
tonyyarusso"!factoid | someone", "!factoid | otherperson" should "someone: blahblah", "otherperson: see above"12:27
tonyyarussoAny of you folks made yourself Ubuntu business cards?  I need to figure out how to do templates in OOo...(haven't done this since my Windows days)12:34
PriceChildtonyyarusso, jenda was talking about the possiblity of printing them properly12:35
PriceChildtonyyarusso, could work out pretty cheap but well done12:35
LjLtonyyarusso: would that help at all? it'd still be one wasted line, just like it is now. shorter, maybe, but what is annoying to people and clients is the fact that there *is* a message, more than its actual length12:35
tonyyarussoLjL: Well, depends on the factoid.  For the 7-line factoids it would.  Otherwise, probably not necessary.12:36
tonyyarussoPriceChild: Well, I already have a bag of cardstock that I'm looking to use up.12:37
LjLtonyyarusso: well, i'm seeing this from a GUI-based client perspective, where length of lines doesn't really matter much, but scrolling does, given QtTextBrowser's sluggishness12:37
LjLanyway i'll file a bug12:37
PriceChildtonyyarusso, fair enough :)12:37
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LjLtonyyarusso: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots/+bug/8067112:46
UbugtuMalone bug 80671 in ubuntu-bots "Ubotu's repeat protection may need improvements" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  12:46
tonyyarussoLjL: looks good12:47
Hobbsee_how are we doing?12:48
tonyyarussoHobbsee: Depends who you ask I think12:50
Hobbseetonyyarusso: oh?12:50
tonyyarussoHobbsee: There was some interesting stuff earlier, although I wasn't around either.  See the message on the ML, and then this channel after that.12:51
LjLlots of mess...ages12:51
Hobbseetonyyarusso: i saw the ML stuff - the message from Mez 12:51
LjLyeah there was some heat around that12:51
LjLapparently resulting in Hawkwind resigning from his op position among other things12:52
Hobbseeoh lovely.  why?12:52
=== Hobbsee keepsreading
=== gnomefreak doing fine. hint dont let things like that get to you. all it does is get consume you
tonyyarussognomefreak: good to hear12:52
gnomefreakHobbsee: because he didnt agree with the way it was handled (short version)12:52
ompaulgnomefreak, that statement qualifies a lot of things12:53
gnomefreakompaul: i know12:54
gnomefreakompaul: he was very general on why he was resigning. something like i dont agree the way ops does things12:56
gnomefreakthe *12:56
gnomefreaki really screwed that one up12:56
ompaul*I can read anyway*12:56
Hobbseethere's one thing, and i say this without having read all the logs, that bothers me about somerville32 and hawkwind - it's that they want to change things, yet they havent had to deal with users like malt last night, or spam wars, or whatever.  now, maybe it's my timezone, and i just dont see it, but i dont think it's fair to say that the current thing is screwed up beyond believe, and to judge us by the way we responded, until they go through12:57
Hobbseeit themselves.12:57
=== mc44 was worried ompaul would struggle with reading at his age :p
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=== ompaul looks at mc44
=== ompaul shakes his head
LjLHobbsee: well, Hawkwind did say there was more than just that that got on his nerves, however he wasn't inclined to explain it all, he sounded more like he was just fed up12:58
Hobbseei've yet to see hawkwind deal with people in #ubuntu or #ubuntu-offtopic.  it's *not* the same thing as banning in a small channel.  if this kind of thing went on in a small channel, it would be cause for concern.12:59
gnomefreakHobbsee: i think somerville32 was more agaisnt the sending the user to an auto kline channel (atleast was well known for that)12:59
Hobbseebut with the kind of people we're dealing with....and the anon. proxies, etc....12:59
LjLHobbsee: at any rate, one thing we've been discussing - and i mention it because i myself agree it shouldn't have been done - is the sending of malt to a channel that would cause him a k-line (or maybe not, but that was the intention anyway). you saw that yourself, and laughed about it IIRC from the log...12:59
Hobbseegnomefreak: we had no staffers.  but yeah :P12:59
=== gnomefreak thinks less people needed to be involved but not my call
LjLnow really, IMHO this is not likely to be a good thing to do is it12:59
HobbseeLjL: probably not.  but i can see why Mez did it01:00
gnomefreaki saw the ban itself a ban as anyother ban that we may come across daily and if all bans are gonna be overlooked by other ops than the -ops team will fail to do its job correctly01:00
gnomefreaklooked over01:01
gnomefreakdamn its bad today01:01
tonyyarussoI can understand why someone might do it, but I can't condone it.  I think we can probably (at least mostly) agree that the auto-kline channel redirect was not the best idea.  Which would be good, b/c then we could focus on the rest of it, if needed.01:01
HobbseeLjL: in truth, what *i* laughed at was that he fell for it - with such a knowledge of irc, and proxies, and ban evading, and everything else, he fell for the most known auto-kline channel.01:01
PriceChildHobbsee, it isn't actually an auto k-line channel01:01
LjLHobbsee: i can, too, but i'm rather pressed to make sure Mez and you and anybody else involved understand it wasn't too good an idea. other people here were even inclined to take action against Mez because of that... now, tricking somebody (who deserves it) into something as trivial as k-lining themselves, while fun, isn't really worth all the fuss that it'll create - and it has01:01
gnomefreakPriceChild: used to be01:02
PriceChildgnomefreak, yeah01:02
tonyyarussoPriceChild: Did you check?  What is it these days?01:02
PriceChildtonyyarusso, jenda doesn't know01:02
gnomefreaktonyyarusso: invite only01:02
HobbseeLjL: of course.  but after ~30 mins of him trying...01:02
PriceChildtonyyarusso, I tried to get in over proxy and its invite only01:02
PriceChildtonyyarusso, but its not officially registered or anything01:02
tonyyarussoPriceChild: k01:02
=== gnomefreak hasnt tried and dont plan on it
ompaulif I may make a comment - this reads just like the situation when I packed up my bags01:02
gnomefreakompaul: yep only thing is everything is public now :(01:03
LjLompaul: except i think, though of course i'm not you, that you would be more inclined to disagree with Hawkwind this time01:03
ompaulLjL, I tend to take the ops side who did the ban01:03
tonyyarussoompaul: It does look similar...which is upsetting.  Although, somewhat different also.01:03
Hobbsee07:31 <+Hawkwind> Sorry, he was also kicked by Hobbsee for admitting he knew he01:03
Hobbsee                  was speaking to a lady01:03
Hobbseeer, what?01:03
LjLgnomefreak: well we'll have time to see if that turns out to be a very big deal01:03
gnomefreakit was a simple ban why it got this out of hand needs to be addressed01:04
Hobbseehe was kicked because he was being damned annoying, and highly offensive.01:04
HobbseeLjL: no, that was a different loser01:04
tonyyarussoompaul: Any insight to add, given that?01:04
LjLHobbsee, no use arguing against people who aren't even here01:04
LjLHobbsee: yeah, i found that out from my logs01:04
Hobbseei know...i'm just surprised...01:04
ompaultonyyarusso, yes, however to do this I would like the floor, and point out this is an opinion, based on being in irc for some 13 or 14 years at this stage01:05
LjLthe floor?01:05
tonyyarussoompaul: Fine by me.01:05
somerville32Hobbsee, I think Hawkwind was just showing a lot of frustration - not just over this event.01:06
mc44LjL: ie shut up :)01:06
LjLah right, alright01:06
ompaulLjL, to make my point and not be asked about it during it :)01:06
Hobbseesomerville32: quite likely.  however his frustration was misplaced - ie, didnt really say what was wrong01:06
gnomefreakonce people accept responsiblity for thier actions than the appealing will go down and the ops argueing with ops will go down (everything that apokry.. and Hobbsee  did was just and the best way to handle it) the extras that came out maybe could have been thought about more before saying them01:06
LjLsure ompaul, i just didn't know the expression :)01:06
Hobbseeand who bans for 24hrs for pasting, btw?01:06
Hobbseei thought the bans were lifted a few mins after...01:06
ompaulHobbsee, me if the person does it a second or third time01:06
gnomefreakHobbsee: only repeat offenders01:06
somerville32Hobbsee, We've seen it.01:07
LjLHobbsee: me, if you do it twice after i've told you01:07
Hobbseeompaul: ah right.  that makes sense then01:07
somerville32Hobbsee, I don't think anyone disagrees that he should have been banned, etc. etc.01:07
somerville32I think people were upset with how it was handled and certain things people said and did01:07
ompaulso here you go, if someone else bans, I strongly suggest that other ops should leave any query on it for a while 01:08
ompaulthat could be up to an hour after 01:08
Hobbseesomerville32: quite likely.  but until the first group of people actually handle a couple of these things, with repeat offenders and proxies - are you really licenced to comment?01:08
ompaulthere is good reasoning behind this and it should be done privately01:08
Hobbseeparticularly because you're usually getting abuse from the user as well01:08
ompaulif you go to someone while they are angry they will be defensive and then feel under threat 01:09
=== gnomefreak cheers Hobbsee and apokryphos for the way they *did* handle it :) brb smoke
PuMpErNiCkLeThey got some ass to kline himself?  They've got skills.01:09
Hobbseeompaul: exactly01:10
ompauland that is what happened with me - I walked because I felt that I had just had a ban evader - who then went on to pick a fight with someone else ... 01:10
HobbseePuMpErNiCkLe: ah, yeah...01:10
tonyyarussoompaul: would it be a good idea to, for instance, /msg ompaul Hey - not sure I agree with that last ban; would appreciate discussion in 60 minutes if that's all right. ?01:10
somerville32Hobbsee, Yes,  I do feel I am. Does one need to participate in a war to have an opinion on wars?01:10
ompauland I was really annoyed that I had to fight on two fronts as I saw it01:10
LjLpss can we let ompaul speak for a moment please?01:11
ompaulso then I read the logs of it the next day I blew up 01:11
tonyyarussoRight, shoot.  /me shuts up.01:11
ompaulthis was at that time a private channel and that was like a third front - i.e. exhausted 01:11
ompaulso I said the most logical thing I could 01:12
ompaulI am out of here01:12
ompaul-- now I made a point of saying I would go to a meeting01:12
Hobbseesomerville32: to understand the stress, and it coming at you from all corners about this guy - yes, you really do.  it's not like they've gone away for a while, and come back later - they're constantly at you.01:12
ompaulmy understanding was it was here01:12
ompaulit moved ... to a logged channel 01:12
ompaulI was not willing to come out with that stuff in such a meeting 01:12
ompaulbut hey you open it up to the world I know it is logged now01:13
Hobbseesomerville32: the more they badger, becoming more and more offensive and profane as they go on, is just going to make you want to get rid of them.  when done for long enough, any way to get rid of them effectively will do.01:13
somerville32Hobbsee, And thats when you ask another op to step in. We must always maintain a level of professionalism and emotional detachment. I've been in situation where I've gotten personally upset and thats ok. 01:13
somerville32Hobbsee, I don't think anyone disagrees with the ban.01:13
ompaulso the side arguement goes on - and the parties have logs they can read this 01:14
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Hobbseehey jenda 01:14
ompaultonyyarusso, the comment you gave there works01:14
somerville32Hobbsee, We see what the guy did - we saw him being purposely malicious, crude, and vulgar. 01:14
ompaul<tonyyarusso> ompaul: would it be a good idea to, for instance, /msg ompaul Hey - not sure I agree with that last ban; would appreciate discussion in 60 minutes if that's all right. ?01:14
tonyyarussoompaul: Cool. *notes*01:14
ompaultonyyarusso, and that would have been less devisive 01:14
ompaulif that is the right spelling01:15
somerville32Hobbsee, The issue was the other stuff. Way too many people get involved and emotional involved.01:15
ompaulbut I had had enough01:15
somerville32Hobbsee, The whole thing with Mez attempting to exploit his system and trying to trick him into visiting a channel which Mez believed to be an auto-kline channel was absolutely and completely wrong.01:15
Hobbseesomerville32: you'd have to speak to Mez about that.  also remember that if a staffer with kline powers had been around, the guy whould have also been klined.01:16
LjLompaul: may i?01:16
somerville32Hobbsee, Furthermore, contacting the ISP... way out of line.01:16
ompaultonyyarusso, the volunteer got to the point - where they said I can waste my time better01:17
ompaulLjL, yeap I am done01:17
tonyyarussoompaul: Makes sense.01:17
Hobbseethat was kinda separate - discovering that he was abusing his contract with the ISP, and reporting it.01:17
Hobbseei mean, maybe it wasnt their place - but it's alos for the good of everyone else who uses that isp01:17
tonyyarussoWhen you say it "wasn't their place", how do you define that?01:18
=== somerville32 is on the phone.
