
somerville32You create the scalable svg first12:18
somerville32He pushed the pixels to make those two, lol12:18
coreyt*considers hacking old directTivo*12:25
coreyt*boggles* Segate releases 2.5 inch 15k RPM drive.  *drools*12:35
somerville32popey, <TheSheep> http://sheep.art.pl/misc/screencast.svg <-- that's the best I can make fast12:40
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somerville32and matching http://sheep.art.pl/misc/screencast3.png12:43
coreytCan you stitch a ubuntu logo in the bigger screen?  http://www.ubuntutips.org/favicon.ico12:45
popeyis the brown in those logos too dark? somerville3212:55
=== popey wonders if he is taking the pee
popeyor does it match the ubuntu colours nicely12:56
popeydiscuss :)12:56
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somerville32popey, Not if it is tango01:04
somerville32Tango has it's own palette01:05
mptpopey, yes, too dark01:18
mpt(at least, I had to squint:-)01:18
mptnixternal, http://www.google.com/search?q=%22sic+*+dogs%2201:19
nixternalSic'em Dogs01:31
nixternalhrmm, virtual-box didn't like my computer for some odd reason01:32
mdkempt: if you do some more spec-hacking, go into "convincing mode", I reckon we should try and get approval soon-ish01:41
mdkempt: also, if you have some more ideas on ImprovingWebsiteStructure, in the next few days is a good time :)01:42
=== mdke hugs *
=== mpt is oohing at the spec, not necessarily the hugs
=== mpt hugs * anyway
mptmdke, where is ImprovingWebsiteStructure?01:45
mptoh, ImproveWebsiteStructure01:45
mdke(keeping you on your toes)01:46
=== mdke beds
=== MagicFab_ [n=magicfab@modemcable178.77-70-69.static.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-doc
MagicFab_hi - I'd like to know why there isn't or where is the Installation Guide for Ubuntu 6.06 ?02:08
LaserJockMagicFab_: should be in the installer02:09
LaserJockwe have maintained an installation guide since Breezy, I think02:10
MagicFab_LaserJock, I mean, at h.u.c02:10
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LaserJockMagicFab: because we don't have the doc02:10
MagicFabLaserJock, there wasn't an installation guide before edgy, right ?02:11
LaserJockthere is02:11
mptDanger, danger, Web site structure reflecting organizational details alert!02:11
LaserJockbut it's maintained by the installer devs02:11
MagicFabLaserJock, do u have an URL ?02:12
LaserJockI don't think there is one02:12
LaserJockas far as I know it's not online, but I could be wrong of course02:12
LaserJockbut I do know that the doc team isn't maintaining one since at least dapper02:12
LaserJockbecause the install devs (Colin mostly) took over that02:13
MagicFabWhen comparing https://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ , the nice installation guide for 6.10 is not in 6.06. So who did the one for 6.10 ?02:15
MagicFabLooking at the credits, it seems it's an adaptation of several sources, for Ubuntu. But no mention on who adapted it.02:15
MagicFabYou say Colin Watson ? anyone else ?02:16
LaserJockyou'll have to ask mdke02:16
LaserJockI really don't know how the 6.10 one got there02:17
MagicFabLaserJock, ok, tx. for the hints - appreciated. It seems weird the "Long term support" version of Ubuntu does not have a propoer installation guide...02:17
MagicFabbut I see the reasons02:18
LaserJockwell, I know at least the Desktop CD doesn't02:18
LaserJocknow that Alternate CD installation guide on 6.10 looks like a Ubuntuized debian installer guide02:19
MagicFabthat's because it is :)02:19
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-doc: Ubuntu Documentation Team http://doc.ubuntu.com or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam | Get involved! http://www.mdke.org/?p=67 | backlog at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs | SVN - https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos | Please observe the Ubuntu CoC @ http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct | Next meeting: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/MeetingAgenda
=== Topic (#ubuntu-doc): set by crimsun at Sat Dec 30 01:13:50 2006
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MadpilotOur spammer is back - Kypir just dumped a whole bunch of porn spam on huc/c08:26
