
kupesoftSo login.defs is where I should look?12:20
kupesoftI guess I could stack trace chfn12:20
kupesoftsee where it reads and writes12:20
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kupesoftI have a multi-user environment on a server where I can't trust my users not to hog resources and spawn too many processes (re: fork bomb).  How can I limit resources and processes on a per-user basis?02:44
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J_Phi all02:05
J_Phey all, anyone know if are there tutorial for Configure Apache SSL and Subversion in Ubuntu ?02:06
[miles] J_P, I think google will give you more answers than here mate :)03:12
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nexact_hello all, i've installed libcurl, is there a way to know if static or shared library has been installed? 12:06
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