Hobbseeas in, wasnt the guy's place to contact the ISP abotu the guy's abuse of his ISP01:18
Hobbseeand disobeying the terms of use in flaming, and running an IRC client.01:19
tonyyarussoIsn't it?  How else would they know?01:19
Hobbseewell, exactly.  hence the maybe01:19
LjLompaul: i think it's worth noting that you say, on one hand, that the banner shouldn't be questioned right away, *and* on the other hand, that they should be questioned *later* (an hour, or whatever), if one disagrees with the ban. i think both points are important -- i think in the past, we've just tended to *never* question other ops' actions, or question them with third parties at a much later stage. but this has built up silent conflict01:19
LjLthat exploded after a while, i believe. on the other hand, questioning everything right when it happens, as you say, is counter-productive too, as people are already upset and get even more so01:19
tonyyarussoI'm not inclined to report someone for running services, since their may or may not be Apache in the vicinity, but abuse, yes.01:20
Hobbseetonyyarusso: i thought nmap told you what the service was? 01:20
tonyyarussoHobbsee: When I say may or may not, add a wink.01:20
ompaulHobbsee, I can tell nmap strange things }:-> and I often do01:20
ompaulLjL, accurate take 01:21
Hobbseegnomefreak: in my logs, he said he'd be ban evading.01:21
Hobbseeby proxy01:21
Hobbsee(in query, which i pasted in here)01:21
ompaulHobbsee, you know you are right, we know you are right, anyone want to disagree01:22
Hobbseeat that point, you effectively lose all kindness, and the ops will fight you until you go away.01:22
LjLompaul: another thought that's in my mind is that this "always give the possibility of a fair appeal" concept is excessive, and a waste of energies... really, sometimes IMHO people just don't deserve an appeal, and making a comedy here in #ubuntu-ops is a complete farce. that's my take, do you think i'm mistaken or missing something?01:22
Hobbseei'm not sure that's wrong...01:22
HobbseeLjL: i think it's useful sometimes...01:22
LjLHobbsee: sometimes, sure01:22
HobbseeLjL: but there's no reason to leave a guy that isnt going to change, etc01:22
ompaulLjL, I concur that not everyone needs an appeal01:23
ompaulI can prove that 01:23
LjLHobbsee: yes but it was made a point, before, that you ("you" as you personally and the other ops involved) didn't give this malt enough possibility of an appeal. judging from what i hear he did... that's ridiculous to me01:23
Hobbseehow much abuse were you suggesting that he could do?01:24
tonyyarussoLjL: I was one of the people who was pushing for always having a chance to be reviewed.  My intent was for being able to get a second op to look at it, not to have the same op have to waste more time on you.  Additionally, while I think that, the _moment_ they do something offensive on their review time, I have no problem closing it totally then.01:24
Hobbseehe was abusing mez, abusing myself, abusing this channel....hwo long do you think that should have gone on for?01:24
LjLHobbsee: myself? honestly? i think he'd deserve a laugh in his face and an immediate ban from here. but the point ain't my guts feelings01:24
tonyyarussoI meant it not so much as an appeal as a review, as a check on our own ops.  If there were already more than one op present for the ban, it would no longer be necessary from my line of reasoning.01:25
ompaulsorry - minor interjection as I have not followed this arguement -                             it appears from what you said that for this person I would have sought a kline  - so if they klined themselves so be it01:26
LjLompaul: i think i can give some convincing evidence too, but then *prove* it, perhaps not. if this were a court of law, the concept of always having the possibility of an appeal would surely be most important. however, *to me*, this place shouldn't work like a court of law - but i suppose other people see that as a fit model01:26
HobbseeLjL: surely people get sent out of the court of law if they're abusing the judges during their trial?01:26
LjLi guess they do01:26
Hobbseesurely the court doesnt just let them stay there, only abusing?01:26
ompaulHobbsee, they do 01:26
ompaulHobbsee, they get contempt of court01:26
HobbseeLjL: i think you're correct - as long as the person is actually being sane, and not abusive.01:27
ompaulbye bye for whatever usually 7 days or some such 01:27
LjLHobbsee: but right now i'm thinking, in general, of whether *having* an appeal procss is *always* worth having for *all* offenders. i'm not thinking specifically of malt's case01:27
LjLand i haven't fully read the logs, either01:27
tonyyarussoWhat do we mean by appeal?  I think that's a question that needs to be addressed.01:27
LjLsee you ompaul01:27
tonyyarussoWe often have users who think it means "hey, if I go whine a bit, maybe they'll let me off easy"01:28
ompaulLjL, no, that is what the court says :)01:28
Hobbseegnomefreak: your cloak saves you from the kline, BTW01:28
Hobbseegnomefreak: you just reconnect01:28
LjLtonyyarusso, right now i think it just means roughly "the person comes here, moans a bit, we talk, and in the end will still take the decision to the op who did the ban, who'll most likely just deny unbanning"01:28
tonyyarusso_I_ want it to be, "I think that may have been unfair/misunderstood.  Could I get a second opinion?"01:28
LjLompaul: ah. whops :) indeed i was thinking that your current visits seemed to be quite more frequent than weekly =)01:29
ompaultonyyarusso, I don't think that is fair to the person who was given the trust in the first place to be an op01:29
tonyyarussoLjL: In action anyway, but perception might need some work.01:29
tonyyarussoompaul: I can see that.01:29
ompaultonyyarusso, and it qualifies for a challenge to them01:29
tonyyarussoompaul: Truthfully, it stemmed largely from wanting my own work reviewed :P01:29
ompaultonyyarusso, so ask me or nalioth or someone else to look at it01:30
tonyyarussoIf done well (ie, some miracle occurs.....), it could also lead users to a better understanding of what they need to change.01:30
tonyyarussoompaul: That works too.01:30
Hobbseesomerville32: you're free to take it ot the CC you know.  but most of the ops will step down, i suspect.01:30
Hobbseeand the rule of "dont criticise people unless you've walked a mile in their shoes" definetly applies.01:31
ompaultonyyarusso, putting "IT UP TO" someone who just had to do the irc equivalent of take a baseball out to a random stranger and my not be feeling great after doing it01:31
LjLi wouldn't walk a centimeter in your shoes :P01:31
ompaulis as I have already said ..  very much an insult to them01:32
tonyyarussoompaul: Hmm, point.01:32
ompaulHobbsee, where is that from?01:32
tonyyarussoI have a thought:01:32
Hobbseeompaul: that somerville32 was thinking of taking it to the CC?   earlier in the logs01:33
Hobbseeompaul: is this channel still being logged somewhere?01:33
ompaulI think so01:33
LjLhmm i'm not sure it is yet01:33
tonyyarussoWhat if we made it policy to not review bans for users here until an hour after it had been issued?  Surely one hour to walk away from the computer and grab a sandwich won't kill anyone, so it's still minimal inconvenience to them, while giving time for issuing and observing ops to both calm down, and commence their in-pm discussion if applicable, but still giving a chance to appeal?01:33
=== Hobbsee isnt logging on the client she's reading form, sorry
ompaulmy take on it after that meeting 01:33
tonyyarussoubuntulog: is here01:34
Hobbseetonyyarusso: what happens when they dont actually obey the ban, and keep coming back?01:34
Hobbseesounds sane, otherwise01:34
ompaulHobbsee, escalate get Freenode involved and have them removed01:34
LjLHobbsee: i still, and will probably always, stand that ban evading = you're out and no appeal of any kind01:34
LjLbut *shrug* that's just me01:34
ompaul Hobbsee fire up xchat and hit them with lart01:34
Hobbseeompaul: where freenode staffers are unavailable.01:35
somerville321. From the sounds of the e-mail, it is against their TOS to send obscene content - not the http server. 2. When do we decide if an appeal is allowed or not? I just don't see a fair way to determine when and/or if. Besides, if it is _clear_ that the user deserves it, the appeal should be rather quick 3. I think Hawkwind brought that "appeal" time issue up only because of prior incidents.01:35
tonyyarussoHobbsee: Then I say first return, send them a /msg explaining that ban evasion is bad, and they are welcome to come back in an hour.  If they continue after that, lay on the smackdown.01:35
ompaulHobbsee, in that event queue it 01:35
Hobbseeompaul: queue?01:35
apokryphosI think any apoint about the appeal being handled badly is absolutely ridiculous01:35
tonyyarussoIdeally, send them the /msg _before_ they have a chance to come back evading01:35
apokryphoswe heard him out, he was very abusive, he was banned01:35
ompaulHobbsee, set it up as a message 01:36
ompaulHobbsee, for your local favorite freenoder 01:36
LjLsomerville32: 1) i have no idea 2) i think perhaps if three ops say "no, you were rightfully banned, shut up", if the user still whines, quiet them and be done 3) maybe, but he was saying this about *this* incident it seemed to me01:36
tonyyarussoapokryphos: I agree personally.  But, wasn't there, so would rather look at it systemically than individually, for my purposes at least.01:36
ompaulHobbsee, at this stage you must know a couple of them01:36
apokryphoswhat happened after that we might be able to discuss, for sure. But he had a fair appeal (regardless of whether he deserved one), and he was abrasive01:36
apokryphosI'm also not all for a systematic process for everything01:37
somerville32LjL: It is hard to have time appreciation from reading logs. TBH, I think that is a non-issue anyhow.01:37
Hobbseeompaul: ah right.01:37
apokryphoswe are operators (humans), hence we use judgement01:37
=== Hobbsee --> afk
LjLthough really, *sigh*, we shouldn't have a *rule* to decide when an appeal's an appeal... it really should be obvious when someone is *that* abusive. but ok i'm living in my own world.01:37
ompaulapokryphos, did you get that on news at 11 ;-) cos you are right01:38
somerville32And I think your second point really hightlights a major issue - some of our attitudes towards users.01:38
Hobbseesomerville32: i think you should be in #ubuntu and have ops in there for a while.01:38
apokryphosompaul: 8)01:38
somerville32Abusive user or non-abusive user, we must be professional and respectful at all times.01:38
apokryphossomerville32: so you agree that there is nothing contentious to the original appeal process?01:39
LjLprofessional, yeah, respectful, well yeah, though we don't have to treat them with golden gloves... *but* it doesn't mean you deserve more than 10 seconds of appeal *no matter what* you have done01:39
LjLif you're like the guy i tried for a while to give you a bantracker pointer too, do you deserve more than 10 seconds of my attention? no, really, no01:40
apokryphosalso just read your comment about the CC now, somerville3201:40
somerville32The appeal process really doesn't exist01:40
LjLand that will never change with me01:40
somerville32People come in here and complain01:40
somerville32and nobody is going to reverse anything01:40
somerville32Infact, more people just get upset01:40
apokryphoswe don't have to unban people for the sake of them appealing01:41
apokryphoswhich is what you seem to be suggesting01:41
tonyyarussosomerville32: Do you think my idea of an hour to cool down and discuss privately before that step would help that fact?01:41
tonyyarussoapokryphos: +101:41
LjLthat's ompaul's idea but anyway :P01:41
ompaulLjL, if it works it is in the public domain01:42
apokryphossomerville32: now, unless you're going to have weight in your point, you're going to have to actually demonstrate that there's something wrong in the appeal process01:42
apokryphoswhich consists of someone's ban not being reversed when it should have been01:42
PriceChildI like tonyyarusso's idea, but until that hour is over I feel all ops should be seen to publically support the banning op01:42
PriceChild(well ompauls)01:42
somerville32apokryphos, The issue is more complex then that.01:43
apokryphosa lot of these ideas are good, and we said we'd be a team but I'm not really seeing that01:43
LjLsupport *if asked*, of course, you don't *have* to brag around and say "hey, look what a beautiful ban LjL did" ;-P01:43
ompaulsomerville32, I think you don't understand the position you are putting an op in01:43
ompaulhave they no right to support?01:44
tonyyarussoPriceChild: I'd rather not see them at all.  As in user walks in, says hey, one op says "We'll be happy to review in an hour's time, but not before then.  See you in a bit?"  And go back to idling.01:44
tonyyarussoLjL: haha01:44
somerville32ompaul, I'm not sure what context you're speaking in.01:44
LjLompaul: sure they do, i'm just saying, for the sake of avoiding ambiguity, that if you don't like a ban, you're not *required* to lie and say you do. you can keep silent - for that one hour at least01:44
=== tonyyarusso made that exact point in our meeting before
