=== wellstevesays [n=Steve@c-68-83-123-99.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xtknight | how do i prevent the ubuntu update manager from suggesting updates to packages i do not wish to be updated? | 12:01 |
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fnord123 | is anyone here trying feisty herd2"? | 12:01 |
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xtknight | fnord123: i have feisty livecd (more recent) installed but im not using it right now because i haven't migrated all my stuff | 12:01 |
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bimberi | xtknight: Use Synaptic to "Lock Version" | 12:02 |
ArnottAus | juano: cpk1: yeah the interfaces file is right...doesn't show channel though... | 12:02 |
wellstevesays | Can anyone help me with getting Ubuntu to work? | 12:02 |
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xtknight | bimberi: any way to do this by command line, out of curiosity? 'aptitude hold' seems to be ignored | 12:02 |
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=== unocualquiera [n=cesar@cm-81-9-204-28.telecable.es] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tatster | wellstevesays: What's up? | 12:02 |
_`XeOn_ | is actually any drivers for a 3dfx voodooo 3 (rev 1)??? | 12:02 |
=== soundray [n=rolf@dsl-217-155-44-246.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fnord123 | xtknight: are you seeing some weird network issues/ | 12:02 |
=== Philluminati [n=Phillumi@host217-44-26-46.range217-44.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bimberi | !pinning | xtknight | 12:02 |
ubotu | xtknight: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto | 12:02 |
xtknight | fnord123: no | 12:02 |
fnord123 | i can't seem to get a dhcp lease at home or at my gfs | 12:02 |
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=== Apollo [n=jw@c-67-176-187-206.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Cozomo | Whats an easy way to change your resolution? I have like 1600X1280 and I'm as blind as ray charles. I need to lower it. I've looked in the xorg.conf but none of the values look too big, in other words, I can't find the resolution I currently have anywhere in xorg.conf | 12:03 |
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xtknight | bimberi: thanks | 12:03 |
=== Apollo [n=jw@c-67-176-187-206.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Philluminati | What's best? ALSA or OSS? | 12:03 |
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Music_Shuffle | !resolution | Cozomo | 12:03 |
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juano | fnord123: you want to set eth0 for dhcp-server listener? | 12:03 |
Music_Shuffle | >.> | 12:03 |
ubotu | Cozomo: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 12:03 |
bimberi | xtknight: yw, hopefully useful :) | 12:03 |
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Cozomo | Philluminati: I like OSS | 12:03 |
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xtknight | Philluminati: alsa is newer and supports more devices. i dont relaly know what the difference is anyway | 12:03 |
=== Spee_Der [n=n1gke@ip68-14-29-148.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tatster | wellstevesays: What help do you need ? | 12:03 |
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hornet | witam | 12:04 |
Philluminati | Cozomo, xtknight, thanks | 12:04 |
xtknight | fnord123: is your network adatper enabled? feisty introduced some new type of network management | 12:04 |
Apollo | OSS is being phased out by Debian | 12:04 |
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shorti | witam... jest tu kto kto mwi po polsku? | 12:04 |
shorti | hi... | 12:04 |
=== Telroth|School [n=darth_an@adsl-70-241-112-160.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hornet | shorti ziomalu :)) | 12:04 |
xtknight | fnord123: i guess now that you say it, i disabled the network thing and could never get it enabled again. not even 'sudo ifup eth0' would work, it returned some obscure error. it had to be 'sudo ifconfig eth0 up' | 12:04 |
racefire | hey guys. Is it safe to use the Windows based Ubuntu installer? | 12:04 |
gnomefreak | !pl | 12:04 |
fnord123 | I used ifdown and ifup... and it cound't get a dhcp lease | 12:04 |
ubotu | Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 12:04 |
xtknight | !pl | shorti | 12:04 |
ubotu | shorti: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 12:04 |
=== Kud| [n=Kud@adsl-69-108-66-225.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
newbie | where can i go for general help on linux??? | 12:05 |
ArnottAus | juano: cpk1: ok... the ESSID is right. Te AP MAC address is right.. iwlist works... Mode: Managed... IP Address is right... | 12:05 |
fnord123 | oh really? I'll try that | 12:05 |
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xtknight | fnord123: then try 'sudo ifconfig eth0 up' or 'sudo dhclient eth0' | 12:05 |
=== Sobek [n=jack@pD95371B6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xtknight | newbie: here | 12:05 |
ArnottAus | damnit... it GTG.. urgent.. I'll be back later | 12:05 |
xtknight | !ask | newbie | 12:05 |
ubotu | newbie: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 12:05 |
ArnottAus | sorry guys.. | 12:05 |
ArnottAus | i'll look for you in an hour or so... | 12:05 |
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fnord123 | ok let me try that. /me unplugs wire and shoves it back into the laptop | 12:05 |
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bimberi | newbie: here, or ##linux | 12:05 |
ArnottAus | juano: cpk1: thank you very much for your help! | 12:06 |
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ArnottAus | juano: cpk1: ill be bck soon | 12:06 |
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juano | ArnottAus: ok :no prob :-) | 12:06 |
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enyc | arc|zzz: just about... | 12:06 |
enyc | arc|zzz: loadidng pastebin... | 12:07 |
newbie | i installed edgy eft on another computer and i am trying to get penggy to work help please | 12:07 |
arc|zzz | WTF? | 12:08 |
=== gray_fox [n=frank@host145-31-dynamic.57-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
arc|zzz | Sorry.. Wrong window :) | 12:08 |
hornet | same angliki>>?? | 12:08 |
enyc | arc|zzz: erm that file is empty apparently | 12:08 |
=== finalbeta [n=finalbet@d5152A68A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
enyc | arc|zzz: err please chcek that file is not 0 bytes long... | 12:08 |
hornet | klikac klikac i duzo po polsku | 12:09 |
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soundray | newbie: since nobody else seems to be replying, here's a generic hint: look for documentation in /usr/share/doc/penggy | 12:09 |
xtknight | !pl | hornet | 12:09 |
ubotu | hornet: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 12:09 |
arc|zzz | I'm sure it isn't | 12:10 |
soundray | newbie: there also appears to be a man page -- try man 8 penggy | 12:10 |
arc|zzz | But... How do I check? | 12:10 |
hornet | dzieki boty | 12:10 |
enyc | arc|zzz: hrrm id like to see the 'ls -l' actually | 12:10 |
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newbie | soundry thank you | 12:10 |
=== jeanjean [n=jeanjean@86-39-2-159.customer.fulladsl.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
enyc | arc|zzz: 'ls -l (path)', noting that you can use TAB to complete the name | 12:10 |
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xtknight | is there a good DEB package generator? that will help you with scripts and the Status file? | 12:10 |
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tim167 | anyone know how to make a custom live cd that boots right into a program of choice ? | 12:11 |
xtknight | i say good because i dont want to do it all manually | 12:11 |
hornet | join #ubuntu.pl | 12:11 |
hornet | ops | 12:11 |
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xtknight | hornet: #ubuntu-pl actually | 12:11 |
arc|zzz | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3254/ | 12:11 |
Polarity | Hmm | 12:11 |
Polarity | I'm trying to install to my pen drive | 12:11 |
xtknight | tim167: "linux from scratch" maybe | 12:11 |
Polarity | And it's sticking at 15% saying it failed parititioning | 12:11 |
pbureau | if anyone is trying to compile the new 0.6.4 gnome networkmanager just want yall to know there is a bug in the 'gnome/libnm_glib/libnm_glib.pc' where dbus_diconnected needs to be changed to dbus_close | 12:11 |
hornet | #ubuntu-pl | 12:11 |
Polarity | Any ideas? | 12:11 |
xtknight | hornet: " /join #ubuntu-pl " | 12:12 |
sparr | is there a way to use wildcards with apt-get and have it pick (at random, i dont care how) between conflicting matches? | 12:12 |
=== joe_schmo [n=babo@213-202-153-31.bas503.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== pigu [n=pigu@camin.tg-mures.roedu.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tim167 | xtknigt: cool, do I need synaptic for that ? ;) | 12:12 |
joe_schmo | what's the name of the .chm viewer for linux again ? | 12:12 |
soundray | tim167: for creating live CDs, check out the dfsbuild package. | 12:12 |
bimberi | !bugs | pbureau | 12:12 |
ubotu | pbureau: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots | 12:12 |
newbie | soundray it isnt under usr its in ect and it wont let me add phone number and name and save error read only | 12:12 |
soundray | !dfsbuild | tim167 | 12:12 |
ubotu | dfsbuild: Build Debian From Scratch CD/DVD images. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99.1 (edgy), package size 1300 kB, installed size 4404 kB (Only available for i386 alpha powerpc amd64) | 12:12 |
xtknight | tim167: no it's separate from ubuntu altogether. google "linux from scratch" they might cover how to make livecds and such. | 12:12 |
xtknight | there ya go | 12:12 |
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xtknight | dfs looks easier | 12:12 |
pbureau | bimberi- very goo thanks | 12:12 |
pbureau | good | 12:12 |
bimberi | pbureau: yw :) | 12:12 |
=== SmAcKaSs [n=smackass@c-67-175-249-159.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pigu | salut | 12:13 |
SmAcKaSs | mwe: you here? | 12:13 |
=== james__ [n=james@c-24-7-251-85.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pigu | buna | 12:13 |
xtknight | joe_schmo: viewing windows help files you mean? maybe evince will do it | 12:13 |
soundray | newbie: you're probably editing a system file, so you need admin rights. Try with sudo | 12:13 |
pigu | ma ajuta cineva si pe mine? | 12:13 |
joe_schmo | xtknight: that's the one ... thanks | 12:13 |
SmAcKaSs | anyone here that was helping me earlier? | 12:13 |
=== RxDx [n=Rodrigo@201-74-152-21-sj.cpe.vivax.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xtknight | !ro | pigu | 12:14 |
ubotu | pigu: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro | 12:14 |
adaptr | with what ? | 12:14 |
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=== thug hehe postfix | ||
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tim167 | xtknight: the "entirely from source code" on the LinuxFromScratch page scares me a bit ... | 12:14 |
xtknight | tim167: try debian from scratch as suggested earlier | 12:14 |
xtknight | tim167: dfsbuild | 12:14 |
=== Twinxor [n=Twinxor@c-24-7-89-173.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | !dfsbuild | tim167 | 12:15 |
ubotu | dfsbuild: Build Debian From Scratch CD/DVD images. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99.1 (edgy), package size 1300 kB, installed size 4404 kB (Only available for i386 alpha powerpc amd64) | 12:15 |
=== amac777 [n=nigol@219-84-74-10-adsl-tpe.static.so-net.net.tw] has joined #ubuntu | ||
adaptr | tim167: as it rightly should.. although if you follow the instructions closely, it's kinda easy | 12:15 |
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wellstevesays | Can anyone help me install Ubuntu? | 12:15 |
soundray | tim167: Linux from Scratch is more like a learning routine. | 12:15 |
soundray | !install | wellstevesays | 12:15 |
ubotu | wellstevesays: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues | 12:15 |
=== corevette [n=corevett@adsl-75-35-200-112.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wellstevesays | ? | 12:15 |
Tatster | wellstevesays: Have you tried a LiveCD? | 12:15 |
corevette | how do i tell if my other hdd is working? | 12:15 |
tim167 | thanks! guys, a lot to look at... again :) | 12:15 |
wellstevesays | I've installed it one | 12:16 |
=== surgy [n=surgy@adsl-75-40-133-232.dsl.okcyok.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wellstevesays | But one I put it in my PC | 12:16 |
surgy | ok so im following these instruction http://www.pastebin.ca/331503 and am at the "cd k3b-0.11.23" part and the terminal sayss its not a valid directory can someone help please? | 12:16 |
deg0nz | gn8! (amsg) | 12:16 |
wellstevesays | It doesn't detect the Live CD | 12:16 |
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=== Feengur [n=feengur@host-12-168-179-112.nctv.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wellstevesays | It boots right up into Windows | 12:16 |
soundray | wellstevesays: you need to setup the BIOS to boot from CD | 12:16 |
wellstevesays | I did | 12:16 |
Polarity | Hmm | 12:16 |
wellstevesays | I am at the Boot Device Menu right now | 12:16 |
=== rebz [n=rebz@cpe-69-202-133-143.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Klipsch | by the way, i have trouble with my laptop keyboard... which layout should i take? i have a toshiba 2450... of course generic pc 105 aint working properly. The problem is that i dont have any manual and looking on websites didnt gave me anything :( | 12:16 |
racefire | wellstevesays:you may want to use the windows based installer, so it's a prototype. I think it's safe though | 12:16 |
Polarity | The partitioning on the installer says a minimum of 2GB | 12:16 |
xtknight | surgy: cd into the k3b dir with whatever version it grabbed | 12:16 |
Feengur | hey, i can't remember, what is the nvidia command for configuring your xorg.conf? | 12:16 |
wellstevesays | Whats that? | 12:17 |
Feengur | sudo nvidia-settings xserver-xconfig ? | 12:17 |
racefire | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/install.exe/Prototype | 12:17 |
Polarity | But isn't it possible to install it to a 1GB pen drive? | 12:17 |
corevette | wellstevesays did you try burning another cd? | 12:17 |
surgy | xtknight: how do i tell what version? | 12:17 |
=== maziah [n=maziah@203-109-240-146.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xtknight | surgy: cd k3b{immediately press tab} | 12:17 |
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=== phos-phoros [n=Donovan@unaffiliated/phos-phoros] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | wellstevesays: perhaps you copied the .iso to a CD-R instead of making a bootable CD from it? | 12:17 |
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=== Cin [n=chris@unaffiliated/cin] has joined #ubuntu | ||
surgy | xtknight thnx a million man | 12:17 |
xtknight | wellstevesays: so how does it not work? | 12:17 |
Feengur | anyone know? | 12:17 |
=== zaffo [n=fake@c-69-243-64-50.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
corevette | wellstevesays...what do you use to mount the iso file to the cd? | 12:17 |
wellstevesays | I get a error | 12:18 |
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wellstevesays | Soundray I did what the wiki said | 12:18 |
Cin | xtknight: check out this error message: http://rafb.net/p/JrUVja29.html | 12:18 |
=== Twinxor [n=Twinxor@c-24-7-89-173.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
xtknight | Feengur: sudo nvidia-xconfig | 12:18 |
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=== humbolto [n=elias@213-147-185-150.ADSL.ycn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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wellstevesays | It keeps saying "Strike F1 to retry boot, F2 for setup utility" | 12:18 |
Cin | xtknight: I installed the kernel headers as you said, but I'm not sure if that's the right one | 12:18 |
terapicodave | attempted dapper->edgy upgrade last night but it failed in the middle and now, I have to startx manually and when I go to shutdown, it just seems to startup....what should I do or look at? | 12:18 |
metroman | What's the password to become a root user on the Live CD? | 12:18 |
enyc | arc|zzz: erm... 1 -rw-r--r-- 1 giddorah giddorah 0 2007-01-27 01:31 01-ya -- its 0 bytes ! | 12:18 |
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=== tristil_ [n=method@c-67-171-66-183.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | terapicodave: try 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop' if you're on gnome | 12:18 |
Flannel | metroman: like all ubuntu, there is no root account, use sudo | 12:18 |
=== neeto [n=chatzill@c-71-236-181-34.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xtknight | Cin: it doesn't look good. are you sure those drivers are compatible with your kernel and version of Xorg? | 12:19 |
metroman | Flannel: How, please? | 12:19 |
soundray | metroman: with 'sudo -i' you don't need a password | 12:19 |
Jowi | metroman, type "sudo -i" | 12:19 |
Tatster | wellstevesays: and you have set your BIOS to boot from CD before your HDD ? | 12:19 |
Flannel | terapicodave: try a dist-upgrade again | 12:19 |
metroman | Ok, thanks guys. | 12:19 |
wellstevesays | Yes | 12:19 |
nrdb | I have a ssh connection to a remote computer, I would like to get a web-page from the ADSL modem connected to the remote computer, could this be done via the ssh shell ? how do recomend I do it ? | 12:19 |
Cin | xtknight: no, I am not sure | 12:19 |
wellstevesays | Goes CD Floppy the HDD | 12:19 |
xtknight | Cin: ill try and compile them for you if you really want. it soudns like youve been struggling for days lol | 12:19 |
wellstevesays | then*** | 12:19 |
=== Bosto [n=bosto@bas1-montreal42-1178030404.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xtknight | Cin: i have Edgy, though | 12:19 |
Cin | xtknight: I have ;_; | 12:19 |
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racefire | wellstevesays: did you see what I said about installing from windows without partitioning? | 12:19 |
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terapicodave | Flannel, soundray: which would you do first? | 12:19 |
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soundray | nrdb: easiest is probably to run a text mode browser on the remote computer | 12:19 |
wellstevesays | Yeah reading it now | 12:19 |
racefire | ok | 12:20 |
Cin | xtknight: this is where I got the driver, it doesn't have a README.TXT or a kernel version: http://downloadfinder.intel.com/scripts-df-external/Detail_Desc.aspx?agr=Y&ProductID=1862&DwnldID=8203&strOSs=39&OSFullName=Linux*&lang=eng | 12:20 |
soundray | terapicodave: mine ;) | 12:20 |
neeto | What are those CVS-like things called where you can post your code, and then give other people the link for it? | 12:20 |
xtknight | what's sudo -i do? same as 'su'? what's the difference vs. sudo -H -s ? | 12:20 |
joe_schmo | xtknight: evince just tells me "unhandled mime type : application/x-chm" | 12:20 |
Polarity | Is there a way I can make an ISO from my CD? | 12:20 |
=== boyracer [n=marek@ip68-4-245-227.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nrdb | soundray: do you know the name of one ? | 12:20 |
joe_schmo | that's a bit weird ... | 12:20 |
soundray | nrdb: links | 12:20 |
xtknight | joe_schmo: im not sure whether evince can do chm or not | 12:20 |
soundray | !links | nrdb | 12:20 |
ubotu | links: Character mode WWW browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99+1.00pre12-1 (edgy), package size 375 kB, installed size 936 kB | 12:20 |
Flannel | xtknight: no, not the same as su. But yes, it opens a shell | 12:20 |
=== tristil_ [n=method@c-67-171-66-183.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wellstevesays | soundray: you said I just put the ISO on the CD-R instead of a bootable? | 12:20 |
enyc | arc|zzz: you would probably find that right-click on fire etc. will show you the same thing | 12:20 |
soundray | !lynx | nrdb, this is an older one | 12:20 |
ubotu | nrdb, this is an older one: Browsers available for Linux: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), Opera (Qt, proprietary) - HTTP servers: apache2 | 12:20 |
Polarity | Is there a way I can make an ISO from my CD? | 12:20 |
Polarity | Using the liveCD part of Ubuntu | 12:21 |
xtknight | neeto: um Koders? | 12:21 |
=== fnord123 [n=fnord@user-3e887a80.telcl21.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | wellstevesays: have you downloaded a .iso file from the ubuntu site? | 12:21 |
neeto | xtknight: Maybe | 12:21 |
jevangelo | were is source located after you apt-get something | 12:21 |
jevangelo | is there any source? | 12:21 |
wellstevesays | Yes | 12:21 |
xtknight | jevangelo: not unless you use 'apt-get source' | 12:21 |
Flannel | xtknight: the man page explains it all, -i sets a bunch of other stuff, other than just the homedir | 12:21 |
=== virtu [n=virtu@201-25-40-48.paemt704.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wellstevesays | Then I used Disk Utility to burn it to a CD | 12:21 |
=== dvgrhl [n=dvgrhl@c-24-22-248-37.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
corevette | how do i see if my second hdd is working??? where is the location i can store files on it? | 12:21 |
soundray | wellstevesays: and if you open it in Windows Explorer, how many files are in the root? | 12:21 |
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Polarity | Oh nvm | 12:21 |
bimberi | jevangelo: the .deb files are put in /var/cache/apt/archives | 12:21 |
wellstevesays | Im on OS X | 12:21 |
neeto | xtknight: Not koders, exactly. It's so if you have problems with code, you can send it to someone else to see if they can find a solution | 12:22 |
soundray | wellstevesays: and if you open it in Finder, how many files are in the root? | 12:22 |
=== thug thinks postfix is wicked :)) | ||
=== linux_user400354 [n=chris@208-117-73-67.block5.gvtc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wellstevesays | One sec | 12:22 |
xtknight | neeto: pastebin? | 12:22 |
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neeto | xtknight: I think that's it | 12:22 |
jevangelo | if i do apt-get source, where will it go | 12:22 |
wellstevesays | 19 items it says | 12:22 |
=== maverynthia [n=KlingonE@54-4.202-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xtknight | Cin: no docs inside the file? | 12:22 |
soundray | wellstevesays: also, what kind of Mac is it? Intel, G3, G4, G5? | 12:22 |
xtknight | jevangelo: current directory, type `pwd` | 12:22 |
wellstevesays | Intel | 12:23 |
=== Render_ [n=johnny@12-227-137-64.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linux_user400354 | the cpu frequency scaling monitor gnome applet does not let me change the cpu speed with a left click in ubuntu. it does work in fedora though. how can i get it to work? | 12:23 |
neeto | xtknight: Yeah, that was it, thanks. | 12:23 |
jevangelo | i have to figure out why pulling and installing vsftp isnt givein me a vsftpd.conf | 12:23 |
wellstevesays | Im Installing it one my PC | 12:23 |
wellstevesays | Should I boot up Windows and check the disc? | 12:23 |
racefire | So, wellstevesays, i take it ur using x86 Ubuntu? | 12:23 |
soundray | wellstevesays: no | 12:23 |
xtknight | linux_user400354: preferences of the applet? is it the same version of applet? | 12:23 |
soundray | wellstevesays: how many files do you see when you look at the CD using the Finder? | 12:23 |
=== plex0r [n=plex0r@adsl-066-156-083-089.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wellstevesays | I see 19 items | 12:23 |
=== dvgrhl [n=dvgrhl@c-24-22-248-37.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Screw] | ||
soundray | wellstevesays: good | 12:24 |
Feengur | how do i run the setup program for the xserver? | 12:24 |
Klipsch | Guys please i really really need help, i have trouble with my laptop keyboard... which layout should i take? i have a toshiba 2450... of course generic pc 105 aint working properly. The problem is that i dont have any manual and looking on websites didnt gave me anything :( | 12:24 |
=== arc|zzz [n=giddorah@c-1a1d71d5.013-2011-68736410.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Cin | xtknight: I can't see any | 12:24 |
xtknight | Feengur: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 12:24 |
Cin | *despair* | 12:24 |
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linux_user400354 | xtknight: nope, tried that | 12:24 |
soundray | wellstevesays: now, on your PC, in the BIOS setup, do you get to set the boot sequence? | 12:24 |
Feengur | xt, i thought there was something that involved nvidia-config or nvidia-settings | 12:24 |
Feengur | ? | 12:24 |
=== nitestarr [n=knightst@c-75-66-203-198.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xtknight | linux_user400354: compare output of `rpm -q gnome-applets` on fedora to `dpkg -s gnome-applets` on ubuntu | 12:25 |
wellstevesays | Im not exactly sure if its the BIOS but I do see a thing that lets me order CDRom, Floppy and HDD | 12:25 |
xtknight | Feengur: sudo nvidia-xconfig? | 12:25 |
=== starz [i=UPP@cpe-72-129-76-110.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
starz | oi | 12:25 |
=== nexous [n=nexous@plns-64-111-128-76-pppoe.dsl.plns.epix.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
starz | im trying to setup a dlink air dwl-520 rev e wireless card | 12:25 |
wellstevesays | Oh yes Boot Squence -.- | 12:25 |
wellstevesays | Sequence *** | 12:25 |
Tatster | wellstevesays: When your PC boots up does it spin up the CD drive? Do you get anything from the CD? | 12:25 |
soundray | wellstevesays: yep, that's the Basic Input/Output System... | 12:25 |
wellstevesays | Um no | 12:25 |
starz | i installed ndiswrapper and got the driver installed but i cant seem to get it to work | 12:25 |
cablesm102 | starz, that should work automatically. I'm pretty sure it's an Atheros card... | 12:25 |
Feengur | that's it, thanks xt :) | 12:25 |
starz | its a prism chipset | 12:26 |
xtknight | Cin: "Please download the README.TXT, as it is not included in the package." | 12:26 |
xtknight | Cin: yet there is no readme.txt to download. lovely | 12:26 |
=== PinguinDude [n=pingu@ip3e836a03.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wellstevesays | I try to tell it to boot from the boot menu but it keeps getting error to say to retry | 12:26 |
nexous | How can I get permission to write to usr/share/fonts foldeR?? | 12:26 |
Cin | xtknight: yeah, that's what I thought | 12:26 |
starz | gawd thats what my roomate gets for getting a cheap card.... | 12:26 |
xtknight | Cin: http://www.intellinuxgraphics.org/ | 12:26 |
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=== zorba64 [n=zorba64@124-254-88-221-dsl.ispone.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
starz | cablesm102 is there a way to scan for open networks? | 12:26 |
adamonline45 | nexous: Sudo? | 12:26 |
nexous | !fonts | 12:26 |
ubotu | Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer | 12:26 |
starz | with iwconfig i get a list of stats on the card... etc but i still cant get it goign somehow......... | 12:26 |
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nexous | How would I go about it adamon?? | 12:26 |
soundray | wellstevesays: it's possible that your burning went wrong and your boot CD is faulty. | 12:27 |
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wellstevesays | I dont think so, when I put it in and windows was running I got a Ubuntu screen | 12:27 |
soundray | wellstevesays: do you have any CD that would definitely be bootable (to test with)? | 12:27 |
olsen | !flash | 12:27 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 12:27 |
ubotu | Flash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash | 12:27 |
adamonline45 | nexous: sudo cp afont.fnt /usr/share/fonts | 12:27 |
wellstevesays | Showing like Gaim and Firefox | 12:27 |
adamonline45 | nexous: will copy afont.fnt to /usr/share/fonts | 12:27 |
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nexous | okay, where should afont.fnt be locateD? | 12:28 |
adamonline45 | nexous: That depends on where it is ;) | 12:28 |
=== wattazoum [n=wattazou@ant06-1-82-242-110-34.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xtknight | is there a good front-end GUI to use for creating Debian packages? | 12:28 |
adamonline45 | nexous: afont.fnt is a hypothetical name | 12:28 |
=== Cin tears hair out and makes a stress ball out of it | ||
=== Carnage\ [n=carnage@p549FE266.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SmAcKaSs | anyone here done the USB install for edgy ? | 12:28 |
nexous | I know, but I'm saynig, if it's in a specific directory, ill have to map it out right? | 12:29 |
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olsen | i don't get sound in flash 9, anyone? | 12:29 |
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Polarity | When following this guide: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent | 12:29 |
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xtknight | olsen: common problem discussed on the forums. search for 'sound flash' | 12:29 |
Polarity | And I've got to the point where it says copy files | 12:29 |
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Polarity | It says copy off the cd | 12:29 |
soundray | wellstevesays: do you have a Windows install CD that you could test CD booting with? | 12:29 |
pwk | hi | 12:29 |
xtknight | !enter | Polarity | 12:29 |
ubotu | Polarity: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 12:29 |
pwk | i just was told about xubuntu.. whats s specialy bout it? | 12:29 |
Alpha232 | when installing apache2, which version is installed? prefork perchild or worker? | 12:29 |
xtknight | !xubuntu | pwk | 12:29 |
ubotu | pwk: xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels | 12:29 |
xtknight | pwk: it's lightweight and made for PCs with slow CPUs or little RAM | 12:29 |
wellstevesays | Ah no :( My brother has it | 12:29 |
Polarity | But I can't access my CD with this liveCD mode thing. | 12:29 |
wellstevesays | I've used the disc to install Ubuntu on Parallels | 12:30 |
wellstevesays | It worked there | 12:30 |
Polarity | Any ideas? | 12:30 |
pwk | thxs | 12:30 |
pwk | bbl | 12:30 |
pwk | going to install | 12:30 |
soundray | wellstevesays: oh, okay, that kinda proves its okay. | 12:30 |
Cin | what is git? | 12:30 |
xtknight | Cin: sorta like cvs | 12:30 |
xtknight | Cin: linus's concurrent versinoing system | 12:30 |
=== Cin facedesks | ||
adamonline45 | nexous: No, not necessarily. You can move to the folder that the font's in | 12:30 |
adamonline45 | nexous: and then type what I said above. | 12:31 |
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cinnix | flubox > I have unpacked my styles in the correct directory, documentation says to set it in Fluxbox menu. I fail to see that option | 12:31 |
xtknight | Cin: just download the latest stable binary. you have enough problms alrady lol | 12:31 |
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Cin | xtknight: gladly, care to link? | 12:31 |
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nexous | Okay having a bit of trouble doing it. | 12:31 |
fnord123 | xtknight: after running sudo ifconfig eth1 up and then init.d/networking restart, I still don't get a dhcp lease. :-S | 12:31 |
nexous | sudo cp /home/nexous/desktop/MonteCarlo/MonteCarloBold.ttf /usr/share/fonts | 12:31 |
xtknight | fnord123: what about sudo dhclient eth0 | 12:31 |
soundray | wellstevesays: does your PC have a floppy drive? | 12:31 |
wellstevesays | Yes | 12:31 |
fnord123 | i hadn't trues that | 12:31 |
nexous | should i have /usr/share/fonts/truetype/? | 12:32 |
LjL | Ubotu, tell nexous about fonts | nexous, see the private message from Ubotu | 12:32 |
soundray | wellstevesays: you could try booting from a smart boot manager floppy and load up the CD from there. | 12:32 |
Cin | xtknight: it's not like I _wanted_ to compile it anyway. I just want to get the bloody thing installed so I can use Ubuntu properly | 12:32 |
soundray | !smartboot | wellstevesays | 12:32 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about smartboot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:32 |
Polarity | How do I copy a directory? | 12:32 |
wellstevesays | How would I do that? | 12:32 |
soundray | wellstevesays: oops | 12:32 |
adamonline45 | nexous: that's a good question, I don't know... my answer is a general one regarding moving a file into a directory you don't have write permissions for. | 12:32 |
adaptr | nexous: only if you installed msttcorefonts | 12:32 |
cinnix | xtknight: ditch the version from the Ununtu repo (sorry im new to linux, trying to get an install on my laptop) | 12:32 |
xtknight | Cin: i dont know. the website is horrible | 12:32 |
fnord123 | s/trues/tried/ | 12:32 |
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xtknight | cinnix: what? | 12:33 |
=== killown [n=killown@201-27-175-72.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nexous | msttcorefonts is that in repo? | 12:33 |
adaptr | yep | 12:33 |
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LjL | soundray: smartbootmanager, it's just an alias to "boot" anyway | 12:33 |
Polarity | Anyone? | 12:33 |
adaptr | !ttf | 12:33 |
soundray | wellstevesays: give me a second or two | 12:33 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ttf - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:33 |
fnord123 | xtknight: the DHCPDISCOVER requests time out. :( | 12:33 |
Polarity | I need to copy some folders off my CD to my pen drive. | 12:33 |
wellstevesays | K | 12:33 |
xtknight | fnord123: gateway set correctly? | 12:33 |
adaptr | !msttcorefonts | 12:33 |
ubotu | msttcorefonts: Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.2ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 22 kB, installed size 164 kB | 12:33 |
cinnix | xtknight: shall I just compile from source the latest version and lose the one from Ubuntu repos/ | 12:33 |
soundray | LjL: is that floppy image still on the install CDs? Not with feisty, I just checked... | 12:34 |
adaptr | nexous: ^^^^ | 12:34 |
LjL | soundray: i don't quite know | 12:34 |
xtknight | cinnix:are you Cin? i never saw a name change notice, odd | 12:34 |
cinnix | xtknight: sorry, no i thought you were talking to me ^^ | 12:34 |
Polarity | How do I copy a folder at the terminal? | 12:34 |
LjL | Ubotu, tell Polarity about cli | Polarity, see the private message from Ubotu | 12:34 |
cinnix | xtknight: im a different person | 12:34 |
LjL | Polarity: "man cp" | 12:34 |
xtknight | cinnix: oh, no. do you have a question? and where'd Cin go? lol | 12:34 |
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Polarity | Oh right | 12:35 |
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adamonline45 | xtknight: I jsut saw Cin exit about 1 minute ago | 12:35 |
nexous | !msttcorefonts | 12:35 |
ubotu | msttcorefonts: Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.2ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 22 kB, installed size 164 kB | 12:35 |
cinnix | fluxbox > I have unpacked my styles in the correct directory, documentation says to set it in Fluxbox menu. I fail to see that option | 12:35 |
xtknight | adamonline45: gotcha | 12:35 |
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nexous | How can i install the msttcorefonts now? | 12:35 |
Polarity | I'm using cp though | 12:35 |
xtknight | cinnix: yikes, not sure | 12:35 |
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nexous | Do I have to download a package? or what. | 12:35 |
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Polarity | It says ommitting directory casper | 12:35 |
fnord123 | how do i check my gateway, from an xterm? | 12:35 |
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nexous | !fonts | 12:36 |
ubotu | Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer | 12:36 |
jrib | nexous: enable multiverse | 12:36 |
xtknight | fnord123: "route" then look under gateway? | 12:36 |
nexous | jrib: How? | 12:36 |
cinnix | xtknight: no worries mate, its not too important anyway, just a little problem left on my list :) | 12:36 |
jrib | !multiverse | nexous | 12:36 |
ubotu | nexous: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 12:36 |
=== nexous is a n00b. | ||
adamonline45 | cat /etc/network/interfaces ? | 12:36 |
jrib | Polarity: cp -a | 12:37 |
xtknight | Polarity: cp -a if you want to copy all of the directory | 12:37 |
fnord123 | ok so, I guess "*" is wrong | 12:37 |
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xtknight | fnord123: i dont know. my gateway is listed at the bottom, the rest are *s and it's fine | 12:37 |
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xtknight | fnord123: i think it's destination default you want to be looking at | 12:37 |
=== thekorn [n=markus@a89-182-17-68.net-htp.de] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
xtknight | help fnord123 set or find his gateway, i have no idea | 12:37 |
Polarity | Thanks. :D | 12:38 |
=== supertux_ [n=supertux@cpe-72-181-7-135.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ShiftyPowers | anyone have experience with twinview and using modelines at the same time? | 12:39 |
soundray | wellstevesays: you could use Smart Boot Manager (http://btmgr.sourceforge.net/about.html) to create a bootable floppy, which will chainload the CD installer. | 12:39 |
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Polarity | Hmm | 12:39 |
Polarity | I'm copying a folder to my 1GB pen drive | 12:39 |
=== thug everyone seens to say "qmail its shit and stuff" "use postfix its better" and when people are asking for help about postfix no one knows anything :)) | ||
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wellstevesays | Do I need a floppy? | 12:39 |
soundray | wellstevesays: yes ;) | 12:39 |
wellstevesays | like a floppy disc? | 12:40 |
Music_Shuffle | ...the other kinds aren't appropriate for this channel, so...yes. | 12:40 |
Polarity | And the 1GB pendrive has 125Mb on it | 12:40 |
Polarity | Yet when I try to copy 10Mb it says it's full | 12:40 |
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Polarity | cp: cannot create directory `/media/sdb1/disctree': No space left on device | 12:40 |
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SlimG | how do I change a 100Mbit network card to 10Mbit? the cable isn't capable of more than 10Mbit | 12:41 |
xtknight | Polarity: type "df -h" what does it report for free on sdb1? | 12:41 |
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soundray | wellstevesays: if that idea appears oblique, try the Windows-based Ubuntu installer -- but I don't know anything about it, maybe someone else can help. | 12:41 |
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xtknight | SlimG: any reason? i think it autosenses | 12:41 |
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wellstevesays | Mmmk thanks | 12:41 |
Polarity | None | 12:41 |
Polarity | Which is strange | 12:41 |
xtknight | what's that one program that changes the NT bootloader and adds an entry to install linux? | 12:41 |
xtknight | i know they had one that worked with ubuntu | 12:42 |
Polarity | I'm following this guide: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent | 12:42 |
Polarity | And I've copied casper | 12:42 |
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Polarity | Trying to copy disctree now | 12:42 |
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jamesr | hi. i'm looking for a certain header file in ubuntu 6.10 (qpointarray.h, incidently) - are there any tools out there to find out what package this would be in? | 12:43 |
terapicodave | xtknight: install.exe? | 12:43 |
coz_ | what is the command to find nvidia version | 12:43 |
xtknight | jamesr: http://packages.ubuntu.com and search for file-within-package | 12:43 |
SlimG | xtknight: the network isn't stable when exceeding speeds above 10Mbit | 12:43 |
soundray | !apt-file | jamesr | 12:43 |
ubotu | jamesr: apt-file is a program that can tell you which package(s) contain(s) a given filename. To install it and generate the database it needs, run "sudo apt-get install apt-file && sudo apt-file update" | 12:43 |
jamesr | xtknight: thanks | 12:43 |
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Polarity | Any ideas? | 12:43 |
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bruenig | jamesr, libqt3-headers | 12:43 |
xtknight | terapicodave: no it wasnt on the ubuntu cd | 12:43 |
sivik | jamesr, try reading http://www.handhelds.org/~zecke/apidocs/qt/qpointarray-h.html | 12:43 |
sivik | jamesr, its a qt header | 12:43 |
jamesr | bruenig: yeah, but just asking you guys every time i need a header isn't a very scalable solution | 12:43 |
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jamesr | i realize that for this header | 12:44 |
bruenig | jamesr, apt-file | 12:44 |
xtknight | jamesr: did packages.ubuntu work? | 12:44 |
terapicodave | xtknight: are you talking about the one that's been dugg and slashdotted recently? There's a story on digg about it right now | 12:44 |
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sivik | jamesr, have you tried looking on google before coming in here | 12:44 |
jamesr | i'm installing apt-file | 12:44 |
xtknight | terapicodave: maybe .. ? | 12:44 |
linux_user400354 | xtknight: the version is newer in ubuntu so i have no idea Version: 2.16.1-0ubuntu4 and this is fc gnome-applets- | 12:44 |
jamesr | yes, nothing obvious showed up | 12:44 |
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mikeeeeeee | can someone help me get opera running? | 12:44 |
xtknight | linux_user400354: hmm, i dont know | 12:44 |
jamesr | there's quite a few qt-related header packages | 12:44 |
Cin | well, that was fun. in a disappointing way | 12:44 |
bruenig | mikeeeeeee, you just dpkg -i the deb | 12:44 |
Kud| | Is the correct command to allow irc traffic in iptables "iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -i eth0 --dport irc -j ACCEPT"? | 12:44 |
surgy | anyone know the repo that has k3b-mp3 in it? | 12:44 |
xtknight | Cin: is your day getting any better yet? | 12:44 |
sivik | jamesr, i just searched for it and found a whole bunch of stuff, or look for the rpm for it and use alien to get it to a deb package | 12:44 |
bruenig | !info libk3b-mp3 | 12:44 |
soundray | Cin: I've missed your question | 12:44 |
mikeeeeeee | yeah, once ive done that, how do i run it? | 12:44 |
ubotu | Package libk3b-mp3 does not exist in any distro I know | 12:44 |
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Polarity | xtknight: Any ideas? I just want to get Ubuntu on my pen drive | 12:45 |
LjL | Kud|: if you want to run an IRC server... yes, looks like that i suppose | 12:45 |
Cin | xtknight: I'm about to call the samaritans | 12:45 |
bruenig | !info libk3b2-mp3 | 12:45 |
ubotu | libk3b2-mp3: The KDE cd burning application library - MP3 decoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12.17-1ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 37 kB, installed size 100 kB | 12:45 |
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surgy | anyone know the name of the package that adds mp3 support to k3b? | 12:45 |
bruenig | mikeeeeeee, it should be in the menus | 12:45 |
LjL | Ubotu, tell surgy about mp3 | surgy, see the private message from Ubotu | 12:45 |
Kud| | Ljl What if I just want to allow access to my IRC client to connect to servers? | 12:45 |
xtknight | apt-file...doesnt that only search what you have installed? how are you supposed to use it? i dont see qpointarray | 12:45 |
terapicodave | Polarity: livecd plus livecdpersistence? | 12:45 |
LjL | Kud|: you don't need to touch anything | 12:45 |
bruenig | surgy, see what ubotu just said about | 12:45 |
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bruenig | s/about// | 12:45 |
mikeeeeeee | hmm, it hasnt come up | 12:45 |
Kud| | LjL oh lol thanks :) | 12:45 |
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Polarity | Yeah | 12:45 |
_`XeOn_ | !xorg | 12:45 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 12:46 |
LjL | Kud|: besides, unless you *previously* used a "blocking" iptables command, you don't need to use iptables to allow connections at all | 12:46 |
Cin | xtknight: I got a "snapshot" from dri.freekdesop.org and that compiled and installed. then, when I start Xorg, I got an error about GLCore AND that driver "i915" doesn't exist!! what the hell is going on? | 12:46 |
LjL | Kud|: if you think iptables will do that, you're mistaken. ubuntu isn't blocking *any* connections by default | 12:46 |
xtknight | Cin: i dont know :\ | 12:46 |
Polarity | And I'm up to the part where I copy disctree, but it's saying my drive is full even though it reports as having 125Mb on it and it's a 1GB drive | 12:46 |
Kud| | LjL Yes I have a blocking command on iptables | 12:46 |
Cin | I think it's time I gave up | 12:46 |
Kud| | LjL Well I'm about to put one up I should say. | 12:46 |
surgy | brueing: yeah that doesnt help with k3b | 12:46 |
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bruenig | Polarity, in the past when I deleted stuff off a pin drive, it actually created a .Trash directory on the pendrive and moved it into there thus not deleting it from the drive | 12:47 |
soundray | surgy: yeah, it does. Install it and restart k3b | 12:47 |
surgy | brueing and obciously i dont have the right repo | 12:47 |
bruenig | surgy, it absolutely does help | 12:47 |
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bruenig | <ubotu> libk3b2-mp3: The KDE cd burning application library - MP3 decoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12.17-1ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 37 kB, installed size 100 kB | 12:47 |
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Kud| | LjL will that effect my connections to IRC if I don't allow traffic to IRC on iptables? | 12:47 |
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bruenig | tells you the name of the package and the repo | 12:47 |
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Cin | xtknight: thanks for all of your help anyway | 12:48 |
LjL | Kud| it depends on the command. to me, the one you gave looks like a command to allow *incoming* connections to an IRC server, though my iptables memory is not very good | 12:48 |
mikeeeeeee | bruenig-thanks, i guess i just needed an internet connection to get it running | 12:48 |
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linux_user400354 | how can i disable the bluetooth service that shows in System>Admin>Services completely and to stop it from starting again when i reboot? | 12:48 |
odinriko | I have a logitech m4 gaming mouse, and I am looking for a point in the right direction of getting the thumb button to work. | 12:48 |
LjL | Kud|: the command one normally uses just blocks incoming connections, however, and won't affect outgoing ones... if you block both, you'll have bigger problems than just IRC i guess | 12:48 |
Polarity | What should I do then? | 12:48 |
LjL | Kud|: have you considered using a firewall GUI? | 12:49 |
Polarity | I've turned on hidden folders and I can't see .Trash | 12:49 |
Kud| | LjL ah I see thanks | 12:49 |
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davetrow | I just installed Ubuntu and have lost the desktop I configured. When I reboot, I get the original Edubuntu configuration. How can I recover the full Ubuntu GNOME desktop? | 12:49 |
Kud| | LjL nope, should I be? :P | 12:49 |
bruenig | Polarity, just a stab | 12:49 |
Polarity | Thanks anyway :) | 12:49 |
LjL | Kud|: if you're not completely familiar with iptables, and still want to create relatively complex firewalling rules, it's probably worth a shot | 12:49 |
LjL | Ubotu, tell Kud| about firewall | Kud|, see the private message from Ubotu | 12:49 |
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xerophyte | how many thinks this good domain name for a free game site www.libregames.com?? | 12:49 |
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LjL | !firewall | Kud| | 12:50 |
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ubotu | Kud|: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 12:50 |
mikeeeeeee | depends on if your audience speaks spanish | 12:50 |
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LjL | (sorry not sure it would reach you, with the | in your nick) | 12:50 |
bruenig | xerophyte, gooooogle.com would be a good domain name | 12:50 |
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Tatster | odinriko: Try http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65471&highlight=logitech+mx | 12:50 |
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soundray | linux_user400354: try blacklisting the bluetooth module | 12:50 |
soundray | !blacklist | linux_user400354 | 12:50 |
ubotu | linux_user400354: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add "blacklist modulename" to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type "sudo update-initramfs -u" | 12:50 |
Tatster | odinriko: It's a thread I've looked at for my MX 1000 mouse | 12:50 |
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xerophyte | bruenig, nope googlenx.com is | 12:50 |
odinriko | Tatster, Thank you I'll do that | 12:51 |
Kud| | LjL thanks | 12:51 |
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jmichaelx | does anyone here know what the proper way is to get a broadcom wireless adapter working well in edgy? it worked fine in dapper after extracting firmware with fwcutter, and it is working using the same method in edgy, but it disconnects after a while. any suggestions would be appreciated | 12:51 |
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metroman | Does anyone know anything about GameGuard and Linux? | 12:52 |
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rubyphyte | how does one setup XGL on ubuntu? Can anyone recommend a good guide...is it worth doing? | 12:52 |
DavoFrom818 | is there a program that will look at a text file and identify the coding or encryption used on it? | 12:52 |
bruenig | !xgl | rubyphyte | 12:52 |
soundray | !xgl | rubyphyte | 12:52 |
ubotu | rubyphyte: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 12:52 |
shatrat | metroman, GameGuard is basically a rootkit if i remember correctly, theres really no way to get it going in wine I believe | 12:53 |
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surgy | so i followed ubutu's guide to restricted formats and that didnt help | 12:53 |
soundray | DavoFrom818: try 'file' | 12:53 |
jrib | surgy: didn't help with *what*? | 12:53 |
bruenig | surgy, my god man, sudo apt-get install libk3b2-mp3 | 12:53 |
linux_user400354 | soundray: bluetooth module is in use by rfcomm,l2cap so it cant be removed right now. are rfcomm,l2cap safe to remove? | 12:53 |
rubyphyte | is it worthwhile to set it up? | 12:53 |
surgy | brueing: i told you i dont have the repo! | 12:53 |
bruenig | rubyphyte, asks the folks in #ubuntu-xgl | 12:53 |
metroman | shatrat: Yes, I realize the evils of GameGuard but some MMOGs require it. | 12:53 |
Cin | god I hate Intel. so much | 12:53 |
sharperguy | when on packages.ubuntu.com is there any way to know which dependencies would be needed on a default install of ubuntu? If not is there a list of all the packages on the default dapper install? | 12:53 |
bruenig | surgy, if you followed the restricted formats wiki you should | 12:53 |
abo | is there an Ubuntu/Debian packaging of maven, or should I install it the standard way described on its website? | 12:53 |
shatrat | metroman, don't play them, or dual boot. Its pretty much the only option. | 12:54 |
soundray | linux_user400354: yes, you only need them for bluetooth | 12:54 |
surgy | bruing: and i have universe applied aptitude doesnt find it | 12:54 |
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bruenig | surgy, paste your sources.list | 12:54 |
bruenig | !pastebin | 12:54 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 12:54 |
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jrib | LjL: sharperguy might be interested in your apt site | 12:54 |
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LjL | !offline | sharperguy | 12:54 |
ubotu | sharperguy: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, http://apt.byethost14.com/ may help you with determining which dependencies to fetch and calculating download sizes | 12:54 |
LjL | jrib: oh sorry - thought you didn't know the factoid | 12:54 |
jrib | ah, didn't know about that one | 12:54 |
xtknight | sheesh...there's a website for that? thanks | 12:54 |
xtknight | thatll save me endless time | 12:55 |
LjL | jrib: which you didn't. nevermind =) | 12:55 |
sharperguy | ooh cheers | 12:55 |
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surgy | bruing: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3265/ and i dont want the backports | 12:56 |
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jmichaelx | surgy: not having the backports may be your problem... | 12:56 |
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surgy | oh ok | 12:57 |
xtknight | did he apt-get update? | 12:57 |
nrdb | can I get links to access a password protected web page ? | 12:57 |
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surgy | yes i did | 12:57 |
sharperguy | LjL, it says the package does not exist in dapper | 12:57 |
virtu | hi.. I am new here... I am getting some troubles to find the "rhythmlet sensor" that Rhythmet Gdesklets needed, anybody can help me? | 12:57 |
arc|zzz | How can I copy files into folders where I'm not the owner? | 12:57 |
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ardchoille42 | surgy, I also see you have debian dis repos in lines 39 and 40 and having debian repos is not a good idea. | 12:57 |
bruenig | surgy, so apt-get install says what, that the package couldn't be found? | 12:57 |
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LjL | sharperguy, which package is that? (unfortunately i can't access the site, ironically enough :\) | 12:57 |
soundray | nrdb: you probably need links-ssl | 12:57 |
jrib | arc|zzz: you can't | 12:57 |
Polarity | arc: sudo command | 12:57 |
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surgy | bruenig: yes and i have my custome built k3b.deb here im gonna try it | 12:58 |
jojoman02 | if i make a script executable is there a way to show it (in a terminal) even if the user clicks run instead of show in terminal ?? | 12:58 |
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xtknight | erm if 'someone' owns 'folder1' but folder1 has permissions of 777 anyone can do anything with it, right? | 12:58 |
nrdb | soundray: it isn't encrypted, just asks for a name and password | 12:58 |
soundray | nrdb: then it should work. | 12:58 |
jrib | xtknight: ok fine you're right :) | 12:58 |
Polarity | Yeah I think so xtknight | 12:58 |
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sharperguy | LjL, oh right does it work with universe packages? | 12:58 |
arc|zzz | jrib: There's a game I installed, that installed into the share/games/... And I have to paste a few other games into that folder too to make it work... Manually... But.. How? | 12:58 |
xtknight | :P | 12:58 |
mabus | how come I am only getting a 14kb download speed when downloading from lighttpd on ubuntu off of the vm hosted on it | 12:58 |
xtknight | arc|zzz: if the owner says you can, yes. he sets permissions fields for other users | 12:58 |
LjL | sharperguy: it should | 12:58 |
Polarity | From an FTP point of view it would. | 12:58 |
soundray | nrdb: I'm not up to date anyway, the proper package you need for ssl is apparently now elinks | 12:58 |
LjL | sharperguy: it should work with main, restricted, universe and multiverse alright | 12:58 |
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arc|zzz | xtknight: I'm the owner of the computer, and my user is the only one (Except from root, who probably owns those folders) | 12:59 |
sharperguy | LjL, well it found firefox, but it didnt find blobwars or xchat | 12:59 |
jrib | arc|zzz: use sudo like Polarity suggested. sudo lets you do things as root. By the way, I hope you are using /usr/local | 12:59 |
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jmichaelx | surgy: i don't know, but i would say you would be MUCH better off to just get your sources.list set up correctly, and skip the debian repos.... you could break your whole system | 12:59 |
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arc|zzz | jrib: /usr/local ? | 12:59 |
soundray | nrdb: but a simple password dialog should be well within links's capabilities | 12:59 |
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bruenig | surgy, http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/k/k3b/libk3b2-mp3_0.12.17-1ubuntu3_i386.deb | 12:59 |
jrib | arc|zzz: for installing your custom game stuff | 12:59 |
Polarity | What does this mean? | 12:59 |
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Polarity | cp: cannot create symbolic link `/media/sdb1/dists/stable': Operation not permittedcp: cannot create symbolic link `/media/sdb1/dists/unstable': Operation not permitted | 12:59 |
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arturs | how to install linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20-5-generic for nvidia-glx ? | 01:00 |
jrib | !sudo | arc|zzz | 01:00 |
ubotu | arc|zzz: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 01:00 |
shmeelAway | hmm, qemu will only allow me to create at biggest a 512 MB vmdx file, any way to make it bigger? | 01:00 |
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fnord123 | where can i find the fiestyfawn bug page? is it on launchpad? | 01:00 |
tryll1980 | anyone tried GKrellM? | 01:00 |
protocol1 | juano, I got the spca5xx driver to show when I do a "dmesg |grep usb | 01:00 |
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arc|zzz | jrib: It automatically installed into share :S | 01:00 |
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protocol1 | doing a reboot | 01:00 |
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surgy | jmichaelx: im not using the debian repos i followed a howto on rebuilding k3b from source with mp3 support | 01:00 |
nrdb | soundray: that is what I expected but it allways gives me an 'access denied' error report. | 01:00 |
jrib | arc|zzz: how did you install this game? | 01:00 |
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corevette | what are print stylesheets? | 01:00 |
arc|zzz | jrib: Downloaded the deb and double-clicked it | 01:00 |
bruenig | surgy, there is no reason to do that | 01:00 |
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jmichaelx | surgy: the last two repos in your sources.list are debian repos | 01:00 |
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soundray | nrdb: you're not calling a link that contains the credentials as parameters by any chance? | 01:01 |
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LjL | sharperguy: let me check that out... if i can find a way to connect | 01:01 |
_`XeOn_ | how do i uninstall beryl? | 01:01 |
=== theflyingfool [n=theflyin@71-38-85-12.bois.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
surgy | jmichaelx: and i added them for support for something it should be commented | 01:01 |
theflyingfool | are there any programs that allow subscribing to podcasts? | 01:01 |
sharperguy | LjL, All of them are working for Edgy, but not Dapper | 01:01 |
Polarity | Anyone know? | 01:01 |
jmichaelx | ok | 01:01 |
bruenig | theflyingfool, rhythmbox has podcast support | 01:01 |
jrib | arc|zzz: hmm ok, just make sure you don't touch things outside that game directory I guess. On debian you usually install custom stuff (not packaged) into /usr/local or /opt. The package manager takes care of the other stuff. That way the package manager doesn't step on your toes and you don't step on its toes | 01:02 |
LjL | sharperguy: oh, uhm, perhaps i forgot to finish uploading the dapper lists for some reason. shouldn't have, but | 01:02 |
soundray | nrdb: another thing you could do is connect to the remote with 'ssh -X hostname' and run a graphical browser with local graphics output | 01:02 |
shmeelAway | hmm, qemu will only allow me to create at biggest a 512 MB vmdk file, any way to make it bigger? | 01:02 |
nrdb | soundray: don't know, how could I find out ? | 01:02 |
arc|zzz | jrib: I know, but this game is a thirdparty game :) (openttd) | 01:02 |
Polarity | cp: cannot create symbolic link `/media/sdb1/dists/stable': Operation not permittedcp: cannot create symbolic link `/media/sdb1/dists/unstable': Operation not permitted | 01:02 |
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_`XeOn_ | LjL..`>what drivers use a video card 3dfx voodooo 3 and how to install it? | 01:02 |
xtknight | is there a good front-end GUI to use for creating Debian packages? | 01:02 |
Polarity | Why do I get that error when copying files off the Ubuntu CD? | 01:02 |
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-hi2uall:#ubuntu- http://somefoo.net | 01:03 | |
-hi2uall:#ubuntu- http://somefoo.net | 01:03 | |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ | ||
eieiu | is there a way to find out the character set of a txt file, its a mysql txt file for a database | 01:03 |
=== xlizer [n=xlizer@vpnwl-228-214.net.rpi.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xtknight | eieiu: maybe ' file <txtfile> ' | 01:03 |
soundray | nrdb: you can examine a link by hitting '=' in links | 01:03 |
[SilverFox] | LjL ur slow :P | 01:03 |
=== stephen [n=stephen@adsl-67-39-23-14.dsl.dytnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LjL | pfff | 01:03 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@ool-457de074.dyn.optonline.net] by LjL | ||
=== Coir [n=coir@ip-129-15-127-253.fennfwsm.ou.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [+d SR`Draft-impuLsive] by LjL | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL | ||
jojoman02 | if i make a script executable is there a way to show it (in a terminal) even if the user clicks run instead of show in terminal ?? | 01:04 |
LjL | _`XeOn_: not a clue | 01:04 |
Coir | Could someone please help me setup xauth so I can run X apps via SSH as a regular user? | 01:04 |
Polarity | Does anyone know? | 01:04 |
soundray | eieiu: try the 'file' command | 01:04 |
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=== Coir is now known as Carpe | ||
nrdb | soundray: do you know where I can find an example on setting that up ? | 01:05 |
jrib | jojoman02: hmm open the terminal in the script I guess | 01:05 |
soundray | nrdb: which one? | 01:05 |
sharperguy | LjL, ok | 01:05 |
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_`XeOn_ | LjL..`>sum1 told me sumtin lik xserver-voodooo but i dont know the complete name | 01:05 |
=== aliasd [n=isaac@trajan-snat.snc.schools.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LjL | _`XeOn_, i don't know | 01:06 |
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dagrump | when pointing an app @ a dvd drive do i reference it as /dev/hda or b, or /media/cdrom0 or 1. 2 drives & i need dvdshrink to find everything | 01:06 |
nrdb | soundray: the port forwarding | 01:06 |
xlizer | hey, regarding the bug about smb networks in nautilus... there was a fix apparantly, but I have no idea how to implement it | 01:06 |
_`XeOn_ | !xserver | 01:06 |
aliasd | heyas... i have binarys missing from /usr/sbin from various packages, on 6.10 anyone else seen this? | 01:06 |
Polarity | Anyone? | 01:06 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xserver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:06 |
soundray | nrdb: I don't know how to do that off the top of my head -- something with -L and -R options. Why don't you try X forwarding first? | 01:07 |
=== no0tic [n=no0tic@unaffiliated/no0tic] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | nrdb: (assuming you have firefox or something like that on the remote host) | 01:07 |
protocol1 | why dont I have a video0 in /dev? | 01:07 |
aliasd | so far the missing bins come from gconf2 and debconf | 01:07 |
jojoman02 | jrib: yeah i did that but the problem with that is that the parent script doesn't wait for that terminal to finish before executing the commands after it (which deletes the folder the script i need to run is in) | 01:07 |
arturs | how to install linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20-5-generic for nvidia-glx ? | 01:07 |
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nrdb | soundray: it does have firefox, | 01:08 |
=== rubyphyte [n=rubyphyt@dhcp128036014163.central.yale.edu] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
soundray | nrdb: so, try 'ssh -X remotehost firefox' | 01:08 |
arc|zzz | What's the command for copying in the console? | 01:08 |
jrib | arc|zzz: cp | 01:08 |
jrib | !cli | arc|zzz | 01:08 |
ubotu | arc|zzz: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands | 01:08 |
shmeelAway | hmm, qemu will only allow me to create at biggest a 512 MB vmdk file, any way to make it bigger? | 01:08 |
=== jeanjean [n=jeanjean@86-39-2-159.customer.fulladsl.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jrib | jojoman02: hmm I see. Why do you need this to be in a terminal? | 01:09 |
=== starz [i=UPP@cpe-72-129-76-110.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Polarity | cp: cannot create symbolic link `/media/sdb1/dists/stable': Operation not permittedcp: cannot create symbolic link `/media/sdb1/dists/unstable': Operation not permitted | 01:09 |
=== T [n=erik@kund-ktv077.mediateknik.kramnet.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
starz | argh | 01:09 |
_`XeOn_ | !x11 | 01:09 |
Polarity | Why do I get that when copying from the ubuntu cd? | 01:09 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 01:09 |
starz | i cant get this d@#$@#$ dlink card working no matter what i do | 01:09 |
=== Roscar [n=ross_@d199-126-242-238.abhsia.telus.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
no0tic | hi, I became an ubuntu member, I would like to have the ubuntu cloack, how can I do? Freenode staff member told me to ask ubuntu group members | 01:10 |
jmichaelx | does anyone here know what the proper way is to get a broadcom wireless adapter working well in edgy? it worked fine in dapper after extracting firmware with fwcutter, and it is working using the same method in edgy, but it disconnects after a while. any suggestions would be appreciated | 01:10 |
=== Kud [n=Kud@adsl-69-108-66-225.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
starz | anyone got personal experience with the dlink air dwl-520 rev e wireless card??? | 01:10 |
=== Kud| [n=Kud@adsl-69-108-66-225.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nrdb | soundray: I have done that, the shell didn't return, how do I access it ? | 01:11 |
Polarity | How do I create symbolic links? | 01:11 |
=== outatime6 [n=outatime@c-67-184-128-231.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jmichaelx | starz: what chipset does it use? | 01:11 |
Polarity | I think that's the problem | 01:11 |
jrib | Polarity: ln -s | 01:11 |
=== kyja [n=kyja@70-41-157-167.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== KingChef [n=ghnbdszl@ip68-229-139-180.lf.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | nrdb: was firefox already running on the remote host? | 01:11 |
starz | jmichaelx that prism one | 01:11 |
jrib | no0tic: you have to contact seveas I believe | 01:11 |
jojoman02 | jrib: this being the second script? that is because that is why it's set up | 01:11 |
starz | i think prism 2.5 rev 1 | 01:11 |
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jojoman02 | jrib: way* | 01:11 |
starz | ive tried native stuff and the ndiswrapper stuff and i got the driver installed............ | 01:12 |
jmichaelx | ok i don't know much about prism, although i think they can usually be configured to work | 01:12 |
=== starz sighs | ||
jrib | jojoman02: I meant what's the reason for designing this this way? | 01:12 |
starz | perhaps i have the wrong prism driver? | 01:12 |
=== Jelloman [i=skate4th@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== virtu [n=virtu@201-25-40-48.paemt704.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
no0tic | jrib, thanks | 01:12 |
Jelloman | i need help bad | 01:12 |
Jelloman | installing 6.10 | 01:12 |
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Jelloman | someone mind helping me in pm/ | 01:12 |
jrib | !pm | Jelloman | 01:12 |
ubotu | Jelloman: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first. | 01:12 |
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xlizer | hey, regarding the bug about smb networks in nautilus... there was a fix apparantly, but I have no idea how to implement it | 01:13 |
Jelloman | Ok | 01:13 |
Jelloman | I resized my windows partition to 22 gig | 01:13 |
Jelloman | Now I have 15.something gig left | 01:13 |
Jelloman | and i dont know what to set that to | 01:13 |
jrib | !enter | jojoman02 | 01:13 |
ubotu | jojoman02: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 01:13 |
LjL | sharperguy: oh, right. the Dapper Universe file i put there was incomplete, and i didn't notice. can't fix it now since i need to access the server via a slow proxy | 01:13 |
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=== mby [i=mby@gandalf.ds5.agh.edu.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Bipolar [n=bflong@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
KingChef | i puled out everything in my computer to clean it, put it back in, and everything booted up fine, i got to the ubuntu loading splas screen and it wont boot, using my live disk i found out that there is an error, is there anything i can do in recovery mode or anything to fix it? | 01:14 |
dsdsa | how can I install some packets from another cd linux linux distribution on ubuntu easy? plz help me!!! | 01:14 |
nrdb | soundray: it wasn't, but it seems to be running now, the shell just returned, and firefox isn't running on the remote anymore. | 01:14 |
Jelloman | and i dont know what to set that to | 01:14 |
=== Nap [n=francois@mar92-12-88-162-231-60.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== no_gatez_fan [n=patrick@cpe-069-132-015-252.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jojoman02 | jrib: well i want to have script1 extract stuff then run script2, wait for it to finish, then delete the files it extracted (which includes script one), i would like to show script2 running with atleast a terminal | 01:14 |
Jelloman | Someone please help me with 6.10 ubuntu installation. | 01:14 |
xlizer | hey, regarding the bug about smb networks in nautilus... there was a fix apparantly, but I have no idea how to implement it | 01:14 |
davetrow | I'm new to IRC, so forgive me if I seem clueless. I am. But can anyone offer me some help with basic Gnome configuration? | 01:14 |
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl654.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | nrdb: did you get a firefox window after all? | 01:14 |
mby | Is it safe to change repos to feisty and download the programs actualizations ???? | 01:14 |
Polarity | jrib | 01:14 |
=== Roscar [n=ross_@d199-126-242-238.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Polarity | Now it says operation not permitted | 01:14 |
soundray | mby: no | 01:14 |
Jelloman | Someone kindly pm me with a mindset of helping me | 01:14 |
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jrib | jojoman02: what does your script1 look like atm? | 01:15 |
soundray | !feisty | mby | 01:15 |
ubotu | mby: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+1 | 01:15 |
crazy_penguin | night to all | 01:15 |
Jelloman | :( Please I need help. | 01:15 |
jrib | Jelloman: use the 15gb free to install ubuntu. I'm not sure what the question is | 01:15 |
nrdb | soundray: after the command return I got a firefox window connect to the local computer. | 01:15 |
sharperguy | LjL, thats fine, ill just have to hope the Edgy and Dapper dependancies are the same for now | 01:15 |
Jelloman | jrib | 01:15 |
=== Jeruvy [n=jeruvy@unaffiliated/jeruvy] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jelloman | May I pm you? | 01:15 |
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demreath | Hi! Where should I put "setterm -blank 0 -powersave off" to disable screen blanking? I've put it into /etc/rc.local but it doesn't work. | 01:16 |
jrib | Jelloman: please just ask here. That way everyone can help you | 01:16 |
Jelloman | Well ok... | 01:16 |
=== amachu [n=amachu@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jelloman | My first partition is 22 gig for my windows | 01:16 |
Jelloman | bc i want to be able to dual boot | 01:16 |
Polarity | jrib | 01:16 |
Polarity | I did what you said | 01:16 |
Jelloman | like windows one day | 01:16 |
Polarity | But it won't work | 01:16 |
Jelloman | linux the other | 01:16 |
Jelloman | but i dont know what to set the other partitions too | 01:16 |
DavoFrom818 | ok i have a RC4 encrypted file of which i do not have the key to decrypt how can i do this??? | 01:16 |
=== Plouj [n=Plouj@dsl-207-112-65-121.tor.primus.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Polarity | Operation not permitted. | 01:16 |
Plouj | hi | 01:16 |
jrib | Jelloman: try to keep your responses on one line | 01:16 |
=== eieiu [i=eieiu@c-24-12-233-68.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Plouj | so, is the desktop install CD also a Ubuntu LiveCD? | 01:16 |
Jelloman | ok | 01:16 |
jrib | Polarity: what exactly did you do? | 01:17 |
Jelloman | My first partition is 22 gig for my windows...I dont know what to make the other partitions... | 01:17 |
=== Idgarad [n=methusel@71-89-19-168.dhcp.stcd.mn.charter.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
=== cwill1 [n=cwillu@207-47-201-218.regn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | nrdb: seriously? Please confirm by putting "file:///etc/hostname" as the URL | 01:17 |
Jelloman | Also remember I want to be able to use windows or linux | 01:17 |
=== netzen [i=ice@need.a.hacker.call-me.us] has joined #ubuntu | ||
poningru | Plouj: yes | 01:17 |
Polarity | sudo ln -s /media/sdb1/dists/stable /media/sdb1/dists/edgy | 01:17 |
Plouj | is it possible to use Ubuntu's install CD to resize NTFS parttions to create an empty partition for a Ubuntu install? | 01:17 |
Plouj | poningru: cool | 01:17 |
poningru | Plouj: yes | 01:17 |
=== mena [n=TheHermi@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cwill1 | can somebody help me with a networking/iftab problem? | 01:17 |
poningru | rebz: ntfs repartitioning | 01:17 |
=== Dusty_ [n=dustin@wnpgmb06dc1-177-68.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
poningru | cwill1: whatsup? | 01:17 |
Jelloman | My first partition is 22 gig for my windows...I dont know what to make the other partitions...Also remember I want to be able to use windows or linux | 01:17 |
jrib | Polarity: does /media/sdb1/dists/edgy already exist? | 01:17 |
ShiftyPowers | anyone know how to pass on a custom modeline in xorg.conf using twinview? | 01:17 |
Polarity | No | 01:18 |
Polarity | Oh hold on | 01:18 |
Polarity | Yes. | 01:18 |
poningru | Jelloman: how big is your hdd? | 01:18 |
cwill1 | poningru: I've got two network cards, but which one is eth0 or eth1 changes every time I reboot | 01:18 |
jrib | Polarity: that is why | 01:18 |
Jelloman | I got 15 gig left after the 22 resize | 01:18 |
netzen | how can i install packets from another distribution cd on ubuntu? who can help me plz!!! | 01:18 |
poningru | cwill1: um... that should not be happening | 01:18 |
cwill1 | poningru: the _mac_ address is also changing somehow | 01:18 |
=== xcvxvx [n=admin@ool-44c6a715.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
poningru | cwill1: thats impossible | 01:18 |
jrib | netzen: what are you trying to install? | 01:18 |
cwill1 | poningru: I wish | 01:18 |
Plouj | poningru: so, even if my whole pysical drive is broken up into NTFS partitions, I can resize one of them, without loosing data and install Ubuntu, all with the tools on the install CD? | 01:18 |
poningru | thats set by the hardware | 01:18 |
cwill1 | poningru: you'd think so | 01:18 |
=== d0minique [n=d0miniqu@host209-70-dynamic.55-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mena | friends why azureus while opening it and after opening it in no seconeds its closed and i saw the proceccesor and found that java closed so any idea | 01:18 |
poningru | cwill1: what makes you think tis switching? | 01:18 |
Polarity | How do I do this then jrib? | 01:19 |
Polarity | I want the folder stable to go to edgy | 01:19 |
=== Lunch [n=Lunch@ool-18b99729.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
poningru | Plouj: yes... but there is always a probability of losing data | 01:19 |
jrib | Polarity: use -f too, see 'man ln' | 01:19 |
Plouj | poningru: of course. Ok, thanks. | 01:19 |
soundray | mena: have you installed Sun Java? | 01:19 |
=== vordul [n=vordul@bas2-hamilton14-1096607848.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jojoman02 | jrib: http://pastebin.com/869850 | 01:19 |
cwill1 | poningru: there's dhcp on only one connection, and which interface grabs the address changes when I reboot, but eth0 and eth1 always have the same mac | 01:19 |
poningru | Plouj: its not supposed to, but you know never 100% success | 01:19 |
Jelloman | :( | 01:19 |
=== Telroth [n=darth_an@adsl-70-241-94-33.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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=== LightPwny [n=jeff@hill-b-072.resnet.purdue.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jelloman | My first partition is 22 gig for my windows...I dont know what to make the other partitions...Also remember I want to be able to use windows or linux...I have 15 gig left for a new partition...my harddrive is 37 gig in all | 01:20 |
=== syncman0x [n=syncman0@c220-239-3-9.belrs4.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== pianoboy3333 [n=alex@ool-43567d61.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
netzen | jrib I want to install all security stuff from backtrack on ubuntu , so I need to have the backtrack menu on my ubuntu start | 01:20 |
=== Junito [n=Junito@59.Red-83-32-246.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== cwill1 is now known as cwillu | ||
Junito | hi | 01:20 |
netzen | jrib understend me? | 01:20 |
cwillu | poningru: here now | 01:20 |
Polarity | jrib: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent | 01:20 |
Plouj | poningru: I meant more like intentional data loss. For example, thought I would have to completely whipe one of my NTFS partitions and then re-partition the empty space to fit Ubuntu. | 01:20 |
Carpe | Can someone help me fix this error? ""/usr/bin/X11/xauth: error in locking authority file /home/coir/.Xauthority" | 01:20 |
mena | soundray, yes as i guess bec if i didnt it wouldnt work bec it was working but after installing firefox that happened | 01:20 |
poningru | cwillu: are all the interfaces connected to same router etc. | 01:20 |
=== kfv [n=kfv@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jelloman | My first partition is 22 gig for my windows...I dont know what to make the other partitions...Also remember I want to be able to use windows or linux...I have 15 gig left for a new partition...my harddrive is 37 gig in all | 01:20 |
jmichaelx | anyone know anything about the 'cafuego' repos? | 01:20 |
poningru | Plouj: how big is that ntfs partition? | 01:20 |
jmichaelx | !cafuego | 01:20 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about cafuego - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:20 |
Polarity | That's the guide I'm following, but where it says to copy dists, stable and unstable underneath that folder wouldn't copy | 01:20 |
ardchoille42 | Carpe, have you been using sudo with GUI apps? | 01:21 |
=== LightPwny [n=jeff@hill-b-072.resnet.purdue.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
poningru | Plouj: and how much data do you have ont here? | 01:21 |
cwillu | poningru: no; one is the lan, the other is straight into the highspeed-modem | 01:21 |
xtknight | anyone know of decent color calibration software for linux that supports the Gretag Macbeth Eye One Display 2? | 01:21 |
=== LightPwny [n=jeff@hill-b-072.resnet.purdue.edu] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
poningru | cwillu: which one is dhcp? | 01:21 |
cokeslut | Hi | 01:21 |
Plouj | poningru: I have 4: 90GB, 90GB, 90GB, and 20GB (I think). Each partition has no more than 5GB used. | 01:21 |
Carpe | ardchoille42: Not that I can recall, I may have once. | 01:21 |
cwillu | poningru: wan | 01:21 |
isofunk | sup | 01:21 |
netzen | jrib I want to install all security stuff from backtrack on ubuntu , so I need to have the backtrack menu on my ubuntu start | 01:21 |
Jelloman | My first partition is 22 gig for my windows...I dont know what to make the other partitions...Also remember I want to be able to use windows or linux...I have 15 gig left for a new partition...my harddrive is 37 gig in all | 01:21 |
poningru | cwillu: how is it possible for them to switch then??? | 01:21 |
netzen | how can i install packets from another distribution cd on ubuntu? who can help me plz!!! | 01:21 |
isofunk | dunno | 01:21 |
cokeslut | I'll find out | 01:21 |
poningru | Plouj: woah weird | 01:21 |
jrib | netzen: I have no idea what backtrack is | 01:21 |
=== Pelo wonders what xtknight does that he knows about greta macbet | ||
ardchoille42 | Carpe, That error is a perfect example of why we on't use sudo with GUI apps: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo | 01:21 |
Jelloman | My first partition is 22 gig for my windows...I dont know what to make the other partitions...Also remember I want to be able to use windows or linux...I have 15 gig left for a new partition...my harddrive is 37 gig in all...This is ubuntu 6.10 by the way. | 01:22 |
Plouj | netzen: you mean packages? | 01:22 |
Plouj | poningru: not my design :) | 01:22 |
netzen | yes | 01:22 |
KingChef | i puled out everything in my computer to clean it, put it back in, and everything booted up fine, i got to the ubuntu loading splas screen and it wont boot, using my live disk i found out that there is an error, is there anything i can do in recovery mode or anything to fix it? | 01:22 |
xtknight | Pelo: color enthusiast basically. | 01:22 |
netzen | Plouj | 01:22 |
cwillu | poningru: it's almost like iftab is being used to reconfigure the interfaces rather than just rename them | 01:22 |
Plouj | Jelloman: what are your ideas? | 01:22 |
Jelloman | My first partition is 22 gig for my windows...I dont know what to make the other partitions...Also remember I want to be able to use windows or linux...I have 15 gig left for a new partition...my harddrive is 37 gig in all...This is ubuntu 6.10 by the way. | 01:22 |
Jelloman | I dk | 01:22 |
Jelloman | I just want ubuntu dang it | 01:22 |
poningru | Plouj: I would move entire content of two partitions to another partition then | 01:22 |
Pelo | Jelloman, you are this close to getting banned for spamming | 01:22 |
Plouj | Jelloman: stop repeating yourself, first of all. Then I'll help you. | 01:22 |
Jelloman | Sorrrrrrryyyyyy | 01:22 |
Jelloman | Its just i'm stressed out. | 01:22 |
=== Spenceh0e [n=yourmom@cpe-66-75-43-139.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cwillu | poningru: but it doesn't look like either interface is promisc | 01:22 |
jrib | Polarity: if a file foo exists, you can't overwite it using ln unless you pass the -f switch | 01:22 |
Plouj | Jelloman: how much RAM do you have? | 01:23 |
netzen | how can i install packets from another distribution cd on ubuntu? who can help me plz!!! | 01:23 |
Jelloman | Where do I find that? | 01:23 |
poningru | cwillu: that is extremely weird | 01:23 |
Spenceh0e | Help! Im a hopeless windows user, trying to do a dual isntall of Ubuntu to try out the system and im having installation problems | 01:23 |
soundray | mena: run 'sudo update-alternatives --config java' and ensure that the Sun jre is selected | 01:23 |
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ardchoille42 | netzen, That's not a good idea and can wreck your system. | 01:23 |
Jelloman | how do i found out how much ram i have | 01:23 |
poningru | cwillu: without being there I dont know what to tell you dude | 01:23 |
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netzen | ardchoille42 why? | 01:23 |
poningru | Jelloman: are you in ubuntu right now? | 01:23 |
cafuego_ | Jelloman: `free -m' | 01:23 |
Jelloman | no | 01:23 |
Carpe | ardchoille42: All right, thank you for the information. Is there any way to fix my current problem, though? | 01:23 |
soundray | Jelloman: cat /proc/meminfo | 01:23 |
Plouj | Jelloman: if you wanna talk to me, hilight me by including my name in your messages | 01:23 |
mena | soundray, okay | 01:23 |
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Jelloman | i'm not in ubuntu | 01:23 |
Pelo | Spenceh0e, unless you want to trash your windows install , use something like partition magic to resize your partition first | 01:24 |
cwillu | poningru: iftab is the right thing to be editing to make sure interfaces come up under the same name, right? | 01:24 |
ardchoille42 | Carpe, Not sure, sorry :( | 01:24 |
poningru | Spenceh0e: whats wrong? | 01:24 |
Plouj | Jelloman: in Windows, checking "My Computer" properties would tell you your RAM amount | 01:24 |
Jelloman | Plouj, I just need help setting up a second partition for linux/ubuntu | 01:24 |
Carpe | Can anyone help with | 01:24 |
poningru | cwillu: well you shouldnt be really editing that | 01:24 |
Carpe | Bleh... | 01:24 |
Polarity | Both stable and unstable don't exist on my drive jrib | 01:24 |
Pelo | Spenceh0e, weren'T you asking about this stuff in ##linux a few minutes ago ? | 01:24 |
ardchoille42 | netzen, Because packages from another distro can replace system files and then the system won't work correctly. | 01:24 |
poningru | cwillu: as in the system is supposed to handle that | 01:24 |
Jelloman | 640mb of ram Plouj | 01:24 |
jrib | jojoman02: how does gnome-terminal -x differ from gnome-terminal -c? | 01:24 |
Plouj | Jelloman: ok, I was asking because the amount of RAM determines how big your SWAP partition should be. | 01:24 |
cwillu | poningru: um, well, you kinda have to if you've changed interfaces, no it doesn't handle that except on the initial install | 01:24 |
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shmeelAway | qemu will only allow me to create at biggest a 512 MB vmdk file, any way to make it bigger? | 01:24 |
Carpe | Could someone help me unlock .Xauthority, as I get this error when trying to login via ssh using -X, ""/usr/bin/X11/xauth: error in locking authority file /home/coir/.Xauthority" | 01:24 |
Plouj | Jelloman: Ok. Do you want to use the whole 15GB for Ubuntu? | 01:24 |
Jelloman | Plouj, Is that a good thing? | 01:25 |
jrib | Polarity: ok, what are you trying to do now and what is the problem? | 01:25 |
Jelloman | Plouj I still want my windows though | 01:25 |
Polarity | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent | 01:25 |
netzen | ardchoille42 | 01:25 |
Jelloman | Plouj also remember...this is ubuntu 6.10 | 01:25 |
Spenceh0e | theres a fat16 partition at the front mf my HD, and i keep getting an error when the install begins | 01:25 |
poningru | cwillu: well right except that is not supposed to be changed at all | 01:25 |
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jrib | Polarity: right, what part | 01:25 |
netzen | ardchoille42 but I have this posibility to do that? | 01:25 |
Polarity | I'm following that jrib, and I'm trying to copy dists off the CD | 01:25 |
Spenceh0e | [16:19] <Spenceh0e> but I keep getting this error "The test of the file system with type fat16 iin [artition 1 of IDE1 master (hda) found uncorrected errors) | 01:25 |
Plouj | Jelloman: if you use 15GB for Ubuntu, and leave the other 22GB for Windows, you'll still be able to use Windows. | 01:25 |
poningru | cwillu: that is supposed to be set in stone | 01:25 |
cwillu | poningru: ? | 01:25 |
Polarity | But stable and unstable won't copy | 01:25 |
fluvvell | whats a good music program for ubuntu - eg midi | 01:25 |
jojoman02 | jrib: it executes everything after -x inside the newly launced terminal:) | 01:25 |
Jelloman | Plouj, Kk...So whats teh option I set it as? linux-swap? | 01:25 |
ardchoille42 | Carpe, ls -la /home/USERNAME/.Xauthority | 01:25 |
Jelloman | Oatmeal is teh suxxorz | 01:25 |
Jelloman | Had to say it | 01:25 |
ardchoille42 | Carpe, Who owns that file? | 01:25 |
mena | soundray, i had this and sorry for lines . | 01:26 |
mena | ------------------------------------- | 01:26 |
mena | 1 /usr/bin/gij-wrapper-4.1 | 01:26 |
mena | 2 /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj/jre/bin/java | 01:26 |
mena | *+ 3 /usr/lib/j2se/1.4/bin/java | 01:26 |
arturs | configure-debian > utils > console-setup : after reboot settings diapiar | 01:26 |
poningru | fluvvell: what do you mean eg midi? | 01:26 |
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Plouj | fluvvell: maybe audacious? | 01:26 |
poningru | like for recording from midi? | 01:26 |
ardchoille42 | netzen, If you want to break your system and possibly render it useless, you can. | 01:26 |
Plouj | Jelloman: what do you mean what option? Are you already at the installer screen? | 01:26 |
Pelo | Spenceh0e, what other os are you running on this computer ? | 01:26 |
fluvvell | plouj: one that might be a bit like garageband on the mac | 01:26 |
jrib | jojoman02: I meant -e, sorry. I'm guessing it won't amke a difference though | 01:26 |
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Spenceh0e | xp | 01:26 |
Plouj | fluvvell: no idea, sorry. | 01:26 |
soundray | mena: 1) do not paste here, 2) install sun-java5-jre | 01:26 |
Jelloman | Plouj: No I just dont know how to set up the ubuntu partition | 01:26 |
netzen | ardchoille42 can u teachme how to do that? | 01:26 |
poningru | fluvvell: oh audacity is def for you | 01:26 |
Carpe | ardchoille42: It shows: -rw------- 1 coir coir 221 2007-01-21 22:20 /home/coir/.Xauthority | 01:26 |
Plouj | Jelloman: the installer will guide you through it. | 01:26 |
fluvvell | plouj, thanks anyway. | 01:26 |
poningru | fluvvell: also try jekosher | 01:27 |
Pelo | Spenceh0e, and your hdd is formated in fat16 & | 01:27 |
Polarity | Any idea jrib? | 01:27 |
jrib | Polarity: it says "You don't need to copy the symlinked folders over (/dists/stable, /dists/unstable, /ubuntu) - bernstein" | 01:27 |
linux_user400354 | mena: 1.4 is old. i think 1.6 is already out. | 01:27 |
Jelloman | Plouj: I got the ISO version | 01:27 |
ardchoille42 | netzen, No, I will not teach you how to do something that will likely destroy your system, sorry. | 01:27 |
Polarity | Oh | 01:27 |
fluvvell | poningru: thanks | 01:27 |
Spenceh0e | just one very small partition, which I imagine is the dell rcovery partition | 01:27 |
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mena | soundray,okay | 01:27 |
Polarity | I was following it down, was that at the bottom or something? | 01:27 |
Jelloman | Plouj: Aka I downloaded mine | 01:27 |
Plouj | Jelloman: good. Burn that ISO onto a disk | 01:27 |
jrib | Polarity: it's right above "Making the pendrive bootable" | 01:27 |
mena | linux_user4000345, okay | 01:27 |
Plouj | Jelloman: your 15GB partition, is it already not used by windows? | 01:27 |
Pelo | Spenceh0e, how is your hdd partitionned ? | 01:27 |
jojoman02 | jrib: nevermind, man i just found my solution, xterm, if you use xterm it will wait until xterm finishes | 01:27 |
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jrib | jojoman02: k | 01:27 |
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ardchoille42 | Carpe, Sorry, no clue.. I just recognised your problem from the same problem I had and figured you had run sudo with GUI apps. | 01:28 |
Plouj | Jelloman: how many partitions is your disk currently partitioned into? | 01:28 |
Jelloman | Plouj: Yes...Windows is already partitioned into 22 gigs | 01:28 |
BrendanM | So when I try to run games in fullscreen mode, I get an error about "no fullscreen modes available" is that something that can be fixed by messing with xorg.conf? | 01:28 |
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Jelloman | Plouj: One at the moment and thats windows | 01:28 |
netzen | ardchoille42 I need some packets from that distro, but I don;t want to leave ubuntu | 01:28 |
Plouj | Jelloman: ok, great. So, in the Ubuntu installer, just choose the 15GB partition to be used for Ubuntu. | 01:28 |
Jelloman | Plouj: How | 01:28 |
Carpe | ardchoille42: Well, thanks anyway. | 01:28 |
Plouj | Jelloman: wait | 01:28 |
Jelloman | Plouj: Theres no ubuntu selection...is it linux-swap | 01:28 |
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thug | whats the permission for /home/vmail ? so postfix can write to it ? | 01:29 |
thug | maildir delivery failed: create maildir file /home/vmail/tupacfan.org/lol/tmp/1170030160.P10595.Tupacfan.Org: Permission denied) | 01:29 |
Plouj | Jelloman: are you already looking at a ubuntu installer? | 01:29 |
Spenceh0e | pelo: one very small fat16, then a 35odd gig NFTS with windos, then a 12odd gig ext3 parition for linux, then an extendeed partition wiht a 1.5gig swap and a 5odd gig fat32 | 01:29 |
Murchadh | Carpe, Is there free space on the /home directory? Can prevent logging in. Worth checking. | 01:29 |
ardchoille42 | netzen, What exactly do you need from that other distro? Have you checked the repos for those packages? | 01:29 |
Plouj | anyone know where I can find this site with step by step Ubuntu installer screenshots? | 01:29 |
Hing | is there a way to install ubuntu only on my flash drive and leave my regular HD alone? | 01:29 |
Jelloman | Plouj: Not yet...remembering what I saw | 01:29 |
poningru | Hing: yes | 01:29 |
poningru | !install | hing | 01:29 |
ubotu | hing: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues | 01:29 |
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Plouj | Jelloman: hang on | 01:29 |
Pelo | Spenceh0e, is there anything on the linux partition right now ? | 01:29 |
Hing | thanks | 01:29 |
Carpe | Murchadh: I can login fine, the problem is I cannot run GUI apps via ssh | 01:29 |
Spenceh0e | i just used a boot cd to load partition magic, and i dont see anythign wrong with this fat16 partition | 01:29 |
poningru | Hing: the first link is what you are looking for | 01:30 |
netzen | ardchoille42 i need all the security stuff : scanners, database exploits, etc...those i cant find for ubuntu | 01:30 |
Spenceh0e | pelo - there shouldnt be, but ubuntu makes me set it to format anyway. | 01:30 |
poningru | Carpe: you have to run X over ssh for that | 01:30 |
riotkittie | fat16? oye. | 01:30 |
Polarity | jrib: On the editing syslinux.cfg part of the guide, what does it mean by adapt? | 01:30 |
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poningru | Carpe: thats kinda harsh to setup | 01:30 |
Spenceh0e | and thats when I get the error, after I set up the partitions, and set grub (hdo,2) | 01:30 |
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ardchoille42 | netzen, Sounds suspicious to me, I can't help you. | 01:30 |
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soundray | nrdb: are you all right now? | 01:30 |
Spenceh0e | it starts to install and, I get that error about the fat16 partition | 01:30 |
Carpe | poningru: It works fine as root, and it worked fine on a previous Ubuntu installation of mine before | 01:30 |
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jrib | Polarity: modify I guess. Probably not a native speaker | 01:31 |
calamari | anyone know of a good program that would allow me to capture video (and audio) on demand? | 01:31 |
netzen | ardchoille42 i can install that distro with vmware bt it's working not good | 01:31 |
mena | linux_user4000345, how to install 1.6 or installing sun-java5-jre will do so | 01:31 |
torrrrr | where si a good place to intall extention gloably for firefox? | 01:31 |
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Polarity | Ah okay. | 01:31 |
shmeelAway | qemu will only allow me to create at biggest a 512 MB vmdk file, any way to make it bigger? | 01:31 |
stepanstas | hey gusy | 01:31 |
Pelo | Spenceh0e, boot up the ubuntu live cd, in the menu under system , admin, use gnome partition editor, empty out the ext3 partition, and then install , use that partition to install ubuntu on | 01:31 |
soundray | mena: stick with sun-java5-jre and you will be fine | 01:31 |
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dabaR | Does anyone know what this process does: "/usr/X11R6/bin/X :0 -br -audit 0 -auth /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth -nolisten tcp vt7"? | 01:31 |
Hing | what does "persistent mode" mean? | 01:31 |
Plouj | Jelloman: you are probably talking about partition types when you say "linux-swap". You need one small partition for swap, so make 1GB partition with type "linux-swap", and make 14GB of type "reiserfs". | 01:31 |
mena | soundray, okay | 01:32 |
calamari | shmeelAway: might also try asking in #qemu | 01:32 |
soundray | dabaR: it's your X server | 01:32 |
Jelloman | Plouj: And then I'm all set? | 01:32 |
shmeelAway | ok | 01:32 |
shmeelAway | what server? | 01:32 |
distro-tester | i installed skype for windows whit wine but dosen't work u know how to remove it on kubuntu? | 01:32 |
shmeelAway | this one? | 01:32 |
Carpe | \ | 01:32 |
stepanstas | Are there any programs that record the screen, not take screen shots, but video? | 01:32 |
calamari | shmeelAway: yeah | 01:32 |
netzen | distro-tester apt-get install skype | 01:32 |
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thug | how do i set drwxr-xr-x ? | 01:32 |
dabaR | soundray: thank you. What is it's /etc/init.d script name, if any? | 01:32 |
ardchoille42 | stepanstas, istanbul can do that. | 01:32 |
poningru | well yeah you cant run X without root | 01:32 |
Jelloman | Plouj: Sorry for flashing...but then after that I click install right | 01:32 |
Plouj | Jelloman: should be. If you are not sure about something, use the IRC client in the Ubuntu live cd to ask more questions. | 01:32 |
ShiftyPowers | man, i'm really bummed, almost there on my cloned setup | 01:32 |
ShiftyPowers | but the resolution is messed on the second monitor | 01:33 |
demreath | thug: chmod 755 | 01:33 |
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distro-tester | yes thanx netzen id like to remove skype for windows that dosen't work whit wine first how i do that? | 01:33 |
Plouj | Jelloman: I'm not sure. I don't have the ubuntu installer in front of me. | 01:33 |
poningru | Carpe: I think I am misunderstanding you | 01:33 |
soundray | dabaR: it's typically called through one of the ?dm's, ie. /etc/init.d/gdm | 01:33 |
Jelloman | Plouj: Its ok | 01:33 |
Feengur | what is the cp format for copying an entire dir to another dir? | 01:33 |
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poningru | Carpe: explain the problem once more | 01:33 |
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Jelloman | Plouj: Thanks for all your help :) | 01:33 |
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poningru | Feengur: cp -r | 01:33 |
Plouj | Jelloman: yw | 01:33 |
Feengur | kk | 01:33 |
poningru | Feengur: more help at man cp | 01:33 |
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poningru | ;) | 01:33 |
ardchoille42 | Feengur, cp -r /path/dir /path | 01:33 |
netzen | distro-tester killall -9 wine:) I don't know what you've done before | 01:34 |
torrrrr | where si a good place to intall extention gloably for firefox? | 01:34 |
Murchadh | Carpe, What command do you use to initialise the ssh connection? | 01:34 |
Carpe | poningru: My objective is to login to ssh, as in "ssh -X user@host" and run a GUI app over ssh. The problem is, when I login as a regular use, I get an error saying .Xauthority is locked | 01:34 |
dabaR | soundray: I thought as much. I just killed that one. But that process is still there. OK, well, I will try killing it manually. Are you sure on the various options it is not by chance something weird? | 01:34 |
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Polarity | Hmm | 01:34 |
soundray | dabaR: no, quite the opposite | 01:34 |
Polarity | It says /dev/sdb1 is busy when I try to unmount it | 01:34 |
dabaR | Carpe: check the permissions on that file. it is in your ~ | 01:34 |
dabaR | soundray: OK, thank you. | 01:34 |
soundray | dabaR: look at mine: /usr/X11R6/bin/X :0 -br -audit 0 -auth /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth -nolisten tcp vt7 | 01:34 |
Polarity | Is there a way to check what's using it? | 01:34 |
xtknight | not a linux question but can i install windows xp on a usb hard disk? i dont want to bugger around with my internal HDs | 01:34 |
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stepanstas | ardchoille42, thanks i found it, ill see how well it work | 01:35 |
dabaR | soundray: same, OK, thanks a lot. | 01:35 |
Hing | what does "persistent mode" mean? | 01:35 |
ardchoille42 | stepanstas, I believe that app uses the notification area to work. | 01:35 |
xtknight | Hing: what's the context? | 01:35 |
Polarity | No xtknight | 01:35 |
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Murchadh | Carpe, I use ssh -l username | 01:35 |
fnord123 | youll want to remove -nolisten tcp as no exploits have been found | 01:35 |
Polarity | It doesn't load USB drivers early enough iirc | 01:35 |
Hing | installing on a usb pen drive | 01:35 |
xtknight | Polarity: but i could through f8, no? | 01:35 |
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fnord123 | and if you want to pull up a window from a remote machine, youll need it to listen | 01:35 |
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xtknight | Polarity: f6 i mean | 01:35 |
Polarity | As in keeps your files Hing | 01:36 |
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netzen | distro-tester or if you have tryed to install skype that try to go in /home/yourname/.wine/drive_c/Program Files and erase all data containing skype | 01:36 |
Hing | thank you | 01:36 |
Polarity | Possibly | 01:36 |
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soundray | xtknight: I'm pretty sure Microsoft has done everything to actively *prevent* that kind of thing | 01:36 |
amr | hi | 01:36 |
Polarity | What do you want to use it for xtknight ? | 01:36 |
nrdb | soundray: that is going now, very very slow, but I can get the info I want, thanks. | 01:36 |
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Polarity | If it's file copying or simple one off stuff, try BartPE | 01:37 |
amr | help | 01:37 |
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xtknight | Polarity: my windows xp install died and installing it again would probably wreak havoc on my boot sectors, etc, i just dont want to deal with it. i want it on a separate thing. | 01:37 |
amr | i can't send files using gaim | 01:37 |
Polarity | AAAAAAAAAH | 01:37 |
Polarity | oops | 01:37 |
psyoptik | what program is the easiest to setup a mp3 streaming server with? I've tried several and am having no luck. I must be missing something. | 01:37 |
soundray | nrdb: good. If your net connection is slow, you could try ssh -CX to activate compression | 01:37 |
xtknight | Polarity: BartPE is an option. | 01:37 |
=== briantumor [i=1000@ool-44c7f686.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
amr | help | 01:37 |
arturs | filed to load module "wfb" | 01:37 |
Polarity | *Ah. | 01:37 |
soundray | xtknight: consider BartPE | 01:37 |
Carpe | Murchadh: Ha, your method, with -X added, works. Thank you | 01:37 |
=== chuckfromchan [n=chatzill@12-227-160-225.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Polarity | YEah | 01:37 |
xtknight | i just need to run my windows color calibration software | 01:37 |
amr | it say's "XXX has cancelled you request" | 01:37 |
Polarity | Also, is there away to check what's using /dev/sdb1? | 01:38 |
Murchadh | Carpe, Excellent! | 01:38 |
xtknight | and i can't inside vmware because vmware's video driver does not permit the changing of gamma | 01:38 |
=== majortom [n=bryan@adsl-210-120-247.clt.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chuckfromchan | hey i've got a question about ubuntu on powerpc ibook g4 | 01:38 |
Polarity | I'm trying to unmount it but it says it's busy :/ | 01:38 |
Pelo | xtknight, have you tried it with wine ? | 01:38 |
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xtknight | Pelo: i could try that. but the eye one display needs a driver as well. no driver for linux | 01:38 |
chuckfromchan | will my airport card still work and will I still be able to connect to my wireless network after I install ubuntu? | 01:38 |
stepanstas | ardchoille42, it crashes on me for some reason | 01:38 |
Cryoniq | Hmm this is really confusing me with Azureus.. I set it to use ports 49152-50000. I forwarded those in firewall to correct IP. I also had another machine with bittorrent using 50001-50500 etc. So.. now I removed the later, and then the first ones azureues tell me that it has a firewall problem.. lol | 01:38 |
Pelo | xtknight, you are screwed then, deal with it | 01:38 |
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chuckfromchan | anyone know? | 01:39 |
majortom | chuckfromchan: yes and no, its a lot simpler to do now, but it work out of the box | 01:39 |
xtknight | Pelo: err ok. | 01:39 |
Cryoniq | gotta love networking.... | 01:39 |
arturs | filed to load module "wfb" - version of module is not correct | 01:39 |
masticate | hi | 01:39 |
majortom | chuckfromchan: you have to follow a few instructions | 01:39 |
KingChef | using the grub command line i typed in kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.17-10-generic root=/bev/hda1roquietsplash i tried bootx it tells me starting up then tells me kernel panic-not syncing; vfs; unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (0,0) | 01:39 |
soundray | chuckfromchan: it depends on which particular chipset Apple used in your iBook, but chances are that it will work, possibly after a bit of fiddling | 01:39 |
Carpe | Cryoniq: More than Church's chicken? | 01:39 |
Polarity | Also, is there away to check what's using /dev/sdb1? | 01:39 |
Polarity | I'm trying to unmount it but it says it's busy :/ | 01:39 |
mena | soundray,why should i stick with java5 | 01:39 |
xtknight | Polarity: sudo lsof | grep sdb1 | 01:39 |
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Cryoniq | Carpe he he | 01:39 |
mena | soundray,bec of supporting | 01:40 |
Spenceh0e | if the ext parition that i awnt to install ububntu on is partition 3, then grub does in to (hd0,2) right? | 01:40 |
arturs | KingChef: me too | 01:40 |
chuckfromchan | like what kind of stuff would i have to do to make the card work? | 01:40 |
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Carpe | Murchadh: A question, what is the dif in ssh host -l uname and ssh uname@host ? | 01:40 |
soundray | mena: because it is available as a package. That means it is designed to work with Ubuntu. | 01:40 |
poningru | Spenceh0e: yes | 01:40 |
majortom | chuckfromchan: hold on let me find the page i used | 01:40 |
poningru | Spenceh0e: err no | 01:40 |
chuckfromchan | majortom: ok thanks | 01:40 |
poningru | Spenceh0e: grub goes in an entire hdd | 01:40 |
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Spenceh0e | ?? | 01:40 |
mena | soundray,okay | 01:40 |
xtknight | i guess i'll just try and reinstall windows...grrr i hate reinstalling windows | 01:40 |
poningru | Spenceh0e: just leave whatever is on there as alone | 01:41 |
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Pelo | Spenceh0e, sounds about right | 01:41 |
poningru | Spenceh0e: it probably shows as hd0 | 01:41 |
arturs | KingChef: try install linux-kernel-image-686 | 01:41 |
shmeelAway | noone in #qemu responding | 01:41 |
shmeelAway | -.- | 01:41 |
majortom | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=63d3dde681fcd0d4ffa3c94a0c3c496f&t=142727 | 01:41 |
majortom | ^^ chuckfromchan | 01:41 |
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DemisM | where are the cxflags set? | 01:41 |
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DemisM | or where are they at? | 01:41 |
DemisM | cflags | 01:42 |
majortom | chuckfromchan: it says for dapper, but i used edgy and it works the same | 01:42 |
cafuego_ | DemisM: in the Makefile, of course. | 01:42 |
masticate | if i install apache1 and apache2, will they conflict each other? | 01:42 |
chuckfromchan | majortom: i hope the ubuntu disk i have is dapper or edgy | 01:42 |
chuckfromchan | thanks for the help! | 01:42 |
cafuego_ | masticate: if you run both one ht esma eport on the same IP address, yes | 01:42 |
poningru | DemisM: there is no /etc/make like in gentoo | 01:42 |
majortom | chuckfromchan: no problem | 01:42 |
=== Zimbabwe [n=ghnbdszl@ip68-229-139-180.lf.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cafuego_ | s/ ht esma eport/the same port/ | 01:42 |
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nexous | Hi | 01:42 |
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arturs | filed to load module "wfb" - version of module is not correct | 01:43 |
Zimbabwe | didnt work | 01:43 |
cafuego_ | DemisM: is there a reason the normal GFLAGS aren't sufficient? | 01:43 |
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DemisM | cafuego, ddd, anyways there is no way of getting precompiled progs for my processor? | 01:43 |
masticate | that makes sense...thanx | 01:43 |
Zimbabwe | k | 01:43 |
DemisM | cafuego, maybe they are | 01:43 |
arturs | filed to load module "wfb" - version of module is not correct. How to fix it? | 01:43 |
soundray | shmeelAway: have you seen /usr/share/doc/qemu/qemu-doc.html ? | 01:43 |
nexous | I'm using BlueFish editor and tring to save but, "File Save Error: cannot write to "/var/www/cal.php" comes up. | 01:43 |
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cafuego_ | DemisM: No, ther is _no_ point recompiling stuff for your CPU. | 01:43 |
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nexous | I'm guessing that it's a due to permissions but how can I allow to write? | 01:44 |
soundray | nexous: save it to your home directory and copy it from there to /var/www/ with sudo | 01:44 |
linux_user400354 | how can i change what is in this proc file? ive been able to add things to it but not delete. i need to be able to change whats in it for sound to work in certain apps. /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss | 01:44 |
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poningru | DemisM: if you are using a normal x86 proc | 01:44 |
shmeelAway | soundray is that a site? | 01:44 |
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Polarity | brb | 01:44 |
xtknight | nexous: set write permissions on /var/www so your user can access it | 01:44 |
poningru | or one of the supported procs rather | 01:44 |
kingchef- | didnt work | 01:44 |
Polarity | Testing pendrive version of Ubuntu | 01:44 |
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soundray | shmeelAway: no, it's a local file that was installed with qemu | 01:44 |
shmeelAway | k | 01:44 |
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cafuego_ | DemisM: install libc6-i686 and that will give you relatively optimised stuff. Anywhere else apps mainly just idle and wait for user input. | 01:44 |
nexous | soundray: i would have to copy everytime though, | xtknight, could I set a task to run it all the time? | 01:44 |
xtknight | nexous: task to run what ? | 01:45 |
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poningru | DemisM: and if not the user its usually the hdd that is the bottleneck | 01:45 |
kingchef- | didnt work error 1; file name must either be an absolute path name or block list | 01:45 |
nexous | Sorry, that wasn't suppose to go to you. | 01:45 |
nexous | xtknight, how do i change permissions to the folder? | 01:45 |
nexous | !permissions | 01:45 |
ubotu | The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux | 01:45 |
xtknight | nexous: sudo chmod u+w /var/www to enable user writes to WWW | 01:45 |
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nexous | Still comes up with File Cannot be saved.. | 01:46 |
chuckfromchan | majortom: the cd i have says "Version 6.06 LTS for your Mac" | 01:46 |
chuckfromchan | does that wrk? | 01:46 |
cafuego_ | And keep in mind: features kill puppies. | 01:46 |
majortom | chuckfromchan: thats dapper | 01:46 |
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chuckfromchan | ok sweet | 01:46 |
majortom | you need to copy your appleairport2 files from your system folder if you still use os x | 01:46 |
majortom | chuckfromchan: i don't remember exactly where it is though | 01:47 |
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nexous | xtknight: it still cannot save the file, same error. | 01:47 |
xtknight | nexous: type "touch /var/www/filetest" from the terminal. same error? | 01:47 |
cafuego_ | chuckfromchan: http://ubuntu.cafuego.net/pool/dapper-cafuego/bcm43xx/bcm43xx-firmware_1.3-1ubuntu2_all.deb | 01:47 |
cafuego_ | chuckfromchan: Download, install, enjoy :-) | 01:47 |
chuckfromchan | really? | 01:47 |
chuckfromchan | i just install ubuntu and install that? | 01:48 |
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majortom | cafuego | 01:48 |
majortom | what is that? | 01:48 |
cafuego_ | I've prepackaged the broadcom firmware bits, works dandy on my iBook. | 01:48 |
protocol1 | how do I install USB and V4L modules? | 01:48 |
nexous | xtknight: There is no error outputted. | 01:48 |
protocol1 | is there a name for them? | 01:48 |
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xtknight | nexous: type `rm /var/www/filetest` now to remove the test file | 01:48 |
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chuckfromchan | i'll just try majortom's way first, but thanks | 01:48 |
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starz | sigh. | 01:48 |
wrox | dudes, how do i change my linux username in xchat (mine being 'ypocat') | 01:48 |
torrrrr | can anyone help me? | 01:48 |
kingchef- | i tried linux-kernel-image-686 and it didnt work error 1; file name must either be an absolute path name or block list | 01:48 |
xtknight | nexous: i dont know why bluefish cant save. maybe you need to chmod the specific file also | 01:48 |
protocol1 | or do they come with edgy eft? | 01:48 |
eternal_p | good evening all...with ubuntu, I want to create a shortcut for a program, I can create it no problem, but I cannot seem to define the target directory, is there an easy way to do that? | 01:48 |
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torrrrr | I have something write wrong DNS to reslov.conf! | 01:49 |
soundray | torrrrr: not unless you ask a question | 01:49 |
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Pelo | protocol1, are you trying to isnatll a webcam ? | 01:49 |
Murchadh | Carpe, I don't know. I had to check a script to see what the actual command was in my setup. It's an alias in my .bashrc to initialise the connection. I also use FreeNX sometimes, it's pretty good, and I think in the repositories. | 01:49 |
xtknight | nexous: sudo chmod -R u+w /var/www/* if you want to do the whole dir as User writeable | 01:49 |
shmeelAway | k | 01:49 |
protocol1 | yes | 01:49 |
nexous | okay. | 01:49 |
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starz | no matter what i do i cant seem to get this prism chipset /// dlink air dwl-520 rev e to work.......... anyone have specific experience with the prism's??? | 01:49 |
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shmeelAway | took a lot of tinkering, but 20000G = 2.4 GB | 01:49 |
shmeelAway | thk's | 01:49 |
tavdash | hello, im having troubles getting my NIC to obtain an IP address, i receive an error that says 'ignoring unkown interface eth0=eth0." when running sudo ifup eth0 | 01:49 |
Pelo | !webcam | protocol1 | 01:49 |
ubotu | protocol1: webcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 01:49 |
nexous | still can't write. | 01:49 |
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xtknight | nexous: restart bluefish? | 01:50 |
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tavdash | i just install Edgy on my Dell D600 laptop | 01:50 |
nexous | Just did, didn't write again, | 01:50 |
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ShiftyPowers | i cannot get TwinView to display a different resolution on my second monitor | 01:50 |
torrrrr | what can rewrite my resolv.conf??? | 01:50 |
xtknight | nexous: i dont know | 01:50 |
ShiftyPowers | it displays only the same resolutoin from the first monitor | 01:50 |
ShiftyPowers | anyone know much about TwinView? | 01:50 |
xtknight | nexous: it doesnt make any sense. if 'touch' works bluefish should | 01:50 |
eternal_p | anyone here good on wine? | 01:50 |
wrox | torrrrr: ifup/ifdown afaik | 01:50 |
xtknight | nexous: can you write to the file in question with gedit? | 01:51 |
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Pelo | eternal_p, what is the problem ? | 01:51 |
soundray | eternal_p: not really, I work best on beer | 01:51 |
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soundray | eternal_p: scnr | 01:51 |
wrox | eternal_p: yep! golden kaan, shiraz, 2004 (south african wine) | 01:51 |
arturs | have trouble with nvidia module version | 01:51 |
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starz | ShiftyPowers i do know about that | 01:51 |
nexous | gEdit can save though.. | 01:51 |
ShiftyPowers | starz, | 01:51 |
ShiftyPowers | sweet | 01:51 |
arturs | help me, please | 01:51 |
starz | what exactly is the problem | 01:51 |
eternal_p | wrox: I was afraid of that :) | 01:51 |
=== soundray is glad he isn't the only one who cracks bad jokes | ||
eternal_p | lol | 01:51 |
ShiftyPowers | well i've been able to setup TwinView in clone | 01:51 |
ShiftyPowers | so it works | 01:51 |
starz | lol | 01:51 |
eternal_p | i just need to define a start in directory for a wine shortcut. | 01:51 |
ShiftyPowers | i have two monitors | 01:51 |
starz | you want dual mons | 01:51 |
wrox | :) | 01:51 |
starz | XD | 01:51 |
ShiftyPowers | one LCD TV pluggedin to the VGA port | 01:51 |
starz | ah | 01:52 |
ShiftyPowers | recognized ast CRT-0 | 01:52 |
starz | ok one sec | 01:52 |
=== Dorchester [n=Lunch@ool-18b99729.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xtknight | !enter | ShiftyPowers | 01:52 |
ubotu | ShiftyPowers: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 01:52 |
ShiftyPowers | sorry | 01:52 |
=== worldwide [n=worldwid@201-27-198-238.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
starz | the best resource on that is the gentoo wiki one sec | 01:52 |
soundray | ShiftyPowers: have you found the instructions in /usr/share/doc/nvidia-glx/README.txt.gz ? | 01:52 |
=== YoshiG3 [n=YoshiG3@75-132-246-100.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pelo | eternal_p, wine /waterverpath/prog | 01:52 |
YoshiG3 | Heya guys | 01:52 |
ShiftyPowers | yeah soundray but that didn't work | 01:52 |
starz | http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_nVidia_TwinView check that out first | 01:53 |
YoshiG3 | Anyone ever figure out how to get a GeForce4 MX 4000 PCI to work? | 01:53 |
wrox | !uname -a | 01:53 |
starz | lets build you a thing | 01:53 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about uname -a - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:53 |
=== neuratix [n=lorents@ti521110a080-4451.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nexous | Anyone else know any solution to bluefish not being able to save files? | 01:53 |
starz | Option "TwinViewOrientation" "CRT-0 RightOf DFP-0" <<--- something like that for surew | 01:53 |
wrox | ubotu: #5 :) | 01:53 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about #5 :) - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:53 |
soundray | nexous: write them to your home directory | 01:53 |
eternal_p | Pelo that is what I have, but it seems that when the wine emulated program looks for config files in the ./directory it is looking in /home/username rather than its path..here is my shortcut: /usr/bin/wine "/home/lcohen/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Anzio15/ANZIO32.EXE" /C | 01:53 |
tavdash | can anyone help me get my NIC working on a Dell D600? | 01:53 |
