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=== mdke waves
mdkefill me in on the goss12:27
LaserJockdude, for some reason the packaging guide is broken on doc.ubuntu.com12:27
mdkeright, is it ok in the Makefile?12:27
=== mdke tickles LaserJock
LaserJockmdke: well, I don't know but it validates12:35
LaserJocklet me check12:35
mdkeit's probably not even in the Makefile, I guess12:35
dsashmm, shouldn't the java installation stuff just be "enable multiverse, install packages x,y,z" rather than the long instructions we have now?12:36
mdkedsas: probably, where's the long bit?12:36
dsasin programming.xml12:37
dsasit's got instructions that talk about visiting the sun website etc12:37
nixternalLaserJock: it builds fine on the Kubuntu side12:45
nixternalor at least it did12:45
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LaserJocknixternal: is the packaging guide still shipped in kubuntu-docs?12:56
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LaserJocknixternal: ubuntu-docs doesn't01:07
nixternalwell, we can remove it if necessary01:13
LaserJocknixternal: that would be lovely ;-)01:48
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nixternalOK, so remove the PG from the Kubuntu docs, how about the Server Guide, is this still going to be packaged with Kubuntu docs?02:39
LaserJocknot sure02:40
LaserJockmaybe you should email the list02:40
LaserJockI think I'm going to make a separate package for the packaging guide02:40
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3719 kubuntu/C/internet/internet.xml: Kubuntu Internet content added03:17
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nixternalhere we go with the stupid d c c attacks03:32
somerville32:] 03:53
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coreytOpinion Please.  Would it be better to create a new ubuntu focused distro for a network management server or something like automatix to put one together from a server install.04:21
dsassomething like automatix is never good.04:22
coreytSo in that sense you are probably against CNR for Ubuntu when it comes out in a few months?04:23
dsascoreyt: Probably. Haven't read about it yet.04:23
dsascoreyt: What do you need to do to create  a "network management server" that Ubuntu doesn't do already?04:23
coreytI'm talking about something that can easily get Nagios, Cacti and other network management apps working quickly.04:24
coreytNagios is  pain to configure.  It's 2.x and Ubuntu's are 1.x04:24
coreytIn fact I've ran into Perl CPAN dependency hell.04:25
crimsun!nagios2 feisty04:25
crimsunerr, sorry, wrong channel.04:25
crimsunthe fact of the matter is that nagios2 certainly exists in 7.04.04:26
coreytI wont set up anything unless it's on 6.06.04:26
crimsunask for a backport to dapper, then.04:26
coreytah nagios2.. I may have missed it :)04:26
coreytyeah I wish people would maintain package updates better.04:28
coreytOf course then you have people who tinker with the app so a update may break things :)04:28
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nixternaleww CNR ;p05:33
LaserJocknow, now05:33
nixternalI read that CNR offers its users Firefox 1.505:33
nixternalCNR == Crap Nobody Reallywants05:33
LaserJockwell, I do wonder if that kind of idea is the way of the future05:35
nixternalit could be, but I don't want to be a part of it05:38
LaserJockyou've seen how hard it is to maintain packages05:39
nixternalsame with the composite stuff as it stands, it is a great thing to draw people in, I don't like and probably won't use it, but it is something we could probably use05:39
nixternalLaserJock: remember with CNR who knows who is maintaining the packages, plus if they are offering Firefox 1.5 for their users, they aren't doing a good enough job of maintaining05:40
LaserJockwell sure05:40
LaserJockthat's why I don't like it right now05:40
LaserJockbut in the future I wonder05:40
nixternalno need for a CNR MOTU when we have you and crimsun  :)05:40
LaserJocka big problem I see is that Ubuntu is so far removed from the software authors05:41
nixternalyou never know. People pushed and pushed for Automatix and Easy Ubuntu, but after realising they are garbage, nobody is pushing for it anymore05:41
nixternalI have noticed that as well concerning the upstream authors05:41
LaserJockthe only way I could see us doing better is by actually doing the distribution at the author level05:42
nixternalI would love to help out more, but it seems stuff I have done gets put off because everyone is busy.05:42
nixternaland it annoys me at times05:42
nixternalI have been packaging stuff local here for Edgy and haven't done much Feisty stuff since last month probably05:43
nixternalsome of my merges or synch requests that I have filed05:43
nixternalthey go unanswered for a month or so and usually end up being rejected because something newer has come out in the mean time05:44
