
seelepinheiro, kwwii: ping12:21
pinheirohi seaLne12:21
pinheirohi seele12:21
seelei have an artistic challenge for you12:21
seelewhat kind of web color scheme can you come up with for #80010012:21
seelewhat colors go with red, other than black and white?12:22
seele_dark_ red, for that matter12:22
pinheirothis is not red12:22
pinheiroits green12:22
seele#800100 hex is green?12:22
kwwiiseele: pong12:22
kwwiired goes well with orange and yellow12:23
seelekwwii: even a dark red?12:23
seelepinheiro: i just checked the hex and its dark red12:23
pinheirothre is a trick to find colors12:23
seeler:128 g:1 b:012:23
kwwiiit has lots of red12:24
kwwiia little g12:24
kwwiiand no blue12:24
kwwiiseele: there is a program where one can make a color scheme based on one color12:24
kwwiidavid has one12:25
pinheiroseele:  go to the weel12:25
seelekwwii: high saturation on the orange or yellow?12:25
kwwiiI think there are also website12:25
pinheirothe other corner of the tiangle always go nicly12:25
kwwiiseele: the darker the red, the less saturation you want, I gues12:25
kwwiialthough the yellow could have more saturation12:25
kwwiito be honest, unless I actually look at the color and play around with it I cannot tell you a definitive ansewr12:26
pinheirowell thare are lodas of colors that go well with this red the question is more what is the message an the style of the site12:26
seelekwwii: thats ok, this is better than me trying and making someone puke12:26
kwwiithere are some purples, and blues that would go well with that too12:27
kwwiiit also depends on how you use the colors12:27
seelepinheiro: #800100 is my company's color, and they have charged me with refreshing our website12:27
kwwiiand what they are for12:27
pinheirothe global message?12:28
kwwiiI just bought a sweater with blue, orange, purple, and red in it12:28
seelepinheiro: e-business card -- human factors and usability design12:28
pinheirothats not a message :)12:28
kwwiiseele: if you send us an example of where/how it is used I am sure we could help more12:28
kwwiia graphical example12:29
seelethats our logo12:29
kwwiioh, you could use several colors in that12:29
kwwiiin fact, I would not suggest just using red orange and yellow12:29
pinheiroheven redo the intire stuf :P12:30
kwwiiyou need three dark color for that12:30
seelepinheiro: lol.. were not a design company, were just a bunch of people-engineers ;)12:30
kwwiithat would make it stand out much more and allow for a more universal design12:30
seelewell.. design, but not in the graphical sense12:30
seelekwwii: like dark teal or something? (i see it opposite of red on the color wheel)12:30
kwwiiI would almost use the dark red, a dark blue and a dark green for that12:30
kwwiicomplimentary colors for a logo are good12:31
pinheirothe frist thing that you need to think is what is our message? (what image we want to give of  ourselfs)12:31
seelepinheiro: our tag like is "Making technology easy to use"12:31
seele*tag line12:31
pinheirothere is a difrence betwind message and content ;)12:32
kwwiiif you want to keep is very serious, use that logo and add a dark orange and dark yellow for other parts (the lighter the color, the less you use it)12:32
seeleHobbsee: hihi!12:32
kwwiiI wish I could say hihi as man and still be taken seriously12:33
pinheirothe content of an issurance companie is the the insurance is great couse its sooo good12:33
seelekwwii: ok.  that sounds edgey, but i will take your advice and try it12:33
pinheirothe message is that we are trustworthy12:33
kwwiiseele: I could help more tomorrow, going to bed soon here12:33
seelekwwii: you could say heyhey and be like fat albert :)12:33
seelekwwii: no problem12:33
kwwiiwell, I am fat enough as it is12:33
kwwiitrying to stay away from that metaphor12:33
seelei was just snagging some advice from two of the best graphics guys i know ;)12:34
seelekwwii: haha.. youre european now.. its hard for you to be FAT12:34
kwwiilol, I wish12:34
seelekwwii: youre fat is our normal12:34
kwwiinow that is downright mean12:34
pinheiroyou normal american :)12:34
kwwiipinheiro: no, not any more12:35
kwwiibelieve me12:35
pinheiroi know you got thin12:35
kwwiimy wife is amazed12:35
Hobbseeseele: :)12:35
pinheiroso i have heard12:35
kwwiislowly getting back to normal12:35
kwwiitime for me to sleep12:35
seeleHobbsee: how are you?12:35
kwwiiwell, time to test one more thing, and then I will sleep, brb12:36
kwwiirestarting my system12:36
Hobbseeseele: good - linux conf au open day was here yesterday, so that was cool :)12:36
pinheiroseele for this color i would advice you some non to saturated colors but the disign is more important12:36
pinheiroi used this color once in a design12:36
pinheiroletme see if i can find it12:36
seeleHobbsee: yeah, ive been seeing lots of linuxchix posts about it12:37
seelepinheiro: that would be cool12:37
seelepinheiro: i've made wireframes, but now they want me to put graphics and color in it -- i am far from being a visual designer12:37
seelemy first go was black, red, and white.  very flat12:37
pinheiroyea ita flat color12:38
Hobbseeseele: :)12:38
pinheiroits also a romantic color12:38
pinheiroso you cna folow that path12:38
pinheiroor you can go for the energie path of it12:38
pinheirocouse its red12:38
pinheiroletme find the design12:39
pinheirofound it12:39
=== kwwii [n=kwwii@p54955F75.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
pinheiroseele: http://img367.imageshack.us/my.php?image=figjr3.png12:43
pinheiroita a realy old design12:43
pinheiroput the messege was solid professional yet acessible12:44
kwwiipinheiro has a very good point, if you want to be very serious, use black aa a main color, it accents the dark red well12:44
pinheirowell that was my intention12:44
seelekwwii: go to bed!12:44
kwwiiwell, I had to restart my x-server to see if my tablet works12:45
kwwiinow I am going to bed12:45
pinheirodoes it works now?12:45
seelepinheiro: ah, i see what you mean12:45
seeleyes, i was trying to use too much of the red12:45
seelei should instead use it as an accent12:45
kwwiiworks like shit12:45
kwwiiI am done for tongiht then12:45
kwwiisee you all tomorrow12:46
pinheiroyea seele dont use red as the main color red is not a min color12:46
pinheiroits a to strong color with to strog meening12:46
seeleyes, i bet that is my problem12:46
pinheirolike its nice to have a wall painted red12:47
pinheirobut dont paint your house12:47
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pinheiroany way time for bed haswell12:47
seelethanks for the help :)12:48
pinheirothere are lost of colors taht go well ith that clasic red12:48
pinheirolost = lots12:48
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@30.8.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_Riddell: I'm patching knetworkconf tu support feisty12:50
Tonio_Riddell: the patch is there but it doesn't work, I'm prompted to choose the system at launch and feisty isn't there12:53
=== Ingmar^ [n=ingmar@86-39-0-109.customer.fulladsl.be] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_hum the patch doesn't apply for some reason..... I'm trying to fix01:03
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alleeRiddell: there no UI translations in the (german) language pack.   Known misfeature, that fixes itself, or a bug?01:17
alleemhmm, I only found 3.5.6 for edgy on kubuntu.org.  I thought feisty pkgs were done first. Where are they?01:21
allee^^ found repo in irc logs01:25
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jeroenvrpI try to find the list of versionnumbers of the applications in feisty - does anyone know where I find that?101:53
crimsunalternately, use that in combination with apt-cache and/or launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty/01:54
jeroenvrpthanks crimsun01:54
crimsunthe archive itself is definitive; lp offers a presentation of it; packages.uc may be slightly out of date due to update lag01:55
jeroenvrpok thanks01:57
jeroenvrpI'm wondering if I should update from edgy to feisty now or in a month or so01:58
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Tonio__Riddell: knetworkconf fixed, I'll also reupload adept since there is a file conflict issue between adept-notifier and adept-common02:33
Tonio__Riddell: I let the file in adept-common since notifier depends on it via -updater, and since all icons are already in -common02:33
=== ryanakca twiddles while his upgrade runs...
