
=== rob [i=RobertSt@freenode/staff/rob] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Lutinsiretart: could you have a look at http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=4085 if you have some time ? It might be interesting for you, motumedia guys :)12:15
=== bronson [n=bronson@adsl-75-36-145-166.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== sistpoty is off to bed
sistpotygn8 everyone12:17
LaserJockcya sistpoty 12:17
=== somerville32 waves.
=== finalbeta [n=finalbet@d5152A68A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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imbrandonbzr branch imbrandons_brain12:50
LaserJockewww, I don't want to merge that one12:51
=== fowlduck [n=nate@24-183-45-79.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchLaserJock: scary though12:53
=== rexbron [n=rexbron@complex1-372-008.resnet.yorku.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
chillywillyajmitch: when attempting to boot this Xen kernel I get: 'Error 13: Invalid or unsupportable executable format' (for the record)12:54
chillywillygoogle tells me that the kernel image may not be compressed12:54
=== chillywilly uses file
chillywillymuch different output with the xen image and one of the stock kernels12:56
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=== bronson_ [n=bronson@adsl-75-36-145-166.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonajmitch, have you installed any unmodified domains ( read: windows ) on xen yet ?01:05
ajmitchI can't01:06
ajmitchno cpu support for it01:06
imbrandoni might be on ym own then01:06
=== ajmitch only has a slow old box, remember
ajmitchnot one of these fancy new ones01:06
imbrandoni figured that am2 had it01:07
ajmitchit does01:07
ajmitchmine isn't am201:07
imbrandonohhh 01:07
imbrandonman i'm just wrong all arround tonight01:07
ajmitchI got my box a few months before am2 was out01:07
imbrandonmine has it and enabled in the bios01:07
ajmitchhave fun then01:08
imbrandoni'm debating weather to do a fresh xen minimal install and a few domu's01:08
jdongis it just me or is XFS in Edgy a lot more flaky?01:09
jdongI had one bad shutdown today on a XFS box and it ended up sending 10,000 files into /lost+found01:09
jdongfortunately it was a newly imaged system with no items of sentimental value01:09
ajmitch   * Merge from Debian unstable. Ubuntu changes:01:13
ajmitch      - See 1.5ubuntu101:13
ajmitchthat's *not* how it should be done01:13
somerville32Who did that?01:13
ajmitchI'm not going to point fingers01:13
ajmitchsince it's someone in here01:14
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imbrandonthats special01:35
imbrandonajmitch, did you atleaste poke them in private ( so they are aware )01:36
=== LaserJock goes to check his changelogs ;-)
crimsunit was me!!01:40
somerville32So thats how crimsun does it so fast :01:40
somerville32He cheats :P01:40
ajmitchas if crimsun would01:41
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imbrandonhum this is gonna take a while01:42
persiacd ..01:44
imbrandonhum whats the s bit on rwxrwxrwx ?01:45
imbrandone.g. drwxr-sr-x 6 brandon brandon 160 2007-01-16 18:42 feisty-security01:46
persiaimbrandon: 0 (0777)01:46
persiaimbrandon: rewxr-s-r-x is 277701:47
=== Marsmensch [n=daniel@149-203-116-85.dsl.manitu.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonhum ok01:47
imbrandoni have a feeling this rsync is gonna take a while01:48
ajmitchI thought you were on a super-fast connection & all01:49
imbrandonyea but even on a superfast connection 110GB is alot01:49
ajmitchis this an initial rsync?01:49
imbrandoni was using apt-mirror , now i'm converting to a full rsync01:50
somerville32Are you creating a mirror?01:50
imbrandonsomerville32, i've had a mirror for quite some time01:50
somerville32imbrandon, Do you have an Xubuntu mirror?01:50
imbrandoni have one on ym local lan and i have a public one01:50
ajmitchright, I was going to say that it'd cause a large load to do the whole thing by rsync01:50
ajmitchthese people, always trying to push xubuntu01:51
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imbrandonsomerville32, i will after this rsyc finishes 01:51
LaserJocksomerville32: xubuntu is in Main, if he has Main he's got xubuntu01:51
somerville32Oh, you're syncing the repository01:51
imbrandoni have edgy feisty currently01:52
imbrandonsomerville32, yes01:52
ajmitchthat is the most useful thing to sync01:52
somerville32imbrandon, Did you ever finish setting up the build machines?01:52
ajmitchit's not like there's 110GB of cd images01:52
imbrandonsomerville32, this is the last step01:52
crimsunimbrandon: do you have my ponies?01:52
imbrandoncrimsun, hehe01:52
ajmitchcrimsun: sent to the knackers01:52
imbrandonglue ?01:52
ajmitchglue & dogfood01:53
LaserJockhmm, so I have 3 Ubuntu machines using Edgy and Feisty, and on 2 networks. What's the best way to reduce redundant downloads01:53
ajmitchdon't dist-upgrade often01:53
Toadstoolaptoncd :)01:54
ajmitchI use apt-proxy, which is adequate01:54
LaserJockwell, it's usually the pbuilders01:54
imbrandonLaserJock, local mirror ;)01:54
ajmitchbut not great01:54
imbrandonif you have 40gb of space you can run a edgy + feisty + source mirror 01:54
imbrandonwith apt-mirror01:54
imbrandonfor one arch01:54
ajmitchI should consider doing that at home01:55
LaserJockhmm, that's not bad01:55
ajmitchexcept that I don't have many machines01:55
ajmitchand 2 archs01:55
imbrandonajmitch, its about 12gb for each extra arch01:55
LaserJockI've only got 1 arch and I'd probably don't need source01:55
persiauqm has two packages.  uqm-content is under CCA-NC-SA, and uqm is under GPL.  uqm depends on uqm-content.  Is it safe for the .desktop and menu files in uqm to point to files provided by uqm-content (this will cause a lintian error)?01:55
LaserJockthe .desktop and menu files point to stuff in -content?01:56
imbrandonwhy isnt the .dsktop in -content then ?01:57
persiaLaserJock: Not currently, but there is a bug that uqm doesn't appear in the menu, and I'm fixing it.  I'd rather use icons, but all the content is under the other license.01:57
persiaimbrandon: I can put the .desktop there, but the menu file is provided by debian in uqm, and I'd rather not move it.01:57
LaserJockpersia: but it shouldn't point to the specific icon should it01:58
imbrandonxen or no xen01:58
ajmitchwhatever you feel like01:59
persiaLaserJock: The menu file needs to point to a specific icon.  The .desktop file uses a basename, and the icon is selected by the xdg magic.01:59
imbrandonhrm can i run a 32bit xen dom0 and a 64bit domU ?01:59
ajmitchnot afaik01:59
ajmitchit may be different with hardware virt, who knows?02:00
=== imbrandon just found a cf to ide reader in his desk drawer
ajmitchseems like you'd need 64-bit dom0, and hardware virt for 32-bit domU02:02
ajmitch 14:01:45 up 9 days, 15:24,  4 users,  load average: 0.17, 0.18, 0.1102:02
imbrandon19:02:42 up 36 days,  9:45,  4 users,  load average: 0.08, 0.10, 0.0702:03
ajmitchyeah, I rebooted it at about 200 days :)02:03
imbrandonheh that sucks02:03
somerville32 21:03:37 up  7:52,  3 users,  load average: 1.03, 0.97, 0.9502:03
imbrandonwe had one at work at 470+ days02:03
imbrandonthat had to be rebooted like a week ago02:03
imbrandonit sucked02:03
ajmitchit was just the box with the dsl modem at home02:04
ajmitchso nothing big02:04
ajmitchlucky I could fix up my RAID problems yesterday on the work server without taking anything down02:04
imbrandonif i could get the nic1000 working on this mb i would be happy02:05
imbrandonthen i coudl put a sata raid card in and have more hdd's02:05
ajmitchsigh, looks like it's time to plug in this mp3 player02:05
ajmitchbattery running down again02:05
imbrandonas it is the only slot i have free to do it has the pci nic replacement02:05
ajmitchs/down/flat/ :)02:06
imbrandoni broke my ipod the other day02:06
imbrandonno more ipod for brandon , not for a few weeks02:06
imbrandoni'm gonna wait to see how these new iphones look02:06
imbrandonand possibly get one of those instead of a new ipod02:06
ajmitchwaste of money02:07
imbrandonwell $250+ on ipod, $200 on a phone , thats only $50 more dollars for a iphone02:07
imbrandonso really about the same price02:07
imbrandonplus pda and video stuff02:08
LaserJock$200 for a phone?!?02:08
LaserJockI only get the free kinda ;-)02:09
imbrandonheh my last one ( about 3 weeks ago ) was about $179 + taxes etc02:10
chillywillyso you guys that have used xen before, did you build it from source or what?02:13
=== fowlduck [n=nate@24-183-45-79.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonjust get it from the repo02:14
imbrandonmost of the time02:14
chillywillycan't boot the kernel02:14
=== persia proceeds to make an ugly .desktop file pointing at specific icons in -content.
