=== Null [n=Chypher@81-208-83-251.fastres.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Null | hi to all. | 12:31 |
cellofellow | hey | 12:31 |
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Null | i've a problem with xubuntu's installation | 12:31 |
Null | installing(?) sorry , my english is not well | 12:31 |
cellofellow | well, can you explain? | 12:32 |
Null | yes. | 12:32 |
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Null | to resolve some problem (...) i try "installation of another os " | 12:32 |
Null | with partition magic | 12:32 |
Null | are you on? | 12:33 |
cellofellow | yeah | 12:33 |
Null | well, | 12:33 |
Null | after partition (..) i restart pc with xubuntu alternate cd inside | 12:33 |
dosnlinux | is the purpose of /usr/share/acpi-support/policy-funcs to check for GNOME/KDE laptop daemons? | 12:34 |
Null | and to finish the procedure I had to run windows again so partition magic | 12:34 |
cellofellow | that's o do with power management actually. Standby and such. | 12:34 |
Null | but from cd installer i was not able (because choosing the option "boot from first hd" i have the page "there's no operatuve system") | 12:35 |
cellofellow | just curios, what's your native language? | 12:36 |
dosnlinux | cefellow: I know, but I'm curious about it's purpose in the whole suspend/standby process | 12:36 |
Null | so i try to installa xubuntu , but there is no file system in the hard disk | 12:36 |
Null | italian | 12:36 |
cellofellow | !it | 12:37 |
ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 12:37 |
cellofellow | no xubuntu italian channel I think though. | 12:37 |
cellofellow | but what you're doing seems general enough. | 12:37 |
cellofellow | try in there. | 12:37 |
Null | don't you undertstand a world? | 12:37 |
cellofellow | I understand the basic ideas, but I miss the details. | 12:37 |
Null | thx | 12:38 |
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cslater | Hi - wanted to let you all know that we just added support for Xubuntu installs to Instalinux | 12:41 |
cslater | please test it and let me know if you find any problems | 12:41 |
gunny01 | Sounds Fun. | 12:47 |
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kishan | hi | 12:50 |
kishan | any one in here | 12:50 |
kishan | i have problem with my menus can any one help me | 12:51 |
dosnlinux | what's the problem? | 12:52 |
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kishan | the problem is they are no more there | 12:52 |
kishan | i mean they disappered when i logged in | 12:53 |
cellofellow | that happens sometimes | 12:53 |
dosnlinux | do you still have the panel on the desktop? | 12:53 |
kishan | how to get those menu panel back | 12:53 |
cellofellow | right click the panel, click Add Item, and add the XFCE menu, which is near the bottom. | 12:53 |
kishan | now i am in gnome | 12:53 |
kishan | there is no panel at all | 12:53 |
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kishan | in gnome i have panels working | 12:54 |
kishan | but in xfce there are no panels | 12:54 |
cellofellow | run xfce4-panel when in xfce | 12:54 |
kishan | how to run | 12:54 |
kishan | sorry i am new to linux | 12:54 |
dosnlinux | press alt+f2 and type xterm | 12:54 |
cellofellow | alt+f2 | 12:54 |
kishan | ok | 12:54 |
cellofellow | who needs the xterm? | 12:55 |
dosnlinux | well, I couldn't remember if it was Terminal or terminal | 12:55 |
kishan | wait i will get my laptop so that i can chat and do it simultaneously | 12:55 |
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dosnlinux | I guess I could have always used xfterm4 too :P | 12:56 |
cellofellow | neither is needed. He's only running one command. | 12:56 |
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kishan_ | hi i am here now | 12:57 |
dosnlinux | I was going to go the xfsetting-show way | 12:57 |
cellofellow | just type xfce4-panel into the run dialog (alt+f2) | 12:58 |
dosnlinux | still only 1 command I guess | 12:58 |
kishan_ | ok one minute i am logging out of gnome | 12:58 |
cellofellow | kishan_: AND make sure you save your session when you log out. | 12:58 |
kishan_ | thats what i did alwys | 12:58 |
kishan_ | actually my ram on desktop is only 128 mb so wanted to run xubuntu | 12:59 |
cellofellow | save session is a checkbox in the Quit dialog. | 12:59 |
cellofellow | make sure it's checked when you next log out. | 12:59 |
cellofellow | getting the panel working? | 12:59 |
kishan_ | cool | 01:00 |
kishan_ | thanks | 01:00 |
kishan_ | i got them back | 01:00 |
cellofellow | :) | 01:00 |
kishan_ | it was it was so simple | 01:00 |
kishan_ | nice | 01:00 |
kishan_ | one more problem | 01:01 |
kishan_ | when i press quit which is on the panel | 01:01 |
dosnlinux | any way to get the right ctrl+alt work the same as the left? | 01:01 |
kishan_ | it asking for panel quit | 01:01 |
dosnlinux | right now only left ctrl+alt+arrow will let me switch work spaces | 01:02 |
kishan_ | sorry now on my panel there are no menu items | 01:03 |
dosnlinux | right click on the panel and select add new item | 01:04 |
kishan_ | yes i did it | 01:05 |
kishan_ | but the problem with the quit icon is the same | 01:05 |
kishan_ | previously it used to ask for log out suspend hibernate | 01:06 |
kishan_ | now its asking quit panel | 01:06 |
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cellofellow | Hey there Jester45 | 01:54 |
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Draconicus | Hey, Xubuntu comes with gparted already installed, right? | 02:15 |
cellofellow | only on the livecd | 02:20 |
cellofellow | then it's automatically removed in the last section of the installation | 02:20 |
Draconicus | Um.. | 02:24 |
Draconicus | Well, I'm installing with the alternate CD. Is it on the CD repository? | 02:24 |
Jester46 | yes i thinkj | 02:27 |
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mesarpe | exit | 02:58 |
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mesarpe | hi, i installed xubuntu 7.04 alpha or beta release... i want to say... that it works really good... but I found some bugs :( | 03:13 |
Jester45 | well... its not done yet | 03:13 |
Jester45 | !bugs | 03:14 |
ubotu | If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots | 03:14 |
Jester45 | please search for the bug b4 your file a report | 03:14 |
mesarpe | ok | 03:15 |
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Jester45 | yea cellow | 03:26 |
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mesarpe | exit | 03:27 |
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Jester45 | i have a problem with dd ing a dvd into iso | 03:47 |
Jester45 | i have done this b4 many times but on this dvd after i copy 340mbish it just clicks | 03:48 |
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nbjayme | hello, anybody know of a navy simulator program that runs on Linux commercial and / or FOSS? | 04:05 |
Jester45 | nope | 04:06 |
Jester45 | try googling | 04:06 |
nbjayme | thanks. i tried no desirable result yet. | 04:07 |
