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stdinanyone know off hand the repo for kde 3.5.6 for feisty ?07:53
Jucato_for testing?07:54
=== Jucato_ searches his logs...
Jucato_stdin: based on my logs, it's deb http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kde-356-feisty/ feisty main07:55
stdinthanks Jucato_07:55
stdinlet's hope I don't regret this now :P07:56
Jucato_stdin: be sure to give input on bugs and stuff (there's a known bug with kopete)07:56
stdinI will, that's the point of testing :)07:57
stdinwell, that and the smugness of having the latest stuff :P07:57
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=== Hobbsee wave
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MrWGWKwwii: you there?10:58
kwwiiMrWGW: yepp, but I have to leave for 5 min11:00
MrWGWtell me when you get back, we need to have a chat about Kubuntu's graphics11:02
Riddellwhere "have" means "going out to watch some cars"11:02
MrWGWI downloaded Kubuntu and like it a lot in terms of what you've done11:02
MrWGWI was really amazed by how refined and awesome the graphical experience was, in fact11:02
Riddellnever heard kwwii being called refined before :)11:04
MrWGWwell, there you go11:06
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@243.207.103-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseehey Tonio_11:09
kwwiiRiddell: go put on your dress and leave me along11:09
Tonio_haloha !11:09
kwwiiMrWGW: sure, love to talk about it11:10
HobbseeRiddell wears dresses?11:10
MrWGWso yeah, Kubuntu is quite nice11:11
=== Riddell has never worn a dress in his life
MrWGWI'm wondering what you'd like me to look into working on in terms of it11:11
MrWGWyeah, I don't do the cross dressing thing myself either11:11
kwwiiwell, I think that for feisty we want to push the look even further11:11
MrWGWI'm a suit-and-tie man11:11
Tonio_Riddell: haha, I did :)11:11
kwwiiRiddell: right, right, *I* believe you11:11
HobbseeRiddell: you should.  it's an experience :P  and heels11:11
MrWGWI'm probably the only guy you'll ever meet doing UI design for FOSS who owns a tie clasp collection and who tries to use one everyday11:11
Tonio_at my best friend's 20 years birthday11:11
kwwiiMrWGW: lol11:12
HobbseeTonio_: ookay?11:12
=== Hobbsee is a jeans and tshirt girl.
Tonio_we went to a concert and I shaved my legs and dressed as a wooman11:12
Tonio_everyone thought I was a girl, that was pretty cool ;)11:12
kwwiiTonio_: yeah, but *you're* french, we expect that11:12
Tonio_kwwii: ;)11:12
Tonio_let me find a photo11:13
Tonio_if I still got one....11:13
Tonio_I had long hair at that moment, that helped too :)11:13
kwwiiMrWGW: so basically we want to keep the basic feel, but push that even further11:13
Hobbseeif not, you have to dress up as a girl, and shave your legs, etc, again, just to show us...11:13
MrWGWyou know one really scarry thought would be rms in drag :-P11:13
kwwiione thing that we really should take care of is the konqueror and help designs11:13
Tonio_Hobbsee: bah I'm not that thin today11:13
Tonio_I have bard etc.... :)11:14
MrWGWhow about RMS in drag as the default desktop? That would be really pushing the edge11:14
kwwiiwe tried to change the konqueror/help stuff for edgy by simply using the existing design and changing the blue to purple but that did not turn out very well11:14
Hobbseeas long as i'm not wanted to model :P11:14
Jucatokwwii: will feisty still be purple?11:15
kwwiiwe really need to make new pics, not just rotate the colors of the existing ones11:15
kwwiiJucato: yeah, I think so11:15
HobbseeJucato: PINK!!!!11:15
MrWGWis there any plan to use the Ubuntu human color scheme in Kubuntu?11:15
Tonio_Hobbsee: at that moment I was 70 kg for 1.84m11:15
JucatoHobbsee: kool! :)11:15
HobbseeMrWGW: nope11:15
Tonio_today I am 82 :) hard to reproduce :)11:15
JucatoMrWGW: please no...11:15
HobbseeTonio_: heh.  scary11:15
MrWGWI take it you guys have an aversion to brown ;)11:15
Tonio_Hobbsee: life going on........11:15
=== Tonio_ finishes to patch klibido, then works on kcm again
HobbseeMrWGW: just the human colour scheme is rather ugly, yes.11:16
kwwiiMrWGW: well, there has always been a difference between ubuntu and kubuntu, it starts at the logo and goes from there11:16
