nvu templates, i guess they were designed bad04:17
shinigamiits at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1913/04:17
ubotuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.04:17
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shinigami!tab shinigami04:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tab shinigami - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:17
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lovlossits not the templates. its the fact that the program has no function for automatically updating them04:17
lovlosswhich is like, such a simplething to do.04:17
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jimmy_lol, I understand04:18
DaSkreechshinigami: Alright that looks good04:18
DaSkreechshinigami: close amarok04:18
WiglyWormI keep getting an error when I try to run a program I installed.. the error is "error while loading shared libraries: ./libSDL-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"...04:18
php-freakdwidmann: Yea well it looks fine in other browsers accept konquer, which granted I don't know anyone that uses konquer04:18
php-freaknot that many people anyways04:18
DaSkreechshinigami: type in sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs04:18
lovlossmy problem with quanta plus is that if you ever edit anything in the gui interface, it messes up04:18
phobiacWiglWorm: You might need that package04:18
dwidmannphp-freak: linkage?04:19
shinigamiupdating.. takes awhile04:19
=== lampar [n=lampar@r200-125-52-48-dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #kubuntu
DaSkreechphp-freak: #kde would give you a much better answer than here04:19
shinigamii did apt-get update -y; apt-get upgrade -y; apt-get dist-upgrade -y already04:19
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DaSkreechshinigami: Ahh that's how you got from dapper to edgy?04:19
WiglyWormI found some random website (I don't know if it's to be trusted or not), and it says the solution is to type "ln -s libSDL-1.1.so.0 libSDL-1.2.so.0" what exactly does this command even do?04:19
lamparwhat are you talking about?04:19
WiglyWormAm I going to break something?04:19
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shinigamiOH I GET IT04:20
shinigamii'm using dapper04:20
WiglyWormPhobiac: I tried downloading a couple packages with Adept.. it didn't seem to do too much for me.04:20
=== wolfwalker [n=sIRC@75-120-205-79.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #kubuntu
shinigamii changed the sources to edgy04:20
dwidmannI know a fair bit about ripping the hairs out of m-- I mean, designing web pages to make them show up right in a variety of browsers04:20
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: It makes a link between SDL 1.1 and SDL 1.2. If the program doesn't NEED a call from SDL1.2 it will work04:20
wolfwalkerNo luck04:20
DaSkreechshinigami: Yeah I noticed that04:20
shinigamihah!!! ok i changing to old souces.list04:20
sampanwolfwalker  still no joy on connecting?04:21
wolfwalkerWhen I tried to run pppoeconf, it said "please become root before running pppoeconf!"04:21
niksup all04:21
DaSkreechshinigami: Wait wait04:21
wolfwalkerBecome root?04:21
jimmy_so, lovloss, let me get this straight, you want to have a menu, header, footer, etc. that stay the same, and content that changes04:21
shinigamibut i done that to install sun-java5-jre04:21
sampanwolfwalker  then run it with "sudo" ... sudo pppoeconf   :)04:21
lamparwygliyworm... what you did with that command is to create a symbolic04:21
DaSkreechshinigami: What do you see in the file /etc/issue ?04:21
wolfwalkerI did that too04:21
niksudo pppoeconf04:21
wolfwalkerIt said no such command04:21
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=== jbinder [n=jared@ool-44c2f05c.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu
shinigamiUbuntu 6.06.1 LTS \n \l04:21
DaSkreechwolfwalker: which sudo04:21
DaSkreechshinigami: Ah. umm ok04:21
wolfwalkerI ran sudo pppoeconf04:22
lampartype sudo pppoeconf04:22
DaSkreechshinigami: then use the sources.list with dapper04:22
shinigamichanging my sources back....04:22
shinigamibtw, i changed the soucres to install sun-java5-jre ...04:22
shinigamiis there a better way to install sun-java5 with dapper?04:22
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository04:22
DaSkreechThat should tell you04:22
dwidmannNothing easier than installing that package, shinigami04:22
wolfwalkerI'm about to give up and just install all the dependencies manually04:23
wolfwalkerAs daunting as such a task seems04:23
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freshburnso i got my wireless working with ndiswrapper (hp pavilion laptop kubuntu edgy)04:23
shinigamii noticed dapper doesn't have this package sun-java5-jre04:23
freshburnbut i cant get my stupid modem to work still04:23
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu04:23
WiglyWormWell... grumblecakes.04:23
DaSkreechI think the Java page tells you how to install04:23
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sampanwolfwalker  that's very odd ... pppoeconf was there on dapper and it's here on my fresh edgy too.  it should be there04:23
ubotuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE04:23
WiglyWormI tried that command I posted earlier, and I have the same error.04:23
wolfwalkerYeah, I tried pppoeconf04:24
wolfwalkerIt said to become root first04:24
shinigamijava page doesn't give rpm for debian i think04:24
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: What are you trying to run?04:24
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository04:24
wolfwalkerAnd I tried sudo pppoeconf04:24
wolfwalkerNo such command, apparently04:24
WiglyWormUnreal Tournament 200404:24
DaSkreechThere is no rpm for debian04:24
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: Ah No apt-get for you :)04:24
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DaSkreechWiglyWorm: where do you hit the problem?04:24
sampanwolfwalker  did you set up a root account?  by default there is none and you should just use "sudo" to temporarily have root powers04:24
DaSkreechor sudo -i04:25
WiglyWormThe whole story is when I run the shell script that the installer put on my desktop, I get "Can't find 'ini:Engine.Engine.GameEngine' in configuration file"04:25
dwidmannshinigami, first enable multiverse, then run "sudo aptitude install sun-java5-jre". Done.04:25
jimmy_or sudo bash04:25
firecrotc1Okay, trying to install rockbox on my iPod, and the ipodpatcher gives me an error about the drive not being an iPod04:25
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WiglyWormI was told to try "/usr/local/games/ut2004/System/ut2004-bin --ini=/usr/local/games/ut2004/System/ut2004.ini -nohomedir"04:25
wolfwalkerOh well, here I go again04:25
phobiacfirecrotc: Help with rockbox should really go to the #rockbox channel04:26
WiglyWormAnd when I do that latter command, the splash screen comes up, then I crash to that error message.. cannot open shared object file.04:26
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DaSkreechdwidmann: This is on dapper04:26
lamparwolfwalker: try this: "sudo passwd root"04:26
freshburnhas anyone dealt with an internal laptop modem with subsystem chip id 103c:308404:26
dwidmannDaSkreech, should make no difference.04:26
dwidmannThat's how I did it on dapper.04:26
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DaSkreechoh.. ok04:26
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dwidmannIt's the same on Edgy, however, with feisty it's the sun-java6-jre package04:27
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: Give me the error again?04:27
jimmy_does "tar -c -M --tape-length=2147483648 --file=/media/usbdisk/movie1.tar Movie.iso" look right to split dvd.iso into 2GB chunks?04:27
WiglyWormThere's 2.. depending on which command I try.04:27
DaSkreechshinigami: how you going?04:28
dwidmannjimmy_: I don't know, one way to find out04:28
=== phobiac is now known as phobiac-away
jimmy_dwidman: tried it and got a file size limit04:28
WiglyWormJust running the shell script that the installer made on my desktop gets me "an't find 'ini:Engine.Engine.GameEngine' in configuration file"04:28
WiglyWormDoing "/usr/local/games/ut2004/System/ut2004-bin --ini=/usr/local/games/ut2004/System/ut2004.ini -nohomedir"04:28
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WiglyWormGets me "/usr/local/games/ut2004/System/ut2004-bin: error while loading shared libraries: ./libSDL-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"04:29
shinigamihttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1917/ my new sources04:29
shinigamidoing updates now04:29
WiglyWormOf course, I can't even seem to figure out how to get FireFox to run, I'm not entirely sure why I think I should be able to get games to work as well. T_T04:30
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: what does the shell script on your desktop point to?04:30
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: I seem to recall they had something like this on teh UT forums though04:30
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steveireHi. I've just installed kde-core on an otherwise command line ubuntu system (doing a ground up install). The only issue I have is that thumbnails are not created in konqueror for pdf, ps, dvi files. Is there anything I can do to get that feature back? I have kpdf of course.04:31
WiglyWormthe shell script points to {ut2004_DATA_PATH}/ut2004-bin.04:31
WiglyWormhmm I haven't found anything on the forums.. I suppose I can go check again.04:31
DaSkreechWhat does ut2004_DATA_PATH resolve to?04:33
shinigamiok another question..i have a laptop acer 5562.. after installing kubuntu, cat /proc/cpuinfo shows only one cpu (it is a dual core)04:33
=== phobiac-away is now known as phobiac
WiglyWormUm.. I imagine the long string I typed...04:33
shinigamithe uname -r shows 2.6.15-27-386..i think i should get the smt version or something04:33
DaSkreechshinigami: You will have to change the sources.list04:33
freshburndd the ut2004-bin into the dir with the ini file it wants to see04:33
shinigamichange into what?04:34
DaSkreechshinigami: deb http://sg.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper universe should have the word multiverse at the end04:34
lamparshinigami: I have the same laptop, bu t04:34
lamparit's a 3690 series!04:34
freshburncopy it04:34
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regeyaok, so, everytime I start up kde, there's a .kde/share/config/gtkrc-qtc written with a style "QtCMnuFix"04:35
regeyawritten every time, and when that's there, Firefox won't start.  What's doing that, and how do I prevent that?04:35
regeyaHumorous answers of 'use konqueror' will be directed to the nearest Safari fanboy site04:36
=== regeya winks
shinigamilampar: urs is a duel core?04:37
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shinigamiDaSkreech: ok added multiverse.. updating04:37
=== isaac_ is now known as wolfwalker
wolfwalkerI am HERE!!!04:37
=== regeya misses Firefox
wolfwalkerThanks to all who helped me04:37
ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins04:37
wolfwalkerFor the record, firefox rocks my socks04:37
=== wolfwalker dances like a cossack
regeyaok, I'll try that again...04:38
regeyaok, so, everytime I start up kde, there's a .kde/share/config/gtkrc-qtc written with a style "QtCMnuFix"04:38
regeyawritten every time, and when that's there, Firefox won't start.  What's doing that, and how do I prevent that?04:38
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shinigamiGREAT IT WORKED!!!!04:38
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DaSkreechshinigami: mp3 works now?04:39
shinigamiafter changing back to dapper sources.list, i apt-get remove libxine-extracodes and install again04:39
=== wolfwalker ignores everyone else and keeps rejoicing about his Kubuntu komputer being connected.
shinigamiit worked now04:39
regeyaI love some of the answers I get when I google for it: "Why would you use Firefox anyway?"04:39
jimmy_so "tar -c -M /media/usbdisk/movie1.tar movie.iso" freaked out my console, and "tar -c -M --tape-length=2147483648 --file=/media/usbdisk/havoc1.tar Havoc.iso" doesn't work correctly. Any ideas on tar-ing a multi volume archive?04:39
regeyamy answer: "If choice is bad, why aren't we talking about Windows?"04:39
sampanwolfwalker  glad you got it figured out! :)04:40
phobiacregeya: lol04:40
wolfwalkerOkay, so how do I access these program repositories now that my Kubuntu komputer is konnected?04:40
DaSkreechshinigami: Sure04:40
wolfwalkerI tried to open Adept,and it shut back down04:40
katabatictry again maybe04:40
phobiacregeya: Is there anything in your autostart folder that could be causing the problem?04:40
=== lampar [n=lampar@r200-125-52-48-dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #kubuntu
katabaticAdept should be it04:41
shinigamii using a laptop sony vaio now04:41
shinigamitail /var/log/messages show Jan 17 10:15:24 localhost kernel: [17180811.900000]  Asus ACPI: Error reading brightness04:41
wolfwalkerSo where do I find Audacity?04:41
regeyanah, phobiac, the only thing there is ivman (long story, nevermind)04:41
jimmy_wolfwalker: sudo apt-get install audacity04:42
wolfwalkerAdept finally came up, now it says it's never heard of Audacity04:42
shinigamiand theres a screen poping out and disappear saying "adjusting lcd brightness"04:42
wolfwalkerWhere do I type that jimmy?04:42
jimmy_or try automatix04:42
phobiacWe don't recommend automatix04:42
lamparwhat's automatix?04:42
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe04:42
regeyaoh hay phobiac I just thought of it, and I think I'll just sob quietly now.  it's QtCurve causing that.  dang.04:42
phobiacregeya: Something I'll assume you need? :/04:43
jimmy_I personally use automatix all the time, but as they say, its not supported04:43
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ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.04:43
wolfwalkerTrue that04:43
=== phobiac feels like a bit of a jerk now
regeyaweird tho since thta works fine under xfce and gnome yet not under kde. :-/04:43
wolfwalkerSo where do I type that sudo apt-get stuff?04:43
=== regeya shuffles his feet.
katabaticMenu > System > Konsole04:44
jimmy_in the console, utilities->Konsole04:44
phobiacregeya: You could try asking in #KDE to see if other's have had the problem and know a fix04:44
lamparhey, which program could I use to mix audio, in real time, you understand? like a DJ ;)04:44
regeyaphobiac: now tha tI realized what it is, I'm googling again...04:45
phobiacregeya: Alright04:45
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wolfwalkerE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)04:45
wolfwalkerE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?04:45
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wolfwalkerThat's what I got04:45
phobiacwolfwalker: Have adept running?04:45
wolfwalkerWell that's what everyone told me to try first04:45
phobiacOr apt-get in a konsole running?04:46
wolfwalkerAnd I just never took it down, I guess04:46
jimmy_ya, if adept is not running, you have some other problems that should probably be solved before installing audacity04:46
wolfwalkerReading package lists... Done04:46
wolfwalkerBuilding dependency tree04:46
wolfwalkerReading state information... Done04:46
wolfwalkerE: Couldn't find package audacity04:46
ubotuaudacity: A fast, cross-platform audio editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.4b-2.1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1850 kB, installed size 5444 kB04:46
wolfwalkerSo................. now what?04:46
sampanwolfwalker  you just need to enable the universe multiverse repositories04:46
DaSkreechwolfwalker: add universe04:46
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu04:47
wolfwalkerOkay, where?04:47
jimmy_phobia: does he have to enable universe repositories?04:47
phobiacwolfwalker: You repositories are enabled right?04:47
wolfwalkerWhere do I go and what do I input to enable universe multiverse repositories?04:47
wolfwalkerI guess they aren't04:48
jmichaelxi have just been trying for the first time tonight to burn audio CDs with K3b, but each time i try, i wind up getting a write errorat about 1/2 to 3/4 the way through.... has anyone else experienced this? is there a way to fix this?04:48
phobiacwolfwalker: Close adept04:48
wolfwalkerBeen closed04:48
phobiacwolfwalker: open a konsole and type sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list04:48
wolfwalkerk3b has een working for me04:48
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phobiacthe sources.list file should open04:49
wolfwalkerOkay.............. now what?04:49
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phobiacNow uncomment anything begining with deb04:49
wolfwalkerNow what?04:49
phobiacThen save the file04:49
wolfwalkerIn the Kate window that just popped up?04:50
jmichaelxhmmm..... maybe it is just my system. i can't imagine what would be wrong. everything works fine in windows.... and i have burned several ISO's using gnomebaker just fine, as well04:50
phobiacThen do sudo apt-get update04:50
phobiacYes, uncomment the lines begining with deb04:50
wolfwalkerWhat is uncomment?04:50
phobiacRemove the # from the beging04:50
=== Hawai`i [n=chop@cpe-76-83-142-254.hawaii.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
WiglyWormI don't suppose there's a 64bit version of YAHOO IM for linux... you know, so I can talk to my friends while I beat my head against brick walls here?04:51
phobiacThen save04:51
phobiacAnd do sudo apt-get update04:51
phobiacThen try to do sudo apt-get install audacity04:51
jmichaelxWiglyWorm: i would forget yahoo IM and use gaim or gyachi04:51
WiglyWormThat was going to be my next question. :)04:51
phobiacWiglyWorm: You're running kubuntu right?04:52
jmichaelxyeah... gaim and kopete are both good.... if you need audio and webcam, you will have to go for gyachi04:52
WiglyWormAh.. and that leads me back to this question...04:52
phobiacDarn, jmichaelx beat me to my kopete reccomendation04:52
jmichaelxsorry lol04:53
phobiacNo prob :P04:53
WiglyWormWhat am I supposed to download? "Fedora Core", "Red Hat", "Mandrake", etc...04:53
jmichaelxyou have tp pay for red hat04:53
wolfwalkerOkay, it says it's connecting to something or other04:53
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jmichaelxWiglyWorm: i would recommend kubuntu or mandriva04:54
wolfwalkerLAND O' GOSHEN!!!04:54
WiglyWormwell, I'm using Kubuntu, I'm not going to pay for red hat linux, I'm just not sure what version I'm supposed to be downloading04:54
WiglyWorm(version of GAIM, that is)04:54
wolfwalkerIt's reading a whole bunch of stuff now04:54
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jmichaelxWiglyWorm: you need to get the package from the rops04:54
DaSkreechphobiac: don'y sudo graphical apps04:54
wolfwalkerSo how long should this take?04:54
phobiacDaSkreech: I never said to sudo a graphical app...04:55
WiglyWormYou guys are hurting my head.04:55
jmichaelxWiglyWorm: you need to enable all of your repositories, either with adept or with the command line, and just 'sudo apt-get install gaim'04:55
=== forceflow_ [n=forceflo@75-132-124-5.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
freshburni had ALOT of problems when i uncommented the backport repos i wouldnt do it unless you have to04:55
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jmichaelxwell, do a 'sudo apt-get update' first04:56
DaSkreech<phobiac> wolfwalker: open a konsole and type sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list04:56
freshburndaskreech i agree use KDESU kate isntead04:56
wolfwalkerI just did a sdo apt-get update04:56
wolfwalkerHow long will this take?04:56
phobiacDaSkreech: Ahh oops. I stand corrected. Old bad habit.04:56
phobiacI'll have to watch myself on that.04:56
wolfwalkerI sit corrected.  I'm lazy04:56
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: what are you trying to do?04:57
freshburnphobiac kate is graphical04:57
phobiacwolfwalker: Depends on your internet connection, it shouldn't take too long.04:57
jmichaelxdoes gaim not come with a default kubuntu install?04:57
phobiacI know, that's kind of why I just admitted to being wrong.04:57
WiglyWormUm.. I want GAIM or something so I can talk to my friends while I'm on linux04:57
DaSkreechjmichaelx: No that's Ubuntu04:57
freshburnphobiac its ok, im set up so i can login as root so im bad too04:58
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DaSkreechWiglyWorm: Want to try kopete first? or you want Gaim?04:58
jmichaelxWiglyWorm: you already have kopete on your system, and you can get gaim from the repositories04:58
jmichaelxoops, sorry04:58
wolfwalkerLadies and gentlemen............. My computer is now installing Audacity04:58
WiglyWormKopete will allow me to talk to people on Yahoo?04:58
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: Yes04:58
WiglyWormoh.. alright04:58
forceflow_who loves you baby.....04:59
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: press Alt+Space04:59
DaSkreechtype kop and press enter04:59
phobiacwolfwalker: The linux version is really ugly. At least the one I just installed is. :(04:59
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: After that if you have a problem let me know04:59
DaSkreechIt should be easy after that04:59
wolfwalkerUgly is irrelevant04:59
wolfwalkerWill it work?04:59
phobiacIt should04:59
wolfwalkerAnd will it SOUND good?05:00
phobiacAlthough I got some weird error about playing audio that I'm going to look into05:00
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: Don't make me laugh that hard!05:00
wolfwalkerThat's what is relevant05:00
phobiacNo idea05:00
MezWiglyWorm, I see you discovered katapult ?05:00
WiglyWormSeems so. :)05:00
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phobiacAhhh katapult, I love katapult05:00
=== Mez shakes WiglyWorm's hand
WiglyWormIn case you guys haven't been able to tell yet...05:00
jmichaelxDaSkreech: ty for that, i had never used katapult either lol05:01
=== Mez basks in the glow of the praise for katapult
=== DaSkreech is a pimp
=== Mez crowns DaSkreech the katapult pimp
WiglyWormI just installed Linux for the first time ever yesterday.05:01
MezWelcome to Linux WiglyWorm05:01
jmichaelxWiglyWorm: you will like it05:01
WiglyWormSo.. I'm honestly about the biggest newb ever.05:01
DaSkreech^H^H^H^H^H Welcome to KDE :)05:01
jmichaelxi just started with linux about 8 months ago05:01
sampaneveryone started there once wiglyworm05:01
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: have you opened Kopete?05:02
WiglyWormGiven that I'm a windows power user.. quite qualified to be tech support and all that... this has been rather humbling.05:02
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DaSkreechWiglyWorm: Hopefully you'll be a better windows admin by the time you are done05:03
wolfwalkerDid someone recommend ardour as a good sound editor?05:03
WiglyWormAnd yes, Kopete is up and running, and I'm logged in and talking. Thank you guys. ^_^05:03
wolfwalkerCause I can't find it05:03
=== dwidmann can't wait til kde 3.5.6 is released
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: Good tiem for more fun05:03
phobiacDaSkreech: You mean he'll start recommending linux to those that ask for tech support?05:03
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: Alt+Space -> 2^505:03
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DaSkreechphobiac: not necessarily05:03
DaSkreechWhere it's needed yes05:03
phobiacIt was a joke :P05:04
DaSkreechbut Linux teaches you enough to figure out Windows problems that perplexed you before05:04
WiglyWormI'm sorry, am I calculating, DaSkreech?05:04
DaSkreechWhich makes it a much better OS to run05:04
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: Yup. On the fly. fastest calculator I know of05:04
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sampanoh that's nice katapault feature ... very nice calculator!05:04
DaSkreechdwidmann: Thank you. First person not to be humping KDE405:05
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MezDaSkreech, you are indeed a katapult pimp05:05
MezDaSkreech, now get him to play music05:05
WiglyWormAlso, as I'd like to be a network tech... I can't at all imagine it being a bad thing for me to have my feet wet with linux.05:05
DaSkreechOh sure05:06
DaSkreechType the name of an artist05:06
DaSkreech(Assuming amarok is open)05:06
freshburnwow, i had "opened" katapult form the k menu before and it showed up on the screen and i wasnt sure what it was so i pushed ESC05:06
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: You will breathe unix/linux of you do networking05:06
DaSkreech The internet IS linux05:06
DaSkreechMez: Bettah have mah money!!!05:07
WiglyWormWell, the vast swaths of it that aren't windows server 2003... so like.. what? 70-80 percent?05:07
wolfwalkerOkay, while my komputer is online05:07
freshburnlol so will it allow any shell command?05:07
wolfwalkerWhat programs should I shop around for?05:07
dwidmanndaskreech, don't worry, I'll do that too soon ;)05:07
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: Sure you want to try take down 80% of the internet? :)05:07
Mezfreebsdfreak, not really, just anything in your K menu05:07
Meztheres a plugin that I've made that allows you to do that05:07
Mezbut you'd need to compile it yourself to do that05:07
DaSkreechMez wrong tab :005:07
WiglyWormIf it means I don't have to learn linux? Possibly.05:07
WiglyWormThis is crazy, so far.05:08
DaSkreechwolfwalker: What are you into?05:08
freshburndaskreech yeah its called the blue screen of death lol05:08
wolfwalkerBurner, converter, editor, all of it05:08
DaSkreechwolfwalker: Making or listening?05:08
wolfwalkerTracker, dare I hope?05:09
wolfwalkerMaking, editing05:09
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DaSkreechHmm Audacity is good. Jack is also interesting05:09
Mezjack's a PITA :D05:09
WiglyWormSpeaking of music...05:09
Mezacudacity is a good app05:09
Mezbut then - I like jokosher :D05:09
wolfwalkersudo apt-get install jack?05:09
DaSkreechMez: I said it was INTERESTING05:09
wolfwalkerI got Audacity05:09
wolfwalkerFirst on my list05:09
WiglyWormCan Kubuntu read NTFS so I can open up all these MP3s on my windows partition?05:09
MezWiglyWorm, read yes, write no05:10
wolfwalkerAnd WHY can Linux not write to NTFS if it can read?05:10
WiglyWormRawk, how do I go about pointing it to other partitions?05:10
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homerwolfwalker: it can write too05:10
freshburni keep all my mp3s and divx in a fat32 for that reason..05:10
freshburnhomer: reliably?05:11
WiglyWormOh, can it write to fat32 with no problems?05:11
homerfreshburn: apperently so05:11
freshburnwiglyworm yes having a fat32 partition is a good in-between for dualbooting and the like05:11
wolfwalkerSo where do I get ardour?05:11
freshburni prefer not to EVER mount my ntfs winxp drives just to be safe05:12
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homeryou also gotta release ntfs is a super complex partition format05:12
freshburnthe bad thing about doing that for me is dvd rips cannot be more than 4gig05:12
homerI believe the windows driver is like 1 million lines of code05:12
=== dwidmann doesn't trust fat32 because it provides it is prone to corrupt
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homerand microsoft doesn't even release specs for it05:13
DaSkreechwolfwalker: It can't write reliably05:13
WiglyWormI have a NTFS partition that's on a seperate physical disk (the same one Linux is on), so... how do I point Linux at it?05:13
homerbut yes ntfs-3g writes to NTFS, and is like half mill lines o code :o05:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ardour - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:13
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: Umm I think the easy way might be too complicated05:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about drives - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:14
DaSkreechdamn :-(05:14
phobiacI found ardour in adpet but the package is gtk05:14
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: Do you know ow Unix sees drives?05:14
phobiacIsn't gtk gnome?05:14
DaSkreechphobiac: No05:14
DaSkreechGnome is gtk05:14
WiglyWormNope. I have no idea.05:14
phobiacThat's what I thought05:14
dwidmannit's kind of like how kde is not qt, but it heavily uses qt ... gnome has the same sort of relationship with gtk05:15
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: Want a tutorial?05:15
homeri think kubuntu come with gtk05:15
phobiacWill gtk based apps run okay in KDE?05:15
dwidmannphobiac:  yes05:15
phobiacwolfwalker: Check adept for ardour05:15
wolfwalkerFound it!05:15
Mezphobiac, yes they will - now we fixed qt-engines-gtk ;)05:15
ubotuardour-gtk: digital audio workstation (graphical gtk interface). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99.2-2build1 (edgy), package size 2188 kB, installed size 5992 kB05:16
WiglyWormSkreech: yes, please.05:16
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yonkeltronis there an easy way to convert adobe 7 eps to svg?05:16
soulriderDaSkreech: i would be interested in a tutorial too05:17
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: alright how are drives handled in Windows?05:17
DaSkreechhi soulrider :)05:17
soulriderhi DaSkreech :P05:17
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: including partitons?05:17
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soulriderDaSkreech: id like to hear the complete sotry if you dont mind :P05:18
wolfwalkerOkay, any other audio programs I should get?05:18
WiglyWormWhat do you mean by "handled"? Using master/slave disks, system partitions, etc.?05:18
wolfwalkerGot Audacity, k3b, sound-konverter, ardour05:18
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DaSkreechWiglyWorm: No that's hardware that never changes05:19
DaSkreechYou have a drive how does it show up in windows?05:19
WiglyWormWell, partitions not so much, but alright.05:19
dwidmannwolfwalker, how about vorbis-tools?05:19
DaSkreechThey come up as letters right?05:19
WiglyWormOkay, yes.05:19
dwidmanncomes with ogg123 ... useful if your gui decides to die05:20
WiglyWormI didn't know you were going so basic on me. :)05:20
WiglyWormYes, they are displayed as letters. ^_^05:20
DaSkreechRight and the letters all come under My Computer?05:20
WiglyWormMmm hmmm.05:20
DaSkreechok Under UNIX that's not how things are done05:21
DaSkreech there is one "super folder" called /05:21
DaSkreechUnder / everythign exists05:21
DaSkreechIt's called teh FHS05:22
ubotuThe files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux05:22
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DaSkreechYou can read it up in your spare time :)05:22
phobiacIn the begining, there was nothing. And then we said, let there be /! And there was.05:22
phobiacSorry, couldn't resist.05:22
WiglyWormI suppose that explains why nothing ever works in the console when I forget the preceding "/"05:22
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DaSkreechDirectly under / all the folders have a purpose05:22
WiglyWormThat always irked me, but it makes sense now. ^_^05:22
WiglyWormSorry, go on. :)05:22
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: That's absolute and relative :) I can explain those after :)05:23
Toxhow to organise my programs list is there any program that to sort it ?05:23
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DaSkreechunder / there is a folder called dev (or devices) which holds all things which exist in the real world that is not a human05:23
phobiactox: click on whatever you want to organize that's a menu and choose menu editor05:24
DaSkreechyour soundcard,MP3 player, processor, hard drives etc05:24
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: IDE drives or SATA?05:24
Toxi mean there are a lot of programs and i need a program to categorise it or something like that05:24
DaSkreechTox: They aren't categorised now?05:25
phobiacThey should already be sorted05:25
DaSkreechsoulrider: Making sense so far?05:25
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Toxthat sorting is very bad05:25
wolfwalkerWhat is gimp?05:25
ubotugimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.05:25
WiglyWormMy disks are IDE.05:25
WiglyWormEIDE, if you want to get technical. :P05:26
phobiacTox: Then use menu editor to resort them05:26
Toxok ill try ..05:26
wolfwalkerGood night y'all05:26
wolfwalkerThanks for all the help05:26
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: alright if you look under the /dev folder you will see some files named hd<something something>05:26
DaSkreechwolfwalker: night05:27
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: easiest way is in the Konsole05:27
sampangoodnight wolfwalker05:27
DaSkreechtype ls /dev/hd<tabtab>05:27
DaSkreechit will auto complete the names for you05:27
WiglyWormwhat does "ls" do?05:27
WiglyWormI would kill you all for a list of console commands and what they do.05:28
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=== phobiac hides
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: It lists the contents of a folder05:28
HymnToLife!command | WiglyWorm05:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about command - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:28
wolfwalkerIt didn't shut down :/05:28
HymnToLife!commands | WiglyWorm05:28
ubotuWiglyWorm: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands05:28
dwidmannWiglyWorm: I wouldn't recommend that, I don't respond well to violence o.O05:28
DaSkreechWell done HymnToLife :)05:28
WiglyWormrawk. Ty Hym.05:28
WiglyWormHymn, too05:29
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: Put that in your reading pile as well :05:29
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: You get a listing of hd files?05:29
DaSkreechhda1 etc ?05:29
=== HymnToLife hopes he won't get killed now :p
dwidmannman: the most important command you'll ever learn ;)05:29
WiglyWormaye, I did.05:29
DaSkreechdwidmann: aman!05:30
DaSkreechI mean amen :)05:30
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: Ok here is how you read them05:30
DaSkreechHD == IDE device05:30
DaSkreechhda is the first IDE device on the first IDE chain05:30
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DaSkreechhdb is the second05:30
DaSkreechlo Jucato05:30
DaSkreechhdc is the third etc05:31
Mezlo Jucato05:31
DaSkreechhda1 is the first partition on the first drive05:31
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DaSkreechhda2 the second partion05:31
WiglyWormOkay... corrosponding to (for EIDE) Primary Master, Primary Slave, Secondary Master, Secondary slave?05:31
WiglyWormfor a, b, c, d?05:31
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: right05:31
HymnToLifeDaSkreech, unless the drive is SATA/SCSI, in which case it's /dev/sda105:32
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: One important thing is that the FIRST secondary partion is always 505:32
DaSkreechso hda505:32
Jucatohi DaSkreech05:32
Jucatohi Mez!! :)05:32
DaSkreechHymnToLife: I was getting to that :)05:32
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HymnToLifeor it is plugged on the sec IDE controller, in which case it's /dev/hdc1 ;)05:32
=== Mez waves at Jucato
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: The second secondary partiotn is 6 (hda6)05:32
=== Jucato waves back at Mez :)
DaSkreechso to recap what would the 3 primary partion on the master device on the secondary channel be called?05:33
soulriderDaSkreech: whats the diference between a primary partition, a seconady and an extended and logic ?05:33
JucatoMez: how's the Katapult site? it is back up?05:33
Jucatosoulrider: there is no secondary partition05:33
DaSkreechsoulrider: Do you mean what's the secondary == extended/logical05:34
soulriderDaSkreech: just mentioned something like that, didnt he ?05:34
DaSkreechI'm just a nitwit :)05:34
Jucatoan extended partition is a primary partition this is capable of holding a number of logical partitions05:34
soulrideri just put partitions, dont really know the differences :P05:34
HymnToLifesoulrider, a primary partition is needed by some old software to boot05:34
soulriderlike windows right?05:34
DaSkreechJucato: we need an updated !mount btw05:35
soulrideri think it needs that05:35
HymnToLifeand an extended partition is a partition that can contain others05:35
DaSkreechsoulrider: Lots of OSes need it05:35
soulriderwhats the point of having an extended?05:35
HymnToLifeuseful because you can only have 4 primary partitions / drive05:35
HymnToLifeor three primary + one extended05:35
soulriderthat sucks ass05:35
HymnToLifeso if you want, say, ten partitions05:35
DaSkreechyeah but what you going to do05:35
HymnToLifeyou'll have to make an extended05:35
JucatoDaSkreech: ??05:35
Dr_willisextended contains 'logical' partitions. :)05:35
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter05:35
soulriderand ten inside05:35
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HymnToLifeor three primaries + one extended containing seven logicals05:36
DaSkreechsoulrider: So if you plan on having more than two partions make one of them extended with logical partions05:37
soulrideri have 4 actually05:37
soulriderand none are extended :P05:37
Jucatoyou can have any combination of primary+extended partitions.. but the total must always be 4. then you can split up an extended partition in as many ways as you want05:37
HymnToLifesoulrider, not wise thing05:37
HymnToLifebecause of you want to add one, you're toast05:37
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=== DaSkreech waits for WiglyWorm and soulrider before he goes on
soulrideri need to croll up and re read something for a sec05:38
Jucatogo on... that's what scrolling up is for :P05:38
WiglyWormWhat? I'm sorry? I got lost in all the chatter.05:38
soulriderDaSkreech: i get confused with the secondary partitioon part05:39
dwidmannSpeaking of partitioning, does anyone in here by chance know how to setup LVM? I've been meaning to do so but I'm hitting roadblocks05:39
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soulrideri have 4 partitions, and they are sda1, sda2, sda3 and sda405:39
Jucatosoulrider: there is no "secondary partition".. there are only primary and extended partitions, then an extended partition can be split into logical partitions05:39
WiglyWormI kind of zoned out when it became a philisophical debate about partitioning...05:39
JucatoWiglyWorm: it's more technical than philosophical :P05:39
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: so to recap what would the 3 primary partion on the master device on the secondary channel be called?05:39
soulriderand the logicals are secondary ?05:39
DaSkreechsoulrider: Yes05:40
HymnToLifesoulrider, forget the "secondary", the logicals ate logicals, period05:40
soulriderwell, logicals inside extended that is right ?05:40
DaSkreechsoulrider: right05:40
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soulrideri understand now05:40
soulriderthat makes sense05:40
DaSkreechHymnToLife: My fault. Engaged fingers before brain05:40
soulriderjust by knowing that, lots of things i didnt understand i understand now05:40
soulriderand no wi understand why my second hard drive has such weird numbers :P05:41
DaSkreechsoulrider: Yeah useful info :)05:41
HymnToLifesoulrider, which ones ?05:41
WiglyWormDepends on the number of partitions on the drives, because if I'm reading you correctly, secondary partitions would become 5 and 6 on the pri master and pri slave, so the one in your question is um... likely to be 3?05:41
DaSkreech1 2 5 6  I'm betting05:41
WiglyWormErr.. or maybe hdc2?05:41
HymnToLifehow is that weird ?05:41
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: hdc305:41
DaSkreechHymnToLife: cause he didn't know about logical partions before05:42
WiglyWormwhere did hdc2 go?05:42
JucatoDaSkreech: you and your secondary partitions... :P05:42
soulriderwell on my other drive i got hdb5, it makes sense that i dont have 1 or 2 or.....05:42
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: I didn't ask about hdc2 :)05:42
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DaSkreechWiglyWorm: the 3rd primary partion is going to be 3 all the time05:42
HymnToLifeyippee, just finished compiling GIMP on my FBSD :p05:42
HymnToLife!offtopic | HymnToLife05:43
ubotuHymnToLife: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!05:43
DaSkreechcause it's 3rd05:43
soulrideri was gona sign up for a linux course, but i totally forgot and it started already05:43
nik_so i just found out that i have to use the HSF linuxant drivers that require $$ for full speed05:43
WiglyWormOh wait...05:43
soulriderDaSkreech: pictures help me a lot05:43
WiglyWormI was going to ask a question, but realized I just anwered it for myself.05:43
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DaSkreechWiglyWorm: ok question two :)05:43
WiglyWormThe first extended takes 5, so the second takes 2, and the third takes 3, right?05:43
nik_my question is what do i search for on emule to get em the other way? j/k (kinda)05:44
