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Nafallo | zZzZ | 01:49 |
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Bhaskar | can any one help me, while running schooltool server the following error appears:Reading configuration from /usr/local/schooltool/schooltool/schooltool/schooltool.conf | 05:25 |
Bhaskar | Traceback (most recent call last): | 05:25 |
Bhaskar | File "schooltool-server.py", line 60, in ? | 05:25 |
Bhaskar | schooltool.app.main.StandaloneServer().main() | 05:25 |
Bhaskar | File "/usr/local/schooltool/schooltool/schooltool/src/schooltool/app/main.py", line 494, in main | 05:25 |
Bhaskar | db = self.setup(options) | 05:25 |
Bhaskar | File "/usr/local/schooltool/schooltool/schooltool/src/schooltool/app/main.py", line 521, in setup | 05:25 |
Bhaskar | self.configure() | 05:25 |
Bhaskar | File "/usr/local/schooltool/schooltool/schooltool/src/schooltool/app/main.py", line 368, in configure | 05:25 |
Bhaskar | context = zope.configuration.xmlconfig.file( | 05:25 |
Bhaskar | File "/usr/local/schooltool/schooltool/schooltool/Zope3/src/zope/configuration/xmlconfig.py", line 579, in file | 05:25 |
Bhaskar | include(context, name, package) | 05:25 |
Bhaskar | File "/usr/local/schooltool/schooltool/schooltool/Zope3/src/zope/configuration/xmlconfig.py", line 515, in include | 05:25 |
Bhaskar | processxmlfile(f, context) | 05:25 |
Bhaskar | File "/usr/local/schooltool/schooltool/schooltool/Zope3/src/zope/configuration/xmlconfig.py", line 370, in processxmlfile | 05:25 |
Bhaskar | parser.parse(src) | 05:25 |
Bhaskar | File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/_xmlplus/sax/expatreader.py", line 109, in parse | 05:25 |
Bhaskar | xmlreader.IncrementalParser.parse(self, source) | 05:25 |
Bhaskar | File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/_xmlplus/sax/xmlreader.py", line 123, in parse | 05:25 |
Bhaskar | self.feed(buffer) | 05:25 |
Bhaskar | File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/_xmlplus/sax/expatreader.py", line 216, in feed | 05:25 |
Bhaskar | self._parser.Parse(data, isFinal) | 05:25 |
Bhaskar | File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/_xmlplus/sax/expatreader.py", line 364, in end_element_ns | 05:25 |
Bhaskar | self._cont_handler.endElementNS(pair, None) | 05:25 |
Bhaskar | File "/usr/local/schooltool/schooltool/schooltool/Zope3/src/zope/configuration/xmlconfig.py", line 349, in endElementNS | 05:25 |
Bhaskar | self.context.end() | 05:25 |
Bhaskar | File "/usr/local/schooltool/schooltool/schooltool/Zope3/src/zope/configuration/config.py", line 544, in end | 05:26 |
Bhaskar | self.stack.pop().finish() | 05:26 |
Bhaskar | File "/usr/local/schooltool/schooltool/schooltool/Zope3/src/zope/configuration/config.py", | 05:26 |
Bhaskar | any one can solve my problem pls wellcome:Reading configuration from /usr/local/schooltool/schooltool/schooltool/schooltoo l.conf | 05:30 |
Bhaskar | Traceback (most recent call last): | 05:30 |
Bhaskar | File "schooltool-server.py", line 60, in ? | 05:30 |
Bhaskar | schooltool.app.main.StandaloneServer().main() | 05:30 |
Bhaskar | File "/usr/local/schooltool/schooltool/schooltool/src/schooltool/app/main.py", line 494, in main | 05:30 |
Bhaskar | db = self.setup(options) | 05:30 |
Bhaskar | File "/usr/local/schooltool/schooltool/schooltool/src/schooltool/app/main.py", line 521, in setup | 05:30 |
Bhaskar | self.configure() | 05:30 |
Bhaskar | File "/usr/local/schooltool/schooltool/schooltool/src/schooltool/app/main.py", line 368, in configure | 05:30 |
Bhaskar | context = zope.configuration.xmlconfig.file( | 05:30 |
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Bhaskar | File "/usr/local/schooltool/schooltool/schooltool/Zope3/src/zope/configuration /xmlconfig.py", line 579, in file | 05:30 |
Bhaskar | include(context, name, package) | 05:30 |
Bhaskar | File "/usr/local/schooltool/schooltool/schooltool/Zope3/src/zope/configuration /xmlconfig.py", line 515, in include | 05:30 |
Bhaskar | processxmlfile(f, context) | 05:30 |
Bhaskar | File "/usr/local/schooltool/schooltool/schooltool/Zope3/src/zope/configuration /xmlconfig.py", line 370, in processxmlfile | 05:30 |
Bhaskar | parser.parse(src) | 05:30 |
Bhaskar | File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/_xmlplus/sax/expatreader.py", line 109, in parse | 05:30 |
Bhaskar | xmlreader.IncrementalParser.parse(self, source) | 05:30 |
Bhaskar | File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/_xmlplus/sax/xmlreader.py", line 123, i n parse | 05:30 |
Bhaskar | self.feed(buffer) | 05:30 |
Bhaskar | File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/_xmlplus/sax/expatreader.py", line 216, in feed | 05:30 |
Bhaskar | self._parser.Parse(data, isFinal) | 05:30 |
Bhaskar | File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/_xmlplus/sax/expatreader.py", line 364, in end_element_ns | 05:30 |
Bhaskar | self._cont_handler.endElementNS(pair, None) | 05:30 |
Bhaskar | File "/usr/local/schooltool/schooltool/schooltool/Zope3/src/zope/configuration /xmlconfig.py", line 349, in endElementNS | 05:30 |
Bhaskar | self.context.end() | 05:30 |
Bhaskar | File "/usr/local/schooltool/schooltool/schooltool/Zope3/src/zope/configuration /config.py", line 544, in end | 05:31 |
Bhaskar | self.stack.pop().finish() | 05:31 |
Bhaskar | File "/usr/local/schooltool/schooltool/schooltool/Zope3/src/zope/configuration /config.py", line 692, in finish | 05:31 |
Bhaskar | a | 05:31 |
mpt | Bhaskar, this channel is for Launchpad | 05:43 |
Bhaskar | mpt:it is also related with schooltool, so | 05:43 |
mpt | It is? | 05:43 |
mpt | I know Schooltool is using Launchpad as its bug tracker | 05:44 |
mpt | but lots of things use Launchpad as their bug tracker | 05:44 |
mpt | That doesn't make #launchpad a good channel to discuss their code in :-) | 05:45 |
Bhaskar | mpt: ok, thanks | 05:45 |
mpt | Try in #schooltool (which I see you've been in before) | 05:47 |
Bhaskar | mpt: well | 05:50 |
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mpt | spiv or thumper, what does it mean to get "unhashable instance" from a pagetest? | 06:10 |
mpt | https://devpad.canonical.com/~andrew/paste/file004CBH.html | 06:12 |
thumper | mpt: not sure sorry | 06:25 |
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thumper | jamesh: ping | 09:15 |
jamesh | thumper: hi | 09:17 |
thumper | jamesh: is renaming a bzr branch as simple as renaming the directory? | 09:20 |
thumper | and if it is how do you set the nickname? | 09:20 |
thumper | do you know? | 09:20 |
thumper | I was meaning to ask this on #bzr but started in the wrong window | 09:21 |
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carlos | morning | 09:37 |
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kasina | hi | 10:51 |
jonti | um, hi | 10:51 |
kasina | I'd wish to create a new translation group for Swahili but have no idea how to go about it. Any guides? | 10:52 |
seb128 | carlos: around? | 10:53 |
carlos | seb128: hi | 10:53 |
seb128 | hey :) | 10:53 |
seb128 | carlos: do you have any spec about having a .desktop section on rosetta? | 10:53 |
carlos | kasina: Please, read help.launchpad.net/RosettaFAQ | 10:53 |
kasina | THanks Carlos | 10:53 |
carlos | seb128: .desktop section == translate all .desktop files in a single place? | 10:54 |
seb128 | carlos: rather a place where to collect .desktop and translate them, but not only for things with language-pack | 10:54 |
carlos | seb128: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/rosetta/+spec/rosetta-desktopfile-ui | 10:54 |
seb128 | carlos: lot of packages have no .desktop (especially non-modern-desktop apps) | 10:54 |
carlos | seb128: that's an spec to extract all messages in Rosetta for a distro and show it as a 'virtual' .pot file | 10:55 |
seb128 | carlos: MOTU tend to add .desktop locally to the package, but they are not translated that way | 10:55 |
seb128 | carlos: would be nice to have a place where to upload those .desktop and "recolt" translations version to use for the package | 10:55 |