MrWGWnot a problem11:16
kwwiibut using purple was something new, a way to move away from a simple blue design11:16
kwwiieveryone and their brother uses blue11:16
Jucatokwwii: I thought it started with the name? :D11:16
MrWGWBlue is the most overused color in GUI11:16
kwwiiJucato: well, graphically, I mean11:17
MrWGWI'm working on recoloring PC BSD to red and grey11:17
Jucatohehe :)11:17
MrWGWRed is the perfect color for a BSD OS11:17
kwwiiMrWGW: yeah, I can see that11:17
JucatoMrWGW: have you seen Edubuntu?11:17
MrWGWand speaking of whihc, kwwii, what's involved in creating a custom set of window decorations?11:17
JucatoMrWGW: it red too11:17
MrWGWand also, what would be involved in replacing the buttons with Crystal?11:17
MrWGWahh interesting11:17
MrWGWI might download it for the sheer heck of it11:17
Hobbseekwwii: try pink :P11:17
JucatoMrWGW: nah, just look at screenshots in osdir.com :)11:18
Hobbseeactually, i saw edubuntu - very pretty, despite that it's gnome11:18
MrWGWyou know what else would be good, Fubuntu using Fluxbox :-P11:18
kwwiiHobbsee: yeah! pink and green ponies11:18
MrWGWthat one could be lime11:18
Hobbseekwwii: YES!!!11:18
Hobbseekwwii: at least as temp artwrok :)11:18
MrWGWeh, I like to download an OS to get a real feel for the UI11:18
kwwiiwe'll make Hubuntu just for you11:18
Hobbseekwwii: Hubuntu?11:18
MrWGWI'd like to see WGWUbuntu: Ubuntu but with my own upcoming mod for GNOME ;-P11:18
MrWGWbecause I'm really sick to death of GNOME's broken UI...11:19
kwwiiHobbsee: didn't want to say "ho-buntu" cause I don't think you be a ho :p11:19
JucatoMrWGW: btw, the windeco used for Kubuntu is a customized Crystal, with customized "Kubuntu" buttons (the ones in Dapper and Edgy are very different)11:19
Hobbseekwwii: heh11:19
=== Hobbsee hopes not
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
MrWGWhow hard is it to customize those buttons?11:20
kwwiiJucato: the buttons/windec in feisty is the same as edgy11:20
MrWGWbecause I'm thinking I want to do that in PC-BSD11:20
kwwiiMrWGW: not hard11:20
Jucatokwwii: ah so no more changes?11:20
kwwiiit is pixmap bsed11:20
MrWGWreplace the "Vista" rip off buttons with a PC BSD btton11:20
kwwiiJucato: probably just improvements11:20
MrWGWbecause other than the buttons, the Crystal theme is perfect for what I'm trying to do11:20
MrWGWwell, almost11:20
kwwiiyeah, it is very flexible and looks pretty good11:21
MrWGWhow hard is it to make a window decorations theme, though? I heard they had to be hard coded in c++11:21
kwwiiyeah, the engine itself is coded11:21
Jucatothey are11:21
Jucatoso are styles11:21
MrWGWmy only gripe with crystal is that the edges are the same color as the title bar11:21
Jucatowhich makes me amazed at the amount of styles and windecos in kde-look...11:21
Jucato(it's not that hard to code after all, lol!)11:21
MrWGWsomeone needs to code a GUI-based window decoration creator11:22
MrWGWso you can just copy and paste .svgs and then blammo11:22
Jucatothat will be hard11:22
MrWGWis it as hard, btw, to create Metacity window decorations?11:22
Jucatoafaik, Metacity is a pixmap-based window decoration. the KDE equivalent would be deKorator and IceWM11:23
Jucatoer.. s/Metacity is/Metacity uses/11:24
MrWGWI need to get involved in a GNOME project also, but right now, my first priority is PC-BSD and no. 2 is Kubuntu11:24
MrWGWfor various reasons11:24
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MrWGWbtw, can KDE icons be .svgs?11:31
MrWGWand also, can they support alpha channels or index transparency?11:31
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mhbgood afternoon01:02
Hobbseehey mhb!01:04
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Tonio_YEEEEEEEEEEES it works :)01:28
Tonio_Riddell: http://paste.tonio.homelinux.org/4801:28
Tonio_I wrote that myself hehe :)01:28
Tonio_I start understanding how c++ code works :)01:29
=== Tonio_ is proud although the code may be crappy ;)
Tonio_okay klibido can now be integrated to .nzb extension, cool !01:29
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Tonio_Riddell: I noticed adept seems to lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock now....01:42
Tonio_Riddell: I'll ping manchicken about that, maybe that's due to one of his patches...01:42