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eternal_p | tavdash: it is a broadcom nic right? | 01:53 |
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nexous | I can write there. | 01:54 |
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eternal_p | and travdash: what does ifconfig read back? | 01:54 |
torrrrr | how do I edit /etc/network/interfaces? | 01:54 |
tavdash | eternal_p: yes, it is | 01:54 |
Pelo | eternal_p, what is that last /C for ? get rid of it | 01:54 |
eternal_p | i need it, that tells the program to give me a list of config files in said directory | 01:54 |
arturs | starz: can you help me with installing nvidia driver for linux-kernel-2.6.20-50-generic ? | 01:54 |
eternal_p | that /C is for the windows program, not wine | 01:54 |
psyoptik | I am trying to set up a flumotion streaming audio server on my edgy desktop, and am not getting anywhere. I have started both the manager and the worker (with no supposed problems) but when I try to start the admin start, it won't connect to the manager. any idea on what I'm doing wrong? | 01:54 |
tavdash | eternal_p: it only lists the loopback | 01:54 |
wrox | anyone here who used mac osx and still prefers ubuntu? (no flames just asking) | 01:54 |
nexous | soundray: I can write to home DIR, but I need files saved to /var/www/ | 01:55 |
majortom | wrox: yes | 01:55 |
eternal_p | thats odd, is this a fresh install? | 01:55 |
soundray | wrox: yes | 01:55 |
Pelo | and eternal_p also you don'T need for it to be /usr/bin/wine , just wine /home/... | 01:55 |
starz | http://inuyasha-lives.com/linux/xorg.conf <<--- thats what i use for my dual mons neithe ris a tv however | 01:55 |
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=== graft [n=graft@c-66-30-27-29.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
starz | you want a similar but differing setup one sec | 01:55 |
tavdash | eternal_p: yes, it worked with the Live CD | 01:55 |
wrox | majortom, soundray: why that? | 01:55 |
soundray | wrox: this is off topic | 01:55 |
eternal_p | pelo: thanks, however it still isn't "starting" in the right directory | 01:55 |
graft | anyone know how to get rid of these annoying red/green shadows on my fonts? | 01:55 |
ShiftyPowers | so what happens is that I have two monitors (one LCD TV @1360x768 connected to the VGA port, one projector @1280x720 connected to the DVI port). I have edited my xorg.conf as in http://www.pastebin.ca/331602. I get clone mode working but the resolution on the projector is not 1280x720. Appears to be in 1360x768 | 01:55 |
xtknight | um. /media/sda3 is drwxr-xr-x before i mount it. when i mount it it becomes dr-x------ and i can't access it at all without root. how do i change the permissions? if i try to change the permissions after the mount it says readonly file system, cant change permissions | 01:55 |
ShiftyPowers | that's my problem | 01:55 |
eternal_p | travdash: sounds like a bad install | 01:56 |
Pelo | eternal_p, try changing that in the program preferences | 01:56 |
majortom | wrox: i am used to the programs, plus it is more configurable i think | 01:56 |
soundray | majortom: off topic | 01:56 |
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eternal_p | i can't doesn't work that way | 01:56 |
majortom | soundray: you're off topic i'm talking about why i prefer ubuntu | 01:56 |
tavdash | eternal_p: is it pssiple for it to be repaired. | 01:56 |
eternal_p | if I put those definintion files in /home/lcohen everything is fine | 01:56 |
nexous | Are there any PHPeditors for linux that look like a terminal? | 01:56 |
soundray | majortom: this channel is for support, not for discussing preferences | 01:56 |
Pelo | eternal_p, try asking for help on that in #winehq | 01:56 |
virtu | hmm anyone got the rhythmlet sensor error on gdesklets? | 01:56 |
eternal_p | ya, no answer there yet, lol | 01:57 |
wrox | soundray: just one more;; majortom: i miss macromedia apps to create flash content and also photoshop on ubuntu.. so thinking about getting a mac | 01:57 |
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shmeelAway | WindowsXPPro.vmdk has one or more internal errors that cannot be fixed. The only option is to restore from a backup copy of this disk. | 01:57 |
shmeelAway | Cannot open the disk '/home/nnliu/vmware/WindowsXPPro.vmdk' or one of the snapshot disks it depends on. | 01:57 |
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majortom | wrox: i support you | 01:57 |
shmeelAway | bah | 01:57 |
tavdash | nexous: have you tried vi? | 01:57 |
majortom | now i'm on topic | 01:57 |
nexous | no. Will check it out, thanks. | 01:57 |
mullah | hi!!!!!!!!!!!! | 01:57 |
=== billytwowilly [n=chris@S01060016b649355d.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eternal_p | trav: honestly I don' tknow...it should work out of the box (6.1 right?) I would worry that something else went wrong too | 01:57 |
nexous | Is VI in repo? | 01:57 |
jrib | nexous: yes | 01:58 |
=== bt88 [n=bt88@ppp191-138.lns2.mel4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
graft | is the pope catholic, nexous? | 01:58 |
soundray | Well done majortom. This kind of thing gets out of hand too quickly. | 01:58 |
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nexous | no? :D | 01:58 |
tavdash | eternal_p: ok, I'll try and reinstall, thanks for the advice | 01:58 |
jrib | nexous: well, vim is, I'm not sure of the actual vi is | 01:58 |
wrox | on topic now! anyone using Flash MX on ubuntu.wine ?:) | 01:58 |
majortom | wrox: yes unfortunately there is no flash, we will have to wait until adobe releases it or gnash gets better | 01:58 |
nexous | What's the differences? | 01:58 |
eternal_p | no problem, i'm sure there is someone here who coudl probably help you get through it, but the time spent is probably going to be more than the time to reinstall | 01:58 |
starz | is your tv hd ShiftyPowers? | 01:58 |
ShiftyPowers | yes | 01:58 |
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starz | apmyp hold up | 01:58 |
psyoptik | I tried something different and got this error when trying to start up flumotion-manager: ERROR: Could not listen on port 7531: Cannot assign requested address | 01:58 |
ShiftyPowers | i think i might be seeing what's wrong | 01:58 |
majortom | soundray: i'm not trying to be obnoxious, its just not like i am talking about my date or my dog or something | 01:58 |
=== jugin [n=jugin@host51-133-dynamic.55-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
starz | ShiftyPowers what is the max res | 01:58 |
graft | vi is more primitive and less funcitonal than vim, nexous | 01:58 |
ShiftyPowers | has to do with my ServerLayout config in xorg.conf | 01:58 |
nexous | okay. | 01:58 |
ShiftyPowers | the max res is 1360x768 | 01:59 |
psyoptik | ssl should be installed and working so I don't know why it can't assign it | 01:59 |
Pelo | !webcam | 01:59 |
ubotu | webcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 01:59 |
graft | arr... these fonts are destroying my vision | 01:59 |
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YoshiG3 | Alright, guys, I found a good Howto I think for the GeForce card- but I need someone to help explain it to me a little bit | 01:59 |
YoshiG3 | http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=84298 | 01:59 |
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mullah | i have problems with streamtuner, its audio doesn't run. Why? | 01:59 |
moforila | Im about to install xbuntu, how do you choose fluxbox to be installed? | 01:59 |
eternal_p | pelo: I wish those webcam links worked for me, driver support for logitech, as I have learned...sucks! | 02:00 |
soundray | majortom: your date or your dog is unlikely to block the channel for its intended purpose. "X is better than Y"-type discussions are. | 02:00 |
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starz | !paste | 02:00 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 02:00 |
wrox | YoshiG3: i'm not sure you should need a howto for nvidia binary driver on edgy - just open synaptic, check universe, and install it? | 02:00 |
nexous | !vi | 02:00 |
ubotu | Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) | Terminal-based editors: vi/vim, emacs, and nano (user-friendly). | HTML/CSS editors: !html | Programming: !code | 02:00 |
wrox | !code | 02:00 |
ubotu | Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, eclipse, pida | 02:00 |
nexous | !code | 02:00 |
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YoshiG3 | wrox: It's a legacy card, that usually never works for some reason | 02:00 |
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majortom | soundray: ok i concede i will not-a talk-a | 02:00 |
wrox | there's a difference beween vi and vim on edgy:) vi sucks more | 02:00 |
ardchoille42 | YoshiG3, I found this to be a perfect giude for installing nvidia cards. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia | 02:00 |
starz | ShiftyPowers http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3275/ use that as a rough guide | 02:00 |
Pelo | eternal_p, hasn'T worked for me either, i just thought I would look throught it again, I'm trying to setup a cheapass batman digital camera my bro gave me for xmas ( as a joke ) | 02:00 |
ShiftyPowers | starz, cool thanks man | 02:01 |
=== dabaR [n=dabaR@wnpgmb09dc1-78-246.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eternal_p | I would also check, amsn/kopete can read it better than canorama can, which is odd...gotta love linux | 02:01 |
wrox | YoshiG3: really suggesting you to get a newer, even though cheap one | 02:01 |
ShiftyPowers | starz, is that for clone? | 02:01 |
wrox | beryl is highly addictive | 02:01 |
eternal_p | wrox: agreed | 02:01 |
soundray | majortom: I won't know anyway... see you later | 02:01 |
ShiftyPowers | starz, i don't see you using Default Screen2 in that xorg.conf | 02:01 |
=== philippe_ [n=philippe@20158177053.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ben_m | !html | 02:01 |
ubotu | html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build webpages. Editors in Ubuntu: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem, and Nvu. For howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com | 02:01 |
ben_m | put vim in there too. | 02:02 |
ben_m | :D | 02:02 |
starz | ShiftyPowers | 02:02 |
=== TuTUx [n=rootusr@S010600119575fc93.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
starz | no | 02:02 |
starz | thats for seperate resolutions on each and seperate X on each | 02:02 |
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jkakar | Should I be scared that a dist-upgrade from edgy to feisty wants to remove ubuntu-desktop? | 02:02 |
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starz | !upgrade | 02:03 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 02:03 |
Pelo | eternal_p, part of my problem is that the camera doesn'T get mounted in /dev/video0 | 02:03 |
wrox | fiesty? am I old school again? | 02:03 |
jkakar | starz: Thanks. | 02:03 |
=== pbureau [n=pbureau@pppoe2-19.argontech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mikeeeeeee | how do i install flash player for opera? i can get it for mozilla, but dont know how to get it for opera. | 02:03 |
ardchoille42 | wrox, feisty is the devel version of Ubuntu ATM. | 02:03 |
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pbureau | question : anyone where can I acquire 'wireless-tools-devel' package ? seems synaptic cannot find it. | 02:04 |
=== superdave888 [n=dotirc@ool-43539a7e.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wrox | ardchoille42: i sort of know, but they keep releasing quickly... wondering if it will contain reiser4 | 02:04 |
eternal_p | Pelo, does it get moutned anywhere? | 02:04 |
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starz | ShiftyPowers http://www.mepis.org/node/9545 is another way to do it | 02:04 |
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superdave888 | Is there a graphic interface for ubuntu server ? | 02:04 |
ardchoille42 | wrox, I believe you can ask in #ubuntu+1 | 02:04 |
starz | that creates one X for both but left and right mons must be at same resolution thus the metamodes | 02:04 |
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klypso | how can I format an external harddrive? I seem to be lacking the required permissions. | 02:05 |
Pelo | eternal_p, where else could it get mounted ? besides as a storage device | 02:05 |
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=== Caplain [n=matt@adsl-75-46-185-160.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
maddash | mikeeeeeee: have you tried searching synaptic? | 02:05 |
wrox | ardchoille42: i haven't been ages on irc, just killin time, will be some time before i type smt like /join #.. | 02:05 |
Pelo | klypso, try with gnome partition editor | 02:05 |
=== kitche [n=kitche@pool-141-149-249-214.buff.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eternal_p | true, but if you look in /dev do you see anything for video..if not, it isn't getting mounted | 02:05 |
wrox | hell i just launched this damn xchat and it kicked me here | 02:05 |
eternal_p | what does lsusb report? | 02:05 |
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ardchoille42 | wrox, Ok, well #ubuntu+1 is the Ubuntu devel channel :) | 02:06 |
maddash | mikeeeeeee: "flashplugin-nonfree," I believe | 02:06 |
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starz | http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&channel=s&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&hs=Boz&q=nvidia+dual+monitor+television+xorg&btnG=Search google is your friend | 02:06 |
Pelo | eteran, no video# or anything video in /dev/ | 02:06 |
starz | wrox | 02:06 |
nexous | How do i install a program from a tar.gz? | 02:06 |
shmeelAway | has anyone here sucessfully set up XP as a virtual machine on VMplayer? | 02:06 |
=== small-chimp [i=saippua@host-212-149-254-2.kpylaajakaista.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
small-chimp | help what is this channel for? | 02:06 |
eternal_p | then ubuntu isn't mounting it at all...I don' tthink it ever mounts anywhere else | 02:06 |
ardchoille42 | nexous, Which app is it? | 02:06 |
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nexous | DBVI | 02:06 |
small-chimp | what is ubuntu at all | 02:06 |
maddash | nexous: most likely that you'll have to compile it | 02:06 |
kitche | nexous: tar -xvf <file>.tar.gz and compile it | 02:07 |
starz | go to server setup and select network list to not popup on start and edit ubuntu network and unselect it as autoconnect if you want | 02:07 |
wrox | nexous: tar xzf xxx.tar.gz (for unpack) and tar czf xxx.tar.gz <files here> (for pack) | 02:07 |
wrox | (trying to be useful) | 02:07 |
wannabe_linux_gu | hahaha. I am setting up my server.. and i feel like a virgin on prom night | 02:07 |
bimberi | !ubuntu | small-chimp | 02:07 |
ubotu | small-chimp: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome | 02:07 |
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wrox | ardchoille42: i'm a devel too, but i'm an webapp java devel.. | 02:07 |
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klypso | Pelo: I tried System -> disks -> partitions and the free space on it is 'Not avalible' | 02:07 |
mikeeeeeee | thanks maddash ill check those out | 02:07 |
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kitche | wrox: #ubuntu+1 is for the next version of ubuntu | 02:07 |
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Pelo | klypso, hugh ? | 02:08 |
small-chimp | how can i download internet explorer for ubuntu | 02:08 |
mithro | how does one detect ubuntu (and the version) as appose to a debian system? | 02:08 |
klypso | I have an external harddrive with 2 partitions, one with NFTS and the other as just free space | 02:08 |
kitche | !version|mithro | 02:08 |
ubotu | mithro: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type lsb_release -a in a !shell | 02:08 |
ardchoille42 | kitche, you phrased that much better than I did | 02:08 |
nexous | Okay, I unpacked it, I have to pack it again? | 02:08 |
wrox | kitche: i'm fine with this one:) i would compile reiser4 into a kernel i donwloaded from kernel.org, but the current -mm branch was broken at the time i was looking | 02:08 |
klypso | so, in fact, one partition and 80gig of free space | 02:08 |
small-chimp | how can i download internet explorer for ubuntu | 02:08 |
jkakar | shmeelAway: Yep, on edgy, anyway. | 02:08 |
cafuego_ | small-chimp: There isn't one. | 02:08 |
Pelo | kitche, oh, ok sorry, I got distracted, I don'T know then | 02:08 |
kitche | Pelo: umm was that tab complete lol | 02:09 |
shmeelAway | jkakar, what did you use to set up your vmdk file? | 02:09 |
mithro | kitche: ooohh, cool | 02:09 |
eternal_p | Pelo, if you do a dmesg before and after you put in the webcam what happens? | 02:09 |
klypso | small-chimp: swiftfox is your friend | 02:09 |
kitche | nexous: no you have to compile the program | 02:09 |
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NkZ | Greetings guys. | 02:09 |
small-chimp | death to jews | 02:09 |
small-chimp | allahu akhbar | 02:09 |
cafuego_ | death to trolls | 02:09 |
apmyp | 2 hours remainting, but i`m steel here cant find answer for my trouble. I install on my HP dv6119ea Edubuntu 6.06, then upgrade it to 6.10, then to 7.04, but i dont like and try return to 6.10 (edgy)... i remove all packages and install gdm and ubuntu-minimal. gdm not start again (kernel was updated to 2.6.20-50-generic) i install linux-restrected-modules, but error tell me, that versions are not compotible to nvidia modules :/ How can i install currect module | 02:09 |
cafuego_ | !ops | 02:09 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso | 02:09 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ | ||
nexous | I just did, tar xvf ... | 02:09 |
kitche | small-chimp:http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page | 02:09 |
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LjL | cafuego_: who | 02:09 |
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LjL | ok | 02:09 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@host-212-149-254-2.kpylaajakaista.net] by Hobbsee | ||
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jkakar | shmeelAway: I used the vmware-server GUI (on dapper) to set it up. When I upgrade to edgy vmware stopped working--this solved that problem: http://blog.bz2.nl/2006/10/27/vmware-server-console-on-ubuntu-610-edgy-eft-hangs/ | 02:10 |
gnomefreak | cafuego_: ? | 02:10 |
cafuego_ | Ta! | 02:10 |
gnomefreak | nvm | 02:10 |
=== Jelloman [i=skate4th@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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apmyp | !help | 02:10 |
LjL | ...ta | 02:10 |
gnomefreak | was late | 02:10 |
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ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 02:10 |
Pelo | eternal_p, what should I be looking for ? | 02:10 |
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Jelloman | plouj, Everything is running fine | 02:10 |
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eternal_p | anything about a USB device | 02:10 |
eternal_p | assuming the webcam is USB | 02:10 |
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Jelloman | plouj, Just I'm not used to linux so i'm going to use windows for a minute :D | 02:10 |
psyoptik | does anyone have any experience with streaming audio servers? I am trying to setup a _simple_ mp3 server and have had no luck trying 4 different server programs and protocols. I'm trying flumotion again and when I start the flumotion-manager i get this error: ERROR: Could not listen on port 7531: Cannot assign requested address | 02:10 |
psyoptik | Any ideas on whats going on? please. | 02:10 |
wrox | ubotu: all knowing would use word omniscient | 02:10 |
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shmeelAway | hmm, i don't have VMware server, when i try to install it says i already have it installed but i can't find it. just trying to use VMware Player, but not working atm | 02:10 |
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nexous | kitche: i unpacked it, now to compile? | 02:10 |
kitche | !compile|nexous | 02:11 |
ubotu | nexous: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 02:11 |
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apmyp | psyoptik: i have with nullsoft software | 02:11 |
nexous | k thanks. | 02:11 |
NkZ | I need help, I made a Major Mess up with my Ubuntu! I did a "sudo chown -R francisco /" and since then, when I want to "sudo" I get this error " sudo: must be setuid root" What can I do? | 02:11 |
linux_user400354 | i have created a ~/bin. how can i add it to my user's path? | 02:11 |
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Klipsch | Guys please i really really need help, i have trouble with my laptop keyboard... which layout should i take? i have a toshiba 2450... of course generic pc 105 aint working properly. The problem is that i dont have any manual and looking on websites didnt gave me anything :( | 02:11 |
kitche | NkZ umm you just messed your whoel system over reinstall only way to really fix it | 02:11 |
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psyoptik | apmyp : thanks, i'm looking into it now | 02:11 |
apmyp | psyoptik: /q apmyp | 02:12 |
=== Ebinsugewa [n=kb1jbk@71-83-48-65.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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NkZ | Kitche you mean take it the Windozer way of Reinstall ubuntu? | 02:12 |
kitche | linux_user400354: edit .bashrc and add PATH=$PATH:/home/<user>/bin | 02:12 |
klypso | what is an alternitive partition creator and editor I can use other than the GNOME preinstalled edition? | 02:12 |
klypso | editor, rather | 02:12 |
wrox | Klipsch: tried http://www.google.com/search?q=toshiba+2450+linux ? | 02:12 |
psyoptik | /q apmyp thanks | 02:12 |
psyoptik | what? | 02:12 |
kitche | NkZ: you broke your system pretty much fully it's just easier to reinstall when you do that | 02:12 |
apmyp | Klipsch: i have 105 - its ok | 02:12 |
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antoniac | how about fdisk as a partition editor? | 02:13 |
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kitche | NkZ: unless you want to go though each folder and rechown it to root:root | 02:13 |
apmyp | psyoptik: but i have expireance only on windows:) | 02:13 |
=== barata [n=barata@c-71-198-244-202.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wrox | kitche: there's the -R flag for chmod | 02:13 |
klypso | antoniac: does that work well for external harddrives | 02:13 |
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kitche | wrox: yes he ran that on / | 02:13 |
barata | anybody feels the Vista curse already | 02:13 |
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psyoptik | apmyp: so I see | 02:14 |
barata | and you cannot boot your Ubuntu?? | 02:14 |
NkZ | Kitche: I have the time to do that, and Honestly I hate re - installing Ubuntu from Scratch. Show me the way to do it. :-) | 02:14 |
antoniac | klypso: should work well also for those | 02:14 |
poningru | ok this is lame | 02:14 |
wrox | kitche: poor linux! | 02:14 |
apmyp | psyoptik: try go to http://nullsoft.com (shoutCAST) | 02:14 |
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klypso | barata: I can sense a zero-day exploit rising... | 02:14 |
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nexous | i typed ./configure --help | less and it loaded knotify and closed, now Konsole has a white bar at bottom moving left, then right, fluctuating back and forth. | 02:14 |
Cybrax | hi! | 02:14 |
wrox | anyone here pure ubuntu or only winxp dual booties ? | 02:15 |
klypso | antoniacL thanks. | 02:15 |
=== creature_ [n=creature@user-514f4c87.l3.c3.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Cybrax | i have Ubuntu and Kubuntu | 02:15 |
klypso | antoniac: thanks | 02:15 |
kitche | NkZ: you can chown -R root:root / then do chown -R francisco /home/francisco/ ou need to be in single user mode to it though sicne you messed up sudo | 02:15 |
=== RedKrieg [n=RedKrieg@ip68-230-209-186.rd.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
creature_ | hi | 02:15 |
apmyp | psyoptik: there you can doownload shoutcast server for linux, to broutcast your musicc | 02:15 |
wrox | Kubuntu is ok, i won't be too religious tonight:)) | 02:15 |
ardchoille42 | NkZ, Not every file on your system is supposed to be root:root , seriously, it' be quicker to re-install. | 02:15 |
Klipsch | yes kitche i did | 02:15 |
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klypso | I have an external harddrive with 80gig or free unpartitioned space. I am looking for a good encrypted partition creator. | 02:16 |
Cybrax | I don't like it as much as Ubuntu. | 02:16 |
NkZ | Kitche: Since you and Ardchoille42 both insist on it, and you're the experts, I think I'll just take the wiser windozer way up and Re install all this stuff. | 02:16 |
psyoptik | apmyp: thanks. I'll try this. | 02:16 |
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NkZ | Thanks anyhow! :-) | 02:16 |
apmyp | Klipsch: what trouble with keyboard? | 02:16 |
creature_ | dose anyone know why when i click on driftnet it dosent open? | 02:16 |
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kitche | NkZ: just makes it easier since you might make it worst if you try to rechown everything the way it's suppose to be | 02:17 |
wrox | creature_: try to launch it from gnome-terminal | 02:17 |
creature_ | how? | 02:17 |
NkZ | Last question: Ubuntu has something like... "System Restore" or anything like it? | 02:17 |
=== CtrlAltGeek [n=nothing@dsl-12-144-250-185.elltel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kud | I am downloading themes in tar format from GNOME-Look.org, but they won't seem to install when I try to install them. I get an error saying "File is not correct format". Can anyone help? | 02:17 |
=== MegaQuark_ [n=gary@pool-71-117-203-59.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wrox | creature_: alt+f2 and type gnome-terminal if you're in gnome | 02:17 |
klypso | creature_: something like 'sudo driftnet -i eth0' | 02:17 |
kitche | NkZ: not really well there is partimage which is like ghost | 02:17 |
NkZ | You know, like that Wincrap "System Image" stuff (Only thing that works on that. | 02:17 |
wrox | Kud: apt-get install beryl | 02:17 |
apmyp | !backup | 02:18 |
ubotu | There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 02:18 |
NkZ | Would that solve my issue? | 02:18 |
Klipsch | apmyp like shift + 3 aint giving /... for example | 02:18 |
creature_ | ahh i have a box | 02:18 |
=== ricklaw [n=ricklaw@c-24-13-129-219.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
torrrrr | how can I install flash for all users? | 02:18 |
Kud | wrox apt-get can't find that program | 02:18 |
kitche | torrrrr: you just install flashplugin-nonfree and all users should have it | 02:18 |
creature_ | thx that worked | 02:19 |
mikeeeeeee | how do you find flashplugin nonfree | 02:19 |
apmyp | Klipsch: in Keyboard settings (GNOME) add different locale | 02:19 |
nexous | I need help compiling dbvi, I used "tar -zvxf /home/nexous/Desktop/dbvi.tar.gz" in terminal, but configure isn't working. | 02:19 |
mithro | whats the "correct" way to detect if a deb is installed? | 02:19 |
torrrrr | kitche: thanks | 02:19 |
wrox | Kud: that was a joke, beryl is smt else, but worth checking out | 02:19 |
Klipsch | locale? | 02:19 |
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wrox | mithro: look into synaptic | 02:20 |
maddash | mikeeeeeee: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=flashplugin&searchon=names&subword=1&version=all&release=all | 02:20 |
=== philippe_ [n=philippe@20158177053.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HammerHead | hey all, can someone tell me how i would go about connecting to my VPN provider? I am linux n00b :) | 02:20 |
torrrrr | kitche: do you know what all the other flashlibs are for? | 02:20 |
Kud | Can anyone help me with my problem? | 02:20 |
pbureau | question : anyone where can I acquire 'wireless-tools-devel' package ? seems synaptic cannot find it. and googling it only give me dead ends | 02:20 |
apmyp | !locale | 02:20 |
ubotu | To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf | 02:20 |
HammerHead | like a VPN client | 02:20 |
mithro | wrox: i mean in a shell script | 02:20 |
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HammerHead | in windows i just add vpn server | 02:20 |
nexous | I need help compiling dbvi, I used "tar -zvxf /home/nexous/Desktop/dbvi.tar.gz" in terminal, but configure isn't working. | 02:20 |
kitche | torrrrr: nope but one I m betting is probably gnash | 02:20 |
wrox | mithro: /var/log/dpkg or smt similar - there's a file that lists your installed stuff | 02:20 |
apmyp | HammerHead: vino | 02:20 |
apmyp | !vino | 02:21 |
ubotu | vino: VNC server for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 2.16.0-0ubuntu2.4 (edgy), package size 173 kB, installed size 1956 kB | 02:21 |
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HammerHead | VPN :) | 02:21 |
kitche | nexous: does it have a configure script int he folder? | 02:21 |
HammerHead | I need to connect to a VPN not VNC :) | 02:21 |
apmyp | ups | 02:21 |
apmyp | :) | 02:21 |
Klipsch | thanks | 02:21 |
Klipsch | ill check | 02:21 |
=== tombow [n=tombow@adsl-75-40-121-141.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
maddash | Kud: what's the problem again? | 02:21 |
nexous | No, not that I see. | 02:21 |
nexous | But then again, I don't know what to look for. | 02:22 |
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=== nexous is a n00b. | ||
apmyp | !vpn | 02:22 |
ubotu | From more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD | 02:22 |
=== tim167 [n=tim@d51538D41.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kitche | nexous: do ls -l in the folder and copy and paste it to a pastebin and I can tell you what to do | 02:22 |
Kud | maddash: I am downloading themes in tar format from GNOME-Look.org, but they won't seem to install when I try to install them. I get an error saying "File is not correct format". | 02:22 |
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kitche | nexous: or tell me where to get the tar.gz from | 02:22 |
bruenig | Kud, sometimes the themes are for different window managers. Make sure you get metacity themes, assuming that is the window manager you have (it is by default) | 02:23 |
maddash | Kud: they're ..tar and not .tgz or .tar.gz? | 02:23 |
wrox | kitche: type 'file <that file>' and paste output | 02:23 |
nexous | http://downloads.sourceforge.net/dbvi/dbvi- | 02:23 |
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kitche | nexous: ok just do make in the folder | 02:23 |
tim167 | help! i get Error running install command for NVIDIA, Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module!, X server wont start | 02:23 |
wrox | (will be html) | 02:23 |
nexous | ""make" in the folder? | 02:23 |
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kitche | nexous: the configure way won't work | 02:23 |
mckinnoj | quick question guys: how do I find out what kind of motherboard I have? Can I look that up in Ubuntu? | 02:23 |
Kud | .tar.gz and yes they are metacity themes | 02:23 |
apmyp | bruenig: i use beril:) | 02:23 |
=== HymnToLife [n=fkraiem@LNeuilly-152-23-88-99.w217-128.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nexous | How do I make in the folder? | 02:24 |
bruenig | apmyp, congrats | 02:24 |
wrox | apmyp: it's berYl | 02:24 |
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kitche | nexous: cd intot he folder | 02:24 |
pbureau | question : anyone where can I acquire 'wireless-tools-devel' package ? seems synaptic cannot find it. and googling it only give me dead ends | 02:24 |
cafuego_ | pbureau: That's not an Ubuntu package. | 02:24 |
cafuego_ | pbureau: -devel implies redhatism. | 02:24 |
nexous | There's no folder though, theres just the tar.gz file. | 02:24 |
|thunder | Does anyone know the official site for kiba-dock ? | 02:25 |
kitche | nexous: you have to extract the .tar.gz with tar -xvf dbvi- | 02:25 |
pbureau | cafuego- alright then in which package does iwlib.h resides in ? | 02:25 |
apmyp | bruenig: there is emerald theme manager same for metacity, xfce or kde | 02:25 |
tim167 | can anyone help me with this: Error running install command for NVIDIA, Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module!, ---> X wont start, it DID work until 20 minutes ago | 02:25 |
bruenig | !info libiw-dev | 02:25 |
ubotu | libiw-dev: Wireless tools - development files. In component main, is extra. Version 28-1ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 49 kB, installed size 144 kB | 02:25 |
nexous | I did that already, it showed a list of all the files in terminal, and that's all. | 02:25 |
=== zorba64 [n=zorba64@124-254-88-221-dsl.ispone.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kitche | nexous: ah ok just run make then | 02:25 |
apmyp | tim167: i have the same problem | 02:25 |
pbureau | thank you | 02:26 |
nexous | I don't know what make is. | 02:26 |
nexous | !make | 02:26 |
ubotu | Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 02:26 |
bruenig | nexous, you literally just type "make" | 02:26 |
kitche | nexous: seems odd that you don't have a folder for dbvi- though | 02:26 |
nexous | in Konsole right? | 02:26 |
apmyp | tim167: install linux-resstricted-modules | 02:26 |
kitche | nexous: yes | 02:26 |
ricklaw | bye | 02:26 |
nexous | "make command not found" | 02:26 |
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tim167 | apmyp: did it ever work on your computer ? | 02:26 |
kitche | nexous: ok you didn't install build-essential | 02:26 |
torrrrr | I did : firefox -install-global-extension /root/flashblock-1.5.2-fx+fl.xpi | 02:27 |
bruenig | nexous, you need to install build-essential, sudo apt-get install build-essential | 02:27 |
torrrrr | and it didnt work | 02:27 |
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tim167 | apmyp i mean, here it just got broken 20 min ago, it worked before | 02:27 |
nexous | okay, i ran the command in run to install build-essential, was anything suppose to pop up? | 02:27 |
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apmyp | tim167: yes | 02:27 |
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maddash | nexous: `make`. | 02:28 |
bruenig | nexous, a bunch of stuff should roll by indicating you installed it. And now you should be able to use "make" | 02:28 |
FluxD | hi how do you configure firestarter to allow apps and open ports? | 02:28 |
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apmyp | tim167: but now i have trouble with version of modules - they != | 02:28 |
apmyp | <> | 02:29 |
nexous | I typed in it Alt f2... and it just ended up closing out. | 02:29 |
bruenig | nexous, you are supposed to put that in terminal | 02:29 |
CtrlAltGeek | Has anyone used Ubuntu as a Server looking for something to take over my old win2k setup for a home server. | 02:29 |
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nexous | I'm suppose to put "sudo apt-get install build-essential" in terminal? | 02:29 |
bruenig | nexous, yes | 02:29 |
nexous | Oh okay. | 02:29 |
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apmyp | CtrlAltGeek: what do you meen? | 02:30 |
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nexous | libc6-dev AND g++ (>= 4:4.0) can I get them via sudo-apt.... | 02:30 |
apmyp | CtrlAltGeek: i use it for web-server | 02:30 |
tim167 | apmyp: i copied the pur:dyne folder to my fharddisk, i think that got it broken or something | 02:31 |
CtrlAltGeek | I guess what I am looking to find out is if it is easy to setup, fairly secure, easy to admin, and if it can stay running for long periods of time. | 02:31 |
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wannabe_linux_gu | I am partitioning the HDD for my server. The master i have partitioned as /boot 50 MB, /swap 1 GB, /10 Gb, /home rest of the HDD, I dont knwo what to do with the second HDD. any suggestion??? | 02:31 |
tim167 | apmyp *pure:dyne | 02:31 |
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YoshiG3 | good news | 02:31 |
YoshiG3 | I got my GeForce4 MX 4000 working | 02:31 |
YoshiG3 | and it works great now | 02:31 |
paul__ | Hello, Does anyone know of a notifier application for Evolution email? | 02:31 |
YoshiG3 | Thanks Ubuntu peoples :D | 02:31 |
apmyp | tim167: i dont cnow what is it | 02:31 |
apmyp | *know | 02:31 |
=== ferret_0567_ [n=travis@cpe-72-183-231-110.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gun_Smoke | I want a font to resemble the same used on the simpsons.... Any ideas? | 02:32 |
FirstStrike | whoa, mx 4000? | 02:32 |
FirstStrike | time for an upgrade :o | 02:32 |
bruenig | nexous, yeah you can, build-essential should install both of those | 02:32 |
YoshiG3 | yeah no legacy | 02:32 |
=== Moniker42 [n=sean@87-194-119-253.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kitche | bruenig: he quit after he asked that question | 02:32 |
YoshiG3 | no legacy drivers worked | 02:32 |
YoshiG3 | about games, I don't know | 02:32 |
soweto76 | paul__, maybe gnome-mail-notification or some such | 02:32 |
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tim167 | apmyp: its a linuc live cd for multimedia, but the strange thing is, both ubuntu and pure dyne worked fine, now none of them works, not even the live cd | 02:32 |
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apmyp | paul__: where you keep yoour mail? | 02:32 |
Moniker42 | hi, how do i use ntfs-3g to give myself write permissions to an ntfs data partition? | 02:32 |
Flannel | !ntfs-3g | Moniker42 | 02:33 |
ubotu | Moniker42: ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy) | 02:33 |
=== theflyingfool [n=theflyin@71-38-85-12.bois.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
theflyingfool | does anyone know a good alternative to quicken thats not gnucash | 02:33 |
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ferret_0567_ | I need a xorg.conf file from Ubuntu 6.10 with a NVIDIA graphics card and the NVIDIA module installed | 02:33 |
Moniker42 | Flannel, but how do i _use_ it, the manual is a bit cryptic... | 02:33 |
pbureau | anyone compile xsupplicant , i am getting an error and I need help to figure out what the problem is | 02:33 |
FluxD | !firestarter | 02:33 |
ubotu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 02:33 |
kitche | Moniker42: when you mount it you can use umask to get write support | 02:33 |
bruenig | !kmymoney2 | 02:33 |
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ubotu | kmymoney2: Personal finance manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.4-4 (edgy), package size 6913 kB, installed size 14184 kB | 02:33 |
apmyp | paul__: if in gmail, than i know one notyfer on firefox | 02:33 |
Flannel | Moniker42: those threads talk about it. Moreso than I know | 02:34 |
theflyingfool | bruenig, im on gnome | 02:34 |
paul__ | soweto76 - Will that integrate into Evolution, I would like to be able to click the notification icon in the notification area and be taken to Evolution. There is currently one called mail-notification, but that seems to completely eliminate the point of a notifier in the first place at Evolution needs to BE OPEN! in order for it to work?! | 02:34 |
bruenig | don't know how great that is but it is there | 02:34 |
ferret_0567_ | Either that, or I need someone to suggest changes to mine if I put it in a pastebin | 02:34 |
=== RamiKassab [n=RamiKass@m810f36d0.tmodns.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | theflyingfool, so... | 02:34 |
soweto76 | paul__, I think so. It is a panel applet. | 02:34 |
Moniker42 | kitche, so i just type "umask <<drive>>" to get write permissions? | 02:34 |
theflyingfool | bruenig, is designed for KDE | 02:34 |
paul__ | apmyp: I know of the gmail one also, this is actually for my dad's computer. He uses Evolution. | 02:34 |
kitche | Moniker42: no | 02:34 |
ferret_0567_ | I used a xorg.conf from FC6 that worked with that distro and it does not work with Ubuntu | 02:34 |
bruenig | theflyingfool, it is a stand alone app. There is no difference in performance. | 02:35 |
bruenig | well except it will take longer to load because of the kde libs | 02:35 |
ferret_0567_ | I need to edit mine to use some Ubuntu specific settings | 02:35 |
apmyp | tim167: hmm, i install edubuntu 6.06 on my laptop, seems to be it not work after distr-upgrade | 02:35 |
Gun_Smoke | Really what is the point of having a firewall or antivirus software if you do nothing but surf the web on a linux box? | 02:35 |
paul__ | apmyp: Have you seen the webmailcompose extension for firefox? It handles mailto: links so when you click them, it opens a new compose window with Gmail (Just mentioning) :) | 02:35 |
kitche | Moniker42: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VolumePermissions | 02:35 |
ferret_0567_ | Can somebody please help me? Thanks | 02:35 |
maddash | Gun_Smoke: you might need it if you `sudo wine iexplore.exe`? | 02:35 |
paul__ | soweto76: Any idea where I might find this applet? | 02:35 |
Flannel | ferret_0567_: Theyre different versions of Xorg it looks like. | 02:36 |
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soweto76 | paul__, I forget how to put an applet on gnome but it is probably right click add | 02:36 |
=== adev [n=meng@ool-457c9fc2.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
adev | hi | 02:36 |
maddash | ferret_0567_: pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 02:36 |
wrox_ | beryl guys - i remember there was a plugin for compiz that would replace the taskbar / gnome panel - is there smt like that for beryl ? | 02:36 |
bruenig | !info gaac | 02:36 |
ubotu | Package gaac does not exist in any distro I know | 02:36 |
Gun_Smoke | maddash: Don't do that. | 02:36 |
bruenig | !info gacc | 02:36 |
ubotu | gacc: personal finance tracking program. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.5-5 (edgy), package size 103 kB, installed size 368 kB | 02:36 |
apmyp | paul__: yes, but last ear :) and now i dont remember where can get it:) | 02:36 |
maddash | Gun_Smoke: [grin] . don't take that too seriously. | 02:37 |
ferret_0567_ | It is different versions...scp'ing and pasting into pastebin now... | 02:37 |
bimberi | theflyingfool: grisbi is another alternative (no idea what it's like though) | 02:37 |
soweto76 | paul__, you may have to install it. Search for mail notification in synaptic. | 02:37 |
bruenig | !info myphpmoney | 02:37 |
ubotu | myphpmoney: Finance manager written in PHP. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3RC3+dfsg-1 (edgy), package size 623 kB, installed size 4148 kB | 02:37 |
bruenig | that looks like fun | 02:37 |
adev | i just installed ndiswrapper and installed the driver *.inf... but when i do 'modprobe ndiswrapper' i get... FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Invalid argument | 02:37 |
wrox_ | !info skype | 02:37 |
ubotu | Package skype does not exist in any distro I know | 02:37 |
maddash | ouch. | 02:37 |
paul__ | apmyp: http://jedbrown.net/dev/Mozilla/webmailcompose.xpi >> There you go! ;) | 02:37 |
Flannel | !skype | 02:37 |
ubotu | To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto | 02:37 |
bruenig | !skype | wrox_ | 02:37 |
ubotu | wrox_: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto | 02:37 |
wrox_ | !info google-earth | 02:37 |
ubotu | Package google-earth does not exist in any distro I know | 02:37 |
wrox_ | nah | 02:37 |
bruenig | !fishing | wrox _ | 02:37 |
ubotu | wrox _: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 02:37 |
maddash | adev: check for /lib/[...] /ndiswrapper.ko? | 02:38 |
=== faded515 [n=faded515@cpc3-hatf4-0-0-cust764.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Moniker42 | will the guide for a FAT disk work with NTFS? | 02:38 |
paul__ | soweto76: That is the one I am using at the moment, again, Evolution needs to be open for it to work. It's useless. | 02:38 |
=== dagrump [n=dagrump@216-145-140-199.dsl.dynamic.casstel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
poningru | ok so while installing ubuntu-server it hangs on a certain module loading 'trm290' for 'ide chipset control'... | 02:38 |
adev | maddash, it's there | 02:38 |
apmyp | paul__: thanks, but now i can not run GDM :) have an eerror | 02:38 |
soweto76 | paul__, are you sure there is not config for running a command on new mail | 02:38 |
ferret_0567_ | Can somebody suggest a pastebin? | 02:38 |
Flannel | poningru: did you verify the ISO? | 02:38 |
bruenig | !pastebin | 02:38 |
maddash | adev: what does `modinfo ndiswrapper` return? | 02:38 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 02:38 |
ferret_0567_ | oh | 02:39 |
ferret_0567_ | !pastebin | 02:39 |
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adev | maddash, http://rafb.net/p/sPV4bA15.txt | 02:39 |
apmyp | help | 02:40 |
poningru | Flannel: yes | 02:40 |
paul__ | soweto76: There is a config to tunnel directly to the pop account that Evolution uses, but the applet regurgitates every single message in the account, not just the new ones, kinda lame. | 02:40 |
=== steve130 [n=bloodlus@ppp-64-108-158-91.dialup.lgtpmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== cephalon [n=cephalon@c-69-254-254-60.hsd1.ks.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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poningru | apperantly its a common prob with my hdd controller | 02:40 |
=== rickk [i=ircap8@200-127-11-173.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soweto76 | paul__, Sorry I could not help. I use Xfce4 mail watcher panel app. Does just what you want. | 02:40 |
steve130 | any body know anything about ubuntu and sata hard drives | 02:41 |
mabus | `foo && bar` executes foo first completely, and then bar right? | 02:41 |
=== Roscar [n=ross_@d199-126-242-238.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
adev | maddash, what's wrong with it? | 02:41 |
cephalon | Hi there -- anyone have experience running E-GNOME off of the Synaptics Enlightenment install? I get errors when I try. | 02:41 |
apmyp | 2 hours remainting, but i`m steel here cant find answer for my trouble. I install on my HP dv6119ea Edubuntu 6.06, then upgrade it to 6.10, then to 7.04, but i dont like and try return to 6.10 (edgy)... i remove all packages and install gdm and ubuntu-minimal. gdm not start again (kernel was updated to 2.6.20-50-generic) i install linux-restrected-modules, but error tell me, that versions are not compotible to nvidia modules :/ How can i install currect module | 02:41 |
paul__ | soweto76: Cheers anyway | 02:41 |
poningru | Flannel: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=518188 | 02:41 |
=== piazetta [n=marcus@c196108.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Stormx2 | mabus: Yes. | 02:41 |
poningru | steve130: hehe whatsup? | 02:41 |
Roscar | has anybody here installed the ati binary drivers for their video card? I'm a little confused at the process. I'm running the ati radeon 9200 SE | 02:41 |
mabus | Stormx2: thanks | 02:41 |
Flannel | apmyp: reverting isn't really an easy task. You might be better of reinstalling 606 and then upgrading to 610 | 02:41 |
bruenig | !nvidia | Roscar | 02:42 |
ubotu | Roscar: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 02:42 |
=== TheDebugger [n=Algorith@modemcable128.61-80-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Stormx2 | !downgrade | 02:42 |
ubotu | Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system. | 02:42 |
Stormx2 | Theres your answer. | 02:42 |
poningru | apmyp: ^^^ | 02:42 |
=== rickk [i=ircap8@200-127-11-173.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== dabaR [n=dabaR@wnpgmb09dc1-78-246.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
maddash | adev: do `lsmod|grep usbcore` | 02:42 |
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Roscar | ubotu: I'll check that out, thanks | 02:42 |
adev | maddash, it's not a usb | 02:42 |
=== AmbientMstr [n=riley@adsl-68-126-61-144.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Stormx2 | apmyp: I suggest you backup your ~ and do a fresh 6.10 install | 02:42 |
poningru | apmyp: the only recommendation that can be made is backup your data | 02:42 |
steve130 | andy one know how to make a sata card and sata hard drives work with ubunta | 02:42 |
poningru | and do a fresh install | 02:42 |
poningru | steve130: which card and drive? | 02:43 |
steve130 | anybody* | 02:43 |
=== tom47 [n=tom@unaffiliated/tom47] has joined #ubuntu | ||
adev | # lsmod|grep usbcore | 02:43 |
adev | usbcore 134912 5 usb_storage,libusual,ehci_hcd,uhci_hcd | 02:43 |
adev | maddash, the wireless is a pci | 02:43 |
ferret_0567_ | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3280/ | 02:43 |
apmyp | Stormx2: i have problem with my Nvidia | 02:43 |
tom47 | !xubuntu | 02:43 |
ubotu | xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels | 02:43 |
poningru | adev: what are you doing? | 02:43 |
xtknight | mabus: "foo && bar" checks for the success of foo before it executes bar. "foo ; bar" just executes both no matter what. and "foo | bar" executes foo and passes it on to bar | 02:44 |
steve130 | anybody one know how to make a sata card and sata hard drives work with ubunta? | 02:44 |
adev | poningru, trying to get ndiswrapper working | 02:44 |
Roscar | ubotu: Ok, It seems to imply that since my card is below the 9500, it won't work. am I reading this right? | 02:44 |
xtknight | mabus: by foo | bar i mean the output of foo is given to bar | 02:44 |
poningru | adev: what kind of card is it? | 02:44 |
adev | poningru, whenever i do 'modprobe ndiswrapper' FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Invalid argument | 02:44 |
tim167 | i did sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, still "failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module!" help please | 02:44 |
maddash | adev: huh? | 02:44 |
Stormx2 | ferret_0567_: Looks like the kind of problem I've had. What kind of video card do you have? Have you recently tried installing beryl/xgl/compiz? | 02:44 |
psyoptik | ok, I have a shoutcast server _supposedly_ running. It shows in console with no errors and looks like its listening for listeners. I am trying to use the internet dj console to send the stream to the server. It cannot connect to the server and I think I may have the host wrong? I am using my local ip (either localhost or router assigned ip). Can anyone help me find either the correct host I need or something. PLEASe!!! | 02:45 |
cephalon | Anyone have experience running E-GNOME off of the Synaptics Enlightenment install? I get errors when I try. | 02:45 |
maddash | adev: ndiswrapper depends on usbcore... | 02:45 |
apmyp | Flannel: have you few minutes for viewing my Xorg.0 log? | 02:45 |
poningru | adev: what chipset of wifi are you using? | 02:45 |
adev | maddash, even if the card is a pci? | 02:45 |
adev | poningru, 02:01.0 Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88w8335 [Libertas] 802.11b/g Wireless (rev 03) | 02:45 |
maddash | adev: I believe so. that's what modinfo is telling. | 02:45 |
=== codi [n=codi@S010600037ffe0001.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
adev | ndiswrapper -l | 02:46 |
adev | Installed ndis drivers: | 02:46 |
adev | mrv8000c driver present, hardware present | 02:46 |
steve130 | anybody one know how to make a sata card and sata hard drives work with ubunta? | 02:46 |
ferret_0567_ | I have a: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV17 [GeForce4 440 Go] (rev a3) | 02:46 |
Stormx2 | steve130: Check ubuntuforums.org | 02:46 |
poningru | steve130: I asked you questions that you wont answer | 02:46 |
=== wrox [n=wrox@91.193.broadband6.iol.cz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
codi | ok, just converted from windows to ubuntu. so sorry for the lack of knowledge | 02:46 |
tim167 | I did sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, still "failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module!" help please | 02:46 |
steve130 | what did you ask me I didn't see that | 02:46 |
steve130 | sorry | 02:46 |
poningru | steve130: what sata card and hdd? | 02:46 |
Stormx2 | ferret_0567_: is is supported? What brought about the problem? | 02:46 |
codi | got almost everything working, except my slave hd on ide1 is not present? | 02:46 |
=== ffforever [n=dennis@pool-71-102-114-219.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
apmyp | Flannel: becouse i have iinstalled all, but cant install correct linux-restricted-modules, to complete nvidia installation | 02:46 |
ffforever | hi | 02:47 |
steve130 | a sagate hard drive and hold on let me see what card it is | 02:47 |
codi | it does show up in device manager, but i can't figure out how to mount it | 02:47 |
adev | maddash, lsmod: usbcore 134912 5 usb_storage,libusual,ehci_hcd,uhci_hcd | 02:47 |
ffforever | do intel wireless cards work on ubuntu? | 02:47 |
Flannel | apmyp: downgrading causes all sorts of issues, its not as simple as upgrading | 02:47 |
=== riddlebox [n=james@75-132-205-166.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ferret_0567_ | Me trying to switch to the NVIDIA module and trying to use a xorg.conf from a FC6 distro | 02:47 |
=== kjcole [n=kjcole@dsl092-145-217.wdc2.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
poningru | ffforever: yes | 02:47 |
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Stormx2 | !downgrade | apmyp | 02:47 |
ubotu | apmyp: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system. | 02:47 |
=== pidgas [n=pidgas@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
adev | this should be straight forward, on every other distro i've modprobe'd ndiswrapper the wlan0 interface was up | 02:48 |
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl724.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ferret_0567_ | I should post my xorg.conf too | 02:48 |
=== vordul [n=vordul@bas2-hamilton14-1167921814.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Stormx2 | ferret_0567_: Why you using a FC6 xorg.conf? | 02:48 |
apmyp | Flannel: i uninstall all packaages and install again | 02:48 |
Gun_Smoke | So there are no fonts around to resemble the Simpsons? | 02:48 |
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=== Pelo just saved himself a resintall | ||
codi | is there perhaps a slower channel for ubuntu help? | 02:48 |
Stormx2 | ferret_0567_: That seems silly. There are plenty of guides for installing nvidia drivers. There are even apps to do it. Check ubuntuforums.org | 02:48 |
Stormx2 | apmyp: No, don't. | 02:48 |
Stormx2 | apmyp: backup and reinstall, if you have any sense | 02:49 |
adev | [17181193.168000] ndiswrapper version 1.22 loaded (preempt=no,smp=yes) | 02:49 |
adev | [17181193.172000] ndiswrapper (wrapper_init:129): loadndiswrapper failed (32512); check system log for messages from 'loadndisdriver' | 02:49 |
adev | [17181193.172000] ndiswrapper (wrapper_init:136): ndiswrapper: initialization failed | 02:49 |
Pelo | codi, you'll get the hang of it | 02:49 |
adev | that's in dmesg | 02:49 |
ferret_0567_ | Because I had that distro and I needed to use some special NVIDIA module options with the NVIDIA module to get it working with my laptop LCD | 02:49 |
ferret_0567_ | So, I just blindly copied it over without comparing the differences... | 02:49 |
codi | i've tried /sbin/fdisk -l, but it only lists my usb drive, which is already mounted | 02:49 |
adev | this is stupid... who maintains the deb packages? | 02:49 |
apmyp | ok, couse i have all data on NTFS | 02:49 |
Stormx2 | ferret_0567_: Ah. Baad. Was it working before, at all? | 02:49 |
ferret_0567_ | That was silly of me | 02:49 |
maddash | codi: slave, right? you know the /dev name? | 02:49 |
ferret_0567_ | It was] | 02:49 |
=== brian98 [n=brian@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Marioman64 [i=Marioman@c-68-49-127-49.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Stormx2 | ferret_0567_: Did you make a backup xorg.conf? | 02:50 |
codi | my guess is /dev/hdb | 02:50 |
ferret_0567_ | With the nv module | 02:50 |
codi | but i'm not sure | 02:50 |
ferret_0567_ | sadly, no] | 02:50 |
maddash | adev: ok, so what msgs are there from loadndiswrapper? | 02:50 |
Stormx2 | Bleh | 02:50 |
Stormx2 | I have no idea what you should do >.< | 02:50 |
maddash | codi: ok. `sudo gedit /etc/fstab` | 02:50 |
adev | loadndisdriver | 02:50 |
adev | Error: no version specified! | 02:50 |
Stormx2 | ferret_0567_: i'll run some searches, see if I can't find some reconfigure script.... | 02:50 |
maddash | codi: check for /dev/hdb. | 02:50 |
maddash | adev: I meant from dmesg. | 02:51 |
ferret_0567_ | Get a new xorg.conf from somebody who uses Ubuntu 6.10 and a NVIDIA graphics card I was thinking... | 02:51 |
apmyp | Flannel: the problem is nott in gmome, or gdm. it is in modules compobility | 02:51 |
codi | nope, hda, hdc, hdd | 02:51 |
codi | and then a /dev/ which says it's a floppy | 02:51 |
steve130 | sorry an ash-1205sa adaptec card and sagate hard drive | 02:51 |
=== Marioman64 [i=Marioman@c-68-49-127-49.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
ferret_0567_ | I am actually using Xubuntu 6.10 but X.org should be universal | 02:52 |
Stormx2 | ferret_0567_, Do you have a command line, yeah? | 02:52 |
ferret_0567_ | I do | 02:52 |
codi | and when browsing my computer drives, it says 'floppy 1' with 31GB free? | 02:52 |
Stormx2 | sferret_0567_, udo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg | 02:52 |
ferret_0567_ | ssh rocks | 02:52 |
adev | maddash, http://rafb.net/p/fPjWZu34.txt | 02:52 |
Stormx2 | Oops. | 02:52 |
Stormx2 | The s got knocked off the sudo | 02:52 |
=== Gun_Smoke [n=daryl@c-68-51-230-66.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
apmyp | %\ | 02:52 |
=== Siyko [n=Siyko@c-71-232-117-187.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Roscar [n=ross_@d199-126-242-238.abhsia.telus.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
=== Siyko [n=Siyko@c-71-232-117-187.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
ferret_0567_ | travis@ubuntulaptop:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg | 02:53 |
ferret_0567_ | Password: | 02:53 |
codi | could floppy 1 be my other hard drive? | 02:53 |
ferret_0567_ | <enter> | 02:53 |
=== DaLi is now known as H4x0r | ||
steve130 | I thought maybe I could use wine to get it running? | 02:53 |
ferret_0567_ | xserver-xorg postinst warning: not updating /etc/X11/X; file has been | 02:53 |
ferret_0567_ | customized | 02:53 |
ferret_0567_ | xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration | 02:53 |
ferret_0567_ | file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.20070128195323 | 02:53 |
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maddash | codi: add an entry to fstab for your hdb device...do you know what partition (/dev/hdb[1, or 2, or 3, etc?] ), and the filesystem? | 02:54 |
codi | it's all one partition and ntfs | 02:54 |
Stormx2 | ferret_0567_: Okay. | 02:54 |
=== tim167 [n=tim@d51538D41.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
apmyp | howto install from ISO? | 02:54 |
Stormx2 | ferret_0567_: Seems fine | 02:54 |
Stormx2 | !install | apmyp | 02:54 |
ubotu | apmyp: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues | 02:54 |
codi | side question, anyway to convert from ntfs to something linux native without losing data? | 02:54 |
adev | maddash, http://rafb.net/p/fPjWZu34.txt | 02:54 |
tim167 | help x is broken i want to fix or reinstall it | 02:54 |
ferret_0567_ | Need some more modifications though, but not the whole file from FC6 | 02:55 |
steve130 | does anyone know how to make a ash-1205sa adaptec card and sagate hard drive work on ubuntu? | 02:55 |
ferret_0567_ | I'll put those in... | 02:55 |
=== False_Courage [n=False_Co@c-24-14-254-177.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Stormx2 | codi: No, not really. Not unless you have double the space you're currently taking up | 02:55 |
codi | yah | 02:55 |
ferret_0567_ | Including the Synaptic touchpad section | 02:55 |
codi | maybe thats an excuse to buy another hard drive | 02:55 |
codi | yes! | 02:55 |
Stormx2 | hahahaha | 02:55 |
Stormx2 | Buy me one | 02:55 |
maddash | codi: so it's probably /dev/hdb1. so the fstab, add a newline, with the following: "/dev/hdb1 /media/hdb1 ntfs defaults,ro 0 0" | 02:55 |
Stormx2 | 120gb is not enough... | 02:55 |
=== False_Courage [n=False_Co@c-24-14-254-177.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Time] | ||
codi | but the problem is, when running mount on hdb1 says permission denied? | 02:56 |
tim167 | failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module , how can I get X to work ?? | 02:56 |
codi | should i still try it | 02:56 |
maddash | codi: save fstab, then `sudo mount /dev/hdb1` | 02:56 |
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=== bluester [n=Effran_K@c-67-171-61-204.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ferret_0567_ | Hey, Chris | 02:57 |
maddash | codi: that last cmd I gave you shouldn't work. do the following: `sudo mkdir /media/hdb1` | 02:57 |
apmyp | tim167: sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules- | 02:57 |
=== _greenie [n=chatzill@CPE-138-130-203-41.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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codi | but still edit the fstab? | 02:58 |
maddash | adev: hmm. do you `modprobe ndiswrapper` as root? ie, prefix the previous with `sudo` | 02:58 |
maddash | codi: yes | 02:58 |
tim167 | apmyp, couldnt find package linux-restricted-modules | 02:58 |
=== YoshiG3 [n=YoshiG3@75-132-246-100.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
YoshiG3 | Anyone here play Ragnarok Online? | 02:58 |
YoshiG3 | wait wait | 02:58 |
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steve130 | does anyone know how to make a ash-1205sa adaptec card and sagate hard drive work on ubuntu? | 02:58 |
adev | maddash, yes | 02:59 |
tim167 | im not sure i have internet on that computer how do I check (without X) ? | 02:59 |
adev | maddash, as root | 02:59 |
maddash | adev: if `sudo modprobe ndiswrapper` doesn't work, then try `sudo modprobe ndiswrapper if_name=[name of your wireless device] ` | 02:59 |
maddash | adev: to get the name, I suggest `ifconfig -a`, or `iwconfig` | 02:59 |
kitche | tim167: try with links | 03:00 |
=== lderan [n=lderan@cpc2-lich3-0-0-cust663.sol2.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
adev | maddash, there's no wireless interface | 03:00 |
lderan | heya all | 03:00 |
=== derek_ [n=derek@S0106000f669178a6.wk.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tim167 | kitchen links, is that a program ? i dont have it | 03:00 |
=== {muty} [n=muty@chello084112150156.4.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lderan | Godbless ubuntu! | 03:00 |
maddash | adev: aha. do you know the name the interface ought to have? like eth0, or eth1? | 03:00 |
lderan | is it wireless? | 03:00 |
adev | maddash, no | 03:00 |
kitche | tim167: yes it's a program try elinks you might need to install it | 03:00 |
steve130 | does anyone know how to make a ash-1205sa adaptec card and sagate hard drive work on ubuntu? | 03:00 |
Stormx2 | lderan: Flyingspaghettimonsterbless ubuntu! | 03:00 |
=== XNIT-01 [n=xnit-01@ppp-69-233-91-207.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
XNIT-01 | hey guys | 03:01 |
adev | maddash, ndiswrapper isn't loaded, so how can the wireless interface be available | 03:01 |
=== cr [n=cr@p54AC6FCC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
XNIT-01 | how can I play dvds on Ubuntu? | 03:01 |
xtknight | !dvd | XNIT-01 | 03:01 |
ubotu | XNIT-01: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages | 03:01 |
Stormx2 | !dvd | XNIT-01 | 03:01 |
XNIT-01 | i just rented a movie from Blockbuster and it won't let me play it. | 03:01 |
Stormx2 | Bah, you beat me | 03:01 |
XNIT-01 | thanks.. | 03:01 |
lderan | Stormx2: mmm flying spaghette | 03:01 |
adev | maddash, the interface should be wlan0 | 03:01 |
tim167 | kitche: i have w3m, but it says 'opening socket' and does nothing more... | 03:01 |
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Stormx2 | Night all, anyway | 03:01 |
maddash | adev: are you sure? does `ifconfig -a |grep wlan0` emit anything? | 03:01 |
Stormx2 | 2am on a school night and I'm on IRC... yeaaaah. Bubye. | 03:01 |
adev | maddash, no | 03:02 |
=== bluester [n=Effran_K@c-67-171-61-204.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
codi | ok, edited the fstab, created the directory, then ran the mount, but no drive shows up? | 03:02 |
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XNIT-01 | what is libdvdcss2 | 03:02 |
XNIT-01 | how do i download libdvdcss2 ? | 03:02 |
adev | maddash, if ndiswrapper can't load the wireless interface won't show either | 03:02 |
adev | the problem is with ndiswrapper | 03:02 |
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tim167 | Give root password for maintenance (or type control-D to continue) what is that ? | 03:02 |
derek_ | XNIT-01: dvd encryption breaking gizmo | 03:02 |
coffeeguy | hello | 03:02 |
coffeeguy | :) | 03:02 |
kitche | !libdvdcss|XNIT-01 | 03:02 |
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ubotu | XNIT-01: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages | 03:02 |
codi | maddash: i have an extra floppy drive in my computer file browser with 31gb free, which sounds like the drive i'm looking for | 03:02 |
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kitche | tim167: umm your system is broken probably unless your in single user mode | 03:03 |
coffeeguy | how's ubuntu with external dvd usb drives? | 03:03 |
triplah | eclipse is so slow on ubuntu, even sun-jdk | 03:03 |
triplah | even with* | 03:03 |
alanhaggai | My FTP server was working fine. But now it is not allowing me to connect. How do I check if the port has got blocked or not? | 03:03 |
tim167 | kitche what's sinlge user mode ? (i am the only user, root..)? | 03:04 |
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kitche | tim167: single mode is called rescue mode in ubuntu | 03:04 |
shatrat | coffeeguy, I dont know how ubuntu is with them, but I would recommend against them in general. Internal is cheaper and more reliable. | 03:04 |
xtknight | tim167: where are you seeing that message | 03:04 |
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tim167 | xtknight at startup and shutdown | 03:04 |
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poningru | gaah | 03:05 |
tim167 | grub apparently loads recovery mode | 03:05 |
coffeeguy | true but i already have a sony ext. with this laptop, also thanks Shatrat :) | 03:05 |
Spenceh0e | ok, how do I know what drive this ubuntio installed on | 03:06 |
Spenceh0e | cause i finished the installation,a nd under file system its showing my eindows drive | 03:06 |
Spenceh0e | *windows | 03:06 |
lderan | Im trying to install the dvd codec on here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs But the package installing thingy is accepting it o.O | 03:06 |
tim167 | ok i better just reinstall ubuntu from scratch right ? | 03:06 |
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xtknight | tim167: probably | 03:06 |
shatrat | Spenceh0e, Ubuntu can mount your windows drive so that you can read the files on it, the root of the linux file tree will be on whatever partition you created for it though | 03:07 |
maddash | adev: not sure how else to help, but maybe switching from 1.22 to 1.3* might help... | 03:07 |
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maddash | adev: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=93482 | 03:07 |
Manehzito | j #xbins | 03:07 |
tim167 | OMG, and I put so much effort into tweaking it,,, ah well | 03:07 |
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maddash | codi: ok, can you access the "floppy drive" with 31gb? | 03:07 |
codi | no, i try and it says it can't be mounted | 03:07 |
codi | hah | 03:07 |
codi | linux is perverted | 03:07 |
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maddash | codi: can you pastebin your /etc/fstab? | 03:08 |
maddash | !pastebin|codi | 03:08 |
ubotu | codi: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:08 |
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alanhaggai | My FTP server was working fine. But now it is not allowing me to connect. How do I check if the port has got blocked or not? | 03:09 |
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BlueEagle | alanhaggai: Did you install a firewall? Have you checked /var/log/ for clues? | 03:09 |
tim167 | so I have to do a complete reinstall, how do I make this the least painful ? I want to retain as much as possible from this installation (copy my /home dir etc..) tips ? | 03:09 |
xtknight | is there a good front-end GUI to use for creating Debian packages? | 03:09 |
BlueEagle | alanhaggai: Do you get an error message? | 03:09 |
codi | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3284/ | 03:09 |
paul__ | Hi again people. With some screwing around with my pop servers, I did manage to get that mail-notification tool to work properly. In the applet there is an option of running a command when a new mail is received. Can anyone suggest a command that would play an audio file in the background? | 03:09 |
alanhaggai | BlueEagle: It said 'Connection refused' | 03:10 |
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coffeeguy | heya i have an acer 3000 inspire laptop and a sony ext. dual layer dvdr am i gona be ok doin a dual boot install on it's 60 gig drive? | 03:10 |
BlueEagle | alanhaggai: And have you checked that the ftp server is actually running? | 03:10 |
alanhaggai | BlueEagle: vsftpd is running. | 03:10 |
yellow | paul__, if you have xmms, that would be xmms /path/to/sound/file | 03:10 |
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shatrat | paul__, you can just use "play nameoffile.mp3" | 03:11 |
BlueEagle | alanhaggai: I've never used vsftp so I don't know how to debug that particular daemon. Did you install a firewall recently? | 03:11 |
shatrat | paul__, there is a command line program called "play" | 03:11 |
yellow | play ? | 03:11 |
yellow | for real | 03:11 |
yellow | lol | 03:11 |
yellow | which one does it use shatrat ? | 03:11 |
yellow | mplayer ? | 03:11 |
codi | maddash: did you get that paste? | 03:12 |
shatrat | for rizzle, play --help | 03:12 |
alanhaggai | BlueEagle: I did upgrade some packages and all. I think it might be a firewall that has come into play. Don't know which one. | 03:12 |
maddash | codi: no... | 03:12 |
shatrat | I dont know, Im not a big "knowledge" guy | 03:12 |
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coffeeguy | i've never done linux on an acer laptop, i have a pcicard hardware modem which is good but i don't wanna waste my time if it's not doable? | 03:12 |
BlueEagle | alanhaggai: How many you got? o_O | 03:12 |
codi | maddash: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3284/ | 03:12 |
shatrat | coffeeguy, dial up modem? | 03:12 |
cablesm102 | coffeeguy, try the livecd and test it there | 03:12 |
coffeeguy | yeah | 03:13 |
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alanhaggai | BlueEagle: As I am new to Ubuntu, I really don't know. I was reading many tutorials and trying them out :( | 03:13 |
coffeeguy | i have that dvd cablesm102 :) | 03:13 |
coffeeguy | good idea thanks guys :) | 03:13 |
maddash | codi: whoa. are those newlines between 3/4, 5/6, 7/8? | 03:13 |
codi | :( ??? | 03:13 |
BlueEagle | alanhaggai: Aha. Well check /var/log/messages and see if it lists anything for the ftp ports | 03:13 |
coffeeguy | hehe got it in a Linux magazine coolies | 03:13 |
apmyp | API mismatch: The Nvidia kernel module has the versiion 1.0-9631, this X module has the version 1.0-9746 | 03:13 |
BlueEagle | apmyp: rebuild nvidia-kernel | 03:14 |
BlueEagle | reinstall | 03:14 |
codi | maddash: g there is as it was, except for the last line | 03:14 |
Spenceh0e | ok, so the rtfirst thing Ive noticed so far is how freaking slow Ubuntu is on this system | 03:14 |
cablesm102 | coffeguy, make sure it's the latest version (6.10) and try booting it live. | 03:14 |
alanhaggai | BlueEagle: I just checked the logs. The last thing that it contains is info about a successful download. | 03:14 |
Spenceh0e | it runs XP fine, so Im assumign theres something wrong womewhere | 03:14 |
Spenceh0e | *somewhere | 03:14 |
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maddash | codi: you might run into problems when rebooting...I assume /dev/hda1 is your root partition...but that's another story | 03:14 |
shatrat | Spenceh0e, 90% of the time its graphics driver. | 03:15 |
codi | yup | 03:15 |
Spenceh0e | hmm | 03:15 |
DemisM | what's a good program to backup my dvds? | 03:15 |
=== psh [n=psh@c-086372d5.011-62-6762672.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
codi | maddash: should i try rebooting and see if it works? | 03:15 |
maddash | codi: ok, so make sure that line 12 exists in your fstab. save your fstab, then do `sudo mkdir /media/hdb1` in a console | 03:15 |
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psh | how is it that i set default locale? its always a hassle... | 03:15 |
psh | (dapper) | 03:15 |
shatrat | DemisM, well if theyre copy protected you may need to use xdvdshrink or dvdshrink 3.2 in wine. | 03:15 |
Spenceh0e | damn, it would be a shame to have a graphics driver be deal breaker for using linux :( | 03:15 |
shatrat | Spenceh0e, so install the graphics driver. | 03:16 |
shatrat | !nvidia | 03:16 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 03:16 |
alanhaggai | Which FTP Daemon would you recommend? | 03:16 |
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cablesm102 | Spenceh0e, is it nvidia, ati, or intel? | 03:16 |
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codi | line 12? and i already have the directory created | 03:16 |
psh | alanhaggai, vsftpd | 03:16 |
coffeeguy | will do cablesm102 :) thanks again, that will deffinately clear up any doubts | 03:16 |
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Spenceh0e | hmm | 03:16 |
alanhaggai | psh: I am using vsftpd, but having trouble now. | 03:16 |
Spenceh0e | thats a valid question | 03:16 |
psh | alanhaggai, but dont use ftp :) | 03:17 |
Spenceh0e | i have no idea | 03:17 |
tim167 | hmm now x works, I started from one of the other installs that grubs let me choose...strange, there are 5 installations of ubuntu, all with the same names | 03:17 |
alanhaggai | Why psh? | 03:17 |
maddash | codi: line 12 = "/dev/hdb1 /media/hdb1 ntfs ....." | 03:17 |
Spenceh0e | how would I figurew that out in ubuntu? | 03:17 |
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Spenceh0e | i dont want to have to boot into windows justt o check | 03:17 |
psh | alanhaggai, it is UNSECURE | 03:17 |
shatrat | Spenceh0e, "lspci|grep VGA" | 03:17 |
cablesm102 | Spenceh0e, i think this will work: "lspci | grep -l vga" | 03:17 |
psh | sorry for the caps | 03:17 |
maddash | codi: then issue, `sudo mount /dev/hdb1` | 03:17 |
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alanhaggai | psh: Oh I see. So, how cn I allow users to host files without FTP? | 03:17 |
codi | maddash: i did that, no error, but the drive isn't mounted? | 03:17 |
Spenceh0e | sorry, where do I type that from? Aterminal window I assume? | 03:17 |
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Spenceh0e | next question being, how do I open a terminal window | 03:18 |
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cablesm102 | spenceh0e, yep. Use the other guy's command | 03:18 |
cablesm102 | Spenceh0e, go to Applications>Accessories>Terminal | 03:18 |
brainly-green | I'm not sure where I should ask this really--I have a macbook running os 10.4.8 and a tower running ubuntu, and a big bulky monitor for the tower. I usually use only one or the other computer, not both. Is there a way so I can set up my macbook's screen to work as the tower's monitor? | 03:18 |
psh | alanhaggai, there is a scponly app i think its called, then you should chroot users somewhere... ok ftp is simpler maybe but.. | 03:18 |
maddash | codi: yes it is. `cd /media/hdb1 & ls`. | 03:18 |
brainly-green | macbook and tower are both x86 | 03:18 |
cablesm102 | brainly-green, you can use VNC. Not a great option, but it works | 03:18 |
alanhaggai | psh: Thank you :) | 03:18 |
alanhaggai | BlueEagle: Thank you :) | 03:18 |
facugaich | Limewire uses Java in ubuntu as it does in Windows? | 03:19 |
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shatrat | brainly-green, well, you could use VNC or something, but thats kind of crude | 03:19 |
kitche | facugaich: umm yeha since it is the same program | 03:19 |
psh | alanhaggai, there are vsftpd proftpd and wu-ftp that are the big ftpds | 03:19 |
codi | maddash: permission denied | 03:19 |
Spenceh0e | "lspci|grep VGA" gives me "bash: syntax error near unexpected toek 'I" | 03:19 |
=== Ashton_Ke [n=ashton@oh-65-41-53-83.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Spenceh0e | sorry, Unexpected token | | 03:19 |
tim167 | so for the record: it seems I will not have to reinstall just yet | 03:19 |
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alanhaggai | psh: Ok. I will try them. | 03:19 |
maddash | codi: saw that one coming. issue `su` first, then do the previous. | 03:19 |
cablesm102 | Spenceh0e, that's a vertical bar, not an "L" | 03:19 |
apmyp | BlueEagle: module not exist. install restricted modules? | 03:19 |
paul__ | yellow/shatrat: Both solutions worked equally well. Thank you. | 03:20 |
brainly-green | hmm that could work shatrat | 03:20 |
Ashton_Ke | Simple question: Ubuntu is loading the wrong module for my sound card. I know what module it needs to use, where is the config file that controls that? | 03:20 |
brainly-green | and cablesm102 | 03:20 |
facugaich | kitche, so what? I remember there was a p2p program that had run natively in Windows and had a Java port to linux | 03:20 |
cablesm102 | Spenceh0e, it's a shift-backslash, not a lowercase L between the commands | 03:20 |
shatrat | paul__, I cant even remember what I said. Toodles. | 03:20 |
steve130 | does anyone know how to make a ash-1205sa adaptec card and sagate hard drive work on ubuntu?does anyone know how to make a ash-1205sa adaptec card and sagate hard drive work on ubuntu? | 03:20 |
psh | alanhaggai, i personally like vsftpd best, ist simple and hm...secure(?) | 03:20 |
Spenceh0e | yeah, im using the vertical bar, not the l | 03:20 |
facugaich | kitche, but anyways, thanks for answering | 03:20 |
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shatrat | brainly-green, did I say ssh? Ive been drinkin | 03:20 |
maddash | LOL | 03:20 |
shatrat | well i have | 03:20 |
cablesm102 | Spenceh0e, put a space between the commands lspci and grep and the bar | 03:20 |
alanhaggai | psh: It is simple. But now, it says connection refused. :( | 03:20 |
paul__ | Shatrat: play /home/paul/Music/Misc/gotmail.ogg >> "YOU HAVE NEW MAIL!" :) | 03:20 |
=== Saladhead77 [n=jeff@64-121-8-34.c3-0.snmt-ubr4.sfrn-snmt.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brainly-green | is there a perceptible performance lag with VNC? | 03:20 |
maddash | shatrat: not you. Spenceh0e and cablesm102. | 03:20 |
shatrat | paul__, sweet. | 03:20 |
codi | maddash: i'm getting authentication failure!! wtf? | 03:20 |
cablesm102 | brainly-green, yes. but depends on the network speed | 03:20 |
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paul__ | Shatrat: Super-sweet | 03:21 |
cablesm102 | maddash, what? | 03:21 |
shatrat | paul__, fructose even | 03:21 |
yellow | lol paul__ , don't tell me you got that from aol | 03:21 |
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maddash | codi: is that from `su`? | 03:21 |
Spenceh0e | yeah, typed it in again with the |'s again and it still gave me the same error | 03:21 |
codi | yah | 03:21 |
psh | alanhaggai, maybe youre logged in once already... well read the conf file, it is very informative | 03:21 |
maddash | codi: you sure you ran `sudo passwd`? | 03:21 |
DagonX | Logging into edgy I have a x-terminal-emulator. What is the cure? | 03:21 |
cablesm102 | if codi wants to use a root terminal, he can run sudo -i | 03:21 |
paul__ | yellow: lol - almost >> http://newmail.monsterserve.com/keepout/misc/gotmail16.wav | 03:21 |
maddash | cablesm102: your "it's not a lowercase L, it's \"|\" " | 03:21 |
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maddash | cablesm102: clever. | 03:22 |
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alanhaggai | psh: I did install wzdftpd. I think that might have played with vsftpd which was working fine till then. So, how can I remove wzdftpd? | 03:22 |
Already | trk var m burada bilader? | 03:22 |
=== Ashton_Ke [n=ashton@oh-65-41-53-83.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
shatrat | Spenceh0e, " lspci|grep VGA" copy and paste that, I just ran it I know it works | 03:22 |
psh | alanhaggai, apt-get remove --purge *package* | 03:22 |
BoyBlunder | does anyone know how to install upstart in edgy? it seems to have uninstalled somehow | 03:22 |
Spenceh0e | i cant copy paste, im using 2 sperae boxes | 03:22 |
shatrat | Spenceh0e, the only way | wouldnt work that I could think of is if youre not running the same shell, but some wierd twilight zone shell | 03:22 |
Spenceh0e | before the S, is that an L or a | | 03:23 |
codi | maddash: hmm, ok, i ran sudo su, then the change directory worked, but nothing shows up | 03:23 |
Flannel | BoyBlunder: so your computer doesn't boot? | 03:23 |
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cablesm102 | maddash, paste this in: "lspci | grep VGA" | 03:23 |
alanhaggai | psh: It says not installed. But I am sure that it is installed. | 03:23 |
cablesm102 | damn | 03:23 |
Flannel | codi: sudo su is wrong, sudo -i is better | 03:23 |
BoyBlunder | i haven't rebooted right now... | 03:23 |
cablesm102 | not maddash | 03:23 |
shatrat | Spenceh0e, that part is in fact a letter l | 03:23 |
=== decherdtt [n=scott@ppp-70-253-42-77.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BoyBlunder | i'm still booted into edgy | 03:23 |
cablesm102 | Spenceh0e, paste this in: "lspci | grep VGA" | 03:23 |
psh | alanhaggai, install it, then uninstall it, | 03:23 |
shatrat | He cant paste schnookerdoodle | 03:23 |
maddash | cablesm102: ;). | 03:23 |
alanhaggai | psh: Ok. | 03:24 |
Spenceh0e | cant paste, darn you, im using 2 boxes :P | 03:24 |
=== Majic goes to dinner. :) | ||
Spenceh0e | but I got that command to work | 03:24 |
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codi | maddash: ok, it is there, i can get a listing of the directory in terminal, but it doesn't show up in gnome? | 03:24 |
paul__ | yellow/shatrat: Thanks again for your help. I don't suppose you can answer one more question. The applet uses some pretty dog-ugly icons. Where could I go to change these do you reckon? There is no option in the Preferences either. | 03:24 |
cablesm102 | Spenceh0e, to paste in the terminal use ctrl-shift-paste | 03:24 |
Spenceh0e | ive got an ATI Radeon R250 lf | 03:24 |
Sanctusorium | Hi | 03:24 |
maddash | codi: :) `nautilus ./` | 03:24 |
Spenceh0e | sigh | 03:24 |
Spenceh0e | once again | 03:24 |
Spenceh0e | i cant copy paste | 03:24 |
=== FantasticFoo [n=dgm@user-118bo71.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Spenceh0e | im not running liinux on the same box im using irc on | 03:24 |
Spenceh0e | :P | 03:24 |
shatrat | paul__, well Youll have to find where the icons its currently using are to replace them I suppose. Try lookign in /usr/share/icons. Maybe "locate" adn the name of the program will turn them up | 03:24 |
tim167 | nautilus in fluxbox doesnt mount my cdrom, how do I mount it manually ? | 03:25 |
brainly-green | thanks i am going to check out VNC | 03:25 |
maddash | codi: I'm not sure how to get it to show up in gnome, though...when I used breezy a while back, it would automatically show up in the "Places" menuu | 03:25 |
shatrat | Spenceh0e, ATI drives are a pain. Let me see which ones you need real quick | 03:25 |
cablesm102 | !fglrx | Spenceh0e | 03:25 |
ubotu | Spenceh0e: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 03:25 |
Spenceh0e | thank you :) | 03:25 |
codi | maddash: yah, i was hoping for that | 03:25 |
codi | maddash: maybe a reboot will help | 03:25 |
shatrat | cablesm102, the r250 is the 9000, 9200 type cards. I think he should be able to use the open source one? Im not too sure, I avoid ATI like the plague | 03:26 |
maddash | codi: unlikely, but you could try. | 03:26 |
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codi | brb | 03:26 |
=== Christopher [n=chatzill@adsl-070-157-255-179.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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maddash | codi: also, make sure that you've uncommented the "/dev/hda1" line in your /etc/fstab | 03:26 |
cablesm102 | shatrat, i know nothing about ATI... unfortunately have some experience with the Nvidia driver | 03:26 |
Christopher | I have a question about Dual booting windows xp and ubuntu... Say i crash linux... would it affect windows? | 03:27 |
maddash | codi: and the "/dev/hda5" line as well | 03:27 |
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Flannel | Christopher: only if it wiped out your /boot partition | 03:27 |
cablesm102 | Christopher, nope. | 03:27 |
cablesm102 | Christopher, Flannel's right | 03:27 |
Christopher | Thank you | 03:27 |
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Flannel | Christopher: which is why a good deal of people put /boot on a separate one (and nly because grub needs to find it's configuration, to be able to boot windows, your windows would be fine, just unbootable) | 03:27 |
Christopher | so, there is little chance of crashing windows from ubuntu if I never touch the drive? | 03:27 |
cablesm102 | Christopher, very little chance. | 03:28 |
maddash | geez. | 03:28 |
Christopher | And say i did delete /boot, would I be able to replace it and keep going? | 03:28 |
maddash | that guy's probably not going to make it through the reboot. | 03:28 |
psh | Christopher, backup your mbr if you are really scared | 03:28 |
Flannel | Christopher: yeah, you'd have to reinstall grub (real easy, and quick) and then you'll be fine | 03:28 |
cablesm102 | Christopher, /boot is what makes the system starts. | 03:28 |
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Christopher | okay | 03:29 |
Christopher | thank you all =) | 03:29 |
=== codi [n=codi@S010600037ffe0001.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Christopher | last time I attempted to dual boot, I crashed windows :P | 03:29 |
codi | maddash: no luck | 03:29 |
bruenig | crashed seems a poor verb choice | 03:29 |
cablesm102 | Christopher, it's probably because the partition table changed | 03:29 |
Christopher | Yah, I resized the table ;) | 03:29 |
codi | maddash: does it not have anything to do with the mysterious extra floppy drive with 31gb free? | 03:29 |
Christopher | *partition | 03:29 |
psh | this shitty locale thing in ubuntu is driving me nuts | 03:29 |
psh | where do i set default locale | 03:30 |
cablesm102 | !language | psh | 03:30 |
ubotu | psh: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 03:30 |
Spenceh0e | ok, that web page for the ATI drivers that someone linked, itws documenting a driver install for model 9500 or higher, but my model is only 9000 | 03:30 |
Christopher | b00t is short for master boot loader, correct? | 03:30 |
tim167 | hehe, copying /dyne to my harddrive now, so i can choose to boot into pure:dyne from grub, hope it doesnt f*ck up X / nvidia kernel again... | 03:30 |
Christopher | (ps, everytime i typed /boot ti would get mad | 03:30 |
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Christopher | !ohmy | time167 | 03:31 |
psh | every time i install ubuntu server i i get ocale errors and everytime i fix it but forget how... | 03:31 |
ubotu | time167: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 03:31 |
maddash | codi: no. add "umask=022" after the "ro" in the "/dev/hdb1" line in /etc/fstab | 03:31 |
tim167 | oops, | 03:31 |
Flannel | Christopher: no, boot is a partition that the grub's first stage (which is on your MBR) reads to learn about what else is available | 03:31 |
cablesm102 | Spenceh0e, you mean the wiki page? | 03:31 |
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shatrat | Spenceh0e, I noticed that. You should be able to get everything running slick on the open source drivers. I dont know how though, you might want to do some searching on the ubuntuforums if nobody in here has a 7500-9200 series card who can advice you | 03:31 |
Christopher | ah, okay. Thank you. | 03:31 |
Flannel | Christopher: grub is a two stage boot, first stage is on MBR, second stage is on /boot | 03:31 |
Christopher | Have a good night :) | 03:31 |
Christopher | ahhh | 03:31 |
Christopher | okay | 03:31 |
Flannel | Christopher: as opposed to say, lilo, which is just a single stage | 03:31 |
Christopher | so, there truely si little chance of messing up windows boot from ubuntu :) | 03:32 |
Christopher | *is | 03:32 |
Christopher | (sorry, ina hurry, have to have this computer fully functional by morning) | 03:32 |
cablesm102 | Christopher, back up your system in case partitioning messes stuff up. Linux itself won't but the installation may. | 03:32 |
Flannel | Christopher: right. Ubuntu and Windows are completely separate partitions, the only thing is that since you're using linux to boot, if you hose your linux, you'll be temporarily unbootable. But easily recovered | 03:32 |
shatrat | Christopher, well, I've never done it and im a major screwup | 03:32 |
Christopher | shatrat: and I listened to your advice lastnight :P | 03:33 |
Christopher | lol | 03:33 |
shatrat | Oh yeah, how did tha tpan out? | 03:33 |
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Christopher | thank you all, once again. | 03:33 |
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Christopher | I just nuked the system :P | 03:33 |
shatrat | Sounds exciting, you should thank me | 03:33 |
Christopher | thanks again!! (I'm really greatful for all teh help I am getting) | 03:33 |
Christopher | have a good night alll :) | 03:33 |
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cablesm102 | If anyone here remembered me blow up last night, sorry 'bout that... I don't normally do that. It was something about APT. | 03:34 |
=== barata [n=barata@c-71-198-244-202.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
greywolf7 | will ubuntu 64bit see my sata controllers for the install both my cdwr dvdrom and hardrive are sata controled | 03:35 |
Spenceh0e | alright, on to irc alternatives> whats my best bet for an mirc-like irc program? | 03:35 |
barata | hallo all, how to outsmart this unbelievably stupid & moronic Ubuntu 6.10 installer? | 03:35 |
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Spenceh0e | and pelase god dont say bitch x :) | 03:35 |
greywolf7 | v. 6.06 | 03:35 |
=== bruenig doesn't understand the use of ' in place of a, seems like using a would be easier being on the home row and all | ||
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barata | this stupid installer keeps on saying I have no 'root' partition | 03:36 |
yellow | Spenceh0e, xchat or kvirc | 03:36 |
psh | seriuosly does someone have quickfix for ubuntu locale problem? | 03:36 |
barata | I wonder actually what shitty head is behind this installer | 03:36 |
maddash | Spenceh0e: lostirc. | 03:36 |
cablesm102 | bruenig, dvorak :) | 03:36 |
bruenig | ah | 03:36 |
aridese | hey guys, i have a problem with compiz/beryl.. when i log in, the gnome window dissapears and i can only move my mouse... nothing happens | 03:36 |
maddash | Spenceh0e: if you'relooking to conserve phys mem | 03:36 |
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bruenig | I wish I could stick with dvorak | 03:36 |
bronze_0_1 | psh I use "export LC_COLLATE+C" in my .bash_profile | 03:36 |
bruenig | another nerd merit badge would be nice | 03:36 |
bronze_0_1 | psh I use "export LC_COLLATE=C" in my .bash_profile | 03:37 |
cablesm102 | bruenig, I made the transition in a week. You can too, if you keep it up | 03:37 |
bronze_0_1 | s/+/=/ | 03:37 |
psh | bronze_0_1, but i want it system wide, there must be some simple way | 03:37 |
Flannel | aridese: #ubuntu-xgl for beryl support, thanks. | 03:37 |
psh | i dont feel like editing /etc/environment | 03:37 |
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bruenig | I tried but got so frustrated, probably because I didn't actually change my keyboard, just the keybindings | 03:37 |
aridese | Flannel: thx | 03:37 |
bronze_0_1 | well then you have to do it for each user. | 03:37 |
bronze_0_1 | (iirc) | 03:37 |
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cablesm102 | bruenig, same here... I just posted a picture of the Dv layout on my wall | 03:38 |
barata | this stupid Ubuntu installer is just as stupid as Winshit .. it just wants to grab all HD | 03:38 |
bruenig | that is what I tried to do | 03:38 |
cablesm102 | barata, tell it not to! | 03:38 |
tonyyarusso | !ohmy | barata | 03:38 |
ubotu | barata: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 03:38 |
=== turbolover [n=sid@74-131-213-94.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bronze_0_1 | barata: Ubuntu IS trying to be as "easy" to use as Win. :-) | 03:38 |
cablesm102 | It's WAY easier to install Ubuntu than Windows. | 03:38 |
turbolover | anyone here manage to get a usb midi controller working in ubuntu? | 03:39 |
=== worldedit [n=harry@60-241-65-238.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
codi | maddash: now it's saying my fstab is bad | 03:39 |
bruenig | they are both extremely easy | 03:39 |
shatrat | barata, There is a manual partition utility in the installer if you think youre so smart. | 03:39 |
worldedit | hello all | 03:39 |
Guest82138 | heya, i jst installed ubuntu onto my notebook, everything is working fine accept for audio which is intel ICH6, IRQ's are correct and it appears that everything should be working fine, nothing is muted volume is set to high etc.. but i get no sound nor any sound device errors when attempting to play media... any ideas?? | 03:39 |
barata | it's not "EASY AT ALL" .... I want it NOT to format ... and the stupid installer keeps on saying there is no root | 03:39 |
barata | easy is slackware installer | 03:39 |
barata | or even redhat | 03:39 |
turbolover | !alsa | 03:39 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 03:39 |
codi | maddash: /dev/hdb1 /media/hdb1 ntfs defaults,ro umask=022 0 0 | 03:39 |
turbolover | !usb | 03:39 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:39 |
cablesm102 | barata, you need to set a root partition (/) and you need to format the partition you're installing it on! | 03:39 |
tonyyarusso | barata: Are you in the manually edit partition table section? You can do whatever you want there. | 03:39 |
Guest82138 | i reinstalled alsa with same results | 03:40 |
Guest82138 | checked online for help via www.. with no sucess | 03:40 |
barata | what is the root command for 'install' | 03:40 |
cablesm102 | Guest82138, on what? | 03:40 |
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barata | 'install' just doesnt work | 03:40 |
bruenig | barata, are using the graphical installer? | 03:40 |
worldedit | guys i'm having a bit of trouble adjusting to linux and the terminal etc | 03:40 |
maddash | codi: ok. execute `sudo umount /dev/hdb1` then `sudo mount /dev/hdb1`....that ought to allow you to `cd` into your ntfs partition w/o root access. | 03:40 |
tonyyarusso | barata: there is no command... | 03:40 |
cablesm102 | worldedit, yeah? | 03:40 |
shatrat | worldedit, anything in particular? | 03:40 |
worldedit | and if anyone could lend me a quick hand i'd be very grateful | 03:40 |
barata | <cablesm102> barata, you need to set a root partition (/) and you need to format the partition you're installing it on! --> exactly ... I DONT WANT to format | 03:40 |
cablesm102 | worldedit, sure, on what? | 03:40 |
=== factboy818181 [n=factboy8@207-47-209-218.regn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | barata, go to manually edit the partition table, after that you can set your mount points | 03:40 |
factboy818181 | erm | 03:40 |
tonyyarusso | !cli | worldedit | 03:40 |
ubotu | worldedit: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands | 03:40 |
shatrat | barata, then you must not want to install | 03:40 |
barata | it's already a ext3 | 03:40 |
cablesm102 | barata, is it already ext3 or something? | 03:41 |
factboy818181 | i just suddenly have 220 broken packages | 03:41 |
barata | and I have files in it | 03:41 |
factboy818181 | any ideas? i didn't install/remove anything too... | 03:41 |
shatrat | worldedit, just ask | 03:41 |
worldedit | well for starters | 03:41 |
worldedit | im having a lot of trouble with my drives | 03:41 |
worldedit | i had a lot of music | 03:41 |
shatrat | barata, well if you have files on it then you cant install to it | 03:41 |
worldedit | and all that | 03:41 |
tonyyarusso | barata: How do you expect to install over files that you want to keep? | 03:41 |
bruenig | factboy818181, automatix? | 03:41 |
tonyyarusso | !automatix | bruenig, factboy818181 | 03:41 |
ubotu | bruenig, factboy818181: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 03:41 |
barata | bruenig .... I'm stucked in that manually partition whatever and the thing keeps on saying I have no "root partition" | 03:41 |
worldedit | on my microsoft section | 03:41 |
worldedit | and i cant access my drives | 03:41 |
factboy818181 | ubotu: hm mkay | 03:41 |
barata | and it is not on hda1, but hda2 | 03:41 |
shatrat | barata, You have to format at least one partition to install | 03:41 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about hm mkay - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:41 |
bruenig | I was asking him if he had used it | 03:42 |
cablesm102 | worldedit, you mean for editing? | 03:42 |
maddash | codi: whoa. who/what says your fstab is bad? | 03:42 |
codi | mount -a | 03:42 |
Sanctusorium | http://pastebin.com/869932 <<< My question, thanks to any one who can help | 03:42 |
barata | <shatrat> barata, You have to format at least one partition to install --> this is NEVER a requirement for REAL LINUX | 03:42 |
turbolover | !sex | 03:42 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sex - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:42 |
cablesm102 | worldedit, you can't access linux files from windows? go to fs-driver.org | 03:42 |
worldedit | hmmm not really, i just want to access my files so i can play the music on my drives | 03:42 |
shatrat | barata, well go use real linux, einstein | 03:42 |
cablesm102 | ubotu needs to get out more | 03:42 |
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barata | <tonyyarusso> barata: How do you expect to install over files that you want to keep? --> you can, all Linux distro can ... I just put my old linux in a folder named whatever | 03:42 |
cablesm102 | worldedit, which drive? you want to access lin from win or other way around? | 03:42 |
maddash | codi: pastebin your new fstab. using http://pastebin.ca | 03:42 |
barata | that;s why I wonder about this wanna-be-Windoz distro | 03:43 |
worldedit | no im trying to access win from lin | 03:43 |
bruenig | barata is clearly trolling | 03:43 |
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barata | trolling your ass ... I run this on livecd | 03:43 |
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shatrat | not well though | 03:43 |
lkje | srry got d/c | 03:43 |
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worldedit | so i can play my music files. i only just installed ubuntu last night and its all very confusing ^_^ | 03:43 |
bruenig | well "clearly trolling" itself indicates that it is not very good | 03:43 |
St0x | i was talking about the audio isue :L | 03:43 |
maddash | barata: calm down. you've got abetter chance of solving this being cool-headed. | 03:43 |
cablesm102 | barata, if you're unhappy, don't use it. If you have a legit problem, then ask nicely | 03:43 |
=== carlos42 [n=c_peto@81-178-74-18.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cablesm102 | worldedit, is your windows drive not showing up on linux? | 03:44 |
worldedit | i just want to be able to access my C: and D: drives from places | 03:44 |
worldedit | no it isnt, thats the problem | 03:44 |
worldedit | i can't see it at all | 03:44 |
Sanctusorium | worldedit, are they NTFS? | 03:44 |
worldedit | or find it... i've tried all the help files | 03:44 |
barata | all right, how to do a terminal install? | 03:44 |
barata | force brute install | 03:44 |
worldedit | hmm... i think the D: drive is NTFS | 03:44 |
cablesm102 | !ntfs | worldedit | 03:44 |
ubotu | worldedit: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 03:45 |
barata | what is the command? | 03:45 |
cablesm102 | worldedit, try this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 03:45 |
cablesm102 | and the one before | 03:45 |
maddash | barata: from an installer cd? | 03:45 |
bruenig | barata, open a terminal and do ~/Desktop/Install | 03:45 |
carlos42 | Does Dapper Drake 6.06 LTS (or any more recent version of Ubuntu) support the apple iMac intel out of the box? | 03:45 |
St0x | cld someone p/m me about the audio issue i'm having on my system with ICH6 .. :L. i've looked online but with no sucess :( | 03:45 |
cablesm102 | barata, terminal install? isn't there an option for text mode install on the installer splash? | 03:45 |
shatrat | bruenig, lol | 03:45 |
barata | yes, 689 something | 03:45 |
shatrat | bruenig, you win | 03:45 |
worldedit | i'll check it out, but i've looked at most of those files | 03:45 |
Sanctusorium | barata, what is your problem? | 03:45 |
codi | maddash: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3287/ | 03:46 |
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Sanctusorium | I think you might have the same one as me if you have to force install =/ | 03:46 |
shmeelAway | can any1 direct me to a place where i can get a virtual machine of XP running on edgy, but which only requires an iso, qemu, and VMPlayer? i'm having a LOT of trouble | 03:46 |
barata | Sanctusorium> barata, what is your problem? --> this stupid installer keeps on wanting to reformat my partition and saying that there is no root partition | 03:46 |
barata | it is There | 03:46 |
Sanctusorium | ah | 03:46 |
Sanctusorium | Never mind | 03:46 |
cablesm102 | shmeelAway, why both vmplayer and qemu? | 03:46 |
Sanctusorium | I cant even get to the desktop with the live cd. | 03:47 |
barata | what is similar Sanctusorium | 03:47 |
shmeelAway | well, i have VMPlayer | 03:47 |
maddash | codi: merge lines 5/6 into one line . same deal with 7/8. | 03:47 |
=== zero88 [n=zero88@ppp-69-236-48-27.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
maddash | codi: and remove the "#" from lines 5 and 6 | 03:47 |
barata | I'm on livecd now and stucked .... and just install xchat for this session | 03:47 |
Sanctusorium | I need a way to get to the installer via shell or some thing | 03:47 |
=== illusina [n=illusina@cpe-76-169-183-83.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zero88 | hello, how would i make my terminal windows transparent???? | 03:47 |
shmeelAway | i thought i needed to set up a vmdx file w/ qemu for VMPlayer to work | 03:47 |
barata | <Sanctusorium> I need a way to get to the installer via shell or some thing --> exactly, what is the command? | 03:47 |
bruenig | barata, you must format at least one partition and call that root. If you don't want to do that, then don't install it. | 03:47 |
Sanctusorium | no clue | 03:47 |
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bruenig | barata, ~/Desktop/Install | 03:47 |
Sanctusorium | I am a linux newb | 03:47 |
cablesm102 | barata, to install an app, use "sudo aptitude install <whatever>" | 03:48 |
barata | <cablesm102> barata, to install an app, use "sudo aptitude install <whatever>" --> my HD is empty now, all install go to my memory | 03:48 |
cablesm102 | barata means cheap in spanish, no? | 03:48 |
Sanctusorium | hm... How can I get into the shell? | 03:48 |
barata | barata means dick in Eskimo & mama in Latin | 03:48 |
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shmeelAway | if there's a way to do it w/out qemu, that'd be awesome too as mine doesn't seem to be working well lol | 03:49 |
cablesm102 | Sanctusorium, Applications>Accessories>Terminal | 03:49 |
bruenig | I thought mater was mama | 03:49 |
worldedit | ugh... i feel so noob. i need "Gnome's File Browser" to access it, after i mounted using that program, sorry to trouble you guys >_< | 03:49 |
barata | bruenig> barata, ~/Desktop/Install ---> this is just that stupid installer that I'm talking about | 03:49 |
tonyyarusso | barata: And you just used two offensive words in one sentence. Please watch your language. | 03:49 |
Sanctusorium | cable, I cant get to teh desktop | 03:49 |
=== jim__ [n=jim@S0106000795e7360b.ek.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sanctusorium | I am stuck on a brown screen | 03:49 |
bruenig | Sanctusorium, try to alternate cd | 03:49 |
bruenig | !alternate | Sanctusorium | 03:49 |
ubotu | Sanctusorium: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD. | 03:49 |
codi | maddash: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3289/ | 03:49 |
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codi | like that?> | 03:49 |
worldedit | so how do i find the Gnome File Browser? | 03:50 |
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worldedit | or install it... | 03:50 |
worldedit | gah so difficult! | 03:50 |
Sanctusorium | Is the install much harder? | 03:50 |
bruenig | worldedit, nautilus? | 03:50 |
St0x | cld someone p/m me about the audio issue i'm having on my system with ICH6 .. :L. i've looked online but with no sucess :( - I have Intel ICH6, have tried reinstalling ALSA andreinstalled Alsa mixer.. chip reports as analog devices AD1981B.. when i do a search online for ICH6 audio issues i see several issues and fixes but nothing has changed my situation so far :( | 03:50 |
maddash | codi: correct. do the same for lines 6/7. | 03:50 |
worldedit | bruenig, where can i find that? | 03:50 |
cablesm102 | that's a good question... i don't remember it being anywhere useful at first | 03:50 |
bruenig | Sanctusorium, no it isn't. I used it the first time I ever installed linux. | 03:50 |
St0x | under proc/asound i get Intel ICH6 with AD1981B at 0xb0040800, irq 11 | 03:50 |
Sanctusorium | Ah, ok. Thanks alot... I will download and burn | 03:51 |
bruenig | Sanctusorium, it is essentially the same thing, except instead of point and click, you move the arrows to highlight and then enter | 03:51 |
cablesm102 | worldedit, go to Places>Home Folder | 03:51 |
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maddash | codi: oh god. no. don't save fstab. | 03:51 |
linux_user400354 | kill -STOP `pidof gnome-panel` this works | 03:51 |
Sanctusorium | Ah. No biggie then. | 03:51 |
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maddash | codi: no, I made a mistake. what you have in http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3287/ is fine. except for the last line, with the "ro umask=[...] " | 03:51 |
St0x | under proc/asound/pcm i get Intel ICH - IEC958 Intel ICH6 - IEC958 : Playback 1, everything is enabled and set to high under auto controls and alsa mixer :L | 03:51 |
worldedit | cablesm102, i went there, nothing otehr than "Desktop" and "Examples" | 03:51 |
walkman2001 | whats up all | 03:52 |
barata | <Sanctusorium> Is the install much harder? --> ubuntu's is definitely the most stupid one among other linux distros installers | 03:52 |
codi | yah, it gives me error when i try sudo mount -a | 03:52 |
maddash | codi: put a comma between the "ro" and "umask=022" | 03:52 |
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maddash | codi: then save it... | 03:52 |
cablesm102 | worldedit, that's the file browser... just go to other folders from there. | 03:52 |
Sanctusorium | Good, I need stupid... First time I have even touched linux.. | 03:52 |
jim__ | Hi everyone on my new edgy install I keep getting: internal error failed to initialize hal! after logon and no desktop usb icon on insert- nothing in the logs... Ideas please?? | 03:52 |
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cinnix | fluxbox question > I want to make an entry in my menu for my home folder, "nautilus" loads up half my desktop environment, making fluxbox unusable. What executable command shall I use for my home folder? | 03:52 |
cablesm102 | worldedit, go to Places>Computer | 03:52 |
codi | maddash: it says lined 5, 6 and 10 are bad | 03:52 |
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worldedit | cablesm102, im looking at it now | 03:53 |
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cablesm102 | worldedit, there's your file browser | 03:53 |
maddash | codi: did you read my msgs from before? | 03:53 |
St0x | any ideas ppl?, cld someone p/m me? :( who knows about audio | 03:53 |
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tavdash | hello, how do I edit my grub menu? i do not wish to see a certain entry. Do I just edit out its title?? | 03:53 |
worldedit | cablesm102, i see it, so how do i access my hard drives? | 03:53 |
cablesm102 | worldedit, they're there... File System is your / folder. | 03:54 |
worldedit | ah i see, ok | 03:54 |
cablesm102 | worldedit, want some help with Linux file structure? | 03:54 |
tonyyarusso | tavdash: Just comment out the entry in /boot/grub/menu.lst | 03:54 |
draeath | is there an easy way to "undo" the simplifications Ubuntu has put in? (example, the screensaver configuration) | 03:54 |
codi | sorry, it's moving too fast, i'm completely missing messages | 03:54 |
=== Erb [n=steven@c210-49-113-138.smelb1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nothlit | draeath, recompile without kernel patches | 03:54 |
worldedit | cablesm102, yes please, i need all the help with anything, i'm very confused and feeling totally stupid =) | 03:54 |
tavdash | tonyyarusso: each entry has title, root, kernel, savedefault, and boot. Do I edit everyone? | 03:54 |
nothlit | draeath, err source patches* | 03:54 |
draeath | nothlit, er... kernel patches have something to do with userland config tools? | 03:54 |
jrib | draeath: that's not ubuntu-specific. That's gnome-screensaver as opposed to xscreensaver | 03:54 |
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tonyyarusso | tavdash: Yeah, just put a # before each line | 03:55 |
tavdash | tonyyarusso: i mean comment out each | 03:55 |
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nothlit | draeath, sorry, my fingers type on their own | 03:55 |
nothlit | draeath, they type the wrong thing a lot of times | 03:55 |
draeath | hmm theres no packages to do it? | 03:55 |
Flannel | cinnix: I believe you might be looking for the --no-desktop flag for nautilus. But, have you looked into other file browsers? thunar is what xfce uses | 03:55 |
magusknight | how do I install java everything i tried won't work | 03:55 |
jrib | draeath: use xscreensaver instead of gnome-screensaver | 03:55 |
Flannel | !java | magusknight | 03:55 |
ubotu | magusknight: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository | 03:55 |
cool-freak | anyone familiar with azureus that can give me a hand here? | 03:55 |
cool-freak | please | 03:56 |
shatrat | cool-freak, Im fairly familiar, shoot | 03:56 |
draeath | cool-freak, dont use the ubuntu package | 03:56 |
cinnix | Flannel: I will give that a try now, thankyou :) | 03:56 |
draeath | cool-freak, install it in your /home somewhere and run it from there | 03:56 |
jim__ | anyone seen on edgy internal error failed to initialize hal! | 03:56 |
draeath | cool-freak, :) at least for me it crashes otherwise | 03:56 |
cool-freak | no,i got some other package | 03:56 |
cool-freak | from the internet | 03:56 |
shatrat | thats a cool place | 03:56 |
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cool-freak | for some time it run fine | 03:57 |
draeath | cool-freak, i got mine directly from the azureus site | 03:57 |
cool-freak | bur now i have a serial problem | 03:57 |
jojoman02 | has anyone tried reconstructor for ubuntu here? | 03:57 |
codi | maddash: it's still saying line 12 is bad | 03:57 |
mikejanssen | heh | 03:57 |
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cool-freak | whenever azureus is conected the internet conection goes crazy! | 03:57 |
mikejanssen | im dl the ubuntu ultimate edition | 03:57 |
cool-freak | :S | 03:57 |
mikejanssen | = X | 03:57 |
shatrat | cool-freak, crazy? | 03:57 |
cinnix | Flannel: just what I needed, thanks for your help | 03:57 |
cool-freak | yeah | 03:57 |
maddash | codi: ok. one last time. pastebin.ca your fstab? | 03:57 |
IdleOne | mikejanssen: ultimate? | 03:57 |
draeath | cool-freak, lower your amount of connections, and lower your upload speed | 03:58 |
cool-freak | it doesnt work | 03:58 |
draeath | cool-freak, most home-grade routers don't like torrents | 03:58 |
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mikejanssen | http://linuxtracker.org/torrents-details.php?id=3487 | 03:58 |
cool-freak | oh | 03:58 |
cool-freak | that must be it | 03:58 |
mikejanssen | way lagged...was dugg yesterday | 03:58 |
mikejanssen | = | 03:58 |
codi | maddash: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3290/ | 03:58 |
mikejanssen | = X | 03:58 |
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shatrat | my ISP called me today wondering if I had a virus or if I was a victim of a botnet because I have uploaded 5 gigs in the past 24 hours | 03:58 |
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pinpoint | lol | 03:59 |
Dysk | shatrat, Sounds like you got hit | 03:59 |
draeath | cool-freak, your connection does this? : Existing connections (download in progress) continue fine, but all other attempts (going to google.com) fail with timeouts | 03:59 |
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shatrat | Dysk, hit by the bit torrent bug. | 03:59 |
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=== juano__ too | ||
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|Jason8| | Hey guys, what's the newest version of GAIM? | 03:59 |
|Jason8| | er | 04:00 |
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|Jason8| | Gaim? | 04:00 |
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Sanctusorium | Is KDE better than Gnome in any way? | 04:00 |
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kitche | |Jason8|: beta6 is the latest one their websit | 04:00 |
|thunder | what package is 'where' part of ? I dont have it on edgy. | 04:00 |
jrib | Sanctusorium: try both and use what you like | 04:00 |
St0x | maddash | 04:00 |
St0x | i cant pm | 04:00 |
St0x | not resistered? | 04:00 |
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shatrat | |Jason8|, beta 3 is in the repos | 04:00 |
St0x | <St0x> appears ICH6 audio device is functioning correctly according to os | 04:00 |
St0x | <St0x> but no audio | 04:00 |
St0x | <St0x> nothing is muted etc | 04:00 |
St0x | <St0x> i just did an install with latest avaliable version today | 04:00 |
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Sanctusorium | k. I will use kde because first then, one of my friends told me he likes it better =b. | 04:01 |
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jrib | |thunder: 'where' is a shell built-in | 04:01 |
mena | Any one know how to install a theme i have on my computer for firfox | 04:01 |
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jrib | !paste | St0x | 04:01 |
ubotu | St0x: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 04:01 |
maddash | codi: kill off the space after the last comma in line 12. | 04:01 |
shatrat | mena, those are installed through firefox | 04:02 |
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|thunder | jrib; where is not a command here. wtf. weird. | 04:02 |
jrib | |thunder: what do you mean? | 04:02 |
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shatrat | mena, tools -> addons -> themes | 04:02 |
codi | maddash: k, that passes the mount, but now what, can i cd into /media/hdb1? | 04:02 |
maddash | jrib: he's pasting msgs that would have been sent to me over #ubuntu anyway. | 04:02 |
pppoe_dude | hihihi | 04:02 |
maddash | codi: yes. enjoy. | 04:02 |
pppoe_dude | oops | 04:02 |
torrrrr | is resolvconf important? | 04:02 |
codi | permission denied | 04:02 |
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codi | so sudo cd | 04:03 |
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maddash | St0x: how do you know that it's fxning properly? | 04:03 |
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mena | shartrat, no i have it on my computer i dont want to install it from firefox site | 04:03 |
jrib | |thunder: oh actually I just loaded bash and don't have "where" either. It's a shell built-in for zsh though. Do you really need "where" though? You have which and whence and whereis etc... | 04:03 |
kitche | torrrrr /etc/resolv.conf is if you want internet working correctly | 04:03 |
maddash | codi: after saving fstab, umount -a then mount -a | 04:03 |
maddash | codi: btw, `sudo cd` won't work. | 04:03 |
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shatrat | mena, I thought you could import themes from there... | 04:03 |
maddash | codi: you have to `su ` then `cd` | 04:03 |
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codi | maddash: NICE, thanks maddash! | 04:04 |
mena | shartrat, i try to find to find a way and i didnt | 04:04 |
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maddash | codi: anytime. | 04:04 |
incognito | hi, i corrupted my alternatives entry for java, is there any way i can regenerate this? | 04:04 |
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shatrat | mena, I suspect you can extract it somewhere in your .mozilla/firefox directory in your home and it will use it. snoop around | 04:04 |
ferret_0567__ | How do you enable AIGLX and check if it is enabled/ | 04:04 |
ferret_0567__ | ? | 04:04 |
codi | maddash: not that it's a problem, but what about that extra floppy? | 04:04 |
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mena | shartrat, i tried also but i didt work | 04:05 |
maddash | codi: I'm not sure. what does `ls /media/` have to say? | 04:05 |
shatrat | mena, I dont really know then :( Im surprised that you cant import a theme from a file. Seems very unfirefox | 04:05 |
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codi | maddash: i have a floppy and a floppy0 | 04:05 |
maddash | St0x: anyway, you'll probably want to use alsa, so make sure you have "alsa-base" "alsa-utils" and "libesd0-alsa" installed | 04:06 |
shatrat | Ferret, thats more of a #ubuntu-xgl question | 04:06 |
mena | shartrat, no no its for fire fox | 04:06 |
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Dysk | Anyone know of a repository that has firefox 2 that works well with Dapper? | 04:06 |
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mena | shartrat, but the theme file in .jar | 04:06 |
maddash | codi: feel free to `cd /media & sudo rm floppy floppy0` | 04:06 |
jrib | !firefox | Dysk | 04:06 |
ubotu | Dysk: firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins | 04:06 |
maddash | codi: that might do it... | 04:06 |
Dysk | jrib, Thanks | 04:06 |
maddash | codi: i mean, that ought to kill off the extra floppy icon | 04:06 |
draeath | So, theres not global package that de-retards my system, to put it bluntly? | 04:06 |
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mena | shartrat, and i try to extract it nothing happened in any way never mind will find a solution | 04:07 |
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incognito | how can i regenerate an alternative entry that i've corrupted? | 04:07 |
jrib | draeath: what are you referring to exactly? | 04:07 |
shatrat | mena, sorry I couldnt be more help | 04:07 |
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torrrrr | kitche: but there is also a package resolveconf | 04:07 |
=== St4X [n=sjklaf@125-238-42-139.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kitche | !resolveconf | 04:08 |
maddash | mena: what are you trying to do? | 04:08 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about resolveconf - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:08 |
