
BluesKajMidMark, I think it's worth a try disconnecting the dhcp etehrnet card if you can't figure a workaround12:14
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gnomefreakThehound666: i fairly sure it happened because fo the coping :(12:14
MidMarkBluesKaj: seems a kppp bug or something12:15
Thehound666well most are videos, mp3s, etc12:15
Thehound666can't really install those12:15
BluesKajdns maybe12:15
dopesomehow i'm almost using a gig of memory12:15
gnomefreakThehound666: than i can promise that was the issue but now where is it saved at (find that out fix your issue)12:15
MidMarkno gateway is the problem I know for sure12:16
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MidMarkI was asking if there was another workaround other than disabling eth012:16
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gnomefreakThehound666: hold on a sec might have found someone12:17
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CakeProphethmmm... so...12:17
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CakeProphetI installed kubuntu... moving from Windows. But I don't think my wireless adapter is *nix-friendly.12:18
gnomefreakMez: Thehound666 is having the issue12:18
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:18
MezI'm not :P12:18
MinatakuCakeProphet: Tried ndiswrapper yet?12:18
MezI'm looking at it12:19
=== gnomefreak is going to eat
MinatakuIf not, get a real card12:19
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gnomefreakk ty12:19
CakeProphethaha... you've automated the "RTFM" process... impressive.12:19
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MinatakuIf the adapter is Windows-only it's not worth using, return it and tell your friends to avoid them12:19
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Thehound666just starting ftp transfer to make formatting quicker if I must do it12:19
=== CakeProphet reads that
MezThehound666, can you pastebin the output of sudo locate .Trash12:19
grumblyI am in need of help12:19
CakeProphetI'd like to use what I already have if I can... because I'm lazy and poor and such12:20
grumblyI have a belkin wireless g USB adapter... but I dont know how to get it working12:20
grumblyI dont even know where to start12:20
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grumblyso, where do I start?12:20
BluesKajgrumbly, just ask yer question12:20
felipelalliOl! H alguma pessoa humana aqui?12:20
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.12:21
grumblyBluesKaj: how do i verify that the adapter is recognized by the computer?12:21
felipelalliNo  espanhol,  portugus12:21
MinatakuUSB adapters are almost universally unsupported :(12:21
grumblyfelipelalli: voce fala espanol?12:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about USB-Wireless - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:21
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grumblyMinataku: NO!!!!12:22
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bubu1uk!es |grumbly12:22
ubotugrumbly: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.12:22
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.12:22
felipelalligrumbly: no, mas falo portugus. Talvez eu entenda alguma coisa em espanhol. O sr. fala portugus?  porque no canal brasileiro no h ningum.12:22
Minatakugrumbly: Well, there's a chance12:22
CakeProphetgrumbly, hmmm... I'm having the same problem actually.12:22
MinatakuI think there's a database of supported/unsupported USB devices12:22
MinatakuYou can also check the manufacturer's site12:22
grumblyyeah... i know there is.  If I can get it recognized in freeebsd, I should be able to get it working in linux12:22
MinatakuIf you're willing to crack it open you can see the chipset12:22
grumblyas it should be more supported12:22
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.12:22
grumblyIts the RA730 chipset12:23
felipelalliubotu: eu j sei, obrigado12:23
grumblyfelipelalli: Un moment12:23
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MinatakuThat's not a good sign12:23
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MinatakuYour search - RA730 Linux - did not match any documents.12:24
MinatakuAre you sure it's "RA730" ?12:24
MinatakuTheoretically, though, the default Kubuntu kernel should have the module for it12:25
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tehpwnOMG, skype costs money now to call cell phones!?!! wtf12:26
grumbly/msg felipelalli12:26
grumblyTentativa usando translate.google.com. No  perfeita, mas deve ser til em comunicar seu ponto. Eu compreendo somente um pouco Portuguese, assim que eu seria somente mnima til.12:26
Thehound666oh btw that 28 MB I freed...12:26
grumblybahh... sorry12:26
Thehound666is gone again12:26
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grumblyMinataku: yes. the windows driver is the Ralink driver for 730-12:27
grumblyshould correlate.12:27
grumblymaybe ver is different in my head... hang on12:27
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bubu1uktehpwn: look at www.voipcheap.com for news bout skype.12:27
grumblyMinataku: !!!!  CHECK THIS OUT!12:28
SillyFrenchyhey peeps12:28
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CakeProphetMinataku,  Sure haven't12:28
surgyi installed the nvidia glx driver from !nvidia and then restarted X and kde didnt start so i typed "startx" and it gave me these errors "http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2486/" i had to use my xorg.conf backup to restore kde12:29
Minatakugrumbly: Nice work :D12:29
grumblyMinataku: here's where I'm still confused12:29
grumblyI wanted to know if I have usb discovery set up properly12:29
grumblyso I can plug/unplug stuff12:30
grumblyAND, I am a little uncomfortable with a kernel build...12:30
surgycan someone look over my errors and tell me what you think please?12:30
Minatakugrumbly: Unplug and replug the USB device then type "dmesg | tail"12:30
MinatakuSee if it talks about a USB device and whether or not it knows what it was12:31
grumblyMinataku: step 1 solved! thanks12:31
grumblyit does12:31
grumblyAWESOME!!! RT73usb12:31
MinatakuThat means no kernel building for you12:31
grumblynow... for the rest.........12:31
Minatakugrumbly: Hold12:32
grumblythe mesg says: t73usb->rt2x00_vendor_request: Error - vendor request error. Request 0x07 failed for offset 0x3040 with error -19.12:32
MinatakuUh oh12:32
MinatakuThat's not good12:32
grumblywhat does that mean?12:32
MinatakuWell, wait12:32
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MinatakuDid it disconnect the device shortly after?12:32
grumblyI did12:32
MinatakuOr is it still connected?12:32
grumblyit is now connected.12:32
grumblyis there a live DMESG util12:33
MinatakuOh, plug it back in, and see if Linux keeps the device registered12:33
grumblylike a watch command?12:33
Minatakugrumbly: Open another terminal and type "sudo cat /proc/kmsg"12:33
MinatakuAny complaining/informing the kernel does will show up there until you hit Ctrl+C12:34
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grumblyusb 1-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice12:34
grumblywlan0: no IPv6 routers present12:34
foxbunnyhow is Fiesty coming along? is it okay to dist-upgrade before release?12:34
boblenyHey, I ran this command "dpkg -l '*php*'" in the terminal, My results all had the letters "un" or "pn" net to the files. What do they mean?12:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about un - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:34
grumblyso it's got the device12:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pn - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:34
Minatakugrumbly: Lucky you, it's working and it's using it12:34
fyrmedicwhat command should I use in command line to remove gnome and all dependencies?12:34
grumblynow, how do I configure the christ mouth head thing12:35
foxbunnyfyrmedic: man apt-get12:35
surgyminataku: when you get the chance do you mind looking through my errors please? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2486/12:35
Minatakusurgy: Sure12:35
grumblyCIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -612:35
surgyminataku: thank you12:35
Minatakugrumbly: As long as Linux keeps the device12:36
fyrmedicfoxbunny; ok and what is the rest of the command. I can run apt-get but it just removes the file gnome. not the rest of the files that came with it12:36
MinatakuIgnore any b?tching from the kernel unless it's rejecting the device12:36
BluesKajgrumbly , did you scroll down to look at the exception in the case of a USB connection ?12:36
grumblyBluesKaj: no.12:36
BluesKajabout halfway down the page12:37
foxbunnyfyrmedic: if you type man apt-get you will get all the apt-get options... I think there should be a command option for removing packages that depend on gnome...12:37
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foxbunnyfyrmedic: 'man apt-get'12:37
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foxbunnyfyrmedic: wait a sec12:37
boblenyNo one know?12:37
grumblyBluesKaj: I stopped reading when Minataku said I ddnt need to rebuild12:37
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sleepy745I have kiba dock source files that need compiling, how do I start?12:38
BluesKajblame it on someone else eh ? :)12:38
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Minatakusurgy: We'll need real info here, one sec12:38
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surgyminataku: ok12:39
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foxbunnyfyrmedic: why don't you use adept or aptitude?12:39
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foxbunnyfyrmedic: I mean, instead of apt-get12:39
Minatakusurgy: Pastebin, oh.... the last 50 lines of /var/log/Xorg.0.log12:39
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fyrmedicfoxbunny; because I am doing all of this via ssh tunnel to another machine.12:39
Minatakugrumbly: If I can help one more person break free of Windows that's enough of a prize :D12:40
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MinatakuBut thank you all the same and enjoy ^^12:40
foxbunnyfyrmedic: I don't know about those... :( aptitude is a CLI tool, you know. It just invokes apt-get to do the final removal/install...12:40
grumblyMinataku: I am a mac user!  haha!  hence the FBSD, I broke free of windows 3 years ago12:40
LjLfoxbunny: no12:40
LjLaptitude never invokes apt-get12:41
grumblyI am just helping out my parents12:41
ubotuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT, like apt-get. However, aptitude can remember the dependencies installed with a package and remove them if you uninstall. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide12:41
MinatakuAh, well now you've broken free of Mac, too, which is even better12:41
foxbunnyLjL: how do you mean NO?12:41
grumblynah... I love mac12:41
MinatakuOh, lol12:41
LjLfoxbunny: i mean what i said12:41
grumblyit just works12:41
LjLno, it doesn't invoke apt-get12:41
Minatakugrumbly: They're worse than MS :(12:41
grumblyyes and no.12:41
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surgyminataku: tried to get 50 ended up with 51     http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2490/12:41
grumblythey are GREAT when it comes to honorning contracts, tech support, and opening up source12:41
grumblybut they are expensive12:41
foxbunnyLjL: well, it invokes dpkg, whatever... point is it is a CLI tool... like apt-get12:41
MinatakuMS never locked their customers into lousy hardware... yet12:41
Minatakugrumbly: Opening up source my ass, they want to close off all of Darwin12:42
foxbunnyMinataku: true12:42
MinatakuThey haven't since they know the backlash would be tremendous12:42
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yuriyMinataku: well, i wouldn't call it lousy.. but locked in nonetheless12:42
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MinatakuApple doesn't want anyone getting their grubby hands all on their... *shudder*... Intellectual Property12:42
=== Minataku shoves a bar of soap in his mouth
grumblyMinataku: Point 1: lousy hardware is a preference... depends on what you're doing and how you do it.  Point 2: Closing darwin will never legally happen.  just because they want to do something dosn't mean they can12:43
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surgyminataku: have you heard about MS and Ford teaming up?12:43
surgyminataku: MS is doing all the onboard computers for ford starting in september12:43
Minatakugrumbly: Sorry, I'm against the kinds of things that Apple and Microsoft do to their customers12:43
LjLfoxbunny: well that's true, but apt-get and dpkg are two quite different things. anyway as for what i can see of fyrmedic's question: if you're on Dapper, and you didn't use aptitude to install gnome, there's no command that will remove it *and* all its dependencies. if you're on Edgy, apt-get autoremove ubuntu-desktop should do that, though i'm not sure it works as smoothly as aptitude. lacking either possibility, i'd normally remove libgnome -12:44
LjLthat takes most of the stuff away12:44
Minatakusurgy: Ford has always sucked anyway12:44
MinatakuIf they start sucking more from Microsoft's "help" that doesn't concern me12:44
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=== Minataku drives a Chevrolet :3
manchickenjarn: Did you ever get your MTP device working?12:44
foxbunnyLjL: isn't there an apt-get switch that removes all packages that depend on a package?12:44
surgyminataku: agreed12:45
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bubu1ukhope app wond crash unexpectely and u'll have to restart ur fort then. lol12:45
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Minatakugrumbly: True, the lousy hardware is a preference12:45
grumblyMinataku: It's understandable from their perspective-  You've got 2 pretty competitive corps going after SIMILAR but not the same market, but only one understood that for a while.12:45
MinatakuThey were better off with 68k12:45
foxbunnyLjL: is it my memory failing, or apt-get is a frontend for dpkg?12:45
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ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)12:45
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Minatakugrumbly: At least Vista doesn't REQUIRE a TPM chip... yet12:46
mikey_lai uninstalled the openoffice suite & now apt-get is telling me to run "apt-get autoremove" which will remove the whole kubuntu-desktop package12:46
LjLfoxbunny: yes and no...12:46
grumblythe 68k was an excelent processor for it's time.  combine that with some Eprom based OS and you've got a REALLY stable and fast system12:46
grumblyalso known as Amiga!12:46
MinatakuHell yeah :D12:46
surgyminataku: did you get my paste bin?12:46
LjLfoxbunny: the APT framework uses dpkg. apt-get aptitude and company are frontends to the APT framework12:46
Minatakusurgy: Oh, crap12:46
MinatakuNo, sorry12:46
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MinatakuI got sidetracked >.<12:46
grumblyMinataku: osx 10.4 needed the tpm chip to differentiate between X86 and PPC chip12:47
LjLfoxbunny: yes, there is such a switch - command actually - and it's "apt-get autoremove". but it was only added in Edgy12:47
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Minatakugrumbly: My ass it did12:47
grumblyand I like the g5 processor12:47
grumblyit's great12:47
MinatakuDon't buy into the bull they fed you12:47
grumblyand hot12:47
surgyminataku: "minataku: tried to get 50 ended up with 51     http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2490/"12:47
foxbunnyLjL: doesn't that also remove packages that have broken dependencies in general?12:47
grumblyI gotta buy into it, it's the only thing I have left12:47
mikey_laanyone got any ideas on a workaround?12:47
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MinatakuThe TPM chip has no purpose in their hands but to oppress and destroy consumer rights12:47
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LjLfoxbunny: well, packages that have broken dependencies get removed by *any* apt-get command (well, at least by "install" and "remove")12:48
surgyminaktaku : HALLLALUYA!12:48
Minatakusurgy: Why is X trying to open a /dev/wacom ?12:48
grumblyWhy do I have 2 new ifconfig entrys...12:48
grumblysurgy: yeah???12:48
surgyminataku: im assuming it thinks my xbox game pad is a tacom12:48
Minatakusurgy: Hm...12:48
yuriymikey_la: is the problem just that it's telling you to do that? it's not actually doing it though right12:48
foxbunnyLjL: yah, now that you mention it... it's all coming back to me... :) Last time I used Ubuntu it was Hoary.... :p12:49
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mikey_layuriy: yea. i just telling me that12:49
Minatakusurgy: That doesn't make sense12:49
surgyminataku: the instability is based around my video card though becuase when i try to initiate the drivers is when i get the errors and kde wont start12:49
MinatakuAll the same, unplug it and try starting X again12:49
grumblyMinataku: it's not connectiong....12:49
mikey_layuriy: i could add an alias to avoid me from doing that12:49
Minatakusurgy: Oh, well there's your problem12:49
yuriymikey_la: make sure sure you have kubuntu-desktop installed12:50
grumblysurgy: what card do you have?12:50
surgyminataku: so if i reinstall my videocard driver now it will work?12:50
Minatakusurgy: Possibly12:50
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yuriymikey_la: also workarounds: ignore it. or use aptitude.12:50
MinatakuIt's worth a shot, at least, lol12:50
surgyminataku any other possibilities that you can think of?12:50
foxbunnyfyrmedic: any luck?12:50
surgyminataku: and im dumb founded that my xbox pad is being recognized as a wacom12:50
Minatakusurgy: X is a picky bit of kit12:50
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mikey_layuriy: im looking to remove alot of the packages that came w/ the install (ie multimedia)12:50
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MinatakuIf there's some little thing it doesn't like it'll b?tch and moan and if it's bad enough it'll explode12:51
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Minatakusurgy: Check the xorg.conf12:51
mikey_layuriy: im wondering if that will have any effect on future upgrades12:51
MinatakuI think there might me some stupid entries in there12:52
MinatakuLike someone set up X with a Wacom tablet12:52
levi__what is a good program to shrink dvdz12:52
surgyminataku: you want a pastebin of xorg.conf becuase i dont really know what im looking at yet (im learning but not there yet)12:52
yuriymikey_la: removing packages that came with the install will remove kubuntu-desktop which may cause problems with future dist-upgrades12:52
Minatakusurgy: Sure12:53
MinatakuThat way I can correct it and give it back, though you may end up better off reconfiguring the whole thing from scratch12:53
yuriymikey_la: but other than upgrading releases it shouldn't cause any problems12:53
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sleepy745anyone know how to compile kiba dock? what packages do I need before compiling?12:54
surgyminataku: of course this one works, its my backup that i keep having to restore to get kde back up       http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2496/12:54
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larson9999any keytouch users here?  i wanna know how it set it up so that it launches for all users on startup.  and without that gui.12:55
Minatakusurgy: In that case, what's changing it, what's the change, and how do you stop it12:55
surgyminataku: seams like everytime i install my video card driver and then restart x i have the problem, but if i run on my back up (the original) xorg.conf its fine but with no driver12:55
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MinatakuThen clearly the driver is not working12:55
luckpoor minataku12:56
MinatakuThere's your fault, the solution is beyond me, unfortunately12:56
surgythats why i say my driver is cuasing it all not my wacom ass xbox pad12:56
luckpoor surgy12:56
MinatakuI'd say, at least for now, don't use the driver12:56
luckpoor Minataku12:56
surgyminataku: then linux is useless12:56
MinatakuAs for what the problem with the driver is, I don't know12:56
luckpoor surgy12:56
surgyarnt admins suppose to filter out people like luck?12:57
MinatakuOn Freenode? Psh12:57
dwidmann!dvdrip | levi__12:57
ubotudvdrip: perl front end for transcode. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:0.98.1-0.1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 718 kB, installed size 2084 kB12:57
surgyminataku: a fresh install of kubuntu will fix my problem right?12:57
MinatakuThe ops all hide themselves around here12:57
gnomefreaksurgy: we will12:57
Minatakusurgy: It may12:57
luckpoor minataku12:57
gnomefreakluck: please stop that now12:57
MinatakuIf something that's there is causing the driver to fail then reinstalling may help12:57
luckwhy should I stop that?12:57
luckpoor Minataku12:58
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luckpoor Minataku12:58
gnomefreakbecause its not right to do in here12:58
shadowhywindanyone have any ideas why if i use lynx/w3m/links2 i can't seam to login to my router12:58
luckwhy doesn't Minataku say something to that?12:58
surgyminataku: well i went over to #beryl and a guy there told me to go to this site and it had the beryl auto install script and a how to on installing glx12:58
gnomefreakluck: no need to spam the channel with stuff like that12:58
Minatakuluck: Well, could you please stop?12:59
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gnomefreakMinataku: i got it ;)12:59
luckstuff like what?12:59
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surgyluck: this is a support channel12:59
MinatakuHe did ask why I didn't say anything about it, so I figured I would.12:59
gnomefreakluck: stop trolling12:59
surgyluck: not a "poor minataku" channel12:59
luckwhy doesn't he admit he's poor?01:00
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surgythanks gnomefreak01:00
esc_apechicago bears going to the superbowl!!01:00
MinatakuDoes this network not have kicks?01:01
surgyminataku: so im gonna try a reinstall01:01
gnomefreaknalioth: Seveas any problems with banning java in here like it is in #ubuntu?01:01
MinatakuWho's dumb?ss idea would that have been?01:01
LjLMinataku: there's kicks. and they're removes.01:01
MinatakuSeems like there's absolutely no point to implementing the second option01:02
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dwidmannesc_ape, so what was the score at the end, I didn't bother to watch much of the game?01:02
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naliothgnomefreak: banning java?01:02
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MinatakuThe 'ol "Why fix what isn't broken" thing01:02
dwidmannand what's wrong with java?01:02
esc_ape39-14 I think01:02
surgyminataku: but one good question: why doesnt ubuntu come with an application link that runs all the installation for the display driver? like "To install Nvidia Display click here"    it whould make my world and many others very much easier01:02
esc_apeim from chicago...just finished watching01:02
LjLMinataku: a lot of people auto-rejoin on kicks01:02
esc_apekinda drunk01:02
manchickenesc_ape: Great game, eh?01:03
MinatakuLjL: Yes, but if you've banned them first, what's the issue?01:03
esc_apeyeah definitely...we've been waiting for 22 years01:03
dwidmann22 years ... hahaha01:03
esc_ape22 long f'ing years01:03
surgyminataku: but what if you banned them and they try to say there sorry and act good forever after that?01:03
Minatakusurgy: Good question, but I'm not the right source01:03
LjLMinataku: if everyone who's kicked should *always* also be banned, then there would be no point to kick and ban existing as separate things01:04
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surgyok just an idea01:04
Minatakusurgy: That's what's PM is for01:04
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manchickenIt's only 21 years.01:04
esc_apeok im out to get more beer01:04
K-RyanHello everybody01:04
manchickenBut still too long01:04
surgyhi k-ryan :)01:04
esc_apeyeah...& im too drunk for math01:04
surgybrb on my fresh install01:04
dwidmannlater esc_ape01:04
=== esc_ape is away: Gone away for now.
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MinatakuLjL: Indeed, but even if they autorejoin, the kick shows them that they're clearly walking the line01:04
K-RyanI just wrote a 5 1/2 page paper on Hiking >.>01:05
dwidmannK-Ryan: why?01:05
MinatakuAs for cases where they've accidentally dumped to the channel, a quickban is suitable for that purpose, it's not that hard to defeat autorejoin01:05
K-RyanBecause I just love writing01:05
K-RyanNo, English class =P01:06
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MinatakuBut then I'm a bit partial to the old ways of doing things01:06
MinatakuOld as in late 90s01:06
MinatakuRemember when web games were done in CGI? I do.01:06
=== Minataku reminiceses
dwidmanncgi = common gateway interface = (usually) perl01:07
K-Ryanhmm, no idea01:07
Alarmis there a way to see all the open internet connections running ? not the connections but the ammount of them. for example that are 50connections open. when i say connections, i mean connections that are created when entering to a webpage, or when downloading a file and so on01:07
K-Ryanmy 90's gaming was limited to a demo of Duke Nukem 3D, sega, and a bit of playstation01:08
MinatakuAnd whatever you piped in was processed and piped back out into it's own little page01:08
ranceremember when games were command line based and you had to type the correct words and the correct spelling since there was no "fuzzy" about the logic01:08
K-RyanI was only a tyke though, so yeah01:08
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MinatakuI'm only 21 myself01:08
Dr_willis'put the hampster in the microwave'01:08
K-Ryan15 almost 16, beat you =)01:08
Dr_willis'get mail'01:08
MinatakuDr_willis: lol01:08
dwidmannMy 90's gaming was limitted to my SNES01:08
K-RyanDr_willis that thing was hilarious01:08
Dr_willisGotta Love Maniac Mansion.01:09
Dr_willisDay of The Tenacle01:09
larson9999Dr_willis: and scummvm01:09
MinatakuOne word: Chiptunes01:09
Dr_willisamazing thing is -- ive NEVER finished any of those games.01:09
K-RyanOh, I'm not sure if they work on Linux but you can always use Wine...01:09
Dr_williswell perhaps one of the Leiaure suit larry games.01:09
K-RyanBut 5 Days a Stranger, 7 Days a Skeptic, and Tribly's Notes01:09
Dr_willisScummvm lets ya play most all them on linux01:09
larson9999i finished most of them01:09
K-RyanAre GREAT point and clicks01:10
Dr_willis!info FOTQ01:10
ubotuPackage fotq does not exist in any distro I know01:10
K-RyanMust be played in that order though01:10
Dr_willis!find amazon01:10
ubotuFound: flight-of-the-amazon-queen, libamazon-ruby, libnet-amazon-perl01:10
larson9999i love adventure games01:10
MinatakuYeah, FOTAQ01:10
Dr_willis!info  flight-of-the-amazon-queen01:10
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ubotuflight-of-the-amazon-queen: a fantasy adventure game. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.0-4ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 35682 kB, installed size 53028 kB01:10
Dr_willisIm stuck in that one.01:10
MinatakuI gave up on that one01:10
MinatakuI got stuck then stopped playing01:10
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MinatakuNever went back to it01:10
larson9999rance.  yep, the best graphics card is installed between your ears01:10
Dr_willisi couldent find the stuff for the tall-pygmy villiate01:11
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MinatakuAs for audio, a chip that outputs square, triangle and sawtooth waves01:11
MinatakuNone of this fancy-pants sine wave crap01:11
Dr_williswho needs stero!01:11
K-Ryanwww.reloaded.org is where you can get the games i mentioned, I highly recommend them to adventure/point and click fans01:11
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MinatakuWho needs a DSP01:12
dwidmanntall pygmy, isn't that like, a contradiction of terms?01:12
K-RyanBest played during them middle of the night, lights off, alone01:12
K-Ryandwidmann: lol01:12
Dr_willisdwidmann,  go play that FOTQ game. :)01:12
grumblyMinataku: thanks for the help again01:13
dwidmannwow, a hefty download ...01:13
K-RyanWell it isn't text based or anything01:13
dwidmann40MB, more than I figured it would be01:13
K-RyanIt seems to have graphics, decent graphics for 95' too01:13
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K-Ryanthe voiceovers though...01:14
mikey_layuriy: so when the next dist of kubuntu comes out, i have to reinstall kubuntu-desktop in order to upgrade? but for software pkg updates, i should be fine corect?01:14
MinatakuMy current wallpaper is so awesome... XD ( Sorry, don't intend to totally sidetrack, but Komugi is so cute )01:14
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dwidmannK-Ryan: that's what mute is for01:14
K-RyanIt just sounds a little off01:15
K-RyanIt's not that bad01:15
larson9999touchkey is pretty nice01:15
=== Minataku plays some Amiga chiptunes in uade123
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about uade - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:16
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facenewOT: a 30-min movie mocking kim jong il and his secret agent buying something from china: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=EE52D9ED0149568501:17
dwidmann30 minutes of mockery, is that just the previews? :P01:17
K-RyanI seem to be stuck in a room...01:18
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MinatakuEver play those Flash games by Toshimitsu Takagi?01:18
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MinatakuCrimson Room01:18
K-Ryanplayed and beat it01:19
K-Ryanand viridian room01:19
K-Ryanhowever its spelt01:19
MinatakuThere's more01:19
K-RyanOh, I played them when there were two01:19
MinatakuThere's at least one more now01:19
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K-RyanI played crimson room when it had first come out01:19
K-RyanI think so anyway01:19
MinatakuWhite Chamber or something01:19
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic01:19
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:20
MinatakuI don't think I ever beat the latest one01:20
MinatakuToo hard01:20
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K-Ryantry the games i mentioned before01:22
K-Ryan5 days a stranger, 7 days a skeptic, trilb'ys notes01:22
K-Ryanin that order01:22
K-Ryanit will take a while to finish them all, but it has a great storyline01:22
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Dr_willisI did finish one of the RIngworld games ages ago.01:22
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matt0507hi, how do i find out which version of kde is running on my comp?01:24
drbeamswhere is the sources.lst kept ?01:24
Minatakudrbeams: In a reinforced titanium vault, deep in the earth's crust01:25
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K-Ryanyou have to take a minecart 50 stories into the earth01:25
MinatakuIt's location is oft fabled, but never known01:25
drbeams /etc/apt/sources.lst01:25
K-Ryanthen you will find a room with two doors01:25
K-Ryanthe one on the left blows up if you open it, we haven't fixed that yet01:26
MinatakuOne black, one green01:26
K-RyanYou want to go in the right01:26
K-RyanRemember, the door on the right01:26
MinatakuK-Ryan: Wait... I thought the door on the right exploded01:26
MinatakuSh?t, did we forget again?01:26
K-RyanOh no...01:26
K-RyanI...I... sent my friend down there about an hour ago...01:26
drbeamshe is not your friend anymore01:26
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MinatakuThat last guy got pretty pissed, considering the explosion consisted of rotten meat01:27
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MinatakuIt's not so much an explosion as something really disgusting01:27
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MinatakuI mean, it's not gonna kill you or anything, but you certainly won't be happy if you open the wrong door01:28
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drbeamsmorning Jucato01:29
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Minatakugnomefreak: Just hang onto it until you're done01:29
Jucatomorning drbeams01:29
MinatakuIf anything constantly doing that is more annoying than the people you're banning :P01:29
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:30
drbeamsi noticed that easysource has medibuntu.  for i386 ?01:30
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surgyso any tips before i try this again?01:30
CakeProphetso... erm... I'm having trouble getting permissions for things.01:30
CakePropheton my default account... the only one I use.01:30
drbeamsis there a way to get adept to show just medibuntu packages ?01:30
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CakeProphetI was trying to access my Windows partition through kubuntu... but it says I don't have permission.01:31
Jucato!ntfs | CakeProphet01:31
ubotuCakeProphet: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions. For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse01:31
MinatakuDoesn't OSX still use HFS+?01:32
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CakeProphetbut I mean... is there a way to simply eliminate permissions altogether?01:33
MinatakuCakeProphet: This isn't DOS01:33
CakeProphetI'm the only one using my computer... I don't really want to give myself permission to do everything.01:33
MinatakuCakeProphet: Even Windows NT has permissions01:33
CakeProphet...and I don't want any restricting my access to my own computer.01:33
MinatakuOf course Windows NT has you gallavanting around as that more-or-less-root Administrator by default01:34
JucatoCakeProphet: the permissions for NTFS is meant to write protect the NTFS partition because writing to NTFS from Linux is dangerous01:34
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MinatakuWhich is why Windows is easy to hack with simple email attachments01:34
CakeProphetI don't want to write to NTFS01:34
CakeProphetI want to read stuff from it... and move it to whatever linux uses.01:35
MinatakuIn that case, CakeProphet seems to have a potential bug01:35
CakeProphetit's a hackish way to interchange stuff while I'm making the move.01:35
JucatoCakeProphet: anyway, take a look at that link for more info01:35
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MinatakuIf whatever isn't mounting the NTFS with proper permissions01:35
JucatoMinataku: it's not a potential bug. by default, NTFS is only readable by the admin01:35
MinatakuAh... that's kinda stupid01:36
MinatakuEspecially on a system that demands root never be used01:36
niko__Hey, i just installed kubuntu from the livecd, it installed grub, but i want tu use windoes as default OS ( im not the only one using this computer) Can som1 help me?01:36
CakeProphetI traversed ye ol' file trees to /dev/hdp2  ...but it said I couldn't open it.01:36
JucatoMinataku: ??01:36
surgycakeporphet: use kmenu > system settings > advanced > and then disks and filesystems01:36
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:36
inteliwaspcould someone point me to a tutorial on how to get teamspeak to work?01:36
MinatakuJucato: How is the NTFS partition mounted? If it's mounted so only root can access it, that's a dumb idea since Kubuntu doesn't want anyone using root01:37
JucatoCakeProphet: you really can't open /dev files01:37
drbeamsah, yes, you can specify just medibuntu packages01:37
JucatoMinataku: that's what sudo is for01:37
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CakeProphetoh... so how do I access my other partitions?01:37
JucatoCakeProphet: um.... the link given above?01:37
MinatakuJucato: sudo cd and sudo ls over and over is hardly a useful solution01:37
surgycake prophet i told you01:38
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JucatoMinataku: um... we're talking about GUI? so kdesu konqueror is enough01:38
MinatakuJucato: Oh, right... I forgot01:38
JucatoMinataku: there's also sudo -i if you want a "root prompt"01:38
MinatakuI do all my file administration from the CLI01:38
CakeProphetwell.... see...01:39
MinatakuAs for externam mounts I handle them so I don't need to be root for at least daily access01:39
CakeProphetI don't have inetnet access from kubuntu01:39
=== CakeProphet is in Windows right now.
CakeProphetso I can't wget the diskmounter01:39
surgycakeprophet you dont need internet access its all in the kde gui allready01:39
drbeamswhat is that drop down thingy called, kuake something01:40
Jucatodrbeams: Yakuake01:40
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drbeamsya, i always forget the Ya01:41
surgycakeprophet: kdemenu > system settings > advanced > disks and file systems   then go into administrative mode and follow tool tips01:41
JucatoCakeProphet: no need for that. either do the manual mounting (to learn) or use the Disk & Filesystems in System Settings, as suggested by surgy01:41
MinatakuSorry, I constantly forget that not everyone is as versed in operating Linux as I am01:41
drbeamsis there a Cli primer for kubuntu ?01:41
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands01:42
MinatakuThere better be01:42
CakeProphetalright, thanks.01:42
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ubuntusurgy: i got the script01:44
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=== Jucato most definitely doesn't recommend that diskmounter script...
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surgyubuntu: your k-ryan?01:45
surgypm me01:45
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posingaspopularuh join #dew again01:46
posingaspopularpms wont work01:46
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Cuddles_in_KYok folks.01:48
drbeamsthx Jucato01:48
Cuddles_in_KY3 days now, and still no luck getting ndiswrapper working.01:48
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malik_which FF is better?.........one from repos or one from FF website?01:49
Cuddles_in_KYi've followed the howto on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=297092 but it still doesn't work. can someone -please- help me?01:49
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Cuddles_in_KYi'm on a dell latitude, using a linksys wpc300n card, if that helps.01:51
surgyminataku: got glx working again01:52
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madohallo / hello01:53
Minatakusurgy: Nice01:53
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madocan anyone please help me?01:54
flaccidwhats the prob01:54
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sleepy745does SuperKarama use alot of cpu up01:54
surgythank you01:54
madoi hope i can explain it in english because english isn't my mother tongue ...01:54
Jucatosleepy745: it depends on the theme you are using01:54
madosome folders disappeard in the k-menu and i don't know why ...01:55
Jucatosleepy745: some SK themes seem to be buggy and eat up cpu. some are perfectly fine01:55
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levi__can someone help me configure pidentd01:55
sleepy745just liquid weather and clock01:55
madoi edited the menu with the kde-menu-editor ...01:55
madoand i moved a folder to another place ... saved the changes ... but the folder doesn't show up in the menu01:56
madowhy is that?01:56
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madoflaccid, ... can you help me?01:58
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madoor anyone else?01:58
flaccidmado: i don't know01:58
flaccidnothing you can do about it01:58
flaccidunless you can be more specific01:58
Minatakumado: What is your native language?01:59
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MinatakuWe provide a number of channels for non-English speakers01:59
Alarmwhich application could i install that would show on my desktop info about memory usage, hard disk usage and so on ?01:59
madogerman *smiling a bit* ... but the germans and austrians couldn't help me with the problem ...01:59
madoso i came to you guys01:59
MinatakuAh, that would present a dilemma01:59
flaccidits not a problem you can help with.01:59
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MinatakuAlarm: gkrellm02:00
ubotugkrellm: The GNU Krell Monitors. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.9-1ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 733 kB, installed size 2060 kB02:00
madoanybody else who has an idea to solve my problem?02:00
Alarmokie, any other as an alternative otpion ? :)02:00
Minatakumado: Unfortunately, I do not02:00
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ubotuxosview: X based system monitor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.2-9 (edgy), package size 84 kB, installed size 272 kB02:00
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flaccidmado: there is no solution, thus nobody is helping02:01
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Alarmthank you02:01
madoso what should i do now?02:01
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MinatakuMove the folder back?02:01
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flaccidmado: you are missing kmenu items?02:01
madoi tried ... but it doesn't show up02:01
madoyes flaccid02:02
Alarm gkrellm looks great...thats what i wanted. thank you again Minataku02:02
madoi miss a folder / an entry / an item ... in my k-menu02:02
flaccidadd them again or copy them for a fresh user who has logged in once and ensure perms are correct02:02
flaccidjust manually add them, done?02:02
madohere's the whole story ...02:03
madoi created a folder in the k-menu ...02:03
flaccidwe have already heard it :)02:03
jarnHrm... Where is History in Konqueror? I can't seem to find it.02:03
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madook ... i'm not repeating it02:04
flaccidjarn: press f9 click on history button on left02:04
jarnflaccid: Thanks!02:04
flaccidnp.. that annoys me too. you would think they would put it in the menu02:04
Jucatoflaccid: it is in the default Konqueror menus. but Kubuntu removed that menu02:05
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flaccidum why heh02:05
flaccidi'm on freebsd atm and i can't find it either02:06
Jucatoflaccid: yes. default KDE Konqueror has a Go and a Window menu. the Go menu has an entry for History02:06
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flaccidwell i'm on freebsd i don't have a go menu02:06
flaccidheh i'm not even drunk02:06
flaccidi just realised i was on kubuntu02:07
flaccidah well02:07
flaccidi'll check when i get home :)02:07
Jucatoflaccid: too much beer? :P02:07
flaccidnot enough hehe02:07
Jucatoyou can return those menus if you want02:07
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madodon't tell me that some of you are drunk too02:08
jarnJucato: How?02:08
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elbridgehey do you guys know how to set up a windows shared folder on Kubuntu02:08
Jucatohttp://jucato.org/kde/konq-profiles.html <--- follow up to #2 if you just want to get the Go and Window menus back02:08
madoso ...02:08
madoi will go away now ...02:08
madobut before i do that ...02:08
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madois there a way to talk to the kde-developers ?02:09
flaccidi wish i was tiefenrausch :)02:09
madoi want to tell somebody of this problem02:09
madowhat is that?02:09
Jucatomado: K Menu problem?02:09
flaccidelbridge: kcontrol -> samba is best gui tool02:09
madoyes Jucato02:09
Jucatomado let me scroll up a bit02:09
flaccidthanks Jucato02:09
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flaccidmado: being extremely rausch02:10
elbridgei think i've got everything set up but i still can't gain access to the kubuntu machine02:10
elbridgei used samba02:10
=== Minataku plays with an emulated Bellfruit machine
madorausch sounds like a german word to me02:10
flaccidmado: why don't you add the items and fix the problem instead of wasting your time telling more people02:10
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flaccidyeah it means drunk/uber02:10
madoi already tried adding the items ...02:10
flaccidi think02:10
madoit does not work02:10
flaccidbut it also means the deep blue :)02:11
Jucatomado: got to ~/.config/menus/  then rename or delete something like applications.menu. that will return the default K Menu02:11
madoblue like in desperate?02:11
flaccidmado: instead of saying it does not work. say what it does.02:11
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flaccidmado: i'm not sure. need to ask german producer, kai tracid about it :)02:11
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Jucatomado: applications-kmenuedit.menu to be exact02:11
flaccidi'd just restore it like Jucato said02:12
madojeez ... the folder i created ... i can't see it in the k-menu02:12
madobut i can see it in the editor02:12
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jarnJucato: It says "Kubuntu has modified Konqueror to include features and settings that are commonly used, making the interface much simpler and easier to use. Some users, however, prefer to have all the bells and whistles." So did they add or remove things? Or both?02:12
Jucatomado: let's first try to restore your K Menu to normal :)02:12
Jucatojarn: they removed some, added some :)02:12
madoi don't want to restore it ... not now ... it took me more than two hours to change the menu02:12
flaccidi don't see how removing a way to get to history makes it simpler and easier to use :(02:13
jarnJucato: Is there a way to only put back the stuff they took out, while keeping the stuff they added?02:13
Jucatomado: ok.. it will take you less since you already know what to do, but your call...02:13
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Jucatojarn: yes. that guide doesn't remove anything they've added02:13
BluesKajwell, i found konq to be a much easier to use internet browser than previous versions ...I use FF mostly tho.02:13
flaccidmado: check owner/perms on the files. you didn't do anything under root or another user?02:13
JucatoJucato: most of what they added are hardcoded so you can't remove them without much difficulty02:13
madoi installed a game with the tool adept ...02:14
Jucatoer.. jarn ^^^^02:14
madothen i created a folder for the game ...02:14
jarnJucato: The one on the page or the links at the top where it says "Instructions at xxxx"?02:14
flaccidkubuntu forks a bit imo02:14
JucatoJucato: nah those are just mirrors.02:14
madoneither the game nor the folder can be seen in the menu02:14
Jucatojarn: those are just mirrors of the guide02:14
Jucatomado: what game? some games really don't show up in the K Menu02:14
jarnJucato: Ah.02:15
jarnJucato: Thanks!02:15
madothis one did the last time i installed it ...02:15
malik_can some one tell me whats the best multimedia plugins and player to use in kubuntu edgy?02:15
madoto be more correctly ...02:15
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madocurrently some games don't show up02:15
Jucatomalik_: the "best" will be the one that works for "you"02:16
Jucatomado: that's normal02:16
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malik_oki thats confusing because at the moment nothin is working satisfactorily02:16
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sselemanluosanyone know where gaim stores its logs?02:17
Jucatomalik_: ok, what's not working? what media are you trying t play?02:17
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Jucatosselemanluos: um... probably ask in #gaim or in #ubuntu ?02:17
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madoJucato, ... you say it's normal for folders to just disappear?02:17
Jucatothey'd know better02:17
malik_so i need sauggestion what kind of multimedia player for streaming i shud use .........to be able to play stuff from bbc /npr.org/ and also from ninemsn and msnbc websites02:17
Jucatomado: no. it's normal that some games don't appear in the K Menu02:17
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malik_like how do i play asx file types02:18
Jucatomalik_: it really depends on what format those sites use. Kaffeine can do those with the proper backend. Some swear by mplayer though02:18
malik_wma files02:18
ubotuFor multimedia codecs see: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html and for applications see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications02:18
flaccidworth a read for anything multimedia ^^^02:18
Jucatomalik_: for Kaffeine to be able to play WMA/WMV you need w32codecs02:18
flaccidi like xine for video, amarok for audio02:18
malik_not to be rude but all these help pages are for ubuntu nothin specific on kubuntu02:19
Jucatomalik_: not to be offensive, but have you read them at all?02:19
flaccidubuntu and kubuntu use the same codecs, just different apps to play them...02:19
BluesKajkKaffeine & VLC02:19
Jucato!codecs | malik_02:19
ubotumalik_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:19
malik_i have w32 codecs but every time i click on a wma link i have to tell FF to play it with kaffeine and i have tyo do it everytime02:20
Jucatomalik_: then it's a problem with Firefox's settings02:20
flaccidmalik_: change default association for it in konqueror settings02:20
flaccidand check firefox also..02:20
Jucatoflaccid: err... FF02:20
malik_i have installed w32codecs as well as kaffeine as well as mplayer and also libxine-extra codecs02:20
flaccidJucato: might be good to set for system as well02:21
Jucatomalik_: good. but Firefox uses its own settings so you'd have to set it separately02:21
malik_how do i do that?02:21
flaccidmost users use more than 1 browser eg. konqueror as well and open things from konqueror02:21
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Jucatoflaccid: it's normally set by default to use Kaffeine. but Firefox and non-KDE apps are a whole different herd02:21
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Jucatomalik_: that's where my help ends.. I know nothing about FF02:22
flaccidmy point is why change it for firefox is the other behaviours are not what you want..02:22
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madothere is another way to describe my problem ...02:22
flaccidie. have to change for firefox, konqueror and opera...02:22
madowhen i open the kde-menu-editor ...02:22
madoand change something ...02:22
flaccid3 different associations02:22
madowhen i save the change ...02:22
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madothe change can't be seen02:22
flaccidmado: submit a bug if you believe the problem is kde an not you02:23
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flaccidbetter still search the bugs to see if it has been identified by another user first02:23
malik_Jucato: if u use konqi then can u plz tell me how to play stuff from msn.com and ninemsn.com.au ?02:24
Jucatomalik_: give me a link with media from one of those sites and I'll check02:24
flaccidi'm in australia too, that would be nice for me too :)02:24
madoyeah ... i will ... thanks02:24
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flaccid!bugs > mado02:24
Jucatomalik_: anyway, most codecs are handled well by mplayer without need for additional installations02:25
hagabakawhy does my screensaver just show a white X?02:25
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:25
Jucatoso if you have mplayer/kmplayer/kplayer as your default player/embedded player for .asx or .wma, you're good to go02:25
dopeif i have an old laptop sitting around can i put linux on it and sell it to someone?02:25
youcan7733I seriously need to recovery my AIM pass... what's the easiest way?02:26
Jucatoum... go to AIM's website?02:26
youcan7733(I forgot what I put for AIM's info tho... )02:26
malik_Jucato: http://ninemsn.video.msn.com/v/en-au/req.aspx?r=8&hf=1&h=http%3A//ninemsn.video.msn.com/v/en-au/v.htm%3Ff%3D39%26g%3Daaadf2bf-3708-4cd9-8453-7aab7fdca2ec%26p%3Dausport_ausportnews%26t%3Ds29%26mediaid%3D30698   ................  thats the link i am tryin to play in konqi02:26
Jucatoyoucan7733: youcan7733: from Kopete? you can check the kwallet if it was saved02:26
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Jucatomalik_: ok let me check02:26
malik_it wont play niether in konqi nor in FF02:27
youcan7733never use the wallet Jucato :(02:27
youcan7733I need some serious hacker advice, but I would use it just for my pass.02:27
Jucatomalik_: hm... there's a problem... "This product requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 6, Microsoft Media Player 10, and Macromedia Flash 6. To download these free software applications, click the links below and follow the on-screen instructions."02:27
flaccidhagabaka: its a bug in kubuntu02:27
hagabakais there a solution?02:28
flaccidhagabaka: yeah but it doesn't always work02:28
youcan7733my boyfriend is mad and wants me to have my old password LMAO02:28
phobiacJucato: What browser are you running?02:28
Jucatophobiac: Konqueror.02:28
flaccidif you google white x screensaver bug ubuntu you'll probably find it02:28
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flaccidit relates to acpi and is one of the reasons i left kubuntu02:29
I_Died_OnceI have a question, running Kubuntu on a computer thats got a nvidia motherboard....02:29
I_Died_Oncewe need the forcedeth.c driver02:29
malik_yes thats my prob02:29
phobiacJucato: Oh, wait, I misread what you wrote. I don't know how to help. Sorry.02:29
I_Died_Oncefound it for suse and red hat02:29
malik_thing is i can play msn.com website using FF02:29
malik_but not ninemsn.com.au02:30
I_Died_Oncewhere would i put this file if i found a compatible one?02:30
malik_and msn.com will load but playnothin if i use konqi with fake FF identifiction02:30
Jucatomalik_: I thought you said you couldn't play that site in both Konqueror and Firefox?02:30
phobiacmalik: That site is working for me. Are you missing plugins maybe?02:31
Jucatophobiac: what browser?02:31
phobiacI'll test in konq02:32
malik_phobiac: which browser and which site u are talking abt?02:32
phobiacFirefox and http://ninemsn.com.au/02:32
phobiacWorks fine in konq too.02:32
Jucatomalik_: remember that Browser Identification is really just a hack. it's not a real solution when sites force you to use a certain browser. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't02:32
Jucatophobiac: how about that other link he gave?02:32
malik_phobiac: what settings?02:32
erik_anyone have any hints on getting Xgl running?02:33
phobiacWhich one?02:33
malik_i cant play any video streams from ninemsn.com.au02:33
phobiacmalik: What do you mean what settings?02:33
erik_I've tried with: Xgl :1 -fullscreen -ac -accel xv:pbuffer -accel glx:pbuffer&&DISPLAY=:102:33
phobiacmalik: Do you have the flash plugin installed?02:33
Jucatoerik_: try in #ubuntu-xgl02:34
malik_yes i have flash 9 installed02:34
phobiacSpeaking of the flash plugin, I'm having issues with me losing sound completely on flash movies.02:34
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phobiacmalik: Is your main browser konq or firefox?02:34
erik_juncato: ta02:34
Jucatophobiac: where are the videos on ninemsn?02:34
phobiacThere's one right on the front page.02:35
phobiacIt's got a picture of Trump.02:35
Jucatoah ok02:35
phobiacI clicked the play button and it plays fine.02:35
dopewhat is VmSize in the taskmanager02:35
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Jucatomalik_, phobiac: plays here too02:35
phobiacdope: How much virtual memory you're using02:35
phobiacErr an app is using02:35
ranceI have what I think is an *advanced* problem with sound in kubuntu, Ive tried with TWO different sound cards and in BOTH cases the sound card is correctly recognized by the system, and the right module is loaded, and even aver the channels are unmuted, there is still no sound, what gives?02:35
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dopehow do i find how much ram each processes is using up02:35
Jucatodope: I heard from a KDE dev that doesn't really indicate anything useful, like RAM usage02:36
phobiacrance: Do your speakers work? It could be hardware.02:36
dopei have 101 processes running.  is that normal?02:36
Jucatodope: maybe "top" would be more useful02:36
Jucatodope: yes normal. I have 103 :)02:36
crimsunrance: is the problem reproducible and in effect _right this moment_?02:36
phobiacWell from what I know virtual memory is like RAM, but it's on your hardrive.02:36
dopeah ok02:36
malik_cud it be the reason that i have mplayer installed as well as w32codecs?02:36
Jucatocrimsun!!!! :)_02:36
Jucatodope: you use Konqueror?02:36
dopei use konqueror for file browsing02:37
Jucatoyou have a lot kio_* stuff opened, I guess. nothing harmful02:37
dopesometimes my windows are black02:37
ranceI have sound with knoppix so it isnt a hardware problem, and yes I dont have sound right now02:37
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malik_phobiac: what kinda plugins u r using with FF to play stuff from ninemsn.com.au?02:37
Jucatodope: huh? hum....02:37
dopewith beryl02:37
Jucatodope: aah... not a KDE problem then02:37
dopeberyl is so buggy02:37
phobiacmalik: Well that video was a flash movie, so it's the flash plugin.02:37
dopeyea i know02:37
malik_i have flsh plugin installed02:38
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malik_shockwave flash02:38
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phobiacrance: Have you messed around with the sound settings in system settings?02:38
dopeis there some sort of program i can get that'll behave like a mac when you put your cursor in the top right it spaces all the windows out for you02:38
Jucatocrimsun: sorry to bother you....but you have any idea when Flash 9 final will be available in the repos?02:38
dopeanyone know what i'm talkin about02:39
foxbunnyany windows users lurking here?02:39
Jucato!kompose | dope02:39
crimsunJucato: it was in 7.04 about a half-day after it went public02:39
ubotukompose: full screen task manager for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.3-1.3 (edgy), package size 92 kB, installed size 432 kB02:39
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phobiacmalik: Do you actually see the videos and they won't play, or do you not see them?02:39
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crimsunJucato: it will be backported to 6.10 probably tomorrow02:39
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Jucatocrimsun: aaah. just have to wait for a backport then :)02:39
malik_phbiac: i dont see them02:39
phobiacfoxbunny: I recently migrated from windows, I *might* be able to help.02:39
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phobiacProbably a better idea to go to #windows though.02:40
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malik_it asks me to install IE when i try it in FF02:40
rancephobiac: yes I have tried several choices for "audio device" but no help02:40
foxbunnyphobiac: no I was just checking if there were any windows users... :)02:40
crimsunrance: ok, are you currently running a fresh install of Kubuntu 6.10?02:40
phobiacmalik: The flash plugin isn't working then, maybe it's not executable.02:40
foxbunnyanyway, as a member of my local LUG, I've started a covert op kind of project02:40
foxbunnyit'c called OpenShare02:40
foxbunnyOSP for short02:40
phobiacdope: Beryl can do that02:40
dopeyea i know but beryl is buggy and eats up a ton of ram02:41
rancecrimsun: installed it fresh today, updates applied, and some other apps installed but its a fresh install on formatted disks02:41
dopeand is slow02:41
phobiacI think anyway, if I'm understanding you right.02:41
foxbunnywe systematically bundle Windows versions of free software whenever appropriate02:41
phobiacdope: Only thing I know that does that. Sorry.02:41
crimsunrance: ok, please pastebin the output from ``amixer && lspci -nv''02:42
foxbunnywhy didn't Edgy come with Beryl/Comiz/XGL anyway? Wasn't it supposed to be cutting edge? I was a liiitle bit dissappointed...02:43
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phobiacBerly is still a bit buggy.02:43
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crimsunfoxbunny: would you rather have had a release that crashes consistently?02:43
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phobiacBeryl is easy enough to get working, at least it was for me. The real issue isn't beryl(usually), but bad video card support.02:44
foxbunnycrimsun: no, but I'd rather that there was less talk about being cutting edge. It hurts the reputation.02:44
regeyacrimsun: "there's a reason they call it edgy dummy"02:44
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foxbunnyI see Mandriva users laughing at us because of it.02:44
=== regeya winks
crimsunfoxbunny: that's their problem, not ours.02:45
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foxbunnycrimsun: so you say... :)02:45
regeyapeople haven't figured out that *ubuntu == hopefully stable02:45
rancecrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2508/02:45
foxbunnyregeya: aw, I have used many distros but Ubuntu is not consistent in that department02:46
phobiacSo I'm having an issue with the flash 9 plugin. In firefox, I'll lose sound on flash videos and sometimes they won't play at all. The only way I can fix it is to restart firefox.02:46
phobiacFor example, the music videos at fabchannel lose sound but keep playing, while youtube videos refuse to play (without sound) for more then two seconds.02:46
foxbunnyregeya: not to say that edgy is not stable, tho02:46
regeyafoxbunny: I've not seen a distribution yet that's consistent in that department02:47
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foxbunnyregeya: try Arch Linux02:47
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phobiacAnyone having this problem and know a fix?02:47
regeyafoxbunny: I'm not changing my answer.02:47
foxbunnyregeya: it is stable even though it uses a rolling release system02:47
phobiacOr better yet, had the problem and know a fix that worked?02:47
foxbunnyregeya: hey, I'm not telling you not to use Ubuntu... even I use it02:47
crimsunrance: amixer set 'IEC958 5V' mute02:48
regeyathere are people who think gentoo is stable02:48
regeyaand it can be...but eh02:48
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foxbunnyregeya: every distro has its own advantages... stability just happens not to have been on my list when I chose Kubuntu... :)02:49
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foxbunnyack, bad english...02:49
foxbunnygotta learn that twist02:49
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ranceok, thats done, "Test Sound doesnt have sound02:50
crimsunrance: is only one audio card connected currently?02:50
crimsun(I only see one pci at least)02:50
ranceyes, its a 5.1 surround card, there is a card integrated into the MB but that is disabled in the bios02:51
crimsunrance: is it a cmipci?02:51
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foxbunnyhas anyone used Compiz with KDE?02:53
ranceit is an AOpen Cobra AW-850 that uses the cmipci chipset02:53
crimsunrance: amixer set 'Line' 80%,80%,unmute02:53
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rancedone, no sound02:54
jarnJucato: Does Kubuntu take funcionality away from anything else, do you know?02:55
Thehound666I reinstalled the nvidia card and now my OS feels like new. It was a bit sluggish too02:55
Thehound666no more choppy animations, etc02:55
crimsunrance: are you actually using the 'Line In' jack for speakers?02:55
ranceno, Im not using LINE IN for speakers, Im using the "Front" connection for speakers, LINE IN would be for a sound INPUT INTO the system02:56
crimsunrance: you'd think that.02:57
regeyasomeone name a cheapo card which would nonetheless handle the fancy new eyecandy nicely02:57
regeyaI mean, I wouldn't know; alls I know is that, on OS X, when Quartz Extreme came along, the G4 I was using at the time inherited an Nvidia card ;-) bt I'm clueless on this02:58
crimsunrance: however, the cmipci codecs have a quirk in which the Line-In actually functions as a Line-Out as well, and by toggling the output to 'Rear Output', it functions audibly. However, the ALSA code has it backward, so you actually need to use 'Line-In' for the mode.02:58
foxbunnyregeya: I think I remember people having some success with Intel cards... but I think they only come as integrated cards on Intel mobos...02:58
regeyad'oh!  I'll keep that in mind tho foxbunny :>  I suppose that would mean macbooks would do well heh02:59
ranceok, I'll plug the speakers in the other port and try again, any chance this bug gets "fixed"02:59
crimsunrance: not without breaking other things.02:59
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foxbunnyregeya: I don't know about that... but the fact is that Intel has opened the sources to their drivers...03:00
ranceso when I get real surround sound speakers, will they work?03:00
crimsunrance: yes, but you'll need custom routing (ttables)03:00
ranceok, thanks for the help, Ill have to shutdown to move the box to get to the back, but thanks for the help03:01
intelikeyshut down to move box....   hmmmm03:02
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esaymanyway to turn off automatic updates or change when to check for them?03:02
Thehound666hey guys, it seems putting back in the nvidia card solves the rest of my issues with this OS, like jumpy icons that just about freeze, slow GUI loading but if anyone knows how to get a Radeon 9200 to work well, I'd be all ears03:02
ranceit my desk, it has a built in pc section, but I cant pull it out03:02
ranceit looks cool, but its a pain03:03
intelikeyrance yeah i was mintal picturing reasons for that..03:03
ranceI know, thats why I shared03:03
intelikeyor maybe i'm mental    idk03:03
rancethanks for the help crimsun and everyone03:04
Thehound666not too important. I did get the ATI for 3D acceleration though03:04
intelikey!ati | Thehound66603:05
ubotuThehound666: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:05
intelikeyi'm sure you've been there.03:05
intelikeyesaym i don't know what is starting your automatic updates   but yes there are ways.03:06
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esaymIts just all defualt03:06
intelikeyesaym you could use   pstree  to find what is calling it maybe.   probably kde.   if so kcontrol should have a way to disable it.03:07
esaymI looked at the cron files and didn't see much03:07
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Thehound666ok so I want the closed drivers in the case of ATI?03:07
Thehound666I been using open for both nvidia and ati03:07
intelikeyesaym hehhe yeah but i've seen "default kubuntu" about two times and that didn't take long to change.03:07
intelikeyThehound666 i don't know anything more than pointing you to the link     maybe someone else...03:08
esaymI will look into pstree.  Didn't know about it03:08
esaymintelikey you always answer my questions, thanks!03:09
Thehound666just seems strange. I been having all this progressive slowness in Kubuntu. I change back to my old card and it feels 100x faster03:09
Thehound666but thanks anyways03:09
=== intelikey would use the card that works.
