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crustyhello! iv just installed UNACE to oper ace comressed file, but i can not run it from the K menu.how to runn sich thing???thanks12:23
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dwidmanncrusty: run it in konsole12:30
j_I have this ext3 partition that I want to mount on startup, how do I proceed?12:30
dwidmannit's a cli app12:30
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j_it used to be ext2 and there is an entry for it in fstab, but that has the ext2 options12:30
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dwidmannj_: well, if you want it to mount on startup, all you have to do is put it in your /etc/fstab file12:30
Alumin_can I use multiple monitors with my current setup (Kubuntu 6.06), or does it require special setup/modules?12:31
dwidmannj_ If you have it mounted right now, the easiest way to do so is to copy and paste the line from the /etc/mtab file that refers to it into the /etc/fstab file12:31
j_dwidmann: what should the line look like?12:31
Alumin_note that I am deliberately _not_ describing my setup further, since I'm interested in seeing if the answer is contingent upon a particular setup :)12:31
j_I mean: ahah12:31
user-landWie kann ich sehen wie voll meine disks sind ?12:31
dwidmannalumin: it might require special setup, but it can be done.12:32
j_it wont mount since fstab has the old options12:32
user-landHow can i see how full my disks are ?12:32
Alumin_dwidmann: note: "editing the xorg.conf file" does not count as special setup12:32
dwidmannj_: old options?12:32
dwidmannuser-land: df -h12:32
Alumin_I just mean, loading extra modules, etc12:32
user-landthanks dwidmann :-)12:32
j_it looks like this: dev/hda1 /media/hda1 ext2 nouser,fmask=0111,dmask=0000,atime,auto,rw,nodev,noe$12:32
Alumin_j_: try catting the file instead of opening it in an editor12:33
Alumin_that line goes on further12:33
crustydwidman...how do i run it in konsole? what i hawe to writr in it to do so? sorry but im new of kubuntu12:33
j_oops, here: /dev/hda1 /media/hda1 ext2 nouser,fmask=0111,dmask=0000,atime,auto,rw,nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 012:33
dwidmanncrusty, come to think of it, I wonder if ark can make use of it for you12:33
Alumin_j_: that looks suitable for inclusion in fstab to me12:34
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crustyark is not good! i did tryed12:34
j_that is from fstab12:34
Alumin_well then I guess I was right, eh12:34
j_it's supposed to be ext3 though12:34
Alumin_have you already created the journal?12:35
j_so the disk won't mount, you see I reformatted the partition12:35
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Alumin_well, ext2 and ext3 are the same thing, ext3 just has a journal12:35
j_What I have done is mucked around with that partition with Gparted live-cd12:35
dwidmannj_: that's interesting, change that line to read something like "/dev/hda1 /media/hda1 ext3 defaults 0 0" and see if it  mounts.12:35
Alumin_if you already have the journal created, just change your fstab to ext3 and remount12:36
j_it's exititing to partition stuff when you have no idea what you are doing12:36
Alumin_that's the spirit!12:36
j_dwidmann, will do12:36
crustythere is anybody out there who can tell me how to run unace in console?12:36
j_I'm not sure if I have created the journal, how do I check or create it?12:37
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Alumin_j_: tune2fs can check/create it for you12:37
dwidmanncrusty: "unace --help" will give you usage information12:37
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crustyok! thanks12:37
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Alumin_random question #2: Any luck with LightScribe in Edgy or Feisty?12:40
Alumin_either as a K3b extension, or using the standalone app provided by LaCie12:40
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gabrieldainAnybody know of a program that acts like AnyDVD (in windows), bypassing DVD and CD copyright restrictions?12:41
Alumin_from what I've read, it works fine on Dapper but not Edgy or Feisty12:42
Alumin_gabrieldain: you can't just "bypass" CSS12:42
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xstI own a monitor that can rotate 90 degrees. How can I rotate screen when I rotate the monitor (from portrait to landscape)?12:42
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Alumin_and CDs don't have copyright restrictions in a technical sense12:42
Alumin_xst: my guess would be that that kind of function would require cooperation from the driver12:43
j_alright, tune2fs is too hard for me12:43
gabrieldainAlumin_, leaving all technical terms aside (as I know nothing about them), is there such an application?12:43
Daisuke_Idoxst: where can i get one of these?  my never-ending obsession with curtain-scrolling shooters demands i purchase one.12:43
j_read the man and everything, no luck12:43
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ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)12:44
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xstDaisuke_Ido: Most newer monitors can rotate in this way. Look at dell.com for instance12:44
Alumin_gabrieldain: anything that uses libdvdcss can decode DVD content12:44
Daisuke_Idofair enough12:44
gabrieldainAlumin_, alright, il look into it, thanks12:44
j_Ive never understood why man pages never hav example commands12:44
Alumin_j_: tune2fs does :)12:44
Tidowhat's the best way to install the eclipse IDE?  just downloading it off the website gives you a version that crashes :(12:45
Alumin_you're looking for -j I believe12:45
gabrieldainj_, tune2fs -j /dev/hda1 will create a journal in the first partition of hard drive A12:45
Alumin_Tido: geez you want it to RUN too?12:45
Alumin_bloody users12:45
Tidohey it come close12:45
Tidoright up to the point you load a file12:45
Alumin_next you'll want to edit text with it12:45
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Tidothen it goes to hell12:45
j_gabrieldain: thanks, I was confused about what was the format of the device parameter12:46
j_tried just hda1 but that didn't cut it12:46
gabrieldainj_, whats the error message?12:46
j_tune2fs: Permission denied while trying to open /dev/hda112:47
j_Couldn't find valid filesystem superblock.12:47
Alumin_Tido: can I assume by your presence in this channel that you're using Kubuntu?12:47
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j_should have used sudo?12:47
Tidothat's correct, Alumin_12:47
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gabrieldainj_, did you run the command as root?12:47
Alumin_Tido: tried the packages?12:47
gabrieldainsudo tune2fs -j /dev/hda112:47
j_The filesystem already has a journal.12:47
TidoI did, but I'm wondering if I got the wrong ones12:47
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j_now all I need to do is mount it12:47
Tidobecause eclipse, eclipse-platform, etc12:48
Tidothey install12:48
gabrieldainj_, then its ext3, and you dont have to worry about tune2fs anymore.12:48
Alumin_Tido: I mean the packages in the Kubuntu repositories12:48
Tidobut I really don't get anything :(12:48
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Tidolet me see if I have those in my sources12:48
dopeis there a gtalk client for linux?12:48
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Alumin_Tido: universe12:48
Alumin_dope: like Gaim? :)12:49
dopelike can you call on it12:49
Alumin_dope: if by "gtalk" you mean "Google Talk", any Jabber client will work12:49
Tidoyeah the universe repos are enabled12:49
Alumin_with voice support I dunno12:49
dopeand skype won't let you call regular phones for free anymore12:50
dopethat's lame12:50
Alumin_Tido: what do you get for "apt-cache search eclipse"?12:50
Karol84PLHello, where can I find KDE Control Center in Kubuntu Dapper Drake?12:50
Tidoa lot12:50
Alumin_dope: that was never gonna last forever, costs money to do that :)12:50
Tidowe have all sorts of flavors12:50
matzehello. how can i activate the num-block at boot?12:50
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j_err, now what? control center won't allow me to "Enable" hda1, which I suspect is the same as mounting12:51
Jucatomatze: System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse -> Keyboard12:51
Daisuke_Idoanyone have an opinion on the idea of lin/freespire's click-n-run going multi-distro?12:51
matzeJucato: thanks a lot12:52
Jucatomatze: but that will only activate numlock after logging into KDE. so it will still be off before you login12:52
Alumin_Daisuke_Ido: I'm a fan of anything going multi-distro12:52
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!12:52
matzejucato: this is no problem. i only need it after login. ;)12:52
Jucatomatze: ok, that should work then12:53
j_sudo mount -a gives: "mount: special device dev/hda1 does not exist"12:53
matzeuhm. i use ubuntu12:53
Jucatomatze: huh?12:54
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j_should I boot?12:54
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Jucatoj_: it's /dev/hda1 not dev/hda112:55
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j_hah, and I even double-checked the line myswlf12:55
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j_beautiful, I have a working empty ext3 partition12:56
j_thanks everyone12:57
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dopesomeone skype me12:57
=== wheatie skype's dope
dopei want YOU to want to skype ME12:59
=== BluesKaj skypes dope
dopewhat are some good programs i can download01:00
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j_dope, for what?01:01
Daisuke_Idowhat would you like them to do?01:02
JucatoKubuntu has over 20,000 packages... I'm sure you can find something interesting in there01:02
dopei dunno01:02
dopewhat are some important programs to have01:02
Jucatoimportant programs? depends on you01:02
j_dope, your being a bit vague here01:02
TidoAlumin_: here's what happens when I open a file in Eclipse -> http://pastecode.com/1236001:02
Daisuke_Idowell, i'm rather fond of amarok myself, but i think that's part of a default kubuntu install01:03
=== Daisuke_Ido shrugs
j_Kubuntu comes with all the essential programs01:03
dopeyea i got that01:03
Daisuke_Idowithout knowing what you want to do, it's hard to recommend anything01:03
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j_the only real application I have installed is Xara extreme for vector image editing01:03
j_or Xtreme it seems01:04
Alumin_dope: perhaps gimp if you're into the whole graphics thing01:04
Alumin_or blender01:04
dopeyea already got gimp01:04
Alumin_maybe MythTV if you're looking for a project01:04
pgdownzsnes for roms01:04
j_oh yeah, The ur-quan masters01:04
pgdownnvu for web designing01:04
Daisuke_Idoj_: what about inkscape?01:05
BluesKajyup , Mythtv ix a 'project" alright ... good luck :)01:05
pgdownktorrent beta for torrents01:05
j_Daisuke_Ido: haven't tried that one yet01:05
Jucatoktorrent is installed by default01:05
Jucato(there is no beta)01:05
pgdownthe beta that is out is better01:05
Alumin_basket is neat if you do the whole clipboard stack thing01:06
Alumin_or knotes01:06
Alumin_or zim01:06
Theorybasket is very neat01:06
j_frankly, I generally use Freehand on windows for my vector graphics needs01:06
Jucatoah that beta01:06
j_used to it01:06
matt0507what is the console command to mount my ntfs partition? usually it auto mounts in /media/sda2 but not when i click on that folder its empty.01:06
Alumin_there's always UT2004 :)01:06
pgdownoink accepts the beta, but not the current release01:06
Alumin_matt0507: mount /media/sda201:07
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about oink - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:08
Alumin_never mind.01:08
pgdownprivate tracker01:08
pgdownfor music01:08
moparisthebestcan someone help me with an nvidia problem? when I boot up my desktop appears to be running with 256-bit color, then I hit ctrl-alt-backspace and it goes back to normal01:09
moparisthebestI dont know what the problem is :/01:09
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j_moparisthebest: do you use the nividia proprietary drivers?01:10
Alumin_moparisthebest: you need to re-order the display stanzas in your X.org conf01:10
moparisthebestyes j_01:10
Alumin_it's doing the 256-color one first01:10
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moparisthebestok Alumin_ Im opening the file now01:11
dwidmannmoparis, I've experienced that problem once, try disabling usplash and see if that makes a difference01:11
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Alumin_oh wait you said ctrl-alt-backspace01:12
Alumin_moparisthebest: sorry, I'm barking up the wrong tree, for some reason when I read that I saw "ctrl-alt-minus"01:12
moparisthebestdisabling the nvidia splash screen dwidmann ?01:12
Alumin_my idea's not going to help you01:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ntfxfinx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:13
dwidmannNo, disabling usplash (the splash screen that you get during the boot process, that shows the kubuntu logo and a progress bar)01:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ntfxfix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:13
matt0507i have to run 'ntfxfix' before able to mount my other partition? how do i run it?01:13
red22how do i  know what version of kubuntu i'm running pls?01:14
moparisthebestntfsfix probably matt050701:14
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dwidmannmoparisthebest: to do so, when you're at the grub boot menu, press 'e' for edit on the default option, go t he second line, which should start with kernel, and press 'e' again, towards the end of the line, you'll see the word splash, remove it, then press enter to return, and then press 'b' to boot and see if it worked for you01:15
matt0507moparisthebest:  typing in 'ntfxfix' and pressing enter does not work for me.01:15
moparisthebestmatt0507, ntfsfix01:15
moparisthebestnot ntfxfix01:15
moparisthebests not x01:15
red22dmesg says Ubuntu 4.1.1-13ubuntu5 but i'm not sure if this is what i'm looking for.. which release is this please?01:15
moparisthebestok dwidmann Ill try that, thanks01:15
matt0507ye command not found :p ntfsfix01:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ntfsfix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:16
moparisthebestoh, cause you kept saying ntfxfix :P01:16
dwidmannmoparisthebest, that's not permanent, it's only temporary, a good option to see if it works though01:16
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moparisthebestyep, Ill check it out now01:16
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xymox18hello world01:16
red22<- super noob, has super easy question.. how do i know which kubuntu i'm running pls?01:17
xymox18any one speak spanish????01:17
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dwidmannred22: lsb_release -a01:17
red22i do, i don't speak much linux though ;)01:17
dwidmannI speak a mixture of bash and english :O01:17
Daisuke_Idoi speak a mixture of lobjan and esperanto01:17
gabrieldainxymox18, si, qu necesitas? hay un canal para espaol, creo. Sino, por privado01:18
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.01:18
gabrieldainYeah, basically what I said :P01:18
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red22dwidmann: TY :) wow that's a weird command to just know off the top of your head.. jotting down...01:19
moparisthebesthaha you know that fixed it dwidmann ? :)01:19
moparisthebestI would have never thought of that, where did you learn that from?01:19
dwidmannmoparisthebest: I ran into that before once myself01:19
dwidmannmoparisthebest, one sec, I'll grab the permanent fix for you01:20
moparisthebestthat is a very strange bug, thanks a lot01:20
dwidmannmoparisthebest, just a minute til vmware finishes this install and reboots, then I'll grab the fix for you01:22
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moparisthebestok dwidmann thank you01:22
red22a few months ago kubuntu wasn't playing nice with my ati x1950pro... anyone know if it should work now?  (before i waste another few days trying pls)01:22
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red22hm.. looks promising... i'm gonna try the new "automated" installer on the ati stie posted a couple weeks ago and see how that goes...01:27
dwidmannmoparisthebest left? dratted01:27
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red22i'll believe "automated' when i see it though01:27
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andre_hey guys01:29
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moparisthebestim back dwidmann, had to restart01:30
andre_You guys probably get lots of questions here...01:30
andre_and I have one too... you guys mind if I ask away?01:31
red22my goodness brother just get it out :)01:31
andre_Aiight I have an A8N-SLI premium mobo01:32
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BluesKajanyone using the ktorrent 2.1 beta ?01:32
andre_and I downloaded the ALC850 drivers provided by ASUS01:32
andre_only problem is I can't compile them to install them01:32
dwidmannandre: with that board, sound should work out of the box01:33
Alumin_"apt-get install build-essential" ?01:33
dwidmannTrust me, that's the same board I have01:33
Alumin_but yeah, I'd make sure you have to build first01:33
andre_it did work out of the box01:33
andre_but not 5.1 surround01:33
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andre_so in an effort ot get 5.1 I tried to build and now my sound is completely F'ed01:34
andre_kmix doesn't recognise a mixer01:34
dwidmannandre_: 5.1 surround is a pain in the butt to get working in general, but if sound is working, what you need to look at is your alsa configuration and mixer settings01:34
adamwestguys i need help D:01:34
andre_dwidmann :(01:34
dwidmannI've got 4 channel surround sound working at the moment :)01:34
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crimsunandre_: don't use those drivers; use what we distribute01:34
andre_build-essential is installllled01:34
dwidmannandre, you can only get real 5 channel surround whne you'01:35
dwidmannre playing a file that uses 5.1 sound01:35
adamwestmy kde theme took over gnome and now it looks buggy and i can't change themes, and the theme window keeps crashing :( (in gnome)01:35
dwidmannIf you're playing a regular stereo or mono sound file, you'll only get output from the front two speakers, unless you use duplicate front01:36
andre_first I should get my sound to work at all01:36
andre_Dwidmann: dman it!01:36
andre_dwidmann: I wish I knew that before I f'ed up everything01:36
andre_ok let me start over01:37
andre_sorry If we're confused01:37
andre_Dwidmann:  thanks for the tip about 5.1 only working with 5.1 sound media01:37
andre_at the moment I have no sound at all01:38
andre_because I tried to install the ALC850 stuff, since then, no sound01:38
crimsunthat's easily resolved. Reinstall linux-image-$(uname -r) after removing /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/sound/01:38
crimsunsorry, /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/sound/01:39
andre_crimsun:  sec01:39
dwidmannandre,  no problem :)01:40
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andre_crimsun:  I'm a little confused...  sorry still getting the hang of linux01:40
andre_those are commands right?01:41
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Alumin_crimsun: I envy the depth of knowledge you must have to be able to nonchalantly suggest a solution like that :)01:42
crimsunandre_: yes:  rm -rf /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/sound/  && sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-image-$(uname -r)01:42
dwidmannandre_: first rm /lib/modules/`uname -r`/sound01:42
dwidmannah, yes, that01:42
dwidmannthere you go01:42
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dwidmannAlumin, if my limitted memory serves me correctly, crimsun is some sort of linux sound mega-genius (flattery intended)01:44
andre_thanks...  should I reboot after this?01:44
crimsunandre_: that would probably be easiest.01:45
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andre_aiight I'll be back shortly01:45
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dwidmannmoparisthebest, are you here?01:49
moparisthebestyes dwidmann01:49
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dwidmannalrighty then01:49
dwidmannI guess I missed that, sorry :\01:49
moparisthebestits ok01:50
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andre_back with working sound01:51
andre_MY god...01:51
andre_I can't believe how easy for you that was crimson01:51
andre_it would've taken me forever by browsing forums01:51
andre_I guess you've probably already left.  I just want to extend my thanks and appreciation.01:53
andre_to all who work on ubuntu, GREAT JOB!!!  I haven't need to go back to windows in 3 weeks.  And no longer plan to get Vista01:54
moparisthebestits great isn't it? :)01:54
andre_I'm happy!!01:54
andre_yes it is!01:54
andre_well guys I'm must go for now and tend to the family.  You'll probably see my face here everyonce in a while looking for answers :)01:55
BluesKajanother happy (k)ubuntu customer :)01:55
Perunajust wonder if Kubuntu support filename.partX.rar files ?01:56
PerunaX stands for 1,2,3,4...01:56
Daisuke_IdoPeruna: it's not kubuntu that supports it01:56
Daisuke_Idoit's unrar01:56
Daisuke_Idoand yes01:56
Daisuke_Idoit does01:56
BluesKajhaven't used windows in 5 days, that's a record for me :)01:56
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Tidowhen is the next release of (k)ubuntu due?01:56
dwidmannmoparisthebest, first, open up the grub menu.lst file (kdesu kate /boot/grub/menu.lst), then look for a line that starts with "#defoptions", on that line, remove the word splash, and save. Then run "sudo update-grub" and you should be golden01:57
Tidowhen it comes to development, I love using kubuntu and never need to touch windows01:58
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TidoI miss WinSCP a little, but Konqueror is able to get it done01:58
moparisthebestI like konqueror way better than WinSCP01:59
moparisthebestok dwidmann, done, Im restarting to check it out01:59
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Tidoand I do sometimes pray for a Photoshop that runs natively on linux01:59
TidoKDE has something that irritates me sometimes02:00
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TidoI'll open a program by accident, and then close it quickly02:01
Tidobut KDE still thinks I'm opening it02:01
sampangimp is fine except for one problem: it doesn't handle 16 bit color depth, which means it's a no-go for serious b/w work02:01
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Tidoso I get the mouse icon, and the taskbar item for awhile, but for no reason02:01
sampanif they added 16 bit color depth and (ideally) adjustment layers to gimp i'd be a happy camper and wouldn't need PS02:01
Tidoand once in awhile Firefox just crashes for no reason02:01
TidoI need better CMYK support02:02
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Perunaseems like Ark with unrar doesn't support password protected .rar02:04
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moparisthebestyep it worked dwidmann, thanks again02:05
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dwidmannmoparisthebest: You're welcome02:05
dwidmann!info python-support02:05
ubotupython-support: automated rebuilding support for python modules. In component main, is optional. Version 0.5.3ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 22 kB, installed size 196 kB02:05
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mustang_Does anyone know why pon would stop connecting on an edgy eft system?  The only way to get it to connect is a reboot.  It will connect fine and then after poff and some idle time, it will not allow reconnect with pon02:06
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mustang_I get this in the logs pppd[6437] Connect script failed02:07
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NotSuremy system will no longer start KDE02:09
Daisuke_IdoPeruna: you can use the commandline version02:09
NotSureany faq pages for this?02:10
mustang_NotSure, can you be a little more specific?02:10
Perunawhat command could it be ?02:10
mustang_is it a black screen, or does it goto shell logon02:11
NotSurewell... when i start up now it will only go to failsafe terminal mode02:11
mustang_let me check something02:11
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NotSurei get the gnome login screen... not to kubuntu one02:11
mustang_what verion of Linux is it02:11
mustang_thats what Im running02:11
NotSureupgraded from dapper02:11
mustang_you don't want Gnome?  You do want KDE?02:11
NotSureever since the upgrade... what a mess02:12
mustang_Yea, Ive heard horror stories myself02:12
mustang_I did a fresh install02:12
NotSurei've reinstalled every kubuntu-desktop package02:12
NotSurestill no workie :-(02:12
mustang_one second, and I will get you some information02:12
NotSurei can't even move these windows around... this must be a default/bad window manager02:12
mustang_its probabally a xdmcp session your in of some sort02:13
mustang_that will happen02:13
NotSureall my programs seem to run... xchat and firefox, etc...02:13
Tidowhat's your favorite KDE theme?02:13
NotSurethe default one02:14
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mustang_Just the default one02:14
mustang_Ok, try this02:14
mustang_write this down so you don't forget02:14
mustang_goto shell02:15
mustang_$sudo apt-get purge gnome02:15
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mustang_that will uninstall it and remove it from your local repository02:15
mustang_get rid of it period02:15
mustang_then after the purge02:15
mustang_$sudo apt-get install kde02:15
mustang_what your missing is the kde_desktop module02:15
mustang_I think thats the right one02:16
mustang_that same thing happened to me once02:16
NotSureokie dokie... brb02:16
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NotSuresays E: Invalid operation purge02:17
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mustang_umm, let me see from my shell02:17
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mustang_what kinda network connection are you on for speed02:17
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mustang_just to make sure this won't take you a week02:18
mustang_do a02:18
mustang_$sudo apt-get remove gnome02:18
mustang_that will uninstall it02:18
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NotSurei'm still here and the remove is done :-)02:19
NotSurenow for the install02:19
mustang_1 more step02:19
mustang_do a $sudo apt-get check02:19
mustang_that will check for broken dependancies02:20
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NotSureno problems reported02:20
mustang_now do the $sudo apt-get install kde02:20
mustang_if that don't work, try kdm instead02:20
NotSuresays i'm already at the newest KDE02:21
mustang_ok, lets try02:21
NotSuresame, newest KDM02:21
mustang_$ sudo apt-get reinstall kde02:21
NotSureyou mean sudo apt-get --reinstall install kde?02:21
mustang_let me look02:22
mustang_well, try it both ways02:22
mustang_let me know which one works02:22
NotSureyour way didn't work :-)02:22
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mustang_too much linux on the brain02:22
mustang_did the other way work?02:23
NotSurei even forced the reinstall of the entire kubuntu-desktop earlier... including every depends02:23
NotSureyes but i'm still stuck here02:23
NotSurerestart X?02:23
mustang_what command will you use?02:23
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NotSurectrl-alt backspace02:23
mustang_I don't think that will work, but lets try02:24
NotSureokay... brb02:24
mustang_I don't think it will work from a shell02:24
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NotSuresame same02:24
osirisapt issues.  if someone would look.  http://rafb.net/p/vIDiFU57.nln.html02:24
mustang_what are you looking at now?02:25
mustang_black shell screen?02:25
NotSureterminal and i manually started xchat02:25
mustang_ok, try startkde02:25
NotSurewoot! blue screen02:25
NotSureKPersonalizer came up02:25
mustang_now make sure your windows work normally02:25
NotSurelemme answer it's questions02:26
mustang_can you move around the windows?02:26
NotSurebut the bar at the bottom isn't there yet02:26
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mustang_if you restart your system, can you make it back here to chat?02:26
NotSurethere we go!!02:26
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NotSureu rock mustang_02:27
NotSurei don't know... should i reboot?02:27
mustang_would you believe im a total noob at linux02:27
NotSuredamn smrt noob02:27
mustang_yes, reboot.  If you can't get to the logon kde screen....then do an xchat and get back in here02:27
osiriswe are all n00bs in one area or another02:27
mustang_I will be waiting on you02:27
NotSurethanks man!!02:27
mustang_Yea, but Ive only been working with linux 2 mths02:27
mustang_im a windows person for 20 yrs02:28
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mustang_ok Ill be here02:28
NotSurethe reboot isn't rebooting02:28
NotSureit killed the window manager02:28
mustang_ok, do a shell02:28
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mustang_then type, sudo shutdown -r now02:28
osirissudo reboot02:28
mustang_or sudo reboot02:29
osirisor sudo poweroff02:29
osiriseasier to remember02:29
mustang_poweroff will kill it02:29
mustang_not reboot it02:29
crxyemso, let's say I'd like to do a fresh install of edgy 6.10, am I correct to assume I can do a install and not touch the /home dir and I won't loose any of my settings ?? for firefox, etc...02:29
mustang_I have figured out a 3 letter command that works every time02:29
osiriscrxyem, as long as /home is a seperate partition02:30
mustang_osiris?  wanna take that one02:30
osirisand you don't format it during install02:30
BluesKajcrxyem, what do yeah define as a "fresh install" ?02:30
osirisgive it the same mount point02:31
sampancrxyem  that's right, though i chose a different username (it left my old username home directory and then i copied over bookmarks etc. as sneeded)02:31
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crxyema fresh install, I have 3 partitions. one is /, swap, /home02:31
sampanif you choose the same username it may overwrite the home dir, not sure02:31
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mustang_if you try to doa fresh install of 6.10 in the same place as it was before and your home dir is on the mount point for your partition where linux was, you will write over your home dir...  the best way is to backup your home dir to another drive and reinstall everything, then copy back over your home location02:32
NotSurehad to startkde myself02:32
NotSurecloser than before though :-)02:32
mustang_let me think02:32
NotSurei'm guessing kdm is pooched somehow02:33
crxyem'/home is on it's own partition02:33
mustang_did you also do an apt-get --reinstall install kdm before the reboot02:33
NotSureno sir02:33
mustang_try that one02:33
mustang_if /home is on another partition that the linux partition, then you will not overwrite the hoem directory02:34
crxyemexample, /home is /dev/sda3, / is /dev/sda102:34
mustang_home that it02:34
mustang_shoot, me and my keyboard are fighting02:34
crxyemin the long run it doesn't matter as I'm using my laptop as a thin client really, all my personal data is stored on my home server02:35
crxyembut it sounds like I should be able to wipe / and reinstall , and /home should be fine02:36
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osirisif its a different partition, and you dont format it duringre-install you will be fine02:38
NotSuresame result :-(02:38
mustang_what you may want to do after the install is go into your system settings and set your home directory back to the location /dev/sda3/home/username02:38
iftidoes anyone know how to use the enlightenment windo system02:38
mustang_ok, not out of solutions yet02:38
osirisifti, what is the question02:39
mustang_try $sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop02:39
extravakerhi all02:39
NotSurei've done that mustang_ , and i've reinstalled all it's dependencies02:39
extravakersomebody use the KFTPGrabber?02:39
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mustang_im thinking02:39
NotSurelet me try just in case02:40
NotSurenope, newest02:40
osirisextravaker, i have it.  dont really use it02:40
osirisbut i have it02:40
extravakeri cant connect with KFTP02:40
osiriso yeah.  i couldnt figure out that app in 5 minutes, so i ditched it02:41
crxyemmustang are you saying I'll need to change a line in fstab to point to the home directory ??02:41
mustang_fstab is mount points02:41
mustang_your running what vs of linux02:42
osiriscrxyem, you should be able to do it just fine from the installer02:42
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osirisi have done what you are attempting several times, without issue02:42
crxyemthat's what I thougth as well osiris02:42
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osirisyou may have to rm some ~/.files if you have issues with some apps02:43
crxyemonly reason I need to is I did an updrage from dapper to edgy and I don't everything went 100% correct02:43
mustang_you will goto K, system settings/user management/ and then switch to admin mode02:43
mustang_then user accounts02:43
osirisbut other than that, most will stay intact02:43
mustang_in there you will change your home location02:43
mustang_ok back to Notsure02:43
osirisare you guys just trying to get kdm on boot ?02:44
crxyemah I see mustang, forgot about that system setting02:44
NotSurethat would be a good start osiris02:44
mustang_yes, hes landing at the shell on boot.. He had a full upgrade from dapper and now hes at the logon shell02:44
osirisdid you check services for your run level in the system settings menu ?02:44
NotSureno, i'm landing at the gnome login at boot but no window manager starts once i login02:45
osirisis kdm located in /etc/init.d ?02:45
mustang_do you still have gnome?02:45
NotSurei removed it like you said02:45
NotSurebut it still fires up...02:45
NotSurethat brownish screen02:45
NotSurewell, it looks like gdm02:45
NotSureosiris, yes... it's there02:46
mustang_hes reinstalled kde, kdm, and checked for broken dependancies02:46
mustang_try sudo apt-get --fix-broken  it might work02:46
NotSureyup, done that :-)02:46
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mustang_this same thing happened to me before02:46
mustang_it was a disaster02:46
osirisgo into the services list for your run level02:46
osirisstop gdm02:46
NotSureit is a disaster... i would prefer not having to reinstall02:47
osirisand enable kdm at boot02:47
NotSureokay, lemme lookie there02:47
NotSurehmm, i don't see those in the service manager02:47
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mustang_doesn't it sound like its not a complete install of kdm02:48
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osirisok, well here is how to strip kdm period02:48
osirisfollow the idea backwards02:48
mustang_im looking too02:48
NotSuresays both gdm and kdm running02:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nividia - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:48
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:49
iftidoes anyone know how to use enlightenment window manager02:49
mustang_in your sytem services?02:49
NotSurei'm gonna kill it02:49
mustang_ok, one sec02:49
mustang_if your going to kill it, make sure it don't start next time02:49
NotSurewill do02:49
mustang_is there an administrator button anywhere02:49
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mustang_go in there and set it to NO02:50
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osirisguess he should have irssi in a terminal before    he killed X02:50
mustang_osiris, it is possible that kdm and gdm may be fighting02:51
mustang_both were running in system svcds02:51
osirismustang_, possible02:51
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osirisnot that it would really matter02:51
mustang_how so02:51
osirisidk.  i just dont get the whole booting to gui thing i guess02:51
osirisi want to bootto a terminal02:51
osirisi might have things to do before i need a gui02:52
mustang_i kinda like having a gui in some ways, but Im leaning alot towards term too02:52
osirisi need someone to help with my APT issue so i can go about installing E17 again02:52
mustang_whats wrong with apt02:53
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BluesKajthe cli works for installations and I'm trying to do the cli with video recently -tovid and it's working weel so far02:54
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mustang_you have universe/multiverse enabled in your sources.list02:56
mustang_let me see if I can find those on my side02:56
BluesKajis apt stuck ?02:56
mustang_no, its looking for dependancies that it can;'t find it looks likew02:57
osirisno, its not stuck02:57
osirisjust throwing those errors02:57
shinigamihi anyoneearthquake again.. knows why after upgrading from dapper to edgy, my laptop doesn't go into the kde when i  switched on..instead it goes into the tty1 log in..when i press ctrl alt f7, then the kde loads up?02:58
mustang_do a apt-get install for kdelibs4-dev02:58
mustang_see what that does02:58
shinigamiwho me?02:58
mustang_no osiris02:58
shinigamihi anyone knows why after upgrading from dapper to edgy, my laptop doesn't go into the kde when i  switched on..instead it goes into the tty1 log in..when i press ctrl alt f7, then the kde loads up?02:58
mustang_do the same for libtag1c2a02:59
osirisno go02:59
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mustang_thats starting to remind me of the skypemate installer03:00
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BluesKajshinigami, are getting a xserver error ?03:00
NotWiredhiya mustang_, it's me... NotSure03:00
NotWiredone step forward, two back :-)03:01
mustang_what about installing one dev at a time03:01
NotWiredwell, kdm comes up03:02
NotWiredbut when i login it just brings me back to the kdm screen03:02
NotWiredcan't even failsafe from that machine03:02
NotWiredso i can to come to my laptop03:02
shinigamiBluesKaj: how i see that?03:02
NotWired*had to03:02
mustang_not sure? is that you03:02
NotWiredyessir :-)03:02
NotWiredother machine is really pooched :-)03:02
nargDoes anyone know if there are plans to package kdevelop3.4 for edgy?03:02
mustang_the revolving login screen, I also experienced03:03
mustang_let me check that03:03
NotWiredi can't even failsafe03:03
NotWiredthank god you are here03:03
antonI want to mount my NTFS drive in kubuntu: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2707/03:03
antonthat's the error I get03:03
antonWhat am I doing wrong?03:03
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antonIt's a NTFS drive I want to mount03:04
osirisdid you try without the -t option ?03:04
antonyes: sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hda2 /mnt/ntfs/03:04
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antondidn't work03:04
osirisno without the -t ntfs part03:05
osirisi said nothing about sudo03:05
antonwill try03:05
antonI thought I had to use Sudo, when mounting a drive03:05
osirisyou do03:05
osirisbut that in no way answered what i typed03:05
shinigaminothing much i can find in the messages03:06
shinigamiexcept this03:06
xnpso guyes03:06
shinigamiJan 24 09:49:34 localhost kernel: [17179571.640000]  PCI: Bus #03 (-#06) is hidden behind transparent bridge #02 (-#02) (try 'pci=assign-busses')03:06
shinigamiJan 24 09:49:34 localhost kernel: [17179571.640000]  Please report the result to linux-kernel to fix this permanently03:06
antonI used "-t" as i said. ?03:06
mustang_well shucks03:06
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antonIt tells me i have to tell it what filesystem to mount03:06
NotWiredis the shucks good or bad mustang_? :)03:06
crxyemwhat's the benefit of using the dvd vs cd source for installing kubuntu ?? other than the obvious that the dvd is 3.9gb03:07
mustang_osmis, I ran across the same problem as NotWired with the KDM Desktop Logon problem  He can logon but immeditally it will come back..  It will not allow him logon to KDE03:07
mustang_I can't remember what I did to fix that one03:07
mustang_lol, If I could remember it would be good03:07
NotWirednone of the login options work... they all bring me back to the login screen03:07
mustang_i know03:07
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mustang_same dang prob I had03:08
mustang_its irritating03:08
NotWiredthe upgrade was irritating, this is fine03:08
osirisanton add something like this to fstab03:08
NotWiredi'm learning so it's all good03:08
osiris/dev/hda1       /media/hda1     ntfs    defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       103:08
mustang_i know if you do ctrl/alt/F1 it will take you to shell where you can do startkde and get in03:09
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mustang_I would almost bet on it03:09
antonosiris: thanks i'll try that03:09
NotWiredno, startkde won't bring up X03:09
mustang_what about startx03:09
NotWirednope... i need to be root to run that03:09
shadowhywindIs anyone around that could help me with my vpn. I have my server and client connect. But i am trying to use the internet on the server side to surf with on the client side. any ideas?03:09
osirisanton, it might be easier to copy an entry in fssab, and just make the neccessary changes03:09
mustang_what about startkdm03:09
NotWiredi can sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart03:10
NotWiredlet me try startkdm03:10
NotWiredno such command03:10
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antonosiris: And what does that mean? :)03:10
osirisadjust the mount points and drive designations as necessary03:11
osirismy example used hda103:11
NotWiredstartkde says it can't contact kdeinit03:11
antonok, I'll look for fstab03:11
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osirisanton, its in /etc03:12
mustang_that sounds like an entry in init.d is missing for kde03:12
mustang_let me find my init.d file03:12
NotWiredinit.d is a folder03:13
osirisno, it sounds like his startup script is wrong03:13
osirischeck /etc/inittab03:13
NotWiredfor what?03:13
osirishell, try changing your run level from 2 to 303:13
osirisor 3 to 203:13
osirisi dont know what you have set to load on each run level03:14
osirisfor me, RL2 is boot to cli03:14
osirisRL3 is boot to gui03:14
NotWiredit was 2 and i switch to 303:14
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NotWiredreboot now?03:14
NotWiredk, thanks03:14
osirisor init 303:14
osirisi think03:14
osirissudo init303:15
osirissomething like that03:15
NotWiredi've rebooted03:15
NotWiredi'll see shortly03:15
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NotWiredut oh, that returned gdm to the scene03:16
osiriswell, change it back to 2 then03:17
oracleis this working?03:17
NotWireddo you know what packages has the kde startup scripts?03:17
mustang_ok, whats the verdect03:17
NotWiredi can try to reinstall that03:17
mustang_try apt-get install xfree8603:18
NotWiredno mustang_, not good03:18
mustang_im listening03:18
NotWiredxfree86 is still a valid package?03:18
mustang_one sec03:18
NotWiredi thought it was replaced03:18
mustang_i think your right03:18
NotWiredi reinstalled xserver-xorg thought03:18
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mustang_im short on solutions03:20
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LivedifferentIf I were to get rid of GRUB, how would I do it? Without a floppy or Windows Install CD?03:20
mustang_I can't find xfree86 now...probabally like you said, out of date03:20
NotWiredokay, thanks mustang_03:20
NotWiredi appreciate it03:20
mustang_its no problem... We didn't get very far03:21
NotWiredsort of progress :-)03:21
NotWiredi'm going to see if there is a kde channel03:21
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shinigamihi i've plugged a thumbdrive into kubuntu..after that i try to plug into windows and it says device driver not found?03:21
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crxyemso what is the diference between the dvd vs the cd iso's for install03:22
mustang_sweet.  Take it easy and good luck03:22
crxyemshingami, did you format the thumbdrive when you were using it in linux ??03:22
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shinigamino..icopiednsome mp3 in only03:24
shinigamimaybe i did not unmount before pulling out03:24
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crxyemshould be a big deal if you didn't unmount it03:25
crxyem   so what is the diference between the dvd vs the cd iso's for install03:25
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antonI've mounted my NTFS drive, but I can't acces it. I get this errormsg: "bash: cd: ntfs/: Permission denied" What do I have to do, so I can access it?03:26
JucatoDVD contains much more software, has both the Live CD and text based installer03:26
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shinigamiok...did i spoiled my thumbdrive?03:27
shinigamionly linux can read it now03:27
crxyemI don't think you have spoiled it per say, I ue mine in both win and linux systems03:27
crxyemwell live cd and text editor two things I like03:28
shinigamiare there like some driver files inside the thumbdrive that i could have deleted? i saw a lost+found folder in the drive but i deleted it03:28
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crxyemare you sure you didn't format the drive ext3 when you were using it ??03:29
antonDoes anyone know, why I can't access the NTFS I just mounted?03:29
antonHow do I set the permissions, so that I can access it?03:29
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions. For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse03:30
stdinhey everyone :)03:30
shinigamiok..how i check for the file system of the thumb?03:31
ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)03:31
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse03:31
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antonhmm, I don't want to write to the disc03:31
antonjust read03:31
juano_help anyone i cant make a windows machine connect fine  with an ubuntu machine, they connect fine both machines browse the network , except after 30 minutes or so in windows i only see my pc in the network neighborhood and in ubuntu i cant browse hte network at all, except i can always do \\linuxpcname from windows and \\windowspcname from linux and browse fine. the problem is in network places, after 30 minutes icons wont appear03:31
antoni have it mounted, i just don't have permission to change directory to it03:31
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stdinanton: you need a umask then03:32
stdinanton: how did you mount it? from fstab?03:33
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antonstdin: from bash03:33
=== Jucato thinks that the wiki he linked to has instructions...
