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mdkehow can I grep through a bunch of files for a string ("String X") and replace each occurrence of it with another one ("String Y")?12:44
azeemuhm, sed?12:45
bhalesed -i yourfile -e "s/StringA/StringB/g"12:45
_ionin zsh, for f in foo bar quux; sed -i -e 's/String X/String Y/g' "$f"12:46
bhalebe sure to escape anything fishy12:46
bhalein your strings12:46
_ionIn other shells, add 'do' and '; done' around the sed expression.12:46
mdkebhale: they are urls, so have / symbols, are those fishy?12:46
mdkealso - and .12:47
_ions#foo#bar# and escape . with \12:47
_ion(In the regex, not in the replacement)12:47
mdkeI need it a bit more spoonfed than that, can you add that into bhale's expression?12:48
bhalesed -i foo -e "s#http:\/\/youurl.com#http:\/\/yoururl2.com#g"12:49
bhaleescape the . also12:49
bhalewith \12:49
shawarmabhale: No. You don't have to escape the slahes when you separate with #.12:49
bhalehm yeah12:49
shawarmased -i yourfile -e "s#StringA#StringB#g"12:49
mdkehere's an example url, does anything need to be changed from shawarma's expression, or can I plug that into StringA? http://www.debian.org/releases/edgy/example-preseed.tx12:50
bhaleescape all .'s12:50
shawarmased -i yourfile -e "s#http://www.ubuntulinux.org/#http://www.ubuntu.com/#g"12:50
shawarmabhale: Oh, right.12:50
shawarmaWell, it's unlikely to cause trouble if he doesn't do it.12:51
_ionNever count on that. :-)12:51
mdkeok, I'll compile an expression and check it with you guys12:51
bhaleyeah its a regex for "any character"12:51
bhaleworth escaping12:51
shawarmamdke: the thing is that dots are wild, so wwwadebianborg would match, too.12:51
mdkeoh, ok12:51
mdkeand don't i need grep in there too?12:52
shawarmamdke: Nope.12:52
mdkeit's a bunch of files in a few directories12:52
shawarmaany sort of pattern in the filenames?12:52
shawarmaLike */*.html ?12:52
shawarmaOk, then:12:53
shawarmafor file in */*.html; do sed -i "$file" -s 'yourexpressionfrombefore' ; done12:53
mdkeshawarma: that looks into subdirectories?12:53
shawarmafor file in */*.html; do sed -i "$file" -e 'yourexpressionfrombefore' ; done12:53
shawarmamdke: Not recursively. Only one level down.12:53
mdkeone is enough12:53
shawarmaAny time.12:54
shawarmaGrab a backup of the files first. Just in case.12:54
_ionshawarma: -i.backup12:54
mdkeyes, I have those12:54
shawarma_ion: Really? then sed -i.backup -e 'asdfasdfasdf' */*.html   should work too.12:55
_ionAh, true, it indeed does accept multiple file parameters.12:56
shawarma_ion: I'd expect it to if the -i is just a general parameter.12:56
shawarma_ion: I just always treated it as an 'apply the magic to the next argument' sort of option. :-)12:56
_ionFor recursive search, you could say **/*.html in zsh. In bash, you'd probably need find -name '*.html' -print0 | xargs -0r sed blahblah12:57
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mdkeok, here's my creation12:58
mdkeor rather, you guys' creation12:58
mdkefor file in */*.html; do sed -i "$file" -e "s#http://www\.debian\.org/releases/edgy/example-preseed\.txt#https://help\.ubuntu\.com/6\.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/example-preseed\.txt#g"12:58
mdkewhoops, forgot the done 12:58
shawarmaLooks sensible.12:58
_ionDon't escape the dots in the replacement, only in the regexp.12:59
shawarmaDoesn't matter.12:59
mdkelet's get this right :)12:59
_ionshawarma: Usually you shouldn't feed programs erroneous input just because they happen to ignore it. :-)12:59
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mdkeseems to have gone alright01:00
mdkethanks again bhale, shawarma, _ion 01:00
shawarma_ion: I wouldn't exactly call it erroneous. superfluous, perhaps. 01:01
shawarma_ion: I'm just escaping a character in no need of escaping.01:02
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concept10does every gtk app use a .gtkrc ?01:27
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mdzisn't acpi-support in bzr somewhere?01:56
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jdongmdz: http://people.ubuntu.com/~thom/bzr/acpi-support/ , but that's ancient :D02:22
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bddebianHello jwaddell02:56
jwaddellanything exciting going on?02:56
bddebianNot here, I'm just a schlub :_)02:57
jwaddellwhat, schlub's can have excitement too?02:57
bddebianProbably, but not this one :-)03:00
jwaddellI'll just asume that you prefer it htat way then ;)03:05
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malexHello. I wonder what could be wrong with the dapper archive since the debootstrap from edgy cannot create a pbuilder chroot for the dapper. It attempts to install a dependency from universe (libdb1-compat) and an unknown package (slang1a-utf8) and fails when it cannot find them in the main archive. Pleas help. I need a dapper pbuilder chroot to build a package for ubuntu users as a courtesy.03:24
malexedgy pbuilder chroot gets created without problems and functions just fine by the way.03:24
Mezlibdb1-compat has no rdepends03:27
malexMez: Which makes it problematic. I wonder what could be broken - bootstrep's dapper script, ubuntu dapper archive, something else?03:29
malexI'd like to paste 4 lines of the output if that's ok.03:30
malexI: Resolving dependencies of base packages...03:30
malexI: Found additional required dependencies: belocs-locales-bin binutils cpio cpp cpp-4.0 dpkg-dev g++ g++-4.0 gcc gcc-4.0 libc6-dev libdb4.3 libgdbm3 libpam-foreground libselinux1 libsepol1 libslang2 libstdc++6-4.0-dev linux-kernel-headers locales make patch perl perl-modules03:30
malexI: Checking component main on http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu...03:30
malexE: Couldn't find these debs: libdb1-compat slang1a-utf803:30
Mez!pastebin | malex03:30