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: What would the 3rd logical partion on the slave for the master channel be?05:44
soulridernik_: the name? :P05:44
WiglyWormMaster channel = primary HD controller?05:44
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: yup05:45
nik_soulrider i guess what i meant is do warez/cracks/keygen exist for it?05:45
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WiglyWormThat's hdb3?05:45
nik_no that i support pir8 software05:45
nik_not that05:45
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DaSkreechWiglyWorm: Hmm ok let me go over the primamry and logical partions again05:45
HymnToLifeWiglyWorm, nope, it should be hda*05:45
WiglyWormGah what?05:45
DaSkreechHymnToLife: Nope hdb is right05:46
WiglyWormSlave drive = hrb?05:46
WiglyWormOkay, good.05:46
HymnToLifehdb is the pri slave05:46
WiglyWormThat's what he asked.05:46
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HymnToLifebut what the heck with the number ?05:46
WiglyWormAnd I guess the partitions are about where I blanked out.05:46
HymnToLifeyou can have it called hdb564 if you want05:46
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: you know the differnce between primary and logical partions right?05:46
DaSkreechok hda1-4 is primary05:47
HymnToLifehmm, not that high maybe but relly the number is not important05:47
DaSkreechthe first logical has to be 505:47
WiglyWormOhhhhh okay.05:47
DaSkreechthe second has to be 605:47
HymnToLifeDaSkreech, not necessarily05:47
Dr_willishda1-4 could be 'extended' the first logical In an extended would be 5 and up.05:47
DaSkreechHymnToLife: By default :-P and order makes life good05:47
DaSkreechDr_willis: An extended is just a priamry with a single purpose05:48
DaSkreechstill a primary05:48
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: so what's the answer to the second question I asked before?05:48
Dr_willisbut i do belive most of the disk partitiong tools dont call them that way.05:48
WiglyWormThe question was the second logical on the primary slave, yeah?05:49
Dr_willisive tryed to mount hda4 when i ment hda5 way tooo many times.. :)05:49
WiglyWormThat'd be hdb6...05:49
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HymnToLifeow, the source for Firefox is 35 MB05:49
DaSkreechYay! :)05:49
DaSkreechWiglyWorm, soulrider: moving forward?05:50
WiglyWormI'm down/.05:50
DaSkreechAlright. to get the info from the device into the / system you have to mount it05:50
soulriderim gonna make a sandwich though so make long sentences so i dont have to scroll up... plix =d05:50
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DaSkreechYou can only mount it under / but you can do mount a device to any folder under / (or subfolder) that you want to05:51
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DaSkreechso if you make some folder then type sudo mount /dev/hd<devicedetails> </path/to/folder>05:51
DaSkreechYou can ls the folder and see what is on the partition/drive :)05:52
HymnToLifeall right, going to bed, I'll let the damned FF thingie compile by itself05:52
HymnToLife'night guys05:52
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DaSkreechHi Morbo05:53
MorboHello :)05:53
ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins05:54
DaSkreechMorbo: Where did you get the name from?05:54
nik_actualy lmfao i knew that05:54
MorboFuturama, DaSkreech05:54
DaSkreechnik_: Toss in a S and see what it does05:54
DaSkreechKittens DO give Morbo gas!05:54
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:54
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nik_i meant final fantasy seven, really......05:55
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nik_so does anyone use the HSF linuxant drivers?05:55
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nik_or how bout win4linpro05:56
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DaSkreechnik_: #ubuntu would probably get faster responses05:56
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HymnToLifenik_, build yourself a nice hardware modem, it would be cheaper than the Linuxant drivers anyway :p05:56
nik_how much are they?05:56
nik_i didnt even bother to look at the price05:57
HymnToLifeabout 20 bucks IIRC05:57
nik_im such a cheap bastard id rather pir8 them05:57
nik_or hack thier server and d/l them and put em on rapidshare05:57
nik_i wish i knew about linux when i bought this dang laptop05:58
nik_at least i got my wireless to work, so i connect my xp puter and then use net wireless on my laptop05:58
nik_and hotspots for big d/ls05:59
WiglyWormSkreech, so conceptually here.. if I want to look at any device other than the drive that Linux is natively installed on, I have to mount it?05:59
nik_well, im outa here, yes wiglyworm05:59
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nik_l8tr all05:59
soulrideryes WiglyWorm05:59
HymnToLifeWiglyWorm, no, but if you want to access the files on it, yes05:59
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: You can set it to auto mount on boot06:00
HymnToLifeyou can have it mounter automagically at boot time though06:00
DaSkreechBut before then it doesn't know where to go06:00
WiglyWormI see.06:00
nik_hymntolife so he can set the usb stick on his table and "look" at it all he wants eh?06:00
HymnToLifeexactly :p06:01
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HymnToLifeusb sticks sure look nice nowadays06:01
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: Want to see your stuff quick now?06:01
nik_hasta minana06:01
WiglyWormYes, yes I would, in fact.06:02
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: Still in konsole?06:03
DaSkreechtype pwd06:03
DaSkreechwhere are you ?06:03
DaSkreechpwd = print working directory06:03
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WiglyWormI'm in my /home/chris/06:03
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soulrideroops, wrong window06:03
robnychow do I add music to my ipod using amarok ?06:04
HymnToLife!ipod | robnyc06:04
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uboturobnyc: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod06:04
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: alright make a direcoty06:04
DaSkreech mkdir <dirname>06:04
robnycty hybrid06:04
robnycHymnToLife, *06:04
DaSkreechthen sudo mount /dev/hd<ntfsdrive> <dirname>06:04
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: Let me know when you are done with that06:05
WiglyWormfull path for <dirname>?06:05
WiglyWormor just relative to my working directory?06:05
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: Nope06:05
DaSkreechIt's relative06:05
DaSkreech if it doesn't have a / then it's relative to where you are06:06
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WiglyWormI'm sorry, is that "/dev/hd/hdb1" or just /dev/hdb1?06:08
notechWiglyWorm:  hdb is primary slave and the 1 means the first partition06:09
WiglyWormMan... I really wish the console gave feedback to your commands....06:10
WiglyWormBut I suppose since I got nothing, I'm good to go?06:10
notechnoo feedback is a good thing, means no error06:10
WiglyWormheh... not enough permission ftw.06:10
MorboWiglyWorm- did you remember the sudo ?06:11
WiglyWormI love how secure linux is... it won't let even the only user of the computer do a thing without retyping the password a bajillion times.06:11
WiglyWormYeah, I mounted it, I tried to look at it in Konquerer. :)06:11
DaSkreechDid you get it?06:11
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WiglyWormNo, it said I didn't have permission. :)06:12
DaSkreechexcellent :)06:12
robnycim having problems with amarok + ipod06:12
robnycit wont read it06:12
DaSkreechalt+F2 -> kdesu konqueror /home/chris06:12
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WiglyWorma) what does kdesu do? b) how come it used to look like a drive but now looks like a folder with nothing in it?06:14
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ubotuIn KDE, use kdesu to run graphical applications with root priveleges when you have to. Do *not* do sudo {GUIAPP}; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo06:14
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Dr_williseitehr its not mounted, or you dont have permissions to acces it.06:14
DaSkreechI think it is mounted06:14
Dr_willischeck it out with the shell06:15
dennisterhi pps :)06:15
Dr_willissudo mount  -----> should show whats mounted where06:15
DaSkreechDr_willis: actually just mount should show that as well06:15
Dr_willisactually just 'mount' may work. :)06:15
DaSkreechI just said that!!06:15
Dr_willisno ya dident.. you echoed me06:15
DaSkreechecho -n06:15
WiglyWormall it has in it is a folder called "System Volume Information"... maybe I targeted the wrong partition...06:16
dennisterOpenOffice question: it's help says versioning of a document is to be found under File--->Versions, yet I can't see any "Versions" under the File menu...what gives?06:17
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: sudo umount <dirname>06:17
WiglyWormcommand not found.06:17
=== Dr_willis misses the good old of just mounting things with the mount command.
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shinigamiHi DaSkreech.. i realise that i cannot play mp3 from amarok while i play videos from mplayer.. is there a fix for this?06:17
Dr_willisplaying a song while watching a movie....06:18
DaSkreechshinigami: Umm You want to make your own soundtrack to movies? :)06:18
shinigaminono ok actually i'm a media analyst06:18
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: not uNmount just umount06:18
Dr_willisDaSkreech,  perhaps hes playing that PinkFloyd album whikle watching the wizard of oz.06:18
WiglyWormOh well... my brain is beginning to smell a bit like an electrical fire.... I think it's best I take a break from this for the night, come at it tomorrow.06:18
shinigamiat work i need to do media analyst ..but when i play mp3 at the same time..u know..i think it clash06:18
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DaSkreechWiglyWorm: possibly the worst named command in Unix06:18
shinigamii tried..like using wine to run warcraft..amarok also doesn't work06:18
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DaSkreechthough some might argue for finger....06:19
shinigamithink ther'es a conflict with the alsa/oss?06:19
Jucatooooh an angel of death appears...06:19
DaSkreechmost likely06:19
shinigamihaha..yea death god06:19
Jucato!mp3 | shinigami06:19
ubotushinigami: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:19
shinigamiwatched deathnote?06:19
Jucatonope :P06:19
WiglyWormOkay guys... have a good nigt. You'll be seeing alot more of me, I'm sure.06:19
WiglyWormAnd putting up with my newbie antics as well, I'm sure.06:19
Dr_willisIt pays to have a nice sound card to do what you are wanting to do shinigami06:20
DaSkreechWiglyWorm: night06:20
shinigamiwhat does nice sound card have to do with multi tasking the programs that uses my soundcard?06:21
Dr_willislets put it this way - i have a creative audigy card.. and i have NO problems doing what you are wanting to do.06:21
Dr_willishardware mixing vs software mixing.06:22
dwidmannhardware mixing > software mixing06:22
Dr_willisi see constantly people in here wanting to play more then 1 audio source/stream at a time with lowend/builtin cards.. and they have huge hassles with it.06:22
shinigamik i'm not doing mixing..err i'm just.. you know.. playing a game that uses my sound card..and in background playing a mp3 too06:22
shinigamiwindows can do that06:23
dwidmannDoc, I've got a builtin and have no problems with it :) ... granted, it's very, very nice for builtin06:23
Dr_willisshinigami,  if every program uses ALSA properly - then the linux apps should be able to do it also.06:23
Dr_willisbut often its oss vs alsa  or some sound server fighting with some other sound server thats the issue as well.06:24
dwidmannA unified method of implementing sound would be nice ....06:24
Dr_willissound issues used to be a lot worse then they are now. :)06:24
Dr_willisdwidmann,  yep. alsa is slowly  getting there.06:24
dwidmanntell me about it06:24
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=== Dr_willis rembers the good old days
dwidmanneven just a couple years ago sound was in ugly shape06:25
Dr_willis'sound blaster comaptiable' :)06:25
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shinigamidoes it applies to nas? my mplayer is streaming video from server..audio using nas.. amarok i guess its autodetecting..i'll try to force it to use alsa06:25
Dr_willisits best to set everything   up to use alsa06:26
Dr_willisif you can.06:26
dwidmannto force mplayer to use alsa, use the "-ao alsa" switch06:26
Dr_willisyea mplayer may be the one causing the problems06:26
shinigamiyeah..sigh..but the application in my company forces it to use -ao nas.. need to edit the scripts to do that..troublesomee........06:27
Dr_williscant say that ive ever used 'nas' for audio.06:28
Dr_willisso cant tell ya anything about it06:28
shinigamiwhat's the command to see what programs are using my devices?06:28
Dr_willislsof - perhaps06:28
dwidmannfuser perhaps?06:28
dwidmanndoc, you wouldn't happen to know anything about lvm would you?06:30
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shinigamifuser /dev/audio ?06:31
dwidmannshinigami, I suppose so06:31
Dr_willisdwidmann,  i know enough to avoide it. :) for my minimal needs.06:33
Dr_willisheh heh06:33
dwidmannmy needs are somewhat minimal as well, I just like to experiment. A lot.06:34
shinigamiwhy do i keep getting localhost kernel: [17192683.784000]  Asus ACPI: Error reading brightness in my /var/log/messages on my sony vaio laptop? and sometimes the "Adjusting brightness" screen pop out for 1-2 sec and disappear06:34
shinigaminew installation of kubuntu06:34
dwidmannThe idea of having one partition across two of my disks just sounds too appealing to pass up.06:34
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dwidmannshinigami, the acpi on your ?laptop? is probably buggy?06:35
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shinigamiwhat should i do?06:38
Jucatosummon the 4 gods...06:39
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dwidmannshinigami, you should most definitely complain to the manufacturer, though it probably won't do you any good.06:42
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=== Mez deops Jucato
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shinigamii have two of this sony vaios laptop..both same problem after installing kubuntu.. i was thinking any drivers would help?06:44
=== Jucato sits in a corner and sulks
shinigamibut i not sure what kind of drivers i should get06:44
dwidmannshinigami, I wouldn't count on it06:44
=== DaSkreech wants jucato's spear :)
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shinigamihere's another question.. can i choose my kernal during installation of kubuntu? i need it to support duel-core cpu...06:46
Jucatoumm nope...06:46
Jucatobut the generic kernel supports that too afaik06:46
juano__shinigami: you would need x86_64 cds06:46
Dr_williswith new laptops - often theres lots of little 'bugs' with the kernel/apci/other features  and their bios's06:46
Jucato!generic | shinigami06:46
ubotushinigami: Background to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed)06:46
Jucatooh.. heh didn't know about the x86_64 cds...06:47
shinigamihow do i reconfigure my kernal then? i need the source for my kernal to make menuconfig>?06:47
DaSkreechNight all!06:47
dwidmannnight DaSkreech06:47
shinigami64 means..dual core?06:47
Dr_willis64 dosent mean dual core. it means 64bit cpu. :)06:48
avalon_I'm having a problem with drive encryption. I want to encrypt two hard drives that I have already chock full of data. All the information I find needs the data to be formatted. Is there a compression system that doesn't need to format my drives?06:48
shinigamihmm but is dual core a 64bit?06:48
shinigamii think its 3206:48
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shinigamiok..just tell me what kernal should i change into for a dual core? 686-smp ? 386? *confused*06:51
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dwidmannshinigami, are you using dapper or edgy?06:52
Jucatohm.. didn't get an answer to my last question... is SMP dual core?06:52
dwidmannsmp = symetric multi-processing, or something like that06:52
MorboSMP = multicore06:53
Morboor multiproc06:53
Jucatoah.. because I think the -generic kernel has support for that...06:53
dwidmannIt does06:53
Jucato 2.6.17-10-generic #2 SMP Tue Dec 5 22:28:26 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux06:53
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dwidmannif you're using dapper, you want something like 686-smp or k7-smp, if you're using edgy you want the -generic06:54
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shahidanyone here?06:55
=== Jucato chases after tumbleweeds
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shinigamiok i'm using dapper06:57
mefisto__I just lost access to hard disk (konq said disk was read-only) so I rebooted. On reboot, it told me to do fsck. fsck fixed a lot of things. After that, I rebooted again, but cannot logon. X seems to restart and takes me back to the login screen. What can I do?06:57
shinigamiso i get 686-smp ? i have to download the kernal and recompile the kernel? (i hate doing this step)06:57
dwidmannshinigami, just install the "linux-686" package06:58
dwidmannor maybe th e linux-686-smp pacakge06:59
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dwidmannwhen I was on dapper I used 64-bit ... and fortunately all of the 64-bit kernels had smp support :)06:59
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shinigamidoes that mean i don't need to recompile my kernal? hehe07:01
dwidmannshinigami, no. Installing that package is all you need to do.07:01
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shinigamiso its just as easy as apt-get install linux-686-smp ?07:01
shinigamiok i'll try this at home..when i get a hold with the laptop07:02
dwidmannthen reboot and it should be an option.07:02
shinigamii cat /proc/cpuinfo or top i should be acble to see 2 cpus rite?07:02
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mefisto__I just lost access to hard disk (konq said disk was read-only) so I rebooted. On reboot, it told me to do fsck. fsck fixed a lot of things. After that, I rebooted again, but cannot logon. X seems to restart and takes me back to the login screen. What can I do?07:03
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shinigamioh..when u say option i thought i have to do some other steps after installing the package07:04
mefisto__can someone help me solve my logon problem?07:04
dwidmannNo, it'll just be added to your grub's menu.lst, shinigami07:04
dwidmannmefiesto__: more than likely07:04
mefisto__WILL someone help me solve my logon problem?07:05
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dwidmannWhy not state the problem, rather than asking that?07:06
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mefisto__dwidmann: I did07:06
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dwidmannyou did?07:07
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mefisto__I just lost access to hard disk (konq said disk was read-only) so I rebooted. On reboot, it told me to do fsck. fsck fixed a lot of things. After that, I rebooted again, but cannot logon. X seems to restart and takes me back to the login screen. What can I do?07:07
dwidmannoh, there it is, all the way up there07:07
dwidmannmefiesto: do a console login from kdm, log in, then run the command "startx"07:07
dwidmannit will probably give an error message of some sort.07:08
mefisto__I did that, but it won't work, just keeps coming back to the login screen.07:09
dwidmannit won't let you do a console login?07:09
mefisto__no, after startx, it goes to kubuntu login screen07:10
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=== Rob-West just got word his dad's heart is beating twice as fast as normal and the medicines there giving him wont owrk
dwidmannokay, mefiesto, I've got an idea, press "ctrl + alt + f1" to get to the terminal, log in, type "sudo killall kdm", then do "startx", it won't have a login screen to fall back to07:11
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xenophile7x7does anyone know a good games package, like the one in gnome, for KDE?07:12
shinigami[14:04]  <dwidmann> No, it'll just be added to your grub's menu.lst, shinigami <-- does that means its installing a new kernal?07:12
mefisto__dwidmann: and this is just to get the error messages, or will this hopefully successfully log me in?07:12
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shinigamiinstead of reconfiguring the current one?07:13
dwidmannmefiesto: just to get error messages07:13
dwidmannshinigami: installing the package is to install a new kernel07:13
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mefisto__who was it that was helping me with my login problem?07:34
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mefisto__dwidmann: was it you who was trying to help me?07:37
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mefisto__dwidmann: are you still around?07:39
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regeyagah.  apparently my "problem" with firefox and qtcurve was fixed in a later release.  that's what I get for installing software from source then slacking on updating. :->07:40
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mefisto__I cannot log in. after login, screen goes blank and takes me back to the login screen07:41
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morticiwhats a good p2p app?07:42
mefisto__mortici: ktorrent is pretty good07:42
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mefisto__mortici: amule (if you've used emule/edonkey)07:43
mortici:/ never had much luck with those apps, the emule07:43
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mefisto__mortici: try ktorrent, is should already be installed07:44
mefisto__Can someone help with this: I cannot log in. after login, screen goes blank and takes me back to the login screen07:46
jordo23Jucato: Hey.....how's it going?07:46
noiesmomefisto__, did you do an upgrade and  then the problem occured?07:47
mefisto__noiesmo: no, I somehow lost access to hard disk (konq said disk was read-only) so I rebooted.07:48
mefisto__then the boot process said I should do fsck. After that I rebooted again, an couldn't log in07:48
noiesmomefisto__, O check how much disk space is left07:48
noiesmomefisto__, go to recovery console to check07:49
mefisto__noiesmo: how do I check. what command?07:49
noiesmodf -h07:49
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noiesmomefisto__, ^^07:49
mefisto__noiesmo: and temp files are in /tmp right?07:50
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noiesmomefisto__, I would expect so - apt holds files in /var/cache/apt/archives/07:50
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dwidmannmefisto, so, what were your results, did startx get you any errors?07:52
noiesmomefisto__, the other option you have is to boot livecd and then do the fsck on the drive while not mounted07:52
mefisto__dwidmann: I got a long list scroll by, then went blank, then back to console.07:53
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noiesmomefisto__, did ou still have drive space07:53
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addykHello every... body :D07:54
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mefisto__I'll try to clear some space on disk. Hopefully that will solve my problem (cause that would be simple :P)07:54
dwidmannmefisto, what video driver do you use? I do know there was an xorg update recently which would break X ....07:54
dwidmann(if you were using certain drivers, that is)07:54
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noiesmodwidmann, mefisto__ didnt do updates I asked him07:55
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mefisto__dwidmann: I got the xorg update a few days ago, but everything was fine07:55
dwidmannhad you rebooted since the updates?07:55
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MobsterLobsterhey all07:55
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jean-bhello ther07:56
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dwidmannmefisto__, how much space did df say you had left?07:56
MobsterLobsterwhat is the most current X?07:56
mefisto__I'm on livecd. Can I check that now, or do I need to use recovery mode?07:57
noiesmomefisto__, ok mount the hdd in question then yoou will see07:57
dwidmannthe version of X in edgy is 7.1, I think there might be a 7.2, can't remember07:57
MobsterLobsterso the version 6.9 in solaris 10 is old?07:58
dwidmannhmm, looks like 7.1 is current07:58
addyk(x.X) I wonder what came with slackware07:58
noiesmomefisto__, open cosole and type mount /dev/hdaX /mnt/hdaX repace X with drive if not maybe /dev/sda07:58
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addykAloha! :)07:59
RosscoI need some helps07:59
MobsterLobsteri know this is the wrong place to ask but can update ur X in solaris and is KDE installable on Solaris?07:59
dwidmann6.9 was released in late 2005? I think?07:59
RosscoI just installed ubuntu kay?07:59
mefisto__noiesmo: can I do that on livecd?07:59
Rosscoand I'm trying to install some software07:59
noiesmomefisto__, yes07:59
Rosscocan someone help ms?07:59
noiesmomefisto__, open a terminal08:00
addykRossco: OK :) use Synaptic08:00
dwidmannMonsterLobster, yes, and yes. How to do so I'm not sure though.08:00
mefisto__noiesmo: can't find it in fstab08:00
addykRossco: you should have it installed :)08:00
RosscoI type in gaim-xfire-0.6.0-1.5.0.FC4.0.i386.rpm08:00
noiesmomefisto__, thats ok its not mounted08:00
RosscoI type in08:00
MobsterLobsterdoes solaris have a equivilant of apt?08:00
noiesmomefisto__, do you have normal ide drive08:00
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mefisto__noiesmo: so how do I mount it?08:00
Rosscoapt-get install gaim-xfire-0.6.0-1.5.0.FC4.0.i386.rpm08:00
mefisto__yes, ide08:00
Rosscois what I typed in08:01
noiesmomefisto__, type mount /dev/hdaX /mnt/hdaX08:01
Rosscohow do I tell it which directory to go to?08:01
addykOK :)08:01
Rosscoit's in /tmp/08:01
noiesmomefisto__, replace X with partition number08:01
addykYou don't08:01
addykIt just installes it08:01
RosscoI mean08:01
xenophile7x7can someone do a quick whois on me, and post the results in pm?08:01
firecrotc1Rossco: you cannot install RPMs that way08:01
addykYou then can make a link to gaim08:01
dwidmannMobsterLobster: dunno08:01
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RosscoHow do I install it then?08:01
Rosscothe .rpm file is in tmp08:02
addykIt might be allready installed08:02
addykopen console08:02
addykand typt gaim08:02
MobsterLobsterok Sun is doing a shipit of sun 10 so im thinking of using for a server08:02
noiesmomefisto__, if you like you can reboot into recoverey mode on your system and then you could check df -h for space08:02
noiesmomefisto__, the drive will be mounted for you08:02
RosscoI have gaim installed08:02
RosscoI'm trying to install an addon for it08:02
MobsterLobster*solaris 1008:03
noiesmomefisto__, when your in recovery mode you can check the logs in /var/log/ as well08:03
RosscoI just wanna know how I install it08:03
addykOh... Well isn't it? installed? Hmm08:03
noiesmomefisto__, but once you mount drive on licevd you can also do this08:03
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mefisto__noiesmo: 121 mb free. but I've had less that that free with no problems08:03
noiesmomefisto__, ok so its not space08:03
noiesmomefisto__, check the logs n /var/log/08:03
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RosscoI need someone to tell me how to install it08:04
RosscoJust, someone tell me how I install an RPM file08:04
Rosscothat's all I need to know08:04
ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)08:04
bartisthello there08:04
MobsterLobsterget the .deb08:04
addykWow... (o.O)08:05
Rosscowhat about tar.gz ?08:05
addykI didn't know that...  :|08:05
bartisti have an Intel 82801CA-ICH3 soundcard that only works when it wants08:05
addykThat's a source in most cases08:05
dwidmannmefisto__: apt-get clean is a good way to free up space08:05
xenophile7x7hey dwid, can you do that whois one more time?08:05
bartistapt-get clean?? what does it do?08:05
MobsterLobsterWTF my games arent loading08:06
addykRossco: that should work on all linuxes08:06
noiesmobartist, remove files for cache of apt-get08:06
dwidmannapt-get clean clears out the /var/cache/apt/archives08:06
addykIn slackware (my system) that's what I use :)08:06
bartistok thanx08:06
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bartisti have an Intel 82801CA-ICH3 soundcard that only works when it wants, any idea?08:06
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MobsterLobsterhow can i get my games to load?08:06
addykMobsterLobster: which games?08:07
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RosscoIs it possilbe to play windows games in linux? o_o08:07
MobsterLobsterarmagetron, neverball and never putt addyk08:07
addykRossco: yes08:08
Rosscolike CS: S and stuff08:08
MobsterLobsteruse wine08:08
addykWith an emulator08:08
mefisto__noiesmo: which logs should I check? xorg.0.log?08:08
addykwith wine08:08
addykwinex is the one that costs08:08
MobsterLobsteraddyk u got any ideas?08:08
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gan|y|medcan a broken root file system (reiserfs) cause a kernel panic?08:08
noiesmomefisto__, yep08:09
addykaddyk: I'm thinking :)08:09
noiesmomefisto__, also maybe messages and syslog08:09
addykMobsterLobster: so the game runs and stops at loadscreen?08:09
MobsterLobsterit says its loading in the task bar and the KDE logo jumps around but then it just dissapears08:10
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addykOK :) Open a console and type armagetron08:10
addykAnd see if it shows any error messages08:11
mefisto__noiesmo: I don't really know what to look for08:11
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RosscoCan someone please help me08:11
MobsterLobsterArmagetron won't run on your computer08:12
noiesmomefisto__, you still livcd08:12
mefisto__noiesmo: yes08:12
MobsterLobsterCouldn't find matching GLX visual08:12
RosscoHow do I enable direct rendering?08:12
noiesmomefisto__, copy and paste to pastebin08:12
noiesmo!pastebin | mefisto__08:12
ubotumefisto__: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:12
MobsterLobsteraddyk looks like my 3d drivers aint working08:12
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mefisto__noiesmo: which log do you want?08:12
noiesmomefisto__, xorg first08:13
addykMobsterLobster: That's what I'm thinking... you need a new open gl or something08:13
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MobsterLobsterand how would i get that addyk?08:13
Rosscosomeone please help me08:13
Rosscorossco@rossco-desktop:~$ glxinfo | grep direct08:13
Rosscodirect rendering: No08:13
RosscoOpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect08:13
RosscoHow do I enable direct rendering?08:13
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addykMobsterLobster, Use google :) That's how I found it :)08:14
shinigamii need help on my sony vaio laptop...a pop up at the center of the screen keep coming up saying "LCD display 'ON'" randomly after about 30 secs etc.. i checked my /var/log/messages its filled with "[17180763.400000]  Asus ACPI: Error reading brightness".. new installation of kubutu dapper..help!08:14
dwidmannRossco: you need to install a different video driver ...08:14
dwidmannwhich one depends on your video card, Rossco08:14
RosscoAnd install the linux drivers?08:14
Rosscofor my gfx card08:14
addykRossco, Search at the manufacturers site08:14
addykIf nvidia nvidia.com :)08:15
mefisto__noiesmo: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1921/08:15
noiesmomefisto__, ok give me a minute08:15
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:15
shinigamidmesg show a whole list of [17180763.400000]  Asus ACPI: Error reading brightness.................08:16
addykArgh... I really need to learn how to use that... (^_^) It's too cool dwidmann :)08:16
ubotuacpi: displays information on ACPI devices. In component main, is optional. Version 0.09-1 (edgy), package size 10 kB, installed size 72 kB (Only available for i386 ia64 amd64)08:16
noiesmomefisto__, please paste you gdm or kdm log file please08:16
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dwidmann!randomness | addyk08:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about randomness - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:17
dwidmannThere's a list08:17
addykThanks! :D08:17
addykGood morning! btw dwidmann08:17
shinigamii need help on my sony vaio laptop...a pop up at the center of the screen keep coming up saying "LCD display 'ON'" randomly after about 30 secs etc.. i checked my /var/log/messages its filled with "[17180763.400000]  Asus ACPI: Error reading brightness".. new installation of kubutu dapper..help!08:18
mefisto__noiesmo: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1922/08:18
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dwidmannyw addyk08:19
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addykyw? Don't know the acronim sorry :D08:20
noiesmomefisto__, thats not gdm or kdm log08:20
noiesmomefisto__, the xorg looks normal08:20
dwidmannYou're welcome08:20
addykOK :D It should have been easy to spot... :)) I must have a slow mind right now... :)08:21
mefisto__noiesmo: that's the contents of /var/log/kdm.log08:22
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shinigamiThe following packages have unmet dependencies:08:23
shinigami  build-essential: Depends: libc6-dev but it is not going to be installed or08:23
shinigami                            libc-dev08:23
shinigamiwhat does it mean?08:23
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dwidmannshinigami, means that something is wrong, perhaps you had the "updates" repository enabled, did an upgrade with it, and then turned it back off, or something similar. It usually comes down to something like that08:24
bartisti have an Intel 82801CA-ICH3 soundcard that only works when it wants, any idea?08:25
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shinigamiyes.. the sources.list i used was for edgy.. but i'm using dapper..08:25
Ashexanyone know of a dictionary client?08:26
dwidmannbartist, at which points does it work?08:26
shinigamiso i revert back to dapper's sources.list ..now this happen08:26
AshexI want to look up definitions for words locally without a web browser08:26
stdindwidmann: I may be fuelled by coffee, but I'm not a mechanical being :P08:26
bartistwell it works fine on: windows and ubuntu dapper08:26
bartistthen i installed kubuntu edgy08:26
dwidmannhahahaha, and you get that message this many hours later stdin :D08:26
noiesmomefisto__, ok i don't see anything there thats too odd hmmm08:27
mefisto__noiesmo: do you want to see any other log files?08:27
stdindwidmann: I have logs :)08:27
bartistit worked a the beginning on Kedgy08:27
bartistthen it stopped working08:27
dwidmannMakes me wonder why you were looking for it though stdin, or what you were looking for, anyway.08:27
bartistusualy, it bugs after the sound server crashes08:27
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bartistthen I reinstalled my alsa packages from a fresh kernel, and it worked a few days08:28
bartistthen the sound server crashed ...08:28
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bartistand i could never fix it again08:28
shinigamiwhat should i do?08:28
bartistnow I have just re-installed Kedgy08:28
stdindwidmann: konversation was flashing, but there was nothing on the screen, so I just search for my nick08:28
bartistbot it does not work08:28
bartistany ideA?08:29
addykHehe... :) I have a question... and I don't know ho much is related to ubuntu/kubuntu, but... how do I make the mouse scroll work? Any Ideeas?08:29
bartistjust turn the wheel buddy08:29
dwidmannshinigami, one sec, I'll see what I can pull together08:30
addyk(~_~) I'm not retarded... I know when it ain't working :)08:30
bartistjust a bad joke addyk ;o)08:30
shinigamimy other stations (without tweaking with the sources.list) can apt-get install build-essential08:30
addykI know bartist :)08:30
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dwidmannaddyk, it should be something you set in your xorg.conf08:30
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bartistdwidmann, any idea about my sound issue?08:31
addykI got a hint just now... dwidmann  :)08:31
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noiesmomefisto__, sorry got ide track, I would prob do the fsck   /dev/hdaX but unmount first08:32
dwidmannbartist, no clue. To me alsa is a large black box, that I avoid having to know anything about out of the fear that my brain will catch on fire.08:32
dwidmann!paste | dwidmann08:32
ubotudwidmann: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:32
RosscoGuys, I need some help with installing video card drivers08:32
noiesmomefisto__, the logs look fairly normal nothing there I would say is causeing problem08:32
RosscoFind the appropriate module for your kernel. For example, if you have linux-image-amd64-k8 installed, then you should install linux-restricted-modules-amd64-k8. Selecting one will also install nvidia-kernel-common. (Note: you have to select the restricted modules first because the nvidia-glx package automatically installs the i386 one - and if you have a generic kernel image, the X will not work.)08:32
RosscoI dont hvae linux-image anything installed08:33
RosscoI dunno what do do08:33
dwidmannshinigami, I think it was, look at this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1923/ replace your sources.list with this, then do an update, an upgrade, then try to install build-essential again08:34
stdinRossco: chat dose "uname -r" in konsole show ?08:34
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Rosscostdin: it shows 2.6.15-26-38608:35
mefisto__noiesmo: the command is fsck hdXX right?08:36
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maziahanyone know if there is a multithreadding package manager?08:36
dwidmannwhat do you mean maziah, what are you seaking to have the package manager do?08:37
shinigamihi dwidmann.. mine is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1924/08:37
stdinRossco: then you need to get "linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-26-386"08:37
shinigamitake a look see if its alright08:37
maziahuse multipule threads from a single source for a same file.08:37
RosscoOk thanks08:37
maziahlike a download manager.08:38
jason_ how I can use Chinese in Kubuntu ??08:38
jason_I can't add language in kubuntu.08:39
dwidmannshinigami, looks like it's missing dapper-updates universe (I don't think there is a dapper-updates multiverse, could be though)08:39
mefisto__noiesmo: the command is fsck hdXX right?08:39
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maziahno idea?08:39
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dwidmannwait, yes there is a dapper-updates multiverse, I'll be d***ed08:40
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jason_ how I can use Chinese in Kubuntu ??08:40
jason_I can't add language in kubuntu.08:40
dwidmannis for dapper-security too o.O08:40
Rosscolol, what is fsck?08:40
dwidmannfilesystem check08:41
RosscoIf you tell me, I think I may make sense of a shirt I saw a while ago08:41
Rosscoomg lol08:41
noiesmomefisto__, fsck /dev/hdaX08:41
RosscoI saw this shirt that said FSCK!08:41
RosscoAnd it said it would make concerned parents complain to you :P08:41
noiesmolol rob08:41
Rosscothe description fo the shirt08:41
mefisto__noiesmo: ok, it said it's clean. Anything else I can try?08:41
noiesmobloody tab completion08:41
TmiDoes anyone recognize the problem that KDE's built-in archive manager (the one that is started if you click a .rar if you don't install other unrar-programs) just stops working08:42
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shinigamino.. still the same.. can't install build-essential08:42
noiesmomefisto__,  you could try create a new user and see if they can log in, maybe reinstall video drivers08:43
mefisto__noiesmo: how do I create a new user?08:43
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dwidmannshinigami, you said you had some edgy items in your sources.list at one point right ... you probably have some edgy programs installed that apt doesn't want to downgrade. Perhaps if you were to do a apt-get dist-upgrade, maybe.08:44
RosscoHow do I make myself a superuser so I don't have to tpye in sudo -s everytime?08:45
shinigamii'll do a dist-upgrade08:45
dwidmannRossco: running as root all the time would be like walking around naked.08:45
dwidmannjust one of those things that I woudln't recommend doing08:45
maziahhrm maybe there isnt a multithreading package manager ;/08:45
RosscoLol, ok08:46
RosscoFor what reasons?08:46
