[12:39] gnomefreak: did you ever hear back about assigning bugs to people? should they all go to MozillaTeam? [12:41] okay this is ridiculous. I'm going through old bugs re-triaging because these people aren't triging correctly [01:01] not yet [01:02] i have them set to go to us. im not real sure we want flash we have enough with java, ff, and thunderchicken === gnomefreak been busy with problems else where today. this weekend my plan is to start again on beginning of unconfirmed bugs. too much email from ff to decide if its one of the bugs i looked at the other day or not. [01:04] gnomefreak: okay well I will fire daniel an email an figure it out [01:04] we should have a bug policy set by next meeting [01:05] ok cool ty. [01:05] i hope so [01:05] i know you're busy as heck, i think we all are === Admiral_Chicago has too many school work. [01:05] we need to becareful with backtraces on feisty now [01:06] somehting is wrong with them. they seem to have a bunch of ?? lines in them. its a bug seb. found this morning [01:06] i saw that today too [01:06] not sure if it has been fixed or even figured out yet [01:07] ok WTF is the deal with the 6+ parts of crash report being uploaded seperate? [01:07] well all the ones i saw didn't have debugging symbols [01:07] i saw Rob Collins do that. drove me nuts [01:08] seems like a new trend i am finding it on every friggin bug i traige be it update-manager or apt or ff [01:10] i have too many bugs to triage now, I don't even want to update Kmail to get the new ones [01:10] mark's email was helpful, it brought up my moral though [01:11] its the new apport being hacked on at the sprint [01:12] the ?? bug? [01:12] no the seperate parts of crash report [01:13] its the apport version that hasnt been released but it will file the bug and attach the parts needed [01:13] oh i see okay === gnomefreak gotta look into that more [01:14] i don't see how that is useful really, but maybe when that's done with it will be [01:14] iirc its a gui to file your bugs with instead of logging into LP and filing it [01:15] hmm, i'm going to say that's a bad idea [01:15] as crashes have taugh me, people don't know what bugs are [01:16] maybe it'll be a good idea, i dunno i'll see when it comes out [01:21] we can only wait and see [01:25] gono for the night. shower, meeting, set up, party at the house. [01:25] now i'm marked away... [01:25] night im heading to bed too [01:25] goodnight === jwendell [n=wendell@ubuntu/member/wendell] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === Admiral_Chicago [n=Freddy@st074039212101.monm.edu] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === Admiral_Chicago [n=freddy@st074039212101.monm.edu] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === admiralprim3 [n=freddy@st074039212101.monm.edu] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === linuxboy_ [n=linuxboy@AFontenayssB-152-1-62-102.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam [11:36] hey ! what is the best plugin on mozilla-firefox to play video.... === Ubugtu [n=bugbot@ubuntu/bot/ubugtu] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam [12:20] @config channel plugins.bugtracker.bugsnarfer true [12:20] @config channel plugins.bugtracker.bugreporter mozilla [12:20] bug 1223 [12:20] Malone bug 1223 in gcursor "gcursor: typo in description" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1223 === linuxboy_ [n=linuxboy@AFontenayssB-152-1-62-102.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu-mozillateam [] [12:23] gnomefreak, poke [04:33] Seveas: ty and im here now [04:42] gnomefreak, please allow the bugbot to join th team [04:42] otherwise it won't receive bugmail [04:42] ok im going through mail atm [04:43] looks like david set it [04:47] yup [04:47] let's see if it received bugmail [04:49] ah, membership was approved only 17 minutes ago ;) [04:49] yeah it says 10:31 i didnt see that [05:05] New bug: #81846 in firefox (main) "firefox crashes on opening launchpad to report a bug" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81846 [05:05] New bug: #81847 in firefox (main) "totem-xine player crashes during playing of .mov file" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81847 [05:18] :) i love it [05:18] totem crashees lets blame firefox :) [05:23] gah [05:23] you edited it right under me ;) [05:23] caused an LP "oops" when I clicked Submit the first time [05:24] my surmise is a missing codec, probably the ffmpeg bits [05:24] it definitely plays fine under 7.04's kaffeine (xine-based) with libxine1-ffmpeg installed [05:29] oh sorry [05:30] i just assumed totem caused it crashed totem [05:31] New bug: #77187 in firefox (main) "Firefox crash when surfing and when web site loading" [Medium,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77187 [05:31] oh its the same user i didnt notice that === gnomefreak is gonna regreat commenting on that bug :( [05:35] regret === Admiral_Chicago [n=Freddy@st074039212101.monm.edu] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam [06:15] New bug: #81856 in mozilla-thunderbird (main) "Addressbooks Synchronizer add-on creates Error: Unknown Protocol Handler (17)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81856 [06:25] New bug: #81858 in firefox (main) "Digg.com slows down the browser" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81858 [06:30] New bug: #81860 in firefox (main) "Crash while reading e-mail" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81860 [07:01] New bug: #81863 in firefox (main) "firefox crashed while update-manager was running" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81863 [07:06] New bug: #81241 in firefox (main) "firefox crashed unexpectedly" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81241 [07:06] New bug: #81562 in firefox (main) "crash while login at launchpad" [Undecided,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81562 [07:11] New bug: #77859 in firefox (main) "Dapper: Regression: Firefox Saved passwords causes crash with Mailman admin" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77859 [07:11] New bug: #81769 in firefox (main) "Firefox crashes accessing AVG Free web page." [Undecided,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81769 [07:15] New bug: #80767 in firefox (main) "epiphany (and firefox) crashes on a web page since last update" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80767 [07:55] hmm === gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam === gavins [n=gavin@firefox/developer/gavins] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam [09:20] New bug: #81885 in firefox (main) "crash to bookmark" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81885 [09:40] New bug: #72147 in firefox (main) "crash on myspace" [Undecided,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72147 [10:55] New bug: #81896 in mozilla-thunderbird (main) "adress book crash" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81896 === Admiral_Chicago [n=Freddy@st074039212101.monm.edu] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam