
tonyyarussognomefreak: for 2?12:27
=== yuriy [n=yuriy@dhcp-129-64-153-72.dorm.brandeis.edu] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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gnomefreaktonyyarusso: yes :) Hobbsee will take it depending on what it involves12:28
tonyyarussognomefreak: Ah, I see.  "backup vote"12:28
gnomefreakso ther eis always the other person incase Hobbse_e doesnt want it12:28
tonyyarussoc'mon Crass....say something.  I need to know whether I'm leaving you alone or banning you so I can go make myself some dinner..12:29
LjLtonyyarusso, it's too late already, he left minutes ago12:29
tonyyarussooh, whoop12:29
tonyyarussonext time I gotta /hilight -all so I catch those12:29
gnomefreakwho is crass?12:30
LjLthat's how i know he left ;)12:30
LjLgnomefreak: a troll12:30
gnomefreakin here?12:30
LjLno in #ubuntu, previously12:30
gnomefreakah ok12:30
tonyyarussoLjL: Thought maybe he just changed nick - there's a very similar one (just remove the numbers)12:30
LjLoh, that's right, his ISP (or whatever it is) is not online anymore tho12:31
LjLuh. well, do a /whois, he doesn't look nice either =)12:31
=== tonyyarusso makes soup
=== Hobbsee makes tonyyarusso into soup
LjLtonyyarusso: oh, and crass178 had already joined with other different crass### nicks, though always from generic.rio.com from what i can see12:32
gnomefreaknice channel #remote-exploit :(12:32
LjLthough that guy's probably not the same person, i can see there was a "crass" online (cannot be sure it was him, but) the day Edgy came out12:33
gnomefreakthere done12:34
linux_kidCould we negotiate allowing my IP back in #ubuntu-offtopic12:38
Hobbseeany staffers here?12:42
naliothlinux_kid: we can consider quieting you here until seveas returns or 24 hours have passed.12:42
Hobbseenalioth: in #ubuntu-meeting please12:42
Hobbseeban the idiot12:42
Jucatonalioth: help?12:42
=== Hobbsee wants ops there too
linux_kidOK, I'll shut up.  But Im going to start my own channel12:44
LjLask some of the offtopic people, i'm sure they can help you with that *cough*12:44
naliothlinux_kid: http://freenode.net/channel_guidelines.shtml12:45
linux_kidok, thanks for the tips, wish me good luck!12:45
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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linux_kidYou are all free to join my channel, #outbac12:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about advertisement - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:54
maxamillionbah ...12:54
linux_kidmaxamillion: Im not advertising... Ive been banned from #ubuntu-offtopic and wanted to have my own Off-Topic channel12:57
naliothlinux_kid: please wait on seveas.  this is not a social channel12:57
linux_kidnalioth: sure, sorry about the social12:57
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ubotuIn #kubuntu, DrunkPikachu said: ubotu: pastebin is no fun, what if I WANT to flood the channel with my poorly written shell scripts?01:11
LjL(what if i WANT to ban you out of sheer randomness? :P)01:12
LjLMinataku, complaining about recent ban from #kubuntu, pointed to here01:36
LjLJucato: and don't say he wasn't looking for it >:01:36
=== Minataku [n=Ed@unaffiliated/payphoneed] has joined #ubuntu-ops
Jucatohere it comes01:36
MinatakuI would like to file a complaint that the language restriction is far too strict.01:37
thoreauputicMinataku: what in particular?01:37
thoreauputicMinataku: who complained about that?01:37
MinatakuLjL banned me for it from #kubuntu01:37
LjLMinataku: you weren't banned for you language (though "damn" isn't exactly a nice word), you were banned because, after pointed to the CoC, guidelines and all the rest, you kept the same aggressive attitude, showing you hadn't even started reading them, or could not care less01:38
thoreauputicMinataku: have you spoken to LjL ?01:38
thoreauputicscratch that :)01:38
MinatakuI'm sorry, I have issues related to being completely ignored, which you did01:38
MinatakuI will, however, apologize for my behavior, as it was out of line01:39
LjLi don't *have* to click on people's links. to be honesty, i couldn't care less about the link, and cannot be bothered opening a web browser right now. what i'm concerned with is 1) your language 2) the caps 3) the fact that you *knew* it was offtopic, since you had *just* posted the same thing on #kubuntu-offtopic, 4) your complete not understanding of 1, 2 and 301:39
MinatakuLjL: Long-ingrained behavioral traits don't immediately change just because of the rules of a particular locale01:40
MinatakuAlso, I posted that in a number of channels, as I usually do for absurd or interesting links01:41
