
gnomefreaki use it that way so it stays with the same scheme ;)12:17
Riddellryanakca: known problem12:17
Riddelltonio uploaded a fix12:17
ryanakcaRiddell: kk, thanks12:17
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nixternalanyone with KDE SVN+SSH: is your initial connection, where it checks the SVN and then asks for your password, slow? I notice constant HD activity when I do svn up and it takes a minute until it asks for a password for my SSH key12:56
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manchickenRiddell: What now?05:09
manchicken(I suppose it's 0400 where you are, so I suppose you won't be on.  Silly me.)05:10
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=== ryanakca reboots
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ryanakcais KNetworkManager supposed to be wireless network only? or should it detect eth0?05:30
ash211__from what I've read, it's supposed to do wireless & wired05:30
ryanakcaash211: hmm... odd... it's showing "No network devices found."05:31
ash211yes, see http://en.opensuse.org/Projects/KNetworkManager05:31
ryanakcahmmm... file a bug?05:31
ash211I'd guess so05:32
ash211I'm not really familiar with it...05:32
ryanakcanor I... I just noticed it in my kicker's tray...05:34
ryanakcahmm...  I'll ask about it again in the morning... g'night05:35
nixternalryanakca: it does both05:38
ryanakcanixternal: so, file a bug?05:38
nixternalno, you have to make sure your /etc/network/interfaces is set to auto for everything05:39
nixternalauto lo05:39
nixternaliface lo inet loopback05:39
nixternalauto eth005:39
nixternaliface eth0 inet dhcp05:39
nixternaland so on05:39
nixternalno static05:40
nixternalknetworkmanager works with dhcp only ;(05:41
nixternaloh ya, that is why knetwork manager doesn't see it05:41
nixternalbut if you disable wireless with knetwork manager, it will use your eth0 automatically then05:41
ryanakcaok, edited to http://www.pastebin.ca/323248 , /etc/init.d/networking restart, restarted KNetworkManager, same thing...05:43
nixternalget rid of all of that address stuff05:44
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ryanakcanevermind, yep05:45
ryanakcarestarting them...05:45
nixternalheh, seems one of my neighbors has setup a new wifi network05:45
nixternaland they have to be super close05:46
ryanakcanixternal: updated to http://www.pastebin.ca/323251 ... same thing... hmm...05:46
ryanakcaMy cousin built some gadget to amplify the wifi networks in the area so he could use them... dunno if it actually worked or not...05:47
nixternalthat is all i have in mine, and iirc anything else in there made it not work05:47
nixternalprobably made a yaggi or a cantennae05:47
nixternalyou can't amplify a wifi signal because it will take it out of the band, creating a more powerful antennae is what you do so there is no db loss05:48
nixternalfor every inch away from a typical wifi router you usually loose 1db05:48
manchickenI'm out of stuff to hack :(05:50
manchickenI'm gonna look at the adept spec again.05:51
ryanakcahmm... same thing... oh well... I don't need it :)05:51
nixternaldon't know why it isn't working for you05:51
ryanakcanor do I :)05:51
nixternali think it is popcorn and movie time05:51
nixternalmanchicken: wanna cuddle?05:51
ryanakcasee yah05:51
nixternallater ryanakca :)05:52
ryanakcabedtime here :)05:52
nixternalclose here05:52
ryanakcahmm... I can mute and put the volume down... and I can play/pause... but not put it up... *adds that to his todo for the morning*05:52
manchickennixternal: My kitty beat you to it.  Maybe later.05:55
=== Jucato likes cats
manchickenI have two.05:57
manchickenBut if one of them keeps pissing all over everything I'll shortly have only one.05:57
manchickenNOTHING is more infuriating than laying down in a bed just to find a wet spot.05:58
Jucatoif I had a cat, I'd train it not to do that... :(05:58
manchickenI've tried.05:58
manchickenBELIEVE ME, I've tried.05:58
Jucatoand not to leave it's poop inside the house... make it go to the neighbor...05:58
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praetorHobbsee: hullo :-)08:08
Hobbseeheya praetor :)08:08
praetori'm all settled in and ready to code once more08:09
Hobbseepraetor: woot :D08:11
Hobbseepraetor: however, i'm going out, sorry :(08:11
praetornw, i see adept development is moving along nicely08:12
JucatoHobbsee: remember that article I was talking about? the one from desktoplinux.com?08:12
HobbseeJucato: yeah08:13
HobbseeJucato: i'm out - i'll read the backscroll though08:13
JucatoHobbsee: it was on digg (thank goodness not /.)... I was quite surprised... lots of positive comments, no negative...08:13
HobbseeJucato: wow.  it's on crack, and inaccurate though08:14
Jucatoyeah. that's why I was surprised...08:15
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mhbryanakca: it doesn't show ANY wireless network on my laptop & my girlfriend's10:41
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Hobbseepraetor_: so we should find you some more to code?02:28
praetor_Hobbsee: i've been looking through the adept stuff a bit02:29
