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manchicken | We need a vc-bzr for emacs | 12:53 |
Mez | manchicken, -> #bzr ;) | 12:55 |
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Hobbsee | morning all | 02:25 |
Jucato | morning Hobbsee! | 02:26 |
freeflying | moin Hobbsee Jucato | 02:26 |
Hobbsee | :) | 02:26 |
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canllaith | Does anyone know how I can get the KDE display kcontrol module instead of the one provided by guidance? | 06:29 |
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Tm_T | canllaith: Sorry, I have no idea. | 06:36 |
Tm_T | But good luck. :) | 06:37 |
canllaith | The .so file is still being installed but it wont run. The guidance one is quite broken and insists on forcing my display to 1024x768 which is really annoying. | 06:37 |
Tm_T | Bullying little kids, that's my job afterall. -> | 06:37 |
=== canllaith has to manually set the correct resolution on each login using krandrtray | ||
canllaith | heh | 06:38 |
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kwwii | moin | 09:03 |
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Jucato | hi kwwii! | 09:07 |
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kwwii | howdy Jucato | 09:08 |
Jucato | kwwii: | 09:08 |
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Jucato | er.. thanks for the tip on the Oxygen icons | 09:08 |
kwwii | Jucato: no problem, let me know if I can help further | 09:08 |
Jucato | kwwii: sure. I'm also looking for stuff to suggest/ask/recommend about them | 09:09 |
Jucato | unfortunately, using them on KDE 3.5.6.. so... might not be very valid | 09:09 |
kwwii | well, I am using it too, so it is more a point of the artwork than anyhting else at this point | 09:10 |
kwwii | we haven't moved things to the new naming spec yet | 09:10 |
Jucato | ah | 09:10 |
kwwii | although you could certainly check that out and at least add theoretical bugs/ideas to that | 09:10 |
Jucato | so how about a question on an app not using the proper icon for the system tray? | 09:10 |
kwwii | well, quite a few of those are still missing | 09:11 |
Jucato | er.. I better go to #kde-artists? | 09:11 |
kwwii | a lot of that is due to duplicate icon names | 09:11 |
Jucato | aah | 09:11 |
Jucato | it's actually kget | 09:11 |
kwwii | if you find the icon in the oxygen theme itself and it does not appear where you think it should please let us know | 09:11 |
kwwii | we should probably make a list of this stuff | 09:11 |
kwwii | often the icons shown in the panel have a different name than the app icon itself | 09:12 |
kwwii | I know that the kmix icon is the same | 09:12 |
kwwii | so it is still missing as well | 09:12 |
Jucato | yes. still crystal | 09:12 |
Jucato | how about the system tray icon for kget, when it's not downloading anything? | 09:12 |
Jucato | hm.. I better get a screenshot | 09:13 |
canllaith | hey kwwii | 09:13 |
kwwii | it is probably missing a state (ie...idle) | 09:13 |
=== canllaith waves, and wonders why she inexplicibly suddenly feels like a smoke | ||
kwwii | hi canllaith | 09:13 |
kwwii | lol | 09:13 |
Jucato | canllaith: because of curry | 09:13 |
=== kwwii smokes so much others want to smoke just by talking to me | ||
Riddell | canllaith! | 09:14 |
canllaith | Riddell! | 09:14 |
canllaith | Why are we yelling? :P | 09:14 |
kwwii | ok, Donald, keep it down | 09:15 |
Jucato | lol | 09:15 |
canllaith | Oh man, I so forgot how many channels I was in when I did that. | 09:15 |
Riddell | canllaith: well general surprise and pleasure at you joining kubuntu development | 09:15 |
canllaith | I need to write lines. One I /nick to QueenCanllaith 'cause of a conversation I was having in #kdedocs and didn't realise I was in 12 (TWELVE) freenode channels *sob* | 09:15 |
canllaith | Riddell: Well, I'm upstream! That counts!(right?) | 09:16 |
canllaith | Actually I was having some bugs. But I'll help fix them! | 09:16 |
Riddell | yep | 09:16 |
Riddell | canllaith: and also general disapproval at you smoking | 09:16 |
canllaith | I don't really smoke. At aKademy I bummed about 5 smokes off richmoore and one off kwwii | 09:16 |
canllaith | and I haven't smoked since | 09:16 |
kwwii | oh, yeah, blame me | 09:16 |
kwwii | I am fault for everyones' bad habits | 09:17 |
canllaith | Agreed. | 09:17 |
canllaith | Hey, who was responsible for the new oxygen Konqueror action icons like back, forward, stop etc? | 09:17 |
kwwii | well, at least I am good at something | 09:17 |
canllaith | They didn't seem to fit for ages then I did an svn up and whammo, new ones. | 09:17 |
kwwii | lol, nuno made those | 09:17 |
canllaith | They're pretty. He's good at pretty. | 09:18 |
kwwii | we have made quite a few of those | 09:18 |
kwwii | and I am pretty sure that he is sick of making arrows | 09:18 |
canllaith | Poor lad. | 09:18 |
canllaith | I'd help, but I don't think crayon would do you guys much good. | 09:18 |
kwwii | well, everyone has their own opinions about arrows and they seem to be quite varied | 09:18 |
canllaith | Riddell: in all seriousness, is there something specifically kubuntuish I could help out with? Or am I more likely to make a difference plodding along upstream ? | 09:18 |
kwwii | hehe, only if your crayon can save svgs | 09:18 |
canllaith | I can't do computer art to save my life. I sketch ok, but I have no idea how to adapt that to vector drawing programs :) | 09:19 |
canllaith | oh and Riddell can I chat to you about the dot when you have a moment? | 09:20 |
kwwii | yeah, it takes some time to get used to vector programs | 09:20 |
=== Jucato can't imagine canllaith in a situation where she needed to do computer art to save her life... | ||
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Riddell | canllaith: ooh, well, kubuntu docs always needs work | 09:25 |
canllaith | k | 09:25 |
Riddell | canllaith: dot, sure, any time (mostly, I'm in a team meeting this week so may occationally be busy) | 09:26 |
canllaith | I have some article ideas, basically | 09:26 |
Riddell | excellent! | 09:26 |
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Riddell | mhb: there's your kopete bug https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=140307 | 09:45 |
Ubugtu | KDE bug 140307 in general "Kopete's balloon stops working with 3.5.6" [Normal,New] | 09:45 |
Jucato | message balloon? the one that pops up when someone sends a message bug the main window is closed? | 09:48 |
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Riddell | nixternal: what needs doing in docs that canllaith can help with? | 09:59 |
Riddell | ping kwwii | 10:01 |
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canllaith | There is probably enough in KDE docs for me to do to be honest. | 10:05 |
canllaith | What I'm looking for are smaller things to do with a clearly defined end. I already have a huge ongoing horrendously painful job being part of the KDE docs team :) | 10:06 |
Riddell | canllaith: if you work out why the heck our mouse cursor theme doesn't work in KDM (but do once logged in) I'll buy you a beer | 10:11 |
canllaith | I don't drink beer, you could buy me a soy shake? :D | 10:11 |
Riddell | or a glass of wine | 10:11 |
Riddell | or whatever a soy shake is | 10:11 |
canllaith | A milk shake made with soy milk instead of cow milk. | 10:11 |
canllaith | I'll look, sure. | 10:12 |
Riddell | probably it needs whatever sets the theme file being in /etc/kde3 not /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/... | 10:13 |