LjLfair enough - now you have at least about a day to see if you can change those traits before rejoining the channel01:41
MinatakuI plan to merely rejoin after this 24h and cease conversing instead, or at least that's my plan at the monent01:42
MinatakuI would think you could accept that someone who does actively help can make mistakes and be a little nicer, but then I've seen this sort of thing before01:44
LjLyou have made a mistake, i've kicked you as a warning, you clearly showed you didn't care about the warning... blame yourself. /me is away now01:44
MinatakuExperienced it, no less, at a former job, where I was fired merely because I wasn't liked by the staff01:44
MinatakuAnd you run away? Hardly honorable behavior01:45
MinatakuBut then I'm used to that as well, it's far more prevalent01:45
thoreauputicMinataku: when you are in a hole, digging is not a good plan :)01:45
Minatakuthoreauputic: He already doesn't like me, so I'm stuck in a hole with a shovel. Gotta keep myself occupied somehow01:46
=== Jucato throws some toys into Minataku's hole... rubix cbues
naliothMinataku: your plan sounds fine, we'll see you tomorrow  :)01:47
MinatakuYou know I hate those!01:47
MinatakuOr do you? I don't remember where I said that01:47
MinatakuLjL: Either way, I'm sorry, I have anger issues, which is why it seemed like I didn't care, because at that moment I was angry and I didn't01:47
MinatakuBut I'm sorry for that and I guess I'll return tomorrow and I hope we can get back on better terms01:48
MinatakuNo complaint against LjL, BTW01:48
MinatakuI guess I can't complain about him doing his job, after all01:49
=== Minataku shakes LjL's hand
Jucatoyeah, Minataku just has complaints about me :)01:49
MinatakuNah, lol01:49
MinatakuI'm an ass, I know, I have personality issues, and personality is hard to change... control isn't the easiest either ;301:49
Jucatooh control is easy! press Alt+F2, and type in kcontrol01:50
MinatakuDoesn't work in Fluxbox ;301:50
LjLor Alt+F4. i do that sometimes, or at least should, when i feel i'm about to lose my control on IRC01:50
MinatakuOr even if I launched an xterm, it still wouldn't work :D01:50
JucatoLjL: you? lose control? that'll be the end of the world01:50
MinatakuLjL: Internet or real life, human interactions elicit human emotions01:51
LjLJucato: possibly... i guess i don't do it often, but when i do, i do :)01:51
=== Jucato ph34rs LjL
maxamillionMinataku: if what you just said is true, why do you lack control online?01:51
MinatakuIt's not "just the internet", the only real difference is that you can't respond by physically assaulting the other person01:51
Minatakumaxamillion: That's just why01:51
MinatakuI tend to lack said control IRL as well01:52
MinatakuEspecially when I get angry, it's like a feedback loop01:52
MinatakuOnce I lose it it gets worse until I stop completely01:52
MinatakuLjL: As for the story, would you like the gist of it? It's pretty asinine01:53
LjLthe story on the link? i read it, actually ;)01:54
MinatakuAh, lol01:54
MinatakuBut yeah, again, sorry about that, I'll try and tighten myself in in #kubuntu from now on01:56
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nalioththoreauputic: please banhammer those idiots from .fr, don't just remove them.  they are hitting all over02:22
LjLhe banned, but by nickname only02:23
MinatakuFrenchies causing trouble?02:23
thoreauputicnalioth: yeah02:23
thoreauputicLjL: no, I just kicked as far as I know02:23
LjLnalioth: more than that one IP address?02:23
naliothLjL: yes02:23
LjLoh, then i read something that wasn't there i guess02:23
naliothi think i've banned all that i've seen active on the network so far02:24
LjLthey're saying un-nice thing about the jews, for the record, so it's not quite just a flood02:24
thoreauputicLjL: I know, I know some French :)02:24
thoreauputicLjL: I should have kickbanned02:24
MinatakuAre they saying crap like "Jews did WTC"?02:25
MinatakuThat's the GNAA02:25
MinatakuAs for the clients they're either members or zombies02:25
thoreauputicnalioth: good02:25
MinatakuI wonder if the GNAA believes that or if they just say it to piss people off... Probably the latter, knowing the GNAA02:26
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=== willys_fueguino se despide de todos por hoy y ya saben... encuentrenme en #ubuntu-lat
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thoreauputicHobbsee: you are still opped in #ubuntu - is that intentional ?03:24
Hobbseethoreauputic: no, thanks03:25
thoreauputicOK :)03:25
MinatakuIt should be... I hate that stupid Freenode policy03:25
Hobbseeit's useful not to be03:25
=== Jucato calms Minataku down... anger management. :)