imbrandonheh then file a bug ;)02:14
chillywillygives me grub error 1302:14
chillywillyok, I could do that but that doesn't help with actually getting it to work...I am forced to build it from source now02:16
ajmitchyou haven't given terribly much info02:18
ajmitchbuild it from source if you wish02:18
imbrandonand fwiw grub error 13 normaly is just an error in the grub menu entry02:19
ajmitchoh look02:19
ajmitchLinux ephraim 2.6.17-6-generic-xen0 #3 SMP Mon Oct 16 06:15:23 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux02:19
ajmitchI do have my laptop running xen02:19
imbrandonx86 xen02:20
ajmitchI think that's because all the other kernels were failing badly02:20
ajmitchthe laptop is old & decrepit02:20
imbrandonahh ;)02:20
ajmitchonly a pentium M02:20
imbrandonthats still nice02:20
imbrandonanything above 1ghz is OK to me02:20
ajmitch1GB RAM, enough to run 1 or 2 domUs02:20
ajmitchthis one is 2GHz02:21
imbrandoni was on that 2.9 celeron for a LONG time02:21
=== imbrandon likes his new box
=== ajmitch has to make do with slow old boxes
Mezhow long does soyuz take to process new uploads nowadays?02:25
ajmitchdefine 'new'02:25
imbrandonas in NEW queue or just an normal upload ?02:25
LaserJockNEW new or just new new ? ;-)02:25
Meznot NEW02:26
ajmitchor NEW NEW new02:26
Mezjust a "until I get some sort of email back"02:26
imbrandondepends on the upload i think it does it at 3 and 33 02:26
ajmitchaha, I knew it! ;)02:26
MezI noticed kxmame had no depends on xmame02:26
ajmitchdepends on if you stuff up the upload as well02:26
LaserJock"I've got a new upstream upstream release that I'd like to get uploaded to NEW new"02:26
ajmitchdon't confuse the poor chap02:27
=== Mez cries
Meznever mind02:27
MezI got the email02:27
MezI thought that with my mail server being stuffed up and now delivering me stuff from november,02:28
MezI might have to wait till april02:28
ajmitch& it'll hopefully build & maybe even be published within an hour02:29
Mezajmitch, tis cool - just wanted to get an email back to make sure I hadnt stuffed the upload ;)02:29
ajmitchimmortalised on feisty-changes02:30
=== Mez growls
MezI cant rememebr my mailing list password to re-subscribe02:30
Mez(aka turn off vacation mode)02:30
imbrandonvacation mode == procmail to /dev/null02:31
LaserJockah man, I got screwed on TA assignments02:32
Mezimbrandon - or nomail on to the mailing list request thing02:32
imbrandonhum food , bbiab02:32
LaserJockI've got grading/proctoring/ and the stupid computer lab :(02:32
ajmitchlucky LaserJock!02:33
ajmitchno ubuntu time for you02:33
Mezand the "request password" doesnt work02:33
LaserJockajmitch: maybe I'll sepnd my computer lab hours building an Edubuntu lab :-)02:33
LaserJockthink of the pbuilder cluster I could have :-)02:35
LaserJockI think there are ~10 p4s in there02:35
=== Mez bangs head
MezI just found an old welcome email02:36
Mezand the bloody thing doesnt work02:36
LaserJockMez: have you changed addresses?02:36
MezWelcome to the Ubuntu-burning@lists.ubuntu.com mailing list!02:37
ajmitchblame the circus midgets02:37
MezYou must know your password to change your options (including changing02:37
Mezthe password, itself) or to unsubscribe.  It is:02:37
Mezand the password it gives ther e(and in the 5 copies i have of it)02:37
Mezdoesnt work02:37
=== hub [n=hub@toronto-hs-216-138-231-194.s-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
MezA reminder of your password has been emailed to you.02:39
Mezno it hasnt102:39
ajmitchoh well, you'll live, resubscribe02:40
MezI need ym p/w to unsubscribe dont it ?02:40
shawarmaMez: No. Just ask to unsubscribe and click the link in an e-mail you get.02:40
Mezyeah - but abive it says I need it02:41
Mezseems fiordland is avoiding me02:42
shawarmaAh.. I'm a bit slow right now. :-)02:42
shawarmaI'm having trouble with mailman these days, too.02:42
Mezubuntu mailman /02:42
Mezah kk02:43
ajmitchcomplain to canonical people02:43
shawarmaIt's discarding my mail to a particular list.02:43
Mezit seems that mail isnt getting to fiordland.02:44
Mezas it's sending it fine from gmail to my ubuntu accounty02:44
=== bddebian [n=bdefrees@c-71-224-172-103.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bddebianHeya gang02:53
bddebianHi imbrandon02:53
=== bddebian hugs ajmitch
bddebianwb Toadstool02:57
Toadstoolhey bddebian 02:57
Toadstoolgreat... received my plane ticket for September... I don't want to go back to France :/02:58
=== reggaemanu [n=manu@ARennes-257-1-114-195.w86-210.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
zulbecause they speak french?02:59
Toadstoolnope, because i love California :)02:59
zuli rather be in france then california03:01
Toadstoolthat's because you're not french03:01
imbrandoni'd rather be in spain than anywhere ;)03:02
zulyeah but my father speaks french03:02
Toadstoolyay! barcelona :)03:02
bddebianWell I'd pick California over France but Cali still sucks :-)03:02
Amaranthi wanna go to live in canada03:02
bddebianCanukistan?  Why? :)03:03
imbrandoncanada ? people live there?03:03
Amaranthhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vancouver_Island <--i wanna go there03:03
zulAmaranth: there is a lot of snow on vancouver island this year03:04
zulyeah el nino03:04
ajmitchNZ > *03:04
Amaranthwell it was 70F here right before the end of the year03:04
Amaranthso i guess i can see that03:04
bddebianEl Nino?  hah, I thought Global Warming was causing everything? :)03:04
zulheh its suppose to get -24C tonight03:05
Toadstoolajmitch: well my next trip will most probably be to NZ and/or Australia03:05
Amaranthbddebian: you can blame everything on either el nino or global warming03:05
Amaranthzul: here too03:05
bddebianAmaranth: Bah, I just blame ajmitch :-)03:05
ajmitchit's never got down that cold in NZ03:05
ajmitchbddebian: that's ok, give me more excuses03:06
Amaranthcurrent temp is -14C03:06
Amaranthwindchill is -22C03:06
Amaranthand it's only 8p03:06
bddebianajmitch: excuses for what man?03:06
ajmitchbddebian: whatever I feel like doing03:06
bddebianajmitch: Ah ;)03:06
=== zul [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Amaranthzul: my cold weather scared you away? :)03:07
ajmitchbddebian: I've still got a list of things to harass you about03:07
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bddebianajmitch: Uh oh, what'd I do now?03:07
ajmitchbreaking stuff03:07
bddebianNow what did I break?03:08
ajmitchsponsoring stuff that should have been looked at first, too03:08
bddebianAre you going to be more specific?03:08
persiaMy keyboard doesn't work in yet a different way today.  Anyone have any pointers to where I should add the definition for this keyboard to prevent this recurring? (it's Logitech jp106).03:12
zulyeah #ubuntu03:12
persiazul: Noone has ever had an answer to that question there in the past two years.  Oh well, I'll go play with keytouch and xkb, and see if I can find it.03:14
bddebianajmitch: Well?03:16
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=== bddebian stops doing anything until ajmitch explains himself
=== chillywilly has xen running on this laptop
imbrandonbbiab, time for a clean install03:31
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=== GreenD [n=gd@adsl-69-149-49-88.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
GreenDAnyone willing to lend me a hand creating a package right quick?03:42
sladenGreenD: how far did you get? :)03:44
GreenDHaha, not too far right now. Want a run down of what I'm trying to do?03:44
sladenhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Documentation  has lots of ideas from the basics upwards03:45
sladenbasically, (if it's not already packaged in Debian), we grab the source as a tarball03:45
sladenunpackage it, add a 'debian/' directory containing several special files (debian/control, debian/rules)03:46
GreenDWell, basically I just want help to where it will install from source on ubuntu, then I'll deb it. :)03:46
sladen'rules' is normally an executable make file that would then call 'make' and put binaries in the right place03:47
TheMusotepsipakki: Please PM me if you need to contact me, that way I can be sure I get your message even when I am online. Thanks.03:47
GreenDEh, let me explain my problems so far...03:47
sladen'control' lists information such as the package name, version, who uploaded it.03:47
GreenDI'm wanting to make a debian package for scatterchat for Hacktivismo, but whenever I try to configure from source its not liking my GTK version even though its up to date. (What do I do there?) Theres too much stuff that overrides gaim, should I make everything separate and how? Mind you Scatterchat may be based off of gaim but it is not just a plugin.03:49
GreenDJoseph Salvatore isn't able to give me much help on it because he did this on Fedora, so I came here.03:49
GreenDAny ideas?03:53
GreenDAlso, scatterchat comes in two pieces. The main piece (Like gaim.) and the scatterchat module, can we make those two into one package?03:54
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Marsmenschhmmm, something's wrong with my ubuntu... by using firefox for surfing the cpu frequency steps up to max, and i can't work with other applications ... since 1 or 2 month i think03:55
GreenDChange the nice values for it then.03:57
GreenDMight help.03:57
Marsmenschok i try :) thx03:59
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GreenDNo problem man, hope it works. Sometimes certain 'flashy' things I might have running in or as part of firefox make my pent 4 schiz out.04:00
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GreenDWell, this is gay. I'm out.04:01
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ScottKAny MOTUs available?  I have an updstream update to which I've added additional documentation (including man pages)?  bddebian?04:30
MezScottK, sup ?04:32
MezScottK, simple 2 questions04:33
Mez1) what package04:33
Mez2) is it in REVU04:33
bddebianScottK: Sorry, I'm not supposed to work on stuff 04:33
ScottKOK.  No problem.04:34
ScottKMez - Sorry - bran dump.  It's in REVU - http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=408604:34
Mezbddebian, what have you done now /04:34
ScottKbran/brain - can't type either tonight..04:34
bddebianHeya Mez.  Dunno, ajmitch won't tell me04:35
Mezwas it that currant bun you left lying on the buildd the other day ?04:35
bddebiancurrant bun?04:35
MezScottK, couple of things i've noticed straight off04:35
Mez1) pyspf source: newer-standards-version 3.7.204:36
Mezoh, nvm 04:36
Mezi read that wrong04:36
Mezand what the hell04:37
Mezwhere did that lintian error come from04:38
ScottKDunnu.  I always see that when I look at lintian on REVU, but not when I run it locally.04:38
Mezthat one is fine04:39
Mezrevu needs updating04:39
Mezbut the04:39
MezW: pyspf source: build-depends-without-arch-dep04:39
Mezis very confusing04:39
ScottKHmmm.  I didn't get that one when I built it here.04:39
MezI guess it's just a glitch on REVU04:40
ScottKI suspect that may be a function of revu not being updated for the new python policy.  That's unchanged from the previous upate I got approved.04:40
Mezprobably not worht adding a lintian override for it04:40
Mezsiretart, can you update revu ?04:41
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=== ScottK goes to update another package and fix a packaging bug.
