
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v PriceChild] by ChanServ
=== maxamillion [n=max@r74-192-178-37.htvlcmta01.hnvitx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v maxamillion] by ChanServ
PriceChildlol I like ompaul's quit message :)12:51
=== apokryphos- [n=francis@87-194-86-227.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v apokryphos-] by ChanServ
MezPriceChild, very... surreal01:37
tonyyarusso#ubuntu+1 needs a /topicsed s/dont/don't/ and s/cant/can't/ if someone has a moment.01:46
=== PriceChild would if he had ops ;)
tonyyarussosame here01:48
=== PriceChild has ops in -xgl woot :D
PriceChildbut that's not +! :(01:48
PriceChildping apokryphos- 01:49
PriceChildgo super LjL !02:00
Mez-ChanServ- An access level of [10]  is required for [OP]  on #ubuntu+102:07
=== LjL [n=ljl@81-208-36-87.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v LjL] by ChanServ
=== linux_kid [n=linux_ki@adsl-67-38-251-233.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== tonyyarusso [n=anthony@ubuntu/member/tonyyarusso] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v tonyyarusso] by ChanServ
LjLSeveas: it seems that i can't use "Add Comment" in the bantracker anymore, neither in konqueror nor in firefox. the other links appear to work02:42
MezLjL, report a bug02:44
LjL*yawn* not right now02:45
Mezthat was the answer last time someone mentioned it02:45
LjLuhm, /me wonders whether that's intentional :P02:46
LjLanyway the bugreport is for tomorrow, now is for sleep - night02:46
Meznug 7947802:47
Mezbnug 7947802:47
Mezbug 7947802:47
UbugtuMalone bug 79478 in ubuntu-bots "Bantracker commenting broken" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7947802:47
PriceChild3rd time lucky Mez :)02:48
MezPriceChild, I cant type today02:48
Mezor any other day ...02:49
Mezexcept when I'm drunk02:49
=== tonyyarusso filed that just what, yesterday?
=== hybrid [n=x@easyubuntu/supporter/hybrid] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== Madpilot [n=brian@ubuntu/member/madpilot] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== sharms [n=sharms@ubuntu/member/sharms] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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bigfuzzyjesuswhen will my ban be lifted04:03
bigfuzzyjesusit has been 2 months04:03
tonyyarussoWeren't you told to stop asking so often last week?04:05
=== maxamillion [n=max@r74-192-178-37.htvlcmta01.hnvitx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v maxamillion] by ChanServ
bigfuzzyjesustonyyarusso, no last night i was told not to ask last night because you were having a bot attack04:12
tonyyarussobigfuzzyjesus: Not by me, someone else I mean04:13
tonyyarussoAnyway, you'll probably need to find the op who issued the ban to ask where they're at with it.04:14
=== Mez just subscribed to 37 mailing lists as his server has been bouncing mails
tonyyarusso"sorry!"?  How would that be unintentional...04:30
Mezmaybe he wanted it to be 1s ?04:32
joejaxxif someone has the host gateway/to/x-blahblah04:46
joejaxxwhat does that mean04:46
ubotuThe #ubuntu channel and related channels ban users joining from anonymous gateways like tor/silenceisdefeat/cgi:irc because the abuse:useful ratio is close to infinity:nothing -- project cloaks will let you join, otherwise you should simply not use an anonymizer.04:48
joejaxxwere they granted access to use tor on freenode?04:48
ubotuAttention tor users.  You may think you are anonymous, but you are not.  Please visit http://tor.unixgu.ru/ and see for yourself.   Please evaluate your need to use tor here on irc.  If you wish anonymity, Freenode offers cloaks of many different types. http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks04:48
joejaxxtonyyarusso: i know04:48
tonyyarussojoejaxx: Sorry, I thought that had a better link04:48
joejaxxbut i am asking from an op point of view04:48
joejaxxoh ok04:48
=== nalioth [i=nalioth@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.nalioth] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v nalioth] by ChanServ
joejaxxbecause someone is spaming and they have that host04:48
=== Mez has had a though
tonyyarussojoejaxx: That would be your definitive answer there :)04:49
tonyyarussoHi nalioth !04:49
naliothhi y'all04:49
Meznalioth, you're a good person to talk to about this04:49
Mezregarding the tor ban04:49
=== nalioth didn't do it. He's been moving
Mezsomeone I was talking to earlier in #freenode-social was talking about the way they regulate tor users04:50
Mezwhich is that tor users can join the channel, but are muted04:50
joejaxxinteresting concept04:50
Mezand have to request an operator to put an exempt on their mute04:50
