sleepy495 | my monitor shuts off but the pc is still running | 12:15 |
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JuJuBee | Anybody have an idea / suggestion as to simple/easy way to change network settings when switching from work to home and visa versa? | 12:15 |
ConstyXIV | JuJuBee: networkmanager | 12:15 |
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JuJuBee | bashee: networkmanager: command not found | 12:16 |
JuJuBee | *bash: | 12:16 |
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ConstyXIV | JuJuBee: sudo apt-get install network-manager network-manager-(insert gnome or kde here) | 12:17 |
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mefisto_ | I need some serious help with kubuntu, somebody can help me? | 12:17 |
ConstyXIV | is anyone able to use a sandisk sansa as a MTP player? | 12:17 |
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ConstyXIV | mefisto_: what? | 12:17 |
bjraz | HymnToLife: /etc/apt/sources.list doesn't show the update being there | 12:18 |
morka | so how is kubuntu different from ubuntu, aside from having kde as default instead of gnome? | 12:18 |
LjL | morka: it's not | 12:18 |
ConstyXIV | morka: just the differences of being kde/gnome | 12:18 |
mefisto_ | ConstyXIV: I've mounted a partition in three different folders | 12:18 |
bjraz | I want to change what server /ect/apt/sources looks at. | 12:18 |
morka | so if ubuntu is set to have kde as default, no other differences? | 12:18 |
mefisto_ | ConstyXIV: Bu I can't just write on it!!!! | 12:18 |
ConstyXIV | morka: right | 12:18 |
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morka | why a separate name, distro, download, etc? | 12:18 |
JuJuBee | ConstyXIV : Thanks, knetworkmanager. | 12:18 |
mefisto_ | I can't copy nor delete, not anything on any mounted partition | 12:19 |
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bjraz | HymnToLife: well that is the next thing I want to do | 12:19 |
mefisto_ | and I can't delete any folder previously used for mounting | 12:19 |
ConstyXIV | mefisto_: on ANY partition (including your homedir?) | 12:19 |
LjL | morka: well to make ubuntu completely the same as kubuntu you'd not only have to install kde, but also remove the entirety of gnome and any packages that are installed in ubuntu but not in kubuntu | 12:19 |
mefisto_ | I can write in my home partition, but in the mounted partition I just can't!!! | 12:19 |
mefisto_ | and i've tried to mount that partition in media/ | 12:19 |
HymnToLife | bjraz, what do you want to do, exactly ? | 12:19 |
LjL | morka: possibly because you don't want to waste time downloading or ordering a CD that contains only stuff you don't want | 12:19 |
ConstyXIV | morka: to simplify things for joe user, they're really the same distro | 12:19 |
mefisto_ | and it works, but I can't write a thing on it | 12:20 |
sleepy495 | I see alot of desktop configs without the kicker, how can I get rid of the kicker? | 12:20 |
ConstyXIV | they just ship with different packages | 12:20 |
sleepy495 | I want to install kiba dock but the kicker would get in the way | 12:20 |
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ConstyXIV | sleepy495: right-click your panel, configure | 12:21 |
bjraz | edit were /etc/apt/sources.list so it looks for updates somewhere else | 12:21 |
JuJuBee | ConstyXIV : when I try to run knetworkmanager, nothing happens, the prompt is returned...? | 12:21 |
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sleepy495 | I did, what do I select? | 12:21 |
ConstyXIV | JuJuBee: look in your tray | 12:21 |
LjL | bjraz: "updates" as in the edgy-updates repository? | 12:21 |
LjL | edit the URL, i suppose | 12:21 |
bjraz | yes | 12:21 |
ConstyXIV | sleepy495: in arrangement, put the panel at the top | 12:21 |
JuJuBee | Not there. | 12:22 |
sleepy495 | thanks! | 12:22 |
JuJuBee | My bad, there it is. | 12:22 |
ConstyXIV | sleepy495: then go to hiding, and set it to autohide | 12:22 |
LjL | bjraz: well edit the URLs in the relevant lines... | 12:22 |
ConstyXIV | sleepy495: then set the panel to the smallest size possible | 12:22 |
mena | how can i keep sure that the system is upto date | 12:22 |
LjL | !easysource | besides, bjraz | 12:22 |
ConstyXIV | you'll never notice it | 12:22 |
ubotu | besides, bjraz: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - | 12:22 |
bjraz | LjL: that sounds easyer said than done | 12:23 |
LjL | mena: when the icon for the automatic updates comes up, click on it | 12:23 |
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LjL | bjraz: i can't see why, elaborate | 12:23 |
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mena | okay | 12:23 |
ConstyXIV | mena: to do it manually, sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade | 12:23 |
LjL | mena_: also, if you enable universe and/or multiverse, make sure the updates and security repositories are enabled for them too | 12:23 |
mefisto_ | ConstyX ...? | 12:23 |
mefisto_ | your too busy, dude? | 12:23 |
mena | ConstyXIV: okay | 12:24 |
ConstyXIV | mefisto_: sortof, not to mention i have zero clue what to do | 12:24 |
killermach_ | I have a new install of kubuntu and my blender tutorial AVI files do not show video in Kaffiene, only audio plays, can someone tell me what I am missing to play the video ? | 12:24 |
ConstyXIV | mefisto_: try writing to it with sudo | 12:24 |
mefisto_ | what's the command to delete folders with sudo? | 12:24 |
LjL | Ubotu, tell mefisto_ about cli | mefisto_, see the private message from Ubotu | 12:24 |
ConstyXIV | mefisto_: rm -R <folder> | 12:24 |
JuJuBee | ConstyXIV : is knetworkmanager supposed to display any wireless/wired networks available? | 12:24 |
LjL | mefisto_: rmdir | 12:24 |
LjL | and it has nothing to do with sudo | 12:24 |
ConstyXIV | JuJuBee: yup | 12:24 |
sleepy495 | consty, thank!!!! | 12:24 |
mefisto_ | thanks LjL | 12:25 |
JuJuBee | But I do not broadcast SSID's. | 12:25 |
JuJuBee | So, no networks show up. | 12:25 |
ConstyXIV | killermach_: | 12:25 |
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LjL | Ubotu, tell killermach_ about avi | killermach_, see the private message from Ubotu | 12:25 |
Yuma | Good night. | 12:25 |
ConstyXIV | JuJuBee: click it, then, click "Connect to other wireless networks" | 12:25 |
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JuJuBee | No such option... | 12:26 |
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JuJuBee | when I mouseover, it says Disconnected. | 12:27 |
mefisto_ | alright... | 12:27 |
mefisto_ | the stuff wit the folders is done | 12:27 |
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mefisto_ | now, anyone here knows how to mount a partition (setting it up for writing withou root permissions???) | 12:27 |
LjL | !mountwindows | 12:28 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see - See also !fuse | 12:28 |
LjL | that should explain it | 12:28 |
mefisto_ | it's not a windows partition... | 12:28 |
mefisto_ | it's an ext3 partition | 12:28 |
LjL | i don't think it matters | 12:28 |
mefisto_ | it doesn't matters? | 12:28 |
mefisto_ | alright... thanks | 12:28 |
LjL | no, that page gives some generic explanations that are useful for all filesystems | 12:28 |
milos83 | Can someone give me link please where I can download and them manually install w32 codecs? | 12:28 |
LjL | anyway you simply need to add an /etc/fstab entry to have it mounted at boot | 12:29 |
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mefisto_ | gonna check it out, thanks! | 12:29 |
LjL | or if you don't want that, a very bare mount command should do nicely | 12:29 |
mefisto_ | LjL | 12:29 |
LjL | !seveas | milos83 | 12:29 |
ubotu | milos83: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on | 12:29 |
bjraz | this is where I got the updates for libc: | 12:30 |
mefisto_ | I instaled firefox with Adept, but it's version 1.5, how can I update it to 2.0.1??? | 12:30 |
bjraz | this is where I got the updates for libc: | 12:30 |
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LjL | you WHAT? you updated libc? | 12:30 |
bjraz | LjL: yes I did | 12:30 |
LjL | good luck you'll need it | 12:31 |
bjraz | LjL: I'm in failsafe mode | 12:31 |
Yuma | What is the probability my DNS have fallen? | 12:31 |
bjraz | I hope it works | 12:31 |
LjL | bjraz: that link seems to be broken | 12:31 |
LjL | Yuma: between 0 and 100% | 12:31 |
bjraz | I may have miss typed it | 12:31 |
HymnToLife | bjraz, why on earth do you think you need to update your libc ? | 12:31 |
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LjL | bjraz: what led you to updating libc from an external repository, and why are you in failsafe mode node? | 12:32 |
LjL | bjraz: you probably did, but even changing it to "" doesn't seem to help much | 12:32 |
Yuma | LjL: Mathematicaly it should be between 0 and 1... but I mean a number, not a range. | 12:32 |
bjraz | I wanted to install something that required that version of libc, Kubuntu 6.10 comes with libc 2.4 | 12:32 |
milos83 | thanks | 12:32 |
LjL | Yuma: obviously enough, nobody in here can have the slightest idea of how probable it is that your ISP's nameservers failed | 12:33 |
JosefK | Yuma: I doubt it would ever get near 0, but it really depends, it's a possibility - can you not 'nslookup'? | 12:33 |
JuJuBee | ConstyXIV : I think knetswitch is the ticket... | 12:33 |
LjL | anybody got a crystal ball? nobody? | 12:33 |
HymnToLife | bjraz, "something" = what ? | 12:33 |
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HymnToLife | Yuma, a number ? hmmm, I'd say 67,8651% | 12:33 |
Yuma | JosefK: Nope, I can't. | 12:33 |
JosefK | Yuma: then there's a 100% chance | 12:34 |
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Yuma | JosefK: I can talk here, but I can't open a new Not resolving. | 12:34 |
LjL | bjraz: installing third-party packages is bad in general. installing a third-party libc is almost guaranteed to give you big trouble, possibly a reinstall bonus | 12:34 |
Yuma | JosefK: Hehe, that's what I wanted. | 12:34 |
JosefK | Yuma: check your /etc/routes first, try pinging the IPs listed | 12:34 |
LjL | anyway i think the address is , but the rest of the URL is still giving me troubles. what do you want to change it to, and why, anyway, bjraz? | 12:34 |
Yuma | JosefK: Shoud I suppose you wanted to say /etc/resolv.conf? | 12:35 |
bjraz | the package is called "libc6_2.5-0ubuntu8_i386.deb | 12:35 |
LjL | alright, but that doesn't help me much | 12:35 |
JosefK | Yuma: yes, you should | 12:35 |
Yuma | JosefK: No ping, but that could be normal. | 12:36 |
HymnToLife | bjraz, just upgrade to Feisty | 12:36 |
LjL | bjraz: i don't much care what the package is called - i want to know what your problem is, why you're stuck in failsafe now, and why you're trying to change the URL | 12:36 |
JosefK | Yuma: true, I was thinking of Solaris there for a sec | 12:36 |
HymnToLife | that will give you libc6 2.5 | 12:36 |
JuJuBee | I just installed knetswitch, but it seems that it has to be run from command line. How do I add a button in the K-Menu for it? | 12:36 |
Yuma | JosefK: Ok :) | 12:36 |
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JosefK | Yuma: if those entries are fine, there's probably little you can do - obviously check any proxies/cache, other than that make a cup of tea and sit it out | 12:37 |
bjraz | yes, that is what I want | 12:37 |
JosefK | Yuma: or switch to OpenDNS or similar :) | 12:37 |
JosefK | Yuma: | 12:37 |
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bjraz | kubuntu 6.10 comes with libv 2.4 | 12:37 |
HymnToLife | bjraz, what did you want to install that required libc6 2.5 anyway ? | 12:37 |
Yuma | JosefK: It could be a good idea if I could resolve the | 12:37 |
bjraz | *libc 2.4 | 12:38 |
cslater | Hi folks - wanted to let you all know that Instalinux finally has support for Kubuntu Edgy - just pick Ubuntu and there's a window manager choice in step 3 or 4 | 12:38 |
Yuma | JosefK: Hehe, I think I'll make some tea... | 12:38 |
JosefK | Yuma: hah, I forgot - I'll put a resolv line in here, two secs | 12:38 |
LjL | bjraz: Feisty, albeit it comes with newer versions of things, is not released, it's under development, and it will almost certainly break badly upon using it. it's intended for developers | 12:38 |
bjraz | I have a package I wanted to install taht required a new version of libc | 12:38 |
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HymnToLife | WHAT package ? | 12:39 |
LjL | blah i give up, you don't answer any single question | 12:39 |
JosefK | Yuma: not a line, but I'm making typo's - and are their nameservers | 12:39 |
bjraz | vim_7.0-164_1ubuntu2_i386.deb | 12:39 |
HymnToLife | I wonder why he won't answer to that | 12:39 |
bjraz | *vim_7.0-164+1ubuntu2_i386.deb | 12:39 |
LjL | vim? vim? bwahah | 12:39 |
HymnToLife | bjraz, why not install an Edgy vim ? | 12:39 |
JosefK | LjL: recently enjoying Emacs here too.. | 12:40 |
Yuma | JosefK: I'll try them... but it's very strange if mine have fallen. | 12:40 |
bjraz | Edgy vim is only vim-common, I wanted to have vim-enhanced | 12:40 |
Gosha | i dont have to have gdm starting at boot when i have kdm botting at start up, do i? | 12:40 |
HymnToLife | bjraz, you were trying to install a FEisty vim, no wonder it required Feisty libs... | 12:40 |
JosefK | Yuma: true, but if you can ping but not resolv, that's probably it | 12:40 |
LjL | JosefK: i enjoy nano, i need neither an OS-in-an-OS nor a linenoise generator :P | 12:40 |
HymnToLife | !info vim-full edgy | 12:41 |
ubotu | vim-full: Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - full fledged version. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:7.0-035+1ubuntu5 (edgy), package size 913 kB, installed size 1860 kB | 12:41 |
HymnToLife | it is in edgy too | 12:41 |
JosefK | LjL: pfft, but I'm a sucker for GNU style indentation | 12:41 |
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Yuma | JosefK: I appended them to resolv.conf (well, I put them in the two first lines) and now I can resolv. | 12:41 |
Gosha | i'll take that as i don't have to | 12:41 |
LjL | !vim-full | perhaps? | 12:41 |
ubotu | vim-full: Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - full fledged version. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:7.0-035+1ubuntu5 (edgy), package size 913 kB, installed size 1860 kB | 12:41 |
JosefK | Yuma: there we go :) I have a few minor gripes with OpenDNS, but at least it could get you through | 12:41 |
Gosha | as in, i'll blame you if i have to :P | 12:41 |
Yuma | JosefK: That worked very well, thanks for the nameservers. :) | 12:41 |
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HymnToLife | LjL, pwned :p | 12:42 |
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bjraz | you don't see full when you look at the packages avliable on adept | 12:42 |
JosefK | Yuma: np's, you could always leave them at the end of your list for backup I guess - have fun | 12:42 |
LjL | HymnToLife: totally =) | 12:42 |
LjL | bjraz: not if you don't have universe enabled, no | 12:42 |
LjL | Ubotu, tell bjraz about repositories | bjraz, see the private message from Ubotu | 12:42 |
Yuma | JosefK: I could have both, my ISP's and OpenDNS, so it would be really hard to be unable to resolv. | 12:42 |
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bjraz | thank you LjL | 12:44 |
LjL | bjraz: to solve the libc problem, honestly i suggest a reinstall. downgrading libc is a complete nightmare | 12:45 |
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craftycorner | how do u navigate using terminal/consol | 12:45 |
LjL | navigate to what? | 12:46 |
craftycorner | just downloaded flashplayer 9 to desktoop trying to isntall | 12:46 |
ConstyXIV | craftycorner: cd to change directories, ls to list directories | 12:46 |
bjraz | LjL: I think I'll just leave it be, and update libc manually from now on | 12:46 |
LjL | craftycorner: cd ~/Desktop | 12:46 |
LjL | Ubotu, tell craftycorner about cli | craftycorner, see the private message from Ubotu | 12:46 |
LjL | bjraz: no. rather, *remove* those third-party repositories from your sources.list, and let libc (like everything else) be upgraded *automatically* from the official reps | 12:47 |
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sleepy495 | !repository | 12:47 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See | 12:47 |
LjL | bjraz: libc is probably the second most important component in your system. you don't *want* to have a version of it that ubuntu doesn't come with | 12:47 |
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HymnToLife | LjL, which one is the first ? | 12:47 |
cyber-hazard | mmmm, curious | 12:47 |
LjL | bjraz: if a package is compiled for a different version of libc, and there's no package for your version of ubuntu, and you absolutely need it - compile from source | 12:47 |
cyber-hazard | Ubotu, Tell cyber-hazard about cli | 12:48 |
LjL | HymnToLife: i'd say linux | 12:48 |
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bjraz | I don't have any in there, I just downloaded the vim files I didn't know how to enter things into the repsitorys | 12:48 |
ConstyXIV | HymnToLife: the kernal | 12:48 |
sleepy495 | What are the Canonical Commercial repositories for? What do they contain? | 12:48 |
LjL | kernel | 12:48 |
cyber-hazard | ubotu doesn't know anything about cli :P | 12:48 |
LjL | the C64 had a kernal. and that was a mispelling anyway :P | 12:48 |
LjL | it sure does | 12:48 |
LjL | !cli | 12:48 |
ubotu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Manuals: | 12:48 |
ConstyXIV | LjL: it's both | 12:48 |
cyber-hazard | but he didn't tell me about it :P | 12:48 |
LjL | well, it did now | 12:49 |
cyber-hazard | haha | 12:49 |
cyber-hazard | i was hoping for a pm | 12:49 |
cyber-hazard | oh well | 12:49 |
LjL | Ubotu, tell cyber-hazard about cli | cyber-hazard, see the private message from Ubotu | 12:49 |
LjL | this should definitely give you a pm | 12:49 |
ConstyXIV | i live and die by the console as much as kde | 12:49 |
LjL | if it doesn't, there's something broken with either ubotu or your client | 12:49 |
HymnToLife | bjraz, see here : | 12:49 |
cyber-hazard | oh, you have to do the | and everything? | 12:49 |
LjL | cyber-hazard: no | 12:49 |
ConstyXIV | in fact, i use yakuake all the time | 12:49 |
blkvulcan | how can I set KDE to log in with my previous settings on Dapper | 12:49 |
LjL | !tell cyber-hazard about cli | 12:49 |
cyber-hazard | oh, heh | 12:49 |
LjL | this works to, and so does "Ubotu, tell cyber-hazard" about cli | cyber-hazard", see the private message from Ubotu | 12:49 |
ConstyXIV | blkvulcan: ? what? | 12:49 |
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LjL | eh nevermind, i cannot type that without it being autoreplaced | 12:50 |
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cyber-hazard | ah | 12:50 |
LjL | it's exclamation-mark factoid-name > nickname | 12:50 |
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cyber-hazard | oh, okay | 12:50 |
blkvulcan | ConstyXIV: you know how KDE your settings from a verious settngs | 12:50 |
bjraz | I'll read it later, in Failsafe mode, you can't move windows arround | 12:50 |
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cyber-hazard | LjL: thanks for the brief tutorial about the bot. much more entertaining that going through and adding one word to the end of variable names through out hundreds of lines of code :( | 12:51 |
cyber-hazard | but now....back to the grind | 12:51 |
LjL | Ubotu, tell cyber-hazard about bot | cyber-hazard, see the private message from Ubotu | 12:51 |
blkvulcan | hmm i'm trying to figure out how to do it on Feisty, did it earlier today | 12:51 |
JosefK | bjraz: you could try 'kwin &' to get window decorations in failsafe mode (to move them), although I'm not sure how kwin likes being run without KDE | 12:51 |
Gosha | my KBluetoothD keeps trying to connect to AA:BB:CC:DD:FF: | 12:52 |
Gosha | + EE: | 12:52 |
sleepy495 | anyone know about the canonical repositories? | 12:52 |
Gosha | how can i make it stop trying? | 12:53 |
blkvulcan | sleepy495: what about them | 12:53 |
ConstyXIV | sleepy495: you mean the main ubuntu repositories? | 12:53 |
bjraz | JossefK: it better you can run kde applicatins in failsafe mode | 12:53 |
bjraz | nope | 12:53 |
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JosefK | shame :/ | 12:54 |
sleepy495 | what do the Canonical repositories contain? | 12:54 |
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bjraz | wait, there is an error, saying Xlib: No protocol specified | 12:55 |
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killermach_ | ConstyXIV: I've been following the posts on the links given, I have a /usr/lib/win32/ dir with lots of files, dll's in there, gstreamer inspect seems to have good ouput, but I only get audio from an AVI | 12:55 |
bjraz | it looked like it was running kwin | 12:55 |
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ConstyXIV | killermach_: try sudo apt-get install vlc | 12:57 |
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bjraz | it looked like it was running kwin | 12:57 |
JosefK | bjraz: hmm, not trying to run as root or anything? | 12:58 |
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bjraz | I am root | 12:58 |
bjraz | sudo -i | 12:58 |
killermach_ | ConstyXIV: vlc is already the newest version. | 12:58 |
JosefK | ah, you'll need to run it as yourself, not root | 12:59 |
ConstyXIV | killermach_: use vlc to play the videos | 12:59 |
sleepy495 | what kind of files do the Canonical commercial repositories contain? | 12:59 |
bjraz | JosefK: there was another error: cannot connect to X server :0 | 12:59 |
LjL | non-free stuff i'd venture to say | 12:59 |
JosefK | bjraz: yeah, that's because you're running it as root. exit from that shell and run it as yourself | 12:59 |
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JosefK | bjraz: you shouldn't run the window manager as root | 01:00 |
dope | how come some things can't be launched using katapult? | 01:00 |
bjraz | okay | 01:00 |
bjraz | its working | 01:00 |
ConstyXIV | dope: it has to be in the k menu | 01:00 |
LjL | dope: only things that are in the K menu can be launched through katapult afaik | 01:00 |
dope | how do i get it there | 01:00 |
JosefK | bjraz: :) now you can move windows | 01:00 |
bjraz | its wroking | 01:00 |
LjL | dope: right click on the K menu, edit menu | 01:00 |
bjraz | good | 01:01 |
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user3 | hi can you help me,how I can do something with programs,because my memory is working on Ram: 488/504Mb | 01:01 |
JosefK | user3: that's fine, the majority of that will be disk cache | 01:01 |
LjL | sorry? | 01:01 |
user3 | JosefK: yes but everything work slowly | 01:01 |
bjraz | the main trouble was one was always ontop | 01:01 |
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JosefK | user3: if you only have 512mb, that could be for a variety of reasons (ie. the RAM isn't the problem). try booting with 'noapic nolapic' though, I've seen that fix some speed issues | 01:02 |
JosefK | user3: it could also be graphics drivers etc. | 01:02 |
killermach_ | ConstyXIV: hmm.. vlc.. has blank video and good audio also .. | 01:02 |
dope | where'd mark shuttleworth get his millions | 01:02 |
ConstyXIV | killermach_: do you have a clue what codec the video is in? | 01:03 |
LjL | !offtopic | dope | 01:03 |
user3 | JosefK: thanks I will try | 01:03 |
bjraz | user3: if you can read what you are doing its fine | 01:03 |
ubotu | dope: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 01:03 |
killermach_ | I just updated w32codecs_20060611-0.0_i386.deb to w32codecs_20061022-0.0_i386.deb this did not help either | 01:03 |
user3 | bjraz: :) yes I can | 01:03 |
LjL | JosefK: noLapic? wow, i discover a new one every day | 01:03 |
dope | :| | 01:03 |
JosefK | LjL: yeah, I used to have to use it for a laptop of mine, really sped the desktop up | 01:04 |
ConstyXIV | sleepy495: the commercial repositories are where canonical will put commercial software not part of the distro | 01:04 |
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JosefK | LjL: I ran into the same problem with a friends laptop a year or so later, so I'm guessing it isn't just anecdotal | 01:04 |
ConstyXIV | sleepy495: | 01:04 |
sleepy495 | thanks | 01:05 |
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JosefK | LjL: | 01:06 |
killermach_ | ConstyXIV: it looks like Divx for the one I have been trying | 01:06 |
LjL | JosefK: were there any *other* problems caused by APIC, without that option? also, was there anything that could point to it, beside the perception of slowness itself? i have to use noapic myself (not because of slowness, but simply because it doesn't work otherwise), but i'm just wondering. for instance, i read yesterday that someone got their system much faster by disabling the sound card, because it generated a ton of interrupts per second. i | 01:06 |
LjL | wonder how do i even *check* how many interrupts are generated | 01:06 |
ConstyXIV | killermach_: dont know what to tell you | 01:06 |
borisyeltsin | if I want to know what ports my computer is listening on, how would I find that out? | 01:06 |
Kyral | netstat -tap | 01:06 |
JosefK | LjL: I haven't a clue about the interrupts :/ the system eventually hung without the 'noapic nolapic' | 01:07 |
Kyral | borisyeltsin: netstat -tap | 01:07 |
borisyeltsin | thanks kyral | 01:07 |
LjL | JosefK: hm, cursory look suggests it's only relevant on multi-processors or multi-cores, is that right? also, do you have any clue what *disadvantages* using noapic/nolapic and friends actually creates? everywhere's saying "if you have problems, use noapic". but what do you actually *lose*? | 01:07 |
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LjL | JosefK: here it hangs much sooner than later, without noapic. like, just after starting init ;) | 01:08 |
christiane | Hello. I just installed xserver-xgl and compiz. How do I start it on Kubuntu? | 01:08 |
LjL | Ubotu, tell christiane about xgl | christiane, see the private message from Ubotu | 01:08 |
killermach_ | ConstyXIV: I found avifile-divx-plugin in synaptic that was not installed, doing that now | 01:08 |
JosefK | LjL: afaik you just revert to the older style of interrupt handling | 01:08 |
borisyeltsin | so if I want to start something remotely that pops up in the running x11 window how would I do that? | 01:08 |
JosefK | LjL: which, really, is just a speed thing too | 01:08 |
JosefK | LjL: at least by the time it reaches you :) | 01:08 |
christiane | LjL: Thank you. | 01:09 |
LjL | hm, speed... though apparently using the new style can create speed problems quite as well =) | 01:09 |
LjL | bah, i just wish i didn't have to use this option. it makes booting from live CDs and such so much more cumbersome | 01:09 |
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JosefK | LjL: true, hardware becoming obsolete eventually saved me :) | 01:10 |
killermach_ | ConstyXIV: well thanks for the input, I still have no joy, but have to work on it later.. thanks again | 01:10 |
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JosefK | congrats Rob-West | 01:10 |
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LjL | JosefK: my APIC-supporting hardware became 'obsolete' some weeks ago due to a bang in the power supply. so i had to change it for a 'less obsolete' one that a friend of mine had given me since he'd found it in his trash =) | 01:11 |
JosefK | hehe, I guess I'm less economical with my hardware, if it can't sit in another room and run a database or something it's gone | 01:12 |
LjL | i wonder how even could i work on my previous K6 350... i can barely use Konqueror on some sites with this Celeron 1400. or 1700, or whatever it is | 01:12 |
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Chousuke | as you move to faster systems, your standards get stricter. | 01:12 |
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LjL | well i'm quite economical, even the non-trash hardware was stuff that i got for about 120, motherboard and CPU... still, it was faster than this | 01:12 |
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LjL | Chousuke: i'm not sure it's really just that. on sites such as wikipedia, and others, the browser can become unresponsive for like 5 seconds, and it does it often. if this were on my K6 350, i would basically be sitting and looking at a frozen Konqueror all the time, and i don't think that's what i used to do... | 01:14 |
LjL | i think it's more likely that sites have started to use CSS in more creative ways, and browsers are not quite optimized for that - since this seems to happen more on sites that use stylesheets and stylesheet-based positioning heavily | 01:14 |
LjL | though it's really just a guess | 01:14 |
Chousuke | hmm, I suppose | 01:15 |
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Theory | and that lovely thing which is flash of course | 01:15 |
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JosefK | true, anyways, goodnight ^^ | 01:15 |
Chousuke | that's a foul word. | 01:15 |
Chousuke | watch your language! | 01:15 |
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LjL | ah well i don't even have flash installed, so that's not the sort of sites i visit | 01:18 |
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segfault2k | hi | 01:18 |
segfault2k | checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X libraries. Please check your installation and add the correct paths! | 01:18 |
LjL | i'm really mostly on wikis, google groups, forums etc | 01:18 |
segfault2k | what package i need to install? | 01:18 |
LjL | segfault2k: x-window-system-dev | 01:18 |
LjL | no sorry | 01:18 |
segfault2k | E: No se pudo encontrar el paquete x-window-system-dev | 01:19 |
LjL | xorg-dev, on edgy | 01:19 |
segfault2k | lemme check | 01:19 |
segfault2k | thanks | 01:19 |
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segfault2k | !! | 01:19 |
segfault2k | :D | 01:19 |
segfault2k | thanks | 01:19 |
LjL | you're welcome | 01:19 |
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Yuma | Good night everyone. | 01:22 |
hopflash | Hallo zusammen! Hat jemand eine Idee, warum in meinem kPowersave Men nicht die Mglichkeit ist, die CPU Frequenz anders zu takten, obwohl meine CPU das kann? | 01:22 |
hopflash | oh, sorry, wrong channel | 01:23 |
ConstyXIV | hopflash: ubuntu-de | 01:23 |
ConstyXIV | kubuntu-de | 01:23 |
hopflash | yes, thx...I was unalert | 01:24 |
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Minataku | | 01:24 |
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manchicken | LMAO | 01:31 |
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Minataku | manchicken: Number two is just a hilarious bad coincidence | 01:34 |
Minataku | XD | 01:34 |
manchicken | yup | 01:35 |
manchicken | SQL was nice | 01:35 |
blakadirka | i'm a freaking idiot, i'm trying to install firefox. I tar zxvf the file, and then i try ./firefox but get error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" | 01:36 |
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blakadirka | any help on why i'm an idiot? | 01:36 |
manchicken | First, why are you trying to install firefox from a tarball? | 01:36 |
blakadirka | who knows | 01:36 |
blakadirka | what should I be doing? | 01:36 |
manchicken | Use adept to install it. | 01:37 |
segfault2k | why adept | 01:37 |
segfault2k | sudo apt-get install firefox | 01:37 |
segfault2k | :) | 01:37 |
manchicken | Because adept is a great program for installing programs.. particularly for people who aren't comfortable with command-line interfaces. | 01:38 |
manchicken | Adept uses apt, so it is essentially the same result. | 01:38 |
manchicken | Adept gives people a better view of what they're installing, and helps manage updates. | 01:38 |
blakadirka | gotcha | 01:39 |
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larson9999 | if you just have one package you want to install, adept isn't worth the hassle imho | 01:41 |
_morka | adept is kde synaptic? | 01:42 |
HymnToLife | more or less | 01:42 |
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HymnToLife | it's a package management app for KDE | 01:42 |
HymnToLife | there are others, like KPackage | 01:43 |
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bjraz | kubuntu 6.10 comes with vim-common, and vim-tiny when I look in adept | 01:43 |
HymnToLife | bjraz, to have vim-full you need to enable !universe | 01:44 |
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bjraz | !universe | bjraz | 01:44 |
ubotu | bjraz: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See | 01:44 |
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bjraz | okay | 01:47 |
bjraz | thank you, I'll add that to my repositoryies | 01:47 |
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dope | how can i limit a user's privelages | 01:53 |
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dope | what is lpadmin | 01:55 |
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MukiEX | Azureus's "open file" option doesn't work. | 01:55 |
MukiEX | Is there a fix for this? | 01:55 |
elyon | Could someone help me fix LimeWire (or offer a comparable alternative)? I have LimeWire installed, but when I run it, it just crashes right away... no messages. | 01:56 |
Minataku | MukiEX: You'd probably get farther asking them | 01:56 |
bjraz | I'm useing aptitude how do I find the new vim-full there? | 01:56 |
HymnToLife | bjraz, if you added universe, just do sudo apt-get install vim-full | 01:58 |
bjraz | okay | 01:58 |
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HymnToLife | MukiEX, KDE has KTorrent, which is one of the best I know, did you give it a try ? | 01:59 |
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bjraz | E: Package vim-full has no installation candidate | 01:59 |
HymnToLife | bjraz, if you haven't already, run sudo apt-get update | 02:00 |
bjraz | I'm not used to working with the command like entirely yet | 02:01 |
bjraz | *bash | 02:01 |
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bjraz | I've been a user of windows for a long time, now I'm slowly trying to change over to linux | 02:03 |
morka123 | tragic | 02:04 |
elyon | bjraz: Congrats... | 02:04 |
morka123 | im curious | 02:04 |
morka123 | what is the attrition rate of linux noobs | 02:04 |
raf | somebody knows is there a MSN client that supports off-line messages? | 02:04 |
ConstyXIV | raf: tried amsn? | 02:05 |
bjraz | thank you, I can't get rid of windows, there is an MMORPG for windows that I like to play. | 02:05 |
raf | ConstyXIV: no, but I'm going to... | 02:05 |
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flaccid | does the msn protocol actually support offline messages yet? | 02:06 |
morka123 | raf: msn8 | 02:06 |
ConstyXIV | bjraz: which mmo? | 02:06 |
bjraz | this is off topic, but, Guild Wars | 02:06 |
ConstyXIV | bjraz: i dont think wine does it | 02:06 |
bjraz | I thhink that cedga does? | 02:07 |
bjraz | but, that costs money | 02:07 |
raf | ConstyXIV: aMsn appears to work very fine | 02:07 |
ConstyXIV | bjraz: not if you build from cvs | 02:07 |
raf | ConstyXIV: thanks | 02:07 |
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raf | morka123: is msn8 for linux? | 02:08 |
morka123 | no | 02:08 |
bjraz | I know, there cvs is hard to find on there page, they really want you to buy it | 02:08 |
morka123 | or is it msn live.. | 02:08 |
morka123 | i think its called msn live now | 02:08 |
raf | morka123: good joke | 02:08 |
ConstyXIV | bjraz: google winex cvs | 02:08 |
morka123 | why? | 02:08 |
morka123 | its true, raf | 02:08 |
morka123 | msn live supports offline messages:) | 02:08 |
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elyon | Could someone help me fix LimeWire (or offer a comparable alternative)? I have LimeWire installed, but when I run it, it just crashes right away... no messages. | 02:09 |
ConstyXIV | morka123: it's now windows live messenger | 02:09 |
ConstyXIV | elyon: mldonkey | 02:09 |
raf | morka123: yes, but I don't want to install Winbugs nor any Microsoft software | 02:09 |
ConstyXIV | elyon: bit different, but rocks | 02:09 |
flaccid | msn sux badly. live sux even more. ms are so unoriginal its ridic | 02:09 |
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morka123 | raf: then i guess you chose not to use msn offline messages | 02:10 |
flaccid | i guess you have to wait for open developers of an multi-im to support the offline messages. might take a while to rev engineer | 02:10 |
ConstyXIV | i just use jabber through gmail, and aim for legacy reasons | 02:10 |
morka123 | kubuntu_noob: ur in ottawa? | 02:10 |
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elyon | ConstyXIV: Where can I get that? | 02:10 |
raf | morka123: yes, you guess is right :D | 02:10 |
ConstyXIV | elyon: sudo apt-get install mldonkey-server kmldonkey | 02:11 |
kubuntu_noob | it is true i am in ottawa | 02:11 |
morka123 | i c | 02:11 |
raf | morka123: thanks | 02:11 |
morka123 | np | 02:11 |
ConstyXIV | bjraz: gw sorta works in wine | 02:11 |
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morka123 | what i find interesting, raf | 02:12 |
morka123 | you dont want to use any ms stuff...yet you want to use their proprietary protocols :0 | 02:12 |
kubuntu_noob | morka123: why the question? | 02:12 |
raf | someone stops that bill gates' son, please! | 02:13 |
kubuntu_noob | can any help solve my kaffeine crashing woes? | 02:13 |
ConstyXIV | kubuntu_noob: what's making it crash? | 02:13 |
kubuntu_noob | i don't know...i'll load a file (streaming radio for ex.) and continue browsing the internet and it will just crash?? | 02:14 |
ConstyXIV | kubuntu_noob: try loading the same files in amarok | 02:15 |
JRH3K5 | I've got an Atheros 5005G wireless, and, for some reason, it doesn't like WPA-PSK under Kubuntu :( | 02:16 |
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ConstyXIV | JRH3K5: what are you using for your networking? | 02:16 |
ConstyXIV | JRH3K5: software, i mean? | 02:17 |
JRH3K5 | The built-in "Wireless Assistant Wireless LAN Manager" that comes with Kubuntu | 02:17 |
elyon | ConstyXIV: Wow... the search function in mldonkey absolutely sucks! | 02:17 |
JRH3K5 | Would you recommend something else? | 02:17 |
ConstyXIV | JRH3K5: sudo apt-get install network-manager network-manager-kde | 02:18 |
ConstyXIV | elyon: using kmldonkey or the web interface? | 02:18 |
elyon | kmldonkey | 02:18 |
elyon | ConstyXIV: If I use a complex search, it finds hundreds of things that have nothing to do with the search terms. If I do an MP3 search, it finds nothing lol | 02:19 |
ConstyXIV | elyon: all ive ever done is dump things into the keyword box | 02:19 |
ConstyXIV | elyon: always works for me | 02:19 |
elyon | ConstyXIV: lol now searching for the Artist there found it... but not when doing an mp3 search... interesting lol | 02:20 |
ConstyXIV | elyon: you also may want to go into settings -> configure mldonkey -> networks, and enable all your favorite protocols | 02:20 |
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kubuntu_noob | should i be letting kubuntu autodetect my audio device or is one of the specified options better? | 02:23 |
yonkeltron | is there an easy way to setup xen? | 02:23 |
ConstyXIV | kubuntu_noob: auto | 02:23 |
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kubuntu_noob | thanks. i really appreciate all the help. this is making it much easier to transition from winblows! | 02:24 |
elyon | ConstyXIV: Does it usually take a long time to download mp3s? It's been "looking" for over 5 minutes now. | 02:24 |
kubuntu_noob | is there a way to make sure only the proccess in use are running? | 02:24 |
ConstyXIV | elyon: ed2k is like that | 02:25 |
elyon | ah | 02:25 |
ConstyXIV | elyon: did you enable gnutella? | 02:25 |
yonkeltron | kubuntu_noob: do you really want that? | 02:25 |
ConstyXIV | elyon: thats what limewire uses | 02:25 |
elyon | ConstyXIV: Yes... do I need to restart for those to be available? | 02:25 |
ConstyXIV | no, i dont think so | 02:25 |
yonkeltron | gnutella is a really neat protocol | 02:25 |
kubuntu_noob | i just want my system to be running as clean as possible | 02:26 |
ConstyXIV | elyon: pay attention the icons next to your results, or just disable donkey | 02:26 |
yonkeltron | kubuntu_noob: you are running should be just fine | 02:26 |
kubuntu_noob | great thanks! | 02:26 |
yonkeltron | kubuntu_noob: fresh install? | 02:26 |
JRH3K5 | <ConstyXIV> JRH3K5: sudo apt-get install network-manager network-manager-kde << Thank you, that did it | 02:27 |
ConstyXIV | JRH3K5: youre welcome, and you may want a less cryptic handle :) | 02:28 |
JRH3K5 | Its cryptic nature helps to ensure its uniqueness when registering. :) | 02:29 |
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elyon | ConstyXIV: Okay, so I've disabled Donkey, but it's still finding a TON from the Donkey network. | 02:30 |
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premier_ | hello | 02:31 |
ConstyXIV | elyon: it doesnt really hurt that much (coming from a donkey fan), but you could go to servers and disconnect all the donkey servers | 02:31 |
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ohyesyoucan11 | does anyone record their phone conversations? | 02:36 |
ConstyXIV | ohyesyoucan11: why are you asking? | 02:36 |
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DaSkreech | Hello | 02:36 |
ohyesyoucan11 | oh my dad's a jerk and I want to show my psychologist lol | 02:36 |
DaSkreech | Does anyone listen to the BBC Online? | 02:36 |
ConstyXIV | ohyesyoucan11: i would watch state laws on that | 02:37 |
ohyesyoucan11 | yeah, I would need to announce... this call is being recorded whenever I made a call or got one prolly. | 02:37 |
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ohyesyoucan11 | I wonder if I even have phone inputs and outputs on this computer, I'm too lazy lol. | 02:38 |
ConstyXIV | it's called a modem | 02:39 |
ohyesyoucan11 | I just did 4 hours of math. | 02:39 |
ohyesyoucan11 | so... | 02:39 |
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ohyesyoucan11 | I have a surfboard modem, I just don't know if there might be something else back there, its a custom build. | 02:39 |
DaSkreech | Hi BluesKaj | 02:40 |
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ohyesyoucan11 | I want a phone with an mp3 recorder and a lie detector build in ***drools | 02:41 |
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K-Ryan | with a lie detector? o.O | 02:41 |
DaSkreech | Hi K-Ryan | 02:41 |
ohyesyoucan11 | yeah that'd be kick ass. | 02:41 |
BluesKaj | hi DaSkreech , whaaat's up ? | 02:41 |
K-Ryan | Hi DaSkreech | 02:41 |
K-Ryan | Hello to everyone else as well =P | 02:42 |
ohyesyoucan11 | hello :) | 02:42 |
BluesKaj | hi K-Ryan | 02:42 |
DaSkreech | ohyesyoucan11: get the Greenphone from Trolltech | 02:42 |
ohyesyoucan11 | :-/ | 02:42 |
K-Ryan | It actually has a lie detector!? | 02:42 |
ohyesyoucan11 | There used to be a phone with a built in lie detector at the Sharper Image. | 02:42 |
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ohyesyoucan11 | I think they can even evaluate how you type nowadays. | 02:43 |
yonkeltron | yep | 02:43 |
K-Ryan | if by evaluate you mean detect common mistakes and timing | 02:43 |
K-Ryan | then yes | 02:43 |
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ohyesyoucan11 | it's pretty easy to fool a lie detector, but most people don't know that. | 02:44 |
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K-Ryan | i know its easy, but dont know how | 02:45 |
=== K-Ryan shrugs | ||
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DaSkreech | Yeah but it's much harder if you don't know the person on the otherside has a lie detector | 02:45 |
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DaSkreech | Argh Kaffiene is great but it needs key strokes damnit | 02:45 |
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judgen | Anyone here speak german? | 02:45 |
ConstyXIV | DaSkreech: global shortcuts | 02:45 |
K-Ryan | !de judgen | 02:45 |
judgen | mine is a bit rusty | 02:45 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about de judgen - try searching on | 02:45 |
ConstyXIV | judgen: kubuntu-de | 02:46 |
K-Ryan | oops | 02:46 |
DaSkreech | ConstyXIV: Don't want Global :) | 02:46 |
K-Ryan | !de | judgen | 02:46 |
ubotu | judgen: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 02:46 |
ohyesyoucan11 | DaSkreech, good call, although that might be illegal. ? | 02:46 |
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DaSkreech | ConstyXIV: Settings -> Shortcuts works | 02:46 |
DaSkreech | Just doesn't have a lot defined | 02:46 |
ConstyXIV | DaSkreech: guess what you do then? | 02:46 |
DaSkreech | ohyesyoucan11: For most parts as long as one party knows about it it's ok | 02:46 |
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K-Ryan | Has anyone setup Fglrx before? | 02:46 |
ohyesyoucan11 | righton. I'll look up the law after I find the DIY or whatever :) | 02:47 |
DaSkreech | ConstyXIV: Go through all of them and setup my own I know | 02:47 |
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ConstyXIV | right | 02:47 |
DaSkreech | Just don't know why a media player who's only purpose is to play media doesn't have a shortcut key for play | 02:47 |
ohyesyoucan11 | they have a hand held lie detector for like 199... supposed to be pretty acurate, just for like conversation. it almost looks like an ipod. | 02:47 |
ConstyXIV | ohyesyoucan11: try to stay on-topic in here... | 02:48 |
bjraz | true the google search will show you were in Sourceforge you would fine winx, but there is no repository there | 02:48 |
bjraz | *where | 02:48 |
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DaSkreech | !real | 02:49 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 02:49 |
ConstyXIV | bjraz: according to winehq, guildwars works | 02:50 |
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bjraz | okay, thank you | 02:50 |
morka123 | at whooping 3fps! | 02:50 |
ConstyXIV | bjraz: | 02:50 |
K-Ryan | Has anyone setup Fglrx before? | 02:51 |
DaSkreech | !fglrx | 02:51 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 02:51 |
K-Ryan | I need to know the command to open up the config thing for it | 02:51 |
K-Ryan | Not that page, thanks though | 02:51 |
MamanN | has anyone use automatix? | 02:51 |
DaSkreech | !automatix | 02:51 |
ubotu | automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 02:51 |
K-Ryan | lol | 02:51 |
K-Ryan | That can't be good. | 02:51 |
bjraz | can it be run from a windows native partiaion? | 02:51 |
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ConstyXIV | bjraz: can what be run from a windows partition? | 02:54 |
ohyesyoucan11 | ConstyXIV... K, I mean it would be great if I could do it with Kubuntu, but I've never succesfully completed any hardware modification like that... so I was wondering about doing it KDE. | 02:54 |
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bjraz | windows programs | 02:54 |
bjraz | with wine | 02:54 |
ConstyXIV | ohyesyoucan11: ive never really handled modems in linux | 02:54 |
ConstyXIV | bjraz: yeah | 02:54 |
ConstyXIV | ohyesyoucan11: phone line modems, that is | 02:55 |
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MamanN | o ya, so how to get software that listed in automatix that can savely installed | 02:55 |
ohyesyoucan11 | I bet if I had one, I could do it. | 02:55 |
ohyesyoucan11 | (a phone modem) | 02:55 |
DaSkreech | MamanN: The hard way or the easy way? | 02:55 |
MamanN | easy way | 02:56 |
DaSkreech | !easyubuntu | 02:56 |
ubotu | easyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu | 02:56 |
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MamanN | DaSKkreech: Im a ewbie | 02:56 |
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DaSkreech | That is the newbie way | 02:56 |
bjraz | I can't run wine, cause I can only access ntfs with root | 02:56 |
codyt | not a ewbie | 02:56 |
MamanN | sory newbie, so i need the easiest but save :) | 02:57 |
K-Ryan | MammanN the best way is to do it the normal way | 02:57 |
K-Ryan | Click the install icon on the desktop | 02:57 |
K-Ryan | I'll walk you through it | 02:57 |
DaSkreech | MamanN: Safest way is the "hard way" | 02:57 |
MamanN | but some of the software arent listed on the ubuntu repo | 02:58 |
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K-Ryan | Hrmm? | 02:58 |
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DaSkreech | MamanN: Which software? | 02:58 |
DaSkreech | Hi shinigami | 02:58 |
K-Ryan | Are you trying to install from the Live CD? | 02:58 |
MamanN | just like swiftfox | 02:59 |
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shinigami | hi..i just upgraded from dapper to edgy.. when i boot up, it doesn't go into the kde itself...i have to press ctrl-alt-f7..what's wrong? | 02:59 |
shinigami | Hi DaSkreech hehe..edgy | 02:59 |
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soulrider | hi | 02:59 |
DaSkreech | Hey soulrider | 03:00 |
makuseru | what are some programs for recording audio in kubuntu | 03:00 |
soulrider | hey DaSkreech | 03:00 |
bjraz | oh! I need to make my ntfs partission Writable, duh! | 03:00 |
soulrider | makuseru: check under multimedia, there is a program there | 03:00 |
DaSkreech | makuseru: What level of recoding are you talking about? | 03:00 |
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makuseru | im just looking to an alternative to audacity | 03:01 |
DaSkreech | Umm Audacity is pretty damn good :) | 03:02 |
bjraz | I can't make my ntfs partission writeable, I'll be on later, I need to go to dinner. | 03:02 |
makuseru | i dont like it | 03:02 |
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benois | i currently have kde 3.5.2 installed, from the original dapper repo and i want to test kde 3.5.5 from the kde-update repo. but will i be able to easily downgrade back to 3.5.5 after the test, and how (if i will)? | 03:02 |
soulrider | benois: you mean downgrade to 3.5.2 ? | 03:03 |
K-Ryan | Umm, when typing "bash ./ --buildpkg Kubuntu/edgy" it tells me no such file or firectory | 03:03 |
MamanN | DaSKreech: Swiftfox | 03:03 |
K-Ryan | I'm trying to follow the steps in here... | 03:03 |
benois | soulrider: yes, back to 3.5.2 | 03:03 |
K-Ryan | !fglrx | 03:03 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 03:03 |
K-Ryan | for the ATI stuff | 03:03 |
K-Ryan | Can someone help? | 03:03 |
soulrider | benois: im not sure, but why would you wanna downgrade ? | 03:04 |
DaSkreech | K-Ryan: Maybe there is no file :) | 03:04 |
DaSkreech | MamanN: What about it? | 03:04 |
K-Ryan | I downloaded it though DaSkreech | 03:04 |
soulrider | K-Ryan: sorry, i have an nvidia card | 03:04 |
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benois | soulrider: i am testing some incompatible versions of some apps, and i will have to go back and forth a few times (upgrade / downgrade kde) | 03:04 |
DaSkreech | K-Ryan: and you are in the same folder you downloaded it to? | 03:04 |
K-Ryan | Uhh, tried that, let me try again | 03:05 |
MamanN | can i get it from official repo? | 03:05 |
benois | soulrider: anyway, is it possible, theoretically? | 03:05 |
DaSkreech | Is'mt swiftfox an extenstion? | 03:05 |
soulrider | i see benois, i really dont know how to do it, i but i remember Hawkwind helped me to downgrade once | 03:05 |
K-Ryan | Yeah I have it there | 03:05 |
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soulrider | benois: i downgraded once, the guide was in Hawkwind's forum, let me try and find the link | 03:06 |
DaSkreech | and you are in the same folder in the Konsole? | 03:06 |
K-Ryan | Yeah | 03:06 |
benois | soulrider: oh, thank you, i am waiting | 03:06 |
K-Ryan | I think it's because I have to put in the version of the file | 03:06 |
shinigami | what are the scripts that linux use after booting up? something like autoexec.bat in windows, rc.local in linux? | 03:06 |
K-Ryan | 8.33.6 | 03:06 |
shinigami | !rc | 03:06 |
ubotu | rc: an implementation of the AT&T Plan 9 shell. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.1-3 (edgy), package size 73 kB, installed size 184 kB | 03:06 |
DaSkreech | K-Ryan: is it executable? | 03:06 |
K-Ryan | .run | 03:06 |
MamanN | I see this browserSwiftFox is stable enought in my pc, it design for more specific processor | 03:06 |
K-Ryan | This line doesn't seem right | 03:07 |
K-Ryan | "/ --buildpkg Kubuntu/edgy" | 03:07 |
K-Ryan | The 8.33.6 part is the version | 03:07 |
K-Ryan | How should I put that in the line? | 03:07 |
DaSkreech | K-Ryan: Tab is your friend | 03:07 |
K-Ryan | by the way its /ati....... | 03:07 |
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DaSkreech | type ./ati<tab> | 03:08 |
=== K-Ryan whistles. | ||
soulrider | benois: | 03:08 |
DaSkreech | MamanN: What is swiftfox? isn't it an extension I'm almost sure | 03:08 |
soulrider | thats for kde 3.5.3 though | 03:08 |
benois | soulrider: thanks a lot | 03:08 |
soulrider | but i think you might be able to adapt it | 03:08 |
benois | soulrider: right | 03:08 |
MamanN | SwiftFox is a browser another version of FireFox i think | 03:09 |
levi__ | can someone help me set up pidentd | 03:09 |
DaSkreech | MamanN: can you give me a link? | 03:09 |
DaSkreech | levi__: What's pidentd? | 03:09 |
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levi__ | its a ident program | 03:10 |
MamanN | here is | 03:10 |
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levi__ | so i can back put an ident before @24.XX.XX.XX | 03:10 |
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DaSkreech | !info pidendt | 03:11 |
ubotu | Package pidendt does not exist in any distro I know | 03:11 |
sampan | !info pidentd | 03:11 |
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ubotu | pidentd: TCP/IP IDENT protocol server with DES support. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.19.ds1-1 (edgy), package size 31 kB, installed size 140 kB | 03:11 |
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codyt | woo, I may have got freespire to r un on my other box that hates linux. | 03:12 |
levi__ | Can you help daskreech? | 03:12 |
shadowhywind | anyone around that can help me with my ssh problems, trying to connect to the server behind a router | 03:12 |
DaSkreech | levi__: sudo apt-get install pidendt should install it | 03:13 |
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DaSkreech | levi__: sudo apt-get install pidentd should install it | 03:13 |
levi__ | how do i set it up | 03:13 |
levi__ | that is what i dont know | 03:13 |
levi__ | i installed it | 03:13 |
DaSkreech | Oh... umm | 03:14 |
K-Ryan | Hey, while typing the "sudo dpkg -i *.deb" it says "cannot access archive:" "Erros encountered: *.deb" | 03:14 |
DaSkreech | try man pidentd | 03:14 |
K-Ryan | *Errors | 03:14 |
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K-Ryan | What did I do wrong now? | 03:14 |
levi__ | No manual entry for pidentd | 03:14 |
levi__ | ? | 03:14 |
MamanN | on automatix2 the package select automaticly by checking our processor | 03:14 |
DaSkreech | K-Ryan: What are you trying to install? | 03:14 |
K-Ryan | Fglrx | 03:15 |
K-Ryan | The steps that you even linked me to, aren't working | 03:15 |
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DaSkreech | MamanN: what processor do yo uhave? | 03:16 |
levi__ | DaSkreech, no man for pident | 03:17 |
levi__ | DaSkreech, no man for pidentd | 03:17 |