seb128 | not sure if my description is clear | 10:55 |
carlos | seb128: so you want native support for .desktop files in Rosetta | 10:55 |
seb128 | those packages don't use language packs, they want to ship a menu item and we don't want them non-translated | 10:56 |
carlos | in the same way we support .pot and will support soon .xpi ones | 10:56 |
carlos | right? | 10:56 |
seb128 | right | 10:56 |
carlos | seb128: who will collect those files and deploy them ? | 10:56 |
carlos | we can import them automatically in Rosetta like we do with .po and .pot files | 10:56 |
carlos | but the other way... will they be included in language packs? | 10:57 |
seb128 | no | 10:57 |
seb128 | well, read what I just wrote | 10:57 |
seb128 | basically those are .desktop added locally to universe packages, and that would be nice to have a way for translators to translate them | 10:58 |
seb128 | having translator sending patches for the package is not manageable | 10:58 |
carlos | so MOTU people will get back those translations | 10:58 |
carlos | manually | 10:58 |
seb128 | right | 10:58 |
seb128 | they would upload the desktop or note the string | 10:58 |
carlos | I was told that they cannot handle that, and that's the reason why we don't import universe packages.... | 10:58 |
seb128 | and next time they update the package would grab the translated .desktop from rosetta by hand | 10:58 |
seb128 | and update the debian/app.desktop | 10:58 |
seb128 | well, they insist adding a .desktop for packages which don't have a menu entry | 10:59 |
seb128 | and I'm against adding random item with no translation | 10:59 |
seb128 | I'm trying to figure how we could get translations for those without too much work | 10:59 |
seb128 | and that's the best idea I had for now | 10:59 |
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carlos | seb128: what you ask me is possible, yes | 11:00 |
seb128 | do you think that would be a good idea? | 11:01 |
carlos | seb128: thought I wonder whether we should implement https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/language-packs-for-universe and finish that issue once per all... | 11:01 |
seb128 | would you like to talk about it for next UDS, like should somebody register a spec? | 11:01 |
seb128 | I'm against language pack for universe | 11:01 |
seb128 | we already talked about that ;) | 11:01 |
carlos | seb128: language pack for universe is not what we have in main | 11:02 |
carlos | but a per package solution | 11:02 |
carlos | so you only get translations for the applications you already have installed | 11:02 |
carlos | no wasted space | 11:02 |
seb128 | how would it work? | 11:03 |
carlos | that's why it's not yet implemented, because it's not trivial | 11:03 |
seb128 | (I probably need to read the spec) | 11:03 |
carlos | seb128: the spec is not finished | 11:03 |
carlos | but more or less you could get the idea (forget about the suggestion we do at the end of the spec, Mark rejected it) | 11:04 |
jonti | exit | 11:13 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #80424 in malone "[[edgy] epiphany freezes with dbus error message" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80424 | 12:40 |
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sladen | jamesh: remember to promote the XML import as a way for projects to get their data /out of/ Launchpad aswell...! | 12:41 |
sladen | s/import/import format/ | 12:41 |
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SteveA | launchpad meeting in 7 minutes | 12:52 |
static | goood morning launchpad | 12:53 |
cprov | morning static ! | 12:57 |
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matthewrevell | mpt: Do you have a .svg file of the new Launchpad rocket? | 12:59 |
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SteveA | meeting time! | 01:00 |
mpt | matthewrevell, no | 01:00 |
SteveA | welcome to this week's launchpad development meeting | 01:00 |
SteveA | who is here today? | 01:00 |
matsubara | me | 01:00 |
cprov | me | 01:00 |
flacoste | me | 01:00 |
carlos | me | 01:00 |
salgado | the computer which runs kiko's script is booting up | 01:00 |
mpt | me | 01:00 |
BjornT | me | 01:00 |
salgado | me | 01:00 |
ddaa | me | 01:00 |
carlos | salgado: X-) | 01:00 |
heno | me | 01:00 |
static | me | 01:00 |
ddaa | salgado: so kiko's a script!?! | 01:00 |
matthewrevell | me | 01:01 |
carlos | ddaa: he has a script to say 'me' and 'up to date' | 01:01 |
salgado | ddaa, no, but he has one to represent him on meetings | 01:01 |
SteveA | == Agenda == | 01:01 |
SteveA | * Roll call | 01:01 |
SteveA | * Agenda | 01:01 |
SteveA | * Next meeting | 01:01 |
SteveA | * Activity reports | 01:01 |
SteveA | * Actions from last meeting | 01:01 |
SteveA | * Oops report (Matsubara) | 01:01 |
SteveA | * Bug report (mpt) | 01:01 |
SteveA | * Bug tags | 01:01 |
SteveA | * Production and staging (Stuart) | 01:02 |
SteveA | * Launchpad 1.0 status reports | 01:02 |
SteveA | * Sysadmin requests | 01:02 |
SteveA | ---- | 01:02 |
SteveA | * Top two user-affecting issues as identified by MatthewRevell | 01:02 |
SteveA | * Everyone to do new work on the new UI (Kiko/Steve) | 01:02 |
SteveA | * (other items) | 01:02 |
SteveA | ---- | 01:02 |
SteveA | * Three sentences | 01:02 |
SteveA | 01:02 | |
SteveA | next meeting, same time next week | 01:02 |
SteveA | anyone won't be here then? | 01:02 |
BjornT | i will probably not be her | 01:02 |
stu1 | not me | 01:02 |
matsubara | I'll be on vacation | 01:02 |
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BjornT | i'll be at the distro sprint | 01:02 |
kiko | me | 01:03 |
stub | I will be on a tropical island off the coast of borneo | 01:03 |
SteveA | remember to fill in the "apologies" section on the meeting agenda page | 01:03 |
SteveA | kiko: you will be absent next week? | 01:03 |
stub | And I'm not apologizing for that :) | 01:03 |
kiko | I will not be absent | 01:03 |
kiko | what the hell is wrong with my xchat? | 01:03 |
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SteveA | * Activity reports | 01:03 |
SteveA | == People who were lax with activity reporting last week == | 01:04 |
SteveA | * danilos: "missing two for last week's thursday and friday" | 01:04 |
SteveA | * jamesh | 01:04 |
SteveA | * kiko | 01:04 |
SteveA | * mpt | 01:04 |
=== kiko_ is now known as kiko | ||
SteveA | * spiv | 01:04 |
SteveA | * static: "missing last two days, will send today" | 01:04 |
SteveA | * SteveA | 01:04 |
danilos | me | 01:04 |
SteveA | I continue to be slack with activity reports. | 01:04 |
flacoste | up to date | 01:04 |
danilos | (sorry, got distracted) | 01:04 |
SteveA | who can do better than that? | 01:04 |
kiko | I didn't do mine this week | 01:04 |
ddaa | uptodate (just sent yesterday's) | 01:04 |
BjornT | up to date | 01:04 |
mpt | up to date | 01:04 |
carlos | up to date | 01:04 |
static | up to date | 01:04 |
matthewrevell | up to date | 01:04 |
salgado | not up to date | 01:04 |
cprov | I suck, 1 week behind | 01:04 |
matsubara | up to date | 01:04 |
danilos | I am up to date (batching), except those same two days from week before last | 01:04 |
SteveA | stub: ? | 01:05 |
stub | up to date, two days sloppy but in. | 01:05 |
SteveA | is that everyone? | 01:06 |
SteveA | * Actions from last meeting | 01:06 |
SteveA | * SteveA and thumper to arrange a call about dbschema refactoring | 01:06 |
SteveA | done | 01:06 |
SteveA | * kiko to talk to matsubara about matsubara delegating his Oops-reporting responsibilities when he is away | 01:06 |
kiko | I did that. | 01:06 |
SteveA | * carlos, cprov, salgado, and SteveA to read https://help.launchpad.net/CreatingYourLaunchpadAccount | 01:06 |
SteveA | * kiko to read https://help.launchpad.net/FixItFriday | 01:06 |
salgado | I read | 01:06 |
carlos | I read | 01:06 |
kiko | I did that too | 01:06 |
SteveA | I did not read. Bad me. | 01:06 |
cprov | I read | 01:06 |
danilos | I read | 01:07 |
SteveA | thanks everyone. except me. | 01:07 |
SteveA | * Oops report (Matsubara) | 01:07 |
