
graftno errors in any log files...12:01
variantcypherdelic: just install the latest drivers and that will do the trick.12:01
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cypherdelicso there is now way, no cammand, that tells me which nvidia driver is loaded?12:01
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davidohaganI have a stack of CDs here different versions of Ubuntu and none of them pass MD5Summer, they all throw the same 6 errors, even thought they shouldn't.12:01
gh0stvariant: !!! call me lazy, but that's too much for it :-)12:01
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variantgh0st: udev is incredably powerfull (send an email when a specific usb key is plugged in as a very minor example) but it can be a little confusing, actualy its simple once you learn the basics12:02
graftcypherdelic: should be in your Xorg.0.log12:02
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cypherdelicgraft: where is that?12:02
graftcypherdelic: /var/log/Xorg.0.log12:02
variantcypherdelic: lsmod | grep nvidia12:02
Dhjizi really don't know what to do now12:03
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variantcypherdelic: if it returns nothing then you are using the nv driver or vga etc12:03
cypherdelicnvidia               5444468  1212:03
cypherdelici2c_core               29312  2 i2c_ec,nvidia12:03
Jowidavidohagan, md5sum the downloaded file. then burn it at low speed (x4 or something)12:03
variantcypherdelic: right, your allready using the nvidia driver12:03
gh0stvariant: ok another time when i have more free time i will for sure. but now, i need this fixed :-) thanks anyway, and if you want to guide me a bit, feel free12:03
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variantcypherdelic: so whats the problem exactly?12:03
graftor at least he has the module loaded...12:03
davidohaganI did that multiple isos from different sources all passed, and bruned at 4x12:03
graftdoesn't mean he's using it in xorg12:03
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variantgh0st: if your about tomorrow as i said, let me know12:03
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riotkittiedavidohagan: and what are you burning them with ?12:04
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Jowidavidohagan, does the downloaded file match its sum?12:04
variantcypherdelic: if you run glxgears what happens?12:04
graftanyone else have really weird sound behavior? like all your applications behave like a record that gets stuck?12:04
variantgraft: nope12:04
xdudegraft: nope12:04
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davidohaganI used isoburner and my Roxio burner12:04
cypherdelicvariant: i see gears lagging12:05
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davidohaganor what ever Roxio calls their program12:05
graftwhat the heck could be causing this?12:05
gh0stvariant: my goal is encrypt the disk with truecrypt. i messed it up as i accently pull out the usb cable, while encrypting -> my ext. hd got messed up, i had to reformat . but now it mounts at the "wrong" place with the wrong name (not the specific one like before)12:05
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ubuntunoobAnyone know how to boot a exe with WINE?12:06
gh0stvariant: like before: name: My Book, place /media/My Book,    now: name: usbdisk, place /media/usbdisk12:06
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Amalianeither worked, for some reason when I try to open xmms it doesn't show a thing.12:06
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kev_bAmalia: are you sure its running?12:07
cypherdelicvariant, why do they lagg12:07
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juliananybody ever used Garnome to install the newest gnome before?12:07
Amaliano, it doesn't seem like it is.12:08
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devhenAmalia: ps aux |  grep xmms and killall xmms12:08
gh0stis vfat (32, gparted) also viewable/writable with windows?12:09
Jowiubuntunoob, you type "wine program.exe"12:09
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ubuntunoobI got it12:09
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devhengh0st: yes12:09
KB3NKUHow can I get amarok to rip my cd?12:09
ubuntunoobDidn't think before i asked lol.12:09
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devhengh0st: fat32 is the windows/dos filesystem12:09
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devhen< win2000 that is. ntfs is used in newer versions of windows12:10
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Jowinight all12:10
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computriushaving a problem with mythtv/mysql12:11
kev_bHelp Plz: can anyone give me a hand trying to work out why user switching stopped working on my system (gnome)? It seems to no longer launch a new x session when I use switch user or fast user switch applet and I can't figure out why or how to diagnose it...12:11
computriusit made a user called mythtv12:11
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computriusI set the password via loading mysql -u root, then calling "update mysql.user set password=PASSWORD('mythtv') where user='mythtv';12:12
computriusand for some reason mythtv cant connect12:12
computriusand if I try mysql -u mythtv -p12:12
computriusit gets access denied12:12
Jordan_UAzureus is core dumping whenever I try to run it.12:12
gh0stcan anyone explain me how to name a parititon (for example "My external HD" with and define the mount point where it's mounted (ex. /dev/Ext Hd)? thanks12:12
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computriusany ideas?12:13
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killazdamn why should installation of a simple wlan card be so horribly hard??12:14
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[Ag0ny] hi, I just borked my xserv by trying a new driver. anybody know how to rever to my previous drivers from the command line?12:14
killazis there still a problem with wpa in edgy???12:14
preaction[Ag0ny] : reload your backup12:14
preactionkillaz: i was using it before, with gnome-network-manager12:15
[Ag0ny] preaction: how might I do that if you please?12:15
preaction[Ag0ny] : you made a backup, right?12:15
asdf_how can I convert midi into mp3's?12:15
killazpreaction: gnome network manager only uses wep12:15
[Ag0ny] mmmm12:15
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killazno wpa12:15
[Ag0ny] no?12:15
Dial_tonechange the driver line xorg.conf?12:15
preactionkillaz: when did you last try?12:15
preaction[Ag0ny] : what kind of card?12:15
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shwouchkwhat is the correct way to set up ubuntu to use an WPA2 ap?12:16
killazwhen did I last try??? Im trying the whole day...12:16
[Ag0ny] intel 95012:16
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[Ag0ny] i have a dell e1505 notebook12:16
[Ag0ny] don't cringe, it was free12:16
Kingsley``i'm trying to install fglrx and get this error when i try to buildpkg12:17
Kingsley``Verifying archive integrity...Error in MD5 checksums: 20807e69b26e7baa1176da0d594968e3 is different from 095ee06415d8206d9118db8160b78f6612:17
Kingsley``any solution?12:17
graftasdf_: might be a bit heavy but rosegarden can probably do it12:17
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Shadowpillar_quick question12:17
graftKingsley``: update again or use a diferent mirror12:17
Shadowpillar_I have a cd for edgy12:17
Shadowpillar_how do I do a smooth upgrade?12:17
graftKingsley``: oh wait buildpkg... um12:17
Shadowpillar_because I hear nothing but horror stories about the upgrade12:17
shwouchkanyone? please?12:17
[Ag0ny] preaction: is there a command for me to just revert? I did it graphically through KDE12:18
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xdudeAg0ny? what was the graphical command through KDE?12:18
preaction[Ag0ny] : i've never used KDE's graphical utility, but it sounds like a stupid thing. it probably made a backup for you. look in /etc/Xorg12:18
killazpreaction: why are you assuming that I havent tried the gnome-network-manager since that is the first and easiest step...12:19
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preactionkillaz: because WPA works with the gnome-network-manager? did you install wpa_supplicant (or whatever it's called)12:19
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[Ag0ny] thanks I'll try that preaction, xdude I entered the display controls and set the hardware driver12:19
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riotkittiebecause not everybody knows about network-manager-gnome?  because when someone fails to provide detail about what theyve tried, you have to start suggesting /somewhere/?12:20
killazwell after trying the gnome-network-manager (yes installed wpa_supplicant) I tried to configure wpa manually... by editing /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf but still no luck.12:20
killazpreaction: still I get a unassociated problem12:21
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preactionyou don't configure wpa manually by editing wpa_supplicant, but rather the /etc/network-interfaces (i believe, there's a wiki article about it)12:21
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preactionkillaz: i've also had problems with certain linksys routers and WPA - shared key12:22
shwouchkwhat is the correct way to set up ubuntu to use an WPA2 ap? anyone? please?12:22
killazlook at perhaps 10 tutorials already trie dthe whole pre-up wpa_supplicant -Bw -Dwext -ieth1 -c/etc wpa_supplicant.conf in the /etc/network/interfaces12:22
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krzysiekhello all12:22
killazthis is not a linksys but a sitecome...12:22
pbureauI am using gnome-networkmanager and evrythign works but, everytime I boot my laptop I have to "choose" a network to connect to, anyone know how to make it have a "default" unless I decide to select another (when I go to coffee shop)...12:23
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shwouchkpreaction: can you please point me to the wiki? i'm battling a similar problem12:23
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[Ag0ny] preaction: I can't seem to find a backup12:24
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xdudeAg0ny:  I may be lost but when ever I did an change over on drivers, the xorg made a backup, I reloaded the backup as preaction suggested, am I lost here or what?12:24
pbureaukillaz- what chipset is your card12:24
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preaction[Ag0ny] : did you try /etc/X11/ ? i think it's supposed to be in there actually12:25
shwouchkpreaction: thanks man!12:25
killazpbureau: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG12:25
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[Ag0ny] yeah I've looked there12:25
[Ag0ny] I noticed quickly that /Xorg didn't exist12:26
xdudepreaction is correct on that one Ag0ny..      How did you install the new driver?12:26
shwouchkkillaz: I think were having the same problem (except I did get to connect, in a weird way)12:26
preaction[Ag0ny] : then you'll have to edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file manually. Look for a "Driver" line, your chipset seems to be supported by the "i810" driver12:26
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killazI have a unassociated thing going on12:26
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stephenare linux users communist?12:27
xdudeAre all communist linux users?12:27
[Ag0ny] thx preaction12:27
preactionstephen: that seems off-topic, and no. free software usage is not a political statement (though some would beg to argue)12:27
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an0ksome syndicalists use linux12:28
preactionRed Hat, I think, could be construed as proof that capitalism can exist with the Free Software movement12:28
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preaction(though admittedly not very good proof)12:28
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tommyvhi was wondering if there was a way i can have XMMS output a .html file of my playlist.12:28
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XiXaQOur favorite animal: http://www.thecuteproject.com/photos/1439/dressing.up.is.overrated/12:29
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ataqanyone know of a decent upto date msn client for console?12:29
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krzysiekhey i have question who know how to start call of duty 2 on ubuntu ??12:29
krzysiekhey i have question who know how to start call of duty 2 on ubuntu ??12:29
XiXaQataq, you can use bitlbee and connect via irc. they have an online proxy at im.bitlbee.org12:30
xdudeFreedom doesnt represent cost - it represents free will12:30
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krzysiekhey i have question who know how to start call of duty 2 on ubuntu ??12:30
krzysiekhey i have question who know how to start call of duty 2 on ubuntu ??12:30
ataqXiXaQ, Nice one thanks man12:30
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XiXaQkrzysiek, stop it!12:30
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xdudeYou can sell your copy of a linux distro for cost if you like12:30
flarezhi ppl.. when i try to stream picture via my tvcard, all i get is black screen.. i have WinTV PVR 350 card.. anyone wanna help me out ?12:30
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shwouchkpreaction: For Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper) or later (but not for Kubuntu 6.06 or 6.10), there should be a Network Manager icon in the GNOME panel, which looks like a couple of dots. <--- do you happen to know what this is referring to? because I don't12:31
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tommyvhi was wondering if there was a way i can have XMMS output a .html file of my playlist.12:31
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krzysiekXiXaQ: but i must know that because i bought call of duty 2 tooday12:31
krzysiekhey i have question who know how to start call of duty 2 on ubuntu ??12:31
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krzysiekhey i have question who know how to start call of duty 2 on ubuntu ??12:31
shwouchkpreaction: nm, sorry - I should have read on12:32
tommyvkrzysiek, thats no reason to spam.12:32
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riotkittiehey, i have a quenstion. can you stop ... repeating thta question :P12:32
Jordan_U!repeat | krzysiek12:32
ubotukrzysiek: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience12:32
krzysieklol ok :P12:32
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tommyvanyone know a program i can use to make an html file out of a play list?12:33
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wolferineanyone familiar with setting up a boot sequence in win, to allow XP, Vista and linux run?12:33
XiXaQkrzysiek, did you even ask google?12:33
Jordan_Ukrzysiek: You might also try #winehq ( if it is a windows game )12:33
juano__krzysiek: check out cedega, and please dont spam with questions12:34
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Jordan_Uwolferine: You mean just a triple boot, or something more complicated than that?12:34
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wolferinewell, i used install.exe last night12:34
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wolferinebut I added a new HD into my system, occupying C:12:34
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wolferineand the boot record was stored on another partition/drive12:35
Jordan_Uwolferine: AFIK that is still beta software, just so you know.12:35
XiXaQwolferine, you might want to install vmware.12:35
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xdudewolferine - I prefer the use of grub....    Ubuntu will find the windows stuff when using grub-install (correct me anyone)12:35
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wolferineim sure offerring suggests is a room "good quality", but I am looking to repair something specific12:35
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wolferineso if you are unsure, please hold your suggestions, thanks12:36
flarezdamn , need to record from tv soon.. anyone got the hint for my question ?12:36
xdudewolferine repair?12:36
XiXaQwolferine, boot a win98 install cd and run fdisk /mbr12:36
wolferinemaybe my terminology is incorrect12:37
Jordan_UXiXaQ: No, he never changed the MBR, he used the "install.exe"12:37
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xdudeoh windows12:37
wolferineallow me a minute to explain pls12:37
shwouchkpreaction: is the howto outdated or something?12:37
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XiXaQwolferine, hehe, that's why irc is so cool... You can take your time without seeming insane.12:38
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wolferinei have a few HDs in my system, and recently I added one, which occupies c:, and the install.exe(ubuntu) was run last night, and I found this ir in my boot.ini, on my c:12:38
frogzoowolferine: if you've added a drive & you want grub to find it, you'll need to update  /boot/grub/device.map12:38
kazukakrzysiek thanks dude12:39
wolferinethis is the third OS i am adding, so the default menu was created when I installed Vista12:39
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wolferinewhich currently only has two OSes12:39
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kev_bHelp Plz: can anyone give me a hand trying to work out why user switching stopped working on my system (gnome)? It seems to no longer launch a new x session when I use switch user or fast user switch applet and I can't figure out why or how to diagnose it...12:39
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Kud|Is there a reason flash animations are so laggy? I downloaded the SWF plugin via synaptic...not sure what's up.12:40
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FanskapetXlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".12:40
gh0sthas anyone a Western Digital MyBook 250GB harddisk? if yes, i just a small information12:40
wolferineso I was wondering if anyone knows how to edit using bcdedit.exe in Vista to add my ubuntu to my list of boot preferences?12:40
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Brady_M_at_workhey guys, you know of the boot loader on Ubuntu, is there a possible --nosplash or option to type in --install to skip the live demo and jump right into install?12:40
Fanskapethmm anyone had any success in hw-opengl on a X700 ATI chipset?12:40
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xdudewolferine - I run Grub with windows XP pro - Suse 10.2 and ubuntu 6.10 options.   I usually set the linux as the primary master.12:40
Hisakasexwhere do I have to specify the dns in ubuntu??12:40
mjrFanskapet, sorry, but my x800xl works fine for most of my needs, mostly ut2004 ;)12:41
FireHazard17use the alternate cd12:41
wolferinexdude -- good to know, thanks12:41
frogzoowolferine: this chan is for ubuntu support, for windows support try #windows12:41
wolferineok thanks frogzoo12:41
Hisakasexwhere do I have to specify the dns in ubuntu for my internet connection in ubuntu?12:41
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Fanskapetmjr: laptop chipset?12:41
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xdudeThis way when the Grub is written to the MBR, it only effect the primary master12:41
Hisakasexwhere do I have to specify the dns in ubuntu for my internet connection?12:41
xdudeand all other drives can be reset to master if all else fails12:42
Jordan_Ufrogzoo: It isn't a "windows question" per se, see:https://wiki.ubuntu.com/install.exe/12:42
Brady_M_at_workHisakasex: /etc/resolv.conf12:42
mjrFanskapet, x700 should afaik work at least to some extent too, though... Though with development drivers (unless you install fglrx, which is another can of worms)12:42
preactionBrady_M_at_work: the idea of the live CD is so that there's a full Linux system to do the install with. otherwise try th alternative CD12:42
mjrFanskapet, no12:42
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frogzooJordan_U: how to modify the xp boot loader is a doze question12:42
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Hisakasexbrady_m_at_work: thanks12:43
Fanskapetmjr: ok :( can't get my laptop to work in dri12:43
Brady_M_at_workpreaction: uh. right right12:43
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Fanskapeta hell to configurate12:43
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xdudeWe set up a city community senior center up this way on all the computers.   Now we be teaching seniors Linux12:43
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OnburiikuHello, everyone12:43
OnburiikuI've got a couple questions.12:44
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gh0sthello, to anyone:  i just need the output of "udevinfo -a -p $(udevinfo -q path -n /dev/sdd)" (where /dev/sdd would be the mount point of the Western Digital MyBook 250GB) Thanks!12:44
xdudewolferine:  does that make any sense?12:45
abowhat's the best ftp client for ubuntu?12:45
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dysmasgh0st: get that script working?12:45
OnburiikuIs there a way I can set a screen resolution other than the ones in the preferences menu?12:45
ZambeziHow is it to burn imagefiles on Ubuntu server (without X)?12:45
frojndwhy can't I write to media sda4? this is df -h output: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3521/12:45
Flannel!burn | Zambezi12:46
ubotuZambezi: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto12:46
gh0stdysmas: unfortunately, i messed the harddisk before haha12:46
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frojndit says permission denied12:46
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xdudeZambezi:  Have you ever read about dd?12:46
dysmasgh0st: d0h!12:46
xdudeoh burn, nevermind12:46
OnburiikuThe screen resolution window will only allow 640x48- or 800x60012:46
gh0stdysmas: now i'm trying to restore it like it was before, to reencrypt and then only test the script12:46
Zambezixdude, dd?12:46
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Flannel!fixres | Onburiiku12:46
ubotuOnburiiku: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:46
Fanskapetah well gotta try enable it again12:47
gh0stso if anyone has a Western Digital Mybook, PLEASE TELL ME! thanjs12:47
OnburiikuThanks! =)12:47
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ZambeziFlannel, I don't have X. That's the problem.12:48
xdudeZambezi,   I misread....   We used dd to clone drives a couple of weeks ago,   Norton Ghost failed the task12:48
pimptsup peoples12:48
gregcha117alright, my panel at the bottom where all the programs show up when i minimize is screwed, its acting as if my desktop is set to 1024x768 instead of 1280x102412:48
gregcha117can someone help me fix this12:48
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kris_why can't i find any identd packages to install?!12:49
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FlannelZambezi: read the rest of the line ;)12:49
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preactiongregcha117: sudo killall -9 gnome-panel12:49
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zbadoneany opionions on a Geforce 6200A agp for ubuntu?12:50
gregcha117it restarted and showed up in the same place Preaction :\12:50
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preactiongregcha117: then it hates you, you need a new computer :(12:50
borguszbadone: Any nVidia GeForce card should work just fine, if you don't mind using binary drivers12:51
gregcha117it has to do with updating my nvidia drivers, because when i did that i lost my higher resolutions12:51
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gregcha117which i fixed by editing the xorg.conf, and now the panel seems to think its set to a different resolution or something12:51
preactiongregcha117: i've gotten that before as well, you could try restarting gdm, or you could try finagling with the panel (like moving it around, setting auto-hide, setting height/width, etc...)12:51
zbadoneno problems with that, just looking to update  my older system just to get a little more life out of it, presently running a ti4200-64M12:52
preactionit's probably a bug, but i've never been able to lock it down12:52
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kris_everywhere i see on the web, they say to apt-get install oidentd12:52
kris_but it doesn't find anything for me12:52
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zbadoneborgus, this new card, for me, has 256M ram12:52
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Roach`Can someone assist me in fixing a fat fingered mistake in gnome?12:52
Flannel!info oidentd12:52
ubotuoidentd: replacement ident daemon. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.0.8-1 (edgy), package size 50 kB, installed size 204 kB12:52
FairLite!oidentd | kris_12:52
FairLiteenable universe12:52
Flannelkris_: you need to enable universe12:52
FairLite!find identd12:52
ubotuFound: bidentd, gidentd, midentd, nullidentd, oidentd (and 4 others)12:52
gregcha117preaction: wow okay, for some reason clicking and unclickin expand put it back12:52
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gregcha117weird, haha thanks for the help i was worried id have to edit some settings12:53
preactiongregcha117: yeah... craziness...12:53
borguszbadone: Then just use the nVidia drivers (from Multiverse I think), or do what I do and just download directly from nvidia.com and you should be all set :)12:53
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Flannel!nvidia | zbadone12:53
ubotuzbadone: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:53
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kris_what is universe flannel?12:53
zbadoneborgus, having problem setting up Ubuntu with the older card12:53
kris_and how do i enable it?12:53
Flannel!universe | kris_12:53
ubotukris_: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource12:53
tamacrackerHey guys, where can I find Login screen themes specifically... gnome-look.org is givin me a hard time12:53
borguszbadone: What's going wrong?12:53
zbadoneits the drivers12:54
zbadonegot to use legacy12:54
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gh0stmay i repeat my request: i just need the output of "udevinfo -a -p $(udevinfo -q path -n /dev/sdx)" from a Western Digital MyBook 250GB) ext. HD.  Thanks!12:54
Kud|Is there a reason flash animations are so laggy? I downloaded the SWF plugin via synaptic...not sure what's up. Anyone have any ideas how to fix this problem?12:54
zbadoneand its having prob with glx not loading12:54
Jordan_Utamacracker: http://art.gnome.org/themes/gdm_greeter/12:54
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kris_thanks flannel12:54
FlannelKud|: try flash9, it's in backports12:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about security - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:54
Flannel!backports | Kud|12:55
ubotuKud|: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports12:55
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borguszbadone: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-legacy12:55
Kud|Flannel thanks for the suggestion, I'll check it out. :)12:55
Roach`Is there anyone who can assist me in recovering Gnome on one of my other accounts? I fat fingered my touchpad and successfully made all of my panels disappear by accidentally adding deskbar to one of my panels12:55
tom47is there a security irc for ubuntu?12:55
zbadoneborgus, its a new install of Ubuntu, I did that,but still haver prob with glx, and yes i did use glx-legacy12:55
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FlannelRoach`: right click the top/bottom of screen > "add panel" then right click the panels, "add to panel" and set everything back up12:56
borguszbadone: hmm; so what is the error, or what happens?12:56
FairLitetom47: i totally doubt it12:56
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Jordan_URoach`: Do you want it back to the default?12:56
Roach`Flannel: Thats my problem, there arent any panels12:56
Roach`Flannel: If there were panels, I would be good as gold :)12:56
zbadoneborgus, when i run glxinfo it segs with glx12:56
tom47how do you contact the security team?12:56
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FlannelRoach`: reread what I said ;)  first-- right click near the top/bottom of the screen (independantly, obviously) and then "add panel"12:57
zbadoneborgus ,not X but glxinfo fro mterm segs12:57
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Roach`Flannel: i get an error when i boot into gnome though12:57
borguszbadone: hmm; I hate to say it, but I'm kinda stumped now.  You could try to download the legacy drivers from nvidia.com and use nVidia's installer; that's what usually works for me12:57
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theflyingfooldoes win32codec support wma?12:57
Roach`Flannel: lemme reproduce it real quick, hang on12:57
bluesignanyone know a onenote like app for ubuntu ?12:58
OnburiikuIt won't let me edit the xorg.conf file12:58
zbadoneborgus, I tried that but still segs from term when running glxinfo12:58
Jordan_UOnburiiku: sudo ?12:58
FairLitetheflyingfool: yes, but "win32codec" is not one thing as you seem to imply, it's simply a collection of the Windows codecs12:58
FlannelRoach`: that's a different problem.  Try failsafe gnome, under sessions.  You might end up needing to delete your gnome configurations in your homedir12:58
FairLite!w32codecs > theflyingfool12:58
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OnburiikuUhh.. I'm using a text editor like the page said12:58
zbadoneborgus, so Im looking to update card to a newer version12:58
borguszbadone: Sorry then, I don't know what could be going wrong.  It *should* just work12:58
theflyingfoolFairLite, its a .deb package so how can i not imply its one thing12:58
OnburiikuI'm completely new to ubuntu, so I'm not sure how alot of this works. >.>12:58
Jordan_U!sudo | Onburiiku12:58
ubotuOnburiiku: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.12:58
borguszbadone: (Disclaimer: IANAD [I am Not a Developer]  ;) )12:59
zbadoneborgus, I was hoping it would JUST work, BUT12:59
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FairLitetheflyingfool: it's a deb package just because someone has been kind enough to put all those codecs together in a nice shrink-wrap thingie12:59
zbadonebut ty for input12:59
Jordan_UOnburiiku: You need to run: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:59
borgusnp, sorry I couldn't help more12:59
theflyingfoolFairLite, doesnt that make it one thing because of said nice person12:59
zbadonecee ya12:59
ataqOnburiiku, sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:59
Onburiikuk, so I type that into the terminal?12:59
Roach`Flannel: I got Gnome to boot under failsafe, although if i switch user for some reason i lose touchpad support12:59
Jordan_UOnburiiku: Yup :)12:59
Roach`Flannel: something to tackle later on...but either way01:00
OnburiikuK, thanks! :)01:00
Roach`Flannel: I get a "Failed to load gnome settings manager01:00
Fanskapetahh yeah01:00
FairLitetheflyingfool: maybe, i'm not arguing on semantics. but "win32codec" is not even a package.01:00
Fanskapetgot DRI working now01:00
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erycare there any usb wifi cards that work with ubuntu?01:00
FlannelRoach`: remove your gnome files (or at least, move them somewhere else) in your homedir, they'll all be hidden folders/files.01:00
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theflyingfoolFairLite, arnt .deb files all packages?01:00
FairLitetheflyingfool: yes, but the package we are talking about isn't called win32codec01:01
ataqeryc, I use Ralink 2500 and works great and most cards run well under Ubuntu now01:01
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cosmodadwhat happens when I close my notebook's lid? Everytime I do this, my screen turns black but I cannot wake it again unless I restart kdm. Tried adding debug code in /etc/acpi/lid.sh but the script doesn't even appear to start. help?01:01
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ZambeziFlannel, Will cdrecord do it? Is it good and easy to use?01:01
Roach`Flannel: One second, lemme hop from this backup account to the other account01:01
theflyingfoolFairLite, fair enough its w32codecs_version number01:01
Algorithmistfolks, I need to edit the keymap for my laptop's scroll button, which isn't recognized on default.. what is the file name? google wasn't friendly when I searched for 'linux keymap'01:01
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borgusIs it possible to have two sound cards in the system, and choose which one is "active" whenever you want?01:02
ataqAnyone excited about ET Quake Wars for Linux?!01:02
FairLitetheflyingfool: right, w32codecs. note the "s", meaning plural01:02
HisakasexI just edited my resolv.conf with the IP of the dns of my isp but my squid can't resolve names01:02
FlannelZambezi: yes.  I have no idea how good it is though.01:02
theflyingfoolback to the problem at hand, it does support wma files?01:02
Hisakasexwhat could be the problem??01:02
Jordan_Uborgus: Never tried it but I assume you could just keep two xorg.conf's01:02
FairLitetheflyingfool: i answered that.01:02
borgusJordan_U: I guess that could work, but it would be nice to be able to switch without restarting X01:03
theflyingfoolFairLite, so you did thanks01:03
Jordan_Uborgus: I doubt that that is possible, but again, I have never tried.01:03
HisakasexI just edited my resolv.conf with the IP of the dns of my isp but my squid can't resolve names01:03
borgusJordan_U: Oh well, thanks anyway :)01:03
Hisakasexdo I have to restart my network interfaces??01:04
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Hisakasexhow can I restart my network interfaces??01:04
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chorseHisakasex: /etc/init.d/networking restart01:04
cosmodadHisakasex: sudo /etc/init.d/network restart01:04
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mzuverinkDoes anyone know if turning off acpi and apm when booting while connected to ac power will cause damage to the machine?01:04
mzuverinkits a laptop01:04
FairLitenetworking wins01:04
cosmodadyeah networking01:04
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humpinHhi, my Logitech Quickcam Messenger isnt working, even after driver installs through various techniques.  Any hints?01:05
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cosmodadmzuverink: very unlikely01:05
mzuverinkcosmodad, thanks01:05
cosmodadmzuverink: it might run at full speed and thus uses more power and thus will eventually break down earlier, so if you consider that "damage" the answer is yes ;)01:06
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Hisakasexwhere does squid looks up to resolve names??01:06
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mzuverinkthanks again01:06
HisakasexI have resolv.conf but still not working my squid01:06
Roach`Flannel: ok I can get into the profile but I cant get the bars to show up01:07
OnburiikuSo, there's no way to manually set the resolutin through the terminal, or do I have to edit the xorg.conf file?01:07
mzuverinkDo you know which of the two, apm or acpi is responsible for powernow cpu scaling and such?01:07
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Roach`mzuverink: I believe its ACPI01:07
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Roach`mzuverink: but dont quote me on that01:07
HisakasexUnable to determine IP address from host name for google.com ... that's the message I get from squid in my browser01:07
mzuverinkIll try both and see what happens01:08
cosmodadmzuverink: I'd agree and add that powernow needs some module as well01:08
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FlannelRoach`: just re-add them.  (I'm sure there's some other config file for them, if you remove it, they'll come back, but I don't know which it is)01:08
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Roach`Flannel: Whats the terminal command to bring up the file manager, i forget01:09
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FlannelRoach`: nautilus01:09
shwouchkhw do I tell apt-get to install recommended packages?01:09
Roach`Flannel: Thank you, my brain goes out from time to time01:09
cosmodadshwouchk: use aptitude: aptitude install -r <package>01:10
cosmodadshwouchk: use sudo, for sure01:10
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jimmiehow do kde work?01:11
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shwouchkcosmodad: it doesnt have the recommended in the list this way01:11
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jimmiei want to change the look on my desktop.. want it to look like kubuntu.01:12
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FairLite!kde > jimmie01:12
cosmodadshwouchk: the manpage says it should do so. Maybe you're mixing up suggests and recommends?01:12
jimmieany suggestions on what i can use?01:12
Flanneljimmie: why don't you just install kubuntu?01:12
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Roach`Flannel: Which config file am i needing to move?01:12
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jimmieok.. i run ubuntu01:13
FlannelRoach`: no idea.  you could try all of the gnome stuff01:13
jimmieis there any diffrens in them?01:13
Roach`Flannel: I guess im moving all of the gnome files out then01:13
jimmiecus im a noob01:13
shwouchkcosmodad: Recommended packages: esound-clients01:13
FairLitejimmie: yes, Ubuntu has GNOME and Kubuntu has KDE01:13
Roach`Jimmie: The window managers are different01:13
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theflyingfoolDoes anyone know if the seveas repo is likely to cause system problems?01:13
xdudeJimmie - Kubuntu is kde01:13
Flanneljimmie: You can simply install kubuntu though.  sudo apt-get install kubuntu, will install kubuntu for you01:13
jimmieok... what is the diffrenses?01:13
Roach`jimmie: check out #kubuntu for the KDE build of Ubuntu01:14
shwouchkcosmodad: btw, how do I also install suggested?01:14
cosmodadshwouchk: strange. do you need a bunch of recommends? if not, you could add them by hand01:14
xdudeapt-get install kubuntu-desktop01:14
FairLitejimmie, there is a ton of differences. best to try KDE for yourself i believe01:14
Shadowpillar_how do I do a smooth upgrade from dapper to edgy?01:14
cosmodadshwouchk: I wouldn't know01:14
xdudeoh I be late again. sorry01:14
Hisakasexcan anyone explain me how to use the keyword search in resolv.conf?01:14
Hisakasexcan anyone explain me how to use the keyword search in resolv.conf?01:14
=== Algorithmist wonders if he's blacklisted... none of his questions are receiving assistance
FairLiteShadowpillar_: make sure you only have official repos enabled, and follow !upgrade. and hope.01:14
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cosmodadHisakasex: search <domain>01:15
Hisakasexwhat is it for??01:15
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes01:15
cosmodadHisakasex: if you don't use a FQDN, it's completed by the search domain01:15
xdudebut a good question might be how to change the gdm to kdm?01:15
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FairLitexdude: sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm01:15
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FairLiteafter installing kdm, that is01:15
xdudethanks FairLite01:16
Roach`Flannel: Ok lets give this another whirl!01:16
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shwouchkcosmodad: no - it's just one, but I'd like to know how to do it, so that when it will be a bunch, Itll also add them01:16
Shadowpillar_FairLite: should I disable backports?01:16
theflyingfooldoes anyone know if there are any possible dangers by adding the seveaspackages repo01:17
HisakasexI want to host multiple domains  ... what happens if I remove the line that contains search?01:17
=== naughty1 [n=n1@c-68-48-203-233.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jimmiesudo apt-get install kubuntu <--- where do i do this?01:17
FairLiteShadowpillar_: probably a good idea. anyway it's more a matter of what you have *installed* than what you have enabled, i'm afraid01:17
xdudeFairLite:  and sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm would change it back?01:17
FairLitexdude: yes. or sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm, there isn't really a difference between saying "kdm" or "gdm" there01:17
Flanneljimmie: use synaptic instead.  open up synaptic, and install the "kubuntu-desktop" package01:17
FairLiteShadowpillar_: you can always prepare for cloning, just in case things go bad01:18
cosmodadHisakasex: the effect is that if you're within mydomain.com and you used to ping host foobar by "ping foobar", it won't work anymore01:18
OnburiikuIs there a way to change my screen resolution manually through the terminal or something without editing the xorg.conf file?01:18
xdude Great - I needed that01:18
jimmiehehe ok :)01:18
FairLite!cloning > Shadowpillar_01:18
FairLiteOnburiiku: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg01:18
jimmieill be back.... if i run it to something01:18
cosmodadHisakasex: asuming that foobar's FQDN is foobar.mydomain.com01:18
FairLiteOnburiiku: but that *will* edit xorg.conf... just not manually01:18
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ZambeziAnyone burned DVD-images in the console? On a computer without X-server?01:18
OnburiikuK, I'll try that01:18
cosmodadshwouchk: can you give me a package with a recommendation?01:18
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cosmodadZambezi: growisofs is your friend01:19
Moniker42how do i send SMS with skype?01:19
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xdudeThanks for asking your questions jimmie01:19
FairLitejimmie, actually i suggest that you use "sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop" if you are not sure that you will keep KDE. that is done from a terminal01:19
FairLite!terminal > jimmie01:19
jimmiehow do i install the whole package?01:19
FairLite!aptitude > jimmie01:19
FairLitejimmie: by selecting it for installation. or by using either of apt-get or aptitude with the syntax above01:19
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xdude!aptitude > xdude01:20
homeroola, alguem saberia me falar o motivo pelo qual o ubuntu 6.10 nao desliga apos o comando de desligar?01:20
rubenhola soy  carlos  y nose como usar el msn01:20
jimmiewell im using the synaptic01:20
FairLite!es | ruben01:20
uboturuben: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.01:20
Zambezicosmodad, May I PM?01:20
jimmieshould i just mark the kubuntu desktop system?01:20
FairLitejimmie: that's fine, just keep in mind that removing it later might not be entirely easy that way01:20
rubeno  algo  para  agregar mis  cntactos01:20
cosmodadZambezi: sry I haven't burned a DVD on console in ages, better google01:21
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FairLiteruben: #ubuntu-es01:21
Shadowpillar_FairLite: I think I'm set01:21
jimmiebut i can through the terminal later?01:21
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naughty1hello all01:21
ubotuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT, like apt-get. However, aptitude can remember the dependencies installed with a package and remove them if you uninstall. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide01:21
Flanneljimmie: All package managers modify the same stuff.  so yes.  You can remove whatever you want with whatever methods later01:21
FairLitejimmie: no. if you install using Synaptic now, apitude won't be of any use to remove it later01:21
Shadowpillar_FairLite: the "locally installed" section is basically the same01:21
Roach`Flannel: no dice01:21
Zambezicosmodad, Damn. I need to know it works. Then I can save at least 10 dollars.01:21
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands01:21
FairLiteFlannel: not in the sense i suggested aptitude to him over apt-get01:21
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FairLite!msg the bot > xdude01:22
Shadowpillar_FairLite: "Some updates require the removal of further software. Use the function "Mark All Upgrades" of the package manager "Synaptic" or run "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" in a terminal to update your system completely."01:22
cosmodadZambezi: google01:22
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naughty1i have a citrix client question?01:22
gh0st i just need the output of "udevinfo -a -p $(udevinfo -q path -n /dev/sdx)" from a Western Digital MyBook 250GB) ext. HD.  Thanks!01:22
FairLiteShadowpillar_: that's a bit cryptic to me honestly01:22
jimmiehmm.. i'm real noob att this.. but what is the best way to do it now then?01:22
FairLitejimmie: *i* think the best way is typing "sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop" in a terminal.01:23
jimmiesynaptic or the terminal?01:23
Shadowpillar_anyway brb01:23
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jimmieFairlite; ok.. then it will automatic install it?01:23
nexousHey, I'm having a bit of trouble with jEdit, i downloaded the .deb file, it installed the package, along with several other dependencies.01:23
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FairLitejimmie: yes!01:23
Roach`Flannel: No dice, im still booting getting the same error01:24
shwouchkcosmodad: yes, sorry it took me a while to respond01:24
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:24
nexousNow I start Applications -> programming -> jEdit, and it shows Starting jEdit, and just doesn't open.01:24
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jimmieFairLite: ok.. what will happen after the installing is done?01:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about keymap - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:24
naughty1anyone know how/what file the citrix client name is kept in?  I need to change this and can't figure out how01:24
nexousAnyone know how I could check why the program isn't loading?01:25
jimmieFairlite: reboot or what?01:25
Flanneljimmie: log out, and at the login screen, there;s a "sessions" option, choose kubuntu there.  And login01:25
Roach`Flannel: Is there any way to force gnome to ignore all settings and go back to default?01:25
FairLitejimmie: nothing. only, at the login screen (where you put username and password), you will be able to click on the "Options" button, and select a KDE session01:25
shwouchkcosmodad: xchat recommends esound-clients01:25
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FlannelRoach`: just delete/remove all the gnome configuration files in your homedir.  some of them might be ".g[stuff] " too,01:25
jimmieFairlite: ahaa.. ok :)01:25
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cosmodadshwouchk: I wanted to try but I've got that one installed already...01:26
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newbie_Learning English01:26
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shwouchkcosmodad: oh :(01:26
newbie_from here,haha01:26
nexousAnyone know why jEdit says Starting jEdit, and then doesn't open?01:26
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cosmodadshwouchk: let me look for something else...01:26
shwouchkhow do I upgrade firefox to v2? (apt gives me 1.5 only)01:26
OnburiikuI tried changing the xorg.conf file through the terminal with sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg, but it doesn't save the settings and it says01:26
Onburiikuxserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration01:26
Onburiiku   file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2007013019245201:26
Roach`Flannel: Then off to deleteland I go! WHEEE!!!!01:27
OnburiikuWhat do I do?01:27
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FairLiteOnburiiku: what makes you think it didn't save the settings?01:27
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FairLiteOnburiiku: it just told you that it *has* saved the settings and also made a backup, from what i can tell.01:27
FlannelOnburiiku: overwrite it (if it gives you a prompt about it).  It's sensing the fact that you manually edited it.01:28
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alaanyone know where i can find a template init script?01:28
OnburiikuBut when I check it the settings are the same as before I edited it01:28
OnburiikuPlus I can't change my screen resolution still01:28
cosmodadshwouchk: I cannot find one... you don't have the recommended package already installed, do you?01:28
FairLiteOnburiiku: "diff /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.20070130192452" shows nothing?01:28
Onburiikuam I supposed to type that?01:29
FairLiteala: /etc/init.d/skeleton01:29
FairLiteOnburiiku: yes01:29
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naughty1anyone know how/what file the citrix client name is kept in?  I need to change this and can't figure out how01:29
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OnburiikuI typed that and a ton of different stuff pops up01:30
Onburiikumostly screen resolutions01:30
FairLiteOnburiiku: then the settings *have* been changed.01:30
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noobuntuI've just installed edgy server and want to install either kde or gnome desktop.  what are the package names for these?01:30
FairLiteOnburiiku: i assume that you have restarted X?01:30
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OnburiikuHow do I set the resolution?01:30
shwouchkwhy do I only have firefox 1.5 available?01:30
OnburiikuOoohhh, that must be the problem01:30
alaFairLite: thanks01:30
OnburiikuHow do I do that again?01:30
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FairLiteshwouchk: because 2.0 isn't available for Dapper01:30
FairLiteOnburiiku: Ctrl+Alt+Backspace01:30
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[reed] Just download Firefox from getfirefox.com01:31
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tbone__can anyone point me to a good intro to linux site?01:31
shwouchkFairLite: so how do I get it?01:31
[reed] instead of using Ubuntu's versions :)01:31
ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins01:31
root____1noobuntu: kubuntu-desktop / ubuntu-desktop01:31
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noobunturoot____1: thank you01:31
shwouchkFairLite: thanks01:31
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FantasticFoowhat do you guys recommend for firefox multimedia plugins? totem, mplayer, vlc?01:32
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shwouchk[reed] : youre saying that theres no package whatsoever with firefox 2 for ubuntu?01:32
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository01:32
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:32
ubotuFlash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash01:32
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FairLiteshwouchk: of course there is. just not for Ubuntu Dapper, but for Ubuntu Edgy.01:32
kbrosnanshwouchk: correct, ulness you upgrade ubuntu01:32
noobuntucan I install both kubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-desktop?01:32
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Creedencehi guys, I am not able to install the ATI drivers on my IBM laptop. I run the fglrxinfo and don't get the correct reading. Anyone familiar with the ATI installation?01:32
FairLitenoobuntu: yes01:32
noobuntuFairLite: thank you01:33
shwouchkFairLite: but I'm on edgy01:33
shwouchkFairLite: I think01:33
noobuntuok, off to it.01:33
FairLiteshwouchk: then you have Firefox 2. it comes with it.01:33
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shwouchkFairLite: I downloaded the 6.10 dvd01:33
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FairLiteshwouchk: lsb_release -a tells you which Ubuntu release you're running.01:33
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:33
OnburiikuAwesome, it worked!01:33
OnburiikuWhat was the command to edit the xorg.conf file again?01:34
FairLite!msg the bot01:34
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...01:34
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shwouchkFairLite: Release:        6.0601:34
nrdbI have a laptop that two people use, each use a different keyboard layout (qwerty,dvorak), it would be very handy if there was an option on the login screen to change the keyboard layout like there is to change the language.01:34
FairLiteOnburiiku: sudo dpkg-reconfigure [-phigh]  xserver-xorg01:34
tim167i need a FAST filebrowser, nautilus is way too SLOW, xface isnt in synaptic, what are the alternatives ?01:34
shwouchkFairLite: wtf! - I downloaded the 6.10 dvd01:34
OnburiikuI want to keep it for future reference01:34
FairLiteOnburiiku: the part in []  is only needed if you want "quick" configuration - mostly resolutions only01:34
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FairLiteshwouchk: i doubt that01:34
Hisakasexok .. .my problem is that I have a mydomain.com and I ping foo.mydomain.com and I get response01:34
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Hisakasexthere is no foo.mydomain.com but the server is responding because there is mydomain.com01:35
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Hisakasexin a dns01:35
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Khemis 2.6.20 available for 6.101:35
phaidroshi ppl :)01:35
Hisakasexwhat could be the problem??01:35
FairLiteshwouchk: do a "md5sum filename.iso" on the ISO, or "md5sum /dev/cdrom" on the burned CD. check it against the MD5 checksum listed on the Ubuntu site for Edgy. i'm afraid it will match the Dapper one.01:35
shwouchkFairLite: this sucks then :(01:35
phaidrosanybody xorg radeon driver with dri on ubuntu ?01:36
FairLiteKhem: no01:36
OnburiikuThat command didn't work.01:36
shwouchkFairLite: I guess i downloaded the wrong dvd :( ... how do I upgrade?01:36
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FlannelKhem: no.  6.10 has 2.6.17, Feisty (7.04) will have 2.6.20 though01:36
Fanskapetuhm uhm01:36
FairLite!upgrade > shwouchk01:36
FairLiteshwouchk: i suggest you reinstall from scratch instead, if your installation is still fresh01:36
FairLiteOnburiiku: elaborate01:36
Fanskapetberyl is crashing while trying to change to beryl as WM in the settings for the application01:36
Fanskapeti wonder why01:36
Fanskapetno debug output from it :/01:36
KhemFlannel: FairLite thanks I will wait for 7.04 then01:36
Onburiikusudo dpkg-reconfigure [-phigh]  xserver-xorg gives me an error01:37
shwouchkFairLite: its downloading again... why from scratch?01:37
OnburiikuPackage `[-phigh] ' is not installed and no info is available.01:37
FairLiteOnburiiku, i told you that the part in []  is only if you want the "complete" instead of the "quick" configuration01:37
FairLiteOnburiiku: which, of course, means that the [ ]  themselves are *not* part of the command01:37
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OnburiikuI'm sorry, I'm a bit slow today...01:37
jpiccolowhy would installing mozilla boink firefox01:38
phaidrosanybody xorg radeon driver with dri on ubuntu ?01:38
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kris_ok, now i got the bidentd package installed, but it doesn't seem to be working01:38
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Flannelshwouchk: fresh installs are always cleaner than upgrades.  You might check out the minimal CD.  It's only 8mb, plus the packages requried (which you'll currently be downloading anyway)01:38
pianoboy3333Can anyone help me with oocalc, it seems that the cell borders/grid lines, print no matter what I try, how can I blank them out/disable them?01:38
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FairLiteshwouchk: if you don't have anything to lose (configurations, annoying-to-backup documents, etc), it's surely better to do a fresh installation than an upgrade, no matter how well the upgrading process may work (that is *cough* not too well)01:38
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ubotuhotkeys: A hotkeys daemon for your Internet/multimedia keyboard in X. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 141 kB, installed size 384 kB01:38
Roach`Flannel: I'm confused01:38
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Roach`Flannel: For some reason, gnome is acting like another panel is running01:38
shwouchkFairLite: I see01:39
FantasticFoowhat's the dif between totem-xine and gxine?01:39
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Roach`Flannel: So it closes all panels if i log into my main account, displaying nothing01:39
shwouchkFairLite: ok, I guess Ill do that01:39
FairLiteOnburiiku: for the record, "-phigh" stands for "priority: high", meaning it will only ask "high" priority questions and not lower priority ones01:39
Roach`Flannel: BUT, if i log into root first, and THEN log into gnome, the panels show up01:39
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shwouchkFairLite: btw, does the minimal CD come with wpa_supplicant?01:39
FairLiteshwouchk: doubt it highly01:39
Roach`Flannel: er...then log into my main account01:39
FlannelRoach`: what are the perms on your config files? (ls -al)01:39
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shwouchkFairLite: and what about iwconfig?01:40
Ignitegb.archive.ubuntu.com down?!01:40
pbzhello,i installed beryl and i changed something in the configuration...01:40
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=== Ignite panics
Flannelpbz: #ubuntu-xgl for beryl support, thanks.01:40
pbznow every time i try to open it,the computer crashes.01:40
pbzFlannel: thank you01:40
=== Ignite cries
FairLiteshwouchk: doubt that, too. i can't really say, i never had any Wifi, so i never cared. but the minimal CD really *is* minimal, only contained the very core stuff needed to boot and access the internet (but... via an ethernet card only, i'm tempted to believe)01:41
kris_is there something i need to do to setup bidentd after i install the package?  my port 113 is still not open01:41
naughty1anyone know how/what file the citrix client name is kept in?  I need to change this and can't figure out how01:41
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FairLiteshwouchk: it's 8Mb, remember.01:41
FlannelIgnite: just change your mirror01:41
shwouchkFairLite: yeah, I know01:41
IgniteThat's a fair bit of hastle.01:41
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FlannelIgnite: no it's not.  edit your sources.list and remove the "gb."s01:42
slicslakcan i install available updates from the command line?  i know i can use `aptitude update` which will update the package list, but how can i then install all the updates available?01:42
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IgniteFlannel: yes, hastle.01:42
FlannelIgnite: it'll take you a minute tops, if you type slow.01:42
FairLiteslicslak: "aptitude upgrade"01:42
IgniteI did it already...01:42
shwouchkFairLite: although I think that these days minimal CDs should come with at least basic wifi, if not wpa_supplicant - there is no CD that can hold only 8MB anyway - credit card CDs are 50MB01:43
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FairLiteshwouchk: don't look at me. anyway, as i said, i'm not even sure, it *might* have some support, i just have my doubts01:43
Flannelshwouchk: wifi requires a lot of config.  and is liable to go down/etc.  Not really condusive to installation.01:43
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slicslakFairLite, thanks01:44
shwouchkFlannel: I think that a minimal CD can assume the user knows some way around linux... and its not that much config01:44
shwouchkFairLite: I dont blame you... :)01:45
Flannelshwouchk: no, the minimal CD is just the alternate CD, only without the packages on the disk.01:45
Roach`Flannel: I think i got it...lets hope i dont fat finger anything again :)01:45
Roach`Flannel: Thanks for your help01:45
Moniker42i like Windows Chess better... the computer doesn't always beat me! :'(01:45
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shwouchkFlannel: doesn't it require more user interaction then the regular CD?01:45
foolsOT: what was the first open source business?01:45
Flannelshwouchk: correct.  It's the exact same installer as alternate CD, only without the packages.01:45
Flannelshwouchk: (it downloads them from the interblag)01:45
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theflyingfooldoes anyone know how to open a .rar file, the archive manager doesnt seem to open it01:46
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FantasticFoowhat's the deal with the totem firefox plugin? i cant stop the movie and change the position slider thingy01:47
nexousAnyone know why i can't save in bluefish editor? (v 1.0.4)01:47
Flannelnexous: where are you trying to save?01:47
shwouchkFlannel: oh, well... where can I get it? (btw, the search on the ubuntu site is really bad)01:47
Flannel!minimal | shwouchk01:47
ubotushwouchk: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD01:47
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nexousFlannel: /var/www/01:48
ubotuThe Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD.01:48
Flannelnexous: you probably dont have permissions to write there.01:48
nexousI can create file through Konsole though.01:48
nexousand the other day I came here, someone told me to chmod the dir. and I did.01:48
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theflyingfoolhow do i open .rar files01:48
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FairLite!rar > theflyingfool01:49
naughty1theflyingfool, install the rar package01:49
FairLiteor the unrar package even01:49
dirrtyI have MySQL DBs created in Windoz, trying to move them to Ubuntu...log on as administrator in Windows still can not change permissions...they are read only01:49
shwouchkhow stable (or unstable) is 7.04?01:49
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theflyingfoolthanks guys01:49
FairLiteshwouchk: unstable enough. ask in #ubuntu+101:49
Flannelshwouchk: it's alpha software.01:49
FairLiteshwouchk: or just look at the topic there01:49
theflyingfooland this is probably a dumb question but what does the "!randomthing" mean01:50
nexousit's a bot.01:50
naughty1anyone know /what file the citrix client name is kept in?  I need to change this and can't figure out how01:50
FairLitetheflyingfool: uh?! didn't you see the private message from ubotu?01:50
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nexousFlannel, do I have to set permissions to apps also?01:50
dirrtyNo MySQL help???01:50
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theflyingfoolFairLite, i saw that and it helps much01:51
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theflyingfoolbut when people say !insert random thing here   what does that mean01:51
FairLitetheflyingfool: well the ! thing is just the way one calls the bot01:51
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shwouchkFlannel: FairLite: thanks01:51
lufisWhen I try to record something in sound recorder, the input selection gets switched to "AC97" no matter what I select. Any ideas?01:51
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RudyValenciatheflyingfool: They're asking ubotu for help.01:51
theflyingfoolFairLite, thanks i was wondering about that for a long time01:51
FairLitetheflyingfool, the ubotu bot is just a computer program. it cannot know that you need information about RAR files. typing !rar is the way it instructed it to01:51
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ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)01:53
theflyingfoolthanks much01:53
dirrtythks bot but no help01:53
shmeelAwayhi, i have a external harddrive fornatted as ext-2, how can i get th authority to format it to something else?01:53
Moniker42what's the best dvd type to get for living in the uk?01:53
Moniker42+ or -?01:54
nexousAnyone know why bluefish can't save my files to var/www/?01:54
kitchedirrty: what's wrong?01:54
kitchenexous: you don't have permission to01:54
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Moniker42nexous, perhaps it doesn't have permission to01:54
lufisMoniker42: +01:54
Moniker42lufis, thanks.01:54
nexouskitche: moniker: how do i set permissions thouhg01:54
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ubotuThe files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux01:55
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dirrtyneed to move MySQL dbs from Windoz to ubuntu01:55
Moniker42nexous, chmod. i dunno how to use it but... yea...01:55
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shwouchkwhats the best way to write an iso under gnome?01:55
kitchedirrty: might want to ask in #mysql about that01:55
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dirrtyyea thanks01:55
borgusdirrty: I generally just use phpMyAdmin to export and import the tables01:55
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nexouschmod ugo+rwx /var/www/01:55
nexouswould that work?01:56
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Flannelugh.  No.  Add yourself to the www-data group or something.01:56
nixnoobhey ive installed my windows wireless driver using ndiswrapper but i still cant get a connection.. do i have to reboot before it will work?01:56
CapNbeefyi upgraded to kubuntu from ubuntu edgy awhile back and now when i try to log into gnome it crashes....i dont like kde as much as gnome and i want to get rid of kubuntu and everything with it and switch back to gnome/ubuntu edgy....i havent been able to figure out how to do this01:56
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nexousFlannel, was that directed towards me?01:56
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shwouchkMoniker42: I don't think it matters much these days01:57
dirrtyborgus,  that might work bbl01:57
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shwouchkMoniker42: most readers/writers read and write both fine01:57
Flannelnexous: yes.01:57
gmanexous: I suspect so01:57
nexousHow do I add myself to the www group?01:57
Chilliwackhi... i'm trying to install firefox, and i just got ubuntu, but i really don't know what the crap i'm doing. i got the .tar.gz, but i don't know how to install it (or anything, really)01:57
CapNbeefyi just want everything back to normal...minus kubuntu01:58
exswindows live messenger isn't working on wine01:58
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gmaChilliwack: it comes with ubuntu01:58
gmaChilliwack: do you need a different version?01:58
Chilliwackgma: not the latest version, which is what i'm after01:58
Flannel!firefox | Chilliwack01:58
ubotuChilliwack: firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins01:58
CapNbeefychilli firefox should come bundled with ubuntu01:58
Chanksteris anyone knowledgeable on installing 5.10 on a oldworld ppc?01:58
Chilliwackit does, i'm trying to update to the new version01:58
Chilliwackthanks, flannel01:58
FlannelChankster: why would you want to install breezy?  It's almost out of support01:59
nexousFile owner/File Group are set to root for www folder.01:59
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dwhsixhmm... iPod was working fine plugged straight in; I just tried using it with a hub and it doesn't show up... thoughts?01:59
ChanksterFlannel: because thats all i can find instructions for and thats all that seems work01:59
nexousHow can i login as root?01:59
Flannelnexous: you don't need to.  use sudo.01:59
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nexoushow do I chmod using sudo?01:59
Flannelnexous: just like normal?01:59
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shmeelAwayhow do i get access to format a external harddrive?02:00
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nexous"To change or edit files that are owned by root, sudo must be used" ohhh02:00
NkZGreetings guys, I was wondering: What packages i need to have installed in order to do "Make; Make Install". also, is there a guide I can use?02:00
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Flannel!compile | NkZ02:01
ubotuNkZ: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)02:01
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FlannelNkZ: you need build-essential though (package)02:01
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qmfsomething wrong with archive.ubuntu.com?02:02
nexousokay, i really don't want to screw up chmod using sudo can you help me out a little?02:02
NkZthanks! :-)02:02
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nexoussudo chmod o+x /var/www/02:02
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nexousis that what i should run?02:03
Flanneler..why do you want to add execute?02:03
nexoussudo chmod o+w /var/www/02:03
nexousOther and Write is that one?02:03
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Flannelnexous: that's really not a good idea.  Enabling anyone to write.  giving group write perm is safer.02:04
RudyValenciaIs there a media player that can play MP3s and works with hotkeys?02:04
tommyvanyone know a program i can use to make an html file out of a play list?02:04
nexoussudo chmod g+w+r /var/www/ ? That then?02:05
RudyValencia(such as those found on a "multimedia keyboard"?)02:05
mister_robototommyv: sed?02:05
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Flannelnexous: g+wr02:05
tommyvmister_roboto, is that in the repositories?02:05
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nexousFlannel: once i run ' sudo chmod g+wr /var/www/' is konsole suppose to return anything?02:05
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mister_robototommyv: no, sorry, just a joke. it's a standard unix utility that you can use to pipe a playlist through a script to add html decorations :)02:05
Flannelnexous: no.  It'll just do it.02:05
NkZ!compile NkZ02:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about compile NkZ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:06
shwouchkanyway, I'm leaving to install 6.10... bye!02:06
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nexousYah! Thanks, I can actually finish deving my cms now :D02:06
NkZEh, you can blame me for have a real lousy short memory, but what was the guide to use the "Make, Make Install"?02:06
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xtknightNkZ: generally you do "./configure", "make" and then "sudo make install" to compile a program.  some programs use autogen.sh instead of ./configure02:07
xtknight!compile | NkZ02:07
ubotuNkZ: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)02:07
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frogzooanyone know of a way to get iptables or other to limit throughput to emulate a wan ?02:07
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NkZMany thanks! :-)02:08
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linux_user400354hello, im using gnome-screensaver now instead of xscreensaver, but it is having an extra problem. the screensaver comes on while in a full screen game. ive tried scripts to pause it and they were not working, but it should be able to work the same as xscreensaver and see that i am using the computer to play a full screen game.02:08
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oljanxwhy would my wireless card all of the sudden cease to work when I unplug or plug in my laptop?02:09
oljanxonly working in ubuntu again after a cold boot02:09
samalexHas anyone gotten Office 2000 or XP working with Wine without using Crossover Office?  Just curious.02:09
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Dhjizhello everybody02:10
Dhjizfinally I found the solution of my problem02:10
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Dhjizon ubuntuforums02:10
drxgreetings -- anyone know how to view an SDL Console without VNC?02:10
carlosHi all, is there a way to avoid the prompt for the default key ring02:10
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Dhjizyesterday I touched a setting in the BIOS02:10
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DhjizI put the Internal modem from enabled to disabled02:10
Dhjizand I don't know how, it disabled my sound card too02:10
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Dhjizthe internel modem and sound card seem to be linked02:11
roteroDhjiz:  Do they share an IRQ?02:11
DhjizI dunno02:11
DhjizI enabled internal modem again and now I can enjoy sound02:11
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Dhjizso now you know02:12
roteroDhjiz:  You can probably adjust IRQ settings in the BIOS as well.02:12
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Dhjizdon't touch your BIOS if everything works good02:12
humpinHhi, do you know how i can take a webcam pic from the terminal and save it as DATE.jpeg?02:12
Dhjizbut now that it's working, I'm not gonna touch anything for now :D02:13
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varianthumpinH: yeah, what command do you use to grab the image?02:13
humpinHnot sure :P02:14
varianthumpinH: wait a sek then, i will help02:14
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humpinHvariant, thanks a lot02:15
davieyAnybody know how to configure hotwayd  (hotmail to pop3)??02:15
linux_user400354why does gnome-screensaver-command -i not give me my prompt back. then what is it useful for?02:15
=== nixnoo1 [n=nixnoob@ool-18b98bf2.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
nixnoo1hey intutivenipple02:15
Aggrav8di'd like to learn about setting up an email server that runs two virtual domains.  can anyone give me some pointers?  I've already (blindly) followed the steps @ https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/serverguide/C/email-services.html02:15
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varianthumpinH: this is what your looking for: http://linuxbrit.co.uk/camE/02:16
phixnayhow do I fix this "ld: Relocatable linking with relocations from format elf64-x86-64 (/usr/lib/libsicuuc.a(ubidi.ao)) to format elf32-i386 (gdi32.oT3iIv.o) is not supported"02:16
=== Dayylin [n=dayylin@dsl-216-227-118-216.fairpoint.net] has joined #ubuntu
nixnoo1i cannot get my wifi card to associate to an access point02:16
varianti was gonna sugest a nice little command to embed the date in the ouput but that program allready supports it :)02:16
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varianthumpinH: i was gonna sugest a nice little command to embed the date in the ouput but that program allready supports it :)02:16
nixnoo1i used ndiswrapper to install the driver02:16
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davieynixnoo1, have you installed networking-manager??02:16
L0cKd0wNanyone know how to get an internet connection in ubuntu, under VMWare Workstation?02:17
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nixnoo1yes it comes with 6.10 edgy02:17
davieyL0cKd0wN, what is the host OS??02:17
L0cKd0wNdaviey: windows xp02:17
davieynixnoo1, are you sure!??!!?02:17
davieyL0cKd0wN, no idea then.... sorry02:17
nixnoo1daviey, yes.02:17
=== |Jason8| [n=Jason8@173.155-211-66.nh.dialup.FreeDialup.org] has joined #ubuntu
FairLiteL0cKd0wN, if VMWare is configured for standard NAT as is by default, it should work out of the box with DHCP02:18
davieynixnoo1, didn't come with my edgy install.. i had to install it separately.  Okay, does that recognize your AP?02:18
nixnoo1no it doesnt...02:18
linux_user400354why does gnome-screensaver-command -i not give me my prompt back. then what is it useful for?02:18
nixnoo1ive tried manually specifying it but it still does not associate02:19
davieynixnoo1, install wifi-radar and see if that sees it02:19
L0cKd0wNFairLite: well 'ifconfig' returns the proper IP address for my system02:19
nixnoo1apt-get install wifi-radar?02:19
frogzoowow, netem is awesome02:19
davieynixnoo1, yes02:19
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L0cKd0wNFairLite: ubuntu is getting the proper IP...02:19
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roterolinux_user400354:  Check the man page?  Google?  I'm sure the options are documented.02:20
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FairLiteL0cKd0wN: then make sure you set up a DNS server02:20
linux_user400354rotero: i think you assumed that i havent done that already02:20
davieyL0cKd0wN, what happens if you ping your XP machine?02:20
SephirothI used the package manager to install apache2. How would I figure out where the configuration for the Apache2 server is? I can't seem to figure out how to enable mod_rewrite.02:20
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|Jason8|Hey guys, .deb files are supported by ubuntu, right?  How do I install it?02:20
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L0cKd0wNdunno, restarting the session, lets see what happens :)02:20
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L0cKd0wNi have to say tho, ubuntu on top of windows xp02:21
L0cKd0wNis sexy02:21
nixnoo1daviey wow, i get alot of errors.02:21
=== pate4ever [n=pate4eve@ip70-171-61-237.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
pate4everhey everyone02:21
nixnoo1interface does not support scanning02:21
daviey|Jason8|, sudo dpkg -i packagename or double click it!! ;)02:22
pate4everi am having trouble with my wireless device, can anyone help me?02:22
davieynixnoo1, what errors?02:22
nixnoo1interface doesnt suport scaning02:22
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L0cKd0wNFairLite, daviey: works now :D02:22
davieynixnoo1, oh that shouldn't be a problem.......  it's trying to scan on all ethX devices02:22
unpersonHi, I setup an mdadm software RAID when I installed Ubuntu.  I now want to take one of these RAID0 devices get rid of it so that I can reformat those disk partitions for use as normal, non-RAID devices.  What steps should I take?  The RAID device is currently not used for anything (it's mounted as /storage).02:22
|Jason8|daviey, whenever I double-click it, it says "Archive Type Not supported"  It does that for any .deb file I've downloaded.02:23
=== L0cKd0wN is now running ubuntu ontop of windows xp :D
davieyL0cKd0wN, what did you do?02:23
=== vivicrow [n=vivicrow@bas7-toronto63-1096772657.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
nrdbI have a feature request for the login requester, it would be handy to be able to change the keyboard layout for the login, as you can change the language, as I have two uses one uses qwerty on uses dvorak, could this be done ?02:23
nixnoo1ok so i should wait for it to get to wlan002:23
=== Megaqwerty [n=megaqwer@ip72-197-246-192.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
unpersonI would think that I'd just need to unmount it, remove the corresponding entries from mdadm.conf and fstab and then I can just format the partitions.  Am I missing something necessary?02:23
steelbwhat do i get in linux instead of a blue screen of death?02:23
FairLitesteelb: a kernel oops02:24
davieynixnoo1, hmm it should be instant.  what do you get back from iwconfig (in pastebin)?02:24
variantsteelb: a kernel panic02:24
=== porch [n=porch@user-1121d3i.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
nixnoo1hang on02:24
vivicrowhello...i am scanning my windows drive with ClamAV running on ubuntu right now, what can I do next if it finds some viruses??02:24
steelbi <3 those02:24
variantsteelb: there is a screensaver that includes all the traditional BSODS like that.. it is called BSOD and has solaris,bsd,apple,windows,linux etc02:25
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unpersonsteelb, In my experience a kernel panic is the closest thing but not really a similar experience because a) it doesn't happen nearly as often as the blue screen of death, and b) it generally seems to be a much more serious problem when it does happen.02:25
variantvivicrow: delete them02:25
|Jason8|whenever I double-click a .deb file, it says "Archive Type Not supported"  It does that for any .deb file I've downloaded.  Am I missing some repository or something?02:26
vivicrowany healling tools in linux?02:26
L0cKd0wNdaviey: vmware has different networking options, switched it to "share the hosts IP address"02:26
=== progek [n=erick@cpe-76-175-192-71.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
L0cKd0wNdaviey: then restarted the virtual session02:26
pate4everi am having trouble with my wireless device, can anyone help me? i think that i have configured the device correctly but i can't use it to connect to the internet02:26
daviey|Jason8|, do you have gdebi installed?  Should have - it's default.  But try sudo apt-get install gdebi.  Then right click on a deb file and open with gdebi02:26
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variantvivicrow: linux is a kernel02:26
davieyL0cKd0wN, cool02:26
tamacrackerhm... XChat has a folder named Downloads, and I'm havin a hard time findin it.02:26
|Jason8|daviey, thanks.  I'll check that out.02:26
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TheDebuggertamacracker: Look in ~/.xchat02:27
progekHi room, I am trying to create an account on a remote machine with adduser but I cannot seem to set a password for the username. For example.. sudo adduser -p does not work, neither does sudo adduser --password   any ideas? I need to create a new user on a remote machine (no vnc) and create a public_html folder.02:27
unpersonvariant, An accurate and yet completely useless answer.02:27
shatratpate4ever, wireless stuff can be a pain, you may need firmware or something, read the !wireless how-tos and try and find one for your particular hardware.02:27
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variantprogek: useradd -m -G addgroupshere usernamehere02:27
pate4evershatrat where can i find a wireless howto?02:27
variantprogek: then passwd username02:27
davieytamacracker, or  ~/.xchat202:27
ubotupate4ever: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:27
progekvariant, thanks for that02:27
Megaqwertywhere is the program 'xinetd' started from? I want to alter its startup flags...unless someone can help me convert a configuration line from inetd format to xinetd format.02:27
nixnoo1pastebin is going really slow02:28
pate4evergreat thanks guys02:28
frogzooMegaqwerty: by default xinetd is not installed02:28
|Jason8|daviey, I did the sudo apt-get install gdebi, said package not found02:28
Megaqwertyfrogzoo: really? I wonder what I have that depends on it.02:28
SephirothI used the package manager to install apache2. How would I figure out where the configuration for the Apache2 server is? I can't seem to figure out how to enable mod_rewrite.02:29
=== thekitster [n=sarah@cpc3-ruth4-0-0-cust104.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
L0cKd0wNhow do i change screen resolution manually if the mode isn't listed?02:29
Megaqwertyfrogzoo: anyway, the problem still stands.02:29
frogzooSephiroth: /etc/apache2/apache2.conf02:29
SephirothThank you.02:29
frogzooMegaqwerty: ru sure you've xinetd installed?02:29
=== high-bass [i=rickeyey@d38-232-204.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
sparrL0cKd0wN: open a terminal, type "xrandr"02:29
=== Mazin [n=mazin@adsl-68-73-151-247.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
nixnoo1daviey, http://pastebin.com/87171702:29
daviey|Jason8|, something is seriously wrong.  It is meant to be installed as default and i'm sure it's not a multiverse pacakge02:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about make.conf - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:30
shatratL0cKd0wN, you can add a mode to /etc/X11/xorg.conf if there isnt one of the right size for you if there isnt one for what you want.02:30
frogzooMegaqwerty: /etc/rc2.d/S20xinetd02:30
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Mazinwhere is make.conf on ubuntu?02:30
Megaqwertyfrogzoo: yeah, i have a man entry for it, and a config file, and so on.02:30
=== gaspipe1 [n=gaspipe1@cpe-68-173-166-47.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
|Jason8|daviey, okay.  can I go look for it in the synaptic package manager?02:30
unpersonSephiroth, In generally, if you want to see what files a package installed, you can do 'dpkg -L packagename' I believe.02:30
gaspipe1sup all02:30
davieynixnoo1, geez that pastebin is slow!!02:30
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:30
nixnoo1tell me about it02:30
daviey|Jason8|, yes02:30
=== Tom_Kun [n=mithrand@ti132110a080-2897.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
Megaqwertyfrogzoo: yeah, it's in there02:31
L0cKd0wNshatrat: ok i added "1440 x 900" under 24 bit section02:31
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L0cKd0wNshatrat: do i have to log out/ log back in02:31
davieynixnoo1, see i'm confused.  Yours is different to mine.  My wireless device is eth102:32
gaspipe1how do I update video drivers?02:32
gaspipe1everything looks so big and and like in "safe mode"02:32
nixnoo1daviey, i have blue tooth/wifi card and a built in NIc as well02:32
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shatratL0cKd0wN, yeah, ctrl alt backspace is quickest02:33
frogzoo!fixres | gaspipe102:33
ubotugaspipe1: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:33
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nixnoo1daviey, eth0 is my wired nic02:33
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nikitisWhere do you install Metacity themes at?02:33
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Megaqwertyfrogzoo: ^^02:33
davieynixnoo1, same here and eth1 is my wireless02:33
shatratnikitis, system/preferences/theme02:33
nixnoo1daviey, should it matter?02:33
TheDebuggernikitis: Or.. ~/.themes02:34
nikitisshatrat: no, not how you install it.  Where do the Theme files go02:34
nikitisTheDebugger: thanks02:34
L0cKd0wNi think it has to do with vmware02:34
L0cKd0wNthe reason the resolution won't show up....02:34
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TheDebuggernikitis: You can drag&drop the tar.gz in the theme window too02:34
shatratnikitis, well, you can download a theme in a tar.gz archive and install it using the Install Themes button on the theme manager, or you can extract it into the .themes directory.02:34
davieynixnoo1, no - but i'm confused, there seems to be less information avaliable.02:34
|Jason8|daviey, I figured out why it wasn't found.  That package is called gdeb, not gdebi.  Thanks for the help :)02:35
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davieynixnoo1, i'm just wondering if it is trying to act as an AP itself02:35
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daviey|Jason8|, gdeb is a different package02:35
nixnoo1daviey, lol why would it do that02:36
Mazinwhere is make.conf02:36
Mazinor does ubuntu even have one?02:36
davieynixnoo1, dunno02:36
|Jason8|daviey... okay.  so I don't have gdebi.  Interesting.02:36
cafuego_why would there be a make.conf?02:36
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Chanksteris anyone knowledgeable on why ubuntu wont boot on a oldworld ppc?02:36
shatratChankster, the live CD?02:36
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nalioth!tell Chankster about oldworld02:36
cafuego_Chankster: hardware architecture, booting not supported.02:36
=== alleb [n=moreneta@1.Red-88-8-238.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
tamacrackerAnyone know the direct link to all the music codecs?02:37
|Jason8|daviey, either way it let me install it, so it's all good :D02:37
L0cKd0wNi love the ubuntu forums02:37
tamacrackerAmarok's not playing a few different file types02:37
L0cKd0wNfound the problem!02:37
nixnoo1daviey, how would i find out if thats the case?02:37
naliothChankster: you'll need to follow the instructions in the link ubotu sent you02:37
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MegaqwertyMazin: "locate make.conf" (in the terminal without quotes) if it is on your system...that command will find it02:37
Chanksternalioth: im did02:37
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daviey|Jason8|, try http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gdebi/gdebi_0.1.6ubuntu1_all.deb      then sudo dpkg -i gdebi*02:37
Chanksternalioth: i finish the install, copy the new kernel and RAMdisk over02:37
superjew9020ok i keep gettin the error:   error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) when tryin to play any kind of video on mplayer i have looked at several solutions on google but none of them work  im using ubuntu edgy02:37
=== cafuego_ should verify those docs by way of the Wallstreet G3
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davieynixnoo1, it's out of my knowledge now.  Mine just worked02:38
davieynixnoo1, sorry02:38
tamacrackerCan anyone direct me to the link with all the codecs so i can play certain music and video file types?02:38
Chanksternalioth: set the root in bootx and then it drops to a shell after a bit02:38
cafuego_Mazin: Are you looking for a gentoo file on an Ubuntu system?02:38
nalioth!mp3 | tamacracker02:38
ubotutamacracker: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:38
shatratsuperjew9020, Try going into the mplayer options and trying different rendering modes? xv, opengl, etcetera02:38
=== gaspipe1 [n=gaspipe1@cpe-68-173-166-47.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
high-bassguys im tring to get freeglut installed on my laptop but im getting so many troubles not sure whats going on... when i try to install freeglut3-dev i get the follow error posted here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/353602:39
Pepswhen I connect a usb device (disk, ipod) it automounts fine, and the label on the desktop if fine, but I want (say) the ipod to mount on /media/ipod and not on /media/sdg2. When it mount on different places at different times I need to change gtkpod of scripts every time. can someone help?02:39
gaspipe1frogzoo: hey02:39
=== shmeelAway [n=moo@whn078.wlan.wharton.UPENN.EDU] has joined #ubuntu
Chanksternalioth: it always crashes at "/scripts/local-top/evms: 31: /sbin/evms_activate: not found"02:40
threeonefourhow do i make my own live cd02:40
gaspipe1frogzoo: i did that...screem went blank...then reboot02:40
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shmeelAwayany1 know how to reformat a external harddrive to NFTS on edgy?02:40
Chanksternalioth: does the same thing on two different g3s02:40
gaspipe1frogzoo: was that normal?02:40
naliothChankster: what version of Ubuntu are you trying to use?02:40
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:40
Chanksternalioth: ive been trying breezy since thats what the wiki gives instructions with02:41
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naliothChankster: just for kicks, try hoary02:41
superjew9020so uhh any bdy have any ideas bout my prob02:42
|Jason8|daviey, that link you gave me is a .deb file, I can't open it.02:42
nilI am looking for a way to "record" (video record) my desktop. Any app for that?02:42
humpinHhey, does anyone one know how i can automatically make my comp send an email with a pic, everyday02:42
daviey|Jason8|, yes but you should be able to use dpkg02:42
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humpinHlike send DATE.jpeg everyday at midnight02:42
nilhumpinH: cron + mail02:43
daviey|Jason8|, in the terminal type sudo dpkg -i gdebi*  (from the location you downloaded it)02:43
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threeonefourhow do i make my own live cd02:43
daviey|Jason8|, rather - saved it02:43
nilhumpinH: "mail" is a command to send or receive messages, "cron" is a scheduler02:43
|Jason8|daviey, okay.02:43
superjew9020? moo02:43
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humpinHnil, where do i modify the mail config?02:44
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nilhumpinH: all in command line; in a console, type "man mail" and try some settings02:44
high-bassguys when i type up apt-get build-essential x-window-system-dev ... i get error saying x-window-system-dev package not found02:44
tamacrackerThe music and video codecs i need such as mpeg, wma, mpg, wav are all for gstreamer, in order to play them on Amarok, and mplayer... yes?02:45
nilhigh-bass: bas /etc/apt/sources.list file ?02:45
nilhigh-bass: bad /etc/apt/sources.list file ?02:45
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|Jason8|I feel like such a moron... to change directory to Desktop... what's the command... cd... and then what?02:45
superjew9020ok i keep gettin the error:   error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) when tryin to play any kind of video on mplayer i have looked at several solutions on google but none of them work  im using ubuntu edgy02:45
khallyhow can i get a list of leaf directories (directories w/ no sub dirs)?02:45
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high-bassnil how would i fix my sources.list file then>?02:45
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tommyvanyone know a program i can use to make an html file out of a play list?02:46
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ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.02:48
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nilhigh-bass: look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories02:48
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humpinHnil, mail isnt installed and i cant find it through synaptic ^_'02:49
swhere can i find a good text to lern how to config xinitd ?02:49
niltamacracker: look at http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/02:49
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nilhumpinH: http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/mail/mailx02:50
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spook[] mrh...02:50
nili ask again.....02:51
daviey|Jason8|, how did you get on?02:51
nilI am looking for a way to "record" (video record) my desktop. Any app for that?02:51
FairLite!istanbul | nil02:51
ubotuistanbul: Desktop session recorder. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.1-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 47 kB, installed size 380 kB02:51
|Jason8|daviey, I figured it out.  Forgot it's case-sensitive02:51
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nilFairLite: thanks!02:51
|Jason8|That's been plaguing me big time.02:51
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daviey|Jason8|, so gdebi is working now?02:52
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humpinHnil, sorry to pick on you, but do you know how i can set gmail as my smtp??02:52
stepheni need help installing java runetime env02:52
|Jason8|gotta upgrade all sorts of stuff.02:52
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|Jason8|CURSE YOU BREEZY!02:52
nilhumpinH: well, i don't use gmail, so i don't know02:52
nilhumpinH: i don't know if gmail allows it02:53
humpinHnil, i'm supplied with a smtp adress, and yes its allowed02:53
nilah, ok02:53
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nilso it should be right02:53
=== JiJi87 [n=Administ@blk-224-218-240.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu
nexeushi can any help me with  mplayer fonts02:53
nexeushi can any1 help me with  mplayer fonts02:53
davieynil, look at recordmydesktop02:53
tommyvanyone know a program i can use to make an html file out of a play list?02:54
=== TobiF [n=Kanales@e180014008.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
daviey|Jason8|, your using breezy!?!?! Upgrade the whole distrubition!02:54
nilhumpinH: [not trivial]  install postfix, configure with a relay on gmail (just from the installation screens), and it should work02:54
|Jason8|daviey, the CD is in the mail :D02:54
nexeushi can any1 help me with  mplayer fonts for subtitles02:54
nilhumpinH: but i sugggest you to use your isp's smtp instead02:54
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nildaviey: thanks02:54
daviey|Jason8|, good lad02:55
humpinHthx so much nil , but my isp sucks02:55
=== distro-tester [n=KVIrc@213-140-16-177.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu
nexeushi can any1 help me with  mplayer fonts in font for mkv file02:55
tommyvanyone know a program i can use to make an html file out of a play list?02:55
nilhumpinH: hehe02:55
=== bryan [n=bryan@adsl-75-2-20-100.dsl.ipltin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
daviey|Jason8|, Although that will put you onto dapper and the latest (stable) is edgy.  But with dapper you get 5 years of updates02:55
superjew9020ok i keep gettin the error:   error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) when tryin to play any kind of video on mplayer i have looked at several solutions on google but none of them work  im using ubuntu edgy02:55
bryanhiya all02:55
|Jason8|daviey, I ordered breezy a year ago, never could get it to install on my old hdd.  Got it installed on a new one, and I really like it.02:55
nexeushi can any1 help me with  mplayer fonts in subtitle for mkv file02:55
|Jason8|yeah, Dapper seems to come with all the good stuff, though.02:55
=== mattyv [n=vickm78@220-253-26-124.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
bryansetting up a p4 monster with several ntfs hard drives02:56
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=== Vulcan [n=vulcan@cpe-72-224-125-109.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bryancan u help ? having no luck setting up ntfs3g02:56
nexeusIm currently using dapper having to watch mkv with font super sized02:56
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pesb10any could help me with ubuntu printer settings?02:57
nexeusno need for glasses02:57
shatratnexeus, I believe you can adjust the font scaling in the preferences.02:57
shatratpesb10, depends on your printer.02:57
gabspeckpesb10, what's wrong with them?02:57
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pesb10i using a brother hl 1440 series...02:57
=== pate4ever [n=pate4eve@ip70-171-61-237.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
nexeusnot for mkv i use the lin  mplayer -slang en filename.mkv02:57
pesb10i wan other pc to be able to link with it02:57
pesb10is it possible?02:57
mattyvHi everyone, is it possible for the ralink rt2500 to work with Network Manager? I don't want to mess with my working setup if it won't work anyway.02:57
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threeonefouri need help with my canon pixma ip1600  it won't print02:58
nexeusshatrat not for mkv i use the lin  mplayer -slang en filename.mkv02:58
bryani only have a few minutes, then it's back to winXp :(02:58
shatratmattyv, it should, network-manager-gnome?02:58
=== superjew9020 [n=jewboy@c-67-165-100-72.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
pate4everhello all - I have set up my wireless adapter properly (i believe). Is there any good advice on how to get the adapter to properly connect to the wireless network?02:59
=== java [n=java@nj-65-41-95-166.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
roteroAfter installing Ubuntu 6.10 w/ the alternate disc, I'm running in to the same problem that I had trying to use the desktop installer:  Upon trying to boot, X Windows can't be started.02:59
javacan someone help me02:59
JiJi87what you need java?02:59
javai had ubuntu installed on my PC with Windows XP... the same harddrive02:59
mattyvshatrat: yeah nm-gnome. I haven't installed it yet, I just remember some cards not being supported but couldn't find which ones02:59
javai removed the ubuntu partitions, and now XP wont load02:59
JiJi87get a error message?02:59
javait trys to open some grub1.5 but it says Error02:59
nofxxwhat's the difference "install to hard disk"  and  "install a worstation"  in the edubuntu cd?02:59
roteroI get "No Video BIOS modes for chosen depth" and "Screens found, but none have a usable configuration."  Any advice?02:59
JiJi87you have a xp disc?02:59
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PetFishlo - My k/b layout seams a little odd. I cant use quotation marks with out having to double press the 2 key whilst holding SHIFT - But even then it doesnt look correct, same with single apostrophie.03:00
JiJi87your going to install it and go into recovery mode I believe, it will bring you to a text prompt, like dos03:00
Madpilotnofxx, try #edubuntu03:00
