=== shwag [n=steven@static-71-165-111-2.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-server | ||
shwag | when trying to startup network services it says no buffer space available | 12:10 |
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tmh__ | nexact_: dpkg -L packagename lists the packages. a .so.something is a shared, whereas a .a is a static lib. | 12:56 |
shwag | /etc/init.d/network restart says "No buffer space available" I get no eth0. Im at a lose. | 12:59 |
shwag | loss even. | 01:00 |
nexact_ | thanks, both are installed. :) | 01:02 |
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shwag | has anyone tried to image a machine from an existing ubuntu install before, and end up with failed eth devices ? | 02:03 |
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shwag | my eth0 is showing up in dmesg, but ifconfig -a it does not exist. Ive never seen this before. | 02:06 |
joejaxx | shwag: you need to change the mac address | 02:17 |
shwag | joejaxx: where ? | 02:17 |
joejaxx | /etc/iftab | 02:18 |
shwag | joejaxx: OMG THANK YOU | 02:18 |
joejaxx | shwag: you are most welcome :) | 02:18 |
shwag | joejaxx: you are the first person who has mentioned this. I have been looking nonstop for 4 hours. | 02:19 |
joejaxx | the other people in here might just be away from the computer | 02:20 |
joejaxx | or idle :) | 02:22 |
shwag | not sure why dpkg -S /etc/iftab says dpkg: /etc/iftab not found. | 02:28 |
joejaxx | says the same for me | 02:34 |
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rance | I need some advice on generating entropy for key generation, every time I try to generate a key, the process stalls when it runs out of entrophy, how do I generate more without going to the less secure /dev/urandom options | 03:07 |
[miles] | anyone know any tool (for eg: konquer can do it) to browse an imap folder? | 03:07 |
=== vleon [n=vleon@bzq-82-81-90-127.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu-server | ||
vleon | can someone tell me how i disable ppoeconf configurations? | 03:08 |
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\sh | guys, mii-diag shows the advertised speeds from the switch partner..I do have here a tg3 nic, and mii-diag shows me only 100baseTx-DF 100base-tx 10-baseT-FD and 10base-T ... the switch is a cisco 1000/100/10Mbit switch (catalyst 3750) .. does mii-diag doesn't support speed advertisments > 100baseX | 04:56 |
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renato | hello, I'm planning to use ubuntu server with xubuntu-desktop on top of it, for a small lab network of 18 machines to share printers, files and maybe host a little website for internal use. I am not totally computer unsavvy, but I'm no IT expert as well and I was wondering if there's a GUI application for adding users and devices or doing basic maintenance tasks to the network? | 07:28 |
=== Shane-S [n=chatzill@static-209-204-99-3.sniparpa.net] has joined #ubuntu-server | ||
=== ivoks [n=ivoks@32-254.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-server | ||
renato | I'm planning to use ubuntu server with xubuntu-desktop on top of it, for a small lab network of 18 machines to share printers, files and maybe host a little website for internal use. I am not totally computer unsavvy, but I'm no IT expert as well and I was wondering if there's a GUI application for adding users and devices or doing basic maintenance tasks to the network? | 07:34 |
ivoks | there is GUI for adding users | 07:35 |
ivoks | but configuration of services is done by hand | 07:35 |
ivoks | well, there is gui for configuring printers | 07:36 |
ivoks | (http://localhost:631) | 07:36 |
renato | okay, a good guide to do that? | 07:38 |
ivoks | you can't miss | 07:38 |
ivoks | it's very easy, open browser and point it to http://localhost:631 | 07:38 |
renato | yeah, for CUPS, but I meant a guide to configure services? | 07:39 |
ivoks | eh... | 07:39 |
ivoks | for web, enter 'apache howto' in google | 07:40 |
ivoks | :) | 07:40 |
renato | thanks | 07:40 |
ivoks | renato: and look for apache 2 version | 07:40 |
ivoks | not 1.3 | 07:40 |
renato | and the GUI for adding users? | 07:40 |
renato | sure thing | 07:40 |
renato | the apache documentation isn't very newbie friendly | 07:41 |
ivoks | renato: in ubuntu it's users-admin | 07:41 |
renato | or didactic for that matter | 07:41 |
ivoks | i don't know in xubuntu... :/ | 07:41 |
renato | excellent | 07:41 |
renato | I'll just stick ubuntu on the server then | 07:41 |
renato | lol | 07:41 |
ivoks | :) | 07:41 |
rance | I need some advice on generating entropy for key generation, every time I try to generate a key, the process stalls when it runs out of entrophy, how do I generate more without going to the less secure /dev/urandom options | 07:56 |
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shwag | http://awstats.sourceforge.net/awstats_security_news.php | 11:57 |
shwag | XSS exploit, unfixed. | 11:57 |
shwag | fixed in 6.6 I mean, but not fixed in awstats 6.5-1ubuntu1.2 | 11:57 |
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