matsubara | Today's oops report is about bugs 50616, 44919, 78522 | 01:07 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 50616 in launchpad "ValueError while validating image file using Python Imaging Lib" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50616 | 01:07 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 44919 in launchpad "UnicodeDecodeError while POSTing forms with non-ascii characters." [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44919 - Assigned to Bjrn Tillenius (bjornt) | 01:07 |
danilos | not that I didn't before :) | 01:07 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 78522 in launchpad-bazaar "xmlrpc failure shouldn't include exception details" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78522 | 01:07 |
matsubara | salgado, can you take 50616? | 01:07 |
matsubara | thumper, can you take bug 78522?. | 01:07 |
matsubara | More importantly about bug 78522 is the fact that the xmlrpc UI bypasses any validator. Shouldn't we have a common validation infrastructure that shares code between the web ui and xmlrpc UI? | 01:07 |
matsubara | Bjorn, bug 44919 still occurs. It seems to happen only for IE6.0 users, after your patch that added the accept-charset to the templates where the bug is triggered. Is it difficult to fix zope as you suggested in the bug report? | 01:08 |
matsubara | BjornT: ^ | 01:08 |
salgado | matsubara, yeah, I can probably take it | 01:08 |
matsubara | thanks salgado | 01:08 |
SteveA | matsubara: for 50616, I think we should try-except, and such images should be rejected as invalid | 01:08 |
salgado | agreed. that's what I had in mind | 01:08 |
SteveA | but we should also record the fact they were rejected, and the image involved | 01:08 |
SteveA | just in this case, not in the general case | 01:09 |
matsubara | I'll add that to the report SteveA | 01:09 |
SteveA | thanks matsubara | 01:09 |
BjornT | matsubara: i think it will be quite easy to at least fix the affected pages. but i'm not sure what's the right thing to do is | 01:09 |
matsubara | BjornT: jamesh's suggestion in the bug seems sane. isn't that enough? reject the input with an error message? | 01:11 |
SteveA | matsubara: I don't get what you mean about the xmlrpc stuff | 01:11 |
SteveA | matsubara: I'd like to talk with you about this later | 01:11 |
matsubara | hmm thumper isn't here to coment on 78522 | 01:12 |
SteveA | because it may tie into other xmlrpc stuff | 01:12 |
SteveA | matsubara: call later today? | 01:12 |
matsubara | SteveA: sure. | 01:12 |
SteveA | ok | 01:12 |
=== TeTeT [n=spindler@modemcable178.77-70-69.static.videotron.ca] has joined #launchpad | ||
matsubara | SteveA: can you give some advice for BjornT on a fix to 44919? | 01:13 |
SteveA | BjornT: we can have a call about it tomorrow | 01:13 |
BjornT | SteveA: ok | 01:14 |
matsubara | then I'm done SteveA, thanks everyone! | 01:14 |
SteveA | matsubara, BjornT: please arrange times with me after this meeting | 01:14 |
SteveA | * Bug report (mpt) | 01:14 |
matsubara | SteveA: ok | 01:14 |
mpt | There are 12 known open bugs about Launchpad with unreleased fixes. The oldest 6 are: | 01:14 |
mpt | * Bug #30602 (Timeout errors in +translate), Critical, In Progress, kiko | 01:14 |
mpt | * Bug #68295 (private), Critical, In Progress, kiko | 01:14 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 30602 in rosetta "Timeout errors in +translate" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30602 - Assigned to Christian Reis (kiko) | 01:14 |
Ubugtu | Bug 68295 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/68295 is private | 01:14 |
mpt | kiko, 68295 is In Progress since November 11th. Will it be finished soon? | 01:15 |
SteveA | win 31 | 01:15 |
mpt | * Bug #46589 (Poll crashes if you select default poll option), Critical, Fix Committed, static | 01:15 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 46589 in launchpad "Poll crashes if you select default poll option" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46589 - Assigned to Elliot Murphy (emurphy) | 01:15 |
mpt | static, iirc we discussed that one last week, and no rollout since then | 01:15 |
mpt | * Bug #46982 (Need to support KDE like plural forms), Critical, Confirmed, danilos | 01:15 |
mpt | * Bug #73509 (.po file export doesn't update cached files), Critical, Fix Committed, danilos | 01:15 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 46982 in rosetta "Need to support KDE like plural forms" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46982 - Assigned to (danilo) | 01:15 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 73509 in rosetta ".po file export doesn't update cached files" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73509 - Assigned to (danilo) | 01:15 |
mpt | danilos, did 73509 deserve a cherrypick? | 01:15 |
danilos | mpt, yes, I asked for it on LaunchpadProductionStatus after checking on edge today | 01:15 |
mpt | ok, thanks danilos | 01:15 |
kiko | mpt, probably not. do you want to me change its status? | 01:15 |
danilos | bug 46982, still just like last week | 01:16 |
mpt | kiko, I guess only if that makes it more likely someone else will fix it :-) | 01:16 |
SteveA | I asked for the poll crash to be cherrypicked | 01:16 |
kiko | mpt, probably not ether. :-( | 01:16 |
SteveA | did that happen? | 01:16 |
kiko | SteveA, it had already been rolled out. | 01:17 |
mpt | static, in that case, please update it | 01:17 |
mpt | * Bug #74839 (private), Critical, Confirmed, mpt | 01:17 |
Ubugtu | Bug 74839 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/74839 is private | 01:17 |
mpt | No progress on that one this week. | 01:17 |
static | mpt: will do | 01:17 |
mpt | That's all SteveA | 01:17 |
mpt | thanks kiko | 01:17 |
stub | What is the verdict for cherrypicking the Bug #73509 fix? | 01:18 |
SteveA | thanks | 01:18 |
carlos | stub: it's critical | 01:19 |
kiko | stub, I'd like to see it cherry-picked if possible | 01:19 |
stub | kiko: ok. So your 'probably not' was in relation to something else | 01:19 |
kiko | stub, it was about mpt's question about +translate. | 01:20 |
SteveA | stub: make a decision | 01:21 |
stub | NEXT! | 01:21 |
stub | eh? Cherry pick is already in progress. I was just momentarily confused. | 01:21 |
SteveA | ok | 01:21 |
SteveA | * Bug tags | 01:22 |
SteveA | https://help.launchpad.net/TaggingLaunchpadBugs | 01:22 |
SteveA | we have four new candidates for tags used in the launchpad process | 01:22 |
SteveA | poll | 01:22 |
SteveA | 01:22 | |
SteveA | A bug related to Launchpad's voting infrastructure | 01:22 |
SteveA | 01:22 | |
SteveA | I have some questions about this. | 01:22 |
SteveA | 1. should launchpad polls be a separate product? | 01:22 |
kiko | 1. no | 01:23 |
SteveA | 2. is "poll" confusing in that people might first think it means there is a vote on how important this bug is? | 01:23 |
danilos | aren't we supposed to go away from separate products (including existing ones, like 'rosetta'?) or is this just short-term? | 01:23 |
kiko | 2. "team-polls" might be a better choice. | 01:23 |
danilos | 2. I think it is | 01:23 |
stub | no more products please - crazy enough as it is | 01:23 |
danilos | kiko++ | 01:23 |
matsubara | or perhaps 'voting-system' | 01:23 |
kiko | stub+++ | 01:23 |
SteveA | danilos: it was a discussion, but we're sticking with separate products. | 01:24 |
kiko | matsubara, that has the same problem | 01:24 |
kiko | team-polls or team-voting | 01:24 |
mpt | no more products please | 01:24 |
SteveA | team-poll ? | 01:24 |
stub | poll seems fine to me | 01:24 |
danilos | I guess "poll-infrastructure" is even better imho | 01:25 |
kiko | no it's not | 01:25 |
SteveA | why not? | 01:25 |
kiko | poll-infrastructure?! | 01:25 |
ddaa | At the risk of looking silly, what is this pool thing useful for? | 01:25 |
kiko | what does that mean?! | 01:25 |
kiko | the polls we have are for teams | 01:25 |
kiko | period | 01:25 |
danilos | kiko: it's confusing enough so that users won't think it's a poll | 01:25 |
mpt | ddaa, for getting people's votes on things like what the "polls" tag should be | 01:25 |
