sFEARs | X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168 | 12:17 |
sFEARs | Major opcode: 145 | 12:17 |
sFEARs | Minor opcode: 3 | 12:17 |
sFEARs | Resource id: 0x0 | 12:17 |
sFEARs | Failed to open device | 12:17 |
sFEARs | that's what my konsole window says after i run ksysguard | 12:17 |
nagyv | sFEARs: do you have any browsers? | 12:17 |
sFEARs | but i do have a system load window that popped up | 12:17 |
james_xxx | sFEARs you could get banned posting to the channel like that... no offence intended | 12:17 |
Sanne | nagyv: that would be helpful, can you guide sFEARs through this? | 12:17 |
sFEARs | yeah | 12:17 |
sFEARs | firefox & konquorer both work | 12:18 |
nagyv | Sanne: I will do it, but after I will have to leave | 12:18 |
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Sanne | nagyv: ok, maybe I can continue where you leave off when you must leave. sFEARs, can you work with nagyv a bit? | 12:19 |
sFEARs | no more pasting.. heard | 12:19 |
surgy | anyone know how long builidng k3b usualy takes? | 12:19 |
jmichaelx | surgy: why are you building k3b? | 12:19 |
nagyv | sFEARs: create a file, with this content: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3256/ | 12:19 |
Sanne | sFEARs: next time please use paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pastes. | 12:20 |
surgy | jmichaelx: to get mp3 support | 12:20 |
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SammyF | surgy: why don't you just install the packages? | 12:20 |
surgy | jmichaelx: following these instructions http://www.pastebin.ca/331503 | 12:20 |
surgy | sammyF: i couldnt find the packages | 12:20 |
jmichaelx | surgy: you don't need to build it to do that... you just need to have all of your repos enabled and install the proper package | 12:21 |
nagyv | !mp3 | surgy | 12:21 |
ubotu | surgy: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 12:21 |
sFEARs | what exactally is that | 12:21 |
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sFEARs | the paste thing | 12:21 |
surgy | jmichaelx: i have all my repos enable and still couldnt find it | 12:21 |
jmichaelx | surgy: you probably have not added the right repo.... i am not sure which one it is | 12:21 |
SammyF | ubotu: argl .. you beat me on speed :P | 12:21 |
Sanne | sFEARs: please work with nagyv for now | 12:21 |
nagyv | sFEARs: this is a website where we can share texts/scripts that are big for an IRC | 12:22 |
surgy | jmichaelx: i need to learn how to build from source anyways plus its going without a hitch | 12:22 |
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nagyv | sFEARs: please cope the file I have sent to you: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3256/ | 12:22 |
sFEARs | IC | 12:22 |
sFEARs | yup.. i gots | 12:22 |
jmichaelx | surgy: that is fine if you are wanting to do that, but for future reference, there are some repos that you need to add to make life a little easier | 12:22 |
SammyF | please ... anybody ... I'm REALLY desperate here :( | 12:22 |
nagyv | alright, now set it executable | 12:22 |
nagyv | sFEARs: ^^^ | 12:23 |
surgy | jmichaelx: how long can i expect to wait? days? | 12:23 |
jmichaelx | i don't know which ones you need , though :-(\ | 12:23 |
sFEARs | so i gues i just add my info to the bottom of the script there & it will post? | 12:23 |
=== matt0507 [n=matthew@d58-109-37-192.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jmichaelx | surgy: i would hope not, but it could take a while | 12:23 |
nagyv | sFEARs: nop, you have to save that script, and run it on your computer | 12:23 |
vontux | could someone check out this link and tell me what the "skip" and "count" options mean, here is the link: http://forums.macosxhints.com/archive/index.php/t-21106.html | 12:23 |
surgy | jmichaelx: i have the univers and multiverse plus a few restricted plus a few others | 12:23 |
sFEARs | haha.. ohh yeah | 12:23 |
vontux | thx in advance | 12:23 |
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sFEARs | isn't that technically unsafe | 12:24 |
mardi | hi all, when I try to download a .skz (superkaramba file) konqueror tries to open it with Kate and I've set everything I can find to make it not, but it still does... any help? | 12:24 |
sFEARs | i shouldn't just go running scripts from anywhere huh? | 12:24 |
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nagyv | sFEARs: it will create a file which will list all the packages that you already have. I have a similar file about a final Edgy install, and I will take the difference of the two. | 12:24 |
nagyv | sFEARs: you are right, but you have to trust me now :) | 12:24 |
sFEARs | cool | 12:24 |
jmichaelx | surgy: there are others... you may need the commercial repo from canonical.... i wish i could tell you which one to add | 12:24 |
nagyv | sFEARs: I can explain you all the 9 lines of the script if you want it | 12:25 |
sFEARs | not yet | 12:25 |
sFEARs | mabey later | 12:25 |
surgy | jmichaelx: i didnt even know canonicle had a comericial repo for the public | 12:25 |
jmichaelx | yeah | 12:25 |
nagyv | sFEARs: even better, don't copy anything, just run this command | 12:25 |
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nagyv | sFEARs: COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l > ~/packages.txt | 12:26 |
jmichaelx | i am not in kubuntu right now , or i would look at my sources.list and tell you what its address is | 12:26 |
sFEARs | save as text? | 12:26 |
SammyF | anybody have any idea about KIOExec errors and what to do about them? | 12:26 |
sFEARs | paste into run command box? | 12:26 |
nagyv | no, at the console | 12:26 |
nagyv | sFEARs: ^^^ | 12:26 |
sFEARs | haha.. | 12:26 |
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sFEARs | aight | 12:26 |
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nuxil | !flash | 12:27 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 12:27 |
ubotu | Flash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash | 12:27 |
vontux | nevermind me last question, I just realized I can figure my problem out myself | 12:27 |
SammyF | !KIOExec | 12:27 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about KIOExec - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:27 |
=== SammyF did already .. otherwise he wouldn't be here :P | ||
nagyv | SammyF: try #kde | 12:28 |
SammyF | nagyv: okay .. thanks :) | 12:28 |
=== claydoh [n=claydoh@66-252-48-130.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nagyv | sFEARs: ready? | 12:28 |
sFEARs | i typed the column command.. nothing happend.. hold on | 12:28 |
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sFEARs | i opned the konsole window | 12:28 |
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nagyv | sFEARs: thats cool :) | 12:28 |
sFEARs | alright | 12:28 |
nagyv | sFEARs: do you have Kate? | 12:28 |
sFEARs | now as far as saving that file | 12:28 |
sFEARs | do i save the html.. save the script as a text file? | 12:29 |
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sFEARs | couldn't paste into terminal | 12:29 |
millers | hey guys i em the neew can any tell me where i can get web sites four kubuntu instals and cool stuff? | 12:29 |
millers | hey guys i em the neew can any tell me where i can get web sites four kubuntu instals and cool stuff? | 12:29 |
nagyv | sFEARs: you don't have to save the file, actually you have already run its important line. Now you just created a list of your packages under ~/packages.txt | 12:29 |
sFEARs | ohh | 12:29 |
nagyv | sFEARs: do you have Kate? | 12:30 |
millers | :( | 12:30 |
sFEARs | here packages packages packages | 12:30 |
sFEARs | not sure about kate | 12:30 |
nagyv | sFEARs: try it! | 12:30 |
sFEARs | ohhhh.. haha | 12:30 |
sFEARs | sudo kate? | 12:30 |
nagyv | sFEARs: jsut kate | 12:30 |
nuxil | when are they planning to make a 64 bit version of flash? "adobe that is any one know ? | 12:30 |
millers | hey guys i em the neew can any tell me where i can get web sites four kubuntu instals and cool stuff? | 12:30 |
millers | hey guys i em the neew can any tell me where i can get web sites four kubuntu instals and cool stuff? | 12:30 |
nagyv | jsut/just | 12:30 |
sFEARs | command not found | 12:30 |
nagyv | millers: kubuntu.org | 12:31 |
millers | thx | 12:31 |
nagyv | sFEARs: then run the command more ~/packages.txt | 12:31 |
LjL | don't spam millers, thanks | 12:31 |
millers | LjL: sry i em the new | 12:31 |
sFEARs | and i do have a packages.txt file.. but it is empty | 12:31 |
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nagyv | sFEARs: did you run this command? COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l > ~/packages.txt | 12:32 |
sFEARs | yeah | 12:32 |
sFEARs | is that minus L or i | 12:32 |
nagyv | sFEARs: copy-paste :) L | 12:32 |
sFEARs | it won't paste into konsole | 12:33 |
nagyv | sFEARs: SHIFT+INSERT will | 12:33 |
sFEARs | damn your tricky | 12:33 |
sFEARs | alright | 12:33 |
Sanne | sFEARs: middle mouse button pastes also | 12:33 |
sFEARs | done | 12:33 |
sFEARs | laptop... no mouse | 12:33 |
nagyv | sFEARs: then run the command more ~/packages.txt | 12:33 |
=== Sanne ducks | ||
sFEARs | alright.. i got stuffs | 12:33 |
=== ubuntu__ [n=ubuntu@dslb-084-056-098-101.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
millers | for kubuntu have any normal RPG game ???? | 12:34 |
sFEARs | ii acpi | 12:34 |
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sFEARs | rc adept=common | 12:34 |
sFEARs | all kinds of stuff | 12:34 |
nagyv | sFEARs: sudo apt-get install kate | 12:35 |
nagyv | sFEARs: install kate | 12:35 |
sFEARs | gonna take a while to scroll thru packages | 12:35 |
LjL | Ubotu, tell millers about games | millers, see the private message from Ubotu | 12:35 |
sFEARs | is there a page end button | 12:35 |
sFEARs | just close out & open new konsole? | 12:35 |
=== SammyF [n=sammy@ALamentin-104-1-15-123.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
SammyF | hello again | 12:36 |
Sanne | sFEARs: 'q' gets you back to konsole | 12:36 |
sFEARs | nice | 12:36 |
sFEARs | missing destination file after kate | 12:37 |
sFEARs | missing destination file operand after 'kate' | 12:37 |
sFEARs | wooooops | 12:37 |
sFEARs | my bad | 12:37 |
sFEARs | hold on | 12:37 |
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SammyF | just in case someone comes up with the same question 'KIOExec error : malformed URL" : just open up konqueror aas inet browser, and make sure Kongueror settings -> file asssiotations inode/directory. You need to make sure that inode/directory has Konquerer listed first. | 12:37 |
SammyF | bbye | 12:37 |
sFEARs | alright.. kate installed | 12:37 |
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sFEARs | i got some baddevice errors in konsole & then a sessions chooser popped up | 12:38 |
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CVirus | !compiz | 12:40 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 12:40 |
nagyv | sFEARs: back again (the cable unplugged) | 12:40 |
sFEARs | no worries | 12:40 |
=== pedro [n=pedro@205.Red-88-11-12.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nagyv | sFEARs: do you have kate already installed? | 12:40 |
sFEARs | yup | 12:41 |
nagyv | cool, fire it up, and open the packages.txt file | 12:41 |
sFEARs | when i run it i get a couple BadDevice errors in konsole & then "Session Chooser" window pops up | 12:41 |
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nagyv | sFEARs: hmm, are you able to copy text from the console? | 12:42 |
sFEARs | yup | 12:42 |
nagyv | then run COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l > ~/packages.txt once more (we have installed kate, and probably also some other useful packages) | 12:42 |
nagyv | sFEARs: ^^^ | 12:42 |
sFEARs | yeah? | 12:42 |
sFEARs | paste into channel? | 12:42 |
nagyv | sFEARs: then go to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org and paste it there | 12:43 |
nagyv | sFEARs: and send the link here | 12:43 |
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surgy | ok so i couldnt get it to build ...... | 12:43 |
sFEARs | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3260/ | 12:43 |
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sFEARs | got ya | 12:43 |
surgy | well its buillt but i couldnt get it to install | 12:43 |
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nagyv | sFEARs: thx, but I would like to see the packages.txt file, not this :) | 12:44 |
sFEARs | ohhhh.... | 12:44 |
sFEARs | hold on | 12:45 |
nagyv | sFEARs: no problem, I wasn't clear enough | 12:45 |
=== _`XeOn_ [n=xeon@pool-72-88-225-174.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
sFEARs | did a search for packages.txt & when i click on it "Session Chooser - Kate" window pops up | 12:45 |
nagyv | run the command "more ~/packages.txt" | 12:46 |
jmichaelx | does anyone here what the proper way is to get a broadcom wireless adapter working well in edgy? it worked fine in dapper after extracting firmware with fwcutte, and it is working using the same method in edgy, but it disconnects after a while. any suggestions would be appreciated | 12:46 |
sFEARs | right right | 12:46 |
jmichaelx | fwcutter* | 12:46 |
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sFEARs | that's a lot of stuff | 12:47 |
nagyv | sFEARs: those are the already installed packages | 12:47 |
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sFEARs | you sure you want all of them? | 12:47 |
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nagyv | sFEARs: yes (I would like even more! :) ) | 12:47 |
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sFEARs | they won't all fit in a copy | 12:48 |
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nagyv | then do several, just please send them at once to paste.ubuntu | 12:48 |
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millers | games | 12:48 |
nagyv | !games | millers | 12:48 |
ubotu | millers: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org | 12:48 |
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Sanne | nagyv: can you also paste your packages list for edgy for me? I'd like to have it in case I need to take over, or to help somebody else if needed. | 12:49 |
blueyed | Hi anosa :) | 12:49 |
anosa | hi | 12:50 |
larson9999 | i don't get all this 'pretty' stuff. is the old desktop we've been using ugly? | 12:50 |
sFEARs | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3261/ | 12:51 |
sFEARs | seriously.. that's like 26 different pastes | 12:51 |
=== _`XeOn_ [n=xeon@pool-72-88-225-174.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
sFEARs | i'd rather just format & reinstall | 12:51 |
=== _`XeOn_ [n=xeon@pool-72-88-225-174.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
nagyv | Sanne: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3263/ , but remember that I have Hungarian localization installed! | 12:52 |
manchicken | Mmm... hungarian... | 12:52 |
=== NeoChaosX [n=nael@ppp-71-139-200-210.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Sanne | nagyv: thanks, and also for the warning ;) | 12:53 |
sFEARs | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3264/ | 12:53 |
surgy | whats the kterm command to remove a package ? | 12:54 |
Sanne | sFEARs, nagyv: may I suggest... if kate doesn't work, maxbe kwrite or gedit is available for sFEARs as an editor? | 12:54 |
jmichaelx | 'apt-get remove packagename' | 12:55 |
Chousuke | surgy: they're not "kterm commands". just command line utilities. anyway "aptitude remove" | 12:55 |
Chousuke | or apt-get | 12:55 |
nagyv | Sanne: we already installed kate | 12:55 |
Chousuke | aptitude is preferred. | 12:55 |
Sanne | nagyv: then why this painful copy-pasting from konsole? ;) | 12:55 |
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nagyv | Sanne: because it does not start :( | 12:56 |
Sanne | nagyv: that's why I suggest using gedit or kwrite. | 12:56 |
anosa | i m new in kubuntu, how to automatically display computer , home icon? | 12:56 |
anosa | on desktop | 12:57 |
anosa | in ubuntu we use gconf, what do we use in kubuntu? | 12:58 |
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Bxnp | the home icon | 01:01 |
Bxnp | you mean for the filebrowser | 01:01 |
anosa | yeah, computer, home | 01:01 |
anosa | like in native kde | 01:01 |
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Bxnp | just put an icon on the desktop for konqueror | 01:03 |
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nagyv | Sanne: there is a problem. The console was not wide enough and there are plenty of linebreaks in sFEARs' paste, so diff can't help much. But what I could conclude is that sFEARs has cc 70 packages, while I had cc 890 | 01:03 |
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=== RawSewage [n=RawSewag@67-42-180-198.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
mena | Hi...any one had experience with Amsn | 01:03 |
Sanne | nagyv, sFEARs: I would just try again to 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop', this should pull the remaining packages | 01:04 |
RawSewage | how do you configure the Recent Documents panel to show more than 9 | 01:04 |
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mena | juano__ | 01:04 |
nagyv | Sanne: sorry, but I am really tired now, you have the link for both lists, please work on it with sFEARs (or just let him to do a reinstall). Good night guys! | 01:05 |
mena | juano__< are you here | 01:05 |
Sanne | nagyv: ok, sleep well :) | 01:05 |
Sanne | sFEARs: we will simulate an install command, so I can see the output: please paste the output of the following command to the pastebin: 'sudo apt-get -s install kubuntu-desktop' | 01:06 |
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slyfox | Anyone here uses skype ? | 01:09 |
slyfox | I have a problem, whenever I get a message from soneone in skype, my CPU jumps to full power and I have to wate like 10 seconds for it to unfreeze. I have laptop with Dynamic CPU - intel centrino mobile which works mostly on 800Mhz and jusmp higher when is needed to up to 2.0Ghz.. | 01:11 |
RawSewage | sounds like a sound conflict | 01:11 |
mena | Why seince i install firefox my azureus shautdown automaticly.....thats starange what to do | 01:11 |
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Legolas_Faol | where should I copy the flash lib. for konqueror? | 01:12 |
terika | how do i chat on yahoo? | 01:12 |
mena | through kopete | 01:12 |
Sanne | sFEARs: still with me? | 01:12 |
Sanne | hmmm | 01:13 |
RawSewage | how do you configure the Recent Documents panel to show more than 9 | 01:13 |
terika | from how do I connenct though? | 01:13 |
Jucato | Legolas_Faol: any reason you have to install flash manually? | 01:13 |
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slyfox | RawSewage: sound problem? That happens when I get a message, not a call. | 01:14 |
Legolas_Faol | it doesn't affect using apt-get or adept | 01:14 |
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mena | terika, open kopete from internet>>kopete them make new profile | 01:14 |
RawSewage | slyfox, Oh, maybe switch the sound thing to ALSA in Skype or whatever | 01:14 |
mena | then* | 01:14 |
=== Flying_Eagle [n=md@p57A0F1E0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jmichaelx | does anyone here know what the proper way is to get a broadcom wireless adapter working well in edgy? it worked fine in dapper after extracting firmware with fwcutter, and it is working using the same method in edgy, but it disconnects after a while. any suggestions would be appreciated | 01:15 |
Jucato | Legolas_Faol: Flash 9? | 01:15 |
slyfox | RawSewage: it is already set to alsa, I doubt it is a soudn issue, as it has nothign to do with sound as it is only a message, not a call. | 01:15 |
crazy_penguin | night to all | 01:15 |
Legolas_Faol | Jucato: yes, I don't know why | 01:15 |
RawSewage | slyfox, ok. idk then | 01:15 |
Legolas_Faol | it writes "installed" but doesn't work | 01:16 |
Jucato | !flash9 | Legolas_Faol | 01:16 |
ubotu | Legolas_Faol: Flash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash | 01:16 |
Jucato | hm... | 01:16 |
Jucato | ubotu: ping | 01:16 |
ubotu | pong | 01:16 |
Jucato | Legolas_Faol: you installed Flash 9 from the repositories? (dapper-backports or edgy-backports)? | 01:16 |
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Legolas_Faol | edgy | 01:17 |
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Legolas_Faol | in the end i've copied the libs in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/ | 01:17 |
Legolas_Faol | but there isn't konqueror | 01:18 |
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Jucato | Legolas_Faol: when you installed Flash 9 (through edgy-backports), did you go to Settings -> Configure Konqueror -> Plugins and click on Scan for new plugins? | 01:19 |
goodseed | ? | 01:19 |
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Jucato | Legolas_Faol: I'm presuming you enabled edgy-backports and installed/upgraded to Flash 9 | 01:19 |
malik | how do i get a list of servers in Konversation like they have pre-added in mIRC? | 01:20 |
Legolas_Faol | Jucato: uhmmmm | 01:20 |
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Jucato | malik: there are none, unfortunately | 01:20 |
malik | how do i get a list of servers in Konversation like they have pre-added in mIRC.......i mean different dalnet and effnet servers? | 01:21 |
Jucato | you have to add them | 01:21 |
malik | if there arnt any then how do i add them?...........do i have to it manaully?........if yes then whats the point of Konversation................i am ruined then | 01:22 |
brett__ | anyone familiar with rar files? | 01:22 |
malik | is there any other IRC client for kubuntu which comes with that? | 01:22 |
Jucato | what's the point of konversation? an IRC client. you add them in File -> Server List -> New | 01:23 |
malik | brett__: u have to install unrar package to open em | 01:23 |
brett__ | malik: i did | 01:23 |
brett__ | malik: i am having trouble figuring out which args to use | 01:23 |
Sanne | malik: if you don't mind using gtk apps, you could try installing xchat (not xchat-gnome!), it comes with a server list. | 01:23 |
brett__ | malik: i have a rar file that has a password on it.... i just want to unzip it- | 01:23 |
LjL | Jucato: well, he as a point, without a handy list of servers, one may as well use telnet :) | 01:23 |
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Jucato | brett__: if you installed unrar, you can use Ark to extract/open them | 01:24 |
malik | Jucato: what is gtk? | 01:24 |
Jucato | LjL: a point that I have nothing against, but nothing I can do either | 01:24 |
malik | gnome based application? | 01:24 |
Jucato | malik: other way around. GTK is the toolkit on which GNOME is based | 01:25 |
brett__ | Jucato: it is having trouble opening it because there is a password... i don't know how to feed it the pass | 01:25 |
Jucato | ah... hm... | 01:25 |
malik | aaaah where did u get this file from? | 01:25 |
brett__ | malik: i made it on a windows machien with winrar | 01:26 |
malik | brett__: if u got it from torrentspy.com then they come with paswd otherwise u can kiss it goodbye | 01:26 |
brett__ | malik: i have the password | 01:26 |
malik | Hmmmm | 01:26 |
brett__ | malik: it just doesnt ask me for it | 01:26 |
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malik | and it doesnt open it either? | 01:27 |
brett__ | it gives me an error after trying | 01:27 |
vursitis | hello everyone | 01:27 |
malik | sorry donno then | 01:27 |
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Jucato | brett__: try "unrar x filename.rar" in Konsole | 01:28 |
brett__ | Jucato: you are the man... thanks | 01:28 |
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distro-tester | i installed skype for windows whit wine but dosen't work u know how to remove it? | 01:29 |
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dawn | can anyone think of 10 things as to why one should use Ubuntu and *NOT* Windoze Vista? | 01:32 |
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cac_ | yeah | 01:33 |
cac_ | security | 01:33 |
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cac_ | stability | 01:33 |
herk | 1. you don't need to spend two grand on a new computer. | 01:33 |
cac_ | more software | 01:33 |
dawn | haha herk | 01:33 |
vursitis | everything is free | 01:33 |
cac_ | 4. free of viruses | 01:33 |
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cac_ | 5. GNU | 01:33 |
vursitis | you can run the OS on older machines faster than windoze can run on most newer machines | 01:33 |
Sanne | dawn: funny, I just today read this: http://apcmag.com/5049/10_reasons_not_to_get_vista | 01:34 |
cac_ | 6. Linux reads windows packets, windows does not | 01:34 |
dawn | I read that as well, I was just thinking of something to come up with a counter to using ubuntu vs Vista | 01:34 |
cac_ | 7. programs run faster | 01:34 |
Sanne | dawn: ah, heh, ok :) | 01:34 |
cac_ | 8. easy configuration of hardware | 01:35 |
vursitis | what configuration? | 01:35 |
dawn | lol | 01:35 |
vursitis | plug it in, and most of the time it works | 01:35 |
dawn | auto-config | 01:35 |
distro-tester | do u know how to remove skype for windows i installed whit wine has it dosen't work? | 01:35 |
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cac_ | 9. installation cd includes all hardware drives | 01:36 |
dawn | I just got my Dell 720 printer to function | 01:36 |
dawn | *drivers | 01:36 |
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cac_ | 10. it is spyware protected | 01:36 |
dawn | spyware, can be wrapped w/ security | 01:37 |
cac_ | spies go easiliy into windows holes | 01:37 |
dawn | aye | 01:37 |
herk | I read that "10 Reasons" thing in Maximum PC magazine a month ago . . | 01:37 |
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manchicken | mmm... GNU... | 01:37 |
frojnd | there was this command for installing flash for firefox | 01:37 |
frojnd | do't give me !flash.. | 01:37 |
frojnd | :) | 01:37 |
dawn | lol | 01:38 |
dawn | automatix2 will do that for you | 01:38 |
cac_ | Gnu is not unix, it is linux, linux is freedom | 01:38 |
RawSewage | is KDE 4 going to be in Feisty | 01:38 |
manchicken | cac_: GNU is not linux. | 01:38 |
cac_ | GNU IS NOT UNIX | 01:38 |
manchicken | cac_: And linux are not GNU. | 01:38 |
cac_ | it's linux | 01:38 |
manchicken | cac_: No, it's not. | 01:38 |
cac_ | be careful when reading | 01:38 |
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RawSewage | and GNOME is not pronounced NOME. It's pronounced GUH-NOME | 01:38 |
vursitis | some could argue that it should be called GNU/Linux | 01:39 |
manchicken | cac_: GNU is a project which has developed several programs that are useful on a variety of operating systems. | 01:39 |
cac_ | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU | 01:39 |
manchicken | cac_: Linux is the kernel. GNU is the compiler, linker, cp, mv, ls, man, info, etc. | 01:40 |
manchicken | cac_: And GNU works with more than just a linux kernel. | 01:40 |
Jucato | GNU is a separate project from Linux (kernel) | 01:40 |
dawn | !gnu | 01:40 |
ubotu | G(NU's) N(ot) U(nix). A project that aimed to develop a complete operating system of Free Software, which Ubuntu is based on. See http://gnu.org | 01:40 |
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Jucato | (manchicken is one of those that will argue that :P ) | 01:41 |
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manchicken | cac_: GNU is even trying to work up their own kernel (HURD). | 01:41 |
cac_ | http://www.gnu.org/home.en.html | 01:41 |
Sanne | dawn: one of my main reasons: GNU/Linux is not primarily motivated by maximazing revenue. | 01:41 |
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cac_ | ?Free software? is a matter of liberty, not price. To understand the concept, you should think of ?free? as in ?free speech?, not as in ?free beer?. | 01:41 |
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manchicken | cac_: Yup. | 01:42 |
RawSewage | Free software means freedom for software developers to sleep on any street they choose | 01:42 |
qRohde | hi. I got a problem, I got a friend on a newly installed kubuntu, he Installed Synaptic, and in an attempt to move it's placement in the k-menu he deleted it. | 01:42 |
dawn | lol | 01:42 |
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dawn | why synaptic? | 01:43 |
manchicken | RawSewage: Wow. That was a little ignorant. | 01:43 |
RawSewage | lol | 01:43 |
qRohde | we've craeted a new menu-item, but Synaptic naturally needs root access, how do we make it start with that | 01:43 |
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dawn | synaptic and adept are one in the same, well almost | 01:43 |
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qRohde | dawn, because the default in kubuntu is unstable as hell | 01:44 |
graft | help! my fonts look like garbage... i have that little 'red/orange' shadow problem | 01:44 |
dawn | unstable? | 01:44 |
qRohde | dawn, no offence ment, but it just crashes to much | 01:44 |
Jucato | it's not *that* unstable | 01:44 |
dawn | dont crash for me | 01:44 |
dawn | after 15+ installations | 01:44 |
Sanne | qRohde: I'm using the command 'kdesu synaptic' in the menu and on my panel launcher button. | 01:44 |
graft | argh... so painful to look at | 01:45 |
Sanne | qRohde: oh, and in the menu you need to check "Run as different user' | 01:45 |
qRohde | dawn, I've tried twice with no luck, I'm a gentoo-user starting with using gnome and now e17, so I'm as n00b at kde as it is possible | 01:45 |
Sanne | qRohde: but leave the username field empty | 01:45 |
qRohde | Sanne, thank :) | 01:45 |
qRohde | Sanne, *tanks | 01:45 |
dawn | qRohde, listen Sanne | 01:45 |
qRohde | *thanks | 01:46 |
dawn | qRohde, listen *to* Sanne | 01:46 |
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qRohde | if I can spell :p | 01:46 |
Sanne | qRohde: you're welcome :) | 01:46 |
dawn | welcome | 01:46 |
Jucato | Sanne: if you use "kdesu", there's no need for the "run as different user" | 01:46 |
Sanne | lol | 01:46 |
Sanne | Jucato: that crossed my mind also just yet... thanks. | 01:46 |
dawn | ok, here is another question. What games if any has anyone been able to install and run? | 01:46 |
dawn | I have tried tremulous | 01:47 |
dawn | reminds me of doom | 01:47 |
Sanne | Jucato: ah, I see in the menu I don't use kdesu. So that's why I checked the "run as different user". | 01:47 |
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graft | argh... only my KDE fonts are messed up? | 01:48 |
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frojnd | so guys what's the package name for flash for firefox? | 01:55 |
dawn | for anyone that has issues with sound on kubuntu being too low | 01:55 |
frojnd | so I can watch movies from youtube | 01:56 |
dawn | use KMIX and push the PCM toggle to 100% | 01:56 |
dawn | !automatix2 | 01:56 |
ubotu | automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 01:56 |
Jucato | flashplugin-nonfree | 01:57 |
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Thehound666 | when editing files via ssh, is there any way to do so with superuser permissions? I'm trying to alter a config file for my remote computer to listen for connections from here | 02:01 |
Murchadh | graft, I think you want to turn on or off anti-aliasing in System Settings > Appearance > Fonts! | 02:01 |
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Jucato | ubotu: ping | 02:08 |
ubotu | pong | 02:08 |
graft | what do you all use for managing wireless connections? | 02:09 |
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graft | no one using wireless here? | 02:10 |
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revdjenk | my wifi is broken in all the latest distros w/ the latest kernels :( | 02:11 |
graft | on edgy? | 02:11 |
revdjenk | yep | 02:12 |
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graft | what wifi do you use? | 02:13 |
revdjenk | locks keyboard, can't enter any keyboard strokes after trying to initialize | 02:13 |
revdjenk | ralink 2500 | 02:13 |
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revdjenk | AND computer runs in a two - four second 'stutter' | 02:14 |
graft | nasty | 02:14 |
revdjenk | have to re-boot to recover | 02:15 |
distro-tester | i created myvirtual machine on desktop what i have to do now? | 02:15 |
revdjenk | knoppix, elive, kubuntu... all do it | 02:15 |
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distro-tester | !WMWare: | 02:17 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about WMWare: - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:17 |
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distro-tester | any one knows how to unistall stuff on wine? | 02:18 |
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xsacha | same way you do it on windows | 02:20 |
distro-tester | how? | 02:20 |
xsacha | oh, you're one of those guys who uses add/remove programs? | 02:20 |
distro-tester | no i installed skype for windows but dosen't work | 02:20 |
distro-tester | and would like to remove it now | 02:20 |
xsacha | what's wrong with skype for linux? :) | 02:21 |
distro-tester | dosen't have skypecast | 02:22 |
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distro-tester | couse it's old and dosen't have live button to join | 02:22 |
distro-tester | so im trying to find a way | 02:22 |
HammerHead | hey all, can someone tell me how i would go about connecting to my VPN provider? I am linux n00b :).. like a VPN client or what not>> in windows i just add a vPN server | 02:23 |
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distro-tester | the problem versions are very old vs to windows as linux is treated 2 class | 02:23 |
distro-tester | so u have to try to emulate everything | 02:23 |
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distro-tester | hi jucato | 02:24 |
Jucato | hi distro-tester | 02:24 |
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distro-tester | im doing fine but nead to remove skype for windows i installed whit wine u know how? | 02:25 |
distro-tester | unistaller diden't work | 02:25 |
grumbly | hello. I need some help connecting to a printer on a windows network | 02:25 |
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Jucato | distro-tester: which uninstaller are you using? | 02:26 |
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distro-tester | the command to list in console | 02:26 |
distro-tester | but diden't work | 02:26 |
Jucato | distro-tester: no, you have to use either Skype's uninstaller or Wine's uninstaller | 02:26 |
distro-tester | ok il use wine's how i do that? | 02:26 |
grumbly | can anyone help with connecting to a cannon printer on a windows network? | 02:26 |
revdjenk | can you get on the windows net, first? | 02:27 |
grumbly | yes | 02:27 |
Jucato | distro-tester: is Skype for windows in your K Menu? | 02:27 |
distro-tester | yes | 02:27 |
distro-tester | under lost odbjects | 02:27 |
Jucato | distro-tester: does it have an entry to Uninstall Skype? | 02:27 |
revdjenk | is canon printer shared on the windows net? | 02:27 |
distro-tester | no | 02:28 |
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Thehound666 | how do I use scp the simple way? | 02:28 |
grumbly | yes, but it dosn't come up here | 02:28 |
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Thehound666 | keeps asking for arguements | 02:28 |
distro-tester | if i remove wine and reinstall it afther is it a good idea jucato? | 02:28 |
grumbly | it comes up as a shared directory | 02:29 |
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Thehound666 | I do this | 02:29 |
Thehound666 | scp user@remotehost:/path/to/file /path/to/destination | 02:29 |
revdjenk | grumbly, now I know why you are grumbly ! Don't know what to do from this point...but thought I'd ask the obvious... | 02:29 |
grumbly | heheh | 02:30 |
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Jucato | distro-tester: hm.. no | 02:30 |
grumbly | thanks! and now I can't get onto the windows network | 02:30 |
grumbly | argh | 02:30 |
revdjenk | hee hee | 02:30 |
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grumbly | ohp... there it goes. | 02:30 |
grumbly | heh | 02:30 |
revdjenk | sorry, that was not directed AT you... just sharing the frustration | 02:30 |
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Jucato | distro-tester: in konsole, "cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files" | 02:30 |
grumbly | man... If I could afford windows, I'd just get it- please dont kick me | 02:30 |
grumbly | or I'd buy the printer and put it on locally | 02:31 |
revdjenk | heh, I've been solid Linux for a year now | 02:31 |
revdjenk | and know the prob, both ways! | 02:31 |
distro-tester | says no file or directory | 02:32 |
revdjenk | canons are difficult enough just on linux... eh grumbly | 02:32 |
grumbly | I prefer mac os. then freebsd. | 02:32 |
revdjenk | haven't used either | 02:32 |
grumbly | this computer is for my parentds | 02:32 |
revdjenk | ah | 02:32 |
grumbly | it's wicked easy so far, but I cant get it to print a damned thing | 02:33 |
distro-tester | so what's next jucato? | 02:33 |
Thehound666 | ok figured something out myself. | 02:33 |
Jucato | distro-tester: go to the Skype directory in there | 02:33 |
Thehound666 | can use scp in reverse to remote edit a config | 02:34 |
Thehound666 | by doing sudo scp through ssh | 02:34 |
distro-tester | zen@zen-desktop:~$ wine skype | 02:34 |
distro-tester | wine: could not load L"c:\\windows\\system32\\skype.exe": Module not found | 02:34 |
distro-tester | zen@zen-desktop:~$ | 02:34 |
Thehound666 | just have the edited version on your pc | 02:34 |
distro-tester | this is it | 02:34 |
distro-tester | how do i enter it? | 02:34 |
RawSewage | is KDE 4 going to be in Feisty | 02:35 |
revdjenk | my i850 worked, but not at highest resolution...sent them a letter about it, hoping more linux contact would help them see the light, but no.. | 02:35 |
Thehound666 | it should ask if you want to replace it, I'd think | 02:35 |
revdjenk | so switched to konica minolta... they produce linux drivers.. | 02:35 |
grumbly | samba is being weird | 02:36 |
grumbly | the dirs I know i can access arent comming up | 02:36 |
grumbly | the printer isnt commng up | 02:36 |
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@c-71-201-220-217.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Jucato | distro-tester: no, you have to go into the directory I mentioned earlier | 02:36 |
distro-tester | o ok | 02:36 |
Jucato | you're still in your home directory... | 02:37 |
grumbly | and the only workgroup I am finding is MSHOME but that's not a valid group | 02:37 |
distro-tester | yes | 02:37 |
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distro-tester | how do i enter the directory u said? | 02:37 |
=== faded515 [n=faded515@cpc3-hatf4-0-0-cust764.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Jucato | distro-tester: cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/ | 02:38 |
Jucato | distro-tester: then cd into the Skype directory... I don't know it's name so I can't give you an exact command | 02:39 |
revdjenk | ms anything isn't valid.... :) | 02:39 |
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grumbly | thats not so much helping me at this moment | 02:39 |
revdjenk | yep... will pray for your sanity, grumbly... | 02:40 |
distro-tester | says no such file or directory | 02:40 |
distro-tester | ill try to remove wine | 02:41 |
distro-tester | says no file or directory | 02:41 |
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graft | anyone use kmilo? | 02:43 |
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revdjenk | see ya all later... | 02:48 |
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ffforever | can someone help me with wine? | 02:48 |
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sparr | how can i make my right Alt key behave like (Right) Alt instead of like meta/ae/whatever? | 03:01 |
_spaz | are there any drivers for my old Matrox MGA G200 AGP graphics card? | 03:02 |
sparr | _spaz: almost certainly | 03:02 |
=== _spaz can't find them | ||
_spaz | i looked at the manufacturer's site | 03:03 |
_spaz | but when i try to install it says my version of X isn't supported | 03:03 |
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_spaz | is there some kind of source where i can find graphics drivers for linux? | 03:05 |
_spaz | other than my manufacturer -__- | 03:05 |
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=== NotSure [n=notsure@bas1-ottawa10-1242462897.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
BluesKaj | what mnfctr ? | 03:08 |
NotSure | strange problem with kdm, upon login it just brings me back to the login screen... anyone have any ideas? | 03:08 |
_spaz | Matrox | 03:09 |
=== Pensa`MIA [n=pensacol@45.25-67-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #kubuntu | ||
_spaz | the card: MGA G200 AGP | 03:09 |
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BluesKaj | have you tried http://www.driverguide.com/ | 03:10 |
_spaz | no, but thank you | 03:10 |
BluesKaj | you have to register but it's a fairly decent source | 03:11 |
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=== dwidmann yawns | ||
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ajboorde | Does anyone deal with xgl or beryl | 03:13 |
ajboorde | I cannot get it to work | 03:13 |
dwidmann | !info xserver-xorg-video-mga | _spaz | 03:13 |
ubotu | xserver-xorg-video-mga: X.Org X server -- MGA display driver. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.4.1-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 71 kB, installed size 216 kB | 03:13 |
dwidmann | ajboorde, which? | 03:14 |
ajboorde | beryl | 03:14 |
_spaz | is that the name of the package? | 03:14 |
NotSure | strange problem with kdm, upon login it just brings me back to the login screen... anyone have any ideas? | 03:14 |
dwidmann | _spaz: yes | 03:14 |
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_spaz | so i use sudo apt-get xserver-xorg-video-mga | 03:15 |
dwidmann | _spaz: if you're going to get support, it will probably be from that driver. | 03:15 |
dwidmann | ajboorde, details? | 03:15 |
_spaz | what do you mean "support from that driver?" | 03:16 |
draik | What do I need in order to have my firefox play embeded audio? | 03:16 |
dwidmann | _spaz: That's probably the only driver that supports Matrox ... try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh" and select matrox or mga for the display driver | 03:17 |
_spaz | okay | 03:17 |
=== juano__ is back | ||
Jucato | !mozilla-mplayer | 03:18 |
ubotu | mozilla-mplayer: MPlayer-Plugin for Mozilla. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.31-1 (edgy), package size 467 kB, installed size 1616 kB | 03:18 |
Jucato | draik: ^^^ | 03:18 |
juano__ | mena | 03:18 |
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draik | Jucato: I already have it installed | 03:19 |
Jucato | draik: still won't work? | 03:19 |
draik | when I try to play the audio, I would get a popup that the audio couldn't be played | 03:20 |
draik | not it's just silent | 03:20 |
juano__ | draik: try installing other players for mozilla | 03:20 |
Jucato | :( | 03:20 |
juano__ | draik: try kaffeine or mplayer | 03:21 |
Jucato | draik: not sure if you need to install mplayer separately, but I'm assuming you don't have to | 03:21 |
draik | both installed and current | 03:21 |
juano__ | draik: ah.. | 03:21 |
juano__ | draik: how about totem? | 03:22 |
Jucato | draik: mozilla-plugin-vlc or mozilla-helix-player | 03:22 |
draik | I had totem before but it was just a bit mess | 03:22 |
draik | Jucato: Both installed and current | 03:22 |
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juano__ | draik: what version of firefox? | 03:23 |
juano__ | draik: 2.0 ? | 03:23 |
draik | v2 | 03:23 |
juano__ | strange, only firefox issue ? how about other browsers ? and other apps? | 03:24 |
draik | It happened before and someone helped me fix it. It's been a while. I forgot who and what | 03:25 |
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juano__ | draik: about:plugins do the installed plugins appear there? | 03:25 |
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draik | juano__: Everything is installed. And also enabled | 03:26 |
juano__ | draik: this happen with flash videos or with every sound? | 03:28 |
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draik | Just embeded audio | 03:29 |
juano__ | draik: cat /etc/firefox/firefoxrc and pastebin | 03:29 |
draik | well, all website audio | 03:29 |
juano__ | draik: ok | 03:29 |
draik | cat: /etc/firefox/firefoxc: No such file or directory | 03:29 |
BluesKaj | draik, have you checked FF by typing about:plugins in the address box | 03:29 |
draik | BluesKaj: Yes I have. I have a few plugins. All installed and enabled | 03:30 |
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juano__ | draik: cat /etc/firefox/firefoxrc and pastebin thats with an R | 03:31 |
draik | whoops | 03:31 |
BluesKaj | drai | 03:31 |
juano__ | draik: :P | 03:31 |
BluesKaj | draik, http://mplayerplug-in.sourceforge.net/ | 03:31 |
draik | ok | 03:31 |
=== mikejanssen [n=mikejans@24-116-56-231.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
draik | I have it here... | 03:31 |
draik | it's only 5 lines... | 03:31 |
draik | # which /dev/dsp wrapper to use | 03:31 |
draik | FIREFOX_DSP="none" | 03:31 |
draik | # Note that "auto" and "esd" involve the use of esddsp, which | 03:31 |
draik | # is known to be buggy and to make Firefox unstable. | 03:31 |
draik | # See https://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/29760. | 03:31 |
draik | BluesKaj: I have mplayerplug-in installed | 03:32 |
juano__ | draik: well, you can try to change none to aoss | 03:32 |
draik | one sec | 03:32 |
BluesKaj | ok, I'l stay out of this :) | 03:32 |
juano__ | draik: so it would be FIREFOX_DSP="aoss" , if it doesnt change just leave it back in none | 03:33 |
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draik | ok | 03:33 |
draik | changed | 03:33 |
draik | 1 sec | 03:33 |
juano__ | draik: launch firefox and try some audio | 03:33 |
draik | Ok. That made the swf file on the page go away | 03:34 |
=== NeoChaosX [n=nael@ppp-71-139-200-210.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
draik | back to "none" I go | 03:34 |
juano__ | draik: ok | 03:34 |
juano__ | draik: sudo aptitude install alsa-oss and FIREFOX_DSP="aoss" was what i found on it | 03:35 |
juano__ | draik: but doesnt seem to work | 03:35 |
draik | let me see | 03:35 |
juano__ | draik: sudo apt-get would be here, this was for dapper actually not edgy | 03:36 |
juano__ | draik: the fix i mean | 03:36 |
draik | Ok. no audio and no swf file displaying anymore | 03:38 |
juano__ | draik: change it back to "none" | 03:38 |
=== seven11 [n=seven11@125-24-181-199.adsl.totbb.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