manchickenIs Feisty really going to put binary drivers on by default?02:46
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manchickenAll dead here ^_^03:22
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manchickenRiddell: I'm cool helping you out with your adept tasks.  I'm hoping that I can get this bzr thing to work though.03:48
manchickenRiddell: I think I'll need some help getting the image into the deb though.03:49
ryanakcamanchicken: http://pastebin.ca/321127 :)03:53
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ryanakcamanchicken: nevermind :)03:54
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manchickenSWEET!  I got stuff committing to bazaar!04:05
manchickenAnybody know if there's a vc bazaar module?04:07
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manchickenWow, creating branches takes a LONG time.04:23
MezRiddell: around ?04:27
manchickenMez: Do you know I can add notes to a spec's wiki page without compromising the approved status of the spec?04:31
manchickenYou're no fun anymore.04:40
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manchickenIt's interesting that you've gotta give --enable-adept to the configure script in order to get it to build.  heh05:29
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manchickenAnybody have a reproducible way to test adept_batch?05:47
manchickenPerhaps some test cases?05:47
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Hobbseemhb: ping06:04
=== Hobbsee waves to all
ajmitchhello Hobbsee06:09
Hobbseeheya ajmitch06:10
manchickenHobbsee!!!  Where do we hide the test cases?06:11
Hobbseemanchicken: the test cases?06:11
manchickenI need to figure out how to reliably test adept_batch.06:11
Hobbseedunno.  oh wiat06:11
Hobbseemanchicken: amarok uses adept_batch, to install libxine-extracodecs06:12
Hobbseeif you purge that from your system, then restart amarok, it'll give you that prompt again06:12
=== Hobbsee upgrades to 3.5.6
=== Tonio__ looks at kde-systemsetting svn structure and cries........
Tonio__Hobbsee: did riddell finish the packages ?06:13
HobbseeTonio__: dunno, they seem to be there06:14
Hobbseeadept is reporting bugs, although i think that might have been from a previous update06:15
Tonio__Hobbsee: if it's the file conflict I fixed that a couple of hours ago06:15
HobbseeTonio__: the .png file?06:15
Hobbseeprobably just nto published to mirrors yet06:15
manchickenSo I can just call adept_batch like apt...06:16
Tonio__manchicken: yeah06:17
manchickenThat makes it much easier to test.06:18
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manchickennighty night.06:19
Hobbseejdong: finally some sense!06:26
jdongHobbsee: what's that supposed to mean? ;-)06:26
mhbgood morning06:26
jdongHobbsee: I become more reasonable when I can see evidence of thought and progress :)06:27
Hobbseejdong: that bug report06:27
mhbespecially Hobbsee, who poked me06:27
Hobbseehey mhb!  what state is the testing team in?06:27
mhbyeah, Ohio, the fontconfig-was-kinda-broken-thus-waiting-for-the-next-testcd-with-advertising state06:30
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jdongwhich is the madwifi-oopses-on-load-so-I-cant-effin-install-herd-2 state?06:39
jdongand YES, Hobbsee, there is a bug report filed :P06:39
jdongand no, I'm not a kernel developer and can't write the patch :)06:40
rideoutHobbsee: did you get 3.5.6 from kubuntu.org/packages/kde-356-test/ ?06:43
Hobbseedeb http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kde-356-feisty/ feisty main06:43
Hobbseerideout: i've got them from ^06:43
yuriyooh sounds fun, need any help testing those?06:44
rideoutHobbsee: i'll have to wait, I'm still on edgy ... but maybe now is a good time start testing feisty06:44
Hobbseerideout: could be...could indeed be :)06:44
Hobbseerideout: assuming it boots, it's fine06:44
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yuriywhat compositor is planned for kubuntu feisty?06:49
Hobbseeheya yuriy06:50
Hobbseeyuriy: probably none06:50
yuriyoh :\ i thought that was one of the big features planned for feisty06:51
Hobbseein ubuntu it is.06:52
Hobbseehavent you seen how dodgy beryl is on kubuntu?06:52
yuriyHobbsee: only issues I have with it is the desktop pager doesn't work and hibernate/suspend don't work06:53
yuriyand the  latter isn't kde specific afaik06:53
Hobbseeyuriy: you havent mentioned aquamarine06:53
=== nixternal prays that Beryl or Compiz never makes it into Kubuntu
Hobbseebut yeah, pager is the biggest thing i noted06:53
yuriyHobbsee: well, i've been using emerald with a clone of the edgy theme. so i guess that's kind of cheating06:54
nixternalhiya Hobbsee!06:54
Hobbseehey nixternal :)06:55
Hobbseeyuriy: that is, yes.  it needs to stay looking like kubuntu06:55
Hobbseehrm.  guess it does...but still06:55
Hobbseeit stops you using all of the kde themes, etc, unless there's a clone already done06:55
yuriyyup, i understand. hmm i should give aquamarine a try anyways i guess06:56
chavoyes aquamarine is working now06:56
Hobbseechavo: oh nice!  it kept sigseiving on me before06:57
yuriytoo bad xcompmgr/kompmgr are still glitchier than beryl. but i guess they're obsolete now06:57
chavoIt does on Crystal, but not other windecos for me06:57
Hobbseewell, kde 4 is built on that stuff, iir06:57
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yuriyon aquamarine now07:00
yuriyoh and actually the most annoying problem i have with beryl is the black windows bug07:00
chavonever saw that one07:01
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yuriychavo: what driver? it might be an nvidia specific problem. basically it runs out of memory or something and starts showing blank windows, usually remedied by closing some windows07:03
chavoyuriy, nvidia here too07:03
firephotoi get white wobbly windows here with beryl, i810 w/ G965 chip.07:04
Hobbseeit worries me that feisty people seem to be getting white windows with beryl07:05
yuriyhmm haven't seen that one, maybe an intel thing07:07
yuriyheh nvidia = black, intel = white07:07
Hobbseeheaps of people were reporting it07:07
firephotoi've read that it's fixed if you get the stars lined up right and built xorg/mesa/whatever in the right order. ;)07:08
yuriyi forgot, which one is ubuntu using?07:08
yuriyah there's the sigsegv07:09
yuriyafter switching windecos a few times07:10
Tonio__I getting nuts with it and kds07:14
Hobbseeheya Tonio__07:15
Tonio__hey Hobbsee :)07:16
Tonio__7am here and still not to bed...... shame on me07:16
MezTonio__, It seems there are huge issues with kxmame07:19
MezI was trying to update it to make a depend on a mame emulator07:19
Mezand it all went horribly wrong07:19
Tonio__Mez: yeah I know that was on my plans....07:19
Tonio__Mez: I'm an emulation super-specialist so unless you really want to do it, please let me that pleasure :)07:20
MezTonio__, go for it07:20
Mezit was just something I noticed :D07:20
