[12:28] if i may use this channel as a counseling place... which i most likely shouldn't... i've got one guy i'm totally uneasy with, i just wouldn't mind if i could have nothing to do with him. yet he's started querying me with support questions, and i've answered them, and he's got a habit for querying, and i can't find the words for getting the "i don't like you, leave me alone" message across [12:28] LjL: ignore [12:28] :P [12:29] or just dont respond === Hobbsee sometimes pretends to be afk [12:29] you know we can't use ignore :P yeah i'm just pretending to be afk [12:29] but as soon as i speak in #Ubuntu, i can't pretend that anymore [12:29] i was connected via a proxy until some hours ago... [12:30] well, via tor, which meant i couldn't quite join #ubuntu anyway [12:30] LjL, on the forums many mods have a "don't pm/im me for support, post it on the forums so everybody can benefit" [12:30] true [12:30] we also have a sticky in abs beginners [12:30] !pm [12:30] Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first. [12:30] we have that too... but now i've started [12:31] send them that :) === PriceChild still gives in and helps a few of them... [12:31] but if you're busy and don't have the time then you shouldn't feel bad about it. [12:31] i do that too, and i don't mind it, but this one i just don't like [12:32] LjL: When that happens I usually pretend to be baffled and suggest #ubuntu, then go "have dinner" [12:33] but it's starting to happen a tad too often, and i don't want to ignore things i could help with in #ubuntu and #kubuntu just to make him believe i'm really away [12:33] and the problem is he's italian, so he feels justified to query in italian, call me by first name, and whatnot [12:34] should have stopped him from the start but i've not [12:34] apokryphos: ping, #kubuntu, that guy again [12:35] saying you're not sure is valid, imo. "There are lots of people in #ubuntu, so hopefully you can find someone who knows. Sorry." === PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v PriceChild] by ChanServ [12:36] i guess i'll try that. hope he just doesn't start again with non-support-related pm detours... === FairLite [n=tiredman@] has joined #ubuntu-ops [12:50] hm, he disconnected. hope it'll last =) === gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v gnomefreak] by ChanServ [12:57] [00:55] is there a security irc for ubuntu? [00:56] how do you contact the security team? <-- how do you? [12:57] FairLite: #ubuntu-security? [12:57] there is a team for that but i dont remmeber it. check launchpad teams [12:58] tonyyarusso: empty [01:03] FairLite: security@ubuntu.com - just gave it to him [01:03] thanks [01:05] wtf happened to LP [01:05] what happened to it? [01:06] gnomefreak: eh? [01:06] i went from over 1.3 million karma to 10489 over night [01:06] gnomefreak: Jucato: https://help.launchpad.net/KarmaAdjustmentsJan07 [01:07] karma... blah [01:07] Weird [01:07] I've never understood karma [01:07] I have about 1.3 mil too.... === tonyyarusso looks [01:08] thats not right because for over a week i stayed the same [01:08] :O [01:08] whoa [01:08] i've only got 1070 now :O [01:08] And i did stuff way before october [01:08] Oh wow [01:08] That's really really sad === willys_fueguino [n=willy@unaffiliated/willysfueguino/x-00001] has joined #ubuntu-ops [01:08] It gave me a 2476. [01:08] I had about 500,000 before Oct. [01:08] I think. [01:08] at least [01:09] Perhaps we should talk to #launchpad? [01:09] december i had 129477 [01:09] i had about 1 million before oct or right at it [01:09] tonyyarusso [01:09] not sure about before octoberish though [01:09] They fixed the karma point === Jucato had 79,000+ last night... [01:09] *points [01:09] Jucato: I had 313 yesterday and now have 9 [01:09] :-\ [01:09] ouch :) [01:10] tonyyarusso: join #launchpad and in the topic is the link 'bout tat [01:10] now I have 538 :) [01:10] gnomefreak: Mine was holding constant too. [01:10] so was mine [01:10] but, like, whogivesadarn? [01:10] willys_fueguino: Just read that - we think it was adjusted wrong. [01:10] Jucato: from 79000+ to 538?? [01:10] :-O [01:11] tonyyarusso: me too... from 313 to just 9?? [01:11] gnomefreak: Should we ping mrevell and ask? [01:11] I can't -and won't- believe it [01:11] willys_fueguino: From over 1,250,000 to 2476 here. [01:11] tonyyarusso: ufff... that's WAY too much... [01:12] I've felt better with 313 than with 9 [01:12] lol [01:13] tonyyarusso, that's a much bigger decrease than everyone else's === PriceChild understands its not linear... [01:13] at the end of the day... does it really matter? :) [01:14] i'm not sure it even matters in the morning [01:14] PriceChild: to me it matters... I'm begining to "contribute" and karma means something to me... [01:14] :) [01:15] from 313 to 9 it's *a lot* to me... [01:15] :-( [01:15] PriceChild: Not really, but they might be interested to know. [01:16] hehe... a member of staff on the forums suggested we recalculate everyone's postcount... without taking into account the cafe... (we only just stopped cafe posts adding to bean count) [01:16] grrr.... === willys_fueguino [n=willy@] has joined #ubuntu-ops === pochu [n=pochu@179.Red-88-7-169.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops === pochu [n=pochu@179.Red-88-7-169.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Abandonando"] === willys_fueguino is now known as willysfueguino === willysfueguino is now known as willys_fueguino [02:19] whois willys_fueguino [02:19] dammit [02:20] that's always kind of embarassing isn't it === nalioth is up to his hind parts in embarrasment atm [02:21] oh, it's not worse than doing a /who *seveas* and adding one space too much at the beginning === SportChick hugs nalioth === nalioth hugs back [02:26] hahhahahahha [02:26] nalioth: ;-) [02:27] that's embarasing :- === QMario [n=QMario@cpe-67-10-53-189.