nixternalit is of course nobodies fault, and that is the one bad thing about MOTU. there aren't enough of them05:44
LaserJockit's definately an issue05:44
LaserJockI'm not really sure what we're going to do05:45
nixternalI swear, I would owe crimsun a million dollars if he charged me $5 for every packaging question/help that I have received from him05:45
nixternalas a matter of fact, I would say 90% of my work has been uploaded by him, with Riddell doing a few for me as well05:45
nixternalmy goal for Feisty was to make MOTU, but as it seems that will have to wait for Feisty+105:46
LaserJockoh, I don't know, there's still quite a bit of time05:46
nixternalas I need some funky key signing now, and the time to work ratio has shrunk, leaving me with a lot of doc work left to do05:46
nixternaltomorrow and Sunday are my free days now as I am doing the school thing for 12 hours a day Monday - Friday05:47
LaserJockI think some of our problem is as MOTU have been sucked into the Ubuntu community they get involved in other teams05:48
LaserJockand pretty soon they have very little time for MOTU work05:48
nixternalor they just disappear05:48
LaserJockwell, but that will occur in any team05:49
LaserJockbut it seems kinda prominent in MOTU right now05:49
nixternalI have stuck it out for a year so far, and the only thing burning me right now is the LoCo stuff05:49
nixternalI don't see myself leaving Kubuntu anytime soon. I am KDE for a long time and Kubuntu is the best there is if you ask me05:50
nixternalMepis is good, but it just has better artwork I think05:50
nixternalSlackware, it would take a lot for me to go back to it now after getting so used to Debian05:51
nixternalya, plus I forgot I am on a couple of KDE teams now, one being KDE documentation for KDE 4 and KOffice 2 now05:51
nixternalhell, they even gave me server access and all that good stuff05:52
LaserJockmy problem is I don't want to "pick" KDE or Gnome05:53
crimsunnixternal: well, thankfully I won't be monopolizing the sponsorship. There are a handful stepping up now.05:55
nixternalnext time you are in Chicago, I need my key signed, so when my day comes I will be covered :)05:56
nixternalthere aren't any DDs or MOTUs in Chicago that I know of05:56
crimsunI'll be in o'hare for a layover next weekend05:57
nixternalmost OSS people here either use Slackware, BSD, or Emacs :)05:57
nixternaloh really now05:57
nixternalhow long is that layover?05:57
crimsun30 mins05:57
crimsunyeah, "no layover" essentially.05:57
nixternalumm, unless I want to go to prison, i can't meet ya then :)05:57
nixternalas it is easy to rush through and get all the way to a gate before you are busted anyways05:58
LaserJockcan see the planet post05:58
nixternallike my flight to Calgary a couple months back. The security guy asked me if I was going to alert him that someone walked past undetected. I told him I wasn't a hero05:59
nixternalya, I have no clue why he asked me that, but he got that for a response05:59
nixternaland when they ask you to remove your shoes, don't ask them to take their top off first or do the "you show me yours, I will show you mine" joke06:00
LaserJockoh geeze06:00
nixternalya, I usually miss my flight because of them06:01
=== LaserJock is too much of a conformist
nixternalor have to rush to get there06:01
LaserJockI don't rock the boat06:01
LaserJockI just stand in line like the rest of the cows06:01
nixternalLaserJock: I usually am myself, but I can't stand ignorance one bit, but those are good jokes though, and darn funny <larry the cable guy>dem dare is funny, i dun care who yaar</larry the cable guy>06:01
nixternalfor instance, today at school (the MBA school), our first day in this class, the teacher gives a test, worth 250 points, the only test larger than this is the finals which are worth 300 points06:03
nixternalit took most people 4 to 5 hours to complete the stupid test06:04
nixternalheh, I guess you would get the for instance part since I was in the wrong channel06:04
LaserJockoh, I thought it went with the "but I can't stand ignorance one bit" part ;-)06:06
nixternalwell, I guess it could go with that, however ignorant it may be, he got our attention06:08
coreytActually the new CNR will work through the Ubuntu package repository.  So Ubuntu maintains what goes into CNR.06:30
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coreytnixternal, our CIO mentioned the MBA this week.  Said it's going to be worthless if reports of 50% of students cheat keep cropping up.06:31
LaserJockcoreyt: I don't understand, why would you use CNR then?06:32
coreytIt provides more than synaptic does06:33
coreytgiven I use apt when I know what I'm looking for though.06:33
coreytCNR is what people will want so they can look at an app and see reviews and stuff on how others liked the program.06:33
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LaserJocksure, but that kind of stuff is  being worked on in Ubuntu06:34
