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T-ROK | hello | 12:59 |
soundray | Hi | 12:59 |
T-ROK | can anyone help me i need to know how to install ubuntu and i need to know if it will run Internet DJ Console | 01:00 |
T-ROK | and if i can access all my media that i am able to access through windows | 01:00 |
soundray | Hmm, does ubotu work here? | 01:00 |
soundray | !install | 01:00 |
ubotu | Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues | 01:00 |
soundray | Yes, it does | 01:00 |
gleamnite | Is anyone available to help me out on one small matter, please? I need to get a GUI working on Ubuntu Server's LAMP installation. | 01:00 |
T-ROK | ok | 01:00 |
soundray | T-ROK: there are some links to start with. | 01:00 |
T-ROK | and i can access all of my music that i can accesss through windows on ubuntu? | 01:01 |
T-ROK | thank you | 01:01 |
soundray | T-ROK: now, what's this Internet DJ Console? Software or Hardware? | 01:01 |
T-ROK | software | 01:01 |
T-ROK | one second i'll get a link | 01:01 |
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T-ROK | http://www.onlymeok.nildram.co.uk/download.html | 01:02 |
soundray | T-ROK: you can play mp3, wma, ogg, ac3, wav, flac and some other audio formats on Linux. | 01:02 |
T-ROK | it says i need that and ive never used linux | 01:02 |
T-ROK | my station has decided to run our server off of linux and came accross that | 01:02 |
T-ROK | and we decided that the djs should use it | 01:02 |
T-ROK | so do you know if ubuntu will meet the requirements? | 01:04 |
soundray | T-ROK: there is an Ubuntu package for this program. It's called idjc. | 01:04 |
T-ROK | oh really? | 01:05 |
T-ROK | no, thats Internet DJ Console | 01:05 |
T-ROK | thats just the program isnt it | 01:05 |
soundray | Isn't that what you wanted? | 01:06 |
T-ROK | i have no clue i dont know....i want to be able to use internet dj console and still be able to use windows when im not djing | 01:06 |
gleamnite | Dual Boot | 01:06 |
T-ROK | how | 01:07 |
T-ROK | and how do i install that | 01:07 |
T-ROK | oh man lol | 01:07 |
T-ROK | im currently downloading ubuntu 6.10 | 01:07 |
gleamnite | Do you want to use both systems simultaneously? | 01:07 |
T-ROK | no | 01:07 |
soundray | T-ROK: what you then want is a dual-boot system | 01:07 |
soundray | !dualboot | 01:07 |
ubotu | Dual boot instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh) | 01:07 |
T-ROK | one then restart and then the other | 01:07 |
gleamnite | Can someone help me with my aforementioned issue? I'm a linux newbie. | 01:08 |
soundray | Ubuntu installs itself "next to" Windows by default. You have to resize your partition. Make sure you've got a Windows backup. | 01:08 |
soundray | It's not dangerous, but it's good practice to have a backup anyway. | 01:08 |
T-ROK | ok | 01:09 |
soundray | gleamnite: what GUI are you trying to install? | 01:09 |
gleamnite | Any, to be honest. | 01:10 |
gleamnite | I tried sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 01:10 |
T-ROK | all of my music is stored in the shared documents in windows(xp media center) can i get at that when im running linux? | 01:10 |
gleamnite | However, that didn't work. | 01:10 |
soundray | T-ROK: yes, you can mount a network share on a Windows machine from Linux | 01:11 |
T-ROK | ok | 01:11 |
soundray | T-ROK: and you can mount your local Windows filesystem read-only | 01:11 |
T-ROK | and do i use the disc to boot ubuntu everytime or is that just the first time | 01:12 |
gleamnite | No, you use GRUB once it's installed. | 01:12 |
gleamnite | I think. | 01:13 |
T-ROK | ok | 01:13 |
soundray | T-ROK: grub provides you with a boot menu, so you have a choice each time which partition to boot from. | 01:13 |
T-ROK | so when i start my computer it will ask? | 01:13 |
gleamnite | Preciesly. | 01:13 |
T-ROK | ok cool | 01:13 |
gleamnite | precisely** | 01:13 |
soundray | gleamnite: how did ubuntu-desktop fail on you? | 01:13 |
gleamnite | E: package not found ** | 01:14 |
gleamnite | Something along those lines. | 01:14 |
soundray | gleamnite: in that case, you need to setup your repositories. | 01:15 |
soundray | !repos | 01:15 |
ubotu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 01:15 |
soundray | !easysource | 01:15 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 01:15 |
gleamnite | Ok, I'll have a look into it. Sorry, I'm very new to this whole linux thing. | 01:15 |
soundray | That's fine, hope you'll become a staunch supporter ;) | 01:16 |
gleamnite | No doubt :) | 01:16 |
gleamnite | I've already stopped using Windows in my workplace, in favour of ubuntu, so that's a good sign! | 01:16 |
