
=== hybrid [n=x@easyubuntu/supporter/hybrid] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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ubotuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, yipe said: ubotu, !dontdothat is You've just something you shouldn't, never, ever, EVER, do that again.02:05
=== someothernick [n=ron@pool-72-85-219-133.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
naliothcontributing to the problem is NOT funny03:18
=== userundefined [n=zach@cpe-065-190-047-105.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
LjLsomeothernick, userundefined, hi03:19
LjLneed to be tested?03:19
userundefinedHi LjL03:19
someothernickstrange cause this happened the other day03:20
someothernickthought it was fixed :/03:20
LjLhold on a second please03:20
LjLhaving trouble03:20
userundefinedthis happened to me months ago with xchat, but now I'm using konversation.03:20
tonyyarussoOoooooh, that is NOT a pretty away log....03:21
naliothwow, what a coincidence03:21
naliothkickban a troll, and get a free show03:21
LjLcan someone take care of the exploited guys please?03:21
joejaxxnalioth: lol03:22
naliothare we +m now in #ubuntu ?03:24
LjLnalioth: +m +z and i'm relaying manually03:24
naliothdid you want to voice everyone?03:24
=== coshx [n=btaitelb@va-71-48-158-102.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
LjLnalioth: no, just the ones who talk03:25
LjLand say reasonable things03:25
naliothhow long do you think #ubuntu will be staying +m ?03:26
LjLnalioth: until now03:26
LjLnalioth: i don't think there is any relevant message that i neglected to replay anyway03:26
userundefinedso were you able to test me out or are we waiting on someone still?03:27
=== tonyyarusso just walked in
tonyyarussouserundefined: What's your backstory here?03:28
coshxcan someone test if i'm vulnerable? i put port 8001 in the advanced options for gaim.03:28
LjLuserundefined: testing you03:28
userundefinedsupposedly vulnerable, I come home to disconnect/reconnects on freenode, see a ban put on by ljl, I go to the fixdccexploit page, switch the port, come to see if it's fixed03:28
LjLuserundefined: you're ok, unbanning in a second03:29
userundefinedthanks LjL03:29
coshxyeah,  netstat -a | grep 8001   seems to show i'm on the good port.03:29
LjLcoshx: testing you03:29
=== userundefined [n=zach@cpe-065-190-047-105.triad.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu-ops []
tonyyarussocoshx looks fine to me03:30
coshxbtw, to test did you just do a normal dcc send or were you running an exploit script?03:30
LjLcoshx: it's just text03:30
LjLsomeothernick: testing you if you don't mind03:31
tonyyarussocoshx: It's just a string of text, sent any of a variety of ways03:31
coshxso it's basically just a very insecure protocol? or a combination of a bad protocol / bad router? or just the router? sorry, i'm just curious03:31
LjLcoshx, it's entirely the router03:31
LjLcoshx: it decides, for some reason, that strings that look like that needs to be processed statefully... and crashes03:32
coshxinteresting. i guess i just have to wait until they release a stable firmware upgrade, or install one of the free ones.03:33
someothernickwhy would this happen again though?03:34
LjLsomeothernick: i'm not sure. are you sure you didn't just change the port temporarily?03:34
LjLsomeothernick: was it set to 8001 now?03:34
LjLsomeothernick: might just be coincidence that your connection dropped at the time of the exploit03:35
LjLthough somehow that seems improbable03:35
someothernickjust seems strange03:35
someothernickyou tested last time03:35
naliothcoshx: someothernick just use port 800103:35
LjLsomeothernick, i'll do another test by repeating exactly the same string the exploiter used03:36
LjLdunno, you seem ok to me03:36
someothernicktyvm :)03:36
LjLnalioth: had your fan club been active recently?03:37
LjLsomeothernick: thank you for the patience03:37
naliothLjL: not seen recently, no03:37
coshxthanks for you help :)03:38
=== coshx [n=btaitelb@va-71-48-158-102.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has left #ubuntu-ops []
LjLoh my03:39
LjLnalioth: [03:39:17]  --> Quintin has joined this channel (i=quintin@74-133-108-200.dhcp.insightbb.com).03:39
LjLthis is my own fan club03:39
LjLcan't be coincidence03:39
=== tonyyarusso doesn't have a fan club....yet
LjLi've had... two, maybe three admirers, quintin was always a faithful one03:42
LjLhe's just asking ubuntu questions though, so *shrug*03:42
=== oljanx [n=oljanx@c-67-165-215-241.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
LjLoljanx: need a test?03:44
oljanxyou read my mind03:44
LjLoljanx: no, i just knew i'd banned you ;)03:45
LjLoljanx: you're good03:45
oljanxthanks :)  safe to join #ubuntu?03:45
LjLoljanx: yes03:45
tonyyarussoLjL: You're removing the magic!  Let them think we're omniscient!03:45
LjLoljanx, i could feel the vibrations from your computer, so i know you had been exploited03:46
oljanxim off! sorta...03:47
tonyyarussonalioth: This is a bit of a long shot, but I was wondering: Would it be possible to make an irssi script that used an algorithm similar to +J (I think that's the one?), but rather than taking action about the channel, when too many users were joining quickly, it beeped your system bell?03:47
LjLthanks for taking the time to fix this oljanx03:47
oljanxnp, thank you03:47
=== oljanx [n=oljanx@c-67-165-215-241.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu-ops ["oljanx]
LjLtonyyarusso: "yes"03:47
naliothtonyyarusso: all things are possible in irssi03:48
tonyyarussoLjL: Would it be "already been done", "a bit of work", "hard", or "ZOMG are you nuts?"03:48
LjLtonyyarusso: i'd say a bit of work, but i don't really know irssi scripting. it didn't look like a very complicated algorithm anyway03:49
LjLbut, would it help?03:49
LjLas soon as clones mass-join, they usually are *already* mass-spamming before you can move a thumb03:49
tonyyarussoYes, but there's usually two or three seconds between starting to spam and the trigger, which can mean a few hundred lines fewer.03:50
tonyyarussoMight help.  Maybe.  Depends.03:50
tonyyarussoThinking out loud here :)03:50
LjLwell, generally speaking, i wouldn't mind a bit that "rings a bell" at all03:51
LjL"[03:51:07]  <monokrome> Fuck you, you fuckin' square!" <- this is an exploit "victim"... i think he's just a banned user now though03:51
somerville32Is that in response to his ban?03:52
tonyyarussoSquare?  okay...03:52
LjLsomerville32: i couldn't care less what's in response to03:52
somerville32Everyone knows that LjL is a hexagon :/03:52
tonyyarussoOn the other hand, I'm a little bit impressed our spammer used "It's" with proper punctuation.04:07
=== willys_fueguino [n=willy@unaffiliated/willysfueguino/x-00001] has joined #ubuntu-ops
tonyyarussowillys_fueguino: Hi.04:09
tonyyarussoWhat can we do you up for?04:09
willys_fueguinohi. Just testing if you can read me...04:09
willys_fueguinoI am an #ubuntu-lat op04:09
tonyyarusso-lat?  Latin America?04:09
willys_fueguinoyes.. indeed04:10
naliothhe needs seveas04:10
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Hobbsee] by ChanServ
willys_fueguinoso... now that I'm here...04:20
willys_fueguinoIs here any supybots owner?04:20
HobbseeSeveas: is04:20
Hobbseeof Ubugtu04:20
Hobbseewhat did you want to know?04:20
willys_fueguinoooh yes... I forgot that :-04:20
willys_fueguinoIf there's anyway to configure it to ban channel flooders04:21
Hobbseetry in #supybot ?04:21
willys_fueguinoHobbsee: hahahah... already did a couple of times...04:22
willys_fueguino(no one answered for a long time)04:22
willys_fueguinobut the thing is...04:22
willys_fueguinoI saw a couple of bots that could do that...04:22
willys_fueguino(but they were "home made" bots)04:23
Hobbseeie, someone wrote a plugin to do that...04:25
=== ChrisBradley [n=chris@unaffiliated/chrisbradley] has joined #ubuntu-ops
ChrisBradleyI need nalioth04:27
naliothuh oh   :)04:27
ChrisBradleythank you I will get you in query04:27
willys_fueguinoHobbsee: for supybot?? if that's the case.. could you remember the name?04:28
Hobbseewillys_fueguino: no04:28
ubotuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, eclipse, pida04:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bots - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:28
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:28
Hobbseeyeah, didnt even find the one i watned...04:28
tonyyarussowhat did you want?04:29
willys_fueguinoHobbsee: hahahhaha04:30
willys_fueguinoThe intention was good :-04:30
=== Savage-{ [n=jyoung@cpe-76-186-29-24.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
Hobbseehttp://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/ or http://code.ubuntulinux.nl/04:31
Hobbseeshould work04:31
willys_fueguinowell... time to sleep...04:43
willys_fueguinosee ya later guys...04:43
willys_fueguinosleep well04:43
=== willys_fueguino est ausente: Visitennos en #ubuntu-lat!