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apokryphos | Riddell: as a uk comp sci graduate ;-), what do you think is better for comp sci: York or Durham? | 10:21 |
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Riddell | apokryphos: no idea, I quite liked York but then they didn't let me in so now I don't like them | 10:22 |
Riddell | Durham is full of Oxbridge rejects from what I hear | 10:22 |
apokryphos | Riddell: funny, same here :) | 10:22 |
Riddell | naturally I'd recommend Edinburgh | 10:22 |
apokryphos | heh. My brother's applying now and he's got it down to those two. He's a Cambridge reject :O | 10:23 |
apokryphos | getting pooled is a cruel business 8) | 10:23 |
Riddell | either is fine, they're both nice cities (for England) | 10:24 |
apokryphos | yeah | 10:24 |
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canllaith | reject? Wow, I don't think that happens her | 10:29 |
canllaith | here* | 10:29 |
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Tonio_ | hi | 10:54 |
Riddell | anyone else on feisty able to confirm that kcontrol menu doesn't work in feisty? | 10:55 |
Riddell | or is Tonio_ right and it's just me being a freak? | 10:55 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: ;) | 10:57 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: retested here, works for me.... sorry ;) | 10:57 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: I just discovered a bunch of new improvements for kde, I'll show you for tests once 3.5.6 is officially in the repos | 10:58 |
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Riddell | 3.5.6 tomorrow hopefully | 10:59 |
Riddell | Tonio_: does the konqueror flash installer work for flash 9? | 10:59 |
Tonio_ | yup, I just have to change kds for this | 10:59 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: but that's an issue since that will not provide updates..... | 11:00 |
Riddell | just change the URL? | 11:00 |
Tonio_ | since there is no .deb management | 11:00 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: exactly | 11:00 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: we may try to fix the fix and use a script like the amarok-mp3 one no ? | 11:00 |
Riddell | mm, so ideally it would know what version is installed and that a new version is available | 11:00 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: yeah but that's not very easy to do | 11:01 |
Riddell | no | 11:02 |
Riddell | using adept_batch seems to make sense | 11:02 |
Riddell | oh, that reminds me, I need to look at manchicken's patch for it | 11:02 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: looks like beeing removed from feisty actually.... don't know who did that | 11:03 |
Tonio_ | oups, no it's still in | 11:07 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: you wan watch ./Desktop/kds/kubuntu-default-settings-7.04/konqueror-profile/konq_plugins.xml | 11:08 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: no version management there | 11:08 |
Tonio_ | so to manage adept-batch, we would have to rewrite the patch from scratch | 11:09 |
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Riddell | yeah :( | 11:12 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: any idea when 3.5.6 is beeing released ? | 11:21 |
Riddell | 09:59 < Riddell> 3.5.6 tomorrow hopefully | 11:23 |
Tonio_ | ho Riddell, concerning hplip, I have a debdiff, but don't know what to do.... | 11:23 |
Riddell | debdiff for what? | 11:23 |
Tonio_ | fixes the desktop files | 11:24 |
Tonio_ | http://paste.tonio.homelinux.org/45 | 11:24 |
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Tonio_ | that maxes the kmenu clean once and for all ;) | 11:24 |
Tonio_ | s/maxes/makes | 11:24 |
Tonio_ | doesn't seem to have a ubuntu maintainer, since it is direct sync from debian | 11:25 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: do you think I can go with it ? | 11:25 |
Tonio_ | I also have dixes for bug 67113 and bug 67113 | 11:27 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 67113 in kdebase "K Menu naming scheme changed in 3.5.5 from 3.5.4" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67113 | 11:27 |
Tonio_ | and bug 67421 | 11:27 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 67421 in firefox "Forefox crashes when trying to select a submenu on Sony.com" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67421 | 11:27 |
Riddell | it would be good to know what caused hplip to appear there | 11:27 |
Riddell | which doesn't in edgy | 11:27 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: well the desktop file changed..... | 11:28 |
Tonio_ | that's it | 11:28 |
Riddell | I also have GTK settings in that same place in the k-menu | 11:28 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: there were no desktop file for edgy | 11:28 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: yes but I fixed the gtk thing, you may have to dist-upgrade | 11:28 |
Riddell | right | 11:28 |
Riddell | does making it have Categories=Application;System; change anything in Gnome? | 11:28 |
Riddell | s/OnlyShowIn=GNOME;XFCE/NotShowIn=KDE;/ | 11:29 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: well I think gnome uses settings instead of system for configuration tools.... | 11:29 |
Riddell | OnlyShowIn is a list, it has to end with a ";" | 11:29 |
Tonio_ | hum true indeed.... :) | 11:29 |
Tonio_ | I fixed the desktop file | 11:30 |
Tonio_ | that's the point I did it that way | 11:31 |
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Tonio_ | "Settings" makes sense in gnome, but not in kde | 11:31 |
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Tonio_ | debdiff updated | 11:32 |
Tonio_ | sorry for the ";" missing | 11:32 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: but you really have an issue with your desktop files, since gtk-qt-engines is already fixed for a few days, and now only appears in systemsettings | 11:32 |
Riddell | I've not done a dist-upgrade | 11:33 |
Riddell | abattoir! | 11:33 |
Tonio_ | that may explain :) | 11:33 |
abattoir | hi Riddell :) | 11:33 |
Riddell | how's oem-installer abattoir? | 11:33 |
abattoir | Riddell: shall i put a mockup on the wiki? for UI review? | 11:33 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: so do you think I can go on with an upload for hplip ? | 11:33 |
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Riddell | abattoir: please do | 11:35 |
abattoir | Riddell: should i ping seele or someone? | 11:35 |
Riddell | abattoir: sure, once they're up | 11:36 |
abattoir | *someone else | 11:36 |
Riddell | Tonio_: what is Categories= just now? | 11:36 |
abattoir | Riddell: ok, thanks | 11:36 |
Riddell | Categories=Application;Settings; | 11:36 |
Riddell | Tonio_: what happens if it's changed to Categories=Application;Settings;System; ? | 11:36 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: it appears in both ;) | 11:36 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: already tested here | 11:36 |
Riddell | does this get installed on ubuntu by default? doesn't it use pyqt? | 11:37 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: only recommends pyqt, not depends | 11:37 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: and yes, installed by default | 11:37 |
Riddell | err, so how does it work without it? | 11:37 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: don't know, maybe only uses pyqt if installed, something like that | 11:38 |
Tonio_ | but installed by default, I can confirm that | 11:38 |