malexthe bot is dead?03:31
malexMez: http://pastebin.ca/31917403:32
Mezit's not in here03:32
Mezwhat system are you using to make that /03:32
Mez(aka what is the pbuild-dapper script)03:33
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malexMez: pbuilder-dapper script I use http://pastebin.ca/319183. I use the debootstrap from edgy. My system is Debian/sid.03:51
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jono_do we have a source CD iso?04:27
lifelessdont thinkso04:29
LaserJockI don't think so04:29
LaserJockbah, always late04:29
sladenjono_: AFAIK no.  Though there is a promise on the back of the CD cover that you could order a one-off special04:29
lifelessthere is a source cd04:29
lifelessjono_: ^04:29
lifelessby 'cd' I mean DVD04:30
=== sladen is impressed with the speed lifeless hax0red LP to generate one
jono_lifeless: cheers dude04:32
lifelessjono_: np04:33
jono_digging through my huge inbox04:33
jono_ugh, that sounds rather disgusting04:33
Mezjono_, you're lucky - I've not been able to access my mail since December04:33
Mezbut my Mailserver messed up and started bouncing everything04:33
Mezunsubscribing me from all my lists :D04:34
jono_Mez: ugh04:34
jono_I have hundreds to reply to04:34
jono_gonna do them this afternoon04:34
Mezonly just fixed it and sent a massive "re-subscribe" message04:34
=== Mez sends jono_ another to reply to
malexGot a similar chroot creation problem for breezy: "E: Couldn't find these debs: slang1a-utf8". So, no more breezy and dapper packages. Oh well. Mez, thanks for trying to help me.04:41
Mezmalex, it worked fine for me - I dont know where your issue is04:42
Mezpossibly something to do with using debian as the main distro (shouldnt be but might be)04:42
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lifelessmalex: try using ubuntu debootstrap ?04:47
malexlifeless: I am using edgy debootstrap -
malexMez: So, why does edgy chroot gets created without problems if the reason for the failure is in Debian tools?04:51
Mezmalex: I've no clue...04:51
MezI cant really try it other than using edgy04:51
Mezand it works for me in edgy04:51
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malexMez: So, you can create both breezy and dapper chroots?04:52
Mezer, I could last time I tried04:53
Mezlemme see04:53
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Mezmalex, http://rafb.net/p/2QlwZC40.html05:04
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malexMez: It looks like the difference is that it finds "I: Found additional required dependencies: belocs-locales-bin binutils cpio cpp cpp-4.0 dpkg-dev g++ g++-4.0 gcc gcc-4.0 libc6-dev libdb4.3 libgdbm3 libpam-foreground libselinux1 libsepol1 libslang2 libstdc++6-4.0-dev linux-kernel-headers locales make patch perl perl-modules" on my system.05:42
malexIf I figure that out - it should work then.05:42
Mezpastebin your pbuilderrc05:43
malexMez: http://rafb.net/p/gwABr116.html05:45
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Mezmalex, /etc/pbuilder/pbuilderrc ?05:49
Mezalso, mine is here05:49
Meztheres a few differences05:49
Mez(I prefer to use command line switches dfor distro/targz locations05:50
malexMez: I tried going all manual, too.05:55
Mezyeah *shrugs*05:55
Meztry it after replacing with my config05:55
Mezmine works05:55
malexMez: I just purged and reinstalled debootstrap (ubuntu) and pbuilder + deps.05:55
malexdidn't help05:56
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Mezprob some weird thing to do with debian and ubuntu incompatibility06:00
Mezdo you have it install a sources.list ?06:01
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malexMez: I'm not sure how that can be done (sources.list). Please elaborate.06:02
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malexMez: It's going, the chroot is being built.06:05
Mezmalex: what you do ?06:06
malexMez: I've used your pbuilderrc and only changed the paths from /var to my /chroot partition. Also I used your basetgz name, not dapper-base.tgz I used before. That's all.06:08
malexmore info - base.tgz name doesn't matter. So, it's some setting in the rc file.06:09
Mezlmao I just got email addressed to "mdz@ubuntu.com"06:10
Mezmalex, more than likely06:10
malexI had buildd06:10
malexMaybe it had some weird deps.06:11
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malexWhere are the backports for dapper? I can see at http://lwn.net/Articles/212655/ that there is cmake-2.4.3 built for dapper, but where is it? It's not in the dapper or dapper-updates archives.07:05
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LaserJockmalex: dapper-backports07:07
LaserJockmalex: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cmake shows 2.4.3-1ubuntu1~dapper107:08
malexLaserJock: Thanks! That's it.07:09
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-devel: Development of Ubuntu (not support, even with feisty) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Herd 2 released
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malexEverything works now.  Thank you people! Best wishes from ubuntu packaging suport underground.07:27
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dokogood morning08:52
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Mezmorning dogmatism 09:01
Mezdoko *09:01
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dholbachgood morning10:09
mneptokdholbach: morgen!10:09
dholbachhiya mneptok, hi _ion10:10
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cjwatsonMithrandir: is there a bug for hw-detect hanging for several minutes in herd 2?10:47
cjwatsonI know it was in the release notes10:48
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saisposhawarma: ping ?10:54
Mithrandircjwatson: yes, I filed one, just a minute I'll find it10:54
cjwatsonit's basically udev spinning, repeatedly trying to modprobe -Q i8236510:57