Mezto unmute them04:50
naliothMez: they regulate ALL users with a moderated channel04:50
Meznalioth,  ? 04:50
Meznalioth, oh, no - someone in #freenode-social was talking about another channel, and how they dealty with tor users in that other channel04:51
naliothMez: everyone that joins #freenode-social that does not have an exempt cloak is muted until voiced04:51
Mez#freenode-social was just where the conversation took place04:51
naliothMez: we tried to mute just tor users but some fool thought join/part spam was funny04:51
naliothMez: now there is gpg-tor for the moral users of tor to use04:52
Meznalioth: surely join limitiing can be used?04:52
Mezand surely theres a revolving door protection somewhere04:52
naliothMez: join throttling is off limits in #ubuntu 04:53
naliothper seveas04:53
joejaxxnalioth: does a gateway/tor/x-* host mean they are connected via gpg-tor?04:53
naliothno, joejaxx 04:53
joejaxxoh ok04:54
nalioth /gateway/gpg-tor/user/blah is gpg-tor04:54
joejaxxah ok04:54
tonyyarussoAaah.  *!*@ubuntu/*, so that's why I'm auto-voiced in #freenode-social now :)04:55
Meztonyyarusso, indeed04:55
=== Jucato [n=jucato@] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== QMario [n=QMario@cpe-67-10-53-189.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu-ops
=== mneptok stretches
Mez@lart mneptok 06:32
=== Ubugtu slaps mneptok with a soggy sock
tonyyarusso@lart Jucato 06:34
=== Ubugtu sets Jucato's keyboard layout to gaelic
mneptok@fart Mez 06:35
Jucatofart?!? lol06:35
mneptokyeah, you *wish* it was a typo, but i had the chili for lunch.06:37
MezJucato, did you not know I was an op in there?06:43
JucatoI know06:43
JucatoI just didn't anticipate you'd deop me lol06:43
MezJucato, you just seemed surprised at the deop06:43
MezIt should protect me from being kicked anyways06:44
JucatoI'm not that cruel :P06:44
MezChanserv no longer accepts REMOVE ?06:49
=== maxamillion [n=max@r74-192-178-37.htvlcmta01.hnvitx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v maxamillion] by ChanServ
Mezand that was in the wrong channel06:51
tonyyarussoMez: What?06:51
=== Mez goes away
=== Jucato sobs again
=== Mez gives Jucato his spear back
=== tonyyarusso passes the Prozac
=== Mez gets thwacked by Jucato's spear
tonyyarussoHave you heard the song about Magellan from Animaniacs?06:52
JucatoI'm not yet adept at my op skills... so if I'm supposed to be doing something to protect myself... :P06:52
tonyyarussoMegellan said "Hup?" and got hit by a spear!06:52
MezJucato, I think chanserv.py protects you06:52
=== Jucato looks it up
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about chanserv.py - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:53
Mez!chanserv.py is http://www.kaarsemaker.net/files/Software/chanserv.py06:53
ubotuI'll remember that, Mez06:53
Jucatobah nvm... the only 2 people who love kicking me are Hobbsee and Mez anyway :)06:53
Mez<ubotu> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:55
ubotuchanserv.py is http://www.kaarsemaker.net/files/Software/chanserv.py06:55
MezJucato, it's a good little script ;)06:56
Mezdoes a lot of nice things06:56
Mez(I believe it also tries and unbans you from channels if you're banned from them and stuff)06:58
Meznow all I need is a ping collector06:58
tonyyarussoping collector?06:58
=== Jucato gives all his pings to Mez
Mezping collector06:58
Mezso if someone pings me - it logs it in a special window06:58
Mezso I can come back and respond to people who have pinged me outside of my buffer06:59
Mezwithout having to go and grep logs06:59
tonyyarussoirssi does that by default07:00
Meztonyyarusso, really ?07:00
Jucatoyep it does07:00
tonyyarussoMez: Yeah, when you come back from away it lists them in the server window07:03
Jucatoanother reason to use irssi :)07:03
Mezbut irssi...07:04
Mezyou have to remember window numbers and stuff like that07:04
Mezit's a PITA07:04
tonyyarussoLike that's hard07:05
Meztonyyarusso, I'm on... 43 channels in total07:05
tonyyarussoMez: Whiner07:05
Meztonyyarusso, you try remembering that ;)07:05
tonyyarussoOooh the gap is closing07:06
=== tonyyarusso can almost feel #9
tonyyarussoBring it on!07:06
=== tonyyarusso proves Mez's point
Meztonyyarusso, :P07:07
Meza decent debian sponsor07:08
MezNelson A. de Oliveira07:09
=== tonyyarusso doesn't know
Mezhe's doing my rar/unrar uploads07:10
=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-ops.log
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== Topic for #ubuntu-ops: Welcome to the home of the operators of all Ubuntu (and derivatives) channels | This channel is for operator/abuse questions only | support in #ubuntu, #kubuntu etc...
