
Pommieradioaktivstorm : is the windows and linux machine sharing the same network?12:01
radioaktivstormmnoir, my friend and i are playing with my linux box as a server, but we were having problems accessing after i installed apache php and mysql12:01
pillowmintzno i use a compaq presario v200012:01
pillowmintzi believe it is12:01
emokidah well, love to stick around, but my update just finished12:01
emokidneed to reboot12:01
=== matt4magic [n=matt@81-234-172-121-no95.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
radioaktivstormPommie they are both on the MITNET12:01
pillowmintzyes  a v200012:01
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radioaktivstormPommie, i think they are also on the same dorm network12:02
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:02
mnoirradioaktivstorm: i do not usually associate those apps with file sharing - more description - are you guessing?  trying to set up easier diagnosing?  what?12:02
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Pommieradioaktivstorm : So in other words, you can't trust the network. You need* to use something that offers decent security. (*unless you like getting your box hacked)12:03
radioaktivstormmnoir, basically we are trying to create a site served off of my box for testing, but i dont have a whole lot of experience in setting up servers12:03
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radioaktivstormPommie, Yes, i would rather not get hacked....:P umm so should i be using SSH?12:04
GionnyBosshi all12:04
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mnoirradioaktivstorm: it sounds like ftp might be more appropriate as it is usually used for uploading to a web server12:04
mozarthi all12:04
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mnoirradioaktivstorm: generally techniques involving ssh are most secure12:05
emssmnoir: you can use scp/sftp12:05
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GionnyBosshow can I change the name of a partition? I mean, when I mount my 2nd hd, I have a desktop shortcut with the partition name... I'd like to change it. How can I do it, please?12:05
Pommieradioaktivstorm : here's why ftp is considered a bad idea -- the username/password is typically sent unencrypted in order to log in. This is why most people suggest SSH to transfer files, unless you actually need an FTP service.12:05
alex31bluetooth serial pot12:05
emssssh is the best12:05
Vigo_Could OpenVPN be of help?12:05
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radioaktivstormPommie, thanks....would SSH be a viable option for sending files to my machine( which is to be used as a test server)12:06
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mnoirradioaktivstorm: as I originally mentioned, scp (using putty or cygwin) is probably a strong candidate12:06
Pommieradioaktivstorm : SSH is *always* a viable option. ;)12:06
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mnoirradioaktivstorm: ssh is the general mechanism but scp or sftp are the actual file xfer programs12:07
radioaktivstormmnoir, ok thanks!12:07
radioaktivstormmnoir, so how do i set that up?12:07
Pommieradioaktivstorm, what mnoir said.12:07
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Pommie!ssh | radioaktivstorm12:07
uboturadioaktivstorm: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/12:07
radioaktivstormPommie, cool  :)12:07
mnoirradioaktivstorm: i have all of this working on my test net - so come back with plans and questions12:07
mnoirradioaktivstorm: one more thing12:07
=== stacey23f [i=stacey@d57-90-194.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
tuskerniniQUESTION: can anyone print photos with a Samsung 1610 printir?12:08
da_dudadiCan anybody help me install gcc_4.2.0?12:08
Pommie!cups | tuskernini12:08
ubotutuskernini: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows12:08
=== xanthomryr [n=User@xdsl-213-168-119-39.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu
radioaktivstormmnoir, gotcha thank you very much12:08
Pommieda_dudadi : apt-get install gcc12:08
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tuskerniniPommie, in know... but it does not print photos or pdf files.. got the pdf problem sorted after installing adobe reader12:08
aaddggI just connectred a usb webcam to my laptop12:08
aaddgghow do I make it work?12:09
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mnoirradioaktivstorm: good luck - this is not hard to set up - just verify your security12:09
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mnoirradioaktivstorm: after all - it IS MIT12:09
tuskerniniaaddgg, mine just worked...12:09
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soundray!webcam | aaddgg12:09
ubotuaaddgg: webcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras12:09
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radioaktivstormmnoir, gooooood point :P lol12:09
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lontrahow do i make my firefox fonts look like they do on the cd?  they look crappy when installed12:09
tuskerniniaaddgg, try and install camorama webcam viewer to test it12:09
Pommietuskernini : You should be able to dump any postscript file to cups and it'll print. What sort of problems are you having?12:09
kf4ebpneed a way to change the default soundcard. I have pulled a kaput sound blaster out and want to go back to the built in soundcard. The gnome tools are not working.12:09
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Vigo_I am going back to see how this works, Thank you kindly12:10
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tuskerniniPommie, i can print docs and files... just not photos... probably translates the data wrong to the printer?12:10
aaddgg"could not connect to /dev/video0" <-- when trying camorama ; the usb device is plugged in12:10
enautwhat is wrong if gpart always states seekfailure when i try to run it?12:10
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Pommietuskernini : What type of image file?  jpg?12:11
da_dudadiI am having an issue running graalexe.. I keep getting an error, "owner@owner-desktop:~$ graalexe12:11
da_dudadi/usr/bin/graal: /lib/libgcc_s.so.1: version `GCC_4.2.0' not found (required by /usr/bin/graal)12:11
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tuskerniniPommie, yes.12:11
stacey23fHi!  I have a D-Link Wireless card, based on an Atheros chipset.   The card works fine in kubuntu, I assume it is using the madwifi drivers.   However I wish to reconfigure the interface, and the wlanconf command isn't being found.   Is this file not in my path by default?   Or do I need to do something special to install it?  I'm new to ubuntu (and linux).  Any help would be great.12:11
tuskerniniPommie, i also tried it in GIMP... no luck12:11
Pommietuskernini : And what program are you using to print with? Gimp?12:11
zYecan someone help me install java compiler cause all the documentation i am getting isnt working (most likely im doing it wrong) or something12:12
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PommieDid you check the cups wiki to see if your printer is compatible?12:12
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tuskerniniPommie, i tried in normal viewer and in gThumb12:12
Pommietuskernini : You checked the compatibility list though, right?12:12
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tuskerninifor my printer... ? it has native drivers...12:12
tuskerninisamsung 161012:13
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about graphics - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:13
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lontrahow do i make my firefox fonts look like they do on the cd?  they look crappy when installed12:13
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eriscodoes ubuntu support Hercules Prophet cards?12:13
tuskerniniPommie, or it is in the list when i add printer12:13
soundraytuskernini: have you checked for errror messages in /var/log/cups/ ?12:13
tuskerniniPommie, will do12:13
eriscospecifically it is a Hercules Prophet 4000XT PCI12:13
ubotuhercules: System/370, ESA/390 and z/Architecture Emulator. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.03.1-1 (edgy), package size 2210 kB, installed size 7732 kB12:14
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eriscoc'est bon. Merci Pommie.12:14
PommieApparently the wrong Hercules. :-P12:14
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TheDebuggererisco: Probably with the nvidia/ati driver ( Depends what chip your card has )12:14
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Pommieerisco : I don't think you want to use that unless you're trying to emulate big iron. ;)12:15
eriscoTheDebugger, looks like I'll just have to find out. Hehe.12:15
tuskerniniPommie, foomatic-rip stops wit error 9!12:15
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tuskerniniPommie, but that was with the pdf try i think12:15
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eriscoPommie, oh, you never know.12:15
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Pommietuskernini : That's pretty odd. I couldn't see them adding your printer into the list if it didn't support graphics ability.12:15
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Pommietuskernini : I'd try removing the cups package and reinstalling it. Couldn't hurt.12:16
tuskerniniPommie, i think i once could print photos...12:16
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tuskerniniPommie, o the whole cups... i just did the printer... haha windows trick12:16
da_dudadiPommie, would you mind assisting me install GCC_4.2.0?  The reason why I need GCC_4.2.0 is because I am attempting to run a program and I get this error "/usr/bin/graal: /lib/libgcc_s.so.1: version `GCC_4.2.0' not found (required by /usr/bin/graal)"12:16
riotkittieoh that reminds me, i need to see if i can get my printer going.12:17
tuskerniniPommie, ok i ma gonna do it..12:17
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kyro - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:17
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eriscodoes ubuntu support the kyro chipset?12:17
Pommieda_dudadi : Is there any reason you need 4.2.0 in particular?12:17
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Claudemi1good night guys12:18
da_dudadiPommie, It will not run a particular program (graal) without GCC_4.2.012:18
riotkittienite, Claudemi112:18
madcheezewhaddup... im baaaack12:18
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erisco(I have a feeling the kyro chipset is not supported)12:18
stacey23fI have a D-Link Wireless card, based on an Atheros chipset.   The card works fine in kubuntu, I assume it is using the madwifi drivers.   However I wish to reconfigure the interface, and the wlanconf command isn't being found.   Is this file not in my path by default?   Or is there a specific package that contains wlanconf that i need to install?  I'm new to ubuntu (and linux).  Any help would be great.12:18
madcheezeerisco: im not sure... have you looked at ubuntuguide.og?12:18
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport12:18
eriscostacey23f, D-link is very flaky. First mistake IMO.12:19
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Pommieda_dudadi : Where are you getting 4.2.0 from?  It's not in the standard Edgy install.12:19
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Claudemi1i installed ubuntu 6.10 for plataform x86_6412:19
riotkittieerisco: check that link :P12:19
eriscoriotkittie, that list seems very incomplete...12:19
madcheezeso, do most of you people keep your build up to date, or once you got it running do you not update?12:19
riotkittieerisco: ah. i havent checked it myself <g>12:19
=== Vluid [n=Vluid@dslb-084-063-029-011.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
pillowmintzwhen trying to do my wireless connection following this tutorial (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=285809) - on the3rd step i get this error : ERROR: Module bcm43xx does not exist in /proc/modules ; whats this mean?12:20
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pillowmintzhow can i fix it?12:20
eriscoriotkittie, what a stroke of luck! Out of two supported kyro cards, the one we have is one of them. ha!12:20
eriscoriotkittie, (it is a really crappy card too...)12:20
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madcheezedo you guys keep your ubuntu up to date once you have it running well, or do you leave it alone?12:21
Pommiemadcheeze : I mostly stick to the standard Edgy with Universe distro.12:21
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madcheezePommie: so you dont update?12:21
Claudemi1but i m not success in installation flash for my Web browser(firefox)12:21
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Pommiemadcheeze : I update, of course... but I don't tend to go beyond the regular security fixes unless there's some very desperate reason.12:21
madcheezePommie: i mean when the auto updates thingie comes up in the corner, do you do it? or do you not do it?12:21
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madcheezePommie: thanks12:22
da_dudadiPommie, ftp://ftp.nluug.nl/mirror/languages/gcc/snapshots/LATEST-4.2/gcc-4.2-20070110.tar.bz212:22
Claudemi1because i m not find flash for x86_6412:22
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madcheezeClaudemi1: i dont know if there is a flash install for x6412:22
Claudemi1can i help me? :0)12:22
soundraypillowmintz: you can ignore that error.12:22
Pommieda_dudadi : You're asking for a whole world of hurt.12:22
madcheezeClaudemi1: try installing the 32 bit extension of it12:22
soundraypillowmintz: rmmod is for unloading a module. Since you haven't got it loaded, there is no need to unload.12:22
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pillowmintzsoundray - ok thank you.12:23
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Claudemi1madcheeze: the plugin flash?12:23
riotkittiestacey23f: can you not configure it through ifconfig?  >disclaimer - i am completely clueless re: networking<12:23
madcheezeClaudemi1: yep...12:23
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da_dudadiPommie, What do you mean?12:23
madcheezeClaudemi1: use the one that comes with firefox..12:23
madcheezeso, use firefox to download it and install it12:23
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Pommieda_dudadi : Here's the thing... ubuntu is good because it walks the fine line between being rolled together with packages that are pretty good at working together...12:23
soundrayda_dudadi: I agree with pommie12:24
mads-I just downloaded Flash v 9 from apt-get, but it doesn't overwrite my old v 7.. How can I make it do that?12:24
soundrayda_dudadi: installing an alpha quality gcc from scratch is not for the timid.12:24
da_dudadiPommie, Is GCC really needed?12:24
Claudemi1thanks brother....how I install firefox 32 bits for ubuntu?12:24
madcheezemads-: sudo apt-get install current version12:24
Pommieda_dudadi : there's some parts that I generally stay away from doing by hand, and gcc is one of them. There's just TOO MUCH interdependancy between it and all the other installed packages.12:24
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riotkittiebreakage. yaaaaaaaaay.12:25
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Pommieriotkittie : Yes. Breakage. Boo.12:25
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riotkittieeveryone should experience dependency hell at least once.12:25
da_dudadiPommie, isn't there a way that I can just change the version within the config file, that way I can run the program i need to run?12:25
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madcheezeClaudemi1: its been a while since i had a 64 bit version of ubuntu, but for some reason i believe it gives you an option of the version, and if not, go to the flash site and download it from there...12:25
Bizzehhey, if i have windows on the 1st 100gb of my hdd, and install ubuntu to the 2nd 100gb, if i install grub to mbr, can i still chainload xp?12:25
Pommieda_dudadi : gcc is the GNU C Compiler. You need it of you're building stuff from source, and if something needs the libraries it uses.12:25
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sleepy745whats the apt-get command to download and install firefox 2.0?12:26
guerrillawonFor wine I'm trying to switch to the directory Program Files in terminal, but it's cutting off after Program due to the space and not accessing the folder, anyway around this?12:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wpa_supplicant - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:26
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madcheezesleepy745: sudo apt-get install firefox12:26
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soundrayClaudemi1: to install firefox32 in amd64, look at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=117443512:26
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riotkittieguerrillawon: use quotation marks. or ... the\ directory\ name\ like\ so12:26
Pommieda_dudadi : You can try, if you're compiling the code yourself. If it's a precompiled binary of what you're trying to install, no.12:26
mads-madcheeze: Should I write that exactly in terminal? :S12:26
madcheezeClaudemi1: look at what soundray put up... that is correct12:26
soundrayBizzeh: yes you can12:26
Claudemi1ok, thanks ...i go to try12:27
guerrillawonI'll try thanks riot you're always a great help.12:27
mzanfardinoI've installed Ubuntu Edgy with a Radeon Xpress 200 video card (integrated into motherboard).  How do I install OpenGL?12:27
Pommiesleepy745 : apt-get install firefox12:27
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Bizzehsoundray: so i will definatly be able to boot both os?12:27
soundray!ati | mzanfardino12:27
ubotumzanfardino: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:27
soundrayBizzeh: yes12:27
soundray!dualboot | Bizzeh12:27
ubotuBizzeh: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)12:27
tuskerniniPommie, ok, reinstalled cups... test page works... trying to print jpg now.... printer gives error!12:27
mzanfardinosoundray: I've already downloaded the appropriate ATI drivers, build the deb package and installed them.  However, the system still tells me no OpenGL...12:28
da_dudadiPommie: What I am speaking of is the/lib/libgcc_s.so.1 file.12:28
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about opengl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:28
=== camerong [n=cameron@c-69-140-33-130.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
soundraymzanfardino: you should really follow the ubuntu-specific instructions for activating fglrx12:28
mseneyradioaktivstorm, my machine locked up..missed what happend on here in the last 5 min. another thing you could do is just use SSH by using WinSCP -> http://winscp.net/eng/index.php12:28
cameronghey can anyone here help me get my sound configured?12:28
thinhcan anyone help me with docking stattion12:28
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:29
Pommietuskernini : Could be a communications issue with large amounts of data. If it's a USB, try a shorter cable.12:29
camerongi have kinyo sw-250 speakers and i need to get them set up12:29
thinhthe text screen works well but when it logs into the x window it crashes and the screen shows black12:29
ubernoobhi guys.12:29
Bizzehdoes ubuntu support the rt2500 wireless chipset under dualcore cpu's?12:29
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Bizzeh(last time i checked (about 6 months ago) it didnt)12:29
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Pommieda_dudadi : That library file will have other dependancies. You'll be spending hours/days tracking all the dependancies doe.12:29
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thinhthe live cd works well and set the correct resolution for my external monitor12:30
madcheezeBizzeh: im not sure, i am using the integrated wireless in my notebook and it works like a charm.12:30
tuskerniniPommie, dont have one... will see what i do.. thanx12:30
ubernoobany tips for osmeone new to linux thinking about installing ubuntu12:30
Bizzehill try anyway12:30
mnoirubernoob: how many days do you have?12:30
soundrayubernoob: good choice12:30
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madcheezeubernoob: get the live cd and see what hardware works... before you do anything12:30
Pommietuskernini : I'm assuming that you're running a long USB cable, like, >6ft12:30
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radioaktivstormmseney, thanks12:31
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ubernoobmnoir: I have many days =P12:31
madcheezeubernoob: make sure the internet will be able to work because you will need it to answer questions12:31
thinhwhat is the command for reconfiguring x windows>?12:31
riyonukIs frostwire in the repositories?12:31
ubernoobi have a desktop i wanna put it on my laptop12:31
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tuskerniniPommie, i dont think it is more than 6... i quickly conted 512:31
mnoirubernoob:  then try it and see.......12:31
madcheezeubernoob: get the live cd12:31
mseneyradioaktivstorm, np hope that helps12:31
malexHi. Why does apt tell me that there is no "cmake" package in edgy? I have only the main ubuntu archive in /etc/apt/sources.list12:31
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ubernoobmadcheeze: will do12:31
thinhi want to be able to reset my xconfig for my docking station12:31
riotkittiethinh: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:31
soundray!info cmake | malex12:31
ubotucmake: A cross-platform, open-source make system. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.3-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 4980 kB, installed size 12028 kB12:31
malexUniverse. This is weird. Thanks soundray.12:32
madcheezehi jukam12:32
Pommiemalex : sudo apt-get install cmake12:32
thinhi think my build in monitor has higher resolutution than my external vga12:32
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radioaktivstormmnoir, i had forgotte, but i set up SSH on my computer already so that i could access my resources on ATHENA....it never really occured to me that i could use it for file transfer12:32
thinhi think thats why it shows up black on my external monitor12:32
malexsoundray: What source line should I use for universe please?12:32
radioaktivstormmnoir, i successfully logged on from my friends computer using ssh12:33
mnoirradioaktivstorm: ssh has become a general secure tunnel - many things can be done through it12:33
soundraymalex: please follow the instructions:12:33
soundray!repos | malex12:33
ubotumalex: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource12:33
mnoirradioaktivstorm: including X12:33
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humboldtwhen I have dapper, edgy and feisty installed on my laptop each with it's own swap, do I have to define a resume partition for each installation in grub (grub installed in partition) in order for it to resume from the right swap, or will it figure that out by itself (kernel version, ...)12:33
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thinhis there a way for ubuntu auto detect the resolution12:33
webmareni'm getting hiccups when playing music in bmp through esd12:33
soundraymalex: the comments in /etc/apt/sources.list should also help12:33
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mnoirradioaktivstorm: you get a file xfer working?12:34
radioaktivstormmnoir, i have not tried fix xfer yet...12:34
madcheezeis there a better alternative than amule?12:34
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malexsoundray: There were no comments - it's a pbuilder chroot. I just didn't realise that universe was a branch in the main archive. Thanks.12:34
Pommiehumboldt : Someone will likely correct me on this, but why don't you just save the space and have them all using the same swap?12:34
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ubernoobhmm all the downloads i find seem to be for the cd image12:35
tuskerniniPommie, i used my scanner ... shorter cable... no luck12:35
soundrayPommie: because when dapper swaps, it'll overwrite edgy's suspend image etc.12:35
madcheezeubernoob: you want the dvd image?12:35
ubernoobis that the liveCD or am i just totally missing the link12:35
riotkittieubernoob: thats the live cd.12:35
soundraytuskernini: which software are you using to send your jpg to the printer?12:35
Pommiesoundray : Oh, he's suspending. Durrr... right.12:36
humboldtPommie: well isn't that obvious. I am takling about suspend/resume. So the answer is, so I can suspend the one OS and resume the other, without destroying anything12:36
tuskerninieye of gnome12:36
moocowmoocowmooHas anyone had success using cron in edgy 6.10?12:36
tuskerninibut as i said.. i also tried gimp and gthumb12:36
tuskerniniPommie, but as i said.. i also tried gimp and gthumb12:36
soundraytuskernini: I always use OOo Draw -- best results so far.12:36
Lynourehumboldt: If they do not share the same swap, it tends to work fine12:36
Pommietuskernini : I'm really not sure what to say. I have a networked laser printer; it has it's own IP address. I don't have these issues. :-P12:37
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Lynourehumboldt: oh, not with suspend12:37
ubernoobso do i uninstall windows before i put in the livecd ?12:37
Lynourehumboldt: with hibernate.12:37
riyonukubernoob, nope :p12:37
mnoirubernoob: no need12:37
soundrayubernoob: no12:37
riotkittieubernoob: no. heh.12:37
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ubernoobsorry i live up to my name for once12:37
soundrayubernoob: the live CD is so you can test without changing your existing setup12:37
ubernoobah, gotcha12:37
pillowmintzi finally got my wireless card to work!  but - its blinking and not really getting a connection i guess?  how can i stop this from blinking and working permanently?12:38
ubernoob698 mb sound right?12:38
soundrayubernoob: yes12:38
Lynourehumboldt: suspend only keeps things in memory, so booting another OS would just happily write over that, hibernate writes to disk (swap in case of Ubuntu), so that works fine.12:38
Atom-its alive and spits fire12:38
tuskerninisoundray, i dont have draw.. maby it is just not in the menu12:38
moocowmoocowmooHas cron changed in edgy 6.10?12:38
radioaktivstormmnoir, my friend really wants to use a graphical interface for the xfer...the other issue is how would i let him access my computer but not necessarily via my username and pass? i understand that i can make another account, but I am wondering will he be able to access /vars/www  (the location of the apache stuff)12:38
soundraytuskernini: open Writer and select File - New - Drawing or whatever12:38
humboldtLynoure: ya ya ya12:38
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ubernooband a few other questions... is there a good torrent client for use with linux? or do most work?12:39
tuskerninisoundray, aha... ofcourse12:39
madcheezedoes anyone have a better alternative to amule?12:39
madcheezeubernoob: there are so many torrent clients in linux.. its not even funny12:39
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soundraymoocowmoocowmoo: yes, cron is one of the things that were replaced by upstart12:40
mnoirradioaktivstorm: you can give him access to /var/www easily enough using linux security permissions/ groups etc12:40
humboldtLynoure: the naming for this topic sucks! It is called swsusp now. So I would say suspend. I would call the other suspend to ram or S3 or SLEEP.12:40
humboldtAnyhow, does anybody have an answer to my question?12:40
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madcheezehumboldt: sorry, i didnt see it12:40
mnoirradioaktivstorm: as far as gui scp, i do not know one for win - maybe winscp?12:40
Lynourehumboldt: Topic? What topic?12:40
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pillowmintzmy wireless cards light is blinking ... how can i get it to stop and work properly?12:40
Lynourehumboldt: I think I just gave you one, which was "no"12:41
soundrayhumboldt: you have to tell each installation which resume partition to use12:41
shwagwhere do I export a variable if I want it to be available system wide for all users ?12:41
seshomaruhi , anyone knows if i can download a package directly from a repository using a browser?12:41
mnoirradioaktivstorm: you want to give him all of /var/www?12:41
mac2612hi, I have multiple soundcards in my PC. I can see them all in mixer, but the wrong soundcard is being controlled with my keyboard shortcut. How do I change that link?12:41
madcheezepillowmintz: i would think that it would blink because its always checking...12:41
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madcheezepillowmintz: i may be wrong..12:41
mnoirradioaktivstorm: i am sure one exists btw - just do not know it12:41
pillowmintzmadcheeze: is that bad? shouldnt it just be solid?12:41
tuskerninisoundray, does not want to work... i am gonna export as pdf... maybe that works12:41
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soundrayseshomaru: sure12:41
riotkittiemy card constanhly blinks, even when i do have  a connect.12:41
seshomarusoundray, how?12:42
madcheezepillowmintz: no, wireless is never solid... its always on and off looking for a better signal12:42
moocowmoocowmooDoes cron work differently in edgy 6.10 than in 6.06?12:42
unvs_i set up courier-imapd and everything worked just peachy, i could telnet in from my local network just fine - then i rebooted and now it only allows connects from localhost/ .. any idea what this could be?12:42
soundrayseshomaru: what package are you looking for?12:42
zYecan ANYONE help me install java SDK and compiler pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee12:42
radioaktivstormmnoir, i honestly have no idea how to work apache; he's tweaking the server stuff; im designing the clientside stuff (ie the html javascript and php stuff)12:42
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Pommiemoocowmoocowmoo : Nope. Should be the same.12:42
pillowmintzmadcheeze: ok - so is there a way i can test that the wireless is actually working? because i tried unplugging the cord and it didnt recognize a connection or anything ...12:42
seshomarusoundray, langage-pack-en12:42
Pommiemoocowmoocowmoo : I don't think Cron has changed in, like, years. :-P12:42
moocowmoocowmooPommie: Have you gotten it to work on 6.10?12:42
humboldtsoundray: tnx, that's what I thought. Not much work anyway.12:43
riotkittieunplugging what cord?12:43
madcheezepillowmintz: there is a command to see whether its up or not... gimme a sec and i will get it12:43
pillowmintzthe ethernet cord12:43
radioaktivstormmnoir, perhaps i have a little reading to do about apache? :P12:43
riotkittieifconfig ?12:43
mnoirradioaktivstorm: if he knows apache - he can specify all the right stuff - apache config can do amazing rhings12:43
=== superdug_ [n=superdug@66-188-92-139.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
pillowmintzonly eth0 and lo come up with ifconfig12:43
seshomarusoundray, language-pack-en new version 1:6:06 +2006113012:43
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riotkittietype sudo ifconfig ath0 up12:43
pillowmintzbut if i do iwconfig - the eth1 comes up with info...12:43
Pommiemoocowmoocowmoo : there's a few crons that are available for Linux. You're using which one?12:43
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madcheezepillowmintz: iwlist eth1 scan12:43
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pillowmintzno scan results12:44
TLEanybody ever heard of a cp command with progress report, for copying large files. I thought I once heard that gentoo had a modified version coreutils that included that, but that doesn't seem to be tha case anymore.12:44
=== riotkittie takes more notes
mnoirradioaktivstorm: if you want him in his own box, consider a virtual domain, perhaps with a docroot in his own home directory12:44
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madcheezepillowmintz: ifconfig12:44
moocowmoocowmooPommie: I can't get a shell script to execute in cron, I've tried crontab -e, putting the file in /etc/cron.hourly and also putting entries in /etc/crontab12:44
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radioaktivstormmnoir, this sounds interesting...how would i set that up?\12:44
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superdughttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/install.exe/Prototype  <-- I'm curious as to how that "works" ... is it more or less similar to the old zipslack ?12:44
mnoirradioaktivstorm: it depends on yer intentions12:44
moocowmoocowmooPommie: Using whatever default one comes with ubuntu12:44
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pillowmintzresulted: eth0 eth1 lo12:44
mnoirradioaktivstorm: virt dom?12:44
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Pommiemoocowmoocowmoo : The shell script is executable (chmod a+x) ?12:44
TLEzYe: You got Java ?12:45
soundrayseshomaru: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/language-pack-en/12:45
moocowmoocowmooPommie: Yes and it runs fine when I run it manually12:45
mcphailmoocowmoocowmoo: cron seems to work ok for me. What problems do you have?12:45
madcheezepillowmintz: which eth is your wireless?12:45
seshomarusoundray, many thanks12:45
pillowmintzshould be eth112:45
=== WattoDaToydarian [n=watto@adsl-68-94-88-182.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
pillowmintzthats what iwconfig said12:45
ricky1234567890I cant get my bcm4318 wirelesscard working. I have one hour using ubuntu12:45
=== EchoBinary [n=EchoBina@c-68-48-14-16.hsd1.dc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
radioaktivstormmnoir, yeah the virtual domain how would i do that? and could he still have access to all the stuff for apache12:45
madcheezethen the cmd is sudo ifconfig eth1 up12:45
zYetle: i have java sdk.bin and i think they said it comes with a compiler12:45
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moocowmoocowmooPommie: I just can't get it to run this script... I asked if it was a problem in 6.10 because someone responded on the forum that they couldn't get theres to work in 6.1012:45
ricky1234567890What should I do:(12:45
mnoirradioaktivstorm: if by stuff, you mean all the facilities of the web server, yes12:46
Pommiemoocowmoocowmoo : What entry did you put into the /etc/crontab file?12:46
madcheezepillowmintz: see if that brings it up12:46
zYei can install the bin in terminal, but i cant do anything with it12:46
tuskerninisoundray, no luck... aahh!!!12:46
mcphailmoocowmoocowmoo: have you put your $PATH at the top of your crontab entry?12:46
Pommiemoocowmoocowmoo : (or whichever period cron.weekly, etc)12:46
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EchoBinaryi recently upgraded my kernel to, and my xorg broke - it is because it uninstalled my nvidia-glx12:46
soundraytuskernini: maybe it's a printer memory issue?12:46
TLEzYe: Java is in the repositories now. Just enable alle the repo's and install it with synaptic or apt-get12:46
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mnoirradioaktivstorm: i suggest you pm me - this is going to get a little long for maybe 5 min....12:46
moocowmoocowmooPommie: 30 * * * * root sh /usr/bin/backup12:46
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EchoBinaryhow can i reinstall nvidia-glx?12:46
tuskerninisoundray, no clue... works on the win laptop..12:47
mcphailmoocowmoocowmoo: i always put a PATH=whatever at the top of root's crontab12:47
pillowmintzmadcheeze: it brought up this (http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/3712/terminalag0.png)12:47
TLEzYe: make sure you uninstall anything you have installed manually12:47
moocowmoocowmoomcphail: This is at the top of my /etc/crontab file PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin12:47
Pommiemoocowmoocowmoo : Shouldn't have to have the 'sh' there.12:47
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ricky1234567890WHen I try to connect to a network it doesnt connect12:47
EchoBinary..anyone..  anyone? :)12:47
riotkittieuh. anyone know off hand if its possible to check battery level from the CLI ? :P and if so, how ?12:47
moocowmoocowmooPommie: I've tried without the sh too... didn't work so someone suggested I try that12:47
zYewhats the program called12:47
Pommiemoocowmoocowmoo : Also, check the ownership of the script, make sure it's owned by root12:47
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TLEzYe: 2 sec12:48
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moocowmoocowmooPommie: This is probably newbie to ask but what's the command for that?12:48
Pommiechown 0.0 /usr/bin/backup12:48
madcheezeok, now you have to enable that in networking12:48
Pommiemoocowmoocowmoo: chown 0.0 /usr/bin/backup12:49
mnoirPommie: good perms12:49
EchoBinaryanyone know how to reinstall nvidia-glx after an ubuntu kernel update? or how to rollback a kernel?12:49
ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents12:49
TLEzYe: sun-java5-jdk12:49
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TLE!java > zYe12:49
Pommiemnoir : ownership, not perms. Heh. :)12:49
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moocowmoocowmooPommie: I ran ls -l on it and it says root12:49
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ricky1234567890i cant get my broadcom wireless working12:50
mnoirPommie: sorry - forgot 0.0 is such a good name :)12:50
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Pommiemnoir : heheh12:50
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soundray!wireless | ricky123456789012:50
uboturicky1234567890: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:50
mcphailmoocowmoocowmoo: did you edit the crontab entry with "sudo crontab -e -u root"?12:50
mnoirradioaktivstorm: you fall in??12:50
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kleberhello eveybody, is there anyone could help me with my keyboard ? it is an ABNT2 portuguese-br, the only problem are the keys pipe/left slash and "close {["12:50
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kleberany help ?12:50
mnoiri suggested pm to continue?12:51
moocowmoocowmoomcphail: I did without "-u" and "root"12:51
madcheezekleber: sorry, i dont know anything about it12:51
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Pommiemcphail : If you're editing the file under sudo, you don't really need to pretend to edit it as root. :-P12:51
moocowmoocowmoomcphail: Just did sudo crontab -e12:51
mcphailmoocowmoocowmoo: i think crontab sometimes gets confused without adding that12:51
klebermadcheeze: thanks..12:51
mnoirkleber: you might have better luck in #ubuntu-br for this :)12:51
mcphailPommie: not true for crontab. It sometimes uses the users UID12:52
moocowmoocowmooI'll try that12:52
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Pommiemcphail : More true if you're non-root, not so much as root.12:52
Mazinhow do I reconfigure X?12:52
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pillowmintzwow stupid irc12:52
pillowmintzmadcheeze still here to help?12:52
Pommiemcphail : Then again, i edit with VI, not the crontab command. ;)12:52
madcheezepillowmintz: go into system, networking, then enable the wireless12:52
klebermnoir: I tried but the people there dont help me today... better lucky next time...12:53
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pillowmintzit is enabled12:53
mcphailPommie: i edit with VI, using the crontab command ;p12:53
mnoirkleber: sorry - i do not know12:53
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madcheezepillowmintz: did you save it?12:53
pillowmintzim not sure12:53
ricky1234567890please I need help12:53
klebermnoir, no problem, thanks12:53
Pommiemcphail : Conformist. :-P12:53
madcheezepillowmintz: you have to, and give it a second to take it12:53
ricky1234567890I cant get my broadcom wireless card working12:53
mnoirkleber: us pl are often ignorant of international issues :)12:53
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moocowmoocowmoomcphail: Ok sudo crontab -l now shows: 55 * * * * /usr/bin/backup12:54
soundrayricky1234567890: you need to say which instructions you followed, and how it failed.12:54
pillowmintzricky: if you hold on a second, ill give you the link to where mine worked.12:54
moocowmoocowmooSo it would run in one minute if its going to run12:54
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klebermnoir: :-)12:54
unvs_i set up courier-imapd and everything worked just peachy, i could telnet in from my local network just fine - then i rebooted and now it only allows connects from localhost/ .. any idea what this could be?12:54
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ricky1234567890I followed th one on the forums12:54
=== mcphail crosses fingers
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pillowmintzmadcheeze: i hit save and apply12:54
ricky1234567890I can get the url if you need it12:54
madcheezepillowmintz: you should be good then12:54
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moocowmoocowmooI feel so stupid to have to mess with this so long12:55
pillowmintzis there a way i can check?12:55
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madcheezewhat exactly do you want to check?12:55
tim167what's the command to show a file's creation and acces dates ?12:55
madcheezepillowmintz: what exactly do you want to check?12:55
moocowmoocowmooBeen two days already I've been trying to get this crontab to run12:55
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pillowmintzmadcheeze: if theres a connection or not..12:55
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EchoBinaryi try ti apt-get nvidia-glx and unmet dependency nvidia-kernel-1.0.9629 ends up having no instalation canidate12:55
pillowmintzmadcheeze: that if i unplug this cord, its going to work...12:55
ricky1234567890http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1071920&mode=linear that is the URL I Followed12:55
AngryElfI know this is lame -- but how can I make my panel icons "zoom" like OSX?12:56
madcheezepillowmintz: take a chance... it should if it says its up, its up12:56
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madcheezepillowmintz: if not, just plug it back in12:56
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pillowmintzmadcheeze: when i do iwconfig it says IEEE 802.11g ESSID: off/any12:56
moocowmoocowmooAngryElf: Try gdesklets12:56
pillowmintzis that supposed to be like that?12:56
Pommiemoocowmoocowmoo : Well, as mcphail has pointed out... he/you use the actual crontab command to edit a root crontab. I never do that for root, only regular users.12:56
madcheezethe essid has to be the network name you have12:56
pillowmintzmadcheeze: how can i set it?12:56
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moocowmoocowmooPommie: I've also tried editting /etc/crontab with gedit12:57
guibrownPor favor, me desculpem a indiscrio, mas qual  o canal brasileiro de Ubuntu na Freenode ?12:57
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madcheezethe essid is the network name in your networking12:57
pillowmintzmy router name correct?12:57
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soundraytim167: just finding out...12:57
mcphailmoocowmoocowmoo: did it not run?12:57
Pommiemoocowmoocowmoo : So you've tried "sudo gedit /etc/crontab" ?12:57
moocowmoocowmooPommie: Yes12:57
madcheezepillowmintz: no the actual network name12:58
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guibrownI'm sorry, but what is the Ubuntu Brazilian Chanel in Freenode ?!?12:58
madcheezepillowmintz: mine is HVFW712:58
moocowmoocowmoomchpail: Nope it didn't :(12:58
pillowmintzmadcheeze: how do i figure that out?12:58
Pommiemoocowmoocowmoo : Restart the daemon. sudo /etc/init.d/cron restart12:58
mcphailmoocowmoocowmoo: did root get any mail with an error message?12:58
madcheezewhen you type in iwlist eth1 scan it should show you the available wireless networks12:59
soundraytim167: 'ls -lt --time=atime' for access time. Replace atime with access, use, ctime or status12:59
pillowmintzeth1    no scan results12:59
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EchoBinaryanyone know how to reinstall nvidia-glx after an ubuntu kernel update? or how to rollback a kernel?12:59
EchoBinaryi try ti apt-get nvidia-glx and unmet dependency nvidia-kernel-1.0.9629 ends up having no instalation canidate12:59
moocowmoocowmoomcphail: How do I check root's mail?12:59
soundraytim167: confirm with 'man ls'12:59
madcheezepillowmintz: did you hide your essid?12:59
kazukaI just changed my monitor from CRT to LCD. I have a agp vga video card and using DVI to vga. when I run windows for a while my system seems to crash. it has been crashing since I have been using the LCD display12:59
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pillowmintzmadcheeze: idk?   what do you mean?12:59
moocowmoocowmooPommie: Ok restarted it12:59
tim167soundray thanks, now i need to find all files of about the same date, is that possible ?01:00
moocowmoocowmoosudo cat /etc/crontab01:00
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Pommie!ati | EchoBinary01:00
madcheezepillowmintz: did you use wep or the option to hide your essid in the router?01:00
ubotuEchoBinary: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:00
pillowmintzmadcheeze: i have a wep key01:00
vorboteguibrown: try #ubuntu-br01:00
soundraytim167: yes, with find01:00
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charlesg3what's the actual program that loads the getty's? something which needs to be loaded during boot01:00
madcheezepillowmintz: you arent picking up a wireless signal then, and its probably because you are not broadcasting your network name01:00
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pillowmintzmadcheeze: so if i delete the wep key it should work, yes?01:01
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madcheezepillowmintz: im not sure how to configure wep with ubuntu, and finding the essid should be as easy as looking in your router and getting the network name01:01
camerongcan anyone here help me get my sound working? ive installed ubuntu latest version and its not makin any noise.. i already tried the most common solution (unmuting)01:01
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fr0stedhello. when i close a TV app on kubuntu (tried kdetv and mythtv in both happens the same) , although the proccess of kdetv is closing the sound of the tuner still continue to play. I am not sure but i noticed that this is happening when i am opening also some other application that uses sound, like Mplayer for example.01:01
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moocowmoocowmoochown 0.0 /usr/bin/backup01:01
fr0stedThe problem is not just there only. when i open proccess table of kde, the table doesnt show any entry and at the bottom i see: 8888888 Processes , Memory: 8888888 , Swap: 8888888 and so on, that happens after the effect of the sound. Neither does the ps -x command work, only top shows me some results. When trying to open kdetv again after that problem i get the message on gui: Unable to grab video . Video display is not possible with the curre01:01
fr0stednt plugin configuration (although i am always runing V4L2 . The point is that i am using v4l2 normaly.01:01
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odlahow do i make fonts for firefox for the installed version look like they do on the livecd?01:02
lolcanocan anyone answer a question for me?01:02
soundraytim167: you can specify an age range. Try e.g. "find $HOME -mtime +2 -mtime -4 | xargs ls -l'01:02
fr0sted now, i did try to run kdetv from console and saw a specific error that i guess it could help. kdetv: WARNING: KXvDevice::init(): Unable to grab Xv port.01:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about essid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:02
compsmanmy sound wont work any more01:02
Pommiecharlesg3 : You mean inittab ?01:02
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:02
Flannelfr0sted: you might get better results in #kubuntu01:02
camerongcan anyone help me with my sound?01:02
tim167soundray: perfect! thanks !01:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about inittab - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:02
charlesg3Pommie, yes thanks, I was blanking01:02
riotkittiecamerong: i am useless when it comes to hardware issues, but ... when you type lspci at a prompt, does the card show?01:02
lolcanoCan anyone tell me if ubuntu plays nicely with macs?01:03
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mcphailmoocowmoocowmoo: have you put a blank line at the end of your crontab?01:03
tim167soundray man find is quite a long read :-p01:03
user-landHello, from time to time Xorg starts to eat up all CPU.01:03
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soundraytim167: commensurate with its power ;)01:03
lolcanoCan anyone tell me if ubuntu plays nicely with macs?01:03
moocowmoocowmoomcphail: In crontab -e?01:03
camerongriotkittie: high definition audio controller. thanks anyways i gtg..01:03
soundraylolcano: don't repeat pls01:03
user-landUntil now that stopped when i quit Firefox.01:03
soundraylolcano: at least not at this rate01:03
user-landBut now it persists.01:03
mcphailmoocowmoocowmoo: in whatever way you created it?01:03
lolcanosoundray, well I need an answer...01:04
madcheezepillowmintz: did you figure out the router?01:04
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user-landDo you see that happening too and is there anything i can do short of log-out ?01:04
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moocowmoocowmoomcphail: No blank line01:04
pillowmintzmadcheeze: no im not sure what im looking for.  the id of the router is "queenie" -- is that what you mean?01:04
EchoBinaryubotu: id did not work01:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about id did not work - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:04
mcphailmoocowmoocowmoo: insert one01:04
EchoBinaryoh - heh01:04
madcheezepillowmintz: no, the name of the network is broadcast wirelessly so you have to find the network name01:04
riotkittieuser-land: is it Xorg itself or something in Xorg  ?01:04
soundraylolcano: older Macs work with the ppc architecture, Intel ones can be made to work with bootcamp in principle, but ymmv.01:04
soundraylolcano: there are some installation reports on the web.01:05
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mcphailmoocowmoocowmoo: i have just been reading the "BUGS" section of the manpage...01:05
madcheezepillowmintz: most times, with windows, the pc will label it windows, or home. i configured mine... so mine is personal01:05
lolcanoi don't mean ubuntu ON a mac, i mean will it work in a network, because SuSe, for instance, is not recognizing (or being recognized by) my mac01:05
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pillowmintzmadcheeze: ok. how can i find out mine? do i need to go into the router admin panel?01:06
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lolcanoas in, i have a mac and ubuntu machine on my network... will they be able to communicate easily01:06
moocowmoocowmoomcphail: Ahhh I see what you're looking at... maybe that'll do it01:06
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madcheezepillow im not sure, maybe mnoir knows how to find that one out... i dont know the cmd01:06
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Pommielolcano : Perhaps better than a Windows on the same network. A Mac is UNIX based.01:06
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user-landriotkittie: 4269 root      25   0  359m  44m  11m R 74.6  4.4   1076:58 Xorg01:07
soundraylolcano: Mac OS X can share files and mount remote directories via CIFS, so it can access a samba server.01:07
pillowmintzmnoir here to help me? =] 01:07
madcheezepillowmintz: i think he just left01:07
lolcanothanks, because for some reason, SuSe isn't recognizing it...01:07
zYeTLE: i did install the java pack from the repo01:07
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madcheezepillowmintz: give me a minute, i will look it up01:07
zYebut how do i access the compiler i dont see it anywhere01:07
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bruenig!info sun-java5-jdk01:08
prags2626anybody know of a good open source application variant of Microsoft Visio that does Flowchart's, Diagrams, etc.. ?01:08
ubotusun-java5-jdk: Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 5.0. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.0-08-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 4918 kB, installed size 11412 kB01:08
pillowmintzmadcheeze: ok thanks for the help - i appreciate it.01:08
jonahi'm trying to get darkice working but i don't know what my alsa device is (hw:0,0?) how do i figure it out?01:08
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madcheezepillowmintz: here is what mine brought up01:09
madcheezepillowmintz: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1886/01:09
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mzuverinkIn gdm, session chooser I have a entry for foo.  What do I need to edit to remove that offending entry?01:09
zYebruenig that dosnt really explain anything to me01:09
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bruenigzYe, actually I just tuned in, didn't you say you needed the jdk?01:10
moocowmoocowmooHow do I check root's email?01:10
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soundrayprags2626: not off the top of my head, but check this out:01:10
soundray!equivalent | prags262601:10
ubotuprags2626: A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant01:10
zYeno i have everything01:10
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prags2626great thanks !!!! :)01:10
TLEzYe: if you have installed the jdk package the compiler should be at the commandline as "javac"01:10
zYebut i downloaded the java jdk demo pack thing01:10
madcheezecan someone tell me the command to get the essid of the networks around me?01:10
bruenigzYe, javac then right?01:10
mcphailmoocowmoocowmoo: put a line "MAILTO=yourusername" at the top of root's crontab entry01:10
trinitrogenWhats the best way to burn .img files?01:11
zYelemme see01:11
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pillowmintzmadcheeze: my iwlist eth1 scan isnt returning any results ...01:11
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zYeoh my01:11
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madcheezepillowmintz: im wondering if you actually enabled the wireless, did you check the little box to the left of the network and let it enable?01:11
soundrayprags2626: I think you'll be disappointed, though. It's not a strong area for Linux.01:11
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stacey23fWhen I try to use wlanconf to reconfigure my Atheros based WLAN card, I get "command not found."   Is this file contained within a package that I may be missing?  or is it simply just not in my path?01:11
deafboyanyone playin BC WoW?01:11
zYeso the compiler is the terminal?01:11
zYeits not a gui?01:12
pillowmintzmadcheeze: yes i did.  ill screenshot what my network box looks like?01:12
bruenigzYe, it is command line01:12
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FlannelzYe: correct.  Why would you need a GUI to compile?01:12
madcheezepillowmintz: yea do so...01:12
mcphailmoocowmoocowmoo: ...or add the line root: youruser to /etc/aliases01:12
soundraytrinitrogen: probably with k3b01:12
zYebecause im from windows01:12
deafboyanyone playin bc world of warcraft with wine?01:12
bruenigtrinitrogen, is it cd or dvd?01:12
prags2626soundray, yeah, i thought so01:12
zYeand this stuff is really new to me01:12
prags2626soundray, i'm sure theyll work on it :)01:12
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soundray!burn | trinitrogen01:12
ubotutrinitrogen: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto01:12
zYeplus the programming world is new to me01:12
wiseelbenon gnome, is there any way to make the panels overlayable (not a word i know) by windows?01:12
FlannelzYe: even in windows, java programs aren't compiled in a GUI, javac is the same both places ;)01:12
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TLEzYe: but you can install anyone of like a dusin different GUI based development evvironments, but for that you'll have to ask somebody else, because I don't really know the names of them01:12
shriphanierm people can i install debian and ask it to use my ubuntu home dir. ?01:13
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mcphailmoocowmoocowmoo: i take it it didn't work?01:13
moocowmoocowmoomcphail: Okay and how do I check the mail?01:13
soundrayprags2626: it's not something that engages the typical free software hacker's mind01:13
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bruenig!1337 | wiseelben01:13
ubotuwiseelben: 1337 i5 nigh-inc0mpr3h3n5ib13 70 u5 n00bs, 4nd n0b0dy c4r35 if UR 4 1337 h4x0r. Giv3 i7 4 r357.01:13
mcphailmoocowmoocowmoo: use the "mail" command if it is installed.01:13
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prags2626not bad actually01:13
moocowmoocowmoomcphail: Putting  and extra space after didn't work it looks like01:13
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prags2626i found quite a few01:13
prags2626already some screen shots are impressing me :)01:13
wiseelben!wireless | ubotu01:13
ubotuubotu: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:13
pillowmintzmadcheeze: http://img483.imageshack.us/img483/5529/networksettingsnu9.png01:13
mzuverinkediting the gdm session options anyone?01:14
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wweaselCLI question: I'd like to run the command "file *" recursively in a directory. How would I do this?01:14
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madcheezepillowmintz: hmmmm01:14
soundraywweasel: 'find /path/dir -type f -print0 | xargs -0 file'01:15
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moocowmoocowmooNo mail command01:15
nimmjoin #linux.conf.au01:15
mcphailmoocowmoocowmoo: i'd also try removing the "sh" in the command01:15
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mcphail!info mailx | moocowmoocowmoo01:15
ubotumailx: A simple mail user agent. In component main, is optional. Version 1:8.1.2-0.20050715cvs-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 149 kB, installed size 288 kB01:15
jvaihey ppl.01:15
wweaselsoundray: Interesting, thanks. Would you mind running me through what that is doing, so I understand?01:16
sapagei have a problem whenever i restart ubuntu xserver fails to restart and the only way i can find to get the gui back is to reinstall Nvidia drivers01:16
madcheezepillowmintz: iwgetid01:16
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pillowmintzmadcheeze: didnt return anything01:16
madcheezemine did... so your hardware isnt configured01:16
soundraywweasel: 'find' takes the directory as the first parameters. You're only interested in proper files (not directories or links), that's what the -type f is for.01:16
pillowmintzmadcheeze: you know how to fix?01:16
madcheezepillowmintz: im running out of expertise...01:17
soundraywweasel: -print0 makes find write the found filenames to stdout with a \0 character to separate the entries.01:17
madcheezepillowmintz: under system, then device manager, do you see your wireless card?01:17
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pillowmintzmadcheeze: yes01:17
soundraywweasel: xargs -0 processes find's stdout and feeds it to the file command. Easy!01:17
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madcheezepillowmintz: type in iwconfig01:18
pillowmintzmadcheeze: eth1 brings up results01:18
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madcheezewhat does it bring up?01:18
madcheezescreen shot01:18
madcheezeor pastebin01:18
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soundraywweasel: the -print0 and -0 arguments are useful if you have files with spaces in their names. Those would cause errors otherwise.01:18
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wweaselsoundray: That's really interesting. Thanks so much01:19
ubotuhercules: System/370, ESA/390 and z/Architecture Emulator. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.03.1-1 (edgy), package size 2210 kB, installed size 7732 kB01:19
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eriscohercules... ATI... no relation?01:19
mzuverinkanyone know where the dm logins store the config files for what type of sessions are available, ie gnome kde etc?01:19
jewbileeHey, I installed XGL but I cant seem to figurer out how to bring up the cube view?01:19
pillowmintzmadcheeze: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1888/01:19
bruenig!xgl | jewbilee01:19
ubotujewbilee: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems01:19
_Spire_jewbilee: Ctrl Alt Left or Right01:20
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jewbilee_Spire_: all that does is switch to the next workspace like normal01:20
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moocowmoocowmoomcphail: Okay got mailx, put MAILTO in both crontab files, removed sh from all entries01:20
deafboy_anyone bc wow?01:20
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soundraywweasel: yw01:20
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madcheezepillowmintz: its not seeing your essid01:21
mcphailmoocowmoocowmoo: ...and?01:21
pillowmintzmadcheeze: i figured that ... but idk how to get my essid ... should i take the wep key off my wireless? then try it?01:21
pillowmintzmadcheeze: maybe the wep key is hiding my essid?01:21
madcheezepillowmintz: yes01:21
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sapagei have a problem whenever i restart ubuntu xorg fails to restart and the only way i can find to get the gui back is to reinstall Nvidia drivers01:22
moocowmoocowmoomcphail: Looks like it ran SOMETHING because I have a file called ziZbnCdw in the folder that the backup was supposed to be placed in01:22
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moocowmoocowmoomcphail: No mail though01:22
jewbileeI get the following error when trying to run XGL: gnome-window-decorator, Failed to load shadow images01:22
jewbileeian@ian-laptop:~$ compiz.real: No composite extension01:22
leafwdo I have to tell xorg which driver to use, or in having both the nv and the binary nvidia, will it choose one by default? I'd like it to use the binary, for hardware acceleration01:23
Flanneljewbilee: #ubuntu-xgl for xgl support, thanks01:23
pillowmintzmadcheeze: how do i disable the wep key?  when i just clear the field its giving me an error.01:23
jewbileeah, Sorry01:23
soundraysapage: try adding 'nvidia' on a line by itself to /etc/modules01:23
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katabaticmaybe disable encryption01:23
mcphailmoocowmoocowmoo: try adding a crontab entry with the command being: echo "did this work?"01:23
madcheezepillowmintz: you have to disable it in the router, then save it01:24
sapagedo i need the ''?01:24
soundraysapage: no01:24
moocowmoocowmoomcphail: With quotation marks?01:24
sapageok ta01:24
mcphailmoocowmoocowmoo: yes, that will be fine01:25
sapagei will give that a go01:25
madcheezepillowmintz: check this out...01:25
madcheezepillowmintz: http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/pub/a/linux/2005/11/17/ubuntu_laptop.html?page=301:25
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mcphailmoocowmoocowmoo: if it works, the text within the quotes should get mailed to you01:25
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moocowmoocowmoomcphail: Ok should run in two minutes01:25
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axa-axaMy ubuntu system won't start gmd automatically like before, and it always starts in terminal mode so I have to manually type `sudo gdm` which starts gdm without problem.01:26
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pillowmintzmadcheeze: my fn+f2 is print so that wont work.01:26
pillowmintzmadcheeze: and i disabled the wep key01:26
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soundrayaxa-axa: try 'sudo update-rc.d gdm defaults'01:27
jvaiquestion: is most of the problems ask of in here today of edgy?01:27
jewbileeFlannel: no one is speaking in #ubuntu-xgl01:27
soundrayjvai: yes, I reckon about two thirds or more01:27
axa-axasoundray: Tried and this is report: System startup links for /etc/init.d/gdm already exist.01:27
madcheezepillowmintz: k01:27
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madcheezepillowmintz: did you turn on the essid broadcast?01:28
pillowmintzmadcheeze: it was already on01:28
jvaioo ok ty soundray01:28
riyonukI cant seem to find Dejavu sans normal anywhere, where are they?01:28
madcheezepillowmintz: now, iwconfig01:28
moocowmoocowmoomcphail: Got this in syslog: postfix/sendmail[2638] : fatal: open /etc/postfix/main.cf: No such file or directory01:28
axa-axasoundray: `ls -l /etc/rc2.d/|grep gdm` reports: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  13 2007-01-16 01:29 S13gdm -> ../init.d/gdm01:28
soundrayaxa-axa: does /etc/init.d/gdm exist?01:28
jvaiedgy is bleeding edge still01:28
pillowmintzmadcheeze: ok - same information came up as before.01:28
axa-axasoundray: yes01:28
soundrayjvai: no, I don't think that's a valid conclusion01:29
axa-axasoundray: it exists01:29
mcphailmoocowmoocowmoo: that's progress!01:29
jvailol i feel u @ soundray01:29
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moocowmoocowmoomcphail: lol01:29
madcheezepillowmintz: put in sudo ifconfig eth1 up01:29
madcheezethen iwconfig01:29
mcphailmoocowmoocowmoo: system mail isn't set up correctly, but cron seems to be working01:29
pillowmintzmadcheeze: same.01:30
madcheezepillowmintz: did you change your essid info in networking01:30
pillowmintzmadcheeze: unless you told me to - no.01:30
mcphailmoocowmoocowmoo: try a new crontab entry with: echo "this should write to a file" > /home/youruser/crontest01:30
soundrayaxa-axa: when you start up and get to the console, does 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start' bring up gdm?01:30
moocowmoocowmoomcphail: I see lots of entries like this in syslog too: /USR/SBIN/CRON[2741] : (root) CMD (/usr/bin/backup)01:30
madcheezepillowmintz: k, delete the essid info in the wireless section of your networking01:30
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pillowmintzmadcheeze: k i also deleted the password portion :P01:31
moocowmoocowmoomcphail: Doesn't that mean cron executed /usr/bin/backup ?01:31
mcphailmoocowmoocowmoo: i think the fault is with your backup script, rather than cron01:31
madcheezepillowmintz: so, did you save it?01:31
axa-axasoundray: I havent tried exactly that, I just typed `sudo gdm`01:31
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soundrayjvai: I think edgy users are more likely to seek help through IRC than dapper users.01:31
pillowmintzmadcheeze: i always forget >.<01:31
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axa-axasoundray: can I check that without interrapting01:31
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mcphailmoocowmoocowmoo: try the crontab entry above. That will tell you for sure whether cron is working01:31
axa-axasoundray: ?01:31
soundrayaxa-axa: sure01:32
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Daishiso i tried upgrading to ubuntu feisty but now i get libboost-date-time-dev: Depends: libboost-dev (= 1.33.1-9ubuntu2) but 1.33.1-7ubuntu1 is installed and a few others like that01:32
moocowmoocowmoomcphail: But when I run it from the terminal it does what it's supposed to... why would it run differently from cron?01:32
Daishiapt-get -f install doesnt help01:32
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Daishihow do i fix this?01:32
madcheezepillowmintz: after save, make sure your wireless card switch is on if you have one, then type in iwconfig01:32
mcphailmoocowmoocowmoo: depends on the script...01:32
pillowmintzmadcheeze: k01:32
FaithX_Hi guys.  I have an AMD64x2 4200 running 6.10 Ubuntu.  When I install the debs and reboot to the Xen0 kernel.  It seems to segfault (or something) in a different place just about everytime I boot.  I actually made it to a login prompt once.  I don't know even what to think about it.  Where should I begin to troubleshoot it?01:32
axa-axasoundray: I mean how can I check if it's working withous going back :) Can try it from where I am (Gnome) now?01:32
soundrayaxa-axa: stop your X server and try the other command from the console.01:32
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mcphailmoocowmoocowmoo: perhaps pastebin the script?01:33
soundrayaxa-axa: no, that's not going to be a meaningful test01:33
madcheezepillowmintz: you may need to reboot im not sure...01:33
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axa-axasoundray: Ok, how can I stop X server?01:33
soundrayaxa-axa: System-Quit-Logout or Ctrl-Alt-Backspace01:33
moocowmoocowmoomcphail: ok one second, thanks for your patience by the way01:33
pillowmintzmadcheeze: erm.. should i keep th essid in the properties?01:33
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pillowmintzmadcheeze: or no?01:33
riyonukI cant seem to find Dejavu sans normal anywhere, where are they?01:34
madcheezepillowmintz: no...01:34
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Tuxi have a question01:34
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Daishioo i guess dpkg --remove?01:34
pillowmintzmadcheeze: ok so in the network settings it says this network interface is not configured ... that how u want it?01:34
deafboyanyone running bc wow on wine?01:34
Tuxdoes anyone know how to record mouse clicks/movements?01:34
madcheezeTux go ahead01:34
soundray!ttf-dejavu | riyonuk01:34
ubotuttf-dejavu: Bitstream Vera fonts with additional characters. In component main, is optional. Version 2.7-2 (edgy), package size 2979 kB, installed size 5696 kB01:34
TuxSo you can replay it back repeated movements?01:35
madcheezepillowmintz: yep01:35
pillowmintzmadcheeze: ok now what?01:35
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madcheezenow, iwconfig01:35
pillowmintzk says same things01:35
pillowmintzi believe01:35
madcheezeso, its not picking up your wireless?01:35
jvaiquestion: is 3d desktop in dapper's repos like beryl?01:35
moocowmoocowmoomcphail: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1889/01:35
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madcheezepillowmintz: sounds like its not picking up your wireless signal01:35
pillowmintzmadcheeze: i guess not?01:35
soundray!instanbul | Tux01:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about instanbul - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:35
soundray!istanbul | Tux01:35
ubotuistanbul: Desktop session recorder. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.1-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 47 kB, installed size 380 kB01:36
riyonuksoundray, I have those isntalled, Im looking for just normal Sans01:36
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pillowmintzmadcheeze: well .. the wireless is there.  i know that for a fact.01:36
axa-axasoundray: Tried what you proposed with `sudo /etc/init.d/gdm` it first reported {start|stop|reload... but then started normaly01:36
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madcheezepillowmintz: one of two things are happening, either the wireless card isnt configured correctly, or the router isnt sending the info. i wouldnt guess its the router...01:37
soundrayaxa-axa: if you look back, I did actually ask you to run 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start'01:37
axa-axasoundray: I forgot to say, I also have kubuntu-desktop installed. I've been using kdm and kde but then tried to revert to gdm and gnome01:37
madcheezepillowmintz: is it a pcmcia card or something?01:37
Delux_247quick question and its simple so im havintg a ahrd time finding it, how do i tell what kernel i have installed?  like it might be: linux-image-amd64-k8   but how do i tell what mine is?01:37
pillowmintzmadcheeze: ok... =[01:37
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pillowmintzmadcheeze: idk... how to check?01:37
axa-axasoundray: yes, but it started even wihtout "start" argument01:37
soundrayaxa-axa: use 'dpkg-reconfigure gdm' when you want to switch display managers01:37
soundrayaxa-axa: yes, but you want to know what happens when you *do* pass the start argument, because that's what happens at boot.01:38
Tuxsoundray: does this just record screen shots?01:38
axa-axasoundray: should I try that now ? `sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm`01:38
madcheezepillowmintz: is the wireless a card in a notebook or is it built in or what?01:38
camerongcan anyone help me set up my "intel copr high definition audio controller" Please??01:38
pillowmintzmadcheeze: its built in inside the notebook ... compaq presario v200001:38
soundrayTux: no01:38
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Tuxsoundray: I have it installed01:38
barielis there any possibliity i can resize the extended partition?01:38
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camerongcan anyone help me set up my "intel copr high definition audio controller" Please??01:39
madcheezepillowmintz: hmmm... dumb question, is the wireless light on the notebook on?01:39
ToristCANNOT ssh -X user@host --> connection rejected because of wrong authentication. The application 'blah' lost its connection to the display :10.0; most likely the X server was shut down or you killed/destroyed the application.01:39
pillowmintzthe light is blinking01:39
madcheezepillowmintz: can you turn it on and off?01:39
mcphailmoocowmoocowmoo: samba shares are a bit beyond me, but i'd be 99% sure the script is at fault.01:39
madcheezepillowmintz: hmmm01:39
Tuxsoundray: it looks like a "fraps" program like on windows...01:39
pillowmintzmadcheeze: the light is blinking, then when i press the button, it turns off ... then when i press it again, the light begins to blink again.01:39
armadill0Are there VMware server packages for apt-get that I can use to install vmware server?  Or should I just use the normal vmware server install script?  THanks!01:39
madcheezepillowmintz: type in iwgetid01:40
Tuxsoundray: i don't want to see what i clicked, i want it to click it again for me01:40
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pillowmintzmadcheeze: no return value01:40
moocowmoocowmoomcphail: Yeah I think you're probably right... I wish I knew what to change to make it work01:40
deafboyanyone play wow?01:40
=== Pengo|Xchat [n=allan@39.136.dsl.mel.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
moocowmoocowmoomcphail: When I just execute it from the terminal it works all right01:40
Toristanyone know much about ssh errors in ubuntu?01:40
soundrayTux: oh, like a macro recorder. I don't know any of those.01:40
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camerongcan anyone help me set up my "intel copr high definition audio controller" Please?? i have no sound on my ubuntu install and im about to just go back to windows?01:40
Flannel!anyone | Torist01:40
ubotuTorist: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:40
madcheezepillowmintz: ok, either im missing something, or i dont know the answer to getting this to work... iwgetid gives you all the essids in the area..01:40
Tuxsoundray: yeah...01:40
Tuxanyone know of a macro recorder for ubuntu?01:41
ToristCANNOT ssh -X user@host --> connection rejected because of wrong authentication. The application 'blah' lost its connection to the display :10.0; most likely the X server was shut down or you killed/destroyed the application. I tried root and several users.01:41
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Flannel!soound | camerong, try these01:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about soound - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:41
Delux_247real quick: ubuntu, how do i tell what kernel i have installed   : this how to is asking: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia01:41
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin01:41
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madcheezepillowmintz: iwconfig gives you the info on your wireless setup01:41
Flannelcamerong: try those pages01:41
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pillowmintzmadcheeze: yes ... this isnt working for ma >.<01:41
moocowmoocowmoomcphail: Well thanks for the help anyway I appreciate it01:41
mcphailmoocowmoocowmoo: the script gives some output. If you add "> /home/myuser/logfile 2>&1" to the end of the crontab entry it will be send to a logfile01:41
madcheezepillowmintz: try that scan up command, only use down, then go back up with it again01:41
pillowmintzmadcheeze: do what?01:42
DaemonicQuick question guys.. how do I start dhcp on eth0 without having to download gnone-network-manager packages and such? I used to be able to "dhcpcd eth0" in another distro but I lack that in ubuntu.. anyone?01:42
madcheezepillowmintz: try iwlist01:42
mcphailmoocowmoocowmoo: that may give you some clues01:42
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I-kidois there a way to delete directories from gconf-editor?01:42
TheDebuggerDaemonic: dhclient3 eth001:42
cravIn amarok, is there any way to import my old iTunes library (for playcounts, playlists, etc)?01:42
helloyoany reason why my sound is all garbled in VisualBoyAdvance and the quake 4 demo?01:42
madcheezepillowmintz: try iwlist eth1 scan01:42
DaemonicTheDebugger: I tried that.. it just sits there with DHCPDISCOVER B.S. over and over.. it doesn't set the routes or anything.01:43
soundrayDaemonic: 'sudo ifup eth0'01:43
pillowmintzeth1 no scan results01:43
moocowmoocowmoowhat is the 2>&1 for?01:43
mcphailhelloyo: don't know about the VBadvance, but quake4 needs you to specify OSS as the sound driver01:43
soundrayDaemonic: it can't set the routes if the DHCP server doesn't respond...01:43
Ultimoocowmoocowmoo redirect standard error output to normal output01:43
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helloyomcphail: ah ok, thanks01:43
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moocowmoocowmooAh okay01:44
Ultimoocowmoocowmoo it's often used to stop anything coming up on screen and putting everything into a file01:44
madcheezepillowmintz: what was that pastebin again?01:44
Daemonicsoundray: it's wireless and the AP is there.. I set the channel, mode, essid and such with iwconfig but need to know how to get it to come up with dhcp after ifconfig eth0 up and iwconfig etc...01:44
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oragondoes anyone have 5 minutes of their time to answer wether i should dektop on my 3.2 mhz 1 gig server to a new comer ?01:44
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madcheezepillowmintz: let me look at it again01:44
FlannelTorist: is your drive full?01:44
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mcphailhelloyo: i start quake4 with "quake4 +set s_driver oss +set s_numberOfSpeakers 2"01:44
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jugheadwhat are you asking oragon ?01:45
helloyomcphail: i'll give it a go, thanks01:45
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soundrayDaemonic: check whether the AP is seen by the driver with 'sudo iwlist eth0 scan'01:45
madcheezepillowmintz: can you throw me that pastebin again?01:45
Daishican i make dpkg use glob expressions for specifying packages?01:45
oragonwell just installed ubuntu for the 2nd time with server setup guide and running ispconfig all is up and running nicely no glitches im aware of yet01:45
pillowmintzmadcheeze: ya h/o01:45
axa-axasoundray: I've just come to say that `sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm` did the job, because kdm was previously selected.01:46
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pillowmintzmadcheeze: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1892/01:46
Daemonicsoundray: it shows up fine under iwlist eth0 scan.. so all I need to do is "sudo ifup eth0" ?01:46
axa-axasoundray: thanks for effort.01:46
oragonbut seen a blank screen due to server set up is killing me i either install a desktop and discover more of this great OS or buy another pc to do it on01:46
soundrayaxa-axa: cool01:46
moocowmoocowmoomcphail: Omg the script just executed correctly I have no idea why01:46
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mcphailmoocowmoocowmoo: lol01:47
oragonlast atempt to install a desktop worked ok untill i decided to uninstall it and it removed ever server files like mysql01:47
soundrayDaemonic: no. It's already looking for a DHCP response, but the repeated DHCPDISCOVER messages indicate that none is coming in01:47
mcphailmoocowmoocowmoo: samba is black magic01:47
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moocowmoocowmoomcphail: That is totally weird... but in a good way of course01:47
soundrayDaemonic: I had that once with an immature driver (rt2570 I think)01:48
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oragonso sorta curious if i should install a desktop and which be the safest method of doing so without it interfiring with the server files01:48
sapagehow do you install alsa?01:48
madcheezepillowmintz: im wondering if you are not seeing the broadcast cause your router may need a reboot to take the changes.01:48
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cravIn amarok, is there any way to import my old iTunes library (for playcounts, playlists, etc)?01:48
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pillowmintzmadcheeze: heres a screenshot of my router settings - look over so they're not messed up ? (http://img483.imageshack.us/img483/183/routernj1.png)01:48
soundraysapage: fixed your X?01:48
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soundraysapage: well done01:48
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sapageit runs fine01:49
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sapagejust that i installed cedega and it faisl the alsa test01:49
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moocowmoocowmoomcphail: Thanks again.. now to make sure it runs consistently and I'll be set :D01:49
mcphailmoocowmoocowmoo: i'd explore backing up with rsync in the future. samba may be a little fragile for what you need01:49
soundraysapage: alsa is installed by default. You may have to sudo that cedega test command.01:49
abasinisvacantmy connection is lagging so badly01:49
madcheezepillowmintz: did the router say it was resetting after the changes?01:50
pillowmintzmadcheeze: it said i could use it after 30 seconds or something?01:50
sapagethis is the 32bit version since i am running 64bit ubuntu?01:50
pillowmintzmadcheeze: should i restart it?01:50
soundraysapage: I don't think cedega will work with 64bit (I could be wrong though)01:50
madcheezepillowmintz: to be honest, i am shooting in the dark now. i dont know why you arent seeing any networks, and i am not understanding why its not connecting. 8(01:51
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madcheezepillowmintz: my guess is that its not broadcasting the info.01:51
pillowmintzmadcheeze :'(  ok well ill try and restart it.01:51
sapageshould i reinstall 32 ubuntu?01:51
sapagesoundray: ?01:51
pillowmintzmadcheeze: brb.01:51
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madcheezeanyone else good with wireless?01:51
pokeysapage, i think you should be able to get it working you probably need the 32 bit sdl libs or something01:52
sapagei have it working01:52
madcheezesapage: what is it working on? laptop?01:52
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sapagejust alsa fails and horrible proformance01:52
sapageamd64 chip01:52
cameronghey guys whats a good way to test if my sound is working when i dont have any music on this computer???01:52
madcheezethanks sapage01:52
soundraysapage: if you can bear it, that may be the best option. amd64 is justified if you do a lot of numbercrunching or video recoding, but i386 will give you less trouble overall.01:52
pereskoRDP question: is it possible to copy a string between an ubuntu edgy and windows machine??01:53
sapageyer it does not worry me01:53
sapagejust thought i would use 64bit since i had one01:53
camerongwhat is a good way to test sound when u dont have any music files?01:53
sapagei might go reinstall now01:53
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soundrayperesko: try F801:53
jvaicamerong, *SYSTEM-PREFERENCES-SOUND* or try a game like same gmone01:54
Daishican someone tell me how to fix this error: E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.01:54
Daishiead: Unable to correct dependencies?01:54
pereskosoundray: is that copy/paste key ?01:54
soundrayperesko: no, it's the key that says F801:54
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Daishiim upgrading and cant figure it out01:54
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Daishigoogle turns up nearly nothing01:54
madcheezeanyone else good with wireless?01:54
madcheezejust need a little help01:54
madcheezemine works, im helping someone else01:55
Mr_Tsup mad01:55
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Mr_Tsup madcheeze*01:55
jvaicamerong, *SYSTEM-PREFERENCES-SOUND* or try a game like  gnometris01:55
pereskosoundray: :) i figured that out01:55
madcheezeMr_T: hey man, for some reason, i cant get someones wireless to show any essids or networks using iwgetid or iwconfig01:55
Mikeyhey everyone, i need to "install" mcs for bash, can anyone help?01:55
soundrayperesko: good, I could have sent you a photo otherwise ;)01:55
Mr_Twifi router set up properly01:56
GionnyBossI have changed the volume label for my 2nd hd, but Ubuntu keeps reading the old volume label and displays the old label in "Places", in the desktop and in Nautilus... why? can anybody help me, please?01:56
Mr_Tto allow access to everyone etc01:56
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cameronghey guys i found my drivers on the ALSA website and used sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel to load them without a problem.. but still no sound01:56
madcheezeMr_T: that was my first thought, but i got a screen shot and it all looks ok, she had her wep setup, so i had her disable it, and enable the broadcast, but i dont think the router reset. could that be it?01:56
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Mr_Tyeah, could try a router setup, does it also use MAC filtering?01:57
Daishicamerong: run alsamixer and make sure nothing is muted and sound is turned up (probably master and pcm volumes are of interest)01:57
soundrayMikey: Mono C# compiler?01:58
camerongdaishi: its all high up and unmuted01:58
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pillowmintzmadcheeze: didnt work =01:58
Mikeysoundray, sound like it, im trying to compile gaim2.0.0beta501:58
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Daishicamerong: hrm and alsa says it supports your sound card? does it work in other os's? (ie windows)01:58
pereskosoundray:photo would be helpfull :) what i basically want to do is copy text01:58
Tuxanyone know of a macro recorder for ubuntu?01:59
pereskosoundrar: between windows and ubuntu, via rdp01:59
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leafwwhy if I have a supported nvidia card, and the nv driver installed, glxinfo reports there is no direct rendering?01:59
soundrayperesko: from what I remember, F8 brings up a menu that contains entries for transferring the clipboard contents.01:59
madcheezepillowmintz: im not sure then, i have mr _t helping now..01:59
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camerongdashi: yes the speakers do01:59
pillowmintzmadcheeze: ok. just tell me what you need.02:00
madcheezeMr_T: can you help me out?02:00
camerongdaishi: my alsamixer has everything set to 100 and little "OO"'s below it02:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about macro - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:00
soundrayMikey: have you got the mono-mcs package installed?02:00
ubotumono-mcs: Mono C# compiler. In component main, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 988 kB, installed size 2948 kB02:00
arrenlexleafw: The nv driver is the free, opensource driver. It does not provide 3D acceleration. You'd need nvidia for that.02:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about uboto - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about macro - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:00
Daishicamerong: are they highlighted green?02:00
leafwarrenlex : ok, thanks02:00
Delux_247Error: unable to load nvidia kernel driver! Be sure to have installed02:00
Delux_247the nvidia driver for your running kernel.02:00
Delux_247so whats my running kernel, i do: uname -r02:00
soundrayTux, what's that task you want to automate?02:00
Delux_247is that right?02:00
Mikeysoundray, let me just do a quick apt-get and ill come back02:00
Daishioo nm02:00
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LjLUbotu, tell tux about bot | tux, see the private message from Ubotu02:00
madcheezeMr_T: can you help?02:00
arrenlex!NVIDIA | leafw02:00
ubotuleafw: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:00
camerongalthough there is nothing under the PCM one02:00
leafwarrenlex : if both the nv and the nvidia-glx (binary) are installed, which will xorg choose?02:00
camerongdaishi: yes02:00
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arrenlexleafw: Whichever is specified in /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:01
DARKGuyHi, does anybody know if the wings3d package is correct in the edgy eft repos? I get a segmentation fault :/02:01
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leafwarrenlex : ok, thanks02:01
pereskosoundray: i'm using rdesktop 1.4.1 and the F8 key brings up no menu02:01
Mr_Tmadcheeze, have you tried reseting it?02:01
LjL!xmacro | Tux02:01
ubotuxmacro: Record / Play keystrokes and mouse movements in X displays. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3pre-20000911-4 (edgy), package size 18 kB, installed size 96 kB02:01
Tuxsoundray: repeated mouse clicks02:01
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LjLUbotu, tell tux about packages | tux, see the private message from Ubotu02:01
soundrayperesko: okay, I don't know that client, sry02:01
danf_1979dpkg-buildpackage is not on the repos?02:01
madcheezeMr_T: yes, she did, her name is pillowmintz on here, can you see if you see something i dont?02:02
eric_I'm trying to get a Hercules card working with my computer.02:02
Tuxljl thanks02:02
camerongdaishi: it works suddenly.. sweeeeeeeeeeeeet02:02
camerongit just had to load the drivesr02:02
pereskosoundray: just kurious whiich client do u refer to?02:02
Daishicamerong: im not sure if i can be of anymore help...have you searched google? try stu.......02:02
camerongthanks a lto02:02
Daishicamerong: lol02:02
camerongdaishi nvm it worked haha02:02
soundrayperesko: vnc02:02
eric_is there a place I can search for drivers/02:02
Mr_Thmm, stupid question, sure it's in range?02:02
Daishimake sure to add whatever module it is to /etc/modules02:02
madcheezepillowmintz: sorry, not sure you are a her...02:02
Mr_T(I'm going for the basics now :s)02:02
Daishiso it autoloads on boot02:02
leafwarrenlex : so, Driver "nv"  ok, obvious, but nvidia-glx is also the name itself, or does it follow some code02:02
cravhow do i got mp3 playback on amarok?02:02
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pillowmintzMr_T - Im right next to the wireless box :P02:02
arrenlexleafw: Come again?02:02
leafwarrenlex: feeling a little clueless on this here :)02:02
altecmakim on a lan at home and was wondering how u chat in the terminal?02:02
Tuxljl: how do i run this?02:02
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Mr_Thehe k02:03
arrenlex!nvidia | leafw, follow this guide:02:03
ubotuleafw, follow this guide:: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:03
leafwok ok, I'm in it!02:03
leafwthanks arrenlex02:03
TuxLjL: how do i run xmacro in terminal?02:03
pereskoanyone? I'm looking for an rdp-client, which makes it possible to copy/paste text between ubuntu and windows02:03
Mr_Twhat make/model is the router?02:03
matt4magicI have trouble when apt-get installing eggdrop. What do I search for? I don't see where the files go and I cannot do a make install?02:04
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Slingi havea  simple question, if i plug in a monitor on my laptop, how can i turn on that one and only use it02:04
pillowmintzMr_T: it is a actiontec MI424WR02:04
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LjLTux: never used it, hold on02:04
arrenlexmatt4magic: If your question is, "I installed this package but can't find the program that was supposed to come with it", my answer is to use the command dpkg -L <packagename> to list all files in it. Look for something in /usr/bin02:04
vladuz976lpr gives me no default dest available. how do i set one ?02:04
abasinisvacantcan anyone hear me?02:05
Slingi havea  simple question, if i plug in a monitor on my laptop, how can i turn on that one and only use it02:05
matt4magicok thx02:05
pereskoSling: proberly fn key + f802:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about prophet - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:05
pillowmintzMr_T: Idk if this is relevant ... but when i type "iwconfig eth1 essid [name] " it says Error for wireless request "Set ESSID" (8B1A) :    SET faield on device eth1 ; Operation not permitted.02:05
Mikeysoundray, it appears to be compileing, thanks very much for your speedy answer, i really apretiate it02:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about drivers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:05
soundrayMikey: you're welcome02:05
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Slingon mines its fn and F4 but it doesn02:05
Slingt work02:05
Mr_Twell it's wlan002:05
ubotu3ddesktop: "Three-dimensional" desktop switcher. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.9-5.1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 74 kB, installed size 448 kB02:05
Mr_Tnot eth102:06
eric_the card I am trying to get a driver for is a hercules prophet 4000xt pci...any ideas? do I have any hope of finding something for this?02:06
pillowmintzMr_T: ... what do you mean?  wlan0 doesnt even come up if i do iwconfig02:06
Mr_Twhat about ifconfig02:06
pereskoSling: monitor plugged in laptop? power cord attached? monitor power on?02:06
pillowmintzno eth0/eth1/lo02:06
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Slingperesko yes yes and yes02:07
Mr_Tthat's weird02:07
Slingis there no way to do it like windows has it where you select which one to use?02:07
Mr_Tany other of the 935 people in here shed any light?02:07
pillowmintzi know i followed a few tutorials and maybe i disabled it or something?02:07
eric_does ubuntu have any support for the kyro chipset?02:07
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Mr_Tso what comes up under system>admin>networking02:08
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pillowmintzwireless connection | wired connection | modem connection02:08
madcheezeMr_T: i had her disable the networking during troubleshooting02:08
TuxLjL: anything?02:08
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cachi folks02:09
arrenlex!hi | cac02:10
ubotucac: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:10
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Tuxhey cac02:10
cacUbuntu people als02:10
soundrayTux: I don't know xmacro, but I'd look at the list of files in the package (dpkg -L xmacro) and at the docs in /usr/share/doc/xmacro02:10
cacalways so nice02:10
vladuz976lpr: Error - no default destination available.02:10
vladuz976what is the problem here please?02:10
madcheezeMr_T: did you catch what i said, i had her disable the networking section, she may need to set it back up02:10
vladuz976any help would be appreciated. can someone just point me to some help?02:11
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cacdo not ask for help02:11
cacask the question02:11
cacand we will help02:11
vladuz976cac: how do i set a default destination for a printer?02:12
arrenlex!enter | cac02:12
ubotucac: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:12
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eric_how do I find my kernel version?02:12
arrenlexeric_: uname -r02:12
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LjLTux: no, it's more complicated than i'd have expected... basically, i think you need *two* X servers running instead of one02:12
eric_okay so what I hear is kyro chipsets are NOT supported above the 2.4 kernel?02:12
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TuxLjL: ok.... so whats a server?02:13
vladuz976lpr returns "no default destination available" how do i set the default dest?02:13