MithrandirI can't find the bug now, though. :-/10:57
tepsipakkia sec10:58
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UbugtuMalone bug 78785 in hw-detect "tries to modprobe i82365 a gazillion times (dup-of: 76341)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  10:59
UbugtuMalone bug 76341 in linux-source-2.6.20 "[Feisty]  Linux 2.6.20 spams 'Intel ISA PCIC probe: not found.' all over /var/log/messages" [High,Confirmed]  10:59
Mezhmm can anyone tell me how to make a change so that when I plugin a USB device, I can read the /dev/input/event* for it (chmod a+r) whenever it's re-plugged in10:59
cjwatsonit's certainly not hw-detect's fault per se11:00
Mezor point me in the right direction11:00
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seb128Mithrandir: could you have a look on libgimme-codec from NEW today, it's needed for EasyCodecInstallation11:03
Mithrandirseb128: no need to prod me about archive admin stuff, it just raises my stress level.11:04
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seb128Mithrandir: well, you are blocking my work, so how do I unblock it, just wait?11:04
seb128Mithrandir: fine, I'll not ping you again and note that the spec is blocked on you11:05
Mithrandirseb128: it was actually a comment about a sync request from last night, but in general noting that a spec is blocked on something getting out of NEW is fine.11:05
seb128well, I don't prod for syncs usually, that ping was just because the package is broken for now and I was not sure if that was better to ask for a sync now or wait for the next round which can usually take some days11:07
seb128noted :)11:07
Mithrandirand given that the oldest item in NEW is less than 48 hours old, I don't think NEW processing is proceeding at an unreasonable rate.11:07
seb128no, not at all11:07
seb128that's just I would like to get moving on the spec11:07
MithrandirI'm trying to get some of my own specs done too, which is bloody hard when we're down to just one active archive team member.11:07
seb128sorry for that :/11:08
Mithrandirnp, not your fault.11:08
Mithrandirwe can blame mdz for making 2/3 of the archive team managers. ;-P11:08
Mithrandirseriously though, we need at least one other person to help out, since it's taking me more or less all my time atm.11:09
Mithrandirand while doing it for a while is fine, I'11:09
Mithrandirm going to implode if I have to do it full-time for years.11:09
=== dholbach hugs Mithrandir
seb128right, having only one person to manage the admin tasks is not enough11:10
=== seb128 hugs Mithrandir too
=== mvo_ hugs Mithrandir
Mithrandirstop hugging and volunteer for archive administration instead. :-P11:11
dholbachhahaha :)11:11
=== mneptok lets a little air out of the overinflated Mithrandir
mneptokno popping.11:12
seb128well, I would be fine helping on sync requests11:12
mvo_its the bonoboo way of fixing problems. lots of hugging!11:12
seb128I don't want to do NEW though because I'm not comfortable enough reviewing copyright problems, etc11:12
=== seb128 slaps mvo_, no bonobo, we use dbus now :p
Mithrandirseb128: doing the easy ones would be doable though.  Some I pass on or ask for advice on from elmo (who has loads of experience reviewing)11:13
seb128Mithrandir: let's not that on the list of things to talk about next week11:14
\shwho is approving NEW binary packages? :) boson has new binary packages which are replacing the old ones ;)11:16
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Mithrandir\sh: I am.11:16
cjwatson\sh: which are only 15 hours old in the queue; relax11:17
Mithrandirand generally, I don't process new binary packages before all arches are in, which happened 1.5 hours ago.11:20
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Mezanyone got any experience with udev rules?11:20
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shawarmasaispo: Yes?11:24
\shMithrandir: thx...I wondered if we should write a ticket or bug report about those changes11:29
Mithrandir\sh: I have no idea what you are talking about.11:30
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cjwatson\sh: no, you should not11:37
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mvodoko: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python2.5/+bug/79619 seems to be caused by a pickle incompatibility between python 2.4/2.511:42
UbugtuMalone bug 79619 in gnome-app-install "Add/Remove programs crashed on Feisty" [Undecided,Confirmed]  11:42
cjwatsonhmm, perhaps I can work around the i82365 brokenness in pcmciautils' udev rules11:44
cjwatsonso wrong, but ...11:44
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Mezcjwatson, I want to be able to add the default user (1000) to the "games" group on the install of a package,11:51
Mezwhat's the best way ?11:51
cjwatsonI don't think that's appropriate at all11:52
Mezcjwatson, why not ?11:52
cjwatsonthe games group is meant to be for private data used by setgid games programs that users can't get at11:52
Mezcjwatson, ok, maybe not the "games" group11:52
Mezbut a custom group11:53
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Mez(which have access to a device that is setup to allow that group to have access through udev)11:53
cjwatsonMez: why? this should normally not be necessary; the only thing that adds the first user to a group is supposed to be the installer11:53
cjwatsonuse the plugdev group, if it's pluggable, or something else established11:53
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Mezcjwatson, cool... didnt think of the plugdev group11:54
saisposhawarma: excuse me11:57
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saispoi investigate about gnome-pty-helper because i have a system which doesn't want to run g-t. I get an error about creatin process child11:58