draik | no audio and a blank spot for the swf file | 03:39 |
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mena | hi friends | 03:40 |
mena | i want to install a style and i have the files | 03:40 |
juano__ | mena: hi there | 03:40 |
mena | juano__, hi i am the hermit | 03:41 |
mena | juano__, remeber me | 03:41 |
juano__ | mena: yea | 03:41 |
draik | I don't know what has caused it to go from viewing swf file and no audio to none | 03:41 |
juano__ | mena: hows it going | 03:41 |
mena | okay | 03:41 |
juano__ | draik: yea, actually its ilogical if you turn it back to none | 03:41 |
mena | when i try ro make ./configure | 03:42 |
juano__ | draik: try rebooting | 03:42 |
draik | I mean I get nothing | 03:42 |
mena | juano__, can you help me | 03:42 |
juano__ | mena: yea shoot | 03:42 |
juano__ | draik: try rebooting , first try sudo killall -HUP firefox | 03:42 |
juano__ | draik: then reload firefox | 03:42 |
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mena | juano__, why when i make ./configure i had this in the end of line checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths! | 03:42 |
juano__ | mena: what are you compiling? | 03:43 |
draik | Well, I set it back to "none" and removed alsa-oss and I got my swf to play on the site | 03:43 |
mena | juano__, i try to install a style but its manualy | 03:43 |
draik | but a reboot never hurt anyone | 03:43 |
juano__ | draik: ok | 03:43 |
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mena | juano__, i must to install it do this ui read it configure then make them make install | 03:43 |
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juano__ | mena: are you running ./configure as root? | 03:44 |
mena | no | 03:44 |
juano__ | sudo ./configure | 03:44 |
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mena | juano__, okay | 03:44 |
juano__ | mena: try that | 03:44 |
draik | aside from my regular WTF?!?!?... | 03:44 |
mena | okay | 03:44 |
=== ajboorde [n=ajboorde@cpe-065-190-158-249.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
draik | I'm at 800x600 resolution | 03:45 |
mena | juano__, same error | 03:45 |
mena | in the end | 03:45 |
draik | I restarted and this is where I'm at now | 03:45 |
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@ppp-69-223-34-167.dsl.dytnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== ubuntu is now known as _spaz | ||
_spaz | i have a problem now | 03:45 |
draik | What happened to my video resolution of 1280x1024? | 03:45 |
juano__ | draik: what you install before reboot? | 03:45 |
draik | just what you told me | 03:45 |
juano__ | draik: you uninstalled that alsa-oss | 03:46 |
draik | yeah | 03:46 |
juano__ | draik: plus alsa-oss doesnt have to do with video resolution | 03:46 |
_spaz | i installed some graphics drivers, but now it won't go into the desktop | 03:46 |
draik | but I also didn't have it installed before and I had great resolution | 03:46 |
juano__ | draik: its for audio | 03:46 |
draik | right | 03:46 |
juano__ | draik: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 03:46 |
juano__ | pastebin | 03:47 |
draik | Ok | 03:47 |
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juano__ | draik: that resolution error might have been another package | 03:47 |
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draik | http://pastebin.ca/331669 | 03:48 |
draik | I hope we can fix this... This resolution scares me | 03:48 |
draik | I can't do anything | 03:48 |
yuriy | !fixres | 03:50 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 03:50 |
=== dwidmann [n=kuja@dpc67142237054.direcpc.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
juano__ | draik: it sais only 640x480 and up too 800x600 in xorg.conf | 03:50 |
ForgeAus | um what kinda trouble can I get into building slackware into my kubuntu distro? | 03:50 |
=== bou [n=bou@AFontenayssB-151-1-69-66.w81-48.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ForgeAus | (as long as I don't overwrite anything? | 03:50 |
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yuriy | draik: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 03:50 |
juano__ | draik: plus, it sais driver: "nv" that should be "nvidia" check this !nvidia | 03:51 |
juano__ | !nvidia | draik | 03:51 |
ubotu | draik: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 03:51 |
draik | I just ran that command | 03:51 |
draik | I'm rebooting... BRB | 03:51 |
jgil | hi, i'm looking for some advice to play RealMedia movies in kubuntu 6.10 installed on an Amd64 | 03:51 |
ForgeAus | sofar most stuff seems to just work... (but mostly I've just extracted binaries from a .tgz and copied them to the place they belong, no source packages working yet) | 03:52 |
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juano__ | draik: ? | 03:52 |
ForgeAus | installpkg seems to want a diff tar version... but that was easy enough to add | 03:52 |
juano__ | draik: lol | 03:52 |
juano__ | draik: what you do to get it back? | 03:52 |
juano__ | draik: only reboot? | 03:52 |
draik | sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 03:53 |
draik | then reboot | 03:53 |
=== luna6 [n=luna6@ip68-14-110-43.no.no.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Jucato | !xconfig | 03:53 |
ubotu | To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg - To configure only the driver and resolution, type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh | 03:53 |
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juano__ | draik: ok, now cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf and check the driver part, what does it say? | 03:53 |
draik | Jucato: Where were you when I needed this info? | 03:53 |
draik | "nv" | 03:53 |
draik | I have "nv" and it works fine | 03:54 |
Jucato | draik: um... looking at something else... | 03:54 |
draik | If it's not broke, I'm not fixing it | 03:54 |
juano__ | draik: type glxgears in a terminal | 03:54 |
Jucato | "nv" is the open source driver for NVIDIA. no 3D acceleration stuff | 03:54 |
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juano__ | draik: probably slow gears | 03:54 |
Jucato | no 3D hardware acceleration and direct rendering stuff | 03:54 |
=== LameBMX [n=lamebmx@adsl-69-221-117-66.dsl.akrnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
draik | ummm... ok | 03:54 |
draik | It's not doing anything | 03:54 |
draik | Yup, slow | 03:55 |
=== surgy [n=surgy@adsl-75-40-133-232.dsl.okcyok.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
draik | sorry, didn't see the gears window | 03:55 |
surgy | hello | 03:55 |
surgy | im downloading a game called tribaltrouble.sh can i chmod that and install it like a .bin ? | 03:56 |
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juano__ | draik: if your leaving nv your gonna have that slow | 03:56 |
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juano__ | draik: but well, while your not playing games or stuff, you can leave that if you want | 03:57 |
draik | Ok. It's nvidia now | 03:57 |
draik | Let me reboot | 03:57 |
=== Jucato hopes he just meant restart X | ||
=== ibb [n=andy@adsl-69-211-5-76.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== juano__ too | ||
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draik | Trial and error | 04:00 |
draik | "nvidia" removes X | 04:00 |
draik | so back to "nv" I am now | 04:00 |
juano__ | !nvidia | draik | 04:00 |
ubotu | draik: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 04:00 |
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juano__ | draik: you should read that | 04:01 |
draik | Nah | 04:01 |
draik | I'm fine the way it is | 04:01 |
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draik | thank you, though | 04:01 |
draik | Now if I can get my audio to play | 04:01 |
juano__ | draik: no prob :-) | 04:01 |
=== dunno [n=zzz@bb219-74-174-190.singnet.com.sg] has joined #kubuntu | ||
juano__ | draik: are you having the audio problem with every app ? | 04:02 |
draik | just ff | 04:02 |
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juano__ | draik: why not reinstall firefox or something? | 04:02 |
draik | well, konqueror doesn't show the swf file and doesn't play the audio either, but I never use konqueror, other than as a file browser | 04:03 |
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dethklok | how much time would it take for a big noob to set up WoW on kubuntu (dapper) | 04:05 |
dethklok | !WoW | 04:05 |
ubotu | Information about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org | 04:05 |
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juano__ | !konqueror | 04:08 |
ubotu | konqueror: KDE's advanced file manager, web browser and document viewer. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu3.2 (edgy), package size 1953 kB, installed size 5280 kB | 04:08 |
tom47 | i am wondering what is driving the behaviour that an application opens full screen width? | 04:09 |
tom47 | i dot like it and would prefer another seting | 04:09 |
tom47 | eg firefox ... opens full screen width, i set it to approx half width the next time it opens yep half screen width, BUT the next time it reverts to full screen width | 04:11 |
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=== surgy [n=surgy@adsl-75-40-133-232.dsl.okcyok.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
surgy | i have spyware...... on linux...... its a little red sheild in the bottom right corner of my task bar that says my computer is infected | 04:12 |
Bxnp | tom47: | 04:13 |
Bxnp | you can do that | 04:13 |
surgy | when i right click it it asked if i want to upgrade my computer with registry cleaner | 04:13 |
Bxnp | spyware surgy you have been drinking | 04:13 |
surgy | how do i get rid of this? | 04:13 |
surgy | bxnp: lol i know its weird but its there | 04:13 |
Bxnp | make a screenshot of this | 04:13 |
tom47 | surgy are you running wine? | 04:13 |
Bxnp | i dont believe it | 04:14 |
surgy | bxnp: how? | 04:14 |
surgy | tom47: i was | 04:14 |
Bxnp | ksnapshot | 04:14 |
Bxnp | i want to see this | 04:14 |
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tom47 | i have had things aimed at windows show up like that while wine was on my pc ... i dont allow wine on it anymore esp as the winehq people are in denial over it | 04:15 |
surgy | i dont have inet space mind if i dcc it to you? | 04:15 |
surgy | tom47 how do i kill the app? | 04:16 |
tom47 | find its number and kill it | 04:16 |
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surgy | bxnp: on the taskbar bottom right the little red sheild next to konversation's icon | 04:17 |
tom47 | i dont kow how in xfce as i ony oaded up xubuntu-desktop an hour ago | 04:17 |
surgy | tom47: how do i find its number and kill it? | 04:17 |
Bxnp | and what does it say | 04:17 |
Bxnp | what happends if you right click on it | 04:17 |
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tom47 | surgy best leave you in Bxnp's hands | 04:17 |
surgy | bnxp: "YOUR COMPUTER IS INFECTED!!!!!!!" "whould you like to upgrade to registry cleaner?" | 04:18 |
Bxnp | my god | 04:18 |
underdog5004 | rofl | 04:18 |
surgy | the second is if i right click it | 04:18 |
Bxnp | ahahah | 04:18 |
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surgy | yeah its great huh lol | 04:18 |
underdog5004 | must be talking about windows! | 04:18 |
Bxnp | this is so funny do you mind if i post this on my blog | 04:18 |
underdog5004 | hahahaha | 04:18 |
Bxnp | are you sure you ar running linux | 04:18 |
bryce | Heya, all | 04:18 |
underdog5004 | Bxnp, gimme your addy of your blog! | 04:19 |
bryce | Total noob question for y'all | 04:19 |
Bxnp | its in dutch | 04:19 |
underdog5004 | !ask | 04:19 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 04:19 |
Bxnp | www.postproductie.nl | 04:19 |
BluesKaj | geezus , adware in kde panel ...unreal :0 | 04:19 |
underdog5004 | Bxnp, ok | 04:19 |
bryce | How does one go about installing ... well, anything in Kubuntu? | 04:19 |
surgy | bxnp im running kubuntu 6.10 edgy im positive and you can post away | 04:19 |
underdog5004 | never ever heard of that...maybe he wined an adware package... | 04:19 |
underdog5004 | bryce, apt-get | 04:20 |
Bxnp | thanks :) | 04:20 |
underdog5004 | !apt | 04:20 |
ubotu | APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) | 04:20 |
bryce | I'm quite competent with that *other* OS, but am competely new to linux flavors | 04:20 |
mena | juano__, are you free i will ask you about something else | 04:20 |
juano__ | mena: sure | 04:20 |
BluesKaj | !packages | 04:20 |
ubotu | You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways! | 04:20 |
bryce | Underdog: gonna have to elaborate on that | 04:20 |
Bxnp | what do you want to install bryce | 04:20 |
juano__ | mena: shoot | 04:20 |
underdog5004 | bryce, if you like a gui, try out synaptic | 04:20 |
surgy | underdog5004: yeah your right | 04:20 |
bryce | Firefox | 04:20 |
underdog5004 | !synaptic | 04:20 |
ubotu | synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto | 04:20 |
underdog5004 | bryce, sudo apt-get install package-name | 04:20 |
surgy | bxnp how do i kill my spyware lol | 04:20 |
tom47 | bryce you can also use synaptic for a gui interface (under "System" menu item | 04:20 |
underdog5004 | bryce, sudo apt-get install firefox | 04:20 |
underdog5004 | lol | 04:20 |
bryce | hold on - let me see what I can do... | 04:21 |
Bxnp | oke surgy, do this ps -ef | grep wine | 04:21 |
mena | juano__, i asked befor why my azureus closed after opening after a while they told me to install java5 and i installed it the same problem happened | 04:21 |
surgy | bxnp: what am i looking for? | 04:21 |
Bxnp | do you get something | 04:21 |
surgy | bxnp yes | 04:21 |
surgy | bxnp add to your pm? | 04:21 |
bryce | Underdog: do I need to specify a path? | 04:22 |
Bxnp | yes | 04:22 |
mena | juano__,so what is the reason | 04:22 |
bryce | I'm getting "Package firefox has no installation candidate" | 04:22 |
mena | juano__,Do you have any idea | 04:22 |
juano__ | mena: mmm, i use ktorrent generally, yea, its good to install java5 so azureus has the latest runtime, but could be something else | 04:22 |
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bryce | using Konsole terminal shell | 04:22 |
juano__ | mena: let me check | 04:22 |
tom47 | bryce mozilla-firefox | 04:22 |
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underdog5004 | bryce, if you want to...but it should do it automatically... | 04:22 |
surgy | anyone else want to see a screen shot of spyware on kubuntu? | 04:22 |
underdog5004 | tom47, I'm pretty sure firefox works as well... | 04:22 |
tom47 | ok | 04:22 |
bryce | So how does it find the installer pacakge I downloaded? | 04:23 |
tom47 | surgy yes please | 04:23 |
juano__ | mena: does it crash inmediatly after load? | 04:23 |
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mena | juano__,Some times yes and some times no but it takes about 2 m or less | 04:23 |
underdog5004 | bryce, ummm, I don't know...it'll automatically install for you. | 04:23 |
bryce | hm | 04:23 |
bryce | not working... | 04:23 |
bryce | do I need to extract the package somewhere? | 04:24 |
underdog5004 | ok...sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox | 04:24 |
underdog5004 | bryce, no | 04:24 |
juano__ | mena: did you try a reinstall of azureus? | 04:24 |
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mena | no | 04:24 |
tom47 | surgy what was it called? | 04:24 |
bryce | Invalid operation mozilla-firefox | 04:24 |
bryce | oops | 04:24 |
bryce | forgot something | 04:24 |
bryce | tryhing again | 04:24 |
mena | juano_, i will try | 04:24 |
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surgy | tom47 no idea something about registry optimization lol | 04:25 |
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bryce | still not working. | 04:25 |
underdog5004 | good thing that linux doesn't use a registry...does it? | 04:25 |
juano__ | mena: after installing java5 did you reboot? | 04:25 |
surgy | yeah great thing :) | 04:25 |
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mena | yes | 04:25 |
bryce | Building dependency tree... Done | 04:25 |
bryce | Package mozilla-firefox is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 04:25 |
bryce | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 04:25 |
bryce | is only available from another source | 04:25 |
juano__ | mena: ok | 04:26 |
mena | juano_, ok | 04:26 |
bryce | Underdog: I've downloaded FF2.0 package to my home folder | 04:26 |
bryce | What else could I be missing? | 04:26 |
underdog5004 | bryce, ummm, why? FF2.0 is in the repos | 04:26 |
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bryce | the what? | 04:27 |
juano__ | bryce: why not install it from synaptic? | 04:27 |
klimitbreak_ | chanel espaol? | 04:27 |
underdog5004 | bryce, repositories | 04:27 |
underdog5004 | !es | 04:27 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda. | 04:27 |
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bryce | dunno how do get there... ;-) | 04:27 |
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=== indra_ is now known as ind | ||
klimitbreak_ | how i get into chanel espaol | 04:27 |
underdog5004 | bryce, open up a konsole and type sudo apt-get install synaptic | 04:27 |
ind | hey.. | 04:27 |
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bryce | Package has no installation candidate. | 04:28 |
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underdog5004 | klimitbreak_, /join #ubuntu-es | 04:28 |
juano__ | bryce: do what underdog sais, if typing sudo synaptic doesnt work | 04:28 |
ind | anyone here ever had installed embedded linux? | 04:28 |
underdog5004 | bryce, synaptic doesn't work? | 04:28 |
bryce | no, it does not | 04:28 |
underdog5004 | ind, nope | 04:28 |
ind | pebble linux | 04:28 |
tom47 | underdog maybe the repos are wrong | 04:28 |
ghostcube | bryce are oure source.list is containing any repos | 04:29 |
underdog5004 | bryce, use pastebin and show us your sources.list (/etc/apt/sources.list) | 04:29 |
juano__ | bryce: cat /etc/apt/sources.list and pastebin | 04:29 |
ghostcube | or is it set to cd | 04:29 |
underdog5004 | !pastebin | 04:29 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 04:29 |
bryce | whoa too much info, guys | 04:29 |
bryce | remember: I have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what I'm doing here ;-) | 04:29 |
juano__ | bryce: no prob :-) | 04:29 |
ind | underdog-- i think that's the same linux as kubuntu, but no GUI.. | 04:30 |
underdog5004 | bryce, ok, in a konsole, type in kate /etc/apt/sources.list | 04:30 |
Bxnp | i do | 04:30 |
underdog5004 | ind, I've worked w/ a CLI only version... | 04:30 |
bryce | done | 04:30 |
bryce | Kate open | 04:30 |
bryce | what am I looking for? | 04:30 |
tom47 | surgy could you send the screenshot again pls | 04:31 |
underdog5004 | bryce, ok, now select all the stuff, copy it, and put it in pastebin ( http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org ) | 04:31 |
juano__ | bryce: COPY the contents of this file, entirely and paste it inside the pastebin URL | 04:31 |
ind | debian based | 04:31 |
bryce | pastebin url...? | 04:31 |
underdog5004 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 04:31 |
Bxnp | tom47: about your little problem | 04:32 |
Bxnp | firefox and the display dimensions | 04:32 |
tom47 | Bxnp yes :) | 04:32 |
bryce | done | 04:32 |
ind | underdog--maybe u can help me how to install c compiler package in pebble... | 04:32 |
Bxnp | oke do you have firefox started | 04:32 |
underdog5004 | !pebble | 04:32 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pebble - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:32 |
tom47 | i do now | 04:32 |
Bxnp | put it in the dimensions you want it to have, location and hight and width | 04:32 |
underdog5004 | ind, what's pebble? | 04:32 |
Bxnp | when you done this | 04:33 |
tom47 | Bxnp yep | 04:33 |
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ind | underdog--there is no optical drive | 04:33 |
underdog5004 | bryce, don't forget to give us the url of your pastebin post | 04:33 |
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ind | underdog--only use other linux computer to do everything.. | 04:33 |
underdog5004 | ind, what is pebble? | 04:33 |
Bxnp | oke now right clik on the upper window border of firefox | 04:33 |
bryce | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3292/ | 04:33 |
Bxnp | then go to advance | 04:33 |
bryce | that might help... | 04:33 |
underdog5004 | ind, oh, ok | 04:33 |
ind | underdog--pebble linux is one of the distro of embedded linux | 04:33 |
Bxnp | and go to special windows settings | 04:34 |
underdog5004 | ok | 04:34 |
underdog5004 | bryce, looking now | 04:34 |
underdog5004 | bryce, uh, there is nothing there... | 04:34 |
ind | underdog-- only 64MB | 04:34 |
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Bxnp | have you done this tom47 | 04:34 |
underdog5004 | oh, nvm...see it now | 04:34 |
bryce | works fine for me... | 04:34 |
tom47 | cant find the special windows setting .... | 04:34 |
juano__ | bryce: no repos in the file | 04:34 |
bryce | and that means what? | 04:35 |
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underdog5004 | bryce, basically, you need to uncomment (delete the #) all the sources lines | 04:35 |
Bxnp | what do you see if you right click on the upper windows border | 04:35 |
juano__ | bryce: you need repos in there to install software from, these are URLS which you connect to, to download software upgrades, they are servers, etc | 04:35 |
Bxnp | do you see the tab advanced | 04:35 |
Bxnp | and then a sub menu | 04:35 |
bryce | I think I understand. | 04:36 |
tom47 | Bxnp options starting Maximise ending close | 04:36 |
juano__ | bryce: delete the # in front of every "deb" you find | 04:36 |
ind | underdog-- do you have any idea to install something in a linux OS at the other partition of your comp? | 04:36 |
underdog5004 | look at it now...that's what it should look like... | 04:36 |
bryce | This file essentially tells kubuntu where to find the installers, right? | 04:36 |
underdog5004 | bryce, where to find packages, yes | 04:36 |
juano__ | bryce: yea | 04:36 |
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bryce | and I can use Kate to edit? | 04:36 |
Bxnp | tom47: you are using kde right | 04:36 |
underdog5004 | ind, I assume you're ssh'ing into your box? | 04:36 |
tom47 | Bxnp oops sorry i am in the wrong area .... i meant to be in xubuntu | 04:37 |
tom47 | Bxnp sorry to waste your time | 04:37 |
underdog5004 | bryce, check it out now... | 04:37 |
ind | underdog-- sorry, what's "ssh'ing"? | 04:37 |
Bxnp | no problem, but then my friend you are in the wrong channel indeed | 04:37 |
underdog5004 | bryce, to edit it, close kate, then in konsole, type sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list | 04:37 |
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bryce | document could not be saved... | 04:38 |
underdog5004 | ind, in a konsole, you type in ssh IP-Address to access the pebble box remotely | 04:38 |
underdog5004 | bryce, to edit it, close kate, then in konsole, type sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list | 04:38 |
bryce | not possible to write to etc/apt/sources.list | 04:38 |
bryce | ah | 04:38 |
underdog5004 | bryce, to edit it, close kate, then in konsole, type sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list | 04:38 |
juano__ | bryce: kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list | 04:38 |
underdog5004 | ind, lol, guess not | 04:38 |
underdog5004 | ind, how are you accessing your pebble box? | 04:39 |
ind | underdog-- i was working on the same comp | 04:39 |
underdog5004 | ummm, ok | 04:39 |
underdog5004 | so, what are you trying to do? install stuff? | 04:39 |
bryce | Saved now | 04:39 |
ind | underdog- i have installed the pebble on DOM (Disk On Module) | 04:40 |
underdog5004 | bryce, ok, now in konsole, type in sudo apt-get update | 04:40 |
juano__ | bryce: ok , now try installing something, sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox | 04:40 |
underdog5004 | ind, oh...I've had no experience w/ that | 04:40 |
underdog5004 | juano__, better to do updates first | 04:40 |
ind | underdog- the DOM will be taken place in an embedded system | 04:41 |
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juano__ | underdog5004: yea dunno how are updates on his system | 04:41 |
bryce | firefox seems to have "unmet dependencies" | 04:41 |
underdog5004 | ok...anyways, what are you asking for help w/ | 04:41 |
underdog5004 | ? | 04:41 |
bryce | something about broken packages... | 04:41 |
juano__ | bryce: sudo apt-get update | 04:41 |
bryce | did that | 04:42 |
bryce | will do again | 04:42 |
underdog5004 | juano__, It's important to get updates, esp. if all of the repos were blacklisted | 04:42 |
underdog5004 | bryce, sudo apt-get update | 04:42 |
bryce | done | 04:42 |
bryce | trying again | 04:42 |
juano__ | underdog5004: yeah | 04:42 |
underdog5004 | bryce, then do sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox | 04:42 |
bryce | same result | 04:42 |
bryce | checking syntax | 04:42 |
juano__ | bryce: cat /etc/apt/sources,list and paste it | 04:43 |
underdog5004 | bryce, ok, post your sources.list again | 04:43 |
underdog5004 | juano__, may work, but it may cut it off | 04:43 |
bryce | oh - I think I see | 04:43 |
bryce | some extra junk I think I should have removed | 04:43 |
underdog5004 | what? | 04:44 |
juano__ | underdog5004: its safer a cat , he could save junk in the file if hes gonna paste it only | 04:44 |
surgy | open office can read .word files right? so if im sent a file written on MSword i can read it right? | 04:44 |
underdog5004 | juano__, can't save if he doesn't sudo it.. | 04:44 |
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underdog5004 | surgy, yep | 04:45 |
juano__ | underdog5004: well he opened it with sudo | 04:45 |
underdog5004 | juano__, ok, w/e...it's really not that important | 04:45 |
juano__ | underdog5004: not at all :-) | 04:45 |
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=== juano__ is in the mood for teasing | ||
=== underdog5004 makes peace w/ juano__ | ||
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underdog5004 | bryce, you still w/ me? | 04:46 |
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bryce | yes | 04:47 |
matrix_ | hi, i have a source packages which seems to be prepared to build a deb. it has a debian directory. how to i build the .deb file? | 04:47 |
bryce | missed several deb entries | 04:47 |
bryce | fixing | 04:47 |
=== surgy [n=surgy@adsl-75-40-133-232.dsl.okcyok.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
underdog5004 | bryce, ok | 04:47 |
surgy | hi | 04:48 |
juano__ | matrix_: i believe you can make deb packages with alien | 04:48 |
surgy | ok so i restarted kde to finalize my spyware removal and when i clicked log off it said kde crashed and sent the signal "11" whats that mean? | 04:48 |
underdog5004 | surgy, OpenOffice will open word docs | 04:48 |
surgy | kewl | 04:48 |
matrix_ | juano__: i don't want to transfere a rpm to a deb | 04:48 |
juano__ | matrix_: ahh ok | 04:48 |
underdog5004 | surgy, whoa...why did you install spyware? | 04:49 |
juano__ | matrix_: from source to deb | 04:49 |
bryce | grrrrrr | 04:49 |
bryce | "malformed line 2 in source list" | 04:49 |
bryce | pasting | 04:49 |
matrix_ | juano__: yes source packages seems to be prepared for building a deb file. but i don't know how to use it | 04:49 |
manchicken | surgy: What spyware removal? | 04:49 |
surgy | underdo5004: its all on Bnpx's blog | 04:49 |
surgy | manchicken all on hs blog including screen shot | 04:49 |
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underdog5004 | ok | 04:50 |
matrix_ | juano__: i want to prevent a simple make install because i don't like to mess with apt's package control | 04:50 |
bryce | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3297/ | 04:50 |
manchicken | Whose blog? | 04:50 |
surgy | to get rid of it i just killed the process and restarted kde and its gone | 04:50 |
surgy | bnpx | 04:50 |
juano__ | matrix_: check this out http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-92016.html | 04:50 |
surgy | sorry | 04:50 |
surgy | "bxnp" | 04:50 |
underdog5004 | surgy, is it linux native or did you wine it? | 04:51 |
manchicken | I don't know who that is. | 04:51 |
surgy | its windows native | 04:51 |
Bxnp | yes i have it | 04:51 |
Bxnp | but i corrected a few things | 04:51 |
Bxnp | its spyware | 04:51 |
surgy | underdog i thought i was installing itunes | 04:51 |
Bxnp | and not spy ware | 04:51 |
manchicken | What is spyware? | 04:51 |
underdog5004 | omfg | 04:51 |
=== underdog5004 agrees w/ manchicken | ||
surgy | bxnp: openoffice made that change from spyware to spy ware | 04:51 |
underdog5004 | bryce, ok, that's really wrong | 04:52 |
manchicken | OH! We're arguing about what the word is. | 04:52 |
manchicken | Does it matter/ | 04:52 |
bryce | *sigh* | 04:52 |
bryce | where did I go wrong, Underdog? | 04:52 |
Bxnp | people may not know what Konversation is, so i added the irc client Konversation blah blah | 04:52 |
Bxnp | is that oke surgy | 04:52 |
underdog5004 | you need to have options after the url (main, restricted, universe, multiverse) | 04:52 |
Kr4t05 | Once I compile e17, I need to make a KDM entry, right? | 04:52 |
underdog5004 | !sources | 04:52 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 04:52 |
=== juano__ has konversation | ||
bryce | erm.... Can you post a good version? | 04:53 |
manchicken | mmm... konversation... | 04:53 |
surgy | bxnp: thats fine as long as my original writing is in "" so that they will know you added that | 04:53 |
underdog5004 | bryce, h/o, I'll post mine | 04:53 |
bryce | Thanks! | 04:53 |
matrix_ | juano__: i tried checkinstall but i don't know which correct name to give to the package. i have other packages that requirre it but there is no correct name assigned to it | 04:54 |
matrix_ | juano__: thx for your help | 04:54 |
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underdog5004 | bryce, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3299/ | 04:55 |
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bryce | updating..... | 04:55 |
underdog5004 | bryce, now delete everything in your sources.list, and paste everything from my pastebin in there. | 04:56 |
Bxnp | 3 min surgy and its there | 04:56 |
bryce | did that already ;-)\ | 04:56 |
bryce | ran sudo apt-get update | 04:56 |
surgy | kewl | 04:56 |
bryce | got error message: | 04:56 |
underdog5004 | bryce, lol, do it again | 04:56 |
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bryce | GPG error: http://www.getautomatix.com edgy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 18B52FE3521A9C7C | 04:56 |
bryce | something to worry about? | 04:57 |
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bryce | did it twice | 04:57 |
athena | hey | 04:57 |
bryce | same error both times | 04:57 |
athena | having problems with dcopserver | 04:57 |
underdog5004 | bryce, delete all automatix stuff from the sources.list file... | 04:57 |
underdog5004 | sorry about that | 04:57 |
=== Ace2016 [n=Ace@212-1-157-93.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
athena | need help with dcopserver | 04:57 |
=== harden [n=ubuntu@adsl-70-253-175-135.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
mena | juano_, i want to copy to the firefox /sur/lib/firefox and i dont have permison how to copy the file to thier | 04:57 |
underdog5004 | bryce, it's the last entry, just delete the whole line | 04:58 |
juano__ | matrix_: ok, just something i googled up | 04:58 |
bryce | done. | 04:58 |
bryce | update complete | 04:58 |
bryce | trying installation | 04:58 |
juano__ | matrix_: no prob :-) | 04:58 |
athena | no write acces to /home/pvhs/.ICEauthority | 04:58 |
juano__ | mena: sudo cp /... | 04:58 |
Bxnp | surgy: its there take a look | 04:58 |
juano__ | mena: use sudo | 04:58 |
bryce | installing.... | 04:58 |
surgy | bxnp: link for everybody? | 04:58 |
underdog5004 | bryce, sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox | 04:59 |
Bxnp | http://www.postproductie.nl | 04:59 |
bryce | way ahead of you, Underdog | 04:59 |
underdog5004 | bryce, yay! | 04:59 |
mena | juano_, okay | 04:59 |
athena | i retardedly removed /home/pvhs/.DCOPserver_PioneerA__0 | 04:59 |
bryce | now, what was that gui you referenced earlier? | 04:59 |
harden | I can boot to the kubuntu login screen, but, after entering my pass, the screen goes black and returns me to the gui login box after a few seconds. any hints? | 04:59 |
bryce | synaptic? | 04:59 |
athena | and i need to get it back | 04:59 |
bryce | what does that do? | 04:59 |
harden | I booted from a live cd to get a working xorg.conf, but still no luck | 04:59 |
=== christopher [n=chris@modemcable190.11-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
athena | can anyone help me | 05:00 |
harden | and I've done: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 05:00 |
Phlosten | harden: if you have kubuntu login screen then xorg is working | 05:00 |
indra_ | underdog | 05:00 |
athena | .DCOPserver.....error | 05:00 |
indra_ | underdog | 05:00 |
Bxnp | surgy: reload your browser | 05:00 |
juano__ | mena: good now? | 05:00 |
Bxnp | i changed a little thing | 05:01 |
surgy | ok | 05:01 |
christopher | is there an offical guide on how to upgrade a kernel? | 05:01 |
indra_ | underdog-- are u okay? | 05:01 |
mena | juano_, no cp missing | 05:01 |
indra_ | underdog-- do you ever use automatix in ubuntu? | 05:01 |
indra_ | anyone here ever use automatix? | 05:01 |
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harden | Phlosten: any ideas? | 05:02 |
Bxnp | anwyay the spyware thing is at http://www.postproductie.nl | 05:02 |
Phlosten | harden: none whatsoever atm :) *thinking* | 05:02 |
underdog5004 | indra_, I use automatix, but it's verboten in this channel | 05:02 |
underdog5004 | !automatix | 05:03 |
ubotu | automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 05:03 |
surgy | bxnp: perfect | 05:03 |
juano__ | mena: sudo cp afile /sur/lib/firefox | 05:03 |
mena | juano_, i moved the file to the desktop and then i cd th desktop and then try it commnad not found | 05:03 |
Bxnp | cant believe it though | 05:03 |
underdog5004 | bryce, everything working ok? | 05:03 |
mena | okay | 05:03 |
bryce | trying to launch FF now | 05:03 |
bryce | installing synaptic as well | 05:04 |
Bxnp | has anybody else ever had spyware through wine on there computers | 05:04 |
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juano__ | mena: sudo cp /home/myusername/Desktop/myfile /sur/lib/firefox | 05:04 |
underdog5004 | direct link to spyware pic http://www.postproductie.nl/burningman/spyware.png | 05:04 |
indra_ | Why verboten? | 05:04 |
bryce | FF is up! | 05:04 |
surgy | bxnp: neither can it | 05:04 |
bryce | Thanks, Underdog. | 05:04 |
indra_ | underdog--Why verboten? | 05:04 |
Bxnp | feel free to comment on the blog, cause nobody else is ever doing it | 05:04 |
mena | okay | 05:04 |
bryce | Indra: I'm guessing because of all the problems it causes. | 05:04 |
underdog5004 | bryce, np, remember to pay it forward | 05:04 |
bryce | Always! | 05:04 |
bryce | G'night, all. | 05:05 |
underdog5004 | !automatix | indra_ | 05:05 |
ubotu | indra_: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 05:05 |
athena | serious error with .DCOPserver.... | 05:05 |
indra_ | bryce--what problems? | 05:05 |
surgy | bxnp: will do | 05:05 |
underdog5004 | indra_, that said, what can I help you with? | 05:05 |
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mena | juano_, done thanks and sorry for disturbing you every time ^_^ | 05:06 |
indra_ | ubotu-- what problems? | 05:06 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about what problems? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:06 |
underdog5004 | !ubotu | 05:06 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 05:06 |
underdog5004 | indra_, ubotu is a bot | 05:06 |
underdog5004 | indra_, that said, what can I help you with? | 05:07 |
indra_ | o.. | 05:07 |
juano__ | mena: lol, no problem :-) anytime | 05:07 |
indra_ | sorry.. | 05:07 |
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indra_ | a bot in this koversation..amazing... | 05:07 |
underdog5004 | indra_, what's the problem you're having? | 05:08 |
mena | juano_, Thanks ^_^ | 05:08 |
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indra_ | underdog-- i have installed automatix,but until now i can't use it | 05:08 |
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athena | can anyone help with a .DCOPserver error | 05:09 |
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underdog5004 | indra_, how'd you install it? | 05:09 |
mena | juano_, the azureuz now dont even load i was runing it for a while and i found it closed then try to open and it closed immediatly | 05:10 |
indra_ | underdog-- when loading..there is a message but i forget it...i installed it by following the step in the automatix web page | 05:11 |
juano__ | mena: mmm... did you try any other torrent clients? try ktorrent | 05:11 |
Bxnp | surgy: could you give me the link in the howto | 05:11 |
juano__ | mena: though i know azureus is good ;-) | 05:11 |
Bxnp | i want to do it myself | 05:11 |
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underdog5004 | indra_, the one for edgy? | 05:11 |
mena | juano_, But beleive me azureus is the best for torrent download ................i know but its slow as i guess i try and it was too slow | 05:11 |
underdog5004 | what message? put it on pastebin | 05:11 |
juano__ | mena: my azureus seems fine | 05:12 |
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surgy | bxnp: i told you i dont know the url, you can find it on google (i typed itunes setup linux) | 05:12 |
mena | juano_, thats happened after installing firefox | 05:12 |
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mena | shell i remove firefox | 05:12 |
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tamacracker | Does anyone know where I can get a DCC server? | 05:13 |
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Kr4t05 | !e17 | 05:15 |
ubotu | Enlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version. | 05:15 |
mena | juano_,i gues i will emove azureuz and i will use ktorrent | 05:15 |
mena | r | 05:15 |
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juano__ | mena: try removing azureus and reinstalling it | 05:16 |
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juano__ | mena: check synaptic for updates on azureus | 05:16 |
mena | juano_,No way ~_~ | 05:16 |
tom47_ | surgy was it confirmed how you received that spyware? | 05:16 |
surgy | tom47: dont know what you mean "was it confirmed" but i know how i received it, its on bnxp's blog | 05:17 |
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tom47_ | surgy ahh do you have the url? | 05:17 |
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surgy | once again....... no | 05:18 |
mena | juano_,No Update and removed | 05:18 |
mena | juano_,i mean it didnt find update | 05:18 |
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mena | i will go now thankd juano__ for helping me and thanks all .....Bye With God Bless | 05:19 |
athena | need help with .DCPOserver errors | 05:20 |
tamacracker | anyone know how i can learn about DCC servers and how to obtain one? | 05:20 |
Bxnp | dcc servers | 05:21 |
tamacracker | yeah | 05:21 |
=== harmental [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-152-1-82-12.w86-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Bxnp | you mean an irc deamon tamacracker | 05:21 |
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tamacracker | daemon? | 05:21 |
=== beg1689 [n=Brian@ip68-228-159-130.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Bxnp | irc deamon | 05:21 |
Bxnp | you want to setup your own irc network | 05:21 |
tamacracker | no... | 05:21 |
beg1689 | where are the network settings? | 05:21 |
tom47_ | Bxnp would you mind giving the URL of your blog please? | 05:21 |
Bxnp | http://www.postproductie.nl | 05:21 |
tom47_ | ty | 05:22 |
Bxnp | leave commens iff you want cause its surgy big story :) ahahah | 05:22 |
matrix_ | is there an opensouce server compatible with ms exchange server? | 05:22 |
beg1689 | i cant get my computer to connect to the network | 05:22 |
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Bxnp | btw its a new blog so there is not much on it | 05:23 |
beg1689 | im using irc on y ds right now its the only thing that i have | 05:23 |
beg1689 | how do i change the settings? | 05:23 |
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beg1689 | please? | 05:24 |
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beg1689 | oh i found something... | 05:25 |
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beg1689 | nothing is working | 05:28 |
beg1689 | my ds connects,but my laptop cant connect with wired or wireless | 05:29 |
beg1689 | worked fine before | 05:29 |
beg1689 | powered down, booted up, no more network | 05:29 |
beg1689 | nobody can help? | 05:31 |
Bxnp | what is the problem beg1689 | 05:31 |
Bxnp | no more network | 05:32 |
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Bxnp | open up an konsole | 05:32 |
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Kr4t05 | I anyone else using e17? | 05:34 |
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Ace2016 | is that like a nutritional supliment? | 05:35 |
Bxnp | surgy: do you have the .exe file wich you downloaded | 05:35 |
Bxnp | i want to put that on my site asswell | 05:35 |
surgy | bxnp: umm let me see if i can find it | 05:35 |
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surgy | bxnp: yeah i was wrong about the size on the blog | 05:37 |
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Bxnp | oh how big was it | 05:39 |
Bxnp | oh i see | 05:39 |
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d0uglas | hi.. installed kubuntu for the first time, worked great, wireless was fine out of the box... went home, same linksys kinda network, no encryption, etc, now the wifi's not working. I can dhclient and resolv.conf gets the right nameservers, i can ping outside ips, i can telnet to port 80 of my router, but i cannot do anything tcp outside of my network. What gives? | 05:40 |
d0uglas | ... plugging into the ethernet works | 05:41 |
juano__ | d0uglas: thats only a wifi issue?> | 05:41 |
d0uglas | yeah apparently | 05:41 |
d0uglas | darndest thing | 05:42 |
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d0uglas | wifi's fine on my ol' lady's laptop | 05:42 |
ceefour | good morning all | 05:42 |
juano__ | d0uglas: when you plug you pluggin in same router and stuff? | 05:42 |
juano__ | d0uglas: when it works i mean | 05:42 |
d0uglas | yes | 05:42 |
ceefour | i need help with kdm .. | 05:43 |
juano__ | !wireless | d0uglas | 05:43 |
ubotu | d0uglas: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 05:43 |
d0uglas | i'm gonna try going into rescue mode or whatever and see if that works, if not, boot off the live cd | 05:43 |
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d0uglas | all right i'll fire that up first | 05:43 |
juano__ | d0uglas: you should yea, they are usefull | 05:43 |
d0uglas | Also, sudoing is all messed up, in kde cant switch to administrator mode to make major changes, gives me some su error.. | 05:45 |
juano__ | !root | d0uglas: | 05:45 |
ubotu | d0uglas:: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 05:45 |
juano__ | !kdesu | d0uglas | 05:45 |
ubotu | d0uglas: In KDE, use kdesu to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use sudo <GUI application> ; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo | 05:45 |
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jbruckman | !wiki documentation | 05:46 |
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jbruckman | anyone know where the doc for the wiki format is? | 05:47 |
ceefour | can i use kdm with vncserver? | 05:48 |
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KristjanS | hi, i am installing a kubuntu and i decided to do manual partitioning | 05:51 |
KristjanS | how much swap space do i need? | 05:51 |
KristjanS | i have 512 mb stick of ram, and my graphics card uses ~64 mb of it | 05:51 |
Kr4t05 | KristjanS: About 300MB should do fine. | 05:51 |
KristjanS | thx | 05:52 |
Kr4t05 | Rule of thumb, round up from half of your physical RAM size. | 05:52 |
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Kr4t05 | Like, if you have 1GB, take 512 and round up to 600MB | 05:52 |
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KristjanS | never heard of this before :) | 05:52 |
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Ace2016 | neither have i | 05:53 |
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Ace2016 | shouldn't you have more swap than ram, like if you have 128mb of ram you need more swap? | 05:53 |
ceefour | KristjanS: I have 512 + dedicated GPU. I use java apps, VMware, and Beryl ;-) I have 1 GB of swap and sometimes all my physical memory is all used even the swap is used around 500 megs :-( | 05:54 |
ceefour | Ace2016: yeah that's especially true in low RAM configurations ( < 512 MB ). cause with 128 MB that's not going to be enough to run KDE + some apps (with office suite + lots of Firefox tabs open) | 05:55 |
KristjanS | i remember my computer used to pretty much freeze with default settings sometimes | 05:55 |
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KristjanS | is it okay to create 1 linux-swap (300 mb), 1 ext3 for ubuntu installation (2gb) and then 72 gb for another ext3, where i store my files? | 05:57 |
Ace2016 | is 2 gb enough for / | 05:58 |
Ace2016 | don't you need more? | 05:58 |
KristjanS | i don't know | 05:58 |
KristjanS | there's a text | 05:58 |
KristjanS | "Make sure to allocate space for a root partition ("/"), with a minimum size of 2GB, and a swap partition of at least 256 MB. | 05:59 |
KristjanS | " | 05:59 |
unix_infidel | give 4-10 GB for / and then setup another 10-50 for /home and then the rest for junk and media | 05:59 |
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KristjanS | do i need to do something special to assign the partition for something? | 06:00 |
ceefour | KristjanS: if you have minimal at /, make sure to allocate some GB for /usr since when you're installing programs it's very like to install there | 06:00 |
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KristjanS | thanks, but do i have to something special to allocate the memory for /usr? | 06:01 |
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KristjanS | and what about primary partition vs. extended partition? | 06:02 |
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Ace2016 | How do i install kwikdisk? there is no kdiskfree package in the repos | 06:02 |
Bxnp | sur | 06:02 |
Ace2016 | oh wait its called kdf | 06:03 |
