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=== Jucato waves to Hobbsee!
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Hobbseeheya Jucato!12:56
JucatoI sincerely find this funny... "<dope> someone skype me"01:00
ryanakcaHey Jucato, Hobbsee01:16
Jucatohi ryanakca!01:16
ryanakcaJucato: what's up? started/working on any new projects?01:16
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Jucatoryanakca: not yet...01:17
Jucatostill busy with RL and SL...01:17
ryanakcaah... SL?01:18
JucatoReal Life and Second Life :)01:18
=== ryanakca thinks he has something like that...
ryanakcahmm... nope... I'm just a bot written by some old geezer back in the 90s... :D01:19
Hobbseehey ryanakca!01:34
=== ryanakca is pinged :)
ryanakcahmm... is firefox hanging a lot on your comp?01:35
ryanakcamine doesn't crash or anything... just hangs there...01:35
Hobbseeryanakca: kill *all* the firefox processes, and try again01:36
=== ryanakca has run killall firefox-bin too many times to count :)
=== ryanakca kills again :)
crimsun``pkill firefoxbin''01:36
Hobbseeah yes - but has that killed them all?  :P01:36
crimsun+ -01:36
crimsun(kde-356-test works a charm, btw.)01:37
ryanakcaHobbsee: dunno... I assumed killall kills them all...01:39
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ryanakcaHobbsee: same thing :)02:17
gnomefreaknot with firefox for some reason02:18
gnomefreakkillall will do it but you have to kill the -bin for some reason02:20
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=== Hobbsee disagrees that katapult is an advanced too
=== Hobbsee disagrees that katapult is an advanced tool
Hobbseewell, it can be...but it's very simple, and very easy to pick up06:01
Hobbseei mean, the OSX stuff (quicksilver, i think) is very well known - and that's not regarded as an advanced feature either06:02
=== Jucato cheers :)
LongPointyStickhey mhb!06:05
DinkI couldnt find a bug for adept_manager and the fetch updates issue where it says to New version hit next then nothing happens... is this a new bug ??06:06
Jucatofor feisty,yes06:07
Dinkk, so its a known issue06:08
Hobbseeshould be under adept bugs...06:08
Hobbseebut yeah, that's known06:08
Hobbseethere's a bug hiding there somewhere06:09
Jucatomaybe it's filed upstream?06:09
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Hobbseehrm.  this is scary06:15
Jucatowhat is?06:15
Hobbseea friend from school has managed to find my myspace page.06:15
=== Jucato looks for it
Jucatoheh :)06:15
HobbseeJucato: http://myspace.com/creamier_oak06:16
Jucatoheh you're the first search result anyway :)06:16
Jucatoack!! the lights!!!06:16
Jucatohow often do you view your myspace homepage? :D06:17
=== Hobbsee updates the fridge
Hobbseehehe :D06:18
Hobbseeread the comments :P06:18
JucatoI can barely look at that page :)06:19
Hobbsee Ness06:21
HobbseeJun 25 2006 11:50P06:21
HobbseeThe longer you look at it, the less it bothers you... seriously!06:21
=== Jucato is beginning to think that kdevelop isn't advisable for 1024x768 resolutions...