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=== Mez growls
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mvoiwj: I merged your g-a-i--codecs branch and plan to upload it today. is that ok with you?12:09
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Mirvpotentially a big problem (translations wise) in 6.06 - bug #7968212:12
UbugtuMalone bug 79682 in Ubuntu "Bug in the new language update on 16/01/2007" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7968212:12
simirahttp://www.canis.no/nettbutikk/omtale.php?id=Dtb766 LOL!12:12
simirarename needed?12:12
iwjmvo: That's great, thanks.12:13
Hobbseehey simira 12:13
mvoiwj: it seems like we do not yet have Codec data in the archive though, but IIRC seb uploaded the modified debs only yesterday12:13
simirahi Hobbsee. Not coming up for the distro sprint, eh? ;)12:14
Hobbseesimira: nope - you?12:14
=== Hobbsee didnt know about it, in truth
slomomvo: the codec data for (from what i see) all gstreamer packages is already there12:15
simiraHobbsee: it's not really any official info on it, I think. But as it is in my neighbourhood, and Tollef is going, I'll probably show up a day or two.12:17
iwjmvo: I agree with slomo; where did you look ?12:18
Mirvanyone besides pitti who can debug the language pack problem? if it's possible to prevent missing translations on at least some of ubuntu 6.06 installations, it would be good to try to be quick12:18
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Hobbseesimira: fun :)12:20
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mvoiwj: I run the extraction script and looked at the output, no Codec in there. I will investiagte12:21
seb128mvo: how come we don't have Codec data in the archive?12:22
seb128mvo: ls /usr/share/gstreamer-0.10/plugin-info ?12:22
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seb128mvo: I did update almost all the packages yesterday afternoon and they built correctly12:23
mvoseb128: it was not extraced at least, I will check12:23
seb128ok, let me know12:23
mvoseb128: the extraction script runs on rookery, it may just take a bit until it is mirroed there12:24
iwjmvo: Hmm.  In the tests I did I basically had to `by hand' point the extraction script at my `special' .debs.12:24
iwjOh, yes, if it was just yesterday afternoon it may just be lag.12:24
mvoseb128: can you give me one packagename/version number of a updated codec package?12:26
\shMithrandir: sorry to bother you again, but any clue how to resolve this issue: http://librarian.launchpad.net/5774155/buildlog_ubuntu-feisty-amd64.core%2B%2B_1.7-6ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz (in pbuilder on amd64 it works)12:26
seb128mvo: ii  gstreamer0.10-plugins-go 0.10.5-1ubuntu2          GStreamer plugins from the "good" set12:27
seb128that's gstreamer0.10-plugins-good12:27
seb128that's the first one I've updated12:27
iwjI think you want to use -ugly because iirc only -ugly has a .desktop file (in g-a-i/menu-data-additional).12:27
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StevenK\sh: /bin/sh: latex: command not found12:28
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StevenK\sh: You need to build-depend on tetex-bin12:29
Lathiatis the gnome control center an upsream thing?12:30
Lathiator an ubuntu thing?12:30
MithrandirStevenK: move the build-dep on tetex-bin to build-depends, not build-depends-index (or make it not call latex when you build with -B)12:31
StevenKMithrandir: I think you mean \sh12:32
seb128Lathiat: upstream12:32
coyctecmLathiat: upstream, I think. Or what do you mean? gnome-control-center?12:32
seb128Lathiat: why?12:32
Lathiatseb128: just wondering12:32
Lathiat('sok, i haven't come to flame ;)12:33
\shMithrandir:thx :)12:33
MithrandirStevenK: indeed, I do.  I have forgotten to load irssi's psychic module.12:34
coyctecmsome people believe that this suse/opensuse related gnome control center is upstream thing12:34
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coyctecmI think it's pretty awful :P12:34
StevenKMithrandir: :-P12:35
=== mvo re-runs the data extraction
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seb128coyctecm: it's upstream now12:40
StevenKMithrandir: Do you mind if I look at your uswsusp merge?12:49
MithrandirStevenK: please feel free.12:53
StevenKMithrandir: Thanks12:53
MithrandirStevenK: note that you need usplash from bzr to build it.12:54
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\shguys, I have a very interesting question: src package bidiui resulsts in a binary package icedove-bidiui...should we rename it to mozilla-thunderbird-bidiui?12:59
\shI'm asking because if we do, to match our mozilla-* packaging scheme, we would never get any mom output on the original package01:00
shawarmasaispo: For what?01:01
Amaranth\sh: rename the source?01:01
\shAmaranth: binary package is named icedov-bidiui ... the src package name is just bidiui01:02
Amaranthchanging the binary package makes mom ignore it?01:02
\shAmaranth: I don't know...01:02
Amaranthi would hope it looked at source packages01:03
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Mithrandirmom only cares about source packages.01:05
geserMithrandir: could you please give-back wxwidgets2.6 on amd64? thanks01:07
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mvoiwj: what do you think about changing the codec extraction so that it auto-generates a desktop file for them? 01:09
\shMithrandir: so it's ok to rename the resulting binary-package to mozilla-thunderbird-bidiui01:13
Mithrandir\sh: correct.01:14
Mithrandirgeser: given-back01:14
iwjmvo: I did think about that but it seems that the descriptions in the desktop files aren't quite the same as the ones in package control files.01:21