=== willys_fueguino is now known as willys_noesta
tonyyarussoHobbsee: I misread - it looked like one person to me.  My mistake.05:05
Hobbseetonyyarusso: no.  they dont spam that fast05:05
elkbuntuhmm.. lesbians seem to love ubuntu ;)05:07
Hobbseeelkbuntu: yes...05:07
Kamping_Kaiserafaik oo.o still sugests 'lesbian' as a substitute for 'debian', so i'd doubt it ;P05:07
=== Kamping_Kaiser still hasnt got over Debian not putting Debian into their dictionaries
=== AmbientMst1 [n=riley@adsl-68-126-61-144.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== AmbientMst1 [n=riley@adsl-68-126-61-144.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has left #ubuntu-ops []
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tonyyarussoHow long do we want +Rr?05:38
naliothstand by05:40
tonyyarussoI think I'll sit, actually, but okay.05:40
=== hybrid [n=x@easyubuntu/supporter/hybrid] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== fox911 [i=UserID@modemcable053.14-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-ops
fox911what infection are you talking about ?06:37
ubotuThere are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. When bitten by this bug ops in #ubuntu remove users so they are no longer targets. To fix it have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit06:38
=== fox911 [i=UserID@modemcable053.14-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-ops
fox911I need to join ubuntu chan06:40
fox911any one can help ?06:40
Mezfox911, join #mez06:40
fox911what is mez06:41
fox911 ?06:41
tonyyarussofox911: The channel.  Type /join #mez in your client.06:42
Kamping_Kaiserfox911, the person who decides if your allowed in or not06:42
Mez!expolit  > fox91106:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about expolit - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:43
=== AmbientMst1 [n=riley@adsl-68-126-61-144.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
Meztested, unbanned06:43
MezAmbientMst1, sup ?06:43
AmbientMst1Hey, I'm in #ubuntu-read-topic now.06:43
AmbientMst1And it said to come here.06:43
AmbientMst1Upon changing ports06:44
willys_noesta!exploit > fox91106:44
MezAmbientMst1, join #mez06:44
MezAmbientMst1, type /join #mez06:44
AmbientMst1I know I know06:44
AmbientMst1That was an accident06:44
Meznot fixed :P06:44
tonyyarussofox911 ... K-lined?06:45
nalioththat little a-hole06:45
naliothhe exploited in #debian06:46
Meznalioth, lmao06:46
willys_noestawhats going on??06:46
tonyyarussoOh dear06:46
Kamping_Kaiserhm. silly person06:46
Meznalioth, did he use twasbrilligandtheslithytovesdidgyreandgimbleinthewabe06:46
tonyyarussonalioth: How many quits does #debian get these days?06:46
naliothMez: yes.06:47
tonyyarussoconnection resets, victims06:47
Meznalioth, that was my test string06:47
naliotha boatload, tonyyarusso06:47
nalioththen fox911 has gotten both ends of the exploit06:47
tonyyarussoNo system like ours I take it then.06:47
nalioththey don't care in #debian06:48
Meznalioth, debian dont care06:48
Mezand ubuntu care too much06:48
Mezo_O I'm surpised ambientmst1 hasnt resurfaced yet06:50
naliothMez: do you warn people not to repeat what you test them with, when you test them?06:50
Meznalioth, I didnt this time. Apologies06:50
Mezonly the second tmie I've tested :(06:50
willys_noestawhats up with that exploit?06:51
willys_noestaWhat does it do??06:52
tonyyarussowillys_noesta: Disconnects people.06:52
willys_noestaIt takes down their internet conecction or just their connection to freenode??06:52
tonyyarussoI _think_ internet, but you'd have to ask someone else for that.06:53
willys_noestaif it takes down their internet conection.. that could be very odd for somepeople...06:54
Kamping_Kaiseriirc it crashes the modem/router06:54
willys_noestaHow to know if I am vulnerable??06:56
Kamping_Kaiserask Mez to test you06:56
=== Kamping_Kaiser doesnt have an ubuntu cloak, so doesnt dare test people
Mezwillys_noesta, join #mez06:56
=== Mez goes and checks something
ubotuThere are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. When bitten by this bug ops in #ubuntu remove users so they are no longer targets. To fix it have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit06:57
tonyyarussoKamping_Kaiser: you don't?06:57
Kamping_Kaiserum... no... :)06:58
tonyyarussoKamping_Kaiser: btw, if you test in your own channel, you're fine.  The K-lines are only in channels nalioth is in ;)06:58
willys_noestaif u are an op I think you should06:58
tonyyarussoKamping_Kaiser: still waiting on membership approval, or just prefer the unaffil?06:58
=== Mez goes nd checks somethign
Kamping_Kaisertonyyarusso, i think you told me that before, but i rely on irc to much for that to change under me :)06:59
Kamping_Kaisertonyyarusso, i wouldnt pass membership (well, i doubt i would)06:59
tonyyarussohow come?06:59
Kamping_Kaiseri trickle contribute, not flood contribute like the other members :), that sorta thing06:59
tonyyarussowell, if it's over a long time you might be fine anyway07:00
tonyyarussoI made it, so... ;)07:00
Kamping_Kaiserheheeh :)07:00
willys_noestaI would like to become an ubuntumember... but I don't have THAT merit :-07:00
=== Kamping_Kaiser wonders how willys_noesta makes symbol
willys_noestaKamping_Kaiser: altgr+p07:04
willys_noesta(I have a spanish 105 keyboard)07:04
DBOwhy dear stomach do you insist on digesting my esophagus07:04
DBOit hurts so much07:05
=== Kamping_Kaiser unbends his head over
=== DBO goes to cry a little
