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Ubugtu | New bug: #80527 in malone "The RDF Metadata provided don't have the WOT namespace" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80527 | 12:40 |
mpt | Goooooooooooooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders! | 12:59 |
ajmitch | hello mpt | 01:00 |
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mpt | Launchpad times out when I try to report a bug | 01:25 |
mpt | this is not good | 01:25 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #80537 in launchpad "Should serve Launchpad using Content-Encoding: gzip" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80537 | 01:41 |
mpt | Posterior dismemberment? ouch | 01:45 |
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poolie | thumper: i see i can mark a milestone inactive | 08:06 |
poolie | which is good | 08:06 |
poolie | but inactive ones still appear in the portlet | 08:06 |
thumper | I didn't realise that | 08:06 |
thumper | I'd mark that as a bug | 08:07 |
poolie | mm | 08:07 |
poolie | stephane's cooking smells good :) | 08:07 |
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carlos | morning | 08:44 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #80560 in launchpad "please hide inactive milestones from portlet" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80560 | 09:02 |
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ddaa | Hello | 10:17 |
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ddaa | matthewrevell: does becoming a MOTU qualify for FiF? | 10:18 |
ddaa | texmacs has been orphaned in Debian, and apparently Ubuntu. Since I used to be a core dev of texmacs, it would make sense for me to adopt it in ubuntu. | 10:19 |
matthewrevell | ddaa: Erm, I'm not sure. AFAIK FiF is an opportunity for Launchpad developers to work on parts of Launchpad that they find important. | 10:19 |
matthewrevell | ddaa: It's probably a question for SteveA or kiko | 10:19 |
ddaa | SteveA: ping | 10:19 |
SteveA | ddaa: hello | 10:20 |
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ddaa | SteveA: texmacs has been orphaned in Debian and apparently Ubuntu. Since Launcphad devels are (used to be?) encouraged to maintain some ubuntu package, I thought I might use FiF to takes steps towards becoming a MOTU for texmacs. | 10:21 |
ddaa | SteveA: but it's outside of the official scope for FiF, so I would like to know what you think. | 10:22 |
SteveA | I think you're right, it's outside the scope for FiF | 10:22 |
ddaa | (little story, working on texmacs is what brought me to Arch in the first place) | 10:25 |
SteveA | I might support this for a soyuz developer, so that they can dogfood soyuz. I don't see how it contributes to your work, so I don't support it for you. | 10:25 |
ddaa | fair enough | 10:25 |
SteveA | choose things in parts of launchpad to fix today | 10:25 |
ddaa | is the policy that launchpad devels should package something in ubuntu still current? | 10:25 |
SteveA | no | 10:29 |
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SteveA | matthewrevell: hi | 11:00 |
matthewrevell | hi | 11:02 |
ddaa | matthewrevell: hello | 11:02 |
SteveA | matthewrevell: what FiF activities are happening today? | 11:03 |
matthewrevell | SteveA: I don't have any specific reports from devs as to what they're doing. Due to the Zope3 meeting I had at the start of the day, I'm a touch behind on FiF. I'll ask around now. | 11:05 |
matthewrevell | SteveA: We didn't have our weekly catch-up on Monday. Do you want a call today? | 11:16 |
SteveA | how about at 11 utc? | 11:19 |
matthewrevell | Yeah, that sounds good. I'll see if I can get my Skype problem fixed beforehand. | 11:20 |
SteveA | ok | 11:31 |
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=== ..[topic/#launchpad:matthewrevell] : Fix-it Friday today! | Developer meeting: Thu 25 Jan 2007, 1200UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39 | ||
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cprov | good morning ! | 11:52 |
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SteveA | matthewrevell: hi | 12:05 |
SteveA | how's the skype looking | 12:05 |
matthewrevell | SteveA: hi | 12:05 |
matthewrevell | SteveA: Looks good :) | 12:05 |
matthewrevell | SteveA: echo test worked | 12:06 |
SteveA | cool | 12:06 |
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SteveA | j-a-meinel: hi | 01:03 |
Ubugtu | New bug: #80583 in launchpad "Polls with options shows "No options specified yet"" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80583 | 01:25 |
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kiko | hello | 01:30 |