Madpilotasking on #launchpad now about getting the idiot's LP account yanked08:29
tonyyarussoSee if they can ban creation of another with the same e-mail while you're at it08:31
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Madpilottonyyarusso, found an LP admin in #launchpad, idiot's account now disabled08:46
=== tonyyarusso nods
=== mpt [n=mpt@121-72-135-240.dsl.telstraclear.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== mpt gets lost in the Ubuntu Web sites
mdkeMadpilot: I opened a support ticket on launchpad but haven't had any response.09:44
Madpilotmdke, this one's been dealt with, at least09:45
mdkeMadpilot: the account has been disabled?09:46
Madpilotone of the LP admins was in #launchpad09:46
mdkeI see it now09:48
mdkenice one09:48
tonyyarussohttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion claims FF2 was backported to Dapper, but that seems untrue.  Clarification?09:48
mdketonyyarusso: all security updates are included with Ubuntu09:51
tonyyarussomdke: So why does packages.ubuntu.com have no knowledge of it?09:52
mdketonyyarusso: because the version number doesn't get bumped up to 2 when you add security updates to 1.509:52
tonyyarussoOh wait, it's in dapper-security09:52
mdkeoh hang on, that page says it was added to dapper-backports09:52
=== mdke shrugs
tonyyarussosomething's fishy...09:53
mdkemaybe packages.u.c is out of date09:55
tonyyarussoAny way to poke around more manually?09:55
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mptUh oh, it's another Matthew10:20
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tonyyarussoI'm going to start making up names for you people.10:23
tonyyarussoMatthewV: You are henceforth James.10:24
MatthewVtonyyarusso, uh, thanks10:24
tonyyarussoMatthewV: Any time :)10:24
MatthewVtonyyarusso, how many matthew's are there?10:24
tonyyarussoMatthewV: At least, um, 7?10:25
MatthewVthere's me, and mdke , and i'm assuming that mpt is..10:25
tonyyarussoThere are too many Cor(e)ys too10:25
mptWelcome MatthewV10:26
mptThere are also newz2000, and mdz, and others who have slipped my mind momentarily10:27
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mptoh yes, matthewrevell10:27
MatthewVthanks mpt10:28
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coreytflipping snowing outside12:34
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coreytFlash 9 for Linux went Gold Today.01:11
crimsunthanks, on it01:11
coreytinstaller works01:15
crimsunI presumed that :)01:15
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crimsun  flashplugin-nonfree_9.0.31~ubuntu1_source.changes: done.01:37
crimsunSuccessfully uploaded packages.01:37
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linuxphotogeekpopey: morning here!03:48
=== linuxphotogeek heads off to work.
popeylionel: :)04:07
popeyer, oops04:07
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mdkempt: poor old Garrett doesn't get a mention07:30
Laser_awaymorning mdke07:31
mdkemorning Laser_away07:31
mdkeor indeed, more correctly, evening07:31
Laser_awayheh, 10:30am for me07:32
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jenda11111 Ubuntu users counted! http://ubuntucounter.geekosophical.net/08:04
mdkewhat was the outcome of the binary drivers by default outcry? Are we still installing em?08:17
=== mpt wonders if there was an outcry when every Linux distribution was bundled with Netscape 4
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fergushey all08:38
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nixternalmpt: i don't remember an outcry at all, but still a very good point08:42
nixternalman, I remember the Netscape days like it was just yesterday08:42
mdkeanyone know the answer?08:47
nixternalmdke: i swore i read they weren't going through with it as default because beryl/compiz wasn't going to be ready08:48
nixternalnow where i read that, heard that, or dreampt that, i couldn't tell you08:49
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LaserJockmdke: you'd have to look at the spec, but I think the distro sprint will decide it09:23
Burgworkmdke: afaik, no decision yet09:26