somerville32We're kind of offtopic01:45
ompaulsomerville32, no we are on topic01:45
apokryphoswe're not01:45
somerville32Since we waited more then 1 hour before addressing the issue01:45
apokryphosanyhow, I'm off to bed01:45
PriceChildtonyyarusso, but do you think things should be handled immediately?01:46
LjLsomerville32: perhaps we waited too long, this time01:46
gnomefreakmember cloaks cant be klined?01:46
ompaulgnomefreak, but they can be lost01:46
gnomefreakwell i mean like everyone else?01:46
LjLone day is probably too long, the involved ops will have gone away, and talking with *other* ops will only get them more angry ("talking behind their shoulders")01:46
PriceChildtonyyarusso, In the vast majority of cases I believe that the ops should all pull together as a team... temporary bans are nothing...01:46
LjLso really, there's probably a timing that is best. i don't know if an hour is best, but probably a day's too long01:46
gnomefreakompaul: that i found out by watching. but to join a channel with autokline i can just reconnect01:47
=== gnomefreak likes that. didnt know that :)
tonyyarussoPriceChild: I don't think we should do anything immediately.  In other words, any ban that is set stands for at least an hour.  What happens later can vary.  Most of the time I would expect an hour later it would be confirmed by another anyway, but I see little point in pinging everyone and getting them to say "I'll support that" in the meantime or whatever.  Am I making sense?01:48
PriceChildtsmithe would like to request his ban to be removed from -offtopic01:48
somerville32tsmithe was baned from -offtopic?01:48
PriceChildtonyyarusso, yeah completely01:48
tsmithefor days01:48
=== ompaul thinks /me had something to do with that
tsmithefor the whole, venezuela thing01:48
tonyyarussotsmithe: aaah.  Has it happened before.01:49
tonyyarussoompaul: I think I remember this.01:49
=== ompaul goes to check
tonyyarussotsmithe: Banning specifically.  You could mention any warnings also.01:49
PriceChildtonyyarusso, I don't mean everyone should appear... I'm just saying that whoever deals with the person entering -ops should say "I am not going to go back on this staff member's decision" etc. The ban stays in place for at least an hour (or more) and I stand by the ops decision.01:49
=== gnomefreak never gets to ban tsmithe :(
tsmithetonyyarusso, i don't think i've been banned much from there before... and i don't recall much about anything?01:49
tsmithegnomefreak, is that some kind of weird op privilege, banning me?01:50
tonyyarussoPriceChild: Right, that can be part of their explanation.  I think I see what you're getting at now.01:50
gnomefreaki think daniel is the only devel i have banned and it wasnt even him01:50
PriceChildtsmithe, you're our bitch01:50
tsmithePriceChild, i know! :(01:50
=== tsmithe hugs PriceChild
=== PriceChild hugs tsmithe
gnomefreaktsmithe: someone was using daniel's nick (dh...) spammingone night01:51
tonyyarussotsmithe: reading01:51
tsmithegnomefreak, ahh k01:51
ompaultsmithe, you mention your trip again and you will be gone for a week01:51
tonyyarussognomefreak: I remember that!01:51
tsmitheompaul, i won't; course not01:51
somerville32Why can't he mention his trip?01:51
tsmithei think it counts as spammage01:52
ompaulsomerville32, he spams01:52
tonyyarussosomerville32: He wants money for it01:52
tsmithesomerville32 knows that :P01:52
somerville32tsmithe: Spamming isn't nice :(01:52
tsmithei don't01:52
somerville32tsmithe: Then why were you banned?01:52
tsmitheit's not like i go in; hit and run style01:52
ompaulsomerville32, and tell me this - why don't you know this rather than ask us here - this is what we were saying all along 01:52
tsmithei'm not going to argue how it's not spam01:52
tsmitheyou're the ops here, not me01:52
tonyyarussotsmithe: Also, while we normally don't let behaviour in one channel influence decisions in another, I think PriceChild (?) said you did the same thing in the forums channel - behave there too please?01:52
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tsmithetonyyarusso, of course01:53
ompaultsmithe, it is spam - very simply - I get to say that and understand that spammers go out of the channel with bans01:53
somerville32ompaul: I'm not sure what you're saying. Are you asking a question?01:53
PriceChildtsmithe, has learned his lesson about the spamming I've muted him enough in #ubuntuforums01:53
=== gnomefreak testing repos for packages for the last time tonight
somerville32Can you qualify "this"?01:53
PriceChildand the -offtopic one01:54
ompaulsomerville32, ehh no, I am being retorical, you could hit the bug bot and see what he is being removed for 01:54
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PriceChildhe hasn't repeated in some time01:54
tonyyarussotsmithe: One suggestion that imo would make it less spamlike would be if you happen to be discussing the trip, and someone seems interested, invite them to your #tsmithe-venezuela channel, and post the link to your blog there rather than in these channels.01:54
somerville32ompaul: It isn't working.01:54
PriceChildI would like to vouch for him.... but then again i'm not an op in -offtopic01:54
tsmithetonyyarusso, good idea... that channel does sit a tad empty :P01:54
tonyyarussoPriceChild: Thanks.01:54
ompaulPriceChild, being banned tends to prevent it being repeated01:55
PriceChildompaul, indeed :) Its up to you01:55
tsmitheok... but you don't mind if i link to my blog not about the venezuela thing, right?01:55
tsmitheas in a post i've made on it01:55
=== gnomefreak got up this morning -offtopic was quiet (not a person talking) for about an hour. found all the -offtopic chat going on in here
somerville32ompaul: Capital punishment tends to stop repeaters too.01:55
LjLsomerville32: tried lately? it seems to be back to normal now for me01:55
somerville32LjL: k01:56
tonyyarussotsmithe: As long as it's not pointing to a page regarding donations I think I'd be fine01:56
ompaulsomerville32, they get an appeal lasts years .. but does not happen 20 seconds after the judge says byeeeee01:56
mc44tsmithe: and is low in regularity01:56
tsmithetonyyarusso, ok cool01:56
somerville32ompaul: True ;] 01:56
somerville32Welp, bbiab01:56
tsmithemc44, yes01:56
=== gnomefreak almost gave tsmithe a way to get around it but im hushing now
tsmithei actually think i wasn't "regular"... it was kinda sporadic 01:57
Hobbseegnomefreak: well, they do, but they autoreconnect.  at least mine did01:57
tsmitheit was definitely often, though01:57
gnomefreakHobbsee: ty i didnt know that ;)01:57
tonyyarussotsmithe: All right - let's see how you do for a while, eh?  :)01:57
=== tsmithe hugs tonyyarusso
tsmitheof course01:57
gnomefreaktsmithe: if you post to the blog is fine <hint> have the donations part on a different page a link on you blog page but shhhhh i didnt tell you that :)01:58
gnomefreakoh and dont overly post it 01:58
tsmithei actually didn't expect any donations01:58
PriceChildwe're watching you tsmithe ;)01:58
tsmithebut i've made 30 :)01:58
tsmitheso i'm happy01:58
=== Mez waves
gnomefreakisnt that like 50 USD?01:58
tsmitheyeah i guess01:59
tonyyarussoHi Mez 01:59
tsmithegnomefreak, i don't know what that means though01:59
MezI saw a few pings for me in here - sup ?01:59
gnomefreakusd == us dollars01:59
tsmithei know01:59
LjLgnomefreak: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=%C2%A330+in+dollars&btnG=Search01:59
tsmithei just dunno how much that is01:59
somerville32Mez: People aren't happy with how you handled the incident last night.01:59
tsmithea lot? a little?01:59
LjLwow, a dollar's twice a pound now? wow.01:59
LjLerr i mean, the opposite02:00
gnomefreakabout 60 dollars not bad02:00
tonyyarussoMez: #1, a number of people weren't happy with your #asdfg redirect.  Other things also ensued.02:00
ompaultsmithe, please head off back to the other place this is not your average chat room - but I think you have gathered that already02:00
tsmithei have02:00
somerville32Mez: Not to mention how you apparently tried to exploit his system, etc. etc.02:00
ompaulor lurk happy in the corner02:00
LjLoh Mez... hi. wait, actually i think that redirect of yours came up later, the heat started before anyone talked about that02:00
tsmitheompaul, happy as always :) happier than before, of course, though ;)02:01
Meztonyyarusso, - he didnt actually go in there- h e quit before I sent him that message02:01
=== ompaul looks at the cloak
ompaulclock even02:01
Mezsomerville32, apparently tried to - I said i could have if I wanted to but didnt02:01
somerville32Mez: Your conduct was rather... despicable as an "representative" of the Op Team.02:02
somerville32Hawkwind resigned over it02:02
Mezsomerville32, wtf?02:02
ompaulsomerville32, that is emotive 02:02
tonyyarussosomerville32: Could we not "" that?  We _are_ representatives.02:02
somerville32tonyyarusso, Every action we take represents the the IRC op team and Ubuntu at large.02:03
mc44somerville32: also your characterisation of Hawkwind's resignation is inaccurate02:03
HobbseeMez: read the logs.  somerville32's going on and on about hwo it's unacceptable, yet hasnt actually faced such a thing himself.  better take his comments with a grain of salt02:03
ompaulsomerville32, your use of english and mine differ hugely but that was uncalled for02:03
somerville32You're right02:03
=== Mez reads logs
somerville32I'm angry right now02:03
=== gnomefreak states before i go to bed "Remember this channel is logged publicly please be professional during this topic
somerville32I'm going to walk away02:03
gnomefreakoops end "02:03
MezHawkwind resigned?02:04
tonyyarussognomefreak: Agreed02:04
Mezanyone give me an estimated start time (in UTC)02:04
ompaulMez, there were other issues afoot there02:04
somerville32Yes, there were.02:04
tonyyarussosomerville32: Chill for an hour then summarize points perhaps?02:04
tonyyarussoMez: a sec02:04
HobbseeMez: just read from when you quit02:04
Hobbseeer, went afk02:05
Hobbseenight gnomefreak 02:05
tonyyarussoMez: 20:00 UTC02:05
Mezso was i in here or not ?02:05
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tonyyarussoMez: yes?02:07
Mezok I'm reading02:07
Mezthe fake the DMCA thing wasnt me...02:07
tonyyarussoI have your last join at 16:43 UTC02:07
MezAnd I saw it as a joke aswell02:07
ompaul@now utc02:08
UbugtuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: January 20 2007, 01:08:56 - Next meeting: Xubuntu in 13 hours 51 minutes02:08
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Mezwho's around that knows a lil hhistory of the whole ops thing02:19
MezI need to find out some of a story02:20
tonyyarussoMez: You probably need to define "whole ops thing" for that question.02:20
LjLMez, i completely missed that happened yesterday, and i know little of the malt guy - but i suppose you can fill that in... i was here during just about the whole discussion, however02:20
MezI'm more on about an explanation of what happened to Amaranth 02:21
MezI dont know that, it was bought up in the convo I'm reading02:21
Mezfeel free to poke me02:21
Hobbseemalt was decent in #ubuntu-offtopic usually, iirc02:21
Hobbseemay have been drunk02:21
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LjLMez: still i could have got much of it wrong. it started with whether you were right or not to call yourself a representative of the ubuntu irc operator team in that mail... and then it escalated sort of quickly02:22
tonyyarussoHobbsee: I'll grep02:22
LjLuhm dunno about Amaranth, not anything recent anyway02:23
tonyyarussoLjL: means a while back02:23
LjLwell, i don't believe i'm the best one to give an explanation of that02:24
MezLjL, well what should I have called myself...02:25
Mezas an op, surely I am a representative02:25
LjLMez, i agree02:25
Mezplus it had been discussed in IRC about 1 mneptok calling them02:26
Mezand 2) me emailing them02:26
tonyyarussoHobbsee: I can confirm that first statement.02:26
tonyyarussoHobbsee: Up until yesterday02:26
LjLMez, that's not really the issue, it's just how it started. anyway no use arguing with me about it, since i agree02:26
Mezwhen I rang them after he started join flooding the network, they asked if I was "from oo bun two"02:26
LjLthe one thing i do disagree with (i haven't really read the logs, so maybe there are others, but i can't say) was that redirecting to klining channel business02:26
=== tonyyarusso seconds that one strongly
LjLwhile i can understand it, it was far from a good idea i'm afraid02:27
=== Mez bangs head on wall
Amaranthi missed something02:29
somerville32What happened to you for your misconduct is being used in comparison to Mez's misconduct and how things should be dealt with.02:30
tonyyarussoAmaranth: And most of us (?) don't know what it was.02:30
AmaranthYou mean what did I do to get in such trouble?02:31
somerville32He was mouthy in a non-ubuntu channel02:31
tonyyarussoWhether it's a valid comparison or not I don't know.  Whether you want to explain is up to you.02:31
Amaranthsomerville32: The insults were mutual. :)02:32
AmaranthBut yeah02:32
somerville32It isn't a direct comparison02:32
Mezsomerville32, seems to to me02:32
AmaranthWow, what did I miss?02:35
=== somerville32 doesn't have the energy to recap.