=== _jaldhar_ is now known as jaldhar
chillywillythere's no pygrub in edgy?05:29
Mezthats a PITA05:30
chillywillyhow else can I boot this domU then? I was just following some instructions on a wiki05:33
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=== _jaldhar is now known as jaldhar
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=== ScottK waits on REVU...
LaserJockpersia: got a sec for bug 7949805:49
UbugtuMalone bug 79498 in libjsw "new upstream version 1.5.6" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7949805:49
=== ScottK rebuilds the package again...
LaserJockoh my gosh, that xchat crash bug is insane05:52
ScottKOK.  I think it's good now.  I fixed Debian bug #306875 by implementing the patch supplied with the bug.  I'd appreciate a revu: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=4088 and 4086 is waiting too if anyone is feeling ambitious...05:56
UbugtuDebian bug 306875 in spfquery "spfquery: conflict with libmail-spf-query-perl (spamassassin)" [Normal,Open]  http://bugs.debian.org/30687505:56
LaserJockScottK: that's a bug fix?05:57
persiaLaserJock: Sure.  What about it?05:58
ScottKUpdated the package to support the alternative implementations of spfquery.  The other two in the archives already support it.  This was the last one left.05:59
LaserJockpersia: there's a lot going on there05:59
ScottKNot that I added.06:00
persiaLaserJock: Yes, indeed.  libjsw doesn't get a lot of maintenance in Debian :(06:00
LaserJockScottK: usually bugs are done as a debdiff attached to a bug report06:00
persiaScottK: cf bug 6029006:00
UbugtuMalone bug 60290 in battleball "shows only on debian menu, not games menu" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/6029006:00
ScottKI thought that got a bug reported.  I was trying to go straight to fixed.06:00
ScottKSo I should take the debdiff from this and attach it to a new bug referencing the Debian bug?06:01
ScottKI did fix one small lintian warning that's not part of the bug (added Section to the control file)?06:01
ScottKLaserJock: I've reported bug #79683.  Is that right?06:12
UbugtuMalone bug 79683 in libspf2 "spfquery: conflict with libmail-spf-query-perl Debian bug#306875" [Unknown,Unknown]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7968306:12
LaserJockScottK: why did you change libspf2-1.2.5/src/libspf2/spf_lib_version.h >06:15
ScottKI didn't.06:15
ScottKI didn't even open the file.06:15
LaserJockScottK: generally you provide a little more descriptive description for the bug, but yeah06:15
ScottKI didn't touch anything outside /debian.06:16
LaserJockScottK: check that debdiff06:16
LaserJockunless I've suddenly lost the ability to read a diff (which is possible)06:16
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ScottKAs I read it, it's a diff against orig and we are already on -4 from Debian.  I think that's a previous patch...06:18
ScottK--- libspf2-1.2.5.orig/src/libspf2/spf_lib_version.h06:18
ScottK+++ libspf2-1.2.5/src/libspf2/spf_lib_version.h06:18
LaserJockScottK: debdiff against the base Debian version06:19
=== ScottK goes to read man debdiff again.
LaserJockwhen I go to apply a patch I grab the Debian version then add the sponsoree's debdiff06:19
LaserJockit's much smaller for new upstreams, etc.06:19
LaserJockand keeps our divergence as low as possible06:20
persiaLaserJock: Just to confirm, doesn't that only apply for source that has yet to have an Ubuntu delta, with debdiff against latest Ubuntu generally preferred?06:20
LaserJockif you are going from one ubuntu version to the next, yeah06:21
LaserJockjust think about the least diff06:21
LaserJockand what version you are basing you're work on06:21
LaserJockif you're going from ubuntu1 to ubuntu2, then debdiff between those06:22
LaserJockif you're going from Xubuntu1 to Yubuntu1 then debdiff between Y and Yubuntu106:22
ScottKFrom reading man debdiff, I debdiffed the two dsc files, debdiff libspf2_1.2.5-4.dsc libspf2_1.2.5-4ubuntu1.dsc - I'm guessing that's wrong.  Which to files should I be debdiffing?06:23
=== ScottK reads again.
LaserJockno, that should be right06:23
ScottKPart of the patch I was applying from the Debian bug included adding a compat file: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi/libspf2-1.2.5-spfquery-update-alternatives.patch?bug=306875;msg=12;att=1 06:26
ScottKI looked and the date stamp on spf_lib_version.h is consistent with me having added it.06:27
ScottKCould debhelper have done me the favor of putting in there?06:27
persiaLaserJock: I must run off.  Catch me later about libjsw (or comment on the bug, or email me).06:28
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LaserJockScottK: I really don't know06:28
LaserJockI would try to redo it in a seperate dir to see if it's the Debian patch or you06:29
ScottKIt looks to me on further inspection like it was added by debuild or dh or ... something else in the toolchain.  File ownership is consistent with that.06:29
ScottKIt's not there in the 1.2.5-4 debian source package.06:31
ScottKIt was definitely added when I built the package and I didn't do it manually.06:32
=== ScottK looks to the tools...
ScottKI need to go to bed.  I'll look into it again when I have time.06:32
ScottKAssuming that this diff is good, how would the process go from here?06:33
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LaserJockScottK: subscribe it to ubuntu-universe-sponsors06:34
LaserJockand some MOTU will upload it06:35
ScottKOK.  Thanks.  I'll look at it again and if I think it's OK, I'll do that.06:35
ScottKAppreciate the help/training.06:35
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imbrandongnight all06:45
LaserJockcya imbrandon 06:45
LaserJockcrimsun: you around? I have a question on bug #7955506:46
UbugtuMalone bug 79555 in Ubuntu "please sync pychess 0.6.0.beta5-1 from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7955506:46
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tepsipakkiadri2000: please put all the changes in the merge-changelog, not just a pointer to a previous version :)07:04
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=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-motu.log
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-motu: Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: Universe Repository Maintainers | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Documentation | Add yourself to http://tinyurl.com/fgpgy to upload to REVU
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Mezwhat's the sync request process nowadays ?07:58
Lutinfile a bug tu ask a sync, mentioning in what component it is in debian08:00
Lutinif possible check if the package builds fine08:00
Lutinand subscibe ubuntu-universe-sponsors or main-sponsors depending on the component08:00
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MezLutin, It's cool - it's a package I maintain in debian 08:11
Mezso it's easier just to sync from debian08:11
Mezrather than having entries like08:11
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Mez  * Fix Maintainer Field to currect maintainer (1:3.5.4-1 was not synced from debian)08:11
Mezin the changelog08:11
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palskiSRU needing sponsorship Bug #79059, please08:20
UbugtuMalone bug 79059 in gnome-hearts "[SRU]  gnome-hearts crashes on startup (edgy)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7905908:20
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LutinMez: if it's a sync you don't have to do anything - just file a bug and ask it08:23
MezLutin, already done #8020208:24
Mezbug 8020208:24
UbugtuMalone bug 80202 in rar "Please sync rar 3.6.0-1 from debian" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8020208:24
Lutinhehe, cool :)08:24
=== Mez wubs it when he gets mail from katie
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siretartMez: update revu?09:11
Mezsiretart: well... lintian is out of dat09:11
MezI'm guessing revu-build builds against edgy still09:11
Mezetc etc09:11
siretartah, the system in the outside.09:12
siretarthm, well, currently tiber is running dapper with breezy kernel, because dapper kernel is not able to bring up the network interfaces09:12
siretartwhich is.. hmm. bad09:13
Mezsiretart: but ... still... surely you can update some stuff...09:13
Mezor at least make the scripts run in a chroot or something09:13
Mezso that it doesnt give dodgy lintian errors09:13
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siretarthm, need to think about it how to integrate it with the rest of the revu toolchain09:15
Meztrue, but something needs to be done...09:16
Mezit's not pretty (imho)09:16
raphinkMez: revu-build should build against feisty09:17
raphinkthere is  feisty pbuilder09:17
raphinkon tiber09:17
raphinkI confirm that revu-tools is set to build for feisty Mez, just checked09:18
Mezah yes it does09:18
Mez(same here)09:18
raphinkthe lintian errors don't come from the pbuilder09:18
raphinkthey come from the version of lintian (and linda of course) on the system09:18
raphinkthe solution to get rid of them is simply to backport lintian/linda on the machine09:18
raphinkwhich should be fairly quick to do09:19
Mezraphink, specially with prevu09:19
raphinkwhat is that?09:19
Mezmeuahaha :D09:19
Mezit's an auto-backporter09:19
raphinkwell for lintian, I'm guessing pbuilding with an edgy pbuilder the fesity package should do09:20
raphinkan dsame for linda09:20
raphinklintian and linda are fairly simple packages09:20
raphinkso it's a matter of 2 commands09:20
raphinkmdt dist-apt-get feisty source lintian09:20
raphinkpbuilder-edgy build lintian*dsc09:20
raphinkand that's it09:20