scott__hello all03:33
antonhow do I do that umask- thing?03:33
intelikeycould i trubble one person to do#  grep bin/killall /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.list                   form please ?03:34
stdinanton: just use the same command as normal but add "-o umask=0000" to the end of it03:34
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antonstdin: you mean I have to type that on the same line after "mount ... ..." ?03:35
intelikeyanton yes   or put it in your fstab03:35
antonok, thanks03:35
HymnToLifestdin, umask 000 seems a bad idea to me...03:35
crxyemanton , that's correct but you should set -o umask=077703:35
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stdinHymnToLife: a dmask would be better03:36
intelikeyHymnToLife depends on whether it's a desktop with one user or a server with lots of users.03:36
antonok, thanks, i'll try it now.03:36
mattp1984hey whats up03:36
mattp1984i have a quick probably easy to answer question03:36
mattp1984any of you use EasyUbuntu03:37
HymnToLifeintelikey, even so, better be safe than sorry03:37
intelikey"<crxyem> anton , that's correct but you should set -o umask=0777"  <<< restrict access to none ?03:37
HymnToLifethat's a funny idea too :p03:37
stdinintelikey: "sysvutils: sbin/killall5" and "psmisc: usr/bin/killall"03:37
Daisuke_Idomattp1984: it's best not to use it, there's nothing that can't be gotten without it03:37
intelikeythank you stdin03:37
stdinyw :)03:38
HymnToLifeanton, do uid=1000,umask=002203:38
mattp1984why is it best not to use it?03:38
dawnok I am confused about xorg.conf03:38
HymnToLifedawn, just ask your question03:38
antonthe umask 0000 worked. What does the uid=1000 mean?03:38
stdinmattp1984: nope, and I _don't_ recommend you do either, it can lead to a damaged system03:38
dawnI ran the  $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh and my settings are not sticking03:38
antonI want the drive to be read only03:38
Daisuke_Idoshort answer, it's evil.  long answer, it's evil, not supported, and it can cause a lot of problems03:39
dawnit always reverts back to 800x60003:39
HymnToLifeanton, umask=0000 means _everyone_ has write access to it03:39
dawnI have a nvidia geforce series 6 card03:39
antonoh ok :o03:39
dawnand a nice widescreen monitor03:39
intelikeyanton then mount it  ro,umask=000  would be good03:39
stdinanton: the "uid=1000" means that the 1st user setup on the system will "own" the files/dirs03:39
HymnToLifeuid=1000,umask=0022 means you have write access and everyone else has read-only access03:39
antonHymnToLife: I don't have to use "-r" for readonly when doing the mount?03:39
dawnwould it safe to say that maybe the settings are too high initially? so it reverts back to 800x60003:39
HymnToLifeif you want to mount it read only, you should use it03:40
antonok, thanks.03:40
Daisuke_Idothat all depends on what you're setting the resolution to03:40
HymnToLifeor add ro to the mount options, it's the same thing03:40
Daisuke_Idocrt?  lcd?  max resolution of the monitor?03:40
crxyemwhoops got my umask and permissions confused03:40
dawnlcd, 1680 x 105003:41
Daisuke_Idoso 16:903:41
dawni reinstalled nvidia-glx as well03:41
Daisuke_Idohmm :(03:41
dawnthen went thru the config settings03:41
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intelikeyok updated glibc err libc6      rebooting03:42
dawni tried the widescreen setting in system settings, monitor and display03:42
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Daisuke_Idothis is going to sound retarded, but...  did you restart X?03:43
dawnyes silly man03:43
Daisuke_Idobottom up approach to tech supprt03:43
dawnmultiple times03:43
Daisuke_Idohalf the time i forget the simplest parts.03:43
dawni agree, I do that with windoze all the time03:43
dawnis it plugged in? did you hit the power button? is the monitor pluged in? blah...blah...blah...03:44
antonThis is what my command looks like: sudo mount -t ntfs -r /dev/hdb1 /mnt/ntfs/ -o uid=1000, umask=0022 Something's wrong with it, but I don't know what.03:44
Daisuke_Idoyeah, i've got no experience with widescreen displays, except to say i have no idea why it shouldn't work03:44
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dawnit does work03:44
Daisuke_Idounless you want to go in and manually add it into xorg.conf03:45
dawnfor some strange reasons the settings are not sticking03:45
dawni tied that as well once03:45
mattp1984svn: Berkeley DB error while opening 'nodes' table for filesystem /home/svn/repos/easyubuntu/db:03:45
mattp1984Cannot allocate memory03:45
mattp1984svn: bdb: Unable to allocate memory for transaction detail03:45
mattp1984anyone know what that means03:45
dawnI can go in and delete it if I have to as root03:45
Daisuke_Idookay, now you've really exhausted every option i can think of :\03:45
antonstdin: can you see what I'm doing wrong?03:45
dawn<----isn't exhausted...not by a long shot03:46
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stdinanton: no spaces after the commas03:46
intelikeyyeah means there is not enough ram marked as free mattp198403:46
mattp1984thats what i thought03:46
mattp1984i have been using suse for years, just installed kubuntu today, first time user03:46
antonstdin: oh thanks you, wonderfull. Thanks to HymnToLife too, and any other who helped me. If i add this line to fstab, it will mount it on boot, right?03:47
mattp1984i cant possibly be using all my ram, got any ideas why it is saying i am out of ram03:47
intelikeyyou have my sympathy03:47
stdinanton: and you don't actually need the "-r" as ntfs is mounted read only antway :)03:47
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antonand it will work fine if i put it into fstab too?03:47
stdinanton: the line you want is "/dev/hdb1 /mnt/ntfs/ ntfs auto,uid=1000,umask=0022 0 0" in fstab to make it mount on boot03:48
intelikeymattp1984 too much allocated out by other things.   also of note, that error is irrelevent of swap space.03:48
antonwow, thanks a lot :)03:48
stdinno problem :)03:48
ubotuIf adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a'03:49
intelikeyonly thing that i've had do me that way was gimp   trying to open a 1m tiff file.   needed 600+m of free ram.03:49
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shadowhywindis anyone around that can help with vpn?03:49
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soulridershadowhywind: vpn ?03:51
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shadowhywindi have openvpn installed, and i am correctly connected to my server, but i want to use the internet from the server and can't figure out03:51
intelikeyerrr actually no.  it wasn't gimp  it was paul.   i didn't even try gimp on it.03:52
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mattp1984so does anyone know anything about that memory problem i am having03:54
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intelikeymattp1984 try to use a different app on it03:54
padlefothow do I make programs autostart with the KDE login?03:55
padlefoti use gdm btw03:55
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intelikeydm is irrelevent,  you link them in ~/.kde/autostart/    or what ever the name of the dir is.03:56
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ubotuTo make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory.03:56
intelikeyya big A03:56
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intelikeymattp1984 that error seems to be a bad system call in one of the libs   it's trying to allocate ram  but doesn't request that other things be swapped out to make enough free ram.    i don't know any more than that.    file a bug with the app and use something else until it's fixed.04:00
=== dawn [n=dawn@c-68-33-164-177.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
dawnok I have it setup for 1280x102404:01
dawnthose settings are sticking for now04:01
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dawnand I do see the nvidia splashscreen load so..04:01
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intelikeyKr4t05 mind changing your part/quit message, it's disrespectful and breaks the code of conduct for the channel.04:05
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Kr4t05intelikey: I apologize, it's not a permantly set quit message.04:05
Kr4t05And, for the record, go suck your CoC.04:06
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soulriderhi intelikey04:06
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BluesKajI'm trying to copy an *.so file to the FFplugin, but I can see the /usr/lib/firefox/plugins file but i can't copy the *.so plugin to it ...what is required here ?04:08
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stdinBluesKaj: how are you trying to copy it ?04:09
HymnToLifeBluesKaj, sudo04:09
HymnToLife!sudo | BluesKaj04:09
ubotuBluesKaj: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.04:09
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intelikeyBluesKaj permission to write to the dir is the requirement.   rather than change the perms.  the normal way is to do the cp as root.04:09
soulrideranyone lnow what sudo stands for ?04:10
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sparrSuper User DO04:10
soulriderah, i thought so04:10
Jucatoafaik, it's Switch User DO04:10
Jucatolike su = Switch User04:10
intelikeysoulrider on that kind of Q man command   generally answers it correctly  :)04:10
stdinsu = switch user, sudo is super user do04:10
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Jucatoman sudo: sudo, sudoedit - execute a command as another user <-- not necessarily always super user04:11
sparrJucato: i have different man sudo04:11
Jucatoit's like su, if you don't give another user name, it defaults to root04:11
sparr su - change user ID or become super-user04:11
Jucatohm.. weird04:11
sparrman pages arent entirely standardized04:12
sparresp between linux and bsd04:12
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soulridersudo - a definition from Whatis.comSudo (superuser do)04:12
intelikeysparr that's the man su you posted04:12
soulridergogole gave me that04:12
sparrintelikey: ahh, my bad04:12
Jucatosoulrider: in this case, I would trust man more then Google...04:12
BluesKajerr where do i do this ... trying sudo /usr/lib/firefox/plugins in the run box but ...nothing04:13
sparr sudo allows a permitted user to execute a command as the superuser or04:13
sparr       another user, as specified in the sudoers file04:13
Jucatobut anyway, stdin is right :P04:13
stdinhttp://www.sudo.ws/ (official website afaik) says "Sudo (superuser do)"04:13
intelikeyBluesKaj you left out the command.  "cp"04:13
sparrdamn you04:13
sparrbeat me to it  :)04:13
intelikeysudo cp blah to/blah04:13
sparrwhats with you weirdos adding "www."?04:13
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Jucatowhat's with you weirdos not using copy-paste?04:14
soulrideri never use www04:14
Jucatoor highlight-middle click? :P04:14
sparri used copy-paste04:14
soulrideri like middle click04:14
JucatoI used copy-middle click04:14
intelikeyi highlight right click  :)04:15
intelikeyconsole   :)04:15
JucatoCLI fread04:15
BluesKajintelikey, i tried copypaste middle click ...nothing04:15
intelikeyBluesKaj i told you.04:15
intelikeysudo cp blah to/blah04:15
intelikeyyou had left out "cp"04:16
intelikeykdesu if you run that someplace that you can't see the output of the sudo04:16
intelikeykdesu cp blah to/blah04:16
stdinkdesu is for gut apps04:17
Jucatokdesu cp?? :O04:17
BluesKajthe blah to blah is what i wanted to know ...never assume with newbs ok :)04:17
intelikeyyes it will open an xwindow for the password and then execute the command04:17
intelikeyBluesKaj blah=the file to be copied   and to/blah=the destination to copy to04:18
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BluesKajyup ok , gonna try that04:18
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intelikeytrying sudo /usr/lib/firefox/plugins in the run box but ...nothing <<<<  so you would do#   kdesu cp <the_file_name_here> /usr/lib/firefox/plugins04:19
intelikeyin the "run" box.     use sudo in the konsole for the same string.04:20
intelikeydo i talk in cyrcles ?04:21
intelikeyor is it just kriptik ?04:22
stdinno, you talk in cylinders04:22
intelikeyand blocks04:22
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BluesKajyeah, but apt doesn't see the file ..doesn't exist04:23
BluesKaj"curses curses foiled agian "04:24
intelikeyapt ?04:24
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BluesKajerr sorry the terminal04:25
intelikeycd Desktop04:25
intelikeyand look04:25
stdinuse ls04:25
stdinls = list04:25
BluesKajit's in the /home dir04:25
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intelikeyno it's not  :)04:25
stdinin /home, or $HOME ? :P04:26
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intelikeyls = list ?      i thought it meand  Look and See  :)04:26
stdinman page says "ls - list directory contents" :)04:27
=== intelikey points to the grin at the end of his post ^
stdinwell, I'm a pedantic so-and-so04:28
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BluesKajit's in the /home/kaj dir04:29
BluesKajdunno what $HOME is04:29
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stdinBluesKaj: $HOME is a variable, it stored the path to your home directory04:30
intelikeyfor you $HOME=/home/kaj    so then     cd       and you will be there.         "if you arent already"04:30
Jucato$HOME = ~ = /home/<current_user>04:30
stdin$HOME = where the heart is04:30
intelikeyJucato no  some users are not based in /home04:30
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intelikeyroot seldom is.   i never am.04:31
mxwlpxwlhello allz04:31
Jucatointelikey: it's the usual/normal setup04:31
Jucatoroot user isn't enabled, you are not usual/normal04:31
mxwlpxwli am having trouble with apt-get install libk3b2-mp3....but i believe i have the correct repositories04:31
intelikeybut a default kubuntu      sudo echo $HOME04:32
BluesKajwell I know I am in /home as far the terminal is concerned04:32
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intelikeyerr maybe -i that.04:32
intelikeythen cd and you will be in /home/kaj04:32
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intelikeyand the prompt will probably show the tild symbol as your path    "~" == "$HOME"04:34
BluesKajintelikey, i think the problem is the file is in a folder in the home dir04:34
stdinfind ~ -name "*.so"04:34
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intelikeyyes and did you look in the  ~/Desktop    like i mentioned half an hour ago BluesKaj ?04:35
BluesKajtrying to get it to into the FFplugin setup to play yup, not there04:35
BluesKajerr  not on the desktop04:35
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AHinMaineI found a page on the ubuntu wiki about how to compile from a deb src package, but I just can't find it again... could anyone help me out?04:36
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BluesKajcp: cannot stat `file:///home/kaj/octoprogram-L03-N00-U00_0606300_900/liboctoshape.so': No such file or directory ...yet I'm looking right at it04:37
stdinBluesKaj: take off the "file://" part04:38
BluesKajit's also balking at the word 'to"04:40
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stdinwhat is the exact command you are using ?04:41
BluesKajok it copied , but the file is "locked"04:42
flaccid__whois flaccid-04:42
stdinBluesKaj: "sudo chmod 644 /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/liboctoshape.so" should fix it04:43
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xenoterracideanyone know what file I set dns servers in?04:44
stdinxenoterracide: /etc/resolv.conf04:45
BluesKajcool stdin , thx ..now we'll see if it actually works :P04:45
xenoterracideI new that04:45
xenoterracidejust couldn't think of it04:45
AHinMaineanyone know how to compile from a source package?04:46
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)04:46
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draikI think that I may have screwed up my Kubuntu partition04:47
draikNow that I log in, I get the error message that it could not start tty, so I get a prompt to ramfs04:47
draikor something similar04:47
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AHinMainei don't mean a regular source tarball, I mean how do I create a binary package of my own from a deb-src.04:48
AHinMainei saw it earlier today on the wiki, but tonight I've been digging for almost an hour and I can't find the damn page...04:49
intelikeyAHinMaine i would say look through your history  but if you've been plunking around there that long....04:51
AHinMainehistory is on a different machine that I can't access from here.04:51
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sakialright! I seem to have killed my sound system!04:52
intelikeydraik sounds like you need to determine whether it's ramfs prompt or a bash prompt   then we can help04:52
intelikeysaki good job.04:52
=== saki highfives intelikey
stdinAHinMaine: only thing I can find is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HowToBuildDebianPackagesFromScratch and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School/PackagingBasics04:53
draikintelikey: ramfs04:53
draikI can't get a bash04:53
draikLet me reboot and then I will tell you what it says. I have a laptop that is ALL kubuntu04:53
draikintelikey: Give me one moment04:54
intelikeydraik ok.  then may i sujest you boot the live CD and fsck the root partition04:54
draikI'm on the live cd now04:54
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about audio - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:54
draikintelikey: I was fsck'ing the partition and it asked if I wanted to fix inodes... I just kept saying "y"04:54
draikintelikey: Do you think that by doing that I may have caused an issue?04:55
draikgreat. Just great04:55
AHinMainecrud.  it was like a 4 step process to take a regular source package and roll your own binary package from that...   arg...  just install kubuntu on my laptop but I can't get claws-mail installed because of version hassles...04:55
intelikeywhat fs is it ?   ext3 ?04:55
sakiAlright, Kubuntu seems not to like my sound card or something...I'm running a Creative SBLive!04:56
intelikeydraik  sudo fdisk -l     and pastebin.ca the output04:56
sakiI have both ALSA and OSS installed04:56
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intelikey!sound | saki      been there ?04:56
ubotusaki      been there ?: If you're having problems with sound, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems and http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin04:56
sakinope not yet?04:57
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AHinMainebleh...  finally....  just noticed that they have their own ubuntu repository right at claws-mail.org...  doh!04:58
draikintelikey: ^^04:59
intelikeythat's saying you have four swap partitions, is that correct ?05:01
sakiokay anyone know how to tell kubuntu not to use a sound card and to use the other one?05:01
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sakiits trying to use my on board sound, and not the SB card05:01
sakibut it installed both of them05:01
draikintelikey: shouldn't be. Should only be 105:01
intelikeysaki maybe someone in #ubuntu05:02
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intelikeydraik i was afraid you would say that.05:02
elyon225Could someone please help me out with my sound?  It's very staticy.  I've tried ALSA and OSS drivers... any other suggestions?05:02
draikintelikey: and now I'm afraid you don't have an answer05:02
intelikeydraik can you off the top of your head tell me what your mountpoints used to look like.05:02
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intelikeylike so many G /  so many /home so many /var ...   ?05:03
sakiElyon, It sounds like its hardwar05:03
draikintelikey: hda1 is WinXP... hda5 is SWAP.... hda6 is Kubuntu...05:03
sakihave you tried your speakers on another sound card/computer?05:03
draikintelikey: AFAIK05:03
elyon225saki: Any way to fix that?05:03
elyon225saki: Oh, my speakers work perfectly.  A lot of the sounds/mp3 here sound fine.05:04
PupenoWhere's that old nice script that used iptables -save and -restore that one would put in /etc/init.d/iptables05:04
intelikeydraik issue this command in a konsole #   sudo mount /dev/hda6 /media05:04
draikintelikey: I have it in /mnt. Is that ok?05:05
intelikeydraik do # cat /mnt/etc/fstab05:05
intelikeypastebin that for me05:05
draikintelikey: No such file or directory05:05
intelikeyok# sudo umount /mnt /mnt/*05:06
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draikintelikey: Ok. Everything comes up with "not found".05:06
intelikeythere is a /mnt  is there not ?05:07
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intelikeyls /mnt05:07
intelikeyshould be blank return05:07
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strifewhat is better kubuntu or ubuntu?05:08
intelikeysudo mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt05:08
stdinstrife: depends on what you like, gnome or kde05:08
intelikeystrife they are the same,  one comes with kde the other with gnome.05:08
intelikeypackages come out of the same box though05:09
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strifeno difference in compatibility for networking?05:09
intelikeystrife no05:09
stdinstrife: nope, they both use the same core packages05:09
strifeawesome thanks guys05:10
intelikeynow one app may work better at dfecting hardware than another.05:10
draikstrife, where are you located?05:10
intelikeydetecting even05:10
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intelikeydraik you get lost ?05:10
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draikstrife: think of this as a car. Which do you prefer, Lexus or Toyota? Nissan or Inifinity? Honda or Acura? Its all the same thing under the hood, just a matter of the look05:11
intelikeydraik # ls /mnt05:11
draikintelikey: lost?05:12
draikintelikey: Ok. I did ls /mnt. Now what?05:12
intelikeyanything there ?05:12
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strifeyeah but kde seems to have more cool packages available....05:12
draikintelikey: Yes. Just my backups of a video I was placing together and my old backups05:12
intelikeyok you can # sudo umount /mnt05:13
stdinstrife: better analogy is, "Which do you prefer, a blue car or a red car" :)05:13
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kaatili have question.. how to set gdm display manager as default?05:13
seven11somebody know how to open .chm files05:13
draikintelikey: Ok. umount done05:14
intelikeydraik one more time# sudo mount /dev/hda6 /mnt && mount | grep dev/hda605:14
stdinstrife: all the packages are available on both, you can use KDE packages on gnome and vice-versa05:14
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draikintelikey: Ok. I get     /dev/hda6 on /mnt type ext3 (rw)05:15
intelikeydraik # ls /mnt05:15
draikno /etc05:15
stdinkaatil: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm" should let you choose, if not you need to edit "/etc/X11/default-display-manager" and change "/usr/bin/kdm" to "/usr/bin/gdm"05:15
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intelikeywell it's probably in lost+found draik05:16
kaatilthank you stdin. :)05:16
intelikeydraik # ls /mnt/lost+found05:16
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stdinyw :)05:16
garrybthat sounds like a new kde application05:16
garrybbtw, eating our screen does not make you cool05:16
intelikeyrevo stop it.05:16
sakianyone here know anything about how kubuntu handles sound?05:17
draikintelikey: Ok. Not in there. It's all just a bunch of numbers #1115809505:17
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intelikeydraik one of them blue ?05:17
draikalot of them are05:18
intelikeydraik ls -l /mnt/lost+found     and pastebin.ca the output05:18
intelikeyi'll see if i can find it for you.05:19
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draikit's longer than I can scroll05:20
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intelikeydraik ls -l /mnt/lost+found | less     and pastebin.ca the output05:20
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intelikeythen you can scroll it.05:20
intelikeydraik lets try dirrect.05:20
elyon225Okay, in an effort to fix my staticy sound, I've removed my PCI sound card and switched to the onboard (which I have enabled in my BIOS).  But now I don't have any sound.  Do I need to reconfigure my sound driver or something?05:21
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intelikeydraik  ls -l /mnt/lost+found /mnt > info.txt05:21
intelikeyand /dcc send intelikey info.txt05:21
intelikey!sound | elyon22505:22
ubotuelyon225: If you're having problems with sound, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems and http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin05:22
garrybone time i removed my soudn card while the computer was on05:22
garrybit's acted a little funny ever since05:23
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DBOthat was silly05:23
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intelikeyi've changed ps2 mice while running.... doesn't always work so good.05:23
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elyon225garryb: lol nice.05:23
garrybps2 mice are finicky but generally won't destroy your computer05:24
draikintelikey: http://pastebin.ca/32654005:24
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dethklokWhoo, upgrade to edgy!05:25
intelikeyok now give that dirrect connect thing one shot for me. draik05:25
intelikeyif your nick is registered05:26
draiknick is reg'd05:26
draikhow do I do it direct?05:26
intelikeydraik  ls -l /mnt/lost+found /mnt > info.txt05:26
intelikeyand /dcc send intelikey info.txt05:26
draikI did05:26
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intelikeydraik did something hang ?05:30
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draiksending it again05:30
draikI got a timeout05:30
intelikeychange the name first05:30
draikfile name?05:30
intelikeymaybe info.txt was a bad file name.05:30
intelikeymy client acted funny about it.05:31
dethklokhow long does apt-get upgrade usually take on a brand new install or edgy? (all respitores uncommented)05:31
intelikeytry file.txt05:31
elyon225intelikey: I went through the debugging steps to install the proper module, but I'm being given a "Permission Denied" error when trying to save the settings (and running speaker-test doesn't work)05:31
intelikeyelyon225 have to do that as root.05:32
intelikey!sudo | elyon22505:32
ubotuelyon225: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.05:32
elyon225intelikey: Can't just use sudo?  Because running as sudo still gave me that error.05:32
intelikeydraik ok  -:- DCC Unable to open /usr/local/src/dcc/file.txt05:33
elyon225sudo echo options [module-name]  [module-options]  >> /etc/modprobe.d/[module-name] 05:33
elyon225bash: /etc/modprobe.d/[module-name] : Permission denied05:33
intelikeyyou can kill that i'll use the info you pasted and see what i can determine.05:33
stdinelyon225: yeah, that won't work. use "sudo -i" to get a root shell first05:34
intelikeyelyon225 you have to inturpret  [module-options]  and [module-name] 05:34
elyon225stdin: Perhaps the step by step instructions should say so ;)05:34
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intelikeyalso ^05:34
stdinintelikey: redirects don't work with sudo tho05:34
stdinelyon225: I'll let the document team know :)05:35
intelikeyredirrect does work with sudo  echo blah | sudo tee filename05:35
stdinintelikey: that's not a redirect tho05:35
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intelikeyecho something | sudo tee -a /test.105:35
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draikintelikey: http://pastebin.ca/32654005:37
elyon225hmm... so running it as root went fine (no output), but now when I try running speaker-test, it kept repeating "Device or resource busy" ... then proceeded with the test and still nothing.05:37
elyon225KMix shows the correct device, so does aplay.05:37
dethklokIs there a openoffice program I can use to make a pie graph??05:37
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=== Rolled is now known as ^Rolled
draikintelikey: any luck?05:38
dethklokIs there a openoffice program I can use to make a pie graph??05:39
BluesKajnite folks ...sacktime here , take care05:39
^RolledCalc should be able to make pie chartws05:39
dethklok^Rolled, K, I'll take a look thanks05:40
^Rolleddethklok: Insert -> Chart05:41
intelikeydraik still working on it.05:41
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adamwestguys, my system hangs whenever i logout :\05:41
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elyon225adamwest: I'm guessing you have an ATI card?05:42
garrybadamwest: i have an identical problem.  do you have a dell laptop?05:42
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^RolledAre there additional repositories for kubuntu?  I would like to install Firefox05:42
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garrybelyon225: i have the same problem with Intel video05:42
adamwestno ATI no laptop.05:42
elyon225^Rolled: Firefox is in the main reps.05:42
^Rolledwhat method do I use to install?05:43
intelikeydraik had a thought.#  find /mnt/lost+found/ -name fstab05:43
elyon225^Rolled: You can use Adept or apt-get.05:43
adamwestit hangs whenever i logout and if i restart it's this weird login instead of the normal one05:43
elyon225^Rolled: sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox05:43
jeff_I've got a weird issue with Xinerama on a box with 2 video cards.  I'm getting X to span across 2 LCD monitors, but for some reason, the second monitor isn't running at 1280x1024, even though they are both specified that way in xorg.conf.05:43
intelikeydraik see if that pulls up pay dirt05:43
^RolledDoes Adept do package updates?05:44
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elyon225^Rolled: Adept is also your update manager... it checks for updates whenever you logon.05:44
stdin^Rolled: yeah, adept does05:44
elyon225^Rolled: What version of Kubuntu are you running?05:44
stdin^Rolled: and the package for firefox is "firefox" not "mozilla-firefox" :)05:44
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elyon225stdin: You sure? lol05:44
stdinelyon225: yep, totally sure :)05:45
stdin!info firefox05:45
ubotufirefox: lightweight web browser based on Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 8992 kB, installed size 28580 kB05:45
elyon225!info mozilla-firefox05:45
ubotumozilla-firefox: Transition package for firefox rename. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 54 kB, installed size 112 kB05:45
^RolledI see firefox .. however it is grey'd out... perhaps I will just use apt-get05:45
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intelikeydraik that's what i was afraid of.  that fs is really hosed.     what happened is it didn't read the dirrectory correctly so it chucked it in lost+found then all the stuff in /etc had no dir so it all got moved to lost+found     a real knight mare  to sort it all out.05:45
elyon225stdin: Seems I was still half right ;)05:46
intelikeydraik what does /mnt/home   look like ?05:46
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draikgood. /home is ok05:46
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elyon225So, does anyone have any ideas on why I have no sound?05:46
draikelyon225: reboot. Worked for me05:47
elyon225Wait... lemme make sure I have the speakers plugged into the right place ;)05:47
mefisto__is there any way to set gwenview to sort by date by default when it's browsing folders?05:47
stdinelyon225: is the test you are using uses oss, then you'll need to kill artsd first05:47
elyon225stdin: Should I just try rebooting?05:47
intelikeydraik you can save anything out of home to that other partition  (if it's big enough)  and reload.  will be faster/easier than sorting out lost /etc dir  with all it's componants scattered05:47
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stdinelyon225: you could, but artsd will start at login, it should, however auto-suspend after some time to allow oss usage05:48
draik63GB on /home. 40-sum left on other HDD05:48
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intelikeyi'd rather work with a broken fs in your case than the fixed one you have.05:48
elyon225stdin: I don't know what driver the tests use.  I used KDE to set it to AutoDetect... and I don't know what speaker-test uses.05:49
intelikeydraik you didn't backup /etc did you ?05:49
stdinelyon225: it normally uses ALSA05:49
draikwhat's in /etc that I need?05:49
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elyon225stdin: Well, I changed to ALSA in KDE and started up a game... still no sound.05:49
stdinelyon225: and arts will run on top of that05:49
intelikeyfstab startup scripts cnfigurations for everything.05:50
stdinelyon225: what game? the game may use oss05:50
elyon225stdin: Neverball... but the speaker-test doesn't work either, and you said that uses ALSA?05:50
draikmy friend has a very similar install that I do...05:50
draikcan I sshd into his desktop right now and get them all?05:51
stdinelyon225: yeah, it should use ALSA by default05:51
elyon225stdin: And Amarok when set to ALSA doesn't work either.05:51
intelikeythere are three dirs you don't just "fix" maybe four   /etc  /lib  /var   and  /usr   the /usr because that's where most all data is.  but the others cause they are essential  /*bin you might just copy someone elses binarries into  but those three are unique05:51
elyon225I do get a lot of errors when running speaker-test, though... about the device being busy.05:51
draikso no, huh?05:52
intelikeyso no.05:52
draikme too05:53
^RolledWow .. Adept is pretty snazzy .. multiple streams of downloading of updates05:53
intelikeydraik i hate it for you.  but one good thing out of it.  you get to consolidate those four swap partitions  and also devide your installation  i.e. make /home a seperate partition so this don't cause such a headach if it ever happens again.05:54
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draiki suppose05:54
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stdinelyon225: heh, you'll be happy to know that the instructions on the help page have now been updated :P05:55
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elyon225So I search the forums for my problem and another guy with the same chipset said he had to plug his speakers into line out, not speakers.   Guess what... I have sound now lol05:56
ubuntu_alguien de ecuador???05:56
elyon225stdin: Excellent :)05:56
dethklokOMG, apt upgrade is taking forever!!!05:56
dethklokif I end it will it mess anything up?05:56
elyon225...HOWEVER... the sound is still staticy.  So it's not a hardware issue.05:56
intelikeythe system  /  only needs about 4g  6g is safe  the rest for /home   then you have a sort of failsafe in the event.   also  if you does tar -czf $HOME/etc.tar.gz /etc   about once a month they can recover from such   i would sujest that for /etc and var  but clear the cache and logs befor you backup var05:56
bonbonthejondid 3.5.6 get released today05:57
ubuntu_some body told me05:57
bonbonthejonwhat do you need ubuntu_05:57
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ubuntu_i like run xgl or berly in kubuntu05:58
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems05:58
xp9542I'm having trouble writing to my newly mounted drive as a user, I basically installed a new hard drive formatted it as fat32, and then added the following: /dev/hdb1/media/storagevfatrw,user00 to my fstab file, but I can't write to the drive unless I act as route05:59
xp9542anyone know how I can get user permissions to the drive? I tried chmod 777 on the folder as root, but that didn't really help06:00
ubuntu_where are you from???06:00
elyon225Okay, I've ruled out a hardware issue for my sound having so much static noise.  Anyone else have any ideas?  I've tried using both OSS and ALSA.06:00
ubuntu_Im from ecuador06:00
bonbonthejonubuntu_: Ohio, USA06:00
ubuntu_i dont speak english very well06:01
ubuntu_but i understand you06:01
intelikeydraik /mnt/lost+found/4669655 might have been, probably was etc at one time.06:01
ubuntu_thanks a millon06:01
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dethklokubuntu_, where you from?06:01
bonbonthejonubuntu_: thats good, there are also spanish language channels06:01
stdinubuntu_: is spanish your language ?06:01
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.06:02
stdinspanish channels ^^ :)06:02
intelikeyif it wasn't now empty you could have just moved it to# sudo mv /mnt/lost+found/4669655 /mnt/etc06:02
draikintelikey: Would I be able to root the /mnt so that I can get all the packages that were installed?06:02
ubuntu_es que es mucho mas chevere en ingles, por que asi aprendo mucho mas su idioma06:02
ubuntu_gracias de todo modos06:03
stdinxp9542: is the partition mounted at boot ?06:03
intelikeydraik explain ?06:03
dethklokLol, I work at mc d's and pretty much everybody there is mexican so I can't understand any of them half the time.. lol06:03
intelikeyroot the /mnt ?06:03
draikI want to get a list of all my installed apps/pkgs06:03
mshade_xp9542: add the option:  umask=000006:03
Jucatodpkg --get-selections06:04
draikHey there Jucato06:04
stdinmshade_: very unsafe option there06:04
Jucatohi draik!! :)06:04
intelikeyok.  ls -1 /mnt/var/lib/dpkg/*.list | sort -u > installed_packages.list06:04
draikJucato: :( I lost my Kubuntu... LiveCD06:04
intelikeydraik ^06:04
dethklokJucato! this is tehpwn (I had to reregister or what ever)06:05
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draikno such file or directory06:05
Jucatodraik:  :((06:05
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Jucatointelikey: won't "dpkg --get-selections" work as well?06:06
juliowindows sucks!!!!06:06
intelikeydraik i left out a subdir.06:06
elyon225Well, I think I found a solution for my staticy sound... I turned the volume in the offending programs all the way up and boom...fixed.06:06
intelikeyls -1 /mnt/var/lib/dpkg/info/*.list | sort -u > installed_packages.list06:06
mshade_stdin: if he's on a single user machine, what's the risk?06:06
intelikeydraik that should work ^06:06
stdinmshade_: because it make every file executable06:07
intelikeyJucato the root fs was hosed  etc is scattered all over lost+found06:07
Jucatointelikey: oh..06:07
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intelikeyi don't know what all else is in lost+found so not taking chances running things in there06:08
mshade_stdin: so then 0111 ? ;)06:08
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stdinmshade_: nope, because then he won't be able to cd in to any dir :P06:08
mshade_stdin: true.06:08
intelikeystdin mshade_ and whoever else.    dmask=000,fmask=11106:09
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mshade_intelikey: nice.06:09
stdinI would have said dmask=000,fmask=113 would be better06:10
mshade_never seen the dmask option06:10
Dr_willisive seen it.. never used it06:10
draikintelikey: I don't suppose you would know how to make Kubuntu burn on a Dual Layer DVD with a Dual Layer burner, would you?06:10
Dr_willisHeh - i got a DL dvd burner.. but never tried it with DL disks yet.. the disks are too much $$06:10
Dr_willisk3b cant handle dl disks?06:11
intelikeydraik no sorry.   i'm still playing with cdr  havent graduated to dvd yet06:11
draikDr_willis: Seems that way. I tried and told me incorrect media06:11
Dr_williscould also be some updates to the cdrecord/other tools needed.06:11
Dr_willismay want to check the k3b homepage/forums ?06:11
intelikeyDr_willis also of note that's on the liveCD06:12
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Dr_willisI dont mess with the kubuntu live cd much. :)06:12
xp9542I'm having trouble writing to my newly mounted drive as a user, I basically installed a new hard drive formatted it as fat32, and then added the following: /dev/hdb1/media/storagevfatdefaults00 to my fstab file, but I can't write to the drive unless I act as route06:12
Dr_willisi dont even have one here. to use.. heh06:12
Dr_willisxp9542,  you need to use the umask and perhaps some other options06:13
Dr_willisDefacto NTFS (and works for Vfat as well) guide for your Fstab/mounting of NTFS partitions -->  http://wiki.linux-ntfs.org/doku.php?id=ntfs-en#how_do_i_mount_an_ntfs_volume06:13
Dr_willishas some info.. and theres some other urls also worth reading06:13
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse06:13
xp9542thanks dr willis i'll check it out06:14
intelikeyxp9542  sed 's/defaults/fmask=111,dmask=000,user,users/'  that line06:14
intelikeydaz all you need to did.06:14
Dr_willisyea - replace 'defaults' with  user,auto,fmask=0111,dmask=000006:14
Dr_willisis what that command intelikey  said.. does.. :)06:15
Dr_willisor perhaps ya may read those docs and find some other options you want to use.06:15
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intelikeyactually i said     fmask=111,dmask=000,user,users06:15
intelikeynot that it make a hill of potatos06:16
Dr_willisi just pasted what the web site suggested. :)06:16
Dr_willisim not sure that 'user,users' makes sence...  i forget what the diff is. :)06:16
Dr_willisnot sure that 'user,auto' makes sence either. :)06:17
xp9542dr willis, i tried making the changes it now reads: /media/storagevfatuser,auto,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 but after trying mount -a I still get the permission denied error.06:17
intelikeyone sets ownership and the other gives permission to mount   so you don't need root06:17
Dr_willisyou did umount it first?06:17
xp9542** /dev/hdb1/media/storagevfatuser,auto,fmask=0111,dmask=00000006:17
Dr_willisthen you remount it.06:17
kaatilquestion... after i edited xorg.conf, how do i update xorg.conf? or do i just restart xserver for it to be updated?06:17
Dr_willisif you edited it.. you did chage it.. restart the X server06:18
intelikeyrestart X06:18
kaatilok thanks06:18
Dr_willisHope ya made a backup... just in case. :)06:18
kaatilheh thanks06:18
intelikeysafty is no fun06:18
intelikeygo commando06:18
intelikeygo balistic06:19
xp9542dr willis, thanks a lot I was forgetting to umount after every mount.06:19
Admiral_Homeworkthat's what i do06:19
=== intelikey wonders where all the "gruntaled" users are ? seems all he ever sees are the disgruntaled ones.