nexeusshatrat i have change font size in mplayer gui still not working03:00
JiJi87been there before?03:00
=== Sephiroth [n=Sephirot@pdpc/supporter/active/Sephiroth] has left #ubuntu ["Read]
bryanhi i have a ?03:00
javayeah, once before03:00
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javanot sure what to do, ar eyou?03:00
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nofxxMadpilot: yup I'm there... but looks like everybody is away.. xD03:00
roteroI've already tried adjusting video options I could find in the BIOS.  Video hardware is integrated on the Intel MB.03:00
threeonefour!ask | bryan03:00
ubotubryan: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:00
tom__how do i add a folder on my desktop to launch a mounted fat32 system on /windows03:01
=== blameless [n=blameles@pool-72-66-48-86.washdc.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
JiJi87there is a option there for boot loader... no... omg i cant remember03:01
bryancan i get full stable access to an ntfs partion with ubuntu?03:01
shatrattom_, if you mount it at /media/windows it will appear on your desktop, thats probably the easiest way03:01
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JiJi87but look around in there and you will probably see what you need03:01
Hisakasexwhen I ping fooofff.mydomain.com, mydomain.com responds the ping .. what could be the problem?03:01
=== fusheh [n=noodle@67-22-230-105.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
tom__okay how do i set it to auto mount to /media/windows?03:01
Hisakasexfooofff is not a subdomain in mydomain.com03:02
shatrattom_, just edit that line in the /etc/fstab?03:02
bryancan i get full stable access to an ntfs partion with ubuntu?  please :)03:02
shatratbryan, read, yes.03:02
=== nil [i=1bb57707@pepin.poivron.org] has left #ubuntu ["Bye]
pesb10if i wan to format my pc...and install ubuntu. Will i be needed to install the driver for my motherboard?03:02
xdudejava,  only a guess on my part, but it sounds like you overwrote you mbr03:02
shatratpesb10, no.  Maybe for some accessories on the motherboard, but in general no.03:02
bryanshatrat... can u give me the short desc of procedure?03:03
xdudembr = master boot record03:03
=== leonardo [n=leonardo@201-35-95-188.paemt704.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
ubotubryan: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse03:03
FaithfulIs dual head possible/easy for 945GM integrated Intel Graphics?03:03
mattyvthreeonefour: From my search just now, the tubroprint driver might be your best option, it's not free though. The ip2200 driver may work though03:03
javai think i found my solution03:03
rafase282i need help to install my webcam03:03
leonardodont v portuguese here, have?03:03
javaboot to XP recovery mode, and at the prompt type fixmbr03:03
who_caresanyone know how to set the DocumentRoot for apache to a directory in /home without getting a 403 error?03:03
PetFishlo - I cant use quotation marks with out having to double press the 2 key whilst holding SHIFT - But even then it doesnt look correct, same with single apostrophy - Any help welcome.03:04
=== nixnoo1 [n=nixnoob@ool-18b98bf2.dyn.optonline.net] has left #ubuntu []
javaallright, i think im going to try this out03:04
javacya, thanks!03:04
xdudebryan, you might do some research on ntfs-3g.  I got it to work with ntfs in windows XP-pro03:04
Faithfulwho_cares: permissions?03:04
pesb10juz like to ask...how do i reformat my ubuntu os?03:04
leonardoanyone know a br irc of ubuntu?03:04
who_caresI chowned it to root, myself and www-data03:04
threeonefourmattyv, i have installed the ip2200 driver  it doesn't print     it detects but no print03:04
frogzoopesb10: system -> prefs -> keyboard --- change your keyboard layout (sounds like you're using dead keys)03:04
who_caresright now I have it chmoded to 755, but it was 77703:04
rafase282i need help03:04
=== leonardo [n=leonardo@201-35-95-188.paemt704.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
mattyvthreeonefour: Oh ok, this is a post I found http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?s=063b511eece0269d5a920ddc4ae7c4c5&p=2523033#post252303303:05
|Jason8|My main hard drive is NTFS with windows on it.  How would I mount that drive so I can access the files on it?03:05
Faithfulwho_cares: I would usually leave the root alone and do a directory alias03:05
Hisakasexwhat do I have to config to make my server responds ping only to a valid subdomain in my domain?03:05
Hisakasexwhen I ping fooofff.mydomain.com, mydomain.com responds the ping .. what could be the problem?03:05
Hisakasexfooofff is not a subdomain in mydomain.com03:05
Faithfulwho_cares: or even an virtual domain03:05
Hisakasexwhat do I have to config to make my server responds ping only to a valid subdomain in my domain?03:05
ubotuxdude: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse03:05
pesb10how do i reformat my ubuntu?03:06
pesb10frogzoo...what should i do after at keyboard layout?03:06
=== [WSX] Nira [n=celerity@c-71-193-242-11.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuxdude: Though it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse03:06
mattyvthreeonefour: If you can't get it to print, Turboprint definitely specifies support http://www.turboprint.de/english.html03:06
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rafase282help me03:07
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rafase282i need to get my webcam to work03:07
=== prxq_ [n=prxq@C5071.c.strato-dslnet.de] has joined #ubuntu
pate4everhello all - I have set up my wireless adapter properly (i believe). Is there any good advice on how to get the adapter to properly connect to the wireless network?03:07
muriloanyone having problems with blank cds and dvds?03:07
frogzoopesb10: are you using "US" ?03:07
who_caresI just changed the DocumentRoot path03:08
muriloso doesnt recognize them03:08
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xdudebryan the NtfsFuse says it may be unsafe...  guess its still experiemental..  |)03:08
=== Roberto55 [n=Smehulja@] has joined #ubuntu
who_caresis there some reason for directories in /home to be 403 (It's mounted from hdb if that matters)03:08
frogzoopesb10: Layout = US English ( and not US English with dead keys)03:08
mattyvpate4ever: What adapter are you using?03:09
pesb10frogzoo : yup...no dead keys03:09
shmeelAwayany1 know how to format external hardrive to NFTS on edgy?03:09
pate4evermattyv Linksys WUSB45GC03:09
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bryanshatrat... it works, thank you... one more thing03:09
cafuego_shmeelAway: Run windows in vmware or soemthing03:09
pesb10frogzoo : do you know how to format a ubuntu os?03:09
=== sadraque [n=sadraque@20151059002.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
bryanquick access to drives is best accomplished how?03:10
shmeelAwayi did, but when i click my computer the drive isn't there, tho the drive is recognized by windows03:10
PetFishlo - I cant use quotation marks with out having to double press the 2 key whilst holding SHIFT - But even then it doesnt look correct, same with single apostrophy - Any help welcome.03:10
=== Trixsey [n=Trixsey@c-3a9072d5.012-2011-73746f31.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
pate4evermattyv: it's definitely blinking and it views some of the available wireless networks so i assume it works03:10
Roberto55govori li hrvatski netko?03:10
sadraquealo amigo03:10
=== Apollo [n=jw@c-67-176-187-206.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
bryanshatrat  >>quick access to drives is best accomplished how?03:10
=== BitterGeek [n=dperry@dsl092-077-042.bos1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
muriloI founded many post in the forum about problems to get any burner program to recognize blank medias .. but no answers. Someone knows what is happening?03:10
=== Falstius [n=airen@c-71-227-117-166.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
frogzoopesb10: if you do a clean install it will format the drive/partitions before installing03:11
Roberto557.04 is good03:11
rafase282u could use k3b03:11
nofxxhm..Installin edubuntu......after "install to hard disk" it says "Decompressing Linux...Done" "Booting the kernel" ... and stops...i can write.. but it dosent do anything...... what I'm not doing?03:11
=== Jordan_U [n=jordan@h-68-164-88-150.snvacaid.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
mattyvpate4ever: Ok it's probably detected alright. I suggest turning off any encryption on your network while you get it setup, then add the security later. Are you using wep or wpa?03:11
frogzooRoberto55: if you spruik 7.04 here, they'll all be back here when it breaks03:12
pate4evermattyv: that's a good question. i don't know03:12
murilok3b doesnt works too03:12
pate4evermattyv: and i don't know how to find out, eiter03:12
Roberto55i know03:12
mattyvpate4ever: Ah I see, so you aren't the person who configures the network?03:12
pesb10frogzoo: ic...ok. thanks03:12
pate4evermatyv: my roomate and i did, but he left for israel03:13
pate4evermatyv: unfortunately i know little about it03:13
murilokeep asking me to put a blank media on the drive but is already there (4 weeks ago was everything fine and i just made simple updates)03:13
frogzoopesb10: try reinstalling the US English keyboard layout maybe03:13
Roberto55frogzoo is it possible to find good protection for my ubuntu03:13
mattyvpate4ever: ok, I'm looking for info on your card so I get a better idea of what you need to do...03:13
=== Crescendo_ [n=GWing@cpe-024-211-176-110.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
frogzooRoberto55: good protection?03:14
Roberto55somethinf like a security03:14
shatratIt is securty03:14
shatratalready there03:14
distro-tester!seen sabdfl03:14
ubotusabdfl is on IRC right now!03:14
=== nexous [n=nexous@plns-64-111-128-76-pppoe.dsl.plns.epix.net] has joined #ubuntu
pate4evermattyv: i can see the mac address of my device on my router info page03:14
frogzooRoberto55: look into iptables, chkrootkit & tripwire - all that & you're bulletproof03:14
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frogzoo!firestarter | Roberto5503:15
ubotuRoberto55: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).03:15
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=== Naik0 [n=naik0@c80-216-216-16.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #Ubuntu
Naik0i have two screen enabled, irssi and rtorrent. How do i close rtorrent scren "pts-2" ?03:16
nofxxwhy my installation is stoping after "Booting the kernel." ??? i can write.. nothing happens03:16
=== PORDO [n=BROKEN@h-67-100-125-200.sttnwaho.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #UBUNTU
HisakasexI need somebody to tell me why when I ping to anything.mydomain.com my server responds the ping..03:16
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ubotuFTP clients: gftp, konqueror, kbear, nautilus. FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd03:17
Hisakasexfor example imagine ping mail.google.com is ok ... you can try it03:17
nexousHow do i use nautilus's ftp?03:17
=== MrWamu [n=mrsiebel@cpe-66-67-151-83.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Hisakasexbut jajaja.google.com is not found03:17
=== Creedence [n=creed205@modemcable205.87-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
MrWamuDoes anybody know what Novell Slab is ???03:17
=== leonardo [n=leonardo@201-35-95-188.paemt704.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
mattyvpate4ever: That's a good start. Your card has several revisions, one is very easy to setup. Open a terminal: Applications > accessories > terminal and type the following to see if it's the easy one "dmesg | grep -i rt2500" without the quotes03:17
giuseppeexcuse me03:18
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:18
Hisakasexin mydomain.com jajaja.  ,  www. anything is accepted03:18
giuseppeho can I see the user list?03:18
=== Asc [n=asc@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu
frogzoogiuseppe: who03:18
jribnexous: file > connect to server03:18
leonardoanyone can help me, how i can exit "X" to install a driver?03:18
jrib!nvidia | leonardo03:18
ubotuleonardo: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:18
pate4evermattyv: that command returns no results03:18
=== dregin [n=dregin@murphy.redbrick.dcu.ie] has joined #ubuntu
tommyvanyone know a program i can use to make an html file out of a play list?03:18
=== Ashton_Ke [n=ashton@oh-65-41-53-83.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
MrWamuDoes anyone know what Slab is ??03:19
dreginwinamp ;)03:19
muriloWhy my Ubuntu cant recognize blank medias !!!??03:19
tommyvlol im on ubuntu dregin :P03:19
Ashton_KeI've noticed an instability in Ubuntu recently.03:19
nexousHow come i type ls while connected in FTP via konsole, i get 200 port command success, rather than a DIR list?03:19
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HisakasexI need somebody to tell me why when I ping to anything.mydomain.com my server responds the ping.. anything is not a valid subdomain03:19
dreginI've googled but I'm not sure what the best option is for reading NTFS partitions from edgy?03:19
mattyvpate4ever: Ok, I'm not sure what chipset you have then :( Do you know the name of your wireless network? ie. the essid03:19
dreginanyone have any recommendations?03:19
Naik0i have two screen enabled, irssi and rtorrent. How do i close rtorrent scren "pts-2" ?03:19
pate4evermattyv: yes the essid is dd-wrt03:20
jribdregin: anything you want, just mount the drive.  reading works fine03:20
=== giuseppe [n=giuseppe@] has joined #ubuntu
jrib!ntfs | dregin03:20
ubotudregin: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse03:20
Ashton_KeFrom a clean install, not adding any new software, just running updates, the wireless driver (madwifi, located in the restricted modules), eventually quits. And if I try and restart the wireless, the computer locks up. Restarting X doesn't work, everything is completely frozen.03:20
Ashton_KeAnyone else notice this?03:20
Roberto55frogzoo sorry for my english... i want to ask you about hack attack over internet... is it firestarter  goodone to protect my comp03:20
frogzoodregin: for read only, you're best of with the read only ntfs03:20
dreginjrib: wasnt aware of that :)03:20
frogzooRoberto55: yep03:20
dreginthanks jrib ubotu amd frogzoo03:20
mattyvpate4ever: Ok, bare with me while I look at the steps to try, it's a while since I configured mine03:20
pate4evermattyv: of course, thanks for helping03:21
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pesb10why when i click 'printing'...its comes out couldn't connect CUPS server?03:21
Roberto55ok, thanks03:22
mattyvpate4ever: Alright, to being with open up the network config gui, System > Admin > Networking03:22
pate4evermattyv: got it03:22
tommyvanyone know a program i can use to make an html file out of a play list?03:22
mattyvpate4ever: Good, do you have a wireless device listed, something like wlan0?03:22
leonardohow i can exit "X"?03:23
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pate4evermattyv: i have something that says wireless connection03:23
pesb10frogzoo : do you know why when i click system > admin > printing...its comes out cannot connect CUPS server03:23
nomasteryodathats for your question03:23
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leonardoi cant here  ;< why?03:24
mattyvpate4ever: Yep good, click on it and go to properties (still no guarentees that it will be easy, but here's hoping...)03:24
Ascthat restarts though doesn't it?03:24
pate4evermattyv: okay i am doing that03:24
nofxxcan I install edubuntu in another partition inside ubuntu?03:24
nomasteryodaif you want to truely get out... in terminal type sudo init 303:24
Roberto55i want to be hacker03:24
nomasteryodainit 5 to get back03:24
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leonardoctrl+alt+backspace dont work here, can u help me03:25
dxdtummmmm can someone do me a favor?  Can someone try to put a letter g into the denominator of a fraction of a latex equation in abiword?03:25
dxdtbecause I think it is broken/bugged03:25
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nomasteryodaleonardo, try that command please...03:25
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leonardoi trued03:25
nomasteryoda"sudo init 3"03:25
Ashton_KeTwo Ubuntu Crashes in 10 minutes.03:25
Ashton_KeFrom a clean install03:25
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leonardobut dont why, sry03:25
mattyvpate4ever: You should see some self explanatory boxes, network name is what you told me before. Since we don't know if WEP is on, leave it blank for now03:25
murilocdrecord: No write mode specified.03:26
murilocdrecord: Asuming -tao mode.03:26
murilocdrecord: Future versions of cdrecord may have different drive dependent defaults.03:26
murilocdrecord: Continuing in 5 seconds...03:26
murilocdrecord: Warning: Running on Linux-2.6.17-10-38603:26
murilocdrecord: There are unsettled issues with Linux-2.5 and newer.03:26
murilocdrecord: If you have unexpected problems, please try Linux-2.4 or Solaris.03:26
muriloscsidev: '/dev/hdc'03:26
murilodevname: '/dev/hdc'03:26
Ashton_KeDon't paste more than one line.03:26
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muriloscsibus: -2 target: -2 lun: -203:26
muriloWarning: Open by 'devname' is unintentional and not supported.03:26
muriloLinux sg driver version: 3.5.2703:26
Ashton_KeUse a pastebin please.03:26
muriloError: Cannot gain SYS_RAWIO capability.Is cdrecord installed SUID root?03:26
murilo: Operation not permitted03:26
murilocdrecord: Warning: using inofficial version of libscg (debian-0.8debian2 '@(#)scsitransp.c1.91 04/06/17 Copyright 1988,1995,2000-2004 J. Schilling').03:26
muriloSCSI buffer size: 6451203:26
muriloCdrecord-Clone 2.01.01a03 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2005 Joerg Schilling03:26
muriloNOTE: this version of cdrecord is an inofficial (modified) release of cdrecord03:26
Ashton_KeMurilo, stop.03:26
murilo      and thus may have bugs that are not present in the original version.03:26
murilo      Please send bug reports and support requests to <cdrtools@packages.debian.org>.03:26
mattyvmurilo: Ashton_Ke was talking to you03:26
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Ashton_KeMurilo, stop.03:26
murilo      The original author should not be bothered with problems of this version.03:26
nomasteryodawhere's the bot03:26
leonardoreally command dont go to text mode03:26
muriloTOC Type: 0 = CD-DA03:26
muriloUsing libscg version 'debian-0.8debian2'.03:26
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muriloatapi: 103:26
muriloDevice type    : Removable CD-ROM03:26
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos or tonyyarusso03:26
pate4evermattyv: what what about password type?03:26
muriloVersion        : 003:26
tommyvanyone know a program i can use to make an html file out of a play list?03:26
muriloResponse Format: 203:26
Ashton_KeMurilo, stop.03:26
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mabuseverybody who's telling murilo to stop is just wasting their time03:26
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mabusit's a flood..03:26
nomasteryodayes it is03:27
nomasteryodaubotu should have killed it03:27
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tonyyarussomabus: is right, and what frogzoo did is right :)03:27
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nalioth!tell murilo about paste03:27
threethirtyhello all03:27
=== frogzoo smirks
mattyvpate4ever: Leave that for now as well, it applies to WEP. Hopefully it isn't needed because if you don't know the WEP key it could be hard to get around03:27
MsCleohello frogzoo03:27
MsCleoyou here too eh ?03:27
pesb10any know why when i click sys > admin > printing ...it write cannot connect CUPS server03:27
pesb10what should i do?03:27
pate4evermattyv: i don't think there is a password as my new roomate, who uses windows, can access the network w/o a password03:28
Ashton_KeAnyone noticing a lot of instability in Ubuntu?03:28
mattyvpate4ever: Ah that's very good03:28
Ashton_KeI've had 2 crashes in 10 minutes.03:28
MsCleohow so aston ?03:28
frogzooAshton_Ke: nopers, can't say I have03:28
Roberto55what do you think about softpedia software03:28
MsCleowhat do you mean ?03:28
frogzooAshton_Ke: check /var/log/messages for whinges  - what were you doing at the time?03:28
MsCleothey do mac and *nix there03:28
Ashton_KeIn here, on IRC.03:29
=== oripi_ [n=oripi@tal33-1-82-225-21-156.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ashton_KeIt has to do with the wireless driver.03:29
MsCleogot a real neat app there recently Robert - plays birds and rain03:29
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mattyvpate4ever: Try it with DHCP for now, your router probably has it turned on and will give you an I address automatically03:29
pate4evermattyv: so should i try and connect to the network now?03:29
high-bassguys i keep tring to install freeglut3 and i keep getting package dependence and broken package errors... more detail in here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/353603:29
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MsCleoscarin' da nrighborrs03:29
high-bassim totally lost :/03:29
pate4evermattyv: okay hold on while i try this03:29
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high-basssearch forums and coudnlt find anything relating to my issue03:29
mattyvpate4ever: Yep, click ok a couple of times, it may pause for a bit while it tries03:29
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Ashton_KeWireless eventually cuts out, then when I try and restart the wireless, everything freezes. X doesn't respond to commands to restart.03:29
MsCleoif I'm going for OS Desktop ease of use, is ubuntu for me ? or Fedora ?03:30
pate4evermattyv: it is blinking now03:30
MsCleoI don't want to end up a sys admin03:30
MsCleojust to browse the net03:30
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gmaMsCleo: definitely ubuntu then03:30
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Ashton_KeThis is using the drivers that came with Ubuntu.03:30
dxdtfor the win03:30
MsCleooff to get it03:30
Ashton_KeWell MsCleo, you're in an Ubuntu channel.03:30
MsCleois it a DVD now ?03:30
gmaMsCleo: would be interesting to see what they say in #fedora03:30
Ashton_KeThe answer is going to be obviously Ubuntu.03:30
MsCleoashton -heh heh heh03:30
Roberto55fedora is my other OS, experimentaly03:30
Ashton_KeTry both.03:30
=== startgame412 [n=myemail@pool-70-107-123-59.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #Ubuntu
Ashton_KeThey're free.03:30
MsCleoI just need ease of use - for dev03:30
Ashton_KeUbuntu is a CD, I think Fedora is a DVD now.03:31
MsCleodamn language only works on *nix03:31
MsCleoso, time to switch03:31
mattyvpate4ever: Alright, see how you go getting on the internet with wireless then03:31
chonawhy does session_register()  AND session_is_registered() doesn't seem to work in PHP5??03:31
MsCleooh, DVD could mean more stuff heh03:31
gmaMsCleo: what's the language?03:31
MsCleoit's new from Sun03:31
startgame412hello room hows it going03:31
MsCleoall loops are parallel by default03:31
Ashton_KeYes, but it's also a slightly more daunting installer.03:31
pate4evermattyv: okay hold on i may lose the connection03:31
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gmaMsCleo: right. forget the dvd thing if you have broadband03:31
Ashton_Ke(Not as bad as Gentoo, :P)03:31
MsCleoso, a fori=1 to 10  ? next i ?   could be carried out with i=3 FIRST, then i=1 heh03:31
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chonait functioned well using PHP4 but now it doesn't..03:32
MsCleolooks to me to be one powerful language03:32
MsCleosays it's designed to be THE language for future supercomputers and lessers03:32
MsCleomakes sense to me to check it out heh - and see what it can do to clean up my thinking processes03:32
Ashton_KeAnyone who says that a language is "THE BEST" for everything, is being foolish.03:32
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MsCleowell, as to supercomputers03:32
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gmaMsCleo: ubuntu comes with more stuff than you can shake a stick at, but it's not all on the install disk03:32
MsCleocame out of Darpa03:32
MsCleoSun just released an alpha03:32
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mattyvpate4ever: Oh, you might need to go back to the network config and disable the wired and enable the wirless, also set the default gateway to the wireless. Change it back if you dropout03:33
MsCleono, it really has a lot of thought into it, I've been reading the white papers03:33
giuseppeis there someone who is informed about clarkkent's work?03:33
pate4evermattyv: that did not work03:33
MsCleoit's designed to simply be component oriented -03:33
gmaMsCleo: reading...03:33
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Ashton_KeUbuntu is also a bit... bloated. This means it's a bit slower than some other distros, but it'll also support more hardware out of the box than most distros too.03:33
mabusMsCleo: and what did they tell you about my future?03:33
MsCleoit looks like all I want -   reliable re-use from components, and everything else is a block03:33
pate4evermattyv: okay let me do this. i will be right back03:33
Roberto55i am confused about security on my ubuntu03:33
Ashton_KeHow so?03:33
MsCleomabus - they said, call ms cleo now, and find out your future !03:33
MsCleoheh mabus -03:33
MsCleoI think she got busted03:34
gmaMsCleo: ah, it's guy steele again. lisp and java guru.03:34
mattyvpate4ever: If my last suggestion doesn't work I'll try to think of a way of finding out a bit more03:34
startgame412I run Ubuntu on a virtual machine03:34
MsCleoGuy Steele is behind it yes03:34
MsCleoand Chase03:34
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gmaMsCleo: and it's like fortran??03:34
high-bassanyone here know how to get opengl libraries working on linux?03:34
Roberto55i try to believe the ubuntu is my first power os03:35
Ashton_KeOkay... why are you confused?03:35
MsCleogma -it's advertised as doing for fortran what java did for c03:36
MsCleobut better03:36
giuseppeis there someone who is informed about clarkkent's work?03:36
MsCleoit's advertised as one step beyond java03:36
MsCleoso, that's another appeal03:36
=== Peps [n=chatzill@202-89-133-62.quicksilver.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
gmahave they re-invented smalltalk yet? ;)03:36
MsCleoI know there is an architect from java working to reach one step further, so, that's part why I'm interested03:36
Roberto55i am confused because is very hard to learn about all that03:36
Hattyhow do i burn a bin/cue from the commandline using cdrecord. cdrdao wont burn it (therefore keb and gnomebaker wont) because it has a PREGAP. Or is there a way to change k3b + gnomebaker to use cdrecord temporarily?03:36
pate4evermattyv: did not work03:36
Ashton_KeLearn all about what?03:36
MsCleoit's neat gma  - it's designed to use mathematical symbiology03:36
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MsCleoeven the prettied up latex level of presentation03:36
MsCleonow, picture coding like THAT heh03:37
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MsCleohad built in Set operations too - like Union03:37
giuseppeis there someone who is informed about clarkkent's work?03:37
Ashton_KeSecurity in Linux is a lot easier than Windows, mostly because we're a smaller target for virus manufacturing, and our software updates move faster.03:37
MsCleojust BAmmo  MyArray U YourArray03:37
mattyvpate4ever: :( We need to find out the actual chipset of your card03:37
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MsCleoand it's not hooky like c++03:37
Ashton_KeMostly it's making sure your software is up to date (it'll ask for you to upgrade when it isn't), and making sure you're behind a firewall.03:37
Ashton_KeThat's about it.03:37
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gmaI think it's bed time03:37
MsCleowhere you have these [(x r :: c.stop)::N_Seed[0(1)] ::NO03:38
MsCleowhere you have these [(x r :: c.stop)::N_Seed[0(1)] ::NO]  operations03:38
Roberto55what about brute fore or ddos03:38
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gmaMsCleo: interesting stuff. will have a read. need to sleep now though!03:38
pate4evermattyv: how do i figure that out?03:38
MsCleothat's like sending 20,000 troops robert03:38
mattyvpate4ever: I have a few things to try: dmesg | grep -i wlan003:38
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MsCleogma - yep, that's wher eI leave it, interesting, and I'm checkin' it out heh03:38
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daakuanyone know of a console imap mail notifier? (only notification of new mail for some imap paths)03:38
Roberto55i don't understand03:38
Ashton_KeBrute force is dependant on how good your password is, ddos is another beast all together, but that tends to target websites more than individuals.03:39
pate4evermattyv: okay i did that only i used rausb0 instead03:39
mattyvpate4ever: Also, if you have the box for the card it might list the rev # somewhere, or it might be on the device itself03:39
giuseppeis there someone who is informed about clarkkent's work?03:39
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startgame412any here running ubuntu on a virtual pc?03:39
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frogzoo!mail-notification | daaku03:39
ubotumail-notification: mail notification in system tray. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.dfsg.1-3ubuntu8 (edgy), package size 328 kB, installed size 1360 kB03:39
jribgiuseppe: superman?03:39
tavdashhey guys, what chipset do i want to go with when choosing a wireless card??03:39
dreginif I'm manually adding an SATA drive to fstab and the drive is SFS is it okay to just copy the line I have for my NTFS drive and swap the relevant details?03:39
dreginlike this03:39
Roberto55ok, i installing firestarter and what is next03:39
dregin/dev/hdb1 /media/hdb1 ntfs ro,user,fmask=0133,dmask=0022,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 003:39
dregin/dev/sda1 /media/sda1 sfs ro,user,fmask=0133,dmask=0022,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 003:39
mattyvpate4ever: Another command to try is "cat /etc/network/interfaces"03:39
jribgiuseppe: /join #ubuntu-offtopic03:39
pate4evermattyv: hmmm rausb0 (WE) : Driver using old /proc/net/wireless support, please fix driver !03:40
MsCleowell, I came here from Solaris03:40
MsCleoI WAS going to install that -03:40
frogzoo!hardware | tavdash03:40
ubotutavdash: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport03:40
MsCleobut - was told it's mainly for business, and it's somewhat kludgy03:40
MsCleoso, here comes ubuntu03:40
tavdashthx frogzoo03:40
startgame412gueeppe is your host operating system windows?03:40
MsCleoand NEVER - Vista -heh03:40
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brianskiis there a command that tells gnome to open a file using whatever gnome is configured to use? something like "start" in windows or "open" in mac os x?03:40
toko123I want to compile php5 from source03:40
toko123no gcc found?03:40
brianskiie if its a text file, open gedit, if its a video, open mplayer, etc.03:41
leonardoWhy Ctrl+Alt+Backspace dont wokr here? please03:41
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Flanneldaaku: ixbiff flashes keyboard lights ;)  dnotify will work too.03:41
PepsIt seems that on my system (running dapper) hal is using pmount and not pmount-hal. Can anyone tell me where I can change that?03:41
LakeTownHello all. I have an Ubuntu box on which I've installed Edgy. However, since it doens't support WPA out of the box, I have to get Network Manager for Gnome and the only way I know to do that is through the Terminal. So, to get the Network Manager, I need to be connected, which is why I need it. Does anyone know where I could get it so I can burn it on a disk and configure it in Ubuntu afterwards?03:41
toko123I'm runnning 6.0603:41
brianskitoko123, sudo apt-get install build-essential03:41
Roberto55ok, and my last question is how to emulation word, excel on ubuntu03:41
Flanneltoko123: why do you want to compile php5?03:41
mattyvpate4ever: Hmm that;s strange, the fact that it's listed as rausb suggests to me that it's a raling chipset of some sort, which is usually a good thing. But they normally just work03:41
MsCleoWOW - the ubunto site is great03:41
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Syco54645i need some help with vsftpd03:41
MsCleothey have REAL people on there03:41
Ashton_KeRborto, that's not necessary, Open Office works fine.03:41
leonardoanyone please, why ctrl alt backspace dont work?03:41
pate4evermattyv: okay well where can i find the chipset? i have the box here03:41
gooniesgood evening, i just did a fresh install of ubuntu and removed a couple things, like evolution, now when i try to log into gnome i get the brown wallpaper screen no panels no nothing, i dont think it even logs in03:41
daakuFlannel: flashing keyboard lights - nice!03:41
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Ashton_KeAnd it can save documents and such in regular Office formats, so MIcrosoft Word and such can read it.03:42
goonieswould it specifically be evolution causing trouble?03:42
Syco54645i need to give a user foo (that already exists) the ability to login to my vsftpd server... how can i do that?03:42
Ashton_KeGive it a try, it's under applications -> Office03:42
brianskigoonies, uh. evolution crashing should have nothing to do with it. evolution == mail client03:42
gooniesi removed it03:42
volcomSyco54645, did you add him a user through vsftpd03:42
goonieswith a couple other things03:42
LakeTownIs it even possible to get Network Manager and burn it?03:42
mattyvpate4ever: Not exactly sure, just look for the word revision, or rev...something like that03:42
tom47goonies i no longer use evoltion since novell signed up with microsoft so no its not just that03:42
Syco54645volcom: i didnt know that i could do that03:42
Roberto55most computers of my friends is installed windows xp03:42
brianskigoonies, should have nothing to do with not being able to log in03:42
Syco54645volcom: the guide i found mentioned nothing of adding users at all03:42
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tom47goonies what else did you remove?03:43
gooniesyeah gdm starts up, i put in my username and password, then it stays in a tan screen03:43
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mattyvpate4ever: Or H/W ver might be a possibility03:43
brianskitoko123, sure03:43
goonieswell i was going through the list, what i can remember was blue tooth utils, festival and its deps03:43
Roberto55ok, that's it03:43
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brianskigoonies, sounds like you are missing some critical gnome foo03:43
pate4evermattyv: okay i'm not seeing it anywhere on the box03:43
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Syco54645volcom: it just tells me to use the useradd command, but the user is already on the system03:44
brianskiapt-get install ubuntu-desktop should tell you what you've uninstalled03:44
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pate4evermattyv: i really don't understand, this thing is blinking like it's connected03:44
|Jason8|How do I shut down a process that has a status of "uninterruptable"?03:44
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misnix|Jason8|, guess?03:44
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mattyvpate4ever: Try "iwconfig"03:45
pate4evermattyv: does this model use several different chip sets?03:45
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mattyvpate4ever: Yeah, many models do03:45
|Jason8|misnix, when I click end process, it doesn't die.03:45
Nick2hello, I just installed Ubuntu today and am having problems connecting to the internet. Here is more info on my problem: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34979803:45
krielhiya. new compy, laptop lenovo 3000 c200, integrated sound. none of the sound daemons have any errors, but no sound comes out. can anybody point me in the right direction?03:45
tom47|Jason8|: what is the process?03:45
pate4evermattyv: okay i did iwconfig03:45
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|Jason8|three instances03:45
mattyvpate4ever: Did it list and ip address or access point?03:45
misnix|Jason8|, yeah, the word "uninteruptable" might be a dead give away03:45
gooniesbrianski: now only if i knew how to cut and paste via command line03:45
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|Jason8|so I can't kill it?03:46
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|Jason8|2.5 GiB each... wtf.03:46
pate4evermattyv: i don't see one, but the essid field is empty03:46
misnix|Jason8|, not in that state <g>03:46
Hail_Spacecakehow do I get the desktop to show all the programs that you need to be root to use in the menus?03:46
pate4evermattyv: it does say rt73 wlan03:46
brianskigoonies, ctrl-shift-V if you are inside X03:46
brianskiin a gnome-terminal, i mean03:46
misnix|Jason8|, you wait03:46
pate4evermattyv: i don't know if that indicates to you the chipset03:46
HattyIs there a patch i can apply to cdrdao to allow it to burn Bin/cues with pregaps?03:47
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mattyvpate4ever: Ah, that might be the chipset indeed, i'll have a quick look03:47
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|Jason8|misnix, okay, thanks.03:47
brianski|Jason8|, did you try to kill -9 it?03:47
brianskiit might be time for a reboot03:47
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Nick2Could someone help me with this problem here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34979803:47
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misnix|Jason8|, and with a zombie process you wait forever or until a reboot, whatever comes first03:47
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gooniesbrianski: nah im not inside x, anyway, gnome-session seems to have been removed03:47
Talamanum, i got me a weird one03:48
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morpheus74I installed the openssh package on Edge, but do I have to change any settings to allow access to my linux box?03:48
brianskigoonies, i reckon there's yer problem03:48
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|Jason8|brianski, nope03:48
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kitchemorpheus74: you shouldn't unless you setup iptables03:48
Flannelmorpheus74: nope, just install it03:48
goonieswas mostly powersaving utils that pulled it in, guess its more than that03:48
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gooniesill reinstall that03:49
brianskikitche / morpheus - is there a firewall in between you and the internet?03:49
Kud|Do I need to do a complete reboot of X in order to get flash 9 to work?03:49
brianskiwhat is a reboot of X?03:49
pate4evermattyv: aahhh okay so i set the essid, using iwconfig03:49
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pate4evermattyv: now it lists and access point03:49
Talamanbut here is what happends, when i boot up i get a blank grey screen.  I can do and alt + f1 - f12 and can then login  at the prompt03:49
Talamanthen i have to do a startx03:49
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Roberto55i dont know how configure firefox to work under irc-proxy03:50
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mattyvpate4ever: Can you ping something? ping -c www.google.com03:50
mattyvpate4ever: Can you ping something? ping -c 4 www.google.com03:50
brianskiTalaman, uh your query came out in medius rex03:50
Roberto55i still use xchat03:50
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|Jason8|brb nubs, gotta restart03:50
Talamanrex what?03:50
Kud|I guess Flash 9 isn't working then if I don't have to restart X...I just installed it and the installation went smoothly. Not sure what the problem is, but Firefox is not recognizing the plugin still.03:50
pate4evermattyv: i assume i should disconnect from the wired network, correct?03:50
brianskiTalaman, first thing i saw was "but here is what happens"03:50
LakeTownsorey, anyone know where I can Network-Manager so I can burn it to a cd from Windows?03:50
brianskiTalaman, i think that's latin or something, it means in the middle of things03:51
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Talamanthis was befoire that Talaman> um, i got me a weird one03:51
mattyvpate4ever: Yeah I would say so, there is an ubunut wiki for that chipset, I'm scanning through it at the mom03:51
brianskiTalaman, oh so your thought was malformed, not your typing03:51
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brianskiwhat if you try to run sudo gdm instead of startx03:52
lovlossMy school just gave me Windows Xp, so i can finally play games again... which is all its good for. That said, how do i install it without ubuntu being endangered? Ive heard that windows will erase linux if it sees it03:52
startgame412I was able to install flash player 9 wiith no problem using ubuntu live cd but under a virtual machine i had a little more trouble installing it03:52
Hail_Spacecakehow do I get all the enteries in System>Administration to show up as a non-root user?03:52
Roberto55any who knows about configure firefox to work under irc-proxy03:52
Talamanhaven't tried it03:52
brianskilovloss, not really. just make careful backups first inj case something goes wrong03:52
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Talamani'm just trying to figure out why i have to use the ttys03:52
brianskiit will overrite your mbr (important if you use grub), but you can restore that from a livecd easy enough03:52
lovlossbrianski Easily done, i just dont want to have to set up EVERYTHING all over again03:52
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Talamani.e. the alt f103:53
brianskilovloss, hence the proper backups :)03:53
lovlossbrianski:  How do you backup so that all your settings are the same? o.o03:53
Asclovloss: Windows 2000 didn't.  Be careful not to delete the windows partition though.  And make sure you know how to boot into linux from windows and how to reinstall GRUB.03:53
tom47!mbr | lovloss, too, you probably will need to know this03:53
ubotulovloss, too, you probably will need to know this: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:53
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brianskilovloss, i take it you have a spare partition waiting for windows?03:53
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Talamanok, brb03:53
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lovlossbrianski: Actually, i have a free 20 gig HD... not much :P03:53
LakeTownbrianski: how do you restore MBR from Live CD ?03:54
lovlossbut i can use space on other hds...03:54
brianskilovloss, rsync, dd /dev/hda*, lots of other fun things03:54
brianskiLakeTown, grub-install03:54
brianskiit's not exactly fun, but it's doable03:54
MsCleoI should be ok to throw ubunto onto a partition if I have 2k first ?03:54
LakeTownthank you!03:54
mattyvpate4ever: From the wiki it looks promising, but not completely simple since it's a fairly new driver. If you're using 6.10 edgy  the driver might be there, I'm not sure03:54
pate4evermattyv:  unknown host www.google.com03:54
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tom47!mbr > LakeTown03:54
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lovlosswait... rsync??03:54
seravitaehey, vmware is asking me where /rc0.d to rc6.d/ directories are03:54
brianskilovloss, sure03:54
seravitaewhere are they? i thought those were for debian only03:54
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MsCleooh my03:55
MsCleojust seeeing fruitstripe03:55
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morpheus74I cannot access my home pc from work (i think it's due to the firewall at work).  I heard of a webiste I can connect to, then the site will connect to my home pc, but I cannot remember the name.  Does anyone know the name of such a site?03:55
MsCleoI can taste that gum from 30 years ago03:55
AzMooHey, how can I mount a windows share? I tried "sudo mount -t smbfs // downloads/" but it failed. If I browse through Network Servers I can connect to the same thing fine.03:55
startgame412Hey I have vmare too but it does not detect my ubutnu cd03:55
lovloss*has no idea* ive always just backed up data files03:55
LakeTowntom46, is that a command?03:55
pate4evermattyv: okay so let me take a look at the site03:55
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brianskiAzMoo, explain "it failed"03:55
pate4evermattyv: i am using 6.10 edgy03:55
mattyvpate4ever: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/RalinkRT7303:55
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Jawsmorpheus74, make sure you have the ports open in your router03:55
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Jawsmorpheus74, I do not know a site, however, sorry, i just use ssh03:56
morpheus74Jaws, I set my router to port forward to my linux box.03:56
AzMoobrianski, mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on //AGITATION/downloads, missing codepage or other error03:56
morpheus74Jaws, Is that what you were referring to?03:56
Roberto55welcome to firestarter :)03:56
leonardoplease anyone can help me with this >You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before03:56
leonardo         installing.03:56
AzMoobrianski, er, I get the same error when I use the ip03:57
leonardohow i can exit x?03:57
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brianskiAzMoo, what if you get rid of the second /downloads/ part?03:57
jribleonardo: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop03:57
Hail_Spacecakewhy does my System>Administration menu leave off most of the items it shows as checked in Alacarte?03:57
brianskismb is picky ahbout the number of slashes iirc03:57
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Hail_Spacecakeand how do I fix that?03:57
AzMoobrianski, same error03:57
brianskiHail_Spacecake, alacarte changes don't take effect until you restart gnome03:57
Jawsmorpheus, sorry didnt read that it was at work. you might be able to set it up so you connect to your router with another port (that wont be blocked at work), and have the router direct it to the correct port on you linux box03:57
brianskiAzMoo, dunno then i'm afraid03:57
jribleonardo: change the "stop" to a "start" to come back.  I'd also recommend you read the link I gave you about installing drivers instead of manually doing so03:57
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tom47Azmoo you could use gui .... Place>Connect to Server03:58
pate4evermattyv: so do you think if I follow these instructions this will work?03:58
Hail_Spacecakebrianski: other changes I've made with it take place immediately though03:58
Hail_Spacecakebrianski: I checked the HPLIP toolbox item and it went on the menu immediately03:58
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Hail_Spacecakebesides, everything was already checked when I loaded it for the first tiem03:59
brianskiHail_Spacecake, i can only speak from my limited experience, and that limited exdpreince says to restart gnome03:59
brianskigive it a shot?03:59
mattyvpate4ever: I do, there may be simpler instructions so I'm looking around, but if you can follow them you should be ok. They are usually just copy and paste instruciotns03:59
john78934Anyone know anything about LIRC03:59
AzMootom47, no I can't, because that uses the "smb://server/share" style of accessing it, and i can't open movie files using that.03:59
tom47AzMoo ok04:00
Hail_Spacecakebrianski: I restarted, it didn't change anything04:00
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AzMootom47, but thanks :)04:00
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AlgorithmistI just installed the debugger DDD, how I make it appear in a menu? specifically, the programming menu?04:00
pate4evermattyv: it's so interesting that in my experience everything works perfectly in ubuntu except wireless devices04:01
Algorithmistthe executable is located in /usr/bin......04:01
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mattyvpate4ever: A lot of people have wireless problems, mainly because there aren't many companies willing to be friendly and release specs for their hardware. Ralink are good, but this is quite a new device so it's not as simple as some of their older ones yet04:02
Talamanproblem still:  reboot system -- system comes up and the screen is blank and either black or grey -- i hit enter and the curcur moves down but the window remains blank04:02
MsCleoif I have win2000 installed,  and pop in this ubuntu CD image, set to boot from CD and reboot - will this remove the windows boot to 2k ?04:02
MsCleoor will it be a new boot managare? grub ?04:02
MsCleoand grub will allow me to boot back to 2k ?04:02
kitcheAlgorithmist: use gnome's menu editor to add it04:02
MsCleoI want a dual boot setup,  have 2k04:02
Talamani then use the alt f1 and get a tty windown in which i can then login04:02
MsCleoseveral partitions free04:02
pate4evermattyv: i understand04:03
MsCleoI read the setup from ubuntu help04:03
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MsCleoit didn't say much about what will happen to existing 2000 boot04:03
Talamanafter which i have to use startx or sudo gdm04:03
startgame412If you feel unsafe about dualbooting, just run ubuntu in a virtual machine04:03
pate4evermattyv: it's telling me to edit a file called /module/rtmp_def.h04:03
Roberto55ICMP Filtering - enable or disable?04:03
pate4evermattyv: but i can't find that file or the module folder04:03
Talamanif any one has any ideas please message me...i'll be out of the house for a while and a channel message may be lost04:03
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mattyvpate4ever: The author might not have listed the full path, to find where you need to be try "locate rtmp_def"04:04
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pate4evermattyv: there are no results04:05
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Algorithmistkitche, found it, thank you04:05
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nofxxafter I select install in the installation cd.. it stops after "booting the kernel".. i can write.. but nothing happens04:05
Roberto55anybody help me to configure firestarter or leave to default?04:06
nofxxwhat is wrong?04:06
mattyvpate4ever: Hmm, your locate database might need updating...sudo updatedb04:06
bkudriacan someone help me get latex set up on my system?  whenever i try to install the packages, i get this error: "fmtutil: config file `fmtutil.cnf' not found.".  what am i doing wrong?  help?04:06
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pate4evermattyv: that was the problem thanks04:08
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NoOnExanyone know if it is possible to triple boot osx, winxp, and ubuntu on an intel iMac (24")?04:09
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speyerneed help getting rid of a package04:09
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speyer subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status04:09
speyerdoesnt want to remove it04:09
startgame412you are not able to get rid of it through ad remove unser applicatations?04:09
AscNoOnEx: It's possible; but don't ask me how.04:09
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speyerstartgame412 no04:10
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:10
mattyvpate4ever: I think I found easier instructions, they are for a belkin adapter that uses the same chipset https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Belkin_F5D7050_ver_3000_%28Ralink_rt73_driver%29?action=show04:10
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nofxxno matter what option I choose to isntall on the cd... it stops after "Booting the kernel"... what is wrong /???04:11
pate4evermattyv: thanks04:11
startgame412nofxx how much ram do you ahve04:11
nofxxeven "check the cd for defects" .. it stops on "Booting the kernel."04:11
NoOnExAsc: yeah its the how part that i'm stuck on04:11
bulmernofxx: whats the indication you have that you think it stopped?04:12
LakeTownanyone feel like solving a GRUB problem?04:12
startgame412you get this message when you boot up the computer with ubuntu installed?04:12
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startgame412i man with ubuntu cd in dirve04:12
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kitcheLakeTown: jsut say what's wrong and someone might anwser you if they know the answer04:12
nofxxstartgame412: hehe... I'm waiting.... xD    ... its not freezed.. i can write....04:12
nofxxbut nothing happens..... its there now as we speak04:12
LakeTownwell, I get an error 17 when I boot my pc04:13
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LakeTownI have dual-boot with Windows 200004:13
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bulmernofxx: press control+alt+f1 or f2 or f3 and see if there are any logs there04:13
spasticteapotAnyone here know of a good NAT solution for Ubuntu?04:13
startgame412how are you trying ot intall ubuntu04:13
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tamacracker anyone here have the purge command for nividia driver on hand04:13
nofxxbulmer: nothing... dont change the screen04:13
tamacrackeri mus tget this driver off my machine04:13
spasticteapotI only have the Xubuntu install CD, and would like to get the computers on the wired network to be able to connect through the wireless card on one of the PCs.04:13
Vuenspasticteapot: what do you mean? do you want the ubuntu computer to behave as a router?04:13
spasticteapotThink a wireless router, except backwards.04:14
kitcheLakeTown: ok your root (hdx,y) is wrong you have to boot to live cd mount your linux filesystem and edit /boot/grub/menu.lst so it's correct04:14
nofxxbulmer: Decomprossing linux....Done. Booting the Kernel.  " stops... ... but the keyboard is working...04:14
bulmernofxx: you can always go back to ctrl+alt+f704:14
spasticteapotI'm connecting (with permission!) to a wireless network in a coffeeshop.04:14
mattyvpate4ever: See what you find best anyway, if you get stuck head to the forums as it's definitely possible to get it working, you at least have some more knowledge to seek help with. I have to go, good luck04:14
tamacracker anyone here have the purge command for nividia driver on hand04:14
pate4evermattyv: thanks a lot04:14
bulmernofxx: those consoles are available for troubleshooting during install04:14
nofxxbulmer: it dosent go anywhere.. hehe... unresponsive to control+alt+Fx04:14
Vuenspasticteapot: so you have a wireless router, to which one server is connected, and you want that server to share the internet connection?04:14
spasticteapotI have one PC with a wireless card; and lots of PCs connected (along with it) to an ethernet switch.04:14
mattyvpate4ever: no probs, cya04:14
spasticteapotPlease don't tell me that's stupid; I know it's stupid.04:15
nofxxbulmer: i understand... but i'm not able to access it04:15
spasticteapotI blew our budget (all of $55) on the switch.04:15
bulmernofxx: did you choose the lower resolution like 800x600 ie VGA for install?04:15
spasticteapotYay, nonprofits!04:15
Vuenspasticteapot: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=11197204:15
LakeTownkitche, so you want me to boot the live cd, go to the terminal and mount the partition that is called "/"?04:15
nofxxbulmer: let me try that.... how to ?04:15
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bulmernofxx: if did confirm that it is realy stuck, then you are stuck...lolz04:16
ademaninstalling the xorg-driver-fglrx   in edgy gives you an older version of fglrx doesnt it?  Or is it a relatively new version?04:16
kitcheLakeTown: yeah04:16
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nofxxbulmer:  other options?04:16
Vuenspasticteapot: whatever your switch device is, make sure it's ONLY a switch. if it's an ordinary wireless home router, first set its IP to something outside the range you will use to share your internet connection, then turn off dhcp04:16
bulmernofxx: options for what?04:16
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Vuenspasticteapot: then manually configure your IP address, and you should be able to talk to the router. after that, follow the tutorial in that thread04:17
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LakeTownkitche: writnig that down, and afterwards edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and what should I check in it?04:17
nofxxbulmer: to install with 800x600 you said...... maybe if I took this quiet off here.... i can't see the problem04:17
spasticteapotVuen:: The ethernet switch is just a switch - it's a 24-port switch with no wireless or upstream ports.04:17
kitcheLakeTown: root (hdx,y) the x and y should eb numbers04:17
Vuenspasticteapot: oh... so where does wireless come into play?04:17
spasticteapotIt had no manual, and was obviously made somewhere in the far east.04:17
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bulmernofxx: thats another option you should not include  "quiet" you will not see the errors04:17
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LakeTownkitche: (is the commande to edit a file "sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst"?04:17
spasticteapotWe have wifi, and a wired network of PCs.04:17
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Vuenspasticteapot: you mentioned wireless, what's connected to what with wireless?04:17
spasticteapot(The network is not actually set up to do anything.)04:18
kitcheLakeTown: yes if you want to use gedit04:18
spasticteapotOne PC will be "bridging" the wireless to the wired network.04:18
nofxxbulmer: i took quiet off... now it stops after input: ImPS/2 Generic .... etc04:18
Vuenspasticteapot: is this the same pc that will be sharing the internet?04:18
LakeTownkitche: lastly, what are "eb" numbers?04:18
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spasticteapotWe're in a mini-mall and have no internet; coffeeshop next door has wifi, we want to use wifi card on one computer to let whole network use internet.04:18
nofxxbulmer: same way... i can write to the screen.. but it is not going anywhere04:18
LakeTownstupid question04:18
kitcheLakeTown eb=be fast type hit keys in wrong order04:18
bulmernofxx: on console 1, what are the last few messages?04:19
Vuenspasticteapot: i see. so you're accessing the internet through the wireless card.04:19
Vuenthat's quite the setup.04:19
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bulmernofxx: or maybe console 2..cant recall where it dumps the output during install04:19
nofxxbulmer: I can't change consoles.... 1 is "input: ImPS2....."04:19
piaois anybody use cdemu to mount bin files04:19
Vuenwell anyway, it's definitely doable. that forum thread should explain how to do it; i haven't read the thread, but setting it up should be relatively straightforward.04:19
nofxxbulmer: control alt fx dont work...04:20
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spasticteapotVuen: I was told by a friend of mine that I need NAT set up on the wireless/bridge/thingy computer to let the others connect through it.04:20
LakeTownkitche: Just realised, sorry. The "/" parti is sda7 on my pc. Swap is sda6. What should I simply be sure that melu.lst has a line that says "root (sda6,0) or something?04:20
Kevin`is there a metapackage for normal desktop programs in gnome?04:20
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bulmernofxx if you say so..those would normally be available during install04:20
Vuenspasticteapot: yes, you do. it won't be a bridge, it will be a router.04:20
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kitcheLakeTown: root should be sd6,0 but some sata can work with hd6,004:21
nofxxbulmer: nope..nothing... dosent change the scheen04:21
bulmerKevin`: umm whats a metapackage?04:21
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Guest28622hey is it possible to install by mounting the .iso instead of burning to a disk?04:21
bulmernofxx: it locks up your keyboard?04:21
Vuenspasticteapot: you *could* do it with a bridge, but that would flood the coffee shop router with connections, which might raise some eyebrows04:21
LakeTownkitche: ok cool, I'll give it a try and then come back to annoy you with my results :) thanks for your time!04:21
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Kevin`it's a package that depends on a bunch of other common packages04:21
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spasticteapotVuen: They would'nt likely notice.04:21
nofxxbulmer: nope... I can type in the screen.... as a text editor.. heheh04:22
spasticteapotVuen: The employees could care less, anywho.04:22
bulmerKevin oh okay04:22
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Vuenspasticteapot: still, you're better off setting up NAT. easier to configure, easier to firewall, basically all around better security.04:22
bulmernofxx: am confused, you are not telling me which console you are able to typed into04:22
spasticteapotI don't think that config you sent me will work.04:22
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nofxxbulmer: I can't change between consoles... I can type in the same one that started04:22
spasticteapotAll the computers on the network are 192.168.5.x, with x being the number of the PC.04:23
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emacsenmpan, isn't it a bit early?04:23
nofxxbulmer: pardon my english.... got it ?04:23
Vuenspasticteapot: okay, are the ip addresses manually configured? if not, what device is giving them ip addresses?04:23
bulmernofxx: actually you dont know if you have been switch to console 7 or console 1 its too fast for you to tell04:23
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spasticteapotVuen: Manually configured. It's a bit easier for me that way.04:23
nofxxbulmer: the screen will be exactly the same in both?04:23
bulmernofxx you can only tell if you type tty04:24
Vuenspasticteapot: unless you have some very specific reason to require those ip addresses, get rid of them. dhcp is better in every conceivable way.04:24
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bulmernofxx: well console 7 is where the nice n pretty X is..04:24
nofxxbulmer: I type "tty" ENTER.. and it just go to another line04:24
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bulmerbut you cant tell which console you have til you type something to id your tty04:24
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spasticteapotVuen: Why?04:25
nofxxbulmer: pretty sure it is not changing screens... even what I type stays there04:25
bulmernofxx okay..you mobo if fairly new isnt it?04:25
Vuenspasticteapot: because the machines need a lot more information than just an ip address to connect to the internet. they need a gateway, they need dns servers... dhcp does *all* of that for you. it hands out all the information they need automatically04:25
Vuenspasticteapot: and i can't think of any reason at all to want to actually specify ip addresses.04:26
=== Roberto55 [n=Smehulja@212-200-197-91.adsl.sezampro.yu] has joined #ubuntu
nofxxbulmer: yup it is.... but ubuntu i386 is already there..... trying 64 now04:26
Vuenspasticteapot: the whole reason dhcp exists is to do this for you.04:26
bulmernofxx: darn, you're trying 64bit...i dont know crap about that..good luck :)04:26
Vuenspasticteapot: this is what every "home router" you can buy for fifty bucks at staples will do. it does it all automatically. that's what you want to set up on the wireless box.04:27
spasticteapotI'd rather just specify the gateway myself.04:27
spasticteapotStatic should work fine.04:27
Vuenwhy? why?!?04:27
nofxxbulmer: hehe sorry to not telling it earlier...04:27
spasticteapotBecause I'm evil?04:27
nofxxplain forgot...04:27
Vuensure, it will work. you're setting yourself up for a configuration nightmare.04:27
Vuenfor no reason whatsoever04:27
spasticteapotMostly because the guy who said how to do this gets paid $80k a year (maybe more) to code and work with Linux.04:27
spasticteapotI recall that you just need to specify the wifi-machine as the gateway.04:28
Vuenspasticteapot: and i suppose he told you to use static ips?04:28
Roberto55i think i feel safe with my firestarter04:28
Roberto55ok, i know04:29
redrumanyone able to assist with a printer sharing problem between ubuntu and XP?04:29
Vuenspasticteapot: you also need to specify the proper dns servers on each computer. and you also need to actually configure the linux box as a gateway without activating dhcp04:29
Vuenspasticteapot: they kindof go hand in hand04:29
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spasticteapotEr...NAT should do that.04:30
Chilliwackhi, urm, how can i find out what package to get for "make"?04:30
bulmerredrum is the printer a network printer? its own print server?04:30
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PORDOwhat's a handy command line program to create random numbers?04:30
redrumbulmer its a network printer, i can see it connect to the ubuntu machine from the windows machines, it just says "access denied, unable to connect" to the printer04:30
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bulmerPORDO: md5sum?04:30
Roberto55i love my ubuntu04:31
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VuenPORDO: cat /dev/urandom04:31
bulmerredrum  umm you see it (printer?) connect to ubuntu machine?04:31
kdog2678does anyone know if you can install from the live cd by mounting the image instead of burning to a blank disc? my laptop cd drive is not working..04:31
redrumbulmer, windows more than happily identifies the printer on the network at least, it just wont let me print to it04:31
startgame412I know for a fact you can install onto a virtual machone this wya04:32
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bulmerredrum the printer has its own ip address?04:32
redrumnah sorry i misundersoon, I've got it all up and running in CUPS04:32
Chilliwackdoes anybody know what package includes Make?04:33
PORDOVuen that doesn't give me results in a nice format.04:33
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VuenChilliwack: build-essentials04:33
zcat[1] maddening problem here; sometimes, for no apparent reason, users can't log in (usually my wife, although it's happened to me once or twice too) .. gets as far as the startup sound, no splash screen, and just sits forever. Can switch consoles, ctrl-alt-backspace, restart gdm, etc.. log back in, same thing. Nothing eating CPU. Other users log in fine. Nothing but a reboot seems to fix it.04:33
PORDOi need say, a random integer from 0-9904:33
ChilliwackVuen: thanks04:33
redrumi can see the printer on the network, install the drivers etc, but it refuses to allow any jobs to be sent to it bulmer04:33
VuenPORDO: hehe, sorry. i was just being pedantic04:33
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zcat[1] any ideas?04:33
Roberto55try to choise deferent session04:34
bulmerredrum when you say you can see the printer on the network..how do you do that in windows?04:34
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Vuenkdog2678: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation#head-e87f88f2cc723e9cfbd1ce8698de949d31004d2c04:34
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redrumahh, in the network explorer bulmer04:35
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Roberto55try to choise different session ion your log screen04:35
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jribPORDO: use $RANDOM  and %04:35
zcat[1] I think I tried that too.. unfortunately I just rebooted and it's all working again. I don't know how to 'make it happen' again so I can try other solutions.04:35
bulmerredrum: i dont think ip address are being broadcast, thats why i asked..04:35
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Vuenkdog2678: one of those is bound to work04:35
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bulmerredrum:  broadcast in  a sense that it has a print server available04:36
zcat[1] I'm fairly sure I tried failsafe session last time it happened though04:36
bulmerredrum again, does the printer have its own ip address?04:36
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bulmerredrum the services you seen in msn network are netbios based not tcpip based04:37
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redrumnope no ip address04:37
Roberto55maybe try to use gnome session as your default session04:38
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rpccan someone please tell what basic steps does it take to run my own name server so others can use it for their ns queries? do i need any special setup for that besides the daemon?04:38
kitcherpc: you need to set it up as a cache server or as a mian server04:39
nomasteryoda'ubotu needs work04:39
rpckitche oh i see04:39
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AzMooWhat does this mean? "smbmnt must be installed suid root for direct user mounts (1000,1000)"04:39
rpckitche but does it take any special action, like registering it somewhere or anything like that?04:39
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ceinhow do i change the default media player/music player?04:40
tommyvis there a command to take screenshots from the terminal?04:40
rpckitche or can anyone have one up and running04:40
zcat[1] AzMoo: means 'use sudo' to run it..04:40
kitcherpc: no just editing it's configuration04:40
rpckitche oh wow04:40
Roberto55sudo or sup04:40
ceinnot for file associations but for a keyboard shortcut04:40
AzMoozcat[1] , I don't want to use sudo to run it. I want a user to be able to mount it so that the user owns it.04:40
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rpckitche i thought i would need to link it somewhere and that it would require some kind of permission04:40
VuenAzMoo: make sure the mount point has write permission for the user that wants to mount it04:41
bulmertommyv look into xli04:41
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tommyvty bulmer04:41
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zcat[1] AzMoo: Ahhh.. list the share and mountpoint in /etc/fstab, with the 'user' option..04:41
VuenAzMoo: a user couldn't mount something in /media for example unless you explicitely gave it to them04:41
rpckitche and can i also make changes tru it? like editing pointers etc.04:41
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VuenAzMoo: and specified it in the fstab ;)04:41
newbie_What can I do?04:41
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AzMoozcat[1] , That's what I've done. My fstab line looks like this: //agitation/downloads   /mnt/downloads  smbfs   rw,user 0       004:42
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kitcherpc: well yes but why would you unless your running a domian with it04:42
rpckitche oh i do, i have several domains04:42
newbie_I am learning English from here, do not heed me.04:43
zcat[1] AzMoo: Hmmm.. chmod u+s smbmnt I guess (unless someone suggests a safer way of doing it..)04:43
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rpckitche and i would love to run my own dns to be able to edit stuff as needed as my service provider isn't really flexible with that04:43
rpckitche just wondering if i make any sense with this or talking an absolute bull :)04:43
rpcnewbie that works04:44
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kitcherpc: should help you http://www.boran.com/security/sp/bind9_20010430.html04:44
zcat[1] rpc: Service provider? nah.. you just register a domain and point the NS's to your nameserver. As long as you have a static IP.04:44
AzMoozcat[1] , what's that do?04:44
rpckitche thanks very much, will do some reading04:44
AzMoozcat[1] , (I'm worried about "safer" :p)04:44
VuenAzMoo: shouldn't that be smb://agitation/downloads ?04:45
rpczcat[1]  and then i could change whatever i wanted, all those MXs and others?04:45
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zcat[1] AzMoo: Yeah, you should be... I think ubotu has some info..04:45
rpczcat[1]  and make it go "live" just like the reg company does, right?04:45
zcat[1] !smb04:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about smb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:45
AzMooVuen, no. That's a nautilus specific thing.04:45
zcat[1] !samba04:45
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT04:45
PORDOhow do i add something to my path so that it stays each time?04:45
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VuenAzMoo: you're right, nevermind04:46
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AzMoozcat[1] , cheers04:46
zcat[1] rpc: yeah, that's how DNS works. Your ISP only has to co-operate if you want the reverse lookups too.. which you usually don't need04:46
rpckitche bind and security.. very nice, thank you04:46
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AzMooVuen, yeah. It would be much easier if I could just use the nautilus stuff, but nothing will play videos through it. Only works if I mount the share.04:46
rpczcat[1]  hmm...04:46
LakeTownalll right, from a live cd, to mount a partition, is the command "sudo mount /dev/sda7"?04:47
rpczcat[1]  you mean revs are done by IP class owner, right?04:47
bulmerLakeTown:  sudo mount /dev/sda7 /mountpointhere04:47
rpczcat[1]  but as for fomains i could edit and change pointers on my own, etc?04:47
newbie_I can know the meaning from your words,but I can not express my meaning in English, OMG04:47
zcat[1] rpc: yeah..04:47
rpcnewbie_ just keep reading and it will come with time04:48
rpczcat[1]  thanks very much04:48
zcat[1] You can point www.foo.com to any IP address once foo.com is on your nameservers..04:48
bulmernewbie_: pick up an english dicitionary too04:48
Roberto55i wolud like to mount ntfs partition without losing data... how to use ntfs drives?04:48
LakeTownbulmer: and what do I wirte instead of "mountpointhere"?04:48
rpcnewbie begins with simple and easy sentences, do not try to make it too long and complicated04:48
bkudriatexlive-base-bin postinst fails with: "fmtutil: config file `fmtutil.cnf' not found.".  what could be wrong?04:48
bulmerLakeTown: a directory off of /04:49
rpczcat[1]  oh yes, that's what i like to do right now and i can't as the company i registered a domain at doesn't allow me to do that04:49
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rpczcat[1]  it only works as an "alias" or something04:49
newbie_OK, thanks all.Now i am reading your words.04:49
rpcerr begins == begin :)04:49
rpczcat[1]  and i'm basically limited alot04:50
AzMoozcat[1] , yesss! It's alive! The uid=1000 did what I wanted it to do :)04:50
AzMoozcat[1] , thanks.04:50
LongkerDandyhi guys04:50
LakeTownbulmer: it returns that "special device /dev/sda7 does not exist" "(a path prefix is not a directory"04:51
jjazzI undocked my thinkpad from the port replicator a couple hours ago, and now dmesg is spammed with '[17274315.072000]  drivers/usb/input/hid-core.c: input irq status -71 received'.  Plugging in a usb dvd drive doesn't seem to have any effect.  How can I get my usb system working again?04:51
Roberto55i try to used some tutorials on google, but i still dont know how to configure ntfs drives04:51
zcat[1] rpc: that sucks. You need to register the domain directly, give the registrar the IP address of your nameservers, and then you can add anything you want under the domain..04:51
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bulmerLakeTown: then why you are telling us you want to mount /dev/sda7 it does not exist?04:51
rpczcat[1]  that's what i need, exactly04:51
LongkerDandyI wanna make a mail server install disk, like the lamp server and dns server which ubuntu already have04:51
LongkerDandywhere should i start04:52
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bulmerLongkerDandy: maybe buy a book to start with?04:52
Roberto55buy a book?04:52
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bulmeryes, to support the writers specially the open source ones04:52
Naik0i have two screen enabled, irssi and rtorrent. How do i close rtorrent scren "pts-2" ?04:53
Roberto55i pdf?04:53
zcat[1] hehe "vista's more secure than any previous OS' -- I think not... more secure than any previous OS from MSFT perhaps...!04:53
rpczcat[1]  so i'm still good probably, as i can change nameservers anytime, there is an option for that at my registrar. i'm hoping to give them ip of my dns once its running :) hope i would be fine then?04:53
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Roberto55in pdf formats?04:53
Roberto55come on04:53
LongkerDandybulmer, isn't there a guide or something04:53
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bulmerRoberto55: if you like to read online yes, myself i prefer chopping trees :)04:53
zcat[1] rpc: That's how it works.. they only point to your nameserver, everything else you do at your end.04:53
Roberto55sure, why not04:54
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rpczcat[1]  thanks very much for your kind help, i'm enlightened a little bit now :)04:54
bulmerLongkerDandy: there are many online, but if you buy a book you can read it in bed..lolz04:54
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rpckitche thanks very much as well04:54
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ardchoille42bulmer, And if you get a laptop, you can read the internet in bed, lol04:55
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LongkerDandybulmer, i do know how to setup a mail server, but i want a one click install like the lamp and dns04:55
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rpcoh the last question... is there anything better than BIND that i could use? or is it the only dns to use for now?04:55
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LongkerDandybulmer, i think i need some custimization to the ubuntu server disk, but i don't know where to go04:56
bulmerLongkerDandy: where did you read that from? maybe they have the tip for you to just click?04:56
nofxxman. .. this is really not right..... edubuntu 64 , ubuntu 64... both stops the installation after "Booting the kernel"04:56
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nofxxit stops but not freezes... I can write to the screen.... but not change between consoles....04:56
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LakeTown_I`ve "gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst" and it is empty04:57
bulmerLongkerDandy: most linux distros are very similar, do its not that much more difficult than the LAMP you read04:57
LakeTown_actually, when it opened the file is called *menu.lst04:57
tamacrackersomeone PLEASE help me04:57
rpctamacracker state your problem and someone probably will04:57
LongkerDandybulmer, ok i will try04:58
bulmerLakeTown: what did you do to make that empty?04:58
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tamacrackerI need to uninstall nividia GLX and any other video driver... and reinstall the proper one for my FX 5200 NVIDIA card.04:58
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rpctamacracker are you running ubuntu?04:58
tamacrackeryes sir04:59
tamacrackerubuntu edgy eft04:59
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zcat[1] tamacracker: one driver does all the nvidia cards04:59
rpctamacracker did you try #nvidia ?04:59
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zcat[1] (well, two if you count nvidia-legacy)04:59
tamacrackercheck it.. i installed the "official" video card driver04:59
jevangelohow can you console into a device from a ubuntu server04:59
tamacrackerand that messed up my X GUI04:59
alexrochayea, I have the same problem04:59
kitcheLakeTown: hmm so when you looked at /dev/sda7 and mounted it boot/grub/menu.lst is empty04:59
jevangelosetup minicom?04:59
LakeTown_bulmer: well, I've installed GAG (a graphic GRUB, I guess) because I had Error 17 when I booted my pc (this was because I had stupidily created a partition and everything got pushed up one number)04:59
tamacrackerso i had to uninstall it in order to log back on04:59
tamacrackerzcat i know that... but i need to uninstall which ever one i have now.. and reinstall the proper one.05:00
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tamacrackeror just reinstall it..05:00
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zcat[1] sudo apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-glx05:00
tamacrackerif i reboot X im gonna get errors05:00
bulmerLakeTown: thats beyond me, sorry05:00
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AnRkeyhow do i autokick idle ssh sessions?05:01
zcat[1] Then edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change "nv" to "nvidia" -- next time you boot it should work fine.05:01
bulmerjevangelo: maybe you may need setserial too05:01
LakeTown__bulmer: now Ive uninstalled GAG and I guess it left GRUB empty05:01
bulmerLakeTown: where does GAG puts the equivalent menu.lst?05:01
jevangelooh yea?05:01
blankfazedo you guys reckon it would be possible to install ubuntu on an external USB hard drive?05:02
jevangeloi have minicom running right now05:02
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jevangelowhat does setserial do05:02
bulmerjevangelo: um set serial port parameters,05:02
Roberto55try to type "sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst-backup"05:02
Roberto55then type, sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst05:03
LakeTown__roberto55: im running my terminal from a livecd, right05:03
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frogzoojevangelo: minicom or kermit, whichever05:03
Roberto55me to05:03
kitcheRoberto55: it won't be /boot/grub/menu.lst05:03
zcat[1] spam 94% of all email in December ?!! wtf ?05:03
kitcheLakeTown: go into the directory that you mounted your /05:03
zcat[1] spam is way out of control!05:03
tamacracker-.- why does pastebin.com suck? it used to be good.05:04
Roberto55why don't you install live cd on hard drive05:04
TrixseyIs it possible to pass regular HTTP stuff through a SOCKS proxy?05:04
tamacrackerzcat[1]  http://pastebin.com/87179105:04
kitcheRoberto55: he installed it already\05:04
tamacrackerplease check to see if everything is correct, plese.05:04
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TrixseyLike.. can you set-up a SOCKS proxy to act as HTTP proxy? what is the difference?05:04
TrixseyI read about it in wikipedia but didn't really get it05:04
bulmerTrixsey: you may get a better answer in #java or apache perhaps05:04
zcat[1] tamacracker: nothing obviously wrong at first glance05:05
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tamacrackerthis is right? NVIDIA Corporation NV3405:05
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LakeTown__roberto55: sadly for me, seems kitche is right, there is no /boot/grub/menu.lst   file or directory05:05
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zcat[1] tamacracker: doesn't matter, it's just an identifier05:06
tamacrackerso everything's ok... i should be able to reboot now05:06
zcat[1] Yeah, hope so...05:06
tamacrackerok brb05:06
kitcheLakeTown: did you go into the directory that you mounted /05:06
Roberto55try to open "terminal"05:06
LakeTown__kitche, roberto55: I mounted my sda8 (my root directory where my Ubuntu is intalled) and I have my terminal opened05:07
spirihello, Im trying to install edgy eft on a intel duo core, everything is sata, nvidia video card, really top notch stuff my buddy is letting me have a go at it, but I cant even boot into the install screen.. I tryed adding NOAPIC but then it stops the boot at io scheduler cfq registered05:07
kitcheLakeTown: go into that directory where yo umounted /dev/sda805:07
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Roberto55what's the point05:07
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kitcheRoberto55: umm fix grub so it works05:08
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blankfazesorry if i am being too much of a noob, guys, but i tried to boot from a live cd, it gets the initial screen ok, but after "start or install ubuntu" i get an eternal black screen with blinking cursor.  i have tried looking around on the forums and wiki but am coming up empty... if someone could point me in the right direction i would be ever so gracious05:08
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zcat[1] blankfaze: try the 'test cd' option?05:09
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blankfazezcat: i did, it goes to the same black screen05:09
spirianyone have any ideas?05:09
zcat[1] that's not good..05:09
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Roberto55Laketown, what's your primary OS ?05:09
spiriI have tryed both the dapper and the edgy cds05:09
zcat[1] factory disk or cdr?05:09
blankfazehah.  if i do ctrl alt del the machine reboots05:09
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Hansin321blankfaze: I can't remember, but I once think I needed to set the VGA video settings to get video ouput right,  Can't remember the details though.05:10
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tamacracker__i really need to redo my dirvers05:10
DaemonicI have to use my onboard video to install ubuntu which is fine.. once everything was up I disabled gdm and wiped out my xorg.conf then installed my ATI x700pro. When I try to boot after that everything goes fine until the end of the progress thing then I get green lines through my monitor and a hardlock. any ideas"?05:10
tamacracker__Can ANYONE05:10
mister_robotoblankfaze: if you hit ctl-alt-f1 do you get to a login prompt?05:10
Hansin321But otherwise I just got nothing...05:10
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blankfazemister_roboto: haven't tried that05:10
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mister_robotoblankfaze: it might just be X is having trouble starting but linux is up05:11
zcat[1] blankfaze: try VGA.. but also try burning another CD at 8x or so... some cd drives don't like faster-burned CD's05:11
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Vuenhey guys, i have a problem05:11
mister_robotoblankfaze: if so, that sequence will get you to a console screen05:11
Lake_Towngotta love Xp and its networking love05:11
blankfazehansin321: i did read something where one guy had my same issue and changed his monitor from dvi or vga or something...05:11
Vueni tried installing vmware server, but the script to configure itself that it does when apt runs crashed for some reason05:11
tamacracker__Can ANYONE please help me UNINSTALL ALL my VIDEO DRIVERS, DELETE them so that NON of THEIR FILES exist on MY computer, and start fresh by RE-INSTALLING the PROPER VIDEO DRIVER.05:11
Daemonicdoes the default install use the framebuffer on bootup?05:11
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jevangeloim having a hard time connecting to a cisco device05:12
exs Guys, I need quick help. I'm using open office and I need to select a table, how do I do it?05:12
jevangelowith minicom05:12
blankfazezcat: i tried that, burned a second disc at 4x, no luck05:12
Vuennow any time i try to apt-get anything, it tries to run the vmware configure script and fails. how do i get rid of it?05:12
zcat[1] tamacracker__: didn't work, huh? ...05:12
jevangelois it /dev/tty8 for the serial device?05:12
Lake_TownRoberto55 and/or Kitche: I've mounted sda8 and have my terminal open05:12
exsnevermind, worked it out.05:12
tamacracker__i need to uninstall and DELETE05:12
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Roberto55what is sda805:12
tamacracker__there's files in my system that even after i uninstall they still exist05:12
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kitcheLake_Town: go into the directory that you mounted it05:12
tamacracker__and they keep gettin gused.05:12
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Steven07hey everyone05:12
Steven07i need some help here05:12
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zcat[1] tamacracker__: where did you install the nvidia drivers from? the binary package on nvidia.com ?05:12
blankfazei mean but fundamentally, i shouldn't have to change any settings or install anything or configure anything to be ABLE to boot ubuntu from disc, correct?05:13
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Hansin321blankfaze: I think one of the F keys can change the settings at the bootup screen.  You might play with these, but I can't make any promisses.05:13
mister_robotoblankfaze: yes05:13
tamacracker__shitty ass nvidia.com with their shitty ass official drivers.05:13
tonyyarusso!ohmy | tamacracker__05:13
ubotutamacracker__: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:13
Roberto55i am not joking05:13
blankfazeok.  off to try again.  thanks all05:13
mister_robotoblankfaze: but sometimes your hardware might require using different boot options05:13
kitcheRoberto55 /dev/sda8 is his root05:13
tamacracker__im sorry im upset.05:14
tamacracker__really upset.05:14
bestgsIs there a way yet to reach windows vista share folders over the network with smb yet?05:14
Roberto55ohh, root of your wife05:14
Roberto55i remember that05:14
tamacracker__people have screwed me 3 times in a row in 2 days.05:14
tamacracker__where's Jucato ><05:14
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tonyyarussotamacracker__: "Gone away for now" it says05:14
andrehey guys05:14
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tamacracker__Can ANYONE please help me UNINSTALL ALL my VIDEO DRIVERS, DELETE them so that NON of THEIR FILES exist on MY computer, and start fresh by RE-INSTALLING the PROPER VIDEO DRIVER.05:14
spiriVuen: check your PMs05:15
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andreI've just added a disk to my fstab file.  what's the command for unmounting/mount my drives in that list?05:15
DaemonicAny ideas why my computer would hardlock with my ATI x700pro on bootup? I disabled gdm so it's not and Xorg issue.05:15
Roberto55ok, you wanna  to gain root user access without login or what05:15
oljanx                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          err05:15
kitchetamacracker__: umm if you used the nvidia driver from their website just install the enw drivers05:15
oljanxsorry about that05:15
LaKeTownRoberto55 and/or kitche: I've mounted my root partition05:15
tamacracker__no listen05:15
tamacracker__i need to uninstall it05:16
tamacracker__and delete them05:16
spiriubuntu live cd isnt loading on my desktop05:16
tamacracker__for the love of god i dont want to reinstall until i delete whatever files is left after i uninstal05:16
spiriany ideas?05:16
zcat[1] tamacracker__: sudo find /lib/modules -name "nvidia*" -exec rm {} \;05:16
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tamacracker__thank you.05:16
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Roberto55so what do you want to do05:16
zcat[1] Hopefully that won't screw up the whole system...05:16
tamacracker__rm: cannot remove `/lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/kernel/drivers/video/nvidia': Is a directory05:17
LaKeTownWell, I want to restore GRUB05:17
Roberto55i know how to change grub menu password if your wife forgotten05:17
oljanxtoss a -r after rm05:17
jevangeloi looked in /var/log/dmesg and saw that serial was mapped as ttyS005:17
jevangeloso i got minicom working now05:17
zcat[1] tamacracker__: hmmm.. yeah. Probbaly just do the directories by hand. I'd avoit rm -r when playing around in /lib/modules05:18
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jevangelonow, i can do my cisco labs from anywere05:18
LaKeTownbecause I've created a partition, GRUB was looking sda7 which becamoe sda8. Not realising this, I installed GAG a graphical OS selector which failed at its task and which I THINK, also emptied /boot/grub/menu.lst05:18
jribandre: umount /dev/foo  for unmounting, mount -a  for mounting everything in yourfstab05:18
jevangelossh user@host.org05:18
zcat[1] It will have nuked all the modules anyhow....05:18
jevangelothen minicom into the router and do labs05:18
tamacracker__sudo apt-get remove --purge xserver-xorg-* && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop  <- im gonna have to go this route (><)05:19
LaKeTownI've uninstalled GAG, but now, I want to try to get grub to boot Ubuntu05:19
jribtamacracker__: what do you expect that to do?05:19
Roberto55i dont know much about it05:19
zcat[1] tamacracker__: errr.. that won't work05:19
kitchetamacracker__: why it doesn't remove nvidia if you do that05:19
LaKeTownRoberto55: thank you anyways :)05:19
Roberto55my pleasure :)05:20
zcat[1] Actually it might, but I don't think it will help...05:20
AzMooHas anybody seen how the X-Box Media Center can play videos from within RAR files? Does anybody know how I could do that with ubuntu?05:20
kitcheLaKeTown: I told you what to do 5 times already go into the directory that you mounted /dev/sda8 to then go to boot/grub and edit menu.lst05:20
tamacracker__to start fresh05:20
tamacracker__look... guys my video driver are mixed up... i have one from the official and one from the glx.... they're both combined some how05:21
tamacracker__when i uninstall them both05:21
jribtamacracker__: how did you install your nvidia drivers?  and what is wrong with them?05:21
tamacracker__they still leave files behind.05:21
tamacracker__these fiels are ruining my X05:21
LaKeTownkitche: I've etited it and it is empty? it can't possibly require only 1 line, can it?05:21
tamacracker__they keep givin me errors when i restart X.05:21
tamacracker__Paragraphs worth of errors.05:21
jribtamacracker__: pastebin the errors05:21
kitcheLaKeTown: which menu.lst are you editing it shouldn't be /boot/grub/menu.lst05:22
tamacracker__i cant05:22
jribtamacracker__: why not?05:22
tamacracker__i woul dhave to take a picture of them.05:22
Roberto55and after you can modify kernel boot-up arguments, to gain root user access :)05:22
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tamacracker__because i only get the errors when i try to start X.05:22
danhodirect rendering problem in AIGLX, intel 82855 video controller. anyone help ?05:22
zcat[1] tamacracker__: the errors will still be in /var/log/somewhere ...05:22
jribtamacracker__: they end up in /var/log/Xorg.0.log05:22
zcat[1] that's the one!05:22
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aortizhey guys is there a way to turn the system bell off when pressing tabs and what not?05:22
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aortizwithout having to turn off volume05:23
jribaortiz: system > preferences > sound05:23
drakyI'm having an odd problem, I'm wondering if anyone here has had it, Firefox will not download anything and the "cleanup" button is stuck on05:23
drakyno one else seems to have ever had this problem05:23
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aortizthankm you05:23
zcat[1] draky: hmm.. never had that problem..05:23
jribtamacracker__: how did you install the nvidia drivers?05:23
dimeodraky... will an uninstall and reinstall help?05:23
LaKeTownkitche: the only live you've told me about is "root (sd6,0)", however I doubt menu.lst will be complete with that05:23
tamacracker__the glx i think through rep.05:23
danhohi, how to enable direct rendering in AIGLX please ?05:24
tamacracker__and the official through nvidia.com05:24
zcat[1] jrib: from the nvidia binary installer :(05:24
drakyit just started randomly this afternoon, I was downloading this morning05:24
kitcheLaKeTown: what file are you editing since your probably editing the wrong file05:24
drakyI did a reinstall and it didn't change anything05:24
tamacracker__i just want the driver that CAME with Ubuntu05:24
tamacracker__i dont want no other one05:24
iainIs it possible to use zenity to display a folder selection dialog instead of a file selection dialog?05:24
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kbrosnandraky: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Unable_to_save_or_download_files05:25
tamacracker__if i restart my X right now.. or restart my machine... i will have to install the official drive through commands.. the problem is.. the official one will do the same if i restart X.05:25
rcludwHas anyone out there tried to get LIRC installed recently?05:26
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tamacracker__sudo apt-get remove --purge xserver-xorg-* && sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop05:26
tamacracker__ Can ANYONE please help me UNINSTALL ALL my VIDEO DRIVERS, DELETE them so that NON of THEIR FILES exist on MY computer, and start fresh by RE-INSTALLING the PROPER VIDEO DRIVER.05:26
zcat[1] tamacracker__: the nvidia stuff is gone now I think, but you probably need to --reintall the ubuntu modules again.05:26
LaKeTownkitche: wow, I'm pretty stupid! the empy menu.lst was the one from the LiveCD05:26
tamacracker__sudo apt-get remove --purge xserver-xorg-* && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop05:26
tamacracker__^ that is the only way i see this working out05:27
newbieWOW good game,05:27
Beveragehey guys I installed MySQL and I can't get any of my scripts to connect to it using localhost or 12705:27
Roberto55i dont know... try to consult with the expert05:27
tamacracker__ Can ANYONE please help me UNINSTALL ALL my VIDEO DRIVERS, DELETE them so that NON of THEIR FILES exist on MY computer, and start fresh by RE-INSTALLING the PROPER VIDEO DRIVER.05:27
zcat[1] apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-glx linux-restricted-modules-generic05:27
tamacracker__im scared to do that.05:27
tamacracker__in all honest05:27
tamacracker__i must DELETE whatever is left05:27
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zcat[1] tamacracker__: Trust me, I think you got them all :)\05:28
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tamacracker__how do i search to check it?05:28
tamacracker__so that not even one tiny file is associated with NVIDIA05:28
jrib!enter | tamacracker__05:28
ubotutamacracker__: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:28
BeverageHey guys just installed MySQL and I cant get any of my scripts to connect to it, I was wonering if there is something special i have to do or how to turn it on or something like that...thanks ^^05:28
LaKeTownkitche: here goes nothing. I've looked into the right menu.lst and modified all the lines that referred to sda7 to refer to sda8 instead05:29
drakyoh wow, how did I not find that? I've been googling it all afternoon!05:29
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tamacracker__im sorry im givin a hard time... but it's 11:30pm05:29
drakythanks kbrosnan, that fixed it!05:29
tamacracker__im tired05:29
tamacracker__and i want to shut my pc off05:29
rcludwHas anyone out there tried to get LIRC installed recently?05:29
tamacracker__and start it again without problems.05:29
kbrosnandraky: np, have a good day/night05:29
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zcat[1] tamacracker__: go to bed. Deal with it tomorrow. :)05:30
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tamacracker__that is not an option05:30
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tamacracker__screw it05:31
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tamacracker__im goin with this05:31
tamacracker__sudo apt-get remove --purge xserver-xorg-* && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop05:31
LaKeTownkitche: I can't save menu.lst !05:31
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kitcheLaKeTown: you forgot to use sudo05:31
LaKeTown...merde! like "sudo gedit menu.lst"?05:31
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kitcheLaKeTown: yes if your in the correct directory05:32
gu014what is the best way to burn a .mkv video file to a dvd+r ?05:32
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mister_robotoLaKeTown: you can write it to a new filename in /tmp and then sudo mv it over when you quit the editor if you don't want to retype the changes05:32
LaKeTownkitche: thanks, it has saved, now for the big boot05:32
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kitcheLaKeTown: you iwll have to reinstall grub05:33
=== zcat[1] things tama would be better off just reinstalling. It only takes a half hour...