draeath | jrib, ubuntu custimizations that simplify things, like removing the proper configuration of screensavers, the kcontrol program in KDE, etc | 04:08 |
Manstein | Got a rather complicated question. I want to upgrade wine 0.9.26 to version 0.9.30 . In order to do that , i have to type "make uninstall" from the source code. I recently deleted the original source code! Will downloading and building (without installing) 0.9.26 again, enable me to successfully type "make uninstall" ? | 04:08 |
St4X | cn someone DCC Chat me for an ICH6 audio issue, i keep dropping connection :( | 04:08 |
jrib | draeath: proper configuration of screensavers in kde? | 04:08 |
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maddash | St4X: register your nick first. | 04:08 |
draeath | jrib, well, im trying Gnome this time around | 04:08 |
nalioth | St4X: just ask in here | 04:09 |
maddash | mena: are you trying to extract a .jar? | 04:09 |
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kitche | torrrrr: it seems to be the same thing | 04:09 |
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St4X | how do i register ? | 04:09 |
jrib | draeath: like I said before, gnome-screensaver is now the default screensave program in GNOME. If you want to use xscreensaver instead, then install it | 04:09 |
St4X | what ./ command? | 04:09 |
kitche | !register|St4X | 04:09 |
ubotu | St4X: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 04:09 |
St4X | !register|St4X | 04:09 |
draeath | jrib, i did, and it made no difference. After removing gnome-screensaver there was no more GUI for configuration | 04:09 |
St4X | mission | 04:09 |
=== DarthLappy [n=Angus@pdpc/supporter/student/DarthShrine] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mena | maddash, no | 04:09 |
brokenegg | can anyone help me? I cannot login. after entering my user name/password...it just hangs. Sometimes when I "ctrl+alt+backspace" it goes to console and I see an error stating it there is no such device /dev/wacom listed over and over again. I try to "sudo etc/init.d/gdm stop" and then "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" and it either simply doesn't fix the problem or it won't let me go thru the reconfigure, stating "xserver- | 04:10 |
mena | maddash, but the file which is theme | 04:10 |
kitche | St4X: just look what ubotu spit out | 04:10 |
mena | maddash, in the extention jar | 04:10 |
mena | maddash, and i cant make it work with firefox and its a firefox theme | 04:10 |
torrrrr | kitche: Ah. My resolveconf package was half broken so I removed it | 04:10 |
Manstein | Got a rather complicated question. I want to upgrade wine 0.9.26 to version 0.9.30 . In order to do that , i have to type "make uninstall" from the source code. I recently deleted the original source code! Will downloading and building (without installing) 0.9.26 again, enable me to successfully type "make uninstall" ? | 04:11 |
brokenegg | every time i restart my xserver this happens, I used to be able to fix it by the reconfigure xserver-xorg command, but it isn't working anymore | 04:11 |
jrib | draeath: what if you run it in a terminal | 04:11 |
torrrrr | kitche: after problem that it has rewriten my resolv.conf file. | 04:11 |
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=== YoshiG3 [n=YoshiG3@75-132-246-100.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
torrrrr | kitche: now internet works | 04:11 |
mena | maddash, any idea | 04:11 |
YoshiG3 | Anyone know the command to config nvidia? | 04:11 |
jrib | !nvidia | YoshiG3 | 04:11 |
ubotu | YoshiG3: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 04:11 |
YoshiG3 | nvidia-glx or something? | 04:11 |
maddash | mena: sure. first extract the contents of said .jar | 04:12 |
YoshiG3 | I installed them already | 04:12 |
torrrrr | kitche: but I wonder if it helps for faster internet or something that resolvconf package | 04:12 |
YoshiG3 | But I mean the command to config it | 04:12 |
mena | maddash, okay | 04:12 |
jrib | YoshiG3: that page tells you the command. It depends on your version of ubuntu | 04:12 |
St4X | ok i think i'm registered now? | 04:12 |
ardchoille42 | sudo nvidia-glx-config enable | 04:12 |
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mena | maddash, then | 04:12 |
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ardchoille42 | YoshiG3, ^^ | 04:12 |
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mrbond | Can someone tell me when I run openvpn where the default ca.crt should placed? | 04:12 |
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brokenegg | can anyone help me? | 04:14 |
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maddash | mena: have you tried this: http://mozilla-themes.schellen.net/mozilla-theme-installation.html | 04:14 |
walkman2001 | anyone know anything about keytouch? | 04:15 |
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KanRiNiN | hi guys. my icons load but my panels do not. I tried rebooting. Any help would be greatly appreciated | 04:15 |
KanRiNiN | Thanks | 04:15 |
=== OzoneCo [n=stanp@CPE-24-27-138-124.neb.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sebastianffx | hi | 04:15 |
sebastianffx | somebody can give me a little help on spanish? | 04:15 |
jrib | !es | sebastianffx | 04:15 |
ubotu | sebastianffx: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda. | 04:15 |
mena | maddash, not yet i will | 04:15 |
sebastianffx | :O | 04:15 |
sebastianffx | thnx | 04:15 |
maddash | brokenegg: what's the err msg? I only got " xserver- | 04:15 |
shatrat | maddash, he left | 04:16 |
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St4X | maddash cn u dcc me plz? | 04:16 |
St4X | before i drop again | 04:16 |
shatrat | KanRiNiN, what happens if you try "gnome-panel" from an alt F2 line? | 04:16 |
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mikejanssen | hmm | 04:17 |
mikejanssen | i forgot what resolution i have my comp set at... | 04:17 |
Dysk | How painless have you all found the GUI upgrade from dapper to edgy to be? | 04:17 |
mikejanssen | how to check.. | 04:17 |
St4X | cn someone dcc chat to me regarding an ICH6 audio issue :L ergh | 04:17 |
=== zak_ [n=zak@070.a.001.beg.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
maddash | shatrat: thanks. | 04:18 |
ardchoille42 | mikejanssen, System -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution ? | 04:18 |
mikejanssen | heh | 04:18 |
incognito | so, how can i regenerate an alternative entry? | 04:18 |
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shatrat | St4X, have you tinkered around in "alsamixer"? | 04:18 |
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walkman2001 | can someone give me some help with the setup of keytouch? | 04:18 |
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mena | maddash, i press install but nothing happened | 04:19 |
threeseas | !wireless | 04:19 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 04:19 |
ardchoille42 | !motu | 04:19 |
ubotu | motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | 04:19 |
=== brokenegg [n=aliensee@c-68-40-203-73.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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maddash | mena: interesting. looks like you don't have to extract the .jar after all. according to this (http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Creating_a_Skin_for_Firefox:Getting_Started), just confirm that /usr/lib/[firefox] exists, and mv the .jar to the chrome/ subdirectory | 04:22 |
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brokenegg | can anyone help me, after login screen (name/password) all I get is a frozen screen, I try to restart x and I sometimes see an error message stating that there is no such device /dev/wacom. To fix this I try to 1. stop gnome, then 2. reconfigure x-server but this is not working anymore, and the reconfigure doesn't even go thru, it spits me out warning that a cusome config file is being overwritten, help??? | 04:22 |
mena | maddash, okay | 04:22 |
mena | maddash, thanks:) | 04:23 |
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shatrat | brokenegg, you could go in and edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf manually and comment out or remove the wacom stuff. I believe those are for tablet PCs? | 04:23 |
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maddash | mena: `sudo find /usr/lib -iname *firefox*` | 04:23 |
=== Jordan_U [n=jordan@h-68-164-95-113.snvacaid.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mena | maddash,okay | 04:24 |
bimberi | !xhangs | brokenegg | 04:24 |
ubotu | brokenegg: If the GUI hangs after logging in, use <ctrl><alt><f1> to switch to text mode. Log in and do: rm .{X,ICE}authority | 04:24 |
=== bosozoku [n=drew@pool-141-153-138-22.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brokenegg | shatrat, I thought of that, but how would I do that from the command line? | 04:24 |
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whonicca | has anybody gotten videos on zhare.net to work? | 04:24 |
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yotux | Is there a way to unistall CUPS in edgy? | 04:25 |
shatrat | brokenegg, "nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf" | 04:25 |
ardchoille42 | brokenegg, sudo vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 04:25 |
shatrat | vim makes your retinas bleed | 04:25 |
ardchoille42 | I love vim | 04:25 |
=== instabin [n=josh@oh-71-50-200-186.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
instabin | !raid | 04:26 |
ubotu | Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO | 04:26 |
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athena | hi. im having really bad problems with my dcopserver stuff | 04:26 |
athena | im new with ubuntu | 04:27 |
athena | im getting an error when trying to start kde | 04:27 |
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Guest82138 | grrr | 04:27 |
Guest82138 | this is frustrating | 04:27 |
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Guest82138 | how do i reclaim my nick once dropped | 04:27 |
Guest82138 | so i can p/m again | 04:27 |
=== AmbientMstr [n=Administ@adsl-68-126-61-144.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
athena | what do i do about this error message..... | 04:28 |
ardchoille42 | Guest82138, you need to re-register it | 04:28 |
Guest82138 | how do i re-register? | 04:28 |
ardchoille42 | Guest82138, /msg nickserv help register | 04:28 |
brokenegg | ok, how do I save out of this vim??? | 04:28 |
AmbientMstr | Something's wrong with sound in Ubuntu. Anything that has audio doesn't work after the first 5 minutes or so. Like I go into Frostwire, play one song, and none of the others will play. What do I have to do to fix it? | 04:28 |
=== stepanstas [n=stepanst@pool-71-127-196-171.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ardchoille42 | brokenegg, type :wq | 04:29 |
athena | Ther ewas an error setting up inter-process communications for KDE. The message returned by the system was: Could not read network connection list. /home/pvhs/.DCOPserver_PioneerA__0. Please check that dcopserver program is running | 04:29 |
athena | what do i do | 04:29 |
stepanstas | ustanbul keeps on crashing, what can i do? | 04:29 |
ardchoille42 | brokenegg, Sorry, ESC then "wq | 04:29 |
maddash | Guest82138: are you having problems with alsa, by any chance? | 04:29 |
=== linux_user400354 [n=chris@208-117-73-67.block5.gvtc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shatrat | stepanstas, what do you mean by crashing? Going back to the login, or locking up? | 04:29 |
Guest82138 | grr | 04:29 |
Guest82138 | this is soooo frustrating | 04:29 |
Guest82138 | yeah it's me again | 04:30 |
maddash | Guest82138: https://wiki.ubuntu.com//HdaIntelSoundHowto | 04:30 |
stepanstas | shatrat, no, just the program, istanbul crashes | 04:30 |
maddash | Guest82138: but before that, try `asoundconf` | 04:30 |
stepanstas | shatrat, when im done recording and press stop | 04:30 |
AmbientMstr | .. | 04:30 |
Guest82138 | reports asoundconf is active | 04:30 |
stepanstas | shatrat, i launches the save window and turns off a second later | 04:31 |
=== DjEvolution [n=Marvus@adsl-69-231-94-139.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
athena | anyone know how to use dcopserver | 04:31 |
shatrat | stepanstas, try running it from a command line, and then when it crashes it will output some errors to the terminal window | 04:31 |
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DjEvolution | Can someone please tell me how to update mozilla | 04:31 |
Guest82138 | do list, reports ICH6 | 04:31 |
DjEvolution | cant seem to get it to update | 04:31 |
riddlebox | how come when I put the frequency scaling applet in the toolbar, I cannot change the cpu freq? | 04:31 |
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stepanstas | shatrat, what do i type again (i always forget) | 04:31 |
shatrat | riddlebox, you on a laptop? It changes it automatically when load gets near 100% | 04:31 |
yotux | is there a way to find out why cups make my system load reach 6.5 | 04:31 |
maddash | Guest82138: you might need to `sudo asoundconf` | 04:31 |
shatrat | riddlebox, youre not supposed to change it yourself, its a power saving thing | 04:32 |
riddlebox | shatrat, it is on a laptop and it is on 100% already | 04:32 |
brokenegg | it sais recording and won't exit | 04:32 |
shatrat | stepanstas, I dont know, istanbul? | 04:32 |
Guest82138 | madash it wants a flag | 04:32 |
DjEvolution | Can someone please tell me how to update mozilla | 04:32 |
Guest82138 | for the conf application | 04:32 |
stepanstas | shatrat, ok got it | 04:32 |
shatrat | DjEvolution, how did you install it? | 04:33 |
maddash | Guest82138: `sudo asoundconf set-default-card [name of card from 'do list'] ` | 04:33 |
DjEvolution | shatrat: default with ubuntu | 04:33 |
brokenegg | !exit vim | 04:33 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about exit vim - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:33 |
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DjEvolution | shatrat: wanna upgrade from 1.5 to 2.0 | 04:33 |
ardchoille42 | brokenegg, Press the ESC key, then type :wq | 04:33 |
Guest82138 | i have done sudo asoundconf reset-default-card ICH6 | 04:33 |
stepanstas | shatrat, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3293/ | 04:33 |
shatrat | !firefox|DjEvolution | 04:33 |
ubotu | DjEvolution: firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins | 04:33 |
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brokenegg | ardchoille42: it isn't doing anything | 04:34 |
mrbond | Can anyone tell me when i try to run openvpn as a client why i get this error: Cannot load CA certificate file ca.key (SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations) (OpenSSL) ?? | 04:34 |
athena | how do i fix a .DCOPserver..... error | 04:34 |
brokenegg | aha, got it | 04:34 |
ardchoille42 | brokenegg, You don't get your prompt back? | 04:34 |
ardchoille42 | ok | 04:34 |
xtknight | athena: are you using kubuntu? | 04:34 |
athena | yes | 04:34 |
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athena | breezy badger | 04:34 |
athena | as well | 04:35 |
maddash | Guest82138: chk out the link i gave befoere | 04:35 |
maddash | Guest82138: https://wiki.ubuntu.com//HdaIntelSoundHowto | 04:35 |
mr_bono | Q: is there any reason that adding a getty to /dev/ttyS0 would prevent sshd, apache from starting after reboot? | 04:35 |
xtknight | athena: i was going to suggest removing the .kde directory, but that's a really bad idea if you're using kubuntu. it would fix it for running regular kde apps under regular ubuntu | 04:35 |
shatrat | well stepanstas it looks like the bug is in Istanbul. I dont even knowk what istanbul does, other than govern Turkey. YOu might want to check their forums/mailinglist/irc | 04:35 |
Guest82138 | it's a SoundMAX AD ac'97 | 04:35 |
Guest82138 | not intel HD Audio? | 04:35 |
xtknight | athena: paste the exact error on pastebin | 04:35 |
ardchoille42 | !istanbul | 04:36 |
ubotu | istanbul: Desktop session recorder. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.1-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 47 kB, installed size 380 kB | 04:36 |
athena | xtknight: pastebin? | 04:36 |
xtknight | !pastebin | athena | 04:36 |
ubotu | athena: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 04:36 |
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stepanstas | ardchoille42, do you use istanbul? | 04:36 |
mr_bono | all I did was uncomment this line in /etc/inittab: #T0:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyS0 9600 vt100 | 04:36 |
ardchoille42 | stepanstas, I don't now, but I used to use it | 04:36 |
=== glick [n=myob@cpe-75-84-226-35.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
glick | hi | 04:37 |
ardchoille42 | hi glick | 04:37 |
athena | xtknight: hold on. im setting it up | 04:37 |
stepanstas | ardchoille42, do you still have it installed? | 04:37 |
ardchoille42 | stepanstas, No | 04:37 |
xtknight | regarding istanbul.... By default it records to ~/desktop-recording.ogg | 04:37 |
xtknight | is that your question? | 04:37 |
rc-1 | im about to submit a project to https://savannah.gnu.org, could someone please tell me if this is a good project description/ if they like the idea (a FOSS game server) http://pastebin.com/869987 | 04:37 |
stepanstas | ardchoille42, okay, thanks anyway | 04:37 |
stepanstas | shatrat, thanks for your help | 04:37 |
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shatrat | stepanstas, hope you get it figured out | 04:37 |
ardchoille42 | stepanstas, see what xtknight said | 04:37 |
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xtknight | stepanstas: type "man istanbul" to learn about the program | 04:38 |
mr_bono | it doesn't make any sense.. having a serial terminal shouldn't interfere with network connectivity.. has anyone run across this? | 04:38 |
psh | what level is multiuser? | 04:38 |
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worldedit | hey again guys, i need help setting up flash so i can watch vids on youtube etc... anyone available to help? =) | 04:38 |
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xtknight | worldedit: sure | 04:38 |
ardchoille42 | psh, I believe that is runlevel 3 | 04:38 |
xtknight | worldedit: 32bit or 64bit firefox | 04:38 |
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psh | ardchoille42, yes i think so too, thx | 04:39 |
=== phrizer [n=sdfsdf@60-234-134-230.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
ferret_0567__ | How do I activate AIGLX in Ubuntu 6.10? | 04:39 |
xtknight | !aiglx | ferret_0567__ | 04:39 |
ubotu | ferret_0567__: AIGLX (Accelerated Indirect GLX) is an open source project founded by the X.Org Foundation and the Fedora Core Linux community to allow accelerated indirect GLX rendering capabilities to X.org and DRI drivers. This allows remote X clients to get fully hardware accelerated rendering over the GLX protocol. Head to #ubuntu-xgl for support. | 04:39 |
xtknight | are you sure you want AIGLX? | 04:40 |
worldedit | xtknight, 64 bit firefox, i think, not ultra sure but 64 sounds familiar. | 04:40 |
ferret_0567__ | Any problems specific to Ubuntu? | 04:40 |
xtknight | ferret_0567__: for nvidia you should just use the builtin nvidia compositor, im not sure about ati | 04:40 |
ferret_0567__ | I have NVIDIA | 04:40 |
xtknight | ferret_0567__: dont bother with aiglx. use nvidia's builtin pixmap compositing thing with Beryl | 04:40 |
stepanstas | xtknight, i know how to use isntanbul, sortoff | 04:40 |
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stepanstas | xtknight, my problem is that it turns off when im done recording | 04:41 |
ferret_0567__ | ok | 04:41 |
xtknight | stepanstas: what turns off? | 04:41 |
athena | xtkight: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3295/ | 04:41 |
xtknight | worldedit: type `uname -a` | 04:41 |
athena | xtknight:* http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3295/ | 04:41 |
worldedit | xtknight: whereabouts? total noob here =) | 04:41 |
=== notvordul [n=vordul@bas2-hamilton14-1167920519.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xtknight | worldedit: terminal | 04:42 |
worldedit | xtknight: in the terminal? | 04:42 |
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worldedit | ah k | 04:42 |
xtknight | worldedit: whenever i ask you to type something it will be in the terminal | 04:42 |
xtknight | athena: ps ax | grep dcopserver | 04:42 |
stepanstas | xtknight, when i press the stop button, it launches the save screen but the screen (and the button from the toolbar) disapear | 04:42 |
worldedit | xtknight: thanks for clearing that up =) | 04:42 |
xtknight | stepanstas: how do you work istanbul then? ive just got a console app here | 04:42 |
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xtknight | stepanstas: id be able to help debug it if you could help me reproduce the issue | 04:43 |
worldedit | xtknight: ok done | 04:43 |
xtknight | worldedit: what did it report | 04:43 |
stepanstas | xtknight, ive seen the demo vid | 04:43 |
stepanstas | xtknight, i get this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3293/ | 04:43 |
=== black_13_ [n=black_13@cpe-76-187-228-51.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
worldedit | xtknight: Linux harry-desktop 2.6.17-10-generic #2 SMP Tue Dec 5 22:28:26 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux | 04:43 |
Majic | Okay, so I have a partition that mounts in Windows AND Ubuntu. The only problem is, it's READ-ONLY in Ubuntu. Can someone please explain to me how to change the permissions in fstab? | 04:43 |
whonicca | has anybody gotten videos on zhare.net to work? | 04:43 |
stepanstas | xtknight, is that what you want | 04:43 |
xtknight | worldedit: then you should have 32bit firefox as far as i know | 04:43 |
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black_13_ | how do i view tiff images embedded in a web page? | 04:43 |
worldedit | ok then | 04:43 |
athena | xtknight: 7310 pt s/0 R+ 0:00 grep dcopserver | 04:43 |
xtknight | stepanstas: ahh alright | 04:44 |
xtknight | athena: is that all it reports? | 04:44 |
athena | yes | 04:44 |
xtknight | stepanstas: are you using XGL? | 04:44 |
xtknight | athena: i suggest rebooting kubuntu. somehow its server died | 04:44 |
worldedit | xtknight: ok, so i have 32 bit, whats next? | 04:44 |
stepanstas | xtknight, sorry, dont know what that is | 04:44 |
xtknight | stepanstas: ok then my crystal ball says you're PROBABLY not using it ;) | 04:44 |
=== cap10morgan [n=wmorgan@206-124-31-122.denver.dsl.forethought.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
athena | xtknight: i have rebooted several times | 04:44 |
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athena | xtknight: same problem each time | 04:45 |
stepanstas | xtknight, is that good or bad=-O | 04:45 |
athena | xtknight: /home/pvhs/.DCOPserver_PioneerA__0 doesn't exist now | 04:45 |
xtknight | stepanstas: but that's good. im not sure why that error would be occurring. it's telling you that you don't have enough memory or resources of some kind as far as i know | 04:45 |
xtknight | athena: what happens if you run "dcopserver" in a separate terminal | 04:45 |
jkent | Hello what program recommend to connect to my pda because linux he dont have the program activesync ? | 04:45 |
athena | xtknight: by just typing dcopserver? | 04:45 |
xtknight | jkent: apt-cache search activesync | 04:45 |
stepanstas | xtknight, memory as in ram or hard drive space? | 04:46 |
=== juano__ is in the mood for teasing | ||
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athena | xtnight: more errors | 04:46 |
=== mosh [n=d@adsl-69-109-212-25.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xtknight | jkent: "apt-cache search pda sync" in the terminal, it will give you apps for syncing your pda | 04:46 |
=== juano__ makes peace with underdog5004 | ||
Manstein | Got a rather complicated question. I want to upgrade wine 0.9.26 to version 0.9.30 . In order to do that , i have to type "make uninstall" from the source code. I recently deleted the original source code! Will downloading and building (without installing) 0.9.26 again, enable me to successfully type "make uninstall" ? | 04:46 |
xtknight | worldedit: umm | 04:46 |
xtknight | worldedit: have you tried the flash instructions? | 04:46 |
xtknight | !flash | worldedit | 04:46 |
ubotu | worldedit: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 04:46 |
jkent | ok thanks | 04:46 |
ubotu | worldedit: Flash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash | 04:46 |
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xtknight | athena: post the errors to pastebin | 04:47 |
xtknight | stepanstas: ram or cache | 04:47 |
bef | Anyone here a good graphic designer or have a talent at graphics? | 04:47 |
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mosh | hi. i am trying to bridge a connection on my ubuntu laptop to my ps3 what is the best way to achieve this. | 04:47 |
xtknight | stepanstas: maybe the file you recorded got huge? | 04:47 |
xtknight | stepanstas: type "free" and post it to pastebin to see your memory situation | 04:47 |
athena | xtknight: give me a few minutes. its on a separate computer | 04:47 |
worldedit | xtknight, i looked into it, i'll have another more detailed look | 04:47 |
stepanstas | xtknight, well, that may be the cause, i have 2 128 rams | 04:47 |
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xtknight | stepanstas: probably not enough | 04:48 |
brokenegg | ok, no more /dev/wacom erroe, now it is saying that "error opening security policy file /usr/lib/xserver/SecurityPolicy" | 04:48 |
stepanstas | xtknight, i have been trying files of about 1 sec, still closes | 04:48 |
xtknight | stepanstas: at least for regular ubuntu. well you could increase your swap file. pastebin "free" still though | 04:48 |
shatrat | Manstein, you can install 0.9.30 from the repo and it would be a lot less of a pain. Youd want to uninstall whatever you have now though | 04:48 |
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xtknight | worldedit: well if you have any problems let me know | 04:48 |
xtknight | worldedit: but i just dont want to type up something that's already on the web | 04:48 |
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stepanstas | xtknight, ok then, that answers my question | 04:48 |
stepanstas | xtknight, do you know of any more video recording apps? | 04:49 |
xtknight | stepanstas: sorry, nope | 04:49 |
worldedit | xtknight, yeah, sorry about that. new to linux as of a couple of hours =) | 04:49 |
Manstein | shatrat: Yes i have to uninstall my self-compiled version first. But i don't have the original source files anymore. Should i download again and compile + build to do a clean uninstall from 0.9.26 ? | 04:49 |
bef | Anyone here a good graphic designer or have a talent at graphics?? | 04:49 |
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xtknight | worldedit: well if you relaly want me to guide you through it, no problem really | 04:50 |
Dysk | Sadly Avid/premiere/final cut tend to be the best bets for video editing. | 04:50 |
daum | anyone know which jaws it is where the shoot the tank in the sharks mouth? | 04:50 |
stepanstas | xtknight, okay then | 04:50 |
shatrat | Manstein, you probably can just ./configure and make uninstall. | 04:50 |
stepanstas | xtknight, thanks for all your help | 04:50 |
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lskd-120 | the first jaws | 04:50 |
Manstein | shatrat: initiating procedure now :D tnx for the advice :P | 04:50 |
xtknight | stepanstas: search for desktop capture in synaptic, bound to give you something | 04:50 |
shatrat | Manstein, Good luck. | 04:51 |
lskd-120 | it's aftere Quid gets swallowed | 04:51 |
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lskd-120 | after | 04:51 |
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daum | lskd-120, thanks | 04:51 |
athena | xtknight: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3298/ | 04:51 |
stepanstas | xtknight, okay, will do, thanks | 04:51 |
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Milk_ | is it possible to copy all files recursively without copying the directory structure | 04:52 |
xtknight | athena: no idea what's going on, really. when did the first error occur? can you boot into kde without issues? | 04:52 |
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athena | no | 04:52 |
athena | xtknight: i have to use failsafe | 04:52 |
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xtknight | !kubuntu | 04:52 |
ubotu | Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE | 04:52 |
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xtknight | athena: best route may be to reinstall now. try #kubuntu for better luck | 04:52 |
Hisakasex | hello | 04:53 |
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worldedit | xtknight: this is running me around in circles. i need to install "windows codecs", and when i click the link it brings me to the same page im already on | 04:53 |
athena | xtknight: since im a noob at ubuntu i took its advice when it told me to remove /home/pvhs/.DCOPserver_PioneerA__0 and start dcopserver again | 04:53 |
xtknight | worldedit: windows codecs? | 04:53 |
xtknight | athena: and what happened? | 04:53 |
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Milk_ | anyone? | 04:54 |
athena | xtknight: dcopserver refuses to start and i even more errors occur. | 04:54 |
xtknight | Milk_: might be able to craft a script with awk or something. | 04:54 |
athena | xtknight: i decided to reboot and then after that i could not get into kde | 04:54 |
Hisakasex | how can I conf apache2 to display an error message if the subdomain doesn't exists in a domain? | 04:54 |
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Milk_ | xtknight, I'm not that desperate yet :( | 04:54 |
xtknight | Milk_: try #linux | 04:54 |
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Hisakasex | how can I conf apache2 to display an error message if a subdomain doesn't exists in a domain? | 04:54 |
worldedit | xtknight: yes. have a look at the help article. i cant make anything of it | 04:54 |
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mosh | ty | 04:55 |
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Pirate-King | hello | 04:55 |
athena | xtknight: somehow i have to get what i removed back. lol. | 04:55 |
brokenegg | ok, I am trying to login, the gui hangs badly after login, I tried "rm .{X,ICE}authority" and it sais that file does not exist | 04:55 |
xtknight | Hisakasex: you'd have to redirect all subdomains to the same ip and then spit out an error when an unrecognized "Host:" parameter is detected. you can't shoot out a custom error page for a dns lookup error | 04:55 |
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xtknight | worldedit: exact url you're at please? | 04:56 |
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worldedit | xtknight: deb http://nvidia.limitless.lupine.me.uk/ubuntu edgy stable | 04:56 |
black_13_ | how do i install quicktime | 04:56 |
athena | xtknight: your suggesting i go to the kubuntu server | 04:56 |
worldedit | xtknight: disregard that | 04:56 |
xtknight | athena: #kubuntu channel. type /join #kubuntu | 04:56 |
xtknight | im not familiar with kubuntu hardly at all | 04:57 |
brokenegg | !xhangs | 04:57 |
ubotu | If the GUI hangs after logging in, use <ctrl><alt><f1> to switch to text mode. Log in and do: rm .{X,ICE}authority | 04:57 |
mikejanssen | !beryl | 04:57 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl | 04:57 |
worldedit | xtknight: hold on a sec, i'll link it. i'm still ctrl-c + ctrl-v'ing >_< | 04:57 |
Hisakasex | thanks xtknight .. I'll check my sites-available now to see what happens | 04:57 |
worldedit | xtknight: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/StreamingVideo#w32codecs | 04:57 |
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worldedit | xtknight: thats the correct one. | 04:58 |
xtknight | worldedit: sorry been a little slow. ill get with you in a second and we'll get this rolling | 04:58 |
worldedit | xtknight: i see you're helping a lot of people. dont worry, i can wait ^_^ | 04:58 |
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mena | thanks friends for helping today and special thanks to maddash and shartrat...bye | 04:59 |
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shatrat | mena, no problem. Have a nice day | 04:59 |
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mena | you too | 04:59 |
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xtknight | worldedit: wrong page apparently | 05:00 |
xtknight | !flash | 05:00 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 05:00 |
ubotu | Flash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash | 05:00 |
biotrox | hello what program should i use to connect to my GPRS | 05:00 |
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biotrox | GPRS dial ?? | 05:00 |
xtknight | worldedit: guess those links weren't as pertinent as i had thought | 05:00 |
biotrox | !dial-up | 05:01 |
ubotu | You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto | 05:01 |
frogzoo | biotrox: gpsd methinks | 05:01 |
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frogzoo | biotrox: oh gp_r_s - just pppd | 05:01 |
biotrox | !gpsd | 05:01 |
ubotu | gpsd: GPS (Global Positioning System) service daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.33-2.1build1 (edgy), package size 226 kB, installed size 652 kB | 05:01 |
xtknight | worldedit: download the .tar.gz here http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash | 05:01 |
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frogzoo | biotrox: just network manager should set it up | 05:01 |
worldedit | xtknight: excellent, ok | 05:01 |
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biotrox | network manager | 05:02 |
worldedit | xtknight: done. | 05:02 |
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biotrox | !network manager | 05:02 |
xtknight | worldedit: where did you save the file to? | 05:02 |
ubotu | networkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager | 05:02 |
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worldedit | xtknight: my desktop. | 05:02 |
xtknight | worldedit: ok. go into a terminal. we're going to change to your desktop directory from the terminal. type "cd ~/Desktop" | 05:02 |
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biotrox | and how can i connect the bluetooth..? what application..? | 05:02 |
worldedit | xtknight: im at the desktop | 05:03 |
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worldedit | in the terminal | 05:03 |
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xtknight | worldedit: you know how to extract a tar.gz? | 05:04 |
Pirate-King | what is the best wireless configuring tool | 05:04 |
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frogzoo | biotrox: apt-cache search blutetooth | 05:04 |
worldedit | xtknight: right click/extract? | 05:04 |
xtknight | worldedit: sure that works. | 05:04 |
inva|id | Is there a ubuntu equivalent for net-setup in gentoo? | 05:04 |
worldedit | ok. | 05:04 |
xtknight | worldedit: what i was going to suggest though: | 05:04 |
worldedit | xtknight: where do i extract to? | 05:04 |
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worldedit | xtknight: go on | 05:04 |
nano | whois | 05:04 |
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maddash | inva|id: not sure, but why do you want make that switch? | 05:05 |
opened | haha | 05:05 |
xtknight | worldedit: to extract it from the terminal (which you really do need to know). type "tar xzvf install" then press tab immediately. it will complete the name of that file you downloaded (it starts with the word "install") then press enter. | 05:05 |
nano | hehehe | 05:05 |
shmeelAway | I have my music stored in my windows partition, i installed ubuntu on another partition, and in ubuntu installed a virtual mahcine for XP. Is there any way for me to get my music from my windows partition and play it from a music player in my VM? | 05:05 |
nano | hi shmeel | 05:05 |
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nano | you dont need a VM | 05:05 |
Hisakasex | my problem with virtual hosts in apache is that if a subdomain doesn't exists in a domain, apache redirects to the domain index.. | 05:05 |
inva|id | maddash: I'm having trouble setting up my interfaces on an old system | 05:05 |
juano__ | shmeelAway: you just need to mount your windows partition | 05:06 |
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xtknight | worldedit: it should spit out five lines containing the filenames of what it extracted. capische ? | 05:06 |
shmeelAway | mount my windows partition in the windows virtual machine? | 05:06 |
Hisakasex | for example www.mydomain.com is ok ... but there's no wwwaaaa.mydomain.com in my server... | 05:06 |
juano__ | shmeelAway: through your ubuntu | 05:06 |
nano | you dont need a vm | 05:06 |
Hisakasex | my problem with virtual hosts in apache is that if a subdomain doesn't exists in a domain, apache redirects to the domain index.. | 05:06 |
maddash | inva|id: network interfaces? have you tried `ifconfig -a`? | 05:06 |
Hisakasex | for example www.mydomain.com is ok ... but there's no wwwaaaa.mydomain.com in my server... | 05:06 |
juano__ | shmeelAway: no virtual machine | 05:06 |
nano | just use xmms player | 05:06 |
nano | i am using it now :D | 05:06 |
juano__ | !ntfs-3g | shmeelAway | 05:06 |
ubotu | shmeelAway: ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy) | 05:06 |
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xtknight | Hisakasex: #apache | 05:07 |
worldedit | xtknight: took my time, but got it. | 05:07 |
shmeelAway | i have my windows partition mounted on my ubuntu, i can play songs in ubuntu off of there, but i was wondering if it was possible to play from my virtual machine which i installed on top of ubuntu | 05:07 |
xtknight | worldedit: now change into the extracted dir from the terminal | 05:07 |
xtknight | worldedit: we will need to use the terminal for the remainder of this option | 05:07 |
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Hisakasex | ok | 05:08 |
juano__ | shmeelAway: ahh,, well yes, if vmware sound is fine | 05:08 |
xtknight | worldedit: type "cd insta" then press tab to complete the folder name... when you press tab after typing 'cd' it will complete to the nearest directory . if you press tab after typing "tar xzvf" it will complete to the nearest .tar.gz file | 05:08 |
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biotrox | what package i need to install to connect my HP using bluetooth and dial gprs...? | 05:08 |
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shmeelAway | so do i just mount my windows partition in my VM? | 05:08 |
worldedit | xtknight: hold on. noob is kicking in. | 05:09 |
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shatrat | shmeelAway, no, you mount it in ubuntu | 05:09 |
juano__ | shmeelAway: your VM, what does it have ? Windows XP? Ubuntu ? or what? | 05:09 |
nano | @shmeelAway i though you had a partition | 05:09 |
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brokenegg | how do I reinstall with apt-get?? | 05:09 |
worldedit | xtknight: so i need to get to the directory where i extracted the file | 05:09 |
xtknight | worldedit: correct | 05:09 |
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metroman | How do I fix a scratch on a CD? | 05:09 |
worldedit | xtknight: and how do i do that? same as i did to get to the desktop? | 05:09 |
cablesm102 | metroman, that's not a question for this channel | 05:09 |
Mihwas_w_w | Hello all | 05:10 |
shatrat | brokenegg, well, you could "sudo apt-get remove --purge something " "sudo apt-get install something" but that usually will not change the user settings, fi that is the problem | 05:10 |
juano__ | hell Mihwas_w_w | 05:10 |
xtknight | metroman: generally you try and clean the cd and then regenerate another clean cd using software like blindread/blindwrite | 05:10 |
shatrat | metroman, Ive had luck fixing scratches by buffing them out with toothpaste | 05:10 |
shatrat | metroman, and your CD smells nice | 05:10 |
xtknight | worldedit: type "cd inst" then press tab | 05:10 |
shmeelAway | k i'll explain better. I have XP installed on one 40 GB partition, and Ubuntu installed on my 2nd 40 GB partition, then in ubuntu i used VMPlayer to set up a Windows XP virtual machine, and now I'm wondering how to play music stored in my original windows partition on my windows virtual machine | 05:10 |
metroman | Thanks everyone. | 05:10 |
cablesm102 | shatrat: :) | 05:10 |
kuma | hi, i'm having printing issues,i have a bubble injection printer (a Cannon BJC210) and even though i've find the driver and installed successfully, the printer prints like it was a dot-matrix printer. Anybody has an idea on how fixing this? | 05:10 |
worldedit | xtknight, ah got it. | 05:10 |
xtknight | worldedit: you are in the destop folder right now. there is a folder that has been created for your extracted files called "install_flash" or something. that's what you need to change into | 05:10 |
xtknight | worldedit: so you see "~/Desktop/install_flash_player_9_linux$ " ? | 05:11 |
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=== nano wave | ||
shatrat | shmeelAway, your virtual machine canat see anything ubuntu cant see, mount it in ubuntu first | 05:11 |
worldedit | yes i do. | 05:11 |
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shmeelAway | shatrat i did already | 05:11 |
xtknight | worldedit: now type "ls -al" | 05:11 |
nano | @ shatrat right | 05:11 |
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xtknight | worldedit: look for files called "INSTALL" or "readme" and open them | 05:11 |
shmeelAway | i can play the music from my windows partition on ubuntu | 05:11 |
shatrat | shmeelAway, as for being able to access a mounted directory in VM, I dont know. | 05:11 |
tom47_ | i cannot find a file downloaded using Xchat-gnome ... preferences say they go into "downloads" but i cannot find it | 05:12 |
nano | now mount the win partition to ubuntu | 05:12 |
xtknight | worldedit: this is the documentation for how to install the software | 05:12 |
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worldedit | i see | 05:12 |
nano | anybody here from the philippines | 05:12 |
shmeelAway | hmm, alright, i'll mess around a bit i guess | 05:12 |
xtknight | worldedit: you can launch a text viewer by typing "gedit Filename &" | 05:12 |
worldedit | xtknight, i got some green writing saying shplayer installer | 05:12 |
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worldedit | gedit Filename & | 05:13 |
xtknight | worldedit: well i know there is a file called that | 05:13 |
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xtknight | worldedit: that is called a binary | 05:13 |
nano | tom47_ just download the deb package and you are good to go | 05:13 |
xtknight | worldedit: if it's green it's a binary, we are looking for documentation on how to use this thing | 05:13 |
xtknight | worldedit: turns out the documentation is "Readme.txt" | 05:13 |
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worldedit | xtknight, ok i did what you said, and up popped a new window | 05:13 |
Faust-C | sup ppl's | 05:13 |
xtknight | worldedit: ok, you should have typed "gedit Readme.txt &" right? | 05:14 |
tavdash_ | hello, if I did a fresh install of edgy, and firefox tells me it can stall flash automatically. Is it going to install version 9? | 05:14 |
tom47_ | nano ... no ... i amrunning xchat-gnome and accepted a file using it .... i cannot see where that file went to | 05:14 |
cablesm102 | tavdash_, i doubt it | 05:14 |
xtknight | i've never had flash properly install automatically | 05:14 |
cablesm102 | tavdash, try it... if it doesn't, you can fix it easily | 05:14 |
zyth | tom47_, ~/.xcha2/downloads/ I think | 05:14 |
Faust-C | tom47_: you can set that in the options | 05:14 |
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zyth | tom47_, ~/.xchat2/downloads/ I think even | 05:14 |
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tom47_ | zyth ty | 05:14 |
zyth | np | 05:14 |
worldedit | xtknight, ok! i have a readme! | 05:14 |
nano | oh ok, sometimes the default is the home dir | 05:14 |
zyth | you can change that in your prefs | 05:14 |
starry | Hi all! I was wondering if there is something similar to window's netsend on linux? | 05:15 |
xtknight | worldedit: ok i just need to explain a few things | 05:15 |
Faust-C | starry: what is netsend ? | 05:15 |
tavdash_ | cablesm102 & xtknight, when i right click on youtube flash video it states Flash Player 9, but I'm skeptical to believe its the latest | 05:15 |
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Faust-C | explain what it does | 05:15 |
tom47_ | zyth great thanks a lot | 05:15 |
kuma | hi, i'm having printing issues,i have a bubble injection printer (a Cannon BJC210) and even though i've find the driver and installed successfully, the printer prints like it was a dot-matrix printer. Anybody has an idea on how fixing this? | 05:15 |
zyth | starry, wall | 05:15 |
zyth | tom47_, no worries | 05:15 |
Mihwas_w_w | Is anybody know, where can i take a support for tyan Tiger server motherboard? | 05:15 |
brokenegg | ok, I am experiencing gui hang after logging in, I just reinstalled gnome, and it still is happening, after stopping x I see an error that sais it is ahving troubble opening security policy file /user/lib/xserver/SecurityPolicy, anyone have any ideas, please? | 05:15 |
xtknight | worldedit: we put an & at the end so it didn't hang up the terminal. normally when you execute stuff it's synchronous, that means it freezes the terminal until that command completes. gedit does not complete until you close it, so your terminal will be frozen while you're reading the readme. you dont want that, so you append the "&" operator to make the terminal usable and so the terminal doesnt wait for gedit to close until yo | 05:16 |
xtknight | u can type again | 05:16 |
cablesm102 | tavdash_, flashplayer 9 is the latest. Try it, see what happens, if it's not Flash Player 9 yuou can just install FP9 manually. It's very simple. | 05:16 |
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starry | Netsend is a windows command that allows you to pop up a window on other computers in your network with a certian message | 05:16 |
xtknight | worldedit: got that ;) | 05:16 |
Faust-C | omg | 05:16 |
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Faust-C | pastebin !! | 05:16 |
starry | zyth: wall is an equivilant? | 05:16 |
cablesm102 | Faust-C: what's netsend? | 05:16 |
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nano | hi Faust-C, try write | 05:16 |
elishae | hi, | 05:16 |
zyth | starry, to send messages to people on the same system, yes. | 05:16 |
xtknight | worldedit: and "gedit" is just the name of our text viewer/editor | 05:16 |
Faust-C | starry: yeah there is something like that | 05:16 |
worldedit | xtknight, ok so what happens now? the guide is fairly confusing | 05:17 |
elishae | I'm a new Ubuntu user | 05:17 |
kj092589 | hello | 05:17 |
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worldedit | xtknight, ok i understand that | 05:17 |
starry | zyth: not same computer, but same network | 05:17 |
elishae | I have a strange problem | 05:17 |
kj092589 | hi everybody | 05:17 |
xtknight | worldedit: ok we want to install the "plugin .tar.gz" | 05:17 |
nano | hi elishae, whats that? | 05:17 |
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elishae | my network settings get reset whenever i restart the network service | 05:17 |
cablesm102 | elishae, what's the problem? | 05:17 |
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worldedit | xtknight, ok, and we do that how? =) | 05:17 |
xtknight | worldedit: type " ./flashplayer-installer " at your terminal. that starts the binary called flashplayer-installer in the current directory. that's the Flash setup | 05:18 |
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opened_ | hello all | 05:18 |
zyth | starry, hmm, don't think it does that | 05:18 |
kj092589 | http://www.friendster.com/kj092589 | 05:18 |
starry | It doesn't, I just checked the man page | 05:18 |
juano__ | elishae: check your /etc/network/interfaces | 05:18 |
elishae | for e.g my DNS server entry gets reset every now and then to the default | 05:18 |
nano | hi elishae, dont know what that means, try dhcp (if applicable) | 05:18 |
elishae | it is set to use dhcp | 05:18 |
cablesm102 | kj092589, thtis is an ubuntu support channel. | 05:18 |
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starry | Any other suggests? | 05:19 |
kj092589 | oh sorry | 05:19 |
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blackduck3 | hi | 05:19 |
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juano__ | elishae: i had a similar issue, my ip settings in a client on eth0 was getting reset to APIPA problem solved when i uninstalled zeroconf from synaptic | 05:19 |
kuma | why does old software releases like firefox or Java Webstart are shown by the package manager as updated but aren't in their latest version? | 05:19 |
cablesm102 | blackduck3, hello there. Do you have an Ubuntu problem? | 05:19 |
nano | cool juano_ | 05:19 |
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blackduck3 | yep | 05:20 |
elishae | APIPA?? | 05:20 |
xtknight | kuma: the versions of the programs in the repositories lag behind the actual version of the program made by the developer | 05:20 |
nano | anybody, is yahoo slow today? | 05:20 |
cablesm102 | blackduck3, let's hear it? | 05:20 |
xtknight | kuma: the repositories are maintained by others | 05:20 |
fluvvell | Network question: With two network cards, should there be two default routes when its acting as a firewall / server for the lan ? | 05:20 |
juano__ | elishae: 169.254..x.x , this is an ip that assigns when a DHCP server fails | 05:20 |
worldedit | done! excellent! | 05:20 |
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elishae | and how can I uninstall zeroconf.. and what is the effect of it.. | 05:20 |
juano__ | elishae: problem was it was running over static settings as well , so i had to take it out | 05:20 |
xtknight | kuma: older versions are left in the repositories due to stability concerns. security updates are then backported so that those older versions are just as stable but have security fixes. then after a while they will just use the newer version once it has been proven stable | 05:20 |
blackduck3 | am trying to set up a wireless network on my apple G4 laptop | 05:21 |
worldedit | xtknight, done! excellent! | 05:21 |
kuma | xtknight: so if I want to update those programs, how can i make ir w/o interfiering with the package manager? | 05:21 |
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xtknight | worldedit: start firefox and type "about:plugins" at the address bar to see if flash installed correctly | 05:21 |
nano | sudo apt-get update | 05:21 |
xtknight | kuma: it's a little messy | 05:21 |
juano__ | elishae: open up synaptic and search for zeroconf | 05:21 |
xtknight | kuma: i usually just uninstall the repository version first | 05:21 |
elishae | juano_ : how can I uninstall zeroconf?? | 05:21 |
cablesm102 | worldedit, you are trying to get flash installed? | 05:21 |
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nano | try, sudo apt-get install zeroconf | 05:21 |
kuma | xtknight: :O very interesting | 05:22 |
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juano__ | nano: he wants to uninstall not install | 05:22 |
xtknight | kuma: then install the latest version manually. the package manager won't know it's there | 05:22 |
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kuma | xtknight: in wich directory should I install the new applications? | 05:22 |
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worldedit | cablesm102, i got flash installed! i can watch youtube videos! | 05:22 |
blackduck3 | i am using ubuntu and i need to set up wireless to my desktop | 05:22 |
xtknight | kuma: /usr/local generally | 05:22 |
Manstein | shatran: Tnx, it worked :D | 05:22 |
juano__ | elishae: found zeroconf in synaptic? | 05:22 |
elishae | and also, the strange problem is it works fine at my residence.. and it gets to this state when i connect it to office lan | 05:22 |
worldedit | cablesm102, and i never got a chance to thannk you for helping me last time, so, thanks! | 05:22 |
cablesm102 | worldedit, my instructions didn't work? I admit they were sorta ugly... | 05:22 |
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worldedit | xtknight, works perfectly! thankyou | 05:22 |
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blackduck3 | i am new to this IRC to | 05:23 |
Manstein | shatrat: Tnx it worked | 05:23 |
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kuma | xtknight: I see, it's better to install the updated apps manually or it's better to just stick with the package manager? | 05:23 |
shatrat | Manstein, Im as surprised as you are. | 05:23 |
worldedit | cablesm102, no they worked fine. i got the mp3 files working fine | 05:23 |
juano__ | elishae: try a sudo apt-get remove zeroconf | 05:23 |
xtknight | kuma: better to stick with the package manager unless you absolutely need the latest version of the app | 05:23 |
elishae | ook | 05:23 |
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blackduck3 | can you help me ? | 05:23 |
elishae | btw, is it possible to first install ubuntu and then install windows and still get ubuntu to work ? | 05:24 |
xtknight | kuma: i always stick with repository versions. latest version of the app isnt uploaded for a while (to the mainstream) because of stability concerns | 05:24 |
xtknight | elishae: yes, just rewrite grub to the mbr | 05:24 |
juano__ | elishae: yes, though windows overrides mbr | 05:24 |
guzza | Q: i'm having a problem with amarok under gnome ... the error is : "DCOP communications error" | 05:24 |
kuma | xtknight: I see, for example firefox 2? | 05:24 |
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juano__ | elishae: sure, you have to install grub again to mbr as xtknightsais | 05:24 |
shatrat | kuma, for some apps you can get 3rd party repos that are updated more often, for example Beryl-SVN or the budgetdedicated wine repo | 05:25 |
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xtknight | kuma: well repositories have firefox now. but it did take a while | 05:25 |
juano__ | elishae: to what IP is your eth0 resetting? | 05:25 |
FILETBRIGADE | Hi all. | 05:25 |
shatrat | HI! | 05:25 |
xtknight | kuma: it took a while to update from 1.5 that is | 05:25 |
FILETBRIGADE | I just finished dual-booting :] | 05:25 |
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blackduck3 | hello can anyone help me set up a wireless network ? | 05:25 |
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FILETBRIGADE | I can't go on internet while having Ubuntu on though. | 05:26 |
FILETBRIGADE | I'm on XP right now, everything is fine. | 05:26 |
kuma | xtknight: ok, thanks for your time, you've helped me understanding Linux a little more xD | 05:26 |
shatrat | !anybody|blackduck3 | 05:26 |
ubotu | blackduck3: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 05:26 |
FILETBRIGADE | Never had an issue like this before. Previously I had Ubuntu only (Dapper). Internet worked fine even after I moved. | 05:26 |
xtknight | no problem | 05:26 |
guzza | Q: i figured the problem with amarok ... it must be run with sudo ...? why? is there a way to avoid that...? | 05:26 |
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FILETBRIGADE | Now, if anyone can help me connect to the internet while using Ubuntu... I'll be grand. | 05:27 |
xtknight | guzza: could you restate your problem? | 05:27 |
shatrat | FILETBRIGADE, can you give any details on your net? | 05:27 |
userundefined | guzza: maybe you're not part of the audio group. | 05:27 |
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FILETBRIGADE | shatrat: Ethernet, college campus. | 05:27 |
cr | Failed to fetch http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz Unterprozess bzip2 ist mit einem Fehlercode zurckgekehrt (2) | 05:27 |
ugh_help_me_plea | help me, I'm getting the "Can't access TTY; job control turned off" | 05:27 |
shatrat | FILETBRIGADE, so I take it you are using DHCP? | 05:27 |
elishae | If I'm right, the steps are : (1) boot with live CD , (2) open terminal and mount existing root partition /mnt/ubuntu , (3) chroot to /mnt/ubuntu , (4) grub install | 05:27 |
FILETBRIGADE | shatrat: that's what my guess is. | 05:28 |
juano__ | !intel | 05:28 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about intel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:28 |
elishae | please correct me if I'm wrong | 05:28 |
guzza | Q: after installing amarok i had problems running it...went to console and looked it up turned out to be permission denied while creating some folders | 05:28 |
xtknight | !amarok | 05:28 |
ubotu | Amarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.3 for Dapper and 1.4.4 for Edgy and packages are available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok | 05:28 |
guzza | Q: and now i have to run it with sudo ...plus even then i keep getting these strange errors | 05:28 |
shatrat | FILETBRIGADE, could you tell me if you have an IP address for your interface when you type "ifconfig"? | 05:28 |
xtknight | guzza: ubuntu or kubuntu? | 05:28 |
cr | no | 05:28 |
ugh_help_me_plea | I have tried mounting my root partition, I'm getting a codepage error | 05:28 |
guzza | xtknight: ubuntu | 05:28 |
guzza | gnome | 05:28 |
FILETBRIGADE | shatrat: When I had to activate my port, I used my roommates laptop (ethernet.) Even though Ubuntu would not have any connection then, after rebooting everything went fine | 05:28 |
xtknight | guzza: cd ~; sudo rm -rf .kde | 05:28 |
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xtknight | guzza: then try amarok again without sudo | 05:29 |
guzza | ok wait.. | 05:29 |
FILETBRIGADE | shatrat: I tried ifconfig... I think it gave me 255.555.555 | 05:29 |
FILETBRIGADE | Something along those lines. | 05:29 |
FILETBRIGADE | I could go back and boot into Ubuntu and check again if it's needed. | 05:29 |
shatrat | FILETBRIGADE, yeah thats wrong for a lot of reasons | 05:29 |
FILETBRIGADE | shatrat: I've figured. | 05:29 |
blackduck3 | Dose anybody/anyone know how i can get my wireless working on my laptop? | 05:29 |
shatrat | FILETBRIGADE, thats a subnet mask | 05:29 |
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cablesm102 | blackduck3, depends on the card | 05:30 |
FILETBRIGADE | Right. | 05:30 |
shatrat | !wireless|blackduck | 05:30 |
ubotu | blackduck: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 05:30 |
blackduck3 | oh | 05:30 |
guzza | xtknight: works .. thanks a lot ;) | 05:30 |
ugh_help_me_plea | help: I'm on my live CD trying to mount my root partition because of the tty/job control error, so when i try to mount my partition, I get a bad codepage error | 05:30 |
blackduck3 | how do i find this out | 05:30 |
blackduck3 | ? | 05:30 |
FILETBRIGADE | shatrat: is there any way I could fix/troubleshoot the situation? | 05:30 |
shatrat | FILETBRIGADE, Im not sure what you mean about activating your port with the laptop | 05:30 |
cablesm102 | blackduck3, what model is the card? | 05:30 |
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shortn | clear | 05:30 |
FILETBRIGADE | When moving into dorms, we are given an ethernet port. | 05:30 |
cablesm102 | blackduck3, is it built-in? | 05:30 |
shortn | help: I'm on my live CD trying to mount my root partition because of the tty/job control error, so when i try to mount my partition, I get a bad codepage error | 05:30 |
blackduck3 | i am very new to this | 05:30 |
FILETBRIGADE | The ethernet port must be activated by your student id. | 05:30 |
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Mihwas_w_w | bye bye | 05:31 |
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shatrat | FILETBRIGADE, it might be tied to the mac address of the laptop now... | 05:31 |
cablesm102 | blackduck3, is the wireless built in or a card? | 05:31 |
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blackduck3 | yep | 05:31 |
opened_ | u can enable wireless set | 05:31 |
cablesm102 | blackduck3, seriously... | 05:31 |
FILETBRIGADE | After break we have to re-activate the port | 05:31 |
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FILETBRIGADE | Which I did, with Ubuntu this time. | 05:31 |
FILETBRIGADE | Gave me no issues. | 05:31 |
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xtknight | shortn: you had problems booting the livecd i assume? | 05:31 |
isofunk | yo | 05:31 |
cokeslut | sup | 05:31 |
shortn | xtknight: correct | 05:31 |
xtknight | shortn: intel core 2 duo system? | 05:31 |
shatrat | FILETBRIGADE, if you have no issues then when do you lose the connection? | 05:32 |
shortn | xtnight: intel pentium m 686 i think | 05:32 |
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xtknight | shortn: laptop? | 05:32 |
FILETBRIGADE | shatrat: I lost the connection when I decided to dual-boot. | 05:32 |
shortn | xtknight: yes | 05:32 |
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xtknight | shortn: not sure you can do much after the tty/job error. | 05:32 |
FILETBRIGADE | Basically I had: Ubuntu first, Windows (for dualbooting), Ubuntu and Windows | 05:33 |
shatrat | FILETBRIGADE, what do you mean decided to dual boot? Like you could no longer connect after reinstalling, or rebooting? | 05:33 |
cokeslut | I'll find out | 05:33 |
isofunk | confidential | 05:33 |
xtknight | shortn: ubuntu edgy right? | 05:33 |
blackduck3 | is there a way we can talk on a mic ? | 05:33 |
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FILETBRIGADE | shatrat: I decided to dualboot with Windows because of my schoolwork. | 05:33 |
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cablesm102 | blackduck3, you want to private message? | 05:33 |
FILETBRIGADE | dualboot as in, having two OSs | 05:33 |
blackduck3 | ok | 05:33 |
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shortn | xtknight: yeah :-/... i just needed to get some docs off of it.... nothing important, just would be nice to not have to replace | 05:33 |
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FILETBRIGADE | Multiple partitions. | 05:33 |
genii | Anyone using preseeded installs? Need to auto-add a user. the default samples don't work. | 05:33 |
xtknight | shortn: hmm so what's the goal here? | 05:34 |
blackduck3 | i am new to IRC | 05:34 |
shatrat | FILETBRIGADE, im vaguely familiar with the concept, when did you start having problems connecting | 05:34 |
FILETBRIGADE | After I dualbooted. | 05:34 |
xtknight | shortn: what happened leading up to this point or what are you trying to do? | 05:34 |
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FILETBRIGADE | So technically, after I installed Ubuntu (with Windows as my main OS.) | 05:34 |
shatrat | FILETBRIGADE, Can you connect in windows? are you on that machine now? | 05:34 |
FILETBRIGADE | I am on Windows right now, and yes I can connect. | 05:34 |
FILETBRIGADE | I can ONLY connect on Windows. | 05:34 |
FILETBRIGADE | Not on Ubuntu. | 05:34 |
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shatrat | FILETBRIGADE, must just be a config problem on your interface then | 05:34 |
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shortn | xtknight: to not have to replace those docs... but anyways, I was doing some web design stuff, i had rhythmbox open, firefox, gaim, terminal: ssh/irb, and gedit | 05:35 |
shatrat | FILETBRIGADE, I think ipconfig is the dos command to show your interface info, you could make a note of those and hopefully help you set up your ubuntu interface properly | 05:35 |
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wastrel | "Ubunto" | 05:35 |
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shortn | xtknight: then it just froze, i couldnt reboot, so i had to use my powerbutton | 05:35 |
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FILETBRIGADE | I've opened command prompt now (on windows, of course) | 05:36 |
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FILETBRIGADE | I've got my IP address here, and the default gateway, connection-specific DNS suffix | 05:36 |
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xtknight | shortn: when does the tty job control error happen? when you try to boot normally again or when you try to boot off a livecd? | 05:36 |
shifty | !beryl | 05:36 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl | 05:36 |
shatrat | FILETBRIGADE, sweet, make a note of those 3 | 05:36 |
FILETBRIGADE | What would I need to do afterwards when I am on Ubuntu? | 05:36 |
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genii | Anyone using preseeded installs? Need to auto-add a user. the default samples don't work. | 05:36 |
section31 | how do you find the hostname of a computer in your network | 05:36 |
olmari | Hello | 05:36 |
bulmer | FILETBRIGADE: ping | 05:37 |
shortn | xtknight: the error appears right after the grub menu disappears | 05:37 |
olmari | any disjointed screens guru here? | 05:37 |
bulmer | section31: uname -a | 05:37 |
shatrat | FILETBRIGADE, system/administration/networking and you can put those in manually if DHCP isnt floating your boat.\ | 05:37 |
brokenegg | ok, I am experiencing gui hang after logging in, I just reinstalled gnome, and it still is happening, after stopping x I see an error that sais it is ahving troubble opening security policy file /user/lib/xserver/SecurityPolicy, I go to look for that file, and it isn't there at all. anyone have any ideas, please? | 05:37 |
xtknight | shortn: did you try booting in rescue mode | 05:37 |
shortn | xtknight: for the one on my HD | 05:37 |
=== Naik0 [n=naik0@c80-216-216-16.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Naik0 | My sound in mplayer doesnt work | 05:37 |
shortn | xtknight: yes, it goes to a blank screen and stays there | 05:37 |
FILETBRIGADE | shatrat: thank you. | 05:37 |
Naik0 | cant click on any dvd menus either | 05:37 |
FILETBRIGADE | Another question is about my resolution | 05:37 |
xtknight | shortn: and did you say you had tried using the livecd? | 05:37 |
zak_ | how do i configure wine? i remember a dialog with options and stuff in other distros, but i can't remember the command | 05:38 |
shifty | hey is beryl something like gnome ? | 05:38 |
olmari | I got some problems with systray notification applet not working as expected | 05:38 |
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Naurd | Naiko : Is it playing with another player? | 05:38 |
FILETBRIGADE | But I'm sure I can figure that out after I get my connection working on Ubuntu | 05:38 |
shatrat | zak_, winecfg | 05:38 |
shortn | xtknight: I'm using the livecd right now, I tried to mount the partition and i get a codepage error | 05:38 |
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shifty | hey shat | 05:38 |
Naik0 | Naurd: nope | 05:38 |
xtknight | shortn: oh ok | 05:38 |
Naik0 | vlc doesnt work at all | 05:38 |
FILETBRIGADE | Thank you, shatrat. I'll be back within five minutes if all works. If not, I'll boot in windows again. | 05:38 |
Pirate-king | hello | 05:38 |
xtknight | shortn: you are trying to mount your root partition right? | 05:38 |
shatrat | FILETBRIGADE, you may need to install video drivers, worry about it when youre online. | 05:38 |
Naurd | Are you using Gnome or KDE? | 05:38 |
shatrat | FILETBRIGADE, Ill be here | 05:38 |
genii | codepage error sounds like trying to mount some ntfs partition | 05:38 |
Naik0 | Naurd: GNOME | 05:38 |
shatrat | sup shifty you smell purty | 05:39 |
olmari | no program get any systray icon visible, but for example gaim debug says it has been dawn | 05:39 |
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Naurd | Naiko : Is the sound applet showing that the sound is muted, or disabled ? | 05:39 |
shifty | :o | 05:39 |
shortn | xtknight: yes, it's a dual boot system btw | 05:39 |
wastrel | olmari: do you have the systray applet in your panel? | 05:39 |
shifty | shat is XGL good ? | 05:39 |
shifty | :o | 05:39 |
Naik0 | nope | 05:39 |
xtknight | shortn: you are trying to mount the root file system and it's ext3 right? | 05:39 |
Naik0 | xmms works =) | 05:39 |
olmari | wastrel: yous | 05:39 |
olmari | walkman2001: yes | 05:39 |
shatrat | shifty, #ubuntu-xgl rawr | 05:39 |
olmari | aargh I can't type anymore | 05:39 |
olmari | wastrel: yes | 05:40 |
shifty | yea, are u using it ? ;x | 05:40 |
shifty | looks cool to me | 05:40 |
shatrat | shifty, No, I use AIGLX | 05:40 |
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Naurd | But no sound is coming out with any application... And the sound applet is showing the sound as working? | 05:40 |
shortn | xtknight: correct, i did fdisk -l and it tells me it's hd2, so when i try to mount it, i get the codepage error | 05:40 |
xtknight | shortn: type "sudo fdisk -l" and make sure you were mounting the right partition. if so, we can do a file system check and try to repair it | 05:40 |
Pirate-king | where can I get a signal strenght meter for wireless | 05:40 |
shifty | what the hell is that shat ? o.o | 05:40 |
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shortn | hda2** | 05:40 |
xtknight | shortn: ok | 05:40 |
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Naurd | just saw xmms is working... | 05:40 |
shatrat | Pirate-king, network-manager-gnome has a little bar display like a cellphone, I like it | 05:40 |
xtknight | shortn: type ' sudo fsck.ext3 /dev/hda2 ' | 05:40 |
wastrel | olmari: what if you add a new one? | 05:40 |
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olmari | wastrel: I can disable it on any of my screens, then gaim degub also says can't do the icon... when I add new one, gaim says icon drawn okay, but yet I don't see any | 05:41 |
Naurd | if you start Mplayer from the command line, does it show you any info about your sound engine? | 05:41 |
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Pirate-king | where is that shatrat> | 05:41 |
shortn | xtknight: it's prompted me to fix something, hit <y>? | 05:41 |
genii | shortn Did you install previously with some language localisation? (eg: not utf8) | 05:41 |
xtknight | shortn: worth a try. | 05:41 |
shatrat | Pirate-king, I cant remember, I assume its in the repos somewhere, maybe need to enable universe and multiverse | 05:41 |
Naik0 | just mplayer file.img ? | 05:42 |
barata | ubuntu installer really really is real sucker | 05:42 |
shifty | shatrat : is it hard to install ? | 05:42 |
shatrat | barata, your mother doesnt love you and santa istn real, go away | 05:42 |
shatrat | shifty, depends on your hardware, ask in #ubuntu-xgl, its not really a beginner question that would belong here | 05:42 |
shortn | genii: no, I don't believe so | 05:42 |
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Naurd | Naiko : Or mplayer something.mp3 | 05:42 |
wastrel | olmari: this is just gaim or any systray icon? | 05:42 |
wastrel | olmari: this is gnome or kde? | 05:42 |
barata | here is a way around for nerds .... install it in vmware, copy it to your hd, then vi your mtab or fstab | 05:42 |
shortn | xtknight: there's been about 20 prompts, im just going to keep hitting y | 05:42 |
xtknight | shortn: codepage header may have gotten corrupted and it thuoght it was a different codepage maybe | 05:43 |
Naik0 | Naurd: works | 05:43 |
xtknight | shortn: sounds good | 05:43 |
barata | newbies dont try that way | 05:43 |
olmari | wastrel: any icon, jsut used gaim as example as I can get gooddebug info out of it. Gnome | 05:43 |
Naurd | you have sound if you type mplayer something.mp3? | 05:43 |
=== zero88 [n=zero88@ppp-69-236-48-27.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
barata | that is the ONLY way to work around this stupid stupid intrusive Ubuntu installer | 05:43 |
Naik0 | Naurd: Yes | 05:43 |
bef | Anyone here a good graphic designer or have a talent at graphics?? | 05:43 |
Naurd | So, when do you not have sound? | 05:43 |
barata | once you already put it in a partition of your choice, go as usual, chroot | 05:44 |
gbv22 | hi guys, ..quick qn, i have a machine that is running windows XP and I would like to try ubuntu out. i have already burnt a CD with the image. How should I go about doing this so that my windows installation is not affected...? | 05:44 |
barata | I'll write a manual soon | 05:44 |
kitche | barata: it's just easier to use the alternate cd | 05:44 |
genii | bef Thats not really a question for this channel | 05:44 |
Naik0 | Naurd: when i play a dvd file | 05:44 |
barata | you mean to download it again? crap | 05:44 |
shatrat | gbv22, you can run the liveCD without making any changes, if you do decide to install, defrag your NTFS drive first and then you can pretty easily shrink it and put ubuntu in the free space | 05:44 |
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xxyyzz | What can you type into the terminal to find out what version of Linux someone is running? | 05:44 |
Naurd | ahh, ok maybe you don't have all the codecs installed... | 05:44 |
xtknight | shortn: are there like a billion and a half errors? | 05:44 |
bef | genii: i'm aware of that, yet there are lots of ubuntu users here and i'm looking for graphics help for an ubuntu project ;) | 05:45 |
shortn | xtknight: yes :P | 05:45 |
shatrat | kitche, barata is trolling. He was in here earlier moaning about how ubuntu was a newbie windows wannabe OS because it requires you to format at least one partition | 05:45 |
Naurd | Naiko : Do you see the image of the movie? | 05:45 |
Naik0 | yes | 05:45 |
Naik0 | but i cant click on it | 05:45 |
barata | install it in vmware, minimal install is preferred, copy that to a real HD, copy that again ... then fix your menu.lst | 05:45 |
wastrel | olmari: i dunno sorry :/ | 05:45 |
cablesm102 | does anyone know if Ubuntu supports Airport on powerbooks? I'm helping someone over skype | 05:45 |
Naurd | But never the sound... Have you tried with Totem/Xine? | 05:45 |
olmari | wastrel: I'm thinking would this be some simlpe error from localisation? | 05:45 |
barata | heih shatrat ... I guess you're such a new naive breed to linux huh? | 05:45 |
gbv22 | shatrat: I would like to install it on a seperate hard disk | 05:45 |
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shatrat | actually Ive been using linux for 7 years so far. | 05:45 |
xtknight | shortn: press control C (it should be safe). to terminate the program. then type "sudo fsck.ext3 -p /dev/hda2" | 05:45 |
Naik0 | Naurd: can i play dvd on totem? | 05:46 |
xtknight | shortn: that will automatically fix errors | 05:46 |
Naik0 | .img files? | 05:46 |
barata | your stupid comment just shows that FORMATING is NOT NECESSAARY | 05:46 |
Naurd | Yes | 05:46 |
genii | bef you might try #ubuntu-offtopic | 05:46 |
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gbv22 | shatrat:so, how should I go about it.. | 05:46 |
shatrat | gbv22, thats pretty easy to do as well. Run the liveCD and see how you like it. There is a walk through on debianadmin,org, or .com, or whatever, for the whole install | 05:46 |
olmari | wastrel: I can't think anything more myself either... I have tried everything I know todo... and I'd say alot compared being 4th day linux user :D | 05:46 |
bef | genii: it's hardly off topic | 05:46 |
Naik0 | Naurd: it didnt work | 05:46 |
Naurd | I don't know the img format... How did you created that file? | 05:46 |
xxyyzz | Does anyone know if there's a command you can type into the terminal that shows you what version of Linux you're running? | 05:46 |
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kitche | !version|xxyyzz | 05:46 |
ubotu | xxyyzz: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type lsb_release -a in a !shell | 05:47 |
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xxyyzz | kitche, will that work on all Linuxes or just Ubuntu? | 05:47 |
barata | <xxyyzz> Does anyone know if there's a command you can type into the terminal that shows you what version of Linux you're running? ---> damned! such a newbie question: uname -a | 05:47 |
kitche | xxyyzz: just for ubuntu | 05:47 |
gbv22 | shatrat:i have used it before, as in..installed it before, but what happend was, I was not able to boot windows after that..it used to boot straight to ubuntu and some stuff like that, how can i work around that? | 05:47 |
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Naik0 | Naurd: downloaded it | 05:47 |
shortn | xtknight: it's stuck on this one fix right now and won't interrupt, so im waiting for that | 05:47 |
genii | bef Well, it's more of a question not having to do with some kind of support help like hardware or software issues | 05:47 |
Naurd | ok, it is like kind of a iso image of a DVD? | 05:47 |
xxyyzz | barata, thanks that's exactly what I was looking for :) | 05:47 |
Naik0 | yupps | 05:47 |
xxyyzz | Thank you too kitche =) | 05:47 |
xxyyzz | You guys are great =) | 05:47 |
shortn | xtknight: alright, i typed that in, the cursor is just flashing there | 05:48 |
Naik0 | Naurd: what codecs do i need | 05:48 |
shatrat | gbv22, Well, it should put an entry for windows in your Grub boot manager, if it doesnt you can add one later, if you really have problems with Grub you can easily reinstall the windows MBR from the windows install disk or a boot floppy or whatever. | 05:48 |
Naik0 | for playing dvd? | 05:48 |
cablesm102 | Does anyone know if wireless on powerbooks works on Ubuntu? I'm helping someone who can't type over Skype. | 05:48 |
bef | genii: although i respect your opinion, i feel i am in the correct place to ask my question. cease your direction now please. | 05:48 |
Naurd | ok, that's why is it now working with Totem/Xine... Did not know that mplayer was able to do this ... | 05:48 |
xtknight | how do you send SIGUSR1 to a program? | 05:49 |
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kitche | !offtopic|bef | 05:49 |
ubotu | bef: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 05:49 |
olmari | wastrel: Had touse windows all the way to this time... because ofwork... but not anymore ^^ | 05:49 |
Naurd | Make sure that you have MP2 and mp3 installed, normally with mplayer it is included... | 05:49 |
Naik0 | Naurd: what is the name of the package | 05:49 |
olmari | wastrel: downside is that I don't have work... | 05:49 |
=== tavdash [n=tavdash@68-184-95-30.dhcp.smyr.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Naurd | Can you mount this img file as a folder (like a partition?) | 05:49 |
wastrel | heh | 05:49 |
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gbv22 | shatrat: ok..so u suggest I proceed with installing ubuntu on my other hard disk, and u believe that I will be given a choice of which OS to boot from after that? | 05:49 |
Naik0 | Naurd: dont know how to do | 05:49 |
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bef | kitche: i am not a moron, i am asking for graphic support for a Ubuntu project, so this is the appropriate place. | 05:50 |
xtknight | shortn: there's a way to get a progress bar without terminating the program again, im trying to figure out how | 05:50 |
worldedit | ok, back for more help: i can't seem to stream videos from certain sites like iFilm. what do i need for this capability? | 05:50 |
kitche | bef: not really | 05:50 |
shortn | xtknight: no big deal, thanks for your help so far | 05:50 |
bef | kitche: how so? | 05:50 |
Naurd | for packages, I use Totem and installed everything that is called gstream**** (except for dev packages)... As for mplayer, you can use Automatix (search google) and it will install a bunch of codecs used by mplayer and Xine... | 05:51 |
shatrat | gbv22, Indeed. Do you want to use the whole second drive for linux? that makes it even easier | 05:51 |
juano__ | bef: please join #ubuntu-offtopic | 05:51 |
Naik0 | Naurd: i have automatix2 | 05:51 |
kitche | bef: this is just for support -offtopic is the channel you want to ask that question | 05:51 |
=== Pirate-king [n=Pirate-k@wnpgmb06dc1-4-121.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
somerville32 | bef: You might also try #ubuntu-artwork | 05:52 |
genii | Anyone using preseed files or netboot? Trying to auto-add default users from there with no luck. | 05:52 |
Naurd | Ok, Do you know if your movie is encoded with mp2 audio or AC3 audio? | 05:52 |
bef | thank you somerville32 | 05:52 |
Naik0 | no idea | 05:52 |
gbv22 | shatrat: well..it is an 80 gig drive, I don't mind using the whole thing for ubuntu, but ideally I wanted to install another linux version too, one that has a KDE dtp envt.. so that I could try both out. what do you think? | 05:52 |
juano__ | genii: hi how are you? | 05:52 |
shortn | xtknight: I got this error: http://rafb.net/p/Qsngk015.html | 05:52 |
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Pirate-king | hey shatrat | 05:52 |
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genii | juano__ Well, thank you :) Hi again | 05:52 |
shatrat | gbv22, you could have KDE and Gnome on one install and switch back and forth. I do. | 05:52 |
shatrat | Pirate-king, hey pirate king, arrr! | 05:52 |
Pirate-king | what was the | 05:52 |
Naurd | I think that mplayer may have problem playing ac3 files... but I'm not sure... That would explain why you don't have audio with mpalyer. | 05:53 |
Pirate-king | gnome network what was it? | 05:53 |
Pirate-king | hehehe | 05:53 |
Pirate-king | arrr | 05:53 |
xtknight | shortn: try "sudo fsck.ext3 -C /dev/hda2"" | 05:53 |
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shatrat | gbv22, I believe at the partitioning part of the install you can choose the second drive from a drop down menu or something and choose to format and use the whole thing. If you really want to try out other flavors of linux later you might want to partition it into extra chunks now | 05:53 |
Naurd | Can you open your img file to copy one of the VOB files on your hd? | 05:53 |
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maddash | Pirate-king: network-admin? | 05:54 |
Naik0 | i have a sample file for the dvd | 05:54 |
Naik0 | it is vob | 05:54 |
Naik0 | should i try to play it | 05:54 |
gbv22 | shatrat: ok..how many gigs should I make the partition then, just for the OS? | 05:54 |
Pirate-king | what was it in multi or universe you told me to do | 05:54 |
Pirate-king | for the wi fi | 05:54 |
genii | Naurd You can usually loop mount some hd or fd image file | 05:54 |
Naurd | Naiko, what do you mean a sample file | 05:54 |
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olmari | Q to all: Do I want to enable ext3 writeback? | 05:54 |
Naik0 | .vob file | 05:54 |
juano__ | genii: heh the other day a guy had grub issue, i helped him with same stuff | 05:55 |
Naurd | ok, do you have ffmpeg on your pc | 05:55 |
Naik0 | hmf | 05:55 |
Naik0 | not sure | 05:55 |
Naurd | sudo apt-get install ffmpeg | 05:55 |
Naurd | it is quite small | 05:55 |
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genii | juano__ Cool :) Once you learn something the hard way it's easy to remember again how to do it | 05:55 |
juano__ | genii: seems the grub-install --root-directory=/rootpartition /dev/hda is very useful | 05:55 |
juano__ | genii: absolutely | 05:55 |
Pirate-king | hey shatrat the gnome network tool you told me to install? | 05:55 |
shatrat | gbv22, well, you could make about a 10-15 gig partition for the root, /, and then make a larger one and mount /home to it in the mounting stage. That way when you reinstall you dont have to format your personal files. Youll also want a swap. | 05:56 |
shatrat | Pirate-king, network-manager-gnome | 05:56 |
Pirate-king | what exactly was it called? | 05:56 |
Pirate-king | ahhh | 05:56 |
Naik0 | Naurd: it is working | 05:56 |
Naik0 | with sound and everything | 05:56 |
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Naurd | ??? with ffplay or with mplayer? | 05:56 |
olmari | well... I do got one another issue.. is it any waypossible to install grub onto GPT disk? | 05:56 |
Naik0 | mplayer | 05:56 |
nighthawk02 | !soapbox | 05:56 |
=== fatlip [n=daveyj@ool-44c257f1.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about soapbox - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:56 |
worldedit | can anyone help me with installing Beryl with an nVidia card? | 05:56 |
Pirate-king | thanks | 05:56 |
olmari | ubuntu gives error, until I did alternate install and used lilo | 05:57 |
genii | Yes, separate /home partition is very useful as an overall strategy. Makes upgrades simpler without losing personal prefs every time and so on | 05:57 |
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Naurd | ok, i think mplayer uses ffmpeg to play the video? that was the missing codec | 05:57 |
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gbv22 | shatrat: i am not sure what u mean by all of those, this root ( i am guessin it is where the os is at??) , home ( other data?) and swap? | 05:57 |
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tavdash | I installed network manager via synaptic. whats the easiest way to remove this and all its dependencies?? | 05:57 |
tavdash | synaptic doesnt remove dependencies it seems | 05:57 |
Naik0 | Naurd: how do i get a control window like in gmplayer | 05:57 |
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Naik0 | but i dont want gmplayer | 05:58 |
shatrat | tavdash, sudo apt-get autoremove | 05:58 |
emilia | anyone feel like helping me get audio while watching quicktime:) ? | 05:58 |
shatrat | tavdash, if nothing else needs them then that should get em | 05:58 |
noobie0057 | using mencoder I created an avi file out of a set of png files,, I'd like to add a wav file to complete the movie. Does anyone know how to do this? | 05:58 |
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Naurd | you'll have to install one of the gui-mplayer package... Let me look for a sec | 05:58 |
xtknight | just for reference, you can send the SIGUSR1 signal to a process by typing "kill -s USR1 pid" | 05:58 |
noobie0057 | emilia: perhaps this will help http://kev.coolcavemen.com/2006/11/usefull-commands-video/ | 05:59 |
xtknight | (for fsck this enables progress bar without restarting fsck) | 05:59 |
Naik0 | Naurd: ok :) | 05:59 |
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shortn | xtknight: "Group descriptors look bad... trying backup blocks..."... now it's doin another scan | 05:59 |
keeganX | Hi Everyone I am trying to get Beryl to run, but I am using a GeForce 4 MMX, and the new Nvidia drivers in the repo do not support the GeForce 4 MMX, where can I find drivers that support GeForce 4 MMX with GLX?? | 05:59 |
genii | Is there some netboot specific channel? | 05:59 |
xtknight | shortn: not sure how that thing is going to turn out.. | 05:59 |
xtknight | shortn: im surprised one crash could be that bad | 05:59 |
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emilia | noobie0057, nothng for quicktime :( | 05:59 |
olmari | keeganX: nvidia-legacy should be your driver | 05:59 |
noobie0057 | emilla: no,, perhaps you can convert it though | 06:00 |
tavdash | shatrat: do i run that after running sudo apt-get remove network-manager? | 06:00 |
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shatrat | keeganX, #ubuntu-xgl would be a better channel for that, and I think youll have to run XGL but im not sure | 06:00 |
Naurd | you have mplayer and mplayer-nogui (Ubuntu 6.10)... wich one have you installed? | 06:00 |
keeganX | Will it support beryl too olmari? | 06:00 |
noobie0057 | emilla: with ffmpeg ? | 06:00 |
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tavdash | will it grab the dependencies/ | 06:00 |
tavdash | ? | 06:00 |
Naik0 | Naurd: dont know | 06:00 |
emilia | noobie0057, no im watching trailers on apple.com | 06:00 |
Naik0 | how do i check | 06:00 |
eggs | every time i replace nv with nvidia in my xorg.conf file my x dies. im running 6.06 any help ? | 06:00 |
shatrat | tavdash, yeah, it should say something like "x and y packages are no longer needed. Run apt-get autoremove to remove them from system" somewhere in the message when you remove network-manager | 06:00 |
cafuego_ | emilia: try mplayer or vlc | 06:00 |
Naurd | ok, load synaptic and search for "mplayer" in the names only | 06:00 |
tavdash | shatrat: ah ok, thanks | 06:00 |
olmari | keeganX: It will... trough AIGLX if not directly, as in most cases | 06:01 |
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emilia | cafuego, i have both of those installed, but how can i do it from firefox? | 06:01 |
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drmemory | hi. I am an old programmer, but new to linux/ubuntu. What package(s) have the header files and libraries for developing X11/OpenGL programs? synaptic show a number of possible ones, but I don't know which I really want, and I don't want to mess anything up. | 06:01 |
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cafuego_ | eggs: Install the drivers as well. 'nvidia-glx and linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)' | 06:01 |
FILETBRIGADE | Well that was interesting | 06:01 |
noobie0057 | emilla: I've downloaded the mac commercial and added a Tux character,, then I created a new audio for the commercial,, I want to upload it to youTube,, I just can't add the audio to the file | 06:01 |
shatrat | eggs, must be the nvidia drivers not installed properly or something is getting in the way of the module loading, et cetera. Follow the how-to carefully is all Ican say | 06:01 |
cafuego_ | emilia: They both have a firefox plugin | 06:01 |
Naik0 | Naurd: i have mplayer | 06:01 |
FILETBRIGADE | Tried going into Ubuntu | 06:01 |
Pirate-king | where would you find a signal strenght meter in ubuntu | 06:01 |
FILETBRIGADE | mountfailed. | 06:01 |
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eggs | hello aagin shatrat | 06:01 |
Pirate-king | for wifi | 06:01 |
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FILETBRIGADE | So I think I'm just going to re-dual boot... | 06:01 |
emilia | cafuego, which one do you prefer? | 06:02 |
Naurd | then you should be able to show the controls, right click on the mplayer screen, there should be an option for that... | 06:02 |
cafuego_ | emilia: mplayer | 06:02 |
shatrat | FILETBRIGADE, thats very strange. what order did you install windows and linux in? | 06:02 |
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cafuego_ | emilia: actually, mplayer for the browser, vlc on the desktop. | 06:02 |
emilia | cafuego, do you know how i can install the mplayer plugin? | 06:02 |
Naik0 | Naurd: i start mplayer in the term | 06:02 |
FILETBRIGADE | Windows first then Linux. | 06:02 |
shatrat | eggs, hi | 06:02 |
FILETBRIGADE | Windows on 250 gb | 06:02 |
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FILETBRIGADE | Linux on the 60 gb slave drive. | 06:02 |
xtknight | drmemory: they would all end with "-dev" | 06:02 |
cafuego_ | emilia: it's called mozilla-mplayer or somesuch. | 06:02 |
eggs | miss me ? | 06:02 |
Naurd | yep does not matter... | 06:02 |
FILETBRIGADE | NTFS partition 60gigs on the 250, the rest if fat32 | 06:03 |
ozzicle | Does anyone know how to setup video input on nvidia 7000 series cards...I can't seem to find any documentation on setting it up... | 06:03 |
cafuego_ | emilia: a search via apt-cache or synaptic should find it | 06:03 |
Naik0 | cant right click | 06:03 |
FILETBRIGADE | Slave is 60gigs, ext3 and swap for Linux. | 06:03 |
Naik0 | i try with gmplayer | 06:03 |
shatrat | FILETBRIGADE, well, then it probably wasnt windows hosing the partition in that case. Perhaps you should see if you can mount it on the liveCD. 190 gigs of vfat...ewwww | 06:03 |
xtknight | drmemory: libx11-dev should get you started | 06:03 |
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Naik0 | i dont like gmplayer because it is two windows i only want 1 window | 06:03 |
xtknight | drmemory: mesa libraries may be helpful for opengl | 06:03 |
FILETBRIGADE | I got a debian error. | 06:04 |
eggs | cafuego: i just did apt-install and thoes 2 packages | 06:04 |
drmemory | thanks xtknight. unfortunately, synaptic shows too many of those to be useful, with no obvious way to pick out the apropriate one(s) | 06:04 |
FILETBRIGADE | T'was strange. | 06:04 |
eggs | now do i reboot? | 06:04 |
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FILETBRIGADE | Because I reboot'd before, everything was fine. | 06:04 |
drmemory | xtknight: mesa. ok | 06:04 |
Naurd | ok, you will have the same thing with a mplayer flavor... what you want is more like Totem | 06:04 |
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drmemory | I'll google around some. | 06:04 |
Naik0 | but with gmplayer when i open .vob file it says "Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device." | 06:04 |
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shatrat | FILETBRIGADE, well, i'd look to the liveCD at this point for salvation from possible grub malconfiguration or filesystem borkedness | 06:04 |
ifbermeo | I am having trouble with hibernation. when i to hibernate, my laptop is saying that that swap is not available | 06:04 |
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eggs | alright i will try this one more time | 06:05 |
eggs | ima go kill x then bring it back | 06:05 |
shatrat | eggs, good luck | 06:05 |
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codi | is there a file search in ubuntu | 06:05 |
eggs | hopefully this woks | 06:05 |
Naurd | you have to edit the preference to select the correct device for the video output | 06:05 |
ifbermeo | i am running edgy eft | 06:05 |
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ajax4 | Hey guys...I'm gonna be installing Edgy on a laptop. Anyone know of a good place to find info on encrypting the whole system? | 06:05 |
Naik0 | what devie should i select? | 06:05 |
Naurd | just a sec | 06:05 |
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Naurd | ok, go in preferences, and select "Video" tab | 06:06 |
Naik0 | yupps | 06:06 |
FILETBRIGADE | This is weird | 06:06 |
FILETBRIGADE | Why is my 250 gig listed under the Safely Remove Hardware tab (windows.) | 06:06 |
Naurd | the standard setting is X11 or xv, but on your system other may work | 06:06 |
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Naik0 | ok it worked with x11 | 06:07 |
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Madpilot | FILETBRIGADE, um, because Windows is messed up, and that's why this is not a Windows support channel? | 06:07 |
Naik0 | but now i want the mplayer video window and control window in one window | 06:08 |
Naurd | It all depends on your video card driver | 06:08 |
emilia | cafuego, i installed it, but firefox is still using totem? | 06:08 |
ifbermeo | can anyone suggest things to try in order to get hibernation to work? | 06:08 |
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ShiftyPowers | guys, is there a way to remove grub or make the time it stalls 0? | 06:08 |
emilia | cafuego, even after i restarted firefoxc | 06:08 |
emilia | -c | 06:08 |
zyth | ShiftyPowers, grub.conf | 06:08 |
ShiftyPowers | or is it menu.lst? | 06:08 |
shatrat | ifbermeo, I know there is a big thread on using software suspend on the ubuntuforums.org by Trevino, really long. I havent gotten it all figured out myself though | 06:08 |
FILETBRIGADE | Madpilot: No need to be so hostile, it was just a remark. I originally came here because Ubuntu had internect connection issues, now booting issues. | 06:08 |
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ShiftyPowers | zyth, grub.conf or menu.lst? | 06:09 |
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shatrat | ShiftyPowers, you can change the delay to 1 in the /boot/grub/menu.list | 06:09 |
Naurd | All is ok Naiko? | 06:09 |
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Flannel | ShiftyPowers: sure, menu.lst, delay of zero | 06:09 |
shifty | o.o | 06:09 |
ShiftyPowers | shatrat, can i make it 0? | 06:09 |
zyth | ah that | 06:09 |
zyth | ok | 06:09 |
zyth | yeah menu.lst | 06:09 |
ShiftyPowers | cool | 06:09 |
Naik0 | Yes thank you Naurd | 06:09 |
shifty | wow o.o | 06:09 |
Naurd | glad to have helped you | 06:09 |
shatrat | ShiftyPowers, I dont know, that could seriously burn you if you break the kernel or x session that is default... | 06:09 |
codi | how can i change the device name of an ntfs drive? | 06:09 |
Naik0 | hehe | 06:09 |
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shifty | hey bro, *looks @ ShiftyPowers | 06:10 |
ShiftyPowers | fine, i'll put it at zero | 06:10 |
FILETBRIGADE | Time to reboot, re-dualboot | 06:10 |
ShiftyPowers | hmm, similar name :) | 06:10 |
shatrat | codi, you can chang ethe mount point in /etc/fstab, changing the device name is probably not a good idea | 06:10 |
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ShiftyPowers | any other links for how i can clean up the boot process of my ubuntu box? | 06:10 |
shifty | :P | 06:10 |
Flannel | ShiftyPowers: one will be safer. It'll give you a chance to abort if you break your default item | 06:10 |
codi | i meant change the fact that it's called 'New Volume' | 06:10 |
ShiftyPowers | it's my server with MythTV and I want to get rid of all the stuff | 06:10 |
shatrat | !bum|shiftpowers | 06:10 |
ubotu | shiftpowers: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto | 06:10 |
ShiftyPowers | that i don't need | 06:10 |
codi | not the hdb1 | 06:10 |
noobie0057 | can anyone help me to add a wav file to a avi file? | 06:10 |
ShiftyPowers | cool | 06:11 |
gbv22 | shatrat: could u pls explain wht u mean by all of those, this root ( i am guessin it is where the os is at??) , home ( other data?) and swap? | 06:11 |
shatrat | noobie0057, Im pretty sure you can do it with mencoder, dont know the exact arguments to use though | 06:11 |
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Naurd | noobie0057 : FFMpeg is a good tool for that | 06:11 |
emilia | no matter which plugin install, either mplayer or vlc, firefox uses totem? | 06:11 |
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emilia | and icant get sound in quicktime video :( | 06:11 |
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Naurd | noobie0057 : command line would be : ffmpeg -i file.avi -i sound.wav newavifile.avi | 06:12 |
ademan | hey my friend forgot her windows password, is there any way to boot a linux liveCD and brute force the password? is there a specific file to look in? and an algorithm? | 06:12 |
codi | how can i change my resolution to 1440x900 | 06:12 |
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shatrat | gbv22, well, root is the base of the filesystem tree, its where all the system software is installed and the configurations for the system are. swap is where the pagefile is kept, seperate partition for a number of reasons, /home is where all the users data and settings are. for ex. /home/sam is usually the only thing the user sam has write access to on a system without becoming superuser. | 06:12 |
xtknight | ademan: is it really worth it vs. just reinstalling windows? | 06:12 |
brokenegg | if gnome session won't load, could it be a problem with a splash screen??? | 06:13 |
MrWamu | ADE MAN | 06:13 |
MrWamu | Try admin | 06:13 |
noobie0057 | Naurd,,, ahh 2 inputs thanks!! | 06:13 |
xtknight | ademan: does she have encrypted files? | 06:13 |
opened_ | aha | 06:13 |
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ademan | xtknight: well i kinda lied, i'm asking around for a friend who's friend forgot her password haha, so i honestly don't know, but i doubt it | 06:13 |
MrWamu | Login in as admin and reset windows password start the computer press f8 | 06:13 |
shatrat | the old friend of a friend | 06:13 |
Naurd | noobie0057 : with a GUI, try avidemux, quite easy also... or Cinelerra | 06:13 |
xtknight | ademan: pfft...too many friends lol | 06:13 |
brokenegg | how can I disable the splash for gnome??? from the command prompt? | 06:13 |
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xtknight | ademan: bring the client right here! :P | 06:14 |
brokenegg | !splash | 06:14 |
ubotu | To change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor. | 06:14 |
ademan | they're paying him $25/hour to fix their computers and set up their wireless and crap, pretty good deal for him, i'm just tryin to help him so he doesn't look dumb :-p | 06:14 |
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xtknight | ademan: honestly just extract the files out of Documents and Settings....why is this in #ubuntu though? | 06:14 |
ajax4 | ademan: I hope you're getting a cut. | 06:14 |
eggs | still no love | 06:15 |
ademan | xtknight: well i figured booting a liveCD would be a good way to go about things, of course getting ntfs read/write on a liveCD might be tricky | 06:15 |
ademan | along with the cracking app | 06:15 |
gbv22 | shatrat: thanks, i will try and hope it works out, thanks again | 06:15 |
ademan | xtknight: which files out of DOcuments and Settings? | 06:15 |
shatrat | gbv22, no problem. | 06:15 |
xtknight | ademan: i really doubt you can crack the xp password. it's probably a hash | 06:15 |
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ajax4 | ademan: You can read NTFS fine. I agree with xtknight, just boot the live CD and copy off the important files. | 06:16 |
ademan | xtknight: well brute force you technically could, hash each random string compare to the password hash, if they match, check the string, if the girl recognizes the password, then that's it | 06:16 |
noobie0057 | emilia: what a url of the video you want to see,, I'll see if it works on my system | 06:16 |
xtknight | ademan: yes it is a hash, not worth anyone's time brute forcing it. save the important files (My documents is in Documents and Settings) | 06:16 |
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eggs | shatrat: still no love :( | 06:17 |
brokenegg | how do I kill the gnome splash screen from command? I think it is causing my system to hang at boot. please? | 06:17 |
ademan | hrm ok, dunno if they'll be cool with that idea though, you know? | 06:17 |
xtknight | ademan: guess that's what they get for forgetting their pw? | 06:17 |
xtknight | ademan: i dont knwo man, it sounds like the best thing to me | 06:17 |
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ademan | brokenegg: gnome splash? not usplash? the little thing that says loading metacity and nautilus and all that rot? | 06:17 |
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shatrat | brokenegg, did you try changing session to gnome failsafe? | 06:17 |
brokenegg | I can get into failsafe | 06:18 |
brokenegg | terminal only | 06:18 |
xtknight | ademan: if you really want to then i think sysinternals has some utility to try and crack it.. i really dont see how it would be worth it | 06:18 |
shatrat | eggs, edgy or dapper? | 06:18 |
brokenegg | yes, usplash, sorry | 06:18 |
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eggs | drapper | 06:18 |
xtknight | ademan: here you go http://home.eunet.no/~pnordahl/ntpasswd/ | 06:18 |
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shatrat | eggs, what guide have you been following? | 06:18 |
ademan | thanks xtknight, i'll stop mucking up #ubuntu now :-) | 06:18 |
xtknight | ademan: #windows | 06:18 |
brokenegg | i can enter my username and password, then it just hangs, I assume trying to load a splash image, since that is what comes next | 06:19 |
eggs | every one | 06:19 |
userbn | test | 06:19 |
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eggs | i am beginning to think it is my monitor | 06:19 |
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eggs | when i do it, just the lights flash | 06:20 |
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shatrat | eggs, ooh, maybe it sout of range or something? try lowering the resolution and refresh rates in your /etc/apt/xorg.conf | 06:20 |
eggs | okey dokey | 06:21 |
Naurd | eggs : have you tried ctrl-alt-"-" or ctrl-alt-"+"... | 06:21 |
eggs | no | 06:21 |
digitalhav0c | how do you minimize screen | 06:21 |
brokenegg | trying to login to the failsafe gnome session yields the same result after entering my name and pasword, nothing, a white box in the upper left hand corner, I can move my curser, but there is nothing to do | 06:21 |
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Naurd | this will change resolution on the fly... | 06:21 |
eggs | when i replace nv with nvidia is when it goes crazy | 06:21 |
digitalhav0c | or close screen but keep in memory i forgot | 06:21 |
digitalhav0c | ctl something | 06:22 |
eggs | i have to edit xorg.conf from tty1 | 06:22 |
brokenegg | the only login I can get is failsafe terminal | 06:22 |
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brokenegg | can anyone help me, I think it is the splash, how do I disable it?? | 06:22 |
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Naurd | eggs : yep, use the package "mc", it is great for that | 06:22 |
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eggs | great for what ? | 06:23 |
brokenegg | !usplash | 06:23 |
ubotu | To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork | 06:23 |
Naurd | eggs: to edit files from a terminal | 06:23 |
eggs | oh | 06:23 |
eggs | i like nano | 06:23 |
eggs | it works good for me | 06:23 |
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Naurd | eggs: apt-get install mc | 06:23 |
Naurd | same thing | 06:23 |
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Naurd | but mc can navigate files | 06:24 |
eggs | well mc wont fix my problem :/ | 06:24 |
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eggs | shatrat: how do i lower my reso ? | 06:24 |
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Naurd | eggs : in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, replace the entry nvida with vesa and you will be able to check if it works | 06:24 |
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eggs | what is vesa ? | 06:25 |
xtknight | eggs: a default video driver for X11 | 06:25 |
Naurd | eggs : a generic driver for all cards, (no 3d, no 2d acc) | 06:25 |
shatrat | eggs' problem is getting his "nvidia" to work though, hes running now with "nv" | 06:26 |
zak_ | uhhh, fullscreen wine app crashed, left screen in 640x480, can't see the menu... how to change screen back? | 06:26 |
shatrat | I dont see what testing with "vesa" would show | 06:26 |
zak_ | [i have a terminal open, luckily] | 06:26 |
xtknight | zak_: press ctrl alt + | 06:26 |
zak_ | wow, anti-aliasing is really cool up close! | 06:26 |
noobie0057 | got it,, thanks all | 06:26 |
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hagabaka | when downloading and installing multiple packages, is it possible to let apt-get or aptitude pipeline the process and install packages already downloaded if possible? | 06:26 |
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shatrat | zak_, lol | 06:26 |
zak_ | xtknight: does nothing... the app actually crashed - wine's not still running | 06:27 |
Naurd | I wang to give eggs his gui back to test resolution with is monitor | 06:27 |
mena | How to keep sure that the detected VGA card is the right | 06:27 |
xtknight | zak_: dont give up yet :P | 06:27 |
eggs | i have gui | 06:27 |
eggs | im running on nv | 06:27 |
shatrat | hagabaka, what doyou mean by pipeline? You can install multiple packages with one line if thats what youre asking | 06:27 |
eggs | i want glx to work so i can game | 06:27 |
Naurd | ah ok, sorry | 06:27 |
eggs | np | 06:27 |
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Naurd | what is your resolution then? | 06:28 |
eggs | this is the beginning of week 3 for me | 06:28 |
hagabaka | pipelining means doing multiple jobs concurrently when possible, instead of sequentially | 06:28 |
eggs | shatrat had suggested me lower it | 06:28 |
eggs | to see if nvidia would work with a lower reso | 06:28 |
Naurd | and ? | 06:28 |
shatrat | hagabaka, well thats generally not safe when the things youre doing include writing system files and configurations. | 06:28 |
hagabaka | so i mean downloading a package, installing it while downloading others, and then install another downloaded package, etc | 06:28 |
cablesm102 | hagabaka, that would be smart, not sure why they don't do that | 06:28 |
eggs | i dont know how to lower reso with the nvidia change | 06:28 |
Naurd | is it working at 1024x768 or 800x600? | 06:28 |
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hagabaka | the packackage installation process should be done only one at a time | 06:29 |
eggs | how do i check what i am running at ? | 06:29 |
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bef | how do i get a freenode list of channels? | 06:29 |
facugaich | bef: /list | 06:29 |
xtknight | zak_: type "xrandr -q" | 06:29 |
eggs | the highest number is 1280x1024 | 06:29 |
zak_ | xtknight: nm, got it sorted [i could move the mouse to the menu - just coulodn't see it] | 06:29 |
Dasnipa` | hagabaka, you could write a frontend script to do that... you just need the console flag to do process a if process b terminates with success code | 06:29 |
bef | facugaich: how do i get an ordered list | 06:29 |
Naurd | in preferences, there is an entry menu with "Resolution"... see what is selected | 06:29 |
xtknight | zak_: for future reference, "xrandr -s N" will change res | 06:29 |
facugaich | bef: dunno | 06:29 |
hagabaka | but that doesn't help when multiple packages are automatically installed due to dependency | 06:30 |
xtknight | zak_: xrandr -q lists possible modes | 06:30 |
Dasnipa` | hagabaka, i forget what that flag is however | 06:30 |
Naurd | or look in xorg.conf, and look the default resolution... | 06:30 |
eggs | 1280x1024 @ 60 hz | 06:30 |
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Naurd | can you change it to 1024x768 | 06:30 |
shatrat | eggs, is it an older monitor? it might not support that | 06:30 |
zak_ | xtknight: thanks... i'll try and remember... it's the sorta thing that happens so rarely but is so annoying | 06:31 |
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worldedit | having an odd problem. when i click the power off button on my desktop bar nothing happens, and i dont wanna have to switch it off at the button >_< any suggestions? | 06:31 |
eggs | k im lower reso now | 06:31 |
Naurd | shatrat : his monitor is supporting it since he can see the gui... | 06:31 |
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Naurd | which one? | 06:31 |
xtknight | zak_: indeed, and we people aren't the type to give up | 06:31 |
shatrat | Naurd, I thought that wasnt the one he was using right now, but the max in his xorg.conf | 06:31 |
eggs | i was running at 1028x1024 now im at 1024x768 | 06:32 |
shatrat | worldedit, well, you could ctrl alt backspace to the login and try and shutdown from there | 06:32 |
Dasnipa` | hagabaka, well in the case of a dependency i probably would suggest avoiding that unless you plan on being really careful. sounds too easy to get collision or something bad occuring | 06:32 |
Naurd | shratrat : you're right... | 06:32 |
hagabaka | Dasnipa`: did you mean a frontend to apt, like apt-get or aptitude, or a front end to apt-get and aptitude themselves? | 06:32 |
Dasnipa` | hagabaka, yeah would have to be a frontend to apt | 06:32 |
worldedit | shatrat: i'll give it a shot. ive been a windows user for too long, i was ctrl alt deleting | 06:32 |
eggs | now i try changing nv to nvidia ? | 06:32 |
shatrat | eggs, and think happy thoughts | 06:32 |
Naurd | ok, load that nvidia... make sure that the default in xorg is 1024x768 also just to be same | 06:32 |
Naurd | to be saFe... | 06:33 |
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eggs | how do i change my default? | 06:33 |
eggs | to make sure ? | 06:33 |
hagabaka | i think it's feasible to do it even with dependency, since apt-get knows to install the dependent packages first | 06:33 |
shatrat | eggs, Id just get rid of everything bigger than it in the mode lines in the Screen section | 06:34 |
Naurd | look in xorg.conf, you'll see an entry that define the default values for the resolution and the depth used by xorg... | 06:34 |
eggs | okey dokey | 06:34 |
Dasnipa` | hagabaka, what apt does, however is use semaphores. so as to prevent bad things from happening. so until apt get install terminates you cannot use a second apt-get install. so to do what you are suggesting you would have to modify the sourcecode. and be very careful while doing so | 06:34 |
eggs | depth says 24 | 06:34 |
xtknight | how come Ctrl Alt - and + don't work in ubuntu anymore? i used to be able to switch thru all my resolutions in linux. not sure that i ever have been able to in ubuntu | 06:34 |
hagabaka | i just thought it would be an improvement. not interested in applying that myself, since my connection is pretty fast | 06:34 |
Naurd | it is in the "Screen" section | 06:35 |
shatrat | eggs, thats the color bits, thats fine. | 06:35 |
facugaich | xtknight, what version? It works here on dapper. (Thanks for the tip btw) | 06:35 |
Naurd | 24, should be ok | 06:35 |
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hagabaka | i mean, it would be an improvement to be built in to apt itself, but using a script would have a problem like you said, and doesn't help in all cases | 06:35 |
xtknight | facugaich: edgy, xorg 7.1.1 | 06:35 |
eggs | k here we go | 06:35 |
eggs | brb | 06:35 |
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shatrat | there goes some very brave eggs | 06:36 |
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Naurd | :) | 06:36 |
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RancidLM | hey all i just got 2 monitors running on this pc with twin view every thing works except once i log into GDM.. my Xsession switches me back to using one monitor | 06:37 |
RancidLM | is there a way to fix this? | 06:37 |
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brokenegg | can anyone help me, I cannot get past login, system jsut hangs with a brown screen, just before usplash | 06:37 |
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juano__ | brokenegg: can you enter gnome failsafe? | 06:38 |
Naurd | RancidLM : you have to enable Xinerama in xorg or press the function key that change the monitor setting on your laptop (if it is a laptop) | 06:38 |
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FluxD | Hi how do I allow udp and tcp ports in firestarter? | 06:38 |
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brokenegg | juano_:no | 06:38 |
juano__ | brokenegg: same brown screen? | 06:39 |
brokenegg | yes | 06:39 |
juano__ | brokenegg: how about getting to a terminal? | 06:39 |
brokenegg | yes | 06:39 |
juano__ | brokenegg: seems your gnome settings are messed up | 06:39 |
eggs | oh my | 06:39 |
eggs | did i just see what i think i saw ? | 06:39 |
Naurd | brokenegg : your window manager is not loading... | 06:39 |
brokenegg | how do I fix> I have tried dpkg-reconfigure | 06:39 |
RancidLM | Naurd: i have twinview enabled and both displays come up for gdm but it goes back to a single display when gnome loads | 06:39 |
brokenegg | naurd, nautalis is the problem you think? | 06:40 |
Naurd | oh, that is another story... is it a laptop? | 06:40 |
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Naurd | eggs: So? it worked? | 06:40 |
FluxD | Hi how do I allow udp and tcp ports in firestarter? | 06:40 |
juano__ | brokenegg: you can try a sudo mv ~/.gnome ~/gnome.back , this will move temporarily your gnome settings to a backup file and make new ones to boot | 06:40 |
eggs | i saw nvidia flash up !!! | 06:40 |
eggs | when i restarted x | 06:40 |
eggs | oh my im sooooo excited !!!! | 06:41 |
shatrat | eggs, glxinfo|grep rendering | 06:41 |
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eggs | what should i see? | 06:41 |
shatrat | Yes | 06:41 |
Naurd | great! now you can try some other resolution using the "preferences" tool for the resolution and see what is available | 06:41 |
juano__ | brokenegg: to get them back in case it doesnt work just do invert , sudo mv ~/.gnome.back ~/.gnome | 06:41 |
brokenegg | it didn't work | 06:42 |
eggs | shatrat: what should i see ? | 06:42 |
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juano__ | brokenegg: mm , how about dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ? | 06:42 |
shatrat | eggs, if you do glxinfo|grep rendering you should see "direct rendering: yes" | 06:42 |
KDan | where can i select sawfish as my default wm in ubuntu edgy? | 06:42 |
juano__ | brokenegg: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ? | 06:42 |
eggs | it says i am missing | 06:42 |
shatrat | KDan, from the login screen, lower left | 06:42 |
KDan | (selecting it at login time means gnome is not loaded) | 06:42 |
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KDan | (so all i get is a virtual desktop applet and nothing else) | 06:43 |
eggs | Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". | 06:43 |
Naurd | brokenegg : have you looked in your xsession error files in your home folder? | 06:43 |
shatrat | eggs, thats odd... | 06:43 |
damian_ | I'm looking for an easy way to add more screen resolutions, any help? | 06:43 |
brokenegg | juano_, that used to do the trick, it isn't working this time, also, it won't complete the reconfigure this time | 06:43 |
juano__ | eggs: type glxgears to see if they move fast | 06:43 |
KDan | shatrat: as per above, that doesn't work | 06:43 |
brokenegg | naurd, what is the name of the file? | 06:43 |
KDan | shatrat: gnome doesn't get loaded so i get a sawfish-driven but completely empty desktop | 06:43 |
Naurd | eggs : Have you loaded the "dri" driver and glx in your xorg.conf file? | 06:43 |
shatrat | KDan, no idea then. | 06:44 |
nothlit | glxgears don't move faster if its accelerated, they just render faster | 06:44 |
juano__ | eggs: if they dont i would consider changing Driver "nv" to "nvidia" in xorg.conf | 06:44 |
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damian_ | I'm looking for an easy way to add more screen resolutions, any help? | 06:44 |
Naurd | brokenegg : just a sec | 06:44 |
FluxD | Hi how do I allow udp and tcp ports in firestarter? | 06:44 |
shatrat | damian_, just add them to the modes lines at the screen section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 06:44 |
brokenegg | naurd, ok | 06:44 |
Naurd | brokenegg : .xsession-errors | 06:45 |
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eggs | lemme check if dri is there | 06:45 |
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Naurd | brokenegg : notice the "." that starts the name... this is a hidden file | 06:46 |
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eggs | both glx and dri are there in my xorg.conf | 06:46 |
damian_ | shatrat, do I have to reboot after that, or not? | 06:46 |
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brokenegg | naurd, i understand hidden files | 06:46 |
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brokenegg | got it up now, reading it | 06:46 |
Naurd | eggs : ok, hmmm, time for google then... | 06:46 |
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Naurd | eggs: maybe there is a missing option when loading the nvidia driver in the xorg.conf file... | 06:47 |
shatrat | damian_, just ctrl alt backspace to restart X | 06:47 |
eggs | what should i google for ? | 06:47 |
eggs | i am about to go to bed | 06:47 |
eggs | its almost 1am here | 06:47 |
shatrat | eggs, well, youre closer than you were yesterday | 06:47 |
Naurd | eggs : nvidia xorg.conf option | 06:47 |
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brokenegg | um, i wish i could post that | 06:48 |
eggs | yes my persiverance is paying off :p | 06:48 |
shifty | [13:46] <shifty> this guys thinks he's cute | 06:48 |
shifty | [13:46] <shifty> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LY8Wi7XRXCA | 06:48 |
cafuego_ | if not your spelling skills | 06:48 |
brokenegg | I could try a line by line, it's about 8 lines | 06:48 |
eggs | ha! | 06:48 |
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Naurd | brokenegg : just try to look for any error loading files (like libraries...) | 06:48 |
