
waylandbillMinataku: Talking heads...12:15
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Thehound666well NTFS is ok but for now not being able to write in nix12:15
distro-testerthis ms sql s and dcom are m$ to right minataku?12:15
Thehound666sure Ubuntu will fix it12:15
aegisOkay, I am at the bottom of the /var/log/Xorg.0.log file... the last few lines are "Could not init font path element /usr/share/fonts/X11/(TTF | OTF | CID), removing from list!"12:15
MinatakuWindows NT has never seen anything but NTFS12:15
Minatakuaegis: Check those directories12:15
ghostdogwait till winfs12:16
MinatakuChances are they're defined as installed but aren't12:16
ghostdogmore garbage12:16
distro-testeri even got a vcn ahah seems some one was thinking to monitor12:16
Minatakughostdog: As if NTFS wasn't already unstable, we get a beta-version Windows filesystem?12:16
ghostdogI wanto see that update12:16
aegisYeah, there's no TTF / OTF / CID in the /usr/share/fonts/X11/ directory12:16
ghostdog"Your files have been lost"12:16
Minatakuaegis: Install them12:16
ghostdog"Drive Corrupted"12:16
MinatakuYeah, that's their answer12:17
Thehound666NTFS unstable? How so? Always been very stable for me. FAT32 was another story12:17
Minataku"Reinstall Windows and your files"12:17
darthdualCan anyone tell me if there is a way to control the bandwith used by an ethernet adapter?12:17
Thehound666surprised to hear someone say that12:17
Minataku"Not from your backups, though, those are unsupported now with the new WinFS"12:17
ghostdogturn the power off on NTFS a few times12:17
ghostdogsee how the journal works12:17
distro-testeri must ask u this as pc security is my hobby minataku can u learn windows security using linux and reading windows books or u nead windows to do that?12:17
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sparrstdin: now ive got to figure out my swap priority...  ive got 4 swap partitions.  ignoring media storage partitions, rarely used...  ive got one swap on its own ide channel.  one sharing a channel with /home.  one sharing a drive with /.  one sharing a drive with /home.  not sure if i should stripe any of them12:17
andreaswMinataku: hmm WinFS is just a new version of ntfs ^^12:17
MinatakuSomeone needs to infiltrate MS and replace the WinFS converter with deltree12:18
ghostdogthe will screw that themselves12:18
MinatakuI'm sure, but it's a funny thought12:18
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darthdualCan anyone tell me if there is a way to control the bandwith used by an ethernet adapter?12:18
aegisThe thing is, it doesn't explicitly say error (EE) in the log file for the missing fonts12:18
ghostdog"your updates are ready"12:18
MinatakuEven if I'd never literally suggest it12:18
Minatakuaegis: Install those base fonts12:18
Minatakughostdog: True, it'll be forced in time12:19
ghostdogdarthdual, wondershaper12:19
distro-testerim intrested in learing both linux and windows security was scared u nead windows to learn windows one is that true?12:19
aegisHow should I do that? use apt or something?12:19
MinatakuWhen they tie all that "Treacherous Computing" bull into WinFS12:19
stdinsparr: I normally let the kernel decide what it wants, I hardy ever use any swap12:19
distro-testeror u can do that even on linux whit both os books?12:19
=== Thehound666 thinks ghostdog likes to test filesystems and break them :p
MinatakuAnd suddenly "NTFS isn't secure and must be upgraded"12:19
sparrstdin: i just went from 1GB to 512MB of ram, so i need some swap for a while  :)12:19
ghostdogI do12:19
ghostdogbenchmark the crap out of them12:19
stdinsparr: uh, yeah, you will :P12:19
MinatakuYou can't truly learn anything unless you're allowed to hurt yourself trying12:19
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=== Thehound666 breaks them within VMWare with clones.
sparrdistro-tester: the only good windows internet security amounts to "put a real OS between windows and the internet"12:20
|KingFish|hey peepz12:20
MinatakuUntil you actually touch it, you don't really know that "fire bad"12:20
ghostdogthe rush is more if it is physical12:20
TheHermitHo wto use quicktime plugin in opera12:20
darthdualghostdog, what is wondershapper12:20
andreaswwinfs is 8MB/s slower than ext3  here ^^ just tested it12:20
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TheHermitor get it12:20
|KingFish|anyone able to help me with realvnc install in kubuntu?12:20
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=== Thehound666 has already broken Vista alot on purpose.
distro-testerwell im sure u can learn even windows security using linux as in big % they are the same stuff and then u can read both os books don't nead xp to learn that12:21
ghostdogthe funny this about vista is aero12:21
MinatakuThehound666: And unintentionally, I'm sure12:21
MinatakuAero is useless12:21
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ghostdogI will stick with aiglx + beryl12:21
Thehound666well not yet12:21
Thehound666haven't allowed it to be up >1 day12:21
MinatakuThe fact that the damn UI is incompatible with older applications is totally asinine12:21
MinatakuWHAT THE FARK12:21
MinatakuI mean, seriously12:21
ghostdogthe resources, ohh the resources12:21
|KingFish|oh yeah, vista is teh suck12:21
MinatakuThe whole thing reeks of typical Microsoft bad design, poor coding and poor choices12:22
distro-testero' reilly makes very good books on all the os12:22
ghostdogwill still end up using it12:22
MinatakuExcept this time it REALLY stinks12:22
ghostdogto help win newbies12:22
Thehound666poor Bill12:22
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|KingFish|you forgot the plagiarized ideas mina12:22
Thehound666Vista was a desperation release12:22
Minatakughostdog: Don't count on it, the defectors are raising a fuss12:22
waylandbilldistro-tester: you're right. their socket libraries are based on similar code.. so at a fundamental level you're protecting the same things.12:22
MinatakuVista's future already looks kinda shaky12:22
waylandbilldistro-tester: one has more programs with more holes though12:22
|KingFish|there won't be many early adopters12:22
distro-testerin fact just don't have to worry of netbios 139 and so on12:22
ghostdogIt will take one incompatability12:22
ghostdogthat will frustrate people12:23
MinatakuTimes seem to be changing, and they look to be changing for the good of our side12:23
distro-testerare u japanese minataku?12:23
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Thehound666but before the penguin starts clapping, we need to convince the masses they can use Linux12:23
ghostdogbetween paying 1500 to 2000 $$ rather get a mac12:23
MinatakuI mean, look at the PS3... everyone with half a brain hates it12:23
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Thehound666I always hear "it's too hard"12:23
ghostdogubuntu needs to sell machines preinstalled12:23
Minatakughostdog: What, get a Mac with a TPM chip GUARANTEED for $3000?12:23
ghostdogbuilt and tailored12:23
Minatakughostdog: You don't realize that Apple is worse than Microsoft12:23
MinatakuThey always have been12:24
Thehound666I'm having an easier time than when I started Windows12:24
MinatakuWith tightly closed and controlled hardware12:24
MinatakuEspecially now12:24
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Thehound666and really I started serious stuff on a mac12:24
Thehound666then windows12:24
MinatakuSince their switch to Intel enabled them to work in 100% "Treacherous Computing" technology12:24
distro-testerwhat i must get used to is linux speed and stableness wayland im used to click hard on xp to open a program here whit a light click u risk to open to many times same one ahah12:24
Thehound666then nix12:24
ghostdogthe only thing about macs12:24
darthdualmac should stick with ipods and nothing else.12:24
ghostdogis that I use adobe products alot12:24
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ghostdogespecially Indesign12:24
MinatakuThe only good thing about Macs is that you get a more satisfying feeling out of destroying something so ugly12:25
Thehound666macs used to be the best thing awhile back12:25
Thehound666when there was no linux12:25
ghostdogif not, I would go kubuntu all the way12:25
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darthdualmac's are going the way of the dodo bird.12:25
ghostdogbut, linux is ready for companies as workstations12:26
distro-testerhttp://www.oreilly.com/ here u can get very good books on linux bsd mac and windows12:26
MinatakuLike I said, Apple has always been worse than Microsoft12:26
ghostdogone because people will not know wtf to do and how to install programas12:26
MinatakuThe so called "good side" was never good, it was always a significantly less free environment12:26
ghostdogand two less maintenance12:26
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darthduallinus T.  when asked about macOsX, said it's garbage.12:26
MinatakuWindows actually has far MORE maintenance12:26
Thehound666but if you ran companies, you ran macs. No crashes like Windows usually12:26
distro-testerno i like macs minataku they are a bsd based nix os  and best looking pc for me why u don't like them?12:26
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Thehound666and less virus prone12:26
distro-testerid say mac is the pc just $ to much12:27
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Thehound666now some companies use linux12:27
sparrMinataku: "was"?  now that apple runs on bsd, its hard to say they are less free/open12:27
ghostdogor get a mainframe server12:27
Minatakusparr: It's a bastardized FreeBSD userland12:27
ghostdogand just run terminals12:27
MinatakuThe kernel is CMU Mach12:27
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distro-testeri see soon mac and linux unite as novell did whit m$12:27
MinatakuNot to mention Apple wants to close Darwin off12:27
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darthdualExpensive BSD.  Not free.12:27
MinatakuTo protect their... *shudder*... "Intellectual Property"12:27
darthdualThey charge for drivers.12:27
distro-testerhope they will make a os for normal pc's so we can use mac and linux togheter that would be great12:27
Thehound666I'd ditch mac entirely if they killed Darwin12:28
distro-testerwhy don't u like mac's ?12:28
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Thehound666Darwin is the best thing on a mac12:28
ghostdogwell going back to my original questions, this might be a trivial question, but I remember a while back in dapper (using edgy now), when I popped in a dvd, the title of it would display on the desktop icon12:28
Minatakudistro-tester: I ALREADY EXPLAINED THAT12:28
MinatakuThehound666: Dump Darwin and get real FreeBSD12:28
distro-testero i diden't read sorry let me scroll up12:28
MinatakuDarwin is NeXTSTEP with FreeBSD userland because Apple couldn't make their own fast enough12:29
darthdualIt's just that in an age of convergence, Mac seems to wanna diverge.  This complicates everything for everyone.12:29
MinatakuThey wanted to cheap out their sh?t so they ripped off FreeBSD's stuff12:29
andreaswhehe I am not the only person who doesn't like Apple ;)12:30
distro-testerwell in a way u right minataku linux for an open source os is the best made potentialy but mac has some more points but we speaking of a $ os vs a open source free one12:30
MinatakuSlap it all together with an ugly UI, hide all the FreeBSD stuff and call it OSX12:30
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Thehound666sort of, FreeBSD is legal to implement in other projects, but you must fully disclose it12:30
MinatakuMacOSX isn't free12:30
MinatakuMacOSX is quite expensive12:30
distro-testeri was saying linux12:30
darthdualMac only went open source because they were forced to.  I personally don't respect that.  You should do it because you belieeve in it.12:30
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distro-testeri know that's why i don't run a mac now12:30
Minatakudarthdual: Not to mention they want to go closed again anyway12:30
andreaswMacOSX isn't expensive compared to other commercial operating systems but the hardware is12:30
ghostdogcrap, this hddvd aacs issue pisses me off12:30
hendoi have a wireless mouse how do i install the aplication on unbuntu dapper 606lts12:31
ghostdogcant even view my own dvd's12:31
distro-testeru think tiger is the moast evoluted os in the world as they say now?12:31
andreaswbecause you have to use apple hardware12:31
Minatakuandreasw: Not to mention that their hardware is crap12:31
MinatakuIt's difficult to upgrade, in short, DFB12:31
Thehound666If I get the hang of Linux source code someday to the point I have the hang of Java12:31
distro-testermac is a bit a mix of linux and win12:31
darthdualminataku:  That is why I abondened mac after years of hardcore defense.12:31
MinatakuIt uses Torx screws in a cheap attempt to keep people out12:31
Thehound666I'd like to make my own frontend to the kernal12:31
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Thehound666just to do it12:31
andreaswMinataku: tell that to an apple lover ^^ they will call you a flamer and so on ;)12:31
Minatakuandreasw: I'd punch them in their retarded face12:32
distro-testerapple says their mac os x tiger now is the more advances os in the world u agree?12:32
darthdualhell no12:32
MinatakuMac OSX is a lousy piece of sh?t12:32
MinatakuThey took FreeBSD and made it suck12:32
distro-testerbtw no one can deny they are the best looking desktop and pc's ever at least for me12:32
hendoi have a wireless mouse the batteries are not charging12:32
darthdualThey are always shooting legalise propaganda.12:32
MinatakuWhich is the ONLY thing I'll give them credit for12:32
MinatakuSince FreeBSD rules12:32
hendowhat do i do12:32
Thehound666Linux=most evolved Tiger=most user-friendly while being stable Windows=less stable but hell you need your games12:33
MinatakuAnd it must have taken a LOT of work to make FreeBSD totally suck12:33
darthdualI should be able to sue them for that statement.12:33
andreaswI worked for 6 month with MacOSX (developed some java apps in Eclipse) the programs crashed a lot and it was very slow12:33
underdog5004evoluted?  more like convoluted!12:33
distro-testerwell moast people give credit to macs just for his looks so don't worry12:33
andreaswnot to mention that you don't see special keys like | on the keyboard12:33
distro-testerit's the handsome os12:33
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MinatakuMacs are ugly12:33
darthdualminataku------ha ha ha ha ha12:33
ghostdogThehound666, buy a gaming console xD12:33
distro-tester1 person i hear say it12:33
MinatakuI don't want a shiny piece of crap, I want a nice, open computer that I can actually do stuff with12:33
distro-testeryes but u can't say their look is ugly vs xp or linux12:34
ghostdogmac+mysql = piece of crap12:34
distro-testeri mean they well designed12:34
Minatakudistro-tester: I can and I have12:34
MinatakuSeveral times already12:34
andreaswdistro-tester: yes they look nice12:34
MinatakuMacs are ugly12:34
distro-testerok matter of views12:34
MinatakuMac OSX is ugly12:34
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MinatakuAnd the ugliest of all is what Apple is doing12:34
underdog5004distro-tester, you really were getting attacked my M$? zomg! The black helicopters are coming...they're coing!12:34
ghostdogaqua theme outdated12:34
andreaswdistro-tester: but I am a person who doesn't care about look I want an efficient OS not the best looking12:34
MinatakuWhich is plain and simple CRIME12:34
darthdualSo many uses of the word mac is causing there stock to skyrocket, but they still suck.12:34
ghostdognever liked to have my computer looking like itunes xD12:35
hendoi have dapper how do you install the application for wireless mouse12:35
andreaswdistro-tester: I also never change the default theme of any desktop ^^12:35
tamacrackado you have knowledge of videodownload for firefox?12:35
underdog5004sorry, distro-tester ...just really...I don't know...feelin' weird...12:35
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underdog5004tamacracka, what's up?12:35
distro-testeri like them still and hope we unite as we both nix os so we can run linux mac on a normal pc i see that not far since novell went m$ everything is possible now12:35
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underdog5004ummm...no, I've got it installed on my other box12:35
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MinatakuI hope Apple goes tits up12:35
distro-testerwell use what is best for u12:35
MinatakuMicrosoft too12:35
tamacrackauh.. the file is saved as .fvi and i change it to mpeg or mpg... and it doesn't play the sound12:35
ghostdogthey wont12:35
MinatakuThey can both go under overnight and I won't miss them12:36
ghostdogthey are going to kill with iphones12:36
distro-testerbut i do think macs are pretty as desk and pc and will get a mini mac for collection12:36
Minatakughostdog: Oh, boy, DRM'd phone conversations now12:36
distro-testerpity the lowest one is 600 euro12:36
Phlosteni reckon those iPhones will be a big flop12:36
MinatakuWhat, does the person I talk to have to buy a license to talk to me?12:36
Phlostena disaster waiting to happen12:36
ghostdogput linux in it xD12:36
MinatakuOr can they only talk to me for three minutes or three times, whichever comes first?12:36
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andreaswghostdog: of course they will rock with iphone http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xXNoB3t8vM12:37
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distro-testerbtw just curius where u from minataku i fought u where from japan12:37
PhlostenMinataku: you will need to purchase music from iTunes to be able to talk12:37
Minatakudistro-tester: I'm from the USA12:37
distro-testerrome here hi12:37
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MinatakuPhlosten: iTalk minutes12:37
MinatakuAnd they're encrypted until the other caller buys some too12:37
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MinatakuAnd then you can ONLY talk to other iPhones12:37
ghostdogtmobile = mac-mobile?12:38
MinatakuBecause the DRM is incompatible with competitors phones which don't have any12:38
distro-testerdoes eany of u know if there is a program that can cam audio on msn yahoo aol kopete amsn a part that can just cam?12:38
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PhlostenMinataku: and you will probably have to be within wireless range of a suitable iMac12:38
darthdualHas anyone seen the commercials for mac where they diss themselves.  I finally figured out why they do that.  People love to talk about what they hate.  And the more people talk about it the more that supercomputers count it.  Then there stock skyrockets.  All you people hating on mac don't know how much you're helping them out.12:38
MinatakuAnd don't forget the TC aspect, where if Apple decides they don't like what you're talking about on your iPhone, they hang it up on you12:38
PhlostenMinataku: for verification of your worship towards Apple12:39
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distro-testeri found out kopete can cam on msn yahoo now and amsn just cam on msn u know better?12:39
Phlostendistro-tester: neato12:39
distro-testerwe made minataku made whit this macs ahah12:39
distro-testero thanx what does it do?12:39
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tamacrackaunderdog you there bro?12:39
_ANA123211:) Hi boys does someone knows if konkerror can remember the sesions? thx12:39
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MinatakuI'm not mad. I'm indignant.12:40
ghostdogyup sure can12:40
MinatakuSorry for that outburst, BTW12:40
distro-testerif u got link of neato thanx would be appriciated12:40
MinatakuAt least I had the majority on my side this time12:40
underdog5004tamacracka, sorry, had a customer...12:40
distro-testerwell your a purist minataku but rember purist ruin linux as all fanatics all ways be open mind to changes12:40
underdog5004what's going on?12:41
MinatakuI'm not a purist12:41
MinatakuI care about my digital rights12:41
distro-testerseem so in a way12:41
tamacrackabasically i installed the videodownloader12:41
underdog5004purists are dumb...just get what works for you!12:41
underdog5004tamacracka, ok12:41
tamacrackaand it saves as .fvi12:41
MinatakuAnd I also happen to know exactly who is doing what to destroy them12:41
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tamacrackaso i change it to .mpeg or .mpg12:41
Minatakutamacracka: Negative12:41
tamacrackaand it doesn't play the sound.. only video12:41
MinatakuIt's it's own format12:41
underdog5004play it as a .flv12:41
underdog5004flash video12:41
tamacrackai never heard of .fiv >.>12:41
distro-testerbtw im open to any thing can make linux change the world and become at least  as m$ os used if not better12:41
MinatakuIt's "Macromedia Flash Video"12:41
distro-testerany oen got the link of neato?12:42
tamacrackacan i conver it?12:42
underdog5004oh wait....fvi....hmmm, never heard of it...12:42
tamacrackais that possible?12:42
MinatakuI'd say try mplayer but Kubuntu mplayer can't play them out of the box12:42
underdog5004Minataku, ah ah ah, it's Adobe now...lol12:42
underdog5004mplayer or kaffeine12:42
Minatakuunderdog5004: file(1) still says "Macromedia Flash Video"12:42
tamacrackato convert?12:42
MinatakuUntil they change that, that's what it is12:42
underdog5004Minataku, ah...weird12:42
distro-testerbtw many still lought at me when i say mac and linux will soon unite i think it's possible12:43
tamacrackai wanna play it on my mp3 player :\12:43
Minatakudistro-tester: I hope not12:43
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MinatakuI want Macs to die off12:43
underdog5004me too12:43
larson9999using a linksys router for the first time.  i logged into the router but can't find the place that lists the mac addresses of the machines connected.  my other routers all had such a thing.  do linksys routers?12:43
zythCan someone recommend a program similar to DVD Shrink for WIndows for Kubuntu?12:43
distro-testerbut that will mean u can have much advantages much better then uniting whit m$ rember we both nix os they are not12:43
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distro-testermac dosen't hate us they do12:44
MinatakuThe last thing I'd EVER want is Linux to come under the influence of a fully-TC'd, fully-DRM'd OS that's just a bastardized, stolen version of a good OS12:44
MinatakuOh, no, Apple really hates us12:44
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MinatakuWe're just more money they don't make12:44
distro-testernever as m$ we both unix based to see that side12:44
underdog5004distro-tester, liNUX is not a *nix system...12:44
underdog5004it's a *nux system12:44
andreaswapple isn't better than microsoft ^^12:44
MinatakuSo they despise us until we start funneling money into their pockets, and even then they still assume that we're criminals looking to steal whatever we can12:45
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distro-testerbut mac runs on bsd it's still a nix machine12:45
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andreaswso what?12:45
underdog5004I don't know...12:45
Minatakudistro-tester: OSX does NOT use a BSD kernel12:45
MinatakuIt's CMU MAch12:45
tamacrackaMinataku can i convert this flash file into .mpeg?12:45
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MinatakuWith a FreeBSD userland12:45
distro-testerbtw i see alliance whit em is much better then what novell did don't know why12:45
MinatakuIt's a Unix clone at the core12:45
distro-testerwhat does osx use intel?12:45
MinatakuAnd a Unix ripoff at the base12:45
underdog5004Minataku, no. It's a minix clone.12:46
Minatakuunderdog5004: We don't give clone status based on other clones12:46
MinatakuAll clones trace back to the parent12:46
underdog5004Minataku, oh, I didn't realise there was a standard12:46
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Minatakuunderdog5004: Well, if you start going into it like that then it gets too confusing12:46
distro-testeras i said im open to everything leads to make linux more compatible and easy as long it remains free and open source12:47
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underdog5004I guess...12:47
MinatakuIt's best to trace heritage back to the parent12:47
MinatakuSince Minix is a Unix clone12:47
distro-testerwhat does osx run intel?12:47
tamacrackaCan someone tell me how to convert videos that are downloaded from youtbue into .mpeg or .mpg12:47
MinatakuOSX is on PowerPC (which has no TC so Apple is trying to kill it as fast as possible) and Intel (which is fully TC-integrated)12:47
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_ANA123211:) Hi boys does someone knows if konkerror can remember the sesions? thx12:48
underdog5004I didn't realise that apple was so pro-TC12:48
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distro-testermany are scared what what novell did will make linux just less and less open source and free as suse is all ready in part and whit the infection problems of windows u belive that?12:48
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Minatakuunderdog5004: OSX won't work without the TPM chip12:48
underdog5004_ANA123211, there's probably a plugin for it...12:48
MinatakuOr an acceptible emulation of said device12:49
zythMinataku: not true12:49
underdog5004Minataku, what about those Hackintosh systems on quad-core AMD chips?12:49
zythit works on my generic x86 box12:49
zythI have no TPM chip.12:49
distro-testerlike all the junk of windows os go to us for the install of windows programs12:49
malikwhen upgrading from edgy to fiesty do we havce to update and change sources.list file(repos) and then go sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?12:49
Minatakuzyth: You used the downloadable thing12:49
MinatakuAm I right?12:49
zythMinataku: well yea.12:49
zythstock won't work, true12:49
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MinatakuThat has a TPM chip emulator12:49
zythdidn't know that12:49
MinatakuSo OSX thinks it's on a Mac because of the emulated TPM device12:50
tamacrackaCan someone tell me how to convert videos that are downloaded from youtbue into .mpeg or .mpg12:50
MinatakuIt's nothing more really than a throwaway microcontroller12:50
MinatakuProbably running no faster than 25 or 30MHz12:50
distro-testerim curius to know if what i fear to is right that alliance whit m$ will make linux less secure and open source free over all get all the infections of windows for program compatibility?12:50
Minatakudistro-tester: Nothing at all12:51
distro-testerthis is what moast people fear but i don't think novell is so dumb to go worse12:51
MinatakuThere are sane people who check everything in Linux, not to mention that a QC department of MILLIONS will catch anything else12:51
distro-testermaby this will really lead to make linux better easyier and compatible who knows12:51
malikwhen upgrading from edgy to fiesty do we have to update and change sources.list file(repos) and then go sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?..............can some1 tell me if its correct?12:52
zythnm K9Copy is good12:52
underdog5004check this article out...it's about Vista and DRM12:52
zythmalik: I believe so, but feisty isn't ready for general use yet.  Don't use it as your main box12:52
zythunderdog5004: url doesn't work12:52
distro-testeryes that's true and even couse the virus written for windows 99% can't run on unix os12:52
MinatakuDon't forget www.badvista.org12:52
MinatakuJust go there, anything about Vista that's not marketing-approved propaganda is all linked from there12:53
distro-testerso what u going to do undergod 30 'night is the white night they said to present vista and u can download it for free u going there?12:53
underdog5004distro-tester, MS can't influence the vanilla linux kernel, it can only influence the SUSE version of linux12:54
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underdog5004distro-tester, huh?12:54
zythumm... why is kubuntu NOT automounting my diablo disc12:54
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MinatakuAnd SuSE Linux is completely dead in the water anyway12:54
MinatakuThey used to be good, but they dropped out a while ago12:54
distro-testerthey told me 30 night vista will presented on web on m$ servers and u can even download it for free12:54
distro-testerto try it12:54
Boredwaffleso I just downloaded Kubuntu and burned it to a dvd, but now I can't boot it12:54
tamacrackaCan someone tell me how to convert videos that are downloaded from youtbue into .mpeg or .mpg12:54
underdog5004yeah, I tried SUSE a while ago (10.0) and it wasn't that great...really slow scripts for package management12:55
Minatakudistro-tester: It'll die after 30 days12:55
MinatakuIt's not free12:55
MinatakuIt's just a crappy demo12:55
zythIsn't Kubuntu supposed to automount discs?12:55
distro-testeryes was curius to know if u wanted to give it a try12:55
underdog5004distro-tester, uh...why would I even touch Vista? I'm perfectly happy w/ kubuntu12:55
distro-testerhehe just curiosity12:55
BoredwaffleCan anyone help?12:55
MinatakuAfter 30 days it goes into "Enhanced Reduced Functionality Mode" until you pay the $300 to buy a copy of it12:55
distro-testerthey putted laser stuff in it so u can't pirate it they said as xp12:56
zythMinataku: 170 for 'Home Premium' ';)12:56
tamacrackaDoes anyone know how or what I can use to convert ".flv" into .mpeg or .mpg?12:56
underdog5004already checked it out at the shop where I work...it's not that great...12:56
zythtamacracka: ffmpeg prolly.12:56
underdog5004Minataku, lol, Enhanced Reduced?12:56
distro-testerpirate versions will work 10% then original ones12:56
Minataku"ERFM" is their term for a Windows that only lets you go to a microsoft.com page to buy a Vista license12:56
Minatakuunderdog5004: It's stupid as hell, I know12:56
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underdog5004oh...I thought it was a joke...guess it kinda is...12:57
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distro-testeri was saying i come from suse 10. 2 and fedora madrivia id say only distro that can compete whit ubuntu is fedora now12:57
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop", or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE for other ways to get KDE12:57
distro-testersuse is hell slow and to far commercial now as madrivia don't like them12:57
zythUbuntu automatically associated .exe's with Wine12:57
zythwhy is Kubuntu not doing this12:57
Chousukeunderdog5004: that DRM article uses a lot of words that smell like FUDmongering (Is that a word? now it is.).12:57
zyth*kicks Kubuntu*12:57
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distro-testerbtw on what novell did only future can tell if it will be good for bad for linux it's useless to speak now12:57
underdog5004Chousuke, it made a lot of sense to me...12:58
MinatakuChousuke: Take that sh?t outside12:58
Chousukeunderdog5004: not that I disagree with it. It just could have been more neutral12:58
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distro-testerwhat u guys think of fedora 6 ?12:58
underdog5004distro-tester, yeah, but ms can't affect the whole linux sphere...only the suse portion of it.12:58
MinatakuChousuke: Microsoft uses FUD, why can't we?12:58
ChousukeThe last thing you want is to sound like a zealot when explaining the dangers of DRM.12:58
MinatakuChousuke: It's far more dangerous than a neutral standpoint garners12:59
andreaswChousuke: I have to agree12:59
underdog5004Chousuke, what portions are too fanatical?12:59
distro-testeri know even if bill gates in a way said he will make pay every one who dosen't use suse in future12:59
distro-testerif u want to use linux12:59
andreaswif you don't buy drm protected software or music you will never ever have any problem with drm12:59
leiarCan anyone give me a hint of what this message could mean. I try to start a windows programme in wine. I've installed it, an got into the first screen in the program. This is the message I get: Unhandled page fault on read access to12:59
Minatakuandreasw: That's the point12:59
=== underdog5004 hands two kudos to andreasw
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MinatakuYou literally CAN'T buy anything that isn't DRM'd, especially in the realm of music01:00
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underdog5004uh...music CD's01:00
distro-testerthe monopoly that bill gates is trying to do is in a way make u use just suse so he can take over linux world it's like or u all alliance whit him or u gone01:00
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Minatakuunderdog5004: Sony XCP01:00
MinatakuYou don't know what you're getting on an "audio" CD01:01
underdog5004^ that's the jist of it^01:01
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distro-testerdo u like fedora as distro underdog?01:01
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underdog5004Minataku, yeah, but most cd's are protected like that01:01
underdog5004distro-tester, never used fedora...01:01
Eruantalonandreasw: The problem comes when to many use DRM and accept it and suddenly almost everything will require you to use DRM and then when things like the broadcast flag gets approved we will all be forced by law to used closed systems...01:01
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Chousukeunderdog5004: well, in the paragraph where he explains the technological aspect of DRM, he says that products are no longer made to be of top quality. The part which he emphasises: "manufactured not for the highest stability and performance, but rather for the best copyright protection possible." is not entirely true.01:01
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MinatakuEruantalon: Finally someone who's really done their homework on this01:02
Chousukenot _all_ vendors will stop trying to make quality because of DRM01:02
=== Minataku high-fives Eruantalon
equinoxeBhy there...01:02
zythwoot Diablo 2 installing.01:02
roniezargh, whe i am trying to browse a folder its says rejecting i/o  on dead devices in dmesg its a external hdd.01:02
distro-testerbtw what ever happens thanx to distros as ubuntu fedora and few others bill gates will have to deal he will not have the 90% of informatic power any more01:02
MinatakuChousuke: Quality doesn't exist anymore outside of a choice few companies01:02
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equinoxeBI'm trying to wine war3....01:02
roniezbut i can brose anotther folder on same hdd.01:02
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equinoxeBand it's really slow01:02
MinatakuIt's all about shoving sh?t out the door as cheap as possible at as high a price as possible01:02
EruantalonMinataku: Thanks. And i don't even live en US but when it gets  adopted there the eu and then denmark will soon follow01:02
distro-testerand that's the biggest victory01:03
equinoxeBAti Card. My friends has nVidia01:03
zythequinoxeB: run with the -opengl command line option01:03
equinoxeBand it works ok01:03
ChousukeMinataku: And DRM helps that.01:03
tamacrackazyth >.> how do i open ffmpeg?01:03
underdog5004Eruantalon, in, not en01:03
SkunkwaffleI need some help installing Kubuntu can anyone help01:03
underdog5004man, I'm a jerk today...sorry Eruantalon01:03
MinatakuEruantalon: Exactly, and when I sent a letter via the FSF to my local representative, I got a reply basically saying I was a lousy two-bit thied01:03
underdog5004Skunkwaffle, what's up?01:03
Skunkwaffledon't know01:03
MinatakuBecause I opposed it01:03
Eruantalonunderdog5004: No problem.01:03
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SkunkwaffleI downloaded and burnd to dvd, but now I'm getting a booter error01:03
underdog5004Skunkwaffle, why do you need help?01:03
andreaswEruantalon: just the nightmares of some drm enemies ;)01:04
underdog5004how did you burn it?01:04
equinoxeB:) got the problem... system32 not found :P01:04
underdog5004Skunkwaffle, how did you burn it?01:04
MinatakuMy nightmares are more of the idiots who just sit back and take it01:04
distro-testerto see everthing on video films videos etc do i just nead vlc?01:04
Skunkwaffleum... with some freeware iso burner01:04
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andreaswMinataku: well please don't become personal01:04
underdog5004Skunkwaffle, alex Feinman?01:04
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distro-testerif u can explain me how video codecs work on linux go no idea01:04
Eruantalonandreasw: Besides I want to be able to still get my dose of Pink Floyd et. al. without using ms01:04
Skunkwaffledo you think a crappy program would fuck it up01:04
MinatakuEven if you inform them of all the dangers, they just f?cking say "It doesn't bother me right now" I just want to F/cking kick their F&cking a$ses01:05
=== Minataku punches a hole in the wall
andreaswMinataku: if you can't discuss in a non personal way you should better stop01:05
underdog5004Skunkwaffle, no01:05
distro-testermina i must be less paranoic on security but u must calm down ahah01:05
underdog5004Skunkwaffle, just trying to figure out which one...01:05
SkunkwaffleI don't remember01:05
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underdog5004Skunkwaffle, not a biggie...01:05
underdog5004what message do you get when you try to boot?01:05
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.01:05
Skunkwafflewell it goes to one menu01:06
MinatakuHow can, nay, WHY SHOULD I calm down when there are people with the attitude out there that enable MY RIGHTS to be DESTROYED!?01:06
distro-testergive time to time and we will win of course 50 50% is the solution how ever it goes as we live in a capitalistic world we can't be purist01:06
EruantalonMinataku: Well for most of them when they discover that suddenly they can't play their itunes music or DVD anymore then they will oppose01:06
underdog5004Skunkwaffle, the install, check, etc menu?01:06
zythMinataku: cause if you don't, you're a spaz? lol01:06
Skunkwafflewhre it asks if I want to install, do a memory test, do a safe graphics install, and a bunch of stuff01:06
distro-testercouse if u get mad u make their game more minataky01:06
MinatakuEruantalon: By then it'll be law01:06
distro-testeruse zen01:06
underdog5004right...ok, have you checked the disk for errors?01:06
zythI hate that I have to install DeCSS01:06
MinatakuAnd it'll be far too late to do anything about it01:06
zythI dont live in the US01:06
Skunkwaffleyeah, and I get the same message then01:06
andreaswEruantalon: if there was an open source drm maybe it would be an alternative to closed source drm01:06
zythI should get it with my distro01:06
underdog5004Skunkwaffle, what message?01:07
zythinstead due to silly US laws I have to go install it01:07
Skunkwaffleit's a boot error or something01:07
Minatakuzyth: Great example01:07
Skunkwafflebooter error?01:07
distro-testerimportat we know victory can be only dealing 50 50% till we live in a capitalistic world no hard and pure ideas can win01:07
Skunkwaffleerror booting01:07
Chousukezyth: and you're breaking the law if you install it.01:07
MinatakuScrew capitalism01:07
underdog5004Skunkwaffle, what exactly does it say?01:07
leiarskunkwaffle: I would have tried to burn a new image..01:07
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zythChousuke: No, I am not01:07
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SkunkwaffleI don't remember01:07
zythDeCSS is legal where I love01:07
distro-testeri know but world won't change for us so we must adapt01:07
MinatakuIt's outlived it's usefulness anyway01:07
andreaswEruantalon: I can understand why people want to protect their stuff because otherwise one person buys a music file and spreads it over the hole web via file sharing01:07
distro-testerim a socialist to01:07
MinatakuTechnically, DeCSS is legal HERE01:08
underdog5004Skunkwaffle, ok, try to boot again and tell me the error01:08
underdog5004I'll be here01:08
Eruantalonandreasw: Open Source DRM is an oxymoron. DRM is supposed to limit you from copying(or fast forwarding or skipping commercials) how can it be truly open source when you are not allowed to make that happen?01:08
zythI can even download copyrighted music legally01:08
MinatakuI'm not a socialist01:08
MinatakuI'm just not a capitalist pig01:08
Chousukezyth: ah, I assumed you were from the US.01:08
Skunkwaffleback in a minute or 201:08
zythChousuke: Canada01:08
hattaDRM is just encryption01:08
distro-testeri am that's why i use linux and ubuntu01:08
zythI pay a tax that assumes im gonna d/l copyrighted music.01:08
hattaopen source encryption is entirely possible01:08
zythso darn it, I do.01:08
sparrI have a new motherboard with onboard sound, intel hda realtek acl883.  "music apps" play audio of all sorts just fine, but "games" have static in the audio.  what might cause that?01:08
Chousukedownloading and DeCSS used to be legal here too01:08
MinatakuOpen source encryption has been done01:08
distro-testerubuntu is the moast close to socialism and humanity for others and linux is pure socialism01:08
Chousukethey no longer are, but no-one gives a damn about it.01:08
Minatakudistro-tester: I'm not a socialist or a communist01:09
Eruantalonandreasw: You should really read Free Culture by Larry Lessig.01:09
MinatakuI'm just not a capitalist01:09
distro-testerok i am01:09
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tamacrackazyth... is ffmpeg not an applet?01:09
andreaswEruantalon: well one part of the opensource solution always has to be closed source the encrypting algorythm but the rest could be opensource01:09
distro-testerbut im european so we all are here01:09
MinatakuI think capitalism has gone from benefitting the consumer to working against them01:09
Chousukeandreasw: that is unacceptable.01:09
distro-testerbtw socialism is the only possible solution for world jesus is the best example01:09
MinatakuIt's outlived it's usefulness since it's become a tool of greed and desrtuction01:09
hattaandreasw, the encryption algorithms have to be open01:09
tamacrackawhy am i being ignored?...01:10
Chousukeandreasw: it fights against the whole idea of Free software.01:10
tamacrackayou guys were just helping me01:10
hattathe security should come from the key01:10
andreaswChousuke: So it is that people copy music all the time and spread it all over the world ;)01:10
tamacrackaand now you're all ignoring me..01:10
distro-testersome one help tamacraka01:10
hattawhich is random of course01:10
MinatakuOpen source encryption is completely possible, just keep the keys closed01:10
andreaswhatta: but this is impossible with drm because if you know it you can decrypt it and it wouldn't be a drm01:10
zythtamacracka: no it's command line I do believe.01:10
hattaof course with drm, you have to have the key to view the file01:10
andreaswMinataku: not with drm ^^01:10
hattaso it's self defeating, yes01:10
tamacrackaok thanks you.01:10
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distro-testerof course capitalism is made to defende the $ and live on the poor it's all a system that must die starting from usa governament and uk01:11
Eruantalonandreasw: Well the encryption doesn't have to be closed source. Just the key. eg pgp. BUT the problem is that if it is supposed to be modifiable that is not combinable with DRM becasue drm says you can't do theese things01:11
andreaswMinataku: because drm protecs from you normal encryption protects your files from other people not from yourself01:11
MinatakuDRM is encryption to protect corporations getting their undeserved money01:11
equinoxeBcan't start war3 with -opengl wine console option01:11
distro-testerbut linux will change the world don't worry it's just one of the big skrewdrivers to do it01:11
Chousukehow can a decryption key be closed source? :P01:11
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MinatakuNormal encryption is there to protect the user, specifically his/her information from getting into the wrong hands01:11
MinatakuChousuke: Keys aren't closed source01:12
MinatakuThey're just something YOU keep secret01:12
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SkunkwaffleI/O Error: Error reading Boot CD01:12
Chousukebut you can't keep them secret in DRM01:12
distro-testercan u tell me what i nead vs xp to see videos and rest on linux minataku just vlc?01:12
zythDoes Edgy not have a DVD install option?01:12
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andreaswif you only hide the key someday this key will be found out so you have to hide the hole algo.01:12
zythI am out of CD-Rs and need to burn a new one01:12
Minatakudistro-tester: VLC and codecs01:12
MinatakuGet DeCSS, too01:12
leiarSkunkwaffle: burn a new cd..01:12
distro-testerok where i get the codecs adept?01:12
Eruantalonandreasw: You would be able to inspect the code see what it does but if you changed it then the files wouldn't play anymore. This is what the gpl version 3 opposed01:12
ubotuFor multimedia codecs see: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html and for applications see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications01:13
Skunkwaffleyou think that's it01:13
MinatakuHopefully Kubuntu links to all the proper codecs01:13
MinatakuIf it doesn't I've been looking into expanding things01:13
distro-tester32 bit is ready but as i'ts 1 am in rome we can do all tomorrow if u here ?01:13
MinatakuWith the "CCCP" codec pack01:13