jendaMez: just FIY, #asdfg doesn't do anything.02:39
Mezjenda: lol02:39
somerville32jenda: That wasn't the channel he attempted to get him to join02:39
Mezsomerville32, actually, it was02:39
jendasomerville32: incorrect - I'm quite sure it was.02:39
somerville32Maybe it was02:39
somerville32but I'm pretty sure that isn't what he reported here02:40
jendaWhile it may have been a kill channel some time in the past, it's certainly not now, nor has been for some time... besides, kill channels don't exist.02:40
jendasomerville32: check the logs, yes it is.02:40
Amaranthjenda: kill channels don't exist, eh? "ignore the man behind the curtain"? :)02:41
jendaWhen we're at war with Oceania, we've always been at war with Oceania.02:41
Mezjenda, the night club down the road from me ?02:41
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jendaMez: you lost me :)02:42
MezOceania = a night club down the road from me02:42
somerville32jenda: Sorry, you're right02:42
AmaranthSo why exactly was someone being compared to me as if I'm the example of a horrible person? :)02:42
somerville32For some reason I thought it was #asdfdf02:42
jendanp :)02:42
somerville32or something like that02:42
jendathat was his nick.02:42
MezAmaranth, cause I'm evil ;)02:43
somerville32Amaranth, No. 02:43
AmaranthMez: awesome, wanna join my secret club?02:45
Amarantheveryone, press /clear02:45
MezAmaranth, you mean #ubuntu-evil ? I've been idling in there for months02:45
Amaranthbtw, did you see what i said about django and mod_python?02:46
MezAmaranth, nope02:46
AmaranthTurns out I don't need mod_python because when you use django with mod_python you have to restart the server whenever you change the code02:47
Amaranthso i'm going the fastcgi route02:47
MezAmaranth, ew02:47
Mezbut Amaranth technically you can restart it - just make a subdomain and change somehting abut it02:47
Mezthat restarts the server ;)02:48
Mezwell it's got to really02:48
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AmaranthPlease don't use what happened to me as some sort of precedent, I still think it was excessive.02:51
AmaranthMez: what about it?02:51
Mezuse PHP :P02:51
Mezit's easier02:51
Amaranththe idea is supposed to be that you use their really kickass built-in testing server then when you finish the project you upload it to the production site02:52
Amaranthand you don't change anything in production until you've gotten all your changes done with the testing server and made sure it's all working02:53
Amaranthit's meant for huge websites02:53
Amaranthi guess one of the sites the creators run got farked and he didn't even notice until the site admin asked him why they got 3 million extra hits in one day02:53
Amaranthoh, and one of the developers is a guy i knew on the sitepoint forums back when he was learning python :)02:57
Mez-offtopic looks like a spam bot attack02:57
Mezbut it's just people with _'s iun their nich02:57
Mezit hurts my eyes02:57
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MezSeveas, can you poke me at some time you have a lil spare time to help me out03:06
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LjLi'm leaving. if ubotwo is a nuisance, poke nalioth (or just ban)03:40
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=== Mez sighs
=== nalioth pokes Mez with a cattle prod for a deeper exhalation
Mezooh :D05:11
Mezsince when has bans.cgi been open to public?05:12
DBOfor a bit05:12
naliothsince we had a feel-good pity party a while back05:13
=== Mez doesnt know if he has proper access to i
naliothMez: you do.05:13
naliothuse your LP ID05:13
Meznalioth, I'm apparently logged in anyways05:14
MezLogged in as: Martin Meredith05:14
naliothwell, see? silly man05:14
DBOI used to date a gal named Meredith05:14
MezDBO, wasnt me05:14
DBOI dont think you're a gal05:14
Meza lot eoe people do05:15
DBO...in IRC or real life?05:15
Mezboth :P05:15
DBOwalk around without pants for a couple days05:15
DBOthat will clear it up05:15
Mezi do amnyways05:16
Mez(at home)05:16
Mezthough not currently :P05:16
=== Mez gets nekkd
tonyyarussoDBO: Don't tempt him05:17
DBOthank you tonyyarusso 05:17
DBOI didnt mean to05:17
DBOI mean05:17
DBOhe doesnt live near me05:17
DBOso if he does it in public05:17
Meztonyyarusso, well- Jemma's arriving in like ..... 4 hours :D05:17
DBOhopefully it will merely make for good TV05:17
MezDBO: be glad you didnt see some of the staff party antics05:18
Mezwhere I managed to ge my current gf (Jemma)05:18
DBOI cant figure out if thats a male or female name05:18
DBOoh female05:18
Mezshe finishes work in 3 hrs :D05:19
DBOMez, you dont need to whack users for saying shit so much05:31
DBOespecially when they arent using it in a particularly offensive manner05:31
MezDBO I didnt whack, it was a friendly reminder05:31
DBOi know05:32
tonyyarussoWhich channel are we talking about?05:32
tonyyarusso#ubuntu could use the opposite advice, imo05:32
DBOa little more lax there goes a long way to keeping those with authority issues in line05:32
DBOi know its counter intuitive05:32
Mezthis is sooo gonna crash anytime soon05:33
=== somerville32 doesn't even join u-offtopic anymore :(
Mezsomerville32, done blame ya05:34
DBOi try to talk less and less and just watch now days05:35
DBOits dangerous to be an op...05:35
somerville32Especially in that channel, lol05:35
DBOits a hate magnet05:35
=== Mez whistles
Mezubotwo broken?05:37
tonyyarussoI think I've managed to stay mostly unhated.  Mostly.05:37
=== Mez just opped DBO
naliothMez: no, ubotu is, though05:38
naliother, was05:38
=== nalioth can't keep up
Meznicely done DBO05:39
mneptoktonyyarusso: fuck you, asshole. undo my ban. op me. you're unfair. you play favorites. etc etc. ad infinitum. yadda.05:39
Mezmneptok, wtf?05:39
DBOhes hating tonyyarusso 05:39
DBOyou must try to understand mneptok 05:40
DBOhe never takes his tongue out of his cheek05:40
mneptoki don't want him to feel uninitiated05:40
DBOthats what the "Super Goat Felcher 4000" is for05:40
tonyyarussomneptok: I think that was my log of that one dude...H something?  hold on05:41
=== somerville32 hugs mneptok.
somerville32Did you insult me in front of Mark yet?! :)05:41
mneptokDBO: uhhh ... you mean you're supposed to harness the SGF4k to *someone else*?!05:41
DBOmneptok, well in your case I spose we could loan it to you for the weekend05:42
mneptokexcose me while i dismount05:42
DBObut we have new recruits in monday05:42
tonyyarussomneptok: http://yarusso.no-ip.org/KillerDemon.log05:42
DBOhis link gives a 4005:43
=== tonyyarusso tears hair out
tonyyarussoDoes not...05:44
DBOthe one in the log05:44
DBOnot yours05:44
tonyyarussoit did at the time05:44
DBOI wanted to see the picture of the soulless users girlfriend05:44
MezDBO: nalioth's gf ?05:45
mneptoktonyyarusso: wow, you really pleeted against that guy ;)05:46
somerville32error 40405:46
DBOtonyyarusso, he looks like a fun guy to party with05:46
mneptok00:46 <KillerDemon> i am used that even in the politic they can pleet against gays or muslims of whatever05:46
tonyyarussoDBO: only with lots of alcohol05:47
DBOand a 3rd story window05:47
tonyyarussomneptok: ah05:47
tonyyarussoDBO: right05:47
tonyyarussoOr concrete shoes and a river out back05:47
Madpilottoo political for -offtopic, but I have to share this brilliance: http://scrapsofcrap.com/bush-speech-early-draft/05:48
DBOtonyyarusso, just make sure not to give him red bull05:49
DBOit gives you wings05:49
somerville32I got something cool to share too!05:50
somerville32I got this tablet in my toilet that makes the colour blue05:51
=== DBO hopes its beer
somerville32to clean it or something05:51
somerville32But when I pee into it, it turns green!05:51
DBOyou are so weird05:51
mneptoksomerville32: what flavor is it?05:51
=== somerville32 hasn't tasted.
mneptokfucking Amish.05:52
somerville32But I imagine blue-raspberry05:52
DBOmneptok, obviously its "cool blue koolaid" before peeing and "watermelon" after05:52
somerville32That could work05:52
somerville32No sound05:54
DBOthe T1000 of corporations06:03
DBOno matter how many pieces you break it into, it always comes back together06:03
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somerville32@now Amsterdam06:43
UbugtuCurrent time in Europe/Amsterdam: January 20 2007, 06:43:43 - Next meeting: Xubuntu in 9 hours 16 minutes06:43
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Madpilothmm... distro-tester in #ubuntu - trolling or not?07:50
mneptokhe wants attention, but i don't think he's trolling to get it. just being ... you know ...07:52
tonyyarussomaybe.  More likely clueless and needs to be informed.07:54
somerville32My face hurts :(07:54
somerville32Oh you know, the usual reasons07:58
tonyyarussorunning into doors again?07:58
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=== DBO [n=DBO@unaffiliated/dbo] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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Mez DBO, you ok there08:15
DBOjust had some gtk issues08:16
Mezxchat ? :P08:16
DBO...yes =P08:17
DBObut it was my fault08:17
DBOI had been playing with gtk to add transparency08:17
Mezplay with qt it's more fun08:19
DBOand C++08:20
Mezjust an FYI:08:22
Mez<LucianSolaris> dood, check out the videos on one of my new sites: http://www.sdillegalactivists.com08:22
Mezis what that kick was for08:22
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DBOI prefer to kick forward them to ##windows08:23
MezDBO lol08:24
Hobbseehey all08:25
Hobbseeanything blown up yet?08:25
=== Mez glomps Sarah
DBOHobbsee, nothing major08:25
Hobbseeheya Mez :)08:26
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Hobbsee] by ChanServ
MezI scRED HER AWAY08:26
tonyyarussoMez: did someone ask?08:26
tonyyarussoMez: oh, nvm08:27
tonyyarussoMez: I got the same guy in #ubuntu08:27
Meztonyyarusso, ?08:27
tonyyarussoMez: I didn't realize he went to offtopic too - I thought you were talking about my kick.08:28
Mezoh i didnt see that one :D08:28
Mezjust saw -ot08:28
HobbseeMez: heh.  no you didnt08:31
tonyyarussolol...I have my own host on my hilights from bans...08:32
MezHobbsee, didnt what ?08:33
HobbseeMez: scaring me away08:34
tonyyarussoAnyone know perl?08:35
Meztonyyarusso, yo08:35
tonyyarussoMez: I may hit you up sometime when I delve into futzing with irssi scripts more.08:35
somerville32Doesn't irssi support python scripting?08:36
Mezperl ftw08:36
tonyyarussosomerville32: Not yet, afaik.  I think it was/is a SoC project though.08:36
somerville32Most interesting.08:36
somerville32I should apply for a SoC08:36
=== Mez doesnt think he's good enough to apply
Mezor I would08:37
Hobbseea thought occurs.  what would happen if we undid the bans after 24 hours, which allows people to become sober again?08:41
tonyyarussoHobbsee: Hrm?  don't we already?08:41
tonyyarussoactually, I probably have some outstanding since the bantracker's been funny...08:41
Hobbseein -ops?  not that i know of08:41
tonyyarussooh, in -ops08:42
tonyyarussoNot very many here08:42
tonyyarussoUbugtu: calc 68000 / 60 / 6008:42
tonyyarussoThe bulk of which are under that time limit.08:43
tonyyarussoLooks like all but one.08:43
somerville32Hmm.. apokryphos banned a Canadian :(08:44
somerville32And it looks like afterdeath will be banned until the end of time, lol08:45
Mezsomerville32, so ?08:45
Mezunless he banned him for being canadian ?08:45
somerville32Mez: lol, I was joking. :P08:45
=== Mez bans himself for being english
somerville32@now atlantic08:45
UbugtuCurrent time in Canada/Atlantic: January 20 2007, 03:46:00 - Next meeting: Xubuntu in 7 hours 13 minutes08:45
=== somerville32 rubs his eyes tiredly.
somerville32Hobbsee, How was the whole AU conference?08:47
Hobbseesomerville32: open day was good - i didnt go to the rest08:47
tonyyarussoyep, here's an overdue one08:47
MezHobbsee, you were at LCA 08:47
tonyyarussoI don't feel as much need to remove dee cee cee exploiters' bans for a while - thoughts?08:48
HobbseeMez: open day yeah08:48
somerville32tonyyarusso, They are usually bots.08:48
Mezyou shoulda gone to the rest of LCA08:48
Mezand annoyed jono/keybuk08:48
tonyyarussosomerville32: true08:48
somerville32omgz, I got mentioned on Planet Ubuntu08:49
=== somerville32 faints.
tonyyarussosomerville32: 'cept the one that sat there _lurking_ until I deopped, then did it.08:49
=== somerville32 is a supa-star now.
somerville32tonyyarusso, Yeah, some of just trolls, lol08:49
tonyyarussomeh, I'll get them later.08:49
Mezsomerville32, what did you do 08:49
somerville32"So yesterday while making some jokes towards Cody Sommerville and Martin Meredith on writing a program to fix it, they said..."08:50
somerville32He spelt my last name wrong though :(08:50
Mezahg lol08:50
tonyyarussoI don't see this post...08:51
somerville32I almost missed it myself08:52
tonyyarussoah, that's why.08:52
tonyyarussob/c I searched your name *right* :)08:52
tonyyarussoI _love_ the cartoons post08:53
somerville32Yeah, it is pretty funny :)08:54
somerville32Maybe I should start a Ubuntu blog08:54
=== tonyyarusso 's joints hurt
somerville32Getting old?08:55
tonyyarussoyep - the ancient 2008:56
somerville32Know what I noticed?08:58
somerville32Scott's interview on Behind Ubuntu is not linked from the list on the right or on the interview page08:59
Mezhjmm my FF keeps crashing09:00
DBOMez, does it crash when loading the file chooser dialog?09:01
MezDBO nope when hitting back09:01
somerville32Hobbsee, Can I ask you a question?09:02
Hobbseesomerville32: sure09:02
tonyyarusso(What is the airspeed velocity of a flying swallow?)09:03
somerville32Hobbsee, Who do you think is the hottest Ubuntu core-dev? 09:03
tonyyarusso. . . .09:03
tonyyarussoDid that just happen?09:03
somerville32It seemed like a good question at the time :/09:04
Hobbseei'm told to say keybuk.09:04
MezEaster eggs09:04
MezHobbsee, by who ?09:05
tonyyarussoHobbsee: You're "told to"?  By?09:05
Hobbseeby kgoetz09:05
=== Hobbsee isnt answering
MezHobbsee, have you been playing with keybuk ?09:05
Mezyou do know his bf will get annoyed09:05
HobbseeMez: no way!09:05
Mezthough I agree....09:06
MezKeybuk is quite hot ;)09:06
somerville32Yeah, I have to agree too09:06
Mezso is infinity09:06
Mezbut this is going back to UBZ :P09:06
Mez(though I've seen scott more recently)09:06
Mezoh my god09:07
somerville32Omgz, whatz!?09:07
MezI forgot I was an admin at the Easter Egg Archive09:07
somerville32Cool :)09:08
somerville32tonyyarusso, Who do you think is the hottest core-dev?09:08
somerville32Mez: Do you know Scott personally?09:10
tonyyarussosomerville32: I've never met any of them.  The only people I've seen are Myles Braithwaite, Andrew Hunter, the guy who runs linuxcaffe, Seneca Cunningham, and SpacePuppy.09:10
Mezsomerville32, I've met him a few times at different things, he's in the same LUG of me09:10
somerville32Mez: Does he refer to himself as "smee"?09:10
Jucato<Mez> you do know his bf will get annoyed <-- ??09:11
MezJucato, Keybuk = homosexual09:11
=== Jucato shuts up...