KristjanS | i have a real mess here right now | 06:03 |
KristjanS | i have 3 swap partitions | 06:03 |
Ace2016 | whats wrong with that? | 06:04 |
Ace2016 | its good to spread it out over several disks | 06:04 |
KristjanS | i have only one disk | 06:04 |
KristjanS | i'm on a laptop | 06:04 |
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mattik | Hello, I have disabled services and now my Kubuntu don't want to shut down. What service I have to start? | 06:07 |
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ceefour | KristjanS: if you're just starting out maybe it's best to just use two partitions. / (maybe 10-20 GB) and /home (as much as you want). / needs to be big enough because I guess you'll be installing lots of apps | 06:12 |
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mattik | what services are most importants in shut down process | 06:12 |
KristjanS | ceefour: i still don't dig this really... is there anything i have to do to assign a partition for "/" and a partition for "/home"? | 06:13 |
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akrus | hello | 06:14 |
akrus | fsck returning 'unable to resolve uuid' | 06:14 |
akrus | what's this? o_O | 06:14 |
d0uglas | Having wifi problems, loaded the url one of you mentioned, it's telling me to apt get myself firestarter... apt-get updating;apt-get install firestarter, apt can't find firestarter | 06:14 |
dwidmann | KristjanS: example: /dev/sdc10 /home xfs defaults 0 2 | 06:15 |
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d0uglas | do i have to mess with the sources list | 06:15 |
juano__ | d0uglas: do you have synaptic installed? | 06:15 |
dwidmann | d0uglas: probably | 06:15 |
d0uglas | doing that now | 06:15 |
underdog5004 | d0uglas, uh, I don't think so, I don't think you need that at all...firestarter is a firewall program | 06:15 |
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KristjanS | does it apply for graphical partitioner too? | 06:16 |
dwidmann | firestarter is only a frontend for configuring the firewall that is already there. | 06:16 |
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juano__ | d0uglas: are you setting ip right? | 06:17 |
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dwidmann | KristjanS: Not sure ... kubuntu always felt lacking to me when it came to graphical administration tools | 06:17 |
d0uglas | hmmasdfasdfocjhmm | 06:17 |
juano__ | well that didnt seem good humor | 06:18 |
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juano__ | :P | 06:18 |
surgy | anyone have any experience with python? | 06:19 |
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yuriy | a bit | 06:19 |
dwidmann | a bit | 06:19 |
surgy | i want to learn | 06:19 |
surgy | any tips or references? | 06:19 |
yuriy | surgy: have fun: http://docs.python.org/tut/ | 06:20 |
dwidmann | /usr/share/doc/diveintopython/html/toc/index.html | 06:20 |
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dwidmann | believe it or not, (k)ubuntu comes with the book dive into python :O | 06:20 |
surgy | yuriy: thats a broken link :) | 06:20 |
Bxnp | surgy: could you send this file again | 06:20 |
surgy | bxnp: i deleted it after i sent it :( | 06:20 |
d0uglas | so with this wifi business.. my router's fine (just got on with my phone), the linux drivers for the adapter seem fine and dhclient does seem to work, gets the right nameservers in resolv.conf, i can ping outside ips, i just cant do anything tcp except to my router's web server | 06:21 |
Bxnp | damm | 06:21 |
yuriy | dwidmann: cool, never knew that | 06:21 |
surgy | me either | 06:21 |
surgy | is it suitable to the absolute beginner? | 06:21 |
yuriy | surgy: i'm there right now *shrug* | 06:21 |
surgy | yurity: konq says docs.python is not a valid host | 06:21 |
surgy | there it goes :) | 06:22 |
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dwidmann | surgy, about as suitable as it comes | 06:22 |
KristjanS | if i settle with 4 partitions, then for the media one... do i need to select it to be used for my new installation? and do i need to write anything for the mount point? | 06:22 |
yuriy | the tutorial is fairly concise, i'd say it leans slightly toward people who already know a programming language | 06:22 |
dwidmann | surgy, anyhow, I gave you the link for it :) | 06:22 |
d0uglas | ... iwconfig figures out the router's ssid, gets an ip | 06:23 |
mena | How to keep sure that the detevted VGA card is the right | 06:23 |
surgy | dwidman: i saw thank you. is python really hard or something? | 06:23 |
mena | detected* | 06:23 |
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yuriy | surgy: i'd say python is just about as easy as programming gets | 06:23 |
mena | bec my vfa card is intel | 06:23 |
mena | VGA* | 06:23 |
d0uglas | is there a wifi tcp diagnostic program out there | 06:23 |
surgy | yuriy: kewl i found a game engine called soya that runs on pyrex and is fully customizable through python it looks pretty promising | 06:24 |
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surgy | dwidmann: all devs listening too, the python guide in kubuntu is out of date but the link is good for the one that is up to date, maybe feisty will have the new one :) | 06:27 |
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ceefour | KristjanS: well... in that case. just use two partitions, / and swap :-) | 06:27 |
KristjanS | ceefour:http://siimson.eu/kristjan/pildid/screenshotid/partitions.png | 06:27 |
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dwidmann | surgy, the installed diveintopython is up to date enough, seeing as it's for python 2.4 (which is preinstalled also) | 06:28 |
KristjanS | that's what i have right now | 06:28 |
surgy | dwidmann: really its preinstalled? does it have a gui? and what's it called? | 06:28 |
dwidmann | It's a cli app, run it with "python" | 06:29 |
yuriy | surgy: python doesn't have a gui ^ | 06:29 |
surgy | yuriy: it says it does on the guide, at least for osx and windows | 06:29 |
yuriy | KristjanS: what you have looks good, but you should make the swap bigger, about a gig | 06:29 |
yuriy | KristjanS: and specify a mount point for hda7, such as /media/hda7 | 06:30 |
dwidmann | surgy, an other way of starting it is to open konsole, session-> python | 06:30 |
KristjanS | okay thx a lot :))) | 06:30 |
ceefour | KristjanS: that's pretty ...... close | 06:30 |
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yuriy | surgy: that's because windows' command prompt sucks | 06:30 |
ceefour | KristjanS: i wonder why you made the /home the primary partition, while / is logical ? | 06:30 |
surgy | dwidmann: i did i have python 2.4 | 06:30 |
yuriy | so afaik, the python "gui" just provides a window with its own command line | 06:31 |
dwidmann | Which makes me go on to think that perhaps feisty should move to python2.5, I wonder if that decision is/will be made | 06:31 |
KristjanS | ceefour: i didn't mean it to be like that | 06:31 |
yuriy | dwidmann: already moved | 06:31 |
dwidmann | and if it has, well, in that case diveintopython in feisty is out of date | 06:31 |
KristjanS | ceefour: thanks for driving my attention there | 06:31 |
ceefour | KristjanS: it's okay though | 06:31 |
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ceefour | KristjanS: is your hard disk empty | 06:32 |
ceefour | KristjanS: is there already data/another OS at your harddisk? | 06:32 |
KristjanS | ceefour: yes | 06:32 |
surgy | yuriy: it says to build this program in python am i suppose to put it into a txt file and save as a different extension or what? | 06:32 |
dwidmann | according to surgy anyhow | 06:32 |
KristjanS | ceefour: but i don't like it ;) | 06:32 |
d0uglas_ | yay i fixed the wifi... just went on the router config, told it to have the ip range start at > ...105 (kubuntu was working on the other router fine and using, so forcing it to switch to a different ip i guess got it to forget whatever was confusing it, now i'm on a different ip behind the linksys and viola got my wireless!) | 06:32 |
KristjanS | ceefour: so it's going to disappear | 06:32 |
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dwidmann | surgy: create a text file with a .py extension, run it like this: "python file.py" | 06:33 |
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surgy | dwidmann: im assuming this is an interpreted language? | 06:33 |
yuriy | or just play around with the interpreter directly. but reading the book or the tutorial will be more productive | 06:33 |
d0uglas | So.. i just installed kubuntu, used to be a debian guy.. i'd like to add some sources to apt as a lot of things i'm used to getting are not listed in whatever's in there (like bitchx). Bad idea to put in debian sites into sources.list? | 06:33 |
dwidmann | surgy: kind of ... it interprets to byte code and then runs it, somewhere inbetween the efficiency of a shell script and java | 06:34 |
ceefour | KristjanS: maybe it's better to start over | 06:34 |
surgy | dwidmann: so kindof half suitable for gameing ? | 06:34 |
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dwidmann | surgy ... depends | 06:35 |
Bxnp | d0uglas: enable multiverse and universe repo | 06:35 |
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KristjanS | ceefour: i did, but i want to clean up my hdd anyways | 06:35 |
Bxnp | !multiverse | 06:35 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 06:35 |
KristjanS | if you mean that | 06:35 |
dwidmann | if the actual engine and all critical things are written in c++ and then python bindings are created, then, using python might give acceptable performance | 06:35 |
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ceefour | KristjanS: create three partitions, in order: / for 30 GB, /home for the rest minus 1 GB, then finally swap for 1 GB. | 06:36 |
[abhishek] | can anyone provide me the link for opera flash player | 06:36 |
Bxnp | !tell d0uglas multiverse | 06:36 |
Bxnp | lol | 06:36 |
dwidmann | [abhishek] : you mean adobe flashplayer, right? | 06:36 |
juano__ | !multiverse | 06:36 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 06:36 |
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akrus | !flash | 06:36 |
Bxnp | d0uglas: do you have it | 06:36 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 06:36 |
ubotu | Flash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash | 06:36 |
[abhishek] | dwidmann: yeah | 06:36 |
d0uglas | Bxnp: yeah, on my coloed debian box which i'm sshed into now | 06:37 |
d0uglas | ... from my newly installed kubuntu box | 06:37 |
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ceefour | KristjanS: that way should provide you with plenty of space for programs, data, and swap memory and you can worry less about partitioning or when any partition is full | 06:37 |
Bxnp | oke goodluck man | 06:37 |
d0uglas | i'm asking if it's a bad idea to put in debian sites into a kubuntu sources.list for apt | 06:37 |
Bxnp | well if you are a debian guy | 06:37 |
Bxnp | this must be a peace of cake | 06:38 |
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Bxnp | yes it is | 06:38 |
Bxnp | dont do it besides that you dont need them | 06:38 |
KristjanS | ceefour: okay | 06:38 |
d0uglas | okay, so are there some "unofficial" *ubuntu sources that might be a little more liberal as far as what they have? | 06:38 |
[abhishek] | dwidmann: i am trying to open swishzone.com from opera but is prompting for flash player download | 06:38 |
dwidmann | d0uglas: should be fine to have them, so long as there aren't conflicting dependencies | 06:38 |
dwidmann | [abhishek] : do you have flash installed? | 06:39 |
ceefour | d0uglas: use unofficial repos/sources only for specific needs | 06:39 |
[abhishek] | dwidmann: can you tell me the package name? | 06:39 |
ceefour | d0uglas: i recently installed beryl, so I needed to add repositories for nvidia drivers & beryl stuff to install them. and gladly it worked fine :-) | 06:39 |
d0uglas | ceefour: Right.... but where can i get a list of those sources | 06:39 |
dwidmann | [abhishek] : not really, I just grab it from www.adobe.com | 06:39 |
d0uglas | i'm feeling a little reckless and i'm not too worried so i'm just gonna toss on some familiar sources and cross my fingers | 06:40 |
dwidmann | afraid I don't know the package name | 06:40 |
ceefour | d0uglas: seriously, you shouldn't add sources just because you want to see "what's there". it'll more likely conflict with official ubuntu repos or else you already have | 06:40 |
[abhishek] | dwidmann: i did that but it is supporting firefox and not opera | 06:40 |
ceefour | d0uglas: if you need to install some software, use automatix | 06:40 |
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d0uglas | ok | 06:40 |
dwidmann | [abhishek] : you need to copy the libflashplayer.so file from the firefox plugin dir to /usr/lib/opera/plugins | 06:40 |
ceefour | d0uglas: otherwise, follow a guide such as ubuntuguide.org | 06:40 |
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[abhishek] | dwidmann: ok | 06:41 |
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yuriy | d0uglas: there are basically two semi-official repositories: universe and multiverse. they should include most of the software that's in debian repos, at least. | 06:41 |
[abhishek] | dwidmann: let me try | 06:41 |
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ceefour | d0uglas: there is a possibility to mess up your system pretty bad. and since Linux does currently not have something like Windows's System Restore... ;-) | 06:41 |
surgy | umm so that first program didnt even run..... | 06:41 |
surgy | lol | 06:41 |
jurgens | How do I upgrade from edgy to dapper? | 06:41 |
d0uglas | i'm just dabbling around in different distros | 06:41 |
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d0uglas | not too paranoid about br0king the box | 06:42 |
Bxnp | you mean downgrade jurgens | 06:42 |
yuriy | jurgens: you mean from dapper to edgy? | 06:42 |
jurgens | Oh, no, I mean the other way around | 06:42 |
yuriy | !upgrade | 06:42 |
ubotu | See http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) | 06:42 |
jurgens | Bxnp: I mean from dapper to edgy | 06:42 |
d0uglas | Well, what about a source for non-free/sketchy/gray-area stuff like w32 codec packages | 06:42 |
jurgens | thank you ubotu | 06:42 |
Bxnp | that is a bit easier | 06:42 |
ceefour | d0uglas: oh... google "medibuntu" | 06:42 |
d0uglas | k | 06:42 |
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yuriy | d0uglas: that's actually one you need a debian repo for, the rest is in multiverse | 06:43 |
yuriy | !restrictedformats | 06:43 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 06:43 |
d0uglas | gotchya | 06:43 |
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dwidmann | some of the sketchy stuff can probably be got from the PLF repos | 06:43 |
d0uglas | i could always just grab the tarbals and compile the old fassioned way | 06:44 |
d0uglas | nah that's crazy | 06:44 |
ceefour | d0uglas: if you just try to get most of the convenience stuff easily, install automatix. | 06:44 |
ceefour | d0uglas: getautomatix.com | 06:44 |
d0uglas | ceefour: doing it | 06:44 |
dwidmann | by the way, automatix, can really, really screw up your system. I've heard horror stories. | 06:45 |
KristjanS | so should the root partition be the active one? | 06:45 |
ceefour | d0uglas: you don't have to mingle with sources.list and you'll be in for lots of surprises. | 06:45 |
ceefour | KristjanS: yep, the / | 06:45 |
ceefour | KristjanS: what OS are you using now? or are u currently using the LiveCD? have you had previous experience installing kubuntu? | 06:46 |
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KristjanS | ceefour: i have used ubuntu before, and then i installed kubuntu (not from the cd) and i liked it and decided to make a clean install | 06:46 |
[abhishek] | dwidmann: thanks buddy...... its workin fine | 06:49 |
KristjanS | ceefour: my last log out from windows xp was on 23:59 on 31st december 2006 :) | 06:49 |
ceefour | KristjanS: nice | 06:49 |
dwidmann | [abhishek] : no problem | 06:49 |
ceefour | KristjanS: i'm still living windowsXP with the help of VMware for Linux :-) | 06:50 |
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KristjanS | ceefour: what kind of applications are you using from windows? | 06:50 |
d0uglas | i'm in kde non-root and when i try to run other programs as root or switch to admin mode in the control panel it tells me i'm putting in the wrong pw when i am certain i got it right.. is this a kde wallet thing maybe? | 06:50 |
d0uglas | "Su returned with an error." | 06:51 |
d0uglas | guess it's a sudo thing | 06:51 |
juano | !root | 06:51 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 06:51 |
ceefour | KristjanS: MS Money 2007. Sync from Sony Ericsson K600. Home designer app. Visual Studio 2005 and my own software(s) using .NET :-( | 06:51 |
KristjanS | ceefour: okay, i've never used any of those | 06:52 |
Ace2016 | How do i configure lilo to boot xp? | 06:52 |
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Ace2016 | xp has the boot thing on /dev/hda1 | 06:52 |
ceefour | d0uglas: try opening konsole, then type sudo su, can you get that to work? | 06:52 |
yuriy | Ace2016: kubuntu doesn't use lilo... | 06:52 |
Ace2016 | yea it does | 06:52 |
dwidmann | no it doesn't. | 06:53 |
dwidmann | !grub | 06:53 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 06:53 |
Ace2016 | if you set the root partition as xfs and do not create a /boot with ext3 or other supported file type | 06:53 |
jughead | it looks like grub to me | 06:53 |
yuriy | oh | 06:53 |
Ace2016 | grub can't boot from xfs so lilo was used | 06:53 |
d0uglas | ceefour: seems to work... | 06:53 |
Ace2016 | !lilo | 06:53 |
ubotu | lilo is an alternative [Li] nux Boot[Lo] ader. Note: it is recommended that you use GRUB on Ubuntu instead. | 06:53 |
dwidmann | Ace2016: interesting, last time I tried to do t hat, it just failed. | 06:53 |
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Ace2016 | so how do i configure lilo? | 06:54 |
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juano | Ace2016: a lilo.conf in /etc maybe | 06:54 |
ceefour | d0uglas: are you sure you're typing YOUR own password when kde su pops up? | 06:54 |
yuriy | there is a control center module for it that you can install | 06:54 |
KristjanS | http://siimson.eu/kristjan/pildid/screenshotid/partitions_3.png | 06:54 |
yuriy | !info lilo-config | 06:54 |
ubotu | lilo-config: KDE frontend for lilo configuration. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 107 kB, installed size 384 kB | 06:54 |
surgy | i've been thinking about making a driver installer (someday) for kubuntu to install graphics drivers, whould this be legal? and if its not why isnt there one? im talking about a gui that lets you select ati or nvidia and installing the repos and the driver automaticly then restarting X for the user | 06:54 |
d0uglas | ceefour: i think i'm getting warm, tweaking up visudo now | 06:54 |
Ace2016 | thanks | 06:54 |
ceefour | surgy: there are stuff like that. | 06:55 |
Ace2016 | Oh and i used the alternative install disk so it may have been that | 06:55 |
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ceefour | surgy: check ubuntu.beryl-project.org | 06:55 |
ceefour | surgy: they have some 20-line script that installs all the drivers AND installing beryl AND autoruns beryl at startup. | 06:56 |
d0uglas | ceefour: bam it worked ;) | 06:56 |
yuriy | surgy: isn't that what automatix does? (i've never used it) | 06:56 |
ceefour | d0uglas: what did you do? | 06:56 |
surgy | ceefour: i know i used it but im talking bout a graphicle thing like point and click | 06:56 |
d0uglas | ceefour: added my user name into the sudo-able user list or whatever in visudo | 06:56 |
d0uglas | voila, now it works | 06:57 |
ceefour | surgy: well, for that you have automatix & easyubuntu | 06:57 |
surgy | yuriy: i heard automatix auto installs a bunch of garbage and can cause instability so i never even looked at it | 06:57 |
ceefour | d0uglas: congrats. now u know users must be put into sudoers list before they can sudo | 06:57 |
surgy | !easyubuntu | 06:57 |
ubotu | easyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu | 06:57 |
surgy | ceefour: thats still a script | 06:58 |
yuriy | !automatix | 06:58 |
ubotu | automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 06:58 |
surgy | ceefour: im talking about pure point and click | 06:58 |
d0uglas | yeah i'm learning quite a lot with this whole kubuntu thing | 06:58 |
yuriy | wow that's a pretty cruel description | 06:58 |
d0uglas | hmm automatix2 was already on | 06:58 |
surgy | yeah thats why i havnt looked | 06:58 |
d0uglas | aww legal threats about codecs make me sad :( | 06:58 |
ceefour | yuriy: i agree. it describe that negative even in the first sentence. | 06:58 |
ceefour | yuriy: rather than describing what it does, it says "tries to install some software". not very good PR speak ;-) | 06:59 |
ceefour | surgy: proprietary drivers & stuff are against the Ubuntu spirit... :-( | 06:59 |
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surgy | ceefour: then with nvidia's open indulgence in opengl why hasnt a non proprietary driver been written? | 07:00 |
surgy | jurgens: but still requires a subscription? or is there private servers now? | 07:00 |
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dwidmann | surgy: because they want to "protect their intellectual property", more realistically, I think they're afraid ATI will steal it and actually have drivers that work :O | 07:01 |
surgy | dwidmann: but reverse engineering is possible and legal, why isnt there a open source driver? | 07:02 |
ceefour | surgy: philosophy, business, competition, money, etc. stuff are complicated. we users/customers just can "sigh" about what these guys do | 07:02 |
jurgens | surgy: I don't know if it's only the client or the servers too, but it's a huge step, seeing that the free software community has nothing similar anyway | 07:02 |
n8k99_ | it's only the clients for now that are gpl'd | 07:02 |
surgy | jurgens: we have private game servers everywhere | 07:02 |
dwidmann | surgy, there is. See the nv driver. The vesa driver also works. | 07:02 |
Lynoure | surgy: Because too many people are happy using the binary-only? | 07:02 |
ceefour | surgy: there *IS* an open source driver. that's why when you install Ubuntu on a nvidia card "it just works". it doesn't have acceleration though, but that's underway | 07:02 |
surgy | jurgens and they are mostly legal if they are kept private | 07:03 |
jurgens | Anyway, it's terrific news and I wonder why I didn't see it on the (free software related) news! | 07:03 |
n8k99_ | but not all of the libraries and dependencies are gpl'd | 07:03 |
surgy | ceefour: it is in the works though right? | 07:03 |
jurgens | surgy: Private Secondlife servers?? | 07:03 |
ceefour | surgy: Mark.S's plans is to push commercial vendors to open their drivers by getting as many ubuntu installed as possible. | 07:03 |
surgy | jurgen: no private wow servers and eq servers an uo servers and the like | 07:03 |
jurgens | n8k99_: That'd be impossible | 07:04 |
surgy | ceefour i am trying to convert people in my family since i am the hardware techy for my family | 07:04 |
jurgens | n8k99_: What do you mean not all libs are GPL'd? | 07:04 |
n8k99_ | jurgens: not from what I understand from a developer who is working on the ppc linux clinet for second life | 07:04 |
ceefour | surgy: e.g. if ATI/Intel can be accelerated on ubuntu upon first install, and that doesn't happen with Nvidia, and there're many ubuntu customers, Nvidia will be forced to "give up" their drivers | 07:04 |
dwidmann | be back soon | 07:04 |
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jurgens | n8k99_: Probably they're still in the process. Just like Java. | 07:05 |
n8k99_ | some of teh graphics libraries are not free - which means they have to use a different set | 07:05 |
surgy | ceefour: i understand, i just think that they make enough money off there hardware and there giving away the drivers anyway i dont understand the reason behind hiding the source | 07:05 |
ceefour | surgy: Ubuntu as it is now requires "a change of mind". it is very difficult to use Ubuntu while still retaining "legacy stuff". | 07:05 |
surgy | ceefour: its not like ati has access to there GPUs or anything | 07:05 |
ceefour | surgy: well, the driver's source is still a driver's source. there are lots of code in a driver. and that ain't "easy". | 07:06 |
ceefour | surgy: competition is very bloody nowadays. | 07:06 |
surgy | yea | 07:06 |
ceefour | surgy: seriously nvidia doesn't want to be the next 3dfx. | 07:06 |
surgy | anyways i have alot of reading to go through | 07:06 |
surgy | learning python | 07:07 |
n8k99_ | jurgens there is a project called OpenSL that is working on a full frre version of the client | 07:07 |
d0uglas | cups is picking up my canon ip6220d, but it ain't got the driver for the same model. Canon's website of course doesn't have it either. Where might I look or does anyone know of a safe/generic canon one to go with or perhaps a free open driver? | 07:07 |
ceefour | surgy: for users though, well they shouldn't care. all they care is that their hardware works. and for that matter you can have www.nvidia.com that provides them. | 07:07 |
d0uglas | it's a simple inkjet with one of those tiny tv screens | 07:07 |
n8k99_ | http://opensecondlife.org | 07:07 |
ceefour | surgy: actually, installing linux-restricted-modules solves lots of the problems, including GLX. | 07:07 |
surgy | ceefour: yeah thats what i do | 07:07 |
surgy | ill be back later to continue this convo | 07:08 |
jurgens | n8k99_: Wow, cool! Not related to Secondlife, the company, right? | 07:08 |
n8k99_ | correct | 07:08 |
d0uglas | Hmm canon does have a mac osx driver, since that is *nix based, might i get lucky? | 07:08 |
ceefour | surgy: seriously, when you compare winXP to ubuntu, which one is easier to install? I've installed an L30 Toshiba with WinXP SP2 and none of the hardware work except the Ethernet (THANK GOD!). sound, video card, etc. NONE WORKS! | 07:09 |
jurgens | n8k99_: I wish they also opened the servers, that'd be a revolution | 07:09 |
ceefour | surgy: I bet had I installed Ubuntu there everything will just work. I can't believe people say Windows is much easier. | 07:09 |
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ceefour | surgy: the only reason why Windows is easier to install is because the PC is already preinstalled AND preconfigured with windows upon purchase | 07:09 |
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n8k99_ | jurgens there is some talk of that happening down the roadmap | 07:09 |
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n8k99_ | but for now it is only talk jurgens | 07:10 |
surgy | ceefour: ubuntu is awsome, and everything works soooo much better, but there are small things that turn people away like drivers and proper DX emulation that is just daunting for a noob | 07:10 |
jurgens | n8k99_: You mean even the company is considering that??? | 07:10 |
n8k99_ | http://i386.kruel.org/blog/?p=230 that's about a LinuxPPC build | 07:10 |
surgy | ceefour: took me like 75 tries just to get my driver to work and i walked away from ubuntu like 30 times and this time im finnaly satrting to learn | 07:10 |
n8k99_ | IIRC that is what accompnaied teh original annoucement | 07:11 |
n8k99_ | Linden Labs looks forward to opening the source in order to grow teh community even further | 07:11 |
n8k99_ | it saves tehm development time for all teh various platforms that are availbile | 07:11 |
jurgens | n8k99_: Certainly.. and I hope they won't be discouraged by opensl | 07:12 |
n8k99_ | jurgens from what i have seen thus far they have not been | 07:12 |
jurgens | n8k99_: They don't deserve being forked, at least not yet. They've already been kind enough to our community, especially considering their client, which had feature parity with the windows one | 07:12 |
n8k99_ | jurgens no mention of fork on my behalf - i was just suggesting that rather than having to do all teh development for linux, solaris, sparc, ppc, tabletpc, pocketpc, nokia n800, etc | 07:13 |
n8k99_ | the OSS community will be more than happy to handle all teh crazy ports | 07:14 |
jurgens | right | 07:14 |
n8k99_ | cuz it means they'll get to run it on their hardware | 07:14 |
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n8k99_ | http://www.hermann-uwe.de/blog/second-life-client-gpld-two-weeks-later | 07:15 |
ceefour | n8k99_: i think we should think about having game servers streaming videos right through our desktop | 07:15 |
ceefour | n8k99_: is there something like this already? | 07:15 |
ceefour | n8k99_: I think that'll make DreamWorks quality game visuals available much faster | 07:16 |
n8k99_ | i'm not quite certain what you mean? | 07:16 |
n8k99_ | ceefour do you mean to play console quality games over the network? | 07:17 |
KristjanS | kubuntu installed, restart | 07:17 |
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ceefour | n8k99_: nope, *DreamWorks* quality. I meant 3D games | 07:17 |
ceefour | n8k99_: like Second Life | 07:17 |
ceefour | n8k99_: all this time games are limited by our graphic cards. and they're not cheap. they're even much more expensive than the price of our CPU | 07:18 |
n8k99_ | ceefour well, your graphics cards will still play an integral part in the streaming verson as well - what do you think will be translating the streaming code into graphics? | 07:18 |
ceefour | n8k99_: and now that people are more likely to use laptops. they want games too and at this moment is quite unlikely | 07:19 |
ceefour | n8k99_: true. but now graphic cards are very fast at decoding video formats. much more than rendering zillions of triangles. besides, which one looks better, your several years old of Titanic's DVD or your current game screenshot in 2007? | 07:20 |
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n8k99_ | ceefour it does seem to me that this is something that is under development, and quite heavily in the commercial world at that | 07:20 |
ceefour | n8k99_: i'm thinking about game servers rendering the frames using their mumbo jumbo servers (to get DreamWorks quality screens) and streaming these to us. | 07:20 |
n8k99_ | ceefour i wouldn't know - my hardware is all at least six yearsold | 07:20 |
ceefour | n8k99_: this will make games playable in all hardware. be it windows, linux, playstation, etc. hardware vendors will cry but game vendors will be rich (IMHO) | 07:21 |
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n8k99_ | ceefour except for the high over head they will have to pay to stream all that content over networks | 07:21 |
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ceefour | n8k99_: GAMERS ARE rich guys. I really think so. Why else would they pay subscription to WoW, buying the latest gfx card and stuff? | 07:23 |
n8k99_ | the more popular the game the more bandwidth their network will require-- and the more popular games will have much higher quality grafix ==> more data to compress | 07:23 |
ceefour | n8k99_: as long as they pay the game vendors the game vendors will be happy | 07:23 |
ceefour | n8k99_: we're already streaming tons of YouTube today. | 07:23 |
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n8k99_ | sure i believe you ceefour | 07:23 |
ceefour | n8k99_: we're now heading to video-on-demand, Apple TV and stuff. which will customers pay higher: 1 hour of CNN news or 1 hour of multiplayer gaming session? | 07:24 |
jughead | hello, I use Kubuntu and would like to have beryl-manager start every time I log in. where can I configure autostarted applications in KDE? | 07:24 |
n8k99_ | youtube is nothing compared to *Dreamworks* quality 3d games which require multiple interactions over nanosecond switches | 07:24 |
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ceefour | jughead: ln -s /usr/bin/beryl-manager ~/.kde/Autostart/beryl-manager | 07:25 |
ceefour | n8k99_: agreed completely with you. we need better bandwidth. | 07:25 |
ceefour | n8k99_: but I believe game companies will be willing to subsidize that. much more than the media can for TV/HDTV/whatever | 07:26 |
jughead | thanks ceefour | 07:26 |
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n8k99_ | ceefour- us telecos will have to get out of the way in order for us to better bandwidth | 07:27 |
n8k99_ | ceefour and they are too invested in copper | 07:27 |
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ceefour | I heard you guys have 6 Mbps links there for home. I guess that's quite enough for DVD quality playback | 07:28 |
ceefour | Yesterday I tried streaming using VLC. It's damn good. | 07:28 |
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ceefour | n8k99_: what I think to (K)Ubuntu is that this will "lessify" Windows dominance in the gaming marketplace. | 07:29 |
n8k99_ | ceefour not just gaming | 07:29 |
ceefour | n8k99_: and *seriously*, I think gamers are more key to Ubuntu widespread not Office people. | 07:29 |
ceefour | n8k99_: what do you have in mind? you're playing second life so I guess you know a lot about this matter | 07:30 |
n8k99_ | ceefour that seems to be a plausible theory | 07:30 |
n8k99_ | ceefour- no games here - i'm an information head | 07:30 |
n8k99_ | ceefour and write music/make art | 07:31 |
ppp | Hi. | 07:31 |
n8k99_ | hi ppp | 07:31 |
ceefour | n8k99_: really? so I guess you're excited about the upcoming Ubuntu Studio? | 07:31 |
ceefour | n8k99_: you should help their project into reality. done right, I believe that'll kick some ass. | 07:32 |
ppp | When i run winecfg, i get 'Failed to open the service control manager.' | 07:32 |
ceefour | hi ppp too | 07:32 |
n8k99_ | i've been watching that develop ceefour | 07:32 |
ceefour | n8k99_: but at this time I'm quite pessimistic. the media world is something very coupled with proprietary formats and stuff. it will be very difficult to get this into the spirit of ubuntu. | 07:33 |
ceefour | n8k99_: especially if they're forcing the "free beech" philosophy (free beer+speech). | 07:34 |
ForgeAus | grrr how do I get around package breaking? | 07:34 |
ceefour | ForgeAus: what package? | 07:34 |
ForgeAus | uae | 07:34 |
ForgeAus | the upgrade adept says will break packages | 07:34 |
ceefour | ForgeAus: dunno about that | 07:34 |
n8k99_ | ceefour there seems to be a general tidechange that is happening - and the proprietary aspects of multimedia will be broken | 07:34 |
n8k99_ | ForgeAus: are you using feisty? | 07:35 |
ForgeAus | not yet | 07:35 |
n8k99_ | edgy? | 07:35 |
ceefour | n8k99_: really, so they'll incorporate some proprietary stuff? | 07:35 |
ForgeAus | yup | 07:35 |
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n8k99_ | ceefour: no i mean global drm and the like will go bye bye quick like | 07:36 |
ceefour | n8k99_: I guess there's a need for us (Ubuntu guys) to realize that users need transition period. | 07:36 |
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ceefour | n8k99_: oh i see. i guess that's the future. but for legacy stuff, and currently, we still have to live in the lockin world | 07:37 |
ForgeAus | hmmm also console common and console-data break my *.desktop packages (ubuntu kubuntu xubuntu) | 07:37 |
n8k99_ | ForgeAus: its best to try not to subvert breaking a package with adept, generally means it fudge your system if you do | 07:37 |
ForgeAus | erm *-desktop sorry | 07:37 |
ForgeAus | I don't want to SUBVERT it I want to make it happy! | 07:37 |
ForgeAus | without breaking things! | 07:37 |
n8k99_ | ceefour: sure, but linspire will be releasing easy installation methods for restricted codecs across several distrobutions | 07:38 |
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n8k99_ | ForgeAus: hmm.. usually, if adept tells me that it will break packages, i try to use apt0get | 07:39 |
n8k99_ | ForgeAus: that gives me more feedbackon what excatly is the problem and occaisionally, I am even able to get the right dependencies to install | 07:40 |
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d0uglas | trying to install superkaramba... getting configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check | 07:41 |
d0uglas | (hi) | 07:41 |
n8k99_ | ceefour i think the most exciting part about UbuntuStudio is they will have a kernel preconfigured to handle mutlimedia apps like softsythns | 07:42 |
ceefour | n8k99_: really. that's cool... | 07:42 |
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n8k99_ | ceefour that's what it looks like to me | 07:43 |
asdfg | how to find out what dns i'm using in kubuntu? | 07:43 |
d0uglas | asdfg: cat /etc/resolv.conf | 07:43 |
ceefour | n8k99_: i'm quite worried about a lot of stuff actually. with that. | 07:43 |
ceefour | n8k99_: even office users can't do with OpenOffice... | 07:43 |
asdfg | how i find out what's my isp dns? | 07:44 |
ceefour | n8k99_: what would photoshoppers do without Photoshop? And videoers do without Premiere? And sounders without ACID/Sound Forge? | 07:44 |
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n8k99_ | ceefour currently I use the gimp, jahshaka, and Audacity | 07:45 |
ceefour | n8k99_: IMHO what I really think, if Ubuntu can't breach through the professional market, it should make it into the education market | 07:45 |
Jucato | !superkaramba | d0uglas | 07:45 |
ubotu | d0uglas: superkaramba is an application that gives you interactive eye-candy on your desktop. To get themes for it, head over to http://kde-look.org | 07:45 |
Jucato | !info superkaramba | d0uglas | 07:45 |
ubotu | superkaramba: a program based on karamba improving the eyecandy of KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 515 kB, installed size 1408 kB | 07:45 |
ceefour | !install superkaramba | ceefour | 07:45 |
Jucato | d0uglas: superkarama is in universe. you need to enable universe to get it | 07:45 |
d0uglas | !universe | 07:45 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 07:45 |
d0uglas | <-- day one of kubuntu | 07:46 |
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n8k99_ | welcome | 07:46 |
d0uglas | hour 32 | 07:46 |
ceefour | d0uglas: keep hanging around and you'll have many days with kubuntu :-) | 07:46 |
Jucato | d0uglas: ok... welcome aboard. tip #1: don't try to compile things yet unless absolutely necessary :D | 07:46 |
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d0uglas | jucato yeah i know but i was coming up dry on apt | 07:46 |
d0uglas | so i figured what the hell | 07:46 |
Jucato | d0uglas: if in case you couldn't find something in apt, try http://packages.ubuntu.com | 07:47 |
d0uglas | k | 07:47 |
d0uglas | .com, huh | 07:47 |
dwidmann | Jucato, or unless you're some sort of, y'know, masochist or something | 07:47 |
Jucato | chances are, you might not have the proper repositories enabled. Ubuntu has over 20,000 packages. they wouldn't leave out superkaramba :D | 07:47 |
d0uglas | well obviously i need to tweak my sources | 07:48 |
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n8k99_ | g'dnight all! | 07:49 |
d0uglas | yup, there's karamba | 07:49 |
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d0uglas | gotta have eyecandy for momma.. doing a switcharoo on her crashed xp laptop | 07:49 |
d0uglas | thought i'd go with kubuntu over debian | 07:49 |
d0uglas | Ahh .. picoing sources.list, gotta uncomment a line or two to get into your "universe" | 07:51 |
Jucato | yep | 07:52 |
d0uglas | apt-get update;apt-get superkaramba, bingo. | 07:53 |
d0uglas | How about an MS ActiveSync substitute for my phone? | 07:54 |
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mena | hi again | 07:54 |
kristjans | hey | 07:54 |
nino | anyone know how to view a .vsd Microsoft visio file? | 07:54 |
nino | !.vsd | 07:55 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about vsd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:55 |
Jucato | nino: try Kivio | 07:55 |
nino | k lemme see! | 07:55 |
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kristjans | i just installed kubuntu, now should i get the latest intel drivers? | 07:55 |
mena | i opened my moniture and plugin option then i found the detected vga card is i 810 then i press configure then i found its telling me the dected hrdware is intel 915 so what is wrong here | 07:55 |
kristjans | and then 915resolution | 07:55 |
d0uglas | Looks like whatever battery monitor/power management thing that came with edgy has underclocked my processor in half even when plugged in.. what's the name of this thing so i can uninstall it? | 07:57 |
d0uglas | the default laptop battery/power monitor thing | 07:57 |
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d0uglas | ... which may or may not be responsible for the throttling | 07:57 |
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d0uglas | well i'll just disable it and get the powernowd thing, envermind | 07:58 |
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mena | any idea | 07:59 |
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kevin | hey, this is a pretty lame quesiton, but I never learned how todo it, how do I change the permissions on a directory from only allowing root to access it, to allowing a user to access it using chmod? | 08:00 |
Jucato | kevin: what directory? | 08:01 |
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kevin | It's just some files copied over from my windows parition | 08:01 |
dwidmann | chown = change owner | 08:02 |
Jucato | kevin: sudo chmod -R <new onwer>:<new group> directory/ | 08:02 |
Jucato | er.. chown | 08:02 |
Jucato | sorry | 08:02 |
kevin | I ran mv to move the directory over, and now chmod to change the permissions, I get how to add r,w,x etc. but I don't understand how to change permissions | 08:02 |
kevin | Okay, going to try that now, thank you : ) | 08:02 |
Jucato | kevin: just don't go doing that to other root-owned directories like /usr, /etc, etc | 08:03 |
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kevin | Yup, I know | 08:04 |
ceefour | !man chown | 08:04 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about man chown - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:04 |
ceefour | !help chown | 08:05 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about help chown - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:05 |
Jucato | ceefour: the bot doesn't do man pages. you have to do that locally | 08:05 |
Jucato | (on your computer) | 08:05 |
kevin | Grrr, it's telling me no such directory, I'm in /Desktop and the folder is on my desktop | 08:05 |
kevin | I typed : | 08:05 |
jion | What is the console command to see running proccess | 08:05 |
dwidmann | ps | 08:05 |
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kevin | sudo chmod -R <kevin>:<users> portal/ portal being the name of the directory | 08:05 |
Jucato | kevin: chown | 08:06 |
jion | thnk | 08:06 |
Jucato | and don't include the < > | 08:06 |
kevin | No, I know not to include those, lol | 08:06 |
kevin | Oops, wait I see what I did I think | 08:06 |
Jucato | sudo chown -R kevin:users portal/ (presuming there's a users group) | 08:06 |
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kevin | Okay, it just ran that command | 08:07 |
kevin | But it still won't let me access it | 08:07 |
dwidmann | sudo chmod 700 -R portal/ | 08:08 |
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kevin | Okay.. now that worked but it won't let me access it directly from my desktop | 08:09 |
kevin | How werid... | 08:09 |
kevin | ohhhh well, I got access to what I needed, I'm sure I can figure this much out at least | 08:11 |
kevin | Thanks for your help guys kids : P | 08:11 |
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crazy_penguin | good morning (hopefully) | 08:17 |
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dwidmann | still the middle of the night here :s | 08:18 |
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kraut | moin | 08:20 |
jurgens | crazy_penguin: Why do you hope it's morning? | 08:21 |
crazy_penguin | jurgens: i hope that it will be a good morning | 08:23 |
crazy_penguin | because i didn't sleep from yesterday morning | 08:23 |
kristjans | how do i make kde load "sudo 915resolution mode 7e 1280x800" on the startup? | 08:25 |
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dwidmann | kristjans: perhaps you could put a script in ~/.kde/Autostart | 08:27 |
kristjans | and then chmod it ;) | 08:28 |
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_lordtweety_ | I posted in your blog Bxnp :) | 08:37 |
Bxnp | yes i saw i have to aprove it | 08:37 |
Bxnp | but i will do it know | 08:38 |
_lordtweety_ | cool | 08:38 |
Bxnp | now | 08:38 |
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=== genii sips a coffee | ||
=== Jucato enjoys his last tea bag | ||
genii | Jucato :) | 08:47 |
=== dwidmann just finished another can of MD | ||
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Ayabara | is korganizer/kalendar the way to go if I need a calendar application? | 08:48 |
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dwidmann | Ayabara: probably | 08:48 |
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crazy_bus | Today for some reason my sources are taking a long time to update. Up to 4 minutes where it used to take 6 seconds. Does anyone know the reason? | 08:53 |
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dwidmann | crazy_bus, well, if there really are updates, it usually takes a bit longer, and perhaps the mirrors are bogged down or something | 08:55 |
crazy_bus | for some reason the speed has being 5 bytes a second | 08:56 |
genii | If you have default repos in there it could be a long ways physically from where you are...New Zealand in fact | 08:57 |
=== craftycorner [n=craftyco@24-119-105-251.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
crazy_bus | Also I know can't install anything anymore. I get this error: | 08:57 |
crazy_bus | Errors were encountered while processing: | 08:57 |
crazy_bus | libltdl3-dev | 08:57 |
crazy_bus | Processing was halted because there were too many errors. | 08:57 |
crazy_bus | E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 08:57 |
craftycorner | I have a question | 08:57 |
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dwidmann | Crafty, just ask it | 08:59 |
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craftycorner | trying to do a pastedump and it's asking me syntax | 09:00 |
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craftycorner | newbie here. how do i know what syntax my dump is | 09:01 |
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dwidmann | just leave the syntax as none | 09:01 |
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craftycorner | k | 09:01 |
pa0lo | hi all, can you suggest me a good graphical ftp server? | 09:01 |
craftycorner | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3310/ | 09:02 |