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu-ops [02:27] nalioth: what do you wan't with me?? [02:27] (I'm not gay) [02:27] rofl!! [02:28] willys_fueguino: /nick sometthing else and back to willys_fueguino please [02:28] nalioth: okay... [02:28] nalioth: wait, just any nick or a registered one?? [02:30] willys_fueguino: anything else [02:31] as long as it isn't linked to willys_fueguino [02:32] ok... === willys_fueguino is now known as blablabla [02:32] What did I do???? [02:32] :-S [02:32] now back [02:32] I'm in troubles?? === blablabla is now known as willys_fueguino [02:32] :-O [02:32] new hostmask!! [02:33] :-D [02:33] nalioth: The new cloak will take effect on my bot?? [02:33] or it has to online so you' can do it manually? [02:34] willys_fueguino: is it linked to your current nick? [02:36] mm... [02:36] Nop. [02:36] I think not... [02:37] but it has the same cloak that I had + ubuntu-lat-bot [02:37] willys_fueguino: you are using an alternate nick. the cloak is affixed to the master nick. [02:37] No its not linked to my nick... [02:37] willys_fueguino: the system gets confused when you cloak an alt nick and not a master nick [02:37] willys_fueguino: that is why you danced [02:38] :-O [02:39] willys_fueguino: what bot? [02:39] ubuntu-lat-bot [02:39] or "L_Torvalds" [02:40] its not online... [02:40] *it's offline [02:40] i fixed it ANYway :P [02:40] just... give an eye to #kubuntu, if you will [02:43] :- [02:46] spending six months helping people out on some ubuntu related channels doesn't make me qualify to become an ubuntu-member right?? [02:46] I mean... I need karma points to do it?? [02:46] !member [02:46] Want to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember [02:47] no need for karma points, willys_fueguino [02:47] FairLite: thanx for that... [02:47] nalioth: :-O [02:47] I thought I did :-$ [02:48] Anybody who is active in the Ubuntu community is a good candidate for Ubuntu membership.<===> It's that so? [02:49] ('cause I'm *really* active on spanish speaker channels :- ) [02:52] FairLite: most of the people who can give testimonial of my "contribution"(?) are spanish speakers,,, [02:53] it will possibly help if you have testimonials who are already members === Madpilot [n=brian@ubuntu/member/madpilot] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Madpilot] by ChanServ [02:53] at any rate, i am not a member myself, so i do not know much more than what the site says [02:53] ok thanx FairLite... [02:54] Kamping_Kaiser: are you there?? [02:55] willys_fueguino, Kamping_Kaiser is listed as being idle for 13+ hrs, so probably not [02:55] :-\... [02:55] He isn't an ubuntu member I think... === willys_fueguino is going to check if he knows any ubuntu/member [02:57] I think joejax it's the only ubuntu-member that's eye-witness(?) of my contribution to ubuntu [02:57] :-\ === willys_fueguino [n=willy@unaffiliated/willysfueguino] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Visitennos] [03:25] @now toronto [03:25] Current time in America/Toronto: January 30 2007, 21:25:30 - Next meeting: Edubuntu in 17 hours 34 minutes [03:25] ... [03:25] wow... [03:27] nalioth: ...you removed him [03:27] i did. [03:27] Was that intentional? [03:27] yes, it stopped the paste [03:28] when his buffer clears, he can rejoin [03:28] i don't belive in 'banning on paste' [03:28] I think we encounter a bug/feature in ubotu by doing that rather than mute though [03:28] it was an accident on his part [03:28] jeez [03:28] I don't think ubotu will do a tell that's not joined to any Ubuntu channels [03:29] So your tell likely won't work like you wanted. That was all :) [03:29] yes, ubotu told me so [03:29] right [03:29] tell before you remove :P === tonyyarusso goes back to regaining consciousness === somerville32 wonders what paste. [03:30] #ubuntu somerville32 [03:30] Oh! [03:30] oh, willys gone [03:30] anyway remove-on-paste is a good idea [03:30] oh well. no i'm not a member. [03:30] +q... well, if you don't have a script you can forget to remove it :P [03:31] and if you just remove it shortly after, you never quite knew whether the buffer is empty yet === hybrid [n=x@easyubuntu/supporter/hybrid] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v hybrid] by ChanServ === effie_jayx [n=valles@] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v effie_jayx] by ChanServ [03:33] FairLite: have you ever pasted a hundred line document into a channel? [03:34] I usually try /aq if I'm paying attention (+q, regular), or /at (+q, ten minutes) if I don't want to try to remember. [03:34] nalioth: not on purpose for sure. not even by mistake as far as i remember [03:34] tonyyarusso: but you have to remove a +q and a 10-minute quiet is overkill for an accidental paste [03:35] nalioth: It's true, yes. [03:35] and the guy will be better of if his buffer is just emptied and he can rejoin immediately anyway [03:35] FairLite: once you hit "enter" and the file enters your buffer, you can be told 9 million things and there's not one thing you can do to stop the paste (except force-quit) [03:35] Normally I don't mind removing the +q. [03:35] nalioth: i know that well enough [03:36] well, it depends on the client too of course === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+o LjL] by ChanServ === LjL [n=ljl@81-208-36-87.ip.fastwebnet.it] has left #ubuntu-ops [requested] === LjL [n=ljl@81-208-36-87.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v LjL] by ChanServ [03:38] btw, I _really_ need to get a 24hr clock for my room - I almost had a heart attack a moment ago. [03:38] tells me about pastebin *first*, and gently requests me to leave just after. works well enough [03:38] mind, i never use it, but it works. [03:38] LjL: that's nice - how's it done? [03:39] tonyyarusso: well it's done in konversation. it's an alias. /msg ubotu tell %nick about pastebin\n/remove %chan %nick :Please use the pastebin blah blah [03:39] ah === Kamping_Kaiser has to learn this scripting thing, hes kinda ignorat about such matters atm [03:40] nothing exceptional, the only thing to remember is to /msg ubotu *first*, otherwise it won't send the message if the user is not in any channel you're in anymore [03:40] aargh. The depressing-ness of today's news just got worse. /me is reading digg [03:40] tonyyarusso, what happened? [03:41] at least you aren't *writing* on digg [03:41] somerville32: Some of them are various forms of o4o, so I think I'll say just go scan through the last half dozen pages or so. [03:41] i'll dig my way to bed [03:41] LjL: "yet" ;) [03:41] yet, right === stylus_ [i=stylus@tapthru/operator/stylus] has joined #ubuntu-ops === jenda [n=jenda@ubuntu/member/jenda] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v jenda] by ChanServ [04:29] anyone will to summarize in one word or less what happened in the meeting after 5:30? [04:29] 'stuff' [04:35] 'green' [05:03] 'moist' [05:04] Grass.. (Green moist stuff) [05:04] [05:18] [00:11] * Yeshu (n=chatzill@ACBEA0BD.ipt.aol.com) has