Burgworkwe don't even have the latest compiz for testing and nobody seems to care09:27
mdkeok thanks LaserJock / Burgwork09:28
mdkewe'll leave the docs for now then09:28
mdkeBurgwork: I read about the compositor for metacity on p.g.o today, is that any good? is it in feisty?09:28
Burgworknot yet and sort of09:29
Burgworkreverse that09:29
=== mdke tries it
mdkeit doesn't do anything!09:30
mdkemoo indeed09:45
popeyhope michael / ubuntuclips can come up with a nice how-to for .movs10:02
popeyneither of the procedures on the help page work10:02
=== mdke slaps a wishlist label on .movs
popeywell, ubuntuclips do avi, ogg and mov10:03
popeynot specifically for ipods10:03
LaserJockmdke: question for you. how easy would it be to insert "topics" into the new help system?10:24
mdkeLaserJock: very. But we're limiting the number of topics that appear on the front page to those which are really appropriate. What did you have in mind?10:25
LaserJockmdke: Edubuntu10:25
LaserJockwe'd like to sort of "add-on" to ubuntu-docs10:25
LaserJockand insert Edubuntu topics10:25
mdkeLaserJock: ah. well I suppose that removing some would be appropriate too. Lemme think quickly10:25
LaserJockI don't think we necessarily need to remove stuff10:26
mdkeyes, I think it would be easy10:26
LaserJockif it's a big deal10:26
mdkeedubuntu-docs should depend on ubuntu-docs, obviously10:26
mdkeand we'd need to ensure the edubuntu docs appear in our custom yelp patch, when it's done10:26
mdkethat should be fine too10:26
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LaserJockwhat about the about ubuntu topic, can that be replaced?10:27
mdkeLaserJock: erm. hmm.10:28
mdkenot sure10:29
LaserJockhmm, I wonder if it would be better for Edubuntu to just keep a copy of Ubuntu's topics and just have our seperate package10:30
willvdlwith profiling it could work?10:30
mdkeLaserJock: what do you mean?10:31
mdkewillvdl: maybe10:31
LaserJockI'm saying10:32
LaserJockif in edubuntu/10:32
LaserJockwe keep a copy of the ubuntu "topics" but take out ones we don't want10:32
LaserJockand add in ours10:32
mdkeand conflict on ubuntu-docs?10:32
LaserJockand then create a standalone edubuntu-docs package10:32
LaserJockbecause I can see that it could make packaging interesting as well10:33
mdkeYou'd still need to install them in /usr/share/ubuntu-docs though10:33
LaserJockis stuff hard-coded?10:34
mdkeoh no, if you amended the omf files that would be ok10:35
mdkebut you have to leave the series-id in the omf files10:35
LaserJockyeah, I was thinking I could have an edubuntuize script10:35
LaserJockdoes the yelp frontpage come from ubuntu-docs or yelp itself10:36
mdkebit of both10:36
nixternali might be a little afk here the next day or so, my mom is in the hospital with some heart complications. they aren't 100% positive if it was a heart attack or if she has something like pneumonia yet10:57
nixternalit seems when there is heart damage it gives off enzymes, but also there are some illnesses that do the same, so we are very hopeful here10:57
mdkenixternal: best wishes and good luck10:58
willvdlnixternal: sorry to hear. all the best10:58
nixternalif one good thing comes out of this, she will quit smoking and starting eating healthy, or i will kill her :)10:58
nixternalshe is better today, but they are keeping her for some more tests at least until tomorrow10:59
nixternalshe is just super tired now, so it gives me some ubuntu time :)10:59
nixternalumm, it seems i missed an edubuntu meeting11:02
willvdlmy GF went to sleep an hour ago so I also have ubuntime11:02
nixternalmy gf is out of town until sunday, so i am good11:02
willvdlnixternal, still trying to work out what docs go online/packaged in meeting11:03
nixternaland when she comes home, i can't pick her up, i will be at the LUG event :)11:03
crimsunmy girlfriend (Ubuntu universe) is vengeful and just can't stop making demands.11:03
nixternalman, is it me or is there a TON of doc work for feisty yet to be done?11:03
nixternalhahaha crimsun11:03
nixternalyour a luser11:03
nixternalcrimsun: i told you that sharing her is a good thing and that you shouldn't try to hog her all to yourself11:04