Tonio_ | otherwise I wouldn't have fix it | 11:38 |
Riddell | s/crappy/messy/ | 11:39 |
Riddell | and s/OnlyShowIn=GNOME;XFCE/NotShowIn=KDE;/ and upload | 11:39 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: Already done the change, I'm uploading, thanks ;) | 11:39 |
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Riddell | he he, gnome just comes up with an error when you run it | 11:49 |
Tonio_ | ah ? | 11:49 |
Tonio_ | well they'll fix it hopefully | 11:50 |
Tonio_ | works for us, that's the most important thing :) | 11:50 |
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=== Tonio_ updates the french ubuntu wiki for his brother printer, to print and scan over the network | ||
Tonio_ | will probably write a howto in english then | 11:53 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: shouldn't we have a hardware database in the docs ? | 11:54 |
Tonio_ | that would be very usefull | 11:54 |
Tonio_ | there is a fantastic database on ubuntu-fr.org wiki | 11:54 |
Tonio_ | because browsing the web for supported printer is not an easy job, honnestly | 11:55 |
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Riddell | linuxprinting.org ? | 11:59 |
kwwii | mhb: ping? | 11:59 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: concerning the compatibility yes, but that's plateform independant | 12:01 |
Tonio_ | installation process is sometimes linked to the distro, like for brother... | 12:01 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: that's the problem :) | 12:01 |
Tonio_ | kwwii: still there ? have a little question concerning kwin-style-crystal | 12:09 |
kwwii | Tonio_: yepp, ask away | 12:10 |
kwwii | erm, the style or the window deco? | 12:10 |
kwwii | funky, I wonder why they call it a kwin style | 12:10 |
kwwii | anyway | 12:10 |
Tonio_ | kwwii: the windeco | 12:10 |
kwwii | yeah | 12:11 |
Tonio_ | kwwii: there seem to be a little uuencoded icon in the code | 12:11 |
Tonio_ | for the select box | 12:11 |
Tonio_ | what encoding is it exactly ? | 12:11 |
Tonio_ | kwwii: I'm preparing a little fix for the package to send it upstream, since we need that to upgrade.... | 12:12 |
Tonio_ | kwwii: too to patch everything, since the full edgy theme upstream isn't the good one | 12:12 |
kwwii | Tonio_: no idea, Riddell knows about that though | 12:12 |
Tonio_ | kwwii: ah | 12:12 |
kwwii | if I remeber correctly they were all uuencoded | 12:12 |
Tonio_ | kwwii: simple uuencode ? | 12:13 |
Tonio_ | okay I'm testing | 12:13 |
kwwii | Tonio_: yeah, I think so | 12:13 |
Riddell | Tonio_: it's just normal uuencoding | 12:14 |
Riddell | uudecode foo.uu | 12:14 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: okay so I'll fix | 12:14 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: latest email sent upstream didn't have all the required infos, should be okay this time | 12:14 |
Tonio_ | I hope they'll accept the changes so that we'll be able to sync | 12:14 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: my patches also include the full feisty tree, in addition to the fixed edgy one | 12:15 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: that's not uu encoding.... looks more like base64 | 12:16 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: look configdialog.ui arround line 2200 | 12:16 |
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Tonio_ | it's not even base64, there is only hex caracters for the icon.... | 12:17 |
Tonio_ | so it's base16 or something.... don't know how to rencode this | 12:18 |
Tonio_ | Riddell, kwwii: http://paste.tonio.homelinux.org/46 | 12:19 |
Tonio_ | don't know what exactly this is | 12:19 |
kwwii | well, it looks like a good bit of encoded data | 12:20 |
Riddell | if it's .ui that's a qt designer file | 12:20 |
kwwii | :p | 12:20 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: any simple way to rencode a png to replace this ? | 12:20 |
Tonio_ | I said simple way :) | 12:20 |
Riddell | why would you need to? | 12:20 |
Riddell | just send the .ui file diff | 12:21 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: because the provided icon for edgy/feisty isn't the good one | 12:21 |
Tonio_ | it is the one we had during the dev cycle, before ken fixed everything | 12:21 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: yeah but should I need qtdesigner to recode the good icon ? | 12:22 |
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Riddell | ah | 12:24 |
Riddell | well open the file in designer and edit | 12:24 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: just done, but I was a bit affraid ;) | 12:28 |
Tonio_ | doesn't look that hard in fact hehe :) | 12:28 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: building, is everything is okay I'll re-email upstream, with you in CC, so I hope we'll have that in the archives soon | 12:30 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: btw, I can make an horrible diff for the current debian package and upload, but that's evil ;) | 12:31 |
Tonio_ | too many binary changes to maintain | 12:31 |
Riddell | don't bother, no point | 12:35 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: okay to CC then :) | 12:35 |
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Tonio_ | kwwii, Riddell: http://tonio.homelinux.org/temp/capture3.png it is okay this time ;) | 12:38 |
kwwii | Tonio_: nifty | 12:38 |
Riddell | why is feisty different from edgy? | 12:40 |
Tonio_ | different ? it is not | 12:41 |
Riddell | kwwii: turn that off! | 12:41 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: just the focus :) | 12:42 |
Riddell | that's not work! | 12:42 |
kwwii | :p | 12:42 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: at the moment edgy and feisty are identical | 12:42 |
kwwii | if I got it from someone at work, it is work | 12:42 |
Tonio_ | Sascha Hlusiak<spam84@nurfuerspam.de> | 12:42 |
Tonio_ | is that really upstream email ? :) | 12:42 |
Riddell | Tonio_: I don't see a point in including two identicle themes | 12:43 |
Riddell | Tonio_: I seem to remember it worked | 12:43 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: well... doesn't that sound strange using edgy theme on feisty ? | 12:43 |
Riddell | not if it's the same theme :) | 12:43 |
Tonio_ | hum.... okay | 12:43 |
Tonio_ | so I can remove the feisty branch and only include corrected edgy | 12:44 |
Riddell | yeah | 12:44 |
Tonio_ | in that case I can take the debian package and provide a big diff | 12:44 |
Tonio_ | and email yhe patch upstream | 12:44 |
Tonio_ | s/yhe/the | 12:44 |
Tonio_ | okay doing this | 12:44 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: I'll fix kds too, since there is a few changes required for this to work too | 12:44 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: I may rename the theme to "Kubuntu Edgy/Feisty" then | 12:46 |
Tonio_ | sounds better | 12:46 |
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Riddell | yes | 12:47 |
Tonio_ | okay let's merge with debian now !: | 12:49 |
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Tonio_ | Riddell: uploaded, fixing kds to fit with it now | 01:24 |
=== Hobbsee waves | ||
Tonio_ | hi Hobbsee ;) | 01:26 |
Hobbsee | :) | 01:26 |
=== hunger_t is now known as hunger | ||
=== Tonio_ is impressed how good kftpgrabber has become..... | ||
Tonio_ | Riddell: wouldn't it be a good idea to ship with it ? it is incredibly good, especially with konqueror freezes on hudge file list upload/download | 01:32 |
Tonio_ | Size: 1136558 -> sounds reasonable | 01:33 |