Tonio__Mez: I did the www.planetemu.net website, so....07:20
Tonio__I'm doing this in the next hour once kds is uploaded07:21
=== kwwii [n=kwwii@p54955A61.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio__Mez: the point is that my package worked with dapper, maybe just kxmame isn't compatible with latest xmame versions....07:24
MezTonio__, it's extremely foerked up ;)07:25
Tonio__what ? kxmame ?07:25
Tonio__Mez: ah it works......07:30
Tonio__Mez: what is the problem ?07:30
Tonio__the point is just that it doesn't find the executable by default, but I can patch this07:31
Tonio__appart from that, it is okay07:31
MezTonio__, try re-building it07:31
Mezit doesnt find an executable by default cause one isnt installed07:32
Mezthen you try and build - and it alll goes weird07:32
Tonio__Mez: yeah I installed xmame-x and set the path to it07:32
Tonio__I could rebuild the games list07:32
Tonio__no issues07:32
Tonio__okay let's try a good rom :) shadow dancer !07:33
=== Mez shrugs
kwwiimoin Tonio__07:33
Tonio__hey ken :)07:33
MezTonio__, I mean as in rebuild the binary07:33
Mezthe buildd's rejected it twice07:33
Tonio__Mez: ah okay I'll do that07:35
Tonio__the crappy point is that it is a kde app but with qt dialogs :)07:35
Tonio__ugly isn't it ? :)07:35
MezI cant be bothered to find a good source for roms07:35
Tonio__Mez: I have 200 000 roms on my website07:36
Mezlink ? :P07:36
Mezpay to download? ?07:36
Tonio__but it's one file per download, sorry :)07:36
Tonio__Mez: no, but the site has adds07:36
MezTonio__, cant you make me a zip ? :P07:37
Tonio__well it works07:37
Tonio__Mez: want ftp access ? :)07:37
Mezif that would be allowed :P07:37
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Tonio__for you I can do it07:37
Tonio__just tell me the login/pass you want (notice) and I'm building the account07:38
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@42.8.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_what the f**k !!!!07:39
Tonio_launching a game closed my kde session :)07:39
Tonio_that's pretty horrible !07:40
MezTonio_, out of curiosity, I can seem to find a download link07:40
Mezjust articles07:40
Tonio_Mez: on the right, click on Mame07:40
Tonio_then you'll see the ROMS section, go there, and everything is in it07:41
Meznvm me07:41
Tonio_in the set MAME (CHD & Samples excluded)07:41
Tonio_yeah that's french sorry :)07:41
Tonio_I receive about 100 complains a day that the wensite isn't in english :)07:41
Tonio_ho and fyi download will not work with konqueror07:42
MezTonio_, it's no problem -0 I understand french :D07:42
MezTonio_, I use FF07:42
Mezand where do I save them to ?07:42
Tonio_I just changed the download script and it needs fixing since it is a bit complex :)07:42
Tonio_uses proftpd-mysql etc...07:42
Tonio_I try to avoid leechers07:43
Mezmy god07:43
Mezthats scary07:43
Mezwindows style open dialog07:43
Tonio_that's qt07:44
Tonio_qt ressemble windows a lot07:44
Tonio_Mez: but the rest of the app is based on kdelibs :)07:44
Tonio_that's completly stupid07:45
=== yuriy downloads kxmame to see
yuriyi wanted to see if it's the same dialog i'm used to with opera, and it is07:46
Tonio_Mez: should be okay via ftp://planetemu.net07:46
=== Mez growls as he cant get it to find the proper thing
Tonio_Mez: the binary is in /usr/games07:46
yuriyat least this thing can be patched by someone concerned... too bad i don't see opera putting in kde dialogs in the future07:47
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Tonio_heh, mez just launched a game, looks like ;)07:49
=== Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_[07:49]  <Tonio_> heh, mez just launched a game, looks like ;)07:49
Tonio_Mez: have you been disconnected by the program ?07:49
Mezwhen I set the path of Xmame07:50
Mezall not exactly07:50
Mezwhen i set the path for Xmame07:50
Mezit just07:50
Mezgave me a blank completely unresponsive screen (but my KDE was runnning cause i could still hear my amarok in the BG)07:50
Tonio_hum, I didn't have that issue07:51
Tonio_I can launch a game, but kde get closed and the game launches..... very strange....07:51
Tonio_I wonder if that's a xmame issue or kxmame one.... I'm testing07:51
Tonio_maybe xmame-x isn't the version to use07:51
=== Mez doesnt think so
Tonio_Mez: I'm testing with xmame-sdl07:53
Mezok, so where do I save my games?07:54
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Mezok, apparentlyu i have 6166 gamnes available07:54
Tonio_Mez: no that's the list of existing games07:54
Tonio_you have to download a rom and then pick up the folder in the config, then rescan07:55
Mezwhere do i install games to ?07:55
Tonio_and behind available you'll see your roms07:55
Mezwhat was that ftp url again ?07:55
Tonio_Mez: install them where you want, and configure kxmame to scan in that folder07:55
MezMessage sent:07:56
MezLogin using username=mez and password=[hidden] 07:56
MezServer replied:07:56
Mez530 Login incorrect.07:56
MezDo you want to retry?07:56
Tonio_yeah I have to retype password, copy/paste failed....07:56
MezTonio_, poke me when done07:58
Mezgoing to get cigs07:58
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@42.8.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_rahhhhhhhhhhhhhh I unpluged my router......08:00
Tonio_okay let's finish the config08:00
Tonio_Mez: sorry ;)08:00
Tonio_<Anonymous /home/roms>08:00
Tonio_        User                    mdz08:00
Tonio_that's when I'm reaaaaaaaaaaaaally tired08:00
Tonio_interesting, proftpd reload argument fails.....08:01
Tonio_Mez: works this time08:02
Tonio_Mez: okay the problem with the package is a classic issue08:03
Tonio_we had the same with kde for a very long time, and there is a common fix08:03
Tonio_that's a problem with linux-kernel headers08:03
Tonio_but the ben claims that's kde's fault while the kde guys claim that's a kernel issue.....08:04
Tonio_okay I'm patching this08:04
Mezthats my first time I've walked home on auto-pilot08:05
Mezoh wow08:05
MezMSX stuff ?08:05
kwwiiwow, my son has no school today because of the storm last night08:06
yuriystorm? lucky. we just have a little bit of slush on the ground08:09
kwwiiyuriy: yeah, in germany there was quite a storm last night08:10
kwwiialthough it was not so bad here, really08:10
kwwiinow I have to watch my son - so much for working08:11
yuriyi think we were/are supposed to have some sort of storm this week. haven't seen much of it, though it did finally get cold08:11
kwwiilol, you can tell people from northern climates08:11
kwwiithe germans are all complainin that it is not cold yet08:11
kwwiiwhile I am happy that it is still warm08:11
kwwiilooks like my imap server kills kmail08:13
yuriyheh. my professor today said we could have class outside when it gets over 20 (implying C), I suggested she should mean F08:13
=== Lure [n=lure@external-7.hermes.si] has joined #kubuntu-devel
kwwiimoin Lure08:14
Lurekwwii: hi!08:14
Hobbseekwwii: that's normal08:14