Mezand is in a long term relationship atm I believe09:11
somerville32How long?09:11
Mezabout a year now I think09:12
MezBut that I dont know09:12
MezI havent seen him in a while09:12
Mezand I dont really track his love life to be honest09:12
Mezhis bf look scared out of his wits at LRL though09:12
somerville32Do you know who the guy on the right is? http://www.netsplit.com/events/2002/birmingham-pride/birmingham-pride-008.jpg09:12
somerville32Here is another picture if needed: http://www.netsplit.com/events/2002/birmingham-pride/birmingham-pride-010.jpg09:13
Mezlooks familiat09:13
MezI know who the guy on the far left in the second picture is09:14
Hobbseesomerville32: i saw scott at teh open day, didnt say hello09:14
somerville32Mez: The guy with a bottle in his mouth?09:14
Mezfurther left09:15
somerville32The guy looking shifty, leaning against the wall?09:15
Mezold housemate of mine09:16
Mezpopping to see if showps are open09:16
somerville32Small world09:16
MezI was just out of frame in that shot09:16
Mezsomerville32, I live in the same city as Scott09:16
somerville32Most interesting09:17
somerville32Hobbsee, What was he doing?09:18
Hobbseesomerville32: talking to jono09:18
=== somerville32 sighs sadly.
somerville32I'm so going to the next UDS - even if I have to swim.09:19
Hobbseewhy, what were you hoping for, somerville32?09:19
Hobbseenote to self:  get a passport09:19
somerville32Hobbsee, Nothing. I'm just amazed by this whole existence.09:19
tonyyarussoI'd like to go to a UDS, but a) have no way to pay for it, and b) have no idea what I'd do there other than look around in a mix of wonderment and confusion09:19
Hobbseesomerville32: how so?09:20
=== Hobbsee would need sponsorship
somerville32Hobbsee, It is so... surreal.09:20
tonyyarussoSo, if anyone wants to pay my ticket and hold my hand, I'm in!09:20
somerville32I'm going to try for sponsorship this UDS or the next one.09:20
Hobbseetonyyarusso: i'm sure the people arent *that* scary09:21
tonyyarussoHobbsee: No no, not the people - the topics.09:21
tonyyarussoI don't know much about that really hard-core low-level stuff.09:21
Hobbseetonyyarusso: more crack on the forums, i woudlnt worry09:21
=== Hobbsee votes we have another game of teg sometime
tonyyarusso'k, fine.  Just a) then.09:21
tonyyarussoOh, and time, depending when it is.09:21
Hobbseetonyyarusso: you mean you havent seen http://www.desktoplinux.com/news/NS4611592451.html ?09:21
tonyyarussoHobbsee: I did - and the same day had a user in #ubuntu with problems b/c of it :)09:22
Hobbseetonyyarusso: why am i not surprised...09:22
MezHobbsee, I hope to see you at  a UDS09:23
Mezor at least LUGRadio Live09:23
tonyyarussoHow does sponsoring people for UDS work anyway?09:24
somerville32Mez: Do you hope to see... me? 09:24
somerville32tonyyarusso, You put your name on the wiki page and cross your fingers?09:24
HobbseeMez: UDS, more likely09:24
tonyyarussosomerville32: oh dear09:24
Mezsomerville32, maybe not :P I only met you today and you a) bitched at me b) quized me about scott09:24
Hobbseetonyyarusso: you have to do the UDS gauntlet09:24
tonyyarussoThen I'd need, like, a reason.09:24
tonyyarussoa core-dev jousts you?09:25
somerville32Mez: But I love you now! We're like... best friends!09:25
Meztonyyarusso, it's not that bad... back at UBZ - I got sponsored to go - it was an amazing experience09:25
MezI was just getting into it09:25
MezIt was just after I'd become a MOTU09:25
tonyyarussoMez: link me to how it works?09:25
Meztonyyarusso, I didnt  know about it09:27
MezI'd been away for a weekj09:27
tonyyarussoMez: cool.  So if you're accepted, is it everything included, or?09:27
MezI got back and came on IRC,09:27
Meztonyyarusso, for me, it was flights, accom, brakfast lunch, plus re-imbursement of up to $50CAD/day for evening meal09:28
MezI think I spent a total of $50 on evening meals in the week09:29
MezI spent a LOT in the bar though09:29
Mezthough I won all that and more back when jblack and I went to the casino09:29
somerville32Mez: Why Canadian dollars?09:30
HobbseeMez: wow, really?09:30
Mezsomerville32, It was in canada09:30
MezHobbsee, which bit ?09:30
somerville32Oh, right right09:30
Hobbsee[19:28]  <Mez> tonyyarusso, for me, it was flights, accom, brakfast lunch, plus re-imbursement of up to $50CAD/day for evening meal09:30
HobbseeMez: do you really get all that?09:30
MezI think it was $50 a day09:30
Mezthe rest of it definately09:30
Mezlemme check09:30
Hobbseeas in, the reimbursement/dinner stuff09:31
Mezbreakfast and dinner was in the hotel restaurant09:31
tonyyarussoSo, the things I do (currently lots of IRC, marketing/UWN, bits and pieces of wiki, and theoretically -classroom) - are those UDS-relevant, or is it pretty much coding?09:31
Hobbseeso there's not that much cost while you're over there?09:31
Hobbseetonyyarusso: well, it's spec stuff09:31
tonyyarussoWhile I'm mentioning classroom, hit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom/Ideas for me please and add some so I can draw up a 2007 schedule.09:31
MezHobbsee, all costs pretty much covered except for alcohol09:32
tonyyarussoHobbsee: I wrote a spec in full, and have 3 or 4 more that are basic but need a drafting, but the full one was rejected for Mountain View :(09:32
Hobbseeheh.  well i wont be having any/much of that09:32
Hobbseetonyyarusso: :( what was it?09:32
MezHobbsee, why not ?09:33
MezSerisouly though09:33
HobbseeMez: not into drinking much.  and i have to drive most of the time09:33
MezIt wa kkinda scary when I realised after I'd spent half my time playing cards with the ex DPL09:33
tonyyarussoHobbsee: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/~tonyyarusso/+specs, the gaim one.09:33
=== Hobbsee doesnt like the text
=== Hobbsee resets brain
MezHobbsee, alcopops :D09:33
Mezand there was something gorgeous that Jane Weidemann smuggled into the bar while playing Mao09:34
Hobbseeyay mao!!!09:34
tonyyarussomao is weird...09:34
Meztonyyarusso, mao rocks!09:35
Mezbut i didnt realise Iain was the Ex DPL :P09:35
tonyyarussoIt's okay, dunno that I'd get that excited.09:35
Mezsorry - Ian :D09:36
=== tonyyarusso waits to hear what people think of his spec ideas
MezYeah it was freaky being away for a wekk, coming on IRC and having Mark say "Mez: See you in Montral!09:36
Mezthat was before i got09:37
Mezit's cool though09:37
Meztis where I met ajmitch :D09:38
Mez(and lent him money when his bag got stolen)09:38
Mezfirst thing I did though09:38
Meznot knowing anyone, trying to find a place to sit09:38
tonyyarussoMez: I love the C++ hilighting09:38
Mezsat down at a space that looked like it was free09:38
Meznot realising it was the table with mdz, elmo etc etc09:39
Mezlmao :D09:39
MezI got some strange looks09:39
tonyyarussoMark's reserved seat?09:39
Meztonyyarusso, quite possibly09:39
tonyyarussoI'd totally do something like that09:39
somerville32Thats amazing.09:39
somerville32Mez: You should write a book.09:39
Meztonyyarusso, that was the second day :D09:39
MezI'd arrived late cause I forgot my passport :P09:40
Mezlucky BA :D09:40
HobbseeMez: haha09:40
tonyyarussoI think I might faint if I sat down at that table and then they all introduced themselves at once though ;)09:40
Mezlucky BA saved my ass on that one *:D09:40
Meztonyyarusso, they did all introduce themselcves09:40
Mezit was like "and you are"09:40
Mez"oh, I'm mez"09:40
Mez"ell, I'm matt, mdz, this is James, elmo"09:40
Hobbsee"oops, bye now!"09:41
Meztonyyarusso, at that time backports were just starting so I was in contact with them a lot09:41
tonyyarussoah, ok09:41
MezHobbsee, actually - I did stay a lil - then found another table09:41
tonyyarussoThat must have been priceless09:41
Mezand then met \sh and siretart09:41
Meztonyyarusso, it was :D09:41
Mezif only I hadnt forgot my passport09:41
somerville32tonyyarusso, Classroom/Ideas updated.09:41
MezI woulda been there a day earlier and met people09:41
tonyyarussosomerville32: Yay09:42
Mezthey put me in a room with a Gnome Developer too :D09:42
Mezthat was a fun argument on the first night09:42
Mezewell, more of an "urgh, you use KDE? urgh, you use gnome?"09:42
Mezand somerville32 haha - I am in the process of writing a book09:43
somerville32Mez: About?09:43
tonyyarussosomerville32: Some of those are similar to OpenWeek - We'll put those off to add some space (and maybe even the next one!), and take the non-dups.  Looks good09:43
MezComputer Security - most aspects (thiugh linux based)09:43
somerville32Most interesting09:44
Meztonyyarusso, did we ever get transcripts for the GPG session ?09:44
tonyyarussoWho is Brandon Sussman?09:44
tonyyarussoMez: Yes!09:44
tonyyarussoIt's awesome!09:44
tonyyarussoAnd only took me like three weeks....09:44
tonyyarussoMez: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts#head-b787da88ea1f9d431c1649d8cfaac71824eb456309:45
Meztonyyarusso, you did that session ?09:45
Mezi forgot that :D09:46
tonyyarussoMez: Yeah - don't you remember?09:46
Mezit was a while back09:46
=== somerville32 gives Ubuntu a great big hug.
tonyyarussoThat was the one where our scheduled instructor was a no-show, so nalioth asked me to do it, on like three hours notice :P09:47
somerville32http://flickr.com/photos/41128780@N00/296374591/ <-- Amazing.09:48
Meztonyyarusso, lol :D lucky i was there to jelp too :D09:48
Mezsomerville32, Macslow is an uber dude09:48
Mezgreat conversationalist :D09:48
tonyyarussoMuch love, Mom ?  nice09:49
somerville32What is Leslie's irc nick?09:50
Mez<+tonyyarusso> Much love, Mom ?  nice ?????09:50
Mezsomerville32, Leslie ?09:51
somerville32Let me find a photo... http://flickr.com/photos/sfllaw/296256275/09:51
MezGoogle Leslie ?09:54
tonyyarussohttp://digg.com/hardware/Microsoft_I_m_going_to_send_you_the_biggest_damn_box_you_ve_ever_seen anyone?09:56
Mezsomerville32, i know her IRC nick09:58
Mezbut i'm keeping it to myself09:58
=== Mez steals Hobsee's little stick
somerville32Wait a sec...09:59
somerville32He is asking for donations to buy one big-ass box to send his xbox in?09:59
somerville32Read the log10:01
somerville32He was just trying to get something out of the situation10:02
tonyyarussoYeah, he's a bit of a moron, but I still find the picture of a shipping container showing up in Redmond hilarious.10:02
tonyyarussoHobbsee: You never commented on my spec(s) :(10:03
=== Mez dances to "Tricky"
tonyyarussoNow I'll never know10:06
somerville32""2007 is an important year us..."10:09
tonyyarussouh oh10:10
=== Mez goes and plays with suicidegirls.com
somerville32http://suicidegirls.com/members/Clarcius/ <-- Guy or girl?10:13
Mezthey're all girls10:13
=== somerville32 closes that website.
=== Mez pets somerville32
Mez3 of my exes are on there10:14
=== somerville32 adds suicidegirls.com to his disallowed group.