joined #ubuntu-motu [05:18] [00:16] FUCKKK [05:18] [00:16] * Yeshu (n=chatzill@ACBEA0BD.ipt.aol.com) has left #ubuntu-motu [05:19] So about never having problems in -motu... === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Hobbsee] by ChanServ [05:58] we appear to have no regular ops in -motu. [05:58] [15:56] [00:11] * Yeshu (n=chatzill@ACBEA0BD.ipt.aol.com) has joined #ubuntu-motu [05:58] [15:56] [00:16] FUCKKK [05:58] [15:56] [00:16] * Yeshu (n=chatzill@ACBEA0BD.ipt.aol.com) has left #ubuntu-motu [05:58] rubbish++ [05:59] Hobbsee: eh? [05:59] tonyyarusso: someone else pasting crap into #ubuntu-motu a while ago. somerville32 just queried me with it, hoping i'd be able to do something about it [06:00] Hobbsee: ...what would you be able to do about it, other than ban the ip retroactively? [06:00] But alas, Hobbsee only has level 9 :( [06:00] tonyyarusso: i'm more saying "this is happening, we cant do a thing about it, is this a good thing?" [06:00] Hobbsee, Hurry up and get some more xp so you can level up :) [06:01] Hobbsee: right [06:01] somerville32: seveas wouldnt give it to me. [06:01] dunno why, i've got ops in k-devel and u-devel [06:01] odd [06:02] Hobbsee, Seveas can't give it to you [06:02] Hobbsee, He isn't the channel contact or on the access list. He'd have to ask a staff member to take over the channel for him. [06:02] sorry, nalioth === somerville32 nods. [06:03] Sladen is listed as the channel contact === willys_fueguino [n=willy@unaffiliated/willysfueguino] has joined #ubuntu-ops === jenda [n=jenda@ubuntu/member/jenda] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v jenda] by ChanServ [06:57] hi Hobbsee === alindeman [i=adml@freenode/staff/alindeman] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v alindeman] by ChanServ [06:59] hey Kamping_Kaiser [06:59] :) [07:00] hi all!! [07:02] hi willys_fueguino , you were after me? [07:04] my milkshake is bettah than yours. [07:04] Kamping_Kaiser: yes... actually, I were after lastnode_ [07:05] Kamping_Kaiser: I need to know how many lines was the traduction that I did to the upstream project [07:05] willys_fueguino, was the what? [07:05] translation [07:05] mneptok: my caf con leche it's better than your milkshake ;-) [07:05] upss... [07:05] hahahha [07:05] a little spanish just wanted to come out [07:06] willys_fueguino, i couldnt tell you that, i'm afraid you'll have to email the list asking, or ping lastnode directly [07:06] i say that to my girlfriend *all the time* [07:07] mneptok: FLOL!!! [07:07] X'D [07:07] Kamping_Kaiser: ok then... [07:07] thanx [07:07] I need a loco-team "expert"... [07:12] no one?? [07:12] :-S [07:55] I got a hilight on this channel, but it seems to far to scroll up [07:56] if anyone wanted to talk to me, just give me a ping again :) [07:56] highvoltage: what, no /away log? === Jucato [n=jucato@] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Jucato] by ChanServ [07:57] highvoltage: It was just the spam-ping announcing the meeting. [07:57] anyone got a spare flame retardant suit handy? i just posted a shitstirring blog post : [07:57] ooo! /me reads [07:57] tonyyarusso: I forgot to enable it last night when I went to bed :) [07:57] tonyyarusso == tonyyserver?? [07:57] willys_fueguino: yeah [07:57] :-O [07:57] willys_fueguino, same person, different hardware [07:57] elkbuntu: you are a LoCo Team "Expert" right?? [07:58] willys_fueguino, allegedly [07:58] I was waiting for you ^^ [07:58] willys_fueguino, we should take discussion to the #ubuntu-locoteams channel then [07:58] elkbuntu: join #ubuntulat-admins [08:00] @lart mneptok === Ubugtu throws mneptok into /dev/null [08:00] hahahahaha [08:00] elkbuntu: ...how does your comment field have spell-check? [08:01] elkbuntu, you on planet.ubuntu? [08:01] Madpilot, i am, yes [08:01] It hasn't synced this post yet though ;) [08:01] not surprising, i only published like 5 mins ago [08:02] /me commented [08:02] tonyyarusso, not a clue about spell checking === tonyyarusso is awaiting moderation *hint* [08:02] elkbuntu, direct link pls? [08:02] Madpilot, geekosophical.net [08:02] elkbuntu, you on the gns list? [08:03] Kamping_Kaiser, no [08:03] gns? [08:03] gnewsense [08:03] "This blog post is dedicated to those who use Gmail to complain about the Open Source status of other web applications." [08:03] ouch [08:03] right [08:03] oh, i saw a similar qustion there last night/today (well, i think it was there...) [08:04] anyway. *afk's again* [08:04] Madpilot, it is the inspiration : [08:04] certain people get mails constantly from gmail complaining that launchpad isnt open ;) === Madpilot uses gmail, but keeps quiet on most questions of Open Source status ;) [08:05] s/gmail/gmail accounts/ === Hobbsee wonders why she doesnt get such email [08:08] heh [08:09] Hobbsee, i dont get those emails either, but jono often brings the point up, it sort of seeded the thought ;) [08:10] elkbuntu: interesting. [08:11] two comments already and BOTH about cheerios, lol [08:12] haha [08:12] planetted [08:12] let the fun begin [08:13] wheee [08:13] How often is Planet's cronjob? [08:14] hourly i think [08:15] seems plausible [08:16] commented [08:16] I hardly ever blog-comment. I am being sucked in, and must resist!!! [08:16] was it about Cheerios? === tonyyarusso goes back to setting up Madpilot's WP.com account [08:17] madpilot needs help setting up wp? [08:17] no cheerios, just another gmail comment and one on possible overlap of thought process btwn FLOSS & sustainability & known-ingredient folks [08:17] Not help, convincing. [08:17] lol [08:18] elkbuntu, I swore publicly that I would not blog. Hence my comment about 'being sucked in' ;) [08:18] meh, nobody remembers - you'll be fine === tonyyarusso waves hands around mesmorizingly [08:18] Madpilot, would you believe, i said that as well === Hobbsee is not fooled by tonyyarusso [08:18] @lart tonyyarusso === Ubugtu drops tonyyarusso from a helicopter 5 miles in the sky. Without parachute [08:18] in my defense, i've never had a xanga, lj or myspace === Hobbsee has the last 2 [08:19] just for reading though :) [08:19] well, the lj just for reading === Hobbsee does have a cool myspac,e though [08:19] Err, I had all three. LJ and MySpace for reading, Xanga was where I was posting (friends were all there - went with the tide rather than researching) [08:19] these are not the blogs we're looking for. you can go on about your business. [08:19] heh :P [08:19] I dropped MySpace, b/c while I have folks on there to read, it just pissed me off too much to keep. [08:20] tonyyarusso: mine's the best :) === Jucato [n=jucato@] has joined #ubuntu-ops [08:20] I'm now crossposting to both Xanga and LJ from my WP === Hobbsee wonders if mneptok has seen it. === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Jucato] by ChanServ [08:20] Hobbsee: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mneptok [08:20] :) [08:20] ah yes :) [08:20] mneptok: myspace.com/creamier_oak [08:21] How do you get p.u.c? [08:21] tonyyarusso: work for canonical [08:21] aaah [08:21] Hobbsee: ow ow ow ow ow ow ow [08:21] @lart Hobbsee a lot for that torture === Ubugtu drops a truckload of VAXen on Hobbsee a lot for that torture [08:21] mneptok, you havent blogged since uds! bad! === Hobbsee grins === Hobbsee wonders just how many would look if she posted about her myspace on her planet blog.... [08:22] Hobbsee: sorry, you lose - http://www.livejournal.com/users/me_am_brasil/ :) [08:22] mine's still better [08:22] that doesnt have a rainbow background [08:22] mneptok, remind me of the request tracker email again please? [08:23] I think I'll have to take leave of op duties for a week now while I go to the hospital for new eyes.. [08:23] elkbuntu: rt@admin.c.c [08:23] tonyyarusso, was just thinking that, then Hobbsee left to escape the massive lart'ing I was about to give her... [08:24] tricky [08:24] We'll all lie in wait. [08:24] Be at the ready [08:25] heheheh ..... LAS HOBBSEE IS TO MAKES CLICKITA ON MY PAGINA DEL BRASIL AND IS OF TO MAKES THE PING TIMEOUTED!!1!1! JEJEJEJEJEJEJEJEJEJEJEJE GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAL!!!11!! [08:25] @lart mneptok because he's here, and Hobbsee isn't === Ubugtu chases mneptok because he's here, and Hobbsee isn't with a big pointy stick [08:25] lol [08:26] so true. [08:26] Hobbsee is not here with or witout a stick [08:27] she probably hid the stick before showing us that awful, awful myspazz page [08:28] JEJEJEJEJEJE she no am BRASIL!!1!!1 [08:32] Anyone know what b/i/r means in backport team speak? [08:41] @lart 36 mneptok === Ubugtu defenestrates mneptok [08:42] tonyyarusso, I'm head of backport team ;) [08:42] I've no idea what it means... where's it used (and in what context) [08:42] oh [08:42] builds/installs/runs [08:42] aaaaaah [08:42] That makes sense [08:42] It's on the comments in response to a backport request [08:43] which one? === Mez gets out the grepper [08:43] Mez: I was told jdong was in charge of that, btw? [08:43] Mez: Wordpress [08:43] *WordPress [08:43] tonyyarusso, jdong and I both are ... :D [08:43] ah [08:43] I'm technically in charge (I was appointed FPOC) [08:43] but jdong does the day to day running === DBO [n=DBO@unaffiliated/dbo] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v DBO] by ChanServ === Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Amaranth] by ChanServ === somerville32 takes our a rocket launcher and blows Amaranth away. === somerville32 needs sleep. [08:46] tonyyarusso, no need for the bug twice [08:46] Mez: I wasn't sure, since the wiki instructions linked directly to the release's page. [08:47] tonyyarusso, lol - well - look at bug 82138 - youve got it reported in both [08:47] Malone bug 82138 in edgy-backports "Please backport WordPress 2.1 (to both Edgy and Dapper)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82138 [08:47] Mez: Someone added it to "also affects" afterwards - I forgot you could modify that part after the original submission === elkbuntu [n=melissa@] has joined #ubuntu-ops [08:48] i didnt get that in an email === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v elkbuntu] by ChanServ [08:49] by Bishiboosh [08:50] bishiboosh is a PITA ;) [08:50] :-" [08:50] bug 82138 [08:50] Malone bug 82138 in edgy-backports "Please backport WordPress 2.1 (to both Edgy and Dapper)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82138 [08:50] grr... [08:50] malone hasnt processed my email yet [08:56] rofl, apparantly my blog post was patronising [08:56] I should add some of you folks to the links on mine... (I just have Planet Ubuntu itself now) [08:56] you *would* say something like that. [08:59] elkbuntu: sounds like they don't know you... [08:59] bug 82138 [08:59] Malone bug 82138 in edgy-backports "Please backport WordPress 2.1 (to both Edgy and Dapper)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82138 [09:00] cool [09:03] responded in coment to the twat [09:04] the seveas is coming! === Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Seveas] by ChanServ [09:04] :P [09:04] tonyyarusso, yes but dont tell him [09:04] seveas might have a spare flame retardant suit for me? [09:05] Ihave [09:06] Seveas, awesome! [09:06] (seen my blog?) [09:06] I see that people is waking up here... so Good Morning any one! :-D [09:06] elkbuntu, you're moving servers? [09:06] or a newer one? [09:08] errrrr === tonyyarusso hasn't gone to bed [09:10] btw elkbuntu, the auld lang syne thing is different words than I've heard before [09:10] tonyyarusso: me neither :-\ [09:12] Seveas, newer [09:12] tis on p.u.c [09:13] Wait... [09:13] You don't work for Canonical do you? [09:14] tonyyarusso: planet [09:14] (not people) [09:14] Doh - duh [09:16] elkbuntu, nice blog post :) [09:17] Seveas: how's Geneva this fine day? [09:17] etienne is teaching! [09:21] elkbuntu: http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.geekosophical.net%2F%3Fm%3D20070101 === GazzaK [n=Dogbert@unaffiliated/GazzaK] has joined #ubuntu-ops [09:22] Seveas: oh dear. that can't be good. ;) === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Hobbsee] by ChanServ [09:35] @lart Hobbsee === Ubugtu does a little 'renice 20 -u Hobbsee' [09:36] @lart Mez === Ubugtu strangles Mez with a doohicky mouse cord [09:37] @lart Hobbsee more for earlier === Ubugtu installs WindowsME on Hobbsee more's computer for earlier [09:38] tonyyarusso: hrm? it's a *lovely* page [09:38] arrgh [09:40] no comments on my un-planetified posts :( [09:40] awww [09:40] guess I fotta talk about Ubuntu more ;) === GazzaK hides from the Hobbsee [09:43] *gotta [09:43] darn Dvorak [09:44] tonyyarusso, i'd be deeply suriprised if it did validate, since the theme itself says it wont because it has scrollbar stuff in it, and i hadnt bothered removing that stuff yet === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ === GazzaK was kicked off #ubuntu-ops by Hobbsee (found you) === GazzaK [n=Dogbert@unaffiliated/GazzaK] has joined #ubuntu-ops === GazzaK was kicked off #ubuntu-ops by Hobbsee (found you) === GazzaK [n=Dogbert@unaffiliated/GazzaK] has joined #ubuntu-ops === GazzaK was kicked off #ubuntu-ops by Hobbsee (you can run but you cant hide!) === GazzaK [n=Dogbert@unaffiliated/GazzaK] has joined #ubuntu-ops [09:44] elkbuntu: ah === GazzaK [n=Dogbert@unaffiliated/GazzaK] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Connection] [09:44] that's a new quit [09:45] heh === GazzaK [n=Dogbert@unaffiliated/GazzaK] has joined #ubuntu-ops [09:58] hi queer [09:59] hehe [09:59] forgot I set that as my /part message [10:01] brb [10:03] hehe === Seeker` [n=cjo20@ip-62-105-182-26.dsl.twang.