DaSkreech | levi__: How did you install it? | 03:17 |
DaSkreech | K-Ryan: Ok tell me what you have done so far | 03:17 |
K-Ryan | sudo apttude blah blah blah | 03:18 |
K-Ryan | disable composite extension | 03:18 |
K-Ryan | blacklist old fglrx module | 03:18 |
K-Ryan | "next" | 03:18 |
MamanN | Pentium 4 2.4Ghz but I need to install on many pc in may office so i want it anoutmaticly selected | 03:18 |
K-Ryan | and now im on sudo dpkg -i *.deb | 03:18 |
levi__ | can you help with using adept | 03:18 |
levi__ | sorry | 03:18 |
levi__ | i used adept | 03:18 |
DaSkreech | MamanN: Your office runs Ubuntu? :) | 03:19 |
K-Ryan | levi__ adept manager? | 03:19 |
K-Ryan | Or Add/Remove programs? | 03:19 |
DaSkreech | levi__: ok in adept do a search for pidentd then click details | 03:19 |
K-Ryan | DaSkreech more effective and cheaper than Vista =P | 03:19 |
levi__ | ok | 03:19 |
DaSkreech | In details you should see installed files | 03:19 |
MamanN | I have various Processor here, Not All but I plan too move 50% of my office pc will usu ubuntu | 03:19 |
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DaSkreech | tell me which one you see in a bin folder | 03:19 |
MamanN | I have various Processor here, Not All but I plan too move 50% of my office pc will use ubuntu | 03:19 |
K-Ryan | MammanN What are the other half going to use? | 03:20 |
DaSkreech | MamanN: First Very cool :) Second I guess Easyubuntu is your ticket then | 03:20 |
MamanN | K-Ryan : not sure | 03:20 |
K-Ryan | Just curious | 03:20 |
levi__ | i just need help setting it up | 03:21 |
K-Ryan | Konsole is mocking me | 03:21 |
MamanN | What difference between ubuntu and edubuntu? its same i thing (not sure) | 03:21 |
sampan | levi__ here's a ubuntu community how-to for pidentd setup .. but it's for Ubuntu and 6.06 -- so there MAY be differences with Kubuntu and 6.10: | 03:22 |
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K-Ryan | I made a spelling mistake and it said "fglrx-kernal, what is fglrx-kernal?" | 03:22 |
Rob-West | rumour has said it that bigs is a bold monkey fucker and a hacker!!! | 03:22 |
levi__ | thanks | 03:22 |
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MamanN | its edubuntu better than ubuntu for my office need? | 03:23 |
sampan | levi__ sure, i hope it works ... if it does, can you tell me? i've thought about setting up pidentd too, just never got around to it | 03:23 |
MamanN | is edubuntu better than ubuntu for my office need? | 03:23 |
K-Ryan | edubuntu is for schools i heard | 03:23 |
soulrider | MamanN: i think kubuntu is probably allright | 03:24 |
K-Ryan | Alright I doubt I set Fglrx up right, but I'm restarting just to see if i did | 03:24 |
MamanN | I ve see Kubuntu too, may be Kubuntu easier to adapt our staff | 03:24 |
soulrider | theres a patch for openm office youre gonna need though | 03:24 |
soulrider | it fixes a crrash | 03:24 |
MamanN | they are migrate from Msft, so I need the closest look and feel | 03:25 |
soulrider | open office looks just like the microshyte stuff | 03:25 |
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Ashex | should i be worried that when i type sudo, it doesn't prompt for a password? | 03:25 |
spitwise | nope | 03:26 |
spitwise | it stays for 15minutes | 03:26 |
Ashex | lemme elaborate | 03:26 |
spitwise | mkay | 03:26 |
Ashex | should i be worried that when i type sudo, it never prompts for a password? | 03:26 |
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spitwise | lemme elaborate | 03:26 |
spitwise | nope | 03:26 |
judgen | is the picmca bus limited to 10mbit? | 03:26 |
spitwise | heh | 03:26 |
spitwise | not even the very first time? | 03:26 |
Ashex | that's what I'm saying, i haven't had to enter it at all | 03:27 |
Ashex | I opened up another screen just to check | 03:27 |
Ashex | it doesn't prompt me | 03:27 |
spitwise | sudo <app name> ? | 03:27 |
spitwise | sudo <command> ? | 03:27 |
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MamanN | 50 % mean 100 pc, is there easiest way to install rapidly? | 03:27 |
Ashex | yeah | 03:27 |
Ashex | doesn't prompt | 03:27 |
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beg1689 | why dont i have g++? | 03:28 |
makuseru | !flash 9 | 03:28 |
ubotu | flash9 is available from dapper-backports and edgy-backports now, see !backports | 03:28 |
beg1689 | but i have gcc | 03:28 |
judgen | Ashex have you enable the root account in kubuntu? | 03:28 |
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makuseru | !flash | 03:28 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 03:28 |
spitwise | Ashex: got me stumped | 03:28 |
beg1689 | flash 9 is avaliable straight from abode now too | 03:28 |
makuseru | is it? | 03:28 |
makuseru | ?>* | 03:28 |
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Ashex | judgen, yes. I enabled it awhile back, but this is recent | 03:28 |
beg1689 | yea its finally out | 03:28 |
shadowhywind | and it works for me at least, hehe | 03:28 |
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beg1689 | works pretty good here | 03:29 |
Ashex | although, i should probably disable it and just use sudo -i | 03:29 |
judgen | Ashex exvuse me for asking, but what was the problem? I came in late into the discussion | 03:29 |
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beg1689 | ok, back to my stupid question, wheres g++ | 03:29 |
shadowhywind | i haven't been able to break it yet. so thats always a good thing, hehe | 03:29 |
beg1689 | what package | 03:29 |
Ashex | judgen, sudo never prompts me for a password | 03:29 |
DaSkreech | !language | Rob-West | 03:29 |
ubotu | Rob-West: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 03:29 |
Ashex | judgen, and that includes the first time i enter it | 03:29 |
judgen | if you have enabled the root account it never does | 03:29 |
MamanN | DaSKreech: 50% mean 100 pc, are there easy way to installit rapidly | 03:29 |
judgen | because youre logged in as root | 03:30 |
spitwise | Ashex: read this url: | 03:30 |
spitwise | or that. | 03:30 |
bobleny | Hey, can some one help me fix my LAMP? | 03:30 |
Rob-West | sorry | 03:30 |
Rob-West | i wont swear | 03:30 |
judgen | bobleny did it broke? | 03:30 |
K-Ryan | Good news + Bad news | 03:31 |
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K-Ryan | Fglrx works | 03:31 |
bobleny | It first has to work before it can "broke" | 03:31 |
K-Ryan | I got about 1/3FPS in a game. | 03:31 |
K-Ryan | Where did I go wrong!? | 03:31 |
judgen | K-Ryan do a fglrxinfo in the terminal | 03:31 |
K-Ryan | yeah? | 03:32 |
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judgen | what does it say? MESA or ATI | 03:32 |
judgen | on renderer | 03:32 |
shadowhywind | anyone around that can help me with my ssh issue? | 03:32 |
K-Ryan | Mesa DRI R300 20060815 AGP 1x TCL | 03:32 |
K-Ryan | under OpenGL renderer string: | 03:32 |
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bobleny | I followed the LAMP guid from the ubuntu site, but I cant get it to work. When I go to localhost I get nothing. | 03:32 |
Ashex | judgen, i'm not logged in as root though.. | 03:32 |
K-Ryan | OpenGL version string: 1.2 (1.3 Mesa 6.5.1) | 03:32 |
judgen | K-Ryan could you post your /var/log/X11/xorg.log to the pastebin and ill have a look | 03:33 |
levi__ | sampan do you know how to create a specific ident? | 03:33 |
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DaSkreech | beg1689: did you install b-e ? | 03:33 |
judgen | K-Ryan there is your problem btw | 03:33 |
K-Ryan | Where? | 03:33 |
judgen | its using mesa and not fglrx renderer | 03:33 |
judgen | but i cant know why untill i see your log | 03:33 |
sampan | levi__ nope, i haven't ever set up an identd server. i just found the guide since i've thought about doing so. sorry :/ | 03:33 |
judgen | paste it to the pastebin | 03:34 |
judgen | !pastebin | 03:34 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:34 |
DaSkreech | !anyone | shadowhywind | 03:34 |
ubotu | shadowhywind: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 03:34 |
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Ashex | spitwise, thanks for the link, that explains it :) | 03:34 |
spitwise | cool :) | 03:34 |
shadowhywind | daskreech i allready did ask my question | 03:34 |
K-Ryan | My xorg.log seems to be empty | 03:34 |
levi__ | its ok | 03:34 |
DaSkreech | I didn't see it :-( | 03:34 |
K-Ryan | i should be typing "sudo kate /var/log/X11/xorg.log" right? | 03:35 |
wolfwalker | I'm trying to access the internet with my Kubuntu computer. | 03:35 |
shadowhywind | in anycase i am having issues with my ssh stuff, behind a router | 03:35 |
judgen | K-Ryan use tab to name complete | 03:35 |
DaSkreech | K-Ryan: kdesu kate etc etc | 03:35 |
wolfwalker | It won't recognize the ethernet cable | 03:35 |
wolfwalker | So I tried running the usb setup cd | 03:35 |
wolfwalker | I can run it in wine | 03:35 |
shadowhywind | if i type 192.yada.stuf, it works but when i try to connect using the true ip it doesn't connect. And i have opened the port in the router | 03:35 |
DaSkreech | shadowhywind: Did you set up a forward in the router? | 03:36 |
judgen | oh it might be in /var/log/Xorg.0.log tough | 03:36 |
wolfwalker | Question: If I run my internet connection in wine, will Kubuntu be able to even get to the internet through the wine layer? | 03:36 |
shadowhywind | yup, i actraully put it in DMZ, so all the ports are fully open, or at least should be opened | 03:36 |
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bobleny | Don't forget about me... | 03:36 |
K-Ryan | | 03:37 |
wolfwalker | Anybody? | 03:37 |
shadowhywind | any ideas daskreech | 03:37 |
judgen | K-Ryan have you enabled dri and disabled composite in your xorg.conf? | 03:37 |
DaSkreech | bobleny: g++? | 03:38 |
K-Ryan | umm, im pretty sure i did that | 03:38 |
bobleny | DaSkreech, huh? | 03:38 |
DaSkreech | wolfwalker: do you have an IP address? | 03:38 |
spitwise | bobleny: have you started apache? | 03:38 |
DaSkreech | bobleny: What was your question? | 03:38 |
wolfwalker | Do I before I connect to the internet? No. | 03:38 |
judgen | K-Ryan can you post your xorg.conf too so i can have a look? | 03:38 |
DaSkreech | wolfwalker: how do you connect? | 03:38 |
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wolfwalker | I don't understand the question DaSkreech. I'm a linux newb | 03:39 |
wolfwalker | Oh, right now? | 03:39 |
wolfwalker | I'm on my Winblows computer | 03:39 |
K-Ryan | Hold on one second, I'm changing my sync rate because I didn't have that right | 03:39 |
DaSkreech | wolfwalker: how does it connect to the internet? | 03:39 |
bobleny | Yes, I have started apache | 03:39 |
wolfwalker | ethernet cable, if you're referring to the hardware | 03:39 |
K-Ryan | hrmm, no it was right | 03:39 |
DaSkreech | wolfwalker: DSL? | 03:39 |
wolfwalker | Phone line to DSL modem to ethernet cable to computer | 03:40 |
judgen | K-Ryan im almost 100% sure that you havent enabled dri and disabled composite, since it tries to load aiglx | 03:40 |
K-Ryan | judgen where is xorg.conf? | 03:40 |
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mefisto | need help!!!!! | 03:40 |
mefisto | again XD | 03:40 |
K-Ryan | mefisto what did i tell you? | 03:40 |
K-Ryan | Tell us the problem =P | 03:40 |
judgen | K-Ryan its in /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 03:41 |
mefisto | k-ryan! nice to see you ^^ | 03:41 |
mefisto | my problem is | 03:41 |
mefisto | I installed firefox via Adept, but it installed firefox 1.5 | 03:41 |
mefisto | now, how can i update to firefox 2.0.1 via apt-get? | 03:41 |
DaSkreech | wolfwalker: do you have a network icon in the status tray? | 03:41 |
judgen | mefisto just install 2.0 via adept and it will replace the 1.5 install | 03:41 |
wolfwalker | DaSkreech: worst part is I've asked around, no internet providers give support for Linux of any kind | 03:41 |
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DaSkreech | wolfwalker: Yeah a lot of them are jerks | 03:42 |
K-Ryan | | 03:42 |
mefisto | judgen: what if it doesn't appears in adept? | 03:42 |
wolfwalker | Oh, you want my ip address right now? I can get that from | 03:42 |
judgen | wolfwalker but hp, ibm and sun gives support for linux | 03:42 |
DaSkreech | wolfwalker: good thing we ae here eh? :) | 03:42 |
K-Ryan | wolfwalker it is | 03:42 |
wolfwalker | Well it works either way | 03:42 |
K-Ryan | oh =) | 03:42 |
wolfwalker | does the same thing | 03:42 |
bobleny | I followed this guide to install apache, | 03:42 |
wolfwalker | hp, ibm and sun are not available in this area | 03:42 |
wolfwalker | Or if they are, I haven't found them yet | 03:43 |
K-Ryan | judgen find anything i did wrong? | 03:43 |
judgen | btw K-Ryan have you rebooted the computer since you disabled composite? | 03:43 |
K-Ryan | I think so... | 03:43 |
DaSkreech | wolfwalker: How are you with DOS? :) | 03:43 |
K-Ryan | I disabled that last night | 03:43 |
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K-Ryan | and restarted a few times | 03:43 |
wolfwalker | HP is Hewlett Packard, right? | 03:43 |
judgen | ok.. | 03:43 |
wolfwalker | And IBM | 03:43 |
judgen | then its the gl-lib | 03:43 |
wolfwalker | What is sun? | 03:43 |
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DaSkreech | wolfwalker: I take it you have one machine? | 03:43 |
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K-Ryan | Java company I think | 03:43 |
judgen | K-Ryan gimme a sec and ill search for it for you | 03:44 |
wolfwalker | DaSkreech: I can use the computer to run my music programs......... that's about all I know | 03:44 |
K-Ryan | Thanks judgen | 03:44 |
wolfwalker | DaSkreech: No, this Windoze machine is running only M$. It is the family computer. I have two mainframes upstairs, a Windows and a Kubuntu | 03:44 |
DaSkreech | I'm picking that up :) that's fine | 03:45 |
wolfwalker | And they are all small enough that I don't want to dual-boot | 03:45 |
wolfwalker | So if I install the USB drivers for my modem in Wine, will Kubuntu be able to access the internet connection through the wine app layer? | 03:45 |
shadowhywind | what is the linux text-based internet browsers name? | 03:46 |
DaSkreech | wolfwalker: Where is the Kubuntu machine?? | 03:46 |
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wolfwalker | Upstairs. I have to port it down to connect | 03:46 |
codyt | I don't think windows drivers work on linux at all, do they? | 03:46 |
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mefisto | ~____~ | 03:46 |
wolfwalker | They do in wine | 03:46 |
judgen | K-Ryan do a "sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dri" | 03:46 |
sampan | shadowhywind there's several i think: links2 w3m and lynx | 03:47 |
shadowhywind | thanks | 03:47 |
DaSkreech | wolfwalker: That's the one that can't connect? | 03:47 |
wolfwalker | I have another question, but I'll let this one get by first | 03:47 |
wolfwalker | Yes, the Linux computer | 03:47 |
xenophile7x7 | is wine available through the multiverse repo, or do i need to d/l it elsewhere? | 03:47 |
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wolfwalker | It won't recognize the ethernet connection, so I'm running the usb drivers in wine. | 03:48 |
K-Ryan | Okay judgen now what? | 03:48 |
DaSkreech | !wine | 03:48 |
ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See for more information. | 03:48 |
wolfwalker | Will Kubuntu be able to reach through the wine layer to get to the internet? | 03:48 |
DaSkreech | wolfwalker: USB ethernet? | 03:48 |
wolfwalker | No, USB instead of ethernet | 03:48 |
wolfwalker | This modem has both connection options | 03:48 |
DaSkreech | Ahhhhhhhhh | 03:48 |
=== DaSkreech runs out in the street screaming | ||
K-Ryan | fglrxinfo still says Mesa | 03:48 |
zeekstarr | can anybody tell me how to speed up torrents in ktorrent | 03:48 |
DaSkreech | and you can't get ethernet working? | 03:49 |
wolfwalker | Nope | 03:49 |
codyt | modem = ? | 03:49 |
judgen | K-Ryan now you link the to your fglrx dir | 03:49 |
K-Ryan | ? | 03:49 |
K-Ryan | command? | 03:49 |
K-Ryan | zeekstarr: hope | 03:49 |
K-Ryan | torrents depend on other people sharing it | 03:49 |
DaSkreech | wolfwalker: What happens? | 03:49 |
wolfwalker | So I'm trying to install the usb drivers for the modem from the supplied cd. They run in wine, because the installer is an .exe file. | 03:49 |
DaSkreech | what modem? | 03:50 |
zeekstarr | | 03:50 |
wolfwalker | That's what I want to know. If I install the drivers in wine, will Kubuntu be able to read the usb drivers for the modem and reach the internet through the wine app layer? | 03:50 |
zeekstarr | this lead me to believe that I could alter something, but I have no idea | 03:50 |
codyt | Wine will close when the .exe file returns, though. | 03:50 |
judgen | K-Ryan first you locate where the is | 03:51 |
codyt | I don't see how wine could possibly allow the drivers to function, though. | 03:51 |
judgen | you can use kdes search | 03:51 |
K-Ryan | zeekstarr that could be it, or there may only be a few people providing it | 03:51 |
K-Ryan | judgen how? | 03:51 |
wolfwalker | So, what are these internet providers who support Linux and are they in West TN? | 03:51 |
zeekstarr | I think something is wrong, because even when there are 100 + seeders/leechers I'm lucky to bring down 5ks on cable | 03:52 |
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K-Ryan | Then check that forum | 03:52 |
DaSkreech | wolfwalker: What modem is it? | 03:52 |
wolfwalker | Utopia | 03:52 |
zeekstarr | their all windows users | 03:52 |
wolfwalker | Whoops | 03:52 |
judgen | K-Ryan just look in /usr/lib/dri is there a file there called | 03:52 |
wolfwalker | Netopia | 03:52 |
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wolfwalker | zeekstarr: lol | 03:52 |
wolfwalker | Probably | 03:52 |
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codyt | Netopia what? | 03:53 |
DaSkreech | !modem | 03:53 |
ubotu | You want to connect via dial-up? Read | 03:53 |
DaSkreech | Hmm | 03:53 |
bobleny | My turn yet? | 03:53 |
K-Ryan | judgen no | 03:54 |
wolfwalker | Dialup? Heaven forbid! lol | 03:54 |
codyt | hey, don't make fun of me. | 03:54 |
judgen | K-Ryan no libgl at all? | 03:54 |
wolfwalker | judgen, what are these internet providers you rattled off, and are any of them in West TN? | 03:54 |
judgen | wolfwalker they are not isps they are the worlds largest computermakers | 03:54 |
wolfwalker | If they support linux, I'm their best customer as of yesterday | 03:54 |
xenophile7x7 | does linux have a command equivalent to the windows 'tree' | 03:55 |
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wolfwalker | Yeah, I knew that. I was asking about internet providers, and I thought you meant they had internet service too | 03:55 |
K-Ryan | atiogl_a_dri, ffb_dri, fglrx_dri, i810_dri, i915_dri, i965_dri, mach64_dri, mga_dri, r128_dri, r200_dri, r300_dri, radeon_dri, s3v, savage, sis, tdfx, trident, unichrome | 03:55 |
K-Ryan | I stopped putting dri because they all have it... | 03:55 |
wolfwalker | Sorry, my misunderstanding | 03:55 |
NightBird | I'm having problems getting audio to work. What is a good resource to help me figure out how to fix it? | 03:55 |
codyt | wolfwalker, your modem is a Netopia what? | 03:55 |
DaSkreech | codyt: You know about this stuff? | 03:56 |
wolfwalker | Um........... that's all I know. My provider (such as it is) is Centurytel, the modem is a Netopia modem | 03:56 |
codyt | was gonna look up the modem specifically on | 03:56 |
K-Ryan | sorry judgen but i've got to go, ill be on tomorrow if you wanna continue helping me =) | 03:56 |
K-Ryan | most of the day too so, catch you guys on the flip side | 03:56 |
judgen | K-Ryan do you havea libgl file in your /usr/lib/fglrx/ folder? | 03:56 |
wolfwalker | It says Cayman 3300 series on the bottom, if that helps | 03:56 |
K-Ryan | i will check really quick =) | 03:57 |
judgen | K-Ryan this will take max one more minute | 03:57 |
K-Ryan | yes | 03:57 |
judgen | good | 03:57 |
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K-Ryan | put it where? | 03:57 |
makuseru | !opengl | 03:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about opengl - try searching on | 03:57 |
K-Ryan | or do what with it? | 03:57 |
makuseru | where can i download open gl 2 | 03:57 |
codyt | well, Netopia drivers will likely vary between the different models. You should be able to find model information somewhere on the modem. | 03:58 |
codyt | not necessarily.. but usually. | 03:58 |
wolfwalker | It says Cayman 3300 series on the bottom, if that helps | 03:58 |
judgen | K-Ryan do a "sudo ln -s /usr/lib/fglrx/ /usr/lib/dri" Then "sudo ln -s /usr/lib/fglrx/ /usr/lib/xorg/modules/dri" then youre done | 03:58 |
K-Ryan | makuseru check the card manufacturer for linux drivers, if you have an nvidia or ati you may need fglrx | 03:58 |
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judgen | K-Ryan you might have to reboot though. Im not sure | 03:59 |
makuseru | K-Ryan: i have ATI but i dont use fglrx, card to old | 03:59 |
K-Ryan | i think so but i gotta go | 03:59 |
K-Ryan | cya, dont know then makuseru, good luck | 03:59 |
judgen | oh and dont forget the slashes after the dri folders | 03:59 |
judgen | K-Ryan important | 03:59 |
K-Ryan | after? | 03:59 |
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judgen | K-Ryan do a "sudo ln -s /usr/lib/fglrx/ /usr/lib/dri/" Then "sudo ln -s /usr/lib/fglrx/ /usr/lib/xorg/modules/dri/" then youre done | 04:00 |
judgen | thats the way it should look =) | 04:00 |
judgen | then a quick reboot, and you should have accellerated fglrx | 04:00 |
codyt | wolfwalker, look into this -> | 04:00 |
K-Ryan | ln:creating symbolic link blah blah blah no such file or directory | 04:01 |
manchicken | fglrx is quite destablizing. | 04:01 |
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judgen | what is the name of your libgfile? | 04:01 |
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K-Ryan | about to get in trouble =), sorry | 04:01 |
K-Ryan | tomorrow | 04:01 |
judgen | np | 04:01 |
DaSkreech | :-) | 04:01 |
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judgen | i dont mind, hell have to find someone else tomorrow though, then im going to be drunk as a pulp | 04:02 |
judgen | =) | 04:02 |
codyt | wish I could say that. | 04:02 |
judgen | gonna gat myself a barrel of gin and watch red dwarf | 04:02 |
codyt | Been sober for weeks | 04:02 |
judgen | ive been sober for over two days | 04:02 |
wolfwalker | That lets me out then | 04:02 |
wolfwalker | Mine is a 3300 model :/ | 04:03 |
judgen | wolfwalker ok now, what was your problem? I was helping k-ryan and didnt pay much attention? | 04:03 |
codyt | You said series. | 04:03 |
codyt | which would mean 33xx | 04:03 |
wolfwalker | Oh yea | 04:03 |
codyt | So, the driver *could* work. | 04:03 |
wolfwalker | yeah* | 04:04 |
DaSkreech | :-) | 04:04 |
codyt | not sure that it *will* but it could. | 04:04 |
DaSkreech | MamanN: how are you? | 04:04 |
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wolfwalker | Wow, that was small | 04:05 |
wolfwalker | So what do I do with it now? | 04:05 |
jarn_ | When I run something that opens a window from the command line, I get this error: "X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 169". | 04:05 |
wolfwalker | I mean, as soon as I take it up to my Linux computer | 04:05 |
judgen | btw if anyone is interested, i played Guild Wars successfully in 12 hours in linux using the fglrx drivers | 04:05 |
judgen | no crashes or bugs afaik | 04:06 |
wolfwalker | Guild Wars is supposed to rock, I hear | 04:06 |
codyt | was it a tar file? | 04:06 |
DaSkreech | :-) | 04:06 |
wolfwalker | Yup | 04:06 |
wolfwalker | .tar.gz | 04:06 |
jarn_ | wolfwalker: It does rock. | 04:06 |
wolfwalker | Nope | 04:06 |
jarn_ | wolfwalker: I <3 it. | 04:06 |
wolfwalker | .tar.bz2 | 04:06 |
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judgen | wolfwalker hasent worked in cedega since build 16000 or so, now cedega 5.29 has come out we can play again! =) | 04:06 |
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codyt | wolfwalker, know how to uncompress it? | 04:07 |
judgen | And now we can play on ATI cards too as ATI shaped up and made better drivers | 04:07 |
wolfwalker | I wouldn't know, but I do know the joy of getting a long-lost game back :) | 04:07 |
wolfwalker | cody, nope | 04:07 |
judgen | tar -zxvf or use the app ark | 04:07 |
wolfwalker | Nor how to use what I get when I do | 04:07 |
wolfwalker | But I know where the command prompt is, and I can copy and paste to notepad whatever you tell me to do. | 04:07 |
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codyt | After you uncompress it, it will probably have installation instructions in a file called INSTALL | 04:07 |
wolfwalker | Is there an uncompress command on right click? | 04:08 |
codyt | what judgen said is how to uncompress it. | 04:08 |
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codyt | It might have Ark options in the menu. | 04:08 |
codyt | "extract to," or something like that. | 04:08 |
wolfwalker | 10/4 | 04:09 |
wolfwalker | And thank you very much | 04:09 |
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judgen | anyone got a voodoo 5 pci thay wanna sell? | 04:09 |
wolfwalker | Maybe *sniff* maybe there will be a Kubuntu internet connection for me someday | 04:09 |
=== wolfwalker starts playing a violin | ||
wolfwalker | Okay, now I'm creeping myself out | 04:10 |
wolfwalker | Bye | 04:10 |
=== judgen eats a defensless terrier puppu | ||
judgen | puppy | 04:10 |
=== wolfwalker wonders if he can buy a puppu in a regular pet shop | ||
wolfwalker | Sounds like one of those pokemon things | 04:10 |
codyt | nah, gotta go to special puppu shops. | 04:10 |
wolfwalker | Ah | 04:10 |
wolfwalker | No interest | 04:10 |
wolfwalker | And they don't have those out here in the backwoods of Tennessee, USA | 04:11 |
wolfwalker | I'm guessing shipping would be harsh for something as big as a puppu | 04:11 |
judgen | LOL i got a error in kde saying "you windows installation is unstable and my be infected by a virus, install pcdoctor to fix this problem" (it was a konqueror popup) hahahahaha | 04:11 |
wolfwalker | Okay, that's enough from me. I think I need some sleep. | 04:11 |
wolfwalker | Actually, I have to agree with that | 04:11 |
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codyt | hahaha | 04:12 |
wolfwalker | Heard about the Windows Vista "Upgrade now" thing? | 04:12 |
judgen | i need some food, alsost breakfast | 04:12 |
judgen | wolfwalker nope | 04:12 |
wolfwalker | Seems ALL FOUR VERSIONS of Vista are embedded in the program | 04:12 |
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judgen | wolfwalker oh, so very legal =P | 04:12 |
wolfwalker | And you can upgrade instantly at any time by paying out the nose and getting the keycode | 04:12 |
judgen | yeah, the dvds =) | 04:12 |
wolfwalker | So yeah, it takes up lots and lots of filespace | 04:12 |
judgen | vista sucks my hairy *ahem* head | 04:13 |
codyt | eh, I'm not going to waste my time with vista. | 04:13 |
DaSkreech | wolfwalker: used linux before? | 04:13 |
wolfwalker | No, the keycode. All four versions are installed, you just have to pay to activate them | 04:13 |
wolfwalker | lol | 04:13 |
wolfwalker | Nope, Kubuntu is my first | 04:13 |
judgen | 20gb is vista RC2 default and uses 2gb ram if it is available | 04:13 |
wolfwalker | But I like it, I like it! | 04:13 |
wolfwalker | If only I can net connect | 04:13 |
codyt | wolfwalker, that's good. | 04:13 |
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wolfwalker | k3b doth verily rock mightily | 04:13 |
wolfwalker | imo | 04:13 |
judgen | wolfwalker you cant? | 04:13 |
codyt | wolfwalker: that'll be the tricky part. | 04:13 |
wolfwalker | And I have audacity!!! | 04:14 |
judgen | wolfwalker adsl modem? | 04:14 |
wolfwalker | The only thing I might have missed from Windoze would be Audacity music editor | 04:14 |
codyt | yeah. | 04:14 |
wolfwalker | Gotta go | 04:14 |
judgen | didnt think people actually used dialup anymore | 04:14 |
wolfwalker | Thanks for the driver link | 04:14 |
judgen | audacity works in linux | 04:14 |
judgen | btw | 04:14 |
codyt | judgen, some of us don't have an option. | 04:14 |
wolfwalker | I shall return with more annoying newbie questions | 04:14 |
wolfwalker | Yes, audacity works in Linux | 04:14 |
wolfwalker | Very well, in fact | 04:14 |
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wolfwalker | Ugly as homemade sin, but works very well | 04:15 |
wolfwalker | Night y'all, and thanks | 04:15 |
DaSkreech | Night | 04:15 |
codyt | Aside from satellite ( > $500 for the initial fee) Dialup is all we can get here. | 04:15 |
codyt | No cable, no dsl. | 04:15 |
judgen | you can use the windows version too if you want, you can run most windows programs that does not use shell32.dll in linux through wine | 04:15 |
DaSkreech | MamanN: Still awake? | 04:15 |
judgen | codyt holy crap! thats BAD | 04:15 |
judgen | codyt where? | 04:15 |
DaSkreech | damn it Ubuntu needs an #ubuntu-games | 04:16 |
judgen | south africa? | 04:16 |
DaSkreech | or at least a team | 04:16 |
DaSkreech | Antartica | 04:16 |
judgen | DaSkreech no way! | 04:16 |
codyt | My house, I live in an odd place. | 04:16 |
codyt | The rest of the town can get cable and DSL | 04:16 |
judgen | aaah | 04:16 |
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DaSkreech | judgen: Which? | 04:16 |
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DaSkreech | #ubuntu-games or antartica? | 04:17 |
judgen | DaSkreech i dont think there are many people living in antarctica | 04:17 |
codyt | well, we might be able to get DSL here, but it's through the phone company, and they're bad about screwing us over. | 04:17 |
judgen | DaSkreech maybe about 50 or so | 04:17 |
DaSkreech | Quite a lot actually | 04:17 |
DaSkreech | that's enough to run Net :) | 04:17 |
codyt | The bills will suddenly jump up to crazy amounts, and to have DSL we'd have to have it on auto-withdrawl from the bank. | 04:17 |
judgen | DaSkreech true, the worlds smallest coutry has internet connection, and its in the middle of the pacific ocean, and has 57inhabitants =) | 04:18 |
judgen | only 12hours a day or so but still | 04:18 |
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judgen | satelite and lan =) | 04:18 |
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DaSkreech | hi BluesKaj | 04:18 |
judgen | never met anyone from pitkern islands though online | 04:18 |
DaSkreech | SO anyone listens to BBC online? | 04:18 |
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judgen | or in real life for that matter either | 04:19 |
DaSkreech | judgen: If they have ICQ it's pretty easy | 04:19 |
DaSkreech | You can search by country | 04:19 |
codyt | oh, speaking of games, (can't get cedega yet), know of any good Linux games? | 04:19 |
BluesKaj | I watch BBC world , does that count ? | 04:19 |
codyt | stupid cedega_time trial failed upon install and doesn't work at all. | 04:19 |
judgen | DaSkreech hahaha i think they have their own country code even though they are only online 12 hours and have 57 inhabitants =) | 04:19 |
DaSkreech | BluesKaj: Online? | 04:20 |
BluesKaj | no satellire dish here in Canada | 04:20 |
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judgen | | 04:20 |
judgen | nice map here | 04:20 |
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BluesKaj | satellite | 04:20 |
judgen | oh my fault, the nation is 67 people =) | 04:20 |
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judgen | and their internet pld is .pn | 04:21 |
xenophile7x7 | is WINE available from a repo? and is there a linux equivalent of the 'tree' command? | 04:21 |
BluesKaj | yeah, all related going back 250 yrs | 04:21 |
DaSkreech | !pn | 04:21 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pn - try searching on | 04:21 |
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DaSkreech | Stupid bot :-) | 04:21 |
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NightBird | where can I get help for getting audio to work in my laptop? lspci lists the audio device as "ATI Technologies Inc Unknown device 437b (rev 01)" | 04:21 |
DaSkreech | xenophile7x7: Did you read the URL posted earlier? | 04:22 |
judgen | they should have choosen .pwn i would get one directly | 04:22 |
DaSkreech | NightBird: Which laptop? | 04:22 |
xenophile7x7 | it didnt work | 04:22 |
DaSkreech | xenophile7x7: What didn't work? | 04:22 |
NightBird | DaSkreech: an Acer aspire 3050 | 04:22 |
xenophile7x7 | the URL | 04:22 |
judgen | xenophile7x7 get wine and use tree from there? | 04:22 |
DaSkreech | Hmm | 04:22 |
DaSkreech | !laptop | 04:22 |
ubotu | Laptop support information can be found on - - - | 04:22 |
DaSkreech | NightBird: try the first Link | 04:23 |
DaSkreech | !wine | 04:23 |
ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See for more information. | 04:23 |
xenophile7x7 | judgen, that would work. was just curious if there was a linux equivalent | 04:23 |
DaSkreech | xenophile7x7: Works fine for me | 04:23 |
NightBird | DaSkreech: nothing for the 3050.. | 04:23 |
DaSkreech | !worksforme | DaSkreech | 04:23 |
ubotu | DaSkreech: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. | 04:23 |
judgen | xenophile7x7 to get latest wine add this line to your sources.list deb edgy main | 04:23 |
judgen | then apt-get wine | 04:24 |
xenophile7x7 | thanks judgen. | 04:24 |
judgen | xenophile7x7 i never used tree in windows (nor do i use windows commandline as it gets me frustrated) | 04:24 |
xenophile7x7 | skreech, keeps tellin me its an invalid url | 04:24 |
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xenophile7x7 | ive tried clicking it, and typing it | 04:24 |
xenophile7x7 | judgen: i used xtree in windows, instead of just the command. it was mainly usefull in tracking files for my fileserver. i had alot, particular e-books | 04:25 |
xenophile7x7 | lol, the site comes up if i refresh it, but if i click or type the link, it gives me an error | 04:26 |
judgen | xenophile7x7oh btw the tree command is an unix command ported to windows | 04:26 |
xenophile7x7 | really? | 04:26 |
xenophile7x7 | i didnt know that... | 04:26 |
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xenophile7x7 | alright, thanks for the help skreech and judgen. much appreciated | 04:27 |
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matthew0507 | hi, is there a way to write to ntfs partition on kubuntu? i can read from but can not write to ntfs partition :( | 04:27 |
judgen | | 04:27 |
judgen | matthew0507 yes install ntfs-3g and edit your fstab | 04:28 |
judgen | matthew0507 then it works | 04:28 |
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matthew0507 | thanks, and i guess ntfs-3g can be found in adept? | 04:28 |
judgen | !ntfs-3g | 04:28 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at (Dapper) and (Edgy) | 04:28 |
judgen | yes | 04:28 |
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matthew0507 | cheers :) | 04:28 |
judgen | matthew0507 use the appropriate ling above =) | 04:29 |
BluesKaj | ntfs-3g works quite well in my experience | 04:29 |
MamanN | DaSreech: sory I have to leave IRC, hope all of us can chat other time | 04:29 |
judgen | mine as well, but i dont have any ntfs partitions anymore | 04:29 |
DaSkreech | MamanN: Sure | 04:29 |
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judgen | I have three computers running here next to me, one 2xOpteron 275 (dualcore) with BeOS, a 1ghz intel mobile laptop with kubuntu and one 1ghz P3 with windows 2K | 04:30 |
[BTF] Chm0d | i gots a problem hehe everytime i reboot i have to reinstall nvidia driver any suggestions? | 04:30 |
[BTF] Chm0d | this is a fresh install | 04:31 |
judgen | [BTF] Chm0d first change your nickname to somethink i can name complete, then ill ask you the foloowup question does the files disappear or just the configs gets lost? | 04:31 |
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DaSkreech | judgen: Haiku? | 04:32 |
judgen | DaSkreech i run BeOS and Haiku (dualboot) | 04:32 |
DaSkreech | Hows haiku? | 04:32 |
chm0d | i dunno if any files get lost it installs just fine its just everytime i reboot i have to install it again | 04:32 |
judgen | its neat DaSkreech | 04:32 |
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DaSkreech | Hi nikkiana :) | 04:32 |
soulrider | judgen: link for haiku ? | 04:33 |
BluesKaj | what's haiku besides japanese poetry | 04:33 |
dutta | hi guys can someone tell me what does a ATI driver do? I am a n00b :( | 04:33 |
judgen | | 04:33 |
Daisuke_Ido | is there a way to tell konqueror to sort filenames with numbers in them as numbers rather than strings? | 04:33 |
chm0d | dutta is the drivers for you video card | 04:33 |
judgen | dutta it makes your graphics card show pictures and moving images =P | 04:33 |
DaSkreech | dutta: If it's for a video card it enables Fancy graphics | 04:33 |
Daisuke_Ido | dutta: in THEORY, it provides 3d acceleration for your video card, makes it work how it should. | 04:33 |
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dutta | well, I have Radeon Xpress 200 VC | 04:34 |
dutta | will it work for me? | 04:34 |
Daisuke_Ido | in practice, ATI drivers tend to be less than friendly in linux (in my experience) | 04:34 |
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judgen | dutta afaik, no 3d accel in fglrx for ou then | 04:34 |
DaSkreech | NightBird: Which version of Kubuntu? | 04:34 |
chm0d | any suggestions on my reinstall of vid drivers judgen? | 04:34 |
judgen | Daisuke_Ido i dont agree, all intel and XGI drivers are maybe even more friendly in linux than in windows | 04:35 |
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klees | is setting wallpapers through Firefox allowed in KDE??? | 04:35 |
NightBird | DaSkreech: 6.10 was what I installed from | 04:35 |
judgen | chm0d paste your xorg.conf to pastebin and ill have a look | 04:35 |
judgen | !pastebin | 04:35 |
Daisuke_Ido | judgen: just had a lot of issues with ati in linux (but this was with a radeon 9550, so...) | 04:35 |
chm0d | k | 04:35 |
soulrider | is beos based on linux ? | 04:35 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 04:35 |
Daisuke_Ido | soulrider: nope | 04:35 |
judgen | soulrider no | 04:35 |
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soulrider | some dues just made it from scratch ? | 04:36 |
DaSkreech | soulrider: Nope Pure coding philospohical goodness | 04:36 |
Daisuke_Ido | i'm loving my gf 7600 though | 04:36 |
judgen | soulriderits based on BeOS and BeOS only, its posixcompatible though | 04:36 |
DaSkreech | Yup | 04:36 |
jarn_ | When I run something that opens a window from the command line, I get this error: "X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 169". | 04:36 |
soulrider | oh my | 04:36 |
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soulrider | so, linux software wont work | 04:36 |
DaSkreech | Daisuke_Ido: Just to let you know I read that as Girlfriend | 04:36 |
judgen | soulrider not unless you port then. | 04:36 |
Daisuke_Ido | heh | 04:36 |
soulrider | ok | 04:36 |
Daisuke_Ido | yes, i upgraded to the girlfriend 7600 model | 04:36 |
judgen | soulrider but there are pretty much software out there, ive been using BeOS/Haiku for many years and i have all i need. Except Flash9 ofcourse | 04:37 |
chm0d | judgen: | 04:37 |
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flaccid | baddevice > jarn_ | 04:37 |
klees | I'm not able to set wallpapers through Firefox... is this ok? | 04:37 |
chm0d | im assuming everything is going to be ok right now I have 3d acceleration | 04:37 |
klees | I don't get an option when right-clicking images | 04:37 |
jarn_ | flaccid: How do I fix it? | 04:38 |
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jarn_ | flaccid: Everything still works, it just comes up with an error. Then everything still works. | 04:38 |
DaSkreech | judgen: BeOS was sooo the killer OS 6 years ago | 04:38 |
DaSkreech | I'm glad it's GPL now | 04:38 |
judgen | DaSkreech well beos isnt | 04:38 |
Daisuke_Ido | BeOS went gpl? | 04:38 |
Daisuke_Ido | hmm | 04:38 |
flaccid | did you read the link ubotu sent you, jarn_? | 04:38 |
judgen | BeOS is still closed source | 04:39 |
judgen | Haiku is under BSD/MIT | 04:39 |
jarn_ | flaccid: I didn't get one. | 04:39 |
DaSkreech | Haiku is close enough for me :) | 04:39 |
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judgen | chm0d it looked good | 04:39 |
=== NightBird found some tips for getting audio working with the same device and revision number from google... | ||
jarn_ | flaccid: ubotu didn't send me a link. | 04:39 |
flaccid | !baddevice | 04:39 |
ubotu | If you are receiving an error similar to this: X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168 then please visit this page: | 04:39 |
flaccid | there you go | 04:39 |
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judgen | chm0d paste your /var/log/Xorg.0.log to pastebin | 04:39 |
chm0d | k | 04:40 |
jarn_ | flaccid: Thanks! | 04:40 |
flaccid | np | 04:40 |
flaccid | its non-harmful, but you can revove it | 04:40 |
judgen | Daisuke_Ido BeOS is now developed by Magnussoft in germany, and is working with haiku but they dont give the sources to haiku. So haiku is brand new | 04:40 |
flaccid | remove | 04:40 |
DaSkreech | Sort of Like LInux and UNIX | 04:40 |
=== DaSkreech wink winks | ||
Daisuke_Ido | intriguing | 04:41 |
jarn_ | flaccid: Is this only for you get an error with device 168? Because my error lists the device as 169. | 04:41 |
soulrider | i think im gonna stay with kubuntu | 04:41 |
soulrider | i lvoe kubuntu soooo much | 04:41 |
Daisuke_Ido | soulrider: it's excellent | 04:41 |
judgen | soulrider good choise | 04:41 |
soulrider | yup | 04:41 |
chm0d | judgen: | 04:41 |
soulrider | linux is a lot easier than i though | 04:41 |
soulrider | i would like to try OS X one day | 04:42 |
DaSkreech | NightBird: Can I get the URL? | 04:42 |
judgen | soulrider i cant stand windows, all that searching for an app on the internet. Only to get infested by viruses and malware when i install | 04:42 |
judgen | repos are the best | 04:42 |
soulrider | judgen: yeah! | 04:42 |
NightBird | DaSkreech: | 04:42 |
NightBird | | 04:42 |
NightBird | woops... hit enter too soon.. >_> | 04:42 |
codyt | I kinda prefer Gentoo's "emerge" | 04:42 |
soulrider | codyt: doens tit just download the source ? | 04:43 |
codyt | Yeah. | 04:43 |
judgen | chm0d you have reinstalled the nvidia driver now, havent you? I wanted to see what it looks like after it stops working | 04:43 |
codyt | But it actually works. | 04:43 |
soulrider | yeah | 04:43 |
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flaccid | jarn_: that is the line number. your xorg.conf is different. | 04:43 |
soulrider | its cool that it downloads the source | 04:43 |
=== NightBird likes it when things work | ||
soulrider | but maybe you dont have tie to compile | 04:43 |
jarn_ | flaccid: Ah, thanks. | 04:43 |
chm0d | k lemme reboot that wont be a problem :) | 04:43 |
chm0d | brb | 04:43 |
codyt | Adept lists packages, but won't install a portion of them. | 04:43 |
musya | what can i use to unpack .rar files in kubuntu | 04:43 |
judgen | codyt emerge is an repo too | 04:43 |
codyt | I know. | 04:44 |
codyt | I was saying I prefer it to Adept / apt | 04:44 |
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codyt | 'cause I've never had any issues with it. | 04:44 |
codyt | the last 3 or 4 packages I've tried to get with Adept wouldn't install. | 04:44 |
codyt | Because of dependencies that aren't there. | 04:45 |
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judgen | musya do a "sudo apt-get install ark unrar unace bzip2 unlha" | 04:45 |
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musya | judgen: unrar has no installation candidate. | 04:46 |
codyt | and, it doesn't track the things that I do install by source, so even if I find the dependencies elsewhere, it still won't install | 04:46 |
codyt | and I have to do it all by hand anyways. | 04:46 |
DaSkreech | codyt: Which apps? | 04:46 |
judgen | musya you havent added the universe and multiverse then | 04:46 |
codyt | The one I remember was the dvd ripper, but there were a couple of others that did the same | 04:46 |
codyt | judgen, I did | 04:46 |
codyt | *but* | 04:46 |
codyt | that failed too. | 04:46 |
codyt | when I apt-get update, it has gzip errors. | 04:47 |
judgen | codyt i was saying to musya | 04:47 |
BluesKaj | jugden , what kind of files sytem does one partition for to mount haiku ? | 04:47 |
codyt | oh | 04:47 |
codyt | sry. | 04:47 |
codyt | gzip errors specifically for the universe and multiverse. | 04:47 |
judgen | BlueDevil to boot it you need obfs or bfs but you can mount anything | 04:47 |
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judgen | BlueDevil btw haiku is only 40mb or so and uses extremly little ram. So you wont need a large partition | 04:48 |
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chm0d | i know my problem now judgen | 04:48 |
judgen | and boots on my rin in 3sec | 04:48 |
judgen | nice | 04:48 |
chm0d | nvidia kernel is 7184 and drivers are 9746 | 04:48 |
klees | to those that don't know the official Flash 9 for Linux is out | 04:49 |
judgen | i know | 04:49 |
chm0d | now question is how do i get nvidia kernel 9746 | 04:49 |
klees | | 04:49 |
DaSkreech | codyt: That would probably explain it | 04:49 |
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DaSkreech | judgen: I think you mean BluesKaj | 04:49 |
judgen | chm0d get the correct version then =) | 04:49 |
judgen | DaSkreech yeah, damn namecompletion =P | 04:50 |
judgen | haha | 04:50 |
judgen | i always only type the first two letters then <tab> | 04:50 |
chm0d | guess ill look for | 04:50 |
chm0d | it | 04:50 |
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DaSkreech | codyt: Might want to fix that | 04:51 |
codyt | Yeah. | 04:51 |
codyt | is there a psx emulator listed in your apt-cache? | 04:51 |
NightBird | .... | 04:51 |
NightBird | my laptop doesn't like to hybernate either.. | 04:51 |
DaSkreech | !hibernate | 04:52 |
ubotu | hibernate: smartly puts your computer to sleep (suspend to RAM or disk). In component universe, is extra. Version 1.91-2 (edgy), package size 72 kB, installed size 364 kB | 04:52 |
chm0d | judgen quick question ive found the nvidia kernel i need but its i386 and my pc is 686 is that ok? | 04:52 |
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danielches | hi | 04:53 |
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DaSkreech | Hello | 04:53 |
danielches | i need some help with adept | 04:54 |
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DaSkreech | Speak :) | 04:54 |
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NightBird | DaSkreech: does hibernate not come installed by default? | 04:54 |
danielches | it tells me that another process is using the packaging system | 04:54 |
DaSkreech | I dunno :) | 04:54 |
DaSkreech | danielches: do you have apt-get or aptitude working? | 04:54 |
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danielches | not sure? | 04:55 |
danielches | adept used to work | 04:55 |
DaSkreech | danielches: were you installing something from the command line? | 04:55 |
danielches | no | 04:55 |
danielches | however | 04:55 |
DaSkreech | Did you close it before it was finished with something? | 04:55 |
mtv | i am having problems saving in cups web interface. It prompts me for a password but will not accept the admin password or user password | 04:55 |
DaSkreech | or did it crash? | 04:55 |
danielches | yeah | 04:55 |
danielches | i closed it when it was installing java | 04:56 |
DaSkreech | !adept crash fix | danielches. This should help | 04:56 |
ubotu | danielches. This should help: If adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a' | 04:56 |
danielches | thx | 04:56 |
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danielches | so, now it should run fine? | 04:56 |
DaSkreech | tell me if it doesn't | 04:57 |
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DaSkreech | Hi nalioth | 04:57 |
danielches | :) | 04:58 |
danielches | it works :) | 04:58 |
danielches | thanks a heap | 04:58 |
DaSkreech | Sure :) | 04:58 |
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mtv | is there a problem using http://localhost:631 for kubuntu? | 04:59 |
NightBird | hm... invalid dep_range_val when trying to start up ALSA | 04:59 |
[BTF] Chm0d | well i installed the 9746 driver but 7184 still remains??? | 04:59 |
judgen | im gonna get a pizza brb | 04:59 |
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NightBird | o_O | 05:00 |
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NightBird | apparently surround was muted.. | 05:00 |
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NightBird | and... well... kaffeine is playing music now.. | 05:01 |
DaSkreech | yay :) | 05:01 |
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DaSkreech | NightBird: reboot one more time to check | 05:01 |
NightBird | no kidding | 05:01 |
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NightBird | also, question: how do I disable the jumping between different screens when the mouse moves against the edges of the screen? | 05:02 |
codyt | Have multiple monitors, or do you mean virtual desktops? | 05:03 |
NightBird | er.. virtual desktops | 05:03 |
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eddy__ | hello everybody hear | 05:03 |
NightBird | hi eddy__ | 05:04 |
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=== NightBird starts up kaffeine once again to see if it works still.. | ||
codyt | hm. | 05:06 |
codyt | now I can't find it.. | 05:06 |
DaSkreech | codyt: Hmm? | 05:06 |
DaSkreech | NightBird: What do you mean? | 05:06 |
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codyt | he's looking for the option to disable switching of desktops when the mouse cursor touches the edges of the screen. | 05:07 |
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Dr_willis | NightBird, you using the normal kde? or beryl? i cant recall ever seeing that feature in kde. | 05:07 |
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NightBird | kde... | 05:07 |
Dr_willis | codyt, i cant find it either.. cant rember ever seeing it. | 05:07 |
codyt | I know I have. | 05:07 |
codyt | 'cause I tried it, and it annoyed me. | 05:07 |
codyt | so I turned it off. | 05:07 |
Dr_willis | Multiple Dekstop - control panel has a check box for the 'wheel' to change desktops. | 05:08 |
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codyt | that's different. | 05:08 |
codyt | that annoys me too, though. | 05:08 |
Dr_willis | I perfer it. :) | 05:08 |
Dr_willis | actually i perfer it to change desktops while i am dragging a window also | 05:09 |
Dr_willis | but cant recall seeing that under KDE either. | 05:09 |
_morphius | So, i'm trying to set up my computer as a router, I have dhcp3-server installed and am serving IPs, I donloaded IP tables and finally I am using firehol to try to set up a firewall and share internet between multiple computers and interfaces (one of the interfaces services a quasi-dmz). I have it set to the most basic configuration, using the example script, but I can't seem to get any sort of traffic through. Is there something I | 05:09 |
_morphius | may have missed? | 05:09 |
Dr_willis | Found it... | 05:09 |
Dr_willis | its under Window Behiavor | 05:09 |
Dr_willis | 'advanced tab' | 05:09 |
Dr_willis | 'active desktop borders' | 05:10 |
codyt | yeah. | 05:10 |
NightBird | ok | 05:10 |
NightBird | thanks | 05:10 |
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Dr_willis | it pays to explore Every little tab and button under the settings stuff. :) | 05:10 |
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codyt | messes with the ability to raise my panel when I move my mouse to the bottom left corner. | 05:11 |
Hirvinen | _morphius: I have found Firestarter to be an excellent way to setup a simple firewall and NAT. | 05:12 |
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codyt | Yeah. | 05:12 |
codyt | I just didn't recognize it when I did see it. | 05:13 |
_morphius | Tried it. Used it for a while actually. Won't handle multiple interfaces | 05:13 |
Hirvinen | _morphius: It's GUI oriented and therefore has GUI library dependencies, but can be used by editing it's configuration files. | 05:13 |
Hirvinen | _morphius: More than two interfaces? | 05:13 |
_morphius | 3 | 05:13 |
DaSkreech | codyt: Why does the apt-get update not work | 05:13 |
_morphius | One WAN, one LAN one WLAN | 05:13 |
_morphius | I'll look into the config for firestarter. Maybe it's more robust than the gui... | 05:14 |
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Hirvinen | It doesn't seem that way. | 05:14 |
codyt | DaSkreech, it has a gzip error with universe and multiverse | 05:15 |
DaSkreech | codyt: delete the gzips and reupdate | 05:15 |
=== genii sips a black coffee | ||
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eddy__ | como instalo el driver de video VIA Unichrome IGP PRO | 05:15 |
eddy__ | en kubuntu 6.06 | 05:16 |
Hirvinen | _morphius: Maybe you should just get your hands dirty with guidance from | 05:16 |
FreddyM | !es | eddy__ | 05:16 |
ubotu | eddy__: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda. | 05:16 |
Hirvinen | !es eddy__ | 05:16 |
ubotu | es: An extensible shell based on `rc'. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.90beta1-10.1 (edgy), package size 99 kB, installed size 248 kB | 05:16 |
DaSkreech | !es | eddy__ | 05:16 |
Hirvinen | Haha. | 05:16 |
eddy__ | ok muchas gracias | 05:16 |
FreddyM | !es | 05:16 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda. | 05:16 |
FreddyM | wt heck | 05:16 |
DaSkreech | !botslap | 05:17 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about botslap - try searching on | 05:17 |
FreddyM | !botsnack | 05:17 |
ubotu | Yum! | 05:17 |
genii | !botsnack | 05:17 |
genii | :) | 05:17 |
DaSkreech | Don't give it a snack!! | 05:17 |
genii | DaSkreech Why, you think we are encouraging ubotu? | 05:17 |
DaSkreech | Yeah it never does stuff I tell it to | 05:17 |
DaSkreech | If you can snack it you should be able to slap it as well | 05:18 |
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genii | Perhaps !botsnooze or so :) | 05:18 |
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elyon | Could someone please tell me where to find the Konversation script directory? | 05:19 |
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genii | Perhaps somewhere like /usr/share/apps/konversation/scripts | 05:20 |
genii | or alternately ~/.kde/share/apps/konversation/scripts | 05:20 |
elyon | genii: Thank you. | 05:21 |
genii | where ~ = home directory | 05:21 |
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genii | Has anyone know about getting X10 remote driver for ATI cards going? Seems not to see it on my 6.10 box | 05:23 |
danielches | i am having trouble with java upgrade, in adept | 05:24 |
danielches | its stuck on 0% install | 05:24 |
danielches | and whow details shows a license agreement | 05:24 |
danielches | which needs to be ok'ed, but how do i? | 05:24 |
DaSkreech | danielches: Hmm probably should have mentioned that | 05:25 |
DaSkreech | Kill adept and do the adept crash fix again | 05:25 |
DaSkreech | in the command line type sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre | 05:26 |
