Admiral_Chicago | lol | 12:55 |
Admiral_Chicago | do you use KDE awbasset? | 12:56 |
Yawner | me? | 12:57 |
Admiral_Chicago | shoot, wrong channel | 12:57 |
Admiral_Chicago | lol, do you Yawner | 12:57 |
Yawner | erm don't think I have a single KDE app installed | 12:58 |
Admiral_Chicago | blah, nobody that has KDE has any idea how to help me | 12:58 |
Admiral_Chicago | and GNOME sucks | 12:58 |
Yawner | heh :P | 12:59 |
Admiral_Chicago | there is a way to have KDE save the setup you have when you leg out | 01:00 |
Admiral_Chicago | not sure how to do and I did it earlier today | 01:00 |
Yawner | *shrugs* | 01:01 |
Yawner | think its time for me to get to bed | 01:01 |
Yawner | can hardly keep my eyes open | 01:01 |
Admiral_Chicago | goodnight | 01:01 |
Yawner | night | 01:01 |
Admiral_Chicago | that looks good | 01:03 |
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pochu | hi | 11:35 |
pochu | are you guys there? | 11:41 |
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pochu | hi | 11:54 |
Admiral_Chicago | her there pochu | 11:54 |
pochu | hello | 11:54 |
pochu | i wanted to know if you can upload a .deb of sunbird to the repositories | 11:55 |
pochu | i have a .deb of the latest stable version | 11:55 |
pochu | 0.3 | 11:55 |
pochu | made by mlind | 11:55 |
pochu | look at this thread on the ubuntuforums | 11:55 |
pochu | | 11:56 |
Admiral_Chicago | hold on a sec | 11:57 |
pochu | no problem | 11:57 |
Admiral_Chicago | pochu: what system are you on | 11:59 |
pochu | feisty | 12:01 |
pochu | i'm a tester | 12:01 |
pochu | i have sunbird 0.3 | 12:01 |
pochu | but i would like to see it on the repos | 12:01 |
pochu | and in the latest version | 12:02 |
Admiral_Chicago | take this | 12:02 |
Admiral_Chicago | download it | 12:02 |
pochu | (the latest stable is 0.3) | 12:02 |
Admiral_Chicago | install it to /opt or ~/.mozilla. | 12:02 |
Admiral_Chicago | i know the latest stable | 12:02 |
Admiral_Chicago | then run the .bin file | 12:02 |
pochu | doing that is installing sunbird | 12:03 |
pochu | isn't it? | 12:03 |
Admiral_Chicago | hold on a sec | 12:03 |
pochu | ok | 12:04 |
Admiral_Chicago | cp to the directory that holds the file | 12:04 |
Admiral_Chicago | then create a link to sunbird-bin | 12:04 |
Admiral_Chicago | the deb would be installed by doing this sudo dpkg -i foo.deb | 12:05 |
Admiral_Chicago | i would *highly* suggest the first method. bed now. | 12:05 |
pochu | but I already have sunbird installed | 12:06 |
pochu | what I am asking for is to include it on the ubuntu repositories | 12:06 |
pochu | I though this was the right place, because this is the MozillaTeam | 12:06 |
pochu | but if this isn't, tell me | 12:07 |
Admiral_Chicago | make it a bug on | 12:07 |
Admiral_Chicago | comment on it saying you want it on universe, we will pick it up from there | 12:08 |
Admiral_Chicago | gotta run. check the away message. | 12:08 |
pochu | ok | 12:08 |
pochu | but i already reported it | 12:09 |
pochu | if you wanna take a look... | 12:09 |
pochu | | 12:09 |
Admiral_Chicago | i'll get it in my email. | 12:10 |
pochu | what? | 12:11 |
pochu | the bug report? | 12:11 |
Admiral_Chicago | yes, i get every bug report ever | 12:12 |
pochu | but i reported it some time ago | 12:13 |
pochu | Reported on: 2006-12-12 | 12:13 |
Admiral_Chicago | done | 12:14 |
Admiral_Chicago | it's taken care of | 12:14 |
Admiral_Chicago | check my away message. afk | 12:14 |
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Admiral_Chicago | blah | 05:39 |
Admiral_Chicago | classes | 05:39 |
Admiral_Chicago | AlexLatchford: | 05:43 |
Admiral_Chicago | close it I think. Maybe show it to someone that knows how to read crash reports | 05:44 |
AlexLatchford | yeah okies | 05:44 |
Admiral_Chicago | "bug are reproduceable" or something like that | 05:44 |
Admiral_Chicago | i'm editing the wiki | 05:49 |
Admiral_Chicago | to say that about bug reports | 05:49 |
Admiral_Chicago | | 05:53 |
Admiral_Chicago | check out the crashes section. | 05:53 |
Admiral_Chicago | *Much* better | 05:53 |
Admiral_Chicago | okay class no | 05:53 |
Admiral_Chicago | now | 05:53 |
AlexLatchford | lol, there really needs to be a guide somewhere about debugging Apport crash files | 06:09 |
AlexLatchford | see which ones are useful and which are not | 06:10 |
gnomefreak | dont look at me i cant spell but Unfortunetly, is spelled wrong | 06:11 |
AlexLatchford | erm ok | 06:12 |