=== Xerroz wonders why if feisty is for developers why all the packages werent built with debugging symbols.....
=== dope [n=loki@70-20.202-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
dopehow is it that i'm using half a gig of ram?03:10
intelikeyXerroz feisty for developers ?     feisty is the next schedualed release.03:10
Dr_willisdope,  drive cache03:10
Thehound666I don't dare try feisty yet03:11
intelikeydope you probably aren't using that much.    free -m   look at the -/+ cache line03:11
dopesays 85403:12
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intelikeythe first line shows what is allocated the second -/+ shows how much is used.03:12
Xerrozintelikey, yes, however its still under development ('for developers'), so you would think, for the time being, the packages would be built with debugging symbols03:12
Thehound666well suppose I could try feisty within a VM just to see what it looks like :P03:13
intelikeylinux allocates ram like a hog but uses it pretty sparingly for most things.03:13
dopedamn son03:13
dopei want my megabytes back03:13
Dr_willisdope,  why ....03:13
Dr_willisif its not being needed by anythign else.. disk cache is the best use for it.03:13
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dopecause they're mine03:14
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dopewhat kind of memory manager does linux use?03:14
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Thehound666dope: unused RAM is wasted RAM when you come up with a memory allocation system. Something Bill Gates has not learned03:14
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intelikeydope the kernel03:14
Thehound666you'll get used to the idea03:14
Xerrozdope, unless your using large amounts of swap its not likely that memory isnt available for use..03:14
Dr_willispull out the memory stick.. and stick it in your pocket.. there ya go.. all yours...03:14
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bubearhey, I'm getting an error message when trying to use a flash drive (permissions?)... I'm an ultimate Kubuntu noob, can anyone help?03:15
Thehound666I run Kubuntu on a Pentium 3 with 320 and also an Athlon 4200+ with 2 gigs and a VM with 512 MB03:15
Thehound666it uses the RAM fully in all of them03:15
Thehound666but still runs ok in all03:16
indraanyone know how to setting the konqueror? i always gets the error message when trying to access any website03:16
intelikeythese guys with 2g/+ ram and dubble the swap  crack me up....    here i am with the same software and 98m ram no swap and no problems....   another box with 256m ram and no swap and no problem....    :)03:16
intelikeyguys just ignore it unless you start having trubble.03:17
Thehound666the 2 gig pc has no swap03:17
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intelikeyif things start crashing then it's time to look into ram usage.03:18
intelikeythe kernels OOMK works very well03:18
Thehound666well it's important they know that full RAM usage is normal and Bill Gates is just backwards03:18
indrabubear, maybe you can check by 'sudo fdisk -l' and see if your device have been detected03:18
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Thehound666Macs use full RAM too03:19
intelikeyOOMK=out of memory kill    fyi03:19
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Thehound666I've never triggered it, even on the Pentium 303:20
bubearit's being detected, and it used to work on my machine... it's telling me "A security policy in place prevents this sender from sending this message to this recipient"03:20
Thehound666that should tell people something03:20
intelikeyyes it should03:20
bubearit just won't mount03:20
intelikeyi have on the p1 98m ram box  but never noticed it on the 256m box03:20
=== shinigami [n=zzz@179.203-123-20.1500adsl.qala.com.sg] has joined #kubuntu
indratry this.. 'sudo mount -a', but you must configure file: /etc/fstab03:21
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shinigamihi help.. i just upgraded dapper to edgy.. now i on my laptop, it won't go into kde...stuck at terminal..press ctrl alt f7 also goes to blank screen03:22
shinigamiwhat shd i do03:22
bubearalright, I have the file open, what should i do?03:22
intelikeyThehound666 and i've gotten the lecture several times about how "linux needs swap"   :)03:22
Thehound666meh on smaller machines, swap doesn't hurt03:23
Thehound666gives a large app room before kill03:23
intelikeyshinigami dmesg03:23
Thehound666Linux doesn't overswap like Windows03:23
indracheck your device of course...03:23
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Thehound666called pagefile in windows03:23
intelikeyThehound666 i agree.   swap is useful.  but not needful.03:23
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shinigaminothing unusual.. except one line that says Asus ACPI: LED (WLED) write failed03:24
indrado u know the name of your device? maybe /dev/hdc1..03:24
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indrasorry, i mean /dev/hdc03:25
bubearmy device isn't listed in the file .. I think it's /dev/sda1/03:25
intelikeyshinigami you are looking for errors    also look for a logfile in /var/log/   kdm or xsession or xorg  in the name.  look for errors.03:25
=== DaSkreech [n=skreech@port0002-abm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #kubuntu
indraok, open the /etc/fstab in terminal by 'sudo vi /etc/fstab'03:26
indraand you will open it as root03:26
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:26
intelikeyindra vi ?    nano is the default editor in *buntu      more M$ pro freindly03:27
bubearok, done, it's not listed though03:27
indrapress "i" to edit03:27
bubeari have it open in kate, though, too03:27
indraadd your partition name and its mount point03:28
ubotuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) | Terminal-based editors: vi/vim, emacs, and nano (user-friendly). | HTML/CSS editors: !html | Programming: !code03:28
indrasorry intelikey, idon't know about 'nano'03:29
intelikeyshinigami find anything ?03:29
shinigamierror opening security policy file /usr/lib/xserver/SecurityPolicy ??03:29
intelikeyindra that's fine, as long as you are willing to hold their hand   but vi is frightening to the new user.03:30
bubeark, i added those -- do i need to add anything else03:30
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bubearlol, intelikey, amen (scares the shit out of me, anyway...)03:30
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shinigamithere's one more.. (EE) xf860OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/wacom No such file or directory03:30
indraoo..iam the newbie in linux too...sorry03:30
intelikeyshinigami ok the wacom errors are normal.03:31
indraif you have done..then press "esc"03:31
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intelikeyshinigami try this command      startx03:31
indrathen type ":wq" and press enter03:31
shinigamioh.. now i'm in03:31
bubearoh, i did it in kate03:31
intelikeyshinigami if that doesn't put you in a gui then it should give   EE   error messages.03:31
indramay i know what you type in mount point, bubear?03:32
shinigamii can log in my kde now....03:32
intelikeyshinigami ok but that didn't "fix" it.03:32
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bubeari do it graphically... i open up media:/  and just doubleclick on the icon03:32
indrait's ok if you can do it from there...as I know kubuntu lock the root..03:33
intelikeyshinigami you need to find out why kdm is not running at boot time.     you can do   /etc/init.d/kdm restart      and watch for errors.   if none.   then it's an  "upstart"  error.03:33
=== pixelation [n=apixelat@74-132-166-77.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyi would kill x first  and run that in a console03:34
bubearit tells me i can't save the changes to the file, because i can't write to the file03:34
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indrathat's true...so you must do it again by using the console03:34
intelikeykdesu kate /etc/fstab03:35
intelikeybubear ^03:35
=== Ch1ppy [n=Ch1ppy@S0106000d88a35c46.du.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyalt+f2  and type that03:35
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bubearalt f2 doesn't do anything03:36
indra..press "i"03:36
bubeark, did that03:36
Ch1ppyhello, I have a lexmark printer that I am trying to set up.  I have downloded their linux drivers, but I cannot figure out how to select them when I add a printer in the Control Center.  Can anyone help me out?03:36
=== mildner_ [n=mildner@p54BE2721.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
bubeark, typed in /dev/sda1  /media/03:37
indradon't forget the type of the partition itself, bubear03:37
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intelikeyor use auto03:37
bubearwhat's that mean?03:37
intelikeyit's not partition type, it's fs type; but i'm being nit picky03:38
indrathe mount point maybe /media/sda103:38
bubearso.... /dev/sda1 /media/sda103:38
intelikey /dev/sda1 /media/sda1 auto defaults 0 003:38
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indratype of your partition? maybe vfat or ntfs?03:39
bubeari typed in /dev/sda1 /media/sda1 auto defaults 0 003:39
intelikeytrue.   and would want fs specific options added.03:39
bubearis that what I need, or is there more i need to add here03:39
indraok..save it.."esc" and type ":wq"03:40
intelikeybubear as indra asked   what fs ?03:40
bubearok, saved it03:40
=== Phlosten [n=andrew@CPE-60-229-172-10.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
indracheck in /media..is sda1 in there?03:41
bubearit's still there03:41
bubearbut i get the same error message03:41
indraok..try "sudo mount -a"03:41
bubeartyped that in, but it didn't seem to do anything03:41
indranow try to access your device03:42
bubearhere's the error message I get: "A security policy in place prevents this sender from sending this message to this recipient, see message bus configuration file (rejected message had interface "org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume" member "Mount" error name "(unset)" destination "org.freedesktop.Hal")"03:42
indrawhat's that? anyone know? intelikey?03:43
bubeari searched online, and found that other people have gotten this message trying to open cd roms, other usb devices, etc.03:44
I_Died_Oncehow do i know what module my network card is using? and how do i change it?03:44
indrabubear, do you know what type of you partition in your device?03:44
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bubearno, how do i find out (the device is a 1 Gig flash drive, MobileMate03:45
indraok, generally it is fat32...so try to fix your fstab maybe can fix it03:46
I_Died_OnceMenthol here is having a problem with her onboard network card03:46
indrasudo vi /etc/fstab again03:46
intelikeyindra oh sorry.03:46
I_Died_Oncethe driver ubuntu is using is retardedly slow, how can she pecify which module for it to use?03:46
intelikeyah yes03:46
indraintelikey, do u understand the errror message that bubear type?03:47
intelikeyhald error   fixing fstab is not the prefered solution there.   and the device is probably sd?03:47
indramaybe 'auto' must be replaced by 'vfat'03:48
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bubeari'll try that03:48
indrait is the flash drive03:48
Xerrozis there a repository of packages with debugging symbols?03:48
intelikeyindra have bubear do a  fdisk -l /dev/sd?   and pastebin the output03:48
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bubearno output03:49
indrasorry, i don't know it,intelikey..lets help bubear...03:49
indrawhat do you mean 'no output', bubear?03:49
bubearoops, kidding, here it is...03:49
intelikeysearch on kubuntu.com bug reports for that error.03:49
ryanakcais ndiswrapper-utils-1.8 installed by default on edgy?03:49
bubeardamn, how do you copy that?03:49
bubearsorry, ultimate noob...03:50
bubearDisk /dev/sda: 1024 MB, 1024966656 bytes03:50
bubear32 heads, 63 sectors/track, 993 cylinders03:50
bubearUnits = cylinders of 2016 * 512 = 1032192 bytes03:50
bubear   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System03:50
bubear/dev/sda1               1         992      999813+   6  FAT1603:50
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:50
bubearoh, my bad03:50
indraok..esc again and :wq03:50
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indraproblem again, bubear?03:51
bubearwas I supposed to add something to the file there?03:51
Ch1ppyhey, I am trying to set up a Lexmark printer, can anyone help me out?03:51
indraso, you can access your device now?03:51
intelikeybubear ok the device node is  /dev/sda1   so that part is correct.   but you will want to replace "defaults"  with  "fmask=111,dmask=000"   in the fstab.03:52
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bubeark, hold on03:52
intelikey!printer | chippy03:52
ubotuchippy: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows03:52
=== foxbunny [n=foxbunny@cable-89-216-168-99.dynamic.sbb.co.yu] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeybubear also    do mount | grep sda      and give me the output if any.03:53
indraintelikey, can you explain fmask=111 and dmask=000? i am newbie03:53
Ch1ppyubotu: well I knew that, but I was trying to set it up from KDE's Control Center and having a spot of trouble03:53
Ch1ppyerm, that was at intelikey03:53
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bubeari may have messed up... it's telling me the file is open somewhere else03:54
ubotuKubuntu Edgy has implemented a new feature that hides most of the filesystem. For more information: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuHiddenFiles03:54
HymnToLifenow that's some great feature03:55
HymnToLifewhen will Kubuntu use GNOME ? :p03:55
intelikeyindra vfat and ntfs don't have a permissions bit so mount sets a generic one for the entire mount point   fmask is file mask and dmask is directory mask   the mask is the octal permission minus the mask   so fmask=111 means set file permissions to 666  and the dmask=000 means set dir perms to 777   that's full read/write access to all.03:55
bubearintelikey -- "syntax error near unexpected token 'do'"03:56
regeyaHymnToLife: kubuntu...gnome...you mean 'ubuntu'?03:56
intelikeyCh1ppy sorry.  that's the best i can do.  maybe if Jucato is around.03:56
Ch1ppyintelikey: okay, thanks03:56
DaSkreechHymnToLife: I thought it did already03:57
HymnToLiferegeya, was a joke, never mind that03:57
intelikeybubear do ?    where ?03:57
=== foxbunny [n=foxbunny@cable-89-216-168-99.dynamic.sbb.co.yu] has joined #kubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about joking - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:57
indrabubear, is your device's mount point correct?03:57
ubotuYou may think your joke is funny, but you may confuse new users or irritate people who actually start answering your question :)03:57
bubeari think so03:57
=== kubuntu [n=kubuntu@pool-68-238-132-172.sea.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
regeyaHymnToLife: there are waaay too many anti-KDE 'ooh kde is too ugly' who pop into kde-related channels for that to be funny ;-)03:57
indraand did you check it by konqueror?03:57
intelikeybubear oh.... :)    do was not part of the command.  sorry.       mount | grep sda03:58
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bubearok, i did that and got no output03:58
HymnToLiferegeya, I use KDE since 1999 so I guess I don't find it ugly03:58
HymnToLifeit was rather a GNOME bashing but never mind03:58
Phlosteni disliked KDE until about 2 weeks ago, not I have three Kubuntu machines03:58
intelikeybubear ok.   did you edit the fstab and make the changes i mentioned ?03:58
DaSkreechPhlosten: Welcome :)03:59
PhlostenDaSkreech: thank ye03:59
=== DaSkreech bows
bubearyeah, i got a message saying the file might already be open. when I pushed enter it opened the original version of the file03:59
PhlostenI just Kubuntu'd a teacher friends laptop, he is wrapped03:59
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drbeamsi compiled bluefish into /usr/local/bluefish04:00
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regeyaheh, pre-1.0 kde user here :-)04:00
drbeamshowever, i cannot get the menu option configured correctly04:00
bubeari didn't check the mointpoint with konqueror... don't know what I'm looking for04:00
intelikeybubear hmmm  fuser /etc/fstab04:00
HymnToLiferegeya, when was that04:00
regeyahere's some good gnome bashing:  "I use GNOME because it's preeeeety"04:00
drbeamsregeya: so, u r like 50 now right ?04:00
HymnToLifeI wasn't even 10 so no *nix for me back then I guess :p04:01
regeyalessee...the 0.x days started, when, '97?04:01
indrachecking for the directory named sda1, bubear...04:01
Phlosteni think Gnomes development direction has gone a bit astray04:01
bubearbut under the options for the device that's what it says the mountpoint should be04:01
bubearfile or folder does not exist04:01
bubearwhen i check in konqueror04:02
indrasudo mkdir /media/sda104:02
regeyaPhlosten: indeed.  there's some good ideas there, but 'options == confusing' is a bad precedent to set, imho...04:02
regeyaI guess I didn't give kde a shot until '98.04:02
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Phlostenregeya: my main issue is consistancy of look. lots of issues with conistant theming04:02
regeyaI remember viewing the MS Win98 press release in KFM and chuckling to myself.04:02
regeya'coz let's face it KDE met many of the Win98 goals.04:03
bubearok, did that indra04:03
regeyaeven when Win98 fell short of the goals.04:03
intelikeybubear does      fuser /etc/fstab    give output ?04:03
regeyabut I'm offtopic now, so I'm done. :-)04:03
indraintelikey..i think i can learn a lot about kubuntu from you..hehe...may i know your email?04:03
bubearno output04:03
=== foxbunny [n=foxbunny@cable-89-216-168-99.dynamic.sbb.co.yu] has joined #kubuntu
indratry again..hehe.... sudo mount -a04:04
indramount all device in fstab04:04
intelikeyprobably not indra spam is something i avoid.  nothing personal.04:04
=== Dr_willis cooks up some spam pizza
bubearmy fstab file reverted to the original version... should I change it back (I'm afriad I'm messing something up...)04:05
regeyaPhlosten: eh, I use QtCurve; my main annoyance now is not having standardized dialogs across desktop platforms04:05
indraok..i understand it, intelikey04:05
bubearsame error message after sudo mount -a04:05
indrawhat error message?04:05
intelikeybubear and you can do     cat /etc/fstab     and use pastebin.ca   to post the output and i'll have a look at it and post you a fixed version.04:06
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intelikeyif you want.04:06
Phlostenregeya: QtCurve is a theme yeah?04:06
intelikeyindra lets get fstab streight first shall we.04:06
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xenophile7x7_has anyone used any of the opensource virtual machine software, like qemu or bochs? and are they available from the repos?04:07
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Phlostenxenophile7x7_: qemu should be in the repos, i think bochs is too04:07
indraintelikey, did you ever install the pebble linux?04:07
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intelikeypebble   no.04:08
indraa distro of embedded linux04:08
Phlostenxenophile7x7_: there is also the new Virtual Box, not in repos and I havent managed to get it to work :)04:08
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xenophile7x7_lol, ill avoid that one for now then, phlosten04:08
indramaybe you know , ihave a problem with it04:08
xenophile7x7_have you tried qemu or bochs?04:08
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indrait use the lilo04:09
indranot grub04:09
Phlostenxenophile7x7_: i tried qemu a while back, but found it too fiddly04:09
indrai have installed it succesfully04:09
indrawhen booting...04:09
xenophile7x7_ok. im trying to find an alternative to vmware04:09
Phlostenxenophile7x7_: i run VMWare pretty solidly now04:09
intelikeyi've installed slack5.0 rh8 rh9 mdk9 mdk10 ub5.4 ub6.6   but dialup prevents just installing at random.04:09
indralilo 22.2...................04:09
xenophile7x7_id ont have $200 to blow04:09
flaccidanybody know how to configure krusader so middle mouse button click edits the clicked file??04:09
indrauncompressing linux..... ok,now booting the kernel.04:10
Phlostenxenophile7x7_: VMWare Server is free04:10
indraafter that...its jus freeze04:10
indraafter that...its just freeze04:10
xenophile7x7_thought it was a 30day thing?04:10
Phlostenxenophile7x7_: nope, totally free04:10
Phlostenxenophile7x7_: they even open sourced some of it04:11
indrain internet forum...it is because of hardware compatibility issue04:11
xenophile7x7_hmm..misread yesterday then, ill have to pull i tback up04:11
indrais it true?04:11
bubearok, it's in the pastebin04:11
Phlostenxenophile7x7_: http://www.vmware.com/products/free_virtualization.html04:11
intelikeyindra boot it with  verbos vga=normal    and see what messages it has before it hangs.04:11
intelikeybubear ok what's the url to your post ?04:12
bubearis the forum i pasted to04:12
intelikeybubear it should show you the url so you can show us04:12
Hail_SpacecakeI have a laptop with both a wlan card and a regular ethernet card04:12
Hail_Spacecakebuilt in04:12
xenophile7x7_awesome, thanks04:12
Hail_Spacecakenetwork settings config sees eth0 and eth104:12
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indraintelikey---I must do it in console i think...04:12
intelikeysomething like http://www.pastebin.ca/2482704:12
Hail_Spacecakeso how do I tell which one corresponds to which device?04:12
bubearhmmm... i joined the channel named pastebin.ca04:12
bubearand pasted there04:13
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drbeamsJucato: r u around ?04:13
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indraintelikey, maybe you can help bubear more than me...04:14
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DaSkreechdrbeams: Seems not :)04:14
indraintelike--do u think..it is because of my vga card?04:14
drbeamsi would like to add programs from /usr/local/someprogram to the kde menu, but they do not appear to be working04:14
justin__anyone here ever mess around with kxdocker?04:15
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foxbunnyanyone tried to install compiz on KDE?04:15
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems04:15
foxbunnywith KDE...04:15
foxbunnydidn't work, the wiki...04:15
foxbunny"Composite" "Enable" is a no-go for 3D accel, and the option is needed by XGL...04:16
jperrine088i had it installed used alien to convert the .rpms to .deb but i get a giant black box at the bottom of my screen04:16
foxbunnyjperrine088: you are talking about compiz? ok kxdocker?04:17
indraintelikey-i have installed it in a DOM...and it must standalone...how to do verbos vga=normal if i must to place it in primary IDE first?04:17
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl04:17
indraintelikey..are u okay?04:18
intelikeynot right now.  back soon.04:19
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jperrine088i never had a problem setting it up i compiled it from source using Suse but after swithcing over to kubuntu i can see the dock, but its surrounded by black04:19
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intelikeyok indra   what was it ?04:21
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intelikeylilo prompt  add the string to the kernel you are about to load.  ?04:22
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jperrine088ok i guess no one has any ideas04:24
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ubotukxdocker: innovative docker for KDE that is like Mac OSX Docker. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.4a-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 327 kB, installed size 1064 kB04:24
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malik_how do i make Kate to stay away from opening file automatically when i click on .bin or .wma files?04:27
DaSkreechMez: Yo04:27
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indrai don't know intelikey...as i said before..i am the newbie04:29
indramaybe you can help04:29
elyonHey... I've looked all over the place - how do I set Kopete to always put new message windows into tabs within just one window?04:30
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DaSkreechelyon: Sorry?04:30
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larson9999god made them win.04:31
rancecrimsun: Ive got my system setup with the speakers plugged into the Line In jack, and I dont have sound, anything else I should try?04:31
elyonDaSkreech: Kopete (the KDE messaging client).  Right now I need to manually move all windows into tabs... I'd like all conversations to be in one window by default instead of separate.04:31
malik_how do i make Kate to stay away from opening file automatically when i click on .bin or .wma files?04:31
ubotuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) | Terminal-based editors: vi/vim, emacs, and nano (user-friendly). | HTML/CSS editors: !html | Programming: !code04:31
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DaSkreechelyon: Settings -> Kopete Settings -> Behaviour -> Chat -> Chat window Grouping Policy04:32
intelikeyindra i'm sorry i was quite busy    had about five things going on at one time.   can you catch me up right quick ?04:33
DaSkreechmalik_: Check in the File types in Konqueror04:33
larson9999ubotu forgot the hybrid editor xe.  that's the best :)04:33
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regeyawhat DaSkreech said malik_04:33
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DaSkreechrance: Plug it into line out maybe?04:33
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ranceDaSkreech: crimsun and I were talking earlier and I was told that there is a bug in the driver for my sound card and that 'Line In' was actually the right choice.04:34
regeyathat reminds me...need to update my file associations04:34
DaSkreechrance: In that case I'm ignorant :)04:34
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indraintelikey--may i cantact you for questions about linux privately?04:35
adamwesthey guys, i need help04:35
intelikeypm   ok.04:35
indraby what?04:35
ranceDaSkreech: admitting it is half the battle :)04:35
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intelikey/msg intelikey blah04:35
adamwesti dled ubuntu 6.1004:35
adamwestthen went to kde04:35
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adamwestwhich wasted all of my 5 gigs i had for ubuntu04:36
cac_hi folks04:36
adamwestcut to the chase, i have this NTFS drive i unmounted and i want to format it and add it to the ext3 of linux04:36
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MezDaSkreech, sup ?04:36
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cac_What is faster and more stable? ubuntu or kubuntu?04:37
DaSkreechadamwest: Anything on it you need?04:37
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DaSkreechcac_: No difference04:37
DaSkreechthough I hear KDE uses less memory04:37
flaccidprobably ubuntu04:37
adamwestkubuntu is probably slower because of the appearance and stuff, no?04:37
adamwestDaSkreech: no, i backed up all the stuff i need04:38
cac_have you tried linuxmint?04:38
flaccidmaybe not04:38
indraintelikey, my konqueror cannot access any website...it always time 'timeout on server'04:38
DaSkreechadamwest: Qtparted04:38
cac_it is really faster04:38
intelikeyadamwest cfdisk change the partition type then do  mke2fs -cj /dev/<node>   and add the apropreate line in the /etc/fstab04:38
cac_and stable04:38
larson9999i don't notice much of a difference.  however, there is a difference with xubuntu04:38
adamwestDaSkreech: what's that app04:38
intelikeyindra eeek networking.   sorry i'm network illeterate.04:38
DaSkreechA partition manager04:38
adamwestoh neat :) so i just sudo apt-get install Qtparted?04:39
intelikeyadamwest there is a gui tool for all of that  but i'm not a gui guy.04:39
DaSkreechYeah if it's not there already04:39
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indracool.."i'm not a gui guy"04:39
adamwestthanks, intelikey - :D04:39
indrahehe ^^04:39
adamwestbut i'm a newbe04:39
intelikeyDaSkreech wouldn't "gparted" be the choice   i heard that qtparted was buggy ?04:40
DaSkreechYeah. Not that buggy04:40
adamwestumm will it work in kde?04:40
intelikeyok you the gui guy04:40
adamwestbtw it can't find Qtparted04:40
intelikeyadamwest yes04:40
cac_newbies go to linuxfornewbies channel....04:40
elyonHey... I've looked all over the place - how do I set Kopete to always put new message windows into tabs within just one window?04:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about qtpatred - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:41
DaSkreechadamwest: Might be installed apready04:41
ubotuqtparted: A parted frontend using QT. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4.5-2ubuntu11 (edgy), package size 202 kB, installed size 716 kB04:41
ubotugparted is gparted is a GUI partitioning program, "sudo apt-get install gparted", also available as a live cd http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php04:41
DaSkreechpress Alt+Space then type qt04:41
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elyonDaSkreech: All that does (that you told me) is group the taskbar buttons together.  I want all my conversations to be accessible through tabs in ONE windows.04:41
DaSkreechPress enter04:41
adamwestoh ok :D04:41
vursitisi would stick with gparted, its a little bit more established and secure04:41
Hail_Spacecakewhat's the command for finding out what version of linux you have?04:41
DaSkreechelyon: Umm Ok tell me what you did04:41
cac_uname -a04:41
DaSkreechHail_Spacecake: cat /etc/issue04:42
adamwestok gparted it found.04:42
cac_that is the command to know the linux version04:42
elyonDaSkreech: Checked the box for "Group consecutive windows"04:42
intelikeyHail_Spacecake uname -a04:42
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DaSkreechelyon: under Kopete?04:42
larson9999gparted is better.04:42
elyonDaSkreech: Doh... I think I found it... I went to the wrong place.  You were right.04:42
intelikeyHail_Spacecake also lsb_release -a   if installed.04:42
larson9999seems folks are dropping qtparted like bad habbits04:42
adamwestoh bw04:42
DaSkreechelyon: Well Of course :)04:42
cac_newbies go to linuxfornewbies channel...pls04:42
larson9999oh, wait. people keep bad habits04:43
DaSkreechglad to hear you are ok04:43
elyonDaSkreech: lol Thank you.04:43
vursitisi have had a few problems with qtparted, such as after formatting partitions, the computer not recognizing them as.. well there04:43
intelikeylarson9999 some04:43
intelikeyde nada04:43
adamwesti worked with gnome and then went to kde because it didnt have so many applications... but now i see kde is kinda sucky. thought about xfce. what do you think?04:43
vursitisi liked xfce04:44
adamwestlik-ed ?04:44
intelikeyadamwest i think your first assumption was in error.04:44
cac_if you wan to have more applications synaptic has at least 1000004:44
vursitiscurrently, im using KDE, but xfce was great, it also isnt a ram hog04:44
adamwestwhat intelikey, that it didnt have apps?04:44
adamwesti see that now ^_^04:45
vursitislemmie rephraze that <adamwest> i still like xfce, but i now have a computer that can handle KDE04:45
intelikeyadamwest do     apt-cache search kde | wc -l      some time.04:45
adamwestu see, i thought kde has more stuff because everywhere i go i see apps with K bolded out... and the partitioning thing bla bla bla04:45
adamwestno, my computer can handle stuff, vursitis, i want a fast and a GOOD environment....04:46
larson9999nothing that says you can't use gnome apps in kde and vice versa.04:46
Hail_SpacecakeI have a laptop with both a wlan card and a regular ethernet card04:46
Hail_Spacecakenetwork settings config sees eth0 and eth104:46
Hail_Spacecakeso how do I tell which one corresponds to which device?04:46
vursitisah, not that fond of KDE then?04:46
intelikeyadamwest fluxbox04:46
HymnToLifeHail_Spacecake, sudo iwconfig04:47
adamwestheared of that. is it good?04:47
vursitisfluxbox was... intresting to say the least04:47
adamwestlol why04:47
intelikeydepends what you like.      dsl uses it.  give that a look some time.04:47
intelikeydsl=damn small linux04:47
cac_you can use kde applications in Gnome and Viceversa04:47
vursitisiunno, their entire setup was... well, very diffrent, (i couldnt get used to it) not that it was bad, but just not for me04:48
intelikeycac_ yeppers04:48
vursitisyou have to righclick to access any kind of menu in fluxbox04:48
vursitisthere really is no GUI04:48
DaSkreechadamwest: What are you looking for?04:48
intelikeyvursitis no you can have a menu button on a task bar if you like04:49
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vursitiswell i never got around to configuring it to be honest, i was running it from a live CD04:49
intelikeymakes a lot of differance.04:49
vursitisprobally should have mentioned that04:50
adamwestwell, DaSkreech, i used gnome until now and the only problem i had was this error with the keyboard stuff and other things, possibly less "user friendly" than kde. but kde is rather sucky now that i use it. especially konquerer. plus, it loads applications SO SLOWLY D: so now i want to know for sure what environment i should use... i have 512RAM and 1300mhz comp. xfce is supposed to be for slow computers, but i dont think my comp is that weak.04:50
xenophile7x7_Phlosten, are you still around?04:50
intelikeyand don't get me wrong.  i'm not pushing flux.   i actually like bb and twm   but flux is based on bb so i thought i'd mention it.04:50
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vursitisgnome almost has a... restrictive interface in my opinion04:51
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Hail_SpacecakeI noticed the same thing, vurs04:51
adamwestme 204:51
Hail_SpacecakeI will say though, that Gnometris is superior to every KDE tetris game I've tried :)04:51
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vursitislol, well then, we have found the determining factor04:52
intelikeygnome can be configured to give much more than it does....   i just don't like it... don't even really know why.04:52
vursitisif it runst tetris better, it is better04:52
cac_have you tried l.f.s?04:52
vursitisnever heard of it04:52
intelikeylinux from scratch ?04:53
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vursitisoh, that sounds intresting04:53
intelikeyif you like playing with the system....04:53
cac_you can start designing your own linux enviroment from zero04:53
=== intelikey make l,f,s out of kubuntu :)
vursitislfs... i might have to look into that, sounds like a fun project04:54
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adamwestumm a bit offtopic here, guys ---- but gparted won't let me resize my default ext3 (obviously) because it's being used. how can i resize it without using it? :\04:54
vursitisfun and tedious, they go hand in hand04:54
intelikeyanyone here like gentoo ?04:54
intelikeynot the distro   the app.04:54
=== Jucato kicks intelikey
intelikeyJucato easy.04:54
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Jucatohm... easyubuntu supporter... really....04:55
mikey_lahow can i permantly add the cdrom0 icon to my desktop even though there is no media in the drive?04:55
Jucatointelikey: yep, easy :)04:55
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intelikeyadamwest you don't need to resize it mount the new space on /home   ...04:56
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intelikeykills two birds with one rock04:56
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adamwestintelikey it will marge automatically?04:56
intelikeyadamwest no you will need to mount it first some place else and copy all your /home stuff over then umount it and mount it on /home          if that's what you are asking ?04:57
intelikey marge automatically?    could be asking if it will add the free space to the running system.  yes it will04:58
Hail_Spacecakedoes kubuntu come with network-admin by default?04:58
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surgyi remeber from back in the day a little crappy benchmark with glxgears, anyone remember the command to make it output the frames per second?04:58
intelikeyit will also make it so you can reinstall without wiping out your home partition.04:58
matthew0507i need help, my kubuntu fail to load the graphical interface, after seeing the loading bars goes to full i get kicked back to dos again. i even tried to to reinstall kde by typing "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktopbut it still wont load for me, can anyone help?04:59
adamwestumm maybe i ought to explain to myself again ^_^ intelikey, i have a locked ext3 that linux is now using, an unallocated space and swap.. i want to add the unallocated to the ext3..04:59
intelikeya thing that *buntu users find very useful i might add.04:59
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intelikeymatthew0507 dos   hehhe04:59
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vursitisi would recomend using a seperate partition for your home folder, that has gotten me out of a few jams05:00
intelikeymatthew0507 you mean bash.  the console    a tty console bash prompt.05:00
HymnToLifebah is not the console, it's the shell...05:00
vursitisreinstall the OS without loosing any of your settings05:00
matthew0507yeah it reads matthew-desktop tty1:05:00
vursitisor files05:00
adamwestoh great idea05:00
intelikeymatthew0507 run startx and see if x is broken or if it's just kdm05:00
adamwestbut can i change my home without reinstalling the os?05:01
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vursitisjust give it the /home mount point05:01
surgymatther0507: what operating system are you trying to run?05:01
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matthew0507im trying to run kubuntu05:01
intelikeyHymnToLife good point.  could be dash couldn't it.05:01
vursitisis it on a seperate partition?05:01
surgythen why do you have DOS on that partition?05:01
intelikeymatthew0507 run startx and see if x is broken or if it's just kdm05:01
HymnToLifeintelikey, could also be csh, zsh, esh...05:01
intelikeyHymnToLife not as likely tho05:02
adamwestwhat, vursitis?05:02
matthew0507how do i run startx? just type "startx"? im a complete newbie05:02
HymnToLifematthew0507, yep05:02
vursitiswoops, sorry, stated that wrong05:02
vursitislemmie repraze that05:02
matthew0507surgy:  i meant the console, sorry i got confused with dos >,< its on a diff partition05:02
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surgymatthew0507: yes type startx and then bring us the error codes someone can help05:02
matthew0507ok im going to reboot and come back soon.05:03
vursitisyou can change your home directory... but that requires alot of resizing other tedious things that really aren't to stable05:03
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intelikeymatthew0507 it's ok,  i just like to poke fun at  DOS   sorry if that causes any trubble.05:03
vursitisi would recomend backing everything up first05:03
vursitisor creating an image of your comp first05:03
adamwestdid that before i formatted :D05:03
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vursitisoh perfect05:04
intelikeyDOS = disk operating system    there have been at least 4 makers of  DOS   that i know of.05:04
vursitisdo you have everything that you need to save?05:04
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intelikeywith several releases from each05:04
adamwesthu? i dont want to reinstall the os because i fixed ADSL modem stuff and language stuff... i dont wanna do that again any time soon ^_^05:04
adamwestall i want to do is add the unallocated space to the default ext3... D:05:04
vursitislike i said, that requires unstable resizing05:05
adamwestso what are my options05:05
vursitisi have never had good luck with resizing partitions, even if the unallocated space is at the end of the drive05:05
vursitisand all your doing is expanding the partition05:06
intelikeyadamwest then all the more reason to add the new partition rather than resizing the old   you can copy the config files to your home and thus save the setup time if anything were to happen.05:06
vursitishow much space is unallocated?05:06
Phlostenxenophile7x7_: here now05:06
adamwest... 32.38 gb05:06
=== CakeProphet [n=CakeProp@wikipedia/The-Prophet-Wizard-of-the-Crayon-Cake] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyadamwest 32g looks like a good size for /home  :)05:06
vursitisyeah, i agree with intelikely, i would just add it as a new partition through gparted05:06
adamwestthink of the pain in backing that up ^_^05:06
vursitisyep, it does05:07
CakeProphethttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper/edgy mentions using apt-get to isntall a ndiswrapper-utils-1.8 package...05:07
CakeProphetbut I don't.. have that. (according to bash)05:07
vursitisuse it as your home folder, or even just extra storage space05:07
intelikeyadamwest backing what up ?   the 32g ?    or all your configs ?05:07
adamwestthe 3205:07
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intelikeyan external hd would make it easy.05:07
adamwestso i dont want to make mistakes here... i create a new partition in the unallocated space, and mount it to /home? won't that erase what's in home?05:08
adamwestthe reason i wanted to marge it is because all the packages or enviroments are installed to the original ext3. i want to have more space for that kinda stuff05:08
vursitisno, but that might actually confuse the machine... 2 home directories05:08
vursitisyou know what, i would do this, just give it like a hda2 directory05:09
adamwesti have no idea how ubuntu took 4gigs :|05:09
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intelikeyadamwest you make a new partition   format it   mount it in /media  copy /home/* to /media/   umount /media and mount it to /home  then edit fstab so that it mounts it there for you from now on05:09
=== CakeProphet cries.