genii | Is adept crashing on java install? this is the third or fourth time I've heard of this particular prob | 05:27 |
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genii | !x10mms | 05:28 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about x10mms - try searching on | 05:28 |
DaSkreech | It doesn't crash | 05:28 |
DaSkreech | It needs some package to accept the license agreement | 05:28 |
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genii | Oh, some pre-requisite or so | 05:29 |
DaSkreech | Otherwise you can't accept it so you are stuck | 05:29 |
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codyt | gzip: stdin: not in gzip format | 05:30 |
codyt | Err edgy/multiverse Sources | 05:30 |
codyt | Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1) | 05:30 |
munky08 | hello chan | 05:31 |
codyt | same with universe. | 05:31 |
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genii | likely a bz2 archive or so | 05:31 |
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Murchadh | genii, run the install from a shell. kdesu adept and then you can accept the licence in this window! | 05:32 |
munky08 | k | 05:33 |
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jason10 | hello there | 05:33 |
coreymon77 | wow, that was an odd one | 05:33 |
DaSkreech | How can it be? | 05:33 |
coreymon77 | i turn on my computer yesterday | 05:34 |
coreymon77 | and all my konversation settings have been erased! | 05:34 |
coreymon77 | completely out of the blue! | 05:34 |
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danielches | so | 05:35 |
danielches | i run | 05:35 |
danielches | "sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre" in a shell? | 05:36 |
danielches | and i should be able to accept the licence thing? | 05:36 |
genii | Murchadh No worries, I have actually installed the CVS version of JRE from source. Just pondering on the oddities of Adept ubsystem | 05:36 |
flaccid | whats the problem, danielches? | 05:37 |
danielches | i had adept stuffing up, with java install | 05:37 |
DaSkreech | danielches: yes | 05:37 |
danielches | upgrade thing | 05:37 |
flaccid | it probably can't handle the interact curses for the licence agreement | 05:37 |
danielches | yes, as in do that in console? | 05:37 |
flaccid | yes | 05:38 |
flaccid | sorry to intervine :) | 05:38 |
manchicken | If you're installing java, use it in command-line. | 05:38 |
flaccid | i'm just bored at work | 05:38 |
danielches | np | 05:38 |
manchicken | Adept has a known issue with that particular package. | 05:38 |
danielches | ??? | 05:38 |
danielches | got an error | 05:38 |
manchicken | What error? | 05:38 |
danielches | " | 05:39 |
danielches | Errors were encountered while processing: | 05:39 |
danielches | /var/cache/apt/archives/sun-java5-bin_1.5.0-08-0ubuntu1_i386.deb | 05:39 |
danielches | /var/cache/apt/archives/sun-java5-jre_1.5.0-08-0ubuntu1_all.deb | 05:39 |
danielches | E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 05:39 |
danielches | " | 05:39 |
danielches | dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/sun-java5-jre_1.5.0-08-0ubuntu1_all.deb (--unpack): | 05:39 |
danielches | subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 1 | 05:39 |
danielches | *** | 05:39 |
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danielches | try again? | 05:39 |
danielches | ? | 05:40 |
DaSkreech | sure | 05:41 |
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danielches | i get same error again | 05:43 |
soulrider | what you using to install it? | 05:43 |
soulrider | apt-get or adept ? | 05:43 |
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soulrider | nevermind, just scrolled up | 05:43 |
Kr4t05 | Why won't Amarok play mp3s, regardless of the fact that I have libxine-extracodecs installed? It worked for about 5 months and then quit. | 05:45 |
soulrider | Kr4t05: reinstall ? | 05:45 |
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Kr4t05 | soulrider: Repeatedly | 05:46 |
Kr4t05 | --purge, too | 05:46 |
soulrider | purge it and amarok | 05:46 |
soulrider | and install? | 05:46 |
Murchadh | danielches, Could try deleting /var/cache/apt/archives/sun-java5-jre_1.5.0-08-0ubuntu1_all.deb, and running sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre again! | 05:46 |
soulrider | use aptitude, not apt-get | 05:46 |
Kr4t05 | soulrider: Yes. | 05:46 |
soulrider | eww, Kr4t05, no idea then | 05:46 |
Tm_T | soulrider: Why not apt-get? | 05:47 |
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soulrider | aptitude handles better some stuff | 05:47 |
soulrider | like dependencies | 05:47 |
Tm_T | soulrider: Sure, you can say "You might like to try aptitude" but noo there | 05:47 |
Tm_T | 's no way you command others to give up apt-get. | 05:48 |
soulrider | huh ? | 05:48 |
soulrider | im not commanding anyone anything | 05:48 |
soulrider | im just saying | 05:48 |
soulrider | that sometimes aptitude works better | 05:48 |
Tm_T | soulrider: Heh, you say that now, first you said directly "use aptitude, not apt-get" | 05:49 |
soulrider | yeah... whatever | 05:49 |
Tm_T | But carry on, ignore me, I'm just an old fart. ;) | 05:49 |
genii | Yes, adept seems to choke on some packages that give no issue to aptitude or cli apt-get or so on | 05:49 |
Tm_T | soulrider: Just overreacting, sorry. | 05:50 |
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soulrider | !es | 05:50 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda. | 05:50 |
soulrider | !botsnack | 05:51 |
ubotu | Yum! | 05:51 |
jason10 | would somebody mind answering a question about upgrading? | 05:51 |
Tm_T | No if you don't ask the question. ;) | 05:51 |
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Tm_T | jason10: So, problem is? | 05:53 |
jason10 | well | 05:53 |
jason10 | i have 20 gigs on my laptop for ubuntu | 05:53 |
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jason10 | and i seem to have filled the thing | 05:54 |
jason10 | but i really dont have much on here by way of my own media etc | 05:54 |
jason10 | and ive gotten rid of a lot of the programs ive installed.. | 05:54 |
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Tm_T | jason10: Hmm, does "sudo apt-get clean" help at all? | 05:54 |
jason10 | im wondering if i have a lot of backup stuff every time my os upgrades? | 05:54 |
jason10 | apt-get clean? | 05:55 |
jason10 | whats that do? | 05:55 |
Tm_T | jason10: You have all packages you installed in cache, apt-get clean does wipe that cache away entirely, autoclean takes only old versions of packages etc etc. | 05:55 |
jason10 | right on | 05:55 |
Tm_T | That can be easily gigs. | 05:56 |
jason10 | gave me 200 megs | 05:56 |
jason10 | good start | 05:56 |
Tm_T | :) | 05:56 |
jason10 | i use package manager | 05:56 |
jason10 | synaptic | 05:56 |
jason10 | apt-get makes me nervous | 05:57 |
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Tm_T | Heh, both works so use the one you find familiar with. | 05:57 |
jason10 | right on | 05:57 |
jason10 | another thing.. | 05:57 |
jason10 | when ubuntu updates | 05:58 |
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jason10 | sometimes my bootscreen adds new versions | 05:58 |
lamelma23 | holak tal | 05:58 |
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intelikey | any clue what ' --> pppd: "[05[08] 05] [08] [05] [08] " ' might mean ? | 05:58 |
jason10 | now im up to like 5 different ubuntus on my bootloader screen | 05:58 |
Tm_T | jason10: While you're at it, check apt-get and aptitude manuals a bit, you might find some useful features you might need in time to time. | 05:58 |
soulrider | jason10: that means you have several kernels | 05:59 |
Tm_T | jason10: Hmm, that means you have new kernels, heh, you can remove some of them. | 05:59 |
Tm_T | jason10: That will free up a lot too. | 05:59 |
soulrider | its allways a good idea to keep an older kernel that you know works, but you can uninstall older kernels too | 05:59 |
jason10 | yea. so far ive stuck with synaptic because i dont know how to keep track of what all is installed / where everything installed to | 05:59 |
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soulrider | jason10: thast what you should do | 05:59 |
jason10 | there u go. how do i find / remove old kernels? | 05:59 |
intelikey | <Tm_T> jason10: Hmm, that means you have new kernels, heh, you can remove some of them. <<< hehhe you can remove all of them... >:] | 06:00 |
soulrider | use synaptic/adept for GUI or apt-get/aptitude/dpkg for CLI | 06:00 |
soulrider | jason10: open adept or synaptic | 06:00 |
Tm_T | jason10: Take search in synaptic with "installed packages" selection and then take others than you currently use. | 06:00 |
jason10 | for cli? | 06:00 |
Tm_T | intelikey: Really? | 06:00 |
soulrider | and look for the kernels you want to remove | 06:00 |
Tm_T | jason10: commandline | 06:00 |
soulrider | jason10: CLI = command line | 06:00 |
intelikey | Tm_T one could if one chose too | 06:00 |
Tm_T | intelikey: Thanks! ;) | 06:01 |
Tm_T | Breakfast etc. -> | 06:01 |
jason10 | ah | 06:01 |
jason10 | right on | 06:01 |
intelikey | Tm_T you do know that you need something to boot tho... | 06:01 |
jason10 | linux-image? | 06:01 |
soulrider | jason10: what versions do you see? | 06:02 |
intelikey | !linux-image | 06:02 |
soulrider | 2.6..... ? | 06:02 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about linux-image - try searching on | 06:02 |
jason10 | linux-386 | 06:02 |
jason10 | linux-headers ... | 06:02 |
soulrider | jason10: just remove hte old ones | 06:02 |
jason10 | 2.6.5-23 | 06:02 |
jason10 | 2.6.5-23-386 | 06:02 |
intelikey | !linux-image-386 | 06:02 |
jason10 | 2.6.5-25-386 | 06:03 |
jason10 | 2.6.5-25 | 06:03 |
ubotu | linux-image-386: Linux kernel image on 386.. In component main, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 23 kB, installed size 52 kB | 06:03 |
jason10 | 2.6.5-25 | 06:03 |
jason10 | 2.6.5-26 | 06:03 |
soulrider | oh my | 06:03 |
soulrider | lots of kernels lol | 06:03 |
jason10 | 2.6.5-27 | 06:03 |
soulrider | just remove the old ones and keep the latest and thats it | 06:03 |
jason10 | er | 06:03 |
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jason10 | | 06:03 |
jason10 | and 26 | 06:03 |
soulrider | jason10: you use dapper right ? | 06:04 |
soulrider | i dont think edgy got a single kernel upgrade =/ | 06:04 |
jason10 | yea | 06:04 |
jason10 | still on dapper | 06:04 |
jason10 | only have 300 megabytes free | 06:04 |
soulrider | oh | 06:04 |
jason10 | havent tried upgrading yet | 06:04 |
soulrider | have you cleared your cache ? | 06:04 |
manchicken | Edgy is on 2.6.17 | 06:05 |
jason10 | apt-get clean ? | 06:05 |
soulrider | yes | 06:05 |
soulrider | sudo aptitude clean | 06:05 |
jason10 | yea | 06:05 |
soulrider | try it, maybe youll free up some space | 06:05 |
soulrider | im going to bed | 06:05 |
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soulrider | see ya everyon | 06:05 |
jason10 | could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open | 06:06 |
soulrider | oh | 06:06 |
intelikey | removing 3 kernels will free about 200m | 06:06 |
jason10 | (11 resource temp unavail) | 06:06 |
soulrider | thast because synaptic is open | 06:06 |
jason10 | good point | 06:06 |
soulrider | once youre sone uninstalling run the command | 06:06 |
soulrider | and it will clean | 06:06 |
soulrider | see ya later guys! | 06:06 |
=== soulrider waves goodbye | ||
jason10 | gnight | 06:07 |
linux_galore | jason10: means an install broke, you basically have to flush the process | 06:07 |
jason10 | i closed synaptic and it worked | 06:07 |
jason10 | doesnt look like it freed up much space tho = / | 06:07 |
jason10 | but with this kernal thing.. | 06:08 |
intelikey | any clue what ' --> pppd: "[05[08] 05] [08] [05] [08] " ' might mean ?surely that's not ipv6 krap is it ? | 06:08 |
jason10 | i need to keep the most recent one? | 06:08 |
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linux_galore | jason10: aah your using two package processes, yeah you cant run apt with the package manager running | 06:08 |
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dope | what is lpadmi | 06:09 |
dope | lpadmin | 06:09 |
linux_galore | !lpadmin | 06:09 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lpadmin - try searching on | 06:09 |
danielches | hi | 06:09 |
danielches | could i get some help with my java problem? | 06:10 |
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intelikey | oh excuse me three kernels binarry only will only free about 70-90 meg | 06:10 |
jason10 | yea | 06:11 |
intelikey | lp == the parallel port admin == i think you know that one. | 06:11 |
jason10 | is strange | 06:11 |
jason10 | brb | 06:11 |
danielches | i am getting a new error with java: | 06:11 |
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danielches | dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of sun-java5-plugin: | 06:11 |
linux_galore | wtf lapdmin: lpadmin configures printer and class queues provided by CUPS. It can also be used to set the server default printer or class. | 06:11 |
danielches | sun-java5-plugin depends on sun-java5-bin (= 1.5.0-08-0ubuntu1); however: | 06:11 |
danielches | Package sun-java5-bin is not installed. | 06:11 |
danielches | dpkg: error processing sun-java5-plugin (--configure): | 06:11 |
danielches | dependency problems - leaving unconfigured | 06:11 |
danielches | Errors were encountered while processing: | 06:11 |
danielches | sun-java5-plugin | 06:11 |
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linux_galore | dope: just use kprinter, allot simpler | 06:13 |
dope | ok kewl, what's the command to get swiftfox to run | 06:13 |
intelikey | !sun-java5-bin | 06:13 |
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dope | i want to make it my default browser | 06:14 |
ubotu | sun-java5-bin: Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.0-08-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 21811 kB, installed size 65084 kB | 06:14 |
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linux_galore | dope: there is no default browser in Linux | 06:14 |
lupine_85 | there is, to some extent | 06:14 |
purpleposeidon | how can I burn an iso under linux? k3b didn't work.... | 06:14 |
lupine_85 | dpkg -L swiftfox will give a list of all the files in that package | 06:14 |
lupine_85 | purpleposeidon: define didn't work | 06:15 |
danielches | ubotu, is that for me? | 06:15 |
linux_galore | dope: you can set the "file associations" in konqueror to use the browser | 06:15 |
dope | eh, it's fine i guess | 06:15 |
intelikey | there is a default browser in *buntu but not LINUX | 06:15 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about is that for me? - try searching on | 06:15 |
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purpleposeidon | lupine_85: it got stuck on the second step | 06:15 |
linux_galore | dope: also many applications allow you to set the default browser | 06:15 |
lupine_85 | verify? | 06:15 |
purpleposeidon | lupine_85: and now k3b won't open again | 06:16 |
intelikey | !yes | 06:16 |
linux_galore | intelikey: yeah but there isnt a global default meta tool | 06:16 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about yes - try searching on | 06:16 |
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purpleposeidon | !iso | 06:17 |
ubotu | To mount an ISO disc image, type "sudo mount -o loop my.iso <mountpoint>" There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before burning. Burning .iso files: see !burn | 06:17 |
crazy_bus | I really want to install this game but I'm not sure how to do it. Does anyone know how? | 06:18 |
purpleposeidon | !burn | 06:18 |
ubotu | CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see | 06:18 |
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genii | I'm still partial to xcdroast | 06:18 |
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intelikey | genii ^5 | 06:19 |
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linux_galore | crazy_bus: download the tar.gz file then type sudo apt-get install kompile then type kompile path/to/filename.tar.gz | 06:20 |
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danielches | so, could i get some help? | 06:22 |
linux_galore | danielches: if you dont ask we wont answer | 06:22 |
NightBird | finally... alsa is back up and working... | 06:23 |
danielches | i need help installing/upgrading java | 06:23 |
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intelikey | genii i'm not a java imbiber but thanks for the offer | 06:23 |
genii | :) | 06:23 |
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linux_galore | danielches: duh!, you can install the plugin without the java stuff first | 06:23 |
danielches | adept has a problem with the licence agreement, so i need to do it with konsole | 06:24 |
danielches | ? | 06:24 |
linux_galore | danielches: click on "details" button, you will see a question about the license | 06:24 |
danielches | in adept? | 06:25 |
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danielches | i tried before | 06:25 |
linux_galore | danielches: it wont install unless you "confirm" the license | 06:25 |
porks_ | any1 from ukraine? | 06:25 |
danielches | how to i say ok to the licence? | 06:25 |
linux_galore | danielches: click on the details button in adept when you install the package or install via the command line | 06:25 |
purpleposeidon | danielches: the terminal inside of adept doesn't take input? | 06:25 |
linux_galore | purpleposeidon: does for me | 06:26 |
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purpleposeidon | well, "sudo apt-get install java_or_whatever_your_package_name_is" would work, I guess | 06:27 |
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crazy_bus | I can't install kompile, becuase it needs kdesu | 06:27 |
genii | Whoever packages the java needs to simplify it or something | 06:27 |
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linux_galore | danielches: ao open adept, click on the sunjava package, mark it for install then "when the package is installing" click on the bottom left "details button, it will show a license that needs to be approved | 06:28 |
intelikey | genii don't. it'll get you tickeled and you'll hemoridge from laughing so hard. | 06:28 |
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shinigami | how to downgrade from edgy to dapper? | 06:29 |
genii | crazy_bus More likely desu is installed but you need to install kompile with kdesu apt-getinstall kompile or similar | 06:29 |
genii | desu=kdesu | 06:29 |
linux_galore | genii: been done, its called kubextra its a graphical no brainer optional packages installer | 06:29 |
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linux_galore | shinigami: you dont | 06:29 |
linux_galore | genii: only works with dapper though | 06:30 |
genii | bleh | 06:30 |
shinigami | haha.. | 06:30 |
shinigami | nvmind | 06:30 |
crazy_bus | genii, I did it that way but it still couldn't find kdesu | 06:31 |
genii | crazy_bus Well, try from a konsole then: sudo apt-get install kdesu | 06:31 |
intelikey | shinigami clean install is about the best easiest safest onlyst way. | 06:31 |
linux_galore | crazy_bus: run sudo kompile path/to/package.tar.gz | 06:31 |
crazy_bus | here is the installation instructions. It uses | 06:32 |
crazy_bus |*checkout*/wargus/trunk/wargus/README | 06:32 |
genii | linux_galore he seems to need kdesu as some pre-req apparently efore kompile will install | 06:32 |
linux_galore | crazy_bus: compile does all that | 06:32 |
linux_galore | genii: I've tried it with sudo, strange kompile in mandriva just opens straight up and only asks for the root password when it comes to installing the binaries | 06:33 |
genii | Maybe he is using gnome?? | 06:33 |
genii | I thought kdesu was standard install stuff | 06:34 |
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intelikey | it is for kde/kubuntu | 06:34 |
unix_infidel | is it part of kdebase? | 06:34 |
linux_galore | genii: could be, I think its because kubuntu is using a deprecated version of kompile, I noticed also you have to run kompile + filepath in Kubuntu but not in Mandriva | 06:34 |
intelikey | no | 06:34 |
genii | intelikey Hence if he was using gnome as default, explains lack of kdesu | 06:34 |
unix_infidel | wb Hobbsee_ | 06:35 |
intelikey | genii not really if either kde or kubuntu-desktop was installed kdesu should be there. | 06:35 |
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Hobbsee | ty | 06:36 |
intelikey | !kdesu | 06:36 |
ubotu | In KDE, use kdesu to run graphical applications with root priveleges when you have to. Do *not* do sudo {GUIAPP}; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo | 06:36 |
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Hobbsee | what's the rpoblem? kompile is out of date? | 06:36 |
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genii | Yeunix_infidel I always figured it was part of kde-bas...I never had to install kdesu separately before | 06:36 |
genii | damn typos | 06:36 |
mena | hi friends is there aprogram wich allow me to listen to radio all over the world like realplayer | 06:37 |
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crazy_bus | I'll just install with | 06:37 |
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linux_galore | the idea behind kompile is it should just start up (no root password needed) then you can select a tarbal to be installed, it will then warn you that you need to "enter a root password" to complete the install then you click on ok and off it goes, when it reaches the "make install" stage it asks for the root password | 06:38 |
genii | crazy_bus you could just resort o command-line compile.So long as build-essential is there you normally just do something like ./configure then make or make install | 06:38 |
crazy_bus | This game has to get files of a data cd. So it's probably best I use | 06:38 |
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linux_galore | for some goofy reason the kompile package in Kubuntu doesnt work properly | 06:39 |
Hobbsee | linux_galore: clearly it's been written to be used as root | 06:39 |
linux_galore | it will compile etc and install the binaries but it has to be run under sudo | 06:39 |
intelikey | tar -xf filename.tar.gz ;cd filename ;./configure ;make ;sudo make install | 06:40 |
genii | intelikey :) | 06:40 |
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linux_galore | Hobbsee: no, you dont need the root password to run it on my Mandriva machine, in fact it will happily stop before the "make install" stage if you want it to | 06:40 |
intelikey | can substitute && in place of ; and if it errors out it will stop executing at the part that errored. | 06:40 |
Hobbsee | linux_galore: hrm | 06:41 |
mena | i went to the page from ubuntu about permision and i still cant do the commands right can some one hepl me change the permisions for my partitions | 06:41 |
mena | help* | 06:41 |
intelikey | tar -xf packagename.tar.gz &&cd packagename &&./configure &&make &&sudo make install | 06:42 |
linux_galore | I have a feeling its to do with the fact that on Kubuntu the system folder are hidden but not on Mandriva | 06:42 |
linux_galore | Hobbsee: I have a feeling its to do with the fact that on Kubuntu the system folder are hidden but not on Mandriva | 06:42 |
jager | how come i don't have projectm visualizations in amarok, but i do in xmms? | 06:42 |
Hobbsee | linux_galore: didnt that get reverted? | 06:42 |
linux_galore | Hobbsee: only in feisty | 06:43 |
intelikey | linux_galore not likely. they are not hidden to the console. only to konqueror | 06:43 |
genii | Will feisty release be an LTS version? | 06:43 |
Hobbsee | linux_galore: there was an application to backport that fix to edgy, too... | 06:43 |
intelikey | genii no | 06:43 |
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Hobbsee | genii: nope | 06:43 |
jager | there are some visualizations - infinite is pretty cool - but no projectm | 06:44 |
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kai_ | wasup people | 06:44 |
linux_galore | intelikey: I dont know, all I know is kompile runs fine on Mandriva with 1 a file path in the command line 2. sudo/kdesu | 06:44 |
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linux_galore | s/with/without/ | 06:44 |
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intelikey | linux_galore installing b-e now will test.... | 06:45 |
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linux_galore | intelikey: it should only ask for the root password when it comes to installing the binaries but not with kubuntu for some weird reason | 06:46 |
linux_galore | intelikey: just type kompile at the command line in kubuntu and it starts complaining straight away, not in fedora/mandriva/opensuse | 06:47 |
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jason10 | hello again :) | 06:47 |
jason10 | i found my problem and i have another noob question | 06:48 |
linux_galore | intelikey: it should "just run" and open a dialog that allows you to select either to setup the thing or to select a standard install that leads to a file dialog selector | 06:48 |
jason10 | how do i delete things in kde ubuntu? | 06:49 |
linux_galore | jason10: depends what you want to delete | 06:49 |
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jason10 | anything | 06:49 |
jason10 | turns out, when ive been deleting stuff (movies, music etc) | 06:49 |
linux_galore | jason10: same as windows | 06:49 |
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jason10 | its just been going to various /.trash folders | 06:50 |
jason10 | and when i delete from one, it pops up in another one somewhere? | 06:50 |
linux_galore | jason10: right click move to trash or hit the delete button | 06:50 |
intelikey | linux_galore runs but the fonts and the window size don't jive, part of the text is cut off. also it asks for a root passwd when needed. | 06:50 |
jason10 | but its not actaully removing it and giving me space back | 06:50 |
mena | i went to the page from ubuntu about permision and i still cant do the commands right can some one hepl me change the permisions for my partitions | 06:50 |
linux_galore | jason10: empty the trash | 06:50 |
makuseru | when i do "sudo apt-get --purge remove" on a program and then do " program --version" it still shows up, how can i stop that? | 06:51 |
intelikey | the window is not resizable so the font's problem is enough to say "don't recommend this app until it's fixed" | 06:51 |
jason10 | i have home /.Trash and also .local/share/Trash.. | 06:51 |
linux_galore | makuseru: ??sudo apt-get --purge remove doesnt remove anything | 06:51 |
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makuseru | linux_galore: i dont think it did if i can do --version and it still gives me a version for it | 06:52 |
intelikey | makuseru you should see the text telling if it removed it or not. | 06:53 |
makuseru | it said it, but i dont understand why it still gives me a version if i removed it | 06:53 |
linux_galore | makuseru: apt-get remove appname "removes" the application | 06:53 |
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intelikey | show me the version line ? | 06:54 |
jason10 | home/jason10/.local/share/Trash/files/ i delete from there and it just moves itself right to the same place | 06:54 |
jason10 | kinda funny | 06:54 |
jason10 | how do i make it go away from real? | 06:54 |
makuseru | max@max:~$ beryl --version | 06:54 |
makuseru | beryl-core 0.1.5-svn | 06:54 |
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intelikey | linux_galore the --purge will remove the configs too. | 06:54 |
linux_galore | jason10: dont you have a trash icon on the desktop ? | 06:54 |
jason10 | no | 06:55 |
linux_galore | intelikey: yeah but has nothing to do with appname --version | 06:55 |
jason10 | took me forever to figure out where it was... i dont have a trash icon anywhere | 06:55 |
intelikey | makuseru sudo apt-get --purge remove beryl-core && beryl --version | 06:55 |
ki | Hi guys, I am a fairly experienced user who doesn't use ubuntu and I have a friend who is knowledgible at computers in general but VERY new to kubuntu and linux. He is having a bit of trouble installing his netgear wg311v3. So far, I've sent him the v1.1 windows driver files which I extracted from an .exe with cabextract and he is going to try ndiswrapper. Is this the right thing to do? | 06:55 |
jason10 | not on desktop or panel | 06:55 |
linux_galore | jason10: open konqueror and type trash:/ | 06:56 |
ki | He is currently on windows as he does not have internet on linux and I know very little about windows, also. | 06:56 |
jason10 | ok. thats some different stuff | 06:56 |
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jason10 | ooo | 06:57 |
linux_galore | jason10: to create a trash icon right click on the desktop Create->Link to URL call the URL Trash and the path is trash:/ | 06:57 |
jason10 | that deleted for real | 06:57 |
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phobiac | When I install a program with wine, it doesn't show up in the wine folder on Kmenu. How can I update it? | 06:57 |
ki | my friend is here, by the way. he is McGoogler. | 06:57 |
McGoogler | uhh..hello | 06:58 |
phobiac | Hello | 06:58 |
McGoogler | so as ki was saying I've been having a bit of difficulty with my netgear wg311v3 | 06:58 |
jager | is anyone using amarok 1.4.4 with projectm? | 06:58 |
intelikey | ki i would sujest first checking to see if linux supports that device, if so modprobe the dirver else ndiswrapper may be the answer but i can't help with that. | 06:59 |
shinigami | hi guys how do i list the environment variables? | 06:59 |
phobiac | I'm using 1.4.4, no idea if I have projectm. | 06:59 |
chavo | shinigami, env | 06:59 |
jason10 | thanks linux | 07:00 |
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jason10 | is it easy to add a trashcan to my desktop / panel? | 07:00 |
linux_galore | jason10: now to empty the trash its the same as on windows, right click Empty Trash | 07:00 |
jason10 | or should i go look that up myself | 07:00 |
intelikey | !ndiswrapper | 07:00 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 07:00 |
jason10 | yeah, it lets me delete for real once i put stuff there | 07:00 |
linux_galore | jason10: to create a trash icon right click on the desktop Create->Link to URL call the URL Trash and the path is trash:/ | 07:00 |
shinigami | ok how do i change one of the variable ? | 07:00 |
intelikey | !wifi | McGoogler | 07:01 |
ubotu | McGoogler: Wireless documentation can be found at | 07:01 |
shinigami | eg: i wanna change the OLDPWD=/video0 to OLDPWD=/video1 | 07:01 |
shinigami | how to change in env? | 07:01 |
ki | there you go, mcgoogler :) | 07:01 |
jager | phobiac: do you use any of the visualizations? | 07:02 |
intelikey | shinigami export OLDPWD=/video1 | 07:02 |
phobiac | jager: No | 07:02 |
ki | hey does anyone know how to send files in the irc that is built into opera? | 07:02 |
shinigami | OHH | 07:02 |
jager | rats | 07:02 |
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intelikey | ki try /dcc send username filepath_and_name | 07:03 |
ki | thanks | 07:03 |
intelikey | ki i don't use opera so if that don't work.... ;/ | 07:03 |
ki | argh. | 07:04 |
linux_galore | intelikey: you know opera is turning into crap when they make the same stupid mistakes as with Mozilla before they split Firefox off | 07:04 |
ki | opera owns, what are you talking about? | 07:05 |
jason10 | your a genius. thanks | 07:05 |
ki | faster rendering, built in mail and irc | 07:05 |
ki | much better than crappy firefox. | 07:05 |
ki | I even like konqueror better than firefox. | 07:06 |
ki | even lynx xD | 07:06 |
intelikey | as if "built in" was a good thing... lo. | 07:06 |
jason10 | just went from 300 mb free to 8gigs | 07:06 |
ki | built in is convenient. | 07:06 |
linux_galore | ki: irc is a complex thing that should never be intergrated into a browser, its like integrating a toilet in a 4 door car because a human drives it, on the surface it seems good but in reality its stupid | 07:06 |
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intelikey | ki you say tomato i say tomahtoe you say potat... | 07:07 |
ki | actually,I say tomahtoe too. | 07:07 |
ki | I'm not american xD | 07:07 |
linux_galore | ki: also Mozilla did the exact same thing just before "everyone stopped using it", that lead to "firefox" | 07:08 |
ki | well I find it useful. I mean most people browse the web, check their email and chat around the same time. | 07:08 |
ki | so they don't have toswitch. | 07:08 |
ki | plus opera has bittorrent support and can pause downloads. | 07:08 |
intelikey | well actually, if you want to be technical i don't say tomahtoe. i say t'maters but that's not the point. | 07:08 |
linux_galore | ki I do too, but I dont want my browser and email and irc to be all in one app that can crash and wipe them all out at the same time | 07:09 |
phobiac | If you ask me having so much running under one process sounds risky. How much CPU does Opera use? | 07:09 |
phobiac | Keep in mind I've never tried it out. | 07:09 |
linux_galore | ki: yeah. one problem, many torrent clients wont talk to opera because it wont abide the security flags on IP's | 07:10 |
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ki | crash? never! not on bsd! | 07:10 |
linux_galore | ki: Opera reminds me of emacs, ie the Operating system looking for a kernel | 07:10 |
intelikey | but i browse in one tty irc in another and as for email fetchmail gets it here the rest is a "take your pick" as to how you view it. | 07:11 |
ki | ah, well complain about operas features and be happy with mozillas lack of features! | 07:11 |
ki | lol I feel the same about emacs :P:P | 07:11 |
linux_galore | ki: also its not very "unix like" having everything wrapped up in a closed source "monolithic" app | 07:11 |
ki | spe + freeride is all I need :) | 07:11 |
mena | freinds i need ito change my partitions permisions ... | 07:11 |
ki | well emacs is unix, isn't it? | 07:12 |
intelikey | yes but we were talking tomatos not patatos | 07:12 |
mena | i saw the support page but i still cant add permisions to me | 07:12 |
phobiac | mena: Is a partition mounting under root that you want mounted by your user? | 07:12 |
linux_galore | ki: yeah but emacs isnt closed source or monolithic its modular | 07:12 |
intelikey | mena chmod | 07:12 |
mena | yes | 07:12 |
intelikey | !ntfs | mena | 07:12 |
ubotu | mena: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 07:12 |
phobiac | mena: You need to edit your fstab, I haven't done this in a little bit so let me look at mine real quick. | 07:13 |
ki | who cares? I have the choice of: slow, featureless or feature rich and fast. | 07:13 |
ki | I choose the latter. | 07:13 |
ki | long live opera | 07:13 |
mena | phobiac:okay | 07:13 |
mena | intelikey: they are ext3 but i dont have permisions i dont know why | 07:13 |
linux_galore | ki: the concept with Unix and application is "applications" should be modular like lego not great big whopping single processes that can turn your machine into sludge | 07:14 |
linux_galore | an* | 07:14 |
intelikey | ki is glad he got that off his chest.... | 07:14 |
makuseru | where can i get a .deb for 0.2.0 beta? | 07:14 |
mena | intelikey: i had refromate them | 07:14 |
makuseru | or a .rpm | 07:14 |
makuseru | oops, wrong room | 07:14 |
phobiac | mena: Is the partition ntfs? | 07:14 |
phobiac | If so take a look at what intelikey had the bot bring up | 07:14 |
intelikey | mena i told you chmod | 07:14 |
mena | intelikey: the problem i cant use it | 07:14 |
ki | why are you running kubuntu if you want unix like so much anyway? don't talk to me about unix like. I run bsd half of the time. | 07:14 |
mena | phobiac: no ext3 | 07:14 |
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linux_galore | ki Opera still has a shrinking market | 07:14 |
intelikey | mena sudo | 07:15 |
esc_ape | hello | 07:15 |
ki | KDE IS BLOODY MONOLITHIC! Look how huge it is, with its 101 apps. | 07:15 |
intelikey | mena why can't you use it ? | 07:15 |
mena | intelikey: i tryied without any reasons every time its set the permision to just root | 07:15 |
ki | (not that I don't like kde, but xfce IS better ;)) | 07:15 |
phobiac | mena: Hmm I think it's uid=youruserid | 07:15 |
esc_ape | <~ just finished a kde-core install | 07:15 |
esc_ape | very nice | 07:15 |
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phobiac | Let me consult with google real quick | 07:15 |
|dan| | hello | 07:15 |
linux_galore | ki no kde isnt monolithic its modular, KDE describes the whole "workspace" not the pieces that can be changes swapped deleted at any time | 07:15 |
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mena | phobiac: okay | 07:16 |
intelikey | phobiac that's not it. | 07:16 |
linux_galore | changed* | 07:16 |
intelikey | phobiac he said ext fs | 07:16 |
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intelikey | mena chmod the thing | 07:16 |
|dan| | what is the difference between kubuntu and ubuntu? | 07:16 |
intelikey | mena where is it mounted ? | 07:16 |
esc_ape | kubuntu is kde. ubuntu is gnome. | 07:16 |
linux_galore | ki: remove the IRC component from opera, you cant can you, thats "monolithic" | 07:16 |
mena | intelikey: ?? on my hard disk | 07:16 |
ki | you have a point. Modular does have advantages. if I want to check my mail I go on thunderbird. But for the sake of convenience, opera is there when I'm already surfingthe web. | 07:17 |
phobiac | intelikey: He needs a partion to mount under his user when his computer starts, wouldn't chmod be a temporary solution? | 07:17 |
intelikey | mena where is it mounted ? | 07:17 |
esc_ape | ki : have you tried a kde-core install yet? | 07:17 |
linux_galore | ki: now remove konversation from the kde desktop, you can, ooh thats because kde is "modular" | 07:17 |
ki | oh you can actually, you just can't have ONLY irc and not the web browser. | 07:17 |
intelikey | phobiac no | 07:17 |
intelikey | phobiac you don't do that with ext | 07:17 |
ki | look you are right, I know. I'm just saying opera is convenient. | 07:17 |
mena | intelikey: you mean my partitions mena you wantto know the pertitions | 07:18 |
|dan| | esc_ape: is that the only difference? | 07:18 |
intelikey | phobiac he needs to chmod it | 07:18 |
mena | intelikey: /dev/hda6 | 07:18 |
ki | I know thunderbird and kmail are better mail checkers, but opera mail is quicker if I'm already onit. | 07:18 |
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intelikey | mena yes where is it mounted ? | 07:18 |
ki | and opera is still a faster browser! | 07:18 |
linux_galore | ki: I know opera as browser if ine but adding the IRC stuff to me isnt a good idea because history has shown it just leads to a path of destruction | 07:18 |
esc_ape | |dan| - basically, yes. same repos and same kernel etc. only the desktop environments are different. | 07:18 |
phobiac | intelikey: What will happen next time he boots though? Won't it mount under (I'm assuming) root like it is now? | 07:18 |
mena | intelikey: sorry i cant get it ..can you give me just the command ito add to mee | 07:19 |
linux_galore | s/browser if ine/ browser is fine/ | 07:19 |
mena | intelikey: wait a sconed i do that | 07:19 |
ki | well I don't see why., linux_galore. I like opera. | 07:19 |
|dan| | esc_ape: i've tried both gnome and KDE and I am dissatisfied with the lack of customizability on both. is it possible for me to run a completely different window manager and still retain access to the kde and gnome tools that are part of those environments? | 07:19 |
larson9999 | linx isn't unix-like? | 07:19 |
mena | intelikey: sudo chmod u+x /dev/hda6 then that ls -l /dev/hda6 | 07:20 |
linux_galore | ki: good for you, but Im just stating a fact of history, the last two browser that added irc died | 07:20 |
intelikey | phobiac if you have him add M$ specific settings to his fstab it wont mount the ext#fs partition at all but i'll shut up and let you "FIX" it for him. | 07:20 |
ki | what were the last two, by the way? | 07:20 |
mena | intelikey: hey friends no problem they already mounted | 07:20 |
intelikey | mena you dont mess with the device node. leave what's in /dev alone. where is the damn thing mounted ? | 07:20 |
phobiac | intelikey: No, if you know what to do please tell him. I just wanted to know why it wouldn't work. | 07:20 |
esc_ape | |dan| : you find kde lacking in customizability? that's odd...but to answer your question, yeah, as long as you have the proper repos enabled for apt, you can install whatever you like (i.e. k3b running openbox) | 07:20 |
intelikey | if it's not mounted you can't access it | 07:21 |
linux_galore | ki: also if Opera has "limited" resources wouldnt you prefer them to be put to work on making "opera work better as a browser" not as an irc client | 07:21 |
intelikey | mena man mount | 07:21 |
|dan| | esc_ape: cool. yeah, just as an example - what is the easiest way to sort the icons in your 'start' menu alphabetically in KDE ? | 07:22 |
|dan| | esc_ape: I couldn't find any method, let alone an easy one. | 07:22 |
ki | yes I would, linux_galore, as it is already a perfect 'simple' irc client. However, there is a limit to how good html rendering can get... | 07:22 |
intelikey | phobiac man mount and read up on FILESYSTEM SPECIFIC MOUNT OPTIONS | 07:22 |
mena | intelikey: what you mena by where is mounted.. i still cant get it ...i know what is mountting the problem i cant understan you okay in any way i wil see itagain and if i get what you mena i will tell you | 07:22 |
linux_galore | ki: let me explain, the more puddles Opera puts it toes into the less time and resources it has make the browser "better" | 07:22 |
phobiac | intelikey: No need to shout, thank you though. | 07:22 |
esc_ape | |dan| - you can do it via the GUI (right click on the Kmenu button and go to Menu Editor) | 07:23 |
linux_galore | ki: that is exactly what happened to Netscape and Mozilla | 07:23 |
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|dan| | esc_ape: and then you have to manually drag each icon to the place you want it to appear? | 07:23 |
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larson9999 | linux_galore: neither of those are dead :) | 07:23 |
esc_ape | |dan| : yeah. I dont know any other way to do it besides editing the config file with nano or kate | 07:24 |
intelikey | mena ok. and you can grep /dev/hda6 /proc/mounts to see if it is mounted and if so where it's mounted. | 07:24 |
mena | i said its already mounted | 07:24 |
linux_galore | ki" web 2.0 specs are hardly dry yet and web 3.0 is on the horizon, methods for presenting information are always being innovated | 07:24 |
mena | i will see okay | 07:24 |
intelikey | phobiac that wasn't shouting. that's the exact text to search for. | 07:24 |
linux_galore | larson9999: yeah, how many people ask for Mozilla to be installed "as standard" versus "Firefox" | 07:25 |
|dan| | esc_ape: also, the icons in the taskbar. this is something that i've found in gnome so it may not apply to kde, but if you make the taskbar higher so that it can show two rows of application icons, your 'quick launch' icons increase in size to fill the entire bar vertically, as opposed to allowing you to have two rows of quick launch icons | 07:25 |
larson9999 | linux_galore: by that standard, opera on the pc is dead. | 07:25 |
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shinigami | hi how do i monitor a new process run in my computer? i know of tail -f xxx can monitor if a new thing added to the file | 07:25 |
shinigami | can i like..tail -f my ps -aux ? | 07:25 |
phobiac | intelikey: Ah, okay. Sorry. | 07:25 |
mena | intelikey: its tellingme after the i wrote the command no such file or diectory | 07:26 |
intelikey | mena how can it be that you can grasp the idea of mounting file systems and not know what a mount point is ? how can you know that it is mounted and not know where ? | 07:26 |
linux_galore | larson9999: PC yes. PDA no, on the PDA Opera has stuck to what its good at | 07:26 |
esc_ape | |dan| not sure if I follow | 07:26 |
|dan| | esc_ape: ok, you know how you can add 'quick launch' icons to your task bar, that are basically just program shortcuts? | 07:26 |
larson9999 | linux_galore: and so is ff if you ask how many people ask to have ff installed 'as standard' vs ie. or linux is dead: how many people ask linux to be installed as default vs windows. | 07:26 |
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myah | hey, linux_galore: What about ksirc then, do youlike that? | 07:26 |
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esc_ape | |dan| yes | 07:27 |
myah | (I'm ki, by the way) | 07:27 |
linux_galore | Opera should always be a light innovative browser, when you start adding IRC you just muddy the water | 07:27 |
|dan| | esc_ape: if you make your taskbar higher, those expand vertically to fill available space | 07:27 |
linux_galore | lite* | 07:27 |
mena | intelikey: okay wait a seconend | 07:27 |
shinigami | how to tail my process ps -aux ???????? | 07:27 |
|dan| | esc_ape: as opposed to staying the same size, and allowing for two rows | 07:27 |
myah | well, linux galore how about opera + ksirc + kmail in my xfce linux box? | 07:27 |
myah | good enough for you? | 07:27 |
linux_galore | myah: yeah, they are separate and "optional" | 07:28 |
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chavo | shinigami, tail your processes? | 07:28 |
myah | hehe. | 07:28 |
myah | :) | 07:28 |
linux_galore | myah: with opera you get the kitchen sink or nothing | 07:28 |
myah | and distant from mozillas popups and slowness | 07:28 |
esc_ape | |ok| - not sure how to do that in kde | 07:28 |
shinigami | u know.. ps -aux i can see the processes..but i want to monitor when a new process comes in.. | 07:28 |
intelikey | mena do you know that you DO NOT look for files in the device dirrectory ? only the system and/or system admin on occation visits /dev/* there is nothing in there that you want. | 07:28 |
shinigami | like how u 'tail -f /var/messages' | 07:28 |
|dan| | esc_ape: oh, i see. so kde doesnt allow you to make your taskbar higher? | 07:29 |
startswithz | help! I cannot configure folders to be shared | 07:29 |
linux_galore | myah: Im just saying, Opera is making the same mistake as "Mozilla" before Firefox was created | 07:29 |
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intelikey | grep /dev/hd /proc/mounts | 07:29 |
|dan| | esc_ape: i like to have two rows of open applications in my taskbar, because i usually have a lot of things open | 07:29 |
intelikey | /dev/hdb1 / ext3 rw,data=ordered 0 0 | 07:29 |
chavo | shinigami, try top, or install htop for a colorized version | 07:29 |
intelikey | mena ^ that's an example | 07:29 |
mena | intelikey: ok with you | 07:29 |
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chavo | |dan|, you can change the heght of the kde taskbar | 07:30 |
larson9999 | linux_galore: i use seamonkey for that very reason :) | 07:30 |
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chavo | just right click it for prefernces | 07:30 |
linux_galore | you can out the taskbar "on top" of kciker, it doesnt have to be within kicker | 07:30 |
intelikey | mena see the device /dev/hdb1 it's mounted on / which is the system root and is fs type is ext3 | 07:30 |
linux_galore | put* | 07:30 |
mena | if you mena that its ext3 and i tld you that befor | 07:31 |
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esc_ape | |dan| have you tried to configure the taskbar? | 07:31 |
intelikey | mena we are not communicating. sorry. | 07:31 |
linux_galore | I use the external taskbar on my dev machine because i usually have about 40-50 windows open | 07:31 |
shinigami | chavo: because i need to know what's the command being run in my station when i click a link..but it disappear very fast at top | 07:32 |
|dan| | esc_ape: yeah, i've used the configuration utilities and all that... let me show you a screenshot... i'm uploading it right now... | 07:32 |
larson9999 | |dan|: or change the size of the icons. mine is configured so two rows are in the task bar | 07:32 |
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shinigami | i can't catch what's going on | 07:32 |
mena | intelikey: in nay way no problem i was going to tell you i ams sorry really in any way no proplem | 07:32 |
mena | any* | 07:32 |
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|dan| | | 07:32 |
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linux_galore | anyway Im out | 07:32 |
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chavo | shinigami, you're trying to find the name of a process that is running for only a second? | 07:33 |
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mena | intelikey: one more thing is that what you are mean /media/hda6 ??!!!.....hmmmmmm dont disrturb you self | 07:34 |
intelikey | mena you and i both know (used loosely) that your partition is formated ext3 and that the device node is /dev/hda6 now if you want to be able to access that device you have to mount it. if you mount it and still can't access it (at the mount point, not the device node) then you chmod the mount point. | 07:34 |
esc_ape | |dan| cool - picture would help. hard to image via irc txt | 07:34 |
|dan| | see what i'm saying? | 07:34 |
intelikey | /media/hda6 <<<< exactly. | 07:34 |
|dan| | yeah. | 07:34 |
mena | i had the acces i mena the permison for write and read | 07:34 |
shinigami | chavo: yesss | 07:34 |
|dan| | just click the 'download desktop.jpg' link | 07:35 |
intelikey | mena that's where it's mounted. sudo chmod 777 /media/hda6 | 07:35 |
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mena | okay good for mee hehehe ^_^ | 07:35 |
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intelikey | mena you are dismissed now :) | 07:35 |
|dan| | lol. 7 people have downloaded so far, and no comments! | 07:36 |
mena | intelikey: heheh | 07:36 |
intelikey | phobiac did you keep up with that ? | 07:36 |
chavo | |dan|, not sure exactly what you're looking for | 07:37 |
phobiac | intelikey: Yeah | 07:37 |
intelikey | kl | 07:37 |
phobiac | Why did you use chmod 777 though? | 07:37 |
|dan| | chavo: see how my taskbar 'quick launch' icons expand to huge size? i want to know if i can avoid that with KDE | 07:37 |
esc_ape | |dan| me either. you want the application icons to have two rows? | 07:37 |
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chavo | |dan|, try using the quicklaunch applet | 07:37 |
|dan| | yeah! the quick launch icons to stay small and have more rows | 07:37 |
chavo | right click -> add applet -> quick launcher | 07:38 |
intelikey | phobiac assuming that he wants world access. and ffr dirs have to be execured. | 07:38 |
mena | !permisions | 07:38 |
|dan| | chavo: cool, that allows you to have more rows of quick launch icons? | 07:38 |
mena | !permision | 07:38 |
chavo | yes | 07:38 |
shinigami | chavo: do u know of any way to doit? | 07:38 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about permisions - try searching on | 07:38 |
phobiac | Ah okay | 07:38 |
|dan| | cool. thanks! btw, what do you think of my desktop? | 07:38 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about permision - try searching on | 07:39 |
intelikey | mena you can read about permissions man chmod | 07:39 |
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chavo | shinigami, you could do a loop of ps and append it to a file maybe? | 07:39 |
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intelikey | and the numbers i used 777 translate to ---rwxrwxrwx | 07:40 |
chavo | |dan|, looks nice | 07:40 |
mena | intelikey: ok | 07:40 |
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|dan| | chavo: thanks | 07:41 |
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startswithz | I can't get beryl to have less than 10 desktops. How do I get down to 4? | 07:42 |
esc_ape | can someone say my nick? testing a sound event | 07:42 |
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sampan | my nick | 07:43 |
chavo | esc_ape, hey | 07:43 |
chavo | lol | 07:43 |
esc_ape | heh | 07:44 |
esc_ape | thanks | 07:44 |
esc_ape | esc_ape | 07:44 |
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Tonren | I just downloaded the flash plugin installer from Adobe and told it to install to /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox. How do I tell it to install for Konqueror? | 07:44 |
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esc_ape | Tonren : doesnt it ask if you want to install elsewhere? | 07:45 |
Tonren | esc_ape: yeah, but I don't know where Konqueror is | 07:45 |
esc_ape | whereis konqueror | 07:46 |
esc_ape | locate konqueror | 07:46 |
esc_ape | try those | 07:46 |
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Taime1 | what is the difference between the nvidia beta driver and the nvidia driver? | 07:48 |
startswithz | having a bit of a problem. Can't configure file sharing. screenshot: | 07:48 |
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chavo | Taime1, the beta is not as well tested, can have more bugs | 07:49 |
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Taime1 | okay | 07:49 |
esc_ape | can someone do me a favor? I need someone to send me a quick message on gaim (aim)... | 07:49 |
chavo | startswithz, do you have nfs or samba installed? | 07:50 |
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startswithz | lemme check I have a sinking feeling i am about to be embarrassed | 07:50 |
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startswithz | samba is installed | 07:51 |
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phobiac | I'm off | 07:55 |
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mena | BYE ALL..........WITH GOD BLESS+ | 07:56 |
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esc | :) | 07:56 |
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Peruna | hello | 08:03 |
esc | hello | 08:03 |
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Peruna | for some reason I'm unable to move applets in the panels | 08:04 |
esc | Peruna : are they locked? | 08:05 |
Peruna | usually there is a handle for each applets so that u just have to grab it and move around.. mine have all disappeared even though the move "Lock Panels" is on enabled | 08:05 |
Peruna | *mode | 08:06 |
esc | Peruna : they are probably hidden | 08:06 |
Peruna | ehh "on enable" > not enabled | 08:06 |
Peruna | oh it's there a way to unhid them ? | 08:06 |
esc | right click on panel > Configure Panel > Appearance > Adv Options | 08:08 |
Peruna | wo there it is | 08:08 |
Peruna | thnx alot :) | 08:09 |
esc | no problem | 08:09 |
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shinigami | hi i need some help on variables | 08:17 |
shinigami | i got a script to install set SERVER= .. but i doing a server migration to | 08:18 |
shinigami | how do i change the variable without re-running the script? | 08:18 |
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phed__ | hi | 08:20 |
phed__ | is there a colorful less? | 08:20 |
Hobbsee | phed__: havent seen one. i've seen coloured bash, and coloured vi though | 08:20 |
phed__ | and oh ... how can i get an oscilloscope down right? | 08:20 |
phed__ | yeah, and i use htop, l, and colormake as well | 08:21 |
