
=== cslater [n=chatzill@adsl-69-108-235-181.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net] has joined #edubuntu
cslaterHi folks - wanted to let you know that the site I run - Instalinux - gives an option to install edubuntu now12:33
cslaterFor Edgy install12:33
LaserJockinteresting, cool12:33
cslaterYou select Ubuntu, and then one of the options - under bundles - is to pick Edubuntu12:35
cslaterShowed Edubuntu to some teachers recently btw - they were SO amazed.  Great stuff :)12:35
LaserJockcslater: great12:48
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LaserJockcbx33: you really here?09:32
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cbx33LaserJock: yes10:45
cbx33been up for about 4 hours now10:45
cbx33working on SCP10:45
willvdlLTCM if you please10:45
cbx33sorry willvdl10:45
willvdl:] 10:46
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cbx33how are you willvdl LaserJock ?10:49
cbx33willvdl: I managed to get hold of claire10:49
willvdlgood. all sorted?10:49
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willvdl!seen pips110:51
ubotuI last saw pips1 (n=philipp@55-158.1-85.cust.bluewin.ch) 1d 11h 46m 49s ago, quiting: "Ex-Chat"10:51
LaserJockwhat does LTCM stand for now?10:52
willvdlLinux thin client manager?10:55
LaserJockwell, I suppose I better get to bed10:56
LaserJockalmost 02:00 here10:57
LaserJockcya all tomorrow ... err later today ;-)10:58
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=== pips1 [n=philipp@] has joined #edubuntu
pips1willvdl: ping11:07
pips1sorry I'm late11:08
pips1I was talking to someone in the office11:08
willvdlno worries, my inbox is huge today11:08
pips1are you fine with chatting now?11:09
willvdlI'd just like to chat about web & wiki11:09
willvdlso that I'm in tune with your plans & goals and stuff11:10
willvdlI started a https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki/Cleanup page for11:10
willvdlcleaning up our wiki.11:10
willvdlmore as a resource for me but it proves quite handy.11:11
pips1wow that is a good structured page11:11
willvdland a https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki/Archive so that I don't delete anything11:11
willvdland I read through all your site planning pages11:12
pips1great. any questions lingering on your mind?11:13
willvdlnow the www site has docs in it11:13
willvdlI asked Jerome about that11:13
willvdlhe said it was a first pass at getting some solid docs like isntall guides etc.11:14
willvdlHow do you feel about keeping such docs in the drupal site?11:15
pips1well... I'm not 100% sure of how things will change in the next months... I think RichEd should make the final decisions...11:16
pips1I can tell you what the two of us have talked about though11:16
pips1There will be two "sites" (with individual domain names)11:17
pips1one is the official, already existing edubuntu.org/.com site11:18
willvdland the new one11:18
pips1the other one is the to be developed edubuntu community site11:18
pips1the first one will be fairly small and hold mostly static content11:18
pips1the second one will be (hopefully) very dynamic and community driven11:19
pips1that's the *edubuntu*-specific side of things... it has to interweave with the whole other *buntu universe, of course11:20
willvdlhow do you see that working?11:20
willvdlforums, ML, LP etc11:20
pips1Matt Nuzum is trying to improve the whole "official" ubuntu site and links to "sub-sites" / partner-sites situation, AFIAK11:21
willvdlwill our wiki space stay where it is?11:22
pips1the important part is that people new to *buntu don't get lost...11:22
pips1RichEd wants to "re-brand" the edubuntu wiki and align it better to the ubuntu wiki style11:23
willvdlin look and feel?11:23
willvdlor content structure11:23
pips1both wikis are in the same repository, so that you can find any wiki page e.g. /EdubuntuWiki at *both* domains wiki.u.c and wiki.edubuntu.org ... the look depends on what domain you use...11:25
willvdlnot really. the look depends on the stylesheet you choose in your settings (if logged in)11:25
willvdlbut I'm with you there11:25
pips1ok, you can override styles in your settings, but most first time visitory and novice users wont really know about individual settings11:26
willvdlOK. our wiki stays physically where it is though right?11:27
willvdlcool. same with forums?11:27
pips1personally, I feel that wikis are the way forward for collaborative documentation. wikipedia...11:28
willvdltrue. you familiar with help.ubuntu.com?11:29
pips1the forums will stay where they are... but we will try to center/encourage educational topics on our new drupal community site11:29
willvdlgotcha. I'm aware of the scope of the new community scope11:30
willvdl(and am quite excited about it)11:30
willvdlOK, lets get back to documentation...11:30
pips1i.e. use drupal forums feature for educational topics and keep the more "pure" technical topics in the ubuntuforums area11:30
pips1i haven't really read much on help.u.c so far11:31
willvdlwell, help.u.c has a wiki for all *buntu wiki docs11:31
pips1but I'm aware it exists... I don't really know what is going on in the whole documentation space though11:31
willvdland wiki.u.c is the planning/collaboration/LP spec/everything else wiki space11:32
willvdlin short: *buntu Documentation goes on help.u.c11:32
pips1that's what I figured so far11:32