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iwjmvo: And it didn't seem like too much of a problem to have to explicitly write a desktop file in menu-data-additional for packages we want automatically offered for installation.01:21
iwjmvo: I wasn't sure even whether it was right to cause programs to appear in g-a-i that didn't previously.01:22
iwj(I see that gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg has one in m-d-a too.)01:22
mvoiwj: right. I will probably just add something that warns about codec packages that are not in menu-data-additional01:25
cjwatson\sh: "thunderbird-bidiui" would be typical, I thought, not mozilla-*01:26
\shcjwatson: hmmm..our tbird package is named mozilla-thunderbird01:26
iwjmvo: Oh, you mean, when you invent a .desktop file, put a warning in it ?01:27
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\shcjwatson: I just could need a decision how we name those packages..so it matches our binary package naming scheme for mozilla-* apps ,)01:29
mvoiwj: no, just put a line in the log that there are codec packages that are not yet available via g-a-i. so that we know whats missing01:29
iwjOIC.  Right.01:30
iwjShall I add that feature ?01:30
cjwatson\sh: oh, match the existing naming scheme then01:31
mvoiwj: I'm looking at it right now to see why the extraction is not working. I will probably just add it along the way01:31
\shcjwatson: k will do01:32
iwjIt seems odd that it's not working.  Is it getting the right .debs ?01:32
iwjDo you want me to have a poke around in the relevant bit of rookery ?01:33
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mvoiwj: I figured it out, it was a problem in the fnmatch.fnmatch() line apparently01:33
iwjMaybe I broke it somehow between my final test and the checkin/push.01:33
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iwjmvo: Err, really ?  What problem ?01:33
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iwjOh, don't tell me that some of them have filenames of the form ./whatever ?01:35
mvoiwj: fnmatch() matches from the start and the tarfile starts with "./" (e.g. "./usr/share .."). I commited a fix as rev 435 01:35
iwjI wonder why it worked for me.  Are these packages built in a different way to my test packages ?  Well.01:35
cjwatsonmvo: soyuz had the same problem01:35
cjwatsoniwj: are the file names by any chance quite long (say, >100 characters or so)?01:36
mvoiwj: the packages come from the buildds, I don't know 01:36
iwjcjwatson: No.01:36
cjwatsonok, we ran into a problem of that form with d-i uploads01:36
iwjmvo: Remind me of your branch URL ?  I don't seem to have it lying around here.01:36
cjwatsonit manifested once part of a version number changed from 9 to 10. :-/01:36
mvoiwj: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/gnome-app-install/main/01:37
iwjmvo: Err, I think you have to try both because obviously some .debs have it without the ./01:38
iwjif filename.startswith('./'): filename = filename[2:] 01:38
iwjIJLTS $filename =~ s,^\./,,;01:39
mvoiwj: that is strange, where does this inconsitency comes from?01:39
StevenKI recall some debs contain just './'01:40
cjwatsonvery old .debs used to not have the ./01:40
cjwatsonnowadays I'm pretty sure they all do. Unless you constructed test packages using ar and tar directly or something?01:40
iwjcjwatson: directly> No, but I'm not entirely sure what dpkg-deb versions I will have been using.  Nothing very old.01:40
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iwjI wish there were a way to tell tar not to do that.01:41
cjwatsonoh, by very old I think I mean pre-potato or at least pre-woody01:41
iwjNo, nothing that old near any of this.01:41
cjwatsonI think it's due to find invocation01:41
iwjOh, probably someone helpfully changed it to work with broken (non-GNU) find.01:42
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iwjIt doesn't seem implausible that the ./ will go away again.01:42
mvoiwj: fair enough, I changed it in my local tree again01:43
iwjmvo: Right.01:43
iwjThanks for debugging it.01:44
saisposhawarma: for fixing my gnome-term )01:44
shawarmasaispo: Er... Ok. :-)01:45
saispoi don't understand why i get this message...01:45
saispohave you an idea ?01:45
cjwatsonStevenK: most do01:47
cjwatsonthey've got to reference /, after all ...01:47
cjwatsonoh, you mean just ./ and no other entries? udebs do that quite often, if they only have maintainer scripts. Policy-compliant .debs can't really manage it.01:48
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iwjcjwatson: Uh ?  Old .debs have ./ as the first entry but the other entries do not start with ./, they just start with the first actual path component.01:53
cjwatsonI don't think I disagreed with that?01:54
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Adri2000fridge editors: there is a typo in the events page: "Fiesty Developer Sprint"01:57
iwjcjwatson: Oh, I see, sorry, I was just misunderstanding you.01:57
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mvoiwj: I updated it now and re-run the data-extraction. hopefully all is fine now02:02
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Riddellenrico: what happened to apt-front-watcher in libept?02:07
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iwjmvo: Good, thanks a lot.02:22
seb128mvo: did you get the gstreamer index files now?02:26
mvoiwj: cheers02:26
mvoseb128: yes, some small tweaks to the extraction script did the trick02:27
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seb128mvo: ok, good02:27
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dokoMIthrwhat is the general procedure when builds are failing because .la files cannot be found?02:47
fabbioneiwj: rocking! (re bug #76749)02:48
UbugtuMalone bug 76749 in gs-esp "[SPARC/feisty]  gs-esp BUS ERROR" [High,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7674902:48