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Pekke | is there any way for me to reduce the memory usage of the Kubuntu, because i have 256 memory, and KsysGuard shows that 250 used... | 08:32 |
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esc | Pekke : memory in KDE isnt used in a typical fashion | 08:34 |
esc | the memory is all used as cache | 08:35 |
sampan | pekke that's normal. my mem is 512 and 505 or so is used (no matter how many apps i have running it stays about the same). | 08:35 |
Pekke | ok, i have noticed that too (doesn't matter how many applications is on) | 08:36 |
chavo | yeah I have a gig of memeory and it all gets used | 08:36 |
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Pekke | do you guys think that kubuntu is too heavy for my laptop (fujitsu siemens 800Mhz, 256 mem, ati rage 4Mb...) it sometimes gets really slow and stuff.. is Ubuntu a much lighter, or is there any difference? | 08:37 |
esc | I would say they are the same... | 08:38 |
chavo | Pekke, ubuntu or Gnome too me is slower than KDE | 08:38 |
chavo | but only a little | 08:38 |
Pekke | i'm no expert with linuxes, so i've understoof that gnome is lighter that kde? | 08:38 |
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esc | gnome isnt light | 08:38 |
esc | no | 08:38 |
esc | you should try xubuntu | 08:38 |
Pekke | but i took off all the transparency and stuf | 08:38 |
Pekke | so it got a little bit faster | 08:38 |
chavo | It just has less stuff so peple assume it's lighter | 08:38 |
Pekke | ok | 08:38 |
esc | I have kde running as fast as xfce | 08:39 |
Skrot- | Pekke: Any particular apps that are slower? | 08:39 |
sampan | pekke xubuntu would be lighter, or even installing something like fluxbox. | 08:39 |
Pekke | i actually red that from wikipedia... | 08:39 |
Pekke | well, openoffice and firefox takes quite long to start, but after that they work ok | 08:39 |
Skrot- | Thats expected | 08:40 |
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Skrot- | Running non-kde applications in kde often results in more memory usage and slower operation | 08:40 |
Hobbsee | Pekke: use xubuntu | 08:40 |
Pekke | i used xubuntu for a while, but it just doesn't seem something i like to use... | 08:40 |
esc | so a true fast kde is possible, but it takes alot of work (kde-core install)...if you dont want to handle that just yet, try xfce (or xubuntu) | 08:40 |
Skrot- | As running non-gtk applications will in gnome :) | 08:40 |
esc | yup | 08:41 |
esc | amarok in gnome kind of sucks | 08:41 |
esc | that's one example in my experience | 08:41 |
Pekke | but i guess this works fine for now, untill i get a better laptop and stuff... | 08:41 |
Pekke | oh, i have one problem with this, i can't get my cd/dvd om to work. | 08:41 |
chavo | Yeah any newer OS will be slow on that laptop | 08:41 |
Skrot- | Pekke: If you where to use koffice and konqueror you would save memory atleast | 08:41 |
Pekke | ok, i'll try | 08:42 |
Skrot- | Since a lot of the libs they used are already preloaded since KDE depends on some of them | 08:42 |
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Pekke | do i have to mount my cd/dvd rom somehow or something, because it worked fine in Xubuntu, but this doesn't play any music cds i put in or anything.this doesn't even show that there is a cd in. Adn in AmaroK, if i push eject, it won't do anything | 08:44 |
esc | I wish I could use konq as a browser...but im stuck on firefox | 08:44 |
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Skrot- | Pekke: Try kscd | 08:44 |
Skrot- | esc: Why? | 08:45 |
Peruna | what is the name for SLED-like start-menu in Kubuntu ? | 08:45 |
Skrot- | I use firefox for my online banking, but thats about it | 08:45 |
Skrot- | Peruna: kbfx or kickstart? | 08:45 |
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esc | Skrot : there are few extensions that I use on firefox that I've developed a habit for...I really want to make konq my default | 08:46 |
Peruna | kickstart I guess | 08:46 |
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Pekke | i tried kscd, but it doesn't do anything about the cd | 08:46 |
Skrot- | esc: ah | 08:46 |
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esc | Skrot: is firefox supposed to run well in kde4? | 08:47 |
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esc | (better gtk integration) | 08:47 |
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Skrot- | No idea :) | 08:47 |
kraut | moin | 08:48 |
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esc | Skot : do you use konqueror? | 08:48 |
Skrot- | Yupp | 08:48 |
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esc | Skrot : do you know of a download statusbar for konq? | 08:51 |
Skrot- | Define download statusbar :) | 08:51 |
Skrot- | You could always integrate konqueror with kget to get the same type "download manager" that firefox has | 08:51 |
esc | | 08:51 |
Pekke | i installed the KPowerSave(or something like that) in Adept, and now i have lost the Laptop menu in System Setting/Laptops & Power. There are only Sony and IBM menus.. and also the applet that shows my battery time left in the panel is gone. Can i get them back somehow without uninstalling that PowerSave application?(i can't seem to get my laptop to suspend, that's why i tried that, but i don't know how to use it) | 08:52 |
Skrot- | ah, no :) | 08:52 |
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esc | I guess the dlstatusbar isnt that big of a deal... do you know if the final flash for linux works well with konq? | 08:52 |
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Skrot- | esc: I'm using the beta of 9 and it works really good :) | 08:53 |
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esc | skrot : cool. im going to switch over to konq once and for all...the only gtk app I'll use is gaim & audacity | 08:54 |
Skrot- | Why gaim? | 08:54 |
esc | no real reason I guess. been using it for years. and the new beta is real nice. havent really tried kopete yet | 08:56 |
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Skrot- | Newest flash 9.0 for linux seems to work fine as well | 08:57 |
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Pekke | is it easy to install the Java plugin for Konqueror? | 08:58 |
Peruna | is there a similar apps to Finder(OSX) for Kubuntu ? | 08:59 |
Skrot- | What does Finder do? | 08:59 |
esc | Skrot: odd question but what the heck is this on konq?: | 09:00 |
esc | I cant figure it out | 09:00 |
Skrot- | afaik its adblock | 09:00 |
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Skrot- | I clicked it one day and suddenly all ads where gone.. hehe | 09:00 |
Peruna | instant look for files on computer | 09:00 |
Peruna | like Google Desktop search | 09:00 |
Skrot- | Peruna: There are several initiatives for desktop indexing. Strigi and Beagle for instance | 09:00 |
Peruna | oh | 09:01 |
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Skrot- | I think Strigi will be further integrated in KDE 4 | 09:01 |
Peruna | nice | 09:01 |
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Lynoure | Peruna: instant in what way? | 09:01 |
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Skrot- | Insted of recursivly searching the acctual files it searches a index, which is faster | 09:02 |
Lynoure | Peruna: find and locate are pretty instant, IMO | 09:02 |
Skrot- | So it appears "instant ":) | 09:02 |
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payal | hi all | 09:02 |
Peruna | like typing a word and it will list files right away | 09:02 |
payal | I want to apt-get package mutt | 09:02 |
payal | how do I do it | 09:02 |
payal | apt-get install mutt | 09:02 |
Skrot- | Peruna: That's exactly what Strigi does, along with metadata | 09:02 |
Hobbsee | yes | 09:02 |
Hobbsee | payal: yes | 09:03 |
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Peruna | it will also show text documents which has the word inside | 09:03 |
Lynoure | Peruna: if you know the filename, or part of it, that's locate filenamepart | 09:03 |
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payal | it does not work | 09:03 |
Lynoure | Peruna: find is a bit more complicated, see man find | 09:03 |
Skrot- | Peruna: Strigi will probably also list id3-tags from mp3s etc | 09:03 |
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payal | it says cannot find package mutt | 09:03 |
Peruna | yeah I think Strigi is what I'm looking for | 09:04 |
payal | does apt-get reqire some configuration like urpmi for Mandrake | 09:04 |
Skrot- | It's not as well integrated as Finder probably is in OSX though. | 09:04 |
payal | any ideas on it? | 09:04 |
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Lynoure | payal: Not always. But you could pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list | 09:05 |
Pekke | can someone give me directions howto install the java plugin for the Konqueror? | 09:05 |
Skrot- | !java | 09:05 |
ubotu | To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository | 09:05 |
Skrot- | Pekke: After java is installed, see | 09:05 |
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Lynoure | payal: or do sudo apt-get update to fetch the new list of available packages, but that should happen automatically | 09:07 |
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payal | | 09:08 |
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payal | I have pasted the file at | 09:09 |
Pekke | it says on Konqueror that Java is enabled, but in java websites it says no plugin.. I don't know a lot, but i managed to install in onto Firefox... | 09:10 |
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payal | any ideas | 09:10 |
Lynoure | payal: It connects, so try sudo apt-get update | 09:11 |
Skrot- | Pekke: Does it say anything in "Path to Java executable, or 'java'" on konqueror configuration? | 09:11 |
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shinigami | hi | 09:14 |
sampan | hehehe i'm the reverse pekke .... sun java works fine for me in konq but not in firefox | 09:14 |
Jucato | run!! it's a god of death! | 09:14 |
shinigami | i find that mysqld is not automatically run when i boot up.. how do i make it auto run when boot up? /etc/rc.local ? | 09:14 |
Jucato | Pekke: how did you install Java? | 09:15 |
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Skrot- | Speaking of java, does anyone know how to switch from 1.4 to 1.5/5.0 in eclipse? | 09:16 |
payal | Lynoure: it says 0 upgraded, 0 installed etc....... | 09:16 |
payal | do i have to restart apt-get of what ? | 09:17 |
Lynoure | payal: Are you sure you did sudo apt-get update | 09:17 |
Pekke | when i type that line from the java installinE: Couldn't find package sun-javag info in the konsole it says: | 09:17 |
Lynoure | payal: What you got sounds more like apt-get install or even apt-get upgrade! | 09:17 |
Pekke | whoah, | 09:17 |
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Pekke | when i type that line from the java installin info in the konsole it says:E: Couldn't find package sun-javag | 09:17 |
Pekke | that way | 09:17 |
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Jucato | sun-java5-jre | 09:18 |
ubuntu_ | Hello, Could someone help me? I'm having problems booting my comp in grub.. I keep getting errors after a fresh install. | 09:18 |
Pekke | i installed JAva for the firefox like this: | 09:18 |
Pekke | 1. sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list | 09:18 |
Pekke | 2. Add "multiverse" to all lines where is "universe". | 09:18 |
Pekke | 3. sudo apt-get update | 09:18 |
Pekke | 4. sudo apt-get install sun-java5-plugin sun-java5-jre | 09:18 |
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Jucato | !pastebin | Pekke | 09:19 |
Lynoure | payal: The last line of results of update should be rather "Reading package lists... Done | 09:19 |
shinigami | hi anyone knows how to use mysql? | 09:19 |
shinigami | i'm having this error ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: 'root@localhost' (Using password: NO) | 09:19 |
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kkosmo | the user not good | 09:19 |
kkosmo | fix it | 09:19 |
shinigami | !mysql | 09:19 |
shinigami | what? how | 09:19 |
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kkosmo | sec | 09:20 |
Jucato | Pekke: try this command: "sudo update-alternatives --config java" then choose the sun java version | 09:20 |
Pekke | when i type that it says that sun-java5-jre is already the newest version | 09:20 |
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kkosmo | mysqladmin -u root -p create ja | 09:21 |
shinigami | hi Pekke : try apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree | 09:21 |
shinigami | if you want to play from etc | 09:21 |
kkosmo | he want java | 09:21 |
kkosmo | not flash man | 09:21 |
Pekke | flash player seems to work fine | 09:21 |
shinigami | kkosmo: password? | 09:22 |
Pekke | except all the newest versions ( i think i have the 7. version) ? | 09:22 |
kkosmo | crate | 09:22 |
kkosmo | create | 09:22 |
Skrot- | Pekke: java -version in console | 09:22 |
kkosmo | pekke install java 9 | 09:22 |
kkosmo | is beteer | 09:22 |
kkosmo | better | 09:22 |
Lynoure | payal: So, any different results now? | 09:22 |
Skrot- | java 9? Flash 9, Java 5 | 09:22 |
kkosmo | show more sites | 09:22 |
kkosmo | no | 09:22 |
kkosmo | flash 9 | 09:22 |
kkosmo | sorry | 09:22 |
shinigami | mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed | 09:22 |
Skrot- | =) | 09:22 |
Lynoure | !enter | 09:22 |
Skrot- | flash 9 for linux is good :) | 09:22 |
kkosmo | =[ | 09:22 |
kkosmo | i wrong | 09:23 |
kkosmo | i feel stupid | 09:23 |
danielches | hi | 09:23 |
kkosmo | =[ | 09:23 |
payal | a sec | 09:23 |
Skrot- | With all the java/flash going on here it's a easy mistake ;) | 09:23 |
Lynoure | kkosmo: "Please do not use enter for punctuation" | 09:23 |
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kkosmo | oo ok | 09:23 |
kkosmo | lynoure i am sorry | 09:24 |
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payal | Lynoure sorry it is not working - what command od I give exactly | 09:24 |
danielches | whats the konsole command to kill the things using package database? | 09:24 |
Lynoure | kkosmo: It's ok :) | 09:24 |
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Jucato | danielches: why? what happened? | 09:24 |
ubuntu_ | If my computer uses my Sata as it's first harddrive to boot do I need to put my grub installation on it? Instead of the IDE harddrive i'm installing kubuntu to? | 09:24 |
kkosmo | try | 09:24 |
kkosmo | pkill | 09:24 |
Lynoure | payal: sudo apt-get update | 09:24 |
shinigami | kkosmo: i'm getting mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed | 09:24 |
danielches | i'm trying to install java | 09:24 |
kkosmo | you need the name of procsess | 09:24 |
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Jucato | danielches: and then? | 09:25 |
payal | apt-get upgrade | 09:25 |
payal | Reading package lists... Done | 09:25 |
payal | Building dependency tree... Done | 09:25 |
danielches | and i had to close the package manager thing since it stopped, | 09:25 |
payal | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 09:25 |
kkosmo | shinigami | 09:25 |
kkosmo | ? | 09:25 |
Jucato | danielches: aah | 09:25 |
Lynoure | payal: UPDATE | 09:25 |
danielches | on license agreement thig | 09:25 |
Jucato | !adept crash fix | danielches | 09:25 |
danielches | thz | 09:25 |
Lynoure | payal: not upgrade. | 09:25 |
danielches | thx | 09:25 |
Jucato | err.. wehre' sthe bot? | 09:25 |
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Jucato | where's the bot... | 09:25 |
Jucato | !ping | 09:25 |
danielches | ? | 09:25 |
kkosmo | !java | 09:25 |
danielches | type what? | 09:26 |
danielches | !adept crash fix | 09:26 |
danielches | ? | 09:26 |
Jucato | danielches: sudo dpkg --configure -a | 09:26 |
Lynoure | payal: copy-paste if you have to. | 09:26 |
Skrot- | Java is at | 09:26 |
kkosmo | !adeptcrashfix | 09:26 |
danielches | thz | 09:26 |
danielches | thx | 09:26 |
chuen | Hi. I'm installing a printer which require a driver not on the list. I have found which directory the driver is in /usr/share/doc/cupsys-driver-gimpprint/ | 09:26 |
kkosmo | chuen | 09:26 |
kkosmo | ? | 09:26 |
Jucato | ugh.. printing... | 09:26 |
=== Jucato hides | ||
chuen | but it has 3 files in - 2 are 'gz' | 09:26 |
kkosmo | what your printer type? | 09:26 |
Jucato | kkosmo: seems like the bot's down.. | 09:26 |
ubotu | danielches: If adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a' | 09:26 |
payal | Lynoure: got it | 09:26 |
ubotu | pong | 09:26 |
danielches | yeah | 09:26 |
ubotu | To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository | 09:26 |
chuen | jucato: Thanks ;-) | 09:26 |
ubotu | If adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a' | 09:26 |
danielches | i get following message with that: | 09:27 |
danielches | dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of sun-java5-plugin: | 09:27 |
kkosmo | chuen? | 09:27 |
kkosmo | what your printer type ? | 09:27 |
danielches | sun-java5-plugin depends on sun-java5-bin (= 1.5.0-08-0ubuntu1); however: | 09:27 |
danielches | Package sun-java5-bin is not installed. | 09:27 |
danielches | dpkg: error processing sun-java5-plugin (--configure): | 09:27 |
danielches | dependency problems - leaving unconfigured | 09:27 |
danielches | Errors were encountered while processing: | 09:27 |
danielches | sun-java5-plugin | 09:27 |
danielches | i need some help with how to install java | 09:27 |
kkosmo | install it alone witout the apt | 09:27 |
Jucato | danielches: try "sudo apt-get -f install " | 09:27 |
chuen | kkosmo: Epson r"00. I checked on the hardware list and it can work wit that driver. | 09:27 |
chuen | R200. | 09:28 |
kkosmo | ooo i think you have printer like my | 09:28 |
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Lynoure | payal: it should show a lot of lines starting with Hit: or Get: | 09:28 |
payal | Lynoure: thanks a lot | 09:28 |
payal | Lynoure: it worked beautifully | 09:28 |
danielches | so, "sudo apt-get -f install" | 09:28 |
Jucato | danielches: yep. tries to fix it | 09:28 |
Lynoure | payal: So you got mutt now? Good :) | 09:28 |
chuen | kkosmo: You 'think' I do? | 09:29 |
danielches | (Reading database ... | 09:29 |
danielches | dpkg: serious warning: files list file for package `sun-java5-bin' missing, assuming package has no files currently installed. | 09:29 |
danielches | ? | 09:29 |
payal | Lynoure: i am going to my friend's office nearby - she has lots of bandwidth | 09:29 |
payal | I will downlad many things | 09:29 |
aftertaf | anyone managed to get automatix working... ie it installs something? | 09:29 |
Lynoure | payal: have fun! :) | 09:29 |
Jucato | danielches: hm... "sudo apt-get install sun-java5-bin"? | 09:30 |
ubuntu_ | Could someone tell me what I'm doing wrong with grub? I keep getting Error 22 when I try to boot up. | 09:30 |
kkosmo | Lynoure: | 09:30 |
kkosmo | ? | 09:30 |
payal | byee | 09:30 |
danielches | weird | 09:30 |
danielches | its working now | 09:30 |
chuen | kkosmo: Any thoughts? | 09:30 |
danielches | :) | 09:31 |
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kkosmo | you know how i can change the language of only the konsole to en not all the system language only the konsole langage? | 09:31 |
kkosmo | language* | 09:31 |
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codyt | anyone know of a video-playing pluging for Firefox that actually works? | 09:31 |
Lynoure | kkosmo: What did you want of me? | 09:31 |
kkosmo | help | 09:31 |
kkosmo | i need to change the language of konosle to english only konsole you know how? | 09:32 |
codyt | have the kaffiene one, but it just launches kaffiene. | 09:32 |
Pekke | now it recognizes the java plugin, but nothing happens when i go to a java page. it just says"Loading JAva--->Ready" but java stays blank after that... | 09:32 |
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Nuscly | codyt: mplayer-plugin works well | 09:32 |
kkosmo | wai | 09:32 |
kkosmo | t | 09:32 |
Lynoure | kkosmo: No, I do not know how only change the language of one up in a pretty way | 09:32 |
kkosmo | Pekke: | 09:32 |
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Nuscly | codyt: kaffeine plugin is buggy | 09:33 |
Pekke | yeas...? | 09:33 |
kkosmo | wait | 09:33 |
kkosmo | is take some time to load | 09:33 |
Nuscly | Pekke: perhaps your browser don't use the right VM of java | 09:34 |
codyt | 'kay, thanks. | 09:34 |
Pekke | ok.. | 09:34 |
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Nuscly | Pekke: use the alternative method to choose the right one | 09:35 |
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Nuscly | Pekke: debian alternative | 09:35 |
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ForgeAus | hey all :) | 09:35 |
ForgeAus | booting off the live CD | 09:35 |
ForgeAus | I still think this edgy cd is damaged (stupid ISP logging me out all the time) | 09:35 |
underdog5004 | what's up, ForgeAus ? | 09:36 |
ForgeAus | I'm really angry right now | 09:36 |
underdog5004 | ForgeAus, did you burn it yourself? | 09:36 |
ForgeAus | yeah underdog | 09:36 |
underdog5004 | ForgeAus, What speed, and using which burning program? | 09:36 |
ForgeAus | but I can't be certain the download wasn't corrupted.. it mostly works | 09:36 |
ForgeAus | I used nero (on winxp) to burn the iso | 09:36 |
underdog5004 | ForgeAus, did you use bittorrent to download? | 09:36 |
ForgeAus | no | 09:36 |
underdog5004 | use it | 09:36 |
ForgeAus | I was in WinXP | 09:36 |
ForgeAus | grrr | 09:37 |
ForgeAus | I can't d/l it from live cd distro can I? wheres it goina d/l to? | 09:37 |
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ForgeAus | plus my ISP isn't fixing things :( they got this stupid login screen that keeps logging me out and he's blaming my router... | 09:37 |
ForgeAus | but he doesn't want to SOLVE it | 09:37 |
underdog5004 | ForgeAus, use utorrent. It's very small and fast. Very good, and if a piece fails a hash check, it gets tossed and re-downloaded. | 09:37 |
ForgeAus | just dumps it back on me all the time | 09:37 |
ForgeAus | with NO guarantee that a different router will fix it | 09:37 |
underdog5004 | lol, not sure if that'll help your ISP thing... | 09:38 |
ForgeAus | nor any suggestion as to what router to get! | 09:38 |
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underdog5004 | what connection type do you have? | 09:38 |
ForgeAus | thanx... I'll keep utorrent in mind | 09:38 |
ForgeAus | (even though I normally HATE using torrents) | 09:38 |
ForgeAus | wireless | 09:38 |
mena | hey what is the best graphic ware for kde | 09:38 |
ForgeAus | (through a dlink (local net wired to a wireless router) wired to a wrt "bridge"/wireless router on a grid/antenna thats on my garage | 09:39 |
underdog5004 | ForgeAus, no, provider type (ex. cable, dsl, t1, t3, dialup....) | 09:39 |
ForgeAus | graphic? um... get gimp! :) sorry.. | 09:39 |
ForgeAus | thats Gnome tho not kde | 09:39 |
underdog5004 | ware? haven't heard that term for a while... | 09:39 |
ForgeAus | prolly will work in kubuntu tho | 09:39 |
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ForgeAus | after that theres things like krila but I dunno much about that | 09:40 |
underdog5004 | yep, it just need to sudo apt-get install gimp | 09:40 |
ForgeAus | provider type is wireless | 09:40 |
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mena | ForgeAus: thanks | 09:40 |
ForgeAus | underdog has KDE got better gfx proggies than that? | 09:40 |
underdog5004 | ForgeAus, that's weird...never heard of that before...are you leeching off of somebody else's wireless? | 09:40 |
ForgeAus | I know theres a few packages | 09:40 |
ForgeAus | no | 09:40 |
ForgeAus | I'm paying for it through an ISP who has an isp himsel | 09:40 |
ForgeAus | f | 09:40 |
underdog5004 | ForgeAus, ntiko, gimp is the way to go, IMHO | 09:40 |
mena | underdog5004: thanks | 09:40 |
ForgeAus | he relays his isp to me through wireless | 09:40 |
ForgeAus | (and undercuts thier price | 09:41 |
underdog5004 | ForgeAus, ah, gotcha... | 09:41 |
ForgeAus | meana what xactly you wanna do with it? | 09:41 |
chuen | Anyone help me load printer driver from another directory? | 09:41 |
ForgeAus | bitmaps? svg?... blender's ok for its purpose (modelling???) | 09:41 |
underdog5004 | Watch out, though, because that's probably against the ToS that your friend/ISP signed when he bought his access... | 09:41 |
mena | ok | 09:42 |
ForgeAus | underdog prolly | 09:42 |
underdog5004 | mena, np, have fun w/ gimp | 09:42 |
ForgeAus | but SOMEONE has to fix this its getting too bad | 09:42 |
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ForgeAus | (working ok under kubuntu right now but I don't need it working under kubuntu I need it working under my usual configs | 09:42 |
ForgeAus | brb | 09:42 |
mena | ok thanks again | 09:43 |
underdog5004 | ForgeAus, just go with the main guy...who cares if you pay an extra 20 bucks if it all works right? | 09:43 |
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ForgeAus | um if I knew who the main guy was | 09:43 |
ForgeAus | and they probably won't be any better (they're not likely to support my local net either are they?) | 09:43 |
underdog5004 | ForgeAus, where do you live? | 09:43 |
ForgeAus | Australia | 09:43 |
underdog5004 | oh. | 09:43 |
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ForgeAus | we don't even have cable in this area :( | 09:44 |
underdog5004 | uh....lemme google around for broadband in Australia...whereabouts? | 09:44 |
ForgeAus | (aside from a non-standard one) | 09:44 |
ForgeAus | um whirlpool website mostly | 09:44 |
ForgeAus | geelong victoria here | 09:44 |
underdog5004 | ok...h/o | 09:44 |
ForgeAus | Iv'e been there... | 09:44 |
ForgeAus | (to check for isp's and stuff) | 09:44 |
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underdog5004 | ForgeAus, whoa...looks like nothing is available... | 09:45 |
Pekke | i guess the JAva plugin works now, but i can't be sure because i can't find any Java page from the web =) (when you need something, you can't find it! =)) | 09:45 |
=== underdog5004 shakes his head in disbelief | ||
ForgeAus | theres lotsa dsl ISP's here | 09:46 |
ForgeAus | even ADSL2 now | 09:46 |
ForgeAus | but no cable :( | 09:46 |
Phlosten | Pekke: if you just want to make sure Java is working, visit and click verify | 09:46 |
Phlosten | ForgeAus: where in Aus? | 09:46 |
underdog5004 | ForgeAus, why not go w/ dsl or Adsl? | 09:46 |
ForgeAus | Geelong Victoria Phlosten | 09:46 |
ForgeAus | I was on ADSL | 09:47 |
Phlosten | ah, missed it a few lines earlier ;) | 09:47 |
ForgeAus | and Telstra decided to charge me $1000+ for one month | 09:47 |
ForgeAus | I told them no way | 09:47 |
ForgeAus | and cut it off to look for better solutions | 09:47 |
underdog5004 | whoa...that's way too much! | 09:47 |
Phlosten | err | 09:47 |
ForgeAus | yeah that was way back tho | 09:47 |
ForgeAus | they probably traffic shape nowerdays instead of pricing per meg or whatever over a limit | 09:48 |
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ForgeAus | still I don't relish the idea of going back to my bigpond connection | 09:48 |
Phlosten | i'm on bigpuddle | 09:48 |
ForgeAus | bigpuddle? whats that? | 09:48 |
Phlosten | bigpond | 09:48 |
ForgeAus | lol I was on bigpond back then | 09:48 |
ForgeAus | they had a 3 gig limit | 09:48 |
ForgeAus | and I got to 9 gig | 09:48 |
underdog5004 | per MONTH!?!? | 09:48 |
ForgeAus | so they charged me 1000$ | 09:48 |
underdog5004 | ouch... | 09:49 |
ForgeAus | yes per month | 09:49 |
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ForgeAus | back then | 09:49 |
ForgeAus | dunno what it is now | 09:49 |
Phlosten | but I am planning to move to internode | 09:49 |
|lostbyte| | Hi guys.. | 09:49 |
ForgeAus | but I'm not going to open myself up to that kind of problem again | 09:49 |
ForgeAus | internode, yeah they sound ok... I think I've heard of them before | 09:49 |
underdog5004 | seriously.... | 09:49 |
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ForgeAus | plus I know bigpond don't support local nets anyhow | 09:49 |
mena | DId Gparted WOrk on kde | 09:50 |
ForgeAus | mena it should | 09:50 |
ForgeAus | I know I've ran it before | 09:50 |
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mena | ok | 09:50 |
underdog5004 | mena, gparted should work, but I would d/l the liveCD of gparted. | 09:50 |
Phlosten | ForgeAus: internode have a great deal | 09:50 |
posingaspopular | in konversation how do you switch between rooms using the keyboard? | 09:50 |
Phlosten | ForgeAus: exetel have also been recommended to me | 09:50 |
mena | okay | 09:50 |
underdog5004 | mena, that way you don't mess something up very much. | 09:50 |
ForgeAus | Exetel I havn't heard of | 09:50 |
ForgeAus | I'm thinking maybe westnet | 09:51 |
mena | ok | 09:51 |
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Phlosten | ForgeAus: exetel do mainly corporate connections | 09:51 |
ForgeAus | is tpg still around? | 09:51 |
Phlosten | ForgeAus: our local council uses them and their IT guy has good things to say about em | 09:51 |
ForgeAus | tpgi Id' prolly be happy with | 09:51 |
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Pekke | well, java got verified. but everytime i start Konqueror, i have to go to HTML settings and enable it again. How can i save my HTML-settings(with Java enabled)? | 09:53 |
ForgeAus | I need some money before I can think of this stuff... I barely got enough to pay my current ISP! | 09:53 |
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Pekke | How can i get the Laptop AC/battery time etc. applet back to the Panel? It's gone and i can't find it anywhere.... | 09:55 |
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Jucato | guidance-power-manager ? | 09:56 |
mena | Is there any wrong if i installed Kde then The OS xp on another partition.....Kde First Then Xp ...WHat Do You think And If I done that what would happened | 09:56 |
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underdog5004 | mena, I would install XP first, then Kubuntu, that way, the GrUB is the bootloader that's installed on the MBR, not the microsoft version. | 09:57 |
Jucato | mena: your bootloader would be overwritten, and you'd have to do some special steps to get it back | 09:57 |
mena | okay then i will install xp first thanks friends | 09:58 |
ForgeAus | can you boot up kubuntu from ntldr? | 09:58 |
Pekke | i guess it's the guidance power manager... but where can i start it/ get it into my panel next to clock.... | 09:58 |
ForgeAus | I mean its pretty much generic isn't it? | 09:58 |
Jucato | Pekke: try Alt+F2, guidance-power-manager | 09:59 |
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Pekke | noup | 09:59 |
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cntb | \o all | 10:00 |
cntb | How to change desktop theme . for example to get ellow colour of folders on Desktop? | 10:01 |
cntb | *yellow | 10:01 |
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cntb | Good Morning | 10:01 |
cntb | apokryphos: join ubuntu-gr | 10:02 |
Pekke | reboot---> | 10:03 |
Jucato | ?? | 10:03 |
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Peruna | cntb you mean .. changing icons ? | 10:04 |
Peruna | style of it | 10:04 |
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premier_ | hey guys | 10:05 |
cntb | Peruna: yeah ty | 10:05 |
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premier_ | Im having trouble with my sound | 10:05 |
Peruna | go to | 10:05 |
cntb | !hi | premier_ | 10:05 |
ubotu | premier_: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 10:05 |
Peruna | download icon pack and install it | 10:06 |
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chuen | Can anyone help me load a new printer driver pls? | 10:06 |
premier_ | It appears to going through all the motions (amorak plays music, etc) but no sound plays | 10:06 |
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webben | I'm trying to work out why the ubuntu repositories don't include | 10:07 |
underdog5004 | premier, what model soundcard do you have? | 10:07 |
cntb | looked in Kmix (kmix) premier_ ? | 10:07 |
premier_ | I had some trouble with this before and I figured out the aoss got screwed up, so I reinstalled it | 10:07 |
webben | apparently ubuntu mainly uses gnome's librsvg ... but what does kubuntu use? | 10:07 |
premier_ | underdog5004: how do I find that out? | 10:07 |
underdog5004 | premier_, lspci | 10:07 |
premier_ | cntb: what am I looking for in kmix? | 10:07 |
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underdog5004 | if it's a pci sound card | 10:07 |
cntb | premier_: try in konsole lsmod | 10:07 |
mena | freinds how can i get information abouty uuid through the terminal | 10:08 |
premier_ | 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01) | 10:08 |
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cntb | premier_: that is good model of sound card not many problems with it | 10:09 |
Nuscly | chuen: what is your printer ? | 10:09 |
premier_ | It appears to be working now. I recently rebooted, and before I did that It was having a lot of trouble | 10:09 |
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mena | !uuid | 10:09 |
ubotu | To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in the terminal: "blkid" (see for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) | 10:09 |
chuen | Nucyls: Epson R200 - it's been found to work with cupsys-driver-gimpprint | 10:10 |
premier_ | It seems to go in and out | 10:10 |
chuen | Nuuscly: I've got that diver from 'Universe' but when I browse to install it for prining, the directory has gz files in. | 10:11 |
chuen | Nuscly: I'll get your name right when I can type properly :) | 10:11 |
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Nuscly | chuen: What are the kind of files are there in the directory ? blabla.ppd.gz ? | 10:13 |
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premier_ | yeah, I was trying to wine starcraft (which works great btw) and I accidentally screwed up alsa, and thats how this all started | 10:14 |
chuen | Nuscly: changelog.Debian.gz, changelog.gz , copyright. Mmmmm. | 10:14 |
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chuen | Nuscly: No PPD :) | 10:15 |
underdog5004 | umm, what's the flag for rmdir to delete all sub-directories? | 10:15 |
mindspin | rm -R | 10:16 |
underdog5004 | thank you, mindspin | 10:16 |
mindspin | yw | 10:16 |
underdog5004 | got 20 gigs or so of mirrored repo's that I've got for absolutely no reason at, all stored on a headless server...gotta ssh into it...bleagh | 10:17 |
Nuscly | chuen: what's the name of the package ? | 10:18 |
premier_ | hey, maybe you guys can help me with something else for a moment | 10:18 |
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premier_ | I have a dual boot with windows, and windows is taking up 70gigs of my 100 gig hard drive, which is obviously too much | 10:18 |
premier_ | since I dont use it all that much anymore | 10:19 |
underdog5004 | !gparted | premier_ | 10:19 |
ubotu | premier_: gparted is gparted is a GUI partitioning program, "sudo apt-get install gparted", also available as a live cd | 10:19 |
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premier_ | There seems to be a big "unmovable" file at the end of that partition, though, so I dont want to just hap-hazard partition, or else I'll destroy windows | 10:20 |
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OlgaB | The only internet-related things that are working right now are apt and IRC, what gives? | 10:21 |
chuen | Nuscly: All I can find in the respository is copsys-driver-gimpprint i sthat what you mean? | 10:21 |
premier_ | can I pastebin my lsmod, or is there something I should grep for? | 10:21 |
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underdog5004 | premier_, gparted will move items around when resizing a partition to make everything fit, if possible. | 10:25 |
premier_ | or really? | 10:25 |
premier_ | awesome | 10:25 |
premier_ | what does it do if it runs out of space? | 10:25 |
underdog5004 | idk...just make sure you've got enough | 10:25 |
underdog5004 | but watch out, It might take a while resizing NTFS partitions...took me 14+ hours for a 200 gig partition.... | 10:25 |
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premier_ | underdog5004: really? hmm... | 10:27 |
premier_ | Ill try to clean it up a bit first | 10:27 |
Nuscly | chuen: did tou have foomatic-db-engine package installed ? it seem the driver is in gimp-print > 4.2.7 | 10:27 |
underdog5004 | do you use XP for anything? | 10:27 |
Nuscly | chuen: Did you try the kde add printer wizard ? | 10:27 |
chuen | Nuscly: Will go and check ... | 10:27 |
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premier_ | underdog5004: well, games, theres something wrong with my tvtuner that makes it not work in linux | 10:28 |
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underdog5004 | ah....bummer... | 10:28 |
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esc | is konqueror annoying for everyone as well? | 10:28 |
chuen | Nuscly: I did , but the driver wasn't listed - which is why I browsed for it. One sec .... | 10:28 |
apokryphos | konqueror rocks my socks | 10:28 |
premier_ | actually, I could install another linux. I suppose I would be kidding myself to find a distro that will support an ati mobility radeon X1400, eh? | 10:29 |
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underdog5004 | esc, naw, I like it. It does graphical ftp, passes the acid2 test, flash, java, file browsing... | 10:29 |
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underdog5004 | premier_, about the gfx card....yeah, you would | 10:29 |
kendrick | hrm, is there a particular package i need to install to get video previews to appear in konqueror? | 10:29 |
premier_ | konquerer is one of the bragging points of linux for me | 10:29 |
kendrick | (i guess, thumbnails of some frame of the video, rather than a generic 'film frame' icon) | 10:29 |
underdog5004 | kendrick, maybe xine... | 10:29 |
underdog5004 | or just wait for it to load if you're on old hardware... | 10:30 |
chuen | Nuscly: foomatic-db-engine is installed. | 10:30 |
esc | I'm having a problem. I want konq as a file manager to open my home directory as the home page...and I also want konq as a browser to open as a homepage. but they keep getting confused. | 10:30 |
kendrick | underdog5004: i'm on a 1.5GHz box :) | 10:30 |
premier_ | underdog5004: besides kubuntu, is there a distro that you think I could install? | 10:30 |
underdog5004 | kendrick, still might take some time... | 10:30 |
kendrick | esc: launch with different profiles | 10:30 |
kendrick | underdog5004: 15mins? :) | 10:30 |
premier_ | I wanna try something a little... "harder"... something I could experiment with | 10:31 |
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underdog5004 | premier_, umm...for the graphics card? Maybe Knoppix, I've heard it's got phenomenal hardware detection, but I don't know if that applies to gfx cards... | 10:31 |
underdog5004 | kendrick, no, never that long...have you got kaffeine installed? | 10:31 |
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kendrick | i do | 10:31 |
kendrick | oddly, it does not ever launch | 10:31 |
premier_ | underdog5004: Ive kinda given up on that graphics card | 10:31 |
kendrick | so i've set my prefs to launch things in kmplayer | 10:31 |
underdog5004 | kendrick, try doing this from konsole: killall kaffeine | 10:31 |
kendrick | (stopped working ever sincs i began futzing around with Xgl :^/ ) | 10:31 |
esc | kendrick : I am, but I still have the problem. the browser will open up to, but when I press the home button I am taken to my home directory rather than back to | 10:31 |
underdog5004 | then open it... | 10:32 |
underdog5004 | oh, kendrick...I don't know much about xgl...sorry | 10:32 |
premier_ | actually, mepis seemed to work better... I could get to the console, and my tvtuner worked alittle | 10:32 |
premier_ | thats really the problems for me | 10:32 |
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underdog5004 | esc, why not use fire/swiftfox? | 10:32 |
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esc | I primarily use firefox, but I'd like to avoid gtk while on kde. plus konq is waaay faster a browser... | 10:33 |
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unix_lappy | esc: konq, the faster browser of the two? | 10:34 |
unix_lappy | you must be dillusional. | 10:34 |
OlgaB | opera lolz | 10:34 |
underdog5004 | I would use dillo for speed | 10:34 |
underdog5004 | !dillo | 10:34 |
unix_lappy | links2 -g :) | 10:34 |
ubotu | dillo: Small and fast web browser. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.5-4ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 339 kB, installed size 928 kB | 10:34 |
esc | konq is faster than firefox | 10:34 |
unix_lappy | ftw | 10:34 |
OlgaB | Except for the fact that opera isn't working on my computer for some reason now. | 10:34 |
Nuscly | chuen: I found stylus photo R200 in Epson list | 10:34 |
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Nuscly | chuen: on my kubuntu dapper | 10:35 |
esc | | 10:35 |
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chuen | Nuscly: Sure, I have it too - but not with the gimpprint driver listed! | 10:36 |
mena | Friends How To set the permisions of partitions just to me without using 777 | 10:36 |
mena | or is that okay of setting the permision to 777 | 10:37 |
unix_lappy | chown | 10:37 |
unix_lappy | or you can use kde's gui permissions manager, which i dont recommend. | 10:37 |
mena | okay | 10:37 |
underdog5004 | mena, chown username /path/to/file/or/dir | 10:38 |
underdog5004 | I think | 10:38 |
mena | okat that will remove the other permisions right | 10:38 |
Nuscly | chuen: If you try the printer driver available, is it Ok ? | 10:38 |
mena | okay* | 10:38 |
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underdog5004 | ok everyone, I'm going to bed...g'night! | 10:40 |
mena | unix_lappy: that would remove other permision i had done ? | 10:40 |
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chuen | Nuscly: NO. But the priner error lights are flashing anyway - I just got the printer today so need to RTFM! But I don't think they should be flashing as there's ink an paper present. | 10:41 |
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Nuscly | chuen: strange | 10:42 |
ForgeAus | can I mount a fat32 partition in kubuntu? | 10:42 |
ForgeAus | from the live CD? | 10:43 |
chuen | Nuscly: Thanks for your time. I'll look the printer over thoroughly and come back later. | 10:43 |
Nuscly | chuen: Good luck | 10:43 |
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chuen | Nuscly: Thanks. ttyl. | 10:44 |
OlgaB | rawr | 10:45 |
OlgaB | For some reason azureus and opera won't work. | 10:45 |
OlgaB | But everything else does. | 10:45 |
codyt | ForgeAus, | 10:45 |
codyt | I think it's 'mount -t vfat ..." | 10:46 |
OlgaB | I think I'll just reset my computer | 10:46 |
OlgaB | brb | 10:46 |
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True_Friend | ubuntu | 10:48 |
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True_Friend | Hi folks how to specify a key for kyboard layout lavel3 shortcut in KDE??? | 10:49 |
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Suprano | hi | 10:49 |
Suprano | whats the difference between kubuntu & ubuntu | 10:50 |
Grumpf | help .. my notebook with freshly installed kubuntu does not want to connect to the internet (wired connection with a router) | 10:50 |
codyt | Suprano, ubuntu uses the gnome for a window manager | 10:50 |
codyt | kubuntu uses KDE | 10:50 |
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Suprano | thats the only difference ? | 10:50 |
ForgeAus | erm it says only root can do that! | 10:50 |
Suprano | ok | 10:50 |
codyt | As far as I know. | 10:50 |
ForgeAus | can I log in as root? | 10:50 |
ForgeAus | or maybe SU | 10:50 |
ForgeAus | I dunno the password tho | 10:51 |
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codyt | use sudo. | 10:51 |
ForgeAus | ok um now whats the mountpoint? | 10:51 |
True_Friend | they use two different desktop enviroments | 10:51 |
True_Friend | ubuntu uses Gnome( | 10:51 |
ForgeAus | I know the dev I need a place to put it | 10:52 |
True_Friend | Kubuntu uses KDE( | 10:52 |
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Suprano | yea i got you. Ty | 10:52 |
ForgeAus | under /mnt ?? | 10:52 |
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codyt | ForgeAus, usually. | 10:52 |
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codyt | usually under /mnt, yes. | 10:52 |
ForgeAus | hmm it says special device /hdb1 does not exist | 10:52 |
codyt | /mnt/hdb is where I mount my second HD | 10:52 |
codyt | ./hdb1 or /dev/hdb1? | 10:53 |
ForgeAus | hmm in fact no HD's seem to exist to it! | 10:53 |
ForgeAus | erm /dev/hdb1 should work | 10:53 |
ForgeAus | and your right its /dev/hdb1 | 10:53 |
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codyt | That might not be the particular partition your looking for, though. | 10:54 |
ForgeAus | um does sata change things?... I have a sata drive | 10:54 |
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codyt | Mine's hdb3 | 10:54 |
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codyt | Oh | 10:54 |
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codyt | Yeah, I forget what it is though. | 10:54 |
ForgeAus | the partition I'm trying to mount isn't the sata one tho | 10:54 |
codyt | hang on | 10:54 |
codyt | Oh. | 10:54 |
ForgeAus | it should find HDD2 (standard IDE drive with 3 partitions on it) | 10:55 |
ForgeAus | (HDD1 is sata) | 10:55 |
ForgeAus | so hdb1 should refer to it??? | 10:55 |
ForgeAus | HDB2 is partition 2 right? | 10:55 |
ForgeAus | grr /dev/hdb1 | 10:55 |
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Grumpf | what should i check/do if kubuntu does not want to connect to the internet (wired connection to Router) | 10:56 |
ForgeAus | hda1 is ntfs | 10:56 |
codyt | I think hdb1 would be the first partition, not sure. | 10:56 |
ForgeAus | um kubuntu doesn' thave netconfig... um Grumpf, probably try wresling with system settings network | 10:57 |
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codyt | oh | 10:57 |
codyt | this says it's /dev/sda1 | 10:57 |
ForgeAus | (you'll need your root password in adminstrator mode) | 10:57 |
ForgeAus | sda? | 10:57 |
codyt | for the sata | 10:57 |
ForgeAus | ok... so does that make the other ide drive hda? | 10:57 |
ForgeAus | not hdb? | 10:57 |
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codyt | if hda exists and hdb does not. | 10:58 |
codyt | ls /dev | grep -i hd | 10:58 |
ForgeAus | neither seem to | 10:58 |
ForgeAus | grrr | 10:58 |
ForgeAus | nothing | 10:59 |
Grumpf | ok.. systemsettings networking sees eth0 with ip adress, which is declared active... | 10:59 |
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codyt | try that with sd instead of hd | 10:59 |
ForgeAus | whoa | 10:59 |
codyt | note: sda is also USB. | 10:59 |
ForgeAus | sda sda1 | 10:59 |
ForgeAus | sdb | 10:59 |
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ForgeAus | sdb1 | 10:59 |
ForgeAus | sdb2 | 10:59 |
ForgeAus | sdb3 | 10:59 |
ForgeAus | sdb5 | 10:59 |
ForgeAus | ttysdb | 10:59 |
codyt | definately not ttysdb | 11:00 |
ForgeAus | grr ttysd sorry | 11:00 |
codyt | my USB thumb drive is /dev/sda1. | 11:00 |
ForgeAus | damn! | 11:01 |
codyt | damn? | 11:01 |
ForgeAus | sdb1 and sdb5 are right | 11:01 |
ForgeAus | they're the ones it wants | 11:01 |
ForgeAus | but how do I mount BOTH instead of both under /mnt/ 's root? | 11:01 |
ForgeAus | do I have to create directories? | 11:01 |
ForgeAus | so mkdir /mnt/sdb1 | 11:01 |
ForgeAus | then mount it in there? | 11:01 |
codyt | You should create subdirectors of .. yes. | 11:01 |
codyt | like that. | 11:01 |
ForgeAus | grr permission denied.. sudo right? | 11:02 |
codyt | yep | 11:02 |
popanowel | yup | 11:02 |
codyt | is the liveCD on the net? | 11:02 |
ForgeAus | yes | 11:02 |
ForgeAus | I'm using it right now | 11:02 |
ForgeAus | to Konversation with you | 11:02 |
codyt | ah. | 11:02 |
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ForgeAus | how do I unmount? | 11:03 |
ForgeAus | uh oh | 11:03 |
ForgeAus | I did something bad! | 11:03 |
ForgeAus | while mounted I mkdir'd to /mnt/ ... did that add it to the fat drive instead of a new mount drectory? | 11:04 |
ForgeAus | even worse I mounted under them! | 11:04 |
Grumpf | strange.. i have an ip adress, but even pinging my router fails *grr | 11:04 |
ForgeAus | Grumpf... some routers are like that | 11:04 |
ForgeAus | what kinda device is it? | 11:04 |
codyt | wait, what? | 11:04 |
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ForgeAus | codyt with something mounted (not sure which one sdb1 or 5)... | 11:04 |
ForgeAus | in /mnt | 11:05 |
codyt | ./mnt is in RAM. | 11:05 |
ForgeAus | I made a directory /mnt/sdb1 and sdb5 to mount into there | 11:05 |
Grumpf | TRENDnet TEW-231BRP | 11:05 |
codyt | LiveCDs don't use the hard drive. | 11:05 |
ForgeAus | oh ok so it doesn't alter hte fs? | 11:05 |
codyt | no, you should be fine. | 11:05 |
ForgeAus | its just a vfs? | 11:05 |
Grumpf | but it works fine with my desktop pc and windows^^ | 11:05 |
ForgeAus | what if I want it to modify the HDD? | 11:05 |
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ForgeAus | mounting doesn't do that? | 11:05 |
codyt | mounting doesn't modify it | 11:06 |
codyt | but it does give you access to modify it. | 11:06 |
ForgeAus | can I unmount anyway | 11:06 |
ForgeAus | its kinda confusing how I had it | 11:06 |
cntb | \o how do I add new group in GUI ? in System settings | 11:06 |
codyt | once you mount it, you're able to read, write, and navigate through the HD. | 11:06 |
ForgeAus | so when I did mkdir did it make the directry in ram or on the HDD? | 11:07 |
codyt | mkdir /mnt/sdb5 would make it in RAM. | 11:07 |
cntb | found group creating in GUI np | 11:08 |
codyt | unless of course, if you had mounted a device to /mnt | 11:08 |
codyt | and then issued the mkdir command. | 11:08 |
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codyt | that would make "sdb5" on the mounted device. | 11:08 |
codyt | which would be eraseable, and wouldn't actually damage anything. | 11:09 |
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codyt | ForgeAus, when you want to unmount, use the command "umount /mnt/sdb5" or even "umount /dev/sdb5" | 11:12 |
codyt | place sdb5 as needed | 11:12 |
codyt | replace** | 11:12 |
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mena | hey friends i had made a folder through this sudo mkdir /media/ to remoce it | 11:14 |
mena | remove* | 11:14 |
mena | any one plz | 11:14 |
codyt | mena, | 11:14 |
mena | yes | 11:14 |
codyt | is anything mounted to it? | 11:15 |
codyt | or inside of it? | 11:15 |
mena | no | 11:15 |
codyt | sudo rmdir /media/Work_J | 11:15 |
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mena | okay thanks very much | 11:15 |
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[nige] | is it possible to map the windows key to popup the kubuntu menu | 11:16 |
codyt | mena, you can use "man -k <description>" to search for commands by description | 11:16 |
Grumpf | any other suggestions for my wired connection problem? | 11:16 |
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mena | ok | 11:16 |
codyt | like "man -k remove" would match any commands that have the word "remove" in the description. | 11:17 |
codyt | then "man <command>" to get the manual for that command. | 11:17 |
mena | okay cool | 11:17 |
mena | good | 11:17 |
premier_ | hey guys, I got mplayer to play embedded media on websites like .wav and stuff | 11:18 |
mena | thanks i saw it its very helpful | 11:18 |
premier_ | but it wont loop them... it will only play them once | 11:18 |
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cntb | failed to tune k3b to my burner going nero windows BBL | 11:22 |
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matthew0507 | !iso | 11:26 |
ubotu | To mount an ISO disc image, type "sudo mount -o loop my.iso <mountpoint>" There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before burning. Burning .iso files: see !burn | 11:26 |
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matthew0507 | !ntfs | 11:27 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 11:27 |
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codyt | !MD5 | 11:29 |
ubotu | To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see or | 11:29 |
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matthew0507 | !ntfs-3g | 11:37 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at (Dapper) and (Edgy) | 11:37 |
matthew0507 | !iso | 11:38 |
ubotu | To mount an ISO disc image, type "sudo mount -o loop my.iso <mountpoint>" There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before burning. Burning .iso files: see !burn | 11:38 |
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matthew0507 | is there a graphical app. to mount iso images? | 11:38 |
Linux_Galore | matthew0507: thats a rather hard method for a newbie considering konqueror can do it | 11:38 |
matthew0507 | how would i do that in konqueror? when i click on the iso file i get an 'open with..' box | 11:39 |
Linux_Galore | matthew0507: well I just right click and a mount option pops up | 11:40 |
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ForgeAus | is there an iso: kioslave? | 11:40 |
ForgeAus | that'd fix matthew | 11:40 |
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matthew0507 | so i should install kioslave using adapt? theres no mount option for me to right click atm | 11:41 |
ForgeAus | um how about nero? | 11:41 |
ForgeAus | ttheres nero for linux right? | 11:41 |
ForgeAus | could open an iso in that??? maybe??? | 11:41 |
Linux_Galore | matthew0507: yeah, it must be a kioslav , I just right click->actions-> manage iso -> mount iso | 11:42 |
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Linux_Galore | ForgeAus: dont need nero to mount an iso | 11:42 |
matthew0507 | cool, i found this gisomount package, i might give it a try | 11:42 |
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mena | dey friends do i need anti-virus | 11:43 |
mena | hey* | 11:43 |
Linux_Galore | mena: no | 11:43 |
mena | okay but what if i dowenload a file or get a file wich is infected and i domt know | 11:44 |
Linux_Galore | mena: so you download an infected file how it it going to run | 11:44 |
ForgeAus | infected? | 11:45 |
mena | oh yea | 11:45 |
ForgeAus | you have a virus? | 11:45 |
ForgeAus | under linux? | 11:45 |
Linux_Galore | mena: Linux doesnt allow user space apps into system space | 11:45 |
mena | but it will take a space right | 11:45 |
mena | ohhh okay | 11:45 |
mena | thanks for your help | 11:45 |
Linux_Galore | mena: thats why you have things like sudo, its to seperate things | 11:45 |
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mena | yea | 11:46 |
mena | right | 11:46 |
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Linux_Galore | mena: the worst you can do it ruin you users home directory if you run stuff, thats why you always avoid using sudo with third party stuff | 11:46 |
Linux_Galore | is* | 11:46 |
Linux_Galore | mena: if you mess up the users home directory you can just delete it | 11:47 |