Dr_willisdident we have this DIScussion once befor?06:21
intelikeyyeah i think so.06:21
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intelikeydislexic conversation anyway.06:22
intelikeyoh yeah   sorry my mad06:22
intelikeyby mad06:23
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intelikeykrap now you got me doing it.06:23
xp9542Dr_Willis, one last thing I got a ntfs partition and I wanted to copy all the files from that over into my fat32 partition is there a quick command to do that, I tried cp /media/ntfs /media/fat32 but that doesnt seem to be right06:23
Dr_willisxp9542,  id cheat and install 'mc' and use it. :)06:24
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intelikeycp -a06:24
Dr_willisyea - i was thinking cp -a , but ive rarely used that.06:24
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Dr_willisI like the progess dialog of mc.06:24
intelikeyme too06:24
Dr_willisactually  you sure you want ALL the files?06:24
Dr_willisno windows swap files, or other cruft is there?06:24
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intelikeypagefiles ?06:25
=== intelikey thumps the docters stethascope
xp9542naw theres no windows files on it, was just a storage drive that was formatted as ntfs so its all just doucments and files, i want to convert the ntfs over back to fat32 after so I can get around worrying about ntfs-3g and all that06:25
=== dope [n=loki@70-20.202-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
dopewhere can i find an activity log for a specific user account?06:25
xp9542perfect -a made all the difference thanks interlikey06:26
intelikeydope unless you have some logging function installed you wont.06:26
intelikeyxp9542 np06:26
dopei thought there was an activity log06:26
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intelikeydope you can look in their  ~/.bash_history   but that's about it.06:27
intelikeyif ther use ssh that's generally logged06:27
intelikey /var/log/*   auth* for the ssh stuff06:27
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dopewell it's not ssh :/06:28
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intelikeydope there are logging apps that you can have init run at startup. that will track 'almost' all activity  but they are not default.06:28
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intelikeykde may have a logging function built in  but i have never looked for it.06:29
Dr_willisnot that i am aware of.06:30
kaatilhmm xserver refuse to start up even though i want to delete some section like wacom tablet(so i can get photoshop to work).06:30
kaatili am not familiar with xorg.conf though.06:30
intelikeynote.  it is considered a security breach if you log "all" activities.    and in many cases and places illeagle.06:31
=== mal [n=root@c-24-8-116-147.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
dethklok!ndiswrapper | dethklok06:32
stdinkaatil: did you remove the parts in " Section "ServerLayout" " too ?06:32
ubotudethklok: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:32
^RolledI am really enjoying adept.  It's a very nice app.06:33
intelikeysome love it some hate it.    i'm more of a hater....06:33
kaatilah... i see it.. thanks stdin06:33
stdinkaatil: :)06:33
=== stdin agrees with intelikey
intelikeymad hatter ?06:34
stdinI hate adept06:34
dethklokwtf, FF keeps crashing06:34
malwhat's a simple way to record source file version changes... like in eclipse, but without using a full blown IDE06:34
kaatilokay be right back.. restarting xserver. *mutter* :)06:34
intelikeyyes that's why it's so much better than konqeror dethklok06:34
noiesmodethklok, is that firefox if so did you add plugins like flash06:34
dethkloknoiesmo, yes06:35
dethklokand im on ndiswrapper wiki.. no flash06:35
^RolledIt's a fairly nice graphical package manager .. what's your issue with Adept?06:35
noiesmodethklok, hmmm you on edgy 32bit or 64bit06:35
intelikey^Rolled mine ?06:36
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stdinadept is nice, if you like it simple and featureless :P06:36
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dawncan ubuntu open .sh file extensions?06:36
noiesmodethklok, you will have to remove flash to stop firefox from crashing how did you install flash06:36
^RolledIt's friendly .. that isn't always bad06:36
intelikeyit requires X .06:37
kaatilokay it work.. photoshop work well.. thanks stdin :)06:37
stdindawn: they are shell script, you run them in konsole06:37
stdinkaatil: no problem :)06:37
^Rolledhehe .. well not everyone is going to be able to use apt right off the bat06:37
intelikeydawn short answer.  yes06:37
dawnstdin, I know that] 06:37
dawnbut isn;t there a pre command?06:37
intelikeysh file.sh06:37
stdinor "./file.sh06:38
stdin(without the ) :P06:38
intelikeyor set the permission executable  then  ./file.sh06:38
dethklokanybody know the respiratory off hand for ndiswrapper?06:38
stdinor "cat file.sh | sh"06:38
Dr_willisbash whatvber.sh - may be needed for some badly written ones. :)06:38
stdindethklok: it'll be in restricted probably06:38
dethkloknoiesmo, automatic install06:38
intelikeyor . file.sh   for that matter06:38
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:38
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intelikey!info ndiswrapper06:39
ubotuPackage ndiswrapper does not exist in any distro I know06:39
dethklokstdin, i have all of them uncommented... but apt-cache search isnt finding it06:39
Tidokaatil: you can make photoshop run in kubuntu?06:39
intelikeyhmm it dont exist06:39
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kaatilyes tido06:39
Tidowhat version?06:39
dethkloknevermind, i got it.. its' ndiswrapper-utils06:39
stdin!find ndiswrapper06:39
ubotuFound: ndiswrapper-common, ndiswrapper-utils, ndiswrapper-utils-1.1, ndiswrapper-utils-1.8, ndiswrapper-source (and 4 others)06:39
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kaatilit oldest photoshop in existence. lol06:39
kaatiljust kidding.. shrug06:40
dethklokstdin, yeah got it allready but thx06:40
kaatili dunno how old is version 5 anyway06:40
Tidovery old06:40
kaatilwhat about yours, tido?06:40
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Tido5 was...late 90s06:40
Tidolike 9806:40
noiesmodethklok, hmmm I would go here download and then untar put sudo cp libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/  http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash06:40
kaatilif your does not work.. maybe it is because of wacom tablet in xorg.conf.. i dunno.06:40
TidoI had read people could get older versions of ps to work, but the newer ones are pretty tricky06:41
kaatili just removed wacom tablets so photoshop 5 work fine06:41
noiesmodethklok, I have flash 9 from the above url and no probs at all06:41
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stdindethklok: ndiswrapper is in the kernel image, as a module06:41
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intelikeyin restricted isn't it ?06:42
dawnok here is the complete file in its compressed state06:42
stdinintelikey: ndiswrapper ?06:42
kaatilto be honest.. it my first time i ever edited xorg.conf.. phew...06:43
intelikeyi don't have it and i don't have restricted enabled06:43
kaatilat least i did try anyway :)06:43
dawnthere is .sh file inside uit for a printer driver06:43
intelikeystdin yes.06:43
Tidonothing a backup won't save, kaatil :p06:43
noiesmodethklok, you should be able to modprobe ndiswrapper and you might want ndiswrapper-utils06:43
stdinintelikey: nope, it's in the "linux-image-2.6.17-10-generic" package here06:43
dethkloknoiesmo, already got it installed :-D06:44
intelikeystdin hmmm that's edgy   dapper here i think maybe they changed it.06:44
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stdinintelikey: yeah, it was/is separate in dapper06:44
dethklokight, I'm stuck though... i just did sudo rmmod bcm43xx and now i get no connection info in iwconfig06:45
noiesmodethklok, so yuo need the windows drivers then you do sudo ndiswrapper -i /path/to/driver.inf06:45
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dethkloknoiesmo, already have the driver installed06:45
dethklokdethklok@metal:~/SP23107A$ ndiswrapper -l06:45
dethklokInstalled ndis drivers:06:45
dethklokbcmwl5a driver present, hardware present06:45
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juliushola, alguien me puede decir como iniciar secion en kubuntu como super usuario (root)????????06:46
noiesmodethklok, iwconfig -a06:46
Admiral_Homework!es | julius06:47
noiesmodethklok, ifconfig -a06:47
ubotujulius: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.06:47
intelikeystdin oh wait.  it was in the kernel package i forgot i removed it.06:47
noiesmodethklok, does your card show06:47
dethklokdethklok@metal:~/SP23107A$ iwconfig -a06:47
dethklok-a        No such devic06:47
dethkloknoiesmo, nah im not seeing it06:47
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intelikey<noiesmo> dethklok, ifconfig -a  <<<>>><dethklok> dethklok@metal:~/SP23107A$ iwconfig -a06:48
dethklokomfg, FF crashed again :(06:48
garrybjulio: sudo bash   y ponga pass06:48
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dethklokintelikey, huh?06:48
noiesmointelikey, k06:48
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^RolledI've got a bit of a problem and I am curious if anyone can reproduce it.   When I go into sharing in system settings and I go to file sharing when I enter administrator mode everying remains grey'd out.06:49
dawnok ok got this far06:49
intelikeydethklok last time i checked   f != w06:49
dawncan I paste 4 lines?06:49
dethkloknoiesmo, so what u got next for me?06:49
sparris there a 64-bit version of kubuntu?  notably, with a 64bit kernel on the cd06:49
intelikeysure      you can get yelled at too tho06:49
dawnthats why I was asking06:50
dethklokintelikey, you cant yell via text ;)06:50
dethklok!pastebin | dawn06:50
ubotudawn: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:50
intelikeyYES I CAN !06:50
noiesmodethklok, not much sorry I had an old dlink pcmcia card and the ndiswrapper worked it showed up in ifconfig- a then i set it with iwconfig wlan0 ip etc sorry06:50
sparri prefer rafb.net/paste06:50
intelikeypastebin.ca   works for me06:51
garrybwhen I used IRC 10 years ago we only dreamed of things like pastebins06:51
dethkloknoiesmo, crap... well i know it works.. i have had it working before... i just dont remember the steps i took06:51
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Tidosparr: yeah there's a 64 bit version06:51
dethklokgarryb, why not just open a private channel?06:51
noiesmodethklok, bugger google is your friend even maybe check out some gentoo docs might help06:51
Tidosparr: http://ubuntu-releases.cs.umn.edu/kubuntu/edgy/kubuntu-6.10-desktop-amd64.iso06:51
dethkloknoiesmo, mmkay, thanks for trying to help :-D06:52
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garrybwe used privmsg06:52
intelikeywe have them06:52
ubotuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first.06:52
dawntest | dawn06:52
intelikeyno  /msg dawn something06:53
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noiesmodethklok, np06:53
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sparrthanks Tido06:53
dawn(sparr:)   no I was wondering how you get it to say a persons screename like that06:54
sparrdawn: type it?06:54
sparrdee, ay, double-u, enn, colon06:54
dawnno it shows as red with a colon behind the name06:54
intelikey!bot | dawn06:54
ubotudawn: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:54
dawnoh so you just type it?06:54
ubotuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.06:54
sparrdawn: your client automagically does that when you type nameCOLON06:55
sparrmine does it for me when someone says MY name  :)06:55
intelikeysparr doesn't need : for most06:55
sparrTido: any pointers on problems i might encounter?  never done 'the 64 bit thing' before06:55
dawnubotu: test06:55
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Tidothe only one I can think of is anything you get as a binary06:56
dwidmann64-bit works well06:56
sparrubotu: botsnack06:56
Tidolike firefox plugins06:56
Tidootherwise, all should be fine06:56
sparrbinary firefox plugins?  surely you jest06:56
Tidowas thinking I had a problem with flash on 6406:56
sparrthe only thing i plan to get in binary is opera and nvidia drivers06:56
dwidmannWith regards to 64-bit linux, I've actually been working on a script to smooth a few things over06:56
intelikeysparr wine doesn't work in k8 mode   also a few other things that you can only use in a chroot or vmware env06:56
Tidoyou should be fine06:56
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Tidoso kde4 won't be in the next release?06:57
sparrwine could be a problem...06:57
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dwidmannsparr: not really06:58
sparrif it doesnt work, i mean06:58
dethklokOMFG! damn firefox06:58
stdinTido: kde4 is a long time off yet, tho you can get it in edgy now06:58
Tidoah I'll wait :P06:58
sparrbah @ kde4.  i still remember when the last big KDE/Qt update hosed my debian box06:58
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Eruantalonstdin: do you know whats keeping it?06:59
dwidmannwhen was that sparr?06:59
sparrwake up one morning and apt-get dist-upgrade...  "9000 packages to be upgraded, 1000 to be removed"06:59
sparrdwidmann: i dunno, maybe a year and a half ago?06:59
dwidmann9000 :O06:59
intelikeydwidmann why adobe ?  xpdf / kpdf not work for you in k8 ?06:59
sparr9000 is stretching it a bit...  at least 200006:59
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dwidmannthey work fine intelikey, just some people are picky that way.07:00
sparrim picky the other way.  fuck adobe, kpdf all the way.07:00
stdinEruantalon: kde4? it's not been that long since work on it started, and there is a *lot* of code to rewrite/clean up07:00
=== intelikey lets'em pick their nose.
sparri use ghostview in windows to avoid adobe07:00
dwidmannI use kpdf as well07:00
garrybKPDF is the work of Godly beings07:00
dopeis there a command i can run that'll rescan for all my partitions and automatically mount them?07:00
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DBOsparr, please try to keep the swearing to a bare minimum07:01
Eruantalonstdin: Ok. I suppose a good long testing period would be a good thing also....07:01
sparrim moving from debian to kubuntu for my desktop as i build my new PC...  been putting off reinstalling linux for a few months now, but dead hardware has forced my hand07:01
sparrive never had to reinstall linux before due to age...07:01
sparrwent over 2 years on that install before the hardware crapped out07:01
dopeany command to rescan and mount harddrives?07:02
stdinEruantalon: KDE4 is going to be a major overhaul of the code, there are development releases out now, so apps can be coded/ported to it, but it's not really user ready07:02
sparrmount -a07:02
dawnok I found my solution07:03
cntb\o keyboard model and keyboard switching missing.  keyb model grayed what op rfixes this or how alternate CD rescue fixes keyboard . annoying !07:03
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sparrhow can i make my right alt/ctrl keys behave like my left alt/ctrl keys for games/apps/menus/etc?07:04
Eruantalonstdin: Thats what i thought really... libraries and frameworks are done.. just the apps missing. But reconfiguring for qt4 shouldn't be that big of a deal..=?07:04
dopei set my konqueror to view detailed list but it keeps going back to icons, how do i fix that?07:04
cntbany ideas guys about keyboard model fixing ? in system settings or elsewhere ?07:04
dopek bot it07:05
^Rolledand I was half way through typing out a nice answer07:05
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Phlostendope, wheres the option? i was wondering the same thing today07:05
stdinEruantalon: it can be, and there are other things changing in kde4 too, like plasma07:05
^RolledSettings: save view profile07:05
dopeit's settings->save view profile07:05
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intelikeyfor Q in `fdisk -l 2>/dev/null | grep -e '^/' | cut -d' ' -f1 | cut -d/ -f3` ;do mkdir /media/$Q 2>/dev/null ;mount /dev/$Q /media/$Q ;done07:06
Phlosteneasy, i hadnt bothered to look yet07:06
Eruantaloncntb: Look in system settings under region and language07:06
intelikeyyou can sudo that thar ^ if ya want things mounted in /media   ...07:07
intelikeymounts partitions only.07:07
^Rolledwhats the name of the OS port of realplayer?07:08
intelikeyand if they are M$ then you probably wont have user permissions for but to read.07:08
Phlosten^Rolled: Helix?07:08
Eruantalon^Rolled: helic07:08
dethkloki cant find any cool themes... suggestions?07:08
=== shegman [n=shegman@pD957E9C2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeydethklok icewm ?07:09
stdin!theme | dethklok07:09
ubotudethklok: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy07:09
^RolledNot in adept ... 8(07:09
stdindethklok: kde-look.org is a good place to look07:09
dethklokintelikey, icewm.. what?07:09
^Rolledkde-look is nice .. sort by most popular .. you will find a lot of good stuff07:10
Eruantalon^Rolled: Why do you want it. As far as i know it doesn't eve nsupport rm files....07:10
Phlosten^Rolled: http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/graphics/helix-player07:10
dethklokOh, I know where to look for themes... :-p I just cant find any that I like and was asking what you guys use and like...07:10
intelikeyhe said cool i figured icewm   cause ice and cool kinda go water and cube dont they....07:10
Phlosteni've never had much success with Helix07:10
^RolledHrm... why didn't I see it then07:10
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Phlosten^Rolled: its in universe07:10
^RolledI haven't turned that repo on07:11
Phlostenthat would explain that then :)07:11
intelikeywell what are you waiting for... turn that repo on.07:11
mmaximussHelix Player does not play Real Media .rm files07:11
=== intelikey slips a firecracker under ^Rolled 's shoe and lights it.
Phlostenlots more open source goodness including a media player that plays very little media ;)07:11
stdin^Rolled: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RealplayerInstallationMethods07:12
dethklokintelikey, dude, i srsly have no idea what your refering to when ever you talk to me.. lol07:12
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intelikeydethklok ok.07:12
ubotuicewm: wonderful Win95-OS/2-Motif-like window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.28-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 666 kB, installed size 1696 kB07:13
intelikeydethklok it was a joke.07:13
cntbwhere in /etc is the setting file for keyboard model ? X11 ?07:13
intelikeycool and ice   you know.07:13
dethklokintelikey oic07:13
intelikeyyou take all the humour out of british humour...07:14
Eruantalonsupposedly kde4 should be as fast as xfce(because of qt4(according to zack rusin)) should be kinda cool.07:14
intelikeycntb yes07:14
Eruantaloncntb: yes07:14
EruantalonBut you can change it in system settigns als07:14
intelikeycntb /etc/X11/xorg.cong   and  /etc/X11/xkb/*07:15
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dethklokAnybody here that wants to help with wireless?07:15
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cntbtyvm intelikey07:15
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intelikeycntb but you deal yourself a short hand if you don't use  kmenu > system > ....     or just run   kcontrol   and set it in there.07:16
cntbintelikey: how can Ifix in rescue mode in guided script missing keyboard model and keyboard languge switching07:16
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cntbkcontrol intelikey trying that07:17
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dethklokjust wondering, is there a way to check your resolution via the konsole?07:17
jimmyWondering how I can add japanese fonts to OpenOffice 2?07:18
MotorCityMadManhow can i ck if the kernel has enabled a packet socket ?07:19
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jordo23If I have Konversation begin when I login, How can it begin Minimized to the system tray?07:26
cntbok in kcontrolkeyboard layout is grayed what to do ?07:27
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dethklokLol, there is like, nobody helping anybody...07:30
firecrotchHey dethklok, did you get your system back up and running normally?07:30
dethklokfirecrotch, i installed edgy, but I can't find anybody that can help me with my wireless07:31
firecrotchWhat's wrong with it? Not connecting?07:31
dethklokWell, I know it works... but I just don't recall how we got it working before07:32
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dethklokI have already used ndiswrapper to install the driver, and it shows that both the driver and hardware are present07:32
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:34
firecrotchAre you using wlassistant or KNetworkManager?07:34
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dethklokfirecrotch, eh, neither?07:36
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firecrotchSo how are you trying to connect to your network?07:36
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dethklokfirecrotch, well, i havent yet... because i know i cant until it lights up07:37
dethklokand it shows up in ifconfig07:37
dethklokwhich its not07:37
firecrotchYou have an internal wireless card, right?07:38
vervefirecrotch, haha07:38
vervenice nick07:38
firecrotchheh, thanks, verve07:38
dethklokfirecrotchm eh yeah, pci07:38
firecrotchSo the card appears to not be there at all?07:39
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firecrotchBut you have it configured using ndiswrapper... weird.07:39
dethklokfirecrotch, yeah i know.. it's a b*tch to set up... i have done it twice be4 but its to much for me to renember07:40
=== MrWGW_Alt [n=wgw@cpe-75-85-97-183.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
firecrotchOkay... what's the output of "sudo iwconfig" ?07:40
MrWGW_Altgood evening07:40
MrWGW_AltI'm just setting up a Kubuntu system07:40
dethklokOpps, posting more than 3 lines... lol07:41
dethklokdethklok@metal:~$ sudo iwconfig07:41
dethkloklo        no wireless extensions.07:41
dethkloketh0      no wireless extensions.07:41
dethkloksit0      no wireless extensions.07:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about spam - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:41
dethklok /ban!07:41
firecrotchWell, no botsnack for you!07:41
Jucato!pastebin | dethklok07:42
ubotudethklok: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:42
stdinshould have typed !flood07:42
dethklokJucato, yesss i know... but if you havent noticed.... the channel isnt actice much rite now anyways :-D07:42
Jucatoit's not an excuse07:43
stdinis the channel ever "actice" ?07:43
dethklokstdin, lol :'(07:43
MrWGW_Althey Jucato, are you the same Jucato that was in #kde earlier?07:43
firecrotchdethklok: what about ifconfig?07:43
MrWGW_AltI'm the guy who asked about creating icons, if so07:43
MrWGW_Altif not, this converation didn't happen :-P07:43
stdinthere is only one Jucato :)07:43
Jucatostdin: I have clones in my closet07:44
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MrWGW_Altweird, its using my alternate screen name07:44
MrWGW_AltI just installed Kubuntu on a laptop that had a hard disk failure day before yesterday07:44
MrWGW_Alt(obviously, I had the HD replaced)07:44
stdinJucato: I have skeletons in mine :P07:44
JucatoMrWGW_Alt: you're other (primary) nick is still logged in07:44
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Jucatostdin: that's ok. as long as *you* are not in the closet :)07:45
MrWGW_AltI had heard horror stories about Linux on laptops, but its working perfectly07:45
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MrWGW_Altbetter than on my desktop07:45
MrWGW_AltStdin, are you ready to come out of the closet?07:45
MrWGW_AltAdmit it, you use Microsoft Windows as your primary OS07:45
=== stdin already has :)
=== seven11 is now known as seven_11
cntbjucato KDE keyboard variants  not working  in a system that had mbr boot problems where to fix ?07:46
stdinand I'd never use windows, it's too cold here07:46
Jucatostdin: which one? the first one he mentioned or the second :)07:46
firecrotchdethklok: Okay... this may sound dumb... but are you sure that the wireless card is completely plugged in all the way?07:46
stdinJucato: not the windows one07:46
Jucatostdin: lol07:46
MrWGW_Altoh also, the wireless card was detected automatically07:46
=== Jucato begins to be suspicious :D
MrWGW_Altthis old Dell laptop is working -perfectly-07:46
dethklokfirecrotch, i really dont want to reply to this.... YES!07:46
MrWGW_Alteasiest Linux install I've ever done07:47
Jucatocntb: I have o clue about keyboard variants... mine's not working either...07:47
MrWGW_Altperfect hardware detection, perfect screen resolution07:47
MrWGW_AltMandriva also detected everything perfectly, but crashed at 95% completion07:47
MrWGW_Altand after that agony, I decided not to try it again07:47
cntbha jucato strange bug ha07:47
Jucatocntb: annoying too. don't know what I did...07:48
firecrotchDo you know what the interface was when you were in Dapper? ath0?07:48
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dethklokfirecrotch, U asking me?07:49
firecrotchSorry, yes, dethklok07:49
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dethklokfirecrotch, what do you mean by interface? wlan0 maybe?07:50
shinigamihi i've got a ipod..can i use it in kubuntu? seems like no itune for linux..07:50
HymnToLife!ipod | shinigami07:50
ubotushinigami: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod07:50
firecrotchdethklok:  you can try "sudo ifup wlan0"07:50
uboturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for MP3 players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio.  See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!07:50
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stdinrockbox rocks the box :)07:51
cntbI have two system in front of me now jucato. one of htem is quite alright . so I guess I must have now the patience to investigate07:51
stdinif can play frozen bubble on my ipod, i'm happy07:51
firecrotchdethklok: Anything with that?07:52
=== HymnToLife wants to play openarena on his ipod
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firecrotchdethklok: Okay, I'm just a wee bit confused here... is this a desktop with a PCI wireless card?07:53
dethklokfirecrotch, yep07:53
makuseruhow can i rip a CD to an ISO in kubuntu?07:53
HymnToLifemakuseru, dd if=/dev/whatever of=image.iso07:55
makuseruwow, thats easy07:55
khatahnmakuseru: ...or with k3b07:55
makuserui include that "dd if="?07:55
makuseruk3b rips?07:55
MrWGW_AltI noticed, btw, that on this Ubuntu install, the root account has no privileges07:55
shinigamihow do i know my ipod is at where? i typed lsusb and found ipod..fdisk -l ?07:55
MrWGW_Altis that a Good Idea (tm)?07:55
shinigamineed to mount it07:55
khatahnmakuseru: you can create an image of the cd with k3b07:56
firecrotchdethklok: Which version of ndiswrapper are you using?07:56
stdinMrWGW_Alt: root is disabled, we use sudo07:56
Jucato!sudo | MrWGW_Alt07:56
ubotuMrWGW_Alt: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.07:56
MrWGW_AltI know what sudo is07:57
dethklokfirecrotch, idk, what ever apt-get gave me07:57
makuseruhow do i create an ISO with k3b?07:57
JucatoMrWGW_Alt: that page explains why07:57
MrWGW_AltI've seen distros with root disabled before07:57
khatahnmakuseru: tools -> copy cd -> Only create image07:57
MrWGW_Altalthough frankly, with any UNIX system being used on the desktop, I think that the dangers are not excessive07:57
=== Jucato doesn't know of other distros w/ disabled root
^Rolledautofs always drives me bonkers07:57
=== pgdown [n=pgdown@c-24-1-28-66.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
MrWGW_Altyou're probably more at risk running as a limited user than running Linux as root07:57
firecrotchdethklok: I've read that you need to use ndiswrapper-utils-1.807:57
MrWGW_Altrunning as a limited user in WIndows, sry07:57
MrWGW_AltPC-BSD disables root07:58
dethklokight, ill remove my current one07:58
=== Jucato notes that BSD doesn't have "distros"
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MrWGW_Altwell, yes and no07:58
MrWGW_Altit has flavors07:58
MrWGW_Altand PC-BSD is essentially a "distro" of FreeBSD07:59
MrWGW_Altbut with KDE loaded by default, and other changes07:59
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[StingRay] Hi, stdin :)07:59
MrWGW_AltI consider FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD and DragonflyBSD to be flavors, and implementations like NetBSD Live, PC-BSD, DesktopBSD and FreeSBIE to be distros07:59
stdinhi [StingRay]  :)07:59
MrWGW_Altif I'm wrong, pray explain why07:59
Jucatothis is hardly the place to discuss that. feel free to hold on to what you believe is true. no contest08:00
khatahnany idea why my kaffeine doesn't display videos in correct aspect ratio? a video that _should_ be 640x480, is not as wide as it should be. the problem can be clearly seen in fullscreen mode, where there are black bars in left and right side of the screen, while the video should fill the whole (4:3) screen08:00
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MrWGW_Altwell I'm not a fanatic about it jucato08:00
MrWGW_Altif I'm being a moron in regarding PC-BSD as a distro, then, well, I don't want to regard it as a distro08:01
MrWGW_AltI love that word "distro", btw08:01
JucatoI also may be wrong, and just base what I know on what some dev told me. but like I said, this is not the place to discuss it08:01
dethklokfirecrotch, it working08:02
dethkloknow i just have to remember my wep key :-p08:03
Jucatokool! Flash 9 final available now! yay :)08:03
ubotuflash9 is available from dapper-backports and edgy-backports now, see !backports08:03
dethklokfirecrotch, if I recall there is some command I need to do so that it saves these settings...08:04
makuserudoes anyone have the problem of flash obkects placing themselves ontop of everything on the page, so you cant see dropdown menus on the site? and if so how can i fix it?08:04
Jucatomakuseru: you have a site to test it with?08:05
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pgdownmakuseru: a decent adblock list would block those08:06
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makuserujucato: it does it on anysite with dropdown menus, the only one i can think of offhand is gibson.com08:06
HymnToLifemakuseru, ask Adobe to make a decent Flash Player for Linux08:06
Jucatodropdown menus? wouldn't that be a CSS feature, not flash?08:06
makuserupgdown: its not an add, its flash built into the page to show things but it goes above all the dropdowns08:06
makuseruHymnToLife: youve said that before08:06
pgdownmakuseru: sorry, misread what your wrote08:06
pgdownyeah that's a bug08:07
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pgdownive seen it08:07
makuseruJucato: its not a menu problem. its flash goign infront of everything08:07
firecrotchdethklok: sorry, I was in the shower08:07
Jucatonot here08:07
firecrotchGood to hear that it's working08:07
HymnToLifemakuseru, I don't there's anything else you can do08:07
Jucatomakuseru: seems to be working here08:07
pgdownnot until adobe works it out08:07
Jucatoflash9 beta08:08
dethklokfirecrotch, do you know that command that im talking about? to save these settings or whatever08:08
Jucato(currently just upgrading to flash 9 final)08:08
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pgdowngibson site doesnt work for me using firefox2 & flash final08:08
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firecrotchdethklok: I've seen it somewhere... let me try to find it08:09
dethklokJucato, do you remember the command? to save the wireless settings so i dont have to redo these settings again?08:09
Jucatodethklok: I don't even know what it is...08:09
=== Jucato doesn't have anything wireless
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ubotuFlash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash08:10
pgdownjust save them in /etc/network/interfaces08:10
dethklokJucato, humm, for some reason i thought you had helped me the other day with this...08:10
=== Admiral_Sleep waves to the wired Jucato
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Jucatodethklok: definitely not me :)08:10
firecrotchdethklok: If I recall correctly, you just have to add them - blah pgdown beat me to it08:10
JucatoAdmiral_Sleep: wake up!!08:10
JucatoAdmiral_Sleep: hi :)08:10
Admiral_Sleepi am awake, supposed to be asleep but reading for class tomorrow.08:11
dethklokpgdown, how do i do that?08:11
=== Jucato remembers Admiral_Sleep for each day that passes that he hasn't written anything in his blog...
firecrotchdethklok: nano /etc/network/interfaces08:11
pgdownsudo nano /etc/network/interfaces08:11
pgdowncontrol-x to save/exit08:11
Admiral_Sleepthe chicago loco just got a planet, it's pretty sweet.08:11
Admiral_Sleeppgdown: no ctrl + o08:11
pgdownyou're from chicago?08:12
JucatoAdmiral_Sleep: yeah, I saw it. you still don't have a hackergotchi08:12
dethklokdethklok@metal:~$ sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces08:12
dethkloksudo: timestamp too far in the future: Jan 24 11:01:55 200708:12
Jucatouh oh...08:12
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firecrotchdethklok:  Your system's date/time is set wrong08:12
Jucatotry rebooting...08:12
Admiral_Sleepi mailed one to Nix but it didn't send. will do again.08:12
dethklokJucato, but then i lose the settings08:12
pgdownwhats settings?08:13
Jucatodethklok: hm... try saving whatever you need in a temporary file (owned by you)08:13
Jucatoyou can't do anything with sudo as long as that error persists08:13
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Jucatoand afaik rebooting is the only way to fix it... afaik.08:13
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firecrotchdethklok: I'm assuming it all consists of commands entered at the command line? If so, you can just use the up arrow to go back to the commands that you've used08:13
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dethklokfirecrotch, ok, if i dont return, then well its not working :-p08:14
Jucatotoo late08:14
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firecrotchI noticed08:14
firecrotchAll he needed was "sudo -k"08:14
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Admiral_Sleepway to go, Jucato08:15
JucatoI did say afaik08:15
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=== Jucato goes to sleep now
firecrotchJucato: no need to apologize to me08:15
firecrotchNight :)08:15
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Jucatohehe it's afternoon here :)08:15
pgdownwhat's chicago loco?08:15
firecrotchJucato: then why are you going to sleep?08:16
Admiral_Sleepchicago local community08:16
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Jucatobecause I made a boo-boo...08:16
pgdownim from chicago08:16
Admiral_Sleeppgdown: iirc, i've seen you before in #ubuntu-chicago08:16
Jucatobut seriously, when I had that timestamp error, rebooting fixed it... no one could tell me about sudo -k08:16
cntbhttps://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuSystemSettingsUsability jucato08:17
firecrotchI didn't know about it either until I google "timestamp too far in the future"08:17
pgdownAdmiral: nope, never knew that existed08:17
Admiral_Sleepi see you use comcast in illinois08:17
Admiral_Sleepcheck it out08:17
pgdownI live in wicker park08:17
Jucatocntb: huh?08:17
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Admiral_Sleepi live near midway, but this is better suited for another channel08:18
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=== Jucato points pgdown to #kubuntu-offtopic if he wants to continue konversing with Admiral_Sleep
cntbsorry jucato no clue yet about keyboard layout cselection grayed08:19
=== Admiral_Sleep points Jucato to #ubuntu-chicago where we are both talking :)
=== Jucato wouldn't go to #ubuntu-chicago where Admiral_Sleep is
firecrotchWow that made me feel dumb08:20
=== Jucato scratches his head
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Jucatoyay flash 908:21
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DarkWizdomHi. I'm trying to compile intel graphics card driver. I ran autoconf and automake. No errors where found. Then I ran ./configure, with 1 minor error (or maybe not minor :P) and now... I can't do "make", it says no makefile found. any ideas?08:21
firecrotchHmm... I wonder what's taking dethklok so long to get back08:22
pgdownJucato: is that the same as 9.0 r31?08:22
bretti am having trouble configuring my microphone. Can someone help me troubleshoot it please08:22
=== Jucato gets nervous...
Jucatopgdown: yep08:22
pgdownk thanks08:22
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=== makuseru gives jucato a cookie
bretti purchased a headset with microphone and when i talk into it I can hear it through the speakers, but when I try to record nothing gets recorded08:23
Admiral_Sleepmakuseru: gonzo?08:23
Admiral_Sleepyes/no ?08:23
makuseruwhat is the question08:24
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brettmy microphone does not work. Can someone help me trouble shoot it08:24
bretti can hear myself through the speakers when i talk into it08:25
pgdownI would start with opening alsamixer08:25
pgdownmaybe it's turned off08:25
pgdownopen terminal & type alsamixer08:25
=== Jucato really goes to sleep... afternoon nap
cntbwhere do all kde settings reside08:25
brettit seems to be turned on08:25
cntbby Jucato08:25
pgdownlike config files?08:26
brettpgdown: what do you mean config files?08:26
brettwhat could i try next?08:27
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pgdowndid you search for the make/model in the wiki?08:28
ubotuwiki is http://wiki.ubuntu.com - Loads of user-contributed documentation08:28
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ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport08:29
pgdowntry that link08:29
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dethklokI think I might have a bad install or edgy... When I restarted the pc it brought me to a blinking line__ and i waited for awhile and finally pushed enter then took a reallllly long time to boot up08:30
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dethklokjucato, firecrotch08:31
ubotuding: Graphical dictionary lookup program for Unix (Tk). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4-4 (edgy), package size 87 kB, installed size 392 kB08:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dong - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about milk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cheese - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about potatoes - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lordofthering - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sausages - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about botabouse - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:33
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...08:33
firecrotchdethklok: was it doing a filesystem check?08:33
JucatoI was about to sleep. why?08:33
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Jucatouh oh...08:33
DBOubotu is not a toy08:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is not a toy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:34
Jucatosilly bot :P08:34
firecrotchNow how am I going to help dethklok?!08:35
=== Jucato goes away to sleep... really...