craftycorner | does this mean I've got a 2.0 USB port? | 09:02 |
craftycorner | I don't mean to sound dumb | 09:02 |
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craftycorner | cuz i don't wanna buy a USB 2.0 pen drive and not be able to use it | 09:05 |
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dwidmann | Hmm, looks like that's what its saying. | 09:06 |
dwidmann | 480 mbit/s = ~48mb/s = usb2 max speed | 09:07 |
orient2000 | Does anybody knows any good rip program to rip my cd's to mp3? | 09:07 |
craftycorner | hey, thanks! cuz the computer guy made this computer said i only had 1.0 but he may not have known that I had more USB ports activated (before I learned to do anything 4 myself.) | 09:07 |
dwidmann | orient2000: k3b | 09:07 |
orient2000 | thanks | 09:07 |
dwidmann | orient2000: of course, you'll need lame install to do the mp3 encoding | 09:08 |
craftycorner | ttyl | 09:08 |
Bxnp-away | dwidmann: grip is a nice simple program to do that | 09:08 |
orient2000 | where can I get lame? I remebmer I had this problem long time ago. | 09:08 |
Bxnp-away | apt-get install grip | 09:08 |
dwidmann | Bxnp-away: so is kaudiocreator. I just like k3b because it seems to be a bit faster. | 09:09 |
Bxnp-away | lol, just gave an alternative | 09:10 |
dwidmann | Besides, for the typical user in this channel, k3b is already installed :) | 09:10 |
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Bxnp-away | true | 09:10 |
Bxnp-away | gppd thinking | 09:10 |
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pa0lo | hi all, can you suggest me a good graphical ftp server? | 09:10 |
Jucato | konqueror, kftpgrabber | 09:11 |
dwidmann | jucato, konqueror isn't quite an ftp server :O | 09:12 |
Jucato | ah server... sorry | 09:12 |
Jucato | I was thinking ftp client :P | 09:12 |
dwidmann | indeed | 09:12 |
orient2000 | I have it since I used Animatrix2; ** (process:19968): CRITICAL **: egg_desktop_entries_add_group: assertion `egg_desktop_entries_lookup_group (entries, group_name) == NULL' failed | 09:12 |
dwidmann | I doubt you'll find a graphical ftp server pa0lo, maybe a gui with which to configure an ftp server if you're lucky | 09:13 |
ceefour | pa0lo: dwidmann: I remember warFTPD, is it still around? | 09:13 |
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dwidmann | ceefour: if it is, it's not in ubuntu's repos | 09:14 |
Jucato | !info lame | orient2000 | 09:14 |
genii | Some webmin module for ftp won't care what backend you use | 09:14 |
ubotu | lame: LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.96.1-2 (edgy), package size 260 kB, installed size 696 kB | 09:14 |
ceefour | genii: I don't even realize that ubuntu has webmin? | 09:17 |
orient2000 | grip is working. I will see the results. | 09:18 |
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dwidmann | ceefour, ubuntu has lots of things ..... 20000+ somethings to be slightly less vague. | 09:19 |
genii | !webmin | 09:19 |
ubotu | webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. Please avoid using it. | 09:19 |
genii | Apparently been superceded by something else | 09:19 |
genii | !usermin | 09:20 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about usermin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:20 |
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genii | bah | 09:20 |
dwidmann | Yes, but what :\ That description could have been more helpful | 09:20 |
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crazy_bus | Does anyone know how to fix my package manager? | 09:23 |
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crazy_penguin | crazy_bus: what is the problem? | 09:25 |
dwidmann | crazy_bus: yes, but doing so would most certainly require you to tell people in which way its broken. | 09:26 |
crazy_bus | I told before :) | 09:27 |
dwidmann | that certainly isn't helping me now x_x | 09:27 |
crazy_bus | I was trying to install something but it wan't downloading so I closed the terminal. Now it won't install and comes up with this error; E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 09:27 |
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crazy_bus | I think I may have fixed it with apt-get clean, as it's now redownloading the packages. | 09:28 |
dwidmann | apt-get clean would probably help | 09:28 |
lexua1 | where have all the kcontrol entries moved to in feisty kubuntu? | 09:28 |
dwidmann | if it had a half downloaded package that could really screw with things | 09:28 |
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dwidmann | lexua1: you can still use kcontrol .... believe it or not, much of what you might be looking for isn't present in kde-systemsettings | 09:29 |
crazy_bus | The error is still there | 09:29 |
dwidmann | crazy_bus- You'll probably have to remove whatever package it's complaining about | 09:29 |
dwidmann | then reinstall it. | 09:29 |
lexua1 | dwidmann: my kcontrol has 2 entries. | 09:29 |
genii | !gnupanel | 09:29 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gnupanel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:29 |
genii | hmm | 09:30 |
dwidmann | and here ubotu says he's all knowing. Feh. | 09:30 |
lexua1 | dwidmann: what's the shell command for kde-systemsettings ?? | 09:31 |
dwidmann | lexua1: systemsettings | 09:31 |
crazy_bus | It complaining about libltdl3-dev. But apt-get remove wont uninstall it | 09:31 |
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dwidmann | crazy_bus: try dpkg --purge | 09:31 |
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crazy_bus | type this? dpkg --purge libltdl3-dev | 09:32 |
orient2000 | grip converts to ogg format. In setup ~/mp3/%A-%d.m3u How can I change it so it does to mp3? | 09:32 |
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dwidmann | crazy_bus right | 09:32 |
lexua1 | any reason why kcontrol is practically empty? | 09:32 |
dwidmann | lexua1: perhaps an upgrade went bad, or something? | 09:32 |
crazy_bus | If I do that I get this error: | 09:32 |
crazy_bus | Errors were encountered while processing: | 09:32 |
crazy_bus | libltdl3-dev | 09:32 |
crazy_bus | Processing was halted because there were too many errors. | 09:32 |
lexua1 | fresh install | 09:33 |
lexua1 | dwidmann: is your kcontrol full? | 09:33 |
dwidmann | It is. | 09:33 |
orient2000 | !lame | 09:33 |
ubotu | lame: LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.96.1-2 (edgy), package size 260 kB, installed size 696 kB | 09:33 |
lexua1 | feisty? | 09:33 |
dwidmann | edgy | 09:34 |
lexua1 | aaah | 09:34 |
dwidmann | could be a feisty problem, if herd2 is like that, perhaps a bug should be filed if one hasn't already been | 09:34 |
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dwidmann | lexua1: take a look at kcmshell --list and see what all it gives you | 09:35 |
crazy_bus | It tells me to sudo apt-get autoremove. But when I do it comes up with the same error as the install problem. The packages it wants to autoremove are related to the one I was trying to install. | 09:35 |
dwidmann | crazy_bus: let this serve as a reminder not to kill the process midway through an install :\ | 09:36 |
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crazy_bus | But the thing hadn't started download loading after leaving it for 5 minutes | 09:37 |
dwidmann | Odd. | 09:37 |
crazy_bus | So is there anyway to fix my problem and remove libltdl3-dev? | 09:38 |
lexua1 | The following modules are available: obex - OBEX device configuration tool | 09:38 |
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dwidmann | lexua1: if that's all kcmshell --list gives you, well, you're in trouble. | 09:38 |
lexua1 | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/76825 | 09:39 |
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[nige] | hi all | 09:41 |
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dwidmann | hi [nige] | 09:42 |
[nige] | anyone know a good keyboard status indicator for KDE? | 09:42 |
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surgy | good night | 09:43 |
baronmordock | does anyone know what repositories firefox and gaim are in? | 09:43 |
dwidmann | night surgy | 09:43 |
dwidmann | baronmordock: probably main | 09:43 |
dwidmann | !info firefox | 09:43 |
ubotu | firefox: lightweight web browser based on Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 8992 kB, installed size 28580 kB | 09:43 |
dwidmann | !info gaim | 09:44 |
ubotu | gaim: multi-protocol instant messaging client. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.0.0+beta3.1-1ubuntu9 (edgy), package size 1311 kB, installed size 3712 kB | 09:44 |
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dwidmann | [nige] : keyboard status indicator? | 09:45 |
[nige] | dwidmann, so i know when my insert key is on... | 09:45 |
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[nige] | its very annoying with my laptop having numlock always off when I start up | 09:45 |
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dwidmann | [nige] , the numlock part is easy to fix | 09:45 |
dwidmann | systemsettings -> keyboard | 09:46 |
[nige] | hmmm | 09:46 |
solemnwarning | How can I configure apt to use a HTTP proxy? | 09:46 |
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[nige] | i wonder why ididnt see it yet | 09:46 |
premier_ | hey, for some reason kcontrol wont let me change my monitor settings | 09:47 |
premier_ | can I pastebin the error? | 09:47 |
dwidmann | premier_: you can | 09:47 |
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solemnwarning | Anyone? | 09:47 |
dwidmann | solemnwarning: no idea | 09:48 |
lexua1 | perhaps $http_proxy ?? | 09:48 |
solemnwarning | Where do I set http_proxy? | 09:48 |
lexua1 | bash variable | 09:48 |
solemnwarning | ok | 09:48 |
solemnwarning | I'll add it to bashrc then | 09:49 |
lexua1 | yeah, perhaps: 'export http_proxy=FOO' | 09:49 |
premier_ | http://img208.imageshack.us/my.php?image=errormessage1dz7.png | 09:49 |
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premier_ | btw, I know this falls squarely in the "unsupported" side of linux, but does anybody have any experience in running windows games using wine? | 09:50 |
lexua1 | I used to run starcraft, what games are you thinking of | 09:51 |
Jucato | premier_: try "sudo apt-get install --reinstall kde-guidance" | 09:51 |
dwidmann | premier_: try this: "sudo aptitude install kde-guidance" | 09:52 |
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dwidmann | oh, jucato was thinking the same thing, we must be right :D | 09:52 |
premier_ | Jucato: done | 09:52 |
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Jucato | premier_: try it again | 09:52 |
=== Jucato actually almost never uses that GUI config becaus it almost never works for him | ||
premier_ | lexua1: I got starcraft running, it made me so happy. Im trying to get alpha centuri and pharaoh, but they give me trouble | 09:53 |
=== dwidmann uses nvidia-xconfig instead | ||
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premier_ | fixed thanks | 09:54 |
dwidmann | premier_: http://appdb.winehq.org | 09:54 |
lexua1 | premier_: A google search should give you an idea if anyone else has had any success, there is also cedega. | 09:54 |
crazy_bus | Does anyone know how to fix it? :) | 09:54 |
premier_ | do you recomend I use something besides he gui? I have an ati that gives me a lot of trouble | 09:54 |
premier_ | cedega costs $$, right? Like $5 a month or something? | 09:55 |
dwidmann | crazy_bus: best thing I can think to do is to remove any and all packages that it complains about. You can reinstall them afterwards | 09:55 |
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Jucato | premier_: when it comes to fixing xorg, most often I have to resort to the command line, like editing xorg.conf or running dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 09:55 |
lexua1 | premier_: I don't know much about it. I'd experiment with free wine for a while and see how you go. | 09:55 |
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crazy_bus | but if I sudo apt-get remove the package it complains about I get the same error? | 09:56 |
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dwidmann | crazy_bus: some fun commands to play with: "sudo apt-get -f install", "sudo dpkg --purge <packages>" | 09:57 |
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crazy_bus | I've tried those but they don't work either | 09:58 |
dwidmann | Those sorts of errors drive me crazy, crazy, but played with in the right order they can usually fix things. | 09:59 |
visik7 | anyone had try the new compiz packages form gandalf that support kwd ? | 09:59 |
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crazy_bus | I tried the commands but I get this error; does it mean anything? unable to open files list file for package `libgtop2-common': Input/output error | 10:01 |
dwidmann | crazy_bus, I wonder what "sudo apt-get -f remove" would do, I've not tried that one before | 10:02 |
frojnd | hello hays.. | 10:02 |
frojnd | guys* :) | 10:02 |
frojnd | how can I chat with "irc" in not gui ? | 10:02 |
dwidmann | crazy_bus: it certainly means something is wrong, in a very not good kind of way. | 10:02 |
frojnd | like if I start monitor alt + f3.. | 10:02 |
dwidmann | !irssi | 10:02 |
ubotu | irssi is irssi is a command line interface IRC client ( "sudo apt-get install irssi" without the quotes to try it out ) - also see http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/01/17/my-new-irc-client-irssi-ubuntu-606-610/ | 10:02 |
crazy_bus | apt-get remove -f comes up with errors too :( | 10:03 |
dwidmann | crazy_bus, take a look at "man apt-get", type /--fix<enter> | 10:03 |
orient2000 | I have xp pro and linux does not see it. how can I convert to 32 bit format? I need access to data to transfer to linux. | 10:04 |
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dwidmann | orient2000: what exactly are you needing to do? | 10:07 |
orient2000 | I need to access my xp pro HD from kubuntu | 10:08 |
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dwidmann | !ntfs-fuse | 10:10 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ntfs-fuse - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:10 |
dwidmann | grr | 10:10 |
dwidmann | !ntfs | 10:10 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 10:10 |
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orient2000 | thanks I am going to try it now. | 10:12 |
dwidmann | crazy_bus: hmmm, I have yet another idea. sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get --reinstall install <every single package that it complained about here" | 10:13 |
crazy_bus | all in one line? | 10:13 |
dwidmann | Yes. | 10:13 |
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graniti | hi. how can I set a process to be automatically respawned when/if it dies? | 10:14 |
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crazy_bus | dwidmann: it didn't work | 10:17 |
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dunnoanything | hi..the file permission drwxr-sr-x the s stands for what? i know x is executable | 10:17 |
dunnoanything | i couldn't find it on web.. | 10:18 |
dwidmann | crazy_bus: figures :\ | 10:18 |
dunnoanything | !permission | 10:18 |
ubotu | The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux | 10:18 |
crazy_bus | It wan'ts to autoremove 3 packages, one of which is a package it complained of. But doing that doesn't work either | 10:19 |
dunnoanything | what does the 's' stands for??? | 10:19 |
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dwidmann | sticky, I think | 10:20 |
dunnoanything | sticky? | 10:21 |
dwidmann | Yes, sticky. | 10:21 |
dunnoanything | i've got one is capital 'S' too | 10:21 |
dunnoanything | does it mean very sticky? haha | 10:21 |
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dwidmann | STICKY DIRECTORIES | 10:21 |
dwidmann | When the sticky bit is set on a directory, files in that directory may | 10:21 |
dwidmann | be unlinked or renamed only by the directory owner as well as by root | 10:21 |
dwidmann | or the file owner. | 10:21 |
d0dge- | Is there a way to get support for hyperlinks in Konsole? | 10:22 |
genii | frojnd: Use the program ircii by sudo-apt-get install ircii then put in the freenode irc site to its conf file. Then start irc by sudo irc | 10:22 |
d0dge- | I'd only need it in SSH | 10:22 |
Jucato | d0dge-: if you mean clicking on URL links in Konsole, no, not directly | 10:22 |
d0dge- | Jucato: Okay | 10:23 |
Balsamic_Chicken | sdf | 10:23 |
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frojndIRSSI | hehe now I am in NON GUI with irssi | 10:25 |
frojndIRSSI | only problem is I dont know how to change identd | 10:26 |
frojndIRSSI | and oh if gui dies how can I surf the net? | 10:26 |
dwidmann | links | 10:26 |
frojndIRSSI | ? | 10:26 |
genii | with elinks, yes | 10:27 |
frojndIRSSI | himme an sample | 10:27 |
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frojndIRSSI | example d0h | 10:27 |
dwidmann | links, elinks, links2 ... lynx .... quite a few of those browsers | 10:27 |
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frojndIRSSI | ah u meant browsers... | 10:27 |
genii | links is now symlinked to elinks | 10:28 |
frojndIRSSI | elinks ? | 10:28 |
kageko | hello i have trouble with my headset can someone help me? | 10:28 |
user-land | Hello, every time my Kubuntu tries to access a file, i get "Could not find mime type application/octet-stream" | 10:28 |
frojndIRSSI | I will install elinks | 10:29 |
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akrus | how to get UUID of /dev/sda1? | 10:33 |
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frojndIRSSI | damn now a days web designers arent on site of non gui... | 10:34 |
frojndIRSSI | :) | 10:34 |
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genii | Yeah the days of lynx-compliant websites are long over my friend | 10:36 |
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frojndIRSSI | yes but what if gui dies | 10:37 |
Johnsandman | the hardcore of your brain never dies | 10:38 |
crazy_bus | http://channels.debian.net/paste/5201 Here is what happens in the terminal? Anyone know how to fix it? | 10:38 |
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ceefour | hi all | 10:48 |
ceefour | I wonder why my console is garbled when in text-mode, but okay in Konsole? | 10:49 |
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louzam | salut tous | 10:57 |
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louzam | wooow y a du clones ici lolll | 10:58 |
louzam | personne parle ? | 10:59 |
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genii | !fr | louzam | 11:10 |
ubotu | louzam: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 11:10 |
louzam | ok merciii | 11:10 |
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waylandbill | is everyone just so psyched and chomping at the bit to run out and buy vista tomorrow. ;-) | 11:14 |
Xemanth | nope :) | 11:14 |
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genii | I wonder what the bloat factor from XP/2K will be. From 98 to XP the bloat factor was about 3X | 11:16 |
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paul__ | salut | 11:20 |
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sergio | toc toc | 11:21 |
paul__ | cine sunte-ti mah? | 11:21 |
paul__ | name Bompa | 11:22 |
paul__ | oasodpaji dw | 11:22 |
paul__ | aw;knd w | 11:22 |
Jucato | paul__: English only please | 11:22 |
paul__ | tes ofcourse | 11:23 |
paul__ | yes | 11:23 |
crazy_bus | what does this error mean? touch: cannot touch `/var/lib/dpkg/info/libgtop2-common.list': Input/output error | 11:23 |
paul__ | what happend here? | 11:23 |
distro-tester | 11:22:49 (13.26 MB/s) - "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list" salvato [139/139] | 11:24 |
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distro-tester | saved it there what i have to do next to install last wine version? | 11:24 |
paul__ | woh da i install yahoo messenger on this os? | 11:26 |
paul__ | kubuntu | 11:26 |
paul__ | plaease somebody tel me | 11:27 |
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ceefour | paul__: use Kopete | 11:27 |
ceefour | paul__: It's on the "Internet" group on your KDE menu. | 11:28 |
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Rarj | How do I save data to an NTFS partition from kubuntu ? | 11:29 |
Jucato | Rarj: you can't (normally) and shouldn't | 11:30 |
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Rarj | why doesnt kubuntu support reiserfs ? | 11:34 |
waylandbill | because it will murder your drives.. | 11:36 |
waylandbill | (that last statement wasn't based on fact) :-D | 11:36 |
g6issenh | salut | 11:37 |
Jucato | waylandbill: it supports reiserfs. it's just that the QtParted in the Desktop CD installer doesn't support it | 11:37 |
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Jucato | er.. sorry, that was for Rarj ^^^^ | 11:38 |
waylandbill | yup | 11:38 |
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Rarj | Jucato: :), right. Also the front-end has been changed has it ? | 11:39 |
tanlaan | ok now im getting angry >.< | 11:39 |
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Jucato | Rarj: what do you mean? | 11:39 |
Rarj | Jucato: it doesnt allow me to create more than 4 pri partition | 11:39 |
Rarj | Jucato: its different from Ubuntu | 11:39 |
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Jucato | Rarj: you're not allowed to create more than 4 *primary* partitions. but you can create more partitions my creating 1 or more *extended* partitions | 11:40 |
tanlaan | my computer says that i have something open using the adept database, but i have nothing open, ive tried logging out, restarting, and shutting down, and apparently that process hates me :D | 11:40 |
Jucato | that applies to any distro | 11:40 |
tanlaan | anyone wanna help out? | 11:40 |
Jucato | Rarj: yes. Ubuntu uses GParted, and Kubuntu uses QtParted | 11:40 |
Jucato | !adept crash fix | tanlaan | 11:40 |
ubotu | tanlaan: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 11:40 |
tanlaan | thank you :D | 11:41 |
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crazy_bus | fsck has come up with; what should I do? has deleted/unused inode 195503. Clear<y> What should I do? | 11:42 |
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genii | "y" should be safe if it's unused | 11:43 |
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waylandbill | That not to say that you can't use GPartEd LiveCD or even just GPartEd with Kubuntu. | 11:43 |
crazy_bus | What happens if its a system file? | 11:43 |
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crazy_bus | Should I clear if the file in question is a system file genii? | 11:46 |
crazy_bus | i.e. Entry 'scrollkeeper_docs' in /var/lib/scrollkeeper (193621) has deleted/unused inode 195506. Clear<y>? | 11:47 |
genii | crazy_bus Should be OK, but it looks like you may be developing some issues with bad sectors on your hd | 11:48 |
crazy_bus | What should I do about it? | 11:48 |
genii | If you have drives with SMART capability turn that monitoring on in bios to get an early heads-up of impending failures | 11:49 |
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crazy_bus | is there anyway to write around bad sectors? | 11:50 |
genii | Otherwise, there's not much you can do when a drive starts to fail. Other than scan it more often than normally | 11:50 |
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crazy_bus | I've had to reinstall around 3 times because system files on partition 1 have being disappering. (Never partition 2 my home drive) | 11:51 |
genii | crazy_bus: When a part of the hd is found as bad, the table which says what part of the drive is used is updated to say there is something there and not to write on that section. | 11:51 |
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crazy_bus | does fsck do that? | 11:51 |
genii | yes | 11:52 |
[StingRay] | Hi, stdin :) | 11:52 |
crazy_bus | So if I type fsck -f it should fix the harddriver? | 11:52 |
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genii | crazy_bus: As much as it can, yes. Keep in mind also that if the mbr part is going bad, not much to do since remapping low cylinders like 0 and so on is tough without a lowlevel formatting routine | 11:53 |
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[StingRay] | Hi all. Can somebody tell me if there is an application, which shows my cpu load on a graphic like in window$' task manager? | 11:54 |
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crazy_bus | Since I have fscked and reinstalled three times do you recommend getting a new hard disk? | 11:54 |
Jucato | [StingRay] : KSysGuard | 11:54 |
[StingRay] | thanks, Jucato | 11:55 |
JohnFlux | Jucato: you've become the ksysguard missionary :-) | 11:55 |
JohnFlux | [StingRay] : ctrl+esc should bring it up | 11:55 |
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Jucato | JohnFlux: hehe :) | 11:55 |
Jucato | [StingRay] : although Ctrl+Esc will only bring up the ProcessTable. the graphs are in the main KSysGuard app/window. | 11:56 |
[StingRay] | cool JohnFlux, but I made some adjustments in KDE and now something else is coming up :) | 11:56 |
JohnFlux | Jucato: oh yeah | 11:56 |
Jucato | (That's going to change in KDE4... thanks to JohnFlux) | 11:56 |
JohnFlux | Jucato: been too long in kde4 ;-) | 11:56 |
Jucato | lol | 11:56 |
Jucato | I thought so :) | 11:56 |
JohnFlux | [StingRay] : what have you setup to come up instead? | 11:57 |
Jucato | JohnFlux: as to why the two were separated in the first place, I'll never understand... | 11:57 |
JohnFlux | Jucato: well because there was the sensor tree etc | 11:57 |
crazy_bus | is fsck -c the command to check for bad sectors? | 11:57 |
JohnFlux | Jucato: plus you want it to be as light as possible to load fast etc | 11:57 |
[StingRay] | JohnFlux, the start menu... | 11:57 |
JohnFlux | crazy_bus: yep | 11:57 |
Jucato | JohnFlux: aah... which we can afford in Qt 4/KDE 4? | 11:57 |
Jucato | [StingRay] : hm... normally that would be Alt+F1, unless you changed keyboard shortcuts. | 11:58 |
crazy_bus | so running fsck -f wouldn't have detected them? | 11:58 |
genii | crazy_bus: All the options and descriptions can be looked at by: man fsck | 11:58 |
JohnFlux | Jucato: nah, I optomised the code a lot more | 11:58 |
screemo | anyone know a good guide for testing out kde4 in sort of a sandbox (either using xnest or similar) | 11:58 |
JohnFlux | Jucato: so it's not very expensive now | 11:58 |
Jucato | Ctrl+Esc = ProcessTable (KSysGuard), Alt+F1 = K Menu, Alt+F2 = Run command, etc | 11:58 |
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[StingRay] | Alt+F1, shows nothing Jucato. This is not a problem at the moment :) | 11:58 |
Jucato | JohnFlux: goodie goodie :) | 11:58 |
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screemo | a CURRENT guide would be nice | 11:59 |
Jucato | screemo: are you ready to compile a lot? | 11:59 |
JohnFlux | screemo: there still isn't much to see | 11:59 |
screemo | Jucato: sure I just got a new cpu, so I'm ready :) | 11:59 |
screemo | Jucato: I know that, but I'm trying to get into qt4 programming.. | 11:59 |
Jucato | hm... you could do Qt 4 programming on KDE 3... not necessary to have KDE 4 installed | 12:00 |
JohnFlux | screemo: ah neat | 12:00 |
Jucato | screemo: http://developernew.kde.org | 12:00 |
screemo | sweet | 12:00 |
JohnFlux | Jucato: is that the kdesvn-build guide | 12:00 |
Jucato | JohnFlux: I don't think so... me checks | 12:00 |
Jucato | JohnFlux: there are usually 2 methods in the guide... | 12:01 |
screemo | thats a nice page. | 12:01 |
ceefour | Jucato: where can i find svn 1.4 and svk 2.0 for ubuntu? | 12:01 |
Jucato | !info subversion | ceefour | 12:01 |
ubotu | subversion: advanced version control system (aka. svn). In component main, is optional. Version 1.3.2-3ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 203 kB, installed size 3020 kB | 12:01 |
screemo | anyone else having issues with the "Run command" applet eating the applet to the left of it ? | 12:01 |
Jucato | oops, 1.3 only | 12:01 |
screemo | its a resize problem | 12:02 |
screemo | can be solved by dragging the run command a few pixels to the right | 12:02 |
Jucato | JohnFlux: http://developernew.kde.org/Getting_Started/Increased_Productivity_in_KDE4_with_Scripts seems to be the guide for kdesvn-build | 12:02 |
Jucato | oops I might be wrong | 12:02 |
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Jucato | quick question, does Ctrl+< (Ctrl+Shift+,) work as a keyboard shortcut? | 12:04 |
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humbolto | what is the standard fax server in kubuntu? is hylaFax still the name of the game or is it asterisk already? | 12:05 |
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graniti | hi. how can I obtain the CPU architecture's infos? | 12:10 |
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screemo | graniti: uname -a | 12:10 |
screemo | graniti: dmesg|less will help also | 12:11 |
graniti | screemo: ok. is i686 equivalent to x86_64 ? | 12:11 |
Jucato | uname -a will only give you the kernel that's installed | 12:11 |
Jucato | no | 12:11 |
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Jucato | x86_64 = 64-bit | 12:12 |
graniti | and i686 ? | 12:12 |
screemo | graniti: i686 is regular x86 | 12:12 |
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screemo | graniti: 32bits | 12:12 |
graniti | ok thnks screemo | 12:12 |
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graniti | thnks Jucato | 12:12 |
sonicGB | in a nutshell, x86 = early model x86, up to about 80486 I think.... i686 = p2 and beyond? | 12:13 |
sonicGB | not sure if pentium 1 == x86 or i686, probably x86 | 12:13 |
Jucato | x86 covers upt to 686 afaik | 12:13 |
sonicGB | Jucato: yes.... I'm just not 100% where the cutoff point is... i686 begins from p2, I *think* | 12:13 |
genii | p1-586 | 12:13 |
genii | p2=686 | 12:14 |
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auser | hello | 12:14 |
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sonicGB | genii: sounds about right, thanks. | 12:14 |
andreasw | moin | 12:14 |
agrasifff32 | hie | 12:14 |
=== Legend_is_BACK_ is now known as astrangerr | ||
auser | my kubuntu did not show all the possibly resolutions for my screen | 12:14 |
agrasifff32 | i live windows | 12:14 |
auser | why | 12:14 |
auser | ? | 12:14 |
agrasifff32 | ok u can use windows | 12:14 |
astrangerr | hi am mumuntu | 12:14 |
auser | can you hel pme? | 12:15 |
agrasifff32 | yes | 12:15 |
agrasifff32 | u must to change kubuntu to Zubuntu | 12:15 |
astrangerr | n my sister's name is humuntu | 12:15 |
agrasifff32 | my father Dubnuntu | 12:15 |
astrangerr | n mama is komurtu | 12:16 |
agrasifff32 | And my gramds. cubruntu ,subruntu | 12:16 |
auser | i'm in 640*480 mode | 12:16 |
astrangerr | my uncle homurtu | 12:16 |
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auser | it's terrible | 12:16 |
waylandbill | is there a point to all that? | 12:16 |
auser | please help me | 12:16 |
astrangerr | hey windows is best | 12:16 |
astrangerr | doors are worst | 12:16 |
agrasifff32 | ok m.soft will help u with $2000 | 12:16 |
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astrangerr | Poor KUBUNTU | 12:17 |
agrasifff32 | and i want to eat penguin sandwich | 12:17 |
astrangerr | Poor people | 12:17 |
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marcel | hello | 12:17 |
marcel | need help i don't know any software to open *.flv files on m linux help | 12:17 |
astrangerr | poor hot girls | 12:17 |
auser | there's no one can help me? | 12:17 |
agrasifff32 | pooor Linuxes | 12:17 |
ceefour | auser: what video graphic card you have? | 12:17 |
agrasifff32 | i will help u on tonight | 12:17 |
ceefour | auser: and what monitor? | 12:17 |
auser | ati | 12:17 |
auser | and a philips 105e | 12:17 |
agrasifff32 | my father is nividia | 12:18 |
auser | but the strange thing is that | 12:18 |
ceefour | auser: but you can use KDE right now, right? | 12:18 |
agrasifff32 | ;-) | 12:18 |
astrangerr | my mom is onboard | 12:18 |
auser | yes | 12:18 |
ceefour | auser: run Konsole | 12:18 |
agrasifff32 | mom is motherboard | 12:18 |
ceefour | auser: then type: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 12:18 |
agrasifff32 | run with konsole | 12:18 |
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jkyro | hello | 12:18 |
astrangerr | u are homeless people | 12:18 |
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agrasifff32 | i like terminal like my brothers | 12:18 |
ceefour | auser: done so? | 12:18 |
astrangerr | cos u don't have Windows | 12:19 |
auser | just a moment | 12:19 |
agrasifff32 | u pooor linuxews people | 12:19 |
jkyro | anybody know if it's possible to define a proxy for kubuntu installer? | 12:19 |
Jucato | astrangerr, agrasifff32: stop it | 12:19 |
agrasifff32 | but we like windowzzz | 12:19 |
astrangerr | linuxers i am human bomb | 12:19 |
auser | ceefour: done | 12:19 |
genii | Jucato astranger=agrasifff32 is my opinion | 12:19 |
agrasifff32 | i am a bomber of saddams | 12:19 |
Jucato | genii: obviously | 12:19 |
genii | agra= market | 12:19 |
auser | and now? | 12:19 |
Jucato | agrasifff32, astrangerr enough. | 12:20 |
agrasifff32 | sudo su install me | 12:20 |
screemo | why isn't HIDD on by default for bluetooth devices... | 12:20 |
astrangerr | Jucato i know you sister Her name is Ducato is'nt she ? | 12:20 |
agrasifff32 | and mother mukito | 12:20 |
agrasifff32 | and bananaas chukitta | 12:20 |
Jucato | astrangerr, agrasifff32: if you have nothing better to do, go somwhere else, this is your final warning | 12:20 |
astrangerr | Fiat Ducato | 12:20 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o Jucato] by ChanServ | ||
auser | ceefour: it ask me what kind of server drivers | 12:20 |
astrangerr | You are so kind | 12:20 |
agrasifff32 | i love u more | 12:21 |
auser | of x server | 12:21 |
astrangerr | i am fallen love with u | 12:21 |
astrangerr | make love with bill uncle | 12:21 |
agrasifff32 | if i wish women ,i will give u | 12:21 |
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Jucato | clones... | 12:22 |
genii | :) | 12:22 |
dromer | how can I use ascii-codes in kde? | 12:22 |
ceefour | auser: accept the default already chosen, what does it currently selects? | 12:22 |
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auser | i'm accepting all | 12:23 |
auser | just a moment | 12:23 |
crazy_bus | Does fsck -c tell you if it found bad blocks? | 12:23 |
ceefour | auser, anyways, you can just accept all the defaults (there are lots of dialog boxes) until you come to the dialog where you can choose the screen resolutions needed | 12:23 |
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ceefour | auser: success? | 12:23 |
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auser | ceefour: now i can see the resolution in the panel? | 12:28 |
auser | ceefour: or i must reboot? | 12:28 |
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crazy_bus | for me it just said "/dev/hda1: ***** FILE SYSTEM WAS MODIFIED *****" does that mean I have bad blocks? | 12:33 |
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eeos | hi all | 12:36 |
screemo | crazy_bus: probably, but it should be okay I think | 12:38 |
screemo | crazy_bus: did it reboot afterwards? | 12:38 |
crazy_bus | I'm doing this of a livecd | 12:38 |
screemo | crazy_bus: okay then, thought you had installed the system | 12:38 |
screemo | crazy_bus: are you in the process of installing? | 12:39 |
crazy_bus | I have installed kubuntu. I'm running off a knoppix livecd | 12:39 |
screemo | crazy_bus: hmm I think you can ignore that message | 12:39 |
screemo | crazy_bus: livecd's wont modify your harddisk | 12:39 |
screemo | crazy_bus: /dev/hda could be your cdrom by the way | 12:40 |
crazy_bus | should I mount the harddrive to fix bad blocks? | 12:41 |
screemo | crazy_bus: if you got sata in your machine they're usually named /dev/sda | 12:41 |
jkyro | anybody tried to use a http proxy installing kubuntu off the livecd? | 12:41 |
crazy_bus | System files have being dissapering off my / partition but not me /home partition. This has happened and caused me to have to reinstall kubuntu 3 times. What should I do? | 12:41 |
jkyro | i'm currently trying, started the installer from a terminal with http_proxy environment variable... | 12:41 |
screemo | crazy_bus: hmm sounds like your harddrive is kinda of sick.. | 12:42 |
crazy_bus | What should I do? | 12:42 |
jkyro | the reason is that I'm inside a firewall that only allows http through a proxy | 12:42 |
screemo | crazy_bus: hmm you should really boot it in single user mode, and then run fsck -p -f | 12:42 |
screemo | crazy_bus: no guarantees... and I won't be responsible for your system :) | 12:43 |
crazy_bus | why should I do that? | 12:43 |
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screemo | crazy_bus: didn't you want to check your for problems? | 12:43 |
screemo | crazy_bus: your hd | 12:43 |
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crazy_bus | But fsck runs off the livecd. What is the difference? | 12:44 |
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screemo | crazy_bus: nothing, that should be fine then. | 12:44 |
screemo | crazy_bus: you booted knoppix to fix your harddrive then ? | 12:44 |
crazy_bus | yes | 12:44 |
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screemo | crazy_bus: good, that should be fine then. | 12:45 |
crazy_bus | fsck -f said lots of files had delelted inodes | 12:45 |
screemo | crazy_bus: ok, you might want to add -p to fix automatically | 12:45 |
screemo | crazy_bus: let it run through, and cross your fingers :) | 12:45 |
crazy_bus | but the problem is that some of the ones with deleted inodes were system files. | 12:46 |
crazy_bus | and fsck -f doesn't bring them back | 12:46 |
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berkes | where does kde store its screensaver settings? | 12:47 |
JohnFlux | berkes: grep screensaver ~/.kde -r | 12:49 |
screemo | crazy_bus: you might want to backup /home/<user> and then reinstall, and put /home/<user> back from a backup | 12:49 |
crazy_bus | So will fsck -c have marked out bad sectors on my harddrive to prevent files disappearing in the future? | 12:49 |
JohnFlux | berkes: :-) | 12:49 |
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JohnFlux | crazy_bus: yes, but if you have a few bad sectors, then there's a good chance you'll have more bad sectors in the future | 12:49 |
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crazy_bus | screemo, my home is on a seperate partition, which doesn't get missing files. | 12:49 |
JohnFlux | crazy_bus: bad sectors are automatically marked as they are found | 12:49 |
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screemo | crazy_bus: even better then, but you should really make a backup anyways if you're reinstalling to get your system files back | 12:50 |
JohnFlux | crazy_bus: I would order a new hard drive, and switch as soon as possible | 12:50 |
jkyro | berkes: config/kdesktoprc | 12:50 |
berkes | JohnFlux: yea, and after grepping trough gigabytes of podcasts, IRC logs and whatmore I still id not find /the/ file where it is stored. | 12:50 |
crazy_bus | I only just reinstalled because of missiing files yesterday. Though I only ran fsck -f and not fsck -c | 12:50 |
berkes | jkyro: thanks | 12:50 |
jkyro | np | 12:50 |
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berkes | I see Saver=somefile.desktop The saver I want has no .desktop :/ is it si | 12:52 |
berkes | is it still possible to run it in KDE? | 12:52 |
jkyro | depending on the saver, it may or may not be possible to create one | 12:53 |
jkyro | I think | 12:53 |
berkes | I want webcollage, its part of xscreensaver, but has no .desktop entry. Hence Its not available in the KDE control centre | 12:53 |
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gnomefreak | berkes: doesnt owrk on edgy (might have been fixed in dapper) | 12:54 |
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screemo | anyone know how to bypass that hideous delay when booting kubuntu ? - I'm on a laptop using wireless and knetworkmanager | 12:54 |
jkyro | berkes, try creating a .desktop for your saver by tweaking an existing one | 12:55 |
JohnFlux | screemo: where does the delay happen? | 12:55 |
screemo | JohnFlux: when it's dont dhcp for the network that I haven't got connected | 12:56 |
screemo | JohnFlux: dont=doing | 12:56 |
screemo | JohnFlux: means, that it should really check the link up condition before attempting to connect | 12:57 |
gnomefreak | berkes: it wont be added to kubuntu so you would have to work it out on own sorry. | 12:57 |
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berkes | jkyro: yea, I just did that. was easier then I thought =) | 12:58 |
frojnd | !skype | 12:58 |
ubotu | To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto | 12:58 |
dwidmann | screemo, the easiest way is to use a static ip and disable dhcp, if that's doable with wireless (I don't know as I don't use wireless) | 12:58 |
berkes | gnomefreak: yea. Why not? | 12:58 |
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dromer | does anybody know how to use ascii-coding in kde? | 12:58 |
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gnomefreak | berkes: because people complained about the naked people on it and didnt want that just to pop up at anytime | 12:59 |
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berkes | gnomefreak: heh :) | 12:59 |
crazy_bus | apt-get is now working but it came up with lots of things in the terminal like: dpkg: serious warning: files list file for package `kubuntu-desktop' missing, assuming package has no files currently installed. | 12:59 |
hendrik_ | hi | 12:59 |
gnomefreak | so they removed it a long time ago and never looked back | 12:59 |
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berkes | gnomefreak: makes sense though. Its also possibly problematic with copyrights and stuff. | 01:00 |
screemo | dwidmann: yes, I know how to get around it manually, but thats wasn't really the point. Point was that there should definitely be a lower dhcp delay and check of the link up before that | 01:00 |
crazy_bus | so what can I do about it? | 01:01 |
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gnomefreak | berkes: are you on dapper? | 01:01 |
berkes | gnomefreak: heh. I don't know. Keep forgetting about all these silly names. | 01:02 |
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gnomefreak | berkes: 6.06? | 01:02 |
berkes | no 6.10 | 01:03 |
berkes | me runs like 5 debian servers and two kubuntu systems. | 01:03 |
gnomefreak | berkes: lsb_release -a tells you :) | 01:03 |
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gnomefreak | they got it up and working in edgy? | 01:03 |
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berkes | I got it up and working using an homecrafted .desktop | 01:07 |
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visik7 | anyone of u had ever use python-apt binding ? | 01:09 |
visik7 | is there some kind of doc ? | 01:09 |
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gnomefreak | visik7: i dont remember but alo tof the docs are in the sources let me check if there is one for python-apt | 01:14 |
visik7 | only some examples that I can't understand | 01:14 |
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visik7 | and pydoc isn't very helpfull | 01:14 |
rysiek|pl | hi all | 01:15 |
rysiek|pl | anybody managed to get TVOut to work on the ati/radeon opensource drivers? | 01:15 |
gnomefreak | visik7: im not sure. i have never seena wiki on it | 01:15 |
eeos | I am slightly crossed with today's update packages to kde. The problem we had that was solved by the kde 3.5.6 upgrade are here again. | 01:17 |
Jucato | what problem? and what update? | 01:18 |
eeos | Jucato the automatic updateer proposed a series of updates (bug fixes) this morning (more than 30) which I accepted. They were updates to kde packages. | 01:19 |
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Jucato | hm... | 01:20 |
dwidmann | hmm, looks like the kde related upgrade consists of, basically, all of kdepim | 01:25 |
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eeos | dwidmann yes plus something as far I remember | 01:29 |
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eeos | have to go! bye! | 01:34 |
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d0dge | When I plug an usb-device (usb memory stick) in to my comp, how do I know, which device is it? And I need to mount it, right? | 01:41 |
d0dge | Like what's the device's name | 01:42 |
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rysiek|pl | did anyone manage to get tv-out working with open-source ati/radeon drivers? google didn't help much, neither did the ubuntu wiki | 01:45 |
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paolo_ | hi... I'm still searching for a FTP server which does work on kubuntu.... any Idea? thnks.... | 01:52 |
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genii | !proftpd | paolo_ | 01:58 |
ubotu | proftpd: Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.0-9ubuntu0.1 (edgy), package size 594 kB, installed size 1532 kB | 01:58 |
genii | d0dge: If you do not have any scsi equipment the first usb storage device you plug in will be sda | 01:59 |
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d0dge | genii: Alright, thanks | 02:02 |
genii | d0dge: np | 02:02 |
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zen | hello i nead tlc do install amsn where do i find it? | 02:03 |
genii | !amsn | 02:04 |
ubotu | amsn: An MSN messenger written in tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.95-2.1 (edgy), package size 2261 kB, installed size 7752 kB | 02:04 |
genii | !tcl | 02:04 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tcl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:04 |
genii | bah ubotu | 02:04 |
genii | LOL | 02:04 |
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zen | !tlc | 02:04 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tlc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:05 |
zen | any one knows where to get tlc ? | 02:05 |
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d0dge | What msn messenger client do you prefer in kubuntu? | 02:05 |
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d0dge | I use just kopete | 02:06 |
genii | Tcl not tlc | 02:06 |
distro-tester | tcl | 02:07 |
genii | for tlc see your gf/bf LOL | 02:07 |
distro-tester | does kopete work fine whit cam on yahoo msn dodge? | 02:07 |
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distro-tester | they said it has webcam for them both | 02:07 |
distro-tester | so dodge? | 02:09 |