yuriyktorrent has been downloading the same chunk over and over for the last 20 minutes :( oh well time to sleep08:15
kwwiiHobbsee: well, it has been working until now, but for some reason it hates me this morning08:15
Hobbseekwwii: ahh, so you dont get hit by the "randomly select a message, and it crashes" bug08:15
kwwiiHobbsee: nope, it just continually shows a progress bar that is flipping out - the mails are there but they keep flickering08:16
kwwiiI think it cannot handle so many mails08:16
kwwiijust moved to my wonderfull new laptop08:16
Lurekwwii: how many mails?08:17
kwwiia few thousand i guess08:18
Lureimap or disconnected imap?08:18
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:Hobbsee] : Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | Happy Newness! | Merge ! http://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html | https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty/+specs | Bugs! https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | Please test KDE 3.5.6 on feisty
Lurekwwii: I use disconnected imap on MS Exchange and in handles 4000 mails in folder w/o problems08:18
kwwiiI tried disconnected imap yesterday and that worked for a while but this morning no more...so I tried normal imap and now it hates me08:18
LureHobbsee: where is 3.5.6?08:18
Lurenormal imap is slow - that is why toma wrote mailody08:19
Lurekwwii: actually you may like mailody08:19
HobbseeLure: deb http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kde-356-feisty/ feisty main08:19
=== Hobbsee wonders about putting the URL in the topic
kwwiiLure: never heard of it...is it a kde app?08:19
HobbseeRiddell: ping when you get here08:20
Lurekwwii: www.mailody.net - it is still in development, also has some nice concepts and it is *way* faster than kmail08:20
Lurekwwii: it has only imap/smtp support (no pop yet)08:20
kwwiiwell, then it is halfway there for me08:21
kwwiiI have two pop accounts as well08:21
Lurekwwii: same for me ;-)08:21
kwwiiI thought about trying thunderbird08:21
Lurekwwii: I thought Hobbsee uses thunderbird, no?08:21
HobbseeLure: i do08:21
Lurekwwii: so you will have at least first class supoort ;-)08:22
=== Hobbsee doesnt use ubuntu's thunderbird
kwwiihehe, yeah08:22
=== Hobbsee uses the mozilla binaries
kwwiilol, even better08:22
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kwwiiuck, thunderbird looks so ugly08:26
kwwiiworks well though08:26
Hobbseekwwii: beta 1 is quite nice.  beta 2 is out next week or something08:29
Hobbseeor they freeze next week, and release the beta 2 after that08:29
Hobbseedont quite remember08:29
kwwiiacutally, I am tired of continually updating my software08:29
kwwiiit is almost worse than MS08:30
=== Hobbsee wonders if her keyboard makes a good pillow
Hobbseetrue...i only do it for those two, and theyv'e got an autoupdater if i remember to run it08:30
Hobbsee(seeing as it doesnt normally run as root)08:30
kwwiitorsten rahn (tackat) fell asleep on his once and every now and then he would say things like slkfkfjsalkjfsakjgaskgjlsakghdslhgfhdflkhfdsahlhs08:30
kwwiiahhaaaa...I think the problem is not with kmail, but with my server08:32
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kwwiilol, it put all my mail in the trash08:47
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Hobbseekwwii: smart server.  it knew you didnt want to read it08:58
Hobbseehey Jucato!08:58
kwwiiHobbsee: yeah, how important can those stupid work emails be anyway?08:58
Jucatohi Hobbsee08:59
Hobbseekwwii: *grin*08:59
HobbseeJucato: tried 3.5.6 on feisty yet?08:59
JucatoHobbsee: no...08:59
JucatoHobbsee: unfortunately, this month is hell for me... so I can't do more than help once in a while in #kubuntu...09:00
=== serzholino [n=serzholi@16x.zp.ua] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@42.8.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
HobbseeJucato: :( why so?09:01
Jucatoloads of "work"... I kept on denying that they existed...and now I'm kinda overwhelmed... :P09:02
Jucatoand Second Life didn't help either... @_@09:03
=== hunger [n=tobias@pd95b0676.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Lure restarting for 3.5.6
JucatoHobbsee: although I might already be running 3.5.6 actually...09:17
HobbseeJucato: oh?09:17
JucatoHobbsee: from SVN branches09:17
=== Jucato sees danimo's nifty dots
=== ubotu [n=ubotu@ubuntu/bot/ubotu] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Lure [n=lure@external-7.hermes.si] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Lure back on kde 3.5.6
LureHobbsee: looks ok on first look - anything new that is worth mentioning?09:22
Tonio_Lure: packages are out for feisty ?09:23
Luredeb http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kde-356-feisty/ feisty main09:23
LureTonio_: Riddell is just waiting for official release date (afaik)09:24
Tonio_thanks ;) I have a few tests to perform -> kwallet bug !!09:24
=== Jucato is also waiting for the official announcement... just so he could brag... :P
Tonio_Lure: I just hope for once the new version will not include new critical issues...........09:25
Tonio_3.5.4 and 3.5.5 were shames on that point09:25
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LureTonio_: new issues are proof of progress ;-)09:25
LureTonio_: at least we have now some time to stabilize it for 7.04 release09:26
Tonio_Lure: yes, but well kde4 will not be stable before a very lond time so it would be nice to have a super stable release of kde309:26
Tonio_my 2 cents :)09:26
LureTonio_: but we also need new improvements to keep people interested until kde4 is stable enpough for them to switch09:27
Tonio_what's new in 356 ?09:28
LureTonio_: I agree though that every point release should be considered stable and some bugs should be avoided09:28
Tonio_I just hope the session management is debugged09:28
Jucatodanimo's password dots09:28
Tonio_that's what causes the kwallet issue, and knetworkmanager hanging kwallet sometimes, no issues on 3.5.409:29
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LureTonio_: what bothers me is that kwalletmanager causes 100% load on kded on login somtimes (40% chance)09:30
LureTonio_: there seems to be some timing issue which causes endless loop in kded09:30
Tonio_Improved 7zip support. See SVN commit 596246.09:30
Tonio_hehe, I finally contributed to kde :)09:30
Tonio_that''s my patches09:30
LureTonio_: is this what you are hunting?09:30
LureTonio_: nice09:30
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Tonio_le konsole horrible "bip" has finally been replaced :)09:34
Tonio_that's kool09:34
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@42.8.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_Lure: the kwallet bug is still there.......... shit09:40
LureTonio_: can you write down instructions how to reproduce it and I may look into it after FF?09:41
LureTonio_: re konsole horrible "bip"> I like visual beep as default - maybe we should change k-d-s?09:41