Hobbsee | hey kiko | 01:31 |
jelmer_ | hi kiko | 01:31 |
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kiko | hey there | 01:32 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #80587 in launchpad "Long names and/or titles for poll options need to be wrapped." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80587 | 01:45 |
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givre | Hello guys | 01:51 |
kiko | oi | 01:52 |
givre | i have a problem in launchpad with my product. I mixed up product series and release, and now i have 2 series that i wanted to be in fact 2 release of trunk, but i can't find how to delete them. Is it possible to do that ? | 01:54 |
givre | my product https://launchpad.net/ntfs-config/ | 01:54 |
kiko | well | 01:54 |
kiko | givre, file a support request on launchpad (launchpad.dev/launchpad/+tickets) and I'll try and get stuart to remove them | 01:55 |
givre | ok, i'll do that. Thanks kiko | 01:55 |
Ubugtu | New bug: #80593 in launchpad "Polls links to pages that I'm not allowed to browse" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80593 | 02:05 |
Ubugtu | New bug: #80595 in launchpad "Polls uses the error message css class to display messages that should be informational" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80595 | 02:21 |
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static | good morning launchpad | 02:22 |
LarstiQ | good morning static | 02:25 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #80596 in launchpad "Public and semi-secret polls states that's possible to see people's votes, but it's not obvious where." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80596 | 02:45 |
heno | matthewrevell: some feedback on LP in the Ubuntu forums that you might want to look at: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=340045 | 02:52 |
matthewrevell | heno: thanks | 02:53 |
heno | (we are all looking forward to the documentation you are working on ;) ) | 02:53 |
matthewrevell | heno: hehe :) Yeah, me too. | 02:55 |
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munckfish | Hi, any launchpad admin here who could help me edit a comment I mailed? | 03:54 |
munckfish | I forgot to switch off my mail signature and I'd rather some of the details weren't on an spider visible web page | 03:55 |
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matthewrevell | munckfish: Do you have a link to the comment? I can't personally do it for you but I might be able to help find someone who can. | 04:07 |
munckfish | Yeah I have the link | 04:07 |
munckfish | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati/+bug/22985/comments/108 | 04:07 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 22985 in xserver-xorg-driver-ati "[x700] fails to infer lvds for primary connector on acer ferrari 4005 | card detected, but driver fails to use right output port" [Unknown,Confirmed] | 04:07 |
munckfish | matthewrevell: thx | 04:08 |
matthewrevell | munckfish: looking now | 04:09 |
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kai[sds] | hi. what's the reason when all options (bugs, features) are greyed out for a package in launchpad? i want to report a bug in gnumeric (ubuntu feisty version), but i can't do that. | 04:28 |
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kiko | kai[sds] , it's because our package page hierarchy sucks. what page are you on? | 04:38 |
munckfish | matthewrevell: any luck finding the admin? | 04:44 |
matthewrevell | munckfish: Sorry, I've been tied up in an irc conversation elsewhere. | 04:45 |
munckfish | ok np | 04:45 |
matsubara | matthewrevell: see kiko's comment in https://launchpad.net/malone/+bug/38348. It's the same issue munckfish reports. | 04:45 |
carlos | kai[sds] : you should file bugs against ubuntu directly, remove feisty from your url | 04:46 |
matsubara | munckfish: please file a request in https://launchpad.net/launchpad/+tickets asking for the removal/edit of the coment | 04:46 |
munckfish | ok will do | 04:46 |
matthewrevell | matsubara: Right, thanks. | 04:46 |
munckfish | thx guys | 04:47 |
matsubara | matthewrevell: usually in cases like this (where you need SQL surgery) stub is the one to assign the ticket to, but since he'll be on vacation, perhaps it's a good idea to assign to lifeless (?) | 04:47 |
kiko | munckfish, note that my personal opinion is that if you don't want it spidered, don't use it in your signature. I used to want to fight that battle, but I lost the war in the end | 04:47 |
matthewrevell | matsubara: Thanks. | 04:48 |
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ignas | hi | 04:49 |