coreytToday you have to do that through google and joe linux is not going to bother searching stuff up he'll just give up on package management.06:34
LaserJockthat's what g-a-i is for06:34
coreytI have no idea what that is so I'm going to guess nobody else who just comes to linux will either.06:35
coreytI've been using Linux since redhat 506:35
LaserJockit's "Add/Remove Applications" in the menu06:35
boredandblogginghello, jdong over in #ubuntuforums suggested I post my question here: is there any documentation that needs a home? I just saw a thread on how the author of "How to install anything in Ubuntu" couldn't maintain it anymore. Just wonder if there was a resource for locating other projects that needed homes.06:35
boredandbloggingbasically I've got some space and bandwidth to spare06:36
LaserJockwe have our own servers06:36
coreytsame here, but I'm looking to redo into mediawiki06:36
boredandbloggingAre the servers for official ubuntu docs?06:38
coreytboredandblogging, mine are not06:38
coreythow many page views does this get?06:39
coreytI can see why, it's bandwidth intensive, should have gone with some smaller or lossier previews and a click for full rez.06:39
LaserJockboredandblogging: well, we have the shipped docs, and community wiki06:40
boredandbloggingLaserJock: I understand, I just thought someone who wrote up a webpage on their own might need hosting. I know about the official and gwos.org site. Just wondering random other folks who wrote up HOWTOs or a tutorial would need some place to store it.06:42
LaserJockwell, I don't know of any06:43
LaserJockwe encourgage everyone to work on help.ubuntu.com06:43
LaserJockso that users on have to go to one URL06:43
boredandbloggingyup, that makes sense. thanks for the help guys.06:45
LaserJockboredandblogging: thanks for the offer though, it's great to see people wanting to help out06:45
boredandbloggingno problem06:46
coreytHow do you guys deal with documentation that shows some tricky things to do with linux.06:47
coreytWith any how-to there's always the chance you could cause a less skilled user to screw up their system.06:48
LaserJockwe really try hard06:49
LaserJockand have lots of review06:49
LaserJockand try to get dev review06:49
LaserJockand use GUI whenever possible06:49
coreytIs there an entry telling users to not install Beryl on Dapper :)06:50
LaserJockhmm, not sure exactly06:50
LaserJockthere is a fair amount of Beryl/Compiz material06:50
LaserJockbut I'm not sure if there is much on Dapper06:50
coreytActually if you install Beryl on Dapper you will break the distro06:51
coreytapt-get update will begin to fail06:51
coreytand it breaks upgrading to Edgy06:52
coreytI found out the hard way :)06:53
LaserJockthat's why I stick to stuff that's in the repos06:53
LaserJockor is very trusted06:53
LaserJockand is why I tend to not like CNR or zeroinstall, etc.06:57
LaserJockbuilding an OS with thousands of independent software authors is quite difficult06:57
crimsunfor some of those tasks, screencasts are an excellent avenue of propagation07:00
LaserJockI'm hoping to see our screencast project take off07:00
LaserJockI don't use a GUI enough to contribute, but it seems cool07:00
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nixternalcoreyt: I don't see how people could cheat their way through the MBA courses. It isn't any different than any other Masters program07:05
nixternalplus, a majority of our work is field based with individual one-on-one tests with the professor07:05
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popeyLaserJock: I suspect there may be a call for console based screencasts at some point08:48
=== tonyyarusso would vote for that
popeywould have to seriously think about that though, need to make sure the text is readable, so probably scale the font up quite high08:57
LaserJockpopey: it'd probably be nice for a "How to rebuild from source" or "How to build an Ubuntu package"09:01
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popeyyes, they're on the list to do Laser_away09:29
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mdkedsas: hiya12:53
dsashi mdke12:53
mdkeso for some reason the java stuff is less up to date than what we had for edgy :(12:53
mdkethat's weird, and disturbing because it makes you wonder what else is missing12:54
dsasmdke: Weird, must have been fixed in the edgy branch and not trunk or something?12:54
mdkeyes. We need to update it, definitely12:54
mdkeif you fancy doing a patch... :)12:54
dsasheh, sure.12:54
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=== mdke 's todo list is gradually getting more enormous since his internet connection packed up
dsasbeing offline should mean you get things done more quickly. At least I do.12:56
mdkeyes, that's true of my real life todo list12:57
mdkebut that's pretty short anyhow :)12:58