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cellofellow | how do I turn on swat? I tried /etc/init.d/swat but that doesn't exist. | 04:16 |
cellofellow | and what's swats' port number? | 04:17 |
Jester45 | anyone here use azureus's irc bot? | 04:21 |
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cellofellow | anybody know how to connect to the "Homes" samba share in LinNeighborhood? | 05:12 |
cellofellow | I tried using my UNIX username and password. Do I have to set up a smbpasswd? | 05:12 |
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snook353 | what is the java deb in synaptic called? | 05:22 |
snook353 | the runtime environment - firefox says i don't have it | 05:23 |
cellofellow | sun-java5-jre | 05:23 |
cellofellow | something like that | 05:23 |
cellofellow | !java | 05:23 |
ubotu | To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository | 05:23 |
cellofellow | !find sun | 05:23 |
ubotu | Found: libapache-mod-tsunami, libdatetime-event-sunrise-perl, libsundials-serial-dev, libsundials-serial-doc, libsundials-serial0 (and 12 others) | 05:24 |
cellofellow | blegh | 05:24 |
maxamillion | !info sun-java5 | 05:24 |
ubotu | Package sun-java5 does not exist in any distro I know | 05:24 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | You had it right the first time. | 05:24 |
maxamillion | !info sun-java5-jre | 05:24 |
ubotu | sun-java5-jre: Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.0-08-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 7279 kB, installed size 16132 kB | 05:24 |
maxamillion | :) | 05:25 |
snook353 | i've got the binary , but not the source - i need the source repos too? | 05:26 |
cellofellow | no source, it's a binary proprietary version of Java. | 05:27 |
somerville32 | cellofellow, Java is released under the GPL my friend :P | 05:29 |
maxamillion | somerville32: 1.5 wasn't | 05:29 |
cellofellow | Not the one in edgy though, right? | 05:29 |
maxamillion | right | 05:30 |
cellofellow | Feisty, on the other hand... | 05:30 |
maxamillion | ;) | 05:30 |
somerville32 | Oh right right... people still use Edgy and Dapper, lol | 05:30 |
cellofellow | that's the life of a dev, I guess. | 05:30 |
cellofellow | using Alpha software is a way of life. | 05:31 |
maxamillion | alpha software i can tollerate, what scares me is alpha compilers ;) | 05:31 |
snook353 | can i just wget this http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/s/sun-java5/ ? | 05:33 |
cellofellow | haha | 05:33 |
snook353 | ok | 05:33 |
snook353 | ? | 05:33 |
cellofellow | yeah, but what's wrong with apt-get? | 05:33 |
snook353 | idk why it don't show up - i enabled the repos | 05:34 |
cellofellow | apt-get update | 05:34 |
snook353 | k | 05:34 |
maxamillion | aptitude ;) | 05:34 |
cellofellow | you have to download the package lists | 05:34 |
cellofellow | oh, yes | 05:34 |
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cellofellow | but apt-get is ok for update IMHO | 05:34 |
maxamillion | don't intertwine the use of package managers ... bad things can happen ;) | 05:35 |
maxamillion | atleast... they have to me in the past | 05:35 |
cellofellow | the apt-cache is the same, and apt-get update and aptitude update work just fine. | 05:35 |
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cellofellow | I mean they work the same. | 05:35 |
psykidellic | hi....i am trying to install xubuntu for the first time...i got this machine from my proff in school which was successfuly running debian before so I am sure that this machine works, but when I booth up and select to install (both VGA and non-VGA mode), the installation just stops after some time saying: 1 Analog Input Cannot display this video mode | 05:35 |
cellofellow | so, why bother? | 05:35 |
psykidellic | i have a 19 inch dell monitor.....what can be the problem? | 05:35 |
maxamillion | cellofellow: apt-cache != apt-get | 05:36 |
psykidellic | what can be the problem? | 05:36 |
cellofellow | I know, but apt-get update updates the apt-cache, and so does aptitude | 05:36 |
maxamillion | psykidellic: sounds like X is trying to display out of range ... could be because your graphics card supports some crazy hi resolution | 05:37 |
cellofellow | yeah, don't do super high refresh rates or resolutions | 05:37 |
psykidellic | max it supports 1280 X | 05:37 |
maxamillion | cellofellow: yeah, but aptitude does more checking and i'm not sure if you update apt-get if aptitude gets all the info its supposed to | 05:37 |
cellofellow | never run into any problems here, adam. | 05:37 |
psykidellic | maxamillion and cellofellow: how do i change it? | 05:38 |
maxamillion | psykidellic: right, but if you graphics card can push 1600x1200, then X probably runs at that ... | 05:38 |
psykidellic | it was by deafult | 05:38 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | The update is the same. It's just a list. | 05:38 |
maxamillion | cellofellow: fair enough | 05:38 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | It's during the install procedure that it does it's special dependency tracking. | 05:38 |
maxamillion | psykidellic: ctrl+alt+f1 ... does that give you a command line login? | 05:38 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | *its | 05:38 |
maxamillion | PuMpErNiCkLe: rgr | 05:38 |
psykidellic | hold on | 05:38 |
psykidellic | i will restart and check...the installation machine is right besie me | 05:38 |
cellofellow | psykidellic: sorry, we've like 3 conversations running. | 05:38 |
psykidellic | no problem | 05:39 |
psykidellic | i can figure it out | 05:39 |
psykidellic | there is an option | 05:39 |
psykidellic | during installation | 05:39 |
psykidellic | f4 that gives me VGA input | 05:40 |
psykidellic | which resolution should i select? | 05:40 |
cellofellow | like 1024x768 for now. | 05:40 |
snook353 | is this what i add to the apt list? | 05:40 |
snook353 | ttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/s/sun-java5/ | 05:40 |
cellofellow | snook353: no | 05:40 |
cellofellow | one sec... | 05:40 |
somerville32 | psykidellic, What version of Xubuntu are you running? | 05:40 |
snook353 | k | 05:40 |
psykidellic | teh latest | 05:40 |
psykidellic | downloaded yesterday | 05:40 |
somerville32 | There are two "latest" | 05:40 |
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psykidellic | 6.10 | 05:41 |
somerville32 | 6.06 and 6.10 | 05:41 |
somerville32 | Ah, ok. | 05:41 |
psykidellic | edgy eft | 05:41 |
cellofellow | snook353: have line like this: deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy-updates main restricted universe multiverse | 05:41 |
psykidellic | okie, the VGA input shows: 1024 X 768 X 16, 24, 32 | 05:41 |
cellofellow | without the updates bit | 05:41 |
psykidellic | what is the third number? | 05:41 |
cellofellow | wrong line, same idea | 05:41 |
psykidellic | and which one should i choose? | 05:42 |
cellofellow | psykidellic: the bit depth, how many bits per pixel for colors. | 05:42 |
cellofellow | psykidellic: 24 should be fine | 05:42 |