willvdleasy enough :) but confusing sometimes. Doc team is working on making it clear11:32
pips1you are talking about *polished* / finalised documentation on help.u.c, right?11:33
willvdlwell, there are the "packaged" SVN docs11:33
pips1what isn't clear to me is the *process* of documentation11:33
willvdland the wiki space11:33
willvdltheir is the SVN repository which can be previewed on doc.ubuntu.com11:33
willvdlI'll write a page to demysity it as soon as I can11:34
willvdldemystify rather11:34
pips1ah, I almost forgot about doc.u.c11:34
willvdlpips1, essentially the community works on the wiki to produce info11:34
pips1so what is the difference about doc.u.c and help.u.c ?11:34
willvdland then community also takes that info and pops it into docbook in the SVN11:34
willvdldoc.u.c is a WIP snapshot11:35
willvdlhelp.u.c is a tagged release i.e.edgy docs etc.11:35
willvdlthe docs in the SVN get packaged into ubuntu-docs.deb etc and released11:35
pips1are there people working offline and using only the svn repository ? or does everybody use the wiki web interface?11:36
willvdlthey go into yelp, khelpcentre etc., browser startpage, PDF...anything11:36
willvdlpips1, there are guys who work mostly on SVN11:36
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willvdlnot many but enough (edubuntu lacks though... ++ for nixternal and LAserJock)11:36
cbx33LTCM has tileable vnc viewer11:37
cbx33awesome of what11:37
willvdlcbx33 ++11:37
pips1i see, does the "svn direct input" stuff surface on the doc.u.c wiki ? on how? (what interval, etc?)11:37
cbx33only problem is it's a little intensive on the old cpu at the moment11:37
cbx33will be sorting that out asap11:37
cbx33but concept wise it's there11:37
willvdlpips1 not sure of the frequency of the build. hope it is daily11:37
willvdlbut svn checkout is always current11:38
willvdlit is subtle what info goes in SVN but I'd like to think that the core work gets done on wiki and the SVN authors just pull the info into docbook from the wiki11:39
pips1ok, so the snv stuff is published on the doc.u.c wiki... is that content locked? or can people change those pages through wiki-editing? (and if so, doesn't that break versioning of svn)?11:39
willvdlhttps://wiki.edubuntu.org/DocumentationTeam has a guide on contributing11:40
willvdlbasically, you can be granted SVN access if you prove yourself11:40
willvdlyou prove yourself by supplying patches to the docs11:40
willvdlno wiki editing unfortunately11:41
pips1so if I want to suggest a change for a page on doc.u.c, I have to formally apply with a 'change patch'? ah....11:41
willvdlyip. until you get access like cbx33 :)11:42
willvdlthis process seems to work fine cause the docteam are quite good at it11:42
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pips1wow, I thought that people can edit wiki-wise... wow11:42
willvdlthe wiki is free-for-all, the svn is a little better protected or moderated11:43
pips1So most wiki-editing features aren't really used at all on doc.u.c !11:43
willvdlthe reason being that the svn info gets packaged and is "official"11:43
willvdldoc.u.c is not a wiki11:43
pips1ahhh ok11:43
willvdledubuntu's current problem is either a lack of docs or a lack of structure for our docs11:44
pips1hold on.. is help.u.c a wiki?11:44
willvdlhelp.u.c frontpage is static11:45
willvdlhttps://wiki.edubuntu.org/DocumentationTeam is wiki11:45
willvdloops, sorry11:45
willvdlhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/UserDocumentation is wiki11:45
willvdlthere are pro's and con's on this structure but if you check th ML's you'll see it was not an easy or quick debate :)11:46
willvdlanyway, the technical docs we have in our drupal site *should* logically go into SVN docbook docs11:47
pips1so people can edit wiki pages "below" https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UserDocumentation I take it?11:47
willvdldelete/rename privilages are not free though11:47
pips1so what is the "hierarchy" system for documentors? svn rights, wiki delete/rename rights?11:48
willvdlsomething like that11:49
willvdlbut SVN docs and wiki docs, although related, are not the same thing11:49
pips1or do you get both access to svn and wiki editing if you proved yourself?11:49
willvdlto edit/create wiki pages on help.u.c is free to all11:49
pips1i mean you gain access in one step11:49
willvdldelete/rename rights, I'm not sure11:50
willvdlmaybe join ubuntu-website team or something... don't know11:50
willvdlbut you can always request that action through LP or email etc.11:50
pips1I see how the process (and storage) is different for snv and help.u.c documentation, but what is the logical difference regarding those two "kinds" of documentation?11:51
willvdlgood question :)11:51
willvdlSVN docs are "official" and get packaged. they appear on the website as official docs, the go into the desktop Yelp system and PDF versions11:52
willvdlthere is little margin for error in them11:52
willvdlThe SVN authors either get their info from the wiki docs (free to contributions) or from their own heads11:52
willvdlI like this structure given one thing:11:53
pips1so the wiki docs are some sort of "staging" area for the official docs..11:53
willvdlyeah. essentially.11:53
willvdlas such they will generally contain more info but may not necessarily be wellw ritten etc.11:54