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dokopitti: in the scipy build log for powerpc, dh_strip ignores files which it cannot recognize, but the -dbgsym creator exits with an error.02:53
Mezwhere can you find the ub untu NEW queue ?02:57
cjwatsonMez: I've added a link to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources, under "Package archive"03:01
Mezcheers cjwatson 03:02
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iwjfabbione: NP03:23
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dieman/win 203:31
ograMithrandir, can you promote pulse and friends please ? its on anastacia now03:37
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slomoogra: yay :) are you going to use pulse-alsa or gst-pulse for edubuntu?03:45
Mithrandirogra: if it's on anastacia, I'll get to it when I do archive admin stuff.03:45
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ogra_Mithrandir, ok, thanks 03:50
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ogra_slomo, likely pulse-alsa to support volume control on thin clients03:51
ogra_slomo, crimsun is working on a libasound2 split to get it to main without jack dependency03:51
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cjwatsonargh, pitti is on holiday04:32
cjwatsonMithrandir: do you think pitti would scream if I promoted the refit source package just for gptsync-udeb?04:32
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cjwatsonit's a violation of process, but otherwise I can't progress with intel-mac-support until after the sprint04:33
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geserMithrandir: please give-back gnuradio on all archs. thanks04:35
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BenCbug #7910905:02
UbugtuMalone bug 79109 in base-installer "feisty-alternate-i386 for herd-2 cannot install kernel from CDROM" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7910905:02
wasabi_cjwatson: I just noticed your upload of partman-efi. Lots of commednts about "Intel Macs". I hava a 64bit Xeon EFI system here I've had no end of trouble getting booting right... does all this work benefit that as well?05:05
cjwatsonwasabi_: I'm not sure how the non-Mac i386 EFI stuff works05:05
wasabi_Well, I know, at least, that elilo doesn't work right.05:06
cjwatsonwasabi_: does /sys/firmware/efi exist?05:06
cjwatsonand how does elilo fail?05:06
wasabi_Let me check. Got to SSH through a few layers.05:06
wasabi_I don't remember. I set it up almost 4 months now. It's still got the CD with GRUB on it that I use to boot in the drive. ;005:06
cjwatsonwasabi_: my change should improve partman for you by avoiding mounting the EFI system partition, which I believe confuses elilo05:06
cjwatsonbut if that's not the problem elilo is having, it probably won't help05:07
cjwatson  * Automatically use existing EFI system partitions on Intel Macs as EFI05:07
cjwatson    boot partitions (LP: #38225).05:07
wasabi_No /sys/firmware/efi05:07
cjwatsonthat was a slightly unhelpful changelog, actually, because that's done regardless of platform05:07
wasabi_This system can also boot with regular DOS partitions...05:08
wasabi_But, I got it all set up with shiney new GPT partitions...05:08
wasabi_And then realized grub broke on those.05:08
cjwatsonalthough on Intel Macs, the EFI system partition showed up in a new format (fat32) that partman-efi hitherto hadn't recognised05:08
wasabi_And spent 3 days trying to get elilo working before I gave up.05:08
cjwatsongrub breaks if you don't run gptsync05:08
cjwatsonthat syncs the GPT partition table to MBR for the benefit of legacy software05:08
wasabi_Oh that makes MBR?05:08
cjwatsonit's not really within the EFI spec, but in practice I believe nothing should care05:09
wasabi_I got it to a EFI boot prompt thing...05:09
wasabi_Figured out how to navigate to the disk...05:09
cjwatsongptsync's in the refit package05:09
wasabi_But elilo.exe or whatever it was just wouldn't run properly. I'll give it another try later.05:09
wasabi_No refit package....05:09
cjwatsonI've been running entirely in BIOS compat mode on this intel mac so far05:09
wasabi_amd64 arch?05:10
cjwatsonit's in universe05:10
cjwatsonoh, not for amd64 yet05:10
cjwatsonthere's a Debian bug about that - needs some gnu-efi patch I haven't got my hands on yet05:10
wasabi_Also, I have no elilo package.05:10
cjwatsonsame reason, probably05:10
wasabi_I remember now. Couldn't find a 64 bit version. ;)05:10
cjwatsonI'll be able to work on that once I get the gnu-efi patch05:10
cjwatsonwell, theoretically, anyway. this mac should be amd64-capable05:11
wasabi_Guess nobody's just run a mac on 64 bit mode, eh?05:12
Mithrandircjwatson: should be fine, I guess.05:13
cjwatsonwasabi_: I'm sure they have - in fact I can probably give it a try shortly with a live CD05:14
wasabi_Oh, works fine with a livecd. Just nt with EFI. :)05:14
wasabi_Off a GPT partition.05:14
wasabi_(Other than the unrelated problem of the LiveCD's X server hard locking this system, and having no way to disable the X server)05:15
cjwatsonit's all a bit raw05:15
wasabi_Yeah. I got that. :)05:15
wasabi_I am actually sort of amazed how the x86_64 platform has such a large number of problems still. Would have thought vendors would have given a shit by this point. Guess not. =(05:20
wasabi_By vendors I don't mean ya'll. I mean like, the dudes selling the servers.05:22
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enricoRiddell: it's finally gone!  libept is now smart enough to build the index in ~/.debtags if it cannot write to /var/lib/debtags05:31
enricoRiddell: and if it figures out that the index in /var/lib/debtags is up to date, it deletes the one in the home05:31
enricoRiddell: no need for that horrid hack05:31
enricoRiddell: we how have a much better horrid hack! :)05:32
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Riddellok, thanks05:32