somerville32http://jasmine.19inch.net/~jr/away/2006-11-11-uds/100_0753.JPG <-- Interesting picture of dholbach10:15
Mezthats Daniel for ya10:16
somerville32We all know what he is looking at too10:16
Mezsomerville32, you;re giving me a headache10:16
somerville32Well... I suppose thats rather unfortunate : (10:21
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v PriceChild] by ChanServ
somerville32Anyhow, It is 5:30 now and I need to go to work into work at 910:22
=== Mez updates his WHOIs info and goes and watches friends
somerville32Followed by, what I'm sure will be an interesting Xubuntu meeting10:23
somerville32#xubuntu [05:23]  <Tree> im stalking stork10:25
=== Jucato_ [n=jucato@] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Jucato_] by ChanServ
=== Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Mez] by ChanServ
apokryphosMez: ah, you're English? You should join us in #ubuntu-uk ;-)11:30
apokryphoswhy does nalioth keep disappearing!11:30
Mezapokryphos, when did you find that out ?11:33
apokryphoslogs, a minute ago11:33
=== PriceChild is english too :)
Mezapokryphos, I take it you are too ?11:33
MezI hope I'll be seeing you two at LRL in may ?11:33
Mezor even guadec?11:33
apokryphosGreek, but I've lived in London for 12 years now11:33
apokryphosgoing to FOSDEM though :D11:34
MezLRL rocks ass though11:34
Mezapokryphos, next time i'm in london - up for a meet/drink/keysigning?11:34
MezPriceChild, where in the UK? 11:35
apokryphosah, York is quite nice11:36
apokryphosnearly went to University there11:36
=== PriceChild is going to Uni there
apokryphoscool, what you studying?11:36
=== Mez has no idea where york is in relation to him
PriceChildalthough I'm having huge second thoughts about switching to Maths & CompSci11:36
PriceChildwhere're you Mez ?11:36
apokryphosnice, me too; but doing joint honours -- Maths and Phil11:37
=== PriceChild lives just outside Wolverhampton really
MezPriceChild, when you';re not at uni11:37
Mezor is that where york is ?11:37
apokryphosYork is quite far north11:37
PriceChildYork is in yorkshire :)11:38
MezPriceChild, so outside wolves when you're at home not uni ?11:38
PriceChildMez, http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=york&ie=UTF8&z=7&ll=53.389881,-0.032959&spn=2.673364,11.074219&om=1&iwloc=addr11:38
PriceChildMez, indeedy11:38
MezPriceChild, you a member of WolvesLUG then ?11:38
PriceChildI didn't get into Linux till just over a year ago when I boarded in shropshire11:39
PriceChildused to board 5 days a week away from home11:39
=== apokryphos has still never been to a LUG
MezPriceChild, doesnt mean you cant be part :D11:39
PriceChildSo only spent like 10 weeks at home before I went to york11:39
PriceChildhehe yeah11:39
Mezapokryphos, I've bene to ONE lug meeting11:39
PriceChildI've been to 2 York Lug's11:40
apokryphoshow was it?11:40
Mezbut lugs are mainly mailing lists11:40
apokryphosI see11:40
Mezapokryphos, It was keybuk doing a talk11:40
PriceChildyork do things quite often I was surprised11:40
tonyyarussoI want all of my pages to look like http://yarusso.no-ip.org/cesa/template.html, just adding content in the box.  Can I import the table like I did some of the CSS, so they don't have to download that all the time?11:40
Mezapokryphos, and jdub11:41
apokryphosI might be staying in brussels with the warwick LUG guys, though, but that's because I know one of the guys through IRC11:41
Meztonyyarusso, not really11:41
tonyyarussoMez: dang11:41
Mezapokryphos, come to SBrum for a lug meeting11:41
apokryphostonyyarusso: sure, use php11:42
MezPriceChild, south birmingham11:42
tonyyarussoapokryphos: And now you've exceeded my skills :)11:42
Mezapokryphos, but that doesnt cache it client side :P11:42
Meztonyyarusso, <?php include("file"); ?>11:42
apokryphosoh, caching11:42
apokryphostonyyarusso: it's very easy. And if you use php you can have your whole site in one page11:43
tonyyarussoIf I _knew_ php.11:43
tonyyarussoI'm not going to learn it in a weekend.11:43
apokryphostonyyarusso: I don't know php, too :P11:43
Meztonyyarusso, <?php include("file"); ?>11:43
apokryphosyou don't have to know it11:43
Mezrest of it can be html11:43
apokryphostonyyarusso: I can send you the index.php from my site, if you like, so you can see how it works11:43
tonyyarussoapokryphos: sure11:43
=== Mez hides his mez@php.net email
tonyyarussoI'll think about it11:43
Mezthe lug meeting i went to11:44
Mez# Thursday 19th August 2004 Jeff Waugh/Scott James Remnant on Planet and Canonical software11:44
apokryphostonyyarusso: http://francis.giannaros.org -- msg me your addy so I can send you the file?11:44
tonyyarussoapokryphos: This nick @ ubuntu works fine11:44
=== Mez is thinking of closing his mez@php.net email
Mezcause it only gets spam11:45
apokryphostonyyarusso: ok, sent11:46
apokryphosas you can see, there's only about 4 lines of php11:48
PriceChildhmm ubotu having fun again...11:49
=== PriceChild has been trying to use ubotu's code to help make a funky bot for beryl but its sooo hard :P
Mezbtw - if you ever stummble across a spam comment on php.net11:52
Mezpoke me and i'll delete11:52
Meztonyyarusso, http://www.php.net/manual/en/tutorial.firstpage.php11:53
apokryphosPriceChild: BerylBot?11:54
PriceChildapokryphos, hehe yeah :P11:54
PriceChildiXce set me the challenge11:54
apokryphosI noticed you got the bugtracker working nicely at least, which I just couldn't get to work11:54
PriceChildI've got all of ubotu working i think... Its just a really simple thing that needs to be done... I need to create a blank database :P11:55
tonyyarussoWow.  The ubotu server isn't just slow, it's dead and decomposing.11:55
PriceChildand then I can start stripping out the code we don't need11:55
PriceChilddo you think someone's on the other end tinkering? tonyyarusso 11:55
tonyyarussoPriceChild: Not a clue11:55
apokryphosprobably not11:55
apokryphosjust major lag, which causes a lot of problems it seems11:56
tonyyarussogrr - Mr. K has a permissions error on the Lart database!11:56
MezMr . K ?11:56
=== ubotu [n=ubotu@ubuntu/bot/ubotu] has joined #ubuntu-ops
PriceChildMez, there's only one ;)11:56
=== Ubugtu [n=bugbot@ubuntu/bot/ubugtu] has joined #ubuntu-ops
MezI was looking for a nick beginning with K :P11:57
apokryphos!info amarok-xine11:58
ubotuamarok-xine: xine engine for the amaroK audio player. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.4.3-0ubuntu10 (edgy), package size 50 kB, installed size 188 kB11:58
apokryphoshm, seems to be working now11:58
apokryphosMez: could you unban ubotu in k-devel?11:59
PriceChildHow can I create a blank pysqlite database to use with ubotu's code... :s11:59
Mezapokryphos, done11:59
Mezsmoeone wake me up in a n hour and a hlaf? 12:00
apokryphosuse amarok's alarm ;-)12:01
apokryphosok, I've +q ubotwo almost everywhere now12:01
PriceChildamarok's got an alarm? :O12:01
apokryphosnot a ban, just in case ubotu starts playing up again12:01
=== PriceChild muted in forums too
PriceChildapokryphos, -offtopic ?12:02
apokryphosthanks, done12:02
tonyyarussoSeveas: Could you look into why http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/Lart.flat.db gives a 403 forbidden?12:02
Mez#ubuntu ?12:03
Mezah already done12:03
Meztest in channels other than here tonyyarusso 12:08
Mezother than ubuntu channels *12:08
tonyyarussoMez: fair 'nough12:08
PriceChildworks everywhere else12:08
Mez/cs mode +n :P12:09
Mezchanserv.py rocks12:09
Mezthough it needs a little playing with12:09
Mezfor example12:09
Mezkick ops you, kicks them12:09
Mezit doesnt need to op you12:09
apokryphosMez: and why are you using xchat? ;-)12:10
Mezapokryphos, what should i be using /12:10
apokryphosI don't think konversation is great because of lack of raw-event scripting12:10
apokryphosbut kvirc is good and completely customisable12:11
apokryphosand quasi-integrates with kde12:11
MezIncvluding on windows12:11
apokryphoshttp://francis.giannaros.org/screenshots/kvirc-konversationcolours.jpg -- kvirc with konversation colours 8)12:12
=== Mez should set up a local apache
=== Amaranth uses xchat-gnome
Mez http://tiber.tauware.de/~mez/xchat.jpg12:15
apokryphosnow that's an xchat looking like kvirc :P12:15
=== apokryphos chuckles
Mez32 chans on this network12:16
=== apokryphos counts 38 for Freenode
apokryphosthough they're not auto-join12:17
Mezapokryphos, 33 in your whois12:17
apokryphos(all of them, that is)12:17
Mezapokryphos, I'm only in my auto-join now12:17
apokryphosMez: a few are +s12:17
apokryphosbut not 5; hm12:17
Amaranth-ChanServ- You do not have channel operator access to [#freedesktop-cabal] 12:19
Amaranth-ChanServ- [#freedesktop-cabal]  THERE IS NO CABAL12:19
Amaranth--- #freedesktop-cabal :That channel doesn't exist12:19
Amaranthit existed a week ago, i couldn't get in12:19
Amaranthi only knew about it because someone messed up changing windows in irssi and said the name :)12:19
Mez39 if i jiin the thers I'm intereted in12:21
Mezmore possibly if I join others12:21
Mez* [Mez]  #xubuntu #xchat #kubuntu-offtopic #edubuntu #konversation #ruby #beryl-dev #ubuntu+1 #ubuntuforums #beryl #gentoo-devel #ubuntu-classroom #python #web #katapult-bot #ubuntu-uk #postfix #ubuntu-offtopic #gstreamer #jokosher #courier #supybot #procmail #tapthru #debian-offtopic +#ubuntu-ops #kde-devel #lugradio #gnupg +#freenode-social #cia #amarok ##debian-mentors #debian-kde #debian-devel #bzr #ubuntu-burning #katapult 12:21
Mez40 - I forgot motu-classroom12:22
Mezwhich no longer exists12:22
=== Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Mez] by ChanServ
Mezoonly thing with that many channels in xxchat12:31
Mezis that my senq is huge when I start up xchat12:31
Mezlag: 5.2 secs12:32
jendaand that you generate a Gig of logs in a few months.12:33
Meznot that bad12:34
Amaranthwhoops :P12:35
tonyyarussowhat the...12:35
=== Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Mez] by ChanServ
=== jenda sniggers
Mezsorry bout that12:38
MezI forgot the -s12:38
=== Mez cries
Mezhow many spam lines got throuhg ?12:38
tonyyarussoMez: half dozen12:39
Mezah kk12:39
=== mc44 [n=mc44@unaffiliated/mc44] has joined #ubuntu-ops
Mezsomeone just logged into my MSN account01:00
mc44im in ur msn sendin ur messages01:00
Mezmc44, really ?01:01
mc44well, no01:01
tonyyarussoMez: Odd.  You didn't paste a password or anything.01:03
Meztonyyarusso, I know i didnt01:04
Mezbut I posted my private address at least01:04
=== Mez shrugs
MezI just realised...01:05
Mezpeople havent ever ever bitched at me for idling in #gentoo-dev01:05
Mezbut I get bitched at for being in #debian-devel all the time01:05
tonyyarussosleepy time01:08
PriceChildcan we have a mute on ubotwo` in #ubuntu pleasE?01:36
Mezthought obotwu was muted anyways01:51
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== ompaul [n=ompaul@gnewsense/friend/ompaul] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v ompaul] by ChanServ
Mezcool thought for a plugin for XChat02:21
Mezpaste more than X lines - it sends it to rafb.net02:21
Mez(well, a pastebin)02:21
ubotuIn #ubuntu, cidx said: ubotu: Thats is dosent work :S02:23
PriceChild!bot > cidx02:24
ompaulMez, that would be useful until you are somewhere that allows it and people go do it in the channel dude :)02:29
Mezompaul, so? always good for a pastebun02:29
ompaulwell if we make it it works with paste.ubuntulinux.nl02:30
Mezompaul, http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/pastebin02:31
Mezwhich noi longer exists02:31
Mezyes the above was a pastebin command line script02:32
Meztheres one though02:34
Jucatoum... both ubotu and ubotwo are in #kubuntu... both are not working... is it because they're both there?03:28
=== LjL [n=ljl@81-208-36-87.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v LjL] by ChanServ
LjLis ubotu alright now?03:33
Jucatoapparently not03:33
LjLJucato: how so?03:34
Jucatoit won't respond to queries... or maybe there's a conflict between the 2 bots03:34
PriceChildI think he's fine...03:34
PriceChild<PriceChild> !test03:35
PriceChild<ubotu> Failed.03:35
LjLJucato: hm, it responded to a !test03:35
PriceChildi'm guessing its just a channel he hasn't been unmuted in03:35
LjLit isn't in very many channels, though03:35
Jucatolet me check03:35
JucatoLjL: your mute :)03:35
LjLJucato: what channel?03:35
Jucatoyou muted both bots in #kubuntu :P03:35
LjLno, i only muted ubotu03:35
Jucatooh sorry03:36
=== apokryphos [n=francis@87-194-86-227.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v apokryphos] by ChanServ
Jucatoboth bots are muted. you muted one03:36
LjLit isn't, let's see, in #kubuntu-offtopic03:36
Jucatohm... in #kubuntu both are muted according to the ban list03:37
LjLwell i guess someone muted ubotwo but forgot to unmute ubotu03:37
LjLanyway, it's fixed now at least in #ubuntu and #kubuntu03:37
apokryphosI muted ubotwo, but I unbanned ubotu in #kubuntu ages ago03:37
Jucatogreat 03:37
apokryphosdidn't know there was a mute there03:38
Jucatothanks !03:38
LjLhas seveas shown up, or did it just fix itself?03:40
LjLlet's see what the speed's like now btw03:40
LjL!find dcopserver03:40
Jucatoworks in #kubuntu03:40
apokryphosracing ;-)03:40
=== gnomefreak hasnt seen Seveas but he still could have fixed it himself without saying a woord here
LjLJucato: yes, it does - but i used !find on purpose, because i know it was *very* slow yesterday03:41
apokryphosJucato: doesn't seem to03:41
LjLi suggest we try to keep package lookups to a minimum03:41
Jucatoyeah it http://forums.tantra.ph/index.php?s=95a954662b04f7c4d78489705fa7ac36&showtopic=48397&hl=linux03:41
Jucatoer sorry03:41
LjLi think there's still a *lot* of load on its server03:41
ubotuFile dcopserver found in kdelibs-bin, kdelibs-dbg03:41
Jucatostill slow... :(03:41
apokryphosok, looks like he's back now03:41
apokryphosor not03:41
LjLi think it's really just the same as yesterday, except now it's managed to stay joined to all channels03:42
LjLwell or at least to the ones i'm in03:42
LjLi'll leave ubotwo joined in -bots03:43
LjLMez: use another factoid, you repeated it too fast03:44
=== Jucato waits...