distro-testerfor tonight ill keep 64 just to chat eheh01:13
Minatakudistro-tester: Sure01:13
distro-testeri hate communism01:13
hattaandreasw, if you can't keep the key secret what makes you think you can keep the algorithm secret01:13
distro-testerim national socialist01:13
distro-testerbut thanx01:13
Minatakudistro-tester: Well, in this case "CCCP" is just a funny acronym01:14
leiarThat's what I would have done. If your cd-player works fine, it looks like you have got a bad image01:14
distro-testeryes cool01:14
Skunkwafflecan anyone recommend a better iso burning program01:14
equinoxeBhelp :|. war3 is running really slow :(01:14
MinatakuSomething Community Codec Pack01:14
andreaswEruantalon: well the problem is that somehow the file will be decrypted and converted into a raw stream and if this part is open you can just copy the raw stream and have a non drmed file01:14
hattaespecially when you have to distribute the encryption binary that could be disassembled01:14
Skunkwaffle'cause the one I was using was bunk01:14
MinatakuI forget what the first C stands for01:14
distro-testerbut rember socialism is the way not communism the big zionist lie01:14
Skunkwaffleor combined01:14
MinatakuSkunkwaffle: Ah, thanks01:14
MinatakuCombined is it01:14
andreaswhatta: it is more difficult to hide a single key than a hole program ;)01:14
andreaswhatta: it is not that easy wma still isn't cracked and it now exists for some time01:15
MinatakuWait... National Socialist... isn't that Nazism?01:15
distro-testerbtw some stuff they copy from us socialist of communism are cool as share every thing equal for all01:15
Eruantalonandreasw: Yes, on a more practical note DRM is impossible to maintain. It is just not possible to have copyprotection.01:15
leiarwith k3b just right-click on the iso file and burn it..01:15
ubotuSome things are inappropriate for #ubuntu-offtopic. It is asked that controversial topics: war, race, religion, politics (unless related to software licencing), gender, sexuality, drugs, questionable legal activities, removing of ones self from the planet are not for here, perhaps #off-topic or ##politics. Microsoft software in ##windows. (Please note Freenode Policy.) Thanks.01:15
LjLerr, wahtever01:15
LjLanyway, offtopic01:15
distro-testeru know why i diden't choose fedora minataku?01:15
leiarskunkwawffle: apt-get install k3b01:15
MinatakuEruantalon: What they want is to make cracking it 100% illegal01:15
SkunkwaffleI'm still on XP now01:15
distro-testercouse it had pro usa and bush comunity of moastly ex usa soldiers very right wing reppublican comunity01:16
MinatakuThey'll track you down, sue you for every cent and toss your broke ass in jail01:16
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!01:16
SkunkwaffleI had a bad experience with Fedora so I switched back to Windows, but I want to get away from Microsoft once and for all01:16
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MinatakuLjL: It's a freight train, don't stand in front and try to stop it01:16
leiarskunkwaffle: then I can't help you, sorry..01:16
distro-testeri see over all the people then what im using couse if shit people make what u use there's no sense using it01:16
LjLi can try01:16
LjL!language | distro-tester01:17
ubotudistro-tester: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.01:17
MinatakuLjL: Then don't be surprised when you become a cmudge01:17
distro-testeri forgott ubotu sorry01:17
equinoxeBIT's wokin. Thanks very much zyth :) . my bad for the first try :)01:17
LjLi won't01:17
MinatakuSorry, I'll stop01:17
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LjLnow let's move on and talk about Kubuntu01:17
MinatakuSorry, all, I apologize if I upset and/or offended any of you01:17
zythlol np.  Don't recall what you're talking about, but cool01:17
leiarskunkwaffle: ubuntu/kubuntu is quite nice.01:17
LjLi just don't want to see politics and such stuff in here, that's all01:17
EruantalonLjL: Well it does regard software licensing...01:17
MinatakuIt wasn't my intention, I just get worked up01:17
equinoxeBwarcaft3 :P01:17
zythequinoxeB: ahh hehe ok01:18
Skunkwaffleokay I need to burn the iso to a dvd, can you reccomend a decent burning program that won't eff up the data01:18
LjLEruantalon: that doesn't matter - i just gave the wrong bot factoid. that's for another channel01:18
MinatakuLjL: Yeah, but there's no way to keep a group of people on topic01:18
zythequinoxeB: sorry, swapping out the 23234823894 discs for the diablo install :P lol01:18
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LjL*this* channel is just Kubuntu support01:18
LjLanyway i saw much worse than software licensing01:18
zythSkunkwaffle: for Linux? k3b01:18
MinatakuIt's impossible01:18
Skunkwaffleno I'm on XP01:18
distro-testeri read m$ is putting very hard spyware as rootkits and rest to trace even dinamic ip's and make fake copy of xp users pay for all till vista is out01:18
SkunkwaffleI want to get on linux01:18
malikwhich one is better package manager among these three.............adept/synaptic/kpackage?01:18
distro-testeranother reason i passed to kubutu01:18
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zythSkunkwaffle: CDburner XP01:18
LjLMinataku: oh, it's quite possible, though of course they'll stray once in a while. it's that it's not very strictly enforced on this channel01:18
zythis free, works well01:18
LjLbut when things are pushed...01:18
Minatakudistro-tester: Isn't "National Socialism" Nazism? Or am I mistaken?01:19
Skunkwafflethanks syth01:19
distro-testeru right01:19
MinatakuI think I'm mistaken01:19
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ
=== mode/#kubuntu [+b %Minataku!*@*] by LjL
distro-testerno no01:19
distro-testerbut it's still socialism01:19
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distro-testerno matter what socialist u are01:19
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zyth3 year olds are annoying01:20
malikwhich one is better package manager among these three.............adept/synaptic/kpackage?01:20
zythmalik: personal preference, I prefer Synaptic myself01:21
zythadept doesn't give enough info and has the unfortunate KDE tendancy to have 248374892 menu options01:21
hattaI really like aptitude01:21
leiarAnybody with wine-experience?01:21
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MetaBookfoziSRiddell > ping01:21
distro-testerok btw u know it now minataku but i usualy say socialist dosen't matter01:21
distro-testerwe all here for same reason01:22
Minatakudistro-tester: Ah, well, to end it, I'll say that I guess I need to read more into what's entailed in all the various names and such01:22
zythleiar: some, what do you need?01:22
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leiarI've installed a programme, edu-programme, but it crashes when I trie to move from the welcome -screen.01:22
MinatakuThanks for the info, and sorry if I upset or offended you at all01:22
MinatakuI like that, pretty clever :301:22
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leiarzyth:this is the start on the message I get: wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0xffffffff at address 0x164f:0x00000cc1 (thread 0011),01:23
MinatakuAnyway, time to get back on topic, or LjL will ban us again XD01:23
distro-testeryes btw nazism is just a nationalistic version of socialism so is fascism01:23
Minatakuleiar: Typical program crash01:23
distro-testerljl is italian as me same isp01:23
distro-testerthat's cool01:23
Minatakudistro-tester: Ah, I didn't know any of that, thanks :)01:24
DBOok just to be extra clear here guys01:24
DBOthis channel is not for politics01:24
leiarMinataku: meaning nothing to do with it?01:24
distro-testerwe can join off topic if u want btw01:24
Minatakuleiar: It's probably the program doing something stupid that may or may not have worked on real Windows01:24
DBOdistro-tester, ##politics01:24
MinatakuWe're done, DBO01:25
hattano political flame wars here, only distro flamewars01:25
d0dgeIs there a terminal program with support for hyperlinks?01:25
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equinoxeBahm... can I mount iso images in Kubuntu... with the mouse...? :|01:25
distro-testeri was saying if we want to chat offtopic in general but ok01:26
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Minatakudistro-tester: Nah, I've got it now, but thanks01:27
distro-testeri found #ubuntu-classroom this could help me learn some linux01:27
flaccidgoogle is good to learn01:27
MinatakuI'll save you the trouble, I can look it up on Wikipedia or something, I bet your fingertips hurt like mine do by now too XD01:27
aegisAlright, I'm still having problems with my linux install, but I'm convinced it's not a font problem, anyone willing to take another shot at it?01:28
aegisI made a new user named test in console, and was able to boot to my 1600x1200 desktop01:28
MinatakuI'm kinda tired, too X301:28
Minatakuaegis: Is that the same problem as earlier?01:28
aegisI am pretty sure it's an account issue with my user now01:29
aegisbut I haven't a clue what I did01:29
MinatakuBecause others it works?01:29
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MinatakuIt only fails for user "test"?01:29
aegisyeah, I can get to the desktop with another user01:29
aegisno, it fails for my admin account, but not test01:29
aegisit worked on the test account01:29
MinatakuHm... that's weird01:29
aegisI agree01:30
Minataku"admin" as in "root"?01:30
aegiswell... it's the default account made by Kubuntu01:30
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aegisthere is no "root" account that I can see, since I can't su01:30
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MinatakuHm... bizarro XD01:30
aegishowever I still need to enter a password if I want to make any admin-required change01:30
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aegisSo now my test account has no privileges whatsoever, so I can't make any changes to anything really01:31
andremarteciao ragazzi, qualcuno saprebbe dirmi come installare la mia ge force 7600 in kubuntu?01:31
aegisand I can't su to change anything either, since I don't have him in wheel (?)01:31
aegisI can't even see my entire desktop, I have to guess where I am clicking on the start menu01:32
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Minataku!it | andremarte01:32
ubotuandremarte: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!01:32
andremarteok capo01:33
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aegisany clue?01:34
aegisthink it would work if I move a bunch of crap from my test account to my default account, and hope I overwrite something that's screwed up? =P01:34
MinatakuNo, no, that'll just break things01:34
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aegisI managed to su to my default account in konsole lol01:35
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jordo23Whats the easiest way to find which version of KDE you are running?01:36
dopesometimes there's a big white "X" instead of my screensaver, why is that?01:36
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adaptrdope: image not found/screensaver not found :)01:36
Shadehi, how can I delete my proxy settings in my netsettings?01:36
Minatakudistro-tester: I hope you're not upset that I don't want to continue, I understood what you said, and thanks for that, but I apologize if you're upset01:36
dopethat's weird01:37
adaptrShade: use administrator mode01:37
dopeadaptr: cause it was workin when i left01:37
aegisWhat command do I use to add a user to a group able to su?01:37
Minatakuaegis: I have no idea what's up, sorry >.<01:37
adaptrdope: using xscreensaver ? it does not install everything by default, Or: you don't have OpenGL01:37
ShadeI did this yet bu they are still active01:37
jordo23How can I find which KDE version I am running?01:37
Shadei also deleted them in /etc/network/interfaces01:37
adaptrShade: active where ? a proxy only influences your browser01:37
Shadeno adept01:37
distro-testermina did u ever chat whit mark Shuttleworth or knew people who did?01:37
distro-testerid like to know him once even couse in time id love to support the progect01:38
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Minatakudistro-tester: No, I haven't, sorry01:38
NoobyHey everyones.. Jikli here01:38
adaptraegis: gpasswd -a <username> admin01:38
Shadeadaptr: you know where i also have to delete them01:38
Noobyjust installed ubuntu and using it for the first time01:38
adaptrShade: I ave no diea what you mean by "no adept"01:39
Shadeadaptr: cause i can't download in adept anymore01:39
adaptrShade: adept == browser01:39
Noobygotta go will be right back.. thanks bros.01:39
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Shadeadeptr: no package programm01:39
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Shadeadeptr: adept is to download packages from repositories01:39
Shadelike synaptic01:40
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adaptrShade: I know what adept is - I said I haveno idea what *you* mean01:40
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adaptrShade: what did you do, exactly ?01:40
dopewhat does open source mean to you?01:41
adaptrdope: to whom ?01:41
Shadeadaptr: i used my laptop at school, computer room with proxy and now i am at home and i can't update or download anything...01:41
tiengool, alguem pode me dizer qual o comando para instalar o driver da NVIDIA no kubuntu?01:41
dopeanyone in here01:41
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adaptrShade: disable proxy settings, force a new lease from DHCP (or restart networking)01:41
adaptr!es | tiengo01:41
ubotutiengo: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.01:41
Shadeadeptr: when i use apt-get i see this: 24% [Verbinde mit (] 01:41
aegisAlright, I managed to get admin access on my test account by sudo'ing into my default account, and then sudo'ing into root from there =P01:42
adaptr..or !po, even01:42
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Shadeadeptr: how can i resteart networking01:42
adaptraegis: don't01:42
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aegiswhy not adaptr?01:42
adaptrShade: sudo /etc/init.d/network restart01:42
adaptraegis: I told you how to grant a user sudo rights01:42
aegisoh, maybe that's what I did01:43
adaptraegis: and sudo "to" root is a bad idea01:43
adaptraegis: no, you didn't01:43
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Shadeadeptr: "command not found"01:43
adaptrShade: look around, press TAB key01:43
aegiswell, regardless, I've just about had it, and might end up just wiping the virtual drive and reinstalling01:43
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aegisIf I do manage to sort this out, I'll just kill the test account and be done with it01:44
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adaptraegis: okay, fine01:44
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sparrwhat program detects my sound card and decides which module to load for it?  more importantly, how can i give parameters for the module to it?01:49
blankyhey guys, where's the kde control center I can't find it in the menus, anyone, please01:49
megamacedsystem settings01:49
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blankymegamaced: thanks, but where can I find that?01:50
megamacedit's in the K menu01:50
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blankyfound it thanks01:51
blankymegamaced: the kicker is the bar at the bottom of the screen right?01:51
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adaptrblanky: the kicker is at the bottom of the screen period, not the bottom of the screen right01:53
blankyI meant right as in, "Am I right?"...01:53
adaptr /spelling pet peeve :)01:53
adaptrblanky: that *requires* the proper use of a comma :)01:53
blankyI would have said 'bottom right of the screen'01:54
adaptrblanky: don't worry over it, I took brutal advantage of a fortunate coincidence01:54
adaptras I am wont to do01:54
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adaptrchannel needs lightening up sometimes01:54
dopehow do you people feel about DRM?01:55
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dopeso you don't like it01:56
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Leafwis there any different between swap partition format for 32 and 64 bit processors?01:56
aegisAlright, I just borked my test account the same way I did my default account, now I just got to figure out how to undo it01:57
aegisI set the resolution to 1280x800, and that's what did it01:57
AHinMaineWhat command can I use to figure out which package installed a particular file?01:57
dopeaegis: well set it back to normal then01:58
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zythyay ati drivers work01:58
zythstupid ati.01:58
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animimotussomeone can pastebin me the resultat for a cat /etc/group |grep <youfirstuserpseudo>02:00
animimotusI just add my as sudoers :)02:00
LjLanimimotus, what's wrong with just using the "admin" group for that+02:00
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animimotusLjL: sudo adduser me admin ?02:01
LjLanimimotus: yup02:01
adaptranimimotus: gpasswd -a username admin02:01
animimotusok ^^02:01
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LjLanimimotus: sudo is configured to take any member of "admin" as a sudoer02:01
LjLat least, that's the way it's configured by default, but it works fine for me02:01
adaptrtrue for all *buntu02:02
adaptr(unless ppl mess with sudoers, but why would you ?)02:02
LjLi wouldn't ;)02:02
adaptrneither, although I plan on upping the passwd timeout to an hour or so02:02
AHinMainei messed with it.   sometimes I just don't want to get prompted for a passwd.  ;)02:02
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LjLAHinMaine: use sudo -i then :)02:03
adaptrAHinMaine: ah.. you made command sets :)02:03
adaptrLjL: -i ?02:03
LjLadaptr: to use commands without getting prompted for the password even after the timeout, yes. but i see where this is heading02:03
transgressoh the kubuntu site it has a dvd iso if i look at the torrents but if i download it directly it has cd iso's... what are different on them?02:03
LjLyes, of course if one knows how to fine tune it at that level, that's quite fine02:03
AHinMainewell, sometimes running adept_manager just doesn't work for me with kdesu...  dunno why.02:04
animimotusLjL: and now to restart alsa ?02:04
adaptrLjL: where ?02:04
animimotussudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart ?02:04
megamacedwhats the command to show the username I am responding to on IRC?02:05
sparrI have the package 'k3d' stuck in dpkg in feisty.  I cant install it, uninstall it, remove it, or purge it.  its python pre/post/config/etc scripts fail every time.  How can I get rid of it?02:05
LjLadaptr: "you made command sets"02:05
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animimotusLjL: arf my kmix is like 'empty'02:05
transgresshow stable is feisty these days?02:05
LjLanimimotus: are you on a user other than the first user created now?02:06
LjLanimimotus: if so, add it to group "audio"02:06
animimotuscause I have lost my sudoes privileg I suppose02:06
LjLno need to be an admin to use audio - you need to be a member of audio02:06
LjLthese are my memberships02:06
LjLljl adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip www-data video plugdev lpadmin scanner admin02:06
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animimotus$ cat /etc/group |grep audio02:06
swamihi all..i have the following pr:i've installed ktorrent but every torrent i open gets the stalled status02:07
LjLanimimotus, you aren't in that group then02:07
LjLadduser yourself audio02:07
swamihi all..i have the following pr:i've installed ktorrent but every torrent i open gets the stalled status02:07
AHinMaineanimimotus: just type 'groups <your_username>' to get an accurate list of your group membership...02:08
LjLswami: that's quite normal for a while02:08
LjLyou should wait a couple of minutes at least i guess02:08
LjLAHinMaine: or "groups" even, if you're using that user02:08
swamiwaht about 6 hours02:09
larson999ok, this router doesn't show me the ipaddresses of the machines connected to it.  how to i find that out without going to them all?02:09
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swamicause thats;s the time i give it02:09
animimotusLjL: I'm now in audio group but kmix is always inreachable02:09
swamiand nothing..02:09
animimotus* unreachable ^^02:09
LjLswami: have you tried with a known-good torrent, like the Ubuntu ISO torrent?02:09
LjLanimimotus: try restarting X i guess02:09
AHinMaineanimimotus: if you just added yourself to that group, you'll have to relog in02:09
swamiit's good?02:09
animimotusquit the current session ?02:10
animimotusshould I add me to another group before ? (in one line command ?)02:10
adaptrLjL: I was just curious which commands you would group to not require a password...02:10
AHinMainewell, i'm in the following groups by default:   aharrison adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev lpadmin scanner admin02:11
LjLadaptr: myself? not sure. probably none.02:11
AHinMainei just installed kubuntu 6.10 the other day and I haven't messed with my group membership at all.02:11
adaptrLjL: okay, but -i enables you to bypass the timeout ? that's.. pretty effing insecure !02:11
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LjLadaptr, no it doesn't bypass anyway, it just gives you a root login02:12
LjLuntil you type "exit" you're then root02:12
animimotusAHinMaine: thx02:12
LjLof course anyway one could make the timeout longer02:13
AHinMaine-i is basically the equiv of doing 'su -'02:13
adaptrLjL: I just did, yeah02:13
animimotussudo adduser <myuser> adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev lpadmin scanner admin ?02:13
zythIs there anything like Daemon tools for linux?02:13
zyththat can mount cd images as readable dirs02:14
zyth(non iso, I know how to mount an iso)02:14
transgressis there a page somewhere i can view the status of feisty?02:14
adaptranimimotus: I would be very much surprised if that did anything...02:14
ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+102:14
LjLzyth: uh... what is a CD image if not an "ISO"?02:14
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LjLan "ISO" generally *is* the dd dump of a /dev/cdrom02:15
AHinMaineanimimotus: i think it's 'usermod -G <groups' that you want.  check the man page, that's just off the top of my head...02:15
zythLjL: .ccd (windows clonecd)02:15
adaptrLjL: erm.. not a dump, as that would include the error correction code, I think02:15
zythor .nrg (nero cd image)02:15
zythcrap like that02:15
LjLadaptr: i think it's a dump of what you get from /dev/cdrom02:15
LjLadaptr: which doesn't mean it's actually a dump *of* the CD02:15
adaptranimimotus: I told you before: sudo gpasswd -a <username> admin02:15
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LjLzyth: .nrg is just a renamed (and slightly customized perhaps, but i don't think) ISO02:16
LjLzyth: as for CCD, i'm not sure that's a format that is very well supported by anything under Linux02:16
zythyeah... lol02:16
zyththats my current issue ;)02:16
adaptrLjL: it's not readable by a straight ISO app, funky headers or summin02:16
Eruantalonzyth: there is02:16
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LjLi can't quite even find a program to *convert* that to ISO02:16
zythEruantalon: what ?02:16
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Eruantalonqemu i think it is called02:16
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EruantalonWhat a minute02:16
adaptrLjL: if you have wine set up, ultraISO can convert anything to anything :)02:17
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zythahh good idea adaptr02:17
animimotusadaptr: I had restart in recovery mode and lauch a visudo yet02:17
LjLadaptr: pssss02:17
adaptranimimotus: not a clue what you mean02:17
endo602anyone know of a good program to shrink dvdz from 7gb to 4.5gb?02:17
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transgressthanks adaptr02:17
adaptrLjL: sorry, reccommending WIntendo software, I know...02:17
endo602i used k9copy and it didnt do the trick02:17
adaptrendo602: there's one in add/remove...02:18
zythendo602: worked for me just fine for Snakes on a Plane02:18
zythI had to ah.. create a back up...02:18
blankyhey guys I can't have different wallpapers for different desktops? Desktops as in those virtual spaces things, that there's usually 4 of02:18
blankyworkspaces or whatever they're called02:18
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Eruantalonzyth: Qemu worked for me though not the simplest to setup02:19
zythyea hm02:19
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drkmwhat is the best program to use as for my ipod.. so does the stuff itunes does ?02:19
endo602how do i set it up to shrink dvdz?02:20
Eruantalonzyth: wAIT a minute i am giving you the wrong name02:20
zythahh cool02:21
blankydrkm: banshee, amarok, rhythm box, gtkpod?02:21
endo602adaptr, what is the proggy called?02:21
adaptrendo602: I think you already mentioned it02:21
drkmblanky: which is most popular?02:21
endo602i dont know how to shrink something with it02:21
adaptrendo602: hmmm how hard can it be ?02:22
endo602i tried02:22
zythwhoa whoa02:22
endo602to load the dvd and just shrink but i dont know02:22
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zythk3b doesn't burn video dvds from vob files?02:22
endo602it only shrunk the dvd iso 200 mb02:22
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K`zanCan't remember what to do here, but if I am su into root and want to run something under X, I think I need something called xauth to allow root to use my X?!?  Help?02:24
blankydrkm: I like amarok02:24
blankydrkm: I dont know if it lets you put music ON it though, tray banshee or gtkpod for that02:25
manchickenK`zan: kdesu02:25
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K`zanmanchicken: Have to run that separately rather than just running it out of where I am :-(.02:27
zythendo602: it automatically shrank it for me02:27
manchickenK`zan: What do you mean?02:27
K`zanmanchicken: can do that under gentoo, but I don't remember what I did now :-)02:27
endo602well i just pressed the dvd symbol02:27
zythendo602: I just created an iso image02:27
endo602seeing if it works again02:27
zythto 4.3gb02:28
manchickenK`zan: `xhost +` is what you're looking for I believe.02:28
K`zanmanchicken: If I want to edit something while I am root, like: kate whatever.txt &02:28
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manchickenK`zan: But I urge you to avoid running X programs as root.02:28
zythbut I screwed up and got the subtitles permanently on the screen lol02:28
transgressis there not a config page specifically for edgy and xgl+compiz(or beryl)02:28
zythdont check the subtitles option ;)02:28
K`zanmanchicken: understand, but It is handy sometimes :-).02:28
zythtransgress: there's stuff on that on ubuntuforums.org02:28
drkmblanky: thanks02:28
zythjust search02:28
transgressoh nm misread the start of this wiki02:28
manchickenK`zan: It's more handy to use a text-mode editor in those cases ;)02:29
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MinatakuK`zan: It's kdesu02:31
MinatakuI think02:31
MinatakuThat'll let you run a GUI app as root in KDE02:31
FreshPrincere.. :/02:32
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Leafwanyone on T60 running on 64bit ?02:32
Leafwcan'tget network to work02:32
zythI have an odd issue.  My GF has her own desktop, and we switch between them.  But if she logs off her desktop, I can't get back to mine, I have a blank screen and ctrl+alt+f7 doesnt go back to my main X session.02:32
manchickenLeafw: I thought T60s were running centrinos.02:33
zythbut if shes logged in, I can switch between ctrl+altf7 and ctrl alt f8 with no issues02:33
Minatakuzyth: Let me guess, she's running X and your desktop comes in through hers02:33
zythMinataku: no...we use the 'switch user' thing in KDE02:33
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hnsnkubuntu pwn02:33
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MinatakuSorry XD02:34
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Leafwmanchicken : they run core 3 duo, 64-bit enabled02:34
MinatakuMy brain is shorted out ATM02:34
zythcore 2.02:34
manchickenLeafw: Not mine.02:34
zythI am fairly sure there's no core 2 duo02:34
zyther core 302:34
animimotusthx all, goodnight02:34
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AHinMaineWhat command can I use to figure out which package installed a particular file?02:34
LjLAHinMaine: dpkg -S filename02:34
manchickenLeafw: I thought the point of having a model number like that was to have it standardized on the hardware side of things.02:34
Leafwcore 2 duo, that's right02:34
manchickenLet me check02:35
Leafwmanchicken: you can asklenovo ,beats me02:35
Leafwactually, I found out by accident that it was64-bit capable02:35
AHinMainecool, thanx02:35
Leafwand so I said I'd give it a try02:35
Leafwamd64-edgy installs with acpi=off, but can't get network02:35
manchickenThis T60 is work's machine.02:35
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manchickenThey want me to run windows, told them they'd have to give me a laptop.02:35
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Minatakumanchicken: I'd tell them "I use a SPARC, how can I use Windows!?" XD02:38
manchickenOkay, I got my T60 running a T2400 Intel.02:38
manchickenMinataku: They handed me the hardware and all.  heh02:39
MinatakuI don't use a SPARC primarily, of course02:39
MinatakuLinux Piyoko #1 PREEMPT Wed Dec 20 23:21:32 EST 2006 i686 Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.66GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux02:39
manchickenMinataku: I wouldn't install their proprietary software on my personal machines.02:39
Leafwlooks like 64-bit linux for T60 is a little green, I'll stick with the 32-bitr version for a while02:39
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manchickenLeafw: What processor model do you have?02:39
Leafwit's a pitty, I thought I could finally run java VM with mor than 1.6 Gb of Xmx02:39
endo602how can i log into a windows network connection?02:40
endo602via linux02:40
Leafwit's intel core2 duo T7600 2.33 Ghz02:40
manchickenOn a Lenovo T60?02:40
manchickenThat's just weird.02:40
Leafwthat's rright02:40
Leafwfresh and new, not even a week old02:40
dopecan they put drm type restrictions in mp3 files?02:40
manchickenWhat's the point of having model numbers?02:40
manchickendope: iTunes does.02:40
MinatakuI have a Sun SPARCstation LX puttering on just 4ft away from me ^^02:40
dopein mp3s?!@$02:40
MinatakuiTunes doesn't use MP302:40
MinatakuAnd I don't think MP3 provides DRM capability itself02:41
dopei was about to say02:41
dopewhich is good :D02:41
MinatakuThey might be inside a DRM'd container, however02:41
MinatakuLook like MP3s, act like MP3s, not really true MP3s02:41
dopehmm not good02:41
megamaceduse ogg :-)02:42
manchickenUse FLAC.02:42
dopei was just thinking that :)02:42
dopewill an ipod accept the ogg format?02:42
MinatakuI'm partial to MP3, but mine are guaranteed all open02:42
manchickendope: If you put rockbox on there it'll support FLAC.02:42
Minatakuhttp://s95018220.onlinehome.us/random/ << There's my "site"02:43
megamacedI would use ogg more often but my walkman doesn't support i t. Like most devices unfortunately02:43
dopei need to get rockbox02:43
manchickendope: And ogg.02:43
dopei'd been meaning to check it out02:43
MinatakuWhich isn't as much a site as it is a place where I put my crap02:43
manchickendope: http://www.rockbox.org/02:43
endo602can someone help me remote desktop to a windows machine02:43
manchickenendo602: VNC02:43
endo602besides that02:43
megamacedendo602: install tsclient02:44
endo602is there a way to use the basic windos02:44
endo602tscleint will do it?02:44
megamacedendo602: tsclient is very similar to the windows remote desktop02:44
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megamacedendo602: 'sudo aptitude install tsclient'02:44
endo602i got it02:45
endo602but i log into a windows machine via that?02:45
megamacedendo602: you enter the IP address of the Windows machine and press connect02:45
dopecan rockbox brick my ipod?02:46
uboturdesktop: RDP client for Windows NT/2000 Terminal Server. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4.1-1.1 (edgy), package size 98 kB, installed size 388 kB02:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about krdp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:46
andreaswhow can I display the console within konqueror (forgot the key ;) )02:47
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Linux_Galoreandreasw: F402:54
LameBMXandreasw, alt-F2 maybe02:54
LameBMXsorry run box lol02:54
andreaswLinux_Galore: f4 launches an extra Konsole02:54
andreaswbut there is a way to display the console within the konqueror window02:55
Linux_Galoreandreasw:aah yeah, you have to set ot yourself there is no default02:55
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Linux_Galoreandreasw:  settings -> configure shortcuts   eneter  terminal in the search box, its the second one "virtual terminal"02:55
Linux_Galoresorry Terminal Emulator02:56
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andreaswLinux_Galore: ah ok thanks02:56
Linux_Galoreandreasw: I set mine to alt t02:57
andreaswf8 ^^02:57
Linux_Galoreas in alternate terminal  heh heh02:57
andreaswit is really usefull if you need a console of your currect path02:58
andreaswand don't want an extra window02:58
andreaswI think people could write a hole book about konqueror and what you can do with it ;)02:58
Linux_Galoreyeah, konqueror really needs a big assed "Hacking Konqueror" book02:59
Linux_Galoreor even a Hacking KDE  book02:59
andreaswKonqueror is superior to nautilus in my opinion03:00
nixternalheh, perfect timing maybe. how can I disable the "store login information" popup in Konqueror after typing in a password in a website?03:00
Linux_Galorelike today I found a plugin for digikam that allows you to do super fast full screen slide shows03:00
nixternalI can't remember, it has been a long time03:00
Leafwonce I make changes to the /boot/grub/menu.lst, how do they get updated?03:00
Leafwis it like yaboot, that I have to cann ybin first to update the boot menu?03:00
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Linux_Galoreyou can now use digikam as a presentation tool that to that03:00
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Linux_GaloreDigicam Fast Image Viewer Plugin -> http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=52276&PHPSESSID=6fe108b1e659dfbd5336205d1c2fd05703:02
Linux_Galoreoops Digikam *03:02
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_adaptryour nick is ananagram of lunix_al_gore :)03:04
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Leafwhow can I change from which partition is grub reading the /boot/grub/menu.lst ? Now it's reading from sda6, and I need it to read from sda503:08
Leafwgrub is in the MBr so it needs to be updated, how? I know yaboot, not grub, does it work the  same way? needs an update with sudo somehow?03:08
ubuntucan anyone tell me why cant i choose reiserfs?03:08
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andreaswubuntu because qtparted doesn't support it well so it has been deactivated03:09
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Linux_GaloreLeafw: in actual fact "part" of grub exists in the mbr,  just the pointer for were grub really resides03:09
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andreaswubuntu, you could try to manually create a reiserfs partition in console03:10
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Linux_GaloreLeafw: basically you will have to chroot the partition were the new version of gurb resides the run the grub-install   tool again03:10
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LeafwLinux_Galore: so that is what I need t o change: from /dev/sda6 to /dev/sda503:10
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Leafwok, thank you03:11
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ubuntuand from the available fs on the installation which one would uu reccomend. i know ext3 is a bit slow, xfs is for large files, and jfs is unmantained.... so...03:13
Leafwthe grub-install tool is what I was missing .. that is all! thanks03:14
Leafwthanks Linux_Galore03:14
Linux_Galoreubuntu  actually  ext3 that we use today is not the original version, its been hacked allot recently03:14
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Linux_Galoreubuntu its allot faster and more stable these days03:14
ubuntuthen ill ext3 to experiemnt03:15
ubuntuthanks a lot03:15
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Linux_Galoreubuntu some of the more recent bench marks are showing ext3 to be rather fast and not cery cpu intensive03:15
ubuntu__Ahh Kubuntu is the best03:15
Linux_Galorenot so*03:15
Minatakuext3 is the top choice03:16
Minatakureiser3 is also good, but I think ext3 is probably the best to pick03:16
MinatakuAt least until Sun gives Linux ZFS03:16
Linux_Galoreyeah, ext3 a few years ago was rubbish, my personal tests on the more recent releases have shown it to be allot better03:16
ubuntu__yeah ext3 seems to work best for me03:16
exobuzzreiser3 is dangeous.03:17
ubuntu__Is it possible to run win32 apps on Linux without Wine?03:17
MinatakuNo, Reiser4 is dangerous03:17
exobuzzreiser4 is also dangerous03:17
Linux_Galorereiserfs is very good but it has a "HUGE" cpu overhead03:17
MinatakuReiser3 is nice and stable03:17
LjL!virtualizers | ubuntu__03:17
ubotuubuntu__: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu or !qvm86), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications03:17
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Leafwhum, grub-install didn't update the MBR03:17
LeafwI don't get it03:17
exobuzztell that to my reiser3 partition which broke03:17
_adaptrLeafw: what did it say ?03:17
Linux_GaloreLeafw: you have to run the version on the chrooted directory03:17
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exobuzzthe resier3 fsck put a zillion files in lost and found.. most of the aprtition really. after a powercut.03:18
exobuzznot nice.03:18
Thehound666how would I transfer files over ssh?03:18
ubuntu__Thx in advance03:18
Thehound666heard it's easily done03:18
Minatakuexobuzz: Did you have reiserfs images on the partitions?03:18
MinatakuIf you did, that's why03:18
exobuzzscp file user@server:path03:18
MinatakuIt doesn't quite deal well with that03:18
exobuzzMinataku: no. but i know about that. and you just said it was stable03:19
Leafwit said: No error reported. but it prints (hd0) /dev/sda  (my partiton which contains all logical partitons)03:19
Thehound666file include full path also I assume03:19
ubuntu__Can anyone recommend which Win32 application emulator is most newbie friendly?03:19
Linux_GaloreThehound666: a few ways ,  either use   konqueror  with   fish://ip_number  or  scp  filename   user@ip_number03:19
MinatakuIt is stable, but it has known issues that you can avoid03:19
LeafwLinux_Galore : it does not print /dev/sda5 as I expected03:19
MinatakuNo fs is perfect03:19
exobuzzMinataku: no but there are a few a darn sight more realiable than reiser303:19
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.03:19
Thehound666woohoo through GUI03:20
exobuzzMinataku: im running jfs on my fileserver.03:20
LeafwLinux_Galore : I am booted in the proper /dev/sda5, so I (think) I don't need to chroot to it since the /boot/grub/menu.lst is the one I want03:20
exobuzzMinataku: oh and the mount time for reiserfs on large partitions is too long03:21
ubuntu__Can anyone recommend which Win32 application emulator is most newbie friendly?03:22
LjLubuntu__: WINE03:22
LjLubuntu__: for the others, except Cedega, you will have to install a copy of Windows itself03:22
ubuntu__I'll be sure to check it out03:22
LjLand Cedega is non free03:23
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ubuntu__LjL anything is free03:23
ubuntu__Especially on the internet03:23
LjLubuntu__: not quite.03:23
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=== Envision is now known as CyanNET
CyanNETHow so?03:23
Linux_GaloreLeafw:  so your booting from a floppy ?03:24
LeafwLinux_Galore : ok done, I was giving /dev/sda5 and I had t ogive simply /dev/sda, that makes it (but grub was not complaining)03:24
exobuzzif you want good office compatibiltiy and all packaged ready for you. you could get crossover ofice also.  there are some configs out thre for wine to make it easier to install certain programs also03:24
CyanNETI mainly want to run games03:24
Thehound666woohoo works a treat thanks Linux_Galore03:24
exobuzzlike sidenet for wine http://sidenet.ddo.jp/winetips/config.html03:24
CyanNETSuch as Diablo II and Starcraft03:24
Thehound666you guys rule03:24
Linux_GaloreLeafw: ok03:24
exobuzzfor games the best option is cedega. but it cost a bit of money03:24
LjLyou can always compile it from source03:25
LjLthey allow that03:25
CyanNETSidenet says it's discontinued03:25
Linux_GaloreLeafw:   quick mbr lesson here "partitions also have there own variant of a mbr"  gurb was basically editing that03:25
LjLjust some parts are left out of the source - not entirely sure which. things that allow running some games that have copy protections, i think03:25
exobuzzLjL: but then you dont get some proprietory stuff thats not in their source tree though.. which is needed for some games to work i believe03:25
LjLcedega is discontinued?03:25
LjLoh nevermind03:26
LeafwLinux_Galore : i see, for sda5, but not for the whole drive03:26
Thehound666I want to try cedega, is it expensive?03:26
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exobuzzno. you subscribe for like 3 months. a few pounds a month03:26
exobuzzyou can unsubscribe at any point after..03:26
CyanNETBah. I'll get it for free03:26
Linux_GaloreLeafw:  yeah the mbr for that drive has no partition number03:26
MinatakuBack, sorry, had to attend to my SPARCstation LX03:26
exobuzzbut then you dont get updates03:26
CyanNETEverything is possible03:27
Minatakuexobuzz: I'm not saying it's the best, I'm just saying it's not bad03:27
Thehound666but you get to keep it03:27
Thehound666not bad03:27
exobuzzi subscribed fora  while, until i realised than ATI were never going to fix their bad drivers03:27
Thehound666if version you have plays what you want03:27
MinatakuMe, I plan sooner or later to switch my reiserfs partitions to ext3 XD03:27
Thehound666ext3 is great for most cases03:27
Thehound666but sucks in VMWare03:27
exobuzzMinataku: i got bored waiting for reiser to mount my 1.1tb partition.. that got it removed from my list.03:28
Linux_GaloreLeafw: wait till you start learning about hard dirives heh heh, you head will explode, you know all the stuff you read about cylinders and heads, it total rubbish, its all virtualised to keep the bios happy, in reality the physical stuff it totally different03:28
Minatakuexobuzz: Holy crap03:28
MinatakuNeedless to say, most people aren't going to have partitions like that03:28
exobuzzwait a couple of years03:28
Thehound666if you choose to have a Kubuntu ext3 VMWare disk, save yourself alot of trouble and use physical disk03:28
exobuzzipods will be 1.1tb in a few years :)03:28
exobuzzat least :D03:28
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Linux_Galoreexobuzz: 100Gb 1.8 drives are out03:29
CyanNETI got a 4Gb Nano for 75$03:29
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exobuzzLinux_Galore: see. not far off already :-)03:29
EruantalonThis is just ridiculous! kwin chrashed on my therby locking my focus and preventing my from restarting it using alt+f2 or a konsole. I had to run firefox copy paste the letters k w i n and a newline into a terminal to get my computer back! Damn. There has got to be a better way...03:29
MinatakuUh oh... I think I found the problem with the SPARCstation LX... it's got a slightly damaged HDD, I think03:29
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Linux_Galoreexobuzz: flash though has a better density03:29
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exobuzzLinux_Galore: flash will overtake hd's at some stage im sure... i guess we will ahve hybrids first03:30
exobuzzthere are a few on the market already actually03:30
Linux_Galorewithin 10 years flash will take over the job of a hardisk for most people03:30
MinatakuFlash has the issue of limited write cycles, though with proper management cycles of 20M are possible03:30
MinatakuWhat looks good for the future is MRAM03:30
slyfoxAnyone here knwos how to use mobile phone tools ?03:30
NeoFaxHello everyone!  I upgraded my kernel to 2.6.19 w/ beyond patchset.  How do I go about compiling the linux-restricted-modules for this kernel?03:30
Linux_Galoreexobuzz: you can already buy laptops with 100% flash hardisks03:30
exobuzzi have a computer from 1968 with mram :)03:30
MinatakuWhich is a step forward on a technology from long back03:30
exobuzzwell. magnetic based memory anyway :)03:31
Linux_Galoreexobuzz: 64Gb flash drives are on sale03:31
exobuzzLinux_Galore: ideal for laptop yeh03:31
dopewould sudo umount /media/ipod unmount an ipod?03:31
=== Thehound666 is downloading Java off his remote computer just to test ssh transfer and it seems to be going great!