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damian_ | shatrat, it didn't do the trick :( | 06:49 |
eggs | so i cant spell but i will no longer be a slave to windows | 06:49 |
nothlit | !offtopic | shifty | 06:49 |
ubotu | shifty: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 06:49 |
brokenegg | everything in the file would be an error? | 06:49 |
eggs | alright ima reboot to make sure i get this isnt a dream then go to bed | 06:49 |
brokenegg | everything looks fine untill it notes I killed x | 06:49 |
eggs | thank you very much Naurd and shatrat | 06:49 |
Naurd | brokenegg : no, not supposed to, most is info | 06:49 |
eggs | you guys are my new found hero's | 06:49 |
Naurd | eggs: :) | 06:50 |
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Naurd | brokeneggs : ok | 06:50 |
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Naurd | brokeneggs: have you tried loggin in with "root" or any other user? | 06:50 |
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brokenegg | I have no other user, and I cannot login with root | 06:51 |
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codi | how can i use paths with spaces in them? | 06:52 |
brokenegg | the password is different than the only password I have ever used for this somp | 06:52 |
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brokenegg | used or set | 06:52 |
Naurd | from tty1, log in with your user , then type "sudo bash" | 06:52 |
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brokenegg | ok | 06:53 |
timfrost | codi, use '\' to escape the spaces, or put the whole PATH assignment in single quotes | 06:53 |
Naurd | brokenegg : you will then have a shell with root | 06:53 |
brokenegg | lI have the shell with root | 06:54 |
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Naurd | now you can set a password for root, or create a new user from the command line | 06:54 |
brokenegg | how do I create a new user?? | 06:54 |
Naurd | just a sec... | 06:54 |
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juano | brokenegg: useradd / adduser | 06:55 |
juano | !useradd | 06:55 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about useradd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:55 |
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Naurd | useradd | 06:55 |
juano | !adduser | 06:55 |
ubotu | To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo | 06:55 |
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Naurd | brokenegg : "useradd joe" | 06:55 |
Naurd | brokenegg "su joe" | 06:56 |
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Naurd | brokenegg : "passwd" (set the password for that user... | 06:56 |
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Naurd | oh, you can set the password with useradd with the -p option | 06:57 |
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Naurd | brokenegg: look at "man useradd" for full help | 06:57 |
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Zubzodak | Trying to get a Transcend Storejet external USB hard-drive to work on Ubuntu -- has anyone worked one of these on Edgy, and if so, please msg me and tell me how:- ), because this is killing me ... now its finally showing up as /dev/sdc , but its still refusing to mount ... | 06:58 |
Naurd | brokenegg : so, it is working? | 06:58 |
brokenegg | um, trying to set password | 06:58 |
sparr | is there a way to use wildcards with apt-get and have it pick (at random, i dont care how) between conflicting matches? | 06:58 |
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Naurd | brokenegg : it is asking you the current password? | 07:00 |
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brokenegg | it is asking me for the new password, but I never set one | 07:00 |
Zoss | How do I reinstall GRUB after I installed Windows? | 07:00 |
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Naurd | deluser joe | 07:00 |
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Naurd | adduser joe -p password | 07:01 |
EchoBinary | how can i creade a new hard drive in /dev? i need to make a /dev/hde1 so i can mount a new PATA drive | 07:01 |
Zoss | Does anyone know how to reinstall grub? | 07:01 |
Zoss | Anyone? | 07:02 |
timfrost | !grub | Zoss | 07:02 |
ubotu | Zoss: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 07:02 |
juano | brokenegg: sudo adduser $username -p $password | 07:02 |
EchoBinary | how can i creade a new hard drive in /dev? i need to make a /dev/hde1 so i can mount a new PATA drive - it is on a controller card | 07:02 |
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shatrat | Zoss, grub-install I believe | 07:02 |
old-monk | EchoBinary: ubuntu used udev so there's no need to create /dev nodes, just connect the harddrive and /dev/hde will be created | 07:03 |
juano | Zoss: yes | 07:03 |
Naurd | brokenegg : once created, try log in to see of the gnome window manager is loading... | 07:03 |
EchoBinary | did that - no dice | 07:03 |
juano | Zoss: you overrided with windows ntldr | 07:03 |
codi | how can i change to a custom display resolution in gnome? | 07:03 |
Zoss | juano: Yes | 07:03 |
juano | Zoss: ok | 07:03 |
brokenegg | hang on -p is not working | 07:03 |
juano | Zoss:1) boot with livecd | 07:03 |
shatrat | !resolution|codi | 07:03 |
ubotu | codi: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 07:03 |
Zoss | juano: I'm on it atm | 07:03 |
old-monk | EchoBinary: is the ide card supported? | 07:03 |
EchoBinary | aye | 07:04 |
juano | Zoss: 2) mount your root partition, first sudo mkdir /mnt/rootp | 07:04 |
EchoBinary | its a promise pata controller | 07:04 |
Naurd | just a sec | 07:04 |
BelialMkII | If i have a corrupted hardrive, how can i stop the live CD looking for swap partitions, Helping a friend over the phone, so step by step would be great | 07:04 |
Zoss | juano: Err...english? | 07:04 |
juano | Zoss: then sudo mount /dev/hdX# /mnt/rootp | 07:04 |
old-monk | EchoBinary: might show up as a /dev/sd* | 07:05 |
Zoss | juano: I don't know what your talking about, i'm kinda new to linux | 07:05 |
juano | Zoss: your root partition is where you installed ubuntu | 07:05 |
juano | Zoss: open gparted and see what partition your ubuntu is on | 07:05 |
Zoss | juano: ...Is there any way how to find out or do i have to use the installer to find out | 07:05 |
Zoss | juano: where would i find that | 07:05 |
juano | Zoss: alt + F2 , type gparted | 07:05 |
Zoss | juano: Kk sec | 07:05 |
juano | Zoss: see where your ubuntu partition is | 07:06 |
Zoss | Well it says run app | 07:06 |
brokenegg | the password option is just not working?? | 07:06 |
Zoss | juano: Now what? Alt f2...now itsays run app | 07:06 |
juano | Zoss: yes , type gparted | 07:06 |
juano | Zoss: then enter | 07:06 |
Zoss | juano: Soz i'm a bit thick | 07:06 |
Naurd | don't know where I saw that -p option... sorry... | 07:07 |
Naurd | just a sec | 07:07 |
juano | Zoss: are you inside gparted? | 07:07 |
Zoss | juano: I need root privalages | 07:07 |
EchoBinary | LOL | 07:07 |
EchoBinary | my mistake | 07:07 |
EchoBinary | it was hdd | 07:07 |
EchoBinary | <-- DUH! | 07:07 |
Naurd | oups, the -p works with usermod (to modify the user) | 07:07 |
juano | Zoss: alt + F2 , gnome-terminal , enter | 07:07 |
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Zoss | juano: No, it says I need root privliages | 07:07 |
nothlit | juano, gksudo gparted | 07:07 |
Zoss | juano: Kk | 07:07 |
Naurd | so ... adduser joe | 07:08 |
EchoBinary | thanks old-monk :) | 07:08 |
Zoss | juano: It's up | 07:08 |
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nothlit | juano, just launch gksudo gparted in the runto dialog, don't need an x terminal :P | 07:08 |
old-monk | EchoBinary: np | 07:08 |
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juano | Zoss: ok , now check to see what partition your in | 07:08 |
Naurd | usermod joe -p $password | 07:08 |
juano | nothlit: yep, right, forgot that one :) | 07:08 |
Zoss | juano: ...So now what. | 07:08 |
juano | Zoss: check to see what partition your ubuntu is on, it should be a ext3 filesystem | 07:08 |
juano | Zoss: should be dev/hd something | 07:09 |
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Zoss | juano: I used the gnome-terminal....I don't know where to go from there... | 07:09 |
Naurd | that would be usermod -p password joe | 07:09 |
juano | Zoss: do this: | 07:09 |
juano | Zoss: alt + F2 | 07:09 |
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juano | Zoss: gksudo gparted, ENTER | 07:09 |
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codi | !fonts | 07:10 |
ubotu | Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer | 07:10 |
juano | Zoss: you in gparted? | 07:10 |
Zoss | juano: Scanning.. | 07:10 |
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Zoss | juano: Ok i'm in | 07:10 |
juano | Zoss: once your in, check to see what partition your ubuntu is on | 07:10 |
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Zoss | juano: dev/sda2 is ext3 and | 07:11 |
RudyValencia | Hello. | 07:11 |
Zoss | juano: sda3 is my swap | 07:11 |
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juano | Zoss: ok then | 07:11 |
juano | Zoss: close gparted | 07:11 |
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RudyValencia | I'm installing Ubuntu 6.06 on my computer. Will it boot from a partition that starts after cylinder 1024? | 07:11 |
juano | Zoss: now do these commands for me | 07:11 |
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Zoss | juano: Where | 07:11 |
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keeganX | Hi everyone I installed beryl, but when I start it I get no windows, but I get all the effects of beryl. This what i I get when I use it in the terminal http://pastebin.com/870030 | 07:11 |
Naurd | brokenegg : ? it is done? | 07:11 |
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juano | Zoss:alt + F2, type gnome-terminal, ENTER, then do this in the terminal: sudo mkdir /mnt/myhdd | 07:12 |
minerale | how do I add an existing user to an existing group ? | 07:12 |
brokenegg | nope | 07:12 |
brokenegg | -p is not working | 07:12 |
brokenegg | adduser (name) -p (password) is not working | 07:12 |
apmyp | who knows why vmware always ask for running vmware-config.pl? | 07:12 |
Zoss | junao: Done | 07:12 |
Naurd | brokenegg : this option works with usermod not adduser | 07:12 |
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brokenegg | k | 07:13 |
Zoss | juano: Done* | 07:13 |
juano | brokenegg: add it through GUI then , System ---Z preferences ---> users and groups | 07:13 |
apmyp | !vmware | 07:13 |
ubotu | VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"). For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware | 07:13 |
Flannel | minerale: usermod, with the -aG | 07:13 |
brokenegg | no gui | 07:13 |
Naurd | brokenegg : usermod -p pass joe | 07:13 |
brokenegg | system hang | 07:13 |
juano | Zoss: now do this, sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/myhdd | 07:13 |
BelialMkII | If i have a corrupted hardrive, how can i stop the live CD looking for swap partitions, Helping a friend over the phone, so step by step would be great | 07:13 |
Flannel | keeganX: #ubuntu-xgl for beryl support | 07:13 |
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Zoss | juano: Done. | 07:13 |
Naurd | as root of course | 07:14 |
Zoss | juano: Brb.. | 07:14 |
juano | Zoss: now do this, ls /mnt/myhdd/boot/grub | 07:14 |
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highdoses | What kind of programmer would I need to develop a indepent robust chat protocol program??? | 07:14 |
shatrat | highdoses, the kind that can download jabber? | 07:14 |
shifty | lol | 07:15 |
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shatrat | you can run your own servers for the jabber protocol, if you want to run your own chat | 07:15 |
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RudyValencia | Is it possible to install Ubuntu in a partition that starts after cyl. 1024? | 07:15 |
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shatrat | RudyValencia, as long as your BIOS is cool with it | 07:16 |
Naurd | brokenegg : have you set the password on "joe" | 07:16 |
RudyValencia | My computer was made in 2003 or so. | 07:16 |
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brokenegg | i set it as you said to, but it wilnot allow it to login | 07:16 |
brokenegg | incorrect | 07:16 |
RudyValencia | I'm sure my BIOS can boot it. | 07:16 |
juano | brokenegg: sudo adduser $username -p $password | 07:16 |
juano | brokenegg: you got to add him to a group also | 07:17 |
RudyValencia | I was worried because PartitionMagic says "This partiton begins past the 1024 cylinder boundary and will not be bootable." | 07:17 |
Naurd | brokenegg : to set the password, user "usermod -p pass joe"... | 07:17 |
shatrat | RudyValencia, I think you should be ok. | 07:17 |
Naurd | brokenegg : not adduser... | 07:17 |
RudyValencia | My BIOS is fairly recent anyway. | 07:17 |
RudyValencia | It supports my 160GB HD np. | 07:17 |
Naurd | brokenegg : type : user "usermod -p pass joe" | 07:17 |
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Naurd | geee again... use "usermod -p pass joe"... typo error... | 07:18 |
Zoss | juano: Back | 07:18 |
juano | Zoss: ok | 07:18 |
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Zoss | juano: Done | 07:18 |
juano | Zoss: try a ls /mnt/myhdd/boot/grub | 07:18 |
Zoss | juano: Done. | 07:19 |
juano | Zoss: ok, does it show some kernel files ? | 07:19 |
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Naurd | brokenegg : this will set the password to your joe user... | 07:19 |
Zoss | juano: default fat_stage1_5 menu.lst~ stage1 | 07:19 |
Zoss | device.map jfs_stage1_5 minix_stage1_5 stage2 | 07:19 |
Zoss | e2fs_stage1_5 menu.lst reiserfs_stage1_5 xfs_stage1_5 | 07:19 |
Naurd | then you should be able to login | 07:19 |
brokenegg | ok | 07:19 |
juano | Zoss: ok | 07:19 |
Zoss | juano: whatever that is. | 07:19 |
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Zoss | juano: =P | 07:19 |
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Zoss | juano: So.. | 07:20 |
juano | Zoss: try this now, grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/myhdd /dev/sda | 07:20 |
juano | Zoss: try this now, sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/myhdd /dev/sda | 07:20 |
brokenegg | i swear to you, I am doing this as root "usermod -p password username" | 07:20 |
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brokenegg | no error is returned | 07:20 |
juano | Zoss: dont forget the sudo | 07:20 |
brokenegg | but I cannot login with gnome | 07:20 |
Naurd | and the password is not recognized? | 07:20 |
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brokenegg | correct | 07:20 |
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Zoss | juano: Due to a bug in xfs_freeze, the following command might produce a segmentation | 07:21 |
Zoss | fault when /mnt/myhdd/boot/grub is not in an XFS filesystem. This error is harmless and | 07:21 |
Zoss | can be ignored. | 07:21 |
Zoss | xfs_freeze: specified file ["/mnt/myhdd/boot/grub"] is not on an XFS filesystem | 07:21 |
Zoss | Installation finished. No error reported. | 07:21 |
Zoss | This is the contents of the device map /mnt/myhdd/boot/grub/device.map. | 07:21 |
Zoss | Check if this is correct or not. If any of the lines is incorrect, | 07:21 |
Zoss | fix it and re-run the script `grub-install'. | 07:21 |
Zoss | (hd0) /dev/sda | 07:21 |
Zoss | juano: ...? Err What just happened? | 07:21 |
juano | Zoss: you installed grub | 07:21 |
Lynoure | brokenegg: are you giving usermod the encrypted password? | 07:22 |
Zoss | juano: So just reboot and it's back? | 07:22 |
juano | Zoss: now we need to check something | 07:22 |
Zoss | juano: Kk, how'd you know all that? | 07:22 |
User2323 | Hello, I have a dell laptop and hibernation was working fine in dapper, I upgraded to edgy and now it's broken...after it failed once, swap has been disabled...what should I do? | 07:22 |
juano | !paste | Zoss | 07:22 |
ubotu | Zoss: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 07:22 |
brokenegg | lynoure, not that I know of? | 07:22 |
Naurd | ok, then "usermod -uid 1100 joe" | 07:22 |
juano | Zoss: you need to use pastebin to paste things | 07:22 |
Lynoure | brokenegg: if not, choose again, crypt it and try again. Why usermod -p anyway instead of passwd? | 07:22 |
Zoss | Oh...Soz lol | 07:22 |
Zoss | juano: Sorry, didn't know. | 07:22 |
odinriko | Any leads on how to make a 4 button mouse work properly? I followed This http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=361478&postcount=30 and now my fourth mouse button preforms the same functions as left click | 07:22 |
Naurd | i think that users with uid lower that 1000 cannot login in X | 07:22 |
Zoss | juano: Carry on. | 07:23 |
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juano | Zoss: nevermind :) , well now you can try this, alt + F2 , then type gksudo gedit /mnt/myhdd/boot/grub/menu.list | 07:23 |
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juano | Zoss: nevermind :) , well now you can try this, alt + F2 , then type gksudo gedit /mnt/myhdd/boot/grub/menu.lst | 07:23 |
brokenegg | lets do this...step to step, loged in as root...create a new user? (I have no idea what went wrong) | 07:23 |
Lynoure | brokenegg: usermod -p wants the encrypted password (see man usermod) | 07:23 |
juano | Zoss: sorry without the i | 07:23 |
Naurd | brokeneg : to test the password, go in "tty2" and test the login there... | 07:23 |
Zoss | juano: ? | 07:23 |
juano | Zoss: nevermind :) , well now you can try this, alt + F2 , then type gksudo gedit /mnt/myhdd/boot/grub/menu.lst ---> try this | 07:24 |
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mulder_ | what's a quick way to get qos going using a gu tool? | 07:24 |
mulder_ | gui | 07:24 |
brokenegg | no good in tty2 | 07:24 |
juano | Zoss: a file is going to open | 07:24 |
timfrost | brokenegg: Naurd: the -p takes a *pre-encrypted* value. Far safer to use the passwd command (passwd joe), and manually type the password (twice) | 07:24 |
juano | Zoss: go to the bottom of that file | 07:24 |
Zoss | juano: k | 07:24 |
juano | Zoss: COPY the contents of the file and paste it using pastebin and pass me the url | 07:25 |
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Zoss | juano: Where are you getting this? Or just do you know? | 07:25 |
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Naurd | timfrost : passwd ask for the current password, but there is none, and this is where we are stuck | 07:25 |
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Zoss | juano: The whole thing? | 07:25 |
juano | !paste | Zoss: | 07:25 |
ubotu | Zoss:: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 07:25 |
juano | Zoss: yes | 07:25 |
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brokenegg | k | 07:25 |
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timfrost | Naurd: not if *root* runs the command | 07:25 |
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rico | hi room nayone from pampanga? | 07:25 |
Naurd | oh, did not know about that one | 07:25 |
juano | Zoss: it happened to me soem times, thats how i know :) | 07:25 |
blackduck3 | hi | 07:25 |
nighthawk02 | !busybox | 07:25 |
ubotu | busybox: Tiny utilities for small and embedded systems. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.1.3-2ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 283 kB, installed size 516 kB | 07:25 |
Jambon | does anyone know how to use gwget as a download manager? the plugin wont' work with firefox 2.0 | 07:25 |
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Zoss | juano: Ah. So...how did you find out? Website? | 07:26 |
Naurd | thanks! | 07:26 |
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Zoss | juano: I might need to use it again. | 07:26 |
juano | Zoss: help from genii a user here | 07:26 |
juano | Zoss: you paste it yet ? | 07:26 |
Naurd | brokenegg : did you follow up ? | 07:26 |
Zoss | juano: Says i'm spamming the pastebin | 07:26 |
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brokenegg | i need a home directory | 07:27 |
juano | Zoss: lol, try again | 07:27 |
brokenegg | it did not create one | 07:27 |
Zoss | juano: Ok.. | 07:27 |
juano | Zoss: type your name in the name box also | 07:27 |
juano | Zoss: pass me the url after you paste | 07:27 |
Zoss | juano: Still didn't let me! | 07:27 |
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juano | Zoss: still with the file open? lets do it manually | 07:27 |
Zoss | juano: Yes. | 07:28 |
blackduck3 | Hello can anyone/anybody help me is cdmarkus still on ? | 07:28 |
Naurd | try as root " su joe" to see if it will be created | 07:28 |
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juano | Zoss: ok, go to the bottom of the file | 07:28 |
brokenegg | is there a way to get it to creat the home directory automatically? | 07:28 |
Zoss | juano: Yep | 07:28 |
=== enat [n=nattier@203-97-98-176.cable.telstraclear.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
juano | Zoss: youll see it sais like 3 times Ubuntu and some other stuff | 07:28 |
enat | ah here's a really strange problem i just ran accross; when i start xmms, my mouse stops responding | 07:28 |
Flannel | brokenegg: -m flag (man useradd for all your options) | 07:29 |
enat | once i close xmms, it responds again | 07:29 |
enat | :S | 07:29 |
User2323 | Hello, I have a dell laptop and hibernation was working fine in dapper, I upgraded to edgy and now it's broken...after it failed once, swap has been disabled...what should I do? | 07:29 |
enat | any idea as to wtf's up with that? | 07:29 |
juano | Zoss: title Ubuntu , etc etc | 07:29 |
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Zoss | juano: ...Err not what I see | 07:29 |
enat | (usb mouse) | 07:29 |
juano | Zoss: try pasting it in pastebin | 07:29 |
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Naurd | brokenegg : maybe we have to add joe to the users group "usermod -G users joe" | 07:29 |
blackduck3 | Anybody help me please ? | 07:29 |
juano | !paste | Zoss | 07:29 |
ubotu | Zoss: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 07:29 |
timfrost | brokenegg: in a terminal (as root): 'cp -r /etc/skel /home/joe;chown -R joe /home/joe' will set up the home directory. the option '-m' to useradd tels it to aut-create the directory | 07:29 |
=== nayyares [n=nayyar@mx.cilix.co.mz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nayyares | my mail server is running behid proxy and proxy server is redirecting port 25 traffic to a local machine, running postfix. now i wan to run some virus scan/anti virus on proxy server, so that i can block the incomming virus to mail server, any idea? | 07:29 |
Zoss | juano: Still not letting me | 07:30 |
=== Tomcat_` is now known as Tomcat_ | ||
Zoss | juano: Well i scrolled up a little and i found it | 07:30 |
juano | Zoss: ok | 07:30 |
Zoss | juano: Like this? titleUbuntu, memtest86+ | 07:30 |
Zoss | root(hd0,1) | 07:30 |
Zoss | kernel/boot/memtest86+.bin | 07:30 |
Zoss | boot | 07:30 |
Naurd | brokenegg : i just did a "adduser joe" on my system, and everything was created and even asked me the password... | 07:30 |
juano | Zoss: you see where it sais root (hd etc | 07:31 |
Zoss | juano: Yes... | 07:31 |
Naurd | brokenegg : which version of ubuntu do you use | 07:31 |
juano | Zoss: what does it say ? root what ? | 07:31 |
juano | Zoss: root (hd0,1) ? | 07:31 |
Zoss | juano: Which part? I got like 5 ubuntus | 07:31 |
brokenegg | sucks | 07:31 |
brokenegg | ok, I need to crash | 07:32 |
brokenegg | thanks for your help folks | 07:32 |
juano | Zoss: every root line below the Ubuntu line | 07:32 |
Naurd | bye | 07:32 |
enat | hi, i've got a usb mouse and when i open xmms it stops responding - it goes back to normal when xmms is closed | 07:32 |
Zoss | juano: Oh. | 07:32 |
=== nayyares needs help | ||
brokenegg | perhaps it will login for my normal user magically while I sleep | 07:32 |
Zoss | juano: ### END DEBIAN AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST | 07:32 |
Zoss | # This is a divider, added to separate the menu items below from the Debian | 07:32 |
Zoss | # ones. | 07:32 |
Zoss | titleOther operating systems: | 07:32 |
Zoss | root | 07:32 |
Zoss | # This entry automatically added by the Debian installer for a non-linux OS | 07:32 |
brokenegg | thanks again | 07:32 |
Zoss | # on /dev/sda1 | 07:32 |
codi | is there some trick to speeding up ubuntu | 07:32 |
Zoss | titleMicrosoft Windows XP Professional | 07:32 |
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Zoss | root(hd0,0) | 07:32 |
Zoss | savedefault | 07:32 |
Zoss | makeactive | 07:32 |
Zoss | chainloader+1 | 07:32 |
codi | it seems sluggish compared to windows | 07:32 |
Madpilot | Zoss, pastebin!! | 07:32 |
codi | which i know sounds crazy | 07:33 |
juano | Zoss: use pastebin | 07:33 |
Zoss | Madpilot: I can't. | 07:33 |
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Zoss | juano: I CAN"T DAMNIT | 07:33 |
juano | Zoss: ok thats fine, but im talking somewhere upper | 07:33 |
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Zoss | juano: Upper? | 07:33 |
codi | it seems it's the graphics that are sluggish, processing seems fine | 07:33 |
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enat | hi, i've got a usb mouse and when i open xmms it stops responding - it goes back to normal when xmms is closed | 07:33 |
Madpilot | Zoss, you can get onto IRC, but you can't pastebin something? | 07:33 |
Zoss | Madpilot: Yes. | 07:33 |
juano | Zoss: only the line that sais root (hd...) under Ubuntu line | 07:33 |
codi | do i need special display drivers for my nvidia card or anything? | 07:33 |
blackduck3 | hi | 07:34 |
enat | hasn't anybody else experienced this? | 07:34 |
enat | :S | 07:34 |
Zoss | Madpilot: You appear to be spamming the pastebin. I hate spammers so I won't let you. | 07:34 |
juano | Zoss: what does that say? root (hd0,1) ??? | 07:34 |
enat | andddddd it only happens when xmms is started by my user | 07:34 |
Zoss | juano: root(hd0,0) | 07:34 |
enat | if i execute xmms as root it stays fine | 07:34 |
Zoss | juano: For Xp | 07:34 |
timfrost | Zoss, what pastebin are you trying to use? | 07:34 |
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juano | Zoss: no not that one, the one upper , before that | 07:34 |
Zoss | timfrost: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 07:34 |
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juano | Zoss: scroll up | 07:35 |
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Zoss | juano: root(hd0,1) | 07:35 |
juano | Zoss: ok good | 07:35 |
juano | Zoss: close that file | 07:35 |
juano | Zoss: and reboot the machine, try entering ubuntu now from HDD | 07:35 |
blackduck3 | hi | 07:35 |
juano | Zoss: if it doesnt work come back here and tell me what happened | 07:35 |
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Zoss | juano: Ok..Thanks, do you know where I can get this info later? I might need it again. | 07:35 |
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juano | !grub | Zoss | 07:36 |
ubotu | Zoss: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 07:36 |
juano | Zoss: that COULD be helpful, not to helful though | 07:36 |
juano | Zoss: that COULD be helpful, not to helpful though | 07:36 |
juano | Zoss: ok try rebooting now | 07:36 |
Zoss | juano: Yea...I don't understand a single word of it. | 07:36 |
Zoss | juano: Ok | 07:36 |
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KrisWood | Hi everyone. I'm trying to get my wife's PS2 gameshark to work with my ubuntu firewall. Researching on the net I found out that I need a DNS proxy to make this work. I did an apt-cache search on dns proxy and found several results. My question for you is, what is your favourite DNS proxy, and have any of you set up a PS2 game shark to do its updates through an ubuntu firewall? | 07:38 |
=== GR33N3OX [n=MRABC@60-241-230-4.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GR33N3OX | hello | 07:39 |
GR33N3OX | i need help with ubuntu | 07:39 |
GR33N3OX | anyone? | 07:39 |
shatrat | Just shoot, no need for a preamble | 07:39 |
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KrisWood | GR33N3OX: can you be more specific? | 07:39 |
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juano | shatrat: lol | 07:39 |
GR33N3OX | i got the ubuntu cd | 07:39 |
GR33N3OX | and i wanna run it without installing on my xp system | 07:39 |
GR33N3OX | what do i do | 07:39 |
shatrat | Just reboot and run the LIveCD option | 07:39 |
juano | yep | 07:40 |
GR33N3OX | how do i run the livecd option. | 07:40 |
GR33N3OX | what "option: | 07:40 |
shatrat | there will be a menu, its foolproof | 07:40 |
juano | first option that prompts, install or run ubuntu | 07:40 |
shatrat | and it wont install anything unless you run the installation program, so you arent really in danger of hosing anything | 07:40 |
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juano | it only loads the OS into memory | 07:40 |
juano | and you wont be able to save changes obviously if not using a HDD | 07:41 |
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GR33N3OX | okgood | 07:41 |
minerale | I accidentally removed myself from all the groups and now can't play audio | 07:41 |
KrisWood | Anyone know a good DNS proxy? | 07:41 |
juano | minerale: add yourself back in | 07:41 |
juano | !adduser | minerale | 07:41 |
ubotu | minerale: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo | 07:41 |
minerale | juano: I did | 07:42 |
GR33N3OX | can i run it via VMWare? | 07:42 |
KrisWood | GR33N3OX: Yes | 07:42 |
shatrat | !bind|kriswood | 07:42 |
ubotu | bind: Internet Domain Name Server. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:8.4.6-1 (edgy), package size 888 kB, installed size 2092 kB | 07:42 |
minerale | juano: there were a lot more groups initially, now I only see one, group minerale, can you give me apaste for the `id` printout on a ubunut 1000user ? | 07:42 |
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juano | minerale: ok | 07:43 |
KrisWood | I don't really want to deal with bind, it's so complicated. Do I need that for a proxy server to run? | 07:43 |
KrisWood | !dns proxy | 07:43 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dns proxy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:43 |
KrisWood | damn | 07:43 |
minerale | kriswood: I use godaddy for all my dns needs | 07:44 |
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juano | minerale: sorry what you mean for an ID printout ? | 07:44 |
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minerale | juano, type `id` on a terminal | 07:44 |
KrisWood | minerale: no this is for home networking, not for a domain name :) thanks though | 07:44 |
timfrost | minerale: groups=4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),25(floppy)29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),104(lpadmin),105(scanner),106(admin),1000 | 07:44 |
juano | minerale: uid=1000(juano) gid=1000(juano) groups=4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),25(floppy),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),109(lpadmin),111(scanner),114(admin),1000(juano) | 07:44 |
minerale | ah, group audio, | 07:44 |
liurd | hello, you guys. | 07:44 |
minerale | thanks | 07:44 |
KrisWood | !proxy | 07:44 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about proxy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:44 |
juano | minerale: 29 yea | 07:44 |
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juano | Zoss0: any luck? | 07:45 |
Zoss0 | juano: Yep, thanks alot. | 07:45 |
juano | Zoss0: good :-) | 07:46 |
juano__ | Zoss0: ok gotta go | 07:46 |
Zoss0 | juano: U see, my windows just got infected so...I had enough of it. | 07:46 |
biotrox | kriswood bind | 07:46 |
juano__ | Zoss0: yeah | 07:46 |
Zoss0 | juano__: K Bye! | 07:46 |
juano__ | Zoss0: read a lot of wiki | 07:46 |
Zoss0 | Wiki? | 07:46 |
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juano__ | Zoss0: you can learn a lot from ubotu too | 07:46 |
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KrisWood | biotrox: I don't want to deal with configuring bind or dns of any sort for that matter, I just need to run a proxy server | 07:47 |
Zoss0 | juano__: =S Wiki. Idk lol | 07:47 |
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biotrox | yes i understand | 07:47 |
juano__ | Zoss0: lol, ok cya round! | 07:47 |
shatrat | KrisWood, dont you have a router? | 07:47 |
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fotoflo__ | hey, whats the VNC server in "system -> preferences -> remote desktop" called? and how do i restart it? | 07:47 |
KrisWood | shatrat: My ubuntu computer IS my router | 07:47 |
rfschmid | Hey, I just was trying to get XGL, Beryl working (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=341149) and it worked for awhile, and now I messed something up. Is there a simple way for me to "start over" - ie remove xgl, beryl and all configuration files and try again? | 07:47 |
biotrox | you just need Squid for the proxy, bind + caching-nameserver for DNS caching no need to configure just install it and make sure the bind services start and you've got dns caching + proxy | 07:48 |
sivik | bind is offically very complicated to set up | 07:48 |
shatrat | rfschmid, apt get remove --purge beryl xserver-xgl and so forth | 07:48 |
nothlit | rfschmid, yes, its called format and reinstall | 07:49 |
rfschmid | I tried that, then I reinstalled them and had the same problem (IE, no window effects and stuff) | 07:49 |
nothlit | rfschmid, it should be very easy with a home partition | 07:49 |
rfschmid | nothlit: That's not really worth the trouble for wobbly windows ;) | 07:49 |
KrisWood | biotrox: Ok I'll try squid thanks | 07:49 |
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shatrat | rfschmid, well, starting over isnt the solution. If the problem was no window borders you need to run emerald --replace | 07:49 |
nothlit | rfschmid, otherwise, follow shatrat and backtrack through your howto to remove the startxgl script and session file | 07:49 |
nothlit | and if emerald didn't show up you need ARGBGLXVisuals | 07:50 |
rfschmid | nothlit: shatrat? | 07:50 |
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nothlit | rfschmid, what shatrat said | 07:50 |
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rfschmid | Oh, sorry. I did do that, purging all the packages I installed, but then I re installed them all and it still acted the same. | 07:51 |
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KrisWood | While we're on the subject of home networking / routing, does anyone know an easy method of setting bandwidth limits on specific ports, or ensuring that other ports always get a certain amount of the bandwidth? | 07:52 |
KrisWood | I'm using firestarter for my firewall and it doesn't do that at all | 07:52 |
nothlit | rfschmid, did you backtrack through the howto and remove the files you created? | 07:52 |
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nothlit | rfschmid, if you need more help you need to go to #ubuntu-xgl or #beryl, and provide them with error messages and config files | 07:52 |
rfschmid | nothlit: I didn't remove the files I created, because I figured those hadn't changed. I'll do that. | 07:52 |
rfschmid | nothlit: There are no error messages, but I'll try this and then ask there for more help. | 07:53 |
rfschmid | Thanks. | 07:53 |
KrisWood | Ok I got squid installed but it doesn't look like it does DNS proxy, only HTTP proxy... | 07:53 |
nothlit | rfschmid, they'll tell you how to get / locate error messages, hopefully | 07:53 |
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KrisWood | I don't heed an HTTP proxy server >.< | 07:53 |
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cafuego_ | KrisWood: `dnsproxy' is a package I think. if not, bind9 proxies just fine. | 07:54 |
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GR33N3OX | which option do i pick ..when i 1st start Ubuntu..if i dont wanna install it to system? | 07:54 |
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cafuego_ | !info dnsmasq | 07:54 |
ubotu | dnsmasq: A small caching DNS proxy and DHCP server. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.33-1 (edgy), package size 174 kB, installed size 580 kB | 07:54 |
KrisWood | I tried dnsmasq and it refused to start because the socket was already taken | 07:55 |
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GR33N3OX | someone please answer my quesition | 07:55 |
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cafuego_ | GR33N3OX: just start from the cd | 07:55 |
cafuego_ | prolly the first option | 07:56 |
riotkittie | GR33N3OX: the first option | 07:56 |
KrisWood | I'm sorry GR33N3OX it's literally been a year or two since I installed ubuntu :( and I didn't use the live CD to do it hehe | 07:56 |
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cafuego_ | KrisWood: That would mean somehting else is running either as dhcp server OR as dns server. | 07:56 |
KrisWood | hmmm bind does seem to be running | 07:56 |
KrisWood | dunno if it's properly configured | 07:56 |
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cafuego_ | KrisWood: Just set forwarders {} in the named.conf.somehting file. | 07:57 |
cafuego_ | that'll make it proxy | 07:57 |
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riotkittie | GR33N3OX: start/install. starting gives you the /option/ to install as an icon on the ubuntu desktop | 07:57 |
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KrisWood | cafuego: I have no idea what you are talking about :( | 07:57 |
cafuego_ | KrisWood: cd /etc/bind | 07:57 |
KrisWood | yeah I get that part | 07:57 |
KrisWood | forwarders though? | 07:57 |
cafuego_ | KrisWood: One of the cfg files has a forwarders section | 07:57 |
cafuego_ | find it | 07:57 |
cafuego_ | add upstream DNS server IPs | 07:58 |
KrisWood | one sec, gedit is being slow | 07:58 |
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mena | i opened my moniture and plugin option then i found the detected vga card is i 810 then i press configure then i found its telling me the dected hrdware is intel 915 so what is wrong here | 07:58 |
KrisWood | ok looking now | 07:58 |
cafuego_ | named.conf.options probably | 07:59 |
KrisWood | ok | 07:59 |
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mena | any idea | 07:59 |
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rfschmid | join #ubuntu-xgl | 07:59 |
cafuego_ | in that section add your upstream DNS server IP addresses. One per line, end line with semicolon. | 07:59 |
mena | okay i will | 07:59 |
KrisWood | got it | 08:00 |
rfschmid | woops | 08:00 |
KrisWood | no forwarders there tho | 08:00 |
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cafuego_ | KrisWood: No, you'll need to add them. | 08:00 |
KrisWood | >.< | 08:00 |
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KrisWood | ok | 08:00 |
cafuego_ | Typically you'd put the DNS servers your IP gave you. | 08:00 |
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GR33N3OX | vmware is sweet. i can finally test vista =) | 08:01 |
KrisWood | so I type forwarders { } | 08:01 |
sparr | GR33N3OX: dont bother | 08:01 |
RudyValencia | I can't save anything on my Windows partition. | 08:01 |
Jowi | Dapper to Edgy upgrade using update-manager -c. it fails to install courier-authdaemon and says the package is in a very bad state. It is not possible to manually remove it in synaptic or with apt-get -f install. update-manager refuse to continue. | 08:01 |
sparr | RudyValencia: then youll never get a virus! | 08:01 |
riotkittie | RudyValencia: is your windows partition NTFS ? | 08:02 |
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RudyValencia | Well, it was created by Windows Setup... I guess it has to be. | 08:02 |
riotkittie | !ntfs-3g | RudyValencia | 08:02 |
ubotu | RudyValencia: ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy) | 08:02 |
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Alpha232 | from the commandline how can i list all my installed packages? | 08:02 |
KrisWood | Jowi: I had to update a python package (I forget which one) before I could do a synaptic upgrade from dapper to edgy | 08:02 |
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jion | what is the command to see all running proccess? | 08:02 |
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riotkittie | !fuse | RudyValencia | 08:02 |
ubotu | RudyValencia: Though it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse | 08:02 |
pecisk | Alpha232: dpkg -l | 08:02 |
KrisWood | Jowi: dunno if that haelps any | 08:02 |
corevette | how do you make beryl manager only open up on xgl and not on my regular xserver? | 08:02 |
RudyValencia | "very unsafe"? | 08:02 |
RudyValencia | :( | 08:02 |
Jowi | KrisWood, will look into it. | 08:03 |
Flannel | corevette: #ubuntu-xgl for XGL/Beryl support, thanks | 08:03 |
Alpha232 | i somehow borked my apache and it's coredumping | 08:03 |
darkdrag0n | !dri | 08:03 |
ubotu | dri is direct rendering infrastructure, a framework for allowing direct access to graphics hardware under the X Window System in a safe and efficient manner. | 08:03 |
sparr | Alpha232: dpkg -l | 08:03 |
RudyValencia | Is there any common filesystem both can use? | 08:03 |
KrisWood | Jowi: I just typed in the error I was getting to google and it came up relatively high on the list | 08:03 |
blackduck3 | trying to set up wireless connection to apple laptop G4 Powerbook, was speaking to cdmarcus and we used a heap of command lines. I was then told to restart computer, when I restarted the computer the wireless didn't work. I need to configure the wireless from here. How do I configure the wireless connection? | 08:03 |
sparr | RudyValencia: fat32 | 08:03 |
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Alpha232 | thanks | 08:03 |
KrisWood | Jowi: dunno if it's the same error though | 08:03 |
darkdrag0n | anyone know how to get the DRI working under the latest proprietary ATI driver? | 08:03 |
RudyValencia | hm, I have PartitionMagic. | 08:03 |
riotkittie | RudyValencia: FAT32 ... if you can create a shared partition for data to share between the two | 08:03 |
sparr | RudyValencia: windows is very bad at handling filesystems | 08:03 |
GR33N3OX | is it possible to test vista via wmware? | 08:04 |
GR33N3OX | vmware* | 08:04 |
darkdrag0n | why would you want to? | 08:04 |
RudyValencia | I'll reboot to my emergency bootCD and use PartitionMagic to convert it. | 08:04 |
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riotkittie | i hear there is a driver that will allow you to read/write to EXT3 from Windows but i am not familiar with it | 08:04 |
onewheelskyward | GR33N3OX: using 6.0 beta you can. | 08:04 |
riotkittie | RudyValencia: what are you converting ? | 08:04 |
GR33N3OX | 6.0 beta? | 08:04 |
Jowi | KrisWood, I can not install nor remove any packages as it is now. | 08:04 |
RudyValencia | NTFS > FAT32 | 08:04 |
riotkittie | RudyValencia: you probably do not want to do that | 08:05 |
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blackduck3 | How do i configure the wireless connection? | 08:05 |
GR33N3OX | casue when i try to boot winxp on vmware..they want me to install it from scratch | 08:05 |
KrisWood | Jowi: can you still use apt or dpkg? | 08:05 |
RudyValencia | I can't use Ubuntu then. | 08:05 |
RudyValencia | I | 08:05 |
onewheelskyward | GR33N3OX: Yeah, vmware 6.0 beta has vista support. | 08:05 |
riotkittie | FAT32 is slower, lacks the security features of NTFS and has file size limitations | 08:05 |
RudyValencia | I was hoping that everything would work... | 08:05 |
GR33N3OX | onewheelskyward, would i need to install it ..or would it be like a livecd? | 08:05 |
KrisWood | EXT3 ftw! :D | 08:05 |
blackduck3 | I need help with my wireless connection | 08:05 |
corevette | flannel...nobody ansswers in there | 08:05 |
riotkittie | if you dont need the security, and arent storing 4+gb files... | 08:06 |
Jowi | KrisWood, ...with errors. "dpkg: error processing courier-authdaemon (--remove): Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should | 08:06 |
Jowi | reinstall it before attempting a removal." | 08:06 |
riotkittie | brb | 08:06 |
RudyValencia | I was hoping things would work out. | 08:06 |
=== timfros1 [n=timfrost@125-236-154-89.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
corevette | how do you make beryl manager only open up on xgl and not on my regular xserver? | 08:06 |
blackduck3 | Please help me configure my wireless connection | 08:06 |
Flannel | corevette: try #xgl or #beryl then | 08:06 |
RudyValencia | I guess I'll remove Ubuntu and put my NT bootsector back in. | 08:06 |
=== krampo [n=krampo@krampis.cs.fmf.lu.lv] has joined #ubuntu | ||
KrisWood | Jowi: ouch that sounds serious, I'm afraid it's beyond my level of expertice, try it with a -f flag to force it maybe? | 08:06 |
RudyValencia | -_- | 08:06 |
=== Amaranth_ [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blackduck3 | I thought this was a help forum | 08:06 |
corevette | its an ubuntu question flannel...not xgl or beryl | 08:07 |
GR33N3OX | whats the best linux distro | 08:07 |
Jowi | KrisWood, doesn't help I'm afraid | 08:07 |
RudyValencia | I thought Ubuntu was gonna work. | 08:07 |
corevette | flannel how do you have a startup program happen on only one specific session | 08:07 |
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=== RudyValencia reboots his desktop to Windows. | ||
blackduck3 | Oh well, might go back to Windows XP then. Maybe Bill Gates can help me! | 08:07 |
riotkittie | ntfs writing can be done | 08:07 |
corevette | whats the problem blackduck3 | 08:08 |
KrisWood | cafuego: are you still there? | 08:08 |
RudyValencia | but ubotu says it's not stable. | 08:08 |
blackduck3 | I need to configure my wireless connection | 08:08 |
riotkittie | you just need to accept the possibility of data loss and have backed important things up. | 08:08 |
corevette | what wireless card do you have blackduck3 | 08:08 |
sparr | RudyValencia: it isnt, and wont ever be until you convince microsoft to support linux | 08:08 |
KrisWood | Writing to NTFS in anything but an NT based OS is risky | 08:08 |
riotkittie | RudyValencia: this is the way that i see it, and i, am by no means, the voice of authority | 08:08 |
RudyValencia | I have Fedora on a server, but that's different. | 08:09 |
=== fowlduck [n=nate@24-183-45-79.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
RudyValencia | I don't expect the server to need to use any other filesystem. | 08:09 |
blackduck3 | All of that part is done. I just need to get this computer to talk to my computer. | 08:09 |
Flannel | RudyValencia: we have to reverse engineer the | 08:09 |
sparr | i love how when linux and windows dont get along, but linux works with everything else and windows works with nothing else, people blame linux instead of windows | 08:09 |
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darkdrag0n | anyone know how to get DRI working in Edgy with the latest ATI proprietay drivers? | 08:09 |
=== Mikch [n=michael@m41.net195-132-219.noos.fr] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Flannel | RudyValencia: the NTFS filesystem, it's not easy, and like most stuff with MS, not simple, nor does it make a whole lot of sense often. | 08:09 |
=== lycos [n=lycos@did75-5-82-224-183-241.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GR33N3OX | can linux run windows programs as well? | 08:10 |
RudyValencia | Linux imo should've stayed a server OS | 08:10 |
blackduck3 | I have got 128 bit WEP as a security mode. Does this matter? | 08:10 |
sparr | GR33N3OX: mostly, yes | 08:10 |
=== millinao [n=chatzill@c-67-189-113-162.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
GR33N3OX | and mac program as well? | 08:10 |
shatrat | We really should have asked rudy guys | 08:10 |
riotkittie | uh. | 08:10 |
shatrat | lets pack it up and quit | 08:10 |
KrisWood | sparr: yeah, the linux corporation needs to up it's espionage budget ;) | 08:10 |
sparr | RudyValencia: "stayed"? linux wasnt built to be a server OS, it was designed for desktops | 08:10 |
RudyValencia | Samba works surprisingly well for being a "reverse-engineered" SMB implementation. | 08:10 |
sparr | GR33N3OX: mostly no for mac | 08:10 |
Flannel | RudyValencia: please stop trolling. No amount of lamenting can change the facts about filesystems. | 08:10 |
blackduck3 | Do I need to put in IP addresses order to set it up | 08:10 |
=== zen-afk [n=zenrox@pool-71-115-200-45.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
RudyValencia | "trolling?" | 08:10 |
GR33N3OX | will linux run windows liev messenger | 08:11 |
KrisWood | I daresay SMB works better on linux heh | 08:11 |
=== Rprp [n=Rprp@cc763024-a.groni1.gr.home.nl] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
RudyValencia | ok fine be that way | 08:11 |
=== notvordul [n=vordul@bas2-hamilton14-1096560141.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blackduck3 | Basically I need my laptop to connect to the internet. | 08:11 |
=== RudyValencia [n=arthur@about/cooking/nakedchef/pizza/RudyValencia] has left #ubuntu ["meh"] | ||
KrisWood | GR33N3OX: No but there's Gaim | 08:11 |
GR33N3OX | er... | 08:11 |
=== LinTux [n=adrian@i-83-67-143-194.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
KrisWood | GR33N3OX: It's kinda like trillian | 08:11 |
GR33N3OX | how bout microsoft office? | 08:11 |
sparr | GR33N3OX: kopete and gaim support msn messaging | 08:11 |
riotkittie | RudyValencia: and ntfs-3g and fuse work quite well for a number of people. but because Microsoft will not release the specs for NTFS, nobody can swear the drivers that we have for it are perfert | 08:11 |
darkdrag0n | why not just use OpenOffice? | 08:11 |
blackduck3 | corvette | 08:11 |
sparr | GR33N3OX: microsoft office will run under Crossover, or you can use a free alternative like OpenOffice or KOffice | 08:12 |
GR33N3OX | woah | 08:12 |
KrisWood | GR33N3OX: There is open office which is good enough for most people. If you absolutely need MS oiffice there's Crossover Office that runs windows programs on linux | 08:12 |
GR33N3OX | the 2 most used program on my computer is not supported... | 08:12 |
GR33N3OX | lol | 08:12 |
riotkittie | /IF/ you back your data up, and are prepared to deal with the possibilty of data loss... | 08:12 |
GR33N3OX | i dont wanna change .. | 08:12 |
LinTux | I have copied a DVD with Thoggen and it created a .ogg file, I now need to create an ISO from this, how do I do it? | 08:12 |
KrisWood | Damn, sparr just beat me to it | 08:12 |
KrisWood | :D | 08:12 |
Jowi | Help needed! edgy upgrade fail. problem with packages atop, courier-authlib-userdb and courier-base. update-manager refuse to continue. I seem to be unable to remove the packages with synaptic "process was interrupted" | 08:12 |
shatrat | are you serious GR33N3OX? | 08:12 |
sparr | KrisWood: no luv for koffice? | 08:12 |
=== Jay_Dogg [n=jukka@a88-115-121-12.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | GR33N3OX: then don't. But really, just because those specific programs aren't natively doable, doesn't mean there aren't alternatives that do the same thing. | 08:13 |
blackduck3 | ugh | 08:13 |
=== jenda [n=jenda@ubuntu/member/jenda] has joined #ubuntu | ||
riotkittie | otherwise, if you need something to share, why not ... use a jump/flash/usb drive? | 08:13 |
KrisWood | sparr: I'm happy with open office, I only use MS office when my boss yells at me. Haven't tried KOffice yet | 08:13 |
sparr | KrisWood: i had ignored koffice til recently, but now im starting to see that its a serious contender... krita beats gimp in some ways even. | 08:13 |
lupine_85 | unfortunately, openoffice can't beat ms office in terms of functionality yet | 08:13 |
GR33N3OX | will it run torrent programs like utorrent? | 08:13 |
lupine_85 | as for koffice... don't even go there | 08:13 |
riotkittie | or just create a 3rd partition, FAT32, to share data between the two | 08:13 |
sparr | GR33N3OX: utorrent no. azureus yes. ktorrent, rtorrent, bittornado yes. | 08:14 |
lupine_85 | GR33N3OX: yes, and it has native torrenting programs as well | 08:14 |
lupine_85 | (e.g. ktorrent) | 08:14 |
KrisWood | The only program I haven't been able to find an alternative yet for on linux is 3d studio max >.< | 08:14 |
sparr | KrisWood: ill second that. | 08:14 |
blackduck3 | Went through process of | 08:14 |
=== ptivoiz1 [n=ptivoiz1@bd137-1-82-233-150-56.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GR33N3OX | ill fink ill just stick to windows..then ..lol | 08:14 |
shatrat | ok | 08:14 |
GR33N3OX | most of the stuff i use doesnt even work under linux | 08:14 |
sparr | GR33N3OX: sounds like that would be best for you | 08:14 |
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shatrat | actually it does, but youre stuck on individual programs | 08:14 |
KrisWood | GR33N3OX: Read up on Crossover Office and Wine, though | 08:14 |
nothlit | sparr, wine runs utorrent perfectly | 08:14 |
zbogdan | GR33N3OX: what do you need of Microsoft Office and the others don't have? | 08:15 |
ikonia | Does anyone have a guide/info on setting up a printer in cups and then sharing it in samba via the command line/server edition as the docs don't look good on the wiki and the forum's not got great results | 08:15 |
darkdrag0n | most people who know very little about computers would do better to stick with MS | 08:15 |
KrisWood | GR33N3OX: You might also look into VMWare and Parallels | 08:15 |
nothlit | sparr, but you need a shell script to pass things to it properly | 08:15 |
GR33N3OX | cause im use to em ..and dont wanna change.. | 08:15 |
=== crazy_penguin [n=Unknown@unaffiliated/crazypenguin/x-000001] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GR33N3OX | been using windows all my life | 08:15 |
riotkittie | ikonia: not me, sorry. but if you come across one, could you share the link? :> | 08:15 |
sparr | GR33N3OX: heh, keep that in mind next time you spend $300 on a copy of windows or $100 on an office upgrade :) | 08:15 |
ikonia | yes, this is being a pain | 08:15 |
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=== lupine_85 hax0rs GR33N3OX and installs linux | ||
GR33N3OX | lol...i have never brough a copy of windows.. | 08:16 |
GR33N3OX | LOL | 08:16 |
=== jk_ [n=jochem@jkossen.nl] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
lupine_85 | eh, you'll get used to it ;) | 08:16 |
GR33N3OX | ders a thing called downloading | 08:16 |
zbogdan | GR33N3OX: so it's just the learning curve? | 08:16 |
LinTux | I have been using windows all my life until I found Ubuntu too? | 08:16 |
KrisWood | shhh | 08:16 |
=== Tomas_ [n=chatzill@user115.85-195-20.netatonce.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
darkdrag0n | or the next time you have to call MS because your windows needed reinstalled | 08:16 |
KrisWood | no advocating piracy here *wink wink* | 08:16 |
lupine_85 | Arr! | 08:16 |
ikonia | ooh maybe have something | 08:16 |
nothlit | KrisWood, WHAT? only program you HAVEN'T been able to find an alternative for is 3ds studio max? | 08:16 |
sparr | i gave out kubuntu CDs for christmas... converted a half dozen people that i know of (out of 50 CDs... sad, but worth it!) | 08:16 |
lupine_85 | Scurvy dogs, the lot of of 'em | 08:16 |
KrisWood | nothlit: shhhh | 08:16 |
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sparr | nothlit: what KrisWood said. :) | 08:16 |
crazy_penguin | good morning (hopefully) | 08:17 |
=== deus_ [n=deus@bls-dhcp396.studby.uio.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
darkdrag0n | i converted 4 people to Ubuntu | 08:17 |
darkdrag0n | out of 10 discs | 08:17 |
zbogdan | KrisWood: of course, we all have leagal licenses of wind0ws | 08:17 |
sparr | its not just about specific software... linux makes so many things so much easier | 08:17 |
=== copernic30 [n=eponyme@AMontpellier-257-1-128-193.w90-0.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
deus_ | does gcc 4.2.0 exist on the repository? | 08:17 |
zbogdan | or do we? | 08:17 |
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riotkittie | i have... made my husband shreik like a schoolgirl and flee in horror from my box. but a couple of days ago, he did sit down and ask for an account | 08:17 |
riotkittie | so there's hope :D | 08:17 |
KrisWood | My windows is actually legit for once, I happen to have a friend who has a friend who works at a company that has a legit corporate license. :) | 08:18 |
darkdrag0n | i have a legal MS license.....but i haven't even looked at my windows partition in...weeks | 08:18 |
sparr | there is no way i could ever go back to windows without a package manager, and a sandbox for games like cedega provides for me. its really sad when a windows emulator for linux runs windows games FASTER than windows, AND provides better features. | 08:18 |
shatrat | riotkittie, I recommend domestic violence until he comes around. | 08:18 |
KrisWood | sparr: I'd kill for synaptic or even apt on windows | 08:18 |
Tomas_ | morning, im having trouble with my ubuntu install, ive downloaded the img disc and booted frome it chosen install but when i reboot it says verfying DMI pool data........... BOOT DISK FALIURE, ISERT BOOT DISK AND PRESS ENTER. any ideas? | 08:18 |
riotkittie | shatrat: that's not nice :P | 08:18 |
=== Telroth|School [n=darth_an@adsl-70-241-68-75.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sparr | riotkittie: give him a nice XP-themed window manager so he feels comfy :) | 08:18 |
Flannel | deus_: nope | 08:18 |
=== lupine_85 hasn't touched windows for 2 years now :p | ||
sparr | KrisWood: closest ive seen is cygwin, it has a few hundred things on its package list, but over half of it is dev stuff (which i of course installed) | 08:19 |
KrisWood | I've got an ubuntu box and a windows box right next to eachother on the same monitor heh | 08:19 |
riotkittie | sparr: "nice" and "xp-themed" dont belong in the same sentence | 08:19 |
sparr | riotkittie: meh, its just a theme :) | 08:19 |
riotkittie | though i have heard such themes work wonders to make the transition period for some | 08:19 |
Jowi | Tomas_, you got multiple harddisk drives in that machine? | 08:19 |
deus_ | But i keep getting this error when i try to run java | 08:19 |
riotkittie | a super ugly theme. | 08:19 |
deus_ | /usr/lib/../lib64/libgcc_s.so.1: version `GCC_4.2.0' not found (required by /usr/lib/../lib64/libgcj.so.70) | 08:19 |
nothlit | KrisWood, edubuntu comes with blender by default... | 08:19 |
KrisWood | sparr: Meh, I hate cygwin, I'd rather run ubuntu through vmware or parallels, either way you're still running windows as your native OS >.< | 08:19 |
sparr | its amazing what re-skinning the K/foot menu with a [Start] can do | 08:19 |
Tomas_ | Jowi: there is only one disk | 08:19 |
=== jameshoo [n=jameshoo@71-221-110-63.clsp.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
riotkittie | the first time i saw it, i nearly wept. | 08:20 |
nothlit | sparr, you have to realise one of the ubuntu varieties COMES with a 3d modelling app, thats what my caps are for :P | 08:20 |
Jowi | Tomas_, enter bios and see if it is set as bootable | 08:20 |
sparr | nothlit: but its not 3ds max | 08:20 |
sparr | nothlit: have you used 3ds? | 08:20 |
KrisWood | nothlit: And blender can't use proprietary formats that are needed in a lot of my work. Also, I tried blender and couldn't get the interface to work for me. I've been using 3dsmax for ten years, having a hard time changing :) | 08:20 |
Jowi | Tomas_, no external HDDs either? | 08:20 |
KrisWood | Can't teach an old dog new tricks, and all that | 08:20 |
Tomas_ | Jowi: it is set to boot A, C, CDROM | 08:20 |
sparr | nothlit: comparing anything available for linux to 3dsmax is like comparing kpaint to photoshop | 08:20 |
kraut | moin | 08:20 |
sparr | blender isnt even close | 08:20 |
sparr | blender is BETTER in a few ways | 08:21 |
Tomas_ | Jowi: no externals only one disk | 08:21 |
sparr | but for the things 3dsmax is best for, blender pales | 08:21 |
KrisWood | sparr: I believe maya and XSI are both available on linux | 08:21 |
nothlit | KrisWood, last i read i could interface with maya and bryce, if i read stuff correctly | 08:21 |
=== ptivoiz1_ [n=ptivoiz1@bd137-1-82-233-150-56.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | Tomas_: you should probably set the cdrom before the HD | 08:21 |
sparr | KrisWood: maya still doesnt cut it. i dunno about XSI | 08:21 |
=== Matthai [n=Matthai@kovacic-m.fdv.uni-lj.si] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tomas_ | Flannel: Trying that brb | 08:21 |
KrisWood | sparr: it depends entirely on how you work with the interfaces, maya works better for some people than it does for others, I just can't get the hang of the mouse movements. | 08:22 |
nothlit | sparr, is 3dsmax so superior even over zbrush? | 08:22 |
sparr | i cant wait for a linux graphics program (*cough*gimp*cough*) to implement GEGL support. can finally tell photoshop lovers to take their 'adjustment layers' and shove them where the sun dont shine :) | 08:22 |
GR33N3OX | can linux boost my internet connection speed? | 08:22 |
KrisWood | nothlit: yes but it can't handle FBX, 3ds, or any number of other formats | 08:22 |
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zbogdan | KrisWood: i heard of an API package management, so we may have an app to manage all kinds of packages on all packages .deb .rpm | 08:22 |
nothlit | KrisWood, i thought it could handle 3ds exporting | 08:22 |
sparr | KrisWood: maya is better for animation. but 3ds' modeling system is infinitely better than any alternative | 08:22 |
KrisWood | sparr: I've read reviews that said Photoshop runs better in Crossover than it does natively in windows | 08:22 |
sparr | KrisWood: it does :) | 08:22 |
zbogdan | KrisWood: maybe there will be a windows port | 08:23 |
=== clayg [n=clay@c-66-177-178-29.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sparr | KrisWood: linux handles swap better, and when swap runs out linux handles disk better so PS's own pseudo-swap runs faster | 08:23 |
nothlit | who wants to pay even more to run photoshop | 08:23 |
sparr | KrisWood: same reason WoW runs faster | 08:23 |
KrisWood | zbogdan: no clue | 08:23 |
=== JaeSharp is now known as JaeSharpZZZ | ||
clayg | anyone know a better way to fix /restore myself from a failed beryl install back to the "normal" way. other than hunting the net and begging someon for theirs? | 08:23 |
KrisWood | sparr: only downside is I've got a d3d vid card >.< | 08:23 |
clayg | or installing it on another box just to get the defualt xorg.conf? | 08:23 |
clayg | er x11.conf one of 'em | 08:23 |
GR33N3OX | does linux have the best of both worlds | 08:23 |
=== kling0n [n=kling0n@0405ds1-ynoe.0.fullrate.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
KrisWood | sparr: Most games perform abysmally for me in openGL mode | 08:24 |
clayg | GR33N3OX, no but it's getting there, and fast | 08:24 |
sparr | GR33N3OX: no. windows is easier. its just crippled in so many ways. | 08:24 |
sparr | KrisWood: freaky | 08:24 |
KrisWood | GR33N3OX: depends on what you do with it | 08:24 |
clayg | KrisWood, have you found a way to play WoW besides crossover? | 08:24 |
=== onewheelskyward [n=onewheel@dsl093-038-181.pdx1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kling0n | anyone know whether there is an "official" unstable repository for edgy? I am looking for thunderbird 2 beta version from a source I can trust | 08:24 |
KrisWood | clayg: I don't play wow at all sorry, I did manage to get Settlers 3 running in it though :D | 08:24 |
mikejanssen | man | 08:24 |
mikejanssen | i work at gateway | 08:25 |
KrisWood | clayg: I've heard that WoW runs great in cedega | 08:25 |
clayg | on crossover? i want something free or cheap at least | 08:25 |
mikejanssen | and i am mad about our new systems we are releasing today | 08:25 |
mikejanssen | they are disgusting | 08:25 |
mikejanssen | = ( | 08:25 |
clayg | isn't cedega codeweavers also? | 08:25 |
shatrat | I ran wow in cedaga for weeks. It runs great if you have nvidia. Its probably a pig on atis drivers though | 08:25 |
riotkittie | i dont think windows is easier because its easier. i think its "easier" because its become the standard and people have had it rammed down their throats for so long :P | 08:25 |
clayg | i might buy it (i know right, buy>?!) if i can play wow on it | 08:25 |
clayg | i have nvidia | 08:25 |
KrisWood | clayg: Cedega is free if you compile it yourself, or $5 if you don't | 08:25 |
shatrat | clayg, I mean I ran it in wine. cedega is different from codewavers | 08:25 |
clayg | no kidding huh | 08:25 |
Flannel | mikejanssen: #ubuntu-offtopic is the place for that ;) general chatting. | 08:25 |
riotkittie | only $5? | 08:25 |
mikejanssen | = X | 08:25 |
mikejanssen | oh yeaaahh | 08:25 |
clayg | which is te best outta the 3? wine seems to never work for me | 08:26 |
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KrisWood | riotkittie: It was when I looked at it last a few years ago | 08:26 |
KrisWood | Oh btw, the only reason 3dsmax doesn't run in linux is the copy protection | 08:26 |
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clayg | is cedage better than codeweavers/xover? how much os codeweavers? | 08:26 |
KrisWood | Max can't detect cdilla in the background even if it's running via cedega | 08:26 |
KrisWood | clayg: not better, different | 08:27 |
KrisWood | clayg: xover doesn't do 3d | 08:27 |
Manstein | I have been running WoW for 3 months now, using wine 0.9.26 at first , and just updated to 0.9.30. Works like a charm. Do u need the article i used? | 08:27 |
sparr | cedega is for games. crossover is mostly for things written by microsoft, or with IE integration. | 08:27 |
=== Feengur [n=feengur@host-12-168-179-112.nctv.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
rfschmid | Anyone know what I can do about an error like this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3309/ | 08:27 |
clayg | KrisWood, oh and what does it do that cedega does not? | 08:27 |
=== raf256 [n=raf256@unaffiliated/raf256] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sparr | wine is almost as good as cedega for most games these days, even better for a few. it has caught up a LOT since the old days | 08:27 |
raf256 | hello I have a 1 minute linux survey about hardware | 08:27 |
=== ajax4 [n=ajax@adsl-71-130-124-73.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sparr | !survey | 08:28 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about survey - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:28 |
zbogdan | clayg: try setting up wine yourself, not that hard | 08:28 |
raf256 | anyone can help me fill it in? Im colecting statistical data | 08:28 |
ajax4 | !wireless | 08:28 |
KrisWood | clayg: xover is really good at handling 2D apps, things like Word or Photoshop. | 08:28 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 08:28 |
sparr | ubotu: weak! | 08:28 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about weak! - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:28 |
=== Sobek [n=jack@pD95358E9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GR33N3OX | ubuntu looks so weak | 08:28 |
sparr | ubotu: botsnack | 08:28 |
raf256 | zbogdan: no, I ment an online survery like www page not irc | 08:28 |
ubotu | Yum! | 08:28 |
clayg | zbogdan, i did hard to explain atm though | 08:28 |
KrisWood | clayg: I think wine or cedega will run anyting xover will though | 08:28 |
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sparr | KrisWood: it wont | 08:28 |
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sparr | KrisWood: ive had a few games that used IE's xml engine to render tables that only worked in crossover. thankfully they werent 3d | 08:28 |
KrisWood | It won't? ok my apologies then | 08:28 |
GR33N3OX | so if i install ubuntu..all my windows stuff will still be good? | 08:28 |
clayg | well if photo shop isn't 3d then wow isn't ut then again who decides when a 2d object is considered 3d anyhow | 08:28 |
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zbogdan | clayg: rephrase atm | 08:29 |
svg | Manstein: yes please, the WoW article :) | 08:29 |
shatrat | GR33N3OX, you said yourself all you run is MS Office and AIM, youre hardly a software expert | 08:29 |
Thecutter | Hello everyone. | 08:29 |
clayg | at the moment | 08:29 |
sparr | GR33N3OX: you can run ubuntu off the CD, without even installing it. try it out, no risk. | 08:29 |
Manstein | svg: gimme a sec | 08:29 |
KrisWood | GR33N3OX: Anything that doesn't use directX | 08:29 |
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riotkittie | looks so weak? | 08:29 |
KrisWood | GR33N3OX: And some things that do | 08:29 |
clayg | in other words in stead of explaining why i ont want to know /use wine, i rather move on to the answer to the quest i asked, a nice way of saying that | 08:29 |
Thecutter | Could someone please tell me where to download a mp3 plugin? | 08:29 |
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Flannel | !mp3 | Thecutter | 08:29 |
ubotu | Thecutter: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 08:29 |
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KrisWood | clayg: sorry I missed your initial question I think | 08:29 |
sparr | clayg: err, the video card decides when its 3d :) | 08:29 |
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clayg | gotcha | 08:30 |
Manstein | sfg: I used http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=120615 , i didn't need the patch process for 0.9.30 . | 08:30 |
sparr | clayg: if you call 2d functions with 2d data, its 2d. if you call 3d functions with 2d or 3d data, its 3d. | 08:30 |
zbogdan | clayg: i belive cedega is focused on games only, crossover is more general - supports less games and more big office packages (MSIE, office) | 08:30 |
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clayg | gotcha | 08:30 |
clayg | nice | 08:30 |
clayg | ill peep cedega then | 08:30 |
Manstein | svg: sfg: I used http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=120615 , i didn't need the patch process for 0.9.30 | 08:30 |
KrisWood | Can anyone help me set up a DNS proxy? | 08:30 |
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svg | Manstein: thx | 08:30 |
GR33N3OX | can i use the internet with UBUNTU while running it on VMWARE if so how | 08:31 |
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Manstein | svg: gl m8, worth the effort ;) | 08:31 |
clayg | specially for the 5 if i can't get it compiled, probally alot of dependency hell thoug but still | 08:31 |
KrisWood | GR33N3OX: Yes, same way you would on windows :) | 08:31 |
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KrisWood | GR33N3OX: It should "just work" | 08:31 |
sparr | GR33N3OX: vmware will either make your network card available to ubuntu directly, or it will make a fake network connection between the ubuntu "computer" and your windows. | 08:31 |
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clayg | anyone here running dapper and not beryl? | 08:32 |
KrisWood | sparr: No it's not, it's MAGIC :D | 08:32 |
CharonX | Is there a dashboard program available for Linux similar to the OSX dashboard ? | 08:32 |
ikonia | riotkittie: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=240282&highlight=cups+server its sharing using the cups hp daemon - not samba but its not a bad start | 08:32 |
zbogdan | GR33N3OX: you need to tell vmware to set up a local network (between host comp and guest) | 08:32 |
dxdemetriou | how can I use "apt-get source" to build from the source code and to enable some extras? | 08:32 |
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riotkittie | ikonia: thank you! | 08:32 |
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ikonia | riotkittie: its quite a good basic walkthrough | 08:32 |
ikonia | just tested it | 08:32 |
ikonia | its not bull | 08:32 |
KrisWood | Well, I think I'm gonna head out but I've got one last thing to say | 08:33 |
GR33N3OX | well its not working | 08:33 |
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zbogdan | GR33N3OX: from your question host is windows and ubuntu guest | 08:33 |
KrisWood | The number one reason Ubuntu is better than windows... | 08:33 |
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riotkittie | although, i could stop being lazy and just carry my laptop to the printer ... :P | 08:33 |
KrisWood | Where's the Windows IRC channel that has 800 people in it? | 08:33 |
KrisWood | :D | 08:33 |
CharonX | KrisWood, Just look for a channel full of zombies. | 08:33 |
Ayabara | I need a good calender application. Normally I'd go with evolution, but we use an echange server at work, so it has given me some problems. I want to use thunderbird and manually add my meetings to a calendar. Any recommendations? | 08:33 |
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n2diy_ | KrisWood: this is the fewest number of people I've seen here! | 08:34 |
kling0n | Ayabara: I believe there is an exchange plugin for evolution | 08:34 |
ikonia | riotkittie: nah, network printing is the way | 08:34 |
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sparr | CharonX: there are some sorta-dashboard apps for linux now. the next version of KDE is supposed to have an almost exact copy of the OS X dashboard that uses the same widgets (hooray khtml open sourceness!) | 08:34 |
KrisWood | CharonX: nah, it doesn't exist :) Like Microsoft would ever want to create a place for people to ask for help for FREE :D | 08:34 |
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Ayabara | kling0n, there is, but it has been somewhat unstable. plus I like thunderbird better | 08:34 |
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kling0n | hehe well, I cant blame you :) | 08:34 |
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KrisWood | Oh hey n2diy_ long time no chat :) | 08:35 |
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kling0n | I've had to move away from evolution also | 08:35 |
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KrisWood | Then again I only come in here when I have tons of questions ;) | 08:35 |
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CharonX | KrisWood, By zombies, I mean computers taken over and controlled via an irc channel | 08:35 |
YoshiG3 | Hey everyone, I just installed a .deb and I can't figure out where it went | 08:35 |
n2diy_ | KrisWood: Roger that, good to see your still online. :) | 08:35 |
KrisWood | CharonX: lol :) | 08:35 |
sparr | YoshiG3: dpkg -L nameofpackage | 08:35 |
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Ayabara | kling0n, I used kalendar and korganizer earlier, but now I have a kde-free system, so I thought I'd check if there's a good gnome based calendar app | 08:35 |
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CharonX | sparr, Thanks, too bad im stuck on gnome... I might have to switch with all these great features KDE has come up with in the last while though. | 08:36 |
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KrisWood | n2diy_: I did finally figure out what my internet trouble was last time after all that work. I had bumped a network cable while trying to fix things. | 08:36 |
YoshiG3 | sparr: I had a game named vdrift, I installed the deb with dpkg, and I can't find it... | 08:36 |
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sparr | CharonX: i cant imagine how people use gnome... last time i compared it to kde was a year ago, and it was years behind then | 08:36 |
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sparr | YoshiG3: dpkg -L vdrift | 08:36 |
AzMoo | Hey, is there supposed to be a separate iso for Ubuntu Server Edition? | 08:36 |
YoshiG3 | I did that, nothing happeend, couldn't find it | 08:37 |
sparr | AzMoo: there is, and there is. | 08:37 |
Flannel | AzMoo: there is. | 08:37 |
KrisWood | Anyone here know anything about DNS proxies? | 08:37 |
n2diy_ | KrisWood: Roger that too! Hey, a good tech. finds there mistakes! :) | 08:37 |
sparr | YoshiG3: what was the name of the deb? | 08:37 |
riotkittie | i cant imagine how people use kde. :P | 08:37 |
xrfang | hi there, I have some questions about ubuntu translation, is there anybody familiar with that? my first question is can I download a language package for a particular software then edit it using gtranslator? I would like to do offline not on launchpad... | 08:37 |
xrfang | tks | 08:37 |
CharonX | sparr, I can open all the programs I need in the gui. Never really needed much more I guess untill recently. I used to be in fluxbox to give you an idea. I guess its just evolution over time for me. | 08:37 |
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KrisWood | n2diy_: yup, gotta invest in some new network cables that have proper clips lol | 08:37 |
YoshiG3 | well, I renamed it...to vdrift.deb | 08:37 |
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riotkittie | im big on flux these days. | 08:38 |
sparr | CharonX: yeah, i use openbox when i need speed/ram, and kde when i want a comfortable integrated desktop... but anyting in between seems useless | 08:38 |
AzMoo | sparr, Flannel, thanks. Is it still version 6.10? I can't seem to find it. | 08:38 |
KrisWood | YoshiG3: try slocate? | 08:38 |
sparr | YoshiG3: dpkg -l | grep -i drift | 08:38 |
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GR33N3OX | is linux the best OS in the world? | 08:39 |
riotkittie | hm. if i can free some space, maybe i'll take kde for another spin | 08:39 |
sparr | CharonX: maybe gnome has improved lately. when i tried it, printer support sucked, menu integration with debian sucked. the panel had very few configurable options or applets | 08:39 |
riotkittie | though i think it will be overkill | 08:39 |
KrisWood | GR33N3OX: That's a rather subjective question. Best for who? | 08:39 |
Flannel | AzMoo: it is. What arch? | 08:39 |
sparr | GR33N3OX: we wouldnt be here if not :) | 08:39 |
n2diy_ | KrisWood: buy a package with the cable, terminals, and cable, making your own cables isn't that hard to do. I just ran 150' of cat five, and will soon have my garage networked with this box. | 08:39 |
HymnToLife | GR33N3OX, no - but it' all a matter of opinion | 08:39 |
YoshiG3 | "ii vdrift-data 0.0.2006.10.06-1 An open source drift racing simulation | 08:39 |
HymnToLife | and Linux is not an OS anyway | 08:39 |
Ayabara | no advice on gnome calendar app? guess it's korganizer then. | 08:40 |
n2diy_ | KrisWood: whoops, I meant cable, terminals, and crimper. | 08:40 |
sparr | YoshiG3: you only got the data, you also need the package without "-data" in the name | 08:40 |
KrisWood | n2diy_: yeah I know, I just don't feel like buying the crimper | 08:40 |
GR33N3OX | isert easy to make app for linux | 08:40 |
AzMoo | Flannel, i386. I was hoping to find one on my ISP mirror (download caps suck balls), but I'm not managing it. | 08:40 |
sparr | YoshiG3: then do "dpkg -L vdrift-data" and "dpkg -L vdrift" | 08:40 |
sparr | GR33N3OX: far easier than for windows | 08:40 |
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KrisWood | n2diy_: Not when decent network cables are $6 at the local computer store | 08:40 |
sparr | GR33N3OX: its easier to make an app for linux, mac, AND windows than to make one just for windows. | 08:40 |
n2diy_ | KrisWood: Join a LUG, and see if you can borrow one. | 08:40 |
CharonX | sparr, Ill have to try KDE, as I dont really have a comparison as the last time I used KDE was back in 2001 and it was much to heavy for my computer at the time. | 08:40 |
blackduck3 | Thxs for your crap help. | 08:41 |
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Flannel | AzMoo: you just have to go to the "other install options" on the download page, and then there's the server iso. For instance: http://ftp.ucsb.edu/pub/mirrors/linux/ubuntu/edgy/ has the server stuff (that's just from click "other install options") | 08:41 |
Rprp | Hi, how can i 'get' all the $_GETS in mysql querys? grep "mysql * \$_GET" * ---- doesnt work... (Srry for bad english... :x) | 08:41 |
sparr | CharonX: its still pretty heavy, relative to the alternatives, but im not running a 386 any more :) | 08:41 |
YoshiG3 | sparr: It's not showing much, how am I supposed to know if I have the full files? | 08:41 |
AzMoo | Flannel, ok, cheers. | 08:41 |
gbv22 | can anyone give me help on multiple monitors on ubuntu pls? thanks! | 08:41 |
KrisWood | n2diy_: lol nah, I'll just buy the cables. I spent too many years as a sysadmin / network admin to enjoy making cables anymore loil | 08:41 |
KrisWood | lol too | 08:41 |
Flannel | !dualhead | gbv22 | 08:41 |
ubotu | gbv22: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama | 08:41 |
GR33N3OX | isnt 90% of computer users , use windows? | 08:41 |
sparr | YoshiG3: there are two debs to download. you only downloaded the -data one. you need to go get the other one too. | 08:41 |
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sparr | GR33N3OX: no. maybe 90% of desktop computers. | 08:41 |
HymnToLife | GR33N3OX, true, so what ? | 08:42 |
GR33N3OX | isnt that why bill gates is the richiest man alive | 08:42 |
sparr | GR33N3OX: more people use QNX or Symbian than windows+mac+linux | 08:42 |
sotzing | hello | 08:42 |
riotkittie | GR33N3OX: less than 90% on the desktop but not that much less, i imagine | 08:42 |
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sparr | bill gates hasnt been the richest man alive for a while | 08:42 |
AzMoo | Flannel, I found it. I was looking for a DVD, not a CD. Thanks :) | 08:42 |
riotkittie | Gates isnt the richest man alive. | 08:42 |
gbv22 | ubotu: thanks | 08:42 |
ubotu | You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 08:42 |
n2diy_ | GR33N3OX: at one time 90% of the people thought the world was flat. | 08:42 |
GR33N3OX | he is according to forbe | 08:42 |
KrisWood | GR33N3OX: Only because Bill Gates used some very clever business strategies to ensure that Windows would be pre-installed on damn near every PC :) | 08:42 |
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sotzing | whats the easiest way to install apache/php/mysql on ubuntu? | 08:42 |
Flannel | guys, take this conversation to #ubuntu-offtopic, this isn't the place for it. | 08:43 |
Flannel | !lamp | sotzing | 08:43 |
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ubotu | sotzing: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 08:43 |
YoshiG3 | man games suck to get for linux lol | 08:43 |
KrisWood | sotzing: sudo apt-get install php | 08:43 |
GR33N3OX | who is the richiest man alive? | 08:43 |
HymnToLife | YoshiG3, that depends _which_ games | 08:43 |
GR33N3OX | if its not bill gates | 08:43 |
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HymnToLife | google knows... | 08:43 |
Flannel | GR33N3OX: #ubuntu-offtopic, please. #ubuntu is a support channel | 08:43 |
HymnToLife | anyway | 08:43 |
KrisWood | sotzing: nm follow ubotu's way, it's better | 08:44 |
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HymnToLife | !offtopic | GR33N3OX | 08:44 |
GR33N3OX | google says bill gates | 08:44 |
ubotu | GR33N3OX: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 08:44 |
GR33N3OX | ok | 08:44 |
sparr | YoshiG3: compared to windows? how? when i want a game, i apt-get install it. bam, done. if its not in the repository, i download a deb and double click it, no worse than windows. at worst i have to download source and compile it, takes a few minutes. | 08:44 |
HymnToLife | btw, anyone know why I'm banned from offtopic ? | 08:44 |
KrisWood | Well, since a lot of people have come and gone since the last time I asked, does anyone here know anything about dns proxies? | 08:44 |
Rprp | Hi, how can i 'get' all the $_GETS in mysql querys? grep "mysql * \$_GET" * ---- doesnt work... (Srry for bad english... :x) | 08:44 |
KrisWood | Rprp: Try joining #mysql and #php on this server | 08:45 |
Rprp | lol, its a 'grep' question.. :p | 08:45 |
KrisWood | oh sorry misread it at first | 08:45 |
KrisWood | are you using less? | 08:45 |
Flannel | HymnToLife: #ubuntu-ops could tell you | 08:46 |
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KrisWood | Rprp: less filename | grep string | 08:46 |
Rprp | k, i will try | 08:46 |
HymnToLife | Flannel, thanks, I'll ask there when I'm back from school | 08:46 |
KrisWood | grep should always follow a pipe | 08:46 |
apallo | what's the command to see if my wireless drivers are installed correctly? | 08:46 |
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incorrect | i was looking at zenoss / zabbix etc, can anyone recommend one? | 08:47 |
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HymnToLife | apallo, iwconfig | 08:47 |
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psyoptik | I'm having some issues setting up a shoutcast audio server on my edgy box. Im using the linux version of shoutcast and idjc to send stream to shoutcast server. Problem is that idjc won't connect when shoutcast says its up...any ideas? | 08:47 |
KrisWood | no DNS gurus out there tonight eh? heh | 08:48 |
Rprp | KrisWood: less * | grep "mysql * get" <-- Doesnt work? (I want al the $_GET[thingies] in mysql querys.... :p) | 08:48 |
robert_ | hm | 08:48 |
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apallo | hmmm, it won't connect to my wireless network... | 08:48 |
KrisWood | ok it's near midnight here, gonna head out, have a good night everyone! | 08:48 |
robert_ | how do I get mozilla to use arts instead of esd? | 08:48 |
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KrisWood | Rprp: I don't know if that works, try man less | 08:48 |
sotzing | KrisWood: thanks for the help | 08:48 |
KrisWood | Rprp: I think you have to specify a single file name, I don't think * will work | 08:48 |
apallo | anyone know how to make wireless work with WPA? | 08:48 |
HymnToLife | !wpa | apallo | 08:49 |
ubotu | apallo: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 08:49 |
KrisWood | OMG I just recommended a man page, wtf | 08:49 |
KrisWood | lol | 08:49 |
apallo | thanks Hymn! | 08:49 |
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Rprp | hm | 08:49 |
KrisWood | Ok I'll stick around for a slight rant | 08:49 |
KrisWood | This is the only linux community I've ever visited that never mentions man pages lol | 08:49 |
KrisWood | :D | 08:49 |
nothlit | Rprp, thats because you need cat | 08:49 |
KrisWood | imo that's a good thing | 08:49 |
nothlit | Rprp, less doesn't work like that | 08:49 |
KrisWood | nothlit: Ooooh good call, thanks | 08:50 |
n2diy_ | ! man | KrisWood | 08:50 |
ubotu | KrisWood: The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands | 08:50 |
n2diy_ | ! RTFM | KrisWood | 08:50 |
nothlit | ooh theres a man intro? | 08:50 |
ubotu | KrisWood: Words like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period. | 08:50 |
Rprp | dedi262:/home/masseria/public_html# cat *php* | grep "mysql * get" | 08:50 |
Rprp | dedi262:/home/masseria/public_html# | 08:50 |
KrisWood | n2diy_: When I started out using linux, the first answer anyone would ever give was always "read the man page" | 08:50 |
nothlit | why can't it bring it up by default like info | 08:51 |
KrisWood | n2diy_: People have it easy these days :) | 08:51 |
nothlit | KrisWood, only in the ubuntu world | 08:51 |
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nothlit | Rprp, try escaping the asterisk or modifying your command | 08:51 |
n2diy_ | KrisWood: tell me something I don't know, and yes they do, remember RH5.2!? | 08:51 |
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KrisWood | nothlit: yup, why else would I be here lol | 08:51 |
KrisWood | n2diy_: Fortunately my first redhat experience was 7.0 :D | 08:52 |
Rprp | nothlit: you mean "mysql \* get" ? | 08:52 |
nothlit | Rprp, i think you need to use regex rather than globs | 08:52 |
n2diy_ | KrisWood: ah, you are a newbie. :) | 08:52 |
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nothlit | Rprp, you could try it | 08:52 |
KrisWood | n2diy_: Before that I had mostly used BSD, and I forget if my college used suse or slackware | 08:52 |
psyoptik | anyone have any experience setting up a shoutcast server that might have some idea what problem I am having? | 08:52 |
Rprp | nothlit: doesnt work. :p | 08:53 |
KrisWood | n2diy_: nah, I've been doing this stuff for 10 years, I've just forgotten most of the oldschool stuff | 08:53 |
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nothlit | Rprp, yeah you need to use regex rather than globs | 08:53 |
n2diy_ | KrisWood: ok, I'll retract my last remark. | 08:53 |
nothlit | Rprp, try "mysql[[:print:] ] *get" | 08:53 |
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nothlit | without the quotes | 08:53 |
KrisWood | n2diy_: I'm just a relative noob at redhat, which I have avoided like the plague ever since FC1 :D | 08:53 |
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KrisWood | Wow, nothlit you're on a roll there | 08:54 |
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n2diy_ | KrisWood: I "broke out! with Mandrake 7.0, and then migrated to FC1, and now Dapper. I have now found my linux home with Ubuntu. | 08:54 |
Rprp | k, thnx | 08:54 |
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KrisWood | anyway my bed is getting lonely. I'll catch ya all later, maybe there'll be a DNS person around tomorrow :) | 08:55 |
Rprp | oke | 08:55 |
Rprp | nothlit: works, thnx | 08:55 |
n2diy_ | KrisWood: I "broke out" | 08:55 |
nothlit | KrisWood, thats because the #ubuntu-* channels are quiet | 08:55 |
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KrisWood | n2diy_: I came to ubuntu (hoary) from FC1 and haven't looked back once :) | 08:56 |
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KrisWood | would you believe it's near impossible to get the kernel headers in FC? *shudders* | 08:56 |
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KrisWood | at least it was before yum, dunno about now | 08:56 |
KrisWood | anyway, SLEEP! hehe | 08:56 |
KrisWood | good night all! | 08:57 |
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n2diy_ | KrisWood: gn | 08:57 |
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Alpha232 | anyone having issues with an apt-get upgrade causing apache to segfault? | 08:57 |
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Setomidor | I need some help configuring my default routes: I have a LAN connected to eth0, and detects an encrypted wireless network on ath0. But even tho I have tried using "ifconfig ath0 down" browsers and similar still tries to use the ath0 connection instead of the wired one | 08:59 |
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nicholaspaul | Anyone experienced installing Ubuntu on Flash memory, like CF or SD memory? | 09:00 |
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n2diy_ | Setomidor: I don't know, but I wonder if there is a way to set eth0 as the default route? | 09:01 |
Setomidor | I've tried reading the route man page, without result sadly | 09:01 |
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Cryoniq | Hmm.. are there any performance problem with Azureus under Ubuntu 6.10 (edgy) with Java 1.4.2? Torrents are way slow and dies all the time and have to be restarted, or even client restarted. | 09:02 |
pa0lo | hi all, can you suggest me a good graphical ftp server? | 09:02 |
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Cryoniq | NAT is Okay btw. Settings are tuned for 100 mbps full duplex. Client tuned after 3 dual ghz, about 2 gig ram and fairly fast and large disk access | 09:02 |
Cryoniq | There are really nothing that should stop this java bittorrent client from speeding like a knight in shining armour. Oh and torrents are of such nature that there are a lot of cream to be delivered from the tracker and its other clients out there. Well enough to cover 100 mbps many times over. | 09:02 |
nicholaspaul | I was just wondering, if I were to install on Flash memory, can i just copy the system to the internal hard drive and boot of it? | 09:02 |
kling0n | Setomidor: you should use something like 'route delete -net default; route add -net default (ex: gw' | 09:02 |
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Cryoniq | Oh.. then of course there is the java that could present a certain performance loss.... I guess... but hope not.. | 09:02 |
kling0n | Setomidor: assuming, of course that you are on a 192.168.1. subnet :) | 09:02 |
Setomidor | kling0n: Hang on | 09:02 |
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kling0n | Setomidor: also, I would not reccommend you doing this on the machine that you are currently connected to this channel with | 09:03 |
n2diy_ | nicholaspaul: nope, the hard drive won't know where the boot loader is. | 09:03 |
nicholaspaul | n2diy_: can i ammend something so it does know? | 09:03 |
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nicholaspaul | or is that too much like work? | 09:04 |
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Cryoniq | hmm.. hold any possible solution suggestions.. i'll be right back.. deliviering my 2 year old son to his kindergarden :) | 09:04 |
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n2diy_ | ! grub | nicholaspaul | 09:04 |
ubotu | nicholaspaul: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 09:04 |
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nicholaspaul | n2diy_: thanks :) | 09:05 |
n2diy_ | nicholaspaul, nada | 09:05 |
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nicholaspaul | n2diy_: so is flash memory a reliable place to put a system? | 09:06 |
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n2diy_ | nicholaspaul, if your bios supports booting from it. | 09:06 |
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kling0n | nicholaspaul: you should not put a file system that will have a lot of write operations on flash memory, since flash has a ,limited number og writes per sector... you *could* put stuff like your boot partition on there, though | 09:07 |
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kling0n | nicholaspaul: keeping n2diy_'s comment in memory :) | 09:07 |
Setomidor | kling0n: I've added it as default, but still have another two entries in the route list above that. The problematic one is probably "Dest: Gateway: * Genmask: Flags:U". however, route -del "" doesn't work | 09:07 |
nicholaspaul | kling0n: oh i see. I'm looking for solutions for installing on a system that has no CDROM, USB or F/W | 09:08 |
nicholaspaul | but it does have PCMCIA | 09:08 |
n2diy_ | kling0n: every thing has a read write limit. :) | 09:08 |
kling0n | Setomidor: try /query klingon and let me see a dump of 'netstat -arn' | 09:08 |
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Setomidor | sure, thanks | 09:08 |
kling0n | n2diy_: :) | 09:08 |
kling0n | n2diy_: ... but the write limitation on flash is notably lower that HD | 09:08 |
nicholaspaul | kling0n: what if I were to put the HD in another machine, install and then switch? | 09:09 |
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kling0n | nicholaspaul: that could work... Or do a net install | 09:09 |
n2diy_ | kling0n: I don't know, haven't checked it out, but, we have to live with the fact that everything breaks, sooner or later. | 09:09 |
nicholaspaul | kling0n: over ethernet? | 09:09 |
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NeWorld | HI | 09:10 |
mwe | nicholaspaul: if it supports booting from the ethernet | 09:10 |
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pa0lo | hi all, can you suggest me a good graphical ftp server? | 09:10 |
NeWorld | could someone tell me howto regsietr my nick name | 09:10 |
kling0n | nicholaspaul: do you have another linux machine on the local net? | 09:10 |
mwe | nicholaspaul: I did that on an IBM X40 with no CD/DVD drive | 09:10 |
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nicholaspaul | kling0n: yea i do. | 09:10 |
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kling0n | NeWorld: '/msg nickserv help' | 09:11 |
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nicholaspaul | mwe: oh ok. praps is should try:) | 09:11 |
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kling0n | nicholaspaul: http://wiki.koeln.ccc.de/index.php/Ubuntu_PXE_Install | 09:11 |
OkinawaInstructo | i just tried to install an e-GeForce 7300GS video card but GUI will not work, anyone have any ideas on how to get this to work? | 09:11 |
mwe | nicholaspaul: but does your bios have an option to boot over ethernet? | 09:11 |
kane77 | I got quite a bit of backup DVD's, however some of them wont get mounted in ubuntu... why could that be?? | 09:11 |
nicholaspaul | mwe: not sure, its an old world mac. | 09:12 |
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kling0n | new,nicholaspaul: indeed an important point... most modern BIOS implementations do, however | 09:12 |
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mwe | nicholaspaul: it has to support it or I don't think you can | 09:12 |
GR33N3OX | is it possible to make ur monitor a touchscreen with ubuntu | 09:12 |
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NeWorld | ? | 09:13 |
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nicholaspaul | mwe: ok, i'll do some more research into that. Thanks! | 09:13 |
kling0n | GR33N3OX: If your monitor is a touch screen, there should be a X module for it :) | 09:13 |
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IntuitiveNipple | GR33N3OX: It works on my tablet PC, so yes, it is | 09:13 |
GR33N3OX | no , i mean transform ur normal monitor to a touchscreen by using nothing but ubuntu | 09:14 |
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nicholaspaul | kling0n: i'm not familiar with old world mac bios, or the equivelant, i'll look into it . An interesting option tho. Can it work over wifi too, or is that too unstable? | 09:14 |
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IntuitiveNipple | do you have a touchscreen device? | 09:14 |
kane77 | *update: they can be mounted manually, but why don't they mount automaticaly?? | 09:14 |
GR33N3OX | no | 09:14 |
kling0n | Setomidor: that ought to be 'route del -net | 09:14 |
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IntuitiveNipple | GR33N3OX: then no - how can you have a touchscreen if you've got no "touch" !? | 09:14 |
kling0n | Setomidor: 'route -del' is invalid syntax :) | 09:14 |
GR33N3OX | thats shit then | 09:15 |
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GR33N3OX | i thoguth ubuntu was good | 09:15 |
tonyyarusso | !ohmy | GR33N3OX | 09:15 |
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ubotu | GR33N3OX: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 09:15 |
kling0n | GR33N3OX: in order to get touch screen functionality, you'll need a piece of hardware that can handle it | 09:15 |
mwe | GR33N3OX: don't be lame | 09:15 |
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Setomidor | right, I tried the correct one tho :) | 09:15 |
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kling0n | Setomidor: :) | 09:15 |
Lapsus | Hello! Could anyone tell me if there's a way to access the filesystem of the computer from the livecd so I can fix a botched xorg.conf? | 09:15 |
GR33N3OX | thats gay | 09:15 |
kling0n | Setomidor: did it work like you wanted, then? | 09:15 |
lupine_85 | /ignore is not, however | 09:16 |
mwe | GR33N3OX: maybe you expect ubuntu to transform you crap CPU into a core 2 duo as well? | 09:16 |
tonyyarusso | GR33N3OX: Second warning. | 09:16 |
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kling0n | someone kick GR33N3OX? | 09:16 |
nicholaspaul | kling0n: i 2nd that | 09:16 |
crazy_bus | I was trying to install abiword but I think the terminal quit when the process had only just started. Now I can't install it and it says; E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 09:16 |
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=== IntuitiveNipple does /ignore GR33N3OX!*@* and sighs happily... peace returneth | ||
Lapsus | :< | 09:17 |
kling0n | IntuitiveNipple: lol | 09:17 |
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nicholaspaul | kling0n: did i ask about switching hard drives? I cant remember, anyway, what if I put the HD in another machine to install Ubuntu on it? | 09:17 |
kling0n | nicholaspaul: that should work too | 09:18 |
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Lapsus | Anybody? I don't want to have to reinstall for what is probably a 5-second fix. | 09:18 |
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kling0n | nicholaspaul: you might run into some issues regarding graphics drivers though.. for example if the target machine uses an nvidia graphics card... in that case you will probably need to install the drivers from the command prompt | 09:18 |
IntuitiveNipple | Lapsus: Yes, sure you can | 09:18 |
FluxD | are there any mirrors for security,ubuntu.com am archive.ubuntu.com? | 09:19 |
Lapsus | Okay, Could you tell me how? | 09:19 |
tonyyarusso | !grub | Lapsus | 09:19 |
ubotu | Lapsus: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 09:19 |
GR33N3OX | can ubuntu make ur internet connection faster? | 09:19 |
crazy_bus | Anyone know how to fix this error, it seems to think it has downloaded the packages but I don't think it has. Is there anyway to force it to download them again? | 09:19 |
IntuitiveNipple | Lapsus: if the liveCD hasn't already auto-mounted your hard disk, do it manually | 09:19 |
mwe | !ops, GR33N3OX is being annoying | 09:19 |
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nicholaspaul | oh i see. well, i have a few options anyhoo. Thanks! | 09:19 |
mwe | !ops | 09:19 |
tonyyarusso | Lapsus: While it's not exactly it, it's a similar process to mount it. | 09:19 |
numist | ... | 09:19 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso | 09:19 |
numist | mwe: I charge you with abuse of !ops | 09:19 |
numist | :( | 09:19 |
cafuego_ | GR33N3OX: No, installing Ubuntu will not magically upgrade your hardware. | 09:19 |
mwe | numist: i didn't mean to | 09:20 |
mwe | numist: I ment to add a comment to them | 09:20 |
IntuitiveNipple | lol oh is it playtime? | 09:20 |
Lapsus | Every time I try to open access the harddrive it says that it's failed to mount because it's not removable, and can't run pmount. | 09:20 |
numist | well it doing that leaves messages for a lot of people, including me | 09:20 |
numist | so it's really not to be abused too much | 09:20 |
FluxD | are there any mirrors for security.ubuntu.com and archive.ubuntu.com? | 09:20 |
mwe | numist: I wanted to say that GR33N3OX is being really annoying | 09:20 |
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IntuitiveNipple | Lapsus: what device does the hard disk show as? /dev/hda ? | 09:21 |
numist | then ignore him? | 09:21 |
mwe | numist: swearing and all | 09:21 |
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kling0n | ubotu: !mirror > FluxD | 09:21 |
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Lapsus | IntuitiveNipple: It shows as 45.6 GB volume. | 09:21 |
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kling0n | Madpilot: thanks :) | 09:22 |
FluxD | kling0n my univ hosts one but I donot know how to download from them instead of the ubuntu ones? | 09:22 |
mwe | Madpilot: thanks | 09:22 |
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kling0n | FluxD: take a look at /etc/apt/sources.list | 09:22 |
FluxD | kling0n: I did | 09:22 |
FluxD | kling0n i edited it with my univ ones but it said no updates | 09:23 |
FluxD | but ubuntu one haad like 85 | 09:23 |
rob | huh? | 09:23 |
Lapsus | Basically The cd can't really see my harddrives except for the sizes of the partitions. | 09:24 |
kling0n | FluxD: you'll need to run sudo apt-get update first :) | 09:24 |
IntuitiveNipple | Lapsus: you need to create a mount-point, and then mount it. So, you'd do something like: mkdir /mnt/temp; mount /dev/hda /mnt/temp | 09:24 |
Setomidor | kling0n: Dumped some information to the query window | 09:24 |
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kling0n | Setomidor: hmm strange.. I dont see it | 09:24 |
FluxD | kling0n can u take a look at my sources.list then tell me what I am supposed to do where? | 09:24 |
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kling0n | FluxD: sure :) | 09:25 |
FluxD | thanks | 09:25 |
Setomidor | kling0n: can you see it now? | 09:25 |
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Lapsus | IntuitiveNipple: but can I just mount the one drive and then have it figure out the partition, or do I have to find out what partition it is manually? All I know is that it's somewhere on sdc/ | 09:25 |
kling0n | Setomidor: .... no | 09:25 |
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Setomidor | I'll create a pastebin | 09:26 |
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kling0n | goodf | 09:26 |
kling0n | Setomidor: good.. :) | 09:26 |
IntuitiveNipple | Lapsus: okay, try doing fdisk -l /dev/sdc | 09:26 |
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IntuitiveNipple | Lapsus: That will tell you what partitions you're dealing with | 09:26 |
Lapsus | IntuitiveNipple: It just says "Cannot open /dev/sdc" | 09:27 |
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IntuitiveNipple | you said it's called dev/sdc so I used that in the command. | 09:27 |
Setomidor | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3311/ | 09:27 |
Lapsus | IntuitiveNipple: I've tried it for hda/b/c and sda/b/c, it either says nothing or "Cannot open /dev/whatever" | 09:28 |
IntuitiveNipple | lapsus: check what the OS see's right now by doing: ls /dev/hd*; ls /dev/sd* | 09:28 |
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IntuitiveNipple | Lapsus: that will tell you what /dev/ see's | 09:28 |
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kling0n | Setomidor: that route table looks fine... everything not directed towards the 10.0.1 subnet should be going through the 192. route | 09:28 |
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NeWorld | could someone help me with registeration of my nickname? | 09:29 |
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IntuitiveNipple | Lapsus: If that doesn't help, check what Linux found in hardware when it started by doing "dmesg | more" | 09:29 |
FluxD | NeWorld /ns register passhere | 09:30 |
Zamber | NeWorld it's easy | 09:30 |
kling0n | FluxD: you don't seem to have put the uni mirror in there? | 09:30 |
Zamber | ./msg nickserv help | 09:30 |
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Lapsus | IntuitiveNipple: okay well at least it sees the drives | 09:30 |
FluxD | I dont know how to put it last time I changed it didnt do anything | 09:30 |
FluxD | ^^kling0n | 09:30 |
NeWorld | hows? | 09:31 |
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kling0n | btw anyone know why Xchat etc. opens link in the mozilla browser even though I have set firefox as the http and https handler in gnome-config? | 09:31 |
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RememberPOL | What's the default XDMCP/RDP client binary location in Ubuntu? | 09:31 |
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Setomidor | kling0n: Could there be some problem with the default DNS server? | 09:31 |
RememberPOL | tsclient? | 09:32 |
Setomidor | I seem to be able to ping IPs, if I resolve the dns manually here first | 09:32 |
kling0n | Setomidor: I think I will need a more presice description of the problem... applications wont' use the default route? what bare the symptoms? | 09:32 |
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Keneo | kling0n, same here with the mozilla browser | 09:32 |
IntuitiveNipple | kling0n: You have to set the command in Xchat itself | 09:32 |
Lapsus | IntuitiveNipple: Okay, It can't open any partition of any drive :/ | 09:32 |
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kling0n | Setomidor: check your /etc/resolv.conf | 09:32 |
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NeWorld | ? | 09:33 |
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IntuitiveNipple | kling0n: Settings > Advanced > URL Handlers... | 09:33 |
kling0n | IntuitiveNipple: thanks' | 09:33 |
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IntuitiveNipple | kling0n: you're welcome - that got be bugged a few weeks ago :) | 09:33 |
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Keneo | IntuitiveNipple, where do you change it then? | 09:34 |
Keneo | is it the '!opera -remote 'openURL(%s)'' comand? | 09:34 |
FluxD | kling0n: can you look and tell me whee to put it? | 09:34 |
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IntuitiveNipple | I have the handler: "Open in Firefox" !firefox '%s' | 09:34 |
ajax4 | !restricted | 09:35 |
Setomidor | kling0n: Ah, It was the DNS... Follow up question, 1) Why did It only autodetect the wireless one? :) | 09:35 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 09:35 |
Lapsus | Aw to heck with it. I'll just go back to windows until I can get my hands on a copy of eft :/ | 09:35 |
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Keneo | thx IntuitiveNipple | 09:35 |
NeWorld | !msg the bot>Neworld | 09:35 |
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kling0n | Setomidor: probably ran dhcp on the ethernet conection first, then the config got overwritten by the wireless dhcp | 09:36 |
IntuitiveNipple | Lapsus: why can't you just boot that hard disk install into Recovery mode and edit the xorg.conf from the shell? | 09:36 |
Keneo | now I have the: open link in browser and open link in firefox option | 09:36 |
Keneo | but it works anyway | 09:36 |
kling0n | Setomidor: try changing the interface order in /etc/network/interfaces | 09:36 |
IntuitiveNipple | Keneo: You can remove one you don't want | 09:36 |
Setomidor | I'll do that | 09:36 |
frogzoo | Lapsus: what's eft? | 09:36 |
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kling0n | FluxD: Im looking :) | 09:36 |
Setomidor | kling0n: Thanks a lot for all the help | 09:36 |
Setomidor | Really appreciate it | 09:36 |
Lapsus | IntuitiveNipple: I tried that, but I'm too much of a newb to know how to edit things from console :/ | 09:36 |
FluxD | kling0n : thanks and sorry for bothering :) | 09:36 |
Lapsus | frogzoo: Ubuntu 6.10 | 09:37 |
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frogzoo | Lapsus: the torrent is fastest, btw | 09:37 |
IntuitiveNipple | Lapsus: log into the shell, do "sudo su" to get root access, then do "nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf" to edit the file | 09:37 |
aalhamad | do i have to recompile my kernel to set my firewalls? | 09:37 |
IntuitiveNipple | aalhamad: no | 09:37 |
BelialMkII | Whats the link to the site that generates the list of repositories you want to use again, cant find it on google | 09:37 |
frogzoo | aalhamad: you do not | 09:38 |
aalhamad | thanks | 09:38 |
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kling0n | FluxD: do this: "sed 's/us.archive.ubuntu.com/ftp.utexas.edu/g' /etc/apt/sources.list" | 09:38 |
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frogzoo | !easysource | BelialMkII | 09:38 |
ubotu | BelialMkII: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 09:38 |
BelialMkII | thanks frogzoo | 09:38 |
kling0n | FluxD: if the output is correct, do this: | 09:38 |
Lapsus | frogzoo: I have isos for cd and dvd of i86 x64 and ppc, but my burner is dead. | 09:38 |
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frogzoo | Lapsus: :( | 09:38 |
FluxD | kling0n: where should I put that? in terminal? | 09:38 |
grigric | hi every body | 09:39 |
Lapsus | IntuitiveNipple: Okay, and how do I save with nano? | 09:39 |
kling0n | FluxD: "sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.orig; sudo sed 's/us.archive.ubuntu.com/ftp.utexas.edu/g' /etc/apt/sources.list" | 09:39 |
kling0n | FluxD: yes | 09:39 |
aalhamad | if my network cards are confiureed do i have to reconfigure them to set the firewall? | 09:39 |
gbv22 | guys, please help me out, im trying to install nvidia drivers on my ubuntu machine | 09:39 |
OrT | Lapsus ctrl+x and yes? something like that | 09:39 |
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Lapsus | I'm in the same boat as gbv22 ^^; | 09:39 |
kling0n | Setomidor: you're welcome :) | 09:39 |
aalhamad | <gbv22> use install adn remove application | 09:39 |
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aalhamad | and search for nividia | 09:40 |
IntuitiveNipple | Lapsus: You do Ctrl-X, then it asks you if you want to save, you press "Y", then its sorted | 09:40 |
gbv22 | lapsus what have u tried? | 09:40 |
FluxD | kling0n what about security.ubuntu.com | 09:40 |
gbv22 | aalhamad i tried, it says some of it is installed | 09:40 |
IntuitiveNipple | Lapsus: The menu along the bottom of the nano windows tells you the commands | 09:40 |
incorrect | what is the default root password? | 09:40 |
Lapsus | gbv22: I tried following the manual, and asking for help, and rereading the manual as suggested previously. | 09:40 |
choongii | what do I need to install to get my rhythmbox to play mp3 files? | 09:40 |
gbv22 | aalhamad, but i am unable to up the resolution | 09:40 |
IntuitiveNipple | incorrect: It's null - there isn't one | 09:40 |
FluxD | incorrect dont think there is one use sudo then ur pass | 09:41 |
gbv22 | lapsus hmm..it says tht my drivers are installed ( i dont know how) but i am unable to up my resolution | 09:41 |
incorrect | IntuitiveNipple, thought as much | 09:41 |
Lapsus | Okay thanks guys, I'll be back if it works, or back later if it doesn't | 09:41 |
kling0n | FluxD: change it to same root path | 09:41 |
incorrect | IntuitiveNipple, just wanted to double check | 09:41 |
kling0n | FluxD: i.e. ftp.utexas etc | 09:41 |
Lapsus | gbv22: i'm trying to enable hardware acceleration | 09:41 |
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FluxD | kling0n same as archive.ubuntu.com? | 09:41 |
kling0n | FluxD: yes.. but make sure to test it :) | 09:42 |
kling0n | incorrect: you can set the root pass with | 09:42 |
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FluxD | kling0n ok I will backup my sources.list and try it | 09:42 |
kling0n | incorrect: 'sudo passwd' | 09:42 |
incorrect | kling0n, its fine i don't want to set a root password | 09:42 |
kling0n | incorrect: I think the default is a random string | 09:42 |
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incorrect | i assume its --disabled-password not just blank | 09:43 |
kling0n | incorrect: if not, you could make sure it is :) | 09:43 |
Sunjo | Hello everyone | 09:43 |
incorrect | i am happy with my security model, just checking on the defaults for root, | 09:43 |
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incorrect | i am getting users and groups from an ADC, ssh only allows certain groups in, sudo only allows admin groups to sudo | 09:43 |
IntuitiveNipple | Lapsus: if you start from the hard disk and X won't start, and gives you that text-based screen, you can switch to a terminal by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F1, then logging in. From there, you do "sudo su" to get root privileges, then you can do "/etc/init.d/gdm stop" to stop X, and then at any time do "/etc/init.d/gm start" to try starting X again, after you've maybe edited xorg.conf | 09:44 |
kling0n | incorrect: more info here: | 09:44 |
kling0n | ubotu: !root > incorrect | 09:44 |
daftman | can anyone help me, my ubuntu crash randomly and I don't know how to isolate the problem | 09:44 |
incorrect | thanks kling0n | 09:44 |
kling0n | daftman: does the machine reboot? or does the gui simply restart? | 09:44 |
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IntuitiveNipple | Lapsus: also, you can switch to the X screen from the text console by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F7 and back to the text console by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F1 | 09:45 |
daftman | kling0n: no it just frozen, i cant even get a tty1 | 09:45 |
Sunjo | Could someone help me install the latest Nvidia Drivers with 8800 Series Support - i go to install it via the terminal at the login screen and it says it can't find the necessary libc headers | 09:45 |
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daftman | and alt+sysrec doesn't work | 09:45 |
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daftman | kling0n: when it happesn I check the message log and it says "gconf exiting" | 09:46 |
noobie0057 | Hi, I created a Linux commercial, if you'd like to see it. It's at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QmUW42ziGg | 09:46 |
Sunjo | Could someone help me install the latest Nvidia Drivers with 8800 Series Support - i go to install it via the terminal at the login screen and it says it can't find the necessary libc headers | 09:46 |
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AzMoo | Is there a way to get the current time during a server installation? | 09:47 |
FluxD | kling0n that seems to have changed nothing at all | 09:47 |
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kling0n | FluxD: 'sudo apt-get update' :) | 09:48 |
FluxD | kling0n I mean in the sources.list file | 09:48 |
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kling0n | FluxD: ahh you need to so 'sed -i "" 's/etc etc"' | 09:48 |
kling0n | FluxD: | 09:48 |
kling0n | FluxD: ... once you'be backed up the original :) | 09:49 |
aalhamad | <gbv22> http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_install_Beryl.2FAIGLX_.28Nvidia.29 | 09:49 |
apallo | i am trying to configure my wireless card with absolutely no luck...i am following the guides on help.ubuntu.com, but nothing's working... | 09:49 |
kling0n | FluxD: sorry.. I forgot to add it | 09:49 |
qetesh | wireless is gone after update to edgy---can anyone help? | 09:49 |
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mariel | hi | 09:49 |
FluxD | kling0n I will try that thanx np | 09:49 |
qetesh | system->administration->networking now shows 2 wired ethernet instead of 1 wireless 1 wired | 09:50 |
kling0n | qetesh: comment out the interface in /etc/network/interfaces and install network-manager-gnome | 09:50 |
mariel | how does one unpack a .tar file? | 09:50 |
mariel | not tar.gz, but .tar | 09:50 |
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AzMoo | tar xvf file.tar | 09:50 |
mariel | thanks | 09:50 |
kane77 | I got quite a bit of backup DVD's, however some of them wont get mounted in ubuntu... why could that be?? they can be mounted manually, but why don't they mount automaticaly?? | 09:50 |
mariel | :) | 09:50 |
aalhamad | <gbv22> http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy | 09:50 |
kling0n | mariel, AzMoo: no need for the 'v' parameter | 09:50 |
qetesh | kling0n thanks but nothing's commented in that file | 09:50 |
AzMoo | kling0n, nope, no need, but verbose is usually better for newbs. | 09:51 |
qetesh | and I already installed network-manager-gnome | 09:51 |
kling0n | qetesh: I know... you will need to *add* the # sign | 09:51 |
Sunjo | can someone help me get my nvidia drivers working - it says it needs the libc header files but they're all up to date | 09:51 |
apallo | i am getting weird output from my iwconfig as well... | 09:51 |
kling0n | qetesh: then the network manager will pick up the interface | 09:51 |
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apallo | it's showing 2 active wireless adapters, when i only have one | 09:51 |
kling0n | qetesh: you might need to do an 'sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart' | 09:51 |
qetesh | kling0n which ones should I comment out? | 09:51 |
apallo | and only one of them (wifi0) is broadcasting | 09:51 |
Tomcat_ | !nvidia | sunjo | 09:52 |
ubotu | sunjo: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 09:52 |
kling0n | qetesh: just the wireless one.. thats what I do at least :) | 09:52 |
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qetesh | which one is wireless changes with almost every boot, sometimes it's eth0 sometimes eth1 | 09:52 |
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apallo | but it doesnt show up in /etc/network/interfaces | 09:52 |
aalhamad | does firestart do all the work to enable firwalls??? | 09:52 |
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aalhamad | and how to check if i have secured fire wall.. | 09:53 |