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LaKeTownkitche: even though I've redirected grub to the right partition??05:33
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kitcheLaKeTown: yep05:34
kitche!grub| LaKeTown:05:34
ubotuLaKeTown:: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:34
LaKeTownkitche: ah damn it! youre too right! it flew right through into Windows!05:34
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kitcheLaKeTown: this url shows you the best way to reinstall it without doing it manully https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows05:35
LaKeTownkitche: thank you!05:35
Algorithmistanyone familiar with terminal customization? I am used to color schemes based on whether what is listed is a directory, executable, source or even pdf file. As it is now, there is no color whatsoever. I looked in profiles and cannot find it specifically.. any ideas?05:36
starzusing automatix i'm trying to install msttcorefonts and im getting lots of timeout errors.........05:36
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starzdoes the one from the apt repo work?05:36
mister_robotoAlgorithmist: alias ls='ls --color=auto'05:36
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PORDO/usr/bin/ld: crt1.o: No such file: No such file or directory05:37
OnburiikuHello again05:37
starzalso just by running automatix does that mean that apt is locked ?05:37
OnburiikuUbuntu's working GREAT.05:37
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starzor is that only while its in the install part of the process?05:37
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OnburiikuThis is way easier than windows05:37
Algorithmistthank mister_roboto05:37
starzgreat to hear that Onburiiku05:37
Algorithmistthank you05:37
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kitchestarz: no but automatix can mess your system up but apt should work for you05:38
mister_robotoAlgorithmist: should be in your ~/.bashrc  or add it there if missing05:38
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OnburiikuEven though I know windows like the back of my hand, Ubuntu was incredibly easy to get used to.05:38
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Algorithmistyep, Im aware of the good old .bashrc, thank you mucho ;)05:38
porch /love Unbuntu05:38
codianyone know a good php editor with syntax highlighting that handles file uploads?05:38
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codishould i try eclipse?05:39
OnburiikuI have a quick question05:39
starzkitche, i know that some people have problems with it but this not being my own system i have no intentions of taking the time to custom mod it :P05:39
mister_robotocodi: does eclipse have a plugin for php?05:39
OnburiikuWhere can I find the ubuntu icon image that is in the applications menu button?05:39
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starzi wonder if there is a way to stop the install and save the things i wanna install and continue later..05:39
mister_robotocodi: it's very nice for java but haven't used it with anything else05:39
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OnburiikuHow can I change the little Ubuntu icon in the applications menu button05:41
Algorithmistporch,  me too!05:41
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OnburiikuOn the top panel?05:42
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porchI haven't messed around with Linux in a few years...installing/configuring Unbuntu was fuuuun05:42
codidoes add/remove remove everything to do with the programs?05:42
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=== BobSmith ???
=== BobSmith looks around
LaKeTownkitche: obviously, something went wrong... grub selection appears but this happens: "Booting 'Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.15-27-386'05:43
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ardchoille42codi, Are you on Dapper or Edgy?05:43
starzOnburiiku, you mean that circle thing with the three bumps kinda thing?05:43
chris1932Hi everyone! After upgrading to Edgy, I'm having problems with gnome-panel and my system tools. gnome-panel closes every time I click on "log out" or try to access my preferences. Does anyone know how to go about fixing this?05:43
OnburiikuYeah, I want to make that a different icon05:43
LaKeTownkitche: "root (hd0,6)     Filesystem type unknwown" where do I go about to change that reference? same place I'm guessins05:44
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starzdid you google it?05:44
kitcheLaKeTown: (hd0,6 is for sda7 not sda8 it's in menu.lst05:44
starzi dont know offhand but if you can wait a minute or two i can probably find it05:44
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OnburiikuI'm following a tutorial trying to do that but it doesn't work05:44
starzlink me05:44
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LaKeTownkitche: therefor,i should change it to "root (hd0,7) so it goes looking at sda8?05:46
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FlannelLaKeTown: correct05:46
starzlemme take a look for u Onburiiku05:46
starzbtw which distro? edgy?05:46
Naik0i have two screen enabled, irssi and rtorrent. How do i close rtorrent scren "pts-2" ?05:46
OnburiikuI did that, and it replaced (Or just added?) the icon to that folder, but it hasn't changed the actual icon on the panel.05:46
LaKeTownFlannel: thank you also05:46
LaKeTownAlthough this being a problem, it's way funner than dealing with infinitly bugged windows  :)05:47
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ardchoille42LaKeTown, :)05:47
starzOnburiiku,  it gives directions: get this http://www.taimila.com/downloads/apple.png05:47
starzsave to home folder and do:: sudo cp apple.png /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/distributor-logo.png05:47
koberHey, Is there a way to connect to a wireless network with WPA using only iwconfig/iwlist/etc ?05:48
starznow for pure amusement i'll try to do it myself05:48
OnburiikuI did do that05:48
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starzbut what is the error your getting?05:48
Roberto55ntfs-3g is still in beta - does it work? or exist other way to mount ntfs drive?05:48
Onburiikubut it didn't change the icon05:48
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OnburiikuI navigated to that folder and saw the little apple image was in there05:48
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Onburiikubut it didn't do anything to the top panel05:48
Onburiikueven after a restart05:48
OnburiikuNo error05:48
starzyou dont need to restart linux05:49
starzat best you would have needed to restart X which is: ctrl+alt+bkspace05:49
OnburiikuWell, a ctrl+alt+backspace05:49
starzbut you probably need to switch themes05:49
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starznotice its in the hicolor spot05:49
starzlemme see something one sec05:49
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ardchoille42Onburiiku, Which icon theme are you using?05:50
vintleanyone into matrix beryl theming?05:50
OnburiikuUhh, T-Ish I think05:50
starzyeah thats the correct place to put it05:50
Onburiikuwait, no...05:50
starznow let me try it i just made a backup05:50
Talamanproblem still:  reboot system -- system comes up and the screen is blank and either black or grey -- i hit enter and the curcur moves down but the window remains blank05:50
OnburiikuI'm gonna look around more05:50
Talamani then use the alt f1 and get a tty windown in which i can then login05:50
Talamanafter which i have to use startx or sudo gdm05:50
starzhold on im gonna do the thing05:50
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ardchoille42Onburiiku, go to /usr/share/icons/T-ish and see if there's an incon cache file. I had to delete some icon cache files and then restart the panel for that to take ffect.05:51
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LaKeTownno way!05:52
LaKeTownwhat does it mean when I type "sudo gedit menu.lst" and it returns "cannot open display: (null)"05:53
starzok brb Onburiiku gonna restart X05:53
ardchoille42LaKeTown, Are you on the desktop?05:53
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ardchoille42LaKeTown, First of all, you shouldn't use sudo with GUI apps. Sudo is for CLI apps. For GUI apps, use gksudo05:53
LaKeTownliveCD, terminal, mounted my already installed Ubuntu sda8 partition05:54
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sychoAny suggestions for a nice 3d graphing program?05:54
FlannelLaKeTown: you know you can edit the grub menu while booting, right? hit 'e'?05:55
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LaKeTownardchoille42: I've done that and this cannot "open display"05:55
starzyour right it didnt change it...05:55
starzlet me browse over there with nautilus05:55
LaKeTownFlannel: The only thing booting is my liveCD and I'm trying to edit menu.lst from GRUB so I can direct him to the correct partition05:55
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ardchoille42starz, I had to delete some icon cache files (/usr/share/icons/themname/) and then restart the panel for that to take ffect.05:56
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FlannelLaKeTown: Er.  Do you not get to the grub menu at all?  If that's the case, your menu.lst won't matter.  That happens only once grub (stage 1) finds /boot and goes into stage 2.05:56
LaKeTownFlannel: the menu.lst I wanna edit is a mounted partition and when I sudo or gksudo it to gedit, it answers that "cannot open display"05:56
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FlannelLaKeTown: are you at a tty? or a gnome-terminal?  if it's the former, that's because the tty is independant of the GUI, and gedit is a GUI program.  nano is a console editor.  However, If youre having issues getting to thegrub menu at all, changing menu.lst won't make any difference, since you're not to that point yet05:58
LaKeTownFlannel: I get my GRUB menu and I select Ubuntu, but then I get ""root (hd0,6) Filesystem type unknwown" right after a promising "Booting Ubuntu Kernel"05:58
FlannelLaKeTown: right.  You can edit the grub line from within grub though, no need for a liveCD05:58
LaKeTownFlannel: "root (hd0,6) should instead be "root (hd0,7)" as fas as I've understood05:59
LaKeTownFlannel: cool, I'll ge reboot then05:59
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FlannelLaKeTown: just highlight, and hit 'e' to edit, then once you're done, 'b' boots, I believe.05:59
ShiftyPowersanyone have experience with LIRC here?05:59
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AzMooHow do I stop the fade to black on idle? I've set a screensaver (glslideshow) but it just fades to black.06:00
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LaKeTownFlannel: wow its editing al right.. it's almost too easy06:00
zero88hello everyone ! :)06:00
mtholdenssis there a way i can export from outlook express from xp to thunderbird on ubuntu, or can i import to thunderbird on xp then share the folder on thunderbird on ubunut?06:01
LaKeTownPOW POW!! YHA!!06:01
Flannelmtholdenss: yes.  Just regular export/import should work.  If it doesn't, thunderbird on XP, import it, then That can transfer06:02
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LaKeTownThank You Fannel, Roberto55, kitche, ardchoille42 and whoever else helped me in this endevour!06:02
mtholdenssbut is it possible to have thunderbird on both xp and ubuntu and if i get new mail, it would be shown on both ubuntu and xp..06:03
Taime1is edgy a little slow about making the newest packages available (such as OO.o and amarok)?06:03
ardchoille42LaKeTown, Glad you got it working. Flannel's pretty cool, eh? :)06:03
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kitcheTaime1: umm packages are version forzen they won't get updated06:03
zcat[1] mtholdens: the most reliable solution; push your mail onto a local IMAP server from the old app, pull it down again in the new one. Very handy for escaping 'vendor lock-in'06:03
LaKeTowndamn it.. now how to I mound the FAT32 partition I created and that cause all this trouble.... fun again :)06:04
Flannelmartin913231: theoetically, yeah, you should be able to share data between the two.  But, a personal IMAP server will definately work.06:04
LaKeTownFannel is very cool and so are you! helping rocks (as is being helped)06:04
Taime1maybe i asked that incorrectly06:04
zcat[1] although I think thunderbird can read outlook's mail directly....06:04
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Taime1my question is why doesnt it show that openoffice 2.1 and amarok 1.4.4 are the newest versions... rather it shows that openoffice2.0 and amarok 1.4.3 are the newest?06:05
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Flanneloutlook uses a semimodified mbox, I'm not sure what thunderbird uses by default.  But yeah, it can read outlooks format06:05
unpersonHi, I setup an mdadm software RAID when I installed Ubuntu.  I now want to take one of these RAID0 devices get rid of it so that I can reformat those disk partitions for use as normal, non-RAID devices.  What steps should I take?  The RAID device is currently not used for anything (it's mounted as /storage).06:05
kitcheTaime1: as I said ubuntu freezes versions of programs06:06
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FlannelTaime1: each version of ubuntu, versions are frozen in all programs, and throughout the lifetime, they only get security fixes and bugfixes06:06
starzardchoille42, the cache files were in home directory no>?06:06
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zcat[1] mtholdens: If you want to have both mail appls show the same mail all the time, set up an imap server. next best answer, leave your old mail on the pop3 server.06:06
N00bGurlUgh, Im So Frustrated I wanna cry! Why does linux have to be so HARD?06:06
Taime1then, why do i get update notifications all the time?06:06
jevangelohow do i make a script that will mount a smb dir automatically for any user?06:06
unpersonI would think that I'd just need to unmount it, remove the corresponding entries from mdadm.conf and fstab and then I can just format the partitions.  Am I missing something necessary?06:06
Taime1surely they arent all security fixes06:06
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FlannelTaime1: they are.  security and bugfixes.06:06
ardchoille42starz, No, each icon theme in /usr/share/icons has a cache file, I think it's icon-theme.cache or something. I had to delete each of those cache files for the menu icon to change.06:07
zcat[1] linux is hard?06:07
zero88how to i figure out what my chipset is for my laptop???06:07
rolerwhat package installed gcc and all the compilers?06:07
Flannelroler: build-essential06:07
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gu014does anyone recommend a certain pda?06:07
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N00bGurlCould sumone please tell me how to get Yahoo Music working? Ima n00bie, so please no complicated commandline stuff. Im like really faint at heart...06:08
ardchoille42zero88, I know an 8 year old who has installed and uses Linux :)06:08
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jevangelohow do i make a script that will mount a smb dir automatically for any user?06:08
FirstStrikegu014: Be more specific.06:08
Taime1this is the first release of ubuntu i have used... is it possible to upgrade to the newest "fawn" or whatever when it comes out? i mean, do i have to do a complete reinstall or is it upgradeable through apt?06:08
DHN_WPHi, I'm getting a kernel panick when I try to boot up Ubuntu today, could someone help me?06:08
OnburiikuSo I have to delete all the cache files?06:08
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ardchoille42zcat[1] ,  I know an 8 year old who has installed and uses Linux :)06:08
jevangeloor, however you are supposed to dio it06:08
DHN_WPnot syncing: VFS06:08
gu014FirstStrike: just looking for some recommendations for pda...interested in the Nokia n800? j06:08
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kakashilol wow so many people with tech questions... Noob 2 things internet browsing speed slow and can't install wireless drivers06:08
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kakashinoob here*06:09
zero88ardchoille42 cool.but what is the revelance to my wuestion?06:09
FirstStrikeIt depends on what OS you prefer, what you're looking for in a PDA as far as features, etc.06:09
unpersonzero88, I'm not sure exactly of your question, but the 'lspci' command will give you a lot of info about the chipsets in your computer.06:09
starzlets try that06:09
ardchoille42zero88, tab completion bit me, sorry06:09
N00bGurlDoes Yahoo Music Vids not work in linux?06:09
zero88unperson oh, ive used that command before,im trying to see what it is becuase i ahve an intel and the i the drivers for my graphics06:09
kitcheN00bGurl: not really06:10
FlannelTaime1: yes, it will/is possible to upgrade.  Obviously, it's not recommended at the moment, since 7.04 is still alpha.06:10
zero88ardchoille42 oh ok06:10
DHN_WPHow do I fix a memory panic of not syncing VFS?06:10
gu014FirstStrike: all features aside, would you recommend any certain pda?06:10
Taime1i see06:10
FirstStrikeN00bGurl: I'm playing a yahoo music video right now.06:10
=== zcat[1] investigates what yahoo uses for video...
starznope still didnt do it... did the highcolor and the gnome cache files... just renamed them lol06:11
TooR4uwhere can i find the script for "SU"....?06:11
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FirstStrikeN00bGurl: Install flash player 906:11
zcat[1] FirstStrike: flash?06:11
OnburiikuThe add/remove programs thing dissapeared form my applications menu06:11
starzN00bGurl, isnt that jsut flash?06:11
unpersonzero88, You mean you're trying to determine what xserver you need for your graphics card/chipset?06:11
jevangelocan anyone help me?06:11
AzMooHow do I stop my screen going black when idle? I've set a screensaver and an idle time of 1 minute, but the display just fades to black and the screensaver is not shown.06:11
chris1932Hello -- After upgrading to Edgy, I'm having problems with gnome-panel and my system tools. gnome-panel closes every time I click on "log out" or try to access my preferences. Does anyone know how to go about fixing this?06:11
N00bGurlI think it uses ActiveX doesnt it?06:11
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:11
jevangeloi have asked06:11
FirstStrikeN00bGurl: No, it's flash.06:11
kakashiNoob here. can anyone direct me to an ubuntu script to install a 3945 intel wireless card?06:11
zcat[1] N00bGurl: if it used activex nobody here would be able to use it..06:12
TooR4uwhere can i find the script for "su" ....;i mean the script make the user as superuser .....06:12
FlannelTooR4u: ubuntu uses sudo instead, not a root account, and not 'su'06:12
kitcheFirstStrike: it's music not music video06:12
zero88unperson yes i beleive so06:12
Flannel!sudo | TooR4u06:12
ubotuTooR4u: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.06:12
OnburiikuHow do I get the add/remove programs thing back in my applications menu?06:12
jevangelohow can i get a directory mounted for anyone that logs in06:12
FirstStrikekitche: what are you talking about? she asked how to play yahoo music VIDEOS06:12
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.06:12
AzMoojevangelo, add it to /etc/fstab\06:13
=== marc_ [n=marc@d58-104-119-63.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
starzkakashi, if it doesnt work by default install ndiswrapper06:13
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DHN_WPUbuntu is suddenly giving me kernel panic - not syncing VFS today06:13
kakashistarz thanks06:13
starzthat seems to work wonders... just get the drivers for XP and extract to a folder in your home directory usually06:13
kakashican I get it in synaptic pack manager?06:13
N00bGurlOkies welp Ima go try to install Flash, thanx for the info06:13
TooR4uFlannel, i am using su to get into administrator ....06:13
starzthen its: ndiswrapper -i ~/driverfolder/driver.ini06:13
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FlannelTooR4u: what are you trying to do, ultimately?06:13
zcat[1] Ewwwww.. yahoo's page is crawling with vista ads06:14
OnburiikuThe add/remove programs button dissapeared from my applications menu. How do I get it back?06:14
Roberto55how install tar.gz or how convert to ubuntu format06:14
=== keeganX [n=keegan@CPE-76-178-92-102.natsow.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
starzthen just have ndiswrapper make the modules... its all in the man i think06:14
DHN_WPzcat[1] : just use adblock06:14
TooR4uFlannel, i am very curious to know .."How the script makes the user as root user06:14
starzOnburiiku, you gotta post a screenie at some point :> im curious to see how it looks when your done06:14
kakashistarz LOl I am too much of a noob in linux to do that06:14
kakashiI think XD06:14
OnburiikuIt's pretty much done except for the ubuntu icon06:14
Roberto55please, somebody help me06:14
OnburiikuI can live with it though06:15
starzkakashi, ?06:15
starzsudo apt-get install ndiswrapper06:15
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starzman ndiswrapper06:15
starzthe documentation is fairly decent...06:15
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TooR4uFlannel,u know the process06:15
FirstStrikeOnburiiku: there is no add/remove programs button in linux. Are you referring to synaptic package manager?06:15
kitcheN00bGurl: to me it doesn't look liek flash to me06:15
TooR4uhow the user is becomming root user06:15
starzit installs everything you need.. and it builds the module itself.. its just another switch :>06:15
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zcat[1] OK I'm stumped.. yahoo music video page seems to be obnoxiously windows-only....06:15
unpersonzero88, Well, I'm probably not much help beyond that, but one you have the output from lspci about the graphics chip you can probably look up info online.06:15
FlannelTooR4u: su and sudo aren't scripts, they're programs.  And, what you do, if you want to say, run `foo` as the super user, is `sudo foo`, it'll prompt you for your password, and then run it as super user06:16
FirstStrikekitche: Right click on the freaking video. It's flash.06:16
keeganXDoes anyone know the channel for the XQF program.  I have a question for them06:16
starzN00bGurl, gimme a linky and i'll look at the site and tell j0006:16
kitcheFirstStrike: I do right click and it doesn't show a flash menu06:16
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FirstStrikeShows one for me.06:16
=== codi [n=codi@S010600037ffe0001.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Daemonicwhat's the ubuntu edgy default runlevel?06:16
TooR4uFlannel, is it possible to change that program?06:16
FirstStrikeDon't confuse her by spouting nonsense06:16
OnburiikuStarz: Here's that screenshot http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/2254/desktopdg6.png06:16
kitcheFirstStrike: anyways if it's flash the quailty would be bad then it is06:16
starzDaemonic, for what exactly?06:16
zcat[1] FirstStrike: you on yahoo MUSIC video, not just yahoo video ?06:16
N00bGurlYipeee I got it working! Wow TY for the info!06:17
=== RamiKassab [n=RamiKass@128-193-141-10.public.oregonstate.edu] has joined #ubuntu
FlannelTooR4u: to change what program?06:17
Daemonicstarz, well I would check /etc/inittab but it doesn't exist. =\06:17
codianyone know a good ftp program, gFTP is driving me nuts.06:17
FlannelTooR4u: to what?  What are you trying to do?06:17
zcat[1] FirstStrike: weird.. it won't play here and I have flash9 too06:17
FirstStrikeWorks for me and her06:17
FirstStrikeSo, it's on your end06:17
starzDaemonic, dont quote me now but i'm thinking runlevel 6 is fully booted and gui loaded06:17
N00bGurlI tried to install Flash 9 like last month when I first tried Ubuntu and it wouldnt install for sum reason06:17
po0fDaemonic: It's 5.06:17
starzbut different things get loaded at different points so exactly what are you trying to do06:18
TooR4uFlannel, for what i am trying is secondary thing ....06:18
TooR4uis n't it?06:18
Daemonicstarz, I'm trying to figure out what's causing my ati video card to hardlock on startup.. I have gdm disabled so it boots to cli mode.06:18
starzah po0f knows :>06:18
DHN_WPargh, how do I manipulate the memory when Ubuntu is giving me kernel panic?06:18
po0fstarz: 6 is reboot.  That would be a fun prank to play on someone, setting the default run level to 6.  ;)06:18
starzlol po0f06:18
Daemonicstarz, I'm thinking it might have something to do with usplash or whatever sets console font/mode06:18
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starzmy bad note taken06:18
FlannelTooR4u: I'm not sure what you're asking.06:18
starzDaemonic, im guessing po0f has answers for u :>06:18
TooR4uFlannel, is it possible to change the program of sudo06:18
zcat[1] N00bGurl: install from the repos, not by clicking the 'install now' link... I think I got mine from seveas..06:18
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FlannelTooR4u: for what purpose?06:19
TooR4uFlannel, :P06:19
codihow do i stop the stupid min/max animations in gnome?06:19
zcat[1] codi: use kde ? :-)06:19
poningrucodi: ???06:19
poningrumin/max animation?06:19
N00bGurlOkay, now but what about activeX websites? Is it true that ActiveX doesnt work in linux?06:19
poningruwhat are you talking about?06:19
lxuserdoes someone use fluxbox in edgy, and anjuta?06:19
kitchezcat[1] : I think most of the videos aren't flash only a few of them mightbe06:19
DHN_WPis it time to format when I get kernel panic?06:19
TooR4uFlannel, thanz for u r information06:20
poningruN00bGurl: yes that is correct activex does not work in linux06:20
DaemonicAnyone have any idea why my computer hardlocks when using my ATI X700pro video card? I have gdm disabled, it boots to console and freezes when the progress bar is at about 90%06:20
zcat[1] N00bGurl: yeah.. but activex is mostly used by spyware installers anyhow. no big loss06:20
codithe animation that shows when you minimize or maximize a window06:20
seravitaeHm, anyone know if there's a way of limiting resources to an application?06:20
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seravitaei have a program that i really dont care how long it runs, but i don't want it eating 100% of my cpu06:20
N00bGurlYes but not all websites06:20
lxuserit freezes when using anjunta in fluxbox wm06:21
lxuseronly that app06:21
poningruDaemonic: next time you boot up go into grub and press e06:21
keeganXCould anyone help me with XQF?06:21
poningruto edit the kernel line06:21
N00bGurlLike what if I wanted to go to a known legit activeX website?06:21
FirstStrikeN00bGurl: Most sites that require activex simply want to install malware onto your PC. So, it's no loss for you. MSN is the primary user for legit activex scripts and there are a lot of alternatives to MSN..06:21
FirstStrikeN00bGurl: It will not work on Linux. Period.06:21
zcat[1] N00bGurl: use windows...06:21
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Daemonicponingru, what exactly would I need to change on the kernel line in grub?06:21
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poningruand then remove quite and change splash to nosplash06:21
N00bGurlSo MSN music doesnt work in Linux?06:21
poningruthen press enter06:22
Daemonicponingru, thank you!06:22
poningruand then press b06:22
FirstStrikeIf it requires activex, then no.06:22
rpci keep wondering since sometime - is ubuntu a good choice for a dedicated server or shall i choose debian sarge instead?06:22
codior, how about this. can i speed up gnome somehow. make it a little more responsive?06:22
starzN00bGurl, actually06:22
poningrurpc: I like my server to be ubuntu-server06:22
starz+windows flash etc06:22
FirstStrikeFor a newbie, that's not a viable solution.06:22
cwillucodi: playing with different themes can do it, there's also an option in gconf-editor to turn off some extra animations06:22
po0fponingru: You can just edit out "splash", no need to change it to "nosplash".06:22
starzbut if you ask me its a nasty thing to need the activeX stuff06:22
poningrupo0f: true06:22
N00bGurlYeah I hear Wine is really hard and stuff06:22
DHN_WPoh well, so long for 4 months of Ubuntu06:23
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starzN00bGurl, not at all actually: sudo apt-get install wine06:23
zcat[1] I don't think firefox in windows does activex either... not without some mangling anyhow.06:23
starzthen go to getfirefox.com06:23
FirstStrikeNo, wine isn't hard. What makes wine difficult is that you may need to re-compile it with certain patches in order to get some applications to work right.06:23
poningrupo0f: I am just used to things like nousb etc.06:23
starzthen go to 'other versions' link from there and just right click and open with wine the .exe06:23
cwilluN00bGurl: there's an ies4linux that makes installing ie6 dead easy, but I don't really want to recommend it :p06:23
poningruDHN_WP: whats wrong?06:23
N00bGurlI mean I hear installing things in wine is hard, Ima total n00bie...06:23
starzno need to install stuff06:23
starzie sux06:23
zcat[1] seriously, if you need activex the easiest way is dual-boot windows06:23
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DHN_WPponingru: I'm suddenly getting a kernel panic today06:24
FirstStrikeN00bGurl: It's not..it runs the installers just like on windows. You have the Next and Cancel buttons and all the pretty GUI elements.06:24
kakashilol ok so I did that and got ndiswrapper from synapsis and when I typed the command int the terminal it told me this >>>E: Couldn't find package ndiswrapper06:24
poningruDHN_WP: hmm did you change anything? install anything?06:24
po0fDHN_WP: What has changed between not getting the kernel panics and now?  Any upgrades of notice, hardware changes, etc?06:24
poningruDHN_WP: is that at boot up?06:24
FirstStrikeN00bGurl: But seriously, just dual boot windows and linux. It's really not practical for you to be running firefox in wine just so you can load activex sites.06:24
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DHN_WPponingru: It's at boot up, I didn't change anything manually.  If anything's changed, it's the software update.06:25
starzkakashi, in terminal do: ndis[tab] [tab] 06:25
rpcponingru so you recommend ubuntu for a server? are there any particular advantages over sarge that i should consider?06:25
starzit should list anything with ndis in it :>06:25
N00bGurlWell I also use Fireworks06:25
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N00bGurlIs there a Linux alternative to Fireworks?06:25
=== chapium [n=chapium@hawk-c-117.resnet.purdue.edu] has joined #ubuntu
FirstStrikeIsn't that a photo application by Adobe?06:25
poningrurpc: everything is about the same, the only reason I recommend it is updated packages06:25
kitcheN00bGurl: maybe GIMP might come close to fireworks06:25
N00bGurlNo its bi Marcromedia06:26
kitcheFirstStrike: now it is06:26
FirstStrikeGIMP is..not similar.06:26
chapiumHow do I browse to a printer via samba if I know the samba server address?06:26
DHN_WPponingru: is there a way to run fcsk or something to see if anything is wrong with the disk?06:26
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codiwhats macromedia?06:26
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codifireworks is an adobe product06:26
poningruchapium: add a printer from system-admin-printer06:26
zcat[1] wasn't macromedia just bought out by adobe?06:26
codiit's like flash06:26
kitcheFirstStrike: umm yes it is Fireworks is same type of app as photoshop and gimp06:26
N00bGurlI mainly use Fireworks for making 3d shiny fonts06:26
chapiumponingru: i dont know the name of the printer06:26
dimeochapium... I just used the printer setup on my network at work06:26
kitchezcat[1] : yea06:26
dimeochose network printer06:26
N00bGurlOh thats rite Adobe now owns it06:26
poningruDHN_WP: when does it kernel panic?06:26
N00bGurlI forgot06:26
zcat[1] hehe..06:26
FirstStrikeN00bGurl: GIMP is basically the photoshop for linux, except it's completely different and a bit more complicated. You can't just hop into GIMP from photoshop and expect a seamless transition.06:27
rpcponingru aren't there more security issues with ubuntu?06:27
starzmsttcorefonts is timing out06:27
DHN_WPon boot06:27
po0fDHN_WP: A hardware issue is a more likely cause for a kernel panic than filesystem errors.06:27
starzanyone got any ideas?06:27
N00bGurlI know GIMP, but it doesnt seem to be easy to make shiny 3d text06:27
poningruDHN_WP: as in after what process comes right before the kernel panic?06:27
DHN_WPpo0f: the panic is "Not syncing" VFS"06:27
OnburiikuIs there a program that will work like Logitech's Setpoint to customize the 7 differnt hotkeys on my mouse?06:27
starzN00bGurl, are you familiar with vmware?06:27
poningrustarz when you try to install it?06:27
dimeofirststrike: i recall there's a hack out there to 'convert' gimp so that it's layout is the same as photoshop!06:27
kakashiok it worked06:27
po0fOnburiiku: Which mouse?06:27
starzponingru, yeah06:27
OnburiikuBecause they only have downloads for XP, Vista, and OSX.06:28
DHN_WPponingru: "Unable to mount root fs on unknown block"06:28
N00bGurlIsnt vmware a program that lets you install windows XP in linux?06:28
OnburiikuLogitech VX Revolution06:28
Flannel!mouse | Onburiiku06:28
ubotuOnburiiku: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto06:28
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dimeostarz... skip vmware... virtualbox is better if u ask me06:28
DHN_WPponingru: I seem to be able to get into the recovery mode06:28
starznot tried that06:28
kakashi*Starz* I typed in the command and got ndiswrapper now what do I do?06:28
OnburiikuI'm using VMWare to run Ubuntu!06:28
FirstStrikeN00bGurl: You're going to either need to run applications in WINE, a virtual windows within linux or dual boot between Windows and Linux.06:28
rpcdimeo would it allow me to install XP on linux remotely?06:28
starzthough i hear that the 2.6.20 kernel is better than either06:28
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starzkakashi, :06:28
starzone sec06:28
poningruDHN_WP: yeah run fsck in there06:28
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:29
dimeoI have win2000 on ubuntu.. works quite nicely06:29
DHN_WPponingru: what do I type?06:29
po0fOnburiiku: I have an MX Revolution, this guide worked great: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=277388.06:29
poningruoh hold on06:29
dimeorpc : what do you mean by remotely?06:29
chapiumdimeo, I know the host, but not the printer.  If I add my username and password for the host and try to click the drop down for printers, I am bombarded by authentication prompts that do not seem related06:29
N00bGurlIs there a plugin for GIMP that makes shiny text?06:29
rpcdimeo i would need to run XP or w2k on my remote box that is running debian06:29
Ralithdefine 'shiny'06:29
chapiumits as if its finding printers near me, but not on my host06:29
Ralithand, look in the script-fu menu06:29
dimeocahpium: the authentication prompts I needed to log into our server so that I could use the printer06:29
po0fRalith: I'm guessing Web 2.0 crap.06:30
rpcdimeo is that possible to install windows in virtual box like that? without physical access to the box?06:30
N00bGurlYou know like 3d fonts06:30
Ralith3D and shiny have nothing to do with eachother.06:30
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FirstStrikeN00bGurl: There are a lot of plugins for GIMP..google search it.06:30
N00bGurlwith shadows and stuff06:30
=== FirstStrike sweats
dimeorpc: the best I know for accessing remote pc's is by using freenx06:30
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rpcdimeo assuming that i will transfer windows iso to the box first of course06:30
kakashi*Starz* type !paste in the terminal?06:30
poningruDHN_WP: just do fsck /dev/hda1 or whatever your partition is06:30
RalithN00bGurl, have you even checked what's already installed, or looked around on google?06:30
chapiumthe authentication spams is from a range of other hosts that are being detected :-(06:30
rpcdimeo hmm.06:30
starzkakashi, no im gonna paste what to do there06:31
N00bGurlI know I could always use Blender 3D but I liked Fireworks because it was easy06:31
kakashioh ok lol06:31
poningruDHN_WP: the first thing I would do is 'sudo apt-get udpate' then06:31
dimeorpc: freenx beats the pants of RDP and VNC06:31
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N00bGurlI did Google it06:31
poningru'sudo apt-get upgrade'06:31
DHN_WPponingru: it says it might cause severe system damage06:31
poningruDHN_WP: yeah thats fine06:31
DHN_WPponingru: is fsck gonna alter the disk?06:31
N00bGurlI found Tuts on how to layer 2d fonts to make them look 3d and stuff06:31
poningruDHN_WP: only if its broken06:31
N00bGurlThats alot of work06:31
DHN_WPponingru: seems to be clean06:31
FirstStrikeN00bGurl: If you liked what you had, then why did you switch to Linux without researching whether the software you liked worked on it or not first?06:31
poningruand only after asking you if you are on ext306:31
chapiumis it possible to identify a domain when entering the host for adding a printer?06:32
poningruDHN_WP: do the update then upgrade thing06:32
dimeo(thinks haxxors should have a perfume called "fsck"06:32
N00bGurlI got sick of getting viruses and trojans06:32
dimeoit would sell06:32
rpcdimeo let me explain... there is a box running debian. i would like to add a virtual machine on that host running windows... can i do it without physical access to the box by using iso image of windows to install?06:32
poningrudimeo: there is a company called haxxors?06:32
DHN_WPponingru: argh, can't use wireless06:32
MsCleocan someone comment on whether I can install ubuntu without screwing up my windows 2000 boot06:32
poningruDHN_WP: eek06:32
kitchedimeo: you od know that freenx uses rdp and vnc right06:32
poningruDHN_WP: try booting in normally now06:32
=== FirstStrike sighs
kakashimscleo yeah you just need to make a seperate active partition on your hd06:33
rpcor perhaps anyone tried that and can confirm06:33
dimeokitche: yea u can use RDP and  VNC on it.. but the freenx standard is even better06:33
poningruMsCleo: yes06:33
FirstStrikeI give up06:33
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N00bGurlMy HD died so instead of buying a new HD I decided to give linux Live a try06:33
poningrurpc: wait what are yout rying to do?06:33
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poningrurpc: yes you can do that06:33
dimeorpc: yea virtual box uses isos06:33
cwilluMsCleo: should be able to just fine, ya;  windows has issues overwriting linux boots, but the default install from the livecd should handle everything fine06:33
kazukahow do i know what crashes my ubuntu?06:33
starzok kakashi06:33
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kakashikk ready06:33
rpcponingru i need to add windows virtual machine on linux just for a single damn app that won't run under WINE06:33
DHN_WPponingru: apt-get update told me that dpkg wsa interrrupted06:33
starzget the driver for your net card that is for XP06:34
rpcdimeo oh hm so it's doable most likely06:34
MsCleocwillu- good, I just don't need a instrument only install right now06:34
poningruDHN_WP: ah tha texplains it06:34
DHN_WPponingru: and I'm supposed to run dpkg --confugre -a06:34
starzextract that to a folder and move that folder to your home directory06:34
poningruDHN_WP: yes do that06:34
dimeorpc: and it's opensource and free06:34
rpcdimeo is that vbox stable?06:34
rpcsounds neat06:34
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FirstStrikeN00bGurl: I suggest you research WINE or vmware then. If you want to run all of your windows applications, you'll need both. Good luck.06:34
poningrurpc: keep in mind you need to install X on your server then06:34
rpcponingru yes06:34
poningruand you would need to do X over ssh06:34
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kitcheN00bGurl: look up virtualbox also might be easier then vmware for you06:35
rpchm i hate that but if that helps with installing virtual windows box...06:35
dimeonoobgurl: also look at virtualbox06:35
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MsCleoso, vmware will launch ubunto in a process on windows ?06:35
starzhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3552/ <<---- that is what happens when you just type ndiswrapper by itself kakashi so: ndiswrapper -i ~/foldername/downtothedriver/drivername.ini06:35
N00bGurlWhats the easiest?06:35
rpcMsCleo not really06:35
MsCleoI'm familiar with vmware, but I forget how the memory is negotiated06:35
DHN_WPponingru: seems like there's a problem updating vmware.  Can I just uninstall it?06:35
DHN_WPponingru: I don't use it anyway06:35
poningruDHN_WP: yes06:35
Cpudan80MsCleo: You setup the amount when you setup the VM06:35
N00bGurlDo they require typing in scarry commands?06:36
MsCleoheh, my point is this,  could I theoretically install ubuntu without rebooting windows 200006:36
poningruDHN_WP: sudo apt-get uninstall vmware06:36
MsCleousing a virtual client06:36
zcat[1] N00bGurl: Perhaps what you really need is XP and some good AV software... avg is quite good.06:36
MsCleolike vmware etc.06:36
Cpudan80MsCleo: yeah06:36
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MsCleocpu- excellent !06:36
Cpudan80you never have to reboot the VMWare server06:36
MsCleotime to sign up for a vmware trial06:36
starzN00bGurl, try virtualbox .. personally i dont care about it being a bit hard... and poningru i always recommend the vmware server not workstation or whatever.06:36
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Cpudan80MsCleo: It's free06:36
MsCleooh - great06:36
Cpudan80MsCleo: Just get a key06:36
MsCleothat's just great06:36
rpcbut is virtualbox stable?06:36
starz<<--- sometimes masochist06:36
MsCleoright, a year or two I signed up06:36
MsCleonever used it06:36
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MsCleoor, three heh06:36
N00bGurlOh and speaking of commands, the command prompt doesnt seem to work in UbuntuLive?06:36
poningrurpc: its pretty stable06:36
starzrpc, N00bGurl will tell us i bet XD06:36
kitcheMsCleo: workstation costs money only player and server is free06:36
rpcponingru sounds great06:36
poningrurpc: you can always try qemu06:37
MsCleosounds like all I need kitche06:37
MsCleoI just want an instance of *nix for dev06:37
starzkitche, server is free yes and works great in vmware... eventually i'06:37
Roberto55does it possible to convert tar.gz to .deb? i learned old method to .rpm...06:37
rpcponingru hmm so one more to test :)06:37
MsCleothis new langauge only is available on *nix06:37
Arigatois rar a proprietary format?06:37
dimeoqemu is way to slow06:37
starzll have to try the virtualbox just to play with it06:37
poningru!rar | Arigato06:37
ubotuArigato: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free06:37
MsCleoI could care less about the *nix part really, I just want the language06:37
poningruMsCleo: ...06:37
MsCleobut have to install a *nix OS first heh06:37
DHN_WPponingru: yay! it's booting06:37
MsCleoI don't think cygwin would work06:37
DHN_WPponingru: thanks06:37
kitchestarz: yeah virtualbox looks good and is growing06:37
poningruDHN_WP: yep06:37
MsCleoit needs ANT and some other things, including bash it sasys06:38
starzdimeo, thats why i hear that new kernel is so awesome..,.. it uses a different process than virtualbox or vmware or qmeu06:38
dimeovirtualbox blew me away... i can do 2million pi in 1minute 1 second native.... and I can do 2 million pi digits on windows under ubuntu in 1 minute 11 seconds06:38
cwilluMsCleo: could also experiment with a live cd06:38
MsCleoand it need SubVersion - which I did get the Collaboration client/server so far06:38
MsCleocwillu - oh yes, that's right06:38
poningrudimeo: holy shit06:38
MsCleowhat was that one package ? that was all on cd ?06:38
po0fMsCleo: I thought Cygwin came with bash.06:38
starzgdamn dimeo that is good06:38
DHN_WPthey shouldn't make it so easy to change the booting process06:38
chapiumhere's a trick06:38
ubotuponingru: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:38
starzi'm definately trying that06:38
MsCleopo0f oh ?   I wonder if I could push that.06:38
rpcbut do you guys really believe that i would be able to do a remote windows setup on virtualbox assuming that i can't access the linux host physically?06:38
dimeolast I tried quemu.. it took all night just to install windows 9806:38
poningrukitche: ...06:39
rpci just want to be sure before i even try06:39
chapiumhow do I list printer names on a samba host.  I have a user name and password06:39
DHN_WPone botched update and you get a kernel panic06:39
ubotumsttcorefonts: Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.2ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 22 kB, installed size 164 kB06:39
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about convert - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:39
starzkakashi, how you doing over there? you get that folder yet?06:39
starzRoberto55, convert what to what06:39
kazukahow do i know what crashes my ubuntu??06:39
Roberto55tar.gz to .de06:39
poningrukazuka: when does it crash?06:40
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starzrpc, sure anything is possible with X over ssh06:40
poningruRoberto55: where did you get this from?06:40
kazukaponingru: it crashes suddenly when i am browsing a website or typing in a terminal06:40
poningruRoberto55: what are you trying to install?06:40
Roberto55in my little brain :)06:40
Roberto55ok, thanks06:40
rpcstarz the last time i tried X over ssh i failed big time...06:40
kazukaponingru: it crashes all the time06:40
starzrpc, lol06:40
frogzooMsCleo: cygwin is pretty lame - you'd do best to go the vmware route or dual boot06:40
kakashistarz nao my browser runs really slow06:40
kazukaponingru: can you help06:40
rpcstarz any ideas how to make it less painful?06:41
starzkakashi, ok if i restart X i'll brb anyway06:41
poningrukazuka: when it crashes can you press ctrl+alt+f1?06:41
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starzrpc, lemme see if i can find the last guide i found... what are you accessing the nix box with? for from i mean... nix to nix or win to nix06:41
poningrukazuka: are you on a laptop? what desktop are you running? (gnome or kde)06:41
rpcstarz win > nix06:41
poningrurpc: ...06:41
dimeowhy would anyone want to run linux under windows... ewwww06:41
rpcstarz i had some docs and some software but it didn't really work for me06:42
kazukaponingru: when it crashes i can move my mouse but i cannot click on any windows. I have not tried to press ctrl+alt+f106:42
MsCleohmm silly question, is player all I need ?06:42
starzrpc, yeah lemme find something gimme a minute or two06:42
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poningrukazuka: ok thats kinda good news06:42
MsCleoer, is vmware player all I need if I want to host an ubuntu session from win2k ?06:42
rpcstarz thanks so much and please don't rush yourself06:42
poningrukazuka: next time you crash06:42
MsCleoI mean operate both ?06:42
dimeoinsecure... unstable... and EULA nonsense06:42
kazukaponingru: why06:42
kitcheMsCleo: no unless you already have a vmware disk image06:42
MsCleooh. I see06:42
starzlol i'll be here all night except when i restart XD06:42
MsCleothe server will get me the disk image06:42
TooR4uwhat is equivalent to macromedia falsh in linux?06:42
MsCleofor vmware then06:42
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MsCleoI do have the ubuntu image06:42
RalithTooR4u, macromedia flash for linux06:42
TooR4ui have tried qflash06:42
MsCleoplease don't tell me it's Mr. Sparkle !06:42
dimeorun windows under linux as a last resort... *if u must*06:43
poningrukazuka: press that, login to command line and give it the command dmesg06:43
TooR4ubut it seems useless06:43
N00bGurlWell thanx for all the help everyone!06:43
rpcdimeo i do06:43
TooR4uRalith, yah06:43
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MsCleoMS Flash -  not the dog, Mr Sparkle06:43
kazukaok i gonna go back to ubuntu06:43
kitchedimeo: I run windows but then again my windows isn't MS windows06:43
starzrpc, is the remote box a server only?06:43
rpcdimeo there is some software that won't run other way06:43
starzor is it a desktop somewhere?06:43
poningrukazuka: kk06:43
kazukaponingru: pls stay there06:43
poningrukazuka: :(06:43
rpcstarz hmm06:43
MsCleook, I'll get server AND player06:43
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poningrucan someone promise to help kazuka when he comes back?06:43
poningruI need to sleep06:43
poningruits 12:43 here06:43
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rpcstarz not really sure, what do you mean?06:44
starzrpc, because having X on a server sux tbh its not needed 99% of the time06:44
frogzooponingru: there's always someone here06:44
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MsCleoheya frogzoo06:44
starzwhat exactly are you trying to do that you need windows in a remote box?06:44
MsCleoout of politics I see ?06:44
DHN_WPTooR4u: can't you use Flash 9?06:44
poningrufrogzoo: yeah I know but the kid asked me to stay :(06:44
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rpcstarz oh that's right, i mean i don't use X on remote host at all...06:44
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rpcstarz and what i need to install is a WoW server06:44
starzthen it might be impossible to install the windows over there06:44
frogzooponingru: that's just his noobiness - go sleep06:44
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starzoh a nix wow server06:44
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starzi assume you dont work for them...06:45
dimeol8r sk8rz.... bedtime 4 me06:45
bwlangponingru: dude... get your priorities straight - it's nice and all but it couldn't be that urgent... if you're sleepy - sleep!06:45
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rpcstarz i mean i do have X there, i just don't use it06:45
TooR4uthe futures in the flash makers in linux are poorr06:45
TooR4uwhat is equivalent to macromedia flash?06:45
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starzmm pm for offtopic but ontopic for u plz rpc06:45
Baddoxis there an ubuntu desktop install cd for intel 64 bit cpus?06:45
rpche he06:45
steven07can anyone help me set up my wireless for my laptop??06:45
DHN_WPTooR4u: Macromedia Flash works fine in Linux06:45
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steven07please PM me if you can??06:45
FlipFlopNFlywhat kind of laptop?06:45
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starzsteven07, we do things in channel06:45
steven07compaq v200006:46
TooR4uthe futures in the flash makers in linux are poorr06:46
TooR4uwhat is equivalent to macromedia flash?06:46
kazukaits me06:46
kazukaponingru: hey its me im back06:46
kazukain ubuntu just waiting for it to crash06:46
poningrukazuka: :( I really have to go to sleep06:46
DHN_WPTooR4u: how are they poor?06:46
FlipFlopNFlyinternal wireless card?06:46
starzand if its not autonoticed and found and working just install ndiswrapper and get the driver from the website for them and extract that driver to a folder in your home directory06:46
steven07alright..can anyone help me in chanel then?06:46
poningrukazuka: one of the guys will help you06:46
rpcstarz basically do i need to have X running on that host when accessing X remotely from windows?06:46
kazukaponingru: pls wait06:46
steven07Yes, internal wireless06:46
kazukaponingru: like who06:46
poningrukazuka: its kinda 12:43 am here :(06:46
Baddoxis there an ubuntu desktop install cd for intel 64 bit cpus?06:46
starzrpc, i think that the windows emulators need X to run as they run via gui06:46
kazukaponingru: good night06:46
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starzbut i think there is a way to run wow server on nix06:47
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rpcstarz or do i somehow tunnel to the XFree86 stuff or something like that06:47
poningrukazuka: pppoe_dude here will :)06:47
starzcheck pmz06:47
kazukaponingru: what do i do if i crtl+alt+f106:47
=== poningru hugs pppoe_dude
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rpcstarz there is... but that server is very unstable and can't have more than 100-150 people on06:47
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po0fponingru: Oh come on, the same time here.06:47
poningrupo0f: :p06:47
rpcstarz and it dies every 15 mins ;)06:47
starzmeh fine i'll ask here06:47
steven07someone plz help me with my wireless???06:47
starzlets see here06:47
poningruclass at 9:35 then work06:47
starzwho is your host?06:47
starzhow much do you pay per month06:48
starzand what cpu stats06:48
rpcponingru thanks very much for your help06:48
kazukaponingru: what do i next after i crtl+alt+f106:48
rpcstarz that box isn't even online now :)06:48
po0fponingru: I'm off tomorrow, and don't go to school.  :D06:48
qbubbleGuys, i'm having a really weird problem and would appreciate any help! I have just installed edgy eft on my X2 3800. I had 2 processors listed in the "System Monitor"  but after a necessary reboot, i only have ONE processor listed :(.  The "uname -a" command lists this : Linux Sting 2.6.17-10-386 #2 Tue Dec 5 22:26:18 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux , which leads me to believe that i'm not experiencing kernel issues , since all 686 kernel's are smp. Help!06:48
rpcstarz it will be an X2 with 2GB ram on 100mbit06:48
starzrpc, then find a host that offers windows so you can just do it right06:48
FlipFlopNFlyi am trying to chat with you Steven06:48
rpcno, because i mostly need linux for other stuff :)06:48
starzand dont do dedianything06:48
steven07sorry flip i didnt see your msgs06:48
starzdedi boxes sux bad06:48
kitcheqbubble: umm that says i386 not i68606:48
bob_flHelp installing LIVE CD?? - install hangs on step 206:48
steven07I'm listening=)06:49
starz[company dedi not dedicated server dedi06:49
rpche he06:49
bwlangqbubble: you've made a false assertion.06:49
po0fsteven07: What kind of card is it?06:49
rpci read you06:49
starzgeographically where are you at rpc and where are your players?06:49
kitcheqbubble: but anyways that line doesn't say SMP in it any ways06:49
steven07what do you mean? How can i find that out?06:49
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:49
kazukapppoe_dude: do you know how to determine what crashes my ubuntu install?06:49
rpcthanks for the hint starz06:49
rpcstarz EU06:49
pppoe_dudekazuka, its when installing?06:49
pppoe_dudekazuka, which stage of installation?06:49
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qbubblekitche: mmz, by bad , i saw i686, and thought it had to be smp :D06:50
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kazukapppoe_dude: no. when it is running06:50
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pppoe_dudekazuka, oh ok06:50
starza lot of eu hosts offer windows installs for a few extra eu a month06:50
po0fqbubble: Use the *-generic kernel.06:50
starzyou familiar with webhostingtalk?06:50
pppoe_dudekazuka, did you do a memtest?06:50
kazukapppoe_dude: it crashes when i am browsing a website or using the console or doing some text editing06:50
starzhttp://www.vanemery.com/Linux/XoverSSH/X-over-SSH2.html <<--- might help with some of the X over putty stuff06:50
steven07anyone help??06:50
rpcstarz... i don't want to use windows as my primary OS06:50
kazukapppoe_dude: i used to do a memtest then i canceled it06:50
pppoe_dudekazuka, does it freeze or can you still use the mouse and keyboard?06:50
starzrpc, ah i c06:51
po0fsteven07: lspci | grep Network06:51
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rpcstarz that box will be used for several tasks and most are impossible with win06:51
qbubblekitche: so ur sure its kernel issue :D?06:51
FlipFlopNFlyyah ... ?06:51
steven07where do i type that??06:51
starza lot of hosts now are offering gui installs of various distros like ubuntu and debian06:51
kazukapppoe_dude: it freezes i can move mouse but cant click on any windows06:51
FlipFlopNFlytried to talk in chat06:51
kitcheqbubble: uname -a should have SMP in it someplace06:51
starzlet me double check somthing06:51
kazukapppoe_dude: or sometimes i cant move the mouse at all06:51
steven07where do i type taht code?06:51
pppoe_dudekazuka, did that just start randomly?06:51
steven07in the konsole?06:51
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kazukapppoe_dude: i dunno what crashes my ubuntu install06:51
rpcstarz i will certainly choose debian and i will install X too06:51
po0fsteven07: Applications->Accessories->Terminal06:52
qbubblekitche: ok tnx for the feedback, will install correct kernel. Do i need to recompile wine (have compiled it on THIS kernel)?06:52
kazukapppoe_dude: yes it does random crashes06:52
po0fsteven07: Or in Konsole, if you're using Kubuntu.06:52
starzyeah.. to get X + debian its really easy06:52
Gitcheqbubble: wine has nothing ot do with the kernel06:52
starzserver install then:06:52
rpcstarz and i'm hoping to be able to run virtualbox there and yet install windowse ;)06:52
pppoe_dudekazuka, did it always crash or is it something new/recent?06:52
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qbubbleGitche: have compiled it from source06:52
starzsudo apt-get install icewm x-window-system-core mousepad xterm synaptic06:52
starzthat should get you fully working X+wm06:52
Gitcheqbubble: so it doesn't deal witht he kernel06:52
rpcstarz oh that's sweet06:53
kazukapppoe_dude: i used to be able to run ubuntu on my laptop without crashes but it crashes here on my DESKTOP06:53
starzlol ive done it more than once06:53
kazukahere on my desktop it crashes06:53
starzon my local compy's when im renovating old hw06:53
kazukanot on my laptop06:53
qbubbleGitche: learned another thing :D06:53
rpcstarz but still i won't be able to hook up to it06:53
pppoe_dudekazuka, did it always crash or did it start crashing recently?06:53
starzssh is already in so sure you can.06:53
qbubblekitche / Gitche: tnx, will implement ur advise now!06:53
Gitcheqbubble: anyways I m going to bed now anyways06:53
rpcstarz hm06:53
RamiKassabhey guys does anyone know what port the SVN server runs on by default?06:53
starzit autoopens an X session when you link correctly if i recall correctly06:53
starzhow soon till you get the server ?06:53
kazukapppoe_dude: yes it always has been crash i ng06:53
rpcstarz i will explain - i have never used X remotely in my life ;) i'm a console guy06:53
po0fRamiKassab: grep svn /etc/services06:54
starzi'm moving into new spot in a few days and we can play with my compy there06:54
kazukapppoe_dude: i did reinstalled ubuntu several times already06:54
starzwell i move tomorrow but inet gets hooked up then anyway06:54
rpcstarz sounds sweet06:54
steven07nothing happens when i type it in konsole06:54
RamiKassabpo0f: interesting, thank you06:54
pppoe_dudekazuka, if it always crashed, then it is most likely a hardware incompatibility06:54
starzi'll just resize a partition and make playing room... i think i got room for it06:54
FlipFlopNFlySteve ... can you DCC chat?06:54
pppoe_dudekazuka, if it is something new, then it is probably corrupt RAM/overheating CPU06:54
rpcso nice06:54
steven07what is DCC?06:54
kazukapppoe_dude: do i need to recompile my kernel06:54
FlipFlopNFlyI am trying to private chat06:55
pppoe_dudekazuka, what video card are you using?06:55
po0fsteven07: Just do `lspci` and look for something that looks like a wireless card then.06:55
kazukapppoe_dude: what if i can do crtl+alt+f1?06:55
starzrpc, so do you know your new host yet?06:55
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starzhow much bw etc do you guys go through?06:55
bob_flhow do i troubleshoot memtest freezing?06:55
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kazukapppoe_dude: i got geforce2 gts from nvidia ASUS06:55
starzmebbie a lot if your hosting your own patch lol06:55
rpcstarz not yet, waiting for the box setup and ip class assaignment06:55
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steven07poof i found something that looks like a wireless06:56
starzrpc, i mean you know the host company already? /notice starz companyname06:56
po0fsteven07: What does it say?06:56
rpcstarz oh that you mean06:56
pppoe_dudekazuka, i suggest you try to switch to a vesa driver see if it stops crashing just to rule out any funny stuff from the video card06:56
steven07the whole thing says:06:56
kakashistarz hey I downloaded the driver and am about to install it however there in no ini file just a inf file06:56
pppoe_dudekazuka, i also suggest you do a FULL memory scan06:56
pppoe_dudekazuka, with memtest06:56
kazukapppoe_dude: ok ill do that06:57
starzkakashi, inf is great06:57
rpcstarz one sec06:57
kazukapppoe_dude: ill wait till it crashes then ill do crtl+alt+f106:57
starzrename the directory to something with no spaces so its easier in the long run06:57
bwlangkazuka: be prepared for a couple of days ( i saw some bad ram after 15 hours once)06:57
kakashistarz sweet06:57
kazukapppoe_dude: do you know how to get vesa to run in 1280x102406:57
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rhainurhow do I mount an iso as a virtual drive?06:57
steven0705:02.0  Network controller: broadcom corporation BCM4318 [airforce one 54g]  802.11g wireless lan controller )rev 02)06:58
kazukahow long is MEMTEST?06:58
starzkakashi, this computer isnt mine its my buddies and he gets edgy b/c dapper had bad support for prism chipset and i got tired of rebooting into windows a billion times an hour06:58
po0frhainur: mount -o loop /path/to/iso /path/to/mount_point06:58
kazukai only have 512MB how long is memtest?06:58
starzgo go po0f06:58
pppoe_dudekazuka, if xorg is configured properly it should be able to do it like normal06:58
kazukabwlang:  thanks06:58
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po0frhainur: Prepend `sudo` to that.06:58
starzhey po0f your not poofyhairguy are u?06:58
pppoe_dudekazuka, try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg if you feel more comfotable with it06:58
po0fstarz: I don't think so.  ;P06:58
steven07Po0f did you get that??06:59
po0fstarz: I use the same name on the forums.06:59
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starzooo the other po0f06:59
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kazukaill do that06:59
starzive used quite a bit of hairguy'z stuf06:59
starzbut i think ive run into something or three by u also06:59
kakashiwell when I typed the command  ndiswrapper -i /home/kakashi/drivers/NETw39x5.inf06:59
kakashi into the terminal it said:Error: no versions of ndiswrapper found!06:59
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po0fsteven07: I used bcm43xx-fwcutter and the driver from Linksys's website to get that card working.07:00
kazukai have to try what poningru said about crtl+alt+f1 i dunno what is going to be next though07:00
po0fsteven07: Just two days ago, actually.07:00
steven07po0f...so what do i do??07:00
kakashistarz man that stinks that you have to keep rebooting07:00
po0fsteven07: sudo aptitude install bcm43xx-fwcutter07:01
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starzkakashi, yeah so instead i ended up installing a ubuntu version that taxes this poor thing but meh its just temporary b/c i'll toss a light version with probably enlightenment when we mvoe b/c it will be wired inet then lol07:01
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po0fsteven07: Are you using Kubuntu?07:01
steven07po0f i type this in the konsole?07:01
starzhm rpc interesting... let me traceroute them07:01
steven07yes im using kubuntu07:01
po0fsteven07: Yes.07:01
kakashistarz thats cool man i just got ubuntu ( my first linux os ) XD07:01
starzawesome kakashi ! its great for that!07:02
illriginalDoes anyone know the command to make all users root? In other words, let them all have access to my files read/write?07:02
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kakashistarz oh hey well when I typed the command  ndiswrapper -i /home/kakashi/drivers/NETw39x5.inf07:02
starzif you wanna play around a bit check otu the enlightenment stuff.. it adds some really fun and kewl looking stuff to it...07:02
po0fstarz: Not uhh, Gentoo is.  ;)07:02
pppoe_dudeillriginal, ?? do you want to make all folders read/write for everyone or make everyone root?07:02
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starzpo0f, lol07:02
po0fstarz: Hey, it was my first distro.  :)07:03
starzpo0f, my next system i go to that.. i dont wanna deal with compile times on this thing07:03
starzmine was debian XD07:03
rhainurit says "mount: Not a directory"07:03
rhainurand I'm sure the directory exists07:03
illriginalyes pppoe_dude07:03
po0frhainur: sudo mkdir /media/iso && sudo mount -o loop /path/to/iso /media/iso07:03
pppoe_dudeillriginal, making all users root is not a good idea, neither is making all folders read/write07:03
illriginali want to make everyone able to read/write07:03
starzkakashi, ok good you did that bit and it did it? do :: ndiswrapper -l07:03
starzo and po0f <3 &&07:04
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illriginali would just like to have more control over my pc...07:04
pppoe_dudeillriginal, however, a better idea would be to set /home to '775' -R hence making all folders within home r/w07:04
rhainurit says the folder already exists07:04
starzillriginal, your in the right place07:04
rhainurcannot create07:04
jdrakeAny ideas on how to get the open dialog in gnome to not display hidden (.*) files?07:04
rhainurso the folder is there07:04
kakashistarz do I need the 2 colin marks07:04
starzkakashi, no only from ndiswrapper07:04
jdrakeoops, nvm07:04
Roberto55how can i make it host for ssh07:04
po0frhainur: What's the path to the iso?07:04
starzRoberto55, sudo apt-get install ssh07:04
rhainurit's in the same folder I'm running the command from07:04
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Roberto55i do it07:05
rhainurI tried ./07:05
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pppoe_dudeillriginal, or 75507:05
rhainurand it made no difference07:05
kakashistarz lol its telling me no ver found of ndis07:05
starzRoberto55, for security they dont include the ssh server by default07:05
illriginal775 yes07:05
steven07po0f...it says packages couldnt be found07:05
pppoe_dudeillriginal, or probably easier to just issue chmod a+r+w -R /home07:05
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po0fsteven07: Do you have universe/multiverse activated?07:05
starzkakashi, ndiswrapper -l07:05
starzdo that exactly07:05
illriginalpppoe_dude will i also be able to use the hard drive that im goin to mount? or will i have to add a command to that too?07:05
steven07.no what is that?07:05
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ott0what language are the scripts run by init written in?07:06
starzRoberto55, if they did include it you would be more open to dictionary attacks: ie cracking07:06
ott0during startup07:06
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kakashistarz Error: no versions of ndiswrapper found!07:06
rhainursudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 /home/ellipsis/war3.iso /mnt/war307:06
po0fott0: sh/bash07:06
rhainurthat is what I'm doing07:06
kazukawell that sure crashed my ubuntu07:06
rhainurI've got warcraft on my windows partition07:06
Marcos-PRI am in live compact disc, and want to place an archive in pendrive but it says that nao I have permio as I make to place the archive07:06
rhainurtrying to see if it'll run under WINE07:06
pppoe_dudeillriginal, should be fine with just chmod07:06
kakashistarz what they world? why would it say that I installed the program07:06
ott0oh... I thought that was before the shell is started07:07
rhainurand it asks for the Cd07:07
steven07po0f how do i enable that?07:07
rhainurthat might be a more complicated problem than I think07:07
starzkakashi, sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper*07:07
po0frhainur: So it mounts correctly?07:07
rhainurno it doesn't07:07
illriginalok :)07:07
rhainurkeeps on saying "mount: Not a directory"07:07
Marcos-PRnao consigo colocar aquivo em /media/usbdisk 07:07
Marcos-PRI am using LiveCD07:07
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource07:07
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rhainurand I don't have my original warcraft CD with me :(07:07
=== starz pets universe and multiverse repos
kakashistarz error couldn't find package07:08
rhainurmaybe the iso file is corrupted?07:08
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po0frhainur: file /mnt/war307:08
kakashistarz do i have to point it to the package?07:08
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ott0this description of linux startup http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/KanjiFlash/BPTour.htm has step 8. Init Program (Process 1) Startup where it runs some scripts and then step 9. The Bash Shell is Started07:08
rhainurit says07:08
kazukapppoe_dude: it crashed now im reconfiguring back to vesa07:08
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starzkakashi, um put sources list in pastebin07:08
rhainur: /mnt/war3: directory07:09
starzor wait i'll give you mine... your in usa?07:09
Roberto55is the best way for ssh to install bsd os?07:09
kakashistarz Reading package lists... Done07:09
Marcos-PRI not I obtain to copy archives that I lowered for liveCD UBUNTU in pendrive07:09
kakashiBuilding dependency tree07:09
kakashiReading state information... Done07:09
kakashiE: Couldn't find package ndiswrapper07:09
ott0but if the scripts are written in shell script that wouldn't that be inaccurate?07:09
po0frhainur: Possibly, I used `dd` to create mine.07:09
po0frhainur: (I think)07:09
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:09
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po0f!universe | steven0707:09
rhainurwhat I have07:09
ubotusteven07: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource07:09
illriginalpppoe_dude, i get this error: tamacracker@tamacracker:~$ sudo chmod a+r+w -R /home07:09
illriginalsudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0666, should be 044007:09
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steven07so i just type !universe?07:10
steven07in the konsole?07:10
rhainuris actually this "cracked" ISO. it's basically only about 1 mb in size, and contains just the files that warcraft checks for.07:10
rhainurso this means that I don't have to insert the warcraft CD every time I wanna play07:10
po0fsteven07: Read the links in ubotu's reponse.07:10
pppoe_dudeillriginal, did you change anything wrt permission on /etc/sudoers?07:10
steven07it says !universe: event not found07:10
rhainursince I have a valid key, it allows me to play online and everything07:10
illriginal<,< i only typed what you told me to type.07:10
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starzkakashi, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/355407:11
po0frhainur: I never had luck getting Wine and War3 working.07:11
starzMarcos-PR, looking07:11
pppoe_dudeillriginal, the sudo command might be acting up07:11
pppoe_dudeillriginal, try sudo -s07:11
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illriginalsudo -s07:12
illriginalsudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0666, should be 044007:12
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steven07po0f: sorry i can see you're busy..07:12
starzMarcos-PR, ah i see the problem: hda1 is not the usb drive// thats the hard drive or so or cdrom depending on how you got it setup07:12
po0fsteven07: Pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list please.07:12
pppoe_dudeillriginal, you must have done something to the sudoers file07:12
illriginalpppoe_dude i see what happened!!07:12
starzdo df -h and put that in pastebin Marcos-PR07:12
kakashistarz http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3555/07:12
illriginalpppoe_dude, i get this error: tamacracker@tamacracker:~$ sudo chmod a+r+w -R /  <- i didn't type home07:12
starzMarcos-PR, your looking for /dev/sda1 probably07:13
starzbut we shall see07:13
starzkakashi, yeah i see that are you in usa?07:13
starzMarcos-PR, looking07:13
kakashistarz yes07:14
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starzMarcos-PR, cp K8N_Win2KXP_503.zip /media/usbdisk07:14
starzthat will do it for u07:14
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starzkakashi, ok just do: gksudo /etc/apt/sources.list07:15
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po0fgksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list07:15
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starzwhen that opens ctrl+a and delete em all.. unless you have something special07:15
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starzpo0f, er gksu? no gksudo?07:15
ott0when init reads shellscript, does it invoke a bash process to do so?07:15
Marcos-PRstarz, ;) tks , 07:15
Marcos-PRI compel for the aid consigui to decide my problem07:15
starzi dont even do all that personally... i get the same errors no matter what.07:15
starzMarcos-PR, sorry what? did it work now?07:16
po0fstarz: You forgot the command.07:16
illriginalpppoe_dude im gonna restart, brb07:16
Marcos-PRstarz,  07:16
Marcos-PRThanks a lot it gave certain07:16
starzlets try it your way po0f from term and see what happens lol07:16
pppoe_dudeillriginal, k07:16
steven07po0f what am i supposed to do?? could you make it fool proof as im VERY much a noob=P07:17
starzMarcos-PR, no problem!07:17
kakashistarz looks like its empty07:17
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marshallhow do you install winamp 2 .wsz themes in xmms?07:17
starz(gedit:30286): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager: /// Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.07:17
starzsame thing po0f lol07:17
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starzkakashi, mine isnt empty: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3554/07:17
mikejanssenanyway to get grub to load windows automatically after the 10 seconds instead of ubuntu?07:18
x__I have a simple question.  I want to use KDevelop to create a simple, EMPTY, terminal application.07:18
marshallhow do you install winamp 2 .wsz themes in xmms?07:18
x__how do I do it?07:18
starzmarshall, i think instead you use xmms themes that are like winamp? good one.. never tried it... but their website should show you #xmms here on freenode or xmms.org for webby07:18
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starzmikejanssen, just change where windows is in /boot/grub/menu.1st07:18
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marshallthanks for your help starz07:19
starzput it above the linux kernels and your good :>            gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.1st07:19
kazukaim back07:19
illriginalpppoe_dude >< i an error at log on07:19
starzmarshall, no problem... let me know if you get it to work lol07:19
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kazukapppoe_dude: i can move mouse when ubuntu crashes07:19
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po0fsteven07: grep universe /etc/apt/sources.list | grep -v "^#"07:19
pppoe_dudeillriginal, what kind of error?07:19
illriginaldammit is there anyway I can revert the last command?07:19
po0fsteven07: Is anything output?07:20
illriginalsomething about $HOME07:20
po0fsteven07: Run that from Konsole...07:20
illriginaland ownership07:20
pppoe_dudeillriginal, i think your sudoers file is messed07:20
pppoe_dudeillriginal, ya you can revert07:20
steven07alright ill type that code in the konsole07:20
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illriginalhow may i?07:20
kakashistarz lol yarr am I supposed to read all thos links?07:20
pppoe_dudeillriginal, is it a gnome-error or command line?07:20
illriginalwhat the error?07:20
starzno thats my sources.list07:20
illriginalit wasn't so much of an error, it was a "warning07:20
starzput that in your /etc/apt/sources.list07:20
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pppoe_dudeillriginal, k you gotta issue a chmod 700 ~07:21
illriginalafter i typed my login name and password, it told me somethin about ownership07:21
pppoe_dudeillriginal, gnome doesn't like it when you mess with home folder permissions07:21
starzim gonna have to go afk in a bit b/c my roomate is gonna @#$@#$ his gf... men07:21
starzmeh lol07:21
pppoe_dudeillriginal, i still don't understand your motive07:21
starzlets get you going asap kakashi07:21
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illriginalok i typed: chmod 700 ~07:21
kakashistarz XD then save right?07:21
pppoe_dudekazuka, still crashes with vesa?07:21
starzkakashi, yeah07:22
starzsudo apt-get update07:22
kazukapppoe_dude: i have not tried vesa yet07:22
pppoe_dudeillriginal, should not get that error now07:22
starzwhat my list does is use original list from ubuntu and enable all repos07:22
illriginali do pppoe_dude07:22
kazukaill try vesa tomorrow07:22
starzi dont use backports 99.999 percent of the time07:22
starzso i didnt enable those ftw07:22
steven07po0f: it says grep: /etc/apt/sources.list no such file or directory07:22
pppoe_dudeillriginal, same error?07:22
illriginalsudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0666, should be 044007:22
pppoe_dudeillriginal, oh that error is different07:22
pppoe_dudeillriginal, i meant the gnome warning07:22
kakashistarz no dice it says file not found07:22
po0fsteven07: What?07:22
starzillriginal, wth07:22
illriginalshould i restart X? and relog back in?07:22
steven07po0f: it says grep: /etc/apt/sources.list no such file or directory07:22
kakashiwhen I tried to save07:22
starzsomething is not right07:22
starzdid you update?07:23
pppoe_dudeillriginal, no need07:23
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pppoe_dudeillriginal, you need to fix your sudoers file07:23
starzok follow me in this kakashi lets do it another way07:23
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starzclose that up07:23
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starzopen gedit normally as a user07:23
po0fsteven07: That's weird.07:23
illriginalstarz i did something stupid, forgot to add home at the end of the chmod07:23
illriginalpppoe_dude heh... i don't really know how to do such a thing.07:23
starzpaste those sources into it and save as sources.list07:23
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pppoe_dudeillriginal, do chmod 666 /etc/sudoers07:24
steven07could i have mistyped a letter or put extra spaces or forgotten some character07:24
starzit should save to home folder by default07:24
pppoe_dudeillriginal, what do you get?07:24
starzsteven07, eh?07:24
SoulinEtherhey I have a question about apt-get, can anybody help me?07:24
po0fSoulinEther: aptitude is better.  :)07:24
illriginalchmod: changing permissions of `/etc/sudoers': Operation not permitted07:24
starzpppoe_dude, is the content of the file bad or the permissions of it07:24
pppoe_dudejust permissions07:24
SoulinEtherpo0F er, actually yes I used aptitude lol07:24
starz-r--r----- 1 root root 403 2007-01-29 17:22 /etc/sudoers07:24
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pppoe_dudeillriginal, try (will close everything) init 1, then chmod 666 /etc/sudoers then init 207:25
Ralithillriginal, run this command07:25
kakashistarz ok I did that07:25
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SoulinEtherProblem: a configure screen came up for postfix while I was installing xubuntu-desktop ... and I didn't want to set it up07:25
Ralithillriginal, su -c "chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers"07:25
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starzkakashi, open terminal which puts you in home by default and do: ls sour*07:25
starzshould show that sources.list file right?07:25
SoulinEtheri tabbed to cancel, and .... will it finish installing ever or is it like halted or something?07:25
steven07could i have mistyped a letter or put extra spaces or forgotten some character07:25
pppoe_dudeoh sorry07:25
kakashie no file or directory07:25
ctiucan somebody tell me how can i connect the ubunto to the windows?07:25
pppoe_dudeillriginal, should be 0440 instead of 66607:26
starzsteven07, what were you trying to do at the time ?07:26
illriginalsu -c "chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers"07:26
illriginalsu: Authentication failure07:26
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pppoe_dudeillriginal, init 1, then chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers, then init 207:26
starzctiu, what do yuo need to do> how do you need to connect it or to what? to a folder ?07:26
kakashistarz wait got it07:26
pppoe_dudeillriginal, that will close gnome too07:26
starzillriginal, pppoe_dude consider this:07:26
kakashistarz and I see sources.list07:26
pppoe_dudeillriginal, it will put you in a single user mode07:26
pppoe_dudeillriginal, as root07:26
starzlogin as root and give pw07:27
ctiustarz, i want to get some files from window OS to the Ubunto07:27
illriginalwait wait07:27
starzbut that only works if root pw was set at some point07:27
illriginali dont want to get confused07:27
pppoe_dudeillriginal, do you have root enabled?07:27
kakashime cntrl ?07:27
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pppoe_dudeillriginal, oh... lol07:27
pppoe_dudeillriginal, then, try su -07:27
starzkakashi, no07:27
starzfor you did you see that file?07:27
pppoe_dudeillriginal, put your root pass07:27
starzsudo mv ~/source.list /etc/apt07:27
illriginalsu -07:28
illriginalsu: Authentication failure07:28
illriginalwhy the hell wont it accept my password?!07:28
pppoe_dudeillriginal, did it accept it before?07:28
starzillriginal, did you set a root password seperate to your user password ?07:28
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illriginalwhen i typed sudo07:28
po0fsteven07: I'll have to play the ignorance card; I don't use Kubuntu and really can't tell if it's a Kubuntu or apt issue you are having.07:28
illriginalbefore hand07:28
pppoe_dudeillriginal, just listen: do init 1, chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers, init 207:28
illriginalit would ask for password07:28
illriginaland i would enter it07:28
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illriginaland that's that07:28
illriginalinit 107:28
po0fsteven07: Try `ls /etc/apt`.07:28
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illriginalthen chmod 044007:28
illriginalthen init 207:28
pppoe_dudechmod 0440 /etc/sudoers07:29
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y0hmcan any1 confirm/deny whether it is safe to install chatzilla from this URL: http://www.hacksrus.com/~ginda/chatzilla/07:29
illriginalneed to write it down07:29
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kakashistarz e ect/apt is not a dir07:29
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spasticteapotCan anyone reccomend a good wireless configuration program for someone who has to connect to open APs a lot?07:29
pppoe_dudeillriginal, or chmod 440 /etc/sudoers07:29
koberHey, I just installed beryl and when I started X back up the window manager dialog is staying open (the metacity/gnome dialog that shows the icons of what is starting up)07:29
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koberanyone know what could cause that?07:29
starzkakashi, my bad07:29
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starzsudo mv ~/source.list /etc/apt07:29
steven07it says no such file or directory07:29
starznot etc/apt07:30
y0hmkober check the beryl or ubuntu_glx forums07:30
SoulinEtherhow would I restart tty1 ?07:30
y0hmtirc channels i mean07:30
po0fspasticteapot: I use network-manager-gnome to connect to my, and previously, my neighbors' AP.  :)07:30
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illriginalok brb07:30
spasticteapotI'm using XFCE.07:30
y0hmSoulin try #reset07:30
pppoe_dudeillriginal, wait07:30
spasticteapotWaay faster.07:30
steven07ohhhh i was putting ect apt07:30
starzoh yeah07:30
steven07i put etc apt07:30
starzfor getting files from windows to linux07:30
starzuse winscp from windows07:30
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steven07and now it says apt.conf.d sources.list trustdb.gpg trusted.pgp07:31
SoulinEtheranybody know how to restart one of your 6 terminal thingies on Server? :S07:31
starzyou can move anything.. just put in the address of the ubuntu box for destination and your user etc works pretty darn good07:31
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qbubbleI'm currently only using one of my 2 cores, i tried to install a smp kernel ( sudo apt-get install linux-686-smp ), but it doesn't work :(. Any suggestions?07:31
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starzkakashi, that worked right?07:31
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po0fsteven07: Now run that command I have you before, cut and paste it, don't try to type it out.07:31
starzno errors this time correct?07:31
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kazukalol vesa sucks07:31
starzmikejanssen, replyed kinda07:31
y0hmsoulin #reset didn't work ?07:31
pppoe_dudeillriginal, 1 minute07:31
starzkakashi, awesome now do sudo apt-get update07:31
steven07i cant really cut/paste i have linux on my other laptop:S07:32
SoulinEtherNevermind, I found it07:32
starzthen you can install ndiswrapper finally!07:32
kazukapppoe_dude: im in vesa mode right now07:32
mikejansseni think i got it07:32
y0hmwhat is it Soulin ?07:32
mikejanssensearched ubuntu help07:32
kakashistarz kk connecting07:32
kazukapppoe_dude: ubuntu crashes now everytime i am browsing the web07:32
starzheh sorry about that mike got caught up :/07:32
mikejanssenlemme test it out07:32
STARTGAME412I think the command to set up pppoe is sudo pppoe conf07:32
kakashistarz done07:32
po0fqbubble: sudo aptitude install linux-image-2.6.17-10-generic07:32
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steven07po0f...nothing happened it just went to another line07:33
illriginalno one EVER use sudo chmod a+r+w -R /07:33
Da1Anyone here familiar with gDesklets?  I had it working for a short time, but now it just hangs when I run the gDesklet shell07:33
pppoe_dudeillriginal, ok07:33
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starzLOL illriginal07:33
pppoe_dudeillriginal, chmod 440 /etc/sudoers should do it07:33
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qbubblepo0f: tnx :D07:33
starzalso dont do rm -rf /07:33
pppoe_dudeillriginal, should let you access sudo07:33
po0fsteven07: Ok, `kdesu kedit /etc/apt/sources.list`.07:33
kakashistarz ok it worked07:33
starzkakashi, awesome07:33
pppoe_dudestarz, plz don't post that here07:33
starzinstall ndiswrapper*07:33
zcat[1] don't do "yes > /dev/hda" either ...07:33
po0fstarz: I did that one time, it was fun.  :)07:33
illriginalinit 1 , chmod 440 /etc/sudoers , init 207:34
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starzer pppoe_dude sorry.. i e DO NOT EVER EVER DO THAT07:34
pppoe_dudeillriginal, exactly, that will get you back to gnome after init07:34
pppoe_dude*init 2, illriginal07:34
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starzpo0f, i do that after formatting my servers 3 times before i give them back on end of contract07:34
kakashistarz get-apt install ndiswrapper?07:34
illriginalok brb07:34
steven07po0f alright...it gave me this HUGE list of things and then it said something about the command not working07:34
po0fzcat[1] : `cat /dev/input/mice > /dev/hda`, interactively destroy your data!07:34
starzkakashi, sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper*07:34
starzwith the *07:34
y0hmcould someone pls stop me as I am a raving madman :)07:34
SoulinEtherpo0f : lol!07:34
pppoe_dudestarz, some people will get curious and try it07:34
starzdarn po0f thats a good one too07:34
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kakashistarz ~dies E couldn't find package07:35
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starzthen let me explain to ppl: that means DELETE EVERYTHING THIS IS NOT A JOKE DO NOT DO THAT FOR A3W42093U40293U4 SAKE07:35
illriginalok so... im not even root lol07:35
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illriginali typed init 107:35
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SoulinEtherGuys i don't want to find out but does that formatting function .... give you a question07:35
pppoe_dudeillriginal, oh lol07:35
starzer kakashi07:35
illriginaland it says i need to be root :\07:35
starzi dont know what your doing07:35
starzbut your doing something very very wrong07:35
pppoe_dudeillriginal, you're stuck in a twilight zone07:35
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starzopen synaptic and push the refresh button07:35
illriginalim in the paradox07:35
starzit will refresh from repos07:35
pppoe_dudeillriginal, there is a way07:35
pppoe_dudeillriginal, but im thinking of the easiest07:36
Ralithboot into single user mode :P07:36
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kakashistarz I pormise i did not break the store front window07:36
starzthen go to ndisgtk and install that07:36
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illriginaljust to let you know... i fear the dark black screen with white letters >.>07:36
starzthat will be easiest bet to get the thing installed07:36
pppoe_dudeillriginal, ya you can pass some kernel params to boot as single user07:36
steven07po0f alright...it gave me this HUGE list of things and then it said something about the command not working07:36
Ralithreboot, hit esc to bring up the grub menu when prompted, select the recovery mode07:36
pppoe_dudeillriginal, or if you feel more comfortable07:36
jcol07lol .... the patience is commendable07:36
Ralithyou don't even need to pass params, ubuntu has it autoconfig'd07:36
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pppoe_dudeillriginal, boot with LiveCD, do sudo mount /dev/hda /mnt07:36
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pppoe_dudeillriginal, then do sudo chmod 440 /mnt/etc/sudoers07:37
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Ralithpppoe_dude, jesus, just let him do it the easy way :P07:37
starzthen: sudo ndiswrapper -da07:37
starzthen: sudo ndiswrapper -di07:37
illriginalwhat's the next best thing?07:37
Ralithreboot, hit esc to bring up the grub menu when prompted, select the recovery mode07:37
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Raliththen run chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers07:37
Raliththen run reboot07:37
illriginalwithout sudo, yes?07:37
kazukaoh well i cant run it im gonna install fedora07:38
po0fsteven07: Ok, open up a Konsole and type `sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list`.07:38
Wobin'ullo folks07:38
kazukapppoe_dude: thanks man07:38
illriginalok so type chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers07:38
pppoe_dudeillriginal, at boot screen, edit the kernel like and add "single"07:38
illriginalthen type reboot07:38
po0f`sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak` even.07:38
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Ralithillriginal, yeah07:38
pppoe_dudekazuka, np but i dont think i helped much sorry07:38
starzillriginal, when you boot from live cd in recovery mode you are root when you chmod in07:38
Ralithpppoe_dude, are you even listening? Ubuntu already has a single user mode entry07:38
Ralithstarz, he doesn't need a livecd...07:38
starzer that other word chroot in07:38
Ralithgrub works fine07:38
pppoe_dudeoh nm07:38
Ralithand his kernel's happy too07:38
starzO YEAH07:39
illriginalok gonna use grub07:39
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illriginallol brb :)07:39
Ralithsomehow he messed up his permissions, that's all07:39
illriginalyeah by typing this: sudo chmod a+r+w -R /07:39
starzRalith vs godzilla: Ralith 1 // godzilla 007:39
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illriginal^ the devil07:39
Ralithillriginal, jesus christ07:39
Ralithyou need to fix a lot more than sudoers07:39
steven07po0f it didnt do anything...it just went to the next line again07:39
Ralithdunno how, there must be a script to restore permissions somewhere07:39
Ralithsudoers is a good start though07:39
po0fsteven07: That's good, it backed it up.  Now, `nano -w /etc/apt/sources.list`.07:40
illriginalso what you just told me wont work then?07:40
Ralithno, it'll work07:40
starzillriginal, did you make seperate folder for your /home directory?07:40
Ralithbut your system has serious security issues now :P07:40
pppoe_dudeillriginal, single user mode is 'root'07:40
Ralithand will until you fix it07:40
pppoe_dudeillriginal, the current problem is that you can't use sudo07:40
Ralithwhat I told you will fix sudo07:40
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Ralithso you can use that to fix everything else07:40