=== Topic (#ubuntu-ops): set by apokryphos at Wed Dec 20 20:54:28 2006
=== Amaranth [n=amaranth@] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== Pez [n=chris@24-38-64-246-st.albyny.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
Pezis DBO awake?12:33
mneptokalbany, ny?12:33
=== Hobbsee drops mneptok in a large pile of lava
=== mneptok flows over Hobbsee's palm-frond beach hut and into the Pacific
=== Hobbsee waves bye!
=== LongPointyStick [n=user@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has left #ubuntu-ops []
=== Pez is now known as chrisbradley
=== apokryphos- [n=francis@87-194-86-227.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== rob [i=RobertSt@freenode/staff/rob] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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chrisbradleyhello rob03:52
=== chrisbradley looks to apokryphos / DBO
apokryphos-chrisbradley: hi04:34
apokryphoswhat can I help you with?04:35
chrisbradleyI have a project I am working on04:35
chrisbradleyIt is a seed of an idea04:35
chrisbradleyI would like to know if ubuntu would like to participate04:36
apokryphoswhy are you mentioning this here? Please read the channel topic.04:36
=== Mez adds larting commands to his nostromo
Mezjust lean, select a username and BAM04:37
Mezthey get cs larted04:37
apokryphos@lart mez04:38
=== Ubugtu stabs mez
apokryphoschrisbradley: #ubuntu-offtopic exists for general talk, however. 04:38
Mez@tpo rala04:39
chrisbradleyI am actually looking for a press contact or e-mail address04:39
apokryphoschrisbradley: ubuntu.com -> Search: press contact04:40
Mez@lart apokryphos 04:40
=== Ubugtu shoots apokryphos in the face with a rocket
Mezmy script is set to lart you04:40
Mezwhen i hit button 15 on my game pad04:40
=== chrisbradley [n=chris@unaffiliated/chrisbradley] has left #ubuntu-ops ["thank]
Mezand now04:41
MezIt works as the left hand side of my keyboard04:41
Mezsad I know04:43
Mezbut it's great for UT04:43
=== Mez should make a script so I can select someones name in the user list
Mezhit a button on the nostromo04:44
Mezand it bans them proper good04:44
Mezsweet 04:44
MezI can technically04:44
tonyyarussoapokryphos: did you use irssi?04:47
apokryphosI've used it before04:47
tonyyarussobut not normally04:47
=== tonyyarusso is looking for people to get excited over his script addition with
apokryphoswhat does it do?04:49
tonyyarussoAdds people I kick (and other things) to my hilight list by nickmask so I can keep an eye on them for a few days easily.04:50
apokryphoswould be good for quite a few cases I guess, yeah04:50
tonyyarussoof course you can choose what to apply it to, so you could have it just on timed mutes or smth04:51
=== Mez has just added an "uber menu"
=== Mez finds that larting himself doesnt helo
apokryphostonyyarusso: yes, I should have timed-bans implemented too04:56
apokryphosproblem is I'm not on IRC *all* the time, so it wouldn't work perfectly04:56
tonyyarussosame here04:56
Mezapokryphos, code it into ubot04:57
apokryphosMez: it would require a little more hassle though, because we'd have to tell the bot how long we want the bans to be04:57
apokryphosstill, we could have a default of 24 hours05:03
apokryphosthough I don't think how long we keep our bans is such an issue05:04
apokryphossince we clear out the ban-list every so often, and most people know about the appeal process05:04
Mezwhat - bitch in here? 05:05
apokryphoswe investigate the ban easily enough with the bantracker05:05
=== somerville32 [n=somervil@ubuntu/member/somerville32] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== Burgwork [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== LjL [n=ljl@81-208-36-87.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v LjL] by ChanServ
joejaxxman i REALLY wish freenode whould enable kill protection06:53
somerville32kill protection?06:58
TheSheeplike in italian mafia? %)06:59
HawkwindThey do have it.  If the nick is registered, then kill it with the ghost command.  Doesn't get any easier than that07:00
HawkwindIf the nick isn't registered, then anyone rightfully has a right to use it07:01
joejaxxHawkwind: no as in07:13
joejaxxif someone is nicksitting on my nicks07:13
joejaxxthey should be autokill'd after not identifying 07:14
joejaxxafter a certain time period07:14
joejaxxor force nick changed to another nick07:14