Tonio_ | and since lots of people are complaning there is no good ftp client for kde (they all know kasablanca and kbear only), that would make their life easier in my opinion :) | 01:34 |
Tonio_ | LOL, just read the french prices for vista ;) | 01:35 |
Tonio_ | that's a pure JOKE ! | 01:35 |
Tonio_ | Home Basic : 240,00 | 01:36 |
Tonio_ | Home Premium : 360,00 | 01:36 |
Tonio_ | Business : 445,00 | 01:36 |
Tonio_ | Ultimate : 575,00 | 01:36 |
Tonio_ | OMG ! | 01:36 |
Tonio_ | that's good for us | 01:36 |
Hobbsee | ouch! | 01:36 |
Hobbsee | presumably , means . in most countries? ie 240 pounds? | 01:36 |
Tonio_ | probably yes | 01:36 |
Tonio_ | the evidence that monopolistic position is evil | 01:37 |
Hobbsee | indeed | 01:37 |
Tonio_ | that shows that it'll be very hard to crack too | 01:40 |
Tonio_ | to display such prices, they certainly have an eveil protection inside | 01:40 |
Tonio_ | evil | 01:40 |
=== Hobbsee wonders how cheap computers will be if they dont have vista on them | ||
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Riddell | Tonio_: we don't have space for more applications, especially not ones that duplicate what we already have | 02:07 |
=== Hobbsee waves to Riddell | ||
Riddell | hola Hobbsee | 02:10 |
Hobbsee | :) | 02:10 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: I can understand indeed ;) | 02:12 |
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Riddell | raphink: you went to hungary? | 02:16 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: it was just in case of we had more freespace thanI thought :) | 02:17 |
Riddell | I'm totally unconvinced by polyester | 02:17 |
Hobbsee | Riddell: why so? | 02:18 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: for your information, I may give a try at http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=49765 once 3.5.6 is released | 02:18 |
Tonio_ | it makes it possible to theme the contact list and it'll probably be merged with kde4 | 02:18 |
Riddell | Hobbsee: I just think it's ugly | 02:19 |
Riddell | so someone else needs to do the main inclusion report :) | 02:20 |
Hobbsee | Riddell: hah. right | 02:20 |
Tonio_ | Riddell, Hobbsee: I'll probably also include this : http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=51691 , that's very usefull | 02:20 |
Hobbsee | Riddell: well, really, i'ts someone like kwwii's choice, as where he goes with it | 02:20 |
Hobbsee | Tonio_: neat! :) | 02:21 |
Tonio_ | Hobbsee: the second is very usefull | 02:21 |
Hobbsee | of course, having a multimedia keyboard, i wouldnt need it - but it's very useful for the people that dont | 02:21 |
Tonio_ | it's a pain disabling sound in kde compared to windows | 02:21 |
Riddell | Hobbsee: kwwii wants it | 02:21 |
Tonio_ | the kde-improvement section of kde-apps is very usefull :) | 02:21 |
Riddell | Tonio_: I can't work out what that does | 02:21 |
kwwii | well, either that or polyester | 02:21 |
kwwii | and several others want is as well, not just me :p | 02:22 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: disable sound via a simple middle click on the systray icon to disable all sounds | 02:22 |
kwwii | and you better be nice or I'll do something nasty to you in your sleep | 02:22 |
Hobbsee | Riddell: ahhh. and mhb iirc. | 02:22 |
raphink | Riddell: yes I did | 02:22 |
kwwii | :p | 02:22 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: currently we don't have an easy way to mute kmix | 02:22 |
raphink | Riddell: why? | 02:22 |
=== Hobbsee has a custom polyester, ie, with crystal buttons | ||
Hobbsee | Riddell: it's more shiny :P | 02:22 |
Riddell | Tonio_: I ment the kopete one | 02:22 |
Hobbsee | Riddell: depends which colours it's in, of course | 02:23 |
Riddell | raphink: just saw it on planet | 02:23 |
=== Hobbsee cant work out what the polyester one does either | ||
raphink | ok :) | 02:23 |
raphink | that was a few months ago though | 02:23 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: well there is no way to theme the contact list with kopete | 02:24 |
kwwii | Hobbsee: note that I only want to change the style, not the window deco | 02:24 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: with that patch you can, and there is also a very nice theme provided | 02:24 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: I'd like to test that and get people feeling about it | 02:24 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: note that we can just not activate the theme by default | 02:24 |
Riddell | oh, I see, scroll to right | 02:25 |
Riddell | the contact list was not in the window | 02:25 |
Tonio_ | that's it ;) | 02:25 |
Riddell | yeah, sure, go ahead, but wait for 3.5.6 | 02:25 |
Tonio_ | that's my point yes | 02:25 |
Hobbsee | kwwii: how does that work? oh, only the buttons and all that? | 02:25 |
Riddell | which is probably going to be delayed now due to kopete no-bubbles bug | 02:25 |
=== Hobbsee is a little slow tonight | ||
Hobbsee | yes....i noted it had no bubbles... | 02:26 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: did you had the kwallet patch to kdelibs ? | 02:26 |
Riddell | Tonio_: not yet | 02:26 |
kwwii | Hobbsee: select the old crystal window deco and use polyester as style | 02:26 |
Hobbsee | yep | 02:26 |
Hobbsee | kwwii: ahh, right, yeah, that's what i do already :) | 02:26 |
kwwii | ;-) | 02:27 |
kwwii | Hobbsee: but I removed a lot of the extra options | 02:27 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: okay, if you don't I'll do after the packages reach the repo | 02:27 |
kwwii | so it looks much simpler than the default polyester style | 02:27 |
Hobbsee | kwwii: ahhh :) | 02:28 |
Jucato | polyester windeco isn't as beautiful as its style... | 02:28 |
Hobbsee | indeed | 02:29 |
kwwii | mainly I want to use the tabs and buttons from polyester | 02:29 |
Hobbsee | yep :D | 02:30 |
Tonio_ | http://chl.be/vista/ | 02:31 |
Tonio_ | oups.... http://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/~pgut001/pubs/vista_cost.html | 02:31 |
Tonio_ | sorry, but that's important enough to be read | 02:31 |
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Tonio_ | can be the end of open specs for hardware... | 02:33 |
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Tonio_ | Riddell: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2036289357446003645 | 03:03 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: raphink conference at Hungarian Ubuntu Conferece 2006 | 03:04 |
jdong | can someone add php5-cli to recommends or suggests (or maybe depends?) for KTorrent? | 03:15 |
jdong | the bundled but off-by-default web interface plugin requires php5-cli as a interpretor | 03:15 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: I noticed kdenetwork ftbfs on feisty, how did you build the package ? | 03:15 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: with pbuilder I get : cp: cannot stat `./debian/tmp/usr/lib/kde3/libkcm_kcmsambaconf.la': No such file or directory | 03:15 |
Tonio_ | src package from your repo | 03:15 |
Riddell | don't think I've seen such problems when doing 3.5.6 | 03:16 |
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freeflying | Tonio_: after you upload kchmviewer, it works on ppc now | 03:31 |
Tonio_ | freeflying: that was the goal :) | 03:33 |
freeflying | Tonio_: | 03:34 |
freeflying | * Fixed debian/rules, removed dpatch stuff in it since there is no | 03:34 |
freeflying | more patches to apply | 03:34 |
freeflying | this make it work? | 03:34 |
