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CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: mdke * r3733 ubuntu/ (internet/C/internet.xml programming/C/programming.xml): Dean's patches06:17
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=== mdke hellos
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poningruquick question08:13
poningruthe help options during install seems to have changed a lot08:13
poningruas in the options from f1 do not seem to work08:14
mdke"during install"?08:14
poningruyeah the splash screen comes up08:14
poningruand there is a f1 help option08:15
mdkeah. Don't know anything about that08:15
poningruhmm do you know who I can bug about that?08:15
poningruthat needs to be updated not sure if thats -doc realm or some other fiefdom08:15
mdkefiling a bug is generally the usual way08:16
poningruagainst usplash? or ...?08:16
poningruwhich package?08:16
mdkeyou mean the options on boot, right? not usplash08:16
poningruI'll look through the packages try to find the right one08:17
mdkenot sure what package08:17
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poningruyeah thanks though for the help08:18
mdkeyou can ask cjwatson or Mithrandir about that08:18
poningruhmm will do if I fail to find the package08:22
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crimsunit's not usplash08:31
crimsundid you press F6 first?08:31
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poningrucrimsun: hmm?08:36
poningruwhat do you mean?08:37
poningrubefore pressing f1? or before inputting the boot options?08:37
poningruobviously on the latter and not sure on the former08:37
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crimsunponingru: yes, before pressing F108:50
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poningruhmm let me see08:54
poningrunope same08:55
crimsunwhere are you having problems entering boot params?09:01
poningrucrimsun: are you in -devel?09:02
poningrusee for example I dont want edgy to probe for usb09:02
poningruin the f1 help menu it says just do 'live debian-installer/probe/usb=false'09:02
poningrubut ofcourse that does not work09:02
poningruthrowing errors like root= not specified etc.09:03
poningruso I tried just debian-installer/probe/usb=false appended on to the end after all the other params09:03
poningrunope still no go09:03
poningruand I tried nousb and for whatever reason that does not work09:05
crimsunyes, that would appear to be a bug09:13
crimsunsorry, I'm in office hours right now, so I can't respond immediately09:13
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: mdke * r3734 /trunk/ (debian/rules ubuntu/index.xml): fixing build error; minor tweaks to index.xml09:15
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CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: mdke * r3735 debian/rules: another fix, grumph09:58
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mdkecrimsun: you know if flashplugin-nonfree is broken in Dapper? it won't download the plugin for me11:34
mdkecrimsun: firefox seems to have downloaded it ok though11:35
crimsunmdke: I suspect all versions prior to 9 final are awry11:35
crimsunfor those, I suppose you can hope for the new backport of feisty's f-n11:36
mdkecrimsun: hmm. Dapper has ii  flashplugin-no Macromedia Flash Player plugin installer11:36
crimsunmdke: there's very little benefit for us to troubleshoot that one; there are known vulnerabilities, and upstream doesn't support it.11:37
mdkecrimsun: *shrug*, I won't stay with dapper for long, but I know it's supposed to be supported for 3 years11:38
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crimsunmdke: I can't even download 7.0.6x from Adobe.11:39
mdkecrimsun: grr. doing a backport to -updates is out of the question I suppose?11:40
crimsunI could look into a version for -updates that spits out a message regarding the version in backports, I suppose.11:40
=== mdke nods
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CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: mdke * r3736 ubuntu/ (8 files in 8 dirs): correcting addresses11:48
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mdkehiya jono11:52
jonohey :)11:53
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: mdke * r3737 ubuntu/ (3 files in 2 dirs): making a link for the server material in advanced-topics; minor tweak to title of printing.xml11:57
CIA-4Ubuntu Documentation: mdke * r3738 ubuntu/ (Makefile index.xml): minor tweaks to include advanced-topics in preview website12:05

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