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gnomefreakkarma is messed up again if not already known i went from over 1.3 million to 10489 over night.01:06
gnomefreakim not the only one01:06
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gnomefreaki had right at 900,000-1 million before edgys release how is this right?01:10
mptgnomefreak, see the channel topic01:11
LaserJockgosh, I really like the new numbers, I guess it's just me :/01:12
tonyyarussompt: We just read that.  It still doesn't seem right according to what that claims was the problem.01:12
LarstiQmpt: interesting, it has greatly changed +topcontributors for a couple of projects01:13
mpttonyyarusso, can you give an example?01:13
tonyyarussompt: Well, I don't have the exact numbers, but gnomefreak, PriceChild, and I all believe we had substantially more points in October than we do now, regardless of what happened in between.  Additionally, gnomefreak and I can both confirm that our karmas were holding steady in recent weeks, not increasing dramatically as would have been the case.01:14
ajmitchLaserJock: you still looked at your karma?01:15
mpttonyyarusso, remember that karma decays over time01:15
LaserJockmpt: yeah, it's definately done more than just compensate for Oct-Jan01:16
=== ajmitch wonders if there needs to be a disclaimer about karma, saying how it doesn't really mean anything
mptSo if your karma was holding steady recently, that might have been a combination of both the Oct~Jan ballooning, and the decay of karma you earned before October.01:16
tonyyarussompt: Right.  Probably the most significant thing is the appearance of being steady recently.  Was it locked after the problem was discovered or anything like that?01:16
LaserJockyou sure they didn't Log() it or something01:16
tonyyarussompt: ah, that would make some sense01:16
mptCancelling each other out.01:16
LarstiQmpt: afaik karma has been non-increasing for everyone the past week or so01:17
LaserJockok, but I went from almost 2 million to 4208 overnight01:17
tonyyarussompt: Still, it seems like a pretty drastic adjustment.  I went from something on the order of a bit over 1,250,000 to 2476, so it raises some flags.01:17
LaserJockthat seems a bit more than some compensation01:17
mptThe people who know most about karma are salgado and stub01:17
mptso you may want to talk about it with one of them, when they're around01:18
tonyyarussoAll right.  Just hoping we haven't introduced a new bug or something.01:18
=== LarstiQ went from 400k to 2829
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sabdflmpt: hmm... i thought the 1-0-ui branch rolled out automatically at 23:00 UTC?01:43
sabdflwas hoping to see all the new fixes before crashing :-)01:43
sabdflLaserJock: i think they did log it01:43
LaserJockI was hoping for a Log, I think it's a good way to get new people excited without making things unreadable01:44
LaserJockunless of course your sabdfl and you should have infinite karma ;-)01:45
sabdflin my life, there's good karma, and there's not-so-good karma :-)01:45
sabdfldat's livin'01:45
LaserJockwe haven't introduced negative karma01:45
LaserJockthat would be fun ;-)01:45
UbugtuNew bug: #82389 in soyuz "Store the person who signed the changes file in an upload" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8238901:45
sabdflnight kiko-zzz01:46
ajmitchLaserJock: you mean upload a package with bugs?01:50
ajmitchor filing a duplicate?01:51
=== LarstiQ was just talking about tagging revisions as 'introduces-buffer-overflow'
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mptsabdfl, there was one pagetest failure that I've now fixed, now I'm merging conflicts with salgado's work01:58
LaserJockajmitch: for what?02:00
ajmitchLaserJock: negative karma :)02:01
LaserJockI thought we could give doko -5 every time he backlogs the buildd with OO.o ;-)02:02
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UbugtuNew bug: #82391 in rosetta "Denemo name in menu Spanish" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8239102:06
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jameshmpt: ping?03:22
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effie_jayxHello... is something wrong with karma??? or was there something wrong with Karma?03:49
ajmitchsee topic03:52
effie_jayxthe second then :D03:54
effie_jayxsorr for not reading the topic03:54
mpthello jamesh03:59
jameshmpt: yesterday Hobsee filed a bug about confusion relating to the way we display dates/times (bug 82230)04:01
=== mpt pokes production with a stick
UbugtuMalone bug 82230 in pytz "Time zone abbreviations can cause confusion" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8223004:01
jameshit turns out that she assumed that the "EST" at the ends of the dates meant we were using US time rather than Australian EST (which she had selected)04:02
jameshmpt: what do you think of using numeric time zone names instead, or maybe even no time zone names?04:02
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goukiHi. I had a major lost of karma points. ~70000 to 5000. Can anyone provide any information of why this happened?04:03