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dopeor is it sudo umount /dev/sdc203:31
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Linux_GaloreThehound666: I find scp faster than the konqueror  fish://  thing03:32
NeoFaxdope: It depends if that is in your fstab03:32
Thehound666getting about 120 KB/sec03:32
Thehound666that's max for the line the machine is on03:32
Linux_GaloreThehound666:   sftp://  will also work on konquror03:33
Thehound666what's different on sftp?03:33
Thehound666from fish03:33
NeoFaxdope: If the drive shows as /dev/sdc2, you can always umount it that way.  If it is in your fstab, you can also umount it by just stating the normal mount point as well.03:33
dopeah ok03:33
Linux_GaloreThehound666:   fish looks for samba etc  sftp:// goes straight to the heart of it03:33
dopeso both ways work03:33
NeoFaxdope: Yes, but the actual drive is better and safer IMO.03:34
dopeso umount /dev/sdc2 ?03:34
=== Thehound666 uses no-ip to connect to his machine. Eliminates the pain of dynamic IPs.
NeoFaxYou may need to be sudo to umount, unless umount is setuid.03:35
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=== Linux_Galore has ADSL2+ that has a "default static IP"
Thehound666I have 1 static, 1 very dynamic03:35
Thehound666but ssh to both machines03:35
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Thehound666<3 ssh03:35
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Linux_GaloreThehound666: I love ssh,  admins best buddy,  way more stable than the virtual stuff in windows that drops out when you dont want it to03:36
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Theoryssh + screen03:36
Theoryis very nice :-003:36
Thehound666I have rtorrent setup on both machines to torrent from school that doesn't allow torrenting without actually torrenting03:36
Thehound666I just ssh to my machines back at home03:37
Thehound666they do the downloading/seeding03:37
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Linux_GaloreThehound666: you can get a free account on the web that has bittorent available so you dont have to do all that crap03:38
foxbunnyhi, all03:38
Thehound666well only decent free shell host I know is silenceisdefeat and I don't think they allow that03:38
Linux_GaloreThehound666: no there is a free one with bittorrent03:39
Linux_Galoresee if i can find the url03:39
slyfoxAnyone here knwos how to use mobile phone tools ?03:39
foxbunnydoes anyone know of an up2date repo with Inkscape packages?03:40
Linux_Galoreslyfox: like what ?03:40
=== Minataku yawns and curls up to snooze
slyfoxLinux_Galore: I just want to know how to connect my phone so that I can access my address book and manage it and sms. So far I can only access my phone via bluetooth to browse files, that is it, I am stuck beyond that.03:41
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foxbunnyslyfox: I don't use my phone in such a way, so I don't know much... but maybe Kontact has something?03:42
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slyfoxfoxbunny: how do you use your phone? I jut want to be able to sync my contacts03:43
cpk1has anyone tried using a vcast phone on their box?03:43
Linux_Galoreslyfox: kombiletools03:43
foxbunnyslyfox: heheh, well... I just dial a number or send an SMS... :)03:44
Linux_Galoreoops  kmobiletools03:44
slyfoxLinux_Galore: kmobiletools - exactly that is what I cannot figure out how to use - how do I enter the device location for it?03:44
cpk1is kubuntu supposed to be able to recognize any phone you plug into a usb port?03:45
slyfoxLinux_Galore: I see my phone services here: sdp://z520a/   but kmobiletools tells me to open some local file when I try to choose the device03:45
Linux_Galoreslyfox: dont know, never tried it03:45
Linux_Galoreslyfox: I use an ipod for my contacts03:45
slyfoxLinux_Galore: you do not have a cell phone ?03:46
Linux_Galoreslyfox: yes, but Ive never used my mobile as my main contacts setup03:46
Linux_Galoreslyfox: also my mobile has a habbit of getting a flat battery when I need it03:46
slyfoxLinux_Galore: Dude, you are strange :-) You use cell phone to call contacts, not ipod03:47
NDPowerBookLooks like he'll be one of the first iPhone buyers. ;-)03:47
Linux_Galoreslyfox: the screen on my mobile is small too, very hard to read03:48
slyfoxThsi is also a choice, but I have to pay for internet https://zyb.com/03:48
slyfoxLinux_Galore: get a better phone :-)03:48
Linux_Galorewell Im thinking of getting a Treo85003:48
Linux_Galorethats works with Linux03:48
smaggardim getting a xbox36003:48
smaggardwait no.. those are gay nvm lol03:49
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Linux_Galoresmaggard: got one of those already03:49
slyfoxsmaggard: get Wii, screw xbox03:49
smaggardah wii has too many controller flaws03:49
slyfoxLinux_Galore: what would you use for treo? kmobiletools or what ?03:49
Linux_Galoresmaggard: I use it mainly as a front end to my file server to play videos03:49
slyfoxsmaggard: flaws? I have a Wii and it is all good03:49
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Linux_Galorewii is pretty cool03:50
smaggardnah they have problems with the motion03:50
smaggardi mean its ok but not great03:50
Linux_Galorexbox is just a bit more flexible03:50
Thehound666love my Wii03:50
smaggardwhen the wii2 comes out they will have all that fixed03:50
slyfoxWii rules :-)03:50
Thehound666wouldn't even consider a 36003:50
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slyfoxI want Wii Boxing online :-)03:51
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NDPTAL85I have a Treo 700p but I sync it with my Macs.03:51
smaggard360 = good graphics on those 3 good games they have for it...03:51
Linux_Galorewell I got the xbox360 second hand so i cant complain, I paid less that a new wii03:51
Thehound666and I only know of 2 good games, both available on pc03:51
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smaggardo my bad.. 203:51
Thehound666FFXI and Oblivion?03:52
Linux_Galorealso the xbox will support HD-DV03:52
smaggardxbox is also gay03:52
MinatakuHD-DVD, aka the non-retarded cousin of BluRay03:52
smaggardps3 is where its at03:52
Minatakusmaggard: Not at all. EVERYONE hates the PS303:52
smaggardi love mines03:52
MinatakuDevs REALLY hate the thing03:53
Thehound666might consider ps3 if it drops by about 200 pounds or so03:53
smaggardi guess thats why they are selling more ps3s than xbox360s03:53
=== LordOllie [n=lordolli@Bank02-67.v90.power-net.net] has joined #kubuntu
MinatakuGabe Newell said it's a total piece of crap03:53
Linux_GaloreBlueRay is still born, Sony has banned all pr0n from the format,  thats the best way to kill "any" format03:53
Minatakusmaggard: They're not03:53
smaggardthey are03:53
smaggardgoogle it and get back to me :P03:53
MinatakuLinux_Galore: You're joking, they banned porn from ti?03:53
Thehound666porn made the internet mainstream03:53
LordOlliewhy don't screen savers on my system?03:53
smaggardhow can blue ray survive without pro03:53
Minatakumv smaggard /dev/null03:53
Linux_GaloreMinataku: yep, they did the same stupid thing with betamax licenseing03:53
Linux_Galoreif you want pr0n dont get BlueRay03:54
MinatakuLinux_Galore: rofl, I love seeing stupid companies f?ck themselves03:54
MinatakuAnd Sony does it again :D03:54
smaggarddo they have blueray burners yet?03:54
=== Thehound666 is glad he got an HD-DVD player just before Bluray came out
Linux_Galoresmaggard: yep03:54
LordOllieMina: you won't see them fuck themselves on bluray ;-)03:54
MinatakuBTW: Toshiba developed an HD-DVD with 51GB of storage03:55
smaggardblueray burners will have the same lifespan as those zip drives lol03:55
Thehound666they just did if they banned porn03:55
MinatakuSo BluRay is toasted twice now :D03:55
Linux_Galoresmaggard: the problem is if you want to use the security stuff for your video's you need to get a license, Sony wont license any pr0n03:55
smaggard2 strikes03:55
MinatakuNot to mention that BluRay players cost USD75003:55
LordOlliewho puts security on porn?03:55
MinatakuThird strike and you're outta here03:55
smaggardand im guessing the 3rd stike/out is the cost03:55
Thehound6663 strikes03:55
Thehound666and a 4th for the damn cheaters sony03:56
Thehound666media prices03:56
Linux_Galoreyeah, the XBOX350  USB HD-DVD drive will plug straight into your PC and "just work"03:56
Thehound666anyone check blank media?03:56
coreymon77dont bother with any of the new formats03:56
Linux_Galoreand costs under US$20003:56
Minatakusmaggard: The PS3 is a vehicle for BluRay acceptance03:56
coreymon77its not worth it yet03:56
MinatakuIt's not a game system03:56
MinatakuAnd that's where they really f?cked up03:56
MinatakuBecause not only did they screw themselves in one place, they did it in two places03:56
coreymon77pretty soon03:56
LordOllieMina: is your u key broke?03:56
coreymon77there will either be a huge format wars03:56
=== Munchkinguy [n=chatzill@wnpgmb11dc1-49-163.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #kubuntu
MinatakuThe PS3 and BluRay is Sony's last fall from grace.03:57
coreymon77like what happened with beta and vhs03:57
Thehound666well used as a gaming console, the bluray could only help it for game sizes, but...03:57
MinatakuLordOllie: No, there's just no swearing in here03:57
smaggarddoes the 360 have builtin internet web browsing?03:57
coreymon77and one of them will die out03:57
Thehound666it won't get bluray as the video standard03:57
coreymon77or players will be made that support both03:57
Minatakusmaggard: The Wii does03:57
smaggardthe ps3 is more a computer than anything03:57
Linux_Galoreyeah, the PS3 will be used as an example in schools why never to shove technology into an product unless the price and market conditions are right03:57
MunchkinguyI'm having touble with my ES1688 AudioDrive sound card.03:57
smaggardand it runs linux outta the box03:57
coreymon77thats the xbox03:57
Thehound666M$ made sure of that03:57
LordOllieis there a list?03:57
Thehound666by offering HF-DVD support03:57
MunchkinguyNo sound. What do I do?03:57
Minatakusmaggard: A formality, and a dangerous view of things to come03:57
MinatakuThe possibility of all computers going blackbox03:58
smaggardmunchkinguy> I cant hear you what?03:58
Minatakusmaggard: lol03:58
LordOllieMunch: add speakers03:58
Linux_Galoreyeah, you can mount the HD-DVD drive from an xbox360 in Windows and I heard it works in Linux03:58
MinatakuMunchkinguy: Seriously, though, what's up?03:58
Thehound666so you got M$ as a vehicle for HD-DVD and Sony for bluray03:58
smaggardactually no i dont have a wii, 360 or ps3...im 2 busy lol03:58
Thehound666they just screwed eachother03:58
MinatakuLinux_Galore: It's just an external SATA HD-DVD drive03:58
MinatakuIt plugs into the SATA port on the back of the 36003:59
coreymon77i dont have any of the 3 for a few reason03:59
MunchkinguyMinataku: I'm having touble with my ES1688 AudioDrive sound card.03:59
coreymon77the only one i would ever want to get is the wii03:59
coreymon77and right now03:59
MinatakuAs much as I hate Microsoft (and that's a lot), I love my XBox 36003:59
smaggardps3 = too expensive, 360 = gay MS, wii... just havent picked 1 up yet03:59
coreymon77you cant find one anywhere03:59
Linux_GaloreMinataku: true,  why would you pay mega $$$ for a BlueRay player when a XBOX360 HD-DVD drive is so much cheaper03:59
Thehound666if you never get sick of FPS, xbox is fine03:59
Thehound666otherwise, look elsewhere03:59
MinatakuLinux_Galore: And I can use it on any SATA-enabled PC03:59
coreymon77the wii is impossible to find right now04:00
smaggardthe wii is so much fun04:00
hagabakai hate FPS...04:00
coreymon77in a little while04:00
MunchkinguyMinataku: It is not detected04:00
coreymon77the insane wii craze will die down04:00
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coreymon77they wont be impossible to get04:00
hagabakadoes 360 have more variety?04:00
coreymon77and that is when i will get mine04:00
Linux_GaloreI might wait a bit for the series II of the wii I layed one at a friends and it does have a few issues04:00
Thehound666me too hagabaka but for a few04:00
Thehound666very few04:00
MinatakuPS3s don't really exist on the other end of the spectrum04:00
MinatakuThey're just illusions04:00
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MinatakuTruth is that Sony never manufactured ANY04:01
hagabakai've been playing SNES and GBA games on my friend's modded XBox though :p04:01
MinatakuThe ones that "exist" are a feindishly clever illusion04:01
Linux_GalorePS3 is more a geek media centre that can play a few games than a real games console04:01
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MinatakuSince no dev in their right mind wants to touch the PS304:01
Thehound666I just do it under windoze04:01
smaggardps3 is def loaded with extras04:01
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Thehound666it does have some good uses04:01
Thehound666I do have the consoles04:01
Thehound666but pc is more convenient04:01
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MinatakuThe PS3 is really just a dumping ground for broken Cell processors04:02
smaggardbut at what price and why  not just spend $500 on a computer04:02
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MinatakuAny Cell off the line that doesn't work 100% goes into a PS304:02
Linux_Galorethe only thing I like about the PS3 is in the new software update there is an option in the service menu to download an install another OS via the web04:02
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MinatakuLinux_Galore: It's just there to trick us into complacency04:02
MinatakuWe think we're all completely safe and happy then BAM04:02
smaggardyeah thats pretty neat04:02
coreymon77Linux_Galore: new os? you mean you could stick kubuntu onto one of those?04:02
smaggardand its "linux compatible04:02
MinatakuThe rug is pulled out from under our feet04:02
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Linux_Galorecoreymon77: you can laready, they are just making it easier04:03
Thehound666ps2 is also, only bottleneck is ps2's RAM04:03
MinatakuAnd suddenly they turn on the secret features of the PS304:03
smaggardyeah its actually a "supported" thing now04:03
Thehound666Sony did good there04:03
coreymon77you mean that they officially support you doing it04:03
MinatakuAnd we're not allowed to do anything04:03
coreymon77like its not modding anymore04:03
Linux_GaloreThehound666: you can expand the ram via the USB2 port04:03
Thehound666all you needed was a kit consisting of an HDD and a boot disc for ps204:04
MinatakuAs expandable and free as they want you to think it is... IT IS NOT04:04
smaggarddoesnt void warranty blah blah04:04
Thehound666not really modding04:04
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smaggardi think its an option in a menu to install/download redhat or something04:04
smaggardfedora core i mean04:04
Linux_Galorecoreymon77: yes Sony officially support putting Linux on the XBOX360, the only complaint people had was you couldnt do it over the web, come april thats fixed04:04
coreymon77you mean ps304:04
Linux_Galoresorry PS304:05
smaggardfedora blows04:05
Thehound666Fedora's bloat is getting out of hand04:05
smaggardsimple things have become complicated04:05
MinatakuAs expandable and free as they want you to think it is... IT IS NOT!!!04:05
=== foxbunny [n=foxbunny@cable-89-216-168-99.dynamic.sbb.co.yu] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
Linux_Galorenever know, the PS3 may be a sleeper04:05
smaggardyeah i still dont see my shelling out that kinda dough for a game console lol04:05
smaggardbut it seems extremely capable of lots of "stuff"04:06
Thehound666it will drop inevitable04:06
Thehound666you remember what 3DO fell to04:06
Linux_GaloreI will grab a PS3 when I can get one second hand maybe in a year or so, use it as a media centre04:06
coreymon77the only thing i see me shelling out dough for is a wii04:06
Thehound666less than 1/3 price04:06
coreymon77once i can finally find one04:06
MinatakuTheir big failure was using it as a vehicle to push their latest failure format called BluRay04:06
Thehound666before it died04:06
MinatakuIf they didn't do that, it may have succeeded04:06
smaggardlatest failure format haha04:06
Linux_Galoreyeah, you can run Linux on a wii04:06
MinatakuBut all they did was f?ck themselves double04:06
smaggardwhat are the problems with blueray besides price/rarity04:07
MinatakuSince now not only are they gonna lose a ton of money on BluRay's failure04:07
smaggardi mean the format itself04:07
Thehound666slow seeking04:07
Thehound666not good for a gamer04:07
Linux_Galorewii isnt a good front end though for LAN media, ie playing avi over a LAN04:07
MinatakuThey're gonna lose a ton of money on the PS3's failure04:07
Thehound666poor reliability on drives04:07
MinatakuI wouldn't be surprised if Sony goes under04:07
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Thehound666oh yes and DRM04:07
MinatakuOr at least totally withdraws from the console market04:08
Thehound666but almost irrelevant on a ps304:08
smaggardyou mean the slow seeking is not good for a gamer or are those 2 diff reasons04:08
Linux_GaloreMinataku: no, Sony isnt just one company, the console division may shut up shop04:08
Thehound666slow seeking=bad for gamers04:08
MinatakuLinux_Galore: I know, but they're really using all this as a big thing for them, and it's gonna hurt 'em04:08
Thehound666you can live with a 4x drive if it seeks well04:08
Linux_GaloreMinataku: Sony has cash reserves up there with Microsoft04:08
smaggardbut will the games run blueray discs?04:08
MinatakuThink about Japan's porn industry04:08
smaggardor reg dvds..?04:08
MinatakuThey're all going HD-DVD of course04:09
coreymon77think about japans video gaming industry04:09
MinatakuLots of cash in Japanese porno04:09
Linux_GaloreJapans video gaming industry is HUGE04:09
Thehound666and porno games04:09
smaggardthink about pearl harbor and the kind of attack the could pull now...04:09
Thehound666they mesh together alot04:09
Linux_Galorealso you have Korea and now China04:09
MinatakuSo is their porno industry04:09
MinatakuMmmm... hentai04:09
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Linux_Galorewhen I was in Japan a new manga comic was being released and people were queing up for hours to get a copy04:10
Thehound666so in Japan, I assume hentai games will only be on HD-DVD04:10
Thehound666poor fools at Sony04:10
MinatakuThehound666: ALL Japanese porn only on HD-DVD04:11
MinatakuPerhaps you don't realize just what a huge chunk that is04:11
Linux_Galoreyep, no lolli anime on BlueRay  lol04:11
Thehound666but more popular than porn there is porn video games04:11
MinatakuJapan is home to the widest range of fetishes in the entire world04:11
Thehound666it combines their 2 favourite pasttimes04:11
Linux_Galorethats a killer just there04:11
MinatakuWhatever your kink, Japan has a DVD for it04:11
MinatakuAnd that's AWESOME04:12
MinatakuThehound666: I repeat myself... "Mmmm... hentai"04:12
Linux_Galoreyeah, they have different names for each cultural group too04:12
=== Minataku pats his external HDD with all his hentai
Linux_GaloreI hare anime with a few of my geek buddies, one of them has nothing bit tons of lolli04:13
MinatakuHm, what's his name, maybe I know him04:13
MinatakuAnd it's spelled "loli"04:13
MinatakuShort form of "lolicon"04:13
Linux_Galoreaaah yeah04:14
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smaggardanime pr0n? whaaat?04:14
Linux_Galoreyeah, they always have funny bits about lolicon characters in the comic battle stuff04:14
smaggardr u serious04:14
MinatakuHell yeah04:14
Linux_GaloreI like comic battle and serious stuff like Death Note04:15
smaggardwhat exactly is the point04:15
MinatakuAnime porn, or as it's known in the west, hentai is huge04:15
Minatakusmaggard: It's a fetish04:15
MinatakuThere's no point, it's just how some of us are wired up04:15
smaggardwoooow theres some real weirdos in the world :P04:15
Linux_Galoreyeah, should see some of the stuff they record in the USA, ie beating chicks up then shagging them04:16
Minatakusmaggard: Watch it, you're poised to piss off a lot of people there04:16
MinatakuLinux_Galore: lol, you read SA, don't you?04:16
Linux_Galoreanyone saying hentai is bad should look at the live stuff the USA pits out04:16
smaggardever hear of getting a gf? lol04:16
MinatakuLet me guess: "Horrors of Pornography: Donkey Punch"04:16
Linux_GaloreMinataku: yeah lol04:16
MinatakuThat was a funny one XD04:17
Linux_GaloreMinataku: only america can make sex so weird04:17
MinatakuI dunno... I've heard of stuff from Japan04:17
NDPowerBookWhat the hell are you talking about?04:17
Linux_GaloreMinataku: no Germany has the weirdest stuff,  their into excrement orgies04:17
MinatakuLinux_Galore: We better yuk it up now, when the cabal gets wind of this we're so banned04:17
NDPowerBookThe US didn't come up with schoolgirl tentacle porn, thats Japan.04:17
=== deep [n=deep@c-992a71d5.017-19-626c671.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu
NDPowerBookAnd the US didn't come up with scat porn, thats Germany.04:18
NDPowerBookAnd "loli" is short for lolipop which means underage characters.04:18
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MinatakuAny excuse to pull out the fancy characters04:18
MinatakuNDPowerBook: Incorrect04:18
MinatakuIt's short for "lolicon"04:18
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NDPowerBookYeah but it means underage04:19
MinatakuI know what it means04:19
Linux_Galoreyeah, actually most of the modern porn industry came from germany post WW1, there was a really good doco done last year in it, you could have a holiday in berlin and basically shag the whole family for a $$$04:19
NDPowerBookSo if you're into that you really need to not be criticizing anyone else or any other country.04:19
MinatakuNDPowerBook: Better than real underage people, in which case you need to be carted away04:19
MinatakuLinux_Galore: lol04:20
NDPowerBookOnly marginally so.04:20
Linux_GaloreGermans were totally broke after WWI so they sold the only thing they had, their morals,  the down side is the rebound in conservatism was Hitler and the Nazi's04:20
MinatakuNDPowerBook: Maybe 99% of people into lolicon aren't into real little kids04:20
MinatakuIt's just an extension of liking hentai04:20
NDPowerBookI have no doubt most loli fans leave kids alone04:20
Linux_GaloreAmericans would flock to Berlin to have sex holidays in the 1920's04:21
NDPowerBookIts just why look at the stuff in the first place?04:21
MinatakuAnd for the other 1%, better to have them looking at lolicon than real little kids04:21
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MinatakuNDPowerBook: Like I said, it's a fetish, I don't think there's an explanation for any fetish04:21
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slyfoxDoes anyone know if I can use SqLite in Amarok for about 16,000 songs ?04:21
MinatakuIt's just how your brain happened to form04:21
MinatakuOr something like that04:21
Linux_Galoreyeah, Japanese have a fetish outlet for everything, weird thing is sex crimes in japan are rare04:22
MinatakuLinux_Galore: Weird nothing, it's BECAUSE04:22
MinatakuAt least is my theory04:22
NDPowerBookThats because they don't label most things other countries would call a sex crime a sex crime. Easy way to keep the stats down.04:22
NDPowerBookWhen's the next update to kubuntu?04:22
MinatakuNDPowerBook: No, they're pretty strict on things like that04:22
Linux_GaloreNDPowerBook: april04:22
MinatakuHell, pretty much all of their porn is still censored04:22
NDPowerBookI guess I can wait04:22
MinatakuDespite that law being expired/eliminated04:23
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NDPowerBookMy Upgrade of 6.06 to 6.10 didn't go so well but its not my main comp anyway so I'll just wait for whats it gonna be called 6.8? 7.06?? to come out04:23
Linux_GaloreNDPowerBook: it may be rolled back if kde4 pops up04:23
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MinatakuNDPowerBook: Key thing to remember, it's not a decimal, it's an integer separator04:23
MinatakuWhich is more than likely why they chose to call it 6.06 instead of 6.604:24
MinatakuUnix version numbering is integer.integer04:24
Linux_GaloreIve got 6.10 working really well now04:24
Glider-Mikethe last digit stands for the month of release, that's where the 004:24
Linux_Galoretook hmm 9 weeks lol04:24
MinatakuGlider-Mike: Ah04:24
NDPowerBookSo Kubuntu 6 came out in both July and October04:24
MinatakuI thought it was just to ease confusion of integer-based version numbering04:24
Thehound666will we see a stable feisty soon?04:25
NDPowerBook(They need to come up with a simpler numbering system)04:25
Glider-Mikeyes, Dapper in June and Edgy in Oct.04:25
Thehound666I hear it's pretty04:25
MinatakuLike when MAME went from 0.99 to 0.10004:25
Linux_Galorethey really need to put a Edgy 6.10.1  on the mirrors04:25
MinatakuThe key point is that both numbers are individual integers, it's not a decimal number04:25
NDPowerBookYeah thats MY point.04:25
NDPowerBookI left math behind in school. I'm not interested in going back to class just to learn what version Linux I'm running! :P04:25
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MinatakuJust remember that they're both integers with weight04:26
MinatakuIf need be, Major.Minor.Teeny04:26
Thehound666what sucks about most schools is no classes taught on Linux'04:26
Glider-Mikehahahah teeny04:26
Thehound666either Mac or Windows04:26
Linux_Galoreedgy is really nice now, fast and works, edgy whenit first came out was a mess04:27
MinatakuOr somesuch synonym04:27
Glider-MikeI like it04:27
Glider-MikeEdgy is nice IMHO, rocks for me04:27
MinatakuI gotta look up how the Linux Kernel is versioned04:27
Thehound666Edgy wasn't that big a mess for me, just a few broken packages04:27
Glider-MikeI like how well they have Beryl working in KDE now as well04:27
Linux_Galorekde 3.5.6  is perfect04:27
Thehound666now seems fixed04:27
Glider-MikeGood luck with 3.5.6 so far on my end04:27
Linux_Galoreyeah, Im just moving a few plugins over to 3.5.604:28
Thehound666how do I find my version?04:28
Thehound666I tried kde --version04:28
Linux_GaloreThehound666:   konqueror --version04:28
Linux_Galoreit works dont knock it04:29
Glider-MikeOr, Just open help then chooose "help" from the meny and "about"04:29
MinatakuLinux version is uname -a04:29
MinatakuLinux Piyoko #1 PREEMPT Wed Dec 20 23:21:32 EST 2006 i686 Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.66GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux04:29
crimsunI still see graphic artifacts with 3.5.6 and Beryl 0.2.0beta204:29
Thehound666looks I need to update04:29
MinatakuNot really04:29
aegisHey Minataku, I got it working04:29
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MinatakuThis isn't the latest kernel anymore, I mean, it's... uh...04:29
Linux_GaloreThehound666:   into on the kubuntu.org  home page on how to do it04:29
tapasi did the mistake of installing the nvidia bianry only driver from nvidia themselfes04:29
Minataku 22:27:47 up 32 days,  9:19,  6 users,  load average: 0.04, 0.05, 0.0104:29
MinatakuAt least 32d old04:29
Minatakuaegis: Cool, what was broken?04:30
aegisI had to screw around a while with the monitor settings, but I can now run Kubuntu at native settings04:30
Linux_GaloreThehound666: they have a repo for kde 3.5.604:30
Minatakuaegis: Ah04:30
tapasafter finding out theres a package i unistalled it and tried to install the nvidia-glx package04:30
aegisI'm not really sure, tbh.. it would run at 16x12, but not at lower settings with that monitor setting04:30
tapassadly it didn04:30
tapast quite work out04:30
MinatakuBTW: If you want to see your uptime and such, it's "uptime" XD04:30
aegisI set it to a lower monitor setting default (1280x768 or something) and it worked04:30
Minatakuaegis: 16x12? That's really lousy04:31
Thehound666These packages are not well supported, security and other updates may not be applied promptly.04:31
tapasi thought, ok, reinstall the nvidia-glx package by purging and then installing it04:31
tapasremoving fails withj04:31
Minatakuaegis: I figured, heehee04:31
MinatakuJust jokin' ;304:31
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aegisat that res, I couldn't see the lower half of the desktop04:31
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MinatakuProbably the card/monitor didn't support that high of a res04:31
Thehound6661024x768 has always been comfortable for me04:32
ronieztake a lesser res then.04:32
Linux_GaloreThehound666:   you need to add   deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-latest  edgy  main   in adept04:32
Thehound666so stick with it04:32
ivan`if feisty not broken in horrible ways?04:32
Minataku1024x768 is nice04:32
ivan`i don't have any problems fixing things04:32
MinatakuThehound666: Or just stay at 3.5.504:32
aegisWell, on any other box I've used, setting a 1280x768 monitor to 1600x1200 would royally f*ck things up04:32
MinatakuThat's perfectly acceptible as well04:32
Linux_GaloreThehound666: that will update you always to the latest version of kde04:32
aegisso I'm kinda surprised it didn't on this04:32
Thehound666yeah it says 3.5.6 is not well supported04:32
aegisit just cut out 60% of my desktop04:32
Thehound666might just wait04:32
Minatakuaegis: Usually the monitor would just fart and tell you to piss off04:32
Linux_GaloreThehound666: ??  all works for me04:32
MinatakuNewer monitors protect themselves04:32
Linux_GaloreThehound666: its an update not a new version04:33
smaggardnewer monitors will protect themselves04:33
aegisanyways, I got it running now, so I can swap between linux and OS X instantly04:33
=== Minataku pukes
Linux_GaloreThehound666: its still kde 3.504:33
Thehound666very odd that it says that04:33
smaggardhow did u do that?04:33
MinatakuProbably a KVM04:33
aegisI run Kubuntu on a VM04:33
MinatakuOr that04:33
Minatakuaegis: Now install it for real and use a real OS04:34
smaggardah im running kubuntu and xp in a vm... but i only have 512mb ram so i need to update that haha04:34
aegislol, I have fluxbuntu on my server box, that's a whole new level of pain-in-the-@ss04:34
MinatakuFluxbox is the best, nice, light, does what it's supposed to do while staying out of the way04:34
Linux_Galorehas  Vista/Linux/OSX  all running at the same time thanks to 2Gb of ram04:34
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=== Minataku grabs a 2x4
smaggardi think ill get another 512 stick.. its on my laptop btw haha04:35
aegisWhen I boot up on that computer, ethernet doesnt' work until I kill the dhcpcd pid or some such, then do dhcpcd again04:35
Linux_Galoregoto love virtualisation04:35
Thehound666I run my major install on a VM and 3 others native04:35
MinatakuLinux_Galore: What's the host OS, though?04:35
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Thehound666the one on a VM Kubuntu doesn't support my hardware04:35
aegisand I haven't gotten a background set yet, because apparently it doesn't support jpegs04:35
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Linux_GaloreMinataku: OSX04:35
=== Minataku grips the 2x4 and waits
MinatakuAw, man, now I gotta clobber ya04:35
Linux_GaloreMinataku: wont work in Linux04:36
MinatakuBuy a real computer, not a damn toy04:36
aegisMinataku why don't you like OS X?04:36
Thehound666my card was put out shortly before Edgy04:36
aegisI'm lovin my macbook04:36
=== Minataku tosses the 2x4 aside
Linux_GaloreMinataku: its a core2 machine04:36
Thehound666maybe Feisty will get driver support for it04:36
MinatakuLinux_Galore: It's also tightly TPM-enabled04:36
MinatakuSo at any time Apple may just decide to tell you what you can and can't do04:37
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MinatakuEspecially with OSX running on it04:37
Linux_GaloreMinataku: if you can get Linux to host all three I would do it04:37
Thehound666M$ too, read about Vista04:37
MinatakuSince that's already well tied into the TPM chip04:37
MinatakuHell, it won't run without it! (Or an emulation of one, at any rate)04:37
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@adsl-68-255-110-114.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
Linux_Galoreactually new cpu's wont need so much overhead because you literally boot three OS's04:38
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Thehound666VMWare overhead running Linux is not bad04:39
Thehound666running Vista...very bad04:39
Linux_Galorethe virtuallisation is hardware side not software04:39
=== PhibreOptix [n=phibreop@CPE-143-238-155-201.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
PhibreOptixI just installed KDE on my ubuntu system and wow04:39
PhibreOptixIt's awesome04:39
aegisI'm somewhat tempted to install winXP on the VM just so I can run MS OneNote during class04:40
aegisI'm no fan of Office, but it really is a powerful note taking program, compared to the others I've seen04:40
Glider-MikeI used onenote for a while, don't like the layout very much though.  Now a BasKet fan04:40
Thehound666I think Gnome sucks but there are different Ubuntus for the expression: to each their own04:40
Thehound666I like KDE04:40
MinatakuThehound666: Running Vista PERIOD... very bad04:40
PhibreOptixI like all it's shiny features xD04:40
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MinatakuAnd I mean that from a "It's a f?cking resourcewhore" standpoint04:41
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Glider-MikeI've used both Gnome and KDE.  I like them both but KDE is just more me.  Seems faster and more polsihed to me04:41
aegisFluxbox is my favorite desktop environment right now04:41
Linux_GaloreGlider-Mike: Im looking at the google notes thing, I can keep my links and notes on the web04:41
MinatakuA friend of mine said brand new install, right after first boot... EIGHT HUNDRED MEGABYTES OF RAM04:41
PhibreOptixWell that's what you can expect from M$04:41
Linux_GaloreGlider-Mike: sinc all my notes across all my machines04:42
MinatakuVista was sitting there after the first boot doing absolutely nothing and needing 800MB OF RAM TO DO IT04:42
aegiswell, XP was a resource hog too when it came out04:42
Linux_Galoreunless its cross platform I dont use it now04:42
smaggardhey.. but its "pretty".... lol04:42
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MinatakuNot to mention idle, which is typically 0% load, was actually around 5% in Vista04:42
Minatakuaegis: It never stopped being one04:43
MinatakuPeople just accepted it as a fact of life and added more RAM04:43
aegiswell, ram needed to be added eventualy anyways04:43
PhibreOptixCan anybody tell me where to go in KDE to change keyboard shortcuts for opening programs?04:43
MinatakuKind of like how Mexican prisoners accept getting raped and beaten every night as a fact of life and just take it04:43
smaggardlol uhhh yeah04:44
Linux_GaloreI like how now there is a move to small compact systems, people are getting sick of these heavy machines with a bloated OS when all they want os a browser with flash/java and email04:44
Glider-MikeHaven't checked out Google notes yet.   I get a bit leary about storing too much on third party servers04:44
MinatakuLinux_Galore: I know you mean Macs and I want to beat you down for it04:44
smaggardvista should have slimmed down instead of bloating up more04:44
aegisMS hasn't learned the concept of slimming down04:45
MinatakuMS uses more resources and computing power as an excuse to code really, really badly04:45
Linux_GaloreOLPC is a great example, everyone who sees the things want one, WHY??, it hasnt got much software and its rather small. its because "it does the job" and "its simple"  thats why04:45
MinatakuSo their code is completely insane, bloated to hell and back, and is about as efficient as a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest04:46
Linux_GaloreI think modern PC's have over shot the technology boundry to be honest04:46
MinatakuLinux_Galore: I want my PC to have MORE power04:46
smaggardhow much faster do we need?04:46
MinatakuBut I don't want that being used as a crutch for sloppy-ass coding04:46
smaggardi mean what are we going to be DOING04:46
Linux_GaloreMinataku: you dont need big fast PC's anymore04:47
MinatakuLinux_Galore: I don't give a flying fart what I need/don't need04:47
MinatakuIt's what I want, and f?ck you if you're gonna prevent me from getting it04:47
Linux_GaloreMinataku: you need small cheap does the job machines that talk to other small easy cheap to replace application servers04:47
MinatakuI want an UltraSPARC-T2 system for a desktop04:48
MinatakuYes it's totally overkill04:48
MinatakuNo, I don't give a damn04:48
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MinatakuIf I want 8 cores with 4 processes per, damnit I should be allowed to get it04:48
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MinatakuEven if all I end up using it for is looking at porn and using IRC04:49
Linux_Galoreright now I have a file server that sits un a cupboard that hold all my files and video stuff, I have a xbox360 in the lounge that can access the file server and the web and a few laptops (one with a huge external LCD)04:49
MinatakuDon't control or say how people should do things, let them do what they want, that's the spirit of Linux04:49
smaggardhow huge is that lcd?04:49
MinatakuWhich is something you've clearly overlooked, but then you seem partial to Macs telling you what you can touch and what you can't04:49
Glider-MikeJust remember, there was a day (not really that long ago in the scheme of things) when someone said "why we would ever need a megabyte of storage"04:50
Linux_Galoresmaggard: 42"04:50
Linux_Galoresmaggard: 1080i  unit04:50
smaggard42 isnt huge dood04:50
smaggardand 1080i is old tech04:50
MinatakuGlider-Mike: And I say "Shut your mouth, give me the MB and you don't get hurt" in a dark alley at 2AM04:50
Linux_Galoresmaggard: is for a monitor04:50
Linux_Galoresmaggard: I only watch anime on the thing anyway and most of that has res thats lower04:51
transgresshow can i set up knetworkmanager to run at kde start?04:51
smaggardo well then aight04:51
Linux_Galoretransgress: in kcontrol you can setup stuff to autostart04:51
MinatakuI'd love an UltraSPARC-T2, imagine how MAME would fly on one of those04:52
MinatakuOne thread per emulated chip, that would kick all kinds of ass every which way from Sunday04:52
transgressLinux_Galore: but doesn't it need root privs?  or does it?04:53
MinatakuSorry for that outburst, BTW XD04:53
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MinatakuSorry also if I upset and/or offended anyone, as well04:53
MinatakuAnd a direct apology to Linux_Galore, since he was the target of this one XD04:54
zythI am having a really weird issue.  If I launch diablo 2 from console with 'wine 'Diablo II.exe' it runs fine, but if I make a launcher for Diablo II.exe it doesn't work04:54
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Linux_Galoretransgress: if it needs a passwork it will ask for it, from what I know it only asks for one when you enable or disable anything on the system04:55
Linux_Galoretransgress: I use a different app to manage my network connection called kwlan04:56
LBBHi, my sreen went into low res for no apparent reason, when i go to "system settings->display->size & orientation" my only choise is 640*480 60Hz. Ideas?04:56
Glider-Mikekwlan is pretty slick04:56
Linux_Galoreyeah, I prefere kwlan to be honest04:56
dopeyou think linux is easier to learn than windows?04:56
Glider-Mikeoh boy04:57
smaggardsho nuff04:57
Linux_Galoredope: no OS is easy to learn04:57
Linux_Galoredope: what is hard is going from one OS to another04:57
dopeyea true04:57
dopeso which is better than, linux or windows?04:58
Glider-Mikeoh boy X204:58
Linux_Galoredope: I use Linux so much more than anything else that I have issues using Windows now04:58
smaggardsame here04:58
dopeyea i mainly use linux now04:58
smaggardi use crossover to run any windows only apps i need04:58
Linux_Galoreie I can find stuff in windows lol04:58
dopeexcept on the laptop04:58
aegisI've only fooled around with linux so far04:58
Glider-MikeI hate typing "ls" into Windows stupid command prompt04:58
Glider-MikeDo it all the time04:58
smaggardlol! me 2!!!04:58
dopei can't get wpa to work on the laptop so i use windows for now04:59
Linux_Galorewtf, weres vim or why the fsk wont scp work04:59
Linux_Galoreheh @ windows04:59
LBBanyone know how to get a sreensize back to normal, other tan in system settings?04:59
Linux_Galoredope: feisty has allot of wireless card fixes04:59
Glider-MikeI have used Linux long enough that I am just amazed at everything you CANT do with Windows04:59
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MinatakuMy issue...05:00
dopeLinux_Galore: the current RC2 does?05:00
MinatakuI highlight something in Windows and expect it to be in the pastebuffer05:00
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Linux_Galoredope: yeah I have a test machine with fl2 on it05:00
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Linux_Galoredope: seems to have better support for wlan05:01
Glider-MikeYes, Windows sucks, and even worse than that, I am not going to leave my system or my data to a closed source / company that I have no control over05:01
dopewell my wireless works but i just can't get wpa encryption to work with it05:01
Linux_Galoredope: almost as good as my openbsd machine05:01
Glider-Mikedope: WPA can be nast, and you must have a supported driver.  I feel your pain on that05:01
Linux_Galoredope: I just use ssh05:01
MinatakuEspecially since WPA is just as bad as WEP05:02
Linux_Galoredope: yeah, I close down all the ports and use ssh over the wlan between the machines05:02
MinatakuJust tunnel everything through ssh, yeah05:02
MinatakuAnything that's sensitive should be done via SSH anyway05:03
Linux_Galoredope:  ssh  = secure shell05:03
Linux_Galoreyes, I have a web browser working with ssh lol05:03
dopewell i'm talkin about going to friends' houses and getting on their network05:03
Minatakudope: You know how when you login to GMail or eBay via Firefox, the URL turns green and starts with https?05:03
dopei think someone is on my network05:03
Minatakudope: Check the router05:04
MinatakuWhile you're there... MAC filtering05:04
Glider-MikeMany corporate APs use WPA along with TLS, CKIP, MSCHAP and all that other crap that make it tough.05:04
Linux_Galoredope: basically the security is the client machine not the easy to crack wpa05:04
dopei set static IPs for my 2 comps on here05:04
MinatakuLocks EVERYONE out05:04
Glider-MikeThat's my issue at work05:04
dope113 and 114 and there's a 100 ip05:04
dopealso my 2 comps don't show up in the table05:04
dopeis that a linux thing?05:04
MinatakuGlider-Mike: Oh, those "don't make a difference, proprietary as hell" useless bullsh?t things that corporations pay $20000/license for?05:05
Linux_Galoredope: ssh works on most platforms  even windows05:05
Glider-MikeManataku: Exactly05:05
MinatakuNobody is getting my name right today05:05
Glider-MikeSorry "Minataku"05:05
MinatakuIt's okay05:05
Glider-Mikewas merely a typo05:05
Glider-Mikemy bad05:05
MinatakuI have a hard last name IRL05:05
MinatakuSo I'm used to it anyway05:06
Linux_GaloreMinataku: Minataku Minataku05:06
dopewho is this 100 ip05:06
Minatakudope: Hit 'em with nmap05:06
dopehow do i do that05:06
MinatakuSorry, Glider-Mike, it just so happens that almost nobody today has typed it right XD05:06
ubotunmap: The Network Mapper. In component main, is extra. Version 4.10-1 (edgy), package size 702 kB, installed size 2436 kB05:06
Linux_Galorehate nicks with a _ or a shift character at the begining05:07
Minataku4.10-1? That's retardedly old05:07
Glider-Mikeno problemas05:07
=== Max_- [n=max@modemcable174.139-56-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu
Max_-Hellooo!  anyone can give me a clue about "Package console-common is not available, but is referred to by another package... blah blah"  What do I need to do then to get it installed?05:07
Linux_Galorearent they forking nmap because is gone proprietry ?05:07
MinatakuLinux_Galore: That's nessus05:08
MinatakuBesides, metasploit basically replaces nessus05:08
MinatakuIt's also completely F/OSS05:08
Linux_Galorebeen ages since I use nessus05:08
MinatakuNo corporate bullplop behind it05:08
MinatakuNah, nmap is awesome05:08
Linux_Galorelast time I used nessus on the company network all the windows machines when ape shit05:08
Glider-MikeTime to head to the garage for a smoke and grab a cocktail. BRB.  Take care of keeping hte conversation going Minatakooo.05:08
MinatakuAnd current version is 4.2005:08
Glider-MikeSorry man, couldn't help it.05:09
Max_-How did we enable searching in more servers for packages.. can't remember.. there was something about it..05:09
Linux_GaloreIm off to watch some lolicon05:09
=== Linux_Galore ducks
dopeit's not responding to the nmap05:10
dopecould it be a an old computer that WAS connected but not anymore?05:10
dopeand why aren't my linux computers showing up05:10
MinatakuHave fun05:10
MinatakuWhat series?05:10
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Minatakudope: Most Windows machines, properly set up won't respond at all to nmap, believe it or now05:11
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vontuxsudo cat /etc/apt/sources.list~ >> /etc/apt/sources.list05:11
vontuxyields permission denied05:12
vontuxdoes anyone have any idea why this is?05:12
smaggardu got a package manager open?05:12
smaggardlike adept..05:12
smaggardclose it05:12
MinatakuYeah, I think 100 on my network is the Windows box, and it returned two closed ports05:12
vontuxok, so some other process is using it then, and that is what is causing the problem samggard?05:13
smaggardsome other package handler or something05:13
ubotuIf adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a'05:13
Max_-Hellooo!  anyone can give me a clue about "Package console-common is not available, but is referred to by another package... blah blah and it says to maybe look for other locations.."  What do I need to do then to get it installed?05:13
smaggardor just restart it might be just as fast ;)05:13
vontuxsmaggard: would this include killing the process for apt-get?05:14
smaggarddo you have a runaway apt-get?05:14
smaggardyeah kill it05:14
MinatakuThe Nintendo Wii has no open ports in the default nmap scan05:14
vontuxsmaggard: not quite sure what that is actually :)05:14
vontuxsmaggard: thx05:14
MinatakuMAC Address: 00:17:AB:XX:XX:XX (Nintendo Co.)05:14
smaggardapt-get is the cli package installer05:15
vontuxthat is probably a cause05:15
smaggardyeah def.05:15
vontuxdoes anyone know if there have been some changes to the Ubuntu universe repositories lately?05:17
smaggardiunno myself sorr05:18
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Linux_GaloreMinataku: kyou no Go Ni05:21
MinatakuNever heard of it, but enjoy ^^05:22
cpk1so how safe do you figure .debs from fiesty to be when using on an edgy install? =)05:22
Linux_GaloreMinataku: just found it today, havent got a clue what its about05:22
=== KorN[CM] [n=Snake@203-214-18-221.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
Max_-Hellooo!  anyone can give me a clue about "Package console-common is not available, but is referred to by another package... blah blah and it says to maybe look for other locations.."  What do I need to do then to get it installed?05:23
Linux_GaloreMinataku: artwork seems nice05:23
cpk1!find console-common05:23
ubotuFound: console-common05:23
Linux_GaloreMinataku: aaa its a comic lolicon05:23
MinatakuLinux_Galore: Depending on the core content, the artwork may be all one needs XD05:23
KorN[CM] !find dmraid05:23
ubotuFound: dmraid05:23
ubotuconsole-common: Basic infrastructure for text console configuration. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.59ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 103 kB, installed size 864 kB05:23
cpk1Max_-: you need to enable universe05:24
Max_-cpk1 yeahh!! that's it... universe.... where was the file? please05:24
Minataku!find lololololtotallybogus05:24
ubotuPackage/file lololololtotallybogus does not exist in edgy05:24
MinatakuThere it is XD05:24
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cpk1!repos | Max_-05:25
ubotuMax_-: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu05:25
KorN[CM] any dmraid gurus here???? I need some help please.05:25
orient2000what is a short cut for adept?05:26
Max_-cpk1 thanks...  damn.. just enabled the universe thing... and I still get the same error05:28
cpk1Max_-: you need to do update first05:28
Max_-I'm on server version.. so I don't have the GUI if you're talking about the nice little app that does everything for you.. usually05:29
cpk1Max_-: do apt-get update or aptitude update05:30
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cpk1as sudo05:30
jontechey, can I use depmod to get the standard detection of my soundcard back? If so, can you specify what I need? I kind of deleted it, I think05:31
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Max_-still not working :(.. says the same error05:32
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Max_-ohh think I got something05:33
Max_-okay.. it'll I think.. thanks05:34
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vontuxquick general question, if I try to install some packages using "apt-get" with Ubuntu 6.06 LTS since it isn't the most up to date version, can this cause some errors with dependency problems on attempts to isntall some packages?05:36
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Linux_GaloreMinataku: its actually just some very short funny stories with kids05:38
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cpk1vontux: no, apt-get knows what to get as long as you only have dapper repos in your sources.list05:40
vontuxdoes anyone know about "Easyubuntu" does it add repos that are for 6.10 rather than 6.06, perhaps this could be causing my problem?05:42
Dr_willis'best' would be to not use easyubuntu, or any other of the various 'helper' tools that do that stuff.05:46
Dr_willisadd the repos manually, and isntall the stuff you manually.05:46
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Glider-MikeMay be "best" that way, but Automatix really helps make Ubuntu / KUbuntu rock the most05:47
Dr_willisand it can teach you how to reinstall the disrto also...05:49
=== Dr_willis reads about the 'new' Ubuntu Ultimate Edition 1.1
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flaccidsounds pretty stupid05:51
Dr_willisubuntu + lots of extras... woopiee...05:52
Dr_williseverything sounds stupid in one way or another. :)05:52
flaccidthat site has about 100294 404 pages05:53
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Dr_willisyep looks like it.05:53
flaccidcan't you just install the extras onto kubuntu05:53
Dr_willisflaccid,  yes you can. :)05:53
Dr_willisdeb http://ubuntusoftware.info/ edgy all05:53
flaccidmaybe i'll make kubuntu ultimate flaccid edition05:53
flaccidso they are just a repo. how misleading05:54
Dr_williseverything is missleading.05:54
Max_-make: g++: Command not found             make: *** [blah]  Error 127      what should I think of this?.. just installed the make package.05:54
flaccidwelcome to the world, today.05:54
Dr_willisi just find it odd.. isent java GPL'ed now? they state they had to 'remove it'05:54
flaccidMax_: apt-get install build-essential05:54
Max_-flaccid thanks05:54
flaccidjava is not gpl05:54
Dr_willisI though sun made a big anouncement about it a few weeks ago.05:55
flaccidwhere do you want to go tomorrow?05:55
Dr_willisor was that somthing else.. i forget..05:55
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Dr_willisand sharing innovations and technologies to foster more participation. Today in a historic move, Sun is opening the door to greater innovation by open sourcing key Java implementations05:56
ubotukonsole: X terminal emulator for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu3.2 (edgy), package size 710 kB, installed size 2192 kB05:57
Max_-installed well... now I retry to compile that thing from a tutorial.. and it says (among other things, but this is the one that surprises me the most)    blah.cpp:2:17: error: php.h: No such file or directory     damn.. heh anyone knows how to get this working?05:57
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ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl05:57
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flaccidhmm doesnt say anything about the jre there05:58
flaccidah its the java hotspot vm05:58
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Dr_willisHeck i can barely understand their pressreleases.. :)05:59
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flaccidlooks like i'm using it in diablo jre: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build diablo-1.5.0_07-b01, mixed mode)06:00
Dr_willismore buzzwords then a beehive full of lawyers06:00
flaccidJava(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build diablo-1.5.0-b01)06:00
flaccidjava has confusing parts but its good otherwise. but lots of bullshite06:00
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Dr_willisI think SUN was java's worst enemy in sooo many ways....06:01
Dr_willisof course what do i know.. I learned Programming on a C6406:01
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Max_-what package carries the php headers (php.h ..)  ????06:04
=== Dr_willis pokes edd_ with a stick.