kling0n | Sunjo: do you have the libc6-dev files installed? | 09:53 |
BelialMkII | Is there a web based place i can search for packages, similar to gentoo-portage.org | 09:53 |
aalhamad | how to chech from the command line that i have firewalls | 09:53 |
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kling0n | qetesh: I'm not sure about that one | 09:53 |
qetesh | kling0n how do start network-manager-gnome | 09:53 |
IntuitiveNipple | BelialMkII: http://packages.ubuntu.com/ | 09:53 |
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qetesh | it didn't start automatically with 'sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart | 09:54 |
BelialMkII | thanks IntuitiveNipple | 09:54 |
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TechWar | Hey just installed ubuntu, whats the best way to run something like openbox instead of gnome? its a tad bloated for my likings hehe | 09:54 |
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kling0n | qetesh: start by installing it: 'sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome' | 09:54 |
qetesh | kling0n it's already installed | 09:54 |
kling0n | TechWar: 'sudo apt-get install openbox' then set it as default session in the gdm screen | 09:55 |
kling0n | qetesh: 'sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart' | 09:55 |
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qetesh | kling0n I did that and the network monitor applet started but no network manager or are they one and the same? | 09:55 |
kling0n | qetesh: they look the same, at elast | 09:56 |
kling0n | least | 09:56 |
TechWar | kling0n: doesn't find that package? | 09:56 |
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qetesh | in "network settings" under "system->administration" it's still showing 2 wired devices eth0 and wlan0 no wireless | 09:56 |
qetesh | no option to activate or deactivate | 09:57 |
kling0n | qetesh: It might make sense for you to try and rename the wireless interface: http://www.debianadmin.com/rename-network-interface-using-udev-in-linux.html | 09:57 |
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kling0n | qetesh: wlan0 ought to be the wireless card | 09:57 |
kling0n | qetesh: if that is what it is named as, ignore the comment about renaming :) | 09:58 |
qetesh | yes kling0n it ought to be but it's not | 09:58 |
qetesh | it says wired connection | 09:58 |
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qetesh | under dapper it said eth1 was a wireless device | 09:58 |
qetesh | and there were activate and deactivate buttons that are not present in edgy | 09:58 |
kling0n | ubotu: !openbox | 09:59 |
ubotu | openbox is a lightweight window manager. For instructions and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Openbox. To replace metacity with Openbox please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Replace_Metacity_with_Openbox_in_gnome | 09:59 |
FluxD | kling0n thanks I think its working | 09:59 |
kling0n | TechWar: ^^ | 09:59 |
qetesh | basically I upgraded and my wireless card is gone | 09:59 |
kling0n | qetesh: try commenting out all interface lines in /etc/interfaces | 09:59 |
kling0n | qetesh: also, check dmesg ad if config to make sure the card is loaded correctly | 10:00 |
kling0n | qetesh: are you using a linux native driver? or ndiswrapper? | 10:00 |
kling0n | FluxD: you're welcome :) | 10:00 |
psh | wireless still painfull in linux :/ | 10:00 |
FluxD | kling0n: if I manually edit the sources.list file and do find and replace us.archive.com/archive.ubuntu.com/and security.ubuntu.com is it the same? | 10:00 |
qetesh | sorry kling0n I don't kinow about dmesg or ndiswrapper, wireless has always worked "out of the box" with every distro that's been on this machine | 10:00 |
kling0n | FluxD: it should be... it looks like your university is mirroring all the repositories | 10:01 |
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kling0n | FluxD: check to make sure that restricted and multiverse repos are available though | 10:01 |
FluxD | kling0n how do i check? | 10:01 |
FluxD | oh wait | 10:01 |
kling0n | qetesh: can you pastebin output from 'dmesg, ifconfig and iwconfig' please? | 10:01 |
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kling0n | hehe I need to get back to work soon... :) | 10:02 |
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Mrfo | anybody know how to get true transparency with gnome terminal? | 10:03 |
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spastii | hi ubuntu people | 10:03 |
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ny83 | hi spastii | 10:04 |
spastii | how to install beryl form source | 10:04 |
spastii | ? | 10:04 |
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qetesh | kling0n dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3312/ | 10:04 |
spastii | not from apt-get | 10:04 |
qetesh | kling0n ifconfig: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3313/ | 10:05 |
t0ny-p40 | How do I do an install with lvm with the ubuntu installer? | 10:05 |
qetesh | and iwconfig gives "no wireless extensions" for every interface | 10:05 |
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psh | qetesh, how many interf. do you have? | 10:06 |
kling0n | qetesh: sounds like the driver hasn't been loaded properly then... | 10:06 |
qetesh | says 5 interfaces | 10:06 |
Mrfo | anybody know how to get true transparency with gnome terminal? | 10:06 |
kling0n | qetesh: have you installed the restricted kernel modules? | 10:06 |
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qetesh | kling0n I haven't installed nothin, just freshly installed dapper & upgraded using update-manager -c -d | 10:07 |
qetesh | wifi worked fine in dapper | 10:07 |
diminthedam | hello, what ubuntu is best suited for an old dell laptop (inspiron 3500) ? | 10:07 |
qetesh | disappeared after edgy upgrade | 10:07 |
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va | hi to all | 10:10 |
qetesh | should I just try again with a fresh install of Feisty? | 10:10 |
aalhamad_ | how do i know that firewalls are enabled form a command line | 10:10 |
va | can anybody tell me how is resize partitioning at the time of installation is working? | 10:10 |
thegve | aalhamad_: iptables-save | 10:10 |
thegve | If it spits out a lot | 10:10 |
thegve | You probably have "some sort of" filtering | 10:11 |
qetesh | kling0n wireless was disabled and a wired connection enabled under System->Networking when I upgraded to edgy might that be a factor? | 10:11 |
aalhamad_ | thanks | 10:12 |
aalhamad_ | are root | 10:12 |
aalhamad_ | as root | 10:12 |
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psh | aalhamad_, what firewall? | 10:13 |
ardchoille42 | What's the name of that personal wiki-like note taking app? | 10:13 |
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ardchoille42 | !wiki | 10:13 |
ubotu | wiki is http://wiki.ubuntu.com - Loads of user-contributed documentation | 10:13 |
terapicodave | mediawiki? | 10:14 |
kling0n | qetesh: sorry... not sure I ahve any more ideas... I have to get back to work | 10:14 |
aalhamad_ | my firewall | 10:14 |
psh | aalhamad_, whats the name of it? | 10:14 |
ardchoille42 | terapicodave, No, this is a small app that doesn't require a server | 10:14 |
aalhamad_ | im using firestarter.. | 10:14 |
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graniti | hi. how can I set a process to be automatically respawned when/if it dies? | 10:15 |
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psh | aalhamad_, and you want to know if its running, enabled...? | 10:15 |
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Mrfo | anybody know how to get true transparency with gnome terminal? | 10:16 |
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aalhamad_ | psh im using firestarter.. | 10:16 |
frogzoo | Mrfo: eterm, or, beryl | 10:16 |
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Mrfo | i have beryl | 10:16 |
aalhamad_ | yes from my a comand line.. | 10:17 |
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psh | aalhamad_, well what is it you have problems with regarding firestarter? | 10:17 |
Mrfo | it only shows my background | 10:17 |
aalhamad_ | how can i know that my firewalls are set.. | 10:17 |
SurfnKid | hello, where is the firewall file for ubuntu | 10:17 |
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psh | aalhamad_, there are serveral tools online that ca test your firewall | 10:17 |
Mrfo | frogzoo, you know how to turn it on | 10:17 |
frogzoo | Mrfo: not the icons - yes, I don't know why they don't show as well | 10:17 |
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SurfnKid | !iptables | 10:18 |
ubotu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 10:18 |
=== Sunjo [n=sunjovas@CPE-60-226-253-135.sa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mrfo | oh | 10:18 |
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tracy | hi, can anyone tell me how to make the screen resolution smaller? just installed ubuntu an hour or two ago, and itd be much easier to work with of the screen werent so big. | 10:18 |
bimberi | !fixres | tracy | 10:18 |
ubotu | tracy: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 10:18 |
aalhamad_ | i just want to recheck in a comand line to see if i have fiewars.. | 10:18 |
aalhamad_ | on my labtop | 10:18 |
aalhamad_ | psh give me one.. | 10:18 |
tracy | thanks bimberi | 10:19 |
bimberi | tracy: yw :) | 10:19 |
Aaron_Mason | how can one make dapper go straight to command line rather than start X? | 10:19 |
Sunjo | the drivers than the repositories list for nvidia don't match my kernel version - therefore they don't work - what do i do? | 10:19 |
psh | aalhamad_, search for test firewall on google, you lazy | 10:19 |
ardchoille42 | !tomboy | 10:19 |
ubotu | tomboy: desktop note taking program using Wiki style links. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4.1-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 413 kB, installed size 2416 kB | 10:19 |
ardchoille42 | That's the one | 10:19 |
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bimberi | Aaron_Mason: sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove | 10:19 |
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aalhamad_ | psh thanks for the comment .. and your help | 10:20 |
Aaron_Mason | thanks | 10:21 |
tracy | i have an integrated intel onboard graphics chip that needs the tool to modify the video bios to allow all the native res' .. is this a problem? things will be distorted i was told | 10:21 |
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psh | aalhamad_, remember that testing your firewall if you are behind router is useless, you need to be connected directly to the internet | 10:23 |
tracy | the tutorial only says the 855resolution tool, and i have a 915 | 10:23 |
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bimberi | tracy: Ubuntu has a package called '915resolution', it might be what you're after | 10:23 |
bimberi | !info 915resolution | 10:23 |
ubotu | 915resolution: resolution modification tool for Intel graphic chipset. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5.2-4ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 14 kB, installed size 128 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64) | 10:23 |
tracy | yeah, i searched for that in my package manaher.. | 10:24 |
tracy | couldnt find it | 10:24 |
bimberi | tracy: you'll need to enable the universe repository ... | 10:24 |
bimberi | !universe | tracy | 10:24 |
ubotu | tracy: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 10:24 |
aalhamad_ | its sudo iptables -L | 10:25 |
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fbenites | hi! | 10:25 |
bimberi | !hi | fbenites | 10:25 |
ubotu | fbenites: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 10:25 |
=== FluxD [n=FluxD@resnet-33-123.dorm.utexas.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fbenites | my openoffice doesnt start, it shows openoffice start logo, but the progress bar doesnt work | 10:25 |
aalhamad_ | psh its sudo iptables -L (sometimes people can say i dont know) | 10:25 |
va | hi to all | 10:26 |
FluxD | Hi I am having a problem having programs starting at startup. I add them in the session window but when i login again they are removed and the programs dont start | 10:26 |
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va | i want to know about partman and ntfsresize | 10:26 |
aalhamad_ | psh you should resive something like this # iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT | 10:27 |
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Sunjo | could someone please help me install the nvidia drivers for my 8800GTS | 10:27 |
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FluxD | !nvidia | Sunjo | 10:28 |
ubotu | Sunjo: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 10:28 |
Sunjo | FluxD - that guide doesn't work for the drivers i require | 10:28 |
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va | ubotu:can u tell me about resizing in ubuntu.. | 10:29 |
kane77 | va, ubotu is a bot.. | 10:29 |
FluxD | va ubotu is a bot :) | 10:29 |
kane77 | FluxD, :D | 10:29 |
FluxD | :) | 10:29 |
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FluxD | !gparted | va | 10:30 |
ubotu | va: gparted is gparted is a GUI partitioning program, "sudo apt-get install gparted", also available as a live cd http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php | 10:30 |
Sunjo | FluxD: it when installing the drivers it says that i require the libc header files that match the drivers | 10:30 |
kane77 | va, you use it like that: !something | 10:30 |
=== Jimmey [n=james@user-5445ba3c.lns2-c13.telh.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jimmey | How can I kill a specific program | 10:30 |
FluxD | Sunjo I dont have an nvidia card so I cant help you out sorry...anyone else? | 10:30 |
Jimmey | I'm trying to install FIFA05 in Wine and there's a window of the installation program I need to kill | 10:31 |
Jimmey | I have an nVidia, what's the problem? | 10:31 |
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va | kane77: but i want to create a image having such a functionality..which will ask to user at time of installation | 10:31 |
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va | kane77: so auto matically it will do resizing | 10:32 |
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va | kane77: is there anyway to convert .deb package to .udeb | 10:32 |
FluxD | Jimmey System > Administration > System Monitor >Kill the process you want by rightclicking | 10:33 |
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Mrfo | anybody know how to get true transparency with gnome terminal and beryl? | 10:33 |
FluxD | Hi I am having a problem having programs starting at startup. I add them in the session window but when i login again they are removed and the programs dont start | 10:33 |
Jimmey | FluxD, thanks. | 10:34 |
advertise | Hi everybody ! | 10:34 |
Jimmey | Mrfo, yeah..It's easy. Have you changed the terminal's profile? | 10:34 |
Mrfo | yeah. all it does it show the desktop picture | 10:34 |
Jimmey | Mrfo, what are you aiming for? | 10:34 |
Mrfo | where it shows the windows behind | 10:34 |
Jimmey | Doesn't Beryl do that for you? | 10:35 |
Mrfo | it should be, but its not | 10:35 |
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Jimmey | Mrfo, I didn't need to change anything for beryl to do that | 10:35 |
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FluxD | Mrfo dont *think* that is possible | 10:35 |
Jimmey | Mrfo, I don't know, then | 10:35 |
Mrfo | yes it is, FluxD | 10:35 |
n_d | anybody from Bulgaria ? | 10:35 |
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Mrfo | they call it "true transparency" | 10:35 |
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Jimmey | Sunjo, what's the problem | 10:36 |
FluxD | Mrfo gnome termainal doesnt seem to have that feature | 10:36 |
sutabi | Is there a way to change Gamma in KDE? | 10:36 |
Mrfo | yes it does :) | 10:36 |
Jimmey | FluxD, Beryl enables it | 10:36 |
timephoenix | hi there. after installing gcc & gcc4.0 on a near-vanilla dapper install, I went to compile a program from source. However during ./configure I received this message: checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables | 10:36 |
FluxD | I think Sunjo left | 10:36 |
Jimmey | Mrfo, it doesn't normally, with beryl it does | 10:36 |
va | FluxD:is there any way to convert .deb to .udeb | 10:36 |
=== Sunjo [n=sunjovas@CPE-60-226-253-135.sa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mrfo | none the less, does anybody know why its not doing it for me with beryl? | 10:37 |
FluxD | !alien | va | 10:37 |
ubotu | va: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous) | 10:37 |
Jimmey | Sunjo, what's the problem you're having? | 10:37 |
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FluxD | va I think that program allows u too but not sure | 10:37 |
FluxD | I think Sunjo left | 10:37 |
Sunjo | i can't install the nvidia drivers that work with my 8800GTS | 10:37 |
FluxD | oops sorry :) | 10:37 |
Jimmey | Which drivers did you try to install? | 10:37 |
Sunjo | it says the libc header files are missing or don't match or something | 10:37 |
Jimmey | Right | 10:37 |
Sunjo | the latest ones i'd guess | 10:37 |
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Sunjo | are there any solutions? | 10:38 |
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n_d | may I ask some question ? | 10:38 |
Jimmey | Did you try "sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r); sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx" | 10:38 |
Jimmey | Sunjo | 10:38 |
FluxD | n-d go ahead :) | 10:38 |
FluxD | n_d go ahead :) | 10:38 |
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n_d | thanks | 10:38 |
n_d | I'm a beginner in the Ubuntu | 10:39 |
Sunjo | i'll try it now | 10:39 |
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n_d | yesterday | 10:39 |
FluxD | n_d just state the question and someone will help you :) | 10:39 |
n_d | ok | 10:39 |
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va | FluxD:can u tell me how ubuntu is doing resizing at the time of installation | 10:39 |
n_d | i'm with the ubuntu server 6.10 | 10:40 |
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n_d | need help | 10:40 |
FluxD | va using freespace on your harddrive | 10:40 |
n_d | yo install some GUI | 10:40 |
n_d | there | 10:40 |
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FluxD | n_d where? | 10:40 |
n_d | it's difficult to me | 10:40 |
n_d | at the ubuntu server | 10:40 |
FluxD | n_d server doesnt have GUI | 10:40 |
n_d | is it possible ? | 10:40 |
n_d | a iknow | 10:41 |
va | FluxD:for that purpose i think it is using some partman..ntfsresize like..? | 10:41 |
FluxD | va correct | 10:41 |
sutabi | Anyone know is there is an app to change GAMMA brightness? | 10:41 |
Jimmey | n_d, make sure the repositories are enabed. Then "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" | 10:41 |
Jimmey | sutabi, what kind of graphics card do you have | 10:41 |
Mrfo | does true transparency only work in gnome 2.16 with beryl? or will 2.14 work also | 10:41 |
genii | n_d alternately at command line: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 10:41 |
n_d | second will try | 10:41 |
genii | or xubuntu-desktop for xfce | 10:41 |
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sutabi | Jimmy ATI | 10:42 |
va | FluxD:just i downloaded ntfsresize but it is n .tar.gz how to convert this in .udeb | 10:42 |
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sutabi | JImmy: ATI Rad 9600 256 MB | 10:43 |
FluxD | va why dont you just try gparted (partition manager with GUI) | 10:43 |
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va | is it in form of .udeb package? | 10:43 |
FluxD | va: .deb | 10:43 |
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=== sorush20 [n=sorush20@87-194-99-254.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fbenites | soffice.bin: http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/7119/ | 10:43 |
Jimmey | Is there a way to force an unmount? | 10:43 |
fbenites | soffice.bin wants glx, and it has some problems, someone does know hwy? | 10:44 |
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sorush20 | yes read the mont manual. I think there is umount force /dev/yourdevice | 10:44 |
FluxD | Jimmey try this sudo umount -a | 10:44 |
Jimmey | sutabi, You use KDE? | 10:44 |
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sorush20 | FluxD: that is gonna unmont everything even the hdd | 10:45 |
va | fluxD:then it will not resize partion..because only .udeb packages are comes in focus at the time of installation ..i think so..is it correct | 10:45 |
Sunjo | anyone else having / had problems with installing the nvidia 8800GTS Drivers | 10:45 |
sutabi | Jimmey: Yes | 10:45 |
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Jimmey | sutabi, sudo apt-get install kgamma | 10:45 |
FluxD | sorush u sure? that is how i installed the ntfs-3g driver and it didnt unount mine | 10:45 |
timephoenix | is there any other gcc package i need to install to avoid the error message? | 10:45 |
Jimmey | Sunjo, what happened when you ran those commands I gave you? | 10:45 |
va | FluxD:i want to do resizing at time of installation.. | 10:45 |
sorush20 | where do I get this font from, when I run xmbmon I keep getting this message Can't find font: -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-* | 10:45 |
Sunjo | i pm'd you the details Jimmy | 10:46 |
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FluxD | va you have to select manual edit partition table | 10:46 |
Jimmey | Sunjo, I didn't get the message | 10:46 |
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Sunjo | t-get install nvidia-glx | 10:46 |
Sunjo | Reading package lists... Done | 10:46 |
Sunjo | Building dependency tree | 10:46 |
Sunjo | Reading state information... Done | 10:46 |
Sunjo | linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-10-386 is already the newest version. | 10:46 |
Sunjo | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 10:46 |
aryan | can someone please help me set up bttv for my pixelview playtv pro card on ubuntu 6.10? | 10:46 |
Sunjo | Reading package lists... Done | 10:46 |
Sunjo | Building dependency tree | 10:46 |
Sunjo | Reading state information... Done | 10:46 |
Sunjo | nvidia-glx is already the newest version. | 10:46 |
Sunjo | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 10:46 |
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FluxD | !pastebin | Sunjo | 10:47 |
ubotu | Sunjo: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 10:47 |
aryan | sujo dont use enter for punctuation | 10:47 |
aryan | can someone please help me set up bttv for my pixelview playtv pro card on ubuntu 6.10? | 10:47 |
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akrus | hello | 10:47 |
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akrus | how to find out UUID of volume? | 10:47 |
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Jimmey | Sunjo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia?highlight=%28nvidia%29 | 10:48 |
sorush20 | where are the adobe helevatic fonts/ | 10:48 |
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Sunjo | Jimmey: I used that guide earlier and it's of no use | 10:48 |
Sunjo | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3314/ | 10:48 |
FluxD | sorush20 if its adobe it might be copyrihgted | 10:49 |
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Jimmey | Sunjo, what are you errors you're getting? | 10:49 |
AnAnt | hello I got an ipw2200 wireless interface, trying to get it connected using WPA, but it doesn't work giving me these messages: | 10:49 |
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AnAnt | Failed to set encryption. | 10:49 |
AnAnt | ioctl[IPW_IOCTL_WPA_SUPPLICANT] : Operation not supported | 10:49 |
AnAnt | ioctl[IPW_IOCTL_WPA_SUPPLICANT] : Operation not supported | 10:49 |
AnAnt | so what's the problem ? | 10:49 |
AnAnt | Trying to associate with 00:11:95:f4:bb:14 (SSID='uapsd' freq=0 MHz) | 10:49 |
AnAnt | I am following instructions in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo | 10:50 |
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aryan | can someone please help me set up bttv for my pixelview playtv pro card on ubuntu 6.10? | 10:50 |
aryan | can someone please help me set up bttv for my pixelview playtv pro card on ubuntu 6.10? | 10:50 |
aryan | can someone please help me set up bttv for my pixelview playtv pro card on ubuntu 6.10? | 10:50 |
FluxD | aryan please dont spam the channel if anyone knows they will help you | 10:51 |
AzMoo | aryan, did you really need to ask 3 times? | 10:51 |
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aryan | it was an accident | 10:51 |
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Nhatz | wazzzaaaaaaaaaaaa | 10:51 |
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n2diy_ | ! repeat | aryan | 10:52 |
ubotu | aryan: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 10:52 |
Nhatz | i have a question guys... | 10:52 |
n2diy_ | ask | Nhatz | 10:52 |
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n2diy_ | ! ask | Nhatz | 10:53 |
ubotu | Nhatz: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 10:53 |
n2diy_ | :) | 10:53 |
FluxD | sorush20 automatix2 has a font download in it maybe try that | 10:53 |
Nhatz | everytime i install someting... a pearl warning appears | 10:53 |
sutabi | Jimmey: I installed it, but its not in the KDE Menu and I tried running the command, just showed a blank window. And I did a "find" showing it at /usr/share/apps/kgamma | 10:53 |
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Nhatz | about checking my local setting... | 10:53 |
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Jimmey | sutabi, run "kgamma" in a terminal | 10:54 |
AnAnt | ? | 10:54 |
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n2diy_ | ! Automatic | Flux | 10:54 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about Automatic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:54 |
n_d | genii did ubuntu desktop 6.10 supports http, ftp, php, mysql ........ servers ? | 10:54 |
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n2diy_ | ! Automatix | Flux | 10:54 |
ubotu | Flux: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 10:54 |
Jimmey | n_d, yeah | 10:54 |
Jimmey | ! lamp | n_d | 10:54 |
ubotu | n_d: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 10:54 |
Nhatz | automatix | 10:54 |
aryan | can someone please help me set up bttv for my pixelview playtv pro card on ubuntu 6.10? | 10:54 |
n_d | cool | 10:55 |
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n_d | thanks | 10:55 |
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aryan | ok if you cant help me with that can you at least help me with getting my tv tuner to work so i can watch tv on my computer? | 10:55 |
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genii | n_d All those things are part of the lamp install eg: Linux Apache (webserver) Mysql (database) PHP (web scripting language) install | 10:55 |
Jimmey | aryan, try http://help.ubuntu.org | 10:56 |
aryan | i have | 10:56 |
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FluxD | n2diy_: didnt know automatix2 was "bad" sorry works for me :) | 10:56 |
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Tomas_ | hias i have come across a few HP t5000 would it be possible to run ubunto on those? they have neither harddrive nor cdrom | 10:57 |
n2diy_ | Flux, gl. | 10:57 |
Tomcat_ | !worksforme | tomcat_ | 10:57 |
ubotu | tomcat_: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. | 10:57 |
n_d | genni did they do it corectly at the ubuntu desktop? | 10:57 |
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Jimmey | Tomas_, has it got a network port? Can it boot from a network? | 10:57 |
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Tomas_ | it has USB and RJ45 10/100 network | 10:57 |
Nhatz | how can i change my local setting....>? | 10:57 |
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n2diy_ | Nhatz: are you running in X? | 10:58 |
n_d | genni I mean is lamp work correctly and security at the desktop ? | 10:58 |
AzMoo | Can anybody help me with setting up a BIND caching server? I'm reading https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIND9ServerHowto but it's not particularly helpful. It says it's set up by default, but it's not working. I changed the nameserver on my client to point to the server and it's telling me that www.google.com is an invalid domain. | 10:59 |
Nhatz | yup | 10:59 |
n_d | sorry for the stupid question :) | 10:59 |
n2diy_ | Nhatz: Dapper? | 10:59 |
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Nhatz | dapper | 10:59 |
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AmbientMstr | !subversion | 10:59 |
ubotu | subversion is an open source application used for revision control. It is sometimes abbreviated to svn in reference to the name of its command line interface. Look here for a Subversion How To on Ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Subversion | 10:59 |
thegve | Azmoo: try pdnsd | 11:00 |
FluxD | n2diy_ I am having a problem having programs starting at startup. I add them in the session window but when i login again they are removed and the programs dont start. Any suggestions? | 11:00 |
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thegve | If you want a caching server | 11:00 |
dromer | how can I see, from the commandline, what X-programs (with gui) I have installed and how I can start them? | 11:00 |
AzMoo | thegve, I'd like to use BIND. | 11:00 |
thegve | It is possible using bind too.. This is my personal opinion | 11:00 |
n2diy_ | Nhatz: Please address me, so your messages are highlighted. | 11:00 |
thegve | OK | 11:00 |
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Nhatz | n2diy_: yup dapper | 11:00 |
n2diy_ | Flux, other them start them at the CLI, no. | 11:00 |
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FluxD | n2diy_ CLI? | 11:01 |
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n2diy_ | Nhatz: ok, I can help you with time zones, but if you need language support, I probably won't be of much help. | 11:01 |
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bimberi | AzMoo: have you started it? 'sudo /etc/init.d/bind9 start' | 11:01 |
Nhatz | n2diy_: ok | 11:02 |
AzMoo | bimberi, sure have. | 11:02 |
AnAnt | hello I got an ipw2200 wireless interface, trying to get it connected using WPA, but it doesn't work giving me these messages: | 11:02 |
bimberi | AzMoo: kk, just checkin' ;) | 11:02 |
AnAnt | Failed to set encryption. | 11:02 |
AnAnt | ioctl[IPW_IOCTL_WPA_SUPPLICANT] : Operation not supported | 11:02 |
AnAnt | Trying to associate with 00:11:95:f4:bb:14 (SSID='uapsd' freq=0 MHz) | 11:02 |
n2diy_ | Nhatz: CLI, command line interface, the cursor in the terminal. :) | 11:02 |
AnAnt | can anyone help me with that problem ? | 11:02 |
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Nhatz | n2diy_ok... then? | 11:03 |
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thegve | I am only really becoming an pdnsd addict. I have not used bind for caching (we also host 100 domains, we do use bind for that ofcourse), so I have no experience using that solution, but proxying dns just speeds up our MTA a lot :) | 11:03 |
co_cool | bnbnb | 11:03 |
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n2diy_ | Nhatz: Anyway, to adjust/set your clock right click on it, and check the adjust and pref. options. | 11:04 |
rredd4 | AnAnt not sure if this will help, I have a netgear router.. I had to set it up for WEP to work in dapper. I sure there is a way to use wpa, but not sure how. | 11:04 |
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sutabi | Jimmey: I removed and reinstalled kgamma doesn't seem to be installed, the folder its supose to be in just has pictures | 11:05 |
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Jimmey | sutabi, one moment, | 11:05 |
Nhatz | n2diy_: ok.. | 11:05 |
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n2diy_ | Nhatz: gl | 11:06 |
FluxD | n2diy_ CLI? | 11:06 |
n2diy | Nhatz: CLI, command line interface, the cursor in the terminal. :) | 11:06 |
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FluxD | oh lol | 11:06 |
astraanger | HEY LISTEN TO ME ALL YOU PEOPLE !! | 11:07 |
astraanger | I AM OTTOMAN EMPIRE | 11:07 |
FluxD | n2diy any other way other than session window? | 11:07 |
astraanger | I AM KING OF THE WORLD | 11:07 |
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astraanger | YOUR NEW SIR | 11:07 |
FluxD | umm troll | 11:07 |
Nhatz | n2diy_: it said LC_ALL (unset) in my locale setting | 11:07 |
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astraanger | NEW KING OK :) | 11:07 |
rredd4 | we need a admin | 11:07 |
rredd4 | an op | 11:07 |
astraanger | AFRAD ME | 11:07 |
rage_ | astraanger: ha ha ha. funny boy. | 11:07 |
FluxD | is it !ops? | 11:08 |
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tonyyarusso | FluxD: eh? | 11:08 |
n2diy | Nhatz: You said you where running X, can we try to do what you want there? | 11:08 |
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FluxD | to call an op | 11:08 |
tonyyarusso | oh | 11:08 |
astraanger | YOU CAN TALK WHEN I ALLOW TO YOU OK HONEY ? | 11:08 |
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tonyyarusso | FluxD: And yes, it is ;) | 11:09 |
FluxD | haha ty :) | 11:09 |
rredd4 | FluxD for astraanger | 11:09 |
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FluxD | rredd4 huh? | 11:09 |
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rredd4 | FluxD that person is gone... | 11:10 |
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FluxD | yup I know | 11:10 |
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dromer | in bash, how can I see what programs are installed? | 11:10 |
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bluefox83 | whats a good website to learn about new linux applications? | 11:11 |
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tonyyarusso | dromer: All of them? dpkg -l, but expect a long list. | 11:11 |
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zoli2k | I would like to setup a usb TV card. Which software you recommend for watching TV? | 11:11 |
dromer | tonyyarusso: and how about all that have a gui? | 11:11 |
n2diy | tonyyarusso: I caught your QSO on the marketing list. Schools are a good idea, but I think libraries are an easier in. | 11:11 |
FluxD | is there any other way to start a program at login other than the session window? | 11:11 |
tonyyarusso | dromer: no idea... | 11:11 |
tryll1980 | zoli2k:mythtv | 11:12 |
zoli2k | Is there any manual how to setup TV card on ubuntu? | 11:12 |
tonyyarusso | n2diy: #ubuntu-marketing? | 11:12 |
n2diy | tonyyarusso: yep | 11:12 |
dromer | zoli2k: mythtv is recommended everywhere, but tvtime seems pretty good to me (I've been trying it with my vcr .. still haven't got sound though :$ ) | 11:12 |
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FluxD | zoli2k: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV | 11:12 |
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NeWorld | hi | 11:13 |
dromer | I have blackbox on a pc, how can I see what gui-programs are in the menu from the commandline? | 11:14 |
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zoli2k | tryll1980: I trying mythtv. The card is properly detected by mythtv, but "Channel Scanner" says:"Failed to open the card". I added myself to the video group. | 11:14 |
NeWorld | if i like to know wich kernel i ve what i shoud do? | 11:14 |
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tonyyarusso | NeWorld: uname -r tells you the one you're using. | 11:15 |
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tryll1980 | zoli2k:i haven't used it myself.....was just saying what i have heard before | 11:15 |
FluxD | tonyyarusso is there any other way to start a program at login other than the session window? | 11:15 |
zoli2k | Thx, for all. especially for FluxD for the link. | 11:16 |
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FluxD | zoli2k no problem | 11:16 |
tonyyarusso | FluxD: I'm sure you could manully edit the desktop session script - not exactly sure how. | 11:16 |
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frogzoo | FluxD: sys -> prefs -> session or.... ~/.gnomerc | 11:21 |
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FluxD | frogzoo thanks | 11:22 |
NeWorld | tonyyarusso:thanx | 11:22 |
genii | preseed help needed. why do default samples for adding a user fail? Do they need to be at a specific stage or what? | 11:22 |
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genii | right now my auto install completes but root has no password and no default user gets added. Frustrating | 11:24 |
distro-tester | 11:22:49 (13.26 MB/s) - "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list" salvato [139/139] | 11:25 |
distro-tester | what i have to do next? | 11:25 |
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distro-tester | im trying to install latest wine | 11:25 |
distro-tester | can some one help me install latest wine? | 11:26 |
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AzMoo | distro-tester, http://www.winehq.com/site/download-deb | 11:27 |
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WeaR | k os follen | 11:28 |
WeaR | xD | 11:28 |
WeaR | frikis locos | 11:28 |
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Rarj | How do I save data to an NTFS partition from Ubuntu ? | 11:28 |
rredd4 | distro-tester also you can go to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine#head-c97ec1aafb204ea048a8139dd2ee466b2cdbb731 to read about installing wine | 11:29 |
jimcooncat | little poll: what's the consensus on medibuntu? | 11:29 |
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rredd4 | distro-watcher that link talks about installing the latest wine | 11:29 |
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rredd4 | Rarj i don't think that you can write to a ntfs... need fat32 | 11:30 |
rredd4 | google it | 11:30 |
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adamonline45 | is it possible to require a password after a set amount of idle time? I'd like the screensaver to come on after 5 minutes idle, and have a password be required after 30 minutes... | 11:31 |
tryll1980 | rredd4:you can write to it....but it will be risky | 11:31 |
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genii | Rarj since ntfs write support depends on having to reverse engineer ntfs file system for the driver, it is discouraged. If you need to carry files between 2K/XP and linux use the ext3 filesystem driver for windoze and an ext3 hared partition | 11:32 |
genii | shared | 11:32 |
rredd4 | tryll1980 not for me.. riskyness like that | 11:32 |
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jihi | hi | 11:33 |
jihi | i have installed scim to write japanese in linux, and it works really fine, the only problem is, it does not work in OOo. Has anybody a idea how to solve this ? | 11:33 |
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Shapka | hi i have a problem with ubuntu | 11:33 |
Shapka | i have no ubuntu | 11:33 |
Shapka | what can i do? | 11:33 |
genii | Rarj http://www.fs-driver.org/ | 11:33 |
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genii | ^ the ext2/3 windoze driver | 11:34 |
rredd4 | Shapka http://www.ubuntu.com to download it to a cde | 11:34 |
rredd4 | cd | 11:34 |
Shapka | i have no internet | 11:34 |
Shapka | i have nothing | 11:34 |
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Shapka | whitney houston | 11:34 |
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rredd4 | Shapka then how did u get here? | 11:34 |
Shapka | with mirc | 11:34 |
FluxD | and internet | 11:35 |
Shapka | internet? | 11:35 |
rredd4 | Shapka go to that link | 11:35 |
Shapka | i have now? | 11:35 |
Shapka | ok | 11:35 |
Shapka | i'll try | 11:35 |
rredd4 | Shapka you are in windows.. go download ubuntu | 11:35 |
Shapka | ok | 11:35 |
Shapka | thanks | 11:35 |
rredd4 | yw | 11:35 |
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rredd4 | Shapka also you can have the cd sent to you | 11:36 |
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genii | the shipit site back up now? | 11:36 |
rredd4 | not sure | 11:36 |
FluxD | rredd4 only 6.10 LTS? | 11:36 |
rredd4 | have not used it | 11:36 |
Balsamic_Chicken | Shapka that cd is free when u ask for it, and stop ping'ing me | 11:37 |
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rredd4 | FluxD 6.10 is not lts | 11:37 |
rredd4 | 6.06 is | 11:37 |
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Balsamic_Chicken | what's LTS | 11:37 |
__james | how can i insatll openglx? | 11:37 |
rredd4 | long term support | 11:37 |
FluxD | rredd4 oops I meant that | 11:37 |
genii | lts= long term support | 11:37 |
FluxD | rredd4 so not latest version | 11:37 |
Balsamic_Chicken | 6.10 still gets 3 year? | 11:37 |
rredd4 | yup | 11:37 |
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genii | 6.06 = LTS versions currently >= 6.10 = no LTS | 11:38 |
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Rprp | ChanServ Rprp siw Wesleysld yvqz | 11:38 |
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rredd4 | 6.06 is supported longer that 6.10 | 11:38 |
rredd4 | i still use dapper | 11:39 |
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genii | btw anyone know the next LTS due? 7.10 or so? | 11:39 |
Shapka | ^betul^ asl ? | 11:39 |
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FluxD | anyone know how to get the splash screen for grub like in suse? | 11:39 |
__james | anyone can help me how to install openglx? | 11:39 |
Cryoniq | sigh.. so it finaly came to use wine and utorrent to get it working.... sad.. | 11:40 |
__james | is there any program that can download music like on windows limewire or imesh.. what about for linux? | 11:40 |
Cryoniq | gotta wonder what azureus is doing working this crappy speeds under linux.. =/ | 11:41 |
rredd4 | FluxD sys>sessions> then click on "show splash screen on login" | 11:41 |
=== Cryoniq got a dream to be fully free of windows.. some day.. | ||
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rredd4 | FluxD maybe that is not for grub?.. not sure | 11:42 |
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FluxD | rredd4 nope | 11:42 |
johns^ | Cryoniq: torrents? I alway use bittornado | 11:42 |
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johns^ | works like a charm | 11:42 |
jimcooncat | for w32codecs, should I use easyubuntu or seveas's repository? | 11:42 |
Cryoniq | mm yeah but I want RSS filtering the easy way :) | 11:42 |
Cryoniq | So I get my anime delivered daily to me :P | 11:42 |
rredd4 | jimcooncat easyubuntu is not supported by ubuntu | 11:43 |
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Solidad | I've been tring to set up an incomming fax without any luck. Can it be done ? | 11:43 |
jimcooncat | rredd4, neither is seveas's repository I think | 11:43 |
zoli2k | jimcooncat: no, it not recommended to use easyubuntu. | 11:43 |
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rredd4 | jimcooncat you can wiki w32codecs, it tells you what to do | 11:43 |
jimcooncat | ok, thanks rredd4 , zoli2k | 11:43 |
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rredd4 | jimcooncat umm, try restricedformats | 11:44 |
rredd4 | jimcooncat its in there | 11:44 |
zoli2k | jimcooncat: easyubuntu is a nice program, but it may broke your package system. | 11:44 |
genii | since azureus is running on a java virtual machine inside your actual machine it's speed will be limited more than other apps by your system specs | 11:45 |
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jimcooncat | rredd4, seems they reccomend debian-multimedia.org now | 11:46 |
jimcooncat | good deal | 11:46 |
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Cryoniq | yeah I suspected that as well.. but I get like 40 kbps speeds on a 3 ghz dual cpu system with 2 gig mem. When usual speed in other clients are around 6-7 mbps on this 100 mbps full duplex connection :) | 11:47 |
else- | good day | 11:47 |
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rredd4 | jimcooncat https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats << here | 11:47 |
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else- | anyone having luck using luks encrypted root fs? can't get things working. passphrase is not accepted :(... edgy | 11:47 |
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Cryoniq | Problem was also that torrents died after a while and azureues seemed to go insane. Ports and all was reporting totaly fine though. | 11:48 |
nalpha | hello guys | 11:48 |
__james | is there any program that can download music like on windows limewire or imesh.. what about for linux? | 11:48 |
nalpha | how to create encrypted password samba ? | 11:48 |
else- | __james: limewire exists as linux binary, too. | 11:48 |
else- | (it bases on java) | 11:48 |
__james | else-: ok | 11:49 |
else- | or you could use amule. | 11:49 |
else- | however there are many alternatives. | 11:49 |
Solidad | I've been tring to set up an incomming fax without any luck. Can it be done ?new to ubunto and linux... | 11:50 |
__james | what is amule? | 11:50 |
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rredd4 | hairy thing with for legs... | 11:50 |
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else- | __james: an edonkey client | 11:51 |
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__james | can you help me with something.. i have problem running applications on wine. it says that error on openglx | 11:52 |
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else- | you probably don't have hardware acceleration. | 11:53 |
__james | i alread install my nvidia driver. | 11:53 |
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modulus | hmm, how can i know if my wireless card is supported by default? | 11:56 |
else- | that doesn't obligatory mean you have hardware acceleration. | 11:56 |
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Knight_Lord | Does anyone know any software to organize and search your PDF files? | 11:57 |
OrT | yes, but not opensource :] | 11:57 |
OrT | :/ | 11:57 |
Knight_Lord | OrT which one? | 11:57 |
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OrT | fotoware, windoze | 11:57 |
OrT | expensive shite, but very fast | 11:57 |
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modulus | hmm, wireless is still pain. | 11:58 |
Knight_Lord | OrT If it doesn't work on linux it's not very usefull. I also found a very interesting one but it's for Mac | 11:58 |
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shifty | wireless is good | 11:58 |
OrT | Knight_Lord indeed | 11:58 |
Knight_Lord | http://mekentosj.com/papers/ | 11:58 |
myth | question.. I'm new to linux, but i've figured out someone is running a dictionary attack via ssh on me at the moment.. I'd like to mess with him a bit before sending him on his way.. any suggestions? | 11:58 |
OrT | lol | 11:58 |
Knight_Lord | myth a dictionary attach via ssh?!? | 11:59 |
else- | Knight_Lord: why not? | 11:59 |
ican | It looks like script kiddy... | 11:59 |
modulus | myth: you could create a dummy user or something like that, but why bother messing with them. | 11:59 |
Knight_Lord | else- it will take forever | 11:59 |
rredd4 | modulus https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported | 11:59 |
myth | i think so.. I took a look at auth.log and i can see him trying a dictionary attack | 11:59 |
else- | Knight_Lord: like always if you use brute force attacks ;) | 11:59 |
d3x7r0 | thank god for my random generated password xD | 12:00 |
genii | myth just add his ip to the hosts.deny | 12:00 |
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Knight_Lord | else- but in this case it's thousands of times slower than a normal hash breaking | 12:00 |
modulus | rredd4: hmm, thanks for URL. when i run iwconfig i see no interfaces with wireless extensions. i suspect this is a bad thing. | 12:00 |
zoli2k | myth: on my server I receive dictionary attack daily from 5-10 different sources | 12:00 |
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myth | genii thanks.. but is there anyway I can was his time a bit first | 12:00 |
Knight_Lord | myth don't | 12:00 |
Knight_Lord | myth if you want to bother just send the logs to his ISP | 12:01 |
rredd4 | modulus which wireless card? | 12:01 |
zoli2k | there are some scripts, which are able to analyze the log files and automatically put host ip to the hosts.deny file. | 12:01 |
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myth | zoli2k those shound like handy scripts | 12:01 |
genii | yes, send your logs to abuse@hisISPaddie and make sure you let them know what the timestamps correspond to in GMT | 12:02 |
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d3x7r0 | make a bankaccounts.xls that's actually a virus renamed xD JK | 12:02 |
myth | ok.. I'll fire off the logs and add him to hosts.deny | 12:02 |
humbolto | what is the best solution to get FAX support in ubuntu/edubuntu? faxing from each terminal, receiving fax in folders or via email, sending fax via email, ...? | 12:02 |
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myth | btw.. where is hosts.deny found ? | 12:03 |
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else- | myth: /etc | 12:03 |
modulus | rredd4: i know it's an intel but i can't check chipset atm. machine not here. | 12:03 |
genii | in the /etc dir | 12:03 |
d3x7r0 | locate? find? xD | 12:03 |
humbolto | is hylafax the standard? or is this going to be replaced by asterisk sooner or later? | 12:03 |
myth | great.. thanks | 12:03 |
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zoli2k | myth: see this http://freshmeat.net/projects/sshutout/ " sshutout is a daemon that periodically monitors log files, looking for multiple failed login attempts via the Secure Shell daemon" | 12:03 |
rredd4 | modulus which model of intel card? | 12:04 |
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d3x7r0 | hum btw that reminds me: if I were to buy a laptop with integrated intel graphics which model should I look for? | 12:05 |
genii | myth You can remap default sshd port in /etc/services in future so it runs on a less obvious # | 12:05 |
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d3x7r0 | (to get good linux support of course) | 12:05 |
zoli2k | myth: or you can setup a firewall to block port for all IP-s and open only for a specific IP range. Another solution is to change your SSH port for example 9050. Generally, this stops the dictionary attacks. | 12:05 |
modulus | rredd4: i will try to find out, i don't have the machine very accessible, but i'll see if i can find out. | 12:06 |
rredd4 | modulus i see... you can click on intel with that link i gave you, that might help. you will need to know which version of the card you have tho | 12:06 |
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genii | or wherever you call it from, some ppl use inetd and so on as well | 12:06 |
rredd4 | ok | 12:06 |
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modulus | what worries me a bit is that all the ones on that page say they should work automagically. | 12:06 |
rredd4 | modulus when you know, come back here and i am sure someone can help you | 12:06 |
modulus | and automagically it was not. | 12:07 |
modulus | right. | 12:07 |
juritmix | i can't istall nero for linux | 12:07 |
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juritmix | enybody here fro zagreb,cro | 12:07 |
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juritmix | from | 12:07 |
d3x7r0 | juritmix, use gnomebaker or k3b. they're better :P | 12:07 |
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rredd4 | modulus there are 4 intel wireless cards supported | 12:08 |
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zoli2k | juritmix: believe me, nero is not the right solution on linux | 12:08 |
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hamre__ | hey | 12:08 |
hamre__ | how come there's no dhcpd in ubuntu? | 12:08 |
genii | k3b | 12:08 |
juritmix | k3b is not reading my mp3_S | 12:08 |
hamre__ | must i install it with apt-get? | 12:08 |
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genii | hamre__ dhcp3-server | 12:08 |
modulus | any suggestions to find out the wireless card from windows? | 12:08 |
hamre__ | modulus: www.aircrack-ng.org | 12:09 |
juritmix | NO | 12:09 |
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juritmix | so what will i do? | 12:10 |
modulus | hmm, i don't want to crack wpa, just find out my chipset. | 12:10 |
genii | juritmix You may want to email the folks at nero about it then, as it is their product | 12:10 |
zoli2k | juritmix: sudo apt-get install k3b libk3b2-mp3 | 12:10 |
d3x7r0 | juritmix, open the console and type: sudo apt-get install k3b libk3b2-mp3 | 12:10 |
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d3x7r0 | damn zoli2k beat me to it xD | 12:10 |
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juritmix | tnx | 12:10 |
graniti | hi. how can I obtain the CPU architecture's infos? | 12:10 |
graniti | thnks | 12:11 |
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d3x7r0 | cat /proc/cpuinfo, does that work? | 12:11 |
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=== rredd4 gotta catch some zzzz's see ya | ||
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modulus | it's an intel pro/wireless 3945abg. | 12:12 |
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dromer | how can I use alt-codes? like this: http://www2.let.uu.nl/Solis/vertalen/orig/Terminologie/altcijfercodes.htm | 12:14 |
juritmix | IT'S WORKING IT'S WORKING THANK YOU!!!! | 12:14 |
mattl | i'm trying to change my window manager, but not having much luck. It doesn't even show up in the list of possible choices in gdm. Does anyone know how I can update this? | 12:14 |
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dromer | mattl: what wm are you trying? | 12:14 |
Knight_Lord | mattl there's a gdm config file somewhere | 12:15 |
d3x7r0 | mattl, window manager? as in kwin/metacity? or desktop environment as in KDE/Gnome? | 12:15 |
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mattl | dromer: ratpoison. | 12:15 |
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jimcooncat | if I dual boot dapper and edgy, can I use the same swap partition for both? | 12:16 |
else- | of course | 12:17 |
else- | you can use the same boot partition, too | 12:17 |
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jimcooncat | thanks else- | 12:17 |
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else- | yw dude | 12:17 |
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dromer | so, is it possible to use alt-codes in linux/ubuntu? | 12:19 |
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else- | what are alt codes? | 12:19 |
dromer | like this: http://www2.let.uu.nl/Solis/vertalen/orig/Terminologie/altcijfercodes.htm | 12:19 |
OrT | ascii-codes | 12:20 |
dromer | ok, sorry | 12:20 |
jimcooncat | dromer, I'd like to know too | 12:20 |
OrT | geen id, in feite :) | 12:20 |
Tomas_ | could i get a tip on a friendly to use FTP server program for ubuntu? | 12:20 |
daviey | How can i change the resolution of tty1? | 12:20 |
OrT | Tomas_ gftp | 12:20 |
else- | Tomas_: vsftpd | 12:21 |
ardchoille42 | OrT, He wants a server | 12:21 |
d3x7r0 | daviey, you can add vga=771 to the kernel line in grub for example. (771 = 1024x768) | 12:21 |
jimcooncat | alt code on Win is holding down alt key and typing a four digit code to produce a character | 12:21 |
OrT | oh, sorry, overread | 12:21 |
holyduck | Tomas_, i use pureftp | 12:21 |
Tomas_ | =) | 12:21 |
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daviey | d3x7r0, thanks | 12:21 |
Tomas_ | vich would be more user friendly? | 12:22 |
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d3x7r0 | I hope it works :) | 12:22 |
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holyduck | dunno, but pureftp worked out of the box for me | 12:22 |
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OrT | vsftpd too, it just uses your useraccounts | 12:22 |
holyduck | i installed a gui admin thingy though ;( | 12:22 |
Tomas_ | is it apt get -install blabla? | 12:22 |
ardchoille42 | sudo apt-get install blah | 12:23 |
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Tomas_ | fanks ardchoille | 12:23 |
holyduck | if you are gonna use pureftp dl the pureadmin plugin thingy ;P | 12:23 |
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jimcooncat | dromer, you can copy and paste unicode characters from gucharmap | 12:25 |
modulus | hmm, it appears that 3945 is usable by doing apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-generic | 12:25 |
dromer | jimcooncat: er :/ | 12:25 |
modulus | i'll have to give it a shot although 'twill be hard without having network access. | 12:25 |
mattl | dromer: fixed it. had to add a file in /usr/share/xsessions :) | 12:25 |
dromer | mattl: haha ok :) have fun trying ratpoison ;) | 12:25 |
dromer | jimcooncat: that is kind of useless | 12:25 |
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jimcooncat | dromer, still searching for a real answer | 12:26 |
Jelloman | How do I uninstall ubuntu >.> Parents want it gone. | 12:26 |
mattl | dromer: oh, i use it all the time on my Debian box :) | 12:26 |
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modulus | Jelloman: kill parents. | 12:26 |
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Jelloman | modulus: Seriously, I'm getting yelled at -.- | 12:26 |
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dromer | mattl: I have blackbox on my debian :) but a friend has similar as ratpoison (no mouse wm) | 12:26 |
modulus | seriously, parents like that aren't worth the bother. | 12:26 |
mattl | Jelloman: what are they complaining about? | 12:27 |
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Jelloman | mattl: They just dont want it...they want me to have my own computer for that | 12:27 |
dromer | Jelloman: .. dualboot? | 12:27 |
Jelloman | mattl Butt it needs to go like now | 12:27 |
Jelloman | dromer: I did that | 12:27 |
Jelloman | dromer: but they want it gone | 12:27 |
d3x7r0 | Jelloman, if killing parents isn't an option, and making ubuntu look like windows isn't either then pick up your XP intalation disk, pop it in, reboot and format the drive :P | 12:27 |
dromer | why isn't dualboot satisfactory? | 12:27 |
humbolto | how does that work with the channel bot again? | 12:27 |
Jelloman | i dont have an xp disk >> | 12:27 |
modulus | if you have partition magic you could extend the windows parition onto the others, if you have a copy of the boot record. | 12:28 |
humbolto | what is it's name? | 12:28 |
mattl | Jelloman: where's your original Windows CD? | 12:28 |
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modulus | that might work too. although you have to enlarge the ntfs partition back. | 12:28 |
Jelloman | mattl: I dont know my fuckface parents lost it | 12:28 |
modulus | you can start by using the original windows CD to "repair" the master boot record. | 12:29 |
tonyyarusso | !ohmy | Jelloman | 12:29 |
ubotu | Jelloman: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 12:29 |
Jelloman | sorry | 12:29 |
=== atlas95 [n=atlas@AVelizy-153-1-29-249.w83-199.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mattl | hands up any families in here :) | 12:29 |
jimcooncat | dromer, looking at xmodmap but it seems quite clunky | 12:29 |
Jelloman | Is there a simple way to uninstall | 12:29 |
modulus | no | 12:29 |
dromer | Jelloman: so you now have a dualboot and you want to get rid of ubuntu? | 12:30 |
Jelloman | dromer: Yes | 12:30 |
Jelloman | dromer: So I dont get killed by my "wonderful" parents | 12:30 |
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dromer | hehe | 12:31 |
rexbinary | dromer: they are parents, they want to see windows boot and that's it, no grub no nothing :) | 12:31 |
dromer | shouldn't be too hard should it? | 12:31 |
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Jelloman | dromer: So how do I do it | 12:31 |
dromer | hmm, looking at gucharmap I have lots and lots of characters missing | 12:31 |
dromer | Jelloman: sorry, never done it :$ | 12:31 |
Jelloman | can anyone help me uninstall uibuntu | 12:32 |
modulus | listen, you need to restore the mbr. | 12:32 |
mattl | Jelloman: try uninstalling your parents. ask them why they want you to use a proprietary operating system. | 12:32 |
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=== genii thinks about floppy grub that switches to / on hd but windoze boots with the usual mbr | ||
dromer | alot of scripts in gucharmap have characters that look line squares with numbers/letters in them .. how is that? why aren'r they complete? | 12:32 |
modulus | i know it can be done, just not how. you probably can try asking on #windows how to restore the mbr. | 12:32 |
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modulus | afterwards you just need to extend the windows partition to cover the whole disk. you can use partition magic or other software, don't know if there's other software that does this on windows. | 12:33 |
Jelloman | kk | 12:33 |
modulus | after these 2 steps ubuntu will be gone. | 12:33 |
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humbolto | !hylafax | 12:33 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about hylafax - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:33 |
humbolto | !fax | 12:33 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about fax - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:33 |
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genii | !mgetty-sendfax | 12:33 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mgetty-sendfax - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:33 |
genii | hmm | 12:33 |
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humbolto | how to get fax for everybody in my thinclient environment? | 12:34 |
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humbolto | I know I need hylafax server (at least to receive faxes). do I need anz additional gnome components in order to be able to send faxes from EVERY app? | 12:34 |
modulus | good luck, and don't delete the ubuntu partition before retoring the mbr if you don't want to have some really nasty grub issues. | 12:35 |
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genii | !mgetty+sendfax | 12:35 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mgetty+sendfax - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:35 |
genii | double bleh | 12:35 |
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humbolto | !efax | 12:36 |
ubotu | efax: programs to send and receive fax messages. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.9a-19 (edgy), package size 107 kB, installed size 300 kB | 12:36 |
hamre__ | genii: there is no dhcp3-server here | 12:37 |
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slipttees|work | !nes | 12:37 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about nes - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:37 |
slipttees|work | !news | 12:37 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about news - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:38 |
tomasubuntu | ok im on my ubuntu box now, i did the apt-get install vsftpd and it installed 1 package, now what =) | 12:38 |
=== aRiWa [n=ariwa@ANantes-252-1-43-24.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
incorrect | what happened to linux desktops being visually more interesting than others | 12:38 |
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dromer | incorrect: they still are? | 12:39 |
incorrect | dromer, nah, they are so plain, well gnome is | 12:39 |
=== dromer on kde | ||
=== incorrect debates about going back to kde again | ||
dromer | but I'd like to try beryl when I go edgy | 12:39 |
incorrect | kde 4 looks sexy | 12:39 |
dromer | hm,m I'm 3.5-ish | 12:40 |
Jelloman | Um | 12:40 |
incorrect | i don't have good hardware accel so :( | 12:40 |
Jelloman | What kind of bootloader does ubuntu have | 12:40 |
else- | standard is grub | 12:40 |
incorrect | Jelloman, the same as all the rest | 12:40 |
dromer | incorrect: just got new gf-card and more ram :) | 12:40 |
Jelloman | where is it located | 12:40 |
Jelloman | but if i delete grub | 12:40 |
Jelloman | and then go back to windows | 12:40 |
incorrect | dromer, i have an x600 with 256 mb, but the ati drives doesn't scale when i dock | 12:40 |
Jelloman | wait | 12:40 |
Jelloman | if i delete grub | 12:40 |
Jelloman | will i go back to windows | 12:40 |
dromer | < Jelloman> where is it located: /boot/grub/ | 12:40 |
Jelloman | if i restart | 12:40 |
hamre__ | incorrect: open source people don't know design, yet they call themselves designers | 12:41 |
dromer | don't just go deleting stuff | 12:41 |
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constrictor | jelloman: you will have an unbootable computer if you do that | 12:41 |
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hamre__ | the thing is, i think they invent their own personal styles and neglect the fact that successfull designs have to be measured up to fit everyone | 12:41 |
Jelloman | Well I need to get ubuntu out of here | 12:41 |
rowanjl | I think someone just deleted the RestrictedFormats page from the wiki... | 12:41 |
incorrect | hamre__, well that was helpful | 12:41 |
rowanjl | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 12:41 |
dromer | incorrect: ok, I have a nvidia 6200, not the best, bet way better than my old gf2 :P (I'm on a budget ;) ) | 12:41 |
Ayabara | how can I change the charset in ubuntu? | 12:41 |
incorrect | dromer, i just want something that works | 12:42 |
hamre__ | linux, or open source people in general, are pretty tired of creating what's already been done anyway | 12:42 |
hamre__ | why make another wm that's exactly like windows | 12:42 |
constrictor | Jelloman: if you want the windows bootloader back you will have to insert the windows cd and load up the automatic system recovery console and fixboot | 12:42 |
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ltsp09 | quit | 12:42 |
hamre__ | right now i think the real talented people are working to give you a sort of desktop that is completely new | 12:42 |
constrictor | or fixmbr or something | 12:42 |
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hamre__ | not based on any old metaphor | 12:43 |
dromer | incorrect: nvidia seems to work better on linux than ati ;) | 12:43 |
hamre__ | like desktops now, they're based on the paper/office metaphor | 12:43 |
incorrect | dromer, i would agree | 12:43 |
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hamre__ | in the real world that just doesn't cut it | 12:43 |
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Red1 | server irc.data.lt | 12:43 |
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incorrect | but dell hardware was ati based when i got this laptop | 12:43 |
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Jelloman | so | 12:43 |
Jelloman | i have to download a cd >> | 12:43 |
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Allans | Hi, I'm woundering why my taskbar isn't showing anything?It only shows: Show Desktop, and Recycle bin..Ow, Now i deleted the pannel :S | 12:44 |
constrictor | Jelloman: i don't know if windows installation cds are available for download, but you will need the automatic system recovery console that comes with win 2k and winxp i think i haven't used windows in a long while | 12:44 |
hoehaver | ubuntu 6.10 i think....have most of the bugs been worked outta it? | 12:45 |
hoehaver | my buddy downloaded the knot2 version and he said everything was messing up on it | 12:45 |
Jelloman | well my mom lost the damn cd >> | 12:45 |
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=== Thug-N-Me [n=thug@host-84-9-15-252.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
constrictor | basically Jelloman, when grub was written to your master boot record it remove the windows bootloader, so to get it back you will need to overwrite grub with the windows BL | 12:46 |
Thug-N-Me | does anyone have a nice guide to install postfixadmin ? | 12:46 |
=== pbureau [n=pbureau@pppoe2-72.argontech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jelloman | kk | 12:46 |
Jelloman | how would i do that | 12:46 |
dromer | incorrect: aahh, luckilly I have a desktop then ;) (though I'd reaaally like a dualcore laptop next year :] ) | 12:46 |
Jelloman | could i do that | 12:46 |
Jelloman | without the disc | 12:46 |
genii | no windoze cd = no fixmbr utility on rescue console | 12:47 |
=== MegaQuark__ [n=gary@pool-71-117-203-59.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
breedarg | hi ppl ... i have a question ... let's say i wanna try win vista ... if i install it on a different partiton, will my grub be deleted? | 12:47 |
constrictor | i think you could but you will need an intimate knowledge of how your hard disks are partitioned and how to manually write to the MBR, i do not know how to do this | 12:48 |
breedarg | mmm... | 12:48 |
Thug-N-Me | anyone ? | 12:48 |
amorphous_ | i have a box and ive used dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to sort out a graphics card compatability problem & now I can see nothing at all amnd can't get a picture on the screen to reconfigure again. | 12:48 |
breedarg | is there any way to reinstall grub? | 12:48 |
pbureau | Thug-N-Me- sorry mate didnot see your question, mind repeating it ? | 12:48 |
Kawaii-Panda | breedarg: if you wanna try vista, why not try it using a virtual device(vmware)? | 12:48 |
Jowi | !grub | breedarg | 12:49 |
ubotu | breedarg: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 12:49 |
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breedarg | thx!!!! | 12:49 |
=== draco_ [n=draco@vpn142.mip.uni-hannover.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
breedarg | thxx ubotu | 12:49 |
amorphous_ | i have a box and ive used dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to sort out a graphics card compatability problem & now I can see nothing at all amnd can't get a picture on the screen to reconfigure again. | 12:49 |
Jelloman | guys | 12:49 |
Jelloman | whatabout a quick boot disc | 12:49 |
Jelloman | thats purpose is to fix the mbr | 12:49 |
pbureau | breedarg- lol ubotu is a bot... | 12:49 |
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Thug-N-Me | pbureau guide to install postfixadmin the one they provide http://high5.net/postfixadmin/ its wrong the DATABASE_MYSQL.TXT script which will create the data base its wrong .. | 12:49 |
breedarg | mmm | 12:49 |
breedarg | joz | 12:49 |
breedarg | jaja | 12:49 |
breedarg | no one saw it ... | 12:50 |
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pbureau | !bug | Thug-N-Me | 12:50 |
ubotu | Thug-N-Me: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots | 12:50 |
Jelloman | Guys | 12:50 |
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Thug-N-Me | pbureau there is no bug | 12:50 |
Jowi | amorphous_, boot into recovery mode and re-try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. select "vesa" for max compatability (so you can sort out your driver probs) | 12:50 |
Jelloman | If I put quickboot on a cd not a floppy | 12:50 |
Jelloman | will it still work | 12:50 |
=== SvenRech [n=sven@p508D77CC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Thug-N-Me | pbureau postfixadmin its not available in ubuntu via any repo | 12:50 |
Jelloman | ? | 12:50 |
genii | you may find a 2k/XP bootdisk with the fixmbr utility at www.bootdisk.com | 12:50 |
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pbureau | Thug-N-Me- get the tarball and compile it ? | 12:51 |
=== Griver [n=Griver@81-231-250-204-no52.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Thug-N-Me | pbureau yeah , thats what i did ... but the install script from the tarball its wrong | 12:51 |
Thug-N-Me | pbureau you get me now ? | 12:51 |
pbureau | yup.. | 12:52 |
=== Marco__ [n=marco@dsl540081DA.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
amorphous_ | jowi - i'm getting no visuals in recovery mode - at all. that was my first line of attack. - i think it's trying to startup X, but failing | 12:52 |
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amorphous_ | Jowi, - different monitors all say "signal out of range" | 12:52 |
tomasubuntu | do i have to restart or anything after i have done a apt-get install? | 12:53 |
mob_ | hello | 12:53 |
Jowi | amorphous_, in grub. press "e" to edit the boot line. press "e" again on the kernel line and add "vga=normal". press enter and press "b" to boot the modified entry. | 12:53 |
zoli2k | in which package can I find the hg command? | 12:54 |
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zoli2k | !hg > zoli2k | 12:54 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about hg - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:54 |
amorphous_ | jowi - yr a diamond. thank you. I'll give it a go. ;) | 12:54 |
Jowi | amorphous_, that will boot in text mode only :) | 12:54 |
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pbureau | Thug-N-Me- okay I dont know alot of msql but what is wrong with the tarball, its pointing to the wrong database ? | 12:56 |
Thug-N-Me | pbureau wrong mysql commands | 12:56 |
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pbureau | Thug-N-Me- have you checked : http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185913 | 12:57 |
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Thug-N-Me | pbureau looking , thanks | 12:59 |
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genii | what is this "hg" command supposed to do? Google shows no man pages for it which makes me think it is someones custom script or so | 01:00 |
DYnamo_ | Question: I wanted to send a task from my Microsoft Outlook to an email or task management client on linux where it can accept the task and notify the sender that it accepted the task. Is there an email client out there that integrates tasks with outlook? Evolution doesnt seem to work | 01:01 |
guillem101 | Planning to acquire a 64bit laptop with nvidia card... Which choice is better, Core2 Duo or AMDX2 ? | 01:01 |
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Jowi | genii, you're probably correct. can't find "hg" in my system | 01:02 |
constrictor | heard good reviews on AMD | 01:02 |
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Jowi | genii, "cat" the script and see what it does | 01:02 |
guillem101 | constrictor, I'm a happy AMD64 desktop user right now :) | 01:02 |
constrictor | there ya go | 01:02 |
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genii | an amd laptop with nvidia video in will be difficult to find | 01:03 |
tomasubuntu | im haveing some trouble installing vsftpd, ive done apt-get install and it says i have the latest version but i cant find it, any tips? | 01:03 |
genii | jowi I have no command "hg" which to cat | 01:03 |
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Jowi | DYnamo_, the package "evolution-exchange" or "evolution-plugins" might need to be installed | 01:04 |
Aaron_Mason | hey all... if I set up a SSH tunnel using the ssh command, does that stay in place until the server is shut down, connection dies etc, or will that die eventually? | 01:04 |
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Jowi | genii, so find it. "whereis hg" | 01:04 |
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phish | I have a ati based laptop and atapiix doesn't work (in fact it royally f's up the system and I have to pull the battery else it'll just keep trying and failing somewhere in post). pata_atiixp works great though and I've not had a problem with it. however I have other driver issues which prompted me to feisty. sadly its one of the disabled pata modules | 01:05 |
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genii | Jowi I already did an updatedb && locate hg with no result for that command. Hence I say no hg command on my system which to cat and find out the contents of | 01:05 |
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phish | I had the idea of trying to build the module itself from the linux source w/ associated config | 01:05 |
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phish | and only that module and just copying it into /lib/modules/module-tree | 01:05 |
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phish | that sound like it'd work? | 01:06 |
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phish | and what version of gcc does feisty use for kernel compiles? | 01:06 |
genii | afaik 3.4 | 01:06 |
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Jowi | genii, if it is not in your system, why are you asking? | 01:06 |
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pbureau | genii- you have all the libs afaik needs to compile ? | 01:07 |
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loca|host | am trying to connect to my ubuntu box from putty on windows, it's saying access denied and keyboard-interactive authentification ... | 01:10 |
whonicca | is ssh on | 01:11 |
genii | Jowi zoli2k>in which package can I find the hg command? | 01:11 |
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Afief | How can i have my browser identify itself as IE7? | 01:13 |
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Daverocks | Afief: which browser? | 01:13 |
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Afief | Daverocks: Firefox 2 | 01:13 |
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Daverocks | Afief: i think there's an extension called "user agent switcher" or something | 01:14 |
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genii | pbureau You are asking me if I have gcc 3.4 and all the libs required to compile something on my box?? | 01:14 |
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Daverocks | Afief: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/59/ | 01:14 |
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Gnuyen | how can you tell how much video ram you have allocated? | 01:14 |
genii | Daverocks That extension works only with Windoze forefox not linux | 01:15 |
Gnuyen | i used a VideoRam directive in xorg, but i'm not sure it's working | 01:15 |
genii | *fire*fox | 01:15 |
Jowi | genii, I have no idea as I said - I can't find any reference for it. if you don't know what it is, why do you need it? | 01:15 |
pbureau | genii- what is the error message your getting... hg is not a command/program its something else. part of something else, if you had the error message I may be able to help but otherwize good luck buddy | 01:15 |
Daverocks | genii: ah, really? i never tried it in linux | 01:15 |
Daverocks | when i want to change user agent, i do it in konqueror (which i use anyway), which has that feature built in | 01:15 |
DYnamo_ | Does Kontact Task features integrate with Microsoft Outlook tasks? Can they accept tasks from each other? | 01:15 |
genii | Jowi As I just pasted to you, another user named zoli2k was asking what package contained it. | 01:16 |
pbureau | DYnamo_- that would be aquestion to ask the developers on their web site | 01:16 |
frogzoo | Afief: you can proxy | 01:16 |
frogzoo | Afief: or in ff check about:config - you might be able to tweak it | 01:16 |
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Afief | frogzoo: I will try | 01:17 |
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acidblood | Hi, is there a way to make the menu and task bar completely disappear? I just want the desktop. | 01:21 |
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hid3 | Hello everyone. My network interface has got 3 static IP adresses. I need one more ip address on that interface, which would be set via dhcp. Is it possible such configuration? How would the 'interfaces' file look like? | 01:23 |
whonicca | right click on the panels u want to make dissappear | 01:23 |
Jowi | acidblood, right-click on the panel and chose delete | 01:23 |
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pbureau | acidblood- right click , properties, autohide is the best I can think of | 01:23 |
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genii | OK for clarification. I do not have nor do I desire to have or to compile some program named "hg". Another user ealier whose name was zoli2k asked about it. Whether there was a package which contained it or so on. He queried ubotu about it. I searched for "man hg" on google and received no result leading me to think it is some custom script he was using previously that he believed was some... | 01:23 |
genii | ...standard system command. | 01:24 |
Jowi | acidblood, did you mean delete or hide? if the latter pbureau advice it the one. | 01:24 |
acidblood | No, I really want to delete it. | 01:24 |
acidblood | I'm going to set up a box to run a single application, I'll leave an icon in the desktop, and I need as much screen space as possible. | 01:24 |
bef | !photoshop | 01:24 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about photoshop - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:24 |
Jowi | genii, hehe, ok. I think your conclusion was correct :) | 01:24 |
bef | !wine | 01:24 |
ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 01:24 |
pbureau | genii- its probably something like a .o .c or .h file in a package or librairy | 01:24 |
gnomefreak | bef: gimp for linux | 01:25 |
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genii | gimpshop if you like photoshop type skin | 01:25 |
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bef | gnomefreak: i am learning gimp, however for now, in the transition, i'd like to wine photoshop ;] | 01:26 |
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gnomefreak | bef: you can try it but i heard it doesnt run well in wine (i personally never tried it) | 01:27 |
amorphous_ | jowi - I'm still getting no picture on my monitor - it's always autodetected before with this monitor... :/ | 01:27 |
bef | gnomefreak: thanks anyhow | 01:27 |
amac777 | anyone know of an ftp client that allows automatic downloading of recent files (newer than a certain date). Trying to setup incremental backups. | 01:27 |
genii | why not use rsync instead, much more useful | 01:28 |
amac777 | i saw ncftp -n 3 on some websites but it doesn't seem to be supported | 01:28 |
amac777 | genii, cause i'm backing up files that I can only access through ftp | 01:28 |
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guillem101 | genii, fujitsu-siemens does a couple of them, pretty nice ones IMHO | 01:28 |
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guillem101 | genii, I mean, nvidia+amd laptop | 01:29 |
amac777 | i only have webaccess and ftp access | 01:29 |
Jowi | amorphous_, you mean even with vga=normal you do not see any messages at boot? | 01:29 |
amac777 | as far as i understand it, rsync needs ssh access. correct me if i'm wrong | 01:29 |
genii | guillem101: Cool :) Since ati is now amd owned will be hard to find those kind of combos soon | 01:29 |
slipttees|work | http://www.opensource.apple.com/darwinsource/ | 01:29 |
slipttees|work | :P | 01:29 |
genii | amac777: wget may have this sort of facility | 01:30 |
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guillem101 | genii, it was already difficult to find those prior to being ati bought by amd, anyway | 01:30 |
sholden | Quick question: will I need the beta nvidia drivers to use beryl w/ a GeForce3? | 01:30 |
amac777 | wget eh? hmmm... ok, I'll check it out | 01:30 |
genii | rsync does not need any kind off ssh access | 01:30 |
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guillem101 | genii, It is long I'm searching for such machine... but now Core2-duo are 64bit so my choices are wider | 01:31 |
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co_alternatif | hai | 01:31 |
oxygen | hi | 01:31 |
amac777 | what kind of access does rsync need? (which port does it use?) | 01:31 |
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amorphous_ | jowi - yes. I get the prompt when I enter the diagnostic mode, but as soon as x strts up i'm out-of-range. dpkg-reconfigure seems ok... | 01:32 |
guillem101 | amac777, you may tunel rsync through ssh easily! | 01:32 |
amorphous_ | Oh! hang on - - just manually set refresh rates and I'm in!!! | 01:32 |
genii | rsync uses 873 as default port but you can make it whatever you like | 01:32 |
amac777 | guillem, problem is the server is only running ftp and http.... | 01:32 |
guillem101 | sholden, sure | 01:32 |
guillem101 | amac777, :( | 01:32 |
pbureau | amac777- have you looked at http://www.xellsoft.com/SynchronEX.html | 01:32 |
co_alternatif | ok ok ok | 01:33 |
Afief | What do i need to set my userstring to in order to pretend to be using IE7? | 01:33 |
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genii | if you have no control over the server then something like extended wget switches may be what you need | 01:33 |
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guillem101 | amac777, I incorporated the talk too late :-P. | 01:33 |
rysiek|pl | hi all | 01:34 |
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amac777 | pbureau, thanks. that looks like it would handle what i want to do... but not free. :( | 01:34 |
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Daverocks | Afief: on XP SP2, it sends "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)" | 01:34 |
rysiek|pl | did anyone manage to get tv-out working with open-source ati/radeon drivers? | 01:34 |
pbureau | amac777- sometimes there is a price :) | 01:34 |
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zoli2k | genii: I would like to install the v4l-dvd-dev package. On different forums I found a "HOw to install on ubuntu" and there is the "hg" command. Of course, nobody explains what the heelll is hg. | 01:35 |
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genii | amac777: The -N timestamp switch of wget | 01:35 |
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amac777 | pbureau, yup. it's true.... i'm tempted to write some kind of a script myself... I can get a directly listing through ftp which includes the dates. Just need to then parse that to figure out which files to download | 01:35 |
genii | "man wget" is extremely informative | 01:36 |
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rysiek|pl | did anyone manage to get tv-out working with open-source ati/radeon drivers? google didn't help much, neither did the ubuntu wiki | 01:36 |
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pbureau | amac777- check this page.... you may find what your looking for | 01:36 |
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pbureau | amac777- http://dmoz.org/Computers/Software/Backup/ | 01:36 |
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amac777 | genii, thanks I'll check that out too. but I'm wondering if wget will be able to download php files. probably it will get the output not the actual php source | 01:37 |
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_FeelFree_ | hello | 01:37 |
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pbureau | amac777- this would be better to look at : ) sorry had wrong link -> http://search.dmoz.org/cgi-bin/search?search=incremental+ftp&all=yes&cs=UTF-8&cat=Computers%2FSoftware%2FBackup | 01:37 |
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genii | amac777: as for the source vs the link they generate I haven't an idea. | 01:38 |
pbureau | amac777- make a cron to tarball the php files prior to wget transfer ? | 01:38 |
_FeelFree_ | im newbie ,so i ve just installed ubuntu 6.10 last release but the problem i dont know how to access to the root account? | 01:38 |
Jowi | zoli2k, got a link to that page? | 01:38 |
pbureau | _FeelFree_- open terminal type su | 01:38 |
amac777 | pbureau, thanks. lots of info. i'm sure there's gotta be an ftp client that will download files according to dates! | 01:38 |
zoli2k | http://www.quantik.de/index.php/2007/01/17/msi-vox-usb-20-unter-ubuntu/ | 01:38 |
Jowi | _FeelFree_, sudo -i | 01:39 |
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zoli2k | Jowi: http://www.quantik.de/index.php/2007/01/17/msi-vox-usb-20-unter-ubuntu/ | 01:39 |
_FeelFree_ | sudo -i or su? | 01:39 |
diskus | sudo -i | 01:39 |
diskus | and password is same as you used in normal login | 01:39 |
_FeelFree_ | how to know the passwd? | 01:39 |
=== genii sips a coffee and considers the diabolical sudo su | ||
pbureau | _FeelFree_- you type it in when you installed the cd | 01:39 |
amac777 | pbureau, cron job would be ok... except i'm not the admin on the server. It's a web hosting company and they only give me ftp and http access. | 01:39 |
_FeelFree_ | same? | 01:39 |
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diskus | _FeelFree_: in ubuntu root is disabled, but to use sudo you use your own password | 01:40 |
amac777 | anyway, i'm gonna go through the links you gave me and see what i can find | 01:40 |
amac777 | thanks for the help all | 01:40 |
pbureau | amac777- so your updating their website then? | 01:40 |
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_FeelFree_ | i type it for my accountso thats the same for the root ? | 01:40 |
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amac777 | pbureau, not exactly. I run my own dynamic website there | 01:40 |
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diskus | _FeelFree_: password the same, you can't login with root as far as I know | 01:40 |
amac777 | it's generating content and also users are uploading pictures etc | 01:40 |
=== genii sips a coffee and considers the diabolical sudo passwd command | ||
genii | ROFL | 01:41 |
amac777 | so I like to make my own backup incase the hosting company screws up | 01:41 |
_FeelFree_ | theresnt an account for root? | 01:41 |
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rysiek|pl | genii: well, actually... | 01:41 |
pbureau | amac777- okay so your trying to update the files from your pc to the web server ... I know what you mean I use GFTP on windows and it does (update modified) you want the reverse right ? | 01:41 |
_FeelFree_ | because i dont know how to use shell command! | 01:41 |
diskus | _FeelFree_: there is, but login is disabled, just try sudo -i in console and type in your password | 01:41 |
rysiek|pl | genii: i did sudo passwd to set-up a root password on one of my boxen | 01:41 |
diskus | _FeelFree_: why do you need root account then? | 01:41 |
rysiek|pl | genii: I just felt better to have a root pswd there | 01:41 |
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Jowi | zoli2k, hg seems to be in the mercurial package | 01:42 |
amac777 | pbureau, I'm trying to download only the newer files (that I haven't already download) or files that have been changed. download them from the website host to my personal computer for backup | 01:42 |
genii | rysiek|pl: Yeah it's nasty but I have a console that I login as root for sometimes. I run everything else as default user however | 01:42 |
Jowi | zoli2k, from it's man page "hg - Mercurial source code management system" | 01:42 |
pbureau | Jowi- I must say.. your dedication is stronger than mine on that 'hg' topic.... you earned a gold star :) | 01:42 |
rysiek|pl | genii: yeah, me too. I came to ubuntu from Debian, I just prefer to have a "standard" root account with a pswd | 01:42 |
_FeelFree_ | i need it to pase a file to lib/firmware and i trid with my account but a message told me 'you dont have the permission to write to this folder' | 01:42 |
genii | Jowi nice work there | 01:42 |
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Jowi | pbureau, i was curious :) | 01:43 |
_FeelFree_ | to past* | 01:43 |
zoli2k | Jowi: thx | 01:43 |
Jowi | np zoli2k | 01:43 |
rysiek|pl | so... once again: did anyone manage to get tv-out working with open-source ati/radeon drivers? google didn't help much, neither did the ubuntu wiki | 01:43 |
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geniusvicks | how do I install java runtime in my PC? | 01:44 |
_FeelFree_ | as i download a modume for my dsl modem wich is coudnt be reconginzed by linux so i used xp to download it and i accessed to linux n trying to copy it to firmware | 01:44 |
SoulChild | HEY, why does my Avahi Daemon fail when i shutdown, and what is avahi daemon for ??? | 01:44 |
_FeelFree_ | hope you ve understood me? | 01:44 |
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SoulChild | !Avahi | 01:44 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about Avahi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:44 |
Jowi | !java | geniusvicks | 01:44 |
ubotu | geniusvicks: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository | 01:44 |
SoulChild | !avahi-daemon | 01:44 |
ubotu | avahi-daemon: Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD daemon. In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.13-2ubuntu2.4 (edgy), package size 69 kB, installed size 324 kB | 01:44 |
_FeelFree_ | ? | 01:46 |
pbureau | rysiek|pl- I found on a 'ubuntu ati/radeon tv-out' google that "TV out is not supported by the oss driver, For that you have to use the fglrx driver from ati. | 01:46 |
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geniusvicks | Jowi, How do i make it work in firefox? | 01:46 |
pbureau | geniusvicks- in firefox, click on tools - addons, select java...loads after install automatically | 01:46 |
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phos-phoros | Do I need to install libdvdnav4 or libdvdplay0 for DVD menu support in totem? | 01:47 |
_FeelFree_ | Diskus | 01:48 |
geniusvicks | Jowi, I cant see java in the addons | 01:48 |
phos-phoros | Or, should i just take the ogle route? | 01:48 |
Jowi | geniusvicks, you need the plugin. it is explained in that java page that ubotu gave you. | 01:48 |
arn_ | hi guys, i tried to use www.ubuntu.com to download ubuntu. but the site is not working. is there any other way to download ubuntu i386 for personal PC? | 01:48 |
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genii | arn_ There are quite a few mirrors which have the iso file. What country are you in? | 01:49 |
Jowi | arn_, this one seem to work http://ftp.ds.karen.hj.se/pub/os/linux/ubuntu-iso/edgy/ubuntu-6.10-desktop-i386.iso | 01:49 |
Sanctusorium | You could also use bittorrent | 01:49 |
arn_ | Sweden, but i need english version | 01:49 |
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Jowi | arn_, use the link i gave. simply select swedish during install. | 01:50 |
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genii | There is only 1 iso. You choose the language upon the install | 01:50 |
pbureau | arn_- http://www.ubuntu.com/products/GetUbuntu/download?action=show&redirect=download | 01:50 |
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arn_ | Jowi, how to check the checksum. I downloaded a copy previously, but it didn't work | 01:51 |
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geniusvicks | Jowi, I've aldready installed the java 5 plugin but no use | 01:51 |
genii | arn_ Which operating system are you using to download it? | 01:51 |
arn_ | Windows XP | 01:52 |
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Jowi | arn_, the checksums are here (scroll down) http://ftp.ds.karen.hj.se/pub/os/linux/ubuntu-iso/edgy/ | 01:52 |
pbureau | geniusvicks- okay.. click on your toolbar (screen not in firefox) System - Administration - Synaptic , do a search for JAVA you will find it there | 01:52 |
holyduck | geniusvicks, if you need to install java/flash just use easyubuntu (that is if your using x86) | 01:52 |
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paolo_ | hi... I'm still searching (after have tried many ones) for a FTP server which does work on kubuntu.... any Idea? thnks.... | 01:53 |
p4olo | ... | 01:54 |
geniusvicks | pbureau, the box infront of sun-java5-bin is green (its installed) but if I type java -showversion in terminal it shows version 2 | 01:54 |
holyduck | p4olo pureftp with pureadmin, ought to work for any vm | 01:54 |
holyduck | 'wm | 01:54 |
genii | arn_ http://www.p6c.com/FREEBIES/MD5WIN.html | 01:54 |
geniusvicks | pbureau, sun-java5-jre is also installed | 01:54 |
rysiek|pl | pbureau: well, yeah, I have seen it too, but there's the GATOS project, which drivers - AFAIK - have been merged with the OSS ati drv in xorg 7.21 | 01:55 |
pbureau | geniusvicks- dunno, I just installed it, and it work | 01:55 |
rysiek|pl | *71 | 01:55 |
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p4olo | holyduck: let's try | 01:55 |
geniusvicks | pbureau, should I install sun-java6 ? | 01:55 |
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holyduck | p4olo, i did it pretty easyly, | 01:56 |
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deg0nz_ | hi @ll | 01:57 |
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imc_ | hi - my gnome menu bar (Applications, PLaces, Systems, etc) is now hopelessly anchored to the left side of the screen and I cannot figure out how to move it back to the top - can anyone help? | 01:59 |
holyduck | imc_, i think that you can right click on it and select move | 01:59 |
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pbureau | imc_- right click on it and draf it back to the botto | 01:59 |
imc_ | thanks, trying | 01:59 |
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pbureau | imc_- sorry left mouse click and drag it to the edge of the scren you want it to be attached to | 02:00 |
imc_ | ahh | 02:00 |
pbureau | >- not enough coffee this morning | 02:00 |
p4olo | holyduck: it gets stucked when trying to connect. pheraps this is caused by my proxy server | 02:00 |
rysiek|pl | gtg, cu all | 02:00 |
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imc_ | M neither. Now i have to restart gnome | 02:00 |
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holyduck | maybe, iv just used my ftp for lan | 02:00 |
holyduck | i dont have any experience at all with proxys ;( | 02:01 |
imc_ | Thank worked pbureau thanks | 02:01 |
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amorphous_ | anyone know why the panels keep dissapearing in X? (Xubuntu) it's only once in a while - but it's really annoying - sometimes the machine starts up with no panels?!!? Also --- how do I get them back? | 02:02 |
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pbureau | amorphous_- unknown check the xserver log files for error messages | 02:04 |
Menisk | I have a 64bit AMD turion and I would like to use ubuntu 6.10 AMD64. AM I going to run into trouble becasue if I'm using the AMD64 version I can't run 32bit apps right. | 02:04 |
amorphous_ | pbureau, is that called xserver.log, perchance (i'm not at the machine at the moment - will be there later) | 02:05 |
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distro-tester | hello do u know where to get tlc do install amsn? | 02:06 |
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distro-tester | tcl* | 02:07 |
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d3x7r0 | sudo apt-get install amsn? xD | 02:07 |
holyduck | Menisk, you can install i386 apps on 64bit | 02:07 |
holyduck | with the emulation libs | 02:07 |
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amac777 | pbureau, genii: if you're still here, just wanted to let you know the solution I found. it's called ftpcopy It does recursive ftp downloads and can limit the downloads to files being X days old. Found it by searching through synaptic for "ftp" and just reading the descriptions. i did that before but I guess I went too quickly. thanks again for your help | 02:07 |
holyduck | and --force-architecture | 02:07 |
Menisk | Will the run slower as a result of emulation? | 02:07 |
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holyduck | dunno, but wine runs nicely | 02:08 |
Menisk | Hmm. | 02:08 |
holyduck | it seems to work pretty goood | 02:08 |
holyduck | its kind of a hack, but it works | 02:08 |
genii | amac777: Glad you found something suitable :) | 02:08 |
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distro-tester | im installing last amsn version from site everything went fine just i diden't finish couse it said i nead tcl where i find it? | 02:08 |
tonyyarusso | Menisk: You can do some chroot funny business, which is tricky, but likely not significantly slower. (I think) | 02:08 |
Menisk | Well my processor supports both x86 and x64 as most 64 bitters do so shouldn't it be able to run them natively? | 02:08 |
holyduck | well if you install a 64bit kernel | 02:08 |
Menisk | Okay, | 02:09 |
Menisk | .* | 02:09 |
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pbureau | amac777- your welcome cheers | 02:09 |
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arn_ | genii, how can i burn an iso into a CD ROM as a bootable for Ubuntu? | 02:09 |
Menisk | Will try x64 and see how I go. | 02:09 |
hhak | hellos to you all | 02:09 |
holyduck | chroot, or --forche-architecture | 02:09 |
holyduck | both works | 02:09 |
d3x7r0 | If I'm not mistaken there was a script to do what you want (compile amsn) on the forums, maybe you could try that? | 02:09 |
nothlit | !isp | arn_ | 02:09 |
ucordes | arn_: ubuntu doesn't boot shit | 02:09 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about isp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:09 |
nothlit | !iso | arn_ | 02:09 |
ubotu | arn_: To mount an ISO disc image, type "sudo mount -o loop my.iso <mountpoint>" There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before burning. Burning .iso files: see !burn | 02:09 |
ucordes | :x sorry | 02:09 |
hhak | i have just received a brand new Logitech QuickCam Chat -- do you suppose i could get it working on Ubuntu? | 02:09 |
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hhak | using EasyCam did not help | 02:10 |
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hhak | camorama claims not to identify it | 02:10 |
hhak | can anyone advice? | 02:10 |
genii | arn_ Just do something like 'burn cdrom from image' in your software. | 02:10 |
arn_ | nothlit, "ISO", the extension | 02:10 |
pbureau | distro-tester- I just completed compiling amsn suggestion, startup synaptic and use search your looking for alot of -dev libs | 02:10 |
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nothlit | !burn | arn_ | 02:11 |
ubotu | arn_: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto | 02:11 |
nothlit | arn_, i'm aware | 02:11 |
frogzoo | arn_: you need to select something like 'burn disk image' - as opposed to burning the file | 02:11 |
pbureau | hhak- type ' lsusb ' in a terminal window does it reconize it ? | 02:11 |
genii | arn_ Nothing weird like making some boot image on the cd and so on. Just burn the cd using the iso you downloaded as the cdrom image file | 02:12 |
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hhak | pbureau: thanks for your support, hold on... | 02:12 |
arn_ | genii, ok | 02:12 |
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hhak | pbureau: well it identifies three things with "Logitech, Inc." in it | 02:12 |
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hhak | i will use pastebin, hold on please | 02:12 |
pbureau | hhak- what app your trying to run to use the cam (I use amsn and it works fine) | 02:13 |
Thug-N-Me | Postfix Configuration General type of configuration? what should i select ? | 02:13 |
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hhak | pbureau: i read from the ubuntu com docs that there is this camorama | 02:13 |
cwill1 | I've got a machine (4 almost identical actually) that keeps hanging on me. I managed to log into it before it hung completely via ssh, but most commands i run take a really really long time to run; even logging in took a good ten minutes, but top shows nothing using the cpu | 02:13 |
hhak | pbureau: i have not tested amsn yet | 02:13 |
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ghb | What's that program called that allows you to costumize the touchpad behaviour? | 02:13 |
pbureau | hhak- if you get amsn get the last version and compile it yourself, the distro version is older and doesnt work well with cams | 02:14 |
hhak | ok | 02:14 |
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hhak | pbureau: http://pastebin.com/870172 | 02:14 |
holyduck | im an oon | 02:14 |
holyduck | hm | 02:14 |
holyduck | damn classmates | 02:14 |
hhak | pbureau: do you have the same webcam? | 02:14 |
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pbureau | nah its a logitech but only uses 1 usb connection ;) | 02:16 |
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hhak | i dunno why it says 3 logitechs, because i only have 2 | 02:17 |
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hhak | but | 02:18 |
pbureau | hhak- mouse ? mp3 ? depends what ya got connected... :) | 02:18 |
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ghb | Anyone? I can't find the program to fix the mouse behaviour of the touch pad. | 02:18 |
hhak | pbureau: when i switch the camera off the Bus 2 Dev 006 disappears | 02:18 |
pbureau | hhak- I use a labtec cam, but its made by logitech thus reconized as such | 02:18 |
hhak | pbureau: so i guess it is that | 02:18 |
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holyduck | ghb, whats the problem, i use a touchpad without a problem | 02:18 |
hhak | pbureau: so i guess the lsusb command recognizes it | 02:18 |
pbureau | hhak- linux looks more at chipset than brand names :) | 02:19 |
hhak | yes | 02:19 |
ghb | holyduck: Well, it's not a problem, really. But I can't, for instance, scroll by placing the finger on the side of the pad. | 02:19 |
hhak | pbureau: so what do you suggests me to do? | 02:19 |
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hhak | pbureau: i would like to take snapshots with this thing | 02:19 |
ghb | holyduck: I know there is a program for doing that, but I can't remember what it was called. | 02:19 |
pbureau | hhak- I dunno snapshots you say... what was that program you mentioned earlier, have you tried it ? | 02:20 |
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hhak | pbureau: it was camorama, it does not recognize it it says | 02:20 |
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KenSentMe | ghb: Gsynaptics? | 02:21 |
hhak | pbureau: the error message says thus: | 02:21 |
ghb | KenSentMe: That might be it. I'll try that. Thanks. =) | 02:21 |
hhak | "Could not connect to video device /dev/video0 please check connection" | 02:21 |
holyduck | ghb, i got those functions | 02:21 |
pbureau | hhak- is there any "special" settings ? | 02:21 |
holyduck | ;O | 02:21 |
holyduck | on my hp | 02:21 |
hhak | pbureau: what do you mean? | 02:21 |
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pbureau | hhak- options to configure the cam on the program ? | 02:22 |
hhak | pbureau: there is a command line switch to specify video device to use | 02:22 |
hhak | with this camorama | 02:22 |
pbureau | hhak- the program is looking for a video cam showing in /dev/video0 your video cams probably shows in /dev/usb0 | 02:22 |
hhak | the default is /dev/video0 | 02:22 |
hhak | aha | 02:23 |
hhak | i will test it | 02:23 |
pbureau | :_ the usb0 not being probably the right place /;) | 02:23 |
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hhak | no no it does not work either | 02:23 |
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hhak | i have tried with /dev/usb0 and usb1 and usb2 | 02:23 |
hhak | the same error it gives | 02:23 |
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hhak | pbureau: do you suppose i should "mount" this devil into some of the /dev/usbX file? | 02:24 |
pbureau | hhak- sorry mate I dont know... I would look at aMSN it works nicely (and does its own scan of ports for the video cam (nicely too)) | 02:25 |
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pbureau | hhak- NOOO | 02:25 |
hhak | ok | 02:25 |
hhak | uhuh | 02:25 |
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pbureau | never mount anything to /dev/ directory | 02:25 |
hhak | ok | 02:25 |
hhak | sorry :) | 02:25 |
bauer77 | anyone know how to resolve the RDP issues where it just says cant connect??? | 02:25 |
hhak | pbureu: i will check this aMSN out | 02:26 |
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hhak | pbureau: can you provide me with a precompiled binary package of it? | 02:26 |
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hhak | pbureua: the latest version you spoke of | 02:26 |
pbureau | hhak- synaptic - amsn | 02:26 |
KenSentMe | ghb: does it work? | 02:26 |
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genjix | hi, I'm trying to fix the config scripts on crystal space to be compatible with dash | 02:26 |
hhak | pbureau: did you not say that it was old one and probably unworking? | 02:27 |
genjix | ${!somevar} | 02:27 |
genjix | how can I do indirection? | 02:27 |
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pbureau | hhak- :) you asked for pre-compiled. the only other choice is compile it yourself (not hard - just need to keep synaptic on hand as it uses alot of dev's file) | 02:27 |
genii | genjix: Just use bash instead to run it | 02:28 |
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biotrox | how to pair bluetooth with my HP? | 02:28 |
genjix | not possible | 02:28 |
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genjix | it breaks windows/mingw | 02:28 |
hhak | pbureau: uhuh, i have never done anything like that | 02:28 |
abuyazan | hi all how are you | 02:28 |
hhak | i will try it out perhaps | 02:28 |
mby | I changed my VideoRam to 131072 kB , how can I check if such amount is now used ? | 02:29 |
genii | genjix: Get the precompiled version then | 02:29 |
pbureau | hhak- read the INSTALL , and remember you need to be in super user to get it done right :) | 02:29 |
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hhak | yea | 02:29 |
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genjix | genii: what? | 02:29 |
genii | me | 02:29 |
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hhak | pbureau: thanks for your help mate, i think i will be allrite for now on | 02:29 |
distro-tester | Tk GUI Toolkit i nead this now to install amsn where i find it? | 02:29 |
hhak | :) | 02:29 |
pbureau | hhak- anytime buddy | 02:30 |
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genjix | what do you mean 'get the precompiled version'? | 02:30 |
genii | genjix: There is a precompiled system of binaries for win32 of crystalspace 3d | 02:30 |
pbureau | distro-tester- look in synaptic for gtk+2 | 02:30 |
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genjix | yes, well im crystal space developer trying to make cs compatible with new ubuntu | 02:30 |
distro-tester | i got kubuntu | 02:30 |
hhak | laters | 02:30 |
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mby | I changed my VideoRam to 131072 kB , how can I check if such amount is now used ? I have i915 videocard | 02:30 |
pbureau | distro-tester- then use your package manager and fine it | 02:31 |
pbureau | s/fine/find | 02:31 |
zyth | mby, shared? | 02:31 |
mby | yes | 02:31 |
genjix | why ubuntu has to be difficult... | 02:31 |
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zyth | mby, run top and see how much memory it claims you have | 02:31 |
zyth | and subtract ;) | 02:31 |
lo900 | /umode -w | 02:32 |
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genii | I have c3d compiled fine on my 6.10 box. I just changed all the shell instances to bash from sh (which is really dash on this distro) | 02:32 |
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tlanfer | The normal installer does not understand lvm, the alternate uses only lilo. Is there a trick to get Grub AND lvm? | 02:33 |
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cafuego_ | tlanfer: The alternate only uses LILO of you insist on uisng XMS for /boot | 02:34 |
cafuego_ | XFS even | 02:34 |
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tlanfer | thats strange, because i did not chose xfs. Fot /boot i uses ext3 | 02:35 |
biotrox | !bluetooth | 02:35 |
ubotu | For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup | 02:35 |
genii | genjix: Or are trying something like cross-compiling it in windoze for linux? | 02:35 |
distro-tester | wich i must take in adept to install amsn i nead this Tk GUI Toolkit but there are many of them wich one is the one i nead? | 02:35 |
cafuego_ | tlanfer: Then it ought to be absolutely fine. Oddity. | 02:35 |
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cafuego_ | tlanfer: Well, you can always go LILO and switch to GRUB later. | 02:36 |
distro-tester | cafuego u know? | 02:36 |
mby | zyth: it says that 1.5% of memory, I have 1gB of RAM , strange | 02:36 |
tlanfer | cafuego_: i tried doing so, but unfortunately i messed it all up | 02:36 |
cafuego_ | I know I avoid amsn. | 02:36 |
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cafuego_ | tlanfer: Hrm. | 02:36 |
genjix | genii: no, I'm fixing crystal space so that when cs-config is now run on ubuntu it won't error. | 02:37 |
cafuego_ | tlanfer: is /boot separate or ON the lvm? | 02:37 |
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tlanfer | cafuego_ no, its seperate | 02:37 |
cafuego_ | tlanfer: That is just supremely weird. I *know* I''ve installed systems like that just fine. | 02:37 |
cafuego_ | tlanfer: Ah, maybe it's the UUID root option that's messing up. | 02:38 |
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BrendanM | Does anyone know what libraries I need to install in order for Xarchiver to deal with .rar, .zip and .7z files? | 02:39 |
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sohmc2015 | what command can I use to see all my hard drive devices? | 02:39 |
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genii | genjix: Getting it to use regular make instead of Jam would be a start | 02:39 |
Soe4Life | hello. | 02:39 |
genjix | jam is better than make | 02:40 |
cafuego_ | tlanfer: I' dprobably go LILO, then install GRUB into the *partition* boot sector, and add a GRUB entry to lilo.conf (chainloader). That way you have a working LILO and you cna experiment with GRUB until it works. | 02:40 |
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genjix | updating make on a large project is hell | 02:40 |
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sohmc2015 | I'm trying to mount a hard drive but don't know it's device name. is there a command I can use to see where it is? (e.g. /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2) | 02:41 |
perplexity | cat /proc/partitions ? | 02:41 |
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Soe4Life | does anyone know what device the parallel port would be routed to? :x | 02:41 |
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genii | usually lp0 lp1 and so on depending on the hardware address | 02:42 |
Soe4Life | thats what i would expect, but on ubuntu i havent seen them :/ | 02:43 |
sohmc2015 | perplexity, it's only showing me /dev/sda | 02:43 |
sohmc2015 | I tried to mount /dev/sda1, but it says it can't mount it | 02:43 |
ghb | How do I configure Synaptic Touchpad? | 02:43 |
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perplexity | try fdisk -l /dev/sda and see what partitions are defined | 02:43 |
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BrendanM | ghb, synaptic touchpads can be awful | 02:44 |
BrendanM | but you might try qsynaptics | 02:44 |
sohmc2015 | perplexity, it doesn't return anything... | 02:44 |
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ghb | BrendanM: That's why I'm asking for help. =) | 02:44 |
sohmc2015 | could it be that the partition isn't there? | 02:44 |
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genii | sohmc2015: You can't do something like: mount /dev/device you have to splice it somewhere. Like: mount /dev/sda1 /the/directory/it/should/be/readable/under | 02:44 |
ghb | BrendanM: Isn't there a GUI for it? | 02:44 |
BrendanM | Yes, it's called qsynaptics | 02:45 |
sohmc2015 | genii, no I can't...I have to specify which partition | 02:45 |
BrendanM | if you google for it, you'll find info on it | 02:45 |
perplexity | yes sohmc2015 it could well be.. if fdisk -l returns nothing. Are you root? does your user have read access to /dev/sda ? | 02:45 |
sohmc2015 | like /dev/sda1 | 02:45 |
BrendanM | lemme try to find a link | 02:45 |
sohmc2015 | perplexity, yes I am | 02:45 |
sohmc2015 | perplexity, I am root | 02:45 |
perplexity | oh dear.. sounds like no partition table.. | 02:45 |
ghb | BrendanM: Hmm... I've downloaded it, but I don't know how to install it. | 02:45 |
frogzoo | ghb: man synaptics | 02:45 |
sohmc2015 | perplexity, okay...I'm going to try something different... | 02:45 |
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BrendanM | there should be a package for it | 02:46 |
perplexity | sohmc2015 what does file -s /dev/sda say ? | 02:46 |
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sohmc2015 | perplexity, sorry, give me a sec here | 02:46 |
BrendanM | ghb, I was able to install it as a package in synaptic package manger (different synaptic) | 02:46 |
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sohmc2015 | perplexity, I'm seeing if the drive is damaged...trying to mount another sata drive | 02:47 |
perplexity | righto.. | 02:47 |
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LycanNYC-work | !topaz | 02:47 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about topaz - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:47 |
ghb | BrendanM: Found a thread on a forum that might help explain how to do it. | 02:47 |
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perplexity | ghb if you want to play with it a bit, synclient works quite well also.. it's cmdline tho | 02:48 |
BrendanM | well, to get qsynaptics installed, all you need to do is go "apt-get install qsynaptics" | 02:48 |
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BrendanM | you might need to make sure you have the universe/multiverse repositories enabled | 02:49 |
ghb | perplexity: That's why out of my league. =) | 02:49 |
sohmc2015 | perplexity, I just installed a working SATA drive, and I'm still not getting any readout from either fdisk or file | 02:49 |
perplexity | oh well, qsynaptics is the go then.. | 02:49 |
ghb | Oooh found it! | 02:49 |
perplexity | sohmc2015 is your sata controller properly installed ? | 02:50 |
perplexity | are you trying to hotplug? | 02:50 |
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sohmc2015 | perplexity, I'm running Damn Small Linux live cd | 02:50 |
ghb | BrendanM: Just did that. | 02:50 |
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perplexity | does the bootup dmesg show the drive being detected properly and the partition table being read ? | 02:50 |
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sohmc2015 | perplexity, let me check... | 02:51 |
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BlueEagle | perplexity: sudo fdisk -l | 02:51 |
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BlueEagle | perplexity: that will list the drives and partitions | 02:51 |
tlanfer | cafuego_: arghshs, i just found out, why it all messed up | 02:51 |
BrendanM | ghb, in order to give qsynaptics access to modify the touchpad settings, you'll have to open /etc/X11/xorg.conf in a text editor and then make sure that you have: Option "ShmConfig" "true" in the section for the synaptic touchpad | 02:52 |
incorrect | how can i get samba to cache groups it gets from active dir? | 02:52 |
BrendanM | after that, just type "qsynaptics" from a terminal and the GUI for qsynaptics should pop up | 02:52 |
lightseed | is the 64bit on par these days? | 02:52 |
holyduck | on par with what? | 02:52 |
tlanfer | cafuego_: I started the installer again an now i see that by default it sets the partition i created for /boot as /media/hda1 | 02:52 |
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cafuego_ | tlanfer: aaah | 02:53 |
perplexity | BlueEagle: thanks.. | 02:53 |
BlueEagle | perplexity: np | 02:53 |
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BrendanM | any luck ghb? | 02:54 |