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TuxLjL: is there any way to record a macro with one server?02:13
madcheezeMr_T: did you get my last?02:13
madcheezepillowmintz: you still around?02:13
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pillowmintzmadcheeze: yes02:13
soundrayTux: there must be a better way to solve your problem than recording mouseclicks.02:13
vladuz976i can print from applications but not from command line02:13
madcheezepillowmintz: did he get you straight?02:14
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pillowmintzmadcheeze: just as lost as before.02:14
pillowmintzmadcheeze: no02:14
madcheezepillowmintz: ok,02:14
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madcheezepillowmintz: recreate the wireless connection under system, and networking02:14
cacselect the printer you want to use02:14
TuxSoundray: Know any other ways to macro runescape? like re-writing auto-clickers from windoes?02:14
LjLTux: not one that i can seem to get to work... i think i can *replay* macros, though. but then you need to write the macro manually02:14
vladuz976cac: did with lpr -P printername02:14
cacin the system option select printers02:14
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pillowmintzmadcheeze: just reconfigure?02:15
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vladuz976cac: nothing is printing. but my question was, how can I set the default so i don't have to specify?02:15
madcheezepillowmintz: yep02:15
TuxLjL: when you say "you", do you mean you; LjL?02:15
soundrayTux: sry, I don't know what you mean by runescape02:15
cacfollow the steps02:15
Tuxsoundray: good02:15
LarkeyI have a problem with something called "/lib/ccp"  The error messages are as follows: "/lib/cpp" sanity check failed." "cpp: installation problem, cannot exec 'cc1plus': No such file or directory" Can anyone tell me what I need to do to fix this problem?02:15
Tuxsoundray: all i need is something that will record my mouse clicks (1 or 2) so i don't need to be at my computer02:15
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soundrayLarkey: 'sudo apt-get install build-essential' is my first guess02:16
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pillowmintzmadcheeze: ok i reconfigured02:16
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eric_can ubuntu 6.10 run on the 2.4 kernel?02:16
cacto use the printer you need, then on the printer icon press the right button of your mouse and choose "convert into predetermined"02:16
madcheezewhat are you getting when you type in iwconfig02:16
pillowmintzthe same thing i told u the last 4 times :P02:16
soundrayTux: what is that going to accomplish, though?02:16
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madcheezeok what about iwgetid02:17
Tuxsoundray: fun?02:17
josoriohola natacha!!02:17
Tuxsoundray: wealth?02:17
pillowmintzno return02:17
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild02:17
vladuz976cac: i don''t use gnome. so i don't have those menus02:17
Tuxsoundray: haha who cares, I need help with it02:17
LjLTux: i'm afraid i mean yourself :P unless you're using KDE and the same programs that i'm using and i can do the same thing you want to do on my computer ;) anyway, i'm still tinkering, maybe i can get it to work02:17
soundrayeric_: no02:17
TuxLjL thanks man02:17
cacfor KDE is the same02:17
Tuxor woman02:17
LjLman. restarting X to try something - back in a second02:17
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cacjust go to the printer menu02:18
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eric_soundray, thank you for the response! With that information, I guess I am looking for a way to get a kyro chipset to run on the 2,6 kernel. Something tells me I am between a rock and a hard place.02:18
cacchoose the printer you want02:18
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pillowmintzcac: do you know about wireless?02:18
madcheezepillowmintz: ok, im thinking your router isnt setup correctly.02:18
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pillowmintzmadcheeze: well it works in windows .. how isnt it setup properly?02:19
cacthen after the printer icon appears right click on it and choose predetermined printer opcion with the right click02:19
madcheezepillowmintz: um02:19
madcheezepillowmintz: im not sure02:19
eric_does anyone know where I can find information on the kyro chipset in general?.... does anyone have some knowledge about getting hercules cards to run?....02:19
soundrayeric_: yes, that's an adequate description of any kyro user's situation.02:19
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cacIt's the simplest thing to do. Configurate a printer...02:19
LjLTux: i've made it. you need to change a line in xorg.conf, though02:19
LjLTux: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf, and in Section "Module" add this line: Load "record"02:19
madcheezepillowmintz: i can tell you that you have to attach to it with the essid. if you arent able to even see the essid, then you have a hardware problem. its either the router, or the network card.02:20
=== Torist [n=linux@adsl-70-241-11-206.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
eric_soundray... is there ANY hope?02:20
soundrayeric_: can you not just go and buy an nvidia card for $20 ?02:20
pillowmintzmadcheeze: =\ well i fail at this ..02:20
madcheezepillowmintz: im not telling you that your hardware is broken, im telling you that the configuration isnt right02:20
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cacgo to this page:02:20
pillowmintzmadcheeze: =[02:20
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madcheezepillowmintz: dont give up,02:20
soundrayeric_: sorry, I know I'm not helping.02:20
LjLTux: then restart X. then, in a terminal, type "xmacrorec2 >some-filename-for-the-macro", then press Esc (or another button - it just tells the program what key is used to exit from it), and then use the keystrokes you want to record02:21
madcheezepillowmintz: let me think bout it02:21
madcheezepillowmintz: you gonna be on a while?02:21
cacyou can see step by step what you have to do...02:21
LjLTux: when you're finished, hit Esc or the key you've decided. to play it back again, use "xmacroplay <filename"02:21
pillowmintzmadcheeze: yes - i need to restart to do some things in windows - so ill be back on.02:21
cacto print using ubuntu02:21
pillowmintzmadcheeze: ok?02:21
SaturisationPHP-mysql problem: fatal_error : undefined mysql_connect, i have tried literally everything thinkable, can't get it to work, any help?02:21
cacwith either kde or gnome02:21
eric_soundray, I'll have to weigh options. I can see, although, that the kyro thing will never work because kyro is not writing new drivers... heh. By default it will never work. So I guess I will have to find out about a new graphics card. (I never liked hercules anyways)02:21
madcheezepillowmintz: ok, i will chat with ya a little later, dont give up, its something stupid we are missing02:21
madcheezesee ya02:21
pillowmintzmadcheeze: like ... ill just restart and load up irc and keep it minimized.02:21
LjLtux: actually, "xmacroplay :0 <filename"02:21
pillowmintzbye all02:22
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TuxLjL can u pm this to me? still on the first part lol02:22
eric_soundray, and you have been a help. Thanks. Have a good evening, night, morning, whatever suits your timezone.02:22
cacgood bye pillowmintz02:22
=== eegore [n=eegore@adsl-75-4-58-97.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
eegoredid the xen kernel get updated to work with the socket 939 multicore procs yet?02:22
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stapolsprintf(fpath, filename);02:22
stapolis that proper syntax?02:22
stapolfor the variable filename02:22
joshyubuntu strinkt02:22
joshyfuck salt02:22
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soundraySaturisation: it's German with a typo02:23
joshyfuck salt02:23
Saturisationgeen probleem :p02:23
PriceChild!language | joshy02:23
ubotujoshy: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:23
Saturisationi think it's dutch...02:23
joshyI'M NOT GERMAN02:23
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arrenlex!de | joshy02:23
soundrayjoshy: but you use German vocabulary, and your caps are locked.02:23
ubotujoshy: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de02:23
weiyanhelp ! after dist-upgrade last night , when i want to shutdown, the butten lost ,so i choose suspend (the only button ralated some how, bios disabled) ,,,,then can not boot again, what should i do ?02:23
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ
LarkeyWhen I type the command sudo apt-get install ruby irb rdoc to get the ruby development tools, I get the Error: "E: Couldn't find package irb"02:23
Saturisationwhy do you think ubuntu stinkt?02:23
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eegoreyou may not be German but I am Germy02:24
Saturisationsoundray, really, it's dutch...02:24
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eegoreLoaded with them, I eat my yogurt02:24
LjLit's a ban02:24
PriceChildLarkey, don't you want libruby or libruby1.9 then?02:24
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soundrayTot ziens everybody02:25
TuxLjL: I PMed you02:25
weiyanhelp ! after dist-upgrade last night , when i want to shutdown, the butten lost ,so i choose suspend (the only button ralated some how, bios disabled) ,,,,then can not boot again, what should i do ?02:25
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humblerodentI installed a package, "virtualbox," that I no longer need.  But no matter what apt-get command I type, it says the following:02:25
humblerodent    E: The package virtualbox needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.02:25
humblerodentI have tried both "apt-get remove virtualbox" and "apt-get -f install", with the exact same results.  Can anyone help?  I need to use apt-get to install some other stuff, lol....Thanks in advance.02:25
PriceChildWeiss, why can't you boot?02:25
PriceChildhumblerodent, sudo dpkg -r virtualbox02:25
PriceChildhumblerodent, then try installing again if you want02:25
eegore] any way in order to get true virtual hardware virtualization, I need an AM2 proc in order to pull that off with the xen kernel?02:25
matallogot some problems with the cd/dvdrecorder02:25
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weiyananybody any ideas ? message me ?02:26
matalloin dapper02:26
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matalloi can burn dvds but not cds02:26
weiyanPriceChild: i dont know ,,02:26
matalloany idea?02:27
__mikemYou got to love when people just come into OUR chanel and start doing crap like that02:27
arrenlex__mikem: Who are you referring to?02:27
humblerodentPriceChild: well this is interesting.  dpkg told me that it needs to be reinstalled.  So I'm now using dpkg to install it from a package file on my hard drive, only so that I can uninstall it after.  odd? o_O02:27
arrenlexTo whom are you referring? *02:27
__mikemarrenlex, that guy ljl just banned02:28
arrenlexThe german guy?02:28
=== bobo [n=bobo@adsl-67-64-43-205.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
ToristI tried this: ssh -X #and -Y# root@host #and got this:#02:28
ToristX11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.02:28
ToristThe application 'mousepad' lost its connection to the display :10.0;02:28
Toristmost likely the X server was shut down or you killed/destroyed the application.02:28
Torist#in my /etc/ssh/sshd_config, there are these lines:#02:28
ToristX11Forwarding yes02:28
ToristX11DisplayOffset 10.002:28
arrenlex!paste | Torist02:28
ubotuTorist: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:28
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[ubuntu] biz__how can i register my nick to nickserv?02:28
humblerodentPriceChild: I can't get the package to install.  It gives me a weird error about a kernel module, and then it still won't let me remove it, or do anything else with apt-get....02:28
arrenlex!register | [ubuntu] biz__02:28
ubotu[ubuntu] biz__: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration02:28
stapoldo /msg ns register password02:28
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ardchoille42 /msg nickserv help register02:28
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[ubuntu] biz__ok.thanks02:29
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Saturisationman, have been struggling with a problem for centuries02:29
Saturisationsolved without a clue02:29
Saturisationnow that's frustrating...02:29
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ardchoille42Saturisation, Don't you love it when that happens?02:29
arrenlexSaturisation: The chicken did, in fact, come before the egg.02:29
Slingi havea  simple question, if i plug in a monitor on my laptop, how can i turn on that one and only use it02:29
Torist!paste banned me because im a tor user, can't post on that02:29
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Toristcorrection: tor server02:29
Saturisationwell, would have liked to now the solution though... :p02:30
arrenlexTorist: pastebin.ca maybe02:30
ardchoille42Torist, http://pastebin.com  ?02:30
Toristnope, pastebin.com doesn't work02:30
arrenlexardchoille42: pastebin.com is glacial. Please don't.02:30
jvailol @ arrenlex02:30
Toristblocked all tor servers02:30
ardchoille42arrenlex, glacial?02:30
=== exs [n=engle@85-210-191-9.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
Slingi havea  simple question, if i plug in a monitor on my laptop, how can i turn on that one and only use it02:30
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SaturisationUbuntu gives back speed to fast pc's, unlike windows, which makes every machine seem slow... :D02:30
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arrenlexardchoille42: Slow. Doesn't work. No functionado. Achtung. Brokened. Down. 404.02:31
Saturisationdont you think?02:31
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ardchoille42arrenlex,  http://ardchoille42.pastebin.com/ works fast here.02:31
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Ralithcan someone give me a hand setting up a cellphone for use as a modem?02:31
exsIf I use RAID, can I have the second (cloned HD RAID)  as extra space since it is larger?.. would I need to partition it?02:32
SaturisationRalith: can't u use handsfree mode?02:32
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Toristworking my magic02:32
RalithSaturisation, what's that supposed to mean?02:32
sapagewhat is the best way to install new NVIDIA drivers?02:32
Saturisationcellphone > handsfree?02:32
RalithSaturisation, what?02:32
ardchoille42!nvidia | sapage02:32
ubotusapage: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:32
matallocan anybody read it and try and solve this mistery?02:32
Saturisationnevermind, was supposed to be a joke, i'm the only on laughing though... :p02:32
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Ralithso yeah02:33
Ralithwho knows anything about USB modems?02:33
matalloi can dvd but not cd02:33
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SaturisationRalith, what's wrong?02:33
Saturisationwon't install or won't connect?02:33
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RalithSaturisation, my current problem is that it's not creating a /dev/ entry02:34
Ralithso I guess that counts as won't install02:34
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matallohttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1901/ i cant burn cds02:34
PaulusVictorAnyone have any idea why my Ubuntu installation might go fubar when I update the kernel? I'm booting off an external USB hard drive.02:34
=== bariel [n=gbw@e178001032.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
Ralithit's a HTC Universal, if that helps02:34
mage__hey if I mount some partitions as say /ubuntu/ and /ubuntu/usr etc etc will the installer install to that?02:35
SaturisationRalith, don't know how to help you, sorry02:35
LarkeyThe error I'm getting is : "The Ruby programming language is not installed. Please obtain Ruby(version 1.8 or later) from http://ruby-lang.org, or install a distribution package. To build Amarok requires the Ruby header files as well, which some distributions package separately."  I have already done apt-get and got Ruby 1.8 and after getting this error, I tried to 'apt-get' it again, but it says I already have ruby 1.8.  What could be the problem here?02:35
barielhello, i created a new fat32 partition, i want to auto mount it everytime i log in, trying to edit /etc/fstab i notice i need to enter the UUID, how can i get this UUID?02:35
matallo!paste |Larkey02:35
ubotuLarkey: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:35
mage__ruby -dev is what the debian people do :-/02:35
Saturisationgoodbye to all!02:35
I-kidobariel u don't need UUID02:36
LarkeyWell, I apparently need it to install "Amarok"02:36
LjLmatallo: he put it all one one line quite tidily, so i don't think he really needed to use the pastebin this time02:36
mage__fat32 has uuid?02:36
barielI-kido, what should i do then?02:36
=== draky [n=draky@ws051189.housing-tp.siu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
mage__/dev/hda1 /home/mage/c vfat uid=mage 0 1 <-- thats my fat32 partition02:36
RalithLarkey, tried sudo apt-get install amarok?02:36
LjLmage__: uhm, *all* your partitions are given a UUID, though i'm not entirely sure where and how it's written02:37
Larkeyit's worth a shot, I guess02:37
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bruenig!info amarok02:37
ubotuamarok: versatile and easy to use audio player for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.4.3-0ubuntu10 (edgy), package size 14370 kB, installed size 31288 kB02:37
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RalithLarkey, it's kinda usually a good idea to try installing the package before compiling from source :P02:37
Sling_does anyone know how to us a plugged into monitor on my laptop the Fn + F4 doesn't seem to be working02:37
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I-kidobariel just add /dev/hd?     fast32    defaults,noatime        0       202:37
Ralithor maybe you should go use gentoo02:37
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LarkeyI switched to Linux from Windows and I finally got everything running today.02:38
LarkeyThere were bootmanager problems, etc02:38
macronyxhi..someone unsing krusader? I can't find the way how to save ftp session?02:38
LarkeySo, forgive my Linux ignorance.02:38
barielI-kido, why are there so many UUID in edgy?02:38
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LjLUbotu, tell bariel about uuid | bariel, see the private message from Ubotu02:38
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:38
DARKGuyUbotu rocks :)02:39
uboturocks: Make network sockets reliable in a transparent way. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4-3build1 (edgy), package size 77 kB, installed size 248 kB02:39
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malexI can't create a dapper chroot as the bootstrapping fails with "E: Couldn't find these debs: libdb1-compat slang1a-utf802:39
Sling_does anyone know how to us a plugged into monitor on my laptop the Fn + F4 doesn't seem to be working02:39
malexWhy would the base system depend on libdb1-compat from the universe and on non-existant slang1a-utf8?02:40
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naelphinwindows installer is rather slow :P02:41
malex!info libdb1-compat02:41
ubotulibdb1-compat: The Berkeley database routines [glibc 2.0/2.1 compatibility] . In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.3-9 (edgy), package size 31 kB, installed size 108 kB02:41
malex!info slang1a-utf802:41
ubotuPackage slang1a-utf8 does not exist in any distro I know02:41
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malexThis is weird. I'm using the debootstrap from edgy.02:41
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humblerodentthis is REALLY pissing me off.  it won't let me install it.  it won't let me remove it.  and until I figure out SOMETHING to do with it (anything at all, I don't even care if it's cluttering my hard drive), it won't let me do any apt-get operations at all....02:42
bruenig!info libslang1-utf802:42
ubotulibslang1-utf8: The S-Lang programming library with utf8 support. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.9dbs-10 (edgy), package size 289 kB, installed size 556 kB02:42
weiyanhelp ! after dist-upgrade last night , when i want to shutdown, the butten lost ,so i choose suspend (the only button ralated some how, bios disabled) ,,,,then can not boot again, what should i do ?02:42
ardchoille42malex, Could it be that slang1a-utf8 is a file and not a package?02:42
weiyangot the message by this : /bin/sh:can't access tty; job control turn off02:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cssd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:43
malexardchoille42: debootstrap says it's a package.02:43
ardchoille42malex, nm, see what bruenig said02:43
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bruenigby the way I have no idea if that is what it is02:43
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bruenigbut it looks similar enough02:43
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malexbruenig: Too bad there is a dependency in the base system on slang1a-utf8, not on libslang1-utf8. This is the first time I see debootstrap unable to create a base system from the "main" archive. Really weird.02:44
bruenig!hi | pppl02:45
ubotupppl: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:45
Sling_does anyone know how to us a plugged into monitor on my laptop the Fn + F4 doesn't seem to be working02:45
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weiyandoes anybody concern my question ? :)02:46
weiyanhelp ! after dist-upgrade last night , when i want to shutdown, the butten lost ,so i choose suspend (the only button ralated some how, bios disabled) ,,,,then can not boot again, what should i do ?02:46
bruenigSling_, admittedly a shot in the dark here, but did you boot it up with the monitor plugged in02:46
weiyangot the message by this : /bin/sh:can't access tty; job control turn off02:46
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Sling_bruenig i shall try that again02:46
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macronyxI can't find the way how to save a network connection??02:46
RalithLarkey, heh02:47
macronyxKrusader: I can't find the way how to save a network connection??02:47
RalithLarkey, I know how you feel02:47
RalithLarkey, look at "Applications -> Add/Remove"02:47
Ralithyou can install most anything with that02:47
Arrick_Idleanyone here know anything about supybots written in python?02:47
Arrick_IdleI know, offtopic02:47
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pppli have a little problem installing ubuntu 6.06.1 on my server. the server is equipped with a 3ware 9650se raid-controller which is not supported by a kernel below 2.6.19. any idea how to get around that?02:48
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Sling_bruenig wow, simple solutions to everything nowadays lol i can't beelive that worked02:48
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=== bruenig celebrates the solution from ignorance
Ralithpppl, try installing edgy?02:49
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riyonukis ttf-dejavu the only dejavu font package? Looking for Dejavu Sans 902:49
Ralithcan anyone help me set up my cellphone as a USB modem?02:50
ppplralith, it's a server, i would have preferred having the long-time-support02:50
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Ralithpppl, edgy isn't going to fall over and die02:50
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weiyananybody any idea ? boot stop at this : /bin/sh:can't access tty; job control turn off02:50
ppplralith, sure not, but it will not have security-updates over a period of 5 years02:51
[ubuntu] biz__reiserFS is much faster on a filesystem with small-size files, Is it true?02:51
Ralithpppl, maybe you want debian? :P02:52
Ralith[ubuntu] biz__, I've heard as much02:52
=== whileimhere [n=richard@pool-71-121-64-27.eriepa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
daneweiyan: that's a virtual desktop i believe it won't load... not sure02:52
whileimherewhats the difference between ubuntu and debian?02:52
pppl[ubuntu] biz__, i heard that too, but i wouldn't use it nevertheless02:52
tonyyarussoRalith: Edgy is only .17 anyway02:53
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tonyyarussopppl: You could compile your own if you're feeling enterprising.02:53
ppplralith, maybe... do i? i'm not that much a config-file-cruncher...02:53
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noiesmowhileimhere, ubuntu is based on debian but ubuntu is in maybe more user friendly in my option02:53
pppltonyyarusso: the problem is: i need it already at boot-time02:53
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mnoir!debian | whileimhere02:54
ubotuwhileimhere: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship02:54
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ppplnoiesmo, indeed it is. i already tried debian02:54
tonyyarussopppl: yeah, so?  I'm saying you could replace the kernel, but keep the rest of Dapper02:54
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tonyyarussopppl: (Debian's kernel will be even older :P)02:54
weiyandane: i choose suspend last night , then can02:54
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weiyandane : then can not boot again02:54
pppltonyyarusso: how can i exchange the kernel already before the installation?02:54
Ralithpplit'll autocnfig fine02:55
Ralithpppl, debian autoconfigs fine usually02:55
Ralithif yer setting up a server you usually have to tweak config files anyway02:55
danewhat version are you running?02:55
tonyyarussopppl: You'd change the grub menu to load your self-build kernel.02:55
weiyandane: edgy02:55
tonyyarussopppl: Compiling a kernel isn't the easiest thing in the world, but with some background reading you could probably do it.  (I figure anyone who runs a cli-only machine could)02:56
bruenigthere is a how to on the forums that is good02:56
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pppltonyyarusso: any hints which options i need to hand over to grub?02:56
bruenigfor kernel compilation02:56
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tonyyarussopppl: Just the file path to your new kernel once you've placed it in /boot02:57
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tonyyarussopppl: There are guides on the wiki and elsewhere.02:57
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weiyandane : does ubuntu got some repair Mechanism ? :)02:57
bruenigpppl, the grub part is the easiest, just change the path to the new one02:57
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daneweiyan: not that i know of... I haven't been using linux as long as alot of people.... do you have /dev/tty on your hd?02:58
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{Nathan}Has anyone gotton tilp working in ubuntu?02:58
ppplbruenig, the new kernel will be on a disk. as mentioned i already need it before i can do the installation. but the disk will not be mounted by the time i start the installer...02:58
=== bruenig should read before commenting
bruenigoh wow, I didn't know tilp existed, I thought my ti firmware upgrades were a thing of the past02:59
weiyandane : should be ,coz im in XP now , :)02:59
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riyonukis ttf-dejavu the only dejavu font package? Looking for Dejavu Sans 902:59
daneyea... do you use 1 or 2 hd- drives?02:59
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ppplso, can i tell grub already before the installation of ubuntu, that it should take a kernel from a disk?03:00
weiyandane : just one hd03:00
danedoes it give you any other errors or just that...03:00
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weiyandane : hum ...it's seems a interactive envirment , like shell , but i don't know what to do :)03:01
riotkittieok i'm trying to troubleshoot a 6.06 install by phone. and. i bring you a <drumroll> wireless question03:01
daneWeiyan: i don't honestly know the answer to be sure... but i did find a ubuntu forum with a nice write up on it...03:01
daneif you'd like the address....03:02
briguydcan someone please help me, my disc drives are no longer detected03:02
weiyandane: thanks anyway,,i try it again :)03:02
danetry this...03:02
danewhen you hit the command prompt/bash03:02
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danetry running exit03:02
danethen startx03:02
ppplbriguyd, what das fdisk -l say?03:03
weiyandane: okay ,,thx :)03:03
briguydpppl, nothing03:03
danethat might allow it to start without running through all 5 runtimes...03:03
danedo you have a sata drive?03:03
weiyandane: nope ,,IDE03:03
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ppplbriguyd: what did you do before that happened? kernel update? bios update??03:04
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riyonukanyone know how to get my dejavu fonts working with fluxbox?03:04
briguydim not sure, it either happened when i went from dapper to edgy or when i messed with my hard drive configureation, though i'm assuming the former because the drives work under windows03:05
briguydand i can't spell anything tonight03:05
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daneweiyan: check this out it points that it may be a grub.lst problem...03:05
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danehope that helps03:06
briguydso, to answer your question pppl i would guess it's a kernel update03:06
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ppplbriguyd: do you still have the dapper-installation-cd? then you could try booting that one and running fdisk -l from there03:06
briguydim not sure, i can look03:06
curs0ranyone know how to set grub up to boot osx86?03:07
briguydbut i somehow doubt it03:07
briguydpppl, how would that help me?03:07
ppplwell, then you'd be sure that the storage-controller itself is still working03:08
briguydis that a hardware thing?03:08
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gnoodlesHey everyone... Remember me? X is crashing whenever I try to install ubuntu, or boot into ubuntu installed using the text installer. THought it was a video issue, but now I'm less sure. One thing I just noticed-- the caps lock & scroll lock lights on my keyboard start blinking once it crashes. Not sure if that happens under all versions, but I just tried Feisty Fawn to see if it had the same problem, (it did) and I noticed the blinking.03:08
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briguydpppl, then it's working, because on the windows partition of the same computer, the drives work fine03:08
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ubuntuhey i;m here03:09
ubuntuFlannel man03:09
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jewbileeduring Ubuntu 6.06 install, I neglected to mount my main internal harddrive as a media harddrive (Ubuntu is installed on an external), How can i access the files on my main?03:09
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danejewbilee, you need to mount the drive03:09
jewbileedane: how do I got about doing that?03:09
danewhat file format is it?03:09
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jewbileei only need read access03:09
bruenigjewbilee, mount -t ntfs /dev/whatever /mount/point03:09
ppplwell, i wouldn't bet on that. i once had a dying mainboard that worked well within windows but not at all when i wanted to start linux. one day then it didn't work under win anymore as well03:10
danesee above :)03:10
bruenigsudo mount*03:10
gnoodlesONe other interesting symptom: if I move the mouse, it doesn't crash as soon.03:10
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jewbileedane: how do i find out what its called?03:10
bruenigjewbilee, do sudo fdisk -l03:10
briguydpppl, could i try with an edgy cd?03:10
jewbileebruenig: thanks a lot03:10
danedamn bruenig your quick :)03:10
jewbileebruenig: what should I use for /mount/point?03:10
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ppplyou could, too. however if you don't see anything that could be either the kernel or the storage controller.03:11
bruenigjewbilee, what I would do is first do "sudo mkdir /media/windows" then use /media/windows for the /mount/point03:11
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jewbileebruenig: sounds great03:11
bruenigbut you can name it anything03:11
jewbileebruenig: thanks a lot03:11
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briguydpppl, ill try, be back in a few03:11
ppplgood luck03:11
danehey bruenig you seem to be on top of this pretty well can i ask you some ?03:11
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bruenigdane, I know some things well, but I know a lot of things not at all03:12
danehmm know anything about VIA unichrome IGP cards?03:12
daneor speed tweaking?03:12
ppplso, back to my own problem: is there a possibility to tell ubuntu to use another kernel than the one it has itself already at installation-time? so, can i exchange the kernel on the installation-cd with one on a disk?03:13
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jewbileebruenig: I did mkdir, and then mount03:13
jewbileebut it says I dont have permission03:13
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humblerodentthis is the fucking lamest "Ubuntu package" I've ever seen03:13
jewbileeto view the content03:13
humblerodentit even says "Ubuntu Edgy" in the filename03:13
humblerodentwhich is what I'm running03:13
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bruenigjewbilee, try sudo chown -R username:username /media/windows03:14
humblerodentso why does it complain about kernel headers when I try to install, and why will it not let me do a thing with it to fix my friggin' system....03:14
ubuntujebili you need to write su03:14
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bruenigchanging username of course03:14
ubuntuand enter your password to work man.03:14
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danegksudo nautilus will get you full access too03:14
jewbileebruenig: trying what you said03:15
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daneif your using ubuntu03:15
brueniggksudo nautilus would yeah, but that is a bit of a hassle if you intend to use it a lot03:15
jewbileedane + ubuntu: would rather not use command line everytime i want to open that folder03:15
zero888hello, anyone familiar with Aircrack or Aireplay???03:15
danechown it03:15
jewbileeits doing that now03:15
jewbileebig list of things to do03:15
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floatingHowdy. I had nm-applet installed before. I uninstalled "properly", but when I am starting x-windows, after login, it says starting nm-applet in the bottom and it lags the opening of x-windows03:15
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daneanyone try herd2 yet?03:16
ppplis there a kernel- or installation-extra-channel for ubuntu anywhere?03:16
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jewbileebruenig: still says I dont have permission to view03:17
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bruenigjewbilee, do cd /media, then do ls -l, and paste the output of the line for windows03:18
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jewbileetotal 803:19
jewbileelrwxrwxrwx 1 root root    6 2007-01-16 15:34 cdrom -> cdrom003:19
jewbileedrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2007-01-16 15:34 cdrom003:19
jewbileedr-x------ 1 root root 4096 2007-01-15 18:59 Windows03:19
daneppl: maybe this will help look here... http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=10241&highlight=reverting+to+older+kernel03:19
jewbileemy bad03:19
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bruenigjewbilee, yeah all you have is execute privileges for root. do sudo chmod -R 777 /media/windows03:20
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jewbileehahah.. damnit.. its gotta run through all the files again03:20
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pppldane: thx, but my problem is that i need the kernel already before the installation. the article copes the case that you want to replace a kernel in an existing installation03:21
mnoirjewbilee: try adding '-o umask=0222' w/o the quotes, to your mount stmt.  most folks will find it much easier to add the correct line to fstab, rather than fiddling around with a complex mount stmt03:21
ppplthx anyway03:21
dathello.. i have a security question i hope someone can help me out with.03:21
jewbileebruenig: still not working03:21
=== Taime1 [n=chatzill@wsip-24-249-61-128.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnoodlesHey everyone... Remember me? X is crashing whenever I try to install ubuntu, or boot into ubuntu installed using the text installer. THought it was a video issue, but now I'm less sure. One thing I just noticed-- the caps lock & scroll lock lights on my keyboard start blinking once it crashes. Not sure if that happens under all versions, but I just tried Feisty Fawn to see if it had the same problem, (it did) and I noticed the blinking.03:22
dati'm looking for a tool or set of tools where, if a person tries to connect to an ftp server, and fails 3 times, the ip address is banned.03:22
gnoodlesONe other interesting symptom: if I move the mouse, it doesn't crash as soon.03:22
datdoes anyone know of anything that will allow me to do that?03:22
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datespecially w/ proftpd?03:22
jewbileeim just gonna go reinstall ubuntu03:22
jewbileeim not far into it anyway03:23
pppljewbilee, could you post ls -l of /media again?03:23
jewbileeno loss03:23
riyonukanyone know how to get my dejavu fonts working with fluxbox?03:23
jewbileetotal 803:23
jewbileelrwxrwxrwx 1 root root    6 2007-01-16 15:34 cdrom -> cdrom003:23
jewbileedrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2007-01-16 15:34 cdrom003:23
jewbileedr-x------ 1 root root 4096 2007-01-15 18:59 Windows03:23
jewbileeim just gonna go install it again03:23
jewbileebut this time mount it03:23
jewbileethanks anyway03:23
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tonyyarussodat: Checked proftpd's conf file's man page or other docs?  Probably in there.03:23
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mnoirhmm - ignores advice, gonna reinstall to fix a simple mount problem....03:23
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dattonyyarusso: thanks for the response.  i have checked the proftpd docs.  i've seen how to ban specific ip addresses, but not how to add to that list automatically after unsuccessful logins.03:24
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dattonyyarusso: i'd even be willing to switch to another ftp server if it'll do what i need it to.03:24
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tonyyarussodat: Hmm, 'k.  I've heard that sort of feature mentioned, so _something_ has it, but I don't know what.  Otherwise, you could potentially do it with a bash script I suppose?03:25
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ubuntuStarting mail server: dovecotError: Error in configuration file /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf line 44: Expecting '='03:26
ubuntuhey i have this problem03:26
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dovecot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:27
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briguydpppl, i tried it with a dapper cd, same result, nothing03:27
malexCan someone test the creation of a dapper pbuilder chroot to verify that it's broken?03:28
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dattonyyarusso: yea, i'm sure some program has that feature.  i just haven't been able to find it yet.  i was running the ftp server on xp (ugh), and the program i used was able to do it.  but, i'm looking to move the ftp server over to the ubuntu box i have.03:28
Noah0504Hey everyone.03:28
ppplbriguyd, that's bad. could be a problem beyond some grub-options03:28
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danepppl: what do you need a different kernel for if i may ask?03:28
tonyyarussodat: I'm totally blanking on the term you should be googling... :S03:28
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briguydpppl, whats the next step?03:28
ubuntuhey is there someone know for UBuntu mail server with web gui03:29
dattonyyarusso: currently googling: ban ip address automatically proftpd ubuntu03:29
pppldane: as mentioned above: i have a 3ware 9650-raid controller, that's natively only supported by kernels above 2.6.1903:29
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darwethIs there anyway to add mp3 support into Sound Juicer?03:30
tonyyarussodat: "hammering"  try that03:30
ppplbriguyd: you did not do a bios-update, did you?03:30
briguydchanged some settings, maybe, but not an update03:30
ppplbriguyd: maybe changed some apic/ acpi/ ide-settings?03:31
briguydprobably, as i was messing with my hard drives and such03:31
dattonyyarusso: hah!  that looks to be the ticket.  i'll search on that for awhile.  thanks!!03:31
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tonyyarussodat: Yay!03:31
Music_Shuffletonyyarusso, you almost seem happier than him ;P03:32
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tonyyarussoMusic_Shuffle: I am - my memory _worked_ for once :P03:32
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danepppl: i honestly don't know if these will help but i searched around03:32
dattonyyarusso: just in case your curious, it pointed me to this: http://www.castaglia.org/proftpd/modules/mod_ban.html which looks to be good.03:32
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ppplbriguyd: you should try to undo that changes. or you could as well try booting with the noapic-option03:32
gnoodlesdat: check ou mod_banhttp://www.castaglia.org/proftpd/modules/mod_ban.html03:32
datMusic_Shuffle: nah, i'm extremely happy.. this has been bugging me for a few days.03:32
gnoodleserr... http://www.castaglia.org/proftpd/modules/mod_ban.html03:32
briguydpppl, i have no idea what changes i made, my computer want booting, so i tried allkinds of stuff03:32
vigneshI run ubuntu on an 400mhz Hp Brio with 160Mb of Ram03:32
datgnoodles: haha, yea, i just ended up there.  thanks.03:32
briguydbe back in a few03:32
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vigneshWhenever i start skype i get an error saying segmentation fault03:33
gnoodlesno problem...03:33
mauroxhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1907/ does someone knows whay the directory / is with .static in a SATA hd ????03:33
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vigneshso i installed the deb package of skype.. here i get reinstall skype as the error03:33
GreenDAnyone here have much experience with creating packages?03:34
vigneshEven for other applications like flock , firefox i get segmentation fault error when I open another tab03:34
tonyyarussoGreenD: the MOTU folks would be better for that03:34
vigneshanyway to solve this problem ?03:34
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adamonlineHere's a quickie:  I just installed "xwit" by typing "sudo apt-get install xwit".  Should I be able to use this command from any path without having to change anything?  It doesn't seem to be working...03:34
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vigneshI even tried using the xfce desktop even then I get the  error03:35
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tonyyarussoadamonline: Try 'dpkg -L xwit | grep bin' to see if there's a funny command naming scheme.03:35
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greggWhere do I go to get info about installing software on kubuntu03:35
burnhamdok i have a usb keyboard and it doesnt work with the boot menu unless i enable emulation of usb keyboard03:36
vigneshanyone ?03:36
pppldane: by that time it's too late to get another kernel. as i want to install onto the harddisks attached to the controller i already have to boot with a newer kernel.03:36
riotkittievignesh: no clue, sorry. have you always had this problem ?03:36
burnhamdhowever i cant use this in ubuntu because it causes conflict between support of usb keyboards and then the motherboard emulation03:36
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tonyyarusso!software | gregg03:37
burnhamdany ideas on how to get this to work?03:37
ubotugregg: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents and !Offline03:37
tonyyarussogregg: Kubuntu wiki might have KDE specific stuff if thta doesn't.03:37
nicholaspaulQ: Any Songbird experts here? It was playing mp3s, after an upgrade or two it just sits there. Anyone know why?03:37
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vigneshriotkittie, yes.. Yesterday someone asked me to install xfce and that it will improve the performance and that the error won`t come03:37
adamonlinetonyyaruso, it says /usr/bin and /usr/bin/xwit...  That sounds okay, but I wouldn't know...03:37
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tonyyarussoadamonline: /usr/bin/xwit looks good - what happens if you run 'xwit' from a terminal then?03:38
pppldane: i think next i'll try installing onto a disk that is attached via onboard ide and then maybe via cp and chroot i can get my system with a new kernel onto the raid-system. a bad and time-wasting workaround but better than not working at all03:39
adamonlinetonyyarusso, Perhaps I'll try running it with some other commands; I was under the impression it didn't need any parameters as it has default actions...03:39
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adamonlinetonyyarusso, when I run it from the terminal it just goes to a prompt on the next line...03:40
n2diyadamonline: tonyyarusso, Run sudo updatedb, and try it again.03:40
vigneshriotkittie, anyway I will try with fluxbox and wmaker too.. maybe they will work well03:40
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tonyyarussoadamonline: And not supposed to be a backgrounder I take it.  Huh.03:40
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adamonlinetonyyarusso, no, it's supposed to manipulate the window in some way03:41
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adamonlinen2diy, I did sudo updatedb, and it seems to be either hanging or working...  going on 45 seconds...03:41
n2diyadamonline: tonyyarusso, updatedb takes a while, let her cook, you'll get a prompt back when it is done.03:42
adamonlinen2diy, cancel that, back to prompt =)  These terminal things need an hourglass =P03:42
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adamonlinen2diy, I still get the same response: nothing apparent happens03:43
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n2diyadamonline: tonyyarusso, Ok, that was my best shot, good luck.03:43
adamonlinen2diy, tonyyarusso, what does it mean to 'deiconify' and 'raise' a window?  That's the default action with no parameters03:44
adamonlinen2diy, thank you anyway =)03:44
tonyyarussoadamonline: Not sure honestly.  I haven't gotten into the fancy windowing stuff yet03:44
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adamonlinetonyyarusso: hah, I'm starting to wonder if I'll be getting into it myself! =O03:45
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asdfjkahsdfjkhaoh my god03:45
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wolfwalkerI have internet trouble03:45
wolfwalkerAs in, how do you connect to the internet through ubuntu?03:45
asdfjkahsdfjkhaGuys, look at the first entry of digg... It is explaining how ignorance of collage students is keeping windows on top of macs...03:45
tonyyarussowolfwalker: what kind of connection?03:46
tonyyarussoasdfjkahsdfjkha: Reading now :)03:46
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Marsmenschi have a problem with the current version of firefox ... i dont know why, but it slows down my cpu all the time03:46
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wolfwalkerEthernet cable to modem, modem is DSL, provider is Centurytell03:46
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wolfwalkerCenturytel does not have tech support that supports linux03:46
tonyyarussowolfwalker: 'course not03:47
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tonyyarusso!adsl | wolfwalker03:47
ubotuwolfwalker: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE03:47
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bronsonAnyone use a USB Bluetooth adapter?03:48
bronsonI'd like to pull some files off my phone but I'm not finding a decent tutorial out there..03:48
adamonlinetonyyarusso, You spelled asdfjkahsdfjkhas name right?! Is there a way to automatically prefix a name in IRC?  And thanks for the help!  I think it's working; I was expection something more to happen when ran without parameters, but apparently not ::sheepish grin::03:48
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n2diyadamonline: tab completion.03:49
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tonyyarussoadamonline: asd<tab>03:49
adamonlinen2diy: sweeeet! thanks!03:49
nicholaspauldid someone answer my Songbird question while I was gone???03:50
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mzuverinkI read somewhere in forums about a way to keep ubuntu gnome menu entries seperate from kubuntu menu entries, but can seem to locate it again, anyone familiar with this thread?  And if so could I have a link?03:51
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n2diy! tab03:51
ubotuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.03:51
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RattyCan any of you guys tell me if it makes much difference what memtest I use on my RAM... The processor is an AMD AThlon 64 X2 3800+ .... Would the regular memtest86 or do I need to use memtest86+ ? I already have ran about three memtests with the older version...03:53
adamonlineOkay, I'm off to xwit my night away!  Thanks everybody :)03:54
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bradley_i want to reinstall ubuntu without destroying my home partition. does anyone know of a good howto to use?03:54
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n2diyadamonline: Don't break anything. :)03:54
jvaity all.. gn03:54
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siggeranyone take pity and help a poor soul that can't seem to get ftp running on non-standard ports (cursed ISP!).  And its not a port forwarding issue. Get password prompt, but no data connection.03:56
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ppplsigger: tried passive mode?03:57
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bulmersigger you have a firewall ?03:58
siggerI think so, I have pasv_enable=yes; port_enable=no; I have min and max pasv ports03:58
tonyyarussosigger: Forward both ports 20 and 2103:58
siggerI have forwarded through the router 20/21, 8020,8021, and the pasv min thru max ports03:58
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user666hey can anyone tell me how to change the font color in OO? i found a color button but that sets the text to a dark magenta... doesn't let me choose which color.......03:58
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siggerI'm using nonstandard ports cause I recall my ISP wont give 80 or 2003:59
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mzanfardinohow do I shutdown X in order to install a new video driver?03:59
ppplmzanfardino: init 103:59
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Ralithmzanfardino, you don't.04:00
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sapagectrl alt f104:00
ppplmzanfardino: you could however install it with a running x as well and then hit ctrl + alt + bkspc04:00
n2diyuser666: open office?04:00
MEMEMEsimple question, do file transfers genrally download at about 20 to 40 kbs if shared in swarm by about 20 ppl having an 8meg connection... foes that seem normal or is it my comp?04:00
mzanfardinoctrl-alt-f1 does not shut down x, it merely suspends it04:00
user666n2diy, yes!!!04:00
mzanfardinoI will try init 104:00
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ppplsapage: that only gives him a command prompt, but does not shut down x04:00
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Ralithmzanfardino, he said backspace04:00
user666n2diy, pls tell me you know how to do it04:00
siggerso I have listen_port=8021 and ftp_data_port=802004:01
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n2diyuser666: you should be able to select colors, maybe right click the button?04:01
lovloss^ O ^ hiya04:01
user666n2diy... doesn't do anything....04:01
sapageo sorry04:01
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bradley_if i have a home partition how would i reinstall ubuntu without destroying everything in home?04:01
ppplwell, if the kill-scripts don't work (as they do on my 6.06.1) mzanfardino will still have X after init 1...04:02
n2diyuser666: and left clicking it doesn't bring up any options?04:02
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user666n2diy: nope just sets it to a dark magenta04:02
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ppplbradley_: as long as you don't tell ubuntu to format partitions, it shouldn't touch your home-partition during reinstall. but why do you want to reinstall it anyway?04:02
n2diyuser666: weird, have you played around in preferences? Though you should be able to do right from the compose window.04:03
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user666n2diy, i know... i looked on google and got a screenshot of some guys open office with a color toolbar open.... trying to get that atm04:03
sapageI have this ubuntu on a dual boot with my windows install ntfs can i add something to fstab to let me see my windows partitions?04:03
pppluser666: do you klick on the small triangle pointing downwards right beside the color?04:03
user666pppl: i dont have a small triangle04:04
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n2diyuser666: yes, I haven't played with OO in a while, but I recall doing it right from the app., and not through pref.04:04
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bradley_pppl, my i accidently (because i had a repository enabled that i shouldn't have) upgraded some stuff that made my sound go all wonky.  i've tried everything that i can think of so now i will just reinstall. as long as it doesn't destroy /home i don't mind.04:05
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user666pppl: i think the problem is... my color button is not visible in the toolbar... i have to click the arrow on the right hand side for buttons that didn't fit on the screen.......04:05
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n2diybradley_: back up /home.04:05
user666duh!! i maximized the window... now there is an arrow04:05
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user666lol thanks for the help guys04:05
bradley_n2diy, what does that do?04:06
idiosynchrosy /join #wikipedia04:06
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bradley_n2diy, i already have a separate home partition.04:06
n2diybradley_: ok.04:06
efondohu r u sure04:06
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n2diyuser666: so it is working now?04:07
ppplbradley_: /home is on an extra-partition, isn't it?04:07
ppploh, you already said so.04:07
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ppplthen simply reinstall ubuntu and afterwards you can edit /etc/fstab to get your old home-partition mounted there again04:07
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bradley_pppl, when i run the live_cd it will ask to delete the hard disk and i say no. right? but won't i end up with two ubuntus on my computer?04:09
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fab5freddySomebody please help with this streaming video issue04:09
fab5freddyKeep getting this error message "Win32 LoadLibrary failed to load: avisynth.dll"04:09
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fab5freddyThere is nothing available via google to help me with this04:10
zoidberghey guys can anyone help me with an APTITUDE SEMGENTATION FAULT error?04:10
n2diybradley_: no, it will ask to format the drive, that you say no to.04:10
fab5freddyI should also mention I am using ubuntu amd64 dapper 6.0604:10
ppplbradley_: you use the live-cd, don't let him delete the complete hard disk but tell him to install ubuntu on exactly the same partition where it is now. you should format this partition. but only if you REALLY have your /home on another partition.04:10
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n2diybradley_: if it asks about partitons, tell it to use the exsisting ones.04:11
fab5freddyI read on ubuntu.com that this was the place to come for suppport04:11
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Alakazamz0ryes fab5freddy what seems to be your question.04:11
Alakazamz0ryes fab5freddy what seems to be your question.04:11
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Pelofab5freddy,  do you beleive everything you read ?04:12
Alakazamz0rfab5freddy, are you fimiliar w/linux?04:12
jobelleam how to use this?04:12
bradley_okay. i'll try that. thanks.04:12
pppln2diy: that might cause ubuntu to overwrite his home, might it not? i'd tell ubuntu to use the same root-partition but mount my home-partition by hand afterwards04:12
riyonuk_Hi, when I edit my sources.list, I come across deb-src, what exactly does this mean?04:12
fab5freddyI am familiar with linux, i have been using it for almost a year now, have tried knoppix and for the past 6 months ubuntu 6.06 and 6.1004:12
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jobelleu know how to speak tagalog?04:13
Ralithpppl, it won't overwrite it if it doesn't reformat it04:13
Pelofab5freddy,  we'll be asking you questions then04:13
fab5freddyi am currently using ubuntu 6.06 (amd64), i keep getting this error message when trying to play a stream on nhl.com04:13
n2diypppl: I'm not sure, if he has a seperate /home partition, it shouldn't mess with it.(?)04:13
fab5freddyWin32 LoadLibrary failed to load: avisynth.dll04:13
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ppplwhat will it do if he reinstalls it and gives a username that already exists?04:13
Alakazamz0rfab5freddy, may i PM you?04:13
fab5freddyi have been trying to figure this out for months. i have spent hours before coming here.  nothing works!04:13
Alakazamz0ri can fix it for you04:13
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Alakazamz0ri dont feel like getting flamed for my methods though04:14
ericj2190does anyone know why i get "permission denied" when i try to access any samba shared file with spaces in the filename?04:14
fab5freddy Alakazamz0r: yes please04:14
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n2diypppl: user names aren't kept in /home.04:14
Alakazamz0rericj2190, what is your security level at? share?04:14
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Alakazamz0rfab5freddy, you have to register to PM.04:14
Alakazamz0rHave you registered?04:14
fab5freddy Alakazamz0r: i can't send you messages because i am not registered.. join #ubuntu6404:15
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ericj2190alakazamz0r, security level for what?04:15
pppln2diy: i know, i only wonder what ubuntu will do with an existing /home/pppl when i reinstall it and tell it that i want a new user named pppl and there's already a directory with that name in /home04:15
mzanfardinoI'm tring to install the latest nvidia drivers. when I run the install script, I'm told X needs to be shut down.  ctrl-alt-f1 does not shut X down, and init 1 is too low a level to install the driver.  Can anyone tell me how to shut down X so I can install the driver?04:15
Noah0504What's the best way to create and seed a torrent under Ubuntu?04:15
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ericj2190i can get files without spaces04:15
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PeloNoah0504,  utorrent running on wine04:15
Noah0504Ooo, I never thought about that.  I love uTorrent.04:15
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ppplmzanfardino: you could try init 2. however you really can install the driver within X and then simply hit ctrl + alt + backspace to restart the x-server. i did and it worked well04:16
starryif I have specific x-values that I want to use in making a graph in spreadsheet, and i have their respective y-values, how can I graph those? When I try, it simply uses the row number as the x-value and creates two separate lines. Can someone help me out?04:16
TheDebuggermzanfardino: Go to a console "CTRL+ALT+F1", then write "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop", install the driver then,"sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start"04:16
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PeloNoah0504,  I can even tell you how to make it pretty ( it usualy isn'T on wine) but it is a bit involved04:16
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bruenigmy utorrent is ugly04:17
mzanfardinoTheDebugger: thank you!04:17
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ppplmzanfardino: you could change via ctrl + alt + f1 to a console and then kill X with kill as well04:17
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n2diypppl: if it is truely a seperate partion, it should be ignored. That is something I intend to do next time I do an install, but haven't done yet.04:17
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Noah0504Eh, the looks don't normally bother me too much.  I do think someone needs to develop a BitTorrent client on Linux similar to uTorrent.04:17
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chableanyone knows how can i access Nvidia control panel , after i installed nvidia-glx ?04:17
brusselWhy is it that my edgy eft desktop doesn't keep the time syncd despite it being checked to "keep clock synchronized with internet servers"?04:17
bruenigNoah0504, they are going to port utorrent04:17
Pelobruenig,  get a windows theme from deviant art , load it in wine,  it will fuck up , no problem, unload it,  you now have a  user.reg file in the .wine folder,  edit that for the right colours04:18
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bjvhm, running this ./configure script cant find where ubuntu keeps it's GL/ header folder?04:18
brusseli have to disable that check box and press synchonize now to make the time correct?04:18
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bjvhow/what am i supposed to tell the script?04:18
starryif I have specific x-values that I want to use in making a graph in spreadsheet, and i have their respective y-values, how can I graph those? When I try, it simply uses the row number as the x-value and creates two separate lines. Can someone help me out?04:18
Noah0504bruenig: Yes!  When is that going to happen?04:18
bruenigNoah0504, not specified04:18
Noah0504bruenig: Tomorrow would be a good answer... haha04:18
PeloNoah0504,   bittorrent recently bought ut from ludde, they might make a port but I am not olding my breath04:18
bruenigit said they would on their website when they bought it04:19
Pelopromises promises04:19
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=== Pelo crosses his fingers just in case
Pelobruenig,  who's site ?04:19
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bruenigPelo, I went to the #utorrent channel and they had some faq about the deal and it said it, I don't remember whose it was specifically04:20
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SchminuxHello! I am trying to get MS Sidewinder force feedback joystick working in Ubuntu 6.0.6 and not making any progess... can see the gameport in device manager, but nothing more.04:20
bjvanyone compile opengl software? or just know?04:20
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bjvthe configure script says: "checking for GL/gl.h... no"04:20
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bjvbut  ls -l /usr/include/GL/gl.h  gives "-r--r--r-- 1 root root 72949 2006-08-18 05:03 /usr/include/GL/gl.h"04:21
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riyonuk_Hi, when I edit my sources.list, I come across deb-src, what exactly does this mean? Do I need it?04:23
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Peloriyonuk_,  deb are debian packages  they are also used by ubuntu04:24
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about opengl-dev - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:25
Schminux!joystick ubuntu 6.0.604:25
ubotujoystick: Testing and calibration tools. In component universe, is extra. Version 20051019-1ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 13 kB, installed size 76 kB04:25
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bjv!opengl headers04:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about opengl headers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:25
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riyonuk_Yes I know that, whats the diffrence between deb and deb-src?04:25
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dequeuedAnyone know how I would go about installing e16?04:25
Peloriyonuk_,  I am guessing deb-src is debian-source04:26
ppplgood night everyone. don't stay up to long, sleep is precious ;-)04:26
n2diy! e1604:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about e16 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:26
pppl-src should contain source-files only04:26
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EnsignRedshirtdequeued: e16 is in the repositories.04:26
riyonuk_Pelo, so do I need it? Im not a compiler or developer04:26
TheDebuggerbjv: libgl1-mesa-dev probably :/04:26
ppplriyonuk_: no04:26
dequeuedcould I just add an ornery debian repository to sources.list? would that break ubuntu?04:26
Schminux*time* is precious, sleep is justone of many ways to use it!   Good night!04:26
Peloriyonuk_,  if you don'T know what it is , DON'T MESS WITH IT04:27
dequeuedreally? I will check again04:27
EnsignRedshirtdequeued: There is an ubuntu package: enlightenment04:27
riyonuk_Pelo, so am I free to delete it?04:27
bjvTheDebugger: "libgl1-mesa-dev is already the newest version"   :\04:27
TheDebuggerhmm :/04:27
dequeuedE: Couldn't find package enlightenment04:27
Peloriyonuk_,  it is your comp you can do wath you want with it04:27
bjvTheDebugger: im not sure why the configure script cant find them04:27
EnsignRedshirtdequeued: It is in the universe repository (at least in dapper, which is what I am using)04:28
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dequeuedIs there a repository I need to uncomment? Sorry, I *am* new to ubuntu04:28
checkmatesometimes when i run firefox, i get this error message: Firefox is already running, but it is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system." then i can only hit "ok", and I always have to shut down and boot back up to run firefox (killall firefox doesn't work)04:28
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource04:28
n2diyriyonuk_: don't delete it, comment it out.04:29
bjvfirefox-bin the executable is called?04:29
checkmateis anyone aware of a fix for this?04:29
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riyonuk_Pelo, yes but what will happen? Thats why Im here, otherwise I would have deleted a long time ago04:29
n2diyriyonuk_: don't delete it, comment it out.04:29
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Peloriyonuk_,  are you that hard up for disk space that you can'T leave one line in ?04:29
dequeuedack! sorry!04:30
ant_dequeued: freshmeat.org, and just compile it04:30
mineralewhat irc clients are there (I can't quite use xchat due to a freenode bug)04:30
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso04:30
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Ralithminerale, do you mind using a kde client?04:30
__mikemWhat the h***, why are people doing this04:30
riyonuk_n2diy, but why? I mean some dont even have a src, just de04:30
mineraleralith: konversation? --- any others ?04:30
h3xisminerale, irssi, bitchx04:30
Pelominerale,  I am on freenode right now and I am using xchat,  what bug &?04:30
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Ralithminerale, kvirc is *very* good04:30
dequeuedSorry, my cat did that04:30
Madpilotminerale, what freenode bug? Xchat runs fine here on freenode...04:30
Mezah Madpilot, you got there first04:30
mineraleh3xis: I'm running irssi proxy on the back, wanted a nice front end to avoid having the lag04:30
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varsendaggrwhat is up?04:31
dequeuedGot e16 working when I uncommented the proper repositories04:31
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n2diyriyonuk_: just put a # in front of it, and it will be ignored, if you want it later, remove the # sign.04:31
h3xismindframe, what freenode bug?04:31
dequeueddoesn't help that I am really drunk04:31
mineralemadpilot: irssi + xchat + freenode = a feature enabled whereas messages are prepended with +, -, and actions break too04:31
dequeuedthanks guys04:31
mineraleh3xis: ^^04:31
h3xisthat's odd04:31
cas3is the US repository running slow for anyone else right now?04:31
mineralethere's a perl hack to fix it, but the machine I'm running irssi on does not play nice with perl04:31
riyonuk_Pelo, maybe... :p fine Ill leave it04:32
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:32
h3xisscreaming help really does the trick04:32
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h3xisM4th3u2, whats wrong04:33
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M4th3u2i execute 'apt-get update ' and return message Connection Refused !!!! normal ?????????04:34
Gun_SmokeWhen was Dapper released?04:34
cas3is the US repository running slow for anyone else right now, or is it just my network? I'm getting bytes instead of kbs04:34
EnsignRedshirtriyonuk_: Unless you plan to download the source code versions of packages and compile them yourself, there is no harm in commenting out the deb-src entries.  It might even make 'apt-get update' a bit faster.04:34
M4th3u2edgy eft04:34
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h3xisGun_Smoke, maybe 6/06?04:34
n2diyGun_Smoke: 6/0604:34
Gun_SmokeAh.. ha.. hence 6.0604:34
Gun_SmokeI knew that04:34
h3xisM4th3u2, well, do you have an internet connection on the machine youre running that on?04:35
h3xisM4th3u2, did it just start doing this?04:35
Gun_SmokeSo LTS carries until June of 09.04:35
M4th3u2conection ok04:36
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n2diyGun_Smoke: that's what they say.04:36
EnsignRedshirtHow often will LTS versions be released?04:36
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n2diyEnsignRedshirt: hopefully every five years! :)04:37
Gun_SmokeEnsignRedshirt:  Every 3yrs I think04:37
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Rookie-1LTS is 5, isnt it ?04:37
tonyyarussoRookie-1: they might overlap04:37
ubotuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.04:37
n2diyRookie-1: support is for 5.04:38
Alakazamz0rAnyone know if a XDMCP client for Win32?04:38
tonyyarussoFor server deployments only04:38
Rookie-1Ahh, true04:38
nothlitregular is 18mo/3y and LTS is 3y/5y04:38
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Gun_SmokeI'm on my 3rd attempt on trying accept edgy.. I'm just not digging it.04:38
nicholasxis it possible to use kde destop with ubuntu or do you have to install the kubuntu distrobution for that?04:38
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Gun_SmokeReady to do a clean install of 6.06 in the morning.04:39
h3xisnicholasx, yes04:39
nicholasxyes what?  you have to install kubuntu?04:39
h3xisnicholasx, sudo apt-get install kde i think04:39
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CrazyDoodenicholasx: yup.. just install it and choose it when logging in04:39
EnsignRedshirtIs the distinction between desktop and server for LTS just a matter of which packages will be supported? E.g. apache2 supported for 5 years, OpenOffice for 3 years?04:39
craigbass1976What's the ubuntu equivilent of RH's chkconfig app on?04:39
nothlitnicholasx, yup, its quite easy, you could even install all of kubuntu04:39
bruenig!info kubuntu-desktop04:39
ubotukubuntu-desktop: Kubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.22 (edgy), package size 13 kB, installed size 40 kB04:39
ubotukdebase: base components from the official KDE release. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu3.2 (edgy), package size 45 kB, installed size 88 kB04:39
h3xiskubuntu-desktop changes things04:39
nicholasxi was running kde prgrams like kb3 and stuff but it was still the gnome desktop i like kde better04:39
h3xiskdebase is what he wants04:39
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n2diyGun_Smoke: That is what I'm using, and I'm sticking with it, 90% of the problems here seem to be related to Edgy.04:40
nothlitEnsignRedshirt, the server = daemons, and No x, and there server kernel04:40
niruin ubuntu how to enter as root04:40
Gun_SmokeAfter my upgrade to Edgy, I lost terminal, web browsers, Gaim, and more with Flux.. I asked over there.. They have no idea.'04:40
niruI am unable to ping to my server04:40
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Gun_Smoken2diy:  I'm going back tomorrow..04:40
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.04:40
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EnsignRedshirtnothlit: Ah, OK.  There is a different kernel for the server version?04:40
mineraleok, xchat does not work and neither does konversation (first enables an odd feature on freenode and koversation dies because I'm on too many channels (60+) ) are there any other gui irc clients ?04:40
__mikemwell, I have homework so goodnight04:40
nothlitEnsignRedshirt, yeah04:41
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Crescendo_Is there a way I can see what repositories packages I have installed are from?04:41
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dequeuedWhere the hell is zsnes???04:41
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Gun_SmokeI applaud the effort of advancing Linux, Ubuntu esp.. But I have not the time or patience of dealing with it..  I wish I could better contribute to the effort.. But I can't.04:41
n2diyGun_Smoke: My box isn't broken, so I'm not going to fix it. In fact, I grabbed the latest updates two days ago, and I haven't rebooted yet. I'm afraid they are going to break something!?04:41
deltadhi everybody!04:41
dequeuedwhy wouldn't that be avalable?04:41
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deltadhow do you guys feel about gNewSense?04:41
nicholasxso i don't have to install kubutu i can get kde with ubuntu04:42
nothlitCrescendo, apt-cache policy <packagename>04:42
nicholasxi just install kde base with ubuntu?04:42
nicholasxjust use the package manager04:42
Madpilot!info zsnes04:42
ubotuzsnes: Emulator of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.420-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 513 kB, installed size 3232 kB (Only available for i386)04:42
nicholasxi burned the dvd off the website04:42
Madpilotdequeued, it's in Multiverse04:42
n2diy! gNewSense04:42
ubotugNewSense is a GNU/Linux distribution based off Ubuntu with the aim of containing only free software. The Website is http://www.gnewsense.org  -  Support in #gnewsense, NOT #ubuntu04:42
nicholasxi think its the dapper version04:42
nothlitnicholaspaul, you can use kdebase , or kubuntu-desktop for kubuntu, or kde, for the whole shebang04:42
nicholasxand they just sent me the cd version of dapper04:42
niruubotu:is there any way in ubuntu to enter as root04:42
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niruI am unable to ping to server04:42
dequeuedI thought I uncommented all repositories and updated apt04:42
Crescendo_nothlit, how about in reverse, see what packages I have installed from a certain repository?04:42
nothlit!sudo | niru04:42
ubotuniru: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.04:42
dequeuedbut it can't find it :(04:42
nothlitCrescendo, nope04:43
Madpilotniru, ubotu is a bot, just FYI ;)04:43
swxdancan anyone help with a wireless network card issue?04:43
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riyonuk_Alrighty, and also, when pressing refresh, what does Hit and Ign mean?04:43
MasterShrekwhat kind of card swxdan04:43
EnsignRedshirtdequeued: It is in the multiverse repository.04:43
swxdanI just installed an eHome wireless G desktop adapter04:43
nicholasxdoes the ubuntu dvd from the site have a lot of programs you can install off of it?04:43
nicholasxthe iso file i mean04:43
nicholasxthat you burn to dvd04:43
deltadubotu, I know that, but do you feel that somebody using gNewSense can ask for help here as part of the Ubuntu Community or do you think gNewSense users are a fork on its own (I ask this because I am considering installing gNewSense on one of my computers)?04:43
Crescendo_I'm afraid of removing repositories, in fear of losing updates for certain packages. :/04:43
dequeuedEnsignRedshirt, I uncommented the multiverse respository, but I can't install it04:43
EnsignRedshirtdequeued: By the way, http://packages.ubuntu.com/ is really handy for finding packages.04:43
dequeuedI ran apt-get update, should I do anything else04:44
swxdankubuntu doesn't seem to see the card.04:44
MasterShrekswx do an lspci on it and pm me it04:44
deltadok - I got a bot answer :-((04:44
dequeuedI haven't used a debian based package mangaer in awhile04:44
EnsignRedshirtdequeued: Did you "Reload" in Synaptic, or "apt-get update"?04:44
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deltadanyone here willing to talk about gNewSense?04:44
Ralithdeltad, they can ask for help here if they pretend they're on ubuntu04:44
nicholasxbecause i'm wondering if i should give ubuntu a fair shake or just stick with suse 10.204:44
n2diy! gNewSense | deltad04:44
ubotudeltad: gNewSense is a GNU/Linux distribution based off Ubuntu with the aim of containing only free software. The Website is http://www.gnewsense.org  -  Support in #gnewsense, NOT #ubuntu04:44
nothlitniru, edit /etc/apt/sources.list and and change all the us.archive.ubuntu.com to archive.ubuntu.com mabbe04:44
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craigbass1976What's the ubuntu equivilent of RH's chkconfig app on?  DO I manually have to go into the rc directories?04:44
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deltadRalith, do *you* consider gNewSense as a subgroup of Ubuntu or not?04:45
nirunothlit:I changed /etc/apt/sources.list04:45
riyonuk_Can fluxbox run with gnome? Im getting confused by gnome-look, using themes from fluxbox and gnome04:45
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nothlitcraigbass1976, i dunno about chkconfig, but theres dpkg-reconfigure?04:45
EnsignRedshirtdequeued: Ooops, sorry, you already said you did an update04:45
nothlitniru, sudo apt-get update04:45
dequeuedEnsignRedshirt, But it still isn't working!!04:45
nirunothlit:is it that we can only connect to ubuntu site04:45
craigbass1976I just wondered if there were a quick CLI way of turning mysql on at boot.04:45
nothlitriyonuk_, yes it can, but openbox works a lot better04:45
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dequeuedE: Couldn't find package zsnes04:46
nirunothlit:I am not connecting to ubuntu site04:46
h3xisdequeued, just download the deb manually from packages.ubuntu.com04:46
nirunothlit:I have my own repo so I am connected to that04:46
dequeuedh3xis, isn't this a problem that it isn't accepting the respository that I uncommented?04:46
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dequeuedI should get this to work first04:46
sapagehow do you mount a ntfs partition?04:46
swxdanMasterShrek: Got it?04:46
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h3xisdequeued, pastbin.ca your sources.list04:46
nothlitniru, pastbin the contents of your sources.list04:46
MasterShrekswxdan nope04:46
swxdan00:0e.0 Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88w8335 [Libertas]  8-2.11b/g Wireless (rev 03)04:46
nothlit!pastebin | niru04:46
ubotuniru: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:46
n2diycraigbass1976: that is a funny question, if it is turned on at boot, you don't need a cli? Do you mean have it automatically start at boot up?04:47
nothlit!ntfs-3g | sapage04:47
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ubotusapage: ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)04:47
nothlitsapage, thats if you want readwrite04:47
craigbass1976n2diy, Yes, to have it start at boot.  You can go ahead and kick me... :)04:47
adamonlineIs xterm basically a standard terminal?  Is it a good bet that if I write a script around xterm, It would be quite portable?04:47
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ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)04:47
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h3xisadamonline, it's not in all distros by default, but it's becoming more prevalent so you can probably do what you want to do04:48
sapagei used that04:48
nirunothlit:thats in another system04:48
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SchminuxHello! I am trying to get MS Sidewinder force feedback joystick working in Ubuntu 6.0.6 and not making any progess... can see the gameport in device manager, but nothing more.04:48
n2diycraigbass1976: kick, kick. Yes, but I don't know how of the top of my head, but now you know the correct question to ask. :)04:48
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varsendaggrhey my usb mouse keeps falling asleep    how do i make the mouse interval last longer....    iam using fluxbox04:48
sapagenothlit:  did not get the partition to mount04:48
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adamonlineh3xis: Cool, thank you!  I suppose it beats calling another instance of gnome-terminal ;)04:48
lotacusTHAT'S 3 TIMES IN THE PAST 10 MINUTES that I inadvertantly hit shift backspace while I was doing something critical!!!!04:49
riyonuk_nothlit, but open box doesnt have this theme, I think, its all about the themes :p04:49
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craigbass1976n2diy, right.  I got it anyway with the GUI, but was curious.  I know I can mess around in the /etc/rc dirs, but wanted somethign quicker.04:49
lotacusthat damn log off keyboard short cut really hast to be changed in the next release. LOL04:49
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h3xisadamonline, yeah. the only distro i know off the top of my head where it doesnt come standard is debian sarge, but debian etch is about to release and it comes with it by default04:49
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adamonlineh3xis: cool, thanks again =)04:50
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swxdanMasterShrek:  ndiswrapper?04:50
n2diycraigbass1976: well, once it is setup in rc.d, or intit.d or whatever it is, you never have to worry about it again.04:50
MasterShrekswxdan sorry can u give me the output for lspci -v also04:50
Pici!info slab04:50
ubotuPackage slab does not exist in any distro I know04:50
MasterShrekthats what im thinking swxdan04:50
lotacusanyone know how to chage or disable shift+backspace? it's not in the keyboard short cut settings04:51
swxdanMasterShrek: the subsysgtem is d-link04:51
MasterShrekive never had good luck with ndiswrapper tho swxdan but some clame it works04:51
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nothlitniru, can you just show us your sources.list04:51
swxdanMasterShrek:  Dang, just got the card for 10 bucks!04:51
jeff_Has anyone else's gaim stopped working?04:51
craigbass1976jeff_, I'm on mine now04:51
swxdanMasterShrek:  I'll give it a go, thanks for the help!04:51
niruI comment all lines and gave deb tarang main04:51
jeff_as in refuses to connect04:51
lotacusjeff, nope mine is still working04:51
craigbass1976jeff_, which protocol?04:51
adamonlinejeff_: Mine's fine, I'm on it now...04:51
nirunothlit,I commented all lines and gave deb tarang main04:52
lotacusthough i'm still using beta 304:52
jeff_I reinstalled it and I still cannot connect to my sn04:52
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jeff_and I tried other sn's from other computers in my house04:52
nothlitniru, well is your repo synced to the official repos?04:52
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jeff_I'm beginning to think I got blacklisted or something04:52
n2diy! sn04:52
ubotusn: Small NNTP server for leaf sites. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.8-4 (edgy), package size 166 kB, installed size 632 kB04:52
nothlitniru, also you need at least main and restricted04:52
jeff_screen name'04:52
nothlitsapage, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#Windows04:53
n2diyjeff_: ah sn = screen name. :)04:53
jeff_yea sorry04:53
jeff_does anyone have any Ideas?04:54
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nirunothlit:but before that it should at least ping04:54
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lotacusI had a problem once with not being able to log in.. I think all I did was delete my gaim account close it then restart gaim and re-add it.04:54
n2diyjeff_: I'm not using gaim, so, good luck.04:54
nirunothlit:its not pinging to any system04:54
mzanfardino1I've run into a bit of a problem.  I've attempted to install the latest nvidia driver and now have lost my desktop completely.  Is there anyway to recover?04:54
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CITguycan someone point me in the direction of a good tutorial for samba?04:54
jeff_are there any other clients that you guys would recommend until I manage to fix gaim04:55
n2diyCITguy: samba.org?04:55
nothlitniru, well your network may not be configured correctly, or perhaps the server has a firewall?04:55
arrenlex!samba | CITguy04:55
ubotuCITguy: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT04:55
jeff_will amsn work on the aim network?04:55
arrenlexjeff_: No04:55
nirunothlit:has ubuntu any firewall?04:55
lotacusyou have aol account04:55
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nirunothlit:but my other systems are pinging04:56
jeff_then I'm just going to google one04:56
CITguyis samba what i want to use in order to share files between two Linux machines?04:56
nothlitniru, um by default? only iptables/netfilter04:56
lotacuswell you can always do a search in synaptic04:56
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bulmerCITguy: no, you can use nfs04:56
n2diyniru: yes, Firestarter is a good front end for it.04:56
lotacusmost of the apps that I installed were by doing a search and they all seemed pretty good (expept for the horrid games)04:56
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mzanfardino1ok, need a little help getting gnome back up and running.  what utility can I run from CLI to reinstall a working desktop?04:56
nirun2diy:how can i stop it04:56
arrenlexmzanfardino1: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop04:57
nothlit!nfs | CITguy04:57
ubotuCITguy: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.04:57
lotacusyou may want to uninstall it first04:57
n2diyniru: do you have Firestarter installed?04:57
lotacusbecause it's going to say it's already installed04:57
nothlitCITguy, well if you have SSH setup, you can always use that04:57
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nirun2diy:In ubuntu no04:57
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CITguythanks, i'll give those a try04:57
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nothlitCITguy, but between two linux machines? Rofl samba is a windows thing04:57
lotacusapt-get --uninstall ubuntu-desktop and then apt-get install ubuntu-desktop04:57
n2diyniru: ok, thati is how I do it, ask the group here how to do it.04:57
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lotacusunless there is a reinstall command04:58
craigbass1976nothlit, but isn't samba more versatile than nfs?04:58
zero888How would i have FIrestarter on boot???????04:58
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CITguywell, (unfortunately) i also have a winblows box that i need to share files across as well04:58
n2diyniru: they firewall is called ipchains, or iptables.04:58
arrenlexlotacus: a) ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. What do you expect to gain by removing\reinstalling it? b) There is a reinstall command c) apt-get --uninstall is wrong synatax04:58
nothlitcraigbass1976, what are you trying to do? set up shares on windows domains or something?04:58
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mzanfardino1I've already installed the desktop.  It's just that the video driver isn't loading04:59
craigbass1976nothlit, I don't knwo a whole lot about samba, I think I'd jsut heard that somewhere.04:59
gregghow do i install vmware so that I can run windows programs04:59
lotacusarrenlex I was just stating that it will say it's already installed and do nothing, there for whatever he did to break gnome will still be there.04:59
arrenlexmzanfardino1: That's completely different. That's X. What card?04:59
greggdo you have any suggestions for what to use to run windows programs04:59
SilenceGoldgregg go to www.howtoforge.com04:59
mzanfardino1arrenlex: nvidia04:59
arrenlex!wine | gregg04:59
ubotugregg: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.04:59
IndyGunFreakI have Firefox 2.0 installed, all plugins(flash9, etc..) work perfectly.  I just installed Opera, how do I get opera to detect flash 9 so i can use it under opera04:59
SilenceGoldthere's a tutorial there about installing vmware on ubuntu04:59
nothlitcraigbass1976, I doubt you needs exceed either nfs or samba04:59
arrenlexmzanfardino1: Do you want 3D acceleration?04:59
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nothlitcraigbass1976, but nfs is definitely more linuxy04:59
EnsignRedshirtgregg: For some programs, wine works just fine.05:00
greggI tried installing wine but I don't know how to start running windows programs05:00
mzanfardino1arrenlex: GeForce 560005:00
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arrenlexmzanfardino1: Do you want 3D acceleration?05:00
lotacusyou can get FreeNAS and run a dedicated box05:00
zero888Excuse me, how would i can i get firestarter to start everytime i start my computer? even a link would be nice :)05:00
mzanfardino1arrenlex: and I've recently downloaded the latest nvidia driver05:00
greggCan I run them from my other hard drive which they are installed05:00
mzanfardino1arrenlex: yes05:00
EnsignRedshirtgregg: In a terminal: wine program.exe05:00
arrenlexmzanfardino1: Do you know there's a guide?05:00
arrenlex!nvidia | mzanfardino105:00
ubotumzanfardino1: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:00
Toxhi.where's temporary files folder in ubuntu ?05:00
arrenlexTox: /tmp05:00
tonyyarussoTox: Which kind?05:00
greggWhat do you mean "In a terminal"05:00
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arrenlexTox: Like in all Linux05:00
craigbass1976nothlit, yeah.  I did have trouble though with a nfs share on a fedora box.  I was sharing no problem between fedora machines, but my UID on the Ubuntu box was 1000 and fedora's first one by default is 500.  All set now though05:01
arrenlex!cli | Tox05:01
ubotuTox: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands05:01
Toxand its under ?05:01
tonyyarussogregg: Applications > Accessories > Terminal05:01
greggI am clueless on how to run windows in linux05:01
arrenlex!cli | gregg05:01
ubotugregg: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands05:01
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nothlitIndyGunFreak, Tools, Preferences, Advanced, Content, Plug-in options, but opera should already have all the mozilla/firefox paths added05:01
mzanfardino1arrenlex: problem is, I'm limping along in cli atm... using irssi just to get on here.05:01
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arrenlex(Sorry, tox, cli wasn't for you)05:01
EnsignRedshirtgregg: Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal05:01
lotacuszero888,  system>administration>Sessions>Startup Programs then ADD and type in the command to start it up05:01
nothlitTox, /tmp05:01
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nothlitTox, or /var/tmp05:01
zYeis there anywhere where all terminal commands are listed?05:01
mzanfardino1arrenlex: unless you can recommend a cli browser... I'm kinda sol05:01
ubernoobHi, I was wondering about getting wireless to work on ubuntu...05:01
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tonyyarussozYe: See !cli above05:01
Toxnothlit: tnx!05:01
tonyyarusso!wifi | ubernoob05:01
ubotuubernoob: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:01
nothlitmzanfardino1, w3m is installed by default in ubuntu :)05:02
arrenlexmzanfardino1: That's not a problem. You can use the w3m or links console browser to see that site.05:02
zYetony you talking about the basic commands link?05:02
mzanfardino1arrenlex: let me check that out05:02
tonyyarussozYe: yeah05:02
greggOkay I understand the terminal part but how do I start running windows programs already installed on my secondary Hard drive in linux Os05:02
covOPprometheusI can mount an external ntfs-drive with "sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/PLAGUED" but the entry "/dev/sdb1 /media/PLAGUED ntfs-3g defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,uid=0,gid=46,auto,rw,nouser 0 1" in fstab won't automount it at connect; it claims that only root can mount it. What do I have to do for it to automount properly?05:02
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zYewell there are a lot more than that05:02
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tonyyarussogregg: Running windows programs?  Why?05:02
arrenlexgregg: "wine <path to program>"05:02
nothlitgregg, well, most won't work, but you need to mount that partition and run them with wine /path/to/program.exe05:02
greggI have programs I want to run that only work in windows05:03
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lotacusgregg you have to install wine or a flavour of wine such as winex I think, Cedega, or  crossover05:03
EnsignRedshirttonyyarusso: Believe it or not, there are one or two programs available in windows that are not available in linux. :)05:03
tonyyarussoEnsignRedshirt: Never!05:03
greggwhat is the path to program05:03
=== tonyyarusso doesn't use any
nothlitgregg, otherwise, use vmware/qemu and just run the whole partition in emulation05:03
arrenlexlotacus: winex is the old name for cedega. Cedega is for games.05:03
zYegregg its like saying05:03
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adamonlineEnsignRedshirt: Yeah, like counter-strike :(05:03
n2diyzYe: google bash05:03
zYewine word.exe05:03
nothlitgregg, the filepath to the executable file05:03
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sapageI am trying to mount a ntfs partition but when i try to cd into the mount point i get permission denied05:04
covOPprometheustonyyarusso, then can you name me a graphic editor on linux than levels with Corel Graphic Suit?05:04
greggdo I have to have the hard drive mounted05:04
arrenlexsapage: Wrong permissions. How are you mounting it.05:04
wolfwalkerCan someone recommend a good audio editor for ubuntu?05:04
nothlitbut instead its wine C:/Program Files/Microsoft Office/winword.exe05:04
arrenlexwolfwalker: audacity05:04
sapagegregg: yes05:04
greggOh...I see05:04
n2diywolfwalker: audacity05:04
wolfwalkerGot that05:04
lotacussapage if you have special permissions set on your NTFS drive and encryption, then you won't be able to get into it from linux05:04
nothlitdefinitely audacity :)05:04
adamonlinewolfwalker: I second Audacity05:04
sapagearrenlex: i followed the guide form ubuntu05:04
wolfwalkerHeard something about ardour05:04
craigbass1976wolfwalker, I'm diggin ardour for multitrack05:04
wolfwalkerBut I can't find it05:04
arrenlexsapage: Link me to this guide of yours, please.05:05
greggI have vm ware installed on my computer05:05
sapageno encryption05:05
tonyyarussocovOPprometheus: I don't know what corel is like, but I use a combination of Gimp and Inkscape for most things.05:05
greggHow do I get it to run programs on secondary hard drive05:05
nothlitsapage, make sure you added the correct mounting options in fstab05:05
arrenlexgregg: By mounting it.05:05
greggAlso, how do I get my secondary hard drive to boot up05:05
adamonlineWhile we're on the topic, what about a sample sequencing software?05:05
nothlitsapage, if you're still having trouble, you can add uid=sapage or something :)05:05
ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)05:05