crimsunwell, I'm leaving my girlfriend shortly.11:04
crimsunyou guys and gals can have her all to yourself.11:04
nixternali mean come on, you let LaserJock write stories and manager her, he is like her pimp :)11:04
willvdlfor an older women?11:04
tonyyarussocrimsun: You're dating universe?11:05
nixternalolder than universe would be something like unstable or sid :)11:05
willvdlor dos11:05
crimsunheh, sometimes it seems that way11:05
crimsunpeople always complain about how stuff doesn't get done11:05
mdkecrimsun: you're leaving?11:06
crimsunthen I look around and discover I'm just about the only one actually getting stuff done11:06
willvdlcrimsun, you got my sound working. you're a hero :)11:07
mptcrimsun gets sound working?11:07
mptSound isn't working on my machine ...11:08
nixternalcrimsun gets everything working11:08
nixternaloh no mpt11:08
=== nixternal ducks
crimsunmpt: bug report?11:08
mptNo, it's not reproducible11:08
mptSound works for about a month out of every seven or eight months11:08
crimsunbut you didn't file a bug report?11:09
mptNo, because it's not reproducible11:09
mptwell, I suppose "I have no sound" is reproducible, but "Sound stops working when X" isn't, because I don't know what X is11:09
willvdlnow I'm jus looking for a new bitch to get my laptop power management to suspend11:09
crimsunplease file one anyway; see my LP page for the link to info I'd appreciate you attaching.11:09
mptokie dokie11:10
mdkewillvdl: there is only one power management bitch11:10
crimsuntry another matthew.11:10
willvdlexcellent. he will rue the day my laptop booted for the first time11:11
mptogra isn't a matthew11:11
mptat least, not yet11:11
willvdlogra, does gnome-power-manager11:11
willvdlhe looks like a matthew11:11
=== mpt rues the day he confused cjwatson with mjg59
willvdlfull name?11:12
mdkewillvdl: he won't rue it, he probably already knows how to do it11:12
mdkewillvdl: Matthew Garrett11:12
dsaswillvdl: He's in Australia fixing laptops at the minute though...11:12
mdkelikely he has the model is his house :D11:12
mptcrimsun, that's a very nifty summary, perhaps it should be on the wiki somewhere11:13
willvdlhmm, maybe he can pop round sunny south africa on his way home11:13
willvdlI'll make him some weak tea11:13
mptcrimsun, and w.r.t. (2), how do I know what my "preferred audio device" is?11:13
willvdlthe one you prefer sound coming out of?11:13
=== willvdl is getting silly
willvdlciao all11:14
=== willvdl [n=will@] has left #ubuntu-doc ["Leaving"]
crimsunmpt: it's the top one listed unless you have a different one listed in step (5)11:16
crimsunmpt: sorry, the top one from step (4)11:16
mptok, ta11:18
crimsunmpt: you're not expected to know that last bit; I'll get all that info when a bug report includes all info requested in those steps11:18
mptWhat package should I specify?11:18
crimsunlinux-source-$(uname -r|awk -F- '{ print $1 }')11:20
crimsundapper -> linux-source-2.6.15, edgy -> linux-source-2.6.17, feisty -> linux-source-2.6.2011:20
mptNo wonder I can never remember how to use awk11:23
mptcrimsun, assembling bug 8034411:24
UbugtuMalone bug 80344 in linux-source-2.6.17 "Sound works only a few weeks per year" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8034411:24
crimsunmpt: we can migrate to #ubuntu and troubleshoot now if you have the time11:25
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nixternalis that a good gah or a bad gah?11:41
mdkethe openoffice applications have different names between their entries in the applications menu and their actual names11:41
mdkeOpenoffice Presentation - > Openoffice Immpress11:41
nixternalya, same with Kubuntu11:42
mdkeso what do we call them?11:42
nixternalwith KMenu they can do Name=OpenOffice.org Impress and Description=OpenOffice Presentation or what not11:42
nixternalmdke: to make it easy, I use what the menu says to try and avoid confusion11:42
nixternalthen under that you can let it be known what the actual name is11:43
nixternali was trying to figure out how to link to OO.o help, but OO.o help is in binary form and uses a setup similar to Microsoft11:43
mdkeyes, tricky11:44

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