=== firecrotch is an IRC newb :)
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Jucatofirecrotch: /msg dethlok blahblahblah08:36
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firecrotchYeah, it appears as though he's no longer logged in08:37
tamacrackamy ARK keeps crashing everytime i try to extract a .rar file08:37
bretti am thinking about returning this microphone. I think it isn't very good. Does anyone have any suggestions for a headset that will work well with linux?08:37
Admiral_Sleeptamacracka: because it doesn't support RAR08:37
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free08:37
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tamacrackashould i just restart my pc?08:37
tamacrackayes it did.08:37
tamacrackait supports both zip and rar.08:38
tamacrackawhen i restard X08:38
tamacrackai doesn't do anything.08:38
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Admiral_Sleepdid you follow the instructions on the link?08:38
tamacracka:\ it supports rar.08:39
underdog5004What's going on?08:39
tamacrackaill just restart my PC08:39
Admiral_Sleep*not* out of the box08:39
tamacrackaim used to it with windows08:39
tamacrackathanks anyways08:39
=== Admiral_Sleep mumbles about CoC
underdog5004CoC, Admiral_Sleep ?08:40
Admiral_Sleepcode of conduct08:40
underdog5004in regards to what?08:40
ubotuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/08:40
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underdog5004gotcha, reading now!08:41
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Admiral_Sleepwell no, i wanted to argue with the user that wouldn't listen to me08:41
Admiral_Sleepfor *no* reason08:42
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frootstripeok - i just had some major problems. i changed my password (i was in a screen session in X at the time) - then i popped open another window and tried sudo su -08:43
frootstripebut i couldn't log in as root with the new password, so I used the old one instead - it worked - anyway, Alt-Ctrl-F1 and the new password worked. Restarted system.08:45
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xsachahey i stuck my iriver into usb port, how do i access it?08:46
xsachait's being recognised as a camera or something and it's at /proc/bus/usb/005/00408:46
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frootstripeso i shutdown, restarted, and now i only the old password works. hello? wtf?08:47
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dethklokWtf, why the ban?08:49
dethklokfirecrotch, u still there?08:50
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frootstripeAlt-Ctrl-F1, I log in as root and only the new one works - what is going on here, can anybody give me a clue??08:50
firecrotchYeah, I'm still here, dethklok08:50
firecrotchdethklok: You got banned because you were abusing the ubotu08:51
dethklokpff, he is there to be abused! lol08:51
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granitiHi. sometimes it happens that when I launch mplayer, it creates automatically two "mplayer process" with two pids . how can I avoid this? I want only one pid08:52
granitiHi. sometimes it happens that when I launch mplayer, it creates automatically two "mplayer process" with two pids . how can I avoid this? I want only one pid08:52
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dethklokfirecrotch, I don't think my computer was scanning anything.. i went through all my bios settings and nothing is out of place... i think it has something to do with thie edgy insta... cuz it even does the little blinking line thing when i boot the live cd08:52
firecrotchdethklok: Did it do it on the first boot after installing?08:53
dethklokYeah, but i thought nothing of it08:53
pgdownxsacha - open terminal and enter mount -l - should say where your iriver is mounted. from there just drag/drop files onto it.08:54
dethklokmabye because it bypassed my brain because i had just placed the wireless card in...08:54
cntbIwant to configure keyboards from command line08:56
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firecrotchdethklok:  Obviously there is _something_ that is making it take a long time08:58
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dethklokfirecrotch, well ah... i kinda figured that :-pp08:58
firecrotchdethklok: pastebin your boot log08:58
dethklokwhere is that at?08:59
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pgdownanyone try seamonkey yet?09:09
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ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl09:23
=== dwidmann yawns
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xsachapgdown: it didnt automount it afaik.. when i click link on desktop it goes to camera://iRiver T10 @[usb:005,004] 09:30
xsachai tried to mount it myself but it mounted to /proc/bus/usb and cut off the 005/00409:31
ubotuMark "sabdfl" Shuttleworth is our favourite cosmonaut, the founder of Canonical and the primary driver behind Ubuntu. You can find pieces of his thinking at http://www.markshuttleworth.com09:33
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underdog5004so, anyone know how to have rtorrent start on boot on a headless server?09:34
underdog5004I'm testing my internet connection, can anyone hear me?09:36
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MrWGW_Altgood evening again09:37
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MrWGW_AltI've discovered that I acutely need to run as root09:37
MrWGW_Altand I can't figure out how09:37
underdog5004MrWGW_Alt, why?09:37
MrWGW_Altbecause I need to access the filesystem09:37
underdog5004to do that, first type sudo passwd root09:37
underdog5004then su to become superuser09:37
MrWGW_AltI'd prefer to access the filesystem in nautilus09:38
MrWGW_Altif that's possible?09:38
underdog5004I advise against it09:38
MrWGW_Altor Konqueror09:38
MrWGW_AltYes, I am aware of the dangers09:38
underdog5004the superuser stuff...09:38
MrWGW_AltI do it all the time09:38
MrWGW_Altand yes, I have broken things ;D09:38
MrWGW_Altbut it was fun09:38
underdog5004famous last words09:38
MrWGW_AltI once fried a CRT through improper editing of xorg.conf :-P09:38
underdog5004you are having problems mounting a fs?09:38
MrWGW_Altbut a friend of mine gave me his, which was a better model, so I came out ahead09:38
MrWGW_AltI just want to run as root and access the file system09:39
underdog5004uh...gotta ask why, again09:39
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MrWGW_Altis this some secret? I thought that this was open source software that we were supposed to hack09:39
firecrotchMrWGW_Alt: If you insist on it... "kdesu konqueror"09:39
MrWGW_Altok perfect09:39
MrWGW_Altdo I run that from any terminal while in KDE?09:39
underdog5004but WHY!?!? lol, yeah, from the term09:40
MrWGW_Altok perfect09:40
MrWGW_Altand why? because we like you!09:40
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firecrotchunderdog5004: now you have me wondering why...09:41
underdog5004lol, yeah...why would anyone want to run konq as root?09:41
seven_11MrWGW_Alt: you could use middnight commander09:41
MrWGW_Altnot in the mood to change file browsers, although I have heard good words about it in LXF09:41
dwidmann!sudo | underdog | MrWGW_Alt09:43
=== MrWGW_Alt [n=wgw@cpe-75-85-97-183.socal.res.rr.com] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete]
ubotuunderdog | MrWGW_Alt: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:43
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underdog5004dwidmann, yeah, I know09:44
dwidmannjust wondering why you would recommend someone to set the root password and use su instead :s09:45
=== MrWGW_Alt [n=wgw@cpe-75-85-97-183.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
MrWGW_Altok perfect, seems to work09:45
MrWGW_Altnothing like seeing the good old /proc /dev /etc09:46
=== ady33 [n=ady33@host217-42-19-209.range217-42.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu
MrWGW_Altand now for the actual reason why I want to run as root with a file browser: I want to install fonts that are in a folder on a CD09:47
ady33Hi does anyone know the best version of skype to download for kubuntu?. I have seen versions for fedora and madriva but not kubuntu... tnx09:47
MrWGW_Altand I believe (correct me if I'm wrong) that in Linux, true type fonts are installed simply by copying and pasting into the fonts folder09:47
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype  -  To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto09:47
MrWGW_Altbut I don't have privileges to change that folder for some reason in my user account09:47
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ady33many thanks ubotu09:48
HymnToLife!thank you | ady3309:48
ubotuady33: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)09:48
MrWGW_Altso now you know09:49
ady33heck clever stuff.... !!!09:49
MrWGW_Althaha, just found the KDE font installer09:49
MrWGW_Altso that was all a waste :-P09:49
MrWGW_AltI couldn't find one on the GNOME Ubuntu desktop, which I had been using, hence all this09:49
MrWGW_AltI hate GNOME09:50
MrWGW_Altand love KDE09:50
MrWGW_Altactually I dislike them both09:50
HymnToLifemaybe the feature was considered too confusing :p09:50
MrWGW_AltI remember Mandriva had an easy to use font installer, and it of course uses KDE09:51
underdog5004dwidmann, sorry, I was afk, but I thought that's how you invoked the root account from a command line09:51
MrWGW_Altalso, is there any way that I can disable Ubuntu's disabling of the root account?09:52
MrWGW_AltI really find it annoying09:52
underdog5004MrWGW_Alt, sudo passwd root09:52
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stdinor install debian09:52
dwidmannMrWGW_Alt: that's half of it09:52
MrWGW_AltI plan to09:52
MrWGW_Altbut it would be stupid on this system09:52
dwidmannMrWGW_Alt: the other half is "sudo passwd -u root" I think09:52
MrWGW_Altwhich I'm just admining for a relative09:52
underdog5004what does the -u flag do?09:53
HymnToLifesudo passwd root should work09:53
underdog5004it worked for me on my server...09:53
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HymnToLifeeven just sudo passwd actually :p09:53
stdinsudo passwd root is enough09:53
MrWGW_Altthen do I enter a new root password or somesuch? or do I just literally type "sudo passwd root"09:54
HymnToLifeyou type this09:54
HymnToLifeand it will prompt for the new password09:54
underdog5004MrWGW_Alt, yup, type it in, then it'll ask for your password, then the root accounts passworkd09:54
MrWGW_Altsee, I am leaving XP for Linux because of how locked down it is09:54
underdog5004yeah, xp sucks09:54
dwidmannspeaking of things, when was etch released/will it be released?09:54
ady33In relation to Kontact how do I set up my news server dets?. I can see the add account for mail but not news?09:55
MrWGW_Altso when people like the GNOME developers or whoever thought of the root account locking thing do something annoying that cripples functionality09:55
dwidmann(officially speaking)09:55
MrWGW_Altthe first thing I want to do is fix it09:55
HymnToLifedwidmann, no date fixed yet09:55
MrWGW_Altwoo, just installed 3,000+ fonts09:55
dwidmannHmm, I hadn't looked into it for a (long) while, so I thought I'd ask09:55
MrWGW_Altreal, geniune commercial-grade fonts, not the subpar imiations most distros ship with09:55
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MrWGW_Altnow, hopefully it won't destabilize my system ;)09:55
dwidmann3000+ :O09:56
MrWGW_Altyou bet, I'm a professional graphics designer (among other things)09:56
MrWGW_Altso I have lots of fonts09:56
xsachai'm leaving linux for vienna because there is too much choice and i can never decide09:56
MrWGW_Altnot as many as I would prefer, but...09:56
MrWGW_Altthere is this one Adobe font collection that you can buy, but it costs $9,00009:56
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dwidmannWow, if I sold my car I could ... wait, no that probably wouldn't be enough to get it09:57
MrWGW_Altno, not Vienna, although I've heard of it-I think I have it on one of my systems in fact09:57
HymnToLife$9,000 for fonts is just ridiculous09:57
MrWGW_Altit is rumored to have everything09:57
MrWGW_AltI've asked several people at Adobe for a list of the fonts it contains09:57
MrWGW_Altbut no one seems to know the extent of it09:57
MrWGW_Altits used only in the largest design studios09:57
HymnToLifeI wonder how many of them it contains09:57
dwidmannNo kidding09:57
MrWGW_Altits the sort of ubercommercial power app of doom, like Alias StudioTools09:57
MrWGW_Alt(which costs up to $85,000, depending on your feature set)09:58
ady33Can some one help I am trying to install the debian skype. I have downloaded it and when I click on it I get three files shown. Control data and debian?09:58
MrWGW_Alt(plus yearly upgrade fees, which increase exponentially if you miss an upgrade)09:58
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MrWGW_AltAlias StudioTools has effectively imprisoned the car companies design studios09:58
dwidmannady33: you should download the .deb file, then install it with dpkg --install filename.deb09:58
MrWGW_AltGM has hundreds of designers, so I shudder to think how much StudioTools takes out of their bottom line each year09:58
HymnToLifeady33, to install a deb file, open your temrinal and run       sudo dpkg -i /path/to/file.deb09:58
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MrWGW_Altbut it can do -anything-, and as an added plus it runs on Linux09:59
ady33Do I need to be in root for that?09:59
HymnToLifethat's what sudo is for09:59
stdin!deb | ady3309:59
ubotuady33: deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click on them (Ubuntu) or right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install (Kubuntu)09:59
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dwidmannerm, yes, so sudo dpkg --install filename.deb09:59
stdinGUI way ^^09:59
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underdog5004 simply double-click on them (Ubuntu) or right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install (Kubuntu)10:00
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dwidmannIt'd be nice if that gui actually threw in --force-architecture for me, then I'd actually use it ... seeing as the only things I download tend to be things for i386 architecture anyway10:01
granitiHi. I have to hide the mouse cursor before launching a process... is there a way to do it? thnks10:01
JackPhilkpowersave, kde-guidance-powermanager or klaptop?10:02
cntbhow to reconfigure X?10:02
ubotuTo reconfigure your X server, open a console and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg". To configure only the driver and resolution, type: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh".10:03
ady33Thanks all for the help. That was the first linux install I have done and it is all setup now. Only been linux for 2 days now...10:03
underdog5004ady33, linux may take more work, but it's better in the end!10:07
dwidmannunderdog5004: ady33 just left, s/he can't hear you10:08
underdog5004lol, whoops!10:08
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JackPhilthe  kde-guidance-powermanager is recommend rather than kpowersave?10:10
dwidmannAh, so that's what the deal with -phigh was :\ and to think I ignored it until now ... could have save minutes and keystrokes of my life10:10
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dwidmannJackPhil, I'm not really sure, try them both, see which one you like better?10:12
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ady33Hi could someone tell me how to change my microphone setting in kubuntu. It is working but very quiet?10:16
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stdinuse it to adjust the volume of the mic10:17
ady33found it tnx10:18
cntbhow to config xorg.conf in cmdline10:19
stdincntb: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg". To configure only the driver and resolution, type: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh".10:19
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cntbty vm stdin10:20
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cntband specifically keyboard model and layouts on reconfigure ?10:20
stdinyep, that's in there10:21
cntbstdin unfortunately keyboard model when trying to configure layouts in GUI is grayed10:21
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stdinhmm, seems to work for me (tm)10:22
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underdog5004So, I've got a dilemna. I can't run rtorrent on startup on my headless server. I don't want to run it from the server itself because although it will plug away faithfully, I have no way of checking to see what is done, and I don't want to ssh into it because then I have to leave the ssh'd client computer up as well.10:23
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stdinisn't there one that had a web interface ?10:24
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stdinor you can use screen10:26
underdog5004yeah, but then I can't check it remotely10:26
HymnToLifeyep, screen is definitely the way to go10:26
stdinsure you can10:26
HymnToLifeyes you can, I do it all the time10:26
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ubotuscreen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen10:26
stdin!info torrentflux10:27
ubotutorrentflux: web based, feature-rich BitTorrent download manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1-1ubuntu0.1 (edgy), package size 410 kB, installed size 2688 kB10:27
stdinthat's the one I couldn't remember10:27
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ubotupsp: Perl Server Pages - Web scripting environment runtime. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.5-3 (edgy), package size 24 kB, installed size 116 kB10:27
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underdog5004stdin, so, torrentflux...how is it different than rtorrent?10:28
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stdinunderdog5004: don't know, never used it :)10:28
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stdinjust knew there was a web based torrent app10:28
cntbstdin funny xserver-xorg did not appear installed10:28
underdog5004ok, so, good experiences w/ torrentflux?10:28
cntbmaybe because tried to install repair10:29
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stdinunderdog5004: never used either, I've only used azureus and ktorrent10:29
cntbnow installing xserver-xorg maybe that disabled some configs keyboard model for example?10:29
stdinit's possible, cntb10:30
Kabaln00bish question10:30
Kabalwhen I connect my psp to my laptop it mounts perfectly but I get a Ipod icon on my desktop.. how can I change that icon to a psp icon?10:30
pgdownKabal: what icon set are you using?10:32
Kabalpgdown: dunno really.. I use Kubuntu 6.1010:32
stdinprobably crystalsvg10:33
pgdownthe default crystal?10:33
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Kabaltrying to find out10:33
pgdownwell, just find the directory for the theme (not sure where it is right now) and then just copy your psp icon into the directory under the same name.10:33
pgdownsame name as the ipod icon...mounted & unmounted10:34
TheHermitGood Morning Friends ....I need a program wich enable Xp to red Ext3 Filesystem10:34
pgdownthat's one dirty hack10:34
underdog5004HymnToLife, I love you. Screen works perfectly!10:34
stdin!ext3 | TheHermit10:34
ubotuTheHermit: ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org10:34
Kabalpgdown: thanx :)10:34
TheHermitstdin, Thanks10:34
stdinyw :)10:34
pgdownI dont know where the crystal svg theme is found10:35
pgdownbut one trick you could do is10:35
Kabalme neither10:35
stdin /usr/share/icons/crystalsvg10:35
pgdownthere it is10:35
Kabalthanx stdin10:35
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cntbstdin what is a keyboard variant ?10:37
cntbI found comma there ?10:37
pgdownKabal: if you cant find an svg for psp, I know from experience that you can take a .png and just rename it as a .svg...& it'll work10:37
Kabalpgdown: great tip! :)10:38
Kabalpgdown: thanx :)10:38
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stdincntb: it's a variant from the standard, I just left it blank (i think)10:38
pgdownit worked when I was running ubuntu gnome (edgy) and wanted to change the ubuntu logo to a gnome foot I made10:39
pgdownso I imagine it'll work in kde as well...10:39
crazy_busI don't remember doing anything but now the "computer" icon on the kde bar is on the left side.  And the main KDE logo is an inch to the right.  Can anyone help get it back to where it was?10:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about permisions - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:40
pgdowncrazy_bus: just right click, move, lock10:40
visik7how can I play video podcasts on kde ? (kitty crash)10:40
cntbty vm again stdin10:41
crazy_buspgdown, I can see lock but not move?10:41
ubotuThe files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux10:41
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stdincntb: no problem :)10:41
animimotusI can't install Liquid Weather ++ with Superkaramba, I have forget somethings ? ^^10:41
stdincrazy_bus: right click the icon/logo10:41
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pgdowncrazy_bus: it's there...icon is a cross with arrows10:41
underdog5004animimotus, you need to go to the website and download the .skz file...pretty involved...10:42
cntbstill no keyboard model stdin10:42
cntbmakes me crazy10:42
crazy_busthanks I see it now10:42
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animimotusunderdog5004: ok, thx ;)10:43
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HymnToLife!away | stdin^afk10:48
ubotustdin^afk: Please don't use public away messages or change your nick to 'someone|away'.  We know you're away when you don't respond to messages. Also see !guidelines10:48
HymnToLifeI think it's stupid, too but "dura lex sed lex" :p10:49
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intelikeyrex lex10:52
pgdownim officially an insomniac10:54
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Edulixwhich kubuntu/ubuntu software could I use to multiply matrixes?10:54
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pgdownEdulix: not sure. but if you open the terminal and enter apt-cache search calculator...alot of entries come up.10:56
Edulixpgdown: I'll try that10:57
pgdownEdulix: then, of course, do sudo apt-get install name-of-application...sure you knew that though10:59
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Edulixyeah I knew that hehe10:59
EdulixI think scilab will do the trick10:59
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Edulixpgdown: altough I prefer aptitude search hehe11:00
Edulixits output is easier to read ;)11:00
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pgdownyeah...I love straight up apt-get though11:00
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pgdownquick & easy11:00
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keldonhi i want to make note of a problem with the kubuntu installation11:02
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keldoni am on it now11:02
keldonbut i have noticed that on two systems, one with a geforce, one with an ATI radeon that the normal installation mode cannot properly get the screen size and has it at the bare minimum11:03
keldonhowever the installation is difficult, if not impossible at this resolution; however safe mode works fine11:03
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keldonso either the installation should only boot in safe mode, or the installation should be able to work at the minimum resolution11:04
pgdownkeldon: yeah, that's common...hence the safe mode option11:04
HymnToLifeor even beeter, the "Install Live CD" should be dropped11:04
gourdinanyone can help me on this one ? http://forum.beryl-project.org/viewforum.php?f=3611:05
keldonwell the install live cd is great as you can get live assistance while installing - nobody offers that anywhere11:05
keldonbut the normal mode should be scrapped and only safe mode11:05
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl11:05
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keldonit is great being able to chat on irc while at the same time install an operating system11:06
premieryeah! beryl!11:06
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intelikeykeldon you can do that on the alternate install too11:07
dwidmannhehe, keldon, yeah, better than watching at crappy bits of info that you already knew for an hour too11:07
dwidmannand by far11:07
dwidmannintelikey, and how would you do that on the alternate?11:08
intelikeysame way i'm doing it right now.11:08
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keldonbut in the next release they really need to sort that as it makes it impossible to install; and since the safe mode works so well why try anything else11:08
dwidmanndo tell11:08
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pgdownalt-f2, then irssi?11:09
pgdownsomething like that...right?11:09
intelikeysomething like that. yeah11:09
hungphamdoes anybody know how to resize Ubuntu partitions ?11:09
Pensacolagparted migth do the trick11:09
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pgdownboot into live cd and use gparted11:10
hungphamI have that one but I cannot resize11:10
ubotuparted: The GNU Parted disk partition resizing program. In component main, is standard. Version 1.7.1-2.1ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 53 kB, installed size 156 kB11:10
keldon85man i'm not sure what's up. my password is not working!!! i'm sure i just used my normal password11:10
ubotugparted is gparted is a GUI partitioning program, "sudo apt-get install gparted", also available as a live cd http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php11:10
hungphamI have already installed it, but the feature is disable11:11
intelikey  http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php11:11
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pgdownhungpham: you cant resize a partition while it is mounted11:12
pgdownhence the need to use a live cd11:12
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pgdownanyone use bitchx?11:13
hungphamI have used the Ubuntu live CD but the feature is disable also11:13
hungphamis it correct if I have to use Gparted live CD11:13
hungphamnot Ubuntu Live CD11:13
intelikeythe live can11:14
hungphamwhich CD ? Gparted or Ubuntu ?11:14
intelikeysudo umount /media/*11:14
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intelikeyand restart gparted11:14
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pgdownany live cd with some *parted will work11:15
pgdowngparted cd is real nice...but live ubuntu cd will work, so use tht11:16
cntbkxkb is on dapper what is on edgy ?/help11:16
hungphamok,I will check with the Ubuntu Live CD11:16
intelikeyyour idea of "real nice" and mine don't jive.11:16
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pgdownit's good for what it is11:19
pgdownI wouldnt use it..11:19
intelikeyi should add,  but that's just fine cause i don't use partitions anyway.11:19
=== dwidmann 's idea of real nice involves konsole and fdisk
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=== intelikey notes that konsole requires X ...
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=== dwidmann notes that Knoppix in fact has X
=== intelikey makes to self not to waste the time downloading knoppix
cntbhow do I force install sudo apt-get install libx11-6?11:22
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dwidmannThat's what friends are for ... using their bandwidth to get you ..... oops, that slipped11:22
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intelikeycntb idk.  when i checked ... libx11-6 is already the newest version.11:23
=== dwidmann crosses fingers and hopes that the audio and video are in sync this time
intelikeycntb what message you getting ?11:24
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cntb exactly that inteli11:24
dwidmannwoo hoo! "-M 2" did it11:24
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intelikeyyou wanting to reinstall the same package ?11:25
cntbbut xxkb reports broken packages11:25
cntbyep intelikey11:25
intelikeyapt-get -u --reinstall --fix-missing install libx11-611:25
cntb3  libs like that11:25
cntbany clue pal ?11:26
cntbk tyvm trying that11:26
intelikeyas root11:26
visik7anyone know if exists a way to handle video podcasts in amarok ?11:27
dwidmannI can't remember which ftp client I liked .... intelikey, do you know of any kde ftp clients that will let you drag over nested directories, but lets you filter by filetype or filename?11:27
dwidmann(or in the absence of one for kde, something else)11:27
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intelikeydwidmann konqueror ?11:27
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dwidmannIt's good, though it's a bit slow, and I can't have it only copy over files that are of a certain filetype (in this case, I only want to copy over html, php, and css files)11:28
premierI cant lock the screen11:29
dwidmannI don't want to recopy things like images, or archives ..... that would take ages at my amazing fast upload rate of 2kbs11:29
intelikeymc can but it's cli based.    gentoo can but it's not a kde app tho it will work in kde very well11:29
intelikeywput is cli and could be scripted to do that.11:30
intelikeyas to a KDE app if konq don't then i don't guess i know of one.11:30
premierI think kpowersave is preventing me from locking the screen11:31
cntbintelikey: on edgy now ?11:31
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premierI tried turning it off, and messing with the configuration stuff, but it doesnt work11:32
intelikeycntb me ?   no.11:32
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cntbpls try installing xxkb intelikey11:32
cntbah OK11:32
ubotuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.11:33
cntbwhat is the meta packege name for kde?11:33
premieris there a command line to lock the screen?11:34
cntbintelikey: will installing kde meta fix my keyboard layots and model problem?11:35
premierare you serious are you trying to get me to do something that will crash my computer?11:35
dwidmannpremier: exit = logout11:35
intelikeycntb i don't know that.11:35
intelikeycntb you need someone that uses a gui11:35
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dwidmanncntb: "kcontrol -> regional & accessibility -> keyboard layout" has a lot of stuff in it11:37
dwidmannto do with keyboard laytou/model/etc11:37
acemocntb: i think u need dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:37
intelikeypremier you said "a command line to lock the screen" it does not "lock" the screen, it does make it so you need a passwd to do anything.     unless you are talking about a command to lock the kde screen....11:37
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acemosomewhere in that setup u can choose the keyboard layout11:37
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user001root password of kubuntu11:40
dwidmannHmm, I think kasablanca can do what I'm looking for (in reverse actually), but it looks like I need to teach myself how to use regular expressions first ...11:40
intelikeyman regex11:41
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intelikeypractice      echo -e $[2-3] 11:42
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hungphamhi, about Gparted, I have used the Ubuntu live CD, prepare some unallocated space before the Linux partition, but I still can not resize the partition to be larger11:44
hungphamresize to be smaller is possible11:44
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stephanhmm, there a strange problem, suddenly the focus switches only to a window when i click the title bar11:46
hungphamI will try again :(11:46
stephanwhenn i click into the window, the focus does not follow11:46
stephani checke "window behavior" and everything seems right11:47
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Jucatousing Beryl?11:48
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sleepy745How do I find out the cause or text of errors of a bug. Kiba shuts down after I change an option..11:50
Jucatostephan: Window Behavior is set to Click to focus,  and Click raise active window is enabled?11:50
Jucatosleepy745: try running it from Konsole11:50
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stephanJucato: yes, its click to focus and raise active window is enabled11:53
Jucatohm.. weird.11:54
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stephanyes, and annoying11:56
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TheHermitFriends i can find some packges in the adept how that could b e11:56
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TheHermiti need to make a link for my partition in the dektop how can i do that12:01
intelikeyman ln12:01
TheHermityes i try to do that ls -l /media/hda7/work is that right12:02
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intelikeyTheHermit that's the source.  add the destination.12:02
Jazongood morning everyone12:02
Jazoni somehow cocked up my direct rendering on my laptop12:03
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intelikeyls - /media/hda7/work ~/Desktop/<something>12:03
intelikeyor -s12:03
Jazonand i see there is no longer a load "dri" in xorg.conf12:03
TheHermitoh i forget it sorry i will12:03
Jazonwas wondering about using beryl on my 2 screen setup - anyone done this?12:03
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stephani must switch to fus follew mouse12:04
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stephanotherwise my system is not usable anymore12:04
Jazontried adding Load "dri" restarting X brb12:06
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TheHermitinteliky, by the way i am mena if you remeber me ....i cant find some packdges int the adept like azureuz i dont know why12:09
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about azureuz - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:09
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intelikeyazureus - BitTorrent client12:10
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ubotuazureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AzureusHowTo12:10
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Alarmhello, how can i add a 3d desktop on kubuntu 6.10 ?12:10
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intelikey!info azureus12:10
ubotuazureus: BitTorrent client. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 6922 kB, installed size 7780 kB12:10
TheHermitinteliky,So is that normal if i didnt some packadge in the adept and i used to install them form it12:11
intelikeyyep. until you enable the universe repos12:11
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ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu12:11
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dwidmann:( kftpgrabber looked even better ... shame it isn't stable12:12
TheHermitintelikey, okay12:12
stephanthis is a very good description of my problem12:14
Alarmcant find how to add themes for my kde (i dont mean my login spalsh screen only)12:15
dwidmannalarm, alt+f2 -> kcontrol, then go to appearances, themes12:15
Alarmthere is no section themes dwidmann12:15
Jucato!changethemes | Alarm12:15
cntbwant to backup  photos from canon powershot a310  in kubuntu12:15
ubotuAlarm: [Ubuntu]  Install gnome-themes or go to menu, system settings, appearance. [KDE]  For a good KDE guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu12:15
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dwidmannAlarm, yes there is, if you actually opened KControl, and absolutely NOT systemsettings12:16
Alarmthats why  i am wondering, all i see, is styles, window decoration , icons , and some font settings12:16
dwidmannactually, it would be "Theme Manager"12:17
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Alarmseems there is no Kcontrol installed :)12:17
JucatoAlarm: you're looking for 3D desktop12:17
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Jucatothat would be beryl12:17
dwidmann:O Blasphemy!12:17
JucatoAlarm: did you read the guide?12:17
dwidmannAlarm: i t's case sensitive12:17
Alarmthats what i am doing now :)12:17
TheHermitintelikey, in the pae they said its for kubuntu 6.6 and ubuntu 6.6 and iam 6.10 and one more thing i cant find things they shpw me in the pictures to to install rpo12:17
dwidmannAlarm: all lower case12:18
Jucatowhat themes are you looking for/wanting to install?12:18
AlarmJucato,  to make my desktop look... better12:18
Jucatook... what kind of theme have you downloaded?12:18
Alarmsomething like that: http://www.diazdelaiglesia.com/arquivos/superkaramba/Captura2.png12:18
Alarmnothing yet. first i am trying to figure out how to install them before i download them12:19
cntbwant to backup  photos from canon powershot a310  in kubuntu -- no JOY !!!!!12:19
JucatoAlarm: that's a Superkaramba theme12:19
=== dwidmann goes for kwin->platik widgets->lipstik colors->delicate violet :D
TheHermitintelikey, Never mind i find the way12:20
Alarmok, i will isntall kcontrol firstly12:20
JucatoAlarm: wait!!!12:20
TheHermitintelikey, okay12:20
JucatoAlarm: #1 what you're looking it is not a desktop theme, it's a superkaramba applet12:20
intelikeyTheHermit sudo cp sources.list /etc/apt/12:20
Alarmyes got it12:20
JucatoAlarm: #2, kcontrol is already installed by default. that guide I gave already tells you how to run it12:21
intelikeysudo apt-get update12:21
intelikeythen open adept12:21
Alarmyes i saw it, its installed, there wasnt any shortcut12:21
Jucatook, carry on :)12:21
dwidmannAlarm: that's why I said to run it with alt + f2 :(12:21
TheHermitintelikey, okay12:21
sleepy745I found the error Jucato, its here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2734/12:21
=== Jucato takes a peek, if he knows something..
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crazy_busI trying to compile a program but I'm getting this error how can I fix it?12:30
crazy_busin the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. This will fail.12:30
crazy_bussoulrider, check this please and use another prefix!12:30
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TheHermitIs there a Sites to dowenload Themes And icon themes12:31
intelikeyinstall kde headers12:31
intelikeyTheHermit not you.12:32
wojtek_i have a question12:32
intelikeythat was at crazy_bus12:32
intelikeyTheHermit kdelook.org  or some such12:32
crazy_busthis is the command Im typing where do I add install kde headers:12:32
crazy_busggz-kde-client-0.0.14$ ./configure --prefix=$HOME/ggz12:32
intelikeywojtek_  good for you.12:32
wojtek_why my kubuntu & xubuntu sometimes don't log out12:33
intelikeycrazy_bus well if kde headers are installed they are not in $HOME ....12:33
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crazy_busI'm confused.  Someone told me to install a program with that command.  What should I do?12:34
intelikeytry   ./configure12:34
intelikeysee if it errors out12:34
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wojtek_no error logs12:34
crazy_busthere was the same error12:35
rjbhi there, anyone know of a util that could be used to send the stdout of a shell command to kde's clipboard?12:35
intelikeykdebase-dev - development files for the KDE base module12:35
intelikeykdelibs4-dev - development files for the KDE core libraries12:35
intelikeycrazy_bus i'm not sure what it wants but one or both of those might be it.12:35
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rjb.. as something like 'some_shell_pipeline | toclipboard' ?12:36
intelikeyrjb will klipper "`command goes here`"   not do it ?12:37
crazy_busisn't kdelibs4 for kde4 programs?12:37
intelikeycrazy_bus i doubt that kde4 has any packages in dapper repos  so no.12:37
rjbintelikey: nope, doesn't seem so12:38
crazy_busI was looking at the description before and I'm sure it said it was for testing programs for the upcoming kde412:38
intelikeySource: kdelibs12:39
intelikeyVersion: 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu1812:39
intelikeyReplaces: kdebase-dev (<< 4:3.4.0)12:39
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intelikeylooks like 3.5.2  to me12:39
HymnToLifeKDE4 packages are only available for Edgy, and they're in a separate repo12:39
crazy_busare you talking about this package? http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/kde/kdelibs12:40
[Amigo] Hi ppl! Where I can install/change kdm-theme? Or only manualy do it?12:40
crazy_bussorry I was wrong :)12:40
intelikey[Amigo]  kcontrol12:40
HymnToLifecrazy_bus, http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-3.80.2.php12:40
intelikeyrjb if you have the output in a konsole you can highlight it and it should atuomatically go to the klipper12:42
[Amigo] intelikey: kcontrol -> ???12:42
rjbintelikey: i know, but that's not always convenient12:42
[Amigo] intelikey: can't found it :)12:42
HymnToLife!info kdmtheme12:43
ubotukdmtheme: theme manager for KDM. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.2-1 (edgy), package size 100 kB, installed size 264 kB12:43
intelikeyrjb there is a way to feed it in but don't ask me what...  man klipper   maybe12:43
rjbintelikey: might there be some way to achieve this by a dcop call?12:43
HymnToLife[Amigo] , install that, it should create a module for KDM themes in KControl12:43
rjbintelikey: looked at the klipper docs slready, no hint12:44
intelikeyrjb yeah dcop probably can too.   but again you are playing with that gui thingy....  i don't.12:44
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[Amigo] HymnToLife: Ok. Tnks!12:44
=== intelikey doesn't mess with the pointy clicky thingy much.