genii | I like gaim over kopete but perhaps because I like the continuity between platforms I use | 02:09 |
distro-tester | i nead to webcam so what ever does cam whit yahoo msn aol is ok for me even if no audio | 02:10 |
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Tm_T | distro-tester: Atleast MSN webcam works in Kopete. | 02:12 |
distro-tester | yes yahoo one works? | 02:12 |
Tm_T | No idea, never tried. | 02:13 |
Tm_T | But IIRC it should. | 02:13 |
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distro-tester | do u know a program that has cam for msn yahoo aol even if no mic dosen't matter? | 02:13 |
distro-tester | i nead aol cam to | 02:13 |
genii | If you require camera then kopete is most useful to you | 02:14 |
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distro-tester | yes | 02:14 |
distro-tester | can u run kopete like gaim yahoo msn at same time and how u do that ? | 02:15 |
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dwidmann | Tm_T, lots of things *should* work, whether they do or not is usually another matter. | 02:15 |
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genii | You cannot run 2 programs which are both attempting to use the same protocol at the same time. | 02:16 |
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yossir | How do I script Konversaion, preferably with Ruby or Python? Should I do it through DCOP? | 02:16 |
distro-tester | well gaim does that | 02:16 |
distro-tester | i can both be on yahoo msn same time | 02:16 |
genii | eg: kopete using msn protocol and amsn do *not* work together | 02:16 |
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Jucato | yossir: you could ask in #konversation | 02:17 |
yossir | Jucato: thanks | 02:17 |
Jucato | yossir: I think you could do python scripts in Konversation. not really sure though | 02:17 |
distro-tester | no i ment whit kopete can i be on yahoo and msn at same time as on gaim ? | 02:17 |
distro-tester | hey jucato morning | 02:17 |
yossir | Jucato: would make sense... KDE seems very Python friendly. | 02:17 |
Jucato | hi distro-tester | 02:17 |
Jucato | yossir: not KDE generally, but Kubuntu specifically. KDE tries to welcome all bindings... (not sure about .NET though :P) | 02:18 |
genii | No, you cannot be on the same service from 2 different programs at the same time with certain protocols like msn protocol. aim/icq is another protocol which does not allow concurrent sessions. irc does for instance | 02:18 |
distro-tester | so how can gaim do that? | 02:18 |
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distro-tester | i rember i was on yahoo msn 2 in 1 | 02:18 |
TT | yossir: OK. That was the impression I got because of the quality and large community of PyQT | 02:19 |
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=== yossir is still figuring out Kubuntu/Konversation :D | ||
genii | you can be on yahoo and masn at the same time from gaim. but you cannot be on msn grom gaim and msn from kopete at the same time for instance | 02:19 |
genii | typos, sorry | 02:20 |
genii | With msn protocol for instance, the second time you login, the first instance disconnects | 02:20 |
genii | same with aim/icq protocol | 02:21 |
dwidmann | more specifically, that only happens if you're using the same login on the same protocol in both programs | 02:23 |
genii | dwidmann Exactly | 02:23 |
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CVirus | !universe | 02:24 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 02:24 |
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CVirus | !mp3 | 02:26 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 02:26 |
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@dsl54007F88.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #kubuntu | ||
distro-tester | i nead this now to install amsn Tk GUI Toolkit where do i find it? | 02:29 |
ziza | !network | 02:30 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 02:30 |
ziza | !network | 02:31 |
ziza | !share | 02:32 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about share - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:32 |
ziza | !ssh | 02:32 |
ubotu | SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ | 02:32 |
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Tm_T | dwidmann: I know. | 02:35 |
XVampireX | Why doesn't adept have any usability enhancements? | 02:37 |
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XVampireX | Like for example, it should have the same patches as synaptic, so that people can click to enable universe and multiverse | 02:38 |
distro-tester | what's this call Tk GUI Toolkit in adept? | 02:38 |
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=== Stefan_S is now known as screemo | ||
XVampireX | Tk is a scripting language for GUI's | 02:39 |
XVampireX | Kinda like visual basic | 02:39 |
XVampireX | but also cross platform, aMSN uses it | 02:39 |
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distro-tester | yes vampire i nead ti to install amsn can u tell me what name it has on adept? | 02:40 |
distro-tester | so i take it | 02:40 |
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distro-tester | u know then? | 02:41 |
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XVampireX | distro-tester: kinda | 02:44 |
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XVampireX | >_< | 02:45 |
linopil | missing system settings om KMENu mixed ubuntu kubuntu and edubuntu | 02:45 |
linopil | howto apt-get install "system settings" on Kmenu | 02:45 |
XVampireX | sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 02:46 |
linopil | tyvm | 02:46 |
linopil | how to play midi on kubunut | 02:48 |
yossir | How do I install a theme on Kubuntu? | 02:49 |
yossir | Do I really have to compile it? | 02:50 |
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dwidmann | a theme, or a kwin-dec? (bit of a difference, both in the level of vagueness and what it actually applies to) | 02:50 |
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dwidmann | kwin decorations indeed have to be compiled, no other aspects of theming require compilation though ... | 02:51 |
yossir | dwidmann: This: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=153 <- which I assume is a theme. | 02:51 |
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yossir | I got the tar.bz2, now I wonder whether I can just drag and drop it somewhere. | 02:51 |
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dwidmann | yossir, to install, I think you need to extract the archive (tar xf 153-acqua-3.2.tar.bz2), then run install.sh (./install.sh) | 02:53 |
dwidmann | At least, that's what the read me says. | 02:54 |
yossir | dwidmann: yeah. I asked because in Gnome (i.e. vanilla Ubuntu) you just D&D to the theme dialog box. | 02:54 |
yossir | I thought there might be a nice shortcut like that for Kubuntu as well. | 02:54 |
dwidmann | Seems there is for everything but the window decorations | 02:55 |
linopil | intel 801 sound ? | 02:55 |
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dwidmann | (so, themes, styles, icons, colors, etc are still fairly easy ... just not the window decorations, apparently) | 02:55 |
XVampireX | !midi | linopil | 02:57 |
ubotu | linopil: Trouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo | 02:57 |
dwidmann | yossir, anyhow, if you're looking for a mac-like theme, there's always baghira, which is apt-get installable | 02:57 |
XVampireX | linopil: When in Doubt, ask ubotu ^_^ | 02:57 |
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yossir | dwidmann: thanks, I installed the Acqua theme according to the instructions. But how do I apply it? | 02:58 |
XVampireX | yossir: KDE themes are a bit different from gnome themes | 02:58 |
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yossir | The readme talks about a "Control Center", which doesn't seem to be on the menu. | 02:58 |
yossir | XVampireX: how so? | 02:58 |
XVampireX | You can use kcontrol | 02:58 |
dwidmann | yossir: go into system settings -> appearance -> window decorations | 02:59 |
XVampireX | Not window decoration | 02:59 |
XVampireX | It's a style | 02:59 |
dwidmann | Is it? | 02:59 |
XVampireX | So go to Style :P | 02:59 |
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dwidmann | Guess I wasn't paying much attention :s | 02:59 |
XVampireX | Type: Theme/Style for KDE 3.2 + | 02:59 |
XVampireX | It's old though | 03:00 |
dwidmann | the person who screenshoted acqua certainly had a mac-like window decoration in use too, so I got confused. | 03:00 |
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dwidmann | Anyhow, if you want the whole deal, try baghira (apt-get install kwin-baghira) | 03:01 |
frojnd | !ark | 03:01 |
Kabal | hi there! is there a PAR2 program that can run in KDE? | 03:01 |
Kabal | (I use the cmd version at the moment..) | 03:01 |
ubotu | ark: graphical archiving tool for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 287 kB, installed size 1004 kB | 03:01 |
yossir | dwidmann: I'll try it, though Acqua is very cool also :) | 03:01 |
frojnd | how can I zip some images with ark? | 03:01 |
frojnd | or anything with ark | 03:02 |
dwidmann | open ark, go to file -> new | 03:02 |
dwidmann | pick the name | 03:02 |
dwidmann | then go to action -> add file/directory | 03:03 |
dwidmann | add them | 03:03 |
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dwidmann | (dragging and dropping should work too) | 03:03 |
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yossir | dwidmann: ok, after I apt-get kwin-baghira, what do I do to apply? | 03:05 |
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dwidmann | yossir, should be in window decorations in system settings/kcontrol | 03:06 |
dwidmann | and perhaps style too? | 03:06 |
yossir | dwidmann: yeah, appearantly it's both there an in Style | 03:07 |
yossir | was just wondering whether there are other places to change... | 03:07 |
dwidmann | that should be it, I think | 03:07 |
linopil | how do I debug a sound installation of onboard i801 sound | 03:07 |
=== yossir nods | ||
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yossir | Baghira looks a lot like the T-ish theme of Gnome. | 03:08 |
dwidmann | yossir, baghira is very, VERY customizable | 03:08 |
yossir | dwidmann: cool :) | 03:08 |
dwidmann | I used to use it | 03:08 |
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yossir | dwidmann: what do you use now? | 03:08 |
yossir | BTW does Konsole have that cool MacOS feature where you have a special icon whenever the console is "busy"? | 03:09 |
dwidmann | regular old plastik for windecs, lipstik widgets | 03:09 |
dwidmann | I feel like playing with a mac theme again though, so I might do that now :) | 03:10 |
yossir | Mac themes are beautiful. | 03:11 |
yossir | I used to think it doesn't matter if your DE is nice or not, but now I realize it does make a difference if you're a software developer who sits in front of his computer all day :) | 03:12 |
dwidmann | that's where I hope to be before long :) | 03:13 |
yossir | dwidmann: developing software? | 03:13 |
dwidmann | Yeah | 03:13 |
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dwidmann | The sooner I get out of my current job the happier I'll be. | 03:14 |
yossir | dwidmann: your current job is? | 03:14 |
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dwidmann | warehouse slave? (well, I get paid, so I guess that isn't technically accurate) | 03:14 |
gogeta | lol | 03:15 |
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yossir | :) | 03:15 |
exel | canal de kubuntu en espaol | 03:15 |
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genii | !es | exel | 03:16 |
ubotu | exel: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda. | 03:16 |
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exel | #ubuntu-es | 03:16 |
dwidmann | actual job title would be order filler, but I think warehouse slave is close enough | 03:16 |
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genii | exel eg: /join #ubuntu-es | 03:16 |
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dwidmann | ooh, that encode is done. I guess I'll reboot and actually get around to testing feisty then | 03:19 |
dwidmann | hah, the process ended 20 seconds ago and my processor has already dropped 6 degrees | 03:19 |
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linopil | \o I burned main DVD - set of repos http://cargol.net/~ramon/ubuntu-dvd-en and now want to use it thru sudo apt-get install | 03:26 |
linopil | what do I add in sources.lst any idea? | 03:26 |
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linopil | what is the name of a GUIi based debian installer? | 03:30 |
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Lynoure | linopil: googling did not tell you the answer? | 03:31 |
sorush20 | is there an onscreen keyboard anywhere ? for kubuntu | 03:31 |
vbgunz | I am so burnt it isn't funny. I cannot no matter what I do, get Kubuntu to connect to the internet :( I have a wireless card and router (ralink rt2500, ra0), I should have a static ip address. I know my default gateway, dns, *BUT* no matter what I do, I cannot connect!! | 03:32 |
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Lynoure | linopil: Do you mean installer that installs debian? Or a package installer from debian? | 03:32 |
vbgunz | the network manager sees my card. the wlassistant program sees the routers in the area! ... I have an ASCII wep key and paste it in *BUT* no matter what I cannot connect! | 03:33 |
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vbgunz | Does anyone know what I am supposed to do!? | 03:33 |
vbgunz | is this a puzzle? | 03:33 |
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vbgunz | I've been doing this for the last 3 hours :( | 03:33 |
vbgunz | this is frigging incredible :( | 03:33 |
vbgunz | this is a brand new installation | 03:34 |
vbgunz | the card works, I've tested it in Ubuntu and Windows... Kubuntu is just friggin broke :( | 03:34 |
vbgunz | can someone help me out? | 03:34 |
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Lynoure | vbgunz: The card manufacturer failing to release specs does not mean Kubuntu is broke. But with a slightly different attitude someone might help you out. Especially if you tell the what card and have read the wifi docs | 03:37 |
Lynoure | !wifi | vbgunz | 03:37 |
ubotu | vbgunz: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 03:37 |
gdiebel | vbgunz: if it is working in ubuntu, then it will work in kubuntu | 03:38 |
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tibbar | is there anyone here that can give me lots of repsitory's, im using dapper64 | 03:39 |
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apokryphos | tibbar: take a look at the FAQ (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions) as linked to in the channel /topic | 03:39 |
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vbgunz | gdiebel: yes, I bet it should but how many loops do I have to jump through to get it to work? I know all the info, something is very wrong. pressing the help button don't do nothing either | 03:39 |
filip_ | Hi! im looking for some kind of plugin for shockwave in kubuntu... where can i find that? | 03:40 |
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gdiebel | vbgunz: what does ifconfig tell you? | 03:40 |
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vbgunz | gdiebel: not sure how to read it but it says no errors, no drops, what would you like to know? | 03:42 |
vbgunz | I cannot paste it as it isn't connected to the network :( | 03:42 |
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gdiebel | vbgunz: chipset? using networkmanager? | 03:43 |
vbgunz | I went through kcontrol and logged in as admin and made the changes | 03:43 |
vlt | Hello. When I copy text from Konqueror and paste it into OpenOffice all the utf8 chars are displayed as if they were 8bit. Where can I set this? | 03:43 |
vbgunz | under network settings | 03:43 |
ziza_ | shouldn't i be able to ping my pc if i connect it with my notebook using a cross-over cable? i have a static ip config on my pc (for internet), can't i ping my pc with the same address or must i use dhcp or something?? | 03:44 |
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ziza_ | eth0 on my notebook is up and it has a ip6 address. hmm maybe that's the problem? | 03:46 |
vlt | ziza_: To check if an ethernet connection is established you can run `sudo ethtoll -i eth0` when wthtoll is installed. | 03:46 |
red22 | i'm getting "could not commit changes" from adept manager when trying to remove compiz-plugins. something about the commit would break packages. how can i uninstall this safely/cleanly please? | 03:46 |
vlt | ziza_: ethtool | 03:46 |
vlt | ziza_: sorry ;-) | 03:46 |
ziza_ | k | 03:46 |
ziza_ | wth is for wireless? | 03:46 |
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vbgunz | gdiebel: this is wild :( | 03:47 |
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vlt | ziza_: No, it should both be ethtool, I repeat ethtool. | 03:47 |
vbgunz | when setting up a wireless card in Kubuntu, is there some other place I should be looking to hook it up other than under network settings? | 03:47 |
vlt | ziza_: (I'm not familiar with this notebook keyboard ;-) | 03:47 |
vlt | vbgunz: You can install knetworkmanagetr | 03:48 |
ziza_ | vlt: i noticed that already hehe | 03:48 |
vlt | vbgunz: damn::knetworkmanager | 03:48 |
red22 | how do i see what packages depend on a specific package? | 03:48 |
gdiebel | vlt: not in his case, he apparently needs to use static ip | 03:48 |
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ziza_ | i get some information, like driver: e100 version: ... firmware-version: N/A bus-info: 0000:0a:08.0 | 03:49 |
vbgunz | vlt? knetworkmanager? | 03:49 |
vbgunz | that comes on the CD? | 03:49 |
gdiebel | vbgunz: nope it has to be downloaded on edgy, will be default for feisty | 03:50 |
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vlt | vbgunz: No. That's why I said install. | 03:50 |
vlt | ziza_: from ethtool? | 03:50 |
vbgunz | damn... | 03:50 |
vlt | ziza_: There's a last line ... | 03:51 |
ziza_ | yes | 03:51 |
ziza_ | bus-info is the last line | 03:51 |
ziza_ | im not connected with the cross-over cable at the moment, by the way | 03:51 |
ziza_ | if i do that, i don't have internet anymore... so it's a little dilemma :) | 03:51 |
vlt | ziza_: Ok. So omit the "-i" | 03:52 |
vlt | ziza_: Oops. | 03:52 |
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vlt | ziza_: So could you describe your probelm again? | 03:52 |
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vbgunz | wow, so right out of the box, Kubuntu has problems setting up a ralink rt2500 card? | 03:52 |
vbgunz | or is it the network manager itself that is messing up? | 03:52 |
gdiebel | vbgunz: you misinterpret what vlt said. network manager is optional | 03:53 |
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ziza_ | ok, link detected: no. i'll run the command again with the cable connected | 03:53 |
ziza_ | i got link detected: yes, so that seems to be fine | 03:54 |
vbgunz | gdiebel: I meant the kcontrol > network settings manager application... <- thats broken? | 03:54 |
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vlt | ziza_: Your PC is static, right? What's on the notebook? | 03:55 |
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dwidmann | hmm, herd2 install seems to be going smoothly | 03:55 |
vbgunz | do I have to restart x, reboot, when I make changes? do I have to enable any services? this is a fresh install, Windows and Gnome are 1,2,3. Kubuntu, I fill out everything the way it should be filled out, it sees my card, I enabled it and disabled the land, sudo apt-get update hangs and then Err's :( | 03:56 |
gdiebel | vbgunz: lets get a few things worked out here. The card should work fine. You mentioned static, are you using encryption on you AP? | 03:56 |
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ziza_ | it's setup default, in fact i'm running a kubuntu live cd, i'm trying to save the partition table and mbr, because i want to do permanent changes on the notebook hd | 03:56 |
=== vlt for about 2 nanoseconds thought "hurd" ... | ||
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vlt | ziza_: Default is dhcp, but you can change this easily. | 03:57 |
ziza_ | when do ifconfig eth0 i see that the NIC has a ip6 address, it doesn't show a ip4 address | 03:57 |
vbgunz | gdiebel: yes, wep, it ASCII, I know it and copy it in, I even tried typing it in *but* without some sort of confirmation, I rather copy it in | 03:57 |
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vlt | ziza_: Just type `sudo ifconfig the.new.ip` on the notebook. | 03:57 |
vlt | ziza_: Just type `sudo ifconfig eth0 the.new.ip` on the notebook. | 03:58 |
ziza_ | ok, but is this gonna remedy the problem that i can't ping the static address of my pc? | 03:58 |
vbgunz | gdiebel: under configure for the card, I have it set to manual > ip address is, netmask is 255.*3.0 | 03:59 |
vlt | ziza_: If you have no ipv4 address defines on the notebook it doesn't know where to send the ping to. | 03:59 |
vlt | ziza_: Even doesn't know which device to take | 03:59 |
vbgunz | gdiebel: essid, I put in the name as if it is case sensitive. I pasted the wep key, the paste is perfect, I select ascii | 03:59 |
ziza_ | ah that sounds plausible :) | 04:00 |
ziza_ | ok gonna disconnect now, and ping my pc | 04:00 |
vbgunz | gdiebel: under advanced, the gateway is (router address) | 04:00 |
gdiebel | vbgunz: if you are troubleshooting, try enabling dhcp on you AP and try getting a lease | 04:00 |
vbgunz | gdiebel: I've tried that so many times :( | 04:00 |
ziza_ | hurray, it responded | 04:01 |
vbgunz | on the next tab, under routes, I again typed in | 04:01 |
ziza_ | thank you so much vtl for helping me :-) | 04:01 |
gdiebel | paste the output of ifconfig to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ | 04:01 |
vlt | ziza_: btw, you can dump your mbr and/or partitions with dd and nc, you know? | 04:01 |
gdiebel | vbgunz: paste the output of ifconfig to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ | 04:01 |
ziza_ | vlt: yep, know that already from the ntfsresize page | 04:01 |
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vlt | So ... when I copy text from Konqueror and paste it into OpenOffice all the utf8 chars are displayed as if they were 8bit. Where can I set this? | 04:03 |
linopil | why is firefox closing on intelcore duo platform some bug? | 04:03 |
gdiebel | linopil: using 64 bit? | 04:04 |
vbgunz | gdiebel: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3348/ | 04:05 |
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kosta | !de | 04:05 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 04:05 |
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vbgunz | gdiebel: really, I think I have everything right. I set this machine up once and took a screenshot of every network settings screen I had to refer to for a fresh install if I ever need to go fresh again *cause* it took me forever to set it up before... this time I followed the screenshots to the T, and I didn't connect, I don't get it :( | 04:08 |
sebbar | how do I use a kde theme once I've installed it? | 04:08 |
Jucato | !changethemes | sebbar | 04:08 |
ubotu | sebbar: [Ubuntu] Install gnome-themes or go to menu, system settings, appearance. [KDE] For a good KDE guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu | 04:08 |
gdiebel | vbgunz: your ra0 is using the have you tried setting your wireless to a different ip? | 04:08 |
BluesKaj | Howdy all :) | 04:09 |
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vbgunz | gdiebel: my machines static IP address should be and my DNS and gateway should be | 04:10 |
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vbgunz | sorry, | 04:10 |
genii | those IP should be reversed | 04:10 |
vbgunz | thats wrong, I said it in reverse | 04:10 |
=== Mythbusters [n=sa@host153-63-dynamic.10-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
vbgunz | I wish I could upload the screenshots but I don't know where to upload the 5 screenshots | 04:11 |
gdiebel | vbgunz: right and your wired interface is using .101. try setting the wireless interface to .102 or something | 04:11 |
=== exel is now known as exel_ | ||
genii | for sharing images use imageshack | 04:11 |
sebbar | trying to configure a kde theme I get: "Can't find X includes. " what am I missing? | 04:11 |
Jucato | sebbar: what KDE Theme is that? | 04:12 |
vbgunz | gdiebel: I did, I tried in the range of 100 to 102, those are the only 3 my router accepts and the other should be taken | 04:12 |
sebbar | Jucato: serenity | 04:12 |
Jucato | sebbar: ah that is not a "theme"...that's a widget style. you need to compile that | 04:12 |
Jucato | sebbar: so you need the xorg-dev and kde-devel packages | 04:12 |
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soulrider | hi | 04:13 |
soulrider | !firewall | 04:13 |
ubotu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 04:13 |
gdiebel | vbgunz: paste images to imageshack.us | 04:13 |
=== ziza_ [n=aziz@chello084112072063.6.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu | ||
vbgunz | gdiebel: ok | 04:14 |
Jucato | !compile | 04:14 |
ubotu | Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 04:14 |
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Jucato | sebbar: use that guide ^^^ | 04:14 |
soulrider | does anyone know if guarddog will accept PeerGuardian blocklists ? | 04:15 |
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=== dwidmann [n=kuja@dpc67142237054.direcpc.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
sebbar | Jucato: I have some broken packages, how do I fix that? | 04:18 |
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ScarFreewill | any knows when herd3 comes out? | 04:20 |
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soulrider | !schedule | ScarFreewill | 04:23 |
ubotu | ScarFreewill: Ubuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Feisty Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule | 04:23 |
linopil | jucato \o | 04:23 |
vbgunz | gdiebel: here are the 4 screenshots of my network settings | 04:24 |
vbgunz | http://img293.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snapshot1zj9.png | 04:24 |
vbgunz | http://img293.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snapshot2ap0.png | 04:24 |
vbgunz | http://img72.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snapshot3ls2.png | 04:24 |
vbgunz | http://img72.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snapshot4ay3.png | 04:24 |
linopil | jucato made a major step downloading main ISO of ubuntu repos to use locally | 04:24 |
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cultJam` | whose jucato? | 04:24 |
linopil | now I must decide on NFS server in LAB right jucato? | 04:24 |
cultJam` | oh nm | 04:25 |
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Jucato | um.. huh? sorry I was afk | 04:25 |
linopil | np | 04:25 |
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=== cultJam` scrolls up .. | ||
linopil | above Jucato | 04:25 |
=== cultJam` *huggles* jucato a bit | ||
Jucato | linopil: um.. I'm sorry... I have no idea... @_@ | 04:25 |
linopil | ha sorry for double meaning | 04:26 |
linopil | k np | 04:26 |
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linopil | anyway local DVD is better than networked apt-get install in cases of meta pckage like kubuntu-desktop | 04:27 |
Jucato | ah yes | 04:28 |
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vbgunz | gdiebel: did you see the snapshots? | 04:29 |
will_ | does anyone have any recommendations on how to diagnose an external hard drive that doesn't want to mount on its own? | 04:29 |
apokryphos | what do you mean? | 04:29 |
apokryphos | does it have an entry in fstab, and is it set to automount? | 04:30 |
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will_ | apokryphos: are you talking to me? | 04:31 |
apokryphos | yes | 04:31 |
will_ | apokryphos: thanks. Im a bit of a newbie to linux. How do I get to fstab? | 04:32 |
apokryphos | will_: take a look at the FAQ (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions) as linked to in the channel /topic | 04:32 |
dwidmann | Hmm,good news for the future ..... "The result is that upgrading from edgy to feisty should be much smoother than from dapper to edgy. | 04:32 |
dwidmann | " | 04:32 |
ScarFreewill | !msql | 04:33 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about msql - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:33 |
ScarFreewill | !mysql | 04:33 |
ubotu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 04:33 |
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Lynoure | Unfortunately that do not help people on dapper, unless there will be a path that skips edgy | 04:33 |
dwidmann | http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/dist-upgrader.png | 04:33 |
filip_ | where can i find a shockwave plugin for firefox? | 04:33 |
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linopil | MBR is 446 or 466 bytes? | 04:34 |
mezza | hello | 04:34 |
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linopil | anyone? exact size of MBR? | 04:35 |
dwidmann | filip: one doesn't exist. | 04:35 |
mezza | i'm a new use on Kubuntu since one month. I have a problem for shutdown my computer, I must allways use my PC button manually :\ | 04:35 |
filip_ | so its not posible to look att shockwave pages with linux? | 04:35 |
dwidmann | I've heard of the possibility of using wine to do it, but I'm not sure how well that would work. | 04:36 |
vbgunz | gdiebel: do you see anything wrong? | 04:36 |
ScarFreewill | !mysql-admin | 04:36 |
ubotu | mysql-admin: GUI tool for intuitive MySQL administration. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.10-1 (edgy), package size 755 kB, installed size 2016 kB | 04:36 |
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Riddell | dwidmann: well.., it's far from complete yet | 04:38 |
dwidmann | Well, always good to see progress | 04:38 |
filip_ | ok, so where can i find a Java runtime enviroment? ive tried with one but firefox can stil not open pages based on java. | 04:38 |
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mezza | someone? | 04:38 |
mezza | I think it's a acpi problem | 04:39 |
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kosta2 | !de | 04:39 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 04:39 |
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vbgunz | can anyone help me setup my ralink rt2500 card on Kubuntu? it is supported but the settings don't work, no mattteer what I do | 04:40 |
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linopil | anyone? exact size of MBR? | 04:41 |
linopil | MBR is 446 or 466 bytes? | 04:41 |
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ziza | 512bytes | 04:41 |
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will_ | hey guys. I've got an external hd connected by usb 2. It used to mount upon plugging it in. Now it doesn't. | 04:42 |
apokryphos | linopil: what's wrong with google? | 04:42 |
apokryphos | will_: have you read the FAQ? | 04:42 |
linopil | nothing apokryphos tipota | 04:42 |
will_ | apokryphos: you're still here. I looked through the FAQ. and didn't find what I was looking for. I found a bunch of info about partititioned internal drives that might be able to be applied to this task by someone who knows what's going on. I don't | 04:43 |
linopil | when on the run asking friends | 04:43 |
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xenophile7x7 | !nickserve | 04:43 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about nickserve - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:43 |
=== xemanth [n=xemanth@dsl-hkigw7-fe1af900-42.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
xenophile7x7 | !nickserv | 04:43 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about nickserv - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:43 |
=== quicken is now known as Kubuntu|Slave | ||
linopil | restarting | 04:43 |
apokryphos | will_: almost anything about internal drives can be applied to the external, yes | 04:43 |
mezza | no one ? | 04:43 |
apokryphos | !anyone | 04:43 |
ubotu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 04:43 |
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Kubuntu|Slave | Help me kopete wont connect to yahoo msgr now :( | 04:44 |
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Kubuntu|Slave | I guessing its yahoo being gay but not sure | 04:44 |
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dwidmann | Kubuntu|slave, could be the fault of a typo? | 04:45 |
Kubuntu|Slave | typo dosnt login | 04:45 |
Kubuntu|Slave | no connection on & off on & off repeatedly | 04:45 |
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Kubuntu|Slave | doesnt say login wrong | 04:45 |
dwidmann | odd. | 04:46 |
Jucato | Yahoo Messenger has been "playful" the past 2 weeks for me too | 04:46 |
Kubuntu|Slave | u mean effin gay :P | 04:46 |
dwidmann | Yeah, that too. | 04:46 |
will_ | apokryphos: I did sudo fdisk -l, and my external drive is not showing up | 04:46 |
Kubuntu|Slave | cus it works fine for windows just not on linux | 04:46 |
apokryphos | will_: is it plugged in and on? | 04:46 |
dwidmann | That all depends on how one defines fine ... | 04:47 |
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will_ | apokryphos: it is a FAT 32 partition. yes, it is on and plugged in | 04:47 |
slyfox | Please help. I have a sound problem. Video and mp3 and general sound work fine, but when it comes to skype or Gizmo, the sound has problems. Whenever I make a call, the sound is like when you have 100% cpu usage and are playing an mp3 file, it has this buzzing noise. Like: "He l l l l l oooo, Wel l l l coooo me to Sk y y yy pppeee tteeesst caaall" Same happens in Gizmo. I trid both - ALSA and OSS (no idea | 04:47 |
slyfox | what they mean though, I am a noob) and both have the same problem. When I look at the cpu usage when making a call, both programs are not using full cpu, they use very little - the normal usage. The sound is still choppy. What is going on? | 04:47 |
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apokryphos | will_: ok. Turn it off, then turn it back on and pastebin me the output of dmesg|tail | 04:47 |
d0uglas_ | gotta scoop some documents off my office windows box, got my kubuntu live cd, want to mount the xp drive. I'm guessing it's nfs or whatever xp uses... iirc, that fs ain't mountable? gotta be fat32? | 04:48 |
will_ | apokryphos: I tried plugging it into a windows box. It recognized it as plugged in and a USB mass storage device (as evidenced by the safely remove hardware app). However, the windows box also didn't mount the drive. | 04:48 |
Kubuntu|Slave | does anyone know if yahoo changed rotocols again? do I have to modify ports in copete to get functioning again | 04:48 |
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Kubuntu|Slave | will_ your deice might be effed up then | 04:48 |
apokryphos | will_: well, let's see what the output is; may be able to get it to work | 04:48 |
Kubuntu|Slave | device* | 04:49 |
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vbgunz | gdiebel: I really need your help, did you fall asleep :( | 04:49 |
will_ | apokryphos: how do I get the output of dmesg|tail? | 04:49 |
apokryphos | will_: type it in a terminal | 04:49 |
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d0uglas_ | how can i mount an xp filesystem (ntfs?) from a live cd boot? | 04:50 |
Kubuntu|Slave | U cant as Iknow, I tried :P | 04:50 |
d0uglas_ | damn. | 04:50 |
apokryphos | d0uglas: are you sure it hasn't already been mounted? | 04:50 |
d0uglas_ | apokryphos: not seeing it from df, /mnt is empty | 04:50 |
Kubuntu|Slave | I am woking on getting a Linux/Xp boot from 1 disk split partitions :) | 04:51 |
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Kubuntu|Slave | u gotta enable it in partition manager | 04:51 |
d0uglas_ | fstab? | 04:51 |
genii | What, mkdir /mnt/tmp && mount -t ntfs /dev/device# /mnt/tmp doesn't do it? | 04:51 |
Kubuntu|Slave | doesnt always work either gives errors | 04:51 |
Jucato | d0uglas_: try to make a temporary mount point "sudo mkdir /media/temp", then "sudo mount /dev/where_ntfs_partition_is /media/temp" ? | 04:51 |
apokryphos | d0uglas: I think ubuntu puts it in /media, but anyhow, just follow the FAQ | 04:51 |
=== apokryphos thinks the FAQ is quite despised, though it's so good =) | ||
Kubuntu|Slave | I use the manager to mount ntfs & gives me errors :( | 04:51 |
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Kubuntu|Slave | I got a prob loading linux after updated last night, says cannot kill Pid 7152 & stays there I had to do a recovery to get in | 04:53 |
d0uglas_ | Sigh.. bunch of ntfs-fs errors | 04:53 |
d0uglas_ | sounds like this ain't gonna happen | 04:53 |
Kubuntu|Slave | as I figured it would douglas | 04:53 |
d0uglas_ | time to call the IT lady | 04:54 |
Kubuntu|Slave | hink there is a script to load ntfs's check ur adept manager | 04:54 |
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d0uglas_ | Kubuntu|Slave: ... screw it ;) thanks anyway fellas | 04:54 |
Kubuntu|Slave | :P | 04:54 |
d0uglas_ | :P ?? i gave you a winky happy face | 04:54 |
yuriy | !ntfs | 04:55 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 04:55 |
yuriy | !ntfs-3g | 04:55 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy) | 04:55 |
ubuntu_ | hello<<<do you know where i can find a french canal | 04:55 |
apokryphos | ubotu: french | 04:55 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 04:55 |
ubuntu_ | okm thank | 04:55 |
d0uglas_ | where do i go for xp help... not efnet i hope | 04:55 |
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Kubuntu|Slave | Not here :P | 04:55 |
Kubuntu|Slave | join computerhelp in undernet | 04:56 |
dwidmann | !windows | 04:56 |
ubotu | For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents | 04:56 |
Kubuntu|Slave | they might help u watch out for chronovore he a moron | 04:56 |
=== manchicken is now known as manchicken|away | ||
will_ | apokryphos: I know this is rediculous, but what pastebin do you like. The kubuntu one seems entirely overloaded. I can't get it to load my paste. | 04:57 |
=== Kubuntu|Slave slaps d0uglas with awnser: undernet computerhelp will help you with XP & its gayness | ||
dwidmann | will_ pastebin.com seems to work fine | 04:58 |
vbgunz | can anybody help me!? | 04:58 |
nuxil | nop | 04:58 |
Kubuntu|Slave | not mentaly we cant :P | 04:58 |
apokryphos | !paste | will_ | 04:58 |
ubotu | will_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 04:58 |
genii | Please, slap him again for me | 04:58 |
M_Fatih | hi is there any applet displays cpu, ram, swap, network action monitor like gnome system monitor applet? | 04:58 |
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frojnd | hello | 04:59 |
Kubuntu|Slave | gnome is evil | 04:59 |
frojnd | what I have to install so I can see cpu T | 04:59 |
rominou | Hello | 04:59 |
Kubuntu|Slave | try ctrl esc to get a taskmanager | 04:59 |
vbgunz | my network settings manager is screwed! on a brand new install, my wireless card will *not* connect to my router! | 04:59 |
frojnd | I wanna se cpu temeprature | 04:59 |
frojnd | temperature* | 04:59 |
=== andreasw [n=andreasw@p54B5F2D7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dwidmann | frojnd: lm-sensors | 04:59 |
will_ | apokryphos: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3361/ | 04:59 |
vbgunz | is the network settings manager buggy!? if it is, can I somehow maybe set all of properties manually!? | 05:00 |
rjb | hi there | 05:00 |
Kubuntu|Slave | If its not smoking or resetting dont worry about the temp :P | 05:00 |
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vbgunz | Kubuntu|Slave: gnome ain't evil, at least it's network settings manager works | 05:00 |
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Kubuntu|Slave | kde works better | 05:00 |
apokryphos | will_: and pastebin sudo fdisk -l if you can | 05:01 |
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rjb | should amarok be able to convert m4a files to mp3 on transfer to a portable player, if mp3 is what the player is configed as supporting? | 05:01 |
Kubuntu|Slave | _will if you dont know how to copy & paste then linux not for u :P | 05:01 |
nuxil | i have installed the nvidia driver. however its slow as hell,, my windows on my desktop are lagging when i move them.. anyone got an idea why? my card is a gforce 8800, it should not lag at all when i move windowses | 05:02 |
apokryphos | Kubuntu|Slave: erm, he quite evidently does. He was talking about the pastebin. | 05:02 |
ninHer | Kubuntu|Slave: the answer is not correct | 05:02 |
dwidmann | !nvidia9 | nuxil | 05:02 |
will_ | apokryphos: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3362/ (its at the bottom) | 05:02 |
ubotu | nuxil: For Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft), you can obtain the (unsupported!) 9746 version of the binary NVidia drivers by using this repository: deb http://nvidia.limitless.lupine.me.uk/ubuntu edgy stable | 05:02 |
dwidmann | !envy | nuxil | 05:02 |
ubotu | nuxil: envy is a Python script that eases installation of the official Nvidia and ATI drivers. Please see http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html . Developers may be interested in https://launchpad.net/products/envy - See also !Nvidia | 05:02 |
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vbgunz | wow, this sucks | 05:02 |
Kubuntu|Slave | ninHer I got n probs with kde network manager, U might need to update to 6.10 | 05:03 |
apokryphos | will_: weird, it seems to complain about some errors with the disk. | 05:03 |
dwidmann | nuxil, you need the nvidia 9746 drivers for the 8800 series card. | 05:03 |
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apokryphos | will_: I recommend filing a bug report about that | 05:03 |
rjb | ..or, which package has a converter that could recode m4a into mp3? | 05:03 |
ninHer | Kubuntu|Slave wrong address | 05:03 |
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nuxil | dwidmann, i installed the 9746 version of the driver | 05:04 |
will_ | apokryphos: is there a disk diagnostic/recovery program that you would recommend? | 05:04 |
nuxil | dwidmann, i used the file from nvidia's site | 05:04 |
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Kubuntu|Slave | then your typing somthing wrong :P ninher ur using gnome its difficult navigation & tools must be exactly set to work | 05:04 |
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dwidmann | nuxil: and, did you run nvidia-xconfig afterwards? | 05:04 |
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nuxil | dwidmann, yes that was run automaticlay | 05:04 |
Kubuntu|Slave | what network ool for gnome you using? | 05:04 |
Kubuntu|Slave | tool* | 05:05 |
ninHer | Kubuntu|Slave i didn't asked for nothing to you | 05:05 |
nuxil | well.. i presses yes when it asked me if i wanted to run it | 05:05 |
dwidmann | nuxil: ouch, guess support for it is still buggy then | 05:05 |
apokryphos | will_: fire up qtparted and see if it detects. If not, then I have no idea tbh, and you'd need to file a bug report. | 05:05 |
nuxil | damn :\ | 05:05 |
dwidmann | nuxil: try asking on the nvidia forums | 05:05 |
Kubuntu|Slave | ninher U asing about netowrking somthing I know much about DONT get rude | 05:05 |
will_ | apokryphos: thanks for your help | 05:05 |
ninHer | Kubuntu|Slave please, review the log.....i did not ask to you anything | 05:06 |
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linopil | cdrom mistakenly mounts to /media/cdrom-1 instead of /media/cdrom after imageing HD | 05:06 |
apokryphos | come on guys, calm down :) | 05:06 |
linopil | meaning this behaviour is on new copy of ubuntu install | 05:06 |
Kubuntu|Slave | Ninher u asked cahnnel for help I am trying to help are you that dense ninher | 05:06 |
apokryphos | Kubuntu|Slave: stop | 05:06 |
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Kubuntu|Slave | :p its ok stupidity will = her kick | 05:07 |
linopil | apokryphos: se parakalo | 05:07 |
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ninHer | Kubuntu|Slave review the log | 05:07 |
nuxil | dwidmann, ok i'll try that envy stuff.. | 05:07 |
nuxil | see how that goes | 05:07 |
Kubuntu|Slave | ninher review me giving you the inger & ignorong stupid ppl :) | 05:08 |
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Kubuntu|Slave | have a lousy day :) | 05:08 |
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apokryphos | linopil: is there a /media/cdrom directory? | 05:08 |
ninHer | thanks a lot apokryphos | 05:08 |
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kelalaka | selam | 05:09 |
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apokryphos | !tr | 05:09 |
ubotu | Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. | 05:09 |
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Kubuntu|Slave_ | Abuser of ops\ | 05:12 |
crazy_penguin | good afternoon | 05:12 |
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frojnd | how can I make file mkdev.sh | 05:15 |
linopil | apokryphos: sorry /cdrom | 05:15 |
frojnd | mk mkdev.sh ? | 05:15 |
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apokryphos | linopil: in the root directory, really /cdrom? | 05:15 |
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linopil | yep apokryphos for some reason this is how it appears in sources.list | 05:17 |
apokryphos | sources.list? Now you're confusing me. | 05:17 |
nuxil | hmm.. dwidmann i noticed another issue.. i cant "ctrl alt Fx" damn crappy driver | 05:17 |
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marilia | OLA | 05:18 |
nuxil | dwidmann, and my screen goes black.. and i cany ctrl alr f7 again to go back | 05:18 |
linopil | maybe I change cdrom in sources.list apokryphos and that'it? | 05:18 |
ninHer | hi marilia | 05:18 |
nuxil | *cant | 05:18 |
apokryphos | linopil: do you really mean sources.list and not fstab? | 05:18 |
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linopil | yes apt-get is asking for edgy cdrom because it appears in sources.list apokryphos | 05:18 |
linopil | k? | 05:19 |
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ninHer | apokryphos:may be he has to erase the deb lines in fstab | 05:19 |
apokryphos | linopil: can you paste me that one entry? | 05:19 |
dwidmann | nuxil, sounds like bugs if I ever heard of 'em, definitely post on the nvidia forums about it, maybe it'll get fixed soon. | 05:19 |
linopil | adept batch opems window asking for ubuntu edgy eft in /cdrom/ | 05:19 |
nuxil | i hope so | 05:19 |
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linopil | k apokryphos | 05:19 |
dwidmann | nuxil: fortunately for me it works fine with my 7900gtx :) | 05:20 |