Tonio_Lure: well, save konqueror passwords, they are in the wallet09:41
Tonio_logout, login they have dissapeared, unless you manually close the wallet....09:42
Tonio_doesn't seem to be due to kwallet iteself but to the session management09:42
LureTonio_: ok, can you drop me this in e-mail, so that I do not forget09:42
Tonio_let me show you the bug id09:42
LureTonio_: it may be konqueror issue (caching?)09:42
Tonio_Lure: no same error with kontact, knetworkmanager etc........09:42
UbugtuKDE bug 136411 in kwallet "KWallet loses new passwords when closed since XML file import" [Normal,New] 09:44
Tonio_here is the bug09:44
Tonio_160 votes, and nothing........09:44
Tonio_confirmed on gentoo, mandriva etc....09:44
=== TheInfinity [n=TheInfin@p508F3FAA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
LureTonio_: why do we not use patch from the bug?09:48
Tonio_Lure: we should be the patch wasn't there last time we checked09:49
Tonio_Lure: the problem is I think the same kded issues causes the knetworkmanager problem09:49
LureTonio_: it is just workaround, but better than nothing09:49
Tonio_there is also a patch for this09:49
Tonio_but it means autostart knetworkmanager and remove the session-thing09:50
Tonio_I don't know Riddell's opinion on that point09:50
Tonio_should we autostart it ?09:50
LureTonio_: I think Riddell added knetworkmanager to autostart09:50
Tonio_Lure: it doesn't for me09:50
LureTonio_: it is part of network-roaming spec09:50
Tonio_yes but it doesn't autostart here09:50
Tonio_maybe because of that session thing ?09:51
Tonio_Lure: how does it autostart ? I don't see anything in /usr/share/autostart....09:51
Tonio_  [ Jonathan Riddell ] 09:52
Tonio_  * Add knetworkmanager to ksmserverrc for09:52
Tonio_    startup by default, see NetworkRoaming spec09:52
Tonio_ksmserverrc...... what does this do ?09:52
Tonio_bah that's the session thing :)09:53
Tonio_that will not work.... we have to workarround that, and do the way debian does...09:53
Tonio_Lure: I'll fix this right now09:53
Tonio_plus I don't think riddell did it correctly, a session file is needed for that to work... like kmix has in kds09:54
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Tm_TI wonder if I should stick in Edgy if I like to play around with KDE4.11:19
=== vinboy [n=vinboy@125-236-159-148.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Jucato scratches his head in here too...
=== elcuco [n=elcuco@bzq-82-81-20-107.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
kwwiiTm_T: I would guess that the latest stuff is for feisty (but I don't really know, so don't listen to me)11:30
Tm_TAnd by playing I mean compiling and testing and compiling again. ;)11:30
=== Tm_T doesn't care about KDE4 packages atm
Tm_TThat comes later.11:31
kwwiiwell, if you are compiling yourself then edgy would be the easier one to debug, I guess, as feisty is still, well, erm, feisty11:31
Tm_TYup, so I thought.11:31
Jucato(or if you want stable... use Dapper as base :P )11:32
kwwiihehe, yeah11:32
=== kwwii goes shopping, cooks lunch, etc.
Tm_Tkwwii: Btw Oxy cursors are fun. :)11:33
kwwiiTm_T: I am not too happy with them, but then again we are still working on them11:33
kwwiiI do not like the white border11:33
Tm_TYup, fun as different.11:34
=== Tm_T usually use black X default.
=== Jucato doesn't know how to get any oxy thing from kde svn...
Jucatothat should be good... less drooling for me11:35
Tm_TGone. ->11:35
kwwiiJucato: get it from anon svn11:39
Jucatokwwii: I have to run some scripts to generate the icons?11:40
kwwiiJucato: yes, there is a utils dir with a script and a readme11:40
kwwiibasically, get the whole stuff11:40
kwwiicopy the svg/ dir somewhere11:40
kwwiiput the generate script from utils in the svg/ dir11:41
kwwiiand then call it11:41
Jucatothat simple?! heh :)11:41
kwwiiit will create a tar.gz that you can install11:41
Jucatothanks :)11:41
kwwiithat is for the icons11:41
kwwiifor the cursors, there is a script in the cursors/ dir11:41
Jucatough... I have to rush off... :(11:41
Jucatobrb :(11:41
=== kwwii too
Jucatokwwii: thank!11:41
kwwiino prob11:42
=== Jucato thanks kwwii so much :)
Tonio_kwwii: did you notice kwin-crystal upstream doesn't include the latest version of the edgy theme, but the "in work" one11:51
Tonio_kwwii: I'm preparing a fixed tarball11:52
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Hobbseekwwii: question for you12:08
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RiddellHobbsee: 3.5.6 URL us fine in here or -testers, just not anywhere for users12:13
RiddellTonio_: how does debian start knetworkmanager?12:14
HobbseeRiddell: okay12:14
Tonio_Riddell: via /usr/share/autostart12:14
=== Hobbsee doesnt want to get yelled at again, so just checking
HobbseeRiddell: that includes kubuntu-devel ML, presumably?12:14
Tonio_Riddell: that resolves the session management issues that bloat knetworkmanager everytime it tries to access kwallet12:14
Tonio_mbiebl sent me the tip via email yesterday concerning this, so I simply applied his patches12:15
Tonio_btw Riddell if you wanna use ksmserver to autostart something, you need to provide a session file with it12:16
Tonio_that's why katapult doesn't autostart at first boot on kubuntu, I also have to fix this...12:16
Tonio_Riddell: how about starting katapult via a /usr/share/autostart file too ?12:16
Tonio_there is no reason not to start it...12:17
RiddellHobbsee: dunno, best not12:17
RiddellHobbsee: last time it got onto the forumns and the KDE release dude told me off12:18
Tonio_Riddell: of course knetworkmanager via sessions will be better when debugged, but well, that's a very old bug now, and somehow critical for average user, since it is hard to kill it... that's why I think a good workarround is nice ;)12:19
RiddellTonio_: katapult does start from the session for me and the CD, but I'm happy for it to be changed to autostart if you want12:19
Tonio_Riddell: does it ? I got problems last time I tested a cd.... maybe I'm wrong btw12:20
Tonio_Riddell: it starts from the session for me too, but I have to launch it first time too12:20
Tonio_Riddell: I'll fix that today12:20
Tonio_I'm working on kwin-style-crystal....12:20
Tonio_ho Riddell I have a patch for the kwallet bug (passwords not saved) can you include it before the release ?12:21
Tonio_george staikos approved it12:21
RiddellTonio_: why wouldn't we include it?12:25
=== shnee [n=CurtyD13@cpe-24-26-131-198.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_Riddell: hehe that's my feeling, so here is the patch12:27
Tonio_Riddell: http://paste.tonio.homelinux.org/4412:28
Tonio_Riddell: also I noticed you forgot to remove trash.desktop from kdebase-kio-plugins12:30
Tonio_Riddell: kdebase-kio-plugins.install:debian/tmp/usr/share/apps/systemview/trash.desktop12:30
Tonio_Riddell: that's in the debian-ubuntu-differences files12:31