thoreauputicMinataku: it isn't a policy - just a recommnedation03:25
thoreauputicbah typos...03:26
MinatakuIt's not useful at all, actually, since it adds a time issue03:26
MinatakuNot to mention you're totally screwed in the event services is out of service (pun not intended)03:26
Hobbseeotherwise you get people asking "can you make me an op, why dont you do something about y"  or thinking that they can PM and get an answer, just cos i'm an op03:26
=== Hobbsee has had all of that
thoreauputicMinataku: it keeps the channel temperature down03:26
HobbseeMinataku: yeah, but if chanserv dies, we are anyway :P03:26
Hobbseeseeing as banning involves chanserv, like op'ing does03:26
MinatakuI think it's dishonorable, but then I've been drawn into fights then banned before03:27
MinatakuHobbsee: No it doesn't03:27
Minataku/mode +b *!*@*03:27
MinatakuAs an example03:27
thoreauputicMinataku: dishnourable is a strong word :)03:27
Hobbseewhat do you think controls the modes?03:27
MinatakuHobbsee: Channel operators, unless the IRCd is configured so ass-backwards such that only U-lined servers are allowed03:28
MinatakuWhich it isn't03:28
MinatakuTrust me, if you're a channel operator you can set and clear modes03:28
MinatakuI just tested it to make sure, too XD03:28
thoreauputicMinataku: do you have any urgent business in #ubuntu-ops or are you just lurking?03:28
MinatakuYeah, I lost a contact lens... watch where you step03:29
MinatakuSorry (I don't wear contacts)03:29
=== Kamping_Kaiser slaps Minataku
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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MinatakuI'm currently a channel operator in several channels and I'm also a former IRC Operator, until that network was DDoSed then later died off03:31
=== QMario [n=QMario@cpe-67-10-53-189.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu-ops
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effie_jayxjenda,  ping05:01
tritiumhi tonyyarusso05:08
=== tonyyarusso waves
tritiumThought I had lost my voice, but evidently not ;)05:08
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=== thoreauputic hands tritium a throat lozenge
tritiumThanks, thoreauputic :)05:18
thoreauputictritium: actually I recommend rum and hot lemon ;p05:19
tritiumNow that sounds good!05:19
MezIt is ;)05:21
tritiumHi Mez!05:21
Mezfrozen vodka :D05:38
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=== tonyyarusso posted a good link - y'all should look ;)
=== willys_fueguino [n=willy@unaffiliated/willysfueguino] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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willys_fueguinoDBO: could you "review" holycow behaviour on #ubuntu please??07:22
willys_fueguinoalready did...07:23
DBOyes I have07:23
DBOits a matter between myself and him right now07:23
willys_fueguinothen it's in good hands07:25
=== Jucato [n=jucato@] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Jucato] by ChanServ
willys_fueguinoDBO: what's the point on having voice over here??07:40
Jucatoto show who are ops, afaik07:41
naliothwillys_fueguino: it shows you to be a source of help07:43
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v willys_fueguino] by ChanServ
willys_fueguinoThe (open)source is with me ;-)07:43
willys_fueguinoreally have to go07:45
willys_fueguinosee you later07:45
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Jucatonalioth: when asking Seveas for a cloak, we PM him, right?07:46
naliothJucato: i've seen folks ask in channel07:49
naliothwhat kind of cloak do you want?07:49
Jucatonalioth: oh ok. ubuntu member cloak :)07:49
nalioththought you might have wanted /here/comes/trouble/named/Jucato or something07:50
JucatoI wouldn't  waste my breath on something like that :D07:51
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== GazzaK [n=Dogbert@unaffiliated/GazzaK] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Seveas] by ChanServ
GazzaKmorning Seveas09:08
Jucatomoin Seveas09:08
GazzaKthat guy, who called himself billgates, was asking last night if he could be unbanned :p09:08
naliothJucato: there seveas is09:08
naliothGazzaK: all things in good time  :)09:09
GazzaKwas kinda funny09:09
naliothwas kinda pathetic09:09
GazzaKhows the training going?09:09
GazzaKhow is your head?09:09
=== Jucato is scared to approach the throne of Seveas... :)
GazzaKnalioth, true, pathetically funny09:10
SeveasGazzaK, heh :)09:11
Seveastraining is not bad09:11
GazzaKis it hard work though, learning lots?09:12
=== GazzaK likes IT training :-)
SeveasJucato, 'sup?09:13
naliothSeveas: jucato wants in your closet09:13