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops === GazzaK [n=Dogbert@unaffiliated/GazzaK] has joined #ubuntu-ops [10:27] In ubotu, Jordan_U said: autoremove is "use sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove to remove a package and any of it's dependencies that are no longer needed" === Jordan_U [n=jordan@h-68-164-88-150.snvacaid.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops [10:45] Could any ubuntu/member give me some feedback 'bout my wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Willys_Fueguino ???? [10:46] w00t. getting intelligent q's now :D [10:46] s/q's/comments/ [10:46] dont ask me how it typoed that [10:48] huh? [10:48] :-S [10:49] willys_fueguino, my blog [10:49] elkbuntu: i have a question ... [10:49] oh... [10:49] mneptok, only one? [10:49] but "may i have a look at your boobs, please" isn't really on-topic with the blog post. [10:49] willys_fueguino, looking good [10:50] mneptok, i take it that wasnt the question you initially intended? [10:50] :-O [10:50] thanx elkbuntu [10:51] I can apreciate some "moral support" [10:51] :-D [10:52] elkbuntu: oh, it was. but in an extremely rare, perhaps historic, moment, i showed some restraint. thankfully, that passed. [10:52] lol [11:07] jenda: ping [11:07] willys_fueguino: pong [11:07] good morning jenda [11:07] moin === serbya_boy [n=urosfil@smin196-16.vdial.verat.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops [11:15] hi [11:15] hi serbya_boy [11:18] is the bantracker down ? [11:19] I cant login [11:19] works fine here [11:20] apokryphos, whats your login "name" ? [11:20] Mez: your launchpad username [11:21] launchpad "name" or username ? [11:21] username === Jucato just realized you couldn't logout from the bantracker... [11:22] ok, I apparently changed my password === willys_fueguino [n=willy@unaffiliated/willysfueguino] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Visitennos] === Seeker` [n=cjo20@ip-62-105-182-26.dsl.twang.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mneptok [n=mneptok@modemcable178.77-70-69.static.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v mneptok] by ChanServ === PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v PriceChild] by ChanServ === willys_fueguino [n=willy@unaffiliated/willysfueguino] has joined #ubuntu-ops [01:25] morning everyone ;-) [01:26] How are you on this WONDERFUL day? [01:26] jenda: ping! [01:31] ping! [01:31] patience willys_fueguino :) [01:31] lol! === gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v gnomefreak] by ChanServ [01:31] hi PriceChild... [01:31] hi [01:32] just wanted to ask when it's the next community council meeting... [01:32] @schedule [01:32] Schedule for Etc/UTC: 31 Jan 20:00: Edubuntu | 31 Jan 22:00: Xubuntu | 31 Jan 23:00: Kubuntu | 01 Feb 21:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 05 Feb 20:00: Mozilla Team | 07 Feb 12:00: Edubuntu [01:32] willys_fueguino: you can find that out at fridge.ubuntu.com [01:32] seveas has come up with one yet [01:33] ekkk Hobbsee's opped [01:34] gnomefreak, I have. CC didn't reply === mode/#ubuntu-ops [-o Hobbsee] by ChanServ [01:34] hey Seveas [01:34] Next attempt is today === PriceChild wipes brow [01:34] (the poking attempt, not a meeting) [01:34] ah ok [01:34] phew [01:34] And I just thought of an insanely cool login mechanism for bot and bantracker that does not need passwords === Seveas rocks [01:34] woo! what is it? === PriceChild isn't too impressed... everyone knows Seveas can code anything but coffee [01:36] you mean Seveas cant code coffee???? [01:37] Either that or he just hasn't tried hard enough... === willys_fuegu1no [n=willy@unaffiliated/willysfueguino] has joined #ubuntu-ops [01:40] thanks Hobbsee for the link === willys_fuegu1no is now known as willys_fueguino [01:44] echo "Here is a nice warm cup of coffee" <<< coding coffee :) === PriceChild dares gnomefreak to attempt to drink that text [01:48] i already am :) [01:48] my coffee pot codes the coffee for me :) [01:49] Seveas: What is the login mechanism? [01:49] pam_alcomat [01:52] nalioth, ping [01:52] TheSheep, pam_coffee [01:53] when you log in it powers the coffee machine =) [01:55] it refuses to log in as root if the caffeine level in your blood is too low === stylus [i=stylus@tapthru/operator/stylus] has joined #ubuntu-ops [01:58] hehe === stylus [i=stylus@tapthru/operator/stylus] has joined #ubuntu-ops === beni_ [n=beni@p54ABC3A1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-ops [02:23] @bug [02:24] .... [02:24] @exploit [02:24] !exploit [02:24] There are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. When bitten by this bug ops in #ubuntu remove users so they are no longer targets. To fix it have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit [02:24] :-\ [02:24] almost === jenda [n=jenda@ubuntu/member/jenda] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v jenda] by ChanServ === hybrid_ [n=x@] has joined #ubuntu-ops [02:31] I have an OT question... could someone help me out? [02:44] willys_fueguino, maybe, but we're not going to know until you ask [02:45] elkbuntu: private right?? [02:46] if you wish === gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v gnomefreak] by ChanServ [02:59] In ubotu, frogzoo said: jahshaka is Jahshaka, the nonlinear video editor, has a repo at: http://repo.jahshaka.org/ubuntu/ [03:23] Seveas: ping? [03:23] Amaranth, ? [03:23] Can you give me access now? :) [03:23] No- busy++ [03:23] :/ [03:24] ucp, remember [03:24] ucp? [03:31] ubuntu certified professional [03:31] :-O [03:31] ya know, the course thing he's taking in geneva === gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v gnomefreak] by