psykidellic | hmm..but ctrl+alt_f1 dosnt take me to command line installation | 05:43 |
snook353 | hmm, i already hav ethat one, cello | 05:43 |
cellofellow | with the multiverse in there? | 05:44 |
snook353 | yeah | 05:44 |
maxamillion | psykidellic: not installation .. login, but either way that's a bad thing | 05:44 |
cellofellow | psykidellic: perhaps try the alt CD. | 05:44 |
snook353 | Oh, n/m not that cello | 05:44 |
=== luckyone [n=jordan@CPE-75-87-69-197.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
luckyone | hello? | 05:45 |
psykidellic | hello | 05:45 |
maxamillion | hi | 05:45 |
luckyone | do you know how to debug issues with scanners? | 05:45 |
=== cellofellow must be crazy. He's dd imaging a hard drive over smbfs from a laptop to his computer. | ||
luckyone | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2033789#post2033789 | 05:45 |
luckyone | I am having trouble getting my CX5400 to be recognized by xsane | 05:46 |
luckyone | how do I downgrade xsane and xsane-common to dapper versions that worked perfectly? | 05:46 |
cellofellow | um, | 05:47 |
cellofellow | there has to be a way... | 05:47 |
cellofellow | never tried that. | 05:47 |
maxamillion | luckyone: no clue, but that doesn't seem entirely xubuntu specific so maybe someone in #ubuntu would be able to help :/ | 05:47 |
psykidellic | maxamillon: still giving the same analog input error | 05:47 |
luckyone | I think it is rather impossible to get any help in #ubuntu | 05:47 |
cellofellow | sometimes even I go to ##linux | 05:47 |
psykidellic | and when yo usaid alt CD | 05:48 |
luckyone | plus, they often like to speak of gnome utils I don't have... | 05:48 |
psykidellic | you meant alt and C and D? | 05:48 |
maxamillion | psykidellic: no ... alternate installation compact disc | 05:48 |
cellofellow | psykidellic: it's the alternate CD, with a the text-based Debian style installer. | 05:48 |
psykidellic | aaah | 05:48 |
psykidellic | shit.... | 05:49 |
psykidellic | i will have to download it | 05:49 |
maxamillion | psykidellic: www.xubuntu.org/get :) | 05:49 |
cellofellow | :( | 05:49 |
cellofellow | !language | 05:49 |
maxamillion | !language | psykidellic | 05:49 |
=== maxamillion slaps ubotu | ||
cellofellow | overloaded ubotu I think | 05:49 |
maxamillion | pay attention! | 05:49 |
snook353 | sleep! | 05:50 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 05:50 |
ubotu | psykidellic: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 05:50 |
cellofellow | so far 350MB of 18.5GB of hard drive copied over the ethernet | 05:50 |
maxamillion | cellofellow: slow and steady wins the race | 05:50 |
cellofellow | yeah | 05:50 |
cellofellow | this is my attempt at linux on that laptop I was talking about | 05:50 |
psykidellic | sorry! | 05:52 |
cellofellow | sory what? | 05:52 |
cellofellow | that was offtopic, And I moved it the offtopic channel. was talking with maxamillion | 05:52 |
somerville32 | cellofellow, Instead of recommending people edit their sources.list file by hand, please point them to Applications > System > Software Sources | 05:53 |
cellofellow | I've never used that tool. :( sorry. | 05:54 |
psykidellic | sorry for the language...as ubotu told me! | 05:54 |
cellofellow | ubotu is a bot | 05:54 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about is a bot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:54 |
cellofellow | haha | 05:54 |
psykidellic | hahahaha | 05:55 |
psykidellic | i didnt know that :0 | 05:55 |
psykidellic | first time in this room | 05:55 |
cellofellow | !bot | 05:55 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 05:55 |
maxamillion | !all-knowing | 05:55 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about all-knowing - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:55 |
cellofellow | all knowing, he says, but look at this: | 05:55 |
cellofellow | !anything | 05:55 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about anything - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:55 |
maxamillion | :) | 05:56 |
maxamillion | !abuse | 05:56 |
ubotu | The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 05:56 |
maxamillion | bah!... not what i thought i would get | 05:56 |
maxamillion | !bot abuse | 05:57 |
ubotu | Please don't play with the bots, or else... Also see !behaviour and !msgthebot | 05:57 |
maxamillion | :) | 05:57 |
maxamillion | !bot snack | 05:57 |
maxamillion | ? | 05:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about bot snack - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:57 |
psykidellic | maxmillion: i got into text mode...i was pressing the keys at wrong place :) while booting in text mode, its showing the error | 05:57 |
psykidellic | buffer i/o error on device hdc, logical block 1 | 05:57 |
cellofellow | hdc is a cd? or a hdd? | 05:58 |
maxamillion | psykidellic: bad install or bad hard drice | 05:58 |
maxamillion | drive* | 05:58 |
maxamillion | !botsnack | 05:58 |
ubotu | Yum! | 05:58 |
maxamillion | :) | 05:58 |
psykidellic | and then bam, it again went to analog inouyt problem | 05:58 |
maxamillion | <3 | 05:58 |
cellofellow | big problems | 05:58 |
psykidellic | so hdc is what??? cd or hdd? | 05:58 |
maxamillion | uber problems ... | 05:58 |
maxamillion | psykidellic: depends on your system | 05:58 |
psykidellic | hahahahaahhahahahahahahaha | 05:58 |
cellofellow | mines a DVD drive, yours could be a Zip drive. who knows. | 05:59 |
maxamillion | psykidellic: you might need to download the ultimate boot cd and run a DFT on that hard drive | 05:59 |
psykidellic | but the professor was using this machine without any problem...okie..i have kubuntu....i will try that but i dont think it will help.... | 05:59 |
maxamillion | nope | 05:59 |
psykidellic | i hv no clue about ultimate boot cd and DFT :) sorry, from WIndows BG and previous knowledge of only RH which used to work fine.... | 05:59 |
psykidellic | BG = background | 06:00 |
maxamillion | psykidellic: http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/ <--- ultimate boot cd, the _best_ hardware diagnostics tools bandwidth can aquire | 06:01 |
maxamillion | psykidellic: DFT == drive fitness test ... its an IBM tool offered on that cd | 06:01 |
psykidellic | aaah | 06:03 |
psykidellic | got it | 06:03 |
psykidellic | downloading.... | 06:03 |
maxamillion | :) | 06:05 |
psykidellic | actually i didnt start download | 06:06 |
psykidellic | i went to the page | 06:06 |
psykidellic | http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/download.html - strange....there is no link to the iso image file! | 06:06 |
maxamillion | close enough | 06:06 |
maxamillion | psykidellic: yeah, they generally host them in compressed formats, you have to decompress to get the .iso | 06:06 |
psykidellic | hmmm | 06:08 |
psykidellic | why is that? its just more pain in the A! | 06:08 |
maxamillion | psykidellic: costs them less in bandwidth ;) | 06:09 |
maxamillion | psykidellic: bandwidth is expensive ... :/ | 06:09 |