danilos | kiko: so "infrastructure" seems to prevail when reading it, so you don't think you can vote on it | 01:26 |
ddaa | ... | 01:26 |
SteveA | I like "voting-system" from matsubara | 01:26 |
SteveA | anyway, too much bikeshedding | 01:26 |
kiko | SteveA, that has the same problem you raised as point 2. | 01:26 |
SteveA | I disagree | 01:26 |
kiko | the polls we have are for /teams/ | 01:26 |
kiko | that is a very important distinction | 01:26 |
danilos | SteveA: yeah, maybe even "poll-system", I agree | 01:26 |
kiko | if we later come and have bug-polls | 01:26 |
=== mpt votes for poll-voting-infrastructure-system | ||
ddaa | mpt: could you imagine that being useful for code reviews, or other use cases like that? | 01:27 |
kiko | or bug-voting | 01:27 |
kiko | then it becomes ambiguous | 01:27 |
SteveA | team-voting | 01:27 |
stub | ddaa: Main use case is all the voting that is needed to steer Ubuntu on its course (community council, tech board, ad infinitum) | 01:27 |
SteveA | how about that? | 01:27 |
kiko | that's fine. | 01:27 |
mpt | ddaa, no. | 01:27 |
SteveA | good | 01:27 |
SteveA | matsubara: do you agree with team-voting ? | 01:27 |
matsubara | yes SteveA. | 01:27 |
SteveA | good. done. | 01:27 |
SteveA | fif-candidate | 01:27 |
SteveA | matthewrevell: do we need this larger workflow for fif? we already have a fix-it-friday tag | 01:28 |
matthewrevell | SteveA: matsubara and I had a discussion and felt that the distinction will help LP developers to see which bugs have been agreed as suitable for FiF | 01:29 |
matthewrevell | while allowing anyone else to suggest FiF candidates | 01:29 |
SteveA | I'd do it the other way around | 01:29 |
SteveA | and either use a comment in the bug to agree that it is a fif bug | 01:29 |
stub | As Launchpad developers can promote candidates to real, I imagine in almost every case the candidate step will be skipped as the proposing will be done by lp devs in almost all cases | 01:29 |
SteveA | or to disagree | 01:29 |
SteveA | so, I think this needs more discussion | 01:30 |
SteveA | but not right now | 01:30 |
matthewrevell | Okay, no probs. | 01:30 |
SteveA | l10n | 01:30 |
SteveA | this seems to have nothing to do with launchpad bugs | 01:30 |
flacoste | this doesn't seem to be relevant for launchpad | 01:30 |
SteveA | so it should be declined for that reason | 01:30 |
danilos | did something change regarding l10n being ubuntu-related? | 01:31 |
danilos | ok, it didn't | 01:31 |
flacoste | until we do localize launchpad | 01:31 |
SteveA | * Production and staging (Stuart) | 01:31 |
danilos | agreed | 01:31 |
stub | Staging as normal. | 01:31 |
stub | Edge code updates broken pending Bug #79397, otherwise fine. | 01:31 |
stub | Beta running as normal. Twice daily code updates if anyone bothers to commit onto the beta branch. | 01:31 |
stub | Production cherry picking of Danilo's patch is in progress now. Tests have a fair chance of failing though, as there were conflicts in the cherry pick. | 01:31 |
stub | Tim's db patch has been cowboyed into production, and should be landing on the trunk shortly (at which point I need to update the edge branch manually). I did it this way because it is not tied to code updates and could be applied live and it saves me some hassles syncing up all the production branches. | 01:31 |
Ubugtu | Bug 79397 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/79397 is private | 01:31 |
stub | With luck there should be no need of a full production update next week, but I expect after that we should do one to avoid drift. | 01:31 |
stub | Testing of the feisty translation opening is underway on carbon. | 01:31 |
stub | At this stage it looks like Rosetta performance problems (or at least the example query from Carlos) is not slow based on table size, but on concurrent requests (possibly poimport). My timings range from 16 seconds to 100ms. | 01:31 |
SteveA | stub: what about updating beta? | 01:31 |
danilos | stub: is there anything I can help with about those conflicts? | 01:32 |
stub | erm - re production updates that should be 'do one *after* next week' | 01:32 |
SteveA | lifeless: when will you fix bug 79397 ? | 01:32 |
stub | SteveA: beta is being updated with fresh code twice daily | 01:32 |
carlos | danilos: fetch current production branch, merge your branch, solve conflicts and tests and give that branch to Stub to cherrypick it | 01:32 |
SteveA | stub: what about syncing the database change to trunk? | 01:33 |
SteveA | like you said you needed to do for edge | 01:33 |
ddaa | stub: what's Tim db patch about? | 01:33 |
danilos | carlos: but why did the conflicts happen in the first place? isn't the production same as rocketfuel +cherrypicks in the meantime? | 01:33 |
stub | SteveA: That will not be necessary, as merges from trunk -> beta are being done manually. I used a magic patch level for tim's patch so servers will ignore it when checking the database revision level. | 01:34 |
carlos | danilos: sure, but I guess you changes something that is not cherrypicked but in rocketfuel | 01:34 |
SteveA | ok. will it be clear what needs merging into beta ? | 01:34 |
carlos | s/changes/changed/ | 01:34 |
SteveA | from the LaunchpadProductionStatus page? | 01:34 |
SteveA | or does nothing need to be done until the next rollout? | 01:34 |
stub | carlos: You might need to prepare a branch of production/1.75 with your fixes if the tests fail | 01:34 |
danilos | carlos, ok, thanks for explaining | 01:34 |
stub | SteveA: Nothing needs merging into beta | 01:34 |
carlos | danilos: ^^^ | 01:35 |
SteveA | ok | 01:35 |
SteveA | * Launchpad 1.0 status reports (new stuff only as usual) | 01:35 |
danilos | stub: yeah, ok, that message was probably aimed for me (production/1.75) | 01:35 |
danilos | stub: just let me know if it needs doing | 01:35 |
stub | yup | 01:35 |
salgado | Random Things 1.0 | 01:35 |
salgado | ------------------------------- | 01:35 |
salgado | - PillarGotchis: only need to add the new ImageWidget to /projects/distros/sprints add/edit pages. | 01:35 |
danilos | Rosetta 1.0 weekly report: | 01:35 |
danilos | - firefox import/export: some more clean-ups (zipfile usage) | 01:35 |
danilos | - oo import/export: no progress this week | 01:35 |
danilos | - translation review: fully implemented, waiting for review | 01:35 |
danilos | - essential docs: no progress this week | 01:35 |
danilos | - search via translation browsing: DONE | 01:35 |
danilos | - checks not to upload wrong language PO file using "too many changes" check: Pending final spec discussion | 01:35 |
danilos | - translation page for projects: bug 73875 (not started), bug 79674 (not started) | 01:35 |
flacoste | Support^W Answer Tracker 1.0 | 01:35 |
flacoste | ---------------------------- | 01:35 |
flacoste | SupportTrackerRename: spec in review, waiting for mpt and SteveA sanity check. | 01:35 |
Ubugtu | Bug 73875 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/73875 is private | 01:36 |
cprov | = Soyuz-1.0 Report = | 01:36 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 79674 in rosetta "List translatable upstreams on separate page, sample on front page" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79674 | 01:36 |
cprov | * Archive Rework: under SoyuzTestSystem | 01:36 |
cprov | * KeyServer DoS: debugged, decided to have an internal KeyServer for LP. | 01:36 |
cprov | * Feisty Contents: generated daily, RF 4405 & 4410 | 01:36 |
cprov | * Incoming Fixes: | 01:36 |
cprov | * #76591 (Reliable PackageRelationShip parser/render): | 01:36 |
cprov | merge-conditional (cprov, r=spiv) | 01:36 |
cprov | * #78082 (Binary publication path doesn't respect pockets): | 01:36 |
cprov | merge-conditional (cprov, r=flacoste) | 01:36 |
cprov | * #78955 (`process-upload` top-level lockfile): | 01:36 |
cprov | pending-review (cprov, r=jamesh) | 01:36 |
BjornT | Malone 1.0: | 01:36 |
BjornT | malone-essential-docs: No progress since last week. bjornt to send an e-mail to matthew r describing what information the different sections should contain in more detail. | 01:36 |