HawkwindAgain, register the nick and you can handle that.  It's the whole entire reason for registering nicks you want07:15
HawkwindThat feature is on several networks, and IMO is pointless if you register a nick you like/want07:15
MezHawkwind, 07:18
Mez/msg nickserv set kill on07:18
Mezjoejaxx, the above07:18
joejaxxit is disabled on freenode07:18
joejaxxHawkwind: it is registered07:19
Hawkwindjoejaxx: Then kill the nick, it's that simple07:19
joejaxxand it is quite an annoyance07:19
PriceChildThere is a functino for that on freenode07:19
joejaxxHawkwind: try ghost killing/recovering a nick 10 times in a row and you will understand07:19
Hawkwindjoejaxx: Not sure what complaining about it does, when you have the ability to get rid of the person that's got the nick07:19
PriceChildwhere you only get a minute to register before being killed07:19
PriceChildI read the help for it yday07:19
=== PriceChild finsd it
PriceChild/ns help set07:20
Hawkwindjoejaxx: What's the point of killing it if you aren't going to use the nick ?07:20
joejaxxi am using the nick07:20
HawkwindThen someone else can't possibly be using it07:20
joejaxxnevermind you do not understand07:20
Mezjoejaxx, explain07:20
joejaxxPriceChild: they have that service disabled07:20
HawkwindNo I don't, because you're making no sense at all07:20
HawkwindIf you're using it, then noone else can.  If they are using it, kill it, and be done07:20
PriceChildhmmm ok if you say so07:21
PriceChildwhat about setting secure on?07:21
joejaxx00:54 -NickServ(NickServ@services.)- Kill Protection is disabled on this network07:21
HawkwindIf it's that bothersome, use a bot or another client to hold the nick for you.  But it seems the nick is just there to take up space and to keep others from having it IMO07:21
joejaxxthis is the problem07:22
joejaxxi do have a bot on it07:22
joejaxxand when it disconnects07:22
joejaxxthere are users who jump on my nicks07:22
HawkwindSo set the bot to use the ghost command if $nick is taken, and then again, you're done with it07:22
joejaxxHawkwind: it is not that easy07:23
Mezjoejaxx, why not ?07:23
Hawkwindjoejaxx: So what if they do.  When you're online, kill it and take it back.  Not sure I see the big problem of having a nick in use07:23
Hawkwindjoejaxx: How is it not that easy ?  It's actually dead simple07:23
joejaxxyeah you are right you do not07:23
Hawkwindjoejaxx: I don't, simply because if it's *my* nick, I can use a simple ghost command and get the nick back.  07:24
HawkwindIt's not difficult to perform actually.  Nor is it difficult to have a bot do the same thing07:24
Mezjoejaxx, why cant you get the bot to ghost the nick when it connects if it cant get its usual nick ?07:24
joejaxxMez: i can07:25
joejaxxthe problem is not on my end07:25
Mezthen what is it ?07:25
joejaxxit is hard to understand unless you are in my situation07:25
Mezjoejaxx, then EXPLAIN07:26
joejaxxi rather not07:26
joejaxxeveryone just jumps to conclusions :)07:26
joejaxxbbl i have dev to do07:26
Mezjoejaxx, not if you EXPLAIN07:26
=== Mez shakes head
=== Mez goes and gets thr vodka
joejaxxi tried it did not work07:27
Mezon connect { if nick!=propernick{ msg("nickserv", "ghost nick password"); nick "propernick" }07:28
HawkwindYeah, they don't understand because the person that *seems* to know doesn't explain.07:28
HawkwindThough honestly, I don't see any possible explanation that would state anything different than using the ghost command to get the nick, or having a bot do it.  Hard to fathom there is more to it than that07:29
joejaxxyour responses are the exact conclusions i am talking about07:29
joejaxxi know how to program a bot07:29
LjLyou said you'd have to use GHOST x times in a row. why?07:29
HawkwindI've seen you talk/complain about this for months now actually, and still fail to see where you've tried to accomplish the task at hand07:29
joejaxxLjL: because07:30
joejaxxthe persion kept reconnecting07:30
Hawkwindjoejaxx: Then do it and get it over with.  Then you don't have to worry about someone else sitting on a nick07:30
joejaxxand taking the nick07:30
joejaxxLjL: thank you for asking07:30
HawkwindPeople can't *sit* on nicks if they are registered, impossible07:30
Mezjoejaxx, but surely they cant reconnect in the time it takes you to change nick ?07:30
HawkwindI wouldn't think so either07:30
Mezit takes at least 3 seconds to rejoin the server07:30
joejaxxLjL: this guy is from cisco07:30