ninHer | seems like if trying to get the files fron cdrom instead the net | 05:20 |
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linopil | running kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list | 05:20 |
marilia | hey | 05:20 |
nuxil | dwidmann, lucky you :P | 05:20 |
linopil | deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 6.10 _Edgy Eft_ - Release i386 (20061025.1)] / edgy main restricted apokryphos | 05:21 |
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linopil | pasted from sources.list | 05:21 |
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marilia | hello albi | 05:21 |
dwidmann | I think I'm going to catch some Z's .... stayed up all night and it's already noon. The sun is up, and I'm apparently allergic to sunlight anyway. | 05:22 |
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linopil | BTW donloaded DVD main.iso from cargol.net amd hope to insert it in sources.list too apokryphos | 05:22 |
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apokryphos | linopil: and you want the CD rom to be used with apt? | 05:24 |
linopil | only this "" sudo mount /dev/cdrom /cdrom """ helps apokryphos | 05:24 |
linopil | yep and automatically | 05:25 |
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linopil | in general many annoying obstacles to automating kubuntu installations | 05:27 |
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sb9 | anyone of you having problems with nagios ? | 05:27 |
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marilia | hoy | 05:28 |
marilia | hghuxs | 05:28 |
marilia | hgdfszx | 05:28 |
marilia | knjku | 05:28 |
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apokryphos | marilia: what are you doing? | 05:30 |
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red22 | i'm running 6.10 will someone pls look if kdebase is installed... i messed up some packages and am reinstalling as much as i can.. | 05:30 |
red22 | how about kdelibs? | 05:31 |
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CVirus | !mp3 | 05:40 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 05:40 |
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jharonx | maleeeeeeeeeeemmmm | 05:46 |
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snama | hey all whats up? | 05:49 |
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snama | i just want to know how you get up the Katapult dialog | 05:49 |
CVirus | !flash9 | 05:50 |
ubotu | Flash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash | 05:50 |
snama | any1? | 05:50 |
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CVirus | !flash | 05:50 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 05:50 |
snama | whats the main differences between flash 7 and flash 9 ? | 05:50 |
snama | !katapult | 05:50 |
ubotu | katapult is the new application launcher for KDE, to be used with applications, bookmarks, and Amarok playlists. Once you have installed, hit Alt+f2 -> katapult, then hit Alt+Space, and type what you want. | 05:50 |
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lgsobalvarro | ubotu: katapult make the same think that makes Quicksilver on mac :D | 05:52 |
ubotu | katapult: item launcher for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 322 kB, installed size 2716 kB | 05:52 |
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lgsobalvarro | it's possible change the kubuntu's batery monitor with kpowersave ? | 05:56 |
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yossir | The system tray is very cool. The idea that you launch and then receive feedback from the same icon is very cool. | 05:58 |
lgsobalvarro | it's possible change the kubuntu's power manager with kpowersave ? | 05:59 |
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byewindows | I can't close my session in Kubuntu with the menu K | 06:00 |
byewindows | someone know where is the bug? | 06:01 |
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lgsobalvarro | byewindows: why you can't ? | 06:02 |
HymnToLife | byewindows, "I can't do this" doesn't help... | 06:02 |
byewindows | lgsobalvarro: yes, I want to do a K/Deconnection/Shutdown the computer but I have always a black screen | 06:02 |
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byewindows | in menu.lst I have add # defoptions=quiet splash vga=791 acpi=force apm=off resume=/dev/sda5 | 06:03 |
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HymnToLife | byewindows, why did you add all this ? | 06:03 |
lgsobalvarro | it's possible change the kubuntu's power manager with kpowersave ? | 06:04 |
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HymnToLife | !repeat | lgsobalvarro | 06:05 |
ubotu | lgsobalvarro: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 06:05 |
byewindows | HymnToLife: cause I have read http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=75550#p587257 | 06:05 |
byewindows | HymnToLife: do you have an another idea? a solution? | 06:06 |
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lgsobalvarro | HymnToLife: it's a simple question, not a wiki question or something like that | 06:08 |
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Balsamic_Chicken | can open office be installed on windows? if so, could someone give the download address, thx | 06:12 |
HymnToLife | Balsamic_Chicken, yes, you can download the installer from openoffice.org | 06:13 |
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Balsamic_Chicken | HymnToLife thx | 06:13 |
lgsobalvarro | Balsamic_Chicken: of course it's an oppen office version for windows, download it frim openoffice.org | 06:13 |
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Balsamic_Chicken | Igsobalvarro thx =) | 06:14 |
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slyfox | Please help. I have a sound problem. Video and mp3 and general sound work fine, but when it comes to skype or Gizmo, the sound has problems. Whenever I make a call, the sound is like when you have 100% cpu usage and are playing an mp3 file, it has this buzzing noise. Like: "He l l l l l oooo, Wel l l l coooo me to Sk y y yy pppeee tteeesst caaall" Same happens in Gizmo. I trid both - ALSA and OSS (no idea | 06:14 |
slyfox | what they mean though, I am a noob) and both have the same problem. When I look at the cpu usage when making a call, both programs are not using full cpu, they use very little - the normal usage. The sound is still choppy. What is going on? | 06:14 |
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d0uglas_ | The Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG wifi adapter.. any known issues with wpa? | 06:18 |
andriijas | is there any alternatives to vmware? open source preferable | 06:18 |
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BluesKaj | anyone using pysoulseek here.. need the python vorbis bindings , but google can't find them | 06:22 |
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Sanne | andriijas: there's qemu | 06:23 |
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akrus | what's an option like FollowSymLinks for proftpd? | 06:25 |
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gustav_ | hi, I have a problem. I just installed the ati drivers with their graphical installer and it worked fine. And in my xorg.conf i have the fglrx driver under devices. But one I use glxinfo | grep direct to see if I have direct rendering it returns no | 06:25 |
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gustav_ | any one have an idea what I should do to activate direct rendering | 06:26 |
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Mo-Z | ok... a bit of networkproblem... after changing to a WiFi router at home (connectet via dsl cable to kubuntubox), all internetsurfing has been slower... anyone knows y? | 06:27 |
gustav_ | i'm using 6.10 kubuntu | 06:27 |
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Sanne | gustav_: I don't have an ati card, so I can't really help, but give you the link to the wiki page, in case you didn't find it already: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI | 06:28 |
BluesKaj | gustav,https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#head-c966b2cb7c82944d6883f27a2896725db3b90a3a | 06:29 |
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Mo-Z | how to reconfigure internetconnedtion maybe? | 06:30 |
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gustav_ | I don't have to uninstall the old driver then? | 06:31 |
darthdual | Does anyone know how to adjust the xfree configuration on ubuntu | 06:31 |
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linopil | !aiglx | 06:34 |
ubotu | AIGLX (Accelerated Indirect GLX) is an open source project founded by the X.Org Foundation and the Fedora Core Linux community to allow accelerated indirect GLX rendering capabilities to X.org and DRI drivers. This allows remote X clients to get fully hardware accelerated rendering over the GLX protocol. Head to #ubuntu-xgl for support. | 06:34 |
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slyfox | Anyone here uses Skype or Gizmo ? | 06:35 |
timster | Can you get a skype alternative? | 06:35 |
timster | Heh | 06:35 |
slyfox | timster: I tried Gizmo, same problem there | 06:35 |
timster | Or does skype work with linux | 06:35 |
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slyfox | timster: proabbly problem with ALSA, do you know anything about ALSA ? | 06:36 |
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timster | No | 06:36 |
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jmichaelx | does anyone in here have amarok working well with an ipod? i have a 30G ipod video, and amarok crashes any time i attempt to add a track to the ipod. it will, however, play music from the ipod. | 06:37 |
gustav_ | hehe sry I restarted my xserver can you post the link to the guide for the ati drivers again | 06:38 |
gustav_ | I'll put a bookmark on it this time | 06:38 |
Ignite | timster: skype withs with Linux. | 06:38 |
Ignite | :) | 06:38 |
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zany | hallo | 06:39 |
Ignite | withs with Linux... | 06:39 |
Ignite | doesn't look right. | 06:39 |
Ignite | works* | 06:39 |
Ignite | <_< | 06:39 |
Ignite | Hallo zany | 06:39 |
Ignite | :) | 06:39 |
lgsobalvarro | slyfox: do you use kopete? do you try the extra skype-plugin for kopete? | 06:39 |
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slyfox | lgsobalvarro: no idea that such plugin exists | 06:40 |
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Ignite | I wonder if the Linux version of Skype has caught up yet... | 06:40 |
slyfox | lgsobalvarro: can kopete talk say to yahoo messenger or google talk ? | 06:40 |
Ignite | I believe it works with Google Talk. | 06:40 |
Ignite | Not sure about Yahoo.. | 06:40 |
=== Ignite is desperate to talk to people | ||
Bxnp-away | slyfox: are you talking voice | 06:41 |
slyfox | Bxnp-away: yes | 06:41 |
gustav_ | Can anyone please scroll up and paste the url to the ati guide again :) | 06:41 |
Bxnp-away | key | 06:41 |
gustav_ | it was posted like 5-10min ago | 06:41 |
Bxnp-away | ehm that i dont know | 06:41 |
slyfox | Bxnp-away: can kopete sign in into google talk and just chat ? | 06:41 |
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jmichaelx | i didn't know that kopete could do google talk at all | 06:42 |
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Bxnp-away | yes, and to yahoo messagenger | 06:42 |
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Ignite | gustav_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI | 06:42 |
lgsobalvarro | slyfox: it's an extra plugin that works with skype. It's in extragear.kde.org | 06:42 |
gustav_ | Ignite: thank you :) | 06:43 |
lgsobalvarro | it's possible change the kubuntu's power manager with kpowersave ? | 06:43 |
slyfox | I think I found a problem, need you peple to stay with me and her to what I think it is | 06:43 |
Bxnp-away | but with this plugin you need skype to be installed slyfox | 06:43 |
Ignite | gustav_: np :) | 06:43 |
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jthomas | good day, kubunteurs! anyone seen the new Mandriva with Metisse? Its great! Anyone know if Metisse will be built for Kubuntu? | 06:44 |
jmichaelx | is there a goog kubuntu package for finding and changing xp pro passwords? :-D | 06:44 |
jmichaelx | *ubuntu | 06:44 |
jthomas | the liveCD STD has that built in, as does Ultimate Boot CD | 06:45 |
jthomas | not sure about *ubuntu | 06:45 |
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slyfox | I think it has to do with my laptop intel centrino mobile processor. It is set to be on dynamic switching, so most of the time it runs on 800Mhz, and can go up to 2.0Ghz. You know how laptop cpus work. Now, when I make a skype call I get this sound probelm of l aa aggg g ... But if I start to drag and move around skype window on my screen, the CPU speeds up and the voice becomes normal. so it seems that skype is | 06:45 |
slyfox | lacking cpu when it makes the call, somehow it is not getting enough power ... ? | 06:45 |
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bronze_0_1 | slyfox: change your power management profile | 06:46 |
slyfox | bronze_0_1: where do I acces it ? | 06:46 |
bronze_0_1 | your cpu is being throttled down | 06:46 |
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bronze_0_1 | dunno, i don't have a Kubuntu laptop | 06:46 |
bronze_0_1 | I have a centos laptop | 06:47 |
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bronze_0_1 | somewhere under system settings | 06:47 |
bronze_0_1 | probably "laptops and power: | 06:47 |
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slyfox | bronze_0_1: I dont see anything liek that | 06:48 |
bronze_0_1 | startmenu | 06:49 |
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konki | helllo channel | 06:49 |
bronze_0_1 | just above the actions section - "system settings" => second row "hardware choose "laptops and power" | 06:49 |
=== timster [n=tim@cpc3-sout6-0-0-cust112.sotn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bronze_0_1 | cant get you any closer. Its all disablesd in mine. | 06:50 |
slyfox | bronze_0_1: Where is it ? http://img487.imageshack.us/img487/5730/snapshot1qy8.jpg | 06:51 |
jthomas | click "Advanced" in the top left | 06:51 |
jthomas | you're running 6.10 which has a different layout | 06:51 |
akrus | how to extract files from RPM? | 06:52 |
jthomas | slyfox: click Advanced | 06:52 |
bronze_0_1 | slyfox, yeah try advanced. Mine doesn't have the tabs at the top. | 06:52 |
slyfox | jthomas: http://img167.imageshack.us/img167/9625/snapshot2oy1.jpg | 06:52 |
slyfox | bronze_0_1: not there http://img167.imageshack.us/img167/9625/snapshot2oy1.jpg | 06:52 |
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konki | so i newly installed kubuntu.. and i guess i'm supposed to have office math in my office folder | 06:53 |
konki | but it is not shown | 06:53 |
bronze_0_1 | slyfox: are you logged in as root? | 06:53 |
jthomas | lol hmmm dunno | 06:53 |
konki | any ideas on how to access it? | 06:53 |
jthomas | bronze_0_1: cannot login as Root to *ubuntu | 06:53 |
bronze_0_1 | sur you can | 06:53 |
slyfox | bronze_0_1: no, I am logged in as the user which I have created upon Kubuntu install | 06:53 |
jthomas | konki try [alt] [f2] to run a program, and then try its name | 06:54 |
jthomas | if not, open Adept and search for it to be sure its installed | 06:54 |
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jthomas | slyfox: look in Adept to see if KDE laptop stuff is installed | 06:54 |
konki | will try | 06:54 |
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jthomas | konki i have K6.06 and its not in my default install... is it OOo application? | 06:55 |
bronze_0_1 | slyfox: traverse thru all the tabs and see if there is any thing related rto power or power management | 06:56 |
bronze_0_1 | or power profiles | 06:56 |
bronze_0_1 | it itd there it will be asuy to find | 06:56 |
bronze_0_1 | *easy | 06:56 |
=== taller [n=taller@7.Red-213-98-159.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
slyfox | jthomas: yes and ACPI is working, and all applciaitons are working fine, meaning when they need more cpu they get it. But not skype or gizmo. Strange I had my previous dual boot isntallation of Kubunut 6.10 and Skype was workng fine. | 06:56 |
konki | alright.. that worked.. after i figured out that the command was ooffice -math | 06:56 |
konki | what if i wouldn't have been able to figure that out | 06:56 |
konki | like wine.. i think i successfully installed wine via aptitude | 06:57 |
konki | but now i'm not sure what to do | 06:57 |
konki | i'm a new linux user.. kinda lost | 06:57 |
Ignite | konki: just click on any windows exe files, they should open with wine. | 06:57 |
konki | cool | 06:57 |
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slyfox | bronze_0_1: there is a search and search gives no results for pwer | 06:57 |
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Ignite | konki: if you want to configure wine settings, like windows version and themes, just run winecfg | 06:58 |
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Bxnp-away | and donkt make the same mistake some other guy on this channel made konki, trying to insatll itunes, check out at http://www.postproductie.nl cause spyware does exist ahahahah | 06:58 |
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jthomas | OOo math can prob be accessed just by opening OOo and then choosing New Math from the File menu | 06:59 |
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Mo-Z | how to reconfigure eth0 in kubuntu? | 07:01 |
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LjL | Mo-Z: system settings / network settings | 07:01 |
gustav_ | victory the ati drivers is working :) | 07:02 |
Ignite | Lol I thought it'd be obvious that if you enable your Linux machine to run Windows software you're opening the door to all kinds of nasty things. >_> | 07:02 |
=== Ignite goes back to coding | ||
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konki | i guess that would make sense | 07:03 |
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konki | like i said.. i'm a new user.. i cam | 07:03 |
konki | woops | 07:03 |
Ignite | :) | 07:04 |
konki | can't say i have a problem with windows.. i just wanted to see what linux was all about | 07:04 |
LjL | few viruses are known to work successfully in WINE | 07:04 |
konki | good to know | 07:04 |
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|S^S^AWAY| | since when do viruses function on linux:P | 07:04 |
Ignite | I'd run ClamAV though, just incase. | 07:04 |
jthomas | from OpenOffice, select New FORMULA to open OOo Math... yeah *that* makes sense! | 07:05 |
konki | now how would i tell if i even have that installed? | 07:05 |
konki | i don't see a whole lot of anything in add/remove | 07:05 |
=== |S^S^AWAY| is now known as Soul^Reaver | ||
LjL | |S^S^AWAY|: since ever. there are linux viruses, though few of them and probably none in the wild, and there is no conceptual reason why Windows viruses wouldn't run in WINE | 07:05 |
lgsobalvarro | it's possible change the kubuntu's power manager with kpowersave ? | 07:05 |
jthomas | KlamAV is the KDE front for ClamAV; again, look in Adept to see if the app is there | 07:05 |
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LjL | although shortcomings of WINE make that unlikely | 07:05 |
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Soul^Reaver | yeah but viruse for windows cant survive in linux enviroment :P | 07:06 |
Soul^Reaver | close wine kill virus :) | 07:06 |
=== annak [n=annak@adsl-ull-60-191.42-151.net24.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
konki | question: is there a shortcut key for a terminal window? | 07:06 |
=== Dr_willis uses wine to install malware, to see where it puts stuff. | ||
Soul^Reaver | :) | 07:06 |
Soul^Reaver | intresting | 07:07 |
LjL | Soul^Reaver: for that matter, shut down Windows and kill virus... nobody says it hasn't already damaged your files, used the network or something, though. | 07:07 |
Dr_willis | konki, ya may want to install that YaQuake (i think) terminal. it lets a terminal popdown like a quake console. | 07:07 |
konki | seems as much as it's used there should be one | 07:07 |
Dr_willis | !info yakuake | 07:07 |
ubotu | yakuake: Yet Another Kuake, KDE terminal emulator. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7.5-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 67 kB, installed size 488 kB | 07:07 |
Dr_willis | konki, err... i just leave a terminal open. :) | 07:07 |
Soul^Reaver | nah linux enviromen & commands incompatible decides viruses cant do much in normal access | 07:07 |
Ignite | I make heavy use of alt+f2 | 07:07 |
Dr_willis | or add that little command applet to the panel. | 07:08 |
Soul^Reaver | or put terminal in desktop as shortcut :) | 07:08 |
konki | good idea | 07:08 |
Dr_willis | or use that Katapult feature.. | 07:08 |
konki | i used to use this program called eConsole for windows.. it's a transparent console window.. know of any like that for linux | 07:08 |
LjL | Soul^Reaver: a WINE program can very well, say, delete files from your home. there's absolutely nothing stopping it from doing that. | 07:08 |
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Dr_willis | konki, your description is sort of vague :) theres ways to get transparent 'terminal windows' on the desktop under linux. | 07:09 |
konki | elaborate | 07:09 |
=== Jose [n=Josr@dsl-trebrasgw1-fea0fa00-42.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Soul^Reaver | ljl a microsoft virus would'nt know how too nor understand the pah, It would try c:\home & fail | 07:09 |
Dr_willis | konki, then theres the 100+ karamba applets that can do a lot of eye candy things. | 07:09 |
Dr_willis | Soul^Reaver, that would be the least of the problems. :) | 07:09 |
konki | karamba | 07:09 |
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Soul^Reaver | path* | 07:09 |
konki | let me try that | 07:09 |
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Dr_willis | !info superkaramba | 07:09 |
ubotu | superkaramba: a program based on karamba improving the eyecandy of KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 515 kB, installed size 1408 kB | 07:09 |
Alzi2 | On kubuntu, how do you add Dutch to your list of translations on KDE? | 07:10 |
Soul^Reaver | I know how virus code works :P I dicected a few & make em destroy themsleves | 07:10 |
Dr_willis | !info rootterminal | 07:10 |
ubotu | Package rootterminal does not exist in any distro I know | 07:10 |
LjL | Soul^Reaver: my (default, iirc) WINE install has Z: mapped to the root filesystem. don't see why a virus wouldn't try writing in there | 07:10 |
carlos__ | holass | 07:10 |
carlos__ | como estan | 07:10 |
LjL | and D: mapped as /home for that matter | 07:10 |
Soul^Reaver | a virus could only damage the virtual windows path :P | 07:10 |
LjL | !es | carlos__ | 07:10 |
Dr_willis | !es | 07:10 |
ubotu | carlos__: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda. | 07:10 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda. | 07:10 |
Dr_willis | heh | 07:10 |
LjL | Soul^Reaver: don't see why | 07:10 |
Soul^Reaver | it can wrte too root but wont function path names & even frmat incompatible | 07:11 |
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Soul^Reaver | windows uses c cobalt vb & other code | 07:11 |
LjL | Soul^Reaver: nonsense, Z:\home\ljl\thesis.odt is as a windows compliant path as it gets | 07:11 |
bronze_0_1 | slyfox: just got back. I meant for you to search the tabs by hand, cleack each item and read it | 07:11 |
LjL | what? what does that have to do with anything? | 07:11 |
bronze_0_1 | *click | 07:11 |
Soul^Reaver | yes it will write to Z: u kill wine & removes that path | 07:11 |
konki | alright.. so i'd like to install karamba.. and i tried "aptitude install karamba" | 07:11 |
konki | didn't work | 07:12 |
Soul^Reaver | a virtual drive can be remade & virus gone | 07:12 |
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LjL | Soul^Reaver: yes, and my files are gone meanwhile | 07:12 |
Dr_willis | !apt-get | 07:12 |
ubotu | APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) | 07:12 |
Dr_willis | !info karamba | 07:12 |
ubotu | karamba: A program improving the eyecandy of KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.17-5.1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 68 kB, installed size 308 kB | 07:12 |
konki | it's just the only way i've installed anything so far | 07:12 |
LjL | Soul^Reaver: that's NOT virtual! that's my HOME directory! | 07:12 |
konki | alright | 07:12 |
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Dr_willis | its in 'universe' repository | 07:12 |
LjL | there's nothing virtual in /home/ljl | 07:12 |
Soul^Reaver | just remake path & re d/l files :P | 07:12 |
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=== Floopy_ [n=Floopy@eta91-1-82-227-10-76.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Dr_willis | !info superkaramba | 07:12 |
ubotu | superkaramba: a program based on karamba improving the eyecandy of KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 515 kB, installed size 1408 kB | 07:12 |
LjL | Soul^Reaver: ..... | 07:12 |
LjL | you know people sometimes *create* files and not download them? | 07:12 |
konki | how do i get to universe repository | 07:12 |
LjL | like, the entire goal of using a computer | 07:13 |
LjL | Ubotu, tell konki about universe | konki, see the private message from Ubotu | 07:13 |
slyfox | bronze_0_1: do you know what can I use in Kubuntu to cause high cpu load? I want to see if my cpu will speed up ? | 07:13 |
Soul^Reaver | microsoft viruses cannot survive in a linux enviroment u kill wine u kill virii no damage done | 07:13 |
=== gemidjy [n=gemidjy@unaffiliated/gemidjy] has joined #kubuntu | ||
LjL | ok just keep repeating yourself that | 07:13 |
Soul^Reaver | well wine is also unstable so might be just wine failed also | 07:14 |
Dr_willis | Soul^Reaver, this whole discussion is like a broken pencil... pointless.. | 07:14 |
bronze_0_1 | slyfox: try some GUI games | 07:14 |
LjL | which is what i've been saying from the beginning. | 07:14 |
=== frenris [n=frenris@bas12-toronto12-1096587298.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
LjL | 99% of viruses don't work *because* of WINE glitches. | 07:14 |
Soul^Reaver | Ljl dont listen to fact | 07:14 |
LjL | other points are moot. | 07:14 |
=== leileilol [n=Hsi@c-75-68-37-174.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
konki | is 6.10 upward compatible with 6.06? | 07:15 |
Dr_willis | and that fact that most viruses these days are very specific to a specific program/exploit. that wine may or may not even be running.. :) | 07:15 |
Dr_willis | !universe | 07:15 |
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ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 07:15 |
Soul^Reaver | as one who at one time used to make viruses, I know how they work ljl :) | 07:15 |
Alzi2 | How to access the 'Session manager' configuration in kubuntu? | 07:15 |
Soul^Reaver | should be in the menu | 07:15 |
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konki | gives directions for 6.06.. i'm assuming i can use those for 6.10 | 07:15 |
Alzi2 | Not in the system config. | 07:15 |
Alzi2 | Found it. | 07:16 |
Dr_willis | !repo | 07:16 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 07:16 |
Dr_willis | Hmm.. those shoudl of been updated by now. | 07:16 |
Dr_willis | I always use the !easysource stuff anyway | 07:16 |
Dr_willis | !easysource | 07:16 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 07:16 |
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Soul^Reaver | dont forget if u find sumthing make shortcut to desktop or kpanel to find easy again :) | 07:17 |
Soul^Reaver | wonder if wine will work with EUdemons online :? | 07:18 |
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Soul^Reaver | hhmmm wine dont come with kubuntu 6.10 :( | 07:20 |
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Soul^Reaver | !wine | 07:20 |
ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 07:20 |
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konki | yup | 07:21 |
Soul^Reaver | I hear there other programs suposidly better then wine, ne1 remember the name? | 07:21 |
Dr_willis | when in doubt... read the beginner guides.. :) | 07:21 |
Dr_willis | wine, cedega, crossover-office | 07:21 |
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jthomas | anyone know about running Metisse in Kubuntu? | 07:21 |
Dr_willis | then ya got the vmware/qemu/other emulator methods | 07:21 |
Soul^Reaver | ah cedega is it | 07:21 |
konki | i got the adept manager downloading something | 07:21 |
Dr_willis | Cedega is not free. | 07:21 |
Soul^Reaver | !cedega | 07:21 |
ubotu | cedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega | 07:21 |
Soul^Reaver | used to be | 07:22 |
Dr_willis | But it does seem to work very well. | 07:22 |
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konki | not sure exactally how it's working.. but it's working.. right clicked/added multiverse/applied | 07:22 |
Dr_willis | the CVS version is 'free' | 07:22 |
Soul^Reaver | well Ihave to find a full version of torrent huh :P | 07:22 |
Dr_willis | No not really | 07:22 |
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Dr_willis | go pay your $5 or use the cvs. or normal wine.. | 07:22 |
Soul^Reaver | bah | 07:23 |
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Dr_willis | 'egads' you may have to go with out a soda pop.. for a day or 3..... | 07:23 |
Dr_willis | ;) | 07:23 |
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Dr_willis | work time for me.. bye | 07:24 |
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Soul^Reaver | pencil dick :p I might have to go without food 3 days :( anyway I using edy can I load cedega on n edgy system? | 07:25 |
Soul^Reaver | adgy* | 07:25 |
Soul^Reaver | edgy* damn Keyboard | 07:25 |
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hanso | ohh. now my sound doesn't work and Kmix says that it can't find sound mixer. what can I do? | 07:26 |
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blue|palm | NEED URGENT HELP: Just started porting my Python Program I had written in windows over to linux on kubuntu, but from programming in eclipse I try to compile the program, only to discover that eclipse is running the python interpreter as a standard user (not as sudo/root as i need it to be) This is simply because my Python program needs to read and write from disk. Somebody please help here!!! | 07:28 |
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apokryphos | !caps | blue|palm | 07:28 |
ubotu | blue|palm: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 07:28 |
blue|palm | sorry | 07:28 |
blue|palm | for shouting | 07:29 |
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LjL | you may always run the interpreter and thus your program from a shell i suppose | 07:29 |
blue|palm | yeah i could, but then debugging is a pain... | 07:29 |
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Soul^Reaver | Why can I not D/l Cedega cvs? all this crap explaiing it no d/l | 07:29 |
surgy | hi | 07:30 |
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hatta | Soul^Reaver, try this | 07:30 |
hatta | http://ting.homeunix.org/cvs_wine/GetWineX.html | 07:30 |
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blue|palm | ok i managed to fix it by running eclipse as sudo... sorry for shouting again | 07:31 |
Soul^Reaver | eerrr I lookin for cedega :P | 07:31 |
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LjL | !cedega | Soul^Reaver | 07:33 |
ubotu | Soul^Reaver: cedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega | 07:33 |
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surgy | how do i format an ntfs hdd into an ext3 hdd from within KDE? | 07:35 |
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Soul^Reaver | use partition manager | 07:36 |
surgy | soul: which is where? | 07:36 |
user-land | Hello, every time my Kubuntu tries to access a file, i get "Could not find mime type application/octet-stream" | 07:36 |
timster | How can i set it so it is not required to set a password? | 07:37 |
LjL | "it" what? | 07:37 |
timster | KDE | 07:37 |
Soul^Reaver | surgy in menu | 07:37 |
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timster | I have accouts set to log in without passwords but it sais you must set one | 07:37 |
Soul^Reaver | kde menu system settings | 07:37 |
txwikinger | logon manager | 07:37 |
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surgy | soul reaver ok thnx | 07:38 |
kristjan | !ventrilo | 07:38 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ventrilo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:38 |
Soul^Reaver | there 2 tabs click on advanced tab] | 07:38 |
LjL | timster: system settings / advanced / login manager / convenience | 07:38 |
=== Alarm [n=rock@ppp80-63.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Alarm | hello. whats the best way to check my filesystem AND check my partition for general errors ? i saw fsck , but dont know what parameters to use actually . or if it would be better to restart and get into recovery mode to do that fsck | 07:38 |
timster | Yes, but when i log in it sais I must set a password | 07:38 |
=== dreameen [n=dreameen@cpc1-barn5-0-0-cust508.brnt.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
LjL | i don't quite know what you're talking about honestly | 07:39 |
dreameen | hey folks | 07:39 |
dreameen | are there an good napster clients on linux? | 07:39 |
timster | When i go log on it sais you must set a new password | 07:39 |
timster | the root requires you set a password | 07:39 |
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LjL | Alarm: never run fsck on a mounted filesystem, except in read-only mode. besides that, fsck checks the filesystem, but i don't know what you mean by "checking the partition" | 07:40 |
LjL | timster: error please | 07:40 |
Soul^Reaver | wtf root pass diffrent fom my pass? I cant su :( | 07:40 |
timster | Let me check again | 07:40 |
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LjL | Soul^Reaver: no, the root password is not different, it simply isn't there, and no, you can't "su" | 07:41 |
Alarm | LjL, well, when starting kubuntu (while it was showing the loading bar) , it started showing me some fsck correction and on one of them did fail, but finally booted into kubuntu. the point is i dont know where i can find the log file to see what failed or how to fix those errors | 07:41 |
LjL | Ubotu, tell Soul^Reaver about root | Soul^Reaver, see the private message from Ubotu | 07:41 |
apokryphos | Soul^Reaver: all in the FAQ :) | 07:42 |
LjL | Alarm: /var/log/fsck/ | 07:42 |
=== Hail_Spacecake [n=greg@adsl-68-122-3-112.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Hail_Spacecake | why in god's name does kubuntu not come with 'make' by default? | 07:42 |
Soul^Reaver | Yeah I cannot sudo a ./ command | 07:42 |
Hail_Spacecake | and how do I get it without an internet connection? | 07:42 |
Soul^Reaver | mine does | 07:42 |
LjL | Ubotu, tell Hail_Spacecake about build-essential | Hail_Spacecake, see the private message from Ubotu | 07:43 |
Soul^Reaver | ubotu tel ljl STFU :) | 07:43 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tel ljl STFU :) - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:43 |
LjL | Hail_Spacecake: i might be mistaken but i believed the necessary packages to be on the CD | 07:43 |
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=== mode/#kubuntu [-o apokryphos] by apokryphos | ||
Alarm | LjL, well, i want to make that fsck again to see if everything is now ok. as i saw (from what i noticed actually one of my files that i had was deleted, dont know if others did as well... | 07:43 |
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Soul^Reaver | wtf?? | 07:43 |
apokryphos | Soul^Reaver: please watch your language and be polite in this channel. | 07:43 |
Hail_Spacecake | what is this? | 07:44 |
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Hail_Spacecake | "do I really need to compile?" | 07:44 |
Soul^Reaver | apok I am being nice | 07:44 |
Hail_Spacecake | yes, damnit! | 07:44 |
LjL | Ubotu, tell Alarm about fsck | Alarm, see the private message from Ubotu | 07:44 |
=== rene [n=rene@AMontpellier-251-1-40-205.w81-251.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
LjL | !stfu | Soul^Reaver | 07:44 |
ubotu | Soul^Reaver: Words like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period. | 07:44 |
apokryphos | Hail_Spacecake: what is what? | 07:44 |
Alzi2 | Guys, why is the Universal Sidebar so slow? | 07:45 |
Hail_Spacecake | the page on why ubuntu doesn't come with it by default | 07:45 |
Soul^Reaver | ljl then dont use ur stupid bot to talk to me prvmsg me | 07:45 |
Hail_Spacecake | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware | 07:45 |
Alarm | okie , thanks . LjL u dont suggest it ? | 07:45 |
Soul^Reaver | u wanna say somthing talk on chan | 07:45 |
LjL | Hail_Spacecake: well, it just doesn't. anyway is it on the CD or not? if it is, as i believed, the problem is non existant | 07:45 |
apokryphos | Soul^Reaver: the bot is an asset to the channel, and is a convenient way for storing a lot of the fequently asked questions and their solutions. | 07:46 |
Sanne | Hail_Spacecake: "do you need to compile" is for people (there are lots) who think they have to compile everything and who don't know about how to install from the repositories. | 07:46 |
apokryphos | Soul^Reaver: so, please deal with it :) | 07:46 |
LjL | Soul^Reaver: alright, then let me say something "on chan": you can use the /ignore command if you don't like the bot. mind that very few people will be willing to help you if you do that. | 07:46 |
Soul^Reaver | a bot is retarded whrn u try to type & it cuts u off | 07:46 |
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LjL | well, in some cases one certainly *tries* to type. not sure why it'd cut you off though | 07:46 |
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capyes_ | hola | 07:47 |
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apokryphos | Soul^Reaver: please do not use that word to denote something bad. I'm not going to warn you about language again... | 07:47 |
jthomas | maybe because u'r not using "you" ;) | 07:47 |
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konki | why would packages automatically be kept back? | 07:47 |
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surgy | i dont see "partition manager" in system settings | 07:47 |
Soul^Reaver | Apok u banned me for not using no langauge & handing it kindly last time, SO take your abuse elsewhere | 07:47 |
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Soul^Reaver | surgy the blue K | 07:47 |
Soul^Reaver | not in a sub menu | 07:48 |
Soul^Reaver | just in menu says system settings | 07:48 |
apokryphos | no ban, it was a kick | 07:48 |
surgy | yea but i dont see "partition manager" in any menus or system settings | 07:48 |
kishore | Hi I have fiesty installed in a seperate partition. There kcontrol does not list all modules | 07:48 |
Soul^Reaver | its in advanced tab | 07:49 |
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Soul^Reaver | Apok not hat time | 07:49 |
kishore | instead they are found under lost & found menu! any idea why? | 07:49 |
apokryphos | Soul^Reaver: yes it was :) | 07:49 |
slow-motion | hallo | 07:49 |
Soul^Reaver | there are 2 tabs surgey above the panel says normal & advanced | 07:49 |
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=== Soul^Reaver is now known as Kubuntu|slave | ||
surgy | you mean disks and filesystems? | 07:50 |
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linopil | !aiglx | 07:50 |
ubotu | AIGLX (Accelerated Indirect GLX) is an open source project founded by the X.Org Foundation and the Fedora Core Linux community to allow accelerated indirect GLX rendering capabilities to X.org and DRI drivers. This allows remote X clients to get fully hardware accelerated rendering over the GLX protocol. Head to #ubuntu-xgl for support. | 07:50 |
harmental | does anybody use Xemacs? | 07:50 |
timster | For some reason, i cant log into adept on any settings except the account created with kubuntu | 07:51 |
Alzi2 | How to make those alerts that appear at the top, be smaller and not-so-gray? | 07:51 |
=== Alarm [n=rock@ppp80-63.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Alarm | !fsck | 07:51 |
ubotu | fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot | 07:51 |
timster | !skype | 07:52 |
ubotu | To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto | 07:52 |
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soul^reaver | surgy there general & advanced tab | 07:53 |
soul^reaver | click on advanced tab | 07:53 |
soul^reaver | u will see partition manage there | 07:53 |
surgy | yes and im in advanced tab/ disks and filesystem | 07:53 |
surgy | ok | 07:53 |
soul^reaver | yeah thats it | 07:53 |
timster | Can i replace controll center with kcontrol? | 07:53 |
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=== mode/#kubuntu [+b *!*@adsl-153-57-13.mia.bellsouth.net] by apokryphos | ||
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surgy | soul reaver but no partitioning tools in disks and filesystem | 07:54 |
LjL | control center *is* kcontrol | 07:54 |
timster | can i replaceSystem Settings with Kconrol? | 07:54 |
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surgy | oh well ill get a third party tool i gues | 07:54 |
LjL | timster: yes and no | 07:54 |
kishore | timster, yes you can | 07:54 |
LjL | timster: you can't "replace" it, but you can use kcontrol quite fine | 07:54 |
timster | Can i put kcontrol on the menu? | 07:55 |
LjL | timster: personally i suggest that you right click on the panel, "Add applet", and choose "Settings" | 07:55 |
LjL | timster: that will give you a menu with all the kcontrol applets listed | 07:55 |
kishore | well asuming you mean the kmenu entry.. yes you can.. :-) | 07:55 |
LjL | timster: you most certainly can add it to the menu if you like, just like any other program | 07:55 |
LjL | just right click on the K menu and menu editor | 07:55 |
sorush20 | hi | 07:55 |
kishore | in feisty im having a lilproblem with kcontrol | 07:56 |
sorush20 | I'm making a zip file .. is it possible to select a higher compression level or not ? | 07:56 |
sorush20 | using ark | 07:56 |
kishore | most of the modules are not listed | 07:56 |
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Hail_Spacecake | what is the name of the package with make I need to be searching for? build-essentials? | 07:57 |
timster | My screensave is rubish! I have a gforce graphics card, how come it comes out so badd? | 07:57 |
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LjL | timster: do you have the proprietary drivers installed? | 07:57 |
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anosa | how to enable utomatic login? | 07:57 |
LjL | Hail_Spacecake: build-essential | 07:57 |
LjL | it says that on the page though | 07:57 |
LjL | !build-essential | 07:57 |
ubotu | Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 07:57 |
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lgsobalvarro | it's possible change the kubuntu's power manager with kpowersave ? | 07:58 |
LjL | anosa: system settings / advanced / login manager / convenience | 07:58 |
Hail_Spacecake | I'm not getting a build-essential searching in Adept manager | 07:58 |
djwilcox | hi anyone got any tips on partitioning a hard drive | 07:58 |
Hail_Spacecake | I'm not sure if it has the CD as a source, though | 07:58 |
Hail_Spacecake | although it really should by default | 07:58 |
LjL | Hail_Spacecake: unsure. the Desktop CD is also kind of unknown to me | 07:58 |
ziza | !de | 07:58 |
anosa | thanx | 07:58 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 07:58 |
djwilcox | im trying to do a dual boot mac and kubuntu - whats a swap drive ? | 07:58 |
LjL | Hail_Spacecake: try with apt-cache anyway, i'm not familiar with adept | 07:58 |
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LjL | Hail_Spacecake: at any rate, if it isn't available at all, do you have some means to transfer (large) files to that computer? | 07:59 |
Sanne | Hail_Spacecake: the cd is in the sources list only if you used the alternate cd during install. The live/desktop cd uses a different package format and can't be used as a repository. | 07:59 |
timster | AHh Skype works! | 07:59 |
Hail_Spacecake | ah, damn | 07:59 |
kishore | Hail_Spacecake: also make sure you have performed apt-get update and there we no errors | 07:59 |
konki | swap drive is a temporary drive used for when your system runs out of ram | 07:59 |
djwilcox | right | 07:59 |
Hail_Spacecake | kishore: I did | 08:00 |
djwilcox | i have partitioned my hard drive into 5 | 08:00 |
Hail_Spacecake | it didn't find anything | 08:00 |
Hail_Spacecake | probably because I have no internet connection | 08:00 |
konki | 5 partitions could be useful.. or could just confuse you on where to save things | 08:00 |
djwilcox | 1 mac 2 yaboot 3 kubuntu 4 kubuntu home 5 shared drive | 08:00 |
Hail_Spacecake | that's what I need it for, to compile ndiswrapper so I can find one | 08:00 |
djwilcox | 3 paritions for kubuntu | 08:00 |
djwilcox | 1 yaboot 2 kubuntu root 3 kubuntu home | 08:01 |
djwilcox | where do i put the swap ? | 08:01 |
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konki | you need a partition for your swap | 08:01 |
konki | doesn't have to be very big though | 08:02 |
djwilcox | right how big ? | 08:02 |
konki | 500mb will proally be good | 08:02 |
djwilcox | great | 08:02 |
kishore | how much ram do you have? | 08:02 |
djwilcox | 1.3 ghz | 08:02 |
konki | you could make it 256 | 08:02 |
kishore | keep as much swap or you wont be able to perform a hibernate | 08:02 |
konki | good call on the hibernation | 08:02 |
djwilcox | hibernate means sleep | 08:02 |
konki | yup | 08:03 |
djwilcox | or do i have to go and sleep in a cave | 08:03 |
kishore | suspend to disk | 08:03 |
slyfox | Guys, please help. I think I need to reinstall Kubuntu and NOT update to KDE 3.5.6 Althout that may not be what have casue the problem. None of hte VOIP applicaitons work for me, skype, gizmo, Wengo, none. Skype and Gizmo have choppy sound and wengo phone gives me tiny mickey mouse voice. Help. | 08:03 |
djwilcox | thanks for the tips | 08:03 |
djwilcox | what about the disk format | 08:03 |
djwilcox | doing a dual boot with mac | 08:03 |
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konki | format is a good idea if you don't have any info to loose | 08:04 |
kishore | ext3 works well for linux | 08:04 |
djwilcox | says the yaboot needs to be hfs - is that right | 08:04 |