mena | okay | 11:47 |
mena | no need to firewall right | 11:47 |
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Linux_Galore | mena: no you dont need a firewall unless your running a service really, there is a simple one you can use though just in case type apt-get install firestarter | 11:49 |
Linux_Galore | sorry sudo apt-get install firestarter | 11:49 |
Linux_Galore | mena: looks a bit like zonealarm | 11:50 |
mena | okay | 11:50 |
_Zerak | i looked at feisty but it didnt say anything about fixing double sound cards like the developers had been talking about. Anyone know anything about it? | 11:50 |
Linux_Galore | mena: its very easy to use and tells you when people are scanning your machine | 11:50 |
Linux_Galore | _Zerak: yeah there is a trick with asound to define the default sound card | 11:51 |
mena | Great it seems to be very good ...i will try it | 11:51 |
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_Zerak | yes i know and it worked for a week then stopped for a week and worked the week after that and then it stopped working again, and since | 11:52 |
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Linux_Galore | _Zerak: type sudo -i then login then asound list | 11:52 |
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Linux_Galore | _Zerak: it should show all your sound cards | 11:53 |
_Zerak | actually asoundconf =) | 11:53 |
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Linux_Galore | _Zerak: then you just select one and type asoundconf set-default-card <whatever> | 11:53 |
Linux_Galore | _Zerak: yeah sorry asoundconf list | 11:54 |
_Zerak | yes done that 100 times | 11:54 |
_Zerak | but not working | 11:54 |
Linux_Galore | _Zerak: the exact text | 11:54 |
_Zerak | took me 5 hours to learn that command, 2 months ago | 11:54 |
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mena | okay thanks Linux_Galore thanks very mush ....... i really asked this qusetion befor but you make it more clear to mee thanks again | 11:54 |
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_Zerak | wont do anything | 11:54 |
mena | By all | 11:55 |
Linux_Galore | _Zerak: it has to be the exact test of what asoundconf list shows | 11:55 |
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mena | God Bless | 11:55 |
Linux_Galore | text* | 11:55 |
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Linux_Galore | mena: your welsome | 11:55 |
mena | thanks ..bye | 11:55 |
_Zerak | asoundconf set-default-card CA0106 // Common card, you probably seen it | 11:55 |
_Zerak | but hey, i dont really trust kubuntu since it uninstalled X when i ran Wine | 11:56 |
Linux_Galore | _Zerak: yeah, does alsamixer show it | 11:56 |
Linux_Galore | _Zerak: thats why you always read the details | 11:56 |
Linux_Galore | _Zerak: if you read the details before allowing adept to go ahead you would see its going to remove X | 11:57 |
_Zerak | alsamixer has it as deafult for root/sudo but not default as user | 11:57 |
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_Zerak | when running an app with wine, 2 times without failiure and on third time uninstalling X | 11:57 |
Linux_Galore | _Zerak: what does kcontrol show in the user account | 11:58 |
_Zerak | doubt it seriously | 11:58 |
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Linux_Galore | _Zerak: wine doesn unisntall X | 11:58 |
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_Zerak | can toggle between both but that is kmix | 11:58 |
Linux_Galore | uninstall * | 11:58 |
_Zerak | did for me, crashed and during the crash X was removed | 11:58 |
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Linux_Galore | _Zerak: sounds more like a corruption | 11:59 |
_Zerak | was about to give up when i found someone on the web mention it | 11:59 |
Linux_Galore | _Zerak: for wine to corrupt X you must run it as "root" because wine has no "write" permissions for system files under a user | 11:59 |
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Tobias_ | heya :) | 12:00 |
Linux_Galore | hai Tobias_ | 12:00 |
_Zerak | didnt run it as root however i gave it higher priority as root | 12:00 |
Tobias_ | what torrent program is the best for kubuntu? | 12:00 |
Linux_Galore | _Zerak: Im very wary of wine because most of the stuff people run is buggy crap | 12:00 |
Tobias_ | I love wine | 12:00 |
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Lynoure | Tobias_: How do you define "best"? Ktorrent works fine for me. | 12:00 |
_Zerak | if we go back to sound, chaning as sudo doesnt change for the user, which sound card | 12:01 |
ForgeAus | ktorrent ntorrent... hmmm | 12:01 |
Linux_Galore | Tobias_: ktorrent is ok for one of things, more complex downloads I use azureus | 12:01 |
ForgeAus | torrentmania! | 12:01 |
Tobias_ | ktorrent started working very bad lately, it stopped saving the config file too, so it saves the downloads and temporary files in my home folder instead of on the disk with all the space | 12:01 |
Linux_Galore | Tobias_: what version | 12:01 |
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Tobias_ | lemme check | 12:01 |
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Linux_Galore | Tobias_: type ktorrent --version | 12:02 |
Tobias_ | might it be because it gets automatically updated? | 12:02 |
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Tobias_ | 1.2 | 12:02 |
Linux_Galore | Tobias_: Im running ktorrent Ver 2.1beta2 | 12:02 |
Tobias_ | aha | 12:02 |
Linux_Galore | Tobias_: no wonders its an old buggy ver 1 | 12:03 |
_Zerak | Linux_Galore: chaning as sudo doesnt change for the user, which sound card it shall use as default and if i have understood correctly, changing with kmix to the other wont change default either | 12:03 |
Tobias_ | that sounds like a whole different version :) | 12:03 |
Tobias_ | why dont they put it in adept? | 12:03 |
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Tobias_ | how do i get 2.1? | 12:03 |
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Tobias_ | is there a compository? | 12:03 |
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Linux_Galore | Tobias_: well edgy has 2.03 , my personal repo has 2.1bet2 | 12:04 |
Lynoure | Tobias_: even dapper has 2.0.3 | 12:04 |
Tobias_ | aha | 12:04 |
Tobias_ | I use dapper | 12:04 |
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Tobias_ | am I using an old kubuntu maybe | 12:04 |
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Linux_Galore | Tobias_: aaah there is thing on the kubuntu home page to update the kde stuff to 3.5.5 | 12:04 |
Linux_Galore | Tobias_: there is a dapper repo | 12:05 |
Tobias_ | I think I use kde 3.5.2 | 12:05 |
Linux_Galore | Tobias_: have to go back a bit its not on the main page | 12:05 |
Sharketor | hello | 12:05 |
Tobias_ | oki | 12:05 |
Sharketor | please need help | 12:05 |
Tobias_ | thanks | 12:05 |
Tobias_ | Ill get it | 12:05 |
Tobias_ | :) | 12:05 |
Sharketor | I change my dns editing file /etc/resolv.conf | 12:06 |
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Sharketor | but when I connect, the old dns return | 12:06 |
Sharketor | why? | 12:06 |
Sharketor | I can't change dns????? | 12:06 |
Linux_Galore | Sharketor: yes, changing it wont take effect straight away you have to reset your network | 12:06 |
Sharketor | could you explain what I have to do? | 12:07 |
Linux_Galore | Sharketor: if your using dhcp the dns is set by the router | 12:07 |
Sharketor | no router, modem | 12:07 |
Sharketor | usb | 12:07 |
Linux_Galore | Sharketor: change the setting then reboot | 12:07 |
Sharketor | I have already tried it, without success | 12:08 |
Sharketor | the old dns return just I connect | 12:08 |
Tobias_ | how do I install a .deb file? | 12:08 |
Sharketor | Tobias_: double clic on it | 12:08 |
Tobias_ | cool | 12:09 |
Tobias_ | thanx | 12:09 |
Tobias_ | will it update my ktorrent then by itself? | 12:09 |
Sharketor | I think so | 12:09 |
Tobias_ | I shouldnt uninstall it in adept first? | 12:09 |
Sharketor | Linux_Galore: have you no solution? | 12:09 |
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Sharketor | Tobias_: no | 12:09 |
Tobias_ | oki | 12:09 |
Tobias_ | kool | 12:09 |
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Linux_Galore | Sharketor: aah, kubuntu has a setup thing for that, run sudo systemsettings | 12:10 |
michaelpo | hi.. i just installed ubuntu6.06... how do i make a shutdown button? at the moment i need to click the power icon.. then select shutdown at the login screen... how do i make a shutdown button? | 12:10 |
Sharketor | Linux_Galore: then? | 12:11 |
Linux_Galore | Sharketor: click on the Network settings icon | 12:11 |
Linux_Galore | Sharketor: the rest is obvious | 12:11 |
Sharketor | ok | 12:12 |
Sharketor | mmmhhhh, already tried | 12:12 |
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Linux_Galore | Sharketor: so you added your own dns stuff under the Domain tab | 12:12 |
Tobias_ | what does it mean when I click the .deb file and it says "sorry, the tool is not in your path"? | 12:13 |
Tobias_ | what tool and what path? | 12:13 |
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Linux_Galore | Sharketor: if you want to manually set all that you need a static connection | 12:14 |
michaelpo | hi.. i just installed ubuntu6.06... how do i make a shutdown button? at the moment need 2 steps.. i need to click the power icon.. then select shutdown at the login screen... how do i make a one-click shutdown button? | 12:14 |
mineur | michaelpo: add a non kde application which is linked to shutdown -P | 12:14 |
mineur | make it: sudo shutdown -P | 12:14 |
Linux_Galore | Sharketor: so your connection should show "Manual" for the account | 12:15 |
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michaelpo | i dont know how to make a application... how? is there a shortcut like windows? | 12:15 |
mineur | you want it on the bottom-bar right? | 12:15 |
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swanfl | does anyone here dual boot kubuntu and windows? | 12:16 |
Lynoure | swanfl: yes. | 12:16 |
swanfl | using grub? | 12:16 |
michaelpo | can be anywhere... bottom, top, or on the desktop... | 12:16 |
Lynoure | swanfl: yes. | 12:16 |
mineur | right click on the bottom bar, add application to panel | 12:16 |
mineur | there select non kde application | 12:16 |
swanfl | ok Lynoure I am trying to set up the grub menu.list | 12:16 |
mineur | link it to shutdown and as arguments -P | 12:17 |
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Lynoure | swanfl: It should work nicely, this did out of the box :) | 12:17 |
mineur | give it a nice titel and description and you're set... only thing is, the icon will look like a gear... | 12:17 |
swanfl | I already know since my windows partition is hda1 the root is 0,0 | 12:17 |
mineur | and I don't know how to change that | 12:17 |
swanfl | what other entries are necessary in the windows "section"? | 12:18 |
Linux_Galore | there is an applet you can add to the taskbar called kshutdown | 12:18 |
mineur | ah easier :d | 12:18 |
mineur | didn't know of all the applets :d | 12:18 |
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michaelpo | sudo shutdown -p ? lower or capital? | 12:18 |
mineur | capital, but michaelpo look at what Linux_Galore said... there's an applet I didn't know the existence of :-) | 12:19 |
Linux_Galore | yeah sudo apt-get install kshutdown | 12:19 |
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Linux_Galore | michaelpo: sudo apt-get install kshutdown | 12:19 |
Linux_Galore | michaelpo: or run adept from the menu and look for kshutdown and install it | 12:19 |
Linux_Galore | oops | 12:19 |
KomiaPoika | when i do wget http://www.some website/faq , it just downloads the whole website. how can i get wget to only download the right dir? | 12:20 |
michaelpo | kshutdown is for kde or gnome? i'm using ubuntu6.06 | 12:20 |
mineur | kshutdown is for kde... | 12:20 |
swanfl | Lynoure, I have root (hd0,0), makeactive, and chainloader +1. any other lines necessary? | 12:20 |
Linux_Galore | k = kde G = Gnome | 12:20 |
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Linux_Galore | usually, but not always | 12:20 |
mineur | but I guess there is something similar for gnome... better ask in #ubuntu then | 12:20 |
mineur | I'm a kde fan :) | 12:21 |
michaelpo | no response at #ubuntu | 12:21 |
Linux_Galore | ctrl alt backspace shoult trigger the shutdown option | 12:21 |
codyt | I do like gnome, but I prefer kde | 12:21 |
Linux_Galore | oops sorry ctrl alt del sorry | 12:21 |
codyt | even though I have some gripes about kde too. | 12:21 |
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mineur | codyt: you know of a similar applet for gnome then? | 12:22 |
Tobias_ | in what repository do I find ktorrent, the newest version? | 12:22 |
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mineur | michaelpo: there's always my first solution then... maybe in gnome you can give it a nice looking icon :) | 12:22 |
michaelpo | why so much trouble to shutdown ubuntu? | 12:22 |
Linux_Galore | mineur: you can drop the shutdown option in the gnome menu right on the desktop or the taskbar | 12:22 |
Linux_Galore | shrug, its in the menu how hard can it be | 12:23 |
mineur | michaelpo: as far as I know it's as easy in gnome as in kde... | 12:23 |
zerak | Linux_Galore still wondering like you said, when chaning for sudo it doesnt change for users. Changing sound card that is and when i try doing it for users nothing happens | 12:24 |
Linux_Galore | mineur: true, both gnome and kde have a shutdown option in the main menu | 12:24 |
michaelpo | ubuntu gnome need 2 clicks... one click.. then wait a few sec... then options for 2nd click... | 12:24 |
Linux_Galore | zerak: sounds like a permissions conflict | 12:24 |
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KomiaPoika | too many clicks | 12:24 |
michaelpo | oh... found out the power icon is called quit | 12:24 |
Lynoure | swanfl: if you want help, please do not target me at the moment. I just said I installed dapper and after that dual boot was painless for me | 12:25 |
michaelpo | there is no shutdown button... | 12:25 |
swanfl | ok, thanks | 12:25 |
mineur | there's a logout button... | 12:25 |
Linux_Galore | KomiaPoika: 2 clicks, you dont want a single click shutdown on a deskop, thats suicide | 12:25 |
Lynoure | swanfl: I'm too busy at the moment to dig into grub problems, though normally I might. | 12:25 |
mineur | depends... maybe he wants to use it as a hide the porn button lol j/k :d | 12:25 |
Linux_Galore | just install the kshutdown applet in kde, gnome must have something similar | 12:25 |
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KomiaPoika | i want shutdown available by pressing left shift twice in a row :) | 12:26 |
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mineur | KomiaPoika: ???? why?????????????? that would definatly be suicide for me lol | 12:27 |
mineur | I go with the kde menu :d | 12:27 |
Linux_Galore | ubuntu should trigger a shutdown with ctrl alt del anyway | 12:27 |
michaelpo | there is a porn button? why need to hide it? | 12:27 |
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michaelpo | ctrl alt del... nothing happens.... | 12:27 |
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swanfl | can anyone help me set up menu.list for dual booting Windows and Linux? | 12:28 |
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zerak | swanfl didnt it do that automaticly when you installed kubuntu | 12:28 |
Linux_Galore | if you want to find apps for gnome poke around | 12:29 |
swanfl | no, zerak as I installed kububtu 1st. I did however set up a partition for Windows 2000 | 12:29 |
michaelpo | can i use kshutdown in ubuntu? | 12:29 |
Linux_Galore | michaelpo: no reason why not | 12:29 |
Linux_Galore | michaelpo: you can use kde stuff in gnome and vice versa | 12:29 |
mineur | you can, but the applet probably won't integrate nicely in gnome, and it will make you install some dependencies | 12:29 |
Linux_Galore | michaelpo: even applets | 12:30 |
swanfl | all I need are the entries for Windows 2000 in menu.list | 12:30 |
mineur | are kde applets compatible with gnome? | 12:30 |
mineur | cool :) | 12:30 |
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codyt | mk fan, kano? | 12:31 |
Kano | sure | 12:32 |
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swanfl | zerak, I have root (hd0,0), makeactive, and chainloader +1. from what I've seen, should the line saying root actually say rootnoverify? | 12:33 |
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zerak | i got "makeactive" too | 12:33 |
michaelpo | yikes... kshutdown is downloading 11 files | 12:34 |
zerak | only root | 12:34 |
mineur | told you... dependencies :d | 12:34 |
Ayabara | I just removed kdevelope, but it is still in the menu. how can I delete it from there. Is there a way to run a consistency check on my "start menu"? | 12:34 |
zerak | looks like it | 12:34 |
Linux_Galore | Ayabara: log out | 12:34 |
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zerak | swanfl dont know, seem like yoi got most of it | 12:34 |
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Ayabara | Linux_Galore, ahh. ok | 12:35 |
anouk | hallo | 12:35 |
esc | does the home button in konqeror-as-browser always open up to your home directory..? or is that just me? | 12:35 |
esc | I want it to open up in my home page... | 12:35 |
mineur | esc: probably configurable | 12:35 |
anouk | enlish | 12:35 |
swanfl | zerak, what windows distro do you have? also, what does your menu.list file have for Windows? | 12:35 |
Linux_Galore | quick answer to the previos question, how do you mount ISO's easily, install kiso then konqueror will allow you to mount any iso file on the fly | 12:36 |
anouk | hallo fuck you | 12:36 |
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esc | mineur: any idea? | 12:36 |
mineur | esc: konqueror settings... home url... | 12:36 |
anouk | | 12:36 |
mineur | change the ~ to http://whatever | 12:36 |
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anouk | hallo praat een mongolen | 12:37 |
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jenda | Anyone got a spare opinion or two? :) | 12:37 |
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Linux_Galore | jenda: I can spare a few | 12:37 |
mineur | Anouk.... je bent echt niet stoer | 12:37 |
Ayabara | Linux_Galore, logging out/in didn't help :-/ | 12:37 |
jenda | I need some feedback on http;// | 12:37 |
swanfl | I have tons of opinions jenda, what about? :) | 12:37 |
anouk | nerelander hier ??? | 12:37 |
jenda | That'll go out to print, about 1500 times. | 12:37 |
Linux_Galore | Ayabara: just edit the menu then | 12:38 |
mineur | esc: found it? | 12:38 |
michaelpo | yikes... 10mb to shutdown? | 12:38 |
Linux_Galore | Ayabara: right click on the menu button Edit Menu | 12:38 |
esc | yeah I found it...just testing right now brb | 12:38 |
mineur | michaelpo: that's just the dependencies... kshutdown is a kde app so it needs qt, and some stuff :) | 12:38 |
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Linux_Galore | Ayabara: sorry "Menu Editor" | 12:38 |
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Ayabara | Linux_Galore, thanks. says "Edit Menus" here | 12:39 |
mineur | if you're not using any other kde apps... that might be some overkill just to shutdown yeah :) | 12:39 |
michaelpo | is koffice using odf? | 12:39 |
mineur | no idea I use openoffice | 12:39 |
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Linux_Galore | Ayabara: yeah, I think they changed it, for some stupid reason it says Menu Edit on mine | 12:39 |
michaelpo | koffice is default in kubuntu? | 12:39 |
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Linux_Galore | michaelpo: no | 12:40 |
mineur | no, it's openoffice | 12:40 |
Linux_Galore | although koffice is nice if you want to edit stuff, openoffice is a bit over the top for many things | 12:40 |
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mineur | nano to edit things hehe | 12:41 |
Linux_Galore | koffice = very fast | 12:41 |
php-freak | aint' there like a ctrl alt delete | 12:41 |
php-freak | on kubunut | 12:41 |
php-freak | or a way to end process | 12:41 |
Jucato | php-freak: Ctrl+Esc | 12:41 |
Linux_Galore | php-freak: yes, depends on your hardware/bios | 12:41 |
mineur | php-freak: kill processid | 12:41 |
esc | mineur: doesnt help. I can either have konq-as-browser open it's home as /home/esc/ .... or konq-as-file-manag open it's open as | 12:41 |
jenda | So, no opinions? | 12:41 |
jenda | hm? | 12:41 |
Jucato | php-freak: or Ctrl+Alt+Esc then click on the window that hung up | 12:41 |
=== jenda points at http;// | ||
Linux_Galore | esc: true, konqueror has two modes, file or browser, but not both at the same time | 12:42 |
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Linux_Galore | esc: well not in the same tab anyway | 12:42 |
mineur | hmmm but the home always points to one location no? | 12:43 |
=== mineur uses opera... and thinks everybody should try that :) | ||
Linux_Galore | mineur: yeah. home can be set to whatever you want | 12:43 |
Linux_Galore | mineur: if i wanted a monolithic bloated closed source bitch I would wast lots of money on opera yes | 12:43 |
phed_ | hi | 12:44 |
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Linux_Galore | mineur: how do I compile opera so as to remove all the crap like IRC ?? | 12:44 |
mineur | opera is free :) | 12:44 |
esc | so basically, I can set konq-as-browser to open up to, but when I click the home button it *will only* show my home directory not my home page ( | 12:44 |
mineur | you don't :) | 12:45 |
Linux_Galore | mineur: air is free in new york doesnt mean its good | 12:45 |
mineur | I don't say it's good because it's free... but by using it you're not wasting money... same goes with open source, it's not good because it's free or open source :) | 12:45 |
mineur | there's alor of crap open source wandering around :) | 12:46 |
administrador | is it possible to place free phone calls using erika | 12:46 |
Linux_Galore | mineur: when opera becomes FOSS and removes all the crap they have been adding that isnt needed i may look at it | 12:46 |
mineur | hehe, imho it's a very good browser :) | 12:46 |
Riddell | jenda: what's that for? | 12:46 |
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esc | I really want to like konq as a browser...but this home issue is driving me away | 12:46 |
Linux_Galore | mineur: the problem is Opera isnt a browser anymore, its a network suite | 12:47 |
jenda | Riddell: printing - case badges. | 12:47 |
jenda | Riddell: lots | 12:47 |
phed_ | Linux_Galore: Everybody needs C64 skin | 12:47 |
jenda | Riddell: for expos and pretty much anyone who wants them. | 12:47 |
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Riddell | jenda: do I get one? :) | 12:47 |
ReneAlta | is it possible to place free phone calls using erika? | 12:47 |
Linux_Galore | mineur: I dont want a monolithic closed source network suite I want a "very good browser" | 12:47 |
mineur | true, but it's pretty configurable so that none of the extra's bother :) | 12:47 |
jenda | Riddell: you get as many as you wish, for the right price ;) | 12:47 |
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jenda | Riddell: it's about $0.3 apiece, including shipping | 12:48 |
mineur | of course... and to me konqueror isn't a very good browser :d | 12:48 |
jenda | Riddell: USD - but no less than 10 pieces. | 12:48 |
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Linux_Galore | mineur: Opera are just going down the same stupid path Mozilla did before they realised people wanted a "browser" not all the other crap | 12:48 |
jenda | Riddell: they'll probably be available as prizes for the weekly quiz in #ubuntu-trivia, too :) | 12:48 |
mineur | might be... but I'm still a fan :) | 12:49 |
phed_ | how about an opensource monolith? | 12:49 |
wolfwalker | I'm beginning to get a bit ticked off here. Can someone help me? | 12:49 |
Linux_Galore | mineur: also Opera doesnt intergrate with anything other than "opera" | 12:49 |
michaelpo | yikes it just turned into 12mb... for kshutdown in ubuntu | 12:49 |
phed_ | it is certainly faster than most browsers anyway | 12:49 |
mineur | yay another opera fan :d | 12:49 |
phed_ | not a opera fan | 12:49 |
mineur | :p | 12:49 |
phed_ | i am betting on none of the horses | 12:49 |
mineur | well not a hater then? :) | 12:49 |
phed_ | nah | 12:49 |
Linux_Galore | Opera can suck my wang | 12:50 |
phed_ | not happy till i see something render html with opengl | 12:50 |
esc | I dont like opera either. I love firefox, but not so much on kde | 12:50 |
mineur | Linux_Galore: that's what I hate about konqueror... it integrates way too much :) | 12:50 |
Linux_Galore | mineur: but at least it "does" opera is just wated disk space with no "open api" so nothing can work with it | 12:51 |
wolfwalker | I'm trying to get my Linux computer online (I'm on my Windoze computer now) but no luck. Someone gave me a link to linux drivers for my particular modem. The package came as a .tar.bz2 file. So now what do I do with it? | 12:51 |
Linux_Galore | wasted* | 12:51 |
mineur | I can work with it, good enough for me :) | 12:52 |
Linux_Galore | mineur: a browser should "work with other applications" not be some monolithic stand alone heading for bloatville app | 12:52 |
ReneAlta | is it possible to place free phone calls using erika?? | 12:52 |
esc | wolfwalker untar it | 12:52 |
ReneAlta | How do I do it? | 12:52 |
wolfwalker | I did, I uncompressed it | 12:52 |
mineur | but I clearly see you have issues with Opera... :d | 12:52 |
michaelpo | omg... 20mb for kshutdown... | 12:52 |
wolfwalker | Now what? | 12:52 |
esc | are the drivers in the repos, first? | 12:53 |
Linux_Galore | mineur: opera doesnt enhance my desktop, in fact it makes it more cluttered because ti "doesnt work with anything" | 12:53 |
mineur | lol michaelpo I told you... we all told you... there a reprobably gnome applets for the same thing... but I don't know crap about gnome... :) | 12:53 |
wolfwalker | |esc:| I don't know | 12:53 |
Linux_Galore | yeah, gnome has its own version or karamba | 12:53 |
esc | you should check there first | 12:53 |
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wolfwalker | |esc:| I'm not sure what to look for and where to look. I'm kinda new to linux | 12:54 |
esc | what are you trying to install? | 12:54 |
dennister | howdy folks...just looking for someone :) | 12:54 |
wolfwalker | USB drivers for my modem | 12:54 |
mineur | lol Linux_Galore you made your point... and you do have a point, but none of your opinions is enough for me to throw it out of the window... it does what I want it to do... and it does it really good, imho :) | 12:54 |
esc | wolfwalker: can you be more specific? | 12:55 |
mineur | I'm off for food | 12:55 |
esc | make/model | 12:55 |
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wolfwalker | Ahhh | 12:55 |
wolfwalker | |esc:| It's a Netopia modem, says on the back it's a Cayman 3300 series | 12:56 |
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esc | wireless? | 12:56 |
wolfwalker | |esc:| I got this file someone directed me to usbatm-20050216.tar.bz2 | 12:56 |
michaelpo | it is still halfway downloading.. can i change my mind and cancel? | 12:56 |
wolfwalker | I decompressed it and got these files | 12:56 |
wolfwalker | No, not wireless | 12:56 |
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esc | what kind of modem is it? | 12:57 |
wolfwalker | cxacru.c Kbuild Kconfig usbatm.c usbatm.h | 12:58 |
esc | asdl, ethernet...? | 12:58 |
wolfwalker | Those are the files I got | 12:58 |
esc | pppp? | 12:58 |
wolfwalker | It's a DSL connection, ethernet and usb options for connect between computer and modem | 12:58 |
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michaelpo | it is still halfway downloading.. can i change my mind and cancel? will it delete the downloaded files? | 12:59 |
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wolfwalker | When I extracted the .tar file, I got cxacru.c Kbuild Kconfig usbatm.c usbatm.h Now what do I do with them? | 12:59 |
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one | Sysinfo for 'one': Linux 2.6.17-10-generic running KDE 3.5.5, CPU: AMDAthlonXP2600+ at 2088 MHz (4180 bogomips), , RAM: 370/503MB, 107 proc's, 16.23h up | 01:01 |
esc | wolfwalker: I have no idea. the first thing you should do is search the ubuntuforums or other linux forums (try to stick with forums that are close to your disto - ubuntuforums kubuntuforums, whatever) and look for a guide. | 01:01 |
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wolfwalker | Oh well | 01:02 |
esc | getting a modem working is more than just installing a few files. | 01:02 |
esc | | 01:02 |
wolfwalker | Yeah, tell me about it | 01:02 |
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esc | have you read the forums? | 01:02 |
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wolfwalker | I don't know about any forums, much less where they are and what to look for when I get there | 01:03 |
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wolfwalker | I'm kinda new to the whole Linux thing | 01:03 |
esc | click on that link I just put up | 01:03 |
esc | and read around | 01:03 |
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esc | register on the forums...and search for your modem. if there is nothing, start a new thread. someone has to know what to do. | 01:04 |
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michaelpo | it is still halfway downloading.. can i change my mind and cancel? will it delete the downloaded files? | 01:04 |
esc | control-c will cancel | 01:05 |
esc | and then do sudo apt-get clean if you want | 01:06 |
wolfwalker | Well, here's hoping | 01:06 |
wolfwalker | Danka | 01:06 |
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esc | if not, you can always buy an ethernet card for 20 bucks | 01:07 |
wolfwalker | It has ethernet | 01:07 |
wolfwalker | It doesn't work | 01:07 |
esc | one that is know to work. usb cards kind of suck | 01:07 |
michaelpo | it will clean kshutdown specifically or clean my whole hdd? | 01:07 |
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esc | just get a standard ethernet card | 01:07 |
wolfwalker | My computer has an ethernet jack | 01:08 |
esc | so why not use that | 01:08 |
wolfwalker | When I tried the ethernet route, it didn't work | 01:08 |
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esc | what happened? | 01:08 |
wolfwalker | Said it couldn't access the modem's access concentrator | 01:08 |
rag1 | hi | 01:08 |
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esc | what said that | 01:08 |
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wolfwalker | When I ran pppoeconf | 01:08 |
wolfwalker | It scanned the ethernet port | 01:09 |
wolfwalker | Then said it couldn't access the modem's access concentrator | 01:09 |
rag1 | If i can, i wanna ask you a question about kubuntu vs partition table | 01:09 |
rjaltagracia | Anybody has any experience with VoIP | 01:09 |
esc | wolfwalker : I really have no idea. never used DSL or your cards before. like I said before, check out the ubuntuforums and kubuntuforums. you'll find plenty of info there and many helpful people. | 01:10 |
esc | good luck | 01:10 |
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michaelpo | aiks... it's done... i have kshutdown in my menu.... i will keep it.... | 01:12 |
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zorglu_ | q. any eclipse user on edgy around ? i run eclipse on ubuntu dapper and got a large memory leak when using eclipse, like 80mbyte every hour. i would like to know if people using edgy experience it too ? | 01:13 |
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zorglu_ | or feisty | 01:13 |
animimotus | hi | 01:14 |
animimotus | kalarm will be backported to Edgy ? | 01:14 |
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animimotus | if a motu know it | 01:18 |
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Hobbsee | animimotus: unlikely | 01:22 |
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animimotus | Hobbsee: and integrated to Feisty ? | 01:23 |
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Hobbsee | animimotus: if it's in kde 3.5.6 | 01:24 |
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michaelpo | hi | 01:24 |
michaelpo | how do i use kshutdown? | 01:25 |
michaelpo | when i click it, it go into configuration....' | 01:25 |
animimotus | Hobbsee: but in universe or multiverse, the condition are the same ? | 01:25 |
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Hobbsee | animimotus: yes. the package is in main, anyway | 01:25 |
codyt | Got a new DVDRW drive today, but it's very slow to respond when ripping or burning, any ideas? | 01:26 |
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animimotus | Hobbsee: in fact I don't understand really how I packet is integrated in the deposit chain. Perhaps a url can explain the process? | 01:28 |
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KomiaPoika | animimotus: should be alone and master on its nap | 01:28 |
Hobbsee | !components | 01:29 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See | 01:29 |
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Hobbsee | animimotus: ^ ? | 01:29 |
AL9000 | Guys I broke apt :( | 01:29 |
nate_ | google video in kubuntu? | 01:29 |
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Kano | hi, is there a package for h264 (avc) | 01:29 |
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AL9000 | This may have been a bad time to ask because I think I'm about to be taken away. | 01:29 |
animimotus | Hobbsee: thank you | 01:29 |
AL9000 | >< | 01:29 |
nate_ | how can i run a login manager on edgy | 01:30 |
Hobbsee | AL9000: acutally, you broke python-central | 01:30 |
nate_ | gdm dosnt work, it says alsorts of things | 01:30 |
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Hobbsee | AL9000: want me to file a bug on that? | 01:30 |
AL9000 | Please. | 01:30 |
AL9000 | Also fix it :> | 01:30 |
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AL9000 | It was a direct result of apt-get install k3d | 01:31 |
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animimotus | Hobbsee: and does it exist a roadmap for the components integration? | 01:32 |
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hakanu | selamlar | 01:33 |
Hobbsee | animimotus: perhaps | 01:33 |
Hobbsee | you're looking for main inclusion reports | 01:33 |
AL9000 | How can I remove k3d without running the pre-removal script? | 01:34 |
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hakanu | trke bilen birileri varm acaba | 01:34 |
AL9000 | Or alternative solution. | 01:34 |
Kano | Riddell: dont you think it is using external ffmpeg now and that has it disabled? | 01:34 |
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ForgeAus | pre-removal? | 01:34 |
AL9000 | <-- subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 1 | 01:35 |
levi__ | anyone here use glftpd? | 01:35 |
Hobbsee | AL9000: i'm not sure how you can remove that. short of removing python-central | 01:35 |
AL9000 | Hmm | 01:35 |
AL9000 | That would somewhat remove my entire installation :x | 01:36 |
Hobbsee | AL9000: | 01:36 |
Hobbsee | yes, i suspected as much | 01:36 |
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AL9000 | Can I get apt and/or dpkg to just ignore it for now? | 01:37 |
Hobbsee | well, you can install it again, i would think | 01:37 |
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AL9000 | Its post-installation script fails in the same way as its pre-removal script. | 01:38 |
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zorglu_ | !feisty | 01:38 |
ubotu | The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: - Specifications (goals): - Help in #ubuntu+1 | 01:38 |
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Hobbsee | AL9000: damn | 01:39 |
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dominika | cze, suchajcie, zainstalowaam Winshita na 8 partycji koo Kubuntu. Windows na 1 partycji (100MB) zaisntalowa swj program startowy. No wic wywaliam go (sformatowaam pierwsz partycj na ext3) i zainstalowaam tak GRUBA. Kubuntu si uruchamia, ale nie wiem co dopisa do konfiguracji by uruchomic Winshita. Pomoecie? | 01:42 |
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zorglu_ | !pl | dominika | 01:44 |
ubotu | dominika: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 01:44 |
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nate_ | how do i kill a app thats froze | 01:48 |
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Ash-Fox | ctrl alt escape | 01:49 |
KomiaPoika | ps ax|grep appname | 01:49 |
Ash-Fox | then click it | 01:49 |
KomiaPoika | and kill appname | 01:49 |
KomiaPoika | man kill | 01:50 |
ForgeAus | file type iso9660 is that iso the same as a CD iso? | 01:50 |
zorglu_ | ForgeAus: yes | 01:51 |
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Chousuke | a CD "iso" is an image of the CD, and CDs contain an iso9660 filesystem | 01:51 |
Ash-Fox | ForgeAus, | 01:51 |
Chousuke | so, yes. | 01:51 |
ForgeAus | its ok | 01:51 |
nate_ | those keys didnt do anything | 01:51 |
nate_ | im in edgy | 01:51 |
nate_ | if that helpds | 01:51 |
ForgeAus | I was just checking I'm used to them being called iso I don't pay attention ot the numbers thats all | 01:51 |
Ash-Fox | nate_, work fine here, ctrl alt escape, and I click the application I want to kill. | 01:52 |
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Ash-Fox | You get a little skull and bones as the cursor when you do it usually | 01:52 |
nate_ | ok it came up | 01:52 |
Ash-Fox | So click the application window with it? | 01:52 |
ForgeAus | hmmm that didn't work | 01:53 |
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nate_ | theres alot of things running | 01:53 |
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Ash-Fox | nate_, bring the program you want to kill to the front, hit ctrl alt escape then click it. | 01:53 |
ForgeAus | whats wrong with this? sudo mount -t iso9660 RIPLinuxX.iso /mnt/rip/ ??? | 01:53 |
nate_ | yeh i did that, it came up but beryl made it transparent lol | 01:54 |
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ForgeAus | it said RIPLinuxX.iso is not a block device | 01:54 |
Ash-Fox | ForgeAus, you forgot -o loop | 01:54 |
ForgeAus | whats -o loop? | 01:54 |
Ash-Fox | option lookback device | 01:54 |
Ash-Fox | for more information, open man://mount in Konqueror | 01:54 |
Ash-Fox | err, sorry, man:/mount | 01:55 |
paolo_ | Hi. is it possible, in linux, to manage how much virtual memory must reserved to a process? | 01:55 |
ForgeAus | damn I think I need to burn this to boot off of it | 01:55 |
paolo_ | Hi. is it possible, in linux, to manage how much virtual memory must BE reserved to a process? | 01:55 |
Aarohi | can kubuntu packages be installed over ubuntu through the kubuntu CD? | 01:56 |
Ash-Fox | paolo_, I know it's possible on a per user basis. You could create a new user account and limit their user's memory usage then run the application under that username. | 01:56 |
Ash-Fox | Aarohi, yes, but you're better off starting from a fresh in my opinion. | 01:56 |
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Aarohi | thanks Ash-Fox | 01:56 |
paolo_ | Ash-Fox: and if you use a swap file, is it possible in general? | 01:57 |
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Ash-Fox | paolo_, linux uses swap partitions, you can create a loopback device (file) for swap to create a swap file. | 01:57 |
ForgeAus | um does anyone have any experience with RIPLinuX? | 01:57 |
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ForgeAus | is there a way to um... access the file system it runs? I can open the iso but that doesn't let me get to the vfs? filesystem it loads | 01:58 |
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Ash-Fox | ForgeAus, this is the help channel for Kubuntu, not RIPLinuX | 01:58 |
ForgeAus | I'm not even sure where it loads it from! | 01:58 |
ForgeAus | lol AshFox... good point | 01:58 |
paolo_ | Ash-Fox: so, in this case, if I use this file, can i manage the virtual memory to reserve to a specified process? | 01:58 |
ForgeAus | I'm in Kubuntu tho (trying to open it from inside there) | 01:58 |
Ash-Fox | paolo_, no. | 01:59 |
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ForgeAus | besides theres no #RIPLinuX channel | 01:59 |
ForgeAus | (I know I just went there) | 01:59 |
paolo_ | why not Ash-Fox? | 01:59 |
Ash-Fox | paolo_, because I only know of a per user basis, not per process. | 01:59 |
Ash-Fox | paolo_, there maybe some 3rd party kernel module that does what you want, but I don't know of it. I would imagine those kernel modules generally exist for embedded linux. | 02:00 |
paolo_ | I see ash | 02:00 |
paolo_ | Ash-Fox: anyway, other people say that it's possible to limit the amount of ram used by a process | 02:01 |
Ash-Fox | paolo_, again I know it's possible per user. | 02:01 |
ForgeAus | uh whats a cgz file? | 02:01 |
Ash-Fox | ForgeAus, file <filename> | 02:01 |
paolo_ | ok Ash-Fox | 02:02 |
ForgeAus | AshFox its an extension | 02:02 |
Ash-Fox | ForgeAus, well I have no idea. But file could probably tell you more. | 02:02 |
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paolo_ | Ash-Fox: anyway, a work around would be launching a process with a specified user... | 02:02 |
paolo_ | right? | 02:03 |
Ash-Fox | paolo_, yes? Just run it as another user?.. | 02:03 |
ForgeAus | gzip compressed | 02:03 |
ForgeAus | so its an archive like a .zip file.. interesting | 02:03 |
ForgeAus | but doesn't help me much | 02:03 |
paolo_ | Ash-Fox: why "?" | 02:03 |
Ash-Fox | like sudo -u username /path/to/application, or if it's a graphical one, kdesu -u username /path/to/application | 02:03 |
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ForgeAus | unless you can mount a compressed file somehow | 02:03 |
Ash-Fox | ForgeAus, yes it does, it tells you it's a gzip file | 02:03 |
Ash-Fox | ark should be able to open it | 02:04 |
Ash-Fox | (Comes with kubuntu preintalled) | 02:04 |
Ash-Fox | *preinstalled | 02:04 |
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Ash-Fox | paolo_, what do you mean why? | 02:04 |
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paolo_ | Ash-Fox: you wrote <Ash-Fox> paolo_, yes? Just run it as another user?.. | 02:06 |
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paolo_ | was it a question? or the "?" appeared strangely? | 02:07 |
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Ash-Fox | It was a question, as in, why not run it as another user. | 02:08 |
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paolo_ | i see Ash-Fox | 02:09 |
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valchers | Hallo, I have problem whith kubuntu, I instaled ubuntu 6.06 and when I after finished restart computer I can`t login, There is information "root login is no allowed" nut in consols regime a can login | 02:11 |
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chuen | Hi. Anyone like to recommend their favourite printer that works well with Kubuntu? | 02:13 |
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Hobbsee | !root | valchers | 02:13 |
ubotu | valchers: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for all information. | 02:13 |
michaelpo | kshutdown did not work | 02:13 |
Ash-Fox | What do you mean "did not work" ? | 02:14 |
michaelpo | i dont know how to get kshutdown to work in ubuntu | 02:14 |
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Ash-Fox | Did you install it? | 02:15 |
Ash-Fox | !kshutdown | 02:15 |
michaelpo | yes i did | 02:15 |
ubotu | kshutdown: an advanced shut down utility for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9~beta-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 261 kB, installed size 1000 kB | 02:15 |
Ash-Fox | Okay, and you can't get it to work.. because/ | 02:15 |
Ash-Fox | What are you doing exactly? | 02:15 |
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michaelpo | i just installed ubuntu6.06 | 02:16 |
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michaelpo | i just installed ubuntu6.06, when i want to shutdown, i click the quit button... then need to wait a while while it log me off... then i need to click the shutdown selection.... i just installed kshutdown.... how do I get it to work in ubuntu? | 02:18 |
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michaelpo | Ash-Fox: i just installed ubuntu6.06, when i want to shutdown, i click the quit button... then need to wait a while while it log me off... then i need to click the shutdown selection.... i just installed kshutdown.... how do I get it to work in ubuntu? | 02:21 |
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Ash-Fox | Well, you're not supposed choose 'quit' in kshutdown, it's 'Start [Return] ' | 02:22 |
Ash-Fox | *supposed to choose | 02:22 |
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michaelpo | what do i choose then? | 02:23 |
michaelpo | yes i choose start | 02:23 |
Ash-Fox | If you're using the right click tray icon menu.. use anything above 'quit' todo your desired action | 02:23 |
michaelpo | then a confirm window show up... | 02:24 |
michaelpo | then i choose turn off computer.... | 02:24 |
michaelpo | nothing happened after that... | 02:24 |
Ash-Fox | Let me check this | 02:25 |
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Ash-Fox | Just imaged a fresh install of kubuntu.. updating.. | 02:27 |
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Ash-Fox | Okay, installing kshutdown then rebooting.. | 02:28 |
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Ash-Fox | michaelpo, kshutdown is working perfectly here? | 02:30 |
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Ash-Fox | michaelpo, access settings -> check system configuration, any problems? | 02:31 |
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michaelpo | i'm usung ubuntu... gnome | 02:33 |
michaelpo | it seems that this is not a KDE full session | 02:34 |
michaelpo | problem 2: kde display manager is not running | 02:34 |
michaelpo | 3. you can customize actions to work with gdm | 02:34 |
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michaelpo | problem 4: if you have problem with the /sbin/shutdown commend... try to modify the /etc/shutdown.allow" file, | 02:35 |
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Ash-Fox | Well, now you know the problems. You can decide what todo. | 02:37 |
michaelpo | i dont know how to fix it | 02:38 |
michaelpo | how do i modify the /etc/shutdown.allow file? | 02:38 |
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Ash-Fox | It wants you to run kdm, kde etc. | 02:38 |
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Ash-Fox | sudo gkedit /etc/shutdown.allow I imagine | 02:38 |
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Ash-Fox | err gksudo gkedit /etc/shutdown.allow | 02:39 |
michaelpo | what do i edit in the shutdown.allow file? | 02:39 |
Ash-Fox | Your problems aren't with shutdown.allow btw. | 02:39 |
Ash-Fox | You need to run kdm and KDE according to kshutdown. | 02:39 |
michaelpo | what's my problem? | 02:39 |
michaelpo | it say i can use gdm.... | 02:39 |
michaelpo | no? | 02:39 |
Ash-Fox | I don't see anything in man:/kshutdown | 02:40 |
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Peruna | anyone here using OSX style menu (File Edit ... ) in KDE ? | 02:41 |
Ash-Fox | Sorry, I can't really help with Gnome/GDM stuff, since I don't really use it that much. Beyond that, I rarely have the same applications running on the different DEs | 02:41 |
Ash-Fox | Peruna, no, but I used to. | 02:42 |
Peruna | oh just wonder if it's possible to make Firefox's menu to display there aswell | 02:42 |
Peruna | right now it displays in the firefox window | 02:42 |
Ash-Fox | Firefox doesn't use KDElibs, sorry. | 02:43 |
michaelpo | Ash-Fox: thanks... kshutdown is good in kubuntu? one click shutdown? | 02:43 |
Peruna | ooh | 02:43 |
Ash-Fox | michaelpo, yep, working perfectly, I tested it. | 02:43 |
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michaelpo | i dont like the click... wait... click... in ubuntu | 02:43 |
Peruna | please recommend me a good OSX-like dock panel :) | 02:44 |
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Ash-Fox | Peruna, superkaramba has some nice widgets that look like OSX dock panels | 02:45 |
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Peruna | does it also dock them ? | 02:46 |
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Peruna | I mean .. show that they are running | 02:46 |
Ash-Fox | Peruna, you'll want to look on to find the different ones -- yes some do. | 02:46 |
Peruna | nice, ok | 02:46 |
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DjDarkman | hy ,how can I share my internet connection? | 02:48 |
rysiek|pl | hi all | 02:48 |
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stdin | DjDarkman: install firestarter, that will allow you to setup connection sharing | 02:49 |
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rysiek|pl | anybody any ideas on how to make a non-working function key on a laptop's keyboard to work with edgy? the key *does* work under windows, but it *does not* show up neither in xev, nor in dmesg | 02:49 |
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DjDarkman | yeah stdin ,but is there a kde solution for this? | 02:51 |
Ash-Fox | !shortcuts | 02:51 |
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ubotu | Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts (Gnome) or "Input Actions" in KControl (KDE). If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try keytouch - | 02:52 |
stdin | rysiek|pl: use keytouch and optionally keytouch keytouch-editor | 02:52 |
matthew0507 | im trying to use kiso to mount my iso images. but i get this message "You have to start Kiso in root first' , what does that mean? | 02:53 |
stdin | DjDarkman: Connection sharing is done by the kernel, the apps are only a GUI, you can try guidedog to do it, bit I haven't tried it | 02:54 |
Peruna | anyone here using Kopete ? | 02:54 |
stdin | matthew0507: maybe it means start as root (kdesu) | 02:54 |
matthew0507 | yea 'start as root', how do i do that with kdesu? what command do i type? | 02:55 |
Ash-Fox | Peruna, I used to, but I started using Gaim because I was getting annoyed at the lack of working ignore and privacy settings. | 02:55 |
Peruna | In the main window, each toolbar has a handle is there a way to hide them ? | 02:55 |
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Ash-Fox | Hm, there might be a 'lock' toolbars option somewhere | 02:56 |
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stdin | matthew0507: probably "kdesu kiso" | 02:56 |
Peruna | oh | 02:56 |
matthew0507 | stdin: ty, i'll give that a try | 02:56 |
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rysiek|pl | stdin: m'kay, testing | 02:57 |
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ubuntu | hi | 03:01 |
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Peruna | hi | 03:02 |
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doc| | no puedo instalar Feisty Herd 2, tengo problema con la particion | 03:02 |
stdin | !fr | 03:03 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 03:03 |
doc| | ok ok | 03:03 |
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Peruna | for some reason my CPU is running at 1 Ghz only (max 1.8) | 03:12 |
Peruna | is it normal ? | 03:13 |
KomiaPoika | no | 03:13 |
Lynoure | It is if you have it throttled to that. | 03:14 |
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Peruna | no idea, just installed Kubuntu | 03:14 |
mineur | Peruna: is it a laptop? | 03:15 |
Peruna | no, pc | 03:15 |
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mineur | hmmm | 03:17 |
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oem_ | Hallo zusammen, kann mir jemand sagen wo ich bei Kubuntu KMail finde | 03:21 |
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mineur | !de > oem_ | 03:22 |
mineur | !de | 03:22 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 03:22 |
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Peruna | !fi | 03:26 |
ubotu | Suomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi | 03:26 |
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rysiek|pl | guys, has anyone experienced problems with beryl/fglrx (DRI not enabled, beryl cannot run) and beryl-settings (missing module: gtk, and after installing python2.5-gtk I get this: gobject.GError: Unrecognized image file format)? | 03:41 |
rysiek|pl | ...after the last update | 03:41 |
rysiek|pl | before the update beryl and beryl settings worked like a charm | 03:42 |
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ScarFreewill | !cli|ScarFreewill | 03:46 |
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gnomefreak | rysiek|pl: you need to install beryl-settings-bindings and it should work. this is if you are using the 2.0 beta | 03:47 |
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ScarFreewill | !cli|ScarFreewill | 03:47 |
Kuser | !cli | ScarFreewill | 03:47 |
wimpies | I want to set up the keyboard to qwerty US-Internaltiona (with EURO) but without having to strike two keys to have a ~ sign | 03:47 |
Kuser | ScarFreewill: seems ubotu is sleeping :P | 03:48 |
gnomefreak | rysiek|pl: also best place for beryl questions is in #ubuntu-xgl | 03:48 |
ScarFreewill | Kuser: yeah :$ | 03:48 |
rysiek|pl | gnomefreak: thanks, forgot about that channel | 03:48 |
ubotu | ScarFreewill: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Manuals: | 03:48 |
Pekke | does anybody have any ideas how to get my cd/dvdrom to work? i have "/media/cdrom0" directory, but nothing happens when i put cd in... | 03:49 |
dgi | man | 03:49 |
Kuser | heh, he woke up | 03:49 |
Peruna | alt gr + 5 gives the euro symbol | 03:49 |
devilsadvocate | Pekke, kde? | 03:49 |
Pekke | yep | 03:49 |
devilsadvocate | Pekke, dont you get the popup like tht in windows? | 03:50 |
Pekke | noup. | 03:50 |
Pekke | my usb memory givesit, but no cdrom | 03:50 |
devilsadvocate | Pekke, in a terminal type sudo mount -l | 03:50 |
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Peruna | how to create rootpassword in konsole ? | 03:52 |
devilsadvocate | Pekke, output? (pastebin) | 03:52 |
Pekke | devilsadvocate: pastebin? | 03:52 |
devilsadvocate | !pastebin | 03:52 |
devilsadvocate | hmm | 03:52 |
devilsadvocate | ok | 03:52 |
Kuser | !sudo | Peruna | 03:52 |
Pekke | !pastebin | 03:52 |
Pekke | ? | 03:52 |
Pekke | paste? | 03:52 |
Pekke | i'm a noobie =) | 03:53 |
devilsadvocate | in the output of mount -l | 03:53 |
Kuser | | 03:53 |
devilsadvocate | do you see /media/cdrom0 | 03:53 |
Peruna | Pekke | 03:53 |
Pekke | no | 03:53 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:54 |
ubotu | Peruna: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for all information. | 03:54 |
Peruna | Kuser I meant creating a password for root | 03:54 |
Kuser | Peruna: why do you need to ? | 03:54 |
Pekke | | 03:54 |
Pekke | ok there | 03:54 |
devilsadvocate | Pekke, type "dmesg" in the command line and see if there is anythign about your cdrom in the last few lines | 03:54 |
Peruna | ok | 03:54 |
Peruna | so that I won't have to type sudo everytime | 03:54 |
stdin | Peruna: use: sudo -i | 03:55 |