willvdlThe SVN docs are easily tagged to release. Edgy docs vs dapper docs etc. SVN does that naturally11:54
willvdlbut the wiki doesn't11:54
willvdlso I'm a little concerned about info on the wiki that goes out of date.11:55
pips1i understand11:55
willvdlhence my interest in the HelpWikiQualityAssurance spec11:55
willvdlbut it si easily dealt with, just need consistency11:55
willvdland as ogra suggested, good use of wiki namespaces11:56
willvdlor categories etc.11:56
pips1also, I do wonder how they make sure that inter-documentation references work... I suppose that the snv documentors need to re-link everything when they take a wiki doc page and destill it into a snv doc page/element11:57
willvdlyou'll see contributions to SVN docs come as: email suggestions, patches sent to editors, irc conversations or Launchpad bugs11:57
willvdlyeah, I'm out of date with docbook tech but they do something like that11:58
pips1wow, those documentors are doing a trememdous job!11:58
willvdl#ubuntu-doc is a good channel11:58
willvdlThe doc team has some good guys in it11:59
willvdlvery dedicated11:59
willvdlI'd like to ask you a quick question?11:59
pips1go ahead11:59
willvdlwe have some "overlap" on the www and wiki site11:59
willvdlfrontpage, community page, getting help page etc.12:00
pips1which www site? are you talking about www.edubuntu.org and wiki.edubuntu.org ?12:00
pips1what do you mean by overlap12:00
willvdltake the frontpages for each12:01
willvdlhttps://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki & http://www.edubuntu.org/12:01
willvdlsame info, slightly different in places12:01
willvdlhttp://www.edubuntu.org/Community & https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuCommunity12:02
willvdlthe wiki is generally a bit out of date12:02
willvdlcompared to www site12:02
willvdlI think we should try and decide what will go on www site and delete it from the wiki12:03
willvdli.e. community page is pretty static, may change once a year.12:04
pips1let's take a step back12:04
pips1let's consider two aspects12:05
pips1people who contribute information to sites, and novices that make their first steps with the *ubuntu universe12:05
pips1now, let's just look at the people who contribute, and their tools12:06
willvdlwiki, docbook, drupal etc?12:07
pips1let's assume that everyone who contributes the most "official" stuff is knowlegable about the tools and process the most12:07
pips1those people are happy to use any tool... generally speaking12:08
pips1for technical people, they will use command line snv tools, through-the-web wiki editing... you name it they can do it (although they might have distinct preferences)12:09
willvdlnovices will most likely start with wiki editing?12:09
pips1then, there might be an intermediate group... I always thought that these people are happy to learn wiki-syntax, which doesn't come 100% naturally12:10
pips1novices... hm12:10
pips1I think of wiki-editors as intermediate12:10
willvdlok I'm with you12:10
pips1keep in mind, most of the ubuntu community is currently still slanted towards people who are generally fond and fascinated by new technology12:12
pips1so if you look at this "elite", the wiki-editors might appear as novice... but when you target people that aren't technologists, they are intermediate12:13
willvdlso novices are more like: email12:13
pips1the "true" novice might use email, and possibly forums (with wysiwyg editors)12:14
pips1also, novices might not be so good to navigate the www12:14
willvdlif the www is made too complex that is12:15
pips1they don't google their way around... they find a site, and then try to discover stuff from there... by navigation links on the site.12:15
willvdlso "core" links and info must stem from the front page12:16
pips1the *buntu universe is rather complex: with official site, LP, wiki, forums, ML, etc., etc.12:16
pips1mind you, I'm still talking with people in mind who will *contribute* stuff12:16
juliuxwillvdl, i ordered some powered by edubuntu stickers by jenda;)12:17
willvdljuliux, didn't know we had any :)12:17
pips1e.g. educators who want to contribute to the edubuntu project, or simply who want to discuss and share something about education12:17
juliuxwillvdl, we will have now some;)12:17
willvdlpips1, how does this relate to the wiki vs www?12:18
pips1to cut it short: I think we should use the wiki as an "editing/contribution tool" for all "official and semi-official information"12:20
pips1edubuntu.org doesn't really need to be a drupal site12:20
pips1but the edubuntu community site does12:21
willvdltrue. but for edubuntu.org to have nice news reels etc, it helps to use a CMS12:21
willvdlmind you, that is Matt Nuzum's domain right?12:21
pips1what do you mean by "that" is "Matt Nuzum's domain" ?12:22
willvdlmeaning edubuntu.org, kubuntu.com and ubuntu.com is his responsability?12:22
pips1well, I guess it is his responsibility technically.12:23
willvdlanyway, not really important12:23
willvdlso what stuff would you keep on the www.e.org rather than the wiki?12:24
pips1anyway, I think the line goes more along "official and (fairly) static" and "community and very dynamic"12:24
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=== pips1 pauses for a moment and tries to think how "ubuntu" does their news
willvdlplanet, fridge etc I think12:26
willvdland a banner at top of www.u.c12:26
pips1right! fridge is drupal powered12:26