munckfish | kiko: I understand what you mean, that email is really just for me to communicate with my friends, so the signature reflects that. It's not mega important info of course, just trying to keep a bit of a handle on it | 04:49 |
kiko | munckfish, one idea is to another email to communicate via launchpad | 04:50 |
kiko | that's what I do | 04:50 |
kiko | it's not very convenient but... | 04:50 |
kiko | is to use another email address, how did that come out so wrong? | 04:50 |
ignas | would a question about rosetta be on topic here, or should i rather use the mailing list? | 04:50 |
kiko | ignas, on-topic | 04:50 |
munckfish | kiko: sure, usually I don't reply to lp comments via mail as I prefer the web interface, just did it for speed today and forgot about my signature | 04:50 |
kiko | munckfish, if you use mutt you can also omit the signature automatically when replying to launchpad | 04:51 |
ignas | if i understand correctly - i can have multiple pot templates for a project | 04:51 |
kiko | of course, you will get criticized by people that think mutt died in the 1980s.. | 04:51 |
munckfish | kiko: :D | 04:52 |
kiko | ignas, you can, yes. danilos and carlos are good people to talk about that | 04:52 |
kiko | I think mutt is a work of art | 04:52 |
kiko | but I think lunch is even more so | 04:52 |
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matsubara | yeah, now we're talking kiko-fud | 04:52 |
carlos | ignas: yes, you can have multiple pot templates | 04:52 |
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ignas | carlos: so i just go to template list, https://translations.launchpad.net/schooltool/development/+translations-upload and upload an additional template (wit ha different name from others already there)? | 04:53 |
carlos | ignas: yes | 04:54 |
ignas | carlos: why isn't it appearing in the queue (though i am given a link to the import queue)? | 04:54 |
carlos | we will approve it and it will appear in the list | 04:54 |
carlos | ignas: it should, let me see | 04:54 |
ignas | schoolbell.pot | 04:54 |
ignas | oh, sorry, it is there :/ | 04:55 |
ignas | must have missed it | 04:55 |
ignas | my mistake, sorry | 04:56 |
carlos | ignas: well, you uploaded it with the name of the existing one | 04:56 |
carlos | ignas: so the system imported it automatically | 04:56 |
munckfish | matthewrevell, matsubara: guys, request raised as https://launchpad.net/launchpad/+ticket/3256 | 04:57 |
ignas | no, not that, i have uploaded it yesterday, and today i didn't see it in the list, so i have uploaded it once more, and was looking for it in the end of the queue | 04:57 |
ignas | while being not reviewed, it was already quite near to the begining | 04:58 |
carlos | hmm | 04:58 |
carlos | ignas: which filename ? | 04:58 |
ignas | schooltool.pot vs schoolbell.pot (not the same, i am adding the schoolbell one) | 04:58 |
ignas | schooltool.pot is already there | 04:58 |
matthewrevell | munckfish: thanks | 04:59 |
carlos | ignas: there is already a schoolbell one | 05:00 |
carlos | in the schoolbell product | 05:00 |
carlos | ignas: https://launchpad.net/schoolbell/main/+pots/schoolbell-ui | 05:00 |
carlos | does it mean you want to move that template into schooltool? | 05:00 |
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ignas | carlos: yes, but it's not the same product, schoolbell and schooltool were merged as projects, yet schooltool still has some translations in the schoolbell namespace, and they are in schoolbell.pot | 05:01 |
ignas | schoolbell.pot in schoolbell-ui is totally different from schoolbell.pot in schooltool | 05:01 |
carlos | ok | 05:01 |
carlos | just checking that you are not duplicating templates | 05:01 |
carlos | ignas: ok, so the problem is that you are uploading a schoolbell.pot file inside schooltool and it doesn't appear in the queue, right? | 05:02 |
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ignas | was, it is appearing in the queue, just that i didn't notice it (my mistake) | 05:02 |
carlos | ignas: yeah, I just saw it | 05:03 |
=== carlos approves it | ||
ignas | thank you :) | 05:04 |
carlos | you should get an email confirmation once the import is done | 05:04 |
carlos | ignas: as usual, future updates will not require any approval from us | 05:04 |
ignas | i see | 05:05 |
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ignas | carlos: interesting, the template is empty, maybe that's because most/all of the strings match ones in schooltool.pot, or because i have tried to upload it twice before it was approved? | 05:08 |
carlos | ignas: that's an UI bug in our side. Once it's approved, we show it empty | 05:10 |