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Peruna | ooh | 03:55 |
Peruna | nice thnx :) | 03:55 |
stdin | np :) | 03:55 |
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Pekke | devilsadvocate: no there's nothing about my cdrom.. only 3 times about rt2500, PCI, pccard, acpi | 03:56 |
devilsadvocate | Pekke, type ls /dev |grep hd | 03:57 |
Pekke | oh, it says: cdrom: open failed | 03:57 |
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stdin | devilsadvocate: wouldn't ls /dev/hd* work there ? | 03:57 |
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devilsadvocate | stdin, it should, but i kind of like grep :P | 03:57 |
stdin | gerp's kool :) | 03:58 |
kkosmo | stdin | 03:58 |
kkosmo | you can help me | 03:58 |
stdin | depends on the problem | 03:58 |
stdin | kkosmo | 03:58 |
devilsadvocate | dont have to bother with the position of the *.. in usally looking for something less defined | 03:58 |
kkosmo | how i can change only the language on konsole to english | 03:58 |
kkosmo | ? | 03:58 |
kkosmo | only konsol | 03:58 |
kkosmo | konsole | 03:58 |
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stdin | kkosmo: export LANG="C" | 03:59 |
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doc| | una preguntilla mas, de donde puedo sacar la configuracion del xorg, del live cd | 03:59 |
kkosmo | TYPE X | 03:59 |
kkosmo | C | 03:59 |
kkosmo | ? | 03:59 |
kkosmo | OR | 03:59 |
mineur | !es | 03:59 |
kkosmo | EN | 03:59 |
stdin | doc|: #kubuntu-fr | 03:59 |
doc| | sorry | 03:59 |
stdin | :) | 03:59 |
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mineur | doc|: mas suerte en kubuntu-es :) | 03:59 |
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Pekke | what should the grep-line do? it gave me:hda, hda1,2,5,hdb | 04:00 |
kkosmo | stdin | 04:00 |
kkosmo | thankd | 04:00 |
kkosmo | thankds | 04:00 |
devilsadvocate | Pekke, how many hard drives do you have? | 04:00 |
stdin | np :) | 04:00 |
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kkosmo | =] | 04:00 |
mineur | Pekke: grep just parses it's input and only shows the lines according to the argument you giive it... | 04:01 |
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mineur | pfffffffffffff I'm constantly switching from laptop to desktop.... can't type! | 04:02 |
shenmue | hi | 04:03 |
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shenmue | anyone knows which software can change the case of the tag of mp3 files? | 04:04 |
devilsadvocate | shenmue, amarok | 04:05 |
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shenmue | devilsadvocate: I mean change lots files automaticlly | 04:07 |
Zamber | google for it | 04:07 |
Zamber | maybe theres somewhere a script for it | 04:08 |
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devilsadvocate | shenmue, you can use amarok to change a single field of tags | 04:08 |
dromer | anyone: ever since I moved my /home to a different partition yesterday, Thunderbird keeps crashing every time I try to read mail (if I don't touch it it stays on) | 04:08 |
dromer | I can click on the mail and read it, but wintin 10 seconds it crashes | 04:08 |
Pekke | devilsadvocate: i have only one 20G hd. and it is not partitioned (except the swap part) | 04:08 |
stdin | shenmue: easytag seems to be able to do what you want | 04:09 |
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shenmue | stdin: ok, i'll give it a try | 04:10 |
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devilsadvocate | Pekke, ok. did dmesg assign any id to the cdrom , hdb maybe? | 04:10 |
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stdin | devilsadvocate: what does "dmesg |grep -i cd-rom" show ? | 04:11 |
stdin | or Pekke ^^ | 04:12 |
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K-Ryan | Hey guys, someone was trying to help me setup fglrx last night | 04:20 |
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K-Ryan | I went through the !fglrx page and did what I was supposed to, except when typing in fglrxinfo in the konsole it doesnt say ati | 04:20 |
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K-Ryan | Can anyone help? | 04:20 |
stdin | do you have the fglrx driver loaded ? | 04:21 |
K-Ryan | By loaded, what do you mean? | 04:21 |
stdin | in xorg.conf | 04:22 |
K-Ryan | I don't think I did, last night the guy was trying to do something with that. | 04:22 |
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stdin | if you don't put it in xorg.conf, it won't be used | 04:22 |
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K-Ryan | How do I put it in there? | 04:22 |
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rysiek|pl | guys, is there a way of checking wich packages have been upgraded in the last upgrade? | 04:23 |
stdin | in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, under Section "Device", change the Driver to "fglrx" | 04:23 |
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K-Ryan | "sudo kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf" ? | 04:24 |
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stdin | K-Ryan: replace "sudo" with "kdesu" | 04:24 |
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stdin | rysiek|pl: if you know the date, you can look at /var/log/dpkg.log | 04:25 |
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K-Ryan | okay, found "Section "InputDevice" "Driver "wacom" " | 04:25 |
K-Ryan | Replace that with fglrx? | 04:25 |
stdin | K-Ryan: no, under "Section "Device" " | 04:25 |
rysiek|pl | stdin: great! thanks | 04:26 |
stdin | rysiek|pl: no problem :) | 04:26 |
K-Ryan | okay, replaced it with Fglrx | 04:26 |
K-Ryan | testing... | 04:26 |
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stdin | K-Ryan: not a uppercase F, and you'll need to restart the X server | 04:27 |
K-Ryan | right... | 04:27 |
K-Ryan | restarting x... | 04:28 |
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K-Ryan | umm, logging out and back in counts as restarting the x server right? | 04:30 |
stdin | nope | 04:30 |
K-Ryan | no? | 04:30 |
K-Ryan | I thought someone said that only hardware changes required a reboot | 04:31 |
stdin | logout, and choose "Restart the X server" from the meny | 04:31 |
stdin | menu | 04:31 |
K-Ryan | oh =) | 04:31 |
K-Ryan | let me try that | 04:31 |
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devilsadvocate | stdin, Ctrl-Alt-Backspace kills the x-server | 04:32 |
stdin | I didn't say kill it, I said restart it :P | 04:33 |
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stdin | besides, the menu entry is cleaner for the system | 04:33 |
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K-Ryan | good news and bad news | 04:42 |
K-Ryan | good news, i moved up from my 1/3 FPS | 04:42 |
K-Ryan | bad news, it moved to 2 FPS | 04:42 |
K-Ryan | and my mouse couldnt move up | 04:43 |
K-Ryan | so i had to reboot | 04:43 |
K-Ryan | How can I terminate a program that im in, what keys? | 04:43 |
Lynoure | K-Ryan: Out of curiousity, windowed or full screen? | 04:43 |
K-Ryan | full screen | 04:43 |
stdin | normally Ctrl-Alt-Escape, then click on the window | 04:44 |
K-Ryan | if you are running something full screen would the window still come up? | 04:44 |
stdin | should do, but can depend on the app | 04:44 |
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raghul | hi | 04:47 |
K-Ryan | Hi there | 04:47 |
raghul | how to download the kernel source | 04:47 |
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raghul | how to download the kernel source for dapper drake | 04:47 |
LjL | Ubotu, tell raghul about kernel | raghul, see the private message from Ubotu | 04:47 |
LjL | !kernel | 04:47 |
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LjL | !kernel | raghul | 04:48 |
Ubotwo | raghul: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see | 04:48 |
LjL | !info linux-source | 04:48 |
Ubotwo | linux-source - Linux kernel source with Ubuntu patches - available in Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) - See for more information | 04:48 |
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Pekke | hello | 04:48 |
ubotu | kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see | 04:48 |
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Pekke | devilsadvocate: it says that the cdrom is hdb | 04:49 |
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devilsadvocate | Pekke, try sudo mount /dev/hdb /media/cdrom | 04:49 |
Pekke | ok | 04:49 |
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Pekke | my wlan card seems to loose the connection every now and then, and after that it's quite hard to get it back | 04:51 |
shenmue | raghul: sudo aptitude install linux-source | 04:51 |
Pekke | now it's just doing something with the cdrom | 04:52 |
devilsadvocate | give it a minute | 04:52 |
Pekke | mount: you must specify the filesystem type | 04:52 |
Pekke | it said that | 04:52 |
devilsadvocate | ok | 04:52 |
Pekke | but still tries to do something | 04:52 |
devilsadvocate | try another cd | 04:52 |
Pekke | roger | 04:52 |
Pekke | won't open =) | 04:53 |
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Pekke | hmm | 04:53 |
devilsadvocate | same error? | 04:53 |
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Pekke | i put to the Kscd device to mount: /dev/hdb, and it started playing the cd | 04:53 |
devilsadvocate | but it works? | 04:54 |
Pekke | now it gives the opening pop up. =) | 04:54 |
Pekke | thanks | 04:54 |
devilsadvocate | you might have your media player configured to do that | 04:54 |
CotRo|eR | Hey anyone knows how to connect my nokia 6600 to my ubuntu machine via bluetooth and surf the internet on my mobile via 'ubuntu' ??? | 04:54 |
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devilsadvocate | your other cd is screwed Pekke | 04:54 |
Pekke | i don't know witch line it was, but it works | 04:54 |
visik7 | anyone here using lphoto ? | 04:54 |
raghul | how to reduce the size of the ubuntu kernel? | 04:55 |
Pekke | both of the cd's work now. the other one was data, and other .wav. now it gives the pop up window like in XP when i insert a cd | 04:55 |
raghul | it takes more time for me to boot ubuntu any idea | 04:55 |
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stdin | CotRo|eR: look at and | 04:56 |
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raghul | it takes more time for me to boot ubuntu any idea to boot it faster | 04:56 |
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Pekke | what is the best c++ or HTML editor and coding tool in Kubuntu? | 04:57 |
Pekke | with color coding and stuff | 04:58 |
waylandbill | kdevelop & quanta (kdewebdev) | 04:58 |
gnomefreak | quanta but its kind of on the heavy side | 04:58 |
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CotRo|eR | stdin: yes i managed now how do i pair bluetooth devices? | 04:59 |
stdin | CotRo|eR: those pages tell you how to do it | 04:59 |
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praveer_fedora | anyone know | 05:04 |
praveer_fedora | how to change label for ext3 | 05:04 |
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praveer_fedora | i have wrongly labelled two partitions as / so none can boot | 05:04 |
raghul | is there any way to convert the partition from ext3 to reiserfs without formatting? | 05:04 |
LjL | !convertfs | raghul, but dangerous | 05:05 |
Ubotwo | convertfs - in-place filesystem conversion - available in Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) - See for more information | 05:05 |
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LjL | praveer_fedora: that's not the label, that's the mountpoing. it's in /etc/fstab | 05:05 |
praveer_fedora | what should i do now | 05:05 |
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praveer_fedora | LjL, I am sure it is Label thing i have faced it before | 05:06 |
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praveer_fedora | some how forgot to remeber it | 05:06 |
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LjL | praveer_fedora: then you haven't explained it correctly. you said you "labelled both as /", which makes not much sense | 05:06 |
LjL | praveer_fedora: if even recovery mode and "init=/bin/sh" fail, i guess you should use a live cd | 05:06 |
praveer_fedora | ya | 05:06 |
praveer_fedora | kubuntu 64 bit | 05:07 |
praveer_fedora | jus tell me command to change label | 05:07 |
LjL | praveer_fedora: e2label is the command you want *if* the problem is the label, anyway | 05:07 |
praveer_fedora | thanks | 05:07 |
praveer_fedora | a lotttt | 05:07 |
LjL | praveer_fedora: i've just done it, although an "apropos label" would have easily told you | 05:07 |
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praveer_fedora | LjL was trying with mke2fs | 05:08 |
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BluesKaj | howdy all :) | 05:11 |
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K-Ryan | Hey now | 05:11 |
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LjL | praveer_fedora: bad idea i think... that formats | 05:11 |
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BluesKaj | !Haiku | 05:12 |
Ubotwo | Sorry, I know nothing about that - try | 05:12 |
K-Ryan | !poem | 05:12 |
BluesKaj | yeah :) | 05:13 |
LjL | !botabuse | 05:13 |
Ubotwo | Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 05:13 |
K-Ryan | I wasn't abusing, I was seeing if a more basic thing would have a result... | 05:13 |
BluesKaj | sensitive bots here | 05:13 |
LjL | K-Ryan: still, you can use private messages or #ubuntu-bots if you don't know whether a factoid exists | 05:13 |
K-Ryan | Ubotwo? | 05:14 |
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LjL | !bot | 05:14 |
Ubotwo | This is a temporary replacement for Ubotu. You can browse Ubotu's brain at - Usage info: | 05:14 |
K-Ryan | What happened to Ubotu? o.O | 05:14 |
LjL | K-Ryan: read your backscrool, search for "ubotu has left" | 05:14 |
stdin | anyone know of a GUI for ip6tables ? | 05:14 |
BluesKaj | factoid? that botspeak for "fact" ? | 05:14 |
K-Ryan | Oh, I see | 05:14 |
LjL | BluesKaj: it's botspeak for "association between a trigger-word and the bot's response" | 05:15 |
K-Ryan | So the bot reset it's connection? | 05:15 |
K-Ryan | *its | 05:15 |
LjL | K-Ryan: kind of, it's been parting and joining for all day at a few minutes' interval | 05:15 |
BluesKaj | bots got a botette :) | 05:15 |
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BluesKaj | anyone have experience with Haiky the OS ? | 05:16 |
BluesKaj | Haiku | 05:16 |
K-Ryan | Oh that's why you did that | 05:16 |
K-Ryan | I thought you were bored =) | 05:16 |
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BluesKaj | well, that too | 05:17 |
K-Ryan | =P | 05:17 |
CotRo|eR | stdin: no success in surfing internet with bluetooth | 05:17 |
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LjL | BluesKaj: that's quite offtopic... still, no, i've only used proper BeOS, and i didn't even believe Haiku was at a stage where you could actually boot it | 05:17 |
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stdin | CotRo|eR: not even with ? | 05:18 |
BluesKaj | LjL, IC | 05:18 |
LjL | it surely has gone a long way since i last looked at it. i used to look at the site daily, but not anymore | 05:19 |
CotRo|eR | stdin: because i dont want to surf the internet via gprs, but the other way round, surf the internet on the mobile via bluetooth via ubuntu to become free :) | 05:19 |
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K-Ryan | CotRo|eR doesn't want to pay for internet from his phone company =) | 05:20 |
stdin | CotRo|eR: don't know if you can do that | 05:20 |
praveer_fedora | LjL: I think i have messed my vfat partition any command to reapir vfat , may be using fsck but it didnt help, it says clean but mounting that vfat fails | 05:20 |
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praveer_fedora | LjL: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda3 | 05:20 |
CotRo|eR | yes you CAN! | 05:21 |
LjL | praveer_fedora: well, in what way might you have messed it up? | 05:21 |
CotRo|eR | | 05:21 |
praveer_fedora | LjL: tried to repair ext3 which semmed to have bad magic number for relabelling | 05:21 |
tibbar | can some one recomend me a cool download manager for firefox, im using Kget and wget atm, but I cant find plugins. | 05:21 |
CotRo|eR | but its not a good guide doesn't work | 05:21 |
praveer_fedora | LjL: in it got few things about /WINDOWS/TEMP/**** | 05:22 |
LjL | praveer_fedora: weird that it would affect *another* partition... might you not somehow have changed the partition type for the FAT partition? check fdisk -l /dev/sda | 05:22 |
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praveer_fedora | ok | 05:22 |
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eviljames | Bonjour! This machine has incorrectly decided that my graphics card is i915 instead of i810, how do I convince it otherwise? | 05:23 |
praveer_fedora | LjL: Cannot open /dev/sda3 <- seems strange | 05:24 |
eviljames | It's loading incorrect kernel modules. | 05:24 |
devilsadvocate | eviljames, what makes you think that? | 05:24 |
LjL | praveer_fedora: /dev/sda not /dev/sda3, if that's fdisk that you're using | 05:24 |
tibbar | can some one recomend me a cool download manager for firefox, im using Kget and wget atm, but I cant find firefox plugins. | 05:24 |
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praveer_fedora | LjL: Cannot open /dev/sda | 05:25 |
devilsadvocate | tibbar, dta | 05:25 |
eviljames | devilsadvocate: Well, the drm module that has loaded is i915 | 05:25 |
devilsadvocate | eviljames, you sure you have 810 ?:P | 05:25 |
eviljames | yes. | 05:25 |
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eviljames | wait. | 05:25 |
eviljames | ;) | 05:25 |
devilsadvocate | eviljames, lspci | 05:25 |
LjL | praveer_fedora: weird enough, stupid question but are you sure the device is actually /dev/sda and not something else, say /dev/hda? | 05:25 |
eviljames | 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02) | 05:26 |
LjL | praveer_fedora: ah wait - of course you need to be root | 05:26 |
eviljames | A quick google search links the 82865G to i810 driver | 05:26 |
devilsadvocate | eviljames, are you facing any problem otherwise? | 05:26 |
tibbar | devilsadvocate: where can I get dta | 05:26 |
praveer_fedora | LjL: is what i have messed up | 05:26 |
devilsadvocate | tibbar, google for it - you can try down them all | 05:26 |
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eviljames | devilsadvocate: yes. Beryl crashes immediately upon starting. my laptop had this exact same problem, and manually doing: modprobe -r i915 && modprobe i810 | 05:26 |
K-Ryan | has anyone installed xblast or xblast-tnt | 05:26 |
eviljames | after the X server had crashed causes beryl to work. | 05:27 |
K-Ryan | I don't know which one to install >.< | 05:27 |
LjL | praveer_fedora: ouch! you should have done copy original to backup there, not vice versa... | 05:27 |
stdin | eviljames: I have a 845, and I still have i915 loaded, doesn't seem to cause any trouble | 05:27 |
devilsadvocate | eviljames, hmm | 05:27 |
eviljames | devilsadvocate: but once I did that, beryl works fine. | 05:27 |
eviljames | The laptop has the same integrated video card. | 05:27 |
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praveer_fedora | LjL: has the following got anything to do with | 05:27 |
LjL | praveer_fedora: i suppose /dev/sda1 really is a FAT partition anyway, and you mistook it for an ext3 partition? | 05:27 |
praveer_fedora | vfat | 05:27 |
LjL | praveer_fedora: maybe, i'm not sure | 05:27 |
praveer_fedora | LjL: this seems too strange | 05:28 |
stdin | eviljames: you can blacklist the i915 module, and add i810 to /etc/modules, that would work | 05:28 |
devilsadvocate | eviljames, you have the problem on the same laptop right.. and manually changing the module fixes it? | 05:28 |
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praveer_fedora | LjL: after i restarted my konsole it got booted | 05:28 |
eviljames | devilsadvocate: That's correct. | 05:28 |
devilsadvocate | stdin +1 eviljames | 05:28 |
praveer_fedora | LjL: sorry mounted | 05:28 |
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praveer_fedora | LjL: mounted* | 05:28 |
eviljames | stdin: Bingo, that's exactly what I wanted :) | 05:28 |
praveer_fedora | LjL: anyway so many thnaks | 05:28 |
stdin | eviljames: I may do that too, seems I have the same problem here :P | 05:29 |
eviljames | I want to tell the system to never load i915 and always load i810 | 05:29 |
Pekke | hi! my wlan card started being unstable after I tried to put my laptop on suspend using the KPowersave. it gave me arror message:"suspend to ram failed on unloading "rt2500". trying to recover. | 05:29 |
praveer_fedora | LjL: and i would remember "you should have done copy original to backup there, not vice versa..." next time | 05:29 |
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eviljames | stdin: This is the route I took with my laptop after noticing a bunch of agpgart problems in Xorg.log so I checked kernel modules. | 05:29 |
eviljames | stdin: Where do I blacklist i915? | 05:30 |
stdin | eviljames: thought you'd ask :P | 05:30 |
stdin | eviljames: add the line "blacklist i810" to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist | 05:30 |
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stdin | eviljames: opps, | 05:31 |
eviljames | Are you sure I don't put blacklist i915 ? | 05:31 |
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eviljames | ;) | 05:31 |
stdin | eviljames: that's i915 :P | 05:31 |
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eviljames | and then add i810 to /etc/modules ? | 05:31 |
DaSkreech | !real | 05:31 |
Ubotwo | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 05:31 |
stdin | eviljames: yep, then reboot, and it should use the correct driver | 05:31 |
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eviljames | Alright, I'll give it a whirl right now. | 05:32 |
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stdin | heh, me too :P | 05:32 |
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eviljames | stdin: I used modprobe.d/blacklist -- however i915 loaded anyways. | 05:39 |
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stdin | eviljames: yeah, same here.. | 05:39 |
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eviljames | Mine is also telling me that i915 is in use -- an error that the laptop gave right up until I dropped to console mode to forcibly remove it :) | 05:40 |
eviljames | (former pain^H^H^H^Hslackware junkie) :-) | 05:40 |
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eviljames | The only place that i915 is mentioned inside of /etc (according to grep -R i915 *) is inside of modprobe.d/blacklist | 05:43 |
Pekke | what can be wrong with my wlan card(gigabyte, i think based on ralink 2500 chip?). The power light is on, ifconfig gives me all kind of stuff about ra0,system settings/network settings tell ra0 is enabled, but it can't find any networks, and frequently loses connection. There is no encryption in my wlan at the moment. | 05:44 |
eviljames | I'm not 100% but I'm sure this is important to getting beryl to work properly. | 05:44 |
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stdin | eviljames: beryl is working for me, even with i915 loaded | 05:45 |
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eviljames | For me it crashes and takes X with it. | 05:45 |
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mikejanssen | hmm | 05:45 |
mikejanssen | just dl'd the kubuntu install files from within to i make the change over? | 05:46 |
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cloakable | mikejanssen: What to you mean, downloaded the install files? sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 05:47 |
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cloakable | ? | 05:47 |
eviljames | stdin: How does the kernel make the decision to load i915? | 05:48 |
sun_ | where can I find this emoticons for GAIM: ? | 05:48 |
mikejanssen | i dl'd from synaptic | 05:48 |
eviljames | Or, how does ubuntu? | 05:48 |
cloakable | mikejanssen: You installed kubuntu-desktop in synaptic? | 05:48 |
mikejanssen | yes | 05:48 |
cloakable | mikejanssen: Logout, and change the session to KDE | 05:49 |
mikejanssen | restart comp? | 05:49 |
stdin | eviljames: hmm, I don't know the exact way it decides, i think it detects the hardware then somehow chooses what to load then. | 05:49 |
cloakable | mikejanssen: Log out. | 05:50 |
mikejanssen | k | 05:50 |
cloakable | ... | 05:50 |
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stdin | eviljames: maybe the devels will know | 05:50 |
cloakable | Why do I get the feeling he will be back, saying he restarted? | 05:50 |
cloakable | And is still in gnome? :P | 05:51 |
eviljames | stdin: I've made a grevious error :( | 05:52 |
Pekke | can i change the desktop somehow in the konsole? like with some desktop-gnome -command or something? | 05:52 |
eviljames | I just rebooted my laptop and it loaded the 915 module | 05:52 |
eviljames | and beryl | 05:52 |
eviljames | and didn't crash hideously. | 05:52 |
eviljames | Now I have to figure out what I did (other than the kernel module) that made it work :) | 05:52 |
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stdin | eviljames: heh, not a task I envy | 05:53 |
mikejanssen | hmm | 05:54 |
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dope | is there a way to keep a user account from changing the wall paper? | 05:56 |
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eviljames | stdin: Thanks for your help anyways. | 05:56 |
LjL | !kiosktool | dope | 05:57 |
ubotwo | kiosktool - tool to configure the KDE kiosk framework - available in Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) - See for more information | 05:57 |
LjL | possibly that can do it | 05:57 |
stdin | eviljames: no problem | 05:57 |
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Pekke | can anyone help me with the wlan card problem? | 05:59 |
Lynoure | Pekke: Which kind? (Not promising anything...) | 06:00 |
Pekke | what can be wrong with my wlan card(gigabyte, i think based on ralink 2500 chip?). The power light is on, ifconfig gives me all kind of stuff about ra0,system settings/network settings tell ra0 is enabled, but it can't find any networks, and frequently loses connection. There is no encryption in my wlan at the moment. | 06:00 |
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Pekke | so when i restart my laptop, it makes connection, but after5-10 minutes it loses it, and usually i have to restart the whole computer to get it to work again. networking restart in konsole won't help | 06:02 |
tibbar | devilsadvocate: do you know how to install dta? | 06:02 |
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devilsadvocate | tibbar, just like you would install any firefox extecnsion | 06:04 |
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tibbar | devilsadvocate: just found out ty | 06:05 |
jeanmi | hello, i would like to know if there is an alternative to amule to use the ed2k network | 06:05 |
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Lynoure | Pekke: hmm, anything in the logs? | 06:06 |
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Pekke | where can i find the logs` | 06:06 |
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gongi | hello | 06:06 |
Lynoure | Pekke: /var/log/ or in this case command dmesg can be enough. | 06:07 |
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Pekke | it gives: ra0: no IPv6 routers present | 06:08 |
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Lynoure | Pekke: that as such is not a problem but you could see if disabling ipv6 helps. Nothing about the wifi device? | 06:11 |
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Pekke | no, just EEPROM channel and desibel listing or something like that. | 06:12 |
Pekke | how can i disable ipv6 | 06:12 |
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Lynoure | !ipv6 | 06:13 |
ubotwo | To disable ipv6 read | 06:13 |
Lynoure | Pekke: see that link, but I do not think it makes a difference, sounds like something else. | 06:13 |
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Pekke | when i used WPA encryption, i used this page and Kenzy's last comment (almost in the end) to set it up. But now i don't use wpa, so how do i have to change that to make wlan work? | 06:14 |
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Lynoure | Pekke: I have personally found knetworkmanager to be handy, whether one uses wpa, wep or nothing | 06:16 |
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Pekke | i'll try that | 06:16 |
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Pekke | i've been using wireless assistant | 06:16 |
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Lynoure | Pekke: it can require one configuration tweak (commenting out interfaces from /etc/network/interfaces ), but we'll get to that if it comes to that | 06:17 |
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Pekke | ok | 06:18 |
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Pekke | i plugged a cable and try to download that application | 06:18 |
K-Ryan | Can someone help me fix up my fglrx? | 06:18 |
shadowhywind | anyone around that can help me with a stuburn belkin router that wont open a port | 06:19 |
shadowhywind | or with ssh | 06:19 |
Lynoure | shadowhywind: What's you ssh question? | 06:19 |
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shadowhywind | if i try to connect to my ssh server by 192.168.. it works no problens, but when i use my wan ip i get connection timed out | 06:20 |
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shadowhywind | i have the port opened on my belkin router with tcp/udp open, i even had the ssh computer in the DMZ and still connection times out | 06:20 |
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Lynoure | shadowhywind: it NATs, then? | 06:21 |
shadowhywind | huh?? | 06:21 |
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Lynoure | shadowhywind: opening a port is not enough, you will also need to tell the router to forward that port to your server | 06:21 |
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kahlil | hullo? | 06:22 |
shadowhywind | how would i go about doing that? | 06:22 |
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shadowhywind | hello kahlil | 06:22 |
Lynoure | shadowhywind: That is something to check the Belkin manual for, or call their support. | 06:22 |
kahlil | i'm having a problem with Kubuntu 6.10 | 06:23 |
kahlil | installed from DVD | 06:23 |
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shadowhywind | i know this might not help but can you take a look at this website, it is for port triggering/forwarding,. would this help? | 06:23 |
kahlil | even on the live CD (or DVD in this case) | 06:23 |
kahlil | i can't start Konqueror | 06:23 |
kahlil | it crashes | 06:23 |
kahlil | Kontact segfaults | 06:23 |
kahlil | anyone who can offer any advice on this issue would be my best friend forever :) | 06:24 |
kahlil | i'm out of ideas | 06:24 |
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shadowhywind | kahlil do you still get to the desktop? | 06:24 |
kahlil | yes | 06:24 |
kahlil | desktop is fine | 06:24 |
kahlil | Konsole works | 06:25 |
kahlil | the wireless manger works | 06:25 |
kahlil | Adept works | 06:25 |
shadowhywind | everything but konqueror? | 06:25 |
kahlil | Konqueror, Kontact both die | 06:25 |
kahlil | and I thought it was just my update | 06:25 |
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kahlil | but this happens on the live CD too@ | 06:25 |
kahlil | ! | 06:25 |
kahlil | Installing on an IBM ThinkPad x60 | 06:26 |
Lynoure | shadowhywind: I'm not sure. Usually it is called port forwarding and if they use port triggering as a synonym for that, they have sure done it more complicatedly than usually needed. But you could give it a try. | 06:26 |
shadowhywind | i have no idea, sorry, other then try to reinstall konquror from the repo | 06:26 |
kahlil | well I did that :) | 06:26 |
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kahlil | or updated it anyhow | 06:26 |
kahlil | still nothing | 06:27 |
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kahlil | damn, it looks so promising :) | 06:27 |
kahlil | i'll try one of the CDs and see if my luck is any better | 06:27 |
shadowhywind | Lynoure my issue is i changed the port of ssh so i have no idea what the trigger start/end should beport | 06:27 |
kahlil | thanks | 06:27 |
shadowhywind | kahil i have another idea that might work | 06:27 |
shadowhywind | kahil download 6.06 cd and see if the issue is the same | 06:28 |
Lynoure | shadowhywind: Are you saying you do not know what you changed it to be? =) | 06:28 |
shadowhywind | no i know what port i changed it to. | 06:28 |
K-Ryan | Can anyone help me with my Fglrx? | 06:28 |
shadowhywind | in the router settings, would i have the trigger start/end port and public port be the same? | 06:28 |
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Lynoure | shadowhywind: Now that depends on whether you want the public port to be same as actual port on the server... :) | 06:31 |
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Lynoure | shadowhywind: I'm sure you can figure it out. | 06:31 |
shadowhywind | see this is where i get confused | 06:31 |
shadowhywind | oh | 06:31 |
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shadowhywind | i think i got it possiable, would the trigger start/end be the port i specifily with the ssh command, once the router gets that ping on the port it will redirect it to the port that ssh server is listening on | 06:32 |
Pekke | Lynoure: Knetworkmanager takes forever to configure device, and after that it wont connect the wlan | 06:32 |
Lynoure | I'm already confused about what you want... Normally port forwarding would be enough. So I'll go back to pro bono ubuntu support instead of serving Belking pro bono :) | 06:33 |
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shadowhywind | hehe sorry, | 06:33 |
Lynoure | Pekke: so it prolly takes the hack. | 06:33 |
Pekke | ok... can you advise me what to do? | 06:33 |
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pc5 | ;' | 06:34 |
Pekke | Lynoure: sometimes it leaves the power&link light on, and sometimes it turns 'em off, but wlan doesn't work.. | 06:34 |
pc5 | l;kl; | 06:34 |
Lynoure | Pekke: has the info, but in short, comment out the interfaces from /etc/network/interfaces (keep backups so you can roll back if it does not help) | 06:35 |
Lynoure | Pekke: but your problem could be something else entirely, even faulty hw... | 06:35 |
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tehpwn | Hey can anybody help me with some wireless drivers? | 06:36 |
Lynoure | Pekke: or a card than need ndiswrapper. hmm. (I stay away from those) | 06:36 |
Lynoure | !wifi | tehpwn | 06:36 |
ubotwo | tehpwn: Wireless documentation can be found at | 06:36 |
Pekke | ndiswrapper...? | 06:36 |
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mefisto__ | I can't start korganizer. I get a message "KDEInit could not launch korganizer". If I run it as root it works. I've tried reinstalling it. Any ideas what's wrong? | 06:36 |
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tehpwn | I'm pretty n00b when it comes to Linux, so I'll take all the help I can get. | 06:37 |
Lynoure | Pekke: it's discussed in the link ubotwo just gave to tehpwn | 06:37 |
Pekke | so i need to add # before every other line except those told in your page? | 06:37 |
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Lynoure | tehpwn: start with looking at that web page. | 06:37 |
tehpwn | Ok, thanks. | 06:37 |
Lynoure | Pekke: not every other line, basicly every line excluding lo (loopback) configuration | 06:38 |
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Pekke | ok | 06:38 |
Lynoure | Pekke: after that you can reload knetworkmanager (or if you wish, ever logout-login) for it to take effect. | 06:39 |
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wimpies | just ran dist-upgrade on feisty but apt-get claims a file to be delivered by two packages. upgrade fails. How can I solve this ? | 06:40 |
tehpwn | My wireless card dosn't appear on the supported hardware list... Am I screwed then? | 06:40 |
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Theory | wimpies: try apt-get -f install | 06:41 |
yuriy | wimpies: i'm just waiting for a fix to come down on that one | 06:41 |
kai | I got my printer working right in linux *hooray* | 06:41 |
yuriy | tehpwn: you might be. what card is it? | 06:42 |
mattux | tehpwn, which list? and what's your problem? | 06:42 |
wimpies | theory : that does not work ... it does nothing. | 06:42 |
tehpwn | WMP54GS w/ SpeedBooster | 06:42 |
manchicken | kai: chances are you got it working with cups, not linux ^_^ | 06:42 |
kai | My bad, but its kate java files the way I want them | 06:42 |
manchicken | Good stuff. | 06:43 |
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kai | It clumped all the diffrent fonts and colors 2gether | 06:43 |
kai | im gunna have have to buy TurboPrint | 06:44 |
tehpwn | mattux: I'm looking at a suppored hardware list on the Ubuntu website. | 06:44 |
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mattux | just general ubuntu supported hardware? | 06:44 |
tehpwn | mattux: I can't seem to find drivers though. (Linksys WMP54GS SpeedBooster) | 06:44 |
mattux | so, in other words there's no native driver for your card | 06:44 |
mattux | ever used ndiswrapper? | 06:44 |
tehpwn | Dosen't appear so. | 06:44 |
tehpwn | Um, I'm not sure what that is. | 06:45 |
tehpwn | Like I said, pretty n00b when it comes to Linux. | 06:45 |
mattux | it takes windows drivers for your wireless card and uses them in linux | 06:45 |
yuriy | !ndiswrapper | 06:45 |
ubotwo | Wireless documentation can be found at | 06:45 |
mattux | 'course that's a pretty simple explanation | 06:45 |
tehpwn | ubotwo: I looked there, didn't help much. | 06:45 |
ubotwo | tehpwn: Error: "I" is not a valid command. | 06:45 |
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mattux | do you have the disk that came w/ your computer or the windows driver for your card? | 06:46 |
tehpwn | Yes I do. | 06:46 |
mattux | which one | 06:46 |
Pekke | Lynoure: can't seem to get it to work with those advise.... | 06:46 |
manchicken | linuxant actually distributes the windows drivers. | 06:46 |
tehpwn | I also have an .exe that I downloaded from Linksys, but thats for XP. | 06:47 |
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mattux | good | 06:47 |
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tehpwn | So what am I supposed to be doing with this Ndiswrapper? | 06:47 |
manchicken | linuxant > ndiswrapper. Since neither of them are really free, there's no real ethical difference. | 06:47 |
Lynoure | Pekke: I was afraid of that. Which wifi card do you have? | 06:47 |
mattux | tehpwn...sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils | 06:48 |
tehpwn | Oh, so I have to be hooked up via LAN then. Crap. | 06:48 |
Lynoure | Pekke: some people are helping tehpwn at the moment and those things could help you too. | 06:48 |
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K-Ryan | Can anyone help me with Fglrx? | 06:48 |
mattux | ya | 06:48 |
Pekke | gigabyte gn-wmkg | 06:48 |
Fragrag | Can someone help me? I need help in my first steps of compiling something | 06:48 |
tehpwn | Humm. I guess it time to move the PC downstairs... | 06:48 |
mattux | well, tell me when you're ready and i'll be happy to help | 06:48 |
Pekke | yes, i've been reading those messages | 06:48 |
tehpwn | Ok, well thank you, I'll do what I can and if I can't get it working I'll be back. | 06:49 |
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mefisto__ | I can't start korganizer. I get a message "KDEInit could not launch korganizer". If I run it as root it works. I've tried reinstalling it. Any ideas what's wrong? | 06:49 |
K-Ryan | Maybe you need root to start it? | 06:49 |
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manchicken | mefisto__: You probably hosed permissions on some file somewhere. | 06:49 |
tehpwn | Oh, what am I supposed to do after I install ndiswrapper? Is there on-screen instructions? | 06:49 |
mattux | nah...i can help you when you get there | 06:50 |
tehpwn | Ok, thanks. Be back soon. | 06:50 |
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mefisto__ | manchicken: some file? somewhere? | 06:50 |
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mefisto__ | manchicken: wouldn't reinstalling have fixed any permissions problems? | 06:53 |
yappo_ | hey does anybody know a program to watch quicktime movie trailers through ubuntu on firefox | 06:53 |
yappo_ | because there is a lot of media out there that i can't watch | 06:53 |
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Lynoure | Pekke: Sorry I cannot help you further. Good luck anyway! | 06:54 |
underdog5004 | oh man...I'm totally ripped on salvia | 06:54 |
yappo_ | can someone please help me | 06:54 |
mefisto__ | yappo_: try mplayer plugin | 06:54 |
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yappo_ | how can i get the plugin | 06:54 |
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PupenoR | Any recomendation on SNMP monitoring software ? | 06:54 |
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mefisto__ | look for it in adept. I think it's something like mplayer-plugin or mplayer-mozilla-plugin | 06:55 |
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mein_traum | | 06:55 |
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underdog5004 | Pupeno, SMP monitoring, as in hyper-threading? | 06:55 |
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PupenoR | underdog5004: no, SNMP. | 06:56 |
underdog5004 | oh...sorry, don't know... | 06:56 |
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mefisto__ | yappo_: it's mozilla-mplayer | 06:57 |
bxnp | evening people | 06:57 |
bxnp | i have a question, sometimes my system load goes up and up, when i look with top to see wich proces is responsible no proces is taking much cpu time, | 06:59 |
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bxnp | how can i solve this kind off behaviour | 06:59 |
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mefisto__ | so does anyone have any advice about my korganizer problem? | 07:00 |
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bxnp | what is your problem | 07:00 |
mefisto__ | I can't start korganizer. I get a message "KDEInit could not launch korganizer". If I run it as root it works. I've tried reinstalling it. Any ideas what's wrong? | 07:00 |
bxnp | and when you reboot the system | 07:01 |
bxnp | maybe something important crashed | 07:01 |
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bxnp | wich is nog running at the moment needing to start the program | 07:01 |
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mefisto__ | I've restarted many times since it first happened | 07:01 |
hanso | hey. how can I get support for norwegian language in kubuntu. like when typing in for instance XChat. | 07:02 |
blekos | hi, i could really use ur help, when i logout kde "crashes" [get a crash report] and then i shows the login screen as if nothing happened | 07:02 |
Lynoure | !no | hanso | 07:02 |
Lynoure | hmmm | 07:02 |
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ubotwo | hanso: Hvis du vil diskutere Ubuntu paa norsk, venligst gaa til #ubuntu-no. Takk! | 07:02 |
blekos | the crash handler shows (no debuggins symbols found0 | 07:03 |
bxnp | did you purge your configuration mefisto__ | 07:03 |
BluesKaj | ubotwo is a bit or 2 slow today | 07:03 |
ubotwo | BluesKaj: Error: "is" is not a valid command. | 07:03 |
BluesKaj | hehe | 07:03 |
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mefisto__ | bxnp: no, that sounds promising. how do I do that? | 07:04 |
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BluesKaj | depends on your definition of "is" :) | 07:04 |
LjL | BluesKaj: hmm i was doing an apt-get dist-upgrade, maybe it'll be faster now that it's finished | 07:04 |
bxnp | apt-get remove <thepacakge> --purge | 07:04 |
bxnp | and maybe you should remove your local korganizer dir asswel | 07:04 |
bxnp | but mefisto__ can you start contact | 07:05 |
bxnp | kontact | 07:05 |
mefisto__ | bxnp: oh ok. didn't think of trying that | 07:05 |
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mefisto__ | yes, kontact starts | 07:06 |
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bxnp | and can you start korganizer now | 07:06 |
mefisto__ | no | 07:06 |
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BluesKaj | LjL, upgrading KDE ? | 07:07 |
Tox | hi my mic is not working i tired everything seems hp is ok cables too | 07:07 |
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bxnp | kee, well in that case i would remove korganizer and purge the configuration and allso remove every thing in your home dir relating to korganizer | 07:07 |
LjL | BluesKaj: no... why, is there a new KDE? anyway the bot's not running on my desktop, i was just updating my debian | 07:07 |
bxnp | and then reinstall | 07:07 |
LjL | and given it's a 300MHz thing, that may well affect the bot | 07:08 |
bxnp | anyway somebody has an answer to my question | 07:08 |
BluesKaj | ok | 07:08 |
bxnp | i have a question, sometimes my system load goes up and up, when i look with top to see wich proces is responsible no proces is taking much cpu time, | 07:08 |
Falcor_ | hey... i need help with ubuntu... | 07:09 |
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Falcor_ | i want to install .deb packages and i dont know how to do excluding their documentation | 07:10 |
underdog5004 | Falcor_, I believe that you can double-click .deb's to install | 07:10 |
Tox | how to set kmix setting by default ? | 07:10 |
Falcor_ | i knoow | 07:10 |
Falcor_ | but | 07:10 |
BluesKaj | LjL, there are no new official KDE stable upgrades AFAIK | 07:10 |
mefisto__ | I purged korganizer with adept, and it removed kubuntu-desktop! why? | 07:10 |
Falcor_ | i wanto to do this without the documentation | 07:10 |
Falcor_ | :/und understood? | 07:11 |
bxnp | never mind just reinstall it | 07:11 |
bxnp | oke now remove everything in your home dir | 07:12 |
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bxnp | relating to korganizer | 07:12 |
bxnp | it would be hidden | 07:12 |
Falcor_ | SOMEONE!!!! HELP ME | 07:12 |
underdog5004 | Falcor_, oh...ok...umm, no idea...unless you go through the package manager.... | 07:12 |
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underdog5004 | !attitude | Falcor_ | 07:13 |
ubotwo | Falcor_: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also | 07:13 |
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bxnp | dpkg -i <install pacakge> Falcor_ | 07:14 |
bxnp | if you know for sure you want to install the program Falcor_ | 07:14 |
bxnp | Falcor_, maybe you you have to solve some dependency's but you can search and install them with apt-get or adept, | 07:15 |
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bxnp | btw mefisto__ do an apt-get update before you reinstall korganizer | 07:15 |
mattux | ya'll i'll be back later. if tehpwn comes back and i'm gone, tell him i had to go, but i'll be back | 07:15 |
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mattux | ha | 07:16 |
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mattux | tehpwn, i need to take off right now | 07:16 |
renato | does anyone know if there's a ubuntu server channel? | 07:16 |
mattux | i'll be back after a while though | 07:16 |
tehpwn | ok | 07:16 |
tehpwn | What was the command to apt-get ndiswrapper? | 07:16 |
hassan2a | hi | 07:16 |
renato | disk rapper? | 07:16 |
tehpwn | No, for wireless drivers | 07:17 |
tehpwn | ndiswrapper | 07:17 |
renato | I'm joking | 07:17 |
bxnp | noting tehpwn | 07:17 |
bxnp | it must be apt-get install ndiswapper | 07:17 |
tehpwn | I tried that :-p | 07:17 |
BluesKaj | !ubuntu-server | 07:17 |
bxnp | you have to have the windos .inf file for your driver | 07:17 |
ubotwo | Sorry, I know nothing about that - try | 07:17 |
BluesKaj | !server | 07:17 |
ubotwo | Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments. The default install includes a server kernel and no GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current stable version is 6.06 LTS. For more info see | 07:17 |
renato | try sudo apt-get install ndiswapper | 07:17 |
LjL | !ubuntu-server is <alias> server | 07:17 |
ubotwo | LjL: I'll remember that, LjL | 07:17 |
tehpwn | Yeah, I have the cd that came with the pci card | 07:17 |
tehpwn | renato: I tried that also | 07:18 |
renato | oh thanks BluesKaj and LjL | 07:18 |
tehpwn | said ndiswrapper not found.. or w/e | 07:18 |
bxnp | tehpwn, do ndiswrapper-utils | 07:18 |
mefisto__ | bxnp: so I do this: 1. purge korganizer 2. remove related directories in home dir 3. apt-get update 4. reinstall | 07:18 |
bxnp | tehpwn, apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils | 07:18 |
bxnp | oke and mefisto__ | 07:18 |
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bxnp | yep | 07:18 |
bxnp | thats the order | 07:18 |
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mefisto__ | I'll try it again | 07:19 |
bxnp | tehpwn, is it working | 07:19 |
bxnp | oke keep me informed | 07:19 |
tehpwn | bsnp, nope its not working | 07:19 |
tehpwn | bxnp * | 07:19 |
bxnp | oke do a apt-cache search ndiswrapper tehpwn | 07:19 |
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bxnp | and past it in pastbin | 07:20 |
bxnp | maybe you dont have the right sources | 07:20 |
bxnp | dont no wich repos you have enabled | 07:20 |
tehpwn | Maybe not, it's a brand new install of kubuntu. | 07:20 |
bxnp | wich version | 07:20 |
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tehpwn | 6.06 ? | 07:20 |
bxnp | oke | 07:21 |
bxnp | anyway do apt-cache search ndiswrapper and see what you get | 07:21 |
tehpwn | It tells me the kernel version | 07:21 |
bxnp | it should return a list off pacakges wich you could install relating to ndiswrapper | 07:21 |
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tehpwn | linux-image-2.6.15-26-386 - Linux kernel image for version 2.6.15 on 386. | 07:22 |
tehpwn | Is what it says | 07:22 |
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tehpwn | Humm, bxnp? | 07:24 |
bxnp | oke enable your source list with multiverse and universe | 07:24 |
bxnp | wait | 07:24 |
tehpwn | Yeah, please guide me in that process.... :-D | 07:25 |
bronze_0_1 | tehpwn: rub his back first | 07:26 |
=== tehpwn rubs bxnp's back. | ||
tehpwn | hehe | 07:26 |
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K-Ryan | That's great, were the caps required? | 07:28 |
tehpwn | I was wondering the same thing... | 07:28 |
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bxnp | take a look at the link tehpwn | 07:28 |
bxnp | you run dapper right | 07:29 |
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tehpwn | IDK | 07:29 |
JosefK | Falcor_: is the documentation in /usr/share/doc really that much of a problem? | 07:29 |
K-Ryan | I don't suppose anyone here has setup Fglrx before... | 07:29 |
bxnp | lol, a lot off people i guess K-Ryan | 07:29 |
bxnp | but not me | 07:29 |
bxnp | i dont have a nice video card on this lappy | 07:29 |
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K-Ryan | Okay, "Has anyone done it successfully and is willing to help me? | 07:30 |
K-Ryan | " | 07:30 |
josh_ | !xorg | 07:30 |
ubotwo | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 07:30 |
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bxnp | btw tehpwn, use for an editor kwrite instead of the gedit | 07:30 |
bxnp | cause you wont have gedit i suppose on your system | 07:31 |
tehpwn | Ok, is that allready installed? | 07:31 |
bxnp | kwrite is already installed on your system yes | 07:31 |
tehpwn | Ok, will do. | 07:31 |
bxnp | it belongs with the kde pacakges | 07:31 |
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velle | is there a way to get a list of all usergroups on my linux? | 07:31 |
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Theory | cat /etc/group ? | 07:32 |
bxnp | do sudo kwrite /etc/apt/sources.list | 07:32 |
tehpwn | bxnp, what does it mean by 'gksudo' ? | 07:32 |
bxnp | make sure you back up your old one | 07:32 |
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velle | Theory: thanks | 07:32 |
bxnp | gksudo is the gnome version for running a program with root privelige | 07:33 |
bxnp | on kde its called kdesu | 07:33 |
tehpwn | Well I just typed 'sudo' and it worked. | 07:33 |
K-Ryan | !fglrx | 07:33 |
ubotwo | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 07:33 |
Falcor_ | josefk: i want to do a custom instalation of ubuntu in my pc... | 07:33 |
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Falcor_ | josefK: i want to do a custom instalation of ubuntu in my pc... | 07:33 |
K-Ryan | Falcor_ what do you mean by custom? | 07:33 |
JosefK | Falcor_: the documentation is required, it contains the licenses | 07:33 |
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Falcor_ | K-Ryan: stragic selection of packages | 07:34 |
Falcor_ | K-Ryan: i did this in fedora 5 | 07:34 |
hak5fan | Hello.... I want to mount a cue file in kubuntu and i've found this program called Mount ISO image. It has the abillity to mount cue imgs but I read somewhere that Linux had a built in feature for this... How do I use it? | 07:34 |
bxnp | cool tehpwn | 07:35 |
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K-Ryan | If you want certain packages, install then go through what's installed | 07:35 |
K-Ryan | It's not hard just takes a few minutes | 07:35 |
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Falcor_ | K-Ryan: i've installed the packages that i want whitout their documentation | 07:35 |
bxnp | and then afther that do apt-get update and apt-get upgrade | 07:35 |
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K-Ryan | whats wrong with the documentation? o.O | 07:35 |
bxnp | and then do a apt-cache search ndiswrapper | 07:35 |
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Falcor_ | K-Ryan: hueeuahaeuhaeuh | 07:35 |
bxnp | and you should see ndiswrapper-utils | 07:35 |
Falcor_ | K-Ryan: nothing | 07:36 |
bxnp | mefisto__, how is it running | 07:36 |
K-Ryan | Then leave it =) | 07:36 |
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Falcor_ | K-Ryan: but my target is a poor pc | 07:36 |
tehpwn | Ok, awesome thanks. | 07:36 |
Falcor_ | K-Ryan: hehehehe | 07:36 |
tehpwn | updating at the moment | 07:36 |
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K-Ryan | So keep the games and anything you dont need, off it | 07:36 |
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Falcor_ | K-Ryan: i need to create a mini-linux... | 07:36 |
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fdoving | kai, please fix your connection problems. | 07:36 |
renato | I'm planning to use ubuntu server with xubuntu-desktop on top of it, for a small lab network of 18 machines to share printers, files and maybe host a little website for internal use. I am not totally computer unsavvy, but I'm no IT expert as well and I was wondering if there's a GUI application for adding users and devices or doing basic maintenance tasks to the network? | 07:36 |