psykidellic | hmmmm | 06:11 |
lebowski | psykidellic, why is a compressed format a pain in the A .. they are quick to download ... save you your valuable time | 06:18 |
lebowski | I would prefer a compressed iso .. :) | 06:19 |
cellofellow | all you have to do is gunzip said file | 06:19 |
psykidellic | yeah, i guess you are right! | 06:20 |
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psykidellic | okie...ultimatecd installed | 06:43 |
cellofellow | and max went to sleep | 06:43 |
psykidellic | yeah saw that but i cant find drive fitness test anywhere..... | 06:45 |
cellofellow | I don't know, sorry, I never used Ultimate Boot CD. | 06:45 |
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aktee | hello everyone! | 07:20 |
aktee | just a quick question -- how can I remove Xubuntu's default application, without removing the package "Xubuntu-desktop" | 07:21 |
aktee | it seems like when I try to remove GXINE -- it always try to remove xubuntu-desktop with it | 07:21 |
psykidellic | how are you trying to remove it? | 07:22 |
aktee | and I know that if I remove xubuntu desktop, well, it aint gonna work no more, (i tried yesterday when I tried the same thing, but with ubuntu. It removed ubuntu-desktop and LOL!!) | 07:22 |
aktee | I tried by apt-get -remove, and I tried with synaptic | 07:22 |
aktee | maybe there's some kind of special command so that it removes just the gxine, not the whole deal? | 07:22 |
aktee | if this is not possible.. hmm.. | 07:23 |
aktee | how about, really defining the default application of a file extension -- not with Thunar, but universally defining the default application (i'm having some problem with Opera that's why) | 07:23 |
aktee | ? :(.. | 07:27 |
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Commander-Crowe | hi | 07:33 |
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grumpymole | aktee: with regards to your question about removing xubuntu-desktop: | 08:00 |
grumpymole | xubuntu-desktop is just a meta-package that tells what standard apps to install | 08:01 |
aktee | so.. it's safe to remove? | 08:01 |
grumpymole | removing it won't actually remove any of those apps. it sounds worse than it is. | 08:01 |
aktee | PHEW :| | 08:01 |
aktee | WOW last time I did it for ubuntu-desktop, It didn't boot anymore | 08:01 |
aktee | LOL | 08:01 |
grumpymole | it won't remove your actual desktop | 08:02 |
aktee | must have done something wrong | 08:02 |
aktee | cool thing ! | 08:02 |
aktee | yesss. | 08:02 |
aktee | I have another question.. hmm.. | 08:02 |
grumpymole | ask | 08:03 |
aktee | i know, using linux means that I should RTFM, but.. I'm not sure where to search this, in ubuntu, in xubuntu, in linux in general, in xfce, etc.. | 08:03 |
aktee | hmm, I must have misconfigured my keyboard at the installation | 08:03 |
aktee | because I ALT-CAR + 2 doesnt give me the "e-mail A" anymore | 08:03 |
aktee | but when i configure it for 104 standard keyboard, it works | 08:03 |
aktee | the thing is, I don't know how to put it default | 08:04 |
grumpymole | don't know offhand, but someone else here might | 08:04 |
grumpymole | so, you want to make 104 standard keyboard your default? | 08:05 |
aktee | yeah, wait, i think i found it | 08:05 |
aktee | it's probably concerning Xorg | 08:05 |
aktee | (sorry kinda new to this.) | 08:05 |
grumpymole | http://ubuntu.sabza.org/2006/10/13/xubuntu-easily-switch-keyboard-layout/ | 08:06 |
grumpymole | might be interesting | 08:06 |
aktee | yes, but that's for switching keyboard layout, while I only want 1. | 08:07 |
aktee | oh look | 08:07 |
aktee | http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=322374 | 08:07 |
aktee | :D | 08:07 |
grumpymole | ah, ok | 08:07 |
grumpymole | never had to change my keyboard layout before | 08:08 |
aktee | hmm.. | 08:08 |
aktee | hmm ... /etc/X11/xorg.conf that's supposed to show me something when I open it with Mousepad, right? | 08:09 |
grumpymole | sure | 08:09 |
aktee | oop, got it. I went too fast and typed Xorg.config hahahah my bad :) | 08:10 |
grumpymole | aktee: you can blame your keyboard ;) | 08:10 |
aktee | hmm.. doesn't work | 08:10 |
aktee | it's already 104.. and layout is already CA | 08:10 |
aktee | aw.. | 08:11 |
aktee | o well, thanks for the help :D | 08:12 |
grumpymole | aktee: what is the CAR in ALT_CAR + 2 | 08:12 |
aktee | the Commercial A | 08:12 |
aktee | hmm | 08:12 |
aktee | you know, before gmail.com | 08:13 |
grumpymole | ok | 08:13 |
aktee | like, aktee"a"gmail.com | 08:13 |
aktee | seems like my AltCar just doesnt work | 08:13 |
grumpymole | with you now | 08:13 |
aktee | can't do the wavy thing too. (dunno it's named) | 08:13 |
grumpymole | tilde | 08:13 |
aktee | exactly | 08:14 |
aktee | =) | 08:14 |
grumpymole | so you are pressing shift + 2 to get @? | 08:14 |
grumpymole | or ALT key? | 08:14 |
aktee | no, I can't do it at all lol | 08:14 |
aktee | it's supposed to be ctrl+alt+2 | 08:15 |
aktee | or Alt-CAR + 2 | 08:15 |
aktee | but now it's neither of them | 08:15 |
aktee | maybe it's because of Xgl | 08:15 |
aktee | trouble came after xgl and beryl | 08:15 |
aktee | those are two messy programs :) | 08:15 |
grumpymole | i thought it might be related to the fact that xubuntu automatically installs with the right-hand alt key disabled | 08:15 |
aktee | ? | 08:16 |
aktee | wow | 08:16 |
aktee | where? | 08:16 |
aktee | :| maybe it's that | 08:16 |
grumpymole | try the other alt key | 08:16 |
aktee | hmm it's assigned to a hotkey for XGL | 08:17 |
aktee | now that I think about it.. with the other ALT, it doesnt execute the hotkey | 08:17 |
aktee | ... hmm.. | 08:17 |
grumpymole | it can be fixed. just getting a link | 08:17 |
grumpymole | http://grumpymole.blogspot.com/2006/11/i-guess-i-should-have-little-more-faith.html | 08:18 |
grumpymole | i thought the key on my old laptop was dying. turned out it was this. | 08:18 |
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aktee | oh you got a blog! | 08:19 |
aktee | and a thinkpad! nice! | 08:19 |
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aktee | thinkpad, tough machine eh? | 08:19 |
grumpymole | hence no beryl or other glitzy stuff | 08:19 |
grumpymole | thinkpad is still rock solid | 08:19 |
aktee | yeah. I had the same model - 600e. that thing has a long life | 08:20 |
aktee | hey thanks for the links, damn, i gotta restart X but i can't right now, burning a dvd.. | 08:20 |
aktee | so i'll chat a little hahaha | 08:20 |
grumpymole | no probs. time to get some dinner. | 08:21 |
grumpymole | ciao | 08:21 |
aktee | ciao ! | 08:21 |
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KorN[CM] | is someone able to help me with samba, it's driving me crazy! | 09:43 |
kalikiana | what is the problem? | 09:44 |
KorN[CM] | um I cant get it to work ): | 09:46 |
KorN[CM] | im a linux noob (using webmin) | 09:46 |
KorN[CM] | I understand the basics | 09:46 |
KorN[CM] | however, Im not sure on this: | 09:46 |
KorN[CM] | my login account for ubuntu is : | 09:46 |