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ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu06:05
ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.06:06
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)06:06
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ubotuTo install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages06:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about php.h - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:06
flaccidDr_willis: SUN made java. they own the license.06:07
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LobsterWinghello, can anyone tell me whts the command to install teamspeak06:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about teamspeak - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:07
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Max_-nobody uses php.h around?06:07
reldruhdoes anybody know if there's a way to keep metadata from amarok (play counts and ratings) on a partition on a different computer, one that gets mounted at boot?06:07
LobsterWingok i will check it06:08
Max_-LobsterWing I was just looking if ubotu knows... don't mean there's something there but you can still look06:08
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Dr_willisreldruh,  most all kde apps keep their settings and data in the users .kde dir.06:09
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LobsterWing!google kubuntu06:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about google kubuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:10
reldruhDr_willis: thanks. I'll have to look through there and see if I can find a way to get it onto a different partition without breaking it06:10
Dr_willissoft links..06:10
Dr_willisor just back the thing up.06:10
Dr_willisor just put your /home on its own partition06:10
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reldruhyou think backing the whole think up would work? I can't figure out which file it is. There's a bunch called collection.db*06:15
dhq_Dr_willis: i need help with my battery management in linux i use a laptop06:15
=== dhq_ is back.
Dr_willisdhq_,  ive not messed with that much.. other then use that KDE applet to throttle the cpu.06:16
Dr_willisI DID notice that sleep/hibernate now work on my turion laptop..06:16
transgressokay i'm trying to set up wpa_supplicant but there isn't an existing /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf anyone know what i should do about this?06:16
Dr_williswhich amazed me.06:16
dhq_Dr_willis: but i dont seem to have any battery management applet06:16
brad_I just discoverd amarok, Ive been using xmms forever, and I will never go back to it. Amarok is coolest app I06:17
Dr_willisfire up the packaage manager perhaps and check/search.. i recall some that were not isntalled by default06:17
Dr_willis!info ubuntu-laptop06:17
ubotuPackage ubuntu-laptop does not exist in any distro I know06:17
Dr_willis!find laptop06:17
transgressor if someone has a way that i can get knetworkmanager to connect automatically w/o asking for a password that'd be great... because right now it asks for my wpa pass and my kwalletmanager pass06:17
ubotuFound: laptop-detect, laptop-mode-tools, education-laptop, klaptopdaemon, kpowersave (and 4 others)06:17
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vontux!find laptop06:18
ubotuFound: laptop-detect, laptop-mode-tools, education-laptop, klaptopdaemon, kpowersave (and 4 others)06:18
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vontux!find kde06:22
ubotuFound: atlantikdesigner, gettext-kde, hwdb-client-kde, kde-core, kde-guidance (and 502 others)06:22
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=== LobsterWing-Away is back.
=== LobsterWing-Away is now known as LobsterWing
=== LobsterWing is away: Gone away for now.
=== LobsterWing is back.
=== Dr_willis rips off LobsterWing's wings.. and puts Wing Sauce on them.
FrostypantsKUbuntu doesn't seem to remember my application associations.  I set mp3's to open with XMMS, but they still open with Kaffiene.  Anybody have an idea?06:33
reldruhFrostypants: how did you set mp3's to open with xmms/06:35
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KorN[CM] any dmraid gurus here???? I need some help please.06:35
Frostypantsreldruh: right-click > open with06:36
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reldruhFrostypants: try rightclicking, go to properties, click the wrench icon next to type06:36
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reldruhFrostypants: and change the application preference order. I'm not sure it'll work, but I think doing 'open with' is a one time only thing06:37
Frostypantsthank you very much!06:37
Frostypantsthat did the trick hehe06:37
reldruhFrostypants: you're welcome :-)06:37
reldruhFrostypants: out of curiosity, do you know if backing up my ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok folder will back up my song ratings and play counts?06:38
reldruhI don't want to hose my amarok stats06:38
Dr_willisreldruh,  make a new user.. copy that dir over to his home and see...06:39
Dr_willisthose amarok stats are sooo critical. :)06:39
reldruhDr_willis: do I detect a hint of sarcasm? :-)06:40
Frostypantsreldruh: I'm honestly not sure.  I don't use amarok very much.06:40
Dr_willisbe sure to change ownership of the dir after ya copy it to the new users home dir06:40
Frostypantssorry :(06:40
reldruhI reinstall OS's pretty frequently. I'd like to not start over so often06:40
reldruhFrostypants: that's OK06:40
reldruhthanks Dr_willis. I'll try it now06:40
Dr_willisIts a 'good' idea to backup your .kde dir every so often ..  if you really have lots of imporntant stuff.06:40
Dr_willisI keep my /home on its own hard drive.. so when i reinstall. it keeps it safe06:40
Dr_willisHOWEVER.. some times different disrtos and even updateed versions of kde/gnome have issues with the older settings from the old /home06:41
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reldruhDr_willis: I've got a laptop. I'd love to keep my home directory on my server but that doesn't sound like it's portable at all06:42
Dr_willisreldruh,  lots of options.. depends on your exact needs.06:42
reldruhDr_willis: I reinstall OS's rather often. I'd like to have a backup of settings and things (like amarok stats and my fstab), but I don't have a lot of extra hard drive space. Is backing up .kde my best bet?06:44
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Dr_willisreldruh,  ,kde is just your users kde settings and cache and other kde specific data.  shouldent be more then a few mb id guess.. you may want to backup your whole /home every so often.06:45
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d0uglashi.. so i got really drunk last night and apparently i installed kubuntu.. now it's asking for a username/password. Is there some default one because my normal ones are not working and i cannot remember... argh.. ?06:46
pgdownreldruh: look into a separate /home partition06:46
pgdownso you dont have to lose any setting06:46
reldruhpgdown: would that just entail changing fstab?06:46
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reldruhd0uglas: you can install OS's drunk? I can barely do it sober :-)06:47
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jontecshould modprobe atiixp take forever to execute?06:47
d0uglas:) okay but seriously is there a default l/p?06:47
pgdowncreating the partiton and mounting it on /home...here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome06:47
d0uglasi woke up, looked at the box, it asked to remove the disk etc and gave me a login prompt (gui)06:47
d0uglasdo i need to reinstall this mutha06:48
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Dr_willisboot to single user mode, and set the initial users password06:49
Dr_willis'rescue mode' 'restore mode' whatever the *#*@ its called. :)06:49
Dr_willisi forget.06:49
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d0uglasDr_willis: with the cd? or do i do a "f8" kinda thing a la windows?06:50
Dr_willisboot the cd.. look at the menus06:50
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Dr_willisor boot the live cd. and mount your / you isntalled to and chroot/ use passwd command..06:51
Dr_willisor.... theres a dozen + things ya could do. :)06:51
d0uglasokay, i got a boot screen, Start or instlal Kubuntu, Start Kubuntu ins afe graphics mode, etc... do i want hte first or second06:52
d0uglasbtw i am currently returning to the drunk state06:52
d0uglas... guess i'll go with safe mode06:53
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reldruhDr_willis: if I wanted to compile kde from source, would there be a lot of things I'd have to change to get it to work as well as kubuntu?06:55
KorN[CM] any dmraid gurus here???? I need some help please.06:55
Dr_willisreldruh,  perhaps.. never tried.. :)  never wanted to.06:56
Dr_williscompiling KDe from source.. is not a job for the meek.06:56
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reldruhDr_willis: I'd like to see what it's like without any changes the kubuntu devs make06:57
reldruhvanilla kde, I guess06:57
d0uglasDoing a little switacharoo on my momma's xp laptop to kubuntu (i'm a debian guy myself).06:57
Dr_willisreldruh,  get a live cd from some other disrto then. and try it.06:58
Dr_willisMUCH easier06:58
reldruhDr_willis: what distro comes with vanilla kde?06:58
d0uglasooo bluetooth adapter found nice06:58
Dr_willisreldruh,  thers some extra packatges you can install that converts kubuntus kde to a more vanilla one..06:58
reldruhsuch as?06:58
Dr_willisall ive noticed kubuntu doing is changing some default themes and profiles and so forth.. The KUBUNTU faq mentions this06:59
Dr_willisI think Gentoo has the most Vanilla/standard KDE setup you may want to ask in #kde06:59
jontecwill someone answer me? should modprobe take forever to execute... my computer seems to be doing nothing06:59
Dr_willisI know the latest SUSE 10.2 had a Heavely tweaked KDE (and gnome even) setup.06:59
Dr_willisjontec,  shoudlet take much time at all.06:59
Dr_willistry 'dmesg' in another shell07:00
KorN[CM] can someone help me to install latest dmraid please? I've tried NUMEROUS times and it fails07:00
reldruhDr_willis: I tried Gentoo once before.  That was a difficult experience. Rather traumatic.07:00
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Dr_willisreldruh,  yep.. i used gentoo for quite some time... and really.. i dident gain much from it07:01
Dr_willisbut it was the most 'use the defaults' disrto ive seen for KDE and gnome.07:01
jontecDr_wills: question... can I clear it (dmesg)? (and if I use modprobe on the wrong module can I use it again to reverse the effects?)07:01
Dr_willisand other window managers07:01
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Dr_willismodprobing a network card module, or whatever. for a device you wont have.. shouldent affect anyting07:02
Dr_willisi belive in most cases the module checks for the hardware.. sees its not there.. then exits/unloads07:02
Dr_willisbut it may depend on the module.07:02
jontecDr_willis: well it was atiixp... I think it's really important...?07:03
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KorN[CM] can someone help me to install latest dmraid please? I've tried NUMEROUS times and it fails07:03
Dr_willisjontec,  you loaded atiixp when you shouldent of?07:04
jontecDr_willis: yes... I did 'modprobe atiixp' (atiixp is supposed to be installed)07:04
jontecDr_willis: instead of snd-atiixp07:05
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Dr_willissnd-atiixp is the sound card module for the atiixp 'chipset' I would think you would load them both..07:05
d0uglasi'm a debian guy... is there an apt-get equiv with kubunutu07:05
Dr_willisatiixp seems to be ide controller card drivers modules/2.6.17-10-generic/kernel/drivers/ide/pci/atiixp.ko07:05
Dr_willisd0dge,  apt-get equiv ?07:06
d0uglas... or maybe there is apt-get itself?07:06
Dr_williskubuntu uses 'apt-get install whatebver 'and so forth07:06
d0uglaslol similar irc nicks07:06
jontecDr_willis: but wasn't it already loaded? and since modprobe automatically detects whether or not it should load/unload the module... didn't it unload it?07:06
d0uglaswell cool okay then07:06
Dr_willisYou are making kubuntu  too hard.   :)07:06
Dr_willisjontec,  check the lsmod command..07:07
Dr_willisjontec,  when in doubt.. ya could reboot. i guess07:07
jontecDr_willis: won't it prevent it from booting? O.O07:07
jontecor are they loaded automatically at startup?07:07
Dr_willisjontec,  modprobe does NOT make somthing boot autimatically at bootup07:08
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Dr_willisi just did a modprobe atiixp,07:08
Dr_willisthe module is loaded.. so its in memory.. nothing is using it.07:08
Dr_willisrmmod atiixp07:08
Dr_willisremoved it07:08
Dr_willislsmod | grep ati  :) shows it there then gone.07:08
jontecDr_willis: ooooh... I was thinking that modprobe did what rmmod does... gotcha07:09
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Dr_willisIF the hardware is there.. then the system installed/should of seen and loaded the module at boottime07:09
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Dr_willisif for some reason its not loading the module automaticially at boot when it should.. you can force it to load it.07:09
Dr_willisif it was loading a module it SHOULD NOT be loading.. there are ways to make it not do that also.07:10
Dr_willisso.... err... what is the Actual problem anyway jontec  ? :)07:10
Dr_willisbefor i go to sleep  its 1 am here07:11
jontecDr_willis: well about a month (possible plus a half) ago I was following a tutorial and removed the sound card setup installed by ubuntu... the sound and mixer and everything worked, but no sound... I tried all of the different settings... (now I'm thinking I had the wrong driver)07:11
jontecDr_willis: so what I just did was download the drivers, tools, and utils for alsa x.xx.13... and am trying to fix it... I remember having this problem before07:12
d0uglasinstalling kubuntu on my momma's laptop without her consent :)07:12
jontecDr_willis: the problem with the modprobe I mean..07:12
jontecDr_willis: link: http://speeves.unt.edu/newindex/?p=211 (same chipset)07:13
Dr_willisHmm.. over my head then im guessing.  Ive not had to mess with the alsa stuff in ages.. gotta love using Creative SB sound cards...07:14
jontecDr_willis: okay... do you know if there's any step that I need to go through before running the modprobe? I just did the ./configure and (sudo, when necessary) make install07:15
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Dr_willisshouldent be.  if everything installed/compiled right07:15
Dr_willisseems you may need to mess with the volume sliders after the first reboot to get things unmuted07:17
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jontechmmm... I don't see why it shouldn't have... oh and laptop is only running at 800MHz throughout the whole modprobe... (I don't think this will be a problem... went to 2GHz during the make and make installs)07:17
jontecDr_willis: okay07:17
jontecDr_willis: I'll try a quick reboot07:17
Dr_williswell i gotta go to ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.......... land. :)07:18
jontecanything to add before I go?07:18
Dr_willisgood luck07:18
Dr_williswhen in doubt.. read/take notes/learn07:18
jontecDr_willis: okay, then... I'll see what I cand, thanks :D07:18
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christopherhow can I set how many bpp I want my desktop to be at?07:28
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christopheri want to run doom3 but I need 24 bpp apparently, but i have no idea where to set it07:28
flaccidhaha bye bye07:31
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smaggardhaha bye bye07:44
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jean-bhello, i wish to add dictionnaries in other languages in OpenOffice07:45
jean-bwhat should i do?07:46
smaggarddownload the dictionaries in the desired language and install them07:46
jean-bdo you know where those dics can be downloaded?07:46
smaggard!openoffice dictionaries07:47
jean-bcome on ubot07:47
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manchickenYou could install them through adept.07:59
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jean-bhi there08:24
jean-bdo you know how to set a player in amule?08:24
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jameshello all08:33
pradaloverhow can i join efnet08:33
sparris there a proper way to downgrade to an old version of a package in ubuntu?08:34
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about top - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about uptime - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:41
flaccidthey are not packages, firecrotch08:42
firecrotchCan anyone tell me what the "load average" numbers from the 'top' and 'uptime' commands mean?08:42
flaccidman top08:42
flaccidman uptime08:42
firecrotchflaccid: read those.  Not very helpful really08:42
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flaccidfirecrotch: thats about all you got08:43
firecrotchAll I'd really like to know is what are reasonable values08:43
LobsterWinghey gow do i start a program after i installed it in kubuntu08:44
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notechiirc the load averages were times of 5, 10 and 15 minutes...but i could be wrong08:44
sparrgiven the choice between downgrading to an old ubuntu package or upgrading to a new debian package, which would you prefer?08:44
flaccidits a good question08:45
flaccidi still dont know and i been on nix for years08:45
flaccidsparr: new08:45
flaccidfirecrotch: this will explaing - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Load_(computing)#Load_calculation_under_Unix.28-like.29_systems08:45
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firecrotchflaccid: thanks08:46
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl08:46
leafwany clues on why xorg runs at 1400x1050, but beryl only up to about 1280x1024 or so ?08:48
leafwberyl with xgl that is08:48
firecrotchSo basically for my server, if it goes above 1.00, there is going to be a slow down caused by the load08:48
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flaccidfirecrotch: i don't know08:50
flaccidwhatever that wiki page said :)08:51
firecrotchI was just relaying it to you... sorta summarizing it :)08:51
flaccidtechnically any load will slow down the system albeit marginally08:51
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ubuntuhey everyone08:51
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ubuntuI really need some help... im running Kubuntu 6.06, ive been using it for a while now.. learning as i go, but when i turned it on today i got a busy box message08:52
ubuntucan't acess tty; job control turned off08:52
electuZhi all08:52
ubuntuim running live from the cd so i can get some help08:53
ubuntuanyone got any ideas?08:53
ubuntuhi animimotus08:54
animimotusby defaut a new user appart to what groups please?08:54
animimotusI have prob with /etc/skel08:54
ubuntuis there anyone here that can help a noob08:56
animimotusubuntu: could you do a for me please just a test ? sudo adduser test && echo "test appart to :" && groups test && sudo deluser test08:57
ubuntui cant because im running live off the cd, im in some serious trouble with mine right now08:57
animimotusubuntu: sure, what's you question?08:57
ubuntuwhen i try to boot, i get a busybox error...  can't acess tty; job control turned off08:58
ubuntuive never seen busy box before this08:58
ubuntualways happens after it says, mounting root file system08:58
ubuntuany ideas?09:00
animimotusubuntu: I can't help, no idea :\09:00
ubuntuits all good.. thanks though09:00
ubuntuthis seems to be a fairly unknown error09:01
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dwidmannubuntu, that error could be murder to track down. This is one of those times where I'd recommend a reinstall rather than trying to fix the problem (and there aren't many occasions where I would)09:13
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KorN[CM] are there any dmraid gurus out there??? I'm having LOADS of trouble installing it09:23
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LobsterWinghow do you open a backup file?09:45
ForgeAusgrrr why does frostwire not pick up my java?09:45
ForgeAusI have blackdown AND sun java09:45
ForgeAus(sun is 1.5 blackdown seems to be 1.409:46
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ForgeAusfrostwire complains it finds 1.4 but doesn't even seem to look for 1.509:46
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ForgeAuscan I fix it somehow?09:46
heinkel_111Good morning :-)09:47
monsterbForgeAus you need to create a symbolic linik to java 1.509:47
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ForgeAusI tried that09:48
ForgeAusI put one in usr/java (to jre of sunjava)09:48
heinkel_111this is radically cool, I managed to set up so that I can access my (home) kubuntu server from my windows laptop and run applications in K windows :D09:49
ForgeAusor should it have been the main dir of sunjava? I don't know09:49
monsterbForgeAus does frostwire have a plugin dir09:49
ForgeAusbut I can't even run frostwire09:49
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ForgeAusI'm not even sure if its installed09:49
ForgeAus(I do have an icon to it tho)09:49
heinkel_111the only thing I am missing is my desktop components...how can i start the Kmenu, the panel etc from a ssh with X-fowarding09:50
monsterbtype frostwire at command line09:50
ForgeAusthats when it complains it needs sun java09:50
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ForgeAus(it only finds blackdown 1.4)09:50
ForgeAusin the konsole09:50
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ForgeAusif I run it from the K-menu it does absolutely nothing09:50
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ForgeAusmaybe my sym link is pointing to/from the wrong place?09:51
ForgeAuswhats it meant to be? I was just guessing when I did it09:51
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monsterbForgeAus it should point to /usr/local/java/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so09:54
ForgeAusI'm not sure I got that.. brb checking09:54
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ForgeAusnope I don't09:55
ForgeAusaccording to adept I got sun-java-bin and jre installed...09:55
ForgeAuswait plugin? um damn can't go back and see if thats there09:55
ForgeAusbut if it is wouldn't it be in firefox or mozilla?09:56
ForgeAussun java installed into /usr/lib/jvm mostly09:56
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NoobyHey guys..09:59
Noobyanyone knows how to install Flash Player ??09:59
ForgeAuswhy does it say LoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library /usr/lib/squeak/3.7-7/npsqueak.so [/usr/lib/squeak/3.7-7/npsqueak.so: undefined symbol: XtStrings] ?09:59
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ForgeAussqueak isn't java!10:00
ForgeAusis it?10:00
monsterbForgeAus not sure10:00
NoobyExperts.. help me out here.10:01
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nobiasnooby - install firefox10:01
nobiasand it should automatically install flash plugins10:01
nobiaswhen you enter a site with flash10:01
Noobyit doesnt :(10:02
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ForgeAusadept also has flash plugin depending on what repositories are installed10:02
Noobylet me try again.10:02
ForgeAuserm pointing to more than installed10:02
monsterbNooby did you download flash 9?10:02
Noobylet me try the automatic installation10:02
ForgeAusnope doesn't seem like I have the plugin :(10:02
monsterbNooby auto does not work10:03
Noobymonster so what should I do ?10:03
ForgeAusGRRRR I installed java from sun but the browser says I dont have it! thats wierd...10:03
nobiasgeneral question : why does a clean install of kubuntu use almost 60%+ of my RAM whereas a clean install of ubuntu uses only 10%~10:03
ForgeAusits there but nothing picks it up10:04
monsterbNooby download flash9 in tgz - http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash10:04
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monsterbNooby extract tgz and run installer10:04
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Noobymonsterb, let me try.10:05
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nobias is KDE supposed to be very processor ram heavy vs gnome?10:06
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joey_Any body know how to install theme10:06
joey_Any body10:06
joey_How to install KDE theme10:07
monsterbNooby after extracting you can drop libflashplayer.so in your firefox plugin directory instead of installing.10:07
Linux_Galorenobias: slighlty less than gnome10:07
joey_well i'am new to KDE10:07
Linux_Galorejoey_: easy, if its a theme tarball you just install it via kcontrol10:07
Noobyok monsterb, thanks let me try10:07
joey_whats kcontrol?10:08
Noobyfor some reason I am not able to download.. can anyone send me here :/10:08
Linux_Galorejoey_: press ctrl alt F2  then type kcontrol10:08
Linux_Galoreoops  alt F2  sorry10:08
nobiasshot in the dark here, has anyone installed k/ubuntu on a sony S460 laptop?10:08
Linux_Galorejoey_: look under look and feel10:08
monsterbNooby on Adobe site - right click on tgz - save as10:09
Noobyits weird, really slow speed on download.. 2 kbps :(10:10
Linux_Galorejoey_: if you get a theme of window theme or icon theme from kde-look.org  they often have a install link to tell you what to do10:10
joey_what version?10:10
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joey_KDE 3.010:10
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:10
joey_-  KDE 3.110:10
joey_-  KDE 3.2 - 3.510:10
joey_-  KDE 4.010:10
joey_-  GTK 1.x10:10
joey_-  Theme-Manager10:10
ubotuFlash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash10:10
ForgeAuscan I get firefox to autoinstall sun java plugin?10:11
joey_KDE 3.010:11
joey_-  KDE 3.110:11
joey_-  KDE 3.2 - 3.510:11
joey_-  KDE 4.010:11
joey_-  GTK 1.x10:11
joey_-  Theme-Manager10:11
joey_What NOW!10:11
Linux_Galorejoey_: stop spamming you will get banned10:11
joey_is it 3.2?10:11
monsterb!flash9 | Nooby10:11
ubotuNooby: Flash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash10:11
ForgeAusor do I have to do it with a tarball?10:11
joey_is it KDE 3.110:11
Linux_Galorejoey_: ??10:12
Noobyubotu, what are backports & !flash :S ??10:12
joey_I'am at KDE look10:12
joey_but I don't know what to download10:12
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joey_Please help10:13
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Linux_Galorejoey_:  learn patience10:13
monsterbjoey_ most likely you have kde 3.5510:13
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ubotuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/10:14
Linux_Galorejoey_: any kde 3.X style will work10:14
ForgeAusahh fixed it!10:15
Linux_Galorejoey_: in actual fact a theme is made of four components  the 1, style  2. icons set 3. Windows decorations 4. colour , you can mix and match them10:15
joey_I know just like int ubuntu10:16
ForgeAusI switched the link directory to the one above it10:16
Linux_Galorejoey_: I usually install the parts, that way I can manage each one10:16
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Linux_Galorejoey_: if you look in "Look and Feel" in kcontrol there is a section for each one of those things10:16
joey_I think I like clasic10:17
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monsterbForgeAus cool10:17
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Linux_Galorejoey_: I prefere serenity  -> http://users.tpg.com.au/abdserv6/serenity1.png10:18
stamenhow to check ext310:18
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stamenfschk ?10:19
Linux_Galorestamen: for what ??10:19
stamenfor errors10:19
stamenlets say10:19
Linux_Galorestamen:  fsck.ext310:19
joey_aw do i install color skin10:20
Linux_Galorejoey_: you shouldnt really have to ubuntu comes with heaps already10:20
joey_got it10:20
Linux_Galorejoey_: what i do is select one thats very close then just adjust it10:21
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Linux_Galorejoey_: there is also a few themes on the kubuntu repo, look in adept10:22
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joey_but i dont have kubuntu repo10:22
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joey_just ubuntu10:22
Linux_Galorejoey_: thing they are called   kde-style-<theme-name>10:22
Linux_Galorejoey_: same thing10:23
joey_i'll try it10:23
kaatilhi all, i have question, how to upgrade to edgy from apt-get?10:23
Linux_Galorekaatil: dont10:23
Linux_Galorekaatil: if you asking that question dont do it10:23
kaatilah ok :310:23
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Linux_Galorekaatil: trust me Ive been working with Linux for over 8 years and it took me 9 days to get it all working after an update10:24
kaatili see10:24
Linux_Galorekaatil: save yourself allot of time and backup /home  and do a fresh install10:24
monsterbLinux_Galore, kaatil, i had the same problem with edgy this time.10:25
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kaatilah ok, i will keep that in mind, thanks.10:26
Linux_Galorekaatil: there are a few methods to do the update10:26
Linux_Galorekaatil: just beware things have a habbit of breaking10:26
=== kaatil nods
Linux_Galorekaatil: some people get lucky and it work10:26
Linux_GaloreI have yet to get a single update that works10:27
KorN[CM] can someone help me adding deb-source for feisty (Im using edgy but need to get newer dmraid)10:27
kaatilheck.. i remember back in the day when something break i has to reinstall... one time when i has this computer name goes blank... my ubuntu wont work anymore even i cant use administor thing. heh10:28
kaatilone thing i have to be careful for, not to put computer name blank.10:28
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kaatiloops i mean by hostname/domain name.. whatever it is10:29
YumeNoEienHi everyone10:29
kaatilhi Yume10:29
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YumeNoEienWhats up :)10:29
YumeNoEiencool =310:30
kaatilnothing much, just being curious about edgy of kubuntu.10:30
YumeNoEienyour not a user yet?10:30
Linux_Galorekaatil: always try kdesu update-manager -c10:30
Linux_Galorekaatil: need the edgy cd though10:30
YumeNoEienim new to edgy myself :p10:30
kaatili see10:30
kaatili think about burn cd for edgy10:30
kaatilathough not now.10:31
YumeNoEienlinux_Galore: if i set an alias in the CLI, is it removed after i reboot? and if so, how do i get it to stay?10:32
Linux_GaloreYumeNoEien: yep10:32
kaatilwell you can bother to setup a startup script to add all aliases automatically. :p10:32
kaatili guess. :)10:33
YumeNoEienkaatil: how do i do that?10:33
kaatilhave you heard of bash script?10:33
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YumeNoEienive read it here and there but im not quite sure what it is10:33
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Noobyguys where can I download the codecs?10:34
Noobyfor mp3 and divx.10:34
NoobyKaatil, kidhar kay ho ??10:35
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YumeNoEienhes calling you a ho10:35
heinkel_111!restricted formats10:35
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:35
kaatilwell i am a man, how can you call me that 'ho?' :)10:35
heinkel_111^^ kaatil10:35
kaatili thougth that word is for woman. :310:35
Noobykaatil where u from, kaatils an urdu word meaning murderer.10:36
kaatilah yeah... kaatil heh10:36
heinkel_111!restricted formats >kaatil10:36
kaatilindian thing yeah10:36
YumeNoEienlol, as if ho wasnt bad enough10:36
kaatili know10:36
kaatilsomeone told me about it, Nooby10:36
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems10:36
Linux_GaloreYumeNoEien: just add them to the ~/.bashrc  file10:36
kaatili just thought of 'kaatil' but i didnt know that it actually mean murderer in different language. :)10:37
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YumeNoEienkaatil: how do i set up a startup script to add my aliasses automatically?10:37
Linux_GaloreYumeNoEien: just add them to the ~/.bashrc  file10:37
YumeNoEiencool thank Linux_10:37
=== YumeNoEien gives Linux_Galore a cookie
kaatilwell.. linux_galore saves my neck.10:38
kaatilathough i dont know how to add it to startup.. atleast i know now. :p10:38
=== kaatil write down on the note about it
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YumeNoEienthe .bashrc in root right?10:39
Linux_GaloreYumeNoEien: no  ~/  means /home/user_name10:40
DettoAltrimentiI am trying to connect to a wireless router on kubuntu, but it requires a username and password: where do I put the username and password? also, the connection should be PPPoE I think, if that's important10:40
Linux_GaloreYumeNoEien: every user has his own  .bashrc  file in their home directory10:40
kaatilyeah go to console and type '~' you will see that it point to your home10:40
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YumeNoEienLinux_Galore: oh okay thanks ^^10:41
Linux_GaloreYumeNoEien: never edit the system settings when you can do it in the users settings, it has a habbit of biting you in the ass10:42
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YumeNoEienLinux_Galore: lol, il keep that in mind :)10:42
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YumeNoEienbtw i found the file in the CLI but not in GUI, even though its there10:43
YumeNoEienhow do i edit it?10:43
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Linux_GaloreYumeNoEien: also copy the .bashrc  file before you edit it, in fact also  copy your  /etc/X11/xorg.conf  file   too in case you stuff up your desktop settings and cant get back10:43
Linux_GaloreYumeNoEien: kdesu kate10:44
Linux_GaloreYumeNoEien: sorry just kate10:44
Linux_GaloreYumeNoEien: any editor will do10:44
Linux_GaloreYumeNoEien: its just a text file10:44
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YumeNoEienk, il cope the firectory and then try editing the .bash10:44
Linux_GaloreYumeNoEien: just copy the file  .bashrc  ie type   cp  .bashrc  bashrc-bak10:45
Linux_GaloreYumeNoEien: alt F2,  then  cp   ~/.bashrc  bashrc-bak ,   should do it10:46
YumeNoEienLinuxGalore i cant see he textfilre, the CLI says its in the home dir, but if im in Konquerer i cant see it10:47
Linux_GaloreYumeNoEien:  aah click on View  then show hidden files10:47
Linux_Galorein konqueror10:47
=== YumeNoEien hits himself on the forehead
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stamenI folowed the how to for setting XGL server10:48
stamenbut it is not loaded10:49
stamenhow to load it10:49
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems10:49
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stamenhttp://tinyurl.com/pw5ez -> I made this10:49
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nuxilhi all10:49
Linux_Galorestamen: I would help you but I know its unstable and breaks allot so i wont10:49
stamenbut the script which is written musn't be thre10:50
Linux_Galorestamen: you will be beack in 2 days asking how to turn it of10:50
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stamenaaa, ok10:50
stamenso not to do XGL10:50
=== dwidmann decides to take a look
Linux_Galorestamen: no its still experimental10:50
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stamenaa, ok when its final I will install it10:51
Linux_Galorestamen: not everything works and it can make you machine crash like clockwork10:51
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stamenI won't install it10:51
Linux_Galorestamen: if you want to play with xgl go get a live cd thats does it ie knoppix, trust me 15 minutes and you will be yawning10:52
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nuxili have a questuion,, my isp's dns is down.. well i cant browse sites with hostname only with ip.. but my question is realy.. howcome i can ping hostname?  like i can ping vg.no to get the ip,, then i open my browser to connect with that ip..10:52
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KorN[CM] nuxil use a different dns10:52
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KorN[CM] http://www.opendns.com/10:53
KorN[CM] for example10:53
KorN[CM] nuxil10:53
KorN[CM] ^^10:53
KorN[CM] ah u need the ip :P10:53
KorN[CM] lol10:53
nuxiljust need to ping the site first :P10:53
KorN[CM] there ya go10:53
Linux_Galorenuxil:   instant dns10:54
nuxilalright.. let me look into that..10:54
nuxilthanks guys10:54
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nuxilbut you didnt answer my question :P10:55
nuxil howcome i can ping hostname?10:55
Linux_Galorenuxil: never set both the dns addresses as the isp's  use a publuc one and your isp's10:55
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Linux_Galorenuxil: cached address10:55
Linux_Galorenuxil: try something you havent visited recently10:56
nuxilso let me try with that
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Linux_Galorenuxil: you can also use opendns   or
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Linux_Galorethats what i usually use, the isp's dns sux11:02
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nuxilLinux_Galore, so does mine11:03
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Linux_Galorenuxil: pretty normal, they usually have some semi retired machine running a dns server11:04
nuxilhey.. that dns worked strait away :)11:05
nuxilthank you11:05
Linux_Galorenuxil: what one11:05
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Linux_Galoreaaah yeah, opendsn,  they also filter crap too11:05
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Linux_Galorenuxil: http://www.opendns.com/11:06
nuxilyea,, KorN[CM]   posted it before your
nuxilwhich didnt work..11:07
Linux_Galorenuxil: I find the isps also dont cache the old domains well when people forget to register them and that fall of the registry,  opendns keep the old domains for a while11:07
nuxilthats good..  i'll start to use opendns from now on ;D11:08
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Linux_Galorenuxil: down side is when our domain didnt get re registered we didnt know for a week  lol11:09
Linux_Galorenuxil: our IT contractor fsked up and forgot to get us to pay the once every 3 year fee11:09
Linux_Galorepeople rang us up and said, I cant connect to your home page" the help people being bright sparks just typed in the url for our home page and bingo there is was11:11
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Linux_GaloreI was on holiday and I had to ring work to tell them the domain had fallen of the internet and to talk to the IT guy11:13
nuxilwell.. im considering changing my isp.. cos this is the 2nd time this year this has happend.. i lost track how many times it happend last year,,11:14
nuxilbut luckley you came to my rescue :P11:14
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YumeNoEienokay so ive learned cd ls mv rm and alias. Does anyone know any commands i might want to learn next?11:18
YumeNoEien:o 327 ppl afk? lol11:19
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eafwhat is the last kubuntu version ??11:20
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dwidmannUbuntu = Edgy, KDE = 3.5.611:21
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dwidmannYumeOnGoogle: cut, sed, vim, cp, grep, less/more, cat, head, tail....11:22
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dwidmannYumeOnGoogle: Oh, and don't forget about man, good command11:23
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eafthe kubuntu only cd or can i find dvd ??11:23
eafwith a lot of software11:23
YumeOnGoogledwidmann: thanks11:23
YumeOnGoogledwidmann: ill man those commands right now11:24
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dwidmanneaf: dvd is available11:26
YumeOnMandwidmann: i dont understand what the cut command is for, is it do display content of text files?11:27
dwidmannYumeOnMan: cut is for taking apart input that was sent to the command, and displaying only a portion of it (or sending that portion as the input into another command, via a | (pipe)11:28
dwidmannexample: (one sec)11:28
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Ace2016Hi all11:31
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YumeNoEienhi Ace11:31
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YumeNoEienbye Ace11:31
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dwidmannAn elaborate example:11:32
dwidmanncat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'cpu MHz' | head -1 | cut -d : -f 2 | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | cut -d '.' -f 111:32
dwidmannor better yet, even more elaborate:11:33
dwidmannecho `cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'cpu MHz' | head -1 | cut -d : -f 2 | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | cut -d '.' -f 1`MHz11:33
YumeNoEieni think i should have told you11:33
YumeNoEieni started learning working with the CLI since the day before yesterday11:34
dwidmannNo better way to learn then to try to dive off the deep end :O11:34
YumeNoEienthat looks VERY intimidating to a beginner like me :)11:34
YumeNoEienhaha true true11:34
zythman's favourite term - #!/bin/sh ;)11:34
dwidmannecho = print text on the screen11:34
zythcat = list file contents11:35
dwidmannthe | is used to send input from one command into another11:35
dwidmanngrep = search for text in a file11:35
zythto a dvice... default is display11:35
YumeNoEienAh now it makes sense!11:35
YumeNoEienwait im gonna copy paste this into a .txt11:35
zythyou can also grep a file for terms and send it to a file via >11:36
dwidmannthe head command (or tail command) lets you pick how many lines from the start(or the end) of a file you want to display, so head -1 = show the first line11:36
zythgrep foo foo.bar > foo.txt11:36
dwidmannthe cut command lets you cut a line (or lines) of text at a certain space, seperating it into fields, so lets say you seperate at a colon, you'd have a field to the left of the colon, and a field to the right11:37
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dwidmannAnd if it helps any, I taught myself how to do this spontaneously when I wanted to edit something that was in what might as well have been greek.11:38
dwidmannComing up with that single golden line for that applet took me hours, and it only takes me about 30 seconds to a minute now :)11:39
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YumeNoEienokay im gonna try and use that command right now11:41
YumeNoEienwait, you guys keep mentioning a 'file', what is this file?11:42
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dwidmannWell, file is a really generic term. EVERYTHING in *NIX is a file.11:42
Ace2016Hi YumeNoEien11:42
YumeNoEienhi Ace11:43
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harmentalhi everybody....i keep getting this recurrent problem with edgy....11:43
dwidmannIn the case of the commands mentioned above, they also take straight text YumeNoEien11:43
harmentalmy swap disapears at every startup...11:43
Ace2016what do you mean disapears?11:43
dwidmannharmental: try using "sudo swapon <device>" and see what it says.11:43
Ace2016not mounted?11:43