lightseed | does the 64bit ubuntu have flash and do the nvidia drivers do tv out? | 02:54 |
sohmc2015 | perplexity, dmesg reports that it was unable to read the partition table | 02:54 |
holyduck | well theyr pretty easy to install lightseed | 02:54 |
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BlueEagle | !flash | 02:54 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 02:54 |
ubotu | Flash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash | 02:54 |
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holyduck | but you need to install 32 bit ff, for flash (i think) | 02:54 |
frogzoo | lightseed: afaik, flash is 32bit only | 02:55 |
holyduck | there is a script for doing it | 02:55 |
lightseed | only 32 bit? | 02:55 |
perplexity | sohmc2015 so you have a deeper issue then.. is your sata controller properly supported in the kernel you are trying to use it with ? | 02:55 |
holyduck | well there is a script to install ff, with flash on 64bit | 02:55 |
BlueEagle | lightseed: Feel free to email macromedia and as for the 64 bit version. | 02:55 |
sohmc2015 | perplexity, I can't get the ubuntu live cd to work correctly | 02:55 |
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lightseed | ok thanks | 02:55 |
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rulus | hi, I have a question: how can I get rid of the ftp-folders on my desktop (gnome) without unmounting them? | 02:55 |
perplexity | what is the sata controller then ? the ubuntu live disk uses a 2.6.17 kernel from memory, which is pretty old as far as sata support goes. | 02:56 |
ghb | BrendanM: Working on it. Rebooting the laptop at the moment. | 02:56 |
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BlueEagle | ask* | 02:56 |
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holyduck | perplexity, i used the live disk on my sata drive | 02:56 |
lightseed | is edgy the latest 6.06.1? | 02:56 |
Edmo | EDMO | 02:56 |
sohmc2015 | perplexity, I think it's...crap, I can't remember it | 02:56 |
BlueEagle | lightseed: edgy (6.10.1) is the latest. | 02:57 |
bauer77 | 6.10 I think | 02:57 |
visik7 | lightseed: no edgy is 6.10 | 02:57 |
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visik7 | there isn't any 6.10.1 | 02:57 |
lightseed | ok thanks | 02:57 |
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perplexity | holyduck, umm.. ok then.. that has no bearing on what particular sata controller sohmc2015 has in the machine and whether is is properly supported under that kernel | 02:57 |
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holyduck | true ;p | 02:58 |
perplexity | sohmc2015 lspci should tell you what the controller is, or read the dmesg | 02:58 |
genii | !nscd | incorrect | 02:58 |
ubotu | nscd: GNU C Library: Name Service Cache Daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4-1ubuntu12.3 (edgy), package size 142 kB, installed size 308 kB | 02:58 |
sohmc2015 | perplexity, let me check... | 02:59 |
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ghb | BrendanM: It's not working. Still complains that SHMConfig isn't enabled. =( | 03:00 |
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ghb | BrendanM: And that the synaptic driver isn't installed. | 03:01 |
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sohmc2015 | perplexity, it's not listed in lspci | 03:02 |
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sohmc2015 | but there is an entry in dmesg | 03:02 |
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perplexity | interesting.. it's not on the pci bus? | 03:03 |
sohmc2015 | it failed on /sbin/modprobe scsi_hostadapter | 03:03 |
perplexity | ok.. what mainboard is this, and is the controller on-board ?? | 03:03 |
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sohmc2015 | lsmod shows sbp2 loaded correctly | 03:03 |
perplexity | sbp2 is for firewire | 03:03 |
sohmc2015 | perplexity, it's an HP and the controller is on board | 03:03 |
BrendanM | ghb, did you go into your xorg.conf file? | 03:04 |
sohmc2015 | ide-scsi is also active | 03:04 |
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perplexity | which means you must have an ata controller loaded.. | 03:04 |
perplexity | so the SATA connector is on-board ? | 03:04 |
sohmc2015 | perplexity, dmsg also says that detection failed (no card) | 03:04 |
perplexity | can you pastebin your lspci ? | 03:04 |
sohmc2015 | yeah | 03:05 |
=== genii sips a coffee and thinks about pseudo-scsi transport layers over usb and ide | ||
sohmc2015 | give me a sec | 03:05 |
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perplexity | well, usb is really scsi over usb anyway.. but the scsi-ata converter at the other end is a peculiarity | 03:05 |
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genii | yes | 03:06 |
BrendanM | ghb, here are some useful links: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=168581 | 03:06 |
BrendanM | http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2006/12/10/tweaking-your-synaptics-touchpad-laptops-ubuntu-6061-610/ | 03:06 |
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genii | Usually for recognising ide burners as scsi | 03:06 |
perplexity | yeah, well atapi is a different beast again.. | 03:06 |
ghb | BrendanM: Ah, it's not suppose to be "true", but "on". | 03:06 |
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ghb | BrendanM: Rebooting. =) | 03:07 |
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BrendanM | ghb, you can just press ctl+alt+bkspace to restart the X server without rebooting the whole machine | 03:07 |
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Gin | hi | 03:07 |
Gin | how do you do a server install? | 03:08 |
sunshine | Hi got a short question, how do I compile my C++ programms I wrote in Ubuntu? | 03:08 |
Gin | I don't see any server install in the installation menu | 03:08 |
IdleOne | Gin: download the alternate cd | 03:08 |
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ghb | BrendanM: Thanks, that's good to know. But it seems that the driver isn't installed. =( | 03:08 |
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Gin | IdleOne, the what? | 03:09 |
Gin | where can I find that? | 03:09 |
lightseed | sunshine: gcc? | 03:09 |
Data_ | gin, you can install you cd and run apt-get or synaptic to install servers you need | 03:09 |
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sohmc2015 | perplexity, pastebin is being a pain...give me one more minute | 03:09 |
incorrect | thanks nscd make a big difference | 03:09 |
IdleOne | Gin: on www.ubuntu.com look for the Alternate CD install ( server install ) | 03:09 |
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lightseed | sunshine: g++? | 03:10 |
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Gin | is there any option to tell the installer NOT install the GUI? | 03:11 |
genii | Nowadays I don't bother much with the regular iso install. I do the server cd install to cli then do apt-get install ?ubuntu-desktop for whichever wm makes sense | 03:11 |
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IdleOne | Gin: no there isnt . they made seperate cd's for it | 03:11 |
lightseed | Gin: when the cd boots dont you hit like f1 or something? | 03:11 |
sohmc2015 | perplexity, http://pastebin.com/870225 | 03:11 |
Gin | lemme see | 03:11 |
lightseed | Gin: then you can select a server install maybe? | 03:11 |
Gin | gonna try it now | 03:12 |
IdleOne | sunshine: you probably need " build-essential " and also see !compile | 03:12 |
genii | incorrect Glad it helped :) | 03:12 |
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perplexity | sohmc2015, it's being a pain here too ;) | 03:12 |
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incorrect | getent passwd | wc -l gives 6664 | 03:12 |
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sohmc2015 | perplexity, you can try http://paste.getlinuxhelp.org/103188 | 03:13 |
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incorrect | genii, i had been easting my time with winbind cache time settings | 03:13 |
sohmc2015 | !pastebin | 03:13 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:13 |
perplexity | # | 03:13 |
perplexity | 0000:00:14.1 IDE interface: ATI Technologies Inc: Unknown device 4376 | 03:13 |
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sohmc2015 | perplexity, so it's being mounted as a ide device? | 03:13 |
perplexity | thats it sohmc2015.. that controller is supported (for certain definitions of supported) but only in very recent kernels | 03:13 |
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perplexity | so the chances of it working in any current liveCD are almost nil.. | 03:14 |
genii | incorrect Before nscd I homebrewed a solution using a transparent squid proxy. Messy but worked | 03:14 |
perplexity | you may have to even use an -mm kernel to get somewhat reliable | 03:14 |
incorrect | genii, sounds it | 03:14 |
sohmc2015 | perplexity, I'm able to mount sata drives with the ubuntu live cd, no problem. but the problem is I can't get the ubuntu live CD to boot. It won't even run the CD check | 03:15 |
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sohmc2015 | perplexity, which is why I'm running DSL | 03:16 |
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sohmc2015 | (damn small linux) | 03:16 |
perplexity | hang on.. how do you get the livecd to mount sata drives if it won't boot ?? | 03:16 |
sohmc2015 | perplexity, I'm running the DSL live cd right now | 03:16 |
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perplexity | you said.. --I'm able to mount sata drives with the ubuntu live cd, no problem. but the problem is I can't get the ubuntu live CD to boot.-- how do you get the ubuntu livecd to mount sata drives if it won't boot ? | 03:17 |
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sohmc2015 | perplexity, I'm confused...I'm not sure if I understand your question. | 03:18 |
perplexity | You told me you can't get the ubuntu livecd to boot.. correct ? | 03:18 |
genii | I imagine when it DID boot it worked | 03:18 |
sohmc2015 | perplexity, yes | 03:18 |
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zoli2k | I need to check the LAN connection of my server with an internal machine. I have no physical access. The LAN is down. There are two possibilities: LAN is disconnected, or the second internal machine is down. How can I check this? (the distance between the servers is 30km, so it is important question) | 03:18 |
perplexity | but then you said you can mount sata drives using the ubuntu livecd.. | 03:18 |
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sohmc2015 | perplexity, yes, I've done it before | 03:18 |
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perplexity | ok, but not on this machine ? | 03:19 |
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sohmc2015 | perplexity, no | 03:19 |
genii | zoli2k use something like traceroute | 03:19 |
sohmc2015 | sorry for confusing you | 03:19 |
perplexity | right.. | 03:19 |
sohmc2015 | perplexity, I'm trying to restore some files on a friends machine | 03:19 |
IdleOne | zoli2k: if LAN is disconnected or if the machine is down turned off ) then you need o take a drive | 03:19 |
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zoli2k | genii: they are connected directly by optical cable, so no traceroute will help. | 03:20 |
genii | I think traceroute is differently named on buntu dists | 03:20 |
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BrendanM | try tracepath | 03:20 |
perplexity | the controller on this mainboard is one for which support is somewhat recent and experimental, which means the likelihood of it working on any current livecd is minimal.. | 03:20 |
BrendanM | you can also just install traceroute | 03:20 |
zoli2k | IdleOne: Yes I must take a ride, but the question is to which server house :) | 03:20 |
perplexity | you may be SOL at the moment sohmc2015 | 03:20 |
IdleOne | zoli2k: ah ok :) | 03:20 |
sohmc2015 | perplexity, hmmm.... | 03:20 |
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genii | zoli2k Well, to see if any response whatsoever from it on any port use some prober utility like nmap | 03:21 |
sohmc2015 | perplexity, alright...I'm going try some other things here...thanks for your help | 03:21 |
perplexity | welcome.. best of luck.. experimental sata can be challenging :) | 03:21 |
digitalshadow | any isdn gurus around? | 03:21 |
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sohmc2015 | perplexity, btw, how do you know that the controller is recent? | 03:21 |
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zoli2k | genii: you give me a good idea ;) | 03:21 |
sohmc2015 | I've installed ubuntu on a sata drive at home | 03:21 |
genii | digitalshadow Something pri card related? | 03:22 |
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jpolanco | hi | 03:22 |
jpolanco | how can i suspend from a terminal? | 03:22 |
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digitalshadow | not really card related, but some strange connection problem | 03:22 |
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jpolanco | how can i suspend from a terminal? | 03:23 |
ghb | BrendanM: Nope. I still can't get it to work. | 03:23 |
genii | digitalshadow: Ah OK.. if it was something like getting zaptel drivers working perhaps I could be of some assistance. | 03:23 |
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jpolanco | how can i suspend from a terminal? | 03:23 |
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sohmc2015 | jpolanco, suspend what? | 03:23 |
jpolanco | my laptop | 03:24 |
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zoli2k | genii: I checked, and probably the storm broked something, I hope that the server house is not burned down :) | 03:24 |
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sohmc2015 | jpolanco, you mean like in windows? | 03:24 |
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holyduck | i think shutdown has a switch for it | 03:24 |
jpolanco | yeh | 03:24 |
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holyduck | man shutdown | 03:24 |
jpolanco | but from a terminal | 03:24 |
holyduck | see what you find | 03:24 |
jpolanco | ok | 03:24 |
jpolanco | thanks | 03:24 |
genii | yes, shutdown command has a switch for hibernate or so in it | 03:24 |
digitalshadow | no i can't get dial-up to work | 03:24 |
digitalshadow | i can't see any packages | 03:25 |
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ott0 | my laptop's screen is an irregular 1280 x 768. can I set it gnome to be this resolution? right now the sides of the screen are not used. | 03:25 |
BrendanM | ghb, what does "cat /proc/bus/input/devices" show for you? | 03:25 |
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perplexity | sohmc2015 ubuntu works perfectly well with sata for a certain number of controllers.. it's not sata that is the issue so much as newer hardware with little or no documentation.. | 03:25 |
genii | zoli2k Well I hope you are fortunate in resolving the problem | 03:25 |
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sorush20 | hi.. where is the onscreen keyboard | 03:26 |
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ghb | BrendanM: Hmmm... According to it, I should have SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad installed. | 03:26 |
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IdleOne | sorush20: click application>add/remove | 03:26 |
BrendanM | does it show a driver? | 03:26 |
ghb | BrendanM: But qsynaptics says I don't. | 03:26 |
IdleOne | sorush20: you will find it in there then can add to the apps menu | 03:27 |
BrendanM | what's the exact error you're getting from qsynaptics? | 03:27 |
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BrendanM | also, do you have libsynaptics installed? | 03:27 |
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ghb | BrendanM: I don't know. It says a bus, name, phys, sysfs, handlers, and some other stuff. | 03:27 |
fuziwuzi | i have a doumb n00b Q, is there an esitmated release date for ubuntu 6.11 (or the next version) | 03:27 |
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genii | fuziwuzi: 7.04 feisty fawn | 03:28 |
BrendanM | April | 03:28 |
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IdleOne | fuziwuzi: no there isnt but 7.04 should be out in april | 03:28 |
DarthLappy | fuziwuzi: You can figure it out from the numbering scheme :) | 03:28 |
fuziwuzi | cheers brendanm | 03:28 |
calamari | ott0: try this page... it probably isn't your exact situation, but perhaps it will get you started toward a solution: http://cornell.wordpress.com/2006/03/16/widescreen-with-ubuntu-2/ | 03:28 |
genii | ubuntu numbering sche is year.month eg: 7.04 = april 2007 | 03:29 |
DarthLappy | genii: Pah, just give it away :( | 03:29 |
fuziwuzi | oh i am trying to figure out which distro to use | 03:29 |
genii | ^fuziwuzi | 03:29 |
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ghb | BrendanM: Nope. That one wasn't installed. Doing that right now. | 03:29 |
genii | DarthLappy: :) | 03:29 |
IdleOne | fuziwuzi: use Ubuntu | 03:29 |
fuziwuzi | figureing that out was above me head :blushes: | 03:29 |
holyduck | fuziwuzi, ubuntu is good for beginers | 03:29 |
BrendanM | you shouldn't have to reboot for that | 03:30 |
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IdleOne | fuziwuzi: Ubuntu is just " GOOD " | 03:30 |
ghb | BrendanM: Rebooting, just in case. | 03:30 |
BrendanM | ghb, if you want, I can show you my xorg.conf file | 03:30 |
holyduck | Personaly i prefer gentoo, but ubuntu just "works" | 03:30 |
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BrendanM | Does somebody have a link for pastebin? | 03:30 |
IdleOne | !paste | 03:30 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:30 |
zyth | pastebin.com ? | 03:30 |
ghb | BrendanM: Would be nice if you could. | 03:30 |
zyth | oh hehe | 03:30 |
fuziwuzi | sweet thanks for the advice | 03:30 |
BrendanM | ...Unless you've got a weird wireless card or a synaptics touchpad, that is | 03:30 |
calamari | I wonder if, since Warty, I've progressed from beginner to intermediate yet.. hmm probably not :) | 03:30 |
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pbureau | BrendanM- define weird wireless (grin) | 03:31 |
ott0 | thanks calamari | 03:31 |
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zyth | pbureau, Broadcom :) | 03:31 |
calamari | ott0: sure.. I think there is a tool to figure out the modeline you'd need to use, but I do not know offhand | 03:31 |
pbureau | zyth- then again any other linux'es manage to run broadcom ?? huh?? | 03:31 |
IdleOne | genii: probably not the best idea you had today :) | 03:31 |
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zyth | pbureau, ndiswrapper | 03:32 |
fuziwuzi | um, another thing, i havea ATI X1800ST, and i know ati is less well supported than nvidia, has that changed or is there still support/drivers concerns | 03:32 |
Luc1 | Hi. How to install Ubuntu when my CD-ROM cannot boot from CD? I tryed sbootmgr, but in the menu isn't CDROM to select. | 03:32 |
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genii | IdleOne Only contemplating... ROFL | 03:32 |
fuziwuzi | ST = XT | 03:32 |
AzMoo | What does the LiveCD use the hard-drive for/ | 03:32 |
BrendanM | ghb, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3336/ | 03:32 |
Luc1 | Is any boot disket? | 03:32 |
zyth | fuziwuzi, the ATI drivers work (I am using them w/ my ATI card) but they have... quirks... | 03:32 |
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fuziwuzi | lol @ quirks | 03:32 |
fuziwuzi | ok | 03:32 |
IdleOne | Luc1: reboot and go into BIOS and set boot opitons to CDROM first then HD | 03:32 |
genii | AzMoo It uses a ramdisk or virtual HD that is in ram for / | 03:32 |
fuziwuzi | cheers | 03:32 |
pbureau | zyth- ndiswrapper is really a workaround to be honest, but yeah I use it for my wifi Ill admit to it. | 03:32 |
BrendanM | ghb, mine is sort of weird because I have a dell with both a touchpad and a pointstick, and I also use a USB mouse | 03:33 |
Luc1 | IdleOne: My BIOS cannot boot CDROM. He is old. | 03:33 |
rulus | hi, I have a question: how can I get rid of the ftp-folders on my desktop (gnome) without unmounting them? | 03:33 |
zyth | pbureau, hey, as long as it works :) | 03:33 |
IdleOne | Luc1: hmmm I dont know sorry | 03:33 |
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BrendanM | also, when I first installed Ubuntu, it misdetected as a Wacom tablet device, so you'll see that part is commented out | 03:33 |
AzMoo | genii, ah. That would be why a stuffed hard-drive made everything crash. | 03:33 |
ghb | BrendanM: Ok... But it looks very similar to mine. | 03:33 |
genii | Luc1 You can make a bootable floppy from one of the disk images on the cdrom which will boot to floppy then do the rest of the install from cd | 03:33 |
AzMoo | genii, thanks. | 03:33 |
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genii | AzMoo No problem | 03:34 |
persen | Hi, looking for a good graphical samba client. | 03:34 |
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AzMoo | persen, swat. Runs in a web browser. | 03:34 |
pbureau | zyth- yeah but a true linux driver would make thing go faster (I would hope so, but probably not) I test my ndiswrapper wifi against other laptops I have in the office here ( I have 3 on windows) and the speed was about 50kbps faster... I would of hoped for more, but would think this would only happen if true linux driver are installed. | 03:34 |
genii | yes, swat is good | 03:34 |
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burepe | Is there a command to take a screen shot? | 03:34 |
Luc1 | genii: You think Smart boot manager? | 03:34 |
bauer77 | print screen? | 03:34 |
rulus | crot | 03:35 |
persen | Isnt it to much a hazzle? Just want to copy a file and i have no luck in mouting it. | 03:35 |
rulus | nervermind | 03:35 |
uguntuvbox | hi, I have a problem with virtualbox on ubuntu 6.06 LTS | 03:35 |
zyth | pbureau, if your wifi card is minipci you could possibly change it for a supported one. | 03:35 |
burepe | yeah print screen | 03:35 |
burepe | How do I do that? | 03:35 |
persen | So, does it exist another alternative than SWAT ? | 03:35 |
genii | Luc1 In your bios? | 03:35 |
riotkittie | hit print screen, burepe | 03:35 |
burepe | where? | 03:35 |
bauer77 | hit print screen on the keyboard | 03:35 |
pbureau | persen- Places - network servers - select windows network and on and on... | 03:35 |
riotkittie | on your keyboard | 03:35 |
zyth | burepe, on your keyboard | 03:35 |
ghb | BrendanM: When I run qsynaptics, I get lots and lots of errors =( | 03:35 |
bauer77 | then open up gimp and ctr +V | 03:36 |
Luc1 | genii: In BIOS I of course do boot from floppy. | 03:36 |
BrendanM | like what? | 03:36 |
bauer77 | or whatever you want to use | 03:36 |
riotkittie | to the right of F12 | 03:36 |
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pbureau | zyth- pcmcia ..bleh. the internal one works just fine (11b) but I rather ave the 54g WPE :) | 03:36 |
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AzMoo | persen, oh wait, client? You can use nautilus and use: smb://computername/sharename | 03:36 |
ghb | BrendanM: Something about BadDevice and stuff. | 03:36 |
genii | Luc1 and the computer has a cdrom but just cannot boot from cdrom? | 03:36 |
burepe | Maybe my japanese keyboard is differnet | 03:36 |
zyth | pbureau, ahhh.. hehe | 03:36 |
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Alzi2 | I tried to install a bitmap GTK theme, but, it just gives colored, plain buttons. I remember there is a package you need to install before you can use those themes, but which was it? | 03:36 |
pvandewyngaerde | i get an error hal failed, what should i do ? | 03:36 |
Luc1 | genii: Yes. BIOS is very old. | 03:36 |
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bauer77 | you can problably make a hot key to Take a Screenshot too no? | 03:37 |
zyth | Luc1, is there a bios update for it? | 03:37 |
Luc1 | BIOS boot only from HDD or A:\. | 03:37 |
pbureau | pvandewyngaerde- depends on what you where doing or trying to do when you got the message | 03:37 |
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genii | Luc1 Yes, so there exists a floppy drive file which you create a boot floppy from. Then you boot to this floppy and continue from the cd after | 03:37 |
pvandewyngaerde | pbureau: at boot | 03:37 |
BrendanM | ghb, hmm, well at this point all I can suggest is googling for the specific errors you're getting and/or searching for people who have the same model of laptop you do | 03:37 |
zoli2k | Luc1: Or you can try network install | 03:38 |
persen | Places -- Network server - etc.. did it ! thanks | 03:38 |
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ghb | BrendanM: *sigh* I suppose. Thanks for your help. | 03:38 |
bauer77 | burepe: You can go to System , Preferences, Keyboard Shortcuts, and create a hot key for the Print Screen command | 03:38 |
BrendanM | I figured out how to get mine working mostly by searching for "Dell Latitude c610 Linux" and reading stuff | 03:38 |
genii | Luc1 I will find a suitable link for you to use | 03:38 |
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burepe | just found a "take screen shot" under accessories | 03:38 |
burepe | thanks | 03:38 |
BrendanM | that one forum said something about needing the evdev driver, but I think ubuntu has that already | 03:38 |
Luc1 | genii: :-) | 03:38 |
BrendanM | sorry | 03:39 |
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IdleOne | Luc1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot you can try this | 03:39 |
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rage_ | Anyone know why my touch pad does not work with Any linux distro on my Toshiba Satalite A30? There is a way any clues? | 03:39 |
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incorrect | is it possible to export users home directories, not /home but /home/<user> and not on a per users basis | 03:40 |
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ShadowX | sup guys | 03:40 |
zoli2k | Luc1: There is a program called Smart Boot Manager | 03:40 |
IdleOne | Luc1: maybe this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootFromUSB | 03:41 |
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fuziwuzi | *turned off by fedora support* *turned on by unbuntu support* *picks unbuntu as new distro* | 03:41 |
fuziwuzi | thanks for all your help guys | 03:41 |
fuziwuzi | bye | 03:41 |
zoli2k | Luc1: Try this: http://btmgr.sourceforge.net/download.html | 03:41 |
Luc1 | zoli2k: Smart Boot Manager I tryed. I hoped then help, but I dont see CDROM select in menu. | 03:41 |
zoli2k | Luc1: Sorry, I did not read the history | 03:41 |
Luc1 | IdleOne: USB it hasnt | 03:41 |
ShadowX | hey guys. got a question. anyone know of a free alternative to WINE? | 03:42 |
holy_cow | no such thing | 03:42 |
rage_ | ShadowX: wine is free. | 03:42 |
bauer77 | why would you want an alternative? | 03:42 |
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zoli2k | ShadowX: Crossover Office has a trial | 03:42 |
bauer77 | Windows is an alternative I guess | 03:42 |
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ShadowX | cuz I can never get what I want to run in it | 03:42 |
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Kud| | Is there a hotkey to switch between workspaces? | 03:42 |
else- | why isn't mplayer in the repositories? | 03:42 |
lightseed | you can support cedega | 03:42 |
holy_cow | it doesn[t meet the criteria of 'free' however | 03:42 |
ShadowX | my main reason for not having Linux as my primary OS, us cuz I cant get Photoshop or good video editing app | 03:43 |
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rage_ | else-: it is in mulitiverse | 03:43 |
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ShadowX | if I can fix those two problems, linux will be my best friend for LIFE | 03:43 |
else- | mh i thought i uncommented all rep | 03:43 |
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zoli2k | ShadowX: Because M$oft did not documented its operation system properly. | 03:43 |
bauer77 | Kud|: Go to System, Preference, Keyboard Shortcuts | 03:43 |
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holy_cow | Shadow_mil, forget ps on linux and you can buy a decent video editing app on linux | 03:43 |
gably | hello | 03:43 |
gably | i"ve a problem | 03:43 |
Kud| | bauer77 Thanks :) | 03:43 |
AzMoo | gably, you should get that sorted soon. | 03:43 |
else- | rage_: where do i get the correct rep for multiverse? | 03:43 |
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holy_cow | Shadow_mil, gimp is actually very good, it just lacks cmyk so if your doing print stick with a mac | 03:43 |
=== bulmer [n=kana_kan@adsl-69-232-202-49.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ShadowX | well can someone help me find good alternatives to this? cuz I CANT STAND GIMP (please dont start a riot against me lol) | 03:44 |
gably | i've pasted in a other server large rules of text | 03:44 |
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holy_cow | shadebug, there are no alternatives | 03:44 |
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holy_cow | shadebug, live with it, learn it. its very good. i use it professionally | 03:44 |
gably | and now, people says, I'm not welcome | 03:44 |
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AzMoo | ShadowX, photoshop on wine? | 03:44 |
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pvandewyngaerde | ShadowX: there is Krita, and ubuntu is developping a multi media studio | 03:44 |
holy_cow | Shadow_mil, even | 03:44 |
holy_cow | Shadow_x even damn | 03:45 |
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Pici | gably : I'm confused,what are you asking? | 03:45 |
rage_ | !easysource | 03:45 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 03:45 |
=== MegaQuark_ [n=gary@pool-71-117-203-59.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rage_ | else-: ^ | 03:45 |
gably | now | 03:45 |
holy_cow | ShadowX, also dont expect people to code for free something that retails 700 to 1k retail | 03:45 |
lightseed | how can i burn a cd image to a dvd for free in windows? | 03:45 |
gably | what i can do | 03:45 |
holy_cow | that really really not friendly | 03:45 |
gably | i'know | 03:45 |
gably | on the ubuntu-nl | 03:45 |
holy_cow | lightseed, try #windows | 03:45 |
IdleOne | Luc1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto ( google is your friend ) | 03:45 |
=== wims [n=wims@ti211310a080-16156.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ShadowX | Photoshop doesnt work in wine, at least not CS2 on the last wine I tried :S | 03:45 |
holy_cow | lightseed, wrong channel we don't do windows here | 03:45 |
Toma- | ShadowX: what dont you like about it? | 03:46 |
xtknight | photoshop cs2 runs in wine fine | 03:46 |
ShadowX | since when? | 03:46 |
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xtknight | since i tried it at least | 03:46 |
ShadowX | and Toma-, what dont I like about what? | 03:46 |
xtknight | got some memory error, fixed it with regedit | 03:46 |
AzMoo | Worked last time I tried it, which was a couple of months ago. | 03:46 |
Toma- | gimp | 03:46 |
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ShadowX | weird, I could never get it to work. hmm | 03:46 |
=== shedi [n=siggi@dsl-149-109-85.hive.is] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bauer77 | xtknight: lol | 03:46 |
Davegoodson | Hey can anyone help me with a problem i've got. i installed scim and set it as the default input method... now some apps dont start at all. like skype.. how do you fix it? | 03:46 |
ShadowX | guess Ill try it now then | 03:46 |
holy_cow | Toma-, all ps users have the same problem: ps users don't learn how to use an app, they learn the visual properties of the menues | 03:47 |
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lightseed | sorry i know we dont do windows here i just thought helping in getting off windows to ubuntu someone might know | 03:47 |
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holy_cow | Toma-, if you change the menu layout they get very confused | 03:47 |
Toma- | Simple solution? http://www.gimpshop.net/ | 03:47 |
holy_cow | Toma-, usually it takes 6 months of hard training in ps to really get comfy in it, its actually very strange app if your starting from 0 | 03:47 |
IdleOne | lightseed: try asking in ##windows about free burning software | 03:47 |
xtknight | Davegoodson: type 'skype' in the terminal to see if any errors are spat out | 03:47 |
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holy_cow | to remap your 6 months + of training is very hard work because ps users memorize, they don't learn | 03:47 |
lightseed | ya ui asked thanks | 03:47 |
xtknight | speaking of gimpshop i have some deb packages of it on the forums, rather aged though | 03:47 |
Davegoodson | xtknight, there are plenty | 03:47 |
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xtknight | gimpshop is very hard to compile | 03:48 |
persen | I have a ATI (lowend) 3d accelerated gfx card. Do i have to install some proprietary ATI drivers for it? | 03:48 |
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mjr | persen, probably not. Which, though? | 03:48 |
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Toma- | Theres an RPM for it... just use alien | 03:48 |
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hamre__ | hello. i just used ifconfig and iwconfig (along with ubuntu's network tool) to configure access to my wireless ap. dhclient ath0 worked, i got my own ip and /etc/resolv.conf was written, but still i can't ping google.com anybody know what i'm missing? | 03:48 |
Shankar | hello this is shankar | 03:48 |
holy_cow | Toma-, no, that actually makes it worse. that gets gimp to rought aproximation of ps, BUT, the important thing isnt to emulate ps, the important thing is to teach people gimp isnt ps and never will be. nothing will emulate ps because of the patents adobe owns | 03:48 |
xtknight | persen: depends. i think R2xx chipsets have 3d support and R3xx do not with the open source driver | 03:48 |
holy_cow | don't yell please | 03:48 |
Luc1 | IdleOne: ok I tryed Smart Boot Manager options and choose Rescan all boot records again. | 03:49 |
Toma- | holy_cow: yeh, but it stops them crying :D | 03:49 |
holy_cow | turn off the caps | 03:49 |
Davegoodson | xtknight, basicly at the end it says Aborted (core dumped) | 03:49 |
holy_cow | Toma-, actually it doesn't i've tried | 03:49 |
Toma- | oh :< | 03:49 |
xtknight | Davegoodson: anything before that? | 03:49 |
ShadowX | Im gonna ask a question I saw asked a few mins ago, but didnt see an answer | 03:49 |
hamre__ | lol | 03:49 |
hamre__ | what up ShadowX | 03:49 |
Shankar | *amachu, can u come to ubuntu-tam please* | 03:49 |
hamre__ | err | 03:49 |
ShadowX | is there a hotkey combo to change desktops? | 03:49 |
hamre__ | Shankar: | 03:49 |
hamre__ | tamil nadu uh | 03:49 |
Shankar | yeah, hamre | 03:49 |
=== Gasten [n=Gasten@h88n6c1o1095.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xtknight | ShadowX: switch to a different workspace you mean? | 03:49 |
holy_cow | Toma-, it actually frustrates them more because ti lets them think its 'just like ps' ... except its not. there is about %20 difference and a lot of it cannot be mapped accross so its PERPETUALLY frustrating | 03:49 |
Davegoodson | xtknight, yep. alot of stuff xD | 03:49 |
ShadowX | yesh | 03:49 |
Pici | ShadowX : ctrl-alt-arrowleft or arrowright | 03:49 |
holy_cow | Toma-, the only thing that works is to teach them that gimp is completely different from my experience | 03:50 |
Toma- | ok. | 03:50 |
xtknight | ShadowX: if you're using Beryl, it's control alt (right arrow). | 03:50 |
ShadowX | ah wow thanks | 03:50 |
riotkittie | or ALT #, in some of them | 03:50 |
xtknight | ShadowX: or if youre not using beryl its the same thing ;P | 03:50 |
AzMoo | it's ctrl+alt+arrow even if you're not using beryl :p | 03:50 |
ShadowX | lol | 03:50 |
mjr | xtknight, r3xx do also, only it's perhaps not altogether as finished as the r200 driver | 03:50 |
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ShadowX | another thing, why does Gnome crash so bad when I use themes? | 03:50 |
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xtknight | Davegoodson: post the full error on pastebin | 03:50 |
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Shankar | *wats the best mac-like dock app for linux* | 03:50 |
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xtknight | ShadowX: does firefox freeze when you apply a theme you mean? | 03:50 |
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persen | On other check, its an NVIDIA FX 5200 card, for that i would need NVIDIA drivers? | 03:50 |
Zambezi | Is there any chance I can get back files when I accidently ran "rm -r /mnt/hdb" (I ran (cp -r Backup /mnt/hdb/Backup and then changed cp to rm) | 03:50 |
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lojuven | @find nome_file | 03:51 |
AzMoo | Shankar, I use the StartupBar desklet for gDesklets. | 03:51 |
Shankar | link please, azmoo | 03:51 |
lojuven | @find juve | 03:51 |
frogzoo | Zambezi: if it's ext3 - they're gone | 03:51 |
xtknight | Zambezi: `apt-cache search undelete` | 03:51 |
riotkittie | Zambezi: ouch. | 03:51 |
ShadowX | xtknight: nope, Gnome starts goin bezerk. crashing the panel, trash, and causing the bug report tool to go totally balisstic | 03:51 |
genbie | anyone knows how i can move between panels in ubuntu using the keyboard please? | 03:51 |
AzMoo | Shankar, synaptic. | 03:51 |
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holy_cow | if its reiser you have a good chance of recovering them | 03:51 |
Shankar | ok | 03:51 |
pbureau | ShadowX- maybe its buggy theme you tried. | 03:52 |
Shankar | then you guys ought to read this http://www.nongeeksight.blogspot.com/2006/09/5-ways-to-contribute-to-open-source.html | 03:52 |
IdleOne | genbie: ctrl+alt+arrow key | 03:52 |
AzMoo | argh. Damn install has locked up at 99% :( | 03:52 |
=== Mati2k7 [n=Mati2k7@bgv93.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pici | genbie : ctrl-alt-arrowleft or arrowright -- is that what you're looking to do? | 03:52 |
Shankar | %http://www.nongeeksight.blogspot.com/2006/09/5-ways-to-contribute-to-open-source.html % | 03:52 |
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ShadowX | it seems like its every theme I try though | 03:52 |
Zambezi | frogzoo, It's encrypted EXT3. | 03:52 |
xtknight | ugh | 03:52 |
ShadowX | is there a good replacement to the standard theme "scheme" | 03:52 |
frogzoo | Zambezi: game over dude | 03:52 |
riotkittie | wow. wow. wow. | 03:52 |
lojuven | @find juve | 03:52 |
holy_cow | Zambezi, its permanently gone | 03:53 |
riotkittie | Zambezi: you do believe in the power of regular backups, yes? :P | 03:53 |
holy_cow | he will now | 03:53 |
IdleOne | Zambezi: if you can figure out how to undelete please let me know because I have about 30gigs of mp3's I would like back :/ | 03:53 |
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Zambezi | frogzoo, Dammit... It was my personal files that _,may_ be gone. | 03:53 |
genbie | thanks idleone and pici, but doing that just moves between desktops not panels | 03:53 |
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hamre__ | hello. i just used ifconfig and iwconfig (along with ubuntu's network tool) to configure access to my wireless ap. dhclient ath0 worked, i got my own ip and /etc/resolv.conf was written, but still i can't ping my dns, anybody know what i'm missing? | 03:53 |
Davegoodson | xtknight, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3343/ | 03:53 |
holy_cow | Zambezi, no no, they are actually gone | 03:53 |
xtknight | Zambezi: if you're really desperate, make another file containing something you know was in one of the files. then get the encrypted version of that, then search your whole HD for that. then figure out the encryption algorithm...etc :P | 03:53 |
holy_cow | not kidding | 03:53 |
holy_cow | its terrible but thats just how it goes | 03:53 |
Shankar | *5 ways to contribute to opensource without programming http://www.nongeeksight.blogspot.com/2006/09/5-ways-to-contribute-to-open-source.html * | 03:53 |
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ghb | BrendanM: Woho! Fixed it! Just needed to comment away some stuff in the xorg.conf. | 03:53 |
adrianasantos | io | 03:53 |
lounge | anyone know anything about compiling foo2zjs from source? I'm getting a foo2zjs.c:1536: warning: implicit declaration of function getc | 03:53 |
lounge | foo2zjs.c:1541: warning: implicit declaration of function end_doc | 03:53 |
lounge | foo2zjs.c:1543: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function exit | 03:53 |
lounge | make: *** [foo2zjs] Error 1problems | 03:53 |
Pici | !paste | 03:54 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:54 |
adrianasantos | tudobem | 03:54 |
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apokryphos | lounge: a warning is not an error | 03:54 |
anAngel | hi i cant talk trough skype i can hear the other side but they cant hear me. Any help | 03:54 |
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xtknight | looks like it errored out (make *** exit code) | 03:54 |
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xtknight | lounge: either there's an error above that or the source code for that program isn't compatible with your libraries | 03:54 |
lounge | apokryphos, but the last line is make *** etc.. | 03:54 |
AzMoo | anAngel, is your microphone muted? | 03:54 |
apokryphos | anAngel: use the skype test | 03:54 |
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Zambezi | riotkittie, It was on my backup harddrive. I know I lost things that I can get back again, but I don't know if it deleted files from the Backupfolder. | 03:54 |
bulmer | hamre__: what does netstat -ran shows? does it have a gateway? | 03:54 |
destruktor | anybody from the philippines? | 03:54 |
hamre__ | hold up | 03:55 |
lounge | xt that's pants | 03:55 |
anAngel | no its not muted | 03:55 |
adrianasantos | eunaofaloingles | 03:55 |
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xtknight | lounge: ubuntu edgy? | 03:55 |
genii | Luc1 What OS is on the laptop right now? | 03:55 |
riotkittie | public service announcement >> backups are the best thing since sliced bread, and if you cannot bear to lose your data, you should back it up frequently :P | 03:55 |
xtknight | Davegoodson: no idea dude. i guess scim just causes a bug in skype | 03:55 |
lounge | xtknight, yes | 03:55 |
apokryphos | adrianasantos: English only in here please. | 03:55 |
riotkittie | ohhhhhhhhh Zambezi that sucks | 03:55 |
lounge | xtknight, you make that sound ominous... | 03:55 |
xtknight | lounge: ill see if i can compile it on my edgy. small program right? | 03:55 |
Zambezi | holy_cow, That sound awful, but at least I got 90 GB free... :-/ And I'm going to have two backups in the future and when I get more money, I'm going to store the files at a friends place. | 03:56 |
lounge | yeah - just a printer driver | 03:56 |
hamre__ | bulmer: cool, it gateway shows, and the other | 03:56 |
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bulmer | riotkittie: and may I add, make sure it is backed up to a good drive | 03:56 |
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Luc1 | genii: Why? How to you know, then I have laptop? I have Ubuntu 6.06. | 03:56 |
hamre__ | bulmer: is the router i believe | 03:56 |
bulmer | hamre__: are those really valid ip addres? | 03:56 |
holy_cow | Zambezi, yeah i've had it happen many times. i've learned to accept that my files really aren't that important | 03:56 |
holy_cow | but i do have mondo backups now | 03:56 |
hamre__ | bulmer: no =) how do i set them? | 03:56 |
Davegoodson | xtknight, thanks | 03:56 |
xtknight | lounge: this what you're using http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com/foo2zjs.tar.gz ? | 03:56 |
riotkittie | bulmer: indeed. of course, i should shut up because i dont back anything up :P | 03:56 |
lounge | xt and there's no configure file | 03:56 |
adrianasantos | eu nao emtendo ingles | 03:56 |
bulmer | hamre__: then make sure that is the correct gateway then.. | 03:56 |
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hamre__ | bulmer: i tried route add default but that didn't work | 03:56 |
lounge | xt yes | 03:56 |
hamre__ | bulmer: but how? | 03:56 |
riotkittie | well, i copy it from my laptop to my husband's xp box but ugh. | 03:56 |
=== finalbeta [n=finalbet@d5152A68A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lounge | xtknight, yeah - they say not to use the ubuntu shipped drivers | 03:57 |
riotkittie | i am getting an external hd for my laptop soon. or maybe an internal. | 03:57 |
Zambezi | riotkittie, I know. It was logs from diving, diaries when I felt bad, documents, pictures since several years etc. Everything isn't gone, but some of it may. I haven't checked it yet. | 03:57 |
bulmer | hamre__: keep looking at the result of that netstat -ran and see if gateway gets added | 03:57 |
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IdleOne | backups are for the weak. be a man and live on the Edgy :P | 03:57 |
apokryphos | !english | adrianasantos | 03:57 |
ubotu | adrianasantos: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat | 03:57 |
bulmer | hamre__: maybe use the network manager to add | 03:57 |
=== MrSprout [n=MrSprout@host86-130-68-95.range86-130.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lounge | xtknight, and there's no configuration file - is that right??? | 03:57 |
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xtknight | lounge: seems right | 03:57 |
genii | Luc1 If you already have an ubuntu distribution then more practical to do a dist-upgrade than the smart boot manager method. | 03:57 |
xtknight | lounge: it compiled fine here | 03:57 |
hamre__ | bulmer: isn't there a configuration file somewhere? | 03:57 |
lounge | xt - that's pants! | 03:58 |
adrianasantos | da pra falar em outra limgua | 03:58 |
riotkittie | Zambezi: oh man, and stuff like that is always the worst to lose :\ hope the vast majority of its available | 03:58 |
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warlocky | Is there a way to list everything in "history" command? I only get the stuff from 50-to my last command used | 03:58 |
bulmer | hamre__: yes..its /etc/network/interfaces | 03:58 |
Zambezi | holy_cow, Mine are so I will buy a USB-memory and send it to a friend and then store files at his place. | 03:58 |
=== Kristov [n=Kristov@Mix-StDenis-108-1-7.w80-12.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IdleOne | !pr | adrianasantos | 03:58 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pr - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:58 |
holy_cow | heh, not a bad idea | 03:58 |
Kristov | hi | 03:58 |
apokryphos | warlocky: cat ~/.bash_history | 03:58 |
IdleOne | !pT | adrianasantos | 03:58 |
ubotu | adrianasantos: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada. | 03:58 |
xtknight | lounge: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3346/ | 03:58 |
adrianasantos | hhghcgh | 03:58 |
hamre__ | bulmer: the gateway too resides in there? | 03:58 |
Luc1 | genii: I want install ubuntu to other PC. | 03:58 |
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Tartarus | hi all, question | 03:58 |
Mati2k7 | Siemka ;) | 03:59 |
bulmer | hamre__: yes, for static at least am sure.. | 03:59 |
IdleOne | hello some , answers | 03:59 |
Tartarus | does ubuntu need something like debian-multimedia.org for all of the 'fun' video/etc stuff, or is that just there by default? | 03:59 |
Zambezi | riotkittie, I'm going to but the files on a 10 GB harddrive, on a USB-memory and going to store files at atleast one friend. Then I'm safe for fire and burglary. | 03:59 |
warlocky | fanx mate | 03:59 |
xtknight | Tartarus: yeah ubuntu needs it too | 03:59 |
Tartarus | dang | 03:59 |
adrianasantos | gudy bay | 03:59 |
Tartarus | anyone here know what's up with it? | 03:59 |
Tartarus | there's no files there as of today.. | 03:59 |
Tartarus | did it move again or something? | 03:59 |
Zambezi | Thansk for your answers everybody. Now it's tv. See you later riotkittie, holy_cow, xtknight and frogzoo. | 04:00 |
lounge | xt - is there any reason why it should work for you and not me? it's a pretty clean/new install? | 04:00 |
xtknight | lounge: post the whole log of your compile | 04:00 |
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Pici | Tartarus : Ubuntu uses different repositories, but the official ones usually sit on the same servers as the normal repos | 04:00 |
Tartarus | Pici, right, different code-names. But all of www.debian-multimedia.org (incl pool) is empty right now | 04:01 |
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lounge | xtknight, what am i to do with the pastebin output? that's not the 'make' output, is it? | 04:02 |
Gin | mhhh, looks like my server installation just froze | 04:02 |
Gin | :\ | 04:02 |
pbureau | :(( | 04:03 |
persen | To get 1600x1200 res, what do i have to do? I can only choose max 1024x768 in the System -> Setting -> Screenresolution. | 04:03 |
xtknight | lounge: nothing really...i was just showing you. but copy the whole terminal's worth of your 'make' command to pastebin and give me the url so i can look at your make log | 04:03 |
zyth | perplexity, dpkg-reconfigure xorg-server | 04:03 |
Pici | Tartarus : I'm not sure what to tell you, debian-multimedia.org/ isnt an official ubuntu repository | 04:03 |
Tartarus | Pici, yeah, I know. Just wondering if someone had heard what's going on | 04:04 |
Pici | Tartarus : Nope, havent heard anything | 04:04 |
Tartarus | Thanks anyhow | 04:04 |
=== Tartarus will pop in again in a day or two :) | ||
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incorrect | how do i find out if a file belongs to a package? | 04:05 |
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xtknight | incorrect: dpkg -S /path/to/file will let you know which package that file is from | 04:06 |
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incorrect | ty | 04:06 |
=== genii_ [n=chatzill@H232.C72.B0.tor.eicat.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Shankar [n=chatzill@] has joined #UBUNTU | ||
Shankar | wanna share this with you http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3347/plain/ | 04:06 |
Shankar | wanna share this with you http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3347/plain/ | 04:06 |
Shankar | wanna share this with you http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3347/plain/ | 04:06 |
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=== tlanfer [n=tortus@p508FBCF1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
netG | hi | 04:07 |
Pici | okay.... | 04:07 |
lounge | xtknight, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3350/ - sorry - i not as quick as you... ---practising though ;) | 04:07 |
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xtknight | lounge: foo2zjs.c:60:19: error: stdio.h: No such file or directory | 04:07 |
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xtknight | lounge: there's your problem | 04:07 |
=== demreath [i=mateusza@boss.staszic.waw.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
netG | does anyone here knows a software for cataloging CD/DVDs? | 04:07 |
genii | Luc1 I got ghosted but am returned | 04:07 |
lounge | i saw it - at the beginning... but ahy - what does that mean? should I create that dir? | 04:08 |
genii | Luc1 to reiterate what may not have been sent: | 04:08 |
=== OzoneCo [n=stanp@CPE-24-27-138-124.neb.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
genii | Luc1 OK, then the method would be to make the Smart Boot Manager floppy from http://btmgr.sourceforge.net/download.html and then continue the install from the cdrom | 04:08 |
xtknight | lounge: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 04:08 |
Allans | how to read the bash history of my users?and how to clear the bash history? | 04:08 |
apokryphos | !repeat | Shankar | 04:08 |
=== La_PaRCa [n=La_PaRCa@cable201-233-66-179.epm.net.co] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | Shankar: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 04:08 |
genii | Luc1 If you are interested in a netboot method and the box which you wish to install to has boot from network ability I can also help with that way | 04:08 |
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Shankar | *i am not asking a question * | 04:09 |
Shankar | just wanted to share an article with u | 04:09 |
Shankar | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3347/plain/ | 04:09 |
=== ubuntu-wirelesst [n=wireless@a62-251-25-103.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anAngel | Hello i cant talk trough skype i can hear the other side but they cant hear me. Any help | 04:09 |
Pici | !offtopic | Shankar | 04:09 |
ubotu | Shankar: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 04:09 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o apokryphos] by ChanServ | ||
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=== GeneralMotors [i=nulayu@nat-pra-1.aster.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tlanfer | The installer asked me whether to use the wired network connection or the wireless. I use WPA, so i chose to use eth, only for the installation. Now i dont even have a network interface for my wireless network, now ath0 oder anything | 04:09 |
lounge | xtknight, is this all because I dont have a compiler installed!!? | 04:09 |
=== vordul [n=vordul@bas2-hamilton14-1167920915.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xtknight | lounge: you don't have a crucial library | 04:10 |
=== Caplain [n=matt@adsl-75-46-171-103.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xtknight | lounge: you had make but not any of the other development stuff. try 'make clean && make' after getting build-essential | 04:10 |
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Luc1 | genii: Thanks for interest. I will study your links and I will answer you maybe tomorow. | 04:10 |
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lounge | xtknight, will do. and Thank you :) | 04:11 |
genii | Luc1 I shall be here at about the same hour as now | 04:11 |
=== Mythbusters [n=sa@host153-63-dynamic.10-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tlanfer | can anyone help me to make my wireless work? with the normal installer it worked out of the box. Now i chose the alternate disk because is understands lvm | 04:11 |
Allans | how to read the bash history of my users?and how to clear the bash history? | 04:11 |
Luc1 | genii: ok | 04:11 |
=== aipexus [n=andrej@dslb-084-062-018-095.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_FeelFree_ | !msg the bot>_feelfree_ | 04:11 |
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ubuntu-wirelesst | succesfully running sweex wireless pci card lw052 with ar2413a atheros chipset ( price 22 euro ) | 04:12 |
bulmer | Allans: you want to hide em? | 04:12 |
bulmer | lolz | 04:12 |
=== sirk [n=sirk@dslb-084-056-097-213.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntu-wirelesst | on edgy eft 6.10 ! | 04:12 |
ubuntu-wirelesst | out of the box! | 04:13 |
Allans | bulmer:i want to read my user`s bash history and clear | 04:13 |
=== namelesss [n=nameless@ip-106.net-82-216-143.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GeneralMotors | hi, anybody know how to install and configure atheros ar5006eg wifi (wpa-psk key) on ubuntu 6.10? | 04:13 |
IdleOne | ubuntu-wirelesst: you asking a question or trying to sell something? | 04:13 |
=== TheGateKeeper [n=m@82-36-114-249.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bulmer | Allans: why? can you give a good reason? | 04:13 |
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ubuntu-wirelesst | hehe | 04:13 |
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ubuntu-wirelesst | just sharing the knowledge best friend | 04:13 |
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bulmer | ubuntu-wirelesst: make the wpa-psk work next :) | 04:14 |
Allans | bulmer:i just want to see what files they install | 04:14 |
xtknight | Allans: ~/.bash_history ? | 04:14 |
bobdobbs | hello, my main user account will not login, the gui hangs after the password prompt, I created a new user, and it can login, how do I 1) give the new user admin priv. and 2) compare user settings to see what the problem is? | 04:14 |
ubuntu-wirelesst | yeah, well its wep over here at the moment | 04:14 |
bulmer | bobdobbs: include them in the right group | 04:15 |
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pbureau | GeneralMotors- do you have the ndiswrapper drivers loaded? do you have wp_supplicant Installed? do you have the wpa_supplicant.conf file create in your /etc/? | 04:15 |
xtknight | bobdobbs: i think the new user already has admin elevation privs through sudo | 04:15 |
kosyak | Hi. Have a question: have can i get a root access quickly? | 04:15 |
xtknight | kosyak: sudo -i | 04:15 |
bobdobbs | new user, bob, cannot use sudo, no password will work for it | 04:15 |
Pici | kosyak : sudo -i | 04:15 |
GeneralMotors | pbureau: i have only wpa_supplicant installed | 04:15 |
kosyak | thanks | 04:15 |
xtknight | bobdobbs: then type 'login' and login as your old acct first | 04:16 |
ubuntu-wirelesst | updated ubuntu data base... | 04:16 |
ubuntu-wirelesst | :P | 04:16 |
=== Zamber [n=Zamber@efw54.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GeneralMotors | pbureau: i don't have the wpa_supplicant.conf file and ndiswrapper installed | 04:16 |
pbureau | GeneralMotors- locate wpa_supplicant and look for the example files, use those to make a wp_supplicant.conf in your /etc/ and you shoudl be set | 04:16 |
bobdobbs | xtnight: old login will not load | 04:16 |
ubuntu-wirelesst | wish big vendors would do the same! :) | 04:16 |
=== Thug-N-Me searching it boring ;) | ||
=== jov_23m [n=low@cm28.delta182.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu | ||
netG | does anyone here knows a software for cataloging CD/DVDs? | 04:16 |
pbureau | GeneralMotors- does lspci see your card? what does iwconfi report ? what does ifconfig say about your card ? | 04:16 |
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xtknight | bobdobbs: well 'login' is usually what you can type at the bash terminal to get in as another user. doesnt seem to be working on ubuntu, however | 04:17 |
netG | something like gtktalog | 04:17 |
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bobdobbs | xtknight, how do I add bob as admin from command? | 04:17 |
xtknight | bobdobbs: just login as the old user in one of the virtual terminals. and then from his account you can add the new one to sudo maybe | 04:17 |
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incorrect | what is the best way to quota /home ? | 04:17 |
GeneralMotors | pbureau: lspci "Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. Unknown device 001c (rev 01)" | 04:17 |
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xtknight | incorrect: have it on a separate partition ? | 04:17 |
bulmer | is there a key combinations that allows a user to stop a "clicked" apps (launched) by a user? sometime one click is too fast and it launches an intentional app having the mouse hovering over an icon.. | 04:17 |
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GeneralMotors | pbureau: iwconfig only the eth0 | 04:18 |
=== Marchange [n=marchang@gra86-1-82-239-89-165.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
leagris | someone successfully configured OpenVPN between Ubuntu as client and debian testing as server ? | 04:18 |
genii | incorrect How many users are in /home ? | 04:18 |
incorrect | xtknight, already done that :) how about if i wanted to limit the size to just 100Gb to start with? | 04:18 |
bobdobbs | xtknight: I have no idea how to do that | 04:18 |
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incorrect | genii, loads | 04:18 |
pbureau | GeneralMotors- that indicates it doesnt reconise the card, install ndiswrapper, load the driver from windows (*.inf) and do the lspci again it should read AR5006G | 04:18 |
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GeneralMotors | pbureau: ok | 04:18 |
genii | incorrect You can mount with quotas enabled | 04:19 |
=== billytwowilly [n=chris@S01060016b649355d.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xtknight | bobdobbs: ok press Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get into a virtual terminal. (F7 brings you back to your desktop). login as the old user in F1 | 04:19 |
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xtknight | incorrect: no idea | 04:19 |
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bobdobbs | I can do that, how do I add bob as admin from the command? | 04:19 |
kestaz | how to zip file with "zip" ? | 04:19 |
xtknight | incorrect: just search for the name of the filesystem and 'quota' in google | 04:19 |
kestaz | whole folder ? | 04:19 |
xtknight | bobdobbs: that's what i'm not sure about | 04:20 |
kestaz | in command line | 04:20 |
genii | incorrect It's been a while since I had to do this quota enforcing. But you may want to "man edquota" it will gibve you some ideas | 04:20 |
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xtknight | bobdobbs: found it. ok type this "sudo addgroup newuser admin" | 04:21 |
bobdobbs | !usermod | 04:21 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about usermod - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:21 |
=== Marchange_ [n=marchang@gra86-1-82-239-89-165.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bobdobbs | ok | 04:21 |
incorrect | thanks | 04:21 |
incorrect | i found a useful howto on gentoo forums | 04:21 |
bobdobbs | thank you | 04:21 |
=== raphael_ [n=Khamael@16.80-202-79.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bulmer | is there a key combinations that allows a user to stop a "clicked" apps (launched) by a user? sometime one click is too fast and it launches an intentional app having the mouse hovering over an icon.. | 04:21 |
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=== Thug-N-Me food time | ||
genii | ctrl-c | 04:23 |
=== Marchange_ [n=marchang@gra86-1-82-239-89-165.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== _Bianca_ [n=me@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_Bianca_ | can anyone say how to make a root in ubuntu? | 04:24 |
genii | (if the app in question is current focus) | 04:24 |
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bulmer | nah, that didnt work just tried, clicked on firefox... | 04:24 |
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xtknight | !root | _Bianca_ | 04:24 |
ubotu | _Bianca_: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 04:24 |
=== rcarr [n=robb@pool-71-163-244-36.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_Bianca_ | thanks | 04:24 |
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bulmer | genii not even focused yet, you know sometimes the click is too fast to catch, and it attempts to launch an apps | 04:25 |
=== bobdobbs [n=bob@c-68-40-203-73.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AzMoo | lspci should pick up a network card even if there's no driver installed in the kernel, shouldn't it? | 04:25 |
=== Shane-S [n=chatzill@static-209-204-99-3.sniparpa.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pbureau | AzMoo- sure if it is not an usb device | 04:25 |
_Bianca_ | heh sudo is not working | 04:26 |
Shane-S | the "LAMP" server with ubuntu, has GD packaged with PHP doesn't it? | 04:26 |
AzMoo | pbureau, damn. Any ideas why it wouldn't be showing up? It's an rtl8139, built into the mobo. | 04:26 |
apokryphos | !doesn't work | 04:26 |
ubotu | Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 04:26 |
xtknight | _Bianca_: see "how to enable a traditional root" | 04:26 |
_Bianca_ | haha | 04:26 |
pbureau | AzMoo- check dmseg to see it may tell you | 04:26 |
AzMoo | pbureau, already checked. Nothing about ethernet in there at all. | 04:26 |
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pbureau | AzMoo- hang on a sec | 04:27 |
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_Bianca_ | hm | 04:27 |
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kosyak | Can i get a root access without "sudo -i" ? | 04:28 |
=== ph1L`bnc [i=4397plas@cm56-197-47.liwest.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
genii | Shane-S To see what capabilities your PHP has create a file containing only: <?php phpinfo() ?> and save it with php extension on /var/www then browse to it | 04:28 |
pbureau | AzMoo- rtl8139 is a winmodem type card, wont work under linux | 04:28 |
=== vordul [n=vordul@bas2-hamilton14-1167923111.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AzMoo | son of a bitch | 04:28 |
Pici | !ohmy | 04:28 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 04:28 |
warlocky | how to exit 'vi' ? | 04:28 |
GeneralMotors | pbureau: i've installed the ndiswrapper and loaded the driver (inf) and it's lspci says "Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. Unknown device 001c (rev 01)" but iwconfig says now "wlan0 IEEE 802.11b ESSID:off/any ..." | 04:28 |
genii | 8139 works fine with driver: 8139too | 04:29 |
xtknight | warlocky: press escape and then type ":q" if you don't want to save | 04:29 |
=== shedi [n=siggi@ftth-237-144.hive.is] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Shane-S | genii: I know its not there, cause my scripts don't work, was just curious if I needed to compile/install it, or if it already was and I just needed a php.ini line | 04:29 |
genii | warlocky hit esc twice then put :q | 04:29 |
Shane-S | I found a guide online now, ty | 04:29 |
kosyak | Pici, Is there other way to get root ("without sudo -i typing") ? | 04:29 |
xtknight | kosyak: enable the traditional root account | 04:30 |
xtknight | !root | kosyak | 04:30 |
ubotu | kosyak: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 04:30 |
=== valberg [n=scout@0x5730794a.kjnxx6.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_Bianca_ | To enable the root account (i.e. set a password) use: | 04:30 |
_Bianca_ | sudo passwd root | 04:30 |
_Bianca_ | this? | 04:30 |
xtknight | yeah | 04:30 |
apokryphos | _Bianca_: why do you think you need to enable one? | 04:31 |
genii | just sudo passwd also works | 04:31 |
AzMoo | genii, where do I get the 8139too driver? | 04:31 |
=== timhaughton [n=timhaugh@82-69-2-150.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
esaym | in gimp how would I make a background tranparent? | 04:31 |
_Bianca_ | because when I try sudo its not working | 04:31 |
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_Bianca_ | nothing | 04:31 |
genii | AzMoo it is part of the standard driver set | 04:31 |
apokryphos | _Bianca_: then obviously that command won't work | 04:31 |
apokryphos | _Bianca_: have you been messing with the sudoers file? | 04:31 |
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AzMoo | genii, so I just load it as a module? | 04:32 |
bobdobbs | hello, I had to add a new user, and there is no sound now for the new user, how do I fiux this? | 04:32 |
tonyyarusso | esaym: Right click, layer, add alpha channel; right-click, layer, add color to alpha, iirc | 04:32 |
xtknight | bobdobbs: add the user to the 'audio' group perhaps | 04:32 |
_Bianca_ | hm | 04:32 |
pbureau | GeneralMotors- humm. hang on let me think | 04:32 |
_Bianca_ | sudoers | 04:32 |
_Bianca_ | huh | 04:32 |
genii | AzMoo usually, yes. If you wish to load it every boot put the name in /etc/modules | 04:32 |
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esaym | thank you tonyyarusso let me see | 04:32 |
GeneralMotors | pbureau: ok | 04:32 |
apokryphos | _Bianca_: please expand on "not working" | 04:32 |
_Bianca_ | Im new at it | 04:32 |
=== auTONYmous [n=T1Tony@c-68-62-28-177.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_Bianca_ | so I forgot about it. | 04:32 |
apokryphos | _Bianca_: when you type sudo ls, what happens? | 04:32 |
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The_Linux_Lich | hi | 04:33 |
bobdobbs | already a member | 04:33 |
The_Linux_Lich | does someone knows how can I configure 2 ADSL connections to be on the same IP | 04:34 |
_Bianca_ | sudo ls | 04:34 |
_Bianca_ | nothing | 04:34 |
The_Linux_Lich | I mean, when one of the routers fail, another takes its job | 04:34 |
bauer77 | no Linux | 04:34 |
hamre__ | what more do i need to get online through my wireless ap? "ifconfig ath0 down", "wlanconfig ath0 destroy", "wlanconfig ath0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode sta", "iwconfig ath0 ap any rate auto channel 11 essid Nina key restricted B3C1E4D3D1", "macchanger -m 00:15:02:07:15:AF ath0", "ifconfig ath0 up" and "dhclient ath0"? dhclient gives me ip and sets my dns to but i can't ping google, or for that matter. | 04:34 |
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hamre__ | i tried putting a gateway too in /etc/network/interfaces (ubuntu), but there was already an entry ( gateway there that i didn't know how to remove. i'm not even sure if this is relevant. | 04:35 |
apokryphos | _Bianca_: nothing, as in, no output at ALL? | 04:35 |
_Bianca_ | nothing | 04:35 |
_Bianca_ | at all | 04:35 |
jriffle | anyone here familiar with kernel compiling errors ? | 04:35 |
esaym | it worked tonyyarusso thank you | 04:35 |
genii | Well, in root ~ there is no contents so that makes perfect sense | 04:35 |
SilenceGold | you can't | 04:35 |
apokryphos | _Bianca_: sudo echo 'hello'? | 04:35 |
tonyyarusso | esaym: cool | 04:35 |
AzMoo | modprobe 8139too returns nothing, and /var/log/messages shows only the name of the driver and no errors, but my interface isn't there :( | 04:35 |
bulmer | hamre__: you need to make sure the gateway is working | 04:35 |
bobdobbs | well, moving on, how do I compare user settings to find out why the system would hang at loging for a particular user and not the other??? | 04:36 |
_Bianca_ | heh | 04:36 |
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_Bianca_ | nothing works | 04:36 |
genii | AzMoo ! OK lemme look something up | 04:36 |
apokryphos | _Bianca_: it gives no output? | 04:36 |
_Bianca_ | no | 04:36 |
apokryphos | I'm sorry, but that's almost impossible | 04:36 |
AzMoo | genii, thanks, I appreciate the help. | 04:36 |
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apokryphos | _Bianca_: if something was wrong, you would get an error. | 04:36 |
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_Bianca_ | heh | 04:36 |
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mezza | i'm a new use on Kubuntu since one month. I have a problem for shutdown my computer, I must allways use my PC button manually :\ | 04:37 |
mezza | * hello | 04:37 |
bulmer | AzMoo: you're modprobing a module, are you sure that is the correct name? | 04:37 |
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jriffle | can someone take a look at this paste and help me out with this http://rafb.net/p/s1aGif61.html | 04:37 |
mezza | someone has in idea? | 04:37 |
AzMoo | bulmer, 8139too. It doesn't fail and it seems to recognize everything. | 04:37 |
bulmer | mezza: on a command line as root.. shutdown -h now this will shutdown | 04:37 |
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AzMoo | bulmer, it just doesn't create the device. | 04:37 |
genii | AzMoo It sure shows on my box with: modprobe -l 813* | 04:37 |
bobdobbs | how do I check a user settings from another user account?? | 04:38 |
_Bianca_ | apokrypshos,huh I can do it on my live cd,but not here | 04:38 |
mezza | bulmer: sure but I want to use my menu K | 04:38 |
AzMoo | genii, yep, it's there, as well as 8139cp.ko | 04:38 |
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apokryphos | bobdobbs: like? | 04:38 |
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bulmer | bobdobbs: which settings? start with comparing /etc/passwd | 04:38 |
apokryphos | ubotu: tab | _Bianca_ | 04:38 |
ubotu | _Bianca_: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 04:38 |
_Bianca_ | heh | 04:38 |
_Bianca_ | tab is not working with your nick | 04:38 |
_Bianca_ | haha | 04:38 |
_Bianca_ | so problematic | 04:38 |
apokryphos | _Bianca_: what happens if you type, in a terminal: echo hello | 04:39 |
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apokryphos | _Bianca_: it'll work fine if you type it right :P | 04:39 |
_Bianca_ | types hello | 04:39 |
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_Bianca_ | I did | 04:39 |
J_P | hi all | 04:39 |
_Bianca_ | its ok | 04:39 |
bulmer | mezza okay, am not a gui person..so i give you a nice command line.. :) | 04:39 |
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_Bianca_ | how can that be.only echo works | 04:40 |
genii | AzMoo Well, my next suggestion would be to put the module options you may know the settings for in the /etc/modules entry. Like irq and address | 04:40 |
apokryphos | _Bianca_: you said sudo echo hello didn't work... | 04:40 |
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J_P | hey all, I install ubuntu, but I would like change the locales, how i do ? For I see locale setup I press "locale" and I see the I don't wnat that locales... | 04:40 |
AzMoo | genii, I don't know them. It's not detected in dmesg and lspci doesn't show it. | 04:40 |
bulmer | AzMoo: are you sure that is the correct module/driver for your wifi? | 04:40 |
apokryphos | _Bianca_: ...and gave no output. Which is still pretty much impossible, like I said. | 04:40 |
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AzMoo | bulmer, it's not wifi. | 04:40 |
_Bianca_ | sudo echo hello didnt | 04:40 |
_Bianca_ | but echo did | 04:40 |
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bobdobbs | bulmer: I don't know which settings to be sure, it's just my main user account is hanging after the login, the gui just turns into a brown screen and hangs there | 04:41 |
hamre__ | bulmer: well do you have any suggestions? | 04:41 |
bobdobbs | I am so blind in this it hurts | 04:41 |
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welshbyte | Seveas: can i request an ubuntu member irc cloak thingy? | 04:41 |
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bulmer | bobdobbs: look into the /etc/passwd, compare the entry for the user you are interested in | 04:41 |
bulmer | hamre__: can you paste-bin your netstat -ran result? | 04:42 |
AzMoo | genii, nevermind. | 04:42 |
Seveas | welshbyte, are you member? | 04:42 |
AzMoo | genii, I am clearly unfit to use a computer. | 04:42 |
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hamre__ | it's | 04:42 |
welshbyte | Seveas: yeah, andy-price on launchpad | 04:42 |
mezza | bulmer: it's hard to enter all with my board, I'm not a jung man and studiant. The transition is hard when you come from Windows | 04:42 |
hamre__ | but that's suppose to be alright | 04:42 |
hamre__ | according to #linuxhelp | 04:42 |
bobdobbs | bulmer: it looks like it's allright, it has the exact same format as the new user | 04:42 |
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hamre__ | no i mean #madwifi | 04:42 |
genii | AzMoo Well, as a last resort I might look in the bios to see if it has some settings of irq and so on for the network adapter | 04:42 |
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AzMoo | genii, the device was disabled in bios ;) | 04:43 |
mezza | someone use the existing GUI? | 04:43 |
genii | AzMoo LOL | 04:43 |
chx | hi. Whom should I talk to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/feisty/+source/drupal regarding this package? | 04:43 |
=== AzMoo slaps head. | ||
cokeslut | you tell me | 04:43 |
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chx | oh it's universe. sorry. | 04:43 |
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_Bianca_ | heh | 04:43 |
Seveas | welshbyte, I requested one for you, should be set up soon\ | 04:43 |
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welshbyte | Seveas: many thanks | 04:44 |
bulmer | bobdobbs: next is to get into their home directory and compare their files and configurations | 04:44 |
bobdobbs | bulmer: ok this is a huge difference | 04:44 |
lounge | xtknight, dont suppose i could pick your brains again, could i? how r u on printers? | 04:44 |
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AzMoo | genii, sorry for the waste of time. Works great now ;) | 04:44 |
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genii | AzMoo NP, it's all a learning experience :) | 04:45 |
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bulmer | AzMoo: dont get discourage, we've been there before.. :) | 04:45 |
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Allans | how to kick user? | 04:46 |
AzMoo | bulmer, Oh, I'm not discouraged. I've been playing with linux for years. It's just frustrating to do stupid things like that. | 04:46 |
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Allans | not deleting him/her | 04:46 |
bobdobbs | bulmer:where to start? | 04:46 |
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Allans | i just want to kick the user | 04:46 |
bobdobbs | ((sigh)) | 04:46 |
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genii | kill the root tty or equivelent they are using | 04:47 |
bulmer | bobdobbs: you already know which to compare, make them look the same? cept for password off course | 04:47 |
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bobdobbs | bulmer: everything in there? | 04:48 |
gh0st | hello, what's the command to check disks for errors? | 04:48 |
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variant | gh0st: badblocks | 04:48 |
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bobdobbs | is there anything specific in the home folder I should be looking at? | 04:48 |
bulmer | Allans: you can see via who and then kill | 04:48 |
bulmer | bobdobbs: i would not do it your way..but keep on trying..you're impatient | 04:49 |
variant | Allans: less /home/username/.bash_history | 04:49 |
bobdobbs | bulmer: what would you do? | 04:49 |
gh0st | variant: how would i do that for /dev/hda1 for ex? | 04:49 |
variant | Allans: rm /home/username/.bash_history | 04:49 |
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bulmer | bobdobbs: my trade secrets..lolz | 04:49 |
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variant | gh0st: it tells you in "man badblocks" it's quite simple | 04:50 |
surface | did png2ico in ubuntu repo? | 04:50 |
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surface | couldn't managed to find it | 04:50 |
gh0st | variant: could you give me the command please? that would be nice | 04:50 |
bobdobbs | bulmer: I mean if you had a user that would not login, the screen freezes up and never goes past login, what would you check? | 04:50 |
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variant | gh0st: yes, the command is "man badblocks" if you had typed it you would know what to do by now.. | 04:50 |
torrrr | Where are the confing files for xkb? | 04:50 |
bulmer | bobdobbs: you already created a user that can log-in, why waste your time on a user that cant? | 04:51 |
gh0st | variant: please,why am i asking here? i didn't ask for morals | 04:51 |
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bobdobbs | bbl, I appreciate the help, have to drop off girl at work | 04:51 |
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gh0st | or comments like RTFM... | 04:51 |
frogzoo | gh0st: variant: badblocks is not required for IDE drives | 04:51 |
bulmer | gh0st: RTFM...lolz | 04:51 |
intercool | my ../cpufreq/scaling_max_freq is 1667000 but my cpuinfo_max_freq is 2000000 ? and I cannot change the max_freq? so it never scales to 100% only 87% | 04:51 |
bobdobbs | bulmer: I need alot of stuff in that account, would like to know what went wrong | 04:51 |
bobdobbs | bbl | 04:51 |
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gh0st | frogzoo: i have a sata one | 04:51 |
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intercool | anyone have this problem | 04:51 |
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frogzoo | gh0st: same deal - badblocks are automatically mapped out | 04:52 |
variant | frogzoo: how do you work that out? | 04:52 |
gh0st | frogzoo: could give the command for the sata drive /dev/sda2 | 04:52 |
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variant | frogzoo: I think you should read man badblocks too... | 04:52 |
gh0st | frogzoo: ok, so how can i do a disk check? (look for errors, repair, etc...) | 04:52 |
bulmer | gh0st: not to discourage you, it seems so many are having problems with SATA hd..dont know why | 04:52 |
frogzoo | variant: badblocks are entirely managed by the controller, it's best not to muck about with them | 04:52 |
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gh0st | bulmer: well i don't :-) | 04:52 |
gh0st | till now | 04:53 |
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ShadowX | whats a good DVD ripper? | 04:53 |
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tijn | dvdrip | 04:53 |
tijn | and acidrip | 04:53 |
gh0st | as always, question ARE NEVER ANSWERED here, only stupid comments like rtfm are thrown, sad | 04:53 |
Pici | gh0st : you mean fsck? | 04:53 |
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Pici | okay then. | 04:53 |
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variant | frogzoo: thats not nessasarily true.. | 04:54 |
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variant | gh0st: go way you lazy so and so.. | 04:54 |
gh0st | Pici: no, i was looking for the command which is executed, each 30 reboots (you know where it checks the filesystem for errors, continous, etc...) | 04:54 |
Pici | gh0st : I'm pretty sure thats fsck... but I could be wrong | 04:54 |
_Andrew | Diskcheck? | 04:55 |
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variant | gh0st: why didn't you state the real questoin then instead of asking what you think? | 04:55 |
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variant | gh0st: if you had saidthat in the first place we would have told you, you are a lazy @%$ that doesn't deserve help in any way | 04:55 |
gh0st | yes but diskcheck is finished after 3 seconds | 04:55 |
ShadowX | can either of those rippers rip a PS2 image? | 04:55 |
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gh0st | variant: if you ask too specific questions here, you NEVER get the answer, that i learned | 04:56 |
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surface | cannot get at repo? png2ico | 04:56 |
apokryphos | ....or just use the gimp | 04:56 |
variant | gh0st: then why was the first question you asked a very specific one? "what is teh command to check disk for badblocks" | 04:56 |
_Andrew | Well it is a general channel I guess | 04:56 |
yellow | hey guys, is sync-kde the only alternative to activesync ? does it work well ? | 04:56 |
apokryphos | hm, actually, perhaps you still need to convert them after | 04:57 |
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gh0st | variant: i said what's the command to check disks for errors? | 04:57 |
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variant | gh0st: yeah, fsck checks file systems not disks | 04:57 |
_Andrew | fsck (8) - check and repair a Linux file system | 04:57 |
Pici | !offtopic | variant gh0st | 04:57 |
ubotu | variant gh0st: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 04:57 |
_Andrew | this one? | 04:57 |
persen | How can i change my screen resolution ? I added "1600x1200" to the default depth modes line in xorg.conf but i get only the same options. | 04:57 |
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gh0st | which is less specific than "what's the command to check the disk for errors, corrupted files, like ubuntu is doing every 30 reboot automatically" | 04:57 |
Pici | !fixres | try this persen | 04:58 |
ubotu | try this persen: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 04:58 |
variant | gh0st: /ignore | 04:58 |
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rulus | hi, I have a question: how can I get rid of the ftp-folders on my desktop (gnome) without unmounting them? | 04:58 |
gh0st | variant: so the command at each 30 reboot is fsck, right? | 04:58 |
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variant | rulus: rm ~/Desktop/foldername | 04:58 |
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rulus | i'll try that | 04:58 |
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ShadowX | well guys, Im off for a bit. gotta take my dad to the doctor bbl | 04:59 |
tristan_ | how do I configure my printer ? | 04:59 |
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variant | !cups | tristan_ | 04:59 |
ubotu | tristan_: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows | 04:59 |
_Andrew | Why do you need it Ghost? | 04:59 |
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tristan_ | ah, Admin->printing | 04:59 |
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rulus | variant: doesn't work, the folders are not actually folder, if you understand what I mean | 05:00 |
gh0st | variant: you are the typical unsocial arrogant geek. be more open-minded and respect the newbies too | 05:00 |
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_Andrew | You could try renaming them to ".name" maybe that'll hide them in gnome | 05:01 |
whaq | Is there a way to 'upgrade' or rather 'migrate' a sarge box to ubuntu? | 05:01 |
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rulus | _Andrew: trying that now | 05:01 |
variant | rulus: what kind of folder are they? | 05:01 |
variant | rulus: pastebin ls -al ~/Desktop | 05:02 |
rulus | ftp-folders, created by Places > Connect to server | 05:02 |
variant | whaq: yeah It can be done but is unsupported | 05:02 |
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variant | rulus: I see | 05:02 |
rulus | I can't rename them either | 05:02 |
variant | rulus: sorry, dunno.. beond hideing them but they will probably be re-created | 05:02 |
_Andrew | :( | 05:02 |
whaq | variant: know of good documents for that? | 05:02 |
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rulus | variant: no problem | 05:03 |
variant | rulus: gconf-editor might have a key that you can alter | 05:03 |
whaq | variant: or the keywords so i can search them | 05:03 |
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rulus | variant: I tried that, don't see an option to hide them | 05:03 |
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tenco | hi | 05:03 |
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tenco | is there a way to enable gnome session support for firefox? | 05:03 |
bkudria | can someone help me install a package? i'm trying to install libfox1.2c2, but it complains that it depends on libcupsys2-gnutls10 (>= 1.1.23-1) . when i try to install that, it tells me its already installed: "libcupsys2 is already the newest version." what can i do? | 05:04 |
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=== Ghostie [i=Ghostie@NTL208H101-70-164.nt.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
variant | whaq: sorry, i dunno, you could try just changeing the sources.list to ubuntu ones and running apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade but I don't know if it will owrk ok | 05:04 |
Pici | whaq : you'd want to put the ubuntu repositories into your apt sources and then run a apt-get dist upgrade. But it probably wont work without causing problems, and its not going to be a quick troubleshoot either | 05:04 |
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aciddrops | the 64bit iso didnt work with my video card | 05:05 |
variant | whaq: I think it is ill-advised at best, but if your prepared to try it then go ahead.. backup your stuff first | 05:05 |
aciddrops | it was all messed up | 05:05 |
Jimboob | hello everyone | 05:05 |
=== notvordul [n=vordul@bas2-hamilton14-1167922098.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
alonso | HI! | 05:05 |
_Andrew | hi | 05:05 |
aciddrops | so i had to edit the xorg.conf to get it installed | 05:05 |
bauer77 | does anyone know why I run Terminal Server Client it says reconnect in 30 seconds, but does not actually connect at all in the first place? | 05:05 |
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Pici | !english | alonso | 05:05 |
ubotu | alonso: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat | 05:05 |
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Jimboob | Im planing to switch from windows to linux but i really use this puter for multimedia development, ie. music, videos, and burning cd's/dvd's will this be a problem with ubuntu? | 05:06 |
whaq | variant: yeah.. i'm planning to reinstall my box anyhow. sarge is totally lacking in supporting the applications (and versions) that i care for. | 05:07 |
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=== Gorgapor [n=no@74-128-140-243.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tenco | is there a way to enable gnome session support for firefox? | 05:07 |
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whaq | Jimboob: look into multibooting or running vmware for the 'migration period'.. | 05:08 |
aciddrops | the default nvidia driver from the installation cd didnt work. i had to edit the xorg.conf file to use vesa | 05:08 |
_Andrew | Jimboob: There are alternative software, you should try it out before completely switching | 05:08 |
lounge | anyone knoe why a printer driver may not work? foo2zjs on an hp1018 - i've been here for 3 hours - please help someone... :( | 05:08 |
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Jimboob | ya i know about that but i thought id ask before tryin anything... im really busy with work :( | 05:08 |
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Gorgapor | I'm having trouble with my chinese text being in two different fonts at the same time | 05:09 |
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usamahashimi | hi everyone | 05:09 |
Led-Hed | how can I allow a standard user to use the 'halt -p' command without being root? | 05:09 |
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whaq | jimboob: do make a note that there's "work", "home" and "countless hours of computer tinkering" involved here ;) choose wisely and plan as necessary.. | 05:10 |
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usamahashimi | during installation of xfce, it gives error "checking for gtk+-2.0 >= 2.6.0... not found" apt is not finding it, how can i install it? | 05:10 |
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CoolCubix | Hello, I was asking if there was a way to use a touchpad (where moving finger gets moving cursor from place where it already is) as a tablet (where a point on the device matches a point on the screen) ? | 05:11 |
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apokryphos | usamahashimi: did you sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop ? | 05:11 |
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Jimboob | see all i need is the ability to view/listen to mp3, xvid,dvix, and burn them to disk. I can accomplish this on a windows box but im tired of all the "dirtyness" that comes with windows :( | 05:11 |
usamahashimi | apokryphos: no | 05:11 |
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genii | usamahashimi: Install the -dev version | 05:11 |
Ferret | Led-Hed: You could change the permissions on the halt program in such a way that whenever a user who is in a particular group runs halt (in any way), halt thinks they're root | 05:11 |
AzMoo | Jimboob, ubuntu can handle that fine. | 05:11 |
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whaq | Jimboob: those are considered to be 'basic' multimedia functions.. should be no problem. | 05:11 |
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apokryphos | usamahashimi: try that | 05:12 |
usamahashimi | genii: how, whats the exact name | 05:12 |
crazy_penguin | good afternoon | 05:12 |
usamahashimi | apokryphos: lemme try | 05:12 |
Jimboob | oh ok :) | 05:12 |
aciddrops | i thijnk its nice that vesa tvout works automatically but nivida tv out doesnt work at all | 05:12 |
Jimboob | hmmm whatelse do i need.... | 05:12 |
genii | usamahashimi: 1 moment I will find it | 05:12 |
lounge | what is the system log file called? | 05:12 |
AzMoo | lounge, /var/log/messages | 05:13 |
tenco | someone using gnome-session manager here? | 05:13 |
lounge | thanks AzMoo | 05:13 |
Ferret | Led-Hed: Or alternatively you could configure sudo to let certain users or certain groups run halt -p (and only that) by typing 'sudo halt -p' | 05:13 |
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usamahashimi | genii: ok | 05:13 |
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usamahashimi | apokryphos: i cant install it, i am on dialup | 05:13 |
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Jimboob | do i need any spacific programs to do all those thing or does ubuntu have what i need for listening and viewing and burning? | 05:14 |
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Led-Hed | Ferret: if I used the sudo method, would it require a password? | 05:14 |
fbis | anyone here on the dev team for feisty fawn? | 05:14 |
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IdleOne | !mp3 > Jimboob | 05:14 |
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josue_m | hi all, I defined a NFS share according the docs this way: http://rafb.net/p/3aqBg214.html , on the client I got this error http://rafb.net/p/xlU2Wb62.html , any idea? | 05:14 |
Ferret | Led-Hed: Optional | 05:14 |
fbis | got a but to report but I'm a newb | 05:14 |
IdleOne | fbis: #ubuntu+1 | 05:14 |
Led-Hed | Ferret: thanks. | 05:14 |
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aciddrops | how do we make ubuntu blow the hell out of everything? | 05:15 |
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Ferret | Led-Hed: I can't remember the exact syntax needed, but it should be pretty easy to look up. :) | 05:15 |
Jimboob | !mp3 | 05:15 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 05:15 |
holyduck | it already does+ | 05:15 |
usamahashimi | !libgtk+ | 05:15 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about libgtk+ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:15 |
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usamahashimi | !gtk+ | 05:15 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gtk+ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:15 |
whonicca | are there any newbie friendly guides on compiling your own kernel on edgy? | 05:15 |
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IdleOne | !kernel > whonicca | 05:16 |
=== Wowbagger [n=yo@113.84-49-157.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
apokryphos | !msgthebot | usamahashimi | 05:16 |
ubotu | usamahashimi: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 05:16 |
Jimboob | !video | 05:16 |
ubotu | For multimedia codecs see: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html and for applications see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications | 05:16 |
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Wowbagger | Hello. I need help. | 05:16 |
whonicca | thanks | 05:16 |
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IdleOne | Wowbagger: with? | 05:16 |
facugaich | !justask | Wowbagger | 05:16 |
ubotu | Wowbagger: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 05:16 |
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Jimboob | !burning | 05:16 |
ubotu | CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto | 05:16 |
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Jimboob | lol i love these help triggers :) | 05:17 |
andre_ | hey guys, I'm trying to get my 5.1 surround sound working on an A8N-SLI premium onboard sound. can anyone point me in the right direction? | 05:17 |
AzMoo | !msgthebot | Jimboob | 05:17 |
ubotu | Jimboob: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 05:17 |
AzMoo | ;) | 05:17 |
=== heatxsink_ [n=heatxsin@cpe-76-172-71-149.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
frojnd | how can I make file: mkdev.sh | 05:17 |
andre_ | !help\ | 05:17 |
andre_ | !help | 05:17 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about help\ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:17 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 05:17 |
=== joh [n=joh@3.80-202-221.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
andre_ | !bot | 05:17 |
Jimboob | sorry didnt mean to flood the bot.... really do like it :) | 05:18 |
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frojnd | how can I make mkdev.sh, if I make mkdev.sh it says: make: *** No rule to make target `mkdev.sh'. Stop. | 05:18 |
frojnd | I am trying to install lm-sensors | 05:18 |
genii | libgtk2.0-dev | 05:18 |
bkudria | uh oh, i remember this | 05:18 |
Wowbagger | I want to switch over to ubuntu, so I booted from the CD to try it out. But my wireless network card didn't work. I tried following the instructions and installing an application called ndiswrapper in order to use the windows drivers, but I couldn't find it on the list of applications. | 05:18 |
=== TomB_ [n=tomb@host81-156-203-232.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IdleOne | Jimboob: you didnt flood the bot but it does flood the channel when you do it in here thats why you can use /msg ubotu serchterm | 05:18 |
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bkudria | frojind: get makedev.sh from the source package | 05:18 |
Pici | frojnd : try looking at the INSTALL file that comes with it, you probably aren't running the right command | 05:19 |
Jimboob | whats this i here about people rooting linux boxes? i thought this was the safest enviroment? | 05:19 |
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bkudria | Jimboob: hmm, yoda says, nothing is perfect | 05:19 |
IdleOne | Jimboob: nothing is infallable | 05:19 |
Jimboob | how can i protect against this? | 05:19 |
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genii | jail is actually the safest environment ROFL | 05:19 |
Pici | Jimboob : thats because its news when it happens on Linux, but just normal day to day stuff whene it happens in Windows | 05:20 |
=== riotkittie [n=riotkitt@cpe-72-228-42-90.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
geniusvicks | What file and how should I link to in plugins dir of firefox to get java ? | 05:20 |
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IdleOne | !java > geniusvicks | 05:20 |
Jimboob | how can i protect against this? | 05:20 |
IdleOne | genii: jail is real safe if you remove all the murderers and rapists and such | 05:21 |
_Bianca_ | why when I type a-<tab> it shows A_N0o0b aalhamad AbeLincoln abo aceZ aciddrops AcidicTadpole adamonline45 adaptr ademan adious Adlai adnans AfterDeath|idle Agrajag aib aimtrainer aipexus aixing AJ_Z0 AL89 Alam_Ubuntu alenax alex-weej Alexc90 AlexLatchford aliasd AlienX alindeman alkalineX Allans alnokta alonso aloril altf2o Alzi2 amachu Amallya Amaranth AmbientMstr anders_home andresmujica Android androxxl AnnaAniston ant30 Anti-Tedd aoupi apecat apokryph | 05:21 |
_Bianca_ | os archangelpetro arkx arrai arromeo arsen_ artbird309_ asanchez Ash-Fox asmodeos__ aSt3raL Astaroth_ asw Atom- Atomiku atoponce atrus autoklauen avlis axisys AzMoo | 05:21 |
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lounge | i need help with a printer... badly :( | 05:21 |
IdleOne | !firestarter > Jimboob | 05:21 |
lounge | Please...???? | 05:21 |
Atomiku | Hey _Bianca_ dont do that | 05:21 |
Amaranth | _Bianca_: arg | 05:21 |
_Bianca_ | ok | 05:21 |
Atomiku | Never ever do that | 05:21 |
Atomiku | thanks | 05:21 |
arrai | _Bianca_, stfu, son of a bitch! | 05:21 |
_Bianca_ | okok | 05:21 |
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Pici | _Bianca_ : you just paged everyone with a-- in their name | 05:21 |
_Bianca_ | hm | 05:21 |
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_Bianca_ | just wonder why tab is not working | 05:21 |
Amaranth | _Bianca_: You just made a _bunch_ a computer beep to let people know someone wanted them | 05:21 |
Atomiku | Attack of the A people! | 05:21 |
ant30 | aaaag | 05:21 |
Atomiku | see | 05:21 |
Atomiku | lol | 05:22 |
_Bianca_ | heh | 05:22 |
holyduck | it works, but you need to type moreof theyr name | 05:22 |
Atomiku | The a's arent very happy D: | 05:22 |
Pici | its working, you need to type more of the persons name, until it becomes unique | 05:22 |
tonyyarusso | bismark: What in the heck was that.... | 05:22 |
holyduck | like 2-3 letters | 05:22 |
ant30 | please java kill me, don't disturb | 05:22 |
_Bianca_ | hah | 05:22 |
geniusvicks | IdleOne, I have installed java including the plugin but it is installed in usr/lib/firefox/plugins, I want the plugin in /media/hda4/firefox/plugins | 05:22 |
tonyyarusso | bismark: Sorry, no you. | 05:22 |
lounge | the printer just doesn't print, i have install ed the drivers... uninstalled them, installed them compiled them from different sources... loads of things - it has to be something obvious... | 05:22 |
_Bianca_ | so all as watch on screen | 05:22 |
Wowbagger | So.. can anyone help me out? | 05:22 |
_Bianca_ | hah | 05:22 |
_Bianca_ | but when you type tab,can you choose name? I cant | 05:22 |
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_Bianca_ | nu i den | 05:22 |
=== brendon [n=brendon@uslec-66-255-110-74.cust.uslec.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pici | _Bianca_ : just continue typing and press tab again, its just telling you that you havent found a unique match yet | 05:23 |
IdleOne | _Bianca_: type the first couple letters of the name then you can hit tab again and it will cycle through the names | 05:23 |
hamre__ | _Bianca_: you speak norwegian? | 05:23 |
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Jimboob | what about file serving through irc? does xchat have its own fileserver? or is this not allowed to be discussed here? | 05:23 |
geniusvicks | I have installed java including the plugin but it is installed in usr/lib/firefox/plugins, I want the plugin in /media/hda4/firefox/plugins | 05:24 |
_Bianca_ | hamre nope | 05:24 |
_Bianca_ | ok ok thanks for help people | 05:24 |
IdleOne | Jimboob: xchat.org/plugins and search but xchat doesnt have a "good" fileserver as of yet...you can make one :) | 05:24 |
_Bianca_ | Atomiku, like now | 05:24 |
_Bianca_ | I got it | 05:24 |
Atomiku | okay cool | 05:24 |
hamre__ | 17:22 < _Bianca_> nu i den"a | 05:24 |
hamre__ | just sounded norwegian | 05:24 |
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_Bianca_ | nope its russian and last letter is finnish | 05:25 |
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Jimboob | lol ya scripting isnt a smart thing for me :) | 05:25 |
_Bianca_ | have finnish keyboard | 05:25 |
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Jimboob | what about kiri and iroffer do those work with xchat and ubuntu? | 05:26 |
IdleOne | kiri iroffer? what are they | 05:26 |
Jimboob | servers | 05:26 |
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Jimboob | like an xdcc bot | 05:27 |
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Wowbagger | I booted from the CD to try out Ubuntu, but my wireless network card didn't work. I tried following the instructions and installing an application called ndiswrapper in order to use the windows drivers, but I couldn't find it on the list of applications. Can anyone help me? | 05:27 |
IdleOne | Jimboob: xchat.org has plugins check it out | 05:27 |
Wowbagger | I have a Dell Latitude D820 with broadcom wireless adapter. | 05:27 |
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IdleOne | Jimboob: you can also ask in #xchat | 05:28 |
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Jimboob | oh ok thanks | 05:28 |
riotkittie | Wowbagger: did you try launching it from a terminal | 05:28 |
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Wowbagger | I'm going to admit that I'm a total newbie with any kind of linux | 05:29 |
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vpetro | leo__: hello | 05:29 |
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leo__ | hello petro | 05:29 |
vpetro | :) | 05:29 |
IdleOne | Wowbagger: Applications>Accesorries>Terminal and type ndiswrapper | 05:29 |
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riotkittie | im not familiar with ndiswrapper myself but if its a GUI app, try hitting ALT + F2 in GNOME and typing either ndiswrapper or gksu ndiswrapper in the run dialogue | 05:30 |
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riotkittie | or, eh, yah, do what IdleOne said :P | 05:30 |
intercool | is there a tool for creating packages to the drivers i compile? just like make-kpkg for kernel ? | 05:31 |
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marinonix | hy | 05:31 |
IdleOne | hey | 05:31 |
Wowbagger | Okay, I'll try it out. Thanks for the help, I'll probably be back ;) | 05:31 |
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facugaich | intercool, maybe checkinstall? | 05:31 |
marinonix | cemaiface | 05:31 |
riotkittie | intercool: i believe checkinstall will make packa | 05:31 |
riotkittie | errr im slow :P | 05:31 |
intercool | thanks. | 05:31 |
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HooGLaNDeR | Hello all. Is there a network installation version of ubuntu out there, which will download the needed packages? | 05:32 |
intercool | Anyone ever gotten the ipw3945 driver to work when compiling with ubuntu source kernel ? | 05:32 |
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IdleOne | !netinstall > HooGLaNDeR | 05:33 |
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gu014 | what is the best way to mount a 2nd hardrive in ubuntu? fdisk -l shows it as /dev/hda system is linux? | 05:34 |
gu014 | gparted does not show it | 05:34 |
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vit_ | hy all | 05:34 |
Astaroth_ | gu014: doesnt it mount automatically? | 05:34 |
vit_ | please help | 05:35 |
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IdleOne | vit_: with? | 05:35 |
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gu014 | Astaroth: it does not | 05:35 |
vit_ | where to get codecs for films .. and haw to install them | 05:35 |
vit_ | ? | 05:35 |
gu014 | Astaroth: it is listed in gparted when i 'switch devices' | 05:35 |
apokryphos | vit_: take a look at the FAQ (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions) as linked to in the channel /topic | 05:35 |
breedarg | use automatix vit | 05:36 |
IdleOne | !dvd | vit_ | 05:36 |
ubotu | vit_: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages | 05:36 |
apokryphos | !automatix | breedarg | 05:36 |
ubotu | breedarg: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 05:36 |
vit_ | thx | 05:36 |
vit_ | :) | 05:36 |
breedarg | u r welcome | 05:36 |
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IdleOne | vit_: dont use automatix | 05:36 |
breedarg | google it ... is very easy | 05:36 |
breedarg | why? | 05:36 |
IdleOne | !automatix > breedarg | 05:36 |
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breedarg | im using automatix and it works perfect | 05:37 |
xtknight | is there a good programming channel here? | 05:37 |
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IdleOne | !workforme > breedarg | 05:37 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about workforme - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:37 |
IdleOne | !worksforme > breedarg | 05:37 |
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vit_ | what's automatix ? | 05:37 |
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breedarg | ill send you the link | 05:38 |
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IdleOne | vit_: it isnt anything you want to use but if you decide to use it you are on your own :/ | 05:38 |
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xtknight | is it really that bad? | 05:38 |
apokryphos | !automatix | vit_ | 05:38 |
ubotu | vit_: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 05:38 |
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vit_ | i wanna see some just avi films | 05:38 |
apokryphos | xtknight: frequently, yes. | 05:38 |
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apokryphos | vit_: then check out the FAQ | 05:38 |
xtknight | vit_: what codec are they using? | 05:39 |
IdleOne | vit_: use the link that ubotu sent you for adding codecs | 05:39 |
breedarg | with automatix you can install the codecs with just one click | 05:39 |
bicbozi | use gxine | 05:39 |
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VincentMX | hi | 05:39 |
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breedarg | http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_install_Automatix2_on_Ubuntu.2C_Kubuntu.2C_and_Xubuntu | 05:39 |
riflerat | hi, anyone experienced installing raid under ubuntu or kubuntu? | 05:39 |
breedarg | there vit | 05:39 |
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riotkittie | installing the codecs with just one click isnt all some have made it out to be | 05:39 |
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AlienX | someone highlight me? | 05:40 |
vit_ | I'll try :T | 05:40 |
VincentMX | hi | 05:40 |
riotkittie | better to read a few docs and do it properly than rely on a script thas proven problematic :P | 05:40 |
IdleOne | !ubuntuguide | 05:40 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ubuntuguide - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:40 |
breedarg | but it works pefect | 05:40 |
xtknight | !worksforme | breedarg | 05:40 |
ubotu | breedarg: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. | 05:40 |
breedarg | grrr i hate this bot ... joz | 05:40 |
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IdleOne | breedarg: it worked for you but chances are it will break his system and he will be forced to reinstall fresh and probably end up blamming ubuntu and not using ubuntu again so automatix is not recommended and we ask that you dont promote it here | 05:41 |
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lounge | l me where i can find a printer support room for ubuntu | 05:41 |
lounge | ? | 05:41 |
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IdleOne | !print | lounge | 05:42 |
ubotu | lounge: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows | 05:42 |
bicbozi | my dear friends i have a problem with limewire | 05:42 |
riflerat | anyone experienced installing raid1 under ubuntu or kubuntu? | 05:42 |
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breedarg | Could someone ... syncronize an iPAQ with evoloution? | 05:43 |
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bicbozi | it doesnt function | 05:43 |
breedarg | r u answering me? | 05:44 |
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IdleOne | no he isnt | 05:44 |
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IdleOne | bicbozi: #limewire might help you more | 05:44 |
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pavan | can any one help me on my resolution problem? | 05:45 |
bicbozi | thanks | 05:45 |
breedarg | Could someone ... syncronize an iPAQ with evoloution? | 05:45 |
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pavan | my present resolution is 1024 X 768 but i am not able to get it full screen but 800 X 600 resolution gives me full screen how can i solve this problem? | 05:46 |
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chris_shafto | can ubuntu extract .rar? | 05:47 |
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breedarg | yeap | 05:47 |
breedarg | not by defaut | 05:47 |
breedarg | you have to install a library | 05:47 |
pavan | my present resolution is 1024 X 768 but i am not able to get it full screen but 800 X 600 resolution gives me full screen how can i solve this problem? | 05:48 |
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chris_shafto | how do i install the library | 05:48 |
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Pici | !rar | chris_shafto | 05:48 |
ubotu | chris_shafto: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 05:48 |
breedarg | tthere | 05:48 |
breedarg | Could someone ... syncronize an iPAQ with evoloution? | 05:49 |
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pavan | my present resolution is 1024 X 768 but i am not able to get it full screen but 800 X 600 resolution gives me full screen how can i solve this problem? | 05:49 |
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arnnn | sudo gives me error 'username is not in the sudoers file. ' what should I do ? | 05:49 |
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T-ROK | hello | 05:50 |
T-ROK | i need help installing TS | 05:50 |
lounge | IdleOne, on that printing thing - ive done everything they all suggest... but still no printing. It puts the page to the queue, then just dissapears into the ether with no printing to show for it! | 05:50 |
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lounge | IdleOne, and it's been a long time, and a lot of banging my head against the wall | 05:51 |
Jowi | arnnn, add the user to the admin group | 05:51 |
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IdleOne | lounge: the is turboprint ( google it ) but it isnt free | 05:51 |
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arnnn | Jowi, how can I do that ? | 05:51 |
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lounge | Hmmm... | 05:51 |
IdleOne | lounge: btw if its a canon printer your out of luck :( | 05:51 |
lounge | IdleOne, it's hp | 05:52 |
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Jowi | arnnn, login as a user that's got admin rights. "sudo adduser nameofuser admin" | 05:52 |
riotkittie | canons are that bad under linux? :< | 05:52 |
IdleOne | then it should just work but I dont have a printer sorry i cant help more..try searching the ubuntu forums for your model | 05:52 |
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IdleOne | riotkittie: yeah | 05:52 |
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IdleOne | riotkittie: but turboprint ( not free ) can make them work | 05:53 |
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NevroPus | is there a program in ubuntu that can be used to format an external disk to NTFS, need to use it on several computers | 05:53 |
chris_shafto | need to know how to extract .rar | 05:54 |
Tchaka | I have an external hdd, when I plug it on my laptop, Ubuntu mounts it well, but if I want to write files on the hdd, I always need root privilege. How make for a simple user can have all rights on the hdd? | 05:54 |
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IdleOne | chris_shafto: right click and extract | 05:54 |
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chris_shafto | archive type not supported | 05:55 |
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riotkittie | i seem to recall a thread on the forums about getting Canon Pixmas to work with Dapper. i need to look that up at some point. | 05:55 |
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Pici | !rar | did you look at this guide? chris_shafto | 05:55 |
ubotu | did you look at this guide? chris_shafto: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 05:55 |
IdleOne | !rar > chris_shafto check the msg from ubotu | 05:55 |
riotkittie | not that i ever print but i am sure the day is going to come when i go "wow. i will die if i do not print this!#!" | 05:56 |
IdleOne | Pici: 1 IdleOne: 0 | 05:56 |
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Pici | IdleOne : that was the second time I gave him the !rar ;) | 05:56 |
IdleOne | Pici: hehe sometimes it takes a few tries to get it working right lol | 05:56 |
ferret_0567__ | What are "Backported Updates" in Ubuntu 6.10? | 05:56 |
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babis85 | hello, how could i synchronize a video file with it's subtitles? | 05:57 |
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ferret_0567__ | I think I know, just want to make sure | 05:57 |
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IdleOne | Ferret: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports | 05:57 |
IdleOne | ferret_0567_: ^^^ | 05:58 |
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bicbozi | yo bros i am back with my prob | 05:58 |
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Pici | ferret_0567__ : not to be confused with security updates, those go in a seperate repository | 05:58 |
IdleOne | bicbozi: limewire prob still | 05:58 |
bicbozi | in da limewire no answer | 05:58 |
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bicbozi | what is better limewire or frostwire ? | 05:59 |
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IdleOne | bicbozi: use azereus or other ubuntu torrent app. check synaptic there are plenty of them | 05:59 |
ferret_0567__ | Those are updates to software so you can get updates to newer versions of software than ones that came with Ubuntu 6.10? | 05:59 |
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Pici | ferret_0567__ : Exactly | 06:00 |
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IdleOne | ferret_0567_: yeah | 06:00 |
HymnToLife | Ferret, not exactlyt | 06:00 |
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Pici | Almost exactly | 06:00 |
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ferret_0567__ | Can you tell me "exactly" please? | 06:00 |
HymnToLife | they don't give you newer versions, they fix bugs and/or security flaws in existing ones | 06:00 |
IdleOne | sorta kinda exactly but not exactly exactly :P | 06:00 |
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eternal_p | good morning all..I am trying to get virtualbox to work with my USB devices, as I have been told, I need to give, myself and/or virtual box access to /proc/bus/usb to grab the devices...how am I able to do that (giving it read/write permissions) | 06:00 |
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ferret_0567__ | ok | 06:01 |
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ferret_0567__ | Do you think I should enable that? | 06:01 |
metroman | Where can I get the alternate install CD for version 6.10? | 06:01 |
HymnToLife | ferret_0567_, definitely | 06:01 |
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IdleOne | metroman: ubuntu.com | 06:01 |
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pavan_ | i have a Problem with 1024 X 768 resolution it is not full screen where as 800 X 600 is full screen resolution how can i solve this | 06:03 |
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nikitis | Hey guys, I got a question. How would I go about getting a program such as "Tilda" to run when ubuntu starts? | 06:04 |
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ferret_0567__ | Boot Up Manager (bum) is a recommended piece of software for 6.10? | 06:04 |
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=== soundray [n=rolf@csc-raheclap.hh.med.ic.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HymnToLife | pavan_, what exactly does it do instead of running full screen ? | 06:04 |
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janoka | sziasztok | 06:04 |
ferret_0567__ | I used that with Ubuntu 6.06, then got fed up with FC6, then switched back to Ubuntu with version 6.10 of it | 06:05 |
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pavan_ | it is cutting the the screen up to 60% on both left and right sides | 06:05 |
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variant | !bum | 06:06 |
ubotu | Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto | 06:06 |
soundray | I want gnome to ignore the mouse movement/clicks for determining idle state (screensaver). Is that possible? Please don't suggest to unplug the mouse ;) | 06:06 |
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pavan_ | HyanToLife, do u understand my problem? | 06:06 |
NevroPus | how do I format an external disk to NTFS? need a format I can use both in Linux and Windows | 06:06 |
ferret_0567__ | Does anybody know why I could be getting errors about ide and hdc (my DVD/CD-RW) drive? | 06:07 |
ferret_0567__ | It's a laptop | 06:07 |
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ferret_0567__ | Also, no floppy, so I have seen errors about fd0 too | 06:07 |