KorN[CM] | schilds | 09:46 |
KorN[CM] | do I need a different account for samba | 09:46 |
KorN[CM] | or can use that one? | 09:46 |
kalikiana | You mean the login you'd use to access your files form another machine? That has to be set seperately. | 09:47 |
KorN[CM] | ok is that a samba user? | 09:48 |
rexbinary | KorN[CM] : Have you been to Applications->System->Shared Folders ? | 09:51 |
kalikiana | yes. it doesn't seem to be in /etc/smb.conf... | 09:51 |
rexbinary | you can set it up pretty easy there | 09:51 |
KorN[CM] | ok first off Im running server install of ubuntu | 09:51 |
KorN[CM] | so therei s no application-system, etc etc. | 09:52 |
KorN[CM] | im using webmin | 09:52 |
KorN[CM] | however | 09:52 |
rexbinary | ah ok, thought it was xubuntu desktop | 09:52 |
KorN[CM] | ok | 09:52 |
KorN[CM] | so, I need a seperate user setup as a samba user, right? | 09:52 |
rexbinary | you don't have too, you just need a samba password for you username, do a smbpasswd -a username and then it will prompt for a password | 09:53 |
rexbinary | s/you/your | 09:53 |
kalikiana | that's the one i failed to remember :P | 09:54 |
KorN[CM] | ooh let's seen now :) | 09:55 |
KorN[CM] | ahah we're getting somewhere :) | 09:55 |
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Iphigenia | Hmmm..... | 10:41 |
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Iphigenia | bugger | 10:43 |
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grazie | What groups and privs are required to pick up atp-get updates? | 11:02 |
TheSheep | grazie: you need to be root | 11:02 |
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grazie | yes of course. that not my problem | 11:03 |
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grazie | one user can get updates, another cannot. Both have admin privs | 11:04 |
TheSheep | grazie: what's the message? | 11:04 |
grazie | no message, just doesn't see any new updates | 11:04 |
TheSheep | you mean that apt-get update has no effect? | 11:05 |
grazie | yes | 11:05 |
TheSheep | sudo apt-get update? | 11:05 |
grazie | yes | 11:05 |
TheSheep | well, apparently there were no updates ready | 11:06 |
TheSheep | because the moment you use sudo, the both commands are run from the same user -- root | 11:06 |
grazie | yes there are updates. one user see them, the other does not! | 11:07 |
TheSheep | grazie: when one user gets the updates, the other one cannot get them second time -- they are there already | 11:08 |
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grazie | TheSheep, no I have downloaded the updates yet. They are still there waiiting to be downloaded. | 11:09 |
grazie | s/have/haven't/ | 11:09 |
TheSheep | 'apt-get update' updates the package database | 11:11 |
grazie | user1 requests updates - nothing. user2 requests updates - 26 updates. Boith have admin privs! | 11:12 |
TheSheep | grazie: explain "requests updates" | 11:13 |
grazie | sudo apt-get updates | 11:13 |
TheSheep | the index could have been updated in the mean time | 11:14 |
TheSheep | grazie: when yuo use sudo, it's not "user one requests updates, user2 requests updates". It's "root requests updates, root requests updates". | 11:15 |
grazie | I understand that. Which is why I don't understand why the updates are not seen by both users. | 11:17 |
grazie | user2 has been trying to get updates for a while - nothing | 11:17 |
grazie | user1 logs in - updates are there! | 11:18 |
TheSheep | I'm as helpless as you are :) | 11:18 |
TheSheep | or more | 11:18 |
grazie | good - it's not just me then! | 11:19 |
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grazie | thanks for thinking about it | 11:19 |
grazie | TheSheep, I think there must be a bug in the Update Manager. Just logged in as user2 and updates are now available! | 11:24 |
grazie | TheSheep, I was actually using the Update Manager and not sudo apt-get updates | 11:25 |
kalikiana | How do I reference a variable in a Makefile, assuming I used name=`value`? | 11:25 |
TheSheep | $(name) | 11:27 |
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TheSheep | grazie: that's what I suspected, update manager probably works differently | 11:28 |
TheSheep | grazie: are you sure it was running at all in both cases? | 11:29 |
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grazie | TheSheep, Definitely yes | 11:30 |
kalikiana | TheSheep: that won't work inside a block it seems | 11:30 |
TheSheep | kalikiana: what block? | 11:30 |
kalikiana | block begins with: locale: i18n/*.po | 11:31 |
TheSheep | kalikiana: btw, there is no `foo` in makefile | 11:31 |
kalikiana | first line is: lang=`basename $< *.po` | 11:31 |
TheSheep | use $(shell ...) | 11:31 |
kalikiana | ? | 11:32 |
TheSheep | ?? | 11:32 |
kalikiana | what do you mean with $shell? | 11:33 |
TheSheep | I mean you should use it | 11:33 |
grazie | $(sh ...) | 11:33 |
TheSheep | it's $(shell command) not $shell | 11:33 |
TheSheep | kalikiana: eg. VER = $(shell date +"%d.%m.%y-%H.%M") | 11:34 |
TheSheep | and it's "basename $< .po", not *.po | 11:35 |
kalikiana | ok, variable seems to be okay. but "mkdir -p locale/$(lang)/LC_MESSAGES" still won't do | 11:36 |
kalikiana | i know about basename, just a typo :P | 11:36 |
kalikiana | (although it works even with *) | 11:37 |
TheSheep | kalikiana: I'd use $(strip ...) instead of `basename`, much faster | 11:38 |
TheSheep | kalikiana: there is also $(basename ...) | 11:39 |
kalikiana | oh, didn't know that | 11:39 |
TheSheep | info make | 11:39 |
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TheSheep | kalikiana: say, why don't you use dbus for invoking trackerd and thunar in catfish? | 11:42 |
TheSheep | kalikiana: and can I steal the thumbnail code? | 11:42 |
kalikiana | I wanted to have the choice between different backends, dbus is on ToDo for when I fixed some more important things | 11:43 |
kalikiana | steal the code, sure :) | 11:43 |
kalikiana | since I looked at your icon code anyway :P | 11:44 |
kalikiana | damn, how do i get that variable in my Makefile? | 11:44 |
TheSheep | kalikiana: ? | 11:45 |
kalikiana | mkdir -p locale/$lang/LC_MESSAGES | 11:46 |
kalikiana | it won't insert the variable lang there | 11:46 |
TheSheep | kalikiana: it's $(lang), and do you have that variable defined in the makefile? | 11:48 |
kalikiana | lang comes from lang=$(shell ...) | 11:49 |
kalikiana | but $(lang) doesn't work either | 11:49 |
TheSheep | kalikiana: works for me | 11:49 |
TheSheep | kalikiana: does 'echo $(lang)' work? | 11:50 |
kalikiana | no, echo prints a blank line | 11:51 |
TheSheep | kalikiana: maybe you don't set the variable correctly? | 11:51 |
kalikiana | you know how i set it, what may be incorrect about that? | 11:52 |
TheSheep | kalikiana: what's exactly the '...' in $(shell ...) ? | 11:52 |
kalikiana | lang=$(shell basename $<) | 11:52 |
TheSheep | what are you trying to do? | 11:53 |
TheSheep | this is nonsense | 11:53 |
kalikiana | pseudocode: for any file i18n/*.po do mkdir -p locale/$file-without-ext/LC_MESSAGES | 11:54 |