mpt | * UI 1.0 report: | 01:36 |
mpt | - Icons: All done except for mugshot-sized ones | 01:36 |
mpt | - Priority-1 pages: All implemented except for bugs 67920, 73875, 74321, 79034, 79035, 79036, 79038, 79041, and a couple of images | 01:36 |
mpt | - Priority-2 pages: In progress | 01:36 |
mpt | - Marketing section: Templates done, needs text from matthewrevell | 01:36 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 67920 in launchpad "Project needs a list of top contributors" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67920 | 01:36 |
Ubugtu | Bug 74321 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/74321 is private | 01:36 |
matthewrevell | mpt: I'll mail you after the meeting. | 01:36 |
SteveA | * Sysadmin requests | 01:37 |
SteveA | 4 | 01:37 |
SteveA | 3 | 01:37 |
mpt | matthewrevell, thanks | 01:37 |
SteveA | 2 | 01:37 |
SteveA | 1 | 01:37 |
SteveA | * Everyone to do new work on the new UI (Kiko/Steve) | 01:37 |
kiko | yes! | 01:37 |
SteveA | we'd planned to have this week as "everyone drop what you're doing (within reason) and work on the new UI" week | 01:38 |
SteveA | but then we forgot to tell anyone | 01:38 |
SteveA | I'd like us to do that next week | 01:38 |
SteveA | there are very very few people using beta | 01:38 |
SteveA | so, we need to sort that out too | 01:38 |
SteveA | heno: maybe you can help us there, and get the distro team using the beta server? | 01:38 |
=== flacoste updates his bookmarks to use the beta site | ||
carlos | SteveA: I'm using beta most of the time | 01:38 |
carlos | but | 01:38 |
=== ddaa drops coffee OUCH, it burns! | ||
carlos | it's quite slow | 01:38 |
carlos | so I end using current system | 01:39 |
heno | SteveA: yes, I'll mention it at the meeting | 01:39 |
carlos | I guess it's a problem with the connection pool | 01:39 |
kiko | SteveA, we'd need to add the distro team to the beta users group. | 01:39 |
SteveA | stub: please look into why beta is reportedly slow, and make it not so | 01:39 |
heno | hm, the slowness might be a problem for them ... | 01:39 |
SteveA | stub: people won't use it if it is slow | 01:39 |
stub | It might not be hardware related | 01:39 |
mpt | SteveA, shall I post to launchpad@ a list of all the bug reports about things for people other than me to implement for the 1.0 page designs? | 01:39 |
stub | I'll have a look at asukas resources | 01:40 |
SteveA | if necessary, we should run beta on one of the normal app servers | 01:40 |
SteveA | or on carbon or something | 01:40 |
static | mpt: I would find that useful, I'm happy to help working on it but would like a pointer about what needs help | 01:40 |
stub | asuka is similar hardware to the normal app servers | 01:40 |
SteveA | mpt: yes | 01:40 |
mpt | okie dokie | 01:40 |
SteveA | stub: ok, please look into it and report back any conclusions or changes to the list | 01:40 |
SteveA | so, over the next 1.5 days, kiko and I will talk with everyone | 01:41 |
SteveA | to talk about switching to work on polishing the new UI | 01:41 |
SteveA | and making it good | 01:41 |
kiko | sure thingo | 01:41 |
SteveA | for at least one week | 01:41 |
SteveA | * Top two user-affecting issues as identified by MatthewRevell | 01:41 |
danilos | I guess that also includes helptexts, SteveA? | 01:41 |
matthewrevell | Both my user affecting issues this week are taken from conversations with Loco Team contacts, and relate to Rosetta. | 01:41 |
carlos | kiko: does TranslationReview counts as new UI? :-P | 01:41 |
danilos | (I know it does, I'd just like to bring it up here as well) | 01:42 |
matthewrevell | First issue: searchable translations. We have bug 44 and a spec https://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/TranslateSpecificString in which sabdfl raises performance concerns. | 01:42 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 44 in rosetta "Translations should be searchable" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44 - Assigned to (danilo) | 01:42 |
kiko | carlos, as long as it lands some day | 01:42 |
carlos | danilos: we suck on that... | 01:42 |
matthewrevell | Second issue: localisable email templates. For loco and translation teams that deal primarily in a language other than English, can we allow teams to translate the team membership templates? I couldn't find a bug on this. I understand there is a blueprint for general LP localisation (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/launchpad/+spec/launchpad-i18n) but wanted to raise this to see what sort of answer I could provid | 01:42 |
matthewrevell | e. | 01:42 |
matthewrevell | please mail me or ping if you have any input | 01:42 |
carlos | kiko: it's waiting for final approval from salgado | 01:42 |
salgado | carlos, is it? | 01:42 |
kiko | matthewrevell, as for part 1 | 01:43 |
kiko | carlos has implemented TranslationBrowsing | 01:43 |
carlos | salgado: I sent an email two days ago with my reply... | 01:43 |
kiko | which would allow google to index the pages and therefore allow searching | 01:43 |
carlos | kiko: which needs to be cherrypicked to allow google to start the indexing | 01:43 |
salgado | carlos, hmmm. I think I missed it. will reply today | 01:43 |
salgado | carlos, sorry for that | 01:43 |
SteveA | matthewrevell: we're not doing i10n of launchpad for a while. it's quite a big job. | 01:43 |
matthewrevell | kiko, carlos: Excellent, cool | 01:43 |
SteveA | ok | 01:43 |
carlos | salgado: cool, thanks. Please, tell me if you didn't get it and I will forward it | 01:43 |
kiko | carlos, well, yes, or perhaps we could do the rollout a bit earlier? | 01:43 |
SteveA | running out of time | 01:43 |
SteveA | * Three sentences | 01:43 |
salgado | carlos, when you do this, remember to move the branch back to pending-review on the pending-review page | 01:44 |
stub | TODO: Holiday | 01:44 |
stub | DONE: launchpad operational statistics | 01:44 |
stub | BLOCKED: No | 01:44 |
kiko | DONE: hacking vocabs, interviews, reviews and a lot of chatting with everybody | 01:44 |
matthewrevell | DONE: Working on Pycon sponsorship materials | 01:44 |
cprov | DONE: dogfooding Archive-Rework (incomplete), Keyserver DoS debugging and | 01:44 |
mpt | DONE: marketing template incorporation, work on P1/P2 pages | 01:44 |
mpt | TODO: finish 1.0 | 01:44 |
mpt | BLOCKED: strange pagetest failure about which I've e-mailed the list | 01:44 |
cprov | Daily Feisty Contents. | 01:44 |
cprov | TODO: dogfooding PPA, test a solution for Warty & Hoary archive removal | 01:44 |
cprov | BLOCKED: no | 01:44 |
matsubara | DONE: oops report analysis, fixed product release finder script, triage, poll infrastructure testing. | 01:44 |
matsubara | TODO: finish the poll infrastructure tests and write a report, call with Steve about xmlrpc validation stuff, more of the same. | 01:44 |
matsubara | BLOCKED: no. | 01:44 |
BjornT | DONE: code reviews. first cut of SupportingBugReportingTool. started on InitialUbuntuCVETracking. | 01:44 |
salgado | DONE: Code review, fixed a couple random bugs, including a tricky one on the mirror prober, which still needs some discussion and a fix to be able to use the new ImageWidget on edit pages | 01:44 |
salgado | TODO: Use the image-widget for projects/distros/sprints, code review and start work on https://launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/72110 | 01:44 |
salgado | BLOCKED: no | 01:44 |
kiko | TODO: more of the same, more coding, land my 6 outstanding branches | 01:44 |
ddaa | DONE: vacation, catchup | 01:44 |
ddaa | TODO: Importd error reporting, list of products you can get with bzr, vcs-imports documentation | 01:44 |
ddaa | BLOCKED: no | 01:44 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 72110 in launchpad "Need to provide a way for anonymous users to get a list of archive mirrors on their country (or continent, if there's none in their country)" [Medium,Confirmed] - Assigned to Guilherme Salgado (salgado) | 01:44 |
SteveA | DONE: management, code review, recruitment | 01:44 |