vursitisit does allocate some space for the root user05:09
intelikeyvursitis 10% ?05:09
intelikey5% ?    which is default ?05:09
vursitisyes, 5 is usualy default05:10
intelikeyi always set it to 0%05:10
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adamwestintelikey, i want ubuntu to use that extra space for the packages and stuff as well .. not only home  :\05:10
vursitison the new media, yeah set it to 005:10
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cac_How can you enter other computer with k-ubuntu?05:11
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cac_Has anyone tried to connect with another computer?05:11
vursitisyou using ssh?05:11
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intelikeyadamwest make a partition the size you want to allocate for new software +3g   and mount it /usr  the rest on /home   ?    but there are a thousand ways to do things like that.     if you are intent on streaching the root partition use the gparted cd05:12
ubotugparted is gparted is a GUI partitioning program, "sudo apt-get install gparted", also available as a live cd http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php05:12
intelikeythere   ^05:12
adamwestthanks, i know what that is :D umm with the livecd i could resize the linux ext3 without damaging the data?05:13
intelikeyand i make no claim that it will not hose the system.05:13
intelikeyshould i repete that ?     you have my word that if it destroies all data on the computer it has nothing to do with me....05:14
matthew0507hi, im back. my kubuntu graphical interface stopped loading so i ran startx and heres what i got from the console terminal: fatal server error: no screens found. xio: fatal IO error 10405:14
adamwestlol ok05:14
adamwestman this sucks05:14
adamwestbtw is 500mb for swap is enough? [again offtopic] 05:14
adamwest*ignore the second "is"05:15
intelikeymatthew0507 ok you'll need to reconfigure xorg.     sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:15
intelikeyadamwest i don't use swap.05:15
adamwesthu. thought it's a must05:15
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vursitiseh, i really would avoid resizing05:15
intelikeyyou thought it.  but that didn't make it true.05:15
intelikeyadamwest how much ram do you have ?05:16
matthew0507ty intelikey, will give it a try.05:16
intelikeythen yes 520m swap should be plenty05:16
vursitiseh, adamwest i would honestly avoid resizing, thats an easy way to destroy all data on your HD05:16
vursitisits just not well supported...05:17
intelikeymatthew0507  if it doesn't work    you didn't answer something correctly.   do it again until you get it right.05:17
vursitisor stable05:17
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adamwestvursitis so my only option is to reinstall everything ? D:05:17
vursitiswell i wouldn't reinstall everything05:17
matthew0507sure, i'll be back. ty again :)05:17
inteliwaspcould someone point me to a tutorial on how to get teamspeak to work?05:17
vursitislike i said, just add it as another partition05:17
vursitisand for swap i would use about a gig05:17
intelikeyadamwest you could migrate the install to a new partition....05:17
intelikeymake and format the partition then copy everything over and edit fstab to reflect the new root device  and reinstall grub05:18
adamwest.. and in newbe-ish?05:19
vursitismigrates are just about as bad as resizing, they just arent that stable, and there is no garauntee that everything will remain intact05:19
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justin_is anyone here using one of intels laptop chipsets?05:19
intelikeyimo that would be the easiest.   you would have the old install to fall back on until you were sure you got everything correct05:19
vursitisthere is about a 50% chance of resizes and migrations being sucessfull, and everything still remaining bootable05:19
intelikeyadamwest you can make a partition on the empty space     right ?05:20
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vursitisdo it, just allocate it as a new media device and just use it as extra storage space, that honestly will be your safest bet on not having to reinstall everything05:21
intelikeythe format command would look something like     sudo mke2fs -cj /dev/hda1        notice that hda1 is an example   be sure you know the correct address.05:21
adamwestbut vursitis, i told u guys -- i need the extra space for the environment packages and stuff.. not docs and such05:21
adamwestand intelikey i have gparted installed05:21
intelikeyvursitis that doesn't fit the demands.05:21
vursitisoh, i dont think i got that part05:22
vursitisim sorry05:22
adamwestnp :)05:22
vursitisok well that changes things05:22
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vursitisis the unallocated space at the begaining or end of your HD05:22
adamwestend i think05:23
adamwestyup. end.05:23
intelikeydoesn't matter where.05:23
vursitisalright... well, then, i guess your best and safest option would be to resize05:23
intelikeyjust be sure you know the address.        hda6  for example.05:23
vursitisdo you have gparted?05:23
adamwestlol all you guys said resizing won't be safe05:24
adamwestand i have gparted vursitis05:24
intelikeyit's not.05:24
intelikeynot on a running system.05:24
vursitiswell no, its not safe, but if you need it for config files, resizing is safer than migrating05:24
intelikeyvursitis what about migrating to the new partition.... simple fast safe.05:24
adamwestif i run this gparted livecd, itll allow me to resize the partition?05:25
vursitisonly problem with that, is, i have done a few migrations, and for some reason, none of the migrated partitions have ever kept their bootable status05:25
vursitisif it was just docs, it would be safer, but when your dealing with bootable partitions, it seems to have a hard time retaining that status05:26
intelikeyvursitis i'v never had any problem with that.05:26
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vursitishm, well i must have been doing somthing wrong then, i mean you can give it a try05:26
mcrandelloboot managers on the mbr and not updating it's config could do that05:26
vursitisbut but i dont want to be blamed for any loss of data05:27
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dwidmann:) and my internet works again!05:27
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mcrandellokeep the numbers written down and in theory you can re-resize the partition perhaps05:27
adamwestSO WHAT SHOULD I DO D:05:27
vursitismy opinion, resize05:27
mcrandellofull backup followed by flatten and reimage on the new partition (sorry, I just got here)05:28
intelikeyi've already stated mine.     so take your pick.05:28
mcrandelloeither way I'd be backing up anything important whatever you decide05:28
vursitisnow its just whichever you would feel more comfortable/capable of doing05:28
vursitisi agree05:29
vursitisi think he said he has already backed everything up05:29
adamwestyeah, i dont have anything important... it's just pain in the ass to get all the internet adsl settings and language stuff back :(05:29
intelikeyactually he said there were configs he didn't want to have to redo05:29
vursitisyeah, i know what you mean05:29
mcrandelloeven then I'd email a copy of anything good in /etc like your fstab and xorg.conf to a remote email account like gmail05:29
surgyhey guys how do i make konquerer start on my home page?05:30
dwidmannkonueror -> settings -> konfigure konqueror05:30
Jucatoer.. I wouldn't suggest that05:30
vursitisyou know what, ill cave and say migrate, because if intelikey seems to know more about migrations than i do05:30
intelikeytar -cjf backup-configs.tbz /etc      and save the tarball.05:31
mcrandellosurgy: the first item, "behavior"05:31
Jucatosurgy: konqueror as web browser? and home web page?05:31
Jucatomcrandello, dwidmann: that would be a bit problematic05:31
adamwestwhat's the migrate about then05:31
Jucatoas it affects the ~ directory of file browsing05:31
mcrandelloJucato: now that you mention it05:32
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mcrandellosurgy:ignore me I only started using konq for the web last week05:32
surgyme too :)05:32
intelikeyadamwest just making a copy of the full system on the new partition   then setting up grub to boot it.05:32
dwidmannwell, you could use a link or something to start konqueror when you want to start it as web, or something05:32
Jucatosurgy: if you want a particular web page to be the page that Konqueror (web browsing profile) loads on start up: go to that web page, make sure it's the only web page currently viewed (no other tabs)05:32
surgyjucato: and then?05:33
Jucatosurgy: then go to Settings -> Save View Profile ->  save URL's in profile05:33
Jucatomake sure it's the Kubuntu Web Browser profile you are saving05:33
surgyjucato i just want google to be what is loaded when starting konq05:33
mcrandellooh look at that, so you could even have it open up to like 5 different pages in tabs?05:34
Kanohi did someone experience problems switching to dirs with feisty and 2.6.20?05:34
Jucatomcrandello: yes05:34
Jucatomcrandello: that's also a procedure I use when I want to save tabs05:34
Kanoi have dirs i can not change into05:34
JucatoKano: might want to ask in #ubuntu+105:34
intelikeyKano /root i would hope is one.05:35
vursitisok well, i must go, goodbye everyone05:36
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adamwestgoodnight vursitis05:36
vursitisno problem05:36
vursitishope it works05:36
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Kanointelikey: i am root05:36
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Kanoafter sudo -i05:36
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intelikeyKano any error ?05:36
intelikeyKano and sudo echo boo does work doesn't it ?05:37
adamwestumm remind me how to mount and make my ext3 drive available for write\read\etc/05:37
Kanointelikey: i have got no problem with sudo05:37
adamwesti did sudo mount /dev/hda2 /media/hda05:37
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adamwestbut it won't let me create files there05:37
intelikeyadamwest mount /dev/<blah> /<mountpoint>05:38
Kanobut with a script that compiles and fails at a specific point where it should create a dir and change to it05:38
adamwestintelikey i did that it won't let me create files in the mountpoint05:38
adamwestafter i mounted, i mean05:38
Kanothe dir is created but cd is not executed05:38
intelikeyadamwest you will need to run   sudo cp -a /bin /sbin /etc /usr /var /<that.mount.point>     and anything else except that mountpoint and proc and sys  should just sudo mkdir /<that.mount.point>/proc   and sys05:40
=== matt0507 [n=matthew@d58-104-246-190.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu
Jucatomaybe the dir doesn't have +x permission05:40
JucatoKano: ^^^05:40
matt0507intelikey: woot found my monitor again :D phewww05:40
intelikeyadamwest the tab key will help you on that cp command.05:40
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intelikeymatt0507 you're welcome.05:41
adamwestintelikey... what? :D u mean all of the folders?05:41
intelikeyadamwest yes05:41
intelikeythe reason is you want to preserve links and permissions.05:41
mcrandellotab completion is your best freind here05:41
intelikeythat why cp -a05:41
adamwestthat will only back up the stuff, no?05:42
intelikeyand must be root so     sudo cp -a <sorce> <dest>05:42
intelikeycorrect.  it's copying  to the new system.05:42
adamwestbut then ill need to resize THAT partition :)05:43
adamwesthow come05:43
mcrandelloit's not copying the partition, just the files contained on the filesystem contained in the partition05:44
adamwestok, let's say i copied all of the files in the partition to the new one. what's next?05:44
intelikeyyou will have two installs for safty   until you are sure you are ready to remove the   now running one.   then you will have a spare partition you can use for backups/or mount it some place to expand the system.05:45
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intelikeyand next would be to edit the   /etc/fstab in the new   and the /boot/grub/menu.lst     changing one line in each.05:46
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adamwestlol if resizing was an option it was so easy D:05:47
intelikeyin fstab changing the    <whatever> / ext3 defaults line   so that <whatever> is the new partition  and  in /boot/grub/menu.lst   the  root=<whatever>  line to the same device.05:47
mcrandelloanyone know anything about making kde display builtin icons for win32 executables?05:48
mcrandelloadamwest: to be even safer I would edit the menu.lst such that you have an entry for both the old and new partition05:48
intelikeydo a chroot /<mountpoint> grub-install (hd0)   and reboot to test it.05:48
intelikeythat's the whole shmeer05:49
adamwestwait wait wait im confused05:49
adamwesti need a step by step thing lol unfortunately i'm still newbeing05:49
adamwestso first the copying. explain please once more05:50
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adamwestok let me ask you this.05:50
adamwestis doing all that stuff easier than just reinstalling and reconfiguring all the other stuff? D:05:51
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intelikeysudo cp -a /bin  /dev  /etc  /lib  /sbin  /usr  /var /<that.mount.point>05:52
intelikeystep one copy ^05:52
adamwestok, doign that now05:52
adamwestthat.mount.point is what again? the unallocated space i made a partition out of?05:53
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mcrandellothe mount point is where your new partition was mounted back when you ran the mount command05:53
intelikeyyes you have to mount it.   i would use /media05:53
adamwestyeah i did that already but for some reason it won't let me add new data there05:54
adamwestall i did was sudo mount /dev/hda2 /media/hda05:54
adamwestbut it wont let me add data to /media/hda05:54
adamwestAFTER i mounted.05:54
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intelikeymount | grep hda205:55
intelikeywhat does that say ?05:55
adamwest  /dev/hda2 on /media/hda type ext3 (rw)05:55
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intelikeyyou didn't forget the sudo  did you ?05:55
intelikeyon the cp command05:56
adamwesti didn't try yet. i downloaded the livecd gparted just in case and it didnt let me save there.05:56
yuriywhat'll play a real media stream?05:56
mcrandelloalright were you root when you tried saving it there? if not then that's why :P05:57
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intelikeyno he wasn't05:57
adamwestbut that's the first time it didnt allow me05:57
adamwest! dont laught :d05:57
ubotwoSorry, I know nothing about that - try http://help.ubuntu.com/community/05:57
matt0507anyone know what codec is required to play vcds?05:57
ubotwoFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages05:58
ubotwoFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:58
mcrandellomatt0507: I think a lot of the newer vcd's are divx;-) codec or whatever godawful smiley thing they're using05:58
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matt0507ty, i'll look around into xvid codecs..05:59
adamwestok, copying.06:00
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adamwestthese are all of the needed folders right now, right? "sudo cp -a /bin /dev /etc /lib /sbin /usr /var /<MOUNT>"06:00
mcrandelloall the folders and files in there06:01
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intelikeyyou'll need to make three others.         one          sudo mkdir /media/hda/proc06:01
seven11is there a free unreal version for lin06:02
intelikeysudo mkdir /media/hda/sys06:02
intelikeysudo mkdir /media/hda/tmp06:02
adamwestsec let it copy :D06:02
intelikeyadamwest oooops i don't see /home in that list.   you'll need to copy it to.06:02
intelikeyand /opt   if you have anything in it.  else make it.06:03
=== intelikey should script all that...
pierre__what are good sites for learning the basics of linux? ie the filesystem, where things are stored etc06:03
dwidmannpierre, you could probably learn quite a bit from kubuntu's own help pages06:04
adamwestlol ok ill add it when it's done06:04
DaSkreechHow would I know if I'm Running GDM or KDM?06:04
dwidmannkmenu -> help -> kubuntu docs ->kubuntu desktop guide06:05
dwidmannDaSkreech: ps -A | grep dm06:05
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adamwestMAN it's taking a lot of time :D06:05
DaSkreechhi elyon06:05
intelikeyyep backing up the whold install.06:06
elyonIf I were to install a new distro of Linux, is it easy to simply select my /home partition for the new one?  I'd like to try out some other distros, but don't want to go through all the trouble of setting up new user accounts, downloading Firefox extensions, backing up my personal files, etc.06:06
adamwestis that what i'm doing? lol06:06
DaSkreechelyon: yes it is06:06
adamwesti'd listen to music but i backed it up and deleted ^_^06:06
adamwestand this stupid konqueror won't support last.fm06:07
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elyonDaSkreech: Would I still need to setup new accounts for each user and just point to the already-existing /home directory?06:08
DaSkreechAmarom supports last.fm06:08
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DaSkreech and last.fm has a linux client06:08
DaSkreech so you can jam all you want :)06:08
adamwesti heared it doesnt work06:08
menaFriends how can my pc speakers working and the volume control cant affect on them06:08
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DaSkreechelyon: Yeah but that's pretty easy06:08
ubotwoCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.06:08
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DaSkreechadamwest: That's just as true for doesn't work for me06:09
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flaccidhow much does last.fm cost?06:09
adamwestdont remember06:09
elyonDaSkreech: And I assume that most of the software packages I've installed would be erased with a new distro, right?  Or would I need to clean up a lot of the hidden folders in /home?06:09
adamwestbut it doesnt have to involve payment.. it'll be much cooler with subscription but it's not a must06:10
DaSkreechelyon: Depending on what you are doing all the packages would be deleted06:10
DaSkreechThe hidden folders would remain06:10
crazy_busI'm trying to use Flashgot in Firefox.  However Alt+click doesn't start a new download.  I have the option in flashgot checked to enable it, but it won06:11
crazy_buswon't start a new download.  Can anyone help?06:11
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elyonDaSkreech: Pretty new to Linux.  In the /home folders, are the applications actually INSTALLED there or are those all just settings information?06:11
DaSkreechJust settings06:11
DaSkreechIf you reinstall the applicaitons it will take the info from those folders06:11
elyonDaSkreech: Gotcha.. thank you.  I obviously come from Windows where you're able to select where applications are installed but with Linux it seems to be pretty random (/usr, /etc, /var)... who knows where stuff goes.06:13
mikey_lawhen i insert a cd, it does not mount, no cdrom icon is on the desktop06:13
DaSkreech!fhs | elyon This may help06:14
ubotwoelyon This may help: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux06:14
DaSkreechmikey_la: mount it manually06:14
elyonDaSkreech: Ah, I'll definitely take a look.  Thank you!06:14
adamwestwhat other folder was i supposed to copy?06:15
mikey_laDaSkreech: it used to mount automaticly06:15
DaSkreechMight be a dirty unmount06:15
intelikey /home06:15
adamwestoh right. same copy -a?06:15
intelikeyand /opt   yes same06:15
adamwestbtw thanks for all this, intelikey :)06:17
adamwestok done with copying.06:17
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intelikeymkdir $MOUNTPOINT/proc06:18
intelikeymkdir $MOUNTPOINT/sys06:18
intelikeymkdir $MOUNTPOINT/media06:18
intelikeymkdir $MOUNTPOINT/tmp06:18
intelikeychmod 1777 $MOUNTPOINT/tmp06:18
adamwestwhat does the last one mean06:18
intelikeyi'm scripting this as we speek.06:18
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intelikeymakes the new tmp folder sticky   needed.06:19
InuDuelistWhoa, intelikey's still around.06:19
intelikeyInuDuelist yeah06:19
adamwestok dome:)06:19
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InuDuelistHey intelikey, could you help me out with something, for old times' sake? :P06:20
intelikeyon this one be sure that you put /media/hda   for both $MOUNTPOINT 's   k06:20
intelikeysed 's_.* / _$DEVICE / _' $MOUNTPOINT/etc/fstab > $MOUNTPOINT/etc/fstab06:20
intelikeythat's one line   ^06:20
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intelikeyexcuse me the DEVICE is /dev/hda2   on that06:21
intelikeymountpoint is /media/hda06:21
adamwestwas just about to ask :)06:21
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intelikeyafter you do that one do     cat /media/hda/etc/fstab    just to make sure  it didn't blank it.06:22
adamwestso that's ---->  sudo sed 's_.* / _/dev/hda2 / _' /media/hda/etc/fstab > /media/hda/etc/fstab06:22
adamwest... permission denied :|06:23
intelikeysudo cat06:23
adamwestoh ok06:23
adamwestsame error.06:23
InuDuelistintelikey: check your queries, if you could.06:23
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intelikeyhmmm ok,   let me hit that again.                                                                                                   sudo sed 's_.* / _/dev/hda2 / _' /etc/fstab | tee /media/hda/etc/fstab06:24
adamwestwith cat?06:25
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intelikeyi'll have to ammend my script too.      copy and paste that   ^06:25
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intelikeyi forgot that sudo > doesn't have but user access....06:26
intelikeyInuDuelist what you need ?06:26
adamwestis this output ok?06:26
adamwesthmm i dont wanna get banned sec06:26
InuDuelistI'm having trouble with compiling a source.06:26
InuDuelistSomething I could have handled a few months back, when I was last around.06:26
intelikeyadamwest only the line with ' / ' in it is important  the rest is stock.06:27
adamwestwhat's "tee: /media/hda/etc/fstab: Permission denied" about?06:27
intelikeyInuDuelist you have build-essential installed ?06:27
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intelikeysudo tee   in that line.    seems   that | only carries user perms too.06:28
intelikey sudo sed 's_.* / _/dev/hda2 / _' /etc/fstab | sudo tee /media/hda/etc/fstab06:28
adamwestok tnx06:29
adamwesthurray no errors :)06:29
intelikeyredirrecting the output is the hardest part of this...   heh06:29
intelikeyok.   let see about grub.06:29
InuDuelistintelikey: I do now. >_>06:29
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InuDuelistLemme check if that fixed it.06:29
InuDuelistGawd, and to think I was giving advice in here five months ago.06:29
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intelikeyadamwest sudo nano /media/hda/boot/grub/menu.lst    look for "root=*"  and make it say  "root=/dev/hda2"    the first line that has root  and doesn't start with #06:31
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slyfoxI am a Linux noob. I have searched the forums and found tons of guides on how to Install The Eye Candy XGL, all of them are different is there one GOOD and Simple guide to isntall 3d Desktop on Kubuntu ?06:31
adamwestintelikey, that's empty :\06:32
intelikeyadamwest ?06:32
DaSkreechslyfox: Likely no :)06:32
InuDuelistslyfox: Doubt it.06:32
adamwesti see no text in there.06:32
intelikeyoh  hehhe your're right  we didn't copy /boot   lol06:32
DaSkreechslyfox: ask in #ubuntu-xgl for the way for you :)06:32
intelikeyoooops   my bad.06:32
adamwestno biggie06:32
adamwestcopy /boot in same way?06:32
InuDuelistintelikey: That fixed some of it, but I'm stuck at another problem.06:32
slyfoxSo 3D Desktop is not ready yet for mainstream users to use>? Only for "geeks" ?06:32
intelikeyso cp -a     yep06:32
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intelikeyInuDuelist error message ?06:33
InuDuelistchecking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!06:33
InuDuelistI've fixed this before.06:33
InuDuelistI hate forgetting things.06:33
adamwestok now i see content.06:33
InuDuelistI feel so... like, new.06:33
intelikeylibxorgdev  or some such06:33
elyonHas anyone here ever used Linspire?  I'm interested in putting it on my mother's computer (she knows basically NOTHING about computers and is used to Windows).  Is it truly as easy to use as the website claims it to be?  And, more importantly, is it as stable as say Kubuntu is?06:33
InuDuelistelyon: I know people who use Linspire.06:33
InuDuelistIt's not as perfect as they say.06:34
slyfoxGet Kubuntu, it is easy to use06:34
InuDuelistIf you want to get your mother a stable linux distro, give her Ubuntu. Normal Ubuntu.06:34
slyfoxOr install PCLinuxOS - very easy06:34
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intelikeyInuDuelist  libxorgdev  or some such06:34
InuDuelistOh, thanks.06:34
InuDuelistLemme see.06:34
DaSkreechelyon: Grab Freespire and try it out06:34
adamwestok i checked. it says root=/dev/hda206:34
elyonInuDuelist: That's what she's using right now.. gnome.  Linspire seems to be a bit more geared toward the computer know-nothings ;)06:35
InuDuelistintelikey: That ain't it. :P06:35
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intelikeyxorg-dev - the X.Org development libraries06:35
intelikeyxserver-xorg-dev - X.Org X server -- development files06:35
elyonInuDuelist: And Ubuntu took me WEEKS to get stable (which it still isn't)06:35
adamwestit does start with #.06:35
intelikeyok that is correct.06:35
InuDuelistelyon: Then go for the longshot and giver her Linspire.06:35
InuDuelistAlso, stable and working are two different things. ;)06:36
slyfoxGet PClinuxOS or Kubuntu,06:36
InuDuelistNot Kubuntu.06:36
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intelikeysays kernel /boot/vmlinuz* root=/dev/hda2    adamwest ?06:36
InuDuelistGive her Gnome, more stable.06:36
InuDuelistLess... of a chance to kill herself.06:36
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slyfoxKubuntu is as stable as Gnome06:37
slyfoxKubuntu looks better for those who are coming from Windows.06:37
InuDuelistintelikey: Lemme get those installed, I'll tell you if it's fixed.06:37
elyonWell, I've been having a big problem with Ubuntu in general...a problem she wouldn't be able to handle.06:37
InuDuelistSuch as?06:37
elyon*I* can't even fix it, but I've been using a workaround.06:37
InuDuelistWhat's the problem?06:38
InuDuelistI might still remember enough to be able to fix.06:38
elyonInuDuelist: My entire system locks up nearly every time a user logs off.06:38
adamwestsorry intelikey, didn't scroll down :D06:38
slyfoxthat is a driver issue06:38
InuDuelistWell, I never encountered that problem.06:38
slyfoxI had that06:38
elyonInuDuelist: Black screen, mouse frozen, can't use the keyboard to restart X or open a new terminal.06:38
slyfoxdo you ahve ATI ?06:38
mcrandelloyou using a radeon mobility with a cheap laptop?06:38
adamwestill check that now intelikey06:38
elyonslyfox: Sadly, yes. :)06:38
slyfoxNot a problem06:38
elyonmcrandello: Radeon 9600 on a desktop.06:38
slyfoxjust follow the edgy guide and downlaod the driver from ATI site06:39
InuDuelistThat should do it.06:39
slyfoxand follow the guide to do instllation manualy06:39
elyonslyfox: I've done that so many times... no help.\06:39
adamwestintelikey the only time in the file where there's /dev/hda2 : # kernel        /vmlinuz root=/dev/hda2 ro06:39
mcrandelloin my case I had to put noapic and pollirq in the menu.lst boot options06:39
InuDuelistelyon: Your mother's computer is different than yours though, right?06:39
InuDuelistSo it should be a problem?06:39
elyonslyfox: I've tried the ATI drivers, fglrx, etc.06:39
slyfoxelyon: I had that issue the first time I installed ATI driver using method 1 from the guide. then I used method 2 and did it myself and all works06:39
elyonInuDuelist: No... same computer, but I'm getting a new one.06:39
intelikeyadamwest a line that 'DOES NOT!' start with #06:39
InuDuelistDid you try reformatting the entire hard drive?06:40
adamwestas i said, THAT'S THE ONLY LINE THAT HAS /DEV/HDA2.06:40
InuDuelistMaybe there was an error during install.06:40
elyonInuDuelist: A few times...I've tried a few different distros, reformatting/partitioning each time.06:40
InuDuelistThis problem comes with each distro?06:40
elyonInuDuelist: Nope.  Just Ubuntu.06:40
intelikeydon't look for dev/  look for     kernel06:40
slyfoxGet Kubuntu or PClinuxos06:41
InuDuelistWell, you could always get her a mac.06:41
InuDuelistThough, that'd be putting her into Apple's filthy hands.06:41
elyonslyfox: I have Ubuntu/Kubuntu...06:41
elyonInuDuelist: Oh, never! lol06:41
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intelikeyadamwest ?06:42
adamwesti have several lines that start with "kernal". what should it say?06:42
slyfoxelyon: Actual Kubuntu or just a skin on top of Ubuntu ?06:42
intelikeyok the first one06:42
InuDuelistchecking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.2 and < 4.0) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!06:42
InuDuelistFor more details about this problem, look at the end of config.log.06:42
elyonslyfox: I installed Ubuntu and installed kubuntu-desktop.  I was under the impression they were basically identical.06:42
adamwestintelikey kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.17-10-386 root=UUID=d5c1f31f-08fe-4117-b4de-0021c8b59a81 ro quiet splash06:42
mcrandelloelyon: it's a long shot since everyone this bug affects seems to be a radeon m user but among other things lockups on logoff/shutdown was one of the major symptoms so maybe it's the same root problem...06:43
InuDuelistelyon:  NOOOO!06:43
InuDuelistI made that same mistake.06:43
mcrandelloelyon: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15/+bug/4127206:43
InuDuelistThat was the reason I came into this channel in the first place. >_>06:43
intelikeyadamwest yes that one.   change  UUID=d5c1f31f-08fe-4117-b4de-0021c8b59a81  to /dev/hda206:43
InuDuelistBecause I didn't know how big a mistake I was making.06:43
mcrandellothe problem being an irq conflict06:43
adamwestintelikey lol what does this long thing mean06:43
elyonInuDuelist: I thought the only difference was the Window Manager.06:43
InuDuelistNo, no.06:43
InuDuelistYou become unable to use Aptitude.06:44
InuDuelistIt completely screws and removes half of the Gnome and half of the KDE files.06:44
elyonInuDuelist: I kind of like Adept, though, anyway.06:44
slyfoxelyon: Get a clean intall of Kubuntu06:44
adamwestintelikey so now it says --kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.17-10-386 root=/dev/hda2 ro quiet splash   --> is that ok?06:44
intelikeyit's blkid  new approach to device identification.  i haven't switched to it yet....06:44
InuDuelistThat's why you install KDE and/or Gnome seperately.06:44
intelikeyadamwest yes06:44
InuDuelistUsing apt-get install kde or apt-get install gnome .06:44
mcrandellothat numberspam unique identifier caused me no end of problems earlier06:44
adamwestcool. so i save and close it? intelikey06:44
elyonInuDuelist: So if I do a clean install of Kubuntu, will I lose all my settings?  (I do have a separate /home partition)06:44
intelikeyadamwest note the name of that one and save and exit it06:44
InuDuelistelyon: I need you to do something for me.06:45
adamwestname of what, file?06:45
InuDuelistRun sudo aptitude update06:45
InuDuelistTell me what appears.06:45
mcrandellobut at some point it after an upgrade/reinstall it crept back in and it seems to be working06:45
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InuDuelistIn a query, most likely.06:45
intelikeyadamwest no the line just above the kernel line06:45
elyonInuDuelist: A LOT appeared :)06:45
intelikeyshould have a neme   if i remember grub correctly06:45
adamwestintelikey ---> root            (hd0,2) --> is above the kernal line.06:46
InuDuelistelyon: Give me the first five or six items in the "remove" section.06:46
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intelikeyummm ok.06:46
adamwestoh you mean the title, intelikey -- title           Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.17-10-38606:46
matt0507what is the linux equilvalance to window's Powerdvd for dvd playing?06:46
adamwestcool ill write it down06:46
InuDuelistintelikey: checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.2 and < 4.0) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!06:46
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intelikeyInuDuelist so install qt headers  or qt-dev or what ever..06:47
InuDuelistNo packages.06:47
InuDuelistLemme look around some more.06:47
adamwesthow do i save a file there, intelikey06:47
intelikeyyou know how to search the packages    apt-cache search qt | grep dev06:48
intelikey@ InuDuelist ^06:48
intelikeyadamwest the ^x      ?06:48
adamwestintelikey that's the exit... it saves? ok .06:48
intelikeyyes it will ask06:48
mcrandello[00:46]  <InuDuelist> elyon: Give me the first five or six items in the "remove" section.06:48
mcrandelloI think he was gone when you asked the first time InuDuelist06:49
elyonmcrandello: Huh?06:49
adamwestok done.06:49
mcrandelloInuDuelist: asked between you getting flooded and rejoining06:49
InuDuelistOh, pfft.06:49
mcrandellowrong tab completion06:49
InuDuelistelyon: Could you tell me the first five or six items in the list to be removed?06:49
InuDuelistAnd in the list to be added?06:50
intelikeyadamwest sudo chroot /media/hda grub-install /dev/hda06:50
surgymy ipod 2.0 will not mount can someone help me please?06:50
elyonInuDuelist: I'm sorry, not sure what you mean.  I don't see any add or remove sections in that.06:50
intelikeyand you should be ready to reboot into the new system.06:50
adamwestapplying, intelikey.06:50
InuDuelistIn the sudo aptitude update menu.06:50
adamwestsudo chroot /media/hda grub-install /dev/hda06:50
InuDuelistYou said there's a lot of things there, right?06:50
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adamwestintelikey ok working06:51
elyonInuDuelist: Yeah.06:51
adamwestchroot /media/hda grub-install /dev/hda2 --> The file /boot/grub/stage2 not read correctly06:51
elyonInuDuelist: I posted it to the query.. or did you not get that?06:51
intelikeylet me see if i have grub docs.06:52
InuDuelistI didn't get it.06:52
adamwestintelikey the sudo was there, didnt copy it.06:52
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InuDuelistelyon: It doesn't matter, anyway. The list of things should be seperated into two sections. "To be removed" and "To be installed"06:52
elyonInuDuelist: Are you talking about aptitude update?  Because all it did was run through the list of repositories.06:53
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intelikeyoh adamwest you can    sudo update-grub     it might add a new entry in the existing grub for the other system.06:53
InuDuelistOh, duh.06:53
elyonInuDuelist: It seemed to run just fine06:53
adamwestintelikey ok ill update, run the prev line again and report :)06:53
adamwestnope. still same error, intelikey06:54
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intelikeyadamwest no not repete.  if the update adds an entry just reboot into the new system.06:55
adamwestso now i should reboot the comp and itll be in the new system?06:55
intelikeyif you reboot look in the boot menu for an entry that is not the default   should say something about where the system is.06:56
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InuDuelistelyon: Well, then you might not have a problem. But to be safe and avoid running into "the problem" later, I'd freshly install either Ubuntu or Kubuntu.06:56
intelikeyboot the (hd0,1) entry06:56
elyonInuDuelist: And then NOT install gnome?06:57
InuDuelistDon't install either.06:57
adamwestsweet! thanks intelikey, i'll be back with hopefully the new system working :) bbs06:57
InuDuelistif you install Kubuntu, don't install ubuntu-desktop.06:57
InuDuelistAnd vice versa.06:57
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intelikeyadamwest you can grep 'hd0,1' /boot/grub/menu.lst06:57
adamwestwhat intelikey?06:57
intelikeyjust to make sure it's there.06:57
intelikeybefore you hit the reset    :)06:58
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intelikeygrep 'hd0,1' /boot/grub/menu.lst06:58
adamwestwrite that in the terminal? sec06:58
adamwestsweet --> grep 'hd0,1' /boot/grub/menu.lst06:58
adamwestoof sec06:58
adamwest---> # root          (hd0,1)06:58
adamwestSWEET ^_^06:58
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intelikeywe hope it spits out more data  than that.06:59
adamwest? what do you mean06:59
intelikeyis that all it said ?06:59
adamwestumm yeah06:59
adamwest.. is that not good? :(06:59
soulriderhi everyone06:59
InuDuelistHi soulrider.06:59
intelikeywell no.      sudo grub-install (hd0)07:00
intelikeyand run that grep string again07:00
soulriderhi InuDuelist, hi intelikey07:00
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adamwestit wont let me do brackets "("07:00
intelikeywell no.      sudo grub-install /dev/hda07:00
adamwestoh ok07:00
soulriderim tyring to get Simcity 2000 to work on linux :P07:00
adamwesthda2 you mean07:01
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InuDuelistchecking for KDE... configure: error:07:01
InuDuelistin the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. This will fail.07:01
InuDuelistSo, check this please and use another prefix!07:01
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intelikeyadamwest question.   do you have windows installed also ?07:01
adamwestnope. but i have another working computer.07:01
intelikeythen no. just like i said it.  sudo grub-install /dev/hda07:01
InuDuelistintelikey: Did you see that?07:02
dwidmannexport $KDEDIR=/usr/lib/kde307:02
dwidmannrm $07:02
bARTISTi would like to have infos about the partitions of my disk07:02
intelikeyInuDuelist kde-dev07:02
adamwestok now i do what again? the 'grep hd00 stuff?07:02
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intelikeykde-devel - the K Desktop Environment development files and modules07:03
intelikeykde-devel-extras - extra development applications for use with KDE07:03
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dwidmannkde-devel also comes with a load of other things, if all you want to do is compile a single package, that's overkill07:03
adamwestsame one line. umm before i shouldve done sudo chroot /media/hda grub-install /dev/hda, instead of sudo chroot /media/hda grub-install /dev/hda2 ?07:03
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adamwestrephrase that, should've i done "sudo chroot /media/hda grub-install /dev/hda" instead of "sudo chroot /media/hda grub-install /dev/hda2" ?07:04
intelikeyadamwest sorry you lost me07:04
adamwestintelikey ^07:04
InuDuelistintelikey: kde-dev, kde-devel, and kde-devel-extras don't exist.07:04
intelikeyyes. correct adamwest07:04
InuDuelistAt least, not in my repos.07:04
adamwestoops :D07:04
cmillerthey exist07:05
cmillercmiller@cmiller-laptop ~> sudo apt-cache search kde-devel07:05
cmillerkde-devel - the K Desktop Environment development files and modules07:05
cmillerkde-devel-extras - extra development applications for use with KDE07:05
intelikeyadamwest that's ok.  did you do    "sudo grub-install /dev/hda"  ?07:05
adamwestwell, same one line. intelikey07:05
intelikeyanyone good with grub in here ?07:06
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:06
dwidmanncmiller: you don't need sudo to run apt-cache, should save you some keystrokes in the future knowing that07:06
InuDuelistintelikey: Could you help me find kde-devel?07:06
InuDuelistOr what repository it's in?07:06
=== intelikey actually hates grub to start with.