vytautasits not that bad to walk naked at home08:46
maziahgets cold awfuly quick ;>08:46
mefisto__Rossco: leaves you vulnerable, security-wise08:46
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noiesmomefisto__, you'll have to log in recovery mode then do sudo adduser username08:46
Rosscolol, k guys BRB - gotta restart X08:46
dwidmannmaziah, no, there isn't, but you could be downloading multiple packages at the same time, by using multiple mirrors.08:46
maziahstink, dpkg alredy does that08:47
mefisto__noiesmo: ok thanks, I'll try that08:47
shinigamidamnit.............still can't after dist-upgrade08:47
noiesmomefisto__, np08:47
shinigamidwidmann: how do i remove those edgy programs manaully?08:49
bartisti have an Intel 82801CA-ICH3 soundcard that only works when it wants, any idea?08:49
vytautasbe nice to her08:49
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RosscoBack :)08:51
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james_has anybody had any sucess in installing a canon ip1000 within kubunut?08:55
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RosscoI need some help installing this thing guys09:00
Rosscocan anyone help me?09:00
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RosscoIt's a .tar.gz file09:01
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cmcguickenI need some help, i have downloaded a tar.gz file. How do i run and install the program???09:01
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dwidmanna .tar.gz file is just a compressed archive, like a zip file, so it depends what is in it ...09:01
codytit's a tarball.09:01
cmcguickenso how do i run it>?09:02
james_has anybody had any sucess in installing a canon ip1000 within kubunut?09:02
cmcguickenits a program09:02
dwidmanncmcguicken: there's a strong possibility that you downloaded the source code for a program, what is the program?09:02
cmcguickenhow do you install programs? it says to do a command but where and how.09:02
fueli get a message from adept manager saying database for packages is locked........however i am not running any other process......... how do i unlock it09:03
cmcguickenand i have a nother one which is tar.gz09:03
dwidmann!adeptfix | fuel09:03
ubotufuel: If adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a'09:03
cmcguickenso, any help?09:04
shinigamii still can't get build-essential ........help09:04
dwidmanncmcguicken: well, the first thing you have to do is extract it, you can do this in a terminal, or by using ark09:04
cmcguickenyes i have done this09:04
dwidmannwhat files are in the base directory cmcguicken?09:04
cmcguickenbut there is jusat loads of files09:04
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stdincmcguicken: there is a small guide here for compiling applications https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware09:05
dwidmannshinigami, mixing files from different repositories (ie, installing edgy things in dapper) always ends in tears.09:05
RosscoI'm trying to run this thing09:06
RosscoBut I need to run it as a superuser09:06
Rosscohow do I do that? :S09:06
shinigamianything i can do to revert besides reinstalling kubuntu?09:06
dwidmannif you know which ones they were shinigami you can try to replace them on an as needed basis09:06
fueldwidmann : great it worked ! thanks :)09:06
cmcguickenim confused. cant i just run a setup file to install an application??09:06
codytRossco: using the command "sudo" preferably.09:06
cmcguickenlike on windows09:06
shinigamiok...i need those compilers like gcc..etc09:07
fuelcmcguicken : linux is not windows09:07
codytcmcguicken: sometimes, not allways.09:07
cmcguickensorry, i have just switched09:07
dwidmanncmcguicken: No, not if you download source code ... which you probably did09:07
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shinigamimake: *** /lib/modules/2.6.15-27-386/build: No such file or directory. <-- does it means i don't have those building compilers?09:07
fuelafter extracting........you should probably run ./configure then make and make install if the folder contains any configure files09:07
cmcguickenit has a configure and install files but when i click on them it is just text09:07
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fuelyeah goo09:08
fuelnow press F809:08
fuelyou will get a konsole at the bottom09:08
cmcguickenhow do you "ron ./configure"09:08
dwidmanncmcguicken: I can walk you through it, but you're going to need some patience09:08
fuelthere type ./configure09:08
cmcguickenok, i have got to go now. have you got email?09:08
cmcguickenor i will go back on irc09:08
dwidmannFirst thing you will need to do cmcguicken, is to run this command: "sudo aptitude install build-essential"09:09
cmcguickenlater. THnks for all the help anyway. ok09:09
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dwidmanngoing so soon? who doesn't have email?09:09
fuelx( next time he comes!!!09:09
codytdwidmann: do you devote a lot of time to helping?09:09
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fuelcodyt : irc is for that only09:09
dwidmanncodyt: devotes such a strong word, I just kind of do it.09:10
bartisti have an Intel 82801CA-ICH3 soundcard that only works when it wants  -- PLEASE HELP09:10
dwidmanncodyt: Granted, for not "devoting", that is where _a_lot_ of my time goes09:11
codytdwidmann: I can respect that.09:12
codytI do, rather.09:12
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codytbartist: are you pretty new to linux?09:13
bartistwe can say so codyt09:13
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bartistdo you think you have a clue codyt?09:14
codytI struggled to get my soundcard working when I first started using Gentoo, and it can be a pain.09:14
shinigamii still can't install build-essential09:14
bartistthe strange thing is that my soundcard worked fine on ubuntu dapper09:14
shinigamiwhat are the directories that contain the resiporities?09:14
bartistand worked a bit on kubuntu edgy09:14
bartistthen it just stopped to work09:15
dwidmannshinigami, as per the packages it said it couldn't install, force in those packages manually. It may be extremely tedious, extremely, but it should let things work.09:15
codytbartist: you might just need to install the appropriate drivers.09:15
shinigamihow to force?09:15
bartistalready done09:15
guglielfhi *  in which dir is the help:/ system located?09:15
dwidmannshinigami, /etc/apt/ is where you sources.list is ... /var/cache/apt/archives is where apts cache is, and as for repositories, for most you can just punch in the url and browse it in your browser if needed09:16
codytI'll see if I can find other reports of problems with that soundcard.09:16
bartisti have been looking on google for days now09:17
codytbartist: do you know if you're using ALSA, OSS, ESD?09:17
bartistit's set on autodetect, so i guess its alsa09:17
bartistthe most frustriating is that it worked 2 days ago09:18
bartistthen i rebooted09:18
bartistand nothing!!!09:18
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codythasn't worked at all since?09:20
shinigamiE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)09:20
shinigamiE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?09:20
shinigamiwhat's this???????09:20
shinigamigot it09:21
shinigamiif i get apt-get source build-essential09:21
shinigamiwhat shd i do next09:21
bartistno it hasn't, i even made a fresh install09:22
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codytwhat are you testing the sound with?09:23
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codytI'm seeing some posts where all the person had to do was install the alsa-libs, alsa-drivers and alsa-tools packages.09:24
james_is there a way to default video resalution without plugging a monitor in?09:24
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startswithzwhat program do you guys use for peer to peer downloading?09:25
dwidmannshinigami, why would you want to build from source?09:26
dwidmannI mean, build build-essential from source ....09:26
dwidmannit's just a metapackage anyway ...09:26
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codytstartswithz: you might try searching sourceforge, or linux.softpedia.com09:26
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shinigamiok i'm gg crazy.. just need those build tools to compile something09:26
shinigamimake: *** /lib/modules/2.6.15-27-386/build: No such file or directory. <-- means i need to install build-essential ??09:27
Rob-Westcan someone help me setup MAME in KDE09:27
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dwidmannanyway, shinigami, the easiest way to fix your problem is either reinstall, or to either upgrade to edgy, or to reinstall dapper.09:28
dwidmannIf you have a seperate /home partition then that would be good, if you can backup your list of installed packages that would be good too09:29
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shinigamii guess i'll upgrade to edgy09:30
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Rob-Westedgy rocks09:31
codytedgy rocks could be dangerous.09:31
shinigamito upgrade to edgy i just need to change the sources.list from dapper to edgy and do update upgrade and dist-upgrade?09:31
Rob-Westim using Kubuntu 6.10 Edgy09:32
linux_hey guys have someone experience to install a free navigation system on PDA ?09:32
linux_or some good links09:32
death2xpi use destinator pns09:32
death2xpnot free but dl from torrentz09:33
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ForgeAusyou can't... erm.. debianize zipslack can you?09:34
ForgeAusor can you install kubuntu into a fat32 drive?09:34
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dwidmannshinigami, that should work09:36
dwidmannI don't think you can install kubuntu on a fat32 partition ForgeAus09:37
dwidmannand even if you could, why use an antiquated partition format like fat32?09:37
codytnot without reformatting the partion, I don't think.09:37
d0dgeAny suggestions how to uninstall nvidia drivers?09:38
d0dgeI've installed them two or three times and now I need to uninstall all of them09:38
shinigamihope it works..its updating now09:38
d0dgeShould I search 'nvidia' folders and delete them all, manually?09:38
noiesmo!envy | d0dge09:38
ubotud0dge: envy is a Python script that eases installation of the official Nvidia drivers. Please see http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html . Developers may be interested in https://launchpad.net/products/envy09:39
shinigamiso..meanwhile care to tell me the differences between..dapper and edgy09:39
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ubotuUbuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Edgy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseNotes09:39
d0dgenoiesmo: Ok, thanks09:39
noiesmod0dge, it can also uninstall drivers check the k=link09:39
dwidmannd0dge, the nvidia installer doubles as the uninstaller, , something like ./blahblahblah.bin --uninstall should work09:39
d0dgeOk I'll try that09:39
d0dgeBecause, last time I installed them, nvidia drivers worked, but now X server crashes every time I reboot09:40
d0dgeSo I need to use 'nv' driver or 'vesa'09:40
dwidmannd0dge, give envy a shot first ... it's a great piece of work :)09:40
BlueDevilis firefox2 in any dapper repos?09:41
dwidmannif it i s, it would be in dapper-backports or dapper-security09:41
codytd0dge: as a "quick fix" you can revert to the previous xorg.conf that hastn' been touched by the install yet.09:41
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d0dgecodyt: Yeah I've done that..09:41
d0dge'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and then 'nv' drivers09:42
d0dgeIt works, but when I select nvidia and reboot, It doesn't :(09:42
[StingRay] Hi, stdin :)09:42
d0dgeBut I'll try envy09:42
stdinhay [StingRay]  :)09:43
BlueDevildwidmann: in the wiki it says it's available in backports for dapper, but can't find it09:44
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[StingRay] stdin, I successfully remapped the keyboard layouts ;)09:44
stdin[StingRay] : cool, so you finally have everything working now?09:45
dwidmannBlue devil, do you have the dapper-backports repository enabled?09:45
[StingRay] Hot exactly, stdin. I am very displeased with wine's window handling. Some of the windows are not visible on alt-tab funcion, the order windows are opened is a mess :(.09:45
[StingRay] stdin, I have reeducate the users...09:46
dwidmannd0dge, you _have_ to use nvidia-xconfig to reconfigure x to use nvidia, otherwise it just plain won't work.09:46
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stdin[StingRay] : so can you sleep at night now, without worrying about users fscking up :P09:47
BlueDevildwidmann: yes09:47
[StingRay] :D, stdin. There are no night shifts, so sleeping is fine.09:48
dwidmannBlueDevil, and you've apt-get updated, then apt-get install firefox, or perhaps firefox2 (or something), whatever they felt like calling the package09:48
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BlueDevildwidmann: i've used synaptic, but yes, those were the actions09:49
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[StingRay] I will carry out some tests to see how gnome handles the windows..., stdin09:49
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stdin[StingRay] : eww, gnome :P09:50
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dwidmannI'm not sure then bluedevil ... I upgraded to edgy right after it was released09:52
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dwidmannin fact, I'm preparing to make an early move to feisty now ...09:52
BlueDevilnp, thanks for the help09:52
[StingRay] stdin,...my first impressions were on ubuntu...will keep you informed about the progress ;)09:52
codytdwidmann: what are the major differences?09:53
dwidmannas usual, updated software09:53
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stdin[StingRay] : it sounds like an interesting project, you could maybe put the steps on the ubuntu wiki :)09:53
dwidmannI'm not sure what all else is in the works, I'm sure there is something though09:54
caris_mereCan somebody help me with a few QT questions?09:54
codytI'll have to look into it later.09:54
dwidmanncaris_mere, I can try09:54
caris_meredwidmann: thanks.  There are a few programs I would like that require QT4, but I think I only have QT3...09:55
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caris_meredwidmann: Can I upgrade? Is it easy?  Any tips?09:56
dwidmanncaris_mere, it's easy if you're using edgy, might not be on dapper though09:56
caris_meredwidmann: I'm using dapper09:57
dwidmannI think what needs to be installed are the libqt4* packages09:57
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dwidmannIf you see them on dapper then it will be easy, on the other hand, if you don't see them, it'll be more difficult09:58
ramanuj_vbetool[4182] :segfault at 00000000000054d1 rip oooooooooo4256f3 rsp09:58
ramanuj_this mesg is coming every time my system is booting up09:58
ramanuj_this mesg is coming every time my system is booting up09:59
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ramanuj_what may be the reason09:59
stdinafaik you just need "libqt4-core" "libqt4-gui" "libqt4-sql" and probably "libqt4-qt3support" to get Qt4 on dapper09:59
[StingRay] stdin, it would be a good idea if there were not so many workarounds...it is not professional. I cannot explain to the users why xmodmap under tightvnc is mapping the wrong keys...and etc.09:59
dwidmanncaris_mere, to figure it out, search for libqt4 in adept, or use apt-cache search libqt409:59
caris_meredwidmann: They are in adept. Do I need to uninstall qt3 first, or can I just install qt4?09:59
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dwidmannstdin: probably, I figured core and gui at the least09:59
dwidmanncaris_mere: NO10:00
dwidmanncaris_mere, in fact, that could really cause problems to try to remove that10:00
caris_meredwidmann: I figured10:00
codytcaris_mere: many packages may rely specifically on qt3 as apposed to qt410:00
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caris_mereCan I have both?10:00
stdincaris_mere: yes, you can have both installed10:01
caris_mereah, ok, So I can just install them now and things might work? :-)10:01
dwidmannFeisty changes: it looks like ubiquity has been ported to qt4, zeroconf is enabled by default, more systemsettings changes, some more changes in default applications ... password boxes use bullets instead of asterisks, changes to power management10:01
dwidmanncaris_mere: yep10:01
caris_meredwidmann: thanks10:02
caris_merethanks everybody10:02
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caris_mereOne more questions, do I need libqt4-qt3support?10:03
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stdinI think that just allows Qt3 apps to run on Qt4, so it may not be *needed*10:05
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caris_mereok, I won't install it10:05
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mefisto__noiesmo: still have my login problem. I created a new user, no different. BUT when I tried to use apt-get, got an error about my sources.list, which turned out to be junk contents, not text. Probably has happened to other files too (when I first ran fsck it "fixed" lots of files)10:14
noiesmomefisto__, maybe the hdd had a major failure maybe get manufacture diagnoics tool for hdd ad test your drive10:18
noiesmomefisto__, had a drive crap out was replaced under warranty10:19
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mefisto__is there a way to reinstall installed packages with apt-get?10:19
noiesmomefisto__, yes apt-get install --reinstall packagename10:20
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mefisto__yes but which packages? can I do something like -reinstall all (to reinstall whatever is already installed)?10:21
noiesmomefisto__, no there's no way I know to just apt-get everypackage10:21
mefisto__can apt-get list installed packages?10:22
noiesmoyou can do dpkg-query -l to ge a list of packages installed10:22
mefisto__OK thanks10:22
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usemodygood morning @all10:24
noiesmomefisto__, np good luck10:24
usemodyneed help .......by initializing ircservices 4 my fresh installed ircd-ircu server10:24
mefisto__any other advice, other than reinstalling kubuntu?10:25
usemodyhow can i become on that memoserv chanserv and nickserv10:25
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noiesmomefisto__, you could rebuild otherwise a reinstall did you do a seperate user home partiton when you installed10:27
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mefisto__noiesmo: yes, separate home partition10:27
mefisto__what do you mean by "rebuild"?10:28
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noiesmomefisto__, get in recovery mode and then just reinstall major packages such as X Gnome etc10:29
mefisto__noiesmo: I have little idea which packages are major ones. Is there a list I can refer to somewhere?10:30
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mefisto__noiesmo: I might try reinstalling X first. Is that "xserver-xorg" ?10:31
noiesmomefisto__, no list and yes do xserver-xorg10:31
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mefisto__noiesmo: I have dapper installed. what if I try to upgrade to edgy? Is it worth trying with apt-get? Or is it likely to cause more headaches than it solves?10:33
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noiesmomefisto__, that might be the go you got headaches now with install10:34
noiesmomefisto__, i upgrade from dapper to edgy no maor drama10:35
noiesmomefisto__, had to reinstall nvidia but other than that no reall probs10:35
mefisto__noiesmo: can I use apt-get to upgrade from edgy cd, rather than download everything?10:35
noiesmomefisto__, not 100% I normally just use the net10:36
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mefisto__noiesmo: how much free space would I need?10:37
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intelikeyanybody know what device node this would be ?    Error: Cannot gain SYS_RAWIO capability.Is cdrecord installed SUID root?10:38
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noiesmomefisto__, prob about a gig as packages will be replaced10:38
intelikeyburned is scd0    scsi address is 0,4,0 ?10:39
intelikeyburner that is.10:39
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larson9999is flash 9 final in the repositories yet?10:40
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:41
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ubotuflash9 is available from dapper-backports and edgy-backports now, see !backports10:41
intelikeydon't know is if it's "final" or not.10:41
intelikeyanyone know what the raw device node would be for dev/scd0  ?10:42
intelikeyis it sg something ?10:42
intelikeyi'm thinking sg   help me out here...10:43
larson9999intelikey: sure.  i have that installed but it's not the final version.  at least it wasn't10:43
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intelikeyhope it's not sr0  heh that's just a symlink to scd0 ...10:45
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codythmm, no IP masking..10:45
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gnarliehow usable is feisty herd 2?10:48
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codytis a fresh install of kubuntu likely to get exploited/hacked/etc?10:50
ForgeAuscodyt? how/why would it?10:51
stdinnope, not a chance in hell :P10:51
codytWell, I'm pretty new to linux.10:52
ForgeAuslinux isnt like XP10:52
codytI've only had my linux box connected to the internet for about a month now.10:52
codytI've noticed. (:10:52
stdina fresh install is _extremely_ secure10:52
ForgeAusits less spyware/virus prone10:52
stdinless = immuse10:53
codytmy XP lags when I right-click on my desktop. (I keep it for my mom)10:53
codytshe's far from being tech-savvy, and doesn't like change.10:53
jason_I have my pc set up so it dual boots windows and kubuntu, but a couple days ago windows totaly screwed up, how would i uninstall it and reinstall it? repairing it doesnt do anything, so i need to delete the partion, but i dont know whitch one is kubuntu and witch one is windows, how could i find out?10:53
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justin_hello, anyone can help me?10:54
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codytjustin_, you'll have to be a little more specific.10:55
stdinhey jason_  :)10:55
justin_my wireless USB adapter always goes to sleep10:55
justin_hello, codyt10:55
codytmm, I'm not the right guy for that one.10:55
stdinjason_: open Konsole and use this command to see "sudo fdisk -l"10:56
justin_it will be down after a while non-attended, and I cannot bring it up10:56
stdinjason_: the windows one will have "NTFS" by it, ie not the Linux or "Linux swap / Solaris"10:57
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justin_the green LED on the adapter normally shows green when it's active10:57
justin_but when it's down, no LED at all.10:57
jason_is that -l or -1?10:57
stdinlower case L10:58
justin_the problem is I used every method I know to bring it up, but nothing happened.10:58
jason_ok, thx10:58
justin_thanks codyt anyway10:58
gnarlieanyone using feisty herd 2?10:58
codytsorry I couldn't be of help.10:58
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stdingnarlie: yep10:58
gnarliestdin: how is it?10:58
gnarlieany critical bugs?10:58
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stdingnarlie: it's quite stable for me (tm), but you should remember it's still alpha and can break at any time :P10:59
justin_Knnten Sie mich helfen10:59
jason_its the first one,11:00
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ForgeAusyou trademarked yourself?11:00
jason_i'll do it tomorrow, its 2am here11:00
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stdinForgeAus: no, the "for me" part :P11:01
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nate_so ive just installed edgy, and theres only 1000 items a availible? in dapper i had over 1800011:02
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ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT11:02
ForgeAusnate perhaps the repositories you were using?11:03
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stdinnate_: enable your repositories11:03
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu11:03
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justin_anyone can help me with my wireless adaptor11:03
ForgeAushmm pydance for edgy needs to be patched, but its ok with feisty... strange!11:04
nate_i have enable all the "standard repos", and i didnt have any other repos in dapper but the standard ones11:04
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nate_also, whats this problem11:04
nate_he following packages have unmet dependencies:11:04
nate_  libgtk2.0-0: Depends: libgtk2.0-bin (>= 2.10.6-0ubuntu3) but 2.10.6-0ubuntu1 is installed11:04
nate_  python-soya: Depends: python-imaging-tk but it is not installed11:04
nate_E: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f.11:04
ForgeAusnate, sounds wierd11:04
nate_im trying to upgrade and they are the only 2 hicups so far11:04
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stdintry "sudo apt-get -f install" in Konsole11:05
nate_nate@NATIOUS:~$ apt-get -f install11:05
nate_E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)11:05
nate_E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?11:05
nate_oh yep now its working11:05
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nate_thanks, do you have any good how too's to get beryl working i have a nvidia 7900GS 512mb11:06
ForgeAusthe su in sudo stands for superuser right?11:06
ForgeAusnate, theres a repository for beryl11:06
stdinSuperUserDO :)11:06
nate_yep i know about the beryl repo's11:06
ForgeAusdo? as in the english word do (ie do this do that?)11:06
rjian@update kubuntu11:06
ForgeAusso instead of being sudo like how you say pseudo, its sudo as in soodoo!...11:07
rjianwats the command on the bot?11:07
nate_i could never get beryl to work indapper, somone in here suggested using edgy, so here i am, ive update/upgraded, now where do i go?11:07
stdinForgeAus: yep "do" as in "let's do it"11:07
=== fora voltou.
nate_is this safve to use http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26385111:07
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stdinhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/Xgl https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/InstallingBeryl << in that order11:08
nate_i breifly read somewhere i dont need xgl with edgy and nvidia?11:09
stdinnate_: I theink it depends where you got the driver from11:09
nate_i havnt downloaded any driver yet11:10
ForgeAusxgl or um agx orwhatever the other tla is11:10
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ForgeAusedgy does have something inbuilt but its not xgl or something...11:10
nate_the only sucess with my card ive had is if i download the driver using the envy script (this is in dapper) nvidia-glx dud11:10
stdinnate_: I know the download from nvidia can use AIGLX, but I don't think the ubuntu package can use it yet11:10
ForgeAusahh thats it AIGLX11:10
ForgeAuswait thats not a tla tho! my bad! rofl11:11
nate_nvidia-glx never worked for me11:11
nate_it installs, but nothing changes11:11
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stdinnate_: you have to enable it11:11
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naseri need help11:11
nasersomebody can help me in kubuntu ???11:12
stdindon't know until you ask11:12
ForgeAusnasser, what about kubunutu?11:12
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:12
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ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:12
nate_is there a 686smp kernel for edgy?11:12
stdinnate_: the -generic kernel is what you want11:13
nate_i have a core duo11:13
stdinnate_: yep, the -generic kernel id what you want11:13
ubotuBackground to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed)11:13
naseri have kubuntu and want to install source packages11:13
nate_686smp ripped the standard 386 in dapper11:14
naserall the packages need a lot of things like qt3 c++ gcc ...11:14
naserhow i can install software in easy was ??11:14
codytis either AMD or Intel "better" for running linux as a desktop?11:14
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stdinnate_: the 686 and the smp kernels are all part of the -generic one now11:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 3gp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:14
stdin!compile | naser11:14
ubotunaser: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)11:14
stamenwho can recomend me a program which converts 3gp11:14
ForgeAusnasser easiest way is if its available under ADEPT to do it that way...11:15
ForgeAusit will fill in the dependancies and load them for you...11:15
nate_oh ok, so im already using it by default, or is there somthing where i have to select it?11:15
stamento somthing playable in linux and win11:15
nate_is there a terminal command to see what kernel im using11:15
stamenand the program ocourse must be used in linux11:15
ForgeAusbut if its a customized package, you may have to install dependancy bits, and then the package afterwards...11:15
stdinnate_: no, it configures itself automatically :)11:15
stdinnate_: uname -r11:15
naserthank you ForgeAus very mush11:15
naserand thank all11:16
nate_nate@NATIOUS:~$ uname -r11:16
nate_it seems to load slower at the start than in dapper11:16
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stdinnate_: the -generic kernel is for any processor, 386, 686, k7, smp ....11:17
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nate_are there any tweaks/mods i can do to speed things up?11:17
ForgeAuslol you could always go lunar linux and run through menu-driven kernel modifications! rofl11:17
stdinnate_: it detects the processor you have and configured itself automatically at boot11:17
ForgeAusbut that takes a long time and asks questions that are quite.. um high-end and so many of them it gets annoying as hell11:17
nate_hrmm, well i guess ill give beryl ago now, have you got it working (stdin)11:18
ForgeAusberyl uses 2 keys I can't use from in VMware11:19
ForgeAuscontrol+alt (together)11:19
stdinnate_: yeah, I have AIGLX and Beryl working great on an Intel chip :)11:19
ForgeAusI could always alter the keycombos tho11:19
naserall the ubuntu packages working in kubuntu ??11:19
nate_as in intel gmaXXXX or intel cpu?11:19
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naserall the ubuntu packages working in kubuntu ????11:20
stdinnate_: Intel GPU (graphics chip)11:20
mineurnaser: yes :)11:20
stdinnaser: Kubuntu IS Ubuntu, just with KDE instead of Gnome, all the packages are the same11:20
ForgeAusnaser for that sense ubuntu = kubuntu11:20
mineurForgeAus: those keys are configurable11:20
nate_should i nvidia-glx in adpet, or use the envy script? or eventualy they are both the same?11:21
ForgeAusmineur yeah I know...11:21
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naseran what the different things between edry and dapper and ... ??11:21
ForgeAusnaser they're just versions11:22
stdinnate_: the ubuntu package will be updated when the kernel is updated, with the envy script you will have to recompile it everytime you get a kernel update, if you are comfortable with it, then use that, if not then go with the ubuntu package11:22
ForgeAusearlier there were ones like badger, now its dapper drake -> edgy eft -> fiesty herd...11:22
mineurand for the one concerned about beryl... I got Beryl with aiglx on an intel 855 graphical chip11:22
administrator__hello all11:22
nate_are there any diffecenes, do  they end up installing the same driver?11:23
ForgeAusits like windows codemanes like cairo whistler memphis11:23
stdinnate_: the envy one is more up-to-date11:23
mineurnate_: there's no difference, just a different window manager... but that's not the core of your OS :)11:23
nate_so what do you recommend then11:23
mineurjust a matter of preference11:23
mineurlook at some screenshots11:24
mineursee what you like best.. gnome or kde11:24
mineurpersonally I'm a kde fan :)11:24
ForgeAusme 211:24
ForgeAusxfce is another option (ie xubuntu)11:24
stdinKDE RICKS!! :)11:24
nate_i like KDE, but ive made a move from osx86 and XP11:24
stdinROCKS :P11:24
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ForgeAusosx86 I have yet to get into11:25
mineurso I'd suggest kubuntu, especially if you're not experienced11:25
ForgeAusI'm looking towards it at some point tho11:25
mineurkde just looks better imho :d11:25
ForgeAuskubuntu is mostly easy and fun11:25
stdinI like to customise the c**p out of my desktop, so I go with KDE :P11:25
mineurtrue, everything worked out of the box here on my laptop11:25
ForgeAusyeah I agree mineur xfce is minimal but a bit less user-friendly11:25
mineurI used to have fluxbox on my debian11:26
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mineurthat's minimal hehe11:26
ForgeAusfluxbox, enlightenment, amiwm... they're all kewl11:26
ForgeAusin their own ways11:26
naseri want c compiler to make console software what i have to do ??11:26
ForgeAusIceWM is another11:26
stdinenlightenment is a kool WM11:26
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ForgeAusits kinda strange11:27
ForgeAusvery configurable tho11:27
stdinnaser: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware11:27
ForgeAuscurrently I like how small/simple/useful amiwm is11:27
ForgeAusemulates the commodore Amiga workbench11:27
codytI haven't really tried a distro that I didn't like.11:27
mineurnaser: install the gcc packet and you're set11:27
ForgeAusWindowMaker is also ok11:27
codytThen again, I've only tried LinSpire,  Gentoo, and Kubuntu.11:27
stdinmineur: what about make, g++, cpp ........?11:28
ForgeAusLinSpire is ok its much like kubuntu's kde interface11:28
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mineurI started with redhat... 5.2 or 5.1 I think... stayed with it until 6.something then I went on to other distro's :d11:28
ForgeAusbecause it uses kde itself11:28
snowrichardhad linspire pre-installed on a computer I got from walmart once.  Dumped it for Mandriva I think11:28
ForgeAusand both are based on debian11:28
mineurstdin: don't they come with the gcc packet?11:28
codytYeah. I'd probably prefer Kubuntu because LinSpire reminded me of Windows.11:28
ForgeAusbut kubuntu is more a ubuntu debian than linspires debian11:29
ForgeAuslol I don't mind windows...11:29
stdinmineur: no, you just install build-essential it installs them all11:29
ForgeAusmandriva is one I want to try11:29
ForgeAustoo big to d/l tho :(11:29
snowrichardyou can do a net install11:29
codytI don't mind windows when I'm the only one who uses it.11:29
larson9999ForgeAus: commodore! nothing wrong with that.  i'll check it out11:29
=== stdin can't stand windows any more
codytin my absense, my family members and others tend to get plenty of spyware adware and etc11:30
ForgeAuslarson9999 yeah nothing wrong with it but its pretty simplistic/featureless/unconfigurable11:30
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mineurI'm stuck with windows on my desktop, for my master thesis, need to develop software for windows mobile :)11:30
ForgeAusnot much you'd need to configure/change about it but still11:30
mineurbut once that's done, kubuntu on my dekstop!11:31
snowrichardmy family and friends call me to fix their windows systems.  One of my friends  had messed hers up again and had also scratched the windows disk I gave her.  I gave her debian this time. :)11:31
ForgeAusi wish I could make my zipslack a kubuntu install instead!11:31
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snowrichardshe's using Open Office and she can get on the net11:31
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codytMy linux box outperforms my windows box, and my windows box has better specs.11:32
snowrichardand play her slot machine games so shes happy11:32
ForgeAusslot machine games?11:32
codytBut, the windows box has spyware and such that hogs resources.11:32
ForgeAuswhich ones does linux have?11:32
snowrichardits a java net app11:32
ForgeAusoh IC11:32
snowrichardfreeslots.com or something11:32
mineurwish I could get my family to use linux.... would save me alot of time on the phone and such11:32
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ForgeAusI might check it out sometime11:33
ForgeAusmy mother will love you for it :)11:33
mineurbtw, is there an alternative for karamba?11:33
larson9999mineur: i solved that problem by charging for windows support but not linux support(for family that is)11:33
codytmineur, I agree with you there.  Been trying to get my mom to start using my box.11:33
rjianadministrator__: its me sevilla u can ask question here..11:33
snowrichardmy mom installs her own hardware now11:34
codytI wish I could say that.11:34
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codytI can't even get my mom to install a PCI card.11:34
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stdinmy mother doesn't know what a mother board is :P11:34
snowrichardshe's got a Doctorate in Education, she didn't just fall off the turnip truck.  She's retired now11:34
mineurI can't even hand a screwdriver to my mom to get the case open.... so not letting her touch anything :)11:34
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ForgeAussomeone should make a live CD of an enlightenment-based ubuntu... or a fluxbox ubuntu ... or a windowmaker ubuntu lol ...11:35
larson9999for hardware i just go there and watch them as i tell them what to do.  if they'd rather be the one watching, i charge for my time.  :)11:35
ForgeAuseubuntu sounds too confusing with edubuntu tho11:36
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codytI've tried enlightenment, but I don't care for the feeel11:36
codythaven't tried windowmaker or fluxbox, though.11:36
ForgeAusit took me a long time to get used to enlightenment11:37
codytYeah, it's very different.11:37
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codytI did like some of it's features, but not the general feel.11:37
ForgeAusand even then I didn't have any apps installed that it seemed to notice... so all I was doing was configuring enlightenment itself11:37
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mineurbefore fluxbox I did use enlightenment, but if I'd go back now, I'd have to learn everything again11:37
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larson9999i like the look and feel of windows.  so i configure everything to look like it.  my xbuntu box looks pretty much like my kde box11:38
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mineurand with kde I can let someone else chek their mail on my pc, it's a more familiar look11:38
ForgeAuskde can be very windows-like11:38
ForgeAusor very OSX-like! lol11:38
mineurat least you don't have to klick start to shut it down :p11:39
larson9999actually, it's more that i'm used to it.  i don't see the need to move stuff for the sake of moving it.11:39
ForgeAusI like how you can put the menus up the top of the screen like MacOS11:39
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ForgeAuslol mine I always thought that was strange too11:39
ForgeAusalso FILE menu's11:39
=== mineur likes Beryl with the macOS like animations.... :d
ForgeAusthey should be application or program menus mostly11:39
codytMeh, I'm picky about things using up space on my desktop.11:39
larson9999ForgeAus: and i like how you can leave them at the bottom :)11:39
codytHave my panels set to be hidden.11:40
ForgeAussure you SAVE or LOAD or OPEN a file... but you don't necessarily EXIT a file to close the program11:40
onewhy doesnt work ssl on this irc server ?11:40
naseri try to use klik software (to install software in one click) but i cant install any software :S11:40
mineuryou're telling big secrets here one? :)11:40
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larson9999funny, on the mainframe i like the command line at the top11:40
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onemineur it is my fault or does the server doesnt support ssl ?11:41
mineuryay another Belgian guy :p11:41
Linux_GaloreI cant seem to get libqt2-mt-dev to install11:41
mineurit's the server I guess11:41
codytI keep my konsole borderless, streched across the bottom of the screen just above my main panel11:41
Linux_Galorekeeps running me around in circles11:41
pip`Belgium ROCKS11:41
naser i try to use klik software (to install software in one click) but i cant install any software :S11:41
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naserhow can i install it ??11:41
mineursometimes :)11:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hlurm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:42
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stamenwhat was the program for console to see the network badth11:42
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Linux_Galoreapt keeps complaining about mesa libs then I look at the libs and the repo seems to have conflicts in file version11:42
=== badth` hops..