praetor_i'll find something to keep myself busy02:29
Hobbseepraetor_: :002:29
Hobbsee* :)02:29
Jucatoheh looks like Adapt is getting all the love it needs (and deserves??) :)02:30
Hobbseehehe, nice :)02:30
abattoiradept? or is there some new tool?02:31
Jucatoabattoir: changes have been made to Adept the past days... courtesy of manchicken02:31
abattoiroh, nice02:31
Jucatothe new Manage Repositories is still in the works though :(02:31
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=== Jucato wonders when Flash 9 (final) will be made available in the repos
praetor_Jucato: I got it from backports, but it didn't work02:34
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Jucatopraetor_: the one in -backports is Flash 9 Beta 202:35
praetor_so what I did was just go and d/l it from adobe, then copy the .so file into the appropriate plugins direc02:35
praetor_Jucato: ah you are right, the one in backports is beta.02:37
praetor_still, if you need it, just d/l the .tar.gz archive and move the .so file02:37
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Jucatoyeah... but I'm old fashioned... I prefer to use the repos... so that I have someone to blame if things go wrong :P02:38
Lure\sh: congrats02:38
\shlure: thx :)02:38
\shguys, I'm just getting totally crazy...02:39
Hobbseecongrats, \sh :)02:39
\shHobbsee: my gf is pregnant02:39
Hobbseeyes, but why crazy?02:39
Lure\sh: wait for 9 months for "totally crazy" ;-)02:39
\shLure: the news just hit me suddenly...she was just telling it as it was something normal...you know...02:40
=== Hobbsee now has a ubuntu and kubuntu sticker on her laptop :)
Jucatokubuntu sticker?!?!02:42
=== Lure needs to get kubuntu one
praetor_where do you get these kubuntu stickers anyway?02:43
=== Jucato was disappointed with not having Kubuntu stickers when Dapper was shipped :(
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=== Hobbsee got them at LCA
Hobbseepraetor: linux conf - any of them02:44
LureJucato: I got ubuntu stickers, as I ordered one ubuntu cd with my kubuntu pack ;-)02:44
praetorno possibility of getting some mailed or something?02:44
JucatoLure: yeah.. when I heard that there were Ubuntu stickers, I was sooo tempted to order Ubuntu CD's :D02:45
HobbseeLure: :)02:45
HobbseeLure: i pinched the last one off the table - i saw some more in the bags..02:45
praetor2 mates that did cs with me went to linux conf02:45
praetorthey said they had a great time and got to have a beer with the guy who wrote iptables02:45
LureHobbsee: I got some ubuntu stickers on uds-mtv though - to make friends happy ;-)02:45
Jucatostickers stickers stickers!! :(02:46
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ryanakcashould I file a bug on it taking about 35 minutes for one page to print with cups threw samba up to my XP machine?02:57
Lureryanakca: sounds like a bug02:59
ryanakcaLure: kk02:59
=== ryanakca searches for the cups config files
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srednaIs it possible to install qt4 demos in kubuntu?03:11
ryanakcahey sredna03:11
srednaI have qt4demo, but there is no way to activate the actual demo programs03:11
ryanakcaLure: sounds like an ongoing problems since april '06... bug 39484 ... even though mine did print a test page... hmm...03:13
UbugtuMalone bug 39484 in samba "cups smb printing backend no longer works" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/3948403:13
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serzholinohi! will be updates from dapper to feisty supported?03:26
serzholinoor only via update to edgy first?03:26
praetorafaik, you can't skip upgrades, so dapper->feisty will not work03:28
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serzholinois it known bug tat konqueror crashes randomly on right mouse click on file in edgy?03:30
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MidMarkhi, guys with Edgy how can I say to kppp to override the default gateway to the one returned by the ppp connections? I have always the that was the old default06:17
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mhbgood evening07:24
manchickenYay timezones!07:26
manchickenHello all you happy people.07:27
gnomefreakjdong: you busy?07:30
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manchickenIs there a limit to how many bazaar branches you can store on launchpad?11:13
ryanakcamanchicken: dunno... I just store mine in +junk...11:14
=== ryanakca asks in #launchpad
manchickenThere's a #launchpad?11:14
ryanakcaand a #bzr too :D11:15
=== ryanakca likes bzr... except for the fact that it's ssslllloooowwwww
manchickenI like svn more though.11:16
manchickenMaybe once they make it faster, and there's some emacs support, it'll be better.11:16
manchickenEither way, version control is version control.11:16
=== ryanakca used to use svn.... thing I like about bzr is that you can commit locally
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ryanakcainstead of always having to commit on a remote server...11:17
manchickenYeah, that's nice.11:17
=== ryanakca wonders if people still use cvs...