carlos | ignas: the import is not yet done | 05:10 |
ignas | oh, i see | 05:10 |
carlos | there should be messages once you get the confirmation email | 05:10 |
kai[sds] | kiko, carlos: (about the greyed out options) i'm on this page - feisty is not in the url: | 05:10 |
kai[sds] | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnumeric/1.7.6-1ubuntu2 | 05:10 |
carlos | kai[sds] : use https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnumeric URL | 05:11 |
carlos | kiko-fud: I guess we should add links there to the right page to file bugs | 05:11 |
kai[sds] | oh. indeed. and i really tried to find a page that works | 05:12 |
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kai[sds] | thanks | 05:13 |
carlos | kai[sds] : np | 05:14 |
ignas | carlos: one more small question (if you have time) when/how are translations copied from one pot file to another if strings being translated match? There are a lot of duplicates between st.po and sb.po ... | 05:14 |
carlos | we don't copy anything automatically | 05:16 |
carlos | we show suggestions based on the English string | 05:16 |
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carlos | so we show it in our UI to help translators to prevent to diverge from same translations in other templates | 05:16 |
carlos | ignas: about st.po and sb.po.. aren't those different languages? | 05:17 |
ignas | no, schooltool.pot, schoolbell.pot (po was a typo) | 05:17 |
ignas | I'll just wait for translators for other languages to copy the strings from other templates then :) | 05:18 |
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carlos | ignas: oh, I see. Yes, you will need to wait for someone to 'activate' the translation that is in the other template | 05:36 |
carlos | ignas: but don't worry, they will get it automatically so you shouldn't get two different translations unless they want to do that and ignore the other template's translation | 05:37 |
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carlos | see you! | 06:18 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #76434 in launchpad-support-tracker "Products should have a flag to indicate official use of the Answer Tracker" [Undecided,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76434 | 06:41 |
kiko | dupe? | 06:42 |
matsubara | Ubugtu is on crack | 06:42 |
matsubara | that's an old bug | 06:43 |
kiko | odd. | 06:43 |
flacoste | maybe it doesn't display Unconfirmed bug | 06:47 |
kiko | it does | 06:47 |
flacoste | or it also displays that message once the bug moves out of the Unconfirmed state | 06:47 |
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ignas | matthewrevell: you sent an email asking for small bugs, i have one - in rosetta you can't use "Copy Text" to copy nepali translations | 06:53 |
matthewrevell | ignas: Interesting. Is there a bug number already? | 06:53 |
ignas | hmm, not sure really | 06:54 |
=== ignas goes to look | ||
ignas | no, no number i think | 06:55 |
ignas | oh, there is | 06:56 |
ignas | it's fix commited | 06:56 |
matthewrevell | ignas: Ah, cool. Glad we could be of service :-D | 06:56 |
ignas | :) | 06:57 |
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matthewrevell | ignas: Do you have the bug number? I can't see one that's Fix Comitted | 06:57 |
ignas | it's None type exception when copying suggestion | 06:58 |
ignas | 78803 | 06:58 |
ignas | i think | 06:58 |
matthewrevell | thanks | 06:58 |
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radix | does the LP xmlrpc interface allow fetching bug data yet? is it documented anywhere? | 07:01 |
kiko | radix, no, but we have a text export. | 07:02 |
radix | ah, cool | 07:02 |
kiko | bug/222/+text I think | 07:02 |
radix | searching for "export" on help.launchpad.net doesn't tell me that :) | 07:02 |
radix | kiko: thanks | 07:03 |
=== kiko looks at matthewrevell | ||
kiko | :-P | 07:03 |
kiko | radix, there's even +bugs-text | 07:03 |
kiko | a listing | 07:03 |
kiko | I belive | 07:03 |
kiko | believe too | 07:03 |
matthewrevell | kiko: Thanks for the prompt :) | 07:03 |
kiko | heh | 07:04 |
radix | hrmp | 07:04 |
matthewrevell | radix: I'll address that in the docs | 07:04 |
radix | I can't actually figure out an URL, can you give me a full example? :) | 07:04 |
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radix | matthewrevell: I am doing some advocacy right now ;) | 07:04 |
matthewrevell | radix: Ah, nice one :) | 07:04 |
radix | kiko: like, I went to a random bzr bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/53340 and tried to add /+text but it's just a 404 | 07:05 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 53340 in launchpad-bazaar "cannot squash incomplete branch on supermirror sftp" [High,Confirmed] | 07:05 |