djwilcox | is ext3 the disk format for kubuntu | 08:04 |
konki | i think that's the format for the home partition | 08:04 |
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kishore | ext3 is a supported format as is reiserfs etc | 08:05 |
frojnd | is possible to put amule in tray and how if it's ? | 08:05 |
djwilcox | ah got 768 of ram | 08:05 |
djwilcox | how does that affect the swap drive size | 08:05 |
kishore | good so you could give it 1gb ram if there is not much to loose | 08:05 |
konki | how much hard drive do you have? | 08:05 |
djwilcox | 75 gb | 08:05 |
djwilcox | so how big should the swap drive be | 08:06 |
djwilcox | 1 gig | 08:06 |
konki | 500mb is enuf.. 1g would be better for things like sleep mode.. might just turn into wasted space though | 08:06 |
djwilcox | right so 500mb | 08:06 |
timster | I have a windows home netwrok with my printer connected, how can I access that? | 08:07 |
kishore | yes dont think you would use the space for anything other than suspend to disk.. | 08:07 |
=== bomber [n=bomber@c-71-233-198-141.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
kishore | do you need that feature? it does not affect Suspend to RAM | 08:07 |
timster | !network | 08:07 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 08:07 |
djwilcox | it comes up during the install | 08:07 |
djwilcox | says i need a swap drive | 08:07 |
=== blekos [n=blekos@ppp135-12.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
djwilcox | can i ignore that - but will that mean i cant put it to sleep | 08:08 |
timster | !printer | 08:08 |
ubotu | Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows | 08:08 |
blekos | hi, i have install spamassing from adept manager, but kontact doesnt detect it | 08:09 |
kishore | always keep a swap event if you dont use it much of the time | 08:09 |
=== SpYmAn [n=spyman@201-1-192-12.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu | ||
kishore | i find my system more stable inmost occasions with swapenabled | 08:09 |
djwilcox | so i create 4 partitions for kubuntu | 08:09 |
kishore | although i rarely use it up | 08:09 |
djwilcox | yaboot swap kubuntu root + kubuntu home | 08:09 |
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kishore | sure | 08:10 |
slyfox | Does anyone here knows how to work withou sound hardware or reisntall it? | 08:10 |
djwilcox | thanks kishore | 08:10 |
kishore | welcome | 08:10 |
djwilcox | just switched from mac | 08:10 |
kishore | big welcome! | 08:11 |
sorush20 | hi can I use the compression level or not | 08:11 |
djwilcox | used to unix so im loving all the geek tools | 08:11 |
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djwilcox | does kubuntu 6.10 work with airport extreme wireless cards | 08:12 |
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kishore | no sure about that one | 08:12 |
kishore | wireless cards seems to be among the weakent links... | 08:13 |
crazy_ | bjr ! | 08:13 |
djwilcox | ive seen a few things about - will have to try | 08:13 |
crazy_ | hi ! | 08:13 |
djwilcox | about the broadcom cards | 08:13 |
kishore | i guess it uses a broadcom chip.. so you might be able to with some struggle | 08:13 |
lgsobalvarro | it's possible change the kubuntu's power manager with kpowersave ? | 08:14 |
kishore | lgsobalvarro: it is possibel | 08:14 |
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exel | #ubuntu-es | 08:15 |
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kishore | jst instal kpowersave.. although i would recommend using the latest version. 7.1? | 08:15 |
lgsobalvarro | kishore: ok... and it works fine? how i can deactive power manager? | 08:15 |
kishore | 7.1 uses HAL for its functionality and yes it seems to work fine | 08:16 |
timster | Ok, can i have some help? I have a Printer netwroked to myy windows pc over a wirless network. I can reach my windows documents, but I can get to the printer. How can i do this? | 08:17 |
lgsobalvarro | ok tnx kishore | 08:17 |
=== SeanTater [n=sean@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
kishore | preventing guidance-powermanager from starting requires editing /usr/share/autostart/guidance-power-manager.desktop | 08:17 |
lgsobalvarro | kishore: what i change there? | 08:18 |
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=== christiane [n=christia@dslb-088-073-246-040.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
kishore | add the line "X-KDE-autostart-condition=power-managerrc:General:RunOnStart:false" | 08:18 |
Alzi2 | How to make those alerts that appear at the top, be smaller and not-so-gray? | 08:19 |
baronmordock | pardon me, does anyone know how I can get my repositories back? Adept won't show me any. =( | 08:19 |
=== HymnToLife [n=fkraiem@LNeuilly-152-23-88-99.w217-128.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
kishore | baron: check /etc/apt/sources.list | 08:19 |
kishore | if its empty you need to repopulate it | 08:20 |
christiane | Hello. When I copy text form Konqueror and paste it into OpenOffice all the utf8 chars are displayed as if they were 8bit. How to prevent that? | 08:20 |
lgsobalvarro | ok kishore, done. Something else? | 08:20 |
baronmordock | okay, I'll try that. do I enter the command in the terminal or in adept? | 08:20 |
kishore | That should prevent it from auto starting | 08:20 |
kishore | in the terminal | 08:20 |
=== job_ [n=job@a82-93-133-130.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
timster | What do i need to do to get flash working? | 08:21 |
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timster | Whats its name in adept? | 08:21 |
kishore | flashplugin | 08:21 |
lgsobalvarro | well thanks you kishore | 08:21 |
timster | k | 08:21 |
slyfox | How do I resintall Kubuntu and kee my /Home folders that I have created safe? I want to have a clean reisntall of Kubuntu becasue of my sound problem | 08:21 |
kishore | and flashplugin-nonfree | 08:21 |
slyfox | *and keep | 08:21 |
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job_ | Evening folks | 08:22 |
kishore | well back it up and copy t back again! :-) | 08:22 |
timster | Is there a linux equiavlent of DarkRoom? | 08:22 |
=== LobsterWing [n=LobsterW@c-69-251-30-224.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
timster | How can i set Konversation to automaticly IDENTIFY | 08:24 |
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baronmordock | kishore- I tried the command, but it says "permission denied" | 08:25 |
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kishore | what exactly did you put in the terminal? | 08:25 |
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kishore | well just read the file with say kate or kwrite | 08:26 |
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kishore | and check if its populated | 08:26 |
slyfox | kishore: back up what? The files I wan to keep to a seperate hard ddrive and reformat /home ? | 08:26 |
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baronmordock | I tried check /etc/apt/sources.list (which did nothing), then /etc/apt/sources.list, which told me "permission denied" | 08:27 |
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kishore | ok do you have home in a seperate partition? its then straightforward and yo need to backup | 08:28 |
kishore | but forsafety | 08:28 |
apokryphos | baronmordock: it's a text file, so of course it's not executable | 08:28 |
kishore | in the terminal "sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list" | 08:28 |
apokryphos | kishore: no! :) | 08:29 |
apokryphos | !kdesu | 08:29 |
ubotu | In KDE, use kdesu to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use sudo <GUI application> ; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo | 08:29 |
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timster | ATLANTIK TOURNAMENT | 08:30 |
baronmordock | alright, I'll try that | 08:30 |
timster | Yay | 08:30 |
apokryphos | baronmordock: so: kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list | 08:30 |
timster | On the only populated server. Im deviance | 08:30 |
apokryphos | timster: eh? | 08:30 |
timster | Everyone play atlantic | 08:30 |
apokryphos | timster: #kubuntu-offtopic | 08:30 |
timster | :( | 08:30 |
timster | ok | 08:30 |
frojnd | !rar | 08:31 |
ubotu | rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 08:31 |
timster | What is nonfree? | 08:31 |
kishore | apok: right. its the kde way although sudo works as well :-) | 08:31 |
timster | !non-free | 08:31 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about non-free - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:31 |
=== firephoto [n=tom@pool-71-115-214-25.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
apokryphos | kishore: no.... see what ubotu said. Using sudo can cause serious problems for you. | 08:31 |
apokryphos | !free | 08:32 |
ubotu | freedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing | 08:32 |
=== timster [n=tim@cpc3-sout6-0-0-cust112.sotn.cable.ntl.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
baronmordock | didn't mean to start an arguement =P anywho, Kate pulled something up | 08:32 |
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baronmordock | the sources list | 08:33 |
kishore | well im not sure how it can screwup but yes its still the "right way" | 08:33 |
apokryphos | kishore: read what ubotu said -- it can muck around with your permissions and break your DCOP sockets | 08:33 |
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apokryphos | so please don't advise anyone to use it :) | 08:34 |
kishore | ah ok. ill keep that in mind :-) | 08:34 |
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baronmordock | there's nothing in the sources list | 08:35 |
apokryphos | are you sure you typed it right? | 08:36 |
apokryphos | kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list | 08:36 |
=== mirshafie [n=mirshafi@84-217-171-47.tn.glocalnet.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
kishore | ok then there is a website that can generate one for you.. can someone point it out? | 08:36 |
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apokryphos | !source-o-matic | 08:37 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 08:37 |
baronmordock | yeah, I typed it in =( | 08:37 |
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baronmordock | oh, okay, thanks a lot =) | 08:37 |
=== lunitik wonders if anyone else has gotten feisty install CD's to install (either daily or herds, alternative or desktop) | ||
=== K`zan [n=vw@c-67-183-221-27.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
kishore | try http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic/ | 08:37 |
lunitik | herd2 didn't work here for desktop or alternative... and same results with daily as of about a week ago | 08:37 |
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kishore | herd 1 worked for me | 08:38 |
kishore | heard 2 failed | 08:38 |
kishore | amd64here | 08:38 |
=== lunitik wants to try something more recent as listed changes don't appear to be getting dragged in via 'kubuntu-desktop' | ||
=== serialzkiller [n=serialzk@65.16-244-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #kubuntu | ||
kishore | i track things on launchpad and install as i need | 08:40 |
kishore | dist-upgrade quite often too | 08:40 |
lunitik | I ... hate launchpad.... | 08:40 |
apokryphos | I don't like malone, but launchpad isn't so bad | 08:40 |
=== emonkey [n=emonkey@static-pro-212-101-27-121.adsl.solnet.ch] has joined #kubuntu | ||
lunitik | The interface is ugly, its a pain to file bugs on it... just bad | 08:41 |
apokryphos | though it'd be nice if Ubuntu's project manager was open source :/ | 08:41 |
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apokryphos | that's partly malone, stupid bugtracker :P | 08:41 |
lunitik | Even trying to keep track of projects, or groups is a mess.... | 08:42 |
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lunitik | No organization at all | 08:42 |
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atidem | hi | 08:46 |
ubuntu | hello hello | 08:46 |
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jmfrancois | hi, on a fresh kubuntu install firefox menu are broken ... is this a bug ? | 08:47 |
ubuntu_ | any female's that would like to chat? | 08:48 |
galathalion | haha | 08:48 |
=== firecrotch [n=nick@adsl-69-210-46-248.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Tm_T | ubuntu_: I warn you, this is not a date chat. | 08:48 |
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underdog5004 | rofl | 08:49 |
underdog5004 | girls in the linux channel? | 08:49 |
underdog5004 | not likely\ | 08:49 |
ubuntu_ | TM_T i Warn i just like to chat its what teens do right? | 08:50 |
Tm_T | underdog5004: Myth about human group called "girls" is just soviet propaganda. | 08:50 |
notech | there are more than you think, obviously | 08:50 |
=== nagyv [n=nagyv@lan31-3-89-80-147-73.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Tm_T | ubuntu_: Well, this is support channel. | 08:50 |
underdog5004 | in soviet russia, girls propoganda you! | 08:50 |
firecrotch | ubuntu_: #kubuntu-offtopic | 08:50 |
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ubuntu_ | well i am new to this sorry | 08:50 |
ubuntu_ | i did not know | 08:50 |
Tm_T | No prob, that's why I didn't remove you yet. ;) | 08:51 |
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nuxil | how do i turn off that usb-stick auto mounting stuff.. it anoys me | 08:52 |
notech | hmm, usually from what i've seen, a bit of offtopic has been allowed here as long as it didn't interfere with those wanting help. differences in ops maybe | 08:52 |
Tm_T | notech: Well, little offtopic is ok but "girls?!" kinda things are red flag. | 08:52 |
Tm_T | As I said, this is not a date chat. | 08:53 |
notech | Tm_T: ah, i see :) | 08:53 |
=== tailor [n=tailor@dslb-084-058-147-243.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jmfrancois | http://jm406.free.fr/bug1.jpg | 08:53 |
ubuntu_ | Tm_T you could but i will come back ip changer & u can not see my surf | 08:53 |
=== eihnat [n=eihnat@84-12-191-151.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Tm_T | ubuntu_: Your point being? | 08:53 |
ubuntu_ | just to piss you off | 08:53 |
Tm_T | Failed. | 08:53 |
=== tailor [n=tailor@dslb-084-058-147-243.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
notech | Ubugtu: you will be found, and jumping bans is a good way to get banned permanently | 08:54 |
kishore | ok.. no cookies for you | 08:54 |
notech | grr | 08:54 |
notech | tab complation got me. sorry Ubugtu | 08:54 |
Tm_T | notech: Aye, also might find axe from the door. | 08:54 |
ubuntu_ | try? | 08:54 |
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nuxil | hey.. can you guys help instead of talking bull ? | 08:55 |
kishore | nuxil: are you refering to the popup dialog? | 08:55 |
ubuntu_ | lol | 08:55 |
jmfrancois | same | 08:55 |
hatta | popup dialog? he said this wasn't a date chat! | 08:55 |
Bxnp-away | what is your problem nuxil | 08:55 |
Tm_T | nuxil: Automount? Hmm, IIRC systemsettings has something related to it. | 08:55 |
Tm_T | hatta: ! | 08:55 |
jmfrancois | got a graphic bug into firefox : http://jm406.free.fr/bug1.jpg | 08:55 |
nuxil | kishore, well.. when ever i plug in my usb stic it kida auto mounts,., even tho i put do nothing and remember in that dialog | 08:55 |
kishore | the next time its mounted, right click on it | 08:56 |
kishore | select mounting options and check if automount is ticked | 08:56 |
blekos | hi, i try to install avg, i follow a guide where it says i have to type rpm bla bla bla, but i get the message | 08:56 |
nuxil | ok,, i'll try | 08:56 |
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blekos | rpm command not found any ideas? | 08:56 |
eihnat | rpm > redhat package management. | 08:57 |
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atidem | blekos: rpm on a debian-based distro? | 08:57 |
blekos | i know, | 08:57 |
kishore | this is debian based distrouse debs! rpm does work however | 08:57 |
notech | blekos: kubuntu iis not a rpm based distro, it uses .deb's | 08:57 |
kishore | sudo apt-get install rpm | 08:57 |
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notech | really, didn't know it would do rpm's | 08:58 |
blekos | i know that but hava a look here http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-avg-antivirus-in-ubuntu-desktop.html | 08:58 |
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=== hasan [n=hasan@80-218-139-74.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu | ||
timster | Whats the point in antivirus on linux? | 08:58 |
=== OOD [n=sebastia@dsl-142-95.aei.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
kishore | im curious.. | 08:58 |
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notech | timster: useful if running a mail server, but not sure that's what that is for | 08:59 |
Tm_T | timster: To kill Windows viruses, and oh, there _is_ "virus" for linux too. | 08:59 |
firecrotch | timster: Basically to catch Windows viruses so taht you don't spread them | 08:59 |
=== gan|y|med [n=ganymed@87-194-80-23.bethere.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
timster | Tm_T, there are linux viruses? | 09:00 |
ubuntu_ | how to i join other chats | 09:00 |
ubuntu_ | please | 09:00 |
timster | /join #server | 09:00 |
ubuntu_ | thanks | 09:00 |
Tm_T | ubuntu_: /j #channel | 09:00 |
linopil | where can I easily troubleshoot sound on new onboard coreduo sound | 09:00 |
kishore | what kinda chat are you talkin about? | 09:00 |
Tm_T | timster: You don't join to servers really. ;) | 09:00 |
blekos | think i got it i did a apt-get install rpm | 09:00 |
notech | blekos: that's what kishore suggested :) | 09:01 |
linopil | ubuntu_ start with /nick some -good-name | 09:01 |
eihnat | blekos: try to follow that guide now. ;) | 09:01 |
Tm_T | ubuntu_: Anyway, use mighty google to search some basic irc-guide, also may found in help.ubuntu.com | 09:01 |
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blekos | yeap thnx ;) | 09:01 |
kishore | the site suggests using alien to convert rpm to deb | 09:01 |
Tm_T | !alien | 09:02 |
ubotu | RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous) | 09:02 |
eihnat | blekos: ever considered to try clamav? | 09:02 |
blekos | i've installed it, but dont know how to update its virus base :)) | 09:03 |
blekos | i am a newbie | 09:03 |
kishore | im not very comfortable using rpm and alien.. try an alternative id say.. :-) | 09:03 |
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blekos | and when i run it, i get a message like this is an old version | 09:03 |
linopil | why is an antivirus important for linux ? | 09:03 |
nuxil | WHAT? | 09:04 |
blekos | well aegis is not supported by kontact :( | 09:04 |
blekos | av is important if the 98% of ppl u r dealing with r using windoz | 09:04 |
eihnat | linopil: either linux is safe from viruses, in windows environment u still can spread viruses to other systems. | 09:04 |
eihnat | blekos: klamav (KDE extension for clamav) has easy tool to update. i think. haven't use it for a while tho. | 09:05 |
=== chaky [n=chaky@223.Red-88-11-3.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
sorush20 | how do I create a times table of 1-12 times by 1-12 in open office calc? | 09:05 |
blekos | well, i'll give a try 2 both | 09:06 |
=== nuxil never used any antivirus for linux,, | ||
=== firephoto [n=tom@pool-71-115-214-25.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
eihnat | blekos: also f-prot is good too. but not sure if there is deb version. was rpm, cuz used it on fedora. | 09:07 |
kishore | OT - how do you put out these status msgs that start with a *? | 09:08 |
kishore | todays is my first time ever with IRC and hence konversation too | 09:08 |
blekos | i c | 09:08 |
blekos | might have a look | 09:08 |
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kishore | !status msgs | 09:10 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about status msgs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:10 |
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kishore | nuxil above just put one out... :-) | 09:11 |
=== SSJ_GZ wonders if kishore is talking about messages like this ... ? <--- | ||
kishore | yes! | 09:11 |
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ziza_ | !de | 09:11 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 09:11 |
ziza_ | !de | 09:11 |
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SSJ_GZ | Put "/me" (without the quotes) in front of your message :) | 09:11 |
timster | With the flash plugin, why does it keep freezing? | 09:12 |
=== kishore like this? | ||
timster | Like on a youtube video | 09:12 |
kishore | Wheee! thanks SSJ_GZ | 09:12 |
SSJ_GZ | kishore:No probs :) | 09:12 |
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jmichaelx | timster: do you have an updated flash plugin? | 09:13 |
timster | Only just installed it | 09:13 |
jmichaelx | flash9 should not do that | 09:13 |
timster | How do i get 9? | 09:13 |
jmichaelx | what was the name of the package you installed? | 09:13 |
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Plaguez | sudo apt-get install non-free flash | 09:13 |
jmichaelx | i don't think that is the exact name, Plaguez | 09:14 |
Plaguez | Ladies and Gentlemen, that was an elite ubuntu command. | 09:14 |
filippo | ciao | 09:14 |
kishore | its flashplugin-nonfree | 09:14 |
Plaguez | Something like that | 09:14 |
Plaguez | yeah | 09:14 |
timster | I installed flashplugin-nonfree | 09:14 |
eihnat | Plaguez: elite ubuntu command? :D | 09:14 |
djwilcox | on the video side what about dvds | 09:14 |
jmichaelx | timster: i am not sure what you problem might be, then.... are you using FF2.0? | 09:14 |
timster | 1.5 | 09:14 |
kishore | im here on amd64 so no flash for me.. | 09:14 |
kishore | is it version 9? | 09:15 |
jmichaelx | hmmm | 09:15 |
Plaguez | Just joking einhat | 09:15 |
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timster | How can i check the verson? | 09:15 |
djwilcox | do u have to install some additional librarys - so vlc can play dvds | 09:15 |
eihnat | Plaguez: i know | 09:15 |
eihnat | ;) | 09:15 |
jmichaelx | timster: if you installed flashplugin-nonfree, then you should have flash9 | 09:15 |
Plaguez | I'm not even a kubuntu user, used to be after the clock applet and such randomly crashed, I bailed out and had to re install ubuntu | 09:15 |
Plaguez | I'm with gnome now :-) | 09:16 |
jmichaelx | timster: it could be that you still have the flash7 plugin installed, as well? | 09:16 |
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Plaguez | Does anyone here listen to Ludacris? | 09:16 |
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timster | Nope, Kubuntu installed yesterday | 09:16 |
jmichaelx | i'm not sure if apt will allow someone to have both versions installed, but you could check that | 09:16 |
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jmichaelx | timster: dapper or edgy? | 09:17 |
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timster | 6.06 | 09:17 |
jmichaelx | hmm | 09:17 |
kishore | guess you need 6.10 | 09:17 |
timster | bugger | 09:17 |
Plaguez | Missy elliot totally pwns | 09:17 |
kishore | not sure though | 09:17 |
timster | I only had the shipit disks | 09:17 |
jmichaelx | i still have one machine running dapper, but unfortunately it is not connected right now | 09:17 |
jmichaelx | timster: if you have a little time, you could upgrade | 09:18 |
kishore | and bandwidth | 09:18 |
kishore | :-) | 09:18 |
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jmichaelx | bandwidth would be good | 09:18 |
Plaguez | Did anyone here have DNS problems with ubuntu when they first installed? | 09:18 |
kishore | nope | 09:18 |
kishore | not me | 09:18 |
Plaguez | Like, taking ages to resolve a website (20 secs) | 09:18 |
timster | How do i upgrade? | 09:18 |
apokryphos | timster: take a look at the FAQ (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions) as linked to in the channel /topic | 09:18 |
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Plaguez | It's okay, I fixed it now. | 09:19 |
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jmichaelx | timster: follow the docs, it is not too complicated | 09:19 |
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=== topsy [n=topsy@cs181192227.pp.htv.fi] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Plaguez | Is t only me that thinks the film hackers was crap? | 09:19 |
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Plaguez | 1995 version | 09:19 |
topsy | hello | 09:19 |
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Plaguez | hi topsy, did you see the film hackers? I thought it was rubbish. | 09:19 |
hatta | no, everyone thinks hackers was crap | 09:20 |
Plaguez | lol | 09:20 |
hatta | some people just think it's so crappy it's good | 09:20 |
mattis1 | just loading it | 09:20 |
timster | Is it worth the upgrade? | 09:20 |
Plaguez | Probably the people that no nothing, thought it was good. | 09:20 |
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topsy | no i didn't..but i have heard it's very crappy | 09:20 |
kishore | i would have done it! | 09:20 |
topsy | :) | 09:20 |
jmichaelx | man, somehow i got banned from ##slackware, and i can't get a hold of any ops to straighten this out | 09:20 |
Plaguez | That gy droning around on his skateboard was hilarious | 09:20 |
jmichaelx | timster: i would personally recommend it | 09:21 |
Plaguez | "blow me" "thank you" Hahaha. | 09:21 |
timster | Ok | 09:21 |
Plaguez | Mad skillz yo. | 09:21 |
=== kishore goes to bed... its 2am... | ||
topsy | i have an odd problem problem with kubuntu..i can't start any programs..hopefully someone can help me out =/ | 09:21 |
Plaguez | So, anyone want help wth anything? I'll try and be useful | 09:22 |
topsy | i'm new with this platform | 09:22 |
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Plaguez | topsy, did you try starting them from the command line? | 09:22 |
Tm_T | Plaguez: Yes, I need 20 000 mind to lend? | 09:22 |
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Plaguez | lol Tm_T | 09:22 |
eihnat | Tm_T: lmao | 09:22 |
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eihnat | topsy: how u mean u cant start them? | 09:23 |
Plaguez | What would you need 20, 000 grand for anyway? That new blow up doll you wanted? | 09:23 |
Plaguez | lol | 09:23 |
extern | I can't anymore compile my program. A few days ago it worked fine, it wasn't modified. Now I get a lot of simillar errors. Here's a sample: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.1.2/../../../../include/c++/4.1.2/memory:57:36: error: bits/stl_uninitialized.h: No such file or directory | 09:23 |
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wmusters | i have a problem insatlling a hp 4370 scanner using this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=151814&highlight=4370 | 09:24 |
kristina | hi, what packages do I need to compile opengl programs? | 09:24 |
Tm_T | Plaguez: Nothing, just a joke. ;( | 09:24 |
topsy | i mean that..if i try to start example "start.exe" from kubuntu cd..that dont open | 09:24 |
Plaguez | I once ordered a blow up doll and it arrived in my victims house, it was an explosive doll, packed with semtex. | 09:24 |
linopil | firefox dies on some sites ? why? | 09:25 |
wmusters | i cant get kooda to see use the scanner, i sees it at startup but not after that | 09:25 |
topsy | sorry my bad english =/ | 09:25 |
eihnat | topsy: exe are windows programs. | 09:25 |
topsy | okay.. | 09:25 |
Plaguez | <linopil> Maybe you've just installed flash? | 09:25 |
Tm_T | :) | 09:25 |
eihnat | topsy: u need wine to run windows applicatrions | 09:25 |
eihnat | *applications | 09:25 |
extern | exit | 09:25 |
extern | oops | 09:26 |
Plaguez | lol | 09:26 |
slow-motion | lol Plaguez | 09:26 |
Plaguez | terminate | 09:26 |
eihnat | extern: lol | 09:26 |
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andriijas | does xgl work well with kde in kubuntu or is it unstable? | 09:27 |
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[abhishek] | is there any good software for flash creation like macromedia flash for linux? | 09:27 |
eihnat | !xgl | 09:27 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 09:27 |
[abhishek] | !flash | 09:28 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 09:28 |
ubotu | Flash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash | 09:28 |
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Plaguez | kjjk | 09:29 |
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eihnat | !backports | 09:29 |
ubotu | If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports | 09:29 |
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eihnat | hmm | 09:29 |
Plaguez | einhat, do you use KDE? | 09:30 |
eihnat | yes | 09:30 |
eihnat | also | 09:30 |
eihnat | :) | 09:30 |
topsy | !flash | 09:30 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 09:30 |
ubotu | Flash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash | 09:30 |
timster | !flash | 09:30 |
Plaguez | Did you ever have problems, when installing KDE, then going back to gnome, like the clock applet crashing etc? | 09:30 |
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eihnat | nope | 09:31 |
eihnat | got gnome xfce4 and kde and no probs. | 09:31 |
Plaguez | That's why I've had to re-install ubuntu and stick with gnome, i liked kde though | 09:31 |
Tm_T | Ugh, going to sleep, so behave kids! -> | 09:31 |
eihnat | Plaguez: why didnt u install kubutnu then? | 09:31 |
jmichaelx | Plaguez: i have never had a problem like that either | 09:31 |
Plaguez | Can anyone tell me is the firestarter firewall any good? | 09:31 |
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Plaguez | because I was giving it a go einhat | 09:32 |
eihnat | Plaguez: good as any other. lol | 09:32 |
jmichaelx | Plaguez: well, you already have the firewall | 09:32 |
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jmichaelx | Plaguez: firestarter is just a frontend for the firewall that is installed with *ubuntu | 09:32 |
Plaguez | Yeah but I scanned my own comp with the network tools, and it said 3 ports were open, aren't these a concern? | 09:32 |
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gdiebel | I am testing kubuntu 3.5.6 packages in my office. (~40 workstations) so far so good and I would like to deploy, any upgrade issues to be aware of? | 09:33 |
eihnat | Plaguez: what ports? | 09:33 |
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Plaguez | 663, and others that limewire. | 09:33 |
Plaguez | use | 09:33 |
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Plaguez | Don't hack me man, lol | 09:33 |
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eihnat | Plaguez: well, if u want to use limewire u need them opened. ;) | 09:34 |
jmichaelx | gdiebel: no expert here, but i upgraded to 3.5.6 on 3 machines, 2 desktops and one laptop, and so far no issues at all | 09:34 |
Plaguez | I know, so I have nothing to worry about then? | 09:34 |
jmichaelx | *is busy hacking Plaguez | 09:34 |
Plaguez | Haha. | 09:34 |
eihnat | jmichalx: lol. need help? | 09:34 |
[abhishek] | !ming | 09:34 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ming - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:34 |
jmichaelx | lol | 09:34 |
eihnat | Plaguez: what kind of connection u have? | 09:35 |
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Plaguez | boradband connection, netopia asdl router, always on... | 09:35 |
eihnat | Plaguez: doesnt router have firewall build in? | 09:35 |
Plaguez | Plus, do I have much to worry about with viruses? I mean, I have no anti virus software installed, amI still safe? | 09:36 |
gan|y|med | hello | 09:36 |
Plaguez | yeah it does, im just concerned | 09:36 |
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Plaguez | Since not much viruses are written for ubuntu? lol | 09:36 |
eihnat | Plaguez: well if u didnt change hardware firewall settings, all incoming traffic is blocked anyway. | 09:36 |
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Plaguez | ok einhat thanks | 09:37 |
sebbar | is there a specific feisty discussion channel? | 09:37 |
jmichaelx | Plaguez: i was not get overly worried about viruses, but you can install clamav (or klamav) | 09:37 |
eihnat | !feisty | 09:37 |
ubotu | The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+1 | 09:37 |
Plaguez | ok I'll try that, thanks | 09:37 |
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will_ | Hey guys. I know this is not your style, but does anyone know how to upgrade kubuntu through the gui? I'm not a techy and if you give me the command lines I'm likely to be back on here for the next upgrade. | 09:38 |
Plaguez | ok jmichaelk | 09:38 |
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jmichaelx | Plaguez: the main advantage in using an anti-virus in linux, at this point, at least, would be to keep your PCs from being 'carriers' of windows viruses, and passing them on to windows machines | 09:38 |
eihnat | Plaguez: if u use linux with widnwos machines u'd better have antivirus. to protect them tho. lol | 09:38 |
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surgy | whats the command to partition a hard drive? with ext3? | 09:39 |
a1010100m | hello people | 09:39 |
eihnat | will_: doesnt adept allow u to do it? i personaly dont know | 09:39 |
Plaguez | Hmm. I have panada desktop secure, I could try that, that seems to have an anti virus. | 09:39 |
eihnat | will_: cuz never did distro upgrade. | 09:40 |
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eihnat | surgy: mkfs.ext3 i think. not sure tho. | 09:40 |
eihnat | surgy: wait | 09:40 |
jmichaelx | will_: if you are using adept, you just need to go into your repos, and manually change 'dapper' to 'edgy' in every repo line, update, then upgrade | 09:40 |
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surgy | well i want to delete my ntfs partition and repartition using ext3 | 09:41 |
will_ | eihnat: I guess my first question is, how do I check to see what version I'm currently running and what kind of automatic update settings I have | 09:41 |
eihnat | surgy: mke2fs | 09:41 |
matthew__ | That story about installing spyware on kubuntu is now on www.digg.com | 09:41 |
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a1010100m | I hawe one question. | 09:41 |
will_ | jmichaelx: thanks. I'll try that | 09:41 |
surgy | eihnat: so "mke2fs /dev/sdb" and that will delete my ntfs partition and make a new ext3 partition? | 09:42 |
Plaguez | Any hackers here? | 09:42 |
eihnat | surgy: man mke2fs for options | 09:42 |
eihnat | Plaguez: lol. need to try ur system? | 09:42 |
a1010100m | I am using KUBUNTU, but I dont like it, can I install fluxbox ??? | 09:42 |
a1010100m | and unistall KDE | 09:43 |
surgy | eihnat: i dont understand the options though | 09:43 |
a1010100m | ??? | 09:43 |
eihnat | a1010100m: not sure bout fluxbox, but u can try xfce4 | 09:43 |
jmichaelx | will_: after you change the repos and update, i am not sure, you may be better off to open a terminal and enter 'sudo aptitude dist-upgrade', but i think adept should also handle this. | 09:43 |
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a1010100m | I have very slow mashine here... | 09:43 |
a1010100m | 400 mhz | 09:44 |
surgy | eihnat: yeah im not that good and i dont understand....... | 09:44 |
jmichaelx | a1010100m: there is a new *ubuntu in development called fluxbuntu, but it is alpha or beta at this time | 09:44 |
a1010100m | and it`s big problem to experiment with this mashine... | 09:44 |
jmichaelx | a1010100m: i would go with xfce4 right now | 09:44 |
jmichaelx | xubuntu | 09:44 |
hatta | fluxbox is the shit | 09:45 |
surgy | whats so great about fluxbox? | 09:45 |
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jmichaelx | fluxbox is aweome, but it takes more time to figure it out | 09:45 |
jmichaelx | awesome* | 09:45 |
hatta | fast as anything, mouse wheel scrolls between desktops, window shading, built in tabbing | 09:45 |
eihnat | surgy: mke2fs -v -c -J /dev/sdb should do it. not sure. | 09:46 |
jmichaelx | a1010100m: you would need to 'sudo aptitude remove kubuntu-desktop' and then 'sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop' | 09:46 |
surgy | eihnat: if your not sure then im not sure if im gonna do it :) | 09:46 |
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eihnat | surgy: did it only once tho. and ages ago. so not 100 % sure. | 09:47 |
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a1010100m | I will try to install over a package menager, and than unistall kde | 09:47 |
eihnat | surgy: i'm more not sure bout /dev/sdb or /dev/sdb1 | 09:47 |
eihnat | option | 09:47 |
jmichaelx | a1010100m: that should work fine | 09:47 |
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surgy | eihnat: its kewl man ill wait for someone that knows 100% no ofense | 09:48 |
topsy | i tried to run flash player installation program for linux but that didn't opened either..strange | 09:48 |
topsy | hmm... | 09:48 |
surgy | !partition | 09:48 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 09:49 |
eihnat | surgy: it's ok. :) | 09:49 |
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hatta | surgy, delete/make partitions with 'cfdisk' | 09:49 |
surgy | !Gparted | 09:49 |
ubotu | gparted is gparted is a GUI partitioning program, "sudo apt-get install gparted", also available as a live cd http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php | 09:49 |
hatta | format them with mke2fs | 09:49 |
surgy | hatta can i not use gparted? | 09:49 |
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hatta | oh I guess you could | 09:50 |
eihnat | surgy: u can. | 09:50 |
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hatta | cfdisk is so easy to use though | 09:50 |
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matthew__ | hatta, I love cfdisk! | 09:50 |
Blacken | I forget, but how do you fix grub if something (saaaay...Windows) has overwritten the MBR? grub-install, yes, but I forget the syntax and would rather not have to go "oh crap" later. | 09:50 |
gnomefreak | !grub | Blacken | 09:50 |
ubotu | Blacken: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 09:50 |
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andriijas | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=127090 is this the guiide to follow( is it up to date?) to install xgl? | 09:50 |
Blacken | Aha, thanks. | 09:50 |
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eihnat | andriijas: also u can have a look at ubuntuguide.org. but not sure if up to date too. | 09:51 |
surgy | gparted works great thnx guyrs | 09:52 |
eihnat | surgy: np | 09:52 |
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kutkinna | how to make titlebar transparent / | 10:02 |
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will_ | is edgy stable now? or should I stick with dapper? | 10:08 |
Skrot- | Seems quite stable to me | 10:09 |
jughead | I don't have any stability problems | 10:09 |
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will_ | is it still considered a BETA | 10:09 |
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blekos | what's the line command 2 rmv a package? | 10:10 |
andriijas | !xgl | 10:11 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 10:11 |
chavo | blekos, sudo apt-get remove | 10:11 |
blekos | thnx | 10:11 |
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blekos | could u also tell me how to c the processes that r running? | 10:12 |
blekos | i need to keel adept | 10:12 |
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apokryphos | blekos: ps aux | 10:13 |
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johnn | what is the most easy dvd->avi rip frontend? | 10:17 |
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esaym | any lightscribe software that works good in kde? | 10:19 |
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devilsadvocate | esaym, what is a lightscribe software? | 10:20 |
devilsadvocate | would scribus be of use to you? | 10:20 |
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adaptr | devilsadvocate: probably not.. lightscribe is aprocess to burn an image *on the cd* while .. burning the CD | 10:21 |
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adaptr | devilsadvocate: like the WIndows logo cd's ? | 10:21 |
josh_ | i have a problem | 10:21 |
josh_ | i just screwed up my windows partition | 10:21 |
devilsadvocate | adaptr, ah | 10:21 |
adaptr | indeed | 10:21 |
devilsadvocate | is that even possible? :P | 10:21 |
johnn | both lightscribe.com and lacie.com programs work fine for lightscribe | 10:22 |
adaptr | devilsadvocate: certainly, there are many drives for it these days | 10:22 |
esaym | its a new disc lable technology i think | 10:22 |
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josh_ | the blue thing that goes across when windows loads just freezes, keeps going, freezes, and keeps going forever. | 10:22 |
adaptr | devilsadvocate: admittedlym, they don't write it while burning, but separately,.. it takes aaages | 10:22 |
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jmichaelx | how do you know if your drive is a lightscribe? | 10:22 |
devilsadvocate | adaptr, thanks a lot. i'll have a look ... it seems interesting, to say the least | 10:22 |
adaptr | devilsadvocate: the conversion from cartesian to radial is a fun part of it :) | 10:22 |
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devilsadvocate | adaptr, ive done enough of _that_ to handle it.. simple shapes atleast :) | 10:23 |
adaptr | devilsadvocate: I would be pretty proud if a straight line came out as even marginably straight | 10:23 |
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adaptr | devilsadvocate: the software is supposed to help with that :) | 10:23 |
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devilsadvocate | ah.. | 10:23 |
adaptr | devilsadvocate: and you obviously need a drive that can switch its laser on and off PDQ - so no ordinary drive will do | 10:24 |
kutkinna | how to change the start menu iconj ? | 10:24 |
adaptr | PDQ as in 1000 times a second, give or take... | 10:24 |
kutkinna | *icon | 10:24 |
adaptr | !icons | 10:24 |
ubotu | Want to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (Gnome) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE) | 10:24 |
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adaptr | no, you silly bot ! not htat one | 10:24 |
eihnat|away | lol | 10:25 |
newuser | guys I need help ... I installed kubuntu on hdb1 ... I have windows on sda1 but grub doesnt work correctly even if it is configured in the right way ... who can help me pls? | 10:25 |
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devilsadvocate | newuser, what do you mean grub isnt woring corrctly? | 10:26 |
eihnat|away | newuser: error 17 or 18? | 10:26 |
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newuser | devilsadvocate: if i boot my pc from hdb1 and try to start ubuntu grub tells me error17: cannot mount selected partition ... if I try to start windows it tells me starting up, invalid system disk, replace the disk and then press any key | 10:27 |
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newuser | devilsadvocate: eihnat but If I boot from sda1 (where windows is installed) the so starts (windows only) | 10:28 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, are you positive hdc1 is your kubuntu drive? | 10:28 |
devilsadvocate | hdb1* | 10:28 |
ThingolF | how do you do beryl in kde? | 10:28 |
eihnat | !beryl | 10:28 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl | 10:28 |
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newuser | devilsadvocate: yes im sure it is ... hold on I ll send u my fdisk -l | 10:29 |
newuser | !pastebin | 10:29 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 10:29 |
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newuser | devilsadvocate: eihnat http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3379/ | 10:30 |
newuser | devilsadvocate: eihnat hda has no so installed on | 10:30 |
LobsterWing | .. | 10:31 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, you have 3 harddrives right? | 10:31 |
newuser | devilsadvocate: yes i have | 10:31 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, hdb2 is not kubuntu. it is the swap partition | 10:31 |
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newuser | devilsadvocate: I know ... kubuntu one is hdb1 | 10:31 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, one of hdb1 and hdb3 is kubuntu . | 10:32 |
newuser | devilsadvocate: I told u :P | 10:32 |
eihnat | :) | 10:32 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, can you post your menu.lst too ? | 10:32 |
devilsadvocate | ah newuser , sorry :P | 10:32 |
newuser | Im under live so I dont know If I can | 10:32 |
hatta | hda, hdb, hdc are hard drives | 10:32 |
devilsadvocate | request for menu.lst stands though :) | 10:32 |
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hatta | hdb1, hdb2, hdb3, etc are partitions | 10:32 |
hatta | confusing them could be bad | 10:32 |
newuser | devilsadvocate: what do I have to do to posto menu.kst? | 10:32 |
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devilsadvocate | newuser, you can. open a terminal and supe sudo mkdir /media/kubuntu | 10:33 |
devilsadvocate | and type* | 10:33 |
newuser | devilsadvocate: done ... now? | 10:33 |
devilsadvocate | then type sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /media/kubuntu | 10:33 |
newuser | devilsadvocate: done ... now? | 10:33 |
devilsadvocate | then cd /media/kubuntu/boot/grub | 10:34 |
devilsadvocate | you can find the file there | 10:34 |
newuser | devilsadvocate: done ... now? | 10:34 |
devilsadvocate | vi menu.lst | 10:34 |
nuxil | anyone else experiancing lagging on the desktop when moving windows with nvidia 9746 drivers on geforce 8800 card ? | 10:34 |
devilsadvocate | or nano, or kate, whicheve you are comfortable with | 10:34 |
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newuser | devilsadvocate: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3380/ I hope I pasted u in the right way | 10:36 |
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devilsadvocate | sure neoncode | 10:37 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, * | 10:37 |
neoncode | What now? | 10:37 |
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julian_ | hi | 10:37 |
julian_ | i did this 'rm mods-available/proxy*' | 10:37 |
julian_ | how i can get the config files afain? | 10:38 |
julian_ | again | 10:38 |
neoncode | nuxil: Speaking of the 8800 cards, when is nvidia makeing linux drivers for them? | 10:38 |
devilsadvocate | neoncode, sorry | 10:38 |
neoncode | devilsadvocate: Oh, ok. =3 | 10:38 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, did you try booting into recovery mode? | 10:38 |