illriginalyeah pppoe_dude07:40
illriginali must resolve that07:40
steven07po0f its giving me this huge list of stuff again07:40
Ralithso for now just do that07:40
mikejanssenit was so much easier than you said to do07:40
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Dan1How do I track down why an application hangs?07:40
Raliththen ask someone how to reset your permissions to system default07:40
mikejanssenall i had to do was change a 0 to a 407:40
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po0fsteven07: Now, look for lines like this: #deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy universe07:41
starzmikejanssen, i forgot what you were trying to do~07:41
po0fsteven07: And delete the '#' at the beginning: deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy universe07:41
starzi get caught up at times... what was the deal again anyway>?07:41
mikejanssenmy fiancee got mad at me today07:41
=== starz pats
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mikejanssencuz ubuntu started up default07:41
mikejanssenwhen she rebooted07:41
mikejanssen= X07:41
kakashistarz ok I did all that07:41
mikejanssenso i had to change it so windows will07:41
starzthe boot to windows thing.07:41
mikejanssenchanged 0 to 407:41
starzlet me look at the grub file07:42
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mikejansseni searched ubuntu help07:42
mikejanssenfound answer07:42
mikejanssenthere is a line that says 'default 0' had to change it to windows like (which was 4) for me. and it worked like a charm07:42
steven07alright...it didnt do anything07:42
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illusiamikejanssen just in /boot/grub/menu.lst write windows sector first07:42
starzright on07:43
mikejanssenno no illusia07:43
mikejanssentoo much work07:43
po0fsteven07: Now, hit Ctrl-O, hit enter, then Ctrl-X.07:43
kakashistarz kk I did all that stuffs07:43
starzbut keep an eye on that as when you install newer kernels the list number might change mikejanssen07:43
starzit installed this time right?>??????07:43
starz???? *prays*07:43
mikejanssenthats what i read07:43
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kakashistarz I think07:43
kakashikakashi@kakashi-laptop:~$ sudo ndiswrapper -di07:43
kakashiUsage: ndiswrapper OPTION07:43
kakashiManage ndis drivers for ndiswrapper.07:43
kakashi-i inffile        Install driver described by 'inffile'07:43
kakashi-d devid driver   Use installed 'driver' for 'devid'07:43
kakashi-e driver         Remove 'driver'07:43
kakashi-l                List installed drivers07:43
kakashi-m                Write configuration for modprobe07:44
kakashi-hotplug          (Re)Generate hotplug information07:44
starzkakashi, stop07:44
tonyyarusso!paste | kakashi07:44
ubotukakashi: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:44
illusiamikejanssen sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst ctrl+x ctrl+v is it too much work?07:44
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:44
steven07still didnt do anything07:44
mikejanssen= )07:44
steven07it asked about saving something though07:44
steven07and i just pushed "y" for yes07:44
starzkakashi, first INSTALL driver07:44
starzthen do the di and da bit07:44
starzthat takes installed driver and makes sure its used is all ^^07:44
po0fsteven07: `sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install bcm43xx-fwcutter`07:44
kakashiwhats the code again sorry :P07:44
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KDanhow do you tell an ubuntu server to go and grab its date from a network server?07:45
kakashistarz nvm I remmeber07:45
tonyyarussoKDan: sudo ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.com07:45
KDantonyyarusso: thanks07:45
starzlol kakashi07:45
starzif you installed ndisgtk then you can use that to do the install bit07:45
seravitaehey is there a way to extend gnome-panel onto multiple monitors?07:45
rpcoh btw where can i find a good list of ntp servers? EU preferably07:45
starzseravitae, if you find one post a howto in the forums07:46
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starzone can, however create new panels and populate them with what you want on them.07:46
starzjust right click on empty area of panel and select create new panel or the like and boom...07:46
starzand you can move them at will by dragging them07:46
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OnburiikuI forget I'm even using Ubuntu07:46
starzOnburiiku, get that working yet?07:46
OnburiikuKinda jumped out of nowhere there xD07:47
po0fOnburiiku: Did that guide work?07:47
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OnburiikuOh, for the mouse buttons?07:47
steven07po0f before when i pressed ctrl+o it said soemthing about error writing /etc/apt/sources.list:permission denied07:47
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starzno for the icon07:47
illriginalthis is the error i get07:47
pppoe_dudeillriginal, ?07:47
OnburiikuNo, I can live with it though. =P07:47
po0fsteven07: Did you `sudo nano` or just `nano`?07:47
starzlol Onburiiku07:48
kakashistarz sweet its installed07:48
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starzkakashi, now do the di and da bits07:48
starzthen reboot07:48
po0fOnburiiku: I just followed that guide not 2 hours ago, any part you were having trouble with?07:48
steven07po0f now its stuck in this other screen about GNU nano 1.3.1207:48
illriginalUser's $HOME / dmrc file is being ignored. This prevents default session and language from being saved07:48
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OnburiikuIt doesn't change the icon07:48
po0fsteven07: Just Crtl-X.07:48
starzthis is one of the VERY few things that its usefull to reboot for...07:48
kris_why can't i get any identd to work in 6.06?07:48
huda_hudiI am trying to edit and save motd file but it says I have to be root to change it. I cant login to ubuntu as root even though I have the password. I can only use the shell as root. what do I do?07:48
kris_i've been trying all night07:48
pppoe_dudeillriginal, is that a gnome warning?07:48
steven07po0f destroy all changes?07:49
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po0fsteven07: `sudo nano -w /etc/apt/sources.list`, make sure you use _sudo_.07:49
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Onburiikupo0f: It doesn't actually change the icon. :/07:49
pppoe_dudeillriginal, how fresh is your ubuntu installation?07:49
illriginalthat's a warning with the "!" right after i put my password in before it loads up Nautilis07:49
steven07po0f destroy all changes?07:49
kakashistarz thanks for all the help man I really appreciate it07:49
illriginalbrand spankin new.07:49
po0fsteven07: Sure.  :)07:49
starz-rw------- 1 christian christian 26 2007-01-30 01:24 .dmrc07:49
illriginalthis is gonna be my 4 time reinstalling.07:49
po0fOnburiiku: Change the icon for what?  I thought you were trying to get your VX Revolution working...07:49
illriginalin two days -.-07:50
starzillriginal, what got you into this predicament?07:50
starzand dont feel bad ive done way more installs than that XD07:50
illriginalwantin to access my files without limitations :(07:50
pppoe_dudeillriginal, #1) you need to learn more about linux and it takes time07:50
OnburiikuOh, that. SOrry, I've had so many different questions here it gets confusing07:50
starzillriginal, limitations are there for a reason and to circumvent them one must think what the implications of each action are.07:50
po0fOnburiiku: Lol, it's ok.07:50
huda_hudiI am trying to edit and save motd file but it says I have to be root to change it. I cant login to ubuntu as root even though I have the password. I can only use the shell as root. what do I do?07:50
OnburiikuNo, I couldn't find the program it said to instal in synaptic07:50
steven07po0f alright.now i type the sudo aptitude code?07:50
starzand sometimes one must just learn by messing up.07:50
illriginalpppoe_dude i am tryin to learn it... before 2 days ago... i had a great KDE workin without problems07:50
starzi'm of that sort so your in good company07:51
illriginaltill some idiots screwed me over with bad information.07:51
pppoe_dude#2) eventually you will find no need to change system-wide permissions07:51
starzmay i recommend you backup your data asap illriginal ?07:51
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po0fsteven07: Did you uncomment the universe lines in sources.list?07:51
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kazukapppoe_dude: something is wrong with my video card07:51
pppoe_dudeillriginal, the home folder issue is easily fixed07:51
steven07po0f what do you mean?07:51
illriginalby reinstalling? right?07:51
TheSkormpppoe_dude - point to point protcol over ethernet dude aminoteright?07:51
pppoe_dudeillriginal, just create a new user and migrate to it07:51
steven07taking off the # line?07:51
starzhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3554/ <<--- po0f my sources... i like multiverse also and its for usa07:51
kazukapppoe_dude: in vesa it runs properly my video card i think is not x ccompatible07:52
steven07or taking off the # in that ONE line?07:52
kazukaso sad07:52
pppoe_dudeillriginal, the system file issue (the whole '/' thing) is more tricky07:52
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po0fsteven07: Just delete the $ from that line.07:52
pppoe_dudekazuka, so no more crashing on vesa?07:52
illriginalill make a new user07:52
pppoe_dudeillriginal, but for now i suggest you make a new user07:52
starzillriginal, great idea07:52
steven07po0f i dont see any $07:52
po0fsteven07: Err, # rather.07:52
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starzthen delete old user from system07:52
starzbut before you make the new one07:52
illriginali dont care bout this account lol ill make a new user and delete this one07:52
starzor before you delete the old one rather07:52
illriginalyes starz07:52
starzadd the new one to /etc/sudoers07:52
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pppoe_dudeillriginal, make sure the new user is in sudoers list07:53
starzvisudo -f /etc/sudoers07:53
illriginallol how may i make a new user?07:53
illriginalis it under system tab?07:53
pppoe_dudeillriginal, easiest way to do this is 'gksudo users-admin'07:53
HymnToLifeillriginal, sudo useradd name07:53
steven07po0f: so i delete it and then press ctrl+o and then enter and then ctrl+x?07:53
po0fsteven07: Yes.07:53
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huda_hudihow can I give an existing user all the rights as a root from shell if I am logged in as root?07:53
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HymnToLifeadd -m if you want to create a home folder for the user07:53
pppoe_dudeillriginal, and add a user, then select the "system privileges" checkbox07:53
pppoe_dudeillriginal, in the last tab07:54
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steven07po0f alright the screen is blank now07:54
pppoe_dudeillriginal, also, system>users and groups07:54
Doc_Bioanyone available to give me a little help with wireless?07:54
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starzhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3559/ <<--- thats how i do my sudoers file07:54
pppoe_dude!ask > Doc_Bio07:54
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po0fsteven07: aptitude update && aptitude install bcm43xx-fwcutter07:54
Flannelhuda_hudi: you want to add them to the admin group, that'll let them use sudo.07:54
ctiucan someone help me on activating samba?07:54
starzthough adding the user to admin group is probably easier07:54
steven07po0f so wait..w.hat do i type??07:54
po0fsteven07: aptitude update && aptitude install bcm43xx-fwcutter07:55
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT07:55
huda_hudiflannel how do I do it?07:55
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starzctiu, are you trying to share to a windows system or from it?07:55
po0fsteven07: `sudo aptitude update` rather.07:55
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Doc_Bioso I'm having trouble getting wireless to work.....anyone expert at that?07:55
ctiustarz, yes but i dont know what to do07:55
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pppoe_dudeDoc_Bio, what kind of card do you have07:55
starzctiu, which direction? or both?07:55
pppoe_dudeDoc_Bio, what kind of problem07:55
Doc_Biointel 210007:56
ctiustarz, if possible, both?07:56
Doc_Bioit appears to be installed correctly....keyring and everything is there.07:56
steven07po0f it ran and now its at a new line07:56
starzas i recall one must have a samba user with the same name and password as the windows username and pass or so07:56
illriginalpppoe_dude ok i created new user illriginal set it up as administrator, and checked all for permissions07:56
ctiustarz, what would i need to do?07:56
Doc_BioI just can't get it to connect at all.07:56
po0fsteven07: sudo aptitude install bcm43xx-fwcutter07:56
pppoe_dudeillriginal, try su - illriginal07:56
pppoe_dudeillriginal, then try sudo -s07:56
starzlet me google that for a second to see for sure again ok? there is a great howto on the forums ive used before which i'll find for you07:56
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pppoe_dudeillriginal, did that give you root?07:57
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illriginalim on root righ tnow07:57
pppoe_dudeillriginal, k then you're goot to go07:57
denyeverythinghello, any one know where can I get 2.6.18 kernel from edgy?07:57
Doc_Biohow do you connect to your wireless connection?07:57
kupesoftIf I have two or more network cards and a wireless card and I want to set up a router (with a cable modem WAN attached to one of the ethernet cards) - do I primarily use iptables or bridging?  Where can I find out my about ubuntu/debian routers?07:57
starzactually ctiu if you wanna try what is already in ubuntu go to system > administration > shared folders07:57
illriginalok so now restart x07:57
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pppoe_dudeillriginal, the second problem will be trickier07:57
illriginallog onto illriginal07:57
po0fdenyeverything: kernel.org07:57
steven07po0f it says couldnt find any package whose name or description matched bcm43xx-fwcutter07:57
pppoe_dudeillriginal, ya07:57
illriginaland delete this account07:57
denyeverythingpo0f I need to rebuild it myself?07:58
pppoe_dudeillriginal, dont have to even worry about it too much07:58
HymnToLifedenyeverything, yes07:58
ctiustarz, then what would i do? check it if it was shared?07:58
pppoe_dudewon't cause any problems if you don't use it07:58
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denyeverythingHymnToLife thanks.07:58
po0fdenyeverything: Unless someone has built it and is willing to share it with you.07:58
starzctiu, first it has you install smb [samba]  stuff07:58
illriginalwhat's the 2nd part?07:58
kupesoftIf I have two or more network cards and a wireless card and I want to set up a router (with a cable modem WAN attached to one of the ethernet cards) - do I primarily use iptables or bridging?  Where can I find out my about ubuntu routers??07:58
starzyou dont need the nfs unless your sharing with another linux system07:58
pppoe_dudeillriginal, the system files permissions07:58
illriginalso right now07:58
denyeverythingis there a work around for nviadia 430 somewhere?07:58
ctiustarz, i havent install the samba yet07:58
illriginalshall i go onto illriginal?07:58
huda_hudifrom shel how do I go to /etc?07:59
illriginalk brb07:59
denyeverythingI can't get eth but i guess it is known.07:59
ctiustarz, how can i do it?07:59
steven07po0f it says couldnt find any package whose name or description matched bcm43xx-fwcutter07:59
starzctiu, yes it will give you a popup asking if you wanna install the stuff when you go where i said there07:59
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SoulinEtherQuestion: how do i install a desktop onto my ubuntu server?07:59
starzctiu go to system > administration > shared folders07:59
starzSoulinEther, please dont for the both of us07:59
SoulinEtherstarz: make me :P07:59
starzwhy do you _need_ gui in it07:59
steven07po0f it says couldnt find any package whose name or description matched bcm43xx-fwcutter07:59
po0fsteven07: I have to step outside for a bit.07:59
SoulinEtherLynx is confusing lol08:00
Doc_Bioso intell 2100 appears to be installed and configured properly....but I can't get the thing to connect to my wireless network...how I do that?08:00
starzSoulinEther, what are you trying to do?08:00
SoulinEtherstarz I don't, really08:00
ctiustarz, ty the samba was installing now08:00
starzctiu, np see if that does it08:00
SoulinEtherstarz well, I'm a highly visual person, anything more than black and white helps lol08:00
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starzif not i'll find the howto in a bit.08:00
ctiustarz, ok ty again08:00
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starzSoulinEther, see if you can figure how to get the pictures to work in links2 over ssh08:00
starzbut meh08:01
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SoulinEtherstarz: that sounds like too much work, lol.08:01
pppoe_dudeillriginal, so logged in no problem08:01
illriginalno sweat08:01
pppoe_dudeillriginal, k, the system files issue is more of a security thing/long term issue08:01
SoulinEtherstarz: oh well, I'll just manage with lynx, it's better than nothing08:01
pppoe_dudeas of yet i don't know how you would go about it08:01
illriginalpppoe_dude quick question for you, how can i grab the files from my other account?08:01
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starzsudo apt-get install icewm icewm-themes icepref icemc iceme x-window-system-core synaptic xterm mousepad08:02
starzsynaptic optional08:02
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pppoe_dudeillriginal, do a cp -R /home/<oldacct>/* ~/.08:02
mikejanssenthat WAS rather easy08:02
starzthen mess with putty or the like on how to forward X over ssh.... ebil...08:02
pppoe_dudeillriginal, that will also copy hidden files and subfolders08:02
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A-L-P-H-AIs there a way to remote to another linux box, via windows.  I know of VNC, any other alternatives?08:02
mikejanssenthx starz...08:02
starzSoulinEther, i really do like links2 better than lynx btw08:02
starzmikejanssen, eh?08:02
TheSkormA-L-P-H-A there is ssh08:02
starzwhat was easy this time lol08:03
mikejanssenheh, wrote windows line above linux lines08:03
Flannelhuda_hudi: usermod, with ag as flags08:03
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mikejanssenDOES seem more secure08:03
mikejanssenjust incase anything else installs08:03
starzi think it stays there on install08:03
Doc_Bioso how do I enable wireless in ubuntu with Intel 2100 centrino wireless card08:03
starzbut do this to test mikejanssen : sudo update-grub08:03
A-L-P-H-ATheSkorm, ssh would just allow me to tunnel to the VNC port... but i'm wondering other methods... I remember something called remoteX, if that is around... and cygwin allows for it.08:03
starzthen peek at menu.1st after and tell me if its still there lol08:03
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A-L-P-H-ATheSkorm, ssh or did you mean use ssh, like telnet?08:04
illriginalsays no such directory...08:04
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y0hmstarz , could you perhaps point me towards a good X forwarding how-to ?08:04
illriginalthere's just a folder in my other account... that has background pictures08:04
TheSkormwell, you can run ssh and x port forward using cgywin08:04
starzbtw for nice terminals: add vga=792 to grub boot lines... personally i took out the quiet splash bit08:04
kazukapppoe_dude: i think the problem is in my hardware08:04
starzy0hm, yeah i had one a bit ago08:04
starzone sec08:04
mikejanssenwindows line is still where i put it08:04
illriginala cp -R /home/<oldacct>/* ~/.   ?     or no "a"?08:05
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pppoe_dudekazuka, what makes you think that?08:05
steven07po0f you there yet?08:05
pppoe_dudeillriginal, no a08:05
kazukapppoe_dude: fedora install just crashed on me08:05
loosHi, has anyone heard about Ubuntu live cd display problems on a Macbook Pro?08:05
pppoe_dudekazuka, did vesa stop crashing?08:06
illriginalcp: cannot stat08:06
pppoe_dudestop *the crashing08:06
kazukapppoe_dude: and in windows my computer loads slowly08:06
po0fsteven07: Are you using Edgy?08:06
kazukapppoe_dude: no in vesa mode it didn't crashed08:06
starzhttp://www.vanemery.com/Linux/XoverSSH/X-over-SSH2.html see if that will work y0hm08:06
pppoe_dudekazuka, then its a driver problem08:06
steven07po0f how do i know if i using edgy?08:06
y0hmthx starz :)08:06
ardchoille42steven07, lsb_release -a08:06
kazukapppoe_dude: i remember i have to use ubuntu dapper for this machine08:06
kazukasystem even08:07
starzo boi my roomates are going to mate im gonna have to bbl08:07
pppoe_dudeillriginal, cp -R /home/oldacct/ ~/08:07
pppoe_dudeillriginal, try that ^08:07
po0fsteven07: What ardchoille42 said.08:07
kazukaim gonna try suse08:07
geoffthefishdoes anybody know what has replace mimedb in edgy?  i used to run mimedb - l to launch files with default app08:07
pppoe_dudekazuka, if you don't use hardware acceleration, vesa might do you fine08:07
po0fgeoffthefish: You could try `gnome-open`.08:07
kazukapppoe_dude: yes08:08
steven07codename: edgy08:08
illriginalthanks a lot pppoe_dude08:08
pppoe_dudeillriginal, np08:08
illriginalto set permissions08:08
illriginali remember i did 775 command before08:08
kazukapppoe_dude: i will try to use suse first then if it still crashed im stuck with windows lol08:08
pppoe_dudeillriginal, the permissions you added shouldn't pose too many problems08:08
starzillriginal, make sure you add that other user as admin/sudoer08:08
illriginala few months ago.08:08
geoffthefishpo0f, thanks a million, has been annoying me since upgrade!08:08
pppoe_dudeillriginal, except for security issues...08:08
starzthen move data08:08
starzthen remove illriginal user08:08
starzthen rm -R /home/illriginal08:09
illriginalstarz i dont want the other user anyways now :P08:09
pppoe_dudeillriginal, i would suggest you chmod a-w -R /etc08:09
y0hmStarz ,i'm gonna use X-forwarding only on my home LAN , is it a great security risk NOT to tunnel it over SSH  ? (for performance reasons)08:09
starzthen recreate illriginal08:09
starzy0hm, um08:09
pppoe_dudeillriginal, that would remove write permissions to the /etc folder and files08:09
ardchoille42Hmm.. ALT+F2, typing in: gnome-open http://www.google.com  worked. I wonder what else I can do with gnome-open08:09
pppoe_dudeillriginal, write permissions to "all users"08:09
starzif its over a lan i wouldnt think it would be so bad...08:09
pppoe_dudeillriginal, but the problem is more compicated08:09
y0hmthats what I thought :)08:09
illriginalthis:  chmod a-w -R /etc  will take away permissions?08:10
starzbut i dont honestly know.. as it might leave it mroe open to outside attack08:10
marcusgrazettehi, i'm having some issues with PHP4 GD2 & Apache. I've installed both of them, as well as libapache2-mod-php4 but when i try to use my web app, it generates an error saying that i need to compile my PHP with GD2...i also have PHP5 installed. any ideas?08:10
illriginalwhat problem?08:10
steven07po0f it is edgy08:10
illriginalis my security problem still there?08:10
pppoe_dudeillriginal, when you did that command, you gave extra permissions to system files08:10
po0fsteven07: Try this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28580908:10
illriginalthe one i did before i made illriginal?08:10
y0hmill netmask the cpu in question ... ok thx again ....08:10
pppoe_dudeillriginal, the chmod a+w+r /08:10
starzy0hm, we are all but users in this great universe..08:10
illriginali didn't fix it?08:11
hagabakado apt-get and aptitude use different databases to keep track of whether a package is automatically installed?08:11
pppoe_dudeillriginal, no08:11
illriginalby adding a new user?08:11
pppoe_dudeillriginal, you only fixed your home directory08:11
y0hmyommBuntu agrees08:11
illriginaleven if i delete my old account?08:11
pppoe_dudeillriginal, the system will probably work fine but there is a security issue08:11
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starztho if i had one wish it would be to have the buntu pplz and the ebian pplz work a little closer together.. as divergence bothers me a little..08:11
pppoe_dudeillriginal, (as in all system files are writable by any user)08:11
pppoe_dudeillriginal, i suggest a clean install when you get a chance08:11
starzbut meh its a great way to go and learn and have fun and i put all my new friends in it and usually run some of it myself XD08:11
y0hmis there rivalry between debian & ubuntu ?08:11
steven07po0f where is system?08:12
illriginalpppoe_dude, what if im the only person who uses this PC?08:12
starzy0hm, at first a lot08:12
po0fstarz: Survival of the fittest; those Debain dudes seem mean, but I think we could take em.  :)08:12
starznot so much now... but it just depends on how you look at it08:12
illriginali shouldn't worry, yes?08:12
starzdebian is not meant to be quite as user friendly and the like08:12
y0hmcos i love ubuntu and I lov Debian as well :)08:12
po0fsteven07: Huh?08:12
illriginali live by myself lol08:12
pppoe_dudeillriginal, then its not too bad, but you still have risks (low risk) if someone hacks in or theres a security hole in a program08:12
Flannelillriginal: You still have web browsers, etc.  Basically, you've reduced the securityof the system to that of Windows.08:12
starzand each has its own nitch.. but if you wanna get all hardcore just go to gentoo anyway08:12
y0hmubuntu is just more .. edgy then debian for some purposes :)08:12
steven07it says to go System>administration>synaptic package manager08:12
starzlol y0hm08:13
starzi only use like 3 bleeding edge packages08:13
illriginalwish there was a way to take away permissions08:13
starzmplayer k3b gaim08:13
po0fsteven07: Use `adept` IIRC.08:13
illriginalor reverting at least08:13
starzthe rest can go fry for all i care XD08:13
pppoe_dudeillriginal, is your /home on a separate partition?08:13
y0hmi tried doing the minimal gentoo compile/install for 8 times now .. hehe still no luck08:13
Flannelillriginal: no, not reverting.  You'd just set them some other way.08:13
steven07po0f what do you mean?08:13
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starzy0hm, similar here08:13
po0fsteven07: Isn't adept the GUI frontend for apt on KDE?08:13
starzbut i got real close the last time:08:13
pppoe_dudeillriginal, how big is your harddisk?08:14
starzi did a binary install and recompiled from world08:14
illriginalFlannel that's the problem, we can't figure out how to set them back to normal.08:14
illriginalthis one's only 20gb08:14
starzi think it was my cflag file that was the problem08:14
illriginali have an 80gb that i need to mount.08:14
Flannelillriginal: you can't.  Without just going through and setting them (and knowing what they were originally)08:14
po0fstarz: stage3-on-1 ftw.  ;P08:14
loosIs there a way from a text install to get another terminal?08:14
starzpo0f, eh?08:14
steven07po0f im sorry i dont know what you mean by adept08:14
pppoe_dudeillriginal, i suggest you backup your home directory and reinstall08:14
y0hmstartz I consider myself certainnly NOT a guru but i know my way around linux a bit , ppfff but that gentoo thing :)08:14
illriginallol pppoe_dude08:14
OnburiikuI have one last question for now08:15
pppoe_dudeillriginal, also i suggest creating a separate partition for yout /home08:15
starzlol y0hm yeah08:15
illriginalall i have saved was background images08:15
OnburiikuHow do I get my speakers to work with Ubuntu?08:15
starzmy problem was hardware last time...08:15
po0fstarz: Aren't you talking about Gentoo?08:15
starzlots of segfaults while compiling..08:15
pppoe_dudeillriginal, in case this happens again, then you can just reinstall and keep your home directory08:15
starzpo0f, yes08:15
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y0hmstill Gentoo keeps drawing my attention :)08:15
starzbut whats a stage3-on-1 ?08:15
illriginalwhen i reinstall08:15
illriginalhow do i make a partition just for my home?08:15
illriginaldo i set the size to lik e10gb?08:15
starzinstead of going to do default install lets make you some stuff up now08:16
illriginalthe partition size08:16
pppoe_dudeillriginal, is there anything of value on harddisk?08:16
starzhow much ram do you have illriginal08:16
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illriginalno pppoe08:16
illriginal1gb of ram08:16
starzfor swap do 2 gig08:16
illriginalonly takes 10 minutes to install08:16
pppoe_dudeillriginal, then, make sure you are working with the right harddisk08:16
starzfor root do 10 gig08:16
starzfor home do rest08:16
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pppoe_dudeillriginal, make a "root" (/) partition that is 4GB or so08:16
po0fstarz: Basically, start a stage 3, then `emerge glibc binutils gcc && emerge glibc binutils gcc && emerge -e system && emerge -e system`.  :)08:16
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illriginalwhen i reinstall08:17
pppoe_dudeillriginal, and the rest for /home08:17
starzpppoe_dude, i really recommend 6 gigs or better as if one starts doing larger things a lot of programs use /tmp by default to work in and tho one could say move that to /home/tmp it can be a pain08:17
illriginal4gb will be for root?08:17
illriginaland the other 16gb will be for home?08:17
starzpo0f, yes exactly08:17
pppoe_dudeillriginal, how much RAM do you have?08:17
starzbut i believe there is a bit of configuring in between XD08:17
y0hmany1 know if there is a dedicated MDADM irc-channel ?08:17
starzpppoe_dude, 1gig he said08:17
illriginal1gb of ram08:17
starzy0hm, no clue... check their webby?08:17
pppoe_dudeillriginal, do 5GB /, 0.5GB swap and rest for home08:18
starzi dont even know what mdadm is XD08:18
po0fsteven07: I don't know anything about Kubuntu, unless you want to do it all from the command line, I really can't help you.08:18
pppoe_dudeillriginal, thats what i usually do and i get no problems08:18
y0hmis getting lazy :)08:18
pppoe_dudeillriginal, if you want to be on safe side, giver 6GB for root08:18
crackhead[1] Can anyone help a newbie install 6.10? I booted it on one computer, which worked fine. I know the media is a good burn. I tried on another, and I got a "cannot boot from cd" error. Though, when using that cd for other operations, it seems to work all right. It could boot up Suse most of the way. It can read from CDs in Windows fine. Help? Any special parameters to try? Ideas?08:18
steven07po0f do you know where i could go?08:18
illriginalso off the top of your head what partition will the home go into?08:18
steven07po0f should i try the #kubuntu channel?08:18
illriginalnot hda108:18
starzcrackhead[1] , get the alternate install cd08:18
huda_hudiwhats thelatest version fiesty?08:18
geoffthefishanyone else get annoying message about 'session saved' on logout after installing skype?08:18
starzthen install in text mode crackhead[1] 08:18
nofxxman. .. this is really not right..... edubuntu 64 , ubuntu 64... both stops the installation after "Booting the kernel"08:19
nofxxit stops but not freezes... I can write to the screen.... but not change between consoles....08:19
Madpilothuda_hudi, latest stable is Edgy, Feisty is still in early testing08:19
pppoe_dudeillriginal, depends on the order you make them in08:19
starzgeoffthefish, thats something to do with gnome not skype08:19
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pppoe_dudeillriginal, first one is /hda108:19
crackhead[1] What about the alternate install CD?08:19
illriginalyeah i know08:19
pppoe_dudesecond is /dev/hda208:19
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starzgeoffthefish, system > preferences > session08:19
steven07po0f should i try the #kubuntu channel?08:19
pppoe_dudeillriginal, filesystem type is ext3 for all except swap08:19
illriginalso make 2 ext308:19
crackhead[1] I don't know which parameters or commands to use in text status. Where can I find the instructions?08:19
illriginaland one swap08:19
pppoe_dudeillriginal, ya08:19
po0fsteven07: You could probably get better help there.08:19
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starzpppoe_dude, should we have him leave say 8 gigs for a dual boot windows install?08:19
illriginalill reinstall08:20
illriginalbrb :P08:20
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steven07po0f thank you so much for the help=)08:20
geoffthefishstarz,  are you sure?  it only happens when skype is running, i messed with those prefs already08:20
illriginalonly takes 10 minutes08:20
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illriginal15 most08:20
pppoe_dudeill be in bed by thgen :)08:20
starzgeoffthefish, nope not sure i dont use skype08:20
huda_hudikool I just installed ubuntu for the first time today. Still getting used it. very simple. I also installed beryl very very cool stuff btu needed a lot of patience to figure it out.08:20
illriginalalright man08:20
pppoe_dudeillriginal, good luck08:20
starzbut in my experience thats it08:20
illriginalthanks for the info :P08:20
pppoe_dudeillriginal, no need to change default permissions08:20
starztry running skype and closing it and then rerunning08:20
pppoe_dudeillriginal, only thing i sugest is chmod 700 ~08:20
starzsee if it does that when quitting skype08:20
mikejansseni made a beryl desktop environment08:20
mikejanssen= X08:20
starzcrackhead[1] , ubuntu.com08:20
mikejanssenmy most rarely used08:21
pppoe_dudeillriginal, that will make your home directory more secure08:21
illriginalchmod 700 ~ ok08:21
starzgo to get ubuntu08:21
starzclick on download08:21
pppoe_dudeillriginal, but if youre the only one using you dont even need that08:21
starzand look for the alternate cd instead of regular and go there and select correct one for your architecture08:21
crackhead[1] I know how to dl and burn the alternate. Are there instructions to use the text install mode of the alternate, though?08:21
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl08:21
crackhead[1] I use i386, of course.08:21
pppoe_dudekazuka, u there?08:21
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pppoe_dudekazuka, try disabling some modules from /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:22
pppoe_dudeand put it back to the old driver see if it works08:22
starzcrackhead[1] , there you go08:22
pppoe_dudelook for things like dri, glx, etc08:22
starzwhat country are you in?08:22
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crackhead[1] What parameters must I use in text install mode, though, in order to make sure the CD can read?08:22
starzcrackhead[1] , its a thing08:22
Zilliotubuntu+gnome+mobile phone nokia 6260(symbian)+cable dku-2+gprs....i need information for go to the internet from my ubuntu desctop!08:22
starza wierd error.... just using the alternate cd seems to fix that08:22
geoffthefishstarz, when you close skype it is still running in bground08:22
crackhead[1] Why might I be getting such an error even though I know the CD drive can function and the media is a good burn?08:22
starzgeoffthefish, right click on icon and exit it08:22
huda_hudiberyl really slows down my system. I did a bench before and after installing beryl. and saw a huge differance. It could also be that my video card is only a mere ATI 200m series. Its a laptop...08:23
n2diyMy screen saver changed, and I didn't do it! Is this part of a recent seculity update for Dapper?08:23
kupesoftWhere can I find out more about setting up an ubuntu box with a few ethernet cards and a wireless card in to a gateway/router (like the famous Linksys ones)...?08:23
starzn2diy, are you sure your not on random screensaver?08:23
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geoffthefishstarz, hmm no icon at moment, is there another place to stop it?08:24
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Zilliotubuntu+gnome+mobile phone nokia 6260(symbian)+cable dku-2+gprs....i need information for go to the internet from my ubuntu desctop!08:24
miyakoanyone want to take a look at an ubuntu wallpaper I made?08:24
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y0hmhudi i think ATI + Beryl uses indirect rendering which is a bit slower , though you should be able to get decent performance on that card08:24
y0hmtry diabling the beryl "blur" settings and tweaking your xorg.conf08:24
bob_flgreetings ubuntu memtest hangs on test#2 Help08:25
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y0hmbob basically youre scr*w*d !08:25
y0hmsounds like broken RAM08:25
bob_flany idea the root cause, bad mem?08:25
bob_flok, this is a "new" recycled box08:25
y0hmbob try carefully reseating your RAM ( if you are experienced ) and then run MEMTEST again 1 module at a time08:26
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bob_flgreat-- thanks!!08:26
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Zilliot ........08:26
sciboyAnyone familiar with the badram patch?08:26
y0hmyou should be able to pick out the bad module08:26
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sciboyy0hm, Of course but why remove it when i can still use it?08:27
Zilliot       !!!08:27
ardchoille42Zilliot, Please stop08:27
huda_hudiY0hm blur was disabled in default. I am just happy that it worked the first time I tried. i know many many people. even some who have used linux for a long time and couldnt figure it out08:28
ubotu   #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke08:28
Zilliotubuntu+gnome+mobile phone nokia 6260(symbian)+cable dku-2+gprs....i need information for go to the internet from my ubuntu desctop!08:28
y0hmsciboy i was talking to bob :)08:28
sciboyNice timing. =P08:28
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shinobi2does ubuntu have the header files and lib for sshfs?08:28
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ctiusomebody teach me on how to run the .sh file?08:29
shinobi2i am trying to write a C or C++ program with sshfs08:29
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shinobi2ctiu: chmod 700 file.sh; ./file.sh08:29
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shinobi2vim file.sh then type echo hello world and save it08:29
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high-bassguys i need to install GLUT opengl and i want to run it through the terminal however... i am having major problems when installing through synaptic... adn getting dependency errors with edgy... anyone experiencing same thing?08:30
ctiushinobi2, ill do in on the terminal?08:30
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ardchoille42ctiu, Is this your first bash script?08:30
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ctiuardchoille42, yup08:30
ardchoille42ctiu, The first line of a bash script should always be: #!/bin/bash08:30
WobinAlas. I tried using that install.exe for Ubuntu, but it seems that it can't read my ntfs drive, and subsequently falls over on reboot as it looks for the images...08:30
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shinobi2ctiu: yes08:30
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y0hmhuda are you using the latest beryl version ?08:31
shinobi2ctiu: use pico, vim, or gedit or whatever you like and type "echo hello world" then save and do that chmod stuff08:31
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y0hmand what ATI driver ?08:31
huda_hudiYes Y0hm08:31
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huda_hudilet me check08:32
SoulinEtherquick question08:32
SoulinEtherwhere's the hosts file?08:32
ardchoille42SoulinEther, /etc/hosts  ?08:32
SoulinEtheryes, thanks08:32
y0hmhuda check out > there is a dedicated #beryl  & #ubuntu-xlg channel on freenode , perhaps people can help you better there !08:33
y0hm* ubuntu-xgl*08:33
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XifIs there a shortcut to uninstall all the games that are installed by default on Dapper?08:33
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y0hmlol xif08:33
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Xify0hm: I'm serious :)08:34
y0hmi know :)08:34
y0hmI don't think so ...08:34
ardchoille42Xif, I doubt that08:34
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y0hmbut correct me if i'm wrong :)08:34
huda_hudiisnt synaptic the best way to uninstall packages?08:34
po0fXif: Maybe `sudo aptitude purge gnome-games*` would work.08:34
Xifpo0f: thanks08:34
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ardchoille42po0f, That would likely take some of gnome out with it08:35
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po0fXif: Add -s to the end of it for a dry run.08:35
po0fardchoille42: I was getting to that part.  :)08:35
ardchoille42po0f, :)08:35
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huda_hudiAnyone used KDE with ubuntu?08:35
Xifpo0f: Couldn't find package "gnome-games*". However, the following08:35
Xifpackages contain "gnome-games*" in their name:08:35
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ardchoille42huda_hudi, I have in the past08:35
y0hmaah xif you mean the default games , i thought you ment all games you installed ... sorry my bad !08:36
Xifhuda_hudi: yeah, kubuntu08:36
huda_hudiI think KDE is too cluttered. Last time I used linux what suse came out with it s first commercial CD. I believe 6.108:36
ardchoille42huda_hudi, You can safely use KDE apps in gnome, if that's your question08:36
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y0hmthats why i found your question funny :)08:36
huda_hudiI know I can use KDE apps on Gnome.08:37
SoulinEtherjust throwing this out there08:37
Xifpo0f: is there a way to aptitude purge all the packages with gnome-games in their name (in my case, gnome-games-extra-data gnome-games and gnome-games-data)?08:37
crackhead[1] Where is a good complete set of free instructions for installing ubuntu 6.10 with the alternate install/text-based installer?08:37
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po0fXif: sudo aptitude purge gnome-games gnome-games-data gnome-games-extra-data08:38
SoulinEtherif you use kde and gnome, and you set up kde to be like the MacOS style with the menu bar at top... and you run KDE apps in GNOME, you may want to move the top GNOME app bar someplace else lol08:38
ardchoille42crackhead[1] , Have you tried that installer?08:38
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Xifpo0f: ok :)08:38
m3xinugtum what was that command to upgrade again... gksu -d -s ???? sumtin like that08:38
huda_hudiany site with top 10 ubuntu package?08:38
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pppoe_dudem3xinugt, sudo update-manager08:39
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crackhead[1] I've never used linux nor that text-based installer before. I was trying to install or even boot the livecd. It worked fine on one computer, but not mine, even though I know the media/burn is good and the CD device reads fine under Windows.08:39
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m3xinugtoh that one is quicker i think...there was another command line one too....i'll try that one08:39
pppoe_dudem3xinugt, make sure you apt-get update/upgrade first08:39
y0hmcrackhead what exactly didn't work ?08:39
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mtholdenssscreensaver not working08:39
ardchoille42crackhead[1] , The alternatecd text installer is pretty self-explanatory.. I never had a problem using it. It's quite easy.08:39
crackhead[1] The CD goes to the first menu. I hit "installation". It reads and spins for a while, and then I get "can't boot from cd" (or equiv.) error.08:40
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y0hmyeah the alt-cd is the only 1 to go 408:40
ardchoille42I wonder what this is all about08:40
pppoe_dudeme too08:40
y0hmhmm strange is your cdrom external ?08:40
crackhead[1] Seriously..08:40
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crackhead[1] No, internal.08:40
pppoe_dudei can feel it comin my way08:40
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YoussefAssadhello folks. Quick question.08:41
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YoussefAssadOkay, if I'm running app A, which uses lib X. I have one version of lib X in /usr/lib/ and another in /usr/local/lib/. How do I know which one gets used?08:41
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y0hmjust plain ata ?08:41
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crackhead[1] Plain CD burner. Liteon 12101B.08:41
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Xifpo0f: hah. appearantly, ubuntu-desktop depends on the various gnome-game packages.08:41
po0fYoussefAssad: `strace app`, look for what libraries it loads.08:41
YoussefAssadpo0f: Alright, lemme look at that08:41
po0fXif: ubuntu-desktop is a meta-opcakage anyway.08:41
y0hmI had issues booting / installing with USB external cdrom but also never with internal ata cdrom08:41
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crackhead[1] So, where can I find a good set of instructions to follow in using the alternate install Ubuntu 6.10 cd?08:42
Xifpo0f: I still can't seem to uninstall the games with aptitude.08:42
po0fYoussefAssad: strace's output is _very_ verbose, you are warned.  ;)08:42
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crackhead[1] Does the cd itself have instructions to follow, once the boot starts loading? Is there a first command I have to type to get it all starting?08:42
YoussefAssadpo0f: Grep is my friend. I'm looking for a specific lib08:42
y0hmnormally its just insert cd , boot press enter and off you go08:43
po0fXif: Error?08:43
ardchoille42crackhead[1] , It's really really easy, the installer walks you through it. I wouldn't think anyone would need instructions.08:43
Xifpo0f: `sudo aptitude purge gnome-games gnome-games-data gnome-games-extra-data` doesn't remove them, in any case. just downgrades them.08:43
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mtholdenssscreensaver not working08:43
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Xifpo0f: I'll pasetebin the entire output.08:43
Madpilotcrackhead[1] , just drop it in, there are instructions08:43
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po0fXif: Ok.08:43
crackhead[1] The alternate does? I heard it was text-based, just a terminal..08:43
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y0hmyou can choose which instaall you want !08:43
ardchoille42crackhead[1] , Yes, but it's easyier than you think.08:43
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sciboymm/page_alloc.c:2533: error: mem_map undeclared (first use in this function)08:44
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huda_hudican I install kubuntu alongside ubuntu without making another partition? just download it from synaptic?08:44
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crackhead[1] I don't know the first command to hit, though. If you say the alternate install is that easy, I'll just put it in and see, I guess.. Thanks.08:44
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ardchoille42huda_hudi, yes, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop08:44
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y0hmhuda , yes you can install kde on Ubuntu or gnome on Kubuntu , whatever u like :)08:45
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po0fhuda_hudi: Use aptitude, it will remove all of kubuntu's dependencies as well if you choose to remove it.08:45
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ardchoille42crackhead[1] , Pop the cd in, when it gets to the install menu, use the arrow keys to choose the type of install you want, press ENTER, and away you go.08:45
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nox-HandEep. After making a beta-desing for my new website I realise it looks like Ubuntu :o http://nox-hand.com/docs/images/beta_design3.jpg08:45
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Xifpo0f: http://rafb.net/p/aPfIr868.html08:45
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=== nox-Hand does not want that :|
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ardchoille42po0f, apt-get on Edgy will do that too08:45
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huda_hudipo0f thanks08:46
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n2diyWhoa, what happened, I got knocked off, and couldn't get back on for five + minutes?08:46
YoussefAssadright, /usr/local/lib/ before /usr/lib/08:46
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ardchoille42n2diy, You and about 60 other people08:46
YoussefAssadWhich is bad news. Mental note: go back in time and don't buy a 80 Gb video ipod08:46
po0fXif: Just add 'ubuntu-desktop' along with the other packages to remove.08:46
n2diyardchoille42: any idea why?08:47
=== Xif tries
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huda_hudithanks yohm08:47
ardchoille42n2diy, Not other than maybe a freenode glitch08:47
po0fardchoille42: Sorry, old habits.08:47
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ardchoille42po0f, Yeah, I filed a bug about apt-get not removing unused deps on Dapper, so the version on Edgy has a new option "--auto-remove", it uninstalls unused deps.08:48
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n2diyardchoille42: ok, this is the only node I'm on, so I was at a loss has to how test if it was me, or the net.08:48
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huda_hudiin my language my nick means "for no obvious reasons". :) Just thought I would share this information with you guys08:48
ardchoille42n2diy, It wasn't you08:48
Xifpo0f: I got `I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/var/lib/scrollkeeper/(null)/scrollkeeper_cl.xml"`, but other than that, it seemed to do the trick. Thanks.08:48
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ardchoille42huda_hudi, I was going to ask about that :)08:48
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po0fXif: Any reason you don't want the games?08:48
Xifpo0f: I don't intend to use them, they clutter my Applications menu.08:49
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n2diyardchoille42: Roger that, and it is good news, I was starting to curse updates. :)08:49
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po0fXif: You could have just alacarte'd them away.08:49
ardchoille42n2diy, hahaha08:49
kurtcursing updates ??? just like i am doing08:49
kurti updated gtkpod and now it doesnt work no more08:49
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Xifpo0f: would that be preferable to what we did eventually?08:49
kurtanyone know whast up with that08:49
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kurtis there any way to rollback?08:50
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po0fXif: The end result is the same for you: you don't have games in your menu.  :)08:50
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Xifpo0f: yeah (and I learned about meta packages :)08:50
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alladhi guys. Is there a pdf virtual printer software for ubuntu?08:50
huda_hudiwhy are there still a lot of people using drapper and not updating to edgy?  Is it so hard? or they are afraid to break something by updating it.08:50
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y0hmany1 know how to get sound on Quake III Arena on edgy ? using alsa ... if possible08:51
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n2diykurt: sorry I don't play with that.08:51
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kurti am trying out feisty08:51
kurtwas working great till i updated tonigth08:51
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po0fhuda_hudi: 3 years of guaranteed support for desktop, 5 for server.  :)08:51
kurteverything was kicking,,,,08:51
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huda_hudipoof. its free...08:52
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roflAre there any programs that will allow me to reverse an avi video clip?08:52
kurthow do you mean reverse?08:52
n2diykurt: and, I stick with 6.06 stable, I don't like living on the "edgy" or "feisty".08:52
roflkurt: play it backwards08:52
Xifn2diy: also, 6.06 is LTS08:52
rofland hopefully save it08:52
alladplease, help. I found a good article on the net and I'd like to print it to pdf from firefox. Does someone know of any app that does that?08:53
posingaspopularroom: I jave a d-link D1-514 wireless router and I need a wireless card to support i. Couldn't find any info on08:53
terapicodavei have a laptop with an intel 950 GMA video card and want to fix the screen resolution...found a fix that mentions dapper but i'm on a fresh edgy...any suggestions?08:53
kurtbeats me08:53
posingaspopularideas? help?08:53
n2diyXif: yes, I forgot to mention that.08:53
ardchoille42huda_hudi, I have my Dapper system working perfectly, I don't have time to upgrade to Edgy and I porbably won't due to the long support life. I may just wait until the version after Feisty Fawn to upgrade.08:53
ardchoille42Grumpy Gator?08:53
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SoulinEtherso... what command can i use to view permissions / access ?08:54
roflanyone else know how to play an avi backwards?08:54
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po0fSoulinEther: ls -l <file_or_dir>08:54
SoulinEtherrofl: yes, manually change the frame order :)  no sorry I don't know how one would do that08:54
SoulinEtherpo0f: thanks08:54
n2diySoulinEther: ls -al08:54
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ohnonoagainput in in reverse08:55
ohnonoagainbroom vroom08:55
huda_hudiI c <ardchoille42> I personally prefer to use the most updated version, even if it s alittle unstable. Not that I have a lot of experience with linux. But software in general.08:55
y0hmturn your monitor upside down :)08:55
kurttake lots of screenshots then run them backward08:55
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ardchoille42y0hm, HA!08:55
korganohi everybody - does anybody know how I can list all screen resolutions supported by my graphics driver?08:55
ohnonoagainthrow your monitor over your head08:55
kurtfeisty was great till I updated08:55
mtholdenssscreensaver not wokring08:55
SoulinEtherhow do I change the owner of a file?08:55
huda_hudistill fiesty is not a stable release. but edgy is AFAIK08:56
korganoSoulinEther: chown08:56
SoulinEtherthanks thanks :P08:56
n2diySoulinEther: chown08:56
ohnonoagainhey im having trouble mapping to a drive on a windows box keeps asking for a password08:56
ardchoille42huda_hudi, Wold you be interested in helping test the devel version of Ubuntu?08:56
ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+108:56
huda_hudiI do have a spare computer, so I wouldnt mind08:57
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nothlithuda_hudi: canonical still recommends dapper though08:57
ardchoille42huda_hudi, You might want to /join ubuntu+108:57
po0fOh crap, F7 testing 1 is out.08:57
kurthey ardchoille42  why did the update of gtkpod08:57
OnburiikuHow do I get my speakers to work with Ubuntu?08:57
kurtmake it stop working?08:57
nothlitohnonoagain: if you're using sshfs, use -o guest08:57
nothlitohnonoagain: err smbfs*08:57
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nothlit!alsa | Onburiiku08:57
ubotuOnburiiku: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP308:57
ardchoille42kurt, I haven't ever used that app, I don't know.08:57
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ardchoille42hi riotkittie08:58
kurtdarn it, it was great till tonight08:58
riotkittiehi ardchoille4208:58
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kurti saw you on freenode didnt I?08:58
huda_hudiubuntu+1 That channel doesn't exist08:58
posingaspopularriotkittie: babies!08:58
riotkittiekurt: this is freenode :P08:58
ohnonoagainactaully now its telling me i don't have permission to view08:58
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varianthttps://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/binary-driver-education <-- that really sucks08:59
ardchoille42huda_hudi, #ubuntu+108:59
nothlithuda_hudi: yes it does08:59
huda_hudigot it :)08:59
riotkittieposingaspopular: not now dear, i have a headache.08:59
ardchoille42nothlit, My bad, I forgot the "#"08:59
ohnonoagaini can see the drive and others on the box all others i can get to08:59
ardchoille42riotkittie, hehe08:59
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huda_hudiI just copy and pasted. :)09:00
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huda_hudiWelcome to the Ubuntu Feisty Fawn support channel | Feisty is NOT stable, and not even close to usable | Feisty Herd 2 released http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/herd2 | Please don't use Feisty if you need a working system or you can't afford to have a broken system |09:00
huda_hudimakes sense ...09:00
posingaspopularaw sorry09:00
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ohnonoagainwould it be because its a partitioned drive09:00
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n2diyuh oh, a crazy cat with  a head ache!? Danger.09:00
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kurti saw it say ubuntu servers so i just clicked the first one i saw09:01
ohnonoagainnow i think about it its the only drive that is a the second partition on that harddrive09:01
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kurtriotkittie: gtkpod is broken :(09:01
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steelbis there any way to put portage into my ubuntus?09:01
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n2diy! portage09:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about portage - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:02
ohnonoagainmaybe its something to do with that09:02
ohnonoagainwhats portage?09:02
nothlitsteelb: ubuntu has its own source system, using apt-get09:02
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kurtok one more question...09:02
alienseer23quich q: can anyone suggest a program for handling RatDVD files??09:02
steelbi know, i want portage too09:02
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nothlitohnonoagain: its gentoo's application management system09:02
kurtwhere does wine put drive_c in ubuntu?09:02
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ohnonoagaini see09:02
steelbit compiles the thing instead of just installing09:03
variantkurt: .wine/drive_c09:03
ardchoille42kurt, I believe in ~/.wine09:03
nothlitkurt: ~/.wine/drive_c09:03
SoulinEtherwow, setting up wordpress through ubuntu is a lot more difficult than through ftp...09:03
kurtty... (duh)09:03
nothlitSoulinEther: setup ftp then =p09:03
variantSoulinEther: because wordpress sucks mostly :) just try upgrading it!09:03
ohnonoagainanyone ever had a problem mapping to a partition drive on a windoze box?09:03
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nothlitSoulinEther: but i wouldnt see why, you can copy and paste and chmod09:03
nothlitohnonoagain: i said use -o guest09:04
gholenanyone who can name a good textbased FTP-client?09:04
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SoulinEthernothlit: because, me and command lines don't work well together =] 09:04
huda_huditrying out kubuntu.09:04
ohnonoagainit wont even give me the option for a password now09:04
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nothlitohnonoagain: you said you don't want the password09:04
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n2diy! dvorak09:04
SoulinEthernothlit: But I got it set up and I guess that's all that matters! lol09:04
ubotudvorak is a keyboard layout that aims to be more comfortable and efficient alternative to the standard "QWERTY" pattern. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dvorak_Simplified_Keyboard09:04
kurtwine setup.exe09:04
SoulinEtherdvorak actually is quite nice09:05
nothlitohnonoagain: also, you can only map to //computer/sharename... not //computer/sharename/folder09:05
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SoulinEtherand you can learn how to type dvorak using KTouch so that's cool09:05
nothlitohnonoagain: if you have writing problems, use -o guest,uid=100009:05
ohnonoagaini dont but it is not requesting one just saying i don't have permission09:05
n2diy! dvorak | SoulinEther09:05
ubotuSoulinEther: dvorak is a keyboard layout that aims to be more comfortable and efficient alternative to the standard "QWERTY" pattern. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dvorak_Simplified_Keyboard09:05
SoulinEtherI know what DVORAK is, lol, I have it set up on this box atm :)09:05
=== gholen [n=gholen@c83-252-25-154.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
n2diySoulinEther: cool, I've been using it for years. Sometimes you have to bite the bullet, and use the command line.09:06
riotkittieKTouch annoyed me a great deal; i couldnt use it :P09:07
kurti just got an error in something or other hope my cd aint damaged...09:07
nothlitSoulinEther: if you have trouble, use alt+f2 gksudo nautilus and pretend its your ftp client09:07
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y0hmnotlith in what exactly does gksudo differ from sudo ?09:08
starzisnt this just nice.09:08
gharzguys, i've just updated my kernel manually (not from the update manager) to ver and unluckily it doesn't detect my wireless card. when i enter lspci command it shows my intel pro wireless 2100.09:08
starzi reboot the ubuntu and now the mouse is ullllllllllllllltra laggy09:08
starzi just cant have this system doing that.09:08
ardchoille42y0hm, It's explained here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo09:08
riotkittiegksudo sets up the environment properly for GUI apps09:08
y0hmthx ardchoille09:09
ardchoille42y0hm, yw09:09
riotkittieand tastes like chicken09:09
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n2diygksudo | y0hm09:09
nothlity0hm: sudo can mess up permissions with gui apps, and make it impossible to do things without root09:09
n2diy! es09:09
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.09:09
n2diy! gksudo | y0hm09:10
ubotuy0hm: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use  gksudo , as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using  sudo <GUI-application> 09:10
kurtanyone here knows wine?09:10
Tru7h! fr09:10
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.09:10
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po0fkurt: I prefer beer.09:10
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y0hmfunny they say you can't run kate with sudo but i'm 100% sure you can !09:11
kurti tried to use wineto install baldurs gate09:11
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n2diyWhere's the beer!?09:11
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po0fkurt: And?09:11
kurtbut it gives me the same problem as suse did ejecting cds09:11
y0hmthx every1 :)09:12
kurtif i unmount it then stick in the 2nd cd and then mount it again09:12
kurtwill that work?09:12
po0fkurt: If it happens between distros, it's probably a problem with Wine.09:12
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kurtor will it screw wine09:12
po0fkurt: It couldn't hurt to try.  :)09:12
kurtithink wine has an issue with letting the drive go so you can switch cds09:12
y0hmubotu , why ? Is it dangerous to sudo gui apps ?09:13
Tru7hAnybody know a good program to play mp4s?09:13
kurtbut when i did that in suse the mounted cd looked screwy09:13
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ardchoille42y0hm, ubotu is a bot09:13
ardchoille42y0hm, And yes, it's dangerous to use sudo with GUI apps09:13
po0fardchoille42: No he's not, he's my friend...09:13
n2diy! gksudo | y0hm09:13
ubotuy0hm: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use  gksudo , as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using  sudo <GUI-application> 09:13
=== Dregin|PSP [n=dregin@murphy.redbrick.dcu.ie] has joined #ubuntu
y0hmlol he got me there :)09:13
kurti copied the files to home/kurt/cd1 /home/kurt/cd2 etc09:14
kurttehn installed from there and that worked09:14
=== Matthai [n=Matthai@ris02.fdv.uni-lj.si] has joined #ubuntu
kurtwas hoping things had changed09:14
po0fkurt: Why can't you do that now?09:14
kurtanyway time for that tomorrow09:14
XifGVim7 is represented in the task-switch-bar by a generic icon. Anyone knows how to change it to the GVim icon?09:14
=== Quarupt [n=Quar@c-71-59-140-97.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
kurtcause i need a little sleeep tonight09:14
kurteven if just a little09:14
kurtnight folks09:14
arn_how can i install pgadmin in ubuntu?09:14
po0fXif: The Alt-Tab menu?09:15
QuaruptHey whats an easy way to enable the 1280x1024 Resolution, do I have to manually edit the file or is there an easier way?09:15
ardchoille42Xif, Maybe changing the Icon="blah" line in /usr/share/applications Gvim7 ?09:15
n2diy! pgadmin09:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pgadmin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:15
Xifpo0f: yeah09:15
po0fXif: It looks fine for me.09:15
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bart_I did it manually Quarupt09:16
po0fXif: I know that doesn't help you though.  ;)09:16
KikehHello, I ran a PPC install of ubuntu on my G3 imac with success, but I get to the login screen and I log in, I hear the login sound for gnome, but it is taking an unbearably long time to load09:16
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Kikeheven OS 9.2 was faster09:16
Quaruptbart_, I just dont wanna bork my X like last time i tried09:16
ardchoille42Quarupt, "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" is how I did it.09:16
Kikehanyone can help?09:16
po0fXif: What's the icon that's displayed in the upper-left corner?09:16
Xifpo0f: are you using the same version as me? 7.0-035+1ubuntu409:16
y0hmlol I miss os 9.2 :)09:16
Kikehy0hm, believe me, you dont XD09:17
Xifpo0f: the same generic white icon.09:17
n2diyKikeh: let her cook. How long has she been cooking?09:17
po0fXif: *ubuntu509:17
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Quaruptardchoille42, what does that do exactly?09:17
y0hma true old friend Os 9.2 :)09:17
Kikehn2diy, for about 3 mins or so and gnome still isn't fully loaded09:17
Xifpo0f: hm?09:17
n2diyKikeh: let her cook.09:17
Kikehn2diy, it's so bad, I might as well be using an Intel i386  >_<09:18
ardchoille42Quarupt, That reconfigures xorg.conf to allow you to edit it09:18
po0fXif: 7.0-035+1ubuntu5 is what I'm using.09:18
huda_hudibye guys thanks for all the help :)09:18
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YoussefAssadhas anyone had any issues with getting podcasts properly onto their ipod?09:18
Xifpo0f: how would I upgrade then?  this is the latest per apt-cache09:18
Kikehn2diy, is this normal though?09:18
Xifpo0f: maybe you're not using vim-full?09:18
Quaruptardchoille42, ya but I dont know like what driver to change or the monitor settings and all that09:18
dinamizadorla leche q es en ingles09:18
Kikehn2diy, cause even the mouse lags09:18
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bart_ah, I see, I had no trouble by configuring xorg.conf09:18
po0fXif: I am, it's one of the first things I install.  ;)09:18
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ardchoille42Quarupt, sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak  to make a backup if you're afraid of hurting it.09:19
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po0fXif: Also, this is a day old install, with all repos enabled.09:19
Xifpo0f: yeah, I don't understand it. possibly it's on a repo I don't have?09:19
=== Xif is supposed to have them all enabled too
Quaruptardchoille42, how can I tell if my 3d accel is working?09:19
ardchoille42Quarupt, I don't know09:19
po0fQuarupt: glxinfo | grep direct09:19
Xifpo0f: could you check which repo you got yours from?09:19
Xifis it Dapper btw?09:20
variantdo the deb-src apt sources install the source code for every application you have installed or is this something else?09:20
ardchoille42po0f, That won't tell if 3d accel is working09:20
Quaruptpo0f, what do I look for in the verbose?09:20
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po0fXif: Edgy.09:20
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n2diyKikeh:  Give it time, be patient.09:20
variantardchoille42: yes it will..09:20
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Kikehn2diy, okay ;_;09:20
Xifpo0f: hm, so anything I can do?09:20
ardchoille42po0f, That returns "Direct Rendering: Yes" on my onboard graphics with the default Ubuntu driver.09:20
Xif(I'm on dapper)09:20
ardchoille42variant, That returns "Direct Rendering: Yes" on my onboard graphics with the default Ubuntu driver.09:20
variantardchoille42: that means you have 3d rendering accelleration09:20
variantardchoille42: what graphics card is it?09:21
n2diyKikeh:  Is the box showing activity, HD, Led etc...?09:21
po0fXif: Compile from source!  :D09:21
ardchoille42variant, But 3d apps and screensavers cause the system to lag badly09:21
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variantardchoille42: what graphics card is it?09:21
ardchoille42variant, onboard graphics09:21
po0fXif: It's probably an issue with Dapper.09:21
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variantardchoille42: make/model?09:21
ardchoille42variant, on an AMD Sempron 2800+09:21
Kikehn2diy, it's a mac, I dunno where those lights even are09:21
variantardchoille42: what is the graphics chip in use?09:21
po0fXif: If you desperately need that icon, file a bug.  :)09:22
Quaruptardchoille42, I think easy ubuntu installed the right driver but I dunno, I need to check somehow09:22
Kikehn2diy, but I know it's loading stuff cause things keep loading09:22
ardchoille42variant, I don't know, I just know that direct rendering means the hardware does the work, it doesn't mean you can get 3d accel09:22
econobeingi have my FAT partition of my HD set to automatically mount at startup, but only root can read/write/execute. how can i fix that? i tried chown and chmod, but that didn't work09:22
n2diyKikeh: let her cook.09:22
variantardchoille42: your mistaken, direct rendering = 3d accelleration09:22
econobeinghere's my fstab entry for it: /dev/hda2    /media/hda2    vfat     auto,user,exec,rw,sync     0     009:22
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Xifpo0f: I'm using GVim a lot, and having more than one generic icon in the ALT-TAB menu means I'll constantly be confused.09:23
variantardchoille42: please run update-pciids && lspci and pastebin teh output09:23
ardchoille42variant, ok, won't argue, I just know Direct Rendering: Yes but I can't get 3d accel here.09:23
y0hmecono use ( check first :) )the -R flag on chmod !09:23
=== Xif looks for a fix online
n2diyis there a channel for ppc users?09:23
n2diy! ppc09:23
ubotuppc is PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers, and now a fully supported Ubuntu architecture.09:23
econobeingawww, this is like the 100th time i've forgotten -R09:23
variantardchoille42: i assure you that if you ahve direct rendering it means that any 3d instructions are being executed on the graphics hardwareinstead of in software via the main cpu. this = 3d accelleratio09:23
ardchoille42variant, I was told that hardware rendering takes the work off the CPU, it doesn't mean you get 3d accel.09:24
n2diy! ppc | Kikeh09:24
ubotuKikeh: ppc is PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers, and now a fully supported Ubuntu architecture.09:24
Xifardchoille42: btw, I checked what you asked, and it's ok. (the Icon in gvim.desktop is set correctly)09:24
Kikehn2diy, well gnome fully loaded and my mouse stopped lagging, but as soon as I told the update manager to remind me later, it started the laggyness all over again09:24
variantardchoille42: you were told wrong, ardchoille42 check the wikipedia article on DRI it is quite informative09:24
variantardchoille42: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direct_Rendering_Infrastructure09:25
n2diyKikeh: let her cook, she is now doing basic housekeeping, at a new home. :)09:25
kazukanight guys09:25
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variantardchoille42: be carefull what people in here tell you, they are normally not as experienced or knowledgable as they seem (i include myself in that description)09:25
econobeingdo i have to re-start for it to take effect? because it didn't appear to do anything09:25
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Kikehn2diy, but the problem is that even when I just click the gnome panel's applications menu, it lags like a slug and I know this can't be normal o.o09:26
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po0feconobeing: Change the mount options to include "umask=000".09:26
n2diyKikeh: this is a fresh install, right?09:27
variantardchoille42: please will you tell me what graphics chip it is?09:27
Kikehn2diy, yeah, but fresh installs on other comps in the past were never like this...o.o09:27
n2diyKikeh: good, linux is trying to make sure it gets things right, the first time, let her cook. Thing s will get better.09:28
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po0fn2diy: "let her cook", how do you get her to do that?09:29
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Kikehyou're sure?  cause this is a mission critical computer, it needs to be capable of recording music without this kind of lag...XD09:29
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econobeing/dev/hda2    /media/hda2    vfat     auto,user,exec,rw,sync,umask=000     0     009:29
keeganXYou guys know where I can gslist for ubuntu?09:30
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n2diyKikeh: stay out of the kitchen! :)  Linux is figuring out what you have in your 'kitchen" and is trying to work with what you have.09:30
blaahi all09:30
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po0feconobeing: Now, `mount -o remount /media/hda2`.09:31
jussi01hei all, can anyone tell me how to change the color a minimised gaim window flashes when you get a message?09:31
econobeinghmm, it still doesn't let me create files09:31
kiwinz_sucksjussi01, you can't, it's decided by your Gnome skin09:32
po0feconobeing: mount | grep hda2, what does it say the options are?09:32
y0hmecono it seems u didn't do the proper chown & chmod commands09:32
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y0hmfor your permissions09:33
jussi01thanks anyway... btw is there a way to customise your own gnome skin? can someone point me to a tutorial?09:33
po0fy0hm: It's a vfat filesystem.09:33
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maverickhey guys how would i install win xp on a seperate drive on my system with ubuntu already installed on a drive in it?09:33
kiwinz_sucksjussi01, go to System>Preferences?Theme09:33
econobeingsudo chmod -R a+x hda209:33
kiwinz_sucksgnome-look.org has themes you can download09:33
y0hmdoes it differ from normal mounts/disks ?09:34
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blaa how to migrate from windows to ubntu?09:34
econobeingreplace "x" with "w" and "r"09:34
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ardchoille42jussi01,  http://live.gnome.org/GnomeArt/Tutorials/GtkThemes09:34
variantmaverick: when booting the windows cd just selectt he partition/drive to install to. you will have to reboot to the ubuntu cd and reinstall grub09:34
y0hmpoOf ,how does it differ from normal mounts/disks ?09:34
variantmaverick: as windows will overwrite grub09:34
KikehI run sudo apt-get install audacity but it says it cant find it, where is audacity?09:34
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ardchoille42!info audacity09:34
ubotuaudacity: A fast, cross-platform audio editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.4b-2.1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1850 kB, installed size 5444 kB09:35
variantmaverick: the simplest option is to take out the ubuntu disk and install xp, then reinsert the ubuntu disk and set grub to be able to boot win09:35
po0fy0hm: It doesn't support the permissions that Linux-native filesystems use.09:35
y0hmi know under NT fat has no permission like structure09:35
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ardchoille42Kikeh, It's in universe09:35
variantardchoille42: just type !audacity09:35
maverickvariant: i duno i installed vista on the second drive last week and although the pc defaulted to vista boot loader if i unplug the drive grub is still intact on the first drive09:35
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n2diy! audacity | po0f09:35
jussi01thanks all!!!09:35
econobeingi'm going to re-boot and see what happens, brb09:35
y0hmaah so it doesnt inherit linux permissions ..; ok09:35
variantmaverick: you need to set the ubuntu drive as the primary boot device then it will pick up grub09:35
variantmaverick: add vista to the grub config file in /boot/grub/menu.lst09:36
n2diy! audacity09:36
ubotuaudacity: A fast, cross-platform audio editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.4b-2.1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1850 kB, installed size 5444 kB09:36
maverickvariant: hmm im pritty sure i did that (that was my original idea of how to do it) but it didnt work09:36
maverickvariant: i'll give it another try. will brb09:36
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econobeinghmm, it works after rebooting :D09:38
po0feconobeing: :)09:38
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y0hmwould MSDOS have the same effect as VFAT as fylesystem ?09:39
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jussi01ardchoille42: damn after reading that i feel stupid...09:40
po0fy0hm: I would assume as far as Linux is concerned, yes.09:40
ardchoille42jussi01, I did too, lol09:40
Kikehn2diy, how long should I expect this kind of lag?  It still hasn't improved at all09:40
y0hmi c !09:40
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jussi01anyone of you who is a lot smarter than me feel like editing 2 things in a theme?09:41
qbubbleI just installed my first edgy. Everything works fine, until i install the nvidia drivers (sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-common). Somehow, ubuntu installs  the following modules as well:"""""""binutils-static linux-image-2.6.17-10-386 linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-10-386 linux restricted-modules-common""""""". Everything goes fine, no errors etc etc. But when i reboot my system, it boots into another kernel!!!! This "386" kernel09:41
qbubble doesn't support SMP, so i can't use my X2 3800's second core :(. I already reinstalled and tried again : same issue. Any suggestions?09:41
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n2diyKikeh: it hasn't done anything yet? Can you turn your keyboard and caps LEDs on and off?09:41
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n2diykeyboard should have been numlocks.09:42
po0fqbubble: After installing *-generic kernels, you can uninstall *-386 ones.09:42
y0hmqbubble i think you installed from a repo that has added the old kernel-sources09:42
starzhey po0f09:42
Kikehn2diy, yes, but I just mean that programs like Terminal take over 3 mins to load and the Applications menu takes at least 1 minute to show up and most apps dont even load properly09:42
starzwhen i did the update09:42
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starzit installed the generic kernel amongst other things09:43
starzand now the mouse on the system is ullllllllllllllllllllllllllltra laggy09:43
starzany clue why that would be on edgy?09:43
Jordan_UKikeh: What hardware?09:43
po0fstarz: What kind of mouse is it?09:43
starzi mean this system has no business running edgy really but that was the only one i could get the wireless card working with09:43
qbubbley0hm: the catch is: if i boot into my edgy installation with the RIGHT (smp capable) kernel, X won't boot (complains that nvidia kernel module can't be loaded)09:43
starzstandard ps209:43
KikehJordan_U imac G3 500MHz, 20GB HDD, 256 MB RAM09:43
starzwas working fine before reboot09:43
n2diyKikeh: ok, try reloading them, the first time around a lot of setup goes on, it should be quicker on the second pass.09:44
starztried reconfigging xserver-xorg but that didnt help09:44
starzusing onboard savage09:44
y0hmqbubble i'm using latest nvidia driver with edgy with smp09:44
po0fstarz: What are the specs?  Don't tell me it's a ThinkPad.09:44
y0hmso it IS possible09:44
Jordan_UKikeh: I would try it with Xubuntu, or just install XFCE, although I don't remember it being quite that bad on my ibook.09:45
starzno po0f its a desktop some kinda ibm with 2ghz cpu and 256mb ram09:45
y0hmu have to reinstall nvidia driver with the right kernel-sources09:45
qbubbley0hm: did u use the "official" command to install the latest driver ? (sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-common)09:45
y0hmqbubble i did the manual install09:45
starzive no idea what model it is but its one of those extra small space savers that suck09:45
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starzmonitor sits on top of case.. which is about 1409:45
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qbubbley0hm: by manual install, u mean downloading from www.nvidia.com?09:45
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po0fstarz: Meh, I have Edgy installed on my T22 (P-III 800Mhz, 128MB RAM).  No mouse lag.  :)09:46
KikehJordan_U, I can deal with a bit of slowness, but I mean, it's so bad that I might as well be using a Pentium 1 with MMX  :P  OS 9.2 wasn't nearly this bad which is why I am convinced that something is wrong09:46
y0hmqbubble yes and downloading the right kernel-sources09:46
starzwell po0f that sux for me09:46
y0hmits easy09:46
starzi really wanted dapper but that was crap09:46
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qbubbley0hm: plz clarify : right kernel-sources (u mean the generic ones?)09:46
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po0fstarz: Pastebin the InputDevice section for the mouse?09:47
y0hmlinux-headers-generic if i'm correct09:47
Jordan_UKikeh: Gnome is bloated, try Xubuntu, I think the main bottleneck is memory.09:47
starzpo0f im not in nix atm im in winblows and no ext3 drivers installed.. sigh.09:47
qbubbley0hm: ok will try, don't like to choose between smp and nvidia (over nv)09:47
keeganXAnyone know where I can find gslist?09:47
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keeganXI need it for XQF09:47
y0hmqbubble i got a great performance improvement as well after the fresh install09:47
KikehJordan_U, does it help to know that KDE was just the same?  XD  And this happens even when I am merely trying to log in.  The login screen even lags like nuts when I am logging in09:47
Jordan_Uqbubble: The nvidia kernel has SMP support also AFIK09:47
y0hmwith the SMP kernel & new driver :)09:48
po0fstarz: I know what you're talking about with the wireless.  It took me 3 days getting mine to work, and only after a last resort reinstall.09:48
qbubbleJordan_U: how do i get that "nvidia kernel" ?09:48
starzi think i could probably get it going in dapper this time around09:48
starzbut damnit i dont wanna reinstall09:48
po0fstarz: Of course, I forget to backup ~/projects.  :(09:48
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Jordan_UKikeh: KDE is just as bloated as Gnome :) also, I assume you have an ATI card, which explains a lot of the slowness also :)09:49
Jordan_U!nvidia | qbubble09:49
ubotuqbubble: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:49
acts_as_idiotCan anyone answer a newbie question? What's the maximum number of extended partitions I can have on a disk?09:49
po0fstarz: Reinstalls are fun!09:49
KikehJordan_U, but why would this be worse than OS 9 or even OS X?09:49
po0facts_as_idiot: That is a weird question, how many do you _need_?09:49
acts_as_idiotI want 209:50
starzinstalled ext3 driver09:50
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:50
starzthere u go po0f09:50
po0facts_as_idiot: I don't see how that could be a problem, but I haven't personally tried it myself.09:50
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starzhad changed it to vesa as last resort... but po0f does the edgy install cd install generic kernel or what09:51
Jordan_UKikeh: In OS 9 and X you have proper drivers ( ATI hates Linux, their linux drivers are a joke ) also, OSX uses a GPU accelerated window manager, like Beryl / compiz in Linux.09:51
acts_as_idiotpoof: I'm trying to use gparted, I have 1 exisiting primary, 1 extended, 1 limux-swap. gParted won't let me create another extended.09:51
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starzacts_as_idiot do you have open space?09:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about yes - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:52
acts_as_idiotstartz: yup 100G09:52
starzwhat order are your current partitions in09:52
ubotumdadm: tool to administer Linux MD device arrays (software RAID). In component main, is optional. Version 2.4.1-6ubuntu5.2 (edgy), package size 149 kB, installed size 456 kB09:52
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po0facts_as_idiot: That's what I figured.09:52
y0hmmdadm .. very cool stuff :)09:52
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about maid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about starz - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:53
starzpo0f http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3565/ is xorg.conf09:53
KikehJordan_U, so it makes perfect sense that Linux is unbearably slow compared to OSX?09:53
mneptokplease do not abuse the bot.09:53
starzKikeh what cpu are you using?09:53
Jordan_UKikeh: On that hardware, yes.09:53
Kikehstarz, G3 500MHz09:53
starzto me edgy is like vista./. really needs better hardware09:53
acts_as_idiotstartz: first two ext3 primary partitions, then 100G unallocated, then the extended (which has the swap as a logical).09:53
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mneptokKikeh: RAM?09:54
starzright for that i would be running dapper or the one before that09:54
Kikehmneptok, 256MB09:54
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Jordan_UKikeh: BUT, nothing will beat the speed of Fluxbox, and XFCE isn't bad either.09:54
starzacts_as_idiot ah09:54
mneptokKikeh: i'd use Xubuntu. which will be faster than 10.4 on that hardware.09:54
=== timo [n=timo@dsl-hkigw10-fe0dde00-171.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Kikehmneptok, alrighty09:54
Kikehty then ppl09:55
KikehI will install Xubuntu instead09:55
starzmneptok how about server install + enlightenment <309:55
y0hmyes Xfce runs really light09:55
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oxygenhow can i convert ext2 to ext309:55
acts_as_idiotpoof: that's what you figured?09:55
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po0fstarz: The only thing I can think of is maybe changing ExplorerPS/2 to ImPS/2?09:55
mneptokKikeh: don't get mad at Linux because ATI provides closed, crappy drivers. get mad at ATI, vote with your wallet, and tell them.09:55
po0facts_as_idiot: I don't really see a need for more than one extended partition.09:56
starzpo0f kay i'll try that.09:56
starzmneptok agreed nvidia > all09:56
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ardchoille42mneptok, Good advice09:56
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qbubbleJordan_U: tnx m8, got a bit further :D09:56
=== mneptok doesn't see the need for any extended partitions ;)
Jordan_Umneptok: And on the PPC side nvidia is actually worse believe it or not :)09:56
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po0fmneptok: You're weird.09:56
Eonshi; why beagled (and beaglehelper) are always in --debug mode?09:56
y0hmnever had problems with nvidia on my g4 & G509:57
ctiuned help on runing a .SH files.... how can i locate and run the installer?09:57
acts_as_idiotpoof: Yes, I guess you have a point. I could put everything under the one extended.  But I'm planning to use LVM later, with XEN, I just don't know if it matters09:57
mneptokpo0f: maybe so, but my Ubuntu install is working great. ;)09:57
po0fctiu: What are you trying to install?09:57
Jordan_Uy0hm: Never tried to run any OpenGL apps then I assume :)09:57
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ctiupo0f, im trying to install an Oracle Database ^^,09:58
y0hmJordan on Xfce u mean ?09:58
tafrynHas anyone managed to set up ruby and ruby-debug in edgy?09:58
po0fmneptok: Might as well just make one big partition then, no swap partition even, use a swap FILE!09:58
y0hmlike VLC with GL overlay ?09:58
mneptokpo0f: huh?09:58
po0fmneptok: Being sarcastic.  :)09:58
y0hmor kxmame09:59
soundrayctiu: you should get the .deb package from Oracle09:59
y0hmor #beryl09:59
acts_as_idiotpoof: did you mean your reply for me?09:59
mneptokpo0f: why use extended partitions from the FAT16 DOS days when every OS not coded by baboons is perfectly happy with multiple primary partitions?09:59
po0facts_as_idiot: Which one?09:59
mrtimhi, is the an /etc/sudoers file equivelent for gksu? I've incredibly ugly fading on gnome with beryl + gksu.09:59
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acts_as_idiotpoof: about no swap09:59
jussi01hei all again, when editing a theme (gtkrc in gedit), does anyone know what to change to change the color that the windows flash in the status bar?09:59
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po0fmneptok: Because, at one point, I had 9 partitions on one hard drive.  You can only have 4 primary.10:00
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po0facts_as_idiot: No.10:00
soundraymrtim: gksu reads /etc/sudoers as well10:00
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mneptokpo0f: well, i did say "not coded by baboons" ;)10:00
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mrtimsoundray: thanks, must have got some config wrong somwhere!10:00
frafrahi all10:01
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ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!10:01
illriginalI have a question, I have a FX5200 NVIDIA Card, can I safely install NVIDIA GLX?10:01
po0fillriginal: Yes.10:01
illriginalthank you10:01
po0fqbubble: Lol, glad to help.10:02
acts_as_idiotmneptok: so you don't use extended partitions? How do you have more than 4 on one drive?10:02
mneptokacts_as_idiot: LVM10:02
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frafraI've plugged my usb webcam, and the modules are loaded. It seems to be on /dev/video0, but all the programs say that it can't use this device...10:02
po0fmneptok: You have to do a server install to get LVM, correct?10:03
jussi01hei all again, when editing a theme (gtkrc in gedit), does anyone know what to change to change the color that the windows flash in the status bar? anyone?10:03
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soundrayfrafra: you need to add yourself to the group that can read the device10:03
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tonyyarussopo0f: no.10:03
tonyyarussopo0f: Regular alternate CD has it10:03
acts_as_idiotmneptok: actuallly I want to use LVM, but I also want to separate /boot , /, /var, /usr ...do you put these under LVM too?10:04
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po0fYay, I just spent 20 min downloading desktop herd2.10:04
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mneptokacts_as_idiot: /boot should never exist inside an LVM. but the others are safe.10:05
frafrasoundray, I've added the users to the video audio, but the problem is the same10:05
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kvossenMy gnome session won't start, it tells me to look in xsession-errors, but there are no errors, last line is /etc/gdm/Xsession: beginning session setup. I tried this with a brand new user as well, and this gives exactly the same problem. Any ideas?10:05
soundrayfrafra: you need to log out an in again to activate group participation10:05
acts_as_idiotmneptok: ok, so /boot in ome primary, one more primary for LVM, and that's it?10:05
mneptokacts_as_idiot: /boot on a primary. swap space on primary. Windows on primary. everything else on LVM.10:06
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tonyyarussomneptok: why swap too?10:06
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acts_as_idiotmneptok: windows haha10:07
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po0fmneptok: FC puts swap in the LVM.10:07
mneptokpo0f: and?10:07
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acts_as_idiotpoof: FC?10:07
y0hmsoundray , is it enough to add "myself" to the video group for dev/video permissions to be set up right10:07
po0fmneptok: Hey, you're the one that's all, "uhh, LVM", I'm just saying.  :)10:08
=== mneptok doesn't like dev-mapper calls solely for memory pages.
