jenda | hehe | 12:33 |
LarstiQ | mdke: btw, do you want a CC on that mail from/to danilo? | 12:55 |
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mdke | LarstiQ: no, that's ok | 12:59 |
LarstiQ | k | 01:00 |
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alefteris | packages that are in universe dont get a project made automaticaly for them in launchpad? | 02:05 |
alefteris | s/project/product | 02:06 |
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alefteris | also can i set a bug contact for a product? | 02:18 |
alefteris | how? | 02:18 |
LaserJock | I know how to do it for a package | 02:19 |
LaserJock | but not sure about a product | 02:19 |
mdke | I think it might be Maintainer | 02:26 |
alefteris | i tryed to triage a bug for tidle (that lives in universe), but when tryed to link it to upstream i got a page saying that there is no product named tilda in launchpad. So I created on in: | 02:27 |
mdke | strange system. I would have thought you can link to an upstream bugtracker without creating a product | 02:28 |
alefteris | mdke, i had the same thought, that's why i wasnt so sure about making one | 02:32 |
alefteris | i though every package had a product assigned to it | 02:32 |
mdke | no, not all packages use launchpad at all | 02:33 |
mdke | some have products created for internal launchpad reasons, but many don't, I think | 02:33 |
alefteris | but maybe because its in universe it hasnt got one? | 02:33 |
mdke | I'm not sure how it works, unfortunately launchpad's handling of upstream vs downstream is very confusing at the moment | 02:33 |
somerville32 | They changed how it works | 02:34 |
somerville32 | You are now required to create a product to link to a remote bug tracker | 02:34 |
alefteris | ok i did that. But how can i set the Bug contact for it? | 02:35 |
mdke | surely if it uses an upstream bugtracker, you don't have bugs on the product in launchpad | 02:35 |
mdke | so you shouldn't have a bug contact, I guess | 02:36 |
somerville32 | alefteris, You now need to associate the source package with the bazaar branch of the product | 02:36 |
somerville32 | or sorry: *series | 02:37 |
somerville32 | And when you create the product, you can also associate an upstream bugtracker (Though it doesn't seem to make a difference when actually adding a remote bug watch) | 02:38 |
somerville32 | You still have to provide the full link | 02:38 |
somerville32 | IIRC | 02:38 |
somerville32 | It is an interesting workflow, for sure | 02:38 |
alefteris | i linked to the remote bug tracker: | 02:38 |
alefteris | im not sure how to do the bazzar thing :( | 02:39 |
somerville32 | You do it mean you associate the package with the product | 02:39 |
somerville32 | You don't actually associate the package with the product, you associate it with a release series | 02:39 |
alefteris | also i have to notify upstream maintainers and transfer maintenance to them? | 02:40 |
somerville32 | no | 02:40 |
alefteris | ok i dont know how to do that correctly.. is there any documentation for this? I am afraid I will do something wrong and mess the packages :) | 02:43 |
somerville32 | You can't screw anything up | 02:43 |
somerville32 | Besides, if you do, the launchpad admins will just eat you | 02:44 |
somerville32 | and we'll never hear from you again | 02:44 |
somerville32 | So it's all good | 02:44 |
mikl | :D | 02:44 |
alefteris | hehe good to hear that | 02:45 |
alefteris | so what should i put in name the unix name together with release number? | 02:46 |
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alefteris | like: tilda-0.09.3 ?? | 02:46 |
somerville32 | ... | 02:48 |
somerville32 | what are you doing? :P | 02:48 |
alefteris | there is a truck series already, why should I make a separate series? | 02:48 |
alefteris | sorry havent done it before.. | 02:48 |
alefteris | ;P | 02:48 |
somerville32 | You *shouldn't* make a separate series | 02:49 |
alefteris | ok i didnt | 02:49 |
alefteris | you said before that i should: associate the source package with the bazaar branch of the product, sorry: *series | 02:50 |
somerville32 | Right | 02:51 |
somerville32 | Don't create a new one | 02:51 |
somerville32 | One already exists | 02:51 |
alefteris | so im set | 02:51 |
alefteris | thanks for the help | 02:54 |
somerville32 | np | 02:55 |
somerville32 | Happy launchpadding | 02:55 |