SeveasJucato, and please throw away the notion of throne - nooen is more important than others09:13
JucatoSeveas: I'm not sure about the process of asking for an ubuntu member cloak09:14
Seveasnalioth, that's already filled with my fiancees clothes09:14
JucatoSeveas: heh ok. /me throws the throne away :)09:14
naliothSeveas: no, he wants one of the many cloaks you have to give out09:14
SeveasJucato, the process is: give me your launchpad id09:14
Seveasand wait for me to slap nalioth09:14
GazzaKcan we all?09:14
Jucatojucato https://launchpad.net/~jucato09:14
Seveasnalioth, could you check whether linuxba is cloaked?09:15
naliothSeveas: cloaked.09:15
Seveascloak jucato as well please :)09:15
Jucatoyay :)09:15
nalioth jucato@here/comes/trouble/with/the/nick/of/Jucato09:16
=== GazzaK wants a humourous cloak :-)
apokryphosJucato: congrats =)09:22
Jucatoapokryphos: thanks :)09:22
=== Amaranth_ [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Amaranth_] by ChanServ
GazzaKyay, Amaranth you got your membership back09:31
GazzaKdamnit, I need op powa in -offtopic, so I can stick up for myself!!!! :p09:34
GazzaKI feel victimised :-)09:34
apokryphosAmaranth: good to have you back =009:38
apokryphos* =)09:38
GazzaKit is good \o/09:41
=== Seeker` [n=cjo20@ip-62-105-182-26.dsl.twang.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
SeveasGazzaK, it's actually going in the operatoir guidelines that kicking you is always allowed09:58
GazzaKis it?  wow, but surely I must be given adequate means to defend myself?09:59
GazzaKotherwise it is horrid cruel victimization :-)09:59
AmaranthGazzaK: but you ask for it10:00
GazzaKdo I now?  when10:00
AmaranthWhen you join the channel. Didn't you read the EULA? ;)10:00
GazzaKnever have I "asked" for it, at least not so clear it'd stand up in court :p10:00
GazzaKit's not like I join and say "oi, hello, beat me up you lovely ops"10:01
=== GazzaK opens himself up for abuse by saying that here!!!
GazzaKI treat it however as a form of endearment, you must love me so :-)10:02
=== GazzaK hides
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+o DBO] by ChanServ
=== GazzaK [n=Dogbert@unaffiliated/GazzaK] has left #ubuntu-ops [requested]
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [-o DBO] by ChanServ
=== GazzaK [n=Dogbert@unaffiliated/GazzaK] has joined #ubuntu-ops
Seveasactually, maybe it would be good to have GazzaK as op in -offtopic10:05
DBOSeveas was one of those weird kids that when he was bullied, would then present his attackers with weapons10:06
=== Seeker` never thought he would hear anyone describe Gazzak being an op as "good"
GazzaKcheers Seeker`10:06
DBOhe is there a lot Seveas10:06
GazzaKthats due to lack of life10:06
GazzaKoutside is scary10:06
SeveasDBO, and he behaves better than some of the ops10:06
=== Seveas whistles innocently
GazzaKpot kettle, *cough*10:07
DBOSeveas, yeah but thats only because you're a prick10:07
GazzaKand it might be the only way i'll ever get uby membership, as I'm as technical as a lump of cheese10:07
DBOGazzaK, lumps of cheeze when used properly can be quite useful in scientific endeavours10:08
DBOthey make good bait10:08
=== hybrid [n=x@] has joined #ubuntu-ops
Seeker`GazzaK: You can help with ubuntu-scribes10:09
GazzaKSeeker`, whats that then?10:10
Seeker`did you not listen at the end of yesterdays meeting?10:10
GazzaKerm, I was busy doing stuff, I did say I was10:11
DBObrushing and typing dont mix10:13
TheSheepthat's why they invented the usb toothbrush10:13
GazzaKthat would be more useless than the USB coffee cup warmer10:25
naliothGazzaK: so is this true? you are volunteering to be a 'test dummy' for the new ops to test their skill upon?10:26
GazzaKthey test their "skill" on me anyways10:30
GazzaKis it skill?  or is it megomania10:30
=== nalioth goes to bed
Jucatog'night nalioth10:32
GazzaKbut yeah, if it helps, i'll volunteer for anything10:32
GazzaKnight nalioth10:32
=== SportChick [n=essy@about/essy/stouterik/pdpc.base.SportChick] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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ubotuIn ubotu, cj_ said: what is bot10:43
ubotuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, nothlit said: !spletnit is <alias> netsplit10:45
PriceChildBah... got a pm spammer10:48
GazzaKPriceChild, eeek10:53
Seeker`tell him that for every message he sends, he will be banned for a day, or something10:54
mneptokor hit on him.10:54
PriceChildSeeker`, staff are on top I've discovered :)10:54
=== PriceChild moves on
=== jenda votes for GazzaK the op in -offtopic
GazzaKawww, thanks jenda11:01
=== mneptok votes #u-offtopic be renamed #u-icefloe and we just push it out to sea.