harmentalAce2016: yeap...11:44
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harmentalsudo swapon /dev/hda6 for instance?11:44
harmentaldwidmann: swapon: /dev/hda6: Invalid argument11:45
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dwidmannforgot about that11:45
dwidmanntry sudo swapon -a11:45
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dwidmannor better yet, -av (mount all swaps, be verbose)11:46
harmentalswapon: /dev/disk/by-uuid/2ca3f789-4f39-42ba-b776-d498b790b6d5: Invalid argument11:47
harmental(for the first...)11:47
harmentalswapon on /dev/disk/by-uuid/2ca3f789-4f39-42ba-b776-d498b790b6d511:47
harmentalswapon: /dev/disk/by-uuid/2ca3f789-4f39-42ba-b776-d498b790b6d5: Invalid argument11:47
harmentalfor the second11:47
harmental(sorry for the flooding)11:47
=== YumeNoEien dies for harmental's sin of flooding
YumeNoEienits okay now11:48
dwidmannharmental, hmmm, that's odd/interesting, swapon -a said that?11:48
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harmentaldwidmann: yeap...invalid argument...11:49
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dwidmannyou only did "sudo swapon -av", not "sudo swapon -av /dev/hda6" right? (sorry if I wasn't clear)11:49
harmentaldwidmann: yeap....sudo swapon -av11:50
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DettoAltrimentihow can you connect to a wireless connection that requires a username and password?11:50
dwidmannharmental, I have an idea, though it might sound a bit extreme, should work though11:50
YumeNoEienDettoAltrimenti: im not knowledgeable about this but11:50
YumeNoEienshouldnt the login and pass be set in the settings of the modem11:51
=== dwidmann prefers his wired, 1gbs network :)
YumeNoEiennot sure though11:51
harmentaldwidmann: im all ears...11:51
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DettoAltrimentiwell, my problem is the wireless utility connects to the router, doesn't prompt me for a username and password, and doesn't work11:51
tom_hi everyone11:51
tom_what's the package that has pam_syslog in kubuntu?11:52
zythDettoAltrimenti: without setting up wpa_supplicant, I do believe only WEP is supported out of box11:52
dwidmannharmental, well, here's the procedure, in general. Boot with a live cd, delete the swap partition, recreate it. , edit your fstab to suit. See if it will work for you11:52
DettoAltrimentiin windows, I had to create a new broadband connection, and every time I restart my computer I have to 'log on' to this connection after I'm connected to the wireless connection11:52
harmentaldwidmann: ok...i dont have a live CD....i should get one.......11:53
zythmmm.new wine 0.9.30 deb11:53
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dwidmannharmental, I would recommend it. Something like "SystemRescueDisk" or DSL would work if you have a lesser internet connection (Like me ...)11:54
dwidmannelse, Knoppix or even Kubuntu makes for a good live cd.11:54
dwidmannThinking of LIve CDs for rescue purposes & maximum functionality, Knoppix > Kubuntu11:55
harmentalok...in the meantime...how can i get the uuid of some drive?11:56
zythwhoa nwn segaults11:57
dwidmannzyth, neverwinter nights ... I never did get around to it11:57
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ubotuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in the terminal: "blkid" (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)11:59
harmentaldwidmann: i think i understood what my problem is...The uuid ofr my swap partition changes at every startup.....11:59
zythits segfaulting11:59
zythI may not have SDL installed.. hmm11:59
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dwidmannharmental: hmm, that's not good, set it such that it doesn't use uuid in fstab and see what happens.11:59
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dwidmannI think11:59
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zythI hate adept.12:01
zythits like utter crap compared to synaptic12:01
YumeNoEienuse apt-get instead then :p12:01
dwidmannor aptitude12:02
dwidmannI recently swtiched to aptitude, mixed feelings on the matter.12:02
pradalovercan anyone tell me how I am find an IRC user12:02
dwidmannpradalover, look at the list on the right?12:05
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dwidmannwhoa, 6:14am already :O12:12
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dwidmann26 hours so far, lets see how long I can keep this going :D12:15
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nagyvhow can I subscribe the wiki pages on the ubuntu wiki? ~~~~ doesn't work12:30
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JOSFAny ideas how to load an image via DCOP into Krita ?12:31
YumeNoEienbye everyone12:31
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matt0507kaffiene is giving me this error and cant play back my dvd, anyone know how to get it fixed?12:36
matt0507xine: cannot find input plugin for MRL [dvd://0.0] 12:36
matt0507xine: input plugin cannot open MRL [dvd://0.0] 12:36
nuxilalright... i got a small problem.. im about to download edgy.. i just put my new mobo and graf card together,, installed winblows first i have.. however,, when i try to download the dvd iso. it stops after 2.2 MB. any ideas?12:37
nuxilis the site im trying to dl from12:37
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andreaswmaybe try another mirror12:38
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nuxili tryed this one too.. http://nginyang.uvt.nl/kubuntu/edgy/ same thing happend here.. 2.2 MB is only downloaded12:39
andreaswwith which program do you download the iso12:39
andreaswjust tested it and I can download more that 2.2mb12:39
nuxilfirefox 212:40
dwidmannmatt0507, I was just talking about that yesterday, and I know of a thread where a person solved that very problem :)12:40
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andreaswnuxil: hmm already tried it with another webbrowser?12:40
andreaswnuxil: or a download manager12:40
nuxili got no other browsers12:40
andreaswyou are downloading from windows or linux?12:41
nuxilthis is the beast eddition of windows xp.. firefox 1.5 is the only browser in it,, i upgraded it to 2 tho12:41
andreaswIE is also included in every windows12:41
sf_what is the command to restart kde? i can't remember its something like sudo /etc/initd?/5 start12:41
nuxilandreasw, NOT in this one :D12:41
andreaswsf_: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart12:41
andreaswnuxil: maybe you have that problem with every download12:42
nuxilandreasw, no i dont.12:42
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nuxilandreasw, i just dl the newest nvidia drivers and its way bigger than 2,2 MB12:42
johnnthe windows firewall blocks the download of linux iso images *scnr*12:43
andreaswjohnn: rofl12:43
andreaswnuxil: Well I have no idea whats wrong than You download the i386 image or the 64bit one?12:43
johnnnuxil there is wget for windows maybe you try it with that..12:43
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nuxilandreasw, 64 bit version12:44
andreaswok I only tested the 32 bit ^^12:44
nuxiljohnn, oh,, nice,., i'll try that12:44
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matt0507dwidmann:  woudl you please tell me where to find your mentioned thread?12:44
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dwidmannnuxil: 32 bit drivers won't work with the 64-bit kernel. Period.12:44
dwidmannmatt0507, I'm digging it up12:44
andreaswdwidmann: at least for nvidia there are 64bit drivers12:45
nuxildwidmann, hu? what are you talking about.12:45
johnnnuxil http://www.christopherlewis.com/WGet/WGetFiles.htm this is kind of official site for windows builds12:45
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nuxildwidmann im not talking about drivers..12:46
sf_i'm runing edgy can i get the new kde 3.5.6?12:46
dwidmannsounds like the nvidia drivers were mentioned, so I felt inclined to say something, or somethingl.12:46
nuxilheh ok..12:47
dwidmannDon't look at me, I haven't slept in 27 hours, and I don't plan to anytime soon.12:47
johnnsf_ yes http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-356.php12:47
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sf_dwidmann: lol ^_^12:47
dwidmannmatt0507: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=234007&highlight=libdvdcss212:47
matt0507dwidmann: ty, i'll check it out :)12:49
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dwidmannbe warned, the upgrade path to kde-3.5.6 isn't exactly what I would call smooth.12:49
andreaswwhats so wrong with 3.5.5 so everybody wants to upgrade to 3.5.6?12:50
matt0507i believe there are always bug fixes, security etc.. and stuff with new versions,12:51
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dwidmannandreasw: kde3.5.6 = LOTS of bugfixes12:52
andreaswdwidmann: and new bugs ^^12:53
sf_andreasw: i just want the latest ..12:53
andreaswsf_: versionitis12:53
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dwidmannandreasw: lets hope there aren't too many of those. Wishful thinking never hurt anybody (much)12:53
andreaswdwidmann: kubuntu has more bugs in kde as debian so I think it's not the fault of 3.5.512:53
andreaswdwidmann: for example the annoying kwallet bug...12:54
nuxilYAY.. wget dosnt stop :) thanks johnn12:54
sf_andreasw: that bug is funny HEHE12:54
sf_andreasw: it makes me not switch of my pc12:54
weedarIs there a program that will show which video and audio codec a video file uses?12:54
dwidmannweedar: file <filename>12:55
weedarexcellent dwidmann, thanks =)12:55
dwidmannweedar: no problem12:56
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sf_andreasw: anyways cya i need to restart to put a cdrom-rw to write egdy for my bro because when he installed windows it broke his kubuntu for like the 10th time12:56
andreaswsf_: cya12:57
sf_.... it always says can't acess tty and starts to run in some type of ramdisk12:57
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externhow can I see my CPU usage?01:02
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toxidasi need some supprt01:03
toxidasi have edgyeft andi've upgrade to kde3.5.601:04
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dwidmannextern: kmenu->system->ksysguard01:05
dwidmanntoxidas: yes?01:05
toxidasand i've messed up ith libfontconfig101:05
toxidasand almost all my packages are brokn now01:05
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dwidmannperhaps a "sudo dpkg-reconfigure libfontconfig1" is in order?01:06
toxidasrunning now 1 sec pls01:06
toxidasit runned and returne bac to console didn't say anything01:07
toxidasis it supposed to be ok now?01:07
dwidmannHmm, see if everything is broken now?01:07
toxidaslooking now...01:07
dwidmannThat reconfigured the libfontconfig1 package ...01:07
toxidassynaptic says i have 150 broken packages01:08
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dwidmannhmm, what would "sudo apt-get -f install" do?01:08
toxidas1 sec..01:08
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toxidasUnable to correct dependencies01:09
toxidasit says01:09
dwidmanndoes it say which ones?01:09
dwidmannalso try to use "sudo aptitude dist-upgrade", several times, over and over again until it decides it can't do anything more (more or less how I went about (most of) my upgrade, which didn't exactly go over too smooth.01:10
toxidascan i send you an output if i can how? there's so many01:10
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:10
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toxidasi'm getting the pastebin01:12
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toxidashere's the output01:13
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toxidasany chance to recover?01:15
dwidmannIt says you have an old version of libfontconfig101:15
dwidmannYou need libfontconfig1 2.3+ from Edgy main.01:15
toxidasi've downloaded one but didn't install01:16
KorN[CM] are there any dmraid gurus out there??? I'm having LOADS of trouble with it ):01:16
dwidmanntoxidas: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/edgy/+package/libfontconfig101:16
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zythomg I am dumb01:16
dwidmannKorN[CM] : I've fiddled with it before, what of it?01:16
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zythI spend an hour trying to figure out why nwn won't run01:17
dwidmannzyth, nice of you to be honest01:17
KorN[CM] dwidmann01:17
zythand then I find out I applied the wrong patch01:17
dwidmann(just kidding)01:17
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zythI wanna go kick myself01:17
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KorN[CM] it only shows up 1 device in /dev/mapper01:17
KorN[CM] not two01:17
zythdwidmann: hehe, I feel that way right now01:17
dwidmannzyth: ouch01:17
dwidmannKorN[CM] : why would you expect there to be two: have you partitioned it yet?01:18
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toxidasso i'll just dowoadand install the pkg ok?01:18
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KorN[CM] and I get this error with fdisk -l | grep NTFS01:18
KorN[CM] schilds@FS:/$ sudo fdisk -l | grep NTFS01:18
KorN[CM] Disk /dev/sdf doesn't contain a valid partition table01:18
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KorN[CM] um because it's from a non-linux system (NTFS)01:18
KorN[CM] its got 600gb of data there01:18
KorN[CM] I cannot afford to lose01:18
dwidmannyou need to be checking /dev/mapper/*** 's partition table KorN[CM] 01:18
KorN[CM] k01:18
SlimGWhy won't KTorrent show other seeders on the peer list while seeding a torrent?01:18
d0dgeSlimG: use azerus01:19
d0dgeSlimG: Azureus*01:19
zythanyone know why programs I install with wine in kubuntu end up in the lost+found folder in my K menu, whilst in ubuntu they'd end up in a Wine menu in my Gnome menu?01:19
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toxidasand by the way is i ok if i clean aptcache afer download and install?01:20
SlimGd0dge: Azureus got the best features, but it lacks the simplicity, and it's also a bit heavy on the system01:20
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SlimGbut then again, I'm starting to get tired of KTorrent beeing so slow at adopting features01:21
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toxidasgreat thaks dwidmann:)) it just solved the problem01:22
Tessadoes someone know the channel name of the german kubuntuchannel?01:22
johnnSlimG: install webui for azureus and start it with --ui=console in a screen.. so you don't have to use the bloated swt gui stuff01:23
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SlimGjohnn: thanx!01:24
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distro-testerwhere can i donwload the stable version of kubuntu 6.10?01:28
warblade68its dapper01:29
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JucatoKubuntu 6.10 is stable. it's just not LTS01:29
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distro-testerhey jucato hi01:29
Jucatohttp://kubuntu.org will be the place to look for downloads01:29
distro-testerwell for some reson i got the 32 bit but k3b won't burn it iso01:29
distro-testergot the alternate 32 cd iso from site01:29
Jucatodid you check the md5sum?01:30
distro-testerit does it auto01:30
distro-testerbtw not it the match01:30
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Jucatoyes, but did you check it against the md5sum from kubuntu.org01:30
distro-testero no how i do that?01:30
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ubotuTo verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more01:30
distro-testeri got a original city of kubuntu 32 6.10 got it whit the best linux zine here in italy but says instable is that ok jucato?01:31
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distro-testerit's december january realise01:31
distro-testerwait i show u the zine maby will help01:31
Jucatodistro-tester: it's ok. Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) was released October 200601:31
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distro-testerok then im solved back to it i got fedora 6 32 but will not work on log in whit my nvidia 7900GS screen goes black01:33
distro-testerhttp://www.oltrelinux.com/ this is the zine if u want to see jucato01:33
Jucatoum... ok....01:34
dwidmanntoxidas: good to hear it01:34
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distro-testerwhat does instable mean i mean what they mean whit that on the live cd?01:34
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JucatoI don't know what "instable" means... or why they would put that on the Live CD... sorry, I only read English01:36
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distro-testerim asking for any distro btw does it mean it's a no good version?01:36
Jucatoit depends on the distro01:36
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JucatoKubuntu doesn't have an unstable (instable?) release.01:37
distro-testeri don't know im asking u01:37
blekosis there a simple firewall than guarddog?01:37
ubuntu__kann mir einer mal qry helfen ?01:37
distro-testerbut since the site has same december versions this will be fine i think u right01:37
ubuntu__der sich mit wine auskennt01:38
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de01:38
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distro-testerim kubuntu 64 now jucato but they told me here yesterday night to go back 32 couse many programs like flash 9 don't support 64 and im to limitated like this01:38
Jucatodistro-tester: yes, that's true, from what I know01:38
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dwidmannblekos: guarddog is just a frontend to simplify configuring the linux firewall, iptables. there's another one that seems to be popular called firestarter, you can try it if you want.01:39
distro-testersadely 64 bit still has hard times whit programs01:39
flocan ayone help me?if i have my webcam pluged in when i bootup tvtime wont see my tvcard anymore , how can i solve that?01:39
dwidmanndistro-tester: they spread fud01:39
distro-testerfirestarter is the best one use that01:39
distro-testersorry im not english whas those fud mean?01:39
distro-testerwhat does *01:39
JucatoFear Uncertainty and Doubt01:39
blekosi had tried it, think guarddog to be better01:40
distro-testerwell we tryied to install flash 9 yesterday here and said dosen't support 64 bit01:40
distro-testerso seems true01:40
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dwidmannHere, I'll hook you up with a little script of mine :)01:40
blekosjust did want want to bother of configuring  http access, ft01:40
distro-testerok use what u think is best for u blekos01:40
Jucatodistro-tester: it is Flash that doesn't support 64-bit, though, so it's not really Kubuntu's fault01:40
Jucato!flash64 | distro-tester01:41
ubotudistro-tester: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava01:41
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Jucatodwidmann: although, w32codecs are another matter...01:41
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dwidmannJucato: indeed, at least wmv is permanently out of the way though01:41
distro-testeryes i know so the best is to got back to 32 as they said i won't loose much just 1% speed that's still supersonic fast vs xp01:41
dwidmannHah, depends what you do.01:42
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dwidmannI do a LOT of encoding ...01:42
dwidmann>20% increase in speed ...01:42
distro-testersurf download web and play america's army01:42
blekosi had ubuntu install and then i apt-installed kubuntu01:42
distro-testerthat's whay i nead pc for now01:42
blekosis there any way to remove ubuntu [or should i say gnome]  comps01:42
distro-testermaby who said i could use vic 20 was right for the nead of pc i have now01:43
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distro-testerblekos guarddog will give u many port problems firestarter is the moast simple gui firewall ever and more secure i advise u it01:43
distro-testerit's n 101:43
distro-testerand u can see what ever happens to your pc01:44
=== hnsn [n=hnsn@c83-255-131-131.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #kubuntu
distro-testerwe have the luck to have the best front end firewall on linux firestarter why look for strange unsecure solutions01:45
blekosi'll do show then thnx01:45
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ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!01:45
dwidmanndistro-tester: I kind of like guarddog :\01:45
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blekosi just thought tha guarddog is most "kde" oriented than "firestarter"01:46
distro-testeri know but for me firestater is the best till now01:46
blekosalthough both run smoothly :)01:46
distro-testerguardog is a good fw just has port problems01:46
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dwidmanndistro-tester: Oh, and I hear nspluginwrapper has picked up support for konqueror now :D01:47
distro-testerbtw firestarter is on the top charts for his security and simpleness to use01:47
distro-testerthat's good so means we can use java and flash support there to?01:47
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dwidmanndistro-tester: well, it's still in beta, but that's the general idea, 32-bit plugins in a 64-bit browser.01:48
dwidmannI need to test this.01:48
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distro-testerbtw for now the best solution is to go back 3201:48
distro-testeru tell me to we don't loose much right?01:48
distro-testerim amd 300001:49
hnsnhello friends!!!!01:49
hnsnmy first kubuntu installation!! =D=D=D01:49
hnsnme like01:49
distro-testerdid u dubble partion or just run linux now?01:49
hnsni disconnected my xp harddrive ^^01:50
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distro-testeru will have fun here im new to linux to01:50
distro-testerbut just use it now no more xp01:50
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dwidmanndistro-tester: depends what you're doing, for just browsing the internet, it doesn't really matter. If you need to do anything like encoding, rendering, etc, 64-bit linux can provide a 20-100% speed increase.01:50
hnsni need some progs for school, and im a hardcore gamer .. sometimes ^^01:51
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distro-testeri have VNC attacks ofthen seems like someone is trying to monitor my pc01:51
blekosfirestarter is really simple, it has almost everything preconfigured01:51
hnsnwhats firestarter?01:51
hnsngoogle here i come!01:51
distro-testerthe best linux firewall for many01:51
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ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).01:51
distro-testerok what help u nead hnsn?01:51
blekosthe only thing is that i cannot add a policy, i tried to run as sudo su01:51
blekosbut it want start01:51
hnsni dont need any help atm =D01:51
nagyvis there a way to set up the kaffeine-mozilla plugin to NOT start kaffeine automatically if there is something to be played on the website, but give my just a button?01:52
hnsnor do i? =D01:52
distro-testercan u explain me what's encoding rendering dwid?01:52
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distro-testerdon't know if u do ask01:52
distro-testerbtw u will nead to install firestarter and clamav anti rootkit to01:52
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distro-testerdid u update repository yet hnsn?01:52
hnsnim running a "full upgrade" troug adept manager01:52
Skrotdistro-tester: encoding is when you compress movies (e.g encode a raw stream to xvid, x264, etc), rendering is when you render a 3D image for instance.01:52
hnsni edited the reposiretes list a bit01:53
hnsnis that dangerous? =D01:53
Skrotdistro-tester: So unless you work with movies or 3D modelling you're probably safe01:53
distro-testero thanx well for now i use pc just to play surf download and chat01:53
ForgeAusfull upgrade doesn't change edgy into feisty right?01:53
distro-testerso im fine01:53
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ForgeAusyou need to do a dist update and I don't think adept does that...01:53
ForgeAusdoes it?01:53
distro-testerfeisty is not official out yet u nead to wait01:54
hnsnthinking of getting easy-ubuntu for mp3 support or something .. but first adept must be happy =D01:54
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ForgeAusyes always good to make adept happy! lol01:54
ForgeAusKDE 3.5.6 seems nice but I don't sofar see any difference...01:54
distro-testerwhen u finished update hnsn update repository and install firestarter and anti rootkit whit adept01:54
distro-testerjust write rootkit01:54
SkrotForgeAus: It's mostly bugfixes01:54
distro-testerif u want u can install clamav antivirus if u will ever use it01:55
hnsndo i need firestarter and anti rootkit?01:55
distro-testerto configure firestarter is very easy so u will not find problems whit it01:56
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distro-testeri seen latest kde is out do i nead to install it or comes whit kubuntu?01:56
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Skrotyou need to install it01:57
Skrotpackages at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-3.80.2.php01:57
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distro-testerok how do i do that skrot?01:57
SkrotRead the URL :)01:57
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distro-testerthanx ill put it if it's stable otherwise i can wait01:57
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distro-testerok brb everyone must downgrade from 64 to 32 eheh01:58
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dwidmannskrot, distro-tester is probably talking about kde-3.5.601:59
Skroteww, wrong URL01:59
distro-testerbtw is it stable for us to put last version 4 of kde dwid?02:00
Skrotdistro-tester: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-356.php thats the one02:00
Skrotno, distro-tester02:00
Skrot4 is unstable and unusable :)02:00
distro-testerok so better wait02:00
distro-testerfor the 3 they told me we all ready run it on kubuntu 6.1002:00
SkrotI just pasted the wrong URL earlier. Sorry :)02:00
distro-testerthat 's fine so i check out both02:00
dwidmann"deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-356 edgy main"02:01
distro-testerbut skrot we don't nead to upgrade nothing i think couse under 4 6.10 runs latest kde02:01
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dwidmanndistro-tester, no, edgy uses kde-3.5.502:01
SkrotYou don't need to upgrade. I think edgy has 3.5.502:01
SkrotBut if you want 3.5.6 you need to upgrade to it :)02:01
distro-testero i certarnly do02:02
distro-testerok 1 i go 32 bit then hope u can help me do this02:02
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distro-testeri nead to install flash 9 when im back and java and this kde 3.5.602:02
distro-testerwill it be hard?02:02
Skrotflash9 and kde 3.5.6 is easy. Java depends on which version02:03
blekoscould u tell me where is the manager for login sceen [need to change theme, cause the one i have crashes] 02:03
distro-testerwell u tell the best version for us of java?02:03
SkrotIf you want java 5 its easy, if you want java 6 its a tad harder but still no real problem02:03
distro-testerok we will start from the basics then02:03
Skrotjava 6 seems faster than java 5 to me02:03
dwidmannnot really all that hard ... chmod +x file.bin, ./file.bin, mv newfolder /usr/lib/jvm02:03
Skrotor I could just put my .deb on web =)02:04
dwidmannskrot: it's actually much faster, according to some benchmarks that have been done anyway02:04
distro-testersystem configuration blekos02:04
distro-testeron k menu02:04
distro-testerthere u can change what u like as root02:04
SkrotThats what I though. Problem is I've just tried with Eclipse, and I've also upgraded Eclipse since I tried with 5.0, so I wasn't sure where to speedup was02:04
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SkrotBut eclipse starts much faster now02:05
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distro-testerwhat's eclipse for?02:05
SkrotIt's a Java IDE for programming Java :)02:05
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dwidmannskrot: I hear azureus works significantly better with java6 though, jdong had a thread on UF about it02:07
distro-testerill join ubuntu classroom when lessons start soon for now ill just do basics like flash java and last kde i nead otherwise i mess up then when im better i can do else02:07
distro-testerthe best for begginers once they installed what they nead is to leave for a while everything as they where on xp02:08
Skrotdwidmann: I've tried Azureus as well, but I plain don't like it that much. Ill stick to KTorrent :)02:08
dwidmannSkrot: My internet connection is allergic to torrents, so I don't care either way02:08
distro-testerktorrent is the best has all in 1 torrents search and very fast to02:08
foxbunnywhy doesn't KDE Wallet remember my Kmail's passwords?02:09
distro-testerwhat u find in kde and kubuntu is n1 stuff u don't nead to look for elese 99% so don't worry people02:09
distro-testerbe happy whit what u got and learn to use it02:09
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dwidmannfoxbunny: did you tell it to?02:10
foxbunnyyes... every time I eneter the password and click 'remember' KDE Wallet comes up and asks for the master password...02:11
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distro-testerheeh i have so much fun to chat here im taking time to reinstall 32 bit version02:11
foxbunnyit seems Kmail changes the session number every time I access mail servers, so Kwallet gets confused...02:11
distro-testeris there a way for firestarter not to ask u password every log in?02:12
foxbunnyand thinks it's a different app every time02:12
foxbunnyor maybe not... :(02:12
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foxbunnydistro-tester: log in as root? :D02:12
distro-testeris that normal?02:12
foxbunnydistro-tester: no02:13
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distro-testeri mean everytime i log in i must put the root password very strange02:13
distro-testerbtw i got same pass on log in as root i must change them02:13
foxbunnydistro-tester: what I meant is, logging in as root is not normal... very hazardous... that's why firestarter asks you for special permission tu run as root while you are logged in as a regular user02:13
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distro-testerok to run firestarter it askes me the same pass i put on log in02:14
distro-testerbut my root one is the same02:14
distro-testeri can say this as im going 32 bit so will change everything now02:14
foxbunnyYes, the same passwd is used for root access02:14
distro-testerso why does firestarter ask me root pass to run on log in?02:15
foxbunnybut root *access* and root *account* are two different thing02:15
foxbunnyyou give firestarter temporary access as root02:15
foxbunnysame with sudo command02:15
foxbunnyyou don't actually become root02:15
distro-testeri just set it to load at boot up02:16
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foxbunnyyou just issue commands as if you were root02:16
distro-testerim lost here02:16
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foxbunnyit needs root privileges to manage your firewall02:16
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foxbunnybecause user accounts have limited access to the system02:17
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distro-testerok when u long in u get the screenshots that askes u the password to run firestarter?02:17
distro-testeras mine is set to run as pc loads02:17
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foxbunnyyou supply your user's password02:18
distro-testerthis is what im trying to understad if there is a way to just run it xp way whit out pass?02:18
foxbunnythat's only on *Ubuntu02:18
foxbunnyyou *don't* want it to run the XP way... :D02:18
foxbunnytrust me02:18
distro-testerso on kde everytime i must do this boring thing to write pass in it or won't run?02:18
foxbunnyXP makes the system too exposed, that's why linux uses root access02:19
heinkel_111if i want to build a custom konqueror version, will i have to build the entire kdebase?02:19
foxbunnyto prevent access to parts you have no business tinkering with02:19
spawn57macs are the same heh02:19
distro-testerok so even if this option can seem more boring gives me much more security right?02:19
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foxbunnydistro-tester: have you considered leaving your system up all the time?02:19
distro-testerno way hehe02:20
distro-testeri don't nead that02:20
foxbunnyI have it up 24/702:20
foxbunnyso I don't have to type the pass every time02:20
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spawn57foxbunny: try out linspire then, it designed to suit your needs better02:20
distro-testerbtw what im asking u if this boring option of pass keeps the pc more secure then windows firewalls that just run at start up no password?02:20
foxbunnyspawn57: oh? why?02:21
distro-testeru read what i asked u fox?02:21
distro-testerid just like a yes or no02:21
blekosany ideas why i keep getting cannot open theme file just before the login screen?02:21
dwidmanndistro-tester ... think of it this way, in windows you're always running as root (by default)02:22
spawn57it runs as root last i read, and they probably took that into account when designed it.  it should be fairly safe even though they run as root02:22
foxbunnydistro-tester: yes and yes02:22
distro-testero thanx02:22
distro-testerthat is what i wanted to be sure of and your right dwid02:22
foxbunnyspawn57: well, I don't really want it to run as root, but distro-tester might want that...02:22
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spawn57lol oki02:23
distro-testerblekos as soon as some one will be able to solve u they will don't worry02:23
distro-testerno i don't other wise i would of used linspire02:23
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distro-testerill live whit the boring pass that meas more secure do02:23
foxbunnydistro-tester: right on02:23
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distro-testerlinspire is the best $ distro but problem it's all ways in su02:24
foxbunnydistro-tester: yeah, and it's a $ distro02:24
spawn57there's freespire02:24
distro-testerso u risk a bit less of xp as sytem is very strong and debian based02:24
dwidmanndistro-tester: basically, running as root is no more secure than windows. Only, there are less exploits.02:24
distro-testerbtw they are terrible on security once i had a rootkit and they removed it for me haah free02:24
foxbunnydwidmann: but that's because it's linux.... :D02:25
distro-testertheir browser can see everything they trying to do to the os02:25
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distro-testerthat's one of the power points of linspire plus it's firewall but give many port problems02:26
foxbunnydistro-tester: what? the OS actually reports to the HQ?02:26
distro-testerat least to me im nat02:26
=== blekos [n=blekos@ppp198-51.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #kubuntu
distro-testerthey made it 99% bomb prove that os fox02:26
foxbunnydistro-tester: ah, that makes me feel so secure, lol. :) now I don't have to worry about bombs :D02:27
distro-testerlike thir browser monitors pc and os reports to linspire servers02:27
distro-testerhhe u might pass to linspire then02:27
foxbunnydistro-tester: I already did pass on linspire02:27
fbcHelp I cant proceed my upgrade from dapper to edgy apt-get -f install has unmet dependencies due to another packackes blocking see my paste bin please for detail http://pastebin.ca/33098702:27
distro-testerso why u using kubuntu now?02:27
=== chuen [n=haelen@cpc2-bror1-0-0-cust498.bmly.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
distro-testeru like it more?02:28
foxbunnydistro-tester: I have different reason... I'm in DTP business, and I needed a distro with up2date packages02:28
foxbunnybut now I'm having second thoughts...02:28
distro-testeri see dtp is?02:28
foxbunnyrepos aren't quite up2date02:28
dwidmannfbc, the best way I can think of for doing it is to apt-get install <list every single package it lists here>02:28
dwidmannbrute force is lovely.02:28
foxbunnyDTP = Desk top publishing02:28
chuenCan I ask a question about PATH and CHMOD (I have RTFM)?02:28
distro-testerwell linspire is the best if u want a click and run distro02:28
hnsnhello! does this guide exist for us: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy ?02:28
hnsn(for kubuntu)02:29
fbcoki dwidmann ill try02:29
hnsnor can i translate on the go?02:29
distro-testerxandros is quite good to but hard to find stuff installed in it if u don't use their servers02:29
foxbunnydistro-tester: so far, the best I've tried is Arch with its huge repo and Arch Build System02:29
distro-testerwhat does it have cool?02:29
distro-testerfor me the best free distro is ubuntu family btw and 2 fedora if u $ linspire and xandros depends what u look for02:30
foxbunnydistro-tester: ABS is a source based package manager02:30
distro-testerthey told me arch is not easy02:30
foxbunnydistro-tester: so if you want something new, you just fetch a PKGBUILD file, change the version number and it compiles the package for you02:30
foxbunnydistro-tester: sure it needs some experience... it's installer is text-based and...02:30
fbcI cant get past this error http://pastebin.ca/33098702:31
distro-testerwell here u are on debian that has the biggest repository pack ever impossible u can't find what u like02:31
foxbunnydistro-tester: instead of giving you check boxes, it gives you the config files to edit02:31
distro-testerand best comunity ever02:31
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fbcI cant get past this error trying to overwrite `/usr/share/i18n/locales/en_AU', which is also in package language-pack-en-base02:31
foxbunnydistro-tester: Debian, yes... but Ubuntu has no testing branch02:31
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distro-testerarch is for power users and i don't really like it im a socialist and non distro has the humanity for others and socialist spirit like ubuntu02:31
spawn57foxbunny: unbuntu doesn't really need one with it's 6 month release cycle02:32
dwidmannI'm endlessly torn between debian and kubuntu :\02:32
distro-testerim happy here02:32
foxbunnyfor example, ghostscript is 8.50, but I need 8.5402:32
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foxbunnythere are many more02:32
spawn57dwidmann: same, kubuntu for desktop, unbuntu for servers =D02:32
foxbunnyDTP is fairly new on Linux and you need to have absolutely the freshest packages02:32
foxbunnydwidmann: Kubuntu, then?02:33
distro-testeras i said fox depends what u looking for if u want a easy to use distro and the best comunity go ubuntu if u want easy to use xp distro go linspire xandros02:33
distro-testerbut rember linux is socialism they are far from it02:33
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distro-testerfor me linux is politics to change the world so first of all i look the people who make it02:33
foxbunnydistro-tester: after 2 years in Linux, I can hardly imagine working with an OS that looks anything like XP :)02:33
dwidmannfoxbunny, some odd twist of the two .... text install + <insert a thousand or so packages, not including some of the "important" kubuntu stuff here>02:33
foxbunnythat's the reason I passed on PCLinuxOS02:33
distro-testerif they suck  even if their distro is the best or cool ill never use it02:33
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distro-testerlinspire is the more xp u can find02:34
distro-testerbut why u want to emulate xp fox?02:34
foxbunnydistro-tester: what gave you that idea? I *don't* want anything that remotely resembles XP. :D02:35
distro-testeri mean there are so many simple distros now $ or free u don't nead to make em look like xp to be cool xp is even ugly heeh02:35
blekosok guys, it seems i have messed up my system a bit trying ro remove ubuntu...02:35
distro-testerwell u saying u passed to pcoslinux and looking for xp emulation distros02:36
dwidmannblekos: ubuntu - ubuntu = 0?02:36
foxbunnypass on = skipped02:36
blekosis there any way of reinstalling kubuntu [short of repair?]  without loosing my current settings?02:36
distro-testerblekos what's your problem explain me what u trying to do if i can help02:36
dwidmannsudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop?02:36
blekoswell, most appropriate gnome things02:36
blekosis seems like i lost the synaptic manager02:36
distro-testeru could just install kubuntu and so u remove ubuntu02:37
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distro-testerhow is pcoslinux is it free?02:37
foxbunnyhey, is it just me, or security.ubuntu.com is slow today?02:37
blekosand my start menu is bit messed up as well, moreover, the fonts have returned to be very tiny [maybe some default theme was removed or smg] 02:37
foxbunnydistro-tester: it's free in both senses02:37
foxbunnydistro-tester: no $02:37
osh_distro-tester: Think so. It's sort of a free Mandriva I think.02:37
distro-testerand what does it have cool vs us?02:37
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foxbunnydistro-tester: vs "us" it has up2date packages, GUI config tools for almost anything... that is if you consider them cool :D02:38
distro-testerbtw i don't see any of this distros cool or not have socialist spirit and ubuntu side they are more or individual or $ so don't enjoy using them their comunity suck to02:38
foxbunnydistro-tester: I didn't like it because it's too GUI02:39
blekoscan i do smg eg sudo-apt get install kubuntu?02:39
distro-testeri love gui02:39
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osh_foxbunny: gui-config tools are way cool imho. something that is sorely lacking in kubuntu.02:39
distro-testerim a kde and gui fan02:39
foxbunnydistro-tester: then PCLOS is for you02:39
foxbunnyosh_: you try PCLOS then. :) You'll love it02:39
distro-testerhehe im happy here but i can test it for fun as u see my nick02:39
dwidmannblekos, it would be kubuntu-desktop02:39
foxbunnyosh_: I'm happier with CLI distros.... even Kubuntu is too GUI for me... :)02:40
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distro-testeri don't think ill move from ubuntu i spended months looking for the distro for me trying suse mandrivia fedora linspire xandros02:40
dwidmannfoxbunny, but kubuntu is esentially debian ... so, the way is there if you want to.02:40
osh_foxbunny: will do. I'm a bit scared that it's a small and obscure os though. I like distros that are big enough to keep up a momentum.02:40
dwidmannOtherwise I never would have stuck with kubuntu ...02:40
Archngelhi everyone02:40
foxbunnydwidmann: I know, that's why I'm using it. :)02:40
dwidmannhi Archngel02:40
distro-testeryes no one has what debian has in repository packs over 20.000 programs u can get lost in them02:40
distro-testerit can pull u down this world and much more if u use it correct02:41
=== trac^ [n=trac@h81172140092.kund.kommunicera.umea.se] has joined #kubuntu
foxbunnydistro-tester: Gentoo has lots, and so does Arch Linux. :)02:41
distro-testerbut they are hard as hello02:41
foxbunnydistro-tester: I think Mandriva has an underadvertized huge repos, too02:41