RiddellTonio_: where's the patch from?12:31
Tonio_Riddell: kde bts, lemme show you12:31
UbugtuKDE bug 136411 in kwallet "KWallet loses new passwords when closed since XML file import" [Normal,New] 12:31
RiddellHobbsee: able to kickban anouk in #kubuntu?12:38
RiddellTm_T, apokryphos ^^12:38
apokryphossure 8)12:38
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HobbseeRiddell: sorry, was AFK12:41
MezRiddell, you coulda poked me too12:43
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=== Kano [n=kano@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Kanocould someone replace kaffeine with the version of debian12:47
Riddellumm, no12:47
Kanoin ubuntu the includes are missing and i only can scan dvb channels but not watch em12:47
Riddellbut we can merge in fixes12:47
Kanowell currently compiling it12:48
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Kanoand when will kde-systemsettings be fixed that they are not in lost+found12:52
Kanokde-systemsettings: /etc/xdg/menus/kde-applications-merged/system-settings-merge.menu12:52
=== Hobbsee looks for the cluebat
Kanohmm compiled the debian kaffeine and got the same error12:53
Kanothere must be something missing thats not missing in debian12:55
Kano12:55:17: xine: couldn't find demux for >/home/xxx/.kaxtv.12:55
Kanono mpeg2 demuxer?12:56
Riddellso you have libxine-extracodecs installed?12:56
Hobbseegah.  *goes thwacking with the cluebat*12:56
=== Riddell restrains Hobbsee
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HobbseeRiddell: awww....but the guy deserves it :P12:57
=== Hobbsee doenst think it's fair to harrass *any* woman.
Kanolibxine1-ffmpeg was missing, but why is that no dep then?12:58
Kanothen just add that as dep and the includes...12:59
Riddellit's restricted by US patents01:00
kwwiiHobbsee: I think it is perfectly fine for me to harrass my wife01:00
=== hunger_t is now known as hunger
kwwiiheck, that is part of her job as wife, as I see it :p01:01
KanoRiddell: but why is it in debian then?01:01
Hobbseekwwii: heh.01:01
Kanoi only installed there kaffeine and it worked...01:01
RiddellKano: debian has no money to be sued out of01:01
Kanoisnt it in ubuntu main?01:02
Kanojust not preinstalled...01:02
=== zorglu_ [n=zorglub@6.43.102-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
zorglu_q. im running kubuntu dapper, and i got a significant memory leak when running apps using java+gtk, anybody knows if edgy or feisty has this bug fixed ?01:04
Hobbseeoh you *moron*.  dont play ban evasion with me.01:05
Hobbseezorglu_: a) try it.  b) how would we know?01:05
=== Hobbsee tries to remember how to op on all channels
zorglu_i dunno, maybe because you are the one packaging kubuntu and so following bug on it ? :)01:06
Hobbseedoesnt mean i run gtk and java stuff01:06
zorglu_how can i get this information without instaling it ? (this would require to fully install it, so consuming disk space and time)01:06
Hobbseesearch teh forums, check for bugs maybe?01:07
zorglu_ok is there a better place to ask ?01:09
Hobbseenot that i know of01:10
Hobbseesorry :(01:11
zorglu_hehe ok, so i will live with it :) rebooting 3 time a day is not that bad01:11
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Hobbsee(sorry for the @'s - chanserv is lagging badly here)01:13
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KanoRiddell: is there a h264 (avc) package too?01:28
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RiddellKano: user questions in #kubuntu (cos I don't know)01:29
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Kanobtw. mplayer is even in debian now (not the mencoder), will it come to u too?02:01
Hobbseesarah@LongPointyStick:~$ madison mplayer02:02
Hobbsee   mplayer | 2:0.99+1.0pre8-0ubuntu8 | http://mirror.pacific.net.au feisty/multiverse Packages02:02
Hobbsee   mplayer | 2:0.99+1.0pre8-0ubuntu8 | http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com feisty/multiverse Packages02:02
Hobbsee   mplayer | 2:0.99+1.0pre8-0ubuntu8 | http://mirror.pacific.net.au feisty/multiverse Sources02:02
Hobbsee   mplayer | 2:0.99+1.0pre8-0ubuntu8 | http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com feisty/multiverse Sources02:02
Kanohmm even vlc can playback h26402:04
Kanowhy not kaffeine?02:04
Kanowhats the logic behind that02:04
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Hobbseekaffeine is there?02:05
Kanowell i installed that ffmpeg package for it02:05
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Kanothen i have at least mpeg202:05
Kanobut i need h264 (mpeg4 avc) too02:06
Kanoit seems noone uses those media files....02:09
RiddellKano: you want to talk to siretart on #ubuntu-motu, he maintains xine02:09
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LureTonio_: this seems to be the right way to handle autostart of knetworkmanager: http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-devel&m=116921124400692&w=202:23
Tonio_Lure: interesting !02:25
Riddellthat would need coding in knetworkmanager to handle02:25
LureRiddell: probably, but it is the only way to allow user to decide if he wants it started by default on not02:30
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LureRiddell: Quit anyway asks for confirmation, so we could add another checkbox for this02:30
LureRiddell: "Do not start automatically"02:31
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LureRiddell: or in menu Options, have "Autostart on login"02:31
Riddellmeh, hassle :)02:32
LureTonio_: btw, it is mbiebl who asked this question, so he might not like current /usr/share/autostart idea completelly02:32
RiddellTonio_: do we not want kaffeineoggvorbis in kaffeine package?02:32
Tonio_Riddell: well I was supposed to remove audio features from kaffeine02:34
Tonio_but now the idea has changed, yes, you're right, I should had it back02:34
RiddellTonio_: oh?  what's changed?02:34
Tonio_bah we decided just to change file associations but to keep audio fonctionnalities in kaffeine02:34
Tonio_unless I mussunderstood ;)02:35
Riddelldunno, I just do whatever you say :)02:35
Tonio_lots of people started to complain in fact02:35
Tonio_Riddell: I'll fix this today as well as the knetworkmanager autostart02:35
=== Hobbsee is getting sick of having to kill knm
RiddellTonio_: should I also add back kaffeine_play_audiocd.desktop?02:36
Riddellor is that a shortcut, which we still don't want?02:36
=== Riddell thinks we don't
Tonio_no need of that, it'll mess the context menu and action popup in konqueror02:37
Tonio_Riddell: there is still the option to launch kaffeine and play a cd so that should be enought no ?02:37
Riddellok uploaed02:40
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Riddelloh, he didn't stay to get the new kaffeine he wanted02:40
Tonio_Riddell: you're doing it right now ?02:41
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imbrandonTonio_, i want roms , heh03:00