Mezbackport to dapper ;)09:21
raphinkah yes, dapper09:22
MezI can build backport debs09:22
raphinkif you want09:22
raphinkbut I can build them directly on tiber09:22
Mezalready am ;)09:22
raphinkthat might be faster09:22
Meztechnically so can I :D09:22
raphinkso you're making the debs09:23
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raphinkok good09:23
Mezbut on my local machine09:23
Mezit's easier that way09:23
raphinkare you admin on tiber?09:23
Mezadmin no09:23
Mezi was09:23
raphinkput the debs in /tmp then09:23
raphinkI'll install them09:23
Mezbut I got de-adminned for some reason09:23
=== Mez cries
MezI'm still part of the pbuilder group though09:24
raphinkI don't remember ever seeing you as an admin on tiber09:24
Mezthis was a LONG time ago09:24
Mezbefore sistpoty came along ;)09:25
Mezjust before the pbuilder system got put in09:25
Mezprevu's great though09:26
Mezit'll do everything09:26
Mezincluding wgetting the packages09:27
raphinkseems good09:27
Mezit is :D09:28
Mezthats what the ingenuity of the backports team does09:28
raphinkhow are the packages doing?09:31
Mezlintian's building09:31
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Mez** Success!. You can find source packages and .debs at /var/cache/prevu/dapper-debs **09:33
Mezmake: dh_pysupport: Command not found09:35
Mezthis is linda09:35
raphinkah, new python09:35
raphinkwell lintian will already be pretty good to have09:35
raphinkcan you upload the deb to /tmp on tiber please?09:36
Mezraphink: it's cool09:36
raphinkwhat is?09:36
Mezpython_support is in universe in dapper09:36
Mezlemme just enable it in the prevu-chroot09:37
Mezit doesnt enable universe usually (I think)09:37
raphinkpython-support doesn't contain dh_pysupport09:37
Mezok I was wrong09:37
Mezit does in edgy! :P09:37
Mezmake: dh_pysupport: Command not found09:38
raphinkyes, but not in dapper09:38
raphinkand backporting python-support to dapper would mean backporting the whole python09:38
raphinksince it depends on >=2.4.309:39
raphinkso it's easier to change it to dh_python in linda09:39
raphinkor to just take the feisty package and install it09:40
raphinksince it's an 'all' package that only depends on python >=2.4 from what I can see09:40
Mezargh ?09:41
raphinklintian depends on gettext >= 0.1609:41
Mezin-security I believe ?09:41
Mezor not09:43
raphinkanother option might be to call lintin and linda from whithin the chrooted environment in revu-build09:43
raphinkif possible09:43
Mezthat's gotta be a manual Depend09:43
raphinkthat is, before the chroot gets removed09:43
raphinkthis way, we would always be sure to call the right version09:44
Mezraphink - or have a non-tgz chroot...09:44
Mezand then use hooks/whatever to get it to run lintian and send it back through a bind-mount09:44
raphinkpbuilder accepts hooks, too09:44
raphinkI use them already in revu-build09:45
Mezraphink, yes, tahts waht I meant09:45
Mezhowever, it would take time to unzip the tarball09:45
raphinkI don't think there's a need to switch to non tgz chroots09:45
Mezso if you have one extracted...09:45
Meztime really09:45
raphinkwell I guess we could switch to sbuild09:45
raphinkbut then the best idea imo09:46
raphinkwould be to have a source repository on the local machine09:46
raphinkthat gathers the latest uploaded versions of each package on REVU09:46
raphinkand have sbuild use this local repo as deb-src09:46
Mezraphink, pbuilder --no-targz --buildplace /path/to/unzipped/chroot09:46
raphinkand since sbuild supports multiple distros in chroots, it could be nice this way, too :)09:47
StevenKpbuilder doesn't need to use tarballs.09:47
MezStevenK, my point exactly ... :D09:47
raphinkI don't see the use of pbuilder if there's no tgz09:47
raphinkI'd use sbuild instead in that case09:47
StevenKUse cowbuilder, which will copy-on-write.09:47
raphinkStevenK: in this case, i'd rather use sbuild though09:49
raphinkfor a simple reason09:49
raphinkif we can automate the creation of a source repository on REVU09:49
raphinksbuild could just build from there09:49
raphinkwhereas pbuilder/cowbuilder need a dsc09:50
StevenKpbuilder does not need a dsc09:50
raphinkI guess the manual would have to be updated then09:50
raphinkpbuilder build [options]  .dsc-file09:50
Mezpbuilder doesnt :P09:53
Mezit's confusing09:53
StevenKraphink: pdebuild :-)09:53
MezStevenK, exactly what i was thinking09:53
raphinkdoes pdebuild provide a script for multiple builders?09:54
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StevenKI have a wrapper I use.09:54
Hobbsee!pbuilder | raphink 09:54
uboturaphink: pbuilder is a system to easily build packages in a clean chroot environment. To get started with PBuilder, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto09:54
Hobbseebottom section09:54
Mezraphink, pbuilder -- --basetgz /path/to/tarball09:54
Mezraphink, pdebuild -- --basetgz /path/to/tarball09:55
raphinkHobbsee: I wrote this section ;)09:55
Hobbseeraphink: ah.  oh, you were asking about pdebuild...09:55
raphinkthanks though :)09:55
Mezraphink, yeah - you can use any pbuilder options after -- 09:55
MezI use normally09:56
raphinkback to setting this build farm :)09:56
raphinkbuildd is still far from easy to set09:56
Mezpdebuild -- --basetgz /scratch/pbuilds/feisty.tgz09:56
Mezraphink install dak and katie ;)09:56
Mezpoke infinity 09:56
Mezand he can help you set up a buildd09:57
raphinkI've got enough to do with buildd/sbuild already09:57
raphinkand I got help from quite a few buildd admins09:57
StevenKdak and katie are nothing to do with sbuild09:57
Mezraphink, :P09:57
raphinkas of the mirror, I chose reprepro09:57
MezStevenK, I know - I was taking the michael09:57
raphinkit's far easier to deal with than dak09:57
Mezraphink, what about falcon ?09:57
raphinkand powerful enough for my needs :)09:57
StevenKreprepro? Oh geez, that thing09:57
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raphinkdoes falcon support signed uploads and incoming queue?09:58
raphinkStevenK: reprepro is so far the best repository builder I've found09:59
raphinkin terms of usability vs. functionalities09:59
raphinkalthough I reckon the configuration could be a bit better09:59
raphinkjust added a few scripts to it and it works great09:59
Mezraphink, oh... It just creates the repo ;)10:00
StevenKI found it a pain in the neck.10:00
raphinkwhat do you use StevenK?10:00
StevenKFor a personal mirror?10:00
raphinkfor a big one10:00
StevenKMy personal mirrors are all temporary, so dpkg-scanpackages10:00
StevenKMy local mirror, debmirror10:00
raphinkdebmirror is not powerful enough for my needs10:01
raphinkI think I honestly studied all the possibilities I could find in Debian10:01
raphinkand chose reprepro because it fits my needs10:01
StevenKI was using reprepro as a personal mirror, and it sucked.10:02
raphinkwhich are to build a master that mirrors the Debian repositories partially, gather several mirrors, signs them again, and adds personal mirrors with an incoming queue checking for signed packages10:02
raphinkand slaves mirroring the master with the same tool10:02
raphinkapart from dak, which is not recommended unless you have to build a whole distribution10:03
raphinkI found reprepro was the only one that was easy enough and powerful enough10:03
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dholbachgood morning10:09
StevenKsiretart: I was plotting on dealing with the osgal-cvs merge.10:10
raphinkhi dholbach10:12
dholbachhey raphink!10:12
raphinkwhat's up?10:14
dholbachi'm just waking up :)10:14
siretartStevenK: go for it! :)10:14
raphinkhehe :)10:15
raphinkjust waking up at 10AM ? :)10:15
raphinklucky you :)10:15
freeflyinghi all10:15
raphinkhi freeflying10:16
freeflyingraphink: haven't seen you quite a while  :)10:16
=== dholbach hugs raphink
raphinkwell i've been around10:17
raphinkjust not very active 10:17
raphinkwork work work :)10:17
phanaticmorning raphink :)10:17
raphinkhi phanatic10:17
freeflyingStevenK: how about the problem I talked with weeks ago? 10:17
phanaticraphink: have you seen the videos?10:18
Mezhow many people do you think will want a package for a driver for a games pad10:18
StevenKfreeflying: Hrm? Weeks ago is a long time ago. :-)10:18
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freeflyingStevenK: heh, the mis-match version number of scim-m17n and m17n-lib-bin10:21
StevenKAh ha.10:22
freeflyingI'm not sure the right two packages nowtoo :)10:22
StevenKI'd forgotten all about that, sorry10:22
freeflyingAfter I talked with you, we lose the internet connection :)10:23
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dholbachhey proppy10:24
=== proppy hugs dholbach
=== dholbach hugs proppy :)
proppyyou were fast :)10:24
proppyi wonder if anybody already does this joke :)10:24
StevenKfreeflying: You'll need to remind me completly, I'm sorry.10:25
=== Mez drools at his new controller
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StevenKMez: Is that how good it is? :-P10:33
MezStevenK, that was me typing on it ;)10:34
Mezseeing what the keys did10:34
Mezone of them was enter ;)10:34
ajmitchhi StevenK 10:35
MezStevenK, should I package the linux drivers up for ubuntu ?10:35
=== StevenK waves
StevenKMez: Someone will probably find them useful.10:40
\shchanging the maintainer field and adding original-maintainer field in debian/control is mandantory now, right?10:40
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Mezif I modify something in /dev/input (chmod) will it stay over a reboot10:54
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StevenKMez: No11:24
MezStevenK, I worked that out11:24
MezStevenK now I need to work out how to use udev rules11:25
MezI got it11:32