willys_noestaKamping_Kaiser: you have an english keyboard??07:07
=== Kamping_Kaiser [n=kgoetz@unafilliated/kgoetz] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Wait]
=== Kamping_Kaiser [n=kgoetz@unafilliated/kgoetz] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Kamping_Kaiser] by ChanServ
Kamping_Kaiserdrat xchat07:08
Kamping_Kaiser^w'd myself again07:08
willys_noestaDBO: you should drink some milk07:08
Kamping_Kaisersorry, yes, a us10407:08
tonyyarussoWhat's altgr?07:08
willys_noestaoh... I taught it only worked on spanish keyboards07:08
willys_noestatonyyarusso: the key to the right of space07:09
DBOwillys_noesta, way beyond milk here buddy07:09
=== DBO is more or less eating chalk
willys_noesta(over here)07:09
willys_noestame no enteder07:09
DBOits a much stronger base than milk =P07:09
tonyyarussoDBO: Sorry man07:09
tonyyarussodigestive issues are no fun07:10
tonyyarussoAnybody had Go Lytely?  That there's a barrel of laughs..07:10
Meznalioth, hopefully, in feisty, kubuntu users wont be exploitable07:10
=== SD-Plissken [n=Snake@unaffiliated/sdplissken/x-000001] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Leaving"]
naliothit's not a distro issue, Mez.  it's a crap router firmware issue07:11
willys_noestaI use kubuntu07:11
willys_noestabut I'm on dapper07:11
willys_noestaa very fresh dapper, I installed it a couple of hours ago07:12
willys_noestadidn't read the last line :-07:12
DBOwe could always just use iptables to remap all IRC traffic to freenode to 8001... but I dont they would go for that07:13
Kamping_KaiserDBO, wouldnt it be easier to make the chat clients default to 8001?07:13
DBOKamping_Kaiser, no =P07:14
DBOI prefer the complex one liner07:14
DBOplus that works on every client no matter how hard they try to get around it, and it would never be accepted07:14
=== DBO was trying to make a little joke is all
willys_noestathen XDDDD07:15
willys_noestaI'm bored...07:15
willys_noestaDBO, Kamping_Kaiser you are ops on wich channels??07:15
DBOmost of the rooms im in right now07:16
Kamping_Kaiserubuntu ones, -au only. misc. non-ubuntu chans.07:16
DBOjust whois me if you want to see07:16
tonyyarussoDBO: -meeting?07:17
tonyyarussowait, nvm07:17
=== tonyyarusso brain no worky
DBOthats why I said most =P07:17
=== tonyyarusso wonders who does there
tonyyarussowow, not much07:19
DBOjust the CC and seveas I think07:19
DBOnot even the CC07:19
DBOjust Seveas and thom07:19
tonyyarussowhich one's thom?07:20
willys_noestaway too much channels for me :-07:20
DBOtonyyarusso, dont know to be honest...07:20
Meznalioth: I know - but surely it can't harm to make the default port for freenode in kubuntu to be 8001 ?07:23
DBOwill that cause DCC issues?07:23
naliothyou'll need to file a bug for that mez, but it's trivial07:24
Meznalioth, why file a bug when I've made a patch, and have a sponsor ?07:24
nalioththen i guess you bugged yourself, eh?  :P07:24
somerville32Mez isn't a core-dev07:25
somerville32So be bugged... Crimsun? : P07:25
Meznalioth, I'm not core-dev ;) but I can do things (I did after all, maintain conversation for a while!)07:25
naliothsomerville32: you don't have to be a core-dev, as long as you can send your stuff to one who is07:25
somerville32I think that applies to anyone07:26
Mezsomerville32, indeed ;)07:26
somerville32Crimsun is good like that07:26
Mezthough being a dev helps get you noticed quicker07:26
Meznalioth, worth writing a patch for Xchat too ?07:27
tonyyarussoWow, this guy doesn't get it.  It's so minor for any individual case, but I may have to do something anyway.  Dang.  (shifty in #ubuntu, I've !ohmy | ed him probably 8 or 9 times in two days)07:28
Mezdo I cook myself something to eat ?07:30
Mezin the dark07:30
tonyyarussoNo, you cook yourself something to wear.07:30
Meztonyyarusso, ha... shouldi07:34
somerville32Mez: << | <<07:35
Mezsomerville32,  ??07:35
somerville32Mez: I'm going to send you a top secret, encrypted message.07:35
somerville32Mez: Purpx lbhe r-znvy07:35
Mezrot 13 ?07:36
naliothMez: no, somerville3207:36
Mezno, I was right, rot1307:36
Mezsomerville32, you puzzled me for a second07:39
somerville32The e-mail or the rot13?07:39
Mezu rgiyfgr ur qla l jwtviles agudr xtogwe07:39
somerville32Very cleaver07:39
tonyyarussoYes, we all have to go back to the 50s sometimes.07:40
=== Mez fires up the time machine
Mezok, Everyone hold on to something!07:40
=== Mez makes buzzing noises
=== Kamping_Kaiser grabs LongPointyStick
MezSat Jan 27 06:40:59 UTC 195707:40
=== tonyyarusso grabs ChanServ - probably the only stable one around
Mezw00 - it worked!07:41
Mezoh wait, ubuntu didnt exist then07:41
=== Mez joins #unix
=== tonyyarusso kicks everyone off, since the internet doesn't exist either
Meztonyyarusso, no, this server is protected07:41
=== Kamping_Kaiser flails
Kamping_Kaiserirc via uucp lags to hard!07:42
=== Mez dials into his local MU*
=== Mez misses his MU*s
Mezanyone wanna help me make a MUSH ?07:43
somerville32Infact, LPMud07:44
Mezlaunchpad mud ?07:44
MezKamping_Kaiser, dont you know what a MU* is ?07:45
=== tonyyarusso doesn't
=== tonyyarusso was born in 1986...
Meztonyyarusso, I'm only 1985 myself07:45
somerville32void create() { object player = find_player("Mez"); tell_object(player, "You have been pwned by Tacitus - God of Cows.\n"); remove_interactive(player); }07:45
Mezsomerville32, I prefer pennmush/tinymush stuff07:46
somerville32LPMuds are so much more flexible though07:46
=== somerville32 wrote his own mudlib from scratch.