willvdlwww.u.c has "news" stories in nodes on frontpage12:27
willvdlbut mainly release announcements etc.12:27
pips1let's try to distinguish 'content creation' and 'content display'12:27
willvdleasy enough12:28
pips1I think the content creation is done in drupal and then that content is syndicated to other places via rss feeds, no?12:28
willvdlfor fridge?12:28
pips1I'm not sure how it works, really, but my guess is that news items on the fridge authored in drupal.12:29
pips1and individual noteworthy news items might then by fed into the u.c site12:29
pips1but I'm not sure how it's done, really12:30
willvdlthere is a page explaining how it works12:30
pips1there is?12:30
willvdlcan't remember where. anyway we digress :)12:31
willvdllet's start a temp wiki page for deciding what info/page goes on www site and what goes on wiki?12:32
willvdlI think this is relative priority since I've already had mails along the lines of people not knowing which info is the right stuff12:33
willvdlgot confused between duplicate info that was slightly different or dated12:34
pips1well, what I'm trying to get at is that the "ubuntu world" uses specialised tools for each "task". they have wiki for (lots of things, but amongst them the official static site), drupal for news, vBulletin for ubuntuforums, ...12:34
pips1however, for our edubuntu "niche", I suggest use the wiki for the official site and drupal as a combined news+forums site12:35
willvdlyou're talking about the new community site?12:36
pips1most of the news will be community driven anyway12:36
willvdlah, I'm talking about the official site12:36
pips1well, I suggest that we might as well convert everything on the current edubuntu.org official site into the wiki, as locked pages ?12:37
pips1similar to how it is done for u.c12:38
willvdleither way12:38
pips1there are some static and locked wiki pages that are the official info, but they reside in the wiki nevertheless (i think)12:38
willvdlok. the www.e.org will then link to wiki pages for community, how to contribute, etc12:39
pips1right, you what to get the duplication problem sorted12:39
willvdlI have no problem with having some "Static" pages on the www.e.org site for "where the community is"12:39
willvdl"how to contribute" etc.12:40
pips1all the basic and static info can end up in locked wiki pages, IMO12:40
willvdlbut whether it is on www or wiki is not really a problem12:40
willvdlfine with me.12:40
pips1when will RichEd be back?12:40
willvdlnot sure, next week?12:41
willvdlI'll start a process of updating the wiki pages so that the www site has something to link to12:41
pips1I would like him to be on the same page...12:41
cbx33whos good with network units?12:41
cbx33I have a 35kb/s12:41
cbx33is that high or low12:41
cbx33comparred to a 100Mb/s connection12:42
willvdlpips1, agreed12:42
willvdlcbx33: 512kbps x 1000 = 512 000 bps12:42
willvdl512 000 bps / 8 = 64 000 Bps12:42
willvdl64 000 Bps / 1024 = 62.5 kBps12:42
cbx33and so?12:43
willvdljust to help with conversion12:43
willvdlpips1, I think we're on the same page12:43
cbx33willvdl: thanks12:44
pips1I think so too, but I haven't talked to RichEd since UDS MV12:44
willvdlas this progresses, I'll try and input info as to how we use LP, ML etc12:44
willvdlhave a look at https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuCommunity/LaunchpadStructure12:44
pips1and while we have talked through a lot of things, we still need to agree on the exact plan and next steps12:45
willvdlwell, I'd like to seperate the new community site from the official site12:45
willvdland start working on a crisp and clear official edubuntu wiki space12:46
pips1fine with me :-)12:46
willvdlsecondary: move docs that are on www.e.org into doc-team space and hopefully into the handbook or isntall guide or something12:46
willvdlMy main problem is that I am running out of time to work on docs :)12:47
willvdlas of Feb I am going to be on the road until April12:47
willvdlpips1 I think priority is our "front" page and core links from it.12:48
willvdlfor new users and existing users who want to contribute12:49
willvdlI'd like to clear that up first.12:49
willvdl2) move technical docs to right place12:49
pips1mind you, there are currently only 9 pages in drupal that could move to the wiki, it isn't a lot12:49
willvdlyeah, shouldn't take long12:49
willvdlwe have wiki weekend coming up. maybe use that12:50
pips1this weekend?12:50
willvdl3) look to see how we can get our edubuntu docteam and web team more inline and integrated with ubuntu teams12:50
willvdl4) see how new community site works with official site12:51
willvdlwhat you think?12:51
=== pips1 reads points again
pips1I'm ok with those points.12:52
pips1for 1) I can certainly change the links from the front page once content (9 pages) has moved to wiki pages12:53
willvdlcool. I'll start work on 1). It won't affect anything anyone should our minds change etc.12:53
willvdlpips1, what do you think about wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki vs wiki.edubuntu.org/Edubuntu?12:54
pips1I think 2) is a good move, since there needs to be some official documentation on LTSP that is shipped in edubuntu (Yelp)12:54
willvdlsbalneav is on it12:54
willvdlI'm hoping it can get into server guide too12:55
pips1wiki.edubuntu.org/Edubuntu is probably better12:55
willvdlyeah, more in line with Kubuntu etc.12:55