cmillertype "man grub-install" if you lost grub after installing windoze07:06
ubotukde-devel: the K Desktop Environment development files and modules. In component universe, is extra. Version 5:47 (edgy), package size 7 kB, installed size 40 kB07:06
intelikeysays universe07:06
InuDuelistAh, there we go.07:06
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adamwestintelikey, should i read that?07:07
cmillerdwidmann: that's nice07:07
intelikeycmiller no windows added new partition  want it installed there.07:07
cmillerso we had a functioning install and then made a new partition?07:08
intelikeyadamwest there might be a good howto on installing from the livecd   that would be about the eq of what you want to do.07:08
cmillersounds like you want some kind of partition cloning tool to me07:08
dwidmannyou likely don't need the full kde-devel package ... kde-core, kdelibs4-dev kdebase-dev libkonq4-dev libqt3-mt-dev07:08
adamwestintelikey, i saw this --- sudo grub-install --root-directory=/boot /dev/sda07:08
intelikeyand want to migrate grub07:08
adamwest"If /boot is mounted on another partition and you use update-grub, then you may run into problems. One fix is to use grub-install, which is a distribution-agnostic way to install the grub boot loader to a boot sector."07:08
InuDuelistFound it.07:08
=== InuDuelist installs
cmillerthe suspense is killing me07:09
intelikeythat latter post looks like it's on the right track.07:10
InuDuelistSo, intelikey, you're still around after all these months? You're quite a bored person, aren't you? :P07:10
intelikeycmiller all he needs is to install grub on the other system / partition.07:10
InuDuelistProbably don't even remember me. :P07:10
dwidmannseems the  herd2 installer needs a _lot_ of work07:11
intelikeyInuDuelist actually not by that name.07:11
InuDuelistintelikey: That's a shame. I was around for about a month helping you and a couple other people out.07:11
intelikeycmiller he has another system mounted at /media/hda07:11
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InuDuelistThen my hard drive crashed, and I was disallowed from reinstalling any form of operating system again. >_>07:11
InuDuelistAt least, not on the computer I was on.07:12
intelikeythat's where live CD's are handy07:12
adamwestwhat livecd should i use07:12
adamwestor dl, interlikey07:12
intelikeyadamwest that was at InuDuelist07:13
adamwestoh ok :P07:13
intelikeyyou don't need a live cd you have a live system07:13
adamwestfor how long ^_^07:13
InuDuelistOh, you're right.07:14
InuDuelistLive CDs, I never quite realized I could still do that. >_>07:14
adamwestintelikey, in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto there are several issues: Setting kernel parameters, If /boot is on another partition, Changing the Disk that Grub is installed to, etc.07:14
=== dawn [n=dawn@c-68-33-164-177.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
InuDuelistLet's see if this build will work now.07:14
InuDuelistHi dawn.07:14
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intelikeyyou can just edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst  and add a new entry   but that will need fixed at some later point.     let me read on that link a minute.07:15
dwidmannhello dawn07:15
InuDuelist./configure works.07:15
InuDuelistTime to test out make.07:15
dawnwhats a quick way to break a 15gb file down to 4gb segments?07:15
dawnFAT32 only supports <4gb07:15
intelikeydawn dd07:15
cmillerthere's a way to use sed to do that.07:15
intelikeyman dd07:15
cmilleri was reading about it a while back.  I'll go google.07:16
dawnoh command line?07:16
=== Jucato hopes someone mentioned ./configure --prefix=foo
intelikeydd is simple and quick07:16
=== dwidmann wonders why Jucato hopes that
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Jucatodwidmann: someone was talking about compiling...07:16
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InuDuelistAnd.... dammit.07:17
dwidmanneven if they didn't mention the prefix ... I mentioned something that would work even if they said --prefix=/la/la/land07:17
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jean-bi want to mount 2 win partitions07:17
dwidmanngranted, I doubt anyone listened, but I said it07:17
jean-bthe 2 are ntfs07:17
jean-bi read that ntfs can be mounted as read only07:18
jean-band fat32 can be writeable07:18
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shinigamihelp, how do i scan for a usb device after i plug in? kubuntu07:18
JucatoI just think it's more recommended to use --prefix in configure, and saves a lot of future headaches07:18
shinigamihelp, how do i scan for a usb device after i plug in? what's the command to scan07:19
=== CakeProphet [n=CakeProp@wikipedia/The-Prophet-Wizard-of-the-Crayon-Cake] has joined #kubuntu
Jucatoshinigami: doesn't it already do it automatically?07:19
Jucato"lsusb" I think07:19
CakeProphetback again (it's been like an hour)07:19
shinigamino.. i plug into a scanner07:19
dawnnts is readable07:19
CakeProphetthe driver was installed...07:19
CakeProphetbut now the device isn't connecting...07:19
jean-bcan ntfs be also writeable?07:19
dawnI have tried07:19
intelikeyN=1 ;for Q in 1234 ;do dd if=file of=file$N.part count=1 bs=<4g> skip=$(($N * 1g)) ;N=$(($N + 1)) ;done07:19
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Jucatojean-b: not really07:19
dawnbut microsoft makes it difficult07:19
intelikeythat line will need one or two tweeks   ^07:20
dawnintellikey is that the syntax?07:20
adamwestany news, intelikey?07:20
jean-bif i want a partition that can be readable and writable by win and linux07:20
intelikeythat's a fully automated way.07:20
jean-bwhich one should it be?07:20
Jucatojean-b: fat3207:20
jean-bi have to reformat it ...07:20
Jucatojean-b: just take note that fat32 doesn't do file/directory permissions07:20
dawnfat32 has 4gb limit as well07:21
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dawnhence my problem07:21
shinigamii used lsusb.. and found my scanner "brothers" at bus 0407:21
shinigamiwhat should i do next?07:21
shinigamihow to mount it07:21
jean-bdamned it07:21
jean-bmmm well thanx for the adivces07:21
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Jucatoshinigami: it's a scanner, you don't mount it afaik07:21
Jucatodawn: huh?07:22
Jucatoaah nvm07:22
Jucatojean-b: 4GB file limit... means the maximum size of a single file allowed by fat32 is 4GB07:22
dawni cannot understand that script intellikey07:22
adamwestintelikey is it too late to risk it and resize the whole damn thing lol07:22
jean-bjucato ah, ok07:22
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jean-bbut the part can be bigger than 4GB?07:22
InuDuelistintelikey: ./configure was successful, but make keeps failing.07:22
dawnlinux: the greatest learning curve in my life right now07:23
dawnjean: the disc can be large the 4gb07:23
Jucatojean-b: yes07:23
shinigamihmm then how..07:23
dawni have a 80GB wd USB drive07:23
Jucatojean-b: 32GB is the max size for a fat32 partition07:23
dawnthat was formatted to fat3207:23
Jucatodawn: fat32?07:23
dawnI used partition magix ver. 807:23
intelikeyadamwest no. it's not too late.  see that's the beauty of this approach   we have not affected the running system at all.07:24
Jucatoafaik, Windows doesn't recognize fat32 beyond 32GB...07:24
Jucatoshinigami: what are you trying to do?07:24
intelikeyJucato can you help adamwest install grub on /dev/hda2  mounted at /media/hda   ?07:24
adamwestintelikey u mean if i restart now than nothing's changed? weird ^_^07:24
Jucatointelikey: er?07:24
InuDuelistintelikey: ./configure works, but make fails.07:25
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intelikeyadamwest if we can reinstall grub then then you should be able to boot eather system.07:25
JucatoInuDuelist: what are you trying to compile? what does the error output of make say?07:25
intelikeyJucato grub ?07:25
InuDuelistOh, dammit.07:25
adamwestintelikey how do i do that07:25
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Jucatointelikey: I'm not very familiar with GRUB anymore...07:25
InuDuelistThere's a goddamned option for it in synaptic.07:26
InuDuelistHours, wasted. >_>07:26
InuDuelistHey, Jucato.07:26
InuDuelistI remember you too.07:26
intelikeyJucato  i don't even have it.  can't use it.07:26
Jucatohi InuDuelist07:26
Jucatohm.. GRUB doesn't recognize mount points, for starters...07:26
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Jucatoit only does /dev or hdx,x07:27
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intelikeyJucato the new system is mounted on /media/hda   so a;  chroot /media/hda  grub-install /dev/hda   ?07:28
Jucatowhat's adamwest (batman?) trying to do again?07:28
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intelikeyinstall a boot loader07:28
adamwestbut mainly move my system from one partition to another.07:28
intelikeyfrom a running system   (think live CD)07:28
intelikeythe system is moved   (or copied.)  but the boot loader needs installed from the new system07:29
Jucatolet me try to dig up my memory...07:29
eeanI need the Net/Http.pm perl module. What its package name?07:29
adamwestbtw jucato my adamwest nick is from family guy :) probably from more places but that's where i got the name from07:30
eeanand how do you figure out perl module -> package name in general07:30
intelikeyadamwest you did  "sudo chroot /media/hda grub-install /dev/hda "    ?07:30
adamwestin one line, intelikey07:30
Jucatointelikey: no need for chroot07:30
Jucatowait.. trying to remember...07:30
intelikeyJucato if he doesn't chroot it will use /boot   ?07:30
Jucatointelikey: nope...07:31
Jucatohold on07:31
InuDuelistWell, I got that installed.07:31
InuDuelistGood night, guys.07:31
Jucatoadamwest: you're on the live cd?07:31
intelikeyit needs to use /media/hda/boot07:31
eean...yes :) tough grub-install has an option to change where it looks for /boot07:31
adamwestno, on an installed system,07:31
intelikeyJucato affectively the liveCD  yes07:31
Jucatointelikey: grub has a command for that07:31
intelikeythat's what he needs.07:31
adamwestjucato i originally wanted to resize the current ext3 partition but because i'm using it and it's not safe to resize, we try to simply copy it to the huge partition instead.07:32
intelikeyadamwest jucato will dig up the command you need now.07:32
adamwestgreat, intelikey and jucato :)] 07:32
Jucatofrom memory... "sudo grub" "find /boot/stage1" "root <wherever_stage1_is>" "setup <where_you_want_to_install_grub>"07:33
adamwestwhat's stage107:33
intelikeya file07:33
adamwestfile not found07:33
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Jucatoadamwest: you went into the grub prompt already?07:34
Jucatooh sorry07:34
intelikeyroot first isn't it07:34
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Jucatoyou won't know what to root into07:35
intelikeyhmmm ok.07:35
Jucatorawr.. me an my failing memory07:35
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intelikeyyeah root will be /dev/hda207:35
intelikeyor (hd0,1)07:35
Jucatoif that's where stage1 is, then do that07:35
adamwestwhat do you mean07:36
intelikeyroot (hd0,1)07:36
adamwestin grub?07:36
adamwestok done07:36
Jucatoin the grub prompts07:36
Jucatoin the grub prompt07:36
adamwestnow what07:37
Jucatowhere do you want to install GRUB?07:37
intelikeynow     find /boot/grub/stage107:37
Jucatointelikey: that's redundant07:37
adamwestin /dev/hda2 ... or in mounted /media/hda07:37
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Jucatoadamwest: forget the mount point07:37
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menaWhat is the best Music player Wich play all kinds of music files07:37
intelikeyJucato oh,  ok.  take over i'll watch.07:37
JucatoGRUB doesn't recognize mount points07:37
adamwestlol ok jucato07:37
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Jucatoso hda2?07:38
Jucatowhat's in hda1?07:38
adamwestthe ext3 ubuntu's using now,.07:38
intelikeyi.e. other system07:38
intelikeyneeds installed to the mbr btw07:39
Jucatoso it should be: setup (hd0)07:39
adamwesttype that in grub now?07:40
Jucatothat will install (and overwrite) GRUB on the MBR of hda07:40
adamwestok done.07:40
eschas anyone tried gaim beta6? I just installed it and I cannot log into my googletalk account...07:40
Jucatoadamwest: quit07:40
Jucatoadamwest: then restart07:40
adamwestbtw it's /boot/grub/stage1 :) jucato07:40
Jucatoesc: try in #ubuntu or #gaim07:40
escgood idea07:41
adamwestrestart the copmuter or grub or whatever? jucato07:41
Jucatoadamwest: yeah. like I said, failing memory..07:41
Jucatoadamwest: the computer07:41
adamwestjucato: ok, ill do that07:41
Jucatoadamwest: you didn't get any error messages after the setup command?07:41
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intelikeyadamwest sorry for all the hassel there     see jucato fixed grub presto    i got bumbfuzzeled on grub.07:41
adamwestjucato/intelikey: thanks both. in case i don't make it back, i wanna thank you very much for your great job! :D07:42
Jucatointelikey: heh07:42
adamwestand intelikey you helped! ;)07:42
Jucatoadamwest: in case you can't boot into the hard disk07:42
Jucatouse the Live CD to connect to IRC07:42
Jucatointelikey: at least you were concerned07:42
Jucatoand gave him hope... and non-working stuff :P07:42
adamwestlol :D07:42
Jucatointelikey: btw, the root (hdx,x) command does what you were proposing chroot for07:43
adamwestok am i free to go? no "WAIIIITTTTTT" messages i should read? :)07:43
intelikeyJucato yes i saw that .... now if i can remember that.07:43
=== vinboy [n=vinboy@125-236-159-189.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu
ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.07:43
Jucatoadamwest: I forgot to say something very important07:43
Jucatoadamwest: Good Luck! :P07:43
intelikeygood luck07:43
adamwestlol :P thanks07:43
adamwest;) bbs07:44
menadoesnt kopete supprot Google TAlk07:44
JucatoBulletin Board System?07:44
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Jucatomena: it does07:44
Jucatofor some reason, esc wanted GAIM07:44
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menajucato, realy but i cant ....its under what name07:44
Jucatomena: you have to use the Jabber protocol07:45
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eschey I like gaim07:45
Jucatoesc: that's why I said "for some reason"07:45
menajucato , okay i will see07:45
shinigamii'm trying to plug in my scanner and scan.... i've installed sane but still can't find the device that i plugged in07:45
Jucatomena: let me get a guide for you07:45
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Jucatoshinigami: using Kooka?07:45
Jucatomena: http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=Google+Talk+support07:45
escJucato: do you use kopete?07:46
Jucatoesc: yes07:46
Jucatobut I haven't setup Google Talk after I reinstalled07:46
ullvargi have a small technical question...07:46
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menajucato, okay i will see it07:46
escjust curious...why do you prefer it over gaim? any reasons besides it being native to kde?07:46
ullvarghow do i get sound drivers on my packardbell easy note a607:47
Jucatoesc: it fits in with KDE, notifications, dcop, shortcuts, appearance.07:47
ullvargits got a Conexant 20468-31 AC'97 audio codec which isnt coverd by alsa07:47
intelikeywould some be so kind as to post the output of    grep -m1 ^kernel /boot/grub/menu.lst      for me please ?07:47
Jucatoand with other KDE apps07:47
=== CakeProphet hrm..
intelikeyi'm looking for syntax   ^07:48
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CakeProphetso I installed the ndiswrapper package stuff... installed a driver, and associated my wireless adapter to that driver... but... it still doesn't work.  :/07:48
Jucatointelikey: kernel          /vmlinuz-2.6.17-10-generic root=/dev/hdb2 ro quiet splash07:48
intelikeyty Jucato07:48
escJucato: yeah, I'm 99% kde at this point, but I just cant shake gaim. I try kopete and after 10 mins I go back to gaim...maybe I should force myself heh07:48
Jucatoesc: don't force yourself07:48
Jucatoit will happen eventually07:48
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escI really like the gaim betas07:48
dwidmannOkay, I have a rather general question I feel like asking. I've been playing with transcode lately, and I'm wondering if there's any way I could get it to auto-detect the amount of black it needs to clip off the top and bottom :\07:49
Jucatoany particular reason you don't like Kopete? (I have one... ugly inteface :P)07:49
shinigamiyes i used kooka and use word-->insert picture-->scan07:49
shinigamiboth cannot find my device...07:49
karlwhy does my password work to login, but nothing else?07:49
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Jucatoshinigami: the device is on, right?07:49
shinigamido i need the drivers or something?07:49
escyup, it's so ugly...while gaim beta is so pretty07:49
adamwestHURRAY IT WORKS :D07:49
escthat's the only reason07:49
shinigamiyes.. the deivce is on07:49
adamwestomg jucato intelikey07:49
Jucatoshinigami: I'm not sure if your scanner needs special drivers..07:49
adamwestit's now in the huge partition, thanks a bunch! :)07:50
Jucato!scanner | shinigami07:50
ubotushinigami: Scanning software: XSane, the gimp, Kooka. For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners07:50
Jucatoadamwest: nice :)07:50
adamwestis intelikey here?07:50
Jucatoyes he is.. he's just ignoring you07:50
adamwest:D after all we've been through07:50
karlcan anyone help me out for a sec?07:50
shinigamiits installed. hmm ok07:51
shinigamii read the site07:51
adamwestbtw jucato what's your personal opinion about best environment? (gnome kde xfce etc)07:51
Jucatokarl: what do you mean? about the password?07:51
intelikeyadamwest it's supposed to be.07:51
Jucatoadamwest: I'm biased :P07:51
adamwestintelikey :D07:51
adamwestjucato you're what? :)07:52
Jucatoadamwest: I'm biased... so my answer to your question will definitely be KDE :P07:52
adamwestand intelikey your opinion also if u want07:52
intelikeyjust because i'm no good with grub    "which i can't use because i don't have any partitions,"    doesn't mean i don't know anything....   :)07:52
karlwell, i can login to kubuntu fine, but if i try to do anything such as enter the wlanassistant, it asks me for my password, but it tells me its wrong07:52
karlif i try to change my password, it tells me it's wrong as well07:53
karlbut i can login?07:53
adamwestkde? but konquerer sucks a bit, don't it jucato :)07:53
Jucatoadamwest: nope it doesn't :)07:53
Jucatoadamwest: I use it 99% of the time07:53
intelikeyadamwest i'm a minimalest   i like things that fit on a floppy disk...   twm for example.07:53
menajucato, thanks Its Worked07:53
adamwestjucato? for real? wow :P07:53
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intelikeyadamwest i also don't run a gui very often at all.07:54
Jucatokarl: which password are you entering when you enter wlanassistant? have you tried other apps that need the sudo password? like Adept?07:54
adamwestreally? so what do you do in ur comp lol07:54
Jucatoadamwest: for real07:54
JucatoI'm a Konqi lovah!07:54
dwidmannkhtml is great ... konqueror for most things is great ... konqueror for a web browser is :(07:54
Jucatoadamwest: intelikey's definitely not doing computer and 3D graphics07:54
adamwestlol i guess not07:55
karlwell if i want to enter administrator mode in the systems settings, it tells me my password is wrong as well07:55
adamwestwell now before ill go my way for now is an opinion on best environment. mainly xfce or kde or gnome.07:55
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intelikeyadamwest i can listen to music read/write docs   write scripts  watch vidios even graphically browse the internet without ever starting X    although i don't use graphics much.  most of my browsing is "pictureless"07:56
Jucatoadamwest: that question has started many a war :)07:56
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dwidmannyou can watch videos without starting x? do tell07:56
intelikeyadamwest the best is the one that likes you most.07:56
adamwestjucato i know but i want *your* opinions as the ones who helped me through this :)07:56
Jucatointelikey: where were you when I needed to browse pics on CLI... :(07:56
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Jucatoadamwest: like I said. KDE :P07:56
intelikeyJucato i don't know...07:56
=== CakeProphet still can't figure out why his network adapter doesn't work completely.
adamwestlol except that jucato :D i just dont liek this konqueror07:57
intelikeyelinks or links2  both support -g mode07:57
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Jucatoadamwest: then don't use it. there's always firefox07:57
Jucatointelikey: yeah, but I thought links2 -g needed X07:57
adamwestreally kde has plenty of good applications but the file browsing thing is not that good.07:57
adamwestinternet? no, always firefox.07:58
intelikeyadamwest you can use firefox opera mozilla or even nautilus in kde.07:58
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ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins07:58
dwidmannadamwest, if you don't like konqueror, try dolphin, or something07:58
Jucatoadamwest: what's not so good about Konqi as a file manager?07:58
adamwestdunno, i only know that nautilus is kinda better07:58
Jucatoadamwest: if you should know, Konqueror is mostly praised for its file management more than its web browsing capabilities (KHTML)07:58
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Jucatoadamwest: then you definitely haven't encountered KIO :)07:59
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Jucatoadamwest: yes. it's one of KDE's best features, and Konqueror takes full advantage of it07:59
adamwestwhat's that07:59
dwidmannsmb:/, file:/, home:/ media:/ settings:/  ....07:59
Jucatoadamwest: basically, it allows you to access almost anything  through a consisten URL/interface07:59
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Jucatoadamwest: ftp:/, help:/, man:/, system:/, etc08:00
adamwesthmm so why i can only see /home and /media when i go to /    ? :\08:00
Jucatoadamwest: for example, what'08:00
Jucatoadamwest: that's Kubuntu's "customization"08:00
Jucatodefault KDE doesn't do that08:00
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adamwestwhat's a default dke08:00
adamwestis there a way to get the default one?08:01
Jucatoadamwest: for example. with ftp://, ssh:/ and sftp:/, you won't need a separate FTP program08:01
Jucatoadamwest: KDE doesn't make packages for distros. it just provides source code08:01
dwidmannadamwest: that's only present in Ubuntu Edgy, and it's already removed in Feisty, and wasn't present in Dapper. Wasn't restricted to Kubuntu either ... got the same effect in Ubuntu as well.08:01
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intelikeyoooops modem reset.08:01
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adamwestwhat's feisty, the next release?08:01
Jucatoadamwest: distros, like Kubuntu, take those source codes, compile and package them, then customize them to fit their  requirements08:01
intelikeyadamwest yes.08:02
Jucatoadamwest: yes. Fesity Fawn due on 2007 April08:02
adamwestso why does gnome show the files but kde won't?08:02
dwidmannadamwest: yes, but it's definitely not ready yet, I just filed a bug against ubiquity-frontend-kde (the installer) a few minutes ago08:02
=== jerry [n=jerry@cpe-66-91-245-251.san.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
karlis gnome or kde better?08:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hiden - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:02
ubotuKubuntu Edgy has implemented a new feature that hides most of the filesystem. For more information: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuHiddenFiles08:02
intelikeyread that adamwest08:02
Jucatoadamwest: again, it's just Kubuntu doing this08:02
dwidmannkarl: asking that question in a kde channel will surely give you skewed results, of course kde is better :)08:03
intelikeykarl no.08:03
karldo you guys all use kubuntu full time?08:03
=== dwidmann does
Jucato"better" is subjective. in the end, "better" means what *you* like/want/need08:03
adamwestwell aside from that and the konqueror t dont like so much, jucato, kde launches apps slow :08:03
karli'm trying it out, and getting seriously frustrated08:03
adamwest:-\ no?08:03
intelikeyno i turn my computer off a lot.08:03
Jucatoadamwest: no :)08:03
adamwestfor instance the dvd burner08:03
adamwesttakes hours08:04
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karli mean as opposed to dual boot windows08:04
dwidmannwhen I last saw the windows eula, I clicked "decline"08:04
Jucatoadamwest: and you've compared burning the same size/files in GNOME?08:04
intelikeyi quad boot linux linux linux and linux08:04
adamwestno, that gnome feature sucks08:04
adamwestthis is mainly why i want kde still. it has great apps.08:05
adamwestbut it takes so long to load D:08:05
dwidmannintelikey: vmware might help with that08:05
Jucatoadamwest: so how sure are you that that speed isn't normal in DVD  burning?08:05
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=== intelikey didn't know he needed help
adamwestthat's why i thought about xfce, jucato.08:05
karlquad boot different distros?08:05
Jucatoadamwest: you will only know if you try08:06
Jucatothere's a term for that... multi-boot...08:06
karlfor what purpose?08:06
adamwestjucato: i'm not talking about the dvd burning speed, i was talking about how long it takes to actually load08:06
=== Jucato notices how many misspell "dual boot"
adamwestand hangs the whole system D:08:06
Jucatoadamwest: it takes hours?!?!08:06
Jucatoadamwest: that's definitely not normal.08:06
intelikeyno purpose, i'm just an idiot that does thing no one in their right mind would do.08:06
adamwestk3b takes hours to load08:06
Jucatoand, sorry to say< I'm afraid there's something wrong in your end08:06
intelikeylike install without any partitions08:07
Jucatok3b loads/starts in seconds08:07
intelikeymount everything nosudi08:07
adamwestnot in here D:08:07
=== hara [n=hara@dsl-tregw2-fee8df00-68.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu
adamwesttakes forever.08:07
adamwestand the system hangs.08:07
intelikeyremove all login prompts and make init open a console for me.08:07
intelikeythings like that.08:07
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Jucatoremoving his brain and stuff like that08:07
dwidmannhmm, k3b, on a cold start, with disks in both drives, starts in about 4 seconds for me ...08:08
adamwestit takes about 45 seconds over here if not more08:08
Jucatook.. this is annoying.. I should have been studying hours ago...08:08
Jucatoadamwest: what are your specs?08:08
intelikeyJucato yes   you knew i was full  nosuid08:08
adamwestjucato: 512ram 1300ghz08:08
intelikeyoh typo   nosuid08:08
aai'm sorry08:08
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Jucatoadamwest: hm... I had no problems like that when I had 512MB RAM 1.5Ghz08:09
Jucatoomg?!? 1,300GHz?!?!08:09
dwidmannadamwest, perhaps you should start k3b from a konsole, perhaps there are errors of some sort happening08:09
adamwestjucato: what? ^_^08:09
adamwestoh looolol08:09
=== intelikey runs 100mhz 98m ram.
dwidmann1300ghz, I'd do anything for that O.O08:09
=== brainsurgeon [n=aa@c-67-162-199-204.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
Jucatoadamwest: basically, to summarize it all... there's something wrong on your end...08:10
adamwestumm jucato is there a way to reinstall the KDE and remove unneccessary packages and stuff? i dont know if there's a way to fix it all08:10
JucatoKDE should be running decently with that spec08:10
intelikeyit used to be 64m ram.   i can't really tell that the added 32m helped very much.08:10
shinigamiok i've installed the drivers for my brothers scanner.. kooka can see my device now, but it says my system does not provide a sane installation??? i already installed sane and xsane08:10
dwidmannsudo aptitude remove --purge k3b && sudo aptitude install k3b08:10
Jucatoadamwest: "unnecessary" packages and stuff are hard to determine. and has little to do with speed08:10
=== andre^off is now known as andred
Jucatodwidmann: err? sudo aptitude purge08:11
Jucatoshinigami: maybe because it's insane?08:11
adamwestjucato: i know, i'm used to clean stuff from windows :) but my main question is -- how to cleanly reinstall kde.08:11
Thehound666question I want to convert my most powerful machine from running VMWare to a dual boot situation. Is there any way to just replace NT file loader in XP with Grub without doing the Kubuntu install?08:11
adamwestoh and remove remains from gnome.08:11
karlwhen i boot the livecd, i have all the proper video resolutions, but the installation only has 3 options the max 1024, any idea why?08:11
dwidmannI've recently converted myself from apt-get, so sue me Jucato!08:11
intelikeyenable all update/security repos and dist-upgrade08:11
Jucatoadamwest: get rid of that windows habit/thinking :P08:11
Thehound666I want to clone my virtual drive to a real drive08:11
Thehound666I know how to do that08:11
=== Jucato prepares to sue dwidmann
adamwestjucato i know i'm working on that ;)08:12
intelikeyadamwest: enable all update/security repos and dist-upgrade08:12
Jucatodwidmann: you have your lawyer's number?08:12
adamwestintelikey: ... what? :)08:12
Jucatoshinigami: try libsane08:12
dwidmannWhy yes, I do, 1800kissmy$!*08:12
intelikeyto install any bug fixes and security updates adamwest08:12
=== karry [n=karry@85-130-85-220.1700435.pleven.cablebg.net] has joined #kubuntu
adamwestwhere do i do that intelikey08:13
Thehound666maybe I'll just do the install and clone the drive over08:13
intelikey!repos | adamwest08:13
ubotuadamwest: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu08:13
intelikeythat should help you   ^08:13
=== vinboy_ [n=vinboy@125-238-81-170.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu
shinigamiinstalled already..damnit why is it so hard08:14
adamwestbtw jucato what did u mean by me end not being good or smtng and is it fixable08:14
Jucatoadamwest: huh?08:14
intelikeyi installed drivers for a scanned  but all i could ever get out of sane was no devices found08:15
adamwestjucato: adamwest: basically, to summarize it all... there's something wrong on your end...08:15
Jucatoadamwest: aaah08:15
JucatoI don't know what's wrong, but if you're experiencing a slow system with those specs, then there's something definitely wrong08:15
=== intelikey backs away from adamwest's end.
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adamwestlol inteikey08:16
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=== intelikey hopes Jucato is not an "end user"
adamwestbtw that link intelikey gives me information about packages... not how to clean gnome and reinstall kde D:08:16
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intelikeyadamwest it's supposed to tell you how to setup the repos08:17
intelikeyadamwest to enable security updates and bug fixes08:17
Jucatointelikey: depends on what you meant by "user" in that phrase :P08:17
adamwestbut i want to reinstall this and clean gnome remains... not autoupdate :\08:17
intelikeyJucato lol08:17
intelikeyi think that falls in the #offtopic catagory08:18
Jucatoend user?08:18
Thehound666so is there any way to simply load grub without Kubuntu in place of NT file loader? would be easiest for me08:18
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Jucatosure... go through the "backdoor"08:18
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adamwesthmm isnt the latesl kde ver 4?08:19
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Jucatoadamwest: no08:20
Jucatothat's the development/unstable version08:20
adamwestok then08:20
intelikeycyprene grub     then root=<partition you can install grub to>      setup08:20
Thehound666well seems Jucato is the only help in the room. guess I'll have to wait for him08:20
adamwestbtw did any of you read the kubuntu guide? :) i need some erading material.08:20
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JucatoThehound666: er... depends... if I don't know how to answer the problem... I can't help either08:21
Jucatoadamwest: there's a Kubuntu Desktop Guide in K Menu -> Help :)08:21
Thehound666well only part I need is to install grub standalone over NT file loader08:22
Thehound666converting my power machine from Kubuntu in VMWare to dual boot08:22
adamwesttnx jucato08:22
Thehound666I can make a image of my current Kubuntu drive08:22
intelikeysee i can't use grub...    grub> root /dev/sda08:22
intelikeyError 11: Unrecognized device string08:22
Jucatointelikey: er... sorry... I was wrong about GRUB recognizing /dev08:23
Jucatointelikey: it only recognizes the hdx,x notation08:23
intelikeywouldn't matter  i still can't08:23
Jucatoroot hd0,0 ?08:23
Jucatosomething like that?08:23
intelikeyit wont accept root (hd0)   either08:23
Thehound666grub should have no problem recognising Kubuntu08:24
Thehound666it occasionally has an issue with windows08:24
Thehound666from what I already read08:24
intelikeyit can't be used on my system.08:24
Jucatointelikey: exact partition? like hd0,008:24
intelikeythere are no partitions.08:24
intelikeyno partition table08:24
intelikeyadn grub freeks on that.08:25
Jucatothere's at least 1 partiion...08:25
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Jucatomabye grub sees it that way08:25
intelikeysees what ?08:25
Jucatothe drive08:26
Hoxxinwhat does it mean when 6.10 has limited support and 6.06 longer support? is it still gonna be updates for 6.10 after?08:26
=== Jucato didn't know that you can have a readable drive without a partition/allocation table..
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JucatoHoxxin: it just means that 6.10 has a regular lifetime of 18 months. while 6.06 has a lifetime of 3-5 years08:27
Hoxxinso it'll be way better to install 6.06?08:27
JucatoHoxxin: lifetime, in this sense, means the release will be getting security updates and bug fixes08:27
JucatoHoxxin: it depends on what you're aiming for08:27
intelikeytty4 [greg@~]  mount | grep ' / '08:28
intelikey /dev/sda on / type ext2 (rw,nosuid,nogrpid)08:28
HoxxinJucato im gonna use it at home for surfing and not much more :)08:28
JucatoHoxxin: support/updates doesn't necessarily mean it will get new vresions of apps08:28
intelikeytty24 [root@~]  grub-install /dev/sda08:28
intelikeyUnknown partition table signature08:28
intelikey^ repetes for a screen full08:28
JucatoHoxxin: 6.06 may have a longer lifetime for receiving fixes, but it will not always have the latest stable versions08:29
HoxxinJucato: ok tnx maybe ill go with the 6.10 then08:29
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intelikeyshould have the "more stable version" though08:29
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.08:30
Jucatointelikey: in some cases, yes, ins some cases, no08:30
Thehound666this web page recommends GAG if you don't want to take any chances with GRUB08:30
Thehound666how good is GAG08:30
Thehound666in your opinion08:30
Jucatodepends on how much of the bug fixes that are put into the newer versions get added to the older versions08:30
Jucato(that was for intelikey)08:30
HoxxinJucato : gees now i have a hard time deciding08:30
intelikeyyeah  and they all should... doesn't mean they will...08:31
Jucatomy point exactly... older doesn't always mean more stable... it depends08:31
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intelikeyi did say "should"08:32
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JucatoI did say "my point exactly"08:33
intelikeybut at any rate lilo has no problem booting this system.08:33
intelikeyalso not only can grub not install it can't even boot it from a floppy or grub CD08:34
adamwestok my system was already updated :\ but i have no idea how to reinstall KDE entirely D:08:34
Hoxxinhehe nice nick08:34
Jucatoadamwest: http://www.adamwest.com/08:35
adamwestwho, me hoxxin?08:35
intelikeyremove gamin     install kde   or kubuntu-desktop08:35
adamwesti know ^_^08:35
Hoxxinadamwest u ye :)08:35
Thehound666I see why they said get GAG, it can install from a bootable CD if grub don't like you08:35
adamwesttnx intelikey08:35
=== Tmi [n=tommi@kr-lun-9-144-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeylike this     sudo apt-get remove --purge gamin && sudo apt-get install kde              replace kde with kubuntu-desktop if that's what you prefer.  they have different package deps08:36
adamwestyeah ill do that, tnx08:36
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adamwestthat will reset the kde to it's default settings like toolbars and such, right?08:37
intelikeyif you are wanting to remove gnome   i think gconf  can do that.08:37
Thehound666running Kubuntu native will be insane on this PC08:37
intelikeyadamwest no08:37
Thehound666AMD Athlon FX-6208:37
KameshHi all, any one knows why Firefox and Thunderbird is not packed with the default live cd ?? Thanks in advance08:37
intelikeyadamwest those changes are in your home dir08:37
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adamwestintelikey so how can i actually reinstall this kde :D08:38
intelikeyadamwest apt wont tuch that.  you can  rm -fr ~/.kde  for that.08:38
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intelikeybut not with kde running08:38
Thehound666because some people may not want them and they are easy to install?08:38
Thehound666my best guess08:38
Thehound666besides firefox updates alot lately08:38
Thehound666faster than Kubuntu08:39
intelikeyKamesh cause ff is not part of kubuntu  it's part of ubuntu08:39
JucatoKamesh: because the Kubuntu devs wanted a full/primary KDE experience08:39
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Thehound666well I was half right08:40
Jucatothey're going to replace OO.o with KOffice soon also08:40
Thehound666with because some people may not want them08:40
adamwestwell ill go away now.. thanks for all the help guys :) intelikey, jucato.08:40
=== J4t [n=jonatan@c213-100-27-45.swipnet.se] has joined #kubuntu
Thehound666is KOffice any good?08:40
intelikeyadamwest go away now.08:40
Thehound666was starting to like OO08:40
JucatoThehound666: firefox updates a lot, but the updates don't go into ubuntu as fast as users want...08:40
KameshThanks a lot for all your comments.08:40
JucatoThehound666: lighter than OO.o definitely08:40
adamwestbye now08:41
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karlis there an alternative to using wireless assistant?08:41
karlto connect to my wireless network?08:41
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mcrandellokarl: several, wifi-radar, kwifimanager swscanner (I think) and good old fashioned sudo iwconfig ath0 essid FOO &&  sudo dhclient08:43
karlthanks, i JUST managed to get connected, after trying differnt settings for about 20 mins...08:44
=== pawelp [n=pawelp@ip-83-142-201-10.profiline.pl] has joined #kubuntu
KameshJucato: but I believe the default browser for Kubuntu is konqueror which cannot even render gmail properly and may other websites. Or is it the problem of the gmail :-)08:45
Jucatoit's basically Google's08:45
mcrandellowait what's not working with gmail?08:45
Jucatobut you can use Gmail in Konqueror08:45
intelikeyKamesh gmail is not propper08:45
intelikeythat's not a konq error.   that's bad html08:46
=== indra [n=indra@telmat-75.ee.itb.ac.id] has joined #kubuntu
JucatoKamesh: set your browser identification to Firefox for google.com08:47
mcrandellono seriously I don't see anything wrong with gmail at all ?:(08:47
indrahello there08:47
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KameshJucato: is it. I checked on the latest release of kubuntu about a month back and I guess it did not work then08:47
morticihow do i get firefox to notice kmail as default e-mail app?08:47
KameshMay be I am wrong. I will check it once again08:47
JucatoKamesh: trust me. I've been doing that since Dapper08:48
indrai have a problem with konqueror08:48
indrai can't access any website08:48
KameshThanks Jucato. I will check it out08:48
indraanyone know?08:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about networking - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:49
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:49
intelikeynothing useful there08:49
=== intelikey does food
indrado you have more useful idea, intelikey08:49
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Skrot-indra: Do you get a error message in konqueror?08:50
Kameshindra: You you have internet connection :-). Did you check in firefox ?08:51
indrayea....for example:08:51
indraAn error occurred while loading http://www.google.com:08:51
indraTimeout on server08:51
indra Connection was to www.google.com at port 8008:51
indrai think the problem with proxy08:52
Skrot-indra: Try
Thehound6661 more concern. Does Kubuntu support a usb DVD-RW drive?08:52
Skrot-Thehound666: It uesed to work with my Firewire DVD-RW, so I guess it supports USB as well :>08:53
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Skrot-indra: Its google.com's IP. If you can access that but not google.com its probably DNS problems08:53
=== Thehound666 has an isp with sucky DNS thus relies on an alternate DNS.
dwidmannGah, this is really frustrating :(08:54
indrasame error message08:54
indraAn error occurred while loading
indraTimeout on server08:54
indra Connection was to at port 8008:54
Skrot-indra: Try "ping" in konsole08:54
indraok..please wait08:55
indra--- ping statistics ---08:56
indra73 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 71988ms08:56
jordo23Jucato: Hey Jucato!08:56
Jucatohi jordo2308:56
Skrot-indra: is it the same computer you're using konversation on?08:56
indrathat's it08:57
notechindra: what about other sites?08:57
=== KennethP_ [n=kpo@x1-6-00-0f-b5-65-5a-c3.k324.webspeed.dk] has joined #kubuntu
indraother site...same error message...08:59
indraoh bad..08:59
Skrot-Does it work in firefox?08:59
indrai don't have firefox installer09:00
indrai can't download it09:00
Skrot-indra: sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox doesn't work?09:00
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indraReading package lists... Done09:01
indraBuilding dependency tree... Done09:01
indraPackage mozilla-firefox is not available, but is referred to by another package.09:01
indraThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or09:01
indrais only available from another source09:01
indraE: Package mozilla-firefox has no installation candidate09:01
indrai think it is on the cd?09:01
cypreneAnybody in here know anything about unix system calls, or is that a little too obscure?09:02
indrabut the cd had been borrowed by my friend09:02
intelikeyubuntu cd yes kubuntu cd no09:02
=== mortici [n=mortici@c-67-176-154-118.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #Kubuntu
intelikeycyprene  C  ?      C++ ?09:03
indrano ubuntu cd here....sorry09:03
notechindra: can you ping
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cypreneI understand that this may be well outside of the support that this channel offers, but since I had it open I figured I may as well ask, lol09:04
intelikey /j ##C09:04
indraskrot..i will try it...do u know how to disable the automatic add 'http://' in konqueror?09:04
cypreneAah, ok09:04
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cypreneThanks. :)09:06
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tanlaanhey everyone09:07
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ForgeAusheeh thats what horses eat! :)09:08
tanlaanive been having a problem with my wifi card on my laptop, apparently it doesnt like the wifi channels 6 and 11. Does anyone know any possible reason why this may occur? *yes my card works on other channels*09:08
=== maddy [n=maddy@AMontpellier-256-1-22-96.w90-27.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
indrastill waiting for ping...09:08
ForgeAustanlaan I'm not sure but I had a similar problem09:09
escindra: are you trying to install firefox?09:09
ForgeAusI had a laptop that wouldn't find my wireless router on its default channel but when I changed it voila.. it just magically appeared!09:09
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:09
escsudo apt-get install firefox09:09
notechthat's instresting, that was freenode's ip address09:09
tanlaanoo btw, im using a wifi card with bcm43xx firmware *not very lucky in the case of linux*09:09
ForgeAusare you sure freenode only has one?09:10
indraesc--no...i am trying pinging
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tanlaanso i guess im actually lucky that it works at all :D09:10
mervteckhey guys09:10
notechesc: indra has no connection issues and no cd with him09:10
ForgeAuswouldn't swiftfox be better t han firefox/09:10
mervteckoi why am i so damn noob to linux >.<09:10
tanlaanmervteck: cause everyone has to be a noob at some point?09:11
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mervtecktrue, just wish i could get win installed but i dunno how >.<09:11
indrathat's it notech..but i am using the same computer with this konversation09:11
escwell, swiftfox is not quite opensource09:11
intelikeyor they will be a noob at every point09:11
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ForgeAusthe trick is to den00bify yourself I guess :)09:11
tanlaanhaha] 09:11
ForgeAusesc its not the source I'm interested in :) (kidding)09:12
notechesc: to catch you up, is here with konversation but can ping no addresses by ip and no konquorer working it errors with timeout09:12
mervtecklols well the person teaching me more about linux crashed for the nite so im all noob right now trying to install wine and its failing horribly09:12
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tanlaanyea that might not be a great thing to try and do by yourself then :P09:12
intelikeysudo apt-get install wine09:12
mervteckXD yeah that and i need to install my nvidia drivers but lucky for me i know how to do those =D09:12
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.09:13
escsudo apt-get install wine09:13
escyeah..what intelikely said09:13
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mervteckwewts i love u guys ^^09:13
indrano output but still pinging...09:13
mervteckBuilding dependency tree09:13
mervteckReading state information... Done09:13
mervteckPackage wine is not available, but is referred to by another package.09:13
mervteckThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or09:13
mervteckis only available from another source09:13
mervteckE: Package wine has no installation candidate09:13
notechindra: you can cancel the ping09:13
intelikey!info wine09:14
mervteckthats what i got putting that in to konsole09:14
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ubotuwine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.22-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 9001 kB, installed size 42452 kB09:14
intelikeyin universe.09:14
indranewbie in linux09:14
intelikeyenable the universe repo09:14
notechindra: ctrl+c will work09:14
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu09:14
indraReading package lists... Done09:14
indraBuilding dependency tree... Done09:14
indraPackage mozilla-firefox is not available, but is referred to by another package.09:14
indraThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or09:14
indrais only available from another source09:14
indraE: Package mozilla-firefox has no installation candidate09:14
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mervteckanyone got any other ideas on how to get it installed cuz... well it failed XD09:14
intelikey!paste | indra09:14
ubotuindra: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:14
indraReading package lists... Done09:14
indraBuilding dependency tree... Done09:14
indraPackage mozilla-firefox is not available, but is referred to by another package.09:14
indraThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or09:14
indrais only available from another source09:14
indraE: Package mozilla-firefox has no installation candidate09:14
indra--- ping statistics ---09:14
indra592 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 590912ms09:14
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tanlaanomg indra09:15
tanlaanindra: use www.pastebin.ca09:15
esc"mozilla-firefox" is not the name of the package09:15
escit's just firefox09:15
tanlaanindra: :D09:15
intelikeydon't be sorry,  just don't do it again.09:15
indractrl+v didn't work09:15
tanlaanindra: that paste in just kinda scared me haha09:15
indrai forget this is not windows09:15
danei nkow09:16
notechthat's bizarre being connected to freenode but timeout on pinging freenode09:16
danei'm lost without familiarity09:16
daneit's nice09:16
danea change in history, almost09:16
mervteckgrrs i need my wineeeee ( i swear im not drunk )09:16
danesec let me goto the repository09:16
danestill got me?09:16
tanlaanmervteck: why do you need it so bad?09:16
intelikeywiney ?09:17
daneme not wine09:17
mervtecktanlaan: im gonna run CS ^^09:17
indranot work with name 'firefox'09:17
tanlaanmervteck: lol09:17
mervteckalso wann try running bf214209:17
daneok so here's the problem09:18
tanlaanmervteck: have any idea what the minimum specs for use of CS on linux through wine is? *just curious*09:18
intelikeydid you enable the repos  "universe" ?09:18
danei'm running on x64 bit architechture09:18
danethe os is 64 bit09:18
danehardly any software, including wine (i think, last I checked) doesn't work09:18
intelikey!repos > mervteck09:18
indraesc--how are u..? hehe...09:18
danenothing is simply written for it yet09:18
mervteckfrom what ive heard pretty high but im running an amd athlon fx 5000 dual core and 6 gb of ram so i figure im ok ^^09:18
daneso lets try some repos09:19
escindra: im ok. whats up09:19
mervteckso i figure ive got the power to run it XD09:19
tanlaanmervteck: . . . why so much horse power for such a small car? :P09:19
mervteckXD usually on windows but wanna switch to linux09:19
indrahow about my konqueror? hehe09:20
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tanlaanmervteck: ahh09:20
tanlaanmervteck: lol, still i cant think of any linux app that would have you pushing anywhere near the limit of your specs :P09:20
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daneheard some whistling09:20
intelikeygimp ?09:21
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Skrot-mervteck: 6GB!?09:21
indesc---skrot---how about my konqueror? hehe09:21
intelikeyi think gimp could load 6g09:21
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Skrot-ind: I don't think konqueror is the problem..09:21
Skrot-ind: Seeing how you cannot ping google.com09:22
mervteckyeah lol 6gb of ram ftw i have another 2 i could put in but thats in my server tower atm XD09:22
mervteckoh and its all ddr3 =)09:22
Jucatoind: you can connect to IRC, but can't browse?09:22
escsounds like a DNS problem, no?09:22
indyea..maybe...i think because of proxy09:22
Jucatosounds like a DNS problem09:22
indyes jucato09:22
Skrot-agreed, but he cannot access google by ip either09:22
notechcan't ping by ip either09:22
Jucatotry changing your nameserver09:23
Jucatoin /etc/resolv.conf09:23
notechind: can you ping your own router?09:23
intelikeysounds more like ipv6 over router that doesn't support it maybe09:23
escyeah, I'd guess the problem lays in resolv.conf09:23
tanlaanhmm, *off topic* what do you think the smallest amount of sleep you could get each night, and still be functional and able to learn new things? lol09:23
JaydeInfluxI NEED MUSIC09:24
=== esc is listening to Get Carter by Stereolab on Aluminum Tunes [Amarok]
JaydeInfluxthis silence is killing me09:24
intelikeytanlaan 12 hours09:24
Skrot-tanlaan: You should get 8 hours of sleep each night. ;)09:24
Skrot-12 hours for children09:24
escim fine on 5 hours09:24
JaydeInfluxwhat about me?09:24
intelikeysecond childhood    meh09:24
escim 27 tho09:24
JaydeInfluxshould I worry about this?09:24
JaydeInfluxor just chill09:24
JucatoJaydeInflux: what seems to be the problem?09:24
=== tanlaan points to the *smallest*
JaydeInfluxi'm not tired09:24
indi am on a campus..i don't know the ip09:25
notechtanlaan: depends on the duration. 2 or 3 for a few nights i can do09:25
tanlaanhmm well i think i should get to bed so i can wake up early09:25
tanlaanand only be on 4 hours of sleep09:25
esccoffee is good, by the way09:25
Skrot-ind: Wlan or ethernet?09:25
mervteckyes coffiee is my friend09:25
escI am a coffee fiend09:25
Skrot-Wlan is more likely to screw you over :P09:25
tanlaanthats what im gonna make when i wake up09:25
mervteckive got around... 10 cups in me or so09:25
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escwhoa...10 cups?09:26
mervteckyeah over 2 days strate and im still goin09:26
tanlaanoo ive got something nice for all of you :D09:26
escim about 3 a day09:26
intelikeymervteck is it still early for you ?09:26
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esc2 in the morning one in the late afternoon09:26
mervteckoh yeah.. its 12 atm but it feals like 6am09:26
intelikeyecs i don't do java  but me ole man used to drink about 3 pots of coffee a day09:27
tanlaanyou all should love that :D09:28
intelikeysome times four or five.  but three was avarage09:28
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escsounds like my kind of man09:28
escwhy arent you into coffee?09:28
indesc---so, what must be fixed in resolv.conf?09:28
escits an aquired taste, for sure09:28
esclike beer09:28
Skrot-tanlaan: lol. Somebody uploaded hackers to youtube in 11 pieces?!09:28
intelikeyyuch again09:29
escah beer is so good09:29
tanlaanSkrot: yup lol09:29
tanlaanSkrot- i thought all of you would like it :D09:29
intelikeyi used to drink a little but not beer,  never liked it.09:29
tanlaanim off to bed soon09:29
Skrot-who the hell wants to watch an entire movie on youtube in crappy flash quality?09:29
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escpeople who dont know about torrents09:29
Skrot-If you want to watch hackers you probably know about torrents :p09:30
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ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu09:30
eschack the gibson09:30
intelikeyhackers ?09:30
Skrot-I love movie OSes09:30
tanlaanhack the planet!09:30
tanlaanSkrot-: omg i want one!09:30
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tanlaanbtw if you want to know what they look like, check out...i believe part 1009:31
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tanlaanmaybe part 909:31
intelikeywhat's hackers ?09:31
Skrot-I love the gibson firewall09:31
tanlaanbah i need sleep, night all09:31
tanlaanintelikey: its a movie09:31
Skrot-intelikey: A movie about hacking (fiction)09:31
premier_Linux just crashed for me...  I needed to reboot09:31
Skrot-Or rather cracking09:31
intelikey<premier_> Linux just crashed for me...  I needed to reboot <<<<  ?09:32
indesc-skrot--I have no problem with ie in windows....but problem in konqueror...09:32
Skrot-ind: Im out of ideas :(09:32
premier_I was transfering a big (1.4gig) movie file to an exteranal hard drive, and I right clicked on the icon for my external hard drive, and everything stopped, even the music09:32
intelikeypremier_ what will a reboot help ?09:32
premier_I could still move the mouse, but nothing responded09:33
premier_I dont know, what should I do in the future if that happens?09:33
intelikeykill what's hanging it ?09:33
indok..thanx for all09:33
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premier_ctrl+alt backspace didnt respond09:34
intelikeyalt+SysRQ+E   ?09:35
Skrot-what does that one do?09:35
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intelikeyemergancy killall509:35
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intelikeywell maybe not exactly killall5 but close09:36
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intelikeypremier muct have gotten something out of that one.09:37
intelikeymust even09:37
mervteckcan anyone help me in pm getting wine?09:38
mervtecksudo apt-get install wine didnt work09:38
Skrot-What was the error?09:38
intelikeymervteck i told you enable the universe repo09:38
mervteckoh u did? well how i do that lol09:39
intelikeymervteck if you don't know how and reading the link that !repos spit at you just say that.09:39
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu09:39
=== dwidmann reboots
mervteckoi i did that already iut didnt work =\09:39
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mervteckoi wate09:40
mervtecki missed a vital step >.<09:40
intelikeymervteck did you "apply" the changes    or sudo apt-get update    after you made the changes ?09:40
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mervtecki applied the changes09:41
premier_it just did it again.  Looks like a super corrupt movie file09:41
mervteckhttp://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt this is what winehq told me to add09:41
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premier_yeah, what was alt+sysR09:42
intelikeymervteck yeah.  but that's not what i mentioned.    use the one you want to use.09:42
premier_alt+sysRQ+E supposed to do?09:42
intelikeypremier_ killall509:42
premier_intelikey: what is that?09:43
ForgeAushow do I get Xnest (or xserver-xephyr) working with kubuntu?09:43
ForgeAusit tries to load another active display while one is running09:43
ForgeAuswait no I think I said that wrong09:43
ForgeAustries to load another active xserver while theres already one active09:44
ForgeAus(for display 0)09:44
dwidmanndf /media/storage: /dev/mapper/storage-media - used: 528 / 634257408 - hooray for lvm09:44
intelikeypremier_  should set the machine back to the bare kernel+init  and you can login and do   init 3          if it works correctly....09:44
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intelikeysudo init 309:45
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indesc--when i tried to type the proxy without http:// , it will be added automatically by konqueror...do u know how to disable it?09:45
premier_well, maybe that explains it, because my console windows dont work because I have a faulty graphics driver (ati blah blah blah) so I kept on getting "colorful" screens09:45
intelikeypremier_ you can fix that with vga= on the boot line09:46
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premier_vga= what?09:47
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premier_or just that?09:47
intelikeyadd  'vga=0x0f05 quiet silent'       and remove  'splash'09:47
intelikeyor vga=ask09:48
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intelikeyor vga=normal09:48
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intelikeyany of the three09:48
premier_will that change my "kubuntu" logo on bootup?09:48
intelikeyup to the point that xorg starts.  yes.09:48
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intelikeyyou loose the splash screen09:49
Skrot-btw, will feisty support splash-images in higher res/more colors etc?09:49
intelikeyplain text startup09:49
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intelikeybut if frame buffering is hosed that's worth nothing.09:49
premier_intelikey: sometimes linux will hang on boot for me. Will this fix it?09:50
intelikeypremier_ probably not.   but it is possable09:50
premier_intelikey: do you know what could be causing that?  Ive had some trouble with acpi09:51
intelikeyyou can delete the 'quiet silent' from the kernel line and it might clue you in as to why its hanging09:51
escI always boot in text09:51
intelikeykey word "might"09:51
escalways good thing to do. not sure why ubuntu wants to hide that from users09:51
intelikeyesc me too09:51
Skrot-esc: Beacause most user don't have a clue about what all that text means09:52
intelikeyesc they want to be a M$'ish as they can i guess09:52
escintelikely: good thing we can change that09:52
intelikeys/ a / as /09:52
dwidmannbecause they are afraid they might scare new users if they let cryptic text scroll by09:52
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premier_> /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.17-10-generic root=/dev/sda3 ro vga=normal noapic nolapic  < is that good?09:53
intelikeydwidmann that's kinda what i said09:53
escvga=771 by the way makes the text more readable...09:53
Skrot-ofcourse.. hiding the text is a good thing, as long as it's possible to get the text back if you need it09:53
dwidmannIndeed, I just rephrased it09:53
intelikeypremier_ looks good to me09:53
dwidmannskrot, it's in one of the /var/logs, I think, I forget which one09:53
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escI dont even have usplash installed09:54
escwhich helps even more09:54
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dwidmannusplash looks horrible in 64-bit kubuntu :(09:54
dwidmannI turn usplash off as an act of mercy on my eyes09:54
premier_dwidmann: How do you like 64-bit otherwise?  Im gonna build my own computer this summer09:55
escdo you guys use kdm?09:55
Skrot-I do09:55
dwidmannI like it fine09:55
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intelikeyesc !i09:55
dwidmannesc: yes09:55
intelikeyesc imo kdm is evil09:56
Skrot-Don't like the default kubuntu edgy KDM theme though09:56
escno kdm for me09:56
escjust straight into console + startx09:56
premier_whats wrong with kdm?09:56
escim a nerd like that09:56
Skrot-the linux world can be divided into two; those who like eyecandy and those who like mindcandy :P09:56
intelikeyxdm or gdm    but no kdm.09:56
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dwidmannI have a variety of sessions set up ... I need some sort of dm ...09:56
escyeah I like to see all the cool text09:57
Skrot-Doesn't usplash have a key to disable graphical boot and return to text?09:57
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intelikeySkrot- lol   never heard it put that way before09:57
franxhi there folks09:57
escSkrot: no idea09:57
franxsorry to bother everyone, but i have a firefox and kubuntu questions.09:57
escwhats up franx09:57
franxor question as the case is09:58
franxhi esx09:58
=== dwidmann likes eyecandy and mindcandy
dwidmannPlease don't divide me :s09:58
Skrot-It was more of a joke really, I too like them both ;)09:58
intelikeyyou are already devided dwidmann09:58
escso whats up franx09:58
franxi want to click on a .torrent file and it come up with open with azureus. at the moment it doesnt come up with it dispite me associating it in kde09:58
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franxin firefox09:58
escyou probably should associate in firefox as well09:59
franxyes i know09:59
franxi cant figure out a way to do that09:59
franxhas anyone successfully done that and can talk me through it?09:59
franxfirefox 2.0 i think is the standard in edgy09:59
escI dont have firefox installed, tho...so off the top of my head09:59
mervteckgahhh E: Package wine has no installation candidate >.< and ive done everything from that link09:59
escdo you see the option to "ask where to download"?10:00
escuncheck that10:00
escand then download a torrent10:00
escand a prompt should come up10:00
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dwidmannmervteck: easiest way to get it is to just direct download it from wine.budgetdedicated.com10:00
intelikeymervteck do one more thing.    sudo apt-get update       in konsole and see if it errors out10:00
escand then select ktorrent & check "always use"10:00
intelikeydwidmann it's in the universe repo10:00
franxi dont think there is a always use check10:01
escyeah there is10:01
dwidmannintelikey, sure, probably an outdated version though10:01
mervteckW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems10:01
mervteckE: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.10:01
intelikeyyes of course.  maybe a month or more old......10:01
mervtecki guess it did >.<10:01
franxahh ye i see it10:01
franxi still want it to give me the option tho10:02
escI kind of miss firefox...I tried to use konq 100% but its not as functional as firefox...but I do like the speeds of konq10:02
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franxnot auto open azureus10:02
escthen dont check it10:02
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dwidmannwine.budgetdedicated.com = practically hot off the keyboard10:02
Jucatonot as functional?10:02
intelikeymervteck there's your error.   it's in the /etc/apt/sources.list  file10:02
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escJucato: yeah there's a couple odd things I like to do that konq just cant do10:03
escor at least as far as I know10:03
mervteckso what would i change in the sources.list file or should i not touch it >.<10:03
Jucatoesc: example?10:03
vinboy_how do I check if any package is depending on <abc package> before I remove it?10:03
dennishallo! ich mchte aus einem cronjob heraus ein php skript aufrufen, finde aber nirgendwo die bin von php. habe jetzt auch php5-cgi installiert, wenn ich das aufrufe kann ich keine mysql funktionen nutzen. kann mir da jemand helfen?10:03
intelikeyesc does   #bash    or   !bash  work in ff ?10:03
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de10:03
intelikeyor trash:/10:03
Skrot-Screw Sonnet, they could just use me10:04
intelikeyor media:/  for that matter10:04
Jucatovinboy_: you will be asked when you try to remove something that others depend on10:04
escJucato: forge referral info, home button takes you to files rather than homepage, cant move the close tab button or move the open new tab button elsewhere10:05
esclots of things like that10:05
franxahh cool thanks esc10:05
franx=] 10:05
intelikeyvinboy_ sudo apt-get remove <abc>   if nothing is depending on it it should remove else it should list the deps and ask for permission to remove them all10:05
Jucatoesc: ah, you're right then :)10:05
dwidmannesc: for all things konq can't do, there's always window -> show terminal emulator10:05
franxberyl == krad10:05
escyeah, im trying to get used to konq...10:05
mervteckguys whats an X server? cuz im trying to install my nvidia drivers10:05
vinboy_ok thanks intelikey10:05
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escI might just go back to firefox...10:06
franxesc what do you use?10:06
escbut firefox is so slow loading10:06
franxberyl also10:06
franxcos its krad10:06
max__hi guys10:06
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Skrot-beryl = crap, wait for kde 4 :P10:06
dwidmannhi max__10:06
franxplus its got the name that you associate with mingin chix10:06
JucatoSkrot-: you mean krap, don't you? :P10:06
Skrot-sure, krap :p10:07
max__happy to use kubuntu...i left windows...and mac os10:07
escanyone know a way to preload firefox like konq is preloaded?10:07
dwidmannnay, beryl isn't worthy of the k :P10:07
dennishi! i installed php5 but cannot find a php5 or php binary for use in a cron job. then i installed php5-cgi but there i cannot use mysql functions. can anyone help me plz?10:07
franxit runs a bit slow on this 1.4/64geforce2 tho10:07
intelikeyesc can put the close tab button on each tab   set your home page to file://home/username   and what else did you say ???10:07
mervteckare there reskins of kde i can dl and install like there are custom themes for XP?10:07
franxmervteck: beryl10:07
mervteckhey franx whats an X server?10:08
dwidmannmervteck: http://www.kde-look.org10:08
max__i use a 56k, ho could i download the italian package for kubunut10:08
franxi really want to stream tv so i can watch it at work10:08
escintelikely: I mean, I want the home page to open up a webpage in konq-browser and then home button to open up /home/esc in konq-file10:08
mervteckoo ty dwidmann10:08
Skrot-esc: Konq has some issues with the whole split personality indeed10:08
mervtecklol is there an XP look for KDE? XD10:09
escI hope not10:09
mervtecki wanna fuck with my dad when he trys to get on my computer next time lol10:09
Skrot-Ofcourse there is ;)10:09
dwidmannesc: well, with the konqueror button you're launching it with, assuming that's how you're launching it, you could put the url in the launcher ...... starting it like say konqueror http://www.google.com10:09
intelikeymax__ sudo apt-get install language-pack-kde-it10:09
max__ok thank you!10:09
dwidmannmervteck: there is10:09
intelikeyesc you can set the home page to anything you want10:10
mervteckah hahahaha  2nd highest dl is XP theme for kde3 XD10:10
franxta esc10:10
escdwidmann: yeah I have that set. I mean the home button on konq itself10:10
franxgood luck kubutors10:10
mervteckis kubuntu running kde3?10:10
mervteckerr 3.210:11
dwidmannthe only place you can really set the home button for konq itself is in konqueror -> settings -> configure konqueror ... right there in the middle of the page ...10:11
mervteckor higher10:11
intelikey3.4 on dapper i think  3.5 on edgy10:11
dwidmannOf course, the problem with that esc is that it affects file browsing as well10:11
mervteckhttp://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=1499 take a look guy its pretty bad >.<10:11
dwidmann3.5.5 on edgy ... and it shouldn't be long til 3.5.6 is released10:11
escI want to have my cake and eat it too10:11
max__hey,  the terminal says that has changed the olds packeges (in english) with the italian but i can't see the difference, should i reboot?10:11
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intelikeythe different profiles can use different home pages         no ?10:12
dwidmannmervteck: I'm surprised it's at a 66% rating10:12
=== intelikey installs konq to be sure
intelikeymax log out and back in10:13
max__ah ok10:13
escintelikey: as far as I can tell you can only have one true home page.10:13
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mervteckanyone know of a good black with orange font skin for kde?10:14
escfont skin?10:14
mervteckerr a skin for kde thats got orange font and blackish everything else lol10:15
intelikeymervteck use kcontrol and set the colours the way you like10:15
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escyeah just do it yourself10:15
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intelikeyroll your own    i always did.10:15
max__is in italian!!!!10:15
max__thank you!10:15
intelikeyyou're welcome10:15
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intelikeymax__ you can say hello to jucato in italian now   lol :)10:16
max__como estas?10:17
=== gurumeditation [n=kubuntu@p54B127AA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
elyonHello, everyone.10:17
Jucatono hablo espaol :P10:17
escwhats up elyon10:17
elyonI'm about to reinstall Kubuntu but I have a couple of questions.  I have a separate partition for my /home partition.  I would like to keep that as is but I'm curious... will all my program settings (for Firefox, etc) be maintained?  Or will installing the applications again overwrite the information?10:18
escthat's all in /home10:19
dwidmannelyon, yes, they'll be maintained10:19
elyonBasically, I don't know what to expect as far as reusing that partition.10:19
escshould be at least10:19
=== intelikey refuses to answer "elyon" on basic principal of name....