Mezsomerville32, go for it - I once wrote a windows MUSH server07:47
somerville32I wrote an passive FTP server in LPC07:47
=== Kamping_Kaiser once wrote a shell script
Mezit sucked sooo much ass07:48
Mezand it was in VB !07:48
Mezmy old AI IRC bot written in PHP ;)07:48
tonyyarussoI wrote what could be called an RPG.  :P  (It was in BASIC, and for my sister and I to play "spaceship" with; I was like 8.)07:49
somerville32I worked on a project called JRPG for awhile07:49
Mezlmao :D ah the good old days07:49
somerville32It was a 2D MMORPG in Java07:49
Mezmy god that bot sucked ass ;)07:50
Mezbut it was in PHP07:50
somerville32LPUni - the mudlib project - was in the top 1000 projects at one point07:50
somerville32(on sourceforge.net)07:51
somerville32In Aug 2006, I was even able to sustain the a position in the top 1000 SourceForge.net projects for an entire month07:51
somerville32Anyhows, I'm hungry and sleepy07:52
=== Mez too
=== somerville32 waves.
somerville32Mez: I replied to your e-mail07:53
MezI just read07:53
somerville32One last question: Has anyone here bought something from ThinkGeek before?07:54
somerville32I got a t-shirt but I ended up paying $20 for shipping07:54
Mezsomeothernick, me07:54
somerville32(more then the t-shirt)07:54
Mezsomerville32, me *07:54
tonyyarusso$20 shipping?  eww07:55
Mezsomerville32, dont want to help with my mush then ?07:55
somerville32Mez: lol, maybe - if we program it using LPC ;] 07:55
Mezsomerville32, buy in bulk :D07:55
Mezsomerville32, tinyMUSH :P07:55
Mezget used to something different07:55
somerville32Mez: Is there really no way to not get like next-day shipping?07:55
Mezsomerville32, live in the uk ?07:55
Mezno, thats how07:56
somerville32I only had two options07:56
somerville32$18 or $2007:56
somerville32There were two radio buttons so I couldn't unselect it07:56
somerville32It was a Hobse's choice07:57
=== somerville32 is now dead to the world.
MezBAD somerville32 BAD BAD BAD!08:09
Mezyou spelt "feisty" as "fiesty" quite a few times08:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fiesty - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:11
Mez!fiesty is <alias> feisty08:11
ubotuI'll remember that, Mez08:11
ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+108:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fistula - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:12
mneptokbe glad of that, o pythonpile08:12
tonyyarussoWhy did you have to go there mneptok ...08:12
mneptoki tried that Count Fistula cereal. it was too salty.08:12
Kamping_Kaisertonyyarusso, ?08:13
Mezscary i know wat that word means08:13
=== tonyyarusso is "familiar"
tonyyarussoKamping_Kaiser: Look it up, if aren't eating.08:13
MezIn medicine, a fistula (pl. fistulas or fistulae) is an abnormal connection or passageway between organs or vessels that normally do not connect08:14
Kamping_Kaisertonyyarusso, i see....08:14
tonyyarussoWhy, when you !factoid | person, does the person feel the need to !factoid again?08:38
Mezw00t - I just got a mention on the radio08:38
=== nalioth withholds comment.
naliothMez: you wanted?08:38
Meznalioth, It's a regular thing, just not usually on the morning show08:39
MezI have a lot of friends at the station08:39
Mezthough that guy aways and I mean ALWAYS refers to me as "mezzle"08:41
=== tonyyarusso fiddles with Wordpress and Apache
=== ChrisBradley [n=chris@unaffiliated/chrisbradley] has joined #ubuntu-ops
ChrisBradleynalioth - Peanuthorst aka MidnightCommando has a severe problem09:40
ChrisBradleywe believe it stems from earlier tonight09:40
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=== mc44 [n=mc44@unaffiliated/mc44] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v PriceChild] by ChanServ
=== rob [i=rob@freenode/staff/rob] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== IceLink [n=kvirc@Wa69d.w.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu-ops
tonyyarussoIceLink: Hi!  What can we do for you?11:42
IceLinkAre here any OPs of #ubuntu-de-treffpunkt ?11:42
tonyyarussoIceLink: maybe11:43
IceLinkIt's just, I was banned yesterday from this channel without any reason by an OP who doesn't like me >.<11:43
tonyyarussognomefreak, Seveas: ping ^^11:43
=== rob [i=rob@freenode/staff/rob] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v rob] by ChanServ
tonyyarussoIceLink: Do you know which one it was?11:43
IceLinksomeone with rob inside the name11:44
tonyyarussoThere is no op with that string in their nick in that channel, btw.11:45
SeveasIceLink, #ubuntu-ops rarely deals with locoteam channels such as #ubuntu-de / #ubuntu-de-treffpunkt. You'd better contact the #ubuntu-de staff11:45
IceLinkWhere can I contact them11:45
Seveastry /msg chanserv access #ubuntu-de-treffpunkt list11:46
Seveasand contact the ones with th highest level11:46
jendaSeveas: I might be able to arrange an op for you there, if there's no one online.11:46
IceLinkI think ChanServ must be repaired, he don't answer to anything I send to him11:47
Seveasjenda, I am op there11:47
Seveasbut not channel contact11:47
jendaSeveas: nevermind, then ;)11:47
Seveasand wouldn't dare touching bans there11:47
tonyyarussoSeveas: Little bit curious - why the *!*@ubuntu/member/* in #ubuntu-de?11:48
jenda" *!*@ubuntu/member"11:48
tonyyarussoActually, it's not even written right.  It's missing the /*11:49
jendatonyyarusso: it doesn't do anythig.11:49
tonyyarussojenda: Just noticed that.11:49
tonyyarussoEven weirder11:49
IceLinkthanks to all, I'll retry later11:51
=== elkbuntu_ [n=melissa@ppp26-148.lns1.syd6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
IceLinkSeveas: Are you sure that "/msg chanserv access #ubuntu-de-treffpunkt list" is the right command?11:56
Seveasare you using x-chat?11:56
Seveasmaybe it's set to ignore chanserv?11:57
IceLinkThough, ChanServ doesn't answer anything and server doesn't, too11:57
Seveasapokryphos, you're the kvirc expert here, right?11:57
IceLinkI'm sorry, i got the list11:58
elkbuntu_* #ubuntu :You can't join that many channels <-- who dropped my chan limit back to 20? :(11:59
tonyyarussojenda: Give elkbuntu_ some +u love man!11:59
jendaelkbuntu_: link your nicks12:00
PriceChildhehe :)12:00
Seveaselkbuntu_, you're not identified to nickserv12:00
elkbuntu_oh... wtf... i ghosted12:00
jendaregister that nick :)12:00
jendaelkbuntu_: you really should have an alternate nick.12:00
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v elkbuntu] by ChanServ
IceLinkSeveas: is there any possibility to leave a message for a level-30-person?12:02
tonyyarussoelkbuntu: You don't have an alt nick?12:02
elkbuntutonyyarusso, i have many, just not the right ones :12:03
=== Seveas has lots of alt nicks
tonyyarussoelkbuntu: ah12:03
=== tonyyarusso too
=== PriceChild aquired a couple when someone changed l's to 1's etc.