jendahehe :)11:04
jendamneptok: I presume, GazzaK included?11:04
GazzaKI'm out to sea anyways11:04
jendaOh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GazzaK :)11:05
mneptokjenda: me keep GazzaK in the igloo village to de-blubber the whale carcasses.11:05
jendaReminds me of a funny thingy :) I never told my ex-gf my birthday, because I usually don't, because I don't celebrate it. She googled it.11:05
GazzaKjenda, that's tomorrow11:06
jendamneptok: :)11:06
jendamneptok: could I use you instead of /dev/urandom next time I create a random partition?11:06
jendaerr, encrypted partition11:06
mneptok(i.e. "OK")11:08
jendaSomething about the tone of your ...HBER... and ...NEUBIK... didn't seem entirely friendly.11:12
mneptoki thought the #ubuntu channels were NEUBIK friendly11:14
GazzaKno, they are XEUTN friendly11:25
mneptokthat totally IIEUHTUCs11:34
elkbuntuindeed, very IKCROEU!12:02
GazzaKmadness I tells ye12:06
mneptokGazzaK: STFU before i put my IINDXKJPOEN deep inside your DIHIUIGDNTNSCGIJ12:15
mneptokoh great. now i'm aroused.12:16
mneptok*le sigh*12:16
PriceChildwhoa is it GazzaK's birthday? :)12:26
Seeker`PriceChild: tomorrow12:27
=== Seeker` considers having a 'proper' birthday and an 'official' birthday
Seeker`like what the queen does12:27
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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PriceChildlol :)12:28
mneptokdid you just call GazzaK a queen?12:32
Seeker`GazzaK: you are a queen12:33
mneptokcool. so i can.12:33
Seeker`now i did12:33
elkbuntui thought he was a queer ;)12:34
elkbuntu* GazzaK (n=Dogbert@unaffiliated/GazzaK) has left #ubuntu-ops ("Connection reset by queer")12:34
GazzaKelkbuntu, how much log chasing did you do to get that?12:35
elkbuntuGazzaK, ctrl f12:35
elkbuntuit's still in my scrollback12:35
GazzaKPriceChild, it's me birthday tomorra12:36
PriceChildwooo :)12:36
elkbuntuplus, "cat ~/.xchat/xchatlogs/Ubuntu\ Servers-#ubuntu-ops | grep queer" would have been sufficient12:36
GazzaKi'm old :p12:36
jendalong scrollback, elkbuntu :)12:37
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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=== GazzaK tickles Hobbsee
elkbuntujenda, 5k12:37
=== jenda thwacks Hobbsee with herself
jendaelkbuntu: that would definitely hog my machine down.12:37
elkbuntujenda, heh, my machine goes fine until i have 3xfirefox@15xtabs12:38
jendahehe :)12:38
elkbuntuthen firefox decides to take like half a gig in mem+swap12:38
Kamping_Kaiserhi Hobbsee12:38
Hobbseehey GazzaK, jenda12:38
Hobbseehey Kamping_Kaiser12:38
jendaI don't get that bad on FF - I usually close them as I go, because I know I'd never get back to them.12:39
jendaelkbuntu: otoh, I voluntarily decided to hog down my other machine with protein folding ;)12:39
elkbuntujenda, lol12:39
jendadayum, the mod queue on ubuntu-marketing is approaching 10012:40
jendahm, all spam.12:40
elkbuntujenda, i still have a f@h account with 1337. i had to reinstall at that point and decided to start a new account rather than spoil the coolness12:40
jendahehe :)12:40
jendaI'm at 8% of my first protein.12:41
jendaand making a good deal of noise.12:43
gnomefreakHobbsee: kde doesnt have a /var/crash folder? maybe apport makes that folder and kde doesnt use apport?12:44
Hobbseegnomefreak: no idea, i dont use apport12:44
Hobbseekcrash is the kde thing -but doesnt automatically file bugs, etc12:45
gnomefreakbut it hold crash reports12:45
PriceChildjenda, 38% ;)12:45
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=== elkbuntu has strong urges to do this in offtopic: seen the effect of the new vista virus? http://meldra.no-ip.info/image001.jpg
=== gnomefreak looks
elkbuntubwahahaha "Please get yourself off of planet ubuntu. You arent a geek, generally clueless, this blogsucks."01:59
PriceChildwhere's that?02:00
elkbuntumy blog.. in response to my latest post02:01
=== TheSheep hands elkbuntu a "geekier than thou" badge
PriceChildWow i've already had a pingback....02:02
Kamping_Kaiserelkbuntu, nice... managed to stir up more people then when i looked last ;)02:02
elkbuntuKamping_Kaiser, yeah, i only posted it cos i was bored02:02