elyonintelikey: Huh? lol10:19
cypreneWhat's wrong with Elyon?10:19
=== dwidmann doesn't get it
=== esc is listening to Quiet by Smashing Pumpkins on Siamese Dream [Amarok]
=== elyon doesn't get it either.
max__ah, how could i download a mp3 codec?10:19
intelikeyok so you are saying that in a different language... that's ok then10:20
max__sorry..but with kubuntu i'm noob10:20
dwidmann!mpe | max__10:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mpe - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about codec - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:20
dwidmann!mp3 | max__10:20
ubotumax__: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:20
elyondwidmann: So when I reinstall Kubuntu, I should only have to setup new users and point them to the current /home directories, right?  Everything else should remain the same?10:20
dwidmannelyon, right10:20
dwidmannsystem setting files (anything in /etc) will be lost though'10:21
max__bye and thank you10:21
escso when you reinstall around a /home, all you do is basically dont touch that one partition but erase/reformat the others?10:21
intelikeyoh you may not be registered...    dis reguard.10:21
dwidmannesc, yup10:21
elyonesc: Exactly what I was about to ask :)10:21
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escbut reinstalling is the fun part10:22
mervteckahh mutch better nice and grey XD10:22
elyonesc: Is it tough to tell the installer NOT to touch that partition but to use it as the /home mount?10:22
intelikeyi used to say.   "i reload twice a week whether i need too or not."   :)10:22
escnever done it before10:22
=== Seeker` [n=cjo20@ip-62-105-182-26.dsl.twang.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
dwidmannelyon, well, there are many reasons why I don't trust the live installer. Be very careful.10:23
elyonintelikey: I'm hoping this will be the last time I'll have to.10:23
mervteckso anyone know why when i install my video drivers from nvidia it says there is an X server running and i need to close it. anyone know what it is XD10:23
dwidmannOr just use the alternate disk10:23
escalt disk is good10:23
intelikeyi don't think i've installed in about 8/10 months now.10:23
intelikeymaybe longer.10:24
escI enjoy reinstalling each ubuntu release10:24
elyondwidmann: Where do I get the alternate disc?  And I wouldn't have to compile or anything with that, would I?  Installs just like the Live?10:24
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dwidmannelyon, it works just like the live, except it's a text mode installer. You can get it from www.kubuntu.org10:24
mervteckanyone else use konversation?10:24
esckonversation rules10:24
intelikeyinstall with ether the gui or in text mode10:24
dwidmannkonversation is nice10:24
mervteckyup yup!10:24
intelikeyelyon ^10:24
elyonhmm... text mode.  How advanced? lol10:25
mervtecksmooth cleen and low resorces10:25
escit's pretty easy...just ugly10:25
elyonmervteck: Konversation kicks X-Chat's butt.10:25
escsame as the livecd install...just fugly10:25
intelikeyerrr dvd that is.    the alternate is just text mode.10:25
mervtecki hear that elyon!10:25
elyonesc: Then we'll have something in common... I can handle that ;)10:25
dwidmannesc, it used all of its points in the reliability category instead of charisma, apparently10:26
intelikeyesc no not "<esc> same as the livecd install...just fugly"   more flexable.10:26
escthats true10:26
mervtecklol im running konversation, kopete running 4 messenger services 8 browsers and 2 games and its only using 10 percent of my proc XD10:26
elyondwidmann: I've been looking on kubuntu.org, but I can't find the link for alternate cd.10:26
escI take that back...if you want to do a console install, its great...livecd cannot do that10:26
escwhich I highly recommend by the way10:26
mervteckanyone ever used DSL10:27
intelikeywell said10:27
escconsole install ~~> kde-core10:27
intelikeymervteck yeah10:27
mervteckdid u like it10:27
intelikeyesc kde-base10:27
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esckde-base is just without arts right?10:27
elyonesc: I originally installed Ubuntu and then installed kubuntu-desktop.  THEN was told I shouldn't have lol.  So I'm just going to do a fresh Kubuntu install.10:27
intelikeymervteck for what it is.  it's minimalest.   i like minimalest...10:28
dwidmannone sec elyon, while I grab t hat link10:28
elyondwidmann: They have one for Edgy, right?10:28
dwidmannI find console install + kde-core to be light enough10:28
escelyon: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde10:28
dwidmannelyon, yes, they do10:28
intelikeymervteck it will install on a 50m partition  with full xorg.10:28
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mervteckXD yeah ive got one of there mini systems XD10:29
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premier_could you guys point me to information that would tell me about linux hardware compatibility?10:29
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport10:29
dwidmannI picked a random mirror elyon, but here's the list of files10:29
mervteckok i got my wine file guys how do i install it through console?10:29
elyondwidmann: I'm in the US ;)10:29
mervteckkonsole *10:29
elyondwidmann: Where is the list of mirrors?10:29
intelikeymervteck but i can install a linux system that i can deal with on a 5m partition cli only   :)        so go figure.10:29
escmervteck: what wine files?10:30
elyondwidmann: OHHH, I see it now... under OTHER installation methods.10:30
mervteckintelikey: aww show off XD10:30
elyonSorry for wasting your time... but thank you :)10:30
mervteckesc: lol i type like shit lol sorry its all the files to install wine10:30
intelikeyelyon it's never a waste of time.10:30
dwidmannno time has been wasted10:30
escelyon: get alt .iso not the server .iso...I made that mistake once10:31
dwidmannat least none that wasn't going to get wasted to begin with ;)10:31
escmervteck: ..and what files are those? why not just install via repos10:31
intelikeyand sorry for the "name" thang.   i just read it with a hebrew slant.10:31
mervteckcuz i tried repos it didnt work so i jsut dled it10:31
elyonNow, when I boot up the alt CD, does the installation start automatically?10:31
mervteckwine_0.9.29~winehq0~ubuntu~6.10-1_i386.deb is the exact name10:32
elyonI haven't done a text-based installation since DOS 6 ;)10:32
dwidmannelyon, it'll look about the same as if you had booted up the live cd, just select install and you'll be good to go10:32
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escmervteck: sudo dpkg -i <package.deb>10:32
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elyondwidmann: Excellent... thank you.10:32
premier_the information on the compatibility list tends to pertain to dapper or earlier...  If I plan to use edgy, is that a problem?10:32
dwidmannand it's text mode, not just text ... like an ncurses interface, or whatever those things are called10:32
mervtecksudo dpkg -i <package.deb>10:32
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mervteck1 sec10:32
mervteckbash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'10:32
intelikeyelyon kubuntu 6.6 is the first gui based install i've done sense about that long.   and i hate it.      hate it with a purple passion.10:33
dwidmannintelikey, then you would have a heart attack if you saw my current theme. You can't get much more purply than this.10:33
elyonintelikey: I'm a nerd, but sometimes I just want to get the job done quickly ;)10:33
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intelikeywouldn't advise my worst enemy to use the ubuntu live cd to install.....10:34
mervteckanyone wanna help me install wine with remote desktop? XD10:34
dwidmannintelikey: I would10:34
menaI installed Azurues and when i open it it closed after loadin10:34
intelikeywell maybe my worst.....10:34
menaAny onw now why10:34
escmervteck: did you do dpkg?10:34
mervteckdunno what it is so ide say no10:35
elyonintelikey: So what is the difference?10:35
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escmervteck: put the .deb into your home folder10:35
escand then open a terminal10:35
mervteckk 1 sec10:35
escand type without quotes "sudo dpkg -i wine_0.9.29~winehq0~ubuntu~6.10-1_i386.deb"10:36
intelikeyelyon well i can actually get the text installer to work  but if you don't just click yes to everything and let it do what ever it wants   i can't get the gui installer to do anything but piss me off.10:36
dwidmannelyon: the main difference is reliability. The alternate disk has it, the live disk doesn't10:36
escI didnt realize the livecd was so buggy10:37
denniscan anyone tell me why i cannot use the mysql functions in php command line (i installed php5-cli and php5-mysql)?10:37
escnever used it to install10:37
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)10:37
dwidmannesc: the live cd is new, as of about a year and a half ago, or something like that. Very buggy. I tested the feisty herd 2 live cd today, guess what, it crashed.10:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about azurues - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:38
escyeah I remember when all that started development...espresso?10:38
escor something10:38
intelikeythe live cd installer came out with dapper10:38
elyondwidmann: I definitely like the idea of a Live CD for distros, though...10:38
intelikeyi think10:38
elyondwidmann: It's prevented me from installing a few stinkers :)10:38
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intelikeyi have nothing particular against the live cd     it's the gui installer that me hates10:39
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dwidmannubiquity-frontend-kde = buggy, crashy, unreliable10:39
mervteckesc check ur pm10:39
escmervteck: yeah I got it...cant respond...im not registered10:40
escyes..put it in your home10:40
mervteckso /home/username, put it in there?10:40
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mervteckk i did that then put in the command u said to and it failed10:40
escwhat was the error10:40
mervtecki think its cuz im still in desktop10:41
mervteckcuz earlier i put in cd desktop for another install10:41
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max__ehm.. how could i dowload the italian package for openoffice? with apt-get?10:43
Skrot-max_: Probably apt-get install openoffice.org-l10n-it10:44
mervteckesc why dont u register?10:44
max__ah ok..thank you10:44
escdoing it now10:45
=== esc is listening to (That's When I Reach For My) Revolver by Mission of Burma on A Gun To The Head (A Selection From The Ace Of Hearts Era) [Amarok]
intelikeyl10n ?    not  i18n ?10:45
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intelikeymax__ let me give you a quick search string for things like that.     apt-cache search italian | grep <filter string here>        filter could be    openoffice   kde    gnome    or anything else.10:48
intelikeymakes it easier for you, any you don't have to keep asking.10:49
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mervteckOI! i finally get the package to install and its an i386 and im running 64x! >.<10:49
mervteckmutany i tell you!10:49
intelikeymervteck lol why didn't you say so.  there is no wine for k8  afik10:49
max__but to update un download i have to write sudo apt-get install AND the name of application?10:50
intelikeymax__ or use a frontend   like adept  or synaptic10:50
mervteckareu  kidding me intel?? so i have no wine?!10:50
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.10:51
ubotuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box10:51
max__ok..but with adept...i'm using 56k and download a lot of thing that i don't need10:51
mervtecki need to be able to run CS CSS and 2142 X.X thats it10:51
intelikeythat's the only solution i know of. mervteck10:51
mervteckis it like and emulation in an emulation? lol10:52
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max__bye and thank you!!!!!!!10:53
intelikeymax__ don't know about that.   apt will grab dependancies too.    if you don't believe it do   sudo apt-get ubuntu-desktop      and look at the list.    you can say   N   to the question....10:53
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intelikeymervteck it's a 32 bit env running in the 64bit system.10:53
=== rag [n=rag@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyreal not emulated.10:53
intelikeywine = wine is not an emulator10:54
mervteckso which one do i download, cuz i dunno if im running breezy or whatever they are >.<10:54
intelikeylsb_release -a10:54
=== intelikey suspects edgy eft
mervteckwhats is dapper or breezy?10:55
intelikey6.6 and 5.10 respectivly10:56
intelikeyedgy is 6.1010:56
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intelikeythe release numbers are   year.month10:56
mervteckooo thats neat10:57
intelikeysome say  6.06   but the month is still 610:57
mervteckdamn it i need to learn all i can about Linux10:57
intelikeyfeist fon will be  7.4  if it releases on schedual10:57
mervteckwhats feist fon?10:58
intelikey*buntu uses a six month life cycle.10:58
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intelikeywith LTS versions.10:58
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ubotuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.10:58
ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+110:58
mervtecka 6 month life cycle?10:58
pgdownok im all registered. esc is now pgdown. just so you people know10:58
mervteckrgr that!10:59
mervteckwelcome back10:59
pgdownI had to try every keyboard button name10:59
pgdownoddly enough, most were already taken10:59
intelikeynothing odd about that    a lot of people reg. more than one nick    and look at the number of users on freenode.11:00
mervtecki love rightclick> package menu > install its my best friend XD11:00
=== intelikey thinks mervteck should make more friends....
mervtecki have lots of friends i jsut wanna learn linux11:01
mervteckthere fun is getting stoned, mine is learning aobut stuff like this11:02
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pgdownI like to get stoned and learn linux11:02
intelikeyaout stuff11:02
intelikeyoh about stuff.11:02
intelikeywas going to say linux is mostly elf not aout now days.11:02
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mervteckok i installed the debootstrapchroot11:03
=== pgdown is listening to Climbing by Meat Puppets on Meat Puppets II [Amarok]
intelikeyand using a script that is generally frowned upon....11:04
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intelikeythink i will too11:05
intelikeyKernel: Linux 2.6.15-27-386 | Distro: Debian/GNU none | CPU: AMD-K6(tm) 3D processor @ 351 Mhz | Mem usage: 36.5/249.2 MB (15%) | Swap usage: unavailable | Disk usage(/dev/dev): 6.7/10.3 GB (65%) | Uptime: 11 hrs 59 mins 31 secs  |  Local Time: 04:05:55 CST | Connection:  Received: 0.0 KB,  packets Sent: 0.0 KB,  packets | Users: 0 | Load: 0.0011:05
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intelikeyhehhe the network stats may be a little less than accurate....  :)11:06
mervteckanyone know if cadega has 64X support?11:06
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ubotucedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega11:07
pgdownRandom Fortune: Ok, I'm just uploading the new version of the kernel, v1.3.33, also known as "the buggiest kernel ever". -- Linus Torvalds11:07
mervtecki know what it is =P but is it x64 compatable?11:08
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elyonOkay... last question before reinstalling.  What is the KDE partition manager called?11:08
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pgdowncalled the gparted live cd11:09
JaydeInfluxi remembe this11:09
pgdownjust kidding11:09
intelikeypgdown kernel versions are coded  number.odd == unstabel buggy        number.even == stable11:09
elyonpgdown: I'm not using the live cd :)11:09
pgdownqtparted is one...but I think it's not so good11:09
elyonpgdown: What do YOU use?11:10
pgdowngparted live cd11:10
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ubotuparted: The GNU Parted disk partition resizing program. In component main, is standard. Version 1.7.1-2.1ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 53 kB, installed size 156 kB11:10
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intelikeyparted is on the alternate install cd  iirc11:11
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JaydeInfluxi guess my linux partition is fully updated//secure11:11
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intelikey Mem usage: 36.5/249.2 MB (15%)11:12
intelikeynot bad for having konqueror running11:12
pgdownhow'd you get that stat11:13
intelikeyit's a script.11:13
intelikeyi typed /sis -m    but you don't have it.11:13
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pgdownwell damn11:13
pgdownok I gotta sleep11:14
pgdownlater everyone11:14
=== pgdown is away: Gone away for now.
intelikeyyou can write one  just  cut the output of free -m11:15
mervteckanyone know of other emulation programs like wine and cadega thats got X64 support?11:16
Jucato!away | pgdown11:16
ubotupgdown: Please don't use public away messages or change your nick to 'someone|away'.  We know you're away when you don't respond to messages. Also see !guidelines11:16
Jucato!away > pgdown11:16
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intelikeylet me see                                                                  echo "Mem usage: `free -m | grep -e "-/+" | cut -d' ' -f7-13 | tr -d ' '`/`free -m | grep -e "-/+" | cut -d' ' -f14- | tr -d ' '` MB"                                                   and a little awk or bc math to enhance it.11:21
ForgeAuswhat repository is seamonkey in?11:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seamonkey - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:22
intelikeydoesn't seem to be.11:22
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dwidmann!guidelines > dwidmann11:23
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intelikey!guidelines | dwidmann11:23
ubotudwidmann: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines11:23
dwidmannhmmm, > = to self in a pm, very nice :)11:24
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dwidmannor, to > target rather11:24
intelikeyactually yeah that.11:24
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intelikey /msg ubotu blan     == to self in pm11:24
intelikeyme wonders if < works....11:25
intelikey!botsnack < ubotu11:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about botsnack < ubotu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:26
intelikey!< help11:26
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:26
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=== intelikey wonders what max is mad about....
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mervteckcan anyone tell me hwo to get my audio devices to work right? i have no sound with kaffeine11:30
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems and http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin11:30
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intelikeywb Jucato11:31
dwidmannmervtec, do you have sound with everything else?11:31
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mervteckno i have no sound at all11:32
_daneme either11:32
_danei need to get music going11:32
mervteckive got a usb headset plugged in as well as an sb live sound card installed11:32
_danei lost my admin password11:32
Jucatothanks intelikey11:33
intelikey!sound | _dane11:33
ubotu_dane: If you're having problems with sound, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems and http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin11:33
_danewell not sound.. i got that11:33
_danei need to access my ntfs partitions11:33
_danebut the /etc/conf file is locked11:33
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions. For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse11:33
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse11:33
_danemeh don't need to fuse11:33
ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)11:33
_danejust ro is fine11:33
intelikeyyou can do that by simply mounting it11:34
_danedo i use dapper or edgy?11:34
intelikeylsb_release -a11:34
intelikeyin konsole ^11:34
_daneevent not found11:35
_danenope.. hmm11:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sb_release - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:35
intelikeyit's Lsb11:35
mervteckgahh i need my sound11:35
intelikeylsb_release -a11:35
intelikeytype it.11:36
mervteckwhy cant it jsut say my sound card name =\11:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lsb_release - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:36
_danehow do i recover a lost root password in ubuntu11:37
ubotulsb-base: Linux Standard Base 3.1 init script functionality. In component main, is required. Version 3.1-10ubuntu4 (edgy), package size 16 kB, installed size 76 kB11:37
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intelikey_dane what do you mean "lost"  did you ever set a root passwd ?11:37
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intelikey!root | _dane11:38
ubotu_dane: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.11:38
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mervteckeww i cant believe im considering going back to suse >.<11:40
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intelikeythat page will tell you to never set a root passwd.  if you set a good strong one i see nothing wrong with it.   60+ chars with mixed  letters upper and lower case numbers and other chars.  should do it.11:40
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intelikeymervteck wouldn't blame you.  *buntu stinks  imo.11:41
mervteck>.< it has praticaly nothing default configured11:42
mervteckive spent 6 hours now trying to get all this shit configured11:42
mervteckand still dont have sound11:42
=== intelikey would said exactly the oppisite. it tries to do way to much automatic krap....
mervtecki jsut want sound right now and ide be happy till tomorrow11:43
mervteckim in sound system setting but theres nothing here that i can understand to fix11:43
intelikeycat /proc/asound/cards11:43
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intelikeymervteck   cat /proc/asound/cards11:44
mervteckyeah i see the 2 but it wont let me select em then work when i play a video =\11:44
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mervtecklike under select the audio device11:45
mervtecktheres autodetect the a shitload of nothing11:45
mervteckwell theres stuff11:45
mervteckbut i cant undersand any of em =\11:45
intelikeyalsa ?11:45
mervteckyeah its there11:46
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intelikeyselect it11:46
mervtecki did11:46
intelikeykill the sound server and restart it.11:47
intelikeynot sure i recall exactly where.    kmenu > system settings > sound  something.11:48
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menaI had a wrning from the azureus now its telling me i have port open is that bad11:48
=== gourdin [n=adept@bdv75-2-82-66-242-118.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
gourdinhi there11:49
mervteckyeah im in sound system but what under here do i touch11:49
gourdinis kde 3.5.6 out ?11:49
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selecta_ghello all; can anyone offer help setting up the Kontact newsreader?11:49
intelikeymena could be.  depends on what port and what's listening on it.11:49
gourdinselecta_g: ask11:50
intelikeymervteck it says something about   "disable arts"   or  something along that line.11:50
mervteckyays i fixed it !11:50
selecta_gThanks gourdin; i have copied the settings from Thunderbird but Kontact does not see any newsgroups.11:50
menaintelikey it jsut tell me that the port 58443 is open or something like that11:50
gourdinselecta_g: ???11:50
mervteckit didnt wanna go to my soundcard port just wanted to go to the onboard11:50
gourdinyou manually copy settings ?11:51
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selecta_gWell, when I try to subscribe to news groups, it starts to download the list of groups but returns an empty list. The same (?) settings in Thunderbird work OK11:51
gourdinselecta_g: you have to configure "knode"11:51
gourdinnot "kontact"11:51
intelikeymena   hm  that's awfully high number....    i don't know.  i'm about network illeterate   maybe some one else can pick that up.11:51
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selecta_gI am in Kontact and clicking the "news" button on the side-bar11:51
plagiatshi, I got a concern here : when using beryl, kicker's taskbar shows windows from all desktops and the checkbox to "show only windows from the current desktop" does not appear... Is there another way to pass that argument to KDE, please ? :-)11:51
intelikeymena if not you can ask in #ubuntu11:52
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intelikeymena or even in ##linux   sometimes there is good networking help in there.11:52
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menaintelikey, ok11:52
gourdinselecta_g: ok11:52
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gourdinthen, settings => configure knode11:52
intelikeyplagiats that seems to be a feature not a bug.11:53
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selecta_gThanks gourdin; the server settings in there look OK (i.e. the same as Thunderbird)11:53
mervteckok sound test works.... but kaffeine dont11:54
intelikeymervteck set the output in kaffeine ?11:54
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mervtecki looked and couldent find nothin11:54
selecta_gBut still no groups when i click subscribe11:54
intelikeyto alsa ?   in the configure or preferances11:54
plagiatsintelikey: thanks  for the humor, but I need to fix that feature :D11:54
gourdinthen, rightclick on your server in the main window11:54
intelikeyplagiats no can do.11:55
intelikeyplagiats wasn't just humour.11:55
mervteckthere is only 4 optiong under config11:55
plagiatsargh, why is that?11:55
intelikeyplagiats idk  i didn't write it.11:55
selecta_gOK... the "subscribe?" and "fetch"?11:55
gourdinand "new list"11:56
plagiatsintelikey: thanks anyway11:56
gourdingot what you want ?11:56
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selecta_gfirst dialogue is "fetch" or "do  not fetch"... this time i'll click "do not" shall i?11:57
intelikeymervteck i've never used kaffeine   idk.   but there should be a way so set the output.   also test a .wav or .au file in kaffeine to make sure it's not a codec problem.11:57
gourdinclick fetch11:57
gourdinI don't know =)11:57
intelikey!codecs | mervteck11:57
ubotumervteck: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:57
mervtecku use vlc?11:57
intelikeyvlc is good.11:58
selecta_gIt does and appears to be downloading (progress bar climbs up) but the result is an empty list11:58
intelikeysome don't like the look   but it's a good app.11:58
gourdinselecta_g:  ?11:58
intelikeyand yes i do use vlc mervteck11:58
selecta_gso when it's done, I'll do "new list"11:58
gourdinyou got something in the "filter field" ?11:58
gourdinclick on new list11:58
intelikeyin the console mostly11:59
selecta_gerrrm.... search field is empty and not check boxes are selected11:59
selecta_g[no checkboxes] 11:59
gourdinyou clicked on the new list button ?11:59
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selecta_gThe "downloading" progress is at 100% but the "new list" button is greyed out12:00
mervteckomfg it wont install vlc12:00
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intelikeymervteck i've heard others say they could get kaffeine to play vidios in the console but vlc is all i ever used for that.12:00
intelikeywhy not ?12:00
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mervteckit jsut errors12:00
intelikeywhat error ?12:00
intelikeyoh you are on k8 i keep forgetting that.12:00
gourdinselecta_g: no list ?12:01
mervteckE: Couldn't find package vlc12:01
selecta_gYes  - no list12:01
=== intelikey has got to get a k8 boxen
gourdinif you got an empty list, either the news server dont have any group, either you got a wrong server...12:01
gourdinI don't know12:01
gourdinwhat news server is it ?12:01
gourdintry a public server from your provider12:01
intelikey!info vlc edgy6412:01
ubotuvlc: multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6-svn20061012.debian-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1120 kB, installed size 3240 kB12:01
selecta_gOk, news.eclipse.co.uk12:01
crazy_busMy computer has lost some system files.  And because of this my computer won't shut down or restart properly.  Can anyone help?12:01
intelikeymervteck it's in multiverse  is that enabled ?12:02
selecta_gI'm not sure if i have access to public servers12:02
selecta_gwill investigae tho12:02
gourdinselecta_g: sorry, I can't help you much12:02
gourdin"It's working for me that way" =)12:02
selecta_gmany, many  thanks for trying tho12:02
gourdingood luck12:02
selecta_gThunderbird will have to do for now12:02
selecta_gthanks again12:02
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intelikeycrazy_bus lost system files ?12:02
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intelikeyhow    why ?12:03
selecta_gthanks room (thanks gourdin)... c y'all... l8rs12:03
intelikeywhat system files ?12:03
crazy_busfsck came up after my harddrive was mounted 30 times and it said something about deleted inodes, next to files which made me think of reboot.  I can't remember the names12:04
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intelikeyapt-get -u --reinstall --fix-missing install  $(dpkg -S LC_MESSAGES | cut -d: -f1 | tr ', ' '\n' | sort -u)12:04
intelikeycrazy_bus run that12:05
intelikeysudo it.12:05
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=== intelikey adds note. have seen ext3 do that never saw ext2 do that....
intelikeyhave seen reisetfs do that too.12:06
crazy_buswhat will that command do?  (this has happened to me before and I had to reinstall)12:07
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intelikeyhad ext3 do that one time and it wrote something on the disk that made it totally unuseable.  badblocks said the drive was bad  but i did cat /dev/zero > /dev/sda   and did badblocks again and it couldn't find one bad spot.  ran it for hours   no errors.   still using it.12:09
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intelikeycrazy_bus if you're lucky it will fix your problem.   if not it wont hurt you.12:09
mervteckgod damn it i need vlc but it wont install >.<12:10
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intelikey!language | mervteck12:10
ubotumervteck: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.12:10
mervtecksudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-esd this is what i put it just liek the site says12:11
=== seven11 [n=seven11@125-24-183-128.adsl.totbb.net] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyyou made sure multiverse was enabled ?12:11
mervteckyeah =\12:11
intelikeygrep multiverse /etc/apt/sources.list12:11
mervteckwhere i put that?12:12
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mervteck# deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy-backports main restricted universe multiverse12:12
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mervteck# deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy-backports main restricted universe multiverse12:12
intelikeythat's not enabled.12:12
intelikeythe # means it's commented out.12:12
elyonUhm, I'm having a problem.  Before reinstalling Kubuntu, I made a backup CD of my /home.  Now, the CD is showing up completely blank (although it has obviously been burned).  Is there some trick that I'm missing?12:12
intelikeybut both are backports.12:12
mervteck# deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy-backports main restricted universe multiverse12:13
mervteckdeb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy-updates main restricted multiv                                                   erse12:13
intelikeyyou need to add multiverse to the first line with   deb  in it.12:13
mervteckdeb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy-updates main restricted multiverse12:13
intelikeynope yo don't seem to have it enabled.12:14
Alarmwhy does my kubuntu os use swap memory when there is free memory available ?12:14
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Alarmi got like 60mb free (or unallocated memory) , and the system uses like 80mb from the swap12:14
crazy_busintelikey: I typed in what you said.  What do I do now?12:14
intelikeyalarm cause you have swap enabled ?    swapiness set to high ?12:14
mervteckcan u give me an exact line to put in here intelikey12:14
intelikeycrazy_bus what all did it install ?12:14
Alarmwell swap is enabled12:15
fjellrev1elyon: I've noticed sometimes that I have the same problem when burning data cd's with k3b that they end up as blank cd's..got no solution though :(12:15
crazy_busIt downloaded somethings, then came up with this E: Couldn't configure pre-depend dpkg for language-pack-en, probably a dependency cycle.12:15
intelikeydeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy main restricted universe multiverse12:15
intelikeycrazy_bus anything else ?12:15
Alarmmy used memory is: 250mb about, allocated about 500 (from 512mb) , and now it writes also on the swap although there are 250mb free12:15
elyonfjellrev1: Nice... I NEED these files!12:16
mervteckE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)12:16
crazy_busintelikey: what type of things?  What it downloaded, or error messages12:16
mervteckE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?12:16
intelikeyboth  you can pastbin it if you need to12:16
intelikeymervteck close other package managers12:16
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mervteckReading state information... Done12:17
mervteckE: Couldn't find package vlc12:17
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mervteckand i jsut enabled EVERYTHING12:17
intelikeydid you add that line ?12:17
mervteckwhat line?12:17
intelikey^^^   when you asked me12:17
intelikeydeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy main restricted universe multiverse12:18
intelikeythat line ^12:18
elyonfjellrev1: I can view the files from the Konsole, so they're there, but they don't show up in the file browser...12:18
intelikeyand run    sudo apt-get update12:18
intelikey!hidden | elyon12:18
ubotuelyon: Kubuntu Edgy has implemented a new feature that hides most of the filesystem. For more information: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuHiddenFiles12:18
crazy_busintelikey: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2525/12:18
=== laza [n=laza@dslb-088-064-189-223.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu
elyonintelikey: I've already told Konqueror to show hidden files.12:19
fjellrev1have you tried copying them over from konsole to a folder that you can read in file manager,just as a way of recovering them in worst case scenario12:19
Hoxxinok so im quite new at kubuntu, i want to paste a file into the xmms skin folder but i dont have permission, how do i do?12:19
intelikeyelyon you didn't read the link.12:20
elyonfjellrev1: Well, now I'm pretty sure I can use Konsole to get them, so I'm not worried about that.  But I'm very curious as to why they aren't showing up.12:20
fjellrev1yeah me too12:20
intelikeycrazy_bus it might have fixed it.. you can test.12:20
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intelikeycould have been debconf  but i doubt it.12:20
mervteckthank goddddd its finally installing12:20
fjellrev1elyon: and dont think its hidden files cause I've noticed same thing when trying to read and cd's thar are burned after iso files in windows12:20
elyonintelikey: I said I've already enabled the viewing of hidden files.12:21
fjellrev1elyon: reading them in windoes that is12:21
elyonfjellrev1: Yeah, if they were hidden, I wouldn't see them by just using ls either.12:21
elyon...but I can.12:21
intelikeyyes you would12:21
intelikeyonly hidden from konq12:22
elyonintelikey: I thought I had to do ls -a12:22
intelikeynope that's for files that start with .  this is a /.hidden thing   i'm assuming.12:22
intelikeyls /.hidden12:22
intelikeyif that's there it's probably the reason.12:22
intelikeythe link explains that.12:23
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elyonintelikey: So enabling Show Hidden Files in konq does nothing?12:23
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elyon...as far as /.hidden files are concerned?12:23
intelikeyno it unhides the file that start with . in the dirs that are not hidden.12:24
intelikeybut /.hidden hides part of the fs12:24
Jucatointelikey: it also unhides those hidden by /.hidden12:24
elyonintelikey: So why would simple files on a CD be /.hidden?12:24
intelikeyJucato sense when ?12:24
Jucatosince it was implemented in Edgy12:24
ubotuKubuntu Edgy has implemented a new feature that hides most of the filesystem. For more information: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuHiddenFiles12:24
intelikeyelyon cd12:25
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=== intelikey scrolls up to see where he missed that.