=== ossurayynot [n=anthony@ubuntu/member/tonyyarusso] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v ossurayynot] by ChanServ
=== ossurayynot waves
ossurayynotDo I get a prize for silly linked nick?12:04
=== PriceChild is disappointed when he finds nothing in +2
=== ossurayynot [n=anthony@ubuntu/member/tonyyarusso] has left #ubuntu-ops ["That]
=== mc44 goes to prank call Seveas
Seveasmc44, :)12:06
elkbuntuSeveas, did you just... encourage... trolling?12:17
Kamping_Kaiserhm. didnt know you could get access over 3012:18
SeveasKamping_Kaiser, 50 is the max (identified with chanserv)12:18
Seveas49 is the max in the channel list12:18
Kamping_Kaiserwow ok.12:19
elkbuntu50 is chan owner, right?12:19
jendaSeveas: IceLink unbanned, and the op lost his priviledges. Seems the guy was saying the truth, afterall.12:37
Seveasjenda, heh12:37
Seveasthat's a surprise in -treffpunkt12:37
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Hobbsee] by ChanServ
jendanothing, Hobbsee :) How's life?12:40
Hobbseeapart from a spying manager, pretty good12:40
jendaIT's his job ;)12:42
Hobbseesurely he has better things to do than watch his employees....12:43
Hobbseeer, i forgot to mention the large amount of rudeness, then being nice, then more rudeness, etc.12:44
Kamping_Kaiserdoesnt +m work in real world?12:48
Hobbseeseems not12:48
Kamping_Kaiseraw :(12:50
jendaOf course it does.12:51
jendaReal life :You need to be a channel operator to do that12:51
jendathat's the catch.12:51
Kamping_Kaisergrrr. i dont even have access of 5 in RL12:51
=== beni_ [n=beni@p54ABBFF6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-ops
jendaSeveas: ping!01:16
jendaSeveas: pastebin still doesn't go unicode :(01:16
jendamakes it really difficult for us diacritic-enabled-language-speakers...01:16
Hobbseejenda: diacritic?01:17
Kamping_Kaiser' foreign ' ;)01:17
mc44Hobbsee: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diacritic :p01:18
Hobbseejenda: oh right, you could have said that.  "Letters with funny symbols" would have sufficed, instead of using complicated words...01:19
Amaranth 01:20
jendaI honor our hussite heritage ;)01:20
jendaBecause _we_ have the caron, that everyone else took from us :) 01:21
jendaAnd the beer. But not much, beyond that :)01:21
=== Kamping_Kaiser hugs jenda for beer
=== jenda is going for a beer today with the (only) Czech MOTU, vil
=== rob1 [i=RobertSt@freenode/staff/rob] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v rob1] by ChanServ
elkbuntujenda, dont we also get to blame you guys for absinth?01:31
jendaNot really.01:32
jendaI think it's an urban myth.01:32
jendaBut that stuff is serious :)01:32
elkbuntuwho *do* we blame for absinth then?01:32
=== elkbuntu wikipedias
elkbuntu"Absinthe originated in Switzerland as an elixir/tincture"01:34
=== LongPointyStick BURNS Kamping_Kaiser
elkbuntuok, who do we know who is swiss?01:34
=== LongPointyStick is Antarctican
=== elkbuntu pokes LongPointyStick with a longer pointier stick
Kamping_Kaiseroi! *breaks up LongPointyStick01:35
=== LongestPointySti breaks elkbuntu
jendaelkbuntu: hah01:36
jendaI was _just_ gonna paste that exact same string... ;)01:36
jendaelkbuntu: I know one swiss troll... ;)01:36
jendaLjL could tell you about him...01:36
jendaand nooooob01:37
elkbuntuheh. i though you said swiss roll there.. and was going to pout at my lack of having any01:40
elkbuntuKamping_Kaiser, domain still being mean :(01:41
Kamping_Kaiserelkbuntu, aww :( *huggles*01:43
elkbuntuhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Absinthe#Czech.2C_or_Bohemian.2C_absinth <-- haha! there is a specific czech absinthe, jenda01:44
jendaooh :)01:46
jendaelkbuntu: I thought it was weird, because there's no anise in my absinth ;)01:46
elkbuntunow you know why01:47
elkbuntu"by 1910 the French were consuming 36 million litres of absinthe per year."01:47
elkbuntu... that's alotta fairies ;)01:47
jendaelkbuntu: this is proof:
elkbuntueww olives01:48
jendamy 'friends' made me a terrible website on the Czech whachacall it... on-line dating place01:48
jendathey found the worst pictures made of me during our 8 years together at that school :)01:48
jendabut yes, it's me :)01:48
jendaand yes, drunk.01:48
Kamping_Kaisertehehee (looked at the picutre)01:49
jendahaha... /me is reading the entries they put...01:50
jendasmokes: no ; drinks: totally01:50
jendahobbies: aerobic, horses...01:51
Kamping_Kaiserelkbuntu, fwiw, i'm having a bad node day too01:51
elkbuntuooh, no wonder sage oil rocks... it contains the same chemical as wormwood01:55
=== elkbuntu sets her aromatherapy oil burner going with sage oil :D
=== jenda hates anise
=== IceLink [n=kvirc@Wbb30.w.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== Kamping_Kaiser wonders how much therapy is going on
IceLinkI just want to tell you that my ban-problem is fixed somehow01:57
IceLinkand it wasn't someone with "rob", this person just didn't like  and may have told the op to ban me, bye and thanks01:58
=== IceLink [n=kvirc@Wbb30.w.pppool.de] has left #ubuntu-ops ["So]
elkbuntuKamping_Kaiser, i often use it with clove oil. i love the smell and effects of it :)01:59
jenda"There are a few Czech products that claim to have levels of thujone, which would make them illegal to sell in Europe, as well as the rest of the world."01:59
jendaBTW - the World owes Czechs nothing in terms of beer - quite the contrary. The only thing between Czechs and beer is that most of the world's beer is consumed in this country.02:00
elkbuntuthe rest is consumed in Australia :02:01
mc44considering it was about 20p a pint when I was last there I'm not surprised02:02
jendaelkbuntu: nah, there's also ireland :)02:02
jendamc44: yah, that's about the price.02:02
mc44jenda: damn you :p02:02
mc44I only pay about 15x that much :)02:03
Kamping_Kaiserjenda, well we do half, so you must be doing less ;002:03
jendamc44: damn you too :) our incomes are a lot smaller than yours, and we need to buy lots of the beer :)02:03
jendaKamping_Kaiser: hehe02:03
=== ompaul [n=ompaul@gnewsense/friend/ompaul] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v ompaul] by ChanServ
jendaKamping_Kaiser: careful, now we have representation from Ireland, too ):02:04
Kamping_Kaiseri got in just in time :D02:05
jendaKamping_Kaiser, mc44 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beer_consumption_by_country02:06
Kamping_Kaiserrofl. *clicks*02:06
jendaI admit, Australia is doing quite well :)02:07
mc44but you have quite a lead tehre jenda02:07
mc44a pitiful 6th :(02:07
Kamping_Kaiserwhy does that list have a footnote [1]  when its not actually referenced?02:08
mc44because its Wikipedia?02:08
mc44and they just make it up :)02:08
jendaI saw the same values in National Geographic a while back.02:08
Kamping_Kaiserhttp://www.kirin.co.jp/english/ir/news_release051215_4.html rofl - look at finland, increase in bottles02:10
=== Jucato [n=jucato@] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== qmario__ [n=QMario@cpe-67-10-53-189.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu-ops
=== Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== willys_noesta ha vuelto.