SteveA | TODO: management, code review, recruitment | 01:44 |
SteveA | BLOCKED: no | 01:44 |
matthewrevell | TODO: Malone docs | 01:44 |
BjornT | TODO: finish InitialUbuntuCVETracking. attend distro sprint. | 01:44 |
danilos | DONE: more bug 73509 (fix committed, asked for cherrypick), user support, more bug 2181 fixing (committed), more bug work, some firefox work | 01:44 |
danilos | TODO: have ff reviewed and landed, translation licensing summary and resolution, set-up debian-installer, glade3 properly for translation using Rosetta | 01:44 |
danilos | BLOCKED: no | 01:44 |
kiko | BLOCKED: no | 01:44 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 73509 in rosetta ".po file export doesn't update cached files" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73509 - Assigned to (danilo) | 01:44 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 2181 in rosetta "Rosetta automated e-mail should come from @launchpad.net" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2181 - Assigned to (danilo) | 01:44 |
BjornT | BLOCKED: no | 01:44 |
matthewrevell | BLOCKEDL None | 01:44 |
carlos | salgado: ok, I never know what todo with that. thanks for clarify :-P | 01:44 |
flacoste | DONE: email catchup after paternity leave, fix +needattention timeout, reviews | 01:44 |
flacoste | TODO: SupportTrackerRename, bug fixes, interview, review | 01:44 |
flacoste | BLOCKED: waiting on mpt and SteveA comments on SupportTrackerRename | 01:44 |
carlos | DONE:bug #75333, TranslationImportContinuityThreshold spec review, TranslationReview, bug triage, tranlation import queue handling, bug #70500, Feisty opening testing | 01:44 |
carlos | TODO: Feisty translation opening, TranslationImportContinuityThreshold implementation | 01:44 |
carlos | BLOCKED: no | 01:44 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 75333 in rosetta "Restrict pockets that upload translations into Rosetta" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75333 - Assigned to Carlos Perell Marn (carlos) | 01:44 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 70500 in rosetta "en_GB translation is complete, but stats say "Untranslated: 995"" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70500 - Assigned to Carlos Perell Marn (carlos) | 01:44 |
static | DONE: recruitment, market research, meeting with potential customers | 01:44 |
static | TODO: write!, help on new UI | 01:44 |
static | BLOCKED: no | 01:44 |
ddaa | <on-behalf of="thumper"> | 01:45 |
ddaa | DONE: fix-it-friday branch for sorting product series got merged into rocketfuel today. Completed work on branch subscriptions, but I need to rework my branches | 01:45 |
ddaa | to make it easy to review. Continuing work on email notifications. No progress on dbschema stuff yet. | 01:45 |
ddaa | TODO: Next week, at a bzrlp in Sydney | 01:45 |
ddaa | BLOCKED: unspecified | 01:45 |
ddaa | </on-behalf> | 01:45 |
SteveA | flacoste: I wasn't aware you'd asked for comments on SupportTrackerRename | 01:45 |
flacoste | SteveA: I only sent an email about that yesterday | 01:46 |
SteveA | in fact, I wasn't aware of the existence of SupportTrackerRename | 01:46 |
SteveA | ok | 01:46 |
SteveA | any other blockers? | 01:46 |
SteveA | ok, thanks | 01:46 |
SteveA | MEETING ENDS | 01:46 |
=== mpt pokes his SMTP server with a stick | ||
stub | re: beta speed | 01:47 |
flacoste | mpt: just to let you know that the first two meeting transcript of this year have a wrong name: DevelopmentMeeting20060104 and DevelopmentMeeting20060111 | 01:48 |
stub | Asuka is, at the moment, 99-100% CPU idle with almost no disk activity | 01:48 |
mpt | flacoste, thanks | 01:48 |
stub | Which means if beta is 'too slow' at the moment, it is likely a software issue. Possibly caching headers or similar. | 01:48 |
flacoste | hmm, i could have fixed this myself... | 01:48 |
flacoste | kiko: will you have time to review my fix for the +needtranslation timeout? or should I find another reviewer? | 01:49 |
matthewrevell | SteveA, ddaa: Ready when you are to discuss NL. | 01:49 |
mpt | flacoste, fixed | 01:49 |
ddaa | matthewrevell: hello | 01:49 |
SteveA | ddaa, matthewrevell: launchpad-meeting | 01:50 |
kiko | flacoste, I.. yeah, I will. | 01:50 |
mpt | flacoste, or nearly fixed, but MoinMoin is claiming there's already a page called 20070104 when there isn't | 01:50 |
flacoste | *sigh* | 01:51 |
mpt | "A page with the name 'DevelopmentMeeting20070104' already exists. Try a different name." vs. "This page does not exist yet." | 01:53 |
matsubara | static: don't be shy, change bug 46589 status to fix released. :) | 01:53 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 46589 in launchpad "Poll crashes if you select default poll option" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46589 - Assigned to Elliot Murphy (emurphy) | 01:53 |
static | matsubara: yes, doing that now. | 01:54 |
=== carlos -> lunch | ||
static | huh, I thought I had already done that during the meeting | 01:54 |
danilos | static: I hope you don't use "Enter" in empty text fields to submit form there, though (if that isn't fixed yet :) | 02:04 |
static | danilos: no, I clicked on the save changes button. It seems to be working now | 02:05 |
danilos | static: ok, I've just been bitten with this one, and I know others have been too :) | 02:05 |
danilos | btw static, did the email on rosetta stuff help? have you heard from the guys? | 02:06 |
static | danilos: rosetta info was very very helpful | 02:06 |
static | danilos: yes, we have been talking, you should hear more about it soon | 02:06 |
danilos | static: ok, great, I will look forward to it (you've been doing some great work, so thanks :)) | 02:07 |
static | danilos: only tricky part will be importing a new kind of file, but it is so close to xpi format that I don't think it will be a big deal | 02:07 |
static | thanks for the kind words :)) | 02:07 |
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seb128 | cprov: ping? | 02:54 |
cprov | seb128: pong | 02:54 |
seb128 | cprov: I did a libcm 0.1.1-0ubuntu1 upload yesterday evening, got no mail in respond from launchpad and the upload is nowhere to be seen | 02:54 |
seb128 | cprov: could you have a look from launchpad on if you had a trace from it? | 02:54 |
cprov | seb128: let me see, one sec | 02:55 |
seb128 | cprov: ok, the orig was not uploaded, mjg59 who is maintainer got the rejected mail | 02:56 |
seb128 | the upload should probably be notified though | 02:56 |
cprov | seb128: exactly | 02:58 |
cprov | seb128: I don't know why you didn't get the email too, it was sent also to you | 02:59 |
cprov | seb128: at least, it says so in the log | 02:59 |
cprov | Recipients: Sebastien Bacher <seb128@ubuntu.com>, Matthew Garrett <mjg59@codon.org.uk> | 02:59 |
cprov | seb128: can you ask mjg59 to check the message source ? | 03:00 |
seb128 | cprov: ok, maybe mails being slow again, it happens often | 03:00 |
seb128 | cprov: thank you, sorry for the noise ;) | 03:00 |
cprov | seb128: maybe. You, specially, really /stress/ our infrastructure ;) | 03:01 |
seb128 | hehe | 03:01 |
cprov | seb128: np, keep doing your great job ! | 03:02 |
seb128 | ;) keep the good job as well ;) | 03:03 |
seb128 | cprov: I got the mail according to the procmail log, I cleaned it this morning when reading the zillion of mails I got from launchpad during the night probably | 03:10 |
kiko | seb128, careless use of the D key considered harmful? :-P | 03:11 |
seb128 | kiko: use of the "suppr" key rather, I'm using evolution (and a french keyboard :p) ;) | 03:11 |
cprov | seb128: well, it wasn't (and should not be) that hard to check. | 03:11 |
seb128 | cprov: it's not hard, I got the mail, so it was my mistake, sorry for the noise, fixed now ;) | 03:12 |
cprov | seb128: right, I meant "check from my side", nevermind, issue sorted. | 03:13 |
seb128 | ok | 03:14 |
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flacoste | cprov: ping | 03:35 |
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kiko | flacoste, random UI question for you. you know our forms machinery that says: | 03:43 |