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Rinchen | somerville32, lol Launchpad admins eating you | 05:04 |
somerville32 | ;] | 05:04 |
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tsmithe | could someone tell me about fix-it-friday? | 11:02 |
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mpt | tsmithe, Fix-It Friday is where the Launchpad developers stop working on big features and instead fix small problems that have been annoying people for a while. | 11:18 |
mpt | You're welcome to suggest your own small problems for Fix-It Friday on the launchpad-users@ mailing list. | 11:19 |
tsmithe | ahh ok | 11:19 |
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tsmithe | that's great | 11:19 |
tsmithe | hi Hobbsee | 11:19 |
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Hobbsee | hey tsmithe! | 11:20 |
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ryanakca | why does say "Launchpad could not mirror this branch at 2007-01-21 10:40:29 EST. The error was: Not a branch: /srv/sm-ng/push-branches/00/00/09/3e/"... and does +junk/ ever get cleaned up? | 04:46 |
ryanakca | (I last commited to it sometime in late November, early December, btw) | 04:49 |
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mpt | ryanakca, you'll have most luck asking that question when ddaa (David Allouche) is around | 07:21 |
ryanakca | mpt: kk, thanks | 07:22 |
mpt | Though you could make a support request at | 07:22 |
mpt | and on a related note | 07:29 |
mpt | Gooooooooooooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders! | 07:29 |
mpt | Any day now, I will start remembering that it's 2007, not 2006 | 07:30 |
ryanakca | lol | 07:34 |
ryanakca | mpt: kk, will do :) | 07:34 |
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gouki | Hi. Is it possible to edit a comment made on a bug? | 08:59 |
mdke | gouki: no | 09:14 |
mpt | no | 09:14 |
mpt | What's the situation? Did you make a typo or language error, or is it something more serious? | 09:15 |
kiko | third request | 09:16 |
mpt | kiko, hmmm? | 09:21 |
kiko | for a comment edit | 09:21 |
kiko | gouki? | 09:21 |
mpt | oh | 09:21 |
mpt | I have a cunning idea about that, actually | 09:21 |
mpt | because we don't send out mail notifications until five minutes later | 09:22 |
mpt | we could give people five minutes to say "augh! that wasn't really what I meant" | 09:22 |
kiko | and? | 09:22 |
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mdke | they can still do that... by commenting again :) | 09:23 |
ajmitch | and have a big clock counting down, flashing red? :) | 09:23 |
mdke | it's only a problem if they paste their root password in, or divulge a cia secret or something | 09:23 |
crimsun | a big notification bubble with a countdown timer just for mpt? | 09:23 |
mpt | mdke, or insult someone horribly | 09:24 |
mdke | mpt: that happens? | 09:24 |
=== mdke goes off to the bug tracker with renewed vigour | ||
kiko | mdke, we would need to erase every single comment by iwj | 09:24 |
mdke | lol | 09:24 |
mdke | kiko: only on Launchpad bugs, surely | 09:25 |
kiko | I think insulting comments should instead go to a hall of fame | 09:25 |
kiko | <Induct this comment to the Insult Hall Of Fame> | 09:25 |
mdke | lol | 09:25 |
kiko | and /bugs/+insult-hof | 09:25 |
mpt | +what-did-hof-do-to-deserve-such-insults | 09:25 |
mpt | or /+insult-hof, /+annoy-hof, and /+Hassel-hof | 09:26 |
kiko | the latter one would be for hellen | 09:27 |
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gouki | kiko and mpt: Sorry, I was away | 09:44 |
kiko | gouki, ok we forgive you this once, but your 5 minutes are up | 09:44 |
gouki | It's actually a typo, but it's no big deal. | 09:44 |
kiko | ah! that's not so bad | 09:44 |
gouki | kiko: Yeah. Thanks though. | 09:45 |
Ubugtu | New bug: #80895 in malone "Give people five minutes to edit/delete their comment" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] | 09:50 |
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Rinchen | mpt, I prefer /+dev/null | 10:21 |
Rinchen | =) | 10:23 |
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ryanakca | Is there a limit to how many bazaar branches you can store on launchpad? | 11:14 |
mpt | ryanakca, probably after a few billion the database will get a bit flaky | 11:38 |
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kiko-afk | mpt, you are so cute | 12:14 |
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