bxnp | let me get some coffee, btw if you want to see something to mee use my name in the sentence so i know its meant for me tehpwn | 07:36 |
K-Ryan | I believe there is something called "Feather Linux" or something | 07:37 |
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Falcor_ | K-Ryan: as little as possibel | 07:37 |
K-Ryan | Runs off a floppy | 07:37 |
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K-Ryan | I mean I know it exists, I just can't remember it's exact name. | 07:37 |
tehpwn | bxnp, yeah I do sometimes, but I forget to other times :-p | 07:37 |
Falcor_ | K-Ryan: do you know how to do? whitout the documentation? | 07:37 |
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fdoving | renato: you might get better answers for xubuntu specific questions in #xubuntu | 07:37 |
K-Ryan | It doesn't matter, I have plenty of space at my disposal | 07:37 |
bxnp | nevermind i thought you did not know it tehpwn | 07:37 |
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K-Ryan | And I prefer to be able to check what to do considering I'm quite new to this. | 07:38 |
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Falcor_ | K-Ryan: on fedora i did rpm -Uvh --excludedocs package_name | 07:38 |
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K-Ryan | But this isn't fedora is it? | 07:38 |
tehpwn | you have to excuse my brain at the moment, im excited that im getting this done bxnp | 07:38 |
=== tehpwn laughs | ||
Falcor_ | K-Ryan: no... i want to do on ubuntu now! | 07:38 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o fdoving] by fdoving | ||
=== K-Ryan sighs. | ||
K-Ryan | If you want an Ubuntu install it's going to take at least 2GB | 07:39 |
bxnp | well its only the starting point, tehpwn cause afther this you have to install the windows wifi driver tehpwn | 07:39 |
K-Ryan | And I'm sure the documentation for everything is no bigger than 30MB or so | 07:39 |
bxnp | you can do this with ndiswrapper -i File.inf | 07:39 |
bxnp | and then you can do ndiswrapper -l if the driver is loaded and how its loaded | 07:40 |
bxnp | if everything is oke | 07:40 |
tehpwn | Ok, well I'm still on the upgrade step, bxnp | 07:40 |
bxnp | how much mb tehpwn | 07:40 |
tehpwn | My internet is not god like sadly... | 07:40 |
bxnp | well let me know when you're done | 07:40 |
bxnp | mefisto__, how is your korganizer problem | 07:41 |
tehpwn | Ok, I will bxnp | 07:41 |
Falcor_ | K-Ryan: i know man... but i have to cut the size... and this is one of many actions that i've projected | 07:41 |
tehpwn | bxnp, I'm running at approx 80-85kb/s | 07:41 |
K-Ryan | Good luck to you then | 07:42 |
bxnp | but i guess its upgrading a lot, | 07:42 |
K-Ryan | restarting X | 07:43 |
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slow-motion | hallo | 07:48 |
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tehpwn | Humm... taking forever | 07:49 |
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K-Ryan | WOOHOO! | 07:49 |
K-Ryan | I got OpenGL to work =D | 07:49 |
renato | does kubuntu have like a network management suite? | 07:50 |
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tehpwn | OperGL? What's the purpose for having that on a tux machine? | 07:50 |
tehpwn | Open* | 07:50 |
K-Ryan | 3D Acceleration | 07:50 |
Tox | have a big big problem can anyone help me ? | 07:50 |
surgy | video game | 07:50 |
K-Ryan | There ARE games and stuff for Linux | 07:50 |
bxnp | what is your problem tox | 07:50 |
K-Ryan | Not just video games surgy | 07:50 |
tehpwn | So like, you can play games and stuff? Sweet. | 07:50 |
renato | yeah, but they suck big time | 07:51 |
surgy | well modeling and graphics | 07:51 |
Tox | my mic's sound gone | 07:51 |
K-Ryan | Yeah tehpwn, when you're done fixing everything I'll show you how to find bunches of em. | 07:51 |
Tox | i tried on windows its ok | 07:51 |
K-Ryan | I know you were having some problem before | 07:51 |
renato | ...and they all bite | 07:51 |
bxnp | gone, what do you mean did it worked before | 07:51 |
K-Ryan | No they don't renato | 07:51 |
Tox | i checked the settings seems its ok too | 07:51 |
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K-Ryan | They're free(as in open source) don't cost anything, and they aren't meant to be great big 978234324 hour long games. | 07:51 |
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tehpwn | K-ryan, what games can you play? Cuz I have heard about UT games... What else? | 07:51 |
K-Ryan | Quick time wasters | 07:51 |
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K-Ryan | Well tehpwn yes some games that are for Windows work for Linux too | 07:52 |
bxnp | run alsamixer and see if its maybe muted | 07:52 |
K-Ryan | Quake series, I think UT2007 is going to | 07:52 |
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K-Ryan | But most commercial games are for Windows which you need Wine for | 07:52 |
renato | with wine, but it uses tremendous resources | 07:52 |
tehpwn | Yeah, UT games have always been loads of fun. | 07:52 |
K-Ryan | Which is why there ARE games for Linux | 07:52 |
hanso | when I look at the file /dev/sndstat it says MIDI: not enabled in config. how can I enable it? | 07:52 |
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renato | yeah, but they suck ass | 07:53 |
K-Ryan | Oh? | 07:53 |
K-Ryan | How many have you played? | 07:53 |
renato | stick to windows for gaming | 07:53 |
K-Ryan | Name them | 07:53 |
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Tox | bxnp: is there an application like device manager to remove my soundcard it cud be found again ? | 07:53 |
renato | I can't even remember the names | 07:53 |
K-Ryan | Exactly, tehpwn ignore him | 07:53 |
tehpwn | Hehe, heated debate on weather or not linux has games.... | 07:53 |
renato | but one involved tux driving a delivery van | 07:53 |
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K-Ryan | Heh I just came across that one =) | 07:53 |
renato | and that one did it, I just stopped after that | 07:53 |
K-Ryan | Well do you have OpenGL setup right? | 07:54 |
tehpwn | Lol, that dosen't sound to intense... Lol. | 07:54 |
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K-Ryan | Because if you don't you can barely even play it. | 07:54 |
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K-Ryan | tehpwn, I know | 07:54 |
BluesKaj | games ? buy a PS or Wii or ... leave linux to computer users :) | 07:54 |
renato | it's such a simple game, but it eats up so much comp resources | 07:54 |
K-Ryan | Hold on I think I'll run it and see how it is | 07:54 |
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BluesKaj | !games | 07:54 |
ubotwo | Information about games on Ubuntu can be found on and and | 07:54 |
tehpwn | I don't have many to spare, so not really interested... | 07:54 |
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surgy | linux.......opensource get opensource games..... doesnt planeshift have a port to linux? i know wolfenstein does (thats a great game) | 07:55 |
tehpwn | OMG, how long does this upgrade usually take? | 07:55 |
renato | the fan wasn't enough, my computer had to start a backup diesel engine just to cool down | 07:55 |
tehpwn | Water-Cooling FTW! | 07:55 |
renato | and the gaming experience oh my | 07:55 |
BluesKaj | clean yer processor fan | 07:55 |
bxnp | it can take an hour if your connection is slow, and then its installing etc etc | 07:56 |
renato | it was a joke | 07:56 |
surgy | lol mine sounds like a vacume with rocks in it :) i have a 10k rpm proc fam thats going out | 07:56 |
renato | :-| | 07:56 |
bxnp | it allways takes a long time if you upgrade from a new install tehpwn | 07:56 |
tehpwn | I cleaned my ps2 out yesterday. That baby runs so much better now :-D | 07:56 |
K-Ryan | Okay I just ran the game | 07:56 |
K-Ryan | I had this and the game running | 07:56 |
renato | did it stink? | 07:56 |
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K-Ryan | With 512 RAM and 1.8Ghz processor | 07:56 |
renato | I bet it did | 07:56 |
K-Ryan | 45FPS | 07:56 |
tehpwn | bxnp, ok, well I am so I guess I'll just wait it out... | 07:56 |
K-Ryan | And while it is geared toward younger fellows, it didn't "suck ass" | 07:56 |
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Tox | so ... is there device manager like application in kubuntu ? | 07:57 |
bxnp | is it still downloading or already installing | 07:57 |
bxnp | oh sorry tox, ehm dunno | 07:57 |
bxnp | never used it | 07:57 |
tehpwn | Apears to be installing stuff... Currently installing open office? | 07:58 |
renato | device manager? Just stick your device in and it'll start working | 07:58 |
BluesKaj | K-Ryan, a friendly reminder that this is a family oriented chat | 07:58 |
K-Ryan | BluesKaj he said it | 07:58 |
K-Ryan | I was just telling him that it didn't | 07:58 |
renato | ha ha | 07:58 |
renato | I did | 07:58 |
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bxnp | ah oke | 07:58 |
BluesKaj | no point repeating tho | 07:58 |
K-Ryan | I suppose | 07:58 |
bxnp | well just wait, and take a look one or now | 07:58 |
renato | I used to get told off by my teachers in school for things my friends said, I got so mad at the teacher | 07:59 |
tehpwn | Not only is my internet not god like, my pc specs aren't that impressive either... So yeah :( | 07:59 |
BluesKaj | <-- not a teacher ...just an old retired guy who still thinks the word "suck" shouldn't allowed either :) | 08:00 |
tehpwn | I have to go out for a bit, will be back in like a half hour... | 08:00 |
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renato | so, back to my topic; is there a kubuntu application for easy gui network management? I'm setting up a small 18 machines office with a nice server and I'm no IT genius. | 08:01 |
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K-Ryan | another office running Linux | 08:01 |
renato | or better, a network kde suite | 08:01 |
K-Ryan | Score for Linux! | 08:01 |
BluesKaj | !server | 08:01 |
ubotwo | Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments. The default install includes a server kernel and no GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current stable version is 6.06 LTS. For more info see | 08:01 |
renato | read there, on the second line; it comes with no GUI | 08:02 |
renato | so I put kubuntu-desktop on top of it | 08:02 |
BluesKaj | !GUI-server | 08:02 |
ubotwo | Sorry, I know nothing about that - try | 08:02 |
BluesKaj | !GUI | 08:02 |
ubotwo | The graphical user interface (GUI) in Ubuntu is composed of many elements, including the !X server, a window manager, and a desktop environment such as !GNOME or !KDE (which themselves use the !GTK and !Qt toolkits respectively) | 08:02 |
renato | yeah well, thanks anyway | 08:03 |
renato | bye | 08:03 |
cpk1 | renato: i think you are looking for something like dhcpd (dont think it has a gui though) | 08:03 |
K-Ryan | bye renato | 08:03 |
BluesKaj | one can use kubuntu as a server with apache etc and KDE desktop | 08:03 |
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renato | exactly blueskaj, but to do all the maintenance work, one needs to be a rocket scientist | 08:04 |
cpk1 | renato: if you just want to serve ips then dhcpd should work just fine | 08:04 |
BluesKaj | but wireless with kubuntu needs some work from all reports | 08:04 |
renato | oh well | 08:05 |
renato | thanks | 08:05 |
renato | bye | 08:05 |
BluesKaj | heh, rocket software is 15 yrs old in most cases :) | 08:05 |
cpk1 | renato: what are you trying to do? | 08:05 |
K-Ryan | He left | 08:05 |
BluesKaj | the space shuttle still uses computers from the 70s | 08:06 |
cpk1 | blah 30 second lag here and going up | 08:06 |
Theory | if it ain't broke... | 08:06 |
K-Ryan | take it apart and fix it =) | 08:06 |
cpk1 | what did he want to do? just serve ips? | 08:07 |
K-Ryan | "setup a network" is all i read | 08:07 |
BluesKaj | an office network | 08:07 |
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K-Ryan | anyone know any good opengl game packages? | 08:08 |
BluesKaj | prolly promised the boss he could save money by dumping windows and using linux | 08:08 |
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K-Ryan | he could too, just getting it to work =) | 08:08 |
HymnToLife | K-Ryan, armagetron, openarena... | 08:09 |
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BluesKaj | yup , dunno if samba is up to the task | 08:09 |
K-Ryan | nah, played those on windows already | 08:09 |
K-Ryan | plus i have quake 3 =P | 08:09 |
cpk1 | well if all he needed to do was hand out ips, that is no where near rocket science =P | 08:09 |
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mefisto__ | bxnp: I tried purging/reinstalling both kontact and korganizer, and removed .kde/share/apps/korganizer and .kde/share/apps/kontact before reinstalling. Still no good. | 08:11 |
bxnp | ehm, | 08:11 |
K-Ryan | mefisto__ still having trouble with that root thing? | 08:11 |
bxnp | well then i dont know, did you google already on your problem | 08:11 |
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mefisto__ | K-Ryan: what trouble was that? | 08:11 |
K-Ryan | mefisto__: i dont know, i thought you were having trouble opening something before without root | 08:12 |
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tehpwn | I'm back for a bit... upgrade is still running | 08:12 |
K-Ryan | Not that I know how to fix it.... just curious | 08:12 |
K-Ryan | tehpwn, | 08:13 |
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mefisto__ | bxnp: I found a few mentions of the exact problem in an old forum somewhere, and one reply saying the problem has been addressed. But couldn't find the solution anywhere | 08:13 |
K-Ryan | renato doesn't know what he was talking about =P | 08:13 |
tehpwn | IMO, Quake4 was an amazing game! | 08:13 |
dope | my harddrives aren't being mounted automatically | 08:13 |
K-Ryan | Never played the fourth | 08:13 |
dope | from my windows install | 08:13 |
tehpwn | Yeah I played it on XP, it was a sweet game. Fell in love and beat it in two sittings. | 08:13 |
K-Ryan | i was reading some list of top 10 free games for linux | 08:14 |
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K-Ryan | it was an off site so it wasnt anything official | 08:14 |
K-Ryan | but it had some okay stuff on it | 08:14 |
K-Ryan | now if only i could remember the link... | 08:14 |
tehpwn | k-ryan, this game looks pretty sweet. How hard was it to get OpenGL running? | 08:14 |
K-Ryan | It wasn't too bad | 08:15 |
bxnp | mefisto__, i am sorry | 08:15 |
K-Ryan | Just needed a pointer here and there | 08:15 |
bxnp | tehpwn, your update already done ' | 08:15 |
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K-Ryan | Know what kind of vid card you have tehpwn? | 08:15 |
tehpwn | 'Unpacking replacement python... ' | 08:15 |
tehpwn | No, it's still upgrading.... | 08:15 |
K-Ryan | Ah, selecting an unpacking | 08:16 |
bxnp | :) | 08:16 |
K-Ryan | takes forever... | 08:16 |
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K-Ryan | and if you see some kind of "locale" error dont worry | 08:16 |
mefisto__ | bxnp: thanks for your help. you've given me an idea. I'll try with a new user. If that works I'll try copying the korganizer directories to my usual user location | 08:16 |
tehpwn | My vid card? Like I said my specs aren't impressive.... | 08:16 |
K-Ryan | thats what im told anyway, and im running fine | 08:16 |
K-Ryan | no tehpwn the actual card | 08:16 |
tehpwn | It's onbard intel crap | 08:16 |
K-Ryan | Mmm, don't know then | 08:16 |
K-Ryan | I have Ati | 08:16 |
K-Ryan | Let me take a look though | 08:16 |
tehpwn | Lucky, what card? | 08:16 |
K-Ryan | !drivers | 08:17 |
tehpwn | Oh crap, I have to go | 08:17 |
ubotwo | Sorry, I know nothing about that - try | 08:17 |
K-Ryan | Radeon 9800 | 08:17 |
tehpwn | ba back in like half hour | 08:17 |
K-Ryan | See you later then =P | 08:17 |
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K-Ryan | !fglrx | 08:17 |
ubotwo | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 08:17 |
bxnp | lol, i did that allso ones to solve a problem | 08:17 |
bxnp | it worked, but still did not figure out what was wrong | 08:17 |
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bxnp | anybody tried sonbird already | 08:19 |
bxnp | songbird i meant | 08:19 |
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|kosmo| | somone can help me how i can change the default broswer to firefox not konquerror | 08:19 |
|kosmo| | ? | 08:19 |
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bxnp | go to systemsettings | 08:20 |
|kosmo| | ok | 08:20 |
|kosmo| | and | 08:20 |
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bxnp | then go to kde components | 08:20 |
bxnp | and there you see default applicantions | 08:21 |
|kosmo| | ok | 08:21 |
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bxnp | change it to whatever | 08:21 |
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|kosmo| | thanks man | 08:21 |
|kosmo| | =[ | 08:21 |
|kosmo| | =] | 08:21 |
surgy | !nvidia | 08:21 |
ubotwo | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 08:21 |
bxnp | tell me if it worked |kosmo| | 08:21 |
|kosmo| | ok] | 08:22 |
surgy | so anyone had experince with the geforce4 ti4200 ? | 08:22 |
capcom | bxnp: this does not work here | 08:22 |
bxnp | what do you mean capcom | 08:23 |
K-Ryan | !fglrx | 08:23 |
ubotwo | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 08:23 |
K-Ryan | Try that surgy ;) | 08:23 |
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|kosmo| | bxnp | 08:23 |
|kosmo| | not work | 08:23 |
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surgy | k-ryan: thanks but i was wandering how it performs on opengl apps | 08:23 |
K-Ryan | Oh, how much RAM is on the card? | 08:23 |
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surgy | k-ryan: 128 | 08:23 |
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K-Ryan | Oh you're fine | 08:24 |
bxnp | restart your x server and relog into your desktop | 08:24 |
capcom | bxnp: i configured in the system settings firefox as default browser, but when i click on a link in an email, konqeror starts but not firefox | 08:24 |
K-Ryan | That's what I've got | 08:24 |
K-Ryan | I can run HL2 on Windows with 512 RAM and a 1.8Ghz processor | 08:24 |
K-Ryan | And 128 vid ram | 08:24 |
K-Ryan | What are your other specs? | 08:24 |
capcom | bxnp: i made this setting already a week ago and did some reboots | 08:25 |
bxnp | and it did not work | 08:25 |
bxnp | strange cause overhere it works | 08:25 |
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surgy | k-ryan: kewl yeah i know its great with DX9 i have been playing Savage and doom3 on windows, just wandering how great it will be without DX | 08:25 |
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bxnp | it should work | 08:25 |
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bxnp | what kind off version kubuntu you are running | 08:25 |
capcom | edgy | 08:25 |
capcom | 6.10 | 08:25 |
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surgy | k-ryan: 512 mb ram Athlon64 +3200 at 2.2ghz nforce chipset | 08:26 |
bxnp | test: | 08:26 |
K-Ryan | Well surgy I was running ( and it was a tiny bit slower. | 08:26 |
K-Ryan | Yeah no doubt you'll be fine. | 08:26 |
surgy | k-ryan: dual sata 80 gb 7200 rpm western digitals running in IDE mode | 08:26 |
mefisto__ | what's the command to remove a user? | 08:26 |
|kosmo| | 08:26 | |
|kosmo| | bxnp | 08:26 |
|kosmo| | its dont work | 08:26 |
K-Ryan | You might experience slight slow downs just might need to turn down the resolution a setting. | 08:26 |
bxnp | wait a sec | 08:27 |
K-Ryan | Oh I can get beryl now... | 08:27 |
K-Ryan | !beryl | 08:27 |
ubotwo | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See - Help in #ubuntu-xgl | 08:27 |
capcom | bxnp: here firefox does it.. but when opening a link in thunderbird it doesn't. is there another setting to make in thunderbird? | 08:27 |
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bxnp | oh you have app specific settings | 08:28 |
surgy | k_ryan saurbratten looks like it could make a bad ass rpg | 08:28 |
bxnp | like when you use a non kde program | 08:29 |
bxnp | like thunderbird | 08:29 |
bxnp | i believe you can change the settings in the program | 08:29 |
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K-Ryan | surgy I know, the engine is open source so I hope that will be done eventually | 08:29 |
capcom | using the gui or modifying the config file? | 08:29 |
K-Ryan | I actually started modifying one of the levels with some friends to make it rpg friendly. | 08:29 |
K-Ryan | The official game maker is also making a single player kind of rpg for it | 08:30 |
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K-Ryan | "Sauerbraten - Eisenstern" | 08:30 |
mefisto__ | what's the command to remove a user? | 08:30 |
oleczek | deluser | 08:30 |
oleczek | rmuser | 08:30 |
K-Ryan | surgy it's great fun though because in game you can edit the maps and it's a very flexible engine | 08:30 |
surgy | k_ryan: whats the progress on that rpg they mentioned? | 08:30 |
K-Ryan | Considering it's an ingame editor anyway, can build houses, cars, tanks... | 08:30 |
K-Ryan | surgy it's not too far as of 2 weeks ago when I played it | 08:31 |
|kosmo| | !nvidia | 08:31 |
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ubotwo | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 08:31 |
K-Ryan | It has potential though | 08:31 |
K-Ryan | it has a lot of eye candy too | 08:31 |
bxnp | mefisto__, did you have any luck with your new user aproach | 08:32 |
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|kosmo| | bxnp | 08:32 |
|kosmo| | what i nedd to type in the line | 08:32 |
bxnp | yes | 08:32 |
|kosmo| | of defualt program | 08:32 |
|kosmo| | i type firefox | 08:32 |
surgy | ok ill be back in a few hours i just finished my iso download of edgy kubuntu brb on kubuntu | 08:32 |
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K-Ryan | wait surgy | 08:32 |
bxnp | yes or you could put in the entire path to the binary | 08:33 |
K-Ryan | you could of upgraded kubuntu from dapper to edgy you know | 08:33 |
surgy | yeah? | 08:33 |
bxnp | wich will be something like /usr/bin/firefox | 08:33 |
mefisto__ | bxnp: no, didn't work | 08:33 |
surgy | k-ryan: i had nothing to loose on dapper though so why not a fresh install? | 08:33 |
bxnp | :( | 08:33 |
K-Ryan | smaller download =P | 08:33 |
bronze_0_1 | hi all - semi-weird question. Is there a package I can install that will cause most development oolchains to be installed on my system> | 08:34 |
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bronze_0_1 | *? | 08:34 |
surgy | brb | 08:34 |
bronze_0_1 | (not too mention one that can help me type....) | 08:34 |
ubuntu | Would someone help me figure out what's going with grub, It keeps giving me Error 22 every time I try to boot into it. | 08:35 |
K-Ryan | ubuntu ill google it for ya | 08:35 |
mefisto__ | ubuntu: is this a new install? | 08:36 |
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surgy | k-ryan: dont go anywhere ill be back for that link | 08:36 |
ubuntu | Mefisto Yes | 08:36 |
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K-Ryan | What link surgy? | 08:36 |
Tonren | Can the background slideshow pic-changer fade between pics? | 08:36 |
mefisto__ | ubuntu: have you tried to edit the grub menu when booting? | 08:36 |
surgy | k-ryan: for the cubed rpg | 08:37 |
K-Ryan | oh, here | 08:37 |
K-Ryan | | 08:37 |
K-Ryan | I think that works | 08:37 |
K-Ryan | nope... | 08:37 |
K-Ryan | ? | 08:37 |
ubuntu | mefisto_ No, I haven't I had openSUSE on my comp but decided to use Kubuntu and now my comp won't boot lol | 08:37 |
K-Ryan | nope... | 08:37 |
K-Ryan | Hold on let me google it >.> | 08:37 |
surgy | nvm dont worry bout it man | 08:38 |
surgy | ill get it | 08:38 |
K-Ryan | i got it | 08:38 |
K-Ryan | its just hard to remember the spelling | 08:38 |
surgy | gotta reinstall anyways aft k3b is finished | 08:38 |
K-Ryan | im not going to be here in 10 min =P | 08:38 |
surgy | so | 08:38 |
mefisto__ | ubuntu: it's probably the grub menu list has some wrong reference to your kubuntu partition | 08:38 |
surgy | goole will be :) | 08:38 |
K-Ryan | you mean google will do it? | 08:39 |
K-Ryan | alright then | 08:39 |
surgy | thanks though | 08:39 |
K-Ryan | Np | 08:39 |
surgy | you know if pcsx has a linux port? | 08:40 |
K-Ryan | dont know what pcsx is | 08:40 |
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surgy | psx emulator | 08:41 |
surgy | ok see you guys in a little bit | 08:41 |
mefisto__ | ubuntu: take a look at your /boot/grub/menu.lst and see if there's anything obviously wrong, like looking to boot from the wrong disk/partition | 08:41 |
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K-Ryan | How do I start up Beryl? | 08:41 |
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ubuntu | mefisto_ Okay, Bringing it up right now.. | 08:42 |
apokryphos | ubotwo: beryl | 08:42 |
ubotwo | apokryphos: Error: "beryl" is not a valid command. | 08:42 |
apokryphos | !beryl | 08:42 |
ubotwo | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See - Help in #ubuntu-xgl | 08:42 |
K-Ryan | I know | 08:42 |
K-Ryan | And I'm looking through the forum | 08:42 |
K-Ryan | And I can't find the command to start it | 08:43 |
stdin | K-Ryan: you normally run "beryl-manager" | 08:43 |
K-Ryan | Or an icon... | 08:43 |
K-Ryan | Thanks, that's what I needed | 08:43 |
K-Ryan | except it doesn't work o.O | 08:43 |
stdin | run it from konsole, and look for wrrors | 08:43 |
stdin | *errors :P | 08:43 |
K-Ryan | command not found | 08:43 |
stdin | looks like it's not installed | 08:44 |
|kosmo| | stdin | 08:44 |
|kosmo| | ? | 08:44 |
stdin | |kosmo| | 08:44 |
stdin | ? | 08:44 |
Tonren | Can the background slideshow pic-changer fade between pics? | 08:44 |
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stdin | Tonren: probably not | 08:44 |
|kosmo| | my problem is i want to change the defualt broswer in thunderbird to firefox how i can do that? | 08:44 |
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stdin | |kosmo|: sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser | 08:45 |
K-Ryan | stdin: what do they mean by signing the repo with "wget....." | 08:45 |
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stdin | K-Ryan: that's when you download the gpg key that they sign the packages with, and add it to the apt keys | 08:46 |
|kosmo| | stdin | 08:46 |
stdin | |kosmo| | 08:46 |
|kosmo| | i dont belevie how you dont all that | 08:46 |
|kosmo| | know | 08:46 |
|kosmo| | know all that | 08:46 |
|kosmo| | stdin how much time you in linux | 08:47 |
|kosmo| | ? | 08:47 |
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stdin | |kosmo|: I've used linux for about 10 years now | 08:47 |
|kosmo| | you relly good | 08:47 |
|kosmo| | =] | 08:47 |
stdin | I've leaned from experience :) | 08:48 |
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ubuntu | mefisto_ Eh, How would I go about looking at the grub menu.lst on my harddrive using liveCD? | 08:50 |
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stdin | ubuntu: mount the partition first | 08:50 |
K-Ryan | sorry, had a phone call | 08:50 |
|kosmo| | no smart like experience man | 08:50 |
|kosmo| | !! | 08:50 |
|kosmo| | =] | 08:50 |
mefisto__ | bxnp: here's something that might give you a clue. I can now start korganizer from konsole, but not from the K menu with "run command". I just want it to start when I click the reminder daemon icon on the taskbar | 08:50 |
K-Ryan | stdin: how would I sign it? | 08:50 |
mefisto__ | ubuntu: is your disk mounted? | 08:50 |
capcom | stdin: thanks, this is the solution for me as well. after executing update-alternatives and setting firefox as default also in thunderbird the "right" browser is used | 08:50 |
stdin | K-Ryan: you don't, it's already signed by the people who make it. You just add the signature to the keys in apt | 08:50 |
K-Ryan | uhh, don't know how to do that either, type the line in konsole? | 08:51 |
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K-Ryan | I just did that except it said gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found. | 08:51 |
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K-Ryan | I got a 404 Not found | 08:52 |
mebsd | what's latest version? does kubuntu work well in laptop? | 08:52 |
K-Ryan | mebsd slow down | 08:52 |
stdin | K-Ryan: which command are you doing ? | 08:52 |
K-Ryan | Latest version of Kubuntu? | 08:52 |
K-Ryan | stdin: sudo apt-get install beryl | 08:53 |
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mebsd | you speak english? | 08:53 |
K-Ryan | Yes.... | 08:53 |
stdin | K-Ryan: what repository is it? | 08:53 |
mebsd | so you don't know the meaning of "latest version of kubuntu"? | 08:53 |
K-Ryan | deb edgy main | 08:53 |
K-Ryan | mebsd you said "what's the latest version" | 08:53 |
mebsd | oh sorry | 08:54 |
mebsd | yes i mean the latest version of kubuntu | 08:54 |
K-Ryan | Thank you... | 08:54 |
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bxnp | mefisto__, brb in 30 min, need to get some food :) | 08:54 |
stdin | mebsd: 6.10 Edgy Eft | 08:54 |
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mebsd | i'm dling 6.10 is it latest | 08:54 |
gnomefreak | mebsd: edgy uses 3.5.5 i believe | 08:54 |
K-Ryan | stdin: what about feisty? | 08:54 |
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stdin | K-Ryan: this one should work "wget -O- | sudo apt-key add -" | 08:54 |
gnomefreak | mebsd: yes latest stable | 08:54 |
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stdin | K-Ryan: feisty isn't out yet | 08:55 |
mebsd | but it dosn't say fiesty | 08:55 |
K-Ryan | stdin: thought it was out for testing | 08:55 |
gnomefreak | mebsd: feisty isnt out yet | 08:55 |
K-Ryan | stdin: put that in my repos? | 08:55 |
gnomefreak | K-Ryan: it is | 08:55 |
stdin | K-Ryan: it's an alpha, but it's not a release | 08:55 |
gnomefreak | K-Ryan: but not wide testing yet way too unstable | 08:55 |
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ubuntu | mefisto_ That's my grub menu.lst | 08:55 |
stdin | K-Ryan: no, just run the command in konsole | 08:55 |
K-Ryan | gnomefreak: then that is the latest release, just not the latest stable release =P | 08:55 |
gnomefreak | i suggest waiting till beta to test it | 08:55 |
mebsd | what's so what's special about fiesty | 08:55 |
gnomefreak | K-Ryan: no its not a release | 08:55 |
K-Ryan | Ok ok | 08:56 |
K-Ryan | I get it | 08:56 |
gnomefreak | K-Ryan: release == stable | 08:56 |
claudio | I use Kubuntu6.06. How set it reiserfs? | 08:56 |
stdin | K-Ryan: it hasn't been released yet, it's a pre-release :) | 08:56 |
gnomefreak | mebsd: nothing yet really | 08:56 |
K-Ryan | There we go, worked that time, thanks stdin | 08:56 |
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stdin | :) | 08:56 |
ubuntu | mefisto_ nothing really looks out of place except it's on hd1 instead of hd0? | 08:56 |
mebsd | ok will it work well with aspire 3620? | 08:56 |
stdin | mebsd: get the live CD and test it out | 08:57 |
mebsd | me getting it | 08:57 |
gnomefreak | mebsd: too early to tell. i suggest you stay with 6.10 | 08:57 |
Grumpf | hi. i have a problem setting up wlan with kubuntu 6.10 . i heard i need madwifi, but i have some problems, sudo m-a a-i madwifi cannot find all needed packets | 08:57 |
K-Ryan | Setting up wifi on laptops can be a pain but you can do it | 08:57 |
Theory | fffffffffffffffdd | 08:57 |
K-Ryan | You just might need to be wired in until you get wifi working | 08:57 |
Grumpf | is anyone here who knows about installing madwifi? | 08:57 |
mebsd | i only want wlan card to work in 6.10, and i can run kde, i'll be laughing | 08:57 |
mebsd | easy to satisfied | 08:58 |
Grumpf | ok, wired connection is possible, i got that working | 08:58 |
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mebsd | the card is atheros ar500g.. will it work? in 6.10 | 08:59 |
Grumpf | hey mebsd, i think we have a similar problem. i have an Atheros ar5bxb61 chip | 08:59 |
mebsd | you get connection? | 09:00 |
ubuntu | Could someone help me with my grub problem please? | 09:00 |
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Grumpf | no, not jet. iwconfig says "no wireless extension" on all slots | 09:00 |
K-Ryan | uhh, how do i use the themes from beryl? o.O | 09:01 |
mefisto__ | ubuntu: you have XP and kubuntu, right? | 09:01 |
Grumpf | but at least i have a wired connection available that works | 09:01 |
ubuntu | mefisto_ Yes | 09:01 |
mefisto__ | ubuntu: 2 separate disks? | 09:01 |
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mebsd | but wireless is the whole point of laptop | 09:01 |
ubuntu | Mefisto_ Yes, XP is on my 300 gig sata and Kubuntu is on my 80 gig IDE. | 09:02 |
stdin | K-Ryan: beryl has no themes, emerald has the themes | 09:02 |
K-Ryan | yeah | 09:02 |
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capcom | ubuntu: is this your entire menu.lst? no default setting? | 09:02 |
K-Ryan | or whatever, how do i use it? | 09:02 |
tehpwn | I'm back! Woot! | 09:02 |
mefisto__ | ubuntu: is XP on the 1st disk, kubuntu on 2nd disk? | 09:02 |
stdin | K-Ryan: you just open the theme manager, and click on the themw | 09:02 |
stdin | *theme | 09:02 |
tehpwn | bxnp, You still here? | 09:03 |
K-Ryan | Okay, now that I have beryl what do I do with it? | 09:03 |
bxnp | yeah | 09:03 |
bxnp | is it done | 09:03 |
tehpwn | Yeah, upgrade is done. | 09:03 |
bxnp | eating | 09:03 |
tehpwn | kk | 09:03 |
bxnp | oke now do apt-cache search ndiswrapper | 09:03 |
K-Ryan | I don't get what beryl does =( | 09:03 |
stdin | K-Ryan: have you started it ? | 09:03 |
K-Ryan | i ran beryl-manager | 09:04 |
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mebsd | Grumpf: what laptop u use? | 09:04 |
gnomefreak | stdin: auqamarine is an alternative to emerald for kde ;) | 09:04 |
phobiac | K-Ryan: You have xgl running? | 09:04 |
stdin | K-Ryan: have the window decorations changed ? | 09:04 |
K-Ryan | ? | 09:04 |
K-Ryan | The ? is to both of you | 09:04 |
surgy | !nvidia | 09:04 |
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ubotwo | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 09:04 |
tehpwn | bxnp, and then? | 09:04 |
Grumpf | mebsd: i have an ASUS Z53T | 09:04 |
bxnp | do you know see ndiswrapper-utils | 09:04 |
phobiac | Your card is ati right? | 09:04 |
stdin | gnomefreak: yeah, I know it fits well | 09:05 |
K-Ryan | I already setup opengl | 09:05 |
K-Ryan | and got it to work | 09:05 |
tehpwn | It listed a bunch of stuff... | 09:05 |
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bxnp | yes ") | 09:05 |
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bxnp | good | 09:05 |
gnomefreak | aquamarine* even | 09:05 |
bxnp | you have more sources now so you will get more apps returned | 09:05 |
bxnp | oke do | 09:05 |
phobiac | You see the red gem icon in your taskbar? | 09:05 |
tehpwn | Sweet. | 09:05 |
bxnp | apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils | 09:05 |
K-Ryan | yuh huh | 09:05 |
bxnp | check the spellijng | 09:05 |
gnomefreak | also heliodor but i havent played with it yet | 09:05 |
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ubuntu | mefisto_ Sorry didn't post the whole thing there's the whole thing | 09:05 |
phobiac | Click it and see if the window manager is set to Beryl | 09:06 |
tehpwn | Awesome, it' | 09:06 |
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tehpwn | s going | 09:06 |
phobiac | If it isn't click beryl. | 09:06 |
stdin | K-Ryan: right click on the beryl icon in the system tray, go to "select window manager" and choose Beryl | 09:06 |
tehpwn | Oh, well it's done allready bxnp... | 09:06 |
bxnp | good, tell me when this is done, and then we are going to install the driver | 09:06 |
bxnp | you have a fast pc | 09:06 |
bxnp | :) | 09:06 |
bxnp | and connection | 09:06 |
K-Ryan | i click beryl and everything flickers then comes back | 09:06 |
tehpwn | Eh, it's a P4 | 09:06 |
bxnp | working on a p3 lappy overhere | 09:07 |
K-Ryan | i see some "XGL Abesnt, checking for NVIDIA" | 09:07 |
bxnp | oke do you have the latest windows driver for your wifi card tehpwn | 09:07 |
phobiac | You need xgl set up. | 09:07 |
bxnp | if not, go get them | 09:07 |
K-Ryan | What's xgl? | 09:07 |
tehpwn | I have the original cd... | 09:07 |
stdin | K-Ryan: have you installed "xserver-xgl" ? | 09:07 |
bxnp | no get the latest one | 09:07 |
K-Ryan | don't know | 09:07 |
phobiac | It's for the graphics | 09:07 |
bxnp | for your chipset | 09:07 |
tehpwn | Ok. Gimme a minute. | 09:07 |
stdin | K-Ryan: howto | 09:07 |
surgy | ok so im follo | 09:08 |
bxnp | what kind of card is it anyway | 09:08 |
K-Ryan | i cant just sudo apt-get install it? | 09:08 |
bxnp | back in 5 min, need to finisch my food | 09:08 |
bxnp | and get my dessert :) | 09:08 |
phobiac | K-Ryan: This guide might work out for you too | 09:08 |
tehpwn | Okdoke | 09:08 |
surgy | im following he nvidia setup tutorial and it says to go to synaptic and it seams like kde has apedt | 09:08 |
tehpwn | Sweet, I can get firefox w/ apt-get now :-D | 09:08 |
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K-Ryan | My card isn't under supported hardware | 09:08 |
bxnp | first things first | 09:08 |
bxnp | your wifi card | 09:09 |
bxnp | btw do you need wpa support | 09:09 |
tehpwn | Yeah, I'm getting the drivers atm, hehe | 09:09 |
phobiac | K-Ryan: Is it an ati card? | 09:09 |
tehpwn | Nope | 09:09 |
K-Ryan | Yep | 09:09 |
bxnp | only wep | 09:09 |
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K-Ryan | Radeon 9800 | 09:09 |
bxnp | or open | 09:09 |
bxnp | no encryption i meant | 09:09 |
phobiac | Are you using fglrx for the driver? | 09:09 |
K-Ryan | But the help thing says "Radeon X300 or Mobility Radeon 9700 SE | 09:09 |
K-Ryan | " | 09:09 |
surgy | i need help opening the restricted repos to install my nvidia vid card | 09:09 |
K-Ryan | Yep, fglrx | 09:09 |
tehpwn | bxnp, yeah just WEP | 09:09 |
mefisto__ | ubuntu: does XP boot OK? | 09:10 |
K-Ryan | surgy i thought you had intel? | 09:10 |
bxnp | oke do this tehpwn | 09:10 |
ubuntu | mefisto_ No.. Grub won't boot so I can't get into any of my OS's lol | 09:10 |
bxnp | apt-get install wlassistant | 09:10 |
surgy | k-ryan: i have geforce 4 ti4200 | 09:10 |
K-Ryan | oh yeah, someone else had the intel... | 09:10 |
phobiac | Open a konsole and type glxgears and tell me what happens. | 09:10 |
bxnp | its a nice and simple program for organizing your wifi connections | 09:10 |
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K-Ryan | it runs | 09:10 |
K-Ryan | thats what happens | 09:10 |
Lynoure | tehpwn: Are you aware how bad wep is? It will keep people from accidentally ending up in your network but not much more. | 09:10 |
tehpwn | bxnp, the newest driver is a .exe... does this matter? | 09:11 |
surgy | so how do i unrestrict my repos? | 09:11 |
phobiac | It should work fine, just follow the guide I posted for setting up xgl. I'm no expert though so I could be wrong. | 09:11 |
bxnp | ehm what card do you have tehpwn | 09:11 |
stdin | !repos | surgy | 09:11 |
ubotwo | surgy: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at and - See also !EasySource | 09:11 |
tehpwn | Lynoure, I also hide my ssid, but I'm actually not to concerned with security... not really hiding anything | 09:11 |
phobiac | My card is ati too, apparently the ati cards aren't supported well. It works fine for me though. | 09:11 |
mefisto__ | your grub.lst looks pretty much like mine, except I don't have the "map (hd0) (hd2)" business at the end. | 09:12 |
tehpwn | wmp54gs w/ speed booster | 09:12 |
Lynoure | tehpwn: you mean, really not minding sharing it? :) | 09:12 |
mebsd | im dl kubuntu at 560KB/s | 09:12 |
mebsd | is that fast or what, hahaha | 09:12 |
surgy | the guid that the bot gives me is for synaptic......... kde has adept | 09:12 |
bxnp | do you have an inf file on your cd for your driver tehpwn | 09:12 |
bxnp | ifso use that one | 09:13 |
tehpwn | lynoure, either way I'm not scared.. nothing that needs to be secure on my pc's | 09:13 |
bxnp | with | 09:13 |
K-Ryan | phobiac what's the difference between emerald and aquamarine? | 09:13 |
bxnp | ndiswrapper -i file.inf | 09:13 |
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tehpwn | bxnp, when I type "apt-get install wlassistant" it gives an error | 09:13 |
stdin | surgy: | 09:13 |
bxnp | what error | 09:13 |
Lynoure | tehpwn: I'd still recommend against it unless you firewall outgoing traffic, otherwise a spammer in your wifi could mean you ISP takes it on you. | 09:13 |
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tehpwn | Oops never mind, I forgot to do sudo, bxnp | 09:14 |
bxnp | he should use wpa in my opinion | 09:14 |
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phobiac | K-Ryan: They both manage how your windows look, aquamarine is designed to work better with KDE if I remember correctly | 09:14 |
bxnp | cause wep is easily cracked with programs like kismet with aircrack | 09:14 |
phobiac | Emerald works fine for me | 09:14 |
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mefisto__ | ubuntu: I don't know why the "map" lines are there, but you could try removing them and changing the XP section to root (hd0,0) | 09:14 |
K-Ryan | i got both | 09:15 |
K-Ryan | i think | 09:15 |
mefisto__ | ubuntu: but make sure you keep a backup | 09:15 |
bxnp | but fist things first let us first connect to his ap | 09:15 |
surgy | stdin: ok but which repo do i need for nvidia? | 09:15 |
tehpwn | So what's next bxnp? | 09:15 |
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stdin | surgy: you need the restricted repo | 09:15 |
tehpwn | wlassistant is allready installed | 09:15 |
bxnp | did you do ndiswrapper -i file.inf | 09:16 |
bxnp | oke good | 09:16 |
phobiac | K-Ryan: Okay. Did you set up xgl though? | 09:16 |
bxnp | from your cd | 09:16 |
ubuntu | mefisto_ Do that on the XP disk or the Kubuntu? lol | 09:16 |
K-Ryan | Uhh, trying to figure that out still | 09:16 |
phobiac | Okay | 09:16 |
surgy | that link you gave me doesnt have a section on restricted repos only comercial multiverse and universe | 09:16 |
stdin | K-Ryan: follow the guide, just ignore the supported hardware part, see if it works | 09:16 |
tehpwn | Ok, I placed the BCMWL5.inf on my desktop.... so what do I type in the terminal again? | 09:17 |
stdin | surgy: the steps are the same. just replace the word "universe" with "restricted" | 09:17 |
mefisto__ | ubuntu: do that in the XP section in grub.lst. But make a backup of the current grub.lst before making any changes | 09:17 |
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surgy | ok | 09:17 |
bxnp | ndiswrapper -i BCMWL5.inf | 09:17 |
bxnp | sudo ofcourse | 09:18 |
tehpwn | apt-get install wlassistant | 09:18 |
tehpwn | oops | 09:18 |
mefisto__ | ubuntu: it's lines 148, 151, 152 in what you pasted | 09:18 |
K-Ryan | what's this important note about? | 09:18 |
tehpwn | Installing bcmwl5 | 09:18 |
tehpwn | couldn't copy BCMWL5.inf at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper line 135. | 09:18 |
K-Ryan | losing font and mouse pointer? | 09:18 |
tehpwn | bxnp, | 09:19 |
tehpwn | Installing bcmwl5 | 09:19 |
tehpwn | couldn't copy BCMWL5.inf at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper line 135. | 09:19 |
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bxnp | oke | 09:20 |
bxnp | do this | 09:20 |
K-Ryan | What does beryl even do? | 09:20 |
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phobiac | Makes some eyecandy | 09:20 |
K-Ryan | I don't want to mess up my Kubuntu trying to install it | 09:20 |
K-Ryan | eye candy as far as what? themes? | 09:20 |
K-Ryan | I like my theme | 09:20 |
ubuntu | mefisto_ Tried doing sudo nano menu.list got into the menu but now when i try to save it changed it tells me permission denied. | 09:20 |
phobiac | K-Ryan: | 09:21 |
mefisto__ | ubuntu: you've probably got the disk mounted read-only | 09:21 |
K-Ryan | i changed my mind, i want it | 09:21 |
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bobleny | Hi, can I get some help with my LAMP set up? | 09:22 |
stdin | K-Ryan: it's a thing you didn't know you wanted, until you knew it existed :D | 09:22 |
phobiac | K-Ryan: As a precaution I'd download irssi and familarize yourself with it a little | 09:22 |
K-Ryan | what is irssi? o.O | 09:22 |
phobiac | That way if something bad happens and you're bumped to command line only you can still consult with us | 09:23 |
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phobiac | It's for irc | 09:23 |
tehpwn | Oh, you guys are on the XGL topic! I watched a video about that on google. Looks really fun to have. | 09:23 |
stdin | irssi = a command line IRC client | 09:23 |
mebsd | irssi for losers | 09:23 |
tehpwn | Never tried it myself though... | 09:23 |
mebsd | hehe | 09:23 |
mefisto__ | ubuntu: I think the problem might be related to the fact you have a sata disk there. I'm not exactly sure how to handle that | 09:23 |
ubuntu_ | | 09:23 |
K-Ryan | Uhh, that doesn't sound fun | 09:23 |
phobiac | mebsd: Thanks :( | 09:23 |
bxnp | you have to copy the .sys and file to the same dir | 09:23 |
tehpwn | OIC | 09:23 |
bxnp | where you put your .inf file | 09:24 |
ubuntu | mefisto_ Okay, I changed permissions on it, Saved it now I'll try to reboot and see if I can get into grub now. | 09:24 |
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phobiac | K-Ryan: Happened to me when I had some bad settings, luckily I figured out what to do without help, but it's never bad to be prepared. | 09:24 |
stdin | K-Ryan: if you can't get X to start for some reason, you can still come here to ask us what to do :) | 09:24 |
vikal | | 09:24 |
mefisto__ | ubuntu: I think the problem might be related to the fact you have a sata disk there. I'm not exactly sure how to handle that | 09:24 |
K-Ryan | Or I could pop in my live cd ;) | 09:24 |
stdin | vikal: #ubuntu-pl | 09:24 |
bxnp | there is more tehpwn | 09:24 |
phobiac | K-Ryan: That works too | 09:25 |
ubuntu | mefisto_ I though Kubuntu supported sata's? lol | 09:25 |
tehpwn | bxnp? | 09:25 |
K-Ryan | Now I have to reinstall beryl >.> | 09:25 |
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wilman | how to locate the router's ip adress? | 09:25 |
mefisto__ | ubuntu: perhaps it should read (sd0,0)? I'm not sure. I've never used a sata disk with linux | 09:25 |
tehpwn | | 09:25 |
K-Ryan | wilman usually in your internet browser | 09:25 |
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bxnp | did you copy them to the same dir | 09:26 |
tehpwn | Yeah, they are all on the desktop bxnp | 09:26 |
bxnp | no do ndiswrapper bcblal.inf | 09:26 |
bxnp | whatever its called | 09:26 |
tehpwn | ok | 09:26 |
mefisto__ | does anyone else know? is a sata disk referenced as sd0? | 09:26 |
tehpwn | bxnp, do I do -i also? | 09:26 |
K-Ryan | hey umm, sudo gedit doesn't work, gedit should be replaced with kate? | 09:26 |
bxnp | no | 09:26 |
stdin | 1st sata disk will be sda | 09:27 |
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phobiac | K-Ryan: Yeah | 09:27 |
stdin | mefisto__: | 09:27 |
phobiac | Kate is the gedit of kubuntu | 09:27 |
K-Ryan | Thought so | 09:27 |
K-Ryan | Just wasn't sure | 09:27 |
K-Ryan | I mean I knew gedit wouldnt work | 09:27 |
mefisto__ | stdin: and in grub, is it sd0 rather than hd0? | 09:27 |
tehpwn | bxnp, says I need to choose an option... | 09:27 |
K-Ryan | Just didn't know if Kate was right... | 09:27 |
bxnp | oh oke | 09:27 |
bxnp | with the -i | 09:27 |
stdin | mefisto__: no, it should still be hd0 | 09:27 |
tehpwn | tehpwn@tuxbox:~$ sudo ndiswrapper -i BCMWL5.inf | 09:28 |
tehpwn | bcmwl5 is already installed. Use -e to remove it | 09:28 |
tehpwn | tehpwn@tuxbox:~$ | 09:28 |
bxnp | you have to do everything as root | 09:28 |
bxnp | oke | 09:28 |
bxnp | listen | 09:28 |
bxnp | do ndiswrapper -l | 09:28 |
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bxnp | what do you see | 09:28 |
bxnp | what does it say | 09:28 |
tehpwn | tehpwn@tuxbox:~$ sudo ndiswrapper -l | 09:28 |
tehpwn | Installed ndis drivers: | 09:28 |
tehpwn | bcmwl5 invalid driver! | 09:28 |
tehpwn | tehpwn@tuxbox:~$ | 09:28 |
ubuntu | mefisto_ Okay, I'll be right back see if this works. | 09:28 |
mefisto__ | ubuntu: good luck | 09:29 |
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capcom | one little quersion: how can i get my kubuntu distribution / kde to start with num lock enabled | 09:30 |
capcom | question | 09:30 |
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|kosmo| | on system settings | 09:30 |
|kosmo| | kyboard | 09:30 |
|kosmo| | and mouse | 09:30 |
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|kosmo| | and then you have num lock on start of system | 09:30 |
petra | !lisa | 09:31 |
ubotwo | lisa - LAN information server for KDE - available in Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) - See for more information | 09:31 |
|kosmo| | capcom: | 09:31 |
|kosmo| | ok | 09:31 |
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capcom | |kosmo|: yes, of course.. sometimes i should tell someobe to remove the poitatoes from my eyes. thanx | 09:31 |
capcom | ;) | 09:31 |
mefisto__ | why is numlock on not the default? | 09:32 |
bxnp | tehpwn, do pwd | 09:33 |
K-Ryan | Hey | 09:33 |
K-Ryan | What does this mean? | 09:33 |
K-Ryan | IMPORTANT NOTE I recently found that if we start Gnome/KDE this way, we may lose font or mouse pointer configuration, since they don't get loaded with Xgl. The correct way that I found was to use "exec /etc/X11/Xsession" instead of gnome-session or startkde. Then you can put gnome-session or startkde as an Xsession argument, for example, "exec /etc/X11/Xsession startkde" | 09:33 |
capcom | mefisto__: not within the kde like it seems.. | 09:33 |
bxnp | in wich dir are you | 09:33 |
phobiac | K-Ryan: It's just configuration, unless you've changed the settings with your mouse don't worry. | 09:33 |
hassan2a | vaur: voil ^^^ | 09:33 |
vaur | oui je sais | 09:34 |
K-Ryan | so it doesnt apply to me? | 09:34 |
K-Ryan | !fr | 09:34 |
ubotwo | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 09:34 |
mefisto__ | capcom: just seems it would make more sense if that setting was numlock on by default | 09:34 |
tehpwn | bxnp, I guess I'm not registered w/ the nickserv... I forgot my old password... | 09:34 |
bxnp | nevermind | 09:34 |
bxnp | do pwd | 09:34 |
bxnp | in your console | 09:34 |
capcom | mefisto__: if you don't use a laptop :) | 09:34 |
tehpwn | kk | 09:34 |
mefisto__ | capcom: ah, ok | 09:34 |
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tehpwn | Says: /home/tehpwn | 09:35 |
capcom | mefisto__: otherwise it might be tricky on logging in for example | 09:35 |
bxnp | is this the same terminal where you did the ndiswrapper command | 09:35 |
tehpwn | yeah | 09:35 |
bxnp | oke you where not in the right dir when you did that command | 09:35 |
bxnp | so what you do is this | 09:35 |
K-Ryan | should i reboot or restart x for this beryl stuff? | 09:35 |
bxnp | ndiswrapper -e blabla.inf | 09:36 |
mefisto__ | capcom: yep, makes sense now | 09:36 |
Kyral | K-Ryan: If you didn't make changes to your XOrg.conf | 09:36 |
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tehpwn | tehpwn@tuxbox:~$ sudo ndiswrapper -e bcmwl5.inf | 09:36 |
tehpwn | Driver bcmwl5.inf is not installed.Use -l to list installed drivers | 09:36 |
tehpwn | tehpwn@tuxbox:~$ | 09:36 |
Kyral | then you should just be able to run "beryl-manager" in a terminal | 09:36 |
ubuntu_ | mefisto_ No go.. It didn't work :( | 09:36 |
bxnp | and then you do: cd Desktop and then you do the command ndiswrapper -i blabla.inf again | 09:36 |
capcom | but what i wonder, in my bios num lock is set to enabled.. with windows this works, but kubuntu ignores it | 09:36 |
K-Ryan | But the XGL thing says next time you restart blah blah blah | 09:36 |
bxnp | sudo always | 09:36 |
bxnp | when doing things like this | 09:36 |
Kyral | K-Ryan: Are you using Beryl or XGL | 09:37 |
tehpwn | bxnp, okay | 09:37 |
K-Ryan | Setting XGL up | 09:37 |
Kyral | (There is a difference, at least when using NVidia) | 09:37 |
Kyral | K-Ryan: ATI or NVidia? | 09:37 |
K-Ryan | Ati | 09:37 |
bxnp | what does ndiswrapper -l gives you | 09:37 |
Kyral | nevermind... | 09:37 |
Kyral | lol | 09:37 |
K-Ryan | Restarting X first then... | 09:37 |
Kyral | NVidia's newest drivers make X able to use AIGLX without XGL | 09:37 |
tehpwn | tehpwn@tuxbox:~/Desktop$ sudo ndiswrapper -i BCMWL5.inf | 09:37 |
tehpwn | bcmwl5 is already installed. Use -e to remove it | 09:37 |
tehpwn | tehpwn@tuxbox:~/Desktop$ | 09:37 |
phobiac | K-Ryan: Nope. Not a bad idea to follow it's instructions anyway though. | 09:38 |
bxnp | now do ndiswrapper -e BCMWL5.inf | 09:38 |
hassan2a | vaur: tu as du mal | 09:38 |
bxnp | with sudo | 09:38 |
tehpwn | ok | 09:38 |
bxnp | sudo ndiswrapper -e BCMWL5.inf | 09:38 |
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tehpwn | tehpwn@tuxbox:~/Desktop$ sudo ndiswrapper -e bcmwl5.inf | 09:38 |
tehpwn | Driver bcmwl5.inf is not installed.Use -l to list installed drivers | 09:38 |
tehpwn | tehpwn@tuxbox:~/Desktop$ | 09:38 |
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phobiac | Whoops | 09:39 |
bxnp | ehm do sudo ndiswrapper -i the file | 09:39 |
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tehpwn | bcmwl5 is already installed. Use -e to remove it | 09:40 |
bxnp | shit, | 09:40 |
tehpwn | Wow I'm confused... | 09:40 |
bxnp | you should be able to remove it | 09:40 |
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tehpwn | Should I reopen the konsole in root? | 09:40 |
ubuntu_ | mefisto_ Should I change it when booting into grub like hitting 'e' and change it to (hd0,2) ? | 09:41 |
bxnp | that will not solve it :) | 09:41 |
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tehpwn | Humm | 09:42 |
bxnp | go to /etc/ndiswrapper | 09:42 |
tehpwn | cd to it> | 09:42 |
tehpwn | or open it? | 09:42 |
bxnp | then ls -l | 09:42 |
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bxnp | just cd /etc/ndiswrapper | 09:42 |
phobiac | K-Ryan: How's setting up XGL going? | 09:42 |
tehpwn | tehpwn@tuxbox:/etc/ndiswrapper$ ls -l | 09:42 |
tehpwn | total 4 | 09:42 |
tehpwn | drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2007-01-19 03:57 bcmwl5 | 09:42 |
tehpwn | tehpwn@tuxbox:/etc/ndiswrapper$ | 09:42 |
capcom | |kosmo|: one more keyboard question after having a close look on the settings ;) - with windows i've set keyboard that when i have capslock enabled, i press shift to disable caps.. i am used to that, so i would like to have the kde to act in the same way. is this possible? | 09:42 |
bxnp | now rm that directory with rm -rf /etc/ndiswrapper/bcmwl5 | 09:43 |
mefisto__ | ubuntu_: sure, that's an easy way to test what will work. but are you trying to boot windows or kubuntu? windows should normally be (hd0,0) and kubuntu (hd1,0) if win is on 1st disk and kubuntu on 2nd disk | 09:43 |
tehpwn | rm: cannot remove directory `/etc/ndiswrapper/bcmwl5': Permission denied | 09:44 |
bxnp | sudo | 09:44 |
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|kosmo| | capcom | 09:44 |
|kosmo| | i dont understand | 09:44 |
tehpwn | K, done | 09:44 |
|kosmo| | you want with shift | 09:44 |