cinnix | how do I add the bottom panel back in gnome? i seem to have removed it | 06:07 |
riotkittie | pavan_: err. does your monitor have buttons on it that will allow you to adjust the horizontal size? | 06:07 |
variant | soundray: you could make a gnome-screensaver script that stops mouse support when started and enables it again when stopped | 06:07 |
soundray | NevroPus: I'd recommend ext3. You can install ext2fsd in Windows to read/write that partition | 06:07 |
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variant | cinnix: right click the panel and new panel | 06:07 |
riotkittie | cinnix: open a prompt and killall gnome-panel | 06:07 |
pavan_ | yaaaa i have | 06:07 |
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riotkittie | err nevermind | 06:07 |
ferret_0567__ | ide: failed opcode was: unknown ... hdc: packet command error: error=0x54 { AbortedCommand LastFailedSense=0x05 } | 06:08 |
pavan_ | i have adjust it to Max horizontal size | 06:08 |
riotkittie | i thought gnome demanded 2 panels ? | 06:08 |
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NevroPus | ok soundray, but why wont GParted fix it? | 06:08 |
cinnix | variant: i mean the whole panel at the bottom is gone | 06:08 |
rage_ | NevroPus: If you want to use it with linux dont use NTFS. | 06:08 |
variant | NevroPus: i agree with soundray, i have used ext2/3 support on a windows box before, it's pretty flawless (appears just as annohter drive) | 06:08 |
=== aciddrops [n=bones@bas10-toronto12-1177615006.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cinnix | i removed it b accident | 06:08 |
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soundray | variant: that would disable the mouse once the screensaver is running. But I want the screensaver to start even in the presence of mouse motion... | 06:08 |
variant | cinnix: yeah, so create a new one and add the buttons back in | 06:08 |
rage_ | NevroPus: there is no good write support for NTFS file systems. | 06:08 |
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riotkittie | feah right clicky on the top panel | 06:09 |
aciddrops | hi how do i get flash to work in 64 bit land | 06:09 |
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variant | soundray: I see.. wouldn't that be annoying if you were browsing hte news on the web or something? | 06:09 |
NevroPus | ok, I'll use ext3, but why wont GParted fix it? Is there a bether partition program for ubuntu? | 06:09 |
Pici | aciddrops : afaik, you dont | 06:09 |
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soundray | NevroPus: you need ntfsprogs to make an NTFS in Linux | 06:09 |
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variant | soundray: I would think that thats hard coded.. if it's written in java I could fix it for you but i don't think it is! | 06:09 |
aciddrops | pici someone said you can do it with a script? | 06:09 |
pavan_ | i have adjust it to Max horizontal size | 06:09 |
=== Sobek [n=jack@pD9534F2E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pici | aciddrops : I think you can run firefox/flash as a 32 bit app, but then its not under 64 | 06:09 |
NevroPus | but I get an error when I try ext3/ext2 also | 06:09 |
soundray | variant: not as annoying as gnome mistaking every little shake of the table for activity ;) | 06:10 |
=== Kiongku_ [n=waikeung@ADSL-TPLUS-100-6.telecomplus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cinnix | variant: sorry, tired and need my eyes tested, thankyou :) | 06:10 |
riotkittie | pavan_: in that case, i have no suggestions. sorry. | 06:10 |
=== Carnage\ [n=carnage@dslb-084-056-225-087.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
variant | NevroPus: gparted only works for the filesystems whose tools are installed | 06:10 |
variant | cinnix: np | 06:10 |
aciddrops | will 32 bit firefox run on 64bit? | 06:10 |
holyduck | yup | 06:10 |
soundray | variant: thanks for your help, I'll find a way to live with it. | 06:10 |
holyduck | with --force-architecture | 06:10 |
=== PhilKC [i=greece@freenode/staff/about.linux.philkc] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pavan_ | i have a Problem with 1024 X 768 resolution it is not full screen where as 800 X 600 is full screen resolution how can i solve this | 06:11 |
soundray | aciddrops: with a bit of tweaking. Search the forums for Kilz's instructions. | 06:11 |
NevroPus | so I need to install a "addon" for gparted to format to ext2/ext3? | 06:11 |
pavan_ | i have a Problem with 1024 X 768 resolution it is not full screen where as 800 X 600 is full screen resolution how can i solve this | 06:11 |
variant | soundray: you on an oil drilling platform or something? (lots of vibration :)) | 06:11 |
IdleOne | !patience | pavan | 06:11 |
ubotu | pavan: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 06:11 |
variant | NevroPus: yes, but it should be allready installed | 06:11 |
zyth | pavan, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg-server | 06:11 |
pavan_ | i have a Problem with 1024 X 768 resolution it is not full screen where as 800 X 600 is full screen resolution how can i solve this | 06:11 |
soundray | variant: old shaky house, building works going on on the racecourse next door ;) | 06:11 |
zyth | select 1024x768 as a resolution | 06:12 |
=== Balsamic_Chicken [n=computer@c-67-188-118-242.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zyth | and dont repeat like that :P | 06:12 |
variant | soundray: lol | 06:12 |
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variant | soundray: use a trackball ;) | 06:12 |
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pavan_ | yaa i have done but that oh Thanx | 06:12 |
pavan_ | Thanx to all | 06:12 |
variant | NevroPus: extfsprogs i think it is called | 06:12 |
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Balsamic_Chicken | can open office be installed on windows? if so, could someone give the download address, thx | 06:12 |
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Pici | Balsamic_Chicken : openoffice.org? | 06:12 |
riotkittie | openoffice.orf | 06:13 |
variant | Balsamic_Chicken: yes, openoffice.org click download | 06:13 |
NevroPus | weird. I get the error message: The following operation could not be applied to disk: Format /dev/sda1 as ext2 | 06:13 |
riotkittie | err org | 06:13 |
soundray | variant: I can suspend the mouse from the edge of the desk by the cable. This will shorten the life of the hardware, though ;) | 06:13 |
Balsamic_Chicken | variant thx | 06:13 |
riotkittie | imagine taht :P | 06:13 |
variant | NevroPus: is it mounted? | 06:13 |
NevroPus | I have unmounted it | 06:13 |
=== maddler [n=maddler@217-133-171-20.b2b.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
variant | soundray: is it such a big deal? perhaps gconf has some "jitter" option for screensaver | 06:13 |
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Pici | soundray : turn the monitor off | 06:13 |
soundray | variant: no such luck | 06:14 |
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variant | NevroPus: if you want to format it do it manualy: mkfs.ext2 /dev/sda1 | 06:14 |
slyfox | Please help. I have a sound problem. Video and mp3 and general sound work fine, but when it comes to skype or Gizmo, the sound has problems. Whenever I make a call, the sound is like when you have 100% cpu usage and are playing an mp3 file, it has this buzzing noise. Like: "He l l l l l oooo, Wel l l l coooo me to Sk y y yy pppeee tteeesst caaall" Same happens in Gizmo. I trid both - ALSA and OSS (no idea what | 06:14 |
slyfox | they mean though, I am a noob) and both have the same problem. When I look at the cpu usage when making a call, both programs are not using full cpu, they use very little - the normal usage. The sound is still choppy. What is going on? | 06:14 |
soundray | Pici: yeah, I will | 06:14 |
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=== soundray thinks that sometimes a low-tech solution is best | ||
pavan_ | i am not able to have Restart button and shutdown button in Quit menu | 06:15 |
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variant | slyfox: skype is bs quite frankly.. but your best bet is to ask on skype forums | 06:15 |
pavan_ | i am using sudo init 0 to shut down | 06:15 |
soundray | slyfox: I think you do have full CPU usage. Maybe the system monitor just isn't keeping up. | 06:16 |
variant | pavan_: add the logout button to the panel | 06:16 |
Lunar_Lamp | pavan, are you using XGL? | 06:16 |
=== bons [n=bons@pdd75c7.tkyoac00.ap.so-net.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu | ||
variant | pavan_: and you should use sudo shutdown -h now or sudo halt | 06:16 |
soundray | slyfox: I think there's a way to select less demanding codecs in skype. | 06:16 |
slyfox | soundray: and same with Gizmo? | 06:16 |
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slyfox | variant: and same with Gizmo? | 06:16 |
variant | slyfox: whats gizmo? | 06:16 |
soundray | slyfox: sry, don't know about gizmo | 06:16 |
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slyfox | soundray: http://www.gizmoproject.com/ | 06:17 |
slyfox | variant: http://www.gizmoproject.com/ | 06:17 |
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andriijas | is there any alternatives to vmware? open source preferable | 06:19 |
beasty | andriijas: sure | 06:19 |
beasty | :p | 06:19 |
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variant | andriijas: qemu is quite good | 06:19 |
soundray | andriijas: xen, qemu | 06:19 |
beasty | parallels :p | 06:19 |
Pici | andriijas : qemu, xen, kqemu | 06:19 |
soundray | andriijas: bochs | 06:19 |
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variant | andriijas: you would probably want to use kqemu with it though (kernel module to make it fully virtualised) | 06:19 |
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variant | andriijas: xen is good to but you can't use it to run windows on linux unless you have a CPU that supports intel VT or AMD pacifica tech | 06:20 |
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variant | andriijas: most of the core2 duo cpus have intel vt support | 06:20 |
soundray | Is anyone running ubuntu in a Parallels VM? | 06:20 |
variant | andriijas: xen is also harder to set up thant he others.. | 06:20 |
rohanrhu | merhaba | 06:20 |
rohanrhu | hello | 06:21 |
mick666 | www.freepenguin.135.it | 06:21 |
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rohanrhu | Pardus Linux > #pardus | 06:21 |
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rohanrhu | www.pardus.org.tr/en | 06:21 |
IdleOne | trolls | 06:21 |
variant | !op yo, bunch of trolls here | 06:22 |
variant | !op | 06:22 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso | 06:22 |
riotkittie | lurvly. | 06:22 |
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variant | man, that !op thing is kidna overkill :) | 06:22 |
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gnomefreak | variant: ? | 06:22 |
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andriijas | beasty: variant Pici soundray thx! | 06:22 |
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nikitis | Can I get some help with Compiz? | 06:22 |
variant | gnomefreak: sorry, guy pasting link to some client tracking site.. | 06:22 |
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apokryphos | rohanrhu: please stop that | 06:23 |
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aciddrops | is ff 2.0 better then flock or ice weasel? | 06:23 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o apokryphos] by apokryphos | ||
Pici | aciddrops : they're all pretty much the same thing | 06:23 |
soundray | !best | aciddrops | 06:23 |
ubotu | aciddrops: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. | 06:23 |
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aciddrops | hehe thanks | 06:23 |
variant | is there a better way to report someone doing something like that than typeing !op ? | 06:24 |
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variant | like for example, type !badboy and hte nick of hte person in question and have that /msg'd to the ops.. | 06:24 |
apokryphos | variant: if it's a problematic user in the channel *at the time* then ops is good to call (unless you can see an op that is active) | 06:25 |
nikitis | When I install xgl/Compiz following the Ubuntuguide.com's site. When I run the script "thefuture" as it says to do. I get an error that says GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap is missing. /nl Compiz.real: Failed to manage screen: 0 /nl Compiz.real: No manageble screens found on display :0.0 Can anyone tell me what's wrong? | 06:25 |
variant | apokryphos: fair enough | 06:25 |
VincentMX | how do i get cgi-bin to work in apache2? | 06:25 |
gOLdenHaWK3D | Hi all, I am facing a problem in Edgy Eft... It logs me off to the login screen, when I leave my system idle for about 10-15 mins!!! Any help??? | 06:25 |
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IdleOne | !compiz > nikitis | 06:26 |
Jowi | nikitis, /j #ubuntu-xgl | 06:26 |
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Jowi | gOLdenHaWK3D, about at the same time as the screensaver kicks in? try to deactivate it and see if that is the cause for it... | 06:26 |
soundray | gOLdenHaWK3D: I guess this would be a screensaver crashing the X server. | 06:26 |
gOLdenHaWK3D | ok | 06:26 |
=== Latty [n=Latty@host81-157-57-76.range81-157.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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soundray | gOLdenHaWK3D: or set it to just blank the screen | 06:27 |
gOLdenHaWK3D | oh! i will disable the screensaver, and report in again. Thanx dudes!!! | 06:27 |
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soundray | gOLdenHaWK3D: want another hint? | 06:27 |
gOLdenHaWK3D | sure! | 06:27 |
=== rkd [n=rday@ppp-80-47-125-128.lns.access.uk.tiscali.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | gOLdenHaWK3D: it could be the powersaving. | 06:27 |
=== Drel3 [n=Drel3@39-241.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
variant | the nouveau project looks really promising! I hope it is included instead of the proprietry nvidia drivers | 06:28 |
soundray | gOLdenHaWK3D: try 'xset dpms force off' to see if that just blanks the screen as it should, or if it crashes your X | 06:28 |
=== nacer [n=nacer@l.alcolo.a.mpl.pastIX.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gOLdenHaWK3D | soundray: i checked power options already!!! its set to "never"!!! | 06:28 |
apokryphos | variant: promising? Good project, but not very promising so far. | 06:28 |
apokryphos | no 3d | 06:28 |
soundray | gOLdenHaWK3D: that's wasteful though | 06:28 |
=== meda [n=meda@84-105-207-62.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
variant | apokryphos: there is 3d support, limmited for sure but it's there | 06:28 |
gOLdenHaWK3D | soundray: shuld i try it now??? | 06:29 |
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soundray | gOLdenHaWK3D: yes, why not | 06:29 |
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VincentMX | anybody in here who knows how to get cgi-bin to work in apache2? i've ib installed libapache2-mod-perl2 and php5-cgi | 06:29 |
gOLdenHaWK3D | soundray: ok, trying, 1 min! | 06:29 |
variant | apokryphos: they seem to be making fastprogress too.. the website isn't updated with the latest developments very often though | 06:29 |
=== GeneralMotors [i=nulayu@nat-pra-1.aster.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Drel3 | hello everyone!!!i installed limewire but he doesnt work can someone help me | 06:30 |
gumpish | When will the next LTS release happen? | 06:30 |
variant | apokryphos: the #nouveau channel is very active (all development discussion very little banter) | 06:30 |
gOLdenHaWK3D | soundray: Just a blank screen, and my desktop appeared again when i moved the mouse! | 06:30 |
soundray | Drel3: first, run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash' and say no to the question. Then try again. | 06:30 |
IdleOne | gumpish: Im guessing 3-5yrs | 06:30 |
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welshbyte | VincentMX: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/howto/cgi.html | 06:31 |
VincentMX | ok | 06:31 |
soundray | gOLdenHaWK3D: it must be one or some of the screensavers then. It shouldn't happen if you set "Blank screen only" and reactivate dpms | 06:31 |
VincentMX | thnx, welsh | 06:31 |
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gOLdenHaWK3D | soundray: thanx man! thank you! | 06:31 |
gOLdenHaWK3D | soundray: i deactivated screensaver! | 06:32 |
soundray | gOLdenHaWK3D: yw | 06:32 |
IdleOne | think I want to upgrade to fiesty...should I? | 06:32 |
=== jcwinnie [n=ubuntu@cpe-66-24-20-209.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Drel3 | thx man!! | 06:32 |
=== Jimb00b [i=Ghostie@NTL208H101-70-164.nt.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | IdleOne: I've installed it on a Mac Pro. Great so far, except no wireless as yet (haven't tried cafuego's package yet) | 06:33 |
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welshbyte | IdleOne: only if you can live with the possibility of it breaking | 06:33 |
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IdleOne | welshbyte: worst that can happen is i reinstall 6.10 and configure again lol | 06:33 |
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soundray | Drel3: limewire expects /bin/sh to link to /bin/bash -- default is /bin/dash on edgy. | 06:34 |
Jimb00b | does ubuntu have its own extracter? like for .rar's, .zip, files that have been split and have extentions like .001 does ubuntu need anything for these? | 06:34 |
variant | IdleOne: I did a while ago (about 2 weeks) it works pretty flawlessly although thereis a constant risk of it being totaly borked by one of the regular updates | 06:34 |
welshbyte | IdleOne: if you have nothing to lose, go right ahead | 06:34 |
variant | IdleOne: beryl etc all work.. if you'r on edgy though there are not a whole lot of differences yet.. not really worth the risk | 06:34 |
shwag | variant: agreed | 06:34 |
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welshbyte | IdleOne: #ubuntu+1 for feisty discussion, of course | 06:35 |
soundray | Jimb00b: file-roller | 06:35 |
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jcwinnie | Is this the place to ask a Feisty question? | 06:35 |
xtknight | jcwinnie: #ubuntu+1 | 06:35 |
soundray | jcwinnie: no, go to #ubuntu+1 | 06:35 |
IdleOne | variant: on Edgy and if there isnt much difference then I'll wait for stable release | 06:35 |
IdleOne | variant: and welshbyte ty for the info | 06:35 |
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variant | IdleOne: np | 06:35 |
shwag | how do I turn off the startup msg for screen ? | 06:36 |
Jimb00b | file-roller? does that do rar's zip's and others? does it come packaged in ubuntu? | 06:36 |
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shwag | /etc/screenrc #startup_message off | 06:36 |
shwag | i see | 06:36 |
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soundray | Jimb00b: it's part of the default ubuntu desktop. For rar support, you need an additional package | 06:36 |
soundray | !rar | Jimb00b | 06:36 |
ubotu | Jimb00b: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 06:36 |
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jojoman02 | !info unrar-free | 06:37 |
ubotu | unrar-free: Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20060609-1 (edgy), package size 17 kB, installed size 80 kB | 06:37 |
Jimb00b | ok so what formats does ubuntu reconize and extract then? | 06:37 |
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Jimb00b | !info unrar-free | 06:37 |
|LF-r|mrSmiles | question, is there anyway to upgrade 5.10 to 6.06? | 06:37 |
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metroman | I'm trying to install Ubuntu but the installation always freezes at 81%, when it is running 32gnome_power_manager. | 06:37 |
Jimmey | |LF-r|mrSmiles, replace all instances of "breezy" in /etc/apt/sources.lisdty | 06:38 |
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Jimmey | with the word "dapper" | 06:38 |
jojoman02 | jimb00b: zip, tar, gz | 06:38 |
Jimmey | Then "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" | 06:38 |
soundray | Jimb00b: you can extract most archive formats. Preferred ones are tar.gz and zip | 06:38 |
|LF-r|mrSmiles | is that all? | 06:38 |
soundray | Jimb00b: and tar.bz2 | 06:39 |
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soundray | |LF-r|mrSmiles: no | 06:39 |
Jimb00b | sometime i get file extensions .001 to .005 i use hjsplit to join it but can ubuntu do it? | 06:39 |
soundray | |LF-r|mrSmiles: after that you need to run 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' | 06:39 |
Jimmey | I'm trying to connect to a windows share on The folder is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\SharedDocs. The shared file is SharedDocs, so to the network, it looks like "\\JANE\ShareDocs". How can I connect to it? | 06:39 |
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soundray | Jimb00b: you can just cat those together | 06:39 |
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Jimb00b | cat? | 06:40 |
soundray | Jimb00b: try 'man cat' | 06:40 |
soundray | !cli | Jimb00b | 06:40 |
ubotu | Jimb00b: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands | 06:40 |
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Jimb00b | ok one more question... | 06:42 |
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Jimb00b | the puter down stairs is link through a router up here and is running winxp can i still be conected with both puters? | 06:42 |
codi | hey guys, need a little help installing beryl | 06:42 |
codi | i've got the nvidia drivers already running for WoW, so can I just install beryl following the 6.10 instructions? | 06:43 |
soundray | Jimb00b: yes, but only if you learn how to spell "computer" | 06:43 |
codi | and skip the nvidia driver part? | 06:43 |
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Jimb00b | computer... better? | 06:43 |
Jimb00b | lol | 06:43 |
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soundray | Jimb00b: well done. Now describe your setup in a little more detail. | 06:44 |
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codi | or better yet, i already have beryl installed, now i'm about to restart x. if it all goes wrong, how can i switch back to gnome without beryl? | 06:44 |
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jojoman02 | does unrar for linux support multiple rar files .r00 .r01 .r02 etc?? | 06:45 |
Tux | Yeah | 06:45 |
jojoman02 | Tux: was that yeah to my question? | 06:45 |
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Jimb00b | im running two winxp boxes one upstairs one downstairs connected through a dlink router. im planning on changing this computer :) to ubuntu and leaving the one downstairs as is will the both still function with my router? | 06:45 |
Tux | Yes | 06:45 |
soundray | Jimb00b: yes, that should be easy. | 06:45 |
Tux | Yes jojoman02 | 06:46 |
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Jimb00b | i can still setup through browser? | 06:46 |
Triforce | yes | 06:46 |
soundray | Jimb00b: yes, at least I haven't heard of any problems with D-Link routers in that respect. | 06:46 |
|LF-r|mrSmiles | i need more help. my hard drive has 3 partitions 1-windows xp 2-want ubuntu 3-general storage, how can i install ubuntu to the second one | 06:46 |
Jimb00b | excellent :) | 06:47 |
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Jimmey | |LF-r|mrSmiles, use the installer? You can delete the partition that's already there, and the installer will use the space freed | 06:47 |
Triforce | Select "Manually set up partitions" | 06:47 |
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|LF-r|mrSmiles | ok thanks for all the great help | 06:48 |
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yellow | hey guys, is sync-kde the only alternative to activesync ? does it work well ? | 06:49 |
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tausen | hey - does anyone know anybody who has a MacBook 2GHz? | 06:49 |
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silberruecken | Helo | 06:49 |
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soundray | yellow: you can use multisync instead of the kde frontent, but the backend will still be synce. I found it a bit painful to setup and am not using it routinely | 06:50 |
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yellow | ok i'll check it out | 06:50 |
sebsebseb | I have had Windows 2000 Pro and so on before in virtual machine. | 06:50 |
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sebsebseb | VMware player | 06:50 |
yellow | Thanks soundray for the head up | 06:50 |
sebsebseb | and VMware server | 06:50 |
webben | Does anyone know how to get Focus to work in a vaguely consistent manner, such that, for example, you can open gvim and click inside another window, and thus both activate that window and bring it to the forefront. | 06:50 |
soundray | yellow: there is a thread on the ubuntu forums that finally helped me make it work at all. | 06:51 |
sebsebseb | however now I am thinking about putting XP Home in Edgy in a virtual machine or emulater. and up for trying something new I guess | 06:51 |
sebsebseb | and I would rather use open source than cloused source VMware stuff | 06:51 |
tausen | I'm having problems with keybindings | 06:51 |
torrrrr | hi | 06:51 |
yellow | yeah, me too sebsebseb | 06:51 |
soundray | yellow: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30936 | 06:51 |
sebsebseb | ,but which is the best for XP Home in Edgy? VMware player, heck no it don't do full screen. so VMware Server, XEN or QEMU or something else? | 06:51 |
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torrrrr | I changed my eth0 IP and lost the ability to use the DNS. Please help | 06:52 |
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tausen | anybody know how to configure keyboard for MacBook? | 06:52 |
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newz2000 | Mouse stopped working, dmesg says (repeatedly): [17190599.520000] hub 1-0:1.0: connect-debounce failed, port 1 disabled | 06:52 |
newz2000 | This has been happening for a couple weeks now, and it's growing more frequent. It's not isolated to the mouse, either... any USB device. | 06:52 |
newz2000 | Any ideas what's happening? | 06:52 |
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torrrrr | how can I make the resolv.conf go to the new IP | 06:52 |
torrrrr | ? | 06:52 |
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soundray | webben: want you want is called click-to-focus and autoraise in the unix world :) | 06:52 |
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=== sebsebseb yellow: what's that you want to run XP HOme in Edgy? | ||
Ndut2 | hi guys | 06:53 |
soundray | newz2000: could it be a faulty hub or USB cable? | 06:53 |
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yellow | sebsebseb, i just want to sync my phone with dapper | 06:53 |
yellow | :) | 06:53 |
webben | soundray, Then why does it work like that sometimes and not other times. | 06:53 |
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yellow | so i can put music on it | 06:53 |
soundray | webben: are you on gnome? | 06:53 |
Jimb00b | i noticed there are all these weird named ubuntus but i only have 6.10 which should i get? | 06:53 |
newz2000 | soundray: I don't think it's a hub, cause it happens on the hub or the laptops built in ports, since its several devices, I doubt a cable | 06:53 |
webben | soundray, yeah | 06:54 |
webben | soundray, switching between metacity and beryl depending on how infuriated I get | 06:54 |
newz2000 | Jimb00b: you've got the right one | 06:54 |
Jimb00b | whats breezey ect ??? | 06:54 |
tausen | no help here? - okay... have fun ! | 06:54 |
webben | I've played with just about every click to focus option I can find in gconf and beryl settings. | 06:54 |
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torrrrr | strange the changes I made didn't change /etc/network/interfaces | 06:54 |
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soundray | webben: oh, if you're switching between wm's I don't know how you'd get it to be consistent. | 06:55 |
webben | No matter what way I configure things behaviour never seems terribly consistent. | 06:55 |
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webben | soundray, not consistent /between/ wm's | 06:55 |
webben | consistent with either | 06:55 |
newz2000 | Jimb00b: Breezy is the development code name for an older version | 06:55 |
soundray | webben: why not configure different users for different wms? | 06:55 |
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Stormx2 | Yo. Kinda been looking for a while. Can someone suggest an app I can feed a formula, give it a range of values to test, and it'll spit out a graph? | 06:55 |
yellow | thanks soundray and sebsebseb :) | 06:55 |
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Jimb00b | so which one to i have? whats edgy and others? | 06:55 |
yellow | i'll try to see if xen works | 06:55 |
yellow | :) | 06:55 |
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webben | soundray, Sorry I'm not being clear. I'll use either wm. So long as it is consistent with itself. | 06:56 |
webben | soundray, see this http://gnomesupport.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=12034 bug | 06:56 |
_archangel | hi, what is the package name for the apache web server ? | 06:56 |
Stormx2 | _archangel: apache2 | 06:56 |
webben | part of the problem I suspect is beryl's unreliability | 06:56 |
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_archangel | lol thx | 06:56 |
Stormx2 | I think... | 06:56 |
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soundray | webben: sry, you are clearly better informed than I am... Have you considered using focus-follows-mouse & no autoraise and just getting used to it? It has many advantages for power users... | 06:57 |
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Ndut2 | any one here | 06:58 |
Ndut2 | using xubuntu ? | 06:58 |
webben | soundray, I did experiment with that. It drove to me to distraction to be honest. ;) | 06:58 |
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webben | soundray, but thanks for the suggestion :) | 06:59 |
Jimmey | I need help connecting to a Windows share | 06:59 |
Jimb00b | so which one do i have? whats edgy and others? I've also seen ones called ubuntu satanic adition ect. | 06:59 |
soundray | webben: yw ;) Next time I'll try and be a real help. | 06:59 |
Pici | Jimb00b : what? | 07:00 |
soundray | Jimb00b: you said you have 6.10. That's also called Edgy Eft, or edgy for short | 07:00 |
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newz2000 | Jimb00b: Ubuntu is made to be easy to create a derivative of, so people frequently create clones of Ubuntu that have minor or even major customization. | 07:00 |
setuid | How can I get my wireless card to start up at boot? It used to, and now no longer does. | 07:00 |
Jimb00b | i noticed a 6.11 or something somewhere whats that? | 07:00 |
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newz2000 | Jimb00b: typo I'm sure. Is it on www.ubuntu.com? | 07:01 |
soundray | setuid: make sure you have an 'auto wlan0' entry in /etc/network/interfaces (replace wlan0 appropriately) | 07:01 |
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setuid | I do | 07:01 |
setuid | auto ath0 | 07:01 |
soundray | Jimb00b: that's not official - the next release is planned to be 7.04 (April 2007) | 07:01 |
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shmeelAway | i am trying to put files from ubuntu onto a external hardrive, but the external harddrive says i don't have the authority, any1 know how to fix that? | 07:01 |
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maja | just did a fresh install of Edgy and NO NETWORK INTERFACES, what gives? | 07:02 |
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benkillin | drivers, maybe | 07:02 |
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benkillin | whats the NIC | 07:02 |
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phan0x | Hey | 07:02 |
maja | no eth1 or eth0, just lo | 07:02 |
maja | wireless worked fine in Dapper | 07:02 |
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benkillin | it's a wireless card? | 07:03 |
soundray | setuid: any errors relating to ath0 in dmesg? | 07:03 |
maja | neither ethernet nor wireless works now | 07:03 |
setuid | Nope | 07:03 |
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benkillin | look in the logs for some info (/var/log) | 07:03 |
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maja | in the ->system->administration->network dialog there is no option to enable to disable the network interfeaces | 07:03 |
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soundray | setuid: any messages at all relating to ath0? | 07:03 |
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setuid | rafb coming, jus a sec | 07:03 |
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instabin | !gdesklets | 07:04 |
ubotu | gDesklets provides an advanced architecture for desktop applets -- tiny displays sitting on your desktop in a symbiotic relationship of eye candy and usefulness. Homepage is http://gdesklets.gnomedesktop.org/ | 07:04 |
ShadowX | sup guys, Im back | 07:04 |
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setuid | soundray, http://rafb.net/p/kiYUnk88.html | 07:04 |
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soundray | setuid: oh, you've configured a bridge. That's out of my depth, sry | 07:04 |
setuid | Its not a bridge, that's how madwifi sets it up somehow | 07:05 |
shmeelAway | alright, well how about this then: how can i get my windows virtual machine to read my external harddrive | 07:05 |
setuid | Its just a standard wifi card, talking to a WRT | 07:05 |
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Jimb00b | all right guys thanks time to make the move :) | 07:05 |
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pbureau | maja what does lspci tell you | 07:05 |
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soundray | setuid: what do you have to do to make it come up? | 07:06 |
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setuid | soundray, Just issue an ifconfig essid blah blah, and it comes up | 07:06 |
aalhamad | what is the command line to remove a file as a root?? | 07:06 |
pbureau | rm | 07:06 |
maja | pbureau lspci shows both my cards | 07:06 |
setuid | It seems like its not getting the ssid and such from /etc/network/interfaces at boot | 07:06 |
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pbureau | maja- no I meant what chipset is it ? | 07:06 |
maja | I'd pastebin the output but I can't get online | 07:06 |
minimec | Hi folks. Does anyone of use the gui interface of 'imwheel'? | 07:07 |
maja | Intersil Corporation Prism 2.5 Wavelan chipset (rev 01) | 07:07 |
aalhamad | pbureau sudo rm file.html | 07:07 |
Jimmey | What would be the best way for me to share a number of Windows games, I play in WINE, between myself and another user - Instead of having one copy of the game in my $HOME, and one in his? | 07:07 |
shmeelAway | mmk, fine, can someone please tell me how to locate files? is there a command? i installed something but i don't know where and i want to delete it | 07:07 |
aalhamad | pbureau sudo rm ~/file.html | 07:07 |
soundray | setuid: perhaps it's a timing issue. Try adding 'ifconfig essid blah blah...' to /etc/rc.local | 07:07 |
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maja | I plugged a wire into ethernet and still no connection | 07:07 |
Jimmey | shmeelAway, how did you install it? | 07:07 |
pbureau | maja- prism card eh... check synaptic, load the module for it | 07:08 |
shmeelAway | it was vmware server | 07:08 |
concept10 | Im trying to upgrade to feisty using gksu "update-manager -d" - I keep getting an error saying I cant install ubuntu-desktop because it depends on xorg and its not going to be installed. Suggestions anyone? | 07:08 |
setuid | soundray, But this _used to_ work fine, and now it doesn't. All I did was comment out the ssid/key lines in /etc/network/interfaces when I was travelling, so I could use a public WAP, and now it when I uncomment them back, it refuses to come up right. | 07:08 |
shmeelAway | i just went to the website and extracted it, then ran some commands | 07:08 |
maja | pbureau I would but I can't even get a wired connection now | 07:08 |
Jimmey | shmeelAway, did you install it via synaptic? | 07:08 |
Jimmey | shmeelAway, I see. Try "locate fileyouwanttosearchfor" | 07:08 |
shmeelAway | no, through their website | 07:08 |
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maja | is there any way to get my wired ethernet up??? | 07:09 |
IdleOne | concept10: install sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg-server | 07:09 |
lexko | I can't seem to get ubuntu installed using LVM2 via the installer. I have a ext3 boot and then want to install root on an LVM2 partition. I haven't come across any solutions, but it seems to be doable. any thoughts? | 07:09 |
pbureau | maja plug it in and check network manage to enable it | 07:09 |
IdleOne | concept10: forget that | 07:09 |
soundray | setuid: do you want to pastebin your interfaces? | 07:09 |
IdleOne | concept10: install "xorg" | 07:10 |
maja | pbureau the network dialog under system->administration is missing "enable" and "disable" | 07:10 |
shmeelAway | hmm, alright, will do jimmy | 07:10 |
setuid | soundray, sure, hold on | 07:10 |
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soundray | lexko: afaik, you need the alternate installer | 07:10 |
maja | and the only device is lo | 07:10 |
maja | no eth1 or eth0 | 07:10 |
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setuid | soundray, which one do you want? ifconfig -a or just iwconfig? | 07:10 |
Stormx2 | Uhg. Anyone studing mathematics here? I have a question ^_^ | 07:10 |
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_archangel | one more question, whats the package name for proftp ? | 07:10 |
soundray | setuid: /etc/network/interfaces | 07:10 |
livingtm | Hey why might SoundRecorder record ONCE, then only silence after that? | 07:11 |
setuid | Oh, sure... hold on | 07:11 |
minimec | well ... there should be someone on that channel using a Logitech MOuse in combination with 'imwheel'... Am I right? ;) | 07:11 |
pbureau | maja lspci | grep ethernet does it see the wired ether card ? | 07:11 |
soundray | !proftpd | _archangel | 07:11 |
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ubotu | proftpd: Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.0-9ubuntu0.1 (edgy), package size 594 kB, installed size 1532 kB | 07:11 |
Stormx2 | _archangel: proftbd I think... | 07:11 |
Stormx2 | ftp* | 07:11 |
Pici | Stormx2 : you could try in #ubuntu-offtopic ,but this really isnt the place to ask | 07:11 |
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setuid | shoogt, I think I just found the problem | 07:11 |
Stormx2 | kay. | 07:11 |
pbureau | minimec- you may get a better answer if you asked your problem | 07:11 |
lexko | soundray: is that the server CD? i saw some mention of that installer, but couldn't find a link | 07:11 |
maja | pbureau nope | 07:11 |
soundray | lexko: no | 07:11 |
soundray | !alternate | lexko | 07:11 |
ubotu | lexko: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD. | 07:11 |
_archangel | Stormx2 : thats not it | 07:11 |
concept10 | IdleOne, i get this error: xorg: Depends: libgl1-mesa-glx but it is not going to be installed | 07:12 |
aalhamad | how can i create a folder as rooot?? | 07:12 |
pbureau | maja so it sees your wifi but not the eth0 card... reboot the box with wired plugged in | 07:12 |
aalhamad | how can i create a folder as root? using commandline | 07:12 |
lexko | ah so I owuld have to install Alternate as Dapper and then upgrade to Edgey? | 07:12 |
soundray | aalhamad: 'sudo mkdir /path/folder' | 07:12 |
IdleOne | concept10: #ubuntu+1 for help with fiesty | 07:12 |
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Pici | _archangel :I think he meant proftpd | 07:12 |
maja | pbureau it shows the ethernet card if I just type "grep" | 07:12 |
aalhamad | thanks | 07:12 |
soundray | lexko: no, there is an alternate edgy as well | 07:12 |
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maja | I mean lspci | 07:12 |
_archangel | E: Couldn't find package proftp | 07:12 |
pbureau | aalhamad- all root command start with sudo dude... so mkdir for root = sudo mkdir directoryname | 07:12 |
IdleOne | lexko: you can install edgy with alternate also | 07:12 |
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concept10 | IdleOne, im there already, no help, but this has more to do with edgy | 07:12 |
Pici | !info proftpd | 07:12 |
ubotu | proftpd: Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.0-9ubuntu0.1 (edgy), package size 594 kB, installed size 1532 kB | 07:12 |
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wikiadm | join #php | 07:13 |
soundray | _archangel: read carefully: proftpd | 07:13 |
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minimec | pbureau: Yeah... You're right. Ok. Imwheel is working well, so no problem using the software, but the GUI (indicating the window class) doesn't start. I get an 'signal 11' error. | 07:13 |
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shmeelAway | locate didn't work | 07:13 |
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maja | why should I be having issues like this? dapper was fine, now edgy's ruining my weekend | 07:13 |
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soundray | shmeelAway: try 'sudo updatedb' to fix locate | 07:13 |
IdleOne | concept10: i dont think Fiesty is for you it is still beta and if you cant get to upgrade to it then you probably wont be able to fix the problems that might arise from the it | 07:14 |
Pici | shmeelAway : you could try sudo find / | grep filename | 07:14 |
minimec | pbureau: I don't now, if this is my computer with an hardware problem (I don't think so), or a bug in the ubuntu version of omwheel | 07:14 |
_archangel | E: Couldn't find package proftpd | 07:14 |
pbureau | maja dont feel bad I just spend 45 mins helping someone else , got it workingin the end | 07:14 |
IdleOne | *the it? lol | 07:14 |
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IdleOne | !repos | _archangel | 07:14 |
ubotu | _archangel: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 07:14 |
Pici | _archangel : you need to enable the universe repositories see !universe for info | 07:14 |
pbureau | minimec- I do use it so I am of no help here | 07:14 |
concept10 | IdleOne, never mind, I need to get on feisty, but thanks for trying | 07:14 |
Pici | or what ubotu said | 07:14 |
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aalhamad | how can i create a file ..? using commandline | 07:14 |
_archangel | !universe | 07:14 |
ubotu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 07:14 |
pbureau | s/do/dont | 07:14 |
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minimec | pbureau: OK ;) | 07:14 |
shatrat | aalhamad, "touch filename" | 07:15 |
maja | pbureau, still no connection after boot | 07:15 |
shmeelAway | hmm | 07:15 |
shmeelAway | k | 07:15 |
aalhamad | how can i create a text file ..? using commandline | 07:15 |
BTR | Hi, how do i change my color settings | 07:15 |
shatrat | aalhamad, that will make an empty file named filename | 07:15 |
aalhamad | ok.. | 07:15 |
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aalhamad | thanks | 07:15 |
IdleOne | aalhamad: sudo nano filename.txt | 07:15 |
soundray | !cli | aalhamad | 07:15 |
ubotu | aalhamad: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands | 07:15 |
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minimec | anyone in cyberspace getting an 'signal 11' error while starting 'imwheel -c'? | 07:15 |
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aalhamad | nano or touch? | 07:16 |
IdleOne | aalhamad: either will work | 07:16 |
aalhamad | ok | 07:16 |
shmeelAway | what was the command to see if somehting was installed in the first place or not? | 07:16 |
soundray | aalhamad: touch to create an empty file. nano to edit | 07:16 |
aalhamad | thanks | 07:16 |
Pici | aalhamad : touch creates an empty file, nano lets you edit it | 07:16 |
shmeelAway | -l greb somehting? | 07:16 |
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soundray | shmeelAway: 'dpkg -l packagename' | 07:16 |
IdleOne | nano will also create the empty file if it doesnt exist | 07:16 |
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hjmills | hi all | 07:17 |
hjmills | what is everybodys best time saving trick (on linux) | 07:17 |
Pici | 900 people reply, hi | 07:17 |
LtSmith | Noiam not but I'm sure If you look on the wiki or the forums you might be able to figure out how to fix the issue. | 07:17 |
shatrat | hjmills, dont install beryl | 07:17 |
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Pici | hjmills : using the cli effectivly, like making use of shell scripts, grep, etc | 07:17 |
hjmills | shatrat, lol - because of the rendering time or because u end up playing with the fancy eye candy? | 07:17 |
shatrat | hjmills, because I spend more time tinkering than sleeping | 07:18 |
IdleOne | Pici: that command is sudo reply nick hi #ubuntu | 07:18 |
LtSmith | Please don't install beryl. | 07:18 |
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soundray | hjmills: I completely concur with Pici | 07:18 |
hjmills | shatrat, lol - i have it installed but mainly to wow the people who see the cool fire effects and the cube - the transparency is good too | 07:18 |
hjmills | soundray and Pici, any apps in particular? | 07:19 |
shmeelAway | hmm, somethings wrong, i clearly have installed vmware player, but when i type in the command and look for "vmware player" it returns nothing | 07:19 |
soundray | hjmills: find and xargs | 07:19 |
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hjmills | soundray, i havent discovered xargs and is find better than locate? | 07:19 |
shatrat | hjmills, and fortune! | 07:19 |
tbf | is there a chance I'll see epiphany 2.16.2 instead of 2.16.1 in edgy? 2.16.1 complains "The URL is not valid and cannot be loaded." instead of just visiting google - which is quite annoying; in 2.16.2 this bug shall be fixed. | 07:19 |
soundray | hjmills: two different kettle of fish | 07:19 |
Pici | shmeelAway : package names are one word, so just try to look for vmware | 07:20 |
shmeelAway | i did | 07:20 |
shmeelAway | nothing | 07:20 |
hjmills | shatrat, now since you told me about your tinkering habits im inclined to disbelieve that | 07:20 |
Led-Hed | I cant seem to mount a NFS share from fstab, I installed the portmap & nfs-common packages, and can mount a NFS share manually, but can seem to mount it from fstab. | 07:20 |
LjL | hjmills: there's just quite different. locate is fast, because it uses a database. however, the database is updated only daily (by default). find is slower but actually searches the filesystem, and has a load of options for narrowing down your searches | 07:20 |
Pici | shmeelAway : did you install it as a .deb package or from one of the repos, or some other way? | 07:20 |
hjmills | shatrat, also - have you tried using cowsay with fortune? (cowsay `fortune`) | 07:20 |
arnnn | Jowi, thank you | 07:21 |
shmeelAway | i downloaded some tar.gz file i think, extracted it and installed w/ some command | 07:21 |
soundray | hjmills: find all files in your home folder that were created today and search them for 'string': 'find ~ -mtime -1 -print0 | xargs -0 grep string' | 07:21 |
shatrat | hjmills, fortune|cowsay | 07:21 |
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hjmills | shatrat, oops - my bad | 07:22 |
LtSmith | i bet ypu probably used the ./ionstall.sh command. | 07:22 |
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Pici | shmeelAway : there may be an uninstall script in that archive, such as make uninstall or make remove (you'd need to look at the isntall readme' | 07:22 |
hjmills | soundray, so is the print0 the bit to send it to xargs with the -0 | 07:22 |
shmeelAway | bah, i create so much trouble for myself lol | 07:22 |
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shmeelAway | thxfor the help, hopefully i'll get it working | 07:22 |
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soundray | hjmills: yes. You can do without -print0 and -0 if you don't use spaces or tabs in your filenames. | 07:23 |
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concept10 | !backports | 07:24 |
ubotu | If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports | 07:24 |
soundray | hjmills: I will try saving some time now using Ctrl-Q on my IRC client... Bye | 07:24 |
hjmills | soundray, thanks :D that is helpful | 07:24 |
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Pici | Isnt xargs just a fancy way of getting $@ ? | 07:25 |
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Led-Hed | does the default Ubuntu Edgy install block ssh connections? | 07:27 |
Pici | Led-Hed : the default install doesnt include the sshd server | 07:28 |
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Led-Hed | Pici: well that explains it. Thanks | 07:28 |
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Alexc90 | how i can record a stream tv? | 07:30 |
Hamled | Is there any reason decompyle is not available in edgy? | 07:30 |
Alexc90 | with mplayers | 07:30 |
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LjL | Hamled: the most likely is that nobody was interested in making a package. | 07:32 |
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eboogie | Good afternoo, guys. | 07:32 |
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Hamled | LjL, but it's back in fiesty :( | 07:32 |
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LjL | Hamled: then request a backport | 07:32 |
eboogie | Quick question: when someone says they're running gnome with engage, are they saying that they are running gnome and enlightenment? | 07:32 |
LjL | Ubotu, tell Hamled about backports | Hamled, see the private message from Ubotu | 07:32 |
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riotkittie | tab = enter on the logon screen = ... teh most annoying thing ever. | 07:33 |
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shatrat | riotkittie, do you have a tab in the middle of your login name? | 07:34 |
riotkittie | shatrat: no :P | 07:34 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ | ||
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shatrat | I dont see a problem. The most annoying thing ever is when my wireless keyboard isnt connected properly and I have to ctrl alt backspace in order to log in | 07:35 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@] by LjL | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@] by LjL | ||
wellstevesays | hello? | 07:35 |
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shatrat | or the most annoying thing ever could be Whoopie Goldberg | 07:35 |
shatrat | its a tossup | 07:35 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@as54-tr1.dlp453.bih.net.ba] by LjL | ||
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wellstevesays | When installing Ubuntu, do you put the ISO on a disc or do you put the items in the ISO on it? | 07:35 |
shatrat | Hello wellstevesays, what do you say? | 07:35 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@] by LjL | ||
IdleOne | wellstevesays: the iso on disc | 07:35 |
xtknight | wellstevesays, you burn the ISO to the cd directly | 07:35 |
RageAgainstThis_ | how could can i convert .deb to rpm | 07:35 |
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Alarm | hello. whats the best way to check my filesystem AND check my partition for general errors ? i saw fsck , but dont know what parameters to use actually | 07:35 |
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shatrat | wellstevesays, an iso is a disk image, you burn it using a dvd burning software | 07:35 |
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xtknight | wellstevesays, in other words, your disk imaging program will read the ISO and copy it bit-by-bit to the CD | 07:35 |
riotkittie | but im not a fan of teh (as an aside, i miss xchat and its autocorrection) mice, and am prone to tab to switching fields | 07:35 |
wellstevesays | Hmm I guess it just doesn't want to work | 07:36 |
Alarm | or if it would be better to restart and get into recovery mode to do that fsck | 07:36 |
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riotkittie | then BAM, i am in gnome :\ | 07:36 |
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shatrat | wellstevesays, I dont know what youre using to burn it, but there should be an Import Image or a Tool, Burn Image, option somewhere | 07:36 |
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IdleOne | wellstevesays: when you burn the iso make sure you chose to burn image and not burn data | 07:36 |
wellstevesays | I used Disk Utility | 07:36 |
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wellstevesays | I was just making sure | 07:37 |
xtknight | wellstevesays, use a freeware called "IMgBurn", great program for windows for Image burning | 07:37 |
wellstevesays | Yeah I'm using OS X | 07:37 |
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wellstevesays | The PC i'm putting it on uses XP | 07:37 |
Pici | wellstevesays : if you look at the fully burned disc, and it has an iso file on it, then you did it the wrong way ;) | 07:37 |
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riotkittie | and why why why is X running on 8 instead of 7? that is simply rhetorcial. unless someone has an answer. though i suppose its not like i need one as its not problematic. | 07:37 |
wellstevesays | I installed Ubuntu on Parallels | 07:37 |
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con-man | I hate windows | 07:37 |
wellstevesays | But it won't work on my PC | 07:37 |
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wellstevesays | I changed my BIOS to read CD ROM drive first | 07:38 |
wellstevesays | nothing works. | 07:38 |
shatrat | wellstevesays, what do you mean by wont work? | 07:38 |
xtknight | wellstevesays, flash your bios | 07:38 |
wellstevesays | It won't boot up | 07:38 |
wellstevesays | Flash? | 07:38 |
xtknight | wellstevesays, or use another pci controller | 07:38 |
Byan | wellstevesays: has it ever booted to CD? | 07:38 |
wellstevesays | When I put XP on it last year it did | 07:39 |
Byan | yeah.. see, the BIOS isn't the problem then | 07:39 |
xtknight | try booting from the xp cd now, see if it works? | 07:39 |
Byan | good idea xtknight | 07:39 |
wellstevesays | Alright one sec | 07:39 |
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dreameen | hi folks! | 07:40 |
dreameen | are there any good clients of napster on linux? | 07:40 |
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wellstevesays | Ah no I get the same errors :( | 07:40 |
wellstevesays | Says "Strike F1 to Retry | 07:40 |
shatrat | dreameen, isnt napster just a paid website now? | 07:40 |
xtknight | wellstevesays, restore BIOS defaults and try again | 07:40 |
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dreameen | shatrat: well, no it kinda developed into a full blown, legal music service with a brilliant client on windows | 07:41 |
wellstevesays | Meaning? | 07:41 |
Byan | wellstevesays: there is a jumper to clear the BIOS | 07:42 |
Byan | on the motherboard | 07:42 |
Byan | clear the CMOS* | 07:42 |
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IdleOne | dreameen: so it's a pay site | 07:42 |
wellstevesays | Like in the computer? | 07:42 |
Byan | uh.. yeah.. | 07:42 |
Pici | Or just go into the BIOS and find the reset to defaults option | 07:42 |
wellstevesays | Lol | 07:42 |
wellstevesays | K | 07:42 |
wellstevesays | What's it look like? | 07:42 |
shatrat | dreameen, well, you might be able to run it in wine. you could check at appdb.winehq.org | 07:42 |
Byan | try Pici's idea first... | 07:43 |
dreameen | IdleOne: i guess u could say that | 07:43 |
IdleOne | dreameen: try searching for napster in synaptic see if any clients show up | 07:43 |
Byan | but that doesn't always work | 07:43 |
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dreameen | ok, lemme see | 07:43 |
wellstevesays | There is no reset to default | 07:43 |
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Pici | Is there an option to set the cdrom as the first boot device? | 07:43 |
wellstevesays | Yes | 07:43 |
wellstevesays | It's already first | 07:44 |
Pici | hm | 07:44 |
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belkin | gunzip is for gz archiver right ? | 07:44 |
belkin | gunzip file.gz right | 07:44 |
belkin | ? | 07:44 |
Byan | belkin: yeah | 07:44 |
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wellstevesays | Byan what am I looking for on the mother board? | 07:46 |
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=== ikonia wakes | ||
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IdleOne | wellstevesays: you sure you want to be playing in there | 07:46 |
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sebsebseb | !ubuntu | 07:47 |
ubotu | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome | 07:47 |
wellstevesays | I dont use the computer anyway | 07:47 |
sebsebseb | !Windows | 07:47 |
ubotu | For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents | 07:47 |
wellstevesays | I would if I could get Ubuntu working on it | 07:47 |
Daynah | I need some help guys. My computer is clicking. :( So loud last night it woke me up. I turned the computer off, and when I awoke in the morning I turned it back on to backup in, assumingly, the last stages of its harddrives last breaths. Ubuntu wouldn't load. I then assumed that it was my main hard drive (not my two others in storage, one just a week old). when I replaced it and booted it up, it still clicked loudly. The Ubuntu live | 07:47 |
ikonia | Daynah: thats a hardware issue, | 07:47 |
Byan | wellstevesays: I have to go to class | 07:47 |
ikonia | nothing to do with ubuntu | 07:47 |
wellstevesays | Alright | 07:47 |
breedarg | ppl just to know which bittorrent client do u use | 07:47 |
ikonia | breedarg: thats just personal preference | 07:48 |
moz | azuereus is the best bit torrent client imo | 07:48 |
shatrat | azureus | 07:48 |
Byan | azuereus++ | 07:48 |
IdleOne | breedarg: azereus is a nice client but there are many others who would say it isnt | 07:48 |
shatrat | Daynah, a lot of times hard drives fail right away, it might be the new one. | 07:48 |
RageAgainstThis_ | does alien convert .deb to rpm as well? | 07:48 |
Byan | ubuntu on wine? thats the only other full client.. | 07:48 |
moz | better off compiling from source | 07:48 |
breedarg | ... yes i think so ... but something wired is happening with my azureus .. my taskbar icon ... isn't working ... i've already activated it | 07:49 |
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Daynah | Shatrat, Thanks. Would it cause Ubuntu not to load during boot up? | 07:49 |
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moz | I forget irc command :( | 07:49 |
moz | s | 07:49 |
TokenBad | ok a friend installed ubuntu from a hoary disk..but he has no X....any help with this? | 07:49 |
Daynah | Shatrat, there is no OS on the new harddrive | 07:49 |
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ikonia | Daynah: thats the problem - its HARDWARE nothing to do with OS | 07:49 |
shatrat | Daynah, possibly. Not sure, ive never had a non-root hard drive croak. Try unplugging it though | 07:49 |
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ikonia | TokenBad: is it installed or not | 07:50 |
breedarg | have any of you tried ubuntu 7.04? | 07:50 |
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=== Arigato [n=William@S0106001731d55e7d.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hamled | I know this is a bit of a silly question, but what package do I need to install to get stdio.h and stuff? For some reason the vmware image I am using doesn't have any of the basic development stuff :(' | 07:50 |
ikonia | breedarg: yes | 07:50 |
TokenBad | ikonia I don't know...how would he tell? | 07:50 |
Arigato | how do I list samba users? | 07:50 |
breedarg | and? ... | 07:50 |
shatrat | Hamled, build-essential? | 07:50 |
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breedarg | anything new yet? | 07:50 |
ikonia | breedarg: and what ? | 07:50 |
ikonia | breedarg: lots of new stuff, but its unstable | 07:50 |
shatrat | Arigato, they should be listed in Places/Network Servers | 07:50 |
Hamled | shatrat, thanks | 07:50 |
breedarg | oh :( | 07:50 |
ikonia | TokenBad: sudo X | 07:50 |
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Daynah | Ikonia, I know :) But when you go for help with hard ware issues to people who don't know stuff about linux they say, "Oh, you use linux. I can't help you." as if it has something to do with anything. ;) | 07:50 |
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ikonia | Daynah: don't talk rubbish a clicking harddrive with no os has nothing to do with windows/linux/mac ox | 07:51 |
SushiP | Quote from my isp "Oh, that linux thing, we don't support it". | 07:51 |
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shatrat | Daynah, usually if a hard drive is gonna croak it does it right away or right after the warranty expries. I bet its the new drive. Just unplug shit till it works (and make sure there isnt like a cable hanging in a fan or something) | 07:51 |
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TokenBad | ikonia checking with him now | 07:52 |
IdleOne | SushiP: you must have comcast because they said the exact same thing to me hehe | 07:52 |
Raffy | O_O | 07:52 |
Raffy | 1028 | 07:52 |
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wellstevesays | Anyone have any ideas why my computer won't boot up from CD ROM drive? | 07:52 |
SushiP | Nah, Bezeqint. | 07:52 |
SushiP | I'm in Israel. | 07:52 |
Daynah | Shatrat, I'm gonna unplug it right now. :) Tell you how it goes in a bit! :D | 07:52 |
breedarg | bios? | 07:52 |
wellstevesays | set | 07:52 |
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ikonia | wellstevesays: not setup in bios, bad cd, unsupported drive | 07:52 |
huascar80 | wellstevesays: bios settings? | 07:52 |
|Shadow| | hmm, i just downloaded ubuntu, burned it to the iso and ubuntu boots from cd fine | 07:52 |
SushiP | IdleOne: Ignorance is a universal thing. | 07:52 |
breedarg | right boot cd? | 07:52 |
|Shadow| | when i go to install it, it gets to 15% and freeze | 07:52 |
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IdleOne | SushiP: indeed | 07:52 |
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wellstevesays | Ikonia | 07:52 |
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ikonia | what | 07:52 |
wellstevesays | Mean I need new CD Drive? | 07:53 |
ikonia | wellstevesays: don't know | 07:53 |
ikonia | wellstevesays: sounds like either a bad cd or a hardware error/config problem | 07:53 |
pbureau | |Shadow|- I had that problem, reboot and do the test on the image from the menu... mine failed, I reburned it again and it worked | 07:53 |
|Shadow| | pbureau ok thanks i'll try that | 07:53 |
wellstevesays | I've also tried that prototype Ubuntu install.exe | 07:53 |
ikonia | wellstevesays: I wouldn't bother with that | 07:53 |
morpheus74 | I installed the openssh package on Edge, and I'm able to connect from my XP home computer to Edge using Putty. However, I canot access Edge outside of my home (i.e. from the office). Any ideas? | 07:54 |
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ikonia | morpheus74: networking ? no incoming nat or portforwarding | 07:54 |
mr_daniel | I am using ubuntu edgy and I have a canon PIXMA iP5200 R printer | 07:54 |
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mr_daniel | I have no linux-drivers for my canon-printer | 07:55 |
shatrat | wellstevesays, there are ways to install from USB disk, or boot from network, but if your PC is having problems even booting from CD I dont know how likely those are. Maybe a boot floppy with grub on it? | 07:55 |
ikonia | mr_daniel: linux driver + cannon are rare | 07:55 |
IdleOne | mr_daniel: then you are SOL canon and linux dont work ( canon's fault ) | 07:55 |
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mr_daniel | so I need to start my vmware-windows everytime to print some file | 07:55 |
TokenBad | ikonia he says command not found | 07:55 |
morpheus74 | ikonia, I'm using a router at home, does that make any difference? | 07:55 |
poningru | wellstevesays: whats the prob? | 07:55 |
wellstevesays | Hm? | 07:55 |
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Keith_S | Morning. | 07:55 |
wellstevesays | Tried everything, my other computer = garbage | 07:55 |
ikonia | morpheus74: no - you still need either natting or port forwarding and a firewall open on the router for ssh | 07:55 |
mr_daniel | is there any solution to print from my linux-dekstop to my canon-printer ? | 07:55 |
IdleOne | mr_daniel: or by a supported printer | 07:55 |
IdleOne | !print | mr_daniel | 07:56 |
ubotu | mr_daniel: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows | 07:56 |
TokenBad | ikonia so if the X command isn't found...how would he install it? | 07:56 |
ikonia | TokenBad: apt-get install xserver-xorg | 07:56 |
TokenBad | answered already | 07:56 |
TokenBad | heheh | 07:56 |
ikonia | mr_daniel: not really | 07:56 |
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mr_daniel | yeah, I know that CUPS ist the standard fr printing for linux | 07:56 |
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mr_daniel | but I am searching for a workaround | 07:56 |
ikonia | mr_daniel: no drivers = tough luck | 07:56 |
mr_daniel | I don't know: is it possible to use windows-server for this | 07:57 |
shatrat | mr_daniel, check linuxprinting.org, but I think youll have trouble. Canon doesnt care much about its customers. there are ltos of inexpensive HP printers with great support though | 07:57 |
pbureau | mr_daniel- opena browser and enter this -> http://localhost:631/ works like a charm, click on printers and add it in | 07:57 |
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ikonia | mr_daniel: if there are window drivers - yes | 07:57 |
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ikonia | pbureau: not without cannon support it doesn't | 07:57 |
IdleOne | mr_daniel: email canon and demand they procide linux drivers for the printer you spent good money on ... | 07:57 |
shatrat | mr_daniel, if you have another windows box that is always on you could put it on that and share it. | 07:57 |
Jowi | mr_daniel, http://openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Canon-PIXMA_iP5000 | 07:57 |
mr_daniel | the config can be: ubuntu-computer <-> windows(-printer-)server <-> canon-printer | 07:57 |
mr_daniel | is a such thing possible | 07:57 |
gareth0 | is there a pci wireless card i can buy that will just work without any config? | 07:57 |
ikonia | mr_daniel: yes | 07:57 |
mr_daniel | the only thing is: the windows-server need to understand my ubuntu-computer | 07:57 |
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ikonia | !hcl >gareth0 | 07:58 |
hjmills | how do i make ls sort numbered files logically so it doesn't go 1, 10, 11 etc but instead is 1, 2, 3 etc | 07:58 |
ikonia | mr_daniel: its just s netbios share | 07:58 |
morpheus74 | ikonia, I'm new to all this, but I tried opening a port, but could not connect. Is there 2 different connections that take place (one inhouse or inside the network, and one out of house or outside the home network)? | 07:58 |
NevroPus | I need some help. The space on top where network-manager and other running programs lay are gone. I accidentely klicked on: "remove from panel" and I can't find it in the list in "add to panel" | 07:58 |
shatrat | mr_daniel, sure that would work. you can use windows file and printer sharing in linux using samba | 07:58 |
ikonia | morpheus74: from the outside world you will need to either have network port forwarding or a natted ip addres | 07:58 |
Pici | hjmills : ls | sort -n | 07:58 |
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hjmills | Pici thanks | 07:59 |
morpheus74 | ikonia, By doing port forwarding r natted ip, am I more open to attacks? | 07:59 |
ikonia | yes | 07:59 |
mr_daniel | ok, thx u all, I will read something about netbios, samba and so on ... thx :) | 07:59 |
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breedarg | is it necessary to use a firewall or an antivirus with linux? | 07:59 |
LjL | breedarg: no | 07:59 |
hjmills | Pici, how would i go about piping the output to mencoder as a list of files on the end? | 07:59 |
xFlux | ..... | 08:00 |
LjL | breedarg: you can if you want to | 08:00 |
HymnToLife | breedarg, you already use a firewall | 08:00 |
ikonia | breedarg: personal choice | 08:00 |
xFlux | Its always necessary to have an AV and a firewall | 08:00 |
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LjL | Ubotu, tell breedarg about virus | breedarg, see the private message from Ubotu | 08:00 |
LjL | Ubotu, tell breedarg about firewall | breedarg, see the private message from Ubotu | 08:00 |
altf2o | firewalls i usually think are a good idea. | 08:00 |
LjL | xFlux: no | 08:00 |
xFlux | whether it's linux, windows or mac | 08:00 |
LjL | HymnToLife: no | 08:00 |
ikonia | xFlux: not all the time | 08:00 |
morpheus74 | ikonia, so how can i stay secure and still allow myself to acces my home computer from work? | 08:00 |
breedarg | ok but it is less likely to be attacked? | 08:00 |
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HymnToLife | LjL, so what is iptables ? a porn viewer ? | 08:00 |
Pici | hjmills : I'm not familiar with mencoder's syntax, sorry | 08:00 |
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xFlux | LjL: If I told my boss that we can axe our AV software under nix, I wouldn't have a job | 08:00 |
ikonia | morpheus74: firewalls, secure configs, | 08:00 |
Jowi | morpheus74, basicly enter the router config and add a portforward rule (also called virtual server in some routers) for port 80 to the computer running the ssh server. I found that setting the port to another one than the default 22 I rarely recieve hack attempts. | 08:00 |
dimeo | morpheus.. ssh | 08:00 |
ikonia | breedarg: no | 08:00 |
metroman | Could someone please give me a direct link to the alternate install CD of 6.10? | 08:01 |
LjL | HymnToLife: surely not a firewall. it's a front-end to netfilter. look up firewall | 08:01 |
thomas_ | hi all | 08:01 |
dimeo | possibly freenx too | 08:01 |
hjmills | Pici, the last argument for the command i am running is a list of the jpeg files produced by the ls | sort -n command | 08:01 |
ikonia | metroman: its on the ubntu.com site | 08:01 |
ikonia | ubuntu.com | 08:01 |
LjL | breedarg: it's less likely to be attacked by viruses, for sure. it also doesn't have many services running by default at all | 08:01 |
breedarg | ok thkx | 08:01 |
SmAcKaSs | I'm working with EDGY and just trying to get my USB flash stick to act as the cdrom drive.... to fool the installer. any help around? | 08:01 |
thomas_ | i have problems with my flash plugin and the sound playback | 08:01 |
breedarg | okk ak | 08:01 |
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dimeo | morpheus... I had to do a reverse ssh from work though... they didn't allow tunnels in | 08:01 |
breedarg | tkx | 08:01 |
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breedarg | thx | 08:01 |
LjL | xFlux: which is quite different from saying that such software is always needed. is that software that check for *linux* or *windows* viruses anyway? | 08:01 |
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morpheus74 | dimeo, What do you mean by reverse ssh? | 08:01 |
NevroPus | I need some help. The space on top where network-manager and other running programs lay are gone. I accidentely klicked on: "remove from panel" and I can't find it in the list in "add to panel". How can I get it back? | 08:01 |
thomas_ | any clue how to fix this | 08:02 |
Pici | hjmills : you could do something like: myprogram -argument $(ls | sort -n) , that will put all the results of the ls into the $( ) | 08:02 |
metroman | Unfortunately, I can't find it. | 08:02 |
xFlux | LjL: There are Linux worms out there in "Real World". Not everything is safe and sound | 08:02 |
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xFlux | Iv'e had 2 in the past month | 08:02 |
hjmills | Pici, ok - thanks :D | 08:02 |
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thomas_ | flahs | 08:02 |
dimeo | morpheus.. I run PUTTY on my windoz machine at work.. and basically log into my laptop at home which is running a ssh server | 08:02 |
thomas_ | !flash | 08:02 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 08:02 |
Daynah | Shatrat, I could kiss you, but you're not in my room. It did said "missing operating system" (previously it said nothing) and there was no clicking so I think I know where to move from here. The new hard drive is the one that I Hitachti when I had to return one under warrenty! I never would have thought to check it... I put it in two weeks ago! No more Hitachi >< Thanks a lot :) | 08:02 |
shatrat | you should cook your food more thoroughly | 08:02 |
metroman | Oh, never mind. I found the thing. | 08:02 |
ubotu | Flash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash | 08:02 |
Jowi | NevroPus, it is called "notification area" | 08:02 |
TokenBad | ikonia get error after installing that and typing sudo X | 08:02 |
SmAcKaSs | I'm working with EDGY and just trying to get my USB flash stick to act as the cdrom drive.... to fool the installer. any help around? | 08:02 |
xFlux | granted it's not as much as 100 that hit our windows servers, but its still there | 08:03 |
ikonia | TokenBad: thats because its not configured | 08:03 |
dimeo | at work I can access files stored at home | 08:03 |
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shatrat | Daynah, hitachi has a bad reputation for hard drives. | 08:03 |
ikonia | TokenBad: have a quick look on the ubuntu wiki on "xorg | 08:03 |
ikonia | xorg" | 08:03 |
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TokenBad | ikonia its something about fonts | 08:03 |
metroman | What should I do if my Ubuntu installation keeps on freezing? | 08:03 |
LjL | xFlux: i still don't see the "always necessary" part | 08:03 |
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dimeo | at home I can use my work computer with VNC as long as the ssh login stays up | 08:03 |
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xFlux | LjL: Security is an "always necessary"....Look for the future, and you can say you don't have to worry | 08:04 |
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Davo818 | how can i do apt-get for asterisk? | 08:04 |
wellstevesays | hmm I got my computer to read my Windows CD | 08:04 |
Daynah | Shatrat, we didn't know it when we bought it... and it was under warrenty so we just got the new one... I don't think it's worth the trouble to get a third hitachi. Good bye torrents of Doctor Who. Hello stable computer! :D | 08:04 |
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wellstevesays | but not Ubuntu :( | 08:04 |
morpheus74 | dimeo, being my ip is dynamic, do I have to do anythign special with the ip address? | 08:04 |
dimeo | try doing a google of | 08:04 |
Jowi | Davo818, "apt-cache search name" | 08:04 |
ubuntu | ihi | 08:04 |
Davo818 | Jowi thnx | 08:04 |
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Jowi | Davo818, then "sudo apt-get install packagename" | 08:04 |
LjL | xFlux: i base my security upon only using gpg signed packages from the official repositories, not from downloading random stuff and hoping some half-working antivirus software catches the worm | 08:05 |
dimeo | dynamic IP name servers: I use bounceme.net | 08:05 |
ikonia | morpheus74: you have to know your ip address | 08:05 |
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fr500 | !nfs | 08:05 |
ubotu | nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS. | 08:05 |
ubuntu | i cant get onto my ubuntu | 08:05 |
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xFlux | LjL: You are also more experienced than most people whom migrate from windows or mac | 08:05 |
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SmAcKaSs | I'm working with EDGY and just trying to get my USB flash stick to act as the cdrom drive.... to fool the installer. any help around? | 08:05 |
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morpheus74 | I went to http://whatismyip.com and it gives me my ip. However, I think this maybe the ip of the router? | 08:05 |
dimeo | you can get a package on ubuntu that always updates your new dynamic ip to your registered domain name | 08:05 |
ubuntu | when i turn my computer it say error 15 | 08:05 |
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ubuntu | can any one help | 08:06 |
bzaks | I just installed tidy for php, can anyone help me get it working? | 08:06 |
LjL | xFlux: as i said, i was debating the "always necessary" | 08:06 |
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dimeo | Morpheus: that works alright unless your IP changes... with my router that could be several times a week | 08:06 |
SmAcKaSs | ubuntu: did you google it? | 08:06 |
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LjL | xFlux: although, to be honest, i don't think i've ever seen a positive report of a virus on this channel | 08:06 |
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bzaks | I just installed tidy for php can anyone help me get it working? | 08:06 |
xFlux | LjL: Thats kind of like saying "I dont set a screensaver password because no one is ever around it" | 08:06 |
dimeo | Its a pain if your router leases a new IP while you're at work... | 08:06 |
molinito | hello | 08:06 |
thomas_ | has nobody the same problem with flash 9.0 and sound | 08:06 |
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LjL | xFlux: rootkit-like things, yes (well, that's still if you do crazy things on your system of course, that no newbie should do) | 08:06 |
ubuntu | dont know what happene to it | 08:06 |
LjL | xFlux: no, it's like saying "i don't set a screensaver password because the door is locked and i'm always there watching" | 08:07 |
bauer77 | you can password protect your screensaver ? j/k | 08:07 |
ikonia | molinito: what ? | 08:07 |
ikonia | bauer77: yes | 08:07 |
xFlux | lol | 08:07 |
bauer77 | I was being sarcastic ikonia | 08:07 |
ikonia | oh | 08:07 |
IdleOne | ubuntu: you need to be more specific..what is happening when you try to boot ubuntu | 08:07 |
tbf | ...let's hope I've got my apt-pinning right now | 08:07 |
Davo818 | i cant even find webmin ? | 08:08 |
dimeo | bauer.. if your pc is unused for a couple minutes you can have it require a password... | 08:08 |
molinito | i have a problem with linux instalation | 08:08 |
ikonia | Davo818: webmin has been removed I think | 08:08 |
ikonia | molinito: what is the problem | 08:08 |
SmAcKaSs | ubuntu: "I've run into Grub #15 before. It means "file not found" basically saying it couldn't find the kernel image" | 08:08 |
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bauer77 | we used to set the click speed of the mouse on windows as high as it would go so nobody could double click and icon, that is when its good to password protect your desktop..lol | 08:08 |
dimeo | bauer: almost as important as chaining down your laptop | 08:08 |
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xFlux | LjL: No sense in debating with you....... Dont look for a nix job anytime soon though, your boss would laugh at that thought :) | 08:08 |
Davo818 | ikonia any reason why? | 08:08 |
molinito | Who is "Could not find Kernel image: rocinante boot:" | 08:08 |
ubuntu | its just when i turn it on it doesnt allow me to go further it hen the start as it says error 15t | 08:08 |
xFlux | and thats not to be discriminating or a one up on you either | 08:08 |
bauer77 | dimeo: I agree | 08:08 |
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ikonia | Davo818: its poor, and insecure | 08:09 |
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bauer77 | the only secure computer is the one thats turned off..hehe | 08:09 |
xFlux | bauer77 has the right idea :) | 08:09 |
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bzaks | can anyone help me figure out how to get PHP to run the Tidy extension I installed with the package manager? | 08:09 |
Ndut2 | hi guys | 08:09 |
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gareth0 | if i buy this will ubuntu linux* just work* on the intenet? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/PCI-wireless-802-11g-WiFi-adapter-Antenna-Vista-Linux_W0QQitemZ270083299880QQihZ017QQcategoryZ45001QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem | 08:09 |
bauer77 | takes a bow | 08:09 |
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molinito | ikonia? | 08:09 |
SmAcKaSs | I'm working with EDGY and just trying to get my USB flash stick to act as the cdrom drive.... to fool the installer. any help around? | 08:09 |
ikonia | ehsy ? | 08:09 |
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SmAcKaSs | anyone? | 08:09 |
ikonia | SmAcKaSs: not really | 08:09 |
bauer77 | SmAcKaSs: still having problems huh, wish I had the brains to help | 08:10 |
SmAcKaSs | ikonia: well ok :) | 08:10 |
ubuntu | its doesnt seem to go to the ubuntu login page | 08:10 |
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molinito | :( | 08:10 |
bauer77 | I still dont understand why you cant just run the boot from your usb, since you said your bios supports booting from usb?? | 08:10 |
Pici | http://kotisivu.suomi.net/oulupophistory/images/2007/Image63.jpg | 08:10 |
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SmAcKaSs | bauer77: if its comforting, i refuse to give up, cause i'm so close | 08:10 |
Pici | oops | 08:11 |
ikonia | bauer77: because thats not how the cd process works | 08:11 |
killaz | today I installed a dual boot Ubuntu 6.06.... because that was the CD I had at that moment, but I was wondering what are the imptovements in 6.10? | 08:11 |
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molinito | what happend to my pc? in the instalation: Could not find kernel image | 08:11 |
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ikonia | molinito: it can't find the kernel image, most probably your cd is corrupt | 08:11 |
killaz | is it worth it to update it to 6.10? | 08:11 |
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SmAcKaSs | Bauer77: well Ubuntu refuses to see the USB AS the cdrom drive | 08:11 |
bauer77 | stability I am sure killaz? | 08:11 |
ikonia | or your running the wrong cd image | 08:11 |
ikonia | SmAcKaSs: rightly so | 08:11 |
molinito | corrupt? | 08:11 |
killaz | bauer77: stability? | 08:11 |
ikonia | molinito: what cd image are you using | 08:11 |
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SmAcKaSs | Bauer77: its mounted there, but it still isn't convinced... still tells me that it can't find a comon cdrom drive | 08:11 |
Outoff | Hi, I have a quick question: I want to try the "install ubuntu from windows" prototype, and I was wondering, if I manually have to create a Partition, or just have the free space Unallocated? | 08:11 |
LjL | killaz: you don't gain money by doing it. so whether it's worth depends on your needs. you can look at the implemented specs for edgy | 08:12 |
cokeslut | hi | 08:12 |
ikonia | SmAcKaSs: because it will reference udev names | 08:12 |
LjL | !edgy >killaz | 08:12 |
shpond | Hi | 08:12 |
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molinito | rocinante. Is a version spanish of linux. it name is MOLINUX | 08:12 |
IdleOne | killaz: worth it? well if you need to but if your running dapper you know it will be supported for the next 3 yrs maybe 4 yrs. I upgraded and it went smooth except for having to sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg-server | 08:12 |
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ikonia | molinito: thats not ubntu - please go find support for molinux | 08:13 |
SmAcKaSs | ikonia: see i'm only a newb still. so i'm just looking for someone who knows to think it though with me. i kno nothing about how ubuntu works with hardware yet | 08:13 |
bzaks | can anyone help me figure out how to get PHP to run the Tidy extension I installed with the package manager? | 08:13 |
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ikonia | SmAcKaSs: thats why I'm telling you | 08:13 |
molinito | no, my cd no is corrupt. in a pc yes instalation and the second pc no instalation | 08:13 |
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slyfox | Please help as no one in Kubuntu can help. maybe someone knows something here: | 08:13 |
ikonia | molinito: are you running ubuntu | 08:13 |
bzaks | can anyone help me figure out how to get PHP to run the Tidy extension I installed with the package manager? | 08:13 |
SmAcKaSs | ikonia: so your saying udev does what? | 08:13 |
slyfox | I think I need to reinstall Kubuntu and NOT update to KDE 3.5.6 Althout that may not be what have casue the problem. None of hte VOIP applicaitons work for me, skype, gizmo, Wengo, none. Skype and Gizmo have choppy sound and wengo phone gives me tiny mickey mouse voice. Help. | 08:13 |
molinito | thank you | 08:13 |
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molinito | ok | 08:13 |
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Pici | molinito : what we're saying is if you arent running ubuntu, we cant help you | 08:13 |
ikonia | the installer will reference device names from udev | 08:13 |
slyfox | Anyone knows anythng about ALSA ? | 08:13 |
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killaz | IdleOne: ok worth it is maybe not the right word, but still IdleOne did you see an improvement? | 08:13 |
bzaks | can anyone help me figure out how to get PHP to run the Tidy extension I installed with the package manager? | 08:13 |
ikonia | therefore your usb stick will never be seen as a cdrom | 08:14 |
ubuntu | does anyone know how to get away from error 15 | 08:14 |
breedarg | molinito: si no estas usando ubuntu no te podemos ayudar | 08:14 |
ikonia | error 15 where ? | 08:14 |
patbam | hi, before i do it, is there any reason to be afraid of installing "alien" and using it to convert rpms, and installing those with dpkg? | 08:14 |
LjL | patbam: yes | 08:14 |
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ikonia | patbam: I think its dirty | 08:14 |
ikonia | and unwise | 08:14 |
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patbam | hmm. | 08:14 |
LjL | patbam: just as there is a reason to be afraid to install packages from Debian. they can break things. | 08:14 |
patbam | i'm trying to install a scanner driver | 08:14 |
bzaks | can anyone help me figure out how to get PHP to run the Tidy extension I installed with the package manager? | 08:14 |
IdleOne | killaz: I did the upgrade because I had nothing to lose and figured why not. improvement in what sense ? does the pc run faster? not really | 08:14 |
LjL | patbam: what scanner? | 08:14 |
patbam | http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=86061 i found it here | 08:15 |
patbam | vt100 | 08:15 |
hjmills | hwo do i remove the last char from a string and add \n in bash? | 08:15 |
cokeslut | not sure | 08:15 |
ikonia | bzaks: I can tell you to stop asking ever 30 seconds | 08:15 |
patbam | epson v100 , sorry | 08:15 |
gareth0 | is this good? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/PCI-wireless-802-11g-WiFi-adapter-Antenna-XP64-Linux_W0QQitemZ270083186855QQihZ017QQcategoryZ45001QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem | 08:15 |
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bzaks | ikonia: well, it does get people's attention! ;) | 08:15 |
ikonia | !hcl >gareth0 | 08:15 |
patbam | heh, not a vt100. a vt100 scanner would scan everything green on black :P | 08:15 |
LjL | patbam: epson is supported by the epson and epkowa SANE drivers, i don't think you need iscan | 08:15 |
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Kanafani | does anybody know what's wrong with Gaim, if the timestamps suddently have disappeared? :/ | 08:15 |
ubuntu | just after you turn the computer on | 08:15 |
ikonia | bzaks: no - it gets you banned or put on ignore | 08:15 |
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bzaks | drag. | 08:15 |
LjL | Ubotu, tell patbam about libsane-extras | patbam, see the private message from Ubotu | 08:15 |
_spaz | hello | 08:15 |
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patbam | LjL: i just installed libsane-extras | 08:16 |
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IdleOne | Kanafani: whats wrong with gaim is it supposed to be emulating aim wich is just wrong because AOL is evil | 08:16 |
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Kanafani | what's even more evil is msn.. :/ | 08:16 |
dimeo | Anyone have a new favourite ubuntu package of the day? | 08:16 |
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ikonia | no | 08:16 |
killaz | I'll just read the release notes..... | 08:16 |
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patbam | i still get "no devices available" when i run xsane | 08:16 |
_spaz | how can i merge two ext3 partitions without deleting data? | 08:16 |
ikonia | _spaz: create a new partition move the data on it, delete the old 2 | 08:16 |
patbam | however, the device does show up in lsusb, fwiw | 08:17 |
NET||abuse | hey guys.. i'm using edgy here, it maybe true in dapper also i don't know, but anyone know why i can't add new icons to the Applications menu? i added Zend Studio but it doesn't show up..?? | 08:17 |
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LjL | patbam: might need to be tweaked a little. i need to go now, however. but make sure epkowa is enabled in /etc/sane.d/dll.conf, and epson is disabled, and check also epkowa.conf to make sure USB is set correctly, if that's a USB scanner | 08:17 |
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killaz | I'm just wondering what the difference is between the two | 08:17 |
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patbam | LjL: thanks for your hints | 08:17 |
Ferret | _spaz: does the total free space n both of them exceed the size of the smallest one? | 08:17 |
shatrat | gareth0, http://www.linuxemporium.co.uk/products/wireless/ according to that it should work in ubuntu | 08:17 |
_spaz | uh... | 08:17 |
_spaz | i dunno | 08:17 |
_spaz | i know one of them is empty | 08:17 |
ikonia | shatrat: I've give him the hcl list - he's just too lazy to look | 08:17 |
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_spaz | lemme rephrase | 08:18 |
gareth0 | thnx shatrat | 08:18 |
_spaz | how do i resize a partition | 08:18 |
Ferret | _spaz: So delete the empty one and use gparted to make the one with data larger | 08:18 |
shatrat | ikonia, hohoho, I get a thnx | 08:18 |
kelsin | _spaz: then you want to delete the parttion of the empty one and then resize the first to be bigger, look into gparted | 08:18 |
_spaz | i'll just delete the empty one | 08:18 |
ikonia | _spaz: unless your using lvm - you don't | 08:18 |
kelsin | _spaz: yeah what Ferret said :) | 08:18 |
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_spaz | k | 08:18 |
_spaz | thanks | 08:18 |
Ferret | ikonia: Lies! | 08:18 |
ikonia | nope | 08:18 |
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linkit | denise | 08:18 |
patbam | epkowa is part of libsane-extras, how can i figure out where it was installed? (i guess it's called epkowa.conf ? ) | 08:18 |
linkit | se ci sei rispondi | 08:18 |
linkit | :D | 08:18 |
Ferret | ikonia: Um, on the grounds I've done it five or six times, the most recent of which was last week... | 08:19 |
IdleOne | !it | 08:19 |
ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 08:19 |
Ferret | ikonia: Lies! | 08:19 |
ikonia | nope | 08:19 |
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ikonia | fact | 08:19 |
ikonia | not advisable | 08:19 |
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kestaz | how to connect ubuntu and window with bluetooth ? | 08:19 |
kestaz | windows* | 08:19 |
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ikonia | kestaz: you need a bluetooth dongle with networking support | 08:19 |
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Outoff | Hi, I have a quick question: I want to try the "install ubuntu from windows" prototype, and I was wondering, if I manually have to create a Partition, or just have the free space Unallocated? (sorry for writing it again...) | 08:20 |
|PiP| | what channel is good for learning shell scripting | 08:20 |
warkruid | kestaz: bluez tools | 08:20 |
killaz | anothger question anyone in here used fs-driver ? | 08:20 |
warkruid | kestaz: bluez.sourceforge.net | 08:20 |
ikonia | Outoff: its a prototype - not sure how it works | 08:21 |
Ferret | |PiP|: None. Use web pages (faqs, wikis, guides) and read existing scripts | 08:21 |
ikonia | Outoff: use the ubuntu boot cd | 08:21 |
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ikonia | the installer.exe is the most pointless thing | 08:21 |
kestaz | warkruid, i know there's bluetooth howto, but i want find something ubuntu specific ;) | 08:21 |
gareth0 | if i use ubuntu, do i have to use gnome? | 08:21 |
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Pici | |PiP| : http://en.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/ | 08:21 |
Outoff | well, i got ubuntu on already, but wanna try the installer.exe :p | 08:21 |
shatrat | gareth0, no, you can use kubuntu, xubuntu, or any other wm | 08:21 |
ikonia | gareth0: no, do some reading on ubuntu.com to learn the basics of what you can / can't do | 08:21 |
Ferret | |PiP|: There should be some good guides in to the topic of the bash channel on freenode, try /topic #bash | 08:21 |
belkin | its the entry in /etc/hosts " also required ? or localhost.localdomain localhost yourmachine.example.com should do ? | 08:21 |
gareth0 | k | 08:21 |
ikonia | Outoff: pointless | 08:21 |
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kestaz | gareth0, no you can use kde, xfce, icewm and everything else | 08:22 |
warkruid | keztaz: sorry don't know ubunu specifics. | 08:22 |
ikonia | belkin: yes | 08:22 |
Outoff | ikonia, sure it is, but gonna try it anyways | 08:22 |
belkin | yes what ? ikonia | 08:22 |
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ikonia | yes the entry in /etc/hosts is needed | 08:22 |
belkin | ikonia whats that required for ? | 08:22 |
belkin | why both ? | 08:22 |
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ikonia | referencing internal coms | 08:22 |
belkin | localhost.localdomain localhost yourmachine.example.com should do | 08:22 |
belkin | ok | 08:22 |
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warkruid | kestaz: I usually compile from source. Works for me | 08:23 |
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kaso | every so-often my sound dies on me, i think it may be related to World of warcraft (via wine) or perhaps flash videos in firefox, but after a certain point i hear nothing till i restart gnome, any ideas anyone? | 08:23 |
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kelsin | kaso: what sound driver are you using with wine, and do you have flash 7 or 9? | 08:24 |
kelsin | kaso: I run wow with the alsa driver just fine, so if you're using the oss one I would suggest to try that | 08:24 |
warkruid | kestaz: pm? | 08:24 |
kestaz | private message | 08:24 |
EniGm0 | kaso: i heard someone had the same problem with flash videos | 08:24 |
Ferret | kaso: I get that with firefox+flash. I run mpd all the time, and when the sound stops I kill firefox and the music starts up again straight away. Talked to some other people and they have the same | 08:24 |
Ferret | kaso: No idea how to fix it though, it hasn't really bothered me that much to try. | 08:25 |
kaso | hmm | 08:25 |
kaso | im using flash 9, and i think the OSS driver is one in wine | 08:25 |
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warkruid | kestaz: yes, what channel/medium? | 08:25 |
christiane | Hello. When I copy text (from Konqueror) and paste it into OpenOffice all the utf8 chars are displayed as if they were 8bit. How to prevent that? | 08:25 |
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kelsin | kaso: yeah my only guess is the alsa thing | 08:25 |
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Ferret | kaso: I run firefox through aoss and mpd is proper alsa. c.c | 08:26 |
kestaz | warkruid, so if share the internet from windows to linux so I need to set listen role tu PANU ? | 08:26 |
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Ferret | kaso: But I think flash circumvents aoss and so doesn't get dmix'd properly. It's all very silly | 08:26 |
gmachine24 | is there somewhere to dl | 08:26 |
gmachine24 | automatix other than the automatix web site which appears to be down | 08:26 |
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Ferret | gmachine24: Good riddance. :) | 08:27 |
gmachine24 | lol ok | 08:27 |
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alberto | HI! | 08:27 |
|Shadow| | dam :( | 08:27 |
kaso | hmm, ill play around a bit in wine. | 08:27 |
|Shadow| | re burned my ubuntu disc, still crashes at 15% | 08:27 |
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alberto | someone usues beryl? | 08:27 |
=== |Shadow| checks the disc for defects again | ||
shatrat | alberto, #ubuntu-xgl | 08:28 |
gmachine24 | in that case i am looking for the software called gnome baker or something similar for burning cds but i can't find the program any hints do i have the name wrong | 08:28 |
slyfox | Guys, how many paritions do you have 2 or 3? /root and /home or /root /home and another parition for all your files? As I understand /home is something not safe to put your files in incase you decide to reinstall OS later on .. ? | 08:28 |
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shatrat | gmachine24, its gnomebacker, maybe you need to enable Universe repositories? | 08:28 |
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killaz | Is it a good idea to use fs-driver to share data between XP and Linux? | 08:28 |
fdoving | slyfox: why /root? - i have one big, / + swap. | 08:28 |
gmachine24 | backer.... not baker is this correct | 08:28 |
Ferret | gnomebaker | 08:28 |
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gmachine24 | as i thought | 08:29 |
metroman | What's the difference between a primary, logical, and extended partition? | 08:29 |
apokryphos | having a seperate /home is also a good idea, a lot of the time | 08:29 |
Ferret | fdoving: Eww, you have a swap partition. ;p | 08:29 |
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|Shadow| | im running the disc checker, and it says some of the files have a mismatch | 08:29 |
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Ferret | One big fat / ftw | 08:29 |
gmachine24 | metro you can look that stuff up on the net | 08:29 |
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slyfox | fdoving: but what if you want to reinstall OS, that means that you will need to back up all your needed files to a sepeara parition or a hard drive, becaue you will want to clen all those settings and otehr stuff for a OS reinstall ? | 08:29 |
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Ferret | slyfox: omg you mean I'd have to use the cp command? Onoes | 08:30 |
fdoving | slyfox: sure, i don't do re-installs, and i do complete backups daily. | 08:30 |
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gmachine24 | to whoever has ubuntu freeze during install -- i had same problem and i had to reburn the install disc from the same iso using a slower write speed..... you might try this | 08:30 |
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Ferret | |Shadow|: ^^ | 08:30 |
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Ferret | Or better, md5sum the .iso file to see if you need to re-download it | 08:31 |
gmachine24 | ok off to find gnomebaker thank you all cheers | 08:31 |
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|Shadow| | sigh, time to download the iso again i guess. | 08:31 |
|Shadow| | yawn, 16 hours. | 08:31 |
slyfox | Ferret: But that is what I am sayin for the cp command, it has to go somewhere, wher to ? Anotehr external hard drive or do you have a seperate partition on your Ubuntu install ? I mena "/" "/swap" "/home" and "/another parition" | 08:31 |
NET||abuse | hi guys.. i'm having issues with Alacarte,, it wont' add anything new to my menus.. i have Zend Studio installed, trying to add a link in the programming menu, just wont,, i point at the startup script for ZDE, but it just won't create a menu item at all | 08:31 |
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NET||abuse | anyone know why this is the case with Alacarte? | 08:32 |
NET||abuse | i am running it as myself, not root, | 08:32 |
pbureau | |Shadow|- dont redownload it (unless you deleted the is) just burn another cd | 08:32 |
NET||abuse | i find that when you uncheck a predefined item, it does show up. | 08:32 |
|Shadow| | pbureau i just did that | 08:32 |
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NET||abuse | but defining a new item like i am now,,, just doesn't want to perform any kind of customisation to the menu at all | 08:32 |
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|Shadow| | 1st disc gets to 15%, freezes. burned it again, second disc also gets to 15% and freezes | 08:32 |
pbureau | |Shadow|- does the cheksum match ? | 08:33 |
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|Shadow| | Checksum finished, 5 checksums failed. | 08:33 |
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|Shadow| | :( | 08:33 |
ProN00b | how can i disable bug buddy ? | 08:33 |
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pbureau | |Shadow|- oh.... yep re-download ... | 08:33 |
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IdleOne | |Shadow|: you on dialup? | 08:33 |
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|Shadow| | IdleOne nope, im on 1mb that peaks at around 9kbps. | 08:34 |
=== |Shadow| sighs | ||
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sMaCk|away | <Leaving> Reason:[auto away after 20 minutes of inactivity] Pager:[off] Time is now: <1:34pm> <UPP> | 08:34 |
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pbureau | |Shadow|- eww... you need a better isp.... I have a 1mb link I get 100-250Kbps | 08:34 |
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|Shadow| | yea i plan to switch as soon as my contract ends | 08:35 |
IdleOne | !away > sMaCk|away | 08:35 |
|Shadow| | dam people, i called them and said that my line was clearly not functioning properly | 08:35 |
|Shadow| | and they told me i had to take apart my phone socket or some stuff, and if it didn't work call them back | 08:35 |
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|Shadow| | so i did that, same problem. called them back and they told me that if they sent me a engineer, and the engineer decided that i hadn't done the tests they told me to do they would charge me 100 | 08:36 |
|Shadow| | :/ | 08:36 |
pbureau | |Shadow|- the joy of copper line speeds... another reason why I have a Wireless ISP | 08:36 |
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|Shadow| | you can get wireless in england? | 08:36 |
pbureau | no sharing with anyone my bandwith | 08:36 |
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pbureau | |Shadow|- dunno I live inusa | 08:36 |
|Shadow| | :( | 08:36 |
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|Shadow| | http://img226.imageshack.us/my.php?image=9kbps2jp2.jpg theres a nice picture for you to laugh at :P | 08:37 |
|Shadow| | took 4 hours to do that speed test, lol. | 08:37 |
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patbam | how come there's no 12-hour option in the clock, heh | 08:37 |
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|Shadow| | hmm, this isn't good either. | 08:38 |
shatrat | patbam, the clock in my gnome-panel is running 12 hours | 08:38 |
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|Shadow| | after the ubuntu linux install failed, it seems to have messed up my GRUB too :( | 08:39 |
Renu_ | i installed azureus on edubuntu but i can not launch it | 08:39 |
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apokryphos | Renu_: what is the error? | 08:39 |
Renu_ | if i hit the frog nothing is happening | 08:39 |
tugrik | excuse me just jumping right in... with ubuntu 6.06 and firefox, sporadically when I click on the link the mouse goes crazy, it'll move randomly, maybe click on another link, or change workspaces, or go to the top right and hide, or bottom right and open the wastebasket... any idea what might be going on? | 08:40 |
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Renu_ | i have edubuntu5.10 | 08:40 |
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patbam | shatrat: huh, weird. is there an option for 24 vs 12 hour time if you right click the time & choose preferences? i just see 24 hr, utc, and internet time | 08:40 |
shatrat | tugrik, one of your friends is connected to your box through VNC without telling you? | 08:40 |
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shatrat | patbam, right click it and its in the preferences | 08:41 |
patbam | shatrat: i guess i have this bug https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/langpack-locales/+bug/34262 | 08:41 |
tugrik | heh shatrat, no, no remote users on the box. And it definitely only happens when i'm using firefox | 08:41 |
sepp | eso es un cagao | 08:41 |
|Shadow| | can anyone help me with this? i tried to install ubuntu (not on my windows drive) and now i cant load up windows anymore | 08:41 |
Renu_ | apokryphos? | 08:41 |
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Miko-Chan | Todays Smilie count is sponsored by Dr Pepper(tm) - Smilie count is 1 | 08:41 |
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shatrat | tugrik, no idea then, doesnt sound at all familiar | 08:41 |
apokryphos | Renu_: so it does launch? | 08:41 |
Renu_ | no | 08:42 |
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patbam | shatrat: i guess ubuntu thinks i'm in newzealand :) | 08:42 |
Miko-Chan | Todays Smilie count is sponsored by Dr Pepper(tm) - Smilie count is 2 | 08:42 |
tugrik | yeah, after looking at the faqs and forums and not seeing anything i guessed i was being a little optimistic | 08:42 |
tugrik | i'll play around a little, see how I get on.... | 08:42 |
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IdleOne | |Shadow|: try http://ftp.wayne.edu/linux_distributions/ubuntu/edgy/ubuntu-6.10-desktop-i386.iso 900kbps right now | 08:42 |
=== patbam resigns himself to having ot SUBTRACT 12 until he has time to figure it out :P | ||
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|Shadow| | IdleOne thanks, its giving me a stable 10kbps | 08:43 |
|Shadow| | lol | 08:43 |
Miko-Chan | Todays LOL count is 1, sponsored by Cadburys, The nations favourite! | 08:43 |
apokryphos | Renu_: you said the frog comes up | 08:43 |
Miko-Chan | Todays Smilie count is sponsored by Dr Pepper(tm) - Smilie count is 3 | 08:43 |
IdleOne | |Shadow|: lmao | 08:43 |
Renu_ | yes | 08:43 |
shatrat | patbam, I hear its nice there. | 08:43 |
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|Shadow| | oh wait, 12... | 08:43 |
|Shadow| | 12.2 :o | 08:43 |
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zbadone | Im running Ubutun 6.1 as a samba/cups server for my printers, it's not working any more? any ideas? | 08:43 |
Renu_ | hoe i check it in a terminal? | 08:43 |
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zbadone | cups?? | 08:44 |
=== SeanTater thanks apokryphos | ||
Renu_ | apokryphos:how i check it in a terminal? | 08:44 |
apokryphos | Renu_: type azureus in the terminal | 08:44 |
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zbadone | something about the backend not working? | 08:44 |
Renu_ | command not found | 08:45 |
Renu_ | i type sudo azureus | 08:45 |
apokryphos | Renu_: why would you need to run it with sudo? | 08:45 |
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IdleOne | |Shadow|: does dcc go any faster for you or same speeds? | 08:45 |
apokryphos | do not do that, especially for graphical applications | 08:45 |
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Renu_ | same without sudo | 08:45 |
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apokryphos | Renu_: dpkg -L azureus|grep bin ? | 08:45 |
zbadone | anyboduy having troubles with cups and the backend not working? | 08:45 |
zbadone | either form USB or Para printers? | 08:46 |
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shatrat | zbadone, can you still print locally? | 08:46 |
zbadone | no | 08:46 |
pbureau | zbadone- open a browser and enter http://localhost:631/ and see whats up | 08:46 |
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zbadone | I have done that, I install the printers but it fails with the backend | 08:46 |
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pbureau | zbadone- not a cannon is it ? | 08:47 |
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zbadone | nomego, both are HP | 08:47 |
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zbadone | I had them working before but I think after an upgrade they stopped working | 08:47 |
Renu_ | it said that is not installed | 08:47 |
zbadone | no they are installed, but it says the backend failed | 08:48 |
wikiadm | anybody ever setup sympa? | 08:48 |
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zbadone | I look in /usr/lib/cups/backend and run each of the file, usb, para | 08:48 |
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andriijas | i really need a noobie guide on how to setup NAT on ubuntu, please | 08:49 |
hydoskee | hi, my machine can ping numerical ip addresses, and resolve anything I put into the "host" command to an ip address, but I can't visit websites or ping website names - what's the missing piece here? | 08:49 |
andriijas | i cant get iptables to work properly | 08:49 |
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pbureau | hydoskee- dns | 08:49 |
pate4ever | hi | 08:49 |
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hydoskee | pbureau- I know, but it's clearly working because the 'host' command is working, so how do I get it to resolve between the two | 08:49 |
hydoskee | pbureau - it's a desktop machine, not a server | 08:49 |
minimec | hydoskee: Wil need to put a nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf ;) | 08:49 |
pbureau | hydoskee- when you check your netwrok card setting do you see a DNS entry for your isp ? if not add it in instead of dhcp | 08:50 |
jojoman02_2 | anyone know how to make a deb | 08:50 |
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hydoskee | pbureau- I do see that | 08:50 |
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pbureau | <- whishes he could say what minimec said so easily...lol | 08:51 |
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pbureau | <- hates being french sometimes | 08:51 |
hydoskee | pbureau- the dhcp/dns servers on the network are broadcast and picked up correctly | 08:51 |
minimec | pbureau: THX ;) | 08:51 |
=== erUSUL [n=erUSUL@32.Red-88-0-155.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pbureau | hydoskee- cat /etc/resolv.conf are there in there ? | 08:51 |
hydoskee | minimec - the resolv.conf looks corect | 08:51 |
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hydoskee | pbureau - yes | 08:51 |
pbureau | lol | 08:51 |
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wraith | Hi, are yee all ubuntu users? | 08:52 |
pbureau | so you can ping the dns server ? | 08:52 |
pate4ever | oh no i think i am probably having the same problem as hydoskee | 08:52 |
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hydoskee | pbureau - yes | 08:52 |
IdleOne | wraith: probably not all | 08:52 |
thomas_ | could someone help me fix the sound problem with flash | 08:52 |
hydoskee | pbureau - but only by ip, not by name | 08:52 |
pbureau | wraith- nope, were all windows users trying to look smart - heres your card! | 08:52 |
wraith | Ah, you guys have ran into DNS problems with ubuntu? I know how to fix that. | 08:52 |
minimec | jojoman02_2: are you compile something from source? then you can use checkinstall at the place of make install. | 08:52 |
minimec | hydoskee: so you have a nameserver listed there? | 08:53 |
=== caplink811-log [n=caplink8@dslb-088-073-146-210.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pbureau | hydoskee- ask wraith he just volunteered to fix it | 08:53 |
hydoskee | minimec - yes, again | 08:53 |
wraith | thomas, google "ubuntu guide" and click the top link, you'll find the answer in that page. | 08:53 |
hydoskee | wraith - what's the fix here? | 08:53 |
KDan | i'm running ubuntu edgy... why does firefox-bin regularly shoot up to 80%+ of cpu with no apparent reason for that? | 08:53 |
KDan | it goes back down after a few seconds | 08:53 |
minimec | jojoman02_2: you will need to install the package, I think. | 08:53 |
KDan | often it happens while i'm scrolling and the scrolling hangs | 08:53 |
=== varun [n=varun@cpe-76-166-46-96.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wraith | hydoskee, is it that your box isnt setup to resolve website addresses? As in they take ages to load? | 08:53 |
pbureau | KDan- joy of flash stuff | 08:54 |
KDan | pbureau: it's flash related? | 08:54 |
minimec | hydoskee: Try to reload the network sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart | 08:54 |
varun | anyone find flash using up a lot of CPU with beryl/compiz ? | 08:54 |
hydoskee | wraith - they don't load, the host command correctly resolves names to ip's, but it doesn't happen automatically in webpages | 08:54 |
hydoskee | minimec- already done, and restarted physically too | 08:54 |
varun | is there a fix to that ? | 08:54 |
pbureau | KDan- I noticed it mostly when flash stuff going on web pages, but I could be wrong | 08:54 |
hydoskee | minimec- that doesn't do it | 08:54 |
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pate4ever | hey guys, i have properly installed my wireless card but i have no idea how to set up the wireless network. Can someone guide me to a website or give me help with that? | 08:55 |
minimec | hydoskee: Can you ping the nameserver? | 08:55 |
wraith | You'll need to edit three places: /etc/resolv.conf, put your dns servers in there at the top) then go to /etc/dhcp3/dhclient-script and comment out the firstsegement of code there | 08:55 |
pbureau | pate4ever- WPA, WEP network ?? | 08:55 |
hydoskee | minimec- yes | 08:55 |
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KDan | pate4ever: there's a big section in the ubuntu help about wireless nets | 08:55 |
varun | page4ever: use network-manager (apt-get install network-manager) ;-) | 08:55 |
varun | it's pretty sweet | 08:55 |
metroman | How do I stop Firefox from crashing on websites with Flash? | 08:55 |
Jim56342 | Hi guys: having a few problems getting a PCI modem to work on 6.06 - can anyone help? | 08:55 |
pate4ever | varun: i will try the network-manager | 08:55 |
wraith | That code is the one that alters your resolv.conf fil. | 08:55 |
pate4ever | thanks! | 08:55 |
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minimec | hydoskee: Hmmm... How can that be? | 08:56 |
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varun | anybody here use beryl/compiz ?? | 08:56 |
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hydoskee | minimec - I don't know, but I can ping the nameserver by ip address but not name | 08:56 |
shatrat | varun, #ubuntu-xgl | 08:56 |
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gb__ | hi | 08:56 |
varun | gotcha | 08:56 |
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pate4ever | pbureau: i don't even know the difference between a WPA and a WEP | 08:56 |
Tru7h | Dunno if anybody here knows anything about Knoppix, but my USB flash drive won't work in it. Works fine in WinXP and Ubuntu. | 08:56 |
gb__ | varun nice name | 08:56 |
minimec | hydoskee: BUt we all agree in here, that you have a nameserver problem, don't we? | 08:56 |
wraith | <metroman>: google "ubuntu guide" and go to the top link, I already told you that | 08:56 |
gb__ | Tru7h: hi | 08:57 |
pbureau | pate4ever- then check the router settings should tell you. ;) | 08:57 |
wraith | you'll find your answer there | 08:57 |
gb__ | Tru7h: after connecting, open konsole | 08:57 |
gb__ | type fdisk -l | 08:57 |
pate4ever | pbureau: okay brb | 08:57 |
gb__ | does it ur flash disk there? | 08:57 |
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varun | gb__: thanks | 08:57 |
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KDan | pbureau: hmm, there's no flash open and it still does it.. | 08:57 |
Tru7h | gb__: Nope. | 08:57 |
KDan | could be a residual bit of flash of course | 08:57 |
minimec | hydoskee: You are in a LAN you said? | 08:57 |
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hydoskee | minimec - yes | 08:58 |
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guhase | can someone help me figure out why sound isn't working on my system? alsamixer has the soundcard detected with mixer settings and all... but gnome, kde and apps dont see it. | 08:58 |
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wikiadm | anybody ever setup sympa | 08:58 |
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Plaguez | <hydosec> go to your router homepage and set the dns servers listed there in resolv.conf, then edit the /etc/dhcp3/dhclient-script file, like I told you. | 08:59 |
gb__ | Tru7h: which Ver? | 08:59 |
juan | necesito ver .avi | 08:59 |
gb__ | guhase: mute? | 08:59 |
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Tru7h | gb__: I'm actually not sure which version it is. How do I check? | 08:59 |
|Shadow| | lol IdleOne thanks for the offer, but it'll still go at 10kbps | 08:59 |
minimec | hydoskee: I have no other idea... Does the nameserver have access through the firewall? NAmeservers use an other port, I think. | 08:59 |
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|Shadow| | my connection is bad. | 08:59 |
guhase | gb__: no, unmuted all of them | 08:59 |
IdleOne | |Shadow|: never know :/ | 09:00 |
Plaguez | <hydosec>, I had the same problems myself | 09:00 |
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guhase | hmm, actually running stuff with sudo lets the apps SEE the soundcard | 09:00 |
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|Shadow| | IdleOne http://img226.imageshack.us/my.php?image=9kbps2jp2.jpg belive me, i know :P | 09:00 |
guhase | but i set a+rw to /dev/dsp already | 09:00 |
guhase | so why is it happeing? | 09:00 |
hydoskee | minimec- no firewall, all my DNS is here on the local network | 09:00 |
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__david | Is it possible to downscale an xserver? | 09:01 |
Plaguez | Am I uted? lol | 09:01 |
hydoskee | minimec- I've got two nameservers running (primary and backup) | 09:01 |
Plaguez | Am I muted? lol | 09:01 |
pate4ever | pbureau: where do you see if it's a WPA or WEP? | 09:01 |
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dimeo | is WPA very crackable? | 09:01 |
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dimeo | I undertstand that a kiddie haxxor can get around WEP | 09:01 |
minimec | hydoskee: Sorry. I would like to help you, but I guess I cannot... | 09:01 |
ctkroeker | ubuntu doesn't recognize my sound cards. "sudo asoundconf list" gives me nothing | 09:01 |
__david | i.e. if I have an xserver running at 640x480, can I have it output at 640x320 | 09:02 |
=== Anomaly [n=anomaly@user-3e88ea1a.telcl24.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xtknight | __david, type xrandr -q to see available modes | 09:02 |