Tonio_ | not that only, it also needed rebuilt | 03:35 |
Tonio_ | but yes, one of the patch could cause issues | 03:35 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: I was thinking of kde-systemsettings | 03:35 |
Tonio_ | there is no other solution for external apps than to patch them to go in the right place, due to the edgy sections rearrangement | 03:35 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: here is the list of apps I should look at the enable them in kss : | 03:36 |
Tonio_ | ggz-kde-client, gtk2-engines-gtk-qt, kaddressbook, kamera,kat, kbfx, kcmpureftpd, kdelirc, kdetoys-dbg, kdf, kgamma, kleopatra, kmldonkey, kmrml, knemo, knetworkconf, kpilot, krec, krfb, ksplash, ksynaptics, ktalkd, kttsd, kview, kwalletmanager, kweather, kwifimanager, lisa, skim | 03:36 |
Tonio_ | I'm ready to patch them all, just wait you confirm you are okay on the rationnale | 03:36 |
Tonio_ | some of them are to be removed, like knetworkconf, sorry | 03:36 |
Tonio_ | but apps like knemo or kmldonkey shold really be patched | 03:36 |
Tonio_ | krfb too | 03:37 |
Hobbsee | night all! | 03:37 |
=== Hobbsee is exhausted! | ||
Riddell | Tonio_: why can't system settings menu have the include categories in it? | 03:37 |
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Tonio_ | Riddell: cause if we do that we'll recreate a hudge mess | 03:37 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: we don't use the same categories | 03:38 |
Tonio_ | ex : fonts manager and installer are under appearance, while they use 2 different sections in kcontrol | 03:38 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: if we include the kcontrol categories, we'll have duplicates everywhere..... | 03:38 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: patching those apps is easy and I'll put a debian-ubuntu-differences in the package, for further merges... | 03:38 |
Riddell | but it's so inelegant! | 03:39 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: well if we can get the patches merged.... | 03:39 |
Riddell | and we should have a decent solution for KDE 4 | 03:39 |
Tonio_ | yes on that point I agree, but for kde3 there is no other solution | 03:39 |
Tonio_ | so as feisty is the latest released kde3, I think we should take time patching those universe things no ? | 03:40 |
Tonio_ | and rediscuss kss structure for kde4 | 03:40 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: _Sime included a categories list that we can use to easilly include kcm modules in it, that's what I wanna use in fact ;) | 03:40 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: note that it's not worse than all the universe I patched for rosetta :) | 03:42 |
Tonio_ | it is just a matter of patching for what is specific in kubuntu, and that was not inelegant too :) | 03:42 |
Tonio_ | lots of people are complaning they can't find their installed modules in systemsettings, that's the problem | 03:42 |
Tonio_ | kwallet for example should be there in "advanced" | 03:43 |
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Tonio_ | Riddell: want me to patch or do you prefer discussing a better solution with _Sime ? | 03:45 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: but if _Sime did that that way it's because there is unfirtunatelly no better solution.... | 03:46 |
Riddell | Tonio_: so sime has a list of categories that should be used in KDE 4? | 03:46 |
Riddell | Tonio_: what's the difference between that and what you're doing by patching everything? | 03:46 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: he has a list of categories so that we can include anything just by patching the desktop file of the kcm module | 03:46 |
Riddell | mm, right | 03:47 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: I'm patching the kcm desktop files to add the kss category in it | 03:47 |
Riddell | ok | 03:47 |
Tonio_ | since we cannot use the kcontrol ones, as we are changing most of them.... | 03:47 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: it is a matter of one hour not more, and feisty will have it... although it could be better :) | 03:48 |
Riddell | ok, do it | 03:48 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: let's go ! | 03:49 |
Riddell | but why can't we just do for Advanced User Settings include all categories? | 03:49 |
Riddell | and exclude stuff that we want elsewhere? | 03:49 |
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Riddell | hello stdin | 03:53 |
stdin | hi Riddell | 03:53 |
jdong | <jdong> can someone add php5-cli to recommends or suggests (or maybe depends?) for KTorrent? | 03:54 |
jdong | the bundled but off-by-default web interface plugin requires php5-cli as a interpretor | 03:54 |
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bddebian | Heya | 03:56 |
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allee | Tonio_: knemo patched? I've seen no kde-extras commit *me hides;)*. Is it kubuntu specific? | 03:58 |
Tonio_ | allee: yeah | 03:59 |
Tonio_ | allee: integration to systemsettings | 03:59 |
Tonio_ | not of any use for debian | 03:59 |
Tonio_ | mbiebl: hey ;) | 04:00 |
mbiebl | Tonio_: hi | 04:00 |
Tonio_ | mbiebl: thanks again for your help on knetworkmanager, your patches have been greatly appreciated | 04:00 |
Tonio_ | mbiebl: received my email concerning improvement ideas for the autostart patch ? | 04:00 |
mbiebl | Yes. I think it's a good idea to have this dialog box an application shutdown. | 04:01 |
Riddell | jdong: web interface? | 04:01 |
Riddell | wibble | 04:01 |
Tonio_ | mbiebl: yup, and knetworkmanager should enable autostart when you start it | 04:01 |
Tonio_ | so that you reproduce the session thing | 04:01 |
Tonio_ | that's the way kde apps do | 04:02 |
mbiebl | I thought so too. | 04:02 |
mbiebl | Well, some apps behave differently in that aspect. | 04:02 |
Tonio_ | mbiebl: yes, I agree, but kerry, korganizer daemon are like that, and I think that's really efficient | 04:02 |
mbiebl | yeah, I think having the dialog on shutdown and automatically setting Autostart=yes on application startup is the best. | 04:03 |
mbiebl | adept_notifier is a bit different. | 04:03 |
mbiebl | It explicitely asks you on startup, if you want to reenable autostart. | 04:04 |
Riddell | it does? | 04:04 |
Riddell | oh, when autostart is turned off | 04:04 |
Riddell | ignore me | 04:04 |
Tonio_ | mbiebl: yup true | 04:04 |
Tonio_ | mbiebl: but auto-reanabling autostart and ask on shutdown is probably the best way in my opinion | 04:05 |
mbiebl | And there is one kde app (don't remember anymore), where you have to start it, stop it (so the dialog box comes up again) and then you can reenable autostart | 04:05 |
mbiebl | Tonio_: agreed. | 04:05 |
Tonio_ | mbiebl: ah ? don't know that last app :) | 04:05 |
Tonio_ | mbiebl: talking about that, there is also a problem with knetorkmanager and kwallet, and a patch has been release | 04:06 |
Tonio_ | debian should implement the patch I think.. | 04:06 |
Tonio_ | but that's not kde-extras so... | 04:06 |
mbiebl | Is this a patch for k-n-m or kdelibs? | 04:06 |
Tonio_ | kdelibs | 04:07 |
Tonio_ | mbiebl: kwallet doesn't save passwords on logout since 3.5.5 | 04:07 |
Tonio_ | that's a kded issue | 04:07 |
jdong | Riddell: yep, KTorrent 2.1 has a web interface plugin | 04:07 |
Tonio_ | but that only affects kwallet, and there is a good workarround | 04:07 |
Riddell | jdong: sounds evil | 04:07 |
jdong | Riddell: :) it | 04:07 |
jdong | it's starting to sound like kazureus, no? | 04:08 |
jdong | :D | 04:08 |