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about theem - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:45
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about theeme - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:45
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ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy12:45
ubotu[Ubuntu]  Install gnome-themes or go to menu, system settings, appearance. [KDE]  For a good KDE guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu12:46
intelikeythar she blows      ^12:47
crazy_busIt fixed that problem.  Thankyou12:48
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intelikeyi install kdebase and then remove it again about twice a week now.12:48
intelikeyi'm expecting that to decreese as i answer less and less kde questions....12:49
=== david__ is back.
rjbgot it! dcop klipper klipper setClipboardContents "`shell command`" :-)12:49
intelikeyyou could post that on a wiki some place.12:50
[Amigo] How to run gui programm from true console (Ctrl-Alt-F1)? It's a imposible?12:50
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intelikey[Amigo]  no.12:50
intelikeydepends on which apps12:51
[Amigo] intelikey: ok12:51
=== david__ is away: Gone away for now.
intelikeythere is console frame buffering  and svga libs  that allow graphics in the console.12:52
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intelikeyif there is an xserver running you can start many gui apps from console and just tell them to attach to the running xserver.12:53
[Amigo] Yes. I can attach any gui application to running xserver?12:54
[Amigo] from true console?12:55
rjb..although it would be nice to cook up a shell function or command that does it from stdin, 'cause what if the output contains quotation marks?12:55
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intelikeyhave broken kdm/kde?  just call X   then konsole --display :012:56
intelikey[Amigo]  yes   but you would have to use dcop on some of them.12:56
intelikeyi think12:56
[Amigo] yes broken kde12:56
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:56
[Amigo] just run: konsole --display:0?12:57
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intelikeyif X is running12:57
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository12:57
intelikey konsole --display :012:57
[Amigo] yes X is running . thanks!!!12:57
intelikeythen in the konsole you should be able to start other apps12:57
intelikeyjust call them from there.12:58
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intelikey[Amigo]  kicker   is the taskbar & menu12:59
[Amigo] intelikey: I understend you. Thanks!!!12:59
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[Amigo] Yes. I install now new kdm-theme!!! Thanks ppl!01:04
rcurtisHi, quick print question01:07
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rcurtisWhen I try and add a printer in Dapper, I only have the SMB and Other Printer options available. Everything else is greyed out.01:08
rcurtisI'd like to add the printer via IP address but can't01:08
mardihi all, trying to install Kubuntu 6.10, get to the part with grub and it says "Executing 'grub-install (sda)' failed. This is a fatal error."   any help?01:08
filthpigrcurtis: tried with admin mode?01:09
rcurtisfilthpig: yes. The option used to be available but not any longer. Wonder if there is some config file I can clean out, or something?01:10
filthpighave you looked ain the user management-area?01:11
filthpigmaybe you can find something there01:11
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rcurtisfilthpig: not sure what I should be looking for here - I have found the list of secondary groups for the user - they include lpadmin01:14
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rcurtisanything else I need to look for - nothing jumps out01:14
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mardiwhere normally is grub installed to?01:15
rcurtisfilthpig: there is no printer group01:15
intelikeycupsys rcurtis01:15
filthpigah, yes, sorry01:16
rcurtisintelikey: I don't have a cupsys group either01:16
=== Jucato doesn't have a cupsys either... but can print
rcurtisjucato: used to be able to print01:16
filthpigw00t. I couldn't enter my user management area, got some error. :s01:17
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intelikeyhmmm i didn't think you could print locally without cupsys01:17
rcurtiswonder if somehow cupsys got deleted when I was adding/removing packages - possible ??01:17
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intelikeythe "kubuntu" way anyway01:17
Jucatothere's no cupsys group afaik01:18
filthpigrcurtis: dunno, but it might01:18
filthpigI've experienced similar things several times01:18
intelikeycupsys package Jucato01:18
filthpig(like now, can't enter my user management-area)01:18
Jucatointelikey: yes. that's different :)01:18
khatahnany idea why my kaffeine doesn't display videos in correct aspect ratio? a video that _should_ be 640x480 is not as wide as it should be. the problem can be clearly seen in fullscreen mode, where there are black bars in left and right side of the screen, while the video should fill the whole (4:3) screen01:18
=== intelikey looks in group
intelikeyJucato looks like cupsys sets up a user "cupsys" and adds that to several things.01:19
rcurtishmmn - its showing the cupsys packages as installed01:19
Jucatointelikey: strange... I have cupsys, but no cupsys user...01:19
intelikeyJucato ?01:19
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Jucatocupsys group01:19
=== Jucato is confused
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intelikeyi guess that must have changed from dapper to edgy01:20
Jucatoyes, no cupsys group. just a cupsys user01:20
rcurtisI have a cupsys user but no group01:20
intelikeyok that's what i have too.01:20
mardiis there a way to "see" the mbr, to see if it's been messed up?01:20
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rcurtisintelikey: - what groups does your cupsys user belong to01:22
intelikeymardi dd if=/dev/sda count=1 | less01:22
akasico1               -:) Hi how can I swith off the screen without log out01:22
rcurtisI have a primary group of lpadmin01:22
intelikeylet me check.01:22
rcurtisalso, a status of disabled01:22
intelikeyrcurtis lpadmin  scanner  fax  lpd01:23
rcurtisintelikey: thanks - very frustrating this01:24
mardiintelikey: thanks for the help, that threw up about 40 lines of symbols and stuff01:25
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intelikeymardi that's the whole mbr in raw fromat01:25
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mardiintelikey: ok, so any idea why the kubuntu installer won't write grub to it?01:26
intelikeyyou could filter it  but if grub installed there should be a "grub" id tag in the raw output.01:26
intelikeyJucato  !01:26
intelikeywhat was the command within grub ?01:27
intelikeymardi type   sudo grub01:27
mardiintelikey: says: GRUB^@Geom^@Hard Disk^@Read^@Error01:27
Jucatoyeah, "sudo grub"01:27
intelikeythat will take you to a grub prompt01:28
mardiintelikey: yup, at a grub prompt (we are using the Kubuntu live cd for this fyi)01:28
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intelikeywhat partition did you install onto ?01:29
intelikeyyou need the address01:29
intelikeyJucato is it root blah next ?01:29
Jucatofind /boot/grub/stage101:29
Jucatoroot (whatever)01:29
Jucatosetup (wherever)01:29
intelikeymardi ^01:30
mardiintelikey:  well, in the installer it wanted to put grub in hd0, so we switched it to sda, don't know about partitions01:30
intelikeymardi type that ^01:31
intelikeyfind /boot/grub/stage101:31
mardiintelikey: fing: /boot/grub: No such file or directory01:31
mardiintelikey: *find:01:32
Jucatobah...  why is that not working anymore?!?!01:32
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intelikeyok leave the grub prompt just like it is and do this in another konsole window or tab      sudo fdisk -l01:33
Jucatomardi: do you know what hard disk and partition the /boot directory is installed in?01:33
mardiintelikey: doing it now01:33
intelikeymardi don't flood the irc channle  just look for the new ext3 partition01:34
mardiJucato: don't know, we have XP installed in partiton 1, have had linux on this box before with grub fine tho01:34
intelikeyassuming ext3    ^01:35
mardisudo fdisk -l says boot is on /dev/sda101:35
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intelikeymardi ok well try that.    in the grub prompt type   root /dev/sda101:36
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mardishows sda1 as NTFS, sda2 as linux swap / Solaris, sda3 as Linux01:36
intelikeywait then.01:36
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intelikeymardi ok well try that.    in the grub prompt type   root /dev/sda301:36
=== Jucato head spins
intelikeyyeah me too.01:36
intelikeyjust not all the way around like Jucato's....01:37
intelikeyhow does he do that ???01:37
mardiat grub prompt we put in: root /dev/sda3 and it said: Error 11: Unrecognized device string01:37
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Jucatointelikey: Exorcist :)01:38
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Jucatomardi: root (hd0,2)01:38
intelikeyok try    root (hd0,2)01:38
r3d|linehi all any body help me01:38
kageko_anyone know a useful smsclient?01:38
externadept_installer crashes with error http://pastebin.com/866187, not long after pressing on "unsupported" or "proprietary" check boxes. What can I do?01:38
externit used to work some time ago properly01:38
=== Jucato kicks pastebin to load faster
mardiintelikey Jucato: believe that worked, no error01:39
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intelikeymardi setup (hd0)01:39
marditry installing again?01:39
mardiintelikey: ok01:39
intelikeyif that doesn't error.  exit01:40
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r3d|lineheelp please01:40
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intelikeyJucato are we leaving out (hd0) in the find syntax ?01:41
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mardiintelikey: at grub prompt we put in: setup (hd0), and it said: Checking if "/boot/grub/stage1" exists... no  Checking if "/grub/stage1" exists... no  Error 15: File not found01:41
externcan anyone name a hex editor?01:41
Jucatoextern: khexedit01:41
r3d|line"You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "disks-conf-hda5"."01:41
Jucatointelikey: hm....01:42
externso no idea about my adept_installer error?01:42
Jucatoextern: are you running it from a root prompt?01:42
externwith sudo01:42
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intelikeymardi that's why it failed.  grub package didn't install correctly i guess01:42
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Jucatoextern: yes, but in a regular user prompt?01:42
externI first ran it through the program menu01:42
externit crashed01:42
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externand then I ran it through the terminal01:42
Jucatomardi: did you run setup (hd0) immediately after "root (hd0,2)"?01:42
externregular one01:42
externto see why was it crashing01:43
mardiJucato: yes01:43
intelikeymardi in the other tab   sudo mount /dev/sda3 /media && ls /media/boot01:43
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mardiJucato: all at grub prompt01:43
_AnA_ :) Hi  boys Does someone knows how can I swith off the screen without log out01:43
Jucato_AnA_: what do you mean?01:43
mardiintelikey: ok, one tic01:43
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Jucato*tic* done!01:44
gnomefreak_AnA_: lock the screen01:44
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gnomefreakif i understand you right01:44
intelikeyJucato :)01:44
=== Jucato didn't understand and didn't presume, that's why he asked...
intelikeyhe seems to have a .001hz clock01:44
=== gnomefreak been up for almost 5 hours now and brain still hasnt started working
mardiintelikey: ok, spit out some file names, one of them being grub01:44
intelikeymardi ok    ls /media/boot/grub01:45
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intelikeywe are now looking for  'stage1'01:45
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mardiintelikey: Comes up with "device.map"01:46
acemosudo rm -r /media/boot/grub01:46
intelikeymardi is that all ?01:46
mardiintelikey: yep01:46
intelikeyJucato is 'stage1' generic ?01:46
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Jucatointelikey: yes01:47
Jucatoacemo: huh?01:47
acemojucato: sorry was on a wrong window01:47
intelikeymardi ok in that other tab "not grub" try this.  sudo chroot /media grub-install hd001:47
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_AnA_no I am watching a dvd in linux Kubu but the monitor turn off everytimes01:48
Jucato_AnA_: ah... power management. System Settings -> Monitor & Display -> Power Management tab, turn it off01:48
mardiintelikey: Says "/dev/sda3: Not found or not a block device."01:49
Jucatoalso check if you have a screensaver enabled, disable it01:49
sleepy745Does kubuntu have /dev/null?01:49
Jucatoof course ;)01:49
intelikeymardi now   ls /media/boot/grub/      i hope it copied files over.01:50
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intelikeysleepy745 udev "should" make a null device.01:50
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_AnA_thx jucato01:51
mardiintelikey: Says "device.map"  .. that's it01:51
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about grub-install - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:51
intelikeymardi idk.   if i had hands on i'd do something.  just don't know what...01:52
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=== Jucato returns intelikey's hands and puts them back on
mardiintelikey: is there a way we can remove it all and start again?01:52
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:53
Jucatomardi: check that GrubHowto... might be helpful01:53
mardiJucato: will do01:53
intelikeymardi just   exit   in the grub prompt and exit the other too and start the install again.01:53
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intelikeyif you are at that point.01:54
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mardiintelikey: in the install, where should we tell it to install grub exactly? (Just so I don't f*** it up again)01:54
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_AnA_:) Hi does kubuntu has a program task (run a program in xxhrs)01:54
intelikeyJucato i'm gona leave it with you.     (and thanks for the hands)01:54
intelikeyJucato mardi01:55
Jucato_AnA_: kcron I think. not really sure01:55
intelikeymardi jucato01:55
JucatoI'm not so well-versed with grub...01:55
chavo_AnA_, yes there is an app called kcron01:55
_AnA_thx all01:56
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mardiJucato: Reading those links.01:57
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_AnA_ok boys now one no so easy I am usin kubu lst 6.06 and I am trying to actualizate gaim this is the link http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=235&package_id=253&release_id=47963102:05
_AnA_Wich one should I download02:05
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Jucato!info gaim dapper02:05
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ubotugaim: multi-protocol instant messaging client. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.5.0+1.5.1cvs20051015-1ubuntu10 (dapper), package size 816 kB, installed size 2148 kB02:05
Jucato_AnA_: any reason the one from the repositories doesn't work?02:06
Jucatodon't want to use Kopete instead? heheh :D02:06
_AnA_yes ubotu but I wanna actualizate to 2.002:06
_AnA_becouse the 1.1 has a bug with hotmail02:06
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_AnA_Jucato what you mean to search on internet "!info gaim dapper"02:08
_AnA_no thx jucato becouse gaim is aswell a irc02:08
Jucato_AnA_: I was just calling the bot (ubotu)02:08
JucatoKopete can do IRC too, although KOnversation is probably for that02:08
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_AnA_yes I know but gaim is multiplataform02:09
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_AnA_and I can you in win aswell, by the way do you know how can I actualizate?02:10
Jucatonot really. there's seems to be no package available for Kubuntu/Debian in that download page. which means you'd have to compile from source if you really really want that version of GAIM. but that's a bit more complicated02:10
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vincenthi, i just wanted to know about updating the menu from the command line02:13
vincentas i remember there being a bug with it not automatically displaying particular apps02:13
Jucatovincent: what happened?02:13
Jucatowhat version of Kubuntu are you running?02:13
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Jucatovincent: ah yes...02:13
_AnA_Jucato can I use a gaim gnome version on kubuntu02:14
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Jucatoignore the error messages02:14
_AnA_kubu lts 6.0602:14
Jucato_AnA_: the one from Ubuntu? yes. but that's version 1.5.x02:14
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_AnA_and are there any gaim 2.0 ?02:15
_AnA_or futher than 1.502:15
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Jucato!info gaim dapper-backports02:16
ubotuPackage gaim does not exist in dapper-backports02:16
Jucato!info gaim edgy02:16
ubotugaim: multi-protocol instant messaging client. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.0.0+beta3.1-1ubuntu9 (edgy), package size 1311 kB, installed size 3712 kB02:16
Jucato_AnA_: seems like Edgy (6.10) has Gaim 2.002:16
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mardiJucato: We're in the livecd installer (again), can you tell me what it means to set a partition "active"?02:17
_AnA_how do you know?02:17
Jucato_AnA_: gaim: multi-protocol instant messaging client. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.0.0+beta3.1-1ubuntu9 (edgy), package size 1311 kB, installed size 3712 kB02:17
Jucatomardi: which guide are you reading?02:18
gnomefreakJucato: your not german are you? please say yes ;)02:18
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mardiJucato: guide.. we don't need no stinkin' guide!!!02:18
Jucatognomefreak: I'm not :P02:18
mardiJucato: ;)02:18
Jucatomardi: :P02:18
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Jucatomardi: I just need to see the context of your question :)02:19
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_AnA_Jucato How can I see the program that are comming with the last kubu version02:20
mardiJucato: We are in qtparted  - I just wanted to know what it means to set a partition "active"..02:20
JOSF_Do I really have to download all available languages for certain documentations ? For example, the package with the docs for Digikam contains more than ten languages, so is with the image-plugins. All I want is english and german docs. Any chance ?02:20
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=== david__ is back.
JOSF_mardi: The active partition is the one the BIOS will boot from. Only one partition can be active. On Windows this would be C:\02:21
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JOSF_But if you have a bootmanager (like GRUB) you can boot from other partitions too.02:22
Jucatomardi: aah... not really sure...02:22
Jucato_AnA_: I asked the bot02:22
mardiJOSF: oooh, thanks.02:22
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_AnA_how do you ask the bot?02:25
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:25
HymnToLife_AnA_, /msg ubotu !whatever02:25
Jucato_AnA_: you can also try searching in http://packages.ubuntu.com02:25
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_AnA_ /msg ubotu !whatever02:26
_AnA_ /msg ubotu02:26
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_AnA_ /msg ubotu help02:26
emonkey_AnA_, without a space02:26
emonkeyas first char02:27
_AnA_thx emonkey02:27
_AnA_thx jucato & hymntolife02:28
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=== Jucato thumbs up
_AnA_so ubotu is a bot about ubuntu and kubu isn't it?02:28
HymnToLifeabout all Ubuntus02:29
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JOSF_Do I really have to download all available languages for certain documentations ? For example, the package with the docs for Digikam contains more than ten languages, so is with the image-plugins. All I want is english and german docs. Any chance ?02:29
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SkrotHi. Is there a "official" way to get Java 6 on edgy?02:35
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Lunar_LampI've just installed the kubuntu-desktop package, but I'm having problems configuring my kubuntu desktop to how I want it. I want a panel at the top, and a panel at the bottom (somewhat like the gnome setup).02:36
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository02:36
SkrotThats java 502:36
Lunar_LampHowever, I can't seem to configure the panel at the bottom, when I right click it and click "configure panel" it configures the top panel and not the bottom one.02:37
gnomefreakSkrot: you have to install it from java. no java6 packages for edgy02:37
emonkeySkrot, in Feisty theres is Java 602:37
JucatoLunar_Lamp: restart the panel by pressing Alt+F2 then typing "dcop kicker kicker restart"02:37
Skrotokay, thanks :)02:38
Jucatojava 6 may be backported to edgy.... but that's not a 100% certainty02:38
HymnToLifeLunar_Lamp, when hitting Configure Panel, you should have a dropdown list in the window, letting you choose which one you want to configure02:38
Lunar_LampJucato, I did that, but I'm not sure what that was supposed to do.02:38
Lunar_LampHymnToLife, I don't. I just have the single option "configure panel".02:39
JucatoLunar_Lamp: I just said it. it restarts the KDE Panel (kicker)02:39
JucatoHymnToLife: it's a KDE 3.5.5 bug..02:39
HymnToLifeJucato, I'm running KDE 3.5.5 too02:39
Lunar_LampWhat I have done is made the default kicker "tiny" and dragged it to the top of the screen.  I then added a new panel by right clicing on the panel and selecting new panel (panel).02:39
Lunar_LampI want the panel at the bottom to autohide, be a different size etc.02:40
JucatoHymnToLife: try it. add a Panel, right-click and Configure Panel. there's not dropdown list. or if there is, the new panel isn't added to the list02:40
JucatoLunar_Lamp: you can. after you have restarted Kicker, you'll be able to select the position and hiding settings of individual panels02:40
HymnToLifeJucato, there definitely is one here, and the new panel definitely appears02:41
HymnToLifebut I'm not running Kubuntu though...02:41
=== Jucato scratches his chin
JucatoHymnToLife: what distro?02:41
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Lunar_LampJucato, no, I can't...02:41
HymnToLifeJucato, FBSD02:41
Jucatomight be Linux only then...02:41
JucatoLunar_Lamp: what do you mean you can't?02:41
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Lunar_LampAh, sorry, my mistake.02:41
Lunar_LampI was expecting the option in a different place.02:42
Lunar_LampI was expecting it in the right-click menu rather than in the config screen itself.02:42
Jucatothe dropdown list would be at the top of the window02:42
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_AnA_:) Hi the last question for today know someones if konqueror (multiplataform webbrowser) can run on windows xp?02:45
ayeizajedihi all, does anyone know if there is still issues with the ATI driver and x1400's concerning 3D ???02:45
Jucato_AnA_: no. at least not yet with the current version of KDE02:45
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Lunar_LampIs it possible to get icons on the desktop for removable media (a la GNOME style)?02:46
_AnA_Jucato but there is a proyect to do it isn't it?02:46
matt0507_AnA_:  i think thats an up and coming in kde4, but im not very sure 100%02:46
Admiral_ClassLunar_Lamp: kde-look.org has KDE art02:46
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Admiral_Classthat would be the way to go02:46
JucatoLunar_Lamp: right-click -> Create New -> Link to Device?02:46
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Jucato_AnA_: well, not really. it's not a cross-platform browser anyway02:47
frojndwhat is the command that tells how space u have on hds ?02:47
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_AnA_:) thx boys and hasta la vista02:47
Jucatofrojnd: df -h02:47
Lunar_LampJucato, sorry, I don't think i was clear. What I mean is, that when I plug in a USB stick and it is automounted, I get an icon for it on my desktop.02:47
JucatoLunar_Lamp: it does that by default (at least it should)02:47
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Lunar_LampJucato, oh, ok thanks. I haven't used KDE for ages and last time I did it didn't do that. I assumed I'd have to configure that behaviour.02:48
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:48
ScarFreewillwhat is irc's port?02:48
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Admiral_Classmost people use 8001 iirc02:48
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Jucato6667 is default, 8001 is secure (no DCC)02:49
Admiral_ClassJucato is right. /me leaves02:49
JucatoAdmiral_Class: shouldn't you be studying? :P02:49
Admiral_Classleaving now02:49
Jucatohehe have fun!02:50
=== Jucato looks at Kate with his unfinished blog post sitting there... waiting...
Lunar_LampMy startxgl.sh script is currently this: http://www.pastebin.it/index.php?id=2800 - would I just substitute "gnome" for "kde" to make it load kde, or are there other settings in there that would need altering?02:51
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JucatoLunar_Lamp: you could ask in #ubuntu-xgl02:55
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Lunar_LampJucato, ok thanks.02:55
Lunar_LampOk, as you can see, I really don't know KDE at all.02:56
Lunar_LampHow do I install themes ok KDE?02:56
Lunar_Lampi.e. ones I have downloaded from kde-look.02:56
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Jucato!changethemes | Lunar_Lamp02:57
ubotuLunar_Lamp: [Ubuntu]  Install gnome-themes or go to menu, system settings, appearance. [KDE]  For a good KDE guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu02:57
Lunar_LampApologies for all the basic questions, I know they're not fun to answer.02:59
Jucatonah it's ok02:59
Jucatowe were all beginners once02:59
Jucatothat's what the bot is for.. for those basic questions that are not fun to answer :P03:00
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Gimmycomposit manager crash two time in a minute03:00
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Jucatowhich composite manager?03:01
Gimmyit-s the cause of beryl window decorator crash03:01
Jucatoaah... #ubuntu-xgl for you, too :)03:01
Gimmywhat's the possibile solution?03:01
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Jucato!es | rgil03:05
uboturgil: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.03:05
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TheHermitWhat is the best Dowenload manger for kubuntu03:08
Jucatodownload manager *not* a download accelerator03:09
HymnToLifekget ftw03:09
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Tm_TWget <303:12
JucatoTm_T <303:13
JucatoTm_T <--<3----<03:13
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TheHermitIS there a download accelerator03:15
Jucatofor Linux? not that I'm aware of...03:16
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TheHermitazureus telling me that there is suitable parser on thsi system what that mena ....sorry my english is no very good03:19
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BluesKajhowdy all03:20
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StonezHow do I configure Kubuntu, so that it will use VLC to open videofiles everytime I click them?03:25
JucatoKonqueror -> Settings -> COnfigure Konqueror -> File Associations03:26
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StonezJucato: thanks03:26
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ubotuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/03:29
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wimpiesHI all, I have a zen sleek photo.  When I plug it in I can seem my files but the Konqueror claims it as a camera.  Also amarok is unable to detect the device ? Suggestions ?03:31
boblenyHey, is there a ubuntu irc channel for MySQL help?03:31
StonezOne more thing. I wan't Konqueror to show my directories in treemode everytime i use it, how do I do that?03:31
Jucatobobleny: ubuntu specific mysql? I don't think so. there might be a #mysql in freenode though03:32
wimpiesbobleny : not for ubuntu but try #mysql03:32
JucatoStonez: after you change to treemode, try Settings -> Save View Profile03:32
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Stonezok, thanks again :)03:32
boblenyI'm there....03:32
Lunar_LampHow do I stop windows from all workspaces being shown in the taskbar?03:33
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JucatoLunar_Lamp: right-click panel -> Configure Panel -> Taskbar options03:33
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Lunar_LampAh, wait.03:36
Lunar_LampThis is an XGL issue.03:36
Lunar_LampKDE detects only one desktop even if there are many viewports.03:36
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boblenyDoes anyone know the directory of the mysql database in kubuntu? I used apt-get to install it, so its in the defualt location where ever that is....03:40
PupenoWhere's artscontrol today ? I can't find it anywhere.03:40
Pupenobobleny: /var/lib/mysql. dpkg -L some-package can help you with that questions.03:41
chuenHi. I've been using Skype successfully for a week or 2 now. Suddenly the other party can't hear me (which may be a blessing!). Seriously, I haven't altered any settings on 'mixer'. Anyone got any clues? Thanks.03:41
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boblenyOK, ty03:43
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arailthcomo pueda configurar xgl en mi computadora03:53
arailthsoy nuevo con linux03:54
arailthy tengo ladistribucion de ubuntu03:54
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Jucato!es | arailth03:54
ubotuarailth: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.03:54
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StonezFor some reason I can't download with Ktorrent, it doesn't show any seeders/leechers. I haven't installet a firewall yet, unless it's installed automatically with Kubuntu. What do I have to do, to make this work?04:04
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StonezAnyone know how i can download torrents in Ubuntu?04:12
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LjL!torrent | Stonez04:13
BluesKajStonez, check in the config menu to open your TCP and UDP ports in order to download04:13
ubotuStonez: Torrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt)  -  Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html04:13
LjLi suggest ktorrent since we're in #kubuntu04:14
Stonezyup, that's the one i want to use, I'll see if i can locate that configmenu04:14
Stonezerhm.. where do I find that?04:14
Stonezthat menu04:15
StonezBluesKaj: ?04:15
LjLStonez: i'm not sure what blueskaj meant to be honest. ktorrent has some port settings, but it just lets you *select* ports (and i'd probably leave those at default)04:15
LjLit does however tell you that, if you're behind a NAT'ing router, you need to forward those ports04:15
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LjLhow to do that of course depends entirely on the router04:15
Stonezyea... But i'm not behind a NAT04:16
LjLmost of them have a web interface on port 80 or 808004:16
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Stonezi just don't get any seeders/leechers04:16
LjLthen ktorrent should work fine by default04:16
Stonezso i'm guessing ktorrent is blocked somewhere04:16
LjLhave you tried downloading the Ubuntu bittorrent image?04:16
Stonezbut, maybe i have to run it with Sudo ?04:16
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ionnyho un problema04:29
ionnymi sn appena insatato linux04:29
LjL!it | ionny04:30
ubotuionny: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!04:30
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BluesKajStonez, LjL , I meant some ppl have dsl modems requiring port forwarding similar to those on routers ...sorry for being so obscure04:31
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ionnyouuu ma xke non scrive nessuno??04:32
LjLBluesKaj: i meant the same, i used "router" as "router or modem" (well, a modem with such features really is a router i guess)04:32
LjL!it | ionny04:32
ubotuionny: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!04:32
LjLUbotu, tell ionny about it | ionny, see the private message from Ubotu04:33
BluesKajyup ;)04:33
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surgyhey guys im trying to install kubuntu on a 600 mhz laptop using the alternate install it only has 64 mb ram, i know thats a little weak but is it possible?04:34
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mindspinsurgey I would suggest xubuntu for that machibe04:35
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mindspinalthogh 46 is weak even for xubuntu04:36
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surgymindspin: yeah will it runs win2k pretty nice04:37
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mindspinwin2k wuth 64 M nope no fun at all when ever04:37
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mindspin2k needs 64 M just for the system so you probably have a lot of swapping04:38
surgymindspin: but i should be able to expect the same performance out of kubuntu that i got out of win2k right?04:39
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mindspinI dunno ;-) but if you are satisfied with w2k on that machine kubuntu could be fine for you04:39
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surgywell im running kubuntu on this machine (my desktop, which is alot more powerfull) and i love the os, i just need a new os on the laptop04:40
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m1shacan anyone help with a missing konsole?04:41
Jucatohow is it missing?04:41
Lynourem1sha: Missing in what way?04:41
m1shaIt won't run04:42
Lynourem1sha: what happens when you try?04:42
m1shaLynoure: I get a "SIGILL" from the crash handler04:42
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m1shaif it helps I can't sun ash or sash or zsh (from the damn GNOME "Terminal" I'm using now")04:45
Jucatoform gnome-terminal, can you launch "konsole"?04:45
m1shaJucato: quits with "KCrash: Application 'konsole' crashing..."04:46
Jucatohm... do you remember doing anything before you got this?04:46
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m1shaJucato: ya, I installed the beryl konsole-alpha but I uninstalled that and reinstalled konsole and still now joy04:48
Jucatomight be some config files left by the one from beryl04:49
Lenaud01are you using apt-get m1sha?04:49
m1shaLenaud01: yep04:49
m1shaJucato: any way to find out/ repair?04:50
Lenaud01apt-get does not uninstall apps all that well I found so I would say Jucato is right that you have left over config files04:50
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Jucatom1sha: what's the name of the konsole-alpha package?04:50
Jucatoand does it overwrite "konsole"?04:50
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Lenaud01is beryl good? I was thinking of doing it today04:50
=== Jucato points to m1sha...
lotusleafLenaud01: yes it is #ubuntu-xgl04:51
JucatoLenaud01: it's that good :)04:51
TheGateKeeperLenaud01, have a look at the sabayon live dvd04:51
Lenaud01thanks I was using gentoo before making the switch to kubuntu04:51
Lenaud01I could not get it going in gentoo04:51
lotusleafLenaud01: the latest Knoppix Live CD has it too04:51
TheGateKeeperLenaud01, how so?04:51
m1shaJucato: it's caed konsole alpha and it's from trevino's SVN repos04:51
m1shaJucato: sorry that's konsole-alpha04:52
Lenaud01TheGateKeeper I am semi new to linux so was most likly my own flub04:52
Lenaud01Kubuntu is more user friendly I find, gentoo is good for speed though04:52
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m1shaLenaud01: beryl is really fantastic, slightly dodgy but great for showing off04:52
AHinMainecould anyone tell me how to force remove a package?  i was trying to install something and it failed during install, now dpkg is saying it's in some horrible state...04:52
Lenaud01yea I was impressed by the screen shots of beryl04:53
JucatoAHinMaine: have you tried "sudo apt-get -f install"?04:53
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TheGateKeeperLenaud01, well if you need help I have gentoo installed & know helpfull folks04:53
m1shaAHinMaine: that might be "sudo apt-get -f remove"04:53
Jucatom1sha: no04:53
Jucato-f isn't "force"04:53
Jucatoit's "fix"04:54
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Jucatoin apt-get at least04:54
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Lenaud01doing the install right now from the Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) cd04:54
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Jucatom1sha: try going to ~/.kde/share/config and rename/move konsolerc04:54
Lenaud01thanks TheGateKeeper do you use gentoo over kubuntu?04:54
m1shaJucato: I keep getting mixed up between all the package manager (I used to be SuSE)04:54
AHinMainenope.   don't know jack about this package management system.04:54
TheGateKeeperLenaud01, yes, this machine is dual boot, I am using gentoo now04:55
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JucatoAHinMaine: what were you trying to install, and how?04:55
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AHinMainebe nice if there was a translation table of commands for different package manage systems...04:55
AHinMainei was trying to install java.04:55
Lenaud01TheGateKeeper then you will be the best person in your opionon apt-get or emerge who rules?04:55
JucatoAHinMaine: using Adept?04:55
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TheGateKeeperLenaud01, the only down side is the time taken compiling from source, but portage is MUCH CLEVERER than apt-get04:56
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TheGateKeeperemerge RULES04:56
AHinMaineeasy ubuntu failed, it couldn't even download the files.  i tried adept, but it got some errors and crapped out halfway through.  now i'm left with just two of the packages that say they are installed but they are in a broken state...04:56
m1shaJucato: I tried romoving konsolerc but it's still the same04:57
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JucatoAHinMaine: try this command: "sudo dpkg --configure -a"04:57
TheGateKeeperI can use it to mask, downgrade, upgrade etc, can't do that with apt-get04:57
m1shalol easyubuntu is a nightmare04:57
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Lenaud01yea thats the one thing I know is the downside to kubuntu is apt-get but I figure I will learn and if I see the need to switch I can install gentoo again04:57
Lenaud01I had gentoo up and running04:57
AHinMaineyeah, i did that.  but when I try to remove the package it says it can't.04:57
Lenaud01but it was failing for things like kbfx04:57
TheGateKeeperLenaud01, have another go, or try sabayon04:58
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JucatoAHinMaine: what did it say with "sudo dpkg --configure -a"?04:58
AHinMainenothing, it dropped me right back to a prompt.04:59
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JucatoAHinMaine: sudo apt-get -f install04:59
AHinMainei did, it seems to be picking up where it left off...  waiting for it now.05:00
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TheGateKeeperLenaud01, I do emerge --sync emerge -uD world everyday, keeps it up to date, no messing around like you have to do with binary distros when they go to the next version05:00
Lenaud01I was doing emerge -uDf world && emerge -uD world05:01
TheGateKeeperLenaud01, emerge --sync emerge -uD world is all you need05:01
Lenaud01world takes a long time though05:02
Lenaud01so I liked to do the f option05:02
Lenaud01to fetch all the updates05:02
Lenaud01then compile05:02
Jucato#kubuntu-offtopic is what we all need....05:02
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ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository05:02
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Lenaud01I agree im trying to talk about kubuntu Jucato :)05:02
Lenaud01but TheGateKeeper is just comparing05:02
Lenaud01so its still on topic05:02
Jucatonot really... it's not a kubuntu support question :)05:03
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Lenaud01ok I got one :)05:04
Lenaud01I just installed kubuntu05:04
Lenaud01and when I reboot it loads kde and I get a Error - artsmessage Sound server fator error: cpu overload, aborting05:05
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TheGateKeeperJucato, be carefull what you ask for ^^^^ lol :-)05:06
letmagnauhi how can i execute a bin archive?05:06
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TheGateKeeperletmagnau, you need to make it executable 1 min05:06
JucatoTheGateKeeper: I didn't ask for anything except to continue the interesting emerge konversation in -offtopic05:07
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letmagnauhow i can make it?05:07
Lenaud01how about my kubuntu support question?05:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gamrz - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:07
TheGateKeeperletmagnau, chmod +rx scriptname (gives everyone read/execute permission)05:07
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TheGateKeeperJucato, :-)05:08
Lenaud01when I reboot it loads kde and I get a Error - artsmessage Sound server fator error: cpu overload, aborting?05:08
JucatoLenaud01: you're not able to get inside KDE?05:08
Lenaud01no I am05:08
Lenaud01I just get that msg over and over again05:08
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TheGateKeeperletmagnau, chmod 555 scriptname  does the same job too05:09
Lenaud01I push ok and it comes back after a min or 205:09
Lenaud01and slows the computer way down right before it pops05:09
Jucatoarts.... :(05:09
Lenaud01yea its an arts msg05:09
=== Jucato has no arts... unfortunately... :(
Lenaud01I did not even ask for it lol05:09
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Lenaud01going check the system settings05:10
tzbishopca nanybody help config my mic?05:10
Lenaud01the word server makes it sound like a sound server05:10
Lenaud01and I dont need that at all05:10
Jucatoarts is a sound server05:10
Jucatokde uses it for system notificaitons05:11
slyfoxCan somone please help with TrueCrypt ? I want to get it from here http://www.truecrypt.org/downloads.php    There is one for Ubuntu 6.10 is that the one I should get to install on Kubuntu ?05:11
animimotusplease, with aptitude, in command line, how know the dependancies for one paquet?05:11
tzbishopI can hear the echo of the mic, but i cant use it w/ skype and gizmo. can ANYBODY help me?05:11
LjLanimimotus: aptitude show packagename05:11
Jucatoslyfox: yes. Kubuntu and Ubuntu have the same packages05:11
animimotusthx LjL05:11
tzbishopi have the screenshot05:12
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Lenaud01there a way to fix it or shut it off Jucato?05:12
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tzbishopplease, can anyone help me with the microphone?05:13
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JucatoLenaud01: don't know how to fix it, but I know how to use something other than arts for system notifications05:13
slyfoxJucato: can I get truecrypt via Adept Manager ?05:13
Jucatoslyfox: you saw it in the Ubuntu repositories, then yes05:13
TheGateKeepertzbishop, what's the problem?05:14
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tzbishopTheGateKeeper: i can hear the echo when i talk on the mic but i cant use skype or gizmo05:15
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tzbishopTheGateKeeper: tzbishop.homelinux.net:8080/7.png05:15
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Lenaud01I will check the wiki thanks Jucato05:16
slyfoxJucato: I get a depandancy error - dmsetup not installed. But this dmsetup is not in Adept manager05:17
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TheGateKeepertzbishop, try pressing on the green button to turn it off, & turn the red button on at the bottom, think it will go orange05:17
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slyfoxJucato: Can you please see if you can install it05:18
tzbishopTheGateKeeper: i have tried it05:18
Jucatoslyfox: what is the name of the package?05:18
slyfoxJucato: it is not in the Adept, I got true crypt from here:  http://www.truecrypt.org/faq.php05:19
slyfoxJucato: sorry, I mean here http://www.truecrypt.org/downloads.php05:19
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EruantalonWhy doesn't this regexp work? locate -r "grey|gray"05:19
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Jucatoslyfox: ah... you downloaded the .deb?05:20
slyfoxJucato: Yes, for Ubuntu 6.1005:20
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Jucatoslyfox: dmsetup is in Adept05:20
slyfoxJucato: let me see again05:21
Jucato!dmsetup | slyfox05:21
TheGateKeepertzbishop, did it work?05:21
ubotudmsetup: The Linux Kernel Device Mapper userspace library. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.02.07-1ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 26 kB, installed size 88 kB05:21
tzbishopTheGateKeeper: no05:21
slyfoxJucato: are you typing this in Adept "dmsetup" ?05:21
Jucatoslyfox: what are you using? Add/Remove Programs or Adept Manager?05:21
Jucatoslyfox: I'm using apt-get05:22
tzbishopTheGateKeeper: I have already tried to press buttons, alsamixer, etc....something is wrong05:22
slyfoxJucato: Adept Manager and it is not there05:22
Jucatoslyfox: it should be there. "apt-cache show dmsetup"05:22
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TheGateKeepertzbishop, I had similar agro with my mike, do you want me to reboot into kubuntu & show you what I have?05:23
slyfoxJucato: this command "apt-cache show dmsetup" gives me nothing in terminal05:23
Jucatoslyfox: then I guess you don't have your repositories enabled. is this a new installation?05:23