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fernandohey Hobbsee 12:13
Hobbseehey fernando 12:13
Mezthis will be the first package I've made in ages ;)12:17
Meznot the first one I've modified12:18
Mezbut the first NEW12:18
=== Lure [n=lure@external-7.hermes.si] has joined #ubuntu-motu
\shdholbach: src package bidiui, results in icedove-bidiui binary...should we rename this package to thunderbird-bidiui?12:20
dholbachnot sure12:21
\shmore a question for -devel?12:21
dholbach\sh: there's a new 'mozillateam' - it'd probably help to subscribe them to a bug report discussing this12:22
\shis there an irc channel for the mozillateam?12:22
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Mezhmm... 12:28
Mezwhats the best way of creating .desktop files ?12:28
HobbseeMez: ask persia to do you one :)12:29
persiaMez, if there is a menu file included with the package, try using the scripts from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/NoDesktopFile12:29
Amaranthoh, you mean for packages12:29
Mezpersia, no menu file either :D and it's a new package12:29
persiaMez: I haven't updated the scripts in a while, you probably have some editing to do thereafter (check with desktop-file-validate foo.desktop)12:30
Mezthat's kind of scary ....12:30
Amaranthcopy someone else's file12:30
Mezanyone come accross that before ?12:30
Amaranthwtf is fluid and why does it need to talk to X?12:31
Amaranthoh, fltk version of glade12:32
MezAmaranth, why does it need to talk to X ?12:32
Amaranthnot sure12:32
Amaranthi would think it'd just be doing some C generation using an XML file12:33
Amaranthapparently the converter and the actual GUI are the same app12:34
Amaranththe designer GUI, i mean12:34
Mezis it worth running it before and just making it a patch ?12:35
Amaranthif that's possible12:35
=== Mez tries
persiaMez: Looking at fluid.cxx, it appears that the processing is displayed to the user during the -c execution.12:37
Mezit seems it is possible12:38
Hobbseetepsipakki: meeting is at 3am.  there's no way i'll make that, sorry12:39
=== freeflying [i=flyingfr@gobstopper.dreamhost.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
persiaMez: Are you packaging the speedpad driver, or something else?  If something else, give me a URL so I can fill in the fields correctly.12:41
Meznostromo n52 speedpad driver12:42
=== persia gets excited about easier hardware configuration
StevenKpersia: You need to get out more. :-P12:43
Mezwith debhelper... the easiest system for patches ?12:44
persiaStevenK: Nah - it's vacation.  I like .desktop and menu files.12:44
persiaMez: Are you masquerading the device name, or keeping /dev/input/event#?  If the latter, I'll need to start without a device argument, which doesn't seem to match the documentation from the homepage.12:46
Mezpersia - the documentation from the homepage is completely wrong for this version12:47
=== persia reads the source
Meznostromo_daemon works out the right thing and attaches to it12:47
Mez(I'm working from experience)12:47
MezI've had to create udev rules for it though ;)12:47
Meznostromo_daemon runs as a panel applet 12:48
Mezif the events (whatever they be) are readable, then it runs12:48
Mezif not it just... does nothing12:48
Mezbut with the udev rules... it works12:48
Mez(the docs on the site suck ass)12:48
=== bersace [n=bersace@did75-13-82-243-217-90.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
persiaMez: There is still a requirement for a type argument.  Do you want just gnostromo nostromo, or do you also want support for aftershock/firestorm?12:51
Mezpersia.... gnostromo doesnt exist anymore12:52
Mezit's just nostromo_daemon12:52
Mezpersia, trust me, I'm using it12:52
persiaMez: I'm looking at the tarfile for 0.1.3.  Should I be looking at something different?12:52
Mezwhat are you looking at in that ?12:53
persiaMez: Makefile, nostromo.c12:53
Mezmez@apathy:/scratch/pkg/nostromo/nostromo_n50-1.3$ find . -name nostromo.c12:54
Mezmez@apathy:/scratch/pkg/nostromo/nostromo_n50-1.3$  12:54
Meznot 0..1.312:54
persiaMez: My mistake 1.3 is *much* larger than 0.1.3.  Returning to google :)12:55
Mezpersia, use the link above12:58
persiaMez: Got it.  Thanks.  Same site, just the home page hasn't been updated in four or five years.12:58
Mezno idea how it'll work on a mac ;)01:00
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Mez01dofluidstuff.dpatch: script expects -patch|-unpatch as argument01:05
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persiaMez: http://rafb.net/p/6wiOiT95.html01:10
persiaMez: include /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch.make01:10
Mezpersia, and the one to run the daemon ?01:10
Mezpersia: I did it manually01:10
persiaMez: I'm not sure about dpatch.  Investigating more to update the .desktop.01:16
Mezpersia, just needs another aswell ;)(01:17
Mezfor _daemon01:17
Mezoh sorry01:18
Mezpersia, there's two things01:19
Mezthe config utiltity01:19
persiaMez: Yep.  I'm building makefiles now, so as to better understand.  Updated paste to come soon.01:19
Mez/exec -o locate nostromo_ | grep bin01:19
persiaMez: Do any of those need arguments?  Also, is the user supposed to start all of them from the menu, or would some be embedded in the session?01:20
Mezdaemon should really be in the session01:21
Mezconfig from the menu01:21
Meznostromo_remote is a daemon too01:22
Mezbut it's rare it'll be used01:22
persiaMez: It looks to me like only nostromo_config should be in the menu.  Updating...01:22
_Enchaineda gimp plugin in REVU, if someone wants to take a look at : http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=408901:23
Lutinajmitch: what do you think of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lablgtk/+bug/65894 ? drop the package or fix the bug ?01:24
UbugtuMalone bug 65894 in lablgtk "FTBFS in edgy" [Undecided,Confirmed]  01:24
persiaMez: http://rafb.net/p/SRH3yP66.html should be all you need for the .desktop.  I'm not sure how to add something into the user's session.  Perhaps the .desktop file and menu file should trigger a wrapper (/usr/bin/nostromo) that checks to make sure the applet is running prior to opening the configuration tool?01:25
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=== Mez growls
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persiaMez: http://rafb.net/p/VhzpBQ16.html01:35
Mez[n] ostromo_daemon ??01:36
Mezand shouldnt that be | grep -v grep ?01:36
persiaMez: Yes, and have logic to start the daemon: http://rafb.net/p/3vFaPe12.html01:37
Mezpersia, nearly ;)01:37
persiaMez: The n is wrapped to ensure it doesn't match `grep nostromo`01:37
crimsunmore Flash 9 crack for the masses.01:37
Mezthat says "if the daemons not running, start the daemon, if not, then run the config"01:37
Mezshouldnt it be01:38
persiaMez: Maybe.  That starts the configurator whether the daemon started successfully or not.  I think it should be grep || daemon && config.01:39
Mezwhich means you have to run it twice if the daemon isnt running01:39
persiaMez: how about `start-stop-daemon --start nostromo_daemon && nostromo_config`?01:40
persiaMez: Rather s/&&/;/01:42
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Mezbut start stop daemon returns false if it's already running01:42
dayaraphink, hi01:43
raphinkhi daya01:43
dayaraphink, what is going on01:43
raphinkbusy at work01:43
raphinkfighting a bit with reprepro01:43
persiaMez: OK.  How about a two line script.  The first is start-stop-daemon (the return code can be ignored: the daemon is always running at this point), and the second is config.01:43
Mezstart-stop-daemon -o --start --exec /usr/bin/nostromo_daemon && nostromo_config01:44
Amaranth-o means leave me alone?01:45
dayaraphink, ok01:45
Mez-o means ok if no action01:45
Amaranthi always use it explicitly01:45
Amaranthnone of this shorthand business01:45
persiaMez: Nevermind.  start-stop-daemon doesn't exit after starting the daemon.  You might just have to use s-s-d & sleep 5 & config, or manage it manually.01:48
Mezs-s-d does exit!01:49
Mezstart-stop-daemon -o --start --exec /usr/bin/nostromo_daemon && nostromo_config works perfectly for me01:49
persiaMez: I just ran start-stop-daemon -o --start --exec /usr/bin/eog, and it didn't exit until eog did.  If it works with nostromo_daemon, then no worries :)01:49
Mezpersia, it does, cause it runs as a daemon :D01:50
Mezwhereas i presume eog doesnt ?01:50
=== persia should compile things before pretending to test them.
Mezpersia, you'd need a nostromo though01:50
persiaMez: Sitting behind my chair, unplugged because the F key repeats on boot and causes a nasty beeping noise during BIOS load.01:51
Mezpersia, sweet :D didnt know you had one :D01:51
=== Mez is writing a nice long email to upstream
Mezpersia, what games you use it for ?01:54
persiaMez: AlephONE.  Feel like grabbing from debian-montors?01:55
Mezmontors ?01:55
=== Mez has never heard of it
persiaMez: mentors (oops)01:55
Mezlol :D01:56
Mezso I guess you use it without the driver?01:56
persiaMez: It just has the left side of the keyboard without the driver.  Works fine.01:56
Mezyeah, but you cant use the shift modes ;)01:57
Mezwith the driver it's quite good ;)01:57
Mezwithout it's ok01:57
persiaMez: I'm waiting for you to package it ;)01:57
tepsipakkicrimsun: that was fast :) (flash9)01:59
Mezpersia, lol01:59
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Mezok, well I've got something that builds02:01
Mezpersia, you got the makefiles and stuff ?02:01
persiaMez: Yes, but I haven't tried Make, I just read Makefiles more easily tham Makefile.am or Makefile.in.02:02
Mezpersia: scary02:02
Mezpersia: it's all fun02:05
=== Hobbsee cheers for sistpoty!