Riddell | jdong: what does it do? | 04:08 |
Tonio_ | mbiebl: see kde bug 136411 | 04:08 |
Ubugtu | KDE bug 136411 in kwallet "KWallet loses new passwords when closed since XML file import" [Normal,New] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=136411 | 04:08 |
mbiebl | Tonio_: I think it's best if you pass this info directly to th qt-kde Debian team (given that they not already no this problem) | 04:08 |
jdong | Riddell: it allows torrents to be added, started, stopped from a HTTP web interface | 04:08 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: same thing than the amule web plugin | 04:08 |
Tonio_ | jdong: that's not started by default right ? | 04:08 |
Riddell | jdong: but.. but.. why?! | 04:08 |
jdong | Tonio_: no, it's not default; you have to load the plugin | 04:08 |
Riddell | I mean it's a GUI app | 04:08 |
jdong | Riddell: remote control | 04:08 |
Riddell | it's on your desktop | 04:09 |
jdong | Riddell: some people use ktorrent remotely | 04:09 |
jdong | on a dedicated torrenting box | 04:09 |
Riddell | ssh -X :) | 04:09 |
jdong | Riddell: that doesn't work because you have to keep the SSH client machine turned on too :) | 04:09 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: bah were is the problem ? as long as it's not default :) | 04:09 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: when you're in a company, ssh isn't nated | 04:09 |
Tonio_ | http is through a proxy :) | 04:09 |
mbiebl | Tonio_: I'll update the k-n-m autostart patch and will send it to you again, when it's done. | 04:10 |
Riddell | ssh-over-https | 04:10 |
Tonio_ | that's why I use things like that to access my computer :) | 04:10 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: that's SLOW ! :) | 04:10 |
Tonio_ | mbiebl: okay thanks you very much | 04:10 |
Tonio_ | mbiebl: I'll wait for that patch to provide an edgy update | 04:10 |
Riddell | Tonio_: want to make the ktorrent change then or shall I? | 04:10 |
mbiebl | Tonio_: ok | 04:10 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: bah it's not default, what should we change ? | 04:11 |
jdong | Tonio_: it should at least be a recommends/suggests.... | 04:11 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: you want to patch to remove that functionnality ? | 04:11 |
jdong | Tonio_: else users get puzzling errors about missing interpretors.... | 04:11 |
Tonio_ | jdong: is that different package ? | 04:11 |
Riddell | Suggests: php5-cli | 04:11 |
jdong | Tonio_: no, it's integrated into ktorrent | 04:11 |
jdong | as a plugin | 04:11 |
Tonio_ | ah that's php5-cli thing ? | 04:12 |
jdong | yep | 04:12 |
Tonio_ | okay I'm doing the change :) | 04:12 |
Riddell | cool, mind and poke the debian maintainer too | 04:12 |
jdong | cool, thanks | 04:12 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: recommends is probably better no ? | 04:12 |
Riddell | I'd be hesitant to recommend a local unscruitinised php script | 04:12 |
Tonio_ | hum, true.... let's go with suggest | 04:12 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: I'm also removing isohunt from the engines list as the site has been closed | 04:13 |
seaLne | have any default settings changed for konq recently? i seem to have lost location toolbar and its not an option in toolbars menu? | 04:13 |
Tonio_ | seaLne: no change on my side | 04:13 |
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Tonio_ | seaLne: happened to me once, you have to delete your konquerorrc.... | 04:14 |
Riddell | seaLne: nothing should have changed. works for me in herd 2 | 04:14 |
seaLne | i had to restart konq about an hour ago due to crappy javascript on a website and since then menus are in a strange order (settings,help,file,edit,view,tools) and no location bar | 04:15 |
seaLne | its weird and annoying, also no bookmarks toolbar | 04:16 |
Tonio_ | jdong: uploaded | 04:20 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: I'll ping debian ktorrent upstream when they'll have 2.1 | 04:28 |
jdong | Tonio_: cool, thx a lot :) | 04:28 |
Tonio_ | they still only have 2.0.3 at the moment, looks like they're waiting for the stable release to be out | 04:29 |
Tonio_ | jdong: you're welcome :) | 04:29 |
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jdong | <editorialize> it's too bad for all the debian sid users.. because IMO 2.1rc1 is already a lot more stable/functional than 2.0.3</editorialize> | 04:29 |
Riddell | Tonio_: may as well ping him now | 04:30 |
Riddell | request from Oslo: get rid of k3b sucessful burn sound | 04:31 |
jdong | Riddell: I will agree with that; but it might be better if the burn sound was a bit shorter? :D | 04:31 |
Riddell | or just gone | 04:32 |
jdong | the 15-second triumphant bugle sequence might be a tad excessive.... | 04:32 |
apokryphos | yeah, but it's so very funny the first few times 8) | 04:32 |
jdong | perhaps it was more appropriate when cdrecord was more flaky? | 04:32 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: just writing the email | 04:32 |
jdong | Tonio_: btw, isohunt is back up :) | 04:34 |
yuriy | apokryphos: or the first..one..time | 04:34 |
apokryphos | yuriy: it still makes my dad laugh ;-) | 04:34 |
jdong | yuriy: I find it mildly entertaining but it definitely startled a bunch of new Linux users I showed k3b to! | 04:34 |
jdong | then they started taking jabs at how Nero should play that sound too... except users would never hear it :D | 04:35 |
Tonio_ | jdong: ah ? | 04:35 |
Tonio_ | already ? | 04:35 |
jdong | Tonio_: yeah. those guys are fast :) | 04:35 |
Tonio_ | jdong: okay I'll depatch.......... grrrr | 04:35 |
jdong | hehe :) | 04:35 |
Riddell | question from jjesse: is there anything we want added to the Official Ubuntu Book for feisty? | 04:35 |
Tonio_ | was dead 2 days ago.... | 04:35 |
apokryphos | snippets from the KDE userguide? | 04:36 |
apokryphos | I guess it depends on how much you can really add though | 04:36 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: documenting the multimedia changes (how to rip a cd...) would be nice | 04:36 |
jdong | Tonio_: yeah, they were down most of last week | 04:36 |
Tonio_ | since some people may be surprised by kaudiocreator missing, as they don't know k3b can do the job | 04:37 |
Riddell | mm, yes | 04:38 |
allee | Tonio_: KubuntuMultimediaSimplification: amarok versus kaffeine for audio. Was this patching desktop files, about adding Priority= field? | 04:39 |
Tonio_ | allee: because keeping to many files associations is a mess in the konqueror context menu.... | 04:40 |
Tonio_ | allee: no ? | 04:40 |
Tonio_ | allee: you would suggest just to change the priority and let kaffeine associated to audio files ? | 04:42 |
allee | Tonio_: I've two in konqi RMB menu, amarok an kaffeine. Is this too much? I wondered if adding priority to only amarok so it's prefered independent of install order was already considered. | 04:43 |
Tonio_ | allee: didn't thought about that..... why not.... | 04:44 |
Tonio_ | allee: how do you change that in the desktop file ? | 04:44 |
Tonio_ | allee: I only know how to do that in kde settings, but that's a pain to manage..... | 04:45 |
Tonio_ | allee: I don't know the required tag in fact | 04:45 |
allee | Tonio_: you don't? ;) mhmm I remembered something like that commited to kde_branch35. I'll search ... | 04:46 |
Tonio_ | There should be no priority for MIME Types in this field, or any form of priority in the desktop file | 04:46 |
Tonio_ | allee: from freedesktop.org...... | 04:46 |
allee | oh | 04:46 |