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository03:44
LjLanyway it's fast enough - for factoids03:45
LjLi think it's just very slow on package searches03:45
gnomefreaki would try not to play too much if the server is that unstable it will quit due to flood03:45
LjLgnomefreak: and, i believe, never manage to join all channels again03:45
LjLso yeah, i'd rather avoid package searches as much as possible03:45
jendaSeveas: ping03:46
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== pochu [n=Pochu@198.Red-83-32-163.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso03:59
apokryphospochu: ?03:59
gnomefreakpochu: ?04:00
pochuno problem04:00
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+o apokryphos] by ChanServ
=== pochu [n=Pochu@198.Red-83-32-163.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu-ops [requested]
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-o apokryphos] by apokryphos
=== Jucato is glad he has no access here :P
ubotuIn #ubuntuforums, lotusleaf said: ubotu: !hurd is "The GNU Hurd is the GNU project's replacement for the Unix kernel." "It is not ready for production use, as there are still many bugs and missing features." http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/hurd.html04:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hurd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:10
apokryphos!hurd is <reply> The GNU Hurd is the GNU project's replacement for the Unix kernel. It is not ready for production use, as there are still many bugs and missing features. http://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/hurd.html04:11
ubotuI'll remember that, apokryphos04:11
PriceChildaww I was gonna do that :P04:11
jendaSeveas: I just had an unpleasant encounter with #ubuntu-es. 1) they banned *!*@*x-0* - ie. people with non-alphanumeric chars in their nicks who have cloaks. WTF? They undid this when I asked them to. 2) The channel is set to private and the access list is hidden, so there's no way of getting the ops to help (unless you're staff) 3) They didn't want to discuss this in english...04:12
jendaAll they have is an @ops function.04:12
PriceChildjenda, didn't we have problems with them fighting over who was in charge and spats between forums/irc before? Or was that some other team?04:13
jendano idea...04:13
jendaI don't recall that...04:13
=== PriceChild greps logs
ompaulhurd is either dead or on its death bed04:14
PriceChildprobably haven't got the logs here04:14
PriceChildargh why does "-es" make it print everything...04:14
PriceChildthankyou :)04:15
=== ompaul looks at the hand of typo
PriceChildmust have been on other machine04:16
PriceChildI'm sure its the same channel...04:16
ubotuChannel logs can be found at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs04:16
ompaul-ChanServ- An access level of [1]  is required for [ACCESS LIST]  on #ubuntu-es04:16
ompaulSeveas, ^^ 04:16
PriceChildhmm that could take some time... hmm....04:16
ompaulJenda I am of the opinion tht needs to be fixed - ubuntu is pretty much open 04:17
ompaulthey could loose their channel if they don't wake up04:17
=== LjL [n=ljl@81-208-36-87.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v LjL] by ChanServ
jendaompaul: I'm working on it.04:18
PriceChildhas anyone else got logs of a couple weeks ago?04:18
PriceChildI'm sure its them04:18
jendaompaul: I'm rather upset with them.04:18
jendaompaul: and the guy refuses to speak english with me, so I have to half guess what he's saying.04:18
PriceChildunleash the true jenda....!04:19
LjLjenda: but you're speaking english with him yourself?04:20
jendaLjL: yes :)04:20
jenda<P3L|C4N0> jenda, cualquier peticion hagalo a traves de Seveas04:20
LjLif you have any questions, ask them through seveas04:20
jendaHe's basically telling me: I ain't gonna budge unless you force me to through Seveas.04:20
LjLwe've *often* had trouble with spanish-speaking clones breaking havoc in #ubuntu04:21
LjLgiven that attitude, now i wouldn't be perhaps too surprised if that came from -es itself04:21
jendaThe LoCo team, I'm sure, should be able to provide some reasonable leadership for an IRC channel.04:22
apokryphosjenda: is he the loco team leader?04:22
jenda...which is even smaller than this channel.04:22
apokryphosjust wait till Seveas is around then if he has that attitude04:22
LjLjenda: what is the trouble anyway to start with? the banning thing is solved if i understood this correctly, so what you have an issue with is the private channel and access list, correct?04:23
jendayes, he is.04:23
LjLsorry if i've missed something but as you can see i've had to disconnect in the meanwhile04:23
jendaLjL: pretty much - they operate a channel, but don't offer any help with it... wtf?04:23
LjLwait, seveas is the team leader for the *spanish* loco team? :P04:23
jendaYou won't find them unless you guess @ops will bring them04:23
gnomefreakjenda: pull rank. staff is above seveas04:23
jendagnomefreak: not necessarily.04:24
apokryphosgnomefreak: but they're not violating any freenode policy04:24
LjLstaff is just different04:24
PriceChildgnomefreak, FNstaff aren't really meant to get involved in channel politics etc.04:24
jendait's Ubuntu channel policy04:24
apokryphosthough it is an ubuntu channel trend to have channels public04:24
jendaThey're just bothering staff.04:24
apokryphosit's fine, just wait for Sevy04:24
apokryphosPriceChild: msg?04:24
jendaPeople won't find ops - and will ask us for hely.04:24
jendaAnd we're to help in a spanish speaking channel which refuses to comunicate - I had to _hunt_ down their access list through teh higher staff, too.04:25
=== gnomefreak thought adding staff to access list of staff not ubuntu
jendagnomefreak: does that sentence make sense?04:25
gnomefreakjenda: it does when i fixed it04:26
LjLwell jenda if you have trouble understanding anything they're saying to you, i'm not spanish but being italian i suppose i can guess quite a bit04:26
gnomefreakin other words all ubuntu channels have staff on access list. was that staff that made that rule or ubuntu?04:26
jendaLjL: not at all, I can understand decently... the problem is they don't want to discuss it.04:26
jendagnomefreak: ubuntu04:27
LjLgnomefreak: no, it was suggested - i think by nalioth - some time ago, and seveas was happy to implement that04:27
jendagnomefreak: staff, by policy, doesn't intervene in channels.04:27
ompauljenda, unless they have "memebership" cards first04:27
jendahehe :)04:28
=== ompaul has a few more doors to do back in a bit
LjLgnomefreak: the rationale is that staff often don't feel justified to do *any* op action in a channel (including acting on blatant abuse) unless they're listed as ops, so it's warmly suggested to list them04:28
ompaulone done04:28
jendaLjL: yep04:28
jendaLjL: even then, staff prefer to talk people out of it rather than ban.04:28
LjLwell the staff is crazy, but that's not what we're discussing :P04:29
LjLall i know is if seveas doesn't show up soon, he'll be kind of overwhelmed when he does... well, he'll be anyway04:31
somerville32He was already here04:31
LjLah really? i guess lots of things happen in that strange period of time that people call morning04:33
ompaullet us put it this way, he will lurk in -es he will make a decision and it will be carried out that is the way of the contact for freenode04:34
jendaI think the channel contact should be changed, but that's just me in emotional bias :)04:35
LjLthere's some spanish-speaking nuisances in the channel even right now04:36
LjLif the channel contact is the guy who can speak english but refuses to, in concur...04:36
PriceChildeffie_jayx pm?04:37
jendaLjL: I don't know if he speaks english, actually.04:38
LjLjenda: well, if he understands it...04:38
jendamost probably.04:40
jendaAnd one other op spoke english with me and removed the ban, and told me to talk to the other guy... as soon as that guy came, the first stopped talking to me altogether, and the other guy (the contact) only spoke spanish.04:40
gnomefreakeffie_jayx: speaks spanish ;)04:41
PriceChildgnomefreak, yeah i remembered about him earlier... And I'm almost sure I know him from when the -es irc/forums had a spat04:43
gnomefreakhes on -ve access list04:43
=== Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Mez] by ChanServ
ubotuIn #ubuntu-bots, lotusleaf said: ubotu: !plg is Project Looking Glass home: https://lg3d-core.dev.java.net/ || PLG Demo: http://wwws.sun.com/software/looking_glass/demo.html || PLG Live CD: https://lg3d-livecd.dev.java.net/ || Binary Builds: https://lg3d-core.dev.java.net/binary-builds.html04:48
ubotuIn #ubuntuforums, Amaranth said: !xchatsysinfo is <reply> http://dev.realistanew.com/xchat/sysinfo.py04:48
PriceChild!xchatsysinfo is <reply> http://dev.realistanew.com/xchat/sysinfo.py04:50
ubotuI'll remember that, PriceChild04:50
LjL!plg is <reply> Project Looking Glass is an environment with 3D windowing and visualization capabilities. Web site: https://lg3d-core.dev.java.net/ - Demo: http://wwws.sun.com/software/looking_glass/demo.html - Live CD: https://lg3d-livecd.dev.java.net/ - Binary Builds: https://lg3d-core.dev.java.net/binary-builds.html04:51
ubotuIn #ubuntu-ops, LjL said: !plg is <reply> Project Looking Glass is an environment with 3D windowing and visualization capabilities. Web site: https://lg3d-core.dev.java.net/ - Demo: http://wwws.sun.com/software/looking_glass/demo.html - Live CD: https://lg3d-livecd.dev.java.net/ - Binary Builds: https://lg3d-core.dev.java.net/binary-builds.html04:51
LjLyeah whatever04:51
PriceChildidentify! :P04:51
=== PriceChild wasn't impressed with plg and will leave the matter there
PriceChild!plg is <reply> Project Looking Glass is an environment with 3D windowing and visualization capabilities. Web site: https://lg3d-core.dev.java.net/ - Demo: http://wwws.sun.com/software/looking_glass/demo.html - Live CD: https://lg3d-livecd.dev.java.net/ - Binary Builds: https://lg3d-core.dev.java.net/binary-builds.html04:51
ubotuplg is already known04:51
LjLi added it in a query04:52
PriceChildah ok :)04:52
LjLactually i think i've just been on that site once, but didn't pay much attention. perhaps i can toy with it a little04:53
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v gnomefreak] by ChanServ
jendaHear, hear! Ubuntu QUIZ in #ubuntu-trivia in 1 hour from now. Todays prize: Ubuntu Poster! You can't miss this!05:20
=== jenda goes on a spam rampage :)
jendaToday's QUIZ theme: General Expressions (and more)05:24
LjLsuggest someone else also keeps an eye on -offtopic05:31
gnomefreakJucato: you around i have a couple of questions?05:44
=== LjL [n=ljl@81-208-36-87.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v LjL] by ChanServ
jendaUbuntu QUIZ in 30 minutes in #ubuntu-trivia. Today's theme: Regular Expressions (and more!). Today's prize: Ubuntu Poster! (Sponsored by jrib)05:52
LjLwhat happened?05:53
jendaLjL: no idea05:54
jendaWhat happened? :)05:54
LjLwell there was this user i was less than comfortable with in -offtopic05:54
LjLsomehow i guess he either left or has been banned now05:54
LjLbut i preferred to go away with an excuse :P05:54
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v gnomefreak] by ChanServ
jendaThe QUIZ in #ubuntu-trivia is about to start! Ready, get set, GO! Today's Prize: Ubuntu Poster! Theme: Regular Expressions (and more)06:23
=== TomSwift [n=regerror@user-142h773.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== tonyyarusso [n=anthony@ubuntu/member/tonyyarusso] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v tonyyarusso] by ChanServ
=== Mez_ [i=Mez_@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Mez_] by ChanServ
=== bigfuzzyjesus [n=paul@] has joined #ubuntu-ops
bigfuzzyjesusWhen will my ban on #ubuntu-offtopic be lifted07:21
LjLi believe you were told last time that it would last an indefinite amount of time07:21
bigfuzzyjesusLjL, thats it?, i cant appeal?07:23
LjLbigfuzzyjesus: you can, i suppose, but i find it unlikely that it will be lifted07:24
bigfuzzyjesusLjL, why so07:24
LjLwell because it was the n-th of a number of bans07:24
=== Mez_ counts 8 for offtopic 2 for #ubuntu
bigfuzzyjesusi have not been banned 8 times07:25
Mez_sorry, those are remoes07:26
Mez_it doesnt show when I'm not logged in07:26
LjL[Fri Dec 29 2006]  [19:31:52]  <LjL>now, do we want to give the possibility of appeal? [Fri Dec 29 2006]  [19:32:05]  <Seveas>LjL, again? [Fri Dec 29 2006]  [19:32:11]  <LjL>dunno. just asking [Fri Dec 29 2006]  [19:32:14]  <Seveas>Are we as bad learners as him? [Fri Dec 29 2006]  [19:32:17]  <Hawkwind>Nope [Fri Dec 29 2006]  [19:32:31]  <Hawkwind>That should be, I vote no for the appeal07:26
LjLso, i guess not07:26
bigfuzzyjesusseveas obviously has a bias towards me07:27
bigfuzzyjesusi dont think you should vote for an appeal07:27
bigfuzzyjesusi think i should at least get a shot07:27
bigfuzzyjesuseven if you dont let me back in07:28
LjLthen this is your appeal07:28
LjLi vote "no" against lifting the ban07:28
bigfuzzyjesusis there anyone else in here07:28
LjLassuming there's a voting process in place07:28
bigfuzzyjesusLjL, that vote is based on what07:28
somerville32bigfuzzyjesus, Why were you banned again?07:28
LjLbigfuzzyjesus: on the number of bans, and on my belief that you'd shortly get another if you were let back.07:28
bigfuzzyjesussomerville32, i have been banned since thanksgiving07:28
somerville32LjL: [14:26]  <Mez_> sorry, those are remoes07:29
apokryphosbigfuzzyjesus: and you were very abusive07:29
somerville32bigfuzzyjesus, Why?07:29
apokryphossomerville32: https://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/bans.cgi?anonymous=1&query=bigfuzzyjesus&kicks=on&oldbans=on&bans=on&oldmutes=on&mutes=on07:29
apokryphosthey're not just removes, of course07:29
bigfuzzyjesuswell the last time i was in here a week ago tonyarusso said there would be no prob with  ban lift, you were just under a bot attack in #ubuntu07:29
apokryphosthat's probably something completely unrelated07:30
LjLwell, i think the log preceding your last bans speaks for itself, so i'll let others decide07:30
=== somerville32 goes to look
bigfuzzyjesusi understand that i crossed the line with my comment, but acknowledging that i crossed the line, why is the line not crossed when some one "stabs" someone07:31
apokryphosI explained this to you already several times07:32
apokryphosmore than several, in fact07:32
bigfuzzyjesusand each time i didnt understand07:32
somerville32"bigfuzzyjesus> Gog123: you are a whiney girl that gets hand outs from his parents ant for that i hope you decelop terminal cancer"07:32
somerville32bigfuzzyjesus, Whats with you and insulting people with terminal disease?07:32
somerville32First you wish HIV upon Seveas and now Cancer on Gog123?07:33
bigfuzzyjesussomerville32, i dont do it anymore, it tends to get me in trouble07:33
apokryphos"stabs" is equivocal (with a possible non-violent meaning), terminal cancer is not. What don't you understand about that?07:33
LjLbigfuzzyjesus: well, apparently you did it again *after* you'd already *quite* understood it got you into trouble07:33
LjLso, now i have no reason to believe you really won't do it again a third time07:33
LjLi can find some other amusing quotes near that part (which, indeed, was the main reason of the ban), such as "<bigfuzzyjesus>    my uncle was hitler"07:34
apokryphosI vote for a definite no. Perhaps come back in a few months and your ban can be re-reviewed07:34
LjLbut whatever, the terminal disease alone is enough for me07:34
bigfuzzyjesusknife: use a knife on; "The victim was knifed to death07:34
bigfuzzyjesusthat is the definition of stab07:34
bigfuzzyjesustell me how that is equivocal07:35
apokryphosthat is ONE definition of stab07:35
LjLbigfuzzyjesus: no use arguing about this *again*. you were let known that wishing terminal diseases is *not considered ok*07:35
LjLnow you knew07:35
LjLand you did it anyway07:35
LjLso, goodbye07:35
LjLappeal is up for what i'm concerned07:35
bigfuzzyjesuscan i re appeal in a month07:35
apokryphosno, come back in a few months07:35
apokryphosI also suggest you don't try arguing the same issue then too07:36
somerville32bigfuzzyjesus, You may appeal your ban on March 19th07:36
=== somerville32 pencils bigfuzzyjesus into his 9 o'clock.