=== snowrichard goes for more coffee
codytany recommended IRC clients aside from Konversation and XChat?11:44
onegaim ?11:45
larson9999Linux_Galore: libqt2-mt-dev doesn't even show for me when i do apt-cache search libqt.  only 3 and 411:45
codytOoo, i had forgotten about irssi11:45
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Linux_Galorelarson9999: libqt3-mt-dev  no one uses qt2 anymore11:46
larson9999Linux_Galore: actually only libqt3-mt-dev when i put in the mt11:46
larson9999linux_: oh, you said 2.11:46
Linux_Galorelarson9999: yeah, but it then complains about mesa, If i look at mesa the dev package doesnt match the common package version11:46
snowrichardtry updating your package list?11:47
Linux_Galoredone all that, still getting package version conflicts11:47
larson9999Linux_Galore: it installed for me with no probs11:47
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larson9999Linux_Galore: which mesa dev package?11:48
mineurI wish kopete would extend their dcop interface :(11:49
Linux_Galoregood example libglu1-mesa  is  6.5.1-20060824   libglu1-mesa-dev is 6.5.1-20060817  they conflict for some reason, I cant get qt-mt-dev in because it cant get mesa to match up11:49
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larson9999Linux_Galore: both of those packages are installed here, too.11:52
Linux_GaloreI get libqt3-mt-dev: Depends libglimesa-dev   it makes no sense11:52
Linux_Galoresorry libg1imesa-dev11:52
Linux_Galoresorry libg1mesa-dev11:52
Linux_Galoregot that installed11:53
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Linux_Galorelarson9999: second mesa one wont install, spits the dummy11:54
mineuris there another msn client then amsn which offers the auto-message feature when someone messages me?11:55
larson9999time to make the doughnuts11:55
mineurI wanted to make it myself for kopete with a shellscript and dcop... but the dcop interface for kopete doesn't provide enough functionality :(11:56
Linux_Galorebloody kubuntu repo has a package conflict, ffs11:56
Linux_Galoreif youy update the mesa packages make sure the bloody dev ones match11:56
codytneat, a debian livecd for PS311:59
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naseri install dpkg package (dpkg -i <package name.deb> how to delete this package ??12:06
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mineurapt-get remove package12:07
nate_alrighty im back and yay i got it working12:08
nate_but it only works under 16colours? and its not as smooth as i was hoping :(, i mean i have a killer systems, is there some things im missing12:08
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ForgeAusI can't wait till trillian goes astra!12:10
ForgeAusif/when it does that is12:10
naserthe package name is limewire how to delete it /?12:10
ForgeAusthere *may* be a linux port then12:10
codytI do like trillian, but it has some bugs.12:10
nate_alrighty i got beryl working, but its only working in 16colours, and dosnt seem as smooth as i was hoping this is on edgy using built in AIGXL12:10
codytesp. with file transfer.12:10
ForgeAusmost of that should be fixed for the astra release but you never know12:11
ForgeAusproblem is its shareware (there might be a free vers but there WILL be a pay one too12:11
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codytor, in my ex's case, any time she pastes a link, it's broken into pieces, or is random characters.12:11
codytYeah.. I can't see myself paying so that I can use some pro-only skins.12:12
codytthat, and plugins, I think it was.12:12
ForgeAusthe free version is ok, I just didn't like how it didn't support yahoo profiles thats all12:13
ForgeAusthe pro version is much more lush I must admit but funtionally aside from plugins, nothing too far wrong with it12:13
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codytNah, I like it.12:13
ForgeAusjust some webcam/voice/file transfer stuff doesn't work depending on what network you conenct to12:13
codytdidn't pay for it, but I like it.12:13
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codytfile transfer was the only thing I had trouble with, but I never really tried mic||cam.12:14
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crazy_busMy KDE taskbar crashed and wont reopen.  I don't want to reboot and I was wondering what command I could type to load it again12:17
ForgeAusI think thats it12:18
codytI think so.12:18
ForgeAusbut no guarantees it wont crash again12:18
crazy_busthanks it loaded12:18
draremcan i set up my kubuntu laptop to have a static IP?12:18
ForgeAusdrarem probably12:19
ForgeAusin system settings somewhere12:19
ForgeAusif theres no network settings its probably int eh advanced section you'll need administrator mode to CHANGE anything tho12:19
mineurof course drarem in system settings12:20
tobi_I want to copy a folder into another, but I am not the owner. Login as root is not allowed, any idea to handle this prob?12:20
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mineurwith sudo12:20
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codytif you had sudo access, otherwise you'd have to talk to the administrator.12:21
codythave, not had.12:21
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tobi_i can use sudo, but what is the command to copy a folder into another?12:21
stdincp -r directory otherdirectory12:22
codyter, yeah.12:22
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naseri have a lot of dpkg files and hard to install it-how i can install it automatic ??12:23
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codytuse your manpages when you can.    "man -k copy" would search for commands that have "copy" in the description.12:23
stdinnaser: if they are all in 1 directory, you can do this "sudo dpkg -i *.deb"12:24
tobi_codyt: i will , thx12:24
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tobias_what is jack lib?12:24
tobias_and why does wine wine about it and say my soundcard sucks and I should install jack lib?12:24
tobias_oh Im in the wrong chan12:25
tobias_I joined #winehq12:25
tobias_but forgot to change the channel window12:25
tobias_I love kubuntu! I got heroes3 to work in wine, until it crashed and wined about jack lib12:26
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stdin!find libjack12:26
ubotuFound: libjack0.100.0-0, libjack0.100.0-dev, libjackasyn-dev, libjackasyn012:26
codytstdin, where is that searching?12:27
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stdinedgy probably12:27
codytno jacklib in my apt-cache12:27
stdincodyt: libjack not jacklib :)12:28
codytoh well.12:28
codytyeah, I typed it correctly in konsole.12:28
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stdin!info libjack0.100.0-012:28
ubotulibjack0.100.0-0: JACK Audio Connection Kit (libraries). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.101.1-1 (edgy), package size 69 kB, installed size 244 kB12:28
stdinit's in universe12:29
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naserin konsole -i am in /home/user/Desktop - how can i go to /home/user ??12:29
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ForgeAuscd ../user12:29
ForgeAuscd ..12:30
stdinnaser: "cd" will go to your home dir12:30
stdinnaser: "cd .." will go one directory up12:30
codytand to think I had been typing "cd ~"12:30
ForgeAus(I didn't realize Desktop was under /user/ besides its probably usr...12:30
stdin~ = $HOME12:30
stdinyou can also do "cd $HOME" :P12:31
ForgeAusor cd ~12:31
codyttoo much work.12:31
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ForgeAushey Chris :)12:31
Christoph_vWwhich kernel is kubuntu using?12:31
KabalI've downloaded 7.04 herd2 but install icon on desktop won't work.. install is not started.. anyone know about this?12:31
stdinChristoph_vW: depends which version of kubuntu you install12:31
Christoph_vWI need a at least or above12:31
codytYou can update thte kernel, as well.12:32
stdinKabal: #ubuntu+1 for feisty issues12:32
Christoph_vWno, I can not update when I can not install12:32
Kabalstdin: thanx12:32
stdinEdgy has 2.6.17, feisty is on 2.6.20 atm12:32
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ForgeAusstdin just curious is there a diff between edgy and edgy eft?12:33
ForgeAusor is edgy just short for edgy eft?12:33
stdinForgeAus: just shorter to type :)12:33
Christoph_vW2.6.20 should support my hardware12:33
stdinlike feisty is feisty fawn12:34
codythrm, edgy  universe is in my sources.list12:34
stdindapper = dapper dreke12:34
ForgeAusfiesty fawn? I thought it was fiesty herd12:34
codytbut no libjack12:34
stdinForgeAus: herd is the code for the alphas12:34
ForgeAusat first I thought herd had something to do with hurd!12:34
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stdinForgeAus: the two words always start with the same letter :)12:35
ForgeAusyeah in dapper drake and edgy eft they do12:35
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ForgeAusso is there going to be a beta of feisty? the release will be fawn?12:35
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stdinFeisty Fawn is the full name of Feisty12:36
codythrm, in my sources.list there's one line that says "edgy main restricted" and another that's "edgy universe"12:36
codytShould the universe be with the other one?12:36
ForgeAusyou can add multiverse to it too codyt if you want12:37
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu12:37
Linux_Galorecodyt: you can merge them by making it   edgy main restricted universe multiverse12:37
codytbut it isn't necessary?12:37
ForgeAusno not necessary12:37
codytDunno why it's not finding libjack, then.12:38
codytif libjack was in universe.12:38
ForgeAusthe only necessary bit is the deb reposurl and one of main restricted universe multiverse after it12:38
ForgeAusthey can be on separate lines or the same one... doesnt matter12:38
ForgeAusdebsrc is an option too..12:38
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erosscan i disable the touchpad on my laptop12:39
erossor reduce the sensitivity12:39
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ForgeAuseross that may depend on the laptop you have? I'm not sure12:39
Linux_Galorecodyt: ok there are 5 seperate core directories   edgy,  edgy-updates, edgy-backports, edgy-proposed, edgy-security , each on has a sub section called  main restricted universe multivers   so you should have 5 lines12:40
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ForgeAusedgy proposed? I didn't know about that one12:40
erossxorg.conf file?12:41
stdinyou don't need proposed, and it's not always used on releases, only on development versions12:41
Christoph_vWI only found one single mirror for feisty... and it is slow as hell12:41
ForgeAushmmm is synaptic (not the package manager) something to do with touchpads?12:41
stdinChristoph_vW: ALL the ubuntu mirrors have feisty on them12:41
Christoph_vWForgeAus: yes12:41
erossi see a synaptics touchpad, do i just comment out the entire block?12:42
ForgeAusmaybe eross would benefit from it...12:42
ForgeAuseross I suggest you read it before you comment it out12:42
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ForgeAusor better yet go into system settings and see if theres input device configuration in there (does the touchpad sensitivity equate to mouse sensitivity? you may be able to manage it there)12:43
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Linux_GaloreI have two extra lines that i usually add   deb  http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu    edgy-commercial  main    and    deb  http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/   edgy  free  none-free12:43
Christoph_vWas far as I can see only the US mirror has feisty12:44
Linux_GaloreForgeAus: not so legal codecs12:44
stdinChristoph_vW: every ubuntu mirror has feisty, all of them12:44
Linux_Galore<cough> dvd <cough>12:44
ForgeAusvlc gives you wmv codecks right?12:45
ForgeAusgrr codecs12:45
ForgeAusdamn typos12:45
Linux_GaloreForgeAus: no thats win32codecs12:45
stdinw32codecs provides wmv12:45
ForgeAushmmm I had to install vlc for it to work12:46
stdinKaffeine works with w32codecs12:46
Christoph_vWstdin: found in on the UK mirrow too - it is at least 8 times faster - but still slow12:46
ForgeAusI tried that... didn't work for some reason12:46
Linux_GaloreForgeAus: usually if you have xine  xine-extracodecs  and mplayer and vlc installed you should be able to play just about anything12:46
ForgeAusLinux I do have all them12:47
ForgeAuseverything works now12:47
ForgeAusthat I've tried12:47
stdinChristoph_vW: trust me here, all the mirrors have it, they all just sync with the main ubuntu one12:47
codytI just unstalled the mplayer's "all-in-one" package.12:47
Linux_GaloreForgeAus: only idiots use windows codecs in video rips12:47
ForgeAusI went to a site that had a relatively new version wmv file I wanted to see12:47
Linux_GaloreForgeAus: they are usually biger than xvid and lower res because it uses so cpu resources12:48
Linux_Galoreso much*12:48
ForgeAuswell I can always convert them if I want to d/l or something12:48
ForgeAusbut all I wanted to do was view12:48
ForgeAusits not upt o me WHAT codec they choose to encode it with12:48
ForgeAusI just have to have the appropriate one to view it12:48
codytand so many do use wmv.12:48
Linux_GaloreForgeAus: I swap stuff with friends and none of them have windows files12:49
Linux_Galorecodyt: never seen a wmv file yet at a swap meet12:49
codytthat's good12:49
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ForgeAusI agree its good!12:49
codytbut videos online are often in wmv12:50
Linux_Galorecodyt: got tons of stuff not one with wmv and no one has given me a wmv file in 6 years12:50
ForgeAusavi wmv mov avi and asf are formats I've come across commonly12:50
Linux_Galorecodyt: nope, mostly avi12:50
ForgeAusof course divx is implied in there somewhere I'm sure12:50
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Linux_Galoreavi,mp4,mkv  wmv is for nubes12:50
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codytI see more of mp(e)g than anything12:51
codytavi seconds that.12:51
Linux_Galoremkv is turning up allot lately12:51
codytnot one I'm familiar with.12:51
Linux_Galoreits used for anime12:52
codytthen again, I don't do a whole lot with video, seeing how I have a poor connection.12:52
ForgeAusoh yeah I forgot mpg/mpeg12:52
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ForgeAusI havn't heard of mkv till now12:52
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ForgeAusis that like a cbz cbr -like format for vids?12:52
codytI'd like to find a good resource for OGG files.12:52
Linux_Galorecodyt: wmv files are larger than most other file formats, so if you have dial up its a crap format to use12:52
ForgeAusLG sounds right12:53
codytThat may be true, but there aren't always options.12:53
ForgeAusI'm no fan of wmv12:53
ForgeAusI just needed it for some vids thats all12:53
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codytOh, agreed.12:53
Linux_Galorecodyt: dont laugh, most games use ogg for sound these days to avoid license costs12:53
ForgeAuscbz and cbr are basically just zip and rar files just for comic books12:53
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Linux_Galoreogg = free12:53
Linux_Galoremp3 = licensed12:53
ForgeAusis mkv a mpeg or divx or avi or something thats just for anime?12:54
codytogg sounds better for ripped sound, as well.12:54
Linux_GaloreForgeAus: no you get lots of movies that are avi12:54
codythave all my CDs on my hard drive.12:54
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Linux_GaloreI would say 80% of my stuff now is xvid.avi now12:55
Christoph_vWbtw. is multimonitor support working with nVidia cards on Linux?12:55
codytShould be.12:55
Christoph_vW(two Geforce cards, 3 monitors)12:55
Linux_GaloreChristoph_vW: yes, bit fidly though12:55
andreaswdepends on the bitrate12:55
andreasweven mp3s can sound transparent if you set the bitrate high enough12:56
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codytThat is true.12:56
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Linux_Galoreandreasw: not always, Ive seen people rip 192k that sound like rubbish because the system didnt have enough resources12:56
andreaswBut I also prefer ogg because I have a portable player which supports ogg vorbis so there is no reason to stay with mp312:56
codytogg's still free12:56
andreaswLinux_Galore: for lame you need 254kb to make it sound transparent12:57
codytmp3s available for download are often 128kb12:57
Linux_Galoreyeah, 128k is total rubbish12:57
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Linux_Galorepeople who pay for it are fools12:57
codytplenty of artifacts.12:57
codytA lot of people can't tell the difference.12:57
codytI got use to CD quality, though.  So I can't stand 128kbs mp3s.12:58
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Linux_Galorecodyt: Ive done that test and they "can", depends on what your using to play the stuff12:58
codytlet me rephrase that: Most people I've talked to say they can't tell the difference.12:58
codytmy brother, on the other hand, who has a good ear for music, hates mp3s.12:59
codytHe'd rather use 52MB .wav files.12:59
andreaswIt depends on the speakers or headphones if they here a difference or not12:59
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Linux_Galorecodyt: get a decent 7.1 system with good speakers and play 320k and 128k rips of the same song, trust me the difference is like apples and oranges12:59
codytwhich he does, but that's just because I haven't got him using FLAC or OGg yet.12:59
codytLinux_Galore, I have no trouble telling the difference with my $120 headphones.01:00
andreaswThe question is do I always need highest quality?01:00
Linux_Galorecodyt: I cant stand 128k its sounds flat to me01:00
andreaswwhen I run I don't need high quality01:00
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Linux_Galore160 and Im so so 192k and Im fine01:01
fr0stedhello. how can i check if kubuntu does support my processors hyper threading ?01:01
codytI'm a guitarist, and sound quality is everything to me.01:01
Linux_Galore320k and Im in heaven01:01
Linux_Galorecodyt: are you tone sensitive, ie you cant stand sitting there with a speaker not setup properly01:02
crazy_busI downloaded a .swf file and for some reason I can't play it.  Can anyone help me watch it?01:02
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Linux_Galorewhen they send me to hell I will spend eternity in front of a Walmart stereo01:02
codytmore than likely, but I haven't had a lot of experience with that.01:02
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andreaswfr0sted: well you have to activate it via a boot parameter01:03
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andreaswfr0sted: do you use edgy oder dapper?01:03
fr0stededgy is 6.10 ? (6.10 is what i use)01:03
andreaswyou need a smp kernel too01:03
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andreaswthats the generic one in edgy01:04
PhibreOptixHi guys01:04
PhibreOptixAnybody know why my ubuntu keeps freezing when I leave it idle?01:04
andreaswfr0sted: and you have to put ht=on to the boot options01:04
codytFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz  Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)01:04
codytFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/multiverse/source/Sources.gz  Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)01:04
fr0stedandreasw,  good question, is there a file that i have to edit ?01:05
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andreaswfr0sted: yes /boot/grub/menu.lst there you have to find the line that looks like kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.17-10-generic root=/dev/hda5 ro quiet splash01:06
andreaswfr0sted: hda5 could be something else for you01:06
fr0stedyes got it01:07
andreaswfr0sted: than you append ht=on01:07
fr0stedand on the same line with that i add ht=on01:07
andreaswfr0sted: behind splash01:07
fr0stedokie dokie01:07
andreaswDo you have more kernel versions than the generic one?01:07
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fr0stedhold on, i will tell u now :)01:07
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fr0stedalthough i dont think so cause thats whta my grub shows , generic only01:08
andreaswthan you can try your new config by rebooting01:08
andreaswand if things go wrong just boot in safe mode01:08
fr0stedno its the generic01:08
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andreaswok perfect01:09
fr0stedtitle           Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.17-10-generic , root            (hd1,0) ,kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.17-10-generic root=/dev/hdc1 ro quiet splash01:09
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fr0stedwell then there is recovery mode. but thats not what we need01:09
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andreaswyes that is the right kernel01:10
andreaswnow you only need the ht=on behind splash01:10
fr0steddid put it01:10
fr0stednext restart will show01:10
andreaswok hopefully we will see us again in a view seconds ^^01:11
fr0stedwill i see in the proccess table app , like 2 cpus running ?01:11
fr0stedehehehe :) i will reboot later .01:11
andreaswI have no idea I don't have a hyperthreading cpu01:11
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andreaswI am a poor student with an athlon-xp 2800+ ^^01:12
PhibreOptixAnybody know why my ubuntu keeps freezing when I leave it idle?01:12
intelikeywhat would a cdrecord command look like to add a second session to a cdr ?01:12
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andreaswPhibreOptix: Sorry I have no idea. Did you check your memory with memtest86+ so we can except a hardware defect01:13
codytPerhaps a bad screen saver?01:13
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intelikeyPhibreOptix check    ps -A x     i have see a bug that respawns something repetedly  "run away process"01:14
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andreaswor maybe powermanagement ;)01:15
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codytmaking fun?01:15
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PhibreOptixandreasw: Yes I did memtest it was fine01:15
andreaswPhibreOptix: hmm do you know whether strg + alt + f1 works to change to the console01:16
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andreaswPhibreOptix: just want to find out if only the GUI hangs or the hole operating system01:16
andreaswarg ctrl ^^01:16
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andreaswin german its called strg ;)01:16
PhibreOptixandreasw: It goes, and then when I type in my username to login, it freezes there aswell before asking for the password01:17
antonio_ciao qualcuno usa moblock?01:17
nasermy Sound Card was working 100% but now i cant play music in my system :S01:17
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naserhow i repire this problem ?01:17
andreaswPhibreOptix: could you find anything in the logs eg /var/log/messages01:17
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andreasw!it | antonio_01:18
ubotuantonio_: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!01:18
nasermy Sound Card was working 100% but now i cant play music in my system :S01:19
naserwhat to do ?01:19
andreaswcan you use the mixer?01:19
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andreaswnaser: are master and pcm unmuted?01:20
naseri dont understand :pcm01:20
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naserwhat mean pcm01:20
andreaswits for normal sound playback01:21
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andreaswopen the mixer and you will see it01:21
crazy_busI've downloaded a .swf which for some reason wont convert to theora.  What is a good player to watch it in?01:21
andreaswnaser: So both are unmuted?01:21
naseryes *01:22
andreaswnaser: Since when do you have the problem?01:22
codytcrazy_bus, linux.softpedia.com might have an SWF player listed01:22
PhibreOptixhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1932/   That's what happens each time before it freezes when it's idle01:22
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naserwhe i try to play song in xmms or in any playback01:22
naseri see this message :01:22
PhibreOptixcrazy_bus: You could just watch it locally through firefox01:23
naserplaease check that :your soundcard is configured properly you have to correct01:23
simon__is there any way to recive files with kopete?01:23
naseroutput plugin selected01:23
simon__i just get an error01:23
andreaswnaser: does sound in amarok work?01:23
naserNo other program is blocked the soundcard01:23
naserxmms -*01:23
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Synthetic_420ok, can someone help me please?01:25
naserno not amarok it's xmms01:25
codytwe can try01:26
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Synthetic_420i have ubuntu, but I tried to upgrade to kde01:26
Synthetic_420i installed all packages required01:26
andreaswnaser: yes but test it with amarok whether it works there01:26
Synthetic_420that is with KDE tag01:26
andreaswnaser: or try to use another output plugin in xmms like artsdsp01:26
naseri dont have sound not only in xmms but in all the system01:26
Synthetic_420and when it starts, the splash screen says Kubntu01:27
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Synthetic_420but, it's obviously still gnome01:27
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Synthetic_420lil help plz, gettin sick of gnome01:27
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PhibreOptixSynthetic_420: At the login screen, there is an option to change which display manager to use, are you sure that you ticket KDE instead?01:27
codytwhen you're logging in, under "menu" it should have "session type"  see if you can select KDE from there01:28
Synthetic_420lemme see *swiches session*01:28
andreaswnaser: yes but it is strange that you can use the mixer but don't have sound01:29
Synthetic_420oh, wait, ugh I hate gnome01:29
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codytmight be possible that there is a program running in the background that's locking the sound?01:30
codytone that didn't terminate properly.01:30
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=== intelikey doesn't dare mention kill* like sudo kill -9 -1
intelikeydon't try that  at home  601:31
intelikeybut killall blah   is not so bad01:31
codytlisting the processes first might help.01:32
intelikeyno need01:32
intelikeykillall artsd01:32
codytmight not be artsd, though.01:32
Christoph_vWyay... feisty detected my DVD drive01:33
intelikeytrue.  but if it's an app i bet it's using arts        "of course i could loose that bet"01:33
Christoph_vWand my NIC too :)01:33
codytgood point.01:33
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intelikeybut kill -9 -1 will get it    lol  >:] 01:34
codyt-9 -1?01:34
stdinso will shutdown -r now01:34
intelikeyyeah but i don't like to reboot01:35
stdininit 1 then01:35
Christoph_vWbut it did not detected my RAID set...01:35
lazcodyt: brilliant, thank you01:35
codytwhat'd I do?01:35
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Synthetic420codyt: brilliant, thank you01:35
Synthetic420can't beleive it was that simple01:36
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Synthetic420are there any other DEs that ubuntu supports?01:36
codytfluxbox, enlightenment, windowmaker01:36
codytsomething along those lines.01:36
Synthetic420which do you reccomend for a KDE fan?01:37
Synthetic420i'm trying to explore linux01:37
Synthetic420been too strict windwos01:37
intelikeyother than what ?    blackbox fluxbox kde icewm fvwm fvwm85 xfce4 twm 'nome ....   other than what ?01:37
codytI've used gnome, kde and enlightentment.01:37
codytyeah.. there are a few.01:38
codytForgot about blackbox, not famliar with most of the others.01:38
intelikeylist was not exhostive btw01:38
Synthetic420ok, lemme ask this, which has good looks, performance, software, wireless support, and battery support?01:38
andreaswa little bit offtopic but does someone know an open source shop software?01:38
Synthetic420* good battery support01:38
codytSynthetic420, you might just want to look at screenshots of the various window managers01:38
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Christoph_vWhow can I install on a RAID-0?01:39
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Synthetic420thx for the help01:39
codytMost of the ones I've looked at, I prefered the look of KDE.01:39
stdinChristoph_vW: I think you need to alternate CD for that01:39
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Christoph_vWI have it01:39
Synthetic420codyt: one last question, are they all supported on PPC also?  I'm runnin on an iBook01:39
codytthat I'm not sure of.01:40
draremsexcess!!!    http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14309501:40
Christoph_vWbut it displays SCSI1 and SCSI2 in partioning dialog01:40
Christoph_vWinstead of the Array01:40
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draremsynclient TouchpadOff=101:40
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Synthetic420alright, well thanks, I'll take a look and report if i like any01:40
codytalright. (:01:40
intelikeyanyone burn cd's from the commandline ?01:40
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codytcan't say that I have.01:41
intelikeywas wondering if there was anything i over looked here...01:42
intelikeycdrecord -tao -multi -waiti -eject dev=0,4,0  /dev/scd0  -data01:42
jbasilioanyone know technical details behind how kubuntu mounts removable media?  i've been tracking it like an ioslave but it doesn't appear to use this code01:42
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Christoph_vWI am using ICH8R (Intel Matrix RAID) in RAID-0 mode01:42
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stdinChristoph_vW: never installed on raid, but found  this http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/raid.html01:42
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Christoph_vWdoesn't help here :(01:43
codytMan, I wish I had the money to have a computer with RAID and such.01:43
codyttwo GeForce cards01:44
codyt3 monitors01:44
codytalthough, I am grateful to have the computer that I do have.01:44
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SoulKeeper_phi all01:44
codytMy brother's computer was put together with a bunch of old parts, and barely runs Win9801:44
Christoph_vWcodyt: I need to work with it - now I have a fast system - but no gcc...01:45
codytI'd really hate to have no gcc...01:45
Christoph_vWThe only system I managed to install on it was Windows Vista x64 so far - but gcc isn't working on Vista01:45
codytI probably won't even touch a Vista system for a year or so.01:46
dannybuntuwhats with the vista thing anyway?01:46
codytMom'll still be using XP (or hopefully linux), and I'll be using my Kubuntu01:46
dannybuntui mean vista is ridiculously expensive01:47
intelikeycodyt "My brother's computer was put together with a bunch of old parts,"   this one was too.   and as for the "barely runs Win98"   hehhe it'll run on this box but why would i ?     :)01:47
jbasiliocodyt: vista is pretty nice actually.  a little weird at first but i've been running media center on it with another PC and it never goes down (don't stress it too much)01:47
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jbasiliocodyt: raid is easy to setup within linux .. software raid that is.  maybe "easy" is a bit of an overstatement but it doesn't cost anything except the drive01:48
codytintelikey: I tried to boot up my LiveCDs on it, but I don't think his BIOS supports boot-from CD01:48
dannybuntucodyt: now that is old01:48
intelikeythat's what floppys are for01:48
dannybuntucodyt: boot from floppy?01:48
codytThat was going to be my next project.01:49
codytDidn't have the resources available at the time, had just got back home from FL, and all my stuff was still packed in bags.01:49
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intelikeyall you need is the kernel and initrd.img on the floppy and a syslinux "chainloader"01:49
intelikeyah wait.  initrd.img on a floppy    that's right ubuntu made that impossable01:50
codytyeah, but I wanted a graphical environment for him to use.01:50
intelikeythe initrd is like 4.5m uncompressed01:50
codytOnce I manage to get a job, and save up some money01:51
codytI'll build a new computer for myself, and give him this computer01:51
intelikeyyou'd need somebody else's kernel.  can't use a ubuntu kernel and boot from a floppy.01:51
Christoph_vWI just found a thread in debian forums about Intel RAID - the only answer was: use Linux software RAID instead01:51
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Christoph_vWbut then I can not dual boot with Windows anymore01:51
codytI have unpatched kernel sources.01:52
draremI need to format a harddrive with linux and send it to my brother - his went up in smoke - should I send him 6.06 or is 6.10 stable enough01:52
codytFrom when I updated my Gentoo to 2.6.1701:52
codytback then, I didn't have internet on this box01:52
codythad to move everything with CDRWs.01:52
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intelikey2.6.17 and "didn't have internet on this box"     eeek01:53
intelikeythat was like,  months ago01:54
waylandbillhigh tech sneaker net. :-D01:54
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codytI couldn't get this box to connect even when it was running windows that had been preconfigured.01:54
codytNever did resolve the issue.01:54
codytI got this box for free, because my brother-in-law thought it was worthless01:55
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codytAll the "experts" told him it had a bad powersource..01:55
intelikeygood price...01:55
codytBut, the heatsink onthe processor just needed to be cleaned out.01:55
codytTold him it sounded like it was getting overheated, but he didn't believe me.01:55
codytRuns great now.01:56
waylandbillnothing's worthless. you don't know how much it's worth to have a stress reliever and a hammer.01:56
mebsdwhich one is better between dvd and cd version?01:56
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codytHe had actually upgraded this a couple of times (outdated now)01:56
Christoph_vWthe RAID controller should work with dmraid - but how do I use it?01:57
vytautas"libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x42", is it fixable?01:57
codytAMD Athlon XP 1700, 512MB of RAM, 200GB HD space, and a GeForce FX 520001:57
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intelikeycodyt computers are "outdated" when they reach the store...    if you try to keep up M$ will have you right where they want you.01:57
codytI like that. (:01:58
stdinvytautas: no, it means you hardware doesn't support one of the openGL extentions, just ignore it01:58
vytautassad :P01:58
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stdinmebsd: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions#head-f7a1accd6e8e139773b9b334f964e209b6d9ff8401:58
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tibbar!samba tibbar01:59
ubotusamba: a LanManager-like file and printer server for Unix. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.22-1ubuntu4 (edgy), package size 2836 kB, installed size 7200 kB01:59
stdinvytautas: it's no big deal, I get that error01:59
intelikeysee the folks at M$ believe they should collect $1000.00  from every individule on the planet each year.     i disagree.  they got my $244.95   and that's all they ever will get from me.01:59
vytautasye, but i have err, "such thing" in blender01:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about share - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:59
vytautasits not very convenient01:59
codytI can honestly say I've never given any money to M$01:59
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stdincodyt: ever bought a PC with windows preinstalled ?02:00
codytThe XP box next to me is owned by my mother's boss, technically02:00
codytnever bought a PC period.02:00
waylandbillI was forced to... I give it to compaq and compaq gives it to M$. :-/02:00
intelikeycodyt you can't say you've been using computers for the last 27 years though can you ?02:00
codytThat'd be a neat trick.02:01
codytI'm only 1702:01
intelikeyok 20 years from now if you still haven't given M$ anything then you have bragging rights.02:02
codytwith what I've learned, though, I won't buy a prebuilt PC unless it's a No-OS, or a preinstalled Linux box.02:02
waylandbillthey make good input devices, but I bet that work is farmed out.02:02
xsport !      !  ! =)02:02
codytEven if it's preinstalled linux (probably red hat), I'll probably install the distro of my choice.02:03
ForgeAuscyalll trying zipslack outside of VMware02:03
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jbasiliocodyt: problem is some of the deals for hardware are cheap as hell ... i got a new computer for $300 a year ago ... cheaper than i could build it02:03
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intelikeyyou want a peek at my hardware ?02:04
jbasiliocodyt: they can lower their costs b/c of all the bundling and OEM stuff they get ... if you wipe and put linux you make out02:04
jbasiliocodyt: if you buy norton, AOL, etc etc their suppliers make out02:04
jbasiliocodyt: either way it's cheap and dependable hardware and you can still wipe it and put linux on it (and MS still made $$ on the deal)02:04
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waylandbilljbasilio: yup02:05
codytI've put some PCs together on paper, and came up with some pretty good ones for low prices02:05
codytDefinately cheaper than what I've seen elsewhere.02:05
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jbasilio$300 is pretty cheap!!02:05
codytNot to mention I'm *very* picky, and get to customize it if I build it myself.02:05
codytit is.02:06
jbasiliothat's always true .. (can be selective)02:06
intelikeyKernel: Linux 2.6.15-27-386 | Distro: Debian/GNU none | CPU: AMD-K6(tm) 3D processor @ 351 Mhz | Mem usage: 16.5/249.2 MB (7%) | Swap usage: unavailable | Disk usage(/dev/dev): 7.5/12.2 GB (61%) | Uptime: 15 hrs 29 mins 7 secs  |  Local Time: 07:06:29 CST | Connection:  Received: 0.0 KB,  packets Sent: 0.0 KB,  packets | Users: 0 | Load: 0.0002:06
jbasilioi used to be the same way.  but i've changed due to hardware reliability increasing02:06
intelikey$244 12 years ago ^02:06
waylandbill$500 for my laptop. I wasn't picky and it's all supported under linux... just had to wait a few months.02:06
jbasiliothat's a great deal!  i'd love a laptop .. someday02:07
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codytThat's one of the reasons I like the "open" idea so much is the power to change anything that bugs me.02:07
waylandbillcustom built is hard to get low prices these days. not like it used to be02:07
mebsdwhich live cd is recommend to dl?02:07
codytHex editors and dissassemblers are no fun.02:07
Christoph_vWI always buy new hardware because I need the speed - and always get trouble with Linux :(02:07
stdinthe kubuntu one02:08
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mebsdthere is herd 1 and 202:08
stdinmebsd: you want a stable version, dapper or edgy02:08
jbasiliomebsd: where are you looking?02:08
ubotuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.02:08
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ubotudapper is the 4th release of Ubuntu.  Version 6.06 LTS, codename "Dapper Drake".02:08
ubotuUbuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Edgy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseNotes02:08
mebsdi want latest, most update version02:08
ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+102:09
stdinmebsd: you want edgy then02:09
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codytI like edgy.02:09
mebsdi want latest, updated, and stable02:09
stdinfeisty is a development release and is NOT considered stable02:09
PhibreOptixI just wanted to know what it was02:09
mebsdwhere do i get edgy02:09
dokteurpinghow can i register on konversation02:09
intelikey"i want latest, updated, and stable"  don't ask for much do ya02:10
stdinmebsd: http://kubuntu.org/download.php#latest02:10
stdin!register | dokteurping02:10
ubotudokteurping: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration02:10
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dannybuntuhey guys - anybody know why installing nvidia drivers made the fonts annoying for most websites02:10
codytI didn't have any problems like that.02:10
waylandbillincorrect dpi probably02:10
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dannybuntuthe fonts are not only small they are grey02:11
intelikeycause most websites are krap ?02:11