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Tonio_imbrandon: what for, emulation is a pain with linux ;)03:01
MezTonio_, you still didnt tell me what I needed to do03:01
imbrandonTonio_, i have mame and xsnes9x working great in linux03:01
imbrandoni was thinking about building a mame cabnet soonish03:02
imbrandonprobably this summer03:02
imbrandon( with powered by kubuntu logo's all over it ) hehe03:02
Tonio_Mez: I'm fighting to get xmess working.....03:02
Tonio_Mez: xmame works, but the frontend part for xmess is just a nightmare03:02
Tonio_imbrandon: need ftp access too ?03:03
imbrandonxmess just sucks imho03:03
imbrandonTonio_, yea ;)03:03
Tonio_imbrandon: not that much, it is okay in the shell03:03
Tonio_Mez: can I change your password for something generic ?03:03
Tonio_I don't want to create 1000 anonymous accounts for my ftp :)03:04
Tonio_imbrandon: the 'shit' wasn't for you of course03:04
MezTonio_, go for it03:04
Tonio_was for that stipid frontend03:04
Tonio_Mez: what can I put ?03:04
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MezTonio_, pick something and tell me03:05
imbrandonTonio_, i'm not anonymouse hehe03:05
imbrandoni like my c64 emu's too03:05
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Tonio_Mez: kxmame is nice for mame but I think we have to forget about it concerning xmess03:38
Tonio_xmess command line works like a charm03:38
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Riddell** edgy 3.5.6 for testing   deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-356-test/ edgy main04:12
Riddelli386 only04:12
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kwwiiRiddell: how much do I want to test that?04:15
kwwiihi bddebian04:16
bddebianHeya kwwii04:16
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Riddellkwwii: are you running edgy?04:19
kwwiiRiddell: yepp04:19
Riddelllots and lots then04:19
Riddellsince when did you have an i386?04:19
kwwiiRiddell: since yesterday :-)04:20
=== kwwii bought a thinkpad x60s
Riddellwow, that's a change04:20
kwwiiyeah, and it is *amazing*04:20
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bddebianHi Jucato04:21
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Jucatohi bddebian04:22
kwwiiRiddell: I know I have done this before, butI forget...it complains about not having a public key04:23
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Riddellsee http://kubuntu.org/announcements/koffice-161.php04:25
kwwiicool, thnx04:27
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alleeRiddell: is it a known that (at least) some translations are missing from language-packs  No  digikam translations in feisty04:31
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kwwiiok, here goes, restarting kde04:34
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kwwiiwell, it appears to work04:38
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apokryphosRiddell: might want to +b ubotu in here, he's playing up05:34
apokryphoswe've handled it for most of the other channels05:34
kwwiihehe, yeah, no doubt05:35
=== kwwii now has a canonical email address
Jucatosilly ubotu... :)05:35
kwwiigosh, I feel so important05:35
apokryphosooOOoo  8)05:36
Jucatowow congrats :)05:36
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Jucatoyou *are* important :)05:36
kwwiilol, I wish05:36
Lurekwwii: will you do artwork in general or kubuntu only?05:37
Jucatoc'mon! we wouldn't have had purple if not for you :)05:37
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kwwiiLure: artwork in general, although my exact job is not 100% clear to me yet05:44
kwwiiI will be doing kubuntu, and other stuff as well05:44
stdincan anyone answer how the kernel choose which module to load for a specific piece of hardware?05:51
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Lurekwwii: I am sure you would hate a job which would be 100% clear ;-)06:01
kwwiiLure: lol, yeah well, I am sure that mark knows exactly what I will be doing and I am sure that he will tell me ;-)06:02
kwwiialthough it might very well change from day to day06:02
sebasWait, *I* am the one who's telling kwwii what he should do?!06:02
=== sebas hides behind some biiiiiiiiiiig rock.
Lurekwwii: so, will we get polyester for feisty (time is ticking...)?06:02
kwwiiLure: I was just going to talk about that06:03
kwwiiI have it setup here with a config that I thinks looks nice06:03
kwwiiwe should set it as default for a while and see who screams06:03
Lurekwwii: windeco from edgy is for me still better than polyester06:03
kwwiiRiddell: what do you think about testing out polyester06:03
kwwiioh, we should keep the same window deco06:03
kwwiibut the style should be polyester06:04
kwwiiI tuned it down by configuring things well06:04
Lurekwwii: what I do not like with polyester that your purple is a bit too strong for scrollbars06:04
kwwiiLure: exactly, I also changed the selection colors to make those look nicer06:04
Lurekwwii: however it is better that it is more obvious than plastik06:04
kwwiiso we would need to change the color scheme and add the config file06:05
Lurekwwii: otherwise polyester looks stable for me (beta's had quite some artifacts, so I did not use it for long)06:05
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LureTonio__: wb!06:06
kwwiiLure: I have only tested it on edgy (although with the new kde) and it looks fine here06:06
LureTonio__: we are just discussing some more work for you (polyester style)06:06
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kwwiiTonio__: yeah, got a few things for you to do ;-)06:07
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freeflyingadept's bug fixed?06:27
kwwiiLure: you don't happen to know where the config file is saved for polyester, do you?06:29
Lurekwwii: not really06:30
Lurekwwii: I just use the package in the repo, as-is06:30
sebasHow about ~/.kde/share/config/kwinpolyesterrc ?06:30
sebasThat's what locate gives me :)06:30
Luresebas: ;-)06:31
sebasBunch of n00bs! ;-)06:31
=== sebas gets hungry
kwwiisebas: dude, that is what I thought too but that file does not exist on my system06:31
=== toma too
kwwiihehe, sebas that file is for the window deco, not the style06:33
kwwiithat is why I do not have it, as I am not using the window deco06:34
kwwiiyou n00b06:34
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yuriymaybe polyesterstylerc06:37
=== sebas blushes
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kwwiifreaky, I cannot find this file...really weird06:44
yuriykwwii: i have /etc/qt3/lipstiksylerc weird place for it but you could look there06:47
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alleeRiddell: any tip? are you aware of an dlopen (k)ubuntu specific changes?  In debian, digikam does not find libgphoto plugins without .la files.  Works fine in kubuntu and gtkam in debian07:30
Riddellallee: no idea, but we have an updated toolchain for feisty whereas I guess etch is all frozen07:31