Jucatointelikey: "Hidden files and directories can be displayed in KDE's Konqueror file manager by enabling the menu option "Show Hidden Files" on the "View" menu. "12:25
elyonhmm... NOW they show up lol12:26
intelikeyJucato ok.12:26
fjellrev1elyon: anything in particular you did ?12:26
elyonDidn't change anything, just opened up the CD for the third time and there they were ;)12:26
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fjellrev1elyon:  I wonder if this is the same for reading it on windows..can you test?12:27
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elyonfjellrev1: I don't have Windows.12:27
elyonOh, wow... Konq is so much better than Nautilus !12:28
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fjellrev1elyon: thats a good thing ;)12:29
Hoxxinok so im quite new at kubuntu, i want to paste a file into the xmms skin folder but i dont have permission, how do i do?12:30
intelikeyJucato ok i revisited that page.  i'll try to keep that streight hensforth.    and ls / was not affected by /.hidden  as i recall.12:30
intelikeyhad no affect on the cli at all.12:31
Jucatointelikey: yes. no effect in CLI12:31
intelikeyHoxxin# sudo cp file destination12:32
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Hoxxinintelikey ok tnx i will try that12:32
intelikeyHoxxin in a konsole.12:32
intelikeythat's the easiest for that.    and tab completion is your friend.12:32
elyonHey, guys... I copied over my .mozilla folder from a CD and now Firefox is giving me an error about not being able to write security profiles.  I've checked and the .mozilla folder is not write-protected.  Any ideas?12:33
intelikeyelyon   sudo chown -R `whoami` $HOME12:33
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intelikeyphilip did it work ?12:34
elyonintelikey: Hmm... still giving me that error.12:35
intelikeyhmmm    you can try.         apt-get -u --reinstall --fix-missing install base-files lsb-base12:37
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intelikeyor anything listed by   dpkg -l | cut -d' ' -f3      for that matter...12:38
elyonGood grief...I can't change the owner of anything.12:38
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dane_i gotta get this music working12:39
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elyondane_: That's an emergency?12:39
dane_and i'm not booting into windows to be spied on12:40
intelikeyone could do;                                                      apt-get -u --reinstall --fix-missing install `dpkg -l | cut -d' ' -f3`                                                                          for that matter.   but be advised that's a full reload.  it just keeps the configurations12:40
dane_here's my problem12:40
intelikeyelyon not without sudo.12:40
elyonintelikey: No, I'm using sudo.12:40
dane_I'm running on a user account, the root account, well i forgot the password... How can I get the root password back?12:40
intelikeyelyon hmmm test this.      sudo echo yes12:40
elyonintelikey: Works fine.12:41
intelikeydane_ when did you set a root passwd ?12:41
intelikeyelyon then you should be able to chown things.12:41
elyonOh, come on!  NOW the owner's been changed? lol12:41
dane_a long time ago12:41
elyonDo I seriously need to exit konq and then restart it for it to notice the changes to permissions?12:42
intelikeydane_ well set a new one.12:42
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dane_if it's that easy12:42
dane_imma kick myself in the head12:42
intelikeyelyon why would it continually read the fs while you are just looking at it ?   that would eat cpu   and disk io12:42
elyonintelikey: So the owner of my entire /home directory is now me, but Firefox is still griping about not being able to write to it's folder.12:43
elyonintelikey: Well, you'd think when I right-click and choose Properties, it would load them then12:43
intelikeyelyon what's the perms on it ?12:43
intelikeyelyon why should it ?   it read all that when you switched to that dir ?12:43
elyonintelikey: Owner can view and modify content.12:44
intelikeyit you need to up date the info just change dirs.12:44
intelikeycan you exec the dir tho ?12:44
intelikeyelyon   ls -l     that dir12:44
intelikeyor ls -ld that dir12:45
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elyonintelikey: What am I looking for?  There weren't any errors.12:45
intelikeyor the like12:45
intelikeydirs have to be executed.12:46
intelikeydrw-r--r--  <<<< would be unaccessable.12:46
indintelikey, do u know how to change the permission to access a directory?12:46
intelikeyok that's correct.12:46
lukiccan someone help me install Nvidia drivers manually?12:46
intelikeyind yes12:46
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elyonWell, the Firefox error doesn't tell WHICH exact folder... just the "profile directory."12:47
intelikeychmod <perms> inode.12:47
lukicI got error : Unable to find the system utility `ld`12:47
indwith sudo?12:47
lukicand I have ld on my system12:47
intelikeyind if you have too12:47
intelikeyind man chmod12:48
intelikeyind generally speeking   75512:48
intelikeyfor dirs12:48
intelikey644 for files that are not executed.12:48
indwant to make it to be accessed by only root12:49
dane_i haven't laughed that hard at something i seen already in a while12:49
intelikeythat translates to   755 == rwxr-xr-x      644 == rw-r--r--       only root.   simple   chmod 00012:49
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intelikeyseeing that root could not care less about permissions      with the exception of executing files.12:50
elyonlol good grief, why doesn't anything ever just work?12:51
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elyonNow I'm trying to use the User Management, but clicking on Administrator Mode doesn't do anything... never prompts for a password.12:51
lukicI installed w32 codecs. How to make amarok and kaffeine use them?12:51
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intelikeycause this is not  M$   if you want   fully automated someone else do everythign for you.  including setup your accounts and charge you for it.   then try M$12:52
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intelikeylukic did you read the wiki on that ?12:52
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:53
intelikey                       ^12:53
soulriderhello hello12:54
=== elyon [n=elyon@c-71-205-65-72.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
intelikey<elyon> Now I'm trying to use the User Management, but clicking on Administrator Mode doesn't do anything... never prompts for a password. <<<< sorry i missed that.  i could have laughed too.  it had remembered the passwd....12:54
elyonintelikey: Uhm, whether it remembered the password or not, all I've got here is a blank screen.12:55
intelikeyoh wait did you set a root passwd ?12:55
elyonI even logged out and back in and when I click on Administrator Mode, the window just goes empty and I never get asked for the password.12:55
elyonintelikey: No.12:55
elyonAnd I can't, either since I can't access User Management lol12:56
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intelikeyoh that's silly.12:56
intelikeyhave you never used passwd ?12:56
elyonI was able to the first time I tried, but now I can't.12:57
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elyonintelikey: Yes, I've used my password several times (for sudo and for the first time I ran User Management)12:57
intelikeyman passwd12:57
BTRHow come i cant play flash-games?12:57
BTRThis is how it looks: http://peecee.dk/?id=2393012:57
intelikeybtr flash not installed ?12:57
ubotuflash9 is available from dapper-backports and edgy-backports now, see !backports12:57
BTRintelikey: But some flash animations, it can play with no problem. But when ever there is a button it goes crazy12:58
=== intelikey don't do flash.
=== intelikey don't do java.
=== intelikey don't do windows
=== elyon is close to going back to Windows.
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ForgeAusintelikey let me guess you browse in lynx?12:59
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ForgeAusohhh one step below dillo!12:59
ForgeAus(which btw is shockingly fast)01:00
indintelikey, i didn't work...the files in my windows partition (ntfs)...just because of that?01:00
indintelikey, it didn't work...the files in my windows partition (ntfs)...just because of that?01:00
elyonman, this is really fricken infuriating!01:00
ForgeAuselyon whats infuriating?01:00
BTRintelikey: I cant find Flash9 in adept manager:(01:00
ForgeAusBTR have you got backports? repository?01:00
elyonForgeAus: Well, one thing after another since installing Kubuntu.  Right now is the fact that I can't use Administrator Mode in System Settings.01:00
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ForgeAusif so fetch updates and it SHOULD b there01:01
=== genii sips a coffee
elyonForgeAus: I click the button, the window goes empty, I'm never asked for a password...01:01
intelikeyand get's modem reset from time to time.01:01
ForgeAuselyon? really? thats weird01:01
ForgeAusum try moving the window around to see if theres one behind it01:01
indintelikey, it didn't work...the files in my windows partition (ntfs)...just because of that?01:01
ForgeAusthere should be a window asking you for password but if its not in front, perhaps its behind?01:01
intelikeyind ?01:02
ForgeAusalso go down to your taskbar it should show up there01:02
elyonForgeAus: Nope... not there.01:02
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elyonForgeAus: And it worked just fine the first time I ran it...01:02
intelikeywhat are you trying to do ?   change permissions on a M$ fs ?01:02
ForgeAuselyon um not sure I can help you01:02
ForgeAusmaybe just reset?01:02
intelikeyind M$ fs has no permissions bit.01:02
ForgeAuswhats happening to you is an anomaly of some sort01:02
elyonSo much for an operating system that "just works"01:02
ForgeAus(yeah I know I hate resetting too01:02
ForgeAuskubuntu is nice01:03
intelikeyind what you have is a global perms bit set for the whole fs01:03
ForgeAusum doens't alway "just work" for me but still I like it alot01:03
intelikeyind it can be changed.   what is the exact intent ?01:03
elyonWell, I had a ton of problems with Ubuntu, then install kubuntu-desktop and everything was fine.  But since it was bloated, I decided to just do a clean Kubuntu install... that was a mistake.01:03
ForgeAushmmm a "klean" kubuntu should be fine!...01:04
ForgeAuswas there a problem when you downloaded it?01:04
elyonI'll try restarting... just logging out then back in didn't help.01:04
intelikeywas before all the tinkering....01:04
ForgeAus(maybe some data corruption or something?)01:04
BTRintelikey: Now i have the backport reps, and have updated them. but still i cant find flash901:04
elyonForgeAus: Not that I know of... download and burn went smoothly as far as I could tell.01:04
indexact intent? do u mean the permission?01:04
ForgeAuswell then I have no idea what caused it but then I'm no officonado01:05
elyonI'll reboot.. I'll be back.01:05
intelikeyBTR grep backport /etc/apt/sources.list01:05
BTRintelikey: The 2 lines that arent comments, arent commented out01:06
intelikeyind yes that's what you want?    sudo mount -o remount,umask=227 <mountpoint>      where mountpoint is where the fs is mounted.01:07
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elyonWell, rebooting helped01:07
intelikeyBTR lets see them01:07
BTRdeb http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy-backports main restricted universe multiverse01:08
BTRdeb-src http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy-backports main restricted universe multiverse01:08
intelikeyand you did   sudo apt-get update01:08
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intelikeyand you did    apt-cache search flash01:08
elyongrr... next problem.  Why can't I use konq to copy folders into /home?01:09
intelikeyyou don't own home.01:09
intelikeyyou own /home/username01:09
BTRintelikey: i seached flash901:09
intelikey /home belongs to root01:10
intelikeyBTR search flash01:10
elyonintelikey: Ah.  What is the konsole command to copy folders, then?01:10
intelikeysudo cp -a /path/to/dir  /home01:10
BTRintelikey: What flash player should i use?01:10
intelikeyBTR idk  i don't do flash.01:11
intelikeymaybe someone can pick that up.01:11
intelikeyelyon if that's from a cd  be advised that you probably didn't use rr with perms  so the -a will preserve the permissions but they will be wrong.01:12
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intelikeythats why i always advise using tar for backups.01:13
elyonintelikey: Yeah, I figured that would happen.01:13
intelikeyyou can burn a tar ball to cd just as easy   and it preserves the perms01:13
elyonintelikey: Good to know.  Thank you.01:15
elyonintelikey: Now, since all I'm really copying over is each user's home directory, I should be able to simply run 'sudo chown -R [user]  [folder] ' right?01:15
intelikeyelyon yes you can fix that with#    sudo chmod -R 644 /home/dir && sudo find /home/ -type f -exec chmod 755 \;01:16
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intelikeyno that's not it.01:17
elyonlost me lol01:17
intelikeyelyon yes you can fix that with#    sudo chmod -R 755 /home/dir && sudo find /home/ -type f -exec chmod 644 \;01:17
intelikeythere that's it.01:17
elyonintelikey: So do that for each user and just change the /home/dir?01:17
intelikeyno that's a one timer    that will set everything 755 then all files back to 64401:18
elyonI have no idea what that means, though lol01:18
elyonThat will change each folder's owner to the correct user?01:18
intelikeyno the permissions bits to the correct value   the ownership is another matter.01:19
intelikeysimply      chown 'username' -R /home/'username'01:20
elyonSo what is the /dir supposed to be?01:20
intelikeyone per username01:20
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intelikey755 or 700 if you want privet01:20
elyonlol you're losing me.  I know basically NOTHING about linux and permissions.01:20
eeoswe re having problems on a laptop here with 6.10. kde freezes (sometimes) on session log off and on turn off computer01:21
elyonI just want the folders I copied to be identical to what they would be if they were created by User Management.01:21
intelikeythat octal code is three sets of three digit binary  marks    1 for each of wrx    so 100 is 4  110 is 6 111 is 7   and so forth.01:21
elyoneeos: I have the same problem... been asking about it for weeks and no one knows why.  The only workaround I've found is to restart X instead of logging off.01:22
elyoneeos: Ctrl-Alt-Backspace01:22
intelikey100 r--   readonly  4                                               rwx  read write execute   7        the three sets are   owner group world01:23
eeoselyon: no, the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace is frozen too :(01:23
elyonintelikey: None of that means anything to me, bud.01:23
elyoneeos: No... do that INSTEAD of logging off.01:23
elyoneeos: It will restart KDE and bring you back to the login screen without freezing.01:23
eeoselyon: ah! sounds quite heavy handed!01:23
intelikeyok.  there are 10 kinds op people in the world.  those that understand binarry and those that dont.01:23
elyoneeos: Well, it works for me :)01:23
elyoneeos: You have ATI graphics card?01:24
eeoselyon: yes, why?01:24
elyoneeos: So do I.  Pretty sure that is the cause of it... ATI doesn't like Linux.01:25
elyonintelikey: Now, how do I change the GROUP for those folders?  Right now they're all set to root.01:25
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elyonI don't want that, right?01:25
intelikeywhy ?01:26
elyonI don't know...do I?01:26
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intelikeyif you want to change groups   it's    chown :groupname -R dir01:26
elyonShouldn't the main group be their own username?01:27
intelikeyunless you have a reason i'd probably leave it root.01:27
elyonintelikey: My reason is that they USED to be that way and I'd like it to be correct.01:27
intelikeycan be.  or you might want to put some users in   users   group01:27
intelikeycorrect is a M$ misconception of what everyone should want.     this is linux   fix it the way you want it.01:28
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intelikeyactually the more you mess with things like that the more you like the freedom linux offers in things like that.01:29
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ValmarkoI'm trying to play tremolous but I guess my firewall is restricting the access to the servers. Any suggestions ?01:30
elyonintelikey: I don't need freedom, I need a fully working desktop ;)01:30
intelikeylinux is your os   M$ windows belongs to M$ and the sell you the right to use it as long as you use it in a way that pleases them.    linux is yours.01:30
intelikeys/the sell/they sell/01:30
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intelikeyValmarko router ?01:31
dane_trying to add my two other partitions to another group other than root, but I feel I am lost for how to do this...01:31
dane_I need a kick start here01:31
dane_I neeeed music :|01:31
Valmarkomodem ethernet. Yes, modem router01:31
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intelikeyValmarko wish i knew.   networking is over my head.01:32
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intelikeyport forwording i would assume01:33
elyonson of a .... now the fricken User Management isn't working again!!!!01:33
ValmarkoBut I think the problem is related with the changes I did to the firewall with Guarddog01:33
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Valmarkotanks anyway, intelikey01:34
intelikeyelyon and you are wanting to do what to  user/s ?01:34
elyonintelikey: Administer them?  create, delete...01:34
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intelikeysudo useradd blah01:35
intelikeysudo userdel blah01:35
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elyonWhy should I be forced to do it in a terminal?01:35
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intelikeycause you keep playing with permissions in your home dir and kio can't deal with it.01:35
elyonintelikey: I haven't even changed any permissions yet01:36
elyonOther than for that one .mozilla folder, I haven't touched any of the rest.01:36
intelikeyyou didn't do any chmod commands   chown commands ?01:36
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=== intelikey knods and walks away.
=== sebbar [n=sebbar@pD9E2D227.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
elyonJust on .mozilla and the other user folders... but this User Management problem started before all that.01:37
elyonAnd I "keep playing?"  I haven't done anything you didn't tell me to do...01:38
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intelikeyif none of that was on 'your' home dir it wont affect you.01:38
ricardohey guys...is it possible that i got NO SWAP at all?01:39
intelikeyricardo yep.  i have none.01:40
elyonWell, you just said the reason User Management was messed up is because I changed permissions...01:40
intelikeythat was a guess elyon01:40
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ricardointelikey: ok...but i used to have and it suddenly dissapeared...is that normal?01:40
hastesaverdoes anyone here use Emacs 22? The window can't be maximized -- it keeps going back immediately to a smaller size!01:40
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ricardohastesaver: try Xemacs01:41
CVirusricardo: what version are you using ?01:41
elyongood grief... I ran it again and suddenly it works.  I didn't change anything01:41
CVirusricardo: you upgraded from dapper to edgy ?01:41
ricardoyes...but long time ago.....01:41
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elyonSo now Kubuntu has adopted the Windows philosophy of "Maybe I'll work this time..."01:41
ricardoi realised i had no more swap a couple of weeks ago....01:42
CVirusricardo:  what does free -m tells you ?01:42
hastesaverricardo: that's not a solution :p01:42
intelikeyricardo an upgrade or major update is the only thing that would justify that.01:42
menaHi freinds Why when i open operabrowser and azureus in the same time azurues closed01:42
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ricardo             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached01:42
ricardoMem:           947        656        291          0         48        40301:42
ricardo-/+ buffers/cache:        204        74201:42
ricardoSwap:            0          0          001:42
ricardosorry for the flooding...01:42
intelikeyyep no swap01:42
intelikeysudo swapon -a01:43
intelikeyfree | grep swap01:43
CViruswhat was the command that displays the UUID of a certain partition ?01:43
ricardohaving 1 GB of ram..do i really need a swap?01:43
intelikeyblkid ?01:43
CVirusthat's it01:43
intelikeyricardo no.01:43
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menayes blkid01:43
Ash-FoxCan someone explain to me, why -- When I install any webserver or such, can't I connect to it via I can access the webserver from other computers, but not locally.01:44
CVirusricardo: blkid /dev/sdaX01:44
intelikeyAsh-Fox lo not configured ?01:44
intelikeyAsh-Fox sudo ifconfig lo up01:44
CVirusricardo: then edit your fstab and add the proper UUID01:44
Ash-Foxintelikey, okay, I'm really stupid :P01:45
Ash-FoxShould of realised lo was down01:45
CVirusricardo: then swapon /dev/sdaX01:45
intelikeyCVirus how you know it's sda ?01:45
CVirusintelikey: I'm just giving an example01:46
CVirusintelikey: he should edit it to his configuration01:46
ricardointelikey: when doing sudo swapon -a i get:01:46
ricardoswapon: /dev/disk/by-uuid/2fdd2238-9ab2-41ed-a157-32e4dcb5e281: Invalid argument01:46
CVirusintelikey: see ?01:47
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CVirusintelikey: it's his UUID01:47
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intelikeyyep and if it hadn't used uuid in place of dev/  it wouldn't have done that.01:47
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CVirusintelikey: blame the developers01:48
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intelikeyi just did.....01:48
boris_je tu nkdo cz01:48
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ubotuesk uivatele dme, aby mluvili v kanle #ubuntu anglicky. esky je mono se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Dkujeme.01:49
ricardook...guys......what should i do?...should i enable my swap for starters?01:49
ricardoif so...how?01:49
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CVirusricardo: scroll up01:49
CVirusricardo: I answered you already01:49
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intelikeyricardo i'd better stay out of that fight.       i don't use swap   but they gripe at me if i mention that you don't need it.01:50
ricardoCVirus: should i use sdaX or sda1, sd2,...?01:50
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CVirusricardo: are you using sata or IDE disk ?01:50
intelikeyuse   sudo fdisk -l       and see where it is.01:50
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ricardoCVirus: ide01:51
=== imp_ is now known as impaque
intelikeysudo fdisk -l | grep swap01:51
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intelikeyrun that ^01:51
intelikeyin a konsole01:51
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ricardointelikey: i get /dev/hda6            6287        6430     1156648+  82  Linux swap / Solaris01:52
intelikeythere ya go.01:52
ricardoso what now?01:52
intelikey /dev/hda601:52
CVirusricardo: blkid /dev/hda601:52
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CVirusricardo: then edit your /etc/fstab and add the proper UUID01:53
impaquehello, i have a question. i'm using the default graphical installer on kubuntu 6.10. first, installer complained about XFS partition and /boot on it. i changed that, made another partition with ext2 for /boot, but the installer *still* complains how /boot is on XFS. any way to get past that?01:53
CVirusricardo: you'll see a line similar to this one01:53
CVirusUUID=7f6ce9a4-50e6-40ff-bde4-b6eec51ece29 none swap sw 0 001:53
CVirusricardo: edit the UUID part and add the one you got from blkid /dev/hda601:54
impaqueshould i get the alternate install CD and do it all by hand? i use gentoo on my servers, so i'm used to doing it by hand.01:54
CVirusricardo: now I guess this is the 3rd time I give you such information01:54
intelikeyimpaque definitly01:55
ricardoCVirus: im a newbie..sorry....its kinda hard to follow you guys...01:55
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ricardoCVirus: i found this line on my fstab:01:55
ricardoUUID=2fdd2238-9ab2-41ed-a157-32e4dcb5e281 none swap sw 0 001:55
impaquethanks ;)01:55
ricardoshould i modify it?01:55
CVirusricardo: what does blkid /dev/hda6 tells you ?01:56
intelikeyblkid /dev/hda601:56
impaquebut in general, why does the installer complain? is that a known issue with XFS chosen in the installer?01:56
intelikeyrun that ^01:56
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intelikeyimpaque the graphic installer is a known issue as far as i'm concerned.01:56
impaqueok, got it. thx for the tip!01:57
ForgeAusI spend more of my time being stalled in ktorrent than getting a d/l :(01:57
ForgeAusany way to fix that?01:57
ForgeAusor use some alternate method?01:57
ricardoCVirus: /dev/hda6: UUID="2fdd2238-9ab2-41ed-a157-32e4dcb5e281" TYPE="swsuspend"01:57
ValmarkoCan I install Beryl ( or compiz ) on Kubuntu desktop ?01:58
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ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl01:58
intelikeyCVirus did you notice that they are the same.01:58
CVirusintelikey: just did01:58
ForgeAusVal you can do it :)01:58
CViruswhat is that ?01:58
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CViruslemme google01:59
Valmarkotank you ForgeAus :)01:59
intelikeyswap suspend  for hybernate ?01:59
=== ForgeAus gets tanked
HoxxinHmm, how can i get my homefolder to the desktop, it only made a copy of it :/02:00
CVirusintelikey: no idea02:01
intelikeyoh my.  me wants to put .. in .  lol02:01
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intelikeyHoxxin in a konsole do this.   ln -s ~ ~/Desktop/home02:02
CVirusHoxxin: how will you move /home/hoxxin to /home/hoxxin/Desktop ?02:02
intelikeylike that ^02:02
CVirusintelikey: he said he wanted to move it02:02
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CVirusthats a link02:02
intelikeyhe said no such thing02:02
ricardoCVirus and intelikey....so do you any ideas about my little swap problem?02:03
CVirusricardo: I'm googling02:03
intelikeyricardo yes.   sudo mkswap /dev/hda6 && swapon -a02:03
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intelikeysee how that works for you.02:04
Hoxxinintelikey and CVirus i meant to do a shortcut to desktop, i wasnt clear enough :)02:04
CVirusHoxxin: do what intelikey said then02:05
Hoxxinok tnx02:05
intelikeyHoxxin in a konsole do this.   ln -s ~ ~/Desktop/home02:05
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intelikeyricardo did you do that ?02:06
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=== intelikey expects ricardo to time out in about 6 minutes
ricardosorry...nature called...02:08
max_i've installed tor and privoxy with apt-get install02:09
intelikeyit has a way of doing that....02:09
max_is the right way?02:09
intelikeymax yeah02:09
ricardointelikey: i get02:09
ricardoSetting up swapspace version 1, size = 1184403 kB02:09
ricardono label, UUID=81db5d5a-dcec-43ec-a6c7-67161ebf436d02:09
ricardoswapon: /dev/disk/by-uuid/2fdd2238-9ab2-41ed-a157-32e4dcb5e281: Operation not permitted02:09
ricardoso far no swap02:10
intelikeyoh sorry  sudo swapon -a02:10
=== intelikey forgets sudo some times.
intelikeycause he can't use it.02:10
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max_and...in your opinion is better konqueror or firefox?02:11
intelikeydoes konqueror or ff work in the console ???02:11
intelikeyseeing that i don't normally use a gui....02:12
max_ah ok02:12
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max_and you see dvds whit terminal?02:12
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intelikeycan yes.02:12
=== Ash-Fox [i=UNKNOWN@fgd182.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #Kubuntu
acemoisnt kde totaly build on qt?02:12
intelikeynormally i watch avi fromat tho02:12
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max_elinks could help my 56k connection?02:13
ricardoit worked intelikey!02:13
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intelikeymax_ wouldn't hurt it any.02:13
intelikeyof course you cant hurt dialup very much it has .5 hit points to begin with.02:14
=== intelikey is on dialup
max_yes..but elinks hasn't images02:14
acemokde is build on qt right?02:14
intelikeyyes it does02:14
max_or not?02:15
max_ah ok02:15
intelikeyacemo yes02:15
intelikeymore or less02:15
max_sorry but i was a mac os user..i'm noob with kubuntu02:15
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acemoso, if i am running kde, i should have qt installed right?02:15
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intelikeymax_ elinks can do graphics in the console  but you have to either use vgalibs  or kernel frame buffering which requires root permissions   so it has to have suid bit  which is not secure...02:17
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max_uhm..if a program says to me to copy a file in a directory..that needs root privelig. is right this? cp namefile /dir/dir/etc?02:17
max_ah ok02:17
intelikeysudo cp namefile /dir/dir/etc02:17
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max_i installed elinks!02:18
=== Jucato notes that w3m, although more crude, is installed by default...
intelikeymax_ i'll warn you it's default white background   i have to change that to bare looking at it.02:19
max_ah ok.02:19
intelikeyJucato it doesn't do frames does it ?02:19
intelikeyJucato java script ?02:19
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intelikeyJucato graphics  ?02:19
Jucatointelikey: nope. which reinforces what I said about "crude"02:19
intelikeyJucato ssl ?02:19
=== Jucato pokes intelikey to inifinity
Jucatoinfinity even02:20
KennethPintelikey: What is the difference between lynx and elinks?02:20
intelikeymost of the things i just mentioned ^02:20
max_uhm..there is something else that i can download with apt-get? is a fresh kubuntu version02:20
max_something to improve performance02:21
max_to speed up sistem02:21
nothlitelinks has a lot better layout handling02:21
max_(change pc XD)02:21
intelikeytrimming the fat off the system would help.02:21
nothlitlynx is old, links2/elinks/w3m replace it02:21
nothlitintelikey, can't you run a directfb daemon?02:22
intelikeylinks2 does graphic and frames but no ssl02:22
nothlityup, thats why i have all three installed02:23
intelikeynothlit has to be suid so no i can.02:23
intelikeyelinks does all those  ^02:23
nothliti read only the first directfb session has to be run as root, and then the clients don't have to be02:23
ForgeAuseeew text www browsing!02:23
nothlitwhich is why theres a daemon02:23
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Theorytext www browsing is great02:24
ForgeAusyou thought I was serious?02:24
Theoryit's like being back in the old days, when content matters02:24
ForgeAushave you seen how fast dillo goes?02:25
intelikeynothlit yes but i'm mounted all  "nosuid" which means tie'ing up a root console with frame buffering stuff for the duration   and it's also not real stable.02:25
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=== Jucato thinks that Linux users, at one point or another, should try to learn the basics of a CLI editor and browser...
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max_sorry but my idea was right02:25
=== BluesKaj [n=kaj@bas1-sudbury98-1128712260.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu
max_my 56k with elinks is faster....it's hasn't to load images02:25
nothlitJucato, that won't go well with the masses using linux02:26
cloakableJucato: True, but they should only have to use them if X breaks :P02:26
ForgeAusJucato I've used lynx before02:26
max_so..thank you and bye!02:26
ForgeAusI don't mind it actually02:26
cloakableI've used w3m :/02:26
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Jucatocloakable: which is why I said they should try02:26
ForgeAusw3m is kinda new to me02:26
intelikeycloakable it's not really about "haveing to"  it's about being able to.02:26
Jucatonothlit: I didn't say it was an absolute necessity, did I? :)02:26
intelikeyyes you did.02:27
ForgeAusI always said a good website should be just as good in lynx!02:27
intelikeyJucato decreed that all linux user must learn cli02:27
=== cloakable uses konqueror on his dekstop, and is looking for a light GTK2 browser for his laptop :/
Jucatointelikey: you're putting text into my keyboard02:27
intelikeyor suffer the haxor of jucatoness02:27
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intelikeyyes i am.02:27
Jucatocloakable: epiphany?02:27
ForgeAuscloakable depends on what you need out of it...02:27
nothlithe decreed that they (all) must learn cli... eventually02:27
ForgeAustry dillo02:28
=== Jucato pokes intelikey to infinity++
ForgeAusnot sure if its gtk2 tho02:28
cloakableJucato: Possibly.02:28
cloakableForgeAus: Dillo is GTK, not GTK2. Wrong toolkit :P02:28
ForgeAusdillo is like rewind in time to netscape days02:28
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nothlitisn't dillo using tk?02:28
Valmarkothere is some problem with compiz instalation. It wasnt successful and now the system cant remove compiz-core. It shows an error02:28
ForgeAusnothlit probably02:29
Jucatolol at intelikely02:29
cloakableEpiphany is something I'm going to try :P02:29
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intelikeyoh sorry.02:29
cloakableHmm, I wonder.02:29
nothlitValmarko, sudo aptitude -f purge compiz-core02:29
Valmarkoall rght nothlit. tnks02:29
intelikeynothlit gets tanked now....02:30
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Valmarkono more tanks02:30
nothlitoh ok, dillo is using gtk1, but planning (next release) to use gtk2 and theres a developing  FLTK2-based branch02:30
Jucatowb intelikey-poked02:30
nothlitcomplicated lol02:30
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl02:31
=== intelikey wonders if he knows Jucato now.....
karmikazei swearr there used to be an ubuntu page with beryl info...02:32
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karmikazeberyl's site is always down02:32
Valmarkonothlit... it didnt work02:32
intelikeyberyl is not supported by *buntu02:32
Valmarkohere is the message:02:32
Jucatonot yet, at least...02:32
karmikazebut when i setup beryl there was a walk through on one of the *ubuntu sites im sure02:33
nothlit!pastebin | Valmarko, if more than 3 lines02:33
ubotuValmarko, if more than 3 lines: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:33
ValmarkoE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)02:33
ValmarkoA package failed to install.  Trying to recover:02:33
karmikazethere it is02:33
karmikazesite down nothlit02:33
Jucato#ubuntu-xgl <---02:33
karmikazesite is always down this time of day02:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about composite - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:33
karmikazeat least the past three days02:33
nothlit!search composite02:33
ubotuFound: compositor-#xubuntu,howto-#ubuntu-xgl,gdm-#ubuntu-xgl,compiz,aiglx-#ubuntu-xgl02:33
ubotuTo install Xgl/AIGLX and Compiz use: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager02:34
nothlit^ ubuntu wiki02:34
Valmarkonothlit http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2531/02:34
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nothlitValmarko, thats it?02:35
nothlitValmarko, why does it say failed to install? you were removing, not installing02:35
Valmarkotry this02:36
nothlitcan you run LC_ALL=C sudo aptitude -f purge compiz-core02:36
nothlitfor english ^^02:37
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ValmarkoDo you want me to type that command ?02:37
intelikeyhmmm  root___ gets around....   has ip's from ru za us br02:37
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nothlitValmarko, yeah, the command starts with LC_ALL=C02:38
intelikeyLC_ALL=C ;sudo aptitude -f purge compiz-core02:38
nothlitnooo not with ;02:39
intelikeywithout ; it will error out02:39
pucko-Hello. When I used suse some time ago I had a button in konqueror (file browsing mod) that allowed me to watch images in a sane way (all images as thumbnails to the left and a large image in the main window). Can I add that in kubuntu 6.10 as well?02:39
nothlitnot in my experience02:39
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nothlitwith the ; wouldn't he need to export the var?02:39
Valmarkonothlit, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2533/    . Please02:39
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intelikeytry it    i could be wrong     but i'm not.02:39
nothlitintelikey, look at the pastebin, no error :P02:40
nothlitwell no unexpected error02:40
slacossejust upgraded to 6.1 ubuntu.  the firefox wont run now.02:40
intelikeyi see errors02:40
intelikeybut ; wont stop them02:40
nothlitintelikey, that was the error he already had02:40
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nothlitits just in english now :)02:40
intelikeybut no he wouldn't need to export with ; either.02:41
nothlitValmarko, aptitude show gconf-schemas02:41
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Valmarkonothlit,   E: Unable to locate package gconf-schemas02:43
BluesKajHowdy all :)02:43
nothlitintelikey, nope, because the var is only set for that single command, with ; it becomes a seperate command02:43
ValmarkoI typed : sudo aptitude show gconf-schemas02:43
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nothlitintelikey, i just tried it to make sure02:44
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nothlitValmarko, yeah gimme a sec, i need to chroot into my ubuntu install02:45
Valmarkook, nop02:45
intelikeyLC_ALL is a special var.   doesn't work like apritrary veriables02:45
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intelikeyi was just testing with it tooo02:45
intelikeywhat do you think before you test this,  will it echo anything or not?       Q=1 T=2 echo "$Q $T"02:46
intelikeyand what about this one?      Q=1 ;T=2 ;echo "$Q $T"02:46
intelikeyi'm used to using that kind of veriables...  not used to messing with special veriables.02:47
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=== Jucato thinks of variables
intelikeyok smarty pants  what's that other word  ^   ?02:49
Valmarko* Valmarko thinks of pointers02:49
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=== Jucato thinks of arbritrary
intelikeyValmarko that's not C02:50
=== Jucato bashes bash
intelikeythose are not pointers     sorry02:50
=== intelikey doesn't need a spelling script.... he uses Jucato
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nothlitValmarko, did you have gnome installed when you installed compiz?02:52
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sebbarhi guys, can directx based games actually be ported to linux?02:52
intelikeyno i fi can figure out how to export jucato to /bin/bash ....02:53
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nothlitValmarko, anyways, you can either edit /var/lib/dpkg/info/compiz-core.prerm or install gconf and then remove compiz-core02:53
ValmarkoNo. KDE from the beginning02:53
Valmarkoumm... mybe gconf02:53
nothlitValmarko, well maybe you installed a gnome/gtk app and then removed it?02:54
intelikeyor one could   sudo ln -s /bin/true /bin/gconf-schemas    remove the app and rm the link02:54
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=== Ropechoborra [n=Guardian@unaffiliated/RopHierr] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeymay not be the cleanest but it should work.02:54
intelikeyquick and simple.02:55
nothlityou mean /usr/bin/gconf-schemas?02:55
intelikeynothlit it uses full path looks to me like so it doesn't matter where in the path02:55
intelikey /bin is less typing02:56
Valmarkoit worked :)02:56
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nothlitthis is what one of my prerm files say if [ "$1" = remove ]  || [ "$1" = upgrade ] ; then        gconf-schemas --unregister yelp.schemas02:56
Valmarkothe only thing I did: sudo ln -s /bin/true /bin/gconf-schemas02:56
ValmarkoAnd the sudo apt-get remove compiz-core02:57
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nothlitnow go remove /bin/gconf-schemas02:57
intelikeynow remove the link and you are good to go02:57
Valmarkostrange ... What is the meaning of sudo ln -s /bin/true /bin/gconf-schemas ?02:57
intelikeyyeah that02:57
Jucatomake a symbolic link (symlink)02:58
intelikeymade a symbolic link to /bin/true02:58
nothlityou links the 'program' /bin/gconf-schemas to a program that outputs a true/succesfull message02:58
Valmarkoshould I tank you guys ? :)02:58
nothlitit links*02:58
intelikeynothlit gets tanked now....02:59
nothlitintelikey, you meant tanked with error messages i assume02:59
intelikeyna man tanked wif gratifaction03:00
=== intelikey wonders how any of his scripts ever work.....
ValmarkoI'm happy I could tank you all with no problems. Everybody is happy. That's the spirit of Ubunut :)03:01
intelikeythe typo king is at it again.03:01
nothlithaha Ubunut. "Everybody in this channel is an Ubunut."03:02
Valmarkolol . the land of Ubunut03:02
intelikeynot me i'm a kubunut03:02
intelikeytank you very much03:02
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intelikeynothlit you never did answer me.  but that's ok.  just wondered if you saw that  ^03:04
=== Jucato is only half a Kubunut
nothlitJucato, half?03:05
Jucatoyes. half03:05
Jucatointelikey isn't full Kubunut either03:05
nothlitintelikey, sorry, only deal with env vars03:06
ValmarkoI guess I've just created a new name . I need to copyright it :)03:06
=== Jucato is sooo tempted to make ubotu remember "Kubunut is a name for a Kubuntu user"
intelikeyyou aint half of me chump.   step off, or throw down; clown.    man i'll bus you up sum.03:06
Theoryare kubunuts also ubunuts03:06
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Jucatowhat you say becomes you :)03:06
Theory(presumably pronounced ubernut)03:07
intelikeythank you  lol03:07
Jucatono, pronounced as ooh-boo-noot :P03:07
intelikeyooh boo nut03:07
Jucatonot nut03:07
intelikeyna i have to dis on ya03:08
intelikeyyou say potahto03:08
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nothlitYeah its not self deprecating and amusing if its noot instead of nut03:08
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intelikeywhat he said03:09
intelikeyi think03:09
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Jucatomaybe not03:10
Jucatofine! uh-buh-nut!03:10
intelikeyok noot then.03:11
Theorymaybe ooh-boo-naut?03:11
intelikeywell that messes everything up.03:11
intelikeywould that be more kin to a cosmonaut or an aquanaut ?03:12
=== Jucato sticks to his ooh-boo-noot but is open to ooh-boo-nut too
intelikeypsiber uh bu naut03:12
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Theoryyes it's spelt "ubunut" but it's pronounced "throat-warbler mangrove"03:13
intelikeylol   ok that one did it.  now i know we are all bored to death.  i'm leaving.03:14
nothlitI think of  it as ooh-boo-nut or ooh-<boo>-nut03:14
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davidhow install beryl?03:14
intelikeylater gents03:14
nothlit!hi | david03:14
ubotudavid: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!03:14
nothlit!beryl | david03:14
ubotudavid: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl03:14
Jucato!bye | intelikey03:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bye - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:14
nothlitJucato, you're not allowed to leave03:14
intelikeycant spell /uqit03:14
Jucato!quit | intelikey03:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about quit - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:14
Jucatook ok.. nuff... :P03:14
nothlitthan type /wc several times03:14
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davidsorry im spanish the chanel xgl is english!03:16
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Jucatothis is also an English channel :)))03:16
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Jucatobut looks like you can speak English but if you want03:16
Jucato!es | david03:16
ubotudavid: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.03:16
bxnp!nl | bxnp03:17
ubotubxnp: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl03:17
davidahhh ok03:18
ValmarkoI'm portuguese but I like this channel because I can contribute creating new words :)03:19
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ValmarkoMaybe a ... Ubuntu language ^?03:29
nothlitjargon lingo geekspeek03:30
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MsgToThePplhi som1 can help m e w/btooth ?03:43
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:44
ubotuflash9 is available from dapper-backports and edgy-backports now, see !backports03:44
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elyonDoes anyone know how to fix the 'static' in my sound?  Not all sounds are staticy, but enough to be annoying.  I've tried ALSA, OSS, Enlightened sound systems, but it hasn't helped.03:46
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems and http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin03:46
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports03:46
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elyonDoes anyone know how to fix the 'static' in my sound?  Not all sounds are staticy, but enough to be annoying.  I've tried ALSA, OSS, Enlightened sound systems, but it hasn't helped.03:55
cmillerwhat hardware do you have?03:57
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PupenoAny idea of a program to create and print CD labels ?03:59
elyoncmiller: I have an onboard Ensoniq.04:00
elyonNo, sorry, I actually think it's PCI.04:00
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crimsunhmm, static.04:06
crimsunwonder if it's the broken VRA business.04:06
stdinPupeno: labels for the disk, or for case inserts ?04:06
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cmilleryou can look for it in http://www.linuxquestions.org/hcl/index.php/cat/2304:08
cmillerhowever, I've never heard of your audio device before.  it may be so new/obscure that a driver does not yet exist.04:08
elyoncmiller: It's definitely the complete OPPOSITE of new ;)04:09
elyonBut most MP3's play fine and so do movies... it's just occassional mp3 and games...04:09
Pupenostdin: for the disk.04:09
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stdinPupeno: maybe cd-circleprint is what you're looking for04:10
stdin!info cd-circleprint04:11
ubotucd-circleprint: prints round cd-labels. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.1-1 (edgy), package size 80 kB, installed size 232 kB04:11
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eeoshas anyone ever been able to make ALI 560x based webcam work on kubuntu?04:18
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bronze_0_1wow- lots of apt-cache hists for quicktime stuff!    Can anyone hint me which package to install to get thw whole dependncy tree installed? I can' t tell which package is the seminal point of the tree04:22
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ForgeAusis there a kioslave for rar?04:23
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JucatoForgeAus: afaik, none04:24
Jucatobronze_0_1: what are you looking for?04:25
paoloHi. when I launch xset (in order to blank the screen) sometimes I see an image with the char "X"... how can i remove it?04:25
groobsonhi, who knows what's the best file manager? clear-look & funcionally..04:25
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elyonCould someone suggest a good alternative to Limewire?04:26
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Jucatobronze_0_1: oh.... sorry...04:26
Jucato!firewire | elyon04:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about firewire - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:26
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RockTelyon, frostwire04:27
RockTlimewire is bad04:27
elyonRockT: Hence the reason I'd like an alternative ;)04:27
peter__I'm trying to set up Ekiga but get a message saying STUN is blocked. I'm not sure what to do. Can anyone  help?04:27
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:28
bronze_0_1heh, i should have knoen that. :-)04:28
RockThence I said frostwire :)04:29
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elyonRockT: I've downloaded frostwire, but for some reason KDE doesn't have a package manager to install it?04:29
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rockprincesshello! how does pairing with bluetooth devices work on kubuntu? there doesn't seem to be a pin agent, is there?04:29
elyonoh, nevermind... Isee how04:30
RockTfrostwire is a java app installed in just one folder04:30
RockTI did not use a package04:30
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elyonokay, well frostwire sucks too... crashes whenever I run it lol04:31
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ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup04:31
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mariuxdoes kubuntu come with qtparted?04:34
RockTelyon, what java are you using?04:34
elyonRockT: I never personally installed it.04:35
elyonmariux: No.  You need to install that package manually.04:35
mariuxcan i do that on the livecd?04:35
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Lynouremariux: yes, but not preinstalled.04:35
erosshere i sit all broken-hearted, had to sit but only qtparted04:35
elyonmariux: Sure can. :)04:35
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plagiatsbye everyone04:37
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stdinhey :)04:42
stdinokay then04:42
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eeosdoes anyone know where is the file v4l2-dev.h04:52
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Jucatoeeos: what is that?04:54
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eeosJucato a file for webcam driver compilation04:55
stdineeos: it seems to be in the kernel source/headers04:55
eeosstdin I did not find it04:55
stdinat least in the 2.6.19 kernel it is04:55
HymnToLifeeean, sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)04:55
eeosstdin ach!04:55
eeosHymnToLife yes already done04:55
stdin /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.19-7/include/media/v4l2-dev.h04:55
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eeosstdin kubuntu 6.10 has 2.6.17-10-generic04:56
eeosstdin where did you get 2.6.19?04:56
stdineeos: it's an older kernel from feisty04:56
stdinI'm on 2.6.20-5 in feisty now04:57
eeosstdin: that is not exactly production, isn't it. :P04:57
eeosstdin does 2.6.19 give problems=04:57
stdinit had a couple bugs, but I'm using 2.6.20, which is nice :)04:58
eeosstdin :P04:58
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eeosstdin backports?05:00
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stdineeos: no, it won't be in backports05:00
eeosstdin :(05:01
stdinyou can download the stock kernel from kernel.org05:01
eeosstdin do you think 6.10 may work with 2.6.20-505:01
eeosstdin I do not know the patches introduced by ubuntu, woud need a list.05:01
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smozehi!! how can i kill the KDE wallet application???05:02
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stdinsmoze: probably "killall kwalletmanager"05:03
smozeno, there's the problem... i've removed the manager but the damn wallet just keeps showing up.05:05
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K-Ryangood morning #kubuntu05:06
stdineeos: download the deb from ubuntu05:06
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eeosstdin which deb, for the kernel or for the patches?05:09
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malikwhat is the difference between xine-lib-1.1.2 and libxine *****?05:13
Dr_willis!info libxine05:13
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Thehound666hi, I'm looking at making my most powerful machine dual boot instead of VM for Kubuntu but I need 2 Windows apps all the time.05:13
JucatoKubuntu doesn't use the xine-lib name05:13
ubotuPackage libxine does not exist in any distro I know05:13
Thehound666is WINE usually rubbish or something special need to be done?05:13
Dr_willisThehound666,  all depends on the apps you are running with wine.05:13
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Thehound6662 single tiny .exes05:14
Jucato!info libxine1 | Dr_willis05:14
ubotulibxine1: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1.2+repacked1-0ubuntu3.2 (edgy), package size 3146 kB, installed size 6820 kB05:14
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Thehound666and pingfu.exe05:14
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Dr_willisThehound666,  most likely there are alternative ways to do whatever those do - under linux.05:14
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Thehound666haven't found one05:14
Thehound666they bypass firewalls over http using their own servers05:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xine-lib - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:16
Jucatomalik: <Jucato> Kubuntu doesn't use the xine-lib name05:16
Jucatoit uses libxine instead05:17
Thehound666so if you do know an alternative to that for Linux, I'd like to hear it05:17
Dr_willissounds like somthing that can get you fired at work.. :) but if you had outside servers.. you could always use ssh and its tunneling features.05:18
malikJucato: so both packages are same just diff names?05:18
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Jucatomalik: afaik, yes05:18
Thehound666actually school and I'm friends with IT05:18
Thehound666so it's no issue05:18
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Thehound666they already know05:19
maliki am sooooooo annoyed with my installation i am thinkin of wiping it out and then may be install it again05:19
Thehound666I think VMWare would be able to run them05:21
Thehound666but using it as last resort05:21
malikoki can some one tell me if the firefox from mozilla website is better than the one from ubuntu repos?05:22
Theory'better' ?05:22
Thehound666am I correct assuming VMWare can do it?05:22
Dr_willisgetting the rest of the OS to then use the vmware tunnles would be the harder part.05:22
K-Ryanmalik i think the repo one is just easier to install05:22
Dr_willisvmware can run the whole windows OS. so yes it shoudl be able to do it.05:22
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Dr_willishttp://dag.wieers.com/howto/ssh-http-tunneling/   sounds about the same as what you are doing.05:23
maliki mean mine which i downloaded from repos keeps crashing alot of the times n then it can play streamin media from ninemsn.com.au whereas other ppl have stable installations and some can play that website05:23
Thehound666right now I got all my Linux connect via the tunnels via a hub switch and 2nd NIC05:23
maliki mean mine which i downloaded from repos keeps crashing alot of the times n then it cant* play streamin media from ninemsn.com.au whereas other ppl have stable installations and some can play that website05:24
Thehound666but the computer that's the forwarder is getting changed05:24
Thehound666sick of Wintrash05:24
Thehound666I'll use nlite to make the most minimal Windows install ever for the VM05:25
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Thehound666very simple .exes :)05:25
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Thehound666heh I'll be even able to take out things like sound05:27
Thehound666this will rock05:27
Theoryinstall win95? :-)05:27
Thehound666one of them is 2k/xp only05:27
Thehound666not sure why05:27
Thehound666otherwise that would be fabulous idea05:27
Theoryout of interest, what are the two apps you need?05:28
Thehound666http-tunnelclient.exe and pingfu.exe05:28
Thehound666so I can run certain apps behind a firewall without external servers of my own05:28
Thehound666one's low ping for games05:29
Thehound666one's more general use05:29
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Thehound666I can make xp smaller than 95 if you know me ;)05:30
Tm_TThehound666: In what game?05:30
Thehound666on nix not sure yet05:31
Thehound666used to play FFXI05:31
Theorythere are various http tunnelling apps for linux05:31
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Thehound666but they all need your own server05:31
Thehound666that I saw05:31
MetaMorfoziSssh -X  ;)05:31
Theorythe windows one you pay a monthly fee for right?05:31
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Thehound666for high speed on one, yes05:31
Theoryor do you use the free low-bandwidth service?05:32
Thehound666the other not at all05:32
Thehound666I test their betas05:32
Thehound666thus get it free05:32
Theoryyou could probably port one of the linux options to work with their server with a bit of work :-)05:32
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Thehound666pingfu looked more promising on wine, it'd connect and full GUI loaded05:34
Thehound666but enter your key and crash05:34
Thehound666and it wouldn't remember after the crash05:34
Dr_willisthe idea of a program running under wine, or vmware, that some how reduces lag in games on the linux box.. seems... odd...05:34
Alarmis ti possible to add gkrellm when minimized to be on the taskbar ?05:34
etherihi. I have a a package that has started playing up over the last few days. apt-get removing it wants to pull in kubuntu-desktop. Is this important or is it just a meta package? can I just remove the package sans dependencies?05:34
Dr_willisAlarm,  i belve you can some how add it to the  "Dock Application Bar" panel.05:35
Thehound666it doesn't reduce lag it's just a low ping tunnel05:35
Theoryetheri: what package, and do you want to remove it or reinstall it?05:35
Thehound666ordinarily, the games are blocked05:35
Thehound666by firewall05:35
Jucatoetheri: it's just a metapackage. but make sure you reinstall it before you dist-upgrade to the next release05:35
AlarmDr_willis, what do u mean with dock application bar ?05:35
Dr_willisso you have the same high ping.. the games just let you in anyway thinking you have a low ping..05:35
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Thehound666do you know what a firewall does?05:36
etheriTheory: kaffeine. I want to reinstall it.05:36
Thehound666it blocks certain ports05:36
Dr_willisAlarm,  right click on the panel, Add New Panel --> dock application bar. Its designed to let you dock windowmaker type docks05:36
Theoryetheri: apt-get install --reinstall may be what you want05:36
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=== Dr_willis wonders what blocking ports has to do with Low Pings.