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po0facts_as_idiot: Fedora Core.10:08
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soundrayy0hm: it may or may not be. The permissions on thd device have to be correct, too. (They usually are if the device is created by edgy udev.)10:08
valehru_Hey guys, I'm trying apt-get upgrade however I am getting the error that the following packages have been kept back: libwnck18 linux-image-386 linux-restricted-modules-386 nvidia-glx10:08
=== chiahsin [n=ChiaHsin@59-125-130-214.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu
valehru_help please...10:09
mneptoksudo aptitude update10:09
y0hmk i'll check it ,thx !10:09
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ardchoille42valehru, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:09
po0fvalehru_: Don't use XGL/Beryl.10:09
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valehru_po0f, why not?10:09
acts_as_idiotmneptok: Thanks. And so later when I'm using Xen, can I stil use the same LVM primary for it...I suppose why not10:10
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po0fvalehru_: Because of what's happening to you right now.10:10
valehru_ardchoille42, I don't want to upgrade to edgy...I'm still on dapper.10:10
mneptokacts_as_idiot: sure10:10
adammckhello. i don't have qmail or clam installed, but they're both listed in 'ps -aux' - how is that possible? (my ps -aux output: http://rafb.net/p/krA8Te21.html)10:10
=== Cappy [n=Cappy@ip70-185-166-198.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
valehru_po0f, well I don't have beryl installed10:10
ardchoille42valehru, That won't upgrade you to Edgy, but it will update your kernel10:10
acts_as_idiotThanks everyone10:10
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adammckcourier is in there too. i don't have that installed either :S10:11
frafrasame problem10:11
mneptokadammck: who are those numeric users?10:11
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mneptok(107, etc)10:11
y0hmpo0f , could you perhaps clarify the confusion with the SMP-kernel( thread-spy ) security issue , is it safe nowadays to use the SMP kernel ?10:12
mneptokadammck: and you have a server services running, how did you install those?10:12
adammckmneptok: i have no idea. they're not in my /etc/passwd10:12
y0hm*my confusion that is ;)10:12
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soundrayadammck: you must be looking at the ps aux of another machine10:12
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fraframy webcam still not working10:13
po0fy0hm: I have no clue what you are talking about.10:13
valehru_po0f, I'm pretty sure that xgl and beryl are not installed on this system...the repositories are included in apt...but are not being used.....10:13
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YoussefAssadI've got a hand-compiled lib in /usr/local/lib/ but the app is using the one in /usr/lib/. Any ideas on how Ican force the app to use the version in /usr/local/lib/?10:13
soundray!webcam | frafra10:13
ubotufrafra: webcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras10:13
adammckmneptok: this is on a dedicated server that i just rented from 123reg.co.uk - i was expecting a bare ubuntu server install, but i found this monstrosity10:13
persenI've installed the msttcorefonts but dont think they are used in X (the fonts doesnt appear to have changed).10:13
persenHow do i specify what fonts to be loaded in X?10:13
po0fvalehru_: They are included when calculating dependencies for other packages though, try commenting them out and run `sudo aptitude update`.10:13
mneptokadammck: i'd contact them10:13
Tremitosdon't know10:13
valehru_po0f, ok...will do.10:13
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer10:13
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mneptokadammck: aptitude show qmail10:14
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de10:14
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mneptokYoussefAssad: mv the old lib aside, and then symlink the new lib to the old?10:14
adammckmneptok: it says "no candidate version found for qmail"10:14
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adammckmneptok: i've tried contacting them, they just say i have no support, because i asked for root access...10:15
YoussefAssadmneptok: alright, I'll try that10:15
CappyIn case anyone was wondering, I just tried to install a distro called "Ubuntu Ultimate" and while setting up the installer crashed out on me. Bah humug to it.10:15
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soundraykraut: there doesn't seem to be 'pd' for Plattdeutsch10:15
Asturiaany squid guru in here? Need some help with acl for squid10:15
krautsoundray: 'moin' isn't plattdeutsch ;)10:15
y0hmpo0f a sec i'm looking 4 the URL10:16
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po0fYoussefAssad: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib my_binary10:16
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soundraykraut: I beg to differ. Shall we discuss this in #ubuntu-offtopic?10:17
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granitihi. is there a command (or a program to download) which launchs a popup with a given msg?10:17
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po0fgraniti: zenity10:17
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TajmoxHey in vmware, how do I access my Linux files?   or send a file I have onto the virtual disk?10:17
ardchoille42graniti, I use Zenity for that, it's nice.  man zenity10:17
y0hmpoOf , Actually i was reffering to Hyperthreading rather then to the SMP -kernel , ring a bell ?10:17
kvossenAnyone else having problems with gnome-session segfaulting?10:17
Jowigraniti, you also have gmessage10:18
krautsoundray: no time, sorry10:18
y0hmmy bad !10:18
granitipo0f: ardchoille42 Jowi: thnkas10:18
soundraykvossen: are you on feisty?10:18
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kvossensoundray: edgy10:18
frafraubuntu recognize my webcam, and loads the modules, but every program say that it can't use /dev/video0...10:18
po0fy0hm: No...  besides, it doesn't concern me; I don't own a HT P4 or a dual core system.10:19
kvossensoundray: tried reinstalling gnome, gnome-session, but it doesn't help10:19
mitchelochello fello ubuntuites :), i'm using pyramid linux (a supposed ubuntu variant) and i'm having trouble with the usb driver, "cat /proc/bus/usb/devices > devices" is giving me a "No such file or directory" error10:19
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incorrecthow can i remove kde?  yesterday i did apt-get install kubuntu-desktop,  no i regret it10:20
y0hmapt-get remove kubuntu-desktop ?10:20
ardchoille42incorrect, You on Edgy?10:20
hagabaka"foo considered bar" titles are so popular10:20
incorrectardchoille42: i am10:20
ardchoille42apt-get remove --auto-remove kubuntu-desktop10:21
Jordan_Uincorrect: sudo apt-get autoremove kubuntu-desktop10:21
soundraykvossen: create a new user and see if it happens if you log in as that.10:21
incorrectJordan_U: thanks :) dpkg -P wasn't the answer i had tried :)10:21
kvossensoundray:  tried that, and it does :(10:21
po0fy0hm: Look at the last update to that page (May 13, 2005).  There have been a couple patches to the kernel since then.  ;)10:22
adammckis there a way that i can show the parameters that the kernel was booted with?10:22
ardchoille42Jordan_U, The --auto-remove option was added for the version of apt-get shipped with Edgy, this is what the devs told me when I submitted the apt-get bug report for Dapper10:22
hagabakawhy do so many packages depend explicitly on python2.4? python 2.5 shouldn't be that incompatible...10:22
soundraykvossen: oh dear -- have you run memtest8610:22
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kvossensoundray: ooh, not yet, i'll give it a go10:22
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Jordan_Uardchoille42: Was that comment meant for incorrect?10:23
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y0hmPo0f ,Thats why i was asking , it was hard finding any more information on the subject ... I googled my *ss off10:23
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po0fy0hm: From what I understand, HT is almost useless anyway.10:23
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soundrayfrafra: what do you get from ls -l /dev/video0 ?10:24
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ardchoille42Jordan_U, Mu appologies, I thought you were saying my reply was incorrect. Sorry about that.10:24
mitchelocis anyone familiar with this? "cat /proc/bus/usb/devices > devices" gives "No such file or directory"10:24
=== johan__ [n=johan@bas1-montreal19-1088784017.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
y0hmfor most things it's pretty useless yes , but if youre irc'ing watching tv surfing &playing mp3 & burning CD it kinda helps keeping things running smooth10:25
incorrectthanks guys - reboot10:25
frafracrw-rw---- 1 root video 81, 0 2007-01-31 10:09 /dev/video010:25
johan__hillo, i need to compile a package but make wont work10:25
mneptokmitcheloc: have you tried asking in a Pyramid Linux support channel or site?10:25
johan__i first did apt-get build-essential10:25
po0fjohan__: Have you `sudo aptitude install build-essential`?10:25
lskd-255since they all look the same,  'fonts' in Ubuntu should be renamed to 'spacing styles'10:25
po0fjohan__: What's the error?10:25
=== thefish [n=thefish@dsl-fixed-62-69-44-72.surfdsl.murphx.net] has joined #ubuntu
y0hmpoOf , I must mention that i got a quite significant speedboost enabling HT on my edgy install !10:26
mitchelocmneptok: i looked on their website and didn't see any irc rooms, since they mentioned it a variant of ubuntu i thought i'd try here first before the mailing list10:26
johan__make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.10:26
johan__makeinfo is missing could that be an issue10:26
po0fjohan__: You'll have to take that up with the devs of whatever program you are trying to install.10:26
mneptokmitcheloc: what are you trying to do with this command?10:27
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po0fjohan__: What are you trying to install anyway?10:27
soundrayfrafra: what do you get from a 'cat /dev/video0'? (The camera should be connected, you should be getting a flood of random characters if it's okay, fix the terminal with 'reset' afterwards)10:27
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johan__xcave, a very small app10:27
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mneptokYoussefAssad: any luck?10:27
rausb0!info xcave10:27
johan__from freshmeat10:27
ubotuPackage xcave does not exist in any distro I know10:27
soundrayfrafra: oh, and type Ctrl-C to stop ;)10:27
mitchelocmneptok: i am following these instructions -- http://www.sagrad.com/info/EVDO/ trying to get my evdo card working on pyramid10:27
frafrasoundray, yes, random characters :)10:27
YoussefAssadmneptok: yes and no :)10:27
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frafraok ;)10:27
YoussefAssadmneptok: We're loading the right lib now, but it still looks like there is no quarter way competent itunes replacement... :\10:28
mneptokYoussefAssad: well, then "bismillah!" and "Allahu astigfair." ;)10:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about directfb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:28
=== administrator_ [n=administ@60-234-245-11.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
soundrayfrafra: which camera applications have you tried?10:28
po0fjohan__: Do you have all the dependencies?10:28
YoussefAssadmneptok: Whoa, I'm sort of the last person in this bloody region who'd use those incantations! :)10:28
mneptokYoussefAssad: look at Rhythmbox, Banshee, and Quod Libet10:28
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mitchelocmneptok: if you look near the middle of that page, you can see the cat command10:29
YoussefAssadmneptok: all suckage factors exceeding amarok. I can live with itunes on dual boot; I have to use MS Project anyhow, so the windows partition stays10:29
johan__they dont mention any dependencies10:29
soundrayfrafra: can you try with xawtv?10:29
frafrayes, sure10:29
YoussefAssadmneptok: the only real problem is getting podcasts on the thing. Amarok is fine when all you want to do is stock your ipod up with music10:29
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soundrayfrafra: give it 'xawtv -c /dev/video0' to make sure it accesses the right device10:30
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mneptokYoussefAssad: gtkpod isn't helpful?10:30
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po0fjohan__: It looks like you need at least libgtk2.0-dev and glade.10:30
johan__the only thing weird in config.log is the missing 'makeinfo' is this normal10:30
valehru_Hey guys, trying to install w32codecs however I'm getting the following:   w32codecs: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.4-1) but 2.3.6-0ubuntu20.2 is installed.10:30
frafradone: http://rafb.net/p/olx3Kp88.html10:30
johan__let me check that, thanks10:30
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mneptokYoussefAssad: IIRC, Rhythmbox supports podcast subscription and retrieval10:30
YoussefAssadmneptok: hardly. The problem seems to be with libgpod, which both use. That is the lib I have compiled from cvs and was trying out10:31
YoussefAssadmneptok: I'll have another look at rhythmbox then.10:31
mneptokYoussefAssad: ugh. well, i look forward to your fixes. :)10:31
=== bugz_ [n=bugz@adsl-69-235-200-21.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
YoussefAssadmneptok: the last thing you want is bugfixes from a project manager, trust you me :)10:31
=== Carnage\ [n=carnage@laphiwi0.informatik.uni-freiburg.de] has joined #ubuntu
mneptok(and yes, you were just voluntold to fix gtkpod) ;)10:32
=== Tehlak [n=jhweers@pD9576375.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
YoussefAssadmneptok: As soon as I get the Middle Eastern open source ocmmunity around www.mifos.org up, I'll hop to libgpod :)10:32
=== soundray has learnt a new vocabulary just now... voluntell
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mneptokYoussefAssad: and remember tah e-mail to-do item i sent about mending the shi'a/sunni rift and feeding the world's poor. please get those done soon, also.10:33
arn_i have installed postgres in my newly installed Ubuntu linux. where should i get the installed directioy? I mean the bin, data,... and all other folders?10:33
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mneptokarn_: sudo updatedb && locate postgres10:34
YoussefAssadmneptok: I have bigger problems that shia/sunni. We've got emacs and vim users in the LUG here, and it's getting pretty tense10:34
soundrayfrafra: use my nick so I see your lines... The problem appears to be on the output side. What kind of graphics do you have?10:34
lskd-255valehru, I can see in my synaptic, I've got libc6 2.4-1ubuntu12.3 which would satisfy the '>=' maybe you need to do an update10:35
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frafrasoundray, a nvidia 6200 graphic card, with nvidia proprietary beta driver. I'm using festy10:35
mneptokYoussefAssad: oh dear. if you ping out, to where may we send flowers?10:35
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soundrayfrafra: you don't seem to have DGA for some reason.10:36
YoussefAssadmneptok: heh10:36
Xifpo0f: btw, where would I file a bug about the GVim icon issue?10:36
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mneptokXif: LP10:37
soundrayfrafra: I wouldn't know how to fix this. Perhaps the problem is known in #ubuntu+110:37
YoussefAssadmneptok: If this region was gonna kill me, it would have done so last year. Bad idea to be half danish down here10:37
frafraok, thanks10:37
po0fXif: launchpad.net10:37
mneptokYoussefAssad: maybe it's the bottom half, so you're safe? *shrug*10:37
innuhey. I use rhytmbox. I wanted to remove all files and add them again to playlist. But if i choosed move to trash, it deleted it completely!. They are in my trash ~/.Trash. Can i restore them someway. Right now there are just my music files. Don't want to sort them manually. Just want to put back where they were.10:37
Xifpo0f, mneptok: thanks10:37
YoussefAssadmneptok: inner half, more life10:37
mneptokYoussefAssad: smart, given current religious zealotry (on all sides)10:38
YoussefAssadmneptok: You don't live here 12 years and not learn how to survive10:39
YoussefAssadOkay, rhythmbox is out. No write to ipod support. itunes it is10:40
johan__i did not have glade but still it dont solve the issue10:40
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mneptokYoussefAssad: same here. but in this case it's all climate.10:40
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YoussefAssadmneptok: how so?10:40
mneptokYoussefAssad: iPod fs format?10:40
johan__i'll use a tk app it'll be easier10:40
mneptokYoussefAssad: i'm in Quebec, Canada. currently -17C. ;)10:40
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YoussefAssadmneptok: Not sure, but I really don't have much more time to tinker when a reboot to windows will make life easier10:41
YoussefAssadmneptok: You poor fellow :)10:41
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mneptokYoussefAssad: if the iPod is HFS+ formatted (i.e. "Mac format") then write will be an issue in both Linux and Windows.10:42
lskd-255mneptok, global warning is real, brrrrr  **snarky sarcasm**10:42
mitchelocwhat command will list usb devices on ubuntu?10:42
mitchelocdamn i had tried that, it's not installed10:42
c3oI can't get my script in cron.daily to run...10:43
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perplexityusbutils: /usr/sbin/lsusb10:43
mitchelocapparently i can copy that binary over, i'll try it right now10:43
c3oIt lists all scripts as last run 00:38 except mine :S10:43
mneptokc3o: does the script work when invoked manually?10:43
c3oIts autmysqlbackup..10:44
mneptokc3o: content of the cron job to pastebin?10:44
YoussefAssadmneptok: Yea, no. It's bad old vfat10:44
mneptokYoussefAssad: yay?10:44
johan__where you from mneptok10:45
mneptokc3o: do you run this script as a user both manually and from cron?10:45
mneptokjohan__: Montreal10:45
c3oHuh? Well, I tried to run it manually when it didn't work with cron.10:45
johan__cotes-des-neiges here10:45
mneptok'lu :)10:46
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=== mneptok waves across the St. Laurent
mneptokc3o: waiting  ....10:47
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=== mneptok kicks the intarswebz
=== Luuna [n=luuna@LPuteaux-151-42-17-69.w193-252.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
YoussefAssaderm, I wonder if itunes will insist on keeping on-disc copies of the mp3s?10:47
Asturiacan anyone help me setup authentication in squid?10:47
mneptokc3o: oh, OK. i see.10:47
=== Rprp [n=Rprp@cc763024-a.groni1.gr.home.nl] has joined #Ubuntu
johan__what do you mean YoussefAssad10:48
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mneptokc3o: you do not add things to cron by placing them in directories. you need to use "crontab -e" to edit the crontab for your user and add the jobs.10:48
=== GuHaSe [n=guhase@cpe-70-112-209-116.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
innuhey. I use rhytmbox. I wanted to remove all files and add them again to playlist. But if i choosed move to trash, it deleted it completely!. They are in my trash ~/.Trash. Can i restore them someway. Right now there are just my music files. Don't want to sort them manually. Just want to put back where they were.10:49
c3oHow do I do that then? It's more then the manual told :S10:49
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YoussefAssadjohan__: I'm about to dump all my music on the ipod through itunes in windows (sorry! sorry! self-flagellation will commence!) but I was just wondering if, after adding it all to the ipod, I can delete it from disk without itunes also cleverly thinking this means to delete it from the ipod also10:49
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johan__innu you can mv them like any other files10:50
innujohan__, yes i can move. But i need to put them in right folders by hand. And i have over 1000 files in there.10:51
mneptokc3o: http://www.unixgeeks.org/security/newbie/unix/cron-1.html10:51
johan__have you tried gtkpod its friendlier than itunes10:51
GuHaSeDoes anyone know why gnome/kde's sound doesn't work, because i have alsamixer working properly, and i have mplayer, xmms working, but i had to choose oss with /dev/dsp2 and /dev/mixer210:51
YoussefAssadjohan__: Yes, I have. It doesn't handle podcasts very well.10:51
johan__i see10:51
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GuHaSeis there a way to make gnome/kde use /dev/dsp2? The gui stuff only list /dev/dsp and autodetect as options10:51
YoussefAssadjohan__: No podcasts, I'm dead. Spend lots of time in airports :)10:51
=== Tschaka [n=tschaka@p54B3B939.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
johan__maybe you need to write a little shell script to rearange them innu10:53
shwouchkI installed edgy and it doesn't recognize my ipw2200 wifi nic... what should I do? (6.06 recognized it)10:53
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YoussefAssadjohan__: Probably, yes :) But I have no time to tinker, I'm afraid10:53
=== bachilleratoc [n=bachille@160.Red-80-24-242.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
arn_how can i know whether my postgresql server is running or not? when i was trying to connect i get a message like "Is the server running locally and accepting connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.0"---- here i want to mention that I am using Ubuntu linux10:54
bachilleratock pasa warronas!!!!10:54
mitcheloccopying the lsusb binary won't work -- too many deps, is there any other way to check the usb devices?10:54
=== os390 [n=hhlp@cm-83-97-140-96.telecable.es] has joined #ubuntu
perplexityyou can't apt-get install usbutils ?10:54
johan__i had trouble with a intel wifi card and ndiswrapper worked fine to have it work10:54
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innujohan__, and how i can get original path from files? no use of script if i dont no original path10:55
perplexitymitcheloc: depending on it being mounted - cat /proc/bus/usb/devices10:55
mitchelocperplexity: i'm using pyramid  linux (a supposed variant of ubuntu) which happens to be lacking many packages such as "apt"10:55
mitchelocperplexity: nothing there, it's empty, say i get the device installed, will it add something in or should /devices always exist even if it's empty?10:55
johan__it will be hard without the original path10:55
perplexitywell, if you have a usb controller it will appear in there..10:55
arn_perplexity:  i have usbutils installed.  but i cant run my postgres server10:56
incorrectdoes anyone know if its possible to enable edge flipping in gnone?10:56
=== finalbeta [n=finalbet@d5152A68A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
perplexitymitcheloc cat /proc/filesystems | grep usbfs10:56
shwouchkI installed edgy and it doesn't recognize my ipw2200 wifi nic... what should I do? (6.06 recognized it) anyone? please?10:56
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mitchelocperplexity: that returned "nodev     usbfs"10:57
mitchelocwhat does that tell us?10:57
lskd-255shwouchk, that sounds pretty standard, did you try the Edgy start guide at http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy    ...  ctrl+f wifi10:57
perplexityok, so you can mount it up with mount -t usbfs none /proc/bus/usb then cat /proc/bus/usb/devices10:57
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shwouchklskd-255: Ill try10:58
shwouchklskd-255: thanks10:58
mitchelocperplexity: i did the mount command, it did not fail, and /proc/bus/usb/devices does not exist still10:58
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perplexityhave you any usb drivers/host adapters in that system?10:59
shwouchklskd-255: it only explains ndiswrapper10:59
perplexitydo you see anything with dmesg | tail after you plug a device in ?10:59
illriginalWhat does this mean? gpg: WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `/home/illriginal/.gnupg/gpg.conf'10:59
shwouchklskd-255: the native ipw2200 is preety good10:59
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perplexitymitcheloc: in fact, if you examine your boot dmesg, are there any usb devices/host adaptors detected ?11:00
mitchelocperplexity: actually no the pcmcia card is not inserted at the moment, essentially its an evdo card and i'm using it on my laptop to get help first11:00
mitcheloci tried this offline once i'll have to go offline then to test out yoru commands11:00
=== raveneye [n=raveneye@cp994308-a.gelen1.lb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
perplexityoh.. that may explain the absence of devices then..11:01
GuHaSehow do you change the default sound card used by gnome? (simply changing it in the conf didn't work)11:01
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mitcheloci understood from the example i read online that the devices list would exist first then i should insert the card11:01
GuHaSealso did asoundconf set_default_card didn't work either11:01
perplexitywell, if it's the only host adaptor in the system then no, nothing will exist prior to inserting it11:01
mitchelocperplexity: on this webpage http://www.sagrad.com/info/EVDO/ the guy tells me to check that file first, but i think the problem is he has a full desktop and other usb devices, thats why the file exists right?11:02
=== Maddog [n=colin@cpc3-cowc2-0-0-cust671.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
perplexityI would suspect so. I guess if you have no other usb devices in the system you have a pretty old laptop then ?11:02
mitchelocdo you see where it says "Now INSERT CARD"11:02
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mitchelocheh, it is a soekris 130mhz board11:02
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mitchelocperplexity: okay this all makes more sense, i'm going to go offline and try it (be back in about 10 minutes) -- if i miss you TIA11:03
perplexityyes, I see that... so the card emulates an ohci adaptor.. I'd actually do what the web page says and tail /var/log/messages when you insert the card to see what happens. You may have to manually insert the ohci module11:03
perplexitybest of luck11:04
=== sc0tty [n=yann@ARennes-258-1-42-199.w90-31.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
mitchelocthere are no logs -- /var/log/messages doesn't exist =/11:04
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=== perplexity bangs head against desk
beginneranyone here using xrced?11:04
mitchelocdmesg has success messages though on the usb insertion heh11:04
perplexityjust do a dmesg after you insert the card :)11:04
=== mitcheloc puts some rubber on perplexity's desk
mitchelocbbiab :), thanks11:04
=== thekorn [n=markus@a89-182-29-253.net-htp.de] has joined #ubuntu
shwouchkI installed edgy and it doesn't recognize my ipw2200 wifi nic... what should I do? (6.06 recognized it automagically)11:08
=== Hanna__ [n=Hanna@ip185.cab25.trt.starman.ee] has joined #ubuntu
lskd-255shwouchk, all I can suggest is this forum entry: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2662311:09
perplexityso a cat /proc/net/devices shows no wireless adaptor ?11:09
=== TmsK [n=swoop@96.Red-81-44-66.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
shwouchkperplexity: no, It doesn't11:10
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:10
shwouchklskd-255: thanks, but I saw that and it's 1. for hoary 2. for ndiswrapper11:10
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shwouchkI want native ipw220011:10
ademanis there any real advantage to using ATI's installer? i mean, is it a considerably newer version than the fglrx package?11:11
perplexityis the ipw2200 module loaded ?11:11
zOapI use dapper with k, which means fuse is a part of the kernel. I've installed the module in modconf, apt-get fuse-source and fuse-utils. but when I try to compile curlFTPfs I get error "no fuse"... what did I do wrong?11:11
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Chiseihello, anyone able to help with an advice? some booting issues after installation?11:14
gortba_Question: Is there a general rule for where to download programs...?11:14
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Tajmoxhow do i increase my bash history size?   right now its limited to only 50011:15
shwouchkperplexity: yes, it is11:15
ademangortba_: programs are contained in something called "packages", and are retrieved from a main server through something called apt.11:15
ademangortba_: from the command line you can execute "sudo apt-get install <somepackagename>"11:15
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ademangortba_: or you can go to System->Administration->Synaptic Package Manager, where you can select packages to install, then hit apply, and it will install them automatically11:16
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Chiseiquestion: after initial reboot after installation a message "Error loading OS." comes up, i tried reinstalling it, but it wouldn't help, is there a way to fix this problem?11:16
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aalhamaddoes crossover works for flash 8??11:16
gortba_ademan..but say I want to download a program that's not in synaptic  that I have to get directly from someone's site...11:16
codiAnyone know why anything i play in totem-gstreamer comes out square. even if it's a widescreen video11:16
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type "sudo mount -o loop my.iso <mountpoint>" There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before burning. Burning .iso files: see !burn11:17
=== bef [n=bef@203-59-109-37.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
codii can't find anything even remotely helpful through google11:18
=== daro [n=darek@acmn239.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
ademangortba_: the repositories have pretty much every program you'd ever need, i've only once wanted a program that wasnt in synaptic, is there a specific program you have in mind?  (you can file a bug report requesting that it be added to the repositories)11:18
echosystmhas anyone seen ubuntustudio yet?11:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about screensaver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:19
=== piranesi [n=piranesi@host95-218-dynamic.11-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
variantechosystm: ubuntustudio?11:19
gortba_well...my daughter want to get AIM from AOL because that's what her friends use. I checked with synaptic and a search didn't turn up anything.11:19
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gortba_But AOL has a linux version on their site.11:19
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piranesihow can I change display position with ATI opensource driver? maybe It's an operation it can be done with alle the cards...11:20
=== howl is now known as cornelius
zOapI use dapper with k, which means fuse is a part of the kernel. I've installed the module in modconf, apt-get fuse-source and fuse-utils. but when I try to compile curlFTPfs I get error "no fuse"... what did I do wrong? modprobe -l fuse returns the path to fuse..11:20
echosystmits a new version of ubuntu for music and designers11:20
=== nundol [n=nundol@] has left #ubuntu ["]
ademangortba_: ubuntu has gaim and one other alternative11:20
variantgortba_: use gaim, it is allreayd installed11:20
gortba_Right...but can she connect with her friends on AOL?11:20
variantgortba_: gaim supports most protocalls, yes she can connect to her friends on ail11:20
shwouchkperplexity: any idea?11:20
codiis it gstreamer or totem that is distorting my video?11:21
variantgortba_: when she puts her username/password in just make sure to select aim11:21
ademangortba_: Kopete and gaim both support AOL's chat network and protocol11:21
variantgortba_: as the protocall11:21
GuHaSecan anyone help me fix my sounds? xmms and mplayer work when i select oss as output, but nothing else has sound working. Selecting oss in gnome's sound config doesn't work, is there anything else i can do?11:21
ataqis there not an AOL build for Linux?11:21
perplexityshwouchk have you combed your dmesg to see if there are any signs of the card being detected? or /var/log/syslog to see if udev is failing to load the firmware?11:21
=== Hanna_ [n=Hanna@ip99.cab27.trt.starman.ee] has joined #ubuntu
ademani was using gaim even BEFORE i switched to ubuntu :-)11:21
ademanataq: God i hope not...11:22
ademanataq: why do you ask?11:22
ataqI dont like gaim too much11:22
ademanataq: might try out kopete11:22
ataqWell I use aMSN for MSN11:22
lskd-255codi, I hear gstreamer is a little finiky when totem is loaded along with it11:22
shwouchkperplexity: Jan 31 12:15:08 Kosta-Book kernel: [17181542.744000]  ipw2200: probe of 0000:03:03.0 failed with error -511:22
gortba_thanks variant and ademan. I'll try it out.11:22
=== bluehero [n=bluehero@gprs-pool-1-001.eplus-online.de] has joined #ubuntu
ataqKopete is nice but that means installing loads of KDE crap just for one app11:22
Tajmoxto answer my question, and for anyone who is interested, it's the $HISTFILESIZE and $HISTSIZE variables.   I just changed it from 500 to 500011:22
perplexityshwouchk have you googled that message?11:23
codiis gstreamer able to play video without totem?11:23
shwouchkperplexity: am11:23
ademanataq: true, but i'm sure at some point you'll want amarok :-)11:23
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ataqademan, This is true, amarok is a beauty!11:23
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lskd-255codi, it should, are you talking about dvd?11:23
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codino, avi's. all widescreens, but they come up square11:24
codihow do i access gstreamer, is totem just a gui for gstreamer11:24
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ademancodi: pretty much , honestly totem is a pile of crap though, go grab MPlayer or VLC11:24
ataqcodi, do you want to play movies ya?11:24
ataqcodi, I go on ademan, VLC is the best11:25
codiyah, does vlc use gstreamer?11:25
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ademani don't believe so, but don't quote me on it11:25
ataqcodi, why does it matter?11:25
variantataq: no, it uses vlc.. supports all the codecs you can imagine out of the box11:25
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variantcodi: no, it uses vlc.. supports all the codecs you can imagine out of the box11:25
corneliushi , how can I record screen as video in Ubuntu? what program show I install?11:26
codiah, so i don't need gstreamer codecs anymore11:26
ataqvariant, what do you mean?11:26
variantcodi: nope, not with vlc11:26
ataqcodi, no its all in the one11:26
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variantcodi: apt-get install istanbull11:26
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ataqcodi, its in the repos I believe?11:26
variantcornelius: apt-get isntall istanbull11:26
ataqor do you still have to add the repo?11:27
valehruok....I'm trying to install bcm4310 wifi, I have installed ndiswrapper, and also the driver.  When I go ndiswrapper -l I get: bcmwl5          driver present, hardware present.  However the eth1 is still not appearing in network manager.  What the hell do I do now?11:27
corneliusvariant: thanks :)11:27
dsa1sorry someone can help me to install belkin usb adapter wireless??11:27
codii'm installing it now.11:27
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs11:27
ademananyone know what package dpkg-architecture is in?11:27
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ataqademan, search on debian software for the package man, thats what I do11:28
dsa1sorry someone can help me to install belkin usb adapter wireless??11:28
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TimereverHi! I'm having a bunch of problems with a newly install:11:29
Timerever1. The GDM is at 1280x960 resoltuion dispite me setting the xorg.conf to first display 1024x768, so where the GDM config files with the resolution settings?11:29
perplexityademan: dpkg-dev: /usr/bin/dpkg-architecture11:29
ademanperplexity: thanks a lot :-), how'd you find that?11:29
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perplexitydpkg -S dpkg-architecture11:30
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perplexityI happen to have it installed11:30
codiTimerever: same problem i'm having. no matter what i do, i can't get 1440x900 to be default resolution11:30
perplexitybut usually I'd just use the debian packages search page, or ubuntu packages search page.. they rock11:30
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Timerevercodi: solution?11:30
lskd-255Timerever, system configuration in the menu Applications/SystemTools  might be where you want to look11:30
ademanperplexity: ah, thanks11:30
ataqcodi, are you on an nvidia?11:30
codiyes nvidia11:30
Timereverme too11:30
dbglt_I've set up ssh server to transfer files between one computer to another11:31
ataqcodi, use the nvidia-settings tool11:31
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ademani'm about to go through the hell of installing the ATI binary drivers!11:31
dbglt_is there an easy way to do this (prefer gui)11:31
codii did, and wrote the settings to x config11:31
lskd-255............... /desktop/gnome/screen/default/0/resolution11:31
codirestart, back to 1280x102411:31
lskd-255tinker there11:31
ataqcodi, as root? sudo nvidia-settings?11:31
bifiduspassifbonjour desol je parle que le francais ... quelqu'un pourais m'aid a configur une carte wiffi "linksys wpc54G fr" j'ai essay des tuto  mais rien ne fonctione....11:31
ademandbglt_: you can connect to your ssh server through places->Connect To server11:31
codistart a game, desktop goes to 800x60011:31
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:31
shwouchkperplexity: Driver 'ipw2200' needs updating - please use bus_type methods <--- any idea what that means?11:32
ataqcodi, ya that does suck, just try keep game and desktop resolutions the same11:32
Timereverataq: nvidia has no resoltuion settings11:32
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perplexitynot really.. if that is part of the stock ubuntu kernel then something is not right in toy town though..11:32
bifiduspassifmerci ubotu11:32
ataqTimerever, it does, yes11:32
Timerevernot in here then11:32
ataqTimerever, what you using?11:32
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Timereverisn't there a GDM.conf file somehwere?11:32
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shwouchkperplexity: yep :(11:33
codihow do i get vlc to be my default, and how do i uninstall totem11:33
perplexityI can't really help there as I compile my own kernels and have installed my own firmware for the ipw2200..11:33
codisays i have dependencies11:33
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lskd-255find an NVIDIA-settings.desktop file off the web and drop it into user share applications and you're golden11:34
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ademancodi: i believe ubuntu-desktop depends on totem, which is rediculous, but true11:34
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perplexityyes it does ademan, I recall trying to remove it also to bump up against that *teensy* dep..11:34
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codiwhat about setting vlc as default player?11:35
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ademani say just leave it, as far as making vlc your default, next time you have a media file, right click on it and hit properties, there should be a "open with" tab or something like that, hid add, select vlc, and you should be able to double click on all files of that type and they'll open with vlc11:35
perplexityshwouchk, what does locate ipw2200-ibss.fw return ?11:35
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befdoes anyone know a program which spits out spiffy 3d visualisations like windows media player that works well in ubuntu?11:36
shwouchkperplexity: /lib/firmware/2.6.17-10-generic/ipw2200-ibss.fw11:36
codinope, still wants to use totem11:36
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ademanbef: well under gnome-screensaver the "euphoria" screensaver is real cool, as far as like visualizations, i honestly don't know11:37
codioh well, gotta get some sleep. continue the endless task of perfecting my ubuntu tomorrow11:37
codithanks for the help11:37
perplexityshwouchk: have a read of this page and tell me which load scenario is closest to yours : http://gentoo-wiki.com/HARDWARE_ipw220011:37
befademan: thanks, but im looking for something to watch while i listen to my tunes on banshee :p11:37
shwouchkperplexity: its funny you should point me to a gentoo wiki11:37
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ademanbef: sorry :-( lol11:38
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befdoes anyone know how to get files from my ipod (in banshee) onto my linux pc :p11:38
perplexitywell.. I've never used gentoo, but to be honest their wiki just rocks for fault finding.. these guys live, eat sleep and breathe (and regularly bleed by) the bleeding edge11:38
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ademanbef: i think you should be able to just open up the ipod "folder" and copy them over, if you want to do it within a media player, you might consider amarok, i know i know it's a KDE application, but it's well worth it11:39
ademanbef: oh, also, xmms apparently has visualizations, not that that helps much though11:40
shwouchkperplexity: heh... I just moved from gentoo because I decided to do some housecleaning and see whats out there... anyway, neither of the scenarios is very similar to mine11:40
ademangentoo is cool and all, but that "gentoo is for ricers" thing is 100% true11:40
perplexityshwouchk, bugger.. can you pastebin the relevant bit of your dmesg for me?11:41
dromerwhat is the linux equivalent for tracert?11:41
befademan: thanks but ive tried and dont like amarok :P11:41
perplexitydromer traceroute11:41
shwouchkperplexity: sure11:41
ademanah, too bad, have you tried rhythmbox? iirc it's nearly identical to banshee11:41
perplexitynot promising anything, but I've spent enough hours farting about with the ipw2200, you never know11:41
dromerperplexity: thnx11:42
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mitchelocperplexity: do you still happen to be around?11:42
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Xifok, so .bash_profile is for login shells, and .bashrc for non-login shells. What if I want to EXPORT a variable for both?11:44
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mitcheloci was able to find out this information: http://pastebin.ca/33409511:44
ademanXif: wow, haha, a bit over my head, anyways there's a #bash channel here on freenode if you're interested11:44
perplexitymy .bash_profile links to .bashrc so I just put them in there11:44
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perplexitybewdy mitcheloc. Now the issue is you appear to need the usb-serial module to be able to talk to the device (according to that page you pointed me at previously)11:45
Xifademan: thanks11:45
mneptokXif: use .profile11:45
shwouchkperplexity: http://pastebin.com/87200311:46
Xifmneptok: you mean, create ~/.profile and put the settings there?11:46
mitchelocperplexity: hm okay, i need to go offline again, that devices file wasn't being created11:46
mneptokXif: ~/.profile is sourced for all X shells11:46
mitcheloci think that i need your mount command to get it11:46
Xifmneptok: cool, thanks.11:46
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perplexityyes, unless it's in the init scripts or fstab you will want to mount it by hand11:46
perplexityeither way, try loading the usbserial module (I never remember if it has the '-' in it) and see what happens11:47
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Xifmneptok: (tha's exactly what I was looking for)11:47
mneptokXif: we broke .bash_profile with the switch to dash in Edgy. i have a regression patch coming.11:47
=== mneptok needs to do that this week :/
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Xifmneptok: ah, well, I'm on Dapper LTS anyways, but good to know ;)11:47
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mitchelocperplexity: okay, i needed to come back online for that command, i assume it needs to create the "ttyACM0" device right?11:48
perplexityok shwouchk, that looks like an ugly driver issue..11:48
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shwouchkperplexity: :(11:48
mitchelocokay thanks, brb11:48
shwouchkperplexity: never had ipw2200 driver issues in gentoo11:48
loungeanyone know the name of the app to update users/groups settings in Xubuntu?11:48
perplexitysomething like that mitcheloc.. I would expect ttyUSBx or similar, but dmesg and a diff of /dev should tell you pretty quickly11:48
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perplexityshwouchk, I've never had ipw2200 driver issues in self-compiled kernels.. but it appears that it happens. I'd open a bug on the ubuntu bug tracker11:49
ademanhey after i install the ATI drivers, in xorg.conf do i change the driver line to fglrx?11:49
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variantlounge: usermod11:49
Xifmneptok: there should probably be a shell-independant name for those scripts.11:49
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shwouchkperplexity: and what should I do meanwhile? ndiswrapper?11:50
loungethanks variant - why they dont give the command name in the nmenu's is beyond me - would help massively in educating the people--- and that, surely is what keeps linux away from wind*ws!11:50
nothlitmneptok: i was told the user terminal is still bash though11:51
perplexityno idea.. I've never used non-native drivers.. my solution (coz I always like to push in tacks with 10 pound hammers) would be to compile my own kernel and use that ;)11:51
piranesiademan the line should automatically change11:51
variantlounge: that is a command line program, not a graphical interface11:51
shwouchkperplexity: what annoys me very much is that in 6.06 it worked out of the box11:51
loungeOops! variant - you know the gui used?11:51
variantlounge: yeah i know what you mean, "change something with something" then you come to do that something without the menu and you don't know how11:51
SurfnKidhello whats the command to make JPG photos viewable with CHMOD11:52
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variantlounge: I don't know if xfce has a gui for that.. what is it you want to do exactly?11:52
perplexityshwouchk, I guess regressions happen. You would think the ipw2200 is common enough that it didn't, but <shrug>11:52
variantSurfnKid: chmod changes the permissions of file.. it's not an image viewer11:52
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SurfnKidvariant: yes, just need them to be chmod so I can see them thru my server11:53
variantSurfnKid: that doesn't make sense11:53
arn_how can i enable SSL connections in my Ubantu, so that people can connect to my PC using putty?11:53
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SurfnKidvariant: nevermind11:53
variantSurfnKid: your user doesn't have the correct permissions to view the files?11:53
variantarn_: that would be ssh11:53
shwouchkperplexity: you'd also think that it is common enough that i'd find someone who did it, but google isn't helpful11:53
perplexityarn_: apt-get install shh11:53
SurfnKidvariant: the files are on my server11:53
variantarn_: open-ssh11:53
variantSurfnKid: /etc/init.d/ssh start11:54
SurfnKidvariant: when I access them via http they dont have permissions11:54
SurfnKidssh? for what,  you mean apache?11:54
perplexityshwouchk, perhaps.. I believe the ubuntu kernel guys are pretty responsive.. file a bug and see what happens11:54
variantarn_: /etc/init.d/ssh start11:54
loungea few things with user accounts.... add user, groups etc... there is one - if i open it, is there a way to point at the window and click to find the app name? I can get it with the menu - but need the permissions and don't want to log out from here... :/11:54
variantSurfnKid: sorry, wrong nick11:54
SurfnKidvariant: how do i change it to 77711:54
SurfnKidi forget11:54
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variantSurfnKid: don't change to 777.. that means anyone can read write and execute them.. which means anyone can install applications11:55
arn_SurfnKid, i want other people to connect to my PC using putty. now its not connecting11:55
variantSurfnKid: chmod 775 /path/to/*.jpg11:55
mneptokarn_: sudo aptitude install openssh-server11:55
variantlounge: there is a command, can't remember it off the top of my head11:56
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loungeok - thanks variant - have to have a word with those x guys ;)11:56
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variantlounge: amusingly enough, the command is xwininfo11:57
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variantlounge: http://www.xfree86.org/current/xwininfo.1.html11:57
tkphow can I find out what package installed a partular file?11:57
shwouchkperplexity: should I use ndiswrapper meanwhile?11:57
lskd-255tkp, in aptitude you can view dependencies11:58
perplexityif it works for you shwouchk, I guess that makes sense. I've never used it11:58
tkplskd-255: with apt?11:58
lskd-255no, it's by using the aptitude gui in terminal11:59
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arn_mneptok, i installed openssh-server. can people make SSL tunnel using that?11:59
lskd-255well not really gui, sorry, I misspoke11:59
tkpah. nice. never saw that before11:59
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mneptokarn_: SSH tunnel?11:59
mitchelocperplexity: it seems tat everything else is working but the problem is that the usbserial module will not load the device12:00
mitchelocthe command returns nothing interesting12:00
SurfnKidvariant: hehe thanks, i figured it out it helps to delay your answer, so i actually look into it lol12:00
SurfnKidworks good12:00
arn_mneptok:  yes.12:00
nothlitarn_: they can make an ssh tunnel, but not ssl encryption12:00
arn_ohh, ok12:00
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mneptokarn_: sure. the server doesn't really care.12:00
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mneptokarn_: ssh != ssl12:01
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mitchelocperplexity: i think this means that usbserial is not locating the device?12:01
tkpbut I have a particular file on disk, and want to know what package installed it... how can I do that?12:01
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shwouchkperplexity: can I install a newer kernel? (like 2.6.19)12:03
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perplexitymitcheloc, sorry on the phone12:03
Werdnumhello, I've got a disk image that I got from dd | gzip > somefile.img.gz -- and I need to get a file off it; I'd rather not uncompress it or image it onto anything, is there an easy way to read straight out of the file?12:03
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mitchelocperplexity: no problem, is it possible that i need to "mknod" the usb serial port in the evdo card?12:03
mitcheloci looked up "modprobe usbserial" and found this page -- http://www.evdoforums.com/thread3560.html12:03
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mitchelocit's just not creating the device12:03
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Pookyleave it to exchange to make my transition to linux a serious pain in my ass.12:05
persenis ubuntu edgy known to be unstable?12:06
PookyMicrosofts mail/calendar groupware type server12:06
variantpersen: no12:06
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variantpersen: the opposite12:06
ben_underscorePooky: yeah I know, I have to use the damn thing at work, it is horrible12:06
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:06
mneptok!language > Pooky12:06
Pookyben_underscore, are you using evolution?12:07
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persenWell, my ubuntu freezes randomly and apps (especially xmms/flash) crashes.12:07
ben_underscorePooky: yep, not against Exchange though, via POP312:07
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Pookyben_underscore, ah, my issue is with how evolution handles public folders on exchange servers12:07
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Pookyevolution seems to only want to show me the top level of any folder12:08
persenAnd, how do i put my msttcorefonts into play? Restarting X doesnt do it. All this problems is very frustrating, done everything i found in the !fonts too.12:08
ben_underscorePooky: Get the users to migrate to SharePoint :-p12:08
Pookyben_underscore, haha, I wish, it's a major university12:08
ben_underscorePooky: ha ha12:08
Jenzare there any drivers for SIS graphic cards out there for Ubuntu?12:09
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PookyI tried joining #evolution, and that was kind of fruitless12:09
ben_underscorePooky: I work at a major corporate in Oz, and we used to have Lotus Notes. Very nice, ran on Solaris and Windoze. Then we "upgraded" to Exchange/Outlook. What a mess.12:09
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Pookyben_underscore, ugh!12:10
triagainGood morning; this is my first time in the room12:10
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ben_underscorePooky: We now run something like 10 Xeon blades for the Exchange servers when a single RedHat blade could have handled it running Notes12:11
Pookyben_underscore, haha, yeah, I've seen the networking diagrams for my work for the exchange servers, it's mind boggling just how many machines they need just for storage.12:12
Xifpo0f: BTW, I fixed the GVim problem I had earlier. The source of the problem was that I didn't have 'i' ("use vim Icon") as part of my guioptions string12:12
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Werdnumhow can I figure out if my kernel has support for the loopback device?12:12
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Xifpo0f: Appearantly, if you remove the i in .gvimrc, GVim loads with a generic icon. Setting the i then within the GVim session won't change that.12:13
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Pookyben_underscore, know of any other freenode channels that are good for general linux support?12:13
perplexitymitcheloc, you still about? Yes, it looks like there are no rules or daemons creating the devices. Depending if the usb-serial driver is actually attaching to the device. Are you running udev ?12:13
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mitchelocperplexity: not sure, but i think i got a hint12:14
triagainhello draco12:14
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perplexityshwouchk: don't sure how you install/compile newer kernels doing it the ubuntu way, but that may well make the problem go away12:14
mitchelocthe distro ships with a template /etc/ppp/peers/1xevdo file -- in this file the device is listed as /dev/usb/tts/0, but in /etc/ppp/peers/EVDO it is listed as /dev/cellmodem12:15
ben_underscorePooky: not really sorry. I am just popping past.... but I recall some open source groupware that interfaces to Exchange and then you can use IMAP on top of that ... could you do that?12:15
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shwouchkperplexity: I see12:15
shwouchkperplexity: thanks12:15
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mitchelocperplexity: is it possible the distro is auto attaching the device to /dev/cellmodem? i have checked for it in /dev/usb/tts/0 but could not find it there12:15
shwouchkanyone knows whats the correct 'ubuntu' way to upgrade the kernel?12:15
mitcheloci have see cellmodem in the /dev/* list the entire time before and after card insert, how would i know if it is present?12:15
Pookyben_underscore, nah, I need a specific exchange feature, which is their public folders. I've got email and calendar working just fine.12:16
perplexity/dev/usb/tts/0 sounds a bit like devfs. you can try the usual suspects with minicom I guess, see if you can talk to the modem.12:16
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perplexityat a pinch you can cat the device. If it's present and working cat should just hang waiting for input, if not it should die with an error message12:16
mitchelocperplexity: okay, i'll brb12:16
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mitchelocperplexity: thanks, good tip12:17
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server3Hi all12:18
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incorrectok finally my desktop doesn't bore the shit out of me12:19
server3Why there's no named in list of packages (Ubuntu 6.06)?12:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tightvnc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:19
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Flannelserver3: no named?12:19
server3Yes, I have no "named" daemon12:20
^Wildstar^hello boys someone checked the last beryl's svn?12:20
perplexityserver3: bind12:20
Flannel^Wildstar^: #ubuntu-xgl for beryl support12:20
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^Wildstar^thank you Flannel12:21
server3Thanx, but why not named?12:21
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nothlit^Wildstar^: if building directly from the svn yourself, you should talk to #beryl12:21
perplexitybecause it's the bind name server.. it provides named12:21
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^Wildstar^thank you too nothlit12:22
aalhamadI have added 2 accounts in thunderbird, Hopfully i got them both working fine. My problem is i have both of them in the same Local folder and inbox, etc. I want to seprate them and have them bothe in separated layout. How can i do that? plz help?12:23
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murd3r2is there anyone here that knows a little delphi?12:26
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perplexityoooo yah murd3r2.. have not used it in a while tho..12:27
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aalhamadI have added 2 accounts in thunderbird, Hopfully i got them both working fine. My problem is i have both of them in the same Local folder and inbox, etc. I want to seprate them and have them bothe in separated layout. How can i do that? plz help?12:27
perplexityI can't find the options aalhamad, but when you create the accounts you are asked if you want them in the global inbox.. therein lies the secret12:28
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murd3r2<perplexity: how do i insert several lines of code into the actual source?12:30
zOapwhat was the name that translated keypress to values? eg I want to find out what value my "internet button" is...? I'm having problems configuring it in xfce...12:30
murd3r2not a string, but you know, many many lines12:30
zOapthe name of the app that is..12:30
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perplexitymurd3r2, if you have the source, and you have delphi then it's easy. Just load the source and type/paste it in.12:31
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perplexityzOap: showkey ?12:31
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murd3r2perplexity: do you know?12:31
XifWhere do X11 mouse themes get stored?12:31
murd3r2what do you mean paste it oin?12:32
perplexityI know how to edit and recompile delphi projects, yes.. which is what you are doing if you are inserting lines in the source.. can you be more specific murd3r2 ?12:32
zOapperplexity, thanks:)12:32
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murd3r2yes, i want to compare the text of a memo with a predefined template12:32
murd3r2where the template contains several lines of text12:33
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murd3r2and i have to programatically set the template12:33
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perplexityOh, .. well, you can easily retrieve the lines from the memo component and just do a string compare.12:33
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krelOn a fresh install of 6.10, after updating, is it expected behavior for linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-10-generic to core on install?12:33
perplexitydon't have delphi handy right now to give you the exact property tho12:33
murd3r2thats kinda what i need :/12:33
zee780I did a dist-upgrade on my edgy yesterday and the fonts fucked up12:33
krelI mean, is this problem happening to other people, and is there a known solution?12:34
perplexitywell, type the name into the delphi editor and let it help you autocomplete, or just lookup the object in the delphi help files to get the property.. they are very detailed12:34
zee780I use other language in my ubuntu but I WANT the main language English and now it's fucked up too12:34
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.12:34
zee780any idea how can I turn it back to normal12:34
perplexitymurd3r2 you may have to iterate through all the lines in the component and check them one by one.. but it's not hard and it's all in the help file.12:35
Lynourezee780: I'm not on edgy but if you tell people just in what way your problem manifests itself, someone might help12:35
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shwouchkis there a tool to determine the best apt server for me to connect to? my country's is pretty slow12:35
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lafielhi, I have two hard drives in my system. The master hard drive has an old installation of windows and the slave has ubuntu edgy. My master drive is failing and is going to conk out soon. However, it also has GRUB on it. How do I transfer it to the slave drive?12:36
zee780manifest itself, hmm I did a disupgrade and it happend...12:36
incorrecthas anyone been able to get flgrx to work with a docked laptop with an external screen?12:36
mitchelocperplexity: back and i have progress, apparently usbserial was already loaded and was in use by "airprime" when i rmmoded airprime and the usbserial and re modprobed it two new devices were created /dev/ttyUSB0 and ttyUSB112:36
perplexitylafiel, why not remove the master drive, reconfigure the slave as master and re-install grub using the livecd ?12:36
perplexitythat sounds more like it mitcheloc12:37
mitchelocperplexity: now it seems that pppd won't work with either, and i'm not sure which one is correct12:37
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perplexitydoes that system have minicom on it ?12:37
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zee780ii  language-pack-en                 6.10+20061130                        translation updates for language Englishii  language-pack-en-base            6.10+20061019                        translations for language English12:37
lafielperplexity: Sounds fine. Does the live CD have a utility for this?12:37
mitchelocfollowing the instructions here http://www.sagrad.com/info/EVDO/ i'm supposed to have a ttyACM0 device12:37
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zee780i hope u dont put utf8 2 the distrib12:37
perplexityyes lafiel, it's how it installs in the first place :)12:37
mitcheloctyping minicom in the command line gives file not found?12:37
incorrectwow i am amazed that beryl hasn't crashed12:38
perplexitybummer.. that comes in handy with configuring serial devices..12:38
Dimensionshiya guys ... i was cloning my computer hdd with dd command yesterday i left it on and now i checked my external usb hdd but there are only 153 files copied showing 349 GB space used while my external hdd has only 160 GB space ... the files it has copied are donno from where they came from as i dont see them on original disk ... my command was sudo dd if=/dev/hda2 of=/dev/sde1 bs=1M  (my source hdd is 40 Gb usb Hdd is 160 GB)12:38
krel(small paste follows): Setting up linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-10-generic ( ...12:38
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krelBus error (core dumped)12:38
kreldpkg: error processing linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-10-generic (--configure): subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 13512:38
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krelanyone know anything about this at all?12:38
lafielperplexity: ah. So what should I do exactly.. I disconnect master, make slave master, boot off live CD, select start / install Ubuntu, ubuntu boots up... and then what?12:38
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perplexitykrel a bus error is usually a sign of flaky hardware.. have you run memtest ?12:39
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krelhum, it was perfectly fine until I updated12:39
perplexitylafiel, at this point I'm out of help, as I'd drop to a terminal and install grub by hand.. does the livecd have a repair option ?12:39
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mitchelocperplexity: is udev getting in the way? i don't understand why i'm getting two tty devices when this guy only got one12:39
mitchelocspecifically confusing is why he gets a strange name on his12:40
lafielperplexity: No idea. I'm not using it at the moment.12:40
perplexityI think he created his manually.. whereas udev is creating yours. One of them is likely to work, you just need some way of talking to them to find out which12:40
lafielperplexity: how about via the terminal?12:40
shwouchkis there a tool to determine the best apt server for me to connect to? my country's is pretty slow12:40
kreli'll run memtest though12:40
perplexitylafiel you really need to read and understand man grub, but grub-install will likely make it easy for you.12:41
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mitchelocperplexity: could my card be different, it's a REV 1 card 3702 when his is a REV 0 card 370112:42
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mitchelocmaybe the two serial interfaces have to be bundled into one interface? (or am i reaching here)12:42
lafielperplexity: I see. Also, will making my current slave the master screw up the hard drive designations ? hdb will no longer be correct, I think.12:42
perplexitymitcheloc: you could try a variant of what is listed here : http://www.ipodlinux.org/Serial_Port#Testing_the_serial_port12:42
perplexityperhaps send the modem an ATZ and see if you get a response12:42
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perplexitycorrect lafiel, so you will want to edit your /etc/fstab also12:43
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Pookyis it possible to install older versions of a software suite?12:43
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mitchelocperplexity: thanks, checking now12:44
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lafielperplexity: ouch.12:44
lafielperplexity: ok mate. Thanks for your help!12:44
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perplexitygood luck lafiel12:44
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lafiellater - I'll try this tomorrow when I'm on my laptop and the desktop is free.12:45
lafielthanks again12:45
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mm_hi, I'm searching for some pop up program that will show an dialog (preferrably very annoying as it will be used for alerts) any hints?12:45
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SoftIcehi, ssh-keygen is missing12:45
SoftIcewhat package can i re-install to replace this missing binary ?12:45
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fotoflocan i creat a RAM disk in ubuntu?12:46
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coNPSoftIce: openssh-client?12:46
ataqin the repos whats the difference between all the Linux Kernels, is there any performance variations?12:46
SoftIcecoNP nope12:47
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coNPSoftIce: do you use Dapper?12:48
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perplexitySoftIce: openssh-client: /usr/bin/ssh-keygen12:48
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perplexitydamn.. must read ahead12:48
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persenanyone using edgy + Eclipse (Java IDE), everything in the editor runs so slow (i've turned of validation-as-i-type but it didnt improve performance). Any tips ?12:50
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d0dge_What do you like about rxvt?12:51
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bloodknightIf I want to switch from connecting to the internet via dhcp (a router) to direct (pppoe), what package should I reconfigure?12:51
SoftIceperplexity: nope, ive just instaled it12:51
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SoftIceand no ssh-keygen12:51
perplexityinteresting, which distribution are you on ?12:51
coNPSoftIce: there is12:51
coNPSoftIce: in Edgy12:51
coNPSoftIce: are you running Dapper?12:51
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perplexityit's there in dapper too12:52
=== coNP also thinks so
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Timereveranyone knows if the composite extension is installed by default in the latest (x)ubuntu? I don't have the xcompmgr command12:52
perplexitydpkg -S ssh-keygen return openssh-client12:52
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SoftIceyes edgy12:52
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SoftIcesorry the openssh-client package was corrupt12:53
SoftIcei removed it out of /var/*12:53
SoftIceand re-install and it works12:53
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SoftIcewhen i did an apt-cache search ssh-keygen it showed openssh-client12:54
SoftIcethats why i couldnt work it out12:54
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perplexityodd.. dpkg usually complains *loudly* about corrupted packages.. anyway, glad its solved12:54
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Vuenhey all, i'm confused. i have a makefile with a "clean:" which is supposed to remove compiled files. but whenever i type "make clean", it just tells me "clean is up to date" and doesn't actually remove anything12:55
Vuenanyone know what's up?12:55
coNPVuen: usually clean does not mean to remove compiled files, only the intermediate ones12:55
coNPVuen: check if there is a "distclean", "reallyclean", etc target12:56
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VuencoNP: regardless, the point is that it's not doing anything at all12:56
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VuencoNP: no see i made this makefile.12:56
coNPVuen: pastebin it :)12:56
coNPwhat about removing - before rm? :)12:57
Vueni tried that12:57
Vueni just added the - two minutes ago because i saw some site that had it on one of its examples12:57
mitchelocperplexity: SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!12:57
Vuenit didn't help :(12:57
Vuenthe problem is it doesn't run any commands at all that i put in there12:58
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perplexitysounds good mitcheloc.. details details ??12:58
mitchelocperplexity: it's working :), it wasn't working because it was foobared, after restarting it and typing the command very carefully it's working!!!!12:58
Vuenit just says:  make: `clean' is up to date.12:58
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coNPVuen: sure12:58
coNPyou should remove the "clean" file12:58
krelperplexity: passed memtest, 100%12:58
mitchelocall the serial ports were messed up and in use or not responding, so the reboot worked, the ipod port test did not help though12:58
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coNPand make a target .PHONY and add clean, i.e. write a line12:59
coNP.PHONY: clean12:59
VuencoNP: oh. you mean because i have another script called clean, it's not doing it?12:59
krelalso, everything else installs fine, it's only that one thing that cores on install...12:59
Vuenwow. that's funny12:59
Vueni'm an idiot12:59
mitchelocperplexity: so it seems that the shipped airprime module was getting in the way....12:59
perplexitykrel that was a quick memtest.. I leave mine 24 hrs.. but anyway.. you could try and install the package manually using dpkg and strace it to see where it's bombing..12:59
coNPVuen: sure12:59
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coNPVuen: I mean the script :), not that you are an idiot, of course12:59
mitchelocperplexity: now all i have to do is figure out how to route between eth0 and um ppp0 and i'll have a functional evdo wifi router :)12:59
=== mitcheloc dances around
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perplexitynice work mitcheloc.. it's always good when a plan comes together12:59
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kreloh, i just let it go for one pass, heh12:59
VuencoNP: what's the .PHONY for?12:59
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perplexitymitcheloc, set up a bridge, or use iptables and enable NAT.. (my preferred option)01:00
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coNPVuen: it is a special target for targets that are not files01:01
mitchelocperplexity: for the moment i'd just like to masquarade, i think now that i have a proof of concept, i'll figure out how to get usbserial up and running on a m0n0wall when i have time -- that will provide me with a very decent GUI (if this is possible)01:01
mitchelocthe shipped pyramid linux http interface is fairly poor01:01
perplexityyup.. I was reading that ipcop will do a nice job of it also..01:01
mitchelocipcop has built in support for usb modules/evdo cards?01:01
coNPdoes it work now, Vuen?01:01
VuencoNP: yep, everything works great. thanks for the help01:02
perplexityaccording to this http://kenkinder.com/evdo-pc5740/01:02
Poromenoshow can i have samba ask for a password on specific shares with share-level security01:02
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coNPyw, Vuen01:02
perplexityanyway mitcheloc, nice work.. I'm off home now. best of luck01:02
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mitchelocperplexity: thanks for the link, i'll try m0n0 first as i'm using it at multiple sites, thank you very much for your help :)01:02
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axa-axaHi. I've bought ordinary USB optical mouse and converter from USB to PS/2, but when I use converter mouse doesnt work, and when I stick it in USB without converter, my USB Sagem (ueagle-atm) modem works but refuses to connect, it connects only when mouse isnt in the USB slot. What the hell is happening, I thought Lilnux evolved from this trivial problems!?? Sorry I'm a little frustrated, because everything works well in either way in Wind01:03
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persenWhats a good mp3 player except from xmms?01:04
coNPpersen: amarok :)01:04
Poromenospersen: amarok01:04
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Poromenosit's like itunes, but without the gay01:05
[ATM] NSamarok01:05
persenits for KDE?01:05
[ATM] NSyes01:05
coNPbut I run it under GNOME01:05
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Vuenamarok is so incredibly sexy01:05
mneptokPoromenos: please do not use gay as a pejorative.01:05
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christopherlsomeone know how to change the color of the hostname in Gnome terminal?01:06
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[ATM] NSu can also run it under GNOME, with the QT-libraries installed, i think01:06
Poromenoshow can i have samba ask for a password on specific shares with share-level security?01:07
coNPsure, I run it01:07
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[ATM] NSediting yout $PROMPT variable01:07
[ATM] NSbut i use C-shell, so I don't know exactly how01:07
coNPPoromenos: how do you configure samba?01:07
PoromenoscoNP: from the smb.conf01:08
coNPchristopherl: do you use bash?01:08
persenBut, anyone using Eclipse (Java IDE, version 3.2 with WTP), while im editing a JSP its sooo slow even when i browse the document.. Anyone know of any tricks to speed it up? Im having a XP 2200+, 1GB comp. so it should work ok. It worked much better when i ran Win XP on this box.01:08
christopherlcoNP: what's bash?01:08
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands01:08
[ATM] NSchisotopherl: its a shell.01:08
coNPchristopherl: okay, based on this question, I suppose you are running bash :)01:08
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coNPno offense meant, this is the default :)01:09
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Milan80_Hi again.01:09
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Milan80_My connection broke, so please forgive me for repeating question. My USB mouse doesnt work with converter to PS/2, but my USB ADSL Sagem (ueagle-atm) modem does. When I stick (on restart) mouse in USB without PS/2 converter, then mouse works, modems seems to work but refuses to connect. Everything works like a charm in Windows XP.01:09
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illriginalhey guys i have nvidia-glx installed but i also have this drvier installed: Non-free Linux 2.6.17 modules on x86_64 generic01:09
illriginalshould i get rid of the Non-free Linux 2.6.17 modules on x86_64 generic01:09
Milan80_Can someone please help wth this?01:10
riotkittiefiles in lost+found... can i delete them? i could really use that 12mb of space :x01:10
coNPchristopherl: if you are still interested, I show you a possibility to colorize hostname01:10
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christopherlcoNP: yes please show me01:10
zee780is there any ncurses based language config tool?01:10
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zee780is there any ncurses based language config tool?01:11
zee780is there any ncurses based language config tool?01:11
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mneptokzee780: please do not repeat01:12
davieyI want to install a fresh install of ubuntu on a different partition.  However, i want to share the /home folder.  Do i need to 'create' the users on the new install, or will they just be recognised?01:12
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fotofloAnyone know if its possible to create a RAM disk in ubuntu?01:12
[ATM] NSdeviey: u can just mount the /home partition on your new install :-)01:13
mneptokdaviey: you need to create them01:13
zee780omg u stupid disabled fuckheads01:13
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variantfotoflo: yep01:13
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fotoflovariant: is there documentation?01:13
davieymneptok, is it safe?  It won't overwrite the exsisting folder will it?01:13
coNPdaviey: you can copy them if you want to01:13
christopherlcoNP:you still there?01:13
fotoflovariant, whats it called?01:13
mneptokdaviey: do not format the partition01:13
davieycoNP, whats the easyiest way?01:13
coNPchristopherl: sorry I am lookinf for the script01:13
[ATM] NSdeviey: is the /home on a seperate partition?01:13
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Milan80_Anyone? Please, I can use either mouse or modem.01:14
davieymneptok, i know that ;)  But if i adduser, will it replace the folder?01:14
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mneptokdaviey: no01:14
[ATM] NSdeviey: then u can just do mount /dev/hda3 /home or something (if your home partition is on hda3)01:14
davieymneptok, winner... thnks01:14
coNPdaviey: in fact if there are not too many users, I would recommand creating them again on the new system01:14
mneptokdaviey: via con Fitos01:14
daviey[ATM] NS, i can do it as part of the install, can't i?01:14
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[ATM] NSdeviey: i guess so...01:15
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davieyctrl + alt + backspace is too easy to press together!!!!!01:16
[ATM] NSdaviey: lol :-)01:17
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[ATM] NSdaviey: the only 3 keys u need on Windows ... :-)01:17
davieySo i will not need to rename /home/$(USER) adduser then rename back to original?  I can just adduser01:17
Milan80_My USB mouse doesnt work with converter to PS/2, but my USB ADSL Sagem (ueagle-atm) modem does. When I stick (on restart) mouse in USB without PS/2 converter, then mouse works, modems seems to work but refuses to connect. Everything works like a charm in Windows XP.01:17
coNPdaviey: you dont't need to rename01:17
daviey[ATM] NS, yeah, but you get no warning - suddenly X just disapears01:18
davieycoNP, thanks01:18
coNPchristopherl: I found something, not the real, though01:18
[ATM] NSdaviey: just do adduser and then copy home dir01:18
Vuendaviey: there's an option you can add to your xorg.conf to disable ctrl+alt+backspace. it's called something like Option "DontZap" "True", you put it in serverlayout... google it to find it01:18
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christopherlcoNP: ok01:18
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davieyVuen, i think i will.  It is useful - but not *that* useful01:18
daviey[ATM] NS, why would i copy my home dir?01:18
coNPI suggest you to mount that partition as /home on the new system01:19
daviey[ATM] NS, i want to share it - from the same partition01:19
[ATM] NSoh, sorry, yes, i meant what coNP said01:19
davieythanks guys01:19
coNPyw, daviey01:19
[ATM] NSnp :-)01:19
Poromenoshow can i set a password on specific shares with share-level security?01:19
Poromenosin samba01:19
coNPchristopherl: you should write the following in your .bashrc: export PS1="$USER_COLOR"$'\u'"$TERMCOLOUR_CANCEL"$'@'"$HOST_COLOR"$'\h'"$TERMCOLOUR_CANCEL"$':\w\$ '01:20
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christopherlcoNP: if I write that, what color do I get?01:20
Fanskapetanyone here using beryl?01:21
huascar80how can i install Java sdk on an ubuntu amd64? Synaptic doesn't shows it as a package!01:21
VuenFanskapet: yep01:21
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PoromenosFanskapet: i am01:21
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corneliushuascar80:  sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre01:22
davieyCan i burn a cd-r image to a dvd-rw?01:22
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Milan80_Anyone ?01:22
coNPchristopherl: I will pastebin a script that does that01:22
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Milan80_Can someone please give me some advice about my problem?...01:22
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huascar80cornelius: sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre01:23
huascar80E: Package sun-java5-jre has no installation candidate01:23
tom47Milan80 what is the problem?01:23
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huascar80is only available from another source01:23
VuenFanskapet: did you have a question there?01:23
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shwouchk_how do I update my kernel in ubuntu?01:24
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Vuenshwouchk_: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade01:24
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Vuenshwouchk_: in other words, your kernel is updated automatically.01:25
huascar80I'd install the 32 bits version but don't know how :((01:25
corneliushuascar80: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/java.html01:25
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Milan80_tom47: My USB mouse doesnt work with converter to PS/2, but my USB ADSL Sagem (ueagle-atm) modem does. When I stick (on restart) mouse in USB without PS/2 converter, then mouse works, modems seems to work but refuses to connect. Everything works like a charm in Windows XP.01:25
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huascar80cornelius: thx reading....01:25
corneliushuascar80: :)01:25
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.01:26
shwouchk_Vuen: I need a newer version - this one clashes with both ipw2200 and ndiswrapper01:26
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Vuenshwouchk_: what version do you have?01:27
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FanskapetVuen: ahh yes sorry.01:27
coNPchristopherl: http://pastebin.ca/33419301:27
FanskapetVuen: im at work :P kinda busy :P01:27
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cool-freakhelp please01:27
christopherlcoNP: thanks01:27
tom47Milan80 hope someone can help01:27
FanskapetVuen: Beryl minimizes all my windows while changing workspace.01:27
FanskapetVuen: then it maximizes them when i change back to the previus workspace.01:28
coNPchristopherl: just ask if you have any questions about that; credits go to a fellow student )01:28
Fanskapetis this some settings in beryl ?01:28
Fanskapetim running beryl + xfce01:28
fulat2k_hi folks, any idea what i need to do to un-fubar the suspend computer feature after i've installed and removed beryl?  was working fine b4 that.01:28
shwouchk_Vuen: 2.6.1701:28
VuenFanskapet: hmm, that's wierd. have you got the desktop cube working?01:28
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Milan80_tom47: My USB mouse doesnt work with converter to PS/2, but my USB ADSL Sagem (ueagle-atm) modem does. When I stick (on restart) mouse in USB without PS/2 converter, then mouse works, modems seems to work but refuses to connect. Everything works like a charm in Windows XP.01:28
Milan80_My USB mouse doesnt work with converter to PS/2, but my USB ADSL Sagem (ueagle-atm) modem does. When I stick (on restart) mouse in USB without PS/2 converter, then mouse works, modems seems to work but refuses to connect. Everything works like a charm in Windows XP.01:28
Vuenshwouchk_: 2.6.17-10 is the latest version...01:28
XifIs there a way to list all of gconf's keybindings?01:28
PookyI resolved my evolution issue, it turns out, you can go into outlook or any other MS exchange client, and set up your favorites there, and they'll reflect into Evolution without trouble.01:29
FanskapetVuen: hmm haven't tryed that one yet.01:29
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VuenFanskapet: try turning on either the cube or the plane.01:29
PookyNow if only I didn't have to install VMware/Windows/Outlook to resolve that, I would have considered it a viable solution.01:29
FanskapetVuen: but should work, beryl is active and all the effects are working. that i've tried..01:29
shwouchkVuen: no, 2.6.19 is01:29
FanskapetVuen: hmm ok can't do that now though since I am at work :)01:29
cool-freakmy ubuntu restarts during the night,i can undestand why01:30
coNPcool-freak: you can or you cannot? :)01:30
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krelthe description says linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-10-generic is "Non-free Linux 2.6.17 modules on x86_64 generic"01:30
cool-freaksorry about that01:30
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krelbut I'm not on a 64 bit system... why is it trying to install this -_-01:31
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Vuenkrel: it means x86 or 64.01:31
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krelah.  i was hoping it wasn't necessary ;/01:32
Vuenkrel: you need that module for certain wireless cards (atheros) and for nvidia/ati proprietary 3d drivers01:32
tom47cool-freak a bios setting can sometimes cause this .... "wake on LAN"01:32
krelati drivers, what I need it for01:32
tom47or similar01:32
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IdleOnemorning gnomefreak01:33
gnomefreakmorning IdleOne01:33
Milan80_in my /etc/rc.local I have modprobe eagle_usb; modprobe ueagle_atm; modprobe usbatm; modprobe br2684; br2684 - 0 -b -a 8.35 (';' is instead od newline)01:34
valehruhey guys, I have the bcm43xx-fwcutter installed and working....whats the maximum bitrate that it can achieve?01:34
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valehruI currently have it set to about 24M and it seems pretty damm slow.01:34
shwouchkVuen: I want to compile my kernel01:35
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Milan80_Can someone please help me solve my problem (this is the last time I'm trying...) ?01:37
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tom47shwouchk you may want to look at this but please consider the very first sentence very carefully before using your own kernelhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild01:37
fateminasabI installed X-moto and it worked but when i tried to quit the game the computer hanged. What should i do?01:37
vltHello. I'm running ubuntu 2.6.17-10-generic (SMP) on intel dual core cpu. After resuming from Suspend or Hibernate mode the 2nd cpu always runs on full speed. What is responsible for this behavior? How to correct that?01:37
tom47shwouchk you may want to look at this but please consider the very first sentence very carefully before using your own kernel https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild01:37
incorrectis there an apt command to purge uninstalled apps?01:38
Milan80_tom47: Any ideas about my problem?01:38
jribincorrect: no01:38
tom47Milan80 sorry no01:38
incorrectis there a anyone to mass purge?01:38
jribincorrect: sudo apt-get --purge remove package1 package2 ...01:39
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Vuenincorrect: not that i know of01:39
shwouchkVuen: well, since the stock kernel can load neither the ipw2200 nor the ndiswrapper modules and I absolutely need wifi I don't have much choice - do I ?01:39
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Vuenshwouchk: what actually goes wrong with the stock kernel?01:39
shwouchkVuen: http://pastebin.com/872003 for ipw220001:40
incorrectremove leaves so much crap around01:40
shwouchkVuen: FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Invalid argument... for ndiswrapper01:40
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Vuenshwouchk: hmm, that's very strange. sorry, i don't know how to compile the kernel01:42
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Vuenshwouchk: there's probably a good document on it at help.ubuntu.com01:42
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michiel_I have a problem with compiling for other modules then my running kernel01:43
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fateminasabI installed X-moto and it worked but when i tried to quit the game the computer hanged. What should i do?01:43
michiel_I mean, i can compile modules for my running kernel, but not for an other kernel from which I have the sourcecode01:43
biotroxhello everyone01:43
biotroxhows your day..?01:43
michiel_I want to compile "fuse" as module for the kernel and I'm running I have the source in /usr/src/linux-
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michiel_I have a correct .config in the sourcetree and also run "make prepare; make modules_prepare"01:45
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sebastienb!wiki envy01:45
michiel_when i'm in de main directory of the fuse source i run the following command "./configure --with-kernel=/usr/src/linux-"01:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wiki envy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:45
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sebastienboh, sorry, it is not the good chan.01:46
michiel_it will compile, but I can't insmod it on the kernel, because it's of unknown structure01:46
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michiel_does anyone know what could be the problem?01:46
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DYnamo_Im trying to setup a folder structure for my newsgroup. One of the folders needs to be named something that means "Issues that arrise on a server so we start colloborating on how to solve the issue meanwhile updating each other with any changes that occurs on the server on this particular issue only"01:46
DYnamo_Any suggestions?01:46
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wickedpuppywhat about mambojambo ?01:47
wickedpuppykidding ... :P01:47
tom47DYnamo server collaboration issue #nnn01:47
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DYnamo_Incident Management01:49
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cool-freakhi,anyone knows anything about system log?01:49
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vltshwouchk: I didn't read your problem, just  the ndiswrapper error. What are you trying to do and why?01:50
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cool-freakplease,i desperatly need some help01:51
variantcool-freak: what is the problem exactly?01:51
meloni get this error with wine install: libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b - any ideas on why it gives me that 'n how to fix it?01:51
variantcool-freak: you mean it shutsdown or reboots during the night?01:52
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Zaggynlmy cdrom drive won't eject my cd01:53
Vuenmelon: what video card do you have, and do you have the 3d drivers installed?01:53
TsuroerusuDoes anyone know of a guide on how a newbie (not me) sets up windows file sharing Samba, on a fresh Ubuntu install, without using any commands? (It's for a friend of mine)01:53
shwouchkvlt: I'm trying to get wifi to work (for obvious reasons :).. I can't load the ipw2200 module - http://pastebin.com/872003 - is what I get in dmesg...  what you saw is what I get when trying to load ndiswrapper module (although id much rather have the native module, which is why I asked how you compile the kernel in ubuntu)01:54
frogzooZaggynl: cos you still have the file system mounted, & probly a process accessing it01:54
Data2zaggynl umount /media/cdrom and after you can type eject01:54
melonlol - i honestly have no idea.. it worked fine with dapper - i only just upgraded to edgy - and this error has just begun01:54
frogzooZaggynl: fuser -c /dev/cdrom01:54
Zaggynlumount: /media/cdrom0 is not mounted (according to mtab)01:54
shwouchkvlt: oh, and modprobe is hanging for some reason atm, which means I'll prolly have to reboot soon01:54
IdleOneTsuroerusu: he hands you the computer you enter all the commands and get it setup and then he hands $75 for the hour it takes you and voila samba is setup with out him entering any commands :)01:54
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IdleOne!samba | Tsuroerusu01:55
Zaggynlfrogzoo, 'fuser -c /dev/cdrom \n /dev/cdrom:          22770 22800'01:55
ubotuTsuroerusu: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT01:55
VuenZaggynl: cdrom, not cdrom0, afaik one is just a symlink01:55
DYnamo_Sorry little off topic: I was interested in purchasing a processor, what is the difference between Woodcrest 3000 and 5100 ?01:55
melonfigured it was related to the newest build - and hopefully a known issue rather than something wrong on my end01:55
ott0where are soft links implemented? in the shell? kernel?01:55
frogzooZaggynl: kill -TERM 22770 ; kill -TERM 2280001:55
frogzooott0: in the file system01:56
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ernstI have a question, i forced my mother to use ubu, she has one complaint, she can't acces her hotmail through gaim, well only when she gets a new email, but not when she wants to, any tips....?01:56
shwouchkvlt: brb, rebooting01:56
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Zaggynlcd still won't come out01:56
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TsuroerusuIdleOne: All those involve commands, I'm looking for something in the direction of "Go to this menu and click this button".01:57
VuenZaggynl: try typing simply "eject"01:57
DarthLappyernst: You can get a little app that runs in the panel and checks your emails.01:57
defryskernst, never force your mom to do anything ;p01:57
IdleOneTsuroerusu: samba does not have a GUI setup I believe01:57
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ZaggynlVuen, I get an error : 'unable to eject media'01:57
VuenIdleOne: actually with KDE it does01:57
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ernsthaha, she forced me to do stuff all my life! now it was my turn. =P01:58
bauer77Zaggynl: Push a paper clip in the front of the cd rom01:58
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VuenZaggynl: type "mount", see if the cdrom is in there01:58
TsuroerusuIdleOne: That's correct Samba itself does not, but can't Nautilus configure it? I know Konqueror can.01:58
zadnyfrienddonde estais01:58
ott0in the file system? so soft and hard links are implemented in the file system?01:58
Peres?? Help! i need Jahshaka...for ubuntu edgy01:58
ernstDarthLappy, for hotmail?01:58
Data2zaggynl try to eject with root01:58
VincentMXIdleOne: hmm, if you install samba, then you can just select a directory in gnome, and there should be a menu option to share it01:58
VincentMXand there you can choose between NFS or Samba01:58
pbureaumorning to all01:58
DarthLappyernst: Um, possibly.01:58
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TsuroerusuVincentMX: So that Samba server is not installed by default?01:58
PeresJahshaka Ubuntu edgy ?01:58
ZaggynlOh, and my PC is freezing every few minutes D:01:58
VincentMXTsuroerusu: not that im aware of01:58
IdleOneTsuroerusu: no it isnt01:59
pbureauTsuroerusu, because unless your a server you do not usually need samba on your pc.01:59
Data2amsn ernst but gaim work correctly if you type full user name user@hot...01:59
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ZaggynlI think my hardware is damaged or something01:59
JoseHello, what is the version number for ubuntu edgy ? Is it 6.06 ?01:59
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Zaggynlin my /var/log/messages I see a lot of ATAPI resets01:59
Tsuroerusupbureau: Well, "server" is a weird term in this case, because lots of people need to share files between their machines01:59
VincentMXJose: 6.1002:00
JoseIdleOne: How about 6.06 ? is it a beta version or something ?02:00
bauer77are the files located on one machine?02:00
pbureauTsuroerusu, no server applies to a box that is in closet not handle all day lon by a logged in user and is usuall on a rackmount02:00
IdleOneJose: 6.06 is ubuntu Dapper Drake02:00
VuenIdleOne: hehe, no. 6.06 is dapper02:00
ZaggynlI could try the paperclip thing02:00
Vuenoops, that was meant to go to Jose02:00
Data2eject you CD with "atache trombonne" sorry don't know in english02:00
Vuenmy bad02:00
IdleOneVuen: :) thats cool02:00
Tsuroerusupbureau: "The X server" refers to a program, not a physical box, you know ;)02:00
JoseTnx :>02:01
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PeresWhy is Jashaka not i repository Ubuntu edgy02:01
VincentMXJose: ubuntu version numbers are matter of date. 6.10 is October 200602:01
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IdleOneData2: attache trombone = paper clip02:01
bauer77I would do the paperclip, just to get the cd out02:01
Data2thank you idleone02:01
Peresi don't believe nobody uses Jashaka, c'mon people, help me out here ;)02:01
TsuroerusuDoes anyone know if the wishlist for Feisty is closed yet?02:01
TsuroerusuBecause it would be a great to have a pop-up come up when you try and share a directory via GNOME asking you to install Samba. Like what happens with NTP and when you try and enable syncronization of the system clock over the net.02:01
IdleOnede rien Data202:01
IdleOnelater folks02:01
VincentMXJose: the next version (Feisty Fawn) will be 7.04 (April 2007)02:01
pbureauTsuroerusu, your confusing yourself between xserver and  (A server - a pc that contains data/files that are shares in a office enviroment) the point I am getting at to share files betwen two 'standard pc' you dont need samba... but eh its your box.. samba away02:02