kiko | There are 1 problems with the information you entered. Please fix them and try again. | 03:43 |
kiko | and then below it | 03:43 |
kiko | Launchpad doesn't know of any source package named 'pmo' in Debian. | 03:43 |
kiko | flacoste, what would you think of omitting the first message? | 03:43 |
kiko | i.e. if there's only one error in the page, is the message actually helpful? | 03:44 |
flacoste | kiko, i agree | 03:44 |
kiko | I'll ask mpt what he thinks then, thanks | 03:44 |
flacoste | if he agrees that it should be removed file a bug about that, you can assign me (or jamesh that originally coded this) to it | 03:45 |
flacoste | but I would gladly nuke this :-) | 03:45 |
kiko | okay, cool | 03:45 |
flacoste | kiko: sorry to be nagging, but do you really think you can do the +needattention review for me today? I'd like to land this ASAP so I can request a cherrypick for it before stub goes on leave | 03:46 |
kiko | flacoste, when does he go on leave? | 03:46 |
flacoste | he's on leave next week, so I guess tomorrow (stub's day) is the last window of opportunity | 03:46 |
flacoste | if you can't, I won't hold it against you, just let me know and I find another reviewer | 03:47 |
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kiko | flacoste, I'm currently getting one of my branches thoroughly whacked by BjornT but I would do it afterwards | 03:48 |
flacoste | great | 03:48 |
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aMohammed | hey guys ! I have a question about Rosetta | 04:03 |
kiko | aMohammed, shoot. | 04:04 |
aMohammed | does the system accept .ini language files instead of .po ones ? | 04:05 |
kiko | aMohammed, no, it currently doesn't. | 04:06 |
aMohammed | is there away then to convert ini format to po ? | 04:06 |
kiko | aMohammed, hmm, that I'm not sure of. which project uses the ini format? | 04:10 |
aMohammed | Joomla! | 04:10 |
kiko | aMohammed, that sounds like a translation format specific to joomla. is that so? | 04:11 |
aMohammed | I don't know , but yes it's first time to see this format | 04:12 |
aMohammed | the structure is like this | 04:13 |
kiko | hmmm. well I have never heard of that format before and it looks very specific. danilos, carlos? | 04:13 |
aMohammed | STRING=transaltion | 04:13 |
kiko | aMohammed, I saw the website describing it | 04:13 |
carlos | aMohammed: try with intltool | 04:14 |
carlos | you would get a .pot file from .ini files | 04:15 |
aMohammed | is this the site , carlos ? http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/intltool/ | 04:15 |
carlos | but I think it requires that 'STRING' starts with '_' | 04:15 |
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carlos | aMohammed: I think so, yes | 04:16 |
carlos | aMohammed: you have it in your distribution available | 04:16 |
carlos | aMohammed: it's used by GNOME project | 04:16 |
aMohammed | oh thank you .. let me consider it | 04:16 |
aMohammed | I'll come if anything comes up ... thank you guys :) | 04:17 |
carlos | aMohammed: danilo did some contributions to intltool so I guess he would help if you need more specific details. | 04:17 |
aMohammed | may I have his address ? | 04:18 |
carlos | aMohammed: danilos | 04:18 |
carlos | danilos: aMohammed | 04:18 |
carlos | ;-) | 04:18 |
aMohammed | i see ! | 04:19 |
aMohammed | i'm on my windows machine now ! :( .. will switch | 04:21 |
aMohammed | catch you later , bye | 04:21 |
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SteveA | carlos: ping | 05:03 |
carlos | SteveA: pong | 05:04 |
carlos | skype? or irc? | 05:04 |
SteveA | skype please | 05:04 |
carlos | ok | 05:04 |
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matsubara-lunch | **lunch | 05:42 |
matsubara-lunch | err | 05:42 |
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philiKON | how do you close a bug in launchpad? I seem to be blind and can't find anything in the bug tracker UI... | 06:40 |
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TeTeT | philiKON: select it on 'affects' and change the state | 06:43 |
philiKON | wow | 06:43 |
philiKON | never expected that | 06:44 |
philiKON | the UI should point that out better | 06:44 |
philiKON | TeTeT: thanks | 06:44 |
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matthewrevell | danilos: ping | 06:49 |
Ubugtu | New bug: #80476 in malone "gnome broken after last update" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80476 | 06:50 |
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mmedland | evening all | 07:22 |
mmedland | would anyone know why my support notification emails are doubling up? | 07:23 |
mmedland | i'm getting two where i usually just get one | 07:23 |
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matsubara | mmedland: bug 79617 | 07:25 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 79617 in launchpad-support-tracker "Sometime duplicate notifications are sent to team members" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79617 - Assigned to Francis J. Lacoste (flacoste) | 07:25 |
mmedland | Excellent, thanks matsubara | 07:25 |
matsubara | mmedland: you're welcome. | 07:26 |
kiko | flacoste_lunch, replied. | 07:34 |
Ubugtu | New bug: #80487 in launchpad "LibraryFileAlias.http[s] _url must be fixed to return unicode strings" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80487 | 07:36 |
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flacoste | BjornT: thanks for the insightful comment on bug 79617! | 08:26 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 79617 in launchpad-support-tracker "Sometime duplicate notifications are sent to team members" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79617 - Assigned to Francis J. Lacoste (flacoste) | 08:26 |
mdke | critical? | 08:26 |
=== mdke shrugs | ||
mdke | i get em all the time, doesn't bother me in the slightest | 08:27 |
mdke | that's bottom of my list of important launchpad bugs :) | 08:27 |
flacoste | mdke: not all users are as tolerant as you are :-) | 08:30 |
mdke | flacoste: I'm not tolerant, I just think that launchpad has way more important bugs, which don't get the same attention | 08:32 |
mdke | especially really old ones | 08:32 |
flacoste | see this as a Critical bug in the part of Launchpad that I work on, the support tracker | 08:33 |
flacoste | there are currently only two | 08:33 |
mdke | oh, I see. What about the karma madness? | 08:33 |
mdke | maybe that's the other one ;) | 08:33 |
flacoste | no, other is a timeout on the Need Attention report | 08:34 |
flacoste | the karma madness is an overall launchpad issue | 08:34 |
flacoste | we have some ideas on how to fix this, but it's not settle yet | 08:34 |
mdke | I would have thought the team management emails are overall launchpad issues too, the ones I get aren't related to the support tracker | 08:35 |
mdke | still, I take your point | 08:35 |
mdke | the karma thing seems to me to be weighted way in favour of the support tracker, just reducing it would help. There's a product I work on where I've triaged and fixed loads of bugs, and the guy who has filed one support request is way ahead of me :) | 08:37 |
mdke | he's a great guy and all, but hasn't contributed to the product yet | 08:38 |
flacoste | lol | 08:38 |
flacoste | altough this is not that funny | 08:38 |
mdke | well, yeah it is | 08:38 |
mdke | :) | 08:38 |
mdke | also, there's that guy with 30 million karma; he's a great guy too, but surely he is no seb128 | 08:39 |
flacoste | mdke: add a spec, you'll be back at the top ;-) | 08:39 |
mdke | flacoste: I added a couple but filed them on ubuntu instead of the product :( | 08:40 |
salgado | even better, answer the guy's support request. :) | 08:40 |
flacoste | the problem is that the weighing to equalize each kind of activity is calculated over all of launchpad | 08:40 |
mdke | salgado: he's only got loads of karma because he posted to the same support request loads of times :) It's solved | 08:40 |