pips1but then again, I don't know how your names space for the wiki should work12:55
willvdlWe should check with the community though as it will affect peoples links and style12:56
pips1s/your namespace/the namespace12:56
willvdlEdubuntuWiki is redundant since it is already a wiki :)12:56
willvdlwiki.edubuntu.org/Edubuntu as a frontpage make sense to me12:56
willvdlit is already there12:57
willvdllet's use that and just redirect from edubuntuwiki so that no one is affected12:57
willvdlany sub-pages to edubuntuwiki were written by me so I'm happy to move them :)12:58
willvdlhave you thought of potential names for new comm site?12:59
pips1RichEd already got the name, but let's not mention it just here just now :-)01:00
willvdlno prob :)01:00
willvdlokie, I must run for now but will be back later01:01
willvdlpips1, great chatting to you. thanks for the help01:01
pips1regarding 3) in general, I think it is good to "integrate" teams, but mind you, you might want to talk to people rather then just "reassigning" them :) it's not a big deal though, since we are only few and you probably already talked to most (?)01:03
pips1ok, good talking to you, cu01:04
willvdlI try to do that in all the edubuntu meetings01:04
willvdlmost of the doc contributers are members of the doc-team01:04
willvdlso moving stuff to doc-team space is no problem01:04
pips1just to let you know, I am now getting lots of doc-wiki related email, so I might actually sign off from the edubuntu-doc-team to avoid them... I don't have time to read them.01:05
willvdlno worries01:05
pips1I'm just telling you that as a "feedback" so you know what reactions you might get when you did the "sub-teams" arrangement in LP :-)01:07
willvdlnoted, thanks01:08
willvdlanyhoo, I must run now. catch you all in a few hours01:08
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pips1got to go too, cu folks01:14
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AstralJavaHey all! Does anyone else have problems with usb pendrives on ltsp clients? I have a situation where some stuff on the drive can be seen, but not everything that you can see on another machine, say like a normal linux laptop. For instance there are two directories, only one of which is accessible on the ltsp client machine. The drive is mounted normally every time, and no weird messages can be found in the logs, least the logs I am 01:52
ograAstralJava, nope, i havent see that ...01:53
AstralJavaThe system is actually not Edubuntu. It's very much like it, thought. Base install is from Dapper.01:53
AstralJavaOkay thanks ogra!01:53
ogradapper had no localdev support01:53
ograthats only in since edgy01:54
AstralJavaHmm, I'll go look that one up.01:54
ograin edgy its the default01:54
ogra(in edubuntu)01:54
ograand easy to enable in normal ubuntu01:54
AstralJavaRight on.01:55
ograhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/EnableLTSP5LocalDevices has some hints for edgy01:55
cbx33ogra you there?02:07
cbx33dude I have two vnc sessions in the LTCM window02:07
ogracbx33, yes, but not for long discussions02:07
cbx33no no...it's just a w00t statement02:07
ograwhat does th eL stand for ?02:07
ograin LTCM =02:07
cbx33I thought02:07
cbx33just TCM02:07
ogratarget of the renaming is to suppress the LTSP name02:07
cbx33dude it's working02:08
ograwe'll have TCM and TCC02:08
ograthats great02:08
cbx33and load on the server isn't too high either02:08
ogrado yu read ubuntu-users ?02:08
cbx33I've sent an email to the redhat guys but no responece yet02:08
cbx33not usually....02:08
cbx33well, the network throughput isn't massive from my simple tests02:09
cbx33and plus it's going the other way02:10
cbx33so we should be ok02:10
cbx33bad news....x11vnc doesn't seem to support compression02:10
cbx33and scaling breaks the viewer02:10
ograif you find a server implementation we can support that does these things we'll use that one ... else we'll have to ive with x11vnc02:12
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AstralJavaogra: Just to bug you some more about the usb drive issue, I confirmed that we are using the ltsp-4.2.x package that has ltspfs included.03:01
AstralJavaSo have you got any ideas on how to investigate the problem?03:01
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AstralJavaBit more info, it seems that usb stick mount point $(HOME)/Drives/ doesn't get cleared everytime the stick is unmounted. Not sure if it tells you anything.03:07
ograAstralJava, ltsp 4.2 is obsolete from edgy on, upstream just switches to ltsp5, all development is going on there03:35
ograif you have probs with 4.2 look at the ltsp.org wiki03:35
ograwe dont support it ...03:35
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ograsearch for ltspfs checklist there ..., the 4.2 implementation is pretty different to the ltspfs in ltsp503:37
AstralJavaRight, okay. Thanks for your time. I'll go hunting there.03:38
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AstralJavaBtw. I've been meaning to look this way more lately, I started a new job last Dec. and I'm involved with ltsp heavily now. Edubuntu seems very interesting, so I might show my nose around here more often in the future. So pleased to meet you, Oliwer. :)03:40
willvdlogra, seems I'm getting edubuntu-users list problems as well03:40
ograi havent filed an rt ticket yet, but was told to do so03:41