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ernstData2, yes gaim works fine, and it gives " you have new" message, wich will redirect you to firefox and log in for you, but she wants a similar route to go to hotmail (without enternig passwd) to write mail...02:02
JoseVincentMX: Tnx.. I get it now :)02:02
VincentMXanybody with experience with apache and cgi?02:02
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ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)02:02
Tsuroerusupbureau: You obviously don't know UNIX history that well, I am not confusing anything, ever since the first versions of BSD, even programs have been referred to as servers.02:02
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ernstVincentMX, 7.04 in april? I thought we get a 6.1x called Freeze first02:03
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pbureauTsuroerusu, uncle... your right I am not.. happy ?02:03
Vuenpbureau: to share files between two standard pcs where one is windows and one is linux, you most definitely need samba02:03
Data2ernst don't know I am usig gmail02:03
VincentMXi've installed mod_perl, but when i open a cgi page in my browser, i just see the source code02:03
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Tsuroerusupbureau: Thank you very much sir.02:03
Vuenpbureau: samba is not just for servers02:03
VincentMXernst: i didn't know that?02:04
Vuenpbureau: samba is not just for office buildings. i use samba because my roommates use windows02:04
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TsuroerusuVuen: My point exactly.02:04
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Zaggynlokay, the cd is out (paperclip through hole), but the drive LED is green, and the eject button doesn't do anything02:04
pbureaugoes and gest himself a coffee..02:04
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incepQuestion about rTorrent; Is it an easy way to add a pile of torrents to it?02:04
VuenTsuroerusu: anyway, to answer your question, as far as i know gnome does not provide a nice utility for configuring samba. just tell him to apt-get samba and then give him your /etc/samba/smb.conf02:05
VincentMXernst: cant find anything about that on google02:05
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TsuroerusuVuen: Hmmm yeah, the problem is that this guy is a bit of a Windows whiner and almost want to have the software wipe his ass. But anyway, once the "samba" package is installed, Nautilus's configuration should work, right?02:06
VuenTsuroerusu: it may, it may not. tell him to try it, see what happens02:06
TsuroerusuVuen: OK, I will, thanks. ;)02:06
riotkittiei must truly hate myself this morning. i'm trying to get teh canon attached to the xp box to print through  smb02:07
ernstVincentMX, guess you're right, i had strange dreems last night02:07
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VincentMXernst: about ubuntu?02:07
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VincentMXrather odd, isn't it?02:07
VuenTsuroerusu: as far as configuring it goes, it's the sort of thing you really only ever need to do once. so if you need to get him to replace his config file, just tell him to bite the bullet and open up a terminal :)02:07
ernstVincentMX, i better not talk about, might risk permanent server ban =P02:08
minimecHi folks. I would like to set a buffer size to totem. I found something in gconf /schema/apps/totem... but I cannot change values. How would I do that?02:08
pbureauminimec, where you in sudo ?02:08
minimecpbureau: nope. Would I have to be sudo. I am working on the conf of user minimec...02:09
pbureauminimec, i dunno .. try... the reason could be many why you need sudo (one would be file attributes)02:09
Artemis3gconf-editor says schema values can't be changed, will be in future versions...02:10
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tom47Tsuroerusu: have you tried using the Shared Folders GUI?02:11
PeresANYbody: how to Jahshaka on Ubuntu Edgy02:11
Zaggynlwell drive works again, I guess I broke something during the burning progress02:11
minimecArtemis3: Yeah ;) that's my problem. But I need a higher value because I want to watch some movies over my vpn...02:11
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frogzooZaggynl: you already stated you had processes accessing the drive which is why it wouldn't unmount, so it wouldn't eject either02:11
minimeccan I change buffer size in xine or mplayer?02:12
Zaggynlfrogzoo, true, and I tried killing those, didn't do anything02:12
frogzoominimec: you can change buffer sizes in gxine I know02:12
Vuenminimec: if you have enough space on the disk, what you can do is start copying the file over, and then immediately play the .part file it makes while it's copying02:12
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frogzooZaggynl: you didn't try hard enough :)02:12
ZaggynlYeah, I suck at hating things I guess02:12
minimecfrogzoo: Sounds good to me ;)02:12
Vuenminimec: so you can play it while it copies over, and delete it afterwords. no buffering required.02:12
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frogzoominimec: http://librarian.launchpad.net/2769205/README.tuning_tips02:13
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minimecVuen: I don't want to do that. The media directories are mounted directly via nfs/openvpn. Don't want to copy anything.02:13
illriginalIs there a reason why my sound sometimes works and sometimes doesn't? When I log onto X sometimes it'll work and someties it wont work at all.02:14
Vuenminimec: ah02:14
sexcopterhi, i'm using skype on edgy, and consistently get a crash report on bootup (but skype works more or less ok). would be nice to submit it to launchpad, but the page that comes up says page not found. does this mean that cos skype isn't supported by ubuntu, they don't want crash reports?02:14
frogzooillriginal: probly cos something is using OSS02:14
sexcopterif so, there's an inconsistency02:14
sexcopterperhaps i should list it as a possible bug....!02:14
illriginalon KDE it works flawlessly.02:15
frogzooillriginal: oss vs alsa02:15
illriginalbut gnome... rarely.02:15
minimecfrogzoo: THX. I think, that will do it.02:15
cool-freakone question,is console the same as terminal?02:15
defryskillriginal, maybe you installed somthing what has caused this ?02:16
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seravitae_does anyone know if it is possible to map a joystick to keyboard commands in linux?02:16
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ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows02:16
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illriginalwhen i first installed it02:17
illriginalit had no sound02:17
Picisexcopter : afaik, skype isnt in the official repositories, and thus wont have an associated launchpad page02:17
illriginalthen i restarted my PC and it got sound back02:17
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Lord_Drachenblutany crontab guru's in the house tonight02:17
Jowiillriginal, might have to do with esd that is run in gnome02:17
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Jowiillriginal, kde uses another sound daemon i'm sure02:18
VuenKDE uses arts02:18
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Lord_DrachenblutVuen: but aren't they dumping art's soon02:18
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VuenKDE4 is dropping arts entirely in favor of alsa, which is totally awesome02:19
VuenLord_Drachenblut: yep02:19
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ubotuesd is the enlightened sound deamon. It's deprecated, use !alsa instead02:19
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VuenLord_Drachenblut: unfortunately KDE4 won't be out until summer :(02:19
Lord_Drachenblutand oss is being fazed out as well02:19
pavani am able to get audio output02:19
Lord_DrachenblutVuen: that's kewl i'm not a big fan of kde but i will try 4 when it comes out02:19
VincentMXesd has some options i haven't seen in alsa02:20
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VincentMXsuch as remote sound02:20
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Vuenthe main problem i generally hear about with alsa is latency. people doing audio editing use jack instead02:21
illriginalwell can gnome use arts?02:21
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illriginalor should i go back to kde again?02:21
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Vuenillriginal: erm, you probably wouldn't want to use arts at all.02:21
Lord_DrachenblutVuen: i thought that was a combination of the kernel and alsa02:21
illriginalheh anything to get sound...sure i would :P02:21
Vuenillriginal: i highly doubt arts is what makes your sound work. you can disable it in the kde control panel, which you will probably want to do02:21
Jowiillriginal, killall esd and make sure it stays dead. use pure alsa. usually the best option.02:21
Pereswhere the hell is Jahshaka in ubuntu edgy02:22
Vuenillriginal: the problem is more likely that something (maybe esd) is tying up the soundcard when gnome logs in02:22
shwouchkvlt: back02:22
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illriginalthat's weird02:22
Vuenillriginal: and that thing doesn't get run when kde logs in02:22
PeresJahshaka ubuntu edgy????02:22
shwouchkvlt: now my problem is even wierder02:22
Perespfff. cmon. HOW to video edit? what do people use??02:22
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Jowiillriginal, issue "killall esd" and see if that helps. if it do, disable esd in the gnome session manager.02:23
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pavan i am not able to get audio output02:23
Vuenillriginal: System -> Preferences02:23
Vuen-> Sound, uncheck ``Enable sound server startup02:23
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Vuenillriginal: try that02:23
KenSentMeI installed diva once with the program scons. Is it possible to remove diva with scons?02:23
shwouchkvlt: now I can load both ipw2200 (but only if I shut down the nic) and ndiswrapper, but neither of them sees any networs around me (and I do have many)02:23
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PeresWhat video edit programs are there on ubuntu?02:23
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illriginalok hold on02:24
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illriginalit's using the wrong sound card..02:24
pavanno i am able to get any sound02:25
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Lord_Drachenbluti'm trying to get a crontab job going here is what i have the entry 00 4 * * * /home/goldenpod/goldenpod-0.6/goldenpod -s02:25
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pavani am not able to get any sound02:25
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Lord_Drachenblutby /var/log/syslog it appears to start the job02:25
PeresHELP: video edit Ubuntu edgy02:25
Lord_Drachenblutbut it never seems to really execute02:25
illriginaldo i still uncheck ESD?02:25
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JowiLord_Drachenblut, can you execute "/home/goldenpod/goldenpod-0.6/goldenpod -s" manually?02:26
Vuenillriginal: yep02:26
Lord_DrachenblutJowi: yea02:26
pavan i am not able to get audio output02:26
JowiLord_Drachenblut, try it. make sure.02:26
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Lord_DrachenblutJowi: yep it still runs02:27
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yesudeepProblem:  The gnome-settings-daemon crashed and does not start at startup.   My mouse pointer moves by itself in random directions on the screen.02:27
yesudeepHow does one solve this problem?02:27
vltshwouchk: Mmh ...  I think I can't help you with ipw ... I'm using a Broadcom wifi and had to compile a newer version of ndiswrapper on Edgy to get it running.02:27
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shwouchkvlt: I see02:27
JowiLord_Drachenblut, check with "sudo ps -A" if it is running after the cron job has executed it.02:27
yesudeepI'm using Ubuntu Edgy Eft.02:28
pavan i am not able to get audio output02:28
Vuenyesudeep: you can switch back and forth to a virtual terminal using ctrl+alt+f1 and ctrl+alt+f702:28
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Vuenyesudeep: from there, log in, and issue a killall gnome-settings-daemon02:28
PeresI'm sorry to ask a stupid question like what program to use. I know what i want. It is Jahshaka. What program do U (ANYONE) use for video editing.02:28
JowiLord_Drachenblut, if it doesn't, check the script. it might be trying commands in the wrong directory.02:28
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defryskPeres, I heard of kino02:29
Lord_Drachenblutso how would it execute incorrectly from a crontab that it doesn't do when i run it manually02:29
defrysk!info kino | Peres02:29
ubotukino: Non-linear editor for Digital Video data. In component main, is extra. Version 0.90-1ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 1093 kB, installed size 3860 kB02:29
pavan i am  not able to get audio output02:29
Peresdefrysk: thanks alot, i will check it out!02:29
coNPLord_Drachenblut: cron needs that some environment variables are set properly02:29
frogzoodefrysk: how does kino compare to Jahshaka ?02:30
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Peresdefrysk: 2 bad Jahshaka hasn't packages for ubuntu edgy02:30
defryskfrogzoo, honestly have no clue02:30
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Peresfrogzoo: do u hava jahshaka on ubuntu edgy?02:30
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frogzooPeres: nopers, why I'm asking02:30
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Zyfohow to toggle the "start new cell with big letter" function in Open Office Calc 2.0.4?02:30
VincentMXanybody who know how to get apache2 mod_perl working?02:30
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Peresfrogzoo: i think it is weird jahshaka isn't available for ubuntu edgy.02:31
atomikuHow can I log off a gnome session through terminal?02:31
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JowiPeres, they have an ubuntu installer on their homepage.02:31
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pavan i am  not able to get audio output02:31
frogzooPeres: I'ma d/l & c if it will compile02:31
VincentMXit worked a few days ago, but when i try to run a cgi file now, it just shows me the source code02:31
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Vuenatomiku: how nicely do you want to log off? you can restart x using sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart02:31
yesudeepMy mouse pointer is moving all by itself and clicking random places...02:31
Vuenatomiku: but that will basically kill all open programs02:32
atomikuI got some stuff running but I started that through terminal02:32
yesudeepGNOME just crashed.02:32
atomikuI havent actually been using the GUI at all02:32
riotkittieooooh this is maddening!02:32
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Vuenyesudeep: :( you can restart x using ctrl+alt+backspace02:32
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yesudeepVuen, yeah.02:33
yesudeepAbout to do that.02:33
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frogzooriotkittie: sup?02:33
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daningi want to listen to National public radio online. Can you get me url ?02:35
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age6racerhey all, do any of the softphones such as ekiga or wango support skype? I find that skype is really memory hungry and I want to use something else instead.02:36
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riotkittiefrogzoo: i'm having issues with a smb printer. its a canon, and i suppose i should be happy that it works at all :P and it does, ive finally got it printing02:36
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Lord_DrachenblutJowi: here is what i get 25925 pts/0    00:00:01 goldenpod02:37
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riotkittiebut for some reason, the printer is trying to force printing from the top, rather than cassette02:37
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pavanhow  to download files using bit torrent  ?02:38
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JowiLord_Drachenblut, ok, it is executed fine.02:38
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JowiLord_Drachenblut, what are you expected to see, what is the script supposed to do?02:39
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Lord_DrachenblutJowi: it's a podcast aggregator02:39
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frogzoo!azureus | pavan02:40
ubotupavan: azureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AzureusHowTo02:40
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JowiLord_Drachenblut, so it produces a file and you can't find it, that's it?02:40
eooonHi. Anyone know how to prevent my monitor from going black after 10min without use? I have looked in powersettings etc, but cant see anything... I got edgy, xgl and beryl installed02:40
Lord_Drachenblutit downloads the content of the files but they appear no where on the system02:40
JowiLord_Drachenblut, check in the /root directory02:41
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defryskeooon, system> prefs > screensaver and unflag activate screensaver when computer is idle02:41
Lord_DrachenblutJowi: the directory is there but there is no files in there02:41
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JowiLord_Drachenblut, did you use "crontab -e" or "sudo crontab -e"?02:42
Lord_DrachenblutJowi: both02:42
Lord_Drachenblutin testing02:42
eooondefrysk, it was unflaged02:42
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defryskeooon, hmmm :(02:42
derFloi can't login to icq with gabber02:43
JowiLord_Drachenblut, where does the script say it downloads to then? can you set that option on the command in cron?02:43
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Lord_DrachenblutJowi: it should download to a directory in /home/shared/torrent/Podcast02:43
daningmy azureus can't work. the error tip is # An unexpected error has been detected by HotSpot Virtual Machine:02:43
daning#  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0xb03fed02, pid=14715, tid=308485496002:43
daning# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.5.0_08-b03 mixed mode, sharing)02:43
daning# Problematic frame:02:43
daning# C  [libglibjni-0.4.so+0x8d02] 02:43
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daning# An error report file with more information is saved as hs_err_pid14715.log02:43
daning# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:02:43
daning#   http://java.sun.com/webapps/bugreport/crash.jsp02:43
defrysk!paste | daning02:43
ubotudaning: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:43
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willys_fueguinoIs it possible to create a new wiki page on https://help.ubuntu.com/ ???02:44
daningsorry thanks02:44
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valehruhey guys, say I want to connect to a non WEP enabled wifi network.  What should I put into /etc/network/interfaces?02:45
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daningi paste the tip here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3577/02:46
soundrayI'm considering a Ubuntu install in a Parallels VM. Any experiences/recommendations?02:46
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KanashimiHello there. I recently installed Ubuntu 6.10 on a system and am currently attempting to make Wine work the way I want. My problem with it at the moment is that it is apparently not using the native DLL files and I can not find any option to make it search for an existing Windows installation. I remember there being something as such when I've installed Wine from source,02:47
Kanashimibut is it possible to tell it where the existing Windows installation is, through the package manager installed version?02:47
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eooondefrysk, you dont any other ideas on how to fix the black screen?02:47
Kanashimi(This is multibooting Ubuntu and Windows XP to note.)02:47
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defryskeooon, sorry02:48
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valehruKanashimi, try asking in #winehq02:48
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JowiLord_Drachenblut, what is -s option for goldenpod ? the manpage for it does not list it02:48
JowiLord_Drachenblut, ah, silent02:48
daningKanashimi, try to install easywine02:48
Kanashimivalehru: Hmm.. alright, I'll check there on the side as well. Just thought I'd ask here first since it's an Ubuntu installation :)02:49
Dasnipa`Jowi, -s is almost always silent02:49
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Kanashimidaning: Hmm, how is that different and is that available through apt-get directly?02:49
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JowiLord_Drachenblut, so check the log for goldenpod02:49
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daningyes, it's available by apt-get. it can find window auto02:50
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daningKanashimi, sorry ,it can't find by apt-get, let me check it02:51
Kanashimidaning: Hmm, alright02:52
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daningo, install easywine by apt-get .it works02:52
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enkidumy fstab is a little bit amazing, and it doesn't mount my swap anymore, how can i generate a new fstab ?02:53
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daningkanashimi,  install easywine by apt-get .it works02:54
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Kanashimidaning: Alright, one moment, let me see.. this is with the default deposits btw, right?02:55
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daningKanashimi, yeah02:55
Kanashimidaning: I can not seem to be able to find such a package "apt-get install easywine"02:55
Kanashimidaning: Returns no such package.02:56
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Pici!english | hekrv02:56
ubotuhekrv: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat02:56
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derFloProblem with LICQ: http://nopaste.php-q.net/27244602:58
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pbureauhekrv, check @ubuntu-jp02:59
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pbureauhekrv, check #ubuntu-jp02:59
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Picithanks, pbureau , I cant see special characters properly through screen/bitchx/putty03:00
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christopherlhow do I copy the contents from a folder to another folder?03:00
pbureauPici,  s'ok I figured as much... get xchat man03:00
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pfarmerchristopherl: man cp03:00
pbureauchristopherl, cp /folder/*.* /folder2/03:00
rausb0pbureau: wrong03:01
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ezhi, i got a problem: yesterday i was installing a new theme, and after that the program asked me if i wanted to aplly it, and i clicked yes. then my desktop completely desapperead. i rebooted the pc but everytime i try to enter with my account it blocks at the beginning screen the one where he charges programs...what should i do?03:01
pbureaurausb0, really ?03:01
PiciDont do *.*03:01
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ezi'm on irssi now03:01
rausb0pbureau: *.* will not match file names like blabla03:01
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pbureauah so just /* then :)03:01
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rausb0pbureau: * will match all, but still your cp command will not work if there are subdirectories03:02
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Ayabaraanyone know a place where I can get subversion 1.4.3 packages for ubuntu?03:03
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rausb0pbureau: actually, * matches all file names except the ones beginning with a dot03:03
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pbureaurausb0, yet another reason why I use file-commander :)(03:04
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rausb0pbureau: i use cp, mv, rm and mc :)03:04
Jowipbureau, it's actually easy "cp -r directory1 directory2". that will copy it all03:04
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Jowipbureau, directory1 is "from" and directory2 is "to"03:05
rausb0Jowi: and if copying as root -a is even better than -r03:05
pbureauJowi, yes I figured that much if I used the man pages :) but I wasnt the one asking, and I rather click (I am over 40 - tired of dos-style command promptslol)03:05
jimmiehow do i get the latest drivers for the nvidia geforce fx 5700?03:06
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:06
rausb0pbureau: i am 40 and i like unix command line tools, because they are NOT dos-like03:06
Jowirausb0, no it isn't. a is archive and r is recursive. two different things03:06
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rausb0Jowi: -a implies -r03:06
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rausb0Jowi: -a copies recursively and preserves ownerships and permissions (and even device files)03:07
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pbureaurausb0, figure of speach :) I started in cpm stations, back in the 60's I know what you mean, just figure by know with all technologies, someone would have started competing with windows seriously, (ie for lazy people like I pretend to be - but I enjoy the command line for somethings) but if there is a easy way (ie : mc in command line versus looking up man cp pages) I rather use it and not "waste too much time trying to figure out how to copy03:08
pbureau files over03:08
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Jowirausb0, yes, but a will preserve links. normally I do not want that (only want the actual files). it's a matter of taste i think :)03:08
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rausb0Jowi: alright03:11
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SlackRathey room, runnning dapper here, and noticed no auto updates popped  up since end of last year.......but when i mark all upgrades in synaptic or ask adept to find updates there are 85......are these still dapper updates and should i allow it to upgrade evertyhting?03:11
Gabby_Hayesheard of a tech help story where the tech told the customer to copy a floppy disc, and mail it to them. So they sent a xeroxed copy of the disc to the tech.  :-)03:11
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oxygenhelp me pls03:11
jimmieany swede?03:11
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SlackRatseems to be a pretty extensive kde and X upgrade.......why doesnt adept no longer warn me of them03:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-se - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:12
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Jowijimmie, yep. but head over to #ubuntu-se if you want to snacka svenska. :)03:12
jimmiehehehe ok03:13
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jimmiewhere do i find them? :P03:13
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jimmienoob :(03:13
J-_my connection to the internet so well beyond slow, not sure why. Dapper had no problem whatsoever. Is there anyway I ccan do about it?03:13
Jowijimmie, type /join #ubuntu-se03:13
frogzooJ-_: slow to start, low bandwidth, or what?03:13
ezhi, i got a problem: yesterday i was installing a new theme, and after that the program asked me if i wanted to aplly it, and i clicked yes. then my desktop completely desapperead. i rebooted the pc but everytime i try to enter with my account it blocks at the beginning screen the one where he charges programs...what should i do?03:14
SlackRatanyone updated dapper recently?03:14
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ezhi, i got a problem: yesterday i was installing a new theme, and after that the program asked me if i wanted to aplly it, and i clicked yes. then my desktop completely desapperead. i rebooted the pc but everytime i try to enter with my account it blocks at the beginning screen the one where he charges programs...what should i do?03:14
ezi'm on irssi now03:14
SlackRatwithout upgrading to edgy, i mean03:14
J-_frogzoo: I have unlimited bandwith. downloading/viewing is slow03:14
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J-_viewing webpages*03:14
frogzoo!ipv6 | J-_03:15
ubotuJ-_: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv403:15
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suloJowi: thanks for help yesterday (wifi channels)! :)03:15
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grnwoodAnybody having trouble with metacity loosing keybindings and window focus?03:16
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grnwood(symptoms are ... have to click the 'title' of the window to get focus ... clicking on the window doesn't help ... also keybindings go bad?)03:16
Lord_Flashearthi i am installing ubuntu server on a new computer with two 250gb hard drives03:16
Lord_Flashearti want to put the os and the applications and database etc on one, and use the other to back up the database and config files at regular intervals03:17
Lord_Flasheartcould someone recommend how best i might partition the hard drives?03:17
frogzooLord_Flasheart: a job for raid 1 - & just bring the mirror up to sync03:18
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fotofloHi All - where does ubuntu store information on what drives to mount at start up and how to mount them?03:19
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frogzoofotoflo: /etc/fstab03:19
Lord_Flasheartfrogzoo: the motherboard has nvidia sata raid, which i think is not properly supported by ubuntu yet?03:19
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wikiadmok say i want to have 2 different sites running from the same apache instance... and i want people to be able to put in 2 different URL's to access one or the other... would this be considered creating a virtual host? or what can i do?03:20
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frogzooLord_Flasheart: just don't go there, even if it works, it's proprietary & chipset specific03:20
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fotoflofrogzoo: cool - how do i make a filesystem writable?03:21
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grnwoodi don't want to switch to KDE, but i think  that loosing window focus and keybindings is killing me.03:21
variantwikiadm: apache vhosts03:21
grnwoodanybody seen this problem?03:21
frogzoofotoflo: filesystems are rw by default except ntfs03:21
wikiadmvariant: are you sure its not going to be ServerAlias?03:21
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jayciei'm quite new to ubuntu and i'm tryin to find out how to tell what version is actually on my p/c03:21
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DYnamo_Does anyone know if SugarCRM has Newsgroup Integration?03:22
fotoflofrogzoo i think i have a vfat thats not writable03:22
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variantwikiadm: nope, i'm not sure03:23
fotoflofrogzoo: whats a umask?03:23
minimecfrogzoo: Just to inform you.... Changing buffer size in gxine to 7000 did it ;) You made my day ;)03:23
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J-_frogzoo: I did what the instruction told me, and when ip a | grep inet6, I get http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3580/ is that normal? it says it won't output anything, which means it's disabled03:24
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Asl[a] nHi, i am sharing an internet  connection on my ubuntu box with a PC which has got windows installed on it. Can  I set up a small home server (http/ftp, the works) and access it from the world wide web?03:24
Asl[a] nI know- sounds like a windows question. but i just need to know whether if its possible.03:24
frogzoofotoflo: man mount03:25
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Asl[a] ncause i've got all the corresponding ports on the firewall open in the windows firewall configuration. but when i try to access my home PC from the web, i get the webserver on the windows machine.03:25
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frogzoofotoflo: a umask is a mask (ie. inverse) of the effective permissions03:25
frogzoofotoflo: you want umask=000003:26
frogzoofotoflo: or umask=005703:26
J-_frogzoo: any idea on my situation?03:26
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paohi the version I am using is hedgehog and I would like to upgrade to the newest version, can you give me the link on ubuntulinux.org regarding how to upgrade ?03:27
m0dYwhy should /var/run/utmp permission be 644 ?03:27
tom47jaycie lsb_release -a03:27
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JowiAsl[a] n, you set up port redirection in your router. if your windows machine is the one sharing the connection it is up to it to redirect the traffic to your linux machine. ##windows should be able to help03:28
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Asl[a] nJowi, thanks, i was already in there. :)03:28
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frogzooJ-_: did you reboot?03:29
J-_frogzoo: yes I did03:29
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oxygeni can upgrade my ubuntu03:29
oxygeni cant03:30
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frogzooJ-_: not related, but did you disable ipv6 in ff?03:31
tom47!upgrade > pao03:31
J-_frogzoo: no, let me try that.03:31
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SoulChildPLEASE how do i activate stencil buffer on intel card ?03:33
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about stencil - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:33
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DYnamo_Can anyone give me a better sentence than this? hehe -> All services are fine tuned to give optimum performance with the server's hardware03:35
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tom47DYnamo we use the cheapest available hardware03:36
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varianttom47: lol03:37
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J-_frogzoo: find anything relevant?03:43
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frogzooJ-_: I think you messed up - that ip a | ipv6 should return blank03:43
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J-_ok, letm e try again...03:44
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frogzooafter I log in, I get a huge (like one minute pause) before gnome begins to startup - any ideas?03:44
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pfarmerfrogzoo: check things like /etc/resolv.conf setting and whether or not you can resolve hosts on a name server03:46
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J-_frogzoo: I copy/pasted it in right, heh.03:46
frogzoopfarmer: I'll take a look, only this just started happening recently which is kind of wierd03:47
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tom47froozoo i recently made my bootup a lot slower by booting on an ide cable shared with a cd burner03:47
frogzooJ-_: so a reboot should have worked...03:47
J-_hrm, yeah. I'll reboot again, see if it does anything.03:47
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jayciehi.. i'm new to unbuntu and linux.. how can i find the version of my ubunutu that is installed on my p/c?03:48
tom47frogzoo also check space used on partitions anything over 85% can have a suddenly serious performance impact03:48
ucordeshow can i find out my current bit depth??03:48
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tom47jaycie lsb_release -a03:48
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ucordesjaycie: uname03:48
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jayciethank u tom47.. that would be in the term?03:49
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tom47jaycie yes03:49
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jayciethank u tom47 and ucordes03:49
richard_does anyone know if there are any deb packages of cdemu around?03:49
rohanhi all ..03:49
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rohanwith the new init system, how do i configure startup services ?03:50
frogzoopfarmer: tom47 all good suggestions, still looking though03:50
frogzoorichard_: there is not, but it's a cinch to compile03:50
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Kreamhi. I'm trying to slim down an installation to the bare minimum. after some googling, I've realised that I can probably safely delete pkgcache.bin and srcpkgcache.bin in /var/cache/apt . Can someone confirm this and tell me of other files / directories that I can clean up ?03:50
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frogzooKream: don't delete those - use the apt tools if you want to empty the cache03:51
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richard_frogzoo, thanks03:51
Faithfulanyone got 945GM working dual head?03:51
cdavisI'm not sure how/why, but I seem to be missing my shutdown/reboot commands. Even manually switching to init 6 doesn't help; Is there a way to tell Ubuntu to reload it's init system (or even, reload the entire base system, without re-installing?)03:51
Kreamfrogzoo:  thanks, what's the procedure to do that?03:51
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frogzooKream: apt-get clean03:51
kingacewhen I try to connect to a computer on my lan running ubuntu from my current ubuntu computer via vnc, i get "Couldn't convert 'mycomputername' to host address. Unable to connect to VNC server"03:52
Kreamfrogzoo:  nope, files are still there :)03:52
jaycietom47 all it says is bash: lsb: command not found03:52
frogzooKream: files might be there, but the apt cache should be empty03:52
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kingacealso, can you use VNC to connect to a computer not in your network?03:53
Kreamwell, can I delete pkgcache.bin and srcpkgcache.bin ? aren't they regenerated when I do apt-get update ?03:53
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tom47jaycie ok there are others .... try uname -a03:53
jayciewill do tom03:53
tom47that gives the kernel you are using03:54
rohanwith the new init system, how do i configure startup services ?03:54
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Cr1msonhi all03:54
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Cr1msoni'm new to ubuntu03:54
dafyddso am i03:54
jaycieah ok it says 2.6.17-10 generic.. i am looking to see if i have 6.10 that i thot i put on Laugh Out Loud03:55
dafyddinstalled yesterday @_03:55
jaycieunder applications i don't have any system tools .. ithink i missed something03:55
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tom47jaycie its empty on initial install03:55
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AngryElf_why is it that the package for firefox is 'firefox' and the package for thunderbird is 'mozilla-thunderbird' ?03:56
Cr1msoni tried to configure internet connection but i got message CHAP authentication failed, samebody can help me ?03:56
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KreamAngryElf:  probably, we're transitioning some packages slower to a different naming system03:56
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jaycieTokenGoth is there a place that i can view online to try to learn more?03:56
jaycietom47 i mean03:56
tom47jaycie most system tools are located under System03:56
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jaycietom47 there i only have prefs, admin. help. about gnore about ubuntu and quit03:57
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riddleboxhello, does anyone have exim running for a mailserver?03:57
jayciegood theres people willing to help with this!03:57
=== Raffy sono AwAy, motivo: studio :(
tom47jaycies yes look in preferences and in admin ... lots to play with there03:57
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jayciei have a horse named draco Laugh Out Loud03:57
jayciewill do tom03:57
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tom47jaycie btw .... i think you enterred that command earlier incorrectly maybe03:59
jayciecould be tom03:59
tom47jaycie copy and paste this into terminal .... lsb_release -a03:59
cameotwathey, i just installed ubuntu, i want to listen to mp3, have video codecs and use my dvd rom to watch dvd, is there any command that should cover it perhaps?03:59
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jaycieits on a diff puter Laugh Out Loud but i did not get the _ will do that04:00
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:00
ubotuFlash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash04:00
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jaycietom47 coolies.. it says 610 edgy!04:01
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jayciejust odd my system tools is not easy to find04:01
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gamma - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:02
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tom47jaycie gnome-systm-tools/04:03
jaycieall i have under system for gnome is just about gnome04:04
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jayciethe only way i have system toolss is under applications and add/remove.. i thot that was a bit odd04:05
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tom47jaycie in a terminal .... cd /usr/share/menu && gnome-control-centre04:06
jaycieah ok sorry04:06
tom47jaycie is that the sort of thing you are looking for?04:06
soundrayI'm considering a Ubuntu install in a Parallels VM. Any experiences/recommendations?04:06
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sixhat_soundray, It Rocks04:07
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jaycietom i'm not sure.. i just was told system tools someone saw under applications so i'm tryin to find out how to find mine simler04:07
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sixhat_soundray, Take care with some keys that change places...04:07
soundraysixhat_: what kind of keys?04:08
tom47jaycie click on System and then Preferences and look through that ... and the same under Administraion .... the tools have in general been placed there individually04:08
sixhat_soundray, Beside that everything goes smooth and snappy04:08
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jayciewill do tom.. thanks again04:08
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jayciethanks again.. bye04:08
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soundraysixhat_: does the VM provide multiple CPUs to the guest OS if it runs on a multicore host?04:09
variantanyone here got extensive experience with netscreen 100 firewalls?04:09
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sixhat_soundray, if your keyboard isn't american you'll more different keys.. but at least you should put the 3rd level key to be Right Command key04:10
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sixhat_soundray, and should remap the Euro key the E key04:10
soundraysixhat_: I see, that's good to know, thanks04:10
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sixhat_soundray, if it is an european keyboard there's a bit more remapping: http://linux-facil.blogspot.com/2006/12/ubuntu-no-macbook-intel.html04:12
sixhat_soundray, there's a keytable of some key diferences in PT keyboard04:12
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soundraysixhat_: I have a GB keyboard, it's not too different from the US one04:13
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exspectois it possible to install grub from within windows xp?  the menu.lst got messed up and i didn't have a chance to reinstall grub after doing so and when my machine rebooted it went into windows.  i can remote into it though, so i wondered if i had to wait until i could be physically in front of it before i could boot it back into linux04:13
exspectothere's gotta be a way!04:13
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sixhat_soundray, Ok... Good luck. Ubuntu works great on Parallels...04:13
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valehruhey guys, I have ssh access to a server, I want have set up a vncserver on the machine.  However when I use a machine on the same lan to access it: vncserver I don04:18
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valehruI don't get a response04:18
valehruAny ideas?04:18
hmpedersenI really wish ubuntu live discs had support for usb keyboards..04:18
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valehruI can ping the machine perfectly04:18
valehruhmpedersen, they do.04:18
valehruhmpedersen, mine works perfectly..04:18
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Kreamvalehru:  on the host machine, run netstat -anp --ip | grep LISTEN and see if vncserver is listening on the proper port04:18
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Artemis3hmpedersen: try enabling usb legacy in bios04:19
gmahmpedersen: it does04:19
hmpedersenvalethru, support for usb keyboards with all on-board usb04:19
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hmpedersengma. If i set usb keyboard support for bios mode, it'll work in the initial bootscreen only.. if i set it to OS, it won't work at all04:20
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kingaceis it possible to use vnc with computers outside of your lan?04:20
hmpedersenkingace, yes04:20
hmpedersenIf the correct ports are forwarded, that is04:20
valehruKream, it doesnt seem to be there...../tmp/.X11-unix/X0 is though...would that be it?04:20
kingacehmpedersen: how? all of my lan computers have the same IP address04:20
gmahmpedersen: weird. sounds like your hardware is a little unusual.04:20
Kreamvalehru:  looks like your vncserver isn't04:20
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Kreamvalehru:  if you have an sshd daemon on the machine, you'll see it listening on port 22, for example04:21
arn_how can i know the name of local machine in Ubuntu?04:21
Artemis3kingace: assign different ports for each and configure your nat accordingly04:21
hmpedersengma, actually many users have reported this bug.. all the way from 5.1004:21
valehruKream, ya I see that.04:21
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hmpedersenFor some, only way to fix it is to disable legacy usb support04:21
riddleboxis anyone running a mail server on ubuntu?04:21
Kreamvalehru:  so turn on logging for your vncserver daemon and  diagnose what the problem is with it starting.04:22
perplexityyes riddlebox04:22
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wikiadmon apache 1.3 it seems a bit different... like the document root is different... say i would be using apache2-common when i goto the localhost i can see all the apps i have installed... on apache 1.3 it just brings me to a index.html how do i change that to show me all the apps i have installed?04:22
Kreamvalehru:  go over the documentation, etc etc04:22
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hmpedersensome have to boot with acpi=off to fix it.. (that will prevent it from loading the live disc at all for me)04:22
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kingaceArtemis3: how do I distinguish which computer goes to which port? does this need to be done within vnc?04:22
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valehruKream, yeah I just had to start the vncserver...that was the reason....thx04:23
arn_can anyone tell me, how to know the name of the local machine?04:23
Kreamvalehru:  share and enjoy :)04:23
Artemis3kingace: in your nat/router whatever is facing the net and then forwards the ports in04:23
Artemis3kingace: and vncserver of each machine04:23
frogzooarn_: hostname04:23
arn_frogzoo, ok04:23
hmpedersenkingace, how much do you know about routers and port forwarding?04:24
riddleboxperplexity, sorry I didnt see you answer me04:24
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riddleboxperplexity, what mail server app do you run?04:24
kingacehmpedersen: not much, but once i get this sorted out i should be able to do it04:24
perplexityI'm running exim404:24
kingaceArtemis3: ok.. and then what command would I give a vncviewer.. if the ip was (for example) with the corresponding port of 80?04:24
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valehruKream, ok..the port is 6001, how can I make this port open on the machine via SSH?  normally I am at the server using firestarter...however, it's quite a distance away from me right now04:25
riddleboxperplexity, do you know of any graphical tools to help you configure it and administer it?04:25
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perplexityno riddlebox, sorry.. I configure it with vi.04:25
hmpedersenkingace, i won't recommend running vnc on port 80..04:25
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Artemis3kingace: i guess it depends what machine you want to connect to. Doesn't vnc uses 2 ports? i forgot...04:25
exspectodefault vnc ports start at 590004:25
perplexityif you wanted graphical I guess you could use gvim ;)04:25
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riddleboxperplexity, do you know of a good howto to get it going in ubuntu04:26
blizzdo i _have_ to compile the kqemu-sources myself?04:26
wikiadmriddlebox: are you trying to setup vnc?04:26
computermcI am thinking about getting an mp3 player. I want something that is similar to an iPod, but that works completely with Linux. Any suggestion?04:26
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exspectoipodlinux maybe04:26
riddleboxwikiadm, no a mailserver04:26
kingacehmpedersen: it was an example..04:26
zythipod running rockbox?04:26
wikiadmriddlebox: oh ok04:26
exspectoor that04:26
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perplexityany debian mail howto would apply riddlebox, google will turn up heaps of 'em. I did my first config years ago, so I just blunder my way through it now04:26
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exspectobut the newest ipods generally don't work with it04:26
gizmo_the_great1Hi. I cannot, for the life of me, update Firefox from 1.5.4 to 1.5.9. I using Dapper Drake. All repositories are all ticked with multiverse and universe selected. I tried removing the entire thing and re-installing using 'sudo apt-get install firefox'. I have tried using Synaptic PM. But every time, when I click 'About' it is reported as 1.5.4???04:26
TrentsterHey all, is there an alternative in the sources list to use something besides security.ubuntu.com, it is extremelly slow for us, getting bytes per second not even k per second...any adieas on alternative mirros?04:26
hmpedersenkingace, oh sorry. I'm a bit tired.04:27
kingaceArtemis3: well i just mean the format, as in: xtightvncviewer .. would that be right?04:27
kingacehmpedersen: no prob04:27
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Kreamvalehru:  sorry, eating dinner04:27
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perplexitykingace: <-- note the double colon for port numbers04:27
valehruKream, np.04:27
valehruhow can I open a port in the firewall through SSH?04:28
kingaceperplexity: thanks, and then what about the number of the x server.. would it be
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perplexityerr no kingace, maybe you would be better reading a quick vnc howto :) there are good ones on the realvnc and tightvnc sites04:29
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kingaceperplexity: can do04:29
soundraygizmo_the_great1: when you enter 'apt-cache policy firefox', does it report as installed?04:30
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gizmo_the_great1soundray: thanks for helping. it says : Installed: 1.5.dfsg+
wikiadmanybody in here good with apache issues?04:31
soundraygizmo_the_great1: have you restarted firefox? Make sure it is really terminated by entering 'killall firefox-bin' until you get "No process killed"04:31
Data_wikiadm with some of them04:31
bauer77go to #apache wikiadm04:32
wikiadmbauer77, yeah thts not working04:32
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rastafarianshow can i mount a ntfs system? mount /dev/hda1 /mount/point04:32
bauer77whats the issue?04:32
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wikiadmi got the apache-common package installed... and when u goto localhost it directs you right to the index.html file... i want it to show the apps i have installed just like apache2-common does04:32
soundray!ntfs | rastafarians04:33
uboturastafarians: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse04:33
gizmo_the_great1soundray: yep. I even rebooted! Still says 1.5.404:33
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soundraygizmo_the_great1: is that really what it says, or does it say ?04:33
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perplexitygizmo_the_great1: what does 'which firefox' tell you ?04:33
gizmo_the_great1soundray: well spotted. that is what I meant. But yes, you are correct -
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hmpedersenbe back later04:34
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soundraygizmo_the_great1: follow perplexity's suggestion.04:34
gizmo_the_great1perplexity: soundray: killall firefox-bin04:34
wikiadmbauer77, i got the apache-common package installed... and when u goto localhost it directs you right to the index.html file... i want it to show the apps i have installed just like apache2-common does04:34
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gizmo_the_great1perplexity: soundray: sorry, hang on04:34
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soundraygizmo_the_great1: you must have a non-ubuntu firefox on the path.04:34
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kingaceperplexity: ok, so i read through the information on TightVNC's website regarding vncviewer, but what I don't understand is what if you want to specify both the display number AND the port04:34
gizmo_the_great1perplexity: /usr/bin/firefox04:35
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gizmo_the_great1soundray: /usr/bin/firefox04:35
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perplexitygizmo_the_great1: hrm.. peculiar to say the least!04:35
soundraygizmo_the_great1: is that a link to /usr/lib/firefox/firefox ?04:35
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gizmo_the_great1soundray: not sure. it is the output of 'which firefox'04:35
quazarhey folks04:36
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soundraygizmo_the_great1: check with ls -l /usr/bin/firefox04:36
perplexitygizmo_the_great1: ls -la `which firefox`04:36
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ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)04:36
perplexitysoundray's method is better ;)04:36
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gizmo_the_great1soundray: perplexity: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 2006-06-04 12:49 /usr/bin/firefox -> /opt/firefox/firefox04:36
soundraygizmo_the_great1: there you go. You have a non-Ubuntu firefox in /opt04:37
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soundraygizmo_the_great1: try '/usr/lib/firefox/firefox -v'04:37
flareshello folks04:37
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quazarI'm looking for the man page for getnameinfo.3 ... how do I determine what package to install to get it?04:37
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gizmo_the_great1soundray: Mozilla Firefox, Copyright (c) 1998 - 2006 mozilla.org04:38
flaresgot some problem that i cant solve with my WinTV PRV 350 card..04:38
rausb0quazar: manpages-dev04:38
Data_maybe /usr/lib/mozillafirefox/firefox-bin04:38
flaresanyone that can try help me out ?04:38
gizmo_the_great1soundray: so am I launching an incorrect shortcut then? Is that what all this means? That there are two installs of FF on my PC?04:38
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quazarrausb0: thanks loads04:38
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rausb0quazar: no problem04:38
perplexitysorry, kingace.. I don't get you.. each vncserver you run is a single X display and has it's own port number..04:38
nodar\join #ubuntu-fr04:38
flareswhen i try to catch the stream , all i get is black screen04:38
soundraygizmo_the_great1: that's the one you want. I suggest you remove the firefox in /opt and all its traces, then reinstall the ubuntu package.04:38
soundraygizmo_the_great1: exactly04:39
gizmo_the_great1soundray: justusing rm?04:39
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Data_default port for VNC is 5900004:39
rausb0Data_: 590004:39
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Data_lol yes04:39
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kingaceperplexity: within the computers of my lan, i need to specify the display number (ie for it to work at all04:39
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siucdudeI have a quick question if some may04:40
perplexityin vnc terms means port 590304:40
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gizmo_the_great1soundray: i sorry. This is confusing me. a) if there are two version installed can I not just uninstall the incorrect one (the one in /opt) and if so, how do I do that? sudo apt-get remove /opt/firefox/firefox?04:40
soundraygizmo_the_great1: do a 'find /usr -type l | xargs ls -l | grep opt/firefox' and remove all files that it spits out04:40
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rastafariansFetched 177MB in 1m37s (1824kB/s)04:41
soundraygizmo_the_great1: no, apt-get won't touch your /opt installation with a pitchfork ;)04:41
rausb0gizmo_the_great1: the version in /opt was certainly NOT installed by apt-get04:41
gizmo_the_great1soundray: how did it get there then?04:41
perplexitygizmo_the_great1: you must have run some other installer that placed a copy of firefox there.. ubuntu certainly won't04:41
rausb0gizmo_the_great1: you tell us :)04:41
J-_How can I fix this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3587/04:41
soundraygizmo_the_great1: I didn't put it there ;) so it must have been you.04:41
gizmo_the_great1soundray: i not been sarcastic. Apl;ogies. I was just curious as to how it got there.04:42
gizmo_the_great1soundray: what is the opt folder for?04:42
siucdudeOn Synaptic or just any update i get this error "The gtk frontend needs a working pythone-gtk2 or python-glade2" but I have both of them installed04:42
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J-_frogzoo: I fixed my problem, I used Dappers instructions, and it worked in edgy. =S04:43
soundraygizmo_the_great1: I know, I'm just having a bit of fun.04:43
rausb0gizmo_the_great1: /opt is normally for third party software which doesnt use the normal unix directory hierarchy04:43
flaresanyone that got wintv prv 350 video card ??04:43
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soundraygizmo_the_great1: the /opt folder is for packages outside the canonical packaging system (apt)04:43
Chris_I'm having a problem with my Ubuntu installation, and my Fedora Core 6 installation for that matter.04:43
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Chris_I think there's a conflict with my video card.04:43
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nixternalquazar: libsocket6-perl04:44
gizmo_the_great1soundray: rausb0: when I execute ' /usr/lib/firefox/firefox' the correct version loads.04:44
nixternalquazar: ^^ for getnameinfo04:44
Chris_My system freezes up a few minutes after I boot it up, and sometimes while Ubuntu is loading all of its apps04:44
siucdudeok thanks bye04:45
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Chris_Can someone help me?04:45
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Chris_I think my ATI card is the reason my Ubuntu is acting funny.04:45
soundraygizmo_the_great1: you could just 'cd /usr/bin ; ln -sf /usr/lib/firefox/firefox firefox'04:45
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soundraygizmo_the_great1: but you're probably better off removing the unwanted installation without a trace.04:45
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soundrayChris_: I don't think that what you have is a software problem. Sounds like overheating to me.04:46
Chris_I don't think so, because this thing has run Windows fine for a couple years.04:46
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flaresanyone ?04:47
gizmo_the_great1soundray: rausb0: I have updated the GUI link to /usr/lib/firefox/firefox and that now works. But the terminal command 'firefox' still launches the old version. You said earlier that I need to delete those /opt/../firefox files. By doing that, will the command 'firefox' then run the /usr/lib/firefox/firefox version?04:47
ZeMoonKowhat is differences between two distributions? (fedora & ubuntu)04:47
Chris_System Specs: AMD 64 2800+, ATI Radeon 9600XT 128 MB AGP, 1 GB of Ram, 160 Gig HDD, nVidia nForce3 Chaintech Mobo.04:47
soundrayChris_: you know how fans get clogged up and such...04:47
Chris_I know, I cleaned them.04:47
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Chris_Windows never freezes.04:48
Chris_I'm on it right now.04:48
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Chris_I've never had an overheating problem before.04:48
soundraygizmo_the_great1: no. Read my previous suggestion about updating the link with ln04:48
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joachim-nis it possible to create a symlink on ftp? I can't see it in the ftp manpag04:48
soundrayChris_: maybe Windows doesn't stretch your hardware to the extent that you would notice the fault. I'd start by running memtest8604:48
Chris_From what I understand (which may not be much), ATI has crappy drivers and there are some good drivers somewhere for Ubuntu, and I just want to try that out.04:49
Chris_soundray: Okay, but I play Half-Life 2 and Doom 3 a lot, so...04:49
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yommsometimes even memtest detects errors only after running extensively for a few hours !04:49
soundrayjoachim-n: I don't think that's possible.04:49
joachim-nah right. thanks :)04:49
Chris_But I don't think that Linux just sitting there and booting up is going to "push my system to the max".04:50
metaperlwill ubuntu 6.06 automatically write the MBR? 6.10 did not and I could not get the grub instructions to work04:50
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Frankyhanyone here, who could help me with my apache2 problem?04:51
gizmo_the_great1soundray: that has worked a treat mate!! Thank you so much for your help. I wish I understood everything more though. I guess the ln trick is a way of telling Linux to associate a certain command with a certain executable.04:51
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frogzooanyone had the problem where openoffice writer starts fullscreen & won't revert to nonfullscreen?04:52
Chris_Can someone just tell me where I can get some ATI Drivers for Linux?04:52
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:52
gizmo_the_great1soundray: Read the help for ln. I see, the s and f switches : '-f, --force remove existing destination files'04:52
yommcan I have multiple tabs in bitchx ???, i just started it for the first time ....04:52
Frankyh anyone here, who could help me with my apache2 problem?04:52
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soundraygizmo_the_great1: the man page ('man ln') has more detail04:53
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gizmo_the_great1soundray: thanks again. I am off for a coffee :-)04:53
soundraygizmo_the_great1: enjoy04:53
Chris_soundray: So you think that booting linux up is pushing my system hard?04:54
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NoEvidenZSo I'm trying to install LinuXtree. I can't install it because I need the build-essentials package. I can't install that because I need some prerequisite, for which I need a prerequisite, and so forth.04:55
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fotoflowierd, my apache server was just working a few minutes ago, and now when i try and load a page, the title loads, but nothing else04:56
NoEvidenZapt-get would be great, but I can't connect to the internet because Ubuntu doesn't agree with my wireless card.04:56
soundrayChris_: no, with the extra detail you provided, I'm not convinced any more that it is overheating. But I still believe in a hardware fault, because of the unpredictability of the crashes.04:56
fotofloand the menubar just disappeared on all my desktops04:56
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NoEvidenZSo I thought "Hey,I'll just use my windows PC as a gateway!", but my windows Wireless Network Connection is missing the Internet Connection Sharing options. And hell if anyone in ##windows knows anything about where they've pissed off to.04:57
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NoEvidenZThe wonders of Windows.. It never ceases to amaze me how many god damned unexplainable issues it has.04:58
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zburnsLooking for a Dapper Repo for libdvdcss - nothing works04:59
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Chris_soundray: Do you recommend me installing fglrx ATi drivers?04:59
soundrayChris_: how often does it freeze at boot?04:59
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tom47zburns try maybe http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repository.php05:00
soundrayChris_: or right after05:00
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Chris_When I used Fedora Core 6 64-Bit, it would freeze everytime I booted, and when I used Ubuntu, it would freeze about 3-5 minutes into using the OS.05:00
Chris_Fedora Core 6 loaded a lot of stuff at startup, whereas Ubuntu did not.05:00
tom47hris is it essential fo you to be using 64 bit OS .....05:01
Chris_I know, I used Ubuntu 64.05:01
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Chris_When I tried to install Ubuntu 32, it fried my copy of Windows on there.05:01
Chris_So I assume that I have to use only the 64-Bit versions of Linux.05:01
soundrayChris_: ubuntu probably loads just as much -- to see it, delete the quiet and nosplash options.05:01
Chris_But Fedora loads while in the gui, Ubuntu does not.05:02
tom47Chris is it essential for you to be using 64 bit OS ..... 32 bit is more widely used and therefore tends to be more stable imho05:02
soundraytom47: you're not helping. Computers don't crash because you install amd64 on a 64bit machine.05:02
Chris_So am I out of luck?05:02
ademanChris_: your 64 bit proccessor can run 32 bit ubuntu just fine05:02
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Chris_Really? Okay.05:02
inceptionAnyone here using rTorrent? ^^05:03
Chris_Is it recommended that I use 32-Bit or 64-Bit then?05:03
ademansoundray: uh, that's not what i had heard about edgy05:03
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soundrayChris_: I would try fglrx before doing a reinstall05:03
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hmpedersenit seems i can't get ubuntu to connect to my bluetooth headset05:03
inceptionI'm using it for my first time, managed setting it up to importing all my torrents, but how do I make it find the files that I want to seed?05:03
Chris_Okay, do the instructions to install fglrx on the Ubuntu Support site work well?05:03
soundrayademan: don't know what you've heard -- I'm talking from experience.05:03
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TrixseyWhy do all bigger companies swap to distros like Red Hat and Suse?05:04
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pbureauTrixsey, make money ?05:04
soundrayTrixsey: can you ask that in #ubuntu-offtopic please05:04
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Chris_Also, another question: I'm going to upgrade my Graphics card in a month or so when I can afford it, I'm planning on getting an nVidia FX something, will it mess anything up in Linux if I swap video cards?05:05
Trixseypbureau, yeah but I ment.. Red Hat volume licenses cost cast anyway, right?05:05
TrixseyWhy not swap to something free, like Ubuntu? :P05:05
slyfoxNeed help. Whenever I turn on Mplayer and try to play a video file, I have video and audio, but there is always this error message that pops up: "Requested audio codec family [mp3]  9afm=mp3lib) not available. Enable it at compaliation."   What do I do ?05:05
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soundrayChris_: not if you switch to a vesa driver before you swap the cards (sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg)05:06
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Chris_soundray: Okay, thanks.05:06
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Chris_I have to go to class now, thanks everyone for your help.05:06
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Chris_soundray: Thanks especialyl.05:06
soundrayChris_: yw05:06
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pbureauslyfox, looks like you need an additonal codec05:07
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slyfoxpbureau: any more details? Do I go and get it in synaptic ? or what ?05:08
felixa question : acx111 (wifi driver) is it ok with ubuntu 6.10 ?05:08
gareth1i tried the live cd on my system, but it said failed to load x server, will the hard install work?05:08
pbureauslyfox, I would check on the mplayer web site first to make sure...most have forums with q&a that probably answer this question in details05:08
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soundraygareth1: that's hard to tell. Have you tried safe graphics mode?05:08
tom47!multimedia > slyfox05:09
pbureaufelix, what model/chipset is your wifi card?05:09
pbureautom47, wifi = networking :)05:09
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felixtexas instrument acx1105:09
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pbureaufelix, and if you do lspci does it see the card right now ?05:10
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soundrayfelix: the driver comes with the stock kernel. That's a reasonably good indication that it will work05:10
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=== pbureau eyes soundray .. you have a cheat sheet somewhere I know you don' know these thing by heart :)
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felixpbureau, I'm not at home...05:11
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soundraypbureau: 'locate acx11 | grep ko'05:12
pbureausoundray, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh05:12
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felixsoundray, ok05:12
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=== Raffy sono tornato dall'AwAy dopo 1 ore 15 minuti 5 secondi, motivo: studio :(
aalhamadi'm try to install crossover it unpack but a msg apears ...05:12
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aalhamadThe '/home/aalhamad' directory does not belong to you.05:12
aalhamadPoint $HOME to your home directory and try again.05:12
fromvegaHello, I'm trying to configure a internal DNS server for a small lan running Ubuntu. I'm trying to configure it to use "lan." as the internal domain name. The problem is that it's not working, could you take a look at simple configuration files to see if there is somethig wrong? Tks! http://pastebin.com/87220205:13
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pbureauRaffy, #ubuntu-it05:13
Raffyi'm alredy in ubuntu-it05:13
Raffythat was my away sistem05:13
pbureauno your in ubuntu :)05:13
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Raffy[ 17:12:43 ]  * Raffy[StUdIo]  sono tornato dall'AwAy dopo 1 ore 15 minuti 5 secondi, motivo: studio :(05:13
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Raffyif u did a whois on my nick u can see that i'm alredy in #ubuntu-it05:14
soundrayRaffy: LjL would kick you for that.05:14
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Raffyfor whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?05:14
gareth1how do i try safe gfx mode?05:14
soundrayRaffy: away messages are not allowed here.05:14
Raffyfor my away sistem05:14
soundraygareth1: it's a boot option05:14
pbureauRaffy, rather annoying if everyone started posting their away message in this message05:14
Raffylink me the rules please05:14
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soundrayRaffy: can you read the topic please05:15
Raffypbureau is automatic!05:15
aalhamadi'm try to install crossover it unpack but a msg apears ...The '/home/aalhamad' directory does not belong to you.05:15
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aalhamadPoint $HOME to your home directory and try again.05:15
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=== tom47 wonders where LjL got to :P
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pbureauRaffy, turn it off then :) what I did05:16
Raffywhat i must read in the topic?05:16
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Raffypbureau if i turn off it05:16
Raffyit will dispay that message05:16
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pbureausighs and puts raffy on ignore05:16
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soundraypbureau: same here05:17
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pbureauRaffy,  you using xchat ?05:17
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Raffyi'm usign a mirc script05:17
pbureauRaffy, look in your options and remove the "announce away message" from options05:17
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tom47!hi > Dh3Y005:18
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Raffyit's a script not a new mirc05:18
Dh3Y0DrthHmstr`: hi, i ve tried to install ubuntu since yesterday with no luck, could u tell me if it supports my chipset of sis620?05:18
Raffyi must mod the script to change it05:18
pbureausorry man look in your option... - now your on ignore05:18
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Raffyput me on ignore...05:18
Raffyu have too many problems with the people05:18
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Dh3Y0tom47: thanks :)05:19
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Wespe hi, is it possible with kde to mute the mic ouput but still be able to record?05:19
poacheRI have a question about ubuntu ... am I in the right place?05:19
dyrnepoacheR: yep shoot away05:19
soundrayHi tonyyarusso, we have a major annoyance here by the nick of Raffy05:19
yommwhat is raffy doing ?05:20
DrthHmstr`I'll think about it05:20
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JowiWespe, yes (as in, you can have the record button on but you won't hear yourself speak05:20
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tonyyarussosoundray: Watching.05:20
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poacheRwell, I have an Alienware Aurora m9700 laptop, recently bought, and I'm trying to boot the regular Ubuntu cd, but it won't boot. I've done a quick google search which revealed others have had the exact same problem , but I haven't actually come across a solution or even an answer as to what is actually the problem05:20
WespeJowi: that's what i mean. how can i do that?05:20
JowiWespe, check gnome-volume-control (capture tab)05:20
Dh3Y0tom47 : hi, i ve tried to install ubuntu since yesterday with no luck, could u tell me if it supports my chipset of sis620?05:21
dyrnepoacheR: getting an error?05:21
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Raffy<yomm> what is raffy doing ?05:21
soundrayThanks tonyyarusso, it seems to have settled down ;)05:21
Raffyi had the away script active05:21
Raffyand now started the 3rd world war05:21
wikiadmhow do i check if i have PHP installed?05:21
Dh3Y0IdleOne: u on?05:22
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Dregin|PSPcan someone point me to a tutorial for getting steam running with cedega?05:22
tom47Dh3Y0: i don't know ask the forum generally05:22
dyrnethe normal cd (now called alternate) might work for you. ints an install cd only not live05:22
Dregin|PSPit installs and updates but after that nothing05:22
poacheRnope, I think X just isn't showing at all. I can hear the nice theme that means I have made it to the graphical bit, but with no image, just a blank (black) screen and a cursor on the upper left side05:22
yommwhat dies the awat script do ?  (( -->>> yomm = noob )05:22
dyrne!alternate | poacheR05:22
ubotupoacheR: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD.05:22
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Raffy<soundray> Thanks tonyyarusso, it seems to have settled down ;)05:22
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Raffysoundray what's ur problem? O.o05:23
poacheRI don't want to install ubuntu just yet, I just wanted to have a look at the new live CD05:23
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WespeJowi: when i mute my mic, i can't record any longer...05:23
poacheRFrom what I read online it seems that the alternate cd doesn't make any difference05:23
tonyyarussoRaffy: Doesn't much matter.  If it has indeed settled down, then we're done and can resume normal operation.  :)05:23
dyrnepoacheR: what is it complaining of?05:23
Jowiyomm, it sends a message to the channel when you type /away . with almost 1000 people in here and when many people do it it creates noise and it's difficult to follow discussions...05:23
MystaMaxi just rebooted my computer and now it does not have eth0 available. The error states, "eth0: ERROR while getting interace flags: No Such device05:23
poacheRthis is the page I found, it's the exact same problem. http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-233340.html05:24
Dh3Y0tom47: ubuntu keeps gettin stuck wen i run the live installation from the cd, can i boot it from the hard disk?05:24
Raffytonyyarusso wait for google :)05:24
poacheRit's not complaining of anything.05:24
JowiWespe, you have two icons beneath the capture/mic sliders. one is the speaker (click off) and one is the mic/record button (click on)05:24
Raffymmm Ok can u link me all the rules please?05:24
yommok jowi i c thank you !05:24
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tonyyarusso!etiquette | Raffy (/msg ubotu for the other ones mentioned)05:24
ubotuRaffy (/msg ubotu for the other ones mentioned): Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !AskTheBot - and most importantly, use common sense :-)05:24
tom47Dh3Y0: the livecd runs ok?05:25
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opsihi all05:25
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Dh3Y0tom47: no it gets stuck on the second question :S05:25
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soundrayMystaMax: it's probably your NIC stuck somehow. Is it a card or is it integrated in the motherboard05:25
MystaMaxsoundray, integrated, its listed when i run lspci05:26
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opsithis should be a well known issue, but I can't find any solution. I'm on edgy, and my compute has an nvidia card. I want to install the binary distribution from nvidia.com, but I hitted a problem I found before on hedgy and dapper but that I can't resolve now.05:26
soundrayMystaMax: have you tried a cold reboot?05:26
MystaMaxsoundray, yes05:26
tom47Dh3Y0: what is the 2nd question?05:26
riotkittieKDE users >> is there some way to make the tooltips less... OBNOXIOUS? or eh, big, bulky, and quick to pop up, if you prefer that terminology ;)05:26
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soundrayMystaMax: it was working before, correct?05:26
opsiI can install the nvidia driver fine and run X with accel, but on restart there is something interfering with the driver reverting me to the api included on the nvidia-glx package05:27
MystaMaxsoundray, yep, i was just ssh on to it, mounted a samba share, and restarted05:27
Dh3Y0tom47: about where i am, anyways it takes a LOOOOOONG time to load and everything05:27
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dyrnepoacheR: and it doesnt get to the point were you can alt-ctrl-f2 and get to a getty login?05:27
tom47Dh3Y0: please describe your hardware05:27
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opsiit used to be a problem with nvidia-kernel-commons (removing tha package used to resolve the pronblem) but now that package is a dependency for the kernel image!05:27
richard_howdy, I accidentally set the wine virtual desktop to 800x6, and can't switch it back (cant see anything)05:27
opsisome clue?05:27
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richard_does anyone know where the wine config file is? (the one that winecfg edits)05:28
soundrayMystaMax: strange... I would try disabling it in the BIOS, boot, reboot, renable it and see if it happens again.05:28
tom47richard try #winehq05:28
richard_ok, thanks05:28
opsirichard_: on ~/.wine?05:28
MystaMaxsoundray,ok, i can do that05:28
Dh3Y0tom47: P3 450Mhz, 156 RAM, Sis620, um what else ?05:28
tom47Dh3Y0: ty05:28
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tom47Dh3Y0: you may be better using a lighter weight distro than ubuntu there05:29
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Dh3Y0tom47: can you reccomend me one please. i m going through distrowatch .com, but i cant understand all the jargon :(05:30
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riotkittieUbuntu's do-able on that hardware. . . granted he uses a WM and no a DE05:30
Artemis3Dh3Y0: i know that symptom05:30
tom47Dh3Y0: yuo could consider say PuppyLinux or DamnedSmallLinux (DSL)05:30
Artemis3Dh3Y0: you can always try xubuntu05:31
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defryskxubuntu needs 64 meg ram05:31
poacheRsorry, dymms, yeah, I can switch to other tty displays05:31
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defryskmake sure to use the alternative install, needs less ram05:31
opsio, I should assume every nvida-owner here uses the (not that much) dated nvidia-glx package...05:31
Dh3Y0Artemis3: Hows xubuntu different?05:31
poacheRbut the X dedicated display just stays dark (plus the cursor)05:31
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opsiinteresting... at least for some blog05:32
riotkittieDh3Y0: it has the XFCE desktop as opposed to GNOME or KDE05:32
Artemis3Dh3Y0: how much memory you have?05:32
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poacheRI've used linux for a long time, but don't have a computer science background, so I only half-know what I'm talking about :$05:32
Dh3Y0hardisk space i ve got about 15 gb to spare05:32
Artemis3Dh3Y0: ram memory05:32
yommtom47 , true , though i must say that i am running ubuntu 5 on a pentium1 133Mhz with 128MB RAM and it works ok:) not supersnappy , but certainly not sluggish !05:33
poacheRso, any ideas?05:33
JowiDh3Y0, gnome is a bit heavy for it but on a p166 128Mb RAM I installed ubuntu server and added icewm. runs fine.05:33
Artemis3Dh3Y0: xubuntu should work there05:33
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VSpikeI've currently got an ATI X800 type card, and I have sitting here a new MSI geforce 7900GTO to install.  Apart from booting up in single user mode and doing dpkg-reconfigure xorg, is there anything I need to watch out for?05:34
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Dh3Y0but i m not that well educated in the shell, will the gui stil be good enough for me?05:34
riotkittieDh3Y0: yes05:34
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Artemis3Dh3Y0: its like gnome but fast05:34
Dh3Y0awesome :D thanks alot guys05:34
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variantVSpike: nasty proprietry drivers.. watch out for them05:35
dyrnepoacheR: ati or nvidia?05:35
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poacheRNvidia 512Mb x2 (SLI enabled)05:35
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VSpikevariant: open ATI drivers don't work on my ATI card anyways, so I already have that situation05:35
Draco_Hi, I have a  GForce 4 that I am trying to hook up to my TV, when I boot up the pc I get the feed to the TV and I can see ubuntu starting up but as soon as it hits the start screen it stops outputting to the TV, any ideas ?05:35
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poacheRI don't think it's the SLI to blame though. Apparently sabayon works with it, and another Alienware Aurora m9700 had the exact same problem with a Single card05:36
dyrnepoacheR: well either way id think you could login and do "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and play around with settings. id try vesa first05:36
VSpikebut I was just thinking, I will need to make sure I install them first05:36
gareth1how do i set boot options?05:36
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dyrnepoacheR: i havent used the livecd so i dont know if it tries to use nv or vesa with nvidia cards05:36
poacheRhm. ok, I'll try that. you mean, as in from a text terminal?05:36
yommdraco u must configure twinview :)05:37
dyrnepoacheR: yeah05:37
Draco_twinwho ? :P05:37
dyrnepoacheR: then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart05:37
poacheRwhat cd do you use then? I thought the live cd is the standard these days, with an installer on it05:37
yommor xorg for dual screensq05:37
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yommsetup your X server for dual screens , there are a few ways to do so05:37
Draco_yomm: ok whats the easiest05:37
yommdraco do u have nvidia driver installed ?05:38
Draco_yomm:  yes05:38
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dracolol... another draco in the world :D05:38
dyrnepoacheR: ive been using server installs. i normally install xubuntu since i prefer it to gnome05:38
ZeMoonKo /join #ubuntu-classroom05:38
poacheRah right05:39
yommin terminal type :   nvidia-xconfig --twinview   (backup your old conf first ) & then restart your X server05:39
Draco_draco: hey thats mine :P05:39
soundraygareth1: when you get to the first stop during boot, look at the help screens. You should probably try entering 'linux vga=771'05:39
soundraygareth1: also look at this link:05:39
Draco_yomm:  backup xorg,conf ?05:39
dracoyou seem to be "Draco", but i am "draco" .... :D05:39
poacheRok, I'll give it a go, thanks. Just as an aside, do you type the "poacheR:" bit every time? or is it a command? Whatever you write showed up in a nice box under opera, which is very nice, gets my attention :D05:39
yommdraco yes always a good idea05:40
soundray!bootoptions | gareth105:40
ubotugareth1: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions05:40
dyrnepoacheR: tab completion should work so just dy then tab05:40
Dh3Y0which version of xubuntu should i download05:40
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poacheRwoooh! nice :p05:40
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dyrnepoacheR: good luck05:40
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soundraygareth1: sorry, that should have read 'live vga=771'05:40
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Pelogood afternoon folks05:41
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ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!05:41
dracoyock, please write "Draco_" and not "draco" ... im getting highlighted all the time :D05:41
poacheRok, I'm going to reboot to try it. Just to make sure,05:41
poacheR1) reboot, go to text terminal when possible, reconfigure x, restard gdm ... is that it? will it restard x on the same terminal or the one I'm working from? will it clash with the one that is already open?05:41
dracoyorry, i mean yomm05:41
ZeMoonKohello crazy05:41
slartiblartfastThe dashing young CEO Steve,05:42
slartiblartfastHas a TPM stashed up his sleeve,05:42
slartiblartfastHe used it to track,05:42
slartiblartfastAll the people that hack,05:42
slartiblartfastOr that's what he'll have you believe.05:42
Peloworking on the assumption that one can do anything in linux ,  how would I go about setting different wallpaper for each workspace ?05:42
Draco_hehe draco :P05:42
yommok ;)05:42
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Draco_yomm:  New X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' - Here goes, restarting05:42
Dh3Y0Artemis3: which version of xubuntu should i download?05:42
yommgood luck :)05:42
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soundrayPelo: use kde ;)05:42
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Pelosoundray,  I like gnome better05:42
dyrnepoacheR: yeah itll drop you back at f7 after you restart gdm05:43
soundrayPelo: even though it doesn't let you configure per-workspace wallpapers? ;)05:43
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yommcan anyone hook me up to an Enlightenment dr17 edgy repo ??05:43
poacheRah, wicked. Thanks dyrne, you've been very helpful and patient with me!05:43
Pelosoundray,  that's just a bit of eye-candy, not that big a deal, I would just be fun05:43
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dyrnepoacheR: np :)05:44
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riotkittieDh3Y0: if you want long term support and proven stabilty, go with 6.06.05:44
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WespeJowi: got my mic working now, thanx05:45
Dh3Y0riotkittie: what the difference between drapper and edgy?05:45
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Draco_yomm: Hey yomm, you rock dude~05:46
yommit worked ?05:46
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Draco_Yes Sir05:46
yommnice !05:46
Draco_one more question though05:46
yommDraco look at the nvidia website there is detailed docs on configuring Xorg and TV out & everything05:46
riotkittieDh3Y0: i've yet to really use Edgy so i cant really answer that. Sorry05:47
yommDraco  Shoot !05:47
soundrayPelo: there is a package you might be interested in (although it doesn't seem to do exactly what you want):05:47
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soundray!wallpaper-tray | Pelo05:47
ubotuwallpaper-tray: wallpaper changing utility for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.6-3build1 (edgy), package size 23 kB, installed size 184 kB05:47
Draco_is there any way to make it more legible ? because theres no monitor attached I can inly choose 102405:47
chris_shaftohow do i go about locking a folder?05:47
tom47Pelo if you have not seen it maybe you would like to read http://www.gfiles.org/gtk/download/wpapoz/241/05:47
ZnortflHello ubuntu people, I got a sitecom bluetooth device that I can plug into my pc. I want to share music files and photos via this stick. My mobile phone finds the computer (with the appropriate name) but I can not connect to it. Do I need a special program?05:47
Pelosoundray,  thanks  I've been reading the forum on this stuff05:47
dracoyomm, stop it!!! :P05:47
Draco_ok ok im leaving :P05:47
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chris_shaftohow do i go about locking a folder?05:48
yommDraco , you have to look into metamodes & stuff , it's all described in the docs i mentioned above , also man nvidia-xconfig can be helpful :)05:48
Draco_thanks Yomm i'll check out those docs, havea  good one05:48
Dh3Y0riotkittie: thats cool, but should i download the alternative or desktop installation cd, i ve got about 156mb ram, and i need to partition myt ntfs hardisk.?05:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Bluez-utils - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:48
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Draco_Laters draco :P05:48
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup05:48
dracoit's so much easier to use nick-autocompletion :D05:48
yommdraco , I am using capitlas right ?05:48
constrictor!Bluetooth | Znortfl05:48
Znortflthank you constrictor05:48
ubotuZnortfl: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup05:48
yommno , the other   LOL05:49
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constrictornp ;)05:49
juggernautso my azureus wants to update, but it says i don't have the proper permissions.  how can i set the permissions correctly?05:49
chris_shaftohow do i go about locking a folder please guys?05:49
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soundraychris_shafto: right-click, Properties, Permissions05:50
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wikiadmhow do i check what version of PHP i am running?05:50
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juggernautis there a channel for ubuntu gaming?05:50
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riotkittieDh3Y0: use the alternate05:51
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juggernautlinux games05:52
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juggernauthow do i enable the right permissions so Azureus will update?05:53
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SonejWhat should i do to fix this? "PCI: Cannot allocate resource region..." on Ubuntu startup05:54
dyrnejuggernaut: you can ask in ubuntu-offtopic i do a little linux gaming05:54
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defrysksudo chown -hR yourusername /path/to/azureusfolder05:54
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defryskor something like that05:55
pbureaujuggernaut, you know google is your friend I used you own question ; http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=check+what+version+of+PHP&btnG=Google+Search05:55
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riotkittiegoogle ate my babies :o05:56
NoEvidenZGuys, I'm ready to break something.05:56
riotkittieNoEvidenZ: whatever it is, make sure it's easily replaced. :p  what's wrong ?05:57
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NoEvidenZI'm trying to install build-utilities, for which I need g++-4.105:57
juggernautpbureau, thanks muchly!  i usually do google, but i was wondering about ubuntu permissions.05:57
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NoEvidenZTo install g++-4.1, I need libstdc++6-4.1-dev05:57
NoEvidenZAnd to installed libstdc++6-4.1-dev, I need g++-4.105:57
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pbureauopps juggernaut sorry I hit the wrong name mate05:58
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pbureauwikiadm, google your own question ; http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=check+what+version+of+PHP&btnG=Google+Search05:58
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juggernautpbureau, :)  i checked that link and it didn't say anything about setting the permision so i can update my azureus.05:59
defryskjuggernaut,  sudo chown -hR yourusername /path/to/azureusfolder05:59
NoEvidenZI'd run apt-get, but I can't get on my network to use the internet.05:59
dyrnejuggernaut: you could try sudo chown -R $USER ~/05:59
=== dyrne bows to defrysk
Sollechey, lame question here but i did search the documentation and didn't find it: how can i boot to the console instead of X with the Ubuntu LiveCD? (X is not working so I need to edit xorg.conf, but it always tries to go back to X when i quit using ctrl+bksp)05:59
juggernautdyrne, thanks i'll try it05:59
manuhackhi folks, http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/8520, this is the linux reader's choice for 2005, any link for 2006?05:59
tom47Sollec try using the terminal06:00
riotkittieSollec: can you not get to a tty with ALT + CTRL + FKEY ?06:00
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XifIs there a tutorial explaining how to run scripts on startup?06:00
Sollecit does go back to the term, but then blacks out (trying to go back to X)06:00
Solleci mean, the screen blacks out when it tries to load X; after going back to the tty, it just gives me some seconds before blacking out again, and so on06:01
Akuma_running (gnome-terminal -x tail -f ~/.file) on the command line works fine, but from a keyboard shortcut the terminal disapears right away - how do i tell it to stay?06:01
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riotkittieSollec: ah i am not really sure. perhaps add "single" to the kernel line ?06:01
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poacheRdyrne: didn't work :(   Gnome completely fails to restart06:01
sharperguyhow do i run a command from a tty and put it into my gdm/x11 session?06:01
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tom47Sollec you can use a terminal window within the gui to issue commands06:02
Pelothanks soundray and tom47 ,  wallpapoz does it06:02
Solleci was expecting some kind of flag like Gentoo's "nox", is that like single?06:02
tom47Pelo thats interesting ....06:02
=== FordPrefect [n=acoliver@cpe-071-077-006-045.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
NoEvidenZDoes anyone see my problem here?06:02
variantnow that ubuntu will contain proprietry software, where is ubuntus commitment to free software? As it says on many ubuntu sites06:02
Pelolittle slow tho, might need a reboot or restarting x06:02
Sollectom47: i cannot, because the GUI doesn't show - just a black screen06:02
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Solleci know i have to edit xorg.conf; problem is i can't access the term06:02
tom47Sollec sorry misread riginal question06:03
pbureaumanuhack : http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/936806:03
PeloSollec, sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:03
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soundrayXif: I doubt that there is. Just call it from /etc/rc.local06:03
dyrnepoacheR: try below to install nvidia drivers maybe06:03
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:03
riotkittiehe. cannot. access. a. term. or. tty. :P06:04
NoEvidenZ!g++ > NoEvidenZ06:04
dyrnepoacheR: then restart gdm again sry not sure06:04
SollecPelo: that's not my issue, my problem is that i cannot access the terminal at all, it keeps trying to load X and i just see the term for seconds06:04
ZnortflYou refered me to a manual of how to set up a bluetooth device. My problem however is that I have a bluetooth adapter (Sitecom) and want to use it to connect to my mobile phone. Any info on that?06:04
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PeloSollec,  reboot in txt mode06:04
PiciNoEvidenZ : download the .debs on a different computer, put them on disk, and dpkg -i them on your linux box06:04
poacheRthat's arlight, I'll try again some other time. I get the impression this is only a problem with the live cd anyway, rather than an installed version06:04
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riotkittiesinge boots in single user mode. from what i understand, X is not loaded in single but i may be wrong on that06:05
SollecPelo: that's exactly what i'm asking - how do i boot without x? directly to a console?06:05
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PeloSollec,  there is an option in grub for safe mode or somesuch06:05
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NoEvidenZPici: I'm trying to, but g++-4.1 requires a .deb which requires g++-4.106:05
tom47variant "With Ubuntu, our vision is to make the very best of free software freely available, globally. To the extent we make short-term compromises, for drivers or firmware along the way, we see those as bugs, and ones that will be closed over time." Mark Shuttleworth06:05
dyrnepoacheR: yean another option is just to free up 5-8 gigs and install on sep partition :)06:05
Solleci'll try the single solution; thank you riotkittie06:05