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=== Riddell gets interweb back
Tonio_Riddell: what's interweb ?01:55
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RiddellTonio_: it's this global international webby thing01:57
kwwiiwell, back online, how nice01:57
Tonio_Riddell: hum, I still don't understand, but that's not a problem :)01:58
mhbyou two are at UDsprint, right?01:58
RiddellFeistySprint, yes01:58
Tonio_Riddell: no news concerning kde release ?01:59
Riddellno, but it'll be early next week I guess01:59
Riddellprobably kdevelop separate release too01:59
Tonio_Riddell: the baloon bug is fixed :)02:00
Tonio_latest commit02:00
Tonio_that's a good news02:00
Jucatoso the bug was in kdelibs?02:01
Tonio_looks like yes...02:02
=== Jucato does svn up
Riddellhe says the bug was in kopete02:02
Riddellthe packages on kubuntu.org have the fix now02:02
Tonio_Riddell: bah the 2 commits are to kdeui afaicr02:03
Tonio_that's what the bug says at least....02:04
Riddellyes, but he still claims its a kopete bug :)02:05
Riddelldon't ask me02:05
Tonio_Riddell: oki ;)02:05
Tonio_Riddell: well it's fixed so kde might be released soon, that's cool02:05
Tonio_since I have a hudge bunch of improvements to test ;)02:05
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Tonio_Riddell: are you going to resync kdelibs with svn ?02:34
Tonio_Riddell: x-nzb mimetype has been hadded 6 days ago and is usefull for what I'm just doing on klibido02:34
Tonio_Riddell: in case no I might add it via a patch02:34
Tonio_it is globally usefull for usenet I must say ;02:35
RiddellTonio_: able to send me the patch?02:35
Riddellseems 3.5.6 might be being released sooner than I thought02:35
Tonio_Riddell: sure02:35
Tonio_Riddell: so no svn sync ? :) will send you the patch, okay gimme a minute02:36
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Tonio_Riddell: here is the patch : http://paste.tonio.homelinux.org/4902:40
Riddellthanks Tonio_02:44
Tonio_Riddell: your servant :)02:45
HobbseeTonio_: where are those pics?02:45
Tonio_Hobbsee: which pics ?02:45
HobbseeTonio_: the ones of you in a dress02:45
praetordoes thedailywtf.com crash Konqueror for anyone else?02:46
Tonio_Hobbsee: I don't understand, there is no pic, that's a mimetype02:46
Tonio_praetor: not here, at least the front page works02:46
HobbseeTonio_: from the previous discussion, ~3 hours ago02:47
Tonio_Hobbsee: remind me the discussion please :)02:47
Hobbsee[21:12]  <Tonio_> we went to a concert and I shaved my legs and dressed as a wooman02:47
Tonio_Hobbsee: bah no image on my desktop :) that real photo in a box, sorry ;)02:48
kwwiiTonio_ is slowly wierding out02:48
praetorbtw, Riddell/Hobbsee/Tonio_: give me some code to write? :P02:48
HobbseeTonio_: meet scanner.  scanner meet Tonio_02:48
Hobbseepraetor: fix everything, kthnksbye!02:48
Tonio_Hobbsee: let me search a bit02:48
HobbseeTonio_: :)02:48
Tonio_where can that be....02:48
Tonio_Hobbsee: it was 10 years ago you know....02:49
HobbseeTonio_: hehe, yes :)  hope your filing system's good02:49
Riddellhi praetor02:49
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
praetorhi Riddell, how is the adept stuff coming along?02:50
praetori had a look at i believe I saw that you ported the updater to Qt?02:51
Riddellwell, I'm working on it02:51
Riddellit even seems to be successfully updating02:51
Hobbseeyay :)02:51
Riddellpraetor: WRT adept, the XAUTHORITY stuff is the most important just now02:52
Riddellbut it's fiddly as anything02:52
Riddellbasicly work out why XAUTHORITY isn't working in adept (it'll be a kdesu problem, not adept's problem)02:52
=== Hobbsee --> bed
Tonio_Hobbsee: I just don't find it.... so many photos here ;02:53
Tonio_Hobbsee: I promiss to put it here if I find it02:54
Hobbseeyay :)02:54
=== Hobbsee thinks that coudl be amusing
Tonio_Hobbsee: I'll ask to  my friend, he certainly has them02:54
Tonio_fabo: ping ?02:54
Tonio_fabo: I did a few changes to klibido, so as you are the debian maintainer you might be interested02:54
LongPointyStickTonio_: multiple people should have access to that...02:55
LongPointyStickmyself included02:55
LongPointyStick(in debian)02:55
=== LongPointyStick really beds