gnomefreak | it doesnt look right :( | 06:12 |
AlexLatchford | Unfortunately | 06:13 |
AlexLatchford | nate | 06:13 |
gnomefreak | yeah that looks right ty | 06:13 |
AlexLatchford | well I am good at spelling, plus I have a spelling filter on xchat-gnome | 06:13 |
AlexLatchford | :P | 06:14 |
gnomefreak | :) | 06:14 |
AlexLatchford | Yeah I was looking over the Apport wiki, it has developers and users points of view, but not triagers | 06:14 |
gnomefreak | theres an apport wiki? | 06:15 |
AlexLatchford | | 06:16 |
AlexLatchford | theres an Apport Page | 06:16 |
gnomefreak | ty | 06:17 |
AlexLatchford | trying to understand whether or not the report Freddy linked to above is useful or not | 06:17 |
AlexLatchford | because to me it doesn't look there is enough info in that file | 06:19 |
AlexLatchford | It doesnt have a usable stacktrace or a core dump | 06:19 |
gnomefreak | i would reject it if you dont see anything in the backtrace that is usefull. it only happened once nad the BT doesnt give enough info | 06:21 |
gnomefreak | if the BT gave good info than i would say leave it open to see what crashed | 06:21 |
gnomefreak | brb lunch time | 06:22 |
AlexLatchford | hmm ok | 06:24 |
AlexLatchford | okay, rejected it | 06:26 |
Admiral_Chicago | 9*/away | 07:17 |
Admiral_Chicago | AlexLatchford: thanks for taking care of that one | 07:17 |
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jwendell | hi guys, i'm trying to run autoconf in a fresh dir (apt-get source'd), and i got the error: | 07:22 |
jwendell | build/autoconf/altoptions.m4:156: error: m4_defn: undefined macro: _m4_divert_diversion | 07:22 |
jwendell | build/autoconf/altoptions.m4:156: the top level | 07:22 |
jwendell | autom4te: /usr/bin/m4 failed with exit status: 1 | 07:22 |
jwendell | any help? | 07:23 |
rhelmer | jwendell: what version of autoconf are you using? | 07:24 |
rhelmer | mozilla only builds with 2.13, not 2.5 (or anything else) | 07:24 |
Admiral_Chicago | jwendell: what version of FX / Ubuntu release | 07:26 |
jwendell | Admiral_Chicago, feisty | 07:34 |
jwendell | up to date | 07:35 |
jwendell | rhelmer, autoconf 2.61 :( | 07:35 |
rhelmer | hrm how can i show the build-deps for a package? i know i can apt-get build-deps mozilla-firefox, but how do i just list the build-deps? | 07:41 |
Admiral_Chicago | i think you can do a -l flag | 07:41 |
Admiral_Chicago | hold on | 07:41 |
Admiral_Chicago | apt-get showpkg mozilla-firefox | 07:42 |
rhelmer | hrm doesn't work for me.. | 07:42 |
rhelmer | do i need a certain package installed? | 07:42 |
Admiral_Chicago | no it's an apt command | 07:42 |
Admiral_Chicago | wrong package probably | 07:42 |
rhelmer | hrm apt-get showpkg firefox | 07:43 |
rhelmer | E: Invalid operation showpkg | 07:43 |
rhelmer | oh it's apt-cache | 07:43 |
rhelmer | apt-cache showpkg firefox | 07:43 |
Admiral_Chicago | oops, it is | 07:44 |
rhelmer | oh, apt-cache showsrc firefox | 07:46 |
rhelmer | that shows Build-Depends | 07:46 |
rhelmer | jwendell: oh, ok. the ubuntu source package (and presumably the debian one as well) has configure already built. | 07:47 |
rhelmer | jwendell: mozilla autobuilds and checks in the configure file, so running autoconf is not normally needed. | 07:47 |
jwendell | rhelmer, i'm changing :) | 07:48 |
rhelmer | if you're not going to use the debian/rules file, you might consider using mozilla's and mozconfig | 07:48 |
rhelmer | jwendell: oh, gotcha. yeah then you'll need to track down an old version of autoconf. | 07:48 |
jwendell | after 55 minutes compiling firefox, i got an error about MySpell: | 09:01 |
jwendell | mozMySpell.h:59:24: error: hunspell.hxx: Arquivo ou diretrio inexistente | 09:01 |
jwendell | mozMySpell.h:107: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of MySpell with no type | 09:01 |
jwendell | mozMySpell.h:107: error: expected ; before * token | 09:01 |
jwendell | mozMySpell.h: In constructor mozMySpell::mozMySpell(): | 09:01 |
jwendell | mozMySpell.h:85: error: class mozMySpell does not have any field named mMySpell | 09:01 |
jwendell | mozMySpell.cpp: In destructor virtual mozMySpell::~mozMySpell(): | 09:01 |
jwendell | mozMySpell.cpp:104: error: mMySpell was not declared in this scope | 09:01 |
jwendell | and so on... | 09:02 |
jwendell | rhelmer, any idea? | 09:02 |
omgponiezlol | should use a paste bin but w/e. gone now | 11:42 |
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