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[miles] | guys | 11:54 |
[miles] | I notice that the clamav package is outdated on 6.06LTS server | 11:54 |
[miles] | it's showing as out-dated on boot and freshclam | 11:55 |
[miles] | this gonna be sorted? | 11:55 |
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[miles] | jesus, it's busy here today :-\ | 04:46 |
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firecrotc1 | Okay, I just started renting a dedicated server and have been given a block of 5 ip addresses, 1 of which is actually set up. How do I set up my server to work on additional IPs? | 06:25 |
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shwag | where can I find some nagios howto's ? | 08:00 |
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=== kupesoft [n=kupesoft@CPE004010100002-CM0013718cb08a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-server | ||
kupesoft | When I run "adduser", it collects the following information about a new user: {Name, Room Number, Work Phone, Home Phone, Other} stores it in a comma-delimited fashion in /etc/passwd. Where can I add or subtract items from that list? I want to only collect the user's name. | 10:31 |
ivoks | easy | 10:32 |
ivoks | cut -d: -f5 /etc/passwd | cut -d\, -f1 | 10:33 |
ivoks | or you could play with sed | 10:33 |
ivoks | god, awk :) | 10:34 |
sharms | ivoks: that isnt the question | 10:37 |
sharms | ivoks: he wants to know how to modify add user to only take their name | 10:37 |
ivoks | right, sorry | 10:38 |
kupesoft | Is there an easy configuration file for this stuff | 10:38 |
sharms | kupesoft: there is an /etc/adduser.conf | 10:38 |
sharms | but it isnt what you need, give me a sec | 10:39 |
kupesoft | I don't that convers it, | 10:39 |
ivoks | maybe you could combine something with adduser --gecos | 10:39 |
ivoks | login.defs | 10:42 |
ivoks | CHFN_RESTRICT (string) | 10:42 |
ivoks | This parameter specifies which values in the gecos field of the /etc/passwd file may be changed by regular users using the chfn | 10:42 |
sharms | beat me to it | 10:42 |
sharms | I was just going to say CHFN | 10:42 |
ivoks | :p | 10:42 |
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