osh_foxbunny: I've done my share of cli-tooling. Now I'm focused on getting things done. CLIs are great for some things, not so much for others. Good if you do it often, bad if you don't.02:41
distro-testerhehe give them to begginers and see what happens expecialy gentoo02:41
ArchngelI have a problem with 3d acceleration in Kubuntu edgy,, with an ATI X1600pro 512,, cant get it to work even after trying many wiki, or forum explanations,, must do something wrong,, can anyone help me on that02:42
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foxbunnyosh_: absolutely... but Arch is my champion ballancing the CLI and efficient. :)02:42
trac^Hello. I am having trouble with my wlan-card losing connection all the time. Could someone plz help me?02:42
distro-testermandrivia is very limitated if u don't crack it plus im against $ distros linux is free open source and socialism i just like linspire couse they good guys02:42
blekosi get the following message02:42
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blekosSome packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have02:42
blekosrequested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable02:42
blekosdistribution that some required packages have not yet been created02:42
blekosor been moved out of Incoming.02:42
distro-testerwell use what' best for u bunny but rember socialism is the way02:43
foxbunnyosh_: BTW, PLCOS is now testing, so you'll probably have a prob or two... release should be soon02:43
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distro-testerare u male or female bunny?02:43
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trac^Hello. I am having trouble with my wlan-card losing connection all the time. Could someone plz help me?02:43
distro-testerblekos i thin u nead a reinstall u messed up adept like me 1 times02:43
distro-testerjust backup next time everthing02:43
foxbunnydistro-tester: every Linux community is socialist (if I got you right). there are very little anti-socialist communities out there.02:44
foxbunnydistro-tester: male02:44
distro-testeru can use keep to do that is backups for u blekos u find it on k menu02:44
blekoscan i reinstall online?02:44
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distro-testerwhy u don't like the cd?02:44
JohnFluxblekos: did you run apt-get update    first?02:45
JohnFluxblekos: well, do that02:45
distro-testerfox no one is as ubuntu and i find them more individualist then socialist and $ distros are nothing just money makers02:45
JohnFluxblekos: sudo apt-get update02:45
blekosi did but no luck02:45
JohnFluxfoxbunny: hmm02:46
JohnFluxfoxbunny: actually it's more dictorship02:46
distro-testerfor example fedora looks much a reppublican comunity pro usa and bush full of ex usa army soldiers another reason i did not install it02:46
JohnFluxfoxbunny: usually a strong leader at the top02:46
JohnFluxfoxbunny: who makes the decisions02:46
foxbunnydistro-tester: that's just a prejudice... I tnink *Ubuntu community is great, too, but others are great as well.02:46
JohnFluxfoxbunny: e.g. Linus Trovalds at the top02:46
foxbunnyJohnFlux: I don't know what you are referring to...02:46
distro-testerim speaking for me fox of course02:46
distro-testermy expirience whit em02:46
distro-testerblekos if u got the kubuntu cd 6.10 just text install it's very easy and remove else02:47
JohnFluxfoxbunny:  <foxbunny> distro-tester: every Linux community is socialist (if I got you right). there are very little anti-socialist communities out there.02:47
distro-testerof dubble partion u will be fine if u can't partion ask for help02:47
JohnFluxfoxbunny: replying to that02:47
heinkel_111anyone know how to remove a source package using apt?02:47
foxbunnyJohnFlux: foxbunny: actually it's more dictorship >> what's *it*?02:48
JohnFluxheinkel_111: you don't02:48
JohnFluxheinkel_111: just delete it02:48
foxbunnyJohnFlux: Ubuntu or others?02:48
JohnFluxfoxbunny: oh02:48
distro-testerbtw as i say one should use what's best for him even if for the comunity comes first02:48
JohnFluxfoxbunny: I was thinking on the programming side02:48
foxbunnydistro-tester: of course02:48
JohnFluxfoxbunny: to develop ubuntu or any linux project02:48
distro-testeru can run a ferrari but if who made it sucks u who drive it suck to02:48
foxbunnyJohnFlux: yes, I understand02:49
heinkel_111JohnFlux: oh, it is that easy...02:49
grazieI lost sound on a update. Anyone got some suggestions for isolating the problem?02:49
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JohnFluxheinkel_111: yep :-)02:49
heinkel_111won't there be an entry in the apt database without corresponding files then?02:49
distro-testerbtw i hope u find what u looking for fox as debian has so much stuff i think it's imppossible u wont02:49
foxbunnyJohnFlux: IMHO, the less the top interferes in community affairs the better... but most of them don't anyway02:50
distro-testerbtw what u nead ahah it's  ages we chatting and still diden't understand what u looking for?02:50
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foxbunnydistro-tester: don't worry, I did a fair share of testing with various distros... just that some are between releases... and the slow Internet connection... :D02:50
foxbunnydistro-tester: yes, perhaps you may help me out...02:51
distro-testergive and eye on fedora 7 to btw if u can stand their comunity02:51
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foxbunnydistro-tester: I'm looking for a distro that has a fast updating repo. :)02:51
distro-testerill try im a new user but let's see02:51
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foxbunnydistro-tester: my main tools are Inkscape, Scribus and GIMP02:51
distro-testerwell ubuntu has a very fast one what's your problem whit adept ?02:51
distro-testerok let me see02:52
matt0507im having trouble with Kaffeine, it plays like first 1 minute of the movie/track then stopping claiming no disc/not readable and prodced this error: Maybe you don't have enough rights for this, or source doesn't contain data (e.g: no disc in drive). (Error reading from DVD.)02:52
dwidmannfoxbunny, probably can't beat gentoo or arch for fast updating.02:52
distro-testeru can ask here to #ubuntu02:52
foxbunnydistro-tester: I did a "by package version" search on Distrowatch and so far only Mandriva cooker, PCLOS, and Arch have the latest...02:52
distro-testerdid u try adept backdoors?02:52
foxbunnydwidmann: I know.... rolling release rocks in that department02:52
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distro-testeru can find new stuff there to02:53
foxbunnydistro-tester: you mean back*ports*?02:53
distro-testersorry to much xp eheh02:53
foxbunnylemme check02:53
heinkel_111rolling release is not always the most stable thou02:53
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distro-testeru must update repository btw to get full power of debian did u do that enable universe multireverse?=02:53
dwidmannlast I checked, debian called theres "a rolling release system"02:53
foxbunnyheinkel_111: I have good experience with it on Arch... it has a testing branch and if you avoid it, it's rock solid02:53
dwidmannmaybe somebody is confusing terms?02:54
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foxbunnydistro-tester: I have those02:54
distro-testercheck backports now02:54
distro-testerdebian updates fast btw so what u can't find u will soon02:54
foxbunnydwidmann: basically, Arch has no version... it's all one continuous update from install02:54
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foxbunnydistro-tester: can't do that right now... I'm dl'ing fglrx driver02:55
foxbunnylemme cat the sources.list02:55
dwidmannfoxbunny, with snapshots inbetween so people can actually get it, I presume?02:55
distro-testerbtw arch and gentoo are good distros but they not for begginers02:55
foxbunnydwidmann: precisely02:55
distro-testerill check out pcoslinux to btw02:55
distro-testerdwi can we install yum to manage install rpm paks here?02:56
foxbunnydistro-tester: I have backports02:56
distro-testerok make sure they enabled02:56
dwidmannfoxbunny, I've been meaning to try arch, maybe even gentoo ... I'm avoiding gentoo because I don't want to let my computer sit and compile for days. It has more useful things to do.02:56
distro-testergentoo is crazy eheh02:56
distro-testerfor real geeks02:56
dwidmanndistro-tester, maybe if you install rpm and yum. You can try it ... doesn't sound like a grand idea though.02:57
foxbunnydwidmann: I just tried Gentoo two days ago... it compiled on for two days, and X never saw the light... :(02:57
distro-testerwell important i don't crash the system02:57
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distro-testerfox trow gentoo out the windows02:57
foxbunnydwidmann: but it's amazing how you can tweak it for every bit of performance your hadrware can offer02:58
fairmanHi, could somebody advice me, how to add mod_rewrite to apache2?02:58
distro-testerat this point better arch02:58
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foxbunnydistro-tester: I've used Arch for like 6 months and I'm confortable with it02:58
distro-testerfox u can make a test for best distro for u on linux desktop .com if i rember well02:58
dwidmannfoxbunny, not much point. My processor can still give a Core 2 a pretty good run for its money, depending on the application :)02:59
foxbunnydistro-tester: the community helped me with some packages that were missing and I was able to submit 2 packages to the repos02:59
distro-testerbtw don't worry debian will soon have what u looking for updated be sure of that02:59
foxbunnydistro-tester: in return, I managed their wiki for a while02:59
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dwidmannI have a link to that test distro-tester02:59
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distro-testerfor me came out the best distros where ubuntu or that orrible mandrivia02:59
foxbunnydistro-tester: but there's one thing.... no distro is perfect. :)02:59
dwidmanndistro-tester: http://www.zegeniestudios.net/ldc/index.php03:00
distro-testerof course03:00
=== crazy_bus [n=philip@CPE-138-130-154-251.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
dwidmannmandriva isn't so bad really, I used it for a good three months way back when, then again, it was called mandrake back then.03:00
distro-testerwell many say ubuntu isen't the best distro just has the best comunity  i don't agree do03:00
distro-testeri know well they went whit that lysome thing now03:01
dwidmannIt had some really nice admin tools, for those glued to the gui03:01
crazy_busI know openoffice.org takes awile to start so I enabled quickstarter in the memory option of the program.  I am wondering how this works and if I have it checked will it take up memory?03:01
foxbunnydwidmann: oh, yeah, the 0.8 voodoo release of Arch is due very soon... the beta seems to have some troubles atm, so you may give it a go but only after release... :)03:01
distro-testerif u don't crak mandrivia u very limitated whit it btw03:01
dwidmannfoxbunny: thanks, I think I will03:01
distro-testerand why $ for a distro when linux is born free and open source03:01
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distro-testermake that test fox im sure will help u03:01
foxbunnydistro-tester: I'm not that patient. :)03:01
distro-testerlinux desktop .com03:02
dwidmanndistro-tester: you can download it for free, just it's missing some of the things that they include in their paid releases.03:02
distro-testertakes 1 min to test03:02
distro-testeri know i come from mandrivia suse fedora linspire xandros03:02
distro-testereheh know all the stuff03:02
dwidmannI didn't like SuSE. I dumped it within a week of installing :\03:03
foxbunnydistro-tester: I did take the test, and it said Mandriva... but I hate Mandriva... :)03:03
distro-testerbtw i think fedora 7 will be the surprise whit ubuntu 7 if u can stand their comunity i would give fedora7 an eye03:03
foxbunnydwidmann: same here03:03
distro-testersame to me ubuntu mandrivia went kubuntu of coruse03:03
dwidmannThe first linux distro I stuck with was mandrake. I dumped it come upgrade time though.03:03
distro-testeri think fedora 7 will be for u fox03:03
foxbunnydistro-tester: yeah, I was thinking fedora too, but 6 CDs? what does it come with? a 747?03:04
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distro-testermandrake was very good once it just sucks now03:04
ulissechisa darmi una mano03:04
distro-testerparli inglese?03:04
distro-testerio vieni in pvt03:04
distro-testeru can have dvd to of fedora 6 fox03:04
distro-testerand has all in it03:04
foxbunnydistro-tester: as I said before, I don't like GUI distros too much... never know what's going on under the hood...03:04
distro-testerulisse vieni in pvt03:05
foxbunnydistro-tester: plus if you don't use the GUI, it just takes up space03:05
foxbunnyon you HDD03:05
distro-testero vai su !it03:05
distro-testerwhat's the italian chanel for kubuntu again?03:05
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!03:05
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Ash-FoxCan someone help me figure out what todo with this hardware issue? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=207071303:05
distro-testerbtw where u from fox ?03:06
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foxbunnyargh... Kubuntu can't copy my data DVD?!03:06
foxbunnywhat gives?!03:06
foxbunnydistro-tester: I'm from Serbia03:06
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distro-testerrome italy 28 m here03:06
dwidmannUS here03:06
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foxbunny33 second lag on IRC?! you must be kidding me...03:06
distro-testernice what part of usa u from?03:06
dwidmannfoxbunny: it should be able to03:06
distro-testerulisse capito vai' li'03:07
dwidmannlater foxbunny03:07
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distro-testersee u later03:07
=== foxbunny [n=foxbunny@cable-89-216-168-99.dynamic.sbb.co.yu] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
distro-testeri like usa uk comunity for linux and freenode that's why i come here03:07
chuenHi. Should permission for th sbin directory be 755 ?03:07
distro-testerwhat part of usa u from dwid?03:08
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Archngelwell either I missed an answer somewhere or noone replied,, im posting different result on past.ubuntu that may help you look into my proble,  thx in advance http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3190/03:09
distro-testeras soon as they can solve u they will don't worry03:09
distro-testerwhat u nead btw arch in a new user but if i can help ?03:10
ulissechi italiano03:10
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!03:10
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distro-testerleggi ulisse03:10
distro-testerwb dwid03:11
dwidmanndistro-tester: virginia03:11
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distro-testerthat's nice u play Banjo?03:11
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Archngeldistro-tester,  are you talking to me,, im not very use to chat and im affraid that I can miss answer if I dont reconize my nick,,is Arch for me?03:11
distro-testeryes to u03:12
distro-testerwhat u nead?03:12
distro-testerim a redneck hillybilly to dwid03:12
distro-testerso we share same views03:12
Archngeloupelay,, sorry,, taught it was something else,,03:12
distro-testerif u one03:12
dwidmannhahaha, distro-tester, I moved here from Pennsylvania, significantly further north :P03:13
distro-testerok what 's the problem arch if i can't u will soon find who can solve u03:13
Archngel I have problem with 3d with ATI X1600Pro 512,in kubuntu,, wont work03:13
chuenAnyone help pls?03:13
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distro-testerok i got different card but soon u will find help03:13
distro-testero one of my best friend is from there dwid that's the land of jeowa whitness03:14
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dwidmannchuen: with?03:14
distro-testerreally hate them eheh03:14
Archngelalready try many wiki on ati 3d,, and been to forums,, without succes,,03:14
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:14
chuendwidmann: Can you tell me the correct permissions for the sbin dir.?03:14
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dwidmanndistro-tester: that and the menonites too, and amish if you go to the eastern half03:15
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dwidmannchuen: yes03:15
Archngelubotu: been there done that got wierd message about monitor 0:0 and rendering :no03:15
chuendwidmann: I had to copy a file to it so chnaged permissions to do so. Chnaged it bacjk to 755 but have Permisson Denied.03:15
Archngelsee my post http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3190/03:15
distro-testeri want to learn to play 6 cord Banjo it's cool im much on blugrass and country souther rock what music u like ?03:15
distro-testerwe can go offtopic chan if it gets to far from chan topic btw03:16
dwidmannchuen: should be root:root 75503:16
dwidmanndistro-tester: metal :)03:16
Archngelubotu,  its about the 10th time I try to reconfigure,, with fglrx , ATI, and other03:16
chuendwidmann: Sorry, don't understand (Newb)03:16
distro-testero me to rock n' roll to03:17
dwidmannchuen: should be owned by root, group root, permissions set to 755. If it's saying you don't have permission you need to use !sudo03:17
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dwidmanndistro-tester: Yeah, I like that too. So long as it isn't rap, I generally don't mind it. Can't stand that stuff.03:18
chuenNormally, I can access it using gui, but now I can't access via command line even. Whay is the syntax pls?03:19
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chuendwidmann: Normally, I can access it using gui, but now I can't access via command line even. Whay is the syntax pls?03:19
distro-testerok dwidmann here is 3 pm ill install 32 bit and then im back till what time u here so we install flash and java later and this latest kde?03:20
dwidmannsudo chown -R root:root /usr/sbin03:20
dwidmannsudo chmod 755 -R /usr/sbin03:20
dwidmanndistro-tester: I'll probably be here for a long while. Even though I've already been up for the better part of 29 hours, with a small nap somewhere in there03:21
distro-testerok if u tired rest bro brb ill make this downgrade ahah03:22
chuendwidmann: Both thode commands were accepted but when I try to access dir via GUI I still get access denied.03:22
chuendwidmann: and via command line.03:22
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dwidmannchuen: so, if you were to say, "ls /usr/sbin", you would get permission denied?03:23
chuendwidmann: No, that works fine.03:23
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dwidmannchuen: hmm, then what's going wrong?03:24
chuendwidmann: When I navigate to that directory using Konqueror and click on the dir I get 'access denied'03:24
dwidmannHmm, odd indeed03:25
chuendwidmann: Then the window opens buy no icons show03:25
dwidmannokay, do this: "kdesu konqueror /usr"03:25
dwidmannlets check something03:25
chuendwidmann: However, at the bottom it says 25 items 5 files03:25
dwidmannthen, right click on sbin, and go to properties, then click on the permissions tab03:25
chuendwidmann: OK. 755. root. root.03:26
dwidmannclick on the advanced button03:26
dwidmannmake sure the checkboxes aren't checked03:27
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chuendwidmann: Everyting is greyed out03:27
chuendwidmann: I tried kdesu konqueror /usr03:27
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chuendwiddman: Shall I copy results to pastebin?03:28
dwidmannand you're still in that "root konqueror"?03:28
chuenswidmman: Thanks. One sec.03:28
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chuendwidmann: http://pastebin.com/86940503:30
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YumeFrustratedHey if i know my winmodem is an Intel03:31
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YumeFrustratedcan i just try all the available drivers?03:31
YumeFrustratedbecause i cant find which driver i need03:31
YumeFrustratedand its starting to get to me now03:31
chuendwidmann: I have to go but will be back in 10 - 15 mins03:32
chuendwidmann: Appreciate your help. V. stuck :(03:32
YumeFrustrateddwidmanm: do you know i i can just install a driver and see if it works03:32
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YumeFrustratedand if not just remove and try another03:33
YumeFrustratedtill i find one that works?03:33
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YumeFrustratedor will a wrong driver bring down the pain on my modem?03:33
dwidmannWell, I suppose you probably could, just be sure you keep track of things. Otherwise removing them could become difficult and it could cause trouble if you don't remove them.03:33
YumeFrustratedokay how complicated is removing a driver?03:34
dwidmanndepends on how complicated installing it was03:34
YumeFrustratedtrue i guess03:34
YumeFrustratedim just getting desperate03:35
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YumeFrustratedi used scanModem to find out what modem i have and what driver i need03:35
dwidmannYumeFrustrated: where all have you searched for help on it?03:35
YumeFrustratedand i cant make sense out of the .txt files03:35
YumeFrustratedive also looked on the toshiba site and forums for specifications03:35
YumeFrustratedand people with same problems03:35
dwidmannI do know I ended up giving up on my one modem way back when, got a serial modem and it worked okay.03:35
YumeFrustratedno help there either03:36
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YumeFrustratedk Il post about the modem story there03:36
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dwidmannGood luck, you might need it.03:37
YumeFrustratedI feel like this modem put me through enough trouble to make a Danielle Steel movie03:37
YumeFrustratedargh, gone even03:37
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YumeFrustratedthanks for your help dwidmann03:37
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bjacobhi, how can i set the default NLS for all filesystems to UTF-8?03:41
externwhere is wine config file stored?03:42
dwidmannbjacob, probably have to do it line by line in the /etc/fstab03:42
LjLextern: ~/.wine - but it's a windows registry really, so use regedit03:42
dwidmannextern, ~/.wine, I think03:42
bjacobdwidmann: many filesystems don't provide a nls mount option (according to man mount)03:42
bjacobthis can be set in kernel config, but how to recompile kernel without breaking ubuntu stuff?03:43
dwidmannbjacob: are you using any of those "many file systems"?03:43
bjacobext2, reiserfs, nfs303:43
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dwidmannbjacob, I"m too sleepy to be sure. I'd best (finally) get to bed.03:45
bjacobok, anyone else or are you  all in bed ? :D03:45
dwidmannbjacob: they're all idling or lurking, most likely03:46
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ninHerhi all03:48
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bjacobok, i found a ubuntu compile guide03:50
chuendwidmann: Ok, back now - had to eat.03:50
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bjacobbut seriously, why did you ubuntu guys set the default nls to something else than utf8 ....??03:51
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ubuntu__how do I mount a windows hdd?03:52
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions. For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse03:53
chuenCan anyone help with this problem pls? http://pastebin.com/86940503:53
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tibbarI tried sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hdc1 /mnt, im running the live cd atm, so I can't install thins03:54
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tibbarIf I go to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions., it says page does not exist04:01
Jucatochuen: can you run just "kdesu konqueror"?04:01
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andrecan anyone tell me why everyonce in a while, after booting up Ubuntu/Nvidia binaries won't recognize my secondary monitor or its ability to provide a res higher than 640x480?04:03
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Jucatotibbar: remove the period '.' at the end of the link04:04
chuenjucato: Sorry was reading ubuntu bible :)04:04
chuenjucato: one sec.04:05
Jucatochuen: heh nice read :)04:05
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chuenjucato: Did you look at the pastebin?04:06
Jucatochuen: yes. that's why I'm asking you :)04:06
chuenjucato: I tried and got bad devices etc.04:06
chuenThen 'Conqueror your Desktop!' opened.04:06
Jucatochuen: ignore the baddevice errors. does Konqueror launch?04:06
chuenjucato: Yes :)04:06
Jucatochuen: then you have no problem :)04:07
chuenjucato: sigh ...04:07
chuenjucato: Thanks....04:07
chuenjucato: But why can't I access sbin any longer?04:08
chuenI've tried changing permissions back on the command line.04:08
Jucatowhere can't you access it?04:08
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:08
chuenjucato: via konqueror.04:08
Jucatochuen: how are you trying to access/go to it?04:09
chuenjucato: by clicking on the folder.04:09
Jucatowhat error does it give you/04:09
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chuenjucato: access denied to /sbin04:10
Jucatohm.. weird...04:10
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chuenjucato: But then the window opens with no icons04:11
chuenjucato: I can right-click an d check permissions etc.04:11
Jucatochuen: can you go into it using normal Konqueror?04:11
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chuenjucato: No - the farthest i can get is /root04:12
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chuenjuctato: which has 3 shortcuts and 'share'04:13
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chuenjucato: as folders.04:13
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Jucatochuen: hm... really weird, as I can get to /sbin in here... you tried just typing the direct path? (/sbin) ?04:14
BluesKajHowdy all :)04:14
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StanlehIs this where all the cool people hang out eh?04:15
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chuenjucato: one sec04:15
chuenjucato: Ok that lets me into sbin04:16
Jucatoafaik, you don't need to be root (kdesu konqueror) to access that04:16
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chuenjucato: So am I 'safe' ? :)04:17
Jucatoyep. now close that Konqueror window you launched with kdesu04:17
chuenjucato: OK, done.04:17
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BluesKajjust got a friends pc up and running ,  (windows ) , not a linux type "person" . His PC was so infected that it would shut down if one tried to use control panel. The video controller and audio drivers were stripped from the MoBo cuz , reinstalling windows gave only rudimentary 4-bit colour and of course no sound whatsoever ...No wonder ppl find linux appealing04:18
Jucatonow you're safe :)04:18
chuenjucato: I got scared because som many things are dependent on accessing sbin (aren' thye?)04:18
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Jucatochuen: sort of :)04:18
chuenjucato: Thanks for you help.04:19
Tm_Tchuen: Yup, it's only hidden, not _gone_ ;)04:19
=== Jucato actually wonders why /etc/environment seems not to load the correct $PATH...
chuenTm_T: Ah!04:19
Jucato!hidden | chuen04:19
ubotuchuen: Kubuntu Edgy has implemented a new feature that hides most of the filesystem. For more information: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuHiddenFiles04:19
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chuenjucato: Thanks. All I was doing was trying to cp a file there so that i was in PATH to execute.r04:20
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TachyonI believe I've set Firefox as my default browser, but Thunderbird still opens links in Konqueror04:21
JucatoTachyon: run this command in Konsole: sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser04:22
Jucatothen choose firefox04:22
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TachyonJucato: Excellent, thanks.04:24
WasserDragoonhi @ll04:24
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blekoshi, could u tell me how i can backup konctact, in fact i am only interested in emails,04:35
blekosi am going to restore my system and dont want to less them04:35
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externcan I change an icon for a shell script?04:38
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extern(only one file)04:38
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dymekWitam wszystkich04:44
ArchngelRe everyone04:44
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distro-testerok im back u still here ?04:49
True_FriendAfter a long thinking i think i should give a try to Edgy by upgrading from dapper, can some one tell me how can i upgrade from dapper to edgy using install cd??04:49
True_Friendis it possible or..........it is just my thought.......04:49
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JucatoTrue_Friend: alternate install cd or live cd?04:49
ubotuSee http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)04:49
distro-testerhello jucato04:49
Jucatohi distro-tester04:49
True_Friendusual cd which i use to install Edgy04:49
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distro-testerim whit the 32 bit now i told u of the dvd i had instable04:50
distro-testerbut when i load the start the icon that loads kubuntu is different from 64 bit version is that normal?04:50
True_FriendGUI cd which is commonly used i heard abt a typical command line cd also but do not used it ever always use this cd04:50
JucatoTrue_Friend: hm... I'm guessing that would be the Live/Desktop CD04:50
Jucatounfortunately, you can't use that to upgrade04:50
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True_Friendso i have to download another one04:51
distro-testerim speaking of the icon that xp has to under windows at start up04:51
True_Friendbut from where?04:51
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True_Friendi only know abt this live cd( i thoungt it is the install cd as it is used to install system)04:51
distro-testerlike on 64 bit the icon that makes u see kubuntu is loading is different from the 32 bit version one is that normal jucato?04:51
JucatoTrue_Friend: if you don't want to install all over again, I suggest you just upgrade through the internet, using the guide given above04:52
True_Friendtooo much power consume i think04:52
distro-testerbtw i have to upgrade to last kde 3.5.6 and install java and flash player im counting on your help to do this jucato04:52
Jucatodistro-tester: I don't understand..04:52
JucatoTrue_Friend: well, you'll be using even more power and time if you compiled 3.5.6 :P04:52
distro-testeru see that thing that runs when kubunto loads like the level bar?04:52
True_Friendi would prefer to download iso iamge and write it to cd so can use it agian04:53
True_Friend:D :D yup i think it would be more complicated04:53
distro-testeras u start the os under kubuntu there is a level bar that loads to tell u how much before u get log in screen shot ok till here jucato?04:53
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JucatoTrue_Friend: you can use the one called the Alternate Install CD, but there would be a bit of a problem if you've installed a lot of other packages, specially from universe and multiverse...04:54
distro-testerthat level bar on 32 bit looks different from 64 on maby couse i don't have last kde yet04:54
distro-testerbtw the cd i told u was live so did everything from live cd install04:54
distro-testeris that ok?04:55
Jucatodistro-tester: you're talking about USplash, the bootsplash screen. I haven't seen the 64-bit version so I can't really say if they're different or the same. nothing to do with KDE04:55
distro-testerok btw don't think that will bother us much04:55
True_FriendJucato: can u guide me how to get this install cd?04:55
True_Friendis it available as iso image?04:56
distro-testeras soon adept has done whit security updates we can install latest kde jucato if u help me04:56
JucatoTrue_Friend: yes. from the same site/page where you get the oher install CD04:56
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distro-testeryestardat whit minatuku help i install flash 9 just diden't support 64 bit ahha04:57
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ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu04:57
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distro-testerok will it be hard as i can only copy paste in console now to update to last kde whit your help jucato?04:58
Jucatonot that hard to upgrade to KDE 3.5.604:58
Jucatoinstructions are in here, btw: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-356.php04:58
distro-testeri think if i installed flash i can do that to04:58
distro-testercan't u follow me?04:58
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ubotuFlash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash04:58
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distro-testerfor now i can do things only if some one tells me how to i just copy paste in console ok for that?04:59
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Jucatook, I'll try to follow. but I'm about to sleep soon04:59
distro-testerok we can even do it later if u tired 5 pm in rome04:59
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Jucatodistro-tester: you're in Rome?05:00
Jucatoit's almost midnight in here05:00
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distro-testerwhat part of usa are u from?05:00
distro-testerill put world clock later so i know all times of my friends here05:01
Jucatonot in the US05:01
Jucato+8 UTC (+8 GMT)05:01
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distro-testerthat's canada?05:02
Jucatophilippines. in asia05:02
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Jucatodistro-tester: anyway, you can ask for other's help in here too05:02
distro-testeri do kali arnis escrima05:02
distro-testeryes if u got to sleep i will thanx05:02
distro-testerthat's why u got spanish name then05:02
distro-testeru speak spanish to?05:02
Jucatono I don't speak spanish (despite my name)05:03
=== Jucato wanted to study arnis...
distro-testerwhy do u do it as it's your martial art people teach it for free there to05:03
Jucatonot time, money, opportunity :)05:03
Jucatoanyway, brb05:04
distro-testeri do the kalasag style that's the mother of all styles the one that magellano was killed whit05:04
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distro-testerwhen u ready we can install kde 3.5.6 or any one who wants to help me to do it05:04
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apokryphosdistro-tester: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-356.php05:06
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distro-testercan u follow me apo as im a new user?05:06
distro-testerim scared to go alone yet05:06
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apokryphosdistro-tester: try it out and let me know where you have problems05:07
True_Friendi think i have to ask from ubuntuforums.org about alternate install cd i can not find it on download page05:08
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apokryphosTrue_Friend: it's there. Under "other ISOs" or something05:08
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distro-testerwell im complete lost05:08
apokryphosdistro-tester: do you know what the terminal is?05:08
distro-testerbut im very good to follow if u tell me what to do i all ready install flash like that05:08
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distro-testeri will copy paste what u say05:09
apokryphosdistro-tester: then I'm sure you can follow the instructions there05:09
apokryphosdistro-tester: copy and paste what the link says :P05:09
distro-testerbtw the 32 version is killing my eyes vs the 64 one even if i diden't install any nvidia drivers on it u know why?05:10
burbantehello friends this is my first connection with kubuntu....i chat from italy05:10
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!05:10
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distro-testerciao vai li'05:10
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distro-tester wget http://people.ubuntu.com/~jriddell/kubuntu-packages-jriddell-key.gpg05:11
distro-tester sudo apt-key add kubuntu-packages-jriddell-key.gpg05:11
distro-testerthis i have to copy in console apo?05:11
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distro-testerdone now?05:12
distro-testersaid ok the console05:12
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apokryphosthen continue05:13
distro-testerok what i have to do couse nothing happens?05:13
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BluesKaj!ch | Huahua05:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ch - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:15
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distro-testerany one able to follow me so i can install last kde im not able alone05:16
jontecokay... hwo do I get my card in /proc/asound/cards? using alsa drivers, utils, and libs05:16
=== litb [n=litb@pD95FC00D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
litbhow can i enter the grub shell using a kubuntu live cd?05:19
Dr_willisthe grub shell.. is accessable from the grub menu. If you can see it.. (they hide it by default)05:19
Dr_willisI think you hit the C key? or somthing.. i forget.05:19
distro-testerhey dr willis hello05:19
litband how can i acess it?05:19
Dr_willisor just boot the live cd and type 'grub'05:20
distro-testercan u follow me to install kde 3.5.6?05:20
apokryphosdistro-tester: add one of the lines below there to /etc/apt/sources.list05:20
litbyeah, the c key, but it doesn't do anything in the kubuntus' grub05:20
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litbit doesn't start05:20
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distro-testeri have to copy paste this in console05:20
distro-tester wget http://people.ubuntu.com/~jriddell/kubuntu-packages-jriddell-key.gpg05:20
distro-tester sudo apt-key add kubuntu-packages-jriddell-key.gpg05:20
apokryphosdistro-tester: then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:20
apokryphosdistro-tester: no, you've already done that. Why would you do it again?05:20
litbit's really crap that they disabled the grub shell05:21
distro-testerok im starting to get confused but ill relax sorry05:21
pointwoodanyone installed freenx server on edgy?05:21
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Dr_willislitb,  never noticed it being disabled... not about to reboot to test..05:21
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distro-testerwhat's next afther that i diden't understand can u paste me it so i copy paste?05:21
Dr_willislitb,  edit the grubs config file to see where/how its disabled.. and reenable it. I always unhide it. and change the colors/defaults05:21
distro-testeretc apt sources?05:22
litbDr_willis: how can i edit that file when i'm in the grub live-cd boot men?05:22
litbit's really bad. i think it's a bad default choice05:22
distro-testerok so im still blocked to that last thing i pasted now?05:23
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Dr_willislitb,  never noticed.. never cared.. boot live cd.. edit the file..05:24
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distro-testerdr willis im really lost can u help me?05:24
distro-testerthis kde is giving me problems05:24
chuenJucato: Sorry to 'pick on' you again ......... but, I'm still locked out of sbin via the command line05:25
litbDr_willis: the livecd _can't_ boot05:25
Dr_willisdistro-tester,  gesh man.. it isent that hard.. you edit your apt/sources.list05:25
distro-testerbut how u do that?05:25
Dr_willisrun those 2 commandes (wget and sudo) THEN run the sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:25
Dr_williswith a text editor.05:25
Dr_willissudo EDITORYOULIKE /etc/apt/sources.list05:25
distro-testerok ill try05:25
chuenJucato: And via Konqueror05:26
Dr_willisI belive you may want to learn some linux basics befor you go worrying about having the latest and greatest kde version05:26
distro-testerseems easy for u but when u first start it's real hard in 0 on linux now05:26
Dr_willistldp.org - spend some time reading some linux beginner guides.05:26
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chuenI still get 'access denied /sbin'05:27
distro-testeryes ill join classroom later on but when people follow me im able to install stuff05:27
distro-testeryerstay is install flash player05:27
Dr_willisTheres no real hurry/need to mess with the latest kde at this time.  its not like its a HUGE update.05:27
Dr_williskde4 will be the huge change. :)05:28
distro-testerwell i got problem i had to get back to 32 bit from 64 couse many programs diden't support 6405:28
Dr_willisdistro-tester,  yep. I never mess with 64bit for that and other reasons.05:28
distro-testerbut maby i don't have the latest stable distro of 6.10 couse kde seems very old here05:28
chuenDr_willis: Do you have a moment pls?05:28
Dr_willischuen,  whats up?05:29
Dr_willisgot kde 3.5.5 here.05:29
chuenDr_willis: Could you take a look at this http://pastebin.com/86940505:29
distro-testerplus my seems my resolution hurt eyes thing that diden't happen on 64 even whit no nvidia drivers installed05:29
chuenDr_willis: I have somehow lcked nyslef out of my sbin dir.05:29
chuenDr_willis: I changed permissions to copya file there and am now stuck.05:30
distro-testervery strange i must ask if this version is the latest one couse the magazine i got it from says instable05:30
Dr_willisdistro-tester,  the X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 166  lines are  Due to the Wacom (?) tablets being confugured in your X config file.. they are not imporntant.05:30
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endo602can somone help me with mounting smbfs to fstab?05:31
Dr_willisor was that for chuen  :)05:31
distro-testerwell i just know my eyes hurt here on 64 bit diden't and im on a lcd strange05:31
Dr_willisi forget..05:31
endo602I had it mounted fine05:31
distro-testerim starting to get pissed i must calm down05:31
distro-testerok 1 thing at a time05:31
endo602i come home today and i get this message mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on05:31
chuenDr_willis: Looks like me :)05:32
distro-testerso i do wget and put url from where i want to get kde  right Dr?05:32
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chuenDr_willis: Problem is, I can't access it now.05:32
nagyvI have an usb bluetooth stick which is recognized by kde if I plug it in to a running computer, but it is not recognized if it is automatically at startup if I leave it unplugged. Is there a way to make it recognized?05:32
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Dr_willisdistro-tester,  you edited the etc/apt/sources.list file yet?05:32
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=== Jucato goes to sleep....