Thehound666if the game uses blocked ports and you tunnel them over http or https05:36
bretti do not think my computer supports audio mixing. How do I change my settings so that it will?05:36
Thehound666the firewall will not block05:36
K-RyanDr_willis sometimes it does affect games.05:36
K-RyanGo figure05:36
Dr_willis0r is it just a poorly named program.05:36
TheoryDr_willis: rather than thinking 'low' think 'less horribly high'05:36
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Thehound666my pings to FFXI servers in Japan are 300 ms05:37
Dr_willisa specific app that lets you get to specific games that have users that dont use that app blocked...05:37
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Dr_willisHowdy brett05:37
Thehound666so they don't have bad servers05:37
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bretti am trying to get my computer to support audio mixing, Dr_willis can you help?05:38
etheriTheory: cheers, I thought I'd used an option like that in the past but couldn't remember if it was in apt-get05:38
etheriJucato: thanks, nice to know :)05:38
Theoryetheri: your problem may be caused by your user-specific config files, which apt-get --reinstall won't touch05:38
Dr_willisbrett,  proberly not. Ive had good luck with my Audigy cards and have rarely had sound issues. a lot of that stuff depends on the specific apps and what sound servers they are using.05:39
Thehound666If I got a Unix shell maybe I could ssh forward with that05:39
Thehound666might want to check them out05:39
brettDr_willis: ok05:39
brettCan someone help me trouble shoot a sound issue?05:39
etheriTheory: well, only one way to find out. If I leave this channel in the next few minutes it'll be because my computer crashed, again :D05:39
Thehound666well I'll do the VMWare alternative as I look for Unix shell hosts05:40
Thehound666thanks for trying to help05:40
Thehound666and I know you tried05:40
Thehound666I checked Google very well05:40
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Thehound666seems many people were frustrated with WINE and the http-tunnelclient one05:41
Thehound666with no answers :P05:41
Thehound666on the net05:41
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Thehound666the other=too new for most people to have tried wine yet on it05:42
Thehound666but it almost looks promising05:43
Thehound666so I'll check back in a month or 205:43
Thehound666on that one05:43
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Thehound666I'll bbl, thanks again05:44
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mineuris there a frontend for openssl?05:47
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Dr_willis!find openssl05:47
ubotuFound: libcurl3-openssl-dev, libxmlsec1-openssl, openssl, pyopenssl-doc, python-pyopenssl (and 9 others)05:47
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MinatakuIsn't OpenSSL just a library?05:52
MinatakuI didn't think it came with any tools05:52
mineurthat's why I'm looking for a frontend :)05:53
mineurit's all command line :)05:53
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Pensacolahow to configure the extra keys on my keyboard? like mail and calculator and stuff?05:53
MinatakuI didn't think there was even any configuration to it05:53
MinatakuPensacola: It depends05:53
MinatakuIf they're actual keys, that is, they send a specific scancode, then yes05:54
MinatakuIf they're set up to interface to some piece of proprietary software then no05:54
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MinatakuI could be wrong on the latter, but I've never heard of anyone getting those kinds of bogus keys to function without that specific crap05:54
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Pensacolathey worked in dapper with a special program, haven't looked into it with edgy since volume, play and next/previous number work flawless :)05:55
MinatakuOh, in that case then the same program should be available in Edgy05:55
mineurmy media keys on my laptop work... not that I ever use them tho :d05:55
MinatakuI don't see why it wouldn't be, at any rate05:55
MinatakuMine would if I had the drive to actually set them up in fnfxd05:56
HymnToLifemine work.. and I still don't use them :p05:56
TheoryI'm quite impressed that the mute indicator light on my keyboard works05:56
mineurblah, found a windows GUI for openssl :)05:56
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Minatakumineur: Don't count out CLI-based frontends05:57
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MinatakuYou can bend the CLI into something that functions a whole lot like a GUI thanks to ncurses05:57
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ady33This is my first time using IRC from linux. Hello all?05:58
K-RyanHi there05:58
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ady33Glad it works. I installed a dual bootlast night. Before hand I was using the live CD05:58
HymnToLife!hi | ady3305:58
ubotuady33: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!05:58
Minatakumein_traum: No spamming, thanks.05:58
ady33tnx nice to have it all up and running05:58
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MinatakuPlease leave all promotional materials at the door where at the end of the day they will be bundled and discarded05:59
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malikhow do i restore default settings for Kate?05:59
Minatakumalik: Wait a week, she'll go back to normal06:00
TheInfinitymalik: delete the settings in your home dir06:00
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yuriymalik: rm ~/.kde/share/config/katerc06:01
yuriywould be one way to do it06:01
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malikcool .........so it will regenrate itself?06:01
MinatakuBarring mysterious catastrophe, yes06:01
malikLOLz im willin to take that risk06:02
TheInfinity~/.kde/share/apps/kate is also a kate dir ...06:02
malikim itching to reinstall my distro anyway coz its now playin up06:02
ady33Well I am pleased to see there is a IRC room just for kubuntu. I look forward to getting on here regularly. For now need to log off. All the best..... from ady in London06:02
andreaswcya ady3306:02
K-Ryanbye ady3306:02
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renatohi all, I have a doubt (so you see what sort of beginner I am) I wanted to set up a little web and mail server. How many fixed IP do I need? I mean I wanted something like www.mydomain.com for the web and server.mydomain.com for pop/smtp06:03
TheInfinityyou need one fixed IP06:04
Dr_willisjust 1 would be my guess.06:04
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Minatakurenato: Indeed, you use subdomains to point to specific places06:04
MinatakuIt's called "virtual hosting", it works in a rather similar manner to chroot06:04
TheInfinityyou can have many services on one site, but you have to use subdomains in your config06:04
renatoMinataku but for having subdomains don't I need more than on ip06:05
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Minatakurenato: Nope06:05
MinatakuOnly one06:05
Dr_willisheck ya can have several dozen web servers on 1 ip cant ya.06:05
renatodo I googlw sub domain or is there any howto any of you can point me out to?06:05
TheInfinityi have lots of subdomains but only one server renato ;)06:05
MinatakuYeah, a particular subdomain on one address may point to something entirely different06:05
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MinatakuOne server, one static IP is plenty06:06
MinatakuSubdomains fill in the rest06:06
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fdovingif you need multiple https sites, i'd recommend more ips.06:07
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renatoSubdomains: What's a subdomain? | Web Hosting for Beginners... this seems me :=)06:07
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gourdinis 3.5.6 ready to roll ? :)06:07
fdovingrenato: sub.domain.tld06:07
fdovingrenato: sub is the subdomain.06:07
billytwowillyso if I have a bash script that runs "exec ./et.x86 "$@"" and I want artsdsp run with the et.x86 stuff as an option how would I modify the script?06:07
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renatofdoving, not sure what you are trying to tell me....06:08
Dr_willisbillytwowilly,  put it on the line above the exec line with a & at the end.06:08
fdovingrenato: you can have foo.example.com and bar.example.com hosted on one server.06:08
renatoah, I got it... slow...06:08
billytwowillyDr_willis: thanks06:08
Dr_willisor ya mean as a option TO that command.. could just tack it on the end after the first "06:08
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Dr_willisbut $@ means somthingspecial.. i forget what.. command line options perhaps...06:09
fdovingrenato: doesn't have to be a sub-domain either. you can have 'www.example.com' and 'www.foo.com' on the same server too.06:09
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TheInfinityrenato: and it depends of the application howto config it using subdomains06:09
renatofdloving, can you  (from the top of your head) point me out to any usefull howto?06:09
menaFriends What Is the Right comand to make the permision Of accessing the partitions and files for just one user06:10
renatoI founf it'as definition, but no info on how to set it up06:10
malikthanx guyz it worked06:10
menaFriends What Is the Right comand to make the permision Of accessing the partitions and files for just one user and also write permsision06:10
malikTheInfinity, yuriy: thanx06:11
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TheInfinityrenato:  ... i have a german tutorial for mailservers, just searching it in english ... apache is really easy, just use google06:12
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tazzhey Seveas06:12
kalpikhi! any idea why i get corrupted graphics in the boot progress bar on kubuntu amd64?06:13
renatoI am not (at this stage) trying to have more than one web domain, but having one domain for my webpage and one for my mail server06:13
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TheInfinityfound it: http://workaround.org/articles/ispmail-sarge/index.shtml.en <-- this is a quite nice howto for postfix + courir mail + virtual domains06:13
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fdovingrenato: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/41206:13
fdovingrenato: you might also want to browse http://howtoforge.com - lots of usefull howtos.06:14
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TheInfinityhttp://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/en/vhosts/name-based.html <-- virtual domains for apache06:14
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renatotx fdloving06:15
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malikwhats the equal of gconf in kubuntu?06:20
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Kyralmalik: GConf doesn't exist in KDE06:21
KyralTHANK GOD06:21
cap^comwhat is gconf for?06:21
malikso whats the equal of that then?06:21
Kyralmalik: There is none06:21
KyralEverything is controlled with the Control Center06:21
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Kyralcap^com: Its GNOMEs way of hiding all the configuration options they think are too advanced for people06:22
MinatakuNo hidden options, no mysterious unchangeable things06:22
maliki wanna modify the url handler applications for rtsp urls embedded in webpages06:22
Kyralcap^com: Think Windows Registry06:22
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MidMarkhi, someone know how they works ati/amd chipset with kubuntu? are there problems?06:22
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Kyralmalik: What is its MIMEType?06:23
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maliksmil and rm,ram, etc06:24
Kyralmalik: Control Center -> KDE Components -> File Associations06:24
Kyralin the "Known Types" box find "uri" and then add it06:25
JucatoSystem Settings in Kubuntu06:25
KyralThats one of the most rediculas name changes06:25
dopewhen i try to ssh into my comp at home from a different IP i get an error06:25
Jucatoer.. actually, it's not in System Settings...06:25
dopelike a warning i'm being hacked or something06:26
KyralJucato: Its in KControl :P06:26
Kyraldope: The RSA thing?06:26
Jucatoin Kubuntu you'd have to reach it through Konqueror -> Settings -> COnfigure Konqueror06:26
KyralYah means the RSA key is already been assigned to another comp06:26
JucatoKyral: you do have to remember that KControl is not in the K Menu by default in Kubuntu06:26
KyralYou can ignore it if you know that06:26
KyralJucato: It should be :P06:26
dopehow do i ignore it06:26
JucatoKyral: tell it to the marines06:27
Kyraldope: It should say how06:27
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JucatoI mean the devs06:27
dopeok yea i think it does06:27
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KyralI get that when my server gets its IP changed06:28
MinatakuOh, yeah, that warning06:28
maliki cant find it in system settings06:28
Kyralmalik: Fire up a terminal and run KControl06:28
MinatakuWhat is it, it's ~/<something>/known_hosts or summat06:28
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USERNAMEhell mindenkinek06:29
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malikit says command not found06:30
Kyraljust kcontrol then06:31
Jucatoin Kubuntu you'd have to reach it through Konqueror -> Settings -> COnfigure Konqueror06:31
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malikhow do i add control settings to kmenu?06:37
Jucatomalik: right-click on the K Menu -> menu Editor06:37
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malikafter that?06:38
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ubotuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic06:39
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nickserv - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nick - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:44
MidMarkhi, someone know how they works ati/amd chipset with kubuntu? are there problems?06:44
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kkosmohi somone in firefox i get an eror unknown plugin what i need to do for fix this error06:51
kkosmoi get it when i try to install a plugin for some page06:51
K-Ryanwhat plugin?06:51
kkosmoits show unknown plugin06:52
K-Ryanwhat are you trying to do?06:52
kkosmoi take screenshot06:52
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MinatakuI know what he's talking about, it probably went through the paces, failed and told him "Unknown Plugin" then gave a button that says "Manual Install"06:53
MinatakuIt'll happen if Firefox is denied permission to install a plugin or it just plain can't06:53
kkosmohow i can fix it06:54
MinatakuYou'll have to manually install the plugin. Which one was it?06:55
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MinatakuNo, that's the MIME type, I need the name of the plugin06:56
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kkosmoit sho06:57
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MinatakuClick "Manual Install" and tell me where it sends you06:59
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MinatakuHeya, genii07:00
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kkosmoman i dont have07:01
kkosmomanual install07:01
Alarmwhy when installing mstt fonts from adept_manager i see also some .exe being downloaded ?07:01
Minatakukkosmo: It doesn't give you the "Manual Install" option on the screen it says "Unknown Plugin"?07:01
geniiMinataku Hi07:01
Minatakukkosmo: If there's no "Manual Install" option then there is no plugin available07:01
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MinatakuIn which case you probably didn't want to see whatever the plugin would show anyway07:02
MinatakuUsually it's because some site wants to give you exciting new advertisements07:02
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about loop - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:07
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ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type "sudo mount -o loop my.iso <mountpoint>" There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before burning. Burning .iso files: see !burn07:07
geniiDr_willis I found it needs the -t <fstype> switch usually as well07:08
Dr_willisI got these lame CUE/bins - k3b burnt one of them.. but dont like the other 2..07:08
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surgyDr_willis:this will work with psx iso?07:09
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Dr_willisi recall mounting ps1 isos for the ps1 emulator ages ago..07:09
Dr_willisbut i think there are plugins that add that feature.07:10
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geniiDr_willis my first inclination is to think corrupt image07:12
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Dr_williswell i converted it with bchunk so i got a lot of audio tracks and a little.iso file. :) heh07:12
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Dr_willisguess the audio tracks could be bad.07:13
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geniiA cd or dvd image?07:15
Dr_williscd image.07:15
Dr_willisgotta love abandonware. :)07:16
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Dr_willisi would burn it under windows.. but every time i boot to windows - it crashes.. :)07:16
MinatakuThough most places focus only on games07:16
MinatakuI collect OSes, not games07:16
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LjLyeah well copyright for old OS's is often enforced though07:17
geniiIf it was dvd I'd suggest -t udf instead of -t iso966007:17
Dr_willisits a old dos game cd, that seesm to have audio tracks as well.07:17
MinatakuLjL: Not really07:17
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MinatakuEven old Microsoft OSes are pretty much overlooked07:18
LjLMinataku: it's enforced for AmigaOS. it's enforced for the C64 kernal ROMs. just to mention two i know07:18
MinatakuLjL: That's because there's some dickhead company making money off of Commodore's hard work07:18
LjLtrue, but07:19
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:19
MinatakuI follow FCC guidelines07:19
MinatakuWhat I said is well within broadcast standards07:19
K-Ryanthis isn't radio07:19
LjLwell, it's alright, but this is not FCC regulated07:19
MinatakuNo, but it's the strictest guideline you can get without delving into religious guidelines07:20
K-RyanThis is a private channel with it's own rules.07:20
LynoureMinataku: When you have your own radio program, you can stick to FCC :)07:20
K-RyanBy private i mean privately owned07:20
MinatakuLynoure: Nobody seems to see the double meaning here07:20
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LjLi'm not sure i do07:20
Minataku1. It wasn't that serious, 2. The FCC sucks07:20
MinatakuWhatever happened to when they did their real job of making sure radio signals/devices didn't interfere with one another?07:21
geniiDr_willis I remember a few copy-protection schemes used to include purposely bad blocks on the cd. Maybe try to convert with a switch ignoring read errors if possible (raw or so)07:21
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nothlitFCC is out there to make money07:21
ubotuGoogle Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html07:21
LjLi'm sure they're still doing it vRry RFrefuSEW a8n with 3480FDEU)03407:21
Minataku????ing PC jerks pushing their ideas of what's right/wrong on people who have different ideas07:21
MinatakuLjL: rofl07:22
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tehpwnAnybody have experience with Google Earth?07:22
tehpwn(on linux of corse)07:22
LjLtehpwn: i have it installed... not sure that qualifies as experience07:22
Minatakugenii: Indeed07:22
LjLi got it from the PLF repos though07:22
tehpwnLjL, how simple is it to install?07:22
tehpwnim pretty n00b07:22
MinatakuIgnore or mask read errors while ripping07:22
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revangei got it from one forum, its verry simple to install (well.. i'm a noob)07:23
LjLtehpwn: if you use the package, and all goes well, it's a piece of cake07:23
ubotuPLF is the Penguin Liberation Front. For more info see: http://wiki.ubuntu-fr.org/doc/plf. PLF is down indefinitely pending a new maintainer; see http://plf.zarb.org/. see also !seveas07:23
LjLtehpwn: download the package, and "sudo dpkg -i packagename.deb"07:23
tehpwnLjL, Awesome thanks!07:23
LjL(you could add the entire repository, but i wouldn't do that)07:23
LjL(and, i don't think it's down anymore)07:23
revangeHey Someone Know Why WWW.ATI.COM is Down??07:23
Seveasit isn't07:24
Seveasapparently medibuntu is the new plf07:24
K-Ryanby the way the website isn't "www.Ati.com"07:24
Seveasrevange, I was talking to ljl07:24
Seveasrevange, and cut down on the caps please ;) btw: ati.com works fine here07:24
geniirevange www.atitech.com still works for me, tho all the logos are AMD now07:24
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Seveaswww.ati.com redirects to ati.amd.com now07:25
LjLSeveas: so what do we list? plf.zarb.org is up too07:25
Seveasno idea07:25
dopezcan anyone recommend a wireless PCI card that will work out of the box with kubuntu 6.10 ? (i know there is a page on ubuntu.com somewhere, i cannot find it and was not much help as i pick a Linksys WMP54G that was supposted to work but didn't)07:26
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geniidopez Any Orinoco card works good07:26
LjLtehpwn|busy: well this is a package you can probably use anyway: http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/pool/edgy/non-free/i386/googleearth_4.0.2414-1medibuntu3_i386.deb07:27
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jontechey, umm why does it seem that I can only see a certain number of colors? like 256-colors (may be exaggerating)... it seems most prevalent in gtk applications, but sometimes when I logout I get the problem and the items in KPDF never look like they're supposed to. This is a laptop, Gateway MX6446, ATI Radeon 1150, and amd64.07:27
Dr_willisI think i saw on the OpenSUSE  wiki had a listingof wirelesscards suggested for linux.07:27
revangehey ppls i can't open event ati.amd.com07:27
dopezgenii, Dr_willis, thanks, i'll look at those07:27
revangei can't open amd and ATI webs:(07:28
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revangeSomeone have Experience with Gaming on Kubuntu 6.10?07:29
Dr_willisgee - how vague revange  :) what games you refering to..07:29
geniirevange The site works fine for me07:29
K-RyanI have, to some extent07:29
revangewell i think for MUonline07:29
K-Ryandoes it have a linux install?07:30
revangeits exacutable .exe file07:30
revange3d game..07:30
K-Ryanthen you need Wine or VMware from what I can tell07:30
revangewhere i can download this VMware?07:30
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"). Instructions for VMWare Server can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware07:30
Dr_willisvmware isent going to do very good for 3d games07:31
K-RyanThen Wine?07:31
Theoryi found it was usable with half-life :-)07:31
Dr_williswine/cedega may or may not do it.07:31
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revangewell i've already tried with cedega07:31
revangenot working07:31
Dr_willisof course ya need to get your video card drivers going good.07:31
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revangeyes, but i can't open ATI website07:31
Dr_willisrevange,  and why do you need the ati web site?07:32
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:32
revangei'll check it07:32
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stdinanyone tried VirtualBox yet ?07:33
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LjLstdin: i suppose i'll wait for a package07:33
geniistdin That Xen based?07:34
stdinLjL: there are debs for 6.06 and 6.1007:34
LjLno, qemu based in some parts07:34
stdingenii: it's like an open source vmware07:34
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revangefor this VMware07:34
slyfoxQuestion about firefox. When you download a file and you see it completed - you can right click and select - open destination directory. How come this does not work in Linux but does in windows ?07:34
XBehavei have a problem using xine for real media streams, should i try and fix wine or install an alternative engine for amarok?07:34
geniistdin OK thx :)07:34
revangei need to install VMware??07:34
K-Ryanrevange someone said its not good for 3D games07:35
K-Ryantry wine07:35
K-Ryan!wine | revange07:35
uboturevange: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.07:35
Minatakuslyfox: Because Linux doesn't have a dedicated, completely tied into the whole OS program to do that07:35
MinatakuWhich is a good thing07:35
LjLstdin: suppose i'll give it a try07:35
tehpwn|busyLjL, I can't read French or w/e... So that website isn't helping :-p lol07:35
MinatakuBecause a browser that's part of the core of the OS is a Bad Thing(tm) no matter how you look at it07:35
slyfoxMinataku: Is there a way to do that? People from Ubuntu channel say that it works fine there07:35
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LjLtehpwn|busy: see the last message i sent you07:36
stdinit's has a nice gui, and lets you manage virtual machines like vmware workstation07:36
LjLtehpwn|busy: well this is a package you can probably use anyway: http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/pool/edgy/non-free/i386/googleearth_4.0.2414-1medibuntu3_i386.deb07:36
tehpwn|busyLjL, oic07:36
Minatakuslyfox: Unfortunately, I do not, I suggest hanging around to ask someone who can help, sorry07:36
geniiI recall for kicks installing netbsd onto a Basilisk emulated Mac running on a windoze PC07:37
XBehaveMinataku: that excuse is pretty bad surely it could use mime types to get the default file browser or something07:37
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slyfoxYeah, it is just that it is annoynf when I have soemthing downloaded, to go to that folder manualy07:37
MinatakuThere probably is a way07:37
MinatakuI just don't happen to know it07:37
MinatakuWhen I need to work on files I always do it from the CLI without exception07:38
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tehpwn|busyLjL, what do I do with this .deb file when it's done downloading?07:39
slyfoxMinataku: Sorry I am a noob, no idea what this means " CLI without exception"07:39
LjLstdin: doesn't work out of the box for me. dpkg claims the kernel module has been installed and started, and i've added my user to the group i've been instructed to, but it complains about the kernel module when starting a VM07:39
LjLtehpwn|busy: sudo dpkg -i filename07:39
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands07:39
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Minatakuslyfox: But that's probably not for you07:40
stdinLjL: I had to modprobe it07:40
slyfoxMinataku: yeha :-007:40
slyfoxI just got Beryl working.07:40
MinatakuI'm just saying why I don't know how to set up Firefox to open any particualr program07:40
stdinLjL: then chmod it to allow my user to write to the file in /dev07:40
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revangeSomeone can tell me VPN package for Kubuntu 6.10??07:41
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LjLstdin: wow, that's bad... why do they tell us to add the user to vboxusers if that doesn't give access to the module?07:41
LjLi hope a reboot fixes this07:41
Minataku!vpn | revange07:41
uboturevange: From more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD07:41
stdinLjL: I got the svn version, so the deb may be different, i'm installing the deb now07:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gre - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:42
revangei'm now using VPN connection to network07:42
revangebut its manualy configured07:42
revangeit was hard think for my friends07:42
revangei need VPN program... for Kubuntu if there is some (i'm noob..)07:43
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animimotusplease, how can I switch the standard sound output to my headset usb?07:44
LjLstdin: now, if only it could be compiled with KDE support...07:45
revangewell Wine Works Great!!!!! tested 4 games... include MuOnline, im testing WoW now :D07:45
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tehpwn|busyLjL, wtf... that download just like.. froze :( damn wireless07:50
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surgywhen i download frostwire.deb it just opens kate and puts alot of code in the main window and warns me not to save the file or it will be corrupt.....so what do i do with the .deb in order to install it?07:50
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ubotudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click on them (Ubuntu) or right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install (Kubuntu)07:50
tehpwn|busysurgy, lol, that's what it told me about my googleearth.bin file07:50
surgyso it wont corupt the file?07:51
stdinsurgy: just right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install07:52
surgystdn: but it opens it in kate07:52
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surgystdin: i have to save it first07:52
stdinsurgy: ahh07:52
stdinsurgy: from firefox or konqi ?07:53
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:53
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stdinsurgy: right click, Save Link As07:54
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surgystdin: k07:55
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revangeI am installing VMware with Adepth Manager, and i'm wondering how to start it?07:55
tehpwn|busyLjL, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2557/07:55
stdinrevange: it'll be in the Kmenu, under System07:56
jontectime to go nuke my xorg.conf.... *looks away..* you guys were no help...07:56
revangeit will be great :D07:56
LjLrevange: "vmplayer filename.vmx", or "sudo vmplayer filename.vmx" if that fails07:56
LjLtehpwn|busy: oh, you're on Dapper?07:57
tehpwn|busyLjL, yep07:57
revangebecouse when i install program, i can't see it07:57
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tehpwn|busyLjL, hehe, I always forget to mension that :-p07:58
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LjLtehpwn|busy: then i gave you the wrong package, sorry... http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/pool/dapper/non-free/i386/googleearth_4.0.2414-1medibuntu3_i386.deb is the one07:58
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tehpwn|busyLjL, Heh, ok, thanks :)07:58
LjLtehpwn|busy: do a "sudo apt-get remove googleearth" before trying to install this one, i guess07:58
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tehpwn|busyLjL kk07:59
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SanHey, I managed to get kubuntu to display 1280x1024 for me, but now it doesn't fit the whole screen on the monitor. I tryed Ctrl+Alt +/- but the one that looks like it should be for 1280x1024 is just blank. Does this meen my monitor doesn't support the res? It did on windows...08:00
jeff_hello, new Kubuntu user trying to kick the Windows habit .. I'm getting close, but there is one issue holding me back, and I was hoping someone could help....08:00
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HymnToLifejeff_, just ask, we'll help if we can08:01
jeff_i am haiving trouble playing .mov files in Kaffeine... i have loaded all codecs, but the audio when playing back .MOV files is choppy08:01
revangeHey ppls i think that application Adept manager is great!!!08:02
slyfox<slyfox> Is there any way to make it so that the virtual desktops do not share the same opened programs. Say I opend open office on desktop 1 and when I go to desktop 2, I do not what to see it, I want a clean desktop tere08:02
revangethere have evrything:D08:02
K-Ryanslyfox it should be like that08:02
jeff_i am experiencing this exact problem on 2 different machines with different audio cards, so it doesn't seem to be a driver issue08:02
ElIsmaslyfox: look in the options, somewhere there's the option08:02
surgywhy does frostwire keep telling me i dont have java and i just installed java?08:02
K-Ryanotherwise right click the program tab and in the options assign it to just one desktop08:03
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ElIsmaslyfox: i think it was in the K-bar options08:03
HymnToLifejeff_, nothing you can do about it, I'm afraid08:03
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HymnToLifeask Apple to release the specs of their MOV format :p08:03
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K-Ryan"To desktop: Desktop 1"08:03
tehpwn|busyHow do I get this dumb clock off military time?08:03
K-RyanChange the kind of clock08:03
jeff_really?   the xine backend says it plays .mov .. is this not true?08:03
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tehpwn|busyK-Ryan, iv tried all of them08:03
K-Ryanjeff_ it does play it right?08:03
K-RyanJust not perfect =P08:03
HymnToLifesadly, not all MOV are the same, it's like WMV08:04
jeff_it plays ... but the audio is choppy at a consistent rate, "in and out" once per second08:04
HymnToLifesometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't08:04
jhutchins_wktehpwn|busy: It's in your location settings.08:04
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jeff_oddly VLC media player plays the file perfectly08:04
K-Ryantehpwn|busy try getting a new clock applet08:04
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jeff_but i'd like to use the Kubuntu stock player08:04
slyfoxElIsma: Where is K-bar ?08:04
HymnToLifejeff_, do you have win32codecs installed ?08:05
ElIsmaslyfox: that thing where all programs appear08:05
jeff_yes i do08:05
ElIsmaslyfox: i don't know it's official name :P08:05
HymnToLifethen you can't do more08:05
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ElIsmaHello! I've problems with my lan connection. I was testing something and disconnected the cables while a connection was active. When I reconnected I coudn't get it to connect back. I tried ifdown/ifup , ifconfig, dhclient, but to no avail. My router won't give me an IP adress. I know the cables are correctly connected because I'm using the pc right now (in windows). I tried doing a dpkg-reconfigure -a but it didn't help... Any08:05
HymnToLifethat's why we tell people to use Free formats when they can08:05
jeff_any ideas why it would work in VLC but not Kaffeinie/Xine?08:05
jhutchins_wkjeff_: Basically what that means is that the player is unable to do realtime play of that file with the resources you have.08:05
HymnToLifebecause VLC has it's own codecs08:05
jeff_it's a MOV recorded off a Kodak still camera08:06
jhutchins_wkjeff_: It's using a less efficient algorythm, which on your hardware doesn't run fast enough.08:06
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jeff_i'm reluctant to agree it's a hardware problem since the exact problem is happening on 3 differnt machine08:06
jhutchins_wkjeff_: What happens if you play it directly in xine?08:06
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jeff_can you tell me how to do that jhutchins?08:07
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jhutchins_wkjeff_: It's only a hardware problem in that sufficiently powerful hardware (as used by most developers) would make it less noticible.08:07
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jhutchins_wkjeff_: Possibly launch xine then use the "File/Open" menu?08:07
jeff_it happens on a 2Ghz P4 .. how much more powerful do i need? :)08:07
jhutchins_wkjeff_: Possibly a meaner sound card?08:08
jontecagain I will ask... why are my colors teh suck?08:08
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jhutchins_wkjeff_: Got ram?08:08
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jeff_i have to say, it must be a codec issue, since it works fine in VLC08:08
jhutchins_wkjontec: Your eyeballs aren't correctly calibrated to the display.08:08
jhutchins_wkjeff_: Exactly.08:08
jhutchins_wkjeff_: I'd try mplayer or kmplayer though, they're very efficient.08:09
jeff_but you think it's just teh codec Xine uses lags on my hardware08:09
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tehpwn|busyWhen I try to edit ID3 tags in amarok it says the file is not writeable?08:09
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jontecjhutchins_wk: I'll pretend like I didn't hear that08:09
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angasule1. Acquire an ice-cream spoon 2. Remove eyeballs 3. Squish them like so 4. Place eyeballs back in socket08:09
jhutchins_wkI think kaffeine is less efficient, and therefore the playback lags.08:09
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jeff_ok... what is your opinion of VLC?08:09
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jeff_it seems to work great08:10
jhutchins_wkjontec: Well seriously.  What colors?  What's bad about them?08:10
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jhutchins_wkjeff_: It seems to work for a lot of people in a lot of situations.08:10
angasulejeff_: VLC seems to play just about anything, but the interface and options are lacking08:10
jhutchins_wkI'm more familiar with mplayer, but that's just a matter of experience.08:10
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angasulethe edgy version of kaffeine has a worse interface than the version in dapper, though08:10
jeff_i guess i'll go with VLC .. the only "interface" i'm looking for at this point is working video and sound :)08:11
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slyfoxElIsma: Still cant find it08:11
jhutchins_wkjeff_: I'd say have a look at mplayer before you settle in for good, but go with whatever makes you happy!08:11
jeff_thaks you very much for addressing my issue08:11
ElIsmaslyfox: sorry, I'm not in kde right now :(08:12
jeff_i will look at mplayer thanks08:12
ElIsmaslyfox: i just know it's somewhere within reach08:12
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jontecjhutchins_wk: well images don't display correctly... they don't display with the correct number of colors... all of my KDE images (like the panels and icons, etc. work) but real images do not... I might send you a screen shot... I notice this in gtk apps, KPDF, konqueror (when viewing online images), and when I logout... it's never been correct. amd64, Gateway MX6446, ATI Radeon xpress 1150.08:12
jhutchins_wkslyfox: Whatcha lookin for?08:12
slyfoxjhutchins_wk:  Is there any way to make it so that the virtual desktops do not share the same opened programs. Say I opend open office on desktop 1 and when I go to desktop 2, I do not what to see it, I want a clean desktop tere08:13
jhutchins_wkjontec: Is it possible you have 16 bit color instead of 24?08:13
slyfoxjhutchins_wk: So that they do not share the taskbar08:13
sistemashi everybody08:13
jhutchins_wkslyfox: They've always shared the taskbar, but not the desktops themselves for me.08:13
sistemasin my kubuntu 6.10 not have floppy08:13
jhutchins_wkslyfox: (Wine doesn't respect desktop assignments when opening)08:14
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tehpwnLjL, holy crap it's sooo laggy and it's only using half the screen...08:14
sistemasits icon doesn't appear in konqueror08:14
K-Ryanslyfox they always share the same taskbar as far as i know08:14
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slyfoxAnd there is no way to make it so that they will not share ?08:14
jontecjhutchins_wk: it was never like that in xorg.conf... and no one helped me so I deleted all of the other subentries there that had depth <24 for my monitor resolution... (I had depth 1, 4, 16... I guess for 1280 x800... my res) then I restarted to restart xserver08:14
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jhutchins_wkslyfox: You might talk to the KDE folks, see what they know.08:15
jhutchins_wkjontec: So what do you have now?08:15
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jontecjhutchins_wk: the DefaultDepth 24... and a subsection "Display" with depth 24 and res "1280 x 800"08:16
LjLtehpwn, sure your 3D drivers are good to go?08:17
tehpwnLjL, Lol, IDK?08:17
LjLtehpwn: hm? i just mean the ATI or Nvidia or whatever drivers08:17
tehpwnLjL, onboard intel graphics08:18
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Alarmwhere are the .themes located ? i installed karamba and superkaramba (although i cant udnerstand their difference) but both ask for themes08:19
tehpwnLjL, http://tehfilezz.googlepages.com/snapshot1.jpg08:19
jhutchins_wkjontec: Hm.  I don't actually see a way to set color depth in the GUI configuration tools.08:20
jhutchins_wkjontec: So did the default xorg conf work correctly?08:20
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jontecjhutchins_wk: no.... that's why my colors were messed up :D08:21
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jontecjhutchins_wk: I'm not even sure it worked in 6.0608:21
jontecjhutchins_wk: actually, now I'm certain... I remember08:22
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jeff_jhutchins ... Mplayer is the winner!!  even played a file VLC wouldn't play!08:23
jeff_thank you so much!08:23
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Alarmdoes anyone know how can i locate the themes that karamba needs ?08:24
ubotusuperkaramba is an application that gives you interactive eye-candy on your desktop. To get themes for it, head over to http://kde-look.org08:24
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jhutchins_wkjontec: At this point you should probably be looking for kubuntu-specific configuration tools, and possibly look for info specific to your graphics chipset and ubuntu.08:26
Alarmit cant use themes that are on my system ? i mean those that has kubuntu as default ?08:26
jhutchins_wkjontec: I can't think of much else to try, except possibly reducing resolution and seeing if that helps.08:26
jontecjhutchins_wk: thanks08:26
jhutchins_wkjontec: If video ram is the limiting factor on your card, you'll have to choose between upper resolutions or full color.08:26
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jontecjhutchins_wk: shouldn't be... i should have 128 for this card :S08:27
jeff_how do i make MPlayer my default player for all video?08:27
jeff_in kubuntu08:28
Alarma last question then. whats the difference between karamba and superkaramba ? i read the info description on adept_manager but couldnt figure out08:28
jhutchins_wkjontec: Depends on the card and the driver.08:28
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ubotugtkpod: manage songs and playlists on an Apple iPod. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.99.4-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 481 kB, installed size 1992 kB08:29
jontecjhutchins_wk: okay, well in system settings... it has the driver... standard ATI Radeon... but it doesn't let me change the ram.... it only has 256kb... and its grayed out.08:31
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jhutchins_wkAre you in "Administrative Mode"?08:31
jontecjhutchins_wk: umm... and will any settings I change in here be in xorg.conf?08:32
jontecjhutchins_wk: yeah08:32
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jhutchins_wkjontec: Which chipset is it again?  (lspci)08:36
ronny_hi all08:36
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ronny_i wanted to add a user to another group with sudo usermod -G groupname username08:36
ronny_now this user can't do any sudo command.. and sudo groups username gives nothing :(08:36
ronny_any idea?08:36
jontecjhutchins_wk: 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS482 [Radeon Xpress 200M]  <<< I'm not sure this is right... I have a Radeon Xpress 115008:37
jontecjhutchins_wk: was that what you were looking for?08:37
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ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.08:38
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jhutchins_wkjontec: It looks like you should look into the propietary ATI drivers.08:41
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jhutchins_wkThe generic radeon driver is not detecting your vram correctly.08:42
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jhutchins_wkI don't find your card listed anywhere on the radeon pages, so I'm thinking it's too new to have full support in the open drivers.08:42
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ronny_any idea.. i cant sudo anything.. i get some errors..08:43
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jhutchins_wkronny_: Look at group memberships.08:44
jontecjhutchins_wk: I see the ATI radeon fglrx (is that proprietary?) and... since it's not listed, does that mean that there's no proprietary drivers?08:44
ronny_jhutchins_wk: how and where? konsole?08:44
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:44
ronny_jhutchins_wk: thos ise is only in hes own group.. and.. its the only user :(08:45
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ronny_thera is also now root passwd.. can't login as root08:45
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jhutchins_wkronny_: It can be done with vi or with system settings/User Management (Administrator Mode).08:47
jhutchins_wkShow system groups.08:47
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SpAwNanyone here use ipkungfu?....the one in kubuntu seems to be very old......some of the features arent even used anymore08:48
ubotuipkungfu: iptables-based Linux firewall. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.2-7 (edgy), package size 33 kB, installed size 212 kB08:48
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jhutchins_wkronny_: See08:48
ronny_jhutchins_wk: i can't open administrator mode.. "su returned with an error"08:48
jhutchins_wk"Allowing other users to run sudo" in the previous doc.08:48
ronny_i locked me out.. aaaaa08:48
jhutchins_wkronny_: Either as the original user or boot to single-user mode (rescue mode?)08:48
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ronny_ok i try..08:49
SpAwNguess ill have to complie from sourc08:49
jhutchins_wkThe doc is pretty clear.08:49
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admin__PEOPLES i need HELP08:52
admin__i have problem with my Adept Manager08:53
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jhutchins_wkadmin__: What problem?08:54
dwidmannwhat kind admin__?08:54
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ronny_jhutchins_wk: now i have the root password activated... :) one point forward :)08:56
admin__look: Read only mode: database Locked -Adept manager.. Youwill not beable to change your system settings in any way (install,remove or upgrade software),because another process is using the pachaging system database (propably some other Adept application or apt-get or aptitude), Please Close the other application before using this one!08:56
jontecjhutchins_wk: Okay, I don't want to screw my system up completely... I need it for a presentation on Saturday. using this http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Edgy_Installation_Guide and the ubuntu way... how would I reverse any changes? would putting in a archived copy of xorg.conf fix it?08:56
jhutchins_wkronny_: Yeah, try to play along with the sudo system though, it's a good habit to develop.08:56
admin__My Adept manager cant install SOFT!!08:56
admin__look: Read only mode: database Locked -Adept manager.. Youwill not beable to change your system settings in any way (install,remove or upgrade software),because another process is using the pachaging system database (propably some other Adept application or apt-get or aptitude), Please Close the other application before using this one!08:56
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jhutchins_wkjontec: The kernel module config files would need to be backed up too - not sure exactly what ubuntu calls those.08:57
jontecadmin__: restart your computer08:57
jhutchins_wkHeck, just snapshot /etc with rsync or something.08:57
admin__i've restarted it twise08:57
admin__but the problem already exist08:57
jhutchins_wkadmin__:  Is the adept updater running?08:58
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admin__when i log in i am starting the adept manager, and he don't apears08:58
jhutchins_wkadmin__: Did something crash?08:58
adaptradmin__: quit all package managers, then delete the lock08:58
admin__when i plaed a win program08:59
admin__somthing crashed08:59
jhutchins_wkadaptr: You wouldn't know exactly which lock file he's looking for?08:59
juano__does someone know why in win workgroup my ubuntu pc wont appear, but here in ubuntu i can see both pcs fine in workgroup?08:59
juano__i can connect though to the ubuntu pc in win writing \\ubuntupcname08:59
admin__and i was unable to move my mouse08:59
juano__at first it appears, but then it dissappears after a while09:00
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jhutchins_wkadmin__: Look  in /var/lock, maybe you can figure out which is the lock file.09:00
jontecadaptr: I think its... /var/cache/apt/archives ? maybe ?09:00
jontecand then lock09:00
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jontecjhutchins_wk: /var/cache/apt/archives/lock (I know that one's there)09:01
jontecor, rather... that there's one there09:01
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admin__i remember, My KDE panel was crashed09:02
adaptrjhutchins_wk: yes, for apt and synaptic, it's /var/cache/apt/archive/lock09:02
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adaptrjhutchins_wk: for aptitude, also /var/lib/aptitude/lock, and perhaps synaptic also stores one for itself.. it's all rather silly09:03
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dwidmann!adeptfix | admin__09:03
ubotuadmin__: If adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a'09:03
adaptrjuano__: you need to allow browsing in the global config section09:03
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admin__I've looked in /var/lock09:04
admin__there is one file09:04
jontecsee what ubotu sent you...09:04
admin__in these file is that       472909:04
admin__only that "      4729"09:04
jontecadmin__: read what ubotu sent you09:04
Thehound666will I be able to use a Radeon x1950PRO with Kubuntu?09:04
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admin__im using Kubuntu09:05
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admin__what to read??09:05
dwidmannadmin__: If adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a'09:05
gigionecan anyone tell me please why kaffeine doesn't start anymotr in kubuntu 6.10?09:05
dwidmanngigione, it should09:05
juano__adaptr: ok , ill check that, but at first i can browse fine through xp, its just after 10 min or so that the ubuntu pc vanishes from network under xp, but through ubuntu i can see both pcs all the time fine09:06
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Thehound666I hear some gfx cards are unsupported09:06
adaptrjuano__: oh, okay - you said you never saw it earlier09:06
adaptruser-land: hi there!09:06
dwidmanngigione: try to start it in konsole, and see if it gives you any errors. If that doesn't work, try running "killall kaffeine" and trying again09:06
user-landIs there a utility i can use in Konqueror to destroy files ?09:06
user-landadaptr :-)09:06
admin__OK there is the result..09:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about shredder - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:06
admin__root@revange-desktop:~# sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a09:06
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about shred - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:06
admin__Setting up libssl0.9.7 (0.9.7k-3) ...09:07
admin__Setting up libgsf-1-common (1.14.1-2ubuntu1.1) ...09:07
admin__Setting up libcroco3 (0.6.1-1build1) ...09:07
admin__Setting up vmware-player-kernel-modules-2.6.17-10 ( ...09:07
admin__Setting up vmware-player-kernel-modules ( ...09:07
admin__Setting up libgsf-1-114 (1.14.1-2ubuntu1.1) ...09:07
admin__Setting up librsvg2-2 (2.16.0-0ubuntu2) ...09:07
adaptroh boy09:07
gigionehope will work09:07
celalhi @ all09:07
dwidmannsomething ubotu doesn't know ...... blasphemy!09:07
celalanyone from germany here?09:07
jontecusing this http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Edgy_Installation_Guide and the ubuntu way... how would I reverse any changes?09:08
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celaliam looking for german users for my usergroup09:08
user-landcelal, from german speaking switzerland09:08
dwidmanncelal: #kubuntu-de might be a good place to look09:09
celalswitzerland is great too09:09
jhutchins_wkjontec: Like I said, back up /etc/* with rsync, copy it back if you need to.09:09
jontecwait... that's not what I mean to paste09:09
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SpAwNi installed ipkungfu and was wondering how to start it... /etc/init.d/ipkungfu start doesnt seem to do anything.09:09
jontecjhutchins_wl: sorry :D09:09
user-landyes, for cold hearts ;-)09:09
celalthanks a lot mr. user-land09:09
juano__any ideas adaptr_09:09
SpAwNoh and i prefer a cli way09:09
jhutchins_wkjontec: I'm afraid you've found out why it's called the "bleeding edge", your card isn't even listed at ATI's website.09:09
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jontecjhutchins_wk: (this is what I meant to paste): I've been just sitting here and now, all of my colors are fine... I haven't changed any settings... any idea why this is?09:10
jhutchins_wkNo idea jontec.09:11
jontecjhutchins_wk: umm... no? this is a laptop?09:11
jhutchins_wkIf it stays fixed, you're all set.09:11
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celalyou was a great help user-land thx where are u from?09:11
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jontecjhutchins_wk: I know it won't. 'member I said sometimes I see it on my logout screen?09:11
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celalwuste ich nicht09:11
user-landja :-)09:11
adaptr!english gentlemen, please09:12