greggIt doesn't show up in my files when i boot up05:05
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craigbass1976wolfwalker, It's in one of the apt repos.  I simply did apt-get install ardour, but I don't remember what had to be enabled first.  You also need JACK05:05
greggHow do I mount it05:05
covOPprometheustonyyarusso, gimp doesn't convince me, been struggling around for a while but can't get my ideas onto the bitmap05:05
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arrenlexsapage: Oh, you're trying ntfs-3g? Sorry, can't help you with that; never needed to write to my ntfs partitions.05:06
nothlit!inksacpe | covOPprometheus05:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about inksacpe - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:06
nothlit!inkscape | covOPprometheus05:06
ubotucovOPprometheus: Inkscape is a powerful vector graphics drawing application - see http://www.inkscape.org/ for more05:06
greggSorry for all the questions, I am a newbie05:06
wolfwalkercraigbass1976:  This may sound like a bad joke, but I don't know jack05:06
tonyyarussocovOPprometheus: Try inkscape then - vectors instead of bitmap05:06
sapagei dont want to write i just want to read05:06
lotacusi'm using ntfs3g just perfect05:06
sapagebut people keep pointing me to this05:06
arrenlexsapage: Then why are you trying to install ntfs-3g?05:06
greggI am interested in linux but it is a bit of a chore to get things running with it05:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ardour - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:06
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covOPprometheusnothlit, tonyyarusso :S doesn't work quiet well for a webdesigner haha05:06
sapagehow do i mount an ntfs partition just for read then?05:06
greggAny one know how to use vmware05:06
lotacusgregg, it was a chore the first time you got windows05:06
arrenlexsapage: Don't. Reading is very easy. Do you know the device name (/dev/sda1 or whatever) of your ntfs partition?05:06
EnsignRedshirtcovOPprometheus: What kind of graphics editing are you looking for?  For photo editing, Lightzone has a linux version--and it is free.05:07
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sapageyes i got it all right05:07
sapagei have done this once before05:07
greggYes, but executable files seem much easier to manage05:07
craigbass1976wolfwalker, hehe.  It's the "Jack Audio Connectin Kit" and though I don't know much jack either, it seems to be some sort of go between for Ardour and ALSA.05:07
gregglotacus do you know how to run vmware05:07
sapagejust dont have permission to the mount point05:07
lotacusno, they are just want you  are accustomed to05:07
arrenlexsapage: Put a line like this in your fstab:      /dev/sda1       /win/C          ntfs    ro,users,umask=000           0       005:07
arrenlexsapage: adjust to your mountpoint and folder.05:07
lotacusgregg, I only used it in windows05:07
theflyingfooldoes anyone know if gmail is down, i cant seem to get a connection with evolution05:07
wolfwalkerOkay, so how do I get jack?05:07
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sapagearrenlex: ta05:07
gregglotacus it is installed on my computer with icon but I don't know how to use it05:07
lotacusyea, and you can get it to run05:08
arrenlexsapage: the umask=000 basically means "everyone can read this folder". if that's too loose for you, adjust this permission. umask is the opposite of the hexcode you'd use in chmod: chmod 777 = umask 00005:08
lotacusi dont know how it functions in linux05:08
greggWill wine run most executable files05:08
covOPprometheusEnsignRedshirt, I'm looking for a complete pixel-graphics-editor, sort of photoshop and others, hehe or someone that helps me to get the last 20% of corel working under wine (draw already works at it's full) ;)05:08
bjvopengl headers could not be found because of a missing symlink05:08
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arrenlexgregg: you should look on http://appdb.winehq.org for your program. You have about a 50/50 chance of it starting at all.05:09
bjvconfig script expected to find them in /usr/X11R6/include/GL/05:09
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EnsignRedshirtcovOPprometheus: I also use Picture Window Pro 3.5.  This is a commercial windows program, but I have had no problems running it in wine.05:09
greggSo what good is it to convert to linux if I can't run my windows programs that I have installed05:09
sapagearrenlex: when i create the mount point in /media/ do i need to change the permission on that folder?05:10
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theflyingfoolgregg: there are probably good replacements for the windows progs05:10
arrenlexsapage: It won't do any good.05:10
arrenlexsapage: AFAIK.05:10
EnsignRedshirtcovOPprometheus: But it is primarily a photo editor, not for full blown graphics layout stuff.05:10
covOPprometheusEnsignRedshirt, what are you working for?05:10
EnsignRedshirtcovOPprometheus: Just personal hobby use.05:10
greggtheflyingfool but these programs I have to run, Linux does not have them05:10
n2diygregg:  you don't have to pay tribute to M$ every few years. You don't havet to worry about virus, and worms, etc...05:10
theflyingfoolgregg:  what programs are you trying to run?05:10
nothlitgregg, there are lots of software equivalents for things from windows05:11
arrenlexgregg: Some people use Linux because it's Free, or because they're tired of Windows or Microsoft. If you don't like it, don't use it. It's not for everyone.05:11
wolfwalkerPay tribute05:11
Popo1theflyingfool: tha's a good question05:11
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arrenlexgregg: Good point... No virii\spyware.05:11
covOPprometheusEnsignRedshirt, hmm ok, I'll take a look at them, but I seriously doubt that they will be sufficient05:11
n2diygregg:  And you don't have to upgrade hardware to run the new software.05:11
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lotacusI tried linux again because I was bored of windows05:12
wolfwalkerSo how and where do I get ardour?05:12
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n2diywolfwalker: google?05:12
theflyingfoolwhats the wine list of working apps url05:12
greggarrenlex  I want to run 64 bit processor and Linux is good with this but I can't run my programs on linux.  they are not windows programs, they are programs installed on Windows OS05:12
arrenlex!ardour-gtk | wolfwalker05:12
ubotuardour-gtk: digital audio workstation (graphical gtk interface). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99.2-2build1 (edgy), package size 2188 kB, installed size 5992 kB05:12
kitchetheflyingfool: winehq.com appdb05:12
covOPprometheusEnsignRedshirt, but thanks anyway05:12
sushi_lotacus : think of all the GB's you'd have if you just deleted windows for good05:12
dick-richardsonHow do I prevent Ubuntu from automatically logging onto unsecured wifi access points on boot?05:12
Popo1I use Linux 'cause the community treat me like a User, not like a client05:12
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covOPprometheusI can mount an external ntfs-drive with "sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/PLAGUED" but the entry "/dev/sdb1 /media/PLAGUED ntfs-3g defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,uid=0,gid=46,auto,rw,nouser 0 1" in fstab won't automount it at connect; it claims that only root can mount it. What do I have to do for it to automount properly?05:12
arrenlexgregg: If they are designed for Windows, they are Windows programs.05:12
lotacussushi_ I have actually concidered it05:12
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greggarrenlex:  oh05:13
lotacusubuntu has lasted longer on my system then any other distro05:13
sushi_lotacus : i just did a few weeks ago i havent had to log into windows it feels so nice05:13
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theflyingfoolD*** IT evoluton keeps tyming out on downloading my gmail account05:13
arrenlexgregg: I also urge you not to use 64-bit Linux. You will not get any benefits from a 64-bit machine for normal desktop use, and it creates a lot of compatibility headaches (for example, no Flash, no wine, no binary media codecs... or, at least, these things are very hard to set up)05:13
piaois any body use ipod shuffle 2   in ubuntu?05:13
wolfwalkerI didn't know it was ardour-gtk05:13
EnsignRedshirtcovOPprometheus: Sure thing.  Since I am just interested tweaking digital photos, they work for me.05:13
wolfwalkerThey just told me ardour05:13
craigbass1976wolfwalker, huh? I havne't been following...05:14
sushi_theflyingfool : im 99% sure that its a configuration problem       check youor settings05:14
arrenlexwolfwalker: apt-cache search <terms> is your best friend05:14
lotacussushi_ I will problem take the leap when I get accustomed to being able to fix things if something goes wrong. So when I know basic commands and syntax, and I can trouble shoot problems on my own, then I will move over from windows.05:14
wolfwalkerElaborate please arrenlex05:14
EnsignRedshirtwolfwalker: ...or packages.ubunut.com05:14
theflyingfoolsushi_: all my settings worked yesterday...05:14
carkeysHey everybody!... i got jsut a few questions.  is there a Peer Guardian like application for Ubuntu (one w/ a GUI) and is there a better alternative to Vmware ( i need to emulate a Xp instal for dreamweaver 08 and office 07)  Thanks.05:14
sushi_lotacus : you're right it does take some research and reading but its worth it05:14
lotacuslike last time I reinstalled Ubuntu because I messed up my xorg.conf and I didnt know how to fix it in console. LOL05:14
EnsignRedshirtwolfwalker: oops: packages.ubuntu.com05:14
arrenlexwolfwalker: apt-cache search is a command used to search for available packages. I typed in "apt-cache search ardour" and it gave me a list of packages matching "ardour" in description or string.05:14
arrenlexwolfwalker: I suppose you could also use the search feature of synaptic, or packages.ubuntu.com05:15
sushi_lotacus : tar your /etc directory often05:15
theflyingfoolhow do i clean the out the cache of downloaded packages, via command line05:15
arrenlextheflyingfool: apt-get clean05:15
nothlitapt-get clean05:15
Toxneed an advice .. what model of printer i shud buy  ubuntu cud recognise05:15
theflyingfoolthnx guys05:15
dick-richardsonHow do I prevent Ubuntu from automatically logging onto unsecured wifi access points on boot?05:15
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport05:15
arrenlexTox: HP is very good about their Linux support.05:15
zYehey my clock keeps moving in the middle of my panel05:15
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zYewhen i change resolution it is fine05:15
n2diy! hardware | Tox05:16
ubotuTox: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport05:16
craigbass1976zYe, time flies...05:16
Toxtry deskjet  ..05:16
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wolfwalkerThanks to all05:16
kitcheTox: any hp will probably work05:16
arrenlexwolfwalker: yw05:16
Toxhp sucks the same as Trust as cam05:16
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lotacusI could not believe that Ubuntu recognized my Logitech headset and Nostromo game pad LOL05:16
wolfwalkerAnd especiall to arrenlex05:16
zYei want my clock back to the right corner!05:16
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theflyingfoolwhats the command to check if ipv6 is working or dead sys wide05:17
dick-richardsonzYe: unlock it from the panel and move it05:17
sapagearrenlex: i did as you said but everytime i try to look at the point i mounted it i get a permission error05:17
kitcheTox: well their printers work nice in Linux, and pretty much every computer company is bad actually05:17
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kitchetheflyingfool: ip a|grep ipv605:17
arrenlexsapage: That's a configuration file. You'd need to mount the partition.05:17
dick-richardsonHow do I prevent Ubuntu from automatically logging onto unsecured wifi access points on boot?05:17
Toxnot all05:17
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zYeit isnt movin05:17
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arrenlexsapage: Keep running "sudo umount <mountpoint>" until it tells you nothing is mounted. Then run "mount <mountpoint>" WITHOUT sudo05:18
dick-richardsonright click on it, the choose move05:18
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arrenlexsapage: Or just reboot. This will sort itself out on restart.05:18
theflyingfooli have an odd question, with ip a|grep ipv6 nothing shows up, but firefox didnt work until i disalbed ipv6 through it05:18
sushi_Anyone know how to remove the password prompt after closing my laptop lid?  It's annoying (xubuntu)05:18
zee707anyone know a way to install libxss-dev on edgy (it has dependency problems) ?05:18
kitchedick-richardson: have your wirless card not come on at boot or turn off the scanning feature05:18
Toxits a curse i buy hardware ubuntu cant recognise lol05:18
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dick-richardsonsushi_: alt-f2, then type gconf-editor05:18
sushi_dick-richardson: i use xfce not gnome05:19
EnsignRedshirtTox: You could pretend to install a printer, and take a look at the list of Manufacturers and Models that show up (Use System ->Administration -> Printing)05:19
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arrenlexDammit. My chair armrests are on different levels because one is broken and it's so disorienting. >=|05:19
sapagearrenlex: sapage@sap:~$ mount /dev/sdb2 /media/storage/05:19
sapagemount: only root can do that05:19
dick-richardsonsushi_: ahh...not sure which file gets changed...05:19
arrenlexsapage: No.05:19
sushi_zee707 maybe the dependencies are located on a repository that is not in your apt sources list05:19
Flannelsapage: use sudo05:19
sapagei unmounted it05:19
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sapagesudo mount?05:19
Flannelsapage: right, prepend sudo to your command05:19
Toxthat model is in the list but dznt work05:19
arrenlexsapage: Keep running "sudo umount /media/storage" until it tells you that nothing is mounted. Then run "mount /dev/sdb2"05:19
carkeyscan somebody answer a question of mine ?05:20
sapageo ok05:20
arrenlexFlannel: No. He wants to put it into fstab so he has read permission.05:20
EnsignRedshirtarrenlex: Unless there is a dpkg-reconfigure armrests command, I don't think we can help you with that.05:20
n2diycarkeys: not unless you ask it.05:20
mark__oAnyone have experience with Automatix, Medibuntu, and Easyubuntu, on Edgy? What order to use them in? Should all be used?05:20
Flannel!automatix | mark__o05:20
ubotumark__o: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe05:20
arrenlexEnsignRedshirt: Stupid #ubuntu channel! You're so unhelpful! I'm going back to Windows WAAAH05:20
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.05:20
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carkeysn2diy: is there a peer guardian like application for ubuntu ?05:21
ToxEnsignRedshirt: read more on internet about hp deskjet 1020 and driver for it on internet05:21
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n2diycarkeys: what is peer guardian?05:21
EnsignRedshirtarrenlex: At least there you could pay some big bucks and get some new Microsoft armrests.05:21
nothlit!easyubuntu | mark__o05:21
ubotumark__o: easyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu05:21
carkeysn2diy: its a firewall.05:21
dick-richardsoncontent filter, isn't it?05:21
lotacuspeer guardian. wow I miss that ap05:21
Flannelarrenlex, sapage, you need a umask to make it readable/writable by people.  not running mount as a regular user.  but, fstab is different than mounting.05:21
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ubernoobgrr this wireless is pissin me off lol05:21
funkdollarhello folks - how can i change the hostname safely ? By edit /etc/hostname by hand ?05:21
carkeysn2diy: ill link you if oyu need it05:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:21
Flannel!hostname | funkdollar05:22
ubotufunkdollar: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly05:22
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nothlitmark__o, i recommend just following the wiki to get java/flash/codecs working05:22
arrenlexEnsignRedshirt: Maybe... but I would have to rest my elbows on a proprietary armrest and I couldn't move to a different armrest in the future because I wouldn't be able to use my old arm positions. = /05:22
n2diycarkeys: yes, it is already installed, if you are running X install Firestarter, and you'll have a nice front end to it.05:22
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theflyingfoolStupid ?, why cant i edit tags with Rhythmbox05:22
lotacusit's nice now that I installed the 32bit version of firefox. could never get anytihng to work properly with the 64bit version.05:22
arrenlexFlannel: Yes, we put a umask in the fstab. We're going through the part where we unmount the old partition and remount it with new settings.05:22
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sapagearrenlex:  cheers feel like a bit of an idiot after that working now :P05:22
Flannelcarkeys: dansguardian is... I believe similar05:22
dick-richardsonbah, firestarter...learning iptables takes some time, but you know you're setting your network up the way you want05:22
carkeysn2diy: thats a front end for IPtables. i need Peer guardian (it has special lists that i use)05:23
funkdollarubernoob, wireless has always been a pain05:23
arrenlexsapage: Thankfully, you don't have to do this again :) Now that it's in your fstab, it will automount on boot with proper permissions.05:23
funkdollarFlannel, thank you :-)05:23
EnsignRedshirtarrenlex: Yeah, and... nah, I'll stop now :)05:23
Flannelarrenlex: ah, sorry.  That's what I get for coming in halfway into a help session05:23
arrenlexsapage: Which is what you want, right?05:23
nothlitdick-richardson, eh, i just use a router05:23
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kitchedick-richardson: you do know firestarter is just a frontend to iptables so in reality your still using iptables :P05:23
n2diycarkeys: ok, good luck.05:23
dick-richardsonnothlit: even easier :D05:23
Flannelcarkeys: check out dansguardian05:23
ubernoobyeah funkdollar... it's a 4318 broadcom... trying to figure out where i went wrong in the forum post.05:23
dick-richardsonkitche: true, but it throws a ton of rules that I don't particularly care about05:24
sapagejust working out the permissions was all05:24
mark__onothlit: really? how about EasyUbuntu, that one looks good05:24
fiveironis there a way to set the sytem to use a non-graphical startup?05:24
arrenlexfiveiron: Permanently? Remove the gdm package.05:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about restrictedcodecs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:24
arrenlex!w32codecs | nothlit05:24
ubotunothlit: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages including w32codecs | info at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages | See !codecs for more information05:24
nothlit!codecs | mark__o05:24
ubotumark__o: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:24
fiveironarrenlex: i mean not to use the ubuntu loading bar05:24
dick-richardsonEasyUbuntu is alright...better is just to add repos and install yourself05:24
n2diy! intit05:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about intit - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:24
funkdollarubernoob, thats the same piece of shit i have05:25
n2diy! init05:25
ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto05:25
arrenlexfiveiron: What do you want instead? startx?05:25
funkdollarubernoob, the opensource driver _never_worked for me05:25
nothlitWhy does the factoid mention bum but not rcconf05:25
lotacuscould you not just use snort?05:25
funkdollarubernoob, i am currently using ndiswrapper and it works like a charm05:25
ubernoobfunkdollar, what did you have to do?05:25
fiveironarrenlex: ....  dude... all I want is to monitor the startup as it happens... i still want the system to boot into gdm... just not show the Ubuntu Logo and the loading bar AS the system boots05:25
ubernoobyeah i have ndiswrapper up, but i keep getting a driver error installing05:26
dick-richardsonIs there a way to prevent Ubuntu from auto connecting to open wifi access points on boot...shy of turning the radio off?05:26
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Flannelfiveiron: you need to remove quiet and splash from your boot options (grub menu)05:26
kitchefiveiron: what do you mean by non-graphical though the bootsplash or the gdm?05:26
arrenlexfiveiron: Oh! That boot. That's easy. Go into /boot/grub/menu.lst and remove "quiet" from the kopt line05:26
arrenlexfiveiron: (and splash)05:26
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carkeysOne other question: is there a better alternative to Vmware ( i need to emulate XP sp2) ?05:26
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arrenlexfiveiron: then run sudo update-grub05:26
theflyingfooldoes anyone know how to edit tags through rhythmbox or if there is a similar player that allows tag editing05:26
ubernoobfunkdollar it says: "couldn't copy /broadcom/bcmwl5.inf at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper-1.8 line 14405:26
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Popo1theflyingfool: use EasyTag--- that app rox!!05:27
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funkdollarubernoob, here i am agin05:27
ubernoobfunkdollar, what did you have to do?05:27
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ubernoobyeah i have ndiswrapper up, but i keep getting a driver error installing05:27
ubernoobfunkdollar it says: "couldn't copy /broadcom/bcmwl5.inf at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper-1.8 line 14405:27
funkdollarubernoob, tell me again what you did05:27
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nothlitcarkeys, vmware is the fastest, and easiest05:27
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nothlitcarkeys, you could use qemu or qemu+kqemu05:27
ubernoobfunkdollar: sudo ndiswrapper -i /broadcom/bcmwl5.inf05:28
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Tox!g alternatives05:28
funkdollarubernoob, does the folder /broadcom exist ?05:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about g alternatives - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:28
theflyingfoolPopo1:  i'll give it a try thanks for the tip05:28
ubernoobits on my desktop05:28
funkdollartry copying both the sys and the inf file inside one directory05:28
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ubotugalternatives: graphical setup tool for the alternatives system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.13.3ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 28 kB, installed size 276 kB05:29
ubernoobfunkdollar can i pm you?05:29
beginn3rI had accidentally messed up with my /etc/passwd05:29
arrenlexbeginn3r: That's me. What can I do you for?05:29
beginn3rwhat can I do?05:29
funkdollarubernoob, shure05:29
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beginn3rIt's missing now05:29
n2diyarrenlex: :?05:29
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dick-richardsonbeginn3r: have you tried running the passwd command in the applicable accounts?05:29
carkeysnothlit: thanks.05:29
arrenlexn2diy: (21:29:04) beginn3r: god05:30
arrenlex(21:29:17) arrenlex: beginn3r: That's me. What can I do you for?05:30
carkeysnothlit: ill look into vmware.  can it be installed through synaptics or am i going to have to do it manally?05:30
theflyingfooli know how to use && in command line, but why isnt it just &05:30
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bulmerbeginn3r: are you still log-on as root? then you can recreate the same file05:30
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jeff_I just tried kopete and a new screen name05:31
kitchetheflyingfool: & is typically to send a process to the background05:31
funkdollarubernoob, where are you ?05:31
arrenlextheflyingfool: & means "return control to the terminal". Try it: gedit &05:31
jeff_and nothing will allow me to connect to aim05:31
bulmerif not..it will be tuff to log back on05:31
beginn3rarrenlex now I am getting message like05:31
nothlitcarkeys, um vmware player i think can be done through the apt-get system, but server/workstation needs to be done manually, and you need to apply for a free key05:31
beginn3rexim: failed to find uid for user name Debian-exim05:31
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ubernoobfunkdollar what do you mean where am I?05:31
beginn3rI copied the /etc/shadow from  hoary05:31
beginn3rso I am able to login05:31
mojojojo__hi! Hi can I get older packages????? I'm trying to install a package but it requires older version dependency05:31
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beginn3rbut  it seems that many of the system users are missing05:31
theflyingfoolarrenlex: wow thats sweet, now i dont have to wait to finish for my next command05:31
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mojojojo__it uses to work before upgrading to edgy :/05:32
dick-richardsonhow do I remove all files found when running the locate command?05:32
riyonuk_Can I run fluxbox and murrine together?05:32
bulmerbeginn3r: every entry in /etc/shadow should have a corrresponding user in /etc/passwd05:32
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carkeysnothlit: ok, i found more detailed info on their website.05:32
beginn3rbulmer for some weird reason05:32
theflyingfoolPopo1:  does easy tag allow searching of media?05:32
lotacusi lov eyou05:32
beginn3r/etc/shadow wasn't there after installing  from bootstrap05:32
funkdollarriyonuk_,  if you are talking about the gtk2 theme yes - if you are talking about metacity no05:32
arrenlextheflyingfool: If you close your terminal, though, they'll all still die. Use ctrl+d to close your terminal without killing them all.05:32
beginn3rthe reason why I copied from hoary05:33
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beginn3rbut I forgot that I should add an entry05:33
n2diydick-richardson: repeat the question, and be more specific?05:33
beginn3rinstead of replacing the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow05:33
juxhican some one help me?05:33
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theflyingfooli love irc its the fastest way to learn things that arnt always right in front of ones face05:33
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jharenhello whats the website for cheking my pcinfo?what im running,what specs,what OS...?thanks05:33
facugaich!justask | juxhi05:33
ubotujuxhi: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:33
nothlit!vmware | carkeys05:33
ubotucarkeys: VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"). Instructions for VMWare Server can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware05:33
n2diytheflyingfool: 10-405:33
dick-richardsonn2diy: locate firestarter > sudo rm05:33
dick-richardsondoesn't work05:34
arrenlexdick-richardson: I think you're looking for locate firestarter | xargs sudo rm05:34
juxhiok my laptop doesn't list my pcmcia wireless card in the lspci05:34
riyonuk_alrighty thanks05:34
PirateHeadI'm having trouble UN-installing packages in Ubuntu 6.10. dpkg swears that the package has been removed, but there are still data files left in /usr/share/applications/whatever, etc05:34
arrenlexdick-richardson: Please be careful running that, though.05:34
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beginn3rany solution??05:34
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nothlitriyonuk_, yeas, murrine is just a gtk theme engine, doesn't affect a window manager05:34
dick-richardsonarrenlex: will do..I've gone through everything found int he locate and I don't want any of it05:34
beginn3rbulmer, ?05:35
n2diytheflyingfool: why not just un-install firestarter?05:35
bulmerbeginn3r: every entry in /etc/shadow should have a corrresponding user in /etc/passwd..so you can copy /etc/shadow but remove the field for password and replace it with x05:35
n2diytheflyingfool: whoops, ignore last.05:35
mister_robotoPirateHead: you need to use  --purge05:35
juxhihow do i make it see the card05:35
dick-richardsonarrenlex: thank you!05:35
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sapagecan you map all the buttons on a logitech mx500?05:35
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dick-richardsonn2diy: it is uninstalled, it left a bunch of crap05:36
n2diydick-richardson:  why not just un-install firestarter?05:36
sapagei want to be able to use button 5 as a back button like in windows05:36
beginn3rthe problem is /etc/shadow wasn't there  after I installed my edgy05:36
n2diydick-richardson:  ok05:36
dick-richardsonlanguage .xml files mostly...was just bugging me05:36
beginn3rso i copied from ubuntu hoary05:36
beginn3rtogethe r with  the /etc/passwd05:36
ubernoobfunkdollar i sent you a pm05:36
PirateHeadmister_roboto: I was under the impression that --purge only deleted some sort of residual config files, and a normal uninstall shoudl remove data files05:36
PirateHeadmister_roboto: am I wrong in that assumption?05:36
juxhii did ask a question hmmm no answer?05:36
bulmerbeginn3r: what do you have now?..and if you are playing around anyways..might as well re-install05:37
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beginn3rbut I didn't overwrite /etc/group though05:37
mister_robotoread the man page PirateHead05:37
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PirateHeadk, will re-read. thanks.05:37
funkdollarubernoob, wait i didnt get it because it was blocked05:37
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ubernoobfunkdollar i have to register quick05:38
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n2diydick-richardson: > is used for piping input and output, try & in its place.05:38
theflyingfoolhow do i figure out what key a key in keyboard shortcuts is talking about05:38
funkdollarubernoob, i am registered and authenticated now05:38
zYei have a .dll file i want to add to a wine directory05:38
beginn3rany smarter solution rather than re-install?05:38
zYehow can i05:38
funkdollarubernoob, dont worry speak it up in here thats what the room is for05:38
n2diydick-richardson:  or maybe it is &&05:38
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mister_robotoPirateHead: uninstall still leaves data files hanging around05:39
jaggz-where's the install log?  I just used aptitude to install "fdupes", and it installed python2.3 (or 3.2 or something), and then my vi stopped working and the vim binary seems to be missing.. what the hell happened?05:39
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n2diyjaggz-: /var/log05:39
uberno0bokay funkdollar... how is the file system set up in linux? I just got it today for the first time ever.05:39
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sapagewhere do i put themes in ubuntu so i can use them?05:39
jaggz-I hope this "remove duplicate files script" didn't remove stuff on my system05:39
funkdollaruberno0b, first of all get rid of everything related to the opensource bcm4318 drive05:39
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funkdollaruberno0b, first of all get rid of everything related to the opensource bcm4318 driver05:39
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uberno0bfunkdollar I have it blacklisted.05:39
zYehow can i put a .dll into the wine system???????05:39
jaggz-zye, google for:  install dll wine   ?05:40
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blueprints88888can anyone give some help with AIrcrack or Aireplay??????05:40
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theflyingfoolwhere are keymaps stored, so i can look at them05:40
jaggz-I would have googled for my answer, but I like associating with people .. thanks n2diy05:40
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funkdollarwrite:  sudo lsmod|grep -i bcm05:40
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funkdollarand tell me what it says05:40
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Tehkewl1I have had something bothering me for some time now, my laptop has an ati radeon mobility, running Kubuntu 6.06. The problem is that every so often (more often than not) it fails to change resolution and crashes, leaving me with a screen with a screwed up stripy pattern on my screen05:40
funkdollarif it doesnt fond it it is ok05:41
arrenlexfunkdollar: Why do you need to use sudo to list modules?05:41
n2diyjaggz-: roger that, plenty of them here!05:41
jaggz-[REMOVE, NOT USED]  vim05:41
Tehkewl1then I have to hold the power button now05:41
TaJMoXTehkewl1 : you use fglrx ?05:41
nothlitTehkewl1, what video driver are you using05:41
funkdollararrenlex, you dont wrong of me05:41
lotacusnah sounds like he's using proprietary.05:41
jaggz-lol.. not used.. it must have something to do with using checkinstall to install my own compiled version of vim05:41
funkdollarbut its a simple list command05:41
arrenlexfunkdollar: come again? o_O05:41
beginn3ranyone can really  help me with  that?05:41
uberno0band funkdollar i have been trying to follow http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=285809&page=105:41
n2diytheflyingfool: check out "man loadkeys"05:41
bulmerbeginn3r: you dont understand what I suggested?05:42
funkdollararrenlex, i mean it was my mistake but not a fatal one since the command will list the required modules05:42
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Tehkewl1I dunno what I'm using, whatever kubuntu had built in05:42
jaggz-how can I tell ubuntu/debian that my vim install is used??? lol05:42
kitchejaggz-: ?05:42
arrenlexfunkdollar: I know. I was just commenting for your knowledge.05:42
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jaggz-kitche, hey there!  nice to see you again05:42
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beginn3rBUlmer? to reinstall?05:42
beginn3rI replied05:42
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beginn3rwhether there is better  solution than that..05:43
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kitchejaggz-: so you don't have vim or vi05:43
bulmerbeginn3r: i missed it...yeah maybe you need to re-install..but you also did not read the other suggestion05:43
nothlitjaggz-, you uninstall ubuntu's vim05:43
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Andymeowscan anyone recommend a good book on linux device drivers using C?05:43
juxhiso no answer to the pcmcia question?05:43
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nothlitjaggz-, checkinstall automatically installs your prog for you05:43
beginn3rbulmer, what is the other suggestion?05:43
beginn3rcopying  the /etc/shadow?05:43
beginn3rwhich I  already  replied too?05:43
bulmerbeginn3r: every entry in /etc/shadow should have a corrresponding user in /etc/passwd..so you can copy /etc/shadow but remove the field for password and replace it with x05:43
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jaggz-I uninstalled ubuntu's vim and compiled my own (the new package wasn't available, so I compiled one, then used "checkinstall" to install it under the new name and version)05:44
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bulmerAndymeows: hang on..let me check05:44
beginn3rbulmer,I guess you didn't read my reply on that...05:44
jaggz-it installed fine, and I've been using it.. but aptitude just uninstalled vim automatically upon installation of an unrelated program05:44
n2diyAndymeows: google for Jan Axelrod and parallel ports.05:44
funkdollaruberno0b, make a directory in your home folder called BCM4318 or sthing easy to distinguish05:44
funkdollarcopy there all required windows drivers05:44
theflyingfoolthe locations in man keyload is wrong05:44
bulmerAndymeows: http://lwn.net/Kernel/LDD3/05:44
dick-richardsonIs there a way to prevent Ubuntu from auto connecting to open wifi access points on boot...shy of turning the radio off?05:45
kitchejaggz-: my ubuntu did that to me actually for some reason05:45
bulmerbeginn3r: no i have not..05:45
n2diytheflyingfool: I said loadkeys05:45
uberno0bfunkdollar: so go to file broswer, click on home and then into the ubuntu folder?05:45
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jaggz-kitche, I'm trying to figure out something.. perhaps something makes a package "standalone" or not..05:45
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kitchejaggz-: it has to do with installing packages with a different package manager then the one you use at least it was for me05:46
beginn3rbulmer  than scroll up and re-read05:46
theflyingfooln2diy: my mind is worse then my typing, that is the man i tried after looking again05:46
beginn3rI already replied to  that question twice05:46
funkdollarafter that follow the advice from the page but use the drivers you copied there05:46
Andymeowsbulmer: thanks a lot!05:46
bulmeryeah right..am the one helping you05:46
funkdollaruberno0b,  yes05:46
jaggz-like, if it's depended on, but those don't exist.. then it's not needed -- that has to exist to keep the system clean.  I like.  :)  but I can't have that with my packages which are standalone05:46
uberno0bfunkdollar: did that05:46
jaggz-now I have to remake vim too.. bleh05:46
bulmerAndymeows: np05:46
n2diytheflyingfool: so you couldn't find the keymap file locations with man loadkeys?05:46
funkdollarnow copy  the .sys and .inf files in there05:46
beginn3rbulmer, yeah you're helping me,  but you're not reading my reply to  your question05:47
theflyingfooln2diy: the places it says to look show up empty05:47
beginn3rthough  I did so twice05:47
beginn3ryet you're repeating  the same suggestion for  3 times05:47
uberno0bfunkdollar what .sys and .inf files?05:47
bulmerbeginn3r: can you repeat your reply please05:47
dick-richardsonbeginn3r: you could have answered 5 more times by now :P05:47
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funkdollaruberno0b, the windows driver files05:47
n2diytheflyingfool: bummer, I'm getting ready to start a project that depends on loadkeys, this is bad news.05:47
funkdollarndiswrapper uses the windows drivers05:47
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beginn3rmy reply  was, when I installed the edgy through bootstrap, /etc/shadow wasn't present05:48
funkdollarfind these files first - do you have them ?05:48
PirateHeadmister_roboto: I ran dpkg -P and the data files are still there.05:48
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theflyingfooln2diy: maybe im just stupid, but i cant find it with loadkeys05:48
[ithaycu] hello05:48
beginn3rso I copied the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow from  hoary05:48
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beginn3rwhich is on a different  box05:48
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beginn3rforgotten that  some entries will be missing05:48
uberno0bfunkdollar yes the .sys and .inf files are in there05:48
funkdollari have a pair of those but i dont know if they will be identical - bcm4318 is a device from hell05:48
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bulmerbeginn3r: okay, you can add them in05:48
beginn3rfrom  the edgy /etc/passwd that has been replaced05:48
n2diytheflyingfool: I haven't tried yet myself, but if this is true, I'm back where I started from.05:49
jaggz-kitche, looking for a solution still :)05:49
[ithaycu] What's a good way to trouble shoot random reboots?05:49
floatingHi. How to install a python game ? There are .py files and some other files in the untarred directory for installation05:49
jaggz-I'd hate to not use checkinstall now that I used it the first time :)05:49
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theflyingfooldoes anyone have any ideas on how i can figure out what key 0x74 is05:49
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beginn3rbulmer, the problem is, I don't  know what acess to add to  them05:49
beginn3ras example for05:49
[ithaycu] floating: do you have python installed?05:49
mister_robotoPirateHead: sorry, guess you'll have to remove any extra droppings manually then :)   maybe -P only cleans up the . directories in $HOME?05:49
arrenlexfloating: You can execute a .py file with the command "python <file.py>"05:50
beginn3rthat was taken from /etc/group05:50
funkdollarjaggz-, checkinstall is cool especially if you have accidentally installed a huge package with make install and then there was no rule to "make uninstall"05:50
EnsignRedshirt[ithaycu] : First: run memtest when you boot (it's one of the options in the list of kernels).  After that, you'll have to ask someone else.05:50
kitchejaggz-: you still have the vim package?05:50
emsstheflyingfool: ?05:50
bulmerbeginn3r: thats why I suggest also to re-install..guessing what they are and what home directories..is too much work..may as well re-install05:50
funkdollarjaggz-, after this experience its great05:50
NukiHello, had catastrophic problem with ubuntu... installed from live CD (running that now) install failed at 94%, and ubuntu fully crashed before I could file a bug report.  Now... windows doesn't boot... all I have is the live CD... :-(  Tell me there's a quick fix for all this...?05:50
emsstheflyingfool: use xev maybe?05:50
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[ithaycu] EnsignRedshirt: I'm running a memtest off the boot cd now05:50
floatingarrenlex: thx05:51
jaggz-wow.. searching for:  "REMOVE, NOT USED" checkinstall   turned up almost nothing.05:51
beginn3rbulmer, the problem with  reinstalling is, I don't have edgy CD and depending on installing them through  bootstrap05:51
NiosopHello, I'm trying to get OSS or ALSA w/ OSS emulation working w/ a SiS7019 Audio controller.  Anyone here gotten this to work w/ Ubuntu, or can offer any guidance?05:51
bulmerbeginn3r: also you can boot from a liveCD and check the same /etc/passwd and copy it over05:51
PirateHeadmister_roboto: what command do you usually use to uninstall a package? perhaps I am missing something? example package is the game Nexuiz, which is in the default ubuntu repository, so it should be pretty well-oiled, yes? I used "sudo dpkg -r nexuiz" to remove it, and it removed nothing or close to nothing.05:51
[ithaycu] EnsignRedshirt: thx for the help.05:51
emssNuki: just need to install/configure a boot manager05:51
beginn3rbulmer, again.. I don't have edgy  CD05:51
emssor reinstall the windows mbr05:52
beginn3ras stated above05:52
dick-richardsonbeginn3r: it's not feasible for you to download one?05:52
nothlitPirateHead, apt-get remove packagename05:52
nothlitPirateHead, with a sudo, of course05:52
PirateHeadnothlit: does dpkg usually do a lousy job at removing packages?05:52
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bulmerbeginn3r: well I take it its not that much different than your dapper(?)05:52
dick-richardsonPirateHead: sudo apt-get --purge autoremove pkgname05:52
beginn3rdick-richardson, my cd burner is not working the reason why  I have to install  through  bootstrap05:52
EnsignRedshirt[ithaycu] : Probably not much help, but you're welcome anyway :)05:52
emssPirateHead: you should use aptitude over the manual tools05:52
mister_robotoPirateHead: i use apt-get remove05:52
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PirateHeadOkay, will try that. Thanks all.05:52
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beginn3rbulmer, the problem is, it is different  the reason why some entries missing05:52
=== EnsignRedshirt likes Synaptic just fine.
dick-richardsonapt-get --purge autoremove does a more effective job05:53
beginn3rthe one like05:53
PirateHeadI couldn't find out how to use Synaptic at all.05:53
PirateHeadI could install with it, but not uninstall. Couldn't find the button.05:53
theflyingfoolemss: doesnt seem to show me the key name/number/thing05:53
nothlitPirateHead, no05:53
beginn3rthe only solution I can think  of is05:53
PirateHeadThen again, I never am the biggest fan of GUIs for package management.05:53
Gexdoes anybody know how to shutdown a process thats already been run by the "at" command?05:53
[ithaycu] EnsignRedshirt: The funny thing is the machine doesn't reboot while I'm using it05:53
beginn3rsomeone running  edgy  to let me have a  copy of /etc//passwd05:53
nothlitPirateHead, but you can purge packages instead of removing them, to get rid of configs too05:53
EnsignRedshirtPirateHead: right-click on the package, you'll get options...05:53
Nukiemss: thanks... but... I am thinking both windows and ubuntu are broken.  and what is the windows mbr?05:53
[ithaycu] EnsignRedshirt: It reboots during the day or over night when Im not around05:53
bulmerbeginn3r: there you go, you have a solution...just beg someone here... :)05:54
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bulmerwith edgy05:54
jaggz-this page seems to allude to just using defaults..05:54
emssNuki: master boot record05:54
jaggz-nothing special to checkinstall05:54
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beginn3rso, anyone here running  edgy can help me with this issue?05:54
NiosopNuki:  If you have a windows cd you should be able to enter recovery console and run fixmbr which might at least get windows back up05:54
emssNuki: unless you installed Ubuntu over windows or change the partitioning in some way that destroyed the windows partition you should be fine, just need to install a boot manager/mbr05:55
dick-richardsonbeginn3r: certainly...lemme clean mine up quick05:55
[ithaycu] beginn3r: a copy of /etc/passwd?05:55
Nukiemss: is that easy?  installing the mbr?05:55
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emssNuki: look at Niosop msg05:55
balarkahi dudes!05:55
balarkawhats up?05:55
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about up - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:56
NiosopNuki: Although I hate recommending bringing a windows CD anywhere near your computer, it's probably the easiest way  :)05:56
NukiNiosop: I can try that, thanks.05:56
uberno0bfunkdollar I keep getting "Couldn't copy /BCM4318/bcmwl5.inf at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper-1.8 line 144"05:56
beginn3rdick-richardson,  and /etc/shadow and /etc/group  aswell  ...   you can remove your user entry that  contain passwd though05:56
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dick-richardsonwill do...though you'd have a blast with the hashes :P05:56
mister_robotothat's got to be the stupidest damn question i ever heard on this channel (from beginn3r)05:56
NiosopAnyone have any ideas on how to get OSS or ALSA w/ OSS emulation working w/ a SiS7019 Audio controller?05:57
Popo1I have a problem with Firefox, sometimes when I try to open a PHP web page it sends me to a download dialog box or simply the page don't load never. And in every forum based on PHP I just can't post... never send my posts, time pass.. and it get dead05:57
beginn3rmister_roboto, what question?05:57
mister_robotoasking for someone's password and shadow file05:57
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PirateHeadapt-get removed the files that dpkg did not - I will be using apt from now on. =D05:57
NukiNiosop: heh... well trying to get away from windows... stumbling at first step05:57
beginn3rmister_roboto,  read my problem05:57
beginn3rI am not asking  for their password?05:57
emssNiosop: http://www.alsa-project.org/ ?05:57
beginn3rthe reason why I asked them to  remove the user entry05:57
emssNiosop: if that's even the correct website05:57
beginn3rI just need a copy of a system entry05:58
mister_robotobeginn3r: just a copy of every other valid user on their system?05:58
beginn3rcoz mine is missing05:58
EnsignRedshirtI need to test how Firefox works at an online store.  Could someone give me their credit card number to test?05:58
Niosopemss: thanks, I'll check it out again, maybe I missed something the first time over.05:58
tonyyarussobeginn3r: How is that "missing"...05:58
Popo1EnsignRedshirt: xD05:58
[ithaycu] beginn3r: just type it in05:58
mister_robotobeginn3r: here's a clue, boot the live cd and copy that one05:58
beginn3rmister_roboto, do you u nderstand what I want?05:58
mister_robotobeginn3r: anyone who would send you that is a fool05:58
beginn3rmister_roboto, read my answer above05:58
emssNiosop: there is a database of supported cards/intructions on the site05:58
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kyelewishey all05:59
mister_robotobeginn3r: i read your answer. it's STILL a damn retarded question05:59
beginn3rmister_roboto,  I asked them to remove  the line of users in the entry?05:59
beginn3rcan't yuo  get it?05:59
[ithaycu] hello kyelewis:05:59
mister_robotobeginn3r: just copy the one from the live cd05:59
kyelewisyet more fall-out from my edgy upgrade *sigh* :P05:59
PirateHeadWhen I plug my camera into my computer using a USB connector, it launches a GUI window to import my pictures, which is great. Unfortunately, the GUI window can only access the device if I configure it to gksudo before launching the GUI; and if I do that, then it imports the pictures as root and I have to chown them. How do automatically I make the device readable by my user before launching...05:59
PirateHead...the GUI?05:59
tjcoderso.... i followed the directions on using a vfat filesystem as a user, but it still isn't working for me. any hints?05:59
beginn3rmister_roboto, are  you purposely flaming05:59
beginn3rthe  reason  why I asked for  help is05:59
mister_robotobeginn3r: if they remove the user lines, there is nothing left in the file!05:59
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beginn3rbecause I don't  have  edgy CD05:59
Popo1could someone help with firefox to open the damn PHP? and at least be able to post on a PHP based forum?06:00
mister_robotobeginn3r: are you honestly that clueless or trolling to hopefully pick up some accounts to try getting in someone's box?06:00
beginn3rhave you  seen the /etc/shadow or undeerstand what I  am talking  about?06:00
Nukii have this feeling I screwed my windows partition... I slid the slider down to min when I setup the linux partition size... I thought I was providing linux with the smallest partition possible (64 gig... not that small) but I think I was chopping my windows partition down to 64 gig... did that kill windows???06:00
PirateHeadPopo1: wtf are you talking about? Open the damn .php?06:00
beginn3rexplain  to me how could this line06:00
beginn3rgive me access to  their machine?06:00
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jeff__removing evolution is rape06:00
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beginn3rI thought  it's a standard entry06:00
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jeff__especially if u have beagle installed06:00
mister_robotobeginn3r: tell me what you cannot get from the live cd?06:01
dick-richardsonmister_roboto: he doesn't have, nor can he get, access to the live cd06:01
dick-richardsonburner's busted06:01
beginn3rmister_roboto, Do you have problem understanding english, I have been  repeating it all over again06:01
mister_robotodick-richardson: he never said that06:01
PirateHeadbeginn3r: give me your PO box and I'll send you a livecd.06:01
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Popo1PirateHead: well, Firefox doesnt' open PHP web pages.. just send me a download dialog box, and I can post on PHP based forums, it can't send my posts... :( PHP web mails don't work either.. the same06:01
Gevaudan82Hello all...has anyone else had a problem setting up VINO on Ubuntu Edgy?  I've enabled it in gnome but I can't seem to connect even when using entering the IP on a LAN behind my firewall...it simply disconnects immediatly...what gives?06:01
beginn3rI just  need to know standard system entry06:02
mister_robotodick-richardson:  if he's here, he has access to it online06:02
dick-richardsonmister_roboto: actually, he did06:02
PirateHeadPopo1: what version of firefox, what version of ubuntu?06:02
beginn3rto replace my /etc/shadow /etc/passwd and /etc/group06:02
PirateHeadPopo1: I've never heard of that happening.06:02
doyquick question: is there an easy way to convert an ubuntu desktop installation into an ubuntu server installation?06:02
beginn3ryou can remove the lines for users login06:02
kyelewisok; well... gdm's nice graphical greeter won't start "The greeter application appears to be crashing." and gnome-session won't start under Xgl (it starts, then dies). Problems with connecting to the X server i believe06:02
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kyelewis"X: client 3 rejected from local host"06:02
Popo1PirateHead: Edgy Eft 64-Bits, and Firefox
Gevaudan82doy: get the server kernels and then the xampp packages but other than that, they should be identical06:03
dick-richardsonmister_roboto: anyway, not a big deal...like I said I'm just mounting the live cd and will send those files to him06:03
kyelewisi've tried removing the XAuth file being used, and still the issue occurs06:03
[ithaycu] kyelewis: check your log files /var/log/Xorg.0.log IIRC06:03
beginn3rdick-richardson, thanks06:03
Gevaudan82doy: and of course uninstall ubuntu-desktop...apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop06:03
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kyelewis[ithaycu] : i just quoted from it, the local host error06:03
PirateHeadPopo1: have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the firefox package?06:03
o0splitpaw0oOK, I screwed up. Talking through a terminal session. how to I reconfig xorg again *sigh* forgot the command06:03
doyGevaudan82: thanks06:03
beginn3rit seems that someone people  don't  understand the  problem yet are trying to pull the trigger06:03
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beginn3r*some people06:03
nothlitGevaudan82, i find vino a pain since its so cruddily documented06:03
nothlit!x11vnc | Gevaudan8206:03
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ubotux11vnc: VNC server which uses your current X11 session. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.2-1 (edgy), package size 438 kB, installed size 1104 kB06:03
lotacusis desktop search in ubuntu edgy broken?06:03
PirateHeadPopo1: I'm assuming this is the default install of firefox screwing up, you didn't compile your own or something?06:04
nothlitlotacus, no06:04
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lotacusdoesn't matter what I search for it never finds anything06:04
Gevaudan82nothlit: a while back i configured sessions using VNC but it was much slower than vino in my opinion...i don't mine the image compression vino uses...i'd prefer speed than frame rates06:04
Popo1PirateHead: I have the same problem since Dapper and Firefox 1.5, I think the problem is in another place.. maybe I have to install Apache? :s06:04
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[ithaycu] Popo1: Apache wouldn't have anything todo with your client not working.06:04
kyelewisi've also had popping up in the logs a bit "GConf server is not in use, shutting down."06:04
kyelewisbut nothing above it that would help troubleshoot that06:05
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[ithaycu] Popo1: the problem could be with mimetypes, although I'm no expert with firefox06:05
PirateHeadPopo1: no way. You should be able to access php files, because the MIME headers they send you are still HTML/text06:05
kyelewisi think i've tried everything i've seen in google and nothing's fixed it :P06:05
o0splitpaw0oI'm really hosed here. I'm using the xterm irc client and need help getting my xorg.conf fixed. I forget the entire command to run the setup for the video card06:05
o0splitpaw0oand it's not listed in my history06:05
nothlito0splitpaw0o, you mean irssi? its sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:06
o0splitpaw0onothlit: thanks!06:06
theflyingfooldoes anyone know any programs like EasyTag it keeps freezing on me, before i got a chance to try it06:06
PirateHeadPopo1: I think there must be a screw loose in your install. It's reading the mimetypes wrong or something, though I too am no expert on firefox.06:06
Popo1PirateHead: Where could it be the problem? It's so frutrating to have to go to Windows just to post on a forum...06:06
[ithaycu] kyelewis: I've not seen any problems with GConf so I'm not sure06:06
PirateHeadPopo1: is it only Firefox? Do PHP pages work using Dillo?06:06
[ithaycu] kyelewis: Have you tried starting x from a getty terminal?06:06
kyelewisany other ideas on the X auth problem?06:06
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o0splitpaw0onothlit: CRAP! screens scrolling what's the quick way to scroll up the chat :) LOL06:07
kyelewisit's not that X doesn't start, it's that gdm won't start the graphical greeter (it falls back to the alternate greeter)06:07
Popo1PirateHead: Hey! that's a point, I should try another web browser to see if it is a Firefox problem06:07
o0splitpaw0onothlit: NM scrool up key lol06:08
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nothlito0splitpaw0o, shift+ pageup06:08
kyelewisand that gnome-session dies on an XGL display06:08
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jaggz-how can I see what packages my system presently "wants" to uninstall?06:08
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jaggz-like, if I run aptitude to install another package, if it'll find my vim "not used" again?06:08
[ithaycu] kyelewis: Have you checked your gdm.conf?06:08
kyelewisand apparently /etc/init.d/gdm stop freezes the system, nice06:08
kyelewisi'm not quite sure what to be checking06:08
PirateHeadPopo1: good idea, tell how it goes.06:08
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[ithaycu] kyelewis: that's strange. What distro are you running?06:09
dick-richardsonbeginn3r: http://abe.midco.net/vauxje/1337h4x0rs06:09
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[ithaycu] kyelewis: I don't think I have an /etc/init.d  If I do I've been using /erc/rc.d/rc.S13Gdm06:10
[ithaycu] kyelewis: I can't check right now running a memtest on my box06:10
[ithaycu] well gotta hit the sack06:10
[ithaycu] cya06:10
beginn3rdick-richardson, thanks!06:11
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dick-richardsonbeginn3r: no problem06:12
o0splitpaw0onothlit: cross your fingers :)06:12
kyelewisanyone with any ideas? i'm fairly sure /etc/init.d/gdm stop shouldn't really freeze the system ;)06:12
Niosopkyelewis:  but gnome starts up fine?06:12
kyelewisi guess i'll see if i can still ssh in06:12
nothlitjaggz-, you can set apps in aptitude as manually installed06:12
kyelewisa normal gnome session starts fine- one with Xgl doesn't (gnome-session immediately dies and i'm dumped back to login)06:13
Flannelkyelewis: #ubuntu-xgl for XGL support, thanks06:13
kyelewis(the login of course being the fallback gdm because the standard graphical greeter won't load06:13
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nothlitjaggz-, and aptitude will always ask you before it does something if it does anything other than what has been explicitly stated06:13
Niosopkyelewis, Oh, I haven't had any luck w/ xgl, so can't help you there.06:13
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kyelewisFlannel: fair enough; i didn't see the error with xgl until later, but i'll see there06:13
jojofromthecircuhello. Does anyone here have experience using ubuntu as a samba server for sharing files?06:14
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kyelewisi don't see how the gdm issue is xgl based06:14
dzer0what package do I need to install to be able to run php scripts from the console? ex, php blah.php06:14
nothlit!anyone | jojofromthecircu06:14
ubotujojofromthecircu: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:14
nothlit!lamp | dzer006:14
ubotudzer0: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)06:14
nothlitdzer0, the name of the package is in there06:14
jojofromthecircuThanks ubotu. I had samba configured on debian, and wanted to try ubuntu, but after setting up in the same way, xp computers won't connect06:15
dzer0nothlit I already have a lamp configuration and php is installed but for some reason I cant run php scripts from the console06:15
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Niosopnothlit, probably something like php-cli06:15
jojofromthecircuI used smbpasswd -a joe06:15
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)06:15
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PirateHeadHow do you get ubotu to talk about stuff?06:15
jojofromthecircuand added a user to the samba passwd file06:15
Popo1ubotu is a bot06:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is a bot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:16
PirateHeadHmm, maybe he was just a bit late. =D06:16
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nothlitPirateHead, you teach it things06:16
jojofromthecircuI tried both manually creating a new samba config, and copying my samba config from the old debian machine06:16
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Popo1I think he is getting mad xD06:16
EnsignRedshirtdzer0: I haven't tried it, but I suspect that the package you want is php506:16
PirateHeadSo, how do I tell it to say "h4x" when somebody types !piratehead?06:16
lotacusmaybe I should just stay away from snort and mysql because apparently I dont know what i'm doing06:16
dzer0it's php5-cli ;) thanks a lot Niosop06:17
jojofromthecircusomething seems to behave differently in ubuntu than in debian. I am wondering what the difference is. Perhaps there is a known difference between debian and ubuntu machines.06:17
lotacusi'll just leave my system wide open06:17
Niosopnp. sorry addressed it to wrong person  :)06:17
jaggz-nothlit, yeah.. but I need to make it not work.. someone said aptitude has an unmarkauto option...06:17
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nothlitjaggz-, yeah just type sudo aptitude06:18
nothlitand use the ncurses gui to mark it06:18
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:19
blankywhy so quiet?06:19
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lotacusit's not. it's just that no one likes you06:22
lotacusheh. j/k06:23
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dick-richardsonanyone know how to keep ubuntu from auto connecting to open wifi access points on boot?06:23
lotacusare there any graphical front-ends be it application-wise or http based for snort?06:23
SchminuxHello! I am trying to get MS Sidewinder force feedback joystick working in Ubuntu 6.0.6 and not making any progess... can see the gameport in device manager, but nothing more.06:24
robnychello how do i find out if x1600 pro is supported by aiglx ?06:24
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems06:24
lotacusyour key word is (ms)06:24
lotacusrobnyc I dont know about aiglx but it works with frglx06:24
lotacusdunno if they are the same or not06:24
lotacusI was going to try aiglx but why change if it works fine with glx06:25
robnycu need aiglx or xgl dont u think06:25
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lotacusboth will be fine06:26
lotacuseither will be fine I mean06:26
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lotacusjust don't use ati's proprietary.06:26
robnycwell ig otta keep asking06:26
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robnyccuz AIGLX is better supopsely06:26
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lotacusanyone using snort?06:27
phiqtionwhy does mounted FS appear in Desktop as icons, how can i diable these icons but keep the FS mounted?06:28
lotacusbecause you need some way to access it06:28
phiqtioni can access it in Places06:28
phiqtioni don't need the icon on the Desktop06:28
dick-richardsonor at the command line, or in applications themselves :D06:28
lotacusthats like saying why is my hard drive listed as "filesystem" in the filesystem browser, cna't I just delete it06:29
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phiqtionno need for Desktop06:29
lotacusthen don't use your x-window manager06:29
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phiqtionthere should be a way to disable the icon06:29
dick-richardsonif you mount it somewhere other than in /media it doesn't show on the desktop I believe06:29
dick-richardsontry mounting it in /mnt06:29
lotacusOOOOH he mounted it to the desktop06:29
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lotacusyea mine is mounted in media I think06:30
phiqtionall default boxes have it in media06:30
lotacusI wanted the complete oposite. I want mine mounted on the desktop or the filebrowser area06:30
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cmt^^I'm trying to install a LAMP solution on edgy-box.. can anyone tell me where I can find a sample configuration file for apache2? The basic setup only gave me a very trimmed down httpd.conf.06:30
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KNYis there a way to tell if a given usb device is mapped to a /dev/* ?06:32
lotacusi need help with snort :S someone wanna pm me if they are using it06:32
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phiqtiongoogle snort06:33
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PaulusVictorQuestion: If I have drive compression enabled in Windows, will I still be able to read files from that drive with no difficulty in Ubuntu?06:34
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lotacusphiqtion heh yea I did that.06:34
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lotacusi'm on a guide right now06:34
davidvastai don't think so?06:34
davidvastais it NTFS?06:34
lotacusbut i have a problem with a path the guide listed06:34
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KNYPaulusVictor, no harm in trying. Just mount the NTFS drive as RO06:34
lotacusmainly: mysql -u root -p < ~/snort-2.3.2/schemas/create_mysql snort06:35
davidvastathat might work06:35
lotacusit's saying the dir doesn't exist06:35
lotacuswhich it doesn't06:35
PaulusVictorKNY: Where can I change the setting to mount the drive as RO and not R/W?06:35
lotacusI dont know where the path would be for snort06:35
dick-richardsonfstab...or at the cmmand line06:35
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PaulusVictorOk, thanks.06:35
PaulusVictor<--- Just installed Ubuntu....might be here for a while.06:35
KNYgood luck06:35
KNYreport back on whether it works or not06:36
davidvastaubuntu is pretty easy06:36
lotacusPaulusVictor: Congrats and I hope you have patience.06:36
avalon_I'm having a problem with drive encryption. I want to encrypt two hard drives that I have already chock full of data. All the information I find needs the data to be formatted. Is there a compression system that doesn't need to format my drives?06:36
davidvastai was a SUSE and Redhat fan and have turned to an Ubuntu nut06:36
davidvastait's pretty good stuff06:36
lotacusI installed the latest SUSE (four disks later) and deleted the partition after first startup06:36
KNYhaha yeah06:37
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davidvastasuse is just still not ready06:37
KNYI started with Fedora Core 3 because I got the DVD free in a magazine06:37
davidvastaubuntu is way closer06:37
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EnsignRedshirtWhat the...? What did I do?  I have an "untitled" USB disk icon on my desktop.  When I browse it, I find a directory called "TheVolumeSettingsFolder" and two files, "Desktop DB" and "Desktop BF".  While I do have two external USB drives plugged in, this icon isn't either of those.  What is this thing?06:37
davidvastai started with redhat 406:37
avalon_Ubuntu will eventually become mainstream I think. I started with slackware.06:37
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KNYand flopped around the distros for a while until I found Ubuntu. 1 CD beats downloading and burning multiple CDs or DVD(s)06:37
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avalon_For those who haven't had the pleasure.. slackware is about as fun as giving yourself a rectal exam.06:38
davidvastai think they have the push and drive to get something out that is good06:38
redwyrmI'm trying to upgrade from Breezy to Dapper according to this method: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/01/05/steps-to-upgrading-your-ubuntu-machine-ubuntu-6061-610/06:38
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lotacusEnsighRedshirt first of all, your name is too long. LOL. Those I would think are automatically created much like how windows will create files on your drives which are hidden like "index.dat and thumbs.db"06:38
mneptokwasn't "Flopped Around The Distros" Keith Richards' second solo album?06:38
KNYno clue06:38
=== dick-richardson likes self rectal exams
avalon_TMI dick-richardson...06:39
davidvastaupgrades are pretty easy06:39
PaulusVictorOk, now I'm looking in the fstab file, and I believe the drive in question is SDA5, how should I edit the line to make it RO?06:39
EnsignRedshirtlotacus: Does your IRC client have tab completion?  If so, long nicks are no problem.06:39
KNYPaulusVictor, make sure first06:39
KNYsudo fdisk -l06:39
redwyrmdavidvasta, is that likely to work, then?06:39
mneptokEnsignRedshirt: you just described an HFS/HFS+ formatted volume06:39
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lotacusEnsignRedshirt: heh yea, actually it does.06:39
avalon_I just wished there was an option to install ubuntu and encrypt drives during the installation06:39
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KNYPaulusVictor, and note which /dev it is06:40
davidvastawhat was i doing06:40
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lotacusEnsignRedshirt: BUT i'm afriad of using those keys over there <--- cuz eveyrtime my finger taps over there, I have the tendancy to inadvertanly log out of my xwindow session. pain in the arse06:40
EnsignRedshirtmneptok: HFS...? Sorry for being mostly clueless, but that sounds like a Mac thing.06:40
davidvastayes I did it to my box and I think that is the page I used. Should take a about 20 minutes06:40
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=== avalon_ fishes around google hoping for the equivilant of bitlocker for linux..
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theflyingfoolhow are azureus and azureus-gcj differnt06:40
lotacusHFS is an OLD filesystem06:40
KNYrTorrent FTW06:41
mneptokEnsignRedshirt: it does sound like a Mac thing, don't it ;)06:41
markedwardshas anyone gotten grub working on an Intel Mac?06:41
PaulusVictorKNY: Actually, looking at it again the drive is mounted under /media/files and I don't see that in the fstab file at all.06:41
dick-richardsondoes rTorrent handle rss feeds?06:41
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KNYdick-richardson, rTorrent doesn't even have a GUI06:41
KNYbut it's fast :)06:41
lotacusthat's it06:41
lotacusI told you06:41
dick-richardsonso 'no' the rss thing?06:42
QMario!Give lotacus language06:42
Hawk|afkACTION gives lotacus Elton John06:42
avalon_grr.... stupid drives... just encrypt....06:42
KNYPaulusVictor, cat /etc/mtab06:42
mneptok!enter | lotacus06:42
ubotulotacus: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:42
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KNYdick-richardson, no06:42
EnsignRedshirtmneptok: ..and the only Mac here is a laptop that is turned off and completely disconnected from this computer.06:42
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lotacuswhy does every damn linux distro have to have a stupid keyboard shortcut like shift backspace.06:42
mneptokEnsignRedshirt: was this USB device ever used on a Mac?06:42
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KNYso, anyone know how I can figure out if a given USB device is mapped to a /dev/*?06:43
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theflyingfoolhow are azureus and azureus-gcj differnt, and which should i install06:43
KNYspecifically, if it's mapped to /dev/video006:43
KNYtheflyingfool, google it?06:43
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dick-richardsonKNY: cat /var/log/messages | grep disk06:43
bugeyesI would like to know how to do a clean install of edgy06:43
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bugeyescan anyone help??06:44
dick-richardsonthat's how I find what's mapped where06:44
KNYdick-richardson, grep disk? why>06:44
iSeriesSysAdmjust put in the CD and go for it06:44
KNYit's USB06:44
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KNYbut I'll poke around06:44
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PaulusVictorKNY: I'll figure it out later, bed time for me. Thanks for the assist.06:44
KNYPaulusVictor, no problem06:44
dick-richardsonyeah, disk is the most conspicuous term in the lines that specify what's mapped where06:44
mneptokbugeyes: get the alternate CD and format / when you install. if you don,t have a seperate partiton for /home, you'll lose all user data06:44
dick-richardsonin the messages file, of course06:44
markedwardsany grub experts here?06:45
KNYmarkedwards, /join #grub06:45
avalon_DM crypt is out for my encryption needs...06:45
bugeyesI don't mind loosing user data.  I am new to this and screwed everything up.  It is a new install anyway06:45
markedwardsKNY: thanks06:45
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EnsignRedshirtmneptok: I don't recall using either of the USB drives on the mac, but my memory ain't what it used to be, so I couldn't swear to it.  FWIW, one of the external drives is ntfs, and the other is ext3.06:45
bugeyesmneptok:  Thanks a bunch!!06:45
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KNYmarkedwards, no problem06:45
iSeriesSysAdmbugeyes - do you have a cd for that version?06:46
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kortechey, i'm trying to install edgy on a laptop without a cd rom drive. is there a known way to put a cd image on to a usb stick to boot from it?06:46
KNYwhoever was asking about azureus-gcj: http://www.google.com/search?q=define%3Agij06:46
KNYor: http://www.google.com/search?q=define%3Agcj06:46
dick-richardsonkortec: easier to install over the network if the laptop has an ethernet jack06:47
iSeriesSysAdmyes you can use a USB key to boot from06:47
KNYtheflyingfool, http://www.google.com/search?q=define%3Agcj http://www.google.com/search?q=define%3Agij06:47
iSeriesSysAdmi i would use the network06:47
kortecdick-richardson okay.. what boot medium? PXE boot? is there a link somewhere?06:47
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theflyingfoolKNY: thnx06:50
KNYtheflyingfool, no problem06:50
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KNYtheflyingfool, to clarify: I believe that it compiles the Java into native bytecode, making it faster and have less overhead06:50
KNYso use the -gcj one06:50
EnsignRedshirtmneptok: It is something to do with the ntfs usb disk.  mount shows "/dev/sda on /media/untitled type hfsplus ..." and "/dev/sda1 n /media/usbdisk type ntfs ..."06:50
Flannel!install | kortec06:51
ubotukortec: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues06:51
theflyingfoolKNY: thanks much06:51
EnsignRedshirtmneptok: (Sorry for the spam if you don't care :)06:51
KNYtheflyingfool, not a problem06:51
redwyrmwhat's the most supported/standard way of firewalling under Edgy?06:52
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lotacusi would like to know as well. I gave up on snort06:53
theflyingfoolwithout closing a prog is there a way to check if its not responding?06:53
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_3uG_hi.. can someone recommend a really good, lightweight desktop manager that i can use with xfce in place of xfdesktop?06:53
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EnsignRedshirt_3uG_: You could also try asking in #xubuntu06:55
_3uG_EnsignRedshirt, ah. good idea06:55
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lotacusi really should go to bed, but I hate sleeping06:56
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doyso, i tried to rerun the installer, and now i can't use lvm on my root drive, even if i manually use fdisk to remove the partitions and do 'cat /dev/zero > /dev/hdc'06:57
snooplsmwhere is the $PATH variable stored?  in what file?06:57
cmt^^does anyone have a couple of hours to spare? I need help installing and configuring apache 2 on ubuntu edgy06:57
doybecause it says the physical device is already in use06:57
doywhat else can i try?06:57
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EnsignRedshirtsnooplsm: I don't recall the order or logic in which these files are used but PATH might be defined in: /etc/profile, ~/.bash_profile and/or ~/.bashrc07:00
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cmt^^I need some help setting up a mailserver on ubuntu linux, doesn anyone have a couple of hours to spare? :)07:00
Flanneldoy: er, what?07:00
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riyonuk_Help! I installed a black theme for mirranda and now all my themes are black, how do I get rid of this?07:01
Flanneldoy: you don't need to do that (youd use dd anyway), just format hdc1 as lvm.  It's more robust that way too.07:01
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doyFlannel: i've never used lvm before, so i was hoping to do it automatically(:07:01
doybut if that will work, okay07:01
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Flanneldoy: using a drive (as opposed to a partition on a drive) is safer against things that aren't lvm-aware, since they see "a partition" instead of a blank drive07:02
Flanneldoy: it's fine ;)  I just setup a LVM too.  You have the alternate ISO/CD, right?07:02
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theflyingfoolI think my synaptic froze, if i kill it, will i trash my system07:02
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doyso i can format /dev/hdc1 as lvm and then tell the installer to use it as the root drive?07:02
markedwardsnot getting response from #grub, anyone good at diagnosing Error 17 problems in grub?07:03
Flanneldoy: you format it in the installer.  You'll also need a /boot partition07:03
Flanneldoy: since grub can't boot to LVM yet.  So it's a lot easier to just setup a 200mb /boot partition or whatever07:03
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doywhat about swap?07:03
Flanneldoy: so, hdc1 is 200mb /boot, then the rest is lvm.  Swap goes in lvm07:03
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Flanneldoy: then once you've set that up, you go to the top and "configure lvm"07:04
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newjsIs there a way to use wildcard in /etc/hosts   to let *.com point to ?07:04
Flanneldoy: then thats how you'll setup all the volume groups, and logical volumes, in the lvm thing.07:04
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Flanneldoy: "once youve set that up" means, while still on the partitioner screen07:05
doyalright, thanks(:07:05
doyi'll see how that works07:05
lotacusok good. the shift backspace problem I think is fixed for this session at least07:06
lotacusis there a way to make this change more permanent?07:06
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theflyingfoolhow do i kill a program that wont close?07:06
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EnsignRedshirttheflyingfool: You're trying to kill your zombied synaptic?07:07
newjsIs there a way to Use wildcard in /etc/hosts    to point *.local to
lotacussystem>administration>System Monitor07:07
lotacusselect the process that is hanging and right click and kill07:07
theflyingfoolEnsignRedshirt: yup07:07
nothlitkillall, kill -907:08
EnsignRedshirtlotacus: Will that work if the program is running as root?07:08
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lotacusoh probably not07:08
lotacususe the killall then07:08
EnsignRedshirttheflyingfool: Try this: sudo killall -9 synaptic07:08
lotacussudo killall (process name)07:08
lotacuscase sensitive of course07:08
theflyingfoolEnsignRedshirt: worked thanks much07:09
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theflyingfoolflashplugin-nonfree keeps hangin during config, saying downloading, shouldnt it do that before configuring07:11
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newjsseems no one help me.07:12
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EnsignRedshirtnewjs: Try this: man hosts07:13
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=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by apokryphos at Fri Jan 12 12:13:12 2007
([1] jon/#ubuntu) I'm having trouble installing Bugzilla on Xubuntu07:17
(phiqtion/#ubuntu) redwyrm: thx07:17
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(lotacus/#ubuntu) I can see the file when I manually open it in gedit07:18
lotacuslet me see if a hidden attribute has been applied07:18
nothlitls -a ~/Desktop07:18
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lotacusit doesn't show it07:19
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n2diylocatus: I got bumped offline, what's up?07:20
lotacusI tihnk it was saved in the root's desktop07:20
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newjsdo any one know a good game for ubuntu ?07:20
nothlitare you sure it hasn't been deleted or something, with something still accessing it?07:20
EnsignRedshirtnewjs: Frozen Bubble?07:20
ubotusupertux: Classic 2D jump 'n run sidescroller with Tux. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.3-1.1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 228 kB, installed size 548 kB07:20
lotacusno I ran gedit as root and didn't see that it was saving it to root's desktop07:20
lotacusI found it thanks.07:20
nothlitlotacus, BAD USER07:21
newjsEnsignRedshirt,  did you played it?07:21
[1] jonI'm looking for help installing Bugzilla.07:21
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EnsignRedshirtnewjs: Of course!07:21
nothlitbtw i hope you used gksudo to run gedit as root07:21
n2diynothlit: yep :)07:21
lotacusnewjs the only good game I found was Chromium07:21
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nothlitchromium is fun07:21
=== Pie-rate [n=jschall@cust-69-19-214-183.static.o1.com] has joined #ubuntu
lotacuslol I didn't even mean to run it as root. just used to doing it from editing files that I would need root perms07:22
newjslotacus,  I will  try!! Thak yu07:22
=== jordo23 [n=jordo23@CPE-70-94-33-31.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
nothlitbah edit your config files with a console text editor07:23
Pie-ratedoes firefox not render the top of http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/index.xml right for anyone else? is there a big black thing around the flash banner?07:23
Pie-rateanyone know how i might fix that?07:23
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sayan_hi pie-rate install flash plugins for your firefox07:24
facugaichDoesn't work for me either07:24
nothlitPie-rate, the big black thing still is the flash banner lol07:24
adamonlinePie-rate: I have a similar issue with the music player on Myspace...07:24
=== cstrippie [n=cstrippi@adsl-69-110-69-83.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
lotacusWoW website looks fine fo rme07:24
Pie-ratenothlit, sayan_: i HAVE flash and it doesn't render improperly on windows.07:24
ardchoille42Pie-rate, Here's what I am seeing:  http://img226.imageshack.us/img226/7328/testdl8.jpg07:24
ciscosurferPie-rate: I think that has to with Flash (not whether it's installed -- I have it installed and it looks just like you said)...07:24
krinnsmy firfox is crashing07:24
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krinnsits falsh site prb i think07:25
Pie-rateardchoille42: you don't have flash installed07:25
krinnswhat should i do07:25
ardchoille42Pie-rate, yes, I do07:25
Pie-rateardchoille42: then you're blocking that somehow.07:25
nothlitPie-rate, yes but the big black thing is flash over here07:25
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weiyananybody help ...,,boot stoped with this notice : can't access tty; job control turn off07:26
Pie-ratenothlit: any way to fix it? it doesn't have that problem on windows07:26
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ciscosurferPie-rate: it's an issue with Flash on Ubuntu.  Period.07:26
Pie-ratenothlit: i have flash 907:26
ryancranyone know how to have small launcher icons on a large panel?07:26
Pie-rateciscosurfer: why does it happen?07:26
nothlitPie-rate, its probably a flash 9 beta issue07:26
ardchoille42Pie-rate, Ah, right you are, noscript was blocking JS07:26
Pie-ratenothlit: flash 9 isn't beta07:26
adamonlineDoes anyone know a way that I can send a command to a terminal window from another terminal window?07:26
ciscosurferPie-rate: probably has to with Flash being beta07:26
nothlitFlash 9 Update 2 issue*07:26
nothlitand yes it is07:26
ryancrlike 2 rows of small launchers on a large panel07:26
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sayan_pie-rate i think you are misleading with the black them of the site07:27
Pie-ratenothlit: http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash07:27
sayan_wait a bit for downloading all pics07:27
nothlitryancr, use xfce-panel07:27
Pie-ratenothlit: version: 9,0,31,007:27
sayan_or install flash again07:27
ardchoille42Does Half Life have a Linux client?07:27
Pie-ratenothlit: not beta07:27
weiyananybody any ideas ? boot stoped with : " can't access tty; job control turn off "07:28
nothliteh, then its a flash 9 linux issue07:28
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ciscosurferadamonline: maybe try here::http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/t-64292.html07:28
adamonlineardchoille42: Not as far as I know, but there's a dedicated half-life source server07:28
ciscosurferadamonline: maybe try here >> http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/t-64292.html07:28
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nothlitsry, didn't know it got released today07:28
lotacuswhere's gnome-session located?07:28
ryancrnothlist: hmmm ill check it out, no other way to do it on the regular gnome panel eh?07:28
ardchoille42adamonline, ok, thanks07:29
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nothlitryancr, you could layer two panels together secretly ;)07:29
amodmlotacus: /usr/bin/gnome-session07:29
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weiyansomebody help me ...boot stoped with this notice : can't access tty; job control turn off07:29
riyonuk_I think Im doing something wrong, everytime I apply a theme, it never changes the task buttons, mine look like classic windows instead of that cool blueness http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/32765755/ how do I fix this? What am I doing wrong?07:30
adamonlineardchoille42: If that's what you're looking for I know a great tutorial that got it installed for me flawlessly07:30
ryancrnothlit: yeah i was trying to avoid that07:30
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ardchoille42ryancr, There are some other panel type apps in the repos07:30
adamonlineciscosurfer: Thank you, I'm looking now :)07:30
ardchoille42adamonline, I just want to play half life on my computer as the only player.07:30
wnorrixI am using a DLink DWL-G122. Just installed Edgy (fresh install) the Link LED lights up. When I do a iwlist scan it lists my access point (airport extreme base station), but for some reason it does not get a IP address which i set the essid in the network-manager. FYI I am not using any kind of security/passwords its a open network07:30
ciscosurferadamonline: sure07:30
ciscosurferadamonline: hope that helps07:30
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n2diywnorrix: sounds like a DHCP, or port forwarding issue?07:32
qmfhi there. my gl vendor used to show mesa. not it shows SGI and i've noticed a big hits on my fps in games. any idea how i can resolve this?07:32
ryancrardchoille42: well i was hoping to use the gnome panel with some sort of cool "add to panel" app ;)07:32
wnorrixn2diy: well my mac seems to connect to the accesspoint just fine07:32
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Silv3rF0xI have a question07:32
wnorrixand ubuntu draper seemed to also work fine (other than the wifi switching off ever 30-40 mins)07:32
wnorrixeven if i set a static ip07:33
weiyananybody give some ideas ...boot stoped with this notice : can't access tty; job control turn off07:33
wnorrixits dead..07:33
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AgentChemI need some expert advice guys07:33
n2diywnorrix: ok, just guessing, my network is working either, all I've managed to do is ping stuff.07:33
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Silv3rF0xphpize install07:33
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Silv3rF0xI normal ues FC and it is in a pack already07:33
wnorrixn2diy: you have a DWL-122 ?07:33
nothlitryancr, sorry, its xfce4-panel rather than xfce-panel07:34
AgentChemicalMy 6.1 server cd wont boot07:34
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riyonuk_I think Im doing something wrong, everytime I apply a theme, it never changes the task buttons, mine look like classic windows instead of that cool blueness http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/32765755/ how do I fix this? What am I doing wrong?07:34
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n2diywnorrix: no, a Linksys BEFWS07:34
ryancrnothlit: yeah found it...tho this may give me an excuse to learn how to right my own gnome panel applet ;)07:34
AgentChemicalwhat would be causing this issue?07:35
ardchoille42ryancr, That's how some coders start out :)07:35
=== PWill [n=paul@cpe-24-208-190-43.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
adamonlineciscosurfer: Are you still there? perhaps I meant to say 'send a command from one shell window to another'.  The link you sent me seems to refer to sending commands between terminals, as in workstations...07:35
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n2diyAgentChemical: a bad burn on the CD, or a dirty cdrom drive?07:36
ciscosurferadamonline: ah, sorry...07:36
ciscosurferadamonline: i think I remember doing something like that via tty commands07:36
AgentChemicalI have tried 3 sep cd's 3 sep apps07:36
AgentChemicalburner works fine07:37
nothlitAgentChemical, its a 6.10 server cd btw, its not a traditional version number, thats 2006, October07:37
Silv3rF0xAnyone know what hold phpize so I can install it on this 6.0607:37
ryancrhaha just released today: Quick Lounge Applet07:37
nothlitAgentChemical, did you md5hash the cd and the iso?07:37
ryancrdoes exactly what i want07:37
AgentChemicali know nothlit07:37
adamonlineciscosurfer: TTY commands, cool, I'll look into that... This whole time I thought TTY stuff was in regards to voice accessibility hearing-impaired...07:37
AgentChemicalit checks out fine07:37
Silv3rF0xmost case in FC it is in php-devel07:37
adamonlineciscosurfer: Guess that makes more sense... =)07:38
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ciscosurferadamonline: yeah, i don't remember the exact commands, but trying something with redirection, etc., and involving tty either as itself or as $TTY ....can't remember07:38
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AgentChemicalthe iso has been md5 checked, burnt correctly 3 diff times with 3 diff apps, bios set to cd boot07:39
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AgentChemicalbut no boot07:39
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markedwardscan someone tell me if its safe to change a partition's id using fdisk's 't' command?  will it damage that partition?07:39
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adamonlineciscosurfer: Alright, thank you =)07:40
ciscosurferadamonline: Good Luck!!07:40
AgentChemicalim at a lost with this thing07:41
FlannelAgentChemical: did you burn at 4x?07:41
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ardchoille42AgentChemical, probably a silly question, but did you burn it as an image?07:41
nothlitmarkedwards, no.. but do you have any data you need on that partition?07:41
Flannelwait, it won't boot at all?07:42
AgentChemicalyes, it was burnt FROM the image07:42
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AgentChemicalits like my cdrom doesnt even see it at boot07:42
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markedwardsnothlit: yes07:43
FlannelAgentChemical: so, it doesn't boot at all?  is your BIOS setup correctly?07:43
AgentChemicalflannel, yes07:43
markedwardsnothlit: but its partition id is wrong07:43
FlannelAgentChemical: and, if you browse the CD, what do you see on it?07:43
AgentChemicaldirs' and files07:43
markedwardsnothlit: is there danger of data loss?07:44
FlannelAgentChemical: hmm.  that is very odd indeed.07:44
AgentChemicalhaha yah07:44
nothlitmarkedwards, i don't think it'll remove any data, but I would back up to be sure07:44
FlannelAgentChemical: try the 6.06 CD07:44
FlannelAgentChemical: see if it's jsut a fluke of the ISO, or... what.07:44
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AgentChemicaltell ya what, let me do a screen shot of the cd root dir and u can tell me if maybe the ISO is missing something ?!07:45
ardchoille42AgentChemical, Which ISO? Edgy?07:45
AgentChemicalserver 6.1007:46
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FlannelAgentChemical: actually, you can check yourself.  Let me get you a manifest07:46
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AgentChemicalFlannel, yah thanks07:47
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theflyingfoolwhat do i need to read the kernal sourcecode?07:47
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funkmunkywhat is a good video card for casual gaming for linux?07:47
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FlannelAgentChemical: http://ftp.ucsb.edu/pub/mirrors/linux/ubuntu/edgy/ubuntu-6.10-server-i386.list07:48
AgentChemicalthanks Flannel !!07:49
terapicodavetheflyingfool: any text editor will do once you've got it....vi is popular or gedit if you're not schooled in the ways of vi07:49
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wifi-radare - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:51
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ubotuwifi-radar: graphical utility for managing Wi-Fi profiles. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.7-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 36 kB, installed size 208 kB07:51
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host`what mp3 player/organizer do you guys use?07:51
cas3wifi-radar won't connect to a wep ap, I have no idea why07:51
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cas3why can't I get a dhcp offer from my wireless router using wifi-radar?07:53
ardchoille42host`, I use xmms07:53
phiqtionhow can i convert ogg/vorbis files to mpg/wmv or avi?07:53
host`have you tried avidemux phiqtion?07:54
EnsignRedshirthost`: Rhythmbox works fine for me, but I'm not cool.  And all my files are .ogg, not mp3.07:54
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phiqtionhost': no, is it in the repos?07:54
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host`I don't know what ogg/vorbis files are07:54
phiqtionhost': k, downloading07:55
host`I think it is07:55
cas3phiqtion: mpg321 input.mp3 -w raw && oggenc raw -o output.ogg07:55
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host`yeah, it is, I just checked07:55
AgentChemicalFlannel, it checks out07:55
host`cas3, he just said something about wanting an mpg or avi file07:56
host`unless I missed something07:56
phiqtionhost': avidemux doesn't open ogg/vorbis07:56
phiqtioncas3: i need ogg/vorbis to mpg/avi07:56
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cas3converting mp3 to ogg sorry07:57
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host`phiqtion, have you tried mencoder?07:57
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AgentChemicali swear im going to thorw this thing out my fn window07:57
host`what the heck is an ogg file?07:57
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cas3a better version of an mp3 host07:58
EnsignRedshirthost`: Another format, like mp3, mpg, wav, etc07:58
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cas3why can't I connect to a wep encrypted wifi router?07:59
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:59
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phiqtionhost': mencoder? repos?08:01
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cas3wifi-radar sucks, it won't give me an ip08:01
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Alakazamz0rcas3, wifi-radar?08:04
LucianSolarisyo yo yooo08:04
cas3it's this gui for wifi profiles08:05
cas3and it sux08:05
Alakazamz0rhi LucianSolaris :)08:05
Alakazamz0rhmm gnome has one cas308:05
AgentChemicalwell, im going to try and dl another ISO file and waist another fn cd08:05
cas3whats it called?08:05
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=== AgentChemical throws 3 cds in the microwave....