Tonio_LongPointyStick: that's the point, he will probably merge the changes in debian02:56
\shpatching kdenetworks kppp to support umts cards with nozomi driver devices03:04
Riddell\sh: hang on, I have 3.5.6 to upload03:04
Riddell\sh: send me the debdiff if you get whatever you're doing done today03:05
\shRiddell, nozomi drivers are not officially in our kernel...I just pointed benc to the driver page...but kppp doesn't list /dev/noz[0-9]  devices03:05
\shRiddell, I'll send you the patch to kdenetwork-3.5.x/kppp/devices.h03:06
\shand I have to check how to create a template for german vodafone umts network services03:07
praetorkdesu does not have its own package?03:07
\shit's in kdebase, isn't it?03:07
Riddellpraetor: it's split between kdelibs and kdebase03:07
Riddellmaking it extra complex03:08
Riddelland kdesu_stub is C not C++03:08
Riddellwhich always scares me03:08
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\shhey nixternal :)03:45
nixternalhiya \sh03:45
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Riddellany objections to me uploading 3.5.6?04:36
gnomefreaknot here04:37
gnomefreakto edgy or feisty?04:37
=== gnomefreak never did get a chance to test it on edgy :(
Riddellbut I should make the webpage for edgy too04:39
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gnomefreakit seems very stable on feisty i havent had any issues with kde itself my issues stem for the dockers and not being able to find a clock applet that can sit on desktop since the docker im using cant add a clock but i think i need to speak to imbrandon about the dockers04:44
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jdongRiddell, KDE 3.5.6 library-wise remains binary-compatible with previous 3.5.x releases, right?04:47
Riddelljdong: of course04:48
jdonglovely :)04:48
jdongRiddell, is there a preliminary release notes / changelog for 3.5.6 yet?04:48
=== jdong is wondering if some of his favorite 3.5.x bugs were solved yet
sebasjdong: It'll be released within the hour04:49
jdongsebas, cool04:49
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jeroenvrphttp://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-356.php: "Kubuntu 6.10 LTS (Dapper)" Must be "Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy)"05:03
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jdongcool! Edgy is LTS!05:05
jdongRiddell: ^^05:05
sebasjdong: It's out, see www.kde.org05:08
Jucatoyay! :)05:08
Riddelljdong: ?05:08
jdongRiddell: look at the announcement05:09
jdongKubuntu 6.10 LTS (Dapper)05:09
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jdongok :)05:10
Jucatowb kwwii05:11
gnomefreakjdong: == ball buster05:12
kwwii2 hours to render a pic with inkscape, someone tell me that is right05:12
gnomefreakdepends on how detailed maybe?05:12
jdongwell, x264 non-PIC took 30min to compile, so with PIC... oh wait wrong subject05:13
kwwiinope, its because it uses guassian blur on two objects05:13
sebasI told you in berlin already that powerpcs are slow, kwwii ;-)05:14
kwwiisebas: this is my new core duo thinkpad x60s05:14
kwwiithe fastest machine I have05:15
kwwiiand also the smallest05:15
sebasWell, then something's wrong with freaking inkscape.05:15
sebasThinkpads can't be wrong05:15
kwwiiat least I am not bitching about kde for a change :p05:17
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Lurejdong: http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog3_5_5to3_5_6.php05:24
jdongLure: yep, got it05:24
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=== Topic for #kubuntu-devel: Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | Happy Newness! | Merge ! http://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html | https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty/+specs | Bugs! https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | Please test KDE 3.5.6 on feisty
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Tonio_sebas: ping ?06:23
sebasTonio_: pong06:25
Tonio_sebas: I did  a little patch for systemsettings in order to manage universe kcm files correctly06:25
Tonio_it adds more categories for patchinf the kcm desktop files06:25
Tonio_sebas: can I submit you the patch for svn commit ?06:26
=== sebas has nothing to do with systemsettings, only with the guidance modules.