distro-testerno couse diden't understand how05:32
distro-testerlater jucato05:32
Jucatodistro-tester: good night05:33
distro-testeri can just copy paste what u say05:33
Jucatochuen: sorry I need to go05:33
distro-testerfor now05:33
chuenJucato: Thnkx for help earlier btw :)05:33
Dr_willisdistro-tester,   you proberly should learn the basics.. just cut/pasting is not learning.05:33
distro-testerbut im good at that so if u right me every step i will make it as i did it for flash 905:33
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Dr_willisdistro-tester,  what sort of connection you got?05:33
distro-testerlater not now05:33
distro-testerdsl 6 mb05:33
chuenJucato: Dr_willis is helping, thanks.05:33
endo602I can log into my smb locations through konqueror but i cant fstab them05:33
endo602what is up?05:33
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Dr_willisdistro-tester,  for a start use the command ------>   sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.EMERGANCYBACKUP05:34
distro-testerit's this 32 bit dvd instable version i got that sucks whit 64 bit i was fine05:34
Dr_willisdistro-tester,  you may be much better off redoenloading the kubuntu 6.10 cd's and installing from that.. a Magazine's cd/dvds may be very old.05:35
distro-testerit's december one05:35
Dr_willisyea.. and when did that cd/mag go to the press .:) 2 mo befor?05:36
distro-testersame as site but for strange reason kb3 dosen't burn iso one from site05:36
distro-testerso had to use this05:36
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Dr_willisYou backuped your sources.list yet?05:36
distro-testerim root now05:36
distro-testersudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.EMERGANCYBACKUP05:36
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distro-testercopy pasted this05:36
Dr_willismake sure its there.. :)05:36
Dr_willisls -l /etc/apt/sources.list*05:37
Dr_willisLesson #1  - when in doubt Back stuff up.05:37
=== distro-tester is now known as zen_
zen_but can't i use keep to backup?05:37
chuenDr_willis: Do I need to change ownership or permissions?05:37
Dr_willischuen,  im not sure what your original problem is.. but those X device warnings are nothing to worry about.05:38
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Dr_williszen_,  now that you got that file backed up.. you proberly shuld do a total update of the system.05:38
Dr_williszen_,  -->  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:38
zen_zen@zen-desktop:~$ sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.EMERGANCYBACKUP05:38
chuenDr_willis: That's fine  - but I can't access the directory from either the cmd line or Konqueror.05:38
endo602can someone help me with mounting ?05:38
zen_this is what is says now05:38
Dr_willischuen,  cant access from the command line? even with sudo?05:39
zen_is that ok?05:39
chuenDr_willis: Doh! One sec.05:39
Dr_williszen_,  that wasent very clear...05:39
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zen_ok it's updating05:39
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zen_well afther your command just said desktop whit my user name nothing else05:40
zen_now it's upgrading05:40
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Dr_williszen_,  thats proberly one of the first commands ya should of done on  your install from the cd. that shoudl set up your system totally up to date.05:40
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chuenDr_willis: I sthis correct: $ sudo cd /sbin05:40
zen_says all 0 updated now is that normal?05:40
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Dr_willischuen,  sudo dont work that way.. :) that cd's to the dir.. then it exits..05:40
zen_like there was nothing to update05:41
Dr_willischuen,  that puts you back in the original location.05:41
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zen_0 aggiornati, 0 installati, 0 da rimuovere e 0 non aggiornati.05:41
zen_means all 0 updateded05:41
Dr_williszen_,  looks like its up to date.05:41
chuenDr_wills: Ah ....05:41
x_linkI'm using Debian Etch righ now. I will soon get another computer and wanted o try Kubuntu.05:41
Dr_willischuen,  try 'sudo -s'  for a root shell05:41
zen_how do i see what kde i have btw thanx for help?05:41
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Dr_williszen_,  any kde app - check the menus under help/about05:41
apokryphoszen_: kde-config --version05:41
chuenDr_willis: I get 'permission denied with cd /sbin05:42
x_linkWill Kubunu work good on a AMD Athlon 700MHz, 1GB SDRAM PC133 RAM, 40GB hdd, 64MB video card ( think, or 32MB)05:42
chuenDr_willis: OK05:42
Dr_willisx_link,  it will work.. should be 'ok' but a bit low in the CPU power area..05:42
zen_Qt: 3.3.605:42
zen_KDE: 3.5.505:42
zen_kde-config: 1.005:42
x_linkDr_willis: Ahh ok.05:42
zen_this i got05:42
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Dr_willisx_link,  you may want to use some lighter desktop. but it depends on your needs.05:42
Dr_williszen_,  you are up to date it seems.05:43
x_linkI just like KDE, nohing else.05:43
x_linkDr_willis: I will not do any heavy stuff on it.05:43
Dr_willisx_link,  try it and see. :)05:43
x_linkI just want to try Kubuntu to see f I would like i, if I did then I will install it on this machine05:43
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zen_perfect now the mistery is why my eyes hurt on my lcd 17 whit 32 bit when on 64 was fine even if i diden't istall now nvdia drivers yet i got a 7900GS btw05:43
chuenDr_willis: I can acces it fine from root, yes05:44
Dr_williszen_,  id say install the nvidia drivers next then.05:44
zythokay, here's my situation: I am logged into my desktop.  My GF uses 'switch user' to load her desktop, but when she logs out, the screen goes blank, then my monitor says no signal and I can't ctrl+alt+f7 to get back to my desktop, and I have to hard reboot to get anything done.  Is this a KDE thing or an X thing, and how can I avoid it? (I can ctrl+alt+Fx between the sessions just fine when BOTH are running)05:44
zen_very strange do 64 was fine even whit out them isen't it Dr?05:44
chuenDr_willis: Should I change sbin permissions there?05:44
_spazhow do i put the trash bin on the desktop instead of in the taskbar?05:44
Dr_willischuen,  im not sure what the origianl problem was - whats going on with sbin.05:45
x_linkWhich is AMD Athlon 64 3200+ 2GHz, 512MB DDR2 533Mhz ( clocked to 667Mhz), GeForce 6150 128MB05:45
Dr_williszen_,  no idea. i dont mess with 64bit.05:45
zen_i was 1024x768 60 hz there to05:45
chuenDr_willis: I changed its permissions to 777 tp copy a file there.05:45
Dr_williszen_,  you can go on and on about what happened then....   or ya can focus on what you are doing NOW.. :)05:45
zen_ok before can u help me install flash 9 and java then im done Dr?05:45
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository05:45
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:45
ubotuFlash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash05:45
zen_yes your right05:46
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endo602i can enter folder smb://windows/Music but i cant fstab this location05:46
chuenDr_willis: Then somehow screwed up changing back to 75505:46
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Dr_willischuen,  heh heh..05:46
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chuenDr_willis: Somehow it locked me out05:46
apokryphos_spaz: http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kf1.html#showtrash05:46
zen_im able to install flash 9 whit copy paste as i did yesterday if u tell me commands Dr05:46
Dr_willischuen,  drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2007-01-25 12:35 /sbin05:46
zen_for java it's better for us 5 or 6?05:46
chuenDr_willis: OK ......05:46
Dr_williszen_,  i dont know the commands off hand. I belive i added the severas reopsitories and just apt-get installed it..05:46
zen_yes it''s in the backports05:47
zen_don't know if it's 9 final do05:47
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chuenDr_willis: drwxr-xr-x: command not found05:47
zen_ok we can install java if u want just don't know if 5 or 6 is better for us05:47
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Dr_willischuen,  that was a ls -ld /sbin listing.. NOT a command.05:47
endo602can someone please help me05:48
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Dr_williszen_,  For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre      from the !Multiverse repository05:48
chuenDr_willis: Oh - sorry yes .......05:48
Dr_williszen_,  so try 'sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre'05:48
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zen_ok i must enable repository 1 brb05:48
Dr_willisif you dont have 'multiverse' enabled - follow the !multiverse factoid page to do so.05:48
chuenDr_willis: drwxr--r-- 2 root root 8192 2007-01-28 13:42 /sbin05:49
Dr_willis            drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2007-01-25 12:35 /sbin05:49
zen_Dr can we use ninja irc chat client here i like it much?05:49
Dr_willisyou need to set the executable bit chuen  it seems.05:49
chuenDr_willis: How do I do that?05:50
Dr_willischuen,  for a dir to be +x = means others can 'enter/run' stuff from it.05:50
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jontechey is there any reason why grub lists my latest kernel as generic instead of amd64-generic?05:50
Dr_willischuen,  sudo chmod ### /sbin   *but i forget what ## to use)05:50
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jontecand uname -r returns 2.6.17-10-generic05:51
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memo_jontec: for remove your old kernel bout05:51
chuenDr_willis: It was originally 755 I think - shoudl I set it back to that?05:51
memo_you can modific the grub configuration file05:51
Dr_willischuen,  may as well. :) 755 sounds right.05:51
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Dr_willischuen,  i always cheat and use 'mc' to set the things05:51
zen_ok universe enabled now i must anable backports05:52
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports05:52
jontecmemo_: I don't want to remove it.... I want to know why it's generic instead of amd64 like my other ones05:52
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chuenDr_willis: Not sure what 'mc' is :)05:52
Dr_willis!info mc05:52
ubotumc: midnight commander - a powerful file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:4.6.1-5 (edgy), package size 2057 kB, installed size 5944 kB05:52
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chuenDr_willis: I'll install and take a look05:52
zen_who knows if we can install ninja irc chat client on kubuntu?05:53
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Dr_willischuen,  mc is handy for things like this.. under the files is 'advanced chown' that lets ya click/set the perms.. :) and it shows the ## - 755  SEEMS to be the one we want05:54
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chuenDr_willis: I've st it back to 755 now. Installing MC05:55
Dr_williszen_,  be sure to 'sudo apt-get update' after altering that apt.sources file05:55
zen_ok Dr i just did enable where it says backports universe multirevers both 205:55
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository05:55
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Dr_williszen_,  so install  sun-java5-jre now :)05:55
Dr_willisand all so well documented. :)05:56
Dr_willisnow if sun would just let us auto-include the stuff....05:56
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zen_seems nothing to update from console whit sudo apt-get update just lists and then says reading packages so i think im fine getting java brb05:56
chuenDr_willis: Thanks fo your help ttyl05:57
Dr_willis sudo apt-get update    ---> JUST updates the sources/repositories listings...05:57
Dr_willisupgrade - upgrades the whole system05:57
akrushave a question05:57
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akrusI have 'Boot' folder on my old /dev/sda1 NTFS volume05:58
akruswhich has memtest inside05:58
akrusis it needed?05:58
_spazubotu, thanks05:58
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)05:58
_spazlol, really?05:58
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:58
akrusso anyone?05:59
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:59
ubotuFlash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash05:59
zythanyone know where kdmrc is kept on kubuntu?05:59
zen_i got sun java 6 jre shall i put that or it's better 5 Dr?05:59
_spazi still need to install it05:59
zen_got even 5 do05:59
akrus /etc/kde3/kdm06:00
apokryphoszyth: dpkg -L kdm|grep kdmrc06:00
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zen_i love the power of debian repository packs haah06:00
zen_sorry i ask much im just very insecure now as new user but in time im sure ill get better06:00
padlefotzen_ : learning from failing is the best way, fear not ;)06:01
zen_what u advise me to install then sun java 6 jre or sun java 5 jre got both here06:01
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Dr_willis'got both' 'where?"06:02
zen_yes i know that well and ready to backup for that reason06:02
zen_on adept06:02
padlefotuse automatix to install java06:02
zen_from the backports06:02
Dr_willisnever noticed.. i just use that apt-get install command06:02
Dr_willisDONT use automatix06:02
LjL!automatix | padlefot06:02
ubotupadlefot: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe06:02
Dr_willistheres no need for it.06:02
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository06:02
zen_ciao LJL06:02
Dr_willissudo  install sun-java5-jre06:02
Dr_willisshould get your java going06:02
zen_no im using adept here Dr and has both even 6 if u are intrested06:02
padlefothehe, Dr_willis: fair enough ;-)06:02
Dr_williszen_,  it pays to learn to use the shell..06:03
Dr_willispays BIG time.06:03
zen_i prefare to avoid apt - get for now when i got same on adept06:03
Dr_willisoops i typoed.06:03
zen_im scared to mess up06:03
padlefotits also why people install ubuntu06:03
padlefotso they DO NOT HAVE TO USE THE SHELL06:03
Dr_williszen_,  you are using apt, adept is calling it in the background06:03
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padlefotgo slackware or suse if you want to learn real linux06:04
zen_yes i know was just saying not from console i prefare adept06:04
Dr_willispadlefot,  he asked how.. and  sudo apt-get install  install sun-java5-jre is the 'easyest' way to tell him.. clear, concise,. and no handholding - trying to tell him click herem there and everywhere..06:04
padlefoti know im just beeing an ass06:04
Dr_willisbut if he can handle the search feature in adept - he should be able to find the package anyway06:04
_spazdoes flash have an apt-get package?06:04
zen_but Dr if i got both java 5 and 6 in adept why u want apt - get?06:04
akrus_spaz: yep06:04
zen_yes in adept backports06:04
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Dr_williszen_,  flip a coin and isntall one then..06:05
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_spazlemme guess: sudo apt-get install flash?06:05
akrusis it okay if I'll leave Linux on /dev/sda6? :)06:05
Dr_williszen_,  in the time it took adept to load.. i think i could of had the thing downloaded and isntalled :)06:05
akrusand clean /dev/sda1?06:05
akrusnot flash06:05
zen_ok ill go for 6 then hoping it's stable06:05
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:05
ubotuFlash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash06:05
PhinnFortis there some info on what patches are included in the (k)ubuntu kernel somewhere?06:05
Dr_willisHmm !flash referes to itself..06:05
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Dr_willis!find flash06:05
ubotuFound: flashybrid, libflash-dev, libflash-mozplugin, libflash-swfplayer, libflash0c2 (and 6 others)06:05
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild06:06
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akrusSynaptic lags x_X06:06
akrushow is KDE4 development going? :)06:06
akruswhat's the approximate release time?06:06
zen_Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6  installing06:06
PhinnFortakrus: soon06:06
akrusPhinnFort: summer?06:06
PhinnForti dunno06:06
PhinnFortthey said some preview would be coming 1st quarter06:07
akruswanna Kopete with ICQ File Transfers...06:07
PhinnFortof 200706:07
akrusoh great06:07
apokryphosno release date set yet06:07
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akrusthe last screenshot looks promising06:07
PhinnFortjust read planetkde and watch the progress06:07
PhinnFortvector graphics ftw;)06:07
akrusBeryl to release soon too06:07
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PhinnFortkwin will probably either integrate support for beryl plugins, or eradicate the need for them06:08
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akrusKDE becoming better & better06:08
zen_btw Dr thanx much for help and adept seems very fast for me maby couse im amd 3000 1gb ram06:08
Dr_willisive been playing with that mandriva  metis eye candy live cd the last day or 2. its sort of neat in differnt ways then Beryl.06:08
akrusdidn't use Gnome for a little while06:08
akrusbut I believe it's nice too06:08
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PhinnFortgnome is a bit too simple, imho06:08
zen_whit 6 java is installing even 5 btw hope that's normal06:09
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akrusI'm using KDE just because it was the first GUI i met in Linux06:10
akrusand i dislike double panel of Gnome :)06:10
Dr_willischange it :)06:10
PhinnFortyou can have it in KDE too06:10
akrusI know06:10
Dr_willisinstall any of the 20+ other window managers.. have a blast06:10
akrusanyway KDE > Gnome06:10
akrusoh Enlightenment was nice too06:10
PhinnFortenlightenment is rather cool06:10
akrusI remember in Mandrake06:10
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Dr_willisI tend to set up whateer window manager does the job i need to do. :)06:10
akrusbut it has problems with russian language support06:11
PhinnFortit's on the mPentoo livecd06:11
PhinnFortKDE does the job excellently, whatever job i need to do;)06:11
akrusgetting rid of NTFS volumes, finally06:11
akruscopying the data atm06:11
PhinnForti don't like ntfs;)06:11
akrusI've switched to linux 2 months ago :)06:12
jontecany reason why they put all of the headers into one package? as in linux-generic.... all of my previous kernels were linux-amd64-generic... and does this linux-generic still have support for amd64? the package corresponding to the amd64 headers just references the generic package06:12
akruswell actually that's because of Vista :D06:12
zythakrus: same, I am using linux on my desktop because I don't want to buy vista, lol06:12
zen_do i have to remove all of java 5 that installed whit java 6 when it's done?06:12
akruswell, I wanted to buy it06:12
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PhinnForti use linux because i love it;)06:12
akrusjust I upgraded the PC06:12
akrusand vista died06:12
_spazflash is working06:12
akrusLinux changed the driver to vesa06:12
akrusand worked ok06:13
_spazthanks akrus06:13
akrusso I decided to stay06:13
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_spazor are you another bot?06:13
Dr_williszen_,  you rarely have to worry about that stuff.. the apt system should auto do what it needs to do.. (SHOULD at least)06:13
=== PhinnFort version 1.0
=== _spaz is tired of bots on other channels
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_spazthey are annoying...06:13
akrusthe only thing I miss - Trillian06:13
zen_ok super06:13
akrusbut anyway it's to be released for Linux soon06:13
PhinnForti never really understood why people enjoyed trillian so much06:13
akrusand Kopete 1.0 would be great too...06:14
zen_what about yum can i install it install rpm  or better not?06:14
PhinnForti tried it, and it was "okay"06:14
akrusPhinnFort: it's great06:14
Tm_TKopete <306:14
PhinnFortdouble that06:14
akrusPhinnFort: I'm the official translator xD06:14
akrusso I have lifetime license :D06:14
akrusKopete has no File Transfer support for ICQ/AIM06:14
akrusand no client detection06:14
akrusSIM is so laggy :(06:14
akruslicq too06:15
akrusGaim is ugly06:15
PhinnFortkopete has client detection afaik here06:15
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Tm_Tclient detection?06:15
zen_any one using yum here to install rpm what u advise to install it?06:15
PhinnForti don't know about icq/aim, as i don't use it06:15
akrusit's when the remote client diplayed06:15
akruse.g. in SIM profile: 'User is using QIP'06:15
Dr_williszen_,  yum is not a ubuntu tool.06:15
PhinnFortakrus: i remember seing an option for enabling it somewhere in kopete06:15
Dr_williszen_,  and the apt-get system dosent use rpms06:15
akrusPhinnFort: I do not :(06:15
Tm_Takrus: Does tell atleast in Jabber.06:15
zen_ok so ill ignore it then06:16
akrusI don't have many contacts in Jabber06:16
Tm_Takrus: Hmm, also MSN, I can tell who of my friends use bitlbee etc.06:16
akrusmostly ICQ06:16
akrusthen MSN06:16
zen_why is it in repository just curius Dr?06:16
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PhinnFortzen_: so people can play around with it?06:16
PhinnFortyou don't have to use it just because it's in the reps06:16
zen_haha was just curius06:17
akrusI think I'll join some project06:17
=== Dr_willis wonders if he has a "yes I am all-knowing" button on...
zen_btw debian has so much stuff u get lost in it06:17
akrusat least I have experience developing :)06:17
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PhinnFortDr_willis: why is the sky pink06:17
Dr_willisPhinnFort,  from the blood of the newbies we spray!06:17
PhinnFortakrus: register on launchpad and start hacking away06:17
akrusI'd like to fix the translation bugs in amarok06:17
akruscause 'BROKEN TRANSLATION' is not that good :x06:18
akrusand 'Paused' instead of 'Pause' too06:18
PhinnForttranslation is really easy with rosetta06:18
PhinnFortdone some translation meself06:18
adaptrHI, can anobody tell me which option to disable to get rid of the animated (colored, fancy-appearing) tooltips on the kicker panel ? I am trying to tune my desktop for speed, and KDE has so many options I'm starting to get dizzy...06:18
akrusadaptr: sudo killall -e kicker06:19
PhinnFortakrus: the online translation tool in launchpad06:19
adaptrakrus: thanks06:19
uboturosetta is a Web-based system for translating open source software into any language.  See https://launchpad.net/rosetta/+about06:19
akrusadaptr: hey06:19
akrusadaptr: I'm kidding06:19
Dr_willisadaptr,  thers a 'hide tooltips'  option somewhere..06:19
adaptrDr_willis: there are at least three.. but none of them make *all* the tooltips go06:19
Theorythat url is broken btw06:19
adaptrDr_willis: at least gnome has an XP-ish "tune for speed" option in its interface...06:20
zen_ok java 5 stopped at 22% couse im not able to click on the license ok06:20
zen_to go on how i solve that?06:20
Dr_willisadaptr,  im suprised gnome has allowed the users to 'make such a drastic decision'06:20
adaptrDr_willis: which seems to be sadly lacking in KDE.. I'd much rather disable all candy and then enable only those I want than the (stupid) reverse06:20
akrusdata copied06:20
PhinnFortadaptr: there's supposed to be a wizard who sets up your KDE desktop when you log in the first time06:20
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PhinnFortand it can tune the eyecandy06:20
PhinnFortKEyeCandyMeter or something06:21
Dr_willisadaptr,  the origial/standard kde has a little wizard for eye candy tuning.06:21
adaptrPhinnFort: I'll check that, thanks06:21
Dr_willisbut im not sure if kubuntu removed it..or did somthing else with it06:21
akrus10 Gb free T_T06:21
PhinnFortadaptr: run kpersonalizer06:21
Dr_willisi think the KUBUNTU faq mentions the packages to install to get it back.06:21
ForgeAushow well or badly do slackware packages work under debian?06:21
zen_i see why u said do apt- get install now Dr06:21
PhinnFortDr_willis: it's here06:21
ForgeAus(erm kubuntu)06:21
Dr_willisForgeAus,  i douldent think they work at all.06:21
PhinnFortForgeAus: rather bad06:22
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ForgeAus(I just copied zenwalks installpkg over seemed to work fine)06:22
Dr_williszen_,  NOW you listen to me. :)06:22
adaptrPhinnFort: will do06:22
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ForgeAusas for the installations not so sure06:22
ForgeAusXnest worked06:22
ForgeAus(older version)06:22
ForgeAusI renamed the one I had to Xnest.old06:22
ForgeAusseemed to do the same thing06:22
ForgeAusbut not sure coz I don't have all the things it asked for06:23
ForgeAus(fonts and stuff)06:23
PhinnForti'm growing tired of ubuntu's default kernel... it's a horrible beast06:23
PhinnFortslow and unresponsive06:23
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apokryphos!enter | ForgeAus06:23
ubotuForgeAus: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:23
PhinnFortcon kolivas would turn in his chair, if he wasn't busy churning out new patches06:24
adaptrPhinnFort: I'm surprised no-one has started tweaking the default kernels yet... and producing reliable replacements06:25
akrusalmost done06:25
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akrushow to change NTFS->EXT3?06:25
PhinnFortadaptr: br06:25
akrusand is EXT3 or ReiserFS better?06:25
Dr_willisakrus,  i dont see much reason to use reiserfs for most people.06:25
zen_zen@zen-desktop:~$ !adept crash fix06:25
zen_bash: !adept: event not found06:25
adaptrPhinnFort: ?06:25
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Dr_williszen_,  the ! thing is a bot command.06:25
zen_yes im trying the adept crash fix06:26
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Dr_willisrember !bot06:26
ubotuadept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto06:26
ubotuIf adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a'06:26
akrus!adept < synaptic06:26
ubotuadept: package management suite for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 2.1.1ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 11 kB, installed size 40 kB06:26
sebbarhi... what do I need to set up remote access to a machine?06:26
padlefotanyone here tried out vmware?06:26
Dr_willissebbar,  depends on how you want to access it..06:26
padlefotsebbar: in what way?06:26
akrussebbar: apt-get install vncserver06:26
zen_ok im solving thanx06:26
Dr_willispadlefot,  i use vmware server all the time06:26
tapassebbar: ssh06:26
akrusconnect to or on local?06:26
PhinnFortdpkg < synaptic06:26
PhinnFortadaptr: i think i'll almost start doing it myself06:27
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jbruckmanhey, does anyone know why adobe flash player wouldn't have any sound, but amarok would?06:27
PhinnFortfetching old beyond patchsets, and applying them to kernel sources06:27
PhinnFortjbruckman: i have the same problem06:27
padlefotDr_willis: I just installed winxp - do you know if there are any video drivers for nvidia made to work wit vmware? It all worked out really well exept from the video card06:27
sebbarwell see I'm setting up an ubuntu machine for my sister, but I'd like to have access to it just in case she screws something up or so.. what should I go for?06:27
akrusworks for me :x06:27
akrusbut lags in Opera06:27
jbruckmanPhinnFort: have you found any documentation about it?06:27
akrusfrom Trevino's repo06:27
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PhinnFortjbruckman: i think i fixed it by disabling my videodecoder06:27
adaptrPhinnFort: which parts have you identified that could be improved ? I understand that the Ubuntu maintainers have to configure for the MCD06:27
Dr_willispadlefot,  there are the vmware tools you can install that have updated drivers for the various vmware parts..06:28
PhinnFortalsa tried to mix it06:28
jbruckmanPhinnFort: how'd you do that?06:28
PhinnFortadaptr: firstly, they could improve responsivity06:28
padlefotDr_willis: hence vmware telling me the tools arent installed, thanx ;)06:28
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Dr_willispadlefot,  logical eh? :)06:28
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PhinnFortjbruckman: very troublesome06:28
padlefotDr_willis: too obvious ;)06:28
akrushow to format a drive? :x06:28
PhinnFortpaste lspci and lsmod somewhere06:28
adaptrPhinnFort: which brings me to another quesiton: are there reliable ways of measuring kernel performance ?06:28
jbruckmanPhinnFort: haha, is there a website, or a forum i could reference?06:28
padlefotcant see the forest, for all the trees06:28
PhinnFortjbruckman: /msg me06:28
Dr_willispadlefot,  wait till you watch the things auto-install - its creepy06:28
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adaptrPhinnFort: improving response is a matter of increasing uclock and implementing better schedulers... perhaps tweaking some default buffers06:29
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padlefot"will greatly enhance video and mouse performance"06:29
PhinnFortadaptr: Con Kolivas has made it into an art06:29
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adaptrPhinnFort: I know -I used to run his kernels on Gentoo :)06:29
PhinnFortme too06:29
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adaptrall the rest sux0red06:29
PhinnFortbut i switched to the Viper patchset06:29
PhinnFortit rocked06:29
akrushow to force unmount?06:30
adaptrwho made that ?06:30
PhinnFortsearch the gentoo forums06:30
Dr_willisakrus,  what are you trying to do exactly?06:30
PhinnFortakrus: umount -f06:30
padlefotDr_willis, it really is creepy06:30
akrusunmount NTFS volume :)06:30
Dr_willispadlefot,  :)06:30
akrustells it's busy06:30
akrusbut not using it atm06:30
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Dr_willisyou going to delete th drive?06:31
padlefotinstalling within win06:31
PhinnFortakrus: use "lsof"06:31
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands06:31
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Dr_willisYou may have to reboot after fdisking the drive to make/chantge the partitions anyways.06:31
tapasi rather do alt-f2 xterm :)06:31
akrusconverting <306:31
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tapasor rather06:31
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Dr_willisdeleting is not converting. :)06:32
akrusmke2fs -T ext3 /dev/sda106:32
tapasxterm -sl 1000006:32
akrusis it ok?06:32
tapasakrus: mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda106:32
Dr_willisif its a ntfs partition now.. dont ya have to fdisk and delete/remake it ?06:32
tapasi sprobably easier to rmember06:32
akruslate xD06:32
akruskay done06:32
akrusnow fstab06:33
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akrus ext3: No journal on filesystem on sda106:34
akruswhat's this?06:34
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tapasakrus: did you use mke2fs?06:35
tapasyou need the -J option, too then06:35
tapasread the manpage06:35
tapasdon't trust my words06:35
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tapasmkfs.ext3 does it all for you though06:35
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akrusk trying06:36
akrusformat C: /q :x06:36
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TheHermitFirends while i was installing gimp through the termianl i close it but i idint mean to close and when i try to open another one to install gimp i cant bec its telling me that apt-get is using by another preccoser06:37
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TheHermitSo what to do to closethe another proc06:37
hak5fanHi I've asked this question before, but forgot the command. How do I restart samba?06:37
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PhinnForthow can i switch to feisty from edgy?06:38
PhinnFortdo i just change my sources.list?06:39
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akrusok, how to enable access to this folder for everyone?06:39
akrusumask=000 not working ~_~06:40
endo602my mount -a is saying "Could not resolve mount point "  what does that mean?06:40
ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+106:40
akrusit's in feisty? o_O06:40
PhinnForthe was talking to be06:40
BluesKajstill works , even with the bad spelling :)06:40
akrusUnrecognized mount option "umask=000" or missing value06:41
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PhinnFortis there any reason to use feisty now?06:41
hak5fanDoes anyone know how to restart samba in ubuntu?06:41
akrus /etc/init.d/samba restart?06:41
PhinnForthak5fan: in command line or gui?06:41
PhinnFortcommand line is much quicker06:41
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hak5fancommand line06:41
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endo602my mount -a is saying "Could not resolve mount point "  what does that mean?06:41
hak5fanor gui for that matter06:42
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PhinnForthak5fan: /etc/init.d/samba restart06:42
akrusPhinnFort: using Feisty, looks okay :)06:42
akrusendo602: dmesg|tail?06:42
PhinnFortakrus: how do i upgrade?06:42
tapasendo602: probably the mount point doesn't exist?06:42
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akrusPhinnFort: no idea :)06:42
endo602it does06:42
PhinnFortendo602: fix your /etc/fstab06:42
akruslikely /etc/apt/sources.list -> Feisty06:42
endo602according to the directories06:42
akrusapt-get dist-upgrade?06:42
endo602PhinnFort, what specifically06:42
hak5fanPhinnFort:  tnx it workd06:42
PhinnFortendo602: spelling errors?06:43
akrusyep I'm right06:43
akrusPhinnFort: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list06:43
akruschange all the 'edgy' to 'feisty'06:44
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PhinnFortakrus: that's it?06:44
akrussudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade06:44
akrussudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop python-qt3 python-kde3 ubuntu-minimal06:44
akrusand reboot06:44
TheHermitcan i have a permision to folder wich is in the root folder06:44
akrusstdin: are you here?06:44
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endo602PhinnFort, no spelling error06:45
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BluesKajPhinnFort, why may I ask are you thinking of feisty when it's still alpha...admittedly not stable yet06:45
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PhinnForti'm used to ~amd64 from gentoo;)06:46
endo602i get this error too "mbmnt must be installed suid root for direct user mounts (1000,1000)"06:46
PhinnFortendo602: did you remember to sudo mount?06:46
Taime1why is that some sites think konqeror has active x controls but KNOW that firefox doesnt? is there some setting that allows konqeror to bypass these errors that i get when i use firefox for those same sites?06:46
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BluesKajTaime1, game sites ?06:48
Taime1well, no06:49
Taime1let me give you two examples06:49
Taime1www.toonamijetstream.com  and  www.myspace.com/beansmendoza06:49
Taime1my son's favorite site and my wife's myspace page06:49
Taime1firefox cannot open either of those sites06:50
Taime1but konqeror can06:50
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BluesKajthe myspace one is a bit much , backgroundwise in FF06:51
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BluesKajmyspace is very transparent in FF06:54
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Taime1okay, what about the jetstream page?06:56
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BTRHi, all of a sudden theres alot of my keys that doesnt work, what could  have  hanned06:59
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voggelhabe gerade das erste mal kubuntu installiert und wollte standartmig opera draufpacken.. bin aber nicht dazu in der lage das zu installieren, da er den pfad nicht findet06:59
PhinnFortBTR: coke?06:59
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PhinnFort!de | voggel06:59
ubotuvoggel: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de06:59
endo602what does it mean when i go into a folder and it sasy stalled at the bottom by status bar?06:59
BTRPhinnFort: what06:59
PhinnForthave you spilled sugar-water on your keys07:00
jonteccan someone help me figure out how to setup my sound card? I need to setup the new alsa settings, but I think that alsa is having trouble with my headers07:00
PhinnFortendo602: it's working very hard07:00
BTRNo, its the software that makes roblems07:00
endo602any reason it would do that?07:01
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PhinnFortBTR: have you treated your software badly?07:02
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PhinnFortwhen patch says this, should i press n or y?: The next patch would create the file include/linux/swap-prefetch.h, which already exists!  Assume -R? [n] 07:02
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Taime1BTR: what language do you speak?07:03
brett__I am trying to watch a video off of youtube and there is no sound. I am able to play videos off of my hard drive fine with sound.... can someone help me trouble shoot07:03
BTRPhinnFort: Its my girlfriend tjat first exerienced it, and i dont know how to solve it07:03
BTRTaime1: Danish07:03
PhinnFortBTR: what exactly is the problem?07:03
BTRPhinnFort: i cant use haf of my keys07:04
gaspipe1_hey people07:04
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PhinnFortBTR: can you manage to paste /etc/X11/xorg.conf to rafb.net/paste?07:04
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BTRPhinnFort: I can try07:05
brett__can someone help me out please?07:05
PhinnForti can type out the commands for you;): kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:05
PhinnFortbrett__: do you have a tv-tuner?07:05
radiusquick question, running kubuntu feisty, video and audio is choppy - any solution to this?07:05
brett__PhinnFort: no-07:05
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PhinnFortbrett__: can you type "lspci" in a konsole, and paste the output to rafb.net/paste?07:07
brett__PhinnFort: it just started working07:07
brett__PhinnFort: ?? thanks though07:07
N6REJgood afternoon everyone... how can I copy files from one folder and overwrite the existing files on another.07:07
BTRPhinnFort: http://rafb.net/p/508aFI48.html07:07
gaspipe1_anyone know how to move the "program tabs" (the tab that opens on the bottom row to show which programs are running such as 2 firefox, 1 t-bird, and terminal) to the top panel where applications, lpaces and system is?07:08
PhinnFortBTR: are you sure it's software related?07:08
Dr_willisN6REJ,  cp command from the shell is one way.. or just drag and drop..  of course you are not very clear as to wat the problem is...07:08
PhinnForthave you tried with another keyboard?07:08
jbruckmanPhinnFort: hey i'm back. could you help me with the tuner?07:08
PhinnFortjbruckman: yes07:08
jbruckmanPhinnFort: thanks07:08
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BTRPhinnFort: I can ask my gf, she comes home in 2O mins07:09
Dr_willisHome in 20 min! quick clean up the house!07:09
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carolynSome basic questions like: can you run the install cd as a live-CD?07:09
N6REJDr_willis: standard cp won't do it will it?  I have an app that I need to update the files from the svn.  so I need to cp /foldera -> /folderb (overwrite all )07:09
Dr_willisThe Live cd can be installed..07:09
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Dr_willis N6REJ  cp has a large # of optuons.. so yes it can do it i am guessing..07:10
N6REJDr_willis: Ok, I'll take a look at the man.07:10
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N6REJDr_willis: do you know if the default mysql 5 installation has these features built in ?    Select "Transactional Database" and "Online Transactions Processing (OLTP)07:13
N6REJDr_willis: or how to tell?07:13
Dr_willisN6REJ,  no clue. I dont sql :)07:13
Dr_willismysql --version perhaps?07:13
N6REJDr_willis: that makes 2 of us LOL... thats an idea, I'll try it.07:14
N6REJDr_willis: nope :(07:14
adaptrN6REJ: man mysql(d)07:15
N6REJadaptr: ty07:15
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PF-Awayheh, doesn't the ubuntu kernel even have prefetching?07:23
jontechey, wishie, you still available?07:23
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dopei'm using nfs to mount a filesystem and i'm in the /etc/exports file putting in computers that will be able to access it but i will be in a different locations so my IP will be changing.  How can i access my nfs ?07:27
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Dr_willisyou are accessing your nfs shares over the internet? or a local lan?07:28
dopeit would be over the internet07:28
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Dr_willisdope,  you may want to look into the VPN stuff..  im not sure doing NFS that way is a good  idea.07:29
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Dr_willisThere may be some better ways.. but  now a days 'security' is king.07:31
Dr_willisand im not sure that nfs over the internet is considered that secure.07:31
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Dr_willishttp://www.linuxsecurity.com/content/view/117705/49/ - has some neat info on this topic.07:32
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Dr_willisNFS is known to be in the top-ten most common vulnerabilities reported by CERT and was abusively exploited.07:33
dopeso i guess vpn is the way to go07:34
Dr_willisor they tunnel nfs over ssh.07:34
dopei'm not really sure how to set one up though07:34
Dr_willislater in that artical.07:34
Dr_willisdepends on what you are doing exactly with the shares and so forth.07:35
Dr_willisthat sshfs stuff may do what you need easialy enough07:35
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xXmelvinXxi have a question07:35
xXmelvinXxim new using kubuntu07:36
Dr_willis:) and....07:36
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:36
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Dr_willisadaptr,  you scared him off the internet!07:39
grazieI lost sound when updating packages. Anyone got some suggestions for finding the problem?07:39
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP307:39
adaptror he's composing a really long sentence right as we speak :)07:39
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graziedone troubleshooting - no joy.07:40
Dr_willisMy sound cards give me no hassles.. (joy) so i cant help much.. what was updated  that broke it?07:41
grazieDetails here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/8162607:41
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hak5fanhi for some reason saba fails to start... why?07:43
pixelationoh noes... is konquer not compatible with flash AT ALL?07:44
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Dr_willisworks for me.07:45
Dr_willisyoutube.com does at least07:45
pixelationreally?... ok, where should I look, what technique did you use?07:45
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Dr_willisinstalled flash9... and thats it...07:46
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:47
ubotuFlash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash07:47
[StingRay] Hi stdin. Can you give me a hand, please.07:47
ninHerand how can you solve this using amd64 ?07:47
timsterI got given a harddrive today, 300 gig07:47
timsterIs there anyway I can install beryl on kubuntu07:47
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl07:47
Dr_willistimster,  ive heard it can be done.. and no i havent done it. :)07:48
timsterk, thanks07:48
Dr_willisi just played with it from some live cd's - and decided... bla.07:48
timsterAny alternatives?07:48
Dr_willisother then 'get over the eye candy addiction' ?07:48
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Dr_willis :)07:48
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ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems07:48
Benttimster, I'm currently running beryl on kde07:48
Dr_willisi found the mandriva Metis live cd - to be more useable...07:48
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timsterBent, how did you manage it?07:49
timsterIs there a guide or somehting?07:49
timsterIm not the most advanced of users.07:49
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Benttimster, yes there is a guide to it07:49
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timsterCan you link to it?07:49
Benttimster, I'm trying to find it07:49
timster>_< 165 packages to upgrade07:50
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[StingRay] Hi all. I was using vmplayer successfully  10 minutes ago but now I have an error - /usr/lib/vmware-player/bin/vmplayer: /usr/lib/vmware-player/lib/libpng12.so.0/libpng12.so.0: no version information available (required by /usr/lib/libcairo.so.2)07:50
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Benttimster, I think it was http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26385107:50
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Benttimster, eventhough I'm currently running it at fiesty07:51
timsterOk, ill give it a shot07:51
Dr_willis[StingRay] ,  thats not an error really.. mine sauys that all the time.. it always has.. it works fine anyway07:51
Dr_willisi tend to use vmware server however.07:51
Dr_williswork time - byeeeeeeeee07:51
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Benttimster, just be aware what type og graphic card you have07:52
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[StingRay] I was working, but now it refuses to start :(...why...07:52
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timsterNividia i think07:52
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Benttimster, same here ;)07:52
timsterIm just reading through before i go for it.07:52
BentStingRay, problems with running wmware server?07:52
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Benttimster, very wise :)07:53
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ubuntu___How do I mount a ntfs hdd in linux on full write(im using the live cd[dapper64bit] )07:55
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zythits not the best idea.07:55
tibbarHow do I mount a ntfs hdd in linux on full write(im using the live cd[dapper64bit] ). I don't care if it blows up my house07:55
dopetibbar: i think writing to ntfs is still experimental07:55
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:56
solitarybitAnyone here runnning a Radeon 7000 VE?07:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seth - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:56
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:57
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about boredom - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:58
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zen_hello how do u see what java version u got in console?08:00
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse08:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sex - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:01
timsteroh dear08:01
zythwtf, my link to /home/foo/nwn/nwn doesn't work, but running /home/foo/nwn/nwn does.08:02
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zen_how do u see what version u got of java from console?08:02
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zythnm solved issue08:03
zen_any one knows?08:03
zythjava -showversion08:04
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zythkyle@derputer:~$ java -showversion08:04
zythjava version "1.5.0_08"08:04
zythlike so08:05
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zythyou'll have to scroll up to see it08:05
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crazy_penguinHello everyone!08:06
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dg_slgum brazuca08:07
zen_thanx zyth08:07
zen_u advise me to remove java 5 to install 6 now i got same version as u08:07
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zythumm... why do I have no mouse in GW.08:08
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Thehound666anyone have a good link to a how-to for setting up a squid proxy?08:13
Thehound666Google pulling up crap and I'm intersted in setting one up08:13
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:14
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drbeamscan't heaar sound from amarok on shoutcast streams, why ?08:14
Thehound666meh flash self-installs for firefox08:14
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Thehound666wouldn't be sure except codecs maybe08:15
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herkHelp, please08:17
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herkI've lost my panel08:18
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Thehound666hmmm sure it didn't just crash?08:18
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Thehound666which restart may fix08:18
ulissechi mi da una mano08:18
herkI've tried starting kicker from a command, I've tried rebooting - nada08:18
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herkSeems like something's running the HD constantly, too.08:18
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cyber_brain_mfkghow to open xyz port?any ideas?08:19
Thehound666that seems above me. I'm a relative newbie myself.08:19
Thehound666Just try to help if I can08:19
herkI switched to Gnome and it worked fine.08:19
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Thehound666did you have gnome but running kde when you had the issue?08:20
Thehound666thinking maybe part of gnome ran and tried to use same resources08:20
herkno, I started with ubuntu, then upgraded to kubuntu08:20
Thehound666though not sure which that'd be08:20
herkI'm planning on reinstalling kubuntu from scratch08:21
Thehound666might wait for the experts08:21
Thehound666I'm not one of them...yet08:21
herkIt's not just hidden somewhere.08:21
ulissechi italiano08:21
Thehound666they seem away atm08:21
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Thehound666was going to say remove gnome to test but if you put in gnome after the issue08:22
Thehound666I doubt it's the issue08:22
herkYeah - I just logged out and logged back in in Gnome08:22
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herkI even ran a Maxtor drive test and it passed.08:23
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chris____what is a good program to download with like limewire08:25
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire08:25
chris____thanks I'll check it out08:26
dopei just want to mount a drive from a remote computer while i'm out traveling.  is vpn the best way to do this?08:26