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deepbluegenehi. ican fileneme.chm can be opened in ubuntu.please guide08:06
deepbluegenehi. can fileneme.chm can be opened in ubuntu.please guide08:07
cas3use vi deepbluegene, I guess08:07
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deepbluegenecas3: ok08:08
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deepbluegenecas3: no it is not working.08:09
deepbluegeneis there any converter?08:09
Rondomdeepbluegene: install gnochm08:10
AgentChemicalif this doesnt work, then it has to be something with my cd's . eventhough the data is readable08:10
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deepbluegenerondom:thanx.let me try08:10
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bulmerAgentChemical: upon downloading the iso, you can mount it and then check to see if it is okay08:11
cas3what did it show deepblue?08:12
Rondomcas3: chms are binary files08:13
EnsignRedshirtAgentChemical: (Sorry if you already answered this...) What are you burning the disk with? K3B has the option of checking the md5sum of the disk itself after writing.  If that checks, the disk is good.08:13
Rondomcas3: they are windows-html-help-files08:13
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Rondomcas3:  the successor of *.hlp08:13
AgentChemicalEnsignRedshirt, I have used cd burner xp, nero and infra recorder08:13
cas3oh, then it'll be garbled, I dunno then08:13
AgentChemicalI have used the md5sum app tp check the hash08:14
AgentChemicalwhich has checked ouy08:14
deepbluegenecas3: it is not working as explained by Rondom08:14
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deepbluegeneRondom:thanx with gnochm i can read chm.thanx for your help08:14
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deepbluegenecas3:thanx to you also08:14
AgentChemicali dont mind waisting the cds...hell i get like 100 for 20 bucks, but its just time consuming trying to figure this out08:15
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EnsignRedshirtoops, wrong window...08:17
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AgentChemicallol, noob08:17
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bebends_xpbisa minta bantuan gak?08:18
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Madpilotbebends_xp, Indonesian?08:18
AgentChemicalanyone else here have a 36" lcd tv as a pc monitor? :)08:18
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AgentChemicalor something similar08:19
bulmeri have a huge 14" lcd08:19
FlannelAgentChemical: I'd try download a 6.06 server ISO, and trying that.08:19
ant_how would i connect my view my desktop on my tv?08:19
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AgentChemicalflannel, one step ahead!08:19
AgentChemical70% done on burn08:19
ant_how would i view my desktop on my tv*08:19
FlannelAgentChemical: ah, good.08:19
AgentChemicalunless u have an lcd tv, its not worth it08:20
AgentChemicalresolution is bad on tube tv's08:20
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AgentChemicalbut being 20 feet from ur pc and sitting on the couch is nice :)08:21
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ant_how bout with s video08:21
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AgentChemicalsvideo will still look crappy08:21
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ant_do i need software?08:22
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nothlitWatching stuff with tvout is a lot better than on a monitor08:22
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AgentChemicalnot when ur video card and tv are HD :)08:22
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ISOLATEDViRuSsmoking a hookah is pretty good too08:23
AgentChemicalamen !08:23
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ISOLATEDViRuSim currently enjoying Acai Berry08:23
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ant_i would love to have my desktop on the bigscreen08:24
ISOLATEDViRuSthat'd be sweet08:24
AgentChemicalits nice, i wont lie08:24
ant_i've googled it, but with no luck08:24
ISOLATEDViRuSgoogled what?08:25
ant_bunch of windows media centere stuff08:25
ISOLATEDViRuSAgentChemical, you smoke hookah?08:25
AgentChemicalhere, ill snap a pic of my setup realquick08:25
ant_how are they connected?08:25
huckthat's what I want to know too... if I can butt in on this too :D08:26
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niruwhich package is responsible for getting /usr/share/doc08:26
KorN[CM] can anyone help me installing a gui for edgy server install please?08:27
KorN[CM] im a linux newbie08:27
KorN[CM] :P08:27
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huckKorN[CM] : what type of window manager do you want?08:28
hendrickvpcan some help me out with universe packages?08:28
niruhuck:which package is responsible for getting /usr/share/doc08:28
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PainlessG'day ross :D08:28
huckniru: I dont know the answer to that one... i'm not a mod... sorry08:28
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KorN[CM] um well something not too taxing on my system08:29
FlannelKorN[CM] : xfce, perhaps?08:29
KorN[CM] however, I'm running athlon 3000+ (1.3ghx) and 512mb ram08:29
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KorN[CM] somethign that looks nice, but not a resource hog (if such a thing exists)08:29
huckKorN[CM] : I like fluxbox if you want to go light... xfce is good too08:29
ant_xfce is nice08:29
huckKorN[CM] : you prolly want xfce if you want nice looking08:29
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KorN[CM] server is mainly for my home network (gigabit network)08:30
huckKorN[CM] : you have the server installed already?08:30
KorN[CM] streaming video onto xbox08:30
KorN[CM] yeah08:30
KorN[CM] got the latest updates too08:30
huckKorN[CM] : do you have xorg installed?08:30
KorN[CM] I ran sudo apt-get update08:30
hendrickvpanyone, if a package is available, but is referred to by another package, how do you install the package? or do you?08:30
KorN[CM] um not sure to be honest08:30
KorN[CM] how do I tell?08:30
PainlessHow do I get my G510 to work? :/08:30
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hucktry typing cd /etc/X11/ and see if you see an xorg.conf file08:31
KorN[CM] huck PM mate if possible08:31
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dibblegowhen I copy music files to my mp3 player, then press 'Eject' to do the transfer, the files are not there on the mp3 player - why?08:33
ant_you have to run apt-get upgrade08:33
AgentChemicaltook a pic08:33
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dibblegoant_, who does?08:33
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AgentChemicalnot great quality, but u get the idea08:33
huckthat's pretty sweet... what cable are you using between your vid card and tv?08:34
bayzidersHow do i pimp out my grub?08:34
RosscoHey guys08:34
Rosscoi need some help08:34
AgentChemicalHD cable08:34
AgentChemicalmy video card is HD08:34
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huckthat's sweet... I have a 7800gt and dont think I have that...08:34
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bayzidersAny one know of a program?08:34
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AgentChemicalsee the gray bpx under the laptop ?08:35
AgentChemicalthats my pc, its a modified dvr system08:35
huckyes... Myth?08:36
AgentChemicali can also output my laptop, but only via vga :(08:36
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huckKorN[CM] : you still with us Korn?08:36
ant_has anyone used nubuntu?08:36
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AgentChemicali need a kvm switch though, to be able to do all 3, that would be nice08:37
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KorN[CM] huck u still here?08:38
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huckyep... i pmed you08:38
phiqtionhow do i re-enable the menubar on xchat?08:38
ardchoille42phiqtion, CTRL+F908:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ums - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:38
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KorN[CM] I think i wasnt registered08:38
bayzidersim sorry to ask twice but does any one know of a program that can change grubs gui?08:38
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hucki'm not either... maybe that's an issue08:39
KorN[CM] yeah it is08:39
KorN[CM] can you register08:39
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KorN[CM] otherwise we cant PM08:39
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KorN[CM] "/msg NickServ register password"08:39
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KorN[CM] without the ""08:39
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ardchoille42KorN[CM] , You cna he can join an empty channel and chat :)08:39
KorN[CM] hmm08:39
KorN[CM] how do I create a chan?08:40
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KorN[CM] done it08:40
ardchoille42KorN[CM] , /join #thisismychannel08:40
KorN[CM] huck08:40
KorN[CM] "/j kornchat"08:40
KorN[CM] without the ""08:40
dibblegowhat does UMS mean when referring to mp3 players?08:40
AgentChemicalFlannel > testing new cd08:40
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ardchoille42KorN[CM] , You can also register that channel for yourself08:40
maziahola, curious if there is a multithread-like progra to anage packages08:41
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wilsoniyaanybody use beryl?08:43
Flannelwilsoniya: #ubuntu-xgl for beryl/xgl support (see also #beryl or #xgl)08:44
maziahtried to, but my video card wont support ;>08:44
maziahx200 :(08:44
wilsoniyathats no good08:44
maziahgot as far as kubuntu 6.1 + xgl + beryl08:44
wilsoniyaI've used the xgl/compiz setup, I was just wondering how different beryl is08:44
maziahsorry cant help.08:44
wilsoniyak thanks08:45
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lotacusanyone know why running: java -cp swt.jar:Azureus2.jar -Djava.library.path=. org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.Main will throw an error but if I go into the working directory of azereus and run that exact command, it will work?08:46
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wilsoniyamaybe there's something wrong w/ your cp08:46
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wilsoniyamaybe you're missing something and it works correctly when you're in the dir because your pwd contains the needed classes08:47
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lotacuswell on the azureus site it says that if the files are extracted to another dir, to make that change in the path in the command, but I dnot know where that change should go08:48
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lotacusfor example, all required files are in /usr/share/azureus08:49
wilsoniyadoesn't azureus simply ship with a bash script for launching the jvm/app?08:49
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AdamKilisomeone please help me with fceu (NES Emulator) none of the arguements in the official documentation are working, i've been trying a ton of things, and now it stopped playing games completly it says the xscale is out of bounds08:50
lotacuswell the only way I can actually run the proggy is by using that command in terminal. :S08:50
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lotacusand in the working dir08:50
ciscosurferlotacus: this will help >> http://www.troubleshooters.com/linux/prepostpath.htm08:50
wnorrix_which applet is this http://unjourlinux.free.fr/screen/1.png08:50
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ciscosurferwnorrix: gtkwifi ?08:51
wnorrix_ciscosurfer: looks more like an applet08:52
AgentChemicalMOTHER F'ER !!!!!!08:52
bayziderswhy wont rythmbox play mp3s?08:52
ciscosurferwnorrix: an applet for gtkwifi?08:52
AgentChemicalstill the same damn issue08:52
wilsoniyado mp3s work in any other apps?08:52
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lotacushell, i dont know08:53
tonyyarusso!mp3 | bayziders08:53
ubotubayziders: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:53
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=== AgentChemical takes out his anger on the keyboard......lke;lkjjkad;lkjlg klkjl;kjkalkte
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastbin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:53
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:54
AgentChemicalwtf is wrong with my piece of $hit server08:54
lotacusthat's the bash script08:54
AgentChemicalim so sick of this08:54
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ciscosurferwnorrix: look at the bottom of this page >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo08:56
cowbudsnow is fun08:56
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wilsoniyanot when you gotta shovel it08:56
PhibreOptixHey guys, is there a way to maybe speed up WINE or something, I get massive performance loss when I try to play this game through it08:56
AgentChemicalthis makes no sense guys08:56
ciscosurferkraut: moinmoin08:57
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wilsoniyathis will sound entirely n00bish, but does anyone have insight as to why firefox is so hella slow in rendering digg pages?08:58
kronus_Hi, i'm having some issues getting a PCI NIC up and running08:58
Joe_CoTwilsoniya: all the javascript?08:58
kronus_i've installed 6.06 from a CD, and the network card doesn't show up in ifconfig08:59
kronus_or the gui network configurator08:59
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kronus_the card has worked with ubuntu before08:59
wilsoniyayeah, plus the pages tend to be huge w/ tons of graphics & css shiot08:59
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huckkronus_: just taking a stab at it... but can you do a sudo ifconfig eth0 up  ???09:00
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kronus_"no such device"09:00
Byancan someone help me get my screen resolution to the correct size?09:00
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Joe_CoTkronus_ : dmesg | grep eth09:00
wilsoniyaByan: u using gnome?09:01
incorrecthello, i just installed inetd and its says its need --alow-root  i don't see any man pages and google doesn't return any results09:01
Byanwilsoniya: yes09:01
Joe_CoTkronus_ : do you get any errors? does it detect the card?09:01
Byanwilsoniya: it's a intel GMA900 chipset09:01
kronus_"Error: no handler or method for GPE[7] , disabling event"09:01
Byanand it's suppost to be at 1280x76809:01
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wilsoniyaByan: that should'nt matter09:01
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wilsoniyado you have the correct res set in xorg.conf?09:02
kronus_it triggered on the 'eth' in method09:02
kronus_the card's LED's are lit up09:02
Byanwilsoniya: no idea..09:02
Joe_CoTkronus_: yeah, i see. that leads me to believe it isn't finding it at all. do lspci and see if it shows up in there09:02
wilsoniyaok, try this09:02
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DameIve just installed Ubuntu for first time. Im wondering whats the default root password since I was no asked for any?09:03
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tonyyarusso!root | Dame09:03
ubotuDame: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:03
kronus_nnope, don't see it09:03
wilsoniyasudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak09:04
kronus_i'm thinking hardware problem, going to move the card to another slot09:04
Joe_CoTkronus_ then yeah, it's getting power and nothing else. if it doesn't show up in lspci, i'm not really sure what else there is you could do with it.09:04
wilsoniyathen, sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:04
=== Asturia [n=ikke@164.254-240-81.adsl-static.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
Asturiahi everyone09:04
wilsoniyascroll down and you'll see a bunch of screen resolutions listed for different bit depths09:04
wilsoniyaadd your correct resolution to ea. bit depth09:04
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wilsoniyaByan:if that's not the problem then I'm not sure, but thats usually what i have to do, cuz i have a larger monitor09:05
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:06
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ByanModes"1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"09:06
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Byanadd my res?09:06
Joe_CoTByan: if the one you want is the first in the list for all the bit depths, and it's not being used, it could be moving down to another in the list, because your horizontal and vertical sync weren't detected correctly09:06
wilsoniyayup.. just like you see the others09:06
wilsoniyain the same format09:06
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wilsoniya"1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"09:07
wilsoniyasomethin like that09:07
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wilsoniyaByan: you'll have to restart X, or if you don't know how to do that, restart your comp09:08
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damageDOneHi everyone, I'm having trouble with an ipod nano and ubuntu edgy. It doesn't seem to mount properly and amarok won't detect it. I've followed the howto on the ubuntu forum and also other ones off the net but it doesn't seme to have any effect. Can some one help me.09:08
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kronus_is there any way to get a list of what's loading when ubuntu is booting up, like in 6.06 style?09:08
PhibreOptixCany anybody help me with my wine problem?09:09
kronus_rather than just the logo and the loading bar09:09
kronus_Byan: ctrl+alt+backspace restarts X09:09
Byanwill restarting X close all my open programs?09:09
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wilsoniyawell, your graphical ones09:10
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wilsoniyahey byan, i see you're at MTU... i have a friend there09:11
ByanI'm doing a apt-get upgrade atm.. so I better wait a bit.....09:11
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Byanwilsoniya: oh cool09:11
wilsoniyaRyan Sherman ??09:11
Byandon't know him09:12
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Byanwhat year is he?09:12
wilsoniyacivil eng i think09:12
qmfback again.. i've located this error in my Xorg log " GART is not initialized, disabling DRI" any ideas on how to fix this?09:12
Joe_CoTkronus_ sorry, don't really know. tab/esc/some function key maybe? if you boot it recovery mode it'll certainly show09:12
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Byanhmmm downside of having an ULV processor...09:12
om-ubuntu rocks09:13
AgentChemicalwell, i think i have tracked the issue down09:13
Byanshould speedstep be install automatically?09:13
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damageDOneCan someone hepl me?09:14
Byanshit this thing gets hot when it's working...09:15
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Wodgerwhat is the problem damage09:15
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damageDOneWodger: I'm trying to get an ipod nano working with edgy09:16
Joe_CoT!language | Byan09:16
ubotuByan: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:16
wilsoniyalol that's hilarious09:16
nnnhi all, I have Ubuntu Edgy .. and I install php4 + php4-mysql but in phpmyadmin and other php scripts which use MySQL I get this error "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket " extension=mysql.so I uncomment in php.ini09:16
wilsoniyado you have the apache mysql lib installed?09:17
ByanJoe_CoT: oh.. sorry09:17
Joe_CoTByan: np09:17
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damageDOnethe ubuntu wiki doesn't really explain anything09:17
erUSUL!lamp | nnn09:17
ubotunnn: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)09:17
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damageDOneAnd the howto on the forums doesn't work.09:17
nnnlibapache2-mod-auth-mysql ?09:18
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wilsoniyannn: one sec09:18
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Joe_CoTdamageDOne: you sure you have mysql-server installed? does it work from a command line?09:19
s1mple_m4nevening all. question: i once had a nautilus script installed that converted .flv files from youtube to .avi/.mpg but cannot find it. i have searched ubuntu forums with no luck. can anyone help??09:19
Joe_CoTie does "mysql -uroot" connect you?09:19
damageDOneJoe_CoT: no I get command not found when I try that.09:20
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OrTigaSwhere can i go if i want to ping public IP?09:20
Joe_CoTdamageDOne: sudo apt-get install mysql-server09:20
damageDOneJoe_CoT: okay, what do I need mysql for?09:20
Joe_CoTdamageDOne: if you want mysql 4 instead of 5, mysql4-server09:20
nnnbut where is php CLI ? $ php409:20
nnnbash: php4: command not found09:20
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Joe_CoTdamageDOne: phpmyadmin is to administer a mysql server O.o09:21
damageDOneJoe_CoT: What do I want that for?09:21
Joe_CoTdamageDOne: ...and i'm an idiot. sorry ^_^09:21
wilsoniyannn: try sudo apt-get install php4-mysql09:21
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zarul 4089 codefrea  17   0  175m  38m  760 D  0.3 31.0   2:26.04 firefox-bin09:21
nnnit always installed09:21
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zarulfirefox is killing  me09:21
CyTGlooking for a sata controller (pci 32bit/33mhz) can you recommend something ?09:22
Joe_CoTnnn, tkae everything i just said to damageDOne, and pretend it was to you09:22
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damageDOneJoe_CoT: Oh how do I get rid of mysql now?09:22
damageDOneJoe_CoT: Do I have to wait for it to finish installing09:23
Joe_CoTdamageDOne: ^_^ sorry! ctrl+c it09:24
Joe_CoTif it didn't finish downloading, they weren't installed09:24
damageDOneJoe_CoT: How do I clean it up?09:24
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drumline_Looking for a managed security switch like the Cisco Catalyst, but don't want to pay the huge sum of cash for a Cisco.  Anyone know of a nice switch like that?09:24
Joe_CoTdamageDOne did it actually start installing? mysql-server is like 25 mb09:25
Byanresolution is fixed09:25
damageDOneI think it said it 85MB... but I want to get rid of the stuff that has downloaded.09:25
zarulanyone has experience with any lightweight browser that is  not so buggy?09:25
Byanwhy.. is my DNS failing at life09:26
ardchoille42damageDOne, You want to get rid of downloaded packages?09:26
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wilsoniyabyan: that resolution setting plagued me for quite a while.. glad i could save you a little sanity :)09:26
Joe_CoTdamageDOne: sudo rm -f /var/cache/apt/archives/mysql*09:26
Byanwilsoniya: yeah, thank you09:27
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damageDOneJoe_CoT: Thanks.09:27
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Wodgerlynx is stable ;-)09:27
OrTigaSwhere can i ping public IP? in xterm?09:27
damageDOneardchoille42: Don't worry all sorted.09:27
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geoffthefishdoes anybody else get an annoying 'your session has been saved' window when they shutdown?09:27
geoffthefishhow do i stop it?09:27
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frogzoogeoffthefish: session option - to save at shutdown09:28
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Joe_CoTdamageDOne : as for your actual problem, i don't really know. i also haven't gotten ipods to work in edgy, but i haven't tried very hard. sorry again09:28
Joe_CoTnnn: is your stuff resolved?09:28
wilsoniyaOrTigas: open an xterm and do a ping <remote address>09:28
nnnok I all do as in doc... but why  php409:28
nnnbash: php4: command not found09:28
OrTigaSok..lemme try09:28
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damageDOneI've followed the howto but it hasn't worked.09:28
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damageDOneI hate the idea of having to use windows just for an ipod.09:29
zarulWodger, yeah lynx is cool09:29
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nnnI get this error only in Zend now09:29
rtsai1111is there a debian-like "unstable" for ubuntu where I can get stuff newer than edgy?09:29
wilsoniyaI like links209:29
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nnnmaybe I must restart it09:29
zarulbut  too bad I need something more than text-based  browser09:29
zarulI have  modified firefox cache size09:29
frogzoozarul: links2 is better09:29
zarulbut still never make me  tha happy yet09:29
geoffthefishfrogzoo:  sorry dont see that09:30
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OrTigaSok.. got it.... but its continues.. how if i just want it to ping 3 times?09:30
geoffthefishfrogzoo:  is it 'ask on logout'?09:30
Joe_CoTdamageDOne: none of the threads in the forums helped?09:30
zarulfrogzoo, so  you tried it before?09:30
wilsoniyalinks2 is great for ascii pr0n!!!!!!09:30
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frogzoogeoffthefish: sys -> prefs -> sessions -> session options -> auto save09:30
zarulI never use links2 for gui09:31
frogzoozarul: no, I just randomly recommend stuff for the fun of it09:31
gnoodle1Finally got a working system installed... Now new minor problem. I'm trying to mount my windows drives. The manual says to "Open  System->Administration->Disks". Unfortunately, no such entry exists, and I don't see anything similar. Do I need to install something extra?09:31
Joe_CoTwell, that sucked. later guys09:31
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geoffthefishfrogzoo:  ah i see, thanks09:31
DameI cant install some packages. Im trying toget mp3 support but some of the packages I need cant be found. I added the universe and multiverse repositories and everytime when I start Add/Remove it says that the package list is outdated, but I reload all the time. Im doing something wrong?09:32
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EnsignRedshirtgnoodle1: Which version of Ubuntu?  That item exists in dapper (6.06).09:32
zarulfirefox is getting heavier day  by day09:32
Wodgeras are all browsers09:32
gnoodle1EnsignRedshirt: 6.109:32
Wodgermy normal computer is powerbook09:32
Wodgeromniweb there can use massive amounts of ram etc09:33
zarulfirefox used to be  the best browser on   this old machine09:33
Wodgerget a older version?09:33
zarulbut  now, it is getting worse...09:33
zarulWodger, that's what I am  thinking09:34
EnsignRedshirtgnoodle1: What manual are you using? Is it for 6.06 or 6.10?09:34
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Wodgerfeatures come at a cost09:34
zarulbut maybe there is something new out  there which I missed...09:34
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wilsoniyazarul: they just gotta lay off the features for a while and concentrate on perf.09:34
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource09:34
wilsoniyanobody wants to do that cuz its either too hard or not cool09:34
zarulwilsoniya, exactly09:34
arpanhi, i have a Microsoft font that I want to install on my system, how do I do it? its Consolas, and I have dloaded the setup.exe file09:35
EnsignRedshirtAnyone else running edgy? Does System->Admin->Disk exist?09:35
zarulfor me performance is more important than having a cool  features09:35
geo_so, what mail client do you guys use?09:35
zarulI  think they should make 2  version  of firefox09:35
frogzooEnsignRedshirt: nopers09:35
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zarulone is for performance09:35
wilsoniyaEnsignRedShirt: thats a negative09:35
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zaruland the other with  mambo jumbo  features09:35
wilsoniyazarul: not a bad idea09:35
EnsignRedshirtgnoodle1: It looks like the web page is not up-to-date.09:35
wilsoniyaI must admit, i kinda like the spell check of ff2, but it could be implemented as an extension09:36
gnoodle1Any idea what I need to do to access my files?09:36
frogzoognoodle1: what's the problem?09:36
zarulthey should let users choose whether  they want to add the extension  or otherwise09:36
AgentChemicalwell holly fn $hit !09:36
AgentChemicali can boot from a cd now !09:37
wilsoniyathe only problem is that the en masse consumer can't handle adding stuff... so they'll be like "but ie7 has features xyz!!!!@L#Kj 123"09:37
=== KorN[CM] [n=Snake@203-214-23-220.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
gandalfcomeI use fglrx on ubuntu edgy. I have my xorg configured for big desktop. The login screen is in big desktop mode but when gnome starts the external lcd goes to distorted clone(i have a laptop ati x700 card). thanks for help09:37
EnsignRedshirtgnoodle1: Look around in System -> Admin for something similar?  Or maybe a 6.10 user can see if the corresponding function has been moved to a different menu.09:37
KorN[CM] can someone please help me09:37
KorN[CM] ive installed xfce09:37
KorN[CM] not sure how to start it though09:37
gnoodle1Frogzoo: I'm trying to mount my Windows partitions, but "System->Administration->Disks" (as specified in the manual) doesn't exist09:37
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AgentChemicalmy god it took me 6 hours to fix this piece of shit09:37
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gnoodle1EnsignRedshirt: Nothing close.09:38
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altecmakcan somebody help me09:38
EnsignRedshirtgnoodle1: The is a command-line way, using the mount command, but I don't know the correct syntax off the top of my head.09:38
frogzoo!ntfs | gnoodle109:39
ubotugnoodle1: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions. For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse09:39
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AgentChemicalwell, i dont know if anyone is registerd on the ubuntu forums cause im not, but i had an issue, that alot of ppl are having and i fixed it....dont know if anyone wants to post something about it09:39
frogzooAgentChemical: get better hardware :p09:39
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altecmakim in a lan and would like to communicate to other computers in the terminal (chat) but dont know how09:39
wilsoniyagnome/nautilus problem: navigating the fs using nautilus randomly pops up a bunch of windows of my home directory... wtf???09:39
BlueDevilis firefox2 in any dapper repos?09:40
frogzooAgentChemical: was it a kernel issue or an ubuntu issue?09:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about firefox2 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:40
wilsoniyagnoodle: the ubuntuguide has good methods for doing what you need as well09:40
gnoodle1Thanks Frogzoo, I'll check that out.09:40
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terapicodav1altecmak: try gaim or xchat09:40
AgentChemicalit was a install issue, cd wouldnt boot09:40
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frogzooAgentChemical: usually that's acpi problems, was this the case?09:41
tonyyarussoBlueDevil: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion if not09:41
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wilsoniyaanyone have ideas about my nautilus problem?09:41
gnoodle1ubuntuguide? The manual at has the wrong info.09:41
gnoodle1oops at https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/ch10s02.html09:41
BlueDeviltonyyarusso: yeah, been there, but can't find it in synaptic09:41
OrTigaShow can i make ping an IP with just only 3 times?09:41
Asturiacan anyone help me in setting up my firewall (iptables), I'm not going to use firestarter for this since I'm setting a server09:41
BlueDevili have backports enabled09:41
frogzooOrTigaS: man ping09:41
wilsoniyasearch that page for ntfs mounting09:41
tonyyarussoBlueDevil: It probably isn't - see backporting policy.09:41
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gnoodle1Thanks wilsoniya. Hadn't found that site yet.09:42
AgentChemicalfrog, no it wasnt....ill just do a small write up on it and post something09:42
KorN[CM] ive installed xfce09:42
KorN[CM] not sure how to start it though09:42
BlueDeviltonyyarusso: weird then; on the wiki page it says it's available in backports for dapper09:42
wilsoniyagnoodle1: probably the best resource for random ubuntu crap imo09:42
OrTigaShmm man pin09:42
tonyyarussoBlueDevil: link?09:42
KorN[CM] can someone help me please?09:42
frogzooAgentChemical: best sol'n is to post a bug on launchpad09:42
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BlueDeviltonyyarusso: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy09:43
tonyyarussoKorN[CM] : From the login screen, select the options and under sessions you can select xfce09:43
BlueDevilnot that onw09:43
KorN[CM] im in command line09:43
KorN[CM] no login screen09:43
KorN[CM] do I need to reboot?09:43
BlueDeviltonyyarusso: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion09:43
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frogzooKorN[CM] : something like '/etc/init.d/*xfce* start' ?09:45
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tonyyarussoKorN[CM] : Did you install minimal originally?09:45
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KorN[CM] yeah i installed server09:45
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tonyyarussoBlueDevil: Hmmmm09:46
tonyyarussoKorN[CM] : 'sudo invoke-rc.d xdm start'09:47
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KorN[CM] i booted into recovery console09:47
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wilsoniyahelp w/ a Nautilus problem would be nice09:48
KorN[CM] doesnt work09:48
KorN[CM] unknown initscript09:48
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tonyyarussoBlueDevil: Seems we have a contradiction in docs, or something09:48
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tonyyarussoKorN[CM] : Did you install xubuntu-desktop or just xfce?09:49
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BlueDeviltonyyarusso: :(09:49
KorN[CM] im sure I did install xubuntu-desktop09:50
tonyyarussoBlueDevil: Looking into it with the authorities :)09:50
wilsoniyagood news everybody, the vista boxshots are in... get ready to switch to windows!!!09:50
BlueDevilwas hoping to have a packaged version of firefox209:50
KorN[CM] cause it was like 200mb for me to download09:50
BlueDeviltonyyarusso: thanks :)09:50
KorN[CM] windows vista sux09:50
KorN[CM] tried it, hate it09:50
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KorN[CM] biggest rip off of mac osx EVER09:50
KorN[CM] tonyyarussoe any ideas??09:50
wilsoniyai havent tried vista... is it pretty bad?09:50
om-I'm having repeated blocks in firestarter from port 49152, is this something I should worry about?09:51
KorN[CM] yeah its all gui thats all09:51
KorN[CM] eye candy and lacking a lot09:51
wilsoniyais the search competent?09:51
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tonyyarussoKorN[CM] : 'startxfce'?09:51
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frogzoowilsoniya: but vista play Halo :(((09:51
macowilsoniya, its sort of a lot of hype over a bit of semi-transparency which requires WAY more system resources than something like that should09:51
macolike, it requires 128mb dedicated video memory09:52
macobut using beryl/compiz you can get that with 8mb shared09:52
linux_user400354help, i need to boot my ubuntu edgy computer into single user mode to fix a problem, but when i append "Single" to the boot parameters in grub, ubuntu still boots to gdm the normal way09:52
KorN[CM] unknown job xfce09:52
wilsoniyadoes the new graphics api (avalon?) map all windows over polygons (like osx)_ ?09:52
frogzoolinux_user400354: is that a capital S ?09:52
macolinux_user400354, is there an option is "settings" for "single user"?09:52
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linux_user400354frogzoo: yes09:53
frogzoolinux_user400354: well...09:53
om-Is Mac OS even good? I just don't like apple because of their elitist commercials09:53
linux_user400354where are those settings? i dont think so09:53
wilsoniyaom-: i like os x09:53
wilsoniyaits all about what you like09:53
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wilsoniyai just like it cuz its pretty, and you can use all kinds of linux/unix stuff09:53
frogzooI like edgy - it's f'n great09:54
macolinux_user400354, on the login page there should be settings in the lower right corner.  maybe there's an option in there (im not sure what all the options are)09:54
KorN[CM] i hate osx09:54
KorN[CM] hey tony09:54
wilsoniyasome of the software that comes w/ osx is amazing09:54
KorN[CM] i rebooted, it loads up the mouse image (showing status of loading)09:54
KorN[CM] then screen goes into "off" mode09:54
tonyyarussoKorN[CM] : ah, ok09:54
KorN[CM] orange light on monitor09:54
KorN[CM] and then, nothing09:54
DameI cant start exaile and this is the error message: http://pastebin.com/86109409:54
wilsoniyabut, if you don't care about artsy fartsy crap then you're not missing much09:54
tonyyarussoKorN[CM] : Not sure what to do mate09:54
linux_user400354om-: frogzoo should it not be?09:54
osfameronI enjoy annoying mac fanboys by suggesting buying a macbook and installing ubuntu on it09:54
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frogzoolinux_user400354: correct09:54
KorN[CM] hm there was an optioon before about choosing screen res09:54
osfameronthey say things like "why buy champagne flutes to drink coke out of?!" which is always amusing09:55
wilsoniyaosfameron: lol09:55
om-should what not be?09:55
frogzooosfameron: the core 2 duo lappies look sweet09:55
wilsoniyai have a macbook09:55
=== lotacus [n=mike@CPE001346b79da1-CM0011ae911e6c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
KorN[CM] aggg09:55
wilsoniyaits nice09:55
osfameronfrogzoo: not sure about the keyboards though09:55
lotacusoh wow, this locale setting is pretty good09:55
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JoKoT3hello, you people alive ? :p09:56
wilsoniyatheres an os x app called MacSabre, which makes light sabre noises using the sudden motion sensor09:56
frogzooosfameron: yeah, dunno, not in the market for a new lappie yet09:56
JoKoT3yeah !!09:56
frogzoowilsoniya: clearly an essential desktop app09:56
JoKoT3#ubuntu-fr is sleeping :D09:56
JoKoT3the whole channel09:56
wilsoniyafrogzoo: right on09:56
osfameronfrogzoo: I would be except I just ordered a Nokia N800 tablet, and that ate into my gadget budget a bit09:56
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JoKoT3I should ask my  question09:57
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n30nwine client error:d: version mismatch 261/263.09:57
n30nYour wineserver binary was not upgraded correctly,09:57
n30nor you have an older one somewhere in your PATH.09:57
n30nOr maybe the wrong wineserver is still running?09:57
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frogzoon30n: did you delete your ~/.wine before upgrading wine ?09:58
n30nfrogzoo: no sir09:58
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frogzoon30n: also, I recommend you get wine from the budgetdedicated repo, it's much more up to date09:58
JoKoT3Is anybody have already encounter problem while installing ubuntu (edgy, dapper) on a box with an AIC-7896 scsi controller ?09:58
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frogzoo!wine | n30n09:59
ubotun30n: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.09:59
wilsoniyaanybody know of any linux FPS's like nexuiz ?09:59
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wilsoniyaor better?09:59
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frogzoowilsoniya: quake III & IV10:00
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mneptokwilsoniya: Wolf:ET10:00
wilsoniyaquake iii is classic10:00
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garryFreI found a big horrible bug in Linux!!! ......10:00
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garryFreHhehe, Just joking!10:00
wilsoniyagarryFre: it's written by commies trying to end capitalism and encourage pedophilia?!?!10:01
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:01
=== kaptengu [n=kaptengu@c213-100-60-132.swipnet.se] has joined #ubuntu
om-can you just apt-get install quake3 and it works? or does it require tons of config10:02
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lotacushow would I add refresh rates to the screen resolution?10:02
n30nMy sources.list is already set to budgetdedicated10:03
wilsoniyaall i see is quake 2 in the repo10:03
n30nfor wine10:03
mick666How the ubuntu's developers use for this software? C,C++,Java, Assembler?10:03
garryFreIts pretty simple, I think the version I had dind't have the music but there are versions for wine and for just straight linux10:03
frogzoowilsoniya: http://icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php10:03
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org10:03
linux_user400354im going to launch nice -n 20 john (ripper) and let it run all night while i snooze10:03
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rabidphagewhat is the key combination to save in nano?10:05
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rabidphagethanks in advance10:05
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garryFremight be ctrl k s10:05
garryFredon't quote me on that tho10:05
wilsoniyactrl w10:05
wilsoniya[writeout] 10:05
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wilsoniyasorry ctrl o10:06
rabidphageis that synonymous with save of save as?10:06
wilsoniyait is more like save as10:06
mneptokrabidphage: sudo aptitude install ne10:06
wilsoniyayou can always save under a diff name each time you do a ctrl o10:06
mneptokrabidphage: that editor will probably be more intuitive for a GUI person than is nano10:07
tonyyarussorabidphage: Ctrl O, yes.10:07
rabidphagecan't coz i'm ssh10:07
gnoodle1One more question, then bedtime... My mouse (Logitech mx610 USB) is very "twitchy". It doesn't want to move in a smooth way. I've tried adjusting the setting in the mouse control panel, but they don't seem make any difference to this (they do effect the speed, but not the "twitchiness"). Any suggestions to make the mouse smoother?10:07
rabidphageand head less10:07
wilsoniyanano is quite simple10:07
mneptokrabidphage: sudo aptitude install ne10:08
garryFreIs it a rollerball mouse?10:08
mojojojo__what can I do if the universal repo is buggy, i mean I'm trying to install a package but the dependency require are such that they need older version10:08
mneptokrabidphage: ^^^ this is a terminal command ^^ ;)10:08
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garryFreYep, pebkac error10:08
snailcan anyone recommend any application in ubuntu that does grammar checking?10:08
gnoodle1The mouse works great under Windows.10:08
rabidphagectrl o prompts for file name with a bunch of commands10:08
snailgarryFre: have you checked that it's free of dust and gunk in the wheel?10:08
garryFreYep, I had a laser mouse go defective, also salt and other crystaline stuff can cuse it to go nuts.10:09
rabidphagewhat do i do?10:09
wilsoniyarabidphage: you can just type in a name... or if you've already saved, just hit enter and it'll use the same name10:09
gnoodle1It's not bad, I can reboot to Windows and it works fine.10:09
garryFresnail my mouse is ok. now.10:09
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rabidphagejust to be sure coz i don't want to mess up my first lamp install.. he he he10:10
terapicodav1gnoodle1: are you running through a kvm switch?10:10
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rabidphagesee ya guys.. peace and love10:11
gnoodle1Nope. Just straight to the USB port.10:11
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oFF-beAtneed to configure a bluetooth connection,., my fone can detect my desktop pc.. need some help on pc side10:11
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ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup10:11
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terapicodav1gnoodle1: does it skip around the screen or just act jerky/10:11
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oFF-beAtthanx garryFre10:11
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gnoodle1It does seem like it's under-sensitive, but I adjested the sensitivity setting all the way to the top.10:12
gnoodle1Jerky mostly.10:12
garryFreoFF-beAt welcome10:12
wilsoniyagnoodle1: what's your system load at when it gets jerkky?10:12
gnoodle10.10 load-- not much running and it's a brand new install10:13
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terapicodav1i've noticed something similar when I have another usb device working hard10:13
terapicodav1but it's just freezy not jerky10:13
wilsoniyainput device problems are a pita10:13
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gnoodle1It's definitely not a load issue, and I have nothing else currently hooked up to USB10:14
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AnAnthello, I setup compiz on edgy and it is working10:15
m1shawhanI actually like ubuntu but I need to remove it from this hard drive...does anyone know of a quick easy way to do this without format?10:15
gnoodle1Even 'jerky' doesn't seem quite right. Twitchy seems better. It seems to be either over- or under-sensitive to the texture on my desk. Works fine in Windows, though.10:15
AnAntexcept that I can't zoom & do desktop rotation , how to do that ?10:15
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gnoodle1It's not a huge deal, just very annoying.10:15
mneptokgnoodle1: http://www.bjorn3d.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-11058.html10:16
terapicodav1wonder if there's some sort of usbspy10:16
qtcan some one show me the proper syntax for tar --exclude?10:16
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wilsoniyagnoodle1: i can't help a whole lot.. but i remember the xorg setup utility asking questions about mouse types, etc... you might google abou tit10:16
mneptokgnoodle1: looks like lag issues are not confined to Linux.10:16
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steelbis it feasible to run games through VMWare... i need a way to run some of my favorite games that don't work with Wine (Rise of Nations)10:17
wilsoniyasteelb: i do not believe vmware provides 3d accelleration10:18
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wilsoniyasteelb: google that though10:18
steelbyea... its not really useful for games... any way to run those games though?10:19
gnoodle1Thanks mneptok, but that doesn't seem to apply. I've had the mouse for a year or so and it's been trouble free. It's not  a reception issue. Like I said, it's not really lag, just seems under-sensitive.10:19
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aalhamadhi ..10:19
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frogzoosteelb: action games in vmware is a non starter10:19
enauti tried to recover my partitiontable therefore i used gpart and i sucessfull recovered 2 out of 3 partitions since there were only 3 and the space was fully used i thought that the rest of the space must be the third so i made a partition in the empty space (with QTparted) but when loked wether it worked on the new partition were all datas of the NTFS partition whereas the NTFS partition is completely empty exept for an empty folder lost an10:19
enautd found :( qtparted couldn't have moved all the Data because it finished it's actions i some seconds. I really don't know what  happened.10:19
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aalhamadhow can i install kunbuntu desktop .. with all it packages?10:19
terapicodav1gnoodle1: i've had to hit reconnect sometimes with mine and other times had to move the power cable and what not...wireless is still iffy for me10:19
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aalhamadhow can i install kunbuntu desktop .. with all it packages?10:20
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wilsoniyag'night everyone. good luck w/ all your probs, and happy ubuntuing10:21
enautalhamad apt-get install kubuntu-desktop should work10:21
aalhamadusually do people use both or only one?10:22
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m1shawhananyone know of an easy way to remove ubuntu?10:22
aalhamadis it recommended to use both?10:22
wilsoniyaaalhamad: use whichever you're most comfortable with10:22
wilsoniyaor both10:22
=== tyabux [n=joerlend@237-191.dsl.freewave.no] has joined #Ubuntu
aalhamadis it recommended to use both (for some packages integration)?10:23
enautanyone there who knows what happened with my partitions?10:23
wilsoniyawell, you can run both gnome and kde apps on both desktops... the package management allows you to pretty much do whatever you want10:24
frogzoohow come azureus on edgy is still broken?10:24
wilsoniyai run kde apps from gnome all the time10:24
wilsoniyafrogzoo: whats broken about it?10:24
oFF-beAtblue tooth file sharing.. does not respond.. searching for devices in commands line with "sudo hidd --search"  return nothing10:24
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frogzoowilsoniya: it starts up & craps out10:24
wilsoniyaI have problems with it, but not that10:24
aalhamadthanks :)10:24
EnsignRedshirtfrogzoo: If it is not a security issue, it may never get fixed.10:24
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aalhamadwhats the size of the desktop?10:25
frogzooEnsignRedshirt: oh noes..10:25
wilsoniyaaalhamad: like in MB?10:25
wilsoniyai don't know.. i think synaptic could tell you that10:25
frogzooEnsignRedshirt: k, I may buckle & install from source10:25
wilsoniyainstalling kde will entail install many many packages10:25
aalhamadaround 40 MB?10:25
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gnoodle1m1shawhan: Just format the partition10:26
wilsoniyaallhamad: that could be right.. probably less than 10010:26
AzMooHey, I'm trying to upgrade to feisty, but every time I try it tells me "Authentication failed". Any ideas how to fix that?10:26
aalhamadok thanks :)10:26
m1shawhanthrough dos? no way to just put in there an uninstall command or other?10:26
wilsoniyajust install another OS over ubuntu10:26
frogzooAzMoo: feist is NOT an upgrade - feisty is horribly alpha & will break10:26
wilsoniyathe OS's installer will give you a chance to repartition10:26
m1shawhan:(thats what I'm trying to avoid10:27
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gnoodle1You can't just uninstall, since Windows won't recognize the Linux partition.10:27
enycsomebody please remoind me what package i need to regonfigure for setting the console keyboard-layout ;-)10:27
frogzooAzMoo: but if you still wish to persist -> #ubuntu+110:27
m1shawhanthats what I was afraid of...thanks!10:27
AzMoofrogzoo, Oh, I see. Lots of people seem to be playing with it. I just wanted to try beryl.10:28
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m1shawhanlol..wish me luck10:28
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frogzooAzMoo: beryl is doable on edgy10:28
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl10:28
enauti had it working on edgy10:28
wilsoniyagnoodle1: you can actually read ext3 from windoze w/ some upgrades10:28
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AzMoofrogzoo, nice one, thankyou :)10:29
mneptokwilsoniya: rw10:29
wilsoniya... not sure off the top of my head10:29
wilsoniyai think both10:29
enautstill nobody Knows what problem is in my partition table?10:29
mneptokwilsoniya: i'm sure. it's rw. :)10:29
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wilsoniyahttp://www.fs-driver.org/ for anyone who's interested10:30
oFF-beAt:D thanx ubuntu is grea.,. it works10:30
enyci have this bivarre problem in ubuntu-edgy packaging having now upgraded to edgy...10:31
enyc"belocs-locales-bin: Conflicts: base-config but 2.76 is to be installed" "locales: Conflicts: base-config but 2.76 is to be installed"10:31
wilsoniyai'm like 99% sure i know this: is there any way to play encrypted aac in lin ?10:32
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gnoodle1Wilsoniya: I was assuming that wasn't what he wanted10:32
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enycwilsoniya: I think that can be done with vlc10:32
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gnoodle1Frogzoo: Beryl looks cool. How stable is it?10:32
wilsoniyaenyc: to clarify, i mean itunes encrypted aac files10:32
enycwilsoniya: but you generally best to use qtfairuse6 not-in-linux to decrypt the files ;-)10:32
enautnot too much10:32
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enycwilsoniya: you have to do something to get the keys into a .vlc something file which can then be used to decrypt the files when playing... or you can use qtfairuse6 to decrypt all the files so there is no problem10:33
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frogzoognoodle1: dunno, wobbly windows are overrated :D10:33
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enautgnoodlel not too stable but its doing its job10:34
wilsoniyafrogzoo: agreed. cool for 2 hrs after you show your friends..10:34
enautok i'll go off now doing real world stuff cu10:34
gnoodle1Sounds about right.10:34
concept10gnoodle1, ive never seen beryl crash, its stable enough10:34
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wilsoniyapeace out yall... keep on truckin10:35
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mneptokpersonally, i don't use or recommend compositing, ATM.10:35
aalhamadhow can i set a diffrent theme in my desktops10:36
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aalhamadevery desktop has a diffrent them?10:36
aalhamadevery desktop has a diffrent theme?10:36
mneptokaalhamad: System -> Prefs -> Theme10:36
aalhamadyeah but if i change that all my desktops shall have the same theme.10:36
aalhamadi want all my desktop to have diffrent themes?10:37
concept10aalhamad, you cant do that unless you do some hacking10:37
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aalhamadno .. hacking might  cause damage to my kernel..10:38
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aalhamadi guess ill add a user ..10:38
aalhamadand change it theme10:39
concept10aalhamad, if you have to ask, you will not be able to get it done.  A GNOME theme changes controls etc, are you saying you want different controls for every _virtual_desktop? or different background10:39
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aalhamadall of them..10:39
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bayzidersin amarok when i click on a .mp3 song( I have the plug in installed) the song will not start. What is wrong?10:40
Flannelbayziders: have you installed mp3 codecs?10:40
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hd420where's the python-curses deb file?10:40
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bayzidersFlannel: how do i do that10:41
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emxsiwhats the size of the 6.06 repository excluding the security?10:41
bayziders libxine-extracodecs ?10:41
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Flannelbayziders: correct10:41
linux_user400354frogzoo: i got into single user mode. i was reading a redhat webpage about booting to single user mode and it was wrong. it said to use a capital S.10:41
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AzMoohaha, this looks awesome.10:42
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AzMoofrogzoo, cheers10:42
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Flannellinux_user400354: single user mode for ubuntu is available at the grub prompt (recovery kernel)10:42
AsturiaI have a firewall script that needs to be started as boot. How do I do that?10:42
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JimmeyI've got two hard drives separate to the one that Ubuntu's installed on, and they're both mounted to the desktop. I can't rename them to make the name tags go away (I'd prefer to rename them), but I want them to be removed from the desktop - How can I do that?10:43
smejkyAsturia: add path to /etc/rc.local before exit 010:44
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bayzidersyay it worker, k now im happy.10:45
JimmeySorry, they're not mounted on the desktop - They're mounted in /media/, but there are icons on the desktop10:46
Asturiasmejky: I understand that, but it's not really a script, more of a config file with all the settings for the firewall.10:46
oFF-beAtok, i can recieve files from my fone to pc fine.. now how do i send to fone from pc?10:46
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Arcad3whats new in Ubuntu world?..10:48
bayzidersHow do i change grubs gui to something not so basic10:48
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Jimmeybayziders, you can change the colours - That's it10:48
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Arcad3i saw a gui in SuSe10:49
Arcad3something like that can be done in Ubunu?10:49
oFF-beAti need to get obexserver right?10:49
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bayzidersjimmey ; k how10:50
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Jimmeybayziders, "gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst" in a terminal, read what it says about the colours first10:51
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hasselanyone who can help a first time ubuntu user??10:52
bezibaerchenanyone around who's firm with the xen-bug?10:52
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ptyhassel: whats the problem?10:53
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erUSULAsturia: copy the script to /etc/init.d/ make it executable and use update-rc.d to add it to the init system10:53
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erUSULAsturia: btw i recomend you to use something like firehol or shorewall instead of a hand crafted firewall. they are easy to set up and more powerfull10:54
linux_user400354Flannel: okay thanks. ill remember that next time.10:54
erUSULAsturia: se here for example http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/firehol.htm10:54
hasselPty, ok, i think ive solved the problem, thanks anyway10:54
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theoskHi people! Let's see if someone may help me :P11:00
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theoskI made a shell script, chmod it so it can run (it does run in terminal) but it doesn't do anything when I double clic it in nautilus, it just opens an empty terminal11:01
linux_user400354does john crack faster if it is launched with nice -n -20 john passfile?11:01
mneptoktheosk: first line of the script?11:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bin/bash - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:02
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beginn3rhow come #xubuntu is so quiet?11:03
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mneptokbeginn3r: uses fewer resources that way.11:03
grub_bootertheosk: #!/usr/bin/env bash might be better?11:03
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bluefox83anyone know why an nfs server would refuse connection to the ip that is set to connect to it?11:04
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bluefox83ie is suppose to connect to but when *.100 tries connecting..it refuses the connection...11:05
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theosk #!/usr/bin/env doesn't work for me even in terminal :P11:06
oFF-beAtwhere do i put a bunch of commands to automatically execute when the pc starts?11:06
AzMooSo in the beryl options, for key settings it's got a "super" option, along with "ctrl" "alt" "shift" etc. Wtf is the super button?11:06
andcoroFF-beAt: /etc/init.d/rc.ocal11:06
ddwagnzi have a question about using the live cd, is it possiable to run linux based app's from somewhere on a harddrive that has windows on it?11:07
andcoroFF-beAt: or in the session management in gnome11:07
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grub_bootertheosk: #!/usr/bin/env bash11:07
andcorddwagnz: it should be11:08
ddwagnzso really browsing the hdd,,,,,,,11:08
ddwagnzas i have been trying this afternoon but so far unsuccessful11:08
grub_bootertheosk: env will locate the real location of bash rather than assuming it...11:08
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ddwagnzits more like  a access problem really "dont have permission to view blah blah blah"11:08
mneptokddwagnz: the lack of NTFS write will be an issue11:08
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theoskthe location of bash is right, the script runs at prompt but not by double clicking on it11:09
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ddwagnzis there a way to overcome it?11:09
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andcorNTFS can be writable, but it is unsafe11:09
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bornholmeandcor, in which way unsafe?11:10
m0ns00nI just installed an app, but it doesn't install in /usr/bin11:10
m0ns00nIs there a way to find where this app has gone?11:10
bayziderswhat would you guys recommend for a free website hosting service with free webspace that would let people download my files from links?11:10
m0ns00na dpkg-somethingsomething command or something like that11:10
incorrectim trying to backport subversion,  for some reason it tells me that building as root is not supported11:10
andcorcan't  you use partition magic to reformat the partition to fat ?11:10
beginn3ranyone knows any fix around for this issue11:10
ubotunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.11:11
ddwagnzi would really like to format the hdd but its a family computer and i might get into shit with fam lol11:11
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incorrectvery strange i can't compile subversion as root11:11
frogzooincorrect: look into fakeroot11:11
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incorrectfrogzoo: already using that11:11
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andcorbornholme: there are no real support and garanty on it11:12
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andcorbornholme: Haven't tried it, so i don't know how it works11:12
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TooR4uis there any free linux server accounts?11:13
incorrectis there a guide to backporting?11:13
McMaddIs it possible to "launch" a (console) application on the actual display through SSH? (Launch it remotely, have the output on the actual display)11:13
sorush20I'm using kubuntu right now and I want to just install the gnome desktop environment nothing more.. I don't want extra packages.. like abiword am epiphany, eog, or ekiga or these othere application..11:13
sorush20is there any way that I could do this ?11:13
bornholmeandcor, yea okay.. im using ntfs-3g since 2 days now, on an external usb disc for storage. So I might see if its stable the hard way real soon :p11:13
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andcorbornholme: ok, make sure that you have taken backup of the disc before you try11:14
TooR4uis there any free linux server accounts?11:14
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andcorTooR4u: What do you meen ?11:14
andcorwhich type of server do du need ?11:15
andcordo you need11:15
theoskwell, my problem solved itself alone xDDD11:15
McMaddIs it possible to "launch" a (console) application on the actual display through SSH? (Launch it remotely, have the output on the actual display)11:15
McMaddOr take over a screen (non-X)11:15
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andcorMcMadd: yes11:16
mdeboerMcMadd sure. ssh -X11:16
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andcorMcMadd: and in windows you can installl cygwin and enable X11 forwarding in putty11:17
mdeboerMcMadd: you will need "X11Forwarding yes11:17
mdeboer" in /etc/ssh/sshd_config11:17
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PhibreOptixCan anybody here help me with a WINE performance problem?11:17
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TooR4uandcor, i want some server account that should be free .....(because my friend wants to send some data to me ..)11:17
McMaddBut it's non X?11:17
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McMaddHold on, I try to explain11:17
andcorWhich type of server +11:17
oFF-beAtcan i install MSI StarCam 370i on ubuntu ?11:17
mdeboerMcMadd: no, it's X11:17
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McMaddBut I need it non X, I'll explain:...11:18
bornholmeandcor: Second thoughts, I think id better format it to ext3 before I get too much valuable data on the disc.. would hate too loose it all.11:18
bayziderson amaork when i go to add lyrics it tells me that kfmclien can not be found how do i fix this11:18
bluefox83what package do i need to do a dns lookup?11:18
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andcorbornholme: Jeg forstr dig helt sikkert ;-)11:18
andcorTooR4u: Just some server to make sure you can send data ?11:19
oFF-beAtlol, i pug in my cam.. and all the usb removable storage devices vanished11:19
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McMaddI've got several machines running without keyboard/mouse. I need the output of a console app on the actual display. So we're not talking about X or any desktop environment. Just the plain "terminal/console"11:19
TooR4uandcor, i think some advantage ... if i have some server account11:19
andcorTooR4u: Well, then just about any free internet site with ftp should work11:19
TooR4uandcor, yah... i google it .....11:20
mdeboerMcMadd: text you mean?11:20
TooR4uBut i am not able to find that11:20
andcorI know that there are an danish service called frac.dk11:20
mdeboerMcMadd: so, just ssh  to that machine, and run the application should work11:21
andcorwhere there are free webhosting11:21
andcorand ftp11:21
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TooR4uohh 1min .. lemme see11:21
McMaddBut I need another person to see the output on location. (I'm loggin in remotely)11:21
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mdeboerMcMadd: you want to see the same application on 2 screens?11:22
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bluefox83i need the dns of a computer on my network..how do i get it?11:22
mdeboerbluefox83: are you sure you mean dns?11:22
tonyyarussoMcMadd: 'screen' is the most awesome thing you'll hear about today :)11:23
McMaddI know it sounds strange but it's a touchscreen and I need to launch the calibration app.11:23
sorush20can I rung kubuntu apps in gnome desktop?11:23
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tonyyarussoMcMadd: You can easily see it both places with that app11:23
tonyyarussosorush20: yes11:23
bluefox83i think so..i gotta add something to a file so nfs will allow the other computer to connect11:23
McMaddtonyyarusso: Hmm... I've been using screen on another location but isn't that more like virtual consoles?11:24
[ubuntu] biz__11:25
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TooR4uandcor, But the language is not english ... i cant understand it .. :(11:25
tonyyarussoMcMadd: It had many uses.  'screen -x' lets you connect to the same session from multiple places.11:25
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andcorI know, but I don't know any english sites, sorry11:25
agabuswhere should i set the install path for Flash 9 for linux? what directory is firefox installed in? i.e - /usr/lib/mozilla ?11:26
TooR4uagabus, no ... /home/.../.mozilla11:26
andcorhave my own server now, but haven't got any upload11:26
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TooR4uandcor, ohh ... did u pay the money?11:26
agabusTooR4u - k, thanks11:27
TooR4ufor hosting11:27
andcorthe money ?11:27
andcorno, I have build my own11:27
McMaddtonyyarusso: Ok, so I start up the machine which automatically logs in and sits there waiting with an active prompt on tty1. Now I can SSH into that machine (remotely) and connect to that session using screen?11:27
TooR4uandcor, ohhh11:27
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tonyyarussoMcMadd: You have to start a screen session initially on the first login, but then yes.11:28
andcorgotta go11:28
capiirahi all, anyone know if there is a way to let ubuntu 6.10 shutdown quicker?11:28
andcorsee ya11:28
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ciscosurfercapiira: how long does it take you?11:28
McMaddAh, I get it.. and then I can "hijack" that screen session on my SSH connection11:28
Mezdoes anyone here have experience with writing udev rules?11:28
agabusTooR4u - the Flash 9 installer says, /home/matthew/.mozilla is not a valid installation path?11:29
capiiraafter the loadbar animnation gets empty it takes 45 sec11:29
TooR4uagabus, u have to put the plugin in plugin folder11:29
smartmanguys how i can mount fat32 partion plase ?11:29
agabusTooR4u - which is located where?11:29
capiiraso together around 1,30 min or so11:29
tonyyarusso!fat32 | smartman11:29
ubotusmartman: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse11:29
ciscosurfercapiira: interesting...11:29
smartmanya tonyyarusso>11:29
ciscosurfercapiira: no idea, sorry :-(11:30
[ubuntu] biz__hidden folder11:30
capiirai found something about teardown but i dont really understand this11:30
smartmanok ubotu thanks for help11:30
[ubuntu] biz__ctrl-H11:30
agabusTooR4u - within .mozilla/ there is only the directory firefox, which has no plugin folder?11:30
TooR4uagabus, if u dont have that folder then create that folder11:30
smartmani'll try and come agien11:30
gandalfcomeI use fglrx on ubuntu edgy. I have my xorg configured for big desktop. The login screen is in big desktop mode but when gnome starts the external lcd goes to distorted clone(i have a laptop ati x700 card). thanks for help11:30
geokokWhat does "nvidia-xconfig -no composite" do (installation of drivers from ubuntu repos)? Will it be a problem if I try to install beryl with latest drivers?11:30
agabusTooR4u - but i already have a version of Flash installed and working, where would that be installed?11:31
capiirasee: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Teardown11:31
incorrectis there a guide to setting up your own private repository?11:31
capiirabut i down really understand what they mean with teardown11:32
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tonyyarussoincorrect: I'm sure there is, but I don't have a link.  However, a couple of folks around here have done so.11:32
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TooR4uagabus, i have my plugin in ~/.mozilla/plugin folder11:32
incorrecti just want to have an easy way to deploy my private compiles11:32
agabusTooR4u - interesting11:33
concept10incorrect, lookup falcon11:33
tonyyarussoincorrect: Seveas put together a tool called falcon11:33
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McMaddHere's another one! There are two displays attached to these machines (dual screen works perfect in X) but when i'm not in X (console) only one screen works (normal behaviour). Is there a way to use the second display to? I'm thinking about something like "clone"11:33
incorrectthank you11:33
[ubuntu] biz__cd .mozilla/firefox11:34
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concept10incorrect, its in the repos11:34
incorrectcool searching for it now11:34
ubotufalcon: Falcon repository creator. In component extras, is optional. Version 1.5.4-0ubuntu2 (edgy-seveas), package size 175 kB, installed size 508 kB11:34
geokok What does "nvidia-xconfig -no composite" do (installation of drivers from ubuntu repos)? Will it be a problem if I try to install beryl with latest drivers?11:35
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ciscosurferAnyone know how to change the default browser for external links within XChat?11:35
TooR4uhii .. my desktop preferences is not working ..... so i am not able to change my desktop background ... how to change the background manually11:36
TooR4uwhen ever i tried to change tha background through "change desktop background" then the window is not functioning11:36
TooR4uany idea?11:36
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Atom-is there a command to use to find out how much space is taken up on a HDD through console/ssh11:37
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mdeboerciscosurfer: settings / advances / URL handlers11:37
mdeboerAtom-: df11:38
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[ubuntu] biz__df -h11:38
hottiatom-: you mean df -h?11:38
mdeboerAtom-: or, more readable, df -H11:38
ciscosurfermdeboer: thanks, figured it out right before you posted the answer...:-)11:38
Atom-mdeboer ty :)11:38
Atom-ty too hotti11:38
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agabusTooR4u - turns out its actually /usr/lib/firefox i read that on a digg.com comment11:41
McMaddThere are two displays attached to a machine (dual screen works perfect in X) but when i'm not in X (console) only one screen works (normal behaviour). Is there a way to use the second display to? I'm thinking about something like "clone"11:41
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TooR4uagabus, ohh ...11:42
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ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype  -  To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto11:56
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about freefirmats - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:57
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:57
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ubotuThe #ubuntu-trivia channel is a place for testing your brain power and having fun! We schedule themed quizzes, every Friday, to test your knowledge of your favourite operating system (Ubuntu, of course!) and keep you exercising those cranial muscles.11:59
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redrobinhi folks!12:00
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redrobinhow do people use DejaVu fonts in ubuntu ?12:01
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ubotuPlease elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)12:04
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Adrosswhat's the command to add sudo rights to a user(let's call him bob)?12:05
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mads-When I start a session with Beryl it only shows half my screen. The upper part is black and screen is moved down :S Heeelp12:06
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ciscosurferAdross: just a sec...12:07
SzArAkAdross: what rights? all?12:08
SzArAkAdross: like the user after install?12:08
SzArAkadd him to a group "admin"12:08
ciscosurferAdross: two links to look at 1)http://www.gratisoft.us/sudo/man/sudoers.html  2)http://www.gratisoft.us/sudo/man/visudo.html12:08
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SzArAkin /etc/group12:08
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ciscosurferthat'll work too12:08
frogzooAdross: 'sudo adduser adross admin'12:08
ciscosurferas will that :-)12:09
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pritisdubuntu 6.10 doesn't detect only mouse and not keyboard :(12:10
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Adrossnot working12:10
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SzArAkAdross: show grep admin /etc/passwd12:10
frogzoopritisd: that's a horrible sentence12:10
WebMaven_Hello. How do I format an external USB hard drive?12:10
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ciscosurfer!welcome | WebMaven12:11
ubotuWebMaven: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.12:11
pritisdfrogzoo, please correct me :)12:11
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Adrossweird, no output12:11
frogzoopritisd: which works - keyboard, or mouse?12:11
WebMaven_ciscosurfer: thanks for the welcome.12:11
ZaggynlWhen updating I keep getting the message: http://xs511.xs.to/xs511/07033/Screenshot-update-manager.png12:12
Adrossthanks everyone, got it12:12
ZaggynlI followed both instructions, but it keeps coming back12:12
SzArAkAdross: have you made changes in sudo/groups, ?12:12
SzArAkAdross: what was wrong?12:12
pritisdfrogzoo, yes u r right, i intended to write in a diff way but somehow commited mistake :(12:12
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Adrossjust added myself via visudo12:12
pritisdfrogzoo, mouse works keyboard doesn't12:13
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frogzoopritisd: keyboard is usb or ps/2 ?12:13
ciscosurferAdross: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_allow_more_sudoers12:13
ciscosurferAdross: good12:13
WebMaven_SO, does anyone know how to format an external HD?12:13
pritisdfrogzoo, ps/212:13
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ciscosurferAdross: wait, why did you add yourself?  are you the default user??12:14
pritisdfrogzoo, have to reboot m/c 2-3 times then it works12:14
frogzoopritisd: does it work from console?12:14
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ciscosurferAdross: if so, you already have sudo rights12:14
Adrossciscosurfer: this on a centos machine12:14
Adrossmy server12:14
Adrossfor my desktop, i use ubuntu12:14
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sapagedoes ubuntu have iptables by default12:14
pritisdfrogzoo, i can select boot partition thro' grub12:14
ciscosurfersapage: yes12:15
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pritisdfrogzoo, once init script executed it doesn't12:15
ciscosurferadios muchachos12:15
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WebMaven_So, does anyone know how to format an external HD?12:17
jzittHi, all. I just upgraded from Dapper to Edgy on a Compaq Presario M2000, and X no longer works. Any clues/suggestions?12:17
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sapagewhat is the startup script in ubuntu?12:18
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SzArAkthere is no one central script12:19
SzArAktthere is a set of it12:19
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Vuenhi, how do i make the ls command show only directories? i want a list of all the directories in the current directory, but no files12:19
SzArAkcheck /etc/init.d/ and /etc/rc*12:19
sapageyep ta12:19
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sapagei want to load  a script when the computer starts that is all12:20
AnAntI am trying to mount an NFS partition, but I get this error: "mount: RPC: Timed out"12:20
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SzArAksapage: make s script, put it in /etc/init.d/ directory12:21
SzArAksapage: and then do: update-rc.d name_of_script defaults12:21
SzArAkif any problems check man update-rc.d12:21
Serap1Hi, does anyone know some command to get root rights in scratchbox?12:22
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EnsignRedshirtVuen: Here's one way: ls -p | grep "/$"12:24
jzittI've read several web pages on things that are supposed to work to support X for the M2000, but they seem contradictory, and it's wierd that it broke when I updated to Edgy.12:24
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WebMaven_OK< so the answer is gparted. Thanks.12:25
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Serap1 what exactly means :"must be setuid root"?12:30
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jzittIf I can't get X to work in Edgy, would there be a way to drop back to Dapper?12:32
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jzittHrmm. I may have to find tools to do the project in Windows, then, since I seem to be hosed Linux-wise.12:34
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frogzoo_jzitt: what project?12:35
MarcNjzitt: what is the video card?12:36
jzittWell, I'm working on a music project that I'd been intending to do in Rosegarden -- but when I updated my Presario M2000 from Dapper to Edgy, X died12:36
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ikoniajzitt try fixing X or re-installing dapper12:36
mneptokjzitt: have you run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?12:36
EnsignRedshirtjzitt: Any chance that you have a copy of the X config file from your dapper install?12:36
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fly_80hello all12:38
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sorush20I keep getting this error people could someone help please?12:38
ikoniatell us the error12:39
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ikoniahow can we help if you just tell us your having "an error"12:39
jzittI don't think I have the config file from the dapper, unless it was automagically saved someplace.12:39
ikoniajzitt nope12:39
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mneptokjzitt: have you run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ? (x2) :)12:39
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fly_80i have a problem with setting key after the installation of wusb54g driver12:39
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fly_80with ndiswrapper12:39
=== ikonia does not support ndiswrapper
fly_80I get this: Error for wireless Request "Set Encode" (8B2A): Set failed on eth2; Unknown error 52412:40
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ikoniasorry I can't read URL's from my current location12:40
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jzittmneptok: no, I haven't. I just wrote that down. I'm booted into windows now, but will reboot into ubuntu and try it.12:41
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mneptokjzitt: you'lll want to use sudo. you, too sorush20.12:41
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erUSULSerap1: exactly that the file nust be setuid root (hint: man chmod). Beware that setuiding involves a security risk12:41
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jzittRight. Thanks, mneptok, et al. I'll be back with word on if it worked.12:42
sapagehow can i see the iptables is working? it is a file in /var/log/right?12:42
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twbHowdy.  I'm trying to get antialiased kana in galeon.  Compare: http://twb.ath.cx/tmp/ja.png and http://twb.ath.cx/tmp/ko.png.  I am running Ubuntu Edgy, I have language-support-ko and language-support-ja installed.12:42
frogzoo_sapage: 'sudo iptables -L -v'12:42
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sapage /var/log/syslog will show the same?12:43
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frogzoo_sapage: iptables only logs what it's configured to log, nothing more12:44
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AnAntI am trying to mount an NFS partition, but I get this error: "mount: RPC: Timed out"12:44
fly_80nobody can help me?12:45
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ddwagnzhi again12:45
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ikoniaAnAnt rpc is not communicating properly, look for rpc on both client and server and check for firewalls12:46
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OrTigaShow to upgrade my firefox into the latest version?12:47
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ikoniaOrTigaS use the versions in the repo12:47
dequeuedJust install the portmap service and start it12:47
dequeuedthen you can mount nfs volumes12:48
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dequeuedSorry no one here was able to give you a helpful answer12:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about postmap - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:48
OrTigaSi'm noob how do i do that?12:48
ubotuportmap: The RPC portmapper. In component main, is optional. Version 5-20ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 31 kB, installed size 148 kB12:48
AnAntikonia: how ?12:48
fly_80dequeued: what?12:48
AnAntikonia: the server is working because other clients can connect12:49
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dequeuedfly_80, nfs needs portmap12:49
sorush20mneptok: are you talking to me ?12:49
dequeuedapt-get install portmap12:49
sorush20mneptok: I have used the sudo12:49
dequeued/etc/init.d/portmap start12:49
ddwagnzi now assume its not possible to use a current windows harddrive (NTFS) to surf and try linux apps from a live cd?12:49
fly_80wrong people12:49
=== truthfatal [n=truthfat@h186.119.141.64.cable.gldn.cablerocket.net] has joined #ubuntu
ikoniaAnAnt then either a firewall is stopping your clients sending rpc - or you don't have the NFS client which includes portmap installed and running on your client12:49
erUSULOrTigaS: you can not, during a release there are no new versions of programs only security updates12:49
dequeuedack, sorry, AnAnt12:49
ben_Hi! When I try to install lprng, it conflicts with xubuntu-desktop. I guess it's a metapackage and remove it but at next upgrade, aptitude wants to remove xfce package too... Is there a way to force lprng install plz?12:49
dequeuedAnAnt,  just install portmap12:49
ikoniaddwagnz live cd doesn't run from disk12:49
OrTigaSso how to upgrade my firefox?12:50
ikoniaOrTigaS you can't12:50
ikoniaOrTigaS only the versions in the repo's will be supported12:50
dequeuedand ikonia, I am sure he figured that out already, the error message said that12:50
twbOrTigaS: why do you want to upgrade firefox?12:50
ikoniadequeued said what12:50
dequeuedhe wanted to know *why* he was getting that error message12:50
PhibreOptixDoes anybody here know why performance is so slow through WINE when trying to run a projector created be Macromedia Director?12:50
ikoniaPhibreOptix join #wine12:50
ddwagnzikonia, like just access the hdd from the live cd without formatting seem i wont be allowed (family comp :/)12:51
PhibreOptixTried there, and nobody even responds to anything I ask at all >.<12:51
twbPhibreOptix: be patient12:51
ikoniadequeued as I said a firewall or the nfs client package is not installed and running - this includes portmap12:51
ikoniaddwagnz you will be fine12:51
EnsignRedshirtOrTigaS: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion12:51
dequeued98% of the time, that error message is because portmap is not installed and running12:51
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dequeuedjust say install and start portmap, that is what he wants to know12:51
OrTigaStwb: someone is using version 2.0, my problem is i want my firefox to open what is the site i open it.... like the opera12:51
ikoniadequeued but portmap is a dependency on the nfs-client package12:51
ikoniahence why I didn't just say "start portmap" as its possible he doesn't have the nfs client package installed12:52
ikoniaor portmap would be in place to start up at boot12:52
dequeuedback when I was learning linux, I hated it when people would give overly complex and useless answers to my questions...12:52
twbOrTigaS: I'm sorry, I don't understand.12:52
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ikoniadequeued telling him the reason and the package doesn't seem over complex to me ?12:52
dv_dequeued, yeah12:52
ddwagnzhmmm i'm just wanting to push ubuntu just on a simple live cd using Blender which i have a copy for lin but just trying to actually trying to get on the hdd seems inpossible without doing something12:52
ddwagnzto stuff up the computer itself12:53
ikoniaddwagnz your not really meant to install packages on the livecd - however you can do an apt-get and install blender into the livecd memeory12:53
sorush20guys I have a bug I don't know how to check it, its for the gnome-control centre any ideas?12:53
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ikoniasorush20 check launchpad12:54
ikonia!launchpad > sorush2012:54
dv_dequeued, as in "I want to access my usb camera. can I do this in linux?" "sure! you just have to look up in dmesg if the device was recognized, find the device node, if not recompile the kernel with the right driver, mount the usb cam, but with the correct rights!....." etc. etc.12:54
OrTigaSyou know Opera? when i open like this day go to sites(whatever is it) the i close shutdown. then after a day i want to open the firefox which is where i close the other day12:54
TurgonIs there a way to configure Ubuntu so a chosen video is displayed instead of one of the available screensavers? I want to do so to try to fix a lazy pixel in a lcd monitor. Thanks for your time.12:54
ddwagnzikonia, its like a downloaded RC one (no install neeeded)12:54
dv_fortunately, distros like ubuntu exist..12:54
ikoniaddwagnz I wouldn't do it12:54
OrTigaShmmm confusing12:54
twbOrTigaS: oh, you want the "session management" feature new in Firefox 2.0?12:54
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OrTigaSi want when firefox start it will show what is the site i open before12:55
twbOrTigaS: that is called "session management", if I understand you correctly.12:56
erUSULOrTigaS: upgrade to edgy and you will get firefox 2 and session mangment. another posibility is just install the sesion managment extension for firefox 1.5.x12:56
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xplorerin firefox when i click on link it open in new window instead of new tab.i have setup to open in tab only and not in new window.12:56
twbOrTigaS: what release of Ubuntu are you running?12:56
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twbFirefox 2.0 is included in Ubuntu Edgy 6.10.  If you upgrade to Edgy, you will get Firefox 2.0.12:57
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dequeueddv_, well, it is clear that he understood the basic concept of nfs and had read the man pages, and he already knew that the proper traffic was going through, I didn't see any reason to insult his inteligence by telling him to check a firewall12:57
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dequeuedlets leave it at that12:57
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OrTigaSi tried to upgrade the other day, but my video resolution not working properly so i go back to 6.0612:57
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twbOrTigaS: perhaps a better idea would be to try to fix the resolution problem.12:58
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erUSULOrTigaS: hablas espaol?12:59
OrTigaSokay.... so you gonna help me along the way to fix the resolution of may desktop12:59
OrTigaSerUSUL: i'm not :)12:59
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AnAntportmap is install12:59
AnAntportmap is installed12:59
OrTigaSi want my resolution to be like now 1280x102401:00
erUSULOrTigaS: ortiga(s) is a spanish word so i thought....01:00
twbOrTigaS: unfortunately, I only know how to do that by editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:00
OrTigaSerUSUL: pinoy :)01:00
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erUSUL!fixres | OrTigaS01:00
ubotuOrTigaS: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:00
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cyberixHow do I remove a broken package that is not fuly installed, but block me from using apt for other purposes?01:00
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twbubotu: thank you01:00
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)01:01
jzittIt worked! (sort of)01:01
twbcyberix: dpkg -P packagename01:01
sorush20where are the most common bugs?01:01
OrTigaScan i upgrade to edgy now by internet?01:01
twbsorush20: brazil01:01
OrTigaSi guess01:01
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jzittmneptok: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg told me that xserver-org was broken or improperly installed. An apt-get on it fixed things, and I'm now on via Edgy!01:02
twbOrTigaS: probably.  That is called "dist-upgrading"01:02
erUSUL!edgyupgrade | OrTigaS01:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about edgyupgrade - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:02
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erUSUL!upgrade | OrTigaS01:02
ubotuOrTigaS: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes01:02
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Serap1how do I get root in scratchbox?01:03
sorush20I can't see any keyboard preveiws any idea how I can get to see them in gnome?01:03
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erUSULSerap1: what is a scratchbox?01:04
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Serap1its some cross-compilation toolkit01:05
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PhibreOptixCan anybody shed some light on this? My ubuntu keeps freezing when I leave it idle01:05
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mneptokjzitt: splendid! :)01:06
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jzittmneptok: it also died reading the DVD when I tried it this time, so I wiped off the disc and tried it again, successfully.01:07
jzittSo the whole thing seems to have boiled down to a smudge on the media.01:08
erUSULSerap1: why would you need to get root in a scratchbox ??01:08
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erUSULSerap1: maybe is this what you are looking for http://www.scratchbox.org/documentation/user/scratchbox-1.0/html/fakeroot.html ??01:09
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OrTigaSi think i have unfinish work here, because i cant dist-upgrade. it shows the "pmount"01:10
OrTigaSThe following packages have been kept back:01:10
OrTigaS  pmount01:10
sorush20is there anything like klipper in gnome ?01:10
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ubotuklipper: clipboard utility for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu3.2 (edgy), package size 271 kB, installed size 940 kB01:11
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frogzoo_a lot of kde apps run in gnome, worth a try01:12
Serap1sorry I was away erUSUl..I need to become root to make a filesystem for my nokia 770, I can only do this when I am root in scratchbox01:12
incorrectis it standard practise to debootstrap and then chroot in to create backports for different revisions01:13
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OrTigaSwhat is this "pmount"?01:16
kucinglaperi have problem with USB hub, anyone has problem with USB hub?01:16
OrTigaSi cant upgrade01:16
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twbpmount is a program that allows users to mount removable media.01:17
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qmfcan anyone help me with this?01:17
qmfFATAL: Error running install command for fglrx01:17
OrTigaSis say "the following updates will be skipped:01:17
qmfon modproble fglrx01:17
kucinglaperwhen I plug another device on USB hub, all device are not working01:17
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sorush20I can't see keyboard layout previews how do I fix this01:18
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brusselAnybody here?01:20
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:20
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brusselI was writing a wiki and now I have a msg at the top saying it should be moved to https://help.ubuntu.com/community where other people would not be able to modify it. I disagree. Am I going to be forced to do that?01:22
opetznickhi how i can get a encrypted password to useradd using the -p option?01:22
dequeuedI just installed ubuntu -- how would I enable the installation of non-free and other restricted software through apt?01:22
brusselI was writing a wiki at the ubuntu site https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ and now I have a msg at the top saying it should be moved to https://help.ubuntu.com/community where other people would not be able to modify it. I disagree. Am I going to be forced to do that?01:22
axa-axaHi. Is it possible to make Nautilus to hide remain lines of file/directory name, if name is, for example, longer that two lines, like it is in Konqueror and Windows?01:23
dequeuedI thought I uncommented the required lines in sources.list and ran apt-get update, but I still don't have access01:23
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mooeybrussel, i think community given documentation should go in /community, it allows others to edit it so i dont think it should be telling you the opposite :-)01:23
frogzoo_!multiverse | dequeued01:24
ubotudequeued: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource01:24
qmfdequeued: open up synaptics and go to settings>repositories01:24
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frogzoo_dequeued: enable universe & multiverse01:24
qmfFATAL: Error running install command for fglrx < no one got any ideas about this?01:24
qmfi cant get direct rendering going with ati's prop fglrx01:25
dequeuedI thought I did!01:25
sorush20I keep getting this instead of a proper layout http://imagepaste.nulldigital.net/viewimage.php?id=12301:25
frogzoo_qmf: if you can't install fglrx from the repos, something is badly wrong01:25
brusselmooey, i'm confused, the wiki is where everybody can update it and is where it is currently. /community is where they are telling me to put it and that seems to be static.01:25
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PrometheumHello, I appear to have killed my taskbar. I can only view launchers and applets, and non of my other programs can use the taskbar. I accidentaly removed the barrier between the left side with the menus on it and the right side with the time and whatnot. How would I be able to fix it?01:26
PhibreOptixPrometheum: try pressing CTRL+ALT+Backspace01:26
mooeybrussel, are you logged in? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ -> this isn't static01:26
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PrometheumPhibreOptix: its stayed with me for a few boots, restarting X doesn't do anything.01:27
brusselhmmm, ok, i'll check it out.01:27
PhibreOptixPrometheum: Ah ok then, well that about limits my knowledge xD01:27
qmffrogzoo_: i wanted the latest. but the repo ones give me the same(ish) problems01:27
mooeybrussel, i hope you can sort it. thanks for contributing :-)01:27
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PrometheumWould there be any way to bring it back to the defaults?01:27
axa-axaHi. Is it possible to make Nautilus to hide remain lines of file/directory name, if name is, for example, longer that two lines, like it is in Konqueror and Windows?01:28
brusselmooey, why would they want to take it away from the obvious place, the wiki, where everybody instinctively knows they can change it?01:28
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brusseli go to community and it looks like a mess and it's not even obvious i can sign in01:29
mooeybrussel, i'm not sure. i can edit pages on wiki.ubuntu.com. i've got a suspicion it has something todo with signing the ubuntu code of conduct but i could be wrong?01:30
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brusselmooey, again i'm confused. wiki.ubuntu.com is fine and is where i am writing the documentation and is the natural place in my mind to add user supplied documentation.01:32
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brusselmooey, they however say: This document should be moved to the documentation wiki at https://help.ubuntu.com/community01:33
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mooeybrussel, i'm confuzzled to. what page are you editing?01:33
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JowiPrometheum, I would guess you cat get the defaults back by deleting /home/user/.gnome2/panel2.d (just a hunch)01:33
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brusselmooey, reading the paste just now i see my error, there is some wiki somewhere else besides https://wiki.ubuntu.com/...01:34
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brusselmooey, i'll poke around at https://help.ubuntu.com/community until i find a wiki there...01:35
mooeybrussel, help.ubuntu.com/community is a wiki o_O01:35
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brusselmooey, oh, silly me, didn't see wiki in it's url so assumed it was static.01:36
frogzoo_Prometheum: why not delete the taskbar & create a new one?01:36
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mooeybrussel, ah :-)01:36
Prometheumfrogzoo_: good idea, I'll try that now01:36
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Prometheumand now I have no panals at all.01:37
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opetznickhow i can use mcrypt to encrypt a string?01:37
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Prometheumnew problem: I have no taskbars at all. How do I get them back?01:37
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emuFarmeri've got a quick question, does anyone know if there are any compatibility problems with linux and trackball mice?01:40
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cyphaseanyone else tried VirtualBox? how is it?01:41
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Optimushey all01:41
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OptimusAnyone talkin'?01:43
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nikinhey Optimus01:43
cyberixWhat do I need to get a working Ubuntu system? ubuntu-minimal, linux-image-generic and their dependencies. Something else?01:43
JowiOptimus, everyone is busy. all 917 of us :)01:43
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nikinJowi : and what are we doing?01:44
OptimusCyberix, the LiveCD is all you need01:44
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cyberixOptimus: Lol01:44
Jowicyberix, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems is about the minimal for ubuntu running Xorg01:44
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cyberixOptimus: I'm trying to bootstrap Ubuntu from a minimal Debian system.01:44
nikincyberix: for what?01:44
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PrometheumHow can I restore my default menubar and taskbar?01:45
cyberixI'm doing this because Ubuntu doesn't support floppy installation.01:45
frogzoo_Prometheum: tried 'gnome-panel' from terminal?01:45
JowiPrometheum, did you try to remove ~/.gnome2/panel2.d ?01:45
Asturiacan anyone help me in setting up dansguardian?01:45
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Optimuscyberix, do you have a CD drive and the bios simply won't allow bootup?01:46
Prometheumfrogzoo_: no, I haven't and Jowi, what exactly would that do?01:46
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cyberixOptimus: No. I don't have a cd-drive.01:46
shodanjr_grhey guys, i wana set up my VSFTPD server to be able to ftp to my /var/www directory. Any ideas???01:46
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JowiPrometheum, delete the panel settings hopefully so you will get the default panel(s) back. havent tried it so not sure if it works01:46
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JowiPrometheum, unfortunatley gnome has got gconf-editor (bleurgh)01:47
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=== Jowi shivers
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Prometheumso can I get to the defaults?01:47
cyberixOptimus: I have a pcmcia-cd-drive that often fails reading. I can't boot from it, but reading failures during installation are unacceptable so I see no reason in working towards that.01:47
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JowiPrometheum, hopefully. try it.01:47
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OptimusCyberix, I agree01:48
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OptimusCyberix, gimme a sec, I think I may have found a site with the howtos of bootstrapping ubuntu01:48
guerrillawonHow would I find the location of a connected fat32 slave harddrive and mount it?01:49
guerrillawonI'm guessing in dev but not sure where in it.01:49
PrometheumJowi: where would I find the right settings in gconf-editor?01:49
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OptimusGah -- I am supposedly on 3Mbps DSL and I am getting about 1.6kpbs downstream!01:50
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JowiPrometheum, no idea. apps\panel maybe. but that is hard to edit yourself. better see if removing ~/.gnome2/panel2.d works01:50
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OptimusCyberix, you are using edgy, correct?01:51
cyberixSarge -> Edgy01:51
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Prometheumthats a directory, do it anyway?01:52
Prometheumokay just did it, now what?01:53
OptimusWell I found several threads on ubuntuforums, but it looks like almost everyone ends up with an error 12701:53
JowiPrometheum, yep. or simply move it "mv panel2.d panel2.bak"01:53
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JowiPrometheum, restart gnome01:53
OptimusCyberix --> http://ubuntuforums.org/tags/index.php/bootstrap/01:53
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OptimusCyberix, this may also give you an idea --https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/FromKnoppix01:54
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OptimusThough that is from Knoppix, ergo a CD01:54
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Prometheumnothing still01:55
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OptimusCyberix, does the laptop have a floppy drive?01:55
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cyberixOptimus: Yes. Thats how I installed Sarge.01:56
qmfis there a way to sort of 'cleanse' my ubuntu install without reinstalling it all? like, remove everything i've installed/changed01:56
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xopherHow can I switch from the totem firefox plugin to mozilla-mplayer? When I try to remove the totem one, synaptic wants to remove ubuntu-desktop also..01:56
OptimusHrmmm, you might be able to use a floppy dist ( i.e. an entire distro on a single floppy) and debootstrap ubuntu from that using the instructions from Knoppix01:56
higiravenmy repos dont work01:56
timowhat you mean01:57
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JowiPrometheum, how about starting a new panel "gnome-panel" and rightclick and add what you need?01:57
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johns^qmf: xopher ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage01:57
cyberixOptimus: I'm currently trying http://linux.simple.be/debian/floppy && http://ruinst.net.ru/ner/debian2ubuntu.html01:57
johns^you can remove that without a problem01:57
xopherjohns^, oh yeah.. sorry  and thanks01:58
PrometheumJowi: that doesn't return it to the defaults. THere are alot of differences, including no system tray for programs to live in.01:58
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johns^xopher: doesn't matter, i took a deep breath before I removed ubuntu-desktop the first time :)01:58
JowiPrometheum, add a tray :)01:58
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JowiPrometheum, rightclick on the panel -> add to panel -> drag notification area to the panel02:00
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guerrillawonCan anyone help me mount an ntfs harddrive?02:00
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DShepherdguerrillawon, sure..02:00
frogzoo_!ntfs | guerrillawon02:00
ubotuguerrillawon: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions. For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse02:01
JowiPrometheum, sorry, typing is slow here. got a 10months old guy trying to be an IT expert.02:01
Prometheumwoot that worked thanks02:01
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guerrillawonOk checking it out now, not sure how I didn't run across that myself, thanks!02:01
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Prometheumheh, can he help me install bcm43xx on a 4311?02:02
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sorush20how do I swap keyboard layouts in gnome there is no icon in on the task bar to let me do this02:02
najjstroem^_-I can't get my mic working, i got Nvidia-HDA and i have try the most!02:02
Asturiahow do you enable virusscanning in dansguardian?02:02