kalikiana | in other words: generating mo files | 11:55 |
TheSheep | %.po: | 11:57 |
TheSheep | <tab>install -d locale/$*/LC_MESSAGES | 11:58 |
TheSheep | no, wait | 12:00 |
TheSheep | ou want the .mo files? | 12:00 |
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TheSheep | gotta go | 12:01 |
kalikiana | thx anyway :P | 12:01 |
kalikiana | ciao | 12:01 |
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jenda | Hello | 12:17 |
jenda | folks around? :) | 12:17 |
jenda | I need feedback from the relevant part of the community... ;) | 12:17 |
jenda | http://diy.devubuntu.com/xubuntu.png | 12:17 |
jenda | and what about the color of the mouse? | 12:22 |
jenda | Someone's suggesting I make it lighter. | 12:22 |
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grazie | jenda, looks good to me. Where will it be used? | 01:04 |
jenda | grazie: at expos, available to anyone who wants them, too. | 01:05 |
jenda | $0.3 apiece ;) | 01:05 |
grazie | so the scale is as it would be used? | 01:06 |
jenda | nope :) | 01:07 |
jenda | case badges: 2*3 cm | 01:07 |
jenda | sorry about the scale - it's what the printer wants. | 01:07 |
jenda | (and I don't do proprietary vectors) | 01:07 |
grazie | the whiskers may be lost at that scale | 01:08 |
jenda | probable. | 01:09 |
jenda | Nothnig I can do about that, though :) | 01:09 |
grazie | nice though | 01:09 |
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TuxCrafter | hi guys: what those this tool do ? perl /usr/share/system-tools-backends-2.0/scripts/SystemToolsBackends.pl | 04:27 |
TuxCrafter | cat /usr/share/system-tools-backends-2.0/scripts/SystemToolsBackends.pl | 04:28 |
TuxCrafter | it is eating 10 MB of my memory | 04:28 |
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TuxCrafter | system-tools-backends is that a critical tool for xubuntu? | 04:37 |
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SiLOX | I cant start X after Ive installed latest Nvidia driver :/ i get "no screen found" and "no devices detected" | 05:27 |
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biberao | hey | 05:33 |
biberao | any solution for firefox crash? | 05:33 |
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Maximilian1st | Hi all. | 05:37 |
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Maximilian1st | What can I do if a kernel option is not by default compiled in the standard xubuntu kernel? Can I recompile it somehow? | 05:38 |
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TuxCrafter | hello | 06:21 |
TuxCrafter | can some one help testing something | 06:21 |
TuxCrafter | when I disable the icons on my desktop by not running xfdesktop (pkill xfdesktop) or via the settings menu | 06:22 |
TuxCrafter | then when I restart | 06:23 |
TuxCrafter | and start openoffice the gtk bindings are broken! | 06:23 |
TuxCrafter | someone here? :-P | 06:23 |
TuxCrafter | TheSheeo: ? :-P | 06:24 |
TuxCrafter | TheSheep: ? | 06:24 |
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TuxCrafter | ? | 06:35 |
TuxCrafter | when I disable the icons on my desktop by not running xfdesktop (pkill xfdesktop) or via the settings menu and then when I restart the pc. and start then my openoffice gtk bindings are broken! | 06:36 |
TuxCrafter | when I disable the icons on my desktop by not running xfdesktop (pkill xfdesktop) or via the settings menu and then when I restart the pc. and start then my openoffice gtk bindings are broken! If i then start xfdesktop and kill it again openoffice is fine. byt I have tho had loaded xfdesktop once :-S | 06:37 |
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esc_on_lucidrine | hi | 06:58 |
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Commander-Crowe | hey all | 07:09 |
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surgy | hello | 07:09 |
surgy | ubotwo nvidia | 07:10 |
ubotwo | surgy: Error: "nvidia" is not a valid command. | 07:10 |
LjL | !nvidia | 07:10 |
ubotwo | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 07:10 |
surgy | thank you | 07:11 |
surgy | how do i tell what linux image i have? im running xubuntu 32bit | 07:14 |
surgy | whould that fall under 2.6 K7 ? | 07:14 |
esc_on_lucidrine | dunno maybe cat /proc/version ? | 07:14 |
surgy | ok i got it | 07:15 |
surgy | whould a Nvidia Ti4200 be in the nvidia legacy category? | 07:16 |
esc_on_lucidrine | no idea | 07:17 |
surgy | "Cannont mark nvidia-glx could not resolve dependecys" | 07:19 |
surgy | im missing a repo arnt i? | 07:19 |
surgy | what repo is nvidia-glx in? | 07:20 |
LjL | surgy: restricted i suppose | 07:20 |
surgy | seams like i have my restricted repos on and it still tells me the same message | 07:22 |
surgy | i turned on my restricted modules as it says in the tutorial, and when i searched for nvidia, in synaptic package manager, it brings up "nvidia-glx" when i check it for installation, it says it has a dependency that cannot be resolved. | 07:27 |
esc_on_lucidrine | whats the dependancy? can you resolv it manually? | 07:28 |
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surgy | if i can resolve it manually i have no idea where to start, dependencys: nvidia-glx: | 07:29 |
surgy | Depends: nvidia-kernel-1.0.9629 | 07:29 |
surgy | Depends: libatk1.0-0 (>=1.12.1) but 1.11.4-0ubuntu1 is to be installed | 07:29 |
surgy | Depends: libc6 (>=2.4-1) but 2.3.6-0ubuntu20 is to be installed | 07:29 |
surgy | Depends: libglib2.0-0 (>=2.12.0) but 2.10.3-0ubuntu1 is to be installed | 07:29 |
surgy | Depends: libgtk2.0-0 (>=2.10.3) but 2.8.20-0ubuntu1 is to be installed | 07:29 |
surgy | Depends: libpango1.0-0 (>=1.14.5) but 1.12.3-0ubuntu3 is to be installed | 07:29 |
esc_on_lucidrine | dependancy issues are nasty | 07:29 |
esc_on_lucidrine | so you have older versions of those libraries listed | 07:30 |
surgy | umm? | 07:30 |
surgy | was that a question? | 07:30 |
esc_on_lucidrine | guess it was an observation | 07:30 |
surgy | ok | 07:30 |
surgy | becuase i dont know what i have to be honest | 07:31 |
esc_on_lucidrine | like libgtk2.0.0 version 2.12.0 is expected but 2.10.3 is to be installed | 07:31 |
surgy | yeah, but how do i give it what it expects? | 07:32 |
esc_on_lucidrine | not sure | 07:32 |
esc_on_lucidrine | you will have to give it a repo that contains the packegs it wants perhaps | 07:32 |
esc_on_lucidrine | maybe get synaptic to o an update | 07:32 |
surgy | well i added the nvidia repo to /etc/apt/sources.list and i enabled the restricted repos in synaptic | 07:33 |
esc_on_lucidrine | and what version of Xubuntu are you running? breezy, dapper, edgy? | 07:33 |
surgy | i whould guess edgy | 07:34 |
surgy | i downloaded it august 06 | 07:34 |
esc_on_lucidrine | ok, now make sure you are getting stuff from the edgy repos, by inspecting sources.list | 07:35 |
Commander-Crowe | no | 07:35 |
Commander-Crowe | dapper | 07:35 |
Commander-Crowe | he would have dapper | 07:35 |
esc_on_lucidrine | my guess would be to be able to use that package you may have to upgrade to edgy possibly, but check what the how-to lists as requirement | 07:36 |