HawkwindPeople sit on nicks in places like Efnet07:31
joejaxxLjL: i tried talking to him07:31
LjLjoejaxx: uhm, wait a second, why doesn't your bot just take the nick *itself*, after having used GHOST?07:31
joejaxxLjL: it tries07:31
joejaxxand fails07:31
LjLjoejaxx: why? is the guy faster?07:31
joejaxxbecause the guy comes back online07:31
Mezjoejaxx, so? they still need to connect throguh the server which does certain processing07:31
joejaxxLjL: yeap07:31
=== mez_ [n=mez@synergy.sourceguru.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
Hawkwindjoejaxx: He can't come back quicker than it takes you to type /nick somenick or quicker than a bot doing it automatically07:31
LjLjoejaxx: how can the guy *reconnect* faster to the *server* than you can issue a NICK command...?07:31
joejaxxLjL: trust me i know how to use ghost and recover07:31
LjLjoejaxx: i think it takes at least a second or two to connect to a freenode server normally..07:32
=== mez__ [n=mez@synergy.sourceguru.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
Hawkwindmez_: +107:32
joejaxxLjL: i have the bot to do it07:32
HawkwindIf the bot isn't changing nicks quick enough, then it's code error07:32
HawkwindThere are also scripts for nearly every IRC client to take a nick once it disconnects.  Some clients have such thing built in by default07:33
Mezjoejaxx, what type of bot is it ?07:34
LjLjoejaxx: what do you mean you have the bot to do it?07:34
LjLjoejaxx: i just can't understand how this guy can be so fast to reconnect. even if he's got a monster connection and whatnot, it should still take 1 second at least to connect, while it should take practically nihil to issue a NICK command...07:36
HawkwindWhen the disconnect happens, the nick should happen instantaneously.  If not, then there is something wrong with the bots code that's preventing it from happening07:38
HawkwindYou have approximately 3 - 4 seconds between a disconnect and a reconnect.  More than enough time to change nicks, possibly 2 - 3 times if it's automated in a script07:38
LjLwell, it can't really happen "instantaneously", there is a roud-trip time you have to deal with... still, it should be pretty darn fast, compared to a reconnect07:38
=== nixternal_ [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/nixternal] has joined #ubuntu-ops
LjLnow, *my* reconnects are particularly slow, since i don't have an identd, and the server sits waiting for one... but still, even someone who does have identd running should take a little07:40
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v nixternal_] by ChanServ
LjLjoejaxx: also, what happens if you use RECOVER? do they still change nicks immediately as soon as you do RELEASE? if so, it means they're issuing NICK commands like crazy07:41
LjLthat should flood them out of the network, among other things07:41
HawkwindAlso, if the nick is truly registered and this is happening, surely speaking to a staff member could prove handy.  Maybe they could block his IP/host from using said nick07:43
LjLHawkwind: if they're reconnecting like crazy to be faster than him (and somehow manage to), i'd call that a DoS attack against freenode07:45
LjLand i suppose the staff would get the concerned address out of the network07:45
HawkwindWe can all bet that's not happening though.  That's pretty overboard, and if it was, like you said, he wouldn't be having this issue then07:47
ubotuIn ubotu, jrib said: motu is also To request packages visit: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/Candidates07:57
LjLthat page is linked to in http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU (which is what the bot currently gives)... it's in a bit of an obscure place, but perhaps we'd best leave it so? ;)08:00
=== ArrenLex [n=dorokhin@arcturus.srv.ualberta.ca] has joined #ubuntu-ops
ArrenLexWould it be possible to make packages show up with a custom name also? Like !mozilla-thunderbird|bob would show bob: mozilla-thunderbird: an email client ... whatever. It would be very convenient if someone comes asking where to find a program.08:12
jenda!bots| ArrenLex08:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bots - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:13
jenda!ubuntulog | ArrenLex08:13
ubotuArrenLex: ubuntulog is a logging bot run on various Ubuntu channels. You can read the logs at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/08:13
ArrenLex!xserver-xorg | jenda08:13