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about microphone - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:04
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sorush20is there any way that I  could change the keyboard layout at all in gnome ?02:04
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KenSentMesorush20: right-click the taskbar, select add to panel and choose the keyboard switcher02:05
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sorush20KenSentMe: how can I view the layouts.. k02:07
PrometheumCan anyone help me install bcm43xx on a 4311? I got it "installed" before (with one error during cutting) and it was working to the point that it said I was connected to my router, but I couldn't do as much as a ping, and the only things I could use were kismet and airodump. Can anyone help?02:07
sorush20when I select view layout I can't see anything02:07
x-r00t-xi got a codec error . Video codec "Windows Media Video 9' is not handled.". what package i should instal ?02:07
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Ninjadiga nabia02:07
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:07
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x-r00t-xnikin, i installed them. still got that error. only wmp902:08
gatinhaoi fa02:08
KenSentMesorush20: me neither, but you can add other layouts by clicking Keyboard switcher preferences02:08
biavamos l galera02:08
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sorush20KenSentMe: even when I add other layouts I can't change between them02:08
sorush20here is the error that I keep getting02:09
Ninjac ta fazendo o que anderson?02:09
x-r00t-xits a english channel. by the way.02:09
biaglvia liguinha02:09
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Ninjaisso  fil n gente02:10
nikinx-root-x: does that video use DRM?02:10
Ninjadiga Ynnbia?02:10
gatinhafa vacinha02:10
andersonalmeida_to navegando02:10
Somebodyelsei'm having problems with my ati driver installation02:10
Somebodyelsei keep getting the vesa library no matter what i do02:10
Somebodyelsecan anyone help?02:11
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KenSentMesorush20: i can switch layouts by left-clicking on the current in the task bar. About the errors: when do you get them? Maybe you could file a bugreport02:11
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KenSentMe!ati | Somebodyelse02:11
ubotuSomebodyelse: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:11
KenSentMeSomebodyelse: did you read that?02:12
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Somebodyelsebut i followed sections similar to that02:12
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Somebodyelseand they didn't work out02:12
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biacad vc linguinha02:13
bayziderswhat command puts a entry in the applications menu?02:13
ynnabiadpyuipop0  ertuynba mnbhfleuty  tior02:13
Somebodyelsethis was a script i found02:13
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.02:13
Somebodyelseecho "What is the version of the driver, (8.27.10-x86, 8.28.8, 8.30.3)?"02:13
Somebodyelseread version02:13
Somebodyelsesudo ln -sf bash /bin/sh02:13
Somebodyelsebash ati-driver-installer-$version.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/edgy02:13
Somebodyelsesudo ln -sf dash /bin/sh02:13
Somebodyelsesudo dpkg -i xorg-driver-fglrx_$version-1*.deb02:13
Somebodyelsesudo dpkg -i fglrx-kernel-source_$version-1*.deb02:13
Somebodyelsesudo dpkg -i fglrx-control_$version-1*.deb02:13
Somebodyelsesudo rm /usr/src/fglrx-kernel*.deb02:14
Somebodyelsesudo module-assistant prepare02:14
KenSentMe!paste | Somebodyelse02:14
ubotuSomebodyelse: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:14
Somebodyelsesudo module-assistant update02:14
Somebodyelsesudo module-assistant build fglrx02:14
Somebodyelsesudo module-assistant install fglrx02:14
Somebodyelsesudo depmod -a02:14
Somebodyelsesudo aticonfig --initial02:14
ynnabiadper sdf oiu prtths ksklslrffdjsanf02:14
Somebodyelsesudo aticonfig --overlay-type=Xv02:14
Somebodyelsesudo cp libGL.so.1.2 /usr/lib/02:14
najjstroem0050WHat is the command to se what sound card am using?02:14
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KenSentMeSomebodyelse: try installing the drivers like it's done in the wiki pages ubotu sent to you02:14
ynnabiadpbrasil argentina japan02:15
bayzidersDoes any one know?02:15
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Somebodyelsedo i have to uninstall my current drivers?02:15
ynnabiadpvc mora nu japan02:16
KenSentMebayziders: does it need to be a command? You can add entries by going to System - Preferences - Menu02:16
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KenSentMeSomebodyelse: i don't know that02:16
Somebodyelsei'm using the 8.32.5 version of fglrx, but it does not have the 3D rendering on card02:16
nikinx-rrot-x : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1649012 maybe?02:16
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bayzidersKenSentMe : that is helpful however it does need to be a command.02:17
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ynnabiadptem gente que est em guai02:17
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KenSentMebayziders: you need to put a .desktop file in /usr/share/applications. Look at the other files in there for the syntax02:19
habeebHello there. Whats the progress with "composite by default" in Feisty?02:19
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bayzidersKenSentMe : Thank you.02:19
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ynnabiadpmay neime is02:20
KenSentMe!es | ynnabiadp02:21
ubotuynnabiadp: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.02:21
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ynnabiadpra bay li fa02:21
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iltomeehi, how can i check if my cpu supports PAE and SSE3 using ubuntu? Does anyone know??02:22
bayzidersin what directory do applications install to?02:22
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cyberixiltomee: cat /proc/cpuinfo02:22
cyberixiltomee: Probably02:22
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iltomeecyberix: thx ill try and let u know02:23
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KenSentMebayziders: the binaries go to /usr/bin mostly and the files in /usr/share02:23
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dcordesare there different msn clients but amsn that support CAMS?02:24
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bicim trying to get windows and ununtu to dual boot on my system, i've got my three partitons setup, windows ntfs, swap and /. for my mount points i have the swap and / set up accordingly, what shouikld the mount point for my windows partition be? leave it blank?02:24
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najjstroem0050I can't get my mic working at my headset, need some help plz!02:24
KenSentMebic: you can set that to wathever you want, for example /windows or /mnt/windows02:24
iltomeecyberix: thanx, it did work, but my cpu does not support sse3 thx anyways02:24
bayzidersKenSentMe: thanks again.02:25
bicits just a name?02:25
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KenSentMebayziders: what program are you trying to install?02:25
cyberixiltomee: no prob02:25
bicthanks ken02:25
KenSentMebic: it will be a folder in your ubuntu system02:25
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bicjust making sure i dont completely break my system :p02:26
bayzidersKenSentMe: Not a specific one I was just wondering how to get a program that i made on the menu.02:26
ynnabiadpcy  bay dhuti cum de mi qe a detrar02:26
KenSentMebayziders: ah, cool02:27
KenSentMeynnabiadp: this is an english only channel, where are you from?02:27
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ynnabiadpyes legty02:27
KenSentMedcordes: i know gaim doesn't support cams02:28
gandalfcomeI use fglrx on ubuntu edgy. I have my xorg configured for big desktop. The login screen is in big desktop mode but when gnome starts the external lcd goes to distorted clone(i have a laptop ati x700 card). thanks for help02:28
dcordesKenSentMe: ok thank you02:28
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dcordeswhat about kopete? does kopete support cams?02:28
Somebodyelsei've got this02:28
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ynnabiadp=nab _px02:28
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Somebodyelse@gandalfcome: how did you enable 3d rendering on your card? mine's stuck at mesa02:29
KenSentMedcordes: google for kopete and find out, i don't know it02:29
user666anyone know how to clear the list of recently played files in totem?02:29
IdleOne!english | ynnabiadp02:29
ubotuynnabiadp: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat02:29
ynnabiadpon line02:29
gandalfcomeSomebodyelse: I did that before at the moment its not working02:29
ubotukopete: instant messenger for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5+kopete0.12.3-0ubuntu2.2 (edgy), package size 6824 kB, installed size 18932 kB02:29
gandalfcomeSomebodyelse: just install fglrx again, helped with me the first time02:29
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Somebodyelse@gandalfcome: I did it before, but can't seem to do it now02:30
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LarryTheLambJBL is awesome02:31
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ynnabiadpami dety mater bscf mora no japan02:31
gandalfcomemine is stuck at mesa as well02:31
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ubotu #ubuntu-jp  #kubuntu-jp 02:31
gandalfcomeSomebodyelse:  mine is stuck at mesa as well02:31
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gandalfcomeSomebodyelse: i don't really know02:31
EnsignRedshirtMy mic used to work, but now it doesn't.  I think it stopped working while I was using breezy; I have dapper now.  Where do I start tracking down the problem?02:31
Somebodyelsethanks anyway02:31
KenSentMe!sound | EnsignRedshirt02:31
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ubotuEnsignRedshirt: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin02:31
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ynnabiadpargh while dmix02:32
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AzMooDoes anybody know what application this person is using for the dock down the bottom? http://img371.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotmt6.png02:32
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KenSentMeCan someone tell this ynnabiadp to go somewhere where people understand what he/she says?02:33
TarsinionAzmoo, what do you meen by lock down the bottom ?02:34
ynnabiadphello oooooooooooooooooooooh1!102:34
AzMooTarsinion, dock, not lock. The application selector thing that looks like OSX02:34
KenSentMeTarsinion: he said dock instead of lock02:34
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ynnabiadpmaqui nasdcoo02:34
Tarsinion^^ ups02:34
Tarsinionwell its called desklet... im using this application selector as well02:34
biai am brazilian02:35
ynnabiadplocho ups iouyaaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooh atencion02:35
najjstroem0050I can't get my mic working at my headset, need some help plz!02:35
TarsinionAzmoo, the full name is "gDesklets"02:35
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KenSentMe!sound | najjstroem005002:35
ubotunajjstroem0050: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin02:35
ynnabiadpamhnkjdkpa~~~~er hai maquiquy02:36
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najjstroem0050KenSentme Nvidia HDA ( alsa mixer ) ?02:36
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AzMooTarsinion, top stuff, thankyou :)02:36
KenSentMenajjstroem0050: ?02:36
ptmanI can't set up an ntp server02:36
TarsinionAzmoo: you will find the application launcher under in the Programm under "Toolbar/Launchers" called StarterBar02:36
ynnabiadpxina aqui gvfvcknooyyy602:36
jinmy flashplayer is outdated02:36
najjstroem0050KenSentme Nvidia HDA ( alsa mixer ) that is what i can choose02:36
jinhow do I get the update?02:36
TarsinionIts easy to install and nice to look at ;-)02:36
cokesluttell me02:36
ptmanI get it running, but when I try to get the time with another machine using ntpdate, it fails02:37
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KenSentMenajjstroem0050: probably, but please read the wiki pages ubotu points you to02:37
bayzidershow do I move a launcher from my desktop to a folder that only root has permission to wright to? I tryed  sudo mv YourName /usr/share/applications but it didn't work.02:37
KenSentMejin: what update?02:37
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bottazzohi guys, where i find ubuntu 6.06 server version ?02:37
jinKenSentMe: a site is telling that my flash is outdated02:37
EnsignRedshirtKenSentMe: Thanks for the ubotu tip.  So far everything in there is about playing sounds (which works for me). I haven't found anything about getting the mic to work.02:37
Burnasshow can i disable the notifications if someone entered or left the room?02:37
KenSentMe!flash9 | jin02:38
ubotujin: flash9 is available from dapper-backports and edgy-backports now, see !backports02:38
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IdleOneBurnass: depending on the irc client you are using it should be in the prefs of that client02:38
bottazzook.. i found...02:38
ynnabiadpnatacha  !hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!02:38
Tarsinionbottazzo post the linkk ;-)02:38
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najjstroem0050KensentMe dude i got sound, but my mic is not working02:39
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bottazzoTarsinion,  on this mirror http://ubuntu.cs.utah.edu/releases/6.06/02:39
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IdleOne!op ynnabiadp insist on speaking jiberish :/02:39
ynnabiadpnot uar den02:39
TarsinionEven if its not about Ubuntu: Does anyone has expirience in "TWiki" ?02:39
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ynnabiadpante qi fi02:40
Somebodyelsecan anybody help me?02:40
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso02:40
Somebodyelsethe official instructions still don't work either, and i need the official 3d rendering, not mesa...02:40
mzuverinkI installed kubuntu-desktop to try it out and then removed it.  Now in Nautilus I can not go from home to the root filesystem via the up button.  it stops at /home and will not allow navigation higher without having to go to the nautilus preferences and checking show hidden files.  this was not the default prior to kubuntu install.  How do I reset this?02:40
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bayzidersAny one know?02:40
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ElohimusIn windows when tabbing you can see what application you are going to be tabbing to. Is there a feature that comes with or can be downloaded for Ubuntu?02:40
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KenSentMeSomebodyelse: maybe you can check the logs in /var/log/xorg.0.log02:41
NanoBNCHi guys. I'm experiencing problems trying  browsing win machines on same network. I get tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_DUPLICATE_NAME02:41
NanoBNCAnyone aware of that?02:42
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KenSentMeElohimus: you mean when pressing alt+tab?02:42
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ElohimusKenSentMe, aye02:42
CheshireVikingif i allow the ubuntu install cd to shrink my windows partion to free up space to install ubuntu, would that move data that was in the are being free'd up to a safe place in what was being left for windows, or is there a risk that the data could be lost02:42
KenSentMeElohimus: in Ubuntu i see what i alt-tab to02:42
OrTigaSi cannot watch the video on dum.com,but in youtube its working...  it say download plugins but it say "unknown plugins"02:42
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KenSentMeCheshireViking: there is a risk of data loss02:43
ElohimusKenSentMe, would it be because I'm using fluxbox opposed to gnome?02:43
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IdleOneCheshireViking: could lose data to be safe make a backup02:43
BurnassIdleOne: i dont think that gaim has the option to disable massages as: X has left the room...02:43
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mx-zoomCheshireViking: yes, a great risk02:44
BurnassCheshireViking: yes but it's small. Otherwise, its smart to make a backup02:44
IdleOneBurnass: I dont use gaim ! you might want to try Xchat for irc'ing I know you can disable join/part/quit msges02:44
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najjstroem0050Can someone PLEASE help a noob to get hes mic working02:44
CheshireVikingKenSentMe : right, thanks, i've defragged the drive, but it still leaves gaps, i'll get hold of a better drefragmenter and run that to compress the data and then see about making a backup on another drive02:44
Tarsinionnajjstroem0050, your sound is working correctly ?02:45
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Tarsinionjust the mic is silence ?02:45
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EnsignRedshirtTarsinion: najjstroem0050: I have the same problems--sound works, mic doesn't--so I'll be watching...02:46
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fleischwurstwho to put files into an existing iso file?02:47
bayzidershow do I move a launcher from my desktop to a folder that only root has permission to wright to? I tryed  sudo mv YourName /usr/share/applications but it didn't work.02:47
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TarsinionEnsignReshirt: najjstroem0050: i'm not an ubuntu expert, so dont aspect much ;) both is working fine since the beginning on my laptop. Which application did you test ?02:48
KenSentMeTarsinion, EnsignRedshirt, najjstroem0050: maybe this forum thread helps: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=312237&highlight=microphone02:48
KenSentMebayziders: in what way it didn't work?02:48
KenSentMebayziders: did you get an error?02:49
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mzuverinkanyone know how to make nautilus allow navigation to '/'?  Currently it stops me at /home unless I check to show hidden files.02:49
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bayzidersmv: cannot stat `YourName': No such file or directory02:49
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KenSentMebayziders: then the YourName folder doesn't exist. Make sure the path is right02:49
bayzidersit is not a folder it is a launcer02:50
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_jameswhat is a GTK theme? i want to install a new theme for my gnome desktop02:50
KenSentMebayziders: but is it the full filename? Type ls to see if you got the right name02:50
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy02:50
Tarsinionnice link colleation ;)02:51
SzArAkhow do you know you want it, if you don't know what it is? :P02:51
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IdleOneyou taste it02:51
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IdleOneif it taste like something you would like then you get it02:51
bayzidersKenSentMe I didnt know it was a .desktop file i d idnt see the extention i got it now02:51
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KenSentMebayziders: if you use the tab button for autocompletion, you always see if the file exists02:52
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najjstroem0050Can someone PLEASE help a noob to get hes mic working02:54
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najjstroem0050Can someone help me fix my microphone? I use Nvidia- HDA02:55
KenSentMenajjstroem0050: did you try the forum topic i sent you?02:55
najjstroem0050KenSentMe, yes02:55
najjstroem0050i need some better guidance02:55
xopherHi! Anyone here who knows anything about enabling automatic screen dimming and frequency scaling on laptops?02:55
najjstroem0050becouse my english isnt that good :P02:55
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EnsignRedshirtKenSentMe: I tried it, too. It didn't work.02:55
KenSentMeMaybe you could try searching the forums further02:56
najjstroem0050KenSentme i have tryed on ubuntuforums02:56
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frogzoo_xopher: do you have an intel mobile?02:56
KenSentMenajjstroem0050: maybe theres a irc channel in your language02:56
EnsignRedshirtI can't hear my mic through my speaker, even.02:56
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xopherfrogzoo_, yes02:56
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xophercentrino M02:57
najjstroem0050KenSentMe, yes with 10 people are none of them are never answering02:57
KenSentMenajjstroem0050: hmm, too bad02:57
najjstroem0050KenSentMe, i got a problem with english guides but i can to 95% understand in conversations as this02:57
bayzidersgah i still cant get it to work i can plainly see the filename but it is telling me it does not exist and i am in the right directory02:57
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KenSentMebayziders: you mean, when trying to move the file?02:59
Somebodyelsei still get Direct Rendering: No02:59
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xopherfrogzoo_, did you have any tips on getting it working properly?02:59
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v0xHi, is there a way to turn off roaming profiles in samba when using it as a domain controller? My users have loads of large files on their desktops, and it's going to be a huge load on the network when they log on. How do I turn it off?02:59
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KenSentMebayziders: what is the filename called?03:00
shc79help me03:00
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:00
frogzoo_xopher: you should already have gnome-applets installed, so now add cpufreq-applet to the taskbar - it works best if you 'sudo chmod /usr/bin/cpufreq-selector'03:00
bayzidersKenSentMe it should be y.desktop03:00
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shc79i can't write korea03:01
shc79only english03:01
shc79help me03:01
xopherfrogzoo_, do you know if these features are limited to the gnome desktop? as Im using xfce at the moment03:01
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shc79gnome desktop03:02
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KenSentMebayziders: go to the folder where the files is in. Then type sudo mv y and then the tab, it will autocomplete the filename (or press it twice if there are more files that start with y)03:02
frogzoo_xopher: nope - you just need a way to talk to cpufreqd03:02
xopherOk. What about the screen dimming then?03:03
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Balsamic_Chickenis there a repository for the latest octave program? the one in regular repository is obsolete, and if no repo work, could someone tell me how to set    up octave by downloading its tar.bz2 file? thx alot03:03
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ali_how to count number of files having *.part using ls command in the current folder?03:03
ali_something like this ls *.part ?03:04
frogzoo_xopher: not sure if cpufreqd is correct, but cpu scaling happens in the kernel, without the display manager03:04
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najjstroem0050Can someone help me fix my microphone? I use Nvidia- HDA03:05
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EnsignRedshirtKenSentMe, najjstroem0050: I don't fully understand all the settings, but I was just able to get my mic working.03:06
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin03:06
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EnsignRedshirtnajjstroem0050: Do you have Alsa mixer running?03:06
najjstroem0050<EnsignRedshirt> try to figure out why, cause i want to know03:06
BlueDevilali_: ls *.part | wc -w03:06
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najjstroem0050Can we take this in privv?03:07
bicive burned the image of ubuntu to a disk twice now and both times i get a write error03:07
bayzidersKenSentMe http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1938/03:07
bicthe second time i wrote at 8x instead of 24x03:07
bulmerali_: ls *.part | wc -l03:07
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EnsignRedshirtnajjstroem0050: Sure, but I'm an IRC noob, so I don't know how :)03:07
najjstroem0050What irc client u using?03:07
EnsignRedshirtnajjstroem0050: gaim03:07
najjstroem0050give me you msn03:07
EnsignRedshirtnajjstroem0050: msn?03:08
najjstroem0050ok lets take it here03:08
najjstroem0050in my Volume Control it says HDA Nvidia Alsa mixer03:08
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EnsignRedshirtnajjstroem0050: Select Edit->Preferences03:08
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roxluhi all!03:08
KenSentMebayziders: rename the file and remove the spaces between Your and Name03:08
najjstroem0050EnsignRedshit all are marked03:09
najjstroem0050sorry :p03:09
roxludoes somebody knows a good "http" request analyzer? (so I can see the reqeusts being made?)03:09
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KenSentMebayziders: can you use auto completion with tab?03:09
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EnsignRedshirtnajjstroem0050: OK, so you have a tab called Options03:09
najjstroem0050Playback, Capture , Switches03:09
EnsignRedshirtnajjstroem0050: In Edit->Preferences, is there a Mic Select check box in the list?03:10
bayzidersKenSentMe I dont know what that is and i got this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1939/03:10
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:10
najjstroem0050all box are marked03:10
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about opengl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:10
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frogzoo_o0splitpaw0o: /msg ubotu works just as well03:11
KenSentMebulmer, ali: i think it should be wc -l03:11
bicany suggestion on what to do when i cant get the iamge to burn without errors?03:11
KenSentMebayziders: i see your error03:11
bicshould i try different burning software? im using nero03:11
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frogzoo_bic: burn at a slower speed03:11
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bici did03:11
EnsignRedshirtnajjstroem0050: For me, at first Mic Select was not checked.  When I checked it, an Options tab was created next to Switches.  This tab lets me choose Mic1 or Mic2.  I had to choose Mic2; it had been on Mic1.03:11
bici went from 24 to 803:11
bicboth had errors03:11
KenSentMebayziders: can you press the Tab button on your keyboard?03:12
bictwo different images03:12
Balsamic_ChickenHow do i install LaTex, is it in the repos? i did a search in synaptic, returned a gazillion results but none is the stand alone latex, help pls, ty03:12
frogzoo_bic: check the md5sum of the image you're trying to burn03:12
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EnsignRedshirtBalsamic_Chicken: something like tetex-base, tetex-extras, maybe some more.03:12
KenSentMebayziders: if you type the first letter of a filename, Tab fills in the rest of the filename. So hit Tab after sudo mv Y [tab] 03:13
Balsamic_ChickenEnsignRedshirt is tetex a latex replacement?03:13
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EnsignRedshirtBalsamic_Chicken: It is an implementation to tex and latex.03:13
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najjstroem0050<EnsignRedshirt> what program did u test you mic in?03:13
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gandalfcomeI use fglrx on ubuntu edgy. I have my xorg configured for big desktop. The login screen is in big desktop mode but when gnome starts the external lcd goes to distorted clone(i have a laptop ati x700 card). thanks for help03:13
EnsignRedshirtnajjstroem0050: Audacity.03:14
Balsamic_ChickenEnsignRedshirt what's s/to/of/ mean, sorry kinda new, and also how do i start tetex, it seems installed already03:14
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bayzidersKenSentMe : ok it moved it now why isnt it on my menu?03:14
EnsignRedshirtBalsamic_Chicken: Sorry, that is short-hand for: change "to" to "of" in my previous message.03:14
najjstroem0050<EnsignRedshirt> where did u get it?03:14
KenSentMebayziders: maybe you need to restart X by hitting ctrl+alt+backspace or reboot03:15
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EnsignRedshirtnajjstroem0050: Applications ->Sound&Video -> Audacity03:15
Balsamic_ChickenEnsignRedshirt o thx03:15
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Balsamic_ChickenEnsignRedshirt btw how do i start tetex?03:15
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najjstroem0050<EnsignRedshirt> do you got ubuntu?03:15
EnsignRedshirtnajjstroem0050: Yes, I am using Dapper (6.06)03:15
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o0splitpaw0oanyone know a command to reassociate programs that need open gl to find the proper open gx. I dud a apt-get dist upgrade, but now anythign associated that needs opengl to glx to work, fails.03:15
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KenSentMegandalfcome: maybe you can check this forum topic: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=221174 . There is good support there if you have problems03:16
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robboDo you know any portscanner for Ubuntu please?...03:16
EnsignRedshirtBalsamic_Chicken: The tetex package(s) will give you the latex command (among others)03:16
KenSentMebayziders: did it work?03:16
Tomcat_robbo: nmap03:16
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frogzoo_robbo: the one & only nmap03:16
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KenSentMebayziders: check if the options in the file are set right03:17
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bayzidersKenSentMe im pretty sure they are it works when i click on it but it is not in the menu03:17
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EnsignRedshirtnajjstroem0050: I forgot... audacity is not installed in ubuntu dapper by default. You have to install it from the universe repository.03:18
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KenSentMebayziders: why does it have to be through command line?03:18
Balsamic_ChickenEnsignRedshirt how do i use it tho, i never used latex b4 =)03:18
gilii am having a problem with a process that seems to takeover my ALSA drivers i think....its a zombie process called "play" cant seem to get rid of it03:18
najjstroem0050<EnsignRedshirt> i did, but i get a error when i start it03:18
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malachi_Ack, disconnected.03:18
rogue780is there a way to move recursively? I have a directory tree and I want to move all .mp3 files out of it to another directory03:18
Bnirkowhow looks correct menu.lst for edgy grub ??03:19
najjstroem0050A error corrupted when started in/out respository03:19
KenSentMerogue780: mv -R ?03:19
bayzidersKenSentMe becuase I can not graphicly do it on other peoples computers over the internet03:19
EnsignRedshirtBalsamic_Chicken: latex is a command.  You edit your file, say myfile.tex, and give to latex.  In a terminal, you would say: latex myfile.tex03:19
riotkittiegili: did you try kill with a -9 ?03:19
tuskerniniKenSentMe, if you are talking about installing stuff, it does not have to be commandline03:19
EnsignRedshirtBalsamic_Chicken: google for "latex guide" or "latex tutorial", you'll find lots.03:19
Balsamic_ChickenEnsignRedshirt cool thx alot03:19
giliriotkittie: elaborate...? on the command line03:20
tuskerniniKenSentMe, i did not read all the comments... excuse me03:20
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riotkittiethe command line is your friend. learn it. love it. bake it cookies.03:20
KenSentMebayziders: but maybe you could first try doing it through the menu and look what the file looks like03:20
KenSentMetuskernini: no problem03:20
o0splitpaw0oanyone know how to resync any applications that need opengl. I used apt-get dist upgrade and now all my programs that need open gl can execute. because they mention "they can't find an apropriate gl to handle it. I tried reinstalling the apps to have it possibly download some missing package I don't have anymore. but no go.03:20
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bayzidersKenSentMe: ok so how do i do that03:20
EnsignRedshirtBalsamic_Chicken: By the way, kile is a nice latex editor, and it lets you run latex on your file by clicking on a button.03:20
riotkittiegili: kill -9 PID     ... if you dont know teh PID, ... ps ax | grep play03:20
EnsignRedshirtBalsamic_Chicken: I use kile almost all the time when I work on latex files.03:21
gilitrying now03:21
KenSentMebayziders: through System - Preferences - Menu-something (i don't use english ubuntu)03:21
Balsamic_ChickenEnsignRedshirt nice, is it in the repos?03:21
tuskerniniKenSentMe, menu layout03:21
KenSentMetuskernini: ok, ty03:21
bayzidersits menu and toolbars and ok im there what now03:21
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EnsignRedshirtBalsamic_Chicken: Yes.  It is designed for KDE, but it works fine in gnome, too.  (When you install the package, a whole lot of other kde libraries will also be installed.)03:22
KenSentMebayziders: please try some things yourself. There's a add item button on the right03:22
KenSentMebayziders: are you on edgy or dapper?03:22
Balsamic_ChickenEnsignRedshirt cool thx so much =)03:22
bayzidersi dont see a add button03:23
KenSentMebayziders: then go to a folder and right click to add an item03:23
giliriotkittie: what does the -9 do03:23
gilifor kill03:23
Bnirkowhow looks correct menu.lst for edgy grub ??03:24
Balsamic_ChickenEnsignRedshirt would u happen to know if octave (matlab like) have a gui in kubuntu? i couldn't find one in the repos, and i'm not sure if i should get yaog (yet another octave gui)03:24
frogzoo_gili: man kill03:24
rogue780KenSentMe, -R is not valid with mv. already tried it03:24
bulmergili: type   kill -l   and it will list all the kill signals03:24
riotkittiegili: i believe 9 makes it so that the signal cant be blocked03:24
giliok i got that part03:24
EnsignRedshirtBalsamic_Chicken: I know what octave is, but I never use it.  I have matlab, and if I don't use matlab, I use scilab.03:24
KenSentMerogue780: isn't a mv command always recursivly ( you can't move a folder without moving subfolders)03:25
giliwhen i list ps -A i get a PID for a process called PLAY which is in brackets states as defunct03:25
giliwhen i kill this process nothing happens03:25
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rogue780I don't need to move the folders...just the files out of them03:25
Balsamic_ChickenEnsignRedshirt can i interconvert between scilab code and matlab code pretty smoothly? and also i have a student version of windows matlab, can that be installed on kubuntu? thx alot03:25
bulmergili: those are Zombies, you cant really removed them manually03:25
rogue780KenSentMe, my last was to you03:26
o0splitpaw0ook i'll wait03:26
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giliso could a zombie process lock up my sound system03:26
bayzidersOk i cna do it graphicly now i need to do it through the terminal in a shell script03:26
bulmerif it was related to it, if you run out of process id's03:26
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EnsignRedshirtBalsamic_Chicken: scilab and matlab are close, but not the same.  Somewhere in the scilab docs or web page there is a conversion guide.03:26
KenSentMerogue780: move * then, or do you want the files in subfolders to be moved too, without the subfolders itself?03:27
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Balsamic_ChickenEnsignRedshirt cool thx03:27
EnsignRedshirtBalsamic_Chicken: I use the linux version of matlab.03:27
giliok so if i have a zombie process it cannot be halted at all.....? onbly reboot03:27
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Balsamic_ChickenEnsignRedshirt do u know where i could get a copy?03:27
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Balsamic_ChickenEnsignRedshirt buy it online?03:27
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bulmergili: zombies are dead process, they are just lingering in the process table taking up resources03:28
rogue780KenSentMe, the files in the subfolders need to be moved...and there are over 500 subdirectories03:28
bulmerso yah reboot03:28
EnsignRedshirtBalsamic_Chicken: Matlab? Yup, you have to buy it from mathworks.03:28
rogue780KenSentMe, dont need the subfolders03:28
CyTGlooking for a sata controller (pci 32bit/33mhz) can you recommend something ?03:28
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Balsamic_ChickenEnsignRedshirt cool that sucks =)03:28
bulmerrogue780 see those folks at bash channel, very helpful people on scripting to remove such recursive directories (not folders in linux)03:29
gilibulmer: ok thanks....but could such a dead process be halting my sound system,,,, ihave no sound now and Audacious is claiming another program/resource is using sound....i took an educated guess that since this process is called Play"03:29
EnsignRedshirtBalsamic_Chicken: matlab is more extensive, more widely used, and more polished than scilab, but for many things, scilab is just as good.  And scilab is free.03:29
_dellfan_rogue780: find <folder with mp3s> -name '*mp3' -exec mv {} <another folder>/ \;03:29
giliit was called by some audio dev03:29
rogue780bulmer, _dellfan_,  thanks03:30
o0splitpaw0oanyone know how to resync any applications that need opengl. I used apt-get dist upgrade and now all my programs that need open gl can execute. because they mention "they can't find an apropriate gl to handle it. I tried reinstalling the apps to have it possibly download some missing package I don't have anymore. but no go.03:30
bulmergili: i dont know, it could be one of those processes that have not released the resource used for sounds..03:30
giliok thanks03:30
o0splitpaw0oI mean they can't03:30
gilimuch appreciated03:30
Shadowpillar_rogue780: and whatever you do, dont use the greater than or less than symbols :P03:30
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giliriotkittie: thanks03:30
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rogue780Shadowpillar_, ?03:30
Balsamic_ChickenEnsignRedshirt cool =)03:31
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bulmerrogue780: he meant the redirections  > and  <03:31
frogzoo_gili: do you have a file /etc/asound.conf ?03:31
P3nnywiseAny good scree capturing programs?03:31
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bulmerP3nnywise: try xli03:31
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gilifrogzoo: i believe so one sec03:31
rogue780bulmer, I'm kind fo nobish...not sure what those do...03:31
EnsignRedshirtI've heard scree capturing is a dangerous sport.03:32
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P3nnywisebulmer, ok03:32
_dellfan_rogue780: dont type the folder names anclosed in <>03:32
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P3nnywisebtw, does anyone in here know how to setup your wpa_supplicant?03:32
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_dellfan_rogue780: for example: find MP3s -name '*mp3' -exec mv {} newMP3s/ \;03:32
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frogzoo_!wifi | P3nnywise03:33
ubotuP3nnywise: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:33
KenSentMeP3nnywise: there are some examples in /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant03:33
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jochencan someone give me some information about usb drivers03:33
gilifrogzoo: actually i dont...03:33
gilino asound.conf in the etc dir03:33
gilishould it be somewhere else?03:33
frogzoo_gili: that's a good thing, it can stop sound working03:33
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GastenHi. I'm trying to get internet to work with linux on my laptop. I'm not sure that it supports linux, nor am I sure if I'm to bad to configure my router right. It's D-Link with WLan.03:34
bottazzowell.. i remove apache files from my ubuntu.. and now i reinstall it with apt-get .. but when i try apache start.. it says that it did not find /usr/lib/apache2/files ...03:34
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bottazzohow can i reinstall /usr/lib/apache2 files?03:34
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gilii am pretty sure its this evil-zombie process called "play" will look it up...!!03:34
bulmerjochen: i can point you to a device driver book, i dont know myself how to write usb drivers.. http://lwn.net/Kernel/LDD3/03:34
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bottazzoapt-get install apache 2 does not install /usr/lib/apache2 files =[ .. only /etc/apache2 files03:35
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frogzoo_gili: reboot & see03:35
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jochenbulmer: cheers, I will look that up03:35
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bulmerbottazzo: look at the guts of the "apache start" script and see how it calls the apache and what env variables it uses to look those files up03:36
Balsamic_ChickenEnsignRedshirt i just downloaded freemat.tar.gz and extracted it, could u tell me how to install it?03:36
KenSentMebottazzo: i presume you type apt-get install apache2 instead of apache 2?03:36
OpermaxHi all!03:36
HymnToLife!info freemat03:36
ubotuPackage freemat does not exist in any distro I know03:36
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OpermaxCan anyone tell wehere to go for help with my WLAN-Card under Ubuntu 6.06??!03:37
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bottazzoKenSentMe, i typed apache2 apache2-common php5 libapache2-mod-php503:37
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KenSentMebottazzo: i wouldn't know then03:37
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JosefKphew, wrong window03:38
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frogzoo_!wifi | Opermax03:38
ubotuOpermax: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:38
JosefKon that topic, anyone know a daemon or similar to turn off the touchpad when you're typing/03:38
trygve-uCan I copy paste in nano?03:38
EnsignRedshirtBalsamic_Chicken: I was just about to quit gaim when I got your message.  Here's a link that might help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware03:38
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frogzoo_JosefK: syndaemon03:38
ubotuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) | Terminal-based editors: vi/vim, emacs, and nano (user-friendly). | HTML/CSS editors: !html | Programming: !code03:38
Opermaxthanks frogzoo03:38
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JosefKfrogzoo_: thanks03:38
P3nnywisebulmer, i cant find "xli" anywhere, do you know another good screen recorder?03:39
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trygve-uHelp... Can I copy paste when using Nano in terminal?03:39
Balsamic_ChickenEnsignRedshirt thx alot for the great tips =)03:39
EnsignRedshirtBalsamic_Chicken: freemat looks interesting, I'll have to try it some time (but not now).  They have an rpm for Fedora Core 6; too bad they don't have a deb for debian/ubuntu.03:40
GastenHi. I'm trying to get internet to work with linux on my laptop. I'm not sure that it supports linux, nor am I sure if I'm to bad to configure my router right. It's D-Link with WLan. Can I do anything about this? Can I confirm that I can't do anything?03:40
Opermaxfrogzoo: there is no ubuntu wifi channel!03:40
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Balsamic_ChickenEnsignRedshirt i know =)03:40
OpermaxHi Gasten!03:40
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OpermaxI have the same Problem!03:40
frogzoo_JosefK: this is what you want: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/09/20/disable-touchpad-temporarily-when-typing/03:40
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Balsamic_ChickenEnsignRedshirt thx alot for all the help =) hope to see u around =)03:40
GastenOpermax, Hi!03:40
EnsignRedshirtBalsamic_Chicken: Good luck!03:40
bulmerP3nnywise: maybe ksnapshot ?03:40
KenSentMetrygve-u: hit ctrl+g in Nano and look in the help03:40
EnsignRedshirtCiao, y'all.03:41
Balsamic_ChickenEnsignRedshirt :-)03:41
P3nnywisebulmer, i have that but it can only take photos ;/03:41
trygve-uKenSentMe: Thank you03:41
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GastenOpermax, I've heard that some routers doesn't work with Linux. I want to make sure that I got one of those...03:41
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JosefKfrogzoo_: that's exactly what I want :) thanks03:41
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Opermaxi don't know about routers, but it's the WLAN-Card in your laptop that has to work, isn't it?03:41
riotkittieGasten: i'm useless when it comes to routers. you may want to try searching the forums with your router model as a keyword. chances are, there's a post regarding it with info ginev step by step03:42
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bulmerP3nnywise: do System->Take Screenshot, select Other in Save in folder and press ctrl-l.03:42
odlasometimes GDM fails to start and GNOME fails to shutdown with me killing X ... should i file a bug report?03:42
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GastenOpermax, Yeah, that migth be it, too.03:43
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Gastenriotkittie, Thanks03:43
Asturiaany squid guru here?03:43
Opermaxbecause the router doesn't care as long the signals form your WLAN are crrect03:43
yamamawhat is the different between Xubuntu and ubuntu ???03:43
P3nnywisebulmer, i dont have 'take screenshot' in system03:43
_jameshow to unzip zip.gz file?03:43
bulmerOpermax: what ever nic card you have on your laptop has to be working first03:43
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odlayamama: xu = xfce ub = gnome03:44
Gastenyamama, Interface, how ou do stuff, performance, etc.03:44
KenSentMe!xubuntu | yamama03:44
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ubotuyamama: xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels03:44
HymnToLife_james, gunzip it first to get a regular zip, and then unzip03:44
_jameswhats the command to unzip  "zip.gz" file?03:44
Balsamic_Chicken in installing freemat (free matlab), it said there are two post-build steps i must perform, which adds freemat_path environment variable to my startup files that includes /home/username/share/FreeMat/MFiles, totally lost =) what does this mean, and where's my startup files, and how do i follow this instruction, thx so much =)03:44
bulmerP3nnywise: thats a different linux..03:44
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yamamai want to download xubuntu how ??03:44
GastenOpermax, Ah..03:44
riotkittiealright. type iwconfig ... is the wireless card listed ?03:44
KenSentMeyamama: go to xubuntu.org03:44
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P3nnywisebulmer, lol :p any other screen capturing programs?03:45
KenSentMe_james: gunzip file.gz03:45
riotkittieyamama: do you have ubuntu at the moment?03:45
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bulmerP3nnywise: am not using those kind of apps much..sorry03:45
riotkittieyamama: from the command line, sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop                ... or search for it in the package manager of your choice03:45
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riotkittieonce you install, you can choose xfce from the session menu at login.03:46
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_jamesi downloaded a theme for gnome.. now how can i install the theme?03:47
yamamariotkitti :now i dont have normal ubuntu i have kubuntu i can do this ??03:47
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Balsamic_Chickenwhat's qt everyone03:47
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Shane-SHaving a bit of a problem, I am moving from a Win32, WAMP setup to your LAMP with Ubuntu Server. I have followed http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?s=9aa6bd176d9fb39c926ba9812171c667&p=535019&postcount=10, but still my mod-rewrite is not working03:48
KenSentMe!themes | _james03:48
ubotu_james: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy03:48
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ubotuQt is the Q toolkit, which forms the base of KDE and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI. Install the libqt3-mt-dev package to compile Qt applications03:48
KenSentMe!changethemes | _james03:48
ubotu_james: [Ubuntu]  Install gnome-themes or go to menu, system settings, appearance. [KDE]  For a good KDE guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu03:48
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Shane-SI am using 6.10 on a Dell PowerEdge 86003:48
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P3nnywisecan someone recommend a good screen capturing program?03:48
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bulmerShane-S: is your apache working okay though?03:49
gandalfcomeKenSentMe: I searched the forums already, but thanks for the hint03:49
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riotkittieyamama: yes03:49
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Shane-Sseems to yes, I take it I should address the mod-rewite with them?03:49
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Balsamic_Chickenwhere do i get qt4? it's required by freemat (matlab like program)03:49
KenSentMegandalfcome: the person who set up the topic responds pretty fast to answers, so you could try it03:49
roxludoes someone knows how to show the 'raw' data in the "Packet Bytes window" so without the hex codes in Wireshark?03:49
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AzulBalsamic_Chicken, try synaptic03:50
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Shane-Sjust i copied the .htaccess from one apache server to another, yet it fails, didn't know if there is something I am missing that is specific to Ubuntu's Apache setup03:50
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Balsamic_ChickenAzul i did, i don't know which one is qt4 hehe, it gave me a bunch of stuff03:50
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KenSentMeShane-S: is the mod_rewrite file in /etc/apacha2/mods-enabled?03:50
Nooneimportantnoob here, just wondering does ubuntu really save battery life on laptops?03:50
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bulmerShane-S: mod_rewrite is a module isnt it? see if its included ...look at your apache.conf file03:50
frogzoo_P3nnywise: perhaps of interest: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/06/08/how-to-create-a-screencast-in-ubuntu/03:50
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najjstroem0050I found a problem and i need help, My sound works on the backside of the computer but not my mic, but my mic work on the front side but not my sound!!!!!!03:50
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gandalfcomeKenSentMe: sorry I just saw that you mentioned the ubuntu forums but not the specific thread. well as it turns out I was speaking to this guy on AIM 2 days ago and he couldnt help me03:51
emssdoes the builtin nautilus cd writer blank the cd before writing?03:51
emssor does it use sessions?03:51
Shane-Sas per the http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?s=9aa6bd176d9fb39c926ba9812171c667&p=535019&postcount=10 post I placed it in the mods-enabled folder and did the other recommended changes, will re-check to confirm03:51
Jon335how do I make Ubuntu turn the backlight of my LCD off after a certain amount of time?03:51
Balsamic_ChickenAzul all synaptic gave was a bunch of libarary like files that had the phrase qt4 in it =(03:51
bayzidersWhat is a very cheap around 15gb laptop that can run ubuntu well and has a touch mouse that one or any of you guys would recomend?03:51
KenSentMegandalfcome: hmm, too bad then. I run big desktop without problems03:51
AzulBalsamic_Chicken, weird, i got only results showing qt4 and qt4 libraries03:51
incorrectim trying to install sun-java5 on dapper, but i can't figure out why its not in my pkg list03:51
AzulBalsamic_Chicken, search qt403:52
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gandalfcomeKenSentMe: do you have a laptop or desktop pc03:52
KenSentMe!jave | incorrect03:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jave - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:52
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KenSentMegandalfcome: desktop03:52
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository03:52
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frogzoo_incorrect: iirc sun-java5 is edgy03:52
Azulincorrect, you can't find java in the repositories.. it's not free03:52
xopherIm trying to enable freq.scaling on my Celeron M CPU, but for some reason dont have this dir: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq ? And I cant load acpi-cpufreq module either, complains about device not found.03:52
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yamamariotkitti :when i enter apt-get install xubunto-desktop i see:03:52
yamamasudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop03:52
IdleOnefrogzoo_: dapper also03:52
gandalfcomeKenSentMe: well that doesnt help me that much, but thanks again for listening ;-)03:53
bulmerincorrect: perhaps dapper was made before Sun made java a gpl 2 available03:53
frogzoo_IdleOne: kk03:53
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IdleOneAzul: java5 is in repos03:53
incorrectthats all very well and good, but i have multiverse03:53
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KenSentMegandalfcome: :)03:53
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Shane-Shere is my ls of mods-enabled: cgi.load  php5.conf  php5.load  rewrite.load  userdir.conf  userdir.load03:53
incorrectand i don't have X03:53
Balsamic_ChickenAzul cool03:53
CThomahi @all03:53
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najjstroem0050I found a problem and i need help, My sound works on the backside of the computer but not my mic, but my mic work on the front side but not my sound!!!!!!03:53
CThomacan someone help me with Ubuntu Server 6.10?03:53
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frogzoo_najjstroem0050: sounds like your comps wiring03:54
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AzulCThoma, no one knows until you ask03:54
KenSentMeShane-S: did you restart apache with sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart03:54
najjstroem0050frigzoo_ what you mean :P03:54
Azulnajjstroem0050, yeah, check your wiring03:54
Asturiawhere are the passwords located for all the users configurated on an ubuntu system?03:54
CThomawell, i cant get a inet connection via DSL modem03:54
frogzoo_CThoma: can you ping localhost?03:54
bulmerShane-S  you need to address your responses to the nick you're referring to, otherwise it'll get lost or ignored03:54
Shane-Syes, and had an erro about the servername, so I even edited apache2.conf and Added ServerName www.mydomain.com03:54
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KenSentMeShane-S: and then restarted again?03:55
CThomafrogzoo:yes i can03:55
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frogzoo_CThoma: kk, how do you connect, through a dsl router, or a modem?03:55
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Shane-SKenSentMe:  Yes, resolved any warnings/errors it had and loaded, it can view the site..but03:55
bulmerAsturia: /etc/passwd used by /etc/shadow03:55
CThomaa normal modem03:55
CThomagot it from my provider.03:56
Shane-SKenSentMe: when I load the mod-rewrite pages they appear without being "re-written"03:56
frogzoo_CThoma: have you configure /etc/network/interfaces for dhcp?03:56
Jon335how do I make Ubuntu turn the backlight of my LCD off after a certain amount of time?03:56
KenSentMeShane-S: maybe there are some errors in /var/log/apache2/error.log03:56
frogzoo_Jon335: sys -> prefs -> power03:56
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Jon335frogzoo_, thanks!03:56
CThomayes i enabled DHCP03:57
Shane-Slet me check , brb03:57
Jon335frogzoo_, don't see anything there03:57
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frogzoo_Jon335: also check screensaver preferences03:57
Jon335frogzoo_, I've looked in both03:57
speyerim connected to my other windows machine via smb and i would like to be able to play the divx files any idea why i cannot play them ?03:57
frogzoo_Jon335: edgy?03:57
ajopaul_have two sound cards, how do i make one of the default? and am not on gnome03:57
Jon335frogzoo_, yes03:57
frogzoo_Jon335: "put display to sleep..." under ac & battery03:57
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Jon335frogzoo_, hmm, that's set but it doesn't work. the command 'xset dpms force off' does what I want it to do03:58
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CThomaHow can i use gnome oder kde on ubuntu server?03:59
frogzoo_Jon335: in screensaver, set "consider computer idle when inactive for.."03:59
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Shane-SKenSentMe: Nope, the errors are file not found errors, because the path is not being re-written, I take it I should ask ##apache about my rule?03:59
Jon335frogzoo_, that's set too, it just gives a blank screen with the backlight still on04:00
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pcollaogi need a little help with ubuntu feisty... doesn't init :(04:00
Shane-SI just don't understand why it would not work, as my windows box is running apache 2 as well04:00
LorianHey, I'm trying to install Ubuntu or my parents PC using the Windows based installer that was just released, but when I try to boot into it it stays on the screen with the Ubuntu logo for a few minutes before throughing me to a terminal saying that it can't access tty because job control is turned off...04:00
Jon335frogzoo_, wheras 'xset dpms force off' actually does it04:00
frogzoo_CThoma: try 'sudo ifup eth0'04:00
KenSentMeShane-S: maybe you'd better check ##apache indeed04:00
bulmerJon335: I dont own a laptop, but something about sleep.sh using vbetool dpms.. use find sleep.sh on your ubuntu04:00
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CThomaFrogzoo_: Ok, eth0 is up and running, its my only NIC installed04:01
Jon335bulmer, it isn't a laptop04:01
Shane-Sty for trying to help!04:01
plantpersonShould I install all these updates?04:01
frogzoo_Jon335: also select under general "dim panel when idle"04:01
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bulmerJon335: anyhow, maybe that script may help you, look insdie the guts of it04:01
plantpersonThere's 216 of them,  on Dapper04:01
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Jon335frogzoo_, don't see that option04:01
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frogzoo_Lorian: is this feisty you're trying to install?04:02
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frogzoo_Jon335: power -> general04:02
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Jon335frogzoo_, that option isn't there04:02
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CThomacould squid be the problem?04:03
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krychekhi, i tried easyubuntu.. it was working fine, but after i installed a few things it just doesnt work anymore, i try to install something but it just hangs04:04
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pcollaogmy ubuntu feisty doesn't start... can't find volumeid with kernel 2.6.20-5.704:04
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ReliantI've got a really strange problem. My harddrive spontaneously became read-only04:04
pcollaogi think ... the problem should be in initrd.img-2.6.20-5-generic04:05
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Jon335frogzoo_ and bulmer, '/usr/share/acpi-support/screenblank' does the trick, any ideas how to use it?04:05
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PsychoChickenRellant: is it a Linux fs or a windows partition?04:05
M_Fatihhow can i change my partition label? i have a external disk and disk has 2 partition, 1 of fat32 and other ext3.. how can i change labels?04:05
ReliantLinux (Ubuntu), reiser04:05
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ReliantI noticed the problem when MySQL started giving me error 30 (can't write to DB), and I can't edit any files, everything gets opened as read-only. I don't want to reboot in case the box doesn't come up until I know what's going on04:06
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theflyingfoolhow do i open a rar file04:06
ReliantI have available disk space, that's not the problem04:06
Lorianinstall unrar04:06
frogzoo_pcollaog: feisty this way -> #ubuntu+104:06
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frogzoo_M_Fatih: tune2fs04:06
LorianThen unrar e [filename] 04:07
PsychoChickenRellant: probably can't help you then. had a similar issue once with a vfat system and it turned out the driver switches to read-only if it detects an error. might be worth fscking it though.04:07
ajopaul_theflyingfool, sudo apt-get install unrar04:07
theflyingfoolajopaul_: thnkx04:07
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CThomaCan someone tell me how to install Gnome or KDE on Ubuntu Server 6.10? *please ;)*04:07
frogzoo_CThoma: if eth0 is up, does ifconfig show you with an internet ip?04:07
ReliantWell, one reason I came in here, when I do df, I notice there's a /proc/bus/usb with stats matching /dev/hda2. Is that normal?04:07
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CThomaFrogzoo_:No it doesn't04:08
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frogzoo_CThoma: are you supposed to connect with pppoe ?04:09
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Reliantprocbususb            37982564  34747260   1305900  97% /proc/bus/usb04:09
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b52laptopis it possible to install python2.4.304:09
Reliantit's the same size as my / partition04:09
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b52laptopapt-cache search tell me just that there is python2.404:09
CrescendoFlash 9 for Linux is out of beta. :D04:10
giakhi to all04:10
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frogzoo_Crescendo: dude, old news04:10
frogzoo_Crescendo: oh, out of beta, that's nice04:10
Delux_247I want amd64 flash 9 for linux!04:10
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Delux_247w/o chroot04:10
CrescendoNow, how can I install it so that when it gets added to the repos it upgrades nicely?04:10
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SHRIKEECrescendo it worked with no pain for me i had 7 before04:11
Delux_247I have amd64 but my kernel; says generic, does that make sense? I installed amd64-desktop04:11
SHRIKEEjust installed and it worked04:11
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Reliantanyone know anything about /proc/bus/usb ?04:11
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CrescendoI should use the tar.gz, correct, not alien the RPM?04:12
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najjstroem0050I found a problem and i need help, My sound works on the backside of the computer but not my mic, but my mic work on the front side but not my sound!!!!!! Its worked great in windows with both at fron!04:12
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JowiReliant, what abou it?04:12
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romanxhi all04:13
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lealdid you know a howto connect ubuntu and wii?04:13
tuna-fish-does anyone know how to install a mail notification plugin for evolution? I installed the evolution-plugins package but when I check the plugins page on evolution nothing changed.04:14
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Reliantdev/hda2             37982564  34747260   1305900  97% /04:14
Reliantprocbususb            37982564  34747260   1305900  97% /proc/bus/usb04:14
Reliantfrom df04:14
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leali was thinking in buy a pcmcia card, because i already have a  DSL modem...04:14
krautcould anybody please help me with this problem? http://pastebin.com/86129004:14
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JowiReliant, ...and your question is...?04:14
CThomaFrogzoo_: Yes04:14
Reliantis that normal?04:14
Reliantthe sizes of proc/bus/usb match my root partition04:15
frogzoo_tuna-fish-: I use mail-notification, it's a bit messy, but does report new mail04:15
frogzoo_CThoma: have you run pppoeconf ?04:15
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Crescendo~/.mozilla is where it wants to install.  Shouldn't that be ~/.firefox ?04:15
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LeeLouWould someone be able to tell me how to runa  portable usb hard disk if ubuntu doesn't automatically detect and mount it?04:16
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CThomaFrogzoo_: Yes, i followed the instructions. plog says "Remote message: Access Denied" and "PAP authentication failed"04:16
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andcorLeeLou: Tjek dmesg if something has been detected on you usb port04:17
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romanxi know that mine is a stupid problem in your opinion (i know too) but is there someone who can help me installing ntfs disks in auto mode in fstab?04:17
emssLeeLou: dmesg to get the device, and man mount to learn how to mount it04:17
HeinBloedsErbehi ev'rybody04:17
JowiReliant, post "df -h" to pastebin and let me have a look04:17
HeinBloedsErbedoes anyone know the name of th german ubuntu channel?04:17
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frogzoo_Crescendo: enable backports for latest flash04:17
kbrosnanCrescendo: no04:18
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frogzoo_!de | HeinBloedsErbe04:18
ubotuHeinBloedsErbe: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de04:18
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Crescendofrogzoo_, no, flash 9 final04:18
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CrescendoI'm just moving the .so into /firefox/plugins04:18
frogzoo_Crescendo: I'd just leave it till they release an update04:18
rogue780is there a file browser that will let me sort the view by mp3 information (such as artist, album, etc?)04:18
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Crescendofrogzoo_, this being open source, I'm disappointed - it's already been released for 10 hours.04:19
ReliantJowi, http://pastebin.com/86130404:19
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LeeLouthankyou emss and andcor. dmesg does tell me that it is detected. how is it manually  mounted?04:20
romanxpls..is there someon who can help me with ntfs-3g?04:20
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garvinNeed some help with server install anyone around who could lend me a hand/04:21
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emssLeeLou: man mount, generally it's a command like mount -t <type_of_filesystem> <device_e.g., /dev/sda> <mount point_e.g._ /media/usbdisk>04:21
tonyyarussogarvin: Just ask your question04:21
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JowiReliant, can you pastebin "mount" as well04:22
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romanxif i mount ntfs-3g disk manually with mount -t ntf....it works..but i can t mount it automatically by fstab04:22
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najjstroem0050I found a problem and i need help, My sound works on the backside of the computer but not my mic, but my mic work on the front side but not my sound!!!!!! Its worked great in windows with both at fron!04:23
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ReliantJowi, pastebin updated04:24
ShizlanskiOOOOOk can we ask questions here, for help, n such? =)04:24
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garvinWell I've just installed the server edition and I am pretty new to linux is there a site you suggest to help me with cmds?04:24
garvinI'm on the fourm now reading and its very helpfull04:24
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jak1I need quite guidance to build Makefile to C or C++ programs04:24
frogzoo_!docs | garvin04:24
ubotugarvin: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com04:24
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jak1I've tried to read several documents but I'm quite newbie in this04:25
garvinthanks frogzoo04:25
ptyShizlanski: just ask away04:25
Trist_anIs there anyway to search for file over a range of IP on a shared network?04:25
oxI was playing with Scribes(editor) and it froze my gnome panel, is there a way to fix it without rebooting?04:25
JowiReliant, haven't seen this before. normally procbususb would not show up in df04:25
jak1I hadn't ever build my own Makefile - just use some one else made of04:25
Shizlanskiok, so can linux read and wirte fat32 drives that are shared with windows?04:25
frogzoo_Trist_an: it's called google04:25
bulmergarvin  type this on a command line tab twice  it should show all the commands04:25
ptyox: killall gnome-panel04:25
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JowiReliant, does procbususb show up in /etc/fstab?04:26
oxpty thanks!04:26
tonyyarusso!cli | garvin04:26
ubotugarvin: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands04:26
ReliantJowi, yeah, I noticed it around when I upgraded Ubuntu to the latest stable a few weeks ago, but at the same time, I transferred the harddrive into a new machine04:26
frogzoo_Shizlanski: very straightforward04:26
jak1and now I've to build such of Makefile that can run several other Makefiles which follows their own build rules or uses the global rules04:26
frogzoo_!windows | Shizlanski04:26
ubotuShizlanski: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents04:26
Trist_anfrogzoo_, I know a range of IP of my network and I want to look for .avi files for example. What google has to do with it?04:26
Shizlanskiok, how do i mount a drive (/dev/sdb504:26
frogzoo_!ntfs | Shizlanski04:26
ubotuShizlanski: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions. For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse04:26
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ptynajjstroem0050: sorry whats happening?  do you have more than one set of speakers?04:26
jak1this kind of Makefile is one kind Universal Makefile04:26
jak1can anyone help me?04:26
ReliantJowi, no, but it uses UUID for my / partition and my swap partition04:26
Shizlanskiok nvm04:27
najjstroem0050pty, i got a headset04:27
najjstroem0050only my headset is plugged in04:27
instabinI can not get nvidia-glx to show  up in synaptic  only nvidia-glx-legacy04:27
jak1I found two web pages which was something like that what I'm looking for, but understanding is quite low04:27
JowiReliant, in fstab: "proc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       0" ?04:27
instabinany ideas?04:27
Byanhey, I downloaded a gtk theme from gnome-look, how do I use it?04:27
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bulmerjak1: i was going to recommend a book thats available on line..if you are interested04:28
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_jameshow to change pixmaps splash image?04:28
Reliantyes, that one shows up04:28
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frogzoo_Byan: drag into theme manager04:28
JowiReliant, i have no idea what cause this :-/04:28
ptynajjstroem0050: if you look in Desktop -> Preferences -> Multimedia Systems Selector04:29
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JowiReliant, can you pastebin fstab just for a quick look04:29
Reliantwell, if you look at the mount list, you'll see / is mounted ro with errors, that's the one I'm trying to solve, and this procusbbus is one thing I'm looking at as a possible cause of that problem04:29
jak1bulmer: where I can download it?04:29
Shizlanskishud i use ext2 or ext3 filesystem?04:29
ReliantJowi, already ahead of you, it's there now04:29
erUSULShizlanski: ext304:29
bulmerjak1: http://sourceware.org/autobook/download.html04:29
najjstroem0050pty 1 sec04:29
Shizlanskiis there a way to change my root partition to ext3 if its alredy ext2 (without losing data)04:30
Byanfrogzoo_: says file format is invalid..04:30
erUSULShizlanski: ext2 is ancient only usefull for floppies an maybe a small /boot partition04:30
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najjstroem0050pty how do get to Preference in desktop?04:30
ptynajjstroem0050: should be on the menu at the top04:30
najjstroem0050Applications, placec and system pty04:30
najjstroem0050only them i got04:30
Shizlanskii got ubuntu on ext2 ( a small partition) and i just added another hdd which im makin ext3. should the root drive (with ubuntu installed) be ext2 aswell04:31
ptynajjstroem0050: system sorry (i'm using an old version of gnome)04:31
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Shizlanskii mean ext3 aswel04:31
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najjstroem0050and pty there is no multimedia in preference at system04:31
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erUSULShizlanski: sure, google around it is as easy as one comand tune2fs -J <device> iirci04:32
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TxPitouI have 2 configuration questions04:32
najjstroem0050Removeable drives and media pty?04:32
Shizlanskiok thanks :)04:32
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JowiReliant, maybe the UUID in fstab is edgy specific. I only use dapper so I have not seen that before.04:32
erUSULShizlanski: http://www.troubleshooters.com/linux/ext2toext3.htm04:32
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TxPitou1) I have internal 11b network card on this toshiba, the Network apps see the Eth1, but I cannot get it to see any networks (even though this interface works under windows just fine)04:33
Shizlanskithanks! ^_^04:33
ReliantJowi, yeah, it switched it to UUID as part of the upgrade to Edgy04:33
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najjstroem0050pty, there is no Multimedia system selector04:33
Reliantheh, can't open gcalctool with a read-only harddrive04:33
ptynajjstroem0050: hmm, do you have the volume icon in the top right of your screen?04:33
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_jameshow to install system themes on ubuntu04:33
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N1k_85hi... I'm about to reinstall ubuntu and I have no idea what are the diferences between dapper, breezy, edgy ? wich one should i pick ?04:33
najjstroem0050pty: yes04:33
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ptynajjstroem0050: right click -> open volume control04:34
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unop_james, what do you mean by "system themes"?04:34
Shizlanski1 more Q sorry. in this page it says logon as root to change ext2 to ext3, could i just sudo the commands instead?04:34
najjstroem0050pty: done04:34
ptythen file -> change device04:34
Lunar_LampI used "adduser" to add a user to my Edgy server.  However they do not have bash as their default shell - how do I change this?04:34
JowiReliant, check what's causing hda2 to mount readonly04:34
unopN1k_85, go for edgy, it's the latest stable04:34
frogzoo_najjstroem0050: not in edgy, no04:34
snidehey guys wtf is up with ubuntu version? after i dled and installed xubuntu v6.10 amd64 .. its version says 6.06 .. wtf04:34
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snidesorry im little pissy because i dont want to be leave with all buggy04:34
Byansnide: thats dapper drake04:35
jak1bulmer: thanks, but some how I do not want to use Automake :) I'm searching quite simple example what can build several different programs from one makefile04:35
snideyeah i know04:35
snideyi wanted edgy04:35
snidebut yet the title says 6.1004:35
ReliantJowi, what's the command to run a check on hda2 (ext3) ?04:35
frogzoo_Lunar_Lamp: chsh04:35
jak1if you understand what I'm saying :)04:35
mgedminLunar_Lamp: adduser --shell /bin/bash04:35
riotkittiewee. i broke x again. :\04:35
bicmy installation is frozen at 22% :\04:35
najjstroem0050pty can we take this i privv or on msn, hard to concentrate when 30 people writing at same time04:35
unopsnide, how are you checking the version?04:35
_jamesi mean the icons.. i downloaded a themes on gnome-look.org and i don't know how to install the system icons.. can someone help me?04:35
erUSULShizlanski: yes, all of this is better done from a livecd so the filsystems are umounted04:35
Lunar_Lampmgedmin, isn't there a config file? I thought it was /etc/users but the file doesn't exist.04:35
snideooh i meant when i was downloading the xbuntu installation04:35
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snidethe .iso file04:35
bulmerjak1: I have not finished actually started reading that book, but thats the basis for .configure that turns it into a bigger Makefile04:35
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snideit says 6.1004:35
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ptynajjstroem0050: only have irc at work sorry04:36
mgedminLunar_Lamp: man adduser tells me there's /etc/adduser.conf04:36
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snidebut now after done installation, it says 6.0604:36
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najjstroem0050pty can you send a private msg to me then?04:36
TxPitou1) I have internal wireless 802. 11b network card on this Toshiba laptop, the Network apps see the Eth1, but I cannot get it to see any networks (even though this interface works under windows just fine)04:36
unop_james,  you can install thm using the gnome-theme-manager04:36
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N1k_85unop thanks, also i have a amd64 so is there a significant performance boost taking the amd64 version ? im very new to ubuntu and some things arent working for me on the amd64 version i have now, would it be wise to try the 386 to make my life easier ?04:36
JowiReliant, fsck.ext3 /dev/hda2 (man fsck)04:36
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snidehow do i check my xbuntu's current version .. like the one on windows xp? like ver command04:36
JowiReliant, also check /var/log/messages04:36
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bulmerTxPitou: you activated the on/off switch for your wifi card?04:36
jak1bulmer: something like this -> http://web.mit.edu/gnu/doc/html/make_16.html04:36
frogzoo__james: install gnome-art, then just drag into the app04:36
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unop!version | snide04:37
ubotusnide: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type 'lsb_release -a' in the Terminal.04:37
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_jamesok thnx i'll try04:37
snidealright ill try both04:37
najjstroem0050pty: can you send a private msg to me then?04:37
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TxPitouBulmer : Yes the Wifi Card is ON, I did a hardinfo and it sees the hardware04:37
ubotunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.04:37
frogzoo_!themes | _james04:37
ubotu_james: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy04:37
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Reliantonly thing in messages that stands out:04:37
ReliantJan 17 07:37:27 localhost exiting on signal 15    Jan 17 07:37:28 localhost syslogd 1.4.1#18ubuntu6: restart.04:37
jak1that's best example what I found but I do not understand it very well04:37
Lunar_Lamp<mgedmin> Lunar_Lamp: man adduser tells me there's /etc/adduser.conf <== that's the conf file for adduser, not users on the system04:37
bulmerjak1: use it as reference then to build up one to customize your needs04:37
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Reliantthe system didn't reboot at that time04:37
unopN1k_85, well, you will obviously get the most out of ubuntu if you install the 64bit version -- but at the moment, it also means you need to do a little more work getting some non-64bit applications working04:38
bicmy installation is frozen at 22%04:38
snidehm i apologize .. it says v6.10 edgy .. obviously the mozilla introduction website must be wrong04:38
ReliantInodes that were part of a corrupted orphan linked list found.  Fix<y>? yes     <--- could this be hardware?04:38
snidety guys lol04:38
bulmerTxPitou: do you have your own AP? or using someone else?04:38
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AzMoo_Lunar_Lamp, are you looking for /etc/passwd ?04:38
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Lunar_LampAzMoo_, THANKS! that's the eone04:38
Lunar_LampI just couldn't remember the file04:39
mgedminLunar_Lamp: well, what do you want to know?  the currently selected shell for a user (it's in /etc/passwd, changeable with chsh) or the default shell that will be selected when you add new users (it's in /etc/adduser.conf)04:39
TxPitoubulmer Ap ?04:39
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jak1bulmer: I think I do that, but how do I split one makefile to several files and include those makefiles what current progrman needs04:39
bulmerTxPitou: access point04:39
riotkittieAccess Point04:39
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snidehold on, it says "No LSB modules are available"  what does that mean?04:39
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jak1that's one problem where I didn't find any help yet04:39
N1k_85unop thanks, I guess i'll go 64 and learn the way it's done04:39
unopLunar_Lamp, errm, just beware - don't edit /etc/passwd directly -- you should be using addusers for that04:39
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lihaitaoHi, I got this strange issue. DNS not working, i can only using IP address, but firefox can use domain name after i disabled "network.dns.disableIPv6" of firefox, what's the problem? ubuntu feisty04:39
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JowiReliant, the inodes store the informations about files and directories so that could possibly be it.04:39
Lunar_Lampunop, I've edited /etc/passwd many times before directly....04:39
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freakynlanyone know if there are kernel packages with klips instead of netkey available?04:40
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bulmerjak1: thats the reason I suggested reading that book on autoconfig, automake, it gives you the baseline on how to build Makefiles in sub-dirs and work your way up to the root Makefile04:40
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TxPitoubulmer, Yes my own router I have 2 other laptops using it here, I have tested this Wifi using windows (swap hard drives) and it works fine. I also have a spare Airlink 101 54g card (pcmcia)  same thing hardinfo reconizes the hardware but doesnt use it04:40
unopLunar_Lamp, well, no problem with that - but just beware of the implications if you botch the file up04:40
e\ectroDoes anyone have a suggestion for using a mysql based dns server?  I looked at mydns and the web interface is severly lacking..  thanks!04:40
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Reliantwell, this drive has been to Bulgaria and back in my luggage, and it's quite a few years old, so I wouldn't be surprised at hardware failure04:40
snideit says "No LSB modules are available"  what does that mean?04:40
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JowiReliant, unfortunatly I need to go now. good luck.04:41
Lunar_Lampunop, oh right, I hadn't thought of that. I presume that would render the machine unable to be logged into.04:41
bulmerTxPitou: what does ifconfig -a tell you about that wifi card? its recognize as which? eth0 or wlan0?04:41
=== Shizlanski [n=shizlans@CPE-203-45-148-4.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
jak1bulmer: ok, thanks you guidance... I try to solve my problem now on... thanks again04:41
Reliantok, thanks for your help Jowi04:41
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Jowinp Reliant04:41
ReliantI'll be looking into a replacement drive04:41
unopLunar_Lamp, well, that depends on how botched up the file is -- the safest way to add a user is by using adduser/addgroup04:41
bulmerjak1: np04:42
Reliantthey're really cheap anyway, and I get a nice upgrade04:42
TxPitoubulmer -->eth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:02:2D:24:28:5904:42
ShizlanskiQ:  I understand you cant write to NTFS (nicely) but is it fine to copy from it over to another ext3 or FAT32 drive?04:42
_jamesi have a system icon.. and when i try to drag it  to install it says that the it is an invalid format.. can someone help me04:42
=== phoenix_ [n=phoenix@adsl-87-102-32-170.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #ubuntu
TxPitoubulmer isnt that a cat5 definition ?04:42
bulmerTxPitou: yes, how about for the wifi?04:42
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TxPitoubulmer that IS the wifi,, the eth0 is the CAt5 I am using right now to talk to you04:42
bulmerTxPitou: cat 5 , you meant your ethernet nic..04:42
freakynlShizlanski: yea, ntfs3g can write to it ok tho'04:43
TxPitoubulmer yes04:43
Shizlanskik thanks04:43
bulmerTxPitou: now try iwconfig eth004:43
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njlis there any program to store a complete website?04:43
freakynlShizlanski: it's slow like hell btw if you need to do a lot :). don't use it for raring/parring dvd images n such it'll be really slow04:43
lupine_85wget --mirror04:43
apokryphosnjl: wget's good. Check out the manual page.04:44
apokryphosif rsync's available that's better04:44
TxPitoubulmer eth0      no wireless extensions.04:44
Enselic`Is it possible to play embedded .wmv in Firefox?04:44
adubcan someone help me with intalling the loading screen for gnome like i want to change the loading screen theme04:44
adubwhere do i change this at04:44
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instabincould some one help me with installing the bianary nvidia driver04:44
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adublike the default is brown or something04:44
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TxPitoubulmer but eth1 gives me eth1      IEEE 802.11b  ESSID:""  Nickname:"HERMES I"04:44
TxPitou          Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.457 GHz  Access Point: Not-Associated04:44
TxPitou          Bit Rate:11 Mb/s   Sensitivity:1/304:44
TxPitou          Retry limit:4   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off04:44
TxPitou          Power Management:off04:44
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unopEnselic`, yes, install the totem or mplayer plugins for firefox04:44
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Shaezschehow can i make a script that prompts for root password BEFORE executing commands?04:44
instabinSynaptic onlny has nvida-glx-legacy and not nvidia-glx04:45
Enselic`unop, I've done that, but it says (no video)04:45
=== rag [n=rag@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Enselic`unop, when I try to view a vide04:45
instabinhow do i get nvidia-glx to show up04:45
bulmerTxPitou: umm try the system -> administration -> networking  is the card recognize?04:45
unopEnselic`, well, in firefox -- check about:plugins to see if the plugins are loaded properly04:45
bulmerTxPitou: it is recognized..i typed before i read your response04:45
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freakynlShaezsche: su -c <scriptname> ?04:45
rogue780is there a command line tool to set a static ip?04:45
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freakynlrogue780: permanently or one time? one time use ifconfig04:46
unopShaezsche,  use sudo inside the script04:46
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Shaezschefreakynl i want to make an icon on the desktop04:46
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Shaezscheunop i did and it doesnt work04:46
TxPitoubulmer yes I checked... but cannot get it to "see any networks' and my ssid is on broadcast04:46
rogue780freakynl, permanently04:46
bulmerTxPitou: umm try the system -> administration -> networking  and select your wireless and click on properties to set SSID etc04:46
instabinWell guess I'll try the legacy driver.......04:46
freakynlrogue780: wouldn't know04:46
=== EnsignRedshirt [n=wweckess@cpe-24-59-254-40.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
TxPitoutbulmer okay let me try04:46
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adubCan I change the loading screen?04:46
freakynlrogue780: not yet an ubuntu user, but usually one just edits the config files04:46
unopShaezsche, well, has your sudo session timed out yet -- if it hasnt then sudo'll continue without prompting you for authentication04:47
EnsignRedshirtHas anyone tried the pc-to-phone calls in ekiga?04:47
toutpthi there ! is someone can tell me the difference between 6.06 and 6.06.1 ???04:47
rogue780freakynl, right, but when you don't know what config files to edit...04:47
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toutptcan t find on the web site04:47
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:47
instabinEnsignRedshirt I have made them in skype04:47
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Shaezschei want this script to ask me for a pass04:47
Shaezsche sudo modprobe ipw220004:47
Shaezsche nm-applet --sm-disable04:47
Delux_247that tutorial for nvidia didn't work for me04:47
unoprogue780, i think you need /etc/networks/interfaces04:47
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instabinthat tutorial does work04:48
Delux_247when I try to nividia-glx-config  I get the: you don't have the right nividia module installe dof ryour kernel04:48
Delux_247im sure it works04:48
Delux_247it didn't work for me04:48
Byancan I use konqurer on gnome?04:48
instabinDelux_247 what version04:48
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Delux_247I have 6.10 and amd64 and nividia geforce 5500 fx04:48
bulmerShaezsche: the sudo line will need a passwd so it will prompt you for one04:48
instabinDelux_247 You have to type the next command04:48
unopShaezsche, errm, why dont you simply run the whole script using sudo then ?04:48
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Shaezschebulmer well it doesnt04:48
instabinhold on04:49
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:49
michaelpohi... i just installed ubuntu 6.06 last night.... it was halfway updating patches... i shutdown my laptop... slow connection.. 3kB/s only.... now i want to install some vcd / dvd library... it says problem connecting? i can access the web, irc, msn, yahoom, icq... what's wrong? did i click something wrongly lastnight?04:49
Delux_247I thought I was stuck b/c it said I don't have the right nvidia modules04:49
bulmerShaezsche: maybe you can add a readline? that will block until your user inputted something04:49
Delux_247(yet I installed all possible nvidia modules seperately and tested(04:49
michaelpoi'm in malaysia. i just installed ubuntu 6.06 last night.... it was halfway updating patches... i shutdown my laptop... slow connection.. 3kB/s only.... now i want to install some vcd / dvd library... it says problem connecting? i can access the web, irc, msn, yahoom, icq... what's wrong? did i click something wrongly lastnight? malaysia mirror broken?04:49
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instabinThe command you where typing was for a previous version04:49
serpenttiinimichaelpo: do you have desktop?04:49
unopShaezsche, well, it should have worked -- open up another terminal and try the script out just to make sure you enter another sudo session04:49
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Delux_247instabin: oooh04:49
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michaelposerpenttiini: i dont have desktop04:50
Delux_247old version of ubuntu? for 6.0604:50
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instabinDelux_247 type this sudo nvidia-xconfig04:50
EnsignRedshirttoutpt: 6.06.1 is a new release; it include updated packages on the CD.  I'm pretty sure you would end up with the same thing if you installed 6.06, and then updated via the internet.04:50
serpenttiinimichaelpo: oh, I ment to say do you have wlan or cable?04:50
Shaezscheno i want to launch the script by double clicking it04:50
EnsignRedshirt*newer release04:50
michaelpoi downloaded 44 out of 97 last night... now cant continue...04:50
riyonuk_Im having trouble installing a gtk theme, its installed and says Im using it, but it looks nothing like the screenshot, if I change engines by typing switch2 it changes even more, what am I doing?04:50
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michaelpoi have wlan... adsl router...04:50
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Delux_247instabin: ok ill try that when I get home tonite, btw, do you know where the how to for the new version is?04:50
TxPitoubulmer : Hey it works now.. (I had not turned it on.. DUH!) now to configure it for WPA, seems I need drivers now.04:50
unopShaezsche, well, errm, debug it before going on to have it desktop-ready04:50
serpenttiinimichaelpo: ok, then I can't help you04:50
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instabinIts the same one04:51
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bulmerTxPitou: congrats...04:51
instabinDelux_247 it says "If you are running Edgy, type the following instead: "04:51
Delux_247instabin: ooh, ill read the whole doc first, then if its on there04:51
Delux_247I didn't see it04:51
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Delux_247ok thanks a lot instabin04:51
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unopShaezsche, errm, sorry, you'll need gksudo instead of sudo if you are going to double click04:51
toutptthx a lot EnsignRedshirt04:52
instabinI cant get nvidia_glx to show up all i can see is nvidia-glx-legacy04:52
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TxPitoubulmer, humm... so I need to find some WPA encryption setup somewhere... (I use WPA-TIK)04:52
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nystwysrti love ubuntu04:52
TxPitoutbulmer, and thank you for you help.. I di have another question04:52
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Delux_247I have a severe problem of following directions to a T04:52
Delux_247sometimes I won't read the next step if the previous step failed04:53
unopTxPitou, yes, you might like to check !wpa_supplicant out04:53
Delux_247yet the next step will say smioething like: if that failed, try this04:53
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mark__oI'm having codec problems. Has anyone had their wmv video way too bright?04:53
UbuntuguyAll: question re feisty.  I have a bare machine (HD not partitioned) that I booted with Toms Root Boot diskette.  I'd like to try feisty on it but it has no CD burner.  How can I use the iso (mounted via loopback) to start the installation?04:53
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TxPitou !wpa_supplicant out04:53
bulmerTxPitou: perhaps...i dont use wpa..04:53
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Delux_247and I was gonna put ubuntu on my toshiba satelite pro laptop, any issues with the atheros wireless g drivers?04:54
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Delux_247I've read that atheros + linux is still iffy04:54
guerrillawonThat automounter worked perfectly, thank you.04:54
erUSUL!install | Ubuntuguy04:54
ubotuUbuntuguy: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues04:54
TxPitoubulmer, I have to, Using Wireless headset that runs encryption, had to make network different as it interfered with it04:54
PaulusVictorCan anyone kindly point me to some kind of Linux codec pack?04:55
bulmerUbuntuguy: you can mount an iso like so...  mount -o loop  /path/to/file.iso  /mnt04:55
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erUSUL!mp3 | PaulusVictor04:55
ubotuPaulusVictor: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:55
mikefooHey I accidental did crontab -r -u root instead of crontab -e -u root and removed the crontab, anyway to get it back guys?04:55
bulmerTxPitou: i dont use wpa, perhaps you can select a different channel, you must set it in your AP04:55
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emssubuntu still uses md5 password hashes?04:56
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bulmermikefoo: maybe you can load the liveCD and look for a copy of cron file there?04:56
unopemss, in which context do you mean?04:56
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mark__operhaps there are multiple wmv codecs, and the one I have makes the video way too bright?04:57
bicim having trouble getting a cd to work, ive downloaded 3 different isos, and burned 3 different times, the lastest one i burned at 2x speed and when i did a cd check i got a bad checksum04:57
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bulmerbic: mount the iso before burning it, check around the iso upon mounting..maybe you can spot something04:57
Delux_247bic: I would test your burner (hardware)04:57
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emssunop: /etc/passwd?04:58
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krinnshi all04:58
bulmerbic: you can mount an iso like so...  mount -o loop  /path/to/file.iso  /mnt04:58
guerrillawonhmmm My auI seem to have lost my sound? Is there anything I can do like reset settings in an attempt to get it back?04:58
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krinnsam going to install flash player in ubuntu04:58
krinnsits asking for path04:58
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unopemss, IIRC, ubuntu uses shadow passwords by deefault -- and yes, they are of some form of md5 hashes04:58
krinnswhere should it be04:58
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bici have no idea what you just said04:59
krinnsdefault is /usr/lib/mozilla04:59
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snideit says "No LSB modules are available"  what does that mean? (this is 3rd spam msgs)04:59
krinnsbut its not getting that path04:59
mzuverinkin the prefered application settings for mail reader I would like it to use firefox and go directly to my gmail page.  is this possible?04:59
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bulmerbic: man mount .... mount is the command to mount a filesystem into your linux05:00
unopsnide, errm, it helps if you let people know the context of that error message otherwise they'll move on ? which command/action gave you that error?05:00
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snideooh after i typed in lsb_release -a05:00
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snidei got the id of my os but that "no lsb modules" came on top05:01
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snide .. shrugs05:01
snidenot a big deal , just thought that i should be concerned by that msg .. should i?05:01
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TxPitoubulmer : mind another question, I have a pcmcia wireless card that does 54g (my network is 54g) I did the commands you told me last time but I am getting a different result and I am not sure if the hardware is being reconized or not.05:02
unopsnide, hmm -- i think you need to install these package -- sudo aptitude install lsb lsb-common lsb-core lsb-release05:02
riyonuk_Im having trouble installing a gtk theme, its installed and says Im using it, but it looks nothing like the screenshot, if I change engines by typing switch2 it changes even more, what am I doing?05:02
bulmerTxPitou: on that system -> administration -> networking  would list all the cards it recognizes, or use dmesg to see it did detected it05:03
snidethanks unop, installing now05:03
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bulmeram away05:04
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ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl05:05
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frogzoo_for beryl there's this howto: http://lhansen.blogspot.com/2006/10/3d-desktop-beryl-and-xgl-on-ubuntu-edgy.html05:06
PaulusVictorThanks for the help a minute ago.05:06
riotkittieriyonuk_: is there a README in the theme? :P05:06
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riotkittieand how did you install ... by dragging into theme manager, or manually?05:07
AWOSLappyHello, I have a hex dump that saved in human-readable format...I need it to be in COMPUTER readable format05:07
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AWOSLappy00000346  8d c9 b2 ff fe e6 67 ff  ff ff fb 60 44 22 00 01 ......g. ...`D"..05:08
AWOSLappy^ that's one of the lines of the file05:08
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riyonuk_riotkittie, nope05:09
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AWOSLappyso what can I do to make that into something the computer can open, as in, it's an executable05:09
zylcheHey, whenever I try to install any apps k3d tries to install itself, is there any command or file to remove/edit to stop it from getting automatically installed? [Using apt-get with dpkg] 05:09
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TxPitouanyone use an AIRLINK 101 (54g) pcmcia Card for wireless can lend me a hand on making it work ?05:09
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lovlossShot in the dark. Are there any html people in here who can explain to me without the elitist slander of #html, and explain to me how to use templates to make a static menu? i dont get it. 3 days of trying05:09
riyonuk_it changes the windows but not the toolbar05:09
macolovloss, static as in it doesnt move when you scroll or static as in "the order i typed it"?05:09
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lovlossmaco, in other words, each page has the exact same menu but different content beside it. Without heavy coding so itll be easily accessible.05:10
lovlossmaco, I get templates, but they are problematic. You cant update the template and have it change every page05:10
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AWOSLappyIs there a better channel to ask my question on?05:10
SHRIKEEAWOSLappy, just ask05:11
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AWOSLappyI did already05:11
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AWOSLappyHello, I have a hex dump that saved in human-readable format...I need it to be in COMPUTER readable format05:11
AWOSLappy00000346  8d c9 b2 ff fe e6 67 ff  ff ff fb 60 44 22 00 01 ......g. ...`D"..05:11
AWOSLappy^ that's one of the lines of the file05:11
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SHRIKEEnote that there are almost 1000 people ere...05:11
AWOSLappyit's an executable, so how can I make the COMPUTER read it05:11
riyonuk_I think murrina or switch2 messed some things up05:11
AWOSLappyhehe I know05:11
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unopAWOSLappy, what does this command give you -- file /path/to/file05:12
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=== zylche wonders if you have to take a number here <.<
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AWOSLappyoh wow...um...I'm in Windows right now with an ext3 driver05:12
=== SHRIKEE puts up a number machine with coinslot
unopAWOSLappy, and the "human readable" form is the part at the right05:12
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AWOSLappyShall I reboot in to Linux?05:12
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unopAWOSLappy, errm, to which OS does this file belong to? Windows or Linux?05:13
AWOSLappyunop I know that, but the 8c9b2fffee667ff is hexadecimal, and I need it to be the actual hexdecimal content OF the file05:13
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ramviEDGY: I've installed LAMP. Just some of my directories in /var/www shows up at PHP-scripts return: Warning: Unknown: failed to open stream: Permission denied in Unknown on line 0. What's wrong?05:13
AWOSLappyunop it's on my ext3 drive, I have a driver in Windows to be able to read/write on it05:13
unopAWOSLappy, errm, that is the _actual_ hex representation of the file05:13
AWOSLappyI know that05:13
dromerhmm, I just formatted on ald ntfs-partition to ext3, but apperantly there is still a folder lost+found present, which I can't open05:13
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SHRIKEEthen what is your problem05:13
TxPitouanyone use an AIRLINK 101 (54g) pcmcia Card for wireless can lend me a hand on making it work ?05:13
AzMooAWOSLappy, if you want to execute a file on windows you need to compile it for windows.05:13
ramviUsing php5, not php5-cgi05:13
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AWOSLappybut it needs to BE the file, not so that I can read the hexadecimal but the computer can read the hexadecimal?05:14
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AWOSLappyDo you see what I mean?05:14
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unopAWOSLappy, that doesnt answer the question -- to which OS does this file belong to? i ask because you can have windows DLLs on a linux ext3 partition and vice-versa05:14
AWOSLappythe actual file, when opened in hexedit, shows 50 51 when it should just be 0105:14
AWOSLappyunop it's on Linux05:14
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AWOSLappyit belongs to awilcox, uid 1003, on Ubuntu 6.0605:14
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unopAWOSLappy, computers dont read hexadecimal -- they read files as binary .,.. errm, what exactly are you trying to do?05:15
AWOSLappyI'm trying to open it05:15
AWOSLappyfine, it's an MP305:15
AWOSLappyI'm trying to play it05:15
ramviIt seems apache is automatically set up with hostnames and shit05:15
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AWOSLappybut it's in stupid hexdump format05:15
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zylcheHey, whenever I try to install any apps k3d tries to install itself, is there any command or file to remove/edit to stop it from getting automatically installed? [Using apt-get with dpkg] 05:15
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SHRIKEEive never heard of that AWOSLappy05:15
unopAWOSLappy, errm .. just open it in your media player .. bahh05:15
amigravewhat is the difference between edgy-updates and edgy-security ?05:15
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AzMooAWOSLappy, so you're trying to play a hex dump of an mp3 file?05:16
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TxPitouanyone using a T30 MP3 Player from creative labs, ? when I plug it in the photo manager kicks on and I cannot see the device like an MP3 (like my other usb thumb drive devices)05:16
AWOSLappyneither amaroK nor windows media can open a file that looks like this: 000001D6  ed ef f2 f5 f7 fa fc fe  00 00 00 39 4c 41 4d 45 ........ ...9LAME05:16
AWOSLappyAzMoo exactly.05:16
SHRIKEEis there a decent app available for webcams which can upload the webcam images to a scp/ssh server?05:16
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dromerhow can I open this locked folder lost+found that's on my, just formatted to ext3, partiton?05:16
ramviApache returns: apache2: Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName05:16
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unopAWOSLappy, why can't you just copy the file over to your windows partition and play it?05:16
marshallwhats up guys05:16
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marshallcan somebody tell me how to exit vim?05:16
AWOSLappyunop, it's in HEXDUMP format, not MP3 format05:16
AzMoomarshall, :q05:16
unopAWOSLappy, and just how did you get this hexdump?05:16