=== willys_noesta is now known as willys_fueguino
Mezhola willys_fueguino03:31
willys_fueguinogood morning everyone03:31
willys_fueguinocomo va Mez??03:31
willys_fueguino(how are u mez) <====Translation03:31
MezEu sou bom. Eu sou comear justo pronto para ir trabalhar03:32
Mezlol @ Jucato03:32
MezEu comecei a lngua direita? Eu comeo sempre misturado acima entre poruguese e espanhol03:33
Mez( @ willys_fueguino03:33
=== Jucato thinks it sucks to be non-multilingual...
willys_fueguinoMez: me no hablar portuguese :-03:35
=== LjL [n=ljl@81-208-36-87.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v LjL] by ChanServ
MezSoy conjeturando yo debo entonces haber ido para el espaol?03:35
MezI always get confused as to whether someones speaking spanish or poruguese03:36
Mezand always pick the wrong language to reply to them in03:36
willys_fueguinoMez: you should learn more spanish..03:36
LjLwell if there's ~ on a vowel it's portuguese ;)03:36
LjLalso if you see "el" "la" "los" "las" as articles it's spanish03:36
LjL"a" "o" "as" "os" (i think), then it's portuguese03:37
Mezwillys_fueguino, why ?03:37
naliothbetter to just stick to Cockney03:37
=== nalioth runs
LjLnalioth: ya bet03:37
Meznalioth, I take great offence to that03:37
MezI'm a brummie03:37
=== mc44 [n=mc44@unaffiliated/mc44] has joined #ubuntu-ops
naliothuh oh, hide the silver, it's mc4403:37
willys_fueguino<Mez> Soy conjeturando yo debo entonces haber ido para el espaol? <===== Doesn't make any sense tough I can guess what you were traying to say03:38
=== LjL hides the gold too
mc44nalioth: I know you aint got no silver03:38
Mez"I guess i should have gone for spanish then"03:38
mc44nalioth: I thoroughly checked already03:38
LjLwillys_fueguino: "i am wondering where i should have gone for spanish"?03:38
willys_fueguinosomething like that XDDDD03:38
Meznalioth: konv in fesity now uses port 8001 by default03:39
LjLMez: ah nice, i was just thinking about proposing that on launchpad yesterday03:39
willys_fueguinoIts oficial then?03:39
LjLwell "nice"... unfortunate, actually, but *shrug*03:39
MezLJL I'll make the patch for xchat tomorro03:39
Mezunfortunate ?03:40
LjLMez: it's unfortunate that we have to disregard IRC protocol standards and use such an awkward port as default in a Linux distribution03:40
LjLbut i totally agree it's the best thing to do03:40
LjLit's still unfortunate though03:41
MezLjL, oh no, only for freenode ;)03:41
LjLwell sure03:41
Mezbut I think it's just nicer to protect people from the DCC exploit ;)03:41
apokryphos-how about xchat?03:41
Mezapokryphos-, I'll patch that up tomorrow03:42
LjLyes yes i agree on that, i really was just saying "unfortunate" as in "darn those stupid routers"03:42
LjLanyway - i assume this discussion is taking place 'cause we've had more attacks?03:42
apokryphos-yeah, yesterday03:42
LjLyesterday yes i know03:43
nalioth....the fun never ends for those with small minds03:43
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v PriceChild] by ChanServ
willys_fueguinoHow are u warning on the channels about that exoloit?? on the topic?03:55
=== ChrisBradley [n=chris@unaffiliated/chrisbradley] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Leaving"]
LjLwillys_fueguino: actually, we aren't04:12
willys_fueguinoI think thats wiser...04:13
LjLno need to give *more* people an idea04:13
willys_fueguinoon my channel we didn't have that problem...04:14
willys_fueguinoseems like spanish speakers doesn't know yet..04:14
LjLthe exploit really is effective on very big channels04:17
LjLeven on #ubuntu, it only brings like 10 people down at most04:18
willys_fueguinothen is not *that* important...04:19
LjLno but i'd still like them to stop04:19
LjLit's far from the worst kind of attack one can get for sure04:20
willys_fueguinobut I'm starting wondering why does that exploit affects so few people?04:20
LjLwillys_fueguino: because not everyone has a DSL or cable router, and not everyone who does has a broken one04:21
willys_fueguinooh... then the problem is with a few routers that are broken?04:23
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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gnomefreaktonyyarusso: ?04:33
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=== hybrid [n=x@] has joined #ubuntu-ops
Seveasjenda, odd -- I thought I had fixed that04:42
Seveasjenda, can you mail me some example unicode text that fails please04:43
jendaSeveas: it killed my ""04:43
SeveasI can fix that04:43
Seveasbut not now04:44
SeveasI know *exactly* what the problem is04:44
Seveasbut I have to take down all of ubuntu-nl.org for a few hours to fix that04:44
Seveas(database encoding is wrong)04:44
jendaok, cool :)04:45
=== willys_fueguino [n=willy@unaffiliated/willysfueguino/x-00001] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== patbam [n=pat@c-69-251-252-124.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== patbam [n=pat@c-69-251-252-124.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu-ops []
=== patbam [n=pat@c-69-251-252-124.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
patbamhi, i think i've fixed my router problem (on port 8001 now) , but is still can't seem to log in to #ubuntu04:53
LjLpatbam: we need to test you manually. may i?04:53
LjLpatbam: join ##ljl04:53
=== willys_fueguino [n=willy@] has joined #ubuntu-ops
LjLpatbam: ok, one second04:54
LjLpatbam: try joining04:54
LjLpatbam: thank you04:55
=== apokryphos [n=francis@unaffiliated/apokryphos] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v apokryphos] by ChanServ
LjLapokryphos: there's no need to point that out anymore, the bot does it automatically, except for the "|" syntax05:00
apokryphosubotu: tell me about feisty05:02
apokryphosLjL: nice05:03
LjLapokryphos: as every bug report of mine is :P05:03
apokryphosspeaking of which, thread view in kmail is awesome05:04
apokryphosjust when I think I know about every feature with the programs I use, I get surprised05:04
apokryphosbut then again I've never played *that* much with kmail05:04
LjLapokryphos: well... you know my message on the ML, right?05:05
LjLi took like half an hour to send it05:05
LjLi didn't quite know how to set up a mail account anymore05:05
patbamthanks LjL05:05
LjLi find kmail a bit confusing to be honest... well, like other KDE programs that is05:06
LjLyou're welcome patbam05:06
patbamLjL: added some instructions for Gaim to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit :)05:06
apokryphosyeah, kmail is getting quite a bit of a big revamp in kde405:06
apokryphosmailody is meant to be very good, though gmail doesn't support imap :/05:07
LjLSeveas: ping05:07
LjLthank you very much patbam, i had completely overlooked Gaim05:07
patbamLjL: hmm i wonder if the fact that choose [MAILTO]  yourname@chat.freenode.net, is converteed into a mailto in my comment will cause confusion05:08
patbamfixed it05:09
willys_fueguinowhat about irssi or weechat??05:09
willys_fueguinoeasy enough to do it right?05:10
LjLwell, feel free to add instructions to the page05:10
willys_fueguinoI have to use my launchpad account right??05:11
willys_fueguinoufff.... I didn't use it in a looooooong time...05:11
patbamwillys_fueguino: yeah i had to dig mine out of gmail too ;)05:12
=== willys_fueguino is digging on his yahoo mail logins database
SeveasLjL, ?05:18
LjLSeveas: see bots05:18
=== patbam [n=pat@c-69-251-252-124.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu-ops []
jendaUbuntuforums finally lets you add your Jabber ID to your profile! w00t05:31
jendatonyyarusso: ready for dat dere quiz? :)05:31
mc44tonyyarusso is doing the quiz?05:32
jendamc44: yup05:34
jendamc44: I can't make it.05:34
mc44@lart jenda05:34
=== Ubugtu drops a truckload of VAXen on jenda