PriceChild*hugs elkbuntu*02:03
PriceChildI thought it was quite good...02:03
elkbuntuPriceChild, if it wasnt, it wouldnt be getting people cut ;)02:04
PriceChildhehe ;)02:04
elkbuntusatire should, like a polished razor keen, wound with a touch, that is neither felt nor seen02:04
Kamping_Kaiserelkbuntu, it made some people think, right or not02:04
PriceChildYeah and that's the whole point02:05
elkbuntuKamping_Kaiser, yep. there's a number of thought trains in there too, tbh. geek stereotype, hypocrisy, others i cant even identify02:05
elkbuntulike seriously, some people take more care of their harddrives than they do of their bodies. it's stupid02:06
=== Kamping_Kaiser pouts
elkbuntuKamping_Kaiser, you werent the one stinking of trash can in matthews a on the last day of LCA02:06
TheSheepwho cares about meat world? ;)02:07
Kamping_Kaiserno, true enough02:07
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Kamping_Kaiserhm. only a tonyyserver02:54
thunderstruckthat didnt help :(02:56
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FairLiteSeveas, nalioth: ping03:49
FairLitegnomefreak, apokryphos03:51
apokryphosFairLite: what's the problem?03:52
apokryphosFairLite: what's the problem?03:53
FairLiteapokryphos: it's ljl, join ##ljl203:54
SeveasFairLite, ?03:56
=== FairLite is now known as LjL
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Seveas--- Cannot join ##ljl2 (Channel is invite only).03:57
gnomefreakSeveas: oh big issues03:57
Seveasthen invit me please03:57
gnomefreakLjL: invite seveas please03:58
=== LjL is now known as LjL`_
=== LjL`_ is now known as LjL
=== LjL [n=ljl@81-208-36-87.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu-ops
LjLapokryphos, gnomefreak, Seveas: ok sorry guys, you see that i just went totally out of my head after seeing that stuff in the place of my stupid CUPS webadmin. remind me to never accept jobs as a sysadmin. thanks for caring, anyway04:48
SeveasLjL, it's all right - I'm glad you weren't hacked04:49
LjLoh, i can assure you i'm just as glad =) i'll be even more glad to remove OpenDNS from my DNS list now. my dad thought i had become crazy, i believe, i started pulling network cables from the entire house04:50
LjLso much for software that tries to be smart. if i mistype hostnames, i'll just take the error and correct manually04:51
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LjLsince when does freenode log anyway? weren't there channels that didn't *want* to be logged at all, like #wikipedia?04:52
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LjLjenda: may i bother you for a cloak?05:02
naliothLjL: identify yourself to services please05:05
LjLoh, i'm not - sure sorry, forgot i'd changed my password...05:05
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naliothLjL: what kind of cloak?05:05
naliothfor you?05:06
LjLyes nalioth, i just found i'm not comfortable with my IP address showing up anymore05:06
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LjLi should be set for what i can tell05:13
naliothLjL: hide your email05:13
LjLit isn't hidden? thought i'd hidden it05:13
=== mneptok blinks slowly
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Seeker`who can have cloaks?05:34
LjLSeeker`: anyone05:35
LjLSeeker`: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks05:35
Seeker`can someone in here do unaffiliated ones?05:37
gnomefreakis there a way to tell if your gpg key is RSA or not?05:37
LjLSeeker`, right now i think you're better off using /stats p05:38
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=== Seeker` [n=cjo20@ip-62-105-182-26.dsl.twang.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
LjLgnomefreak: using KGPG, i am told that i have a DSA key with an additional ElGamal key for encryption05:50
LjLi'm not sure how the same information is obtained from gpg05:50
LjLi suppose that "gpg --list-keys" gives it, if you know how to read it05:50
gnomefreakok ty05:50
gnomefreakit doesnt05:50
LjLgnomefreak: well, for me it lists "pub 1024D/63062075" and "sub 2048g/1C2187D5" - given what KGPG says, i'd interpret that as "public key, DSA 1024bit" and "subkey,  ElGamal 2048bit" respectively05:52