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dannybuntuintelikey: other than that of course02:11
codytI did have an issue where my nvidia card was causing my box to freeze randomly02:11
intelikeyoh  i don't know then.02:11
codytbut I got that resolved.02:11
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mebsdhope kubuntu work well with laptop wireless card?02:12
intelikeyif you want to know how Krappy most web-sites are try w3m or lynx on them02:12
intelikeylinks2  but not in graphical mode02:13
codytthen try it on an "IE standard" site.02:13
intelikeyyeah but not in -g02:13
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intelikeyok it's time for my last rounds.02:14
codytAlthough, I haven't had any problems with any sites in Fx, aside from a few specific microsoft sites.02:14
intelikeysee y'all next time02:14
codytsee ya intelikey02:15
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codytdannybuntu, what browser are you using?02:16
dannybuntufirefox and swiftfox and konqueror02:17
codytnever heard of swiftfox02:17
dannybuntuoptimized build of firefox for your processor02:17
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mebsdi use maxtron02:18
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codytYeah,  I just noticed that.02:18
waylandbillwouldn't think it's the browser if it's only with the nvidia driver enabled. probably have to manually set DisplayDPI for X02:18
codyt"including Athlon XP"02:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about maxtron - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:18
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dannybuntuhey do you guys know of a good pda to use with kubuntu?02:20
codytoo, a 1 second lag.02:20
dannybuntu2 s 4 me02:21
codytdown to .5sec02:21
stdin45ms here :)02:21
codytnot bad for being on dial up, and downloading.02:21
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stdinwent up to 150ms when downloading a CD image with 15 concurrent connections :D02:22
codytI need to figure out what all issues the XP box has with booting linux.02:22
dannybuntuearthquake in taiwan really hit broadband hard here in the philippines02:23
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codytit crashes if I don't disable acpi, but even then I can't get it to completely load Kubuntu..02:23
mebsdearthquake in taiwan broke fibre in ocean02:23
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codytit's got a 2.7GHz processor with more RAM.. this computer has a 1.2GHz processor, I think.02:24
codytNot that there will be an extreme difference.02:24
stdinmy boot options = noapic nolapic pci=noacpi acpi=off02:24
dannybuntumebsd: yeah - good thing though - they'll prolly lay better cables02:24
codytI'll write that down and try it next time I feel like messing with that box,.02:25
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codytif it doesn't work, I'll come bug you guys. (:02:25
stdinwithout those options, I can't boot :P02:25
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codytwith just the acpi=off, I can get to a very strange terminal02:26
codytstrange, as in the way it looks02:26
codytand things aren't initialized properly.02:26
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stdinI get a load of errors down the screen with just acpi=off02:26
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codytI get that without the acpi=off, then it restarts itself.02:27
jabalhello i want to try share desktop some one can share with me ???02:27
ubotuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX02:27
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jabalhello i want to try share desktop some one can share with me ???02:28
dannybuntuwhy would you want to do that?02:28
stdinjabal: look at the link ubotu posted02:28
dannybuntudarn that firefox bus error again02:29
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codytmm, sludge factory02:32
codytdon't like Alice in Chains, eh?02:33
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dannybuntunot really - just havent heard of em here02:34
codytone of my favorite bands.02:34
dannybuntuwhat genre?02:34
codytprobably others, but I just consider it to be rock02:34
dannybuntuive mellowed down used to listen to metallica and nirvana02:35
codytI like older Metallica and a lot of Nirvana.02:35
dannybuntubut i realized that when you have kids - they sound pretty much the same02:35
Christoph_vWlooks like the "installing Linux on ICH8R problem" is gone...02:35
codytI'm gonna hold my tongue..02:36
Christoph_vWI just got a msg from Intel Matrix controller that one hdd is faulty02:36
waylandbilldannybuntu: that's cause they are pretty much the same. ;-P02:36
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Christoph_vWno, I don't have a RAID anymore...02:37
codytaside from being complety different.02:37
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waylandbillthey play music and smoke dope... pretty much the same. :-)02:38
blue|palmif i have messed up my xserver by choosing an incorrect driver, is there any way i can restore it02:38
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dannybuntuwaylangbill: lol02:38
Blaskowitz3Hi, when I try to compile qt applications from source I keep getting a 'library qt-mt not found' error. However via locate I find /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3.3.6.. and when I try getting libqt3-mt-dev through apt, it says libgl1-mesa-dev is a dependacy but is not going to be installed02:38
waylandbillbluepalm: put the old xorg.conf back or reconfigure the package and select a different driver.02:39
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waylandbillBlaskowitz3: can you install libgl1-mesa-dev explicitly?02:41
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Blaskowitz3doing that makes it complain about another dependancy, mesa-common-dev.. though doing that yields: libgl1-mesa-dev: Depends: mesa-common-dev (= 6.5.1~20060817-0ubuntu3) but 6.5.1+cvs20060824 is to be installed02:43
Blaskowitz3and that it is alread the newest version02:43
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waylandbillwhat version you have selected for repos? 6.5.1~20060817-0ubuntu3 is the newest for me02:45
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Blaskowitz3um sorry if I seem like a newb but how do I found that out?02:46
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blue|palmhow do i get a copy of the old xorg.conf file? is there a backup from the default installation?02:48
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Valmarkoif i a proxy will internet be slower?02:50
codyt"/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off"02:50
codytany ideas?02:50
waylandbillBlaskowitz3: did you change the sources.list or repositories?02:51
blue|palmcodyt: I had the exact same prob02:51
waylandbillblue|palm: how did you change the driver before?02:51
codytDid you manage to get it resolved?02:51
codyt(initramfs) is the next line02:51
blue|palmwaylandbill: from within kde02:51
codytand then input02:51
blue|palmcodyt: yes02:52
waylandbillValmarko: depends on the proxy. It's an extra step so it will be extra time for the step.02:52
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Blaskowitz3uh I added a bunch of servers to the sources.list from the edgy wiki page02:52
blue|palmcodyt: but everything is not 100% for me, sometimes it just freezes at the boot screen and other times it loads fine02:52
waylandbillblue|palm: using what program in kde02:52
ValmarkoI heard that I can use a proxy from ubuntu servers02:52
ValmarkoCan I?02:53
K-RyanBlaskowitz3 you trying to upgrade to edgy?02:53
blue|palmwaylandbill: using the system settings from the little k sign at the bottom02:53
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Blaskowitz3I already have02:53
codytblue|palm, don't happen to remember how you fixed it?02:53
K-RyanOh, then why did you say uh?02:53
blue|palmcodyt: reinstall, and also making my ide drive( where i was installing kubuntu onto) a master instead of a slave02:53
waylandbillBlaskowitz3: one of the repos has the cvs version of a library that is newer than the requirements for your program.02:54
waylandbillyou have to wait until a newer version comes out or use only repos that have that exact required version.02:54
blue|palmcan anybody tell me how to get kubuntu to be able to use wpa wifi encryption02:55
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:55
K-RyanTried that yet?(Not saracastic)02:55
blue|palmno, thx02:56
K-RyanNo problem02:56
waylandbillblue|palm: I don't know if that backs up the xorg.conf. You can look. It's always a good idea to back it up manually if you think if could be messed up. if you use dpkg-reconfigure to reconfigure the x server configuration.02:56
blue|palmas in dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?02:56
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Blaskowitz3I see, so how do I choose repositories? I thought editing the sources.list was linking to reposes?02:57
K-RyanIt is02:57
K-RyanBut then you have to update them02:57
blue|palmhas the adept graphical manager ever stopped working for anybody else? It just refuses to start02:57
K-RyanYou know, "sudo apt-get update"02:57
ubotuIf adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a'02:58
Blaskowitz3oh right, I see.. well thanks for the help :)02:59
blue|palmthanks everyone02:59
Valmarkois there a way to hide my ip address ?02:59
K-RyanNo problem blue|palm03:00
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K-RyanValmarko firewalls for proxy websites03:00
K-RyanMy favorite happens to be "http://www.boxofprox.com"03:00
K-RyanI think it's .com03:00
K-RyanYou're welcome03:00
K-RyanHrmm, should I of said "You're welcome?" or "TAKE COVER!"?03:01
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K-Ryan*have said03:01
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Balsamic_Chickenis there a repository for the latest octave program? the one in regular repository is obsolete, and if no repo work, could someone tell me how to set    up octave by downloading its tar.bz2 file? thx alot03:03
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codyteh, reinstalling isn't an option03:04
codytit's the LiveCD03:04
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K-RyanHi there03:07
Christoph_vWI just installed kubuntu feisty - but now I can not login03:07
Christoph_vWI tried with the username and pass I entered in setup but I get login incorrect03:07
K-RyanI had that problem with Ubuntu once, I had run out of free space03:08
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Christoph_vWI installed on a 160GB hdd - this should be enough03:08
K-Ryanjust making sure ;)03:08
Christoph_vWis there a default root pass? I don't remember setting it...03:09
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K-RyanI never encountered one of those but I've only upgraded once03:09
K-RyanDid you reinstall or upgrade?03:09
Christoph_vWI did a fresh install03:09
stdinChristoph_vW: there is no root pass, boot in to rescue mode and reset your pass with "passwd [username] "03:09
codytoh, you're back stdin03:10
K-RyanI'm out, got work to do. See ya' later guys.03:11
codyt"/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off" <- I get this error on that machine.03:11
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codytthis is when I'm trying to boot up the LiveCD with acpi turned off.03:11
Balsamic_ChickenHow do i install LaTex, is it in the repos? i did a search in synaptic, returned a gazillion results but none is the stand alone latex, help pls, ty03:12
codytugh.. using windows on this other box.. man I'm glad I have linux on this one..03:12
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stdincodyt: hmm, do you see the desktop, or just that error?03:12
codytit goes into ash (a minimal shell)03:13
codytdon't even have a "shutdown" command, just have to kill the power.03:13
stdinyou mean dash?03:13
codytit said ash.03:13
codytubuntu's built in shell?03:13
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stdinubuntu LiveCD uses dash03:14
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Christoph_vWstdin: the user Christoph doesn't seem to exist but I set a root password now03:14
stdinChristoph_vW: check in /etc/passwd for the user you made, it will have a UID of "1000"03:14
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codytdunno, but I'm certain that it said ash.03:15
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stdincodyt: have you tried with the boot options I use? "noapic nolapic pci=noacpi acpi=off"03:15
codytYes, actually.03:16
codytthat's what I was doing.03:16
Christoph_vWhow do I properly reboot the system from the rescue console?03:16
Christoph_vWneither "reboot" nor "shutdown -h now" are working03:16
stdinChristoph_vW: why do you need to reboot?03:16
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stdinChristoph_vW: just type "exit" and the system will boot normally03:17
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stdinand the reboot command is "shutdown -r now" :)03:17
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stdincodyt: try the alternate CD, it's the one I always use, never had a problem with it03:18
codytWell, that'll take about a week to download03:18
codytI'll try my Gentoo LiveCD.03:18
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yamamahow i can make my own ubuntu cd ??03:18
stdinkkosmo: yes?03:18
kkosmostdin what command to do x server restart03:18
Christoph_vWstdin: I still get login incorrect03:19
Christoph_vWeven with the updated password03:19
kkosmostdin you know the answer03:19
stdinkkosmo: the X server or the login screen ?03:19
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stdinChristoph_vW: what is the username you choose ?03:20
kkosmowhen i click on ctrl+alt+backspace its do restart03:20
kkosmohow i do that in command03:20
Christoph_vWstdin: in setup: Christoph03:20
stdinkkosmo: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start03:20
codytgentoo uses lilo..03:20
Christoph_vWbut I tried to login with root too03:20
stdinChristoph_vW: try with a lower case C03:20
kkosmothats dont work03:21
stdinwhat's the error?03:21
yamamahow i can make my own ubuntu cd ??03:21
kkosmoroot@kosmo-desktop:/home/kosmo# /etc/init.d/kdm start03:21
kkosmoStarting K Display Manager: kdm already running.03:21
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yamamahow i can make my own ubuntu cd ??(ubuntu but with my software and configured03:21
stdinyamama: take a look at http://www.atworkonline.it/~bibe/ubuntu/custom-livecd.htm03:21
stdinyamama: and asking once is enough thanks03:21
darkserver3in wine03:22
stdinkkosmo: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart03:22
codytDon't think it's gonna boot03:22
kkosmo/j #winehq03:22
kkosmofor wine quistions03:22
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codyt"Ok, booting kernel" has been shown, followed by nothing else, for about 2 minutes now..03:22
darkserver3well i was working int solaris...03:22
darkserver3but in think tha is the sam03:23
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voicuhi, i'm not very good with networks and i have a problem with security. i have a simple router setup and i need some tips on protecting against attacks03:25
voicui'm pretty sure i was attacked yesterday with that method when you ping the broadcast address03:26
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Christoph_vWstdin: exit isn't working either03:27
voicuis my router the source of problems because i restarted in windows and the isp said the flood was gone03:27
Christoph_vWnow I get "<_pSLsys_getkey: EIO error"03:27
voicu(i have a simple router setup with iptables)03:27
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voicui thought of taking this problem to #iptables but i wasn't sure what is the problem03:28
kkosmoyou dont know what your problem is03:29
Christoph_vWand I get a "BIOS Bug" msg at startup and "Cannot allocate resource region 2 and 3 of device ...."03:29
Valmarkovoicu, why dont you try to close ports you dont use. with guarddog, for example03:29
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voicuwell, i *think* it's because my router isn't setup right but i am not sure what are the other security risks, so...03:29
yamamai want software like (kazza,limewire,shareza...) but working in linux ?03:29
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire03:30
voicuValmarko: would that protect me against the broadcast ping attack?03:30
voicuisn't ping required?03:30
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darkserver3some know something about bmc???03:31
ValmarkoI guess soo, but I'm a newbie soo... dont really know. Theres an excellent site where you can test vulnerabilities03:31
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voicudo you know the address?03:31
stdina ping attack is when you get pinged from multiple (usually 100s or 1000s) of IPs, a broadcast ping can't hurt you03:32
Christoph_vWstdin: still no luck with login :(03:32
stdinChristoph_vW: you tried with "christoph" ?03:33
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voicustdin, apparently because of what happened the wan was flooded and the network was really slow, and they cut me from the service03:33
codytwindows is weird..03:33
codytTakes 3 seconds for the desktop's pop-up menu to load03:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about firewalls - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:33
voicubut when switching to windows the flood was gone03:33
codytbut all of .1sec for the  taskmanger to completely load and display03:33
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).03:33
stdinvoicu: just use something like firestarter, it will let you block pings if you want, and will let you use NAT03:34
Valmarkovoicu, try the section shields up03:34
voicuhmm, ok03:34
stdinChristoph_vW: try making a new user, and logging in with that03:34
stdinChristoph_vW: "sudo adduser username"03:34
yamamathank you all03:34
yamamai want to download java for my ubuntu i search but i find only bin file03:35
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stdin!java | yamama03:35
ubotuyamama: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository03:35
stdinkkosmo: ?03:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bci - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:35
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer03:36
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kkosmostdin you know how to use03:36
kkosmo!lkl |kosmo03:36
ubotulkl: userspace keylogger for x86 architecture. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.1-1 (edgy), package size 9 kB, installed size 124 kB (Only available for i386 kfreebsd-i386)03:36
stdinnever used it03:36
kkosmook more quistion03:37
kkosmowhy that eror03:37
kkosmoUnable to start guarddog firewall - /etc/rc.firewall does not exist03:37
stdinhow did you install it ?03:37
gnarlieany idea why font style is greyed out in apps (like Kate)?03:37
gnarliecan't select bold, italic etc.03:37
stdintry reinstalling it "sudo apt-get --reinstall install guarddog"03:37
Christoph_vWstdin: chfn: PAM auth failed03:38
Christoph_vWadduser returned error code 103:38
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stdinChristoph_vW: sounds like a botched install03:38
Christoph_vWstrange - I just installed it03:39
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kkosmowhat i need to do03:39
kkosmoits give me agein this error03:40
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gnarlielike that03:40
stdinkkosmo: I've never used guarddog, I've only used firestarter03:40
kkosmoooo ok03:41
Dr_williscould just make that file.03:41
voicuok, thanks people03:41
Dr_willisor perhaps ya need to start it as root? never used guarddog either03:41
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kkosmostdin are you use ubuntu03:43
stdinyeah, I use Kubuntu03:43
Balsamic_Chickenin installing freemat (free matlab), it said there are two post-build steps i must perform, which adds freemat_path environment variable to my startup files that includes /home/username/share/FreeMat/MFiles, totally lost =) what does this mean, and where's my startup files, and how do i follow this instruction, thx so much =)03:44
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Balsamic_Chickenwhat's qt, anyone03:47
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ubotuQt is the Q toolkit, which forms the base of KDE and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI. Install the libqt3-mt-dev package to compile Qt applications03:48
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dannybuntuits an abbreviation for cute03:49
dannybuntulike dannybuntu is qt03:49
Balsamic_Chickenwhere do i get qt4? it's required by freemat (matlab like program)03:49
Balsamic_Chickenic, thx dannybuntu03:49
dannybuntuyw :)03:50
Balsamic_Chickenwould u happen to know where i could get qt4?03:50
stdinlibqt4-core libqt4-gui should do03:50
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Balsamic_Chickenstdin cool thx alot03:51
Balsamic_Chickenstdin and hi again =)03:51
stdinheh, no problem :)03:52
Balsamic_Chickenstdin would qt4 break anything that uses previous version?03:52
stdinBalsamic_Chicken: no, because you'll still have qt3 installed03:52
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Balsamic_Chickenstdin i have those qt4 files u mentioned installed already03:53
stdinthere is also libqt4-qt3support03:53
Balsamic_Chickenstdin and freemat was still complaining no qt4 there03:53
stdin!info libqt4-qt3support03:53
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ubotulibqt4-qt3support: Qt 3 compatibility library for Qt 4. In component main, is optional. Version 4.2.0-1ubuntu6 (edgy), package size 1198 kB, installed size 3048 kB03:53
Balsamic_Chickengtg school lates everyone03:53
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Balsamic_Chickenit's 7am, stupid school03:54
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yamamahow i can install xfce in kubuntu ??03:54
yamamaor gnome03:54
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stdininstall "xubuntu-desktop" for xfce and "ubuntu-desktop" for gnome03:55
yamamai know but how03:56
stdinin Adept03:57
yamamaok thank you03:57
Christoph_vWstdin: I reinstalled now03:57
Christoph_vWsame problem...03:57
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stdinwhat version are you installing ?03:58
ajopaul_have two sound cards, how do i make one of them default??03:58
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems and http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin03:58
Dr_willisajopaul_,  ive always just disabled one in the bios.03:58
stdinChristoph_vW: well feisty isn't stable03:58
Christoph_vWbut this is the only one I CAN install03:59
stdinChristoph_vW: why?03:59
Christoph_vWthis is the only version which supports my hardware03:59
ajopaul_Dr_willis, hmm, need the other sometimes so i ruled out hardware disable03:59
stdinChristoph_vW: you may get more help in #ubuntu+103:59
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emsskubuntu-desktop in 6.10 seems rough04:02
yamamawhat is edubuntu ??04:02
emssnot as polished as gnome04:02
ubotuEdubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative aimed at schools and educational institutions. For more info, see http://www.edubuntu.org04:02
Dr_willisgnome is so polished - its as slippery as a bar of soap in places.. :)04:02
stdinyou can change the desktop to look how you want it to04:03
emsswell polished being, gnome in edgy seems well integrated but kde doesn't04:03
Dr_willisKDe has a good texture like the Hammer that always just feels right in your hand.  :)04:03
emsslike if you click on a link in firefox it will use evince or whatever04:03
emssgnome 2.16 is buggy though :\04:03
Dr_willisI think there was a discussion of firefox and kde the toehr day in here.04:03
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Dr_willisI belive the conclusion was that firefox dosent play nicely in some ways with kde. :)04:04
dannybuntufirefox = head ache04:04
emssI meant firefox seems better integrated with gnome than konqueror with kde04:04
Dr_willisI got gnome and kde installed.. i noticed in firefox today that i said 'open containing folder' and it used Gnomes file manager to do that.. not konwueror04:04
stdinif only they made FF in Qt04:04
Dr_willisFirefox  uses gtk? i forget...04:05
stdinyeah, FF is a gtk app04:05
Dr_willisstdin,  yes. thats what i was thinking also.   its more of a firefox issue not a kde issue.04:05
stdina lot of 3rd party apps seem to be in gtk, shame really04:06
emssbut it seems even04:06
emssbecause there are some nice qt apps k3b, kile, texmaker etc.04:07
stdink3b isn't a 3rd party app04:07
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Dr_williswell isent that freedesktop.org site helping to smooth over some of the issues between kde and gmome -   i seem to recall there being a LOT more problems with missing kde & gnome apps in the past.04:07
Dr_willisI recall ages ago. some how running KDE's desktop and gnomes desktop at the same time by mistake. had 2 icons for everything on the desktop04:08
Dr_willisThe good old days...04:08
Dr_willisBack befor gnome decided to use MetaCity04:08
emssmy external usb drive is so slooow04:09
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Dr_willisyep. ive moved all my external drives internal. :)04:10
Dr_willisand was amazed at how much faster they are.  I did have to track down an ide controller card.04:10
Dr_willisExternal Serial ATA drives are just as fast as internal. i hear.04:11
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naseri want software to convert video ?!04:11
emssnaser: mplayer/mencoder04:12
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emssnaser: http://www.mplayerhq.hu/04:12
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ubotumplayer is a media player. Enable multiverse repo and type sudo apt-get install mplayer for more info please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer  To compile it from source see:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer/Compile04:13
vliegje20is there a way to open .mdb documents made by access in openoffice?04:13
ubotuFor Codecs try !codecs Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MplayerInstallHowto for installation tips.04:13
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dannybuntufinally firefox04:16
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[Worlor] salut a tous04:16
dannybuntuwhat the flying ...04:16
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dannybuntucan anyone help me with my firefox installation - it keeps giving out "bus error"04:18
stdinvliegje20: I think openoffice.org-base can do it04:18
Dr_willisdannybuntu,  how did you install it?04:18
dannybuntuapt-get install firefox04:18
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dannybuntuinstallation is ok - it runs for a few minutes then spews out a bus error04:19
vliegje20stdin thats installed but it cannot open it04:19
Dr_willisfirst ive herd of that problem.04:19
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ebeesHi all. I'm running Dapper and have just upgraded Kino and now it doesn't recognise my camera. I'm wonndering if I may be able to get some assistance please?04:20
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Dell-Nethmm what is the name of service/program that shows cpu speeds, my is gone :s04:24
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ebeesHi all, Does anyone have any experience with firewire?04:25
dannybuntuDell-Net there are plenty04:26
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Dell-Netstandard in kde ?04:27
BluesKajhowdy all :)04:27
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dannybuntuis it ksysguard?04:28
Dell-Nethmm yeah maybe04:28
HymnToLife!anyone | ebees04:28
ubotuebees: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:28
Dell-Nethmm no04:28
ebeesHi Ubotu... I did a few minutes earlier, but I will certainly post it again. Thanks.04:29
ebeesHi all. I'm running Dapper and have just upgraded Kino and now it doesn't recognise my camera. I'm wonndering if I may be able to get some assistance please?04:29
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dannybuntuhmmm do you mean the kasbar?04:30
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dannybuntuok i give up sorry i dunno04:31
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Dell-Netit show if ypur cpu runs on 800mhz or 160004:32
Dell-Netand adjustes04:32
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peksucan someone help me, my kubuntu says following at start up: "The composite Manager crashed twice within a minute and is therefore disabled for this session.04:33
stdinthat sounds like a compiz or beryl issue04:34
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peksuanother alert window after that says:" Composite extension not found. You must use Xorg>6.8 for translucency and shadows to work.04:34
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peksui'm totally new with linux...04:35
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ebeesthanks all the same everyone. It's last here so I'm off and will come back tomorrow night if need be04:37
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bartistgood night !04:38
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peksudoes anybody know where i can found a X config file? the find application don't show any hits04:41
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mindspinit should be found at /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:43
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lamerxax imam net04:45
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bartisti have an Intel 82801CA-ICH3 soundcard that only works when it wants  -- PLEASE HELP04:46
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dennisterhello ppls04:46
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dennisteri can't believe i did this, but i need to retrieve some forgotten passwords...could anyone help me with this?04:47
stdindennister: unless you want to try and crack the passwords, it may just be easier to set new ones04:48
BluesKajKsysguard used to show graphical memory and cpu use .It no longer shows it and there doesn't seem to be a command available to turn it on.04:48
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dennisteryes, and i'm sure I can do that with the other user password, but with mysql, too?04:48
lupine_85dennister: do you have the md5sums ?04:49
stdindon't know about the mysql one04:49
lupine_85if you do, http://md5.benramsey.com/ is a godsend at times04:49
dennisterok...will try the mysql channel for that04:49
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dennisterlupine_85: i don't understand what md5sums have to do with passwords?04:50
=== hatta hax0rs the funkadelics
lupine_85passwords are stored as md5sums...04:50
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lupine_85usually, anyway04:50
kkosmomd5sums its only a database of passwords04:50
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dennisterok, well i don't usually bother with md5sums unless i'm downloading & burning isos, so i'm not sure if i have the md5sums?04:51
BluesKajstdin, Ksysguard used to show graphical memory and cpu use .It no longer shows it and there doesn't seem to be a command available to turn it on. ...any suggestions ?04:52
lupine_85the mysql one will be stored in the mysql database; so if you have read-only access, you can get it from there04:52
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lupine_85but anyway. /me ----> work04:52
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dennisterthx lupine_85 will try04:52
trappistdennister: md5 is a one-way hash algorithm, which makes it goot for things like verifying downloads and crypting passwords04:53
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dennisterhey trappist, long time no see :)04:53
stdinBluesKaj: File -> Load Standard Sheets04:53
trappistheya dennister04:53
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BluesKajstdin, thx :)04:54
stdinBluesKaj: no problem :)04:54
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dennisterok, i have a coupla mysql databases (cause of mythtv) where do i look for the user's passwords to them04:59
BluesKajWhat does mysql do in kubuntu ..and is it required to run the OS ?05:00
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dennisteror how do i use these md5sum gems to find them?05:00
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stdinBluesKaj: mysql is a database server, and I don't think it's required no05:01
BluesKajok stdin , cuz it seems to be using a lot of the process05:01
dennisterBluesKaj: it is required for applications like mythtv, ur running that? i seem to remember...05:02
BluesKajnope , mythtv isn't necessary ...running TVtime with a satdish feed05:02
BluesKajI tried mythtv ...too buggy05:03
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dennistergood for u :) don't mind me butting in, stdin knows more than I, no mysql is only used for certain applications, not the OS...so my memory was correct, u were trying mythtv05:03
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BluesKajok what's mysqld ?05:05
dennistertrappist: getting back to retrieving the mysql passwords...do u have some time to help me with this?05:06
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emssBlueKaj man mysqld05:06
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stdinmysqld would be the mysql daemon05:07
stdindaemon = server05:07
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nasercan i run gnome in kubuntu (install it)05:12
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dennisterstdin: would u be able to help me with retrieving these passwords?05:12
dennisternaser: yes05:12
stdinnaser: just install "ubuntu-desktop"05:12
naserhow ?05:12
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stdindennister: I don't know enough about mysql databases to help05:13
nasersudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ??05:13
dennisterk, thx anyway05:13
stdindennister: maybe ask in #mysql ?05:13
stdinnaser: yes, or you can install it in adept05:13
dennisteryes,...was just gonna go there :)...bbs05:14
naserfrom where (from kubuntu cd ??)05:14
=== Dr_willis looks around
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naserfrom where (from kubuntu cd ??)05:15
stdinwhat do you mean "from where" ?05:15
naseri cant find gnome desktop in kubuntu CD05:15
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stdinit won't be on the kubuntu cd05:15
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Dr_willislogical eh. :)05:16
naseri search in the cd (pool/main/g/)05:16
Dr_willisgnome packages are NOT on the kubuntu cd05:17
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Dr_willisthers no room for it on there.05:17
stdinlike I said, it's not on the CD05:17
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naserfrom where i can find it ??05:17
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maurodoes anyone know how long it will take for flash 9 final to get on the repos ?05:17
stdinnaser: from the repositories05:18
Dr_willis!info ubuntu-desktop05:18
ubotuubuntu-desktop: The Ubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.30 (edgy), package size 16 kB, installed size 44 kB05:18
Dr_willissudo apt-get update && sudo apt-getinstall ubuntu-desktop05:18
stdinwith a space between "apt-get" and "install" :P05:19
Dr_willisyou proberly want to remove/comment out any mention of the cd drive in the apt-sources05:19
Pekkecan anyone link me to a simple, step-by-step manual how to install Java pluging to Firefox?05:19
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ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository05:19
Dr_willisPekke,  i just installed the sun java package.. and it worked.. never had any problems with it05:19
stdinyou just install "sun-java5-plugin" and let aot sort out the dependencies05:20
Pekkei have tried for 2 days now to install, but it always gives some error. I have tried by the instructions found in Sun Java site05:21
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Dr_willisand this error is ?05:21
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stdindon't use the download from sun, use the ubuntu package05:21
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Pekkesometimes it can't find the package(which i have downloaded onto desktop) and sometimes it says something different, which i can't remember right now05:22
Dr_williswell you dont download the package to the desktop.. you should let apt-get download and install it.05:22
Pekkewhere can i find the ubuntu package?05:22
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McChickenhello, it is me from this morning. I need some help with installing programs from tar.gz and tgz files, can any1 help??05:22
Dr_willissudo apt-get install sun-java5-plugin sun-java5-jre05:22
tony__how do you install things that you download with an .sh extension05:23
stdinPekke: it's in the multiverse repository05:23
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Dr_willisMcChicken,  what 'programs'05:23
Dr_willisbash whatever.sh  (normally), or chmod +x whatever.sh   && ./whatever.sh05:23
ubotuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html05:23
Dr_willissilly factoid. :P05:23
McChickenim a no0b05:23
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)05:24
Dr_willisMcChicken,  install 'build-essential' first. uncompress the archive.. google for compiling stuff from source..  you may need to install other things befor compiling.05:24
McChickenwhat about tar.gz files. in the folders it explains i need to do a command. but where and how??05:24
stdintony__: depends what it is, but generally you open Konsole and run the file like "sh /path/to/file.sh"05:24
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands05:24
Dr_willisMcChicken,  you may want to invest a day or 2 in learning some linux basics.05:24
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stdinsh = shell05:24
ubotuIf adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a'05:25
manwithafaceif they are tar, you'll have to untar em05:25
McChickenwhere can i learn the basics?05:25
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Dr_willisMcChicken,  tldp.org  and ... err... learn to use google. :)05:25
naserwhat is the desktop that like windows ??05:25
tony__okay, thanks, oh and anyone have a good link to a getting started guide?05:25
McChickenhow do you untar?? do you just extract them?05:25
naserice.. ?05:25
Dr_willisnaser,  icewm looks a little like windows9505:25
McChickenwhere can i get the "alien" program from?05:25
Dr_willisMcChicken,  from the shell. i normally use the 'unp' command. but im lazy05:25
Dr_willisMcChicken,  install alien with the package manager tool05:26
stdinfvwm95 looks like win9505:26
ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)05:26
McChickenpackage manager??05:26
Dr_willisMcChicken,  now we are back to time to learn the basics. :)05:26
ubotuadept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto05:26
Pekkehmm. earlier i downloaded the Automatix -script.. is it any good, for the codecs & java plugin05:26
Dr_willisPekke,  dont use that....05:26
Dr_willisPekke,  it can do bad things..05:26
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ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe05:26
Pekkeok.. thanks05:27
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raeezVideo playback with kaffiene is choppy, but not with VLC... why is this?05:27
McChickenok, what filetype do i need to download that is a suitable program for kubuntu?05:27
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stdinuse Adept to get all your apps05:27
stdinKmenu -> System -> Adept05:28
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stdinit's the Kubuntu package manager05:28
McChickenok i am runnig adept05:28
manwithafaceMcChicken: if nothing else, look for .debs05:28
Dr_willisMcChicken,  Linux uses a package manager tool to download/install stuff.. you dont NORMALLY  just 'download' stuff an dinstall from various web sites05:28
stdinyou use it to install application on Kubuntu05:28
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Dr_willisthats 'windows' thinking.05:28
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raeezVideo playback with kaffiene is choppy, but not with VLC... why is this?05:29
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McChickenhow ????? i am on it but it just explains all the ones i have on my system05:30
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=== Dr_willis wonders what the url for the Kubuntu beginners guide is.