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cjwatsongpocentek: please subscribe ubuntu-sru or motu-sru (as appropriate) to SRU bugs rather than me+mdz individually05:48
gpocentekcjwatson: ok05:48
mdzMithrandir: finding an archive admin solution is on the sprint agenda next week05:49
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gpocentekcjwatson: is one ack enough to upload to -proposed06:14
gpocentekok, thanks06:15
cjwatsonc.f. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates06:15
gpocentekI need to read it again06:15
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somerville32Would it be possible for Xubuntu to be added to releases.ubuntu.com?06:16
somerville32It is currently on cdimages.ubuntu.com but not releases.ubuntu.com06:17
cjwatsonthat would require Canonical supporting Xubuntu directly ...06:18
cjwatsonI can put in an informational link, but I'm afraid we aren't going to actually distribute it from releases.u.c06:18
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cjwatsonsomerville32: link added06:22
somerville32cjwatson: Thanks.06:22
geserMithrandir: please give-back libapache-mod-jk on all arch. thanks.06:23
somerville32cjwatson, [13:24]  <Znarl> somerville32 : I think cjwatson is talking about a URL link pointing to Xubntu on http://releases.ubuntu.com/, not a link to help with launchpad.06:25
somerville32cjwatson, We're trying to set things up so that we can use the mirror prober on launchpad for Xubuntu mirrors.06:25
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cjwatsonerm, that will have to be resolved some other way - releases.u.c has a lot of mirrors with disk space constraints and I can't just arbitrarily add another flavour to it06:26
somerville32cjwatson, Who should I chat with?06:26
cjwatsonsomebody on #launchpad, maybe salgado06:27
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Viper550I saw that new Windows based Ubuntu installer thing, that is just AWESOME!06:52
cjwatson(and unsupported)06:58
iwjHnngg, the state of Xen in Feisty is pretty appalling.06:58
cjwatson(i.e. the result of using that installer is unsupported06:58
Viper550so don't ask for help here06:58
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cjwatsonYes; I welcome the effort, but installer bugs have required workarounds in the distro in the past so we need to be clear about its status06:59
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somerville32Was acroread killed before or after January 11th?07:03
gesersomerville32: 2007-01-12 11:03:17 CET  Removed  feisty   Release  multiverse  text  7.0.9-0.0.ubuntu107:14
somerville32geser: thanks07:15
Burgworkwhy was it nuked?07:17
BurgworkI thought it was distributable07:18
elmono, it's always been dubious07:18
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elmoit was removed from Debian years and years ago - I believe our import came from Marillat07:18
bddebianDo I have to do some magic to get a feisty daily to install from a USB cd-rom drive?07:21
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tincan_30How can I find out who the package maintainer for mod-mono is?07:31
cjwatsontincan_30: folks in https://launchpad.net/~mono may be able to helpl07:32
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tincan_30cjwatson, Thanks...I'll take a look, edgy needs some package lovin.07:33
cjwatsonedgy won't get further changes except where absolutely necessary; most development takes place in feisty07:34
sharmstincan_30: If you are curious about a package, who maintains it etc, open up a shell, and type in: apt-cache show mod-mono07:35
cjwatsonlibapache2-mod-mono, as it happens07:36
tincan_30hmm...mod-mono has dependency issues, they are fixed in debian(stable and stabe)  not sure why this wouldn't be fixed.07:36
cjwatsonthat just gives you MOTU in this case though, since it's synced from Debian07:36
cjwatsonif it's uninstallable, that would be cause for a stable release update; contact the mono group07:36
tincan_30cjwatson, that is correct..I'm on it.  Thanks for the info.07:37
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cjwatsonhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mod-mono/+bug/65454 and https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mod-mono/+bug/72912 (possibly duplicates)07:39
UbugtuMalone bug 65454 in mod-mono "[UNMETDEPS]  mod-mono has unmet dependencies" [Undecided,Confirmed]  07:39
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tincan_30cjwatson, that is it...I talked to the sid maintainer, he was willing to help but did not know who to contact.07:40
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frafuHello, can anybody please tell me where I can find informations about the Feisty dev sprint scheduled for next week? 08:42
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dsasfrafu: It's a week long event where the core ubuntu developers get together for hacking.08:45
frafuwill there be any reports about what they have talked? 08:46
frafuAre there some wiki pages with a plan about what they will talk about? 08:47
dsasfrafu: Probably, it's not much of a talking meeting though. More of a "getting hands dirty and hacking"08:47
frafuSo it's not like the summit at Google a few months ago? 08:48
dsasfrafu: nope.08:48
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frafuAre there some webpages about what they will work on? 08:51
dholbachcjwatson: btw: bughelper now does and/or nested statements in xml and has a  bugxml -sa <..>   (simple add of 'clues')08:52
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frafudsas: As far as I understand your reply there is not much information available about the sprint. More broadly, is there any information available on what the core developer are working on? Or does their work mainly consist in importing the debian and adjusting it for Feisty? 08:58