jameshgouki: see topic04:03
goukijamesh: Sorry04:04
goukiThank you04:04
jameshgouki: no problem :)04:04
goukijamesh: So NOW the karma is correct04:04
mptjamesh, definitely, if it is at all common for more than one timezone to have the same abbreviation04:05
jameshmpt: they definitely aren't unique identifiers04:06
jameshgouki: yep.  I don't have 2 million karma either now :)04:06
goukijamesh: Hehehe!04:06
jmlso how much karma do I need to level up?04:06
jameshjml: now or before?04:07
jmlnow, I guess.04:07
jameshjml: 2 million04:07
gouki'Level up'?04:07
jmlgouki: it's an RPG term.04:08
mptooh, that's an idea04:09
jmlgouki: for way too much information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Level_up04:09
mptGet 10000 karma, and you get to use Launchpad Pro04:09
goukijml: Thank you. I was not aware of this.04:10
goukiCan I find out more information regarding Launchpad Pro?04:10
ajmitchmpt: excellent, I've only got a couple of thousand to go!04:11
=== mpt hides
=== ajmitch hopes it's nice & shiny
mptVaporware always is04:13
mptargh, kiko, where's your patch?04:14
ajmitchmpt: the beta isn't vapour though :)04:15
mptNor is it shiny, yet04:17
=== mpt gets to work applying shininess
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effie_jayxlol @ launchpad pro... is that for reall?04:58
jamesheffie_jayx: I can neither confirm or deny the existence of Launchpad Pro04:58
effie_jayxohhh god...04:59
jameshactually, I can deny the existence :)04:59
ajmitchthe secret is to deny everything05:00
spivajmitch: we deny that that is the secret05:01
effie_jayxwell 05:02
effie_jayxsounds very corporate... to ad a pro...05:02
effie_jayxwhat next.. launchpad home edition 05:03
LaserJockI was thinking Launchpad XP05:03
radixand how many new spells do you get when you level up05:03
effie_jayxradix,  lol05:03
jmlradix: depends on your class05:03
LaserJockthat's what I need, more "bug-b-gone" powers05:04
jmlradix: a cross-class translator / hacker might get three more spells and an extra attack per round05:05
radixdang, I am probably only a bug wrangler, according to my karma page.05:05
radixwith like one level in spec writing05:05
effie_jayxradix,  it is rumoured that launchpad pro is used by google (just to keep the ball rolling)05:07
LaserJockeffie_jayx: I thought that was Goopad? ;-)05:34
effie_jayxI give up...05:34
jamesheffie_jayx: radix probably isn't the one to spread rumours to05:35
jamesheffie_jayx: the closest thing I've heard to that rumour is Google having a customised version of Ubuntu (which they do -- they've got customised versions of every distro they use internally)05:36
effie_jayxjamesh, :D05:37
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mruizWhere can I report a LP bug?09:17
tonyyarussoUnder products > lp in malone I'd imagine.09:19
mruizthanks tonyyarusso 09:22
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davmor2A query how do I add a spec for a meta-package for westnoth-all for gnome-app-install please?10:14
seb128don't add specs for small details like that10:17
seb128having a zillion of specs for every wishlist is not the right way to do ;)10:17
seb128open a wishlist on gnome-app-install10:17
davmor2seb128: how please10:18
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seb128davmor2: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-app-install/+filebug10:18
davmor2seb128: A wealth of knowledge, many thanks10:19
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mptAlas, another confusion between the bug tracker and the spec tracker10:30
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davmor2mpt: Sorry?10:32
sabdflstub around?10:35
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sabdflmpt: iirc, h2 is what we use for in-page subheadings, right?10:38
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sabdflif so, could we give it a bit of space-above? it always seems those headings are jammed agains the text above them10:40
stu1sabdfl: yes10:41
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mptsabdfl, 0.5em added.10:46
sabdflthanks mpt - looking forward to 23:00 :-)10:46
mptAs in, 12 hours from now?10:47
sabdflddaa: what's the difference between syncing and mirroring?10:48
sabdfltrying to understand productseries.date_published_sync10:48
ddaadepends on the context10:48
sabdflmpt: yes10:48
mptoh, the rollout to beta10:49
=== mpt was thinking of the conference call
ddaasabdfl: in this context, synced means "importd updated the internal import branch", and mirrored mean "the internal branch was published on the supermirror"10:49
FujitsuWhat's being rolled out to beta? Some major change?10:49
mptFujitsu, no, just some shiny new hotness10:50
FujitsuSounds good.10:50
ddaathe best way to described date_published_sync, I think, is "the time the currently published branch was synced, at the time the internal branch was last synced"10:51
ddaabest as in "shortest accurate"10:51