Tonio_ | allee: I previously changed that in kds, but maintaining this is really horrible | 04:46 |
Tonio_ | that's why I changed this :) | 04:47 |
Tonio_ | but if you know a trick to manage priorities in desktop files mimetypes, let me know, I'd be glad to do that way | 04:47 |
Tonio_ | Priority for applications is handled external to the .desktop files | 04:48 |
Tonio_ | confirmed in the desktop file spec on freedesktop..... sorry allee :) | 04:48 |
Tonio_ | http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-entry-spec-latest.html | 04:49 |
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Mez | Tonio_, fancy sponsoring a main upload? of katapult ? | 04:54 |
Tonio_ | Mez: sure | 04:54 |
Tonio_ | Mez: where is the pckage ? | 04:54 |
Mez | just building now | 04:55 |
Tonio_ | Mez: okay let me know, I'll revu and upload | 04:56 |
Riddell | Mez: new upstream release? | 04:57 |
Mez | Riddell, indeed :D | 04:58 |
Mez | releasing 0.3.2 | 04:58 |
Riddell | Mez: does it include spelling catalogue? | 04:58 |
Mez | Riddell: unfortunately: yes | 04:59 |
Riddell | why unfortunately? | 04:59 |
Mez | ;) cause it's a PITA:P | 04:59 |
Riddell | in which way? | 04:59 |
Mez | it's caused me headaches with compiles before | 05:00 |
Mez | it's ok now though | 05:00 |
Riddell | Mez: will the version in KDE SVN be updated? | 05:01 |
Mez | Riddell, KDE svn = 0.4 | 05:01 |
Mez | 0.3.2 is a few bugfixes to + a couple of extra catalogues | 05:01 |
Riddell | so where is that maintained? | 05:01 |
Mez | branches / bzr | 05:02 |
Riddell | what's the point of having the unstable in KDE SVN and the stable in bzr? | 05:02 |
Riddell | how are translators ment to find the stable version? | 05:02 |
Mez | Riddell, because 0.3.2 was an afterthough | 05:03 |
Mez | (and 0.3.2 is in KDE/branches/katapult/0.3.2 | 05:03 |
Mez | http://websvn.kde.org/branches/katapult/0.3.2/ | 05:04 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: good point is that a few upstream seem to integrate systemsettings tags | 05:06 |
Tonio_ | knemo upstream does it, that's cool :) | 05:06 |
Riddell | Mez: shouldn't it be in branches/stable so scripty can find it? | 05:08 |
Mez | Riddell... it will be - give me time ;) | 05:08 |
Riddell | I can't find 0.4 in SVN | 05:08 |
Jucato | trunk/extragear/utils | 05:09 |
allee | Tonio_: knemo? upstream didn't ;) | 05:10 |
seaLne | anyone going to fosdem? | 05:10 |
Tonio_ | allee: bah I can see it in the sources..... | 05:10 |
Mez | Riddell, trunk/extragear/utils/katapult/ | 05:10 |
Tonio_ | allee: who did it in that case ? that's not in a patch afaics | 05:10 |
allee | Tonio_: sorry found nothing about this prio stuff anymore. I'm sure there was something becasuse I wanted it to downgrade showfoto with it :( | 05:11 |
allee | Tonio_: it was me :) | 05:11 |
Tonio_ | allee: ah okay great ;) | 05:11 |
mhb | kwwii: I'm here for a short time | 05:12 |
mhb | kwwii: what's up? | 05:12 |
kwwii | well, we are looking into using polyester | 05:12 |
allee | Tonio_: but I gave the author the honour: ... Fix from Anthony Mercatante. Thx. | 05:13 |
kwwii | and I was wondering if we could look into changing the border on active items when selected per keyboard? | 05:13 |
kwwii | when selected with the keyboard, tabs and buttons get a smaller border around them | 05:13 |
kwwii | I was wondering if we could make it about one pixel bigger and/or perhaps a bit lighter | 05:14 |
kwwii | I checked the config in systemsettings and I cannot do it there | 05:14 |
Tonio_ | allee: bah... thanks ;) | 05:14 |
kwwii | other than that I am really happy with it | 05:14 |
mhb | kwwii: can you do a screenshot for me? | 05:15 |
kwwii | mhb: yeah, I can | 05:16 |
mhb | kwwii: surely I can look into that, I was not able to reproduce it now but of course | 05:16 |
mhb | kwwii: that's why I want to see what you mean | 05:16 |
kwwii | lol, one more thing, ever written a MainInclusionReport? | 05:16 |
mhb | kwwii: nope | 05:17 |
kwwii | well, there is always time to learn :-) | 05:17 |
kwwii | if we want this in kubuntu we need to write one ;-) | 05:17 |
mhb | kwwii: okay, I'll look into that too | 05:18 |
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kwwii | mhb: http://sinecera.de/btn_text_hilit.png | 05:21 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: don't we want krfb in systemsettings network/shares ? | 05:21 |
Tonio_ | seems to e the right place for it | 05:21 |
kwwii | mhb: note how the help button has a border inside of the button | 05:21 |
kwwii | that happens when you tab through the interface | 05:21 |
Riddell | Tonio_: we want it in krfb | 05:21 |
kwwii | the active element has a box like that | 05:21 |
Riddell | and it's in krfb | 05:22 |
Riddell | so keep it out of system settings | 05:22 |
kwwii | mhb: but it is a little too close to the icon and text | 05:22 |
kwwii | and/or a bit too dark | 05:22 |
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Jucato | kwwii: yep, that doesn't look too good. | 05:22 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: okay | 05:23 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: no problem that's why I was asking | 05:24 |
Tonio_ | I remember that was in systemsettings with dapper, that's why I asked | 05:24 |
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mhb | kwwii: thanks for the information ... I hope I'll find the time for that within a few days | 05:25 |
kwwii | cool ;-) me too | 05:26 |
kwwii | I am guess that making the inclusion report is not that hard | 05:26 |
seaLne | weirdly i started konq for a 3rd time and i have my menus back :) | 05:26 |
kwwii | not as hard as making it look perfecgt ;-) | 05:26 |
Riddell | seaLne: it's just playing games with you | 05:27 |
seaLne | :) | 05:27 |
mhb | kwwii: was it something I said that made you talk Engrish? :o) | 05:28 |
kwwii | lol | 05:28 |
kwwii | nope | 05:28 |
kwwii | typing too quick | 05:28 |
seaLne | Riddell: you've been to fosdem haven't you? any recomendations on where to stay? | 05:30 |
Mez | when does 3.5.6 hit feisty ? | 05:31 |
Riddell | seaLne: stay in the youth hostel with the kde people | 05:32 |
Riddell | Mez: delayed. when kopete gets fixed | 05:32 |
Riddell | or kwin or whatever is causing the problem | 05:32 |
seaLne | Riddell: which one? | 05:32 |
Mez | lol | 05:32 |
Mez | kk | 05:32 |
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Riddell | seaLne: http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=FOSDEM2007 | 05:33 |
Riddell | "Jacques Brel youth hostel." | 05:33 |
Riddell | seaLne: e-mail wendy and see if you can still join their booking | 05:34 |
seaLne | Jacques Brel is full | 05:35 |
Riddell | oh, fooey | 05:35 |
seaLne | i got bored and decide i needed a holiday, so a bit late in deciding to go | 05:36 |
Riddell | brussel's doesn't have a shortage of youth hostels | 05:38 |
Riddell | s/'// | 05:39 |
seaLne | yeah having a look at http://www.fosdem.org/2007/practical/accomodation | 05:39 |
Riddell | trick is finding one near the uni and with interesting geeky people I guess | 05:39 |
=== apokryphos can't wait for fosdem | ||
apokryphos | so many talks; looks awesome :). Will there be a kubuntu stand? | 05:41 |
Riddell | apokryphos: where are you staying? | 05:41 |
Riddell | apokryphos: no kubuntu stand, but would be good to have lots of kubuntu CDs there | 05:41 |
Mez | Riddell: any idea what just caused this | 05:41 |
Riddell | Mez: which? | 05:41 |
Mez | http://rafb.net/p/4yjEVh33.html | 05:42 |