kiko | radix, yeah, I'm researching abit | 07:06 |
radix | I did get +bugs-test to give a list of bug numbers | 07:07 |
kiko | radix, you can do arbitrary queries to it too I believe | 07:09 |
matsubara | radix: try https://launchpad.net/bugs/53340/+text | 07:09 |
kiko | radix, you need a special URL to it | 07:09 |
kiko | https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/38804/+text | 07:09 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 38804 in desktop-file-utils "desktop-file-validate should verify Categories" [Wishlist,Fix released] - Assigned to Ubuntu Desktop Bugs (desktop-bugs) | 07:09 |
radix | oh, ok, so it doesn't work at the projectful URL | 07:10 |
kiko | matthewrevell, note the above -- it needs to use that exact URL | 07:10 |
kiko | I'm not sure why and I believe it should | 07:10 |
kiko | radix, if you think that's bad file a bug | 07:10 |
kiko | there is no test for the feature either (!) | 07:10 |
radix | man, don't tell that to the guy I am advocating to | 07:10 |
matthewrevell | kiko: thanks | 07:10 |
radix | he will flip out and kill everybody | 07:10 |
matsubara | isn't +text and +bugs-text supposed to vanish at some point in the future? | 07:10 |
matsubara | kiko: ^ | 07:10 |
radix | having a <link rel> to the text version would be _awesome_ :) | 07:11 |
kiko | matsubara, is it? why? :) | 07:11 |
radix | ok, now I'm going to go to lunch with this guy | 07:11 |
matsubara | kiko: I vaguely remember someone mentioning that, but I might be mistaken. | 07:13 |
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cherokee_ | HI, on feisty 2 I had a installer crash; have the logs has this been a report | 07:23 |
kiko | cherokee_, #ubuntu-bugs :) | 07:23 |
cherokee_ | ok kik0 | 07:24 |
cherokee_ | thanx | 07:24 |
kiko | np | 07:24 |
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=== mdke hugs salgado | ||
mdke | salgado: thanks for those fixes! | 07:35 |
salgado | mdke, dude, the search thing is on the queue, it'll be in mainline in half an hour. :) | 07:35 |
salgado | mdke, you're welcome | 07:35 |
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mdke | salgado: :) | 07:37 |
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kalango_linux | hi | 07:55 |
kalango_linux | hello please | 07:55 |
mdke | hi kalango_linux | 07:55 |
kalango_linux | mdke, how are you ? | 07:56 |
mdke | kalango_linux: fine thanks | 07:57 |
kalango_linux | mdke, where are you ? | 07:58 |
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kiko | kalango_linux? | 08:18 |
kalango_linux | kiko, hello | 08:19 |
kiko | did you have a question about launchpad? | 08:19 |
kalango_linux | no | 08:20 |
kiko | oh. | 08:20 |
kalango_linux | kiko, where are you ? | 08:21 |
kiko | in front of the computer. | 08:22 |
kalango_linux | ohhhhh | 08:23 |
kalango_linux | ehheheh | 08:23 |
kalango_linux | ohhhh my good | 08:24 |
kalango_linux | ehheheh | 08:24 |
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LaserJock | the MOTU would really appreciate a fix for 79671, any estimate as to how difficult it will be? | 09:36 |
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matsubara | Hi LaserJock, wouldn't it be better to have those kind of admininistrative requests on launchpad support tracker? | 09:43 |
exarkun | Does creating a Launchpad product also create a place to which I can push a bzr branch? | 09:44 |
radix | exarkun: yes | 09:44 |
radix | exarkun: although I am unaware of the location of this place | 09:44 |
exarkun | What is the location? | 09:44 |
radix | nor am I aware of how to *learn* the location | 09:44 |
radix | a quick look at help.launchpad.net did find no answers. | 09:45 |
matsubara | I think ddaa blogged about it, let me find a link | 09:45 |
matsubara | exarkun: http://ddaa.net/blog/launchpad/bzr-hosting | 09:47 |
exarkun | Cool, thanks. | 09:48 |
exarkun | Hm | 09:50 |
exarkun | I ran the 'bzr push --create-prefix' command he mentions | 09:50 |
exarkun | And it created a directory named 'sftp:' with a subdirectory named 'bazaar.launchpad.net', with a subdirectory.... | 09:50 |
matsubara | exarkun: what's the product name? | 09:51 |
exarkun | crummy3d | 09:51 |
exarkun | I didn't have paramiko installed. Maybe that was a problem? | 09:52 |
matsubara | exarkun: I'm not really aware of how this works; I'll try to find out. Hang on | 09:53 |
exarkun | Now that it is installed some different things happen which look more useful. :) | 09:53 |
LaserJock | yeah, I think paramiko provides the sftp functionality | 09:54 |