ChanServ === gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v gnomefreak] by ChanServ [03:52] Seveas: pong [03:54] nalioth, I completely forgot what I pinged about :) [03:57] Seveas, tsk tsk [03:57] contentless pings [03:57] /kill Mez [03:58] /gline Seveas [03:58] freenode doesn't do g-lines :) === effie_jayx [n=valles@] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v effie_jayx] by ChanServ [03:59] I know [04:00] /oper Mez atlarthobbsee [04:00] I wish ... ;p === rob [i=rob@freenode/staff/rob] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v rob] by ChanServ [04:45] nalioth: ping [04:45] i didn't do it :D [04:45] rob: you awake? [04:46] nalioth: http://cjo20.net/bot/seeker.20070131_1501.html [04:46] is that any better for the summary? [04:46] grr, the links dont work [04:54] nalioth: Have a look now? [04:56] Seeker`: seems quite a bit more spartan than the one you showed me t'other day [04:56] yeah, its just a test [04:57] there is going to be an #ubuntu-uk meeting tonight, which should generate some proper data [04:57] Seeker`, is there? eeek [04:57] I'm due out [04:57] GazzaK: I think so [04:57] damnit, can you say sorry for absence for me? [04:57] nalioth: I just wanted to see what you thought of the timestamp / link part before I implement it in all of the other functions [04:57] hey, how many candidates will be picked for the council? [04:58] GazzaK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/MeetingNotes/20070131Meeting [05:00] nixternal: one. [05:00] so the council will be just 1 person, or are there others already in it? [05:00] nixternal: umm, seveas and myself along with ompaul were the original council [05:01] ahh, OK, gotcha [05:01] nixternal: ompaul had life intrude === maxamillion [n=adam@ngl-1-14.shsu.edu] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v maxamillion] by ChanServ [05:01] good deal then [05:13] @schedule [05:13] Schedule for Etc/UTC: 31 Jan 20:00: Edubuntu | 31 Jan 22:00: Xubuntu | 31 Jan 23:00: Kubuntu | 01 Feb 21:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 05 Feb 20:00: Mozilla Team | 07 Feb 12:00: Edubuntu === HorD [n=HorD@unaffiliated/hord] has joined #ubuntu-ops [05:16] effie_jayx: [05:16] HorD, sup dude [05:17] :-O [05:17] convencion latina?? [05:17] :-S [05:17] willys_fueguino, english bro ... ;) [05:17] effie_jayx: ups... [05:18] effie_jayx: se puede renovar el contacto de un canal .. ya q no aparecin por mas de un ao?? [05:18] ? [05:18] willys_fueguino: traduce XD [05:18] jenda, renewal of a channel that is suposedly inactive been inactive [05:18] effie_jayx: btw... I can't find the ubuntu councils next meeting, do you know when it's gonna be?? (your timezone of course ;-) ) [05:18] for more than a year? [05:18] which channel? === tonyyarusso [n=anthony@ubuntu/member/tonyyarusso] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v tonyyarusso] by ChanServ [05:19] HorD: ke canal [05:19] #ubuntu-ar [05:19] nalioth: that one [05:19] the next irc council meeting has not been announced, willys_fueguino [05:19] willys_fueguino, Seveas hasn't set a date I think [05:19] willys_fueguino, keep checking https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda for updates [05:19] nalioth: okay then...thanx you both [05:19] is the admin of the ubuntu irc ops launchpad team online atm? [05:19] Aaargh. How am I supposed to choose one from that list of candidates? :P [05:20] effie_jayx, community council != irc council [05:20] Seveas, upsss [05:20] Seveas: do you admin the irc op team on launchpad? [05:20] maxamillion, yes [05:20] Seveas: whenever you get a chance could you approve my pending membership? [05:21] good call [05:21] thanks :) [05:21] will do that later today after finishing up some documents etc... [05:21] Seveas: no worries, just whenever you get the chance .... i appreciate it === Kamping_Kaiser [n=kgoetz@unafilliated/kgoetz] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Kamping_Kaiser] by ChanServ [05:22] Seveas, willys_fueguino was asking for this ... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda... I never said irc :S [05:22] effie_jayx, ah, nalioth confused me [05:22] maxamillion: your what? [05:23] Seveas: thank you for the impetus to make a new email filter :P [05:23] nalioth: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-irc [05:23] nalioth: i wasn't a member of that until now [05:24] nalioth: the #ubuntu-ar channel contact hasn't connected since over a year ago... and now someone else want's to take that channel [05:24] willys_fueguino: who might that be? === PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v PriceChild] by ChanServ [05:25] PriceChild: hi hi [05:25] nalioth: HorD I think since he was asking :- [05:25] hey [05:26] (HorD: vos kers ser el nuevo contacto de -ar no??) [05:26] si [05:27] por q el q lo tiene ahora no aparece desde hace mas de un ao [05:28] nalioth: yes... HorD want's to. [05:29] willys_fueguino, you should first consult #ubuntu-locoteams and really make sure the team is not active on irc [05:31] effie_jayx, please don't tell things you know nothing about [05:31] that is absolutely not true [05:32] Seveas, ok === maxamillion is now known as max_at_class [05:49] nalioth: how do you get nickserv to send you the pass for your nick? [05:49] you don't [05:50] I thought you could if you have an email set [05:50] passwords are stored as hashes [05:51] so can they be reset? [05:51] apokryphos: you don't [05:52] apokryphos: we use the email to verify your identity. then we issue a new (temporary) pass [05:52] nalioth: ok, sending him your way ;-) [05:52] apokryphos: in a PM please [05:53] yup === Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Amaranth] by ChanServ [06:07] nevermind, he found it on a postit on his room [06:08] haha :) [06:08] bless the almighty postits [06:08] loving it [06:10] My dad knows one of the developers of post-its [06:10] guys a question... I have been asked about my hostmask ... do I need one? [06:10] tonyyarusso, "developers"? [06:10] PriceChild: "guy who has his name on the patent" [06:11] effie_jayx: "need", no. But they're nice. [06:11] :D [06:12] tonyyarusso, mmm... [06:12] reminds me of last night... === FairLite [n=tiredman@] has joined #ubuntu-ops [06:12] tonyyarusso, Do I get it when I level up? === effie_jayx thinks RPG :D [06:12] argh. So many gamers. [06:13] tonyyarusso, just kidding ... I saw this in launchpad last night... [06:14] launchpad pro... and guy asked if he got it when he levels up... [06:14] weeeiiiirrrd [06:14] My caps lock key doesn't work [06:14] Check that, it works in X and not on console. [06:14] that's all for the better, nobody needs a caps lock key === LjL [n=ljl@81-208-36-87.