AWOSLappymarshall type :q05:16
frogzoo_dromer: leave lost+found alone, you've been warned05:16
dromermarshall: esc, :q05:17
AWOSLappyunop through ethereal05:17
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SHRIKEEis there a decent app available for webcams which can upload the webcam images to a scp/ssh server?05:17
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dromerfrogzoo_: I don't understand, what is it and why is it 900mb?05:17
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marshallok, thanks AzMoo, AWOSLappy, and dromer05:17
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AWOSLappymarshall no problem :D05:17
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rindolfHi all!05:17
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ramviI've installed LAMP,but only some of my directories in /var/www shows up in my browser. PHP-scripts return: Warning: Unknown: failed to open stream: Permission denied in Unknown on line 0. What's wrong? It seems apache is automatically set up with hostnames or something..? Apache returns: apache2: Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName. What do I do?05:17
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frogzoo_dromer: when fsck runs, any blocks it can't figure out what to do with, it moves to lost+found - there shouldn't be anything there if it's a newly formatted partition05:18
AWOSLappyunop so um, is there anything I can do?05:18
SHRIKEEramvi, set a server name in httpd.conf05:18
tonyyarussoramvi: The files are world-readable?05:18
rindolfWhere do I find debootstrap in the Ubuntu installation CD?05:18
Lynx-Does anyone know what packages are stored in the "proposed" repository?05:18
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dromerfrogzoo_: hmmm, I really just formatted it a couple hours ago with gparted05:18
unopAWOSLappy, uhhh .. errm, I have a hunch that you'll need to strip out the line numbers, ASCII translations, whitespace and newlines .. and that ought to give you an mp3 file05:18
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TxPitouanyone use an AIRLINK 101 (54g) pcmcia Card for wireless can lend me a hand on making it work ?05:18
TxPitouanyone using a T30 MP3 Player from creative labs, ? when I plug it in the photo manager kicks on and I cannot see the device like an MP3 (like my other usb thumb drive devices)05:18
dromerfrogzoo_: it was an ntfs-partition with all kinds of data05:18
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frogzoo_dromer: well it's your data - use sudo to rm it05:19
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AWOSLappyunop no.05:19
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dromerbut I have no idea what kind of data it could be, and I want to find out .. I just can't open it05:19
SHRIKEEisnt lost+found a sort of trashbin for cached data?05:20
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ramviSHRIKEE, tonyyarusso,  I'am in php-geek, but don't know much about configuring apache. It has always just worked.. I dont want to do anything advanced, only see my directories. What do I do in apache2.conf? Haven't changed anything there..05:20
AWOSLappyunop because if you open it in VI05:20
ahmad`does ubuntu has c compiler ? shuch like gcc05:20
dromershould I change the permissions (and how?) to my user?05:20
rindolfahmad`: yes.05:20
rindolfahmad`: apt-get install gcc05:20
AWOSLappyunop: you'll see 0f 0f a1 63 or stuff like that05:20
SHRIKEEramvi if you want it to just work, use clarckconnect linux :P05:20
AWOSLappyunop: in VI05:20
ahmad`rindolf should it be connected to the internet in-order to install it ?05:21
tonyyarussoramvi: I don't know if it's anything about your apache config.  Make sure that the permissions are a+r though05:21
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rindolfahmad`: yes.05:21
GuvrokIs anyone using Wine to play Windows games on Ubuntu?05:21
AWOSLappyunop so in hexedit you'll see 30 66 30 66 61 31 36 3305:21
ahmad`rindolf thanks for your help ;)05:21
SHRIKEEramvi, is not a FQDN so you have to set it to either localhost or some other domain05:21
AWOSLappythose hexadecimal bytes are in ASCII05:21
AWOSLappythey need to just be hexadecimal05:21
ramvitonyyarusso, i've chowned it to my user..?05:21
AWOSLappybut they are saved in ASCII05:21
lovlossGuvrok I tried and failed05:21
Guvroklovloss, how come it failed?05:22
breselluvi e qualhc eitaliano05:22
tonyyarussoramvi: No......05:22
AWOSLappynow I need a program that can read the hexadecimal and convert it TO bytes IN the file--NOT ASCII05:22
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tonyyarussoramvi: Should be root:www-data, a+r05:22
dromerhow can I change the permissions of this lost+found folder to my user so I can see the content?05:22
AWOSLappy!tell bresellu about it05:22
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macolovloss, use CSS05:22
ramviSHRIKEE, hmm? I get the same page at 127 and localhost05:22
tsolerhello hello to all05:22
GuvrokWhat's CSS?05:22
lovlossmaco CSS? I have that, whats it do?05:22
macoCSS layouts can have you edit the one file and change them all05:22
riotkittie!it | bresellu05:22
ubotubresellu: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!05:22
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macocascading style sheets05:22
SHRIKEEoffcoarse, but an ip addres cannot be a FQDN05:23
lovlossGuvrok becasuse windows made it that way05:23
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GuvrokWill it help make Wine work with Ubuntu?05:23
tsolerguys need some help with boot sequence05:23
lovlossmaco Really? that sounds like what it is05:23
unopAWOSLappy, you need to save the file as a binary -- converting each ASCII representation of those hexadecimal charcters into binary05:23
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unopAWOSLappy, does that make it clearer now?05:23
riotkittiewill what help wine work? CSS?!?05:23
lovlossi mean what i need05:23
macoyou give each division of the page a <div> and then set all the locations and colors and stuff in CSS05:23
ubotuGuvrok: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.05:23
AWOSLappyunop yeah, I know that, that is EXACTLY what I want to do05:23
macolovloss, it wont change the CONTENT though, just style05:23
AWOSLappywhat the heck do I use to DO that!?05:23
GuvrokYeah, I kinda know what it is..05:23
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macofor content you'd need php or server side includes05:23
Guvrokwell, I'll just google :)05:23
unopAWOSLappy, errm, can you paste bin that dump .. i'll try it out with perl05:24
lovlossmaco  So i cant change all the pages buttons at the same time?05:24
VigoGuvrok: I just put it up for you05:24
AWOSLappyunop well it's 8MB05:24
unopAWOSLappy, well, a few lines will do then05:24
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tsoleri v e got  os under this booting sequence 1. winxp 2. win200305:24
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lovlossunop: if, say, i wanted to change all the backgrounds without touching the editable portions, could i?05:24
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GuvrokI think I've been on that page before, Vigo.. I'm really very new to Ubuntu, so I'm having trouble getting things to work05:24
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GuvrokThanks a lot, though, I'll have a closer look after I've eaten.05:24
unoplovloss, err, whats this?05:25
ramvitonyyarusso, thanks! sudo chmod -R a+r /var/www made my php-files work. The only dirs showing up though is: phpmyadmin and apache2-default..?05:25
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tsolerif i install ubuntu wiil it be the default booting os?05:25
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n2diy! bugs05:25
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots05:25
AzMoolovloss, the idea of CSS is to separate your styles (visual effects of webpages) from your html. Specifically to allow you to change all the elements on your page at once, etc.05:25
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tonyyarussoramvi: are there supposed to be more?05:25
AWOSLappyunop it starts at 00000146, because the first 145 bytes are from the HTTP request05:25
VigoGuvrok: The forums are the place where people discuss and find resolutions05:25
ramvitonyyarusso, yeah, I've got 6 sexy dirs there05:25
ramvithe files at / is showing up. And the default dirs. But not "my" dirs05:26
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AWOSLappyunop -- http://pastebin.com/86137505:26
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snideany of you know which is the best 3d solution graphic card (not for gaming .. just for 3d modeling, animating, etc) ?05:26
lovloss*confused* well okay, ill look into them05:26
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AWOSLappysnide well gaming and 3D modeling really have the same requirements to a certain extent, something that works well with gaming will certainly work well with 3D modeling05:27
riotkittietsoler: yes but it will give you the option to boot into windows, and you can modify your grub settings to change the default or the delay05:27
snidereally? cool, ty for the info05:27
AWOSLappypersonally I feel that of course the NVIDIA GeForce series its the best, 8000 is super05:27
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AzMoolovloss, http://www.w3schools.com/css/05:27
snidewhat about the fx series?05:27
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AWOSLappysnide I can't remember05:28
AWOSLappythose are either the best or the worst05:28
ramvitonyyarusso, is it something with apache only allowing some dirs?05:28
AWOSLappyit's at one end :P05:28
snideyeah i guess so05:28
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tonyyarussoramvi: I'm not sure, that's odd05:28
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tonyyarussoramvi: Maybe a+x them as well (just the directories, not the files within)05:28
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tsoler riotkittie? can you give some privacy?05:28
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KenSentMeI'm trying to compile a driver for my webcam. I searches for /usr/src/linux which doesn't exist on Ubuntu. Where should i let the driver compile to?05:29
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AzMooKenSentMe, got the linux-headers installed?05:29
tsolerhow can i modify grub?05:29
AzMootsoler, /boot/grub/grub.conf05:29
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EnverexBefore I say anything, allow me to say AAAAARRGGGHH05:30
KenSentMeAzMoo: yes, there is /usr/src/linux-headers etc. Should i use that?05:30
tonyyarussoAzMoo: It's menu.lst...05:30
AzMootsoler, er, sorry, /boot/grub/menu.lst05:30
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AzMooKenSentMe, yep, that's what it's looking for.05:30
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tsolerill check this ruight now05:30
AzMootonyyarusso, yeah, my bad. grub.conf on gentoo ;)05:31
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tonyyarussoAzMoo: Ah, figured something like that05:31
cyphaseIf I'm running Ubuntu in a virtual machine, and the host compute is also Ubuntu, how do i switch to a virtual console in the virtual machine?05:31
AzMooanyway, I'm off. Later.05:31
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EnverexThat stupid "Please click one of the Quick Reply icons" thing on the forum HAS TO GO05:31
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cyphaseis there a program that can somehow send the "Ctrl+Alt+F1" combo to X?05:32
AWOSLappyunop, does it work?  I'm just making sure you are still here.05:32
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VigoIs the OpenVPN 2.0 supported by Ubuntu?05:33
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macolovloss, if you want to change all the font colors or all the background images or move all the navbars down a bit or turn all the links pink, use CSS05:33
tonyyarussoVigo: 'apt-cache show openvpn'05:33
jribcyphase: chvt looks like it might, but it doesn't.  May be a starting point though05:33
VigoThank you05:34
lovlossmaco, im thinking dramatic changes05:34
lovlossmaco like say, a new menu item05:34
macolovloss, if you want to add another button to your menu, you'd have to make the menu using PHP or SSI and then put a little code inside your html (i dont know it because i dont do it) and itll call that php or ssi file to tell it what it should show in that space05:34
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unopAWOSLappy, errm, gimme a couple of minutes05:34
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AWOSLappyunop okay :)05:34
lovlossmaco ... that doesnt sound hard o.o ive never used php..05:35
macolovloss, if your server lets you, ssi is easier/smaller, from what i can tell. php requires a new language05:35
VigoI still have to restore the Grub because I wiped XP off the drive and installed Win2k on it, lost boot loader =(05:35
jribcyphase: it seems to work if I am in tty1 for example and switch to tty2, but not in X05:35
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tonyyarusso!grub | Vigo05:35
ubotuVigo: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:35
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VigoThank you05:35
EnverexDoes anyone know of a "rolling distro" (like Gentoo) but that is binary rather than source?05:35
Byanhow do I get laptop-mode enabled?05:35
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tonyyarussoEnverex: Is that even possible?05:36
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riotkittieByan: sudo laptop-mode start05:36
macovigo, i installed feisty on an external drive and now i can only boot edgy (on the internal) if i use the grub on the external to point to the internal one05:36
AWOSLappybah, stupid LAN cable05:36
GuerrillaWonTrying to fix my sound I uninstalled my desktop05:36
Enverextonyyarusso, I'd assume so...05:37
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GuerrillaWonGot it fixed but I thought I destroyed my computer *shakes fist at his lack of linux experience*05:37
GuerrillaWonStill no sound hah!05:37
tonyyarussoEnverex: You'd have lots of toolchain dependency conflicts and such I would think.  But then, I wouldn't necessarily know.  ;)05:37
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incorrect:) my backport of subversion 1.4.2 to dapper goes well :D05:37
kane77how can I increase the mouse sensitivity?05:37
PiciGuerrillaWon : I learned to use linux by breaking things then fixing it myself :)05:37
Byanriotkittie: someone said to change something with acpi to change it? how do I have it auto-enabled..05:37
riotkittieGuerrillaWon: lspci ...  is the card shown there? and oh, stupid question, youre not muted, are you?05:37
xopherWhat applet is this? (The one that shows wifi signal strengt..) http://www.gnome.org/projects/gnome-power-manager/images/gpm-taskbar.png05:38
Enverextonyyarusso, I love Ubuntu but I hate having to use really old software05:38
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GuerrillaWonIt's there riot, and I'm not sure how to check if I'm muted or not.05:38
tonyyarussoxopher: network-manager05:38
riotkittieByan: i'm not really sure. i havent bothered toying with acpi or laptop-mode05:38
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Byandoes anyone else know?05:38
frogzoohow do you change themes under beryl? I've got the theme manager open, now how to change theme?05:39
GuerrillaWonIt is muted05:39
GuerrillaWonHow the heck...05:39
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apokryphosubotu: beryl | frogzoo05:39
ubotufrogzoo: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl05:39
=== GuerrillaWon slaps himself and gives roitkittie a high five
riotkittieGuerrillaWon:  aslamixer   ...   if there's an MM in master, youre muted. hit M to undo it. if there's a number there, just hit escape.05:39
riotkittieoh nm05:39
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frogzooapokryphos: k, thx05:39
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riotkittieGuerrillaWon: :)05:39
GuerrillaWonNo idea how it got muted. I swear when you're unsure of things you start acting like a 3 year old.05:39
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GuerrillaWonThanks roitkittie that's like the 9th time you've saved my butt.05:40
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riotkittieglad to help ;)05:40
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DARKGuyriotkittie's good at that :P05:40
dwatsonDoes anyone know how to set/get locale info on the system05:41
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kane77how can I increase the mouse sensitivity? I want higher sensitivity without acceleration...05:41
Vigo_I thnk you kindly for the help and assistance, I am off to attempt a repair now.05:41
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unopAWOSLappy, you there?05:42
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Enverexkane77, Buy a better mouse quite simply05:42
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parktownprawnkane77: System>Preferences>Mouse Preferences05:42
n2diykane77: system/pref/mouse05:42
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skripthow to partition my drive with the text-mode utility that is run when setting up the system ? what is this utility ? or is using fdisk the only way for text-mode partitioning ?05:42
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kane77Enverex, I'm quite content with it...05:42
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Enverexkane77, The mouse is what dictates how sensitive it is...05:42
DARKGuydude, you'd laugh if I tell you I still use a ball mouse sometimes x)05:42
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Byanis there an APP to see what the current CPU speed is?05:43
fabiimi'm not being able to use apt-get , due to "could not get lock .. " , i was running the graphical installer of packages and it crashed , and now i have unsolved dependencies , how do i unlock apt ?05:43
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kane77Enverex, well in windows I had good sensitivity (meaning the speed)05:43
n2diykane77: system/pref/mouse05:43
xopherI installed network-manager, and I have the applet running, but it tells me it cant detect a network? And I have my wireless connected ..05:43
DARKGuyfabiim: try to check if there's another apt process running with "ps -ax"05:43
iturkhi there is there any program for web developing like microsoft visual studio that when i open a html tab "<" i can select commands from a list ??05:43
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DARKGuyfabiim: apt or dpkg, both can lock it.05:44
riyonuk_I cant get back the Human theme, I did and the borders are orange again, but the taskbar is all blue05:44
Enverexkane77, System >> Preference >> Mouse Preferences >> Motion > Sensitivity05:44
kane77n2diy, even on the highest sensitivity it's still too slow for my taste...05:44
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idefixhey, who thought of the millennium change? was it you Enverex?05:44
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Enverexidefix, The what?05:44
n2diykane77: hmmm?05:44
kane77Enverex, n2diy and I dont like the acceleration...05:44
idefixthe transition from 1999 to 200005:44
Enverexkane77, If its too slow there then something is broken05:44
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Enverexidefix, Why would anyone "think" of that? It just happens05:45
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najjstroem0050WHAT IS THe command to see Sound card????05:45
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fabiimDARKGuy: tks :) solved05:45
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DARKGuyfabiim: glad to have helped :)05:45
PuG_quick question, how can I force install a .deb file ?05:45
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n2diyEnverex: kane77, first you said the acceleration couldn't be adjusted, which we just did, and now your saying the mouse is broken!?05:46
kane77Enverex, if I set acceleration to something higher then it.. well if i move mouse faster it moves the cursor faster... but I dont want that much of acceleration...05:46
AWOSLappyunop can you just PM my shel acount when you05:46
AWOSLappy're done?05:46
AWOSLappyit's AWOSDev05:46
unopAWOSLappy, im here05:46
AWOSLappyI have to leave05:46
AWOSLappyas in05:46
AWOSLappytake the laptop :P05:46
unopAWOSLappy, well, i'm done05:46
AWOSLappywith no Internet access05:46
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kane77Enverex, n2diy i'm not saying the mouse is broken..05:46
AWOSLappyDid it work05:46
Enverexn2diy, Speed shouldn't be named Sensitivity05:46
EnverexSensitivity is DPI, nothing to do with speed05:47
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marshalli have just made the directory ~/bin and put all the scripts ive made in there. as far as i understand if ~/bin exists then i should be able to run my scripts as commands but it doesnt seem to be working... any ideas?05:47
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AWOSLappyunop did it work or not?  and is there Perl code I can use?  I have a Windows AND Linux Perl interpreter05:47
AWOSLappylike I said PM AWOSDev05:47
AWOSLappythank you05:47
AWOSLappyI must leave now05:47
PuG_would it be something like -force ?05:47
AWOSLappybye unop!05:47
unopAWOSLappy, well,  i have a binary file now -- just havent been able to test it out as i dont have th complete dump05:47
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PuG_for force install .deb file?05:47
unopAWOSLappy, hold on hold on05:47
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kane77Enverex, n2diy, nevermind I'll try to get used to it...05:48
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AWOSLappyunop as I said, just talk to AWOSDev please...sorry...I really REALLY have to go -- I promised I would somewhere in like 5 minutes05:48
AWOSLappyso I HAVE to go05:48
AWOSLappywill you be here later?05:48
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unopAWOSLappy, ok, i'll pm you now05:48
DARKGuyPuG_: try typing "sudo dpkg --" then press tab twice and check the force options there. then "man dpkg" and read the options there.05:48
AWOSLappyunop thank you very much05:48
PuG_right will give it ago :)05:49
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marshalli have just made the directory ~/bin and put all the scripts ive made in there. as far as i understand if ~/bin exists then i should be able to run my scripts as commands but it doesnt seem to be working... any ideas?05:50
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AWOSDevunop see I'm here05:51
AWOSDevjust please pm me here at AWOSDev05:51
AWOSDevthank you!05:51
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unopAWOSDev, you should be getting the PMs now05:51
AWOSDevno I'm not05:51
dwatsonDoes any one know about utf-8 and/or locale settings ???05:51
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kane77marshall, its /usr/bin/ not /home/user/bin05:51
unopAWOSDev, I just sent you two messages05:51
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unopAWOSDev, whats your email address? better if i mail you05:51
AWOSDevunop I just PMed you my email address05:52
AWOSDevoh geez05:52
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AWOSDevthis really isn't working05:52
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AWOSDevunop Andrew . R . Wilcox @ Gmail . co,m05:52
AWOSDevno spaces05:52
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unopAWOSDev, ack, ok, i'll email you05:53
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brandishi all! does anyone know why the bittorrent tracker for ubuntu downloads isn't responding?05:53
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speyerls there a way to be able to play files with gmplayer via smb connection ?05:53
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speyermplayer does play the files05:53
speyergmplayer not05:53
AWOSDevunop thanks05:53
speyerany idea ?05:53
unopAWOSDev, ciao05:53
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speyerbrandis while im conecting via smb on my windows machine gmplayer does not play the files05:54
PuG_Wehn i try       dpkg -i | --install --force skype_debian- -i | --install --force skype_debian-
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MarcNspeyer: can you copy them to a local disk and play them there?  You could be missing the mp3 packages.05:54
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speyerif i open a terminal and run mplayer smb://george/D/GEORGE/A.Litt...aven.2005.DVDRip.XviD-AEN.avi  works05:54
jrib!skype | PuG_05:54
ubotuPuG_: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype  -  To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto05:54
PuG_comes up with dpkg: status database area is locked by another process05:55
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PuG_one method is to force install for 64 bit :)05:55
speyerMarcN there is nothing missing with mplayer works with gmpayer it doenst05:55
bichuzzah, ubuntu installed05:55
PuG_problem is getting the force command to work heh05:55
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bicbunt the cd with another computer05:55
DARKGuyPuG_: you need to kill the process that's locking it then05:55
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brandisspeyer: gmplayer may not support smb urls'; have you tried smbfs? i don't remember the details, but it's a module for mounting real mountpoints from a smb share05:55
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:55
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PuG_can't see any process05:56
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brandisspeyer: but I have not tried with gmplayer so I may be way off05:56
DARKGuyPuG_: type "ps -ax" search for something along the lines of dpkg or apt and kill it using "kill ####" (#### is a number)05:56
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:57
Byanis there a nice place to get widgets for gdesklets?05:57
lasindiHi all, I'm trying to get a script to run at start up on Ubuntu Edgy. I'm googling all over, but all I can find are articles talking about the advantages of Upstart over sysvinit, not any tutorials on how to actually use it. Could someone help me out?05:58
speyeris there anyway of getting gmplayer with smb url files support ? libsmbclient ? or something like that05:58
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jrib!upstart | lasindi05:58
ubotulasindi: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/05:58
brandislasindi: tried adding an rc script?05:58
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riotkittieByan: i know there's a gdesklets section on gnome-look.org but i'm unsure as to what it contains05:59
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lasindibrandis: yes, I've done that in the past, but I'd rather use Upstart as init is being deprecated from what I understand.05:59
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Byanriotkittie: it seems empty05:59
riotkittieByan: ah :\05:59
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brandislasindi: ok05:59
jriblasindi: the "getting started" on their site seems to have some examples05:59
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GuerrillaWonCan anyone point me in the right direction that can show me how to modify my boot up so I don't have to boot from the CD? I'm only running Ubuntu so no need for a duel boot.06:00
bowmanheya... anyone know a good and simple web calendar system? (NOT egroupware)06:00
brandisGuerrillaWon: Grub?06:00
riotkittieuhhhh. is CD the default option in your BiOS?06:00
GuerrillaWonI believe so brandis.06:00
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GuerrillaWonThe default boot loader that comes with Ubuntu is loaded, so I assume Grub.06:01
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brandisGuerrillaWon: but does grub prompt show on startup?06:01
riotkittieGRUB is giving you the option to boot from CD ?06:01
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brandisGuerrillaWon: or do you get "no bootable device found" from bios?06:02
skvnI just changed from winxp to ubuntu, and thought i could keep my music which is on a different partition (fat32). But now when i look at Disks Manager and partitions, it says that the partition is inaccessible. Is there anyway to make it accessible?06:02
jrib!vfat | skvn06:02
ubotuskvn: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse06:02
skvnthanks :)06:02
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GuerrillaWonNo bootable device, unless my ubuntu cd is, then I'm prompted with options and have to choose boot from first hard disk.06:02
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Byanis there a way to get the a wifi icon in the tray?06:02
GuerrillaWon*ubuntu cd is in06:02
jribskvn: see the section on permissions specifically (look for umask or fmask/dmask)06:02
gahahello :)06:02
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brandisGuerrillaWon: sounds like grub has not added a Master Boot Record for you; try  grub-install (see manpage)06:03
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GuerrillaWonOk thank you.06:03
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gahaWhere are you from06:04
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lasindijrib: yes, I think the documentation on there will work. Thanks; too bad Google doesn't turn up the most obvious site for this search. :-(06:05
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GuerrillaWonhmm the man pages aren't very helpfull06:07
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Maximilian1stGuerrillaWon, What are you looking for?06:07
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riotkittiemaybe i'm just misreading but i got the impression it was a BIOS boot order issue rather than a GRUB issue ... sounds like CD is your default/only boot option06:08
drja1hello there06:08
riotkittiethen again, i am running on two hours of sleep :>06:08
drja1can someone help a newbie in ubuntu with something06:08
Menasim1my ubuntu turns to be very slow sometimes06:08
GuerrillaWonMaximilian1st I'm trying to install the grub boot loader directly to my mbr so I don't need to boot with the cd.06:08
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EnverexCan anyone recommend a frontend for Flightgear?06:09
GuerrillaWonWithout destroying my ubuntu installation :P06:09
drja1when trying to run a ./configure i get the foollowing error : checking for gcc... gcc06:09
drja1checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables06:09
riotkittiedrja1: ask, and i'm sure that if someone knows, they'll reply06:09
Maximilian1stGuerrillaWon, you have files lying around on that installation?06:09
GuerrillaWonYea, I'd like to not do a total reinstall, is there anyway to inject grub into the mbr without having to reinstall?06:10
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mgedminGuerrillaWon: what's currently in your mbr?  if that's the standard windows mbr, you can just make your linux partition active with fdisk, and it will boot06:10
speyeris vlc be able to play smb urls ?06:10
czrso that you might sleep better :-)06:10
riotkittieGuerrillaWon: installing grub wont hose your ubuntu install06:10
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drja1checking for gcc... gcc06:11
drja1checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables06:11
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Maximilian1stdrja1, have you installed build-essential06:11
drja1am i missing a c compiler is that all06:11
drja1ummm whats that06:11
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somerville32!software | drjal06:11
ubotudrjal: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents and !Offline06:11
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drja1im coming from suse so im not familiar06:12
GuerrillaWonI don't believe there's anything in my mbr. I did a total clean install of ubuntu. Now it just requires the cd to boot so I believe there is nothing in the mbr.06:12
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somerville32!compiling | drjal06:12
ubotudrjal: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)06:12
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robboHi,can you help pls with gaim?... I want make icq function,but there is some problem and i dont know what!!!06:12
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GuerrillaWonHow would I install grub to the mbr?06:13
GuerrillaWonMost the info I can find on grub is for duel boots etc. I apologise for bothering you with such a trivial question.06:13
EnverexGuerrillaWon, "setup (hd0)" assuming it's the first HD in the machine06:13
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robboHi,can you help pls with gaim?... I want make icq function,but there is some problem and i dont know what!!!06:14
Maximilian1stdid you enter the grub command line by just typing grub?06:14
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GuerrillaWonEnverex how would I check? I'm sata, just not sure of the assigned name.06:14
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cinnanderHello everyone. Can anyone tell me how I can find out which sound device has what /dev/... path?06:14
Maximilian1stGuerrillaWon, check with mount to see what's mounted or with cfdisk06:14
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robboHi,can you help pls with gaim?... I want make icq function,but there is some problem and i dont know what!!!06:15
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EnverexGuerrillaWon, Well how many HDs do you have in the machine?06:15
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riotkittiehd0 sounds like a safe bet06:15
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GuerrillaWon2 one sata won ide, I believe it might be on like sda06:16
Administradorhi folks06:16
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GuerrillaWonoh ok I got it sda106:16
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:17
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riotkittiedont worry about sda/hda. grub has a different naming convention. your first hd = hd006:17
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GuerrillaWonOk it's on sda1, what would be the proper command line.06:18
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GuerrillaWonoh ok06:18
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Maximilian1stGuerrillaWon, whenever you are in the grub command line you can press the tab key and it will give you all the possible hdxxx on your machine...06:19
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riyonuk_http://www.lynucs.org/index.php?screen_type=1&screen_id=71486999344a9852f03839&m=screen How do I make my taskbar at the bottom like that? Like the tasks arent seperated into sections06:19
GuerrillaWonoh ok so reboot and setup from the grub command line. I was wondering why it wasn't working in gnome06:19
GuerrillaWon*slaps forehead*06:19
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GuerrillaWonI'm taking the dive, wish me luck! See ya on the other side hah!06:20
bicwhen i do livecd my internet works its configured as enthernet dhcp with the local host as  when i use my installed version with the same settings my internet doesnt work06:20
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timohow can i run this i just installed it ,cairo-clock_0.3.2-1_amd6406:20
riotkittieno no no06:20
riotkittieooh too late06:20
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Maximilian1stbic, hwat does ifconfig give you as information in both cases, try that and look for the differences.06:20
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hexdreamHow do I take the ubuntu repository (as copied off the DVD repos) and package them as a single large repository?06:20
bicifconfig = ipconfig?06:21
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Maximilian1striotkittie, you were wondering for Guerila...06:21
riotkittieifconfig = ifconfig06:21
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riotkittieMaximilian1st: mmmhm. but he'll be back soon enough, i imagine06:22
Piciifconfig is to linux as ipconfig is to windows06:22
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Maximilian1stHe will, went away very fast06:22
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DaemonikNautilus has an argument --geometry. What's the proper string to use to get it at say 0 X 0 Y 1280x1024 for example?06:22
speyerany guide to compile mplayer ?06:22
Maximilian1stbic yes, ifconfig is the name. ipconfig is for windows.06:23
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Maximilian1stspeyer, on the mplayer site itself maybe... Check the gentoo site, they compile everything there.06:23
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riotkittie--geometry XxY ?06:24
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hexdream hey all. has anybody played with dpkg-scanpackages with synaptic? Im trying to make a single large repository from multiple DVD's.06:25
marshalldoes anybody know how to remove or kill a bash alias?06:25
jribmarshall: unalias06:26
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marshallthanks jrib06:26
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IcemanV9marshall: edit .bash_aliases and/or .bashrc to make it gone for good06:27
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OpermaxCan anyone tell me where to go with my WLAN-Card ubuntu problems, please?06:28
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linux1_full 3d desktop gonna be enabled in the next ver of ubuntu?06:28
Maximilian1stOpermax, to hell or here...06:28
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riotkittiewhat are your problems, specifically, Opermax ?06:29
Maximilian1stOpermax, go on, ask, maybe someone can help06:29
Opermaxok ;)06:29
bruenig!wifi | Opermax06:29
ubotuOpermax: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:29
OpermaxI followed06:29
marshallok, thanks IcemanV906:29
Opermaxthe howto06:29
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:29
Opermaxto install a rt2500 card06:29
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Valandiljoin #ubuntu-fr06:30
riotkittieuh huh06:30
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OpermaxI followed the howto to install a rt2500 card, and even copied the driver in the right place after a hint a forum06:30
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guerrillawonFailure! I got to the boot: prompt andchoked up hah06:31
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Opermaxit runs and the lights are working, I can see my AP and have about 86 of 100 under iwconfig when connecting, my rt2570 sends packets, recives kbs but no packages06:31
mgedminlinux1_: the plan is to make a 3d desktop easy to get (one checkbox away in the preferences) in feisty, afaik06:31
guerrillawonI typed in all type of what I thought to be setup commands but none worked and I backed out before I screwed things up.06:31
mwalker_mewconsui have Ubuntu and Edubuntu install on my laptop, if I upgrade to Fiesty Fawn will my Edubuntu be erased?06:32
Maximilian1stguerrillawon, you went away a bit fast, we wanted to tell you you have to install the bootloader from within a working environment...06:32
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guerrillawonaiye! I'm sorry.06:33
linux1_mgedwin: thanks06:33
IcemanV9Opermax: sounds like you got it working, but no Internet, right?06:33
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Maximilian1stmwalker_mewconsu, you really, really don't want to upgrade to feisty yet as it is not stable.06:33
bruenigmwalker_mewconsu, so long as your format the partition with edubuntu on it06:33
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guerrillawonI try not to constantly hound you with questions and like to dive in and try to figure things out for myself, which never works hah06:33
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bruenigso long as you don't format*06:33
KenSentMemwalker_mewconsu: if you upgrade by editing your sources.list to feisty no. Or do you have Edubuntu packages installed on Ubuntu?06:33
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linux1_installed mandriva powerpack just to check out the 3d desktop, works pretty sweet06:33
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guerrillawonMaximilian1st : I'm all ears if you're still up for the explanaition.06:34
Maximilian1stDo you have internet access guerrillawon ? go and check the grub site there are some infos there.06:34
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guerrillawonYea I looked but didn't find much.06:34
guerrillawonI'll try again.06:34
facugaich!fr sylvain_06:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fr sylvain_ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:34
mwalker_mewconsuI installed Ubuntu first, then I get an apt get Edubuntu whichwas a 210MB install, so if I update Ubuntu to Fiesty Fawn (when it becomes stable) will it override the Edubuntu files that I installed?06:34
facugaich!fr | sylvain_06:34
ubotusylvain_: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.06:34
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n2diy! fr | sylvain_06:34
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nikinhow can i automaticly start an application whenever i ame loging in to gnome or KDE, but not start it, when using an other WM?06:35
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ginerHi, All!06:35
ginerPrinter HP Laser Jet 1000 don't work with Ubuntu06:35
ginerAnyone can help me?06:35
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niklas_eis there any way to reinstall the grub on the harddiska and install it on different drives?06:36
J-_Where can I find python modules that are installed on my system?06:36
bowmanginer: http://openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=HP-LaserJet_100006:36
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jartwhat is the name of the package that contains the DBI man page?06:37
speyer The GUI requires GTK devel packages (which were not found).06:37
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speyerhow do i install them ?06:37
ginerbowman: Thanx, I try06:37
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jarti've searched everything i can think of and can not find these darn man pages06:38
speyerno one knows ?06:38
speyerhow to install GTK devel packages ?06:38
bowmanspeyer: apt-cache search gtk dev06:38
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Menasim1_my ubuntu turns to be very slow sometimes06:39
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bruenigspeyer, sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev06:39
Maximilian1stguerrillawon, have you checked this page? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows06:39
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speyerbowman i search myself but didnt find any gtk dev or something similar06:39
Maximilian1stguerrillawon, They have a link to the super grub disk, that could be of use for you06:39
nikinspeyer: libgtk2.0-dev?06:39
IcemanV9J-_: locate python |grep module (is that what you're looking for?)06:39
speyernikin i got it now06:39
kwaynecan i use edgy reporsitories with a dapper installation?06:39
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sp|urrafter an apt-get update i rebooted, now my X is broken (edgy)06:40
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sp|urrsays nvidia module not found06:40
sp|urris this known?06:40
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jolt_splurr SUre is06:40
kwaynesp|urr: i guess you updated your kernel06:40
Defendhey all i compiled a new kernel but i did not make a initrd so i did not include it in grub menulist when i try to boot it i am getting not syncing VFS unable to mount root fs unkown-block(0,0) any ideas?06:40
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n2diy! nvidia | splurr:06:40
ubotusplurr:: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:40
sp|urrkwayne, yeah06:40
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nikinspurr: i didnt got that...06:40
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kwayneso, your nvidia module is not in the kernel anymore06:41
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LjLsp|urr: had you installed unofficial nvidia drivers?06:41
jolt_every time you touch the kernel or X, nvidia has to be reinstalled (with updates)06:41
kwaynethus X cannot load it06:41
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sp|urrkwayne, i see06:41
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sp|urrkwayne, thank you, i will try installing nvidia..06:41
kwayneyou're welcome06:41
kwayneso, can anyone take a second and answer my question please? :)06:41
sp|urrkwayne, yeah what is it06:42
sp|urrkwayne, :D06:42
PikAssi have a question ... where can i get libobrender.so.106:42
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jolt_Its a pain in the ass having to reinstall the nvidia driver.. Annoys the hell out of me06:42
kwaynecan i use edgy reporsitories with a dapper installation?06:42
Menasim1_my PC beccame very slow suuddenly any solution??06:42
gmakwayne: to do what? install something or upgrade?06:42
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jolt_fsck it from recovery mode might help06:42
marlunIs there a way to get syntax highlighted code when doing a "less codefile"? =)06:42
kwaynegma: to install a newer version of a package06:42
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sp|urrkwayne, i come from the fedora world, so it is my understanding that you may run into serious dependency issues if you use another versions repo06:42
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gmakwayne: you can try. may or may not cause a problem.06:42
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bowmanMenasim1_: have you had a look at system load? (top)06:42
gmakwayne: depends on the specific package and it's dependencies.06:43
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IcemanV9kwayne: it might be in backport repo; check there if it exists or not.06:43
gmakwayne: you can try it and back out if it looks like you're going to install too much stuff06:43
geo_I have a general question, is it a pain to get SLI working in ubuntu?06:43
gmakwayne: but in general it's not a great idea; when you revert to your dapper repo, what happens to that package?06:43
jolt_Laughs at geo..06:43
gmakwayne: at some point in the future it'll get in your way06:43
sp|urrkwayne, there may be big dependency issues, though it is possible, but not recommended06:43
gmakwayne: it's often quite easy to rebuild an edgy package for dapper though06:43
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geo_that a yes then jolt?06:44
kwayneso, i better won't try06:44
jolt_geo.. I havent gotten it to work...06:44
gmakwayne: it can be a good learning experience!06:44
Maximilian1stguerrillawon, Have you seen the link I posted, it definitely has valuable information for your problem.06:44
kwaynegma: reinstalling my ubuntu is an experience, too06:44
[BTF] Chm0dhey guys does anyone here use evolution?06:44
kwaynestill, i don't want to do it :P06:44
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IcemanV9sp|urr: it might be a good idea to create a script to install nvidia every time you update the kernel (or X), so it will be quick and painless :)06:44
jolt_i still use emacs-rmail06:44
[BTF] Chm0dis there a way i can save my info to do a fresh install and import it back in?06:45
geo_is it your setup or does everyone have issues with it?06:45
Menasim1_i donn't know whats a system lod :)06:45
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jolt_geo.. Not sure.. i kinda threw in the towel for a bit on that06:45
sp|urrIcemanV9, yeah... good point06:45
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jolt_Ice.. great idea.. didnt think of making a script to reinstall the nvidia stuff..06:45
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jolt_Been too long since iv done any scripting..06:45
ubuntuhey, can someone help me to reinstall grub on my mbr?06:46
xopherI cant see the option to adjust brightness for my lcd (laptop) or the dim option anywhere in the gnome-power-manager preferences, any ideas?06:46
LjLUbotu, tell ubuntu about grub | ubuntu, see the private message from Ubotu06:46
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ricky1234567890Anyonone need help with bcm431806:46
bruenig!grub | ubuntu follow the lost grub after installing windows link06:46
ubotuubuntu follow the lost grub after installing windows link: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:46
ubuntuwhen i chroot into my mounted partition it says: grub-install not found06:46
IcemanV9jolt_: heh. yep. that's what i did with qemu every time there is a new version. quick & painless.06:47
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:47
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benkillinI get this error mailed to me many many times to me per day: "[date] [host]  kernel: [42953303.890000]  APIC error on CPU0: 01(01)" What does it mean and how to I fix it so it stops producing the error?06:47
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IcemanV9xopher: try keyboard shortcut, such as, fn-[brightness up key] 06:48
skvnwhere can i find decoders for audio/video(mp3,mpeg,xvid,etc)?06:48
LjLbenkillin: my guess would be, use the "noapic" kernel parameter on boot06:48
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LjLUbotu, tell skvn about codecs | skvn, see the private message from Ubotu06:48
PikAssobrender were can i get it?06:48
eraccI could swear I saw a web page a few weeks back about creating/installing CDs for *buntu preloaded computer systems somewhere but cannot find it today. Anyone here know what I might have seen and where I might find it today?06:48
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benkillinLjL, what is APIC used for? Do I need it for a server?06:48
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n2diy! apic06:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:49
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ubuntu4. Type "root (hd0,6)", or whatever your harddisk + boot partition numbers are (my /boot is at /dev/sda7, which translates to hd0,6 for grub).06:49
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ubuntuso which partition do i have to use? boot? root?06:49
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ubotupatch: Apply a diff file to an original. In component main, is optional. Version 2.5.9-4 (edgy), package size 93 kB, installed size 188 kB06:49
LjLbenkillin: APIC is an interrupt controlling chip if i recall correctly. PCs can work with support for it disabled, however i don't really know the exact consequences of disabling it. i have it disabled myself (couldn't boot if enabled)06:49
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benkillinHow do I add the "noapic" parameter to the kernel on boot?06:50
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benkillinIs it via my bootloader (grub)?06:50
Rprp  BBking`lol BugServ ChanServ Duiv Dylanp Eggdrop HOneYY Jgotti madman Rprp06:50
ubuntuhm, hope this works ...06:50
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:50
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kwayneso, i just decided to upgrade my ubuntu installation06:51
biccIn the Software Preferences dialog that comes up, click the Add button.06:51
bicci dont have an add button :o06:51
kwaynewell, the packages are a few 100 mb's06:51
kwayneis there a way to save them, just in case i have to reinstall 6.06 and re-upgrade?06:51
LjLbenkillin: yes. at the GRUB menu, you can hit "e" twice to edit the command line. add "noapic" there, then "b" to boot. that will only be temporary, however06:51
kwayneso i dont have to re-download all that packages again06:51
ubotuAIGLX (Accelerated Indirect GLX) is an open source project founded by the X.Org Foundation and the Fedora Core Linux community to allow accelerated indirect GLX rendering capabilities to X.org and DRI drivers. This allows remote X clients to get fully hardware accelerated rendering over the GLX protocol. Head to #ubuntu-xgl for support.06:51
=== SimonLoftus [n=simon@ntu5-gw-7-2-r.emman.net] has joined #ubuntu
SimonLoftusevening all06:52
LjLbenkillin: once you see that it works and solves the problem, edit /boot/grub/menu.lst, and add the "noapic" in the kernel parameters list (where other parameters such as "slash" and "quiet" are found)06:52
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benkillinThanks for the help!06:52
n2diykwayne: everything you have downloaded is currently archived on your hd.06:52
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SimonLoftusHey, how do I go about changing the login screen to a custom one?06:52
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ant__SimonLoftus: gdmsetup06:53
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kwaynen2diy: that's in /var/cache/apt/archives, right?06:53
kwayneis there a cache limit on that directory?06:54
kwayneand can i use a directory as a source for a distro upgrade?06:54
n2diykwayne: something like that, locate *.deb would tell you for sure.06:54
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LjLkwayne: hmm, i think that even if you can, you'll need to have a valid APT repository structure in that directory06:55
biccwhat is the default password for root?06:55
LjLi think you should probably use ad-hoc programs for that, there are a few06:55
SimonLoftusok dunno where gdmsetup is, but I found out how to ues the standard ones and found one i Like06:55
LjLUbotu, tell bicc about root | bicc, see the private message from Ubotu06:55
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odi3bicc the default password for root is random06:55
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ellaniahi there guys06:55
kwaynewhat about the apt cache size?06:55
odi3bicc like a random set of characters06:55
biccwell how am i supposed to log in as su06:55
kwayneis there a limit by default?06:55
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kwaynebicc: sudo su06:55
odi3sudo su06:55
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bicci type sudo su?06:56
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odi3bic if you want to run a root command u usually just use sudo (super user do)06:56
rexcannonis there a queue or line for help?06:56
ellaniai got a problem when trying to install the 6.10 on a notebook it gets me that failed to start X no monitor detected anyone can help?06:56
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n2diy! ask | rexcannon06:57
uboturexcannon: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:57
biccit wants a password for sudo06:57
benkillinwhat file is the grub password set in?06:57
odi3type in your username password06:57
biccah, it worked06:57
LjLkwayne: i don't think there's a limit06:57
biccYou appear to be running an X server; please exit X before06:57
bicc         installing.06:57
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kitchebenkillin: menu.lst06:57
LjL!debpartial-mirror | kwayne, this is probably a decent candidate06:57
ubotudebpartial-mirror: tools to create partial Debian mirrors. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.2.92 (edgy), package size 21 kB, installed size 172 kB06:57
odi3bic, only the first useraccount by default is added to sudo group06:58
LjLi'd type "sudo -i" over "sudo su"06:58
humboltohow do I make edgy to create certain devs on boot up?06:58
rexcannoni just installed ubuntu and i can't get my creative labs audigy to work, the card shows up in lspci -v and i modprobed emu10k1 but it still won't work or show up at aplay -l06:58
biccive been using linux for like 5 minutes06:58
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stoonehow can i get the ./configure options of a deb package? (i want to recompile some packages with debugging symbols.)06:58
ant__su -i will get you root prompt as well06:58
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:59
bicchow do i turn off this x server?06:59
odi3bicc, have they been the best 5 mins of your life? come on, tell the truth now!:)06:59
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odi3turn it off?06:59
biccwell actually i just spent about 15 hours trying to get ubuntu to run and they were quite hellish06:59
biccso compared these 5 minutes havent been so bad06:59
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biccnvidia wants me to exit my x server before it will instally the drivers06:59
JohnFluxHey all06:59
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odi3cntrl alt+alt+f1 will bring u to terminal mode07:00
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JohnFluxI just upgraded to fiesty but now I can't boot into ubuntu07:00
doo_maGsalut tlm.07:00
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JohnFluxnone of the kernels work07:00
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JohnFluxgoogling i see quite a few people had this problem07:00
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JohnFluxand it's something to do with the initfs07:00
benkillinkitche, thank you07:00
riyonuk_Is there an official repositories for limewire, forstwire, amsn, or swiftfox? I dont want autmatix, it always wrecks my system07:01
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ellaniai got a problem when trying to install the 6.10 on a notebook it gets me that failed to start X no monitor detected anyone can help?07:01
smimpanybody here use openbox?  anything better than obconf t oconfigure key bindings and the like?07:01
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eboogiewhat torrent downloader do you guys recommend?  i've been azureus, but i would like something less bloated.  any suggestions? i'm using gnome.07:01
JohnFluxeboogie ktorrent in kde works nicely07:02
odi3For some reason when my computer coldboots, it freezes, i need to hard reset it everytime for it to startup. anyone know how to fix?07:02
KNYeboogie, uTorrent runs fine under Wine07:02
biccnvidia wants me to exit my x server before it will install the drivers07:02
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eboogiehmm, wine, huh? hmm...07:02
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LjLodi3: if it freezes before it even tried to load GRUB or Ubuntu, then i don't think it can be Ubuntu-related07:02
smimpeboogie: ktorrent's good stuff07:02
kitchebicc: yes you can't have X running when install nvidia drivers or ati07:02
odi3eboogie bittornado works for me07:02
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bicchow do i turn it off?07:03
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kitchebicc: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop07:03
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odi3LJL, hmm ill check to see exactly how far it gets07:03
KNYeboogie: or sudo apt-get install rtorrent if you don't mine CLI07:03
eboogiei tried bittornado through apt-get, but couldn't find it in the menu.07:03
humboltohow do I configure a custom kernel with all restricted modules?07:04
bicthat just fucked my computer over goot kitche07:04
bicgood also07:04
eboogieCLI's not bad...07:04
LjL!language | bic07:04
ubotubic: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:04
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KNYeboogie, then I recommend rtorrent07:04
bicfudged then07:04
kitchebic: no it didn't07:04
KNYeboogie, http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/07:04
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KNYno problem07:04
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riyonuk_am I supposed to extract themes?07:04
bicscreen went black and ive got an underscore blinking07:04
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LoginErrorhey guys, do you know if it's possible for a "SuperPen" graphics tablet to work with Ubuntu?07:05
kitchebic: ctrl alt F2 all at one time you should get a login prompt07:05
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nimboso someone there who can help me with grub? i tried two ways of reinstalling grub, but at the end i just had a minimal bash-like shell07:05
ellaniai got a problem when trying to install the 6.10 on a notebook it gets me that failed to start X no monitor detected anyone can help?07:05
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rexcannoni can't get my creative labs sb audigy to work with ubuntu, when i aplay -l it says no soundcards installed07:06
rexcannonany ideas?07:06
=== Ropechoborra ^Ausente (K) :P
kitchenimbo: what do you mean bash-like07:06
nimbokitche: well just the grub> shell07:06
nimbooh yes and thx microsoft, it f*cked up my partition07:06
nimboalthough i didn't install xp07:06
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LjLUbotu, tell Ropechoborra about away | Ropechoborra, see the private message from Ubotu07:06
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bicnvidia is telling me i need my distributions libc development package to install the drivers07:07
LjLbic, why don't you just install some packaged drivers, like the ones that come in the ubuntu repositories?07:07
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bici tried doing the thing under !nvidia07:07
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villerhow can I make something in init.d not boot?07:07
bicbut it didnt follow through07:07
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ellaniai got a problem when trying to install the 6.10 on a notebook it gets me that failed to start X no monitor detected anyone can help?07:08
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n2diyviller: comment it out?07:09
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alessiohi guys07:09
LjLbic: which part asks for libc-dev?07:09
speyerhow do i use MD5SUM ?07:09
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riotkittieellania: are you having this issue with the live CD or an actual hard drive installation?07:09
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:09
stoonespeyer: man md5sum07:10
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ellaniathe actual hard drive installation07:10
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ellaniai downloaded the 6.10 from the site07:10
LjLUbotu, tell speyer about md5sum | speyer, see the private message from Ubotu07:10
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alessioI don't know if this is the right place to submit my problem....07:10
=== deafboy [n=deafboy@CPE-70-92-252-33.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bicljl i downloadeded the driver from the nvidia website07:10
deafboyCan anyone help me a second, I  cna't remove startup programs07:10
deafboychanges won't save07:10
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ant__bic: sudo apt-get install nvidi-glx nvidia-settings07:10
LjLbic: then you didn't really follow the !nvidia link, did you?07:10
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speyerstoneey i get this when i run md5sum no properly formatted MD5 checksum lines found07:11
LjLi don't think it tells you to do *that*07:11
alessioI have a little estetic problem with compiz... :-)07:11
bici said that it didnt follow through07:11
bicit told me to add a repository and i dont have an add button07:11
rahhi all07:11
riotkittieellania: in a term, type the following ((it will start an automated/guided config of X)) ...  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:11
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ant__bic: sudo apt-get install nvidi-glx nvidia-settings07:11
ellaniahow about the pass for su07:11
alessiobut, i think is not the right place07:11
HymnToLifespeyer, you need to specify the file you want to check07:11
bicwill try in 1 minute ant07:12
ellaniawhat is the default?07:12
alessioexcuse me.07:12
deafboyCan anyone help me a second, I can't get changes made to my session to stay.07:12
LjLbic: to be honest i think the repositories you need are already enabled, and that you really just need to do what ant__ just said (well, nvidia-glx, not nvidi-glx though)07:12
alessiobye ....07:12
ant__bic: then change the driver in xorg.conf07:12
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LjLUbotu, tell alessio about compiz | alessio, see the private message from Ubotu07:12
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riotkittieellania: su is irrelevant. the root account on ubuntu is locked by default. use sudo, and your password.07:12
speyerHymnToLife md5sum file.iso shoult do it07:12
andrehow do i mount cd and dvd's07:12
bicant it says thepackage is broken07:12
HymnToLifespeyer, yep07:12
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bicit has unmet dependecies07:13
LjL!paste | bic, paste the output here07:13
ubotubic, paste the output here: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:13
HymnToLifeandre, mount /cdrom should do it07:13
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ellaniawhat password you mean i havent installed ubuntu yet i cant get beyond the begin because of what i said before07:13
timoHi LjL07:13
andre:( thankyou07:13
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:14
kitcheellania: you have to reconfigure X probably with sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and select the right options for your video07:14
=== computermc [n=computer@cpe-069-134-231-167.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
riotkittieellania: then youre not talking about running off of the live disc. i'm not sure if sudo on disk requires a password -- if it does, try ubuntu07:14
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riotkittieby the same token, im not sure if dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg will work on a live disc07:15
kitcheriotkittie: it does that07:15
computermcwhat is a good backup utility that I can use to backup certain files/folders on my ubuntu box?07:15
ellaniano i asked about the install07:15
ellanianot live cd07:15
kitcheellania: livecd is the install cd unless you grab the alternate07:15
biccheres my paste07:15
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deafboyDoes anyone know why changes to my session won't save?07:15
Enverexhmm, I'm using TwinView but when I try and play some games it seems to center it between the two screens. How do I get it just on the ONE screen?07:15
computermccan someone give a link to good directions on how to do a backup of a ubuntu box?07:15
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adilmy screen keeps flickering when I start ubuntu any idea?07:15
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ellaniatehn i mean livecd (but isnt live cd already installed ubuntu on the cd to run by it)?07:16
riotkittieadil: ubuntu or X?07:16
LjLbicc: omit the nvidia-settings in the command07:16
biccits working...07:16
LjLbicc: nvidia-settings is really included in nvidia-glx anyway afaik, so just "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx"07:16
adilits the driver I believe07:16
bicci think it worked07:16
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biccdidnt really give a done or anything07:16
ant__bic: you still have to edit xorg.conf07:17
kitcheellania: some machines don't like the livecd until you reconfigure X I had to do that with my machine07:17
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biccis that covered in the guide?07:17
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riotkittierun  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg   and lets see if that does get X up07:17
LjLbicc: what is covered?07:17
rukuarticHey, are there any good WYSIWYG html editors for linux that people can recommend?07:17
ellaniaok got that 2 more questions pls (livecd is different from install cd right?)07:17
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bicc<ant__> bic: you still have to edit xorg.conf07:17
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LjLbicc: anyway what you should do afterwards is type "sudo nvidia-xconfig"07:17
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rukuarticellania: It used to be, but now the livecd is the install cd.07:18
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LjLbicc: right - i think nvidia-xconfig does the same thing automatically, though, without manually editing that file07:18
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rukuarticellania: When you put in the livecd, it boots up into linux, but doesn't install it to your hard drive.07:18
riotkittieellania: the live CD is one of the install cds. there is also teh alternate install cd, which is not live07:18
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rukuarticellania: But there's an "install" icon on the desktop that will let you install it to your hard drive.07:18
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jdolanhm, no bots?  what is the default database name and username to connect to a fresh postgres install?07:18
bicci have no idea what you want me to do to my xorg.conf file07:18
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LjLUbotu, tell jdolan about bot | jdolan, see the private message from Ubotu07:19
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ant__bicc: listen to LjL07:19
ellaniaok so i can install ubuntu linux by the livecd and the problem of installing is solved by running the sudo command?07:19
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ant__bicc: its easier07:19
bicci did, i did the nvidia-xconfig07:19
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rukuarticellania: I'm not sure what "the problem" is.. can you explain it to me real quick?07:19
biccUsing X configuration file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf".07:19
biccBacked up file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' as '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup'07:19
biccNew X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'07:19
biccthats what happened07:19
LjLbicc: so? it should be alright.07:19
=== monad68_ [n=monad68@user-12lmkd3.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
biccthats it, im done?07:19
LjLbicc: yeah.. it just said it edited xorg.conf succesfully.07:19
LjLbicc: restart X07:20
HoagHey, I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask. Is there a handler you can add to react on double clicks in gDesklet display files?07:20
rukuarticbicc: (thats ctrl+alt+backspace)07:20
monad68_good afternoon all, can anyone help me set up my tv-out on my radeon mobile 9600?07:20
biccis there a good change that it will let me pick 1600x1200 as my resolution?07:20
riotkittieellania: the porblem with your X server /may/ be resolved with "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" ... if it is solved with that, then yes you can install with the LiveCD07:20
Popo1Hi, last night I fixed the Firefox and PHP problem intalling Apache 2.. but how can I configured Gnome to start Apache on the startup? Do I need to install BUM or can I do it from the terminal?07:20
ellaniawhen it boots up it i say to install ubuntu but after loading kernel ...... it comes up with a msg telling failed to start X server (reason) no monitor available (i have a notebook)07:20
ant__bicc: after restart type glxgears to test the drivers07:20
LjLbicc: if it didn't before, no. you'll probably have to run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" for that07:20
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rukuarticPopo1: If you want to do that, your best bet is through the terminal.07:21
rukuarticPopo1: But I wouldn't recommend running XOrg on an eneterprise/production server.07:21
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rukuarticPopo1: What you need to do is look for a file in /etc/init.d called "apache2"07:21
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jim__1600x1200 isnt in my resol;ution list :(07:21
rukuarticPopo1: Then create a symbolic link in /etc/rc2.d that's something like SXX-apache207:21
jim__can i gust edit it into my xorg.conf file?07:21
Popo1rukuartic: Yeah, I want to run Apache 2 on the starup, how can I do it?07:21
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LjLbicc: if it didn't before, no. you'll probably have to run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" for that <- jim__07:22
LjL!username | jim__07:22
ubotujim__: Please prefix what you're saying with a name to avoid confusion. See !tab07:22
=== jim__ is now known as bicc
rukuarticPopo1: ;p I explained above.07:22
ellaniawhen i say boot up i mean the PC booting up not the live cd07:22
skripti want to install dapper 6.06 with only simple command-line support... how is that done ?07:22
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Popo1rukuartic: yeah .. cool.. thx ^^ i'll try it!07:22
ellaniai am not getting past the grub /lilo ......07:22
OpermaxOk, now, does anyone know about WLAN-Cards under ubuntu?07:22
LjLUbotu, tell opermax about wifi | opermax, see the private message from Ubotu07:23
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rukuarticPopo1: Let me know if you get stuck!07:23
=== [|HuGO|] [n=H@pc-87-219-83-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
vleonhellow, i need to download a network driver (rt2500) as a package and move it to another pc07:23
vleonbut i dont know how to dowlnload the driver and from where07:23
OpermaxHi vleon!07:23
ellaniais there anywhere to download the install cd Only(is 6.06  livecd too or just install cd cause i am downloading it as we speak)?07:23
LjLOpermax: sorry?07:23
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OpermaxI have a rt2500, too07:23
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vleonhi opermax07:24
Popo1rukuartic: sorry I'm a bit fool.. but from where to where must I have to create the link?07:24
riotkittieok. i am totally confused here. you're using the live cd, yet having issues with grub? grub is telling you there is no screen found?07:24
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vleonlots of people have it07:24
OpermaxI use the serialmonkey driver07:24
LjLellania: the Desktop CD is both a "live" environment and an installer07:24
vleonthe driver should even be installed if the card is connected during instalation07:24
Popo1rukuartic: I use locate apache2 I can't find the init.d file07:24
Opermaxyes, it works so07:24
vleonbut i just bought it and i dont have internet access without the card configured..07:24
gmariotkittie: did you get your fedora disk mounted okay in the end?07:25
rukuarticPopo1: If you have a file in /etc/init.d named "apache2", just go to /etc/rc2.d and type "ln -s /etc/init.d/apache2 ./S85-apache2"07:25
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ellaniaso about the install sudo is my shot?07:25
biccshazam, in 1600x120007:25
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biccyou guys are heroes07:25
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rukuarticPopo1: Oh, hold up. Did you install apache2 through apt-get?07:25
Opermaxfar; I just can't get any data through; a connectionto my AP I have07:25
riotkittiegma: uhh. you must have me confused with somebody else :P07:25
ant__ellania: maybe a bad cd?07:25
Popo1rukuartic: yup. I have installed form synaptic07:25
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riotkittieyou are not installing sudo07:25
ellaniai'll try 6.06 too but thanks07:25
gmariotkittie: possibly! sorry...07:25
beniaminojust installed edgy, and find if i do ctrl-alt-f1 to get a console, then ctrl-alt-f7 again, i get a weird full-screen flashing effect. anyone know what this is?07:25
monad68_ubuntu forums search is down07:26
riotkittieyou are typing sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg in a terminal07:26
ellaniayou heroes as bicc said keep up the good work guys07:26
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biccnow who wants to get my second monitor working :p07:26
rockzmanI got a AR5212 mini pci on my laptop what is the module i should load ?07:26
rukuarticPopo1: It should be starting up on boot then... type "pgrep apache2" to see if its running.07:26
monad68_bicc: i'm trying to get tv-out working and i'm totally lost too07:27
n2diy! twinview | bicc:07:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about twinview - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:27
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OpermaxLjL: what did You mean with wifi?07:27
Popo1rukuartic: Sure it will be running now cause I type sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart" recently07:27
rexcannoncan someone pass along that compiz tutorial to me please07:27
riotkittieoh man. oh. man.07:27
rockzmanI got a AR5212 mini pci on my laptop what is the module i should load ?07:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about twinview - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:27
Opermaxvleon: do You know how to get it work?07:27
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems07:27
biccim going to follow that07:27
vleonyes i do07:27
jdolanwhere can i find documentation on connecting to postgres?  fresh install on edgy.07:27
CrescendoOooh, nice.07:27
rukuarticPopo1: I actually need to go and grab someone from school. Type "sudo updatedb" in the console, and then see if locate can find it again.07:28
jdolani.e. username, database name, password(?)07:28
vleoni only need to know how to download a deb package of the driver to my computer07:28
rukuarticPopo1: I'm pretty sure when you install apache from apt, it installs a start-up script automatically07:28
OpermaxI followed the HOWTO of ubuntu, and it runs07:28
Popo1rukuartic: ok, thanks for the help..07:28
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vleonso that i could burn it on a cd and install in the other07:28
Opermaxwell, did You go to the serialmonkey website?07:28
rukuarticPopo1: Try "ls /etc/rc2.d | grep apache" if you see something saying "SXX-apache2" where XX are two numbers from 00 to 99, then it starts automatically07:28
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LjLOpermax: when you said WLAN, you meant Wireless Local Area Network i suppose, right? i was in the belief that it was the same thing as what's commercially known as WiFi, i.e. IEEE 802.1107:28
rukuarticGotta gp.07:29
LjLOpermax: if you meant something else, please explain07:29
tincan_30How can I find out who the package maintainer for mod-mono is?07:29
riotkittieAR5212 = Atheros?07:29
Opermaxsure ;) I thought there was a wifi room, which I didn't find07:29
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ads - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:29
vleon<Opermax> well, did You go to the serialmonkey website?07:29
instabin!active directory07:29
vleoni need the .deb package07:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about active directory - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:29
vleoni dont want to build drivers07:30
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Popo1rukuartic: the update works well. I can find it now :D07:30
instabinHow can i use a windows 2003 domain controler for authentication07:30
Opermaxbut is there a .deb package for that?07:30
LjLOpermax: no, what i meant is that you have a private message from Ubotu (the channel bot) pointing you to WiFi documentation.07:30
ADminShello guys please what Bronto means ?07:30
LjL!wifi | Opermax, if you can't see it07:30
ubotuOpermax, if you can't see it: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:30
vleonyes in the ubuntu resources07:30
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ADminSsomeone sent it to me from here pvt07:30
vleoni just dont know where exacly07:30
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n2diy! Bronto07:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Bronto - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:30
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rockzmanHow can I load my AR5212 module in Kubuntu I have the modules but I can not load it07:31
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fuzzy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:31
Opermaxvleon: ok07:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about domain - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:31
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riotkittierockzman: sudo modprobe <module name> ?07:31
OpermaxLjL!wifi | Opermax, if you can't see it -> no, I don't07:31
ubotu#ubuntu-gr  #kubuntu-gr     /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes07:31
instabin!windows domain07:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about windows domain - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:31
rockzmanriotkittie, yea what is the module name of ar5212(it is an atheros chipset)07:32
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ImrahilI got a problem with libc6. I'm trying to install DJplay, it needs the libdjconsole and _that_ complains about a not satisfiable package "libc6", strange is that I installed virtually everything libc6* (-dev/-prof and so on)07:32
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...07:32
vleonwhere does simpatic downloads the packages when i choose to download only?07:32
OpermaxubotuOpermax, if you can't see it: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs -> went there07:32
LjLOpermax: well, you can see it now.. there's a message from Ubotu just after that07:32
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:32
LjLOpermax ^^07:33
=== PTey [n=iam@d40a9626.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu
Opermaxand then?07:33
riotkittierockzman: of this i am not really sure. under ubuntu, i didnt have to load modules to get it to work. on my other distro, not so lucky. TRY ... ath_pci?07:33
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OpermaxI already used those docs07:33
LjLOpermax: and then, i have no clue. you asked if anyone knew something about wlan... the guys who wrote that page do, i guess07:33
riotkittieat worst, it doesnt work :P07:33
Opermaxand tried other forums07:33
PTeyhi, anyone who want's to help me installing a ventrilo server, and making it work on 6.10 ? :)07:33
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Imrahilhas nobody  any suggestions?07:33
LjLOpermax: then that won't be of much use to you, i suppose.07:33
rockzmanriotkittie, aha i have ath_pci on my lib/modules path07:33
rockzmanbut it says module not found07:33
rockzmanhow can it be psosible07:34
ImrahilI'm totally confused and don't know what to do, the problem seems to be known with ubuntu 6.06 but not with edgy (what I use)07:34
OpermaxIS HERE ANYPNY SAVVY ON RT2500 WLAN-Cards??!07:34
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riotkittierockzman: of that, i have no clue :\   i was really fortunate in that my wireless worked out of the box07:34
PTeyhi, anyone who want's to help me installing a ventrilo server, and making it work on 6.10 ? :)07:34
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ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!07:35
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ubotuFor at f support til Ubuntu p Dansk bedes du venligst g til #ubuntu-dk. I denne kanal tales kun Engelsk.07:35
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riotkittierockzman: does prefixing modprobe with sudo make a difference? or no?07:35
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rockzmanriotkittie, no, actually the only difference is the result, instead of getting module not found it says operation not permitted07:36
fnord123hi all. im trying to upgrade my recent installation, but i get an error when I run sudo. apparently it thinks some timestamp is too far in the future; this is even a problem with sudo ls. however, it doesn't seem to be based on my clock since i tried it 2 hours ago, and then again now and its the same time reported.07:37
rockzmanbut that is ok riotkittie07:37
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rockzmanim lookin for some help so i can help my friend with his issue07:37
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rockzmani've never tried to install a atheros mini pci07:37
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Lunar_LampI want to install a perl library - apache::dbi - is this in the edgy repositories anywhere or do I need to install from source?07:37
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@dxb-b18423.alshamil.net.ae] by LjL
kwaynedoes anyone know where to get a jigdo file for the edgy ubuntu i386 release?07:37
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kwayneit seems like there is a jigdo for almost every release, but not for the desktop cds07:37
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL
zbogdanhello, I have some trouble with my Ubuntu 6.06, can you provide some advice?07:38
Opermaxcan anyone help with my rakink Wlan-Card rt2500??07:38
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slowfastwhat is the best method to down-grade?   pptp for Edgy is broken and I have been advised to use a prior version, e.g., Dapper.07:38
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fnord123zbogdan: ask away07:38
linux1_zbogdan: please state the nature of your pc emergency07:38
unimatrix9how would i trancode wmv to mpeg? ( vcd )07:39
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bartangocan any onbe help with a wireless usb dongle problem?07:39
Opermaxyes, me too07:39
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nikini sthere a way to set the Gnome Terminal to have no colors?07:40
vleonurrrr im damnn angry07:40
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems07:40
vleonwhy is it so complicated??07:40
Opermaxbartango: which one do You have?07:40
vleonwhere does synpatic downloads its files to?07:40
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cokeslutout of interest07:40
jinany one knows a php editor with auto complete and auto indent?07:40
bartangoopermax - dlink dwl 12207:40
unvsi've got a strange courier-imap/postfix/getmail problem. i've set it up so that getmail grabs mail from a pop3-account, passes it on to postfix which delivers to courier-imap. i can telnet to my imap server just fine, however when postfix tries to deliver it times out - even though i can connect just fine to the specified host/ip which postfix quotes in its error message. any clues?07:40
plantpersonI can't seem to upgrade to Edgy07:40
Opermaxvleon: try to search for packages and ubuntu07:40
der0bhey folks, it is OK to manually change the comment on a public key, or do I need to create a new key with a different comment?07:41
kitchevleon: same spot as everything else /var/cache/apt/archives that's where all packages are stored when downloaded07:41
nikinvleon: in the apt cache07:41
rogue780I am having problems mounting a JFS drive...the computer went down without a proper restart, and I think it may have caused an error. I have irreplaceable data on there and I need to fix the partition.07:41
Opermaxbartango: i have dwl-g12207:41
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n2diyvleon: locate *.deb will tell you.07:41
bartangooperamax - i got mine working before07:41
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plantpersoncan anyone tell me why I can't upgrade to edgy?07:41
bartangoand still works on xp07:41
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:42
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Opermaxbartango: on XP fine, not on Dapper 6.0607:42
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kitcheplantperson: what's your problem exactly?07:42
linux1_planetperson: the developers did not include upgrade capability07:42
Piciplantperson : are you getting any errors, whats happening?07:42
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plantpersonkitche and Pici:  the software update tool has not given me the new version message07:42
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kitcheplantperson: you using sudo update-manager -c07:43
Opermaxbartango: on XP fine, not on Dapper 6.0607:43
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bartangooperamax - im using edgy (newbie to linux too!)07:43
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kirohhi does someone knows what this means "checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles" this is the only error when i try to compile a program07:43
zbogdanaha: I recently installed Ubuntu 6.06. First thing I did was to upgrade some recomended security packages (to .10, i guess), and then I downloaded and installed KDE, Gnome, Office, Science (most packages). Un fortunately I think I have some inconstency as I login and the system logs me out without loading any graphic enviroment (KDE, Gnome). Console login is ok!07:43
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frojndwhat means Option"Protocol""ImPS/2" under section "inputDevice" (generic mouse)07:43
bartangooperamax - forum said to install ndiswrapper but i cant get it to install07:43
plantpersonkitche:  it claims my system is up-to-date07:43
Opermaxbartango: ok ;) me, too; but did it work for you under linux once?07:44
kitcheplantperson: see what version you are running07:44
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ubotuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type 'lsb_release -a' in the Terminal.07:44
kitcheplantperson: just want to make sure that you are indeed on dapper07:44
Piciplantperson : you could try manually editing your sources.list and running a apt-get dist-upgrade07:44
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plantpersonhow do I check which version?07:45
kirohhi does someone knows what this means "checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles" this is the only error when i try to compile a program07:45
Pici!version | plantperson07:45
ubotuplantperson: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type 'lsb_release -a' in the Terminal.07:45
Opermaxbartango: ok  me, too; but did it work for you under linux once?07:45
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plantperson!version gives the error message version: command not found07:46
Lunar_LampIs it possible to get perl-package-manager installed on Edgy? If so how?07:46
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zbogdanI'll try07:46
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plantpersonas does lsb-release07:46
kitcheplantperson: run lsb_release -a !version is just a swithc for ubotu07:46
bichmm that twinview didnt work07:46
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plantpersonStill says 6.0607:47
Opermaxdoes anyone know something about WLAN-Card dwl-g122 rt2570 from Ralink?07:47
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KhemI have problem with sound when I log in using LDAP user account it works ok when I use local user07:47
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KhemI think it must be added to audio group but how do I do that for a LDAP/NIS login  account07:48
plantpersonkitche:  lsb_release still says 6.06 dapper07:48
kitcheLunar_Lamp: CPAN07:48
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Lunar_Lampkitche, what is cpan?07:48
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Piciplantperson : do you mind trying to do it manually? i.e. using apt-get ?07:48
kirohsomeone know about errors in compiling programs???? i am new and need a little help07:48
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plantpersonPici:  that's very complicated,  is it not?07:49
chazcohi, can someone tell me to exit Gnome and drop to a console?07:49
plantpersonI'm really not an advanced user yet07:49
chazcoi need the RAM for a big build project07:49
kitcheLunar_Lamp: hmm it's how you get perl's modules and such it's a repo for perl modules07:49
LjLchazco: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop07:49
Piciplantperson : Method 2 of this: http://www.debianadmin.com/upgrade-ubuntu-dapper-to-ubuntu-edgy-eft.html07:49
Lunar_Lampkitche, do you have any details?07:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cpan - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:49
kirohchazco: alt+f1 or f2 or f3 ...07:49
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LjLkiroh: not really, that will leave X and GNOME running07:49
kitcheLunar_Lamp: just type cpan in a terminal and it will explain it07:49
chazconot virtual terminals, fully kill it07:49
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Opermaxdoes anyone know something about WLAN-Cards under Dapper 6-06?07:49
LjLchazco: it's as i said (or sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop for that matter)07:50
LjLguess he did07:50
rogue780is there a way to mount an image made with dd?07:50
LjL!loopback | rogue78007:50
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uboturogue780: To mount an ISO disc image, type "sudo mount -o loop my.iso <mountpoint>" There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before burning. Burning .iso files: see !burn07:50
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xqiuOpermax: what wlan card are you using?07:50
kirohLjL: then i think he must change the runlevel07:50
LjLkiroh, what's wrong with just doing what i said?07:51
rogue780LjL, thanks07:51
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timoso how can one play two media players with one sound card07:51
Opermaxxqiu: DWL-G122, it's a Ralink with chip: rt2570 USB; I already tried the HOWTOs07:51
kitchekiroh: ubuntu/debian runs on runlevel 2 at all times what would he change to?07:51
plantpersonPici:  how safe is the apt method?07:51
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kirohLjL: sorry i havent red it, it is ok07:51
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kirohLjL: read07:51
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timoit tells me the sound is blocked07:52
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Piciplantperson: the gui basically runs the apt method silently, so  it is very safe07:52
kirohLjL: can you help me compiling a program???07:52
Lunar_Lampkitche, tankyou07:52
plantpersonPici:  but why won't the GUI work?07:52
LjLkiroh: what's the problem?07:52
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kirohchecking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles07:52
kirohLjL: checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles07:52
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Opermaxxqiu: DWL-G122, it's a Ralink with chip: rt2570 USB; I already tried the HOWTOs07:52
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kirohLjL: i dont know what it means07:53
LjLkiroh: that's a message from configure?07:53
kirohLjL: yes07:53
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Piciplantperson : what exactly are you typing (and where) to get into the gui update manager?07:53
LjLkiroh: and after that, it fails? is that the last message it gives before exiting?07:53
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plantpersonPici:  first I did gksu "update-manager -c" like it said in the online helps07:54
bartango__operax max - im just going to give this a try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19710207:54
plantpersonthen I tried sudo update-manager -c07:54
kirohLjL: the last message is: checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables07:54
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LjLUbotu, tell kiroh about build-essential | kiroh, see the private message from Ubotu07:54
LjLkiroh: install build-essential07:54
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kirohLjL: ok thanks07:55
Opermaxbartango__: but is it our card? what chip-set does your have?07:55
sfollo81hi, i'v just installed ubuntu 6.10 but i have problems with wireless connection. I can see de wireless device, but it doesent recognice the signal from the accesspoint. Any idea?07:55
Piciplantperson : I'm sorry, I'm not that familiar with the way that the gui update works.  Perhaps someone else here could help you :/07:55
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lucasvothere was a story on digg frontpage about the new gnome control center, how can I install it on fiesty?07:55
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LjLUbotu, tell lucasvo about feisty | lucasvo, see the private message from Ubotu07:55
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kitchegrr my screen can't do the plus sign07:55
LjLthey're going control center too? blah07:55
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Opermaxsfollo81: what card do you have?07:56
Pici!info sled07:56
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afiefIs there a way to open ms word 2007 files?07:56
ubotuPackage sled does not exist in any distro I know07:56
bartango__operamax - i really want to get ndiswrapper up & running 1st and this is a dummies guide which is what i need at the moment07:56
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lucasvoLjL: I know about fiesty I use it07:56
SlackwiseAny SSH gurus around?07:56
lucasvoLjL: however I want to know about that control center07:56
n2diyafief: try open office07:56
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kitchelucasvo: ask in #ubuntu,1 the , is a plus sign that's channel is for feisty for right now07:57
kirohLjL: do you now how to get running irda for a nokia phone????07:57
CrocoJetI am getting some problems with amsn and edgy ? Any idea to solve ?07:57
LjLlucasvo: if you read the last part of Ubotu's statement, it says help for Feisty is to be found in #ubuntu+1 rather than here07:57
LjLkiroh: i'm trying to get IRDA (over a USB dongle) to work myself for OBEX transfers (as well as for an ircomm tty), and failing07:58
eboogiei decided to use ktorrent and it rocks!  thanks for all the suggestions, guys!07:58
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afiefn2diy: Nope, doesn't open it07:58
SlackwiseSo, anyone have a clue on how to pipe a local command through an SSH tunnel without using a wrapper application?07:58
LjLkiroh: the furthest i've gotten was making sure that my palmtop and my computer were seeing each other. i don't know how to get further than that... what about you?07:58
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smimpi'm using a non-gnome/kde window manager and i don't see the updates that i need to get .. anyone know the command line equivalent of it?07:59
n2diyafief: :/07:59
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Opermaxbartango__: ok, but if your card is a DWL-G122 there is a HOWTO: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/DWL-G122_(Rev_B)?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDevice%2907:59
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beat_ciao a tutti!07:59
Hitman_R4z0rsmimp: you mean updates JUST for KDE or system wide updates?07:59
Opermaxxqiu: DWL-G122, it's a Ralink with chip: rt2570 USB; I already tried the HOWTOs07:59
smimpHitman_R4z0r: the regular systemwide updates08:00
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mikefooOk need some help with software raid. occasionally when we have a power failure, upon reboot our servers kernel panic. I have /boot and / software raided across 4 drives.  if I use rescure cd to boot, what should I do? I dont think I can access /dev/mdX within rescue cd. Anyone have the slighest idea?08:00
Hitman_R4z0rsudo apt-get update08:00
LjL!it | beat_08:00
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ubotubeat_: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!08:00
Opermaxdoes anyone know something about WLAN-Cards under Dapper 6-06?08:00
Hitman_R4z0rsudo apt-get upgrade08:00
shwagwhere can I find some nagios howto's ?08:00
Hitman_R4z0rdo them both....08:00
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smimpHitman_R4z0r: k thanks, think its save enough to do in a cron job?08:00
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thorbenkHello :-)08:01
kirohLjL: realy???? im just configuring a usb-irda adapter, irdadump recognizes mi mobile, but ircp doesent work08:01
thorbenkI've got problems with Dapper and WLAN driver rt6108:01
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thorbenkDoes someone have this chipset08:01
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LjLkiroh: same thing for me08:01
kirohLjL: sorry im not good in english08:01
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Picismimp : upgrade prompts you to continue, so you might need to check the man pages for apt-get to bypass it, also it needs to be run as root/sudo08:01
thorbenkI've followd the tutorials to install ratech driver08:01
ZambeziIs it possible to install Ubuntu Dapper drake without using a CD or a USB-memory? Or install it almost without a CD?08:02
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LjLkiroh: it was pretty clear. here, too, irdadump shows the device, but ircp (or obexftp, or irxfer, or irpsion5 since i'm using a psion...) all don't work08:02
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smimpPici: i've got some expect stuff written if worse comes to worst08:02
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Opermaxdoes anyone know something about WLAN-Cards under Dapper 6-06?08:02
kirohLjL: ok, now im tring to install ircp-tray08:02
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LjLkiroh: you get "Connecting...failed", i suppose? and, immediately if the device is not in range, while after some seconds if it's in range?08:02
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LjLkiroh, i think ircp-tray will just use ircp, so if that doesn't work...08:03
Hitman_R4z0rsmimp, well that's up to you, it's good to check the forums/mailing lists before upgrading major things like xorg-core or such to ensure it won't break anything vital like xgl etc.08:03
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kirohLjL: i get "Connecting...failed" immediately in the two cases08:04
LjLkiroh: hmm... but irdadump sees the device at the same time? is irda0 up (type "ifconfig", does irda0 show up?)08:04
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frojndhow can I fix that: I bought a  new LCD and settings are still for the old one. like section "screen" Monitor   "ADI MS-5P+" ....08:05
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kirohLjL: yes08:06
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frojndThis is important couse I wanna make the newest LCD for my default monitor, not the old one08:06
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kirohLjL: i think it is only a protocoll problem between the devices08:07
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LjLkiroh: on a newsgroup, there's a suggestion to try and give a (random) IP address to the irda0 interface, such as i tried this and it doesn't work for me, but perhaps it's worth an attempt08:08
ArrenLexfrojnd: If you haven't modified your X configuration, you can run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" to create a new one08:08
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timohow do i hide a file08:08
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LjLtimo: you don't08:08
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ArrenLextimo: Rename it to start with a period08:08
VSpikeI'm getting "Unknown error 255" from K3b on a vanilla kubuntu system.. can anyone help me out?  Debug output at http://pastebin.co.uk/906108:08
timo LjL: period ?08:08
n2diytimo: put a . in front of it, .filename.08:08
LjLtimo: yeah, but it involves changing the filename08:08
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ArrenLextimo: A period is the thing that ends a sentence.<----08:09
VSpikeSearching implies that it's a permissions problem, but I can't see how that would be if nothing has been changed from default.  Otherwise it would be broken for everyone08:09
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jribtimo: if you want to hide it in nautilus, you can create a .hidden file and put the name in there08:09
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frojndArrenLex: I've just recently installed XGl.. but that's not x08:09
Byanwhat package do I want to install for thunderbird?08:09
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ArrenLexfrojnd: Oh, if you're running xgl, I can't help you, sorry.08:09
LjLByan: thunderbird?08:09
ArrenLex!thunderbird | Byan08:09
ubotuByan: a FOSS email client, capable of close cooperation with Firefox, both by the Mozilla Foundation.  To make your thunderbird links open in firefox see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6042708:09
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jribByan: mozilla-thunderbird08:10
frojndArrenLex: I am not tunnig it..08:10
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LjLoh, right. stupid apt-get show tab-completion that shows ghost packages...08:10
kirohLjL: dont work08:10
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TooR4uis there any xgl technology for linux ?08:11
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joeljkphow do i enabled dmix for my usb sound card?08:11
TrunkzIts possible to do a netinstall of Edgy right?08:11
kirohLjL: but i see my phone when i do irdadump, only when i am sending an image08:11
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TooR4ui mean any linux distribution using xgl technology?08:11
RobbsterTrunkz: yeah: check out the alsternates Cd08:12
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TooR4umultiple windowing....etc08:12
Trunkzthe alternates cd?08:12
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namelesssTrunkz, u want to upgrade to edgy ?08:12
kirohLjL: is that normal??08:12
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TrunkzWhere can I get the image? :o08:12
=== Robbster hunts 4 a link
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TrunkzThe ubuntu site has some awkward mirrors (china.. japan.. israel.. )08:12
namelesssTrunkz, do u have ubuntu ?08:12
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TooR4uis there any xgl technology for linux ?08:13
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TooR4ui mean any linux distribution using xgl technology?08:13
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Trunkznameless, I have 6.0608:13
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Trunkzinstalled on vmware08:13
timothan you all it worked08:13
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ikonia_n #xorg-devel08:13
TrunkzI want to do a fresh install however :p08:13
LjLkiroh: i could tell you to try with the obex tools, too, but i'm pretty sure you'd have the same problem, as i do08:13
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namelesssTrunkz, so if u want to have the edgy version, u have to paste the edgy's sources.list on yours and make "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"08:14
TrunkzI know that method.. I dont want to do it08:14
n2diyTooR4u: google givies over a million hits for linux xgl.08:14
Trunkzbreaks alot of the stuff on the system :p08:14
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CrocoJetwhen is read file /etc/modprobe/blacklist ?08:14
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kirohLjL: what pakage must i install to get the obes tools????08:14
CrocoJetboot or modprobe command ?08:14
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RobbsterTrunkz: Use http://www.ubuntu.com/products/GetUbuntu/download?action=show&redirect=download, select the mirror you want and then download the "ubuntu-6.06.1-alternate-i386.iso   "08:15
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TrunkzThe iso file is big (600MB+)08:15
kirohLjL: because i installed a pakage, but i dont understood how to use te program08:15
TrunkzI only want the netimage file, then I just download files off the webhost08:15
Robbsterhumm, now that I think aout it there is another image somewhere.08:15
Trunkzcheers :p08:16
=== Robbster tries to remember where he got the image from.