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slyfoxJucato: kind of new, but I did enable evrything I saw in Adept amanger05:24
slyfoxJucato: let me check again05:24
Jucatoslyfox: did you disable the cdrom line?05:24
slyfoxJucato: now I did05:25
TheGateKeeperslyfox, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_add_extra_repositories05:25
tzbishopTheGateKeeper: if it's going to bother you, it's not necessary05:25
slyfoxJucato: it is getting the updates again now05:25
Jucatoslyfox: no wonder. if you have the cdrom line still enabled, it will try to look for the installer cd instead of the online repos05:25
TheGateKeepertzbishop, ok I will reboot brb05:25
dustI'm trying to compile gaim-encryption, but recivie error messages... first it was 'bout gaim, so I installed gaim-dev, then it gives me "checking for GTK+ - version >= 2.0.0... no" when I05:26
slyfoxJucato: now I got dmsetup, thank you :-) I will try to install true crypt05:27
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dusttry "vsudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev" it gives me dependency errors, about libgtk2.0-dev: Depends: libpango1.0-dev (>= 1.12) but it is not going to be install and  Depends: libcairo2-dev (>= 1.2.0) but it is not going to be installe05:27
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EruantalonWhy doesn't this regexp work? locate -r "grey|gray"05:28
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JucatoEruantalon: might want to try in #bash05:29
Eruantalonk, thanks05:30
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TheGateKeepertzbishop: k I am back05:30
tzbishopTheGateKeeper: could send me a screenshot of you kmix interface?05:31
TheGateKeepertzbishop: 1 min05:31
tzbishopTheGateKeeper: like this: tzbishop.homelinux.net:8080/7.png  and 8.png05:31
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TheHermitin the kde menu i moved the adept to other menu and now i cant find it ...any idea05:31
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Eyelesscreate a new shortcut :P05:32
JucatoTheHermit: try the menu editor?05:32
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TheHermitjucato, i open it and i cant find the adept and i dont knwo which right commands to make a new shortcut05:33
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TheGateKeeperI can never remember what's a good screenshot pastebin folks?05:33
Lenaud01darn wiki fix did not work :(05:34
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JucatoTheHermit: kdesu adept05:34
Lenaud01arts server crashing anyone know fix?05:34
TheHermitjucato , okay05:34
tzbishopTheGateKeeper: u can send it by email05:35
tzbishopTheGateKeeper: knsapshot to take the screenshot05:35
TheHermitjucato, Done Thanks05:35
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tzbishopTheGateKeeper: tzbishop2k@yahoo.es05:36
TheGateKeepertzbishop: there is a pastebin that let's you do this, 1 min while I find it05:36
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TheGateKeepertzbishop: not is a public place lol05:37
tzbishopTheGateKeeper: u can email me if u want05:37
dominikhello world05:37
TheHermitjuato , i had this command adpet cant found05:37
lovlosswhere does lubuntu put c++ libraries for qt?05:38
TheHermitstarnge ha05:38
JucatoTheHermit: it's adept, not adpet05:38
Lenaud01how do I stop the arts server msgs :(05:38
TheHermitjucato, okay i take it copy past05:39
JucatoLenaud01: kill artsd05:39
TheHermitokay okay05:39
Lenaud01would I not have to do that everytime then?05:39
TheHermitjucato, Same result05:40
JucatoLenaud01: not if you don't use arts :D05:40
TheHermitwait a seconed05:40
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JucatoTheHermit: er sorry.. are you on Edgy?05:40
Lenaud01dumb question then Jucato im newbie :| how would I kill it05:40
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TheHermitjucato, yes05:41
JucatoLenaud01: Ctrl+Esc, look for artsd :)05:41
JucatoTheHermit: oh my bad... it's "kdesu adept_manager"05:41
TheHermitjucato , no bad me bec if i think i would do it Never mind05:41
Lenaud01wow cant get much more like windows there lol thats easy05:41
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TheHermitjucato, Bec add-remove the same but _installer :)05:42
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JucatoTheHermit: yeah.... sorry about that. I forgot they renamed adept in Edgy05:43
Jucatoin Dapper it was plain "adept"05:43
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TheHermitjucato, ok05:43
magnus_newbie I have disk full because of too much KTorrent. As Kubuntu will not start I need to delete files, rm from th consol makes no different so now I try to run Kbunto from the CD and thinks I can run fsck on the normal HDD. My problem is how do I mount th harddriv from the Kubuntu I start from the CD05:44
TheGateKeepertzbishop: http://img295.imageshack.us/my.php?image=kmixswitches1ss7dl.png05:44
TheHermitjucato, if i had i themes (style) How Can i install it ...Any idea05:44
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TheHermitjucato, i cant From System seeting05:45
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barraso , I updated dapper to edgy, everything seems fine , except for this one issue, if I close the lid on my laptop and it supends, when I open the lid again my wireless doesn't reconnect. any ideass??05:45
Jucato!changethemes | TheHermit05:45
ubotuTheHermit: [Ubuntu]  Install gnome-themes or go to menu, system settings, appearance. [KDE]  For a good KDE guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu05:45
TheGateKeepertzbishop: http://img299.imageshack.us/my.php?image=kmixswitches2ss4dh.png05:45
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TheHermitjucato, okay05:45
tzbishopTheGateKeeper: lets change it05:45
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TheGateKeepertzbishop: yw :-) that is what works for me hope it does for you05:46
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Lenaud01Jucato I did the ctrl+esc got the process manager told it to kill artsd and it went away and then pops right back?05:46
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JucatoLenaud01: hm... really strange... I wonder what's using arts like that05:47
Lenaud01not sure05:48
Lenaud01trying to find what is doing that05:48
Jucatodo you have KDE Session Manager set to restore from a previous session?05:49
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Lenaud01fresh install05:50
Lenaud01I solved it though :)05:50
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Lenaud01dont know if its kosher but its working lol05:50
StonezI've installed Azereus, but it won't start. Could it be because i need some java installed ?05:51
Stonezand if so, how do I install that?05:51
JucatoLenaud01: yeah, KDE/Kubuntu defaults to restore from previous session05:51
Jucato!java | Stonez05:51
ubotuStonez: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository05:51
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Lenaud01with your tip of ctrl+etc I seen that artsd was loading from /var/usr/bin I think it was so I just went to that dir and did sudo rm -r artsd and killed the process and then it died and did not come back lol05:51
Jucato /var/usr/bin??05:52
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barra^ seems like an odd place for artsd to be running from05:52
Lenaud01I ment /usr/bin/artsd05:52
Jucatoyou deleted artsd?!?!05:52
Lenaud01that bad :(05:53
barraif you ever want to use artsd again then yes05:53
Lenaud01cant I just install it again05:53
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CVirussudo apt-get --reinstall install arts05:54
CViruswouldn't that fix it ?05:54
Lenaud01would that get me the correct version05:54
JucatoLenaud01: you don't have normal access to that directory for a reason...05:54
Lenaud01the wiki says I need the lower version to not get the crash and cpu overload error every 5 sec05:54
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Jucatowhat wiki?05:55
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Lenaud01aRtsd dies on every logging in, and comes up with an error message every five seconds after.05:55
Lenaud01that fix did not work05:55
Jucatohm... KDE 3.5 is no longer beta05:56
=== Jucato checks
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Jucatoyeah, definitely an old page05:56
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Jucatoyou won't have any system sound notifications anymore since you deleted artsd05:57
JucatoI'm guessing that the problem could have been from restarting from a previous session05:58
medoes anone know the repositions where i can find libxine-extracodecs05:58
Jucato!multiverse | me05:59
ubotume: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu05:59
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TheHermitThere Is Kde 405:59
StonezI'm having problems installing java. This is the error I get: Couldn't find the package sun-java5-bin (translated from danish)06:00
JucatoTheHermit: not yet06:00
StonezHow do i fix that?06:00
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medamn... ive activated them allready but adept cant find this pakage...06:00
Jucatome: you might not have enabled the correct multiverse06:00
JucatoStonez: do you have multiverse enabled?06:00
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TheHermitjucato, i find themes for it i dont know how on kde-look.org06:00
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Stonez2 lines with multiverse06:01
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Stonezremoved the "#"06:01
JucatoTheHermit: KDE 4 themes? they do not exist yet06:01
SkrotHi. Is there some sort of software to read information about your RAM (how many chips, what kind, etc)?06:01
JucatoStonez: no, not those06:01
Lenaud01trying sudo apt-get --reinstall install arts Jucato06:01
JucatoStonez: you need to *add* the word "multiverse" the primary universe line06:01
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Stonezwhere do I add it?06:02
Jucato(the one with "edgy"  only, no "edgy-security" or "edgy-updates"06:02
Stonezhmm ok06:02
TheHermitjucato, see it if you dont believe me http://www.kde-look.org/index.php?xcontentmode=906:02
Unt0uchablewad up peeps?06:02
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Jucatobeside "universe"06:02
Unt0uchableNegro here from Jamaica06:02
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Jucatoha!! silly kde-look06:02
Unt0uchableJucato, where you from kid?06:03
JucatoTheHermit: how can you theme a KDE version that cannot be really used yet... silly kde-look06:03
Lenaud01you use kde Jucato or different WM?06:03
JucatoLenaud01: pure KDE06:03
TheHermityes you are right06:03
StonezJucato:  is this the one? deb http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy main restricted06:03
barraso , I updated dapper to edgy, everything seems fine , except for this one issue, if I close the lid on my laptop and it supends, when I open the lid again my wireless doesn't reconnect. any ideass??06:04
JucatoStonez: no, the other one with "universe". just add "multiverse" beside it06:04
Lenaud01it was Knotify that kept opening arts by the way Jucato I figured that out06:04
BluesKajUnt0uchable, you LIE! , yer in Canucksville !06:04
Unt0uchableBluesKaj, I'm from Jamaica kid06:04
Unt0uchableBluesKaj, http://www.myspace.com/tappa_taps4eva06:05
BluesKaj<-- no kid , I'm 6306:05
StonezJucato: oh ok, i found it. There's two lines. Add multiverse to both?06:05
magnus_I have 0 available when doing df nithings happn when I remove files using rm any help06:05
JucatoStonez: yep06:05
Stonezok thanks :)06:05
dromerhow do I run a .jar file?06:05
meive in my repositorys Hit http://de.archive.ubuntu.com dapper-backports/multiverse Sources and Hit http://de.archive.ubuntu.com dapper-backports/multiverse Packages06:05
Unt0uchableBluesKaj, that's how we thugs from the streets spit cuz06:06
Unt0uchableBluesKaj, you know how it is06:06
BluesKajno i don't06:06
meand this is what i get: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2752/06:06
Unt0uchableBluesKaj, nvm kid06:07
DeadFishMandromer: Assuming that you the Java Runtime installed, type: java -jar filename.jar06:07
Unt0uchableBluesKaj, where you at?06:07
ionnyeii ce qualcuno06:08
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ionnymi date una mano06:08
dromerthank you DeadFishMan06:08
DeadFishMandromer: yw06:08
DeadFishMan!it | ionny06:08
ubotuionny: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!06:08
BluesKajnorthern ontario06:08
=== rexbron [n=rexbron@complex1-372-008.resnet.yorku.ca] has joined #kubuntu
BluesKajnice and clear ..we get REAL winter here, not soem grey/brown crappy facsimile06:09
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barraI get a semi winter weather, here in connecticut06:10
Unt0uchableBluesKaj, I'm in Brossard Quebec cuz06:10
StonezI've just installed sun-java5-bin, but Azereus still won't start up :(06:10
Stonezwhat could be the cause of that?06:10
Jucato!java | Stonez06:10
ubotuStonez: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository06:10
BluesKajwe can ski , snowboard, play hockey outside , snowmobile , icefish  :)06:10
JucatoStonez: did you follow the procedure to select the default Java version?06:10
Stonezwell, I just did that06:10
JucatoStonez: did you choose Sun Java as your default Java?06:11
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!06:11
Stonezhmm, i pressed enter twice, said "ok" and "accept"06:11
Unt0uchableI'm outta this biach06:11
Stonezi think06:11
StonezKubuntu is killing me :/06:11
JucatoStonez: did you run "sudo update-alternatives --config java"?06:12
Stonezno, will do that now.06:12
JucatoStonez: have you tried KTorrent?06:12
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Stonezyes, but I can't download porn with that one..06:12
Stonezfrom fileporn.org, demonoid works fine..06:12
Stonezyea yea.. ;)06:12
Stonezbeing honest.06:12
DeadFishManStonez: I download porn all the time with that one :P06:12
StonezDeadFishMan: from fileporn.org ?06:12
StonezI won't here06:13
Stonezbut other trackers work fine06:13
toutptplease, i would like to know how well is linux on mac-intel06:13
DeadFishManStonez: Never tried that tracker but some trackers are a little bit picky about the clients that they support06:13
toutptis the hardware well supported now ?06:13
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StonezDeadFishMan: i checked the list to see if Ktorrent is banned, it's not.06:13
StonezJucato: i just tried sudo update-alternatives --config java06:14
Stonezazereus still won't start06:14
DeadFishManStonez: I download a few anime trackers that banned BitComet and pretty much only accept uTorrent and Azureus06:15
JucatoStonez: try starting it from the command line06:15
StonezDeadFishMan: argh, that sucks.. There is no utorrent for linux, and azereus won't work here.. yet..06:15
mehm.. can someone say me where i can edit the reposiorys manual? (the file location)06:15
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=== Jucato never had any problems with KTorrent, so can thankfully stay away from problems with Azureus
Jucatome: can't do it in Adept Manager?06:16
DeadFishManStonez: There are several good bit torrent clients for Linux, no need to use Windows ones. But uTorrent runs just fine under wine, fyi.06:16
Stonezhmm ok06:16
toutptme: /etc/apt/source.list06:16
Stonezerhm, yes?06:17
DeadFishManStonez: But try to start Azureus from the command line and then use the !paste to post the result so that we can take a look06:17
toutptadept sucks atm06:17
BluesKajktorrent works well, even the beta version , altho the gui crashes sometimes06:17
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:17
Stonezhere it is : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2757/06:18
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mei can... but there is something mytherious.. i want to install libxine-extracodecs but this is what i get: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2753/06:18
metoutot: ty06:18
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DeadFishManStonez: No idea, man. How did you installed Azureus? Using apt?06:19
Jucatome: you don't have the correct multiverse enabled06:19
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Jucatome: look for the line "deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper universe" and add "multiverse" to the end of that line06:19
meinstead of universe?06:20
StonezDeadFishMan: I'm so stressed out, I don't remember :/ Maybe it'l come back in a minute or two..06:20
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Jucatome: no06:20
DeadFishManStonez, LOL06:20
Stonezbut what about BitTorrent06:20
Stonezi see that in Adept06:20
Jucatome: just *ADD* multiverse to universe. so that it will look like "universe multiverse"06:20
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Stonezhmm ok Jucato06:20
JucatoStonez: huh?06:20
DeadFishManStonez: You are doing fine... Dont be to harsh on yourself... :)06:20
meah ok w806:21
DeadFishManStonez: That is the official client, which is crap. You dont want that one. Believe me.06:21
Stonezhah ooh no... life is soo hard in linux :06:21
DeadFishManStonez: It is just a bunch of command line utilities and a few python(?) scripts glued together on a lame gui06:22
=== Jucato could hardly blame Linux for not allowing someone to download _____
Stonezoh ok...06:22
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StonezI guess Linux just isnt' compatible with porn :/06:22
BluesKajwanna bet :)06:22
DeadFishManStonez: There are several good bit torrent clients out there: Azureus, KTorrent, QTorrent, Opera (which has a BT client built-in), etc...06:22
Jucato!pornview | Stonez06:22
ubotupornview: Image and movie viewer/manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2pre1-6 (edgy), package size 217 kB, installed size 656 kB06:23
Stonezhah wow :D06:23
Stonezi'm impressed :D06:23
=== Jucato goes to sleep
BluesKajOpera browser client works ...tried it once06:23
Jucatobe good :)06:23
StonezDeadFishMan: wich is your favorite torrent client?06:23
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ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:23
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!06:23
StonezJucato: i will... no hanky panky for me... yet..06:23
DeadFishManCurrently I use KTorrent and Azureus06:23
Jucatook, good night06:24
mejucato: jeha! ty very much!06:24
StonezDeadFishMan: ok, dare I ask how you installed Azereus?06:24
Jucatome: ok. have fun06:24
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DeadFishManStonez: apt-get :)06:24
Stonezbut i don't see it inthere06:24
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DeadFishManSo you probably need to enable Universe and Multiverse on your sources.list06:25
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DeadFishMan!multiverse | Stonez06:25
ubotuStonez: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu06:25
Stonezhmm, though I just did that, but will have a look again06:25
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tzbishopthe sound of the mike is very poor. it seems that i am not using +20dB. help me!06:25
DeadFishManStonez: If you already did that, then perhaps you forgot to run apt-get update?06:25
sfpaveli'm trying to install gcc but i dont understand the thing with the configureing before the proper installation..how do i do it?06:26
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Stonezdid that too, but maybe i added multiverse in the wrong line06:26
DeadFishManStonez: (Synaptic and Adept are both supposed to do that for you but I can hardly remember how they work, so... )06:26
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DeadFishMansfpavel: If you need to install a working toolchain to compile apps, use: apt-get install build-essential06:27
StonezDeadFishMan: maybe you could have a look at it? :)06:27
DeadFishMansfpavel: K/Ubuntu will take care of the rest for you06:27
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:27
=== dec_ [n=dec@c-68-82-191-30.hsd1.de.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
StonezDeadFishMan: If you wan't to have a look, feel free to do so ;) http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2759/06:29
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dec_hello i am new to kubuntu and i am trying to find on my system software sources to add third party sources i cannot find it on the menu?06:29
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TheHermitTip, Do you know That Opera More Secure Than FireFox Till Now06:29
Lenaud01dec_ did you add universal repository?06:29
dec_where do i add that i am trying to add a specific repository to install beryl06:30
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DeadFishManStonez: OK, your problem is that you added multiverse to some of the lines on the sources.list but not all of them and in some cases, you added it to lines that are commented out (lines that start with an # sign)06:30
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dec_how do i fix that?06:31
TheHermitMayebe some send him source list06:31
DeadFishManStonez: Make sure that you added it to all the lines that do not have a # on the beginning, save it and then run apt-get update06:31
sebbaris kde 3.5.6 for kubuntu out already?06:31
Stonezoh ok06:31
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DeadFishManStonez: You should be able to see 20000+ apps afterwards06:31
dec_so what do i add to the lines06:32
DeadFishMan!xgl | dec_06:32
ubotudec_: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems06:32
meis there a good maths program to draw vectors?06:32
DeadFishManme: Try Inkscape and XaraLX06:32
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DeadFishManme: Ow... Math program?06:33
DeadFishManme: Sorry... :)06:33
me^^ k i will ty06:33
DeadFishMan!gnuplot | me06:34
ubotugnuplot: A command-line driven interactive plotting program. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.0.0-3 (edgy), package size 1 kB, installed size 24 kB06:34
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mcchickenits me back again!!!06:35
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mcchickeni have another problem06:35
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StonezDeadFishMan: i still don't see it. Should i remove '#' from some of the lines?06:36
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:37
=== wilman [n=wilman@ip5450f150.speed.planet.nl] has joined #kubuntu
StonezDeadFishMan: this is what it looks like now, but I still don't see azereus: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2760/06:38
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StonezCould anyone inhere please help me install azereus through adept?06:40
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Stonezi don't see it in adept06:40
Stonezhow do i fix that?06:40
sfpavelazureus is not for linux06:41
ionnyei ciao a tuttii06:41
ionnyneo mule06:41
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sfpaveluse rtorrent06:41
ionnyis for linux??06:41
Stonezit's based on java..06:41
Stonezjava runs on all platforms06:41
ionnych estronzzata06:41
ionnyvoglio andare via06:42
mcchickeni have a problem whilst trying to download a package:""ther wan error commiting changes.possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages."06:42
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mcchickenhow can i fix this?06:42
=== ubuntu is now known as ayuda
slyfoxGuys which media player do you use for you music Library? Amarok has a Collection Scan problem.06:43
wilmanmy macromedia doesn't work anymore on youtube, it says old version06:43
ayudahola, he particionado con partition magic y me ha dado un error y ahora no me arranca el windows ni me deja instalar el kubuntu06:43
ayudaalguien tiene alguna idea06:43
mcchickenany help?06:44
DeadFishManStonez: When you run apt-cache search azureus what do you get?06:44
DeadFishManStonez: apt-cache search azureus06:44
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ayudaestoy trabajando desde el cd de kubuntu sin poderlo instalar06:44
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Stonezok, i'll try it when my update is complete. I removed '#' from all the lines (not the comments)06:45
DeadFishMan!es | ayuda06:45
ubotuayuda: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.06:45
ionnyio sn italiano06:46
DeadFishManslyfox: I had that problem with Amarok but it is trivial to fix. Ask the guys at #amarok06:46
mcchickensudo apt-get update, is that the correct command to update?06:46
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DeadFishManmcchicken: yes06:46
ionnycome si fa a cmbiare canale voglio anda su qello ita06:47
mcchickencan you help me with my previosu question?06:47
DeadFishMan!it | ionny06:47
ubotuionny: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!06:47
sfpavelwhats the apt-get install command for GLIB?06:47
BluesKajStonez, the # are the comments ...removing them is uncommenting the repos , making it accessible06:47
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DeadFishManmcchicken: What application are you trying to install? Looks like apt is warning you that the application is miisng a dependency or something like that and it may break your system06:48
mcchickeni have tried many06:48
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mcchickenall i want basically is c compiler so i can compile programs from source06:49
mcchickenand i cant get the "gcc"06:49
DeadFishManmcchicken: Then try sudo apt-get install build-essential06:49
meDeadFishMan: hm... is there somethine easyer ^^ i thought something about vector(AB) = (2/3/1) and then i can draw them... ^^06:49
mcchickeni ahve already done this. (btw is it not meant to do anything when you do a command)06:50
DeadFishManme: I believe that there are several math packages out there that will allow you to plot graphics from math equations but I do not know much about them06:50
mcchickenam i correct?06:50
DeadFishManme: Some of them are hard to use and require some deep understanding to use06:50
bronze_0_1DeadFishMan: thats good info.  are there any other packages like that? "toolchians" I guess?06:51
meDeadFishMan: ok ty anyway06:51
mikkiHi, i downloaded a program that was a .zip file, and in the zip it was a bin folder and alot of .jar files. How do i install it ??? thx06:51
mcchickenbut if a command is successfull does it actually do anything?06:51
DeadFishManmcchicken: build-essential is a meta package that points to all the packages needed for a basic toolchain06:51
mcchickenso it opens adept?06:51
bronze_0_1DeadFishMan: is there a list of the Meta packages anywhere?06:51
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DeadFishManbronze_0_1: I dont know06:52
bronze_0_1k, thanks anyway06:52
DeadFishManbronze_0_1: They are listed when you use apt-cache anyway06:52
bronze_0_1excellent. Thanks!06:53
DeadFishManmcchicken: No. It will try to fetch all the packages needed and them install them. You should be in good shape to compile apps afterwards06:53
mcchickenok, i have done this06:53
dustAnyone know if there are jahshaka deb's for edgy availible somewhere? there dev's have dapper and breezy respositorys, but from what I've read in the forums, they don't work?06:53
mcchickenit explains build-essential is not availabel but is referred by another package06:53
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DeadFishManmcchicken: So you probably already have gcc, automake and friends06:53
bronze_0_123,609 packages.... heh!06:54
mcchickenbut i have just tryed to compile and it says i have no suitable c compiler in $path!06:54
animimotusdoesit exist in qt an analogous application to zim (in gtk) http://www.pardus.nl/projects/  ?06:54
mcchickenso i dont have it06:54
mikkiHi, i downloaded a program that was a .zip file, and in the zip it was a folder with alot of .jar files. How do i install it ??? thx06:54
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)06:54
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DeadFishManmcchicken: Look for further information on the link above06:55
dustmikki: that's a java application, try "java appname.jar"06:55
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mikkidust: ok06:55
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Lenaud01wow adding repositories is a lot easier now its been a while since I used kubuntu last time I had to do that in a text editor lol06:56
dustmikki: if that works, you can make a link to that command line in your k.meny06:56
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KyralLenaud01: Nothing wrong with a text editor06:58
Lenaud01agree Kyral06:58
KyralLenaud01: Typing != Hard :P06:58
Lenaud01I never said that lol06:58
Lenaud01its just a nice little feature06:58
KyralApologies then06:58
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Lenaud01Vim is my fav so I like text editors no worries lol06:58
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elwario91but a bit complicayted xD06:59
TopDawg216hey everyone06:59
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TopDawg216does evolution support RSS subscriptions?06:59
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mcchickenok ia m doing as many upgrades as i can06:59
BluesKajLenaud01, copy and paste into sources.list works for me :)07:00
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barraso , I updated dapper to edgy, everything seems fine , except for this one issue, if I close the lid on my laptop and it supends, when I open the lid again my wireless doesn't reconnect. any ideass??07:00
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:00
stamentell me a good emulator for OS07:00
stamenexept vmware07:00
stamenexcept vmware07:00
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DeadFishManstamen: Tried QEMU?07:01
eismacould someone walk me through installing flash and mozilla activex?07:01
stamenis it gui07:01
mikkidust: i get this error:  java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ant/jar, and i dont know witch .jar file it is07:01
stamenDeadFishMan: is it GUI07:01
DeadFishManstamen: Also there is this new thing that has been opensourced recently: VirtualBox... You may want to look into that07:01
BluesKajstamen, don't...why bother ..if ya need to use windows ,dual boot yer pc...it's much safer hardware/driver - wise07:01
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DeadFishManstamen: No it is not, but it does have a few GUI front-ends easy to use07:01
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stamenI know, but when I want to use photoshop07:02
TopDawg216elsma:  check this out. It should help http://www.ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=1333585707:02
kubuntianit's impossible.. it's a mess to find how to add page numbers to openoffice (to all the document)07:02
stamenI must wait till it reboot than to make what to make and after that again reboott07:02
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stamenans so on\07:02
kubuntiandoes anybody know how?07:02
DeadFishManstamen: Photoshop runs under wine. A bit troublesome to set it up, but it runs flawlessly07:02
TopDawg216nevermind, let me find the thread07:02
Andalehello at everyone... What must I do, to change keyboard languages_07:02
stamenI tried today to install CS207:02
stamenbut the setup crashesh07:03
stamenbut the setup crashes07:03
stamenwith wine07:03
DeadFishManstamen: Oww... CS2 does not run yet IIRC07:03
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elwario91Andale : tried setxkbmap?07:03
DeadFishManstamen: Anything up to version 7 should be supported, though07:03
dopecan someone recommend a tutorial or something on how to use VMware07:03
dopeit will just not work07:03
stamenI will try to find older versions07:03
Dr_willisdope,  vmware server or client?07:04
Andaleelwario91: thanks :)07:04
elwario91lol ;)07:04
Dr_willisdope,  the 'ubuntu hacks' book had a chapter on installing vmware server.07:04
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dopeuh i think player07:04
elwario91but I think that on next reboot you will have to do it again07:04
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"). Instructions for VMWare Server can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware07:04
slyfoxAnyone tried banshee ?07:04
pgdowndope: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=1333598007:04
elwario91Andale : I think that on next reboot you will have to do it gaian07:04
Andaleelwario91: on next reboot... I must reconfigure ppp :-(07:05
elwario91what modem?07:05
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl07:06
elwario91I go for a few seconds for installing the nvidia driver son ;)07:06
elwario91soon ;)07:06
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems07:06
Andaleelwario91: I'm using a live distro...07:06
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Andaleelwario91: because... My Bios doesn't support My HD :-/ I use a old Pc :-D07:07
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kubuntianit's impossible.. it's a mess to find how to add page numbers to openoffice (to all the document)07:08
kubuntiandoes anybody know how?07:08
elwario91Doesn't kubuntu work with  you hdd?07:08
Dr_willisisent that a header/footer setting for openoffice ?07:08
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dopewill vmware let me access my exisiting windows xp install?07:09
Dr_willisdope,  perhaps.. but i wouldent advise trying that.07:09
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Dr_willisdope,  xp will see all new hardware and stuff.. and may start to install all sorts of different drivers07:10
dopecause that's what i wanted07:10
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Dr_willisyou could install XP under vmware if ya wanted.07:10
Andaleelwario91: grub write me error 18, when I start pc07:10
elwario91can't you install it on /boot ?07:10
elwario91not on the mbr?07:11
dopei'll just try wine07:11
elwario91or try to add linux in the windows bootloader07:11
erikloWhy can I only see /home and /media in KDE file browsers?07:11
Andaleelwario91: I must upgrade my bios, or move /boot in another HD :)07:11
elwario91good luck07:11
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dopeeriklo: you have to select show hidden files07:11
elwario91I reboot my pc for the 3d acceleration07:11
eriklodope: hehehehe07:11
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eriklodope: thanks07:12
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DeadFishManbye @ all07:14
slyfoxmount -t smbfs               can someone please tell me what does  "-t" mean ?07:15
Dr_willisman mount, its the filesystem type07:16
slyfox-t   stabds for type07:16
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slyfoxDr_willis: Sorry I am anoob07:17
Dr_willisYes.. the type of filesystem is given with the -t option.07:17
erikloslyfox: you maybe want to use the cifs type instead of smbfs07:17
slyfoxeriklo: can you please tell me the difference and how do I do that ?07:18
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Dr_willis -t cifs instead of -t smbfs07:19
Dr_willisof course mount -t smbfs is not a 'correct' mount command.. it needs more info07:19
slyfoxDr_willis: yeah,07:20
Dr_willismount -t  smbfs -o username=<username> //<servername>/<sharename> /mnt/point/07:20
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slyfox"/    /media/battlestation/G smbfs dmask=777,fmask=777    0    0"07:20
slyfoxwould look like this: "/    /media/battlestation/G clifs dmask=777,fmask=777    0    0"  ?07:21
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Dr_willisa fstab entry is a littel differnt layout then doing it from the command line.07:22
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slyfoxDr_willis: my problem is detailed here: Please read the second last post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=337482&page=507:22
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Dr_willis/servername/sharename /mountdirectory smbfs username=windowsuserename,password=windowspassword 0 007:23
slyfoxDr_willis: I am struggling with it for weeks now.07:23
Dr_willisread that 'using samba' book May be of some help. :)07:23
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kubuntianDr_willis: yeah, but i have to do it for every single page!!!!!!07:23
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kubuntianwhile in M$ one there's simply a insert page number command that put it in every page07:23
piotrekjak sie polaczyc z telefonem w kbluetoothd??07:23
kubuntiananswer in PVT, i will be away and i want to be sure to get the message07:24
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mucshi all.  when i use konqueror to browse smb shares, how do i connect as a specific user and not as 'guest', which is what it is defaulting to?07:24
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Dr_williskubuntian,  id frogitten whateve you were talking about.. ages ago i rember setting up the header/footers in the wordprocessors to have a page # and other info at the bottom of every page.07:24
Dr_willisslyfox,  personally id say install smb4k and use that to access/scan/mount the samba shares as you need them.07:26
slyfoxDr_willis: do i need to first install clifs from Adept ?07:26
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slyfoxDr_willis:  smb4k never is that something new and easy to sue? Never heard of it07:26
Dr_willisslyfox,  you are making this too hard.. and not understanding the fundamentsla.. smbfs and cifs are filesystems07:27
Dr_willissmb4k is a samba/smb share browser/mounter tool07:27
Dr_willis!info smb4k07:27
ubotusmb4k: A Samba (SMB) share advanced browser for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.1-1 (edgy), package size 1176 kB, installed size 2984 kB07:27
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Dr_willisslyfox,  whats the 'core' of your proboem? you cant play media files from konqueror without them getting downloaded first?07:27
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slyfoxDr_willis: Exactly !07:27
Dr_willisslyfox,  by using smb4k - it will mount the shares to the users home dir.. then you can access them07:28
Lenaud01I got kbfx installed though adept but it is not editing my taskbar at all?07:28
slyfoxDr_willis: I want network browsing to work like in Windows and also be able to manage my windows shared music Amarok07:28
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Dr_willisof course you shouldbe able to put the right entrys in the fstab to have the shares mounted anyway.  but smb4k can do it also.07:29
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slyfoxDr_willis: I got smb4k installed how do I use it ?07:30
Dr_willisrun it..07:30
Dr_willisand start clicking.07:30
slyfoxDr_willis: in terminal or do I jsut start konqueror ?07:30
Dr_willisYou proberly need to 'suid' the smbmnt and one other command toi let a user fully mount the shares07:30
Dr_willissmb4k is a program.. run the program07:30
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slyfoxDr_willis: ok, let me see07:31
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Lenaud01I got kbfx installed though adept but it is not editing my taskbar at all?07:31
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ubotusmb4k: A Samba (SMB) share advanced browser for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.1-1 (edgy), package size 1176 kB, installed size 2984 kB07:31
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Dr_willisslyfox,  the commands sudo chmod u+s `which smbmnt`    and  sudo chmod u+s `which smbumount`   may be needed to let smb4k alllow users to mount/umount  the shares  properly07:32
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elwario91hello back07:32
slyfoxsmbmnt must be installed suid root for direct user mounts (1000,1000)07:32
slyfoxsmbmnt failed: 107:32
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elwario91I have some questions about kubuntu07:32
Dr_willisslyfox,  you dident read what i just posted.. :) actually better to use the following commands07:33
tsdgeoselwario91: then ask them :D07:33
elwario91I think the panel on the bottom isn't in the original kde color :( is it right?07:33
Dr_willisslyfox,  the commands sudo chmod +s `which smbmnt`    and  sudo chmod +s `which smbumount`   may be needed to let smb4k alllow users to mount/umount  the shares  properly07:33
elwario91how to set it as defualt?07:33
slyfoxDr_willis: yeah, where do I post these? just cut and paste in teh terminal ?07:33
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BluesKajI recomend installing Komba ...it's like a lanbrowser that runs on top of samba and it works ...less buggy then smb4k ,07:33
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Dr_willisslyfox,  given thats thats where you type in commands... yes.. :)07:34
elwario91can someone help me?07:34
BluesKajelwario91, just ask07:34
Dr_willis!info komba07:34
ubotuPackage komba does not exist in any distro I know07:34
Dr_willis!info gnomba07:34
elwario91I already asked :P07:34
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ubotuPackage gnomba does not exist in any distro I know07:34
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ubotukomba2: KDE Samba browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.73.beta-4ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 173 kB, installed size 748 kB07:35
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slyfoxDr_willis: isntalled komba, but cant find it anywhere, and Alt+F2 does nto launch it07:35
elwario91how to make the bar at the bottom with the normal kde color?07:35
Dr_willisslyfox,  you mean smb4k ?07:35
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slyfoxDr_willis: komba also07:35
Dr_williswhich smb4k   --->  /usr/bin/smb4k07:35
Dr_willisI knwo nothing about komba.07:36
slyfoxDr_willis: what do I do with "sudo chmod +s" ?07:36
Dr_willisslyfox,  those commands are needed to let smb4k mount the shares.07:36
Dr_willisno idea if knomba2 has the same issue or not07:36
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slyfoxslyfox: but where do I use them and how specifically ?07:37
tamacrackaThis may seem like a stupid question, but how do i check my Hard drive space?07:37
slyfoxknomba2 does not even see network computers07:37
elwario91right click?07:37
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voicuhow do i format a diskette?07:37
voicusorry the noob question07:38
voicu*for the07:38
tsdgeosvoicu: kfloppy should help07:38
slyfoxDr_willis: I get this error when I try to access a specific folder via smb4k07:38
slyfoxsmbmnt must be installed suid root for direct user mounts (1000,1000)07:38
slyfoxsmbmnt failed: 107:38
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Dr_willisslyfox,  the commands sudo chmod +s `which smbmnt`    and  sudo chmod +s `which smbumount`    to mount/umount  the shares  properly07:39
Dr_willisfor the 3rd time....07:39
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Dr_willis sudo chmod +s `which smbmnt` &&  sudo chmod +s `which smbumount`07:39
Dr_willisknomba2 - seems to work.. but  just asked for the samba password in the terminal it launched from.. Odd...07:40
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kinodok2ho un problema con kubuntu07:40
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kinodok2sono riuscito ad installarlo in modalit testuale07:40
slyfoxDr_willis:  "which smbmnt" what is that do I type it as is or do I type in specific network address with shared folder ?07:40
sfpavelwhen installing gimp it gets stuck on something about GLIB...where do i get the package?07:40
Dr_williscut and paste that line..07:40
sfpaveland what package?07:40
Dr_willisto the shell.07:40
Dr_willis`which smbmnt`   is a command that gets ran then pipes its output to the OTHER command. :)07:41
kinodok2only english?07:41
slyfoxDr_willis: Ok, now it worked07:41
Dr_willisbash fundamentals. :)07:41
slyfoxDr_willis: I need to read about this soe more, I am a noob and I want to understand what is going on so that I can do it myself next time07:42
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!07:42
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.07:42
slyfoxDr_willis: SO this way I have to do this procedure every time I reboot. Is there a way to mount shared folders automatically?07:42
kinodok2tank you07:43
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virnikhi there07:44
virnikI am asking here, because in #spca50x noone responded07:44
virnikI want to know, if somebody here knows why my breezy have problem with gspca module07:45
virnikFATAL: Error inserting gspca (/lib/modules/2.6.12-9-386/kernel/drivers/usb/media/gspca.ko): Invalid module format07:45
virnikdoesn't matter if I use installer or compile it myself07:45
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virnikI can't insert it07:45
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StonezI have some apget running in the background, how do i KILL it?07:46
StonezI can't use apget until the other proces has been killed07:47
fdovingStonez: you can use 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock'07:47
fdoving!adept crash fix07:47
ubotuIf adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a'07:47
Stonezok, will try07:47
fdovingthat's the fix.07:47
Stonezthanks :)07:47
juanohow can i restart the networking daemon from konsole?07:47
fdovingjuano: what network daemon is this?07:48
Dr_willisslyfox,  edit the fstab properly and learn the right way to put the smbfs entrys in there.07:48
juanofdoving: nevermind i found it sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart07:48
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juanofdoving: thanks07:48
Dr_willisslyfox,  smb4k has a option i think to remount shares. when you run it07:48
Minatakuvirnik: It looks like the module is corrupt07:48
MinatakuOr old07:49
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MinatakuAre you running the 2.6.12-9-386 kernel?07:49
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frojndhow can I check how free spaces do I have in a specific folder07:50
frojndfor HD I use df -h07:50
slyfoxDr_willis: About fstab, can you please look here, that is my post with specific description: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=337482&page=507:50