ograhighvoltage, do you know any specific mirrors for edubuntu apart from the ones we use anyway in ubuntu ? Znarl wants to update the mirror list on www.ubuntu.com03:41
ograi have no idea if we use any additional ones03:42
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Slayer84Ive looked at edubuntu for thinclients. But i have som(proberly stupid) questions.04:32
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Slayer84When ive installed edubuntu i add users(one pr client) dont i have to set some quote, so the users dont use all the space on the disk?04:34
Slayer84And what if i want tp let the users share files with each other? Would a nfs drive be the best solution?04:36
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Slayer84Hmm where thay THAT stupid:-)04:41
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ograSlayer84, the users are logged in on the server, not on the client ....04:43
ograso they can share files locally04:43
ograif you fear your users could use up to much diskspace you can indeed set quotas ...04:44
Slayer84Ahh just a shared folder!04:45
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Slayer84I told you that the questions proberly where stupid:-)04:47
Slayer84Anyway to add a shotcut to the shared folder, when adding the user account04:47
willvdlpresumably a soft link? ln -s ?04:49
Slayer84hmm but could that be done at the same time as the "adduser" command?04:51
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ograjust write a script ...04:52
ograadduser $104:53
ograln -s yourfolder /home/$1/Desktop/04:53
ograsomething like that04:53
Slayer84Nice Thank you very much!04:54
willvdlogra, presumably a group setting on the shared folder will help? or is that already there?04:55
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Slayer84It will be there04:55
ograwillvdl, yes04:55
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highvoltageogra: not that I know of. I didn't even know an Edubuntu specific mirror was possible.05:30
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juliuxhi highvoltage how are you?05:44
highvoltagegood juliux!05:46
highvoltageand you?05:46
juliuxhighvoltage, good to hear05:46
highvoltagejuliux: I saw you say something earlier and thought I just have to ask you about it when I catch you again05:46
highvoltagebut somehow I can't remember what it was05:46
highvoltage</long day>05:46
juliuxhighvoltage, i am fine, but i have to learn a lot of things for my examens05:47
highvoltageexams for?05:47
juliuxi have 4 this time05:48
highvoltageI mean, what are you studying? Computer Science?05:48
juliuxi switched to information managment05:48
highvoltageah ok05:48
juliuxinformatics was not the right thing for me05:49
highvoltageI'm not even sure what the difference is05:49
juliuxinformation managment is a mix05:49
juliuxi have now business studies, economics and informatics05:50
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littlepaulI have a question just to check the concept. (I leave out the use of lts.conf)06:55
littlepaulI changed to the chroot via chroot /opt/ltsp/i386 and in the chroot environment I called06:55
littlepauldpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and changed the keyboard layout from de to gr or us.06:55
littlepaulThe thinclient boots with the choosen layout.06:55
littlepaulNow my problem: I remain in the chroot environment and I edit the xorg.conf and change form us or gr back to de and save the file. After rebooting the thinclient the keyboard layout remains as configured with dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. So changing back only works with dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and not via editing the xorg.conf directly. To be sur I even restarted booth (server and thinclient)06:55
littlepaulAs said it is just as proofe of concept. I know that I could use the lts.conf.06:55
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ograwhich would be the right way to do it06:56
ograits intresting that this works for you ... it actually shouldnt since the xorg config gets overwritten on every boot06:57
littlepaulogra it realy worked06:57
littlepaulto be sure I deleted the xorg.conf and the client could'nt build a connection to X via ssh06:58
ograoh, wait, debconf will keep the values you choose ... so it generates the xorg.conf with these values ...06:58
littlepaulso it works as designed from your view and no change needed?07:00
littlepaulchange = bug fix :)07:01
ograwell, we could make use of it, i never thought about abusing the debconf db as lts.conf replacement07:02
juliuxwith lts.conf it is a little bit easier to change the settings07:04
ograwell, i'm just working on python-ltsp, an easy to use python module to change the settings soon you shouldnt need to touch anything like lts.conf anymore07:05
littlepaulogra, thx for your answer07:06
juliuxogra, that is realy cool07:06
ograyou're welcome07:06
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humboltodoes edubuntu use the same repos as ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu use?09:29
humboltodoes the edubuntu installer setup all of LTSP for you or do I have to hack some commands to make it work, like I would have, when installing it on ubuntu?09:45
LaserJockit should pretty much just work09:49
ograhumbolto, if you have tw etwork cards in the server during install everything will just work09:52