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sabdflddaa: so this time effectively gives you the "age" of the published branch?11:01
ddaaif importd_branch.last_mirrored < datelastsynced, yes11:02
ddaabut if import_branch.last_mirrored > datelastsynced, then the age of the published branch is given by datelastsynced11:02
sabdfldo we actually track the internal branch and the published branch as separate Branch objects?11:03
stu1so when the branch is synced, the last_mirrored timestamp is copied to the date_published_synced timestamp (?)11:03
sabdflor is the internal branch just data on disk?11:03
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sabdflddaa: please walk me through this11:05
ddaastu1: no, when the branch is synced, the datelastsynced timestamp is copied to date_published_sync, IF datelastsynced gives us the age of the published branch11:05
sabdflsay we run a cscvs import run on an external SVN branch at 08h0011:05
sabdflwhat data gets updated?11:05
ddaasabdfl: importd pushes the cscvs-updated branch to escudero11:06
sabdflto a special directory, related to the branch id?11:06
ddaasabdfl: yes11:06
sabdfland what db data is updated so we know when this happened?11:07
ddaaso at this time we have a published branch on vostok, whose age is given by date_published_sync, and a branch on escudero whose age is given by datelastsynced11:07
ddaaimportd updates datelastsynced, and _maybe_ date_published_sync11:09
ddaaThen the branch-puller scripts runs (independently of importd)11:09
ddaaand copies the branch on escudero to the published area on vostok11:09
sabdflare those both on ProductSeries?11:09
ddaaboth datelastsynced date_published_sync are on ProductSeries11:10
sabdflwhat are the relevant columns in ProductSeries and Branch?11:10
sabdflso ProductSeries.datelastsynced *always* reflects the date the last sync happened11:10
ddaaAfter the branch puller update escudero, it sets import_branch.last_mirrored (on Branch) to UTC_NOW.11:10
ddaasabdfl: yes!11:11
sabdfli thought the branch puller pulled FROM escudero, and updated vostok?11:11
ddaas/updates escudero/updates from escudero/11:11
ddaas/updates from escudero/updates vostok from escudero/11:12
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ddaa1. importd sets datelastsynced11:12
sabdflwhat is import_branch?11:12
ddaasabdfl: its a foreign key ProductSeries->Branch that associates the import to the branch updated by importd11:13
sabdflok. so that's ProductSeries.import_branch.last_mirrored11:13
sabdfli.e. it's the branch on Vostok11:14
ddaathat tells us when the published branch was last copied from escudero to vostok11:14
sabdflok, i understand why importd would set ProductSeries.datelastsynced11:15
sabdfland why the branch puller would set the Branch.last_mirrored11:15
sabdflwhat is the purpose of the ProductSeries.date_published_sync?11:15
ddaaso we have two data configurations: 1. the branches on vostok  and escudero are identical 2. the branch on escudero is more recent11:15
ddaain case 1, the time of the upstream VCS that's reflected by the published branch is simply ProductSeries.datelastsynced11:16
ddaaBut in case 2... we needed something more than ProductSeries.datelastsynced or Branch.last_mirrored11:17
ddaabecause last_mirrored is irrelevant to the user here, what matters is the "upstream VCS time"11:17
Bhaskarstill problem to download po and mo from launchpad, upto when this will fixed?11:17
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stubBhaskar: At the moment I think there will be a rollout with the relevant fix in about 18 hours.11:18
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Bhaskarstub:ok, so after 18 hrs we can access11:19
stubBhaskar: Yes. I'll be confirming the rollout shortly.11:20
sabdflok, i understandwhat you're trying to do here11:21
sabdflessentially, for any given branch on escudero, then on vostok, you need to know what "point in time on CVS" it represents11:21
ddaaso, Branch.last_mirrored is "supermirror time", and ProductSeries.datelastsynced and ProductSeries.date_published_sync are "upstream vcs time".11:22
sabdflif datelastsynced was just "date_internal_branch_synced" and the other was "date_published_branch_synced" would that not be easier?11:23
sabdflthen you would always know to use "date_published_branch_synced" in the UI?11:23
ddaasabdfl: that would certainly be easier to explain, but that would require the branch-puller to update date_published_branch_synced (and give it perms to update the ProductSeries table)11:24
sabdflwhat perms does it currently have?11:24
ddaaand at time I wrote the code it was easier to _do_ it the way I did it11:25
=== ddaa checks perms
ddaasabdfl: actually, the branch puller only touches the DB through the authserver11:26
ddaawrite group11:27
sabdflso if the branch puller is compromised by nasty "bzr" data, then it can modify the Person table?11:27
ddaanot really11:28
sabdflor is it limited to poking at the auth server?11:28
ddaayes, it has no direct db access11:28
sabdflis that the deliberate design, that the branch puller should not have any db access?11:28
