
=== dabaR [n=dabaR@wnpgmb09dc1-89-175.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu-installer
dabaRHey. I just saw that mailing to the list by Aaron Fay. I am wondering whether he tried using both the alternate and desktop CDs.02:18
dabaRAnd would it make a difference. I will send a mail to the list to ask him.02:19
=== kro [n=user@pool-72-84-46-79.clrkwv.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-installer
kroreposting from ubuntu-devel.  just found out about this chat room.02:38
kroShould the netboot version of debian installer located at02:39
kro      http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/i386/02:39
kro      work?02:39
kroI just tried the daily alternate installer cdimage and is bombing out for me as well02:44
krodoh, I think I spoke to soon.  investigating.03:04
kroin the alt-f4 console it does keep spitting out kernel: not found repeatedly.03:06
kroand it seems to either hang, or be moving really slow.03:06
kroit starts spitting out the kernel: not found message after the "Detecting hardware to find cd-roms" window closes.03:11
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tepsipakkikro: known kernel bug07:14
krotepsipakki: thanks.  I'll try the workaround listed in the comments07:58
krotepsipakki: w00t!  thanks.08:13
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tepsipakkikro: glad it worked for you ;)10:51
CIA-4ubiquity: cjwatson * r1837 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog doc/README):11:14
CIA-4ubiquity: * doc/README: Add comment about language pack installation following a11:14
CIA-4ubiquity:  query from Telmo Baa.11:14
cjwatsondabaR: it's hard to tell without the logs, but the relevant autopartitioning code is common to both12:14
cjwatsondabaR: I've followed up12:14
tepsipakkicjwatson: what package is responsible for displaying foreign character sets in alternate installer, newt-something?12:29
cjwatsona chain of stuff12:30
cjwatsoncdebconf, newt, bogl12:31
cjwatsonbogl's the underlying terminal; newt does form layout; cdebconf's newt frontend mediates between installer code and newt12:32
cjwatsonand there's also the font, bterm-unifont12:32
cjwatsonif characters are missing from it, it might be the build system's fault, debian-installer12:33
cjwatsonsometimes it's best just to file bugs on debian-installer and sort out exactly who's to blame later ... :-)12:33
tepsipakkiok, cool12:42
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dabaRcjwatson: Yes, I saw. Thanks.03:54
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