Jucatoneeds a lot of space... :)06:26
=== Jucato tried opening katapult.kdevelop
Jucatobtw, any reactions from Ubuntu regarding the latest CNR announcement?06:26
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Hobbseewhy, what's it say?06:27
Jucato"Support for different Linux distributions will begin in the second quarter of 2007 via a new website, CNR.com. Debian, Fedora, OpenSUSE, and Ubuntu will be the first supported, with others planned to follow."06:27
Jucatothat was a quote from an article. here's the official website (see our logo) http://www.cnr.com/06:28
Jucatoor Ubuntu's logo rather06:28
Jucatohttp://www.cnr.com/press.html <-- official press release06:29
HobbseeJucato: if they do it right, that should be a huge help06:34
Jucatohope they do it right :)06:34
Hobbseewell, they say they're going to build around the existing systems06:34
JucatoI don't know enough of Linspire's reputation to have any comment on that... all I know is that Kevin Carmony and sabdfl seem to be friends06:37
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Hobbseeahhh, neat06:41
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Jucatomorning fdoving!07:10
fdovinghi jucato.07:10
Hobbseehey fdoving!07:10
fdovinghi hobbsee. you got main upload rights?07:11
Hobbseefdoving: nope07:11
Hobbseefdoving: went once, got declined.  why/07:11
fdovingok. i have a new kopete package.. that fixes bug 81180.07:12
UbugtuMalone bug 81180 in kopete "kopete does not send photo from global identity for MSN" [Unknown,Unknown]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8118007:12
fdovinganyway, off to work. see you all later. bye.07:13
Hobbseefdoving: that's been committed to feisty?07:16
Hobbseehrm.  it wont have been committed to our testing packages, i'll bet07:20
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=== Hobbsee closes more bugs
=== Jucato closes more Windows
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Xerrozwhats the proper way to setup a development environment for a kde based project?08:38
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RiddellXerroz: however you like, best place to ask is on #kde-devel with a more specific question09:20
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Xerroztried that :-\ no one will talk09:25
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=== Hobbsee waves to Riddell
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raphinkis it me or kgpg hasn't been touched at all since 2004?11:32
raphinkah no I'm wrong11:36
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Riddellwouldn't surprise me11:39
Riddellit's unmaintained11:39
Riddellreally needs starting from scratch with libgpgme11:39
Riddelland preferably in python :)11:42
Riddellnew kdelibs up http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kde-356-feisty/pool-feisty/kdelibs/11:52
Riddellmhb: about to test if they fix kopete?11:52
Riddellanyone on 3.5.6?11:52
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gnomefreakRiddell: yeah11:55
Riddellgnomefreak: able to wget and dpkg --install those .debs ?11:55
Riddelland test if they fix kopete's lack of popups?11:55
HobbseeRiddell: sorry, was at dinner11:56
HobbseeRiddell: how can we test this?12:02
=== gnomefreak waiting for libs to finish but i just set up kopete and didnt get any popups except the configure (first time)
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HobbseeRiddell: works.12:05
HobbseeRiddell: *poke poke* :)12:05
gnomefreakRiddell: also works here12:08
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Riddellthanks all, I'll compile it for edgy12:11
Riddellin triplicate12:12
HobbseeRiddell: enjoy :P12:12
HobbseeRiddell: when will these hit the repos?12:12
HobbseeRiddell: speaking of which, can you sponsor an upload for me please?12:13
=== Hobbsee has *just* remembered that you're a core dev.
Jucatoheh :)12:14
RiddellHobbsee: when the KDE release dude releases it12:17
RiddellHobbsee: sure12:17
Hobbseeah ha :)  just got dholbach to do it :)12:18
Hobbseethought it was supposed to be released yesterday12:18
Riddelltech board has never actually approved me for core dev, just that nobody has noticed yet12:18
=== Hobbsee snorts
Hobbseewell, i hope they dont take yoru rights away from you, else where would kubuntu be?12:18
Riddellit was supposed to be, but it got delayed due to this kopete bug12:18
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JucatoArchlinux seems to have released 3.5.6 without waiting for the official release announcement12:20
Riddellas has pclinuxos12:23
Riddellmuch to the annoyance of important KDE people12:23
HobbseeRiddell: that was an upload of speedcrunch, fyi12:23
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gnomefreakanyone feel like fixing kooldock?12:29
=== gnomefreak hasnt seen imbrandon in ages
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Jucatois there any news regarding the porting of gdebi to Kubuntu?01:56
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Hobbseeisnt that a forum thing?01:57
Hobbseein fact, isnt there a kde thing before gdebi?01:57
JucatoHobbsee: wasn't that one of the things Riddell wanted for feisty?01:57
HobbseeJucato: there's already a "right click on deb, install" thing there..01:58
=== Hobbsee doesnt know
Jucatoyes, but that's just a "hack". it just launches xterm with the dpkg command01:58
Jucatoit's also not the default action when you click on a .deb (default is to open it in Ark)01:59
Hobbseeah, right, yes01:59
RiddellJucato: nobody's working on it, it hasn't been spec'ed01:59