sabdfli'll have to think about this11:28
sabdflbut we give the importd direct database access?11:28
ddaait's a deliberate design decisions because of the security issue you just outlined11:28
ddaasabdfl: yes11:28
sabdfland the importd is also pointing at potentially hostile data?11:29
ddaaimportd is talking to potentially hostile servers11:29
sabdflso we gain no real security by keeping the branch puller away from the db11:30
ddaabut maybe we should discuss the detailed security implications on a private channel :)11:30
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SteveABjornT: hi, call?11:31
BjornTSteveA: sure, i'm ready. i was just restarting X in order to get skype to work.11:32
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=== ..[topic/#launchpad:mrevell] : Karma dropped? See https://help.launchpad.net/KarmaReductionJan07 - Developer meeting: Thu 1 Feb 2007, 1200UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39
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UbugtuNew bug: #82445 in launchpad "Launchpad karma's have been resetted." [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8244512:15
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Hobbseeouch!  didnt realise karma had dropped by *that* much!!!12:25
oojah*shrugs* Everybody is in the same boat.12:29
mrevellHobbsee, oojah: Have you seen the https://help.launchpad.net/KarmaReductionJan07 page?12:33
mrevellHobbsee: It's a good thing, honest :)12:33
mrevellHobbsee: It means that everybody's karma accurately reflects the work they've done12:34
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mrevellHobbsee: I'm sorry we ballsed it up for a while12:34
mrevellhey static12:34
statichi there mrevell12:35
oojahmrevell: Yes I've seen it thanks. I'm not really worried to be honest :) I just wanted to point out to Hobbsee that although his karma had dropped lots, so had everybody elses so there shouldn't be much of a net change really.12:36
phanaticoojah: her ;)12:37
oojahMy apologies12:40
mrevellaha :)12:40
mrevellIt's a bit of a shock to see your karma drop like that12:40
mrevellbut it's for a good reason :)12:40
mrevellNow, next time something like that happens, we need to let you know beforehand...12:40
UbugtuNew bug: #82432 in launchpad "Double email notification after I approved a new team member" [Undecided,Fix committed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8243212:55
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Hobbseemrevell: yeah, i know :)  was just surprised12:59
Hobbseeoojah: :)12:59
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UbugtuNew bug: #82407 in Ubuntu "Can anybody delete my launchpad account? (dup-of: 2773)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8240701:15
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Pistahhhow can I find the bugs I created in launchpad?02:16
matsubaraPistahh: https://launchpad.net/~yourlpname/+reportedbugs02:19
salgadoPistahh, go to your home page, by clicking on your name on the top right corner and there you'll see a 'Bugs' link on the left-hand menu02:20
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kikohello crackerjacks02:31
Pistahhsalgado: that link goes to assigned bugs, not to reported bugs.02:32
Pistahhmatsubara: thx, that works02:32
salgadoPistahh, right, then you have the 'Reported bugs' on the left menu02:33
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Pistahhsalgado: ah, really. Thanks.02:33
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UbugtuNew bug: #82465 in launchpad "Track the date in which a person first become a member of a given team" [Low,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8246503:00
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UbugtuNew bug: #82477 in malone "Assinging a bug re-sends it to people who have already received it" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8247704:15
kikoass singing?04:19
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UbugtuNew bug: #82483 in launchpad-cscvs "svn_oo.WorkingTree.update does not ignore externals" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8248304:50
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sabdfleffie_jayx: you're now the owner of the lsm team05:30
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effie_jayxsabdfl, thanks... I hope it wasn't a big mess :S05:34
sabdflno, jesus was quite happy for you to have admin, though he recommended someone else (Max?) to be the owner of the team05:38
sabdflhope this resolves those issues and lets you guys get on with good interesting work!05:38
effie_jayxsabdfl,  yep... thanks for the trust... I did chat with him... for a while... amicable mostly... thanks again05:44
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kNo`heya ll05:56
kNo`yesterday, I had a 60000-ish karma score05:58
kNo`now it's 202305:59
kNo`oh shit05:59
kNo`I've read the topic05:59
kNo`never mind05:59
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effie_jayx:D how many a day??? I was one yesterday :D06:07