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v LjL] by ChanServ === apokryphos [n=francis@unaffiliated/apokryphos] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v apokryphos] by ChanServ [06:36] apokryphos: anything against +d's on #kubuntu? [06:36] not at all [06:37] apokryphos: then i guess i set one, the guy you banned for the second or third time the other day after checking the bantracker has shown up again yesterday, and was no less annoying [06:37] soul^reaver, or whatever? Argh. [06:37] yes, that one [06:37] some people just don't give up [06:37] bye and thanks every body :) see late! === HorD [n=HorD@unaffiliated/hord] has left #ubuntu-ops ["www.ubuntu-lat.org"] [06:38] apokryphos: he was on about bypassing a BIOS password, but couldn't tell the difference between a *boot* and a *setup* password after being asked like 10 times... and in the end he got irritated. and irritating. =) [06:39] yeah, he'll be ok if almost nothing's going on, but as soon as he gets a little annoyed, he explodes. Will stay on the lookout. [06:40] apokryphos: besides, as the person who was helping him hypothised (sp?), though perhaps he shouldn't have... why would you be trying to crack a BIOS password on a laptop that you have no idea how to open and the only thing you know about is the BIOS name and version? [06:41] but anyway. [06:41] who knows [06:41] LjL: My boot and setup password are one and the same... [06:41] tonyyarusso: most BIOS's at least allow to choose whether the same password should be used only for setup, or for boot too [06:42] LjL: hmm - should check that [06:42] for what i'm concerned i don't see a reason for setting any password, my case is always open and the CMOS battery easily enough accessed :) === Seeker` [n=cjo20@195-112-20-245.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-ops === Kamping_Kaiser [n=kgoetz@unafilliated/kgoetz] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Kamping_Kaiser] by ChanServ [07:10] In #ubuntu, spitz said: ubotu: I think it is because XP does not see my linux partitions and cannot install anything? === beni_ [n=beni@p54ABC3A1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-ops === max_at_class is now known as maxamillion === mc44 [n=mc44@unaffiliated/mc44] has joined #ubuntu-ops [07:35] bye guys see you later ;-) === willys_fueguino [n=willy@unaffiliated/willysfueguino] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Visitennos] === effie_jayx [n=evalles@] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v effie_jayx] by ChanServ [07:45] who all sits on the current IRC Council? [07:46] maxamillion: nal.ioth and Sev.eas [07:46] jenda: that's all? .... hrmm.. small council [07:46] ompaul left the council. [07:46] maxamillion: A third is being elected as we speak [07:47] tonyyarusso: yeah, i am reading the thread right now [07:47] tonyyarusso: just wasn't aware of who was on the council right now [07:47] tonyyarusso: who is frode? [07:47] jenda: fdoving [07:48] jenda: are nalio and sev both #ubuntu ops or is one a #ubuntu and the other a #kubuntu? [07:48] both both I think [07:48] they're both ops in both places [07:48] oh ... ok [07:48] hrmmm [07:48] does being a council member give you ops everywhere? [07:48] actually no, seveas isn't a #kubuntu op [07:48] i don't think so [07:48] maxamillion: the access list doesn't really matter. [07:49] maxamillion: the access list can be changed at any time according to the will of the council (or, in fact Sev.eas) [07:49] hrmmm.... [07:49] jenda: from the freenode point of view ;P [07:50] LjL: yes, but it means that actual having ops or not is irrelevant. [07:50] well but that's what he asked [07:54] maxamillion: being on the council won't so much as being a particular op in certain places, but just writing up of documents, who to take disputes/issues to, etc [07:55] oh ok .... [07:55] so basically just leaders in the IRC operator team [07:55] just kinda trying to figure out who i want to vote for :) [07:55] Yeah...there are far too many good candidates for that to be an easy choice. [07:57] tonyyarusso: blindfold + darts + whisky [07:57] still, it means that all choices will be good choices, which is most important =) [07:57] heh [07:57] mc44: ha [07:57] apokryphos: true === PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v PriceChild] by ChanServ === Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Seveas] by ChanServ [09:06] ouch. someone go to http://apt.byethost14.com and see if it's my website please [09:07] redirects to partners.22web.net [09:07] right. crap. [09:07] !forget offline [09:07] I'll remember that, LjL [09:08] whats wrong? [09:09] either their DNS records have a problem, or they shut me down [09:09] and i'm guessing the latter [09:11] :S [09:11] why would they do that? [09:11] mbah, i couldn't access my own site for the past couple of days, while other people could [09:12] i guessed i had some script uploading stuff to their server that went bad, and i got banned [09:12] i'm not quite sure now though, their main site seems to be down as well [09:12] they're just a free host anyway [09:13] do you have everything you had on there backed up locally? [09:14] no, not quite, though i don't really have a full mirror of the site either. it's nothing terrible anyway, i'll just have to find another free host i guess, unless they come back [09:14] they were nice for a free host though, decent bandwidth, 250 megs, php, mysql... === effie_jayx [n=evalles@] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v effie_jayx] by ChanServ === effie_jayx [n=evalles@] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v effie_jayx] by ChanServ === jenda [n=jenda@ubuntu/member/jenda] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v jenda] by ChanServ === gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v gnomefreak] by ChanServ [10:12] Seveas: ping [10:12] who is HorD? === gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v gnomefreak] by ChanServ [10:20] LjL: Free hosting? Ads? [10:20] tonyyarusso: yeah, but non-intrusive enough [10:20] ah [10:21] you could also ask to put them anywhere on the page IIRC... though you'd actually have to ask them, it wasn't just a matter of putting some javascript code in the right place [10:21] i never bothered anyway, no pop-ups = fine for me [10:22] well, and no porn ads or flashy GIF is nice, too, but they didn't have those ;) === gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v gnomefreak] by ChanServ === maxamillion [n=adam@ngl-1-14.shsu.edu] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v maxamillion] by ChanServ === thoreauputic [i=peter@ubuntu/member/thoreauputic] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v thoreauputic] by ChanServ === agente2012 [n=agente20@] has joined #ubuntu-ops === agente2012 [n=agente20@] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Konversation] [11:14] !ftp [11:14] FTP clients: gftp, konqueror, kbear, nautilus. FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd [11:14] !