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poningrufor the installer is there a feature to not attempt to install a certain module?02:49
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okaratasi writing ubuntu server guide for turkish translations04:58
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J_Phi all04:39
[miles] afternoon J_P 04:41
J_PI install ubuntu, but I would like change the locales, how i do ? For I see locale setup I press "locale" and I see the I don't wnat that locales...04:41
J_PI don't have grafica interface, how I do for change that ?04:42
[miles] keys etc?04:43
J_P[miles] : not, supported lnaguage...04:43
J_PI would like UTF-8, but are setup PT_BR04:44
J_PI try locale-gen but taht not change nothing04:44
[miles] portuges / brazil04:44
[miles] ?04:44
[miles] mmmm04:44
[miles] shite, can't remember how you do it04:44
[miles] /etc/locale ?04:44
[miles] locale.alias04:45
[miles] ?04:45
J_Pnothing :-(04:48
[miles] wiki?04:48
J_Pwhat 04:51
J_Pwaht wiki ?04:51
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[miles] J_P, sorry, I mean the Ubuntu wiki05:01
[miles] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf05:02
[miles] sudo dpkg-reconfigure localeconf05:02
J_Pok :-)05:04
[miles] hope that helps05:04
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trandismdoes anyone here manage to setup a distributed file-system using Ubuntu servers & clients other than the openAFS - Kerberos combo? Any pointing to directions (links, experiences etc.) would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance09:39
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mdkehi there. I'm not sure how many of you guys moderate/follow/read the ubuntu-server mailing list, so I wanted to ask you about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-docs/+bug/4594411:35
mdkeif interested, perhaps the best thing is to reply to the bug report11:36
mdkethanks for reading :)11:46
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