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zorglu_q. is there a strigi package for dapper somewhere ?08:29
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mky023Am I alone??08:31
dopei'm with you always08:31
mky023Awesome!!! XD08:31
dopejust like Jesus08:31
yonkeltronis there a channel for JSP discussion?08:31
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mky023I don't Know what is JSP08:32
dopeyonkeltron: possible, have you searched using the /list command?08:32
yonkeltrondope....looking really08:32
dopei'd say just find a java channel08:32
dopejsp is java server pages right?08:32
yonkeltroni just asked in ##java but they can get kind of snarky sometimes08:33
=== dromer having usb-trouble again
mky023Ooo, this is great, everybody here knows something about computers... I felt strange in my classroom :p08:33
dromerlow-end pc running edgy, the usb-device is in lsusb, but nothing gets mounted08:34
dopethey're a bit pompus?08:34
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yonkeltrondope: just rude and snappy sometimes08:34
distro-testerhello everyone08:34
distro-testerok i installed chrootkit how do i make it gui to run it and add it menu?08:34
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ubotuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser08:34
dopeyonkeltron: that seems to be a trend amoung programmers08:35
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kashuallo peeps08:35
distro-testerdo u know how to make rkhunter and chrootkit gui to run em and add them to menu ?08:35
drbeamsprogramers forget, that without users, thier programs are simply an self contained expression of themselves08:36
zorglu_!info strigi08:36
ubotuPackage strigi does not exist in any distro I know08:36
dromerhow can I mount my usb-stick? it's not automounted08:36
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yonkeltrondope: i'm not snarky08:37
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic08:38
=== jf jumps up and down (yay everything is working now :))
kashualdromer mout /dev/sd* sda1 sdb108:38
Hoxxin_so if i really want to play games on linux, the best choice is to use, cedega, ive read that works good, but it costs :(08:38
kashualjust make sudo cat /etc/fstab or sudo cat /etc/mtab08:39
distro-testeri allready installed ckhunter and chrootkit from adept just want to add them to menu as they don't show in desk how u do that?08:39
distro-testerso i can rum em to08:39
dopeyonkeltron: i'm not either but a lot of kids i went to school with are and a fair number of young programmers i meet online are08:39
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kashualdistro-tester http://www.tutorials-blog.com/linux-security/Just-ping/ read all them08:40
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ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!08:40
jfmmmh, ok got Twinview to work...not sure if any of you are familiar with Windows but there's this app called UltraMon which allow you to have two taskbars (Panel) I would like this under KDE...but each Panel controlling only the apps on this one screen08:40
jfIs there such a thing for Kubuntu? I've gotten a seperate Panel but it's doesn't do much but holds Widget and such08:41
dromerkashual: I just did $ sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/usb  .. I can now see it in konqueror, but when umounting (same line but umount) I get: umount: /dev/sda1: not mounted08:41
dope<Alanna> Saying that Java is nice because it works on all OS's is like saying that anal sex is nice because it works on all genders08:41
kashualdromer no point to give08:42
kashualhe will mount auto it as device name08:43
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dromerkashual: ah ... hmm, so apperantly iy first umounts .. then says it's not mounted ..08:43
kashualfor example08:43
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kashualsudo mount /dev/sda1  will mount sda1 on /media/sda108:43
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kashualthe device name will be forgiven dynamic ...... so u get first plugin usb stick it will be sda u get plug another in it will be named sdb08:45
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kashual1 2 3 and so means the partition on device so root partition are ever 108:46
kashualdromer got it now08:46
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kashualdromer .....other then read here http://www.tecchannel.de/server/linux/402478/index7.html08:47
kashual!google kubuntu08:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about google kubuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:48
kashuallol no google lines in any bots here08:49
kashual[20:47]  <usemody> !google mount usb08:49
kashual[20:47]  <ServiceBot> http://www.tecchannel.de/server/linux/402478/index7.html08:49
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distro-testerok ill ask again i just would like to know how to add to menu ckhunter and chrootkit i installed whit adept and know if they run in auto on pc or i must run em gui?08:52
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nagyvdistro-tester: not sure if I understood you correctly, but you can use kmenuedit to add new menu items08:53
distro-testerhow do i find them?08:53
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nagyvdistro-tester: whereis ckhunter08:54
distro-testerim just tryig to add ckhunter and chrookit adept installed to menu nag08:54
distro-testerdon't know08:54
distro-testerthat's the problem08:54
nagyvdistro-tester: try it again, I don't get you08:54
distro-testerdo i have to run those 2 anti rookits or they work alone even if u can't see them on menu as iptables?08:54
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distro-testerthat's 1 question08:54
distro-tester2 question if u can help me to locate them and add them menu08:55
nagyvdistro-tester: they work regardless of the menu08:55
distro-testeri see08:55
nagyvdistro-tester: use the command whereis, and after kmenuedit08:55
distro-testerin console?08:55
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distro-testerlike whereis ckhunter like this?08:56
blekoshello, i had messed up my system so i did a fresh install of kubuntu08:56
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blekosbut when i go to synaptic to install mozilla i get08:56
blekosmozilla-firefox-locale-gb install08:57
blekosbut i cannot find it anywhere08:57
nagyvdistro-tester: yes08:57
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distro-testerok says desktop08:57
nagyvblekos: did you already installed firefox?08:58
distro-testercan't see it do08:58
nagyvdistro-tester: isn't it on your desktop?08:58
distro-testerzen@zen-desktop:~$ whereis ckhunter08:58
blekosi've just logged in to the fresh install, hadn't the time to change anything yet08:58
distro-testerbut no one can see it08:58
distro-testerok blekos im glad u reinstalled everything back whit cd08:59
distro-testernow get help08:59
distro-testerso nag what i do?08:59
distro-testerit's not in menu neither in desktop08:59
blekoswell, thought the best thing to do, then after i sort evrng out i'll have a good backup!!08:59
distro-testernor ckhunter and chrootkit09:00
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nagyvblekos: run apt-get install firefox09:00
ubotukeep: backup system for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 0.3.0-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 189 kB, installed size 836 kB09:00
blekosi got the problem, i had enabled all repos09:00
distro-testeris keep the best way to back up for begginers nag?09:00
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blekosno i can see firefox and a couple of other tools :)09:00
distro-testeri must backup everying to09:00
nagyvdistro-tester: try the search functionality in the Kmenu09:01
distro-testeru nead to update repository blekos09:01
distro-testerand backports09:01
blekosi did it :)09:01
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports09:01
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distro-testerok then update09:01
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning09:01
nagyvblekos: cool :)09:01
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distro-testernag i got java 5 but adept has 6 to wich one is best to install now i installed 5 shall i remove it for 5?09:01
nagyvdistro-tester: I prefer to back up using partimage09:02
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blekosi', m using pc xxx years now, and tried 2 migrated 2 linux a lot of times, but now its the time, linux is friendlier than ever, i've been having ubuntu since 5.x09:02
nagyvdistro-tester: try to write my full name, then I will see if you write me something09:02
distro-testerok i must use simple stuff im new to linux09:02
blekosbut never serioulsy worked on it09:02
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blekosit's been only a couple of months now, i switch 2 windows only to sync my mob/pda :(09:02
distro-testerdo i have to remove java 5 and put java 6 i got in adept nagyv?09:03
nagyvdistro-tester: it is simple (I think), and can backup your whole system. then if you mess it up it can put you back everything in 5 minutes09:03
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distro-testerand for what i asked on java?09:03
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nagyvdistro-tester: probably not, but you can do it if you would like to09:03
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distro-testercouse 6 is not stable yet right so better wait?09:03
nagyvblekos: that's one thing that I am still unable to do on Linux :(09:04
blekosyes, and it soo unfair...09:04
[StingRay] Should I set the suid bit on smbmnt in order to mount a remote share with rw permissions for a user other than root?09:04
tidiman07hello all09:04
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nagyvdistro-tester: no idea, I simply don't know09:04
nagyvblekos: actually it can depend on your mobile09:05
blekosi got a mio a701, with wm509:05
tidiman07i need help about bash scripting09:05
[StingRay] tidiman07 -> #bash09:05
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blekoshas anyone install flash plugin 9?09:05
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nagyvblekos: yep :)09:05
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distro-testerit's in back ports09:06
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:06
ubotuFlash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash09:06
distro-testeru can install it from console or adept non free plug ins09:06
distro-testerit's called09:06
blekosdoes it work ok?09:06
nagyvblekos: definitely09:06
blekosi had i minor prob with 7(?) firefox was crashing09:06
distro-testeru like it spelled like this?09:07
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distro-testerim joking hehe09:07
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distro-testerinstall 9 blekos09:07
nagyvdistro-tester: probably you are using konversation, just type nag and click on TAB :)09:07
blekosi'm going for it, iam reading a tutorial :)09:07
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distro-testernagyv: hello09:08
distro-testerwhat happens now i did that?09:08
nagyvdistro-tester: I am also really happy that you are here, but please stop this :)09:08
distro-testerok im just doing what u told me09:08
nagyvdistro-tester: you just don't have to write my full name, konversation will complete it correctly09:08
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nagyvdistro-tester: you can try it with na, then you will get a list09:09
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distro-testernagyv: i istalled java 5 and flash 9 do i nead to install any thing  else whit firefox ?09:10
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distro-testerlike the java plugin for firefox?09:11
nagyvdistro-tester: the kaffeine plugin?09:11
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distro-testersays java plugin09:11
nagyvdistro-tester: you can even set up firefox to use kde-programs for a couple of actions (I mean if you click on a link like mms:// then it is used to be a video, but firefox won't know how to handle the mms protocol)09:12
distro-testerJava plugin for mozilla/firefox09:12
distro-testerA metapackage containing dependencies for runing Java in mozilla browsers.09:12
distro-testerok ill install firefox whit java plug in then next i nead vlc and plug ins to see every thing can u help me whit that?09:12
nagyvdistro-tester: I have a j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin installed09:13
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distro-testeryes that's it09:13
distro-testerthe one i resquest install whit firefox09:13
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distro-testerwill it be hard to get vlc now and plug ins to see everything?09:13
nagyvdistro-tester: I don't know vlc09:13
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blekoscant w8t till i have install everything i need, then the fun starts-u know icons thems etc lol09:14
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distro-testerblekos 1 of all put firestarter and the 2 anti rootkits09:15
distro-testerwhat antivirus i nead nag just to be sure clamav or others in adept?09:15
blekosi've putt firestarter already :)09:15
nagyvjameo: ahoy09:15
blekoswhat is anti rootkits though?09:15
distro-testerstuff to don't get u hacked09:16
distro-testerinstall both under rootkit voice adpet09:16
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blekoswhat's their name in synaptics?09:16
distro-testerjust write rootkits on search09:16
distro-testerckhunter and chrootkit09:16
nagyvdistro-tester: no clue, I don't mail on my system, and AFAIK there is no really a need for them under Linux (you can mainly spread the viruses for Windows users)09:17
ubotuantivirus is something you don't really need on Linux, unless you serve windows clients. ClamAV and aegis are decent linux virusscanners. Also see !linuxvirus09:17
nagyv!antivirus | distro-tester09:17
ubotudistro-tester: antivirus is something you don't really need on Linux, unless you serve windows clients. ClamAV and aegis are decent linux virusscanners. Also see !linuxvirus09:17
blekosok i'll do so09:17
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rootkits - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:17
BluesKajclamav is a pita09:18
distro-testerwhat i must use then blues?09:18
distro-testeri got even other antivirus in adept09:18
nagyv!antivirus | distro-tester09:19
ubotudistro-tester: antivirus is something you don't really need on Linux, unless you serve windows clients. ClamAV and aegis are decent linux virusscanners. Also see !linuxvirus09:19
distro-testerbtw on the install of java plugins i said yes to stop the grant permission is that correct?09:19
distro-testernagyv: ?09:19
nagyvdistro-tester: AFAIK yes09:20
distro-testerfine every one do that09:20
distro-testerit's important to be secure09:20
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nagyvdistro-tester: then don't use the net :)09:21
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ubotuThe short life and hard times of a Linux Virus http://librenix.com/?inode=2109:21
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distro-testeri olso got f prot maby i can install that09:22
distro-testeror norton whit anti spy adware and trojan haha09:22
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distro-testerhey blekos don't forgett anti trojan and worms09:23
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blekosdo they exist in linux?09:24
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ubotukde-core: the K Desktop Environment core modules. In component main, is optional. Version 5:47 (edgy), package size 7 kB, installed size 40 kB09:24
distro-testerim joking09:24
blekosi was planning of installing clamav or aegis09:25
blekoswhat do u suggest09:25
distro-testerwe got f prot to09:25
blekoslast time i had clamav09:25
distro-testerim looking f prot seems very good to adept has it check it out09:25
anosacan anyone tell me what is kde-core? pls09:25
distro-testerthere's also many other antivirus for linux antivir avg and so on but just couse we come from xp we are paranoic u won't nead them 99%09:26
distro-testeras soon as some one knows he will help u anosa09:26
distro-testerahaha blekos here virus seem to be games for pc on adept09:27
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blekosdont quite get it i googling for rootkits, and are supposed to be bad for ur "health@09:28
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distro-testeryes they are very dangerous09:29
nagyvanosa: probably a main kde package that contains almost every really-kde package09:29
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distro-testerjust install whit adept what i said search rootkits then ckhunter and chrootkit09:29
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distro-testernagyv do u use skype ?09:30
nagyvdistro-tester: yes09:30
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distro-testerdo u know how to get in a skypecast as linux version dosen't have live button?09:30
blekosmy adept is updating my system so i have 2 w8t09:31
killermach_ok.. kubuntu seems to have stripped out many useful features in konqueror, I cannot figure out how to get them to display unless I reboot into Mandriva, 1) I have two folders same name, different locations, the konqueror window only shows the folder name, how do I get the folder name and FULL PATH in the title bar??09:31
distro-testerif u know nagyv would help much or if i can install last windows 3.0 skype whit wine09:32
killermach_.. 2) I make very much use out of the toolbar buttons that change the views, icons, detail, list, ect.. these are missing from konqueror, and from the Configure Toolbars, how do I get this into kubuntu?09:32
nagyvdistro-tester: I don't know, but you can search for it in the wine software database www.winehq.org I think09:32
distro-testerim installing wine now whit adept what else i must add?09:33
distro-testerwhit it09:33
swamifor games09:33
distro-testerdon't play09:33
swamiif u want09:33
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distro-testerharibol swami09:33
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distro-testeri mean of wine stuff is there some thing else i nead ?09:33
distro-testerit has libwine libwinedev winefish winedev i nead those to?09:35
swamijust give a google for "apt-get install wine"09:35
anosanagyv , so is it really lighter than kubuntu-desktop?09:35
swamiand there will be09:35
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distro-testerare u hindu swami prabu?09:35
swamipula-n cur distro-tester09:35
nagyvanosa: I don't think so09:35
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distro-testerromania ?09:35
distro-testerwhat did u say swami u speaking rumenian?09:36
anosanagyv , then how about this : http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/kde-core09:36
distro-testercouse pula is a bad word in romania09:36
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distro-testerbtw nagyv how do u get in skypecasts when u use skype?09:37
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newbiehere(Newbie here) I rebooted my kubuntu machine only to discover that I cannot mount one of my harddrives. I get the error "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdd1" and "return code from mount was 32 'mount failure'". Any suggestions for what to do next? I have Spinrite.09:38
distro-testerif u know that can solve all09:38
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nagyvdistro-tester: I have never tried it, look around on the skype forums09:39
nagyvanosa: you are right, but this doesn't mean better at the same time. :)09:39
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BluesKajwhat is kde-core , a stripped down cersion of kde desktop ?09:42
ubotukde-core: the K Desktop Environment core modules. In component main, is optional. Version 5:47 (edgy), package size 7 kB, installed size 40 kB09:42
LjLand yes sorta09:42
anosanagyv , but i wanna know more about it, im curious09:42
BluesKajoh yeah , that tells me a lot09:42
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nagyvanosa: you can always revert to the actual state, you just have to uninstall kde-core, and instead of the remove command you have to write install09:43
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anosanagyv , yeah sure09:44
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nagyvanosa: look through the uninstalled programmes, and google after them. I was not really careful, but I saw that  it would remove openoffice and wireless assitant too.09:44
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anosanagyv , yeah and a lot of my favite programs, like Amarok etc etc09:46
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nagyvanosa: why are you sorry? you get a cool distro without pasting these commands? :)09:47
anosayup, nagyv  actually i just wanna feel a more lite-weight kde, but if it willl ruin my box, i guess no but thanx, thanks but no09:49
killermach__newbiehere: you can recover the superblock from the many that are kept in the filesystem, if it is ext2(ext3)09:50
nagyvanosa: you can try out lighter distros (with different applicaitons), like xubuntu09:50
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anosanagyv , yes, but  i think kde is more complete desktop environment09:52
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nagyvanosa: I agree, especially the ubuntu edition09:52
anosayeah :))09:52
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ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs09:54
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distro-testerhow do i !w3210:04
killermach__so no clues for tweaking konqueror in kubuntu back to a more usefuls state??10:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about w32 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:04
ubotulaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's Bounty and Bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/10:05
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JonBHi there, might I ask a question. I've just installed Kubuntu 6.10 on my Presario C310EA (running great)..but I can't get it out of 1.24x768..10:07
JonBNow X.org has 1280x800 in xorg.conf, which is baffling me.10:08
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JonBerr *102410:08
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jameslimewire isn't listed by mepis.. is there a deb or mepis/ubuntu version?10:09
jameshi all10:09
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blekosok i am stack with smg weird when i change desktop my taskbar dissapears any ideas?10:10
juanojames: you should download the rpm package from limewire.com and convert it to deb with alien10:10
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jamesjuano: did you do it and did it work?10:11
juanojames: yes, sudo apt-get install alien10:12
JonBYes james, it works.10:12
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JonBsudo alien -i limewirerpm...after alien is installed.10:12
juanoJonB: sudo alien -d -i limewirerpm ? or -i does the -d first by default ?10:13
JonBI'm no expert, but I've always just used alien -i10:13
JonBWorks for me.10:13
juanoJonB: ah then it should do10:13
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newbieherekillermach__: it is ext3. fsck gave me got i/o and logical block errors so I am afraid it might be a serious hardware issue.10:15
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LeeJunFanany recommendations on wiki and/or forum software available freely?10:19
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deicer heh10:20
deicerkubuntu isnt so bad10:20
deicerany decient features? guyz10:20
jamesJonB: may i ask where to get a good "limewirerpm" and is that the real name?10:20
jamesanyone heard of   http://frostwire.com/   and is it as good as limewire or comparible?10:22
JonBjames - No, that was not the real name. You could get the official RPM from limewire.com10:24
jamesis limewire commercial ware?10:25
JonBLimewire has a free version.10:25
JonBIt's available from the website.10:25
juanojames: yep 4.12 is the latest i think\10:26
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jamessomeone else mentioned to me because i was downloading off Shoutcast10:26
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hak5fanHi.... I still have some problems with samba. Now, for some reason samba refuses to start. I've tried rebooting my machine, and I've tried to reinstall it... it won't start at all..........10:32
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ubotuwebcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras10:34
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mastertsunamianyone know why selecting Configure VPN in the knetworkmanager with pptp plugin would yield no results?10:35
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mastertsunamiis there a log or verbose mode i can rit in?10:35
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maziahola, having problem when i type 'bash linux' to compile Fish for irssi.10:43
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maziahpolymod.cpp: In member function PolyMod& PolyMod::operator*=(const PolyMod&):10:44
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maziahpolymod.cpp:110: error: setmod was not declared in this scope10:44
maziahpolymod.cpp: In function void reduce(const Poly&, PolyMod&):10:44
maziahpolymod.cpp:178: error: setmod was not declared in this scope10:44
maziahg++: polymod.o: No such file or directory10:44
maziahschoof.cpp: In function int main(int, char**):10:44
maziahschoof.cpp:983: error: setmod was not declared in this scope10:44
iftican someone help me to stop and restart a network card in ubuntu10:45
iftikubunut rather10:45
JonBifti - tried a ifconfig <card> down... ifconfig <card> up?10:46
iftiI'm using madwifi-ng as the driver10:47
iftiso I did sudo ifconfig wifi0 down10:47
iftiand then up10:47
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JonBAh, wireless card. What are you trying to do, just restart it?10:47
iftiit gets stuck somehow10:47
iftiand if I reboot its fine10:48
iftibut I'm sick of rebooting10:48
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JonBOk, K menu->System Settings -> Network Settings...10:48
JonBFrom there you can disable/enable it.10:48
iftitried that already10:48
maziahi use kwlan10:48
iftithe trouble is that its a madwifi-ng card10:49
maziahi can right click and enable/disable interface at will10:49
iftior rather that I'm using madwifi-ng drivers10:49
maziahi also have atheros chipset10:49
iftiso wifi0 doesn't show up as a iface10:49
crazy_penguinnalioth: ping10:49
iftibut you have to make a VAP ath010:49
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iftiis there any way to like turn off the card10:49
iftiand then turn it back on10:49
iftilike from the cardbus10:49
iftior pci10:49
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iftiif I eject the card, I'll crash10:50
juanoifti: ifconfig [device]  down10:51
juanoifti: sudo ifconfig [device]  down10:52
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iftitried that10:52
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iftianyone here use madwifi-ng10:54
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maziahi have zero problems10:55
iftiI'm quite pleased with it too10:55
iftijust upgraded10:55
iftibut I was running kismet10:55
iftiand whenever I exit it10:55
maziahi can run kismet fine.10:55
iftimy wifi goes nuts10:55
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iftihow is your kismet.conf set up?10:55
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despercan somebody help me with realplay?10:57
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iftimaziah: how do you exit kismet?10:57
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ifticapital Q I presume?10:57
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ajboordeHHow do I access my cd drive with ubuntu?11:05
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kukaHHow do I access my cd drive with ubuntu?11:05
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iftihave you tried putting a CD in it?11:06
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kukaBut where do I access it11:06
kukaWhat folder11:06
JonBkuka - if it's mounted... /media/cdrom011:06
iftiit should show up on the desktop11:06
iftior you should get a window pop up11:07
JonBif not.. "sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom0"11:07
iftilook in /media11:07
cpk1the dev point is hardly ever cdrom its probably /dev/hdc or somesuch11:07
juanocpk1: its /dev/hdb mostly11:07
JonBAh shit, course it's not.11:07
JonBSorry, I flip from distro to distro.11:08
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nuxilyo yo yo.. fresh install of kubuntu :D11:14
nuxili love it11:14
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kukaNow another question11:14
kukaHow do I decompress .rar files in linux?11:15
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kukais there a website11:15
kukaor is there a packet11:15
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cpk1its in the repos11:15
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kukaThe what? (1st day with linux)11:16
andremarteciao ragazzi, ho un piccolo problema, mi servirebbe sapere come formattare un hd da linux11:16
cpk1there is unrar (the non-free one) and unrar-free (the free one) however they both cost zero money11:16
kukawhere is the repos11:16
Sannekuka: this might clear things up a bit: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories11:16
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cpk1kuka: the repositories, you know aptitude, its how you will install most everything11:16
rpedro__!it | andremarte11:17
ubotuandremarte: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!11:17
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:19
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu11:20
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yaccini dont get my ICQ-Contacts displayed in kopete :( (edgy)11:22
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nuxilhow is kopete now. compared to amsn?11:23
iftianyone know how to stop networkmanager?11:24
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yaccinnui dont know amsn ^^11:25
jbruckmandoes anyone know what the wild character is for the command sudo apt-get? Example: sudo apt-get remove med-*11:25
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loungeanyone know what it is that stops amarok from building a music library?11:25
jbruckmanjust so you know, that example DOESN'T work11:25
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cpk1lounge: eh? you probably need some flavor of sql maybe if it isnt working11:29
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Sannejbruckman: according to 'man apt-get', your example should work, as far as I understand.11:30
jbruckmanSanne: I'm getting some weird problems... oh well. I need to grab some dinner, then I'll come back and work on it.11:32
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distro-testerdo u advise me to use amule or ktorrent?11:32
Sannejbruckman: good luck, and enjoy your meal. :)11:32
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cpk1distro-tester: they both do 2 different things, if you wanted to only use torrents then you would only need ktorrent and if you wanted an emule clone then you would only need amule11:34
distro-testerwell i get attacks from edonkey and i don't have amule installed so what u think it's better not to install it?11:34
distro-testerfirestarter is blocking many attacks from those ports every 5 sec11:35
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Legolas_Faolhow can I emulate Explorer?11:36
iftigoogle ie4linux11:36
manchickenLegolas_Faol: IE or the windows explorer?11:36
iftigood point11:36
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qRohdehi, I got a friend with a newly installed kubuntu, he got a downloaded deb-file, how do he install it?11:37
iftisudo dpkg -i <thefilename>11:37
iftifrom the terminal11:37
qRohdeifti, thanks11:37
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SanneqRohde: but also make sure the application is not already in the official repositories. Most times there's no need to download and install by hand.11:38
cpk1qRohde: or you can right click it in the gui and install from there11:38
qRohdeSanne, it's skype :)11:38
SanneqRohde: ok, I just wanted to make sure :)11:38
Legolas_FaolIE6 or 711:38
qRohdeSanne, its ok11:38
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qRohdecpk1, ok, thanks :)11:39
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distro-testerdo u know if we can use ninja che irc chat client ?11:39
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Legolas_Faolmanchicken: IE7 or IE611:40
SanneLegolas_Faol: (disclaimer: I didn't use this script myself and it is not connected to Ubuntu per se): http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page11:40
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sFEARshello channel11:41
manchickenLegolas_Faol: I don't think IE7 stuff is there.  IE6 works (minus activex) fine for testing.11:41
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Legolas_Faolmanchicken: sorry, how??11:43
manchickenLegolas_Faol: That link Sanne probably would help.11:44
Legolas_Faolok, tnx11:44
manchickenThank Sanne, not me ;)11:44
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Legolas_Faoltnx Sanne!11:46
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SanneLegolas_Faol: you're welcome :)11:46
sFEARsso i finally got kubuntu installed with only a couple minor problems.. and i have gigs worth of windows files that don't seem to be worth anything anymore11:46
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sFEARsanyone want to add thier opinion11:47
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eismaanyone know how kubuntu would run on a laptop with only 96mb of memory?11:48
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eismaand a pentium2 processor?11:48
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manchickensFEARs: I'm not quite sure what your question is.11:49
sFEARscan't say i quite got around to a question yet11:49
manchickeneisma: You may want to check out xubuntu.11:49
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sFEARsi'm sure i'll think of some shortly11:49
eismawould that run better?11:49
sFEARsi'm running xubuntu on a PII11:49
manchickensFEARs: I'm just not clear what information you're trying to obtain ^_^11:49
surgyhow do i get mp3 support on K3b11:49
manchickeneisma: xubuntu is designed to be more light weight.11:50
sFEARsi have a little more than 96mb though11:50
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manchicken!mp3 | surgy11:50
ubotusurgy: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:50
sFEARshow would i check how much memory i'm using11:50
eismamanchicken: what does it require?11:50
Sanneeisma: and also check out the alternate cd with a text based installer. 96 Mb might be a not enough for the desktop live/install cd.11:50
sFEARsright click on my computer right??11:50
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manchickeneisma: Not quite sure. You may want to look at it.11:51
ubotuxubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels11:51
manchickensFEARs: ksysguard is great for that.11:51
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sFEARswhatis ksysguard11:52
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sFEARsi'm completly new to linux11:52
sFEARsis that already installed11:52
surgymanshicken: but that says nothing about K3B mp3support only divx support for totem11:53
loungecpk1, you mean we're gonna have use something other than sqllite?11:53
cpk1lounge: that would be a flavor of sql =)11:54
SannesFEARs: if you are new, check out the "Kubuntu Desktop Guide" you'll get from the Help entry in the Kubuntu menu. It should help you with the basics.11:54
loungei've tried installing one of the others before & it was a real mess.. :(11:54
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loungecpk1, i've tried installing one of the others before & it was a real mess.. :(11:54
surgysFEARs: ksysguard is like windows protection suite that comes with SP@11:54
loungecpk1, at least it wasn't easy... :(11:54
jmichaelxsurgy: there is a file you need to install from the repos... don't remember the name... 'k3b-mp3' or something like that11:55
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_`XeOn_where do i find drivers for a vid card 3dfx voodooo 3?11:55
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cpk1lounge: mysql and sqlite should both be easy since they are in the repos11:55
jmichaelxsurgy: if someone else already answere you on your question, i apologize11:55
surgyjmichaelx: ok thnx ill serach11:55
distro-testerhello i installed bitchx from adept but im using console to run it couse can't find it in menu how do i add it?11:55
loungehe's new to it all - and i'm not too high up in the ranks either. and he has no net connection - most of it is me talking him through it on the phone.11:55
loungeok - i'll cross my fingers ;)11:56
loungecpk1, ^11:56
SannesFEARs: to check if you have ksysguard, type the name of the app in a konsole window, or start it with "Menu->Run Command". If it comes up, you have it ;)11:56
TachyonIs there a good guide that gives a run down of the System Settings in Kubuntu?11:56
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TachyonI just have a hard time finding something when I need to find it11:56
sFEARsi'm guessing by the kubuntu menu you mean the applications menu? and i don't see a help menu anywhere11:56
distro-testeri really nead your help now ahah i just installed bitchx from adept but im using console to chat couse i can't find int in menu can u tell me how to add it as im now to linux?11:56
cpk1lounge: well you have the internet so technically you could download all the debs he needs for him11:57
distro-testernever chatted from a shell real cool11:57
cpk1lounge: but iirc amarok comes with kubuntu which means it probably comes with sqlite or mysql11:57
jmichaelxdistro-tester: what program are you using to chat from the console?11:57
distro-tester bitchx11:58
SannesFEARs: I mean the menu you get when you klick on the "K" icon on the panel, equivalent of windows start menu.11:58
McGrawHi again, somebody knows when can i dowload a great art gallery for openoffice?11:58
sFEARsyeah... i don't have help in there11:58
sFEARsi don't see a search either11:58
distro-testeri can't find it in menu or desktop so u know how to add it michale?11:58
distro-testeror it's not a gui client?11:58
SannesFEARs: you don't? Weird. You *are* on Kubuntu, yes?11:59
sFEARswell.. here's the story11:59
TachyonsFEARs: I specifically mean the "System Settings" menu11:59
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jmichaelxdistro-tester: are you asking me? i have never used bitchx11:59
distro-tester yes if u know how to add it to desk and menu11:59
grim76distro-tester: it is not a gui application...same as irissi for irc via cli11:59
distro-testeri see11:59
sFEARsi originally installed ubuntu11:59
distro-testerso i can just chat from console whit it?11:59
sFEARsthen decided to upgrade to kubuntu thru aptitude12:00
distro-testerim new to linux but had they idea to try to see if it worked from console12:00
distro-testercool btw12:00
surgyk3b-mp3 is only available as an rpg and i dont see it in the repos12:00
loungei do - but he has a kubuntu cd which has amarok & all the libraries... he has sqlite - it comes with the kubuntu - and it works ok on the live disk - but no joy on his install :/12:00
grim76distro-tester: yes it is very handy for chatting from the CLI when you are remoted in from another place or CLI is the only thing available12:00
sFEARsi guess that would be the equivilent of installing kubuntu.. not quite sure how else to call it12:00
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distro-testercli is the console?12:00
sFEARshalf way thru download/install my laptop lost power12:00
grim76distro-tester: yes12:00
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SammyFhey there12:01
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distro-testergrim i like ninja the irc client chat rpm can we use it here ?12:01
McGrawi need help12:01
nagyv'ask | McGraw12:01
SannesFEARs: so I guess you still have the Ubuntu desktop (Gnome)?12:01
sFEARsafterward... the kubuntu boot screen would show... kubuntu login...then gnome12:01
nagyv!ask | McGraw12:01
ubotuMcGraw: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:01
loungecpk1, i do - but he has a kubuntu cd which has amarok & all the libraries... he has sqlite - it comes with the kubuntu - and it works ok on the live disk - but no joy on his install :/12:02
sFEARsthen for some reason.. i'd click on something.. and with no rhyme or reason... poweroff12:02
distro-tester if grim or any one knows if we can use ninja it's a irc client chat in rpm u know anything about it ?12:02
grim76distro-tester: I have never heard of that IRC client I use irssi personally12:02
distro-testerok thanx12:02
McGrawI want to install a clipart in for openoffice12:02
distro-testerfedora has it12:02
sFEARssometimes it would be a right click.. sometimes opening console.. it would just poweroff12:02
SammyFI can't access directories through Konqueror anymore (shell access runs fine) and when I try to open the trashcan I get (trying to translate from french here, so bear with me if the english error looks slightly differently) "Error KIOExec - Malformed URL trash:/" ... any idea?12:02
=== meta [n=meta@53d834ca.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #kubuntu
SannesFEARs: that sounds like the half install didn't do good things to your system...12:02
sFEARsso i finally got failsafe open... and aptitude purge kubuntu12:03
sFEARsseemed to work alright12:03
sFEARsexcept i thought that was to uninstall kubuntu.. now i get a different login.. still kubuntu though12:03
nagyvMcGraw: google could not help you?12:03
sFEARsand kde 3.5 on my desktop.. it's like the purge finished the install12:03
sFEARsand being unfamiliar so far.. i'm not sure what the hell is going on12:04
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=== vontux [n=vontux@pool-72-87-174-7.plspca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
SammyFany idea?12:04
=== chaggydawg [n=chaggyda@c-75-69-29-207.hsd1.vt.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
vontuxif i delete something with "rm" am I correct in assuming that there is no way to retrieve it?12:04
McGrawI've downloaded a clipart from openoffice.org but i don't know how to install the tar.gz package12:04
=== Telroth|School [n=darth_an@adsl-70-241-112-160.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
SannesFEARs: sounds like quite a ride. I would try to install or even reinstall the package "kubuntu-desktop" (in case you didn't use this exact package already) and see where it gets me.12:05
nagyvvontux: no, but it is not easy to get it back.12:05
JonBHmm has anyone else had problems with a WSXGA screen with Kubuntu (or linux in general)?12:05
sFEARsis there a way i can check for proper installation12:05
SammyFMcGraw: checked what's in the archive?12:05
nagyvMcGraw: try google, I get this in 5secs http://ooextras.sourceforge.net/ifaq.php12:05
sFEARsi did try that.. it just said something like 0 needed 0 installed12:05
=== NotWired [n=notubunt@bas1-ottawa10-1177946521.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu
McGrawok i'll try12:05
=== yuki [n=yuki@pool-72-67-65-11.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
vontuxnagyv: can you explain the way to do it, or send me a link about the retrieval process?12:05
sFEARsi also tried the reinstall command.. i forget exactally what the command was, that didn't seem to do anything either12:05
sFEARsthat's when i decided to purge.. and all of a sudden it seemed to work12:06
=== james__ [n=james@cpe-68-203-151-67.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
SammyFanyway ... anybody have any idea about the KIOExec error? (and yes .. I googled for it, and found two people having similar problems.. one didn't get an answer, the other one was on an italian forum:/12:06
=== milos83 [n=lukic@] has joined #kubuntu
SannesFEARs: so kubuntu-desktop seems to be installed. But if it is, you should have the "K Menu" and the KDE panel and desktop.12:06
sFEARsi have the k menu12:07
sFEARsand that's lots of stuff in there.. a lot more than ubuntu had12:07
SannesFEARs: but no help?12:07
sFEARsand there's*12:07
sFEARsi have applicatoins12:07
=== malix0 [n=malix@host208-182-dynamic.10-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
sFEARsand the log off/shut down stuff12:07
sFEARsand the run command12:08
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sFEARsi have a home button beside that.. and the konquorer beside that12:08
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=== SammyF whispers plaintively 'help'
SannesFEARs: hmm, might be edgy shuffled things around? I'm on Kubuntu 6.06. You're on edgy (6.10)?12:08
=== CSonicGo [n=DVDJOHN@24-196-14-180.dhcp.leds.al.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
nagyvvontux: I can't find the webpage. try "undelete Linux" with google or something similar. Take care that you do not write to the partition.12:08
nagyvvontux: you will also need to know the partition's type, probably it is ext312:09
nagyvvontux: good luck! (you will need it)12:09
vontuxyeah, it is ext312:09
SanneCan anybody on Kubuntu Edgy please tell sFEARs where the help entry is in the K-Menu?12:09
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nagyvsFEARs: the first item over the lowest separator12:09
=== zoran [n=zoran@84-72-39-19.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu
SannesFEARs: in the meantime, we can try something else. Do you know how to open konsole or another terminal emulator?12:10
SammyFsFEARs: just above "add/remove programms"12:10
vontuxnagyv: its not biggie if it doesn't work out, but it is something I should know how to do in case I loose an important file12:10
sFEARsswitch user12:10
SammyFsFEARs: or whatever it is called in english ;)12:10
sFEARsyeah.. i can get into konsole12:10
sFEARsand add/remove is under lost & found12:10
nagyvvontux: don't use the command line for deleting, and there won't be problems (you have a trash for the desktop)12:10
SammyFsFEARs: weird .. I've got help between those12:10
SannesFEARs: when you now type ksysg<tab>, konsole should tab complete the application name, if you have it. If it does, start it with enter.12:11
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vontuxnagyv: thx for the advice12:11
SammyFsFEARs: but I installed the KUbuntu distro, not KDE out of GNOME12:11
nagyvI think that the same Help is used in every KDE application, so a simple F1 can also show him the help12:11
sFEARsis ksysg a command?12:11
=== james [n=james@24-236-225-232.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
SannesFEARs: no, ksysguard, but you can tab complete commands in konsole, very convenient.12:12
SammyFnagyv: hmm .. F1 doesn't do anything for me ... but then .. I still have my disk problem ;)12:12
=== james [n=james@24-236-225-232.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
SannesFEARs: so, does it start?12:12
sparris there a way to use wildcards with apt-get and have it pick (at random, i dont care how) between conflicting matches?12:12
=== KingJames [n=james@24-236-225-232.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
sFEARsnope ksysguard command not found12:13
sFEARsi have a ksystraycmd12:13
=== smooph [n=Smooph@p54A77E81.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
nagyvsFEARs: isn't your whole system broken?12:13
surgyok so im following these instruction http://www.pastebin.ca/331503 and am at the "cd k3b-0.11.23" part and the terminal sayss its not a valid directory can someone help please?12:13
SannesFEARs: ok, then you could install it. The package name is also ksysguard.12:13
sFEARsnot exactally12:13
sFEARslet me try12:13
SammyFsFEARs: alternatively, type ks and then tap twice on TAB12:14
=== frojnd [n=wildchil@BSN-77-169-220.static.dsl.siol.net] has joined #kubuntu
sFEARsor i guess i should say reading database12:14
frojndhello there12:14
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frojndI have problem12:14
=== juano__ comes back
SammyFfrojnd: who doesn't?12:14
sFEARswhat exactally is it called while it's doing this.. is it installing, downloading??12:14
frojndIve installed boinc-manager and boinc-client and all the sudden 3gbs of my data are used...12:15
SannesFEARs: even if this succeeds, I'd like to help you get the help entry and the packages, if you have still time.12:15
sFEARsyeah.. i've got time12:15
frojndI meand Ihave 3gb left and now I have 4mbs..12:15
SannesFEARs: yes, the package manager downloads and installs the package.12:15
frojndthat sux12:15
sFEARsi'm sure there's a lot more than just the help missing though12:15
SammyFfrojnd: can't help you with that .. never installed boinc12:15
nagyvSanne: isn't it better to reinstall it safely, instead of trying to find out what is missing?12:15
sFEARsis there a way to check to see how much was installed12:15
=== james_xxx [n=james@c-24-7-251-85.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
sFEARsor to verify the packages or something12:16
sFEARsmd5 sum mabey12:16
sFEARssystem guard is up12:16
sFEARsgiving me a couple of graphs12:16
james_xxxok now i am trying out bitchx... i don't appreciate the name of it, but otherwise it does rock12:16
Sannenagyv: might be, but it *should* be possible to repair with the whole kubuntu-desktop, I'd like sFEARs to repeat installing this one. What do you think?12:16
sFEARs ksysguard12:17
sFEARsX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16812:17
sFEARs  Major opcode:  14512:17
sFEARs  Minor opcode:  312:17
SammyFanyway ... anybody know what to do when one gets a KIOExec error "URL trash:/ badly formed" and access to any directory with Konqueror doesn't work anymore ( loads for a few minutes,  then stops loading and returns as if nothing had happened)12:17
sFEARs  Resource id:  0x012:17
sFEARsFailed to open device12:17
nagyvSanne: I agree, but we can also see a diff of his installed packages and the packages of a newly installed system, I have such a list12:17

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