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McChickeni just want to install more programs, where and how can i do this?05:30
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manwithafaceMcChicken, you're gonna have to enable repositories05:31
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McChickenwhat is that?05:31
Dr_willisMcChicken,  notice in the menus theres a "add/remove programs" icon?05:31
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McChickeni have been on that05:31
Dr_willistry it yet? :)05:31
stdin!repos | McChicken05:31
ubotuMcChicken: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu05:31
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Dr_willisinstalling any program from source - will be a bit of a task for you - since you have no knowledge of the basics of how linux works.05:31
McChickenok, i agree.05:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about beginner - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:32
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codytnot always05:32
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codytwell, I grasp things quickly.05:32
PekkeE: Couldn't find package sun-java5-plugin05:32
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Dr_willis!info java05:32
ubotuPackage java does not exist in any distro I know05:32
Pekkethat is the error it gives me now05:32
stdin!repos | Pekke05:32
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ubotuPekke: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu05:32
Dr_willisPekke,  you need to enable the proper repository.05:33
codytBut, a large portion of programs is just "./config && make && make install"05:33
stdinPekke: enable the Multiverse repository05:33
Dr_williscodyt,  assuming the guy even has a clue what the 'shell' and 'typing commands' means. :)05:33
Dr_williscodyt,  that makes it a little tougher.05:33
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stdincodyt: and what about resolving dependencies of the apps, it's not always that easy05:33
Pekkein the Adept repositories, i have enabled all that are in the list05:33
codytOh, I know.05:33
codytI did a lot of resolving depencies without a net connect.05:34
Dr_willisPekke,  i always edit the sources.list file by hand and  add on 'multiverse' after every line that has 'universe' :)05:34
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Dr_willisi wonder if that easysource site has edgy support yet.05:34
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stdinDr_willis: it does, it even has feisty :P05:34
codyteven though Gentoo sports emerge(<3), I couldn't use it.05:35
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic05:35
gdiebelwould anyone know a way to make konsole sort-of ssh/bash aware? I mean change the color schema if you are root or if you are ssh'd into another host.05:35
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Dr_willisgdiebel,  edit the users .bashrc or .bash_profiles to check/change things05:35
blue|palmcodyt: did you get your kubuntu sorted?05:36
codytblue|palm, I don't have the option of reinstalling, it's a LiveCD.05:36
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Pekkei added the word multiverse to all of the lines that had the word universe there and saved the file, but it still says the same error05:37
McChickenok, i have got it to work. But i need a c/c++ compiler05:37
Dr_willisMcChicken,  'build-essential' is the package that installs the compiler and other stuff.05:37
blue|palmyeah, i used a livecd too05:37
blue|palmi just formatted and then installed again05:37
tony__the .sh file wouldn't run. what's the command I  went cd /directory/ but it wouldn't run05:37
ohyesyoucan11what is the best proxy to use when you set up Konquer to "autodetect proxy"?05:37
McChickenbuild essential?? how do i do this? the run command??05:38
Dr_willistony__,  and did it say anything?05:38
codytblue|palm, this occurs during the LiveCD boot process05:38
Dr_willisMcChicken,  its a package you install with the package manager.. or from the  shell with 'sudo apt-get install build-essential'05:38
blue|palmcodyt: I didnt know that05:38
tony__it said command not found05:38
ohyesyoucan11oops,something messed up05:38
blue|palmcodyt: Your next step is to get the alternate install cd then I think05:38
Dr_willistony__,  i would guess a typo on your part..05:38
McChickenso i need to "udo apt-get install build-essential" in konsole??05:38
Dr_willisnot 'whatverecommand'05:39
manwithafaceMcChicken, yes05:39
Dr_willisMcChicken,  yes. that is the 'shell'05:39
ohyesyoucan11if I set my Konquer to "autodetect proxy" which proxy is most noob friendly.?05:39
tony__oh, ok05:39
McChickenok and that will install all necessary file?05:39
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Dr_willisMcChicken,  it will install the CORE of the C development stuff.05:39
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manwithafaceyou're still gonna have to install kde-dev, and all kinds of other stuff05:40
codytblue|palm, I've also tried my Gentoo LiveCD, it stops after "ok, bootking kernel" (or something along those lines)05:40
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manwithafaceyour first compile can be a long process05:40
blue|palmDr_willis: how do you get the x headers?05:40
McChickeni have done this command. now all it display s is ">" sign, ??05:40
tony__what is the command to run the sh file05:40
blue|palmcodyt: thats really odd05:40
ohyesyoucan11manwithaface... and don't forget the tears. lol05:40
codytI've heard of other people having problems with this specific computer, but didn't find any resolutions (wasn't looking hard)05:40
Dr_willisblue|palm,  i normally fire up the pakcage manager and search and start clicking...05:40
McChickenwhy is it just displaying te ">" sign??05:41
Dr_willistony__,  if its executable it would be ./whateverthefilenameis.sh05:41
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Dr_willistony__,  or 'bash whateverthestupidnameis.sh'05:41
Dr_willisor 'chmod +x whatevertheDUMBthingis.sh  && ./whatevertheDUmbthingis.sh'05:41
Dr_willistony__,  what Are you trying to isntall anyway?05:41
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stdin./AppToFsckMyPC ?05:42
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blue|palmcodyt: what architecture are you using? also are there any extra hardware peripherals attached (USB, firewire etc.) I find its best to just disconnect them and reconnect after install05:42
blue|palmDoes anybody know where to get the x headers?05:42
tony__thank you so much05:42
codytfsck you?05:42
stdinfsck us all :)05:42
tony__i got a lot of reading to do05:42
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stdinblue|palm: xorg-dev should be what you're looking for05:43
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codytblue|palm, I had thought of that earlier, but had forgot.. I'll check into that again.05:43
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McChickeni have done the command, but now this has come up:"E: Couldn't find package build-essential". Any help?05:43
codyt*really* don't want to have to download another CD image05:43
codytdon't have broadband here.05:43
Dr_willis!info build-essential05:44
ubotubuild-essential: informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.3 (edgy), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB05:44
McChickenwhat does this mean05:44
HymnToLifeMcChicken, bad sources.list, most likely05:44
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Dr_willisMcChicken,  be sure you typed it right.. and you proberly need to do a 'sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade' first (just in case)05:44
McChickeni di it through konsole, i typed it correctly so why not?05:44
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McChickendo i have to be "root"?05:45
Dr_willisthats what 'sudo' is all about McChicken05:45
codytblue|palm, it should be the 386 edgy05:45
codyt'cause, this is an Athlon XP, not 64bit or Apple.05:46
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ohyesyoucan11what should I set my browser ID to in Konqueror... for compatibility?05:47
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McChickenproblem: "reading package lists... Done E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?05:47
McChickeneading package lists... Done05:47
McChickenE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)05:47
McChickenE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?05:47
blue|palmstdin: thanks05:47
McChickeni didnt mean to flood sorry05:47
McChickenwhy is this happening?????05:48
DShepherdMcChicken, have you tried sudo before the command?05:48
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DShepherdor you may have the 2 or more programs in use ( like adept open and running apt-get at the same time)05:49
blue|palmDoes anybody know which package i can find the qt headers in?05:49
ubotuIf adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a'05:50
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blue|palmMcChicken try those commands (after !adeptfix)05:50
McChickeni typed "sudo apt-get install build-essential" and i tryed the other command "sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade"05:50
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McChickenam i doing it wrong?05:51
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blue|palmMcChicken: try the commands after !adeptfix05:51
McChickengive me an example please05:52
DShepherdblue|palm libqt3-headers05:52
blue|palmgo to your console and type the following commands:05:52
ubotuIf adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a'05:52
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blue|palmMcChicken: type these in 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a'05:52
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Dr_willisMcChicken,  you DOnt have adept, or any other package manager tools allready running do you? you only run 1 of those at a time.05:52
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McChickenwhen !adeptfix:"bash: !adeptfix: event not found"05:53
blue|palmDShepherd thanks05:53
DShepherdblue|palm, no prob05:53
blue|palmno, dont TYPE !adeptfix05:53
blue|palmtype the commands i told you about above05:53
McChickeno k sorry05:53
blue|palmits ok05:54
blue|palmtype these in  'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a'05:54
McChickenbluepalm i typed that command and nothing happened, so it must of worked05:54
blue|palmthere are two there05:54
blue|palmthe first starts with sudo and ends with lock05:54
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blue|palmnow run System->Adept Package Manager05:55
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McChickenit asks for my password then opens05:56
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McChickennow how do i get the basic stuff05:56
blue|palmnow there are a list of packages fot you to browse05:56
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blue|palmyou first must know what you want05:56
McChickenloads but they all say installed05:56
blue|palmMost of the 'basics' come with the livecd anyway05:57
codytmy package management system has some issue about gzip05:57
McChickeni would like to get the c/c++ stuff05:57
McChickenall of them are installed05:57
blue|palmthey cant 'all' be installed05:58
blue|palmmost of mine are blue and say 'not installed'05:58
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codytErr http://us.archive.ubuntu.com edgy/universe Packages05:58
codyt  Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)05:58
McChickenhmm...in the main window. with the "status" they all say installed.05:58
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blue|palmhow many entries are there?05:59
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blue|palmI have 'loads', how about you?05:59
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McChickenit says at the bottom, 937 installed, 0 upgradable, 937 available05:59
manwithafaceyou need to enable repos06:00
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McChickenhow do i enable?06:00
blue|palmmanwithaface: can you take over from here?06:00
manwithafaceMcChicken, how did you start Adept?06:01
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manwithafacedid you click on Add/Remove programs?06:01
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McChickeniopened it normally.06:01
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manwithafacewhat all is checked at the top?06:02
McChickenok, i have installed kubuntu through a live cd. a few days ago06:02
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manwithafacemake sure by Show: you have every box checked06:03
McChickenand i was trying to install a program through console "./configure then make then make install" but then it needed c/c++ something06:03
ubotuIf adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a'06:03
manwithafacewhat program are you trying to install through Konsol06:03
McChickenit has not06:03
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McChickenA extracted tar.gz file06:04
McChickenit has told me to do those codes i just explained06:04
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manwithafacebut what program, it is possible it is already a Kubuntu package06:04
McChickenwhat do you mean by checkboxes, i only have arrows?06:04
manwithafaceok, expand the State Filter arrow06:05
McChickenit is a game, bombObomb06:05
McChickenand ia hve many other ones06:05
manwithafacedo you see the boxs?06:05
bubu1ukMcChicken: what exactly does it need? c/c++ something.06:05
McChickenok give me a minute....06:06
manwithafacebubuluk: i think he needs build-essentials06:06
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Dr_willisand the discussion goes back to the beginning.. :)06:07
bubu1ukmight be, but hard to help him if he needs c++ something06:07
blue|palmlol, hes new06:07
McChickenit checks for gcc.no,cc..no,cl..no,cc..no. then "configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH"06:07
bubu1ukblue|palm: got that.  ;)06:07
blue|palmwe all start somewhere06:07
Dr_willisMcChicken,  if you have not installed 'build-essential' yet - then you need to do so.06:08
blue|palmsudo apt-get install build-essential06:08
blue|palmthats your cmd06:08
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Dr_willisbut if he still has adept open.... :)06:08
blue|palmyeah, first close adept06:08
manwithafacehe is trying to do it GUI06:08
manwithafacei think06:08
blue|palmoh thats fine too06:08
blue|palmmaybe its better06:09
manwithafaceotherwise, he will have to edit his sources06:09
McChickeni have tried that but it says:"E: Couldn't find package build-essential"06:09
manwithafaceok, click View, then Manage Repositories06:09
blue|palmHas anybody got experience with choppy video playback in kubuntu?06:09
blue|palmsorry only in kaffiene06:09
Dr_willisbuild-essential is in main.. perhaps he needs to remove the cdrom repository06:09
McChickenon konsole?06:10
manwithafaceno, in adept06:10
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cmcguickenok i have done it06:11
cmcguickennow what?06:11
cmcguickeni am on view repositories06:13
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bubu1ukcmcquicken: press update button. two arrows. to refresh package list from repositories.06:14
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blue|palmDoes anybody know of any media players able to post process as well as the opensource windows media player classic (except for linux of course)06:15
bubu1ukcmcquicken: hold. lol. am bit mixed now. lol06:15
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bubu1ukcmcquicken: ur McChicken now?06:15
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Dr_willisblue|palm,  vlc,xine,mplayer - have lots of those features.06:16
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peksuhello again. my wlan doesn't seem to work all that well with this linux06:17
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KennethPStarting Adept Manager just after reboot I see this Read only mode: Database Locked - Adept Manager. How do I unlock this again?06:17
bubu1ukcmcquicken: u'r in repositories list, right?06:17
fdoving!adept crash fix | kennethp06:18
ubotukennethp: If adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a'06:18
cmcguickeni am06:18
KennethPfdoving: tnx06:18
bubu1ukcmcquicken: u should have some repositories in grey colour some in black. those in grey right click and choose enable.06:18
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bubu1ukchoose those that are universe and multiverse.06:19
cmcguickenall of them?06:19
cmcguickensoome say bugs and stuff06:19
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cmcguickenlike competed unsupported?06:19
peksubut i sure can't get my java plugin to work in firefox. I added "multiverse" to the sources list and then tried again to install it via Konsole, but nothing06:20
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cmcguickenbubu1k, what do you mean?06:21
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Dr_willispeksu,  after editng the sources.list you need to do a 'sudo apt-get update'06:22
cmcguickenok i have now done this06:22
cmcguickenwill c work?06:22
bubu1ukcmcquicken: u could choose just universe and multiverse, but doesnt really matter if all of them.06:23
BluesKajpeksu , try this site : http://www.java.com/en/download/help/5000010500.xml#selfextracting06:23
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cmcguickenok sso now do i need to do that command to get the basic things06:24
bubu1ukcmcquicken:now click aply and done or something like that.06:24
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cmcguickennow what?06:24
codytDepends: libggi2 (>= 1:2.2.1) but it is not installable <- any idea why it wouldn't be installable?06:25
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peksuDr_willis: thanks! it was all about updating the list! now it works06:25
Dr_willispeksu,  :) been there... done that...06:25
Dr_willispeksu,  heh.06:25
cmcguickennow adept is taken al ong time to open..:@06:25
bubu1ukcmcquicken:basicaly get back to package list. dont have adept opened now so dont really remember exactly06:26
cmcguickenadept is not opening!!06:26
Dr_willisor its looking at all the repos/lists now...06:26
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cmcguickenno its just stoppped loading and gone06:26
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firecrotc1Okay, I know that this would belong on #ubuntu-server, but as usual, no one is responding there...06:27
firecrotc1I just started renting a dedicated server and have been given a block of 5 ip addresses, 1 of which is actually set up.  How do I set up my server to work on additional IPs?06:27
firecrotc1If that makes sense to anyone06:27
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cmcguickenwhat s the command to unlock it??06:28
cmcguicken**the command to unlock adept06:28
ubotuIf adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a'06:28
bubu1ukcmcquicken:but close all adept06:28
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cmcguickengot adept ot work again06:30
cmcguickenok i have applied after doing the repsoitories, what will this do?06:31
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eihnatcmcquicken: put in search box 'build-esentials' or whatever it was called06:31
eihnatcmcquicken: there should be search box in adept06:32
cmcguickeni have already installed all 93706:32
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eihnatcmcquicken: box where u can type06:33
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jamrsokay, anyone have a guide to repair a grub boot record from the live cd06:33
cmcguickenyes "build-essentials" ...=nothing06:33
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:33
eihnatjamrs: try to have a look at www.ubuntuguide.org06:33
Dr_willisits 'build-essential'06:33
Dr_willis!find build-essential06:33
ubotuFound: build-essential06:33
cmcguickenno adept cant find it06:34
eihnatcmcquicken: build-essential without s06:34
eihnatat the end06:34
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cmcguickenthere is nothing06:34
jamrsDr_willis: thanks06:35
jamrsDr_willis: ah, yes, already tried this guide06:35
eihnatcmcquicken: go back to manage repositories and check if all are applied06:35
jamrsit didnt work06:35
jamrsrebooted and it went into windows06:35
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angasuleI wanted to edit /etc/sudoers so I changed the permission from 0440 to 0640, little did I know that sudo would then refuse to work (since it checks for /etc/sudoers to be 0440), how do I change it back? reboot and rescue CD? or is there some way that doesn't involve a reboot?06:36
peksuis the easyubuntu still working? i mean my Add/Remove programs application can't find it at all06:36
eihnatjamrs: did u have a look in ubuntuguide.org06:36
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.06:39
jamrseihnat: yeah it doesnt have a search function on the page06:39
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jamrswhich doesnt make sense cause it looks like a wiki06:39
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chuenHi all. I'm trying to open an .rar archive using ARK, but am getting the error "The utility unrar is not in your path."06:41
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kalle_Whats the shortcut for gnome-terminal? :o06:41
chuenDo I have to use unrar specifically to unarchive rar files?06:41
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hattaark is just a frontend06:42
largosis anyone aware of problems installing kubuntu on large sata drives?06:42
maurochuen: install unrar06:42
hossen_aljesmewhere i find kubuntu packages ?? (auto install) ??06:42
firecrotc1is there anyone here who is familiar with "ifconfig" ?06:42
maurochuen: "sudo aptitude install unrar"06:42
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hattait's easier to just pop open a console and do: rar x file.rar06:42
maurofirecrotc1: what do you need to know ?06:43
andreasw_wegfirecrotc1: here (I hope so) ;)06:43
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chuenhatta: Thanks. I'll try command line06:43
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firecrotc1I have a dedicated server with 5 IPs allocated to it, only 1 is set up06:43
chuenmauro: I've just installed it. Is it a command line utility?06:43
firecrotc1All I can figure out is that I have to use ifconfig to enable the othere06:44
largoschuen: rar / unrar are command-line06:44
eihnatjamrs: it doesnt have search but it has a list of topics. go thru it. i think i saw there something bout grub before. but not sure.06:44
chuenlargos: No gui's available?06:44
largosfirecrotc1: does it have 5 'nics?06:44
andreaswfirecrotc1: can't it be that the router of your provider automatically forwards to your server if someone uses one of the 5 ips?06:44
largoschuen: ark is one gui -- there are probably other graphical wrappers for it06:45
firecrotc1largos: as far as I know, there is 1 NIC06:45
largoschuen: as hatta said, command line is fairly easy for most tasks06:45
jamrseihnat: not how to fix it... lol i cant believe that i am going to have to use the gentoo cd to fix my kubuntu install06:45
chuenlargos: Tha'ts what I thought - just wondred why ARK wouldn't work.06:45
chuenlargos: OK.06:45
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largosfirecrotc1: you'll need to look into enabling virtual interfaces (I think that's what they're called)06:45
largoschuen: that's why I don't usually use graphical wrapper apps :) they often don't work..06:46
chuenlargos: LOL. I'm learning ;-)06:46
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firecrotc1largos: that's the thing - I've looked at several sources, and I just plain don't get it06:47
Dr_willis!info unp06:47
ubotuunp: unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.10 (edgy), package size 9 kB, installed size 72 kB06:47
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eihnatjamrs: what happened to ur grub?06:48
Rob-West:) :) :) :)06:48
firecrotc1largos: all I can basically tell is that I'll end up with a total of 5 interfaces, eth0:1, eth0:2, etc06:48
jamrseihnat: installed windows06:48
jamrsthis is my drive for class06:48
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jamrsand they are constantly having us put different things on it06:49
andreaswfirecrotc1: and now you can assign ip addresses to the alias interfaces06:49
eihnatjamrs: hope will help.06:49
maurochuen: if you installed unrar ark should extract rars normally06:49
firecrotc1andreasw: okay, I'm definitely going to have to do some more reading :)06:50
jamrsi did setup (hd0,1)06:50
jamrsi needed to just do hd006:50
eihnatjamrs: either i think there is some other method, but dunno. never had to do that. ;)06:50
andreaswfirecrotc1: you configure the aliases like normal interfaces06:50
unknownidjamrs: hi, it happend to me too, it's easy to fix don't stress06:51
firecrotc1andreasw: I don't know how to configure normal interfaces either :(06:51
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unknownidjamrs: just can't remember how06:51
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chuenmauro: I installed the free version - does it make any difference?06:52
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Pekkewhy does it log out after changing the desktop settings?06:52
blue|palmwhat is the linux version of windows' xcopy?06:52
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Dr_willisman cp06:55
maurochuen: i heard comments that it doesnt really work to well, i sugget you install the plain rar, even if its not free06:55
mauroblue|palm: what does xcopy do ?06:55
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firecrotc1Oh wow, that was easier than I thought it would be06:55
eihnatchuen: yeah, free unrar cant open sometimes some rar files.06:56
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andreaswfirecrotc1: ifconfig eth0:1 inet netmask up would set the network address + netmask06:56
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Dr_willisive used winrar.exe in wine befor. :)06:57
firecrotc1andreasw: thanks :)06:57
andreaswjust had a con lost06:57
firecrotc1I noticed06:57
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:57
andreaswand if the settings work you can make entries in /etc/network/interfaces06:58
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firecrotc1andreasw: what purpose does that serve?07:01
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andreaswfirecrotc1: the settings you make with ifconfig are lost whenever you restart so you put it into interfaces so at a reboot these settings will be automatically be made07:02
firecrotc1Ah, gotcha07:02
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firecrotc1It seems to only be partly working... I can ping the addresses, but attempting to access it in a web browser fails (I do have it set up in apache already)07:03
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=== Ropechoborra ^Ausente (K) :P
=== shinigami [n=shinigam@bb219-74-160-137.singnet.com.sg] has joined #kubuntu
shinigamihi .. i'm using firefox in kubuntu dapper.. when i load http://www.swisscash.biz/ ,  it hit into a mobile site. But when i used Windows IE, it turn out to be normal. How come?07:07
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firecrotc1shinigami: my guess is they're filtering the content based on the user-agent string07:09
eihnatfirecrotc1: check if u haveDNS servers setup properly DNS07:09
mauroshinigami: with konqueror it sends me to mobile too07:10
maurolet me try opera07:10
kalle_Whats the shortcut for gnome-terminal? :o07:10
firecrotc1shinigami: it works if you send an IE user-agent07:10
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shinigamifirecrotc1: i can edit the identification in konqueor07:11
firecrotc1eihnat: my problem has nothing to do with DNS servers, I'm accessing the server via it's IP addresses07:11
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shinigamibut i can't do it in firefox.. how?07:11
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firecrotc1shinigami: I beleive there is an extension called User Agent Switcher07:11
blue|palmdoes anybody else experience problems trying to play files with mplayer?07:11
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blue|palmor am i just missing codecs or something?07:11
shinigamiif u add Browser identification at konqueor to internet explorer 6 XP it can work07:12
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shinigamiUser Agent Switcher........ yes..how to install?07:12
firecrotc1Let me find it for you07:12
eihnatblue|palm: what error u get?07:12
n0nei'm tryin' to play savage and after patch to 2.00e have this problem ----> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1957/07:12
firecrotc1shinigami: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/59/07:13
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blue|palmeihnat: error opening/initializing the selected video out07:13
chuenmauro: Thanks (had to answer the door)07:13
chueneinhat: Thanks.07:13
n0nei'm tryin' to play savage and after patch to 2.00e have this problem ----> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1957/07:13
blue|palmeihnat: mp3 files play but only after giving an error07:14
maurochuen: no prob, thats why we people at the IRC are for07:14
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eihnatblue|palm: had same problem. cant remember if i sorted it out. i think somethink else was using video. is anything runnin. like kaffeine07:15
=== XBehave [n=juan@hor-camden102.hor.ucl.ac.uk] has joined #kubuntu
n0nei'm tryin' to play savage and after patch to 2.00e have this problem ----> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1957/07:15
shinigamiok installed07:16
blue|palmonly amarok in the background07:16
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shinigamifirefox just crash when i try to switch to windows xp07:16
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blue|palmeihnat: only amarok in the background07:16
shinigamikonqueor doesn't..07:16
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eddy__hello to all07:16
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n0nei'm tryin' to play savage and after patch to 2.00e have this problem ----> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1957/07:17
chuenmauro: This is the most supportive channel I've been on.07:17
chuenmauro: doesn't treat newbz condcendingly.07:17
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tzbishopI have a notebook which shares a folder called Pictures. I can see it and modify everything via smb:// on Konqueror. How could I share my $HOME folder with the notebook?07:17
snowiceI'm planning on buying a hd enclosure, is there anything I shoould bear in mind in terms of kubuntu support?07:18
n0nei'm tryin' to play savage and after patch to 2.00e have this problem ----> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1957/07:18
Dr_willisn0ne,  it used to work? the error seems to imply some video card driver/gl issue07:18
sampansnowice  like a USB enclosure for a HD?07:18
n0neyea, before patch it worked07:18
firecrotc1snowice: you should have no problems07:19
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Dr_willisthis patch just came out?07:19
n0nebut when i've patched it to latest version it's started to crash with this error07:19
n0nenop, i think it's a pretty old patch07:19
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tzbishopI have a notebook which shares a folder called Pictures. I can see it and modify everything via smb:// on Konqueror. How could I share my $HOME folder with the notebook?07:20
Dr_willisI would have to say redownload/install the full version with the patches allready init.07:20
Dr_willisI got silverback 2E working here07:20
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n0necan u give me link to fully patched game please?07:21
snowicesampan, that's right, I would like to buy an enclosure to fit a seagate hard disk I still have, preferably one that also has the option to connect to the LAN07:21
n0nei can't find it :(07:21
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n0ne<Dr_willis> can u give me link to fully patched game please?07:22
shinigamihi my firefox doesn't load www.swisscash.biz after using the user agent to change to windows xp platform...07:22
shinigamican anyone try07:22
sampansnowice i don't know anything about connecting it to LANs, but as long as it's USB you'll be fine with using the HD on kubuntu (i have two external HDs set up this way myself)07:22
Dr_willisn0ne,  nope.. i downloaded it a month or so ago.. so not sure where its at.07:23
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n0ne<Dr_willis> ok, i'll try to find, thx07:23
Dr_willisn0ne,  let me check the installed game dir for some docs07:23
snowicesampan, can you put a Linux filesystem on that, I came acroos a few that requires fat32, and that would give me the creeps07:23
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Dr_willisis whare the readme says07:24
eihnatshinigami: that swisscash works 4 me07:24
sampansnowice  i have one FAT and one ext3.  i don't know why the ENCLOSURE would care what filesystem you use.07:24
shinigamieihnat: you using firefox user agent?07:25
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eihnatshinigami: what u mean by user agent?07:25
n0ne<Dr_willis> oh, is it in .RUN package or smth else?07:25
shinigamieihnat: if you don't use the user agent, you'll see a mobile site instead of the full site..07:26
Dr_willisi forget.. it was a tar.gz or self installer..07:26
soulriderdoes anyone know if there are any NES emulators for windows ?07:26
blue|palmsoulrider why are you asking that here?07:26
n0ne<Dr_willis> ok..thx07:26
eihnatshinigami: ah, nope then.07:26
snowicesampan, I think those boxes do more than just enclose the hard disk, that's why, most also mention OS support and linux is not always part of the list07:27
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shinigamieihnat: are u loading the full page or mobile (text base) page?07:27
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soulriderblue|palm: because maybe someone knows.... ?07:27
eihnatshinigami: normal. just in firefox07:27
soulriderblue|palm: as far as i know its not illegal if you have the games07:27
shinigamieihnat: are u using linux?07:27
sampansnowice  then buy one that doesn't do 'more'?  the ones i have are just simple boxes with IDE cables in the back and a USB out the back.  plug-n-play after the HD is installed07:28
blue|palmsoulrider, i dont mean to be rude or anything, its just that this is a linux channel :) But yes there are for windows07:28
eihnatshinigami: yes07:28
soulriderwell, i want one for linux :P07:28
Dr_willisgoogle is our friend07:28
Dr_willisand theres several nes/snes/other emulators out for linux07:28
blue|palmsoulrider, oh i completely misunderstood you, sorry! fgoogle for it07:28
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soulridergreat Dr_willis07:29
eddy__nick /RotflMan07:29
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@adsl-69-209-49-101.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
Bizzehjust got kubuntu installed07:29
shinigamiok somehow it worked07:29
Dr_willisand many programs are front ends to  emulators with just command line options07:29
Bizzehand managed to get my wireless working07:29
eddy__i've got it07:29
blue|palmwhat driver is reccommended to be used by mplayer?07:29
Bizzehthing is, i cant manage to get my 2 media drives to mount so i can actualy use them07:29
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blue|palmwhat 'video' driver is reccommended to be used by mplayer?07:29
manwithafaceBizzeh, what are their formats?07:30
snowicesampan, okay, thanks for your advice07:30
eddy__Does Kubuntu support wireless as WPA-PSK?07:30
Bizzehthey mount07:30
Bizzehi just cant access07:30
manwithafacentfs is read-only07:30
Bizzehsays i dont have permition07:30
Bizzehi know07:30
blue|palmeddy__ yes but you have to go through alot of trouble to activate it07:30
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manwithafacethey must be mounted under root07:30
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Bizzehi did that07:30
Bizzehand when i try to use them as a normal user07:31
blue|palmI was too lazy so i just changed my wifi network security to WEP07:31
Bizzehi get permition denied07:31
manwithafaceyou need to give users read access07:31
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Bizzehi know07:31
Bizzehbut i dont know how07:31
eddy__Blue Palm can you tell me a link or other of forums where i can know the right procedure for configurate it?07:31
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:32
blue|palmthere you go07:32
eddy__wow tx very much07:32
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blue|palmno prob07:32
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magnus_newbie: When I log in to another machine running Kubuntu I now get problems that after adding the correct password the screen is flashing a little bit and then I am back on the login page... My theory is eithr disc space problems or wrong set up for the screen... Any advice  Failsafe mode works07:32
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rockzmanHow Can I load my AR5212 module to have my minipci up, I dunno its module name07:32
manwithafaceBizzet, open a Konsole and type  sudo kate /etc/fstab07:32
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manwithafaceBizzet, nvm07:33
manwithafaceinstead run sudo konqueror07:33
manwithafaceyou can do it through the GUI07:33
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Bizzehok, running konq as sudo now07:34
manwithafacetry to access your drives07:34
manwithafacedid that work?07:34
blue|palmhmm... does anybody know how to solve choppy video playback in mplayer?07:35
Bizzehyes, i can access as sudo07:35
manwithafacedo you want to access as normal user?07:35
manwithafaceor just when sudo'd?07:35
Bizzehread only when normal user so i can watch video and play music07:35
manwithafaceright-click your drive07:36
manwithafacestill in the sudo konq07:36
manwithafaceand permissions07:36
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manwithafaceset others to can view content07:36
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Bizzeh"could not change permitions for /media/tv"07:37
ubotuFor multimedia codecs see: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html and for applications see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications07:37
eihnatheh, funny quiestion. does anyone know how can i change user password from live CD? just installed kubuntu and managed to misspell password07:37
eihnatso cant login07:37