surgy | is there any place where i can copy/paste a new sources.list that will contain all the repos i will need for awhile? | 07:36 |
esc_on_lucidrine | thats a bad idea | 07:37 |
surgy | esc: whats the benifit of upgrading to edgy? | 07:37 |
esc_on_lucidrine | you'll get your system out of sync | 07:37 |
Commander-Crowe | hehe | 07:37 |
Commander-Crowe | edgy isn't so buggie | 07:37 |
surgy | yeah ill look at a changelog :) | 07:37 |
esc_on_lucidrine | well, i guess the benefit may be to be able to use that package you want | 07:37 |
esc_on_lucidrine | you'll have more recent versions of software | 07:38 |
surgy | also a few questions: does edgy auto mount ntfs partitions by defualt? and will it do the same for external media such as my ipod? | 07:38 |
esc_on_lucidrine | dunno, i usually mount stuff manually | 07:38 |
Commander-Crowe | surgy, yes it will | 07:39 |
surgy | becuase i backed up all my emus and my movies to my secondary windows hdd and now i will need to access those | 07:39 |
surgy | kewl | 07:39 |
Commander-Crowe | you would need to find a special driver to write to it though | 07:39 |
surgy | ok time to find edgy | 07:40 |
esc_on_lucidrine | but then again this machine here is still on breezy :-) | 07:40 |
Commander-Crowe | you can read and exicute it though | 07:40 |
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surgy | commander-crowe: i plane on copy/paste the whole hdd to this one and then converting it to linux partition | 07:40 |
Commander-Crowe | then you cool | 07:41 |
Commander-Crowe | your | 07:41 |
Commander-Crowe | you may need to install some packages from synaptic but thats really easy | 07:41 |
surgy | so edgy is the latest huh? | 07:41 |
esc_on_lucidrine | just make sure your copy has been successful, before you go deleting stuff | 07:41 |
Commander-Crowe | latest stable | 07:42 |
Commander-Crowe | right now I'm in 7.04 | 07:42 |
surgy | i think im going kde this time though | 07:42 |
surgy | looks like fiesty heard is the latest there | 07:42 |
surgy | feisty fawn* | 07:43 |
esc_on_lucidrine | kde -> yuck | 07:43 |
esc_on_lucidrine | INMHO | 07:43 |
surgy | lol | 07:43 |
esc_on_lucidrine | but thats just personal preference :-) | 07:43 |
surgy | its all deb though right? | 07:44 |
surgy | so commands will be the same | 07:44 |
esc_on_lucidrine | and i don't need a shiny gui, but a low-footprint | 07:44 |
esc_on_lucidrine | well | 07:44 |
surgy | i like the shiny gui :) | 07:44 |
esc_on_lucidrine | hmmm, yes i used to myself, until i decided that since i'm doing everything from the command line anyway, all i really need is an xTerm, and a desktop pager | 07:45 |
esc_on_lucidrine | first KDE, then Gnome, then XFCE, now fluxbox | 07:45 |
surgy | i plan on getting everything set up through the term and then forgetting about xterm until something breaks :) | 07:46 |
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esc_on_lucidrine | as i said personal preference | 07:46 |
esc_on_lucidrine | just the thing is, i work on several different machines at home and at work, and so i like having a similar way of doing stuff wherever i go | 07:47 |
surgy | yea that whould be nice | 07:47 |
esc_on_lucidrine | and the commands don't really vary across distros | 07:47 |
esc_on_lucidrine | well, apart from package management | 07:47 |
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esc_on_lucidrine | stuff like gnu-utils is the same wherever you go, | 07:48 |
surgy | first time i have ever gotten over 300 kbps (im on a bottom end dsl conenction) but right now im getting 398 kbps | 07:48 |
esc_on_lucidrine | what are you donwloading? | 07:48 |
esc_on_lucidrine | edgy? | 07:48 |
slow-motion | hallo | 07:48 |
surgy | yeah edgy kde | 07:48 |
esc_on_lucidrine | you can just upgrade... | 07:48 |
surgy | gut morgan | 07:48 |
surgy | nah | 07:48 |
surgy | fresh install | 07:48 |
esc_on_lucidrine | !upgrade | 07:48 |
ubotwo | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 07:48 |
kalikiana | Is there a panel plugin or something which checks for package updates available? | 07:49 |
esc_on_lucidrine | if you have nothing to lose reinstall is a good option, in my experiance i've often foobared stuff with a dist-upgrade | 07:49 |
esc_on_lucidrine | though if you've spent hours configuring your system dist-upgrade may be the way | 07:51 |
esc_on_lucidrine | but thats just based on personal experiance | 07:51 |
esc_on_lucidrine | at the moment my home network is a mess anyway, cause i'm too busy spending time at work | 07:52 |
esc_on_lucidrine | surgy, let me know if edgy fixes your problems | 07:52 |
surgy | yeah ill be right here untill it downloads | 07:53 |
surgy | but its prolly inapropriate to stay here after the install because its kde and not xfce | 07:53 |
surgy | esc: i have nothing to loose except what ive messed up :) | 07:54 |
esc_on_lucidrine | well, i guess its doubtful to get KDE related advice in this chan :-) | 07:54 |
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surgy | off topic here but any of you guys wolfenstein fans? | 07:57 |
surgy | just wandering how my vid card will hold up to opengl on enemy teritory, it is a ti4200 world known for horrible ogl2.0 | 07:58 |
esc_on_lucidrine | no idea, never game :-( just own shoddy g-cards | 07:59 |
surgy | lol | 07:59 |
surgy | well pcsx runs good on gforce 2 :) just a hint | 08:00 |
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surgy | renders the entire psx in software fast and looks decent | 08:00 |
esc_on_lucidrine | i don't really have the time to game, fortunately :-) | 08:01 |
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surgy | lol | 08:01 |
surgy | yeah i could prolly do with less games, loos a few pounds and kick a few habbits, but it seams like y entire state is gripped in this blizzard, roads are 5 inches deep in ice almost everywhere, public schools have been closed for over a week | 08:03 |
surgy | my* | 08:03 |
esc_on_lucidrine | heavy | 08:03 |
esc_on_lucidrine | whereabouts are you from? | 08:03 |
surgy | oklahoma | 08:03 |
surgy | you? | 08:03 |
esc_on_lucidrine | germany | 08:03 |
surgy | nice | 08:04 |
esc_on_lucidrine | we had the warmest winter since they started recording weather | 08:04 |
surgy | dont guess your catching any of the aftermath of el nino there are you :) | 08:04 |
esc_on_lucidrine | yeah schools were shut early yesterday | 08:04 |
surgy | becuase its warm? | 08:04 |
esc_on_lucidrine | heavy storm, tore down trees | 08:04 |
esc_on_lucidrine | and other stuff | 08:04 |
surgy | oh | 08:05 |
surgy | that sucks | 08:05 |
esc_on_lucidrine | i was gonna take my kite out, but i bust it during the last one :-) | 08:05 |
surgy | i like kites too, havnt had a chance to fly one since i was a kid | 08:05 |
esc_on_lucidrine | found the word, we had a hurricane | 08:06 |
surgy | oh lol | 08:06 |
surgy | we dont get those here | 08:06 |
esc_on_lucidrine | but blizzards instead | 08:06 |
esc_on_lucidrine | :-) | 08:06 |