ubotuxserver-xorg: the X.Org X server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.1.1ubuntu6.2 (edgy), package size 165 kB, installed size 584 kB08:13
jendathat warrants a prod of the boss :)08:13
jenda(((>>> Seveas <<<)))08:14
LjLhe knows...08:14
LjLi never found it a bit problem however, the user *is* highlighted after all08:14
PriceChilddo you mean alias?08:14
HawkwindThey are ?08:14
ubotuxchat: IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6.6-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 275 kB, installed size 760 kB08:14
Seveasjenda, 'sup?08:14
=== Hawkwind Doesn't get highlighted there
Seveas!xchat | Hawkwind 08:15
LjLPriceChild: me means using the | syntax with package names08:15
LjLSeveas: you broke it08:15
Seveas!ubuntu-desktop | Hawkwind 08:15
ubotuHawkwind: k/ed/x/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading.08:15
ArrenLexIt becomes a problem for suers who don't know that ! calls the bot and don't know to look for something addressed to them. According to what you're saying, the | username syntax need never be used at all, since the user is highlighted. Yet obviously it's very useful.08:15
Seveas!totem | Hawkwind 08:15
ubotuHawkwind: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs08:15
Seveas!w32codecs | Hawkwind 08:15
ubotuHawkwind: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages including w32codecs | info at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages | See !codecs for more information08:15
Seveas!xmoto | Hawkwind 08:16
ubotuxmoto: 2D motocross platform game. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.2-1 (edgy), package size 748 kB, installed size 1956 kB08:16
LjLArrenLex: wrong - if there was no | syntax at all (like it used to be), adding " | username" after a factoid would make the bot say there is no such factoid08:16
Seveasthat's broken!08:16
HawkwindThere we go08:16
LjLso you couldn't highlight people at all08:16
LjLSeveas: been like this since "|" was added :P08:16
Seveasfile it as a bug08:16
HawkwindThe bot should still say the users nick at the beginning IMO08:16
jendauniversal answer :)08:16
ArrenLexLjL: No, I mean, if adding | username to a factoid made ubotu display just the factoid, it would be less useful than the current system. The same thing for packages; adding | username to a package description is useful for the same reason that it is in normal factoids.08:17
LjLSeveas: i suggest you change the ":" into something else though, it's ugly to see two colons in a row :P08:17
SeveasLjL, true08:17
LjLArrenLex: sure, i never said it was useless, i said i didn't find it a big problem08:17
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ubotuIn #ubuntuforums, lotusleaf said: ubotu: !scoobysnack is !botsnack09:33
somerville32!scoobysnack is <reply> Yuck!09:36
ubotuI'll remember that, somerville3209:36
PriceChild!forget scoobysnack09:36
ubotuI'll remember that, PriceChild09:36
HawkwindThat is not something we needed09:36
PriceChild!scoobysnack-#ubuntuforums is <reply> Yuck!09:36
ubotuI'll remember that, PriceChild09:37
HawkwindUseless information09:37
somerville32Hawkwind, neither is botsnack09:37
somerville32Does it really matter?09:37
HawkwindI agree 100%09:37
somerville32The answer is no since we'll most likely never ever use a factoid with that name anyhow09:37
Seveas'!botsnack' is often used as test factoid09:38
ubotuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.09:39
PriceChildthere's loads of useless factoids... does it make any noticable difference on the speed of the database?09:40
somerville32There really isn't that many09:40
LjLand sqlite is fast anyway09:41
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Seveas<-- Atom- (i=Atom-@atomix.plus.com) has left #ubuntu (requested by Seveas)12:12
Seveas--- Seveas sets ban on *!*@atomix.plus.com12:12
Seveasketp on highlighting me with !falcon12:12
LjLSeveas: you've got highlights on your products? that's very meticulous of you :P12:13
ubotufalcon: Falcon repository creator. In component extras, is optional. Version 1.5.4-0ubuntu2 (edgy-seveas), package size 175 kB, installed size 508 kB12:14
Seveas^-- it's in my repo12:14
LjLah right12:15
LjLSeveas: wouldn't that be a sort of thing that could belong in universe, anyway?12:16
Seveasyes, v2 should be there12:16
Seveas1.5 is not that good12:16

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