bxnp | as a user you dont have the right's to remove those dir | 09:44 |
|kosmo| | to disable | 09:44 |
|kosmo| | caps look | 09:44 |
|kosmo| | ? | 09:44 |
capcom | yes | 09:45 |
tehpwn | Yeah, I always forget the little things... | 09:45 |
|kosmo| | oooo you need to make script | 09:45 |
bxnp | now go back cd to your desktop | 09:45 |
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bxnp | and do ndiswrapper -l | 09:45 |
|kosmo| | i dont know about thats type of scripts | 09:45 |
bxnp | this will tell you if the driver is loaded | 09:45 |
|kosmo| | but try in ubuntu-dev | 09:45 |
tehpwn | NOTHING!!! | 09:45 |
bxnp | what nothgint | 09:45 |
tehpwn | NO? | 09:45 |
bxnp | nothing is loaded anymore | 09:46 |
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capcom | |kosmo|: no problem, thanks anyway | 09:46 |
tehpwn | There are no drivers listed... Isn't that good? | 09:46 |
bxnp | yep that's good :) | 09:46 |
wilman | !router | 09:46 |
hak5fan | Hello I have a problem with cdemu. I've loaded the module using modprobe cdemu and loaded and mounted my cd image. The image is on a ntfs partition. all the files in the cdimage doesn't show up. The cd im having probelms with are the warcraft III install disk. And it's supposed to be a install.exe file in the root of the cd. Another strange thing is that cdemu seems to unload itself when I reboot. lsmod | grep cdemu came up with nothing.... | 09:46 |
hak5fan | Does anyone have a solution | 09:46 |
ubotwo | Sorry, I know nothing about that - try | 09:46 |
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jager | is amarok-xmms available somewhere for amarok 1.4.4? | 09:46 |
tehpwn | Lol, ok. I can understand how my 'nothing' was misunderstood... Lol. | 09:46 |
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bxnp | it was the crude way because ndiswrapper -e should do the same | 09:46 |
wilman | !router | 09:46 |
tehpwn | OIC | 09:46 |
ubuntu_ | mefisto_ This is my fdisk I have 2 IDE hd's and 1 sata. | 09:46 |
K-Ryan | Okay I tried starting the x session or whatever with the XGL | 09:46 |
bxnp | oke you are on your desktop right | 09:46 |
tehpwn | Yep | 09:47 |
K-Ryan | all it did was lag my computer really really bad | 09:47 |
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K-Ryan | like, REALLY, bad | 09:47 |
bxnp | give me the output pwd | 09:47 |
tehpwn | tehpwn@tuxbox:~/Desktop$ pwd | 09:47 |
tehpwn | /home/tehpwn/Desktop | 09:47 |
tehpwn | tehpwn@tuxbox:~/Desktop$ | 09:47 |
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bxnp | good, now type sudo ndiswrapper -i blabla.inf | 09:47 |
bxnp | dont forget the sudo | 09:48 |
tehpwn | Ok | 09:48 |
tehpwn | tehpwn@tuxbox:~/Desktop$ sudo ndiswrapper -i bvmwl5.inf | 09:48 |
tehpwn | Installing bvmwl5 | 09:48 |
tehpwn | couldn't copy bvmwl5.inf at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper line 135. | 09:48 |
tehpwn | tehpwn@tuxbox:~/Desktop$ | 09:48 |
phobiac | K-Ryan: How new is your computer? | 09:48 |
bxnp | damm | 09:48 |
bxnp | wait | 09:48 |
K-Ryan | 5 years new | 09:48 |
K-Ryan | everything has been upgraded except its 1.8ghz processor | 09:49 |
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phobiac | K-Ryan: The processor might not be able to handle it. | 09:49 |
K-Ryan | I think it's safe to say it can't | 09:49 |
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tehpwn | K-Ryan: Hehe, I renember my athlon xp 1.8ghx chip, man were those the days. | 09:49 |
phobiac | I have to go | 09:49 |
K-Ryan | Well I mean, 5 years ago 1.8Ghz was great | 09:49 |
K-Ryan | See ya' round phobiac | 09:50 |
tehpwn | Yeah I know it. | 09:50 |
phobiac | See ya | 09:50 |
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tehpwn | Close friend of mine built a PC around the same time I built my first one, man his Barton core was smokin back then | 09:50 |
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K-Ryan | Really all I need is a new processor | 09:50 |
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K-Ryan | Might need a better PS for the processor though | 09:51 |
tehpwn | That's how I feel about my current pc also. 2ghz P4, It's a fairly new system, just sluggish at time with only 512 ram | 09:51 |
K-Ryan | Mines a P4 too | 09:51 |
K-Ryan | same ram as well | 09:51 |
K-Ryan | the computer runs like a charm its just with certain programs i experience slow downs | 09:52 |
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tehpwn | Well, I used to be a pretty hardcore gamer untill I moved down to California... Lately I haven't had the money to go build a new gaming rig though... So sadly I'm stuck with this P4 | 09:53 |
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K-Ryan | I'm also quite a gamer | 09:53 |
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K-Ryan | Although since I got Kubuntu running I've gone on Windows once, because my brother needed help on his windows comp so... | 09:53 |
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bxnp | reading, wait a sec | 09:54 |
K-Ryan | I'll get Wine running eventually and then XP will be a backup sort of | 09:54 |
tehpwn | Yeah, after the wireless starts working I hope I can get my iTunes running... | 09:54 |
ubuntu_ | mefisto_: Any ideas? Or should I just erase everything and start anew? | 09:54 |
tehpwn | Is wine the one that costs money or is it Cedaga (sp?) | 09:54 |
bxnp | ah i got it | 09:54 |
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K-Ryan | Umm, Wine is free | 09:55 |
ubuntu_ | tehpwn: Cedega. | 09:55 |
K-Ryan | Don't know what Cedaga is | 09:55 |
ubuntu_ | tehpwn: Cedega used to be WineX | 09:55 |
tehpwn | I believe it's the same concept at Wine.. ? | 09:55 |
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tehpwn | OIC | 09:55 |
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bxnp | tehpwn, you have to read what i send you, dont just copy and paste | 09:55 |
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K-Ryan | well im going to get some use out of spending all that time setting up opengl | 09:55 |
bxnp | the name of your inf file is bcmwl.inf | 09:56 |
K-Ryan | Catch you guys later | 09:56 |
tehpwn | Ok, bxnp | 09:56 |
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bxnp | i made an type o | 09:56 |
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tehpwn | wait, did you send it allready? cuz i closed that other window... oops | 09:56 |
bxnp | oke now check what i send you: sudo ndiswrapper -i bcmwl5.inf | 09:56 |
nate_ | tweaks to make kubuntu faster? | 09:56 |
bxnp | ofcourse dont forget to change to your Desktop | 09:57 |
tehpwn | Wait what? bxnp, I closed the priv. convo.. Did you send it in that? | 09:57 |
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PupUser62f272 | I've been trying to install Feisty, I tried the Herd2 (wouldn't boot), and today's daily (froze after probing)...anyone heard of this happening (I just want to make sure I'm not alone)? | 09:58 |
bxnp | i mean do ndiswrapper -i bcmwl5.inf in the Desktop dir | 09:59 |
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bxnp | dont forget the sudo allso | 10:00 |
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tehpwn | Ok, It says it's installed, bxnp | 10:00 |
bxnp | ahaha | 10:00 |
bxnp | oke now do ndiswrapper -l | 10:00 |
bxnp | and paste what it says | 10:00 |
tehpwn | tehpwn@tuxbox:~/Desktop$ sudo ndiswrapper -l | 10:01 |
tehpwn | Installed ndis drivers: | 10:01 |
tehpwn | bcmwl5 invalid driver! | 10:01 |
tehpwn | bvmwl5 invalid driver! | 10:01 |
tehpwn | tehpwn@tuxbox:~/Desktop$ | 10:01 |
bxnp | ehm the one are invalid | 10:01 |
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bxnp | well rm the drivers with ndiswrapper -e bcmwl5 | 10:01 |
bxnp | and then bvmwl5 | 10:01 |
bxnp | download the latest driver for your chipset | 10:02 |
bxnp | cause these are not good | 10:02 |
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tehpwn | Renember, the new driver is an exe... And I don't think you replyed... Does it matter that it's an exe? | 10:02 |
tehpwn | bxnp | 10:02 |
bxnp | and to an answer to your question it doesnt mind | 10:02 |
bxnp | do you have wine installed | 10:02 |
bxnp | otherwise do apt-get install wine | 10:03 |
bxnp | with the app wine the app will extract the .exe files | 10:03 |
tehpwn | ok, installing wine | 10:03 |
bxnp | you have a broadcom chipset right :) | 10:03 |
tehpwn | IDK | 10:03 |
tehpwn | for the onboard? | 10:04 |
tehpwn | LAN | 10:04 |
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mebsd | need help setting up wireless in kde | 10:05 |
mebsd | im in wireless assistance 0.5.5 | 10:05 |
tehpwn | Hehe, join the club... | 10:05 |
tehpwn | bxnp, Wine is done. | 10:05 |
mebsd | i see all available networks | 10:05 |
bxnp | do you have allso the .exe file | 10:05 |
tehpwn | Yes I have the exe downloaded allready | 10:05 |
bxnp | now do wine the name of the exe | 10:06 |
bxnp | as user | 10:06 |
bxnp | not sudo | 10:06 |
mikko | | 10:06 |
mebsd | is there a way to see the error log from that wirelss assistant? | 10:06 |
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mebsd | i feel i'm very close to connection | 10:06 |
bxnp | use dmesg mebsd | 10:07 |
bxnp | to see if everything is oke with your card | 10:07 |
bxnp | besides that wlablablab should give you an error message why it cannot connect | 10:08 |
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mebsd | that wireelss connection don't give me any erro rmessager | 10:08 |
mebsd | just says connection failed | 10:08 |
bxnp | btw mebsd the app cant connect to a network encrypted with wpa | 10:08 |
bxnp | if that is the case you should wpa_supplicant | 10:08 |
mebsd | how to use wpa_supplicant. it's using wpa | 10:09 |
bxnp | oke | 10:09 |
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bxnp | wait i will give you a website | 10:09 |
mebsd | noooooo | 10:10 |
mebsd | i don't want to spend a weekend getting wireless to work | 10:10 |
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tehpwn | bxnp, it's not letting me remove the old dir.'s | 10:11 |
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ubuntu_ | Is my problem coming from having an unused 40 gig IDE as master and my Sata and 80 gig IDE as slaves? | 10:11 |
bxnp | what do you mean | 10:11 |
Minataku | !seen genii | 10:12 |
bxnp | what noooo mebsd | 10:12 |
ubotwo | I last saw genii ( 15h 24m 47s ago, quiting: "Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox] " | 10:12 |
tehpwn | im doing sudo rm bcmwl5 | 10:12 |
tehpwn | and it says i cant | 10:12 |
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tehpwn | because its a dir. | 10:12 |
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Nookie^ | what package do i need when i get this error when i try to compile | 10:14 |
Nookie^ | - Didn't find KDE3 headers | 10:14 |
Nookie^ | -- Didn't find KDE3 core library | 10:14 |
Nookie^ | -- Didn't find the KDE3 dcopidl preprocessor | 10:14 |
hak5fan | tehpwn: use rm -r [dir ] | 10:14 |
bxnp | where do you do that | 10:14 |
tehpwn | hehe, I love hak5! | 10:14 |
bxnp | if you remove a dir | 10:15 |
bxnp | you have to use | 10:15 |
bxnp | rm -rf | 10:15 |
bxnp | but becarefull with that | 10:15 |
mebsd | bxnp you have that website? | 10:15 |
bxnp | well | 10:15 |
hak5fan | tehpwn: in terminal | 10:15 |
tehpwn | Yeah, I got it thanks | 10:15 |
bxnp | what you could do is this: instal knetworkmanager mebsd | 10:15 |
hak5fan | your welcome | 10:15 |
tehpwn | Ok, now back to driver install | 10:15 |
bxnp | that is a frontend for the program | 10:15 |
bxnp | try if it works | 10:15 |
mebsd | i don't have that | 10:16 |
mebsd | i'm using the live cd | 10:16 |
bxnp | oh | 10:16 |
bxnp | in that case you could install it, but it will take your ram space | 10:16 |
bxnp | you could install software with ap or adept with a live cd | 10:17 |
mebsd | i got 1 gig so it's ok | 10:17 |
bxnp | apt-get update | 10:17 |
bxnp | and then install it | 10:17 |
mebsd | don't have network.. | 10:17 |
bxnp | tehpwn, | 10:17 |
bxnp | lol | 10:17 |
hak5fan | tehpwn: yes it's great | 10:17 |
bxnp | in that case | 10:17 |
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bxnp | you are stuck | 10:17 |
mebsd | so, no kubuntu for me.. | 10:18 |
bxnp | tehpwn, oke do wine name.exe | 10:18 |
bxnp | why not, | 10:18 |
ubuntu_ | mebsd: Can you hardwire into your internet instead of going wireless? | 10:18 |
tehpwn | I allready extracted it bxnp | 10:18 |
tehpwn | and I'm cd'd to it allready | 10:18 |
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bxnp | where are the extracted files | 10:18 |
tehpwn | and it tells me: | 10:18 |
tehpwn | tehpwn@tuxbox:~/Desktop/driver/WMP54GSv1.1_20050428/Drivers$ sudo ndiswrapper -i wmp54gs.inf | 10:18 |
tehpwn | Installing wmp54gs | 10:18 |
tehpwn | couldn't copy wmp54gs.inf at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper line 135. | 10:18 |
tehpwn | tehpwn@tuxbox:~/Desktop/driver/WMP54GSv1.1_20050428/Drivers$ | 10:18 |
bobleny | !shell | 10:18 |
ubotwo | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Manuals: | 10:19 |
bxnp | use pastebin tehpwn if you want to do that | 10:19 |
bxnp | other wise you spam the channel | 10:19 |
tehpwn | k, sry | 10:19 |
bobleny | !shell script | 10:19 |
ubotwo | Sorry, I know nothing about that - try | 10:19 |
bobleny | What is a shell script? is that like a windows bat file? | 10:19 |
RawSewage | yes | 10:20 |
bobleny | oh | 10:20 |
esc | I use a wmp54g | 10:20 |
ubuntu_ | esc: Linksys Wireless PCI card. | 10:20 |
esc | yes. with rt2500 driver. works great with WPA. | 10:21 |
bxnp | the rt2500 driver | 10:21 |
bxnp | that is in the kubuntu kernel right | 10:21 |
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esc | it comes with, yes | 10:22 |
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bxnp | oke tehpwn | 10:22 |
esc | however, I update to the latest cvs | 10:22 |
bxnp | do sudo modprobe rt2500 | 10:22 |
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tehpwn | bxnp, ok | 10:22 |
ubuntu_ | esc: I thought wmp54g used the rt61 driver? | 10:22 |
tehpwn | nothing happened... | 10:23 |
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esc | wmp54g uses a few drivers...3 ones, maybe | 10:23 |
nate_ | join #alsa | 10:23 |
esc | I got lucky to buy the one with rt2500 | 10:23 |
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esc | what driver does tehpwn have? | 10:23 |
bxnp | what is the chipname and version | 10:23 |
tehpwn | I downloaed the latest ones from | 10:23 |
ubuntu_ | esc: Lol, When I had wireless going it gave me a headache because I had the rt61 and not rt25. | 10:24 |
bxnp | no the one from does not work | 10:24 |
esc | bxnp : what driver do you have? | 10:24 |
ubuntu_ | tehpwn : Don't use the ones from linksys. | 10:24 |
tehpwn | Neither does the ones on the cd :-p | 10:24 |
bxnp | you need the one for your chipset | 10:24 |
ubuntu_ | tehpwn : they never work. | 10:24 |
tehpwn | oic | 10:24 |
tehpwn | bxnp, chipset of my wireless card of my mobo? | 10:25 |
ubuntu_ | tehpwn : Who's the maker of your chipset? | 10:25 |
bxnp | off your wifi card ofcourse | 10:25 |
tehpwn | IDFK | 10:25 |
esc | yeah, what driver is it?! | 10:25 |
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bxnp | we are trying to install your wifi card right :) | 10:25 |
bxnp | yes the chipset and the version | 10:25 |
ubuntu_ | tehpwn : Try iwconfig -l | 10:25 |
tehpwn | Eh, I'm so lost in the world of linux :( | 10:26 |
tehpwn | lol | 10:26 |
esc | tehpwn : try lshw | 10:26 |
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esc | tehpwn : then look for the Network section | 10:27 |
esc | see what it says | 10:27 |
tehpwn | ok, looking | 10:27 |
hatta | don't worry tehpwn, keep with it long enough and you'll be lost in the world of windows too | 10:27 |
tehpwn | Pff, I own windows Hehe | 10:27 |
bobleny | How can I make sure apache is not on my computer? | 10:28 |
ubuntu_ | tehpwn: if that don't work do.. lspci | 10:28 |
bxnp | well, i must confess, the wifi thing with linux can be a pain in the a s s | 10:28 |
esc | bobleny : try locate apache | 10:28 |
bxnp | but if you know, the basic steps you can configure every card, ones you know what chipset you have :) | 10:28 |
esc | tehpwn : see Network yet? | 10:28 |
tehpwn | No luck yet | 10:29 |
bxnp | do lspci | 10:29 |
bobleny | Ok, how do I weed out apache2? | 10:29 |
tehpwn | Oh ok, I found the wireless card | 10:29 |
bobleny | from the results that is | 10:29 |
tehpwn | So I'm looking for the chipset? | 10:29 |
nate_ | my system hangs at boot for around 10seconds and this is on the screen | 10:30 |
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nate_ | 00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) PCI Express Port 1 (r | 10:30 |
nate_ | ev 02) | 10:30 |
nate_ | theres about 7 of them tho | 10:30 |
esc | tehpwn : it should say what driver you use | 10:30 |
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tehpwn | nope, nothing that says driver... | 10:31 |
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bxnp | what does it say anyway | 10:31 |
bobleny | locate apache also findes all the apache2 files, and I don't want to find those. How can I make it leave out apache2? | 10:31 |
esc | can you copy/paste what it says? | 10:31 |
bxnp | lol esc | 10:31 |
tehpwn | Hehe, you want me to copy all of it? | 10:32 |
esc | no | 10:32 |
esc | just the network section | 10:32 |
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esc | please dont copy/paste the entire output | 10:32 |
tehpwn | Driver= e100!! Is that it!?!? | 10:33 |
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carlo | come posso avere un dvd della distro Kubuntu 6.10? | 10:33 |
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mebsd | what's password for root? | 10:34 |
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ubuntu | bonjour :) | 10:34 |
bxnp | do a lshw tehpwn and paste what the network section says a | 10:34 |
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tehpwn | I also see, driver=bcm43xx | 10:34 |
esc | tehpwn : can you paste the network section? that'll help | 10:34 |
tehpwn | Yeah, gimme a sec sry | 10:34 |
ubuntu | pas de francais | 10:34 |
ubuntu | ?? | 10:34 |
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tehpwn | It's really big do you just want me to post it here? | 10:35 |
esc | just the network section | 10:36 |
wolfwalker | Okay, so I downloaded these usb drivers. Came as a .tar file, so I uncompressed them. It had two readme files, which was supposed to tell me how to install it. | 10:36 |
bxnp | that is something about 9 lines | 10:36 |
tehpwn | *-network:0 DISABLED | 10:36 |
tehpwn | description: Wireless interface | 10:36 |
tehpwn | product: BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller | 10:36 |
tehpwn | vendor: Broadcom Corporation | 10:36 |
tehpwn | physical id: 1 | 10:36 |
tehpwn | bus info: pci@01:01.0 | 10:36 |
bxnp | use pastebin | 10:36 |
tehpwn | logical name: eth0 | 10:36 |
wolfwalker | But I'm a Linux newbie | 10:36 |
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Schuenemann | !rar | 10:36 |
ubotwo | rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 10:36 |
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wolfwalker | So I couldn't figure out how to use the read files to know how to install it | 10:36 |
esc | tehpwn : you'll use the broadcom 43xx drivers | 10:36 |
bobleny | does "apache2" need any "apache" files? | 10:36 |
esc | | 10:36 |
esc | see that | 10:36 |
Schuenemann | !info unrar-free | 10:36 |
ubotwo | unrar-free - Unarchiver for .rar files - available in Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) - See for more information | 10:37 |
bxnp | modprobe bcm43xx | 10:37 |
bxnp | use sudo | 10:37 |
esc | tehpwn : are you using dapper or edgy? | 10:37 |
bxnp | dapper | 10:37 |
tehpwn | IDK | 10:37 |
bxnp | he is using dapper | 10:37 |
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tehpwn | Ok, I did that command | 10:37 |
bxnp | now do | 10:38 |
bxnp | iwconfig -l | 10:38 |
bxnp | what do you get | 10:38 |
=== wolfwalker waits patiently in line | ||
tehpwn | -l no such device | 10:38 |
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bxnp | sorry no -l | 10:38 |
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carlo | help for me i'm italy | 10:38 |
bxnp | just iwconfig | 10:38 |
esc | tehpwn : what is the output of modinfo bcm43xx | 10:38 |
tehpwn | Ok, what is this pastebin you speak of? | 10:39 |
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tehpwn | so I don't keep spamming | 10:39 |
mebsd | hey in live kubuntu, how do i log into root shell? | 10:39 |
bxnp | just use sudo -s mebsd | 10:39 |
tehpwn | lo no wireless extensions. | 10:40 |
tehpwn | eth1 no wireless extensions. | 10:40 |
tehpwn | eth0 IEEE 802.11b/g ESSID:"pwnage" Nickname:"Broadcom 4306" | 10:40 |
tehpwn | Mode:Managed Access Point: Invalid Bit Rate=1 Mb/s | 10:40 |
mebsd | thx | 10:40 |
tehpwn | RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off | 10:40 |
tehpwn | Link Quality:0 Signal level:0 Noise level:0 | 10:40 |
tehpwn | Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0 | 10:40 |
tehpwn | Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0 | 10:40 |
tehpwn | sit0 no wireless extensions. | 10:40 |
bxnp | its working | 10:40 |
bxnp | your wifi interface is named eth0 | 10:40 |
tehpwn | Yeah, it's been like that for a while. | 10:40 |
bxnp | oh | 10:40 |
tehpwn | IDK, your the pro :-p | 10:41 |
bxnp | start wlassistant | 10:41 |
tehpwn | ok | 10:41 |
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bxnp | with sudo | 10:41 |
tehpwn | o, well it asked for root pass... so w/e | 10:41 |
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bxnp | oke give the root | 10:42 |
tehpwn | But it's open and nothing is listed there... | 10:42 |
mefisto__ | wolfwalker: what's your problem? you can't read the readme files? | 10:42 |
bxnp | do scan | 10:42 |
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tehpwn | I pushed refresh? and says No Networks Found | 10:42 |
tehpwn | (I'm sitting right next to the router btw) | 10:42 |
bxnp | do iwlist eth0 scan | 10:43 |
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wolfwalker | Yeah mefisto, essentially | 10:43 |
wolfwalker | I don't know enough about Linux to be able to use what I read | 10:43 |
wolfwalker | At least......... I think | 10:43 |
dromer | anybody with thunderbird experience? > Eversince I moved my /home to a new partition (using this guide: (some addaptations)), Thunderbird closes for no particular reason when I read an email/rss-feed, after about 5 seconds of viewing the message Tb just disapears, when run from console Tb gives this error: $ mozilla-thunderbird | 10:43 |
dromer | DOUBLE-CLICK: 250 --> -1 THRESHOLD: 8 --> -1 /usr/lib/mozilla-thunderbird/ line 131: 12840 Segmentation fault "$prog" ${1+"$@"} | 10:43 |
tehpwn | eth0 No scan results | 10:43 |
esc | maybe tehpwn needs ndiswrapper... | 10:44 |
tehpwn | I have it ;) | 10:44 |
esc | | 10:44 |
esc | did you see that thread? | 10:44 |
bxnp | you have it | 10:44 |
bxnp | what do you man | 10:44 |
bxnp | mean | 10:44 |
mefisto__ | wolfwalker: I'm confused. Have you read the readme file and not understood it? Or are you having trouble opening the readme file? | 10:44 |
bxnp | does wlassistant give your something or iwlist | 10:44 |
tehpwn | negative | 10:44 |
wolfwalker | I don't understand it | 10:44 |
wolfwalker | Although I can read it just fine | 10:44 |
wolfwalker | Has a Kbuild file and a Kconfig file | 10:45 |
wolfwalker | I comprehend the config file | 10:45 |
bxnp | esc, i do understand why people use windows, :) cause this should not be the case getting a wifi card working | 10:45 |
wolfwalker | Haven't a clue how to translate the build | 10:45 |
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bxnp | esc, do you have the same card as tehpwn | 10:46 |
esc | bxnp : same card, different chipset (I use rt2500 which works out of the box) | 10:46 |
bxnp | there is allso something like the rt500 | 10:46 |
bxnp | i believe | 10:46 |
tehpwn | Yeah, imo this is kindof rediculous (sp?) but I have time :-p | 10:46 |
esc | maybe he needs to follow that how-to...on using bcm4306 with ndiswrapper | 10:47 |
Xera| | ffs, how do i un-hide the menu in konversation? | 10:48 |
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tehpwn | esc, Me? | 10:48 |
bobleny | !adept | 10:48 |
ubotwo | adept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: | 10:48 |
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esc | tehpwn : yes | 10:48 |
esc | Xera : control-m | 10:48 |
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tehpwn | IDK what I should do... Quite possibly the reason why I am here :-p | 10:49 |
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esc | did you read the how-to? | 10:49 |
tehpwn | I have read what ever bxnp has told me to read thus far... | 10:49 |
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tehpwn | I don't recall reading about ndiswrapper though... | 10:50 |
bxnp | lol, i did not point you to any documentation | 10:50 |
bxnp | only for your source list | 10:50 |
bxnp | to update it | 10:50 |
tehpwn | Well, I was refering to the respatories list... that is documentation :-p | 10:50 |
bxnp | :) | 10:50 |
bxnp | yes it is | 10:50 |
tehpwn | Hehe, yeah | 10:51 |
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wolfwalker | .......... | 10:51 |
tehpwn | So why isn't this working? Is it jut me? Does the midget penguin have a deep hate for me that I am not aware of? | 10:52 |
mefisto__ | wolfwalker: what did you download? where is this readme file? you need to be more specific | 10:52 |
wolfwalker | # | 10:53 |
wolfwalker | # Makefile for USB ATM/xDSL drivers | 10:53 |
wolfwalker | # | 10:53 |
wolfwalker | obj-$(CONFIG_USB_ATM)+= usbatm.o | 10:53 |
wolfwalker | #obj-$(CONFIG_USB_SPEEDTOUCH)+= speedtch.o | 10:53 |
wolfwalker | obj-$(CONFIG_USB_CXACRU)+= cxacru.o | 10:53 |
bxnp | read the link esc gave you | 10:54 |
bxnp | you already installed the ndiswrapper | 10:54 |
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esc | tehpwn : maybe you should post a threat at kubuntuforums. doing this over irc is hard | 10:55 |
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koriel | any software to create animated gifs | 10:55 |
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tehpwn | esc, how would forums make this easier? | 10:55 |
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robin2803 | /bye | 10:56 |
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wolfwalker | |koriel:| try this site | 10:56 |
wolfwalker | Lots and lotsa great stuff | 10:56 |
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bxnp | well first he have to get the right windows driver | 10:57 |
mefisto__ | koriel: gimp can make animated gifs | 10:57 |
bxnp | and then use the tutorial | 10:57 |
koriel | mefisto__: are you sure?ok I'll check it out | 10:57 |
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DjDarkman | hy ,can someone help me set up 3 ethernet cards? :) | 10:58 |
tehpwn | Well, even on windows it took me quite some time to install them correctly.. I ended up having to run them in Win 2000 mode for it to install correctly... | 10:58 |
tehpwn | And then on XP start up it takes at least 2 minutes for it to even connect... | 10:58 |
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mefisto__ | koriel: google "animated gifs gimp" | 10:59 |
snowrichard | hello | 10:59 |
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DjDarkman | I get my internet connection on eth0 from ,I want to share that on eth1 or eth1 for my laptop | 10:59 |
bobleny | Is adept manager good for removing programes? | 11:00 |
dawson | hello all, interesting problem. I have been playing with vista and managed to screw up my grub. It was gone and replaced with the windows ntldr, I have removed that, and attempted to get grub bak, failed on many attemps many drifferent things. Decided that the ubuntu installer was the easist method to get it back, Created a new partition to temp install another ubuntu kernal and the plan was that it would reinstate grub and i | 11:00 |
dawson | could then just delete the partition and edit the menu.lst. I now have grub loading from the new install, how do i make grub boot from the old install and not this current one. | 11:00 |
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dawson | please!! | 11:01 |
mefisto__ | wolfwalker: are you sure you're reading the right file? where did you download from? Maybe someone could take a look for you? | 11:01 |
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wolfwalker | I downloaded it from a site DaSkreech (a guy in here last night) sent me to | 11:01 |
tehpwn | So bxnp, does this me you have given up? :( | 11:02 |
tehpwn | mean* | 11:02 |
bxnp | no not realy, give me a ssh account and i will install those drivers for you in 10 min :) | 11:03 |
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bxnp | no | 11:03 |
bxnp | ehm you need to get the right windows driver | 11:03 |
mefisto__ | wolfwalker: I can't imagine how anyone could help you. you're not really asking any questions | 11:03 |
tehpwn | Um, tell me how to give you that account and im more than willing | 11:03 |
wolfwalker | What do I do with what I have? | 11:03 |
mefisto__ | wolfwalker: what do you have? | 11:03 |
bxnp | | 11:04 |
wolfwalker | I have a set of files I downloaded as a .tar, I was told I would get a read file that told me how to put it together, what I pasted is what the build file said | 11:04 |
wolfwalker | # | 11:04 |
wolfwalker | # Makefile for USB ATM/xDSL drivers | 11:04 |
wolfwalker | # | 11:04 |
wolfwalker | obj-$(CONFIG_USB_ATM)+= usbatm.o | 11:04 |
wolfwalker | #obj-$(CONFIG_USB_SPEEDTOUCH)+= speedtch.o | 11:04 |
wolfwalker | obj-$(CONFIG_USB_CXACRU)+= cxacru.o | 11:04 |
bxnp | i think this are he right drivers tehpwn | 11:04 |
tehpwn | kk | 11:04 |
wolfwalker | Is the obj-$(CONFIG_USB_ATM) a command? | 11:04 |
mefisto__ | wolfwalker: that doesn't look like a readme file | 11:04 |
wolfwalker | Well that's what it was labeled | 11:05 |
mefisto__ | where did you get it? | 11:06 |
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bxnp | btw do rmmod bcm43xx tehpwn | 11:06 |
bxnp | let me get me some beer | 11:06 |
tehpwn | Lol, k | 11:06 |
gnomefreak | wolfwalker: can you paste the full file to pastebin please | 11:06 |
wolfwalker | I have five files in this driver package: cxacru.c, Kbuild, Kconfig, usbatm.c and usbatm.h | 11:06 |
dawson | anyone got any ideas about how to get grub to rewrite the mbr?? | 11:06 |
bxnp | and afther you removed the driver do a iwconfig | 11:06 |
wolfwalker | That's all of the Kbuild file there is | 11:06 |
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bxnp | rmmod with sudo | 11:07 |
bxnp | so sudo rmmod bcm43xx | 11:07 |
bxnp | then give me the output off iwconfig | 11:07 |
tehpwn | yeah, got that | 11:07 |
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tehpwn | everything says no wireless extensions | 11:08 |
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tehpwn | and bxnp, I cd'd to the dir. w/ the new drivers already | 11:08 |
bxnp | oke good | 11:08 |
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wolfwalker | If you'll give me a throwaway email address, I'll send you the whole thing for you to see for yourself | 11:09 |
wolfwalker | It's supposed to be USB drivers for a DSL modem | 11:09 |
mefisto__ | wolfwalker: just tell us where you downloaded it | 11:09 |
wolfwalker | Haven't the slightest idea | 11:09 |
bxnp | now rm -rf /etc/ndiswrapper/*.* | 11:09 |
mefisto__ | ??? | 11:09 |
bxnp | with sudo | 11:09 |
tehpwn | kk | 11:10 |
RawSewage | how do you make a txt list of all files in a folder again, from the konsole | 11:10 |
tehpwn | Done | 11:10 |
wolfwalker | I can tell you what the file name I downloade is though | 11:10 |
wolfwalker | usbatm-20050216.tar.bz2 | 11:10 |
bxnp | kee now go back to the drivers you got from me | 11:10 |
jughead | my laptop booted up and something popped up saying sda3 has been mounted 30 times and started scanning it with fsck... it failed and rebooted. It starts up ok, but I would like to check it again now that I'm logged in. how can I do that? | 11:10 |
tehpwn | RawSewage, type ;s i believe | 11:10 |
tehpwn | ls* | 11:10 |
RawSewage | ty | 11:10 |
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mefisto__ | wolfwalker: paste the readme at then give us the url of what you pasted | 11:11 |
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RawSewage | tehpwn, I know how to list a folder | 11:12 |
RawSewage | but how to export the list to a file | 11:12 |
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tehpwn | Umm, use your mouse to copy and paste it? | 11:12 |
RawSewage | I could, but that's a bad way to do it | 11:13 |
tehpwn | Oh, I don't know any other way, sorry man | 11:13 |
RawSewage | ok | 11:13 |
bxnp | tehpwn, are you already back in that dir with the drivers i gave you | 11:14 |
tehpwn | yes bxnp | 11:14 |
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bxnp | oke now do again ndiswapper -i nameoftheinf file | 11:15 |
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RawSewage | Anyone know how to print out a listing of files from Konsole to a text file? | 11:15 |
wolfwalker | Okay, here it is: | 11:16 |
tehpwn | bxnp, I recieved no erros this time! | 11:16 |
bxnp | good | 11:16 |
wolfwalker | I pasted the contents of all five files, labeled by file name | 11:16 |
bxnp | now do ndiswrapper -l | 11:16 |
bxnp | paste the output | 11:16 |
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tehpwn | Says: "Driver present, Hardware Present" Woot! | 11:16 |
bxnp | oke | 11:17 |
bxnp | wait wait thats good | 11:17 |
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bxnp | now do modprobe ndiswrapper | 11:17 |
bxnp | same again with sudo | 11:18 |
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tehpwn | kk | 11:18 |
bxnp | now gave me the output of iwconfig | 11:18 |
dawson | rawSewage: Hi | 11:18 |
bxnp | and do it on | 11:19 |
bxnp | and then give me the url | 11:19 |
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Valliant | Could someone please help me try and figure out why grub keeps giving me errors when I try to boot up.. And why when I boot from my sata drive it boots straight into windows -without- showing grub? | 11:19 |
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mefisto__ | wolfwalker: I downloaded the driver, but there is no readme file in it | 11:20 |
wolfwalker | What was Kbuild then? | 11:21 |
wolfwalker | It said read | 11:21 |
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tehpwn | bxnp, pastebin is going real slow... | 11:21 |
wolfwalker | Maybe it was for the computer's builder to read | 11:21 |
bxnp | oke nevermind | 11:21 |
tehpwn | bxnp, | 11:21 |
mefisto__ | wolfwalker: so it's no wonder you don't understand it | 11:21 |
wolfwalker | |mefisto__:| Oh well. So what do I do with it now? | 11:21 |
mefisto__ | yes, its code | 11:21 |
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tehpwn | bxnp, I believe its working... | 11:22 |
bxnp | did you start wlassistant | 11:22 |
tehpwn | yeah | 11:23 |
bxnp | and you see your accespoint | 11:23 |
tehpwn | and i got all of my ssid and wep stuff typed in | 11:23 |
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bxnp | and and and :) | 11:23 |
tehpwn | and im happy and your the greatest | 11:23 |
mefisto__ | ah, I have little idea myself! the best I could do is guess. | 11:23 |
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bxnp | but we are not finisched | 11:23 |
tehpwn | nowai!?!? | 11:24 |
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tehpwn | Ok, well like I said, I have time :-D | 11:24 |
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mefisto__ | the website is at Maybe someone else more experienced could help you? | 11:24 |
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bxnp | oke now do ndiswrapper -m | 11:24 |
yappo_ | hey, could someone please tell me how to install limewire on ubuntu | 11:24 |
tehpwn | bxnp, okay | 11:25 |
yappo_ | I downloaded the file from the website but I can't open it, it is a ".rpm" file | 11:25 |
bxnp | now we have to arrange that the other driver is not loaded at boot time | 11:25 |
bxnp | so do this | 11:25 |
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bxnp | just download and run it yappo_ | 11:26 |
bxnp | just download the java from the original website yappo_ | 11:26 |
tehpwn | bxnp, so do this = ? | 11:26 |
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bxnp | one sec, my girlfriend needs some help | 11:27 |
tehpwn | oic | 11:27 |
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=== tehpwn puts a pillow on Valliant's desk | ||
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wolfwalker | Wow, my head | 11:27 |
wolfwalker | is spinning now | 11:27 |
yappo_ | what java from the website, I am trying to get limewire | 11:28 |
yappo_ | ? | 11:28 |
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wolfwalker | Basically it says you need a lot more than you can get from that site to get it running | 11:28 |
Valliant | ....aight, What if.. I allocate some space on my sata drive for Kubuntu say 100 gig's.. and installed kubuntu to it? Would that work? Since it seems to not try to read my SATA during boot up in grub? | 11:28 |
bxnp | now do this: sudo kwrite /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist | 11:28 |
tehpwn | mkay | 11:29 |
bxnp | and add somewhere in the file: blacklist bcm43xx | 11:29 |
bxnp | this line prevents the other driver from being loaded at boottime | 11:29 |
tehpwn | Ok, ic | 11:30 |
bxnp | cause when the other driver is loaded it does not work | 11:30 |
bxnp | anyway now save the file | 11:30 |
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tehpwn | So should I reboot, unplug the cat5 and test it out, or just wait? | 11:30 |
bxnp | the cat now its for your wifi card | 11:30 |
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bxnp | no its for yuour wifi card | 11:31 |
wolfwalker | |mefisto__:| If I read that right, that site you posted a link to says that I basically need more than what that site has to get the modem USB drivers up and running | 11:31 |
wolfwalker | Right? | 11:31 |
tehpwn | No I know that that sentence made no sense... I was asking if I should test the wireless.... Not the cat5 cable | 11:31 |
bxnp | try it | 11:32 |
mefisto__ | I'm not sure. I think it's just saying you need your usb hardware, etc set up correctly. Which you probably have already. | 11:32 |
tehpwn | Ok, be back soon hopefully | 11:32 |
bxnp | use wlassstaint | 11:32 |
bxnp | wlassistant | 11:33 |
bxnp | did you done everything i said | 11:33 |
tehpwn | Oh, ok | 11:33 |
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mefisto__ | can someone take a look at and maybe help wolfwalker? | 11:33 |
bxnp | did the connection worked with wlassistant | 11:33 |
tehpwn | idk, lemme check | 11:33 |
tehpwn | it says its on | 11:33 |
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tehpwn | but im still connected to lan | 11:33 |
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bxnp | yappo_, go to the original website where you get download limewire | 11:34 |
bxnp | ???? | 11:34 |
bxnp | there is a linux version | 11:34 |
yappo_ | I downloaded that | 11:34 |
bxnp | un tar it | 11:34 |
bxnp | go to the dir | 11:34 |
bxnp | and run in the console ./limewire | 11:35 |
Valliant | bxnp: I believe he got the rpm file. | 11:35 |
bxnp | oh | 11:35 |
yappo_ | the problem is that when I downloaded it it won't open because it is a ".rpm" file\ | 11:35 |
yappo_ | and I can't open that | 11:35 |
bxnp | dont download the rpm one, get the other one | 11:35 |
wolfwalker | Found something | 11:35 |
wolfwalker | Is this a command I run at the prompt? cvs -z9 -q -d co usbatm | 11:35 |
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wolfwalker | And if so, will it do anything or just try to get something off the internet? | 11:36 |
=== Valliant kicks grub. | ||
=== Valliant wonders if it worked now. | ||
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=== wolfwalker valiantly protects his grub and lilo | ||
tehpwn | Ok, I'm on wireless atm | 11:36 |
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tehpwn | Woo Hoo! | 11:36 |
jdfellow | ok is anyone able to figure this out come on someone here loves a challenge ... | 11:37 |
bxnp | download this one yappo_ | 11:37 |
mefisto__ | wolfwalker: I think that's just the development version of what you already have | 11:37 |
bxnp | cool tehpwn, so what have we learned, tehpwn | 11:37 |
wolfwalker | :/ | 11:37 |
bxnp | btw maybe its better to use wpa | 11:37 |
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tehpwn | We have learned absolutley nothing! | 11:37 |
bxnp | its more save, because if i am at your house i could crack your encryption in no time | 11:37 |
tehpwn | Hehe, jk jk | 11:37 |
bxnp | lol | 11:37 |
jdfellow | sound works really well running winamp thru wine but all other sound apps in linux play with a stutter | 11:38 |
tehpwn | Umm, when In doubt, go to this irc channel lol | 11:38 |
tehpwn | But srsly, thank you so much | 11:38 |
bxnp | well first we learned how to change the repos' cause the repos return the availible apps you can install using adept or apt-get | 11:38 |
tehpwn | Yeah, and I kinda learned a little more about the konsole | 11:38 |
wolfwalker | Well this configuring kernel build is Greek to me | 11:39 |
tehpwn | what I can do with it... which seems like there isn't anything I can't do | 11:39 |
bxnp | second, we learned that you always have to download the right driver | 11:39 |
bxnp | in order to do that brand names are not important, what counts is the chipset of your hardware | 11:39 |
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bxnp | always check the chipset of your hardware | 11:39 |
wolfwalker | It doesn't have any commands, only the explanation of what commands to get from other (unspecified) parts | 11:39 |
tehpwn | Hehe | 11:39 |
=== tehpwn writes this down | ||
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wolfwalker | Oh cute | 11:40 |
=== wolfwalker pats wolf_ on the head | ||
mefisto__ | wolfwalker: it's usually a little easier. there's usually a file with step-by-step instructions | 11:40 |
wolfwalker | >.> | 11:40 |
wolf_ | ^^ | 11:40 |
wolfwalker | Well I tried ethernet from computer to modem, but it couldn't find the modem | 11:40 |
bxnp | btw one more tip, read more howto they are good and it will help you with your linux skills, but i must be honest, its too hard to install wifi in linux | 11:41 |
mefisto__ | wolfwalker: or at least that's my (limited) experience | 11:41 |
bxnp | they must make it easier | 11:41 |
wolfwalker | I ran sudo pppoeconfig and it sayd nothing was there | 11:41 |
wolf_ | ... easier said than done..... if the manufacturere would give the spec. how to interface the cards it would be much much easier | 11:42 |
wolfwalker | wolf, that would make SENSE | 11:42 |
wolfwalker | Can't have that | 11:42 |
Valliant | Would someone like to give a crack out of helping me now? With my grub problems? | 11:42 |
wolfwalker | In the words of my internet provider, Linux is just not popular enough for them to provide support for it | 11:42 |
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Theory | but if no one uses it there is no expense to providing support for it is there? ;-) | 11:43 |
tehpwn | What's cute? | 11:43 |
mefisto__ | wolfwalker: and I wonder if that has anything to do with its lack of popularity | 11:43 |
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tehpwn | Whoo, I love you bxnp... lol | 11:44 |
wolfwalker | Well the problem, as that tech support guy put it, is that employee turnover is so high there that they barely can keep their tech support people versed in Windows and Mac | 11:44 |
wolf_ | ISP's have no problem with linux users... we use a simple protocol that is normalized.... but the manufacturer can create theyr interface in the computer like they wish to do.... sorry im angry against intel in this case but inter is more powerfull than my emails :-) | 11:44 |
tehpwn | I restarted to make sure it work's and look at me go! | 11:44 |
yappo_ | I have downloaded the file and extracted everything in it into a foler | 11:44 |
yappo_ | How do I install it | 11:44 |
yappo_ | ? | 11:44 |
wolfwalker | Okay, I'll try the ethernet thing again | 11:45 |
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bxnp | you dont have to install it yappo_ | 11:45 |
Valliant | yappo_ Try make | 11:45 |
bxnp | just run ./limewire | 11:45 |
Valliant | yappo_ Wait.. lol don't know what version you have. | 11:45 |
wolfwalker | As I get it, you turn everything off, connect all the wires, turn the modem on, wait until the DSL sync light is on, turn the computer on | 11:45 |
wolfwalker | Then run pppoeconf and pray | 11:45 |
yappo_ | version of | 11:45 |
wolfwalker | Right? | 11:45 |
yappo_ | ? | 11:46 |
h3sp4wn | or use a router (ar7 is nice with openwrt - and also cheap) | 11:46 |
Valliant | yappo_ I believe bxnp just told you how to run it type : ./limewire | 11:46 |
yappo_ | yup, but i havn'tdone that because he told me to wait | 11:46 |
wolfwalker | Right? | 11:46 |
yappo_ | bxnp_what version do you need to know | 11:47 |
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DeadFishMan | yappo_: If you are looking for a good Gnutella client, take a look into Apollon. It is in the repositories, so you don't have to fiddle with commands and such (although that's always a good idea, to improve your skills) | 11:48 |
bxnp | you have downloaded the other version like i said right yappo_ | 11:49 |
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yappo_ | bnxp_yeah | 11:49 |
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yappo_ | deadfishman_How can I get gnutella | 11:50 |
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wolfwalker | As I get it, you turn everything off, connect all the wires, turn the modem on, wait until the DSL sync light is on, turn the computer on | 11:50 |
wolfwalker | Then run pppoeconf and pray | 11:50 |
tehpwn_ | I keep DC'ing | 11:50 |
wolfwalker | Right? | 11:50 |
tehpwn_ | hummm | 11:50 |
DeadFishMan | yappo_: You don't get gnutella per se, you just need to install a Gnutella client and then you e good to go. | 11:50 |
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yappo_ | deadfishman_can you tell me how to get it done? | 11:51 |
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bxnp | now yappo_ untar that file go to the dir | 11:51 |
bxnp | and run ./configure | 11:51 |
DeadFishMan | Gnutella is a huge P2P network and Limewire is just one of several clients that you can use | 11:51 |
bxnp | sorry | 11:51 |
Valliant | Sweet, I believe I have just figured out why grub wasn't working on Kubuntu. | 11:51 |
bxnp | do ./limewire | 11:51 |
bxnp | or something similer | 11:51 |
tehpwn_ | So how is the compadibility with iTunes and kubuntu? | 11:51 |
yappo_ | bxnp_I am going to try it now | 11:51 |
Valliant | It works when I install it to the master drive but not when I install it to a slave drive. | 11:52 |
h3sp4wn | does limewire not presumb /bin/sh is bash ? | 11:52 |
CSonicGo | heh, I'm officially a linux geek as of today | 11:52 |
CSonicGo | I got my first program to compile | 11:52 |
wolfwalker | If you actually want to run iJunk, it does work in Linux Kubuntu | 11:52 |
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wolfwalker | Or so I hear | 11:52 |
DeadFishMan | yappo_: In order to install Apollon, open the konsole and type sudo apt-get install apollon and enter your password when asked | 11:52 |
tehpwn_ | wolfwalker, I only want to run craptunes because my cousin uses my pc also, and now with the wireless working, he's not going to get the option of having the dual boot | 11:53 |
DeadFishMan | yappo_: (You may need to enable universe and/or multiverse repositories though, but that's simple and it is nicely outlined on | 11:53 |
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yappo_ | deadfishman_I have them enabled and the command you told me is running | 11:54 |
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VR_ | is there any way to disable those tabs on the sidebar in konqueror? | 11:54 |
VR_ | the "file browser" konq | 11:55 |
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Theory | F9 | 11:55 |
bxnp | yappo_, you already have the program on your pc you only have to run the binary | 11:55 |
Theory | of View->Hide navigation panel | 11:55 |
yappo_ | bxnp_okay | 11:55 |
VR_ | Theory: f9 hides the whole thing | 11:55 |
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VR_ | im asking if only the tabs can be hidden | 11:56 |
Theory | oh, you mean you want the dir list, but not the tabs? | 11:56 |
yappo_ | deadfishman_the script has finished downloading and installing appolllon, how do I run it | 11:56 |
yappo_ | ? | 11:56 |
VR_ | Theory: exactly | 11:56 |
DeadFishMan | yappo_: Look for it on the K Menu > Internet. There will be an icon for it there. | 11:56 |
Theory | not afaik | 11:56 |
tehpwn_ | bxnp, I'm going to leave for a bit, put my pc back upstairs. THANK YOU again, your assistance is much appretiated | 11:57 |
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VR_ | well damn | 11:57 |
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DeadFishMan | yappo_: Once you load it for the first time, it is going to ask you for folders to save downloaded stuff, which networks you want to enable (don't worry about this, just accept the defaults and you should be fine), etc... | 11:57 |
yappo_ | deadfishman_I am using ubuntu and it is not showing under internet | 11:58 |
DeadFishMan | yappo_: In this case, try to press Alt + F2 (or whatever opens Ubuntu's Run dialog), type apollon and hit Enter | 11:58 |
wolfwalker | seems to be down right now | 11:58 |
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jdfellow | i have absolutely no idea why my sound is acting up can u help | 11:59 |
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charlie5 | hi ... how are usb drives handles by kubuntu ? there doesn't seem to be any entrys in /etc/fstab for it, yet i get a desktop icon ? | 12:00 |
charlie5 | <usb hardrives> | 12:01 |
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yappo_ | deadfishman_I typed apollon in the terminal and it ran I accepted the defaults settings but its stil trying to connect to the apollon server | 12:02 |
wolfwalker | Well, the ubuntuguide site seems to be donw | 12:02 |
wolfwalker | down even | 12:02 |
yappo_ | deadfishman_it seams to be taking a while | 12:02 |
DeadFishMan | charlie5: K/Ubuntu uses HAL/Dbus to automatically generate device nodes under /dev whenever it sees a USB mass storage device being plugged, mounts it under /media and then opens a desktop window automatially (Konqueror on Kubuntu and Nautilus on Ubuntu) | 12:02 |
wolfwalker | For reference, can someone verify that I have this correct? | 12:02 |
wolfwalker | As I get it, you turn everything off, connect all the wires, turn the modem on, wait until the DSL sync light is on, turn the computer on | 12:02 |
wolfwalker | Then run pppoeconf and pray | 12:02 |
DeadFishMan | yappo_: That could be because of gift. Apollon is just a front-end for an application called gift which is the one that really does the heavy lifting | 12:03 |
yappo_ | deadfishman_its been saying connecting for a while | 12:04 |
DeadFishMan | yappo_: giFT needs to look for the folders that you defined as shared and generate a MD5 hash for each file available there, so the first run indeed takes a while | 12:04 |
frootstripe | hi - i entered an about:config entry incorrectly (actually, i did it twice) I need to delete one entry, and modify another from being a string to being an integer | 12:04 |
wolfwalker | Could somebody......... anybody............ answer right quickly? I have to get off for a while now. | 12:04 |
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DeadFishMan | yappo_: If it still says that it is connecting, that is because it is looking for another Gnutella and OpenFT nodes on the internet | 12:04 |
yappo_ | deadfishman_I will keep waiting hopefully it finish's soon | 12:05 |
DeadFishMan | yappo_: Yep. Give it some time :) | 12:05 |
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ubuntu | Um, guys? Is a Sempron processor 64-bit? My last processor was but I'm not sure about this one. However I did manage to boot the 64-bit live cd on it. Is it wise to install Kubuntu64? | 12:06 |
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ubuntu | Or rather, the processor that burned up was an AMD64. I bought this Sempron as a replacement. | 12:06 |
charlie5 | DeadFishMan: thanks ... i'm trying to use the usb drive with evms ... and have trouble setting it up with the usb drive | 12:06 |
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DeadFishMan | ubuntu: There seems to be both 32 and 64-bit versions of the Sempron family of processors: This website tells in details how to identify them: | 12:08 |
ubuntu | Is it possible to see from /proc/cpuinfo? | 12:08 |
LjL | ubuntu, my sempron isn't 64 bit, it has the 64 bit part disabled | 12:08 |
LjL | well, *wasn't* | 12:08 |
DeadFishMan | charlie5: So that means the USB drive is always plugged? | 12:09 |
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ubuntu | DeadFishMan: Is there a way to find out from Linux that doesn't include taking the machine apart? | 12:09 |
yappo_ | deadfishman_its still saying connection is being established | 12:10 |
DeadFishMan | ubuntu: I tried to look into cat /proc/cpuinfo but I didn't see anything there that shows such information | 12:10 |
ubuntu | DeadFishMan: I mean that it seems that it's either something written on the processor itself or a windows-app. | 12:10 |
ubuntu | I got two numbers that atleast say 64. It's clflush size and cache_alignment. | 12:10 |
charlie5 | DeadFishMan: yes, its more or less dedicated ... i have set up a raid1 array using a partition on the internal drive and a partition of the usb drive ... it synced ok, but on a reboot, the raid1 array becomes degraded, since it cannot seem to find the usb partition | 12:10 |
DeadFishMan | yappo_: Do you have any firewall running right now? That could be a reason for it to take so long... Its ports could be being blocked by the firewall | 12:11 |
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yappo_ | deadfishman_I don't have any firewall running at all | 12:11 |
yappo_ | deadfishman_maybe I should try and run the script you tole me before again | 12:12 |
yappo_ | ? | 12:12 |
DeadFishMan | charlie5: Well... I'd try to see if the OS recognizes the drive at all using lsusb. Then I'd try to check its device node (usually /dev/sda or /dev/sdb) and then update /etc/fstab to reflect that. | 12:12 |
ubuntu | DeadFishMan, LjL: It should probably say x86_64 in the "flags" section in /proc/cpuinfo I guess? | 12:13 |
DeadFishMan | yappo_: No need to do that. That command was intended to get it installed on your PC. You wont need anymore unless you want to update that specific app. | 12:13 |
LjL | ubuntu: i guess something on that line... | 12:13 |
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DeadFishMan | ubuntu: That's true. I am way too poor to own such machine... :) | 12:14 |
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