rockzmanHow Can I load my AR5212 module to have my minipci up, I dunno its module name07:37
manwithafacebizzeh, you are sudo?07:37
mikkiis LimeWire available for linux ?07:37
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Bizzehi can navigate the drive in konq as sudo07:38
eihnatmikki: kinda, something similar, cant remember how it's called07:38
Bizzehit just wont let me set the permitions07:38
eihnati think frostwire or something07:38
manwithafacemikki just do torrent07:38
mikkieihnat: ok, thx07:38
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about driver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:39
manwithafacebizzeh, just for fun, go over to mounting and see if doing mount as read-only does anythign07:39
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magnus_is there a good way to delete temp files07:40
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:40
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manwithafaceBizzeh, if you want, try changing the owner from root to your username07:41
manwithafacein the lower box07:41
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cyber-hazardgoodmorning, guys07:41
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frojndhello, what means Option"Protocol""ImPS/2"  in sectio inputdevice (mouse)07:42
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions. For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse07:42
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Bizzehmanwithaface: on mount permitions it says "root user only, may disable/enable"07:43
shinigamihi.. i was thinking of installing kubuntu edgy on my acer laptop..but my laptop is a duel core. which edgy should i download? i386 or amd64 or powerpc?07:43
shinigamihi.. i was thinking of installing kubuntu edgy on my acer laptop..but my laptop is a dual core. which edgy should i download? i386 or amd64 or powerpc?07:43
Dr_willisstick to 38607:43
MorboI would suggest i38607:43
eddy__i386 i suppose07:43
shinigamiok actually i installed dapper i386 on my acer laptop.. it only shows one cpu07:44
manwithafaceBizzeh, mount permissions?07:44
shinigamithat's why i reinstalling edgy in07:44
shinigamihow come it only show one cpu?? what should i do?07:44
shinigamihow can i get the kernel with smp support?07:45
MorboProbably because you do not have the smp kernel07:45
Bizzehin "Disk and Filesystems"07:45
shinigamido i have to get it manually like..apt-get install something?07:45
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about smp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:45
frojndI wanna instal twin look so I have to edit xorg.conf and Change my protocol: Option         "Protocol" "ExplorerPS/2" into:"Protocol""ImPS/2"  in sectio inputdevice (mouse), what's the difference between explorerPS/2 and IMPS/2 ?07:46
Morboshinigami- You have AMD or Intel?07:46
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manwithafaceBizzeh, I don't know, maybe someone else knows more07:47
Morbosudo aptitude install linux-686-smp07:47
Morboshinigami- /\07:47
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shinigamioic.. ok hope it work07:47
soulrideri just installed visualboyadvance, but i cant find what the command to rin it is07:48
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shinigamibtw, what's the difference between apititude and apt-get ? text and menu?07:48
frojndhas anyone manage to install twin view LCD and SRT monitor?07:49
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externwhen I try to empty my trash, it says that access is denied to /home/user_name/.local/share/files/folder07:50
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)07:50
externthe file/folder doesn't even exist there07:50
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externhow could I fix this?07:50
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shinigamianyone got experience in installing kubuntu in acer laptops? how do i get the webcam, function keys, soft switches working? any all-in-one package?07:51
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about acer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:52
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ubotuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org07:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about linux-laptop - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:52
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tzbishopI can see my Ubuntu computer on the notebook running win, but 'it doesn't have permission to access files on that remote directory'. How to fix it?07:53
posingaspopularanyone here willing to help me out with a little computer trouble?07:53
cyber-hazardtzbishop: you running samba on the laptop?07:53
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cyber-hazardposingaspopular: go ahead and post the question, and someone who knows will answer :)07:54
tzbishopcyber-hazard: no. no samba on the laptop07:54
tzbishopcyber-hazard: running samba just on my GNU/Linux Ubuntu desktop07:54
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cyber-hazardtzbishop: that's what I meant. sorry, been a long couple days. have you setup directories to be shared?07:55
hyper_chwhats the program's name that defines the default programs for kde appz?07:55
tzbishopcyber-hazard: I setup "Pictures" directory (/home/tzbishop/Pictures) to be available via swat (GUI interface)07:55
cyber-hazardhyper_ch: do you need the actual programs name, or just need to know how to get to that interface?07:56
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tzbishopI can access this via konqueror normally: smb://linux-desktop/PICTURES07:56
cyber-hazardtzbishop: sorrry, that's about as far as my knowledge goes in that subject :( not very knolwedgable with samba yet07:56
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hyper_chcyber-hazard: the actual program name as I run xubuntu but like quite a few kde appz07:57
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cyber-hazardhyper_ch: the "about" section in the help of that program just calls in the KDE Component Chooser07:58
posingaspopularMy problem is that when I try and boot my Kubuntu system, after the log in (where I chose the user etc) my computer crashes. If it gets that far. Most of the time I hit the boot button on my computer and it doesn't respond at all. When it does boot, and I check the BIOS, the computer/mobo whatever tells me that 'due to an improper CPU speed, the system hung on last boot' or something to that degree. I changed the CPU s07:58
posingaspopularhelp the problem much. My brother tells me it's the kernel panicing, but I don't think so, I think it's my CPU (AMD Athlon 3200 XP+), but I don't know. I'm lost.07:58
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hyper_chcyber-hazard: in Kontact, where would that be?07:59
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n0ne<Dr_willis> are u here?08:00
cyber-hazardposingaspopular: I don't know off the top of my head, but I remember seeing a few things about Athlon XP's kernel panicing. try typing the exact error in google.com/linux. that's what I did and if I recall the answer was in the first few matches08:00
cyber-hazardhyper_ch: i found it in the Control Center under Program Defaults, but I think that might just be a Kubuntu specific thing. not really sure otherwise.08:00
floriwii have a question08:01
posingaspopular<cyber-hazard> thanks. I'll try that.08:01
n0ne<Dr_willis> man i need ya08:01
cyber-hazardposingaspopular: np, wish i could have helped more08:01
hyper_chcyber-hazard: what's the program's name?08:01
hyper_chcyber-hazard: what binary is being called when you select that menu entry from the control center?08:01
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animimotusdoes audiokonverter still maintained ?08:03
andrea\server irc.whiffle.org08:04
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frojndhow can I fix that: I buy new LCD and settings are still for the old one. like section "screen" Monitor   "ADI MS-5P+" ....08:04
frojndI bought* sorry for crappy englisg08:05
cyber-hazardhyper_ch: ps aux shows: systemsettings -caption System Settings -icon systemsettings -miniicon systemsettings08:05
rexbrondpkg-reconfigure  xorg08:05
cyber-hazardandrea: needs to be a forward slash /08:05
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LjLand i wouldn't do that anyway08:06
voicuhi, i installed firestarter recently and i'm curious: if someone attempts to connect to a port labeled VNC, Ms-sql-s or webadmin and so on, he doesn't have really good intentions right?08:06
animimotusI search somethings to transform wav to mp3 easyly with a gui08:06
voicubecause i get tons of those and i'm starting to get paranoid :D08:06
hyper_chcyber-hazard: nothing found "systemsettings"08:06
cyber-hazardhyper_ch: don't know what else to tell you. that's all I'm finding08:07
hyper_chcyber-hazard: but kde-systemsettings   --> apt-cache search systemsettings   :)08:07
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cyber-hazardhyper_ch: that last line made no sense to me. explain?08:08
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voicui mean, is it normal for random boxes to connect to the 1433 or 5900 port? if yes, why?08:08
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hyper_chcyber-hazard: I couldn't find any  systemsettings binary... but a search through the package cache returned kde-systemsetttings08:09
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cyber-hazardvoicu: it's really not that much of a concern unless you see multiple attempts from one host on the same or grouped ports, you might have a concern. random scanning happens all the time though08:09
cyber-hazardhyper_ch: ah, okay. didn't know if you were asking me to run a command or you found something :)08:09
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hyper_chcyber-hazard: thx for the help :)08:11
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VSpikeI'm getting "Unknown error 255" from K3b on a vanilla kubuntu system.. can anyone help me out?  Debug output at http://pastebin.co.uk/906108:11
voicucyber-hazard: well, yesterday the WAN fell because of an attack on my computer. today i configured the firewall and i'm getting from 2 to 20 attempts from the same ip08:11
cyber-hazardhyper_ch: np08:11
cyber-hazardvoicu: then that could be an issue. what kind of attack was it?08:11
eihnatvoicu: put that ip in hosts.deny08:12
voicui don't remember how it is called but it involves pinging to the broadcast address of the WAN08:12
voicuthat's what happened08:12
eihnatvoicu: also dependes on kind of atack if u'll be able to fully protect urself08:12
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voicuall ports are now blocked except the ones for torrents, direct connect and warcraft 3 :D08:13
cyber-hazardvoicu: sending massive amounts of large pings? sounds like a DoS08:13
voicunot large pings, ping to the broadcast address that causes the network to ping itself until it fails to work properly08:13
angasule_I wanted to edit /etc/sudoers so I changed the permission from 0440 to 0640, little did I know that sudo would then refuse to work (since it checks for /etc/sudoers to be 0440), how do I change it back? reboot and rescue CD? or is there some way that doesn't involve a reboot?08:14
voicuthat's like each computer pinging each other computer08:14
voicuangasule_: try booting in recovery mode08:14
cyber-hazardvoicu: still a denial of service08:14
voicuhmm, ok, at least now i have a name for that whole mess :P08:15
angasule_bummer, I'll do it later today, I don't feel like rebooting08:15
cyber-hazardangsule_  don't need to edit permissions for sudoers file, just sudo vi it :)08:15
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voicuangasule_: maybe there's a better way i'm not aware of08:15
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angasule_cyber-hazard: it said it was read only08:15
cyber-hazardvoicu: try what eihnat suggested. also start googling for defenses for DoS attacks08:16
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cyber-hazardangasule_: sudo allows you to edit/run as root. if you're root you just :wq! when you're done editing and it will write08:16
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cyber-hazardangasule_: just know that it's read only for a reason. be very careful editing it08:16
angasule_cyber-hazard: well, too late for that anyway08:16
voicucyber-hazard: there must be more than 20 ips to deny by now... anyway if there are only a few ports open i guess it's ok, right?08:16
cyber-hazardangasule_: i know, just for next time :)08:17
eihnatvoicu: u can use denyhosts daemon08:17
voicuwhoa, that reminds me, ssh is still open08:17
ragplease help me about lsusb and usb mouse and keyboard not works for me08:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about security - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:17
ragany led start on mouse08:17
cyber-hazardvoicu: i recommend finding a security room for more information, help and advice08:18
ragall usb on my laptop now works, but before it working!08:18
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ragnot works08:18
posingaspopularupdate: my cpu is booting fine, but i fucked up my BIOS again, so my HDD won't register. but that's easier to fix08:18
ragnothing now, all usb havent power :) the power is the problem08:19
eihnatvoicu: that daemon puts ip automaticly into banned ips if it tries to do bad things. also u'll have to config it.08:19
cyber-hazardposingaspopular: glad your cpu is working now at least. did the search come up with something useful or did you just mess with it till it worked?08:20
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karmikazewhy is my .bash_history a binary file?08:20
karmikazewhat am i supposed to use to read it?08:21
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posingaspopularcyber- I just moved it to my room and hit boot. reset the bios to default which threw my jumpers out of whack. I redid the psu wiring so my disk drive doesnt have power and etc. etc. the bios is the problem08:21
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bipolarHey guys... whats the most secure way to do remote kdm logins? I'm not talking about running just one app like I can with ssh -X, but my entire desktop.08:21
cyber-hazardposingaspopular: if it's booting okay with your HDD unplugged, it might be a PSU issue08:22
cyber-hazardkarmikaze: the history command in bash will display your bash history08:22
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karmikazeis that a recent feature enforced by bash or by *ubuntu08:23
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cyber-hazardkarmikaze: not sure about the binary bit. only time i used my bash_history is from a bash prompt08:23
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karmikazei always use my bash_history cos i never remember the right syntax or names of anything im executing08:24
voicuwell, thanks all08:25
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cyber-hazardkarmikaze: yeah, I do too, just with the $ history command instead of looking at the file08:26
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DarkWizdomhow do I switch to external monitor in kubuntu? os installed on laptop of course08:33
fr0stedwhat is that message that appears in my console when running Kdetv ? the application runs and also shows tv normaly, new lines appear with the following lines: V4L2Grabber::~V4L2Grabber(): wait(). V4L2Grabber::~V4L2Grabber(): deleted08:34
fr0stedkdetv: WARNING: V4L2Dev::enqueueBuffer(): buffer already queued: 108:34
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frojndwhat sdould I put into  Identifier for the monitor:08:37
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frojndcouse I am reconfiguring x08:37
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frojndand I bought samsung: SyncMaster 940b08:38
frojndshould I put SyncMaster 940b into identifier?08:38
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n0neAnyone here playing game Savage?08:39
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n0neAnyone here playing game Savage?08:42
stonedragon12n0ne: I tried it yesterday the first time!08:43
cyber-hazardtoo busy with work and sudoku to play Savage :P08:43
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n0ne<stonedragon12>  oh, maybe u can help me with installing?08:44
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n0ne<stonedragon12> did u install in with .run package?08:44
stonedragon12yep, with sudo08:44
stonedragon12< n0ne >  but i can't bring it to work on linux after the update08:45
stonedragon12< n0ne > so i played it under win (shame on me)08:45
barjoh10hi cormir6708:45
n0ne<stonedragon12> same to me :(08:45
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stonedragon12< n0ne > cool, so we can guess it's a package failure and we should post a bug?08:46
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n0ne<stonedragon12> nop...cuz on some computers this package works08:47
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barjoh10hello alpmar8908:48
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stonedragon12lol kopete crashed...08:49
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alpmar89barjoh10  wat up cuz08:49
barjoh10hello cormir6708:50
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frojndhello where can I sest my keyboard to layout I wanna use..08:51
barjoh10alpmar89 hey i am in love with ur cuz and cant stop think of her08:51
cyber-hazardbarjoh10: that's not what love is. let ubotu tell you what love is08:52
frojndnow its us or smth, but I wanna make it si slovenian08:52
ubotuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.08:52
frojndcouse halg of characters I cant find08:52
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barjoh10alpmar89 tell me wat to do08:52
cormir67did u get the answers barjoh1008:53
MikHellAnybody knows how to go back one kernel version?08:53
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barjoh10cormir67 no give them to me08:54
cormir67i dont know08:54
barjoh10cyber-hazard eat something08:55
cormir67what r we doing? barjoh1008:55
barjoh10hey cormir67 the answers08:55
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alpmar89barjoh10  buay just go talk to she and tell she how u feel and tell she u want deh with she!08:56
barjoh10boay i don du that08:56
K-RyanI won't ask08:56
alpmar89wat she seh08:57
barjoh10hey iam not doing nothing cormir67 just chilin out08:57
K-Ryanbarjok10 you said you are "not doing nothing"08:58
K-RyanThat means you "are" doing something08:58
barjoh10nothing alpmar89 i just say yes and we r going out08:58
barjoh10yes k-ryan what08:58
K-RyanIf you are "not doing nothing" you ARE "doing something"08:59
alpmar89y u no stop lie battybuay barjoh1008:59
barjoh10hey cormir67 u no talking man i mean gail08:59
K-RyanAnyone know how I can tell Adept to just apply all updates? Instead of going through each one and clicking update.09:00
barjoh10alpmar89 ask her ur selgf09:00
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barjoh10heycormir67 talk09:02
alpmar89barjoh10  how come i no c u with she09:02
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freshburnok i have a really annoying thing that if someone could help me with id greatly appreciate09:02
cormir67What u wantbarjoh1009:02
K-RyanWhat's up freshburn?09:02
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freshburnwhen im in konqueror and i click in the adress bar i want it to select all the current location09:03
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freshburnive looked in settings for konq but may have missed it09:03
K-RyanJust have to right click09:03
freshburnisntead of left09:03
K-RyanI have the same problem, it's just a Konqueror thing09:03
K-RyanNo, right click then click select all09:03
barjoh10u no wa see me whith she alpmar8909:03
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freshburnthere has to be a way to make it act like FF, or make FF do the file managing and stuff that konw does, i really like konq but having to hold down del then backspace, then type what i want there is REALLY annoying09:04
cormir67What talk clearly barjoh1009:04
barjoh10today alpmar89 after classes i would be at the auditorioum09:05
K-Ryanbarjoh10 why do you talk like that?09:05
LynoureK-Ryan: not just him, alpmar89 too, it seems09:05
freshburnmaybe an STD09:05
K-Ryanfreshburn, you just can't. Right click>Select all>Backspace09:06
K-RyanYes Lynoure but he's not talking right now09:06
barjoh10hey cormir67 i was asking if a rat ate ur tounge cause u dont talk(type)09:06
K-RyanIf a rat did eat his tongue, it wouldn't explain him not typing...09:06
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LynoureK-Ryan: The bigger question is why they do that talking _here_09:06
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freshburndoes konq have any kind of scripting support? hmmm i could make a shorcut for my mid mouse button to do rt click select all backspace? is that possible?09:07
barjoh10heyk-Ryan how or what u mean by that09:07
K-Ryanbarjoh10 do you speak English?09:08
K-RyanAs your first language that is.09:08
barjoh10yes but i am not talking to u so shush! ok09:09
K-RyanIf you speak English as your first language, you have two options.09:09
barjoh10understand K-ryan09:09
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Lynourebarjoh10: Do you need help with Kubuntu?09:09
K-RyanA Talk right, or B Learn how to talk right then see A09:09
barjoh10no thanks Lynoure09:09
K-RyanThen you shouldn't be here barjoh1009:10
K-RyanThis channel is for people who need help with Kubuntu.09:10
K-Ryan...who speak English09:10
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alpmar89Lynoure and Kryan who is this?09:10
barjoh10y k-ryan iam talking to alpmar89 is that u i guess not09:11
Lynourealpmar89: Who is who?09:11
K-RyanIf you don't need help with Kubuntu go talk somewhere else.09:11
Zamberanybody with beryl onboard?09:11
K-Ryan!beryl | Zamber09:11
ubotuZamber: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl09:11
Lynourealpmar89: Kubuntu is the Linux distribution this channel is all about. :)09:11
ZamberK-Ryan I have a working beryl with aixgl but one thing is kinda strange09:12
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K-RyanZamber I never got Beryl but I figured that might help out.09:12
Zamberwhen a window wants focus it's not blinking in the window bar09:12
Zambernp ;)09:12
gdiebelwhen I triple click on a line in konsole it selects the whole line. then middle clicks pastes it, but it causes a return and tries to run the line. can i paste it without the carriage return at the end?09:12
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K-Ryanjust press ctrl+v09:13
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K-Ryan(to gdiebel)09:13
freshburnkryan wanna know 2 cool things?09:13
K-RyanSure thing09:13
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gdiebelK-Ryan: ctrl-v does not paste in konsole09:14
K-RyanDoesn't work? Hrmm, thought you could.09:14
freshburnone-hit the stupid white X clear box thing and then click into the location bar09:14
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freshburnOR and this is the best when you click into the location bar09:14
K-Ryanah, i see what you mean09:14
freshburndouble click instead of single click09:14
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freshburnand it does what we wanted09:14
gdiebelnah that just selects a word09:14
K-Ryani knew about double click09:14
K-Ryanif you triple click i think it selects the word09:14
freshburndouble click selects the whole location09:15
K-Ryanhrmm, thats firefox i guess09:15
K-Ryantriple click does nothing, ignore that =P09:15
freshburni just tried it09:15
K-Ryanyeah i tried double too09:15
freshburnin winblows it like double click for word triple for line09:15
K-Ryanwas it?09:15
K-RyanOh well, we all know Linux > Micro$oft09:16
freshburnso if i just learn to always double click into the location bar then whatever i type will overwrite whats there09:16
sampanfreshburn  cntl-l will clear the konq location and put your cursor there (so you can type a new location)09:16
freshburni can deal with that09:16
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barjoh10hello alpmar89 dont pay mind to    those talks09:16
freshburnsampan hmmm thats probably good to know too thanks09:16
alpmar89Buay barjoh10 wat all homework we gat?09:16
K-Ryanbarjoh10 If you are not going to talk about Kubuntu please leave.09:16
=== freshburn only been using kubuntu 2 weeks now
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=== K-Ryan has only been using Kubuntu 2 days now.
gdiebelI think perhaps I asked in the wrong channel09:17
barjoh10study i guess alpmar8909:17
freshburnbut already removed win from all 3 pcs and 2 laptop09:17
K-RyanOh wow09:17
sampannot quite the same as firefox's (cntl-l selects the whole location so you can cntl-c, cntl-v, cntl-x or whatever)09:17
K-RyanI kept it for gaming =P09:17
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barjoh10no k-ryan no no09:17
animimotussomeone use soundkonverter ?09:17
K-Ryanbarjoh10 Yes, this channel is for Kubuntu not your little chit chat with your friend.09:17
freshburni have win4linpro running xp for that09:18
K-RyanNow if you aren't going to talk about Kubuntu, please leave. This is not the place for you.09:18
freshburnon one pc only (the kids)09:18
animimotusnothins seems happen :\09:18
=== K-Ryan is a kid, sort of.
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freshburnmy "kid" is 409:18
K-RyanI figured you meant kid by my age kind of09:19
K-Ryan15 almost 1609:19
freshburnbut he is computer savvy like me09:19
barjoh10k-ryan i will ignore u09:19
freshburnshoot im only 25 wife is 2109:19
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freshburnnow if i could get the touchpad on my hplaptop to stop pasting stuff all over i would be gold09:19
K-Ryanbarjoh10 if you do not leave you will be removed from the channel.09:19
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freshburntada /ignore barjoh1009:20
K-RyanHe still shouldn't be here09:20
voicuanyone know how to disable listing the contents of a directory in apache2 (i.e. when there isn't a index.* file)09:20
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alpmar89Hey Kryan just leave us alone because we are not talking to you09:21
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barjoh10o tanks fresh burn ur ignored now that burns09:21
K-Ryanalpmar89 this channel is meant for talking about Kubuntu09:21
K-RyanNot your girlfriend and homework.09:21
K-RyanTake it somewhere else.09:21
Morboalpmar89- I suggest #kubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-offtopic09:21
K-RyanMorbo they are barely speaking English09:22
MorboOh.  I haven't been following :)09:22
freshburnkittens give morbo gas09:22
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freshburnand not kryan is rude to foreigners09:22
freshburnthey are just acting like little script kiddies09:22
K-RyanYeah I'll help the foreigners out09:23
ubotuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenOnEdgy09:23
freshburnthey belong on efnet or undernet09:23
K-RyanI'd even talk to them if they spoke Spanish09:23
gdiebelK-Ryan does not seem to realize that incessantly informing people to keep on topic is just as annoying as their offtopic chitchat09:23
freshburnwith the rest of the children09:23
K-Ryangdiebel They are barely speaking English, and they aren't talking about Kubuntu09:23
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about botbeer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:23
K-RyanIt's not the place for them09:23
freshburnbots need beer too09:24
freshburnkind of like geeks and love09:24
freshburnthey need it too09:24
ubotuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.09:24
K-RyanThat one makes me laugh =)09:24
ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents09:24
K-RyanAnd that one =)09:24
freshburnlol mental health09:24
K-RyanI was about to post that one too09:24
ubotuA comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant09:24
tobamican someone help me getting Xephyr to run?09:24
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Xephyr - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about OSX - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dialupsucks - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:25
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto09:25
freshburnk im outa here09:25
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...09:25
freshburncya l8tr09:25
K-RyanHawkwind isn't that an oxymoron?09:25
tobamiubotu: thanks but I already tried09:25
K-RyanThink about it09:26
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HawkwindK-Ryan: No.  Please stop doing it in the channel and do it in pm if you wish to play09:26
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about abusebot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:26
K-RyanSorry Hawkwind09:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ilovethatbot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:26
Hawkwindfreshburn: Enough!09:26
K-Ryan"!mast" I'm not going to finish that one..09:27
tobamiI fell for it09:27
frojndI tried to sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg09:28
frojndand: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg09:28
frojndsudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg09:28
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frojndwhat can I do to reconfigure x :S09:28
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fr0stedalthough i removed with adept_manager mythtv , i still see mythtv rests in my computer. like: /etc/rc6.d/K24mythtv-backend how can iremove everything that has to do with mythtv ?09:28
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binksoff topc whats the name of that flm sommat like notralibra a funny one09:32
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paulcarpenternotra libre?09:33
ninHerhi soulrider09:33
soulriderhow can i find out what model my mobo is? i dont think i have the manual around09:33
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soulridermother board09:34
firecrotc1soulrider: open the case and look on the board itself09:34
w00t_sauceI'm having some troule setting up a dock09:34
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soulriderfirecrotc1: i cant find the model on it09:35
soulrideri know its an intel board09:35
Hawkwindsoulrider: lspci might tell you, or lshw09:36
soulriderhey Hawkwind09:36
soulrideri just found the manual :P09:36
K-Ryanlspci seems to work09:36
HawkwindOr read the manual 09:36
K-Ryanfor me anyway09:36
vit_do you spanish?09:36
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.09:36
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voicuwhat is the Omirr port?09:37
soulrideryeah Hawkwind im gonna read the manual now :P09:37
binksaha nacho libre09:37
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wolfwalkerAre there no good trackers for ubuntu?09:39
soulriderwolfwalker: yes09:39
soulrideron the official site there are torrents09:39
K-RyanOh! Tracker!09:39
binksyeah trackers india girls whoan tell whats shoes you had on days after you left09:39
wolfwalkerWrong tracker binks09:40
wolfwalkerI mean audio trackers09:40
wolfwalkerLike, you load a sample of one note of a piano09:40
wolfwalkerAnd it can interpolate it into different keys09:40
wolfwalkerAnd you slot the keys in a "track"09:40
K-RyanThat's neat09:41
wolfwalkerAnd you overlay other tracks for different instruments09:41
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wolfwalkerOr chords of a piano or something09:41
wolfwalkerSo no trackers for Linux?09:41
binkssorry but again if its music you play you NEED fretsonfire09:41
wolfwalkerNo, not Audacity. That's a recorder/editor09:41
wolfwalkerAnd a very good one09:41
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binkswolf you lost mee im tone deff09:42
wolfwalkerBut to use it as a sequencer or tracker would be......... tedious at best09:42
Lynourewolfwalker: If you are a musician, I could need your help... May I /msg you?09:42
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voicufirestarter says i'm conected to someone but netstat doesn't show anything09:44
voicuit on port 42101 which apparently is for ssh2 and that scares me09:45
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voicuhow can i find out which process started the connection?09:45
frojndExperienced users can use any variant supported by the selected XKB layout.  If the xkeyboard-config package has been unpacked, seethe /etc/X11/xkb/symbols directory for the file corresponding to your selected layout for available variants.    I eneterd /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/si couse I an from slovenia... now I am in si file and what am I looking for?09:45
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jdfellowi am having an intermittent sound problem  please help yes i have read all the faqs etc.09:47
voicuis the problem intermittent or the sound? :P09:47
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jdfellowand i have been running various distros of linux for a while with no sound problems except this one09:47
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paulcarpenterwhat type of sound problem?09:48
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jdfellowwhen i go to play an mp3 or listen to a stream using several audio apps the sound plays and halts then plays some more09:49
hbbkneed some help please09:49
wolfwalkerjdfellow, that is because you are taxing your processor, probably09:49
wolfwalkerGo easy on the poor thing09:49
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wolfwalkerIs not so easy for an older processor with little ram to handle a lot of audio programs at once.09:50
hbbkI recentry upgraded from dapper to edgy and every thing seems ok except that my desktop is wider than my screen, that really annoying09:50
jdfellowwhen i restart the computer the problem is gone do not know why it starts nor how to stop it using kde system guard am running alsa09:50
hbbkthere is no way to change that from kcontrol09:50
jdfellowno not even close09:50
hbbkthats the strangest thing09:50
BrandanoNicely crowded in her. Anyone can guide me through relpacing grub with lilo in a kubuntu install? grub doesn't seem to like my hpt370 fakeraid controller09:50
jdfellowmy processor is plenty fast and i have 750 megs of memory09:51
hbbkany clue please09:51
wolfwalkerThat's different then09:51
jdfellowthe problem goes away when i restart so what is going on?09:51
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wolfwalkerWhat several audio programs, specifically, are you running at the same time?09:52
jdfellowsometimes it seems to happen after i start firefox09:52
hbbknobody could help me ?09:53
jdfellowbut firefox was closed and there were no processes running in the background09:53
adaptrI guess not09:53
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jdfellowhello hbbk09:53
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wolfwalkerThere's no way to change the screen size?09:53
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hbbknot from kcontrol at least09:54
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hbbkI don't find where09:54
jdfellowjust a sec09:54
hbbkand I don' really whant to hand edit xorg.conf09:54
MaxDamage``hello to everyone :)09:54
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jdfellowtry system settings from the menu09:55
hbbkthere is nothing about changind screen size09:55
jdfellowthen under Computer Administration Monitor and Display09:56
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jdfellowah but there is09:56
me_i cant install anything anymore... could anyone help me pls... i get this error everytimes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1970/09:56
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jdfellowhey Admiral can you help with my sound problem09:57
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Renaldome_ apt-get -f install09:57
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raeezcould somebody assist me with video playback issues?09:57
jdfellowlike what09:57
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raeezchoppy video playback09:58
raeezonly in full screen mode though09:58
jdfellowwhat player09:58
frojndExperienced users can use any variant supported by the selected XKB layout.  If the xkeyboard-config package has been unpacked, seethe /etc/X11/xkb/symbols directory for the file corresponding to your selected layout for available variants.    I eneterd /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/si couse I an from slovenia... now I am in si file and what am I looking for?09:58
raeezevery single one ive tried, from kaffiene through totem to mplayer09:58
cj_How would i disable Xwindows/Kde from running on startup?09:59
hbbkI could not find any Computer Administration Monitor and Display ...09:59
raeezvlc works great thanks10:00
raeezis there any way i could get mplayer to work though?10:00
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jdfellowhave tried mplayer using different settings for video such as x11 xv perhaps reinstalling accelerated graphic driver10:00
cj_How would i disable Xwindows/Kde from running on startup? <<<< Any idea?10:00
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blue|palmI have experimented with the various video drivers (in mplayer) and i get error messages for all of them... i have installed and reinstalled the latest ati driver10:01
jdfellowoh hbbk what are we going to do10:01
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mindspincj- you can log in in different modes from the welcome screen10:01
blue|palmmplayer actually makes the video quality look alot nicer than vlc :( pity its not working10:01
freshburndoes anyone use the HSF linuxant drivers?10:01
hbbksorry ?10:01
jdfellowcould you find the blue and green icon that says Computer Administration?10:01
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jdfellowand when you do ... there should be a heading for Monitor and Display10:02
hbbkyes but no way to change resolution in it !!!10:02
me_when i try this i get the following error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1971/10:02
freshburnyeah i figured that much, well when someone does tell them to email me thier license.key10:02
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freshburnthis sucks10:02
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jdfellowso you are running kubuntu edgy correct so am i10:03
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=== wolfwalker has wandered off to search for a music tracker program for linux. He will return later with a whole new set of annoying newbie questions. You have Been Warned.............