sebasSo, sure, check in whatever you want ;-)06:26
Tonio_sebas: ah.... I'll ping luka then, don't waste time with me :)06:27
sebassime is the one to ask for systemsettings I think06:27
sebasOr maybe lure06:27
Tonio_luka also commits on it I think06:27
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Daskreech2Whats the libmeanwhile1 library for?06:58
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sebasDescription: open implementation of the Lotus Sametime Community Client protocol This library provides the basic Lotus Sametime Community Client session functionality along with the core services; Presence, Messaging, and Conferencing.07:02
sebasAccording to apt-cache show libmeanwhile107:02
Daskreech2Yeah I read that. I guess my question is why does Kopete require it?07:02
Daskreech2There is a lotus plugin now?07:03
Tonio_Riddell: I'm reported there is an issue with kde 3.5.6 packages and edgy07:04
Tonio_conflict between kde-i18n-fr and koffice-i18n-fr07:05
Tonio_conflict about that file /usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/kdgantt.mo07:05
Tonio_did they merge koffice i18n in kde for 3.5.6 ?07:06
Daskreech2sebas: Yep it's a Lotus protoco07:07
Daskreech2 I guess the flag was just left on07:07
sebasKOffice is not even part of KDE 3.5.6, it has its own release cycles07:07
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sebashej \sh07:08
\shhey sebas :) how you doing? :)07:09
sebas\sh: busybusybusy ... good!07:11
\shsebas: trying to come to fosdem next month...depending how my GF is feeling :)07:12
Tm_Tsebas: GF as GeForce?07:13
sebasIf she feels good enough for you to go, we'll have beer together :-)07:13
Tm_TWhops, \sh07:13
=== sebas slaps Tm_T :D
jdongTm_T: ya feeling the G-forces from sebas yet? :D07:14
sebasMy Geforce is hot!07:14
Tm_TIt is!07:14
\shsebas: sure we will :) and a good cigar...GF is pregnant and I'm totally crazy now ;)07:14
jdonghope it's not demoted to legacy drivers? :D07:14
Tm_TActually mine's too, dunno why it keep getting even over 120?C07:15
Tm_T\sh: Nice. :)07:15
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\shTm_T: yepp :)07:16
Tm_TI'm tempted to start talking about babies but I think it's better not.07:17
Tm_TJust have too much to say about them. ;)07:18
jdongaww come on, nobody's come up with an SLI joke yet?07:18
Tm_Tjdong: Superbly Limited Imbesil?07:19
Tm_TNo, that's me.07:20
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sebas\sh: Ooow, I hope it's your fault :>07:24
Tm_TNo, it was me.07:24
=== Tm_T hides
Tm_TI don't consider myself as selfdestructive at all.07:25
\shsebas: yeah, my lucky shot :)07:31
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Daskreech2How do I kick another Nick?07:51
jdong /msg nickserv ghost nick pw?07:51
jdongsomething like that07:51
=== Daskreech2 is now known as daskreech
daskreechSweet :)07:52
daskreech I used to know that as /ghost07:53
daskreechWonder if I can make an alias in Konversation07:53
\shok..time to go to my hotel..and have a rest07:54
sebasSleep well \sh07:57
\shsebas: thx :) you too :)07:58
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daskreech30% to 3.5.6 :-)08:01
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Luresebas: nice conslusion on irc in kdenetwork discussion08:17
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mhbgood evening toma08:31
sebasLure: Thanks08:38
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daskreech80% :)09:04
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LureRiddell: will you upload 3.5.6 to feisty?09:30
daskreechI think he did already09:33
daskreech at least so it said on the announcement09:33
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Tonio_Lure: ping ?10:10
LureTonio_: hi10:11
Tonio_Lure: fine ?10:11
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LureTonio_: great, and you?10:11
Tonio_very nice :)10:11
Tonio_Lure: I just improved kss a bit10:11
Tonio_can you revu my patch and sync with svn ?10:12
LureTonio_: yep10:12
=== Lure is just working one one sync request
Tonio_Lure: okay, to make it simple the patch creates more subsections categories, in order to manage universe apps kcm correctly10:12
LureTonio_: in Standard or in Advanced?10:13
Lureyou have a screenshot?10:13
Tonio_but I didn't touch advanced10:13
Tonio_Lure: no graphical change10:13
Tonio_Lure: I just create more categories10:13
Tonio_so that when you install a universe application that has a kcm module, I can patch it to go to the right section10:14
LureTonio_: nice - is there any app I can test it with?10:14
Tonio_for example ksynaptics has to go to keyboard and mouse10:14
Tonio_Lure: yes, put the patch and for example install kmldonkey10:14