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CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: mdke * r3720 ubuntu/Makefile: fixing build for packagingguide01:23
mdkeLaser_away: ^^01:23
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CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: mdke * r3721 /trunk/ (60 files in 34 dirs): beginning significant rearranging of Ubuntu directory for ease of translation01:43
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: mdke * r3722 ubuntu/ (66 files in 28 dirs): creating C/ directories for each document, moving the xml into them (continuing the migration for ease of translation)01:51
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: mdke * r3723 ubuntu/ (18 files in 10 dirs): moving omf files01:53
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: mdke * r3724 debian/ (changelog rules): adjusting packaging for new directory changes01:57
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CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: mdke * r3725 /trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs): updates to website build things for new directory structure02:04
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mdkehiya ompaul02:04
dsasmdke: In Feisty we have java1.6 and 1.5 available, most people are still using java1.5 though...Should I just include a note at the end saying "java 1.6 can be installed following the above instructions, but swapping the 1.5 for 1.6 ?02:10
mdkedsas: which is preferred?02:10
dsasmdke: As far as I'm aware most current development is done using 1.4 or 1.5, 1.6 is pretty new, but it is the way forward.02:11
mdkeyeah, a note sounds fine02:11
mdkedsas: if you do a patch, make sure you create the diff on the xml file only, since I've just hacked around with the directory structure, it will be easier to apply02:12
dsasmdke: sure.02:12
dsasmdke: Is it worth outlining basic uses of the C compiler perhaps? I.e. "to compile a C program run gcc -o programname sourcecode.c"02:25
mdkedsas: in programming.xml?02:25
dsasmdke: Yeah02:25
mdkebest would be a link to a more comprehensive guide I think02:25
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dsasOk, I was just thinking longtime C + linux programmers probably know, or at least know where to look. Whereas newcomers (e.g. first year uni CS students) might appreciate "how to compile and run a trivial program".02:27
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mdkedsas: we need to have a think about that programming section. I don't know how well it sits with the new advanced-topics section02:28
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dsasmdke: Ok, I can link to an intro to gcc or something for the moment. I was just thinking that there's lots of whitespace available. Though it may not be good to fill it really.02:32
mdkedsas: maybe we can merge it with the advanced-topics section somehow.02:33
mdkethere is probably a fair amount of repetition there already02:34
dsasmdke: Ah, I never saw that before.02:37
mdkedsas: we just added it this week02:37
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dsasmdke: What are the plans for it?02:43
mdkedsas: well, they are open02:44
mdkedsas: what you see now :)02:45
dsasI guess it would make sense for programming.xml to be "installing programming applications" and for advanced-topic to refer to that.02:45
mdkeright. The manuals for various things are linked to already from advanced-topic02:45
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dsasah, didn't realise that ApplicationsProgramming actually did anything yet.02:47
dsas"eGenix mxStack Manual - Manual for eGenix mxStack.", very descriptive.02:48
mdkeyeah, it's always been there.02:48
mdketo fix that you'll have to do a patch on the package02:48
dsasI think that lots of people will see "writing your own programs", imagine some kind of tutorial, click it and getting a huge wall of meaningless, unsorted API references.02:53
mdkedsas: do you think it will be possible to tidy it up?02:55
mdkeor maybe change the description?02:55
dsassome of the things are huge edge cases, the chances that someone will purposefully go through help to find "Extending and Embedding the Python Interpreter (v2.5)" are really slim.02:55
dsasmdke: Is the page auto generated?02:55
mdkedsas: the second level page is, the advanced-topic page is ours of course02:56
mdkethe ApplicationsProgramming page is generated from the title and descriptions in the omf file for the relevant application02:57
dsasit's hard to think of a better short name, that fits in with the advanced-topic style, something on the lines of "API documents, language references and programming tools help" isn't exactly intuitive.03:00
dsasOf course it's hard to make advanced-topic be a programming tutorial, it'd be lengthy and probably out of scope.03:05
dsasI've sent a patch for programming.xml in the meanwhile though :)03:11