=== mdke notes that seb128 has the same number of bugs *assigned* to him as the number of support requests answered by Luca (the 30million guy)... as for reported, he has 5 times as many | ||
flacoste | which means that translation and bug reports are weighted down, while this is fine for Ubuntu, it might not be for other product | 08:42 |
mdke | flacoste: no, it's not fine for Ubuntu either, it's just crazy for everyone | 08:42 |
flacoste | yeah, you are probably right | 08:43 |
mdke | anyway, that doesn't bother me either, like the double mails :D | 08:43 |
salgado | mdke, the team management emails should be fixed soon. I recently landed a branch with loads of fixes on that area | 08:44 |
flacoste | mdke: btw, tomorrow is fix-it-friday you can try bribing a developer for one of the bugs that annoy you ;-) | 08:44 |
flacoste | http://www.understated.co.uk/blog/2006/fix-it-friday-bribe-a-launchpad-developer-day/ | 08:44 |
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mdke | flacoste: I generally am not around during the day. i tried on the last fix it friday but wasn't successful. | 08:45 |
flacoste | mke: you don't have to be there, just let us know what bugs you beforehand | 08:45 |
flacoste | so that we can work on it on Friday | 08:45 |
mdke | an easy one to fix would be bug 55486 | 08:46 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 55486 in launchpad "FAQ should address why LP is not yet free software" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55486 - Assigned to Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) | 08:46 |
mdke | also, bug 40241 gets in the way of my work sometimes | 08:46 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 40241 in launchpad "allow searching for people by irc name" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40241 - Assigned to Christian Reis (kiko) | 08:46 |
flacoste | actually, this should now be assigned to matthewrevell | 08:46 |
flacoste | (the free software part) | 08:47 |
mdke | yeah, I talked with him about it already | 08:47 |
mdke | bug 2141 is a major one for me personally too | 08:47 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 2141 in launchpad "You can't remove series in products" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2141 | 08:47 |
flacoste | that one is not fif material though | 08:47 |
mdke | too hard? | 08:47 |
flacoste | the irc nickname search could be | 08:47 |
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flacoste | not too hard, but longer than a one-day fix | 08:48 |
flacoste | and it needs some discussion because launchpad doesn't currently delete anything | 08:48 |
mdke | yeah | 08:48 |
matsubara | mdke: re: the #55486 i've re-assigned to matt revell and added the fix-it-friday tag on it. | 08:49 |
mdke | thanks matsubara | 08:49 |
salgado | mdke, assign the irc name search bug to me and I'll fix it tomorrow | 08:50 |
mdke | salgado: !! | 08:50 |
salgado | see, don't even need to bribe. :) | 08:50 |
mdke | I need to do this more often | 08:50 |
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flacoste | salgado is such a good soul! | 08:50 |
matsubara | just did it salgado, mdke | 08:50 |
mdke | thanks | 08:50 |
mdke | I haven't filed a bug on this yet, but what's the difference between a team description and a homepage? | 08:51 |
salgado | mdke, I'm afraid there's only one person who could say that --the sab | 08:51 |
salgado | but I think the homepage is something that should only be used for people, not for teams | 08:52 |
mdke | Ah. | 08:52 |
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mdke | I've bumped into bug 77632 quite a lot, the solution has always been to use the homepage instead. and I don't really see the need to have two | 08:53 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 77632 in launchpad "Team descriptions contain no formatting" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77632 - Assigned to Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) | 08:53 |
salgado | mdke, I'll take that one too, but as mpt said, allowing html is not a f-i-f thing. | 08:55 |
salgado | keep going. ;) | 08:55 |
mdke | salgado: ok, I have an easy one, bug 78090 | 08:57 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 78090 in launchpad "Home page form has confusing wording in relation to undoing changes" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78090 | 08:57 |
mdke | all my bugs are for mpt :( | 08:57 |
=== mdke hugs mpt | ||
salgado | mpt's very busy with the new UI; I'll take that one too | 08:58 |
mdke | there's a new UI? that's good news | 08:58 |
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flacoste | cprov: ping | 09:04 |
cprov | flacoste: pong | 09:04 |
salgado | mdke, yeah, we have one. just talk with kiko if you want to try it out. :) | 09:04 |
flacoste | cprov: in your reply to my review you said: both sync() and syncUpdate() are forbidden in IDAR, what is IDAR? | 09:04 |
cprov | flacoste: IDistroArchRelease | 09:05 |
mdke | kiko-afk: can I try out the new UI? | 09:05 |
cprov | flacoste: sorry, I keep using these acronyms as they were clear for everyone, but, in fact, I know they are not. | 09:06 |
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flacoste | matsubara-afk: ping | 09:27 |
flacoste | mdke: do you have duplicate support tracker notifications on hand? | 09:27 |
flacoste | BjornT: ping | 09:28 |
BjornT | flacoste: pong | 09:32 |
flacoste | BjornT: do you have duplicate support tracker notifications on hand? | 09:32 |
flacoste | if yes, could you forward them to me (with all headers) | 09:33 |
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BjornT | flacoste: sure. i've bounced a set of duplicate notifications to you | 09:34 |
flacoste | BjornT: thanks a lot! | 09:34 |
mdke | flacoste: I didn't have any on me | 09:40 |
flacoste | mdke, thanks for checking, bjorn bounces some to me so it will be fine | 09:41 |
=== mdke nods | ||
flacoste | BjornT: i didn't receive the duplicates, did you send them to my canonical address? | 09:48 |
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matsubara | hi flacoste | 09:49 |
flacoste | matsubara: i was looking for sample of the support tracker duplicate notifications | 09:49 |
flacoste | bjorn is supposed to have sent me some, but I didn't receive them yet, if you have any can you bounce them my way? | 09:49 |
matsubara | flacoste: I'll bounce them to you. | 09:50 |
flacoste | thx! | 09:52 |
BjornT | flacoste: hmm. when i think of it, i don't think my smtp server allow me to bounce them, since only certain From addresses are allowed to use the smtp server. | 09:54 |
BjornT | flacoste: i could forward them instead, but i guess it's not necessary any more | 09:54 |
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flacoste | BjornT: I received one pair from matsubara, but if you could forward them, I'd appreciate, just to see how the trail compare | 09:55 |
BjornT | flacoste: ok. i've forwarded them now. | 09:57 |
flacoste | BjornT: thanks, I've received them | 09:58 |
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shawarma | I'm about to register a team, but the info on the "Contact e-mail address" is a bit confusing. It says that if not set, any mail to the team will be sent to each member, but it also says the the e-mail about how to finish the registration will be sent to the contact e-mail address.. Should I set it for now so that that final e-mail will be sent to me and then unset it or should I just leave it blank? | 10:25 |
shawarma | In summary my worries are: 1. If I set it, I won't be able to unset it afterwards. 2. If not set, the final registration e-mail will be lost. | 10:27 |
shawarma | Never mind. I'll just try my luck. :-) | 10:32 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #79662 in debian-installer (main) "[feisty,alternate-cd x86] kernel, not found (dup-of: 79109)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79662 | 11:35 |
=== mdke pokes Ubugtu | ||
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