manchickenI know lots of people who still use CVS.11:17
manchickenI never really minded CVS.11:17
=== ryanakca thinks of bazaria... Cervisia for bzr
=== ryanakca twiddles while waiting for launchpadders to wake up...
manchickensvn and .bzr is that they keep too many files around though.11:19
ryanakcatoo many programs I want to write when I can't even figure out how to do a simple task that Riddell gave me...11:20
manchickenWhat did he give you?11:20
ryanakcasomething about adding UPS to kde-hal-device-manager...11:20
manchickenIs that using .desktop stuff?11:21
ryanakcafrom what I see in the code, it's all automaticly recognised threw hal or something of the sort... so I don't know how I could add it... python11:22
ryanakcaof course, I probably have it all wrong... I'll work on it next week... I have 6 days off after exams... which I should probably be studying for... meh11:23
manchickenAh.  I'm not a big Python guy.11:23
manchickenI wouldn't mind doing more in that area, but I really would prefer to be doing C++11:24
=== ryanakca tried C++... got really confused with it... decided to pick a simpler first language...
manchickenNo such thing.11:28
manchickenEvery language has its complexities ^_^11:29
ryanakcawell... a higher level language?11:29
manchickenThing that gets me is the whole indentation thing.11:29
manchickenKinda seems silly to me.11:29
ryanakcasure, I could go to esolang.org and learn glass or bf or another crazy low level/esoteric language... and get more confused that with C++...  but... nah11:30
ryanakcalol... indentation... makes it easier to read? which means easier to maintain?11:30
manchickenMakes it hard to maintain when you've got some people who like tabs and some people who like spaces though ;)11:31
manchickenEither way, they're all just languages.11:31
manchickenAnd we've got a lot of python code out there.11:31
manchickenWe need someone who can work it well ^_^11:31
gnomefreakanyone here know why apports not included in kde?11:32
=== manchicken doesn't know what apports is...
gnomefreak!info apport11:32
ubotuapport: automatically generate crash reports for debugging. In component main, is optional. Version 0.28 (edgy), package size 22 kB, installed size 156 kB11:32
gnomefreaki got someone that lost 30gigs over night11:32
manchickenYou mean drkonqui?11:33
ryanakcahmm.. no clue11:33
gnomefreakwas wondering if ff crashed many times over. where does kde store crash reports or is it backtrace on own11:33
ryanakcagnomefreak: ouch... how?11:33
gnomefreakryanakca: working on it11:33
gnomefreaknot sure11:33
ryanakcamanchicken: http://esolangs.org/wiki/Black   ... now that's what I define as a... confusing language?11:34
ryanakcamanchicken: still waiting for them to answer :)11:35
manchickenryanakca: Look up APL11:35
ryanakcaor no...11:35
manchickenthe A Programming Language11:35
manchickenAn old Bell Labs feller.11:35
manchickenVery old.11:36
ryanakcaheh, doesn't even use the english alphabet...11:37
manchickenNope.  Greek alphabet.11:37
=== ryanakca wonders why people make life complicated for themselves...
manchickenMost of those languages you're seeing on esolangs are experimental things that people do to learn.11:39
manchickenI made my own programming language once.11:39
=== elcuco_ [n=elcuco@bzq-88-153-175-192.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
manchickenIt was an interpreted language executed by a Perl script.11:39
manchickenThat was fun.11:39
ryanakcaAppeared in: 1964... hehe... that's... 43 years old...11:39
manchickenBut it was slow.11:39
ryanakca[17:38]  <mpt> ryanakca, probably after a few billion the database will get a bit flaky11:40
ryanakca[17:39]  <LarstiQ> ryanakca: not that I know of11:40
ryanakcathere's your answer :)11:40
ryanakcaput your junk repos in +junk though... :)11:40
gnomefreakany devels feel like helping with this weird ass issue?11:40
ryanakcaanywais, bbl, supper11:40
manchickenWhat about a launchpad space limitation?11:40
manchickengnomefreak: What issue?11:40
gnomefreakthe loss of 30gigs over night11:41
gnomefreakno kidding11:41
manchickenLoss of data or loss of space?11:41
gnomefreakhe says hes missing 30gig i think its just not showing data seems to be there11:42
manchickenIn kubuntu?11:42
gnomefreakim waiting for an answer on how big drive is11:42
manchicken#kubuntu even11:42
manchickenWho's having the issue?11:43
manchickenYES!!!  ANOTHER TOUCHDOWN!!!!11:45
manchickenBears 32, New Orleans 1411:45
=== ajmitch [n=ajmitch@port166-123.ubs.maxnet.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Ingmar^ [n=ingmar@86-39-1-37.customer.fulladsl.be] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== kwwii [n=kwwii@scandic759.host.songnetworks.se] has joined #kubuntu-devel
crimsunI was just about ask why kdm on feisty was kicking me out, and then I read ``df -h''12:07
=== Manticore-1 [i=chanscan@88-109-184-149.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel

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