=== mneptok [n=mneptok@modemcable178.77-70-69.static.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v mneptok] by ChanServ
willys_fueguinoAdded irssi command to connect trough port 800105:42
gnomefreakwillys_fueguino: set it in your ~/.irssi/config file please so if another attack happens you are not afected05:44
willys_fueguinoLjL: could you check my spell??05:44
willys_fueguinognomefreak: I passed the Mez test :-05:44
LjLwillys_fueguino: spelling is fine, perhaps i wouldn't have said "and that's it", but it works nevertheless :)05:45
LjLsure irssi (on ubuntu) doesn't try to connect to freenode automatically by default though, and does so on 6667?05:45
willys_fueguinoI'll modify that an add the gnomefreak advice05:45
gnomefreakif not once you restart irssi and an attack happens you will be banned again05:46
willys_fueguinoLjL: over here it doesn't connects "automagicly"05:46
willys_fueguinobut the default port is 6667 though05:46
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v PriceChild] by ChanServ
willys_fueguinognomefreak: that bug doesn't afects me :-05:47
willys_fueguinognomefreak: added your adviced.. could you check my spelling??05:54
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v PriceChild] by ChanServ
LjLwillys_fueguino: made some changes05:58
gnomefreakseeing as i cant spell that might be a bad idea.05:58
LjLwillys_fueguino: there should be no need to use "sudo" for editing the config file, and ~ is a shortcut for /home/user05:59
LjLwillys_fueguino: also, the {{{ something }}} syntax is used on the wiki to mean "stuff that you should type"05:59
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willys_fueguinobut the syntax on the irssi config is like that...06:00
willys_fueguinowhat should I do then LjL??06:00
LjLwillys_fueguino: i know, that's not what i was saying06:00
LjLwillys_fueguino: { } is fine, it's just that commands should be put between {{{  }}}06:00
LjLi've done that anyway06:00
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willys_fueguinooh oks06:01
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willys_fueguinoLjL: :-S I'm new on this and that is SO confusing for me :-S06:02
LjLwillys_fueguino: it's quite ok, wikis are made exactly so that mistakes aren't a big deal06:03
gnomefreakwasnt there only 2-3 routers affected by the exploit?06:05
LjLnot quite sure06:06
gnomefreaki was gonna say if its only a couple to post the links to updated firmware to the wiki06:07
ubotuThere are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. When bitten by this bug ops in #ubuntu remove users so they are no longer targets. To fix it have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit06:07
LjLgnomefreak: makes sense, but i have no idea as to the routers. i could grep long past logs to find out some names06:08
willys_fueguinoAdded weechat06:08
LjLstill i wouldn't know where to get new firmware06:08
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gnomefreaki will ask a staffer if i run into one06:08
gnomefreakits easier that way06:08
willys_fueguinoLjL: I'm seeing your sintax in the edit mode but I can't see it in the normal view...06:09
LjLwillys_fueguino: you aren't supposed to see it06:10
LjLbut the font will (slightly) change06:10
LjLwillys_fueguino: if you put the {{{    }}} stuff on separate lines, it'll use a much more visible layout06:10
LjLhowever, i don't think that's warranted in this case06:10
LjLwillys_fueguino: i made some little changes again06:10
willys_fueguinotab to section...06:12
LjL"tab" isn't really the right term for a text file i think - if that's a text file, that is06:12
willys_fueguinoI didn't knew how to say that in the "correct" way...06:12
LjLsounded like one06:12
willys_fueguinoyes it is..06:12
LjLwillys_fueguino: "tab" is used for graphical interfaces06:12
willys_fueguinoLjL: hahahahah06:13
willys_fueguinoI didn't knew how to say it..06:13
gnomefreakapokryphos: you still here?06:16
gnomefreakyast fixes depends doesnt it?06:17
gnomefreakapokryphos: yast install <package> should install the python packages it needs right?06:17
apokryphosyast2 -i somepackage, yeah06:18
apokryphosbut if you're on 10.2 on the command line you want to use zypper, anyhow06:18
gnomefreakhes on 10.206:18
gnomefreakwont the GUI version do it also?06:18
apokryphosgnomefreak: -> msg06:19
gnomefreakapokryphos: join #smart we are in there06:19
apokryphosI frequent there too :P06:19
willys_fueguinoI can't find #ubuntu-es 2006-08 logs06:22
willys_fueguinoSeveas: ping06:24
gnomefreakis ubuntulog in there?06:24
willys_fueguinoonly ubuntu-es06:25
willys_fueguinobut I were watching the september log06:25
gnomefreakwhat log bot is in there?06:25
willys_fueguinobut the log of august ins't there06:25
willys_fueguinognomefreak: ubuntu-es06:25
tonyyarussojenda: Gimme a sec yet to collect myself06:41
=== Rosh_Keifer [n=john@c-71-232-0-246.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
Rosh_KeiferHey there. I just switched to port 8001. No more router bug. Can somebody let me into #ubuntu?06:46
apokryphosRosh_Keifer: join #apokryphos for a test please06:47
apokryphosRosh_Keifer: ok, you're good to go06:47
gnomefreakapokryphos: before i get going how bad is upgrade 10.0 beta to 10.2 suse?06:58
apokryphosnot supported06:58
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apokryphosI don't know any release that supports skipping a version :P06:58
gnomefreakapokryphos: ok but 10-10.1 than to 10.206:59
apokryphosdefinitely a bigger hassle than a fresh install06:59
gnomefreakis it hard to do? or kind of like ubuntus upgrade process?06:59
apokryphosthough all my 10.1 -> 10.2 upgrades were ok, as I recall.06:59
gnomefreakok ill be back ill burn dvd i think07:00
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tonyyarussoI'm the most evil quiz-giver ever07:56
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ubotuIn #kubuntu, Minataku said: ! is localhost; a loop back to your own system09:14
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=== finalbeta [n=finalbet@d5152A68A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-ops
tonyyarussofinalbeta: About a week and a half ago I started hilighting various words, some worse than others, so I could keep an eye on things just generally speaking.  I noticed that when I came back from /away there were a _lot_ of them in #ubuntu - which is understandable, but not terribly desirable.10:45
tonyyarussoI think there's also just been a bit of general drift away from nicities - nothing major, but we may as well catch it while we can.10:46
tonyyarussoSo, I've made a point of making some use of the !ohmy factoid we already had, as an awareness-raising sort of thing.10:47
tonyyarussoReally, I don't mind the occasional "damn" much, but it's nice to limit them.  So using the factoid has the advantage of letting everyone see that reminder from time to time (and I think it's actually helped noticably in the last few days even).10:48
tonyyarussoheh...there was another one though...10:48
LjLnow how the heck can i can highlights on the -it channels when all the highlights i have are in english10:49
tonyyarussoWe'll see if it helps!  Really only the worst couple of words on that hilight list are likely to lead to any real action, or really abusive use repeatedly.10:49
finalbetaI agree partially, i've actually used !language myself. However. I guess I just draw the line in another zip code. The word I used is like :( , and no doubt you should see allot of it in a support channel. But i'll watch my language even more.10:49
tonyyarussofinalbeta: Yeah, yours wasn't really a big deal - as long as we keep them reasonably unfrequent.10:50
LjLfinalbeta: set up autoreplaces :)10:50
tonyyarussooooo, good idea10:50
=== tonyyarusso might do that himself actually..