frojndbut how can I check for specific folder07:50
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slyfoxDr_willis: second last psot07:50
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Dr_willisslyfox,  looks like it got answeredrd farther down.. unless you care to clarify what the problem is.07:51
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Minatakufrojnd: You mean on a particular filesystem mounted at a folder?07:51
Dr_willisand i got 4 min till  i gotta go to work07:51
hyper_chanyone can tell me what that means?07:51
MinatakuYou can use df for that07:51
hyper_chErr http://ch.archive.ubuntu.com edgy-updates/main libc6-dev 2.4-1ubuntu12.207:51
hyper_ch  403 Forbidden [IP: 80] 07:51
MinatakuOr if Kubuntu has it07:51
ubotudi: advanced df like disk information utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.5.dfsg.1-1 (edgy), package size 25 kB, installed size 100 kB07:51
MinatakuGet that, di is much nicer07:51
slyfoxDr_willis: no it did not, a re you looking at the berore last post ?07:51
MinatakuBut otherwise, frojnd, type "df -h"07:51
frojndyes for disks..07:52
MinatakuWhich will give you all the mounts and info on them07:52
frojndI wanna check like right click on it and properties..07:52
Dr_willisslyfox,  mounting samba shares from fstab is documented all over the web/google. i would guess you are either doing somthing fundamentally wrong, or using an option that its not allowing.07:52
MinatakuIn an easy-to-read human format07:52
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Minatakuhyper_ch: It means that the remote server won't let you access the resource07:52
Dr_willisslyfox,  or is the 'core' of the problem the fact you are doing this wirelessly? and have a delay?07:53
hyper_chMinataku: thx... but that's strange...07:53
Minatakuhyper_ch: Kind of like 404, except 403 means it's there and you're not allowed to see it07:53
Minatakuhyper_ch: It could be they're doing maintenance07:53
slyfoxDr_willis: But my problem is that fstab mounts samba shares before I connect to my wireless network. That is the problem. And it does not automatically tries to mount once I have connected to the network and want to jsut access my samba shares07:53
MinatakuI'd wait a few and try again later07:53
MinatakuIf it persists contact them if possible07:53
hyper_chMinataku: that's fun... it's the swiss mirror and a coupld of files like that showed up after an apt-get upgrade07:53
Dr_willisslyfox,  use the rc.local service and have it wait a few min. then run the needed mount commands. is one way.07:54
hyper_chMinataku: I will do that :) thx07:54
Minatakuhyper_ch: Hm... yeah, I'd bank on maintenance issues07:54
Minatakuhyper_ch: You're welcome and thank you for choosing Linux07:54
hyper_chMinataku: thx... haven't encountered that you07:54
Dr_willisslyfox,  i dont mess with wirless - there maybe some other ways to run a script after a wireless connection is made.07:54
slyfoxDr_willis: this is where my noobness kicks in.  " rc.local service and have it wait a few min." ?07:54
Dr_willisslyfox,  this is where you start to learn linux :)07:54
MinatakuOr just write a shell script and run it after you've connected07:55
Dr_willisor make a cron job that runs mount -a, every few min.07:55
Dr_willisbut that seems a bit screwy07:55
sfpavelwhen installing gimp it gets stuck on something about GLIB...where do i get the package?07:55
MinatakuExtremely screwy07:55
Minatakusfpavel: What's the exact message?07:55
Dr_willisI thinki rember a way to run a script on wireless connection. but aint used it in ages07:55
sfpavelCould not run GLIB test program, checking why...07:56
Dr_willisor just make a script/icon that tries to mount the shares.07:56
MinatakuDr_willis: I'd do that07:56
sfpavelThe test program failed to to compile or link07:56
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Minatakusfpavel: Hm... bizarre07:56
MinatakuYou're definitely missing something07:57
sfpavelTest for GLIB failed. See the INSTALL file07:57
MinatakuAh, go read that and see what it says07:57
sfpavelit says nothing about this there07:57
Dr_williswork time for me. byeeee.,07:57
MinatakuDoh XD07:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about glib - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about glib-test - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:58
Minatakusfpavel: You're missing something, check if the configure script complained about something missing when you ran it07:58
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MinatakuMore than likely you'll see a moan or two about "Checking for this-or-that... no"07:58
sfpavelthis is what the configure script says when its running07:58
MinatakuIf this is long, pastebin it07:58
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sfpavelchecking for GLIB - version >= 2.8.0... no07:59
sfpavel*** Could not run GLIB test program, checking why...07:59
sfpavel*** The test program failed to compile or link. See the file config.log for the07:59
sfpavel*** exact error that occured. This usually means GLIB is incorrectly installed.07:59
sfpavelconfigure: error: Test for GLIB failed. See the file 'INSTALL' for help.07:59
MinatakuWhatever GLIB is, you don't have it07:59
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MinatakuAnd you need it08:00
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MinatakuSorry XD08:00
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MinatakuMaybe it's the GNOME libs08:00
sfpavelill just install everything in synaptic that has glib to its name08:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gnome-libs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:00
MinatakuBah... bad bot, no cookie08:00
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slyfox_Did Dr_Willis leave ?08:01
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ubotugnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.08:01
MinatakuYou don't want all of GNOME08:01
MinatakuYou just want the parts that GTK/GNOME apps require to rub08:02
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matsyes hi i have a question which is the top file in kde which calls all the other files08:04
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Minatakumatsyes: Do you mean what launches kde?08:05
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matsyesas in i have a comp and i want to load the kde desktop but i need to specify the location of the window manager binary which ione should i choose08:06
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matsyesyup what launches kde08:06
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MinatakuUh... hm... I have no clue, sorry... hang around, I'm sure someone will come around who knows (or perhaps they're checking right now)08:06
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tsdgeosprobably startkde08:07
matsyessure thanks Minataku08:07
Lenaud01to get the radeon drivers should just be fglrx in adept and then changing my xorg.conf to "radeon" right?08:07
tsdgeoswell startkde is actually a script08:07
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tsdgeoshave a look at vi `which startkde `08:07
matsyestsdgeos: yup that didnt work08:07
Minatakumatsyes: np, I'd help but I don't use KDE nor do I really know the whole X11 startup procedure in the first place XD08:07
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MinatakuBest I've ever done without a configured display manager is "startx" which would always launch TWM08:08
MinatakuOr X which would launch just X08:08
BluesKajspecify the location of the window manager binary.? why ?08:09
fdoving!ati | lenaud0108:09
ubotulenaud01: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:09
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BluesKaj!window manager binary08:09
MinatakuBluesKaj: Why doesn't matter, the answer matters :D08:09
fdovingmatsyes: can you explain what you want to do?08:09
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:09
MinatakuHe wants to start KDE without a display manager08:10
MinatakuI thought it was pretty obvious08:10
StonezCould anyone tell me, why Azureus won't start? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2765/08:10
BluesKajMinataku, agreed but perhaps their intentions are misguided :)08:10
Stonez... and how I fx it..08:10
MinatakuBluesKaj: True, but like I say... "How can I learn if I'm not allowed to hurt myself"08:11
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StonezI really hate kubuntu... :(08:11
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fdovingmatsyes: you'll have to hack /usr/bin/startkde, find and replace 'kwin' with whatever you want.08:11
MinatakuStonez: Known standing issue08:11
BluesKajStonez, patience ...08:12
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Stonezyes, sorry.08:12
MinatakuMight I suggest BitTornado in the meantime?08:12
Stoneztried it, messed it all up08:12
cpk1azureus works fine over here08:12
Stonezthe installation get stucked before it's done08:12
cpk1Stonez: you using edgy?08:12
matsyesfdoving:thanks a lot its WORKING!!!!08:12
BluesKajthe opera bit torrent plugin/widget works ok08:12
Stonezcpk1: think so08:12
MinatakuUgh... Opera08:12
Lenaud01then why you in here Stonez lol08:13
fdovingmatsyes: you're welcome. tsdgeos actually told you this first. but you didn't catch that.08:13
cpk1Stonez: you using the sun java?08:13
Stonezi use Kubuntu08:13
MinatakuThere's a known issue with Java "memmove" error08:13
StonezIf I install Kubuntu from the 4 CDs (this one's only one cd), there'll be a lot more programs preinstalled, right?08:14
Stonezazureus for instance08:14
MinatakuSomeone was in here last week complaining about it, if you Google you'll find the forum threads about it08:14
tamacrackaCan anyone tell me how do I check the size of my hard drive and how much space is left?08:14
matsyestsdgeos:hey dude u were right thanks a lot08:14
cpk1ok first thing i would try is get the azureus jar from their sourceforge page and then replace your Azureus2.jar with that one08:14
Stonezyea well, i've been googling it all day, i'm giving up08:14
cpk1tamacracka: df -h08:14
tamacrackathank you08:14
BluesKajStonez, have you Dl'd the latest java offering ...azureus won't run without it08:14
Stonezbut thanks anyways :)08:14
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matsyestsdgeos:its working beautifully now08:15
Stonezyup, installed jre08:15
Minatakutamacracka: A nicer utility is di08:15
ubotudi: advanced df like disk information utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.5.dfsg.1-1 (edgy), package size 25 kB, installed size 100 kB08:15
tamacrackaill download it right now08:15
raeezHow do you install .deb files? something with dpkg i would guess, sorry im new to this08:15
MinatakuSame thing, but it looks a whole lot nicer, much more presentable and easy on the eyes08:15
cpk1Stonez: i know in dapper the jar you get from the package doesnt work and you need to go get another one from the sourceforge page, didnt think you needed to with edgy but maybe i am wrong08:15
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BluesKajsudo dpkg -i filename08:16
cpk1Stonez: before you give up try replacing Azureus2.jar with the one from the sourceforge page08:16
Stonezcpk1: ok. well. I'm gonna format and reinstall Ubuntu08:16
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Stonezi think i have messed up big time08:16
fdovingraeez: you can also rightclick -> install, in the filemanager.08:16
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raeezoh, thats alot easie08:17
BluesKajstone , cpk1 is right i had the same prob with azureus .08:17
fdovingit's the Kubuntu menu, or what it's called.08:17
raeezfdoving: do you mean in konkueror?08:17
fdovingraeez: yes, find hte .deb, right-click -> kubuntu package menu -> install08:18
raeezthanks fdoving08:18
slyfox_ Is there a way to make "Detailed List View" a default view in konqueror ?08:18
cpk1di is almost exactly the same as df...08:18
fdovingraeez: you should be aware of one thing, it doesn't install dependencies. you'll have to do that manually, or make sure everything it depends on is pre-installed. (that's the preferred way).08:19
tamacrackaThis is a stupid question08:19
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tamacrackabut where did Disk Information Utility go?08:19
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raeezok, its a programming library and as far as i know im covered with the dependencies... except maybe fmod08:19
cpk1whats that? =P08:19
tamacrackaI just downloaded the DI08:20
tamacrackaand uh... i can't find it.08:20
fdovingit's probably a command in console.08:20
cpk1tamacracka: open a console and type di08:20
bronze_0_1Hi, I'm Trying to find an apt option that gets the description of a named package. can't find it in man . Does anyone have an idea how I could do that?08:20
tamacrackahow can i associate it with an icon?08:20
sfpavelchecking for GLIB - version >= 2.8.0...08:21
tamacrackaactually hold on, i need to see how much disk space i have left lol08:21
sfpavel*** 'pkg-config --modversion glib-2.0' returned 2.12.9, but GLIB (2.10.3)08:21
sfpavel*** was found! If pkg-config was correct, then it is best08:21
cpk1or di -h for a more readable output08:21
sfpavel*** to remove the old version of GLib. You may also be able to fix the error08:21
sfpavel*** by modifying your LD_LIBRARY_PATH enviroment variable, or by editing08:21
sfpavel*** /etc/ld.so.conf. Make sure you have run ldconfig if that is08:21
sfpavel*** required on your system.08:21
sfpavel*** If pkg-config was wrong, set the environment variable PKG_CONFIG_PATH08:21
underdog5004!pastebin | sfpavel08:21
sfpavel*** to point to the correct configuration files08:21
sfpavelconfigure: error: Test for GLIB failed. See the file 'INSTALL' for help.08:21
sfpavelwhen installing configure gimp08:21
ubotusfpavel: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:21
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underdog5004thanks, fdoving08:21
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sfpavelsry :(08:22
bronze_0_1Checkov!  get yer elbow off the keyboard!08:22
Minatakubronze_0_1: rofl08:22
fdovingno problem, just try to use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org or similar in the future.08:22
sfpaveldidnt now about it08:22
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bronze_0_1You just photon torpedoed the ambassador's shuttlecraft!08:22
slyfox_ Is there a way to make "Detailed List View" a default view in konqueror ?08:22
sfpavelcan anyone help me with that?08:23
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fdovingslyfox_: save the view profile when you have that view enabled.08:24
fdovingslyfox_: it's all under the settings menu in konq.08:25
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fdovingsfpavel: what is it you're trying to do?08:25
slyfox_fdoving: Thank you, it worked.08:25
slyfox_fdoving: Do you use Amarok ?08:25
fdovingsfpavel: did you install anything manually without using the package system?08:25
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fdovingslyfox_: i use amarok sometimes, i don't know much about it though. got problems?08:26
cpk1do you ever need to use ldconfig with *buntu?08:26
slyfox_fdoving: Yeah, I get collection scan error08:26
fdovingcpk1: if you use packages for all installations, it's done automatically, so no.08:26
fdovingslyfox_: haven't experienced that yet, people in #amarok might know more about that.08:27
sfpavelim trying to install gimp08:27
slyfox_fdoving: ok, thank you08:27
sfpavelfirst it said i needed GLIB08:27
sfpaveli googled08:27
sfpaveland installed it manually08:27
sfpavelwith configure, make08:28
fdovingthat's not the way.08:28
fdovingyou just break things like you've done.08:28
fdovingso, do you still have the source directories around?08:28
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fdoving(the directories you ran 'make install' from)08:28
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Minatakufdoving: I hope you're not insinuating that compiling from scratch is bad08:28
fdovingsfpavel: ok, cd to it, and run 'sudo make uninstall'08:29
fdovingMinataku: i'm telling, compiling from scratch is bad.08:29
Minatakufdoving: You're wrong, then08:29
MinatakuEspecially in situations where the current package is too outdated or doesn't even exist in the first place08:30
fdovingsfpavel: ok, good, now run 'sudo apt-get install gimp'08:30
fdovingMinataku: compiling things you already have installed, core pices of the system, without telling the package-system about it, is bad. compiling, as the process in it self, is not bad. that's done for every package.08:30
MinatakuThe GIMP nor even GLIB are core pieces of the system08:31
fdovingMinataku: also, in those situations when things are outdated, the package should be backported or updated.08:31
Minatakufdoving: It's this kind of handholding that Windows provides, the users should be allowed to expand and explore08:32
MinatakuOr do I need to find another distribution to recommend for users wishing to do that?08:32
fdovingMinataku: sure, things will break, i suggest things that don't break the system. if users want to break their system, fine. if they want gimp, i suggest the best way to install gimp.08:33
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Minatakufdoving: That's too bad, I thought *buntu was improving, I guess that I was wrong08:33
fdovingMinataku: no, but you should either use /opt or /usr/local for self-compiled things. and, you should not duplicate stuff you have already installed with the package system. atleast I personally belive that is a bad thing.08:34
Lenaud01when I run either glxinfo | grep vendor or grep "direct rendoring it says driver claims not to support that visual08:34
Lenaud01what display is that?08:34
MinatakuNot duplicating, yes, the old instance should be uninstalled first08:34
MinatakuAfter which maintenance of the component is entirely manual08:34
sfpaveldone with the apt-get ..now how do i run it bcuz it has no shoritcut?08:35
MinatakuHowever restricting self-compiled software to specific locations is not optimal08:35
cpk1hrmm well it does make it easier not to lose things =P08:36
fdovingMinataku: and then you get into those situations when you want to install something from the repositories, that depends on something you have installed manually... then you need equivs packages and you make it really complicated for your self. In those situations i recommend building packages for the software you want to make special changes to / special versions.. etc.08:36
MinatakuExcept in situations where multiple versions are explicitly supported or safely allowed, one instance should exist, either package manager or manual compile08:36
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ionny_come ci vado su quello italiano08:37
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fdovingthat's exactly why i recommend using packages instead of self-compiled-non-package installations.08:37
fdoving!it | ionny_08:37
ubotuionny_: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!08:37
Minatakufdoving: In which case there should be a way to inform the package manager that such dependencies are already taken care of externally08:37
fdovingMinataku: there is. it's package name is 'equivs' it's basically empty packages that tells the system it provides the feature.08:38
MinatakuBut even the suggestion that self-compiling is bad and should never be done is definitely a Bad Thing(tm)08:38
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fdovingMinataku: ok, let's say 'self-package-building' is a much better thing.08:39
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Minatakufdoving: Fair enough08:40
cpk1you could just use checkinstall08:40
MinatakuI'll also accept it being merely discouraged08:40
BluesKajthis is off topic , but it's hilarious and dumb too ...could have been a serious consequences , http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46LQd9dXFRU08:40
MinatakuRather than outright chastized as something that should never be done :308:40
sfpaveli installed gimp using apt but i cant find how to run it08:41
Tm_TBluesKaj: I'm tempted to say "You're right, it's offtopic" but I'm too lazy to look those youtube links.08:41
MinatakuI remember back when I used SuSE (and still now in Gentoo, even) I would manually manage some things08:42
fdovingMinataku: i can rephrase myself 'compiling from source is bad' to 'I don't recommend manually compiling things, I recommend using packages for everything if possible.'08:42
Minatakufdoving: I couldn't have said it better myself08:42
adaptrI'm lovin' it !08:42
=== Minataku pets fdoving :3
cpk1sfpavel: it should be in the kmenu08:43
fdovingcpk1: i don't recommend checkinstall either.. as it creates very very bad and ugly packages. it's a hard life :)08:43
fdovingthough it's waaay better than running 'make install' and delete the source-dir. :)08:43
MinatakuI never deleted the source directories08:43
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cpk1i try to only put things i compile in /opt so i dont forget about them... I've ran into losing things before and thats no fun08:44
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MinatakuUnless they were old ones (and even then usually not)08:44
sfpavelits not in the kmenu08:44
wilmani have a great problem08:44
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wilmanmy x wont start anymore08:44
wilmanand i can't remember me doing anything strange08:44
Minatakuwilman: Your harem is upset that you're not giving them enough loving?08:44
MinatakuOh... that's not a great problem... that's just a problem08:45
wilmano ok08:45
wilmancan you help me then?08:45
MinatakuSorry, trying to ligthen things up08:45
Minatakuwilman: What does it say when X11 tries to start?08:45
wilmanblack screen08:45
cpk1wilman: startx has no output?08:45
wilmanand i have to login at runlevel 108:45
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wilmanit has output08:46
MinatakuCheck /var/log/Xorg.0.log08:46
cpk1so what does startx tell you?08:46
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MinatakuWhatever screwy dealings are going on will be in there08:46
wilmanchecking right now08:47
cpk1whoops, time for class!08:47
wilmanhow can i copy to here?08:47
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:47
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wilmanwhat is the internet browser for runlevel?08:48
MinatakuThere should be some lines that stand out if you have to 10-finger-copy-paste08:48
MinatakuJust give us those08:48
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wilmanhow do i copy in runlevel?08:48
MinatakuLike they have (EE) in them or something08:48
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Minatakuwilman: If there aren't a lot just 10-finger it08:48
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sfpavelwhat now??!?!? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2768/08:50
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HymnToLifesfpavel, why do you want to run gimp as root ?08:51
wilmanno EE08:51
Minatakuwilman: Weird08:51
wilmanbacktrace :08:51
wilmanfatal IO error08:52
MinatakuThat would also be a good indicator08:52
HymnToLifesfpavel, and even if you *do* want to run GINP as root, this is not the way to go08:52
wilman104 (connections made by peer) on X server "08:52
HymnToLifeyou should run gksudo gimp as yourself08:52
wilmanafter 0 requests08:52
sfpavelthan how do i run gimp?08:53
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sfpavelbcuz i cant find it in the Kmenu08:53
wilmanwith 0 events remaining08:53
HymnToLifesfpavel, you're logged in as root, how did you do that ?08:53
Minatakuwilman: You didn't do anything strange, but did you do anything at all?08:53
MinatakuAnything important or routine08:53
HymnToLifethen exit to go back to your user account08:53
MinatakuDING DING DING08:54
MinatakuWe have a weiner08:54
HymnToLifeand then you can run gimp08:54
wilmanok :)08:54
wilmanwhat to do?08:54
sfpavelits working08:54
MinatakuI have absolutely no clue08:54
MinatakuHang around08:54
wilmanoo ok08:54
MinatakuSomeone else probably does08:54
MinatakuSorry XD08:54
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wilmanwell more time for me to play guitar08:54
MinatakuGet good, get rich and you can have your own personal IT guy XD08:55
wilmanthat would be verry uuu comprehensive08:55
wilmanhow can i chanche channels in irssi08:56
fdovingwilman: alt+number, alt+left/right too.08:57
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fdovingwilman: or /win 1, /win 2, etc.08:57
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slyfox_Is using banshee a good idea in KDE ?08:58
slyfox_Amarok has problems08:58
elyon225What packages do I need to install to allow Firefox to stream embedded videos? (Such as wmv, mov, etc)08:58
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MinatakuSory I couldn't assist, wilman >.<08:58
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JOSFHow do I remove a package, that fails in pre-remove ?08:58
HymnToLife!multimedia | elyon22508:58
ubotuelyon225: For multimedia codecs see: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html and for applications see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications08:58
wilmandoes'nt matter08:58
wilmanill just have to learn to work with this08:58
Minatakuelyon225: I use VLC for that task + a certain extension08:58
fdovingJOSF: depends on what is done during pre-remove.08:58
MinatakuLemme check what the name is, I don't remember it offhand08:59
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elyon225Isn't gstreamer a gnome app?08:59
fdovingJOSF: have a look at the script in /var/lib/dpkg/info/packagename.prerm08:59
wilmanis there an msn thingy for runlevel?08:59
slyfox_elyon225: Get Media Connectivity extension for firefox08:59
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JOSFfdoving: It is some python-freevo package that is badly configured. It fails at python-update-modules (wrong commandline or so)08:59
MinatakuThen just link it to the streaming-media-supporting app of your choice08:59
JOSFfdoving: ok08:59
MinatakuLike I said, I like VLC09:00
MinatakuBecause it's not a lousy GNOME app09:00
elyon225Minataku, slyfox_:  MPC is to launch them externally.  I'd like them to play as designed within the browser.09:00
elyon225Minataku: Is that a plugin?  Or external app, though?09:00
virnikwhat do you think about this notebook? http://www.alza.cz/notebook-acer-aspire-5101anwlmi-d69207.htm09:01
virnikI want to run Kubuntu on it09:01
surgyits funny how konversation tells me im spelling kubuntu wrong even when i spell it right :)09:01
Minatakuvirnik: I recommend only Toshiba laptops09:01
virnikso I am going to boy it09:01
virnikMinataku: why?09:01
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Minatakuvirnik: Many great experiences09:02
MinatakuThey're the best damn laptops made, IMO09:02
virnikMinataku: ok, but I have enbough money just for this one, not toshiba09:02
Minatakuvirnik: I'd save up a bit more09:02
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MinatakuYou get what you pay for, after all09:02
virnikMinataku: I know09:02
MinatakuBelieve me, we learned that when we thought a $400 eMachines would be a good idea for my little brother09:03
virnikjust don't look on price, its in czech crowns. look on specs09:03
fdovingI like apple.09:03
MinatakuNeedless to say it's a $400 paperweight now09:03
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virnikwhat do you think? its strong enough even for Windaz Vista (taht fucked idioticism from mrkvosoft)09:03
Minatakufdoving: So you like Treacherous Computing and elimination of digital freedoms too?09:03
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elyon225Hey, isn't libdvdcss supposed to be in the Universe rep?09:03
fdovingMinataku: i like the hardware. I don't use the software.09:04
MinatakuBecause if you want a platform that's 100% TC-based, Apple's the choice09:04
Minatakufdoving: I'm talking about the hardware09:04
virnikcalm down boys :-)09:04
MinatakuTPM chip. Standard in every Intel Macintosh.09:04
virniki didnt came here to start HW flame09:04
fdovingthen i guess i do. i use the powerpc macs.09:04
HymnToLifeelyon225, no, it's not09:04
HymnToLife!libdvdcss | elyon22509:04
ubotuelyon225: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages09:04
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benjamini'am french and you?09:06
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.09:06
TamacrackaHey guys, how come when I right click and close Amarok from the system tray... it reopens again?09:06
surgytamacracka: you need to look round in your amarok settings its in there somewhere i think09:07
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benjamindo you speek in french?09:07
fdoving!fr | benjamin09:07
ubotubenjamin: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.09:07
Tamacrackalol i didn't know there's a setting so that when it's closed by the user it automatically reopens again09:07
elyon225Okay, HymnToLife... I've added those reps to Adept, but it still doesn't see libdvdcss.09:07
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.09:08
benjaminthank you09:08
HymnToLifeelyon225, can't tell you how to use it, sorry, I always build my libdvdcss from source09:08
wilmanshould i go back to windows?09:08
HymnToLifebut did you run sudo apt-get update ?09:08
wilmanit is so much easier09:09
zerozerowhat package do I need to install to play wmv files?09:09
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HymnToLife!w32codecs | zerozero09:09
wilmaneverybody asking for packages and stuff09:09
ubotuzerozero: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages including w32codecs | info at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages | See !codecs for more information09:09
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HymnToLifewilman, please quit trolling09:09
wilmanin windows you never have such things09:09
wilmancan anyone help me getting my X back to work09:10
zerozerowilman maybe you should09:10
wilmani only did an upgrade09:10
Zerakno but you also get a lot of junk on your computer09:10
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wilmanwell sorry guys for being so mean09:10
elyon225hmm... Installing just the VLC plugin installed 26 packages include libdvd :)09:11
surgywilman: whats wrong?09:11
wilmani can't start my x09:11
surgyyour xorg.conf messed up?09:12
wilmani don't know09:12
wilmani did'nt do anything special09:12
wilmanbut i got some further09:12
wilmanmy vid driver is working again09:12
juano__wilman: what video card you got?09:12
wilmani deleted beryl completely09:12
surgy(im a noob too) what were you trying to do when it messed up?09:12
wilmannvidia 420009:12
wilmani was only doing an upgrade09:12
surgywilman i have the same card09:12
juano__wilman: your X is completely out?09:13
TamacrackaIt's not in the Amarok settings...09:13
TamacrackaAmarok doesn't have a setting to reopen as soon as you close it.09:13
elyon225Minataku: Okay, so I installed VLC and the plugin, now every embedded video just says "(no video)"09:13
BluesKajahhh ,ok wilman when you got rid of beryl you have to reconfig X : sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:13
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wilmanwhen i do start x09:13
Tamacrackai believe this is an error.09:13
wilmanit gives an error09:13
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surgywilman: is your driver setup correctly?09:13
wilmani don't exactly know09:14
juano__wilman: try checking inside /etc/X11/xorg.conf in the video section for Driver  "nv" , try changing that to "nvidia"09:14
Zeraksay the error09:14
juano__wilman: usually helps09:14
juano__wilman: if it doesnt just leave it as it was09:14
Zerakmake sure X isnt uninstalled, it did that to me once09:14
juano__wilman: if that doesnt work , try this command:09:14
externis there a way to make vlc fullscreen work properly? it now creates a maximized window, with X server icon, but has kde border and the bottom bar is still visible09:14
juano__wilman: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver09:15
wilmandriver is already nvidia09:15
wilmandon't know how that got there09:15
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juano__wilman: you can try this command09:15
wilmanload glx09:15
wilmanis that good?09:15
juano__wilman: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:15
surgywilman or if your corg is messed up and you followed the driver how to do "sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf  /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup09:15
elyon225Great... VLC was a fricken perfect idea... now NO videos work in Firefox.09:16
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surgywilman: thats how you restore your xorg.conf backup created while installing glx09:17
wilman"server" is not installed it says09:17
fdovingsurgy: won't that overwrite the backup with the broken xorg.conf ?09:17
surgyare we even aloud to talk about vlc here? doesnt that cross the piracy of dvds?09:17
fdovingwilman: replace it with 'xserver-xorg'09:17
surgyfdovig: yeah dont listen to me09:17
surgyi had it backwords09:18
juano__wilman: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg , does this work?09:18
ubotuTo reconfigure your X server, open a console and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg". To configure only the driver and resolution, type: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh".09:18
surgyits sudo /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:18
wilmanit ceartenly does something09:18
wilmanfirst i check if this works09:18
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juano__wilman: yes, try rebooting into x now, after that09:19
celalhi can anybody tell me the adress for the german irc channel plz09:19
fdoving!de | celal09:19
celalkubuntu i mean09:19
ubotucelal: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de09:19
elyon225What packages do I need to install to get streaming video working in Firefox?  I do not want the videos to simply launch externally.  And VLC just made it so NO videos work.  Any ideas?09:20
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wilmanjuano__: ok09:20
celalhi  @ all09:20
SebienI'm currently using KUbuntu Dapper, and wanted to dist-upgrade to Edgy. But it seams there is a big conflict with libc6. If I do "aptitude dist-upgrade" I get: "The following packages will be BROKEN: hpijs libgnutls-dev python2.4-libxslt1 upstart"09:22
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Minatakuelyon225: Sorry, I don't know in what stupid way Kubuntu installs VLC/dependencies, perhaps you're missing codecs?09:23
fdoving!upgrade | sebien09:24
ubotusebien: See http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)09:24
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MinatakuAs for having them INSIDE Firefox, I don't know09:24
MinatakuPersonally I'd rather have them outside anyway, it's nicer... but that's just my preference09:25
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Sebienhttp://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade do not solve the problem. One week ago I've seen an automatic update of libc6. Perhapse this is what cause the problem. How can I cancel that upgrade?09:27
wilmangonna restart now09:27
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fdovingSebien: you can force downgrade of libc6, 'apt-cache madison libc6' will list available versions. 'sudo apt-get install libc6=version' will install the selected version.09:27
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vail2ho kubuntu, come faccio a sbollcare la konsole che si blocca al comando sudo apt-get update09:28
Sebienfdoving: But I should modify back my source.list to dapper instead of edgy? Will that work?09:28
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fdovingSebien: yes, you can do that, but i'm not sure that is smart. can you paste the error messages you get when you run 'sudo apt-get -u dist-upgrade' to http://rafb.net/paste ?09:29
TheHermitHey i want to install mplayer but i cant find it and i had the universe ant multivers sources so any idea09:29
wilmanIam on my X again09:30
wilmanthx guys09:30
fdovingTheHermit: it's in the multiverse repository. did you update the packages list?09:30
wilmanfdoving: thx09:31
fdovingglad it worked for you wilman :)09:31
TheHermitfdoving ,yes09:31
ubotumplayer is a media player. Enable multiverse repo and type sudo apt-get install mplayer for more info please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer  To compile it from source see:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer/Compile09:31
ubotuFor Codecs try !codecs Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MplayerInstallHowto for installation tips.09:31
wilmanyes ;)09:31
Lenaud01it says got to System -> Preference for sessions to make beryl auto load I dont have preference under system?09:31
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dopei've never programmed in linux before but does it have the standard template library?09:32
hyper_chis udevstart renamed in Edgy?09:32
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs09:32
Sebienfdoving: http://rafb.net/p/4tqi9N73.html09:32
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aseigoRiddell: ping09:33
hyper_chanyone knows how to configure kpilot so that also the images from the palm contact will be synced?09:33
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Lenaud01it says got to System -> Preference for sessions to make beryl auto load I dont have preference under system?09:34
fdovingSebien: i think you will be able to follow https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade09:35
TheHermitPackage mplayer has no installation candidate09:35
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TheHermitfdoving ,so09:35
fdovingTheHermit: in konsole, try 'apt-cache search mplayer' - does it say anything usefull?09:35
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Sebienfdoving: why with "-u" there is no conflict anymore ?09:36
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Lenaud01can anyone answer my question?09:37
TheHermitfdoving ,its telling u have Kmplayer And Nothing about mplayer09:37
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fdovingSebien: -u does nothing except tell you which packages will be updated.09:38
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Lenaud01??? am I being ignored?09:39
fdovingTheHermit: what does 'grep -i multi /etc/apt/sources.list' output?09:39
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TheHermiteb http://eg.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy-backports main restricted universe                                                               multiverse09:39
TheHermitdeb-src http://eg.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy-backports main restricted univ                                                              erse multiverse09:39
fdovingLenaud01: it's telling you the Gnome way of doing that. you probably want..09:39
fdoving!autostart | lenaud0109:40
ubotulenaud01: To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory.09:40
Lenaud01thanks guys09:40
fdovingTheHermit: no problem, i see your problem, you have enabled multiverse for edgy-backports only. You want similar lines, with 'deb http://eg.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy main restricted universe multiverse'09:41
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fdovingTheHermit: see the difference.. 'edgy-backports' vs. 'edgy'09:41
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fdovingTheHermit: if you edit /etc/apt/sources.list you will find 'deb http://eg.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy main restricted..' and so on, append 'multiverse' to those lines. and update.09:42
sfpavelwhere can i see what packages are on the kubuntu 6.6.10 DVD?09:42
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TheHermitfdoving, ok09:42
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spymanWho Can help me?09:43
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spymanWhat "Su error"09:43
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sfpavelspyman: you are not logged in as rood09:43
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Sebienfdoving: Ok, apt-get dist-upgrade does not tell there are conflicts..... But here is what aptitude dist-upgrade gives: (upstart is broken, an important package) http://rafb.net/p/Y5zYGm95.html09:43
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fdovingSebien: where in https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade did it say 'aptitude dist-upgrade' ? :)09:46
Sebienfdoving: no, but a friend prefers to use aptitude. Right, so I tryed with both and one of them give me errors. So this brings the idea "perhapse the other has not detected the error but there will be a big one". I do not trust that situation.09:47
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Sebienfdoving: but if you say that error is normal and I just have to follow the upgrade guide, then I will.09:47
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fdovingSebien: i made https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade it worked for me, tested 10+ times.09:48
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fdovingSebien: + a bunch of success stories from other users. If you have 3rdparty programs installed, or ever used automatix, things can break.09:49
Sebienfdoving: ok, thanks very much, I will do. That's because I waited a lot of times to upgrade, and with dapper-backport and other sources perhapse at this moment it doesn't work anymore :)09:49
ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)09:49
Sebienfdoving: So I start apt-get dist-upgrade :) Go.09:49
fdovingSebien: i'll be around for another hour or so, if things break please tell me. if i don't react at once, just paste the error to a site, and say my nick and give me the url, and i'll have a look once i get back. have a few non computer things to do.09:50
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Sebienfdoving: thanks very much.09:51
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spymansfpavel, How I log in as root?09:55
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sfpavelspyman: type su in konsole/terminal09:56
sfpavelspyman: type ur root password09:56
HymnToLifethere is no root password in Ubuntu  (by default)09:56
HymnToLifespyman, open a Konsole and type        sudo -i09:57
sfpavelu have to set it using sudo psswd09:57
sfpavelor that09:57
tamcarackaCan someone throw me a link on how to properly format an NTFS HDD and make it my 2 secondary hard drive? As of now it's HDA 1 (it's the primary master hard drive) and I'd like for it to stay that way, or will I have to mess with the jumpers as well on the Hard Drives?09:57
TheHermitfdoving, plz see it09:58
HymnToLifetamcaracka, you want to format is to ext3 ?09:58
tamcarackayes please09:58
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tamcarackaim done with windows :P09:58
captian_eddiegood to hear.09:58
tamcarackai no longer need it :)09:58
HymnToLifetamcaracka, mk2fs is a simple command line tool to do it09:58
HymnToLifeif you want a nice GUI, GParted is the way to go09:59
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captian_eddieqtparted ... maybe09:59
tamcarackais there such thing as a graphical, or is mk2fs just as easy? I'm a beginer on this09:59
tamcarackai want to make my primary master hard drive fully just a storage drive09:59
tamcarackabut i dont know if it'll mess with my GRUB09:59
TheHermitHymnToLife, can ypu plz see my source list and tell me if is there was something wrong09:59
captian_eddieIt does.09:59
HymnToLifetamcaracka, as I told you, GParted is a nice graphical tool to do it10:00
tamcarackagparted? ok :P10:00
HymnToLifeTheHermit, sure, just pastebin it10:00
captian_eddieDo you have to be voiced to chat in this room?10:00
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:00
HymnToLifecaptian_eddie, no10:00
HymnToLifethere are no voices in this room anyway10:00
faked_yo, I downloaded a game, and it's all ready to go.. but I dunno how to open it >_> like I click it to open and it...doesn't.10:00
HymnToLifefaked_, which game ?10:01
faked_The Way of N10:01
captian_eddiefaked_: you could run it from konsole to see what errors are coming out.10:01
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faked_i dunno how >_>10:01
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captian_eddie$ game_name <enter>10:01
faked_bash: n_v14: command not found10:02
captian_eddieyou could right click the icon from the menu select properties, and then see what command is used to run it.10:02
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captian_eddieer ... edit item.10:03
TheHermitHymnToLife, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2777/10:03
HymnToLifefaked_, your game is probablyt not in your PATH, cd to the dir where the executable is and do ./n_v1410:03
faked_it just saiys it's an  executable file10:03
faked_I'm in that dir10:03
faked_faked@FakedSympathy:~/Desktop/n_v1linux$ ./n_v1410:03
faked_./n_v14: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory10:03
HymnToLifeTheHermit, nothing wrong here, what is your problem ?10:03
ubotulibstdc++6: The GNU Standard C++ Library v3. In component main, is important. Version 4.1.1-13ubuntu5 (edgy), package size 282 kB, installed size 900 kB10:04
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faked_so... what do I do?10:04
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HymnToLifefaked_, it need a version of libc6 which is not the one that comes with Ubuntu10:05
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TheHermitHymnToLife,When i try to update its telling that there is one wrong or old links or something like that befor puttint # to the edgy mutlii verse10:05
faked_okay I'll install that10:05
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faked_libstdc++6 is already the newest version.10:05
faked_that's what it says10:05
italbirqulche italiano?10:06
HymnToLife!it | italbir10:06
TheHermitHymnToLife, plz wait a seconed and i check if i can install mplayer10:06
ubotuitalbir: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!10:06