RobbsterTrunkz: I seem to recall that it is in the alternates CD.08:16
Robbsterlets askt the google08:16
TrunkzThe image file I used awhile back was around.. 8MB08:17
Trunkznot 600MB :P08:17
Robbsteryeah - I know what you are after.08:17
frojndArrenLex: Video card's bus identifier:  Do I leave this default " PCI:1:0:0" ?08:17
ArrenLex!hi > arrenlex08:17
LjLkiroh: obexftp i think...08:17
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LjLkiroh: but really - it won't work. the problem is somewhere else in the actual IRDA stack08:18
ArrenLexfrojnd: run the lspci command and search for your video card. It will tell you the correct PCI numbers in the first column.08:18
ArrenLex!xserver-xorg > ArrenLex08:18
n2diyTrunkz: that is the minimal disk.08:18
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Trunkzn2diy, I guess thats what its called :p08:18
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=== Robbster actually has acopy of the cd image in the office on CD !
frojnd00:0b.0 PCI bridge: nVidia Corporation nForce3 250Gb AGP Host to PCI Bridge (rev a2)08:19
frojnd00:0e.0 PCI bridge: nVidia Corporation nForce3 250Gb PCI-to-PCI Bridge (rev a2)08:19
kirohLjL: what do you mean with stack????08:19
xopherIcemanV9, well the keyboard shortcuts work (Fn+br.up/down) But Id like to have it automated..08:19
frojndArrenLex: which one do I use08:20
ArrenLexfrojnd: That doesn't look right.08:20
LjLkiroh: a "protocol stack". see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protocol_stack - anyway in practice i simply meant that the problem must be in Linux's IRDA implementation, and not in the single programs (like ircp etc) one uses to transfer files08:20
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ArrenLexfrojnd: Pastebin the entire output of lspci, would you?08:20
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frojndArrenLex: ok08:21
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IcemanV9xopher: great. automated? can you explain bit more?08:21
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ellaniahi there guys again08:21
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ellaniasame thing with sudo dpkg..... and even with 6.0608:21
ellaniaany other idead?08:21
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frojndArrenLex: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1964/08:22
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kirohLjL: do you know where can i found more information abut this????08:22
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RobbsterTrunkz: Maybe this is it? http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/08:23
instabinCould some one help me connect to my ads08:23
ricky1234567890Anyone know howto use a wireless bcm4318 card08:23
ArrenLexfrojnd: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5500]  (rev a1) <--- that's the one.08:24
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instabinArrenLex what are you trying to do08:24
ellaniaguys i have a problem when i try to install ubuntu i get the failed to start X server (reason) no monitor detected any idea?08:24
Defendhey all i compiled a new kernel but i did not make a initrd so i did not include it in grub menulist when i try to boot it i am getting not syncing VFS unable to mount root fs unkown-block(0,0) any ideas?08:24
frojndArrenLex: So I put 01:00.008:25
ArrenLexinstabin: ? He just asked what the PCI of his video card is.08:25
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ArrenLexfrojnd: leave it as PCI:1:0:008:25
instabinthaught you where trying to install drivers sry08:25
frojndAmount of memory (kB) to be used by the video card:08:25
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instabinI need some help with winbind08:25
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tsolerguys how can i set up my scanner?08:25
ArrenLexfrojnd: You can leave most of those as default values.08:25
ricky1234567890I need help with a bcm4318 card08:25
ubotuScanning software: XSane, the gimp, Kooka. For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners08:26
ricky1234567890how do Iget it to connect08:26
tuxeduphas anyone tried those ethernet over powersocket kits?  If so did you need drivers or not?08:26
ricky1234567890Please Ineed help08:26
ellaniaguys i have a problem when i try to install ubuntu i get the failed to start X server (reason) no monitor detected any idea?08:26
ArrenLexellania: Sounds like you're trying to use the wrong driver. What card?08:27
ArrenLexellania: Does it say "no monitor detected" or "no screens found"?08:27
ellaniai have a notebook Ati mobility radeon x70008:27
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ellaniano screens found08:27
frojndArrenlex: maybe u know what layout for keyboard do I use if I come from slovenia08:27
ArrenLexellania: That's totally different. Please give error messages verbatim.08:27
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ellaniano screens found08:28
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humboltowhat is the gnome file manager called?08:28
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ArrenLexellania: What's the output of "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep -v "#" | grep driver"? Don't paste mouse, keyboard or wacom.08:28
ArrenLexhumbolto: nautilus08:28
ArrenLexfrojnd: Nope08:28
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ricky1234567890My bcm4318 is installed right I have eveen gotten it to connect 3 times but i cant get it to conect again08:28
ellaniai onlyhave one pc so i have to restart ..08:28
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ArrenLexellania: Tell you what. Are you able to boot from the liveCD?08:29
humboltohow can I browse smb shares in xfce?08:29
frojndsers of U.S. English keyboards should enter "us".  Users of keyboards localized for other countries should generally enter their ISO  3166 country code.  E.g., France uses "fr", and Germany uses "de".08:29
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frojndwhere could I get this info08:29
ellaniawhen it tries to bot i get the failed to start X server08:29
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ArrenLexfrojnd: What is your keyboard layout? Is it qwerty?08:29
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drja1anyone know what (cannot connect to X server) means08:29
ellaniaand so on and then it returns me to ...08:29
frojndArrenLex, don't know what I have at the moment but it works fine08:30
cyberixHow can I make aptitude forget all selections?08:30
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ArrenLexfrojnd: If it works fine, don't touch that setting, then.08:30
N_name "shipit08:30
frojndbut than it would be "us"08:30
N_what doing08:30
Byanhow do I mount an ISO?08:31
humboltonautilus seems to be more than just the file manager. suddenly I have gnome desktop in xfce.08:31
ArrenLexellania: If you can't get on from the liveCD, that probably means no free driver will support your card (which is odd). Which means you'd have to get ATI's own driver fglrx, I guess, which is hard to do from a terminal.08:31
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ArrenLexByan: mount -o loop <file.iso> <mountpoint>08:31
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jribhumbolto: yes, start nautilus with --no-desktop.  Or change your gconf settings for nautilus08:31
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Byanmountpoint? what would an example of that be?08:31
ellaniaso anyideas?08:32
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Byando I just stuck any place there?08:32
ArrenLexByan: Any folder where you want your iso to appear. Maybe you want to mount it to ~/iso, or maybe /media/cdrom, or /media/iso, or any other folder you want.08:32
ArrenLexByan: it has to exist, though08:32
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tuxedupellania:or use the vesa driver, that wil lwork with almost every card/chip in existance, it wont be quick, but it will work08:32
ByanArrenLex: ok08:32
ellaniahow do i do that?08:33
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humboltohow can I switch back to the ubuntu gdm theme. did that with the gnome gui but with no effect.08:33
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Robin_MacMini7.04 for PowerPC daily live torrent is never seeded :(08:34
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ellaniatuxedup howcan i use the vesa driver (reminder : want to install ubuntu)?08:35
jribRobin_MacMini: link me to the torrent and I'll seed08:35
fredlHi, how can I see which Ubuntu version I'm running from the commandline?08:35
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frojndArrenLex: I bought samsung, model is SyncMaster 940b, so what shoul I put in Identifier for the monitor:08:36
Robin_MacMinijrib: How can you seed it if you can't download it :(08:36
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n2diy! version | fredl08:36
ubotufredl: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type 'lsb_release -a' in the Terminal.08:36
jribRobin_MacMini: I'll download from a server and then seed it, and I'll just leave it08:36
kirohLjL: i found in a forum "i had a same problem ircp -r didn't work ... what i did was i installed ircp-tray"08:36
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Robin_MacMinijrib:  wow thanks08:36
Robin_MacMini lol08:36
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Robin_MacMiniThis should be it08:36
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tuxedupellania: install from the alternate cd.  OOnce it has installed an boots to the command line enter sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf  then move down to the bit saying drive and just replace what ever is there with vesa.  Tjen press ctrl+x press y to confirm save then type start x and everything should be good to go.08:37
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Robin_MacMiniand http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/feisty-desktop-powerpc.iso08:37
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eraccI asked this earlier but never got a reply (that I saw):08:37
eraccI could swear I saw a web page a few weeks back about creating/installing CDs for *buntu preloaded computer systems somewhere but cannot find it today. Anyone here know what I might have seen and where I might find it today?08:37
fredlah this is why I don't get recent PHP upgrades... is there a way to upgrade from 6.06 to 6.10 from the command line?08:37
ArrenLex!upgrade | fredl08:37
ubotufredl: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes08:37
ellaniai hope thanks anyway08:38
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ArrenLexfrojnd: That doesn't matter. The identifier is merely a name. You can call it Fred if you want.08:38
frojndkewl :)08:38
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Robin_MacMinikewl :D08:39
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fredlwell, this should be fun, upgrading to 6.10 over a remote X08:39
Robin_MacMiniUbuntu rox except 1440x900 wont be set, is this fixed in feisty?08:39
smimpi create/setup a fake network device using tunctl, but it disappears after hibernation?  anyone have any suggestiosn?08:39
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ArrenLex!fixres | Robin_MacMini08:40
ubotuRobin_MacMini: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:40
ikonia_Robin_MacMini: thats not a "edgy/fesity" problem08:40
angelic_venusHello, I have a peculiar problem with edgy x86_64. After 10 minutes or so of usage, programs stop loading complaining that there is no X display. On log-out the default gnome login screen shows (not the ubuntu one) and I cannot start a new session till I reboot (when it happens again)08:40
depinkoHow is it possible to install NVIDIA drivers without kernel 386? I rather would like to install NVIDIA drivers with generic kernel08:40
ArrenLex!nvidia | depinko08:40
ubotudepinko: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:40
ikonia_depinko: what ubuntu version08:40
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ikonia_depinko: there is only "generic" kernel in edgy08:41
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ArrenLexikonia_: No. The 386 kernel still exists for compatibility reasons.08:41
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fredlJFYI, I've found a PHP/XML bug in 6.06.08:41
ArrenLex!generic | ikonia_08:42
ubotuikonia_: Background to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed)08:42
fredlShould I report that or is it not worth the bother?08:42
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ikonia_ArrenLex: I know08:42
depinkoikonia_: hmm I've played with beryl and now I uninstalled it and I cant install back the nvidia drivers I had, because it need the 386 kernel dependency08:42
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Robin_MacMiniWhy isn't the nvidia drivers compiled and updated in the Ubuntu repos?08:42
DraconicusWhere the hell did the alternate install CD go?08:42
ikonia_Robin_MacMini: it is updated08:42
Robin_MacMiniwhat version?08:42
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humboltoI thought gnome-vfs is like a transparent file system layer, so I could play movies stored on an smb share in totem without hassle?! am I mistaken there, or why is it not working?08:42
ikonia_Robin_MacMini: what ever version thats in there08:42
ArrenLexRobin_MacMini: Are you on dapper?08:43
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teitungeI need to know which kernel I am running. Any cmd for this?08:43
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Robin_MacMiniArrenLex: I was on 6.10 yesterday08:43
ArrenLexteitunge: uname -r08:43
DraconicusYou guys simplified the download page and now I can't get the alternate CDs!08:43
teitungeArrenLex: Thanks08:43
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Robin_MacMiniArrenLex: The drivers was like 8x.xx08:43
ArrenLexRobin_MacMini: They are updated in the repository.08:43
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Robin_MacMini93.71? cool08:44
ArrenLex!info nvidia-glx | Robin_MacMini08:44
ubotunvidia-glx: NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 1.0.8776+ (edgy), package size 3970 kB, installed size 12312 kB08:44
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Robin_MacMini87.76 :(08:44
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ikonia_Robin_MacMini: whats the problem08:45
DraconicusWell to hell with this. If you guys aren't going to provide an alternative installer I'm just gonna go grab Debian.08:45
ikonia_or do you just want a bigger number08:45
ikonia_Draconicus: off you go08:45
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Draconicusikonia_: Are there seriously no longer alternate install CDs?08:45
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Robin_MacMiniikonia_: Well the new driver is faster and supports more cards08:46
ArrenLexdraconius: wtf are you on? It's right there.08:46
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DraconicusArrenLex: Where?!08:46
Robin_MacMiniikonia_: And compiling the latest one is pretty hard I heard08:46
ArrenLexdraconius: go to ubuntu.com08:46
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ikonia_Draconicus: http://ftp.ticklers.org/releases.ubuntu.org/releases/edgy/ubuntu-6.10-alternate-i386.iso08:46
ikonia_whats that - dolly mixtures08:46
ArrenLexdraconius: click desktop-download08:46
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ikonia_Robin_MacMini: faster ??? are you sure08:46
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ArrenLexdraconius: Go to 6.10908:47
instabinI have just set my ubuntu to use windows domain logins but it only works on tty 1 -6 and does not work on a gui login08:47
DraconicusArrenLex: I just clicked "Download" Somehow the page that links to is changed.08:47
ikonia_Draconicus: that was a link of the main page08:47
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ikonia_you just didn't look08:47
ArrenLexdraconius: click any mirror08:47
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RoscarI'm wondering if somebody can help me out with some sound problems. More specifically, using teamspeak while playing a game with wine.08:47
ArrenLexdraconius: Go to "other installation options"08:47
Robin_MacMiniikonia_: Yeah they always are :)08:47
ArrenLexdraconius: voila08:47
ikonia_Robin_MacMini: thats not true08:48
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Roscarhas anybody here got this sort of thing working with ubuntu?08:48
ikonia_I can think of 3 occasions they where rolled back08:48
Robin_MacMiniThat's my experiences with GeForce 4200Ti08:48
ikonia_Roscar: thas a bit of a mess08:48
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Roscarikonia: you make me sad08:48
Robin_MacMiniikonia_: People with for example GeForce 8800 arn't supported in the drivers except 93.7108:48
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jdolanhow strange.  i just installed tomcat and sun's java.  when i run tomcat's bin/startup.sh, nothing happens for at least 2 minutes.  eventually, a static http container comes up on :8180.  NOTHING at all is written to the logfile.  ./bin/shutdown.sh appears to work "normally"08:48
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Robin_MacMiniI hope it will be in the repos for feisty08:48
Roscarikonia: is it a resolvible mess?08:48
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ikonia_Robin_MacMini: I didn't say anything about supported cards - just sped08:48
instabinany one help with my login problem?08:48
ikonia_Roscar: not really08:48
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adaptrinstabin: "windows domain logins" ?08:49
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instabin adaptr08:49
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Roscarikonia_: is it the sort of thing that's being worked by the greater linux community?08:49
instabinadaptr yes08:49
najjstroem0050I can't get to the directory /home/najjstroem0050/.amule/08:50
adaptrinstabin: what do you mean ?08:50
tiolpxe-how can i tell ubuntu to boot to runlevel 3 as apposed to 5 i cannot see an inittab?08:50
Robin_MacMiniWhere can I get the daily Live PowerPC torrent that is seeded? :(:(:(08:50
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instabinadaptr windows ads08:50
instabinadaptr with winbind and pam08:50
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ikonia_Robin_MacMini: what daily live powerpc ?08:50
adaptrinstabin: as an authentication mechanism ?08:50
thechitowncubsHey, is there any way to find what groups users are in through cli08:51
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Robin_MacMiniikonia_: 7.0408:51
ryan_hey, i'm having trouble with a broken package08:51
ikonia_don't use bleeding edge08:51
n2diytiolpxe /etc/inittab08:51
instabinadaptr yes i am authenticating to a windows 2003 domain controler08:51
ikonia_thechitowncubs: id $user08:51
thechitowncubsikonia_, thanks a lot08:51
ryan_is there a file somewhere that keeps track of what packages are installed on your system?08:51
adaptrinstabin: PAM probably does X logins differently than console logins08:51
tiolpxe-n2diy it does not exist thats my point08:51
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ikonia_tiolpxe are you using edgy08:52
thechitowncubsikonia_, another question, any way to add a group to group list without erasing current groups08:52
n2diy! init08:52
ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto08:52
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ikonia_thechitowncubs: man usermod08:52
tiolpxe-ikonia_, yes08:52
ceckoDon't yuo know how to repair Flash 9 install? I installed it while leaving FF running, reinstallation doesn't help.08:52
instabinadaptr so how would i fix it08:52
adaptrinstabin: do you have a howto link, or something that explains the basics ?08:52
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ikonia_tiolpxe edgy doesn't user system V init  it uses a crappy init system called upstart08:52
n2diytiolpxe hmmm, I have it here on Dapper.08:52
instabinadaptr yes hold on08:52
ubotuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/08:52
instabinadaptr : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ActiveDirectoryWinbindHowto?highlight=%28directory%29%7C%28active%2908:52
Random_Transitis there a file somewhere that keeps track of what packages are installed on your system?08:53
thechitowncubsikonia_, will the -g command remove other groups if not specified08:53
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ikonia_thechitowncubs: -g is primary group08:53
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IcemanV9cecko: restart FX08:53
ikonia_-G is groups08:53
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thechitowncubsgot it08:53
n2diy! upstart | tiolpxe08:53
ubotutiolpxe: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/08:53
tiolpxe-lemmie have a look into it thanx08:53
aalhamadhow can i configure a hotmail account on evolution?08:54
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Random_Transitaalhamad...i didn't know hotmail even allowed pop access08:54
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ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)08:54
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gnarlieare there debs for edgy that enable the patented bci stuff in freetype?08:55
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frojndarh: where can I change settings for keyboard?08:55
instabinadaptr: its an old how to for version 5.10 im using 6.1008:55
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frojndhalf of characters cant find08:55
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gnarlieI haven't managed to get good fonts on kubuntu08:55
IcemanV9is it dangerous to replace sysinit V with upstart on Dapper system??08:55
frojndarh=just an expression08:55
aalhamadRandom_Transit: Kmail can configure it?08:55
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Random_Transitaalhamad, i don't think so...as a matter of fact, i don't think microsoft likes people using external software to connect to hotmail08:56
Opermaxdoes anyone know something about the WLAN-Card DWL-G122 rt2570?08:56
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Opermaxor rather: the driver works, I get a connection to the AP, but I get no connection to the Internet08:57
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Robin_MacMiniWhat will happen in the future Ubuntu 20.04 sounds weird08:57
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IcemanV9Opermax: did you use dhclient?08:57
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adaptrinstabin: okay, and have you set up the required links to enable gdm to pass on the authentication to winbind ?08:58
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der0bhas anyone found a good web based address book that runs on Linux?  I would be almost free of windows if I could replace HandyAddressBook08:58
instabinadaptr dont belive so08:58
Random_Transitwhere is apt's package database located??08:58
aalhamadget package configure network cards08:58
OpermaxIcemanV9: I used the HOWTO for my WLAN-Card08:58
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instabinadaptr b/c i dont know what you mean08:58
adaptrinstabin: no, that's not in that document - but X also uses authentication, and *requires* a valid user before it can fire up the X session08:58
ikonia_Random_Transit: its a none readable database08:58
OpermaxIcemanV9: and used that, too08:59
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instabinadaptr so what do i do08:59
IcemanV9Opermax: ok. still no Internet?08:59
Random_Transitder0b, stikkit.com is pretty damn cool from what i hear08:59
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adaptrinstabin: not a clue, you'll have to do some reading for the proper gdm and/or X configuration08:59
der0bThanks random_transit I'll check it out08:59
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OpermaxIcemanV9: of course not, if it was that easy ;) joking09:00
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Random_Transitok, i'm having trouble removing a broken package09:00
instabinadaptr well thanks... maybe ill write my own tutorial for version 6.10 then09:00
Random_Transitcan anyone help?09:00
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instabinadaptr make it easyer for the next guy09:00
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ikonia_Random_Transit: why not just ask the question09:01
IcemanV9Opermax: post ifconfig <wlan device> and iwconfig <wlan device> to pastebin pls09:01
OpermaxIcemanV9: I use wpa, installed the driver, see my AP, get 96% signal, but I send packages and kbs but receive just kbs but no packages09:01
Beaksterhey, im planning to install lirc on ubuntu, am i better to compile the source or use apt-get?09:01
ikonia_rather than all this "is anyone....." "can anyone......"09:01
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adaptrinstabin: I would be interested if you got it working, sure :)09:01
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ikonia_Beakster: if you have to ask - apt-get09:01
OpermaxIcemanV9: I can't right now, since I am here with Windows and my WLAN is keeping me from migrating09:01
Beaksterikonia_ im ok with installing from source, i just wondered if there were issues that are resolved by using latest version09:01
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IcemanV9Opermax: then, you're one step away from success :) (i hope)09:02
frojndhello there, where can I change settings for my keyboard layout?09:02
ikonia_Beakster: don't install from source - use apt-get09:02
instabinadaptr will keep you in mind then09:02
Random_Transitikonia_, the conf files for a program i'm trying to uninstall got wiped, and now the package won't remove properly09:02
IcemanV9Opermax: ah. ok. hmm. you're so close to success.09:02
ikonia_Random_Transit: what are you doing to remove it09:02
Random_Transitapt-get remove packagename09:02
Random_Transitthe package is vmware-player btw09:02
tiolpxe-does anyone actually know how to change to runlevel 3 by default using upstart everything im reading is people with the issue but no solutions09:03
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IcemanV9Opermax: all i could think is that you need to check /etc/resolv.conf and make sure ifconfig shows that ip address IS assigned.09:03
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ikonia_Random_Transit: whats the error09:03
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Random_Transitikonia_, come to #flood and i'll paste it09:04
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OpermaxIcemanV9: what do You mean with IP-Adress is assigned? I think, when I do iwconfig it is there, the name of AP, MAC...09:04
ikonia_Random_Transit: just stick it in a pastebin09:04
kilimanjaroI'm trying to install (xubuntu) on a SATA drive. It goes through the autoinstaller, but when the installation is complete and I reboot, grub hangs on stage 1.5. Can anybody help me with this?09:04
teitungewhen I am playing music with a jack-headset plugged in, I still get sound trough my laptop-speakers. Anyone know how I can disable the laptop-speakers?09:05
IcemanV9Opermax: ifconfig will show if it is assigned or not. not iwconfig part.09:05
OpermaxIcemanV9: the funny thing is though, when I type in a wrong wpa-key, I send and receive the same stuff; ok, when I am on Linuy again, I will do ifconfig09:05
Random_Transitikonia_, http://pastebin.ca/31981009:05
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IcemanV9Opermax: if ifconfig shows no ip address, then you won't have Internet.09:06
ceckoIcemanV9: I am trying to install it over the FF plugin installer. i used RPM converted to Deb with alien before. hope it'll work. thx09:06
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nenotnomteitunge: I've had that too, have you tried restarting you laptop?09:06
kilimanjaroI tried to configure grub manually. I start grub, then root (hd0,0) and then setup (hd0,0). The setup says that embed stage1.5 fails, but this is not fatal. I don't really know what this means...09:06
stapolanyone here know about psptoolchain09:06
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IcemanV9cecko: terrific. hope it works out at the end.09:06
teitungenenotnom: uhm, no. there should be a setting for it?09:06
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adaptrkilimanjaro: what it means is that ther e is a possibilityu that grub will not work properly when you reboot09:07
ikonia_Random_Transit: man apt-get and look at the force option09:07
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camerongcan anyone help me get my sound set up..its not working09:07
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adaptrkilimanjaro: but setup (hd0,0) will never boot grub anyway, so that's no biggie :)09:07
TooR4ucvs -d:pserver:anoncvs@cvs.freedesktop.org:/cvs/xorg co -rxgl-0-0-1 xserver/xorg09:07
nenotnomteitunge: just saying, i have that prob too sometimes, and when I reboot it's fine again09:07
TooR4uhow this cmd works09:07
kilimanjaroadaptr, did I do something stupid?09:07
TooR4udo i have to install them09:07
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adaptrkilimanjaro: do you mean you have no idea what you did ?09:08
ikonia_TooR4u: if you have to ask - no09:08
nenotnomteitunge: just a suggestion, i don't know much about audio09:08
stapolanyone here know about psptoolchain09:08
TooR4uwhat is the meaning of cvs -d:........09:08
ikonia_TooR4u: use the ubuntu packages09:08
kilimanjaroI'm not very familiar with grub, but I only have 2 partitions on this disk, and the second one is swap09:08
teitungenenotnom: thanks :)09:08
nenotnomteitunge: =)09:08
TooR4uikonia_, ohh i want to install the xgl on my box09:08
adaptrkilimanjaro: sure, but that's irrelevant - you say that you tried to install on a SATA disk, and it won't boot - which means that you've run into the SATA trap09:08
TooR4uso i am trying to install them09:09
ikonia_TooR4u: use the ubuntu packages09:09
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kilimanjaroadaptr, do I need to use --force-lba ?09:09
adaptrkilimanjaro: what you need to change is the root() setting, as well as all entries in the grub config file09:09
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TooR4uthen what cvs stands for?09:09
OpermaxIcemanV9: I did them with sudo gedit...interfaces (auto eth0, ect.)09:09
cameronghey aplay -l returns my sound stuff and alsamixer says its up but its still not working...09:09
ikonia_TooR4u: you don't need to know. Use the ubuntu packages09:09
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adaptrkilimanjaro: that stuff is *all* irrelevant, you first need to get access to the grub menu file, /boot/grub/menu.lst09:09
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adaptrkilimanjaro: then you need to guess what the drive will be called when grub boots09:10
camerongcan anyone help me get my sound working?09:10
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TheInfinitywhich sound? ;)09:10
adaptrkilimanjaro: but if there are also known IDE drives in the system then it will either be hd1 or hd209:10
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adaptrkilimanjaro: which one depends on how many IDE drives you have09:10
camerongInfinity: computer sound.. i have 2 speakers09:11
IcemanV9Opermax: yeah. that is fine. i think ifconfig output is the key to resolve the problem.09:11
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kilimanjaroOnly one drive, so there shouldn't be much guessing involved09:11
TheInfinityand which sound card? :)09:11
cameronginfinity: nothing comes out of them. alsamixer is all the way up and i used modprobe snd-hda-intel to get it working09:11
OpermaxIcemanV9: ok09:11
cameronginfinty: snd-hda-intel09:11
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adaptrkilimanjaro: well, there is a desparate trick you can try :)09:12
cameronginfinity: intel high def. audio controller ICH7 family09:12
kilimanjaroadaptr, I'm desparate!09:12
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adaptrkilimanjaro: boot the install CD and press "e" when the menu comes up09:12
kleftisxhello how can i automaticly update aMSN to its new version??09:12
TheInfinityhmm ... sound off/on on on?09:12
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camerongInfinity: where is sound off/on09:12
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tiolpxe-does anyone actually know how to change to runlevel 3 by default using upstart everything im reading is people with the issue but no solutions09:12
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kilimanjaroadaptr, hold on one sec, I'll paste the relevant portions of my menu.lst09:12
TheInfinityuff ... i have kde, this should be something in the alsamixer gui for gnome too ;)09:13
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Random_Transitikonia_, i tried that, gives me the same error09:13
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cameronginfinity: i type alsamixer into terminal and i get blacks creen with bars.. they are all all the way up and unmuted09:13
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alecjwhi. anyone know how i can set the location of my music library in listen?09:13
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kleftisxhello how can i automaticly update aMSN to its new version??09:13
adaptrtiolpxe-: the first line in /etc/inittab reads: id:2:init; change the 2 to a 3 and re-init09:13
TheInfinityah okay alsamixer konsole09:14
kilimanjaroadaptr, http://paste.lisp.org/display/3553709:14
cameronghey it works!09:14
thechitowncubsikonia_, sorry to bother again but do you know is needed to apply the primary group change? i have changed it and it is correct in id $user, but when creating new files the primary group is not applied09:14
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camerongi had to turn on all "4" speakers even though i only have 209:14
tiolpxe-adaptr, edgy does not use init it uses upstart09:14
adaptrthechitowncubs: you need to log in anew09:14
kilimanjaroadaptr, (hd0,0) should be right, since I only have 1 disk. And /dev/sda1 is also right, that's the only (non-swap) partition on that disk09:14
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adaptrkilimanjaro: no, hd0,0 is *not* right - please man grub if you think you know09:15
thechitowncubsadaptr, ah ok thanks09:15
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adaptrkilimanjaro: grub needs to be installed to the MBR in order to boot *anything*, including xubuntu09:15
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kilimanjaroadaptr, it is on the mbr, since when I boot it says something about "loading stage 1.5" and then it hangs09:16
adaptrtiolpxe-: well, I have inittab - are you telling me that that does no longer work ? I *seriously* doubt it.. you have no clue how much that woul dbreak09:16
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tiolpxe-dude read what i said09:16
adaptrkilimanjaro: yes, it *was* put there by the installer, but what you did later did not overwrite the old one - you installed grub on the first partition's boot sector09:16
kilimanjaroohh :(09:16
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tiolpxe-adaptr, http://upstart.ubuntu.com/09:17
adaptrtiolpxe-: I am not your "dude" (more like your dad), and I run Edgy Eft, which does include /etc/inittab09:17
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adaptrare you telling me that have read the docs but they do not tell you how to change the default ? *b0rkennnn*09:18
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kilimanjaroadaptr, ok, I'll try pressing 'e' on the livecd09:18
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tiolpxe-ok so all of a sudden its gone from a you definately have an inittab to surely theres some docs09:18
LjLadaptr: perhaps you upgraded from Dapper? i'm pretty sure *my* edgy includes no /etc/inittab09:18
tiolpxe-adaptr, well actually there is not09:18
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adaptrkilimanjaro: or, alternatively, you could try running grub again and installing to hd0 this time.. it would be a quick fix09:19
adaptrLjL: there's not "perhaps" about it :)09:19
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adaptrtiolpxe-: that's not nearly what I meant - and then again, it was09:19
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kleftisxhello how can i automaticly update aMSN to its new version??09:20
LjLadaptr: then yes, i think i'm telling you it's there (for you, because you upgraded and it was left there) but it doesn't in the least work09:20
adaptrLjL: good to know, if I ever wanted to edit it :)09:20
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tiolpxe-so back to the point does anyone know how to actually change the runlevel09:20
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tiolpxe-with upstream09:21
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wasshi, I would like to map the key at the the left of the '1' key to '/'  how can I do that with xmodmap ?09:21
adaptrtiolpxe-: the first thing I read on the upstart web site is that event.d holds the startup jobs09:21
LjLtiolpxe-: assuming telinit does not work?09:21
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LjLnewdr: please experiment in your status window, not in channels09:22
adaptrtiolpxe-: you're telling me you did not get that far ? step 2 would be reading the "rc-default" job that is in that directory09:22
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frojndwhat is the command again to reconfigure X ?09:22
frojndArrenLex gave it recentlz09:22
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adaptrtiolpxe-: the first line reads: rc-default *guesses what the runlevel should be*09:22
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wassanyone can help ?09:23
adaptrtiolpxe-: well, you *guess* what it does... it reads the id: from /etc/inittab09:23
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adaptrthat was all of 1 minute investigation, "dude"09:23
tiolpxe-adaptr, it does not read inittab at all09:23
IcemanV9frojnd: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg09:24
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adaptrtiolpxe-: yes, it does - read the file09:24
InfraRedhi all09:24
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InfraRedI am having problem with ubuntu on my new laptop09:24
StolencheeseStolencheese is here! And you know what that means folks.. It means I'm stuck! Yaaay! *applaud! Woo! Clap clap clap!*09:25
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InfraRedthe keyboard layout doesnt match 100%09:25
D7kbcan I add 1280x1024 in my xorg.conf and it will work? heh09:25
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tiolpxe-how can it read inittab when it does not exist09:25
InfraRedi have 69 keys on the laptop, with japanese layout09:25
InfraReddefault JP and US and US with dead keys in ubuntu dont work09:25
tiolpxe-upstart is a complete replacement for inittab09:25
InfraRedi don't have backslash or | keys working09:25
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adaptrtiolpxe-: if there is no value returned from reading inittab then it defaults to 2 - which you can *read in the file*.. sigh. .please go read the file :)09:25
LjLtiolpxe-, adaptr: i'd say telinit works as advertized, since a 'telinit 1' just brought down my whole system09:25
LjLupstart is a replacement for init09:26
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StolencheeseDoes anybody here know how to make semi-transparent windows or something like that for windows that aren't currently being used or something along those lines, I've seen screenshots of it and wondered if anyone could simply explain how to do it please.09:26
adaptrLjL: yes, but that does nothig when booting09:26
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LjLadaptr: i dunno, you asked how to change the runlevel...09:26
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems09:26
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adaptrtiolpxe-: if you want me to provide you with a solution *now*, "echo id:3:initdefault > /etc/inittab"09:26
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adaptrLjL:  I never!09:26
tiolpxe-i did!09:26
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adaptrtiolpxe-: but - as the upstart docs warn you - that may change at any moment in the future09:27
niklas_eis there any way to change runlevel to boot up in? I need to disable X to check if somthing iss wrong09:27
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LjLadaptr: won't that ruin his inittab, which might have some effects, since apparently upstart still reads something from it? or is that the *only* thing it reads?09:27
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adaptrLjL: he *has* no inittab, apparently edgy fresh install doesn't have it09:27
frojndwhen I try sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg09:27
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adaptrLjL: so there will *be* no issues :)09:27
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LjLadaptr: right... i supposed i mixed you two up, you're the one with an inittab09:28
strabesanyone know why when i restart my x server with ctrl+alt+backspace in edgy I see the login screen but once I login it hangs?09:28
LjL!caps | stapol09:28
ubotustapol: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.09:28
adaptrLjL: if upstart is to be a *complete* replacement then it damn well better read as little as possible, or it is just a cheap shell around init :P09:28
HailstormHi all, is there a way to log in as root, I need it to install java runtime environment.09:28
stapolits c&p09:28
adaptrLjL: but all this could easily be inferred from *reading the friggin files in event.d* :)09:28
MasterShrekHailstorm use sudo from the command line09:28
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LjLadaptr, upstart doesn't use init-the-program at all... even if it did read some of the configuration files that used to belong to init, how does it make it a shell?09:28
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adaptrI must admit it looks a lot simpler to understand than inittab09:29
faeryNatsukihello boys09:29
adaptrLjL: in a manner of speaking... sigh09:29
frojndI tryed sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg but than something happened: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1967/09:29
HailstormNo, I need to log in, program doesn't work otherwise09:29
IcemanV9frojnd: it is okay. it just had two warnings for you to know.09:29
HailstormI think...09:29
strabesHailstorm: sudo -i09:29
MasterShrekHailstorm u can enable system adminstrator login from gdmsetup09:29
tiolpxe-guys i really would't bicker about upstart its just noth worth it :D09:29
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LjLadaptr, even if it did read (optionally) a lot of information from inittab, would that be so bad? i mean, backwards compatibility is usually nice to have...09:30
faeryNatsukido you know something better than openoffice to do presentations... power point works? openoffice is too slow and had crashed 5 times in less than 20 minutes09:30
strabesHailstorm: sudo -i will log you into a root terminal. is that what you need?09:30
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frojndIcemanV9: zes, but how can I configure x ?09:30
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HailstormYeah, thanks both of you.09:30
strabesanyone know why when i restart my x server with ctrl+alt+backspace in edgy I see the login screen but once I login it hangs?09:30
deafboyfrojnd: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:30
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frojnddeafbot: thx09:31
LjLfaeryNatsuki: try KOffice maybe09:31
adaptrLjL: I assume that that is the intention of the jobs that edgy comes with, yes - but apparently there is now a framework to make the inittab legacy actions obsolete09:31
deafboylol deafboy09:31
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LjLfaeryNatsuki: that is, KPresenter, which is the presentation part09:31
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deafboyanyone know how to get the sessions manager as root?09:31
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deafboychanges i make don't stay changed09:31
miguelwhat the hell... where am I?09:32
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wasshi, I would like to map the key at the the left of the '1' key to '/'  how can I do that with xmodmap ? any help will be appreciated09:32
faeryNatsukiLjL: and KOffice let me export it to ppt?09:32
D7kbI added "1280x1024" to the screens section, but its still using 1024x768, whats the deal?09:32
IcemanV9miguel: #ubuntu09:32
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deafboywass: you can do it with "keyboard shortcuts" in gnome09:32
LjLadaptr: that is, remove support for them? well, in an ideal world, before doing that, a framework should be provided to automatically *port* things that people have customized in /etc/inittab to the new system.09:32
LjLthough it's not quite an ideal world09:32
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LjLfaeryNatsuki: it sure will09:32
adaptrtiolpxe-: I'm not bickering.. much; you just go run at level 3 now, dya hear ?09:32
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LjLUbotu, tell miguel about ubuntu | miguel, see the private message from Ubotu09:32
wassdeafboy : I can access gnome  since my xorg.conf file is screwed09:32
miguelhere... here09:32
Guest796in rsync when I try to send a file from a local machine to a remote host I keep getting mkdir permission denied errors returned from the server... I have checked permissions on the remote server and rsync is running as a daemon as root for testing purposes.... any ideas?09:33
LjLmiguel: you're in the official Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu, on the Freenode network.09:33
adaptrLjL: I guess that's what they plan on.. but for now, if you remove inittab you get runlevel 2 :)09:33
faeryNatsukithanks LjL09:33
adaptrtiolpxe-: you still here ?09:33
deafboywass: then do a sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:33
miguelof course.09:33
tiolpxe-adaptr, certainly am09:33
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miguelso.. is anyone from spain or south america?09:34
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adaptrtiolpxe-: open up /etc/event.d/rc-default and change the "2" in the catchall line to a "3" - that will start in runlevel 3 on the next reboot09:34
wassdeafboy : wont it be easier if I just map the '/' char to a key ?09:34
AlexC_miguel: #ubuntu-offtopic09:34
IcemanV9!es | miguel09:34
ubotumiguel: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.09:34
deafboywass: isn't the '/' char already mapped to a key09:34
LjLfaeryNatsuki: wait, sorry, i take it back... weirdly enough, i do *not* seem to see a PowerPoint output filter in KPresenter. i'd have bet it was there09:34
AlexC_How can I make a directory, say /home/secure-user that not even root has access to? I want it purely so that only the user "secure-user" has access to /home/secure-user09:34
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adaptrAlexC_: not possible09:34
LjLfaeryNatsuki: it can load them apparently, but not save09:34
wassdeafboy : no it isn't  I dunno why09:35
miguelI only want to use msm..09:35
D7kbI added "1280x1024" to the screens section, but its still using 1024x768, whats the deal?09:35
tiolpxe-adaptr, cheers i'll try that i personally would have looked for a 5 to a 309:35
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deafboywass: maybe it's using the wrong keryboard setup09:35
wassat least, I can't find where it is since I tried all the ways possible09:35
LjLadaptr: if you install edgy from scratch, there is no inittab to remove at all - and yes, it runs in rl 209:35
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strabesD7kb: have you installed the newest video card drivers? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Video09:35
adaptrtiolpxe-: debian ( and hence *buntu) has always used level 2 for all multiuser logins - I was used to 5 as well, with Red Hat09:35
AlexC_adaptr: I see. It's just i'm about to make my home box a web server and I have some files I really don't want to risk loosing, or geting stolen. So I thought if I made it so only that user, a different user to what I normally use, only had access it would make it secure09:35
deafboyD7kb: "ctrl+alt+backspace"09:35
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D7kbdeafboy: did that09:35
wassdeafboy : all the other keys are just PERFECT ... there's only the '/' key  wrong09:36
timocan wine be installed by doing 2sudo apt-get install wine09:36
adaptrLjL: I know, but many people - lik emyself - have upgraded, and presumably upstart will never *remove* inittab, since it does not know if it has been changed manually09:36
LjLtimo: yes09:36
deafboyD7kb did you put it the write section, aka under 24 bit color?09:36
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tiolpxe-right gonna reboot be back in a few mins09:36
D7kbdeafboy: I put it under all of them09:36
tiolpxe-adaptr,  thnx again09:36
deafboywass: sorry bud don't know what to tell you, i would still do a "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg)09:36
adaptrAlexC_: if you want your personal files absoluetly safe, do *not* put them on a web server09:36
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deafboyD7kb: what driver are you using?09:37
adaptrtioand there's no "trying" about it - believe me :)09:37
faeryNatsukiLjL... there's no ppt exporter in Kpresenter? :'(09:37
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timoLjL:surprise suprise E: Package wine has no installation candidate09:37
adaptrfaeryNatsuki: there would be in openoffice09:37
deafboyLjl: do you know how to obtain root access in the sessions manager?09:37
LjLadaptr: which is reasonable enough... however, the *only* thing it seems to look for is the default runlevel, so if you change any *other* things manually, they would would discarded anyway09:37
faeryNatsukibut if ic ant make it in open-whatever- and then open in openoffice just to export is good enough for me :)09:37
LjLtimo: then enable universe09:37
LjLUbotu, tell timo about repositories | timo, see the private message from Ubotu09:37
LjLUbotu, tell timo about packages | timo, see the private message from Ubotu09:38
adaptrLjL: that is only in rc-default - haven't looked at the other files yet09:38
D7kbdeafboy: it apears I am using via, perhaps I should use openchrome09:38
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faeryNatsukibut openoffice is craching a lot, i can't continue working in this way09:38
D7kbis openchrome included in ubuntu?09:38
timothank you09:38
LjLadaptr: i've done a grep -R inittab /etc/event.d/*, and it only appears there and in rcS-sulogin09:38
HardDisk_WPi heard you have dx9 / 10 libs for WINE09:38
deafboyD7Kb: what is your card?09:38
AlexC_adaptr: the files wont be in the web server directory, they will still live in /home/alex09:38
LjLadaptr: (where it does the same thing)09:38
HardDisk_WPany way to use them @ debian??09:38
D7kbdeafboy: via epia onboard thing09:38
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LjLfaeryNatsuki: apparently not. that surprises me...09:38
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timowine for 64 systems09:38
deafboyD7kb: I'd say changing your graphics driver, do you know how you broke X?09:38
D7kbdeafboy: I didn't break it, I'm trying to make it better09:39
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LjLfaeryNatsuki: you can still always (at least in theory) work in KPresenter, save as OpenDocument, and then load it in OpenOffice and save as PowerPoint09:39
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HardDisk_WPtim__b, only for 64bit? no dx9 for 32bit?09:39
LjLfaeryNatsuki: seems a bit 1) annoying and 2) prone to conversion problems though09:39
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kleftisxhello how can i a update aMSN to its new version 0,96??09:39
deafboydoes anyone know how to gain root access in the session manager under gnome?09:39
faeryNatsukithanks LjL i'll give it a try09:39
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tuna-fish-7j #wine09:40
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HardDisk_WP* #wine :You can't join that many channels09:40
rabid_emudeafbou: open it from terminal with gksudo?09:40
tim__bwahhh, to highlights, HardDisk_WP watch you nick completer ;)09:40
deafboyrabid_emu: what's the name of it then lol?09:40
HardDisk_WPtim__b, sry...09:40
deafboyrabid_emu: i have no idea :( lol09:40
rabid_emudeafboy, not sure, apropos session-manager maybe?09:40
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adaptrLjL: I concur :)09:41
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timo HardDisk_WP:09:41
HardDisk_WPtimo, ya?09:41
adaptrAlexC_: then why do you need the files on there ?09:41
rabid_emudeafboy: I'm willing to bet it's something like gnome-session-manager09:41
adaptrAlexC_: and if you own the machine, why not store them in root's home directory - chmod them to 000009:42
timoHardDisk_WP: who are you09:42
deafboyrabid_emu: just tried it and it wouldn't open09:42
AlexC_adaptr: that's a good idea,09:42
HardDisk_WPtimo, a Debian user09:42
chervai have a little very annoying problem... in all linux distros I've used all can play sound from only one source (ex. amarok and cant call on skype or no sound when playing flash file) is this fixable ???09:42
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D7kbhmm, how do I get openchrome to work?09:42
deafboyrabid_emu: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.09:42
deafboy** (gnome-session-properties:10970): CRITICAL **: gsm_protocol_new: assertion `GNOME_CLIENT_CONNECTED (gnome_client)' failed09:42
adaptrAlexC_: how do you intend to access these files ?09:42
AlexC_adaptr: through a simple web interface,09:43
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deafboyrabid_emu: what im wondering is why when i make changes to the session manager is that they don't stay, and i can't remove the programs in there09:43
Akuma_how can i get a list of hardware specs?09:43
adaptrAlexC_: you can't, unless they *are* accessible with apache - which you said they won't be09:43
adaptrAlexC_: you're asking for the logically impossible09:43
frojndExperienced users can use any variant supported by the selected XKB layout.  If the xkeyboard-config package has been unpacked, see   09:43
frojnd   the /etc/X11/xkb/symbols directory for the file corresponding to your selected layout for available variants.09:43
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rabid_emudeafboy: got me, sorry.09:43
fnord123hi all. i have some driver issues, i think. my audio has a buzzing in it. is there an automated way to have something like synaptic look online for a more appropriate driver?09:44
frojndI entered /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/si09:44
AlexC_adaptr: the files I want to host are non-personal/important. But I do have important files in /home/alex - I just don't want to risk someone hacking into my box and somehow getting access to /home/alex and deleting them09:44
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deafboyrabid_emu: damn lol09:44
frojndand what am I looking for09:44
fnord123also, my video is choppy. i suspect my video driver is suboptimal09:44
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timoHardDisk_WP: philosophers what to know , "who are you"09:44
deafboyrabid_emu: this is the only problem i have left with ubuntu lol09:44
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darklinucping all09:44
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HardDisk_WPtimo, ??09:45
rabid_emudeafboy: run 'locate sessions', there's some directory that contains config files for sessions that you can edit09:45
frojndExperienced users can use any variant supported by the selected XKB layout.  If the xkeyboard-config package has been unpacked, seethe /etc/X11/xkb/symbols directory for the file corresponding to your selected layout for available variants.    I eneterd /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/si couse I an from slovenia... now I am in si file and what am I looking for?09:45
timoHardDisk_WP:i missed that , dabian user you say09:46
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HardDisk_WPtimo, ya09:46
chris1932Hi all -- does anyone have Flash 9 working in Firefox? I have flashplugin-nonfree v. 9 installed through Synaptic, but am still having problems.09:46
=== wolfwalker [n=sIRC@75-120-196-9.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
kleftisxhello how can i a update aMSN to its new version 0,96??09:46
ben_mchris1932 it works for me09:46
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wolfwalkerQuestion: Are there any good trackers (music composers) for Linux?09:47
chris1932hi ben_m: what packages do you have installed?09:47
wasskleftisx : www.amsn-project.com   download it and install it09:47
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timohows debian these days09:47
tiolpxeadaptr, tried it and it didnt work unfortunately09:47
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adaptrtiolpxe: what do you mean ?09:47
kleftisxwass : i have try it but amsn does not get installed09:47
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wasskleftisx : how do u install it ?09:48
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ben_mchris1932 flashplugin-nonfree09:48
iankesterhaneywhere can i go to get help with apt and dpkg?09:48
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__SeanIf a file is set to read only though windows, can I take read only off through linux>09:48
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tiolpxeadaptr, tried getting it to boot to runlevel 3 but it came straight back to the gdm09:48
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rabid_emuI hate that there is no runlevel 3 in ubuntu09:48
faeryNatsukii need a stable version of openoffice09:48
kleftisxwass : manualy09:48
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jethro_Trying to use gksu to open a gui app as another user.  This works for root, but not for another user.  I used to use gksuexec but that isn't available in 6.10.  The -d option shows that it is trying to open the app but gets X Can't open display errors.  I also notice that it asks for my password while gksuexec used to ask for the other user's password.  Any ideas?09:49
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chris1932ben_m: thanks for the answer. is there anything else? my flashplugin-nonfree works initially, but then i restart firefox and i'm back to Flash 7. flasplugin-nonfree still shows up as installed in Synaptic, though. Is there some other additional plugin that you know of?09:49
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gh0sthello, i kind of messed up my sources.list and didn't backup, so ANYONE CAN GIVE ME A CLEAN SOURCES.LIST? thanks!09:50
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ben_mI think you have to move the flashplayer in the correct plugin folder or something ...09:50
JamesGSpeaking of flash 9, does anyone know any sites which specifically don't work unless you have 9? Would be nice to check to see it working properly.09:50
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rabid_emuchris: uninstall flashplugin-nonfree, then go to something like youtube and it'll tell you to install a flashplayer from adobe's site.  that way works great for me09:50
=== arron [n=arron@cpc2-leed10-0-0-cust739.leed.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
ben_mwww.gotoandlearn.com needs flashplayer > 709:50
wolfwalkerAnyone have an answer on the tracker question?09:50
arronHello I need help09:50
chris1932JamesG: try this site (it's sweet, btw): http://simplisticsmovielinks.blogspot.com/2006/12/van-wilder.html09:50
adaptrtiolpxe: yes - why ?09:51
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arronwhen i try install anything it says broken package and when i try fix it it says it cant09:51
rabid_emudownloading flash9 from adobe for linux will do it09:51
Squee-DHey guys, is there a good guide for building pre-bundled install cd's for ubuntu? I want to build our app servers from a cd with a copy of our software and all dependant packages.09:51
ben_mchris1932 maybe this helps you: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FlashPlayer9?highlight=%28Flash%2909:51
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arronThe following packages have unmet dependencies:09:51
arron  libfontconfig1: Depends: fontconfig-config (= 2.3.2-7ubuntu2) but 2.4.1-2 is installed09:51
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deafboyrabid_emu: can you delete startup programs in your startup manager?09:52
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benkillinMy 6.10 Server install isn't picking up DNS anymore, it won't resolve hosts anymore. how do I fix it?09:52
deafboyrabid_emu: it won't let me09:52
adaptr!ubiquity | Squee-D09:52
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ubotuubiquity: Ubuntu live CD installer. In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.5 (edgy), package size 1594 kB, installed size 6188 kB09:52
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rabid_emudeafboy: you should be able to, yes09:52
JamesGben_m: Huh, cool site. Thanks for the link. Works fine.. and rmb -> menu shows flash 9 as the version.09:52
chris1932thanks rabid_emu! i'll give that a shot. thanks for the link, ben_m.09:52
deafboydeafboy: I can't delete 4 out of the 5 programs09:52
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deafboyrabid_emu: I can't delete 4 out of the 5 programs09:52
adaptrSquee-D: there's also a package that lets you build the livecd structure; can't remember the name right now09:52
wolfwalkerSquee-D: Just download the .iso file and burn it off as an image disc09:53
=== FlyingSquirrel32 [n=jared@exchange2.dglaw.com] has joined #ubuntu
killuxi tried vlc totem and mplayer and nothing can play an avi file i have09:53
Taime1do i need to uninstall the old flash plugin to install a new one from adobe's site?09:53
killuxany help?09:53
darklinuxany help?09:53
Taime1i have the same problem killux09:53
adaptrwolfwalker: did you even read his question ?09:53
rabid_emuTaimel, yes09:53
ben_mkillux what exactly is the error?09:53
deafboykillux: install codecs09:53
darklinuxu need codec09:54
deafboyrabid_emu: can you mess with ALL of yours, i can't edit or delete any09:54
ben_mVLC has most codecs built-in.09:54
darklinuxplus most avi is devx09:54
darklinuxu need codec09:54
killuxyea VLC can only play the avi sound09:54
killuxno video09:54
rabid_emudeafboy: not sure tbh, I'm running kubuntu feisty right now so I can't test it atm09:54
gh0sthello, i kind of messed up my sources.list and didn't backup, so ANYONE CAN GIVE ME A CLEAN SOURCES.LIST? thanks!09:54
ben_mTry open the video twice.09:54
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AlexC_I've just set up LAMP on my box, it all works fine (I can access it localy by going to http://localhost) but if I try my real IP I just get "Unable to connect" in firefox, why is this?09:54
gh0stcan post it in pastebin09:54
Taime1do i need to uninstall the old flash plugin to install a new one from adobe's site?09:54
ben_mOpen the video twice.09:54
darklinuxwait u can use easy ubuntu09:54
ben_mOne should have an image.09:54
deafboyrabid_emu: do you know where to manager users in gnome?09:54
FlyingSquirrel32I always access file shares on windows computers in nautilus like this: smb://domain;username@computer/share  is there a way I can get it to use a certain domain, username and password by default?09:54
darklinuxit helps09:55
rabid_emuTaimel: yeah uninstall the one from the repos before installing flash9 from adobe09:55
Squee-Dadaptr thanks for the pointers, wolfwalker im not sure you paid any attention to my question :)09:55
rabid_emudeafboy: it's in admin-> users + groups right?09:55
benkillinI figured out my problem: something overwrote my /etc/resolv.conf so I put in the servers again09:55
Taime1well, actually rabid, i currently have an adobe one installed09:55
darklinuxdefian premissions09:55
VluidAlexC_: good firewall09:55
rabid_emuTaimel: which version09:55
Taime1so should the new one just take care of the old one?09:55
killuxno luck09:55
ben_mhmm, works for me.09:55
Taime1didnt final come out today or yesterday?09:55
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AlexC_Vluid: hehe, I am behind a router .... I take it that's why?09:56
wolfwalkerSquee-D: Fair trade, nobody could answer mine either :/ Sorry bout that though, I thought you were asking how to make an image cd of ubuntu.09:56
adaptrAlexC_: what do you mean by "real IP " ?09:56
killuxben_m like open it then open another vlc and open the same file?09:56
darklinuxno dhcp09:56
killuxdid it no luck09:56
AlexC_adaptr: like 86.128.***.***09:56
darklinuxsimple and easy09:56
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ben_mworks for me :(09:56
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deafboyrabid_emu: yeah it is, I'm dumb lol09:56
Taime1killux, ben_m, i have all codecs installed, and i cant get any player on my box to play avi files09:57
wick2oanyone know of a tool that will watch your logs for specific stuff and then fire off an event?09:57
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rabid_emuTaimel: totem plays avi09:57
Taime1not on my box09:57
wick2oive tried grep, but once that event fires once, it will ALWAYS fire each time you grep09:57
ben_mTaime1 you could try open 2 VLCs too :)09:57
killuxnot on my box either09:57
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Taime1actually, no09:57
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Taime1lemme give it a go09:57
=== jens_ [n=jens@86-39-2-212.customer.fulladsl.be] has joined #ubuntu
killuxhow do install the codecs?09:57
__SeanHow do I set read only files set as so from windows as non-read only?09:57
AlexC_adaptr: I got it working. I added port 80 in my "Special Applications" section of my router config09:57
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larr1It appears that the current version of firefox supported under the 6.06 distribution is 1.5.  I need to upgrade to 1.8 or higher for some tax preparation software I want to run  Can I do that easily with ubuntu 6.06 or should I simply upgrade to 6.10 which comes standard with firefox 2.0?09:57
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JamesGwick2o: I use a program called logsurfer09:58
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AlexC_adaptr: not sure if that is secure? should be shouldn't it?09:58
frojndExperienced users can use any variant supported by the selected XKB layout.  If the xkeyboard-config package has been unpacked, seethe /etc/X11/xkb/symbols directory for the file corresponding to your selected layout for available variants.    I eneterd /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/si couse I an from slovenia... now I am in si file and what am I looking for?09:58
=== Roscar [n=ross_@d199-126-242-238.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
Taime1killux, go to mplayerhq.com09:58
cj_hi, how would i disable Xwindows/kde from running on startup?09:58
wick2ojamesg: my goal is to send a sms message to my phone if an error or fatal occurs in my mail.log09:58
Taime1lemme know when you are there09:58
bernie_need help getting toshiba gigabeat to work with amarok09:58
wolfwalkerHmmmmm............. Excuse me y'all, I'll try the bot and see if it knows anything09:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tracker - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:58
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StargazersHi. I upgraded just to Feisty and now my X server won't start. I can't use driver 'nvidia' because there is no kernel module for it (and compiling it won't work) and 'nv' driver always makes my computer hang up (like in edgy and dapper etc). My card is NVidia GeForce MX 440. Any ideas?09:58
killuxTaime1 ok09:58
bigfuzzyjesusi cant get my nvidia card to work, x server tries to load the intel grafix chip, then cant find it, and gives up, i can get cmd but not xserver09:58
JamesGwick2o: logsurfer will take care of the log event part.. assuming you have a means to send SMS, it should be pretty easy to do.09:59
wolfwalkerRats and other comments09:59
=== graft [n=graft@c-66-30-27-29.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xwindows - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:59
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faeryNatsukiLjL: no, kpresenter does not work well, cannot import odp, it has the option, but open empy diapositives when doing that... :(09:59
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JamesGwick2o: http://www.crypt.gen.nz/logsurfer/09:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sequencer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:59
faeryNatsukiany other presentation alternative to openoffice?09:59
jens_Stargazers, had the same problem since last week09:59
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Stargazersjens_: Oh.09:59
AlexC_adaptr: hehe, I whacked my routers firewall to high and it blocked IRC >< - unblocking por80 should be ok shouldn't it?09:59
StargazersHow you made it work?09:59
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wolfwalkerOh well, it tried10:00
killuxTaime1: thenwut?10:00
KeneoI used the beryl howto to install new nvidia driver10:00
Keneoand it works10:00
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FlyingSquirrel32how do I set the default domain, username, and perhaps even password for smb?10:00
cj_hi, how would i disable Xwindows/kde from running on startup? <<<<<<<<<<< Any Idea, i need to know pretty fast.10:00
StargazersKeneo: Mmh...10:00
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about invidia - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:00
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:00
ben_mcj_ search in the rc.local file10:00
=== andrel [n=man@cust-57-137.dsl.versateladsl.be] has joined #ubuntu
rabid_emucj_: start in recovery mode is the easiest way but that'll put you into a root account immediately10:00
VluidAlexC_: you should allow _outgoing_ connections. only incoming should be restricted10:00
cj_what should i add to it?10:00
Taime1one sec, killux10:00
__SeanHow do I set read only files set as so from windows as non-read only?10:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ppt - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:00
ben_mMaybe there's an entry that starts X/kdm10:00
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wolfwalkerCan anyone give me a clue where I could go to ask about linux music trackers?10:01
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phiqtionanybody knows where i can get quality icons from in png or svg format?10:01
deafboyrabid_emu: I can delete things via root, but it STILL doesn't save changes :(10:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about office - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:01
KeneoStargazers, http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Edgy_with_nVidia10:01
=== TheDebugger [n=unknown@bas1-montreal02-1096575548.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
AlexC_Vluid: Ok, I shall do that instea10:01
grafthey, anyone in here use netcat for forwarding ssh connections?10:01
rabid_emudeafboy: odd, sorry I can't really help10:01
LjLcj_: update-rc.d gdm remove, i think10:01
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ubotua free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components.  To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". User help available in #users.openoffice.org10:01
KeneoI just used the script, and it worked10:01
Taime1killux, go to download on the left10:01
andrelhow do i add subtitles (.srt) to an .avi with totem?10:01
=== pontus [n=hubert@p549FD328.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
LjL!msg the bot | faeryNatsuki10:01
ubotufaeryNatsuki: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...10:01
=== whatspy [n=sylvains@mail2.1proprio.com] has joined #ubuntu
StargazersKeneo: Let me see.10:01
Keneo( I got the x server to start with the nv driver first, to use a gui to install it10:01
faeryNatsukii need an alternative to openoffice because openoffice it's slower and unstable10:02
Taime1scroll down till you find binary codec packages section,10:02
=== Drel3 [n=Drel3@21-121.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu
whatspyhi, quick question: how to restart vsftpd to 'digest' the new config file ?10:02
wolfwalkerThanks LjL, I didn't know about that one10:02
graftandrel: use mplayer?10:02
StargazersKeneo: You have Feisty?10:02
Taime1then click on the package that applies to your system10:02
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JamesGwhatspy: kill -HUP perhaps?10:02
KeneoStargazers, the drawback is that it will install bery to10:02
Keneono, edgy10:02
VluidAlexC_: i would restrict only services like samba etc for outgoing interface10:02
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faeryNatsukikoffice it's not msoffice compatible, then i can't use it10:02
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StargazersKeneo: Oh... but I have feisty ^^10:02
Keneoyou are talking about feisty :p10:02
StargazersAnd after that it crashed.10:02
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StargazersYep :)10:02
StargazersNo problem.10:02
=== omong_kosong [n=omong_ko@pD955DD54.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
__SeanHow do I set read only files set as so from windows as non-read only?10:02
killuxTaime1: ok10:02
=== Trevinho [n=Trevi@d83-184-57-77.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu
andrelgraft: ok.but i can only add the subtitles on command line?10:03
phiqtionanybody knows where i can get quality icons from in png or svg format?10:03
Taime1when that files downloads, install it10:03
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jethro_Trying to use gksu to open a gui app as another user. This works for root, but not for another user. I used to use gksuexec but that isn't available in 6.10. The -d option shows that it is trying to open the app but gets X Can't open display errors. I also notice that it asks for my password while gksuexec used to ask for the other user's password. Any help?10:03
Keneobut I had the problem after fresh install of edgy10:03
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Keneoand installing nvidia drivers10:03
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graftandrel: no, if it has the same base name as the movie, it'll pick it up automatically... e.g., Film.avi will look for Film.sub or Film.srt in the same directory10:03
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adaptrAlexC_: does the router assign that public IP to your computer ? or do you have a NATted address inside ?10:03
andrelgraft: ok, thanks i will try that10:03
StargazersKeneo: Well, I hadn't any problems in Edgy with NVidia.10:04
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cj_rabid_emu : what do i add to rc.local?10:04
killuxinstall it how10:04
graftandrel: err sorry has to be .sub, not .srt10:04
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__SeanWho do I change something which is Read Only for root (windows files) into Read and Write?10:04
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__SeanHow do I change something which is Read Only for root (windows files) into Read and Write?10:04
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graft__Sean: man chmod10:04
rabid_emucj_: as far as I know runlevel 3 doesn't work in ubuntu.  the only way I know to boot without starting X is in runlevel 2, which is also 'recovery mode' in grub10:04
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andrelgraft: can i just change the extension or won't that work?10:05
graft__Sean: what are you trying to change?10:05
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freshburndoes anyone use the linuxant HSF drivers?10:05
graftandrel: nah, you can just change the extension, it'll work fine10:05
andrelgraft: ok thanks :)10:05
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cj_rebid_emu so add the RunLevel 2 to rc.local10:05
__Seanall of those to read and write for all10:05
StargazersLet me see... ->10:05
faeryNatsukihelp me please10:05
LjLwhat the heck you're talking about about runlevel 2...10:05
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xwatchrunlevel 3 works for me10:05
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__Seanbecause my windows is getting an error, and that is the solution ( i think)10:05
graft__Sean: i suspect it's read-only because it's mounted read-only, right?10:05
__SeanI guess so? (linux noob)10:06
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rabid_emuxwatch: and how do you start runlevel 3?10:06
Taime1was someone lying to me when they told me flash 9 final came out today?10:06
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__SeanI can't even run the windows disk to restore10:06
graft__Sean: i wouldn't try to fix windows by messing with the mounted filesystem in linux... not likely to help10:06
faeryNatsukii need an alternative to power point, not openoffice.org, not koffice, able to export ppt files, do you know any?10:06
__Seanwell I have no other options10:06
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__Seancant boot regularly, into safe mode, or restore via CD10:07
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cj_Where would i add the Runlevel 2/3? In grub?10:07
andrelgraft: it works :) thank you. do you know maybe a site with some useful mplayer tips and commands?10:07
mister_robotofaeryNatsuki: just curious... why not openoffice? works pretty well10:07
arronsynaptic says i have a broken package and it can't fix it how can i fix it myself?10:07
graftandrel: nope not off the top of my head... the mplayer man page is pretty good though10:07
rabid_emucj_: /boot/grub/menu.lst is probably what you want to edit, assuming you have grub10:07
xwatchinstall sysv-rc-conf, remove gdm from startup, add grub entry10:07
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phiqtionanybody knows where i can get quality icons from in png or svg format?10:08
graftfaeryNatsuki: considered using PDFs?10:08
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andrelgraft: ok thanks.i am now going to watch a movie so bye :)10:08
aalhamadhow can i put the irc in my pannel and close it from my window list (Like MSN)?10:08
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IcemanV9Taime1: no. it is true. it is out.10:08
cj_rebid_emu :What would the init 3 string look like?10:08
Taime1it wont stickin download tho10:08
Tothhi... is there a good way to do volume encryption with ubuntu, or would it be better to just keep data in an encrypted volume or container and leave the rest of the system alone?10:08
mag_is important the oder of the partitions in the instalation ?10:08
rabid_emucj_ ask xwatch :P10:08
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cj_xwatch: walk me trough this please :)10:08
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graft__Sean: you're probably better off in ##windows, eh10:09
__SeanI am there too :-/10:09
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kilimanjaroI still can't get it to boot from my sata disk, even when I use the livecd option to boot from hard disk10:09
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graft__Sean: dunno what to tell you mate... with linux your best bet is just data recovery & reformat, methinks10:10
kilimanjaroIt always hangs on grub stage 1.510:10
faeryNatsukimister_roboto: because open office crashed more than 7 times in the last hour and i'm losing all my work10:10
aalhamadhow can i put the irc in my pannel and close it from my window list (Like MSN)?10:10
__Seankay, thank you.10:10
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graftaalhamad: wth are you talking about? I don't understand...10:10
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mister_robotofaeryNatsuki: i see. that's a good reason :)  if openoffice and koffice are both crashing a lot, you likely have some other problem perhaps?10:10
kilimanjaroadaptr, do you have any other ideas for getting my sata disk working with linux? i wouldn't mind having to boot from a livecd each time, since I don't often turn my computer off. but I don't really know why it always gets stuck on grub 1.510:11
aalhamadclose the irc .. but the irc appears in my pannel..10:11
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faeryNatsukikoffice is not crashing, but cannot import export as well as openoffice can10:11
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adaptrkilimanjaro: not a clue here either - unless  you have very new hardware ? or very weird hardware :)10:11
Akuma_how do i know the max resolution my video card can reach?10:12
cj_What would the init 3 string look like? anybody know?10:12
graftaalhamad: what IRC program?10:12
graftaalhamad: did you try selecting 'quit' from the main menu?10:12
xwatchro init 310:12
kilimanjaroit's probably weird, but it's not new, we have had it for some time (though I had similar problems installing winxp the first time around, I had to have a special driver)10:12
aalhamadif i quit ill close the chat..10:12
graftaalhamad: yeah... isn't that what you want to do?10:12
marshallwhats up everyone10:12
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graftaalhamad: or do you want to make it appear in your system tray?10:13
aalhamadno .. minimize my window and it will not appear..10:13
andrelgraft: sorry to ask something again but do you know maybe how i can make the subtitles go e.g. 5 seconds further in the movie10:13
aalhamadnot apear in my tray..10:13
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aalhamadbut apears on my top pannel..10:13
faeryNatsukithen i have to open windows to do that simple work :'(10:13
aalhamadyou know when you minimize amsn.. it apears on you top pannel10:14
marshallmy gajim notifications through libnotify always appear at the bottom right, i would much prefer if they appeared at the top right (about 25 px from the top actually), does anybody know how i can change this?10:14
graftandrel: erm there's some keyboard control - x and z10:14
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xwatchas in /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.12-10-686 root=/dev/hda2 ro init 310:14
georgyaalhamad : install xchat-systray10:15
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shodanjr_grwhats the command to restart apache?10:15
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graftshodanjr_gr: sudo /etc/init.d/apache restart10:15
shodanjr_grcheers graft10:15
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gh0sthello, i kind of messed up my sources.list and didn't backup, so ANYONE CAN GIVE ME A CLEAN SOURCES.LIST? thanks! (can post it trough pastebin)10:16
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graftarr, no n eed to shout10:16
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freshburndoes anyone use the linuxant HSF drivers?10:16
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kilimanjaromaybe I should try lilo10:16
graftgh0st: it'd help if you told us what you're running10:16
georgygh0st : http://www.bawet.org/linuxinstall10:17
freshburnghost google for source-o-atic10:17
freshburner source-o-matic10:17
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freshburnthats how i fixed my fubar sources.lst10:17
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gh0stgraft: ubuntu edgy10:18
freshburnwhen i enter "administrator mode" to change things in system settings or when i open adept it used to ask me my password and now it doesnt, does anyone know why? and how to change it back? i run kubuntu edgy10:18
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aalhamad i've installed xchat-systray .. what shall i do next?10:18
gh0stgeorgy: thanks10:18
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graftfreshburn: maybe you still have sudo tickets active when you open it?10:19
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Brandanoany chance that future Ubuntu releases will detect highpoint fakeraid controllers and install lilo instead of grub?10:19
freshburnwhats that mean?10:19
FlyingSquirrel32how can I set the default domain/username/password when I'm connecting to windows shares from my ubuntu machine?10:19
FlyingSquirrel32I'd like to type smb://server/share  instead of smb://domain;user@server/share10:19
gh0stgeorgy: but unfortunately not clean/default10:19
graftfreshburn: um, when you use 'sudo', or kdesu, it gives you a ticket saying you can sudo without entering a password for ~15 minutes10:19
gh0stgraft: you have a default sources.list?10:19
georgygh0st : ?10:20
faeryNatsukii'll change my question10:20
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chris1932hello everyone. I just installed the Flash 9 browser from the Adobe website, but when I restart Firefox, my Flash player is version 7. Any ideas on how to fix this?10:20
faeryNatsukimy openoffice is working bad, it crashes a lot10:20
freshburnso like if i just logged in it wont ask for first 15 mins?10:20
adaptrFlyingSquirrel32: I'd like to type #blow_me and have it produce hot wimmin... alas, no such luck :)10:20
faeryNatsukiit's is related to the version?10:20
faeryNatsukiany fix?10:20
gh0stgeorgy: is "deb http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/ edgy free non-free" default?10:20
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FurryNemesischris1932, known bug, I think10:20
freshburnghost no its not a default10:20
georgyghOst : working fine, just install gpg key10:21
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chris1932thanks FurryNemesis -- are there any fixes?10:21
gh0stfreshburn: you have a default one, or now how to restore it?10:21
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FurryNemesischris1932, it should work as flash 7 or 8, not sure - not that I know of, try the forums10:21
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freshburnsource-o-matic google for it its a website thingy that does it for you10:21
freshburnlike i said, its how i fixed mine after i screwed it up10:21
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graftfreshburn: no, after you first use sudo - logging in does nothing10:22
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freshburngraft: so like if i just logged in it wont ask for first 15 mins?10:22
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kupesoftMy /etc/passwd file 5 entry (usename) is "Name, Room Number, Work Phone, Home Phone, Other".  How can I set up my system to just store and have "adduser" ask for just the person's name.10:22
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gh0stfreshburn:  source-o-matic did it thanks10:22
FurryNemesischris1932, it should work as flash 7 or 8, not sure - not that I know of, try the forums10:23
n2diykupesoft: try adduser username10:23
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EnverexWhy can't I find the Feisty repo list "anywhere"? (yes, I know it's still testing)10:24
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Tothdoes anyone know how i would go about setting up volume encryption in ubuntu?10:24
TiG4*** I just installed Fluxbox, however, I do not know how to edit my network settings, i.e. my IP, DHCP, etc. Can anyone help?10:24
freshburngraft: thats not it then because it never asks, not ever10:24
chris1932thanks FurryNemesis! I'm reading the forums now.10:24
EnverexToth, hehehe, I read that and thought "why would anyone need to encrypt their sound levels?"10:24
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adaptrcryptofs | Toth10:25
TothEnverex heh :-)10:25
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adaptrcryptfs | toth10:25
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adaptris the bot dead ?10:25
n2diy! fr10:25
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.10:25
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Tothadaptr can that be done on the root drive, or is that just something i'd have to use another partition for?10:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cryptfs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:25
adaptroh.. okay10:25
adaptrToth: you'd have to apply some bad voodoo to encrypt your root system, but yeah, I'm sure it can be done10:26
Tothadaptr gotcha, so google cryptfs then :-D10:26
adaptrToth: I googled recently, there are at least 4 or 5 different solutions available10:26
freshburngraft: is it because i changed the root password and enabled root to be able to login?10:26
Tothadaptr ok cool, thanks10:26
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freshburnp.s. please dont yell at me i know, dont do that lol10:27
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CowzRuleCould someone point me to info on the command line options for the alternate install cd?10:27
graftfreshburn: nein, s houldn't be it... did you put yourself in sudoers for adept, maybe?10:27
adaptrCowzRule: you're not connected to the internet when booted ?10:27
freshburncowzrule i think when you boot with it pressing F1 gives you the options10:27
freshburngraft: nope, all i did different was enable root10:27
beg1689so many people.... i just have a quick question, im trying to compile something but it needs gtk+-2.0 and i dont see it in synaptic, any idea where to get it?10:28
Defendthis is ticking me off why is it not loading my initrd file from my menu list entry !!! it isnt loading lvm so it cant find rooT!!!10:28
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freshburnis there a group for changing that, im not a member of root but i am a member of admin and sudo groups10:28
graftfreshburn: logging in as root is usually a bad idea, eh10:28
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freshburnp.s. please dont yell at me i know, dont do that lol10:28
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.10:28
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marlunWhat was the url for the guide on what to install to make webcam work in Ubuntu?10:29
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CowzRuleI'm trying to help someone install and it seems that there is a compatibility problem with their motherboards chipset10:29
aalhamadhow to make the plugins work in xchat?10:29
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graftbeg1689: libgtk2.0-dev10:29
beg1689thaqnk you10:29
CowzRuleSo i'm wondering if there's a web page that lists the different options10:30
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graftfreshburn: okay, so, you've just logged in - you hit alt-f2 and type adept, and it works?10:30
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adaptrCowzRule: do you mean *for* booting the install CD ? just press one of the function keys, like it tells you to.. but you could try starting with "noapic nolapic"10:30
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kupesoftWhen I run "adduser", it collects the following information about a new user: {Name, Room Number, Work Phone, Home Phone, Other} stores it in a comma-delimited fashion in /etc/passwd.  Where can I add or subtract items from that list?  I want to only collect the user's name.10:31
lassehi. i want to start an application like azureus on the remote machines X  from ssh. how do i do this?10:31
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freshburngraft yup10:31
graftkupesoft: just leave 'em blank... that's standard unix stuff from way back10:31
Robin_MacMiniDoes anyone know how well the new Steam version is running under WINE10:31
CowzRuleThanks adapt10:31
kupesoftgraft: Can I change that stuff?10:31
graftkupesoft: man chfn10:31
JamesGkupesoft: Or just use 'useradd'.. 'useradd foo' adds a user named foo and leaves the other stuff blank.10:31
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graftfie on useradd!10:32
adaptrJamesG: that depends on sane defaults.. an unsuspecting first-timer could be left without a home directory or shell....10:32
JamesGadaptr: I was about to say, don't forget -m10:32
lasseor more like: i have computer A and computer B, i want to ssh from computer A to computer B and start azureus running on B's X11.10:32
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georgylasse : use X option --> ssh  -X user@computer10:33
graftlasse: ForwardX11 option10:33
adaptrlasse: just add -display :0 to the command10:33
graftlasse: but it has to be enabled in A's sshd.conf10:33
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drja1anyone want to take a stab at this error10:33
adaptrgraft: he never said he is running *from* X, nor does he say he wants to connect to X10:33
drja1E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)10:33
drja1E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?10:33
lassegraft: ill go with adaptrs solution10:33
lasseadaptr, thanks10:34
graftadaptr: ah duh, good call10:34
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adaptrgraft: no clue what he'll do with an azureus that he cannot control, but hey :)10:34
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graftadaptr: yeah, was just about to ask that :P10:34
lasseadaptr, so it would be like $ azureus -display :0         ?10:34
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adaptrgraft: well, he could just want to start seeding10:34
n2diydrja1: make sure update and synaptic aren't running.10:34
drja1lol yeah they are thanks10:35
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drja1DUHHHH what a bonehead i am:)10:35
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freshburnmy "sudoers" file has a little lock on its icon, how do i read/edit it?10:35
KyralYou gotta be root10:35
graftand you should probably use visudoers10:35
georgyand use visudo10:35
graftor whatever!10:36
adaptrlasse: or you may have to set DISPLAY, like so: DISPLAY=:0.0 azureus10:36
freshburnthats the kind of stuff that made me enable the root account10:36
adaptrlasse: you should us ethat whenever the program you want to run does not support a -display option10:36
freshburnso alt-f2 and kdesu kate sudoers10:36
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graftfreshburn: taht's why linux has no viruses and windoze does... learn to love it10:36
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Random_Transithas anyone here ever tried using WebDAV on ubuntu?10:36
adaptrfreshburn: sudo visudo sudoers :)10:36
lmosherI need help connecting to a wpa2 enterprise network (my school network). I'm following the directions for windows, but some of the fields are not available in the NetworkManager app. i.e. to use PAP. I should also be downloading the cert, but there's no place to enter that info.10:36
lasseadaptr, i get an error so I guess it isnt supported10:36
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adaptrfreshburn: you DO NOT want to edit sudoers directly10:37
adaptrfreshburn: use the magic triplet I gave you10:37
Kyralgraft: Sudo != the reason Linux is free of virii10:37
freshburnwhats the gui for it?10:37
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lmosherI attempted to use wpa_supplicant. This seems to auth ok and downloads the certs, but it doesn't actually connect... Not sure if I need to do anything else.10:37
Kyralfreshburn: non10:37
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Kyralfreshburn: sudo visudo10:37
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adaptrfreshburn: vi is the gui for it10:37
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Botkini`m Russian!! :-) hi, peoples!10:37
graftKyral: yeah, but secure administration is a big part of it10:37
Kyraladaptr: So does that mean there is a nanosudo and emacssudo :D10:37
Kyralgraft: Obviously10:37
freshburnkyral even tho i have kubuntu and was told to use kdesu for stuff like that10:38
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KyralSudo does have its use10:38
adaptrKyral: nope; vi is king.. vi is the oldest10:38
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graftfreshburn: kdesu = sudo10:38
n2diy! ru | Botking FYI10:38
Kyrallike mounting Crypto partitions10:38
ubotuBotking FYI:    #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke10:38
Kyraladaptr: It was meant to be a horrible joke10:38
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jhai1What application do people advise for creating a video on DVD?10:38
freshburngraft and even that doesnt ask me for my passwrd anymore10:38
raveneyehmmm someone is talking jibberish again10:38
adaptrfreshburn: you use sudo only from a commandline - if you try to use it in X it won't get a proper environment10:38
Slartadaptr: you're not starting that old discussion again, are you ? =)10:38
graftfreshburn: yeah, um, well, maybe when you edit your sudoers file you'll find out why :P10:39
dustyHi folks, Ive just downloaded icecast2 and ices2 for dapper.10:39
adaptrfreshburn: use kdesu or gksudo from a desktop10:39
KyralI didn't mean to start the Holy War10:39
freshburnlooks like the bot is back from russia10:39
KyralI meant to make a very bad joke :D10:39
Botkin#ubuntu-ru sleep :-(((10:39
Goshawould it be any problems for me installing kubuntu on my ubuntu and xubuntu?10:39
adaptryou cannot start the Holy War ! it never ended ! :)10:39
freshburnadaptr so from katapult?10:39
KyralGosha: You mean KDE?10:39
dustyThere is supposed to be a /etc/icecast2/icecast.xml10:39
linux_kidI have a Lexmark X2250 printer and it's networked as "Printer2" over my SMB network "Mshome".  I've tried the Printer Setup Wizard, but it won't seem to work.  Any Ideas..?10:39
max__i am running ubuntu 6.10. after a a couple of days of system up it becomes very slow - what do I do?? does it have anything to do with cache at about 100%??10:39
GoshaKyral: yes10:39
estupendoceroI have a dependency problem: I want to install VLC, but it won't let me because it depends on: libdbus 1-1 which doesn't exist, and wxvlc, which "won't be installed". Any suggestions?10:39
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KyralGosha: No problems there10:39
Flannelfreshburn: kdesu and gksudo are for graphical apps.  sudo is for non-graphical apps.  It caches passwords (I believe default is 10 minuteS) which is why it's not asking oyu a second time10:40
graftlinux_kid: install cups10:40
adaptrfreshburn: kata-whata >10:40
linux_kidgraft: I have cups10:40
KyralGosha: Its good to have multiple WMs...gives varieity to life :D10:40
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Botkin1014 users! respeekt!10:40
graftlinux_kid: oh wait, smb network... hrm10:40
Goshashould i install kde, or kubuntu? .. ( in case kubuntu has something special just fo ubuntu or something )10:40
freshburnflannel it never asks the first time, ever10:40
dustythe /etc/default/icecast2 said to edit it.. but.. its not installed there.10:40
KyralGosha: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop10:40
SlartGosha: eh.. what do you have now?10:40
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KyralHe said Xubuntu and Ubuntu10:40
freshburnsudo, kdesu, clicking the "administrator mode" button nothing asks for my password ever except when i log in10:40
FlannelGosha: kubuntu-desktop is the same as ubuntu-desktop, it installs the kubuntu version of KDE's apps10:40
Goshaubuntu and xubuntu ( using ubuntu now)10:40
Kyralso I assume GNOME and XFCE10:41
userundefineGosha, kunutu-desktop is a larger metapackage of many little parts.  kde-base is just pure KDE, faster too from what I hear10:41
pengulorddoes the 32 bit apps work on the 64 bit os??10:41
SlartGosha: and Kyral's answer was even better10:41
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dustyxubuntu is nice10:41
Goshayes, gnome and xfce10:41
Kyralthis is why I call it Meta-buntu10:41
max__i am running ubuntu 6.10. after a a couple of days of system up it becomes very slow - what do I do?? does it have anything to do with cache at about 100%??10:41
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Flanneluserundefine, Gosha, KDE has different default apps than kubuntu, just like ubuntu-desktop vs gnome (ubuntu uses firefox, gnome uses epiphany, for instance)10:41
Brandanoanyone got pointers for installing a Sounblaster AWE64 Gold IsaPnP soundcard?10:41
Kyralmax__: Cache will always be at 100%10:41
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Goshaeh.. ?10:41
pengulordtry cooling the computer down10:42
Kyralmax__: Linux caches memory VERY aggressively10:42
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KyralFlannel: We just confused him10:42
linux_kidmax__: i would just reinstall.... only because it has been a few days.  I would also make sure you have twice as much SWAP as you have RAM10:42
Gosha... you certianly did10:42
dustySo no takers on me icecast query? Will try back later.10:42
Botkinok. bay bay10:42
freshburnmax i have edgy installed on a couple desktops and a laptop for 2 weeks now and its still very responsive, i LOVE kubuntu edgy10:42
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Kyralthe kde package10:42
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Kyralit is KDE10:42
lmosherI need help connecting to a wpa2 enterprise network (my school network). I'm following the directions for windows, but some of the fields are not available in the NetworkManager app. i.e. to use PAP. I should also be downloading the cert, but there's no place to enter that info.10:42
estupendoceroI can't install VLC because of dependency problems- is this the right place to ask about it?10:42
Kyralits KDE + Extras10:42
FlannelGosha: installing kubuntu-desktop will not interfere with your current setup, you have nothing to worry about10:42
max__thanks ppl10:43
Gosha.. what will change and what not?10:43
FlannelKyral: no, it's KDE -somestuff +someotherstuff10:43
Slartestupendocero: this would be it.. I don't have an answer for you though.. perhaps someone else10:43
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max__yes, I will probably increase the swap...10:43
aalhamadhow can i enable a plugin on Xchat?10:43
KyralFlannel: You sure its all of the KDE Split Packages10:43
FlannelGosha: you'll be able to log into Kubuntu, just like you can currently log into Gnome or XFCE10:43
linux_kidGosha: "kubuntu-desktop" will change your login window, and splash to the KDE default10:43
freshburnflannel so no ideas why it NEVER asks me my password anymore? it did like the first 2 days then it just stopped10:43
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estupendoceroSlart, thanks anyhow - I'll figure it out10:43
afiefmax__: As far as i know you can make swap files which are almost as efficient as swap partitions10:44
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Flannelfreshburn: does sudo ask for your password?10:44
Kyrallinux_kid: Actually it pops up a NCurses menu asking :D10:44
linux_kidKyral: i must have missed that...10:44
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Slartaalhamad: are you using gnome-xchat? or regular xchat?10:44
black_13is possible to place mp3 (i have purchased) onto an ipod shuffle10:44
Slartblack_13: try amarok10:44
Kyrallinux_kid: Well if it detects GDM10:44
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freshburnflannel sudo does not10:45
freshburnflannel and neither does kdesu10:45
graftfreshburn: what's your sudoers file look like?10:45
Flannelfreshburn: then you mustve tweaked your config to never ask for your password10:45
Goshawould it be: "startkde --:1"? or something?10:45
black_13Slart yeah im using amarok right now to listen to a cd10:45
Slartblack_13: there are probably other ipod-aware media players out there.. Amarok is just one10:45
linux_kid!ipod | black_1310:45
ubotublack_13: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod10:45
freshburnflannel and where would i have done this?10:45
adaptrfreshburn: then you have a nopassword somewhere in .etc.sudoers10:45
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FlannelGosha: no, you'll choose at GDM/KDM/XDM (the login window) which environment you want to log into, under "session"10:45
max__<afief> yes I heard that but still strange - I have 1 gig memory + 1 gig swap and do only web surfing now...10:45
estupendoceroVLC won't install because it depends on libdbus 1-1, which doesn't exist, and wxvlc, which seems to have reciprocal dependency with VLC. Help!10:45
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Goshai know .. but incase i want to start it on another screen?10:46
Flannelmax__: that should be fine.  swap wise10:46
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freshburncould it have been in kdmrc file10:46
freshburnbecause thats the only one ive changed10:46
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afiefmax__ well i only have 512MB of each, with beryl and everything installed and it's still very responsive10:46
max__<Flannel> at least I know now that 100% cash is OK :)10:46
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black_13iinux_boy (nice name) thanks for the info10:47
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deafboydoes anyone know what config file gnome-session-properties uses?10:47
max__<afief> have not got beryl - got a laptop and s3 graphics - that sucks..10:47
Slartestupendocero: try installing vlc-nox instead10:47
deafboybecause when i make changes it doesn't say there10:47
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fnord123hi can i check which kernel is installed? i want to see if i have smp kernel10:47
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estupendoceroSlart, will do10:47
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selahonefnord123 use "uname -a" without the quotes in a terminal window.10:48
n2diyfnord123: uname -a10:48
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freshburnmy sudoers file contains the root=all entry and the admin=can sudo entry but no nopasswd entry in entire file10:48
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Goshanot startkde --:1?10:48
afiefmax__, ha... s3, well I got ATI which i think is a bit better. perhaps you should try some less demanding desktop environments. XFCE is very good, and ION3 is my favorite(but it's a bit advanced)10:48
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graftfreshburn: timeout?10:48
fnord123thanks. if i dont see smp in the report, then the smp kernel isn't there?10:48
estupendoceroSlart, synaptic hasn't heard of that one - checking internets10:48
freshburntimeout what?10:49
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graftfreshburn: did you mess with your sytem clock?10:49
Gosha... eh, gdm or kdm .. oh, is that the login screen?10:49
FlannelGosha: there'll be some command like that.  I don't know what it is.10:49
adaptrdeafboy: in ~/.gnome2/session10:49
Slartestupendocero: what kind of ubuntu are you running? 64bit? 32 bit?10:49
graftfreshburn: type sudo -k, and then see if sudo asks for a password10:49
FlannelGosha: yeah, GDM/XDM/KDM is the login screen10:49
freshburnno i set the time... whats that do with it10:49
lmosherAnyone understand how to connect to wpa2 networks? Help?10:49
ubotuvlc-nox: multimedia player and streamer (without X support). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6-svn20061012.debian-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 4038 kB, installed size 11060 kB10:49
Slartestupendocero: ah.. have you enabled universe and multiverse?10:49
freshburngraft no it doesnt10:49
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n2diy! wpa10:49
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:49
graftfreshburn: err, try sudo -K10:49
graftfreshburn: and then sudo -i10:50
estupendoceroSlart, I think so, lemme check10:50
selahonefnord123 check out: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8591710:50
max__<afief>well the problem is that it is not constantly slow.. it IS very and responsive most of the time but sometimes slows down without apparent reason10:50
Goshawhat does DM stand for?10:50
utopiohi people!10:50
freshburngraft nope still doesnt10:50
FlannelGosha: display manager10:50
linux_kidGosha: desktop manager10:50
graftfreshburn: um, you're not logged in as root, are you?10:50
n2diy! wpa | lmosher10:50
ubotulmosher: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:50
freshburngraft nope i checked that too10:50
adaptrGosha: Display Manager, possibly10:50
freshburnshell prompt is a $ not a #10:50
adaptrfreshburn: good !10:50
afiefmax__, perhaps you should (if you use gnome) keep the system monitor applet at hand...10:50
Gosha.. well, i get it i think .. they're pretty similiar10:51
utopioi've got a crc error at boot (fresh install) and according to memtest86 my ram is ok... may i have a broken hd? any other idea?10:51
estupendoceroSlart, dude wtf!!! I swear I had universe and multiverse enabled!!! oops10:51
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afiefmax__, I know FireFox leaks a good deal of memory, I use Epiphany instead, it's a bit better10:51
Slartestupendocero: that's probably why the regular install didn't work either.. try again =)10:51
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n2diyestupendocero: after you enable them, save your config.10:51
graftfreshburn: um, sudo ls -l /var/run/sudo10:51
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lmoshern2diy, I've looked around some. I'll check that out but I might be back to bug you :)10:52
max__<afief> have not tried Epiphany yet.. will have a look - thanks!10:52
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selahoneDoes the about:config memory leak fix for firefox work on the linux version?10:52
max__cheers all, thanks!10:52
n2diylmosher: ok.10:52
estupendoceroSlart, n2diy, it doesn't seem to want to let me enable them... grr10:52
afiefmax__, just make sure you don't fall in the same mistake, in the repositories epiphany is a game, you need epiphany-browser i think10:52
=== fnord123 is confused. is core2duo 686 with regards to kernel image?