-ftp [11:14] ftp aliases: ftpd - added by bimberi on 2006-07-24 06:50:53 [11:14] !no ftp is FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd [11:14] I'll remember that, LjL [11:15] !no ftpd is FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd - Graphical front-ends: !PureAdmin, !GProftpd (for !GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP [11:15] I'll remember that, LjL [11:15] kbear removed because it's not available in Edgy [11:17] ah === PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v PriceChild] by ChanServ === GazzaK [n=Dogbert@unaffiliated/GazzaK] has joined #ubuntu-ops === gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v gnomefreak] by ChanServ === elyahu [n=eSefardi@pool-141-157-47-33.balt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops === elyahu [n=eSefardi@pool-141-157-47-33.balt.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu-ops [] === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v hybrid] by ChanServ === linux_kid [n=linux_ki@adsl-67-38-251-233.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops [11:42] I am very sorry. I was billgates in #ubuntu-offtopic. I am willing not to do it agian so long as my IP is unblocked. Agian, sorry. [11:43] tonyyarusso: could you forgive me for being "billgates" in #ubuntu-offtopic and unblock my IP. I am very sorry. [11:44] hehe, it was seveas who banned you... he has gone to bed now [11:44] linux_kid: you just overdid it a bit :) [11:44] I know. It was funny, yet i will wash my hands verry well tonight [11:45] of all the people to impersonate! you better shower with bleach [11:45] I will be back to plea later. Dinner Calls! [11:46] aargh, why'd Seveas have to go to bed? [11:46] tired? [11:46] is he still on this training thing? [11:46] Well, yeah. [11:46] GazzaK: bah, Bill Gates is the biggest philanthropist in the History. of the world /me runs away [11:46] yes, he'll be on the "training thing" for some time [11:47] It's just that I half suspect he didn't mean for that mute to stay in place for as long as usual, but without him here I can't confirm that, so don't want to touch it. [11:48] it was just because he was bored with the trolling [11:48] 24 hours unless there are extenuating circumstances should be the limit of any action [11:48] how long is this training thing of his then? [11:49] a month [11:50] wow [11:51] eep [11:52] brain overload [11:55] :O [11:55] when did it start? [11:55] Monday I think [11:56] I am back, and plea-ing agian [11:57] tonyyarusso: could you please un-ban me? [11:57] linux_kid: your pleas are probably not gonna be heard for a few more hours [11:58] linux_kid: Scroll up - we usually don't remove bans set by other people, only our own. Since he's no longer here to check with, there is little we can do for the time being. [11:58] Is it that only Seveas can un-ban me? [11:58] linux_kid: scroll up [11:59] linux_kid: I'd recommend giving him a ping once it's morning again in Europe, if he hasn't taken care of it already by then - the will give you a better idea of when it will come off. Prolly worst case 24hr. === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-ops === mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Hobbsee] by ChanServ [11:59] oh... [12:00] Can I change my IP and get around the ban? [12:00] that would be ban evaision [12:00] linux_kid: not a good idea [12:00] good point [12:00] linux_kid: that would get you ultra banned for evasion [12:01] And it would mean going to DynDNS and changing my server IP [12:01] too much work [12:01] lol [12:08] @schedule [12:08] Schedule for Etc/UTC: Current meeting: Kubuntu | 01 Feb 21:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 05 Feb 20:00: Mozilla Team | 07 Feb 12:00: Edubuntu | 08 Feb 16:00: Ubuntu Development Team [12:09] hey elkbuntu [12:12] hi [12:13] Hooray for users who do my work for me :) === Hobbsee is surprised. she's getting votes [12:14] tonyyarusso: succhas? [12:14] LjL: See #ubuntu, Crass178 [12:15] tonyyarusso: ah, that, right, yeah i was watching it :)( [12:15] b-b-but he didn't do a *good* job from my point of view... he isn't banned :P === tonyyarusso still doesn't know who he's voting for... [12:16] LjL: True. I considered, but thought I'd see what happened, and he's quiet now, so there's still a chance he'll be okay. [12:17] ok? a pjirc user? mwahah :) === tonyyarusso doesn't know what that means really [12:18] java client [12:18] ah [12:19] why such a hard choice :( [12:19] gnomefreak: I know!! [12:20] i have 4 im debating on :( === gnomefreak doesnt even know one of them i dont think [12:20] I don't remember how many I was [12:20] gnomefreak: really? [12:20] is rob rob/staff? [12:20] yes [12:20] ah ok [12:21] tonyyarusso: see, he's already trying again to get a cookie [12:21] (wth is fappix besides) [12:21] oh. a "Pornnoisseur Distro". nice. [12:21] yup [12:22] Guess I was wrong. [12:22] :( === gnomefreak thinking of voting for LjL just because he uses words i have never heard of [12:22] Atleast ban him from #ubuntu [12:22] gnomefreak: that's adermegolicous! [12:22] see :) [12:23] Yeah, I have four as well. Probably the same four. [12:25] Hobbsee: you decided you wanted the position? [12:26] gnomefreak: i said i'd stand for it [12:26] gnomefreak: depends what it involves, really. [12:26] check your mail your standing tall [12:26] yeah, just saw! === Hobbsee wasnt expecting that at all [12:27] ha ty for saying that now i can vote for 2 people ;) === tonyyarusso flips coins in frustration [12:27] i'll give you free @lart 28's if you dump her and vote for me