gleamnite | Another question, can you scroll up when you're running in a nGUI? | 01:18 |
soundray | gleamnite: it depends on what you're running inside the GUI, but generally, terminal programs have scrollback memory | 01:19 |
T-ROK | ok so i downloaded idjc-0.6.9.tar and it says its a GZ file, so whenever ubuntu finnishes downloading i just find that file and run it? | 01:20 |
gleamnite | Sorry, I meant a TUI, or whatever the word for pure command line is, ie, Ubuntu Server. | 01:20 |
soundray | gleamnite: Shift-PgUp scrolls there | 01:21 |
gleamnite | soundray, why thank you :) | 01:21 |
soundray | gleamnite: it's called (virtual) console | 01:22 |
gleamnite | soundray, I ran sudo apt-get update prior to running ** install ubuntu-desktop | 01:22 |
gleamnite | Do I need to add a repository before doing that? | 01:22 |
soundray | yes | 01:23 |
gleamnite | Ahh right, so that is achievable with: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper universe multiverse | 01:23 |
gleamnite | followed by sude apt-get update | 01:23 |
gleamnite | sudo** | 01:23 |
gleamnite | Well, uncommenting the first one, that is. | 01:25 |
soundray | If you're talking about updating /etc/apt/sources.list, then that's correct | 01:26 |
gleamnite | Yeah, that's what I mean, sorry. How does one go about editing sources.list in terminal? | 01:27 |
soundray | sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list | 01:28 |
gleamnite | Okay, I'll go and have a look :) Thanks for your help, hopefully I'll get it working. | 01:29 |
soundray | Good luck! | 01:30 |
soundray | There's always people in the channel who are willing to help. Sometimes you may have to ask a few times, leaving ~ 30 minutes in between. | 01:30 |
gleamnite | Yeah, I'll try to be patient! All I'm really trying to do is work out how to create a database in linux. I couldn't get LAMP setup in the standard Ubuntu so I thought I'd try using the specific LAMP server build... it's just that now I'm having trouble getting a GUI working on that! I'm such a newbie! | 01:33 |
soundray | Have you seen the lamp stuff on the help pages? | 01:36 |
soundray | !lamp | 01:36 |
ubotu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 01:36 |
gleamnite | I tried following a number of guides to installing all the components, none successfully though :( I'm not sure I checked that exact link prior to trying though. I'll give it a look now. | 01:39 |
gleamnite | I kept getting errors when I tried to ./compile, make, and make install | 01:40 |
soundray | gleamnite: oh... never compile if you can install a package instead! | 01:40 |
gleamnite | soundray, Yeah, I learnt that lesson after two days of getting annoyed! However, I'm still not entirely sure about the best way of installing it all, short of using the Server installer. | 01:42 |
gleamnite | !rpm | 01:42 |
ubotu | RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous) | 01:42 |
gleamnite | Is that relevant? | 01:42 |
soundray | No, not if you follow that page about ApacheMySQLPHP | 01:44 |
gleamnite | Okay. Am I better off just working on getting LAMP installed in Edgy than switching between Dapper and Edgy? | 01:47 |
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soundray | oops, gleamnite, still here? | 02:03 |
gleamnite | Yeah mate | 02:03 |
gleamnite | Just printing off that guide | 02:03 |
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soundray | gleamnite: I think edgy will serve you best | 02:13 |
gleamnite | Yeah, I'd prefer not to have to hop between two linux flavours anyway. | 02:15 |
gleamnite | I'll have another shot at installing -AMP on here and see what errors I get. | 02:16 |
nothlit | you can always run XAMPP by apache-friends, but make sure to check for updates regularly (security!) | 02:39 |
gleamnite | nothlit, is that a community compiled package? It seems I'm not having so much trouble install everything now... though the ultimate conclusion will be when MySQL finishes install and I can check if it's all working. | 02:51 |
nothlit | its a prepackaged Apache MySQL PHP and Perl installation for several platforms, and includes a lighter version | 02:52 |
nothlit | ahh | 02:52 |
nothlit | yeah, its much better/safer to use the native distro packages ^^ | 02:52 |
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mwalsh | hello hello? | 05:56 |
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T-ROK | hey | 10:04 |
T-ROK | i need help | 10:04 |
T-ROK | installing | 10:04 |
T-ROK | anyone able to help me? | 10:05 |
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