bigfuzzyjesusyou do also realize that 4 of those bans were jokes07:37
apokryphosI haven't been going on any other bans07:38
apokryphoswell, I knew about the !ops abuse07:38
apokryphos(and the HIV Seveas incident)07:38
bigfuzzyjesusthe !ops incident was an accident07:38
bigfuzzyjesusi take full responsibility for the other comments07:38
bigfuzzyjesusbut i didnt know that !ops hilighted all the ops07:39
somerville32bigfuzzyjesus, No, but really. Come back in like 3-4 weeks. I mean, people do worse in #ubuntu-offtopic but you have certainly pushed people's buttons by doing it the same thing twice.07:39
bigfuzzyjesusi had honestly never seen that command in a channel. where that is used most is #ubuntu, which i visit only when i am having trouble with my computer07:40
somerville32It's ok :)07:40
somerville32You can appeal in a few weeks07:41
=== bigfuzzyjesus [n=paul@] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Leaving"]
somerville32[14:42]  <bigfuzzyjesus> thank you for acting civil and using a humanistic approach to this instead of a militant approach exhibited by some of the ops07:42
apokryphossomerville32: I wish you would've messaged me before contradicting me in front of a banned user07:42
somerville32Just a smile can go a long way ;] 07:42
somerville32apokryphos, How did I contradict you?07:43
LjLi'm in no mood for smiling07:43
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apokryphos<+apokryphos> no, come back in a few months07:43
apokryphos<+somerville32> You can appeal in a few weeks07:43
=== tsmithe` [n=bip@82-70-109-22.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-ops
somerville32few weeks can be a few months easily07:43
LjLwell you did say 3-4 weeks07:44
apokryphosfew I consider to be "3 or 4"07:44
somerville32It was all rather ambigious07:44
apokryphosI don't believe so07:44
LjLat any rate, are you seriously saying that i should be *nice* to him, other than being respectful though harsh? i utterly disagree. he knew what he was doing very well this time, and he certainly knew he was watched07:44
apokryphos[18:32:13]  <bigfuzzyjesus> can i re appeal in a month07:44
apokryphos[18:32:21]  <+apokryphos> no, come back in a few months07:44
LjLso he's a troll. i'm not nice with trolls07:45
somerville32Why get emotionally involved at all?07:45
LjLmy problem07:45
LjLstill he deserved both the ban *and* the harsh but still respectful way i treated hinm07:46
somerville32Well, I hope we crack down on the other people in #ubuntu-offtopic then too07:46
apokryphossomerville32: to clarify, I don't mind you disagreeing with me at all, but I think we concluded in the last meeting that we wouldn't disagree in front of [appealing]  users07:46
somerville32apokryphos, It wasn't intentional. I apologize.07:47
apokryphosbad for team solidarity, etc07:47
LjLif you can clear the mess in -offtopic, be my guest07:47
apokryphosok :)07:47
somerville32LjL: Well, I don't have ops there so I'm incapable of doing so07:47
apokryphosand now I should be off07:47
=== somerville32 waves.
LjLand i'm not in a position to give you. at any rate, i can tell you that i'm aware that the way -offtopic is handled in inconsistent and kind of poor - however i have not myself decided on the best way to handle that rather peculiar channel07:49
LjLstill, in a case when someone clearly intentionally does the same thing twice, i have little room left for doubts07:49
=== somerville32 nods.
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stoohi, it says i ahve to come in here if i want back into the ubuntu channel08:33
stooi am now connected on port 8001 to freenode as directed from the guide when being kicked for a vulnibulty08:34
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jendaso much for vulnibilities.08:38
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somerville32ubotu: tes08:49
somerville32: (08:49
somerville32He is alive again08:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tes - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about botisdead - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:51
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arrenlex(12:51:57) arrenlex: !somebody | nn53108:53
arrenlex(12:52:33) ubotu: nn531: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:53
arrenlexLook at the timestamps... why is ubotu so slow today?08:53
arrenlex(12:49:52) Ignite: !nvidia | zen08:53
arrenlex(12:50:43) ubotu: zen: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:53
arrenlexAlmost a minute there.08:53
gnomefreakarrenlex: server is having problems no need to paste in here 08:54
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tonyyarussoIs Seveas around perchance?09:34
gnomefreakyeah right09:38
tonyyarussoIs he up to something particularly time-eating this week?09:38
gnomefreaktonyyarusso: not sure i havent seen him in days09:39
tonyyarussognomefreak: Huh, okay.  Thanks.09:40
gnomefreakif he went to the au confrence he could be traveling09:40
tonyyarussoMy question is, um, _very_ non-critical, so I can wait :)09:40
gnomefreaki think that was this past week09:40
somerville32He was here this morning :/09:40
gnomefreakoh ok09:40
SeveasI'm here10:00
Seveastonyyarusso, --^10:00
SeveasI was out buying a car and helping my brother move10:00
=== PriceChild taps his watch
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tonyyarussoSeveas: Ah, cool.10:01
tonyyarussoSeveas: My q was if you could look into the link for the Larts database on the bots' web site - gives a 403 forbidden10:01
gnomefreakSeveas: lives?10:01
Seveasjenda, please don't spam other channels kthxbye (re: -locoteams)10:02
Seveasgnomefreak, finally10:02
Seveashad to work a few nightshifts10:02
Seveasand I bought a car today10:02
somerville32Seveas: We've had a fun time while you were gone10:02
Seveassomerville32, so I read10:02
somerville32I think it's all good now10:02
jendaSeveas: will do ;)10:02
jendaSeveas: err, wil not do.10:02
Seveasbtw: bot host was down for a bit today10:03
jendaSeveas: what about the -es?10:04
Seveasjenda, tell me more10:05
Seveas<somerville32> I think it's all good now <-- gnomefreak do you agree?10:05
gnomefreaki dont think so10:06
gnomefreakSeveas: i think things that were done need to be looked into jokingly or not10:06
Seveasgnomefreak, ok10:06
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Seveaswas it all in here?10:06
gnomefreaklogs are public so seeing an op tell a user to join a channel that used to be auto kline is bad on all of us10:07
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somerville32Seveas: Not entirely. A few of them called the individual's ISP and then e-mailed them.10:07
gnomefreakoh and we need to look into why hawkwind quit10:07
Seveassomerville32, I saw that on IRC10:07
Seveasgreat way to spoil my only free day this week :(10:08
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gnomefreakbut other than that i would say the ban stays and we should all be happy for that 10:08
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jendaSeveas: ok, i will, in 10 mins.10:08
=== somerville32 nods.
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gnomefreakSeveas: oh and the person using his ops as a threat could have beenn dne a little bit nicer10:09
Seveasbots will be back soon10:10
Seveasserver maintenance10:10
gnomefreakSeveas: your allowed10:10
Seveasgnomefreak, wtf?10:11
gnomefreak;) your allowed to kill bots as you like 10:11
=== somerville32 cheers.
LjLSeveas: i haven't seen the bot host being *down*, but they certainly have behaved weirdly in the past two days. seemed more like under heavy load, by the looks of it10:13
SeveasLjL, yes10:13
Seveasit's a bug in planet10:13
LjLyesterday ubotu started parting and joining in succession, it stopped when it was banned from a couple of channels10:13
Seveasit kept on firing of processes that went on running for hours10:13
jendaSeveas: the problem started with #ubuntu-es banning *!*@*x-0* , which is anyone who <has a non-alphanum character in their nick> and <has a cloak>... they wouldn't budge, so the person in question came to me, as freenode staff. I came in the channel, and found that the access list is hidden (requires 1 access) and the channel is set to private. If I wasn't staff, I wouldn't've been able to see the list at all. Soon after I came, the #2 op in that c10:14
jendahannel spoke to me, politely, and removed that stupid ban. He said I should talk about the other things to the #1 op, who wasn't there.10:14
LjLsupybot's certainly a bit sensitive to server load, i could reproduce that here too... well, i didn't *mean* to, but i did anyway10:14
Seveasjenda, is pelicano still #1 op?10:15
jendaSeveas: Then, the #1 guy appeared, and refused to speak english to me. He showed me that there was a @ops command and claimed ops were easy to find. When I explained (in english) that it's not true, when people have to ask freenode for help, he said I should resolve this issue with you.10:15
jendaSeveas: yes.10:15
Seveasjenda, ok, let me ponder about this for a bit while I rebuild a raid array10:16
jenda(ie. he only talked spanish, I talked english, it was rather confusing)10:16
gnomefreakdoes he know english?10:16
LjLa traves de you. do you like to be resolved a traves? :P10:16
LjLgnomefreak: apparently he could understand jenda's enlighs10:16
LjLyeah, well, that10:16
jendagnomefreak: I have no way of knowing, but he didn't have a problem understanding me, and the #2 guy sent me to him, in english, so he probably supposed he would talk to me.10:17
Seveasjenda, pelicano speaks decent english and he should as contact person10:17
jendaAlthough I didn't exactly understand what he said (half guesswork), it didn't seem overly polite.10:18
jendaI must admit I wasn't too corteous either - I can pastebin the log if you wish.10:18
=== gnomefreak uses googles translater most of time when needed
gnomefreakit works fairly good on the 5 or so langauges it knows10:19
jendaI didn't have too much trouble understanding, and checked one word in an online dictionary.10:21
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Seveasjenda, no need to pastebin. I trust your word as ubuntu member/op and freenode staff10:23
Seveasjenda, what do other freenode staffers think about such situations?10:23
jendaI've already got it in the pastebin :)10:23
jendaSeveas: they aren't violating any freenode policies.10:23
jendaIt's your channel, basically.10:23
jendaI was there as an Ubuntu op, and only coincidence brought me there as freenode staff.10:24
jenda if that makes sense :)10:24
Seveasthing is, I've seen pelicano do weird things before and am inclined to have something done about it10:24
Seveasif I had time, I would ask other #ubuntu-es ops about their opinion and do what seems best after that10:24
jendaIt's in your jurisdction, and I personally think the spanish locoteam should do something about it.10:24
Seveasif you have time to do so, please speak with a few of the ops10:25
jendapelicano is, however, listed as one of the contacts for that, too.10:25
jendaI can't say I exactly have the time, but I'll do it.10:25
jendaSeveas: is 48 hours from now ok?10:25
jendaI'll have enough time then.10:25
Seveasjenda, 480 hours from now would be just as fine10:25
Seveasit's been on my agenda for months10:26
jendaI'll investigate ;)10:26
jendaxuzo is the other spanish team contact, I'll try speaking to him, first.10:26
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Seveasbots are coming back11:06
Seveasraid rebuild is done11:06
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=== PriceChild highfives Seveas
=== gnomefreak hates comprimising with kde :( brb smoke
ubotuIn ubotu, shadebug said: ubuntu studio is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudioPreparation11:17
ubotuubuntustudio is a site is for the musician who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation, at  http://www.ubuntustudio.com. Or visit  #ubuntu-studio11:19
somerville32!ubuntu studio11:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu studio - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:19
somerville32!ubuntu studio is <alias> ubuntustudio11:19
ubotuI'll remember that, somerville3211:19

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