Plaguez | dimeo, am I muted? | 09:02 |
juan | need help | 09:02 |
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_Jaak_ | i am using killall to shut down a non-root app, is there another way? | 09:02 |
IdleOne | Plaguez: no you arent | 09:02 |
adaptr | __david: simultaneously ? | 09:02 |
dimeo | plaguez... not to me! | 09:02 |
Plaguez | ok | 09:02 |
xtknight | __david, you can also add a modeline for 640x320 if it does not exist | 09:02 |
juan | i want to see avi | 09:02 |
adaptr | _Jaak_: not if it's not your app | 09:02 |
shatrat | _Jaak_, if is graphical you can use "xkill" and click on its window | 09:02 |
Anomaly | hi - when I run glxinfo, I get: X Error of failed request: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation) | 09:02 |
IdleOne | !dvd > juan | 09:02 |
__david | xtknight: I want to run 4 xnests within an xserver running at 1280x720 | 09:02 |
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Anomaly | what's wrong :/ | 09:02 |
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__david | xtknight: and the xnests will be running apps that always run at 640x480 | 09:03 |
Plaguez | If any one needs help with ubuntu, ask me in dials. | 09:03 |
xtknight | __david, er i think so. just execute xrandr -s <mode> to change the resolution of one of the Xs. | 09:03 |
adaptr | __david: presumably you can set any combination you need | 09:03 |
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dimeo | no opinions for me as to if WPA is much safer than WEP or not? | 09:03 |
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__david | will it downscale correctly so that the displays look ~correct | 09:03 |
_Jaak_ | adaptr, it's my app | 09:03 |
adaptr | __david: there is even an xnest to emulate mobile phones and pda screens | 09:03 |
juan | yes | 09:03 |
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Pici | _Jaak_ : you could do kill <pid> | 09:04 |
pbureau | dimeo- WPA isa different encryption yes, better unknown... | 09:04 |
adaptr | _Jaak_: kill -15 pid would be "nicer" | 09:04 |
__david | adaptr--does it downscale? basically, I want to run 4 instances of starcraft on a single screen | 09:04 |
juan | idleone i need to see | 09:04 |
IdleOne | Plaguez: this is the help channel. any help you can give to a user in here may be helpful to others alsoso why not try helping out in here :) | 09:04 |
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adaptr | _Jaak_: and up it to kill -9 if that doesn't work | 09:04 |
cokeslut | sup | 09:04 |
__david | that are scaled down to run at 640x360 | 09:04 |
IdleOne | juan: see what?> | 09:04 |
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shatrat | dimeo, I believe wpa is just wep with automatically changing keys. | 09:04 |
Plaguez | Idleone, I did, as wraith, but no one seemed to listen. | 09:04 |
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adaptr | __david: AFAIUI, they will be "real" resolutions | 09:04 |
Anomaly | when I run glxinfo, I get: X Error of failed request: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation) - anyone know how to fix? | 09:04 |
cokeslut | I'll soon find out | 09:04 |
adaptr | shatrat: not at all, at least, not WPA2 | 09:05 |
Plaguez | This guy <hydoseek> with dns problems, doesn't listen :-( | 09:05 |
juan | i can see dvd | 09:05 |
shatrat | adaptr, great, enlighten us :) | 09:05 |
__david | adaptr: I was hoping for every fourth line to just be dropped, or something like that | 09:05 |
adaptr | shatrat: WEp "security" is a bit of an oxymoron :) | 09:05 |
_Jaak_ | thanks guys | 09:05 |
cikilin | hello;how i resolv this-Failed to fetch http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/dists/breezy/free/binary-amd64/Packages.gz 404 Not Found | 09:05 |
cikilin | ? | 09:05 |
ctkroeker | ubuntu doesn't recognize my sound cards. "sudo asoundconf list" gives me nothing | 09:05 |
pbureau | I use WPA PSK because my wireless heaset uses WEP and there was interference between it and the router | 09:05 |
adaptr | shatrat: wikipedia should have all the details of the protocols | 09:05 |
IdleOne | Plaguez: probably because the help you gave out wasnt very helpful. pointing to a website and saying go there and find the answer isnt always tyhe best way especially for a newb :) | 09:05 |
guhase | hmm, my user wasn't in the audio group. guess that was it. restarting to find out | 09:06 |
=== Tschaka^ [n=tschaka@p54B38E8E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pbureau | ctkroeker- lspci does your sound card show there ? | 09:06 |
adaptr | cikilin: breezy: old | 09:06 |
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cikilin | ? | 09:06 |
cikilin | dont get it breezy: old | 09:06 |
adaptr | that's a breezy repo you're trying to address, and since it's 3rd party it may not be current on that | 09:06 |
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ctkroeker | Audio device: VIA Technologies, Inc. VIA High Definition Audio Controller | 09:06 |
adaptr | being over 18 months old | 09:06 |
Plaguez | I told him where to find the solution, since its in a text file, I'd hardly copy and paste it all in here. | 09:06 |
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cikilin | and how i do it corect? | 09:07 |
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Plaguez | If any one needs help with ubuntu, ask me in dials. | 09:07 |
Plaguez | :=] | 09:07 |
adaptr | cikilin: do you actually *run* breezy >? | 09:07 |
minimec | hydoskee: Well... You are not alone. http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-337351.html | 09:07 |
cikilin | edubuntu 5.10 | 09:07 |
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adaptr | cikilin: why not upgrade to dapper at least ? | 09:07 |
=== IdleOne gives up | ||
cikilin | how i do it? | 09:07 |
adaptr | cikilin: apt-get dist-upgrade | 09:07 |
=== toM|vendettA [n=tommyv@AC809447.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pbureau | watches the can of worm openin adaptr 's hands... lol | 09:08 |
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cikilin | from synaptic? | 09:08 |
adaptr | pbureau: not recommended ? | 09:08 |
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adaptr | cikilin: not from synaptic, no | 09:08 |
cikilin | ok | 09:08 |
pbureau | adaptr- sure why not... | 09:08 |
adaptr | cikilin: either use apt-get or update-manager | 09:08 |
ctkroeker | any help? | 09:08 |
adaptr | pbureau: that's unhelpfully vague | 09:09 |
selinuxium | Hi all, I have an old box that I have set up as an Ubuntu webserver. It has two ethernet cards in (at the moment). I want to use the webserver as the proxy and allow my workstation to NAT through it. How do I go about setting this up? | 09:09 |
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adaptr | ctkroeker: you need the Intel HDA module, probably | 09:09 |
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cikilin | same:W: Couldn't stat source package list http://packages.freecontrib.org breezy/free Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/packages.freecontrib.org_ubuntu_plf_dists_breezy_free_binary-amd64_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 09:09 |
ctkroeker | how do I get it? | 09:09 |
adaptr | ctkroeker: if it works at all, which is a toss up | 09:09 |
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adaptr | cikilin: have you modified your sources ? | 09:10 |
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cikilin | no | 09:10 |
ctkroeker | it worked, but after I tried to get my sound blaster to work, it wasn't recognized anymore | 09:10 |
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adaptr | ctkroeker: that's essential information you're suppressing... | 09:10 |
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ctkroeker | yeah, but the main thing is that it get's recognized and I can enable it | 09:11 |
cikilin | i changed extrarepositories | 09:11 |
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adaptr | cikilin: so you have modified your sources | 09:11 |
cikilin | yes | 09:12 |
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Ignite | !ati | 09:12 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 09:12 |
guhase | Why does my sound not work... i have alsa working, apps see the card, i have unmuted all of the stuff in alsamixer. but still i get no sound :/ | 09:12 |
cikilin | adaptr:what should i do? | 09:12 |
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=== Anomaly slaps Ignite with a fish | ||
adaptr | cikilin: tried #edubuntu ? | 09:13 |
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adaptr | cikilin: I've never used it | 09:13 |
cikilin | i have dapper on a cd but is not installing | 09:14 |
cikilin | ok | 09:14 |
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codi | i'm in my fstab right now, trying to have a drive mounted on startup. i've got /dev/hdb1 /media/Backup so far. now what? it's an ntfs drive | 09:15 |
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laz0r | hi, anyone with a nforce 650i chipset running linux in here? | 09:15 |
_Jaak_ | is the pid always the same? | 09:15 |
codi | i had help from maddash yesterday, but had to reinstall | 09:15 |
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bobdobbs | can anyone help me isolate a problem, system hangs after login for my main user, but I can login with a new user, any idea why? | 09:17 |
bobdobbs | or how I could find why? | 09:17 |
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Drel3 | where i can put xmms to be dafault player for mp3 | 09:17 |
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pbureau | bobdobbs- you have a /home directory for main user | 09:19 |
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bobdobbs | pbureau: yeah | 09:20 |
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bobdobbs | it worked fine for quite a while | 09:20 |
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ctkroeker | adaptr: u still arround | 09:20 |
adaptr | yes | 09:21 |
=== MuffY [n=chatzill@s55928932.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
adaptr | bobdobbs: what's the difference between hte users ? | 09:21 |
SmashCat | Hello, anyone know where I set up the spamassassin config (changing scores) on Ubuntu? There's a file at /etc/spamassassin/v310.pre that has a comment saying it's the right place, but it does nothing (scores still the same after restart). | 09:21 |
MuffY | !wireless | MuffY | 09:21 |
ubotu | MuffY: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 09:21 |
Drel3 | where i can put xmms to be dafault player for mp3 | 09:21 |
ctkroeker | do I have to load the module with modprobe? and which module? | 09:21 |
fotoflo__ | hey , what do i use to read chm files? | 09:21 |
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bobdobbs | adaptr: simple, I just created one, and the other has been in use for about 2 months | 09:22 |
fotoflo__ | hey all, what do i use to read chm files in ubuntu? | 09:22 |
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bobdobbs | adapter: I changed a few things in main account, but I have no idea what is so different about them that one fails | 09:23 |
adaptr | bobdobbs: that tells me nothing about their differences | 09:23 |
Jac1 | hello everyone, I just downloaded the ubuntu live cd (Using Windows, boo), can anyone help me install it | 09:23 |
bobdobbs | as far as login, at start up the main account launches gaim, that's about it | 09:23 |
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adaptr | bobdobbs: investigate groups, login properties, home directory contetns (bashrc, profile etc.) | 09:24 |
pbureau | Jac1- burn it ona cd and reboot with it | 09:24 |
adaptr | bobdobbs: that may very well do it - take it out of startup | 09:24 |
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Jac1 | pbureau, i did, but nothing happens, i have tried changing the boot order but it just boots windows from the hardrive | 09:24 |
bobdobbs | adaptr: I have been trying to go thru home directories, but it's quite a bit of info, was hoping for more direction... | 09:25 |
SmAcKaSs | If i install dapper, how easy is an upgrade to edgy? does it consist of reinstalling the OS ?? | 09:25 |
Outoff | anyone knows what error 17 is; "GRUB loading, please wait..." | 09:25 |
Outoff | when I reboot my computer | 09:25 |
Outoff | and have to get rid of it :) | 09:25 |
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bobdobbs | I know there is a problem with fonts for the main account. there used to be a problem trying to load wacom, which I don't use... | 09:26 |
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juan | thanks i will try to solve the problem | 09:26 |
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IdleOne | fotoflo__: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML_help scroll down a little there is a solution for linux | 09:26 |
bobdobbs | is there a user specific file that points to font location? | 09:26 |
adaptr | bobdobbs: without clear errors there's not much I can do about that... | 09:26 |
juritmix | hi | 09:26 |
adaptr | bobdobbs: there *can* be | 09:26 |
juritmix | i need something for drawing in ubuntu | 09:26 |
bobdobbs | that's the problem for me too, no clear error | 09:27 |
IdleOne | fotoflo__: $ sudo apt-get install libchm-bin | 09:27 |
IdleOne | $ extract_chmLib tero.chm tero/ | 09:27 |
bobdobbs | it just hangs on account start up | 09:27 |
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fotoflo__ | IdleOne, cool thanks | 09:27 |
IdleOne | np | 09:27 |
bobdobbs | adaptr: if there was user-specific font paths, any idea where that would be? | 09:27 |
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IdleOne | fotoflo__: read that link though has more help | 09:28 |
adaptr | bobdobbs: the wacom drivers are in xorg.conf for the covenience of laptop users - they *always* fail on a desktop, it's not an error | 09:28 |
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SmAcKaSs | If i install dapper, how easy is an upgrade to edgy? does it consist of reinstalling the OS ?? | 09:28 |
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adaptr | bobdobbs: not right off, but I could look around (or you could google - even odds which one is fatsest :) | 09:28 |
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bobdobbs | adaptr: yeah, I kfiggured out wacom, just disabled them | 09:28 |
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adaptr | SmAcKaSs: not at all, if you upgrade a clean dapper to edgy you'll download approx. 1GB of packages, one reboot, and you're done | 09:29 |
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wolfjb | My system was giving me lots of errors trying to apt-get update and gnome wasn't working well, so I deleted .gconf* .gnome*, now my laptop buttons don't work. how can I get them to work again without having to reinstall edgy? | 09:29 |
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hola | aloo | 09:29 |
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hola | ai alguien ke avle espaol? | 09:29 |
IdleOne | SmAcKaSs: takes about 3 hours depending on speed | 09:29 |
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shatrat | hola, #ubuntu-es | 09:29 |
adaptr | SmAcKaSs: might even be less than 1GB, it was 1440MB for me, with many apps installed | 09:29 |
SmAcKaSs | adaptr: oh thank god. :) oh, and you | 09:29 |
SmAcKaSs | adaptr: ty | 09:30 |
_Jaak_ | i mad an sh script, it has to run a couple commands, but it's stops after one of them because... that app doesn't finish, but how do i make them followup anyway? | 09:30 |
hola | 09:30 | |
hola | ai alguien ke sepa albar espaol? | 09:30 |
adaptr | IdleOne: 3 HOURS ? yo're kidding - it was done in 20 minutes for me, add 30 minutes downloading and it's under one hour | 09:30 |
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shatrat | !es|hola | 09:30 |
xtknight | !es | hola | 09:30 |
hola | iio se ablar en sdpaol | 09:30 |
ubotu | hola: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda. | 09:30 |
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hola | yo diji aloo! | 09:30 |
adaptr | _Jaak_: do they have to run sequentially ? | 09:31 |
Jac1 | can anyone help me with teh desktop CD? | 09:31 |
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wolfjb | My system was giving me lots of errors trying to apt-get update and gnome wasn't working well, so I deleted .gconf* .gnome*, now my laptop buttons don't work. how can I get them to work again without having to reinstall edgy? | 09:31 |
_Jaak_ | adaptr, yes, (app1; app2;) | 09:32 |
belkin | anyone using roundcube ? i can read mails while usign it buy cannot send | 09:32 |
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adaptr | _Jaak_: then OR them together, so the second will run even if the first fails | 09:32 |
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codi | i have a couple mounting questions | 09:32 |
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_Jaak_ | adaptr, OR? sorry (seminoob here) | 09:33 |
adaptr | _Jaak_: what do you mean by "the app does not finish" ? does it crash, or run forever ? teh first needs fixing, the second needs proper execution | 09:33 |
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codi | one, i have mounted an ntfs drive into /media/Backups and it shows up on my desktop as 'New Volume', any way to change that to say 'Backup' ?? | 09:33 |
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adaptr | if it really never finishes, you should not run it in a batch file... | 09:33 |
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adaptr | codi: right click, rename ? | 09:34 |
wolfjb | My system was giving me lots of errors trying to apt-get update and gnome wasn't working well, so I deleted .gconf* .gnome*, now my laptop buttons don't work. how can I get them to work again without having to reinstall edgy? | 09:34 |
codi | option is grayed out | 09:34 |
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_Jaak_ | adaptr, run forever ( metacity --replace; mythfrontend; ) metacity runs forever so myth doesn't start, i made this to temp start metacity instead of beryl | 09:34 |
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Jac1 | can anyone help me boot Ubuntu from the Desktop CD Please? I'm not quite sure what I'm doing :P | 09:35 |
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adaptr | _Jaak_: *NEVER* run a window manager this way | 09:35 |
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adaptr | _Jaak_: it won't start metacity "temporarily" - it will run *both* | 09:36 |
pogogod | hello could someone help me please i am having all the trouble in the world to connect my lexmark E230 to ubuntu I got it programmed before but all it printed was mumbo jumbo.\ | 09:36 |
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SecrethX | hmm.. where is that other dutch guy? | 09:36 |
adaptr | _Jaak_: does metacity start and beryl exit when you run this with beryl running? | 09:36 |
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adaptr | zaggy ? | 09:37 |
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_Jaak_ | adaptr, :S, oh, but how do i get (killall beryl-manager; metacity --replace; mythfrontend; beryl-manager; beryl --replace;) | 09:37 |
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Ferret | There are 27 people with .nl addresses in here currently. ;p | 09:37 |
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_Jaak_ | adaptr, i can add killall beryl too =D | 09:37 |
SecrethX | Ferret speedlinq.nl | 09:37 |
adaptr | _Jaak_: does your current script stop beryl? | 09:37 |
pogogod | hello could someone help me please i am having all the trouble in the world to connect my lexmark E230 to ubuntu I got it programmed before but all it printed was mumbo jumbo.???? | 09:37 |
crazy_penguin | has problems anyone with using the nonfree flash plugin with firefox after update? | 09:37 |
_Jaak_ | no only the manager | 09:38 |
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codi | ok, so i guess that's not going to happen. what about a usb drive that automounts, but is not in the fstab. but i want it to be so i can read/write with ntfs-3g, can i just install it | 09:38 |
johnn | pogogod http://openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Lexmark-E230 | 09:38 |
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nofxx | Hello!! xD I'm using ubuntu 6.10 with ltsp... when some clients with a ecs mb semprom 64 AM2 tries to connect I get a ACPI: Getting cpuindex acpiid 0x1 .... then Kernel panic... and the thin client won't boot..... I don't have idea what it is... please help | 09:38 |
adaptr | _Jaak_: in that case, kill beryl (NOT with killall! use proper methods FGS), and start metacity in the background | 09:38 |
pogogod | thanks john ill give it a try | 09:38 |
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ShadowX | anyone know of a way to open .cab files? | 09:39 |
Ferret | cabextract | 09:39 |
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ShadowX | command line or gui based? | 09:39 |
mick666 | hello | 09:39 |
adaptr | !cabextract | 09:39 |
ubotu | cabextract: a program to extract Microsoft Cabinet files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1-1 (edgy), package size 43 kB, installed size 144 kB | 09:39 |
Ferret | ShadowX: If you use a gui-based archive viewer, it'll probably use cabextract if it's installed | 09:40 |
trandism | !ccze | 09:40 |
ubotu | ccze: A robust, modular log coloriser. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.2.1-1.2 (edgy), package size 67 kB, installed size 204 kB | 09:40 |
adaptr | it's even smaller than the MS official program :) | 09:40 |
Jim56342 | Guys: I am a complete noob, trying to compile a driver in Ubuntu. I know I need to download something before I can compile the driver, but cannot remember what that something was. Any suggestions? | 09:40 |
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adaptr | Jim56342: is there no driver already available ? | 09:40 |
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Jim56342 | No its a driver for a winmodem | 09:40 |
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adaptr | Jim56342: this question is so important that you should invest at least a DAY into finding a ready-made driver before trying to "build your own" | 09:41 |
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wolfjb | how to get gconf configured correctly? | 09:41 |
adaptr | have you tried linmodem.org ? | 09:41 |
Jim56342 | adaptr: ive been to the linmodem site | 09:41 |
Jim56342 | and ive downloaded the driver file | 09:41 |
adaptr | well, if you're sure... you need build-essential to build software | 09:41 |
Jim56342 | just need to compile it | 09:41 |
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adaptr | have you compiled stuff before ? | 09:42 |
Jim56342 | LOL adaptr I might be digging my own grave here | 09:42 |
Jim56342 | Nothing before | 09:42 |
Jim56342 | Ive got step by step instrcutions | 09:42 |
adaptr | so how could you "remebmer" that you need something ? | 09:42 |
Jim56342 | just need to install something to Ubuntu first to get it to work? | 09:42 |
adaptr | !build | 09:42 |
ubotu | Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 09:42 |
Ferret | Does build-essential include kernel headers? | 09:42 |
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adaptr | it should | 09:42 |
erUSUL | Ferret: no | 09:42 |
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trandism | Ferret, no i believe it does not | 09:42 |
adaptr | it *should*, really - and glibc dev | 09:43 |
Jim56342 | That community doc looks good. I ll have a look at that and get back to you. | 09:43 |
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grimboy | Is there a command to find out what applications are currently using the sound card? | 09:43 |
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adaptr | oh don't call us - we'm call YOU :) | 09:43 |
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adaptr | grimboy: if it's /dev/dsp, lsof |grep dsp | 09:43 |
erUSUL | adaptr: many people builds things that not include kernel drivers | 09:43 |
erUSUL | grimboy: man lsof | 09:44 |
adaptr | erUSUL: of course, I was just screwing around | 09:44 |
_Jaak_ | there are 2 kill commands kill appname doesn't'work | 09:44 |
grimboy | erUSUL, Right, thanks. | 09:44 |
adaptr | _Jaak_: there is only kill | 09:44 |
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adaptr | _Jaak_: kill needs a PID | 09:44 |
Ferret | Dunno how to find out when things are using alsa. o.o | 09:44 |
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trandism | grimboy, "lsof |grep <device name>" might do the job | 09:45 |
gnomefreak | _Jaak_: killall appname | 09:45 |
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adaptr | gnomefreak: please don't teach bad habits :) | 09:46 |
gnomefreak | adaptr: its not a bad habit | 09:46 |
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adaptr | ...because ? | 09:46 |
Ferret | I guess you look in /proc/asound/timers and take the bit where it says 'Client application 6611' and look that up in ps or top or whatever | 09:46 |
gnomefreak | adaptr: there isnt anything wrong or proven bad to use it | 09:46 |
trandism | does anyone here manage to setup a distributed file-system using Ubuntu servers & clients other than the openAFS - Kerberos combo? Any pointing to directions (links, experiences etc.) would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance | 09:46 |
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adaptr | gnomefreak: if somebody wants to kill ONE process and you give them that, then it's most certainly feeding a bad habit | 09:46 |
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gnomefreak | adaptr: it only kills one app | 09:47 |
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trandism | gnomefreak, no it kills or running instances of the given app | 09:47 |
adaptr | gnomefreak: yeah, right | 09:47 |
trandism | all * running instances | 09:47 |
gnomefreak | adaptr: if you have 2 of the same app open than it will kill both of them but not many people need to run 2 of same app | 09:47 |
adaptr | gnomefreak: I run many apps that start multiple identically-named processes | 09:48 |
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gnomefreak | adaptr: killall firefox-bin will kill firefox-bin | 09:48 |
adaptr | gnomefreak: so do you | 09:48 |
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adaptr | gnomefreak: that's one good example right there | 09:48 |
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gnomefreak | adaptr: they are normall running with a --flag | 09:48 |
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guilherme_jorge | I've updated my Ubuntu to 6.10, but I have some problems in firefox when I try to access www.orkut.com. I get the following error: "Unexpected response from server \n Firefox doesn't know how to communicate with the server. \n Check to make sure your system has the Personal Security Manager | 09:48 |
guilherme_jorge | installed. \n This might be due to a non-standard configuration on the server. ".... Any idea? | 09:48 |
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gnomefreak | adaptr: as for firefox you only really need one open use the tab thats why they are there | 09:49 |
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guilherme_jorge | Now firefox version is | 09:49 |
gnomefreak | guilherme_jorge: yep | 09:50 |
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gnomefreak | latest build in ubuntu | 09:50 |
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user123 | after installing compiz the exit button don't work. Something knows what's the matter? | 09:50 |
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adaptr | gnomefreak: right now, I am running dbus, gdm, ssh-agent and totem twice, getty 6 times, and bash many, many times... | 09:50 |
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adaptr | gnomefreak: any of those would cause unexpected side-effects | 09:50 |
guilherme_jorge | <gnomefreak>: Do you know what is happening when I try to access www.orkut.com? | 09:50 |
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gnomefreak | adaptr: why so many of each? | 09:51 |
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adaptr | gnomefreak: ask Ubuntu... | 09:51 |
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=== Wyke [n=Wykeee@pc-30-225-45-190.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
adaptr | gnomefreak: everything except bash is standard | 09:51 |
gnomefreak | adaptr: ask ubuntu why you are running totem 2 times and bash so many times? | 09:51 |
adaptr | gnomefreak: I am only running totem *once* , but there are two processes | 09:52 |
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gnomefreak | adaptr: that sounds like one crashed | 09:52 |
adaptr | gnomefreak: and I am running bash 3 or four times usually | 09:52 |
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adaptr | gnomefreak: anyway to find out? | 09:52 |
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vdepizzol | hello | 09:52 |
taux | hi | 09:52 |
x2daz | ubuntu pwns | 09:53 |
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x2daz | ubuntu pwns all | 09:53 |
felixhummel | hi all | 09:53 |
gnomefreak | guilherme_jorge: im looking at it right now give me a minute. adaptr i would say look in /var/crash see if totem crashed | 09:53 |
=== d3x7r0 ouve Monty Python - Every Sperm Is Sacred | ||
belkin | how am i downloading stuff with " svn " ? | 09:53 |
adaptr | gnomefreak: I just killed the one that didn't use PCU when I clicked play :) | 09:53 |
vdepizzol | my friend installed ubuntu one week ago. Now, all gconf schemas are broken | 09:53 |
Jim56342 | (nb I am now downloading the thing i think i need - thanks for pointing me to community docs!) | 09:53 |
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felixhummel | do you know which console command brings a window to top? i'm using gnome here. | 09:53 |
gnomefreak | gunne: what does java -version say | 09:53 |
user123 | after installing compiz the exit button don't work. now how can I logout my computer | 09:53 |
gnomefreak | oops | 09:53 |
metroman | What's the deadly command that deletes a folder and all the files in it? | 09:53 |
adaptr | rm -rf | 09:54 |
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metroman | Ok, thanks. | 09:54 |
adaptr | always happy to help ! :) | 09:54 |
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gnomefreak | guillote_GNU: what does java -version say when typed in terminal | 09:54 |
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gnomefreak | guillote_GNU: is the page crashing? failing to load? are you getting an error? | 09:54 |
bobdobbs | adaptr, you still there? | 09:55 |
mevets | hey | 09:55 |
mevets | beryl is causing new windows to be shown UNDER all others | 09:55 |
adaptr | bobdobbs: yes | 09:55 |
adaptr | !seen adaptr | 09:55 |
khoa | adaptr n=jgeilman@adaptr.xs4all.nl was last seen Mon Jan 29 15:00:51 2007 joining #ubuntu | 09:55 |
bobdobbs | I found a log file spat out from the last time my login hung | 09:55 |
ubotu | adaptr is on IRC right now! | 09:55 |
mevets | is this a bug? | 09:55 |
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adaptr | I'm not a bug ! | 09:56 |
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vdepizzol | my friend installed ubuntu one week ago. Now, all gconf schemas are broken. All configuration seems erased. Metacity, gnome-panel, everythink is strange | 09:56 |
bobdobbs | adaptr: error opening security policy file /usr/lib/xserver/SecurityPolicy | 09:56 |
vdepizzol | it's the third time he try to use ubuntu, but this error always happens | 09:56 |
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adaptr | bobdobbs: what do I do with that ? | 09:56 |
bobdobbs | there is no folder, could that cause the hang? | 09:57 |
Einherjer | Hi there - can somebody tell me what the official feisty chan is? | 09:57 |
adaptr | Einherjer: #ubuntu+1 | 09:57 |
visik7 | Einherjer: ubuntu+1 | 09:57 |
belkin | how am i downloading stuff with " svn " ? | 09:57 |
Einherjer | thx | 09:57 |
bobdobbs | you mentioned with no error, there is nothing to do, this is the closest thing to error I can find | 09:57 |
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adaptr | belkin: MAN the CLIENT, I don't know | 09:57 |
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belkin | hmm | 09:58 |
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SurfnKid | !format | 09:59 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 09:59 |
EniGm0 | Does anyone know how to get MP3 support up and running for Muine? | 09:59 |
EniGm0 | I have Dapper Drake | 09:59 |
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EniGm0 | I tried installing Gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly | 09:59 |
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EniGm0 | without any effect | 09:59 |
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MuffY | !ndiswrapper | MuffY | 10:00 |
ubotu | MuffY: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 10:00 |
MuffY | ... | 10:00 |
MuffY | ok then | 10:00 |
=== Erik [n=eni191@s5592d8b2.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gunne | gnomefreak, java -version ? | 10:01 |
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gnomefreak | gunne: not you it was a tab complete error | 10:01 |
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=== eternal_p [n=lcohen@wsp05956026wss.cr.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nexous | How do i compile dbvi? | 10:02 |
gunne | ok | 10:02 |
eternal_p | anyone here have a lot of luck with VirtualBox...I can't get the usb filters to work? | 10:02 |
vdepizzol | my friend installed ubuntu one week ago. Now, all gconf schemas are broken. All configuration seems erased. Metacity, gnome-panel, everythink is strange | 10:02 |
vdepizzol | it's the third time he try to use ubuntu, but this error always happens | 10:02 |
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sioux | what's news? | 10:02 |
mo^ | why does "amixer set PCM toggle" not work for me? for example "amixer set PCM 100%-" works fine... | 10:03 |
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Ravi`s | help, howto install mp3 to ubuntu | 10:04 |
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kutkinna | hai .. im using kde, how to make my tiltle bar transparent ? | 10:04 |
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Ravi`s | please paste tutorial install for player mp3 to ubuntu | 10:05 |
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Ravi`s | please paste url tutorial install for player mp3 to ubuntu | 10:05 |
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Cesiel | hey anyone know how to reconfigure xorg with the default ubuntu settings | 10:05 |
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Wyke | dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 10:06 |
Wyke | sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 10:06 |
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Cesiel | yes but when I do that I get something wrong in the settings | 10:07 |
fotoflo | hey whats the shell-based version of the system monitor called? | 10:07 |
Wyke | that'll do it, it will ask you some stuff though, like the debian install | 10:07 |
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Wyke | what's wrong? | 10:07 |
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nexous | Hi | 10:07 |
=== jughead [n=jughead@c-75-66-252-151.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nexous | whats the package that i have to get to be able to use `run` command? | 10:07 |
Cesiel | Umm the graphics are very slow | 10:08 |
nexous | !make | 10:08 |
=== tmalloy [n=chatzill@cpe-66-68-147-217.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 10:08 |
Wyke | video card? | 10:08 |
Cesiel | yes | 10:08 |
Wyke | i mean which one you have | 10:08 |
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Cesiel | Is there a way for me to reinstall with the original ubuntu settings | 10:08 |
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Cesiel | instead of going throught everything | 10:08 |
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Cesiel | I have a 7600gts | 10:09 |
Cesiel | It just forgot to back up my xorg.config | 10:09 |
Cesiel | and now I cant get it working right | 10:09 |
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=== ShadowX [n=cedwards@c-68-53-25-25.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete] | ||
xtknight | fotoflo, top or htop | 10:09 |
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fotoflo | cool thanks | 10:10 |
Wyke | probablly you're choosing the wrong driver | 10:10 |
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Cesiel | I'm using vesa | 10:10 |
Wyke | if is slow, you're usinv vesa, or vga | 10:10 |
Bluhd | Hey, how do I install the beta nVidia kernel module? It doesn't compile correctly without any modification | 10:10 |
Wyke | try nv or nvidia | 10:10 |
riotkittie | Cesiel: there's not an autoreated backup ? | 10:10 |
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Cesiel | riokittie: How would I tell and how would I use it? | 10:10 |
nexous | " while trying to install libc6-dev | 10:11 |
nexous | libc6-dev: Depends: libc6 (= 2.3.6-0ubuntu20.2) but 2.4-1ubuntu12 is to be installed" is what i get. | 10:11 |
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Vandalay | if u installed nvidia driver-->put diver "nvidia" in xorg.conf | 10:11 |
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igge | hello! | 10:12 |
Kichigai | Greetings. | 10:12 |
Vandalay | if not: nv or vesa | 10:12 |
igge | I have a laptop with a fan that makes a lot aof noise | 10:12 |
Kichigai | Sounds like a hardware issue. | 10:12 |
Wyke | but should work with nv | 10:12 |
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Bluhd | Did anyone see my question? I asked it a couple minutes ago and got no response. | 10:12 |
ata | ravi's: aptitude install xmms | 10:12 |
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igge | where should I start? | 10:12 |
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Kichigai | anyone have experience with using WPA supplicant in 6.10? | 10:12 |
ata | I'm having a hard time getting WiFi working on my computer. I've used the HowTo online(http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=263136), but the debug mode of wpa_supplicant says "WEXT auth param 7 value 0x1 - Driver does not support WPA.". I find it listed as supporting WPA fine. Am I doing something wrong? | 10:12 |
eternal_p | igge: I think most ubuntu laptops are like that | 10:12 |
riotkittie | Cesiel: in a term, ls /etc/X11/xorg ... auto backups are like xorg.conf.datetime or timedate ... im not sure what you did, so there might not be one | 10:12 |
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exspecto | how do i get dpkg to reinstall the default conf files for an already installed package? i've tried dpkg-reconfigure but it doesn't replace/create the config files | 10:13 |
lukas2 | i want to install kubuntu. is the dvd recommented? i have got a broadband internet connection, thus i could install packages via internet. is openoffice included in the cd version? | 10:13 |
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Wyke | i think NV is the default for your system, you changed it for vesa and now is working slow | 10:13 |
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igge | eternal_p: are they? what about ACPI and so? | 10:13 |
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jughead | oo should be included lukas2 - it is in ubuntu anyway | 10:13 |
Kichigai | lukas2: I recommend the DVD. The CD will have OO.o though. | 10:13 |
Kichigai | The DVD is nice because it operates as a 100% useful live disc. | 10:14 |
shatrat | igge, if you have the acpi and power management stuff installed and configured right, it should only come on when the temp goes up. I dont know too much about getting that stuff going though, it worked out of the box on my HP | 10:14 |
Vandalay | if fc6 if u mess up xorg.conf it saves old conf in "xorg.conf.bak" | 10:14 |
Bluhd | OOO comes with everything, so you needn't worry :P | 10:14 |
riotkittie | if there's one that looks like ti might work, then sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.thatfile /etc/X11/xorg | 10:14 |
riotkittie | .conf | 10:14 |
lukas2 | thx. | 10:14 |
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riotkittie | oh man. i so totally cannot irc from within X :< | 10:14 |
igge | shatrat: oh ok... | 10:14 |
eternal_p | igge: mine usually runs hot if i'm doign java, etc. | 10:15 |
=== riotkittie [n=riotkitt@cpe-72-228-42-90.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bluhd | riotkittie: then use irssi :P I have to because I need to set up my beta nvidia driver, but at this point I don't think anyone's going to help me -_- | 10:15 |
riotkittie | Bluhd: i do use irssi | 10:15 |
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trandism | !gfs2-tools | 10:15 |
ubotu | gfs2-tools: global file system 2 tools (EXPERIMENTAL). In component main, is optional. Version 2.20061002-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 251 kB, installed size 812 kB | 10:16 |
riotkittie | i usually have irssi running in screen in tty1 :P | 10:16 |
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igge | eternal_p: i'm using 2% cpu right now... :) it shouldn't need the fan at maximum... | 10:16 |
riotkittie | i was running it in a term in fluxbox tho. it was... odd. | 10:16 |
=== ertza [n=pupuuni@dsl-tregw2-fe8edd00-251.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nexous | I keep getting "libc6-dev: Depends: libc6 (=2.3.6-0ubuntu20.2) but 2.4-1ubuntu12 is to be installed" whenever i try to install libc6-dev | 10:16 |
fotoflo | how do i get multiple desktops in the bash shell? | 10:16 |
eternal_p | nexous: there is alink on ubuntuforums.org about that | 10:17 |
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dolidoli | I have question.. I can't hear sound on ubuntu | 10:17 |
eternal_p | igge: I have always find my fan speed suspect with ubuntu compareed to XP, i've just gotten used to it | 10:17 |
riotkittie | multiple /desktops/ in the bash shell? | 10:17 |
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eternal_p | are you in 6.01 or 6.1 | 10:17 |
riotkittie | !sound | dolidoli | 10:17 |
ubotu | dolidoli: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 10:17 |
Bluhd | Gah, is anyone going to help me? I swear, I've never gotten such a slow response. | 10:17 |
igge | eternal_p: ok.. | 10:17 |
dolidoli | riotkittie, thx | 10:17 |
igge | !acpi | 10:17 |
ubotu | acpi: displays information on ACPI devices. In component main, is optional. Version 0.09-1 (edgy), package size 10 kB, installed size 72 kB (Only available for i386 ia64 amd64) | 10:17 |
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eternal_p | igge: there are APCI commands you can send to the fan to slow it down | 10:17 |
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eternal_p | also, look at gdesklets and get something on your desktop to monitor temp, etc maybe you will see something | 10:18 |
nexous | eternal_p: thanks. | 10:18 |
igge | eternal_p: how do I send those commands? | 10:18 |
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eternal_p | igge: honestly, I have no idea | 10:18 |
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eternal_p | ive' just left it alone | 10:18 |
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igge | ah ok... | 10:18 |
brussel | Is SVN free in ubuntu or do I have to purchase something? | 10:18 |
Tru7h | Issues with recognizing USB flash drive. Works in Windows and Ubuntu but not Knoppix. Any help? | 10:18 |
Kichigai | SVN is ALWAYS free | 10:18 |
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dv_ | free | 10:18 |
Bluhd | everything is free in ubuntu | 10:19 |
minimec | fotoflo: So you want <ctrl><alt>1-6 in your gnome-terminal? | 10:19 |
Kichigai | What Bluhd said. | 10:19 |
nimrodg | Hi, I have some problems with my keymap. I'm using a Logitech LX500, and when I try to use the pipe and backslash key, I get angle brackets instead. How do I make corrections to the key map? | 10:19 |
auTONYmous | Question: How can I disable NIS from running at boot without removing the package? | 10:19 |
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linux_kid | When I run package manager and install updates, it always comes up with an error stating a problem with the adobe reader package. Also, when the packages to download are listed, the adobe package does not appear. | 10:19 |
riotkittie | nimrodg: is this happening in X or out of it? | 10:19 |
brussel | just making sure i wasn't getting the client and needed to pay for svn server software | 10:19 |
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fotoflo | riotkittie: uhm yeah, i used to have an old linux box and i oculd hit f1 to get to one bash and f2 to get to another, ect | 10:20 |
fotoflo | etc. | 10:20 |
fotoflo | how do i do that now? | 10:20 |
Bluhd | Alright. Seeing as how I haven't gotten a single response in asking my question four times in ten or fifteen minutes, I figure I'll try a different approach: | 10:20 |
Bluhd | Who here has nVidia? | 10:20 |
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fotoflo | bluhd: i do :-) | 10:21 |
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Bluhd | fotoflo: Did you get the beta driver installed? | 10:21 |
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minimec | fotoflo: <ctrl><alt>1-6 | 10:21 |
fotoflo | nah | 10:21 |
Bluhd | darnit | 10:21 |
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riotkittie | fotoflo: CTRL + ALT + FKey ? | 10:21 |
skip | Guten Abend | 10:21 |
arnnn | how can I list all the available group? | 10:21 |
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MetaBookfoziS | how can i enable the javaplugin in my firefox (i'm installed to/opt from targz) | 10:22 |
MetaBookfoziS | if i cp or ln -s it isn't works. | 10:22 |
fotoflo | hmm neither of those worked | 10:22 |
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lun | hi, all, I compiled my own kernel and during boot up all my hard disk are recognized as hdx not sdx, how do i fix this? | 10:22 |
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Bluhd | I need someone who was able to successfully set up the beta driver available from www.nvidia.com, because I can't get the kernel interface to compile | 10:22 |
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fotoflo | bluhd: ive got nvidia on my laptop, running xp and VNC | 10:22 |
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shatrat | lun, are they serial ata or ide? | 10:22 |
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riotkittie | fotoflo: do you have some abnormal keyboard option set? | 10:22 |
fotoflo | riot: im logged in through ssh? | 10:22 |
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fotoflo | is that abnormal? | 10:23 |
shatrat | Bluhd, I didnt have any problems, did you install build-essential? Follow the latest nvidia how to? | 10:23 |
minimec | fotoflo: <ctrl><alt>F1 doesn't work? | 10:23 |
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Bluhd | shatrat: Where is the nvidia how to? I couldn't find one | 10:23 |
Kichigai | That should change his terminal LOCALLY. | 10:23 |
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Kichigai | Bluhd, you trying to install nVidia binary drivers? | 10:23 |
lun | shatrat ,I'm not sure, but originally they are recognized as sdx, even now the /grub/menu.lst are configured to boot from sda3. | 10:23 |
Bluhd | Kichigai: yes | 10:23 |
nimrodg | Hi, I have some problems with my keymap. I'm using a Logitech LX500, and when I try to use the pipe and backslash key, I get angle brackets instead. How do I make corrections to the key map? This happens both inside and outside X. | 10:23 |
riotkittie | ah ive never tried multiple prompts while SSHing into my box | 10:23 |
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fotoflo | minimec: that displayed a list of 2001 files | 10:23 |
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Kichigai | Bluhd, just install the binary package and edit your config file to use it. | 10:23 |
riotkittie | so im not sure if its par for the course or not | 10:24 |
nikitis | I have a question, I went to install Cedega and i'm getting a direct rendering as no. Yes acceleration works, and i did install my nvidia drivers correctly. I'm using Beryl/aiglx. How can I use both Beryl / and have direct rendering as yes? There must be a way. | 10:24 |
Vandalay | 1001 howto's on forum | 10:24 |
minimec | fotoflo: One Moment please. | 10:24 |
Bluhd | Kichigai: that's the problem. When I do $sudo sh NVIDIA-whatever.run, it says it can't compile the kernel interface | 10:24 |
nikitis | Vandalay: for my issue? | 10:24 |
fotoflo | minimec: sure thanks | 10:24 |
Vandalay | -) i think so | 10:24 |
Kichigai | Bluhd, there's an Ubuntu package. The run file requires the kernel dev file. | 10:24 |
lun | and I have enabled the sata support during the kernel compilation | 10:24 |
Wyke | Bluhd: there's a howto on ubuntuguide.org | 10:24 |
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riotkittie | what are you using as the ssh client? | 10:25 |
Bluhd | Kichigai: I've got just about every possible development header | 10:25 |
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fotoflo | i think im using bash | 10:25 |
Kichigai | Bluhd, odd. you sure you have linux-kernel-(your version here)-dev? | 10:25 |
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fotoflo | yup | 10:25 |
fotoflo | using bash | 10:25 |
RowrAliev | anyone got Ubuntu working on PS3? | 10:25 |
minimec | fotoflo: So. you are on the console and you login via ssh to another computer. | 10:25 |
babo | the ping time to my server is between 1400 and 5000 ms ... I guess that's pretty bad right ? | 10:25 |
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riotkittie | bash... as the ssh client ? | 10:25 |
riotkittie | err. | 10:25 |
Kichigai | No. | 10:26 |
Kichigai | Bash is just a terminal shell. | 10:26 |
fotoflo | im on windows using puTTy | 10:26 |
Kichigai | Oh, sorry, I misunderstood. | 10:26 |
riotkittie | Kichigai: i know that :p | 10:26 |
eternal_p | anyone here have a lot of luck with VirtualBox...I can't get the usb filters to work? | 10:26 |
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fotoflo | ssh-ing into a bash shell | 10:26 |
magical_trevsky | argh, my terminal has hung unmounting a usb drive, what's the safest way to sort it out? | 10:26 |
linux_kid | I have a logitech mouse and it seems to disable the "F" and "B" buttons on my keyboard every time i plug it in, any solutions? | 10:26 |
Kichigai | fotoflo: no wonder it doesn't work. Your probably not sending the F-keys | 10:26 |
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riotkittie | fotoflo: ok, maybe look in PuTTy's option and toy around with the key thingies. there should be an option to... eh. i cant explain it. | 10:26 |
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doopidub | hey guys | 10:27 |
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fotoflo | riot: hold on im goign to the terminal to try | 10:27 |
doopidub | does anyone of you know how to install a sil3114 raid controler? | 10:27 |
pbureau | linux_kid- usb or normal ps2 ? | 10:27 |
minimec | fotoflo: Ok. So this is a putty problem. There maybe an option in the menu of putty. | 10:27 |
linux_kid | usb pbureau | 10:27 |
riotkittie | and i dont hate myself enough to fire up the XP box at the moment. but i am pretty sure there's something there taht will like, let you define how things are handled | 10:27 |
Vandalay | check if dmraid supports it | 10:27 |
pbureau | linux_kid- and it does this when you plug it into the keyboard or pc? | 10:27 |
johnn | can someone recommend an easy dvd rip (dvd->avi) frontend? | 10:27 |
doopidub | dmraid? thanks | 10:27 |
Vandalay | mb | 10:28 |
=== Phopsy [n=ubuntu@host81-158-86-167.range81-158.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Phopsy | Hey all... | 10:28 |
fotoflo_ | whoah, that was wierd | 10:28 |
riotkittie | wee. i am tired. and incoherrent. and lacking the ability to spell. | 10:28 |
Phopsy | Can someone help me with some SATA issues? | 10:28 |
riotkittie | what was weird? | 10:28 |
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babo | what's the best way to test the BW available to a remote server ? | 10:28 |
Kichigai | johnn, use MPlayer. | 10:28 |
babo | Which package utulity can I use that will show me the throughput rate ? | 10:28 |
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fotoflo_ | ctrl alt f1 swiched me from gnome to a tty1 | 10:28 |
Kichigai | Excellent! | 10:29 |
linux_kid | pbureau: it plugs into the PC and starts acting up the keyboard, it fixes by changing the keyboard layout in settings, but i was wondering if there was another solution | 10:29 |
Kichigai | That's supposed to happen. | 10:29 |
riotkittie | yeah, its supposed to. | 10:29 |
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minimec | fotoflo: That's what we were talking about before ;) | 10:29 |
fotoflo_ | ok | 10:29 |
v_ | hi. is ubuntu's linux-source-2.6.17 modified/different from the original 2.6.17 kernel source tree? | 10:29 |
fotoflo_ | no, but maybe | 10:29 |
johnn | Kichigai easy means not using mencoder commandline hazzle but "girl-friendly" with a big "RIP" button ;) | 10:29 |
pbureau | linux_kid- Iwould thing the problem is the keyboard or the mouse, my instinct would say try another mousen ? | 10:29 |
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Kichigai | v_, unlikely to be too different. | 10:29 |
Egyptian[Home] | hi | 10:29 |
fotoflo_ | ok | 10:29 |
Egyptian[Home] | whats the difference b/w alternate and desktop iso? | 10:29 |
fotoflo_ | so, i guess i want a tabbing ssh client | 10:30 |
riotkittie | girl-friendly? GIRL FRIENDLY??? whats that supposed to mean. <glare> | 10:30 |
Kichigai | johnn, mencoder dvd://(title number) -o (filename here) -ovc lavc -oac copy -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=700:vhq:v4mv | 10:30 |
v_ | Kichigai: I was wondering if there would be any great advantage in using it over the latest kernel release | 10:30 |
fotoflo_ | like the terminal program in ubuntu | 10:30 |
linux_kid | phureau: its a laptop, so the keyboard is built in (da) and the mouse is an external i bought cause the mouse pad is annoing | 10:30 |
pbureau | you need girl-friendly-dev2 lol | 10:30 |
johnn | Kichigai i know tghis | 10:30 |
riotkittie | Egyptian[Home] : desktop gives you the Live CD | 10:30 |
Kichigai | v_, Probably not. | 10:30 |
Phopsy | Can anyone aid me with my SATA woes? | 10:30 |
riotkittie | alternate is text mode | 10:30 |
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Egyptian[Home] | riotkittie: and does it support tv out? | 10:30 |
minimec | fotoflo: http://www.raisin.de/putty-tabs/putty-tabs.html ;) | 10:31 |
v_ | Kichigai: thanks for the input | 10:31 |
erUSUL | !anyone | Phopsy | 10:31 |
ubotu | Phopsy: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 10:31 |
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riotkittie | Egyptian[Home] : taht i do not know | 10:31 |
johnn | kichigai i know this but i can't tell this my girlfriend :p | 10:31 |
Kichigai | v_, no problem. I prefer rolling my own because it's awesome. | 10:31 |
fotoflo | cool | 10:31 |
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Kichigai | johnn, try finding an ffmpeg front-end. Something like OS X's ffmpegX | 10:31 |
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Phopsy | Okay, many apologies :D | 10:31 |
Egyptian[Home] | riotkittie: k thanks | 10:31 |
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johnn | thats what i asked for .. i though someone had already found such a tool ;) | 10:31 |
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Kichigai | johnn, check sourceforge. I doubt you'll find a package. | 10:32 |
v_ | Kichigai: this is for a cobalt raq4, so i'm patching it w/ Jeff Walter's patch for such | 10:32 |
Phopsy | Alright, so I just built a new system and, fortunately, it boots up. However, it's not even seeing the big fat SATA drive I stuck inside. Any clues as to why this might be? | 10:32 |
v_ | Kichigai: so I kindof have no choice | 10:32 |
Kichigai | johnn, it's been ages since I've used Linux as a desktop distro, so I wouldn't know what Ubuntu packages there are now. | 10:32 |
Jim56342 | Ive downloded the compiling software | 10:32 |
Jim56342 | Now I have another question! | 10:32 |
Kichigai | Yes, Jim56342? | 10:33 |
lun | my harddisks are recognized as hda instead of sda after compiling the kernel, anyone can help? | 10:33 |
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v_ | later | 10:33 |
johnn | there is dvdrip which is quite... bloated... and drip that looks quite broken ;) | 10:33 |
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Kichigai | lun, as long as they work, does it matter that much? | 10:33 |
Jim56342 | When I run the compiler on the thing I need to compile, its saying that it cant find any kernel sources? | 10:33 |
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linux_kid | pbureau: thanks for your help | 10:33 |
Jim56342 | and its asking for the path to the kernel sources | 10:33 |
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Kichigai | Jim56342, you need your kernel dev package. | 10:33 |
Jim56342 | ok kichi... | 10:33 |
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Kichigai | Jim56342, just install linux-kernel-(version number here)-dev | 10:34 |
Bluhd | Okay, I have a probelm | 10:34 |
Jim56342 | how do i get that? | 10:34 |
Bluhd | er | 10:34 |
johnn | ah there is also acidrip.. that looks quite nice | 10:34 |
Bluhd | I tried to do the beta driver install on ubuntuguide.org | 10:34 |
Jim56342 | sorry kichi need step by step instructions, am a complete noob | 10:34 |
Bluhd | but there is no generic kernel support | 10:34 |
riotkittie | Jim56342: you can find it in apt or the package manage or your choice | 10:34 |
pbureau | linux_kid- did you swap mice and it worked ? | 10:34 |
Bluhd | I have to install the 386 kernel if I want it to work | 10:34 |
=== jkillaz [n=shurbann@5354A183.cable.casema.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jkillaz | hi Ubuntu | 10:34 |
Ravi`s | please paste url tutorial install for player mp3 to ubuntu | 10:34 |
Kichigai | Jim56342, been ages since I've done this myself. Use your package manager to find the kernel dev package for your version. | 10:35 |
riotkittie | !mp3 | 10:35 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 10:35 |
jkillaz | I just installed ubuntu on my dell latitude... | 10:35 |
adaptr | Ravi`s: no ? | 10:35 |
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lun | Kickhigai: I don't know, but I got a feeling that my hard disks become slower.. | 10:35 |
jkillaz | there are two things irritating me.. and I cant seem to figure out how to resolve them | 10:35 |
pbureau | Ravi`s- being that you question is as general as asking what kind of tires go on my car, I can only answer with "compile it" | 10:35 |
Jim56342 | package manager is the add/remove thing right? LOL | 10:35 |
=== K1GPL [n=warthawg@cpe-66-68-176-215.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jim56342 | Sorry I am such an idiot! | 10:35 |
Bluhd | Jim56342: yes | 10:35 |
Kichigai | Jim56342, yes, it is. | 10:35 |
jkillaz | 1. My Wireless lan wont startup... the led is off.. | 10:35 |
riotkittie | Jim56342: Synaptic | 10:35 |
linux_kid | pbureau: i was checking the forums, sorry, didnt see you saythat. I dont have any other usb mice and no ps/2 ports on my laptop... so i dont know | 10:35 |
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Kichigai | Jim56342, it's the same as "apt" or Synaptic. | 10:35 |
Bluhd | Jim56342: the command line version of it is apt-get | 10:35 |
minimec | Ravi`s: Try the plugins of rythmbox the dirty ones, or install the win32 codecs. | 10:36 |
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Jim56342 | I must be either really annoying or really amusing you guys | 10:36 |
K1GPL | i am having trouble connecting to a remote desktop, both machines running edgy | 10:36 |
Bluhd | no | 10:36 |
jkillaz | anyone knows how I can resolve this? | 10:36 |
grazie | Is there a way I can trace the exact date/time of when a package was released into a repository? | 10:36 |
Kichigai | K1GPL, using VNC? | 10:36 |
Bluhd | Jim56342: people ask questions like that all the time | 10:36 |
Bluhd | Jim56342: it's not unusual or funny | 10:36 |
minimec | !codecs | Ravi`s | 10:36 |
ubotu | Ravi`s: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 10:36 |
pbureau | linux_kid- try pluggin it in a different usb port... or plug it in when you start computer to see if it does the same thing. | 10:36 |
Kichigai | Jim56342, people have to start learning somewhere. | 10:36 |
Kichigai | :) | 10:36 |
riotkittie | Jim56342: not annoying or amusing. most of us have been where you are :P | 10:36 |
=== Rug [n=rug@dyn216-8-174-90.ADSL.mnsi.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
K1GPL | Kichigai: i have tried vnc, x11vnc, and the gnome remote desktop...when i try vncviewer I get this... | 10:36 |
Kichigai | Man, I was such a n00b back in the day. | 10:36 |
K1GPL | Kichigai, channel 3: open failed: administratively prohibited: open failed | 10:36 |
K1GPL | ReadFromRFBServer: rdr::EndOfStream | 10:36 |
Jim56342 | Indeed Kichi: I guess its so amusing for me because I teach computing: I am currently with a student. Not sure who is actually learning here... | 10:37 |
Ravi`s | <ubotu> <--- thank you | 10:37 |
=== bwlang [n=bwlang@bb-66-55-211-238.gwi.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
riotkittie | << is going to die a noob | 10:37 |
fotoflo | do you guys think its safe to burn a dvd across a samba/802.11g connection? | 10:37 |
Rug | Howdy all | 10:37 |
lun | how to make sure that the sata are recognized as sata not ide? is there anyway to check this? | 10:37 |
K1GPL | nooobies forever | 10:37 |
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Rug | fotoflo: no | 10:37 |
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RowrAliev | foto...no...lol | 10:37 |
pbureau | fotoflo- I doubt it | 10:37 |
mjr | fotoflo, yes | 10:37 |
fotoflo | uhh K1GPL: I hope note | 10:37 |
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fotoflo | not | 10:37 |
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linux_kid | pbureau: it only happens the first time i plug it in per session ( i do a lot w/ XP so i hibernate alot) | 10:37 |
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Kichigai | K1GPL, VNC is kind of picky, you just need to get your port numbers right. | 10:37 |
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Bluhd | Okay, nevermind, I figured out the problem | 10:38 |
mjr | I've burned DVDs over sshfs/802.11a | 10:38 |
RowrAliev | foto: try it..it might work..... | 10:38 |
CoolCubix | Hi, I was asking if there was a way to use a touchpad (where moving finger gets moving cursor from place where it already is) as a tablet (where a point on the device matches a point on the screen) ? | 10:38 |
pbureau | linux turn hibernate off to see if that is the factor causing the issue. | 10:38 |
K1GPL | x11vnc likes 5900 | 10:38 |
Bluhd | there IS generic kernel support but apt-get doesn't see it by default. Synaptic handles it just fine though | 10:38 |
K1GPL | i think that is the default | 10:38 |
Rug | fotoflo: reduce the burn-speed for best results | 10:38 |
Jim56342 | Guys: gone into my package manager (add/remove) and cant find the linux-kernel thing... | 10:38 |
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Jim56342 | what section should it be under? | 10:39 |
lun | After compiling the kernel, my SATA hard disk is recognized as IDE , how to fix this? | 10:39 |
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Ravi`s | for ubuntu 6.06, what is can use memory 128 | 10:39 |
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Ravi`s | ? | 10:39 |
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Kichigai | Jim56342, try using your System menu and choose the "Synaptic Package Manager" it hides fewer things from you. | 10:39 |
linux_kid | Jim56342: Add/remove is not a package manager | 10:39 |
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riotkittie | yeah. System > Administration > Synaptic | 10:39 |
Phopsy | Alright, so I just built a new system and, fortunately, it boots up. However, it's not even seeing the big fat SATA drive I stuck inside. Any clues as to why this might be? Sorry to have to repost... | 10:39 |
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pbureau | system-admin-synaptic, make sure to set all librairies to on... :) | 10:40 |
minimec | Ravi`s: a normal ubuntu install will not run very fast. | 10:40 |
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zoexii | can anyone help me with installing a new icon theme in xfce? | 10:40 |
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zoexii | I know I used gcursor in gnome, but that doesn't seem to work anymore. | 10:40 |
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jkillaz | when I click on the Fn+Wifi nothinh happens.. | 10:40 |
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grazie | zoexii: i'd go to #xubuntu | 10:41 |
Kichigai | jkillaz, likely your hotkeys are disabled due to lack of drivers. | 10:41 |
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fotoflo_ | ok good night all | 10:41 |
riotkittie | Ravi`s: 128MB is fine but you will want to steer clear of GNOME and KDE. XFCE/xubuntu might be fine but you are probably better off with openbox / fluxbox / or another window manager over a desktop environment | 10:41 |
Jim56342 | what about linux-kernel-devel? Is that the one I want? | 10:41 |
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Ravi`s | ic | 10:41 |
Kichigai | Jim56342, yes. | 10:41 |
Jim56342 | wkd! | 10:41 |
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Ravi`s | tx riotkittie | 10:42 |
riotkittie | you're welcome | 10:42 |
minimec | Ravi`s: You can otimize it by using xface or fluxbox as window manager. Or E17 or fvwm .... | 10:42 |
zoexii | grazie, cool, didn't know they had a separate channel. | 10:42 |
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grazie | not so hectic there! | 10:43 |
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DCR | Hello | 10:44 |
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riotkittie | err. feel free to smack me if this is totally off topic but ... wait, if i have to start a sentence with that , chances are, i shouldnt ask :D | 10:44 |
jkillaz | Kichigai: so I have to find out the drivers for a dell latitude 610 | 10:44 |
nikitis | Damn I can't figure out why Direct Rendering is NO | 10:44 |
Kichigai | jkillaz, just the hot keys, I imagine. Just use Synaptic or apt to find all Dell packages. | 10:45 |
jkillaz | bcause the screen resolution is also crappy my fonts are a little blurry.... | 10:45 |
riotkittie | there's a hotkeys package that might help | 10:45 |
jkillaz | not blurry , but like crispy | 10:45 |
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Phopsy | Could anyone suggest why my SATA drive isn't showing up in GParted? | 10:45 |
riotkittie | my dell latitude worked fine out of the box. <hugs it> | 10:45 |
grazie | Is there a way I can trace the exact date/time of when a package was released into a repository? I can't believe nobody in here can't answer this! | 10:46 |
linux_kid | Ok, my last annoing question... I ahve a Compaq Presario V5000series laptop with a synaptic touchpad. Sometimes in ubuntu, whenever i touch the touchpad, the mouse flys and clicks randomly around the screen. Any ideas? | 10:46 |
doopidub | okay i see my raid drive in fdisk -l, thanks to dmraid. but mounting is not possible with -t ntfs -r, why? | 10:46 |
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jkillaz | Kichigai: ok I will do that.... | 10:46 |
DCR | I installed ubuntu, well I ordered the CD and I got it, when I run it, I get there but the screen is messed up, I went to preferences and change Screen Resolution, because I have a quite big screen, but it wont change resolution. I don't even get the drop down menu. And I can't really work with the defaul resolution because I can barely see the screen, I only see the corner of every window, so is there anybody that can help me? | 10:46 |
jkillaz | Kichigai: the same thing goes for the screen resolution? | 10:46 |
Kichigai | DCR, edit your XOrg conf file. | 10:46 |
riotkittie | linux_kid: look at the synaptic section in xorg.conf ... toy around with it. im not sure how, but.. <shrug> :P | 10:46 |
RowrAliev | where I get PPC64 distro of ubuntu? | 10:47 |
Kichigai | jkillaz, no, that's your XOrg conf file. | 10:47 |
riotkittie | back xorg.conf up first | 10:47 |
Kichigai | jkillaz, as far as res, you and DCR likely have the same problem | 10:47 |
DCR | But I haven't even istalled it, because when you get the CD you get like this kind of preview | 10:47 |
DCR | But I can't really intall it | 10:47 |
DCR | With that resolution | 10:47 |
linux_kid | riotkittie: ok, thanks | 10:47 |
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bobdobbs | can anyone help me, system is hanging at login (just after loging in before usplash) and the only log I can find to debug is here : http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/870672 can someone please look at that and tell me if there is anything there worth looking at?? | 10:48 |
DCR | So it's fixable? | 10:48 |
jkillaz | Kichigai: well the resolution is ok. But I dont know how to describe this, but the fonts are not as they should.. | 10:48 |
Kichigai | DCR, yeah, just a setting. | 10:48 |
jkillaz | they are like cripsy | 10:48 |
DCR | Alright. | 10:48 |
jkillaz | crispy* | 10:48 |
riotkittie | crispy. heh. | 10:48 |
Kichigai | jkillaz, you want anti-aliasing, don't you? | 10:48 |
DCR | Also, I'm kinda a noob, this is my first time, so where can I find the "xorg.conf?" | 10:49 |
jkillaz | Kichigai: maybe that's it.... | 10:49 |
Kichigai | DCR, usually somewhere in /etc/XFree86 or something like that. | 10:49 |
bobdobbs | or, can anyone point me to where some other log or debug files might be that could tell me what the issue could be for a system hang at login? | 10:49 |
riotkittie | DCR: open a terminal and type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ... | 10:49 |
Kichigai | bobdobbs, /etc/log/syslog | 10:49 |
CoolCubix | DCR> /etc/X11 | 10:49 |
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Jim56342 | (Guys - very off topic - so ignore if you want. I am currently with a student and we are talking about how the internet destroys physical distance. If some of you could just type in your location (country only) to give him an idea of how the internet destroys physical distance that would be cool!) | 10:49 |
riotkittie | or do it that way | 10:49 |
CoolCubix | DCR> you should make a backup of a working/usable xorg.conf - if you have one | 10:49 |
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Kichigai | riotkittie, doesn't always work. | 10:50 |
riotkittie | Kichigai: ah. | 10:50 |
DCR | I don't know how to do anything, this is my first time running the CD | 10:50 |
DCR | But I'll guess I'll give it a try | 10:50 |
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nikitis | Can someone help me with this direct rendering problem? I've googled the hell out of the internet | 10:50 |
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DCR | Even though I don't understand most of what you're saying | 10:50 |
DCR | But thanks | 10:50 |
CoolCubix | nikitis> what did you done so far ? | 10:50 |
bobdobbs | Kichigal: not there, no etc/log/ folder | 10:50 |
ghatak | What is the best Audio Player for Ubuntu ? | 10:50 |
cafuego_ | ghatak: yes | 10:51 |
root___ | hi all! <- ari | 10:51 |
nikitis | I've made sure glx was enabled, I can't get direct rendering to work with beryl disabled | 10:51 |
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cameotwat | ubuntu has apt get right? | 10:51 |
nikitis | beryl runs fine though | 10:51 |
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ghatak | cafuego: Yes is a media player ? | 10:51 |
bobdobbs | Kichigai: not there, no etc/log/ folder | 10:52 |
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root___ | Have a question - I am trying to save data by using a liveCD of dapper and a USB stick | 10:52 |
cpk1 | ghatak: might as well ask what the best ubuntu flavor is or the best linux distro... | 10:52 |
root___ | can't mount drives | 10:52 |
CoolCubix | nikitis> did you install your video card's drivers ? | 10:52 |
nikitis | But in Cedega it says direct rendering: no. I disable Beryl, and do glxinfo | grep rendering and it still shows no with gnome restarted and beryl disabled | 10:52 |
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bobdobbs | ghatak: I like amarok quite a bit | 10:52 |
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nikitis | CoolCubix: Yes | 10:52 |
Rug | Jim56342: Canada | 10:52 |
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skyrunner | guys I installed networkmanager and now i cant see my local network | 10:52 |
skyrunner | not that I could before either... | 10:52 |
nikitis | CoolCubix: I get the nvidia logo everytime, and when I do glxgears it seems like it's rendering | 10:52 |
CoolCubix | what card do you own ? | 10:52 |
CoolCubix | ah k | 10:52 |
nikitis | GeForce Go 6800 | 10:53 |
Kichigai | bobdobbs, sorry, /var/log | 10:53 |
CoolCubix | and direct rendering says No ? | 10:53 |
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nikitis | yes | 10:53 |
nikitis | i mean correct | 10:53 |
ghatak | cpk1: sorry that took it wrong, i have been trying to use VLC, XMMS etc, but they just are not good, VLC is good alrounder but not good audio player. | 10:53 |
CoolCubix | did you check /var/log/Xorg.0.log ? | 10:53 |
skyrunner | try listen | 10:53 |
ghatak | bobdobbs: thank mate, will give it a try | 10:53 |
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Ravi`s | Ubuntu 5.10 I not support mp3 | 10:53 |
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Jim56342 | OK - installed that thing through synpatic but got the following error for one of the packages: W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-source-2.6.15/linux-kernel-devel_2.6.15-26.46_all.deb | 10:54 |
Jim56342 | 404 Not Found | 10:54 |
pbureau | skyrunner- whats does your lspci say about your network card ? | 10:54 |
cpk1 | ghatak: if you like the xmms style beep media player is basically a newer xmms | 10:54 |
root___ | hey guys - I am trying to save data from a ntfs (xp) partition to a USB drive using ubuntu 6.06 | 10:54 |
Ravi`s | whether having the article to install mp3 | 10:54 |
alecjw | !mp3 | Ravi`s | 10:54 |
ubotu | Ravi`s: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 10:54 |
CoolCubix | ghatak> best audio player is definetely mplayer in CLI | 10:54 |
root___ | I can't figure out how to mount | 10:54 |
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root___ | hda | 10:54 |
nikitis | CoolCubix: no i'll check it, what am I looking for | 10:54 |
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ghatak | cpk1: Right, Kewl mate | 10:54 |
cameotwat | when will ubuntu surpass windows? | 10:54 |
skyrunner | pbureau, a whole bunch of stuff really | 10:54 |
juano__ | root___: you cant mount "hda" , you need to mount a logic partition like hda1 or something | 10:54 |
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klm- | cameotwat: 2053 | 10:54 |
CoolCubix | nikitis> check for (EE) or (WW) lines | 10:54 |
Jim56342 | Kichigai u there? | 10:55 |
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Ravi`s | what for command unmount to drive | 10:55 |
nikitis | CoolCubix: i have a few of both | 10:55 |
DarthLappy | Ravi`s: umount /mountpoint | 10:55 |
skyrunner | wait, what was that thing called where you could paste a lot of command lines or other assorted stuff so you dont flood irc | 10:55 |
cpk1 | root___: try setting the fs type with -t ntfs | 10:55 |
pbureau | skyrunner look for ethernet | 10:55 |
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root___ | how do I mount hda1 using a liveCD, to transfer files to a usb drive? USB drive is autmatically recognized, already. | 10:56 |
skyrunner | 0000:00:04.0 Ethernet controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] SiS900 PCI Fast Ethernet (rev 91) | 10:56 |
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Ravi`s | ic | 10:56 |
nikitis | CoolCubix: All the (EE) lines say xf86OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/wacom no such file or directory | 10:56 |
CoolCubix | nikitis> that's normal | 10:56 |
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pbureau | skyrunner- sis900 okay, now do ifconfig, does it have a eth0 ? | 10:56 |
CoolCubix | nikitis> as long as you don't own a tablet | 10:56 |
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skyrunner | yup | 10:56 |
nikitis | CoolCubix: and all the (WW) are X11 font errors | 10:57 |
nikitis | but other than that, nothing | 10:57 |
doopidub | okay i see my raid drive in fdisk -l, thanks to dmraid. but mounting is not possible with -t ntfs -r, why? does anyone know this? thanks in advance | 10:57 |
DCR | Hello again, sorry. I was also wondering, I'm on a Windows right now, but I wanna intall ubuntu without loosing any data from windows. How would I do it? I wanna be able to have both operating systems | 10:57 |
CoolCubix | nikitis> i think you forgot something in your xorg.conf ; 'cause your driver is loaded | 10:57 |
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Vandalay | mb you must check /dev/mapper | 10:57 |
cpk1 | DCR: you can tell the installer to use available free space to install in | 10:57 |
Jim56342 | Guys: trying to compile a driver (have had various q s answered already) but am now having problems installing linux dev. Can anyone help? | 10:57 |
DCR | Thanks cpk1 | 10:58 |
nikitis | Beryl loads too, I thought you couldn't do that in the first place if Direct Rendering is no | 10:58 |
Vandalay | & name of your raid chipset | 10:58 |
shatrat | DCR, defrag your windows drive and then do what cpk1 says. back up anything you cant afford to lose though, that is always standard operating procedure. | 10:58 |
DCR | Alright, thanks | 10:58 |
Vandalay | mount -t <filesystem> /dev/mapper/<raidchipset> /mnt /xxx | 10:59 |
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root___ | Trying to transfer files from ntfs partition to usb stick using Ubuntu LiveCD. It mounting | 10:59 |
CoolCubix | nikitis> dunno i'm not using beryl actually | 10:59 |
root___ | Unable to mount | 10:59 |
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ghatak | cpk1: thank matie, this one is good :) | 10:59 |
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ariari | Trying to transfer files from ntfs partition to usb stick using Ubuntu LiveCD. It mounting | 11:00 |
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ariari | error could not execute pmount | 11:00 |
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ariari | has anyone successfully backed up ntfs data to a usb stick using a liveCD? | 11:01 |
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cpk1 | ghatak: the beep people are coming out with entirely revamped version sometime soon btw, you should be able to pull a .deb off of their website, its currently called bmpX or something | 11:01 |
Jim56342 | can any1 help me?? | 11:02 |
nikitis | CoolCubix: what is XvMC | 11:02 |
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cpk1 | ariari: shouldnt be hard, you can mount ntfs as read only and then move the stuff over to the usb stick | 11:02 |
K1GPL | Jim56342, what is the problem? | 11:02 |
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cesiel | I'm trying to restore my xorg but when I use the nv drivers for my 7600gts the screen is just black | 11:02 |
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K1GPL | Jim56342, never mind, it appears to be over my head, sorry | 11:03 |
ariari | It gives me: Unable to mount the selected vol. error: device /dev/hda2 is not removable, error: could not execture pmount | 11:03 |
cesiel | I'm using vesa now, but I would like to restore my default ubuntu video settings | 11:03 |
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CoolCubix | nikitis> wikipedia: "X-Video Motion Compensation, often abbreviated as XvMC, is an extension of the X video extension for the X Window System. It allows video programs to offload portions of the MPEG2 decoding process to the GPU hardware." | 11:03 |
ariari | cpk1 - see above | 11:03 |
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K1GPL | Jim56342, a post on the wiki might produce more help | 11:03 |
nikitis | CoolCubix: thanks | 11:03 |
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Phopsy | Could anyone help me with my SATA drive not being recognized anywhere? | 11:03 |
holyduck | ariari, iv done it a couple of times | 11:03 |
shatrat | cesiel, why dont you get the "nvidia" drivers going instead of "nv"? "nv" isnt all that much better than vesa I think | 11:04 |
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ariari | holyduck - why would I receive the error unable to mount? | 11:04 |
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cesiel | I had them working | 11:04 |
shatrat | Phopsy, if you cant see it in bios then it must be some kind of hardware problem, make sure you have it plugged in properly, including power. | 11:04 |
nomasteryoda | nv is just plain dull compared to nvidia | 11:04 |
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Phopsy | shatrat: I did try swapping the cables over, but to no avail. | 11:05 |
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cpk1 | ariari: you are positive the ntfs partition in hda2 and you did sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hda some/mount/point | 11:05 |
Phopsy | Perhaps it's DOA | 11:05 |
holyduck | just mount with sudo | 11:05 |
cpk1 | hda2* | 11:05 |
hatchek | Question, how can I change the console warranty message that says "ubuntu comes with absolutely.. "? | 11:05 |
holyduck | and have the dir that your mounting to, made | 11:05 |
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selinuxium | can you install a gui on the server but not have it switch on at boot? | 11:06 |
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nomasteryoda | selinuxium, you can do anything... | 11:06 |
shatrat | hatchek, what messge is that? | 11:06 |
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boricua | where does ubuntu store ssh logins, i dont see any logs for it | 11:06 |
Eon_ | Hello. First time Linux user here with a question. I got two monitors running two resolutions on a Ati x1900xtx card. It seems to work fine, but when i move my cursor onto the 2nd screen it changes from a "arrow" and into a 2cm square. Can anyone help me fix the problem, or point me in the direction of a url that might? | 11:06 |
selinuxium | nomasteryoda: lol | 11:06 |
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nomasteryoda | linux allows that ... i used to do it with suse selinuxium | 11:07 |
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selinuxium | nomasteryoda: I just need someone to tel me how! | 11:07 |
cesiel | If I'm in recovery mode, my changes will be saved right? | 11:07 |
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cameotwat | guys | 11:07 |
cameotwat | i've started up the fluxbuntu from the live cd i want to install it | 11:08 |
cameotwat | what should i do ? | 11:08 |
nomasteryoda | i would make a second menu item in grub menu and make that default for booting into init 3 | 11:08 |
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nomasteryoda | or network but no gui | 11:08 |
nomasteryoda | init 5 is with X | 11:08 |
pbureau | cameotwat- see that icon marked INSTALL on the left, double click on it | 11:08 |
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cameotwat | pbureau nop, no icon. | 11:08 |
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selinuxium | nomasteryoda: i was wondering if I could alter the init so it did not load automatically. | 11:08 |
doopidub | anyone familiar with dmraid? i installed it but am still not able to mount my raid0 | 11:08 |
pbureau | cameotwat -opps sorry mate read that to quickly... dont mind me.. | 11:09 |
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Vandalay | you have no dev/mapper? | 11:09 |
nomasteryoda | yupthat is the way | 11:09 |
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hatchek | its the message you get when you type CTRL+ALT+F# | 11:09 |
chavo | hatchek, /etc/motd | 11:09 |
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maccam94 | i'm having issues getting 5.1 surround sound out of my digital optical output (snd_hda_intel, nvidia 680i chipset) | 11:10 |
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hatchek | chavo, thanks | 11:10 |
Ferret | Eon_: That's probably a bug in the Composite extension. I suggest disabling it in X to determine if this is the case. | 11:10 |
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nomasteryoda | selinuxium, just make another entry in /boot/grub/menu.lst and have the extra tag "init 3" on the end of the kernel line | 11:10 |
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nomasteryoda | and make that line default.. for a server | 11:10 |
dexemna | Where can I find a list of what printers work with ubuntu? My Dell All-in-One photo 924 doesn't seem to be recognized and I can't find drivers on Google | 11:11 |
cpk1 | maccam94: no sound at all or low sound | 11:11 |
shatrat | dexemna, linuxprinting.org has a compatibility list and recommendations | 11:11 |
nomasteryoda | dexemna, that should be an HP | 11:11 |
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Jowi | cameotwat, /join #fluxbuntu | 11:11 |
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nomasteryoda | most of those dells are hp printers | 11:11 |
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cpk1 | maccam94: I just got my digital out set up all nice the other week so maybe i can try to help | 11:11 |
Ferret | Eon_: to do that, edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf, find the Extensions section, and add: Option "Composite" "Disable" | 11:11 |
maccam94 | cpk1: well i can get stereo some weird way, by making it think it's playing sound over capture 1. but if i try to play sound over the digital output it just buzzes | 11:12 |
cameotwat | Jowi i'm there | 11:12 |
Ferret | Hopefully. o.o | 11:12 |
Rug | dexemna: IMHO samsung has the best linux printer you can get | 11:12 |
Eon_ | Ferret: thanks, ill give that a try. | 11:12 |
selinuxium | nomasteryoda: cheers! | 11:12 |
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nomasteryoda | np selinuxium | 11:12 |
jkeyes0 | Actually, I believe the Dell 924 is a lexmark printer. I used to help design the laser series, and Dell contracted lots of printers from Lexmark | 11:12 |
Jowi | cameotwat, I meant - ask in #fluxbuntu :) | 11:12 |
drew1313 | hello all, Drew From Knoxville, TN: USA | 11:12 |
Vandalay | http://www.ubuntu-in.org/wiki/SATA_RAID_Howto | 11:12 |
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nomasteryoda | oh, ok... those are not nice printers for linux at all... lexmark | 11:13 |
maccam94 | cpk1: i've also got a number of different sound devices that show up in aplay -l, aplay -L, and cat /proc/asound/devices | 11:13 |
fuziwuzi | i have a dumb question, does ubunto come with aiglx/com[iz/beryl? | 11:13 |
nomasteryoda | drew1313, howdy from Bonaire GA | 11:13 |
nomasteryoda | =D | 11:13 |
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shatrat | fuziwuzi, edgy has AIGLX, but the other stuff has ot be installed | 11:13 |
fuziwuzi | sweet | 11:14 |
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fuziwuzi | thanks shatrat | 11:14 |
drew1313 | Howdy nomasteryoda! | 11:14 |
maccam94 | cpk1: when i attempt to test with some hw0,0 i get silence, but my surround sound reciever detects dts sound. when I try 0,2 i get buzzing, and my surround receiver doesn't show dts unless i've just used 0,0 | 11:14 |
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fuziwuzi | is edgy version 6.10 (yes i am that n00b *blushes*) | 11:14 |
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drew1313 | just dropped by to "listen in" firest time here | 11:14 |
shatrat | fuziwuzi, yes | 11:14 |
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nomasteryoda | drew1313, got a friend up in TN... he's founder of FairUseDay.org | 11:14 |
nomasteryoda | cool | 11:14 |
fuziwuzi | sweet shatrat thanks for your help | 11:15 |
shatrat | fuziwuzi, no problem. | 11:15 |
drew1313 | cool will check it out: copied url.. | 11:15 |
cpk1 | maccam94: do you only have one sound card in your box? | 11:15 |
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hkai1 | hi | 11:16 |
hkai1 | is there a tool to find duplicate files? | 11:16 |
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Music_Shuffle | ih | 11:16 |
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maccam94 | cpk1: yup | 11:16 |
drew1313 | hihkia1.. | 11:16 |
Eon_ | Ferret: i cant see the "extentions" section. Do you mean to place that line under the "inputDevice" section (for mouse) ? | 11:16 |
crazy_penguin | good night/noapte buna | 11:16 |
maccam94 | cpk1: but the device listings look seriously confused | 11:16 |
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bobdobbs | if anyone can help, I found logs relevent to failed (sytem hang) login attempts, coud anyone have a look and let me know if there is anything I can do to successfully log in with this?? 1) /home/<name>/.xsession-errors http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/870704 2) /var/log/gdm/ :0.log.3 http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/870672 3) a chunck relevent from /var/log/syslog http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/870701 | 11:16 |
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cpk1 | aplay -L will show all sorts of stuff but aplay -l i think should just show the physical device | 11:17 |
Jowi | cameotwat, Just out of curiosity I found here ( http://fluxbuntu.org/?q=node/3 ) it says that you need to run "sudo ubiquity" to install. | 11:17 |
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maccam94 | cpk1: yeah, that shows several | 11:17 |
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Ferret | Eon_: see the bottom of http://rpm.livna.org/rlowiki/Packages/xorg-x11-drv-fglrx | 11:18 |
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Ferret | Eon_: Just paste that code snippet to the bottom of your xorg.conf file, should be fine | 11:18 |
hkai1 | is there a tool to find duplicate files? | 11:18 |
Eon_ | ok, thanks :) | 11:18 |
XpLiciT | I'm using ubuntu with php5.2.0 installed and need the php5-gd module, but the 5.2.0 version is only avialable for 'Feisty.' is there a chance i can safely install it? | 11:18 |
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XpLiciT | err, dapper | 11:18 |
cpk1 | maccam94: in alsamixer do you have an iec958 device? | 11:19 |
nomasteryoda | drew1313, if you are using xchat, it can log all urls automagically | 11:19 |
XpLiciT | (I'm using dapper, but it is only available on Feisty) | 11:19 |
drew1313 | usig gaim. | 11:19 |
Lunar_Lamp | When I list running processes using "ps -ef", there are some that I cannt kill that are preceeded by a "#". Example: #5001 27885 27884 0 2006 pts/7 00:00:06 irssi | 11:19 |
Lunar_Lamp | How do I fix that? | 11:19 |
drew1313 | but I just went there....interesting | 11:19 |
nomasteryoda | k | 11:19 |
maccam94 | cpk1: http://pastebin.ca/332322 | 11:19 |
fuziwuzi | is feisty the next version of unbuntu | 11:19 |
drew1313 | my typing is....bad | 11:19 |
maccam94 | cpk1: yes, but it doesn't put out 5.1 | 11:19 |
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XpLiciT | fuziwuzi: yes | 11:20 |
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fuziwuzi | XpLixiT: cheers mate ^__^ | 11:20 |
cpk1 | maccam94: turn all the iec958 levels down to 0 | 11:20 |
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nikitis | Ok, would anyone know why if my drivers are installed. THEY ARE so don't ask. And direct rendering is still at No | 11:20 |
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Eon_ | ferret: I added the line to xorg.conf and restarted X with ctrl-alt-backspace, but it's still the same. | 11:20 |
cpk1 | XpLiciT: probably not due to dependency issues | 11:20 |
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kestaz | have anyone saw world ugliest dog ? | 11:21 |
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Rug | quit | 11:22 |
Rug | ack sorry | 11:22 |
fuziwuzi | oh excuse all the questions :( but is there a url i can check what is available in teh repositories of apps? | 11:22 |
Ferret | Eon_: Let's check to make sure composite actually got disabled -- xdpyinfo | grep -i composite | 11:22 |
XpLiciT | cpk1: that's what i was afraid of. do you think i can force install the version for php 5.1.2? | 11:22 |
maccam94 | cpk1: mute it? | 11:22 |
Ferret | Eon_: No output means it's disabled | 11:22 |
drew1313 | this is interesting | 11:22 |
hkai1 | nobody here, who knows a tool to find duplicate files? | 11:22 |
Eon_ | i get no output | 11:22 |
hakk | question for you guys.. kind of an edge case, but quite annoying.. if I run a standlone version of firefox, I can paste links into the browser (anywhere) and firefox will open the page.. however, under the ubuntu packaged version, I can't do that.. confirmed on two up-to-date machines.. any hints? | 11:23 |
vittorio | kestaz, you saw the world ugliest dog? | 11:23 |
Jowi | fuziwuzi, is http://archive.ubuntu.com what you are looking for? | 11:23 |
kestaz | yes, on tv.. that dog is 3rd time ugliest dog.. | 11:23 |
cpk1 | XpLiciT: i tried using a fiesty package the other day and gave up because it depended on several very important packages like libc and stuff so I am very dubious that many fiesty packages would work | 11:23 |
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pbureau | hkai1- suggestion checlk http://www.freshmeat.net/ for something like that | 11:23 |
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flareze | hi ppl | 11:23 |
maccam94 | cpk1: it's at zero, when I mute it i get nothing when i use aplay on 0,0 and 0,2 | 11:23 |
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rbanffy | Hi. I am facing some problems with WPA and a prism2 card on a Edgy box. Is anyone willing to walk me through the solution (assuming there is one, of course)? | 11:24 |
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arthus | hello | 11:24 |
cameotwat | when i choose space for partition it says 'failed to create enough space for partition | 11:24 |
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arthus | my network is not working with unbuntu | 11:24 |
YogSothoth | Good evening! | 11:24 |
cpk1 | maccam94: there should be 2 iec958's one with no slider that you can mute and unmute, leave it unmuted and the other iec958 just bring the level down to 0 ( you can mute it anyways?) | 11:24 |
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vittorio | kestaz, was it this one? http://www.samugliestdog.com/ | 11:25 |
drew1313 | arthus: what's the hardware setup? | 11:25 |
flareze | im having some problem with my tv-card.. did just install it. And when i try to capture with cat /dev/video0 > /tmp/asdasd.mpg it works.. but its just "star wars" | 11:25 |
maccam94 | cpk1: nope, only 1 | 11:25 |
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arthus | i can't connect to the internet with ubunutu. I am on an asdsl modem going through a linksys router running ddwrt | 11:25 |
fuziwuzi | jowi: kinda i just wanted a list of the app i can install, so see if unbuntu has the stuff i might need, i can't make sense of that site :blushes: and i was lookign for stuff now in the iso/release | 11:25 |
kestaz | vittorio, i can watch ;( | 11:25 |
kbrosnan | hakk: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Middlemouse.paste | 11:26 |
h0ndaracer2 | do they make cain and able for linux | 11:26 |
arthus | drew1313: I am on an adsl modem going through a linksys router running ddwrt | 11:26 |
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cameotwat | h0ndaracer2 huh? | 11:26 |
drew1313 | arthus: can you talk to other pc's on your net (or do you have only one? | 11:27 |
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h0ndaracer2 | cain able it is for windows do they have it for lillnux | 11:27 |
arthus | drew: no, I can't | 11:27 |
pbureau | h0ndaracer2- probably not under that name, so what does it do ? | 11:27 |
arthus | drew: but I have localized ubunutu as the problem | 11:27 |
Eon_ | Ferret: im sorry, i didnt use your name before so maybe you didnt see my text. Typing that gave no output in console. | 11:27 |
h0ndaracer2 | i need it to track network traffic | 11:27 |
shmeelAway | hi, is it possible to have both VMware Player AND VMware-server on your computer at the same time? | 11:27 |
arthus | drew: I can connect to 'net on same pc under xp | 11:27 |
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drew1313 | does linux recognise your ethernet card? | 11:27 |
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h0ndaracer2 | to control | 11:28 |
h0ndaracer2 | saome things | 11:28 |
arthus | i think it does | 11:28 |
arthus | it says 'eth01' as the network adapter | 11:28 |
factboy818181 | hello again - this isn't really much of an ubuntu question, but my power light is on backwards - it's on when the comp's off, but off when the comp's on - any ideas? | 11:28 |
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pbureau | factboy818181- switch around the wires ? | 11:28 |
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drew1313 | try pinging the router | 11:28 |
factboy818181 | pbureau: tried taht | 11:28 |
Jowi | fuziwuzi, easiest is to browse in synaptic package manager. the programs there are divided into sections. | 11:28 |
arthus | drew: i did, got a response | 11:28 |
fuziwuzi | i got this on cain and able, so people can see if there is a linux like app for it: | 11:28 |
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fuziwuzi | Cain & Abel is a password recovery tool for Microsoft Operating Systems. It allows easy recovery of various kind of passwords by sniffing the network, cracking encrypted passwords using Dictionary, Brute-Force and Cryptanalysis attacks, recording VoIP conversations, decoding scrambled passwords, recovering wireless network keys, revealing password boxes, uncovering cached passwords and analyzing routing protocols. The program does not | 11:29 |
arthus | drew: I can connect to modem and router from ubuntu | 11:29 |
pbureau | factboy818181- change the led its faulty | 11:29 |
arthus | drew: just not WAN | 11:29 |
Ferret | Eon_: Hrmm, OK... better re-enable Composite then in case you need it later. go put a # sign in front of the lines you added... | 11:29 |
h0ndaracer2 | i know what cain and able is | 11:29 |
factboy818181 | pbureau: do you have any links? | 11:29 |
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drew1313 | reboot the router 5 sec.. than the modem also 5 sec | 11:29 |
h0ndaracer2 | i need it for linux if i can get it | 11:29 |
fuziwuzi | yeah but the others might not | 11:29 |
arthus | drew: already did, not fix | 11:29 |
hakk | kbrosnan: great, worked like a charm.. Thanks! | 11:29 |
pbureau | factboy818181- nope but I sure computer led on google will find million hits | 11:29 |
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Ferret | Eon_: After that next step will probably be to reinstall the ati driver, but you'll have to ask these guys how to do that 'cos I don't know (I don't actually run ubuntu) | 11:29 |
drew1313 | hemmm | 11:29 |
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arthus | drew: I don't think it is a problem on their end | 11:29 |
factboy818181 | pbureau: mkay, thanks :D | 11:29 |
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arthus | drew: since I can connect on same hardware under windows | 11:30 |
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khally | i want to share my linux disk w/ another linux machine. what's the best way to do that: NFS, sshfs, or SMB? | 11:30 |
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Eon_ | ferret: done. Any other ideas? Do you think this is a ATI driver problem, GUI problem or what? | 11:30 |
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shatrat | khally, nfs | 11:30 |
pbureau | arthus if you do ' cat /etc/network/interfaces' are the lines auto eth0 and if eth0 have a '#' in front of them if so use sudo pico and remove them | 11:31 |
drew1313 | yea but tat hapend to me.. dual boot.. aand pulling power cord 5 sec fixed it, but I am using a cable modem | 11:31 |
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vsclan_dolidoli | !sound | 11:31 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 11:31 |
arthus | drew: hmm, I might try doing a complete reboot of everything | 11:31 |
arthus | computer, router, and modem all at same time | 11:31 |
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Ferret | Eon_: Well, I had a quick look online about it, I'll show you what I found... http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-245143.html | 11:31 |
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pbureau | arthus suggestion , everythgin off, modem on, router on then pc all 1 min apart | 11:32 |
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Ferret | Bah, | 11:32 |
maccam94 | cpk1: any ideas? | 11:32 |
arthus | alight | 11:32 |
arthus | off to test | 11:32 |
drew1313 | yup.. that should do it | 11:32 |
cameotwat | hi i chose 'use the largest continuous free space' and the icon changed to clock for a long time now | 11:32 |
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cpk1 | maccam94: thinking hehe | 11:32 |
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shmeelAway | hi, is it possible to have both VMware Player AND VMware-server on your computer at the same time? I get an error when i try to install vmware server, but only thing i got on is VMware player | 11:33 |
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maccam94 | cpk1: lol, if you read the pastebin i linked to, for some reason the device is trying to capture and playback over the same connection | 11:33 |
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Eon_ | ferret: http://cayfer.bilkent.edu.tr/~cayfer/WeirdMousePointer/index.html If you go there, you can see what it looks like. Our problem looks the same, but diffrent triggers. (me on 2nd monitor and he has it on flash etc) | 11:33 |
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Ferret | Eon_: I found... http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-245143.html | 11:34 |
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cpk1 | maccam94: yeah mine is set up the same way, the iec958 is recording and unmuted at the same time, it doesnt cause problems as long as they are both set to zero for somereason... | 11:34 |
Ferret | Eon_: I suggest you have a look through /var/log/Xorg.0.log for warnings and errors. c.c | 11:34 |
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boricua | where does ubuntu store ssh logins, i dont see any logs for it | 11:34 |
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rbanffy | Is this the right room for asking about wireless problems under Ubuntu Edgy? | 11:35 |
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pbureau | rbanffy- ask away my friend | 11:35 |
Eon_ | ferret: the solution they suggest at the bottom, is that what we tried first? disabeling composite? | 11:35 |
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Ferret | Eon_: Yep. | 11:36 |
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maccam94 | cpk1: do you have a dts/dolby capable surround sound reciever? | 11:36 |
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rbanffy | pbureau: I can't seem to make my prism2_usb card work under WPA | 11:36 |
RememberPOL | every 5 seconds or so apt-index-watch spikes my cpu usage... when i do ps - A|grep apt... it shows up as pid 4073 (all the time) but once every 5 seconds a second apt-index-watch with a new pid shows up for a second and goes away, but 4073 is always there. the new one causes my system to lag... any idea what's going on? | 11:36 |
pbureau | rbanffy- usb wifi is very though toget working | 11:36 |
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rbanffy | pbureau: unprotected wlans are just fine | 11:36 |
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flareze | anyone that can give some hint with my tv card issue ? | 11:37 |
pbureau | rbanffy- so it works, just WPA/WEP your having problems with ? | 11:37 |
rbanffy | pbureau: Well.. If it's very tough I feel less stupid ;-) | 11:37 |
cpk1 | maccam94: yup, its only tells me that it is getting dts signal when i am actually playing something through it though (which makes sense =P) | 11:37 |
rbanffy | Yes. WPA. I don't know about WEP | 11:37 |
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rbanffy | pbureau: Yes. WPA. I don't know about WEP | 11:38 |
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pbureau | rbanffy- for WPA. you need to get wpa_supplicant module in synaptic | 11:38 |
drew1313 | :-P | 11:38 |
rbanffy | Already there | 11:38 |
Cryoniq | How do I fix so that there arent double of everything on my screen.. or even more.. | 11:38 |
Cryoniq | :P | 11:38 |
cpk1 | maccam94: can you pastebin aplay -L too please? | 11:39 |
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rbanffy | pbureau: Already installed. It says "Driver did not support SIOCSIWENCODEEXT" | 11:39 |
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BruceAndMary | We had my son switch us to linux from windows xp, & now have no sound , is there a conflict w/ Audigy creative sound blaster, & do I need to load the software(he said to call for directions if I have to load software, & he's not home)? | 11:39 |
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Eon_ | Ferret: there are some errors complaining about some fonts, but thats all i see. | 11:39 |
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maccam94 | cpk1: http://pastebin.ca/332353 | 11:40 |
=== Cryoniq thinks he caught winter flu or just eaten or drinked too little today.. ouff.. audio and visual echo in this bran atm.. | ||
shatrat | BruceAndMary, I believe creative Audigy are well supported. Perhaps you need to look in your mixer to see that nothing is muted? | 11:40 |
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Cyrus25801 | should you unmount a flah drv before removing it and why | 11:41 |
BruceAndMary | TY, I'll check... | 11:41 |
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cpk1 | maccam94: try using cards.pcm.iec958 as your playback device instead of the hw id | 11:41 |
cameotwat | hi i chose 'use the largest continuous free space' and it says "failed to partition the selected disk" | 11:42 |
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xptweak | does anyone here use tor? (the onion router) | 11:42 |
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Ferret | Eon_: Try this: grep DRI /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 11:42 |
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Ferret | Eon_: If that doesn't find anything, then it would appear that the cause of your problem is totally different from the others. x.x | 11:43 |
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linuxnewbie756 | has anyone heard of tor? | 11:44 |
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Cyrus25801 | should you unmount a flah drv before removing it and why | 11:44 |
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nexeus | i know torpark but thats all | 11:44 |
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cpk1 | maccam94: I just realized this, but if your sound level sounds fine with aplay then you are probably fine because i dont think aplay passes a digital signal through | 11:44 |
maccam94 | cpk1: what would the syntax be like for that? | 11:44 |
Ferret | linuxnewbie756: What's the actual problem you're having? | 11:44 |
Eon_ | Ferret: now we got something... On both monitors i get DRI initialization failed, Screen 0/1 not DRI capable. Texured video not supported. If this is the problem, it seems like its on both monitors so why does my cursor work on one of them? :P | 11:44 |
drew1313 | 8-) | 11:44 |
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Sven_vB | hi :) | 11:45 |
maccam94 | cpk1: well i get the dts signal sometimes, with no sound, and sound, with no dts signal | 11:45 |
Sven_vB | how do i prevent gdm from starting automagically? | 11:45 |
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maccam94 | cpk1: http://alsa.opensrc.org/DigitalOut says it can be done i think | 11:45 |
nofxx | how to upgrade my 6.10 ubuntu LTSP to the v5 ?? | 11:45 |
cpk1 | maccam94: replace 0,2 with cards.pcm.iec958 | 11:46 |
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Ferret | Cyrus25801: Some drivers in Linux, and software on the disk, optomizes writes by caching them. By unmounting the drive you force a sync so that all the write transactions that are scheduled actually get written and the data on the device becomes properly consistent | 11:46 |
Ferret | Cyrus25801: That's not technically exactly how it works, or complete, but it's along those lines | 11:46 |
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maccam94 | cpk1: invalid value for card | 11:46 |
Cyrus25801 | Ferret: thanx | 11:47 |
andriijas | is there any way to upgrade ruby in ubuntu edgy to version 1.8.5? like any inoffical packages or something | 11:47 |
Ferret | Eon_: Not sure, but at least we're closer to the issue. I suggest you try asking in #xorg, stating the problem and pasting a link to your log (upload it at pastebin.ca or similar) | 11:47 |
cpk1 | maccam94: aplay -D cards.pcm.iec958 didnt work? | 11:47 |
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Eon_ | Ferret: OK, thanks a ton for your help :=) | 11:48 |
SkirK_WorKSpacE | how i can open the port ? | 11:48 |
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SkirK_WorKSpacE | for example | 11:48 |
SkirK_WorKSpacE | port 89 | 11:48 |
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linuxnewbie756 | Jan 29 17:47:46.484 [warn] /var/lib/tor is not owned by this UID (1000). You must fix this to proceed. | 11:49 |
linuxnewbie756 | Jan 29 17:47:46.485 [err] options_act(): Couldn't access/create private data directory /var/lib/tor | 11:49 |
linuxnewbie756 | Jan 29 17:47:46.485 [err] init_from_config(): Acting on config options left us in a broken state. Dying. | 11:49 |
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nofxx | how to upgrade my 6.10 ubuntu LTSP to the v5 ?? | 11:49 |
linuxnewbie756 | can someone tell me how to fix this? | 11:49 |
maccam94 | cpk1: NOPE | 11:49 |
maccam94 | cpk1: opps, caps lock | 11:49 |
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shatrat | nofxx, what is ltsp? | 11:49 |
linuxnewbie756 | for the first one, UID, would i have to use chmod for that? | 11:49 |
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nofxx | linux terminal something project | 11:49 |
jkillaz | how can I turn on antialiasing on my laptop.. cause these fonts are crappy | 11:50 |
nofxx | to lauch thin clients | 11:50 |
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cpk1 | hrmm | 11:50 |
shatrat | jkillaz, System -> Preferences -> fonts | 11:50 |
SkirK_WorKSpacE | devilsadvocate, hi man ^^ | 11:50 |
shatrat | nofxx, ah, im not familiar with it. | 11:50 |
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tamas | shatrat, LTSP = Linux Terminal Server Project ! hi all, by the way! | 11:50 |
phaedra | linuxnewbie756, Add your user to the tor group. | 11:50 |
linuxnewbie756 | how? | 11:50 |
devilsadvocate | hi SkirK_WorKSpacE .. do i know you ? :P | 11:50 |
nofxx | tamas: tnx man... xD | 11:50 |
jkillaz | shatrat: so just like I thought it is the subpixel smoothing (LCD)? | 11:51 |
vsclan_dolidoli | i have sound problem.... I can hear sound but, with bee~ noise.... | 11:51 |
arthus | drew: I have returned | 11:51 |
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arthus | drew: the full clean boot didn't fix the problem | 11:51 |
phaedra | linuxnewbie756, Open the user manager and select the tor group and add yourself to it. | 11:51 |
linuxnewbie756 | manager? | 11:51 |
nofxx | it works fine with a nforce2 mobo i have (for client) but not on a ecs with new nforce for am2 | 11:51 |
arthus | drew: I still can't connect | 11:51 |
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SkirK_WorKSpacE | devilsadvocate, you help me last night with boot problem...remember...wrong partition :) | 11:52 |
vsclan_dolidoli | i have sound problem.... I can hear sound but, with bee~ noise.... | 11:52 |
drew1313 | wow: I was hoping that woulddo it | 11:52 |
devilsadvocate | ah | 11:52 |
shatrat | jkillaz, the subpixel smoothing doesnt actually look as good as some of the other settings on my LCD. Im on a 20.1 inch at 1680x1050 though, it might look best on your laptop. Just choose whichever one has a better looking Preview | 11:52 |
cameotwat | hi i chose 'use the largest continuous free space' and it says "failed to partition the selected disk" | 11:52 |
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cameotwat | -hi | 11:52 |
FatherTyme | l | 11:52 |
cameotwat | during installation | 11:52 |
shatrat | cameotwat, Have you tried manual partitioning? Did it give any more specific error? | 11:53 |
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linuxnewbie756 | phaedra, do you use tor? | 11:53 |
cpk1 | maccam94: does 0,2 always give clean sound? | 11:53 |
arthus | anyone: I am having problems with my WAN connection | 11:53 |
Jowi | !anyone | arthus | 11:54 |
ubotu | arthus: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 11:54 |
SkirK_WorKSpacE | devilsadvocate, do you know how I can open port on Ubuntu? for example i want open port 100, which is the command? | 11:54 |
cameotwat | shatrat no | 11:54 |
devilsadvocate | SkirK_WorKSpacE, no idea | 11:54 |
cameotwat | shatrat i've tried resizing | 11:54 |
arthus | uh, that was my question | 11:54 |
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SkirK_WorKSpacE | ok | 11:54 |
Jowi | arthus, not specific enough :) what is the problem and what have you tried? | 11:54 |
jkillaz | uhm how can I search for updates using apt? | 11:54 |
cpk1 | !work | 11:54 |
ubotu | Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 11:54 |
arthus | here are my specs: abit motherboard and ethernet, linksys router, and dsl modem | 11:54 |
phaedra | linuxnewbie756, You should /join #tor | 11:54 |
minimec | SkirK_WorKSpacE: use a firewall like firestarter. | 11:55 |
drew1313 | arthus:in settings, does it show your eth0 | 11:55 |
arthus | yes it does | 11:55 |
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linuxnewbie756 | phaedra, i did, but noone was in it | 11:55 |
jkillaz | I'm actually looking for a way to turn on my Fn key on my dell latitude 610 | 11:55 |
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arthus | ubotu: I have tried a clean reboot of everything | 11:55 |
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SkirK_WorKSpacE | mmm minimec , i remember there is a command... | 11:55 |
phaedra | linuxnewbie756, there are 56 people in now. | 11:55 |
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maccam94 | cpk1: clean yes, surround now, everytime no | 11:55 |
minimec | SkirK_WorKSpacE: oh. I didn't know that. | 11:56 |
maccam94 | *no | 11:56 |
shatrat | cameotwat, If there isnt a more detailed description of the error I'm not sure what else to try. Maybe partition using something else before running the ubuntu installer. | 11:56 |
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Jowi | arthus, 1) do you set up the connection in the modem? 2) if not, what ip address do you now have 3) have you run pppoeconf? | 11:56 |
vsclan_dolidoli | i have sound problem.... I can hear sound but, with "bee" noise.... | 11:56 |
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vsclan_dolidoli | anyone can help me? | 11:56 |
cpk1 | maccam94: ok so it isnt always surround but it is always clean? | 11:56 |
drew1313 | does it show DNS? | 11:56 |
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Jowi | arthus, ...and is it a USB or Ethernet connected? | 11:56 |
maccam94 | cpk1: no surround, not always getting audio, but it's always clean | 11:56 |
mon^rch | is it possible to just install KDE and not kubuntu? | 11:56 |
arthus | jowi: yes, the connection works fine on XP, I am using ethernet connect | 11:56 |
maccam94 | mon^rch: yes | 11:56 |
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shatrat | vsclan_dolidoli, I had that as well, try turning the volume down a little in alsamixer, main and pcm | 11:56 |
devilsadvocate | mon^rch, install kde-desktop | 11:57 |
Jowi | arthus, does the modem give you an ip address? | 11:57 |
arthus | jowl: my mac address is automatically assigned an IP of by modem | 11:57 |
cameotwat | shatrat like what? | 11:57 |
mon^rch | ty | 11:57 |
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arthus | jowl: i set it up for that | 11:57 |
vsclan_dolidoli | I tried volume down... but still hear beep sound | 11:57 |
arthus | jowl: client end just uses DHCP but router will always give this mac | 11:57 |
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tom_ | vsclan_dolidoli: is the beep coming from the speakers or from inside the computer? | 11:58 |
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shatrat | cameotwat, I dont know, I always use the installer :) | 11:58 |
=== BananaSlip [n=juliette@nor75-7-81-57-85-220.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
maccam94 | cpk1: i'm gonna try running another app to see if I get surround | 11:58 |
maccam94 | brb | 11:58 |
Jowi | arthus, ok. wait. is it a router or a modem or is the router connected to the modem? | 11:58 |
nikitis | Is there a way to clean the nvidia driver off of your computer? | 11:58 |
arthus | jowi: the router is connected to the modem | 11:58 |
arthus | and I can ping them both under ubuntu | 11:59 |
tom_ | maccam94: you need to enable some options in Volume Control | 11:59 |
arthus | just can't access WAN | 11:59 |
tom_ | ugh | 11:59 |
cpk1 | maccam94: you will need to use passthrough to get a true dts signal | 11:59 |
=== YogSothoth_ [n=john@lns-bzn-55-82-255-177-218.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vsclan_dolidoli | and sound is often doesn't work, if I up & down PCM and front volume, it works again... | 11:59 |
Jowi | arthus, ok, so your computer *should not* set up the connection. either your modem or your router should do that. | 11:59 |
drew1313 | Mon^rch install metapackage kdebase | 11:59 |
mon^rch | there is no kde-desktop to install what's the correct name of the package to install | 11:59 |
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tom_ | !kde | 11:59 |
ubotu | KDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop", or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE for other ways to get KDE | 11:59 |
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devilsadvocate | mon^rch, sorry ... kubunt-desktop | 11:59 |
arthus | jowi: it does, I simply have the computer set to dhcp ethernet | 11:59 |
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devilsadvocate | mon^rch, if you just want a kde base and not the full package, install kde-base | 12:00 |
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Jowi | arthus, post the output of "ifconfig" to the pastebin please | 12:00 |
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Jowi | !pastebin | arthus | 12:00 |
ubotu | arthus: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 12:01 |
arthus | I am under windows right now, should I switch to ubuntu first? | 12:01 |
drew1313 | but kdebase takes care of all the dependancies and you can always add to it later: that's what I am on right now! | 12:01 |
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