NoEvidenZPici: It's an endless loop which I can't download my way out of.06:05
Sollecand Pelo and tom4706:05
poacheRheheh, yeah06:05
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Pelogtg, later folks06:06
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Pici!info g++ > Pici06:06
poacheRokiedoke, thanx anyway06:06
ubotug++: The GNU C++ compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.1.1-6ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB06:06
moomexhi guys06:06
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Xifsoundray: I need it to run as SU. Is that possible?06:07
PiciNoEvidenZ : The g++ package depends on g++4.1 they are NOT the same package06:08
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soundrayXif: it's automatically run as root. If you want to run it as another user, you can call it with 'su - username script'06:08
Pici!info g++-4.106:08
ubotug++-4.1: The GNU C++ compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4.1.1-13ubuntu5 (edgy), package size 2513 kB, installed size 5700 kB06:08
Xifsoundray: ok, thanks :)06:09
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XifWhere is a good place to put small, useful scripts?06:12
Chilliwackis there a way to log in to ubuntu as root, not just in terminal?06:12
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Xifis /home/xif/scripts a good place?06:13
laxdragonhey, how can I get my printers from a cups server to go back to using shortnames, they are all coming up as printer@hostname now. Some apps, like the envince do not allow you to print to things with an @ in them.06:13
Radishhey, im a windows user and have been for as long as I can remember, but with the release of vista I am thoroughly pissed off at microsoft so im going to migrate to ubuntu linux06:13
dyrneChilliwack: gksudo gdmsetup     <-- to enable root login i think of course root accout needs enabled too06:13
laxdragonsome security update recently broke this, very annoying.06:13
Radishmy PC has two HDs- a 40gb one which is my windows boot drive06:13
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Radishand a 200gb one which I just store files on06:14
NoEvidenZRadish: Welcome. You've chosen well. =] 06:14
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Radishive backed up everything on the 200gb one and I want to install ubuntu on it06:14
laxdragonI set BrowseShortNames Yes in /etc/cups/cupsd.conf but it makes no difference.06:14
ereXif: I usually have a bin directory in my homedir where I put programs and scripts06:14
JowiXif, if you just want to use them for that user it's fine. if you want them system wide perhaps /opt06:14
Radishis there anything I should know?06:14
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KeysMakerHi all06:14
Radishboth my HDs are NTFS06:14
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Chilliwackdyrne: sudo: gkmsetup: command not found06:15
NoEvidenZRadish: NTFS is read only under Linux OS's06:15
RadishI would kinda like to format the 200gb one with a linux file system06:15
Radishwill the ubuntu installer do that?06:15
danilosif we get someone with gnome-panel crashing on ubuntu-translators, where should I send them? forums? this channel? some mailing list?06:15
dyrneChilliwack: gdmsetup :)06:15
Chilliwackahh, thanks :p06:15
JowiRadish, if you want it to, yes. You decide that during install.06:15
Radishgood :)06:15
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NoEvidenZRadish: You know that if you reformat the drive, it's going to delete everything on it, right?06:16
JowiRadish, be sure to select "manual partitioning"06:16
Radishyes, haha06:16
Radishim not a novice computer user06:16
dyrneRadish: well ubuntu can read and write to ntfs but its not 100% yet.  if you have like movies and mp3s id move them to either a fat32 partition or ext3. default is read only for ntfs06:16
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NoEvidenZOk, good. Just make sure you have backups. There was a guy in here the other day that lost everything because he didn't back up like I told him to.06:16
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Radishwell im not backing up my 40gb NTFS drive06:16
Radishcos im not gonna touch it06:16
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Radishim going to put ubuntu on my 200gb drive, which I will format to a linux file system06:17
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Radishok also... can I get ms visual c++ 6.0 working on ubuntu?06:17
VincentMXdoes the wine package in the wine repo support opengl?06:17
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Chilliwackdyrne: so under Security, do i enable the Allow local system administrator login?06:17
NoEvidenZTheoretically, under wine or some other emulator software. I'm not sure though, I'm very new to Linux.06:17
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Chilliwackbut wine is not an emulator!06:18
JowiRadish, in the manual partition tool you will have to select the correct disk and then partition it. after that is done you will have a chance to select which partitions are used for what. make sure your 40GB disk is not in that list because they will be formatted by default.06:18
NoEvidenZI'm thinking of the wrong thing then.06:18
dyrneChilliwack: i think thats right. but im obligated to warn you its considered bad security practice06:18
tom47Radish its probably a good idea to have at least one FAT32 partition so you can readily share data between windoze and linux06:18
Radishill access the linux partition from windows and linux06:18
Radishim sure there is software to do that06:19
Chilliwackdyrne: nobody here knows i have ubuntu on my computer, or what to do with it if they did. it's just my family and i living here :p06:19
Radishalso I dont know anything about the partitions linux needs06:19
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Chilliwackand b'sides, i'd still have to type in my password to get to root, wouldn't i?06:19
soundraytom47: you can readily share data between Linux and Windows via ext3 partitions using ext2fsd on Windows (Radish)06:19
Radishif I manually partition it will I have to choose a size for the swap and stuff?06:19
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tom47soundray yes ... an extra layer of complexity imho but there you go mileage varies :)06:20
dyrneChilliwack: yeah just if there is an exploit or something the desktop apps are running with root priv.  you are propably ok i just dont like the idea of doing it06:20
Radishwell im going to have a go06:20
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Radishnext time I come on here I will either be on ubuntu (woot) or on another PC, crying for help because my PC is fucked :)06:20
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BookingtonThere we go. Good day, everyone !06:20
soundrayChilliwack: do not activate or use the root account. It's not only about local users.06:20
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Chilliwacksoundray: oh?06:20
Chilliwacki just want to be able to get to my freaking windows partition, where all my music is06:21
soundrayChilliwack: not activating root gives you an extra layer of protection against attacks from the net.06:21
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Chilliwacki've got it mounted, but i can't get in there unless i'm using root in terminal06:21
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variantChilliwack: change the permissions06:21
livingdaylightanyone use either wordpress or Blogger?06:21
elgordo123Chilliwack.  is this partition on the smae drive?06:21
soundrayChilliwack: there are ways to do this:06:21
soundray!ntfs | Chilliwack06:21
ubotuChilliwack: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse06:21
dyrneChilliwack: heh gksudo gedit /etc/fstab  in the options column that probably says default change to like defalut,umask=000  or something06:21
livingdaylightwondering which one is better?06:21
Chilliwackvariant, i tried 222, 555, 77706:21
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BazyI need help with something... anyone using pptpd for VPN connections?06:22
soundrayBazy: I did once06:22
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variantChilliwack: chmod -R 775 /path/to/directory06:22
variantChilliwack: the -R is important06:22
Chilliwack'kay, i'll try that06:22
elgordo123Question for anyone:   How do I see which /dev/...  my devices are assigned too?   And more importantly how do I change them?06:22
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soundrayvariant: this won't work on an NTFS partition (Chilliwack)06:22
=== genii sips a coffee
Chilliwackwoah, stuff is happening06:23
variantsoundray: ah, didn't realise it was ntfs06:23
Chilliwacklots and lots of stuffs are happening.06:23
variantsoundray: it wont work, you can ctrl c that06:23
variantChilliwack: it wont work, you can ctrl c that06:23
Chilliwackit looks like it's working06:23
Chilliwackit's going chmod: changing permissions of (everything)06:23
variantChilliwack: nah, you just need to remount it with users rights06:23
variantChilliwack: woops.. what command did you run exactly?06:24
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variantChilliwack: ctrl c NOW06:24
soundrayelgordo123: don't change device names -- the conventions are extremely useful06:24
Agrajagit's probably too late already06:24
Chilliwacksudo chmod -R 775 /mnt/hdb106:24
variantChilliwack: ah thats ok, can you access the files with your user now?06:24
varianti w ouldnt thinks o06:24
Chilliwackwell, i'll rty06:25
soundrayelgordo123: you can always set up a soft link to use a device under a different name.06:25
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geniielgordo123 What is the issue that you feel it neccesary to do something about the devices?06:25
ChilliwackYou do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "hdb1".06:25
elgordo123soundray: thanks, how do I see what devices are on what /dev assignments? I have 2 soundcards and want to see which ones they are on.06:25
Chilliwackbut i also stopped it in the middle06:25
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Stormx2How can I find the largest files in a folder?06:26
soundrayStormx2: ls -lrS | tail -n 106:27
elgordo123Stormx you can open Nautilus or konqureor and view details then sort by size06:27
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Chilliwackso what's wrong with the "chmod -R 775 /mnt/hdb1" thing06:27
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laxdragonok, I had to install foomatic-gui to delete the bad printers. then they got auto detected again. Someone tell the Gnome guys you can't delete printers from gnome-cups-manager and the BrowseShortNames should default to yes.06:28
Stormx2elgordo123: Recursively...06:28
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sharperguywhats a good way to search for strings in a 10MB text file?06:29
elgordo123does linux assign /dev nodes by the order of the way they are connected to the motherboard?06:29
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elgordo123they I mean cards..06:29
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soundrayStormx2: 'find . -print0 | xargs -0 ls -s | sort -n | tail -n 1'06:29
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kuruminIm brazilian06:30
Pici!br | kurumin06:30
ubotukurumin: Por favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.06:30
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soundrayelgordo123: this shouldn't be important at all.06:30
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noianocan anyone help me in a "building problem"?06:30
TonrenCan anyone help me figure something out?  I'm trying to use grep or sed or awk to recursively search all files in a directory for e-mail addresses, and print the domain names.06:30
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variantChilliwack: it's because ntfs doesn't support permissions at all06:30
soundrayelgordo123: just set up which soundcard you are using through System-Preferences-Sound06:31
Chilliwackvariant: oh :/06:31
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XifJowi: thanks. I'm the only user on the machine, so I guess I'll put them in /home/xif/scripts :)06:31
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NoEvidenZI try to install build-essential and it needs g++, I download g++, and it needs g++-4.1, I download that and it needs libstdc++6-4.1, which i download and it needs g++-4.106:31
enkiduis it possible for apt to get a file from many servers so that the download would be accelerated ?06:31
variantChilliwack: try chown user:group /mnt/whatever06:31
soundrayStormx2: are you ignoring me?06:31
variantChilliwack: with the user and group changed to that of your user06:31
ArronCan come one help?, After i installed ubuntu my cpu clock has dropped from 2ghz to 1.8ghz any ideas why?06:32
Xifenkidu: apt is usually pretty fast anyway.06:32
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Stormx2soundray: No, I'm using your advice06:32
Stormx2soundray: Sorry that I didn't reply :(06:32
variantNoEvidenZ: odd, that happened when you just typed apt-get install build-essential?06:32
Stormx2soundray: I just left it running and went to get my guitar.06:32
soundrayStormx2: okay, I was worried for a sec... :)06:32
variantStormx2: was i helping you with something yesterday?06:32
JowiNoEvidenZ, you don't have an internet connection on the machine that you're installing it on?06:32
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noianocan anyone help me in a "building problem"?06:32
NoEvidenZvariant: i can't apt-get, I don't ahve an internet connection06:32
enkiduXif: not in china and many other countries06:32
Stormx2variant: You thought you were, but you had the wrong guy06:32
variantNoEvidenZ: unlucky06:32
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variantStormx2: lol ok06:32
WolftechHi, I have an Ubuntu question...06:32
NoEvidenZJowi: No, I don't.06:33
Jowinoiano, you must be more specific than that. otherwise you will get no answers :)06:33
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finalbetaI just plugged in an old TV card that has a BTTV chip. But what do I do now, should Ubuntu detect it?06:33
variant!ask | Wolftech06:33
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noianoJowi: ok06:33
ubotuWolftech: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:33
WolftechHow much ram does Ubuntu support?06:33
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NoEvidenZJowi: I could never get my wireless network card to work.06:33
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variantWolftech: how much you got?06:33
noianothis is the error: ho can i fix it?06:33
noianochecking for libccrtp1 >= 1.5.0... Package libccrtp1 was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `libccrtp1.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'libccrtp1' found06:33
noianoconfigure: error: Library requirements (libccrtp1 >= 1.5.0) not met; consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if your libraries are in a nonstandard prefix so pkg-config can find them.06:33
Xifenkidu: If I was in Chine, I suppose I'd have much worse to worry about than aptitude not working :D06:33
Chilliwackvariant: what's a group :/06:33
Pici!paste | noiano06:33
ubotunoiano: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:33
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noianosorry Pici06:34
enkiduXif: what do you mean ?06:34
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WolftechI am looking into building a new system and I want to put the max in - 16Gb... I am trying to avoid Vista06:34
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noianohere's the error06:34
Xifenkidu: oh, I don't know, stuff like having no human rights etc. But this is OT really :)06:34
variantWolftech: you would have to use a custom kernel to support more than 3.6 - 4 GB06:34
AngryElf_what's wrong with:   row = 1 \n if row.odd?   ?06:35
Stormx2Wolftech: 16gb of ram?!06:35
variantWolftech: IE, compile the kernel your self rather than use the stock ubuntu kernel06:35
archangelpetrois there a way to see whcih processes are using the network connection/interface and how much resources theyre using?06:35
enkiduXif: human right is nothing beside environment problems06:35
JowiNoEvidenZ, use apt-get with the -d switch. that will download but not install the packages. you will see which packages are downloaded. then you copy them to the other machine from the /var/cache/apt/archives directory. that way you get the versions it need. do an "sudo apt-get clean" first to clear out that directory.06:35
variantWolftech: you must be very rich to afford that amount of ram on a desktop machine06:35
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mattfletcherSince I upgraded to Edgy my screen brightness settings don't work06:35
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WolftechIts only about 6k for the ram06:35
variantmattfletcher: laptop?06:35
JowiNoEvidenZ, ...and that way you don't need to hunt around for the correct versions either06:35
variantWolftech: a complete waste of money if you ask me06:36
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mattfletchervariant: sony vaio vgn-fs315e06:36
mattfletcherit used to dim when i pulled the power and brighten when it went back in again06:36
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WolftechNot if I can get an OS to support more than 4gb :)06:36
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NoEvidenZJowi: I can't do apt-get, the only comptuer with an internet connection is a windows pc06:36
enkiduXif: western countries always give lessons to china about human rights, but it isn't a so old idea, so give them time for that06:36
WolftechWIthout using Vista ultimate or enterprise06:36
JowiNoEvidenZ, so boot it with the ubuntu desktop cd :)06:37
erehow would you update 100+ ubuntu workstations automatically? I don't want to enable automatic updates directly from the ubuntu repositories in case of problems. I preferably need to have a spare workstation where all updates are checked first? maybe a local mirror that is updated after I have tested the updates is ok?06:37
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NoEvidenZJowi: The computer I need them on is i386, this computer is amd64, wouldn't it download the wrong packages?06:37
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Wolftechand since I have been evaluating Ununtu for my university, I thought I'd see if it could handle it06:37
enkiduare there ubuntu servers in china so that apt would be much more fast ?06:37
genii!apt-mirror | ere06:37
ubotuapt-mirror: APT sources mirroring tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.4-4ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 11 kB, installed size 116 kB06:37
Wolftechthanks for the info. I will look into learning how to compile my own kernel.06:38
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variantWolftech: it will never use that much ram for any application on a desktop, it will be waste of resources. a database server can use that much thogh06:38
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soundrayNoEvidenZ: consider this: http://www.batmat.net/apt-offline/index.html06:38
JowiNoEvidenZ, hmmm... I don't know...06:38
AngryElf_if I can't do something like   "if row.odd?"  what am I suppose to be doing?06:38
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NoEvidenZEverything I need to install requires g++-4.1. Even g++-4.106:39
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variantWolftech: this is a 64bit cpu?06:39
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geniiere You need about 31Gb to miror the current dist. Then change the sources.list on the workstations to the machine you have the mirror on.06:39
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Wolftechvariant - I do video and 3d stuff so I want to be able to have those running in the background while I do other things06:40
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variantWolftech: ubuntu-x86-64 supports the full 64GB ram06:40
Wolftechvariant - yeah... AMD FX-6206:40
=== Thug-N-Me yeah that`s me (you are now recognized) :)
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variantWolftech: so yes, i fyou use the 64bit version of ubuntu it will support upto 64gb ram06:40
variantWolftech: no kernel compiling needed06:40
Wolftechthanks! Ill download that version!06:41
variantWolftech: you on your super pc now?06:41
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soundrayBazy: ask before you pm people.06:41
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Wolftechno... I just have about half of it purchased ...still buy ram, hdsand 1 more video card... Im on a crappy dell GX270 at work right now06:42
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codecainehi I have beryl and emerald on ubuntu but ever like a minute running I think emerald crashes because my windows don't have the menu bar to minimize etc anybody know why this can  be?06:42
Bazysoundray I found something http://poptop.sourceforge.net/dox/diagnose-forwarding.phtml06:42
eregenii: yes, and run the updates from (ana)cron or something like that? what a bout packages that require feedback?06:42
NetCruZaI have a divx movie, that i would like to burn to a DVD so that it can be played on a normal DVD-player, what program can i use?06:42
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bauer77buy a dvd player that plays divx06:43
tom47Stormx2: depending on why you are looking for large files, you may like to look at filelight which i find really handy for cleaning up my partitions and seeing where large lumps of space are going06:43
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Chilliwackofftopic question, is "cc" a package?06:43
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NetCruZabauer77: hahaha :P06:43
NoEvidenZGod dammit! >.<06:43
bauer77you will lost to much quality on the divx if you try to convert it most likely06:43
bauer77I was being serious06:43
Chilliwack'cause compiling something, i get a "make[1] : cc: Command not found"06:43
geniiere You can run the updates however you like. As for the feedback mechanism I do not know enough about the internals of it.06:43
Stormx2tom47: Okay, thanks06:44
NetCruZabauer77: why would i lose quality? I really don't see why that would happen...06:44
bauer77because your going to have to re encode it06:44
NetCruZabauer77: and since it is not only my own DVD player, that solution isn't what i need :(06:44
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NetCruZabauer77: yeah i see, but i will have to try it anyway06:44
bauer77just as you lose quality from dvd to divx06:44
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geniiere I am running an automated install cluster here with a central server netbooting and headlessly installing systems.06:45
PiciChilliwack : you need to install the build-essential package06:45
ChilliwackPici: alright, thanks06:45
NoEvidenZChilliwack: Good luck.06:45
bauer77google divx to dvd06:45
Chilliwackthanks :P06:45
NetCruZabauer77: yeah okay06:45
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NoEvidenZChilliwack: PM me and let me know if it works.06:45
NetCruZafound this: http://www.overclock.net/faqs/121411-how-create-video-dvds-linux.html06:46
ChilliwackNoEvidenZ, 'kay06:46
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource06:47
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic06:47
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eregenii: what kind of software do you use to do that?06:47
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Chilliwacki like the way gnome blinks the things in the bar... it's so stylish and sleek.06:48
nielsfSo. I want to install this Linux distro called "Ubuntu", but the install keeps giving problems.06:49
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Chilliwacki know you from #nethack :P06:49
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Picinielsf : you've come to the right place06:50
mattfletcherIf I CHMOD something in /proc/ will it persist through a reboot?06:50
nielsfI surely hope so - all the answers from google and ubuntu wiki didn't help much.06:50
LjLmattfletcher: no06:50
gardarany wget experts here that can help me? :)06:50
LjLmattfletcher: put the chmod in /etc/rc.local if you really have to06:51
LjLdo you really have to?06:51
geniiere On the server (6.06 server) I am using dhcp3-server, tftpd, apt-mirror and nfs. The dhcpd.conf file assigns semi-static numbers based on mac address of the clients. Then they netboot a preseed file with the hex name of their IP. After automated install, they wget a php file on the server which swaps their normal netboot file for one which directs them to boot from the hard drive. Then...06:51
genii...the first-run they nfs mount a dir and copy a default sources.list and other system-specific things like some desktop shortcuts and default wvdial login information and so on.06:51
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Chilliwackmake[1] : yacc: Command not found         there're a bunch of packages that include "yacc", but i don't know which one to get :(06:51
mattfletcherthe files which contain the lcd brightness live in there06:51
shwagwhy is there nessus, nagios, cacti?  Can't those all be integrated into a single program ?06:51
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mattfletcherif i want to them to be modified (ie to change the brightness) when logged in as a normal user i need to yes06:52
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morpheus74Does Edge come with the "wireless -tools" package, or do I have to get the package?06:52
LjLmattfletcher, but i believed things were set up so that you could use the standard keys to change the brightness even as a normal X user06:52
mattfletcherLjL: no. as i understand it there is a bug which prevents this from being the case. none of my fn work "fn"!06:53
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LjLmattfletcher: anyway if the relevant modules aren't loaded very late, /etc/rc.local should work06:53
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nielsfCPU: Pentium III, HD: ST380011A, Motherboard: Award. I get I/O buffer read errors whn installing, so I have to use the boot option irqpoll.06:53
ubotunessus: Remote network security auditor, the client. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.8-1 (edgy), package size 216 kB, installed size 572 kB06:53
ubotucacti: Frontend to rrdtool for monitoring systems and services. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.6h-3 (edgy), package size 900 kB, installed size 3428 kB06:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nagios - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:53
LjL!msg the bot06:53
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...06:53
=== HoORnet [n=llsojdt@ARouen-156-1-12-161.w86-221.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
eregenii: ah, well that is nice.06:54
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PiciChilliwack : Does whatever you're installing include a README or INSTALL file that lists the dependencies?06:54
nielsfNow. I'm playing it safe and use noapic, nolapic and vga=771 as well.06:54
ChilliwackPici: uhm. i'll go check!06:54
Stormx2Chilliwack: Are you compiling a package?06:55
ChilliwackStormx2: NetHack06:55
Stormx2nethack is in the repos?06:55
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Chilliwackdepends on what repos means06:55
PiciChilliwack : nethack is in the ubuntu repositories, you shouldnt need to compile from source06:55
alecjw!info nethack | Stormx206:55
ubotuPackage nethack does not exist in any distro I know06:56
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Pici!info nethack-common | Chilliwack06:56
alecjwit does exist though...06:56
Stormx2I've installed nethack from the repos...06:56
ubotunethack-common: Common files for Nethack dungeon crawl game. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4.3-8ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 443 kB, installed size 1392 kB06:56
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Picifood, bbl06:56
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Chilliwackso it's a package i can download?06:56
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Stormx2Chilliwack: Use synaptic. System > Administration > Synaptic06:56
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ChilliwackStormx2: i'm searching it right now06:57
XifOK, I have a serious problem. I did some stuff with gconftool-2, and now my Home key doesn't work.06:57
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Stormx2Xif: Eeek06:58
XifI probably nullified the default keybinding or something. How do I fix that?06:58
sunshinehi, how do I call the compiler in ubuntu?when I want to compile my c++ programs under it, and I call the command gcc , it is told that it doesnt exist....06:58
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Xifsunshine: apt-get install build-essential06:58
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geniisunshine Yes, if no gcc found you need the build-essential pacgake to install it.06:59
mattfletcherMy network connections only work if I turn NetworkManager off06:59
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sunshinethank you genii and Xif, I am installing now the package Xif....thx :)07:00
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d0dge-Where I could find "9x15.pcf.gz" and how do I install it to using it on Konsole?07:01
dafyddi installed ubuntu yesterday and was wondering whether or not it was possible to access my mp3s and other media files that are currently on my ntfs primary hd, because without my music i'll be lost! any suggestions would be appreciated.07:01
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geniid)dge this is some gzipped font?07:02
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Gamentine|Gonehello... is there any way for me to launch automatically launch application instead of the screensaver when the machine is idle?07:02
XifOK, to repeat the question: I did some stuff with gconftool-2, and now my Home key doesn't work. Any help?07:02
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pbureauwhats the libs for watching dvd's I got whatever I could find but cannot play (no encoder for dvd to watch in drive()07:03
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Chilliwackso, yeah, i got the nethack package, and it installed, but where to?07:03
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geniid0dge Look first under /usr/share/fonts to see if it exists already07:04
ubuntu_0175 199406307:04
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dafyddno ideas on importing my mp3s, then?07:05
d0dge-genii: can't find it :( I'd like to use the same font as in xterm07:05
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spitzI would like to install windows over my  current ubuntu install, I tried to add a (hd0,0) chainloader +1 savedefault ...  config in my /boot/grub/menu.lst, but I 'm not sure if my the (hd0,0) is correct...07:05
deejoethe 6.06 alternative install CD offers me three kernel options linux-powerpc linux-image-powerpc linux-image-2.6.15-26-powerpc, are they different, and if so, how?07:05
spitzfdisk -l gives me this :07:05
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FlannelChilliwack: it doesn't matter.  Just type 'nethack' or, if you need the path, the locate command (locate nethack) will let you know07:06
=== Elischa [n=rassihu@M3642P008.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu
sunshinedafydd..I think you can access you ntfs partition *somehow*. I am sure its possible ^^07:06
spitzw00ps :)07:06
nielsfWhat exactly is it that the boot option "irqpoll" does - it prevents a lot of errors, but I'm not quite sure it's healthy.07:06
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ChilliwackFlannel: oh, thanks!07:06
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Chilliwackwoahs, it even comes with menucolours07:06
Flanneldeejoe: the first one is the one you want t install.  The second two are dependants of the first one.  First one (well, two, actually) will keep you up to date.07:06
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse07:06
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deejoeFlannel: thanks.07:06
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Gamentinehello... is there any way for me to automatically launch application instead of the screensaver when the machine is idle?07:07
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OtterWith "virtual" aliases on ethernet interfaces, can you change the alias mac address without changing the mac of the physical interface  it is bonded too?07:07
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tom47!ntfs > dafydd07:07
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Flannelspitz: you'd need to know which harddrive/partition windows is on.  But, when installing, grub should figure it out for you, and automagically add it.07:07
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deejoeI am interested to the answer to Otter s question.  My recollection is "no" though.07:07
dafyddright, i'l check out this link given by ubotu07:07
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spitzFlannel: I don't want to install ubuntu on xp, but install xp over ubuntu, to add later ubuntu ( 6.06 instead of 6.10)07:08
Otterdeenjoe: Or even create a vritual loopback, other than lo, that I can bind a mac too07:09
lxuserI have a old hard disk with win98 se, booting the disk is no problem form the original machine, but if I want to copy the data to other disk from other computer it only show program files carpet, If return the disk to the old computer it shows the files?07:09
spitzThis is my fdisk -l http://pastebin.com/87228807:09
geniid0dge If the file is in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/   then copy it to /usr/share/fonts then issue:  sudo update-fonts-dir && sudo update-fonts-alias07:09
Flannelspitz: Ah, well, you'll need to reinstall GRUB anyway.  since the XP install will hose your MBR (grub).  It's no big deal.  If you reinstall later, grub will get installed, if you don't want to reinstall (you're upgrading) you'll manually install grub (which is no big deal)07:09
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Flannel!grub | spitz, first link has a variety of methods07:09
ubotuspitz, first link has a variety of methods: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:09
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deejoeOtter: I don't know.  Can tun devices do that?07:09
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Otterdeejoe: Tun is a a virtual Tunnel interface, don't think you can use it for anything but that07:10
spitzubotu: I did not lost my GRUB, the fact is that when I boot now from XP disc, I got wierd STOP error07:10
Chilliwacki wish ubuntu had "courier" or "courier new"... this "courier 10 pitch" is all... weird07:10
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=== deejoe shrugs
OtterOr does anyone know a good IRC channel I can ask advanced Ubuntu/Debain networking questions?07:10
spitzubotu: I think it is because XP does not see my linux partitions and cannot install anything?07:10
nielsfThat can't be good. The CD drive began making a strange noise, and the load bar on ubuntu install behaves funny.07:10
Chilliwackubotu is a bot, spitz07:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is a bot, spitz - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:10
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spitzw00ps :)07:11
spitzwhaha; talking to a bot, I'm going after Basshunter :)07:11
Flannelspitz: Correct, XP has no idea what ubuntu is.  But, installing it should've wiped out your GRUB, since they're (the windows bootloader and grub) in the same place07:11
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Nana`how to close X server please ?07:12
Chilliwacki call my grandmother nana07:12
Nana`gr8 4 u07:12
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Chilliwackya, itz so c00l and stuffs. ugh, i hate myself now07:12
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PiciNana` : ctrl-alt-backspace07:12
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spitzFlannel: The problem is , I run ubuntu now, I would go back to XP ( I'll come back later on ubuntu;)), but when I boot the XP disc, I got a STOP error . Should I normally be able to install XP over ubuntu without changing my grub? Or do I HAVE TO change my grub before I can install XP over ubuntu? That's what I would like to now07:13
Nana`ctrl + alt + backspace doesn't close session?07:13
dafyddthe info at that link seems to have worked, thanks all07:13
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geniispitz XP will wipe grub out every time07:13
Flannelspitz: in the process of installing XP, it will overwrite your first atage of grub07:14
spitzFlannel: And that's why I like to know what do I have to put after boot ( This is my fdisk http://pastebin.com/872288 )07:14
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moonliteanybody know the url to download flash 9?07:14
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Flannelspitz: your XP disk... the CD? or you've installed it aleady?07:14
Flannel!flash9 | moonlite07:14
ubotumoonlite: Flash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash07:14
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spitzFlanel: I'm not able to install XP it seems, in the installation I got an error07:14
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PiciNana` : what are you trying to do?07:15
Jowispitz, you created a boot partition or you use MBR?07:15
geniiSounds like a bad install CD and not anything to do with grub or mbr and so on07:15
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FlannelJowi: he's trying to boot from the CD07:15
tom47spitz if it were me i would use use an ubuntu livecd and comletely repartition the hard disk as you plan in the fullness of time to use it using gparted and make the first partition an ntfs partition07:15
moonlite!backports | moonlite07:15
ubotumoonlite: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports07:15
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Jowispitz, xp won't mind grub at all (it will happily ignore its existens)07:15
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OtterAnyone know where I can advacned setup examples for /etc/networking/interfaces?07:16
Nana`Pici i want to install my nvidia drivers07:16
NoEvidenZthanks guys07:16
Nana`i followed the step here http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_amd64_1.0-9746.html07:16
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Nana`but when i want to run the .sh it says close X server before07:16
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Jowispitz, but if you want to recover grub after a xp install see here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows07:16
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mcquaidI was about to use ntfs-3g for the first time for write support.  I noticed on the forums that there is a rep for more recent versions of ntfs-3g.  Is that really necessary?  Are there any big issues with the version supplied in edgy?07:16
ziadozcan anyone help me with my wireless?07:17
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spitzJowi: I just added in my grub this entry : title windows Xp root (hd0,0) makedefault chainloader +1 . But I don't now if the hd0,0 is correct07:17
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ziadozi got ndiswrapper and the drivers installed. but the device doesnt seem to be able to scan07:17
Flannelspitz: until windows gets installed, that won't do you anygood07:17
asdf25mcquaid: fwiw i've never had problems with the edgy version07:17
mcquaidasdf25, ok thx07:17
spitzFlannel: If i would not add an entry to menu.lst, I should be able to install XP ?07:18
Flannelspitz: no.  Your computer is already booting to CD first.07:18
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Jowispitz, you don't have a windows partition according to your fdisk listing so it is impossible to say if hd0,0 is what you should use...07:19
rigoli accidentally hit "hide" when left-clicking thunderbirds icon in the notification area - now i have no icon for thunderbird there. how can i undo it?07:19
Jowispitz, besides, as Flannel say it's no use doing it now. XP installer will overwrite grub.07:19
Nana`Pici  are u there ? :/07:19
PiciNana` : you can do sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop07:19
Nana`'k i'll try thanks07:20
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Jowispitz, the error you get is to do with either a bad windows install cd or faulty hardware. write down the stop code and google it to find out what it means07:21
spitzJowi: I do not have any windows installation now, but I would like to erase everything from ubuntu, and have a XP install without anything from ubuntu.  The fact is, I 'm trying now to isntall XP just by booting the XP cd, it starts loading etc, but after Preparing windows, I got a stop error.  I heard of a classmate that it might be because windows cannot find a partition to install it on...07:21
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spitzOk, the CD I got was sent by Dell today, so it can't be that. The SATA disk that is in, is just a standard delivered by dell...07:22
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logikonwhy doesn't ubuntu have a partitioner as simple as partitionmagic to make room in ntfs drives on the install?07:22
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Picilogikon : It does have a partition utility07:23
rigollogikon: you tried gnome partition editor?07:23
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logikonthat's not what i mean.. i have mine working just fine.. but that's because I had my partitions set up before I installed it07:24
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ZnortflHello Ubuntu people. I do succeed in sharing files with my sisters mobile phone (LG)1 via bluetooth, but it does not work with my own phone (Samsung). The only difference is that on my own phone it asks for a PIN code when I send a file to it. I do not know what pin code I should enter: mine or the default on the bluetooth deamon (1234). Neither works07:24
spitzJowi/Flanel/ I go check out the error again...07:24
spitzThanks for helping me, I'll be right back probably ;)07:24
Jowispitz, ok. in the ubuntu desktop/live cd you will find a tool called gparted. run it and remove all the partitions. then reboot. voila - a clean disk. but I wouldn't bet on that that is the cause of the error. better google the stop code first.07:24
spitzJowi: Thanks, I'll do that07:24
spitzJowi: strange thing is that it's all standard system from dell...07:24
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logikonI mean for people that have windows running on a ntfs that takes up the whole disk..07:24
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Picilogikon : I was able to resize my ntfs parition when I installed dapper07:25
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logikonreally? i thought you couldn't make room on a ntfs partition..07:25
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nielsfOK. I'm installing ubuntu, it shows that everything is loading normally (nautilus and so on), but I get the error message "There was an error starting the GNOME Settings Daemon..." and the screen goes blank with the "human skin" color.07:26
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logikonnielsf: you're installing or running it?07:26
zOapdoes anyone know of an daemon that handles shortcuts for x? and it needs to accept hex values... xfce wont accept my "internet" button,,,07:26
dyrnenielsf: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop  ;-p07:26
nielsfI'm trying to install it, but I don't know if it wants to do something else.07:27
logikonthat's after you install and the system reboots?07:27
nielsfI can't get a shell right now - it's not responding very well.07:27
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rustlerharvnielsf hit crtl-altf1 and see if it is aking for something07:27
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nielsfIt has not rebooted yet. I think it's still installing.07:27
dusty_Hey guys, I have a really odd problem.  I am trying to setup my USB Speedtouch 330 Modem under the latest ubuntu... when i untar it and then run ./configure I get the following error (this is a fresh install of ubuntu i have not installed anything so might be missing something required), http://rafb.net/p/zjYGy195.html any ideas what the issue here is?07:28
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nielsfI'm just letting it "think" for a few minutes, but CTRL+ALT+F1 doesn't give me a shell.07:28
dyrnedusty_: i havent looked at the error but youve installed the build-essential package right?07:28
logikondusty_: sudo apt-get install build-essential07:28
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sunshinewhat plugins have to be installed that you can listen to mp3 songs under ubuntu?07:29
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rustlerharvnielsf: does it give you any output07:29
logikonsunshine: gstreamer, search for it in your help07:29
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sunshineok thx logikon07:30
rustlerharvsunshine: gstreamer the good bad and ugly07:30
Jowi!mp3 | sunshine07:30
ubotusunshine: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:30
dusty_Thanks a lot that worked.07:30
asdf25sunshine: you can use automatix to get all the media stuff installed07:30
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PleceboI'm looking for soundcard recomendations. I am wanting a card that supports hardware mixing and that I should not have any problems getting to work with Ubuntu. Anyone have suggestions?07:30
Pici!automatic | asdf25 sunshine07:30
Pici!automatix | asdf25 sunshine07:30
sunshineokay..thats now a  lot of stuff...so I only must decide now what I do first :)07:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about automatic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:31
ubotuasdf25 sunshine: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe07:31
crimsunPlecebo: sb audigy 2 zs. Avoid 24-bit and 7.1.07:31
=== Thug-N-Me wonders :)
ol1hey guys, how can i install ubuntu onto a Win98 laptop that doesnt read the crdrive on boot?07:31
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ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.07:31
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tom47!easyubuntu | asdf25 sunshine07:31
nielsfNo. It's just acting like it's working really hard while showing the skin-colored screen. Both HD and CD-drive are hard at work.07:31
ubotuasdf25 sunshine: easyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu07:31
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Picinielsf : how much ram do you have in this computer?07:32
dusty_Hrmm, dyrne, logikon: Any idea why make fails here: http://rafb.net/p/41qrrZ23.html ?07:32
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nielsfOnly just enough to run "The SIMS"07:32
Plecebocrimsun, I bought an audigy (but it is an audigy SE and no hardware mixing support :() why should I avoid 24bit? and 7.1 i dont care about... just headphones and microphones07:32
nielsfAbout 128MBit or something.07:32
logikonol1: here a few possibilities: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-ubuntukubuntuedubuntuxubuntu-without-cdrom-drive.html07:32
cbx33anyone else having x problems since upgrading to the latest xorg-server?07:33
crimsunPlecebo: because the 24-bit sb lives and several sb audigys have severe problems. You've noticed on one.07:33
logikondusty_: what is it you're trying to make?07:33
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Pleceboso the sb audigy 2 zs?? that works well?07:33
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rustlerharvnielsf: i know a few times i installed it would add more packages b4 it ooted in x for the first time07:33
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crimsunPlecebo: that and the original sb live07:34
dusty_logikon: The speedtouch 330 modem drivers...07:34
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rustlerharvnielsf: which is probably what it is doing since the cd and hdd are going07:34
Plecebocrimsun, ok cool, and you are sure it does hardware mixing?07:34
crimsunPlecebo: yes.07:34
kontingenzsomeone knows about a ubuntu-plugin implementing the function to change mp3-tags with nautilus contextmenu?07:34
rustlerharvnielsf: but hitting crtl-alt-f1 showed what it was doing07:34
dusty_logikon: as per the details on this page:  speedtouch.sourceforge.net -> documentation -> Installation guide (up to date, english).07:34
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Plecebocrimsun, great thank you so much for your help07:35
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nielsfCTRL+ALT+F1 doens't do anything actually.07:36
rickymplwhen my friend tries this command; sudo gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv B0B7481B1F44842D && gpg --export --armor B0B7481B1F44842D | sudo apt-key add -07:36
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rickymplhe get the following error07:36
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logikondusty_: that's like 'sh speed330_something.sh'?07:36
rickymplsudo gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv A506E6D4DD4D5088 && gpg --export gpg: WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `/home/particle/.gnupg/gpg.conf'gpg: external program calls are disabled due to unsafe options file permissionsgpg: keyserver communications error: general errorgpg: keyserver receive failed: general errorparticle@blackbox:~$ --armor A506E6D4DD4D508807:36
Led-HedAnyone here able to mount an NFS share from fstab?07:36
rickymplim lost, any help?07:36
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dusty_logikon: no its ./configure && make && make install, it errors out on make and the error is in the URL i already gave you?07:37
nielsfWait a minute!07:37
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logikondusty_: try this one: http://felipetonello.com/arquivos/speedtch330.tar.gz07:37
nielsfDamn logitech keyboard. The F-keys are disabled by default - no wonder it didn't show up.07:37
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asdf25Led-Hed: comp2:/media/hda4    /media/Linux1     nfs             noatime         0 007:38
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nielsfOK. I'm in X now.07:38
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asdf25Led-Hed: line is fstab that worked for me07:38
logikondusty_: tar xpvf the file and sh filename.sh07:38
asdf25Led-Hed: *in07:38
rustlerharvnielsf:  is it installing packages07:38
Landrewso, using this vmware, I now have the ubuntu iso,  if I recall linus always wanted some damn scratch partition07:38
OtterSomeone was asking about mounting a samba share ealier: // /mnt/nas/engineering smbfs credentials=/etc/.smbpasswd,uid=test,gid=test,noauto 0 007:38
dusty_logikon: ok let me try, sec.07:38
Otterthat was a example07:38
logikonsee if it works, otherwise pm me07:38
LandrewI take it vmware lets you set up partitions ?07:39
Landrewto prepare for ubuntu ?07:39
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nielsfUm. It showed the nice welcoming text with "theis product comes with no...", bit now it just filled the screen with errors.07:39
Led-Hedasdf25: I have a similar line,  but the share wont mount,  but mounts fine if I do it manually07:39
dusty_logikon: hrm, the menu's for that file are in a foreign lanugage,,,,07:39
PiciLandrew : the ubuntu installer will setup partitions for you07:39
nielsf"This drive is not supported by this version of the driver"07:39
LandrewI see07:39
asdf25Led-Hed: huh weird, i never had any problems07:39
Landrewso, just point VMware to the iso07:39
PiciLandrew : and yes, you can do that in VMware session07:39
huascar80I'm so confused, I've got the Ubu. dvd but i can't install eclipse, vlc, krusader and others from it!! And I'll soon be without internet!07:39
LandrewI'm so there yesterday07:40
PiciLandrew : yes, just make sure to un-point it when the install is done, so it doesnt boot back into the livcd07:40
nielsf"hdb: drive not ready for command"07:40
Landrewpici - ah07:40
logikondusty_: ouch, i'm sorry about that..07:40
Led-Hedasdf25: I've found a few other posts in the Ubuntu forums from people having the same problem, only no solutions07:40
dusty_if you can translate?07:40
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Landrewsheesh, why have I not thought of doing this before07:40
method_henhey guys07:40
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LandrewI am happy with 2k to some degree though, but no vista for me heh07:41
Landrewcan't feed into this cosmetic baroque crap feed bag offering from ms07:41
logikondusty_: try this one: http://www.linux-usb.org/SpeedTouch/ubuntu/index.html07:41
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archangelpetroif i'm running 32bit EDgy, on amd64, and i want to use assembler, which should i use? 32x86 or 64?07:41
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logikonfollow the instructions and hope for the best07:41
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nielsfI don't think it's installing packages. It's more like it tries to contact the HD (ST380011A).07:41
dusty_logikon: ok sec07:41
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asdf25Led-Hed: is it just the automounting on boot that doesn't work? or also "sudo mount <mountpoint>"?07:41
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Landrewthat and fortress, says it only runs on *nix07:42
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rickymplnvermind did a chown on the gpg.conf file in home and it worked07:42
Kernel`what is Polish chanel of Ubuntu ?07:42
tom47rickympl: this will give you a clue as to what is happening http://lists.gnupg.org/pipermail/gnupg-users/2005-March/025320.html07:42
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Pici!pl | Kernel`07:42
ubotuKernel`: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl07:42
tom47rickympl: AH OK07:42
asdf25Led-Hed: the automounting didn't work for me, i had to put commands to mount them in /etc/rc.local07:42
Caffeineahh, seems Xchat automatically directs me to this channel upon installing.07:42
Caffeine:] 07:42
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Kernel` [474]  #ubuntu-pl You're banned from that channel07:42
kontingenzwhich mp3 tag tool to use?07:42
Kernel`why ?07:42
method_henshort question: i've got a directory full of files without an ending, how can i add one with a batch command?07:42
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Led-Hedasdf25: I can manually mount it just fine (sudo mount -t nfs /media/myjunk)07:43
Landrewkernel - they're talkin bout ya07:43
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nielsfI can see it is giving me the errors that the boot option "iqpoll" was added to prevent: "[###]  Buffer I/O error on device hdb, logical block #"07:43
Pici!english | Kernel` check with the person responsible for the channel in the following URL07:43
ubotuKernel` check with the person responsible for the channel in the following URL: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat07:43
dyrnemethod_hen: something like "for i in ./*; do mv $i $i.txt; done"07:43
Led-Hedasdf25: so you couldnt mount from fstab?07:43
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method_henok, i'll give it a try07:43
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Kernel`so what should I do to join #ubuntu.pl ? And why Am I banned there ?07:44
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asdf25Led-Hed: well putting it in fstab let me mount it with just "sudo mount /media/Linux" rather than also that other stuff07:44
ZnortflI try to connect to my samsumg phone via a bluetooth dongle but it keeps whining about the wrong pin. I tried both the configured on on the computer and the one from my phone itself but they do not work. Any suggestions?07:44
Led-Hedasdf25: ahh07:44
mutestreame1anyone know what's up with linux-restricted-modules-generic on feisty?  it seems to be stuck at "held back".07:44
sacaterZnortfl: what software please?07:45
Led-Hedasdf25: well I guess thats a workaround.  I was hopping to get it working the right way though.  ;)07:45
method_henbrilliant, works fine! thx a lot dyrne07:45
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Znortflsacater: gnome-obex-send (gnome-obex-server)07:45
sacaterwhy has feisty not been made availible yet07:45
sacateri cant get it07:45
PiciKernel` : I would try to pm sylwester , as he is listed as the contact for that channel07:45
sacaterZnortfl: one mo07:45
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Kernel`so I should talk to sylwester ?07:45
method_hencya :)07:46
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sacateris feisty available for general public yet?07:46
Piciits in testing, but yes07:46
Kernel`Pici: [Error]  sylwester: No such nick/channel.07:46
riotkittiesacater: it is, as an alpha07:46
LjLsacater: you can get it. but you shouldn't ;)07:46
sacaterLjL: where can i get it from as an alpha07:47
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LjLsacater: check out #ubuntu+1 and especially the topic07:47
eukubuswhere can i find nvidia drivers for ubuntu 6.1007:47
task0hello all, i installed nvidia drivers... but i can't change my monitor refreshrate!!!!07:48
Pici!nvidia | eukubus07:48
ubotueukubus: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:48
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sacaterLjL: ty07:48
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Kernel`who is "sylwester" and what is his/her nick ?07:48
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ziadozAny idea why my wireless card gives this error? : "eth1 interface doesnt support scanning"07:49
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riotkittieow. im starting to think that Ubuntu is hazardous to my health :\07:49
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Znortflsacater, anything yet07:49
PiciKernel` : That is the person listed as the contact for #ubuntu-pl  and that should be their nickname07:50
nielsfDoes anyone think it would help if I added 512MB RAM to the machine so Ubuntu can be installed?07:50
Kernel`but: [Error]  sylwester: No such nick/channel.07:50
riotkittienielsf: how much RAM ya got now?07:50
Picithen hes not online07:50
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Kernel`and is there anybody online who I could talk with ?07:51
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PiciKernel` : mniodek is listed as being opped in that channel, you could ask them, but I give you no garuntees that the person will answer07:51
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nielsfI'm not sure about the amount of RAM. It's just enough to run The Sims in Windows XP - that was what the machine was for before XP broke down.07:52
Kernel`-_- oh dear :-/07:52
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Kernel`[505]  Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )07:52
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Kernel_PL /msg nickserv set unfiltered on07:54
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ZeMoonKodoes anybody know solution how i close open ip port (ftp, telnet,...)07:54
simoncamposdo you like the pico??07:54
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riotkittieZeMoonKo: stop the services running on those ports07:56
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task0is there eny really newbye guide to install effect to desktop like cube swich and etc??!?!?07:58
Linky|Laptophey folks, having problems getting my wireless connection set up07:58
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Linky|Laptophave ndiswrapper installed and the driver isntalled07:58
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teitungetask0: Do you mean Xgl/Beryl?07:58
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Linky|Laptopbut its not showing up under connection properties menu07:59
ZeMoonKoriotkittie, i m not using ftp connection07:59
task0teitunge, i suppose?07:59
mike1odoes anybody else here have the card nvidia 6200le? i cant get google earth to run well07:59
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teitungeWhich GFX-card do you have?07:59
task0teitunge, gf4 ti 420007:59
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Linky|Laptopanyone availble to help?08:00
tom47mmikelo have you installed the nvidia drivers?08:00
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teitungetask0: http://customisinglife.wordpress.com/2006/11/02/xubuntu-edgy-xgl-and-beryl/08:00
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Linky|Laptopbroadcom wireless card08:00
mike1otom47: yes from the nvidia website08:00
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mike1otom47: the latest ones08:01
=== Radish [n=jam@user-54470b6b.wfd82a.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
tom47mikelo ah ok just checking the obvious ...08:01
Radishim on ubuntu linux now08:01
mike1otom47: some install the ones on apt08:01
Radishumm, theres a few things im wondering about08:01
Radishone is why can't I set my screen resolution to 1280x1024 like I had it in windows?08:01
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Radishand another is how do I install wine?08:02
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task0teitunge, do i have to install beta drivers? i have ionstalled official ones from ubuntu repository08:02
ZeMoonKoradish, go to www.getautomatix.com08:02
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mike1otom47: i guess 64M is not enough mem to run gearth08:02
Linky|LaptopZeMoonKo: i thought automatix was bad08:03
riotkittieNO. do not get automatix08:03
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LjL!automatix | ZeMoonKo08:03
ubotuZeMoonKo: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe08:03
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tom47mikelo ram or on the graphics card?08:03
EricLI am trying to get multiple monitors working.  And I kind of have it, only the monitor on the left is logging into X as me (the user I login as) and the one on the right is logging in as root, any ideas?08:03
Linky|LaptopRadish: go to System, Administration, Synaptic Package manager08:03
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Linky|Laptopclick on the Search box and search for WINE08:03
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Radishwhat about my resolution?08:03
ZeMoonKook, i didnt know about that08:03
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Linky|Laptopthen checkmark next to wine and click on Apply08:03
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lmosherMy WPA2 network is driving me crazy. It keeps disconnecting and reconnecting for a few seconds08:04
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riotkittie!resolution | Radish08:04
ubotuRadish: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:04
Linky|LaptopNot sure about the resolution08:04
jribso, I've found gcc272 in the repositories and would like to install g++2.72 as well.  However there doesn't seem a g++2.72 package.  I've tried to compile it and it doesn't seem as straightforward as usual, does anyone have any other suggestions?  (I want to run it on this edgy eft install, not in vmware)08:04
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:04
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Znortflwhere can I get gnome-bluetooth-manager?08:04
nielsfOK. The machine keeps repeating the lines "  This drive is not supported for this vertion of the driver08:05
lmosherIRC doesn't disconnect, but my music streams are cutting off and on and my downloads suffer quite a bit08:05
nielsfhdb: drive not ready for command08:05
Linky|Laptophey riot, you know anything about getting wireless to get set up?  The instructions i followed on a few websites dont get the job done08:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bcm4309 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:05
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Linky|Laptopoh well, worth a shot08:06
riotkittieLinky|Laptop: nope, sorry. my wireless worked out of the box08:06
Linky|Laptoplol.  Lucky :)08:06
riotkittiei didnt realize how lucky until i loaded another distro :\08:06
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logikonLinky|Laptop: is it pmcia or usb?08:06
Linky|Laptopdell laptop08:06
logikonoh.. :)08:06
logikonthat should work outta box..08:06
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logikontry iwconfig08:07
=== riotkittie hugs her ancient latitude and dlink card
dyrneZnortfl: is that not in gnome-bluetooth   package?  not experienced with bluetooth but often kde tools are more polished try kdebluetooth maybe08:07
Linky|Laptopit originally has BCMXXX or something like that as its driver, which didn't work so i used ndiswrapper08:07
Linky|Laptopit comes up under iwconfig08:07
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Znortfldyrne, ok will do08:07
teitungesudo iwconfig eth1 essid any08:08
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teitungeand check that your radio-button isnt disabled08:08
Linky|Laptopteitunge: ok, let me try08:08
Linky|Laptopwhat do you mean by radio button08:08
teitungethere should be a light which looks like an antenna08:08
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logikonand after that Administration>Networking and check the wireless on08:08
Linky|Laptopdont have anything like that...08:08
teitungeI am norwegian, so my english might be confusing :)08:08
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Linky|Laptopok, thats on08:08
Linky|Laptoplemme try iwconfig again08:09
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teitungeand after you try iwconfig, just ping www.google.com or something08:09
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Znortfldyrne, Kdebluetooth does not find any devices. Hcitool scan however, does08:09
nielsfNow it has displayed the final three errors:08:09
nielsfVFS: breise: Trying to free buffer08:09
nielsfSQUASHFS error: sb_bread failed reading block #08:09
nielsfSQUASHFS error: Unable to read page, block # size 891c08:09
logikongoogle is too mainstream, try altavista08:09
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teitungehi lokomoto08:09
ZeMoonKodoes it possible to stay "invisible" on net if i havent installed proxy08:10
lokomotowhat IM can I use for myspace?08:10
lokomotoI wan MySpace messenger08:10
lokomotoanyone on MySpace?08:10
Linky|Laptopwell, that works, but its because I'm hooked directly into the internet connection.  when I click on the networking icon in the top right, its connected to eth0 and doesn't have eth1 on the dropdown box08:10
logikonZeMoonKo: yeah, pull the modem plug08:10
lokomotohow you guys chat on MySpace using linux?08:10
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Linky|Laptoplokomoto: what do you mean how?08:10
ZeMoonKowhat about ssh tunnel?08:11
riotkittiei steer clear of myspace08:11
teitungeLinky|Laptop: ah, I see. what does iwconfig eth1 tell yu?08:11
teitungejust paste it in a /msg teitunge08:11
EricLI am trying to get multiple monitors working.  And I kind of have it, only the monitor on the left is logging into X as me (the user I login as) and the one on the right is logging in as root, any ideas or can point me in the right direction?08:11
ZnortflPeople, kdebluetooth does not find any devices, but hcitool does. What am I doing wrong?08:11
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:11
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teitungeLinky|Laptop: yes, you could use pastebin if you prefer08:11
logikonoh pastebin is nice :)08:11
teitungeZnortfl: www.unbutuforums.org08:12
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teitungemuch more efficient than spamming irc..08:12
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asdf25EricL: are you using nvidia binary X drivers? i can send you my xorg.conf if you are08:12
Radishcan I get some ati radeon 9500 drivers for ubuntu?08:12
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teitungeRadish: Have you checked google?08:12
tfaultWhere can i get the rar archiver for Feisty/AMD64?08:12
LiENUSis there a way to get firefox 2.0 on 6.06?08:12
RadishI don't know how to install anything08:12
Radishetc. etc.08:12
teitungebut, you are in GUI?08:13
Radishive only used linux for 5 minutes08:13
nkbreauhi all, we have a machine here that we can run X11 over ssh that runs ubuntu, and just installed ubuntu server on another machine but X11 over ssh doesnt work, GTK cant open the display.. any suggestions on the issue and how to resolve ?08:13
teitungeLiENUS: yes08:13
LiENUSRadish,  look for easubuntu08:13
LiENUSit has a driver installer08:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about easubuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:13
LiENUSteitunge will it screw things up or is it a seamless install?08:13
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logikonRadish: ubuntu forums have very clear instructions, just google it..08:13
LiENUSerr easyubuntu08:13
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu08:13
LiENUSleft off a y08:13
lokomotoriotkittie: why stearing clear of MySpace?08:13
EricLasdf25: I am using fglrx drivers for an ATI card, but I would love to look at your xorg.conf anyway.08:13
teitungeLiENUS: Should not screw things up :)08:13
LiENUSteitunge,  so how do i go about it?08:13
=== Thug-N-Me wtf is SpamAssassin log ?
RadishI want these fglrx drivers lol08:14
LiENUSRadish,  easyubuntu.freecontrib.org08:14
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teitungeRadish: Well, then you should find a guide at www.ubuntuguide.org08:14
LiENUSthey have an auto installer...08:14
asdf25EricL: the multiple monitor stuff is entirely nvidia-specific unfortunately, it wouldn't help at all... i used to use fglrx though, let me see if i can find my ubuntuforums post about it08:14
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LiENUSyou install easyubuntu, then run it and click ati drivers08:14
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LiENUSboom installed08:14
Linky|Laptopdid that paste-bin answer any questions?08:14
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EricLasdf25: I found a few Ubuntu forums posts about it.  That's how I got to where I am right now.08:15
LiENUSteitunge,  when i go to update my release when the next LTS comes out is it going to screw things up?08:15
haxalityhello, I get a weird error from aptitude and was wondering how to fix it08:15
teitungeRadish: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=291464&highlight=ati+beryl08:15
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haxalitydpkg: serious warning: files list file for package `enlightenment-data' missing, assuming package has no files currently installed.08:15
EricLasdf25: I haven't seen anything about multiple logins on multiple monitors.08:15
haxalityhow might I resolve that error08:15
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Radishyes but I dunno how to install easyubuntu08:15
teitungeLiENUS: are you in dapper?08:15
mike1odoes anybody else here have the card nvidia 6200le? i cant get google earth to run well & i dont see the nvidia logo on X startup08:15
rolerhow do I install windows fonts?08:15
asdf25EricL: yeah, it took me a long time to get it working how i wanted... the xorg.conf i finally got is at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=158686&highlight=howto+fglrx08:15
Linky|LaptopRadish: there should be step by step instructions on the site08:15
LiENUSteitunge,  yes08:15
teitungeroler: easyubuntu08:15
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teitungeLiENUS: well, you could just remove the packages before upgrading LTS, if you decide to do that..08:16
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teitungeshould be able to do a complete install of firefox with aptitude as well?08:16
rolerteitunge, ; is that a package?08:16
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teitungeroler: yes08:16
LiENUShmm getfirefox only has .tar.gz :/08:16
crazytales@lart crazytales08:16
=== Ubugtu pushes the wall down onto crazytales whilst whistling innocently
teitungeroler: go to www.ubuntuguide.org08:16
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teitungeyou will find you answers there..08:16
crazytales@ unmorse -.-. .-. .- --.. -.-- - .- .-.. . ... ..---08:16
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teitungeLiENUS: yes?08:17
LiENUSi was hoping for a .deb :/08:17
task0hello all, how do i activate intely explorer 3.0 buttons?08:17
ubotuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression08:17
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nielsfOK. My HD has three FAT32 partitions. Can it be that ubuntu has some issues with that? Like. Can it be confused and don't know where to install?08:17
lokomotoriotkittie: why stearing clear of MySpace?08:17
haxalitydpkg: serious warning: files list file for package `enlightenment-data' missing, assuming package has no files currently installed.08:17
lokomotojust curious08:17
haxalityhow might I resolve that error08:17
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Linky|Laptopteitunge: did you get a chance to see http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3616/08:17
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LiENUSi know how to install from a .tar.gz but whats the point of a package manager if im going to install tarballs :/08:17
riotkittielokomoto: no reason.08:17
teitungenielsf: no, you need a ext3-volume to install ubuntu. you could mount the fat32-volumes insude ubuntu08:17
EricLasdf25: The card I have is one card with 2 outputs (for 2 monitors).08:18
teitungeLinky|Laptop: I will check it out now - sorry :)08:18
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lokomotoriotkittie: but why?08:18
Linky|Laptopno, you're good08:18
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haxalitylokomoto: because myspace is the bane of the internet08:18
asdf25EricL: yeah that's what mine was too, one VGA out and one DVI out (with dvi->vga adapter)08:18
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IVBelaYAY! my ubuntu has been downloaded! *burning cd*08:18
Radishok it is asking for my permission08:18
teitungeLinky|Laptop: it does not find your wireless router08:18
teitungedo a sudo iwconfig eth1 scan08:18
IVBelaoh, and hiya guys08:18
Radishbut I cant see a button to give it permission08:19
cypher1i have wiki.ubuntu.com/Pappan.. i should be able to edit it right08:19
rolerteitunge, ;nice, it's working. thanks08:19
teitungeroler: good :)08:19
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teitungeIVBela: welcome as a new ubuntu user :)08:19
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haxalitysuddenly, silence :P08:19
=== IVBela will be a new ubuntu user once the cd is ready :P
EricLasdf25: Hmmm...yes it is.  Mine looks identical to that.  Only mine is doing the funky login thing.08:19
XifI've done some stuff with gconftool-2 and now many of my keys don't work. How do I restore the default key bindings?08:19
Radishhelp, easyubuntu says "Permission required to install"08:19
Linky|Laptopunrecognized wireless request "scan"08:19
Radishand I cant do anything08:19
teitungeIVBela: Then read www.ubuntuguide.org while waiting :P that would save you alot of time!08:19
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IVBelathanks teitunge08:19
teitungeLinky|Laptop: hm08:19
Xif(Home, ALT-SHIFT and others stopped working)08:20
=== Thug-N-Me graps the shovel and starts digging into logs folder
IVBelai have a comp for sandbox, will be great to find things out08:20
teitungeah, ofcourse Linky|Laptop :) I am a retard.. sudo iwlist eth1 scan08:20
haxalityRadish: run it as root with 'sudo'08:20
LiENUSis there a reason fonts look like crap in firefox on ubuntu compared to firefox on fedora core 5?08:20
EricLasdf25: Ideas on the funky dual loggin in thing?08:20
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LiENUSubuntu 6.06...08:20
asdf25EricL: all i can think is to make sure you don't have multiple Screen's enabled in the ServerLayout section08:20
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Linky|Laptopteitunge: you know the two computers icon in the top left for network connections?  if i click on that and bring up network connections, it only lists eth0 and lo08:20
Linky|Laptopok, will try08:20
Linky|LaptopNo Scan Results08:21
Radishsudo? :o08:21
Radishwhats that?08:21
IVBelado as superuser?08:21
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Radishis it similar to judo?08:21
Linky|Laptopwe have a public access point here08:21
teitungeuhm, what about sudo iwlist scan ?08:21
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teitungeah, I see08:21
Linky|Laptopits a n apartment08:21
teitungewell, you can`t even get the signals08:21
teitungeso it`s hardware-related08:21
asdf25EricL: otherwise i don't really know, other than to make sure everything's really the same as mine, i don't understand how it works at all08:21
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teitungeare you sure ther isnt a enable/disable-button for your wireless network - litterally ON your laptop?08:22
riotkittietry switching back to the original driver?08:22
EricLasdf25: I have 2 screens setup, Screen0 and Screen1.08:22
teitungeIVBela: you are learning fast :)08:22
XifAnyone...?  I see no recourse currently but completely reinstalling Ubuntu...08:22
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teitungeXif: I won't bother searching for your post. whats the proble?08:22
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Xifteitunge: I've done some stuff with gconftool-2 and now many of my keys don't work. How do I restore the default key bindings?08:23
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jribso, I've found gcc272 in the repositories and would like to install g++2.72 as well.  However there doesn't seem a g++2.72 package.  I've tried to compile it and it doesn't seem as straightforward as usual, does anyone have any other suggestions?  (I want to run it on this edgy eft install, not in vmware)08:23
SecrethXYou have reached the transmission volume ceiling allocated to you. Your speed is now limited to 64 Kbps08:23
SecrethXdarned :(08:23
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asdf25EricL: yeah that's what gives you the multiple X servers like you have, i think... looking at my xorg.conf i'm guessing the Screen1 section i have there doesn't even do anything08:23
Radishlinux is installed on my primary slave08:23
yommHi all ! I would like to start Xcompmgr as a startup program in enlightenment 17 , which file do I look at , xinitrc,  xsession ???08:23
Linky|Laptopteitunge: no theres no button.  it worked in the past on ubuntu, but for some reason its being difficult :)08:23
Xifjrib: do you have all repos enabled?08:23
Radishwill that be slower than the master?08:23
LiENUSis there a reason fonts look like crap in firefox on ubuntu compared to firefox on fedora core 5? ubuntu 6.06...08:23
jribXif: yes08:23
teitungeXif: system -> preferences - keyboard -- keyboard layout?08:23
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teitungekey bindings? like you have chosen shortcuts for essential buttons?08:24
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tom47Radish I do not want to seem rude or irritating but I would like to suggest that you make a decision to read a good bit of the material available to you un the System/Help items on the menu08:24
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=== IVBela disappears with a cd in his hand ;D
EricLasdf25:  Ah, that might be it.  I will give a few things a shot and come back in a little while after I play around some.08:24
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EricLasdf25: Hopefully I will have made some progress.  Thanks.08:24
teitungeLiENUS: yes, install the fontpackage from easyubuntu and check of the text-size is smaller..that would mess up the letters..08:24
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LiENUSi installed the fontpackage already...08:25
nielfrteitunge: What exactly did you mean with ext3-volume? I was only able to format to NTFS, FAT and FAT32 using XP.08:25
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Radishthe ubuntu cd formats to ext308:25
teitungeLinky|Laptop: ah, well, keep me updated if you need help :)08:25
cybe_My DVD Burner has worked perfectly until today? When i try to open it it says "Unable to mount the selected volume", and more details: "mount: no medium found"08:25
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Linky|Laptopok.  I'll muck w/ it a bit more08:25
teitungenielfr: do install ubuntu on a harddrive, you should use the ext3-filesystem08:25
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Xifteitunge: I just tried, including "Restore to Defaults". Doesn't work.08:25
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teitungewhat if you choose some other languages setup? does the buttons work then?08:26
nielfrOK. I will try and see how to make the HD use ext3 instead of FAT-32. Thanks.08:26
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yommanyone know how to get a program to start with startx ? which startupscript do I edit ?08:26
teitungeXif: look in the channel-gnome - I guess you got an answer there :)08:26
cybe_My DVD Burner has worked perfectly until today? When i try to open it it says "Unable to mount the selected volume", and more details: "mount: no medium found"08:27
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teitungeyomm: what?08:27
Xifteitunge: hopefully.08:27
teitungea startup-script?08:27
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yommteitunge I'm tryting to get Xcompmgr to start when i start x08:27
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teitungeyomm: System -> Preferences -> Sessions08:27
teitungegnome - kde?08:27
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yommteitunge I need to do it in a script since i'm on e1708:28
teitungeah, yomm - let me think08:28
yommthink , my friend ;)08:28
blitoHi folks!08:29
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blitoi have a bash question...08:29
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blito... never mind...08:29
uboturcconf: Debian Runlevel configuration tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.19 (edgy), package size 17 kB, installed size 112 kB08:29
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yommteitunge , I was thinking either .xinitrc , or .xsession ... I tried  "echo xcompmgr > .xinitrc" & "echo xcompmgr > .xseesion" but neither of them did the trick08:30
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dyrneblueCmd: ahh.. come on what was the question?08:30
dyrneer blithe ^08:31
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dyrnegood god.. im going to sleep08:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about metisse - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:31
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hagabakado i need libstdc++ on Ubuntu Edgy? deborphan shows that it's not required for anything else08:31
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hagabaka* libstdc++508:32
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Picihagabaka : you have a specific reason why you want to remove it?08:32
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reconI'm trying to compile "The Rougelike!" a lisp game http://common-lisp.net/project/lifp/rouge.htm according to http://roguebasin.roguelikedevelopment.org/index.php?title=The_Rougelike! but i'm getting numerous errors.08:33
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riotkittierecon: errors like?08:33
hagabakaif i'm not really using it, i would like to remove it08:33
reconriotkittie:  let me pastebin it.08:33
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hagabakais it installed by default on edgy?08:33
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hagabakain that case i would keep it. mainly thinking i might have installed it manually before by mistake or some reason08:35
riotkittieis there some way to turn the tool tips in KDE off, or at least delay them a great deal ... and if not delay them, then at least make them smaller08:35
Picihagabaka : it might be installed with build-essential, but I'm not sure08:35
lokomotohaxality: so you wouldn't let a 9 year old girl on MySpace righ?08:36
hagabakabut it's not a dev package...08:36
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tom47riotkittie http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-249929.html08:38
Picihagabaka : it looks like its part of edgy's base install08:38
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Picihagabaka : more here if you need to look anything else up: http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/base/08:39
reconriotkittie:  the first is: ;; Loading file /var/cache/common-lisp-controller/1000/clisp/local/home/recon/Desktop/rouge/SRC/curses.fas ...08:39
recon*** - #:|17 19 (DEFINE-FOREIGN-LIBRARY CURSES (:UNIX #) ...)-4|: symbol CURSES08:39
recon      has no value08:39
reconThe following restarts are available:08:39
Pici!paste | recon08:40
uboturecon: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:40
hagabakait has priority "optional" though08:40
reconPici:  that's hardly large text. its 4 lines!08:40
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pe3ris 1080i considered HD?08:40
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Picipe3r : yes08:41
=== neuratix_ [n=lorents@ti521110a080-6657.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
pe3rso 1080i > 720p?08:41
khoawow... beryl/xgl is crazy : )08:41
asdf25recon: try "sudo apt-get install libncurses5 libncurses5-dev"08:41
khoajust got it up and working08:41
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IVBelaberyl owns!08:42
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IVBelaactually, it had a great part in converting me from windoze08:42
reconasdf25:  both are installed08:42
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource08:42
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic08:42
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reconasdf25:  i think it's not saying "CURSES" doesn't exist, but "DEFINE-FORIGN(sic)-FUNCION" doesn't exist.08:43
reconand I have no idea how to implement it.08:43
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riotkittietom47: thank you!08:44
danf_1979I need to repartition my disks remotely in a dedicated server. I want to make /var bigger... any good howto about this?08:44
Ceiling_Cat/rm -rf *?08:44
paotzupe3r: 720p has double the framerate of 1080i.  the resolution of 720p is 1280x720, the resolution for 1080i is 1920x1080.  HBO is typically 1080i, sports are typically 720p08:44
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asdf25recon: yeah, my guess is the program's not that widely tested and isn't working with your lisp system for whatever reason08:45
Kud|Is there a way to force a window to close besides restarting X?08:45
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POVaddct!info libquicktime008:46
ubotulibquicktime0: library for reading and writing Quicktime files. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.9.7-0.6ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 245 kB, installed size 728 kB08:46
POVaddct!info libquicktime0 dapper08:46
riotkittieKud|: in a term... kill <app>  or killall <app>  ... or   xkill08:46
reconasdf25:  crap.08:46
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ubotulibquicktime0: A library for reading and writing Quicktime files. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.9.7-0.4ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 353 kB, installed size 1076 kB08:46
riotkittieerr kill <PID>08:46
Kud|riotkittie: thanks08:46
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riotkittieif you dont know the PID, ps ax | grep <app>08:46
po0fkill `pidof app`08:46
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po0fNote the backticks.08:47
=== nielfr is trying to install ubuntu on another machine. Wearing the nerves on the outside
Devidhello :)08:48
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morrolannielfr - it's easy, don't worry!08:48
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ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup08:49
Inspironxhey ppl :) - I got a dumb n00b question08:49
Kud|riotkittie: I did what you said and it didn't kill the process.08:49
morrolanInspironx , what it is?08:49
morrolanwhat is it*08:49
riotkittieKud|: try ... kill -9  <pid>08:49
Inspironxhi morrolan o/08:49
nielfrIt might be easy, but my experiense tells me something else... Wow... It works!08:49
po0fKud|: killall -9 app08:49
morrolannielfr - told you :op08:49
=== NetCruZa [n=cybe@0x535db00e.abnxx9.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
Inspironxcan I run photoshop on linux?08:50
morrolanInspironx - have you tried the Gimp?08:50
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Inspironxthe gimp?08:50
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:50
=== Brad1 [i=King_Bra@75-132-125-227.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotugimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.08:50
Kud|riotkittie , po0f: how do you find the pid?08:50
mamzers555hello, gnome-nettool is the applet, but what is the progam that is running, the background i mean? can somebody tell me please?08:50
Brad1is it possable to install a *.rpm in ubuntu?08:50
morrolanInspironx - there you go08:50
po0fKud|: pidof app08:50
riotkittieKud|: do what po0f suggested.  `pidof <app>`    ... :p08:51
Inspironxthank you morrolan :):)08:51
PiciBrad1 : yes, but of course its not reccomended08:51
morrolanInspironx - conveniently, it's also available on Windows08:51
mamzers555or how can i get the output of the network-manager08:51
houmalamrpm to deb via alien08:51
riotkittieKud|: i do it ps ax | grep <app>08:51
po0fBrad1: sudo aptitude install alien, can convert from/to RPM, DEB, and something else.08:51
mamzers555somebody know this?08:51
Brad1alien, thanks >:)08:51
Inspironxooo sweet mama08:51
Kud|riotkittie , po0f: it just brought a blank line08:51
riotkittiebut  efficiency has never been my strong point08:51
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po0fKud|: What are you trying to kill?08:51
PiciKud| : what are you typing?08:51
morrolangnome-nettool might be network-manager behind the scenes08:52
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kyl1good evening08:52
kyl1i have a problem with the gnome network manager08:52
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Inspironxi know it goes against the linux ethos but i really love photoshop :/ does it only run on windows and mac?08:53
Kud|po0f , Pici: pidof python08:53
rasinjoin waraszawa08:53
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morrolanInspironx - so far yes, but you can get it to run using crossover office08:53
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morrolanbut the Gimp is free, Photoshop is costly08:53
MrKeunerhi, is there a way to switch to console view while ubuntu 6.10 boots in graphical mode08:54
Inspironxyeah...i have PS already :/08:54
PiciKud| : is it even listed in ps ax?08:54
asdf25Inspironx: http://blog.publicidadpixelada.com/how-to-adobe-photoshop-cs2-on-ubuntu-10-steps/08:54
barielhello, is there any quick way to know how many lines of code all do php files in a (sub) folder have?08:54
kyl1my gnome-network-manaage08:54
morrolanMrKeuner - CTRL+ALT+F208:54
rkkMrKeuner: Try Alt-Ctrl-F108:54
Inspironxoh thanks! I just have a quick read :)08:54
riotkittieerrr. are you including the `s ? Kud| ?08:54
houmalamInspironx : photoshop 7 in crossover works08:54
=== DoctorPepper [n=hpepper@adsl-068-209-134-179.sip.dab.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
trymmiHi, my friend is new to Ubuntu. He struggles with setting up a wireless network. His PC doesn't even recognize the network.. What to do?08:54
Kud|po0f , Pici, riotkittie: just did ps ax | grep python and found the pid and kill -9 pid worked on it. Thanks a lot for the help everyone. :)08:54
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Inspironxah ok but not CS2?08:55
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Inspironx1min let me read :)08:55
po0fKud|: It's not nice to kill Python.  :P08:55
mamzers555hello, how to get output from the network-manager in gnome?08:55
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morrolantrymmi - does the card show at all when he types "iwconfig" at the console?08:55
po0fmamzers555: What output are you looking for?08:55
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kyl1my gnome-network-manager doesn't connect to my wireless network. it did and the only thing i changed was having an pcmcia-NIC in the laptop. but now it doesn't work08:55
nofxxWhy I can't install ubuntu 64 or edubuntu 64?? It stops after "Booting the kernel." right after you select "install to hard disk"08:55
morrolanmamzers555 what output are you looking for?08:55
rkkHi, any ways to run the installation program in non-graphical modes?08:55
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Picimamzers555 : output?08:55
mamzers555from the daemon08:55
trymmiI don't think he has tried that.08:55
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rkk(my monitor keeps saying Out of range :( )08:56
pbureautrymmi, 1) find out what network card he has 2) find out what chipset it has 3) what type of network he wants to connect to (WEP/WPA ect). then visit the ubuntu web site for the howto on WIFI they have some really great write ups for many cards.08:56
Picirkk : use the alternative cd08:56
riotkittierkk:  use the alternate CD08:56
morrolanrkk - you can download a different version from the ubun tu website, called the "alternate install CD" that uses a minimal install interface08:56
rkkPici: Thanks, will do08:56
pbureaukyl1, used to work ?08:56
mamzers555po0f; morrolan , Pici what it does is what i want08:56
mamzers555to know08:56
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riotkittiediapers to change, cookies to bake. bbl :P08:57
Inspironxok thanks for your help and time folks :) o/08:57
kyl1yes, it worked some time ago, but now, it doesn't. the wiki says something about other programs disturbing it, but i have no idea which program could cause this problem08:57
=== HiP_P [n=hip666p@host86-133-0-60.range86-133.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
danf_1979I need to repartition my disks remotely in a dedicated server. I want to make /var bigger... any good howto about this?08:57
po0fmamzers555: The closest thing I could find for a log is /var/log/daemon.log.08:58
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trymmiPbureau: When he wrote that command in the terminal it said: No wireless extensions08:58
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mamzers555po0f; thank you08:58
comthre3-Birdwhen i installed my envida graphics card, it made a backup of my kernel, and now i need to restore that kernel, since my GUI is not working now, how do that, is there a command to do so, and where is the old kernel stored into, thank you08:58
HiP_Panyone else having problems with gpass?08:58
mc__ how can i rename a file that starts with "-" ?08:58
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po0fmc__: mv ./--file file08:58
nofxxWhy I can't install ubuntu 64 or edubuntu 64?? It stops after "Booting the kernel." right after you select "install to hard disk"... Its a athlon 64 on a ASUS M2NPV-MX  nvidia chipset08:58
rkkmc__: Put the filename in ""08:58
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distro-testerany one knows where u can get the skype plugin to join skypecasts on your browser?08:59
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pbureautrymmi, ask him to try ' lspci ' does it see the hardware ?08:59
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po0fmc__: Or, you could terminate the options for mv: mv -- -file file08:59
Kud|po0f: It froze and left me no choice but to do so. :(08:59
ubotugpass: The password manager for GNOME2. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5.0-2 (edgy), package size 110 kB, installed size 552 kB08:59
mc__thank yoh08:59
trymmipbureau: What is that sign before the s?08:59
pbureau L not 109:00
LattywareHey, I have a small problem, I have a panel with draws on on one monitor, move it to my other one, and when I open the panels, they open on the far rightmost corner of the origonal screen, instead of where they are meant to be.09:00
LattywareAny way of fixing this?09:00
distro-testernead the skype firefox plugin to join skypecasts u know where to find it?09:00
pbureautrymmi,  LSPCI but in lower case09:00
pbureautrymmi, ingore the ' '09:00
po0fLattyware: Move the panels, then kill/restart them maybe?09:00
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pbureaudistro-tester, have you check a) firefox web site b) tools - addons in firefox it self ?09:01
comthre3-Birdcan someone help me run the X server again, when i installed my envida graphics card, it made a backup of my kernel, and now i need to restore that kernel, since my GUI is not working now, how do that, is there a command to do so, and where is the old kernel stored into, thank you09:01
Lattywarepo0f: I've rebooted to no effect (been a problem for a while, never bothered to ask)09:01
MrKeunerrkk: what I need is to see is actually the boot up messages09:01
distro-testerno i diden't is it there?09:01
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MrKeunerrkk: so simply doing a alt f1 will not take me anywhere09:01
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pbureaukyl1, I had this issue with some other wifi scanners, check that remove those you dont need it with gnome--network-manager anyways09:01
LattywareAlso, there is a weird bug in GAIM, when in a conversation, every other message isn't displayed unless you click in the text box, or send another message, until the conversation is long enough to require a scroll bar.09:02
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pbureauLattyware, best point this out (gaim bug) on the Gaim website09:02
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rkkMrKeuner: Does dmesg help?09:02
trymmipbureau:  intel corporation mobile 945gm/gms/940gml exp09:03
XifTrying to set a Keyboard layout or a keyboard driver, I get the following error: http://rafb.net/p/H2sjOc50.html09:03
kyl1pbureau: do you mean things like aircrack or airsnort??09:03
trymmithat's his card i guess09:03
XifAnyone knows how to fix this?09:03
=== BrendanM [n=mccollam@hor-gold95.hor.ucl.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ScreaminIke2 questions, each about filesystems. First, how do i locate/mount a usb filesystem? also. one of my partitions is corrupted, and it forces an uninterruptable check Every time i boot it. how do i turn that off? i mean.. just prevent it from ever checking the fs...09:03
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BrendanMDoes anyone know where Ubuntu keeps the file libGL.so ?09:03
pbureaukyl1, maybe but more like Kwifisniffer and crap like that09:03
HiP_Plocate libGL.so09:04