ogra*two network cards09:52
humboltowhy two?09:52
humboltoone for inet?09:53
humboltoor for normal lan?09:53
humboltoand the other for thin client net09:53
humboltoif I would install ubuntu and then edubuntu-server, would LTSP still be setup without any user interaction?09:54
ograyou would miss the things the installer does09:55
humboltoand what if I don't have two network cards?09:55
ograwhioch is actually only the automatic setup of /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf beyond the usually ltsp-build-client09:55
humboltothe real question is, does it make any sense to download the edubuntu installer cds if I already have the ubuntu ones and just want to install one single server?09:56
ograthen just follow the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/LTSPQuickInstall guide09:56
ograyou dont need the edubuntu-server package for ltsp ;)09:57
humboltoogra: ok, the installer sets up the dhcp and runs ltsp-build-client, while installing the meta package would not do that?09:57
humboltoogra: how to generate thin client boot disks and roms?09:58
ograthe edubuntu-server metapackage depends on more than ltsp09:58
humboltodo not have pxe cards09:58
ograeither get PXE capable cards or go to rom-o-matic.net09:59
humboltoogra: what kind of image do I need?09:59
ograthe etherboot images from there should just work09:59
ograthe right one for your card ...09:59
humboltoI tried with the once I was using with ltsp4.2 and they did not really work09:59
ograthere is a howto on the page09:59
ograthe ones you used with ltsp 4.2 should work, at least with edgy10:00
humboltoI have installed ltsp 4 several times, but ran into trouble with the edgy/etch version10:00
humboltokernel booted but stopped at one time10:00
humboltothe message was shown to short to get it and pause key did not work10:01
ograhmm, you should not see any bootmessages, rater the bootsplash10:02
humboltohad the boot messages, but the thing rebooted itself to quickly after kernel boot stopped with an error10:03
humboltodon't even know it it was an error10:03
humboltoanyhow, if I use the meta package, will tftp and nfs still be setup for me or do I have to configure them myself?10:04
ograthats something the ltsp-server-standalone package does for you10:04
ograits realy as easy as the QuickIstall guide describes10:04
humboltosuper cool!10:04
humboltoare you an edubuntu dev?10:04
humboltothen thanks a lot, you guys rock!!!!!10:05
LaserJockhumbolto: he's *the* Edubuntu dev10:05
ograthanks :)10:05
humboltoI go down on my knees!10:05
humboltoAnd kiss your feet!10:05
ogranah :)10:06
humboltoGreat job.10:07
humboltoSo the LTSP stuff in edubuntu is all your job?10:07
ogramuch of it, yes10:07
LaserJockhumbolto: we also have one of the LTSP devs that helps quite a bit10:07
humboltoAnyhow, I read about what is planned for feisty and I have to state once again, *buntu is doing the job right! User/Task use case centered all over.10:08
humboltoAnd the way the dev is managed by launchpad is just great!10:08
humboltoSuper transparent and open even for the most unexperienced user to contribute at least some use cases so the devs know how people want it to work.10:09
humboltogreat job, once again! great job!10:09
humboltonow finally debian in a remote sense has got in contact with the user base10:10
ogradebian itself starts changing as well ...10:11
ogra(at least it claims to)10:11
humboltohope so10:11
humboltohope one day, they have something like launchpad10:11
humboltolaunchpad is proprietary, right?10:12
humboltocould be great to coordinate the flow between debian and ubuntu10:12
humboltobut if it is proprietary debian wont accept it10:13
ograwell, many debian devs use it ...10:14
ograothers dont like it ... its debian ...10:14
ograthey use bzr (the version control system behind launchpad) a lot in debian though10:15
ograeven the ones that dislike LP10:15
humboltoone more question, which login manager is used in edubuntu10:17
LaserJockit's called ldm10:19
humboltoand since the whole thing is tunneled through ssh, I don't need to turn on xdmcp in my desktop manager, right?10:19
LaserJockno xdmcp10:19
humboltobut ldm does not seem to be installed it I try to install ltsp-standalone-server.10:19
humboltoI see sdm however10:20
ograldm gets installed in the client environment by ltsp-build-client10:20
ograno need for it on the server10:20
humboltoI get it10:20
ograthe server needs openssh-server installed10:20
ograwhich is a dependency of ltsp-server-standalone10:21
humboltoisn't running ssh on the thin client a heavy task for an 166 mhz pentium mmx (clients I am using)?10:21
ograwell, its taking a little bit more cpu power than xdmcp ... but thats not much ... 166 should work10:22
ograin feisty ssh will get the opportunity to switch all encryption off ... so that will be the same as xdmcp but at least with the key handshake of ssh10:24
ogra(indeed we dont recommend that, but for really low level clients that will be of some help)10:24
humboltoso 166 mmx should be fine10:25
humboltounless people want to watch video?10:25
ograi tested with 200 and it was fine, so i would expect 166 to work as well10:25
ograright, video is a killer ...10:25
ograbut mainly for your network10:25
humboltoit is just 3 clients in my env10:26
humboltobut they want video10:26
humboltoor at least if they get it, they will love me10:26