LjLwhen i nicely *appear* to kindly tell users to try again after checking out the relevant documentation...10:50
LjLwell, that's not *quite* what i say :P10:50
finalbetaLjL: i'm not taking any part in self censorship. No can do :p10:51
LjLactually, let's see if i still have them10:51
tonyyarussoWe should have an exemption rule for anyone who's braving samba config by hand though ;)10:52
LjLwhy, is there another way?10:52
LjLif i had known that... :P10:52
tonyyarussoWell, swat, theoretically.  Didn't work for me.10:52
LjLon an unrelated note, i think i just say him quitting - there's somebody with "timeo danaos et dona ferentis" as a quit message. can i redirect them here?10:54
LjLit's ferent*es* :P if you want to quit in latin, at least do it right10:54
=== tonyyarusso has no idea what that means
LjLi fear the Greeks even if they're bringing presents10:55
LjLfrom the eneid10:55
=== tonyyarusso goes back to browsing wordpress plugins
finalbetaLols, my quit message : An inconvenient truth www.climatecrisis.net10:56
tonyyarussoMine's lame...10:56
finalbetaMore so then mine?10:56
tonyyarusso"going somewhere else"  currently10:56
Amaranthmine is "Ex-Chat" :P10:56
finalbetaYep, that's pretty lame. Although, am I allowed to use that word?10:56
LjLwhat, lame?10:57
finalbetaHaha, yes10:57
mc44mine is a shakespeare quote :p10:57
LjLi don't use it as often as i used to, but i don't think it's quite offensive... though i suppose maybe it can be10:57
mc44well stage direction actually10:57
tonyyarussoI think if I'm acknowledging it's lame everything's fair :)10:58
tonyyarussomc44: exit stage left?10:58
mc44Exit, pursued by a bear10:58
=== somename [n=maltyz@adsl-71-131-147-213.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
somenameHey, its me malt and its been over 1 week, and i was wondering has it been long enough where i can be unbanned?11:00
LjL... over one week11:00
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somenamecan i be unbanned though yet? Its been well long enough.11:04
LjLi can't decide that myself11:05
somenameI got this pc so silent.. I installed a new power supply in it11:06
somenameat 600 watts11:06
somename140mm fan11:06
=== steelb [n=steelb@c-67-187-206-90.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
LjLsteelb: need to be tested?11:08
steelbi can't rejoin the ubuntu channel because i can't get x-chat to connect me to port 800111:08
LjLsteelb: to rejoin you need to be tested by us11:08
LjLwhy are you saying it won't let you?11:08
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steelbi tried /server irc.freenode.net [8001] 11:15
steelbbut i guess you could test me11:15
PriceChildsteelb, have you tried it without the [/] 's ?11:16
LjLsteelb: you're using x-chat you said?11:16
LjLthen i don't think that's the best way to change the port11:17
LjLyou should rather change it in the settings11:17
ubotuThere are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. When bitten by this bug ops in #ubuntu remove users so they are no longer targets. To fix it have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit11:17
steelbhey... i got it11:17
LjLsteelb, Server list, select the server, and change11:17
steelbthe syntax was wrong11:17
LjLin the page's instructions?11:17
steelbin my own11:18
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LjLsteelb: ok, then now please close X-Chat and reconnect, so we can make sure it's using the right port11:18
LjLnice quit message11:19
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LjLsteelb: ok, test?11:19
LjLyou look good11:20
steelbthanks, i needed a compliment11:20
LjLok, thanks for your patience11:20
steelbthanks for letting me back in11:21
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naliothLjL: what was that?11:40
LjLnalioth: you ask me?11:40
naliothyour ban ?11:40
ubotuIn #ubuntu, cmacis said: !girls is something a linux user need never worry about11:40
LjLnalioth: phpbawt11:40
LjLnalioth: do a /whowas by the way, seems he changed a *lot* of addresses lately11:41
naliothLjL: look in the channel11:41
LjLnalioth, i know i did 3 bans on phpbawt... what am i missing?11:41
LjLnalioth: besides you did one ban too that doesn't look quite right if i'm not mistaken11:42
naliothwhat doesn't look right about it?11:49
naliothit hits all 'phpbawt' idented users whether they are identified or not11:50
LjLnalioth, look again11:50
LjLyou banned the ?=phpbawt nickname iinm11:50
LjLanyway i banned the ident, too11:51
=== nalioth just woke up
LjLnalioth: uhm, you haven't exchanged homes with hobbsee have you? :P11:52
naliothi'm living in her closet11:55
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LjL-Tempdo we have a server down, or is it just me?12:08
jendaLjL: I'm having trouble too.12:10
LjL-Tempi've lost connection, and i couldn't reconnect to irc.freenode.net 666712:10
LjL-Tempnow i connected to sterling.freenode.net 800112:10
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LjL-Tempwell apparently irc.freenode.net now went back to life too12:11
LjL-Tempjenda: well though i still have a >10 seconds lag over there12:12
LjL-Temphere it's fine12:12
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