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apokryphos | Riddell: yaloki was telling me to go to Novotel, since Novell may pay :D, but my brother's coming along to, so staying in a hostel (most probably) with some Warwick LUG guys | 05:42 |
Riddell | Mez: no idea | 05:42 |
=== Mez growls | ||
seaLne | apokryphos: which hostel you thinking about? | 05:43 |
apokryphos | so cheap compared to London, but I don't expect anything less :P | 05:43 |
=== apokryphos looks for the link | ||
seaLne | apokryphos: http://www.fosdem.org/2007/practical/accomodation | 05:44 |
apokryphos | I'm not sure if we got it from there | 05:44 |
apokryphos | aha, it is http://www.jeugdherbergen.be/jeugdherbergen/brussel/mainE.htm | 05:45 |
Mez | wheres the kde admin dir in svn ? | 05:45 |
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apokryphos | eurostar is so awesome: Waterloo (a few minutes walk away) -> all the way to Brussels =) | 05:46 |
Riddell | Mez: it doesn't exist in KDE 4 | 05:46 |
Mez | Riddell, so - I want it to update it ;) | 05:47 |
Mez | it's gotta be there somewhere | 05:47 |
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Riddell | http://websvn.kde.org/branches/KDE/3.5/kde-common/admin/ | 05:53 |
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Riddell | kwwii: http://muse.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/libflashplayer.so | 06:06 |
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Tonio_ | _Sime or sebas: ping ? | 06:39 |
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Tonio_ | Riddell: herd VLC was going to qt ? :) | 07:04 |
Tonio_ | s/herd/heard | 07:04 |
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jdong | Tonio_: boo... bad herd joke... I already _herd 2_ many of those | 07:47 |
jdong | Tonio_: but yeah, SVN is migrating to qt4 | 07:47 |
Tonio_ | jdong: that's very nice :) | 07:47 |
Tonio_ | just hope it'll be released soon :) | 07:48 |
jdong | ha. feisty+1 at best optimism :) | 07:49 |
jdong | not to mention the lovely tangled web we'd like to call our ffmpeg stack :D | 07:49 |
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Riddell | Tonio_: ooh, where? | 08:09 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: on the svn, it is announced for version 0.9 | 08:10 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: nothing released at the moment of course :) | 08:10 |
Riddell | Tonio_: qt4? | 08:10 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: yep | 08:10 |
=== Tonio_ is working on kcm modules, I hope to finish today | ||
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Tonio_ | Riddell: can I implement adept_batch_finish.diff patch from manchicken ? | 09:36 |
Tonio_ | I will send you the dibdiff | 09:36 |
Riddell | Tonio_: implement? you mean upload? | 09:38 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: yup | 09:38 |
Riddell | please do | 09:38 |
Tonio_ | okay working on this right now | 09:38 |
Tonio_ | just finisking the kcmpureftpd first :) | 09:39 |
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elcuco | Hi, any faw/howto about l10n? | 10:01 |
Riddell | ? | 10:01 |
Riddell | which part of it? | 10:01 |
elcuco | basically, i am working on kde's tree, and i need to overwrite kubuntu's translation | 10:02 |
Riddell | change a string in the source? or in a translation? | 10:02 |
elcuco | no, the po files :) | 10:03 |
Riddell | well translations are done in rosetta | 10:03 |
elcuco | yes, i know, but soon the translations on rosseta will be obsolete | 10:04 |
elcuco | sson, as in 20 minutes | 10:04 |
Riddell | what happens in 20 minutes? | 10:04 |
elcuco | i commit some hebrew translations :) | 10:04 |
Riddell | to where? | 10:04 |
elcuco | branches/stable/l10n/he on svn.kde.org | 10:05 |
elcuco | which means kubuntu is out of shape | 10:05 |
Riddell | it'll come in with the next KDE release | 10:05 |
Riddell | but that's probably after feisty | 10:05 |
elcuco | thats bad for me. | 10:06 |
Riddell | so you can upload the .po to rosetta | 10:06 |
elcuco | ok. i will also need to fill in the missing gaps in kubuntu. ok. whats my deadline? | 10:06 |
Riddell | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FeistyReleaseSchedule | 10:07 |
Riddell | about a week before final release | 10:07 |
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elcuco | so i have time, cool. | 10:07 |
elcuco | whats the way of handling i10n on stable releases? i assume i cuold fix some things on the translations in edgy | 10:08 |
elcuco | (sorry for the n00b questions) | 10:08 |
Riddell | yes, you can doing translations in edgy | 10:10 |
Riddell | language packs are uploaded every few weeks | 10:10 |
elcuco | when is the next sync? I just spotted some ugly translation oops on an application i use, and I would like to remove it | 10:11 |
elcuco | ok, now a lunchpad question: i have some several accounts on launchpad, since i used several emails on the translation. i would like to remove all of those besides one. how shuold i do this? | 10:13 |
Riddell | no idea when | 10:13 |
Riddell | merge the accounts | 10:13 |
=== Riddell sleeps | ||
Tonio_ | manchicken: just added your latest adept patch to the package, thanks ! | 10:27 |
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manchicken | Tonio_: Sweet. That's #3. | 10:45 |
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yuriy | whoa crazy looking windeco | 11:13 |
yuriy | was it changed or did my crystal just randomly reset itself? it's transparent now and has default buttons instead of kubuntu | 11:15 |
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Tonio_ | yuriy: hu ? | 11:53 |
Tonio_ | yuriy: on feisty ? | 11:53 |
yuriy | yeah | 11:53 |
Tonio_ | yuriy: what does this report : | 11:54 |
Tonio_ | find ~/.kde | grep crystal | 11:54 |
Tonio_ | do you have a kwincrystalrc file ? | 11:54 |
Tonio_ | yuriy: it's correct here, your kwincrystal file is probably corrupted.... | 11:55 |
Tonio_ | yuriy: try delete it and that should work | 11:55 |
yuriy | Tonio_: it's there, modified 3 days ago.. strange | 11:55 |
Tonio_ | yuriy: okay delete it and restart a kde app | 11:56 |
Tonio_ | should work this time | 11:56 |
yuriy | Tonio_: i deleted it, logged out and back in and it didn't get recreated | 11:58 |
Tonio_ | that's normal it should use the default kubuntu-default-settings new | 11:58 |
Tonio_ | now | 11:58 |
Tonio_ | be sure to be up to date and that should work | 11:58 |
yuriy | hmm but it's still crystal default, not kubuntu default | 11:59 |
Tonio_ | yuriy: let me test | 12:00 |
Tonio_ | yuriy: works here.... | 12:01 |
Tonio_ | can you mgive me a screenshot please ? | 12:01 |
Tonio_ | and what is your kubuntu-default-settings version ? | 12:01 |
Tonio_ | Version: 1:7.04-10 | 12:01 |
Tonio_ | that what I have | 12:01 |
yuriy | Tonio_: i have the same version | 12:03 |
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yuriy | Tonio_: http://www.yktech.us/crystal.jpg | 12:05 |
Tonio_ | doesn't make sense | 12:06 |
Tonio_ | what if you launch adept ? | 12:06 |
Tonio_ | adept runs as root and therefore will use the default | 12:06 |
yuriy | Tonio_: same thing | 12:06 |
Tonio_ | yuriy: hum........ I don't understand | 12:07 |
Tonio_ | okay let me reload kde | 12:07 |
yuriy | i wouldn't be too surprised if my system is corrupt.. i've been having trouble shutting down, so i've been hitting the power button... which i guess is a bigger issue | 12:08 |
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Tonio_ | yuriy: I can reproduce the issue, let me fix this | 12:11 |
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