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hbbkI have no Monitor and Display10:03
jdfellowdo you have an icon for Monitor and Display?10:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aptfix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:04
ubotuIf adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a'10:04
frojndWhen in doubt, this value should be left blank.10:04
frojndKeyboard options:10:05
frojndand than its:10:05
frojnd lv3:ralt_switch_____10:05
frojndshould I enter this or delite it and than press ok10:05
jdfellowout of curiosity what icons are there listed under Computer Administration then?10:05
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blue|palmhelp!! i think my dpkg may be broken :(10:05
hbbkin fact it is in french10:06
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blue|palmwhenever i use apt-get to install something it crashes10:06
jdfellowwell i have a computer screen icon with an10:06
freshburnbluepalm whats the error10:07
hbbkI have 4 rows 'personal' 'behavior' 'computer admin' 'network' (kind of easy translations :-))10:07
jdfellowX in it and this icon controls the monitor settings10:07
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jdfellowso what is listed under Computer Admin10:07
me_so noone has any idea to fix this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1971/10:08
hbbkand I have no such icon nothing looking like managing screens10:08
hbbk'date' keyboard' sound printer ... thats all10:08
jdfelloware there 6 icons ?10:08
blue|palmfreshburn, it repeatedly complains about dependancy problems10:08
me_the error was coused when i used this command: root@me-desktop:/home/me# apt-get -f install10:08
jdfellowthen you probably need to install nvidia drivers10:08
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hbbkalready installed ...10:09
blue|palmfreshburn dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of speedbar:10:09
freshburnme_ use the -f option10:09
jdfellowor what ever drivers work w/ your system then it will probably put an icon in there10:09
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freshburnbut its a no-takebacks kind of thing10:09
freshburni hope you have good backups10:09
jdfellowdon't be affraid of xorg  xorg is your friend10:09
blue|palmxorg is evil with drivers10:09
freshburnwhat exactly are you wanting to install?10:10
me_the -f option? i used allready: apt-get -f install do u mean that?10:10
hbbkroot@hbbk:~# dpkg -l '*nvidia*' | grep ^i10:10
hbbkii  nvidia-glx             1.0.8776+ NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver10:10
hbbkii  nvidia-kernel-common   20051028+1ubuntu7      NVIDIA binary kernel module common files10:10
freshburnbluepalm try using a package manager10:10
stdinme_: there is a way to fix that, but apt can't do it10:10
freshburnso it gets all dependancies10:10
blue|palmwell i tried to install kguitar first... that didnt work, then i tried OGRE, that didnt work, then i tried just plain upgrading...10:10
me_and me neither10:11
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jdfellowdriver installation can be tricky10:11
blue|palmpackagemanager like adept manager10:11
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blue|palmdriver installation can be evil :(10:11
stdinme_: you need to run "sudo dpkg --force-all -i /var/cache/apt/archives/tzdata_2006p-1_all.deb && sudo dpkg --configure -a"10:11
=== tfault [n=martin@0x57305352.vjnxx3.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu
freshburni had the same kind of issues after screwing with my sources.lst you didnt screw with your sources.lst did you10:11
hbbkit worked for me 2h before when I was under dapper10:11
jdfellowread the tutorials on line will help very important to follow the directions to the letter10:11
freshburnand stdin happened to be the one who helped me fix it so listen to what he/she says lol now thats timing10:12
blue|palmdidnt touch it10:12
tfaultDoes anyone know how to resize a partition *backwards* without loosing data?10:12
stdinfreshburn: i'm a he thanks :P10:12
kkosmowhat i need10:12
freshburnbluepalm i have no complaints with adept other than i touch things i shouldnt and it lets me10:12
jdfellowanyway unless someone wants to tackle my intermittent sound glitches i am out of here10:12
hbbkthnks for you help10:13
kkosmoto resize a partiton witout loseing data10:13
jdfellowwish you well10:13
=== Kr4t05 [n=andrew@dsl-66-59-121-115.dsl0.crls.pa.net] has joined #kubuntu
blue|palmstdin, could you help me? dpkg seems to be spitting errors at me whenever i try to update through apt or adept10:13
ubotuIf adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a'10:13
stdinblue|palm: what's the errors you get ?10:13
me_stdin: jeeeha ty very much now its working :)10:14
blue|palmstdin: example... sudo dpkg --configure -a'10:14
freshburnwhen i enter "administrator mode" to change things in system settings or when i open adept it used to ask me my password and now it doesnt, does anyone know why? and how to change it back?10:14
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tfaultDo you need to expand an partition to the free space before or after a partition?10:14
blue|palmstdin: sorry, oops i meant this:10:14
blue|palmdpkg: error processing eieio (--configure):10:14
blue|palm dependency problems - leaving unconfigured10:14
tfaultDo you need to expand an partition to the free space *before* or *after* a partition, kkosmo?10:15
kkosmoi have a partiton and a free space10:15
stdinblue|palm: that just tells me that there was a problem configuring the package10:15
kkosmoand i want to add the free space10:15
freshburnis the free space before or after the partition?10:15
kkosmoto my partitoion10:15
freshburnoh just use qtparted10:15
blue|palmlol thats the problem im getting10:15
freshburnor gparted10:15
blue|palmstdin: I cant run adept or apt...10:16
kkosmowhat changed10:16
stdinblue|palm: yes, but there is more info that you aren't shoeing me :P10:16
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blue|palmdpkg: error processing eieio (--configure):10:16
blue|palm dependency problems - leaving unconfigured10:16
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blue|palmoops sorry10:16
blue|palmthat was a mistake...10:16
stdinblue|palm: run "sudo dpkg --configure -a" and give me the whole output on pastebin10:16
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w00t_sauceI'm having some troule setting up a dock10:18
freshburnon which lake?10:18
freshburni like to fish10:19
freshburnsorry it had to be done10:19
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tfaultkkosmo: Can you show me the output of "fdisk -l /dev/[harddisk name] " (replace [harddisk name]  with something like hda, sdb..)?10:20
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BluesKajwe have ppl seting up icefishing shacks on the local lakes hered , ...finally  the freeze up is only 4 weeks late thei yr10:20
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BluesKajthis yr10:21
kkosmoDisk /dev/hda: 40.0 GB, 40060403712 bytes10:21
kkosmo255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4870 cylinders10:21
kkosmoUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes10:21
kkosmo   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System10:21
tfaultkkosmo: Put the output in a "paste-bin"!10:21
kkosmo/dev/hda1               1        2358    18940603+  83  Linux10:21
kkosmo/dev/hda2            2359        2435      618502+  82  Linux swap / Solaris10:21
kkosmo/dev/hda3            2436        4870    19559137+  83  Linux10:21
Hawkwind!paste | kkosmo10:21
ubotukkosmo: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:21
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BluesKajkkosmo | pastebin!10:21
tfaultkkosmo: What partition would you like to resize?10:22
kkosmoi be ok10:22
kkosmoi use10:22
tfaultkkosmo: Okay!10:22
BluesKajif the ubuntu-nl is too clogged up, use www.pastebin.ca10:22
blue|palmstdin: http://pastebin.com/86159910:22
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wilmanis there any way i can install java runtime on ubuntu edgy?10:23
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository10:23
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stdinblue|palm: holy c**p, you're in quite a mess there10:24
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yeti_salut tout le monde!10:25
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blue|palmstdin the only thing ive tinkered with was the driver for my radeon x190010:26
yeti_ahh c'est en train de me brouter la console qui veut rien savoir10:26
stdin!fr | yeti_10:26
ubotuyeti_: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.10:26
blue|palmstdin: but my kubuntu installation is terrible... from day one already10:26
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cyber-hazardblue|palm: what speed did you burn kubuntu at?10:27
soulrideri hope for feistry they make the installer better so that you can select packages and stuff10:27
blue|palmstdin: 4x10:27
soulridercyber-hazard: that doesnt matter at all10:27
cyber-hazardsoulrider: amen to that10:27
blue|palmstdin: onto a RW10:27
soulriderit doesnt matter at what speed you burn a CD DVD or whatever10:27
cyber-hazardsoulrider: yeah, it does. if you burn it too quickly and the burn doesn't take as well as it should then the install can become wack. trust me, it's happened to me many times10:27
cyber-hazardhowever, at x4, that's probably not the issue10:28
blue|palmthe cd behaved strangely, sometimes the livecd booted, but 8/10 it didnt, so i would keep restarting my pc until it did10:28
blue|palmmaybe thats why10:28
soulriderwhat do you mean "doesnt take as well as it should"?10:28
blue|palmblocks skipped10:28
soulrideron the CD, when you boot10:28
soulrideryou can check it for defects10:28
cyber-hazardsoulrider: errors in the burn. sometimes the data doesn't get burned completely. incomplete blocks, etc10:28
blue|palmyeah, but that too worked sometimes and sometimes it didnt10:28
soulriderwell, thats not because of the speed, its your burner :P10:29
cyber-hazardsoulrider: doesn't catch everything, though it does cause a lot10:29
cyber-hazardsoulrider: right, but regardless, if your burner is crap, a lot of times you can correct it by burning slower10:29
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stdinblue|palm: there is some problem with the pre-installation script of emacs21 that's causing all the errors there10:30
blue|palmI constantly get an error when booting kubuntu from my hdd, that during the boot it gets stuck at the screen with blue 'kubuntu' text and a blue loading bar... even caps lock doesnt respond when it gets into that frozen state, so i have to constantly restart it and try again and again  to get it work10:30
blue|palmso how do i remove emacs from my10:30
blue|palm'install' list10:31
blue|palmor whatever10:31
soulriderblue|palm: can you boot into safe mode ?10:31
blue|palmthat always works10:31
stdinsudo apt-get --pure remove emacs21 could work10:31
blue|palmand booting into xp also works10:31
soulrideri would do10:31
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soulrideraptitude purge not apt-get --purge10:32
soulridersudo aptitude purge emacs2110:32
soulriderblue|palm: was it allways like that or did it use to work ?10:32
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blue|palmfrom the time i installed it :(10:32
blue|palmso always10:32
blue|palmi had suse and xp before this10:32
blue|palmthere were no problems like this though10:32
steevcI'm having trouble getting X running since installing a graphics card. It's an old MX400, so I installed the nvidia-glx-legacy driver. When I run startx I get an error about not being able to start ksmserver(?) then it goes back to the console. Only error I can see in the xorg log is about the security policy file. Any ideas?10:33
yeti_do you know why I have this message : su: Authentication failure??10:33
blue|palmsouldrider: thanks, the purge worked10:33
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yeti_I have enter the good password10:33
soulriderblue|palm: i would suggest burning it again, on a CD-R not a RW (sometimes RW can be a POS)10:33
soulriderand reinstalling10:33
cyber-hazardi just wanna say, the fact that my iPod works out of the box on kubuntu is effing brilliant10:34
blue|palmyeah, but i dloaded so much now that it would have all gone to a waste :( Ive got capped internet10:34
cyber-hazardmakes me so happy10:34
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stdinyeti_: use sudo not su10:34
blue|palmcyber-hazard did you use amarok?10:34
kkosmosomone can help me i have a problem i delete a partiton in cfdisk its show me that have free space from deleted partiton i am quit from the cfdisk and its show agein the partiton that i delete what i need to do ?10:34
yeti_ok I'ill try10:34
soulriderblue|palm: what kind of connection do you have ?10:35
stdinkkosmo: you need to write the changes before you quit cfdisk10:35
kkosmoooo ok10:35
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blue|palm4 Mbps dload 384k upload 10GB cap10:35
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kkosmobut its dont destroy10:35
kkosmomy information10:35
kkosmoon the10:35
cyber-hazardblue|palm: yes I do10:35
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soulrideroh, the cap sucks10:35
stdinyeti_: the way to get a root shell is: sudo -i10:35
soulriderblue|palm: do you still have the image on your hard drive or did you delete it ?10:35
blue|palmI still have it, i wouldnt delete it10:36
frojndplease help10:36
blue|palmnice os :)10:36
soulrideri would suggest doing this blue|palm10:36
blue|palmwish it would work though10:36
dwidmannblue|palm: that cap hurts almost as bad as mine10:36
blue|palmlol, it sucks10:36
soulriderheck the md5 sum, if its all good, burn it into a CD-R10:36
soulriderat a slower speed just in case10:36
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blue|palmis there no way i can save the stuff ive dloaded?10:36
blue|palmcan i make my own cdr repository or something?10:37
soulriderblue|palm: the programs you mean ?10:37
kkosmoyou mean to make the root user10:37
kkosmoto get root shell10:37
soulridersure you can :)10:37
mace__hi what can i do here: kdesu: cannot connect to X serve10:37
blue|palmIve dloaded about 1 GB10:37
blue|palmthats 10% of this month's cap10:37
soulriderdo you have a usb drive or something to put them in ?10:37
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stdinkkosmo: no, you don't need to enable root to get a root shell10:37
blue|palmive got plenty of space. i just dont know how to do it10:37
soulridermake sure it has enough space10:37
soulriderand ill guide you through it10:37
kkosmooo ok10:37
blue|palmk, that would be great!!!10:37
dwidmannwhen burning, be sure to check "verify written data"10:37
kkosmodamn how i can resize my partiton10:38
soulriderblue|palm:  :)10:38
=== SpAwN is now known as bLaZeD
frojndI cant find for adi micro HorizSync and VertRefresh. I just know that monitor is crt and its 17"10:38
blue|palmcan you make your own apt repositories though?10:38
yeti_yes!! it's the good command10:38
blue|palmbecause that would be awesome!10:38
dwidmannkkosmo: "sudo su -"10:38
soulriderblue|palm: you can, i dont know how, but we can copy the debs in a way that when apt will try to download it, it will see they have already been downlaoded10:38
soulriderso you dont have to worry10:38
blue|palmok, even better10:39
stdinkkosmo: "sudo -i" is the correct way10:39
soulriderheres how it works10:39
blue|palmwhere do all the apt-get programs go anyway?10:39
soulriderwheny ou download an update or program or whatever10:39
mace__what can i do here: kdesu: cannot connect to X serve10:39
soulriderapt downlaods the deb package10:39
yeti_but I haven't got the permition for install beryl :(10:39
soulriderbut it keeps it in a directory10:39
soulriderwhat were gonna do is copy the debs10:39
dwidmannsudo -i doesn't give you the whole root environment if I remember right10:39
kkosmoi have problem i have free space and i want to add it to my partiton witout losing data how can i do this i download now the qtparted but how i can do that10:39
soulriderand once youve reinstalled10:39
soulridercopy them back10:39
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blue|palmthat simple :)10:39
soulriderso when it wants the updates it doesnt have to download it10:40
soulrideryes, simple indeed10:40
blue|palmjust tell me where then?10:40
yeti_it's a probleme10:40
stdinmace__: how are you starting it ?10:40
soulriderwell, the files are stored in /var/apt/cache i believe, but io need to double check10:40
dwidmannhmm, maybe it does10:40
mace__stdin: "desu kate"10:40
stdinmace__: are you are logged in as the normal user ?10:40
soulriderblue|palm: sorry, theya re in /var/cache/apt/archives10:40
mace__stdin: yes10:41
soulriderjust copy them to somewhere and after reinstalling just copy them back10:41
stdinmace__: dose it work from the run dialogue ?10:41
blue|palmlol, im new to linux (3 days) so whats the linux equivalent of windows' xcopy?10:41
blue|palmyes, im a new convert10:41
soulriderwhere do you want to copy them to ?10:41
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mace__stdin:  yes its working10:42
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blue|palmsoulrider /media/sdb1/linux10:42
kkosmoyou see my other problem10:42
soulrideryoure gonna have to do10:42
soulridersudo cp /var/cache/apt/archives /media/sdb1/linux10:42
blue|palmlol cp = copy10:42
blue|palmim dumb :)10:42
soulriderhold on, im not too sure if thats gonna work10:43
blue|palmill try10:43
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kkosmothat work10:43
soulriderim not too used to the CLI either10:43
kkosmocp work10:43
kkosmoif you do10:43
stdinkkosmo: you have free space and you want to make a partition bigger ?10:43
kkosmocp /home/user/ss /home/user/sssla10:43
Kr4t05Some recent upgrades have affected my stability, causing my system to crash to KDM randomly.10:43
kkosmostdin thats exectly what i want to do10:43
Kr4t05Anyone else have this problem?10:44
mace__stdin: hm perhaps i ve to configure the x-server?10:44
stdinkkosmo: you can do that in qt/gparted , just choose to resize the partition10:44
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kkosmobut this option10:44
kkosmonot enable10:44
kkosmoi think its becouse10:44
stdinmace__: what user are you logged in as, and what user name do you see in konsole10:44
kkosmoi used now10:44
kkosmoin this partiton10:44
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stdinkkosmo: you can't do ir while the system is booted, use the live cd10:45
blue|palmhmm it is saying cp: omitting directory `/var/cache/apt/archives10:45
kkosmoi try live cd10:45
soulriderblue|palm: go tot he destination and see if theya re in there10:45
stdinblue|palm: cp /var/cache/apt/archives/* /media/sdb1/linux10:45
ubotuUbuntu Dapper 'Desktop' CD contains a Live CD (Ubuntu that runs straight off the CD and RAM) with an install option. Breezy's Live CD contained no install.10:45
kkosmoi want10:45
mace__stdin: im logged in as "mace", not as root. mace@mace-laptop.de10:45
blue|palmthanks stdin10:46
stdinmace__: try closing konsole, and do the command again10:46
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blue|palmits busy10:46
blue|palmthanks soulrider too10:46
nathamhi, i want to mount a usb drive at kubuntu but i cant, i cant find the device at /dev10:46
soulriderblue|palm: its copying ?10:46
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soulridernatham: it should be /dev/sd something10:46
soulridertry sda110:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about custom-livecd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:47
stdinnatham: what do you mean you can't find the device, what were you looking foe ?10:47
mace__stdin: working :)10:47
blue|palmwow thanks, you guys have saved me from redownloading 1.1 GB...10:47
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nathamstdin i plug the device, and im want to know how to mount it10:47
soulriderblue|palm: make sure it copied everything10:47
soulriderjust in case10:48
stdinmace__: if you switch user, or even login twice as the same user, you won't be able to open a GUI10:48
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soulridernatham: didnt a window in KDE pop up ?10:48
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mace__stdin: ok, thanks10:48
nathamsoulrider no it didnt10:48
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BluesKajnatham, system menu/storage media..it should be listed10:48
soulridernatham: do you have a location to mount it to ?10:48
stdinnatham: look in /var/log/messages, it should tell you in there10:48
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soulriderblue|palm: good luck reinstalling, and remember, ubuntu is better than suse :P10:49
nathamsystem menu /media i only got floppy10:49
nathamchecking out messages10:49
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nathamJan 17 16:23:28 localhost kernel: [4294963.100000]  usb 4-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 2Jan 17 16:23:28 localhost kernel: [4294963.195000]  scsi2 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devicesJan 17 16:23:28 localhost usb.agent[21402] :      usb-storage: already loadedJan 17 16:23:33 localhost kernel: [4294968.184000]  usb 4-1: USB disconnect, address 210:50
blue|palmhehe. in 3 days i agree...10:50
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soulriderblue|palm: i used suse and ubuntu is a lot better10:50
blue|palmwell i loved kubuntu... when it worked!10:51
soulriderthat Yast thing sucks, its slow and buggy10:51
soulriderat leats it wa sin the version i tried10:51
blue|palmapt is like  adream10:51
soulriderjust remember everyone at the IRc cna help you10:51
blue|palmim serious10:51
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soulriderand the forums at http://ubuntuforums.org are grat10:51
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blue|palmthanks again, i think im gna go burn that cd... Ive got both the amd64 versions and the 32 bit version (im running 32 bit) which should i go for?10:52
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soulrider32 bit10:52
stdinblue|palm: if you want flash and media support, you want 32bit :P10:52
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blue|palmoh, well definitely :)10:52
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stdinnatham: what type of device is it ?10:53
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blue|palmthanks, im gna go back to windows :( and burn my cd's (i havent mounted my ntfs drive coz im too scared atm)10:53
stdinblue|palm: linux (by default) has read only support for ntfs, so you can't do any damage :)10:54
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blue|palmLast thing, does anybody else have choppy video playback in mplayer in kubuntu in fullscreen?10:54
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soulriderblue|palm: i use VLC10:54
blue|palmi have it too, but i prefer mplayer10:55
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blue|palmmplayer's post-processing looks better10:55
blue|palmwaaay better10:55
stdinmplayer is  my favourite :)10:55
blue|palmstdin did you get it working on kubuntu?10:55
Kr4t05As I was saying before, I'm having X stability problems. If I so much as look at my computer cross-eyed, it keels over and spits me back out at the KDM login screen. The only problem that I could see would either be an xorg.conf error, or an upgrade that I performed last night.10:55
stdinblue|palm: mplayer? yeah, I always use it10:55
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dwidmannmplayers post-processing is ffmpeg based ... so I assume xine and gstreamer and the like can take advantage of it too10:56
soulriderKr4t05: i suggest reconfiguring xorg and see if it fixes it10:56
soulrideri upadted last night too and didnt have any issues10:56
stdinKr4t05: look at the log files too10:56
blue|palmstdin i have a radeon x1900 and the latest driver installed yet i get slow and jerky playback in fullscreen? how?10:56
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Kr4t05stdin: Where are those, again?10:56
dwidmannblue|palm: I know how ... ATI quality video drivers10:57
stdinKr4t05: /var/log/Xorg.0.log and /var/log/Xorg.1.log10:57
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blue|palmdwidmann do you have a solution for me?10:57
stdinblue|palm: you can try changing the video out to x11 or xv10:57
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blue|palmin mplayer? it didnt make a difference10:57
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stdinblue|palm: eg mplayer -vo x11 myfile.ogg10:58
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Kr4t05stdin: The last thing I see in there would be in regard to FreeFontPath or somesuch...10:58
dwidmannblue|palm, no, not really10:58
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stdinKr4t05: you want to look for lines with "(EE)"10:58
blue|palmdwidmann nvidia actually work?10:58
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dwidmannvery well, and delivers the same performance that it does on windows too10:59
vinboyI have a custom kernel, how do I install nvidia-glx?10:59
BTRHi, how can i connect to a wireless device that uses WPA-PSK? i only have open or shared as options10:59
blue|palmdwidmann how does everybody else with an ati card survive then?10:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wigi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:59
stdinvinboy: short answer, you don't10:59
HailandKillokay, a series of things has just happened. The battery ran out on my laptop. That, or it went into standby, either way I had to turn the machine on again. Then, as it was booting.. the cat walks across it. Now, the track bad doesn't work. I've set the xorg.conf back to the an original backup, but nought...10:59
vinboystdin: really?10:59
blue|palmBTR type !wifi and follow the URL10:59
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:59
HailandKillCould the cat seriously of broken my track pad?!10:59
stdinvinboy: not with a custom kernel, no10:59
andreaswvinboy: nvidia-glx is for the standard i386 kernel it won't work with a custom build kernel11:00
vinboystdin: ok thx. that is abit strange11:00
stdinvinboy: you have to get the download from nvidia and compile it yourself11:00
vinboythanks guys11:00
andreaswyou can also install nvidia-kernel-source11:00
vinboywhat is that?11:00
andreaswand than build your own deb package from that source11:00
blue|palmdoes anybody else here use an ati card?11:00
dwidmannblue|palm, beats me. I decided it worth my investment to replace my ati card with an nvidia card11:01
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blue|palmthats extreme11:02
blue|palmi cant, my ati driver is too expensive :(11:02
dwidmannblue|palm, ati cards tend not to perform as well on linux, so much so that my old 6600gt would probably match the X1900 step for step in a linux environment11:02
BTRblue|palm: There is nothing when i search for WPA-PSK in the wiki11:02
blue|palmBTR It is there11:02
blue|palmBTR :)11:02
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blue|palmBTR its directly on that page the !wifi URL gives you11:03
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blue|palmBTR just look for WPA, no WPA-PSK11:03
BTROhh, ok:)11:03
stdinWPA howto https://wiki.kubuntu.org/WifiDocs/KubuntuWPAHowTo <<<11:03
blue|palmBTR :)11:03
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blue|palmBTR Or you can just follow that: )11:03
HailandKillIf I haven't touched the xorg.conf... why would my track pad suddenly stop working?11:04
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vinboycool, i got nvidia to work on my custom kernel11:05
HailandKillThe only thing I was doing was tyring to get a broadcom wireless device to work.. surely that would break the track pad...?11:05
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andreaswHailandKill: well Kubuntu has something a strange working hardware detection it also changed my xorg.conf11:07
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dwidmannvinboy, the easiest way would have been to use envy :)11:07
HailandKillI've restored an old xorg.conf, but it hasn't seemed to have fixed it...11:07
vinboyit wasn't any harder11:07
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snikkeri've got an "DCOP error" when i click on i bluetooth in the kontrol center. how fix this?11:08
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adjhskajhdskljshits me kosmo11:08
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stdinadjhskajhdskljsh: yes?11:09
adjhskajhdskljshi am in the live cd11:09
adjhskajhdskljshand i cant11:09
adjhskajhdskljsh resize11:09
adjhskajhdskljshthe partiton11:09
stdinwhy now?11:09
adjhskajhdskljshthe resize button is already hidding11:09
adaptr!enter | adjhskajhdskljsh11:10
ubotuadjhskajhdskljsh: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:10
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HailandKillIs there a way of automatically generating a new xorg.conf? I remeber getting X to make one automatically with Gentoo...11:10
adjhskajhdskljshyou have any idea11:10
adjhskajhdskljsh ?11:10
dwidmannHailandKill: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:10
stdinadjhskajhdskljsh: make sure all the partitions aren't mounted11:10
stdinadjhskajhdskljsh: including the swap one11:11
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dwidmannAlso, if qtparted is being a pain (like it frequently is) ... try parted in a konsole .. it's relatively easy to use11:11
adjhskajhdskljshare not mounted11:11
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doudoot la?11:12
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doudooil remarche ton kopete?11:12
oslojarrive plus a chat sur kopete/msn je susi connect mais mes mess passe pas11:12
claudioI must create a daemon using kdevelop. This daemon must listen in a specified port. Where I can find a sample code and/or instruction to do that?11:12
doudooerreur 91111:12
osloremarche pas & toi ca marche ??11:12
doudoorien que le numero me fai paniquer !11:12
adjhskajhdskljshmore idea11:12
stdin!fr | doudoo11:12
ubotudoudoo: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:12
oslosorry all11:12
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oslodoudoo : join #kubuntu-fr or #oslo11:13
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stdinadjhskajhdskljsh: you can try with gparted11:13
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stdinadjhskajhdskljsh: qtparted can be buggy11:13
adjhskajhdskljshi install it on live cd11:14
dwidmannparted isn't very difficult to use ... if you don't feel like downloading gparted11:14
adjhskajhdskljshdelete after i go out11:14
adjhskajhdskljshthe live cd11:14
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adjhskajhdskljshin gparted11:17
adjhskajhdskljshi can go to resize11:17
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adjhskajhdskljshbut i cant add a size11:17
adjhskajhdskljshto the partiton11:17
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stdinI haven't used g/qtparted in a while, I'm not an expert in it11:18
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dwidmannshould be easy in parted ... start parted, type "resize #" (# being the partition #), give it the start point and end point and you'd be good to go11:19
BTRDamn, i cant figure out how to install WPA, i tried to follow guide, but i just keep running my head against the wall11:19
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HailandKillHmm... I boot off the live CD, and the mouse still doesn't work... Shit. As if the fecking cat broke it.11:22
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dwidmannHailAndKill: last mouse I had mysteriously stopped working one day ... had to get another one11:23
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HailandKillWell, this is laptop track pad...11:23
HailandKillA little more difficult to get replaced.11:24
dwidmannwhen you said mouse I thought you meant, you know, a mouse :\11:24
HailandKillyeah... understandable really.11:24
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HailandKillGuess I should start reading the warranty...11:25
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Kr4t05My X instability has yet to be solved.11:28
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Kr4t05Even on a clean xorg.conf, it still spits me out.11:28
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HailandKillDoes it spit you out with anything helpful?11:28
HailandKillOr does it just complain?11:29
Kr4t05HailandKill: Nope, it just sends me back to the KDM without warning or consolance.11:29
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Kr4t05Methinks it may be a kernel issue.11:29
Kr4t05If so, I'll install the latest generic and try that.11:30
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stdinwhat driver ate you using ?11:30
juanoKr4t05: what seems to be the problem??11:30
juanohi dwidmann :)11:30
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Kr4t05stdin: nvidia beta. Now I'm kicking mysefl.11:32
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stdinKr4t05: does the nv driver give you issues ?11:33
Kr4t05stdin: Let me find out.11:33
bLaZeDif it does change it to vesa for a temp solution11:33
Kr4t05It's spits out many errors due to /dev/wacom11:34
bLaZeDthe nv driver causes some probs with my card.11:34
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stdinignore the wacom errors11:34
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Kr4t05stdin: Then, something about font paths11:34
vinboyhow do I make konsole colorfull?11:34
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stdinKr4t05: and ignore the font errors :P11:35
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juanovinboy: in konsole, go to settings -> configure konsole11:35
Kr4t05stdin: After that, a large chunk headed with "Backtrace"11:36
juanovinboy: then to schema11:36
stdinvinboy: ^^ -> Schema :)11:36
MHobbitWhen trying to boot from an Efty Edge CD, the menu screen shows up fine, but when I try to actually boot Kubuntu, I get a kernel panic error. I've checked the ISO's md5sum, and that matched, and the CD seemed to have burned fine.11:36
Kr4t05stdin: Is there a console command to paste to pastebin?11:36
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stdinkarmikaze: not without gpm, but the log will be in /var/log/Xorg.0.log11:37
Kr4t05stdin: Drat... I was afraid of that...11:37
stdinheh, tab mismatch :)11:38
stdinKr4t05: you can got to "http://pastebin.ca/upload.php" in links to upload the file11:38
Kr4t05stdin: mkay.11:40
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[BTF] Chm0dcan anyone tell me if my fstab is correct?  this is a fresh install of ubuntu and it wont let me view contents of my DVD http://www.pastebin.ca/31995611:40
Kr4t05stdin: vesa don't work, neither.11:40
Kr4t05Methinks this problem goes beyond Xserver problems.11:41
stdin[BTF] Chm0d: except for the / on "dev/hda" is missing, it looks ok11:41
[BTF] Chm0di cut taht out during the copy hehe11:41
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[BTF] Chm0dwell i can access my cdrom from the desktop but not the dvd11:42
stdinKr4t05: maybe, I haven't had any issues with X, but I have an Intel GPU11:42
[BTF] Chm0dthis is what i get Unable to enter file:///media/cdrom1. You do not have access rights to this location.11:42
stdin[BTF] Chm0d: what does "ls -ld /media/cdrom1" show ?(in konsole, and the 'l' is a 'L')11:43
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[BTF] Chm0dpermission denied11:44
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stdin[BTF] Chm0d: did you do the exact command I showed, with the '-ld' ?11:44
[BTF] Chm0dsorry missed a letter it says this drwx------ 6 400 401 2048 2005-09-16 20:34 /media/cdrom111:44
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wolfwalkerI require net assistance11:45
wolfwalkerWhen I try to run pppoeconf, it says it can't get the access concentrator to respond11:45
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mhbHi everyone. It seems somehow the system fails to see my kwallet account now. Any way I can restore it?11:46
Kr4t05stdin: I can't figure this out...11:47
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stdin[BTF] Chm0d: unmount it "sudo umount /media/cdrom1" then mount like "mount /media/cdrom1", then run the "ls" command again11:47
stdinKr4t05: I have no clue either11:47
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[BTF] Chm0dstdin: this is what i get drwx------ 6 400 401 2048 2005-09-16 20:34 /media/cdrom111:48
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stdinthat's a bit strange11:49
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[BTF] Chm0dgot me11:49
[BTF] Chm0d:)11:49
[BTF] Chm0dits a fresh install11:49
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stdinwhy is it mounting as a user/group that don't even exist11:50
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[BTF] Chm0ddunno11:50
[BTF] Chm0dwhats the user/group you are talking about?11:51
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stdinthe UID=400 and the GID=40111:51
[BTF] Chm0di dont understand that11:51
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MaxDamage``hey dudes11:52
wolfwalkerCan anyone help me get online with my Linux computer?11:52
stdin[BTF] Chm0d: UID = User ID and GID = Group ID11:52
[BTF] Chm0dyea im looking at users and groups now11:52
[BTF] Chm0dthey are in the 100's11:52
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stdin[BTF] Chm0d: but they don't have names there, so the user and group haven't been created on your system11:53
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[BTF] Chm0dgot me11:53
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stdin[BTF] Chm0d: try replacing  the line11:54
[BTF] Chm0dto?11:54
stdin"/dev/hdb        /media/cdrom1   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       0" with "/dev/hdb        /media/cdrom1   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,uid=1000     0       0"11:54
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[BTF] Chm0dk11:55
MaxDamage``im having problems with my tv-out11:55
MaxDamage``i start it through system settings11:55
MaxDamage``i have the binary ATi Radeon drivers11:56
MaxDamage``using ATi Radeon 9200 SE11:56
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[BTF] Chm0dstdin: do i need to do anything like reboot or restart anything?11:58
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stdin[BTF] Chm0d: no just unmount it "sudo umount /media/cdrom1" and remount it "mount /media/cdrom1"11:59
[BTF] Chm0dk11:59
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[BTF] Chm0dthat worked thank you very much for the help12:00
stdin[BTF] Chm0d: that's really more a workaround than a solution12:00
[BTF] Chm0d;O12:00
[BTF] Chm0dhey it works12:00
stdin[BTF] Chm0d: if there are any other users on the system, they won't be able to access it12:01
[BTF] Chm0dnope its just me12:01
[BTF] Chm0dso12:01
stdin[BTF] Chm0d: then it's fine :P12:01
[BTF] Chm0d:P12:01
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[BTF] Chm0dty my friend12:01
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stdinno problem :)12:01
visik7msn isn't working. I hope forever12:01
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Kano32hi, just tested the 2nd feisty beta, one big mistake is in the kde-systemsettings package12:03
Kano32thats wrong position12:04
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visik7it's an alpha not a beta12:04
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stdinKano32: 1st report as a bug, then for feisty support use #ubuntu+112:04
MoRpHeUzhi ! I'm trying to install madwifi-ng in edgy but I'm having problems...it says that this is inside restricted-modules but it's not..someone has any idea about this ?12:05
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Kr4t05stdin: vesa works.12:06
Kr4t05I may try to reinstall my nvidia drivers to see if that fixes it.12:06
stdinMoRpHeUz: the madwifi modules are in the restricted modules package12:06
stdinKr4t05: that may help, hope so anyway :)12:06
MoRpHeUzstdin: I already installed the restricted modules package but madwifi-ng is not installed, just madwifi....and then my wifi card does not work12:07
MoRpHeUzstdin: it's an atheros (macbook pro)12:07
stdinmadwifi-ng = madwifi12:08
stdin!info madwifi-tools12:09
ubotuPackage madwifi-tools does not exist in any distro I know12:09
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MoRpHeUzstdin: hhmm...but my wireless interface is not there...the atheros drivers are all up...looking for this stuff at google I found that I must load new_wlan_sta (that are all inside madwifi-ng but here I have just wlan_sta)12:09
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sleepy833sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree to install flash9 doesn't work, any idea why?12:10
sleepy833says can't find package..is the name wrong onthe line?12:10
stdinsleepy833: enable the multiverse and backports repositories12:10
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malik_a quick one..............whats wifi?12:11
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:11
stdinmalik_: wifi = wireless :P12:11
malik_aah oki thanx12:12
HailandKillOk, with ubuntu to automatically start something I go to System|Preferences|Sessions|Startup Programs, where is this option in Kubuntu?12:12
malik_can any one tell how to make firefox play wma files which are not embedded in external application like kaffeine?12:13
stdinHailandKill: just make a link in ~/.kde/Autostart12:13
dwidmannhailandkill, you can just create a *.desktop file in ~/.kde/Autostart12:13
stdincan just be a symlink too12:13
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HailandKillok, ta.12:14
juanoHailandKill: yes, try stdin and dwidmann suggestions12:14

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