mdkeI suppose we can move programming.xml to be a sub-page of advanced-topics, and move the links to programming into that03:14
mdkeit would probably need to be bulked up a bit, I guess03:15
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3726 kubuntu/ (29 files in 29 dirs): moving tbh docs03:19
dsasok, what kind of info should I use to bulk it up? Running with the "this is a basic use of gcc" idea I had earlier? extending that to java too?03:21
mdkeI don't really know, tbh. More of an introduction that can better explain the manuals that you can find in the packages03:22
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3727 kubuntu/ (17 files in 16 dirs): adding C directories03:23
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3728 kubuntu/C/: removing C03:23
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dsas"There is lots of documentation on programming available on your ubuntu system. You can see this by visiting ApplicationsProgramming, much more documentation can be installed by installing "-doc" packages03:27
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3729 kubuntu/ (48 files in 30 dirs): moving files into C subdirectories03:28
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mdkehmm, did I leave?03:33
mdkecrazy gaim03:33
mdkedsas: there is something in internet.xml that needs updating for java too03:36
dsasmdke: Ok, I'll take a look03:37
mdkeok, i'll bbl03:37
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CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: mdke * r3730 /trunk/ (4 files in 4 dirs): cleaning up04:04
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CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3731 /trunk/ (index.xml kubuntu/Makefile kubuntu/index.xml): fixed Makefile to build all, fixed linking04:30
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r3732 /trunk/index.xml: oops04:31
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glatzorhi mdke. there was a reason skipping the German translation of the desktop guide in the latest edgy-updates release of ubuntu-docs?06:26
mdkeglatzor: yes, that was a number of fixes that have been waiting in the stable release update approval system for several months. We haven't yet imported any new translations06:48
mdkenixternal: I don't understand your latest post to the -doc list. Did you read my reply to your earlier one about how pdfs won't make any different to broken links?06:50
mdkeglatzor: but in any case, it is still in -proposed, not even -updates yet06:54
glatzormdke: the long time frame is quite discouraging.06:56
LaserJockmdke: thanks06:57
mdkeglatzor: I'm sorry about that, we're pretty busy. If you want to help with importing the translations, that would be fine.06:57
glatzormdke: the question is who will be reading it at all after the release of feisty :)06:57
mdkeLaserJock: yw06:58
glatzormdke: how many working hours/days do you estimate for the import?06:59
mdkeglatzor: do you mean if you help, or if we do it?07:00
nixternalmdke: i read it after I sent that07:01
mdkenixternal: oh, ok. It was an hour and a half earlier, that's why I was confused07:02
mdkeglatzor: iit is quite a long process right now because all the xml validity errors need to be fixed, and adding each new translation to the packaging, and there are lots of documents to do that for. It used to take me several hours. Then you just have to go through the stable release update procedure, which probably takes another few weeks, according to previous experience.07:03
nixternalya mdke it just came across after I sent mine, for some reason I was hitting gmail07:03
glatzormdke: oh, sorry. I am quite busy with my personal development and translating projects07:03
glatzormdke: I cannot donate so much time. sorry07:04
mdkeglatzor: I hope that for the next release we can implement a system to make it easier07:04
mdkeafter correcting errors with the xml validity for the first time, we can try and regenerate po files and upload them to Rosetta so that we only have to do that task once, then we can get updates more easily07:04
mdkeit's a real pain ATM07:06
glatzormdke: I already spent a lot of time on the translation and the review process. So I have to make a cut, since it doesn't seem to be worth further efforts.07:07
glatzormdke: sounds so07:07
mdkeyeah, I understand07:07
mdkewe can maybe just import the german translation, since you've spent so much time on it07:08
glatzormdke: that would be nice.07:09
glatzormdke: I have got some potatos on my cooker. So see you07:10
mdkeglatzor: :)07:11
mdkebuon appetito07:11
mdkenixternal: can you send me a copy of replace-doctype-with.py pls?07:24
mdke(by email)07:24
mdkenixternal: oh no actually, it's in the repo :) by bad07:27
mdkemy bad <--07:27
mdkeglatzor: rosetta hasn't emailed me my po yet, I presume it's broken?08:30
LaserJockseems like a lot of Rosetta breakage at the moment08:33
mdkecould be08:33
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