Riddelldoko would be a good dude to ask07:31
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=== mode/#kubuntu-devel [+b ubotu!*@*] by Riddell
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alleeRiddell: thx.  I'll ping him.  having a -dev depends is hackish and ugly and I would like avoid merging.07:33
Riddellapokryphos: +b done07:33
Riddellkwwii: 3.5.6 in edgy all good?07:33
Riddellkwwii: if you want polyester you need to write a main inclusion report07:34
alleeRiddell: ah, 3.5.6 that reminds me: on 3.5.5 media handling of CDROM was broken. I vote for a longer testing period until kde-stable is directed to 3.5.6.   At least here in the institute got  QA-- due to it07:35
RiddellI need to put a notice on the pages saying those packages aren't supported07:42
Riddelland thanks for reminding me, I need to put hal in the archive too07:42
Riddellhmm, or maybe that's just dapper07:43
Riddellkwwii: how's cd and usb stick mounting doing in 3.5.6 on edgy?07:43
firephotoRiddell: cd and usb mounting looks fine here, popup window, mounts, safely remove and eject ok.07:45
firephoto356 edgy.07:46
Riddellfirephoto: excellent, thanks07:47
mhbfirephoto: kopete works fine?07:48
mhbfirephoto: including the "bubbles" above the tray icon07:48
firephotomhb: nope, bubble is missing, heard the sound though07:48
firephotowas there a change there? i know that bubble was crashing composite last i knew.07:49
mhbfirephoto: the bubble worked in 35507:50
firephotokopete: WARNING: KXMLGUIClient::setXMLFile: cannot find .rc file jabberchatui.rc07:51
apokryphosRiddell: he returned back to normal shortly after that, anyhow :D07:51
firephotomhb: that warning isn't related to the bubble i guess. i tried disabling/enabling the bubble but nothing changed. it's still missing.07:53
sebasDo the packages still spit out a lot of crap in the console?07:53
=== sebas hates it when apps do that.
sebasQInputContext: no input method context available07:54
sebasQInputContext: no input method context available07:54
Riddellsebas: there's still X errors from the non-existant tabled device07:54
=== firephoto gets X Error: BadPixmap (invalid Pixmap parameter) 4
sebasMy current setup has this all the time.07:54
Riddellsebas: I don't have those skim warnings in feisty07:54
sebasI have edgy07:55
Riddellsebas: skim in feisty is quieter07:58
Riddellbut the X warnings are still a pain07:58
Riddellfilling up .xsession-errors and aa07:58
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SimeGreetings all.08:01
sebasSime is back!08:01
sebaswb :)08:01
SimeI got back on wednesday.08:01
Simestill catching up on things08:02
mhbhi Sime08:03
Riddellwe misse08:03
Riddellwe missed you08:03
Riddellwe ported guidance to ruby while you were gone08:04
Simehows feisty?08:05
Sime (I have no idea).08:05
Simemy email ran out of space around christmas...08:05
Riddellfeisty seems to be working nicely08:07
Simewere there any big changes for Kubuntu in feisty?08:10
LureSime: more polish, and quite some porting to qt408:13
Simea more polished edgy.08:14
=== sebas did some mountconfig stuff, better uuid and label support mainly.
sebasSome fixing in userconfig I think, and some powermanager work together with Lure08:16
Simecool. I read about some of that in the KDE digest thingy.08:17
Simesebas: how late does that KDE-NL thing start on saturday?08:17
Lureyes, I still want to do one config file change (keyword for lid action) and then I think we could release it as 0.7.108:17
Lurelots of bug fixes and some new features08:17
Simesebas: same ol' place?08:18
=== sebas is not sure what to do with serviceconfig in Feisty
sebasSime: Yes08:18
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Riddellsebas: mm, that's a point, it should know about upstart I guess08:26
Riddellsebas: any idea what the gnome thing is doing?08:26
sebasNope, no idea.08:26
RiddellI'll ask scott next week in oslo08:27
sebasIt might be that the whole concept of serviceconfig must be redone08:27
Riddellwe should also look at getting wineconfig in a state that it can be used08:27
SimeRiddell: true. But time is a problem (=> some many things to do, so little time)08:30
Riddellyes indeed08:35
Riddellis the wineconfig author still around?08:35
sebasDunno, but I've fixed wineconfig enough that it works for me.08:35
sebasI'm not aware of other problems though.08:35
Simeit really just needs greater testing.08:37
RiddellI'll take a look at it then08:37
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Riddelldoes it warn the user when wine isn't installed?08:37
sebasNot sure08:37
=== Riddell a bit confused by http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.kde.promotion/6211
sebasIs it installed with guidance by default?08:37
sebasI mean with the packages?08:37
sebasIf it's a separate package, it could just depend on wine.08:38
sebasWhy confused by the way?08:38
Riddellwell, why didn't he send an article when I asked for one, not once I've already written one.  I'd rather not spend the time editing it twice08:39
RiddellI think if it was a separate package it would never get installed by anyone08:39
LureRiddell: separate package would allow us to make it recommends and remove if wine is not used08:44
=== Lure is bothered with bug 72233 - how can this happen?
UbugtuMalone bug 72233 in kde-guidance "Unable to remove powermanager w/o making displayconfig-restore unuseable" [Low,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7223308:44
Lurekwwii: btw, any time to look in missing ac-adapter icon for guidance? would be great if we can get it in next release...08:46
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ryanakcaimbrandon: Failed to fetch http://imbrandon.com/packages/dists/feisty/Release Unable to find expected entry  amarok/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)10:49
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ryanakcaRiddell: is rosegarden being packaged/packaged?11:02
ryanakcanevermind :)11:03
=== ryanakca thought it was a brand new app...
Riddellit's about 6 years old11:11
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Tonio__Mez: ping ?11:25
Tonio__Riddell: this ubuntu hack is pain really...........11:27
Tonio__still broken in kdebluetooth11:27
Tonio__Riddell: when exactly is that applied ?11:28
Tonio__I'll probably try to fix in rules instead of a patch...11:28
Tonio__hey great news, mbiebl is patching knm to enable, disable autostart, cool :)11:29
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Tonio__Riddell: I'm testing that new experimental patch from mbiebl11:40
Tonio__Riddell: if that work we may consider a backport to edgy, as the problem affects it too11:41
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=== Tonio__ is happy, lots of issues have been fixed today !
Tonio__including the crappy kwallet thing12:05
Tonio__Riddell: what are the kaffeine header files usefull for ?12:10
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