dsasfrafu: I'm not a core-dev I don't know what's planned or even if much is planned in advance.08:59
dsasfrafu: the core devs do do that, also administer the archive, package somethings directly (e.g. kernel) or push on ahead of debian (e.g. gnome packaging or python2.5 transition I think), they write the installer, monitor security updates09:01
dholbachfrafu: we'll work on the specs targetted for feisty release and discuss them, work on them together 09:01
dsasfrafu: There's lots of things I guess. maybe some of the interviews on http://behindubuntu.org/ will give some insight.09:02
frafudsas: I did not know that website, thanks09:03
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frafudholbach: So I suppose you will mostly work on these https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+specs09:07
frafuthose of the list targeted for Feisty 09:08
frafu? 09:08
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dholbachfrafu: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/feisty - yep09:08
frafudsas, dholbach: thanks for the informations09:09
dholbachfrafu: anytime09:10
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iankesterhaneyhello, i am having trouble with dpkg --debug=200, it says * options should be piped to less.  when piped to less it shows the same message09:17
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mdkedholbach: do we build metacity with the compositor flag?09:29
dholbachmdke: afaik we do09:29
mdkedholbach: thanks. I'll give it a go09:29
seb128no we don't09:30
mdkeah, i was wondering why the gconf key had no effect :)09:30
mdkeseb128: is it any good?09:31
seb128it adds a Depends on libcm and there was no tarball and there is no ABI compatibility for that lib09:31
seb128I've just uploaded libcm 0.1.109:31
seb128we might reconsider that for the next upload09:31
=== mdke nods
seb128hint for dholbach who will do the update tomorrow :)09:31
mdkepoor dholbach :)09:31
dholbachi'll just upload09:31
dholbachyou guys will figure ou the rest ;)09:31
dholbachjust kidding :)09:32
mdkeI wonder if it will be a realistic alternative for us to provide instead of the other options09:32
seb128I'll probably upload compiz 0.3.6 tomorrow09:32
seb128with a new keybinding compat plugin for GNOME09:33
seb128and the number of workspaces adapted09:33
dholbachok see you tomorrow09:33
=== mdke lifts up dholbach's nightie
seb128which means it should behave in a better way out of the box09:33
=== Burgwork hugs seb128
Mithrandirgeser: given-back.09:35
Mithrandirmdz: sounds good.09:35
Burgworkseb128: are we going to be testing beryl as well?09:37
seb128Burgwork: I'm not for sure09:37
Burgworkok, just wondering09:37
seb128dunno what other people are doing09:37
seb128I've already too much to do09:37
seb128and I would prefer to use compiz than beryl09:38
Burgworkif you are doing compiz 0.3.6, I will poke the compiz bugs once that hits the repos09:38
seb128thank you for that09:38
Burgworkno worries09:38
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_ionI still wish compiz had the state plugin. You can define rules such as "put firefox windows to desk 1 by default", "view mplayer brighter than other windows" etc.09:41
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seb128_ion: well, it should not be too hard to adapt to compiz and go upstream if there is a version for beryl done09:44
MithrandirBurgwork: nobody has uploaded packages which are suitable for the archive yet.09:45
Mithrandir(for beryl)09:45
Mithrandirthere was an upload which I had to reject due to licence problems.09:45
BurgworkMithrandir: ah. Which doesn't speak highly for installing it by default09:45
Mithrandirwell, it was mostly stuff like not shipping the real source.09:46
Mithrandirand there are some problematic plugins09:46
Mithrandirthose'd need to go to multiverse since there's no free shader fragment compiler.09:46
Burgworkah, ouch09:48
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ogramdke, thanks, thats needed11:08
mdkeogra: that was a proper hug, not one of those bugday ones :)11:09
ograi know :')11:09
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ograthanks 11:11
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hipertrackerMy Ubuntu 6.10 cannot recognize my network, sata disks, even processor is not displayed (athl64x2 4200+). Motherboard is GigaByte K8N Ultra9. There is no drivers for Linux on GigaByte site. What to do?11:53
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Chipzzhipertracker: not ask here to start?11:58
Chipzzthis is not a support channel11:58
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hipertrackerwhere to ask?11:59
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mdkehipertracker: you might find some help in #ubuntu12:07
mdkehipertracker: or other support resources, see http://www.ubuntu.com/support/12:07
mdkeChipzz: please be a bit nicer to people who are struggling with Ubuntu12:07
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Chipzzmdke: hrrrrm12:08
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Chipzzhipertracker: #ubuntu (and if you don't get an answer there the forums may be a good start; otherwise (I'm not sure about this) certain mailinglists may be a good alternative)12:09
Chipzzhipertracker: but please DO pay attention to the rules;12:10
=== Chipzz points at the topic
Chipzzbut the fact remains that not getting an anser elsewhere still doesn't make this the right place to ask12:11
Chipzzmdke: polite enough this way? :)12:11
hipertrackermdke: I tried usind #ubuntu. no response at all. ok, i will stay with winxp if i have no choice. :(12:12
Chipzzhipertracker: like I pointed out to you, try the forums12:12

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