UbugtuNew bug: #82498 in launchpad-support-tracker "Change search results message to use 'matches' instead of 'about'" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8249806:10
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mptGoooooooooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders!07:30
mptEven those who pay attention to their karma!07:30
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sabdflmpt, thanks for the feedback and comments07:33
sabdflmail sent with additional thoughts07:33
sabdflthe app home pages don'tlookanything like the mockups, which is what's driving me to re-evaluate07:33
sabdflis this because we haven't put enough effort into the renderingin HTML?07:34
sabdflor because the designs are impractical to render (hard to believe given Usman's background?)07:34
logikonhey.. i was willing to translate stuff to portuguese, but I after I registered the site didn't give me very clear instruction on how to proceed..07:34
mptsabdfl, what differences do you see between the Bugs front page and the OneZeroBugsPage mockup?07:34
sabdflspacing, emphasis, imagery, content... where do you want me to start?07:35
sabdfllots of little things that make the difference between pretty and ugly07:35
sabdflthough, much prettier than it was previously07:36
sabdflstill not slick07:36
sabdflcall tomorrow is to try and get that back on track07:36
mptWell, nothing's slick yet, because there's a lot of CSS work left to do07:37
mptbut rearranging the contents of the pages won't really change that07:37
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UbugtuNew bug: #82516 in launchpad "App buttons should be normal size on LP front page" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8251608:06
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jbaileySteveA, kiko-afk: Simon's poked me with a question about -commercial.  It's currently being built by dak, so doesn't show up in Launchpad at all.08:27
jbaileyBut now folks want to file bugs. =)08:27
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matsubarahello jbailey, bug 58495 might interest you :)08:31
UbugtuMalone bug 58495 in soyuz "dapper-commercial packages are not represented in Launchpad" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5849508:31
jbaileymatsubara: You're magic, dude.  Thanks! =)08:32
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seb128BjornT: around?08:50
seb128BjornT: do you have any idea on when the "apport bugs generate 9 mails" problem will be fixed?08:51
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UbugtuNew bug: #82533 in launchpad-bazaar "Need to warn that bzr+ssh branches will not be mirrored" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8253309:10
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Redmondhello. can someone tell me how to quit my lounchpad account?09:41
kikoRedmond, file a +ticket on the launchpad product.09:42
Redmondis a ticket a bug report?09:43
Redmondhow can i do that?09:45
kikoRedmond, no, more like a help request.09:45
kikoRedmond, but everybody on #launchpad will miss you...09:46
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Redmondkiko, yes i know. but i have to change my name there. in dont want to be found by google by typing mey realname. thats a problem for me :(09:48
kikoRedmond, I can change your real name on launchpad for you09:48
kikois that the only problem?09:48
Redmondno im a little paraniod about that. i dont want leave any traces to my old account. so i want to register a very new. i hope you excuse that circumstances. but of course i will go on working on launchpad. "the intention counts" :)09:51
kikoRedmond, there are no traces if you change your name and ask google to reindex the page, seriously.09:52
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sabdflmpt: is it difficult to make the whole tab clickable?10:15
kikosabdfl, should be a matter of making the a { display:block }10:16
mptsabdfl, it's a little tricky to do that in a way that both (a) doesn't mess up the tab border and (b) still works for those tabs that don't contain links10:20
mpt(i.e. those tabs that aren't clickable for the current context)10:20
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kikompt, can't you span { display:block }10:21
mptIt will involve fiddling with spans, probably10:21
sabdfli think there's already a bug filed10:21
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sabdflmpt: privmsg?10:55
beunoI can't access launchpad.net11:03
beunois it down?11:03
beunooops, now I can11:04
beunowierd, a couple of ppl complained too, must of been a hicuo11:04
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sabdflghost in the network11:34
Rinchensabdfl, responded to Claire's email.  17:00 GMT tomorrow is very good. 11:51
=== Rinchen = Joey Stanford
sabdflhey joey11:52
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sabdflanybody tried running lp on feisty?12:13
sabdflwe need lp-dependencies12:13
sabdfland some code updates, it seems for python 2.5 12:13
sabdfland postgres 8.212:14
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