surgy | only three natural disasters here are blizzards, droughts and tornadoes | 08:06 |
esc_on_lucidrine | yeah i own a revolution - shockwave... and i crashed it a bit to heavy last weekend, so the leading edge just snapped | 08:07 |
surgy | im sure our snow storms are nothing compared to germanys | 08:07 |
surgy | sucks | 08:07 |
esc_on_lucidrine | prolly not, we don't usually have many natural disasters here | 08:07 |
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surgy | i figures since your so much further north it whould be like 20-30 degrees cooler year round | 08:08 |
esc_on_lucidrine | maybe a few floods in the rivers and the occasional hurricane, but flooded rivers are probably the worst | 08:08 |
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surgy | this is the worst winter sense 92 in oklahoma | 08:09 |
esc_on_lucidrine | actually temperatures have become surprisingly mild over the last few years | 08:09 |
surgy | and its 27 degrees F outside | 08:09 |
esc_on_lucidrine | what that in celsius? | 08:09 |
esc_on_lucidrine | i don't know farenheit | 08:09 |
surgy | umm let me look it up :) | 08:09 |
surgy | 27 f is -2.77777777777777777777777777777777777777 C | 08:10 |
esc_on_lucidrine | google es | 08:10 |
esc_on_lucidrine | thats not cold at all | 08:10 |
surgy | lol thats what i thought :) | 08:11 |
surgy | your winters are alot worse | 08:11 |
esc_on_lucidrine | well, nothing is ever covered in snow for too long | 08:11 |
esc_on_lucidrine | and the schools very rarely shut, maybe once every 3 years for a cpl of days | 08:11 |
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esc_on_lucidrine | amazing, a blizzard in oklahoma | 08:12 |
surgy | lol | 08:12 |
surgy | yeah like i said first one sense 92 | 08:12 |
esc_on_lucidrine | btw. you do realise you can sell your snow on ebay | 08:12 |
surgy | so you can imagine that our cities werent ready for it, we had to contract snow plows and dip into our emergency funds | 08:12 |
surgy | really? | 08:13 |
esc_on_lucidrine | i saw a TV show bout it the other day | 08:13 |
esc_on_lucidrine | its for real | 08:13 |
esc_on_lucidrine | sell it to places that haven't got any | 08:13 |
surgy | lol | 08:14 |
surgy | so by warmest winter on record how warm is that? | 08:14 |
surgy | like 33 C ? | 08:14 |
esc_on_lucidrine | bout 10 deg C | 08:15 |
esc_on_lucidrine | on average | 08:15 |
esc_on_lucidrine | average temp usually is 1.5 deg C | 08:16 |
esc_on_lucidrine | close to freezing | 08:17 |
surgy | 10 C is 50 F and our winters are usually around that | 08:17 |
surgy | our summers are usually 100 F thats 37.77 C | 08:18 |
esc_on_lucidrine | so pretty mild and temperate here | 08:18 |
esc_on_lucidrine | thats HOT | 08:18 |
surgy | nah | 08:18 |
esc_on_lucidrine | well for me it would be anyway | 08:18 |
surgy | every other summer it gets around 104 F 40 C | 08:18 |
surgy | good swimming, lake weather | 08:19 |
esc_on_lucidrine | yeah, bigtime | 08:19 |
surgy | whats the hottest temp there? do you know? and what part of germany (thats a big place) | 08:19 |
esc_on_lucidrine | mars attacks, i'm off to watch telly, nice to meet you surgy | 08:19 |
surgy | you too | 08:20 |
surgy | seeya | 08:20 |
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Ma | HI | 08:37 |
Ma | My sound volume is too low, it's barely heareable. Does anyone know what I should do? | 08:39 |
Ma | please? | 08:40 |
waky | alsamixer on console? | 08:40 |
Ma | ? | 08:41 |
kalikiana | Ma: there is a panel plugin for volume | 08:42 |
Ma | where? | 08:42 |
kalikiana | right-click the panel and select 'add item' | 08:42 |
kalikiana | it's called volume or similar | 08:43 |
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Ma | ok, thanks, that helped | 08:50 |
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AmaranthineNight | Hello. | 08:52 |
somerville32 | Hi :) | 08:54 |
AmaranthineNight | How are you? | 08:56 |
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fxr | hi, does default xubuntu install have a built in ftp client or do i have to install one seperately? | 08:58 |
somerville32 | AmaranthineNight, I'm great, thanks :) | 09:00 |
somerville32 | fxr: You might have to install a graphical one | 09:00 |
somerville32 | There is a text-based one installed already | 09:01 |
kalikiana | fxr: if so, then look in the menu 'network' ;) | 09:01 |
kalikiana | if not, gFTP might be good | 09:01 |
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fxr | ahh right, yeah, i prefer a gui, thanks for the nudge ppl | 09:02 |
mesarpe | hi, i installed xubuntu for powerpc and I got a problem.. the user created during instalation doesnt exist... so I created manually.. My problem is I dont know how to use configuration I always get: you dont have permissions (even when I put root password) | 09:04 |
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slow-motion | n8 | 09:29 |
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enaut | but now again will i be able to have a trial boot system (Linux32|Linux64|Windows) with the Homepartition shared? | 10:33 |
enaut | is here anyone who tried already a configuration like that? | 10:33 |
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g333k_work | hi, how to upgrade from xubuntu 6.06 to 6.10 safetely? | 11:12 |
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somerville32 | g333k_work, see: http://xubuntu.org/get :) | 11:19 |
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`r0x` | hi | 11:24 |
somerville32 | Hiya! :) | 11:24 |
enaut | hi | 11:28 |
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snook353 | !java | 11:34 |
ubotwo | To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository | 11:34 |
snook353 | !multiverse repository | 11:34 |
ubotwo | Sorry, I know nothing about that - try http://help.ubuntu.com/community/ | 11:34 |
snook353 | !Multiverse repository | 11:34 |
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psykidellic | hello...i am installing xubuntu and it just gets stuck at 85% everytime.... | 11:36 |
psykidellic | what might be the issue? I am using alternate install cd and installing in text mode... | 11:37 |
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snook353 | the terminal says "The following packages have been kept back: | 12:08 |
snook353 | linux-image-386 linux-restricted-modules-386" | 12:08 |
snook353 | should i upgrade with xubuntu? | 12:08 |
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hyper_ch | psykidellic: are you still here? | 12:16 |
snook353 | n/m | 12:18 |
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swhalen | Hello | 12:25 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | yo | 12:25 |
swhalen | i just installed xubuntu on a Friend's old laptop | 12:26 |
swhalen | only problem is that it was sans-Ethernet | 12:26 |
swhalen | so i thew in a linksys WPC54GS | 12:27 |
swhalen | does anyone know how to install/cofig it | 12:27 |
swhalen | ? | 12:27 |
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