RiddellJucato: volunteers welcome :)02:00
Riddellbut it depends on the konsole work that I'm doing now with mvo02:00
JucatoRiddell: need to learn C++ first (still learning... I'm getting there...) :D02:00
RiddellJucato: it's python02:01
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Jucatomanchicken won't be intersted then...02:01
=== Jucato snickers
Riddellwrong distro for someone who doesn't like python :)02:07
Riddell(not really)02:07
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Jucatohi Tonio_02:23
gnomefreakanyone german?02:23
Hobbseeich nicht spreke Deutsch02:23
gnomefreakyou speak dutch02:23
gnomefreakyour not even02:23
gnomefreaknicht == not i think02:24
Jucatothen she's odd?02:24
HobbseeNein, ich nicht spreke Dutch aber Deutsch02:24
hungergnomefreak: I am.02:24
gnomefreakwhat is that in english?02:24
hungerHobbsee: Nein, ich spreche weder Hollndisch noch Deutsch.02:24
hungergnomefreak: Is there CCC mentioned somewhere?02:24
Hobbseehunger: heh02:25
gnomefreakits chaos meeting place i just found out02:25
hungergnomefreak: If it is then it is a place where members of the Chaos Computer Club meet each other.02:25
hungergnomefreak: I'd guess it is something CCC related... it does not make much sense in any other context:-)02:26
gnomefreakah ok there sa channel on freenode #ubuntu-de-chaostreffpunkt trying to figure out what it was02:27
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Jucatodo we have a devel package for hspell?03:26
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mhbRiddell: anything more to test?03:37
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Jucatohi manchicken! hi bddebian03:54
bddebianHi Jucato03:54
Riddellmhb: edgy in a bit if you have that04:02
mhbRiddell: no, feisty only04:02
Riddellmhb: still worth testing feisty :)04:03
mhbRiddell: see -testers04:04
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manchickenwuddup Jucato?04:30
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mhbis KDE4 going to have a separate IRC and IM client?06:50
=== sebas runs crying ;-)
sebasmhb: Check out the kde-devel list, there is a huuuuuuuuuge thread about that just now going on.06:50
yuriythere's already a separate irc client..06:50
mhbsebas: oh, didn't know that06:51
sebasNo problem, just coincidence06:52
mhbyuriy: yes, but Kubuntu has been trying to remove duplicate functionality recently06:52
yuriythe move ksirc to extragear thread?06:55
fdovingi don't think konversation will be removed for the irc plugin in kopete.. ever.06:55
fdovingin kubuntu, that is.06:55
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mhbfdoving: OTOH I hope it will be :o) but I know Kopete would need some "Konversation"-isation in order to be a functional IRC client06:58
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fdovingi'm totaly agains the idea of having one app that does everything.06:58
mhbfdoving: we do have an app that does everything music, one that does everything video ...06:59
mhbfdoving: ... and we include two IM apps that do the same thing.07:01
yuriyi haven't tried irc with kopete but i tried it with gaim at some point and it just doesn't seem to fit in..07:01
mhbyuriy: same with kopete now, IMHO07:01
fdovingi don't consider IRC IM in the same way ICQ, MSN and Jabber are IM.07:01
mhbfdoving: Jabber conference is practically the same thing as an IRC channel07:02
fdovingif we don't want people to find #kubuntu, removing konversation from the default install is a great way.07:02
mhbfdoving: I'd instinctively try my IM application for IRC if I were a new user07:03
mhbfdoving: but no reason to discuss it now07:04
fdovingmhb: the thing is, getting online in #kubuntu with konversation is like 4 clicks, getting online in #kubuntu with kopete is like 20 clicks atleast. And new users will probably give up after 5.07:04
mhbfdoving: Kopete's IRC is still rather clumsy07:04
sebasIt largely depends on the type of users you have in mind.07:04
sebasWell, read the thread on kde-devel, it has exactly the same arguments.07:04
sebasRepeating it might be a waste of time :-)07:05
fdovinggood point.07:05
mhbwe'll see what the KDE boys decide to do07:05
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pinheirohey Riddell09:07
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pinheiroim going to do a presentation next month about oxygen it would be cool if i had some kubunto cd's to give arround09:09
lotusleafpinheiro: did you request some kubuntu cds @ https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ in advance? :)09:15
fdovingthere must exist some edgy cds for special events, no?09:19
fdovingshipit only ships dapper iirc.09:19
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fdovingRiddell: proposed debdiff attached to bug 81180, please review and upload to feisty if it's OK. thanks. :)11:39
UbugtuMalone bug 81180 in kopete "kopete does not send photo from global identity for MSN" [Unknown,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8118011:39
=== chavo [n=chavo@69-167-76-29.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
fdovingRiddell: nevermind the last message, the fix has been changed again. I'll stop fixing packages this fast. there will always be a better fix gah. well..11:43
=== jjesse [n=jjesse@ppp-69-214-0-109.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
fdovingRiddell: fixed, last debdiff got the real fix. review and upload if ok. thanks bye.11:55
=== ingmar [n=ingmar@86-39-1-55.customer.fulladsl.be] has joined #kubuntu-devel

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