Sirius``anyone here who's german and could help me with the kubuntu-installation?09:12
celalwelche grafische oberflche nutzt du?09:12
user-landadaptr, do you recommend a script ?09:12
celalich sirius09:12
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ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de09:12
user-landcelal, we need to speak english here.09:12
SpAwNis there a command similer to service servicename start/restart/stop09:12
bjamesdoes anyone here use wxWidgets on kDevelop?09:12
celalohh im sorry09:12
celalmy fault09:12
adaptrSpAwN: /etc/init.d/servicename09:12
jhutchins_wkjontec: You might still look at the propietary drivers.  I'm not familiar with them myself, my hardware's old and slow.09:13
SpAwNif the service had a error would it spit it out?...or will it let u know the service started?09:13
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jontecjhutchins_wk: okay... I'm going to try to install it now09:13
jhutchins_wkSpAwN: Yes.09:13
celalhey sirius whats you problem?09:13
SpAwNdamn......its outputting nothing09:13
jhutchins_wkAll the "service" command does is run the script in /etc/init.d/09:13
jontecjhutchins_wk: sure that backup of /etc/ is all I need?09:13
jhutchins_wkjontec: It's overkill, but it should get everything.09:14
admin__Someone Know good BIT TOrrent Client fot Kubuntu 6.10??09:14
jhutchins_wkLike I said, I haven't been there myself.09:14
jontecjhutchins_wk: okay09:14
Sirius``celal i moved to the de-chan^^09:14
stdinadmin__: KTorrent09:14
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jhutchins_wkSirius``: We don't mean to be unfriendly to non-english-speakers, but it works best if we stay on-language.09:14
admin__stdin: yes but when i start Download a file with KTorrent, it doesnt start to download09:15
admin__no kb/s09:15
admin__like no seed from other side09:15
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stdinadmin__: there is also azureus, it's a java based client09:16
stdin!info azureus09:16
ubotuazureus: BitTorrent client. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 6922 kB, installed size 7780 kB09:16
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admin__ill try it09:16
Sirius``jhutchins_wk sure no prob :)09:16
admin__i'm having a problem with upgrade of VMware player09:16
admin__it stuck on 16%09:16
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adamwesthey guys09:17
stdinadmin__: what's it say in the terminal (show more ... button)09:17
admin__i'm using Adept manager now09:17
stdinadmin__: yeah, but there is a button you click to show the console part09:18
stdinadmin__: next to the percentage09:18
admin__there is09:18
admin__Ubuntu Configuration              End User License Agreement for VMware Player 1.0.2                        09:18
admin__                                                                                                            09:18
stdinadmin__: yeah09:18
admin__                                                                                                            09:18
stdinadmin__: ok09:18
admin__                                                                                                            09:19
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stdinadmin__: you need to except it09:19
admin__                                  END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR VMWARE(R) PLAYER                           09:19
admin__                                                                                                            09:19
admin__                                  VMWARE, INC. LICENSES THIS DESKTOP SOFTWARE PRODUCT TO YOU SUBJECT TO     09:19
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=== mode/#kubuntu [+b %admin__!*@*] by LjL
LjLUbotu, tell admin__ about paste | admin__, see the private message from Ubotu09:19
stdin!pastebin > admin__09:19
LjLadmin__: you'll be muted for a minute while your paste buffer empties09:19
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adamwestI'm having problems with my IAUDIO device09:20
adamwestwon't show its real free space09:20
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admin__what happend09:20
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Bubba_Gumphow can I set up Firestarter to allow incoming and outgoing bittorrent events ?09:21
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ubotuYou should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages (see !Away for more details): use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently09:21
kub23i'm was with nich admin_09:21
stdinkub23:  please don't flood the channel09:21
LjLkub23: you were pasting a ton of stuff09:21
kub23what hppend09:21
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LjLkub23: use the pastebin for that sort of thing please09:21
kub23my login was admin.,....09:22
stdinkub23:  you just need to accept the licence09:22
kub23what license?09:22
kub23how to accept it?09:22
Thehound666guys, I have this file check.sh to check some system requirements09:22
Thehound666how do I run it?09:22
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stdinkub23: you need to press enter (i think). then use the arrow keys to move to "yes" then press enter again09:23
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kub23ok i will not flood09:23
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stdinThehound666: you run it in konsole09:23
jhutchins_wkThehound666: Set it as executable and double click it, or run it from the command line ./check.sh or bash ./check.sh09:23
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Thehound666when I type check.sh says command not found09:23
Thehound666oh ok09:24
Thehound666the ./09:24
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jhutchins_wkThehound666: right.09:24
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user-landwould someone like to add this to ubotu under !shred ? http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=1904709:25
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adamwestANYONE :\09:27
Thehound666ok this is not right, if I d09:27
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Thehound666o ./check.sh permission denied, if I do sudo ./check.sh it says not found09:27
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stdinThehound666: make sure it's executable09:28
Admiral_Chicago_!anyone | adamwest09:28
ubotuadamwest: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:28
adamwesti asked it.09:28
adamwest I'm having problems with my IAUDIO device09:28
kub23please help me im noob, how to accept the license for VMware  player in Adept updater09:28
kub23there is ok after the license, but i can't press it09:29
user-landadamwest, maybe format it ?09:29
stdinkub23: with the mouse or the enter key?09:29
adamwesti have stuff i need insize09:29
Thehound666maybe I'll ask you guys what it is to determine since it encountered another error09:29
adaptrkub23: scroll down to the end of the EULA09:29
Thehound666what Xfree86 version is Kubuntu?09:29
kub23yes im there09:29
adamwestin windows it shows 2.5g and in linux it shows 116mb :\09:29
stdinkub23: you may have to cancel it and do it in konsole09:30
VSpikeThehound666: it uses xorg09:30
Thehound666ouch so my card is incompatible09:30
kub23how to do it in console?09:30
Thehound666guess I'll have to use VMWare09:30
adaptrThehound666: which card ?09:30
stdinkub23: cancel the install/upgrade then in konsole do "sudo dpkg --configure -a"09:31
Thehound666ATI Radeon x150PRO09:31
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adaptrkub23: sudo aptitude install vmware-player09:31
adamwestuser-land, u have an idea what's going on/09:31
Thehound666damn keyboard09:31
adaptrThehound666: why would that not be supported ?09:31
Thehound666the driver says it needs xfree8609:31
Thehound666according to site09:31
user-landno, adamwest, just that formatting helps sometimes with external memory cards.09:31
adaptrthat's not all that important09:31
kub23status database area is locked by another process09:31
adamwestuser-land do you know perhaps another channel i could get support in?09:32
adaptrThehound666: where did yo get a driver from ? whatever - don't do that, use Ubuntu drivers09:32
Thehound666oh xorg version link09:32
user-landhow do i recognise channel ops here ?09:32
jhutchins_wkThehound666: If the file is not set as executable, you'll get that permissions error.  If you do "bash <filename>" it should work.09:32
adaptrkub23: you need to exit synaptic first09:32
Thehound666what version we have?09:32
stdinkub23: ok, do this "sudo fuser -vik /var/lib/dpkg/lock ; sudo dpkg --configure -a"09:32
VSpikeX11R7.1 1.1.009:32
user-landno, adamwest, no idea about your device. apple ?09:32
Thehound666need to make sure it's supported before migrating this pc off VMWare and to a dual boot09:33
ubotuSteam can be found at: http://www.steampowered.com/09:33
VSpikex1950 should be supported.09:33
jhutchins_wk!ati | Thehound66609:33
ubotuThehound666: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:33
VSpikeThehound666: are you using edgy?09:33
kub23ok in the console apears the same window and i can't press ok:(09:33
adaptrThehound666: you'll always have X - just not very fast unless you load the ati drivers09:34
Thehound666and apparently the open source driver doesn't like this card09:34
Thehound666from my reading09:34
VSpikeIf you can't get the open source driver to work, then try specifying "radeon" instead of "ati" as the driver.09:34
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jhutchins_wkThehound666: Unfortunately ATI has released newer hardware than they've released drivers.09:34
stdinkub23: try using the tab ket to move09:34
Thehound666this is the driver from their page for x1900 series09:35
Thehound666that I'm looking at09:35
kub23it woked!09:35
stdinyw :)09:35
jhutchins_wkThehound666: Yeah, but there might be an Xorg driver instad of XFree86.09:35
adaptrThehound666: the ATI drivers are probably useless, search the forums or the Ubuntu site09:35
externI messed up my g++. I was trying to install wxWidgets 2.8.0, and after doing that, when compiling my program with KDevelop, it says configure: error: cannot run C++ compiled programs.09:35
jhutchins_wkThehound666: Or it may be the same driver.09:35
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VSpikeKubuntu includes open drivers for ATI, and the binary drivers too09:35
VSpikeThehound666: Installable via apt-get09:35
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kub23well i think now i have evrythink what i need, now i'm forgoted the Windows and runnig Kubuntu:)09:36
Thehound666tell me what you think on this driver09:36
Thehound666am I asking for trouble?09:36
kub23Just one more think is there a viruses ?09:36
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VSpikeI have x850xt working with fglrx (ATI proprietary binary drivers).  I'm going to try going back to the open ones now I've found a write up on the bug with them09:37
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VSpikeThehound666: I tried those, but the check.sh script just crashes09:38
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dustI've downloaded a svn nightly of kmobiletools (http://xoomer.alice.it/rockman81/kmobiletools/kmobiletools-svn-2007-01-15.tar.bz2), and trying to compile... But it halts at "checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X libraries. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!" suggestions?09:38
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stdinkub23: virus? Ha, we don't have viruses on linux :)09:38
stdin!virus | kub2309:38
ubotukub23: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2109:38
Thehound666the drivers themselves work though?09:38
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externdust, check if you have dev libs installed for X09:38
dustI've been having problems compiling stuff in general too, I might be missing somthing essential?09:38
VSpikeThehound666:  I'm using the ones that are part of distribution now09:38
dustextern: what would they be called?09:38
Thehound666x1950PRO XGE is new09:39
dustx.org dev?09:39
Thehound666wouldn't think the open would support it yet09:39
VSpikeThe binary ones are also available09:39
externsarch from them in adept09:39
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VSpikexorg-driver-fglrx                          7.1.0-8.28.8+           Video driver for ATI graphics accelerators09:39
externit should start like "libX11-xxxxx-dev"09:39
externI don't know the xxx part09:39
stdindust: probably xorg-dev09:40
kub23yes i think i don't need anti virus soft..09:40
dustxserver-xorg-dev - X.Org X server -- development files ?09:40
externthose may be it09:40
kub23How to register in this chat?09:40
stdin!info xorg-dev09:40
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ubotuxorg-dev: the X.Org X Window System development libraries. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.1.1ubuntu6.2 (edgy), package size 17 kB, installed size 44 kB09:40
SpAwNwhen i try to start ipkungfu with/etc/init.d/ipkungfu start it doesnt start only says to see its debian.readme...which doesnt exits :(09:40
stdin!register | kub2309:40
ubotukub23: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration09:40
dustk, trying that?09:40
VSpikeIs there a graphical way to manage applications which autostart in KDE?09:40
SpAwNanyone know about ubuntu and ipkungfu09:40
dustVSpike: just make symlinks to ~/.kde/Autostart09:41
Thehound666xorg-driver fglrx and fglrx-dev?09:41
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externwhat can I do to fix that "can't run compiled C++ programs" error? It's given when running configure, but I tried compiling a very simple hello world program and it ran fine09:42
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stdinmake sure you have the build-essential package09:42
externthe code was compiling fine09:43
externuntil I tried to install wxWidgests 2.8.009:43
VSpikedust: OK.. I know that's easy, it just seemed odd that there was no graphical too for it.  Do I symlink .desktop files, or copy them? Or symlink applications?  Or any of the above?09:43
externthe very same code09:43
Thehound666no x1950 support listed09:43
trappistSpAwN: I think the packager makes you enable it in /etc/default/ipkungfu or something09:43
trappistSpAwN: check the readme :)09:43
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SpAwNtrappist, i read it.09:43
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externsearching on google, I found a topic, that said it's because libstdc++ is not found, I have to explicitly set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to it09:44
externhow can I set it?09:44
dustVSpike: I have to agree it's not very stright foreward, but... What I did was to symlink to the binaries, ie: ln -s /usr/bin/knetworkmanager ~/.kde/Autostart/09:44
gigioneis there another way to start kaffeine?09:44
trappistSpAwN: try checking out the init script, see what it's doing09:45
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gigionecause i can't start it09:45
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SpAwNtrappist, it wasnt starting the right excutalbe so i edited so it woulr09:45
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SpAwNtrappist, b4 it woulndt do anything....now it at least says not starting09:45
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Thehound666x1950 is a pain on even Windows though great card09:46
Thehound666not even Omega latest version recognises it09:46
trappistSpAwN: have a look at /etc/default/ipkungfu09:46
SpAwNis that the file i have to comment out the line?09:46
trappistSpAwN: change the 0 to a 109:46
SpAwNon mandriva it at least said what file to edit......on here it says nothing09:47
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trappistSpAwN: it says to check the readme, which says what file to edit and how to edit it09:47
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SpAwNtrappist, but the readme file isnt there09:47
trappistSpAwN: /usr/share/doc/ipkungfu/README.Debian ?09:48
SpAwNtrappist, it says to check the readme.debian..which isnt on my computer09:48
SpAwNits not there or anywhere09:48
trappistSpAwN: it may have been wiped out when you upgraded from source09:48
dustextern, stdin: I installed xserver-xorg-dev, and that went fine, but compile still whines about X, so I tried installing xorg-dev, but that complains about libxft-dev, which in turn wants libfontconfig1-dev, and trying to install that gives me libfontconfig1-dev: Depends: libfontconfig1 (= 2.3.2-7ubuntu2) but 2.4.2-1 is to be installed09:49
VSpikeThehound666: You are right that the open drivers do not support it.  I don't know about fglrx09:49
SpAwNbah this just isnt working http://pastebin.ulteo.us/39709:49
externwhat were you trying to compile again?09:49
trappistSpAwN: it's working, you just hit a bug (that should be fixed in 0.6.1)09:50
externis it available on apt-get?09:50
externtry doing sudo apt-get build-dep kmobiletools09:50
SpAwNtrappist, that should be the newest..i dled from your site like a hour ago09:50
trappistSpAwN: you should be able to get rid of those messages by putting one and only one netmask in ipkungfu.conf09:50
trappistSpAwN: well that's no good :/09:50
trappistSpAwN: meet me in #ipkungfu?09:50
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dustextern: trying to do the build-dep thing didn't work, still whines about unmet dependencies, but just running apt-get install kmobiletools worked09:52
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externbuild-dep should get all the dependencies for that package :/09:53
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Thehound666ok their installer is a .run09:54
Thehound666how do I run that?09:54
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Thehound666I did sudo sh ./ati-driver-installer-8.33.6.run09:54
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Valmarkohere I am,  please send me an angel :)09:55
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ValmarkoIt's m birthday, ubuntu comunity09:56
=== dethklok wishes Valmarko a happy birthday!!! And rewards him with 1 banana sticker!!!
Thehound666looks like stupid VMWare for me09:57
Thehound666these drivers have a .run09:58
dustfor what?09:58
dethklokmy stomach hurts, i'm gonna go eat09:58
Thehound666the installer09:58
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Thehound666and following their instructions will not launch it09:59
externI traced that my g++ error is caused by wx-config --libs. It outputs the following: -L/usr/local/lib -pthread   -lwx_gtk2u_aui-2.8 -lwx_gtk2u_xrc-2.8 -lwx_gtk2u_qa-2.8 -lwx_gtk2u_html-2.8 -lwx_gtk2u_adv-2.8 -lwx_gtk2u_core-2.8 -lwx_baseu_xml-2.8 -lwx_baseu_net-2.8 -lwx_baseu-2.  What could be wrong with those?09:59
Thehound666even after making it executable09:59
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Thehound666command not found10:00
Thehound666actually can't open10:00
Thehound666thehound@thehound-desktop:~/Desktop$ sudo sh ./ati-driver-installer-8.33.6.run10:00
Thehound666sh: Can't open ./ati-driver-installer-8.33.6.run10:00
=== wezzie [n=patrick@cpc1-yarm2-0-0-cust668.pete.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
dustchmod +x ati-driver-installer-8.33.6.run ?10:01
wezzieim have trouble viewing a .rm file. i have installed realplayer but i still cant view an .rm file it says its an unkown fileformat. what could be the problem10:01
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Thehound666I right clicked, checked "is executable"10:02
Thehound666I do things graphically when I can10:02
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dustThehound666: well, in theory that should do it :p10:03
Valmarkotnks dethklok10:03
Thehound666oh the instructions were a typo from them10:03
dustbut in my experience, "linux" and "theory" are mutally exclusive :P10:03
Thehound666they had a chracter wrong in filename10:03
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Thehound666wtf lol10:03
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Thehound666I copied pasted them10:04
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Thehound666so that one's not on me10:04
pgdownhas anyone taken the red hat certs?10:04
Valmarkowhat is linux ?10:04
KyralValmarko: A way of life10:04
agnosticon my Edgy,  Ctrl+Alt+Fn  combination do not work, any idea?10:04
Thehound666now I can do away with this vm now that I know I can install compatible drivers for my very new card10:04
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Valmarko;) yaaa10:05
Thehound666well not do away, what I want to do is have it use same partition as Linux install for when I boot to windows10:05
LjLagnostic: when inside X, or when in a console?10:05
Thehound666since I often need to run rtorrent10:05
dustbeware tho, I had a pain getting fglx drivers working, and when the finally did, and I tried enabeling translucency and other goodies, it turned out poop10:05
dethklokValmarko, Now, what will you do with that amazing banana sticker?10:05
agnosticinside X10:06
dethklokagnostic, i like that word10:06
Thehound666these may be different10:06
Thehound666released Jan 17 200710:06
Thehound666brand new drivers10:06
Valmarkogood question ? what would you do ?10:06
dethklokI really don't know... Maybe stick it on my monitor.. Lol.10:06
dustThehound666: you want to install linux on the same partition as windows?10:07
Thehound666seperate partition10:07
Thehound666just have a VM with access to Linux10:07
Thehound666for when I need to run windows10:07
Thehound666like the game that's my crack10:08
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Valmarkomaybe... ubuntu it ?10:08
animimotusplease, how can I switch the standard sound output to my headset usb?10:08
agnostic<dethklok> do you know what means?10:08
dethklokagnostic, Yeah, I am it10:09
dethklokagnostic, but I have allways found a weird attraction to the word itself10:09
Thehound666the install package has a cute penguin10:09
Thehound666guess ATI are still Linux fans10:10
Thehound666new drivers are out10:10
Valmarkodethklok, ubuntu = share10:10
agnosticme to :)10:10
dethklokagnostic, lol... well i kinda assumed that.. lol10:10
Valmarkodethklok, ubuntu <=> share10:10
dethklokValmarko, huh?10:10
dethklokWhat, you want more banana stickers? lol10:11
ValmarkoI'm answering your question :)10:11
dethklokValmarko, oooooooo ic10:11
=== gdiebel [n=gdiebel@adsl-69-217-146-185.dsl.mdsnwi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
Valmarkooooohhh ;)10:12
dustbtw: anyone know what/where to edit to change the application launched when I click on links in gaim? now it's konqueror and I want it to be firefox10:12
dethkloksry im kinda distracted atm... installing kdegames10:12
pucko-Hello. When I used suse some time ago I had a button in konqueror (file browsing mod) that allowed me to watch images in a sane way (all images as thumbnails to the left and a large image in the main window). Can I add that in kubuntu 6.10 as well?10:12
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angasulepucko-: don't know about that exactly, but sounds a lot like gwenview10:15
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dustI've tried pretty much all the image managers, and gwenview is fast for browsing, while digikam is great for archiving and imporing10:16
Valmarkohello everybody! hello kubunuts! ;=)10:17
dethklokwho likes the donnie darko movie?10:17
dustI do :D10:17
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dethklokwhat's your interpertation (sp?) on the movie?10:18
dethkloki think i understnad the basic idea behind the movie.. but not sure10:18
Valmarkoummm... what about ring II?10:18
dethkloknever saw either of the ring 's10:18
Valmarkoi just saw it10:18
Valmarkovery nice10:18
dethkloki heard the Jap. version of Ring 1 was really good10:19
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Valmarkothe grudge ? amazing !!10:19
=== visik_ [n=visi@host11-21-dynamic.1-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu
dethklokEek, I only saw the end of that movie, seemed alright10:19
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Skrot-Both grudge and ring*10:20
dethklokI liked Hostel, pretty good mov.10:20
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Valmarkoummm.... maybe it's not your kind of movie10:20
Skrot-Saw was okay, for a horro flick10:21
Valmarkohostel... yaa10:21
stdingetting a bit -offtopic now10:21
dethklokLol, so...10:21
=== gdiebel [n=gdiebel@adsl-69-217-146-185.dsl.mdsnwi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
Valmarkochek republik10:21
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!10:21
dethklokAww, that's no fun :)10:21
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dethklokAnd besides, is there anybody that needs help with Kubuntu at this very moment?10:22
dethklok(not that im able to help... lol)10:22
stdindon't matter, it just keeps this channel clear for support10:22
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Valmarkolets go off topic10:23
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Thehound666what my friend from a tracker says is right10:23
dethklokLet's talk about MySpace!! Lol.10:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about myspace - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:23
dethklokAww :(10:23
Thehound666WINE-because you demand the stability of Windows 95, without all the compatibility10:23
dethklokWine Is Not an Emulator!10:24
Valmarkoubotu... i wish you could rule the world sone day10:24
dustbtw: anyone know what/where to edit to change the application launched when I click on links in gaim? now it's konqueror and I want it to be firefox10:24
dethklokPff, he/she/it dosen't even know what MySpace is...10:24
Thehound666I wish they would develop for it, eliminating the need for such projects as WINE10:24
dustsince everyone want's to be ontopic :)10:24
stdindust: sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser10:25
dethklokHehe, like I said, I cant help :(10:25
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Thehound666if anyone gets http-tunnelclient.exe running smooth under WINE let me know10:25
mervteckhey guys10:26
frojndhas anyone experiances with keyboard layouts?10:26
frojndcant set keyboard to slovenia layout10:26
frojndand now everything is fu** up10:26
dethklokGive me love give me liberty disco!10:26
frojndcant find apostroph10:26
=== dethklok dances!
frojndafna, slas etc10:26
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dustfrojnd: since using xfce, I found out that it's in xorg.conf, but kubuntu have wizards for it10:27
frojndI tryed by sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg but no good luck10:27
Thehound666my friend who says that uses Linux, but needs to dual boot10:27
Valmarkolet's dance. the spirit is ubuntu!!!!!10:27
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dethklokUmm, I installed kdegames and its not in my kickerbar... What do I do?10:27
frojnddpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg also not good luck :s10:27
Thehound666try running it in Konsole?10:27
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frojnddust: maybe u know for any type of those wizards?10:28
dethklokThehound666, what would the command be for that?10:28
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stdindethklok: games will be in Kmenu -> Games, if you don't see them, try logging out and back in, or kill kicker and restart it10:29
dustK --> System Settings --> Regional & Language --> Keyboard layout10:29
blackflagdoes someone one if i can play "studio 8" under kubuntu10:29
blackflag!studio 810:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about studio 8 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:30
dethklokstdin, how do you kill the kicker and restart it?10:30
dustor, you could edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and find the Keyboard section10:30
Valmarkostudio 8? what's that ?10:30
stdindethklok: Alt-F2, killall kicler && kicker10:30
blackflagmacromedia developer tools10:30
blackflagweb developing10:30
Valmarkodeveloping... develop+ingg10:31
blackflagis there something like cross over office?10:31
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ValmarkoWhat about enjoying ??10:31
dethklokstdin, humm, didnt work10:31
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dustblackflag: wine maybe? theres a Application db on winehq.org10:31
blackflagI want to run Linux in my firm but some peoleple are needing there software10:31
dethklokbrb I guess then10:31
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stdindethklok: try logging out and back in then10:32
colmhey, i just downloaded a tar ball source, and it doesn't have ./configure in it... Is there other ways I can install it?10:32
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stdinSanit: dose it have a Makefile ?10:33
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ValmarkoI would like to have compiz install and running in my system --- kubuntu 6.10. What should I do ?10:33
Sanitnot in the extracted tar ball folder10:33
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems10:34
stdinSanit: maybe you need automake and/or autoconf10:34
Sanitcan you give me the commands for that please?10:35
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Valmarkoplease... that site doe not give me instructions about installing compiz on kubunut... i need some other kinf of help... Of course,... Please10:35
stdinSanit: sudo apt-get install automake autoconf10:35
stdinValmarko: See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems10:35
Valmarkoahhh... lety me see . tnks :)10:35
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Sanitstdin: That installed... now what?10:36
dethklokWhoo, It worked!10:36
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stdinSanit: try just typing "autoconf" or "automake"10:36
Saniti did10:37
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Sanitautoconf: no input file10:37
stdinSanit: what are you trying to compile ?10:37
malikcan some1 tell me whats the correct flsh plugin for konqi and ff on kubuntu edgy?10:37
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:38
Sanitstdin: http://louhi.kempele.fi/~skyostil/uv/fretsonfire/10:38
=== LordOllie [n=Ollie@] has joined #kubuntu
Thehound666going to lay the groundwork for Installing a real Linux partition10:38
Thehound666hopefully have good luck10:38
Thehound666slower pc is nix only10:38
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angasulehmm, that command made me think of the old Flash movie song, "Flash! ooo-oo-ooooooooh!"10:38
maliki have   Shockwave Flash 9.0 r31  libflashplayer.so installed in /home/malik/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so ..........is it correct insytallation?10:38
=== Cuddles_in_KY [n=mike@h192.170.140.67.ip.alltel.net] has joined #kubuntu
Cuddles_in_KYafternoon all.10:39
LordOlliecan anyone tell me the what is was the I need to type into "run command" to be able to install a new kde theme?10:39
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dethklokGah, I'm still hungry :(10:39
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Cuddles_in_KYok folks. last chance here.10:39
Valmarkoshokwave ... ? there is no shokwave for ubuntu10:39
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Cuddles_in_KYis there an ndiswrapper expert around? 4 days i've been beating my brains out over this.10:40
=== dethklok dances and plays the key-tar for food!
dethklokCuddles_in_KY, try #ndiswrapper10:40
LordOllieCuddles_in_KY: I got to do this first !automatix210:40
LordOlliewrong command?10:40
dethklokLordOllie, Is your name Ollie?10:41
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dethklokWere you born in alaska?10:41
LordOllieno, Maine10:41
dethklokOk, nevermind10:41
frojnddust: I tryed in system settings, but I am only able to enable layout nor select the right one, in xorg.conf I set layout to si, but nothing happens10:41
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dethklokfrancis, try #france10:42
dustfrojnd: you need to restart X for changes in xorg.conf to be applied10:42
dustie: save all documents, hit ctrl+alt+backspace and see if that helps10:42
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francisca marche comment sur kubuntu pour conversation ???10:42
ValmarkoI was born in Santa Maria10:42
Valmarkofrancis, please10:43
stdinSanit: what's in the file you downloaded ?10:43
francisje dois faire quoi ??10:43
ValmarkoI know , french is beautiful10:43
stdin!fr | francis10:43
ubotufrancis: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.10:43
dustfrench frog-eating-whatnot :p10:44
ValmarkoBut... I'm portuguese and I'm speaking ( badly) englis10:44
ValmarkoDo as I amk10:44
Sanitstdin: .so files but no configure or make files10:44
ubotu      #ubuntu-ge - ~ For Georgian language support, please join #ubuntu-ge10:44
dethklokwtf, Georgian?10:44
franciset ca va me donner quoi sur ubuntu fr ??10:45
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:45
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de10:45
ubotu#ubuntu-gr  #kubuntu-gr     /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes10:45
LordOlliethere you go10:45
Valmarkofrench is really beautiful...10:45
dethklokI'm going for german10:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:45
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...10:45
=== jag_ is now known as jager
=== dust likes norwegian :P
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de10:45
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.10:45
now3din C++ how can I set up my member function so it won't be overridden in a derived class?10:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about c++ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:46
VSpikeIs there a tool for configuring the kdm display manager login screen?10:46
francisca defille trop vite a l ecran10:46
ubotulogin: system login tools. In component main, is required. Version 1:4.0.16-2ubuntu4 (edgy), package size 306 kB, installed size 2776 kB10:46
dustI think there is a optiong in settings?10:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about loginscreen - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:46
ubotuTo change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.10:46
jhutchinsVSpike: Yeah, it's in the System Settings, Login Manager I think.10:47
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop", or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE for other ways to get KDE10:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about splashscreenkde - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:47
franciscest la premiere fois que je met konversation en route10:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kth - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:47
dethklokBRB, I just renember I have a book for this!!!10:47
dethklokgimme a sec10:47
stdinVSpike: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu#head-4b3b5593ae454ea8991ad90ceb81f453a0e6ab8210:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kdetheme - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:47
Valmarkola premier fois....10:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kdethemes - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:47
stdinok, enough abusing the bot now10:47
LjLhey, what's all this spam? stop, will you?10:47
VSpikejhutchins: thanks10:47
VSpikestdin: thanks10:48
LordOlliea lot faster then Oort10:48
stdinSanit: ahh, it's not source code10:48
=== dethklok is looking for the kde splash section
ten_Hi, just testing Kubuntu (herd2). Got one small problem with my Logitech Dinovo Edge keyboard (mouse pad is not working, keyboard is working fine)10:49
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stdinSanit: just run the "FretsOnFire" script like: ./FretsOnFire (from konsole)10:49
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:49
stdinten_: for feisty issues use #ubuntu+110:49
=== fjellrev1 [n=fjellrev@c4C305AC1.dhcp.bluecom.no] has joined #kubuntu
ubotukdm: X display manager for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu3.2 (edgy), package size 611 kB, installed size 1480 kB10:49
visik7arts insert a glitch at the end of a event sound how can I remove it ?10:49
dethklokthere we go, its called KDM10:49
dethklokCome on ride the train, n ride it!10:50
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jhutchinsvisik7: Use alsa.10:51
visik7how ?10:52
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visik7jhutchins: they are the sound of events , for example bluetooth plugged/unplagged10:52
visik7or knemo interface up/down10:52
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=== LordOllie [n=Ollie@] has left #kubuntu ["Yes,]
jhutchinsvisik7: Install the alsa packages, then in the kde configuration for sound events point it to the alsa sound system.10:53
visik7alsa is installed by default10:53
visik7is there some particular package that u mean ?10:54
malikhi ..................the flash plugin in my /usr/lib/firefox/plugins directory has a lock sign on it any idea how to remove that sign from there?10:54
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jhutchinsvisik7: Ok, you said that arts was inserting the glitch, don't use arts.10:55
adaptrmalik: it means it has restricted permissions for you - why do you want to change it ?10:56
visik7there isn't any way to tell kde to don't use arts for system sound (even if I dunno it's really arts that run this sound)10:56
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kub23Hi ppls, its again me10:57
malikadaptr: because i think it is part of the reason that i cant play video clips from http://video.ninemsn.com.au10:57
adaptrvisik7: if that is a question, no - KDE uses Arts10:57
adaptraRts, even10:57
jhutchinsadaptr: What version?10:58
jhutchinsI thought 3.5 was using alsa.10:58
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visik7btw switching on and off bluetooth kde says bluetooth adapter found and it play a sound that end with a glitch10:58
jhutchinsarts is obsolete.10:58
adaptrjhutchins: tell me about it - but I think it depends on the sound-wanting apps you run , which KDE libs they were compiled for10:59
malikadaptr: if you are using FF then can you plz check and try to play any clip from http://video.ninemsn.com.au if its working in ur browser10:59
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visik7arts is running switching it off no sound is played on bluetooth on/off event11:00
adaptrmalik: it tells me that this product *requires* Windows Media Player 1011:00
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visik7btw when I playt the test sound  there isn't glitch11:01
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malikwhen i try it it tells me that i need IE but videos from their mother website video.msn.com do play11:01
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malikthere was some1 here yesterday who could play videos from ninemsn but he/she couldnt be bothered tellin how to accomplish that11:02
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kub23hey ppls, i have question... why when i download files with KTorrent or some other torrent client for linux, the torrent dont wan to start downloading in Ktorrent i'm seeing "STALLED" i've succesfully downloaded only 1 torrent, and deleted it, can't download more11:05
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dethklokHow can I find out if I use Lilo or Grub?11:05
jhutchinskub23: Possibly there aren't any seeds for what you're trying to download.11:05
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jhutchinsdethklok: You'll have /etc/lilo.conf and "which lilo" if lilo's installed.  You should also see the name of the bootloader when you start the sytem.11:06
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kub23jhutchuns: am, i don't think so becouse there are alot of seeders, more than 30 and i'm downloading from Local torrents... speed up to 16mb/s11:06
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Xeraomg omg omg11:07
Xerai backed up ALL my data to dvds11:07
Xeraand windows can't read them11:07
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dethklokjhutchins, i don't see a lilo.conf or grub.conf.. lol11:07
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Xeraok need help: i burned a load of data with k3b to some 4.7gb rw dvds, 4x, windows cannot read the dvds but linux can -- why? :S11:08
kolihello everybody11:08
kolican someone help me?11:08
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kolii want to know how to install xgl on kubuntu11:08
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dethklok!xgl | koli11:09
ubotukoli: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems11:09
Nookie^hi! how can i use some ubuntu theme in my kubuntu.. for now gaim is very ugly?11:09
Nookie^what package to install?11:09
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jhutchinsdethklok: If you have grub (probably) you'll see something in /boot.11:10
jhutchins/boot/grub usually11:11
jhutchinsNookie^: gaim is not a kde app and probably won't respond to themes.11:11
dethklokjhutchins, ok I have grub11:12
Nookie^jhutchins: there i an option to choose in kcontrol to run gtk themes11:12
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Nookie^but how do i install them11:12
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Nookie^what package11:12
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kub23Someone please tell me what i have to do to register in this chat:( i've readed alot but, don't undersanding alot english :(11:13
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dethklokkub23, /msg nickserv register help11:14
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dethklokkub23, sorry i mean /msg nickserv help11:14
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dustXera: tried reading it in raw mode?11:15
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Xerahow do i do that?11:16
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kub24i think now i am registered11:16
mau12I need help11:17
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Thehound666omg! why did I ever use that crappy Kasablanca that's slow compared to my NIC and crashes on huge files?11:17
Thehound666I never knew Konqueror functioned as an ftp client11:17
Thehound666and it does well11:18
mau12i've downloaded the last version of open office but I can011:18
Xeradust: how do i read it in raw mode?11:18
mau12but I can't install the package tar.gz11:19
user-landI just updated to kubuntu-desktop and now the default movie player tells me to install libdvdcss.11:19
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user-landwhat should i ask ubotu so i go to the right tutorial for that ?11:19
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malikwhats the best flsh plkugin package to install?.............libflash-mozilla or flash-nonfree?11:19
stdinmalik: flashplugin-nonfree11:20
Xeramau12: un-tar the file with ark(just click it and it should open)11:20
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stdinuser-land: you don't have to install it, it's used to play encrypted DVDs11:20
jhutchinsmau12: If you install tar.gz files you break the package management system.11:20
user-landthanks stdin11:21
dethklokHas anybody played that flash game that came out awhile back... I believe it was called "The Room"11:21
mau12Are you sure, i have installed another package but with this uctually di don't know11:22
dethklokWhere you locked in these rooms and you have to find clues to unlock the door to the next room11:22
jhutchinsmau12: Yes.11:22
jhutchinsmau12: Better to use what's available through apt-get or aptitude.11:22
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jhutchinsmau12: I think that's pretty current anyway.11:22
Thehound666why did noone tell me Konqueror was an ftp client?11:23
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Thehound666I just stumbled upon the info11:23
jhutchinsmau12: You are going to need at least 10GB free to install OO from a tarball (tar.gz).11:23
Thehound666must say a versatile app11:23
jhutchinsThehound666: That's a pretty standard feature for browsers for a long time noe.11:23
user-landbecause you use a bad nickname ?11:23
Thehound666does firefox send files too?11:23
Thehound666I'm backing up files to Windows until I install new Linux partition11:24
Thehound666via ftp transfer11:24
stdinThehound666: nope, but you can install an extention to do that11:24
mau12If i don't install from a tar what should i do? how can i upgrade it isnt in adept manager11:24
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Thehound66610.5 MB/sec, limited by a lousy NIC on the other pc11:25
stdindethklok: ubotu isn't here11:25
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dethklokstdin, what.. I thought it was a bot?11:25
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stdindethklok: it is, but it left (crashed/exited), but ubotwo is here now, it's replacement :)11:26
ubotwokdeadmin - system administration tools from the official KDE release - available in Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) - See http://packages.ubuntu.com/ for more information11:26
dethklokstdin, lol, wow11:26
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ubotwoThis is a temporary replacement for Ubotu. You can browse Ubotu's brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:26
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dethklokso could i change my name to ubuto11:27
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LjLdethklok: not advised11:27
LjLbesides, it's ubotu11:27
stdinheh :P11:27
Thehound666well no more Kasablanca, that app=too crash prone11:27
dethklokLjL, well then it wouldnt have mattered anyways :-p11:28
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dethklokLjL, lol, i just looked back at what i typed... I spelt it right...11:30
dethklokoh wait... nevermind11:30
LjLerr no :P11:30
pixelationhello, I have two different modifications for my WINE registry... I would love to put em in there, but the only thing I've ever done is clean registry, how do I get up in there and add these two.11:30
pixelationput them at the bottom?11:30
pixelationlike system.list?11:30
=== dethklok feels dumb.
LjLpixelation: uh, can't you just use regedit.exe?11:31
pixelationI've never used it, I have some registry editing software, but how does it work?11:31
pixelationis it user friendly?11:31
LjLpixelation: it's just like the regedit that's in MS Windows11:32
LjLtype "regedit" at a shell, and there you go11:32
pixelationI've never used it tho... is it drag and drop or?11:32
stdinpixelation: not a clue, but you can ask in #winehq11:32
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LjLno it's a tree view11:32
pixelationso if I type regedit... then do I just copy my new reg entry at the bottom?11:32
LjLhm no you edit keys and values11:33
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pixelationk thanks.11:33
LjLpixelation, i suppose it has options for adding a .reg file automatically, if that's what you have11:33
pixelationyes... I have two reg files11:33
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stdinone good reason to choose linux, no registry :)11:33
stdin(unless you use gnome)11:34
LjLi was going to say that11:34
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LjLpixelation: Registry / Import registry file <- should do the trick11:34
dethklokI typed regedit and it opened the registry of my other hdd lol11:34
pixelationsweet, I'll try to figure out that way :)11:35
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mervteckhey guys11:35
Thehound666I should keep Kubuntu tiny and make a large FAT32 partition right?11:36
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Thehound666If I dual boot11:36
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HymnToLife!hi | mervteck11:36
ubotwomervteck: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:36
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Thehound666so that both OS can grab files11:36
LjLThehound666: tiny, perhaps not...11:37
LjLa FAT32 partition is certainly a common choice for data exchange11:37
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LjLhowever, Windows can read and even write ext3 with the right software, although i suppose writing at least can't quite be recommended11:37
Thehound666but I could just point my torrent client to the mounted partition, correct?11:37
LjLand so can Linux do with NTFS, though that's hard to set up and even more dangerous11:37
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Thehound666oh it can read eh?11:38
Thehound666all I need11:38
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Thehound666what do I need to get?11:38
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LjL!ext3 | Thehound66611:38
ubotwoThehound666: ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org11:38
HymnToLifeTheGateKeeper, google for "ext2ifs"11:38
LjLthere are others too, google "windows ext3" and "windows ext2"11:38
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Thehound666nice bot11:39
Thehound666he knows everything11:39
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ubotwoSorry, I know nothing about that - try http://help.ubuntu.com/community/11:39
LjL!ubotwo is <alias> ubotu11:39
ubotwoLjL: I'll remember that, LjL11:39
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dopeis there another program like kompose but faster that i can use?11:44
adaranis there any way i can stop adept (especially the notifier) from updating a package?11:44
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LjL!pinning | adaran11:45
ubotwoadaran: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto11:45
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kub24Someone can tell me, can Kubuntu Burn, or converd .dmg files to ISO ?11:46
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dopeis there anyway to see what a shortcut key is bound to?11:52
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stdinSystem Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse -> Keyboard Shortcuts ?11:53
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ubotwoFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy11:55
TheGateKeeperHymnToLife, think you got the wrong person :p11:56
Eyelessis there a way to make a single packege available from a repository? (ie i want just flash9 from backports)11:56
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dopedo some of the plugins not work in kopete?11:58
dopelike spell check and the translator?11:58
adamwestumm what's the KDE official irc channel?11:59
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stdinadamwest: #kde11:59
adaranEyeless, i assume downloading the package and installing is not an option?11:59
adamwestin ubuntu? where11:59
Eyelessadaran: i rather not:P12:00
adaranEyeless, well, i'm no expert on pinning, but i guess you could try setting a low priority for the whole repository, then raising it again for a single package12:00
LjLadamwest: uh?12:00
adaranEyeless, not sure if that'll work though - but i think it could =)12:00
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adamwestnm, thanks stdin and LjL12:00
Eyelesshmm, k. maybe installing a single package is easierthen12:01
stdinEyeless: you could enable the repo, then just choose to upgrade flashplugin-nonfree then disable the repo12:01
Eyelessi ruined my last kubuntu install by installing lots of stuff from backports, si i thought that maybe this time i could keep the no of packageslow12:01
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dethklokhow do i install new kde themes? is it hard?12:02
DJ_T_DoGhi ppl12:02
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ubotwoFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy12:03
stdindethklok: nope, just follow the guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu12:03
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Eyelessstdin: i think ill do that, if it whines later i can deal with it then :D12:04
ubotwoCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems12:05
stdinEyeless: it should be fine12:05
DJ_T_DoGi got some problem. i have an ati rage 128 and when i chose that from the drivers and clicked on test, the image got all messed up and i had to forcefully reboot. then it chose a 640xsomething as max definition and the driver is vesa ou somethin. when i changed that again it did the same as before and when i tried vga it rebooted into a command line12:05
DJ_T_DoGhow can i get the desktop back12:05
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stdinDJ_T_DoG: you need to reconfigure the X server, to use another driver probably12:07
DJ_T_DoGhow do i do that?12:07
stdinDJ_T_DoG: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh12:07
DJ_T_DoGi'm a newbie in kubuntu or linux at all12:07
DJ_T_DoGbut why does the image gets all messed up when i test the ati rage 128 driver?12:09
stdinno clue, I don't have an ATI graphics card12:09
dopeanyone in here use skippy?12:10
DJ_T_DoGnow from the comand line how do i reboot?12:10
dopecan't get the blasted thing to work12:10
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stdinDJ_T_DoG: sudo shutdown -r now12:11
stdinyw :)12:11
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DJ_T_DoGdo i need to instal any antivirus or firewall?12:12
DJ_T_DoG(for secure web browsing)12:12
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Goliath23I have icon-preview of image files but not on video files, can I change that?12:12
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stdinDJ_T_DoG: not really, you can install a firewall if you want, but you don't need an antivirus12:13
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stdinno problem :)12:13
vbgunzI cannot create a thunderbird account that actually works!12:14
vbgunzanyone, anybody know whats up here?12:14
pgdownany ideas on how I can preload firefox to open as fast as konqueror?12:14
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