\shso no more uploads from me today...need to install and deploy around 200 servers :(02:07
Mezer... if I need a package installed to run the postinst... do I list it under B-D or something else02:10
persiaMez: Depends: should do it.  I think Pre-Depends is only for preinst.02:10
Mezpersia: Pre-Depends: udebv02:11
Mezpersia: Pre-Depends: udev02:11
persiaIsn't it safe to assume udev?02:11
Mezdevfs ?02:12
Mezpre - 2.4. kernels ;)02:12
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Mezpersia, I just need the stuff to install that desktop file ;)02:18
incorrecthello, i am trying to backport subversion,  im just at the last hurdle,  apache and all the other libs compiled fine02:19
Mezincorrect, ubuntu-backports@lists.ubuntu.com02:19
Mez(you need to subscribe firsT)02:19
incorrectoh right02:19
incorrectis it a busy mailing list?02:24
Mezfair to middling02:24
Mezhave alook at the archives02:25
persiaMez: http://rafb.net/p/T2Tfpn74.html02:25
incorrectah figured it out, its a problem with debhelper02:25
Mezpersia ;d cheers02:26
=== zul [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
incorrectif at first you don't succeed, change the dependencies and hope nothing brakes :)02:27
Mezpersia- I assume dh_desktop will take a nostromo.desktop in the debian dir ?02:28
=== parktownprawn [n=kevin@yamuna.theory.tifr.res.in] has joined #ubuntu-motu
incorrectis the backports mailing list high volume?02:29
Mezincorrect - I've had 6 emails in the past day02:30
incorrectoh is that all02:30
persiaMez: No actually, dh_desktop only does postinst magic to update the menus.  I also missed dh_installmenu.  See http://rafb.net/p/JDhJGF20.html.  Please test to make sure it appears in both the main menu and the Debian menu.02:30
Mezit sometimes gets huge02:30
Amaranthit's normally very quiet then explodes02:30
Amaranthbecause all the backports launchpad bugs are subscribed to it02:30
incorrecti really should setup my old nat box at home and run cyrus or something on there, 02:30
incorrecti don't want my work email address to get spammed :(02:30
Amaranth@lart ubotu02:31
Amaranthwrong channel :)02:32
Mezincorrect, gmail for the win02:32
Mezpersia, what package is "convert" in02:32
persiaMez: imagemagick.  Make the xpm manually: it is considered bad form to B-D on imagemagick.02:33
incorrecti've never used gmail02:33
Mezpersia I know02:33
Amaranthincorrect: want an invite?02:33
incorrectfor some reason webmail services aren't my biggest...02:34
MezI just dont have imagemagick installed02:34
incorrectsure why not can't hurt02:34
Amaranthincorrect: i need your current email address02:34
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incorrectyes yes i know02:34
=== Amaranth signs you up for a bunch of spam
Amaranthinvite sent02:35
incorrectthats fine :) i have it set to mark all as spam02:35
incorrectthanking you02:35
Amaranthgmail is great for managing mailing lists02:36
Mezpersia, I thnk I'm done02:36
Jozo-Amaranth: Does they support List-Id header and others nowadays?02:36
AmaranthJozo-: with hacks, maybe02:37
Amaranthi've never used List-Id and all my lists get sorted fine02:37
Mezpersia - damnit02:37
persiaMez: When you install the .deb, does it show in both menus?  Also, do both launchers work?  If so, congratulations!02:37
Mezit's easier to B-D on imagemahich02:37
Mezdpkg-source: unrepresentable changes to source02:37
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persiaMez: The xpm is ASCII, the problem is caused by the PNG.  Since you are doing a name change, put a copy command in your debian/rules to change the name (dh_install cannot rename).  Some rules files copy the PNG directly to the target location, but I think it is cleaner to copy to debian first.  You could also use install directly, although this leads to long and ugly lines.02:39
MezI was just uuencoding it02:40
persiaMez: That works too :)02:40
persiaMez: I just like to use the copy or install commands because it reduces the size of the diff and makes the source of the icon clear.02:41
=== Mez has used install directly anyways for a rename
incorrectdoes apt keep an install history?02:46
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Mezpersia - wanna try it out ?02:51
persiaMez: Sure.  Where can I get it?02:52
MezI'll put it in revu in a mo02:52
Mezjust doing a final test build02:54
MezSelecting previously deselected package nostromo.02:56
Mezshit lol02:56
Mezit's built for feisty02:56
=== Mez backportsd
Mezbackporting and it isnt even uploaded yet02:57
Mezgotta love prevu02:57
_Enchainedsomeone to review a small pkg ?...02:57
Mez_Enchained, is it in REVU ?02:58
Mezlinky linky link link02:58
_Enchainedit's a gimp plugin02:58
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_Enchainedno problem making the source pkg... I think it's near ok02:58
Mezraphink, did you break linitan02:58
Mezlintian reported no errors for that02:59
Mez_Enchained, see02:59
raphinkI didn't touch lintian02:59
_Enchainedthx Mez02:59
_Enchainedhum ok it's a ""03:00
_EnchainedI should remove it from the description ?03:00
Mezyes ... 03:00
_Enchained(it's a french name with a "" in it)03:00
Mezuse an e :P03:00
raphinka ne devrait pas poser de problme _Enchained03:01
raphinksi c'est bien encod03:01
_EnchainedI look at it..03:01
_Enchained(lintian didn't said anything about this)03:01
raphinkif lintian said everything linda says, there would be no point in developping both03:02
_Enchained? not understood03:04
Mezraphink, pourquoi la rponse en franais ?03:04
raphinkpourquoi pas ;)03:04
_Enchainedenglish here ;)03:04
raphink_Enchained: si lintian disait la mme chose que linda, il n'y aurait pas d'intrt  dvelopper les deux03:04
raphinkbah ;)03:04
_Enchainedmeanwhile I'm french too ^03:04
Mezpersia, it's not installing the menu files03:04
_Enchainedok raphink03:04
persiaraphink: 03:07
raphinkoh good news03:07
persiaMez: The menu file, or the .desktop file?03:07
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Mezactually where does the "menu" goe?03:08
persiaMez: Could you put the .diff.gz and .dsc somewhere?  I'll take a closer look as to why you see that behaviour.03:08
persiaMez: /usr/share/menu/nostromo.menu.  Don't manually install this, just put the contents in debian/menu, and dh_installmenu takes care of it.03:09
_EnchainedMez: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=4091 updated03:09
Mezthe menu is installing03:10
Mezbut not the .desktop03:10
persiaMez: The .desktop should be being installed by the combination of debian/install and dh_install.  Could you paste these files?  I'll take a look.03:11
persiaMez: (rules, install)03:11
Mezone sec03:11
=== Mez slaps his head
Mezdebian/nostromo.desktop usr/share/applciations03:14
MezI cant type03:14
persiaMez: One of us mispelled applications :)03:14
persiaMez: You might also try moving nostromo_container_script to nostromo, and using install to drop it in usr/bin.03:15
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Mezpersia, the reason I did it that way was because when it builds - it installs to debian/nostromo/*03:16
persiaMez: Ah.  In that case, nevermind (some packages use debian/tmp, etc.).03:16
Mezpersia: other than that- looks good :D03:17
=== Mez uploads to revu
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persiaMez: Personally, I'd move the config.sub and config.guess copy stanza to configure and delete in clean to make for cleaner debdiffs, but that's just me.03:18
Mezadd it as a comment in the revu upload03:18
Mezactually I see what you mean03:19
_EnchainedMez: (greystoration updated)03:23
Mezwhy the B-D on autotools-dev ?03:24
persiaMez: Without that, config.sub and config.guess don't exist, so they cannot be copied.03:24
_EnchainedMez: doesn't needed ? (it was by default)03:25
Mezshouldnt have been by default03:25
Meznothing should do it by default03:25
_Enchainedok ^^03:25
Mezpersia, was that about a-d ?03:25
_Enchainedwell, by default > with dh_make03:25
Mez_Enchained, ignore me03:26
persiaMez: Yes.  autotools-dev provides config.sub and config.guess.03:26
_Enchained:x ok03:26
Mezmy fault03:27
Mez"touch $@" ?03:29
persiaMez: nostromo: /usr/doc -> /usr/share/doc03:29
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Mezanythings else ?03:34
_EnchainedMez: sometimes, autotools-dev is not needed ?03:34
_Enchained(I think it's the case for mine)03:35
MezIt depends on whats done03:35
_Enchainedit seems to build without...03:35
Mez_Enchained, then probably doesnt need it03:35
Mezpersia, http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=409403:37
Mezpersia, just pinged off an email to upstread03:39
_Enchainedupdated : http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=409503:39
Mezupstream *03:39
Mez_Enchained, does it build against main or does it need to be universe?03:40
_Enchainedwhat's the difference ?03:41
Meznot much03:41
Mezjust means I use a different pbuild ;)03:41