newuser | devilsadvocate: yes I did ... doesnt work | 10:38 |
nuxil | neoncode when is? they already did | 10:38 |
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devilsadvocate | newuser, your config files seem alright | 10:40 |
devilsadvocate | you could try checking the filesystem for errors | 10:40 |
Amadeo | I have a lot of problems with Adept...it never seems to want to load...it tries then just stops | 10:40 |
neoncode | nuxil: Oh, i thought from what you said before that they haden't. Nevermind. | 10:40 |
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newuser | devilsadvocate: I knew it wa wlaright but i dont know why it doesnt work :( | 10:40 |
Amadeo | once and a while it works | 10:40 |
devilsadvocate | i _think_ e2fsck /dev/hdb1 | 10:40 |
eihnat | Amadeo: isnt there any other Adept already running? | 10:40 |
newuser | devilsadvocate: e2fsck /dev/hdb1 to do what? | 10:41 |
Amadeo | eihnat: If there is, it shouldn't be | 10:41 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, to check the file system integrity | 10:41 |
eihnat | Amadeo: i know. | 10:41 |
newuser | devilsadvocate: ah ok :) | 10:41 |
devilsadvocate | although since it mounted here i dont think there is a problem | 10:41 |
Amadeo | How long does it take Adept to exit? | 10:41 |
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surgy | ok i have big big problems | 10:41 |
eihnat | Amadeo: had similar problems with kaffeine, didnt want to load. cuz other was running in background | 10:41 |
surgy | when i click on a link i get this error " | 10:41 |
surgy | Will not save configuration. | 10:41 |
surgy | Configuration file "/home/surgy/.kde/share/config/kdesurc" not writable. | 10:41 |
surgy | Configuration file "/home/surgy/.kde/share/config/kdeglobals" not writable. | 10:41 |
surgy | Please contact your system administrator. | 10:41 |
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newuser | devilsadvocate: | 10:42 |
Amadeo | eihnat: I see | 10:42 |
newuser | ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ e2fsck /dev/hdb1 | 10:42 |
surgy | sorry i get this error when i click on a link "Could not start process Unable to create io-slave: Read-only file system." | 10:42 |
newuser | e2fsck 1.39 (29-May-2006) | 10:42 |
newuser | WARNING!!! Running e2fsck on a mounted filesystem may cause | 10:42 |
newuser | SEVERE filesystem damage. | 10:42 |
newuser | Do you really want to continue (y/n)? cancelled! | 10:42 |
newuser | check aborted. | 10:42 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, did this problem suddenly come up or did it never work? | 10:42 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, you have to unmount it first | 10:42 |
eihnat | surgy: check file permisions | 10:42 |
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newuser | devilsadvocate: how to unmount? this is the first time I install kubuntu 6.10 | 10:43 |
surgy | eihnat: on konq? lol why and how whould they have changed? | 10:43 |
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devilsadvocate | newuser, sudo umount /dev/hdb1 | 10:43 |
Amadeo | brb | 10:43 |
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devilsadvocate | newuser, did the problem start when you added a new hard drive, perhaps? | 10:43 |
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newuser | devilsadvocate: | 10:43 |
newuser | ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo e2fsck /dev/hdb1 | 10:43 |
newuser | e2fsck 1.39 (29-May-2006) | 10:43 |
newuser | /dev/hdb1: clean, 91034/1310720 files, 539805/2620595 blocks | 10:43 |
newuser | devilsadvocate: | 10:44 |
konki | how do i add a printer? | 10:44 |
surgy | eihnat: it also gives an error when i try to change my login settings and on the last reboot it had to do a forced system scan | 10:44 |
newuser | devilsadvocate: this is the very first time I install kubuntu on my new pc | 10:44 |
cpk1 | use tune2fs if you want to check your fs for integrity | 10:44 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, ok | 10:44 |
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eihnat | surgy: u have home on separate partition? | 10:44 |
newuser | devilsadvocate: read my output? | 10:45 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, yes | 10:45 |
newuser | devilsadvocate: so ... | 10:45 |
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surgy | eihnat: not on purpose but i did delete my ntfs part and changed it to ext3 | 10:45 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, not sure. for one thing, i have a feeling the two map lines in your menu.lst are not needed. | 10:46 |
devilsadvocate | (for windows) | 10:46 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, i presume memtest also does not work? | 10:46 |
eihnat | newuser: at least one seems not right to be there. but maybe neither of them. | 10:46 |
newuser | devilsadvocate: not needed? mmm ... I can try to delete them, cant I? | 10:46 |
newuser | devilsadvocate: nothing works | 10:47 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, yes. but just to be safe make a copy | 10:47 |
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eihnat | surgy: is ur home partition where ntfs used to be? | 10:47 |
newuser | devilsadvocate: how to cp? | 10:47 |
surgy | eihnat i dont think so let me verify | 10:47 |
nihil_sum | What would be the best directory to put a subversion repository? I'm not yet fully familiar with the *nix directory structure. | 10:47 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, cp menu.lst menu.lst_backup | 10:48 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, you will have to mount again | 10:48 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, make that sudo cp | 10:48 |
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newuser | ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount /dev/hdb1 | 10:48 |
newuser | mount: can't find /dev/hdb1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab | 10:48 |
newuser | devilsadvocate: | 10:48 |
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devilsadvocate | newuser, sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /media/kubuntu | 10:49 |
devilsadvocate | you need to specify the mount point | 10:49 |
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newuser | devilsadvocate: oops :P | 10:49 |
devilsadvocate | eihnat, do linux partitions also need the bootable flag? they dont right? | 10:50 |
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newuser | devilsadvocate: so do i have to delete everithing related to xp professional? | 10:51 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, no. just the two linees starting with map | 10:51 |
eihnat | devilsadvocate: not sure bout that. basicaly dont know answer. lol | 10:51 |
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newuser | devilsadvocate: mmm title Microsoft ... root (hd2,0) ? | 10:51 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, just the 2 lines | 10:52 |
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devilsadvocate | map (hd0) (hd2) | 10:52 |
devilsadvocate | and the similar one | 10:52 |
newuser | devilsadvocate: right .. now I found them :P | 10:52 |
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kutkinna | upsss. . i lost my trash can, how to bring it back ? | 10:53 |
newuser | devilsadvocate: I modified menu.lst .. now? | 10:53 |
eihnat | !tras | 10:53 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tras - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:53 |
eihnat | !trash | 10:53 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about trash - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:53 |
eihnat | !icon | 10:53 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about icon - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:53 |
eihnat | !icons | 10:53 |
ubotu | Want to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (Gnome) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE) | 10:53 |
eihnat | finaly. lol | 10:53 |
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devilsadvocate | newuser, you could try bootinginto windows. but im afraid your problem with linux is still far from solved.. i still have no idea what is wrong :| | 10:54 |
kutkinna | eihnat: i lost it because i follow those tips... | 10:54 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, my best bet would be that your hd0, hd1, and h2 are a bit mixed up | 10:54 |
eihnat | lol | 10:54 |
newuser | devilsadvocate: :( im so unlike | 10:54 |
kutkinna | and now i miss my trash can :( | 10:55 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, by any chance, when you installed kubuntu, what was your boot order like? | 10:55 |
eihnat | kutkinna: i think u can add it when u right click panel and add applet to panel. | 10:55 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, was it set to boot from windows? | 10:55 |
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newuser | devilsadvocate: I set boot from hdb1 (linux) | 10:55 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, when was this? before or after installation? | 10:55 |
kutkinna | eihnat: and how to put it in desktop ? | 10:56 |
juano__ | newuser: grub problems? | 10:56 |
newuser | devilsadvocate: when I installed ubuntu the default boot was windows hd (sda1) or dvdrom I dont remember | 10:56 |
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devilsadvocate | newuser, i think i know what your problem _might_ be | 10:56 |
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newuser | devilsadvocate: ... pls tell :D | 10:56 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, you still have it mounted right? | 10:56 |
newuser | hdb1? | 10:57 |
devilsadvocate | juano__, your input will be very meuch appreciated :P | 10:57 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, yes | 10:57 |
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newuser | yes mounted | 10:57 |
newuser | cd | 10:57 |
devilsadvocate | juano__, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3379/ | 10:57 |
devilsadvocate | juano__, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3380/ | 10:57 |
juano__ | devilsadvocate: ok thanks :-) | 10:57 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, cd / | 10:57 |
newuser | devilsadvocate: now^ | 10:58 |
newuser | ? | 10:58 |
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devilsadvocate | newuser, sudo chroot /media/kubuntu /bin/bash | 10:58 |
juano__ | devilsadvocate: what seems to be the problem here ? | 10:58 |
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devilsadvocate | newuser, now type 'grub' | 10:58 |
newuser | devilsadvocate: now? im root | 10:58 |
newuser | ok | 10:58 |
devilsadvocate | juano__, error 17 on booting to ubuntu | 10:58 |
juano__ | devilsadvocate: ubuntu on hdb1 ? | 10:58 |
devilsadvocate | juano__, and no boot device found on booting to win | 10:58 |
devilsadvocate | juano__, yes | 10:58 |
newuser | juano__: yes :D | 10:59 |
juano__ | newuser: you on livecd now? | 10:59 |
devilsadvocate | juano__, i think the hdx are messed up | 10:59 |
newuser | juano__: y im | 10:59 |
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juano__ | newuser: sudo mkdir /mnt/myrootp | 10:59 |
devilsadvocate | hes chrooted into his kubuntu | 10:59 |
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juano__ | newuser: sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/myrootp | 10:59 |
newuser | juano__: im in grub> now | 10:59 |
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juano__ | newuser: mm i was thinking that youll need to reinstall grub | 11:00 |
devilsadvocate | juano__, done that just now | 11:00 |
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juano__ | devilsadvocate: he needs to install grub like this: | 11:00 |
devilsadvocate | juano__, not done reinstalling grub | 11:00 |
newuser | devilsadvocate: juano__i understand nothin .. what i have to do? | 11:00 |
juano__ | newuser: to reinstall grub after mounting your root partition | 11:00 |
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newuser | juano__: how to? | 11:01 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, type quit | 11:01 |
newuser | devilsadvocate: i love u :D | 11:01 |
juano__ | newuser: you have to do: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/myrootp /dev/sda ---> the sda will vary depending on the HDD you pick for grub | 11:01 |
devilsadvocate | juano__, you dont have to be in a chroot to do this? | 11:01 |
newuser | im in chroot | 11:01 |
juano__ | devilsadvocate: not from live cd | 11:01 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, exit then :P | 11:01 |
newuser | devilsadvocate: how to? | 11:02 |
devilsadvocate | once more | 11:02 |
juano__ | newuser: we talking edgy here right? | 11:02 |
newuser | juano__: yes | 11:02 |
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devilsadvocate | newuser, just type exit at the prompt | 11:02 |
juano__ | newuser: type quit at grub> | 11:02 |
devilsadvocate | it will drop you back into the livecd] | 11:02 |
juano__ | newuser: get into a terminal | 11:02 |
newuser | juano__: devilsadvocatehold on ... i started new terminal .. new? | 11:02 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, great | 11:02 |
juano__ | newuser: in live cd yes, get to a terminal | 11:02 |
newuser | devilsadvocate: ;) | 11:02 |
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newuser | juano__: done | 11:03 |
devilsadvocate | sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/kubuntu /dev/hdb1 | 11:03 |
juano__ | devilsadvocate: newuser do what devilsadvocate sais there | 11:03 |
newuser | do I have to past the output? | 11:03 |
newuser | !pastebin | 11:03 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 11:03 |
juano__ | devilsadvocate: he mounting on /mnt/kubuntu ? | 11:03 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, if you have errors | 11:03 |
devilsadvocate | juano__, /media/kubuntu | 11:04 |
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juano__ | devilsadvocate: good then that shall do | 11:04 |
juano__ | no no | 11:04 |
juano__ | wait | 11:04 |
juano__ | ! | 11:04 |
juano__ | newuser: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/kubuntu /dev/hdb | 11:04 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, wait | 11:04 |
newuser | juano__: devilsadvocatehttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3386/ to be sure | 11:04 |
newuser | juano__: too late :( | 11:04 |
juano__ | newuser: its hdb not hdb1 Without the 1 | 11:04 |
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newuser | juano__: now? i installed on hdb1 | 11:05 |
juano__ | newuser: dont worry just do it again without the 1 | 11:05 |
newuser | juano__: ok | 11:05 |
devilsadvocate | just do it once again NeoChaosX | 11:05 |
devilsadvocate | oops again | 11:05 |
devilsadvocate | sorry NeoChaosX | 11:05 |
juano__ | newuser: should work now | 11:05 |
bradley | if i want to get rid of a program --settings and everything, how would i do it? | 11:05 |
newuser | juano__: same output I pasted | 11:05 |
newuser | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3386/ | 11:05 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, reboot and hope for the best :P | 11:06 |
xenol | bradley: sudo apt-get remove name of the program | 11:06 |
xenol | write that to shell | 11:06 |
juano__ | newuser: cat /mnt/kubuntu/boot/grub/menu.lst | 11:06 |
newuser | devilsadvocate: bootin from linux or windows? | 11:06 |
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devilsadvocate | newuser, try both | 11:06 |
juano__ | newuser: paste your menu.lst please | 11:06 |
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newuser | juano__: cat: /mnt/kubuntu/boot/grub/menu.lst: No such file or directory | 11:06 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, replace mnt with media | 11:07 |
bradley | xenol: i don't think that will remove the settings. | 11:07 |
newuser | juano__: i think hdb i unmounted | 11:07 |
juano__ | newuser: cat /media/kubuntu/boot/grub/menu.lst | 11:07 |
juano__ | newuser: it was media sorry not mnt | 11:07 |
newuser | juano__: ok there is an output | 11:07 |
newuser | I ll paste you | 11:07 |
juano__ | newuser: sure | 11:07 |
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juano__ | newuser: we have to check if the partition setup is fine now | 11:07 |
juano__ | newuser: did you install finally on hdb ?? not hdb1 right ? | 11:08 |
bradley | xenol: it might work if i '--purge' but i read in the forums that it might not too. | 11:08 |
=== ariari [n=root@adsl-71-144-119-234.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
newuser | juano__: devilsadvocate both ... hdb1 first hdb then ... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3387/ | 11:09 |
ariari | have a question about saving files off of hda1 to a usb stick, using a liveCD... | 11:09 |
ariari | LiveCD access to the hda1 is telling me that it cannot mount the drive | 11:09 |
ariari | any consideration as to why? | 11:09 |
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cpk1 | bradley: check in .kde too and see if it has a folder in there after you uninstall it | 11:09 |
ariari | cpk1 - less busy here | 11:09 |
juano__ | newuser: ok now reboot, seems fine | 11:09 |
reagleBRKLN | anyone else having this konq problem? http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=140670 | 11:09 |
xenol | bradley: IDK | 11:09 |
newuser | juano__: doesnt matter I installed both on hdb1 and hdb? | 11:10 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, np | 11:10 |
newuser | ok I reboot | 11:10 |
juano__ | newuser: no, plus hdb1 wont work actually cause it uses mbr, which is hdb | 11:10 |
cpk1 | ariari: you have the right partition and are using -t ntfs? | 11:10 |
newuser | cu later :) | 11:10 |
juano__ | newuser: good luck! | 11:10 |
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newuser | tnx | 11:11 |
juano__ | devilsadvocate: hope i was of some help | 11:11 |
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devilsadvocate | juano__, definitely | 11:11 |
ariari | cpk1 - yes... it is actually the entire drive... | 11:11 |
devilsadvocate | i would have had him manually reconfigure grub :P | 11:11 |
juano__ | devilsadvocate: i had this issue some days ago | 11:11 |
ariari | what entry to I need to place in my fstab? | 11:12 |
cpk1 | ariari: you dont need an entry in fstab to mount things | 11:12 |
devilsadvocate | ive been noticing a lot of people with mulitple hard drives having grub-related issues | 11:12 |
ariari | create a sub directory in /dev and then set up a mount point to it? | 11:12 |
juano__ | cpk1: what you mounting ? | 11:12 |
ariari | cpk - great. makes it easier | 11:12 |
ariari | juano - he is speaking to me | 11:12 |
ariari | :-) | 11:12 |
devilsadvocate | ariari, better make a directory somewhere else ... | 11:12 |
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juano__ | cpk1: sorry :P:P hehe i meant ariari | 11:13 |
juano__ | ariari: what you mounting ? | 11:13 |
cpk1 | ariari: you need to make a folder anywhere (ubuntu uses /media/somemountpoint) and then just do sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /media/somefolderyoumade | 11:13 |
cpk1 | you need root to make dirs in /media | 11:13 |
juano__ | ariari: i recommend ntfs-3g for read write | 11:14 |
ariari | cpk1 - I will try.. b right back | 11:14 |
juano__ | ariari: sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g | 11:14 |
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ariari | had old distro here... ran big update.. will retry apt-get, too | 11:14 |
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cpk1 | juano__: far as I understand he just needs read to be able toback up to usb | 11:16 |
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ariari | how do I flush memory on liveCD? I ran an update and it filled the ram up..oops | 11:16 |
crazy_penguin | good night/noapte buna | 11:17 |
juano__ | cpk1: sorry :-), i dont know what he was mounting for | 11:17 |
devilsadvocate | ariari, update on the ;ive cd? :O | 11:17 |
juano__ | cpk1: i though he needed to write to the partition to | 11:17 |
devilsadvocate | ariari, sud apt-get clean | 11:17 |
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ariari | devils - ok, ran that under su | 11:18 |
ariari | going to try and run suggestion | 11:18 |
ariari | ariari: you need to make a folder anywhere (ubuntu uses /media/somemountpoint) and then just do sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /media/somefolderyoumade | 11:18 |
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scooter | hello | 11:19 |
vixpoxi | hi | 11:19 |
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scooter | can u please refresh my memory on the codes to install .exe files in ubuntu | 11:20 |
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scooter | im trying to put the myspace im onto my pc and want to see if it will work | 11:20 |
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vixpoxi | so you're trying to install myspace IM on kubuntu? | 11:20 |
scooter | on ubuntu | 11:21 |
vixpoxi | you probably can just emulate it through WINE or osmething | 11:21 |
vixpoxi | i would try emulating it through WINE | 11:21 |
scooter | yes but i have gotten really stupid and forgot how to run WINE | 11:21 |
vixpoxi | well do you have it installed? | 11:21 |
devilsadvocate | vixpoxi, MYSPACE im? did you try gaim? | 11:21 |
vixpoxi | i have gaim | 11:21 |
ariari | works!! thanks!!!! | 11:21 |
ariari | thanks! | 11:21 |
cpk1 | ariari: that is assuming the devpoint for the ntfs drive is /dev/hda1 | 11:21 |
ariari | :-) | 11:21 |
cpk1 | ariari: great | 11:21 |
scooter | its been a long time since i have used it | 11:21 |
newuser | juano__: devilsadvocate doesnt work ... I boot from hdb1 ... if i try to start linux i have error 17 ... if I try to start windowd, system reboots ... and I discovered grub is installed on hda too (no os on that hd, data only) | 11:21 |
ariari | hda2 | 11:21 |
ariari | but it works | 11:21 |
vixpoxi | has anyone updated to KDE 3.5.6? | 11:22 |
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cpk1 | ariari: the usb should hopefully automount | 11:22 |
ariari | why is it so protective? anyway, I am glad of it, in retrospect | 11:22 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, i guess we do this the hard way | 11:22 |
ariari | it automounts... 8 gig transcend drive V10 for $95 | 11:22 |
vixpoxi | ? | 11:22 |
newuser | devilsadvocate: so im destined to not use kubuntu 6.10? | 11:22 |
vixpoxi | uh | 11:23 |
juano__ | newuser: check in BIOS if your booting from HDB | 11:23 |
vixpoxi | so has anyone updated to the newest KDE? | 11:23 |
juano__ | newuser: i have a feeling your booting from HDA | 11:23 |
Amadeo | The fonts on google.com look very strange and hard to read for me...I've installed my Windows fonts and enabled them in Firefox, but they still look strange...can anyone tell me why and/or how to fix that? | 11:23 |
devilsadvocate | juano__, grub is loading | 11:23 |
juano__ | newuser: if you want , do the same thing we did today instead of /dev/hdb install it on /dev/hda | 11:24 |
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juano__ | newuser: grub is loading? | 11:24 |
newuser | juano__: i chage boot manually .. i tryed to boot from all my hd ... one starts windows ... one starts linux but doesnt work ... one starts grub but it tells error 15 but on that hd there is only data no os | 11:24 |
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juano__ | newuser: if your linux partition is hdb1 then it should work | 11:25 |
juano__ | root (hd1,0) | 11:25 |
newuser | juano__: sure | 11:25 |
newuser | i pasted my fdisk -l | 11:25 |
juano__ | newuser: try again | 11:25 |
newuser | juano__: try again to reboot and to fail? | 11:25 |
juano__ | newuser: give the URL | 11:25 |
juano__ | newuser: no | 11:25 |
juano__ | newuser: to reinstall grub | 11:25 |
cpk1 | ariari: its not protective its just that linux has trouble writing to ntfs drives (chance to lose data), and the live cd i dont think mounts any drives for you, also you need fstab to automount drives | 11:26 |
esaym | ok I just got a big problem | 11:26 |
juano__ | newuser: lets go slowly | 11:26 |
newuser | juano__: i ll past u again my fdisk -l | 11:26 |
juano__ | newuser: mount your root partition first | 11:26 |
newuser | !pastebin | 11:26 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 11:26 |
esaym | I accedently deleted a folder while in konqueror file manager | 11:26 |
newuser | juano__: hold on | 11:26 |
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esaym | I quickly clicked cancel but there are now some files missing and they are not in the trash! | 11:26 |
esaym | crap crap | 11:27 |
vixpoxi | well since no one is answering in the other hcannel | 11:27 |
esaym | 20gb of files..... | 11:27 |
vixpoxi | has anyone here tried xubuntu? | 11:27 |
vixpoxi | or any of the other ubuntu builds | 11:27 |
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devilsadvocate | vixpoxi, i have | 11:28 |
newuser | juano__: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3388/ | 11:28 |
Bxnp | guy's people are complaining about hearing themselfe back, any other people have that problem | 11:28 |
esaym | no body has any idea? | 11:28 |
Bxnp | is that a linux thing | 11:28 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, lets do this slowly, one step at a time | 11:28 |
Bxnp | i mean with skype | 11:28 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, to start with. lets mount hdb1 | 11:29 |
newuser | devilsadvocate: im here to do that :D | 11:29 |
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andriijas | how unstable is feisty herd? | 11:29 |
newuser | devilsadvocate: tells me command pls :( | 11:29 |
juano__ | newuser: ok lets do this | 11:29 |
juano__ | newuser: sudo mkdir /mnt/myhdd | 11:29 |
juano__ | newuser: sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/myhdd | 11:29 |
newuser | juano__: i ll follow u ok? | 11:29 |
jhutchins | Bxnp: What do you mean? | 11:29 |
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ariari | when I am trying to copy via command line from the hda2 to the usb stick, it is telling me cp: omitting directory... on every cp attempt. The owner ubuntu has rwx... ? | 11:29 |
jhutchins | Ah, with skype. | 11:29 |
josh_ | k | 11:29 |
josh_ | wine is being very stupid | 11:29 |
josh_ | everything i try to use on it doesnt work | 11:29 |
vixpoxi | well, i've got a free 40 gig harddrive and i'm debating what i want to put on it | 11:30 |
vixpoxi | josh_: what are you trying to get to work? | 11:30 |
Bxnp | yes with skype people hear themselfe back even when i use earphones | 11:30 |
jhutchins | Bxnp: That's a pretty common problem for duplex audio (both ways). | 11:30 |
josh_ | k before i installed guild wars on it | 11:30 |
juano__ | newuser: sure, give it a try, do those commands first | 11:30 |
josh_ | very straight forward | 11:30 |
devilsadvocate | vixpoxi, no point doing xubuntu. you can alway apt-get xfce | 11:30 |
juano__ | newuser: did you do them ? | 11:30 |
ariari | cpk1 when I am trying to copy via command line from the hda2 to the usb stick, it is telling me cp: omitting directory... on every cp attempt. The owner ubuntu has rwx... ? | 11:30 |
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Bxnp | can i turn off the duplex thing | 11:30 |
josh_ | i try doing it now and it screws everything up when i try running it | 11:30 |
jhutchins | Bxnp: Not a kubuntu problem, could be a skype problem, could even be their service. | 11:30 |
Amadeo | Yeah, speaking of wine...I can no longer rename keys in regedit | 11:30 |
newuser | juano__: yes I did | 11:30 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, did you mount? | 11:30 |
jhutchins | Bxnp: That would mean some sort of push-to-talk, no. | 11:30 |
vixpoxi | josh_, did you look at winehq.com and the appDB, and made sure it works under your distro? | 11:31 |
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josh_ | well | 11:31 |
josh_ | same with photoshop cs | 11:31 |
josh_ | and bearshare | 11:31 |
juano__ | newuser: ls /mnt/myhdd/boot/grub , id there an output ? | 11:31 |
josh_ | and steam | 11:31 |
vixpoxi | devilsadvocate, is there any difference between ubuntu, xubuntu, and kubuntu? | 11:31 |
vixpoxi | well josh_, i have steam working | 11:31 |
newuser | juano__: output | 11:31 |
vixpoxi | so i might beable to help you with that | 11:31 |
juano__ | newuser: good | 11:31 |
devilsadvocate | vixpoxi, only in the desktop environment | 11:31 |
cpk1 | ariari: you need to use -R | 11:31 |
josh_ | how did u get it working | 11:31 |
vixpoxi | what distro are you using | 11:31 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, now chroot to your hdd.. sudo chroot /mnt/myhdd/grub | 11:31 |
newuser | juano__: do u need it? | 11:32 |
juano__ | newuser: ok, do a ls /mnt/myhdd/home | 11:32 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, now chroot to your hdd.. sudo chroot /mnt/myhdd/grub /bin/bash | 11:32 |
juano__ | devilsadvocate: no no | 11:32 |
josh_ | i'm using dapper | 11:32 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, follow juano__ first | 11:32 |
juano__ | devilsadvocate: no chroot | 11:32 |
josh_ | no wait | 11:32 |
josh_ | edgy | 11:32 |
juano__ | newuser: no chroot | 11:32 |
vixpoxi | josh_, kubuntu 6.10 edgy? | 11:32 |
josh_ | yeah | 11:32 |
newuser | juano__: ill follow only u :) | 11:32 |
newuser | juano__: devilsadvocate I cant follow both | 11:32 |
devilsadvocate | newuser, follow juano__ | 11:33 |
juano__ | newuser: ok, now try an ls /mnt/myhdd/home and see if your username is there | 11:33 |
newuser | juano__: ls /mnt/myhdd/home no output | 11:33 |
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millers | games | 11:33 |
vixpoxi | hmm | 11:34 |
juano__ | newuser: ls -a /mnt/myhdd/ are there you / files u used too use ? | 11:34 |
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vixpoxi | josh_, what version of wine do you have | 11:34 |
josh_ | the newest one | 11:34 |
vixpoxi | 9.30? | 11:34 |
millers | hi i em new :) | 11:34 |
juano__ | newuser: we have to be sure we are on the right HDD | 11:34 |
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Amadeo | 0.9.30 - regedit doesn't work for me in that version (it loads, but you can't really do anything with keys) | 11:34 |
millers | can any tell where i can downlaod games for kubuntu | 11:34 |
millers | ? | 11:34 |
vixpoxi | josh_, 0.9.30 | 11:34 |
newuser | juano__: i didnt understant what u said | 11:34 |
josh_ | how do i check | 11:35 |
millers | can any tell where i can downlaod games for kubuntu | 11:35 |
josh_ | i'm pretty sure i have the newest one | 11:35 |
ariari | thank you for your help cpk1 and devils | 11:35 |
ariari | wave | 11:35 |
vixpoxi | make sure you do | 11:35 |
ariari | bye | 11:35 |
juano__ | newuser: sudo cd /mnt/myhdd | 11:35 |
newuser | ls /mnt/myhdd/home | 11:35 |
millers | can any tell where i can downlaod games for kubuntu | 11:35 |
millers | can any tell where i can downlaod games for kubuntu | 11:35 |
millers | can any tell where i can downlaod games for kubuntu | 11:35 |
vixpoxi | i had steam working in 0.9.29 i think, but i just got my OS working again today | 11:35 |
newuser | juano__: im in | 11:35 |
juano__ | newuser: sudo cd /home | 11:35 |
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jhutchins | millers: Try google, and don't be obnoxious. | 11:35 |
josh_ | how do i check what version i have | 11:35 |
juano__ | newuser: sudo ls | 11:35 |
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vixpoxi | josh_, wine --version in konsole | 11:36 |
millers | jhutchins: oke | 11:36 |
devilsadvocate | juano__, dont cd /home | 11:36 |
josh_ | 9.29 | 11:36 |
josh_ | newest one | 11:36 |
newuser | juano__: ubuntu@ubuntu:/home$ sudo ls | 11:36 |
newuser | ubunt | 11:36 |
vixpoxi | nu uh | 11:36 |
vixpoxi | newest is 9.30 | 11:36 |
josh_ | how do i update | 11:36 |
vixpoxi | update your wine | 11:36 |
juano__ | newuser: is that your username u used ? | 11:36 |
jhutchins | millers: Tip: look for linux games, not just kubuntu. | 11:36 |
vixpoxi | well | 11:36 |
vixpoxi | i use automatix | 11:36 |
josh_ | could i do it through apt | 11:36 |
vixpoxi | most likely | 11:36 |
newuser | juano__: no I set ciro | 11:36 |
devilsadvocate | juano__, /home is on the livecd | 11:37 |
juano__ | newuser: devilsadvocate this is the /home of the HDD | 11:37 |
josh_ | how do u update it in automatix | 11:37 |
vixpoxi | do you have automatix2 | 11:37 |
juano__ | newuser: not the livecd | 11:37 |
devilsadvocate | juano__, not if you did not chroot | 11:37 |
newuser | juano__: i dont know | 11:37 |
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juano__ | devilsadvocate: no chroot here | 11:37 |
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juano__ | newuser: nevermind | 11:38 |
juano__ | newuser: lets keep going, im sure its the right partition | 11:38 |
newuser | ok now? | 11:38 |
devilsadvocate | juano__, then ls /mnt/myhdd/home | 11:38 |
juano__ | newuser: do this to check , run gksudo gparted | 11:38 |
newuser | in /home? | 11:38 |
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juano__ | newuser: run that and tell me which is your linux root partition | 11:38 |
vixpoxi | has anyone updated to KDE 3.5.6 | 11:39 |
newuser | juano__: in /home i have to do ksudo gparted? | 11:39 |
juano__ | newuser: no | 11:39 |
esaym | ok I fixed it huys | 11:39 |
=== konki [n=konki@pool-71-240-138-166.hrbgpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
esaym | guys* | 11:39 |
juano__ | newuser: alt + F2 , type gksudo gparted , ENTER | 11:39 |
newuser | juano__: and where? | 11:39 |
devilsadvocate | vixpoxi, i have | 11:39 |
juano__ | newuser: youll see your partitions there, tell me which is your linux partition | 11:39 |
millers | jhutchins: can jou help me? | 11:39 |
esaym | the files were in the trash for the directtory (.trash) but they just were not shown in the trash can for some reason | 11:40 |
esaym | man I got luckly | 11:40 |
devilsadvocate | vixpoxi, you need to add a repo from kubuntu.org | 11:40 |
newuser | juano__: gksudo gparted could not run the specified command | 11:40 |
esaym | loosing 20gb of files almost...no thank you | 11:40 |
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josh_ | i screwed windows today | 11:40 |
juano__ | newuser: go to system ---> adminitration ---> gnome partitioner | 11:40 |
vixpoxi | devilsadvocate, which one? | 11:40 |
josh_ | so i'm in linux, getting all my games to work | 11:40 |
juano__ | newuser: through GUI | 11:40 |
newuser | juano__: im under kubuntu | 11:41 |
josh_ | till i can buy new motherboard, cpu, and ram | 11:41 |
josh_ | rather than installing windows, getting parts, then installig again | 11:41 |
devilsadvocate | vixpoxi, i dont remember :| try google for kubuntu 3.5.6 | 11:41 |
vixpoxi | josh_, make sure to look at the appDB at winehq.com to make sure your game will work. they will give you instructions | 11:41 |
josh_ | so for teh next month i'm in linux lol | 11:41 |
nagyv | hello! I just realized that one can get to my computer without a root password, simply rebooting in recovery mode. I would be surprised if this would be normal!? | 11:41 |
josh_ | well its pretty straight forward | 11:41 |
josh_ | go into the cd and run setup.exe with wine | 11:41 |
juano__ | newuser: ok then, open a kubuntu partitioner | 11:42 |
newuser | juano__: i found qparted | 11:42 |
vixpoxi | devilsadvocate, what distro of linux are you running? as far as i can tell, KDE 3.5.6 isn't compiled for dapper | 11:42 |
newuser | juano__: now? | 11:42 |
josh_ | ok i'm in winecfg, should i put vertex shader support to hardware or emulated | 11:42 |
devilsadvocate | vixpoxi, edgy | 11:42 |
juano__ | newuser: newuser yes open it | 11:42 |
newuser | juano__: i did but now what i have to do? | 11:43 |
juano__ | newuser: check where your linux partition is opened? | 11:43 |
juano__ | check whats your linux partition number there | 11:43 |
sFEARs | will a windows application that relies on directx & media player runtimes work properly? | 11:43 |
sFEARs | in wine that is | 11:43 |
juano__ | newuser: check if its /dev/hdb1 | 11:43 |
juano__ | newuser: or what | 11:43 |
vixpoxi | devilsadvocate, would you recommend upgrading from 6.06 Dapper to Edgy? | 11:43 |
juano__ | newuser: can you identify your linux partition from there? | 11:44 |
devilsadvocate | vixpoxi, not if you are running an essential server | 11:44 |
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juano__ | newuser: what size is your linux partition ? | 11:44 |
newuser | juano__: my linux partition are on hdb: hdb1 / fs ext3 (but I dont know 2.40 GB are used) hdb3for data fs et3 hdb2for swap fs linux-swap | 11:44 |
vixpoxi | devilsadvocate, i'm just running kubuntu on my PC for my personal use, would it be worth the hassle to upgrade to edgy? | 11:44 |
devilsadvocate | vixpoxi, sometimes it takea an hour or 2 to resolve the dependancies | 11:44 |
devilsadvocate | vixpoxi, definitely | 11:45 |
juano__ | newuser: ok its hdb1 | 11:45 |
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newuser | juano__: why 2.50GB ar used? | 11:45 |
vixpoxi | devilsadvocate, i originally got into kubuntu from getting a free CD with Kubuntu 5.10 Breezy and just edited my sources.list to upgrade to 6.06 Dapper, is it essentially the same to go from Dapper>Edgy? | 11:45 |
khelben | jhhj | 11:45 |
juano__ | newuser: cause you have hdb3 for data right ? | 11:45 |
newuser | juano__: yrs but it is empty | 11:46 |
devilsadvocate | vixpoxi, yes. and now it works more often :) | 11:46 |
juano__ | hdb1 is your root partition , cause it hais the "/" | 11:46 |
vixpoxi | devilsadvocate, i did so by changing "breezy" to "dapper", so would i just change "dapper" to "edgy"? | 11:46 |
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juano__ | newuser: which is the biggest partition ? | 11:46 |
devilsadvocate | yes vixpoxi | 11:46 |
vixpoxi | alright thankyou | 11:46 |
newuser | juano__: hdb1 is / not why it tells me so but why I remember I did a partition / 10 GB | 11:47 |
newuser | juano__: the biggest partition is hdb3 27 gb for data | 11:47 |
newuser | hdb1 is 10 gb | 11:47 |
newuser | hdb2 512 mb | 11:47 |
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juano__ | newuser: newuser well root seems hdb1 , but hdb3 seems your real partition | 11:48 |
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newuser | juano__: so? | 11:48 |
cpk1 | hdb3 is probably just /home | 11:49 |
juano__ | newuser: do this then ls -a /mnt/myhdd/boot/grub | 11:49 |
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juano__ | newuser: if you get a menu.lst then we know its it | 11:49 |
juano__ | newuser: and some more stuff | 11:49 |
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newuser | juano__: output | 11:49 |
juano__ | newuser: ok , if you get that do this: | 11:49 |
newuser | do u need it? | 11:50 |
juano__ | newuser: no | 11:50 |
juano__ | newuser: now : | 11:50 |
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andrew_is | help | 11:50 |
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andrew_is | how do i switch from gnome to kde without reinstalling ubuntu | 11:51 |
andrew_is | ? | 11:51 |
vixpoxi | that's a good question | 11:51 |
vixpoxi | i've always wanted to try gnome | 11:51 |
dan___ | hola | 11:51 |
juano__ | newuser: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/myhdd /dev/hda -----> READ THIS 1st, if you want to install grub to hda put hda, if hdb, then put hdb , no numbers at the end | 11:51 |
vixpoxi | i use KDE, so i don't know how to switch between the two | 11:51 |
ravermeister | hello, i have got a problem | 11:51 |
vixpoxi | ? | 11:51 |
ravermeister | i installed kde 3.5.5 | 11:51 |
vixpoxi | hooray | 11:51 |
newuser | juano__: where do I have to install hda or hdb? | 11:52 |
ravermeister | and now when i try to login, nothing happens | 11:52 |
newuser | I think hdb no? | 11:52 |
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ravermeister | i have to choices | 11:52 |
ravermeister | once i noticed just now | 11:52 |
juano__ | newuser: install hdb yes | 11:52 |
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ravermeister | when i wait for about 5 minutes, the xserver restarts by himself | 11:52 |
andrew_is | well any ideas on going from gnome to kde? | 11:52 |
frojnd | !samba | 11:52 |
ubotu | samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 11:52 |
juano__ | newuser: paste output | 11:52 |
ravermeister | and the login screen reurns to appear | 11:52 |
vixpoxi | andrew, do you have synaptic package manager? | 11:52 |
vixpoxi | ravermeister, how did you install KDE 3.5.5? | 11:53 |
ravermeister | or i restart x by type strg+alt+<- | 11:53 |
ravermeister | via synaptic | 11:53 |
newuser | !pastebon | 11:53 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pastebon - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:53 |
andrew_is | is that the add remove program thingy? | 11:53 |
newuser | !pastebin | 11:53 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 11:53 |
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juano__ | newuser: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/myhdd /dev/hdb would be your command | 11:53 |
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newuser | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3389/ juano__ | 11:53 |
ravermeister | then the login success | 11:53 |
will5000 | anyone around | 11:54 |
ravermeister | i dont know what to do i tested the gdm with the same thing too | 11:54 |
juano__ | newuser: ok, now paste /mnt/myhdd/boot/grub/menu.lst | 11:54 |
=== Pliskin [n=Pliskin@adsl-107-223-192-81.adsl2.iam.net.ma] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ravermeister | i backed my old /etc/kde3/kdm and put it in after the backup again | 11:54 |
ravermeister | i deletet the kdmrc | 11:54 |
newuser | juano__: what is the command to read that file? | 11:55 |
ravermeister | dont know what to do know and no idea how to find out whats the reason :( | 11:55 |
juano__ | newuser: kdesu kate /mnt/myhdd/boot/grub/menu.lst | 11:55 |
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newuser | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3390/ juano__ it seems nothing changed | 11:56 |
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ravermeister | please help me | 11:57 |
ravermeister | may it work to compile kde by my own? | 11:57 |
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vixpoxi | i used automatix2 to get kde 3.5.5 | 11:58 |
dope | high five | 11:58 |
juano__ | newuser: ok, reboot and from BIOS, you need to boot into HDD1 , hard disk number 1, that is if you have a HDD0 a hard disk number 0 | 11:58 |
vixpoxi | i'm currently upgrading to edgy | 11:58 |
vixpoxi | so i can install 3.5.6 | 11:58 |
juano__ | newuser: youll have to boot from your second hard disk | 11:58 |
ravermeister | oh | 11:58 |
juano__ | newuser: you have to set that up in the BIOS | 11:58 |
ravermeister | i had edgy before | 11:58 |
ravermeister | but i had problems with vmware-server | 11:58 |
newuser | juano__: ok Ill try | 11:58 |
newuser | c2 later | 11:58 |
ravermeister | and i heared about the long time support for dapper | 11:58 |
ravermeister | so i choose to keep it | 11:58 |
juano__ | newuser: ok good luck, come back if it goes wrong | 11:58 |
ravermeister | but this problem is very annoying | 11:59 |
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Jucato | long time support doesn't mean getting the latest/newest versions | 11:59 |
ravermeister | but the worst thing is not to know how to fix it | 11:59 |
ravermeister | but stable ones or not? | 11:59 |
ravermeister | the VERY newest i dont need, but as near as ;) | 11:59 |
Jucato | 3.5.5 is as near as... :) | 12:00 |
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Minataku | Heh, at least you're not dealing with Solaris | 12:00 |
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Minataku | c0t0d1s2 == hdb3 | 12:00 |
Minataku | I think | 12:00 |
Minataku | lol | 12:00 |
ravermeister | yeah thats enaugh for me, if it would work fine | 12:00 |
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ravermeister | but kdm makes trouble | 12:00 |
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Minataku | Or the full path that Solaris gives to the main HDD (on my SPARCstation LX)... /iommu@0,10000000/sbus@0,10001000/espdma@4,8400000/esp@4,8800000/sd@3,0 (sd3) | 12:02 |
Minataku | Since the /devices directory is populated by the device path via the OpenBoot PROM | 12:03 |
Minataku | But that's just me showing off a bit >.> | 12:03 |
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vixpoxi | welll | 12:04 |
vixpoxi | i was debating if i wanted to go up to edgy | 12:04 |
vixpoxi | just for KDe 3.5.6 | 12:04 |
vixpoxi | and i decided why not | 12:04 |
Minataku | Luckily food time spares you all from my scary SPARC dealings | 12:04 |
Minataku | XD | 12:04 |
Minataku | Sorry X3 *vanishes to eat* | 12:04 |
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ravermeister | you think i can compile kde? | 12:04 |
ravermeister | is there a possibility that this could work? | 12:05 |
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glundberg | does anyone know how to get rid of the tabs in konqueror? | 12:07 |
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Jucato | glundberg: what do you mean? | 12:09 |
glundberg | in konqueror, there are always tabs at the top. I don't like it | 12:09 |
glundberg | i looked in konquerorrc, but nothing useful there | 12:10 |
Jucato | you can set Konqueror to open new windows instead of tabs. Settings -> Configure Konqueror -> Web Behavior | 12:10 |
glundberg | (as filemanager) konqueror has tabs when I first open the window | 12:11 |
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Jucato | glundberg: in web behavior, make sure that the "Hide the tab bar when only one tab is open" option is enabled | 12:12 |
flaccid | bloody great. my boss has an absolute path in his script | 12:13 |
glundberg | aaah. thank you very much | 12:13 |
glundberg | i'm a recent slackware convert and i'm not used to some of this | 12:14 |
flaccid | why would you go from slackware to kubuntu | 12:15 |
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lenscape | !k3b | 12:15 |
ubotu | k3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto | 12:15 |
Jucato | ease of use? choice? | 12:15 |
flaccid | hehe lets wait for his response | 12:16 |
glundberg | i'm thinking... | 12:16 |
flaccid | ur prolly right i guess yeah.? | 12:16 |
Jucato | lol | 12:16 |
glundberg | slackware is very stable, and its harder to install bleeding edge things like xgl | 12:16 |
glundberg | i would say ease of use though | 12:17 |
Jucato | :) | 12:17 |
glundberg | the synaptic package manager is pretty neat | 12:17 |
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