LjLso if you get something like 1024R (just guessing), i suppose it'd be RSA05:52
gnomefreakah ok05:52
LjLor just install KGPG if you have KDE ;)05:53
LjL(doubt it somehow)05:53
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LjLgaah i can never remember which one of the "a"s is doubled in Kaarsemaker :P06:00
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LjLgee chanserv's slow06:30
LjLwatch for 83.230.*.* addresses (iperbanda.es)06:32
tonyyarussoOh funny.  This guy doesn't know what he's in for!  -someone on the Canada ML asking "also, can you send me, offlist if need be, all your ubuntu links?"06:35
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Tm_TLjL: Roger, staff already knows it gladly. :)06:44
Tm_TOr so I hope.06:44
LjLTm_T: that guy in #kubuntu wasn't an 83.230 though. i banned him from everywhere though, since he later spammed in #ubuntu too06:45
Tm_TLjL: Hmm, what, did I look something wrong?!06:45
LjLTm_T: was the guy who you were going to kick but he left06:46
LjLanyway, staffers should surely like to know about him too :)06:46
Tm_TSame ip in #kde, there's others too?06:46
Tm_TLjL: I did copypaste logs.06:46
LjLTm_T: not that i know of. the ones i was talking about (the 83.230 ones) are people who start randomly talking in spanish in #ubuntu (which happens quite often, for some reason)06:47
LjLTm_T: then check out the bantracker, there are similar logs for #ubuntu as well06:47
Tm_TLjL: Aah, then not as bad.06:47
Tm_TI can't log in =)06:47
Tm_TBut will do when I'm able (missing gpg or so)06:47
LjLshouldn't have to, it is publicly accessible now06:47
apokryphosLjL: good to hear it was nothing serious :)06:48
Tm_TAh, I wonder what I was fiddling back then.06:48
LjLapokryphos: no it was quite ridiculous indeed, but i *did* get scared =) /whois me to see the result ;)06:48
LjLTm_T, you still need to register and log in to add comments, just not to browse it06:48
apokryphosheh =)06:49
Tm_TAh, ok, good to hear.06:49
apokryphosgood to hear you joined us :P06:49
LjLwell, i already miss my hostmask a little, but :P06:49
Tm_TI'm off now, hungry after 2-day expo, I was there in FLUG (Finnish LUG) booth (?)06:50
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Tm_T] by ChanServ
willys_fueguinohello everyone.. good evening?06:51
PriceChildwooo new op?06:51
PriceChildhey Tm_T06:51
apokryphosTm_T's been a kubuntu op for some time, but I didn't know about.. willys_fueguino?06:51
PriceChildahhh ok :)06:52
PriceChildwillys_fueguino, is LoCo06:52
willys_fueguinoPriceChild: yea I am06:54
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willys_fueguinois it really important to have voice over here??07:05
tonyyarussonot particularly07:06
naliothwillys_fueguino: are you an op in an #ubuntu-* channel?07:06
willys_fueguinoon 2 or 3....07:06
naliothwillys_fueguino: then you are noted as an op in an #ubuntu-* channel by the "voice" symbol07:07
willys_fueguinomm.. thanx nalioth07:08
ubotuIn ubotu, ferret_0567__ said: !google is awesome!07:08
willys_fueguinoI have a *REALLY* important question for the ubuntu-ops07:08
willys_fueguinotough I think it's for freenode staffers but here I go:07:09
willys_fueguinoWhat should be done, if a user is "atacking" another one (not trough irc), and their argument started and coninues on IRC ???07:10
tonyyarussoMost likely they'd have to leave IRC, since that would be offtopic for Freenode.  Offline isn't really our issue.07:12
=== tonyyarusso guesses
willys_fueguinoI had to deal with that as an op07:13
willys_fueguinothe "atacker" argument was "How can you probe that I did it?"07:14
gnomefreakin a channel?07:15
naliothwillys_fueguino: what happens in a channel is the channel owners responsibility07:15
willys_fueguinooh really??07:15
willys_fueguinowell,,, that problem it's in the past now....07:16
willys_fueguinobut I wanted to know your opinion..07:16
willys_fueguinognomefreak: yup07:16
tonyyarussoSomeone talked to holycow yesterday about language didn't they?07:18
willys_fueguinoDBO did it I think...07:19
tonyyarussoargh then07:19
=== Seeker` [n=cjo20@195-112-20-245.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-ops
Tm_Tapokryphos: Been op some time, can't remember if its about a year already.07:26