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Slartestupendocero: huh? never heard of that.. it won't let you check the boxes?10:52
dustyGot icecast started. nice!10:53
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utopioselahone, sure it does... btw its a feature, not a leak of bug...10:53
andcorfnord123: core 2 duo needs the amd64 kernel images10:53
estupendoceroit will let me check the boxes, but then when I hit add, nothing happens10:53
Goshawhat kind of other DM's are there? ( expect of X G & K )10:53
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ZambeziWhich codec should I install to play avi/mpeg?10:53
selahoneutopio huh? memory leak a feature? :)10:53
estupendocerowhen I go back to the add dialog, they are unchecked again10:54
freshburngraft no such file or directory10:54
Gosha!avi Zambezi10:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about avi Zambezi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:54
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Gosha!restricted formats Zambezi10:54
graftfreshburn: wtf? no such file or directory? /var/run/sudo?10:54
_esper    ?10:54
freshburni can also open a root terminal without entering a passowrd10:54
Gosha!avi | Zambezi10:54
ubotuZambezi: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:54
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Slartestupendocero: I don't think you have to click add just to enable universe and multiverse.. just check them and update the list10:54
estupendoceroSlart, sorry bad crowded channelettiquite, there are a couple lines above for you10:54
PriceChild_esper, not here thanks10:54
marshallfreshburn: lol i dont think so10:54
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utopioselahone, not a leak, its a caching feature, perphaps a too big cache... afaik10:54
ZambeziGosha, Thanks!10:54
freshburndont yell at me for THIS10:54
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freshburnnik@G2HLaptopLinux:~$ sudo ls -l /var/run/sudo10:54
freshburnls: /var/run/sudo: No such file or directory10:54
freshburnnik@G2HLaptopLinux:~$ cd /var/run/sudo10:54
freshburnbash: cd: /var/run/sudo: No such file or directory10:54
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selahoneutopio gotcha. That makes sense.10:55
fnord123k7 = amd64?10:55
Slartestupendocero: just check them and click Close or whatever button seems appropriate..10:55
graftfreshburn: um.... that's pretty bad... but also terrible behavior on sudo's part, maybe10:55
marshall!pastebin > fnord12310:55
andcorfnord123: no thinks its 68610:55
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estupendoceroSlart, well in that case, I think they were enabled. Lemme check though10:55
freshburni checked with konqueror too there is no sudo in /var/run10:55
Slartestupendocero: that add-button is for adding other repos.. with a url10:55
freshburnwhat SHOULD be there10:55
deafboyrabid_emu: are you in here?10:55
linux_kidmarshal: he asked not to be yellled at10:55
freshburnand where the heck did it go10:55
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andcorfnord123: just a minute, i'll check what my server runs10:55
deafboyrabid_emu: i found how to fix it10:56
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utopiofnord123, as a result of my experience i dont recomend you to use amd64 images, i386 images will work as well, and you will be able to use flash, and win32 codes much more easyly10:56
estupendoceroSlart, might this be a problem: W: GPG error: http://nightlies.videolan.org  Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY C367D8B981CACA8410:56
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graftfreshburn: there should be a directory there...  and if there isn't sudo creates one10:56
Slartestupendocero: hmm.. I've had that problem before on Debian.. but not on Ubuntu10:56
freshburnan empty dir?10:56
utopiofnord123, if it is not a desktop machine, go ahead with amd64...10:56
graftfreshburn: so something is wrong10:56
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freshburni make it myself lol10:56
graftfreshburn: no, a directory containing your tickets10:56
pengulordim shopping for a computer thats cheap but runs ubuntu decently10:56
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Slartestupendocero: but it didn't keep me from installing stuff.. I just had to press Y (yes I'm very sure I want to do this) when installing10:57
freshburnpengulord, i have a pentium 3 with 256 ram 10gig HD and monitor for 20010:57
freshburni live in michigan10:57
Slartestupendocero: try using some other server?10:57
andcorutopio: I'm using the amd64 kernel and I haven't experienced any problems with that10:57
freshburn200 dollars, not chickens10:57
estupendocerobah, still getting the dependency error10:57
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freshburn19 inch monnitor10:57
freshburnati tv out rage II vid card10:57
Slartestupendocero: what servers are you using btw?.. main servers?10:58
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utopioandcor, amd64 users we cant use win32 codes, java plugin or flash easyly....10:58
estupendoceroSlart, I think so - lemme check10:58
freshburngraft so what coulda done that?10:58
andcorfnord123: my server uses linux-image-2.6.17-10-generic10:58
Slartestupendocero: ok.. I got the same error now, using the main repos10:58
freshburnand how does it store the tickets?10:58
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adaptrandcor: not the server image ?10:58
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graftfreshburn: just makes a directory with your username in /var/run/sudo10:58
fnord123ok ill get the 686 smp10:58
adaptrfreshburn: all that matters is the timestamp10:58
utopioandcor, have you managed to use those? if so any suggestion to configure them without suffering much?10:59
estupendoceroSlart, what should I use instead?10:59
Slartestupendocero: I'm trying the US servers now..10:59
fnord123thanks for your suggestions10:59
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Gosharestart of X~! .. or maybe just a logout...10:59
adaptrestupendocero: select a fast mirror somewhere near you10:59
graftfreshburn: not sure what coulda done that...10:59
andcoradaptr: nah, it's an mediacenter, so it's totaly regular hardware and I like the preinstalled X10:59
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eni191_How can I install Skype? I have multiverse universe in my repositories10:59
Slartestupendocero: same thing there... this is most annoying10:59
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freshburnok i ran sudo -l in a shell and it sasys that user me can run (ALL) ALL on this host10:59
SAMMIHi everibody!10:59
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adaptrandcor: don't see what that has to do with the version of Ubuntu you use10:59
SAMMIOne question:11:00
marshallhow do you exit a man page again?11:00
adaptrfreshburn: erm.. we knew that already, didn't we ?11:00
graftmarshall: q11:00
jmibanezmarshall: hit q11:00
adaptrmarshall: q11:00
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freshburnmarshal q11:00
andcorutopio: Not sure I've tried, I know it is installed but I'm not sure I have tried to use it11:00
grafthaha! i win!11:00
black_13I _FREAKING_ love UBUNTU11:00
SAMMIHow can i know my ram's frequencies???11:00
SurfnKidblack_13, so do it11:00
BrandanoFrom the bios panel?11:00
andcoradaptr: Well i couldn't see any reasons for using the server image11:00
adaptrmarshall: ctrl-c ctrl-c alt-x ctrl-z, spin round twice, cough, and blink rapidly at the screen until the spots go away11:00
estupendoceroSlart, okay, I'm an idiot, but how do I select new servers?11:00
graftSAMMI: maybe you should try #animal-husbandry, eh11:00
SavatageBTI am installing oracle-xe via apt-get on a ubuntu server...everything goes fine including running the congif...but I cant get the page to come up in my browser ...localhost:8080/apex...   everything else seems to run fine I can access via sqlplus, my issue is why the page doesnt display in the browser...11:01
n2diySAMMI: lshw11:01
freshburnis there a group i may have added myself to that would cause that11:01
utopioreading the incriptions on the ram chip?11:01
marshallok, thanks adaptr, jmibanez, charlesg3 and graft11:01
SAMMIIn the bios I didn't find it!11:01
Slartestupendocero: it's on the first page of the "repositories" menu in synaptic11:01
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selahonegraft, that's just not right...11:01
n2diySAMMI: lshw11:01
Slartestupendocero: or in administration, software sources11:01
black_13SurnKid i got wireless to work 3d to work and my ipod works11:01
Brandanoshould be double the FSB for DDR memory11:01
adaptrSAMMI: you would have noticed the correct memory type when you bought it ?11:01
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Brandanomost PC's also show it on boot on the memory test screen11:02
andcorutopio: you know where i can find a microsoft movieclip to test it with11:02
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andcorutopio: I would be happy to tell you how I've installed it if it works11:02
n2diyadaptr: maybe he didn't buy it? I haven't bought any new hardware in over ten years, but I have a dozen working boxes, mostly found in the trash.11:02
utopioandcor, no idea waht is movieclip.... i just use mplayer or totem for video...11:02
rmorris85I just reinstalled ubuntu to get edgy on my machine about a week ago... and im trying to burn an iso and its not showing a cd burner installed... can someone give me some insight11:03
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adaptrn2diy: I want to shop where you live.... the only hardware I find in the trash is.. trash11:03
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SAMMII didn' bought it... I've got a PC i want to install more ram in but i can't find infoprmation about... Now I've got 64 MB...11:03
adaptrrmorris85: then install one.... gtoaster, k3b, whatever11:03
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rmorris85adaptr: im using gnomebaker...11:04
andcorutopio: yeah, but you say that you can't install the w32codec's, and then I would like to try to see a windows movie clip, just to see if I have gotten it to work11:04
n2diyadaptr: I live in the coal region of E. PA., and it is amazing what people throw away around here.11:04
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adaptrSAMMI: 64 MB ? that'll be pretty old memory then - SDRAM at best11:04
lmoshern2diy, Hey I'm back. Yeah I've followed the directions but something is wrong. Can I PM you a short paste?11:04
rmorris85adaptr: but its not showing a cd burner to use11:04
SAMMIYes, SDRAM. I want to know frequencies...11:04
adaptrrmorris85: I see.. sorry11:04
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Brandanoanyone has an howto to configure alsa on an ISA PnP card?11:04
n2diylmosher: no put it up on pastebin for all to see, I'm no wlan expert.11:04
BrandanoSAMMI: what processor is it?11:05
SAMMII  love old PC... Celeron 43311:05
crimsunBrandano: find the name of the chipset, then load the driver manually. Or you can use alsaconf (not condoned but still feasible).11:05
selahonefreshburn you got a pastebin of your sudoers?11:05
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Slartestupendocero: no luck so far.. it's still giving me lots of errors11:05
freshburndoes being in the "sudo" group do anything?11:05
cappizsomeone knows what type of motherboard is inside IBM eServer xseries 345... is it E-ATX or?11:05
adaptrSAMMI: 66, 100 or 133 MHz - what type of PCU is in it ? #cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep MHz11:05
freshburnselahone jsut a sec and i will11:05
MammonHello everyone, I am new to Linux and have built my computer with some pretty good stuff, I want a linux distro that will allow a very smooth operation. I need to be able to do photo editing and storage also I need to be able to print from my hp photosmart 7415. Can ubuntu provide this?11:05
estupendoceroSlart, how's this for a fix: "don't use vlc" :)11:05
adaptrSAMMI: run that11:05
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andcorestupendocero: WHAT ?11:05
Brandanocrimsun: AW64 gold, should use the same settings as an AWE32 I believe11:06
freshburnwhy dont use vlc?11:06
SAMMIEhm... Now I'm working in a win session... Pardon!11:06
Slartestupendocero: hehe.. I don't care about vlc now.. I want synaptic to work without errors..  =)11:06
andcorestupendocero: why not VLC ???11:06
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andreaswwhats the gstreamer0.10 command to register new plugins so programs like rhythmbox do recognize them?11:06
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adaptrSAMMI: then the memory is 66 MHz, but it should accept 100 or 133 as well, if it's one of the later i4xx chipsets11:06
linux_kidMammon: try the live cd and see how far you get11:06
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Mammonok thanks11:06
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phr34ckHey, how can I format the partition I have Ubuntu on?11:06
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso11:06
estupendocerobecause we can't figure out how to get it to install and resolve it's dependencies11:06
tonyyarussojerb: ?11:06
freshburnwhen i run visudo it says permission denied but when i try sudo visudo it doesnt ask for passwd and it runs it11:06
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estupendocerowow, that got a reaction11:07
jerbwhoops sorry wrong channel11:07
BrandanoSAMMI: if you can find it (wich is oddly hard) you are probably better off replacing all the memory modules11:07
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lmoshern2diy, I had basically done what the how-to suggested. Prob is it isn't just wpa, there's a bunch of crap it wants. See: http://pastebin.com/86162811:07
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=== linux_kid agrees with DBO
=== jerb has too many channels open
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Brandanobut probably you can find a better specced computer in a skip somewhee11:07
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n2diylmosher: roger, wait.11:08
lmosherIs anyone good w/ WPA2 enterprise? It seems to connect (see above pastebin), but I have no connectivity11:08
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andcorestupendocero: VLC is virtually the easyest media player to install11:08
andcorsure the sources.conf isn't fucked ?11:08
estupendoceroandcor, tell that to synaptic ;)11:08
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:09
NeoGeo64Help.  I'm using Archive Manager to try and extract files from a RAR archive but I keep getting the error that I don't have enough permissions to perform the operation.  I get the same error while running it as root too.  Anyone know?11:09
SAMMII'll try every suggest. Thanx Everibody!11:09
estupendoceroandcor, that's conceivable11:09
linux_kidandcor: family friendly11:09
selahonefreshburn it sounds like you've got password turned off somewhere in your sudoers11:09
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FerretSurely all of them are equally easy to install, since you just use aptitude or whatever? ;p11:09
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adaptrNeoGeo64: extract it to where ?11:09
slyboots. . .11:09
juanoNeoGeo64: better to use unrar11:09
andcorsorry everybody11:09
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slybootssTupid Gxchat11:09
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juanoNeoGeo64: try sudo apt-get install unrar11:09
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andcorestupendocero: ubuntuguide.org has an pretty good sources.conf file, mayby you should try that11:10
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n2diylmosher: sorry, I don't see anything obvious.11:10
adaptrandcor: ITYM sources.LST11:10
juanoNeoGeo64: try also as root chmod 777 myarchive.rar11:10
adaptrD*mn! :)11:10
estupendoceroandcor, will do, thanks11:10
phr34ckI want to format my Ubuntu. I have windows and Ubuntu installed. How can I format the Ubuntu part ?11:10
andcoradaptr: ITYM?11:11
lmosherIs there some way that wpa_supplicant could connect but my system not realize it and not try to communicate through eth1??11:11
adaptrandcor: I Think You Mean sources.LIST, not .conf, as that does not exist11:11
juanophr34ck: you want to erase ubuntu part completely?11:11
andcoraah, your right11:11
andcormy bad11:11
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adaptrI get that a lot :P11:11
n2diylmosher: what flavor of Ubuntu are you running?11:11
phr34ckjuano, yes .. I want to format and re-install.11:11
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lmoshern2diy, 6.1011:11
juanophr34ck: well you can delete the ubuntu partitions11:12
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:12
NeoGeo64ok works now thanks11:12
=== zbyszek [n=zbyszek@aalz189.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
phr34ckjuano, how do I do that? From windows or something ?11:12
freshburnpastebin of sudoers is past.ubuntu-nl.org/197611:12
n2diylmosher: ok, I'm not sure you'll have this then, but check in system/admin/networking and see if eth0 is activated.11:12
juanophr34ck: you need a partitioner, like gparted or partition magic11:12
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freshburnselahone pastebin 197611:13
lmoshern2diy, My wireless is eth1 though..?11:13
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juanophr34ck: you can install it via windows11:13
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juanophr or here11:13
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juanophr34ck: or here, sudo apt-get install gparted11:13
PipemanHow can I get Edgy Eft to _not_ mount my Firewire volumes at boot (/dev/sde in my case)?11:13
n2diylmosher: ok, go for that then.11:13
Goshahmm, the functionality seems pretty much the same11:13
lmoshern2diy, no, my wireless connection says "this network interface is not configured"11:13
Jessedoes anybody know how make evolution read my hotmail?11:13
phr34ckjuano, how am I suppose to delete the partition I'm currently working on?11:13
phr34ckgparted won't work.11:13
phr34ckI think.11:13
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n2diylmosher: ok, highlight it, and see if you can configure it.11:14
lmoshern2diy, But I can't point it to my wireless network b/c that utility does not have the required wpa stuff...11:14
juanophr34ck: no? open synaptic11:14
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juanophr34ck: search for gparted11:14
phr34ckjuano, I already have gparted installed.11:14
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juanophr34ck: oh, ok, you try partition magic in windows?11:15
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Jessedoes anybody know how make evolution read my hotmail?11:15
lmoshern2diy, I can try to start my wireless using wpa_supplicant and then try starting the network connection there, but Ill have to disconnect from this network, so I'll brb11:15
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phr34ckUbuntu partitions does not show in Windows.11:15
n2diylmosher: ok, go to a terminal, and see what iwconfig tells you?11:15
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gmaJesse: have you found pop3 settings on your hotmail account?11:15
selahonefreshburn that looks like an unaltered sudoers..have you tried visudo -c in a terminal window to verify it's a good one?11:15
juanophr34ck: yes, they will inside partition magic ;)11:15
andreaswgaim is the worst irc client I have ever used ;)11:15
Jessegma:> there are none that I know about i have looked through11:15
juanophr34ck: inside My Computer they wont11:15
lmoshern2diy, ok I'll save that. Right now it'll say I'm connected to my other wireless network (The nonsescure version :/)11:15
phr34ckjuano, I see ... is there no way to do that from the Ubuntu DVD ?11:15
Delux_247yeah it is, but its still better than bitchx11:15
Enverexandreasw, XChat is nice11:16
MHobbitX-Chat is good...11:16
stapolJesse, are you a premium hotmail user (pay)11:16
phr34ckjuano, I understand now, thanks.11:16
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:16
freshburnselahone file parsed ok11:16
andreaswEnverex: yes I know I don't understand why it isn't installed by default11:16
stapolJesse, pop3 wont work11:16
juanophr34ck: i think you can use the  ubuntu DVD for that yes, i really wouldnt know well how to do it from there cause i use gparted and partition magic11:16
=== [BTF] Chm0d [n=Rich@pool-71-101-108-49.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
cappizsomeone knows what type of motherboard is inside IBM eServer xseries 345... is it E-ATX or?11:16
Enverexandreasw, Why would it be? Let people chose what they want rather than installing loads of stuff people may not want11:16
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Jessestapol:>I have tried i keep coming up with nothing11:16
phr34ckjuano, okay, thanks for your help.11:16
juanophr34ck: ive got the gparted live cd11:16
selahonefreshburn have you created a gui root login and are logged in as root? I'm running out of ideas. lol11:16
juanophr34ck: its very usefull11:17
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gmaJesse: google makes me suspect it's not easy. thunderbird appears to support it.11:17
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juanophr34ck: you can boot with that cd, comes with a little linux kernel and all the partitioning utils11:17
phr34ckI never used gparted yet. Only when I was installing Ubuntu.11:17
freshburnselahone ive created and enabled the root login in kdmrc but i am NOT loged in as root11:17
gmaJesse: but it looks like it does some page scraping or similar11:17
andreaswsorry just reconnected someone telled me something but I could not read it11:17
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freshburnnor at a root shell11:17
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juanophr34ck: you can do this11:17
liseka1hello there, is there anyone willing to help a completely blank beginner? got a problem with msn on gaim...11:17
Jessegma:> it doesn't11:17
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dwebbhello peoples11:17
phr34ckI'm going to try to boot from that DVD, and see where I'll go from there.11:17
selahonefreshburn sorry then I'm out of ideas.11:17
juanophr34ck: boot with DVD and select install ubuntu11:17
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juanothen inside the DVD you can delete partitions you want11:18
freshburnselahone it seems it started behaving that way once i enabled the root login11:18
phr34ckBecause my Ubuntu is very messed up right now, and I'm not going to spend weeks trying to figure out what's the right thing to do, so I'll just format.11:18
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Jessegma:> you can import messages but you can't login to the server11:18
DARKGuy!anyone | liseka111:18
ubotuliseka1: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:18
rmorris84my cd rom isn't working..11:18
linux_kidHow do I wine Dreamweaver8 w/o the install cd (its installed on windozes)11:18
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gmaJesse: http://www.mozilla.org/support/thunderbird/faq#webmail11:18
juanophr34ck: after deleting the partitions you want just install using existing free space11:18
dwebbyeah format and re try here to11:18
gh0sthello, my update-manager  is constantly trying to make distributions-update and then fails... is it trying to go to feisty or what?11:18
rmorris84are there any packages I should check to make sure they are installed11:19
[BTF] Chm0dif anyone can answer this question that would be great.  I installed linux-686-smp shouldn't i have that option via boot-up?11:19
selahonefreshburn the only other thing I can think of is that whatever method you used to create a root login in ubuntu somehow gave root status to the user id you are logged in on.11:19
juanophr34ck: yeah boot with the DVD and when your in the installer just delete the partitions11:19
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phr34ckjuano, that's what I'm going to do.11:19
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phr34ckWell, time to format, see you =)11:19
juanophr34ck: good luck!11:19
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linux_kid!anyone | [BTF] Chm0d11:19
ubotu[BTF] Chm0d: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:19
georgyphr34ck : you can use cfdisk to do this in a console11:19
DARKGuylinux_kid: Um, he actually asked his question xD11:19
freshburnselahone i changed allow root login from false to true in the file KDMRC and in the user manager gui from the K menu i clicked enabled instead of disabled on the root account page11:20
n2diyBTF, my smp kernel just starts, no options offered.11:20
liseka1ubotu: meh... sure! I get reading and writing errors when logging on msn from gaim, and I don't why (ICQ works just fine)11:20
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[BTF] Chm0di thought my real question was in there sheez11:20
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jordo23liseka1: ubotu is not a real person11:20
linux_kidDARKGuy: the first sentance...11:20
TroubledUserLinux_kid you plug in a pen drive and copy dreamweaver there then boot up linux an wine it from there11:20
DARKGuylinux_kid: but he stated his question afterwards *shrug* anyways11:20
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linux_kidTroubledUser: thanks11:20
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selahonefreshburn sorry I haven't done any of that so I can't help you.11:21
liseka1ohh... I haven't used irc in years, so I have no clue :-P11:21
[BTF] Chm0dhas anyone installed linux-686-smp?  If so do you get the option to boot up in that kernel?11:21
freshburnty anyways11:21
freshburnl8tr all11:21
=== Shaba1 [n=noneya@adsl-63-202-227-130.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
n2diyBTF, yes11:21
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[BTF] Chm0dhmm11:21
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:21
juano[BTF] Chm0d: you mean in grub?11:21
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[BTF] Chm0di installed it and i dont have that option11:21
dwebbhey people looking for a good link for lidcss2 mepis look on the net cant find a good site any help here if i may asking11:21
[BTF] Chm0dyes in grub11:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cdrom - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:21
[BTF] Chm0dduring bootup11:21
Shaba1Hello anyone here a dual windows unbuntu user that has used partition logic?11:21
n2diyChmOd, yes, I have.11:22
juano[BTF] Chm0d: youll have to configure it maybe in /boot/grub.lst11:22
TroubledUserCan anyone help me? My ubuntu wont boot and it gives and error an leaves me in BusyBox, the error is here http://pastebin.com/86161111:22
selahoneThere isn't a strictly i686 install iso anymore is there?11:22
dwebboops if i may ask11:22
=== Qew [n=qew@82-69-126-225.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
[BTF] Chm0di would have figured it did that itself11:22
[BTF] Chm0d;(11:22
selahoneI've read the generic kernel gives you the i686 optimizations, so they cut down on the number of iso versions.11:22
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juano[BTF] Chm0d: yea.. not sure though.. cause if dont show in grub then its for sure an issue there11:23
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fnord123how do i find out what region my dvd firmware thinks it's looking at?11:23
[BTF] Chm0dk im lookin into it thank you11:23
dwebbok well do i used lidcss but have not known there to be a 2 at the end .11:23
selahone[BTFChm0d, what does uname -a in a terminal window tell you?11:23
Shaba1I wanted to know if I could get space taken up by the linux partition back without reformating the hd,ending up with TWO windwos NTFS partitions, or other such problems.11:23
Shaba1Ok now I want ot know am I still here since no one is saying anyting and I think the firewall has frozen me again11:24
georgyselahone : kernel version11:24
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dwebbyour here11:24
adaptrgeorgy: yes, we know11:24
[BTF] Chm0dselahone: Linux rich-desktop 2.6.17-10-generic #2 SMP11:24
selahonegeorgy yeah I think it also tells you if it's SMP?11:24
n2diyShaba1: we're hearing you.11:24
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LinTuxHow can I get the model of my Nvidia card via terminal11:25
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SavatageBTdoes any one know where I can find good information on installing oracle-xe on a ubuntu server...11:25
selahone[BTF] Chm0d did you uname -a or uname -r?11:25
[BTF] Chm0duname -a11:25
georgyadaptr : question --> answer11:25
n2diyLinTux: lshw11:25
juanoLinTux: try glxinfo11:25
adaptrgeorgy: yes, but you did not understand the question ;-)11:25
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TroubledUserCan anyone help me? My ubuntu wont boot and it gives and error an leaves me in BusyBox, the error is here http://pastebin.com/861611, plz?11:25
dwebbis ubuntu all most of you people are using just a question if i may ask?11:26
georgyadaptr : ok, read to fast11:26
selahoneuname -a gives me: Linux selah000 2.6.17-10-generic #2 SMP Tue Dec 5 22:28:26 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux11:26
adaptrdwebb: do you mean exclusively ?11:26
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JNeverMindi recently switched to ubuntu from win and loving it!  on my laptop (p3-650/256 ram i notice the whole desktop experience is quite a bit laggy, compared to xp runs pretty good on this lappy11:26
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afiefTroubledUser: sounds like your second hard drive isn't being recognized11:26
dwebbno i know there are other distro's11:27
LinTuxCheers everyone11:27
JNeverMindi have installed 686 but is there something else glaring i should do to speed it up ?11:27
juanoLinTux: try this: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep "nv*"11:27
adaptrdwebb: in that case, no - I have a Real World Job that requires Windows11:27
[BTF] Chm0dthats what i got selahone11:27
gh0stcan i remove nvidia-glx?11:27
TroubledUserany ideas, afief?11:27
mpthi crimsun11:27
gh0stor will nvidia drivers get removed too?11:27
TroubledUserBut i can mount it from the live cd11:27
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adaptrgh0st: no, but you won't have hardware opengl anymore11:27
LjLgh0st: uh? nvidia-glx *is* the nvidia driver11:27
n2diyafief: second hard drive, hda is the first hard drive, 2 is the partiton, no?11:27
dwebblol that happen's some times adaptr11:27
adaptrLjL: erm.. not in th eleast11:27
DARKGuydwebb: I use Ubuntu, but have a windows partition I use for gaming :p11:27
LinTuxjuano: Thanks m811:28
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:28
juanoLinTux: no prob11:28
dwebbyup me to11:28
afiefTroubledUser, You could check if it is recognized in your BIOS, if it is formatted right...11:28
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Spee_DerAnyone who can assist with Nvidia G Force dual head video card please ?11:28
SHRIKEEis gaim installed by default on ubuntu?11:28
ubotuFor information about the Sound Juicer ripping application, read the Gnome help (Applications- Multimedia -Sound Juicer Manual). To rip an Audio CD in KDE, put it in and then put audiocd:// in the Konqueror URL bar; it's configurable in system settings.11:28
adaptrLjL: at last count, there are *three* nvidia drivers, all of which you need to get hardware opengl in xorg11:28
[BTF] Chm0dhmm another problem.  i have a fresh install of ubunutu and i try to open up my DVD rom and I dont have permissions11:28
jon_shrikee: yes11:28
selahone[BTF] Chm0d from what I've read that means we are running the correct kernel for a i686 smp system.11:28
=== hairulfr [n=rune@3505ds1-ryv.0.fullrate.dk] has joined #ubuntu
dwebbi am using mepis on this old dell11:28
DARKGuyhey Spee_Der, s'up with it? :/11:28
gh0stadaptr; LjL well i think it's broken: "Investigating nvidia-glx11:28
gh0stPackage nvidia-glx has broken dep on nvidia-kernel-1.0.962911:28
gh0st  Considering linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-10-generic 3 as a solution to nvidia-glx 011:28
gh0st  Removing nvidia-glx rather than change nvidia-kernel-1.0.9629"11:28
afiefTroubledUser, Oh sorry, as n2diy pointed out it is your second partition that can't be found not hard drive. Sorry, my mistake11:28
gh0stoh sorry for flood11:28
[BTF] Chm0dty much selahone11:28
LjLadaptr: i meant the X driver module11:28
Spee_DerHey DARK dude ! How are you doing ? And, happy new year mate !11:28
JNeverMindi wonder how many ppl in this chan are actually ON ubuntu riht now, i am11:29
eric_ Message could not be sent because a connection error occurred:11:29
eric_whtas is that?11:29
adaptrLjL: nvidia-glx is not the X driver11:29
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LjLadaptr: dpkg -L nvidia-glx    ->    /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/nvidia_drv.so11:29
juanoJNeverMind: ubuntu here :P11:29
hairulfreric_: MSN is screwed right now11:29
DARKGuyXD pretty nice Spee_Der ^_^ making a game programming toolkit for Linux in OpenGL :P happy new year to you too! :D ^_^11:29
DARKGuyhairulfr: is it global?11:29
TroubledUserIt is formatted right11:29
mptcrimsun, I've finished attaching all the info to the bug report11:29
Spee_DerDARKGuy: I got a new video card. It has 256 megs ! Wow !11:29
gh0stadaptr: what do you think of the error message?11:29
eric_ thanks11:29
TroubledUseri think11:29
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TroubledUserbecause i can mount it11:29
selahoneI'm using ubuntu but I just finished my grub partition and I'm gonna install kubuntu next. lol11:29
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DARKGuySpee_Der: whoah, congrats o.o!11:29
crimsunmpt: ok, looking11:29
adaptrLjL: reall ? so where is the opengl driver?11:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xfree86 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:29
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afiefDARKGuy: what game programming toolkit?11:30
Spee_DerDARKGuy: I can't quite get the 2nd screen to properly respond, yet.... I need it for research programs and such.....11:30
adaptrgh0st: you have nvidia binaries installed beyond what ubuntu offers - rectify that and you should be fine11:30
hairulfrDARKGuy: Don't know, but in Denmark it doesn't work, I can see online user but not write them and they can't write me11:30
cappizis it possible to have a minimal gnome desktop install?11:30
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LjLadaptr: in the very same package, i think11:30
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gh0stadaptr: you mean using default repos for them?11:30
DARKGuyhairulfr: same here in Venezuela, MSN got screwed globally, crap :/11:30
LinTuxAnybody know where I can get a driver for my Nvidia 7300LE PCI-E card11:30
dwebbnew to the linux game here as far as Os wise burned like 10 diffrent ones and tried them out mepis and ubuntu work best on this dell 1100 inspiron.11:30
crimsunmpt: is audio audible currently?11:30
DARKGuySpee_Der: Hm, did you try your old dual monitor config I helped you with before ?11:30
erUSULLinTux: nvidia.com ?11:31
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erUSUL!nvidia | LinTux11:31
ubotuLinTux: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:31
LjLgh0st: if you're on edgy, normally you shouldn't have nvidia-kernel-whatever intalled at all, i think, except nvidia-kernel-common11:31
afiefhairulfr: same here, it's most likely the server. MSN server problems are quite common11:31
DARKGuyafief: but rare, pretty rare11:31
mptcrimsun, no11:31
Mikeysomeone else it having msn problems :S ?11:31
hairulfrafief:  Where are you?11:31
DARKGuyYeah, the MSN thing is global dude11:31
hairulfrMikey: Yeah, most of us11:31
[BTF] Chm0dwhen i click on my dvd drive on desktop i get this Unable to enter file:///media/cdrom1. You do not have access rights to this location.11:31
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gh0stLjL: well i installed beryl so i had to add new repos; and btw it seems to work great except the apt11:31
adaptrLjL: you're right - but still, when talking about nvidia-glx, I usually mean nvidia's libglx.so, as that is also an nvidia binary driver, and part of the nvidia kernel module set.. the only open source bit of the trio is the nvidia xorg driver AFAIK11:31
crimsunmpt: in a Terminal, please execute: amixer set 'Master Mono' 80%,unmute && amixer set 'External Amplifier' mute11:31
afiefhairulfr: Israel, trying to talk to people from europe, USA and middle east11:32
Spee_DerDARKGuy: Well. Funny you should ask. No. I thought about it though.....  MAybe I will try it just for kicks.  I thought I'd d/l'd the proper nvidia drivers etc, but nada as yet. First screen is just great....11:32
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gh0stadaptr: you mean to return to default repos (before)?11:32
adaptrgh0st: I mean not installing nvidia binaries that will break on your kernel version :)11:32
Mikeywell, i dont wat to hog this room with this, but is there a channel where we can talk about msn?11:32
DARKGuySpee_Der: Hehe, the nvidia drivers don't set up dual monitor for you, that's something you have to do manually :P11:32
adaptrgh0st: that 99.xxmilliongazillions you';re using is even friggin beta on Windoze11:32
Mikeyperhaps #msn?11:32
hairulfrafief: Sweden is the same apparently11:32
afiefDarkGuy: huh? MSN has a terrible track record for me, even when i used their client. but you never told me what game toolkit you mentioned before11:32
gh0stadaptr: i feat that if i remove them, my aiglx/beryl might not work anymore :-(11:32
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hairulfrMSN: Authentication failed11:33
DARKGuySpee_Der: Actually, I fixed my howto and now it's correct: http://dragon2008.blogspot.com - you could try that howto, and see my xorg.conf (if you want) and I could help you to set it up again :D11:33
Spee_DerDARKGuy: Yeh, I noticed that feature.11:33
n2diyMikey: #ubuntu-offtopic11:33
adaptrgh0st: I will guarantee you that they won't work, until you re-install the ubuntu drivers - why did you change them ?11:33
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:33
LjLadaptr: to make beryl run, i'd assume11:33
Spee_DerDARKGuy: Ok, let me have a look at that and I'll be back later... Many thanks again.....  Nice to see you still here and plugging along....11:33
DARKGuyafief: Weird, the last time I had MSN problems was with Live back when the new Live version was just released from the beta :P - game toolkit? I'll make it brief: http://gp3d.sourceforge.net :P11:34
gh0stadaptr: because it was written in a howto and i tought they were the newest. so what can i do to KEEP beryl?11:34
adaptrLjL: never needed to - unless he has a way too new video card11:34
jon_damn, with the help of the faq in the topic and ubotu i don't need to ask 9/10 questions i have11:34
DARKGuySpee_Der: Hehe, good luck ^_^ same goes for you ^_^11:34
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LjLadaptr: if you use Xgl, then i guess they aren't needed, but otherwise i think you'd need them11:34
adaptrgh0st: you don't need to do anything - just uninstall the alien nvidia binary and install the normal ubuntu one11:34
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mptcrimsun, done that, launched Rhythmbox, tried to play a CD, still nothing11:34
dwebbwere would go to get answers to run a server under linx11:34
adaptrLjL: nonsense - I have edgy on aiglx and it's running just fine here11:34
qwehnceis there anyway to install ubuntu without having to boot the livecd11:34
graftdwebb: #ubuntu-server11:34
gh0stadaptr: that's what i'll do; but do you think beryl won't work then anymore?11:34
dwebbooops were would i go to get i mean11:34
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Spee_DerDARKGuy: Later you will have to tell me more about the game programming thing also.....11:35
Spee_DerCheers for now....11:35
afiefDarkGuy, Weird, I guess you are being supported by a different server than me then:S it has happened before that all of a sudden half my contacts would be disconnected for no reason11:35
dwebbok graft thanks11:35
DARKGuySpee_Der: XD sure will :D11:35
phiqtionwhat command tells me what video card this system has?11:35
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crimsunmpt: ok, and after the following command?  amixer set '3D Control - Switch' unmute11:35
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[BTF] Chm0dcould anyone tell me if my fstab is ok?  cuz it wont let me access my DVD which is cdrom1 http://www.pastebin.ca/31995611:35
georgyqwehnce, : use the alternate cd11:35
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vinboyhow do I make the console colorful?11:35
jribphiqtion: lspci11:35
adaptrgh0st: I am telling you that it works for me; it *might* not work if you have a $500 nvidia monster that's say less than 6 months old11:35
n2diyphiqtion: lshw11:35
jribvinboy: google  bash prompt color11:35
hairulfrvinboy: get the package "konsole" it does all kinds of tricks11:35
gh0stadaptr: well i havent (6600 :-))11:35
vinboyok thanks11:35
adaptrgh0st: I have on eof those - they work great11:36
DARKGuyafief: Ah, yeah, same thing has happened to me before, but when logging in, it's like a contact flood @.@ lag I guess, but no other problems. Who knows, they might have tons of servers to support the different worldwide countries and maybe they're having a mass problem in there11:36
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DARKGuyafief: either way, gotta wait xD.11:36
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mptcrimsun, still nothing11:36
LjLadaptr: then you should probably edit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BerylOnEdgy and quite a few other official howtos to correct that, i suppose11:36
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gh0stadaptr: so i could just remove fix the sources.list, reinstall the original nvidia-glx, and i'm done?11:36
faeryNatsukiOpenOffice it's unstable on edgy11:36
adaptrgh0st: Version: 1.0.8776+ on both my machines11:36
faeryNatsukiany solution?11:36
afiefDARKGuy: When was the last time Microsoft did something right anyway?:P Is the toolkit only for the graphic part of the game or does it also cover the Audio aspects?11:37
JNeverMindis p3-650 256 ram not good enough for ubuntu/ what do you guys think my desktop is very laggy11:37
=== Aggrav8d [n=whatever@s216-232-70-178.bc.hsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
Aggrav8dhello, *11:37
qwehncegeorgy, what alternate cd, the website just pushes you to a bunch of mirrors11:37
TheoMurpseI have gone into Network Settings and configured my wireless connection with proper ssid and password, but it won't connect. With "dhclient" it won't work either. Can someone help me diagnose the problem?11:37
adaptrLjL: you're saying I cannot run beryl on aiglx with my 87.76 drivers ? because I am , sort of, right now, doing that...11:37
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Aggrav8dis there any way to undelete files/folders from the command line?11:37
JNeverMindopening text document or even console its a few seconds to open11:37
georgyqwehnce, : choice un mirror ;-)11:37
Aggrav8dsome tool just ran rm -rf on a folder we didn't have backed up11:37
Rogue_anyone here familiar with preseed configs?11:37
adaptrAggrav8d: there is no way, period11:37
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dwebbi got change my nickname to login there hmm11:38
Aggrav8dadaptr - that's what i feared.  thanks.11:38
andreaswAggrav8d, try the program recover if you use ext311:38
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ubotufalcon: Falcon repository creator. In component extras, is optional. Version 1.5.4-0ubuntu2 (edgy-seveas), package size 175 kB, installed size 508 kB11:38
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:38
juanoTheoMurpse: try dhclient ethX (where X is the number of card your getting an IP from DHCP server)11:38
Aggrav8dandreasw - how do i do that?11:38
DARKGuyafief: Ahaha, you're right XD (the xbox is cool though o.o!, weird it uses a Mac processor :P!). It does mostly all gameprogramming needs: 3D, 2D, audio, video, sound, AI, etc xD11:38
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andreaswAggrav8d, sudo apt-get install recover11:38
Linuturkhas there been a ubuntu release of flash yet?11:38
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crimsunmpt: ok, and after the following?  amixer set 'Capture' nocap && amixer set 'Aux' 80%,80%,unmute && amixer set 'Phone' 80%,unmute && amixer set 'Video' 80%,80%,unmute && amixer set 'Line' 80%,80%,unmute11:38
Linuturkflash 9?11:38
DARKGuyafief: or so I hope the project becomes in the future.11:38
qwehncegeorgy, thanks.11:38
andreaswAggrav8d, But I have never used it ;)11:38
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faeryNatsukihey please help me, i have a very big problem here with open office and i need it to finish a work11:39
adaptrDARKGuy: the xbox uses a "Mac processor" ? A. no, it does not, and B. what is that ?11:39
crimsunLinuturk: I uploaded to Feisty about 8 hours ago.11:39
TheoMurpseadaptr: I'm sure he meant PPC11:39
Linuturkcrimsun, what about Edgy?11:39
adaptrTheoMurpse: well, I did figure that out, yes - still nonsense11:39
DARKGuyadaptr: Then I read wrong. I thought I read somewhere that one of the xboxs used some thing of Macintosh processor or something related to apple11:39
crimsunLinuturk: Edgy's released already; you need to request a backport from Feisty.11:39
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afiefDARKGuy: AI too? O_O Where do i send donations?11:40
faeryNatsukiopen offcie is crashing a lot, i don't know if it's a problem related to edgy or to the open office 2.0.4 version11:40
Linuturkcrimsun, um, how do I "request a backport" ?11:40
adaptrDARKGuy: the original xbox runs on a bog-standard nforce1 chipset )nvidia created the nforce for the xbox) and a P3 733MHz11:40
hjmillshi all - how do i find out what gparted suggests from the cli - i want to edit ntfs stuff from gparted11:40
TheoMurpsejuano: i just get DHCPDISCOVER on ra0 to port 67 interval X, for a while, then an error: No DHCPOFFERS RECEIVED. No working leases in persistent database - sleeping.11:40
crimsun!backports |Linuturk11:40
ubotuLinuturk: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports11:40
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adaptrDARKGuy: the xbox 360 runs on a custom triple-core motorola CPU @ roughly 10GHz11:40
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TheDebugger3.2 :)11:40
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juanoTheoMurpse: are you connected to a DHCP server? how is your connection setup?11:40
Enverexadaptr, That's even worse clock to performance ratio than the Pentium 4s11:40
adaptrDARKGuy: motorola did indeed produce the PPC cpu series (although they designed them with IBM), but motorola does lots of things11:40
Aggrav8dandreasw - I fear it is all gone :T11:41
adaptrEnverex: uh ?11:41
Aggrav8doh well.  lesson learned.11:41
TheDebuggerAnd no... 3 3.2Ghz core is not 10Ghz11:41
crimsunmpt: if you have some spare moments later, please attempt to reproduce using a Feisty Herd 2 desktop cd11:41
hjmillsDARKGuy, i heard talk of the xbox360 using a powerpc core but if the above is true then that must have been a rumour or a lie11:41
Enverexadaptr, Well for 3 10GHz cores they suck quite badly11:41
DARKGuyafief: XD if there could be a way, I'd tell you x). You can contribute though :) - adaptr: o.o now then, I was so mistaken x). That thing of motorola producing the PPC cpu series was what I read and I guess I took it wrong :P11:41
mptcrimsun, that produced lots of output, but still no sound11:41
andreaswAggrav8d, what have you done?11:41
adaptrTheDebugger: 9.6 - go be anal :)11:41
faeryNatsukidoes anybody else haved troubles using openoffice?11:41
hjmillsTheDebugger, so is it a triple core or triple cpu machine?11:41
namelessstiens TheDebugger tu t'initie  l'anglais ?11:41
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afiefDARKGuy: I have been very disappointed by linux not having ONE thing that's equal to DirectX on windows(i know you can get the same with SDL+OpenGL+(whatever audio library) but that's too much API for me)11:41
DARKGuyfaeryNatsuki: doing what?11:41
ikonia_openoffice is fine here11:41
TheoMurpsejuano: I have a Linksys WRT54G and am trying to connect wirelessly. I know the proper wireless module (rt2500) is running because when I ran gentoo, I used the same module. Also, the Ubuntu LiveCD worked, but not once I install to the HD with Ubuntu. I have DHCP turned on on my router.11:41
Shaba1Hello am I here11:42
Aggrav8dandreasw - some tool in my office with more privilege than he should have had rm -rf'd a folder full of development material that was not backed up.11:42
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Linuturkcrimsun, so I'm looking for fiesty backports?11:42
hjmillsfaeryNatsuki, I didnt when I used it last (for a-levels last yr)11:42
adaptrAggrav8d: he's fired, I presume ?11:42
DARKGuyafief: Same here, I want to make it easier =)11:42
crimsunmpt: ok, one last thing to attach, the output from: cat /proc/asound/card0/codec97#0/*11:42
faeryNatsukii'm trying to work with impress, but every time i need to delete a breakline impress crashes11:42
Linuturkcrimsun, because I already have Edgy backports enabled11:42
Aggrav8dseems he tried to delete a symbolic link folder via samba and it decided instead to delete the original folder.11:42
andreaswAggrav8d, hmm thats not good which program was that?11:42
faeryNatsukiand i lost a lot of work11:42
afiefDarkGuy, My programming skills aren't that good, they aren't bad though. If i can get myself to read through the code i'll see what i can contribute(I hate reading long codes others wrote)11:42
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juanoTheoMurpse: paste your ifconfig in ubuntu pastebin11:42
faeryNatsukisaving files using writer crashed too11:42
juanoTheoMurpse: type ifconfig then paste it11:42
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faeryNatsukii need to work withouth thwe openoffice crashing all the time11:43
mptcrimsun, no such file or directory11:43
adaptrEnverex: oh.. okay, no , 3x 3.2 GHz, but I "equated" that to a single CPU, since both the P3 and all PPCs were single cores11:43
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DARKGuyafief: Hehe, that's okay ^_^ the more the better :D (and yeah, I hate that too, that's why we're trying to keep everything simple everywhere)11:43
nickspoonfaeryNatsuki: how much RAM do you have?11:43
mptcrimsun, oh, wait, my fault11:43
faeryNatsuki512 Mb11:43
namelesssfaeryNatsuki, openoffice crashing, could you develop on it ?11:43
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juanoTheoMurpse: you need to add a route command, but i need to know the ip ranges your setting up11:43
Enverexadaptr, You're sure it has 3 3.2Ghz cores? heh11:43
nickspoonfaeryNatsuki: try disabling the Java Environment. hand on, I'll find out how...11:43
faeryNatsukii can't develop, and i need to finish a work today, no time for coding11:44
afiefDARKGuy, is the 0.0.1 the only source available or have i missed the link to an SVN/CVS somewhere?11:44
adaptrAggrav8d: then the person who set up samba is to blame - this behaviour is configurable11:44
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adaptrEnverex: very, yes11:44
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Aggrav8dadaptr - that would be me.  *sigh*11:44
DARKGuyafief: I need to know how to get SVN running first x) so for now, all there is is the 0.0.1 code until I find out how to set SVN up :P11:44
namelesssfaeryNatsuki, what do u means by "openoffice craching all the time ?"11:44
Aggrav8dwe are all guilty of something :T11:44
crimsunmpt: afterward, we'll try the reset approach with the following commands:  kill $(lsof -t /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/*) && sudo modprobe -r $(lsmod |grep ^snd|awk '{print $1}') && sudo rm -f /var/lib/alsa/asound.state && sudo modprobe snd-intel8x011:44
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Aggrav8danyways, i have to get started on rebuilding it from our notes.11:44
jribAggrav8d: no backups?11:44
adaptrAggrav8d: you can configure samba to allow share access to follow symlinks, or not11:44
nickspoonfaeryNatsuki: Tools/Options/Openoffice/Java/uncheck the box.11:45
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Aggrav8djrib - apparently no.11:45
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mptcrimsun, attached, so shall I try that next pile of sudoage and awkage now?11:45
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afiefDarkGuy, any idea how i can contact you in case i get my lazy ass off this chair and decide to contribute?11:45
crimsunmpt: yessir11:45
faeryNatsukinamelesss: i mean i'm working in a textbox in impres, when i need to deleate a breakline, to merge text in same line, the impress crashes11:45
Aggrav8dand i'm shocked to see the partition isn't ext2 or ext3.  what does ubuntu install by default?11:45
jewbileeHow do I unmount a partition?11:45
andreaswAggrav8d, ext311:45
jribAggrav8d: that's the biggest mistake.  I think we all make it until something like this happens, just take it as motivation to have backups from now on11:45
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namelesssho :/11:45
Aggrav8di'm trying to sudo recover -a and it just segfaults.11:45
faeryNatsukinamelesss: it send me an error message and "recover" the file11:45
jribjewbilee: umount foo11:45
DARKGuyafief: XD sure, darkguy2008 at users.sourceforge.net , or send a PM through the forum too :P11:45
adaptrAggrav8d: and the only restriction you could put on a symlink *inside* a shared directory is to disallow deleting it - since samba knows nothing about the existence - or the very concept - of symlinks, it will happily delete the contents11:45
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faeryNatsukiand i just only make 5% of my job today because i can't use that program11:46
namelesssthat's suck11:46
afiefdarkguy, which forum?11:46
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vln004can someone help me associate xchat-gnome with firefox?11:46
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adaptrAggrav8d: note that this is by *design*, since it is impossible to "see" if something is a symlink from an SMB/CIFS client11:46
mattyhi all11:46
DARKGuyafief: the project's forum, http://gp3d.sourceforge.net/forum/11:46
graftvln004: yeah um, goto about:config11:46
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TheoMurpsejuano: sorry about that...did you ask anything after I told you about my Linksys WRT54TG? I think my net connect6ion dropped but was not reported.11:47
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vln004ok, which key is it?11:47
wolfwalkerI require net assistanc11:47
Shaba1Ok am I back11:47
riotkittielet's rehash. backups are rad.11:47
gh0stadaptr: ok, i think everything went fine; beryl it's still working thanks for the help11:47
graftvln004: one sec... um11:47
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juanoTheoMurpse: yes, type ifconfig and paste it in the ubuntu pastebin11:47
mattyanyone who knows moving avrage in C ? , Ive got a very simple equation for it but either Im doing it wrong or gcc does somehing wierd to the code11:47
Shaba1can ANYONE see this typing11:47
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jribShaba1: yes11:47
adaptrAggrav8d: the partition surely is ext3, but you may be looking at its LVM container11:47
PipemanShaba1: no11:47
wolfwalkerWhen I run pppoeconf, it says it can't get the access concentrator to respond11:47
afiefDarkGuy: I'll be looking forward to see what i can mess up with your code:)11:47
adaptrgh0st: np11:47
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adaptrgh0st: I mean yw :)11:47
juanoTheoMurpse: i need to know the ip ranges your using for a route command11:47
graftvln004: network.protocol-handler.app.irc => /usr/bin/xchat-2-firefox11:47
DARKGuyafief: you and me both XD but thanks! ^^11:47
mptomg, that notification bubble had a pie chart in it11:48
graftvln004: network.protocol-handler.external.irc => true11:48
TheoMurpsejuano: give me a few mins, I have to type it all up since the computer that doesn't work has no internet connectivity11:48
wolfwalkerThe connection is ethernet cable, and it did work before11:48
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graftvln004: or whatever your xchat binary is11:48
crimsunmpt: yes, obnoxiously, sorry about that11:48
afiefDarkGuy, thanks to you :-)11:48
juanoTheoMurpse: ok, just tell me if you use net11:48
gh0stadaptr: what does "yw" mean? and btw, my animations are a LOT more fluid now, i really don't know why but it's great :-)11:48
hipertrackerMy Ubuntu 6.10 cannot recognize my network, sata disks, even processor is not displayed (athl64x2 4200+). Motherboard is GigaByte K8N Ultra9. There is no drivers for Linux on GigaByte site. What to do?11:48
hjmillswhat do i need to install to let gparted fiddle with ntfs partitions?11:48
mptcrimsun, all done, still no sound11:49
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juanoTheoMurpse: can you ping the router correctly? do you recieve a response?11:49
crimsunmpt: ok, thanks. Just to confirm, is this machine running the latest stable bios?11:49
N1k-11hello, anyone seen this error message in GAIM before ? "Message could not be sent because an error with the switchboard occurred:"11:49
adaptrgh0st: You're Welcome11:49
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adaptrgh0st: stick with Stable :)11:49
mattywhat is wrong with the following code: float val= ((calls++-1)/calls);11:49
mptcrimsun, I don't know, how would I tell?11:49
black_13i have attempted to add mp3 abilities to  juicer but no luck i keep getting the error "The currenlty selected audio profile is not available on your installation"11:49
gh0stadaptr: depends on what :-)11:49
crimsunmpt: ok, that would require a bit of research on the particular laptop/motherboard you're using11:50
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TheoMurpsejoano: no I cannot ping the router from the computer with no connectivity because it has no connectivity. As it's not part of any network (cannot get an IP) I cannot ping it, right? In any case http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1982/plain/ is the ifconfig text for the related interface.11:51
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mister_robotomatty: it's always tricky relying on side effects like the value of calls after applying the ++ operator when you're using it again in the same expression11:51
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TheoMurpsejuano: no I cannot ping the router from the computer with no connectivity because it has no connectivity. As it's not part of any network (cannot get an IP) I cannot ping it, right? In any case http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1982/plain/ is the ifconfig text for the related interface.11:51
faeryNatsukinickspoon: how can i disalble de java for openoffice?11:51
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pppldid anyone around here get the 2.6.19-kernel running within ubuntu 6.06.1? or does someone how a good tutorial how to do that?11:51
mattymister_roboto:well I tried to move ++ out and it does not affect11:51
TheoMurpsejuano: however, I can ping it just fine from the same wireless computer within XP by only booting into XP instead of Ubuntu.11:51
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hipertrackerMy Ubuntu 6.10 cannot recognize my network, sata disks, even processor is not displayed (athl64x2 4200+). Motherboard is GigaByte K8N Ultra9. There is no drivers for Linux on GigaByte site. What to do?11:51
adaptrTheoMurpse: ra0 is not a usual interface...11:52
juanoTheoMurpse: ahh ok, i see11:52
mattymister_roboto: I can calculate manually and it cumputes correctly but in C it doesnt..11:52
MHobbitWhen trying to boot from an Efty Edge CD, the menu screen shows up fine, but when I try to actually boot Ubuntu, I get a kernel panic error. I've checked the ISO's MD5 sum, and that matched, and the CD seemed to have burned fine.11:52
TheoMurpseadaptr: It's the one that was setup automatically. Same as when I installed Gentoo. ra0 is a ralink interface 0.11:52
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adaptrTheoMurpse: oh.. ralink... are you using ndiswrapper ? you kinda have to11:52
mptcrimsun, ok, thanks for your help11:52
mister_robotomatty: i don't know what you mean by "does not affect" but it certainly does have AN effect :)    what's the error?11:52
adaptrTheoMurpse: urm.. I *meant* wpa_supplicant there....11:52
graftmatty: what are you expecting it to produce?11:52
mattygraft: void fact(void ){static int calls=1;float val= ((calls-1)/calls);printf("factor=%3.3f (calls=%d)\n", val, calls );calls++;}11:53
Spee_DerDARKGuy: ...11:53
graftmatty: if calls is an int, you'll just get a zero11:53
juanoTheoMurpse: well for a start try doing ifconfig ra0 up11:53
graftmatty: since that's the correct behavior for ints11:53
TheoMurpseadaptr: why use ndiswrapper when there are OSS drivers for it already? I used rt2500 driver under Gentoo and it's in synaptic or whatever the package repository is called.11:53
mister_robotomatty: you mostly likely need to cast the first "calls" to a float if it's currently an int. otherwise you'll get truncation11:53
n2diyMHobbit: check your boot options at the boot prompt.11:53
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graftmatty: if you want to divide two ints as flaots, you have to cast them first11:53
juanoTheoMurpse: sudo ifconfig ra0 up11:53
adaptrmatty: ++-1 does not parse to anything useful... use ++call - 1 or (call ++) - 1 instead11:53
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wolfwalkerCan anyone help me get online on my Linux computer?11:53
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MHobbitn2diy: Thanks, will do.11:53
vln004graft -> thanks works great11:54
ikonia_wolfwalker: whats the problem11:54
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Silv3rF0xI have a question has anyone had problem adding extension=ssh2.so to the php.ini file and allow apache to work correct11:54
mattygraft: Ah, casting was the problem11:54
gontxo<u>q tal</u>11:54
=== Spee_Der waves a very 73 flag @ n2diy.....
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mister_robotoadaptr: why do you say that? of course it will parse11:54
mattygraft: isnt there any flag to warn about casting in such cases ?11:54
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wolfwalkerI ran pppoeconf, but it says the Access Concentrator didn't respond11:54
juanoTheoMurpse: lets give it a static ip first and see how we manage from there11:54
morpheus74I'm running Ubuntu 6.06 and tried the unix2dos command but the command is not found.  Is this utility part of the 6.06 package?11:54
adaptrmister_roboto: in gcc ?11:54
graftmatty: int => float is cheap float=> int is expensive11:54
TheoMurpsejuano: doing sudo ifconfig ra0 up then trying ping (the router) gives me "connect: Network is unreachable"11:54
graftmatty: so it warns for float => int, but not vice-versa11:54
mister_robotoadaptr: unless the compiler is broken11:54
ikonia_morpheus74: apt-cache search for it11:54
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=== n2diy Spee_Der QZL, QRZ?
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Enverexmorpheus74, What are you trying to do?11:55
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TheoMurpseadaptr: I have wpa_supplicant from a previous attempt at it. How do I use it?11:55
juanoTheoMurpse: ooh... your on hmm... try sudo ifconfig ra0 up11:55
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_Seanwhats the name of the file viewer?11:55
_Seanso i can gksudo11:55
FlyingSquirrel32How can I set a default domain and username when connecting to smb shares through nautilus?11:55
tonyyarusso_Sean: You should use sudo with the file viewer11:55
morpheus74Enverex: I'm using a linux manual and unix2dos is one of the commands discussed in the utility.  At this time, I only want to try the command out.11:55
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juanoTheoMurpse: any luck there?11:55
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lmosherI'm trying to configure my WPA2 network with NetworkManager (so I can go from home to work easily). A certificate is downloaded using wpa_supplicant, how do I find this key so I can use it with NetworkManager?11:55
TheoMurpsejuano: now I get PING 56*84) etc From icmp_seq=N Destination Host Unreachable11:56
_Seanhow? (i figured it out anyway)11:56
adaptrTheoMurpse: hrm... there was somebody in channel yesterday who also had a ralink card.. can';t quite remember what he did (apart from trying a lot and failing most of the time)11:56
tonyyarusso_Sean: Ack, That should say "shouldn't"!11:56
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tonyyarusso_Sean: Causes permissions funniness11:56
juanoTheoMurpse: mm.. try this:11:56
Enverexadaptr, I have a RaLink rt61, gave up trying to get it to work11:56
morpheus74when I want to search using apt-cache, do I just type apt-cache unix2dos?11:56
tonyyarusso_Sean: what are you trying to do?11:56
adaptr_Sean: what file viewer ?11:56
TheoMurpseadaptr: Yeah, it seems like that's all ralink is. However, it was painless with Gentoo once the rt2500 driver was released. I'm surprised it's such a pain in Ubuntu. In any case, I'm getting a Mac Book Pro, and I hope that the wireless support is much better there.11:57
whoniccais there any program that lets u specify a custom layer break for burning dual layers on linux?11:57
_Seanhm nvm i didnt get it working11:57
_Seanthe default one?11:57
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mattygraft: ok, cheers anyhow11:57
juanoTheoMurpse: route add -net -netmask gw
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TheoMurpseI figure since it's a popular laptop, many people have gotten it working.11:57
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Shaba1 hello anyone here a dual window/linux user that has use partition logic11:57
juanoShaba1: yes11:57
=== zenwhen [n=troy@74-140-154-228.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
adaptr_Sean: there is no default file "viewer" - if you open a text file it opens in gedit11:58
juanoShaba1: partition magic or gparted11:58
lmosherAnyone here good with wpa and wpa_supplicant. Or using NetworkManager with wpa2?11:58
=== zYe [n=zye@adsl-074-236-230-248.sip.sdf.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
mister_robotoadaptr:  #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char**arv) { int c=1; printf("%d\n", c++-2); return 0; }11:58
Shaba1juano I have a several questions for you11:58
TheoMurpsejuano: -n -e -t -m -a -s -k are all invalid switches, and --netmask is an unrecognized option as well11:58
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mister_robotoadaptr: compiles just fine in gcc11:58
zYehow do i install themes11:58
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_Seani meant like folder viewing11:58
juanoTheoMurpse: sef11:58
tonyyarusso!themes | zYe11:58
ubotuzYe: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy11:58
_Seanyeah, i got it anyway.11:58
juanoTheoMurpse: sec.. sorry11:58
=== Vluid [n=Vluid@dslb-084-063-050-078.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
mister_robotoadaptr: and works too, of course :)11:58
_Seangksudo nautilus11:58
Shaba1First you do men Partition Logic NOT Partion Magic correct?11:58
ubotuWant to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (Gnome) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)11:59
adaptrmister_roboto: oh hell, I believe anybody that knows about C - just wondering why he did not get it working then, but we're already past the typecasting stage11:59
TheoMurpsejuano: what does "sec" mean?11:59
juanoTheoMurpse: sorry itS:11:59
TheoMurpseoh ok11:59
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juanoTheoMurpse: it means : juat a second11:59
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Shaba1Sorry my network is giving me hell today11:59
mister_robotoadaptr: i think he was probably just using ints and it was truncating the answer before he assigned it to a float11:59
juanoTheoMurpse: route add -net netmask gw
N1k-11all my messages on MSN are bouncing back to me with this message "Message could not be sent because an error with the switchboard occurred:" anyone have any ideas how to fix this ?11:59
juanoTheoMurpse: try that11:59
Spee_Dern2diy: aprs ?11:59
adaptrmister_roboto: so it works but the results are a tad unreliable :)12:00
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juanoTheoMurpse: thats netmask without the minus12:00
mister_robotoadaptr: assigning to a float isn't going to magically restore the lost precision12:00
mister_robotoadaptr: no, it's working exactly as designed. it's called a bug in his program12:00
zYethe theme i downloaded is telling me that the file format is invalid12:00
_SeanCan I set my windows directory (mounted) to able to write to it?12:00
TheoMurpsejuano: done...what should i check? I tried ping and get the same Destination Host Unreachable12:00
adaptrmister_roboto: I hadn;t really thought about his code yet - just never seen that syntax before12:00
zYethe extension is .bz212:00
Shaba1juano: did you see what I typed or did I miss your response12:00
mister_robotoadaptr: he need to either use floats or cast an int to a float so it gets evaluated as a float expression12:00
adaptr@ntfs | _Sean12:00
adaptr!ntfs | _Sean12:00
ubotu_Sean: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions. For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse12:00
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juanoTheoMurpse: mm... well that tells the box to see internet through the router12:01
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