humboltoso should I turn off the ssh thing and turn on xdmcp instead?10:27
humboltohow can I do that?10:27
ograif you do that you will loose support for usb drives etc10:27
humboltoltspfs depends on sdm?10:28
ograbut you can do it by adding SCREEN_07=startx to an lts.conf file in the client environment10:28
ogranope, it doesnt10:28
ograltspfs depends on fuse10:28
humboltobut ltspfs used to work with xdmcp also in ltsp 4.210:29
ograright, but through a different communication channel10:29
ogranewer versions of ltspfs use an ssh tunnel for that10:29
humboltocan't I alter this channel?10:29
humboltowas ssh used in dapper also?10:30
ograsbalneav was considering to implement support for xdmcp again but the ssh switch made him reconsider i think10:30
ograssh was used since ubuntu ltsp exists10:30
humboltossh switch?10:31
ograltspfs wasnt used before edgy10:31
ogra<ogra> in feisty ssh will get the opportunity to switch all encryption off ... so that will be the same as xdmcp but at least with the key handshake of ssh10:31
humboltoI know, but in ltsp 4.2 it was available10:31
humboltoI certainly could do that by hand in edgy either. what file do I need to tweak?10:32
ograyes, with lbus10:32
ograall of them10:32
ograthe way ltspfs is implemented in ltsp5 is very deeply integrated into ssh and udev ... you would need to hack nearly every script from the ltspfs package10:33
humboltoanyhow, still the best choice. so they have to wait for video until feisty is out.10:33
ograyou could for example run an ssh server on the client10:33
ograand install a video player locally10:33
ogramount the users homedir via nfs and set up ldap ...10:34
humboltowhat do I need the ssh server for?10:34
humboltoah, to start the player10:35
ograthen you can add desktop launchers that do: ssh $USER@<thin-client-ip> totem /home/$USER/video.ogg10:35
ograthe server needs to be set up for passwordless login and every user needs a ssh key10:35
humboltohow to get a firefox video plugin to work?10:35
ograand indeed that wont work on low level clients10:35
ograthey need the power to run a videoplayer10:36
humboltocertainly not, just came to my attention too10:36
ograenough ram at least10:36
humboltoI'll tell them, it will work in march, was it march? when will feisty be released?10:36
ograbut i cant guarantee it will be in feisty10:37
humboltoso there is not just one ssh connection used to tunnel all traffic, but several. one for x, one for ltspfs, ...10:38
ogratime is to short, some specs will be dropped10:38
ograits always the same ssh conn10:38
humboltoso why is it not possible to just make this one ssh connection run without encryption?10:38
ograyou need the username ...10:39
ograand the user needs to connect from the client ... xdmcp does the login on the servers gdm10:39
ograyou dont have the user data available on the client ...10:40
ograyou dont have a way to tell the client when to connect10:40
humboltoI am refering to just turning off ecryption10:40
ograoh, right10:40
ograits not possible yet because thats an abuse of ssh in the view of upstream10:41
humboltobut if it is just one connection I could add the param?10:42
humboltoah, turning off enc all together is not in ssh yet?10:42
ograyou will have to tweak the server config ....10:42
ograthe patch exists since some time10:42
humboltobut I could use blowfish at least?10:42
humboltothat should be the fastest enc, right?10:43
ograbut turning off encryption in a secure shell is somewhat silly in upstreams view10:43
ograthats what we use10:43
humboltowell, they are not completely wrong with that. but it can make sense still.10:43
ograin that order10:44
humboltofastest -> slowest10:44
humboltowhat is the default and where would I have to add the param?10:44
ograthe default is the first one the server accepts10:45
ograwhich is blowfish in our case10:45
ograf the feature is in ssh you will be able to add "none" to the above list10:45
ograand if the server has switched encryption off it will connect without encryption10:46
ograanyway, i need to go now ... bbl10:47
humboltothanks for all the info!10:48
humboltoHave the best of all days or nights, depends on where you are located!10:48
humboltoAnd again, you guys are great!10:48
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peterlyberthHi What kind of hardware would you recommend for the server, in a five client setup?11:13
LaserJockwell, you should have about 150MB / client11:18
LaserJockplust a bit for the base system11:18
LaserJock2 NICs seems helpful11:19
LaserJockand at least 500MHz processor I should think11:19
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LaserJockbut I'm not really an expert11:19
peterlyberthWould a Intel p4 3 Ghz, 2gig ram and two 80 gig disks in a raid config, be in the rightdirction?11:20
LaserJockcertainly for 5 clients11:22
LaserJockthe hard drives are a tad small if you want to store a lot of stuff11:22
peterlyberthi dont think they need more. Its a experiment setup for a daycare center, ive never done it before11:24
peterlyberthBut if they save some money on license then im happy11:24
peterlyberthMore stuff for the kids then11:25
peterlyberthThey got a couple of old computers, so i thought edubuntu would be perfect11:25
peterlyberthin a thin client setup11:27
LaserJockyeah, sounds cool11:27
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