persiaMez: nostromo: invoke-rc.d (policy  Also, it doesn't work for me.03:41
_EnchainedI don't know...03:41
_EnchainedI thinked for universe03:42
Mezpersia: doesnt work for you how?03:42
_Enchained(main are packaged by ubuntu dev no?)03:42
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Adri2000main/restricted -> ubuntu-core-dev03:43
Adri2000universe/multiverse -> ubuntu-dev03:43
_EnchainedAdri2000: but I'm not an ubuntu-dev ...03:44
Adri2000_Enchained: you meant ubuntu developers maybe?03:44
persiaMez: No applet loads, and all the configuration options are grey.  I have a nostromo_n50.pid file in the directory I happened to be in when I installed it, and the contents are not a number (l).03:44
Mez_Enchained, dont worry03:44
Mezpersia, ... out of curiosyt03:44
Mezcan you paste the output of ls -la /dev/input03:45
_EnchainedMez: maybe I should fix the "" in copyright too ?...03:45
Mez_Enchained, sure, why not ;)03:45
Mezcopyright is ok03:45
Mezcontrol is more important03:45
_Enchainedand add email addresses I've forgotten :x03:45
persiaMez: http://rafb.net/p/KtWcBG79.html03:46
Mezand does running03:46
Meznostromo_daemon 03:46
Mezfrom the command line work?03:46
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Mezpersia, you should see something in your notification area03:47
persiaMez: no output.  No icon in the panel, no change in control-center behaviour.03:48
Mezpersia:  cat /proc/bus/input/devices    03:48
persiaMez: http://rafb.net/p/Q9sF6g98.html03:50
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Mezpersia... very very very strange03:50
Mezpersia, lsmod evdev03:51
Mezlsmod | grep evdev03:51
persiaMez: installed.  Nothing depends on it.03:52
Mezyour setup should work03:52
Mezit works for me!03:52
Mezand your setup mirrors mind03:52
Mezmine *03:52
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sdfgsdfgsgfhi all04:28
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crimsunthe deity himself.04:36
bddebianNot me man04:36
bddebianI've removed myself for now04:38
crimsungoing to bask in paradise?04:39
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bddebiancrimsun: Nah, waiting until I can meet ajmitch's standards04:40
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Lutinhi bddebian 04:46
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bddebianHi Lutin04:55
Lutinbddebian: thanks for your comment on mlt :) I fixed it04:58
Lutinif you have some time to look at it again :)04:59
bddebianLutin: I've been demoted, ajmitch will look at it for you05:03
Lutinbddebian: oh :o05:03
Lutinwhy ?05:03
chillywillybddebian: your revu privileges have been hereby revoked ;)05:04
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crimsunugh, 79665 has an ugly Icon location in the .desktop05:11
crimsunI'll poke persia about that 05:12
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Mezpoor persia05:32
Mezthe ".desktop" guru it seems05:33
Enverexhmm, I uploaded uade and ccd2iso to REVU absoloutely ages ago, waited a few months and gave up after no comments, now they don't seem to be on there at all...05:34
EnverexOh, and e-uae05:34
Enverexah, e-uae is there, the other two arn't05:34
bddebianEnverex: If they were old and not updated, they were probably archived05:34
Adri2000bddebian: have you found out what you did wrong according to ajmitch?05:34
bddebianAdri2000: Nope05:34
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crimsunbddebian: you failed to enumerate the Ubuntu delta05:37
bddebiancrimsun: On which package?05:37
crimsunsome merge05:37
Adri2000crimsun: then it's me05:38
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bddebiancrimsun: Was it msttcorefonts?05:40
crimsunbddebian: yes05:40
crimsun(so it wasn't your fault)05:40
crimsunyou can poke Adri2000 with a dead pony05:41
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bddebiancrimsun: No it, was my fault.  I checked the changelog. Not sure how I missed that.05:41
crimsunwell, at least you weren't scolded by infinity for a merge or broke the toolchain for edgy05:42
crimsun(both of which I've awesomely done)05:42
bddebianWait a minute, what's wrong with it?  That's how they have been getting brought in?05:43
crimsunwrong with what?05:43
bddebianIncorrectly I agree but it's consistent05:43
bddebian 1.7ubuntu105:43
crimsun1.7ubuntu1 and 1.6ubuntu1 should list your changes from 1.5ubuntu105:45
crimsunit takes up more space, yes, but that's proper05:45
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=== LaserJock sends a big email to -motu and -devel
LaserJockyou guys better watch out if I ever learn to like email05:46
bddebiancrimsun: Ahh, OK, I gotcha05:47
=== LaserJock taps "LaserJock's 95 MOTU Theses" to the list door ;-)
crimsunLaserJock: we have killfiles.05:48
crimsunwhich, well, work amazingly for ubuntu-users05:48
LaserJockcrimsun: but of course everything I say is so worthwile and full of wisdom ;-)05:48
LaserJockhow could you miss out on that? ;-)05:49
crimsunduh, you're 1/3 of the trinity05:49
crimsunyou Think and It Is05:49
LaserJockunfortunately that is not so05:49
LaserJockor there would be some big changes around here :-)05:49
crimsungotta be careful not to mold us after your own image, eh?05:50
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LaserJockcrimsun: something like that :-)05:52
LaserJockbah, I'm still not getting my own emails from lists I don't think :(05:53
=== LaserJock kicks mailman
Toadstoolg'morning everybody05:53
fernandoToadstool: moin05:53
bddebianHeya Toadstool05:54
Toadstoolhi bddebian, fernando 05:54
Adri2000crimsun: I didn't paste the ubuntu changes for these two changelogs, because the changes were specified a few lines above and debian only did translation changes (so it was clear that it had nothing to do with the ubuntu changes). Now I know I have to do it *always*, so I will.05:55
LaserJockhmm, if uploads gave karma I think doko would be near the top05:57
LaserJockbetween OO.o and "lets rebuild the world" sprints :-)05:57
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imbrandonLaserJock, hehe06:09
imbrandonLaserJock, and Riddell with rebuildign kde*06:09
LaserJockimbrandon: yeah, for sure06:10
sharmsLaserJock: I didn't see the mail yet either06:13
LaserJocksharms: mine?06:13
sharmsoh nvm it was in a thread06:13
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chillywillybeen googling for a while but does anyone know how to enable the lm-sensors MIB when running snmpd?06:45
chillywillyunder edgy06:45
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bddebianGah, Feisty install can't mount my USB CD-ROM.. :-(07:08
Toadstoolfix it! :)07:12
bddebianToadstool: I freakin' hate USB :-(07:12
bddebianI don't even know how a USB devices shows up in /dev :-(07:13
imbrandonbddebian, mostly /dev/sd*07:13
Toadstoolsome kind of kernel/udev magic?07:14
Toadstoolthat's all I know :p07:14
bddebianWell I have sda1 and sda207:17
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Laser_awayanybody noticed not being able to login with gdm?07:29
Laser_awayin feisty07:29
Laser_awayhmm, I can't find a bug report07:30
Laser_awaysurely there is one07:30
Q-FUNKand in edgy too, since some components were recently updated.  automated login suddenyl fails07:30
fowlduck-no one could log in to file it ;)07:30
Laser_awayQ-FUNK: well, mine isn't automated login07:30
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Laser_awaywell, maybe it's just me07:33
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bigonHi, I have added myself on the ubuntu contributor team, could you resync the keyring? thanks :)07:41
bddebianOK afaict dmesg shows the CD on /dev/sg1 but I can't mount it07:41
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lasindiHi all, I was wondering, are there any plans to include VirtualBox in Feisty, as it's now open source?08:26
affluxI'm not shure if this is the right place to ask, but: is there any special reason why there is no "truecrypt"-package?08:26
imbrandonlasindi, if someone takes the time to package it and have it reviewed then possibly08:27
imbrandonafflux, see whgat i said about virtualbox08:27
somerville32LaserJock, link?08:28
somerville32lasindi, link?08:28
lasindiimbrandon: The Truecrypt project has already produced packages for Dapper and Edgy, so the packaging part is done. Who needs to review it?08:28
lasindisomerville32: http://www.virtualbox.org08:29
affluxalright. Am I allowed to package this on my own using the wiki?08:29
imbrandonafflux, yes08:29
imbrandonlasindi, REVU 08:29
affluxalright. I'm gonna try.08:30
zulajmitch: ping08:30
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somerville32lasindi, They only provide binary packages so we'll have to create our own08:31
zulsomerville32: umm...no they have a svn08:32
imbrandonzul, but the packageing isnt included in the svn08:33
imbrandone.g. the debian/08:33
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=== somerville32 coughs.