exarkun | I guess it's working. Thanks for the help. | 09:56 |
matsubara | exarkun: great. | 09:56 |
radix | crap, I can't download that code yet. | 09:59 |
radix | crummy lag. | 09:59 |
exarkun | I added a license so you can't use it anyway, so the lag isn't actually a big deal. | 10:00 |
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radix | that was cruel | 10:00 |
kiko | typical exarkun, what can I say | 10:00 |
radix | hooray got it | 10:01 |
radix | kiko: hah | 10:01 |
radix | The license he chose | 10:02 |
radix | was GPL | 10:02 |
radix | v1.0 | 10:02 |
kiko | gross | 10:02 |
mdke | matsubara: adding a new feature is appropriate for a bug, rather than a support ticket, surely? | 10:04 |
matsubara | mdke: yes, if it's a small feature, otherwise a spec would be better. | 10:05 |
mdke | matsubara: right, so that bug is a feature, no? | 10:06 |
mdke | rather than an administrative request | 10:06 |
matsubara | mdke: you mean LaserJock's bug? | 10:07 |
=== LaserJock crosses fingers and toes | ||
mdke | matsubara: yeah | 10:09 |
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matsubara | mdke: if yes, I meant that LaserJock's could use the support tracker to handle the motu requests workflow he described there. | 10:09 |
LaserJock | hmm | 10:10 |
mdke | matsubara: to add tags? | 10:10 |
LaserJock | I wasn't really thinking of it as an administrative thing, but as a smallish feature request | 10:11 |
LaserJock | it's not specific to MOTU, but would really be of benefit to us | 10:11 |
mdke | it's not an administrative task, at least that I can think of | 10:11 |
mdke | maybe it's not clear what is involved | 10:11 |
matsubara | yes, it's indeed not clear | 10:11 |
heno | hm, why does this link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gok/+bugs only give me one bug when there are several open bugs on gok? | 10:12 |
mdke | matsubara: essentially, there are lots of programs that aren't packaged for Ubuntu. the team wants to use a bug tracker to track requests for users to make such packages | 10:12 |
LaserJock | well, the full story is that I came in here asking if I could/should register a product for MOTU to use to handle new package requests | 10:12 |
mdke | matsubara: but there is no package to file them on :) | 10:12 |
LaserJock | and it needs to be really simple | 10:12 |
LaserJock | so I think it was kiko that suggested using tags | 10:13 |
LaserJock | but the problem then because making sure that people actually use the tag and the proper one | 10:13 |
LaserJock | so if we can give them a URL that "preloads" the tag we want then it makes it easy for the filer and on us | 10:13 |
matsubara | well, you can use the Ubuntu distro and file support request there, can't you? | 10:14 |
LaserJock | this would also be of interest, I would think, to the desktop team or such | 10:14 |
LaserJock | but I don't need support per se, I need a Malone feature | 10:14 |
mdke | matsubara: that would be too hard to find | 10:14 |
heno | ah, never mind me; seems they are all dupes of a non-gok bug https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/58600 | 10:15 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 58600 in xorg "wacom configuration kills gok" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 10:15 |
kiko | mdke, hmmm. | 10:15 |
LaserJock | oh, you mean for the actual package requests themselves? I'm not sure that would work out very well | 10:15 |
LaserJock | unless we can tag them somehow | 10:15 |
kiko | matsubara, I think this is really an issue of bugs | 10:15 |
kiko | and tag preloading is not a bad idea | 10:15 |
matsubara | well, I'm not saying that tag preloading is a bad idea. I'd love that feature as well. | 10:15 |
matsubara | but since we don't have that yet, I was suggesting another workflow. | 10:15 |
LaserJock | to get a feel for what we need, we are trying to replace https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/Candidates | 10:16 |
mdke | matsubara: I think it's important to trust the MOTU as to which workflow they would be confortable with | 10:17 |
LaserJock | well, support tracker vs bug tracker isn't a huge deal. We are more used to Malone and we tend to work them like a bug | 10:17 |
LaserJock | Debian uses bugs filed against a dummy wnpp package | 10:18 |
LaserJock | that's why we initially thought to just create a product | 10:18 |
LaserJock | but I agree that that should be left for real products | 10:18 |
kiko | matsubara, I think tag preloading is easy to implement, too -- just pass a hidden option to +filebug | 10:21 |