PiciBrendanM : find / | grep libgl.so09:04
pbureauBrendanM, tried locate libGL.so ?09:04
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pbureautrymmi, hang on a sec09:04
comthre3-Birdcan someone help me run the X server again, when i installed my nvidia graphics card, it made a backup of my kernel, and now i need to restore that kernel, since my GUI is not working now, how do that, is there a command to do so, and where is the old kernel stored into, thank you,, anyone PLEASE!09:05
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kyl1pbureau: i'll try removing them, but kwifisniffer or things only for scanning wireless networks i don't have on my computer09:05
HiP_Pcomthre3-Bird: look in /etc/X1109:05
trymmipbureau: ok09:06
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BrendanMhmm, I have a libGL.so.1 and a libGL.so.1.209:06
BrendanMare those two different versions?09:06
comthre3-BirdHiP_P, is there a command to restore the old kernel?09:06
=== freebse [n=freebse@p57A29A7C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
HiP_Pis there a file called xorg.conf with some numbers after?09:06
BrendanMor two different components of the same thing?09:06
dyrnecomthre3-Bird: you should be able to just alt-ctrl-f2 then login then sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf  then scroll down to near the bottom and change nvidia to vesa then save changes then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart09:06
HiP_Pwhat dyrne saID09:07
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comthre3-Birddyrne thanks man, u too HiP_P09:07
ScreaminIkeuhm... no one?09:07
ScreaminIke2 questions, each about filesystems. First, how do i locate/mount a usb filesystem? also. one of my partitions is corrupted, and it forces an uninterruptable check Every time i boot it. how do i turn that off? i mean.. just prevent it from ever checking the fs...09:08
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pbureautrymmi, what ubuntu (version) you using ? 6.06 or 6.10?09:08
LattywareAny idea about the draws problem?09:08
trymmithe live cd one09:08
HiP_Panyone's gpass just stop working?09:08
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katehi, in ubuntu 6.10, how can I change the console font?09:09
Chilliwackdear ubuntu. i love you. that is all09:09
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HiP_Parrrr aint that nice09:09
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MrKeunerrkk: no dmesg won't help. I am after a hardware problem message that does not appear in dmesg09:09
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mike1oi've got the following dependency error upon trying to install nvidia drivers http://sh.nu/p/867709:09
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elyon225Just curious... does anyone know if I can format my MP3 player and then reinstall the firmware?  The whole thing has been corrupted by Linux somehow.09:10
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:10
pbureauelyon225, what model MP3 ?09:10
elyon225pbureau: It's a Sansa e260 (if you get the opportunity to buy it... pass on it ;)09:10
trymmipbureau: i've tried.. please help:P09:10
pbureauelyon225, eh I use crative labs thanks T30)09:11
trymmioh misunderstood09:11
pbureautrymmi, tried what?09:11
trymmi2 sec09:11
=== alleb [n=moreneta@1.Red-88-8-238.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
mamzers555hello, what can i use instead of nm-tool? it is not there anymore in edgy09:11
pbureaumamzers555,  check http://www.freshmeat.net/ for apps09:12
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mamzers555yes, but it must be replaced with something else, in 6.06 it was there09:12
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gh0sthello, can i safely delete the files in /usr/src ?09:12
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abstrcrndmif i have a launcher on the panel which runs a program in a terminal, how can i make it run a different terminal profile?09:13
katewould anyone be able to help me change the console font in ubuntu 6.10?09:13
Tinned_Tunaheya, is there any way to quickly enable deskto effects, like FC6 has a big 'Desktop Effects' button?09:13
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Renu_i can not install ubuntu09:13
kate(it's rather large)09:13
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crimsunTinned_Tuna: 7.04 has a desktop-effects package for that, too.09:14
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Xifkate: sure. just right-click, "Edit current profile"09:14
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Radishim about to install a sound card09:14
Tinned_Tunaok, thanks :) just wondering :)09:14
RadishI have never installed new hardware on linux09:14
Radishit won't freak out will it?09:14
houmalamRenu_: be more specific09:14
crimsunRadish: no, it won't.09:14
katexif: no, I mean in the console... not a terminal09:14
Radishwill it detect it and install it like windows does? :)09:14
dyrneelyon225: you could certanly reformat it like 'sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sda1'  but do a ls -a /media/usb first and if you see a trash folder youll have to remake it after format09:14
kate(sorry if I wasn't clear)09:14
Tinned_Tunacrimsun, is there any way I can get that package in 6.10?09:14
crimsunRadish: depends how new it is and what Ubuntu release.09:14
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Xifkate: ah, then I'm not sure if it's even possible.09:14
crimsunTinned_Tuna: no idea.09:15
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Radishancient sound card, ubuntu 6.1009:15
kateok :(09:15
Meherendoes ubuntu not support 64 bit ppc's? (i have a 64 bit G5, currently running tiger and want to dual boot ubuntu)09:15
dyrneelyon225: dont know about firmware. any flash progs will probably want windows id think09:15
crimsunRadish: e/isa or pci/usb?09:15
killazpbureau: Thanks for the help yesterday, it worked!09:15
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Tinned_Tunathanks any ways :)09:15
abstrcrndmif i have a launcher on the panel which runs a program in a terminal, how can i make it run a different terminal profile?09:15
Mehereni see PPC x86 64bit and x8609:15
crimsunRadish: which?09:15
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Renu_i have a 6.06 distribution i hit type or install ubuntu and is bloking at ' mounting root file system'09:15
RadishI dunno it goes in one of those slots09:15
Radishin the PC09:15
pbureaukillaz,  Oh great, glad I could help you with your wifi, and the gnome NM works too ?09:15
MeherenWill the PPC image work with my 64PPC?09:15
crimsunRadish: chances are it'll be fine.09:15
Radish:) thx09:15
Skrech_Limomeheren, I think you need to get the alternate cd at Ubuntu.org09:15
MeherenSkrech_Limo, ? the alternate cd?09:16
Tinned_TunaRenu_ have you checked the install media?09:16
mamzers555how to provid information about NetworkManager?09:16
pbureaukillaz, great news :) cheers,09:16
Renu_the dvdrom you mean09:16
killazthink, thanks to the gome NM09:16
mamzers555is there a possibility to do that?09:16
cmatheso1i need a screensaver similar to the windows one that just bounces an image around the screen ... can't find it in GNOME though, does such a thing exist?09:17
Skrech_Limomeheren, nah, nevermind that, you said is was a G509:17
pbureaukillaz, now print those /cat/network/interfaces and /etc/wpa_supplicant files to paper and you will know how to fix it next time09:17
killazpbureau: so now I will contribute by help others with theirs wifi....09:17
MeherenSkrech_Limo, yeah, it is09:17
gh0sthello, can i safely delete the files in /usr/src ?09:17
MeherenSkrech_Limo, PPC6409:17
elyon225dyrne: Yeah, I reinstalled windows just to use my player, but Windows can't write to it because it is "corrupted"09:17
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elyon225dyrne: And I know the Sansa is flash-based.  I WAS able to copy stuff to it from Linux, but I messed it up with my ignorance ;)09:18
po0fgh0st: What's in there?09:18
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pbureaukillaz,  hehe  wasnt complicated once you understand how the wifi and gnome-network-manager tie up together09:18
pbureaugh0st, I would not09:18
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killazyeah, the problem was the wrong NM.....09:18
gh0stpo0f: linux-headers-2.6.17-10  linux-headers-2.6.17-10-generic  rpm09:18
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gh0stand the linux-kernel09:19
dyrneelyon225: well might be as easy as 'sudo cfdisk /dev/sda1' (assuming sda1 is the correct node) then delete and recreate the partition and do the mkfs command.. but i dunno09:19
killazlooked everywhere and the solution is so simple..09:19
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metaperlubuntu 6.06 would not boot via MBR, so I booted from CD and choose "boot from local disk" .. this led to isolinux: Disk error 05, AX = 0000, drive 8009:19
killazwell a lesson learned09:19
dyrneelyon225: sorry /dev/sda09:19
po0fgh0st: It would be better to uninstall the package that owns those files.09:19
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Meherenwill the PPC image work on a 64bit PPC?09:19
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elyon225dyrne: Funny thing is, I've tried deleting files from the player ... but they're still ON the player (though I can no longer see them from within Linux)09:19
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gh0stpo0f: well i deleted them because i urgetnly needed space... anyway will se what happend :-)09:20
davidwinterhi all09:20
Skrech_Limocmatheso1,  I think there is one, let me find it09:20
adaptrMeheren: PPC means exactlyy that... and there are very few 32-bit PPCs :)09:20
davidwintercan anyone recommend a good rar unarchiver?09:20
adaptrdavidwinter: unrar09:20
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davidwinterI've tried the one that comes with Ubuntu and xarchiver, neither seem to be compatible with the rar files I have :(09:20
Meherenadaptr,  really what about the G3 and G409:20
po0fgh0st: Well, I hope you didn't mess anything up by doing that.  :)  What was the point of the question if you had already done it?09:20
killazI'm having a great time with the ubuntu. before I used it at home just for fun. Now I have it on my corporate laptop (java developer) and compiling of my huge corporate application is a blast09:20
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Meherenadaptr,  they really 64bit !?09:20
adaptrMeheren: what about them ?09:20
gh0stpo0f: if i could delete all of them09:20
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Skrech_Limocmatheso1, look at "Flipscreen 3d"09:21
gh0stpo0f because i only deleted some before ...09:21
dyrneelyon225: id just repartition and reformat the thing. if that doesnt work buy the same player and then take the old one back with new receipt :)09:21
Meherenadaptr,  are the G3 and G4 they really 64bit !?09:21
elyon225dyrne: lol naughty.  Although I wouldn't really find that too dishonest since this thing has caused a LOT of problems since I got it (not even my fault)09:21
cmatheso1Skrech_Limo: yeah.. it's a cool effect, i actually need something very uncool... just a logo moving around a screen (it's for work :(  )... i guess maybe it's so boring that no one has made it?09:21
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elyon225dyrne: How do I find out what filesystem it has?09:22
dyrneelyon225: itll be fat3209:22
pbureauelyon225, linux makes a .trash-nameofuser on usb device and just moves the files over, windows can actually see that directory and delete. it, but first things first. I would use windows pc, plug it in, then run hardware manager and reformat it09:22
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po0felyon225: fdisk -l /dev/blar09:22
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Skrech_Limocmatheso1, let me find something boring, I've seen those in the collection09:22
elyon225dyrne: And would a running the firmware updater reinstall it?09:22
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dyrneelyon225: i wouldnt think so. you can fix in linux but pbureau's advise may be best09:23
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elyon225pbureau: Hardware manager would reformat it?09:23
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adaptrMeheren: it would depend on whether the 64-bit PPC runs 32-bit code natively, as does the x86 family09:24
elyon225dyrne: I would kind of need the firmware for it to be any use ;)09:24
pbureauelyon225,  then gran the firmware from web site and run it against the mp3 playter restoring it.09:24
adaptrMeheren: on x86, it is 100% compatible09:24
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tuxubhi, can anyone recomend me a graphical interface to openldap?09:24
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adaptrMeheren: AIM would be stupid not to run 32 bit native09:24
Mba7ethhi all09:24
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elyon225pbureau: The website only has a Firmware Updater... no actual install for the firmware itself.  I'm just worried that if the old firmware isn't on the player, the Updater won't recognize it at all.09:24
Skrech_Limocmatheso1, maybe GLText or Gears09:24
Skrech_Limoor one of the ants09:25
pbureauelyon225, now that is how I did mine, (creative labs t30) I have no idea if your mp3 players has their firmware online, Ipod doesnt you have to get to store/mail it in for reformats.. (another reason to not buy apple)09:25
cmatheso1Skrech_Limo: thanks09:25
Meherenadaptr, it can...09:25
Mba7ethguys how can copy something thru telnet to my local box ?09:25
pbureauelyon225, if you casn format the usb device the firmware updater will do it just fine.09:25
elyon225pbureau: I would never buy an iPod or Zune :)09:25
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elyon225pbureau: Alright... well, I really don't have much to lose by trying that ;)09:26
adaptrMeheren: that would be your answer, then09:26
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elyon225pbureau: I'll give it a shot.  Thank you.09:26
dyrneMba7eth: ssh is soo much easier to secure and use09:26
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Meherenadaptr, ok cool :p heh thanks09:26
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LjLMba7eth: rz, sz09:26
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XifHow do I run the XORG configuration process again?09:27
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tuxubXif, sudo dpk-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:27
XifThat wizard that asks you about your keboard layout etc.09:27
LjLMba7eth: guess your terminal emulator needs to support that. don't know about the GNOME one, but Konsole supports ZModem, so i guess sz/rz would work09:27
Xiftuxub: thanks.09:27
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Nik_Doofwhat can i use to auto adjust the speed of my fans for the cpu temp etc...?09:27
tuxubXif, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:27
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pbureauNik_Doof, check http://www.freshmeat.net/ for apps09:28
Mba7ethdyrne : i am using ssh09:28
Mba7ethdyrne : :) so how can i copy09:28
Skrech_Limowhat's the trick to get glxgears to post fps?09:28
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noblghQuestion :hello everyone after updating my Kubuntu I tried to reboot but I got this message "bin\sh: can't access tty: job control turned off" could you help please09:29
ikoniaSkrech_Limo: do glxgears --help and check it out09:29
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po0fSkrech_Limo: glxgears -printfps09:30
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killazuhm one way or the other synaptic is still using a proxy setting somewhere. I already changed the System->Preferences->Network Proxy and still it's using the old entry.09:30
po0fikonia: "Warning: unknown parameter: --help"  ;P09:30
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ikoniapo0f: yeah just noticed09:30
killazhow can I change the Proxy Setting of Synaptic?09:30
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Mba7eth anyone how to copy files to my box using ssh ????09:32
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riotkittiehm. i need something else to tackle.09:32
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riotkittieperhaps i should return to the printer issue ><09:33
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LjL!scp | Mba7eth09:33
ubotuMba7eth: SCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/09:33
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dyrneMba7eth: sftp user@    or use scp winscp is a handy app in windows09:33
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Otacon22Hi all I am reading a guide to install mach64 drivers to run 3d on an ati range mobility, but when i run the install script donwloaded from dri.freedesktop.org the script return me "The DRI Drivers can not be installed without the latest kernel modules. Installation will be aborted. See the dri.log file for information on what went wrong"09:34
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LjLOtacon22: have you tried using the drivers from the repository instead?09:35
withaYwhat are the default font settings in ubuntu?  i was playing around with them and have forgotten what they originally were.09:35
Otacon22LjL, wich ones?09:35
LjLUbotu, tell Otacon22 about ati | Otacon22, see the private message from Ubotu09:35
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Otacon22my video card is old...09:36
LjLOtacon22: fglrx09:36
riotkittiehow old ?09:36
LjLwell if it's supported at ati.com, i don't see why it wouldn't be under Ubuntu, *especially* since it's old. it's certainly worth a try anyway09:36
Otacon22is a Rage Mobility09:36
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Renu_i tried to install ubuntu 6.06 and it said that it crashed09:36
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Otacon22LjL, riotkittie : ATI Rage Mobility AGP 2x09:37
riotkittiei have a mobility m1 in my laptop09:37
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riotkittiethe ati drivers work fine09:37
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dyrne!alternate | Renu_09:37
ubotuRenu_: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD.09:37
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Renu_what should i do?09:37
riotkittieerr the ati driver works fine, rather09:37
Otacon22riotkittie, fglrx?09:37
LjLOtacon22: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCardsAti <- supported09:37
dyrneRenu_: rule of thumb is if you have trouble with livecd try the alternat install cd09:37
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tsolerwant to install server ubuntu over my ubuntu desktop09:38
Renu_i don t have an alternate cd09:38
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Renu_where should i get it?09:38
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YashyCan anyone help with an initramfs question? http://www.pastebin.ca/33470709:38
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Renu_a clear link?09:38
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Skrech_Limoa median of 6 clocks from glxgears says my average is 3941.628 fps,  anyone know if that is 'good' 'great' or 'sick' ?09:38
YashyWhat do you mean clear?09:38
LjLRenu_: or try the minimal CD. link here09:39
LjLUbotu, tell Renu_ about minimal | Renu_, see the private message from Ubotu09:39
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dyrneRenu_: when you burn it do so at the lowest speed and verify09:39
LjLit's the same as alternate, just less downloadstuff09:39
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tsolerhow can i install a web service over desktop?09:39
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LjLtsoler: that's a weird question, i don't think you can do that (or it would make sense to). at most you can possibly install the server kernel on your desktop Ubuntu, but that's probably much less than adviced09:40
LjLtsoler: now that's a different question09:40
LjLUbotu, tell tsoler about lamp | tsoler, see the private message from Ubotu09:40
LjLtsoler: just install apache209:40
dignomadI have a question about installing Ubuntu.  I want a dual boot, along with my Windows XP install.  I already resized my old partition and created a 500mb swap partition, and a little over 19gb ex2 partition to stick ubuntu.  I'm on the mount point part of the install process, and am not sure what to do.09:40
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tsolerapache2 is something like iis on win?09:40
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LjLtsoler: apache2 is an HTTP daemon, also known as a web server.09:41
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Yashydignomad: make the 19gb partition called / and the other a swap and away you go?09:41
Khemdignomad: you can mount '/' on the 19gb09:41
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dignomadOk, just a second.09:41
tsolerljl: apt-get install apache?09:41
LjLtsoler: apt-get install apache2, unless you want version 109:41
fotoflohey got a ubuntu question = i want to change the permissions of a file from the gnome console, - how do i sudo?09:41
YashyCan anyone help with an initramfs issue? http://www.pastebin.ca/33470709:41
LjLUbotu, tell fotoflo about sudo | fotoflo, see the private message from Ubotu09:42
ElPenguinfotoflo: 'sudo command'09:42
LjLUbotu, tell fotoflo about permissions | fotoflo, see the private message from Ubotu09:42
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fotofloAKA from the file properties, not from the terminal09:42
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ElPenguinwell that's efficient09:42
dignomadWhat should I do about the other two partitions?  I set them to just blank, but it wants me to do something with them09:42
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LjLfotoflo: eh? you just said "from the gnome console"09:42
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ElPenguinLjL: i thought as much too09:42
LjLfotoflo: anyway if the file is not owned by root, you'll have a hard time doing that, unless you start nautilus as root09:42
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Yashydignomad: you only mentioned 2 partitions you created09:43
LjLfotoflo: s/root/you/09:43
tsolerljl: just want to install geoserver. is apache needed for that?09:43
dignomadBut I have the one partition for windows, and its backup partition that came with the PC09:43
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withaYis the default font dpi based on one's monitor & graphics card or is it a system default?09:43
Yashydignomad: if it's got windows on those two, leave them be and go to next09:44
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fotofloUbuntu cant do it then?09:44
LjLtsoler: having no idea what that is, i have a hard time answering that. if it's a web application, though, you most certainly need a web server to serve it -- whether it's apache or something else will not much matter, but apache is the most widely used web server in the world09:44
dignomadLeave them alone as in?  I set them to blank in the install setup, should I have just left them as is?09:44
LjLfotoflo: is that what i said?09:44
fotofloljl: i mean using the gnome file browser to change permissions - it can see them, but it cant change them09:44
dignomadI'm just worried that it'll do something like erase everything.  XP09:44
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LjLfotoflo: you *should* be able to change them, i think, *if* the file you're looking at is owned by *you*. if it is not (like, for isntance, if it's owned by root), clearly you can't touch it without being root09:45
dyrnefotoflo: what is it youre wanting to change? just a file or directory in ubuntu or is it a file system (windows) that you mounted?09:45
po0ftsoler: It looks like you need Apache and Tomcat installed to run that app.09:45
LjLfotoflo: you can do a 'gksudo nautilus' to start a root-mode file browser, although you should be careful with that09:45
fotofloljl: ok thats what i was looking for09:45
fotofloi will be09:46
tsolerpoof: what is tom cat?09:46
fotofloin fract, i wont do it09:46
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LjLfotoflo: i would suggest that you rather just use a shell. but that's your choice09:46
fotofloyeah ill use the shell09:46
po0ftsoler: A Java application server, I believe.  I don't mess with Java.  ;P09:46
grnwoodHas anyone had their gnome/metacity 'keys' go out them along with window control?09:46
fotofloi was thinking it would be good if a sudo prompt popped up when you wanted to do something09:46
fotoflothat needed root privs09:47
po0ftsoler: tomcat.apache.org09:47
tsolerpo0f: geosever is written in java.09:47
LjLfotoflo: that's harder to implement than it sounds09:47
temujoehas anyone installed php5.2 with gd support?09:47
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po0ftsoler: I know, I went to the website.  It's where I got you needing Apache/Tomcat to run it.09:47
LjLfotoflo: it is *already* done for certain specific things - Synaptic for instance will pop up a password prompt, as will other administrative utilities. but that's done quite in an ad-hoc manner program by program09:47
Thug-N-MeMySQL libraries = /usr/lib/mysql ???09:47
teitungewhich program could I use to scan nearby wireless-networks, insert WEP and connect to them?09:48
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po0fteitunge: iwlist <interface> scan09:48
fotofloi see09:48
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LjLteitunge: "apt-cache search wireless scan" gives a few results09:48
grnwoodi continue to loose my window focus and hotkeys in gnome/metacity... can't seem to find anyone having the same problem on the boards.09:48
dignomadSo to confirm, I'm not sure if this is right.  partition 4: "/", partition 3: "swap", partition 2: "/media/sda2", and partition 1: "/media/sda1".  Nothing will happen to those first two partitions?09:48
grnwoodmetacity --replace doesn't seem to fix it.09:48
teitungepo0f: well, then I can find them..but what about inserting WEP and connect?09:49
teitungeLjL: Thanks, I will check it out09:49
Thug-N-MeMySQL libraries = /usr/lib/mysql ???09:49
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tsolerpo0f: i have a geoserver installed on windows i didnt have to install apache09:49
Thug-N-Meare the mysql libraries in /usr/lib/mysql arent they09:49
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Otacon22LjL, following the guide you linked me don't start xserver : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI09:49
po0ftsoler: Well then, there you go.  Run it on Windows, or figure out how to run it on Linux.09:49
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LjLdignomad: if you're installing Ubuntu, and you haven't explicitly specified that 4 and 3 should *not* be formatted, they *will* be formatted. 2 and 1 shouldn't be, by default09:49
Davegoodsoncan anyone tell me how to find out my glib version?09:50
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dignomadOk.  I'm just not sure what the "/media/sda!" means.09:50
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tsoleri have it already runnibing on win:). But want to set it on ubuntu with lamp09:50
LjLOtacon22: then if those drivers are not compatible, i'm afraid your only choice is probably to use the open-source "ati" drivers - that is the one that were installed on your Ubuntu by default.09:50
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aalhamad-----How can i set the smtp port on evolution ??----PLZ help--------------09:51
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po0ftsoler: You know the 'a' in LAMP stands for Apache, right?09:51
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tsolerpo0F: yap09:51
Janne_DoeHi there!09:51
LjLDavegoodson: apt-cache policy libglib2.0-009:51
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po0ftsoler: Doesn't that imply that you should install Apache if you want to run the LAMP stack?09:51
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DavegoodsonLjL, thanks09:52
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tsolerpo0f: i suppose09:52
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NkZGreetings Guys.09:52
aalhamad-----How can i set the smtp port on evolution ??----PLZ help--------------09:53
aalhamadNkZ, hi09:53
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teitungeaalhamad: you won't need to..are you trying to use your gmail?09:53
tsolerpo0f: ive installed ubuntu server but it was very difficult for me , so i ruuned back to desktop to find out from here09:53
NkZI have an Issue with "PlaneShift" I just installed it, right? But when I try to access it from the menu (Aplications - Games) It says "Access Denied" anyone knows how to solve this?09:53
po0ftsoler: http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOSDOC/Unix+and+Mac+Install#UnixandMacInstall-Unix09:53
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withaYcould someone please look into their fonts settings for me and tell me what the default dpi & fonts are set to?09:54
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teitungerun it from terminal Nk - sudo planeshift09:54
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aalhamadteitunge, yes and another email avount09:54
chervahow do i delete a dir that is not empty from the console09:54
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tsolerpo0f: thnx09:54
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LjLcherva: man rm, look for "recursive"09:54
teitungecherva: rmdir -r09:54
LjLdoubt that ;)09:54
NkZYep teitunge, I know I can run it from the terminal (I am doing so) but It would be nice to give some use to the menu link.09:54
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teitungecherva: sorry, wonr09:55
NkZYou know, me being lazy. :-)09:55
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teitungeNkZ: make a terminal-link? :)09:55
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NetCruZaNkZ what about "Add to Panel" "Custom command#"09:55
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NkZThat would work! thanks. :-)09:55
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temujoeis it just me or is apt-get not an option for php5.2 w/gd?09:56
NetCruZaNkZ np09:56
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LjLtemujoe: indeed, only 5.1 is in Edgy09:57
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kateis there any way to show the Trash on the desktop?09:59
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tsolerpo0f: so i dont need apache to install geoserver. Right?>09:59
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po0ftsoler: It looks like you only need Tomcat.09:59
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po0ftsoler: I don't know if that brings in Apache automatically or not.09:59
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aalhamadhi all..10:00
aalhamad-----How can i set the smtp port on evolution ??----PLZ help--------------10:00
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kateaalhamad, you can set the smtp port in the hostname field like this: smtp.comcast.net:2510:01
teitungeaalhamad: you can't..put TLS encryption10:01
teitungethat would set the port, and it would work..10:01
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drkmI am reading an Ipod mounting tutorial on the ubuntu forums, but it says to mount /dev/sda2 but in my /dev there isn't any sda*... how come?10:01
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po0ftsoler: It looks like it brings in parts of Apache, but not all of it.10:01
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kateyou're welcome :)10:01
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deepHow do i networkinstall ubuntu from another ubuntumachine?10:03
dyrne!install | deep10:03
ubotudeep: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues10:03
dyrnedeep: that link is very nice for alternate install methods10:03
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deepAh, thanx. :D10:04
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drkmI am reading an Ipod mounting tutorial on the ubuntu forums, but it says to mount /dev/sda2 but in my /dev there isn't any sda*... how come?10:05
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dyrnedrkm: use the one that shows up when you 'ls -t /dev | head' after plugging in the ipod10:06
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dyrnedrkm: might be sdb1 etc10:06
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drkmdyrne: there isn't a sdb1 either?10:08
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d1gitalhey i am havin a screen res problem on my Inspiron B130 laptop.  it's a nvidia 915 gpu. i tried using 915resolution but the best i can get is... well this screenshot explains better http://www.the-reapers.com/images/wierdscreenres.png10:09
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dyrnedrkm: any sdb2 or sda2 or sdc2 ?  im not on an ubuntu machine right now so not sure but maybe if you dmesg| grep -C 4 -i attach10:09
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fromvegawhere is the BIND log files? where can I find them?10:09
dyrnedrkm: not sure about that last command the ls -t should/will work10:10
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d1gitalit scrolls side to side when i move the mouse to the edges of the screen, but the actual usable partof the desktop is not there when i scroll over (note black area in screenshot)10:10
YashyCan anyone help with an initramfs issue? http://www.pastebin.ca/33470710:10
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drkmdyrne: does  ls -t show me which one is for my ipod?10:10
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ubotuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/10:11
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dyrnedrkm: no it lists by time so newest first.  if you just plugged in the ipod and waited a sec and ran that command when you pipe it to head youll just get the head or top results. in other words the most recently changed10:11
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knoppixwie kann ich knoppix schreibrecht fr ntfs erhalten?10:12
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dyrnedrkm: im sure there is an easier way but im not familiar with the gnome gui10:12
xerophyteis playrush.com a good name for free flash game site ??10:12
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drkmdyrne: I'm on kde, do you know how on that?10:12
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dyrnedrkm: no :) ive been on flux or blackbox and xfce for a couple years10:13
dyrnedrkm: sry10:13
Skrech_Limod1gital, try a sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and be mindfull of the resolutions you post for your screen10:13
po0f`sudo tail -f /var/log/messages`, then plug in the iPod.10:13
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drkmdyrne: ok, I don't think ls -t is showing me what I need, it's showing me 'ptmx' as the first one, don't think that is right10:13
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dyrnedrkm: po0f's will work too.10:14
d1gitalskrech_limo: i tried that, and the only one checked was 1280x800 (which is the one i want) but it still doesnt work10:14
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eriscowhere can I edit the programs that start up by default? I know I've found this before...10:15
po0fdyrne: No ratpoison yet?  Isn't flux starting to feel bloated?  ;)10:15
Skrech_Limod1gital, tty  with ctrl+f2 ........... sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop ..............then a sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:15
kittyhawkI'm running Edgy, I'd like to try out the compiz stuff10:15
eriscokittyhawk, dang get Beryl10:15
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drkmpo0f: I did that but nothing additional come in my 'messages'10:15
coobracan i se all the installed stuff with a comand ?10:15
eriscokittyhawk, #beryl I believe10:15
kittyhawkok, thanks.10:15
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christof-krwhere could high software interrupt load come from? its 25-30%10:16
po0fdrkm: So, you opened a Konsole, typed in that command, and (keeping Konsole open), plugged in the iPod?10:16
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drkmpo0f: that's right10:16
po0fdrkm: That's weird, is there anything wrong with the iPod?10:17
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drkmpo0f: nah the ipod works fine, it works in windows and is definately getting power from the usb10:17
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po0fdrkm: Is it still plugged in?  Type `mount`.10:17
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drkmpo0f: well I don't think it is mounted because I haven't been able to find anything in /dev to mount.. what am I looking for in the mount list?10:18
po0fdrkm: Any /dev/sdXY entries.10:18
derFloWhat does this mean? It's the Net-Log from SIM (Simple Instant Messenger):10:18
derFlo31/01/2007 22:15:08 [DBG]  Message from 246805938 [0002] 10:18
derFlo31/01/2007 22:15:08 [WRN]  Unknown type: 1706610:18
derFlo31/01/2007 22:15:09 [DBG]  Message from 246805938 [0002] 10:18
derFlo31/01/2007 22:15:09 [WRN]  Unknown type: 1706610:18
derFlo31/01/2007 22:15:09 [DBG]  Message from 246805938 [0002] 10:18
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derFlo31/01/2007 22:15:09 [WRN]  Unknown type: 1706610:18
Skrech_Limod1gital, does that thing have beryl installed on it?  I did have that problem in the past except mine was the opposite as in larger10:18
derFlo31/01/2007 22:15:10 [DBG]  Request auto response 33589102810:18
derFlo31/01/2007 22:15:10 [DBG]  Level: 1194 [09C4 0014] 10:18
derFlo31/01/2007 22:15:10 [DBG]  Ack message10:18
derFlo31/01/2007 22:15:10 [DBG]  Ack: 1578569672 2097493208 (335891028)10:18
derFlo31/01/2007 22:15:11 [DBG]  Autoreply from 335891028 ruft mich einfach an, hab DICH auch lieb!10:19
derFlo31/01/2007 22:16:28 [DBG]  Request auto response 31137605010:19
derFlo31/01/2007 22:16:28 [DBG]  Level: 1194 [09C4 0014] 10:19
derFlo31/01/2007 22:16:28 [DBG]  Ack message10:19
derFlo31/01/2007 22:16:28 [DBG]  Ack: 1825700079 1033858632 (311376050)10:19
derFlo31/01/2007 22:16:28 [DBG]  Autoreply from 311376050 Der Benutzer ist zurzeit abwesend.10:19
d1gitalskrech_lino: yes, beryl is installed10:19
derFlo[Currently away] 10:19
yommerr.. derflo10:19
derFloI cant read messages from ICQ 5 Client users10:19
Artemis3what is the name of the graphical installer binary in the livecd desktop cds?10:19
drkmpo0f: nah no sd* anything.. even if I ls /dev no sd* anything10:19
Skrech_Limoder0b, there is a pastebin10:19
gnomefreakderFlo: please use pastebin10:19
derFloyomm: sorry didnt know that the whole log is in the clipboard10:19
po0fdrkm: `cat /proc/bus/usb/devices`10:19
derFlobut at least i need a solution for it...10:19
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d1gitalskrech_limo: beryl is installed, is that the problem?10:20
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po0fdrkm: Does it show up in there?10:20
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Skrech_Limod1gital, with nvidia drivers?  do you think you can uninstall it and load the script they have at beryl-project.org10:20
Skrech_Limothat script is sweet10:20
Skrech_Limocompared to doing it by hand10:20
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dyrneprez_32: hi10:21
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prez_32hay algn espaol/a en la sala?10:21
drkmpo0f: I'm looking for sd* again?10:21
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dyrne!es| prez_3210:21
ubotuprez_32: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.10:21
d1gital*sigh* gotta go... will continue quest for good-looking resolution later10:21
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dyrneprez_32: :)10:21
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po0fdrkm: You're looking for something that looks like your iPod.  ;)  Try `cat /proc/bus/usb/devices | grep Apple`.10:22
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Skrech_Limod1gital, I think it might be a driver issue10:22
drkmpo0f: nah, nothing10:22
hoarycrippleanyone know of a decent script to change permissions on multiple files in multible subdirectories? I'd rather not have to do it manually.10:23
po0fdrkm: Have you tried a different USB port?10:23
dyrnedrkm: maybe you have a front usb port and ports on  back of comp? might try another port10:23
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d1gitalskrech_Limo: where do i find this script? i am looking around beryl-project.org10:23
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drkmpo0f: ah fuck, I think my other usb might be draining all the power.. hold on10:24
LjL!language | drkm10:24
ubotudrkm: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:24
drkmhumbug ;)10:24
Skrech_Limod1gital, is that computer using nvidia?10:24
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Skrech_Limod1gital, http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu_Edgy_with_nVidia10:25
Maximilian1stHi folks :-)10:25
tito_linuxAre there any issues in dual booting with Vista?10:25
Maximilian1stDoes anyone know what it means when making the madwifi driver from svn and it complains about ath_hal.ko being GPL only?10:25
po0fdrkm: Any luck?10:25
po0ftito_linux: Yes, you still have Windows on your box.  ;)10:26
drkmpo0f: brilliant yeah my other USB was draining all the power so wouldn't mount.. got it now I think :d thanks10:26
tito_linuxpo0f: It's not for me, it is for a possible convert.10:26
drkmdyrne: thanks too !10:26
po0fdrkm: np10:26
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tito_linuxIf Vista is installed, will UBuntu configure a dual boot? Or are there issues?10:26
LjLUbotu, tell tito_linux about dualboot | tito_linux, see the private message from Ubotu10:27
po0ftito_linux: It should configure for dual boot, but I haven't tried it.10:27
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Skrech_Limotito, I read that by default it's better to do windows first and then linux or the mbr writes over things10:27
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dusty_Why does this command not work: update-rc.d iptables default ??10:28
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dusty_What is wrong with that?10:28
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dyrnedusty_: have you done the ubuntu dance? do you have a rattle?10:29
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dusty_I was following a tutorial for setting up iptables, but that command doesn't work, it returns the syntax.10:29
dusty_Any ideas10:29
manuhackany evolution user here?10:29
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josue_mhi, I can read the table of a cpio file with cpio -it -I file, but when I try to recover a file from it with cpio -icvdmu -I file I got "cpio: premature end of file"  any idea or suggestion?10:29
dusty_josue_m, corrupt file?10:30
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tito_linuxYeah, Vista will be first. So if Vista is installed ubuntu will configure a duak boot the same way it did with XP?10:30
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Skrech_Limoyeah, Linux will work it's way in and around10:31
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aibwhy isn't there a package for Flash 9?10:31
chris_shaftoGuys, accidently deleted the contents of most of my /var folder, any way i can get um back10:31
aibor is there?10:31
josue_mdusty_, file was recovered from a tape cartirdge using dd10:31
aibi see one for flash 710:31
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dusty_what is wrong with this: update-rc.d iptables default ?10:32
RugIs there anyway to change the default term that opens on Konq from konsole to xterm?10:32
dyrneaib: there is i think but its just a file dropped in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/10:32
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chris_shaftoGuys, accidently deleted the contents of most of my /var folder, any way i can get um back10:33
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dyrneaib: take that back i dont see one in dapper10:33
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nknwdhello. i'm trying to set a apt-cacher server but on the workstations i get error: 500 (Internal Server Error) Can't connect to http::80 (Bad hostname 'http:')10:34
nknwdwhat can i do?10:34
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nknwdI also get the error:10:34
nknwdFailed to fetch  500 (Internal Server Error) Can't connect to http::80 (Bad hostname 'http:')10:34
YashyCan anyone help with an initramfs issue? http://www.pastebin.ca/33470710:34
kingacehello, i have a hard disk where no matter what i do, i cannot format it. within gparted, when i try to create a new partition, i "cannot set new disklabel" and the command line shows a bunch of "error reading inodes" suggestions?10:35
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chris_shaftoGuys, accidently deleted the contents of most of my /var folder, any way i can get um back please?10:35
illriginalDoes anyone know how to troubleshoot sound?10:35
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teitungeis there a way to disable my internal speakers - and use only the jack-plugged external ones? laptop.10:36
rbs-titoillriginal: What ammunition are you firing?10:36
dusty_Is anyone familiar with update-rc.d?10:36
illriginalWell basically put, linux recognizes my sound card, but it doesn't play sound, also when i restart my PC... i notce the sound icon is always muted.10:36
illriginali don't know what i should do.10:36
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juancgtHello. Can someone help me setting up an external screen with my laptop?10:37
aibFlash 9 for Linux doesn't even seem to be available from Adobe's site. They link to it, but direct you to a page for Flash 710:37
teitungejuancgt: what seems to be the problem?10:37
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juancgtteitunge: I don't know how to set it up. "Ej. Make it display something'10:37
illriginaldid ya get that rbs-tito?10:37
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teitungehave you tried to connect the monitor to the laptop? :P10:38
teitunges-video og vga-cable?10:38
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juancgtteitunge: i run 19200x1600 + bery; + ati-drivers, and I want to add a 17"in...10:38
chris_shaftoGuys, accidently deleted the contents of most of my /var folder, any way i can get um back please?10:39
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rbs-titoillriginal: Have you tried playing with the mixer? it might have been an update because mie recently set itself to bad settings (PCM level was way low)10:39
teitungejuancgt: you want to use two monitors?10:39
juancgtteitunge: Yes.10:39
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teitungejuancgt: that's under development, I guess10:39
CyberSlugGreetings all: I have recently installed Ubuntu, however, in the process, the partition table seems to have been lost. Ubuntu works fine, but Windows just reports with a blue screen. Additionally, it is not nice not to be able to modify partitions10:39
CyberSlugAny ideas?10:39
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teitungeread many articles about ppl not getting the hang of it10:39
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Thedudeisinks913anyone mind helping me real quick like?10:39
juancgtteitunge: Or do something useful with it. someone told me I could run it as a different screen :210:39
teitungeCyberSlug: gdm or kde?10:40
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khoaanyone here an ubuntu+beryl user?10:40
CyberSlugteitunge, I cannot see the relevance, but gdm10:40
CyberSlugkhoa, I am.10:40
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juancgtkhoa: Me.10:40
gnomefreakkhoa: ask in #ubuntu-xgl a bunch of them are :)10:40
teitungeCyberSlug: sudo fdisk -l would give you an overview - gparted would give you the ability to change them.10:40
khoaCyberSlug: hey does your upper panel bar not follow the gnome theme anymore10:41
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illriginalmixer settings?10:41
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illriginali put all the volumes up10:41
teitungeCyberSlug: because if you were a KDE-guy, you would probably prefer qt-based software?10:41
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CyberSlugteitunge, IF the partition table still existed. It is gone.10:41
illriginaland chose my sound crd.10:41
nknwdhello. i'm trying to set a apt-cacher server but on the workstations i get error: 500 (Internal Server Error) Can't connect to http::80 (Bad hostname 'http:')10:41
khoaoh hey then, here's a quick question for any of you, when i started up in xgl/beryl i noticed that my panel's looked weird10:41
CyberSlugteitunge, Or at the very least, half gone.10:41
khoalike they didn't follow the theme anymore10:41
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teitungeare you sure the drive haven't turned RAW?10:41
illriginalkhoa go here: #beryl10:41
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khoayeah, i'm in there, haven't gotten a response10:42
CyberSlugteitunge, What do you mean, raw?10:42
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khoafigured maybe someone in here had run into it10:42
Thedudeisinks913anyone care to help me real quick.. fresh install of ubuntu 6.06.1 on my slow laptop.. can't get gnome to come up..10:42
teitungeThedudeisinks913: Any message which pops up?10:42
CyberSlugteitunge, I doubt that the partitions are entyirely gone, because linux works, and I can access the Windows partition (if that is what you mean)10:42
chris_shaftoGuys, accidently deleted the contents of most of my /var folder, any way i can get um back please?10:42
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Thedudeisinks913i'm at console10:42
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lev_hi, gok isn't working for me10:42
Thedudeisinks913every reboot brings me to console.. i login and such.. but i was hoping for gnome10:42
lev_it tells me i'm missing /dev/js010:42
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illriginalCan anyone help me trouble shoot my sound? It's not playing sound but it does recognize my sound card.10:42
lev_i have never heard of js010:43
teitungeofcourse they arent gone. the installation probably moved the information around on the harddrive, if it was resized?10:43
kamuihaving a wierd problem with my sound too10:43
illriginali dont want to go back to kde ><10:43
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kamuiif Im root, I can use alsamixer to adjust the device, but my regular users can't access the soundcards10:43
alephantHi all10:43
teitungeyou could access and read the windows-partition in ubuntu?10:43
illriginalbut kde seems to have no problems with my hardware.10:43
alephantHow can I renumber my md arrays?10:43
kamuiwhat did I screw up10:43
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alephantI switched SATA controllers, and now md0 is md210:43
alephantgrub and fstab are -- understandingly -- complaining10:43
alephanthow can I renumber the arrays?10:43
Thedudeisinks913how do i boot up gnome from command console?10:44
CyberSlugteitunge, None of the partitions were resized. I reinstalled everything to fix the same problem10:44
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Skrech_Limo/etc/init.d/gdm start10:44
Janne_DoeThedudeisinks913, probably with a command like start-gnome I think10:44
illriginalCan anyone help me trouble shoot my sound? It's not playing sound but it does recognize my sound card. Please Help.10:44
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CyberSlugteitunge, Only - as soon as I installed Ubuntu, pfft!10:44
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Janne_DoeThedudeisinks913, Try startgnome10:45
Thedudeisinks913i can't even access the file system.. it's command console..   says:                oem@portege:~#10:45
Thedudeisinks913Janne_Doe. command not found10:45
teitungeThedudeisinks913: startx10:45
Skrech_Limooem is designated default you need to set up users10:46
Thedudeisinks913all commands not found10:46
teitungesudo apt-get install xorg10:46
Janne_DoeThedudeisinks913, start <tab><tab>10:46
Thedudeisinks913yeah.. i actually got root on there :)10:46
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kamuiok, even better question10:47
teitungeThedudeisinks913: sudo su -10:47
teitungewould make you root10:47
kamuiWHICH /dev/'s do I need to chmod to enable other users to use my sound devices10:47
kamuiIm not familiar with the alsa devices10:47
kamuiold OSS man myself ;)10:47
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Thedudeisinks913i unlocked the root account.. i'm logged into it now10:47
Skrech_Limoteitunge, I get it with sudo -i10:47
Thedudeisinks913can't get gnome up10:47
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Thedudeisinks913xorg package not found10:48
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teitungeSkrech_Limo: ofcourse you do..but that's slow with qwerty :)10:48
Skrech_Limosudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart10:48
CyberSlugWell.. Thanks anywat teitunge.10:48
tsolerpo0f:L are u here?10:48
tsolerwhat is the command to unzip something?10:48
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Janne_DoeThedudeisinks913, You have to install xserver-xorg10:48
teitungetsoler: what kind of file is it?10:48
fotoflowhat package is cgi.pm in?10:48
Janne_Doeapt-get install xserver-xorg10:49
teitungesudo apt-get install xserver-xorg10:49
fotoflo(in synaptic)10:49
Thedudeisinks913no such file or directory10:49
tsolera zipped folder10:49
teitungetsoler: sudo apt-get install unzip  . .  then unzip <file>10:49
dyrnetsoler: man -k unzip for a list of posssiblities10:49
Skrech_Limoteitunge, is qwerty like sudoku cause I hear that takes some time and I might like that too10:50
Thedudeisinks913ok those packages are installed10:50
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fotoflodoes anyone know which synapitc package CGI.pm resides in10:50
Janne_DoeThedudeisinks913, Just type 'sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg'10:50
Thedudeisinks913xserver-xorg and xorg are installed10:50
teitungeSkrech_Limo: hehe :)10:50
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Thedudeisinks913both xorg and server are installed.. next step to getting to gnome?10:50
Janne_Doetry to run gnome again now10:50
teitungesudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop10:50
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Thedudeisinks913oh sweet10:51
Thedudeisinks913teitunge: then what?10:51
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espereguanyone knows how I can configure my xorg.conf so the TV in twinview mode on my geforce will not have a small offset? (I get a small black bar now on the left)10:51
alephantanybody?  How to renumber md arrays to fix md0-now-called-md1-fstab-broken?10:51
Janne_DoeYou need to install gdm too10:51
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teitungeJanne_Doe: isnt gdm a part of ubuntu-desktop?10:51
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Thedudeisinks913apt-get install gdm?10:51
Gabby_Hayesso, will  sudo apt-get install dummy-proof-pkg  help?  :-)10:51
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Janne_DoeI don't know teitunge10:52
teitungeThedudeisinks913: already installed ubuntu-desktop?10:52
Thedudeisinks913it's working right now10:52
teitungejust remember sudo in front of apt-get commands10:52
teitungeah, okay10:52
lassehi. im having some problems with getting apache to serve php right. when i log on to http//localhost/index.php the browser will only offer me to DL the index.php file. Ive install apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-gd. What can be wrong?10:52
teitungewhat did you get in response of startx earlier?10:52
Thedudeisinks913why sudo?10:52
NetCruZaI have a 1.4 GB movie file, that i need to move. But i only have a 1 GB USB stick. So i split the files using the 'split' command, but how do i put them back together again?10:52
Thedudeisinks913i logged into root account and i'm not even using sudo10:52
teitungewhen you are root, you don't have to use sudo :)10:53
thoreauputicNetCruZa: cat part1 part2 > completfile10:53
teitungebut, you arent using irssi as root?10:53
Janne_DoeWell, I'm gonna sleep. See ya!10:53
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teitungethat would be stupid :P10:53
teitungesleep tight Janne_Doe10:53
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NetCruZathoreauputic: and that will work even when it is not a text file?10:53
thoreauputicNetCruZa: try it :)10:54
Skrech_LimoThedudeisinks913, enjoy!!10:54
Thedudeisinks913so yes.. says like 20 minutes left on installation10:54
NetCruZathoreauputic: Okay ;b10:54
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Thedudeisinks913so will it reboot to gnome then?10:54
kamuinevermind, figured it out on my own10:54
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thoreauputicNetCruZa: should work as long as you get the order right ;-)10:54
teitungebut you could try10:54
Thedudeisinks913i'll remember that.. i'll be back in 15-20 when it's done10:54
teitungealright :)10:54
Thedudeisinks913thank you for all your help10:54
teitungegood luck!10:54
teitungeno problem mate..just ask if you need anything else10:55
Thedudeisinks913i would pay you for your help if i had money, lol10:55
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Gabby_HayesNetCruZa  .. remove all the commercials, then the movie may fit.  (can you compress it? )10:55
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kevin_anyone know how well ubuntu runs on tablet pc's ?10:55
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NetCruZaGabby_Hayes: There's no commercials, the file is DivX, and it doesn't help much to compress it (neither rar, zip og tar.gz)10:55
thoreauputicNetCruZa: ah - should be cat part1 part2 >> completefile10:55
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hitammanisgenii: are you around10:56
thoreauputicNetCruZa: two >> or it will clobber part1 with part210:56
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hitammanishello everyone10:56
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NetCruZathoreauputic: Okay, thanks10:56
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FerretUh, no it won't10:56
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hitammanisteitunge: do you know how to install ubuntu on a usb flash drive10:57
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tsolerhow can i unlock my usr/local folder?10:58
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thoreauputictsoler: writing to /usr/local requires sudo or gksudo for your editor etc10:59
Megaqwertydo I need to keep files like "core.5372" that I have found in my home directory?10:59
hitammaniscan someone show me how to install ubuntu on a usb flash drive11:00
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thoreauputicMegaQuark_: those are core dumps - they happen after a crash11:00
illriginalCan someone please tell me how to have full read/write access to my Primary slave drive? HDB1 Ext partitioned hard drive?11:00
hitammanisor point me in the right direction11:00
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thoreauputicMegaQuark_: only useful for debugging11:00
Megaqwertythoreauputic: okay, thanks. And why does everyone confuse me with MegaQuark_?11:01
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espereguanyone knows how I can configure my xorg.conf so the TV in twinview mode on my geforce will not have a small offset? (I get a small black bar now on the left)11:01
Gabby_Hayeshitammanis  .. you can get a book called  "Ubuntu Hacking"  by Oxer, Rankin, and Childer (O'Reilly) which has a chapter on that (from a library)11:01
thoreauputicMegaqwerty: tab completion errors :) sorry11:01
Yoooderhitammanis: try google11:01
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Megaqwertythoreaputic: tab completion? What irc program are you using?11:02
illriginalCan someone please tell me how to have full read/write access to my Primary slave drive? HDB1 Ext partitioned hard drive. Please help.11:02
hitammanisYooder: Tried that11:02
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thoreauputicMegaQuark_: all decent irc clients do nick tab completion11:02
hitammanisGabby_Hayes: Thanks11:02
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Yoooderhitammanis: http://arstechnica.com/articles/columns/linux/linux-20041109.ars11:02
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Megaqwertythoreauputic: wow, I didn't realize that I had that ability11:03
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thoreauputicMegaqwerty: heh I did it again :)11:03
Yoooderhitammanis: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&hs=ha2&q=%2B%22install+ubuntu%22+%2Bon+OR+%2Bto+%22flash+drive%22&btnG=Search11:03
Megaqwertythoreauputic: that's cool!11:03
Yoooderhitammanis: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1062799&postcount=10011:03
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thoreauputicMegaqwerty: I tend to be too quick on the tab key and enter11:03
Megaqwertythoreauputic: that's alright11:03
RoscarHi, I want to do a small upgrade to my video card as it's quite old and not well supported under linux. I currently have an ati 9200SE. I'm wondering if somebody can recommend a cheap card that they've found the binary drivers work well for.11:03
po0ftsoler: What is it?11:04
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Roscaroh, I only have an agp slot, not pci-e11:04
YoooderRoscar: What kind of power are you looking for?11:04
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YoooderRoscar: I'm a big fan of GeForce 4200, 4400 and 4600 Ti's.  Should be able to get at least a 128mb for maybe $30-$40, and they're about the same speed as a 550011:05
illriginalCan someone please tell me how to have full read/write access to my Primary slave drive? HDB1 Ext partitioned hard drive. Please help.11:05
Roscaryoooder: not much power. I want direct rendering to be enabled and I've had trouble with the ati binary drivers.11:05
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po0fillriginal: What filesystem is on it?11:05
NetCruZathoreauputic: Doesn't seem to work11:05
YoooderRoscar: I just got a GeForce 6600 for $50 on eBay a few weeks ago, it runs Beryl and MythTV in OpenGL mode like a champ11:05
illriginalit's media/hdb111:06
itacadcr hablas espaol11:06
NetCruZathoreauputic: It can play the 1st part of the movie, but the it just freezes11:06
illriginalalready mounted, just need to write/read on it11:06
thoreauputicNetCruZa: hmm11:06
NetCruZathoreauputic: I am going to download HJSplit now11:06
po0fillriginal: Is it mounted?  `sudo chown -R <user> /media/hdb1`11:06
thoreauputicNetCruZa: possibly it lacks some kind of header for part211:06
mena_i had installed all thing to make a complie but i got his at the end of lines11:06
mena_checking for KDE... configure: error:11:06
mena_in the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. This will fail.11:06
mena_So, check this please and use another prefix!11:06
NetCruZathoreauputic: It might work11:06
RoscarYoooder: that's exactly the sort of thing I'm looking for. Do you happen to know if it's much better than the Radeon 9200SE?11:06
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itacaacabo de instalar ubuntu11:06
illriginalok hold on11:07
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itacahaber si me podias echar una mano11:07
cafuego_Roscar: Well, that depends. it performs far better 3D wise, but you need non-open drivers.11:07
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hitammanisYooder: I tried the post label Ubuntu on a USB Pen Drive Revisited and the one from pendrivelinux, and It appear to work fined but when I make a change to something like the desktop and reboot I get either some session error or var/log/lastlog locked\write error... What am I doing wrong11:07
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.11:07
Roscarcafuego:That's fine for me.11:07
RoscarThanks for your suggestions.11:08
NetCruZathoreauputic: Thats what i thought... But when they are put together it shouldn't be a problem?11:08
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thoreauputicNetCruZa: it *should* work - don't know why it doesn't11:08
YoooderRoscar: the 6600 or high-end 5000 series nVidia's should outperform the 9200 by a good bit11:08
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NetCruZathoreauputic: Well.... I wil just have to install HJSplit then :) thx anyway11:09
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illriginalpo0f I wish there were more poeple like you, who understand the question and gives a straight answer, instead of beatin around the bush and givin all sorts of different options11:09
thoreauputicNetCruZa: I've done it with mp3s - but agmittedly there tended ro be a click between parts11:09
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DCR|itaca: si recibiste mi PM?11:09
illriginalthanks a lot po0f, that's exactly what I needed :P11:09
thoreauputichmm s/agmittedly/admittedly11:09
nn531how do install activeX11:09
po0fillriginal: It depends on the question.  :)  That was a relatively easy issue you were having.11:09
nn531or where can i get it rather11:09
NetCruZathoreauputic: Okay...11:09
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thoreauputicnn531: erm - active X is a windows thing, thank goodness11:10
illriginalNo one get advise from ForgeAus he's a disaster waitin to happen11:10
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illriginalvery true po0f11:10
illriginaladvise - advice*11:10
mena_any idea11:10
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illriginalthanks again po0f :D11:10
nn531thoreauputic: well then how can i watch aol's tv on demand?11:10
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thoreauputicnn531: you probably can't11:11
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thoreauputicnn531: activeX is evil anyway :)11:11
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yommwow E17 is really nice , just got transparency to work :)11:11
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Gabby_Hayesnn531  .. that is the Linux kernel rejecting any AOL stuff ... (j/k)  <G>11:11
nn531gabby_hayes: i would reject it too11:11
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lev_hi, gok isn't working for me11:12
lev_it tells me i'm missing /dev/js011:12
lev_i have never heard of js011:12
lev_any advice?11:12
po0flev_: /dev/input/js011:12
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fromvegaWhere are the SWAP files? I need to delete a SWAP file but I don't know where to find it. Could you help?11:13
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lontrais oo.org2.1 available for edgy anywhere?11:13
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lev_fromvega: you don't want to do that11:13
fromvegaVIM is telling me too11:13
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nn531so does anyone know activex alternatives for linux?11:13
fromvegalev_:  If you did this already, delete the swap file ".named.conf.options.swp"11:13
fromvega    to avoid this message.11:13
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po0ffromvega: Usually in the directory the file is in.  'filename.swp' or something like that.11:13
SoundGuyevening all11:14
lev_po0f: first, it's not there11:14
jmspeexcrimsun: any news of what's happening with the amd64 Speex update on Dapper11:14
SoundGuycan someone point me to the ubuntu server nstallation faq ?11:14
lev_po0f: second, how do i get gok to think it is, or not need it?11:14
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Skrech_Limonn531, google might11:14
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adaptrnn531: if by "alternatives" you mean things that are functionally compatible, then no - activeX is a security nightmare11:14
nn531skrech_limo: thanks jackass11:14
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hitammanisYooder: are you still here11:15
yommnn531 what you want activex for ?11:15
po0flev_: `find ~ -type f -iname "*.swp"11:15
abohow can I disable the shortcut "Shift+BackSpace" ?11:16
thoreauputicyomm: AOL *shudder*11:16
nn531yomm: im tryin to watch aol's tv thing because i temporarily dont have cable11:16
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lev_you mean fromvega, right po0f?11:16
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yommok i c11:16
nedobrowskyHow much space does Ubuntu Server 6.10 need on its partition?11:16
SoundGuyquesition : installing ubuntu 6.06 TLS, i didn't get asked about root password. is there a default one ?11:16
NetCruZathoreauputic: HJSplit installs fine on my laptop, but on the other computer it gives me errors when typing "make"11:16
po0flev_: Yeah, him too.  ;)11:16
lev_SoundGuy: there will never be one11:16
lev_SoundGuy: you can't use root11:17
SoundGuyrally ?11:17
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SoundGuyno su ?11:17
lev_SoundGuy: that's right11:17
lev_only sudo11:17
SoundGuyreally now.11:17
hitammanisGabby_Hayes: Thanks11:17
SoundGuyi'm new to ubuntu11:17
Skrech_Limonn531 is missing out on Ugly Betty, she needs to catch up11:17
lev_you can use sudo -i, which imitates su11:17
po0flev_: What were you asking about again? /dev/js0?11:17
lev_well, i don't particularly care about that device11:17
lev_but i care about gok11:17
SoundGuyis there any console configureation utility with text gui ?11:17
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po0flev_: Ok, what is 'gok'?  It doesn't ring a bell.11:18
lev_SoundGuy: i don't know what you're talking about11:18
lev_gnome onscreen keyboard11:18
SoundGuylike linuxconf in redhat11:18
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hitammanisCould someone give a hand please, I tried the post label Ubuntu on a USB Pen Drive Revisited and the one from pendrivelinux, and It appear to work fined but when I make a change to something like the desktop and reboot I get either some session error or var/log/lastlog locked\write error... What am I doing wrong11:18
lev_SoundGuy: it's not redhat11:18
SoundGuyi know. i'm trying to figure out heads and tales with it11:18
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lev_SoundGuy: however, if you want to reconfigure a package, you can always run dpkg-reconfigure11:18
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krangany ideas as to why this command right out of time's man page tells me "-f: command not found": time -f "%E real,%U user,%S sys" ls -Fs  ?11:19
Skrech_Limotelevision withdrawals are rough11:19
nn531Skrech_Limo: oh haha your so funny, what are you like 14.. go play world of warcraft11:19
Skrech_Limoit's like coming off of haroin11:19
nedobrowskyAnd it's spelled Heroin11:20
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Skrech_Limoyeah, I don't use insults either.......... pretty strange for a 14 year old I'd say11:20
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lev_krang: -f is after the command11:20
boyraceri need help figuring out how to ftp files that are located on a samba drive11:20
krangSkrech_Limo: Supreme commander's out in just over 2 weeks, it'll make a nice replacement addiction11:20
boyraceranyone interested in helping me out?11:20
fromvegaIt's driving me crazy! Vim is telling me to delete the swap file from a crashed session. But I cant find it! Help!11:20
kranglev: why on earth is it wrong in the man page then? Time's been around as long as linux, hasn't it?11:21
lev_fromvega: find ~ -type f -iname "*.swp"11:21
concept10fromvega, use nano11:21
fromvegalev_: found nothing11:21
lev_krang: time's actually a bash command11:21
lev_so it's not really a program11:21
fromvegacancept10: ok, but I need to delete it now...11:21
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kranglev_: well, there you go. I didn't actually know that :-)11:21
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boyracerfromvega, usually it gives you an option to delete it in that warning11:22
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kranglev_: So how *should* I type that? swapping the command and the -f "<format>" doesn't work eeither11:22
fromvegaboyracer: can't find11:22
concept10fromvega, swap files in vim are just backups, do you need a previous version?11:22
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lev_krang: doesn't work in what way11:22
boyracersounds like he just wants to delete it11:22
fromvegaconcept10: just need to stop vim presenting that message11:22
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boyraceris there a way to access files on a samba drive from the command line?11:23
concept10I usually just use edit anyway11:23
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kranglev_: Could you do a confused man a favour and just correct this for me: time -f "%E" ls11:23
`Penumbrawow lots of people in here11:23
YashyCan anyone help with an initramfs issue? http://www.pastebin.ca/33470711:23
boyracerfromvega, try ls -a and see if it's a hidden file11:23
`Penumbracan anyone help me out11:23
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thoreauputic`Penumbra: it's an illusion - most of us are bots11:24
`Penumbrai just downloaded the iso file and burned it to a bootable cd using nero11:24
dyrnehey guys can you use the convert command on an automated gif? if not what is the easiest way to scale it?11:24
`Penumbraand when i try and boot with it it doesnt work correctly11:24
thoreauputic`Penumbra: burn it as an image11:24
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lev_krang: i would say `time ls -- -f "%E"`, but that seems wrong as well11:24
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lev_krang: wow, time's a piece of shit11:24
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boyracercome on guys, don't make me go to #gentoo, they're intimidating :)11:24
fromvegaboyracer: good! there is the file! hidden, pretty little *****11:24
dyrneconvert seems too generic for me to google..11:24
thoreauputic`Penumbra: I'm bbetting you just burnt it as a file11:24
LjL!language | lev_11:24
ubotulev_: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:24
kranglev_: told you dude11:24
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fromvegaboyracer: tks11:24
hitammanisnevermind i give up!!!11:24
`Penumbrano its a iso file11:24
JamesGDoes anyone have a suggestion for a convenient tool to take a flac file and conver it to mp3?11:25
LjLboyracer, of course, mount the samba share and use the normal commands11:25
gh0stso i need a minimal, fast, light-weight linux in addition to ubuntu, what would you say?11:25
LjLUbotu, tell boyracer about samba | boyracer, see the private message from Ubotu11:25
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thoreauputic`Penumbra: it's an iso image file11:25
lev_gh0st: arch11:25
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LjLboyracer: mount -t cifs //server/share /mount/point -o username=you11:25
LjLafter installing smbfs11:25
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thoreauputic`Penumbra: you need to burn it as an image11:25
`Penumbrahow do i do that11:25
`Penumbrai just used nero to burn it11:25
lev_JamesG: soundconverter11:25
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krang`Penumbra: open up nero and under one of the menus there should be a "burn ISO image" option.11:26
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`Penumbraill check11:26
JamesGlev_: I'll give it a try, thanks.11:26
thoreauputic`Penumbra: http://www.google.com.au/search?client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&channel=s&hl=en&q=burn+iso+nero+windows&meta=&btnG=Google+Search11:26
gh0stlev_ : tried, but it's almost like ubuntu in the size, i want a "working out of the box" minimal linux with only essential programs11:26
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krang`Penumbra: Just look all over it for the keywords "burn ISO"11:26
lev_gh0st: are you kidding me?11:26
krang`Penumbra: when you see them, click on them :-)11:26
cafuego_Burn Image is under the file menu.11:27
lev_gh0st: it's almost like ubuntu in size?11:27
whoniccacan someone help me out installing wine11:27
lev_gh0st: arch is as minimal as can be11:27
`Penumbraah yes11:27
krangso, nobody here knows how to make time work with a format string? I know the man page doesn't11:27
whoniccawhen i do a winecfg i get the following, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3642/11:27
`Penumbrafound burn image11:27
whoniccanothing i try to edit saves11:27
krang`Penumbra: hit that yo!11:27
boyracerthanks, LjL11:27
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NetCruZa"Crash Report Detected" shows up in the top right corner every time i start up my PC. It doesn't help to click on it :s11:28
`Penumbraill be back if it doesnt work11:28
boingolovI keep trying to manually set up an interface using ifconfig, but dhclient keeps respawning and blanking out the IP address11:28
boingolovhow can I stop this from happening?11:28
compengiwhy when i use rdesktop program and get connected to a windows pc and when i scroll down a file i will see it scrambled so that i need to minimize and maximize the screen to be able to read it11:28
krang`Penumbra: Best of luck :-)11:28
krang`Penumbra: and I bet you're back if it does work as well :-)11:29
kingacehow do i mount a partition read-only?11:29
`Penumbraim sure i will be11:29
boingolovkingace, mount -o ro11:29
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boingolovor put that in /etc/fstab11:29
`Penumbraif i can figure out how to get irc on ubuntu11:30
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`Penumbrais it true that you lose all your files that you dont back up when you install ubuntu?11:30
Ferretboingolov: Usually that only happens if you have lines begining with auto in /etc/network/interfaces11:30
kingaceboingolov: how do i do a force mount, also?11:30
drxsay, does anyone know if Unbuntu has an option to create a recovery disk that saves your paritition table information and can be used to put it back if it gets damanged?11:30
gh0stlev_: nevermind, i found damn small linux, puppy linux and feather linux which are between 50 and 120 mb.11:30
whoniccawhen i do a winecfg i get the following, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3642/11:30
whoniccacan someone help me plz11:30
krang`Penumbra: yeah, that's important, just open "Synaptic package manager" from system->administration and search for xchat. We'll get you from there :-D11:30
boingolovFerret, I've commented that out and ran ifdown -a11:30
VigoFusedrx: Yes11:30
lev_gh0st: wow11:30
lev_gh0st: that's different man11:31
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drxVigoFuse, where?11:31
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Skrech_Limo`Penumbra, an install deletes the partition you want or the whole hardrive prior to setup11:31
Ferretwhonicca: Try running wine once without arguments and see if it still happens.  otherwise, try sudo dpkg-reconfigure wine11:32
Jimb00bhi i was on the other day asking questionand have been getting set to swith to linux. well my dad is also planing to make the leap... Only things he runs is two programs one called skype the other called echolink. was wondering if these two programs would work in ubuntu? or do i need wine for it?11:32
kingacehow do i force mount a partition11:32
VigoFusedrx: I am looking again. I am on a win box, it was in Admin *sotheing*11:32
whoniccaFerret, ok11:32
boyracerhow do i list possible servernames?11:32
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`Penumbraill be back11:32
Skrech_Limo`Penumbra, IRC as in an IRC server? or xchat?11:32
gh0stlev_:? why? what do you mean11:32
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`Penumbrao shoot11:32
`Penumbrait works11:32
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`Penumbraas soon as it was burnt11:33
`Penumbrait opened itself11:33
`Penumbraand its going crazy11:33
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krangSkrech_Limo: Hold your horses, he hasn't even got linux fully booted yet, he won't be installing an IRC server anytime soon. Not on purpose anyway :-)11:33
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lev_gh0st: i thought you meant minimal as in non-usb stick minimal11:33
NetCruZaI desperatly need to split a big file down to smaller parts, and then join them again later. What is the easiest way to do that? I tried 'split' but it doesn't work with movies11:33
VigoFusedrx: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3508711:33
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krang`Penumbra: It's probably windows having an allergic reaction to open source11:33
_justinanyone here ever get a dlink dwl-520 wireless card to work in linux?11:33
`Penumbrano its giving me ubuntu as a browser11:34
`Penumbraand i can open gimp11:34
`Penumbraand thunderbird11:34
whoniccaFerret, http://pastebin.ca/33484611:34
Ferretboingolov: Hrmm.  Not using the hostap driver by any chance, are you?  That tries to do a lot of annoyingly clever crap11:34
Skrech_Limokrang, hey, I'm just trying to establish a connection, but they haen't responded so I might be safe11:34
krang_justin: no, but look I can find you a couple of pages for compatibility pages if you give me a minute11:34
krangSkrech_Limo: lol11:34
Ferretwhonicca: I mean just run 'wine' with no arguments.  Last time I used wine (about a year ago) that set lots of stuff up for me11:34
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whoniccafor me it needs an arguement or it just gives me a list of em11:35
whoniccaoops wrong window11:35
boyracerin my file explorer i can see the servers in "Samba Shares" but they don't work in fstab??11:35
_justinkrang: thanks, i've tried ndiswrapper but so far no luck with it11:35
gh0stlev_: well i did , but you install the thtree mentioned to disk too11:35
whoniccaFerret, http://pastebin.ca/33484711:35
krang_justin: yeah, that's the worst case. Hopefully you can find a proper driver for it11:35
VigoFusedrx: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup11:36
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lev_gh0st: yeah, yeah11:36
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krang_justin: there's a 520M listed here: http://madwifi.org/wiki/Compatibility#DWLG520M11:36
AJIEXAhi all11:37
krang_justin: that prolly won't work though, have a read and see.11:37
espereguhow can I automaticly start a programe when I log in (loggin in with X/gdm)11:37
krang_justin: this page has some good info: http://users.linpro.no/janl/hardware/wifi.html11:37
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_justinalright thanks krang11:37
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boingolovFerret, this is actually wired ethernet11:38
_justini'll look through that and see if i can get somethin going11:38
krang_justin: np. best of luck. wifi in linux is a bloody nightmare11:38
Aggrav8dcan anyone assist me with proftpd config?  I've already asked in their forum and had no response.11:38
Ferretwhonicca: Hrrm, looks like you have a stale wine directory interfering with the newer winecfg.  Do you have anything on your fake wine drives you need to keep?11:38
AJIEXAwhere i can read about customize iptables in Ubuntu ??? - i have a config but i don't know the most right way to save this and restore after restart my system11:38
ZambeziAnyone with widescreen in Linux who can take som picture with a digitalcamera?11:38
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Ferretboingolov: Ahh, OK.  Just wondered, because I had that problem, and it was the hostap driver running dhclient when I wasn't looking. c.c11:38
whoniccanot that i know of, i never made one11:38
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krangAJIEXA: use iptables-save > filename after you config your firewall11:38
torrwhat NX is there in Ubuntu?11:38
krangAJIEXA: the put iptables-restore < filename in your startup11:39
Aggrav8dbasically, i start proftpd and there doesn't seem to be any error.  then i ftp to the ip the server doesn't respond.11:39
Ferrettorr: Not much. ;p11:39
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VigoFuse_Awe shucks, I got a skateboard!11:39
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Ferrettorr: try #ubuntu-hardened I guess?11:39
torrFerret: how bout freeNX? 2X?11:39
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Ferrettorr: We might be talking about different things. :D11:40
kranglkm: mustard's not brown, it's yellow. Enough with the french!11:40
espereguanyone knows how a program can be automaticly started when loggin in with gui??11:40
AJIEXAkrang: ok . thx ... but how it' will be apply after restart my system ... - my ubuntu does't have demon "iptables"11:40
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drxVigoFuse, I know how to backup my data, I'm just trying to figure out how to replace the boot partition table, boot files & system files if it gets overwritten.11:41
thoreauputicAJIEXA: yes it does - iptables is built in11:41
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krangAJIEXA: type iptables -L in a terminal right now. if it works, you're good. it's part of the kernel as far as I know, so I think it's alwayts loaded11:41
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Ferrettorr: There're build from source instructions on the freenx website, but otherwise I don't see any of them in the current ubuntu11:41
thoreauputicAJIEXA: unless you did something creative with it ;p11:41
VigoFuse_drx: my bad, Mine did the same thing, lost a drive,11:41
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ubuhello how do i recompile a kernel in ubuntu...becase it gives me error when i make xconfig,make menuconfig,make config,make11:42
thoreauputickrang: AJIEXA  sudo iptables -L ( needs root perms)11:42
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torrFerret: ah, so  I should compile from source?11:42
AJIEXAso.. i just must wright iptables-restore etc .. and it automaticly save forever (after restart)11:42
VigoFuse_drx: I am going to try to reinstall the Grub loader, but I may have to go into BIOS and reset that,11:42
AJIEXAyes yes i know ... thx for all11:43
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AJIEXAi have a troble just in Ubuntu11:43
Ferrettorr: If you really ned that program, I guess it's your only choice at present. ;p11:43
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alephantanybody able to help with this LVM problem?11:43
alephantI have a missing PV.11:43
coobrai need some help11:43
drxVigoFuse, that happened to me two days ago, and the thing is that I need a file that was in an LVM partition and reiserfsck says that the partition table is bad and it cannot recover it... any ideas?11:43
AJIEXAbecause i can't find /etc/sysconfig catalog11:43
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krangAJIEXA: you need to put the "iptables-restore < configfilename" command in a script in /etc/init.d, then type "sudo update-rc.d <scriptname> defaults"11:43
coobrai cant get the lighthttp to go away :x11:43
alephantHow can I remove the LVs that depend on this PV so that I can start the VG and the LVs that don't depend on the PV?11:43
boyracerwhat does this mean "cli_negprot: SMB signing is mandatory and we have disabled it."11:43
Ferrettorr: I suggest you have a search around a bit to see if there are any of them in the ubuntu repository (see http://packages.ubuntu.com/ and google ;p)11:43
krangAJIEXA: that'll insert it into your startup11:44
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AJIEXAkrang: BIG THX :) I try it11:44
theherbalizerhow do i get to the disk manager in 6.10?11:44
krangAJIEXA: good luck :-)11:44
VigoFuse_drx: I am going to boot to Install CD and re-install the Grub loader, I have yet to do that, but it makes sence.11:44
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drxI tried to run a repair installation, but it failed.  It asked me to put in the partition table manually.  Oh, yeah, right!11:45
AJIEXAkrang: now i come to sleep ... :)11:45
krangAJIEXA: nighty night :-)11:45
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espereguanyone knows how a program can be automaticly started when loggin in with gui??11:45
Skrech_Limotheherbalizer, like you want to look at some partition stuff?11:46
boyraceresperegu, you can set that up in "Sessions"11:46
thoreauputicesperegu: which program? Possibly you can put the command in ~/.gnomerc11:46
drxVigoFuse_, yeah, it puts back the GRUB loader, but if the partition table is hosed, it seems to me that you are hosed.11:46
thoreauputicesperegu: or in Sessions as boyracer suggests...11:47
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VigoFuse_drx: Yes, that is what Backups are for. :=)11:47
PuppiesOnAcidIs there anything for linux that is equatable to the MS-DOS DEBUG program?11:47
yommHi when I use fbdev as driver in Xorg.conf , i get an error : dev/fb0 there is no such device ! I can see fb0 listed in the device section .... any clues ??11:47
=== Bidou` [n=Bidou__@cla92-3-82-228-33-25.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
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drxthe system was 3 days old, I didn't get that far11:47
nfp|kelnokyok, experts: name me a nice download manager - excluding Downloader for X11:48
espereguboyracer: thoreauputic dankegon!11:48
krangPuppiesOnAcid: I dunno what DEBUG does, but strace <command> will show you the system calls11:48
nfp|kelnokyand except aria - only if you can tell me how I tell that thing how to download multiple links at once^^11:48
Skrech_Limotheherbalizer, where'd ya go???     .......  anyways, I think you need to use 'parted'11:48
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PuppiesOnAcidkrang: It's for writing and testing assembly11:49
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thoreauputicnfp|kelnoky: wget ;p11:49
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VigoFuse_Let me attempt a repair now, I thank you all kindly.11:49
krangPuppiesOnAcid: yeek, that's way beyond me :-)11:49
nfp|kelnokythoreauputic: I need a program that allows links which require authentication11:49
boyracercan anyone help me with: "cli_negprot: SMB signing is mandatory and we have disabled it."11:49
thoreauputicnfp|kelnoky: you can do that with wget11:49
Jimb00bhi i was on the other day asking questions and have been getting set to switch to linux. well my dad is also planing to make the leap... Only things he runs is two programs one called skype the other called echolink. was wondering if these two programs would work in ubuntu? or does he need wine for it? or something else?11:49
=== compDo [n=Chris@dslb-084-060-051-231.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
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compDoWhen I try to change the size of the core dump with "ulimit -c 1024" I get the error message "-bash: ulimit: core file size: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted". Any ideas what's wrong?11:50
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krangPuppiesOnAcid: At risk of sounding haughty, did you have a good google? There must be something out there11:50
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@adsl-2-32.37-151.net24.it] by tonyyarusso
icebird_For some time now I have been trying to change file permissions for a mounted truecrypt volume (hard disk) to no avial11:50
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icebird_i need help11:50
theherbalizeranyone know where disk manager went in 6.10?11:50
illriginalAnyone here know about Dynamic IP? How I may obtain it?11:50
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nfp|kelnokythoreauputic: also the program needs to accept a load of links from copy&paste ;)11:50
wabzhi, i was silly enough to add amaranth's nvidia repos to my list, now X won't start because it upgraded the drivers and they don't support my card anymore. I want to go back to the drivers in the ubuntu repos - i removed the sources.list entry, apt-get update'd and removed nvidia-glx - when i install it now, it wants to install the -386 kernel - how can i find out why? I want to stay with the -generic kernel11:50
Skrech_LimocompDo, you using sudo?11:50
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thoreauputicnfp|kelnoky: cpy paste them to a file then use wget -i <filaname> ;p11:51
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compDoSkrech_Limo, no, I use it directly as a normal user. It works fine as root11:51
krangPuppiesOnAcid: I dunno if this page'll take you anywhere useful, but it's a start: http://asm.sourceforge.net/resources.html11:51
=== `Penumbra [n=Oversoul@adsl-68-91-32-170.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
nfp|kelnokythoreauputic: damn :D hm, that would be possible I guess....11:51
illriginalAnyone here know about Dynamic IP? How I may obtain it?11:51
`Penumbraok im back11:51
thoreauputicnfp|kelnoky: you  might try gwget - I haven't used it but it's a front end to wget11:51
`Penumbranow it works11:51
`Penumbrabut i dont know how to install my wireless internet on it11:52
krangillriginal: you need a DHCP enabled router or ISP11:52
krang`Penumbra: Wifi is horrid in linux. Do you know the model of adapter you have?11:52
nfp|kelnokythoreauputic: yeah, and it has *very* few options :(11:52
illriginalI have no router hooked up, and DHCP... i think my Playstation 2 has that lol11:52
thoreauputicnfp|kelnoky: well, wget has lots - I use it mostly11:52
boyracerah CIFS11:52
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illriginalkrang how would i check to see if I have DHCP?11:53
krangillriginal: I should ask what it is that you want to do here11:53
`Penumbraumm i have sbc global broadband and use the 2wire wireless router11:53
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nfp|kelnokythoreauputic: it would be a bit complicated since I would download about 10 links per day or so11:53
krangillriginal: sudo dhclient11:53
nfp|kelnokyaria does very well11:53
krangillriginal: that'll get you an address via DHCP if there's any servers to give you an address11:53
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nfp|kelnokyit would be totally great - if i could just get it to do multiple downloads at once11:53
thoreauputicnfp|kelnoky: write a little script and throw it in /usr/local/bin :)11:53
nfp|kelnokyscript? me? :D lol11:54
illriginalmay i message you?11:54
illriginalwith the results?11:54
krangillriginal: feel free11:54
`Penumbracan someone help me11:54
thoreauputicnfp|kelnoky: a script can be just a few commands with #!/bin/bash at the top of the file11:54
krang`Penumbra: Find out what model/make of wifi card you have and I might be able to11:55
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Drel3annybody known anny prog where i can wath my router connection logs11:55
nfp|kelnokythoreauputic: hm....maybe I'll think about that :D11:55
krangillriginal: if you aren't registered on freenode, your messages won't get through, by the way11:55
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thoreauputicnfp|kelnoky: it isn't really that hard :)11:55
illriginalah crap11:55
illriginalthat's right11:55
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Jimb00bhi i was on the other day asking questions and have been getting set to switch to linux. well my dad is also planing to make the leap... Only things he runs is two programs one called skype the other called echolink. was wondering if these two programs would work in ubuntu? or does he need wine for it? or something else?11:56
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration11:56
illriginalill pastebin it11:56
b_52Freeboys and girls , if i got a domaine name ; but i have a Dynamique IP  could i host my own web site but using my domaine name ? not a dyndns name ?11:56
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`Penumbrai have a belkin wireless utility11:56
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LcMattCould someone help me regarding the install.exe and an error on boot11:56
LcMattError as follows:11:56
krangillriginal: good call11:56
LcMattroot (hd 0,0)11:56
LcMattFilesystem type is fat, partition type 0x1b11:56
LcMattkernel /ubuntu/vmlinuz-2.6.17-10-generic root=/dev/sda1 ro quiet splash11:56
LcMattError 17: File not found11:56
Misuzud_52Free, you'd still have to use dyndns services11:56
Misuzud_52free, but you could use their services with your new name, although it costs a bit more11:57
Music_Shuffle!skype | Jimb00b11:57
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ubotuJimb00b: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto11:57
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Drel3one more question!!!!11:57
b_52FreeMisuzu,  m for this service it's not free :( ?11:57
krangillriginal: yup, it worked, you were dynamically assigned an IP11:57
`Penumbrakrang pm11:57
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illriginalnow i have a different ip address?11:58
wabzhow can I find out why installing nvidia-glx wants to install the -386 kernel?11:58
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illriginalor am i able to get dynamic ip now?11:58
Jimb00bhow about echolink? its a chat thing for amateur radioers. will that work?11:58
krang`Penumbra: you can't pm me unless you've registered. I don't see anything.11:58
Drel3one more question!!!!can I11:58
krangillriginal: you might have a different address, maybe it gave you the same one again :-)11:58
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krang`Penumbra: if you intend to be in here any amount, just register.11:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about echolink - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:59
`Penumbrahow do i do that11:59
nildo_i want to go to ubunto.pt. someone help me11:59
Music_ShuffleJimb00b, guess its not a factoid =[11:59
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.11:59
aSt3raLanyone using feisty fawn yet?11:59
thoreauputicnildo:  type  /join #ubuntu-pt11:59
Jimb00bok thanks11:59
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illriginalkrang, i can use that command again and again over and over?12:00
krang`Penumbra: I can't actually remember, hang on. It's super-easy12:00
`Penumbranvm got it12:00
tovellaaSt3raL: just started playing with it a coupld of days ago.12:00
nildo_thanks people12:00
aSt3raLtovella: how stable is it?12:00
nildo_i go now12:00
=== cronic [n=mew@230-51.124-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
wabzhow can I find out why installing nvidia-glx wants to install the -386 kernel?12:00
krangillriginal: yep, it assigns you an IP every time you do it, but a lot of systems will keep giving you the same one over a short period of time12:00
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illriginalkrang, it didn't change my ip address, it's still the same.12:00
tovellaaSt3raL: so far it's been great for me.12:00
illriginalis there a program i can get that'll change my ip?12:00
=== deatheye [n=deatheye@i219-167-114-60.s02.a027.ap.plala.or.jp] has joined #ubuntu
Drel3i need litle help12:00

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