somerville32lasindi, They only provide binary packages so we'll have to create our own08:33
somerville32Also, I'm not so sure about uploading an svn snapshot - could be interesting, lol08:34
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lasindisomerville32: well, they do have source code releases, so why would we need an svn snapshot?08:36
somerville32Where are they?08:37
lasindiSelect "Other (source code)" from the drop down menu08:37
imbrandonhe is refering to vbox08:37
imbrandonsomerville32, i have it debianized, i'll upload something for tseting in a few08:38
somerville32imbrandon, cool :)08:38
lasindiAre you talking about vbox or truecrypt?08:38
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imbrandonlasindi, vbox, truecrypt you or other interested parties will have to debianize it , put it on revu and go from there08:39
lasindiOkay, I've only done one Debian package in the past, but I'll give it a try with vbox.08:41
bigonis there any revu.tauware.de admin here?08:41
imbrandonlasindi, as i said i have vbox debianized already , just test compiling it 08:41
lasindiIn that case, I'll try Truecrypt08:42
imbrandonbigon, there are a few ;) what do you need ?08:42
bigonimbrandon: syncing the keyring (I have added myself to the revu group) and remove some files in incoming08:43
lasindiimbrandon: I am running Edgy, by the way; should I be doing this on Feisty or is there a possibility of it going into Edgy?08:44
imbrandonlasindi, you shoudl be doing it in a feisty pbuilder, the host env dosent matter much08:45
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imbrandonbigon, ajmitch or siretart will have to do that when they are arround ( not atm afaik )08:45
bigonimbrandon: thx08:45
trappistI've got a fixy patch on bug #78993 - could somebody take a look?08:46
UbugtuMalone bug 78993 in mrxvt "transparency setting/option not respected" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7899308:46
ajmitchbigon: tell us what files, and we can do it08:46
bigonajmitch: libcm_0.1.1-0ubuntu1.*08:47
ajmitchbigon: done08:54
imbrandonheya ajmitch 08:55
ajmitchhello imbrandon 09:01
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bigonajmitch: thx09:06
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zulajmitch: ping same place as before09:28
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jbaileyHeya Barry. =)09:34
jbaileysiretart: Around? =)09:34
LaserJockgoodness, *the* Jeff Bailey in #ubuntu-motu? ;-)09:35
jbaileyLaserJock: I've been known to visit here occasionally.  Just not recently ;)09:35
ajmitchLaserJock: apparantly so09:36
ajmitchhello jeff09:36
LaserJockhas your wife had her baby yet? I can't remember this things09:36
jbaileyIIRC, I hung out here a little longer than I hung out on #ubuntu-devel ;)09:36
zulhi jeff09:36
jbaileyLaserJock: Nope, not yet.09:36
jbaileyLaserJock: We're still a month off.09:36
jbaileyHeya Chuck09:36
jbailey(et. all)09:36
zulhow is everything09:37
joejaxxwell flash 9 has been released09:38
joejaxxfor linux09:38
ajmitchqueue the bug reports09:40
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crimsunAdri2000: thanks.09:46
crimsunajmitch: yeah, I've my pointy stick on hand09:46
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mdkehi chaps09:50
mdkeI wanted to talk about dvds09:50
mdkeyou probably know that debian have removed the install-css script from libdvdread309:51
mdkewe need to find a solution to this09:51
mdkeeither by replacing it, or shipping another package, I'd like to talk this over with someone, who's good?09:51
crimsunwell, all of us for some subset of the possible resolutions.09:53
mdkecrimsun: what do you think is a good solution?09:53
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crimsunideally we'd chunk libdvdcss source into multiverse09:53
mdkein a separate package?09:54
crimsunimport the source from debian-multimedia09:54
crimsunan alternative would be to see if we can use whatever Fluendo provides (if they have licensed the tech)09:54
mdkewhat do you mean by source?09:54
crimsunhttp://debian-multimedia.org/pool/main/libd/libdvdcss/libdvdcss_1.2.9.orig.tar.gz http://debian-multimedia.org/pool/main/libd/libdvdcss/libdvdcss_1.2.9-0.0.diff.gz http://debian-multimedia.org/pool/main/libd/libdvdcss/libdvdcss_1.2.9-0.0.dsc09:55
mdkenot shipping a binary package?09:55
Sp4rKyplease, in {pre,post}{inst,rm} script, does the shebang must be #!/bin/sh or can it be bash ?09:55
crimsunwe need the source to build the binaries.09:55
mdkecrimsun: ok, misunderstood you.09:55
Sp4rKyto avoid bashism ?09:55
crimsunSp4rKy: if it needs to be /bin/bash, then it needs to be /bin/bash.09:55
mdkecrimsun: I agree that shipping a libdvdcss package in multiverse is a good solution09:56
Sp4rKythx crimsun 09:56
mdkeare there any reasons not to just do it?09:56
crimsunmdke: the existing ones include "we don't know if we can"09:56
mdkecrimsun: right. I have some suggestions on that.09:56
crimsunmdke: see the relatively recent removal of acroread 7.0.9 from feisty for an example09:56
siretartjbailey: right now, yes 09:57
mdkethey essentially involve ignoring the issue09:57
jbaileysiretart: Heya!  Daniel mentioned that you might have a bzr-buildpackage type of thing and suggented that I ask you about it.09:57
siretartjbailey: yes, I uploaded it yesterday to ubuntu09:57
siretartjbailey: it is described here: http://wiki.debian.org/BzrBuildpackage/ and discussed here: http://wiki.debian.org/BzrBuildpackage/DesignIdeas09:58
=== jbailey looks
siretartimplemented as bzr plugin, with a small shell wrapper called 'bzr-buildpackage', which just does 'exec bzr bd $*'09:58
jbaileyWe have a bunch of the toolchain stuff in bzr.09:59
jbaileySo it would be nice to have this tool for that.09:59
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siretartjbailey: feel free to contribute a branch here: https://code.launchpad.net/bzr-builddeb/09:59
siretartjelmer said yesterday, that he could package things like charm with his bzr-svn plugin, where the upstream branch is actually in svn, and his debian/ dir with packaging in bzr10:00
jbaileyAhah, nice.10:03
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jbaileyCool, so I'll play with this a bug, then.10:03
dokohmm, are MOTUs allowed to approve packages for multiverse?10:05
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LaserJockdoko: yes10:05
crimsunwell, do you mean ACCEPT in soyuz?10:06
LaserJockoh, wait. I missread approve as upload10:06
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ausimageHello I was wondering what might be the status of packaging flash-nonfree 9,0,31. I am still experiencing issues with 9,0,28...10:14
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ajmitchausimage: it's already been uploaded10:15
ausimagegood.... thanks10:15
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=== ajmitch was going to tell him to thank crimsun
ajmitchsuch a shame it's still only for x86 :)10:15
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jbaileyajmitch: I'm having good luck with gnash.10:19
jbaileyThe development rate on it is *quite* high.10:19
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jbaileyLat update I did, I couldn't do youtube, but I could do some video things, and I could work my way around some websites.10:19
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ajmitchthat's good, we really do need a free flash player10:23
ajmitchand now we're much closer to having free java browser plugins as well10:24
jbaileygcjwebplugin also works remarkably well.10:25
jbaileyi don't have enough time to test gnash updates and upload them, but it would be nice to upload snapshots occasionally to Ubuntu.10:25
jbaileyI'd rather put work into a nightly snapshot package for it.10:25
jbaileyI'm not sure how much use a ppc gnash package would be to other people, though ;)10:26
ajmitchI'm sure a few people would use it :)10:26
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jbaileyWhat's the right way to request package removal?  bzrk and olive are now cruft.10:39
siretartjbailey: file a bug and subscribe 'ubuntu-archive'10:39
ajmitchsiretart can type faster than I..10:39
jbaileyCool, thanks. =)10:39
=== ajmitch waves to siretart
=== siretart waves back to ajmitch
siretartpython django or python turbo gears?10:40
ajmitchI haven't used either :)10:40
ajmitchso I've only heard the hype about both10:40
ajmitchI've heard django is fairly good10:41
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siretartturbogears seems to be longer in debian, though10:41
sharmsGuido endorces django10:43
sharmsalthough both look nice, I trust the creator of python :)10:43
ajmitchor you could go with zope ;)10:44
_Enchainedgood night all10:45
ajmitchnight _Enchained 10:45
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_Enchained(for those who are near)10:46
bddebianWhy is Mithrandir the only archive guy atm?10:52
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ajmitchbecause the others are busy/away10:55
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bddebianThis oughta be interesting.  Dapper Edubuntu -> Edgy Ubuntu -> Feisty :-)11:03
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joejaxxflash9 does not support Opera11:15
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rexbronbddebian: I addressed crimsun's conserns. Could you look at murrine, upid 409911:29
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bddebianNo way man, I'm scared of crimsun and ajmitch now11:34
=== ajmitch sighs
ajmitchI'll leave, then you won't need to be scared of me11:34
bddebianajmitch: No, sounds like I need to leave since I make so many mistakes apparently11:34
Kyralbddebian is GOD :P11:35
bddebiannot hardly man11:36
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Kyral*shrug* What do I know I'm just a washed up former Maintainter :P11:36
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alleehi MOTUs.  Digikam*-doc did not make it into dapper (they are in edgy, feist).  Is this important enough to request a backport (no changes needed).  Bug 5783311:39
UbugtuMalone bug 57833 in digikam "digikam has missing documentation" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5783311:39
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ScottKbddebian: OK, not God, but still very good to have around.11:43
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alleehi Tonio11:43
alleeTonio_: have you seen the reminder for bug 7361711:45
UbugtuMalone bug 73617 in digikam "SRU proposal" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7361711:45
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Tonio_allee: I tried to ping mdz on that point without success.....11:46
Tonio_I'll probably retry tomorrow, thanks for the tip11:47
alleek, thx11:47
Tonio_allee: although I'll have to sync with debian first :)11:47
Tonio_allee: aware of debtags or not ?11:47
Tonio_I need to rebuild the package but I have a problem to reapply autogen.sh11:47
alleeTonio_: I know, but never used them11:47
Tonio_requires svn access11:47
alleeTonio_: which pkg?11:48
bddebianScottK: Bah, you're just saying that so I'll review your stuff ;-P11:48
Tonio_allee: debtags11:48
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Tonio_allee: autogen.sh performs this :11:49
Tonio_svn cat svn+ssh://svn.debian.org/svn/debtags/tagdb/tags | tagcoll copy | gzip -9 > tags-current.gz11:49
Tonio_asking for a password here.....11:49
alleeTonio_: a there anonymous access afaik. checking ...11:50
Tonio_I tried anonymous but without success11:50
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alleeTonio_: try svn://svn.debian.org/...   this does not ask a pasword11:51
ScottKbddebian: No, I'm saying it because you DO review my stuff.  I feel like I'm making good progress here and you help is a very significant part of that.11:52
Tonio_allee: looks like working indeed......... strange11:54
alleeTonio_: the ssh+svn mean loging via ssh and start an svn client  (like rsync does)11:55
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alleeTonio_: I assume you need some SVN_* or ~/.subversion config to set you default user11:55
allee... to get svn+ssh url working 11:56
Tonio_allee: well I should be fine fixing debtags with just svn:/11:56
alleeTonio_: I strip also the first svn from path. that works here: svn cat svn://svn.debian.org/svn/debtags/tagdb/tags11:57
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Tonio_allee: yeah that's what I did11:57
alleeas well as svn cat svn://svn.debian.org/debtags/tagdb/tags  11:57
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