kiko | matsubara, it's easier to implement if we do it for the complicated filebug form first :-) | 10:21 |
matsubara | indeed! perhaps +file-advanced?field.tags=foo | 10:21 |
matsubara | kiko: and don't call it complicated filebug form or mpt will kill you. heh | 10:22 |
LaserJock | :-) | 10:22 |
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matsubara | mdke, LaserJock: just confirmed it. thanks for the ideas and explanations | 10:24 |
LaserJock | matsubara: thank you very much for having a look at it | 10:24 |
mdke | :) | 10:24 |
kiko | matsubara, right, that's what I was thinking -- just supplying the tags could work fine | 10:26 |
kiko | matsubara, does that work already, btw? :-) | 10:27 |
matsubara | LaserJock, mdke: this will need some discussion first, so it might not happen as fast as you'd want. Some people have concerns about who should be able to tag which bugs. | 10:27 |
LaserJock | hmm, that is a point | 10:27 |
LaserJock | for my usage it doesn't matter, but for Malone overall I can see the concern | 10:28 |
matsubara | gotta go guys, please add any more ideas to the bug report. | 10:31 |
matsubara | see you later, have a nice weekend | 10:32 |
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mpt | kiko, package requests might make sense as support requests, but they wouldn't really make sense as questions | 11:19 |
mpt | so bug reports are the future | 11:19 |
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shango37 | hi! Somebody could it explain to me how to make so that the .po do not have any more the status Need Review but Approuved? Thx in advance. | 11:26 |
mdke | shango37: if you are translating in Ubuntu, you need to be in the translation group for Ubuntu; if you're translating an upstream product, sometimes you need to be in a special translation group | 11:27 |
shango37 | It is a product (Freenas) | 11:28 |
mdke | shango37: hmm. Translation should be open for that. Where did you see the problem? | 11:29 |
shango37 | I have upload several .po (french, chinese, etc) and all have needs review status. I 'm the registrant of this project. | 11:31 |
mdke | shango37: where do you see the status? | 11:32 |
shango37 | and translation permission are set to Open (thanks for help me and sorry for my bad english) Status: https://launchpad.net/translations/imports/+index?target=products&status=NEEDS_REVIEW&type=po | 11:32 |
mdke | shango37: your english is fine. I think the answer is because the files have a bad naming convention | 11:33 |
mdke | but I'm not sure | 11:33 |
mdke | you might want a rosetta administrator for that | 11:33 |
shango37 | I have try with fr_FR.po for example and fr_FR.ISO8859-1.po | 11:34 |
mdke | did you try with fr.po? | 11:35 |
shango37 | where can I found one? | 11:35 |
mdke | rename fr_FR.po | 11:35 |
mdke | but I would have thought that fr_FR.po should work | 11:35 |
mdke | shango37: is it a new product? | 11:35 |
shango37 | yes, I have registered it one week ago | 11:36 |
mdke | shango37: if there haven't been any translations yet, I think it requires manual intervention by the Rosetta administrators before you can start translating | 11:36 |
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mdke | have a look at https://help.launchpad.net/RosettaFAQ | 11:36 |
shango37 | Ya, there is no translation yet, all waiting to be import... :( I have read many time this page and this one too (https://help.launchpad.net/RosettaNewImportPolicy) | 11:38 |
mdke | have you followed the procedure at that second page? | 11:38 |
shango37 | I'm from FreeNAS team, register project here according to the author, marked "official Rosetta product" in project setting, but don't have translation team. | 11:41 |
mdke | sure | 11:42 |
shango37 | 11:45 | |
shango37 | It is necessary absolutely that I choose a TEAM translation? | 11:45 |
mdke | shango37: no, you can leave it open | 11:45 |
shango37 | have "no Value" for Translation Group and Open for Translation Permission... | 11:46 |
mdke | yes, that's fine | 11:46 |
shango37 | I'm trying again (update fr_FR.po)... | 11:47 |
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mdke | shango37: the first uploads to a product require manual approval, I think the procedure is stated on that page | 11:48 |
mdke | if you email the rosetta-users mailing list, you can ask for it to be approved | 11:49 |
mdke | the rosetta administrators will take care of it as soon as possible | 11:49 |
shango37 | mdke> thanks for your help. I will email to the list. Regards. | 11:50 |
mdke | good luck | 11:50 |
shango37 | thanks again. good night. | 11:51 |
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