naliothTm_T: this is what you get for playing "hard to get"07:29
Tm_TWhat did I do this time?07:30
Tm_TIf it's broken, it wasn't me!07:30
=== apokryphos nods
naliothTm_T: you've been absent from this channel up until a few days ago07:35
naliothTm_T: nobody knows who you are07:35
=== gnomefreak knows him sort of
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willys_fueguinonalioth: ping?07:57
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naliothwillys_fueguino: pong08:02
willys_fueguinonalioth: If a user doesn't connecs for over a year, I could take his nick?08:02
naliothwillys_fueguino: 60 days w/o use and you can request it, yes.08:03
willys_fueguinonalioth: then I want to request the nick smeagol08:03
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naliothwillys_fueguino: please /nick smeagol my preciousssssssss08:05
PriceChildhehe :)08:05
LjLnice, at least now i know how it's spelled08:06
mc44actaully its Smagol, but hey ho :p08:08
LjLnicks are ASCII only :P08:08
smeagolmc44: lets go08:09
Tm_Tnalioth: Ah, I didn't know about this channel =)08:15
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=== beni [n=beni@p54ABC32D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-ops
SeveasTm_T, where are you op?08:47
willys_fueguinoQuestion: Is it good to add 1 freenode staffer and 1 ubuntu-op on access "just in case"??08:48
Tm_TSeveas: #kubuntu08:48
Seveaswillys_fueguino, add freenode/staff/* to the access list for the 'just in case' :)08:48
SportChickhehe, you beat me to it, Seveas :)08:49
Tm_T(and ofcourse -fi too but that's quite "whocares")08:49
SeveasTm_T, can you please join the ubuntu-irc team on launchpad then :)08:49
willys_fueguinoallright then...08:49
Tm_TSeveas: Yes, sir!08:49
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naliothwillys_fueguino: adding freenode staff to the access list is a good idea in any channel08:51
Tm_TOuch, forgot launchpad passwd again.08:51
=== nalioth sends Tm_T to the tattoo parlor
Tm_TFebruary 06 and september same year, harhar.08:52
Tm_TActually those are mostly only cases I login to launchpad. =)08:52
Tm_THa, got it. =)08:54
PriceChildlol nalioth08:56
willys_fueguinoI'll be away so I'll leave temporarily09:02
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ubotuIn #ubuntu-gr, ktogias said: !ufuntu is eleni09:20
Seveasapokryphos, your loco --^09:22
apokryphossome of them are only discovering it now09:23
apokryphosdespite me using it about 100 times already 8)09:23
Tm_TNew spamwave incoming I afraid09:31
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about karma - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:03
Tm_Twillys_fueguino: Harhar.10:03
linux_kidSeveas: Could you ever forgive me for being "billgates" in #ubuntu-offtopic?10:04
Tm_Twillys_fueguino: 23:03 <@insanity> karma for tm_t: -38910:04
willys_fueguinoTm_T: :-SSSS10:04
Seveas@karma tm_t10:04
Tm_Twillys_fueguino: Yeah, so small numbers still :(10:04
Ubugtunegative infinity10:04
Tm_TUbugtu: Thanks <310:04
willys_fueguinoTm_T: but why's that??10:05
Tm_Twillys_fueguino: Well, #amarok say "~tm_t" ;)10:05
willys_fueguinoit could be 'cause you didn't contributed on a long time??10:05
Tm_Twillys_fueguino: No, karma that insanity returns is #amarok karma only ;)10:06
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LjLapokryphos: watch #ubuntu... :-)10:54
apokryphoswatched 8)10:55
LjLnoted ;)10:55
apokryphoswoop, dinner10:56
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willys_fueguinoapokryphos: buen provercho ;-)11:00
linux_kidlook at the comment from tito_linux in #ubuntu11:01
linux_kid<tito_linux> I am so close to suicide!  [What happened to family friendly?] 11:02
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willys_fueguinolinux_kid: :-\11:03
linux_kidyes i know11:03
willys_fueguinolinux_kid: figurative speaking :-\11:03
linux_kidits still pushing the envolope11:03
willys_fueguinoBut I'm not the right person to talk about that11:03
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=== willys_fueguino est ausente: Visitennos en #ubuntu-lat!
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