captian_eddieDoes anyone here know how to get kubuntu to behave more like mandriva when typing su in particular, pass the DISPLAY and what not and I'm not saying su -p I'm saying su.10:06
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HymnToLifefaked_, sudo apt-get install libstdc++2.10-glibc2.210:07
italbirciao qualcuno pu aiutarmi su come aggiornare i driver su Kubuntu 6.10?10:08
TheHermitHymnToLife, i still cant install mplayer10:08
faked_that got it to run, thanks hymn10:08
TheHermitHymnToLife, if your too busy not now10:09
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HymnToLifeTheHermit, what happens when you try to install mplayer ?10:09
TheHermitHymnToLife,  Package mplayer has no installation candidate10:09
HymnToLifeTheHermit, which Ubuntu are you running ?10:10
HymnToLife(Dapper or Edgy ?)10:10
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HymnToLifeTheHermit, could you pastebin your current sources.list ?10:10
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Xera|damn it10:11
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HymnToLife!language | Xera|10:12
ubotuXera|: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:12
Xera|i burnt all my data to dvd-rw with k3b, and windows can't read it10:12
Xera|HymnToLife: sorry, lol10:12
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Xera|someone said about reading the dvd in "raw" mode, but i found no info on that anywhere ;/10:12
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HymnToLifeI don't think Windows can read RAW discs10:13
tamacrackaHey guys?10:13
faked_yo flash is lagging like CRAZY is there anything you can suggest to improve the performance?10:13
tamacrackai just tried to move a file from my ntfs hard drive onto my ext3 hard drive10:13
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MidMarkXera|: this happens because it doesn't close session weel imho, add another session and windows will see them10:13
ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)10:13
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:13
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tamacrackaand it froze, then i tried to open my ntfs hard drive and i get this: /sbin/mount.ntfs-3g: /usr/lib/libfuse.so.2: version `FUSE_2.6' not found (required by /sbin/mount.ntfs-3g)10:14
Xera|MidMark: huh?10:14
hyper_chhiho, can anyone help me with udevinfo to find some stuff about my palm?10:14
HymnToLifetamacracka, seems like you didn't install your ntfs-3g correctly10:14
HymnToLifesee the links ubotu gave10:14
MidMarkXera|: cannot see cd/dvd multisession burned with k3b? Add another session or close them10:14
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hyper_chudevinfo -q path -n /dev/ttyUSB0 --> I just get no info in the db10:14
tamacrackabut... i did, now it's claiming i dont have it.10:14
TheHermitHymnToLife, its telling i am spamming i will send you the list okay10:15
Xera|MidMark: "add another session", explain ;p10:15
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HymnToLifeTheHermit, no :p10:15
HymnToLifeuse another pastebin10:15
HymnToLifehttp://pastebin.com for example10:15
MidMarkXera|: do you know how a cd/dvd burning works?10:16
Xera|nop, no idea10:16
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MidMarkXera|: then search with google, better to know how it works10:16
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Xera|wth should i search for? =P10:16
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ccherrettI am trying to install psftools and it says it needs ImageMagick++. I have ImageMagick installed. what does it want?10:17
faked_yo flash is lagging like CRAZY is there anything you can suggest to improve the performance?10:17
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angasuleccherrett: hmm, it probably wants the C++ bindings of imagemagick?10:18
tamacrackacan someone please help me re-mount my NTFS hard drive? My machine froze when I was transfering files from the NTFS to my EXT3 and now I get this error: /sbin/mount.ntfs-3g: /usr/lib/libfuse.so.2: version `FUSE_2.6' not found (required by /sbin/mount.ntfs-3g)10:18
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angasuleccherrett: there is a packet called libgraphicsmagick++110:19
TheHermitHymnToLife, http://pastebin.com/86652510:19
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tamacrackacan someone please help me re-mount my NTFS hard drive? My machine froze when I was transfering files from the NTFS to my EXT3 and now I get this error: /sbin/mount.ntfs-3g: /usr/lib/libfuse.so.2: version `FUSE_2.6' not found (required by /sbin/mount.ntfs-3g)10:20
shadowhywindhi al, I am fed up with this, and hoping someone can help me. The last month or so when ever i boot into kubuntu my ip # are allways off. i have them static but when i boot they come up as a 169.254 number..10:21
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HymnToLifeTheHermit, uncomment lines 34-35 and add multiverse to lines 17-1810:21
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TheHermitHymnToLife, okay10:21
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tamacrackacan someone please help me re-mount my NTFS hard drive? My machine froze when I was transfering files from the NTFS to my EXT3 and now I get this error: /sbin/mount.ntfs-3g: /usr/lib/libfuse.so.2: version `FUSE_2.6' not found (required by /sbin/mount.ntfs-3g)10:22
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Sebienfdoving: The dist-upgrade process has finished to download. But now there is a X Windows asking me "Debconf on localhost. Value of property not valide. Enter a number between -20 and 19". I click Next and nothing happens10:23
Sebienfdoving: I click Help and nothing happens10:23
SebienThere is only Cancel left10:23
fdovingSebien: ok, hit cancel then, does it say which package this is?10:24
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Sebienfdoving: in the console, each time I click a button there is that line:"Use of uninitialized value in join or string at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/DbDriver/Stack.pm line 104, <GEN57> line 9."10:24
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Sebienfdoving: "Pre-configuring packages..."10:25
Sebienfdoving: after cancel: "/bin/sh: line 1:  8069 Segmentation error  /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure --apt"10:25
SebienIt removes packages...10:26
Sebienfdoving:  Unpacking replacement sysv-rc ...10:28
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SebienErrors were encountered while processing:10:28
Sebien /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.17-10-386_2.6.17.1-10.34_i386.deb10:28
SebienE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)10:28
SebienAnd then it's over.10:28
fdovingSebien: ok. 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow debconf' - select interface 'Dialog'10:28
spymanHi, how can I open "My computer" on Kubuntu 6.10???10:28
fdovingspyman: there is no such thing.10:28
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fdoving!windows | spyman10:28
ubotuspyman: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents10:28
fdovingspyman: what exactly is it you're looking for?10:29
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fdoving( http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm is a good read )10:29
MinatakuI believe he means the file manager10:29
TheHermitHymnToLife, okay thanks10:29
Sebienfdoving: http://rafb.net/p/nnzh2F70.html10:29
MinatakuCome on, think a little before you give him a bogus reply10:30
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spymanim looking for  how can I see my files, like "explorer or my computer of the Windows"10:30
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fdovingSebien: ok. 'LANG=en_US.UTF-8 sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow debconf'10:30
spymansorry my English is BAD, Im Brazilian...10:31
Minatakuspyman: No, no, I think it's just a case of questionitis10:31
MinatakuI believe Konqueror is the Windows Explorer equivalent10:31
Sebienfdoving: it's the same10:31
MinatakuYou should be able to do all sorts of this-n-that via Konqueror10:31
spymanOh yes...10:32
fdovingspyman: the computer icon next to the kmenu in the lower left corner -> click it, and select Home Folder, or what it's labeld.10:32
spymanKonqueror is equivalent IE and Exporer... =)10:32
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Minatakufdoving: Now was it so hard to simply figure that that was what he meant rather than giving him a "YUO N00B" reply?10:32
spymanThx... Im a noob linux user.. hehehehe10:33
Minatakuspyman: No problem and thanks for choosing Linux10:33
Xera|MidMark: i still don't understand what you were talking about ;/10:33
fdovingMinataku: yes.10:33
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spyman=] 10:33
Sebienfdoving: private chat?10:33
Minatakuspyman: BTW, your English is far above passable, near excellent10:34
spymanHow Can I create a shortcut to AMSN? I installed using - sudo apt-get install amsn...10:34
MinatakuIn the future, if you'd rather get help in your native language...10:34
Minataku!br | spyman10:34
ubotuspyman: Por favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.10:34
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Minatakuspyman: I believe it's placed in the K Menu10:35
MinatakuWhich is the equivalent of the Start Menu10:35
MinatakuVOTE FOR PEDRO10:35
MinatakuSorry, couldn't resist10:35
pedrodoes anybody knows why when a try10:35
pedrovote what for?10:35
Minatakupedro: Just a joke from a movie, nevermind, sorry10:35
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pedrowell guy10:36
spymanubotu, I like English,,, I learn 2 things... Linux and English.. hehehe10:36
pedroi'm on kubuntu10:36
pedrowhy the hell when i try to share a fckng folder in graphics mode10:36
MinatakuLanguage, pedro10:36
pedroright clicking and then in share tab..10:36
pedroall that is disable??10:36
fdovingto enable sharing you need to install samba or a nfs server.10:37
pedroi click on Administrator mode, I enter password10:37
pedroyeap its activate10:37
Minatakufdoving: Sorry for lashing out at you like that but *buntu is supposed to be free of all the negative elitism and snide remarks that other distros' channels usually have10:37
DarkWizdomhow can I point to kubunto to look for videodrivers in /usr/local/lib instead of /usr/lib ?10:37
pedroeven i modifie smb.conf10:37
MinatakuYou gotta figure "He's asking for this, perhaps he means this?"10:38
spymanMinataku, Have problems if I choose ask for help here? I dont like use ubuntu-br..10:38
Minatakuspyman: Not at all, you're welcome in any of the channels10:38
MinatakuProvided you speak the proper language for the channel10:38
MinatakuIt'd be kinda pointless to go into the Japanese channel and speak German, for instance ;310:38
fdovingMinataku: it's not a negative comment. I simply stated a similar thing to My Computer does not exist. In windows my computer does everything, things in linux does not work that way. http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm explains this.10:38
Minatakufdoving: "My Computer" is nothing more than an alternate interface to file management10:39
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MinatakuThe nearest equivalent, as I correctly pointed out, was Konqueror10:39
fdovingthe nearest must be about:konqueror then.10:40
MinatakuWhich is similar in function really to ALL of Explorer where file management/etc is concerned10:40
MinatakuEspecially when you consider Konq is also the KDE web browser10:40
spymanSomebody knows why appears "Su error" when I try open the ADD/Remove program??10:40
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Minatakuspyman: You should get a dialog box that asks you to enter a password, you have to put in your password there to gain permission to do maintenance tasks10:41
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tamacrackaOk... I need someone to fully understand what I'm about to do and need to know if this will still work. Is anyone available?10:42
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underdog5004I'm here10:43
tamacrackaunderdog, as of now, I have windows xp (ntfs) on my primary master hard drive, which is hda110:43
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underdog5004damn, brb10:43
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spymanI have the passwrod, I put on dialog box ant appears the error...10:44
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Minatakuspyman: Are you sure you're typing it correctly? It's case-sensitive10:45
Xera|meh i cba to fiddle with this, i'll reinstall grub, boot to linux and copy the files over to windows there ;p10:46
spymanits only numbers...10:46
spymanand now, not appears the dialog box aking the password..10:47
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MinatakuGood, strong passwords have both letters and numbers in them10:47
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MinatakuAs for why it's not working, I'm afraid I don't know, sorry10:47
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underdog5004yay, I'm back10:48
underdog5004tamacracka, so, ok, what're you doing?10:48
tamacrackaunderdog, as of now, I have windows xp (ntfs) on my primary master hard drive, which is hda1. My primary slave hard drive is Linux (ext3). I want to format my Windows XP (ntfs) hda1 drive and make it just a storage drive. Because my NTFS hard drive is my Primary Master drive, and my EXT3 hard drive is my Primary Slave drive, if I reformat my NTFS, will I lose my GRUB? And if I do, will I need to install GRUB again? Or not, since10:48
tamacrackaI want to only use Linux and now windows xp.10:48
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spymanCould be necessary restart the S.O.? Its necessary restart the linux some times like linux:10:49
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MinatakuThe MBR shouldn't be touched by standard formatting (that is, mere partition reassignment)10:49
MinatakuMEaning that GRUB shouldn't require a reinstall10:49
underdog5004tamacracka, ok. Why don't you make your linux drive the master, then boot from the liveCD and run 'grub-install'  <==not sure about command. That should do it, then you can just cfdisk your slave10:49
MinatakuHowever if it does, it's easy enough to replace10:50
Minatakuunderdog5004: Not necessary10:50
tamacrackaSo if i format my HDA110:50
MinatakuJust reassign the partition on the primary/master10:50
tamacrackaI need to make that my primary slave by jumper?10:50
underdog5004my bad, Minataku10:50
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Minatakutamacracka: Negative10:50
MinatakuThis will require no opening the PC10:50
Minatakufdisk the hda110:50
MinatakuDelete the NTFS partition10:50
tamacrackaright now?10:50
tamacrackagonna use gparted10:51
MinatakuWhenever you're ready to10:51
MinatakuThat works too10:51
MinatakuThen recreate the partiton as a Linux partition10:51
MinatakuYou should be all good to go from there once it's set and you make the filesystem on it10:51
MinatakuGRUB should remain completely untouched10:51
tamacrackaon Gparted10:51
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tamacrackai right click my ntfs partition10:52
tamacrackaor my hard drive i should say10:52
tamacrackaand it only gives me, flag, unmount, and information option10:52
MinatakuIf by some chance it does get cracked up in the process, simply use the LiveCD to reinstall it10:52
MinatakuUnmount it10:52
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MinatakuIf it's mounted you can't work with it10:52
BluesKajtamacracka,.don't you want tosave your windows partition?10:52
tamacrackaok unmounted10:52
tamacrackahell no10:52
tamacrackai want nothin to do with windows10:52
MinatakuIs there anything important on it?10:52
tamacrackanope :)10:52
tamacrackai backed it all up to linux :)10:53
tamacrackawhich was pictures lol10:53
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MinatakuNow, delete the partition, and make it a Linux partition10:53
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MinatakuI believe that's fstype 0x8110:53
MinatakuThough I think gparted is friendlier than what I use10:53
MinatakuSo it should just say "Linux" or whatever10:53
tamacrackaok i deleted it10:53
tamacrackanow remake it? or format it?10:54
MinatakuNow remake it as a Linux partitio10:54
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tamacrackaCreate as "primary partition?10:54
tamacrackaor extended?10:54
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MinatakuIf gparted allows you to make the filesystem from within it, you can do it from there10:54
tamacrackai made it a primary ext file system10:55
MinatakuI suggest ext310:55
tamacrackanow format?10:55
MinatakuTried, true... and journaling10:55
MinatakuMake the filesystem, yes10:55
MinatakuFormat is a DOS/Windows term ;310:55
tamacrackaThe following operation could not be applied to disk:10:55
tamacrackaCreate Primary Partition #1 (ext3, 149.05 GiB) on /dev/hda10:55
MinatakuYou are running gparted as root, right?10:56
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tamacrackayeah i clicked gparted, and put my password in10:56
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MinatakuWhat the crap...10:56
MinatakuIs there any extended info on why?10:57
tamacrackait's unallocated >.>10:57
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MidMarksome knows if there are some k3b 1.0rc4 ubuntu package?10:57
Minatakutamacracka: This is why I hate GUI tools10:57
tamacrackaok i tried it once again10:58
MinatakuThey tend to hide the real errors and just say "It failed" instead of "It failed because..."10:58
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tamacrackaand so far... it's just sittin there lol10:58
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MinatakuWell, it takes a bit to make the filesystem10:58
LjLMinataku: well, that's still better than saying "nothing happened", as user translate error messages into10:58
MinatakuIf it's still doing nothing after 60s then it's b0rk3d10:58
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Minataku(Making the filesystem should really take at most around 5s)10:59
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tamacrackai think i got it!10:59
tamacrackagonna check10:59
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MinatakuTry and mount it from gparted10:59
MinatakuIf it doesn't scream and die, then yes, you more than likely got it10:59
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=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:LjL] : Kubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuEdgyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ | Large pastes go here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage
tamacrackait has a folder in there11:00
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tamacrackacalled lost and found11:00
tamacrackai clicked it11:00
MinatakuThat's normal11:00
tamacrackaand it says i dont have permission to view it.11:00
MinatakuThat's for fsck11:00
tamacrackamy next question11:01
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tamacrackawhen i restart11:01
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tamacrackado i need to make my slave drive11:01
tamacrackathe bootable drive?11:01
tamacrackai assume yes.11:01
MinatakuWhen it comes across a filesystem hiccup where a file is there but orphaned (similar to "lost clusters" on a FAT filesystem) it puts it in lost+found11:01
Minatakutamacracka: Negative11:01
MinatakuGRUB is on the primary11:01
MinatakuSo you boot from the primary11:01
tamacrackaeven though i just formatted my primary?11:01
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stdinMidMark: don't think so, no "official" ones anyway11:01
Minatakutamacracka: Indeed11:02
tamacrackai just dont wanna get stuck11:02
tamacrackawhere it says no operating system found11:02
MinatakuSince GRUB's extended files are all set up pointing to where they are on the Linux partition11:02
tamacrackaand then i can't log back onto linux lol11:02
Minatakutamacracka: You can always boot back in via the LiveCD's GRUB11:02
tamacrackaoh yeah lol11:02
tamacrackaone very last question11:03
MinatakuI'm 99.9% sure it'll reboot perfectly11:03
tamacrackahow should i check my permissions on this specific drive?11:03
tamacrackato read and write.11:03
Minatakutamacracka: Well, I use a fancy-schmancy self-written fstab on my box11:03
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MinatakuSo I'm not gonna be of much help to you at that issue11:03
MinatakuPerhaps stdin or LjL would like to take this one? XD11:04
MidMarkstdin: hope to see 1.0 final in feisty11:04
tamacrackagonna attempt to copy a folder onto it11:04
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Minatakutamacracka: I'm a Gentoo user, quite well-versed in GNU/Linux11:04
stdinMidMark: depends if it's stable in time11:04
MinatakuThat's why I told you to use fdisk at first XD11:04
tamacrackaoh i see11:05
MinatakuSince that's what I would have been using X311:05
tamacrackayeah it's not givin me permission to read/write11:05
MinatakuI'd also manually make the filesystem with "mke2fs -j /dev/hda1"11:05
LjLtamacracka: what kind of filesystem?11:05
MinatakuThen watch it putt away at placing down the framework11:05
tamacrackawxt3 :P11:05
stdinext2/3 permissions are stored in the filesystem11:05
LjLstdin: the virtualbox issue with kernel module and permissions was fixed by a reboot btw11:05
Minatakutamacracka: It's probably mounted for root11:06
tamacrackai just deleted windows and made this new partition into my linux storage hard drive :P11:06
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MinatakuSince you mounted it through gparted as root11:06
tamacrackaoh tru11:06
stdinLjL: yeah, I found that too, nice little app :)11:06
MinatakuIt should if automounted let anyone use it, I believe11:06
tamacrackayeah i had to mount it myself11:06
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MinatakuI don't quite know the technical details (or really any details) of Kubuntu's specific implementations11:06
LjLstdin: well i seem to find screen redrawing a bit painfully slow compared to vmware though11:06
tamacrackai forgot how to give permissions to everyone who uses this pc11:06
Minatakutamacracka: You don't11:07
MinatakuYou give them permission only as far as they need11:07
tamacrackai dont?11:07
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tamacrackayeah lol well.. how do i give myself permission? lol11:07
stdinLjL: iy can be, and there are a couple of bugs in it, but hey, it's open source :)11:07
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LjLstdin: sure sure, not complaining11:07
MinatakuMe, I put myself in all the proper groups and set up things like my fstab so my external drives can be mounted by me as me for me11:08
tamacrackaUser and Group: root11:08
MinatakuSo my externals are all ed/users11:08
Hoxxinwhy did my kubuntu go into text mode? how do i get it back to graphic mode???11:08
MinatakuWith reduced permissions for group11:08
tamacrackaah i see... im barely novice on kubuntu11:08
Minatakutamacracka: I've been around the block a few times11:08
MinatakuI do all my file maintenance via xterm, for example11:09
MinatakuNo GUI file manager11:09
tamacrackabasically DOS mode like?11:09
tamacrackai dont think i'd have the patience lol11:09
Minatakutamacracka: It's actually faster and easier11:09
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stdinCLI is faster IMO11:10
tamacrackaLjL... when ever you're free can you help me with permissions on my storage hard drive that i just created?11:10
Minatakustdin could probably help too11:10
stdintamacracka: it's ext3 yes ?11:10
tamacrackaThat sounds like... a paradox11:10
MinatakuI'd give it my magic but Kubuntu would probably cry at my ways XD11:10
stdintamacracka: any the problem is only root can right to it ?11:10
tamacrackait was ntfs and i just formatted it and created it into primary ext3 filesystem11:10
tamacrackayeah user and group: root11:10
tamacrackafrom what my properties tells me11:11
tamacrackalol Min11:11
stdintamacracka: try chmoding it11:11
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tamacrackatype that in terminal?11:11
stdintamacracka: yep, time for the term :)11:11
Minatakutamacracka: chmod determines who can do what to something11:11
fdovingtamacracka: if you remove the fstab entry for it, hal and pmount will pick it up and give you a fancy popup asking you what you want to do when you plug it in.11:12
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Minatakufdoving: It's internal11:12
tamacrackait's not an external drive11:12
tamacrackait's internal11:12
stdintamacracka: where is it mounted ?11:12
manu_i have a problem with kmix he changed my soudncard without i did anything, i have only one sound"card" a onboard chip realtek9711:12
manu_and a tvtunter card wchich has a line in chip11:12
tamacrackachmod hda111:12
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stdintamacracka: where is it? /media/hda1?11:12
Minatakutamacracka: It has to have a mount point11:12
fdovingtamacracka: no, chmod the mountpoint.11:12
tamacrackaoh ok hold on11:13
MinatakuThat's where in the filesystem you access the root of that filesystem from11:13
tamacracka /media/hda111:13
manu_now i can with my special keys on the keyboard chnge the volume but not of the output, i can only chnage the input of this tv tuner card11:13
manu_can you help?11:13
stdintamacracka: try: sudo chmod 777 /media/hda111:13
MinatakuSlow down there cowboy11:13
tamacracka777 or 775?11:13
tamacrackafor a fact?11:14
MinatakuDon't want world having write permissions11:14
manu_fdoving: can you help?11:14
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HymnToLife700 ftw :p11:14
stdinMinataku, tamacracka yeah, 755, typed to fast :P11:14
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Minatakustdin: 775 if it's multiuser11:14
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Minatakutamacracka: Are others going to be allowed to use this for storage?11:14
HymnToLifetamacracka, 775 and 755 should do the same thing11:14
tamacracka700, 755, 775, 777?11:14
Aluminwhat's the proper way to authenticate to CUPS?  I tried "lppasswd -a myusername", but it's still not accepting that username and password or any of the system usernames and passwords11:14
stdinMinataku: I'd say to chgrp it too11:15
tamacrackaah ok11:15
HymnToLiferead-write to you, read-only to everyone else11:15
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fdovingmanu_: sorry, i'm not into volume control keys. :|11:15
tamacrackathere's only one user that logs onto this machine11:15
Minatakutamacracka: Oh11:15
tamacrackawhich is i :P11:15
Aluminwhen I say "not accepting", I mean for admin commands at http://localhost:63111:15
MinatakuThen just make it yours entirely and 75511:15
tamacrackacool :)11:16
manu_fdoving: ok dowsnt matter, the problem is that this keys control the master volume and this has changed (i dont know why) to the line in of the tv tuner11:16
tamacrackawhat was 777?11:16
MinatakuThat's how my external partitions are, ed owns them since ed is the only user besides root on the machine11:16
HymnToLiferead-write access to everyone11:16
manu_how to get back to the soudn output of my sound chip fdoving?11:16
Minatakuchmod gives an octal value in three groups11:16
tamacrackaoh... i see11:16
MinatakuFirst is owner, second is group, third is "everyone else"11:16
tamacrackaI gotta get me a book on linux <,< hard copy lol11:16
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ubotuThe files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux11:17
tamacrackawhen you say everyone11:17
MinatakuWithin those three are three binary bits11:17
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tamacrackado you mean11:17
tamacrackaeven on the network?11:17
Minatakutamacracka: Anyone who isn't either owner or group member11:17
fdovingmanu_: do you have the kmix icon in your systray? right-click -> select master channel maybe?11:17
HymnToLifeMinataku, that sounds lika a nice tongue-twister :p11:17
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MinatakuHymnToLife: lol11:17
tamacrackai understand :P11:17
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stdintamacracka: "everyone" means anyone who isn't the owner or in the group11:17
MinatakuAnyway, there's a 3-bit binary number for permissions, binary is a weighted-style base-2 system11:18
tamacrackathey can access it11:18
tamacrackawithout a password11:18
tamacrackaor do "anything" to it without a password?11:18
Minatakur, read, has a weight of 411:18
HymnToLifethey still need to have a user account on the system11:18
Minatakuw, write, has a weight of 211:18
tamacrackaoh ok11:18
Minatakux, execute, has a weight of 111:18
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HymnToLifeor crack their way into it :p11:18
tamacrackayeah im the only user :P11:18
MinatakuFor directories, x determines if you can "cd" into it11:19
tamacrackathey have to crack the start up password lol then the log on password11:19
MinatakuSo unless you don't want anyone going in there, you always have at least 1 on a directory11:19
manu_fdoving: downst help11:19
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HymnToLifeMinataku, root can still go in a 000-chmodded dir11:20
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MinatakuHymnToLife: Well, root is special11:20
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HymnToLiferoot ftw :p11:20
MinatakuThat's why it's use is more-or-less discouraged in Kubuntu11:20
MinatakuSince most would use root all the time which is stupid and irresponsible11:20
Minatakutamacracka: If you ever come across a command, in a terminal type "man <whatever>"11:21
HymnToLifeyeah, they could as well use Windows :p11:21
MinatakuLike "man chmod"11:21
MinatakuWhich would probably explain it better than I tried to11:21
Phlostenman is your friend11:21
dopeso what's the difference between ubuntu and ubuntu-server?11:21
fdovingmanu_: then i don't know.11:21
tamacrackaoh sweet11:21
tamacrackai didn't know that11:21
HymnToLifedope, ubuntu server has no GUI11:21
MinatakuWell, change "probably" to "definitely"11:21
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MinatakuOr, in sed script, that's s/probably/definitely/11:22
MinatakuBut that's a whole different command11:22
dopeis fedore better than ubuntu?11:22
tamacrackaman im happy i no longer need windows11:22
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manu_fdoving: perhps delet all config files?11:22
Minatakutamacracka: Thank you for choosing Open Source :D11:22
mervteckhey guys11:22
tamacrackathe only thing that was holdin me back was my portable mp3 player11:22
manu_where can i do that fdoving11:22
tamacrackabut rockbox made a GUI for my mp3 player :)11:23
Minatakutamacracka: :D11:23
tamacrackaand rockbox is linux based :P11:23
HymnToLifedope, imo, Ubuntu is a million times better than Fedora11:23
mervteckkubuntu is best! XD11:23
Minatakutamacracka: Now, at your own pace, of course, I'd suggest learning the CLI11:23
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands11:23
tamacrackaoh jes11:23
MinatakuBTW: Don't let anyone (but me) tell you which editor is best... whatever they tell you to use, you use nano11:24
ubotuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) | Terminal-based editors: vi/vim, emacs, and nano (user-friendly). | HTML/CSS editors: !html | Programming: !code11:24
tamacrackathanks :P11:24
tamacrackayeah nano is awesome11:24
tamacrackai was using kedit11:24
stdinwhatever you do, don't use vim :P11:24
MinatakuI'm an experienced Linux user and even I hate vi and emacs11:24
Aluminbah @ nano11:24
Minatakuvi requires memorizing a bunch of arcane and asinine commands11:24
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tamacrackakedit or fedit11:24
Aluminlet's make an editor that destroys files with long lines!11:25
Minatakuemacs requires the same PLUS approximately 22 fingers11:25
Aluminwe'll call it the pine composer, pico for short11:25
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HymnToLifeAlumin, that's what the -w switch is for...11:25
PhlostenAlumin: its more fun that way!11:25
Aluminthen doing it once wasn't a bad enough idea, let's _clone_ that functionality and call it nano!11:25
Minataku-w? I need to alias that11:25
dopewhat's the best way to transfer a bunch of files to another computer?  is there a prefered protocol?11:25
AluminHymnToLife: how about making "destroy the file" not the default behaviour11:25
stu_Has anyone ever used Automatix? Is it generally...slow? lol11:25
HymnToLifeAlumin, I wonder that too11:26
MinatakuOnly thing that pisses me off about nano is the addition of \n11:26
LjL!automatix | stu_11:26
ubotustu_: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe11:26
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe11:26
HymnToLifebut that doesn't bother me much11:26
Aluminif you're going to recommend an editor, recommend a graphical editor11:26
tamacrackaim gettin rid of automatix <,<11:26
Aluminkedit, kate11:26
HymnToLifekate ftw11:26
Aluminor if it has to be console, joe11:26
HymnToLifebut honestly11:26
moparisthebestkate isn't half bad tbh11:26
HymnToLifeI don't fancy running kate to edit my fstab11:27
moparisthebestwhy not?11:27
AluminHymnToLife: well, do you want lowest common denominator or don't you?11:27
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dopehow do i know i'm getting the server edition?11:28
MinatakuIf you ask me, the GUI is merely a convience11:28
Aluminof what, (k)ubuntu?11:28
MinatakuEditing files, CLI11:28
HymnToLifedope, if you downloaded an ISO with "server" in its filename11:28
stdindope: if you get the server iso, it's the server edition11:28
MinatakuIRC Chat, GUI11:28
HymnToLifeit's the server edition11:28
MinatakuWeb browsing, GUI11:28
Alumindope: it's the same thing, just different package selections11:28
MinatakuPractically everything else, CLI11:28
dopewhere can i find that11:28
MinatakuBut that's just me X311:28
dopecrap nevermind11:29
Aluminwant -server?  "apt-get --purge remove x-window-system"  :P11:29
MinatakuOr just remove X from the default runlevel :P11:29
HymnToLifeMinataku, about the same here, GUI for email too11:29
MinatakuHymnToLife: I use nothing but web-based email11:29
HymnToLifeand image processing in GIMP since I'm quite much into photography11:29
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MinatakuI look at... images in a VT using fbi11:29
ubotufbi: Linux frame buffer image viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.05-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 52 kB, installed size 176 kB11:29
dopedammit, i was downloading the desktop one again11:30
HymnToLifelook at them is one thing11:30
HymnToLifeworking on them is another :p11:30
MinatakuI'd say what kind of images they are but... oh, Jucato isn't here11:30
MinatakuHymnToLife: True11:30
Aluminwhat, there's no fb version of Gimp? :)11:30
MinatakuBut then using The GIMP to look at porn is overkill11:30
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Aluminspeaking of console stuff11:30
Aluminhave any of you guys ever run mplayer in svgalib mode?  is it faster?11:31
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MinatakuWell, it does cut out any overhead caused by the GUI11:31
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Aluminyeah, my gut feeling is that it would be faster because of that11:31
MinatakuSince instead of initalizing X11 this and opening X11 that11:31
MinatakuIt just writes everything to VRAM instead11:31
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AluminI should try it when I get home11:32
AluminI have a laptop that's just _barely_ able to play movies without lagging11:32
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MinatakuAlumin: Spend some quality time with Rosy Palm and her Five Friends?11:32
AluminMinataku: maybe the six of them will get together in a group and meet your nose :P11:33
MinatakuAlumin: Sorry XD11:33
AluminI knew there was a comeback there11:33
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AluminI just had to find it11:33
Aluminactually, it's not the pr0n that's the problem, it's usually small enough to fit in -cache11:33
elyon225How do I prevent my CD drives from displaying an icon on my desktop?  I've tried disabling "Device Icons" through Configure Desktop, but it's still there.11:34
MinatakuNote, though, I wasn't insulting you with that11:34
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Aluminit's the (non-pr0n) home movies that actually require disk access11:34
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:34
MinatakuAlumin: Nice catch, you woulda caught hell if you didn't specify "non-pr0n"11:34
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Aluminthere are certain things you just learn to account for on IRC :p11:35
dopeanyone notice memory leaks with swiftfox?11:36
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MinatakuFirefox itself is a tad leaky11:37
MinatakuJust close it every couple of days11:37
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MinatakuIt'll clean up it's mess and you can start it again all fresh and clean11:37
MinatakuUntil maybe 5 more days later and you have to do it again11:38
elyon225How do I prevent my CD drives from displaying an icon on my desktop?  I've tried disabling "Device Icons" through Configure Desktop, but it's still there.11:38
MinatakuLinux cleans up after memory leaks, unlike Windows11:38
MinatakuAll memory malloc()'d to a Linux processes is free()'d after the process closes11:38
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dopeoh herro11:48
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elyon225How do I prevent my CD drives from displaying an icon on my desktop?  I've tried disabling "Device Icons" through Configure Desktop, but it's still there.11:50
=== gabaryah [n=gabaryah@pool-71-172-168-77.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
gabaryahi need help after installing ubuntu i'm unable to boot into vista11:51
elyon225gabaryah: Stop pirating software and you wouldn't have the problem.11:52
gabaryahwhat are you talking about11:52
gabaryahi'm asking for help11:52
=== SpYmAn [n=spyman@201-1-192-12.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu
BluesKajelyon225, have you tried configging the cdrom drive itself in system menu/storage media11:52
gabaryahmentioned nothing about pirating stuf11:52
chavoelyon225, you can get vista legally chill out11:52
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chavogabaryah, were you ever able to dual boot11:53
gabaryahit's there while booting up11:53
elyon225BluesKaj: Nope... didn't think to.  what is the whole point of KDE's Desktop configuration then?  Because none of the changes made there made any difference.11:53
SpYmAnGente, desativei a barra de ferramentas do Konversation, como habilito denovo??? 0_o11:53
gabaryahhowever when i choose it goes back to grub menu11:53
LjLUbotu, tell SpYmAn about pt | SpYmAn, see the private message from Ubotu11:53
gabaryahno first boot11:53
LjLSpYmAn: it's ok, that is the "barra de ferramentas"? the toolbar?11:54
elyon225BluesKaj: And right-clicking and choosing Properties doesn't offer anything in the way of desktop icons.11:54
LjLSpYmAn: Settings / Show toolbars <- if it is11:54
gabaryahVista is on my first partiton /dev/hda211:54
gabaryahVista is on my first partiton /dev/hda111:54
LjLImpostacaos i guess SpYmAn11:54
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SpYmAnThe menu settings not appears11:55
LjLSpYmAn: is the menu in english or portuguese?11:55
LjLdoes the menu appear at all?11:55
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LjLSpYmAn: try pressing Ctrl+M11:55
gabaryahguess nobody here can help11:56
SpYmAnmenu in English = menu Portuguese..11:56
LjLSpYmAn: you're welcome :)11:56
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.11:56
LjLgabaryah: i've never used vista, but try pasting your /boot/grub/menu.lst to the pastebin and i'll have a look11:56
=== eegore [n=eegore@adsl-75-4-58-97.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu
eegoreDoes anyone know how I can have a terminal launch on the right click on the desktop in KDE11:57
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gabaryahok thx11:57
chavoshould be the same as xp dual boot11:57
eegorein the menu11:57
elyon225eegore: You could create a link to the ~/Desktop and put it on your Desktop.  But as far as adding it to the actual context menu, I'm not sure you can do that.11:57
SpYmAnLjL, only a doubt... How do you was know what I wront in Portuguese?11:58
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LjLeegore: would a F key work for you?11:58
gabaryahdid you get it?11:58
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chavoyes you can have a custom right clik menu on desktop11:58
LjLSpYmAn: i am italian, so i can understand a little11:58
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elyon225gabaryah: Looks like GRUB is pointing the Vista to load from hda0, which is where GRUB itself is located :)11:58
chavogo to Configure Desktop -> Behavior Tab11:58
chavoyou can configure what each click does and make a custom menu of apps11:58
elyon225chavo: Wow... I never new you could do the custom menus :)  Nice.11:59
elyon225chavo: You know how I can get this stupid cdrom icon to stay off my desktop?11:59
gabaryahi tried to putting grub on my mbr but my pc won't boot anything upless i use the live cd than select boot from first HD11:59
elyon225chavo: Then you most likely overwrote the Vista boot record.12:00
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chavoelyon225, should be in the same desktop comfigoration window12:00
eegoreLjL: pardong me?12:00
chavono my vista boot is working gabaryah's isnt12:00
elyon225chavo: I know where it SAYS I can configure which device icons appear, but no changed I make there actually do anything.12:00
chavoI just turned em all off12:00
elyon225chavo: Oh, sorry lol... wrong completion.12:00
LjLeegore: F1, F2, F3 etc... if one of those keys brought up a console, would it be OK for you?12:00
elyon225chavo: I've tried turning them all off too, but it still shows up.12:00
LjLi don't know how to add it to the desktop menu eegore, but i can probably do that12:01
elyon225gabaryah: \ Then you most likely overwrote the Vista boot record.12:01
eegoreelyon225: there has to be a file to edit somewhere for the right click on the desktop12:01
gabaryahok i  just installed grub to my MBR12:01
elyon225eegore: Did you read what chavo said?12:01
gabaryahgoing to reboot & see what happens12:01
SpYmAnLjL, Im new here, and Im loving Linux users, you're very "atencioso"(people that friendly helper).. THX!12:01
elyon225gabaryah: Good luck12:01
gabaryahll BEEEE back12:01
chavoSpYmAn, that's what Ubuntu/Kubuntu is all about :)12:02
gabaryahi can easily fix vista boot12:02
eegorechavo: what file has the settings for the right click on the desktop12:02
gabaryahubuntu is what i'm worried about12:02
elyon225SpYmAn: Without this channel, there is NO way I'd have gotten Ubuntu up and running.  As it is it still took weeks, but at least it's almost done now lol12:02
elyon225gabaryah: Did you have Ubuntu installed first?12:02
gabaryahi have xp & vista12:03
gabaryahthan installed ubuntu12:03
elyon225eegore: If you right-click your desktop and choose "Configure Desktop" just select the "Behavior" tab.12:03
eegoreoh by the way is there any reason to go to the newest version of KDE12:03
elyon225eegore: Then, at the bottom, it allows you to setup a custom menu for the right-click action.12:03
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elyon225gabaryah: Well, you can always get back into Ubuntu using the live CD to reinstall GRUB.12:04
gabaryahquestion when i changed my grub from my first ha partition to MBR will it move the older grub?12:04
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elyon225gabaryah: I would imagine not.  You may end up needing to reinstall Windows (or repair if that's an option)... then reinstall GRUB to the mbr.12:04
elyon225gabaryah: You can thank Microsoft for denying the existance of other operating systems and refusing to allow dual booting.12:05
gabaryahsame thing i'm thinking but after chatting with you i understand why it's not working anymore my mistake was installing grub the same partition Vista was on12:06
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elyon225gabaryah: Yeah, you don't want to do that when all of Vista's boot information was most likely stored there too.12:06
gabaryahthanks elyon22512:06
elyon225gabaryah: My pleasure.12:06
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SpYmAnLjL, What tips you can teach me for Kubuntu?12:07
crustyhello! kaffeine do not work anymore....any help??12:07
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LjLSpYmAn, it really depends a lot on what you use and do... just ask questions when you have them ;)12:08
dopei'm tryin to install ssh on a server installation of ubuntu but it keeps asking me to insert the disc.  why won't it just get it off the internet?12:09
elyon225SpYmAn: I have some tips that have helped me.  READ, READ, READ to wiki, forums, documentation... and spend a lot of time in here :)12:09
=== gabaryah [n=gabaryah@pool-71-172-168-77.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
SpYmAnok... =)12:09
elyon225Sometimes you'll get answers, sometimes following advice will screw things up.  But hey, you'll learn a lot in the process.12:10
elyon225gabaryah: And?12:10
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gabaryahmust be on my vista drive12:10
elyon225gabaryah: I'm assuming since you're here that you were unable to boot into Vista... :)12:10
gabaryahwhen i click on vista from grub menu it loops back to grub12:10
gabaryahjust like before12:11
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elyon225gabaryah: Yeah, Vista assumes that it's own boot info is at hda0, so it sends you there, only to find the GRUB program and load that again.12:11
gabaryahif it wasn't there & i had clicked on vista from grub menu either it would have loaded vista or gave me a error12:11
Alumindope: because your cdrom sources have higher priority than your network sources12:12

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