Tonio_should go to network/shares section10:15
Tonio_Lure: I tested widelly, that works10:15
LureTonio_: ok will check this10:15
Tonio_Lure: you also can with that patch install ksynaptics10:15
Luremy concern is only advanced/standard10:15
Tonio_should be with keyboard and mouse10:15
Tonio_Lure: no change on that point10:15
LureTonio_: some stuff would be better in Advanced, otherwise Universe can clutter Standard view10:15
Tonio_you mean ?10:16
Tonio_Lure: that's the idea10:16
Tonio_I don't want to add everything to the standard view10:16
Tonio_but in subsections10:16
Tonio_that's why I did that patch10:16
Tonio_I didn't want to put ksynaptics in "computer administration" but in the keyboard and mouse category10:17
Tonio_that's the idea10:17
Tonio_just gives more possibilities in fact, but no change on rationnale10:17
LureTonio_: I understand that, however we need to think how widely we apply categories from standard10:18
Tonio_you mean ?10:18
LureTonio_: otherwise kss can explode for users with plenty of apps10:18
LureTonio_: if you add 5 style packages that have kcm module under Apperance, it would be pretty cluttered10:19
LureTonio_: maybe I am over concerned and my example is not good enough, but still10:19
Tonio_Lure: I looked and there seem to be only 10 apps in universe with kcm modules10:19
Tonio_not that much in fact10:19
LureTonio_: ok, then I am overreacting ;-)10:20
Tonio_yeah probably ;)10:20
Tonio_Lure: note that I need to patch all universe apps10:20
Tonio_so I'll take care not to put all of them in the same category :)10:20
LureTonio_: right10:21
Tonio_Lure: the tags I've added are different from kcontrol ones, to avoid polution10:21
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Zerlinnaping riddell10:47
LureRiddell, Tonio_: do I need to get some core-dev approval for main package sync request? bug 8154910:48
UbugtuMalone bug 81549 in libkipi "Please sync libkipi 0.1.5-1 from debian/experimental (main)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8154910:48
Tonio_Lure: will do thanks for the info :)10:49
Tonio_Lure: do you have the package ready?10:49
LureTonio_: it is in debian - only archive-admin has to sync it10:49
Lure(no upload needed)10:49
Tonio_hum great, let's go then :)10:50
LureTonio_: I just do not know if sync can be request by anybody or just by core-dev... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources is not very clear10:50
=== Enola_Gay [n=enola@dslb-084-056-242-098.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Enola_GayHi all10:51
Tonio_let me have a look10:51
Enola_GayI have installed KDE 3.5.6 under Edgy and have a problem with Kopete. If I send encrypted messages they are shown encrypted in my log and the received ones too since 3.5.6. Has something changed?10:52
Tonio_Lure: I would say everyone can10:52
Enola_GayThe gpg-agent doesn't ask for passwords anymore.10:52
LureTonio_: I just see that some universe one's have ACK from MOTUs, see bug 8130110:53
UbugtuMalone bug 81301 in devilspie "please sync devilspie 0.20.1-1 from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8130110:53
Tonio_Lure: hum....10:54
Tonio_well try and you'll see :)10:54
LureTonio_: ;-)10:55
LureTonio_: re your diff: you want this in kde svn? Or should we try it first in Feisty and then commit to kde svn?10:55
Tonio_Lure: if it gets rejected, I'll do it then10:55
Tonio_Lure: concerning the patch you decide10:55
Tonio_we can commit it after, no problem10:55
ryanakcawhen does feisty artwork gets started (or has it already?)?10:56
Lureryanakca: you need to pink kwwii - they have distro sprint this week, so it will probably get clear10:56
ryanakcapink... hmm... sounds different... new desktop color :D10:57
=== ryanakca shudders... purple was nice... but I can't imagine a pink desktop
=== ryanakca hopes it won't be blue... green would be nice...
LureTonio_: too me, this change looks OK - however, I am not sure what SIme_ would say...10:58
ryanakcathere's only SUSE that I know of with green...10:58
Tonio_Lure: well let's ask him when he's arround10:58
gnomefreaki know ubuntu artwork starts getting in sometime in feb.11:05
=== Lure -> bed, night all!
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ryanakcaumm.... is this normal? Cannot find KInetD. The KDE daemon (kded) may have crashed or has not been started at all, or the installation failed.11:43
ryanakcaThat's when starting kfrb...11:43
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Enola_GayAnyone knows how to deal with the encryption bug in Kopete 3.5.6?11:49
Enola